t eanc 0 VOL. 24, NO. 14
20c, $6 Per Year
Joy at the uprising
of this Sun and Son~
John Donne
EASTER MESSAGE Dearly beloved in Christ, "Rejoice! Exult in glory! The Risen Savior shines upon you!" These words, sung during the great night watch of the Resurrection, . the Easter Vigil, call the whole Church to Easter joy and gladness. And, indeed, Easter should be a joyous occasion for all of us because we commemorate the resurrection of our Blessed Lord from the dead. . Jesus, the Lamb of God, who by his death on' the cross has taken away the sins' of the world, has broken the chains of death and risen triumphanly from the tomb. As the Scriptures tell us with great excitement: Do not look for the living One among the. dead. He has been raised up, he is risen, exactly as he promised. Easter also brings us the assurance that just as Jesus died and rose again so will God "bring forth with him from the dead those also who have fallen asleep believing in him." (1 Thessalonians 4: 15) The death of Christ is our ransom from death; his resurrection is our rising to new life. We indeed have cause to rejoice and exult on this festive day.
The Feast of the Lord's Resurrection reminds us, as well, of the necessity of walking always in the Light of Christ, of living continually in his g~ace. As.Saint Paul instructs, "Since you have been raised up in company WIth Chnst, set your hearts on what pertains to higher realms where Christ is seated at God's right hand." (Colossians 3: 1) And so, today, \ Holy Mother Church urges us, as God's very dear children, to renew the promises of Baptism: to reject sin and profess our faith in Christ Jesus. This, too, is an essential part of our Easter celebration. On this joyous Easter Feast, I sincerely pray, as Shepherd of the of Christ in this Diocese, that Easter joy and gladness will be yours m abundance, renewing and confirming your faith in Christ and in the eternal life which his resurrection brings. ~lock
Faithfully yours in Christ,
Bishop of Fall River
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., April 3, 1980
WASHINGTON (NC)-Archbishop John R. Quinn of San Francisco, president of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops, has appealed for clemency for the convicted assassin of South Korean President Park Chung Hee.
NEW YORK (NC)-A state appeals court in New York, ruling in the case of a terminally ill, comatose Marianist brother who died in January, has upheld the right of the patient's guardian to order life-sustaining medical equipment removed.
WASHINGTON (NC)-The District of Columbia will have to payout of its own funds more than $640,000 in expenses the city incurred in connection with the visit of Pope John Paul II last October.
THOMAS M. McMANN, 89, who served the first Mass at St. Paul's Church, Taunton, on Christmas Day, 1904, was among giftbearers at the parish's 75th anniversary Mass of Thanksgiving. (Rosa Photo)
LA PAZ, Bolivia (NC)--Jesuit .Father Luis Espina,l, editor of the weekly Aqui and a critic of rightists in Bolivia, was shot dead March 22.
WASHINGTON (NC)-The Federal Communication Commission's proposal to deregulate radio is "an abdication of the FCC's regulatory responsibility," said the U.S. Catholic Conference's <Department of Communication.
HONOLULU (NC)-Lt. Gen. Thomas M. Rienzi, 61, who recently retired after 42 years in the Army, has been ordained as the first permanent deacon of the Honolulu Diocese.
WASHINGTON (NC)-Women in ministry are likely to be well-educated, married lay women who favor change in the church,' :accordlng .to. a prQgressreport' on a survey conducted by the Leadership Conference of Women Religious (LCWR).
VATICAN CITY (NC)-The entire church suffers because of the murder of Salvadorean Archbishop Oscar A. Romero, Pope John Paul H Said at his weekly general audience. Strongly condemning "this new episode of cruelty., insanity, ferocity," tt-.c pope led a crowd of about 12,000 people in the Paul VI Hall in reciting the Our Father for Archbishop Romero.
OFFICERS OF THE Diocesan Council of Catholic Women welcome Bishop Cronin to an executive board dinner meeting in Mattapoisett. Left, Miss Adrienne Lemieux, DCCW president; right, Miss Ethel Crowley, first vice-president. (Rosa Photo)
WASHfNGTON (NC)-An energy policy fo,;, the U.S. Catholic Conference will be on the agenda at two regional conferences in Colorado and Maine this spring.
ST. GEORGE'S Grenada (NC)-Bishop Sydney A. Charles of St. George's denied charges by Prime Minister Maurice Bishop of Grenada that the church is trying to destabilize the government. The prime minister charged in a broadcast that church personnel were engaged in seditious activities against the government which came to power in March 1979 by a coup and has vowed to establish a sociaHst state.
WASHINGTON (NC)-The Carter administration's proposed cutbacks in the school lunch program are a serious threat to the health 'and well-being of many children, particularly the poor and needy, and could force many Catholic schools to withdraw from the program, Father Thomas G. Gallagher, U.S. Catholic Conference secretary of education said.
LONDON (NC) -The National !Pastoral Congress May 2-6 in 'Liverpool should be "a stirring into new life under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, a kind of spiritual resurrection," said the Catholic bishops of England and Wales in a joint pastoral letter.
WASHINGTON (NC)-The U.S. bishops will get their first look at a proposed pastoral letter on health care when they meet in Chicago April 29 to May 1.
BISHOP CRONIN greets participants at charismatic Day of Praise at
Blessed Sacrament Church, Fall River. (Sr. Gertrude Gaudette Photo)
ST. LOUIS (NC)-Archbishop John L. May told those attending his installation as head of the St. Louis Archdiocese that "today we need more than anything else to hear the good news of Jesus Christ."
THE ANCHORThurs., April 3, 1980
Mrican trip for pope VATICAN OITY (NC) - Pope John Paul II will visit Zaire, the Congo, Kenya, Ghana, Upper Volta and the Ivory Coast May 2-12. At his weekly general audience, the pope described the African trip as apostolic. "May my visit cause an increase in Christian faith . . . and stimulate all the people of the continent to work for authentic human progress at the service of brotherhood and peace," he said. The pope will leave Rome May 2 and fly to J{inshasa, Zaire. He will remain in Zaire until May 6, except for a brief visit to Brazzaville, the Congo. He will leave Zaire May 6 for Nairobi, Kenya, where he will stay until May 8, then traveling to Accra, Ghana, and remaining there until May 10, when he will go to Ou'agadouhou, ' Upper Volta. The final stop will be Abidjan, Ivory Coast, which the pope will visit from the evening of May 10 until his departure for Rome May 12. The pontiff will meet civil and
~~lgi~~lle~~er~~~o~~~n~~~nt~; about ?O journalists.
CCA kickoff
Japan vi8it 'indelicate'?
MOMENTS AFfER HIS DEATH, a nun kisses the forehead of Archbishop Oscar Romero. (NC Photo) '
An,other Abp. Romero wante'd
SAN SALVADOR, El Salvador In the aftermath of the killing of Archbishop Oscar Romero, 227 priests and 595 Religious men and women have asked Pope John Paul II to appoint a successor "as close as possible to the likeness of Archbishop Romero." In a statement they called the . archbishop "a deeply religious man who as pastor knew how to apply the teachings' of Vatican II, Medellin and Puebla." All were meetings which produced documents updating church teachings on social reform. The statement by the clergy and Religious and one by the ,<:ountry's bishops excommunicating whoever was responsible for the archbishop's murder came during the week-long period of mourning after an unknown assassin fatally shot the archbishop while he was celebrating a memorial Mass. At the archbishop's Palm Sunday funeral Mass, held in the San Salvador cathedral square, at least two dozen people were killed and scores more injured when violence broke out. While some deaths were due to gunfire, many' casualties were crushed o~ suffocated in the rush to saftey. In the confusion, Archbishop (NC) -
April 16 A kickoff meeting launching the 39th annual Catholic Charities Appeal of the diocese will be held at 8 p.m. Wednesday, April 16 at Bishop Comiolly High School, Fall River. The Appeal funds diocesan apostolates of charity, mercy and social services. •Bishop Daniel A. Cronin, entering his 10th year as Appeal chairman, will be the keynote speaker, Msgr. Thomas J. Harrington, diocesan chancellor, will deliver the opening prayer and Msgr. Luiz G. Mendonca, vicargeneral, will give the closing invocation. Patriotic hymns will be led 'by Mrs.' Albert Petit and Kenneth Leger, with music by the Buddy Braga band. Joseph B. McCarthy, Taunton, diocesan lay chairman, will stress the role of the laity in the campaign, which will have two phases: Special Gifts from April 21 through May 3; and Parish, from noon to 3 p.m. Sunday, May 4. Appeal mechanics will be explained by Msgr. Anthony M. Gomes.
Romero's body was hastily taken into the cathedral to a prepared tomb. Officials said a private ceremony would complete the burial. Among those at the Mass were three U.S. bishops representing the National Conference of Catholic Bishops: Archbishop John R'. Quinn, NCCB president; Bishop William G. Connare; and Bishop James A. Hickey. The Salvadorean bishops, who often differed from Archbishop Romero on the role of the church in contemporary society, agreed with him on violence and repression. Their statement added that the assassins had incurred excommunication and that lifting it was reserved to the pope. The priests and Rel,igious stated that the archbishop ,whose life they said followed closely
Diocese of Fall River
OFFICIAL APpmNTMENT Rev. WilliamF. ,Baker to Associate 'Pastor, Our Lady of Grace Parish, North Westport, effective Wednesday, April 2, 1980.
the path of Jesus, was killed "by those who oppose peace established upon justice." They pledged that his work would continue "so that his martyrdom will bear splendid fruits for the church and the nation."
Czech deaths LONDON(NC) - Information about the death in prison under suspicious circumstances of Father Michael Gono, a secretly ordained priest in Czechoslovakia, have reached Keston College, a center near London for the study of religion and communism. "This was the third recent report of priests dying in Czechoslovakia in obscure circumstances," said Keston News Service.
• • • • • • • • • •
TOKYO (NC) - Some Japanese Catholics would rather not have Pope John Paul II visit Japan in 1980, the Japanese Cathqlic news agency, To-Sei News, reported. "They worry the 99 percent of their fellow citizens who are not Christians may simply ignore the event, an dthat would be embarrassing," To-Sei News said. "Others fear a collision of cultunl attitudes that could harm the church's efforts here, and that would ,be even worse." But the news agency said such attitudes ,,' are only undercurrents in the flow of informed opinion." The Japanese bishops, it said, believe that the, papal .visit will boost interest in Christianity and 'Will encourage people to reflect on their spiritual needs. One of the problems related to the first papal visit to Japan is the pending announcement of the beatification of 17 martyrs who were killed during the persecution of Christians in. Japan in the early 17th century. Beatification is a legal process by which the church gives official assurance that a dead person, by reason of heroic virtue, has attained salvation. They were tortured in an effort to make them renounce their religion and later separately executed. '''I would prefer that the Holy Father announce the beatification in Manila, not in Japan," said a missionary who has spent 10 years in Japan. "After all," he said, "it's indelicate for a foreign religious leader to come' here as a government guest to praise martyrs of his own faith who were put to death by the Japanese, even if it happened a long time ago. . A lot of people probably wouldn't understand or like it." There are about a million Christians in the Japanese population of 115 million. Catholics, the largest Christian group, number about 400,000.
Mass at 10:15 a.m. Confessions from 3:00 to 5:00 p.m. Mass of the Lord's Supper at 7:00 p.m. Adoration at the Repository until midnight Liturgy of the Lord's Passion and Death at 3:00 p.m. Confessions from 4:00 to 5:00 p.m. Stations of the Cross and Procession at 7:00 p.m. Confessions after the evening service Confessions from 3:00 to 5:00 p.m. Easter Vigil and First Mass of the Resurrection at 7:00 p.m.
Masses at 8:00, 10:00 a.m., 12 noon and 6:30 p.m. ST. ANNE CHURCH 818 Middle Street - Fall River, Massachusetts
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., April 3, 1980
the moorin~.
the living word
Christ Has Died, Christ Has Risen, Christ Will Come Again The passion and death of our Lord are not mere traditions of the church but living realities of faith life. Christ, the head of the church, suffers and is murdered day in and day out in every circumstance of place and time. His disciples, well aware that they must follow his bloody path, have once more become the symbol of all that Passiontide means for the church and her people. The martyrdom of Archbishop Romero in El Salvador, the assassination of Jesuit Father Luis Espinal in Bolivia and the captivity of the papal nuncio,. Archbishop Angelo Acerbi, in Colombia, forcefully and joltingly proclaim once more to all the world that to follow Christ one must be ready to die for him as he did for us. Through the media, the world has seen again the mad·ness of men reaching out to slaughter their fellows. The politics of the now are so shortsighted and stained with . blood that the implications for tomorrow are impossible to forecast. In their furor to reform· and renew, extremists of all labels forget that the reality of Christ will never be found in madness and murder. Oppression never brings relief to those oppressed, persecution never brings hope to those persecuted and tyranny never lightened the burden of those who must suffer the tyrant. This indeed is the witness of those who agonize ·with the Man of Sorrows. . It is even more than tragic if the message of suffer-
ing that is being written in blood by our brothers and sisters in, other lands is unread in our own country. We have not lived the reality of a suffering and persecuted church for some time. Consequently, many elements in the American church have grown 'smug, selfish and sour. These are the people who should study well and thoroughly the recent events of church history. Seen in this context, the "do my own thing" religion is indeed a nonentity. People of this mind, who would also have us distinguish between the real church and the so-called institutional church are merely casting lots and dividing garments . without looking at the cross above. The church must realize that there is always the cross, always the crucified Christ. Otherwise, dying to self in order to rise with Christ is a meaningless concept. The Catholic man or woman who refuses to look at Christ on Good Friday, yet parades in new garments on Easter Sunday . is, in the Lord's own words, " a whitened sepulchre filled with dead men's bones." As we live these days of sorrow and shock, struggling to share the grief of the suffering church, let us not shy away from the realities of martyrdom and suffering. We must not become the scoffers and scorners simply because for this moment of fleeting time, the pain of El Salvador, Bolivia, and Colombia is not happening in our own land. . Bolivia, and Colombia is not happening in our own land; rather we must join with them in proclaiming that Christ has died, Christ is risen, Christ will come again.
OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER Published weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River 410 Highland Avenue Fall River, Mass. 02722 675-7151 PUBLISHER Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin, D.O., SJ.D.
Rev. John F. Moore
Rev. Msgr. John J. Regan ~
leary Press-Fall River
'1 have given my body to the strikers, a nd my cheeks to them tha~ plucked them: I have not turned away my face from them that rebuked me and spit upon me. . . . Give ear to m~, you.that follow that:w.hich. i.s iust and you that seek the Lord.' 'Is. 50:6; 51: 1 .
Baptized unbelievers By Father Kevin Harrington
other sacraments with little thought of ever fully participaIn the past 10 years much at- ting in the church. It is not tention has been given to the surprising that the products of paradox of the "baptized un- such upbringing approach the believer." Many programs have church only when in pursuit of been established on the diocesan a sacrament. and parish level to bring the Parish programs are oriented fallen-away Catholic back into toward nourishing the existing the fold. The word evangelization has been used by all and faith commitment of practicing understood by few. Traditionally Catholics. They are more directit signified the conversion of ed towards children and young pagans in a missionary context. teens than towards the age Now it is use{l to mean a per- groups that would be approachsonal conversion leading to a ing the church for marriage or .faith commitment by an unbap- baptism. However, the church must tized or baptized person. Evangelization is understood as a provide adequate preparation for process during which those out- the devout reception of these side the circle of conscious faith sacraments. The manner in which are invited to move within the a couple is approached by a marriage preparation .program circle. will influence greatly their apThe problem of the baptized proach to both the sacraments unbeliever has been compounded of baptism and marriage. Sacby neglect of the sacraments as raments, in short, are too crua tool for evangelization. Too cial a tool in the process of many recipients of the sacra- evangelization to be neglected. ments lack concern for the giver, Many priests, of course, will Jesus Christ. Too many cele- not automatically confer sacrabrants confer the sacraments ments. Most will pelay their rewhere there are no tangible ception if a candidate, for exsigns of faith. ample, is indifferent to particiGenerations of automatically pation in the Sunday Eucharist. administering the sacraments Hopefully, more priests will exhave taken a toll on the church. ercise the discernment and courMillions of non-practicing Cath- . age to postpone administering a olics have gone through the mo- sacrament if a candidate is not tions of baptizing their babies properly disposed. Priests owe and presenting their children for all who receive the sacraments
a chance to know the joy of truly encountering the Lord. The decision to postpone a sacrament must be made in charity and not punitively. Priests must be· sensitive to the fact that non-practicing Catholics are not acustomed to being expected to demonstrate a tangible sign of their faith. They often take the suggestion of postponement as·a personal insult. Many become bitter and accuse the priest of giving them a "hard time." Some drift from parish to parish until they find a "good priest" who will accommodate them. In this regard, lack of uniform policy can lead to dissension and confusion. among clergy. Guidelines are definitely needed to assure a degree of consistency. The numbers of baptized unhelievers will never dim1nish until the sacraments are received by those who cherish a personal relationship with Christ. It is unfortunate that many have sought this personal relationship outside the ministry of the church. The fact that so many of our faithful have been touched by the various movements of renewal within the church only serves to underscore our need to utilize the sacraments more fully as graced mOIPl:lnts of encountering the Lord.
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fo'll River-Thurs., April 3, 1980
Famity Easter
The acid
hood family, we played cards a lot. Nearly every Sunday after- DOLORES noon, somebody popped a dishpan of popcorn and brought out CURRAN the cards. We laughed, shouted, break out the smiles, the laugh- and fought' our way through ter and the good dishes. Let's "Hea,ts," "I Doubt You" and a take a ride 路in the country and variety of other family unifiers. pick wildflowers together, jog a sense of family fun. Two parin 'the park, or, if we're too In my family today, we enjoy ishes I know have initiated a recreaking for that, try a family a good movie' together. (My turn to the family dance. WASHINGTON - Some volleyball or card game. It teen's friends ask incredulously, In both, the dances are imdoesn't m'atter what we do as "You went with your parents? people think it is better to long as we enjoy doing it to- And your little brothers? mensely successful. Old square evacuate if you are having gether - parents, grandparents, Gross''') One of the most enjoy- and round dances like the waltz work done around the house. teens, and toddlers. able evenings we've shared re- quadrille, circle two step, schot- Others think you should stlly cently was seeing the delightful tische, polka and the Virginia and try to protect your property. What does that have to do movie, Breaking Away, together. reel are joined in by the whole I have tried both ways in the with Easter? Or with family family. It's common to see a We laughed over the family con路 several months since I have been spirituality? Absolutely everygrandfather dancing with a little versation, cried over poignancies - on good days, that is thing. girl, a mother with a son, and and cheered the bicycle race. opening my door to strangers families with other families. Family spirituality begins with with trowels and pliers. It isn't Every couple of months, if we Both parishes originally intendthe family bond. It doesn't make as if they are building the pyracan work it out, we get away ed to have one family dance but, up for it. Sometimes families say mids, I just want new floors in to a borrowed cabin where we like all good traditions, someto me, "We aren't getting along the hallway and kitchen and a hike, show old home movies of thing so valuable to parish famivery well together. Maybe we new dishwasher' and fridge. But when we were a younger family, lies is being continued. ought to try some family prayer." I have to tell you that neither play cards, and read five good I never discourage them, but Dancing and laughing together going or staying works. books alone together. (I confess it's rarely the answer to a family we confiscated one son's Guin- is an appropriate way to end I have been trailing around who doesn't like being together. after presidential candidates who ness Book of Records to pre- this six part series on family I encourage such families to seek claim that every problem has a serve our solitude and sanity. spirituality. I hope that any some activities that will give Every two minutes, we'd hear newfound faith experiences in solution. I don't think even John them a sense of familiness, a something like "Did you know your family don't end with Lent Anderson has an answer to this bond that will lead them to comvexing question. that the record life span of a but begin with Easter and confortable prayer together. roundworm living in somebody's tinue through the whole springIf you stay, you can someSome families go fishing, time. That's what Easter is all' times squawk in time body was two years?") to save others roller skate on bicycle about, after all - a new beginyour curtains from extinction as lanes. The Kennedys played Developing family spirituality ning and new hope' for all of us a grim workman with a trowel touch football. In my large child- is directly related to developing in God's family. , full of plaster advances on them. And you can, as I did recent~y, after much hemming-andhawing, politely ask the plumber, as he drills holes in the new sink which he has placed By in the middle of the living-room The truth is blunt and must If there is one thing I can carpet, if he would ever so kindREV. ly move it to a surface which say with considerable confi- be faced. As of now CCD does not work and the CCD elites ANDREW M. would not be quite so expensive dence after 20 years of re- ought to try to find out why to clean. search on Catholic educa- their precious plaything has GREELEY People say you are mad to extion, it is that the CCD or so- such little impact and make seripose yourself to these harrowing called, "religious education" ap- ous efforts to improve it. There sights. You should clear out and proach does not remotely sub- are hints in the data that the hope for the 路best. Your attitude stitute for Catholic schools. In- basic CCD failure is attributable should be that of certain senadeed, on the national level, to its inability to compare with CCD appears to be a waste of the Catholic schools in integra- ganization that wants no part tors toward what the CIA is time, energy, money and talent., ting young people into the Cath- of empirical research on the really doing - "I don't know, family. The National Federation and I don't want to know." It ought to be totally re-exam<;>lic parochial community. of Priest Councils rejected a They may be right. But I have ined and drastically overhauled Recently my colleagues and I presentation from the research tried the absent route, too, and or eliminated. completed a mammoth research team, as did the University of I cannot say anything for it. The I make these observations enterprise for the Knights of Notre Dame, which is sponsor- sad truth is, that if you go based on repeated empirical Columbus on young Catholic ing a symposium in preparation away, they go away, too evidence. CCD only rarely has adults. As part of the project I for the Synod - doubtless on which is something they also an impact - a weak effect on did a separate report called grounds that the research was do when you are there. ContracMass attendance and a some- "The. Young Catholic Family" not done by their own fourth- 'tors maintain small crews and what less weak effect when the (to be published in May by rate sociology department. Curi- always are dispatching them to ously enough, some of the bish- greener pastures, to more exteacher is a priest or religious. Thomas More Press). ops going to the Synod were pensive situations, and abandonOn the other hand, CCD educaThere is more impirical inforonly too happy to attend a pri- ment is always in the air, like tion seems to impede the return of young people to the mation available about Catholic vate briefing. plaster dust. After a. considerchurch who, after their mid- family life and Catholic young able period of inactivity in the A couple of years ago the 20s, drift away from it. Those people in these two studies than NCEA gave me an award for hallway, I mentioned it - at who attend Catholic schools are in all the rest of the existing my purported contribution to the fop of my voice - to the more likely than the average to literature combined. Catholic education. I've sent it contractor. Since the upcoming National return to the church. Those who "Well, you didn't choose the back. participate in CCD instruction Catholic Educational Associalight fixt",res," he said. are less likely than the average tion meeting in New Orleans is I went off for three weeks. to return to the church. on education and the family, we The contractor told me that I made our resources available for It may well be, therefore, that would come home to a new kitCCD actually does harm to the that meeting. chen. I wrote it 'down. I took young people who participate in ,But the CCD staffers at the to doing that because one of Special Holy Week offerings it (though not much harm). NCEA blocked our participation the hazards is that after several will include a Good Friday col- experiences of being told that I am prepared to concede that on the grounds that we are there may be some exceptions "against CCD." They hadn't read lection for preservation and someone is coming to lay the to this national generalization, the reports, of course (I doubt maintenance of Holy Land kitchen floor on Friday who exceptions that are too small to that they could understand them shrines and an Easter collection hasn't shown up by Tuesday, you make any impact on the nation- if they did), but they know they for the Clergy Welfare Fund of begin to wonder if you are cracking up. al . sample. But I don't know wouldn't want us around beI often say to the foreman, where these exceptions are, and cause we wouldn't preach the diocese. The latter offering assists in providing for retired "Tuesday isn't Friday." He is I don't think it likely the CCD sound doctrine. pleasant and always agrees with bureaucrats do, either. The NCEA is not the only or- and disabled priests.
Easter is here. He is risen. Yet again we are reminded that we are saved. Now, let's act like it in the family. Let's
CCD vs. ,.echools
me and gives me a third sure day. Any way, upon my return, I turned the key in the new door - with difficulty, because it doesn't fit right, and the felt strip they put in keeps the bolt from turning - with some anticipation. But everything was exactly as it was when I left. The explanation was that "the electrician's daughter fell down the stairs." It seems that the families of arisans are afflicted with health problems which immobilize the man of the house for indefinite periods. A friend of mine told me she employed a roofer who scarcely ever roofed. When she called, he would say simply, "My wife is sick." They also, ir they do set out, frequently forget some essential item, like the right-length wire for the dishwasher or the rightlength screws for the handles of the cabinet. They go away for a few days to get over their embarrassment. I believe they must be given some course as apprentices in customer intimidation. I mentioned to a plasterer that the wall he had just done was not even. As a matter of fact, it looked as though a first-grade art class had been turned loose on it. He glared at me and said, "It isn't my fault." You have to get used to the idea the process has about it certain aspects of the Vietnam War, at least the famous saying about a leveled town: "We had to destroy it in order to save it." "Our men aren't any worse than anyone else," one contractor said comfortably. "They clean up pretty good." His shoes were white with plaster dust. Of course, I am really talking about power and powerlessness. If you can't plumb or plaster or string wires, you are in the hands of people who can. It's too late for some of us to go to night school and learn a useful trade - or even assertiveness training, with particular emphasis on opening every conversation with a curse, as is recommended by certain tradesmen for dealing with their fellows. I look at presidential candidates with a different eye. I watch them promise to humble the Russians and bring the ayatollah to heel. I have a new standard: Can he handle a contractor? Could he survive rehabilitation?
THE ANCHOR (USPS路545-020) Second Class Postage Paid at Fall River, Mass. Published every Thursday at 410 Highland Avenue, Fall River, Mass. 02722 by the Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River. Subscription price by mail, postpaid $6.00 per year. Postmasters send address ;hanges to The Anchor, P.O. Box 7, Fall River, MA 02722
To succeed Card. Slipyi
Thurs., April 3, 1980
VATICAN CITY (NC) - Pope John Paul II closed the synod of Ukrainian Catholic bishops March 27 by announcing appointment of Archbishop Myroslav Lubachivsky of ,Philadelphia, as coadjutor archbishop of Lvov in the Ukraine (Soviet Union).
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The appointment means that the scholarly Ukrainian-born A:merican will eventually succeed exiled Cardinal Josip Eilpyi of' Lvov as spiritual leader of an estimated 4.3 million Ukrainian-Rite Catholics around the world.
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The synod was convened by the pope specifically to select a coadjutor to 88-year-old Cardinal Slipyi who would automatically succeed the cardinal on his death or retirement, thus assuring continuation of the Catholic Ukrainian Rite's central leadership.
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TWENTY-FIVE YEARS of service by the St. Vincent de Paul Society of St. George parish, Westport, are marked by this plaque, held by Roland J. Thibault, a charter member and then and now conference vice-president; Honore J.' Vaillancourt, present president; and Andrew J. Moran, also a charter member and treasurer through the years.
'The bamboo leaves did not fall' "I was sent to St. Paul's uniCINClNNATI(NC) - "The winter was cold but the bamboo versity twice . . . from 1956-57 and from Aug. 28, 1958, to leaves did not fall." This sentence in a letter fgrom March 12, 1979." That was Father Choi's way of Father Benedict Choi. recently set free after more than 2 years telling of his imprisonment. "St. in a Chinese prison, was the . Paul spent so much time in Chinese priest's way of saying prison," explained the Marythat despite many trials he had knoll priest. Father ,Choi acknowledged managed to survive. That's how it is interpreted that "St. Paul's university" ofby the recipient of the letter, fered "a tough course," but add-' Maryknoll 'Father Albert Fed- ed that "the boat of Noah kept .ders of Covington, Ky., who was me healthy." :He said he prayed rector of the semin!1ry in Wu- day and night, substituting three chow, China, where Father Choi rosaries or the Divine Office. The Chinese priest said a was ordained in 1948. Father Fedders, who has been Catholic family had taken him teaching languages to mission- in, providing him with food and ,aries and others in Taiwan, said a tiny room. he "wept for sheer joy" wheri he learned that h'is former student was aliv~ and apparently well.
When he received Father Choi's letter, Father Fedders arranged for a trustworthy. messenger to deliver by way of Hong Kong some warm clothes and $20 to the impoverished priest. "Believe it or not," said Father Fedders, "he actually received this package." The Chinese priest's letter was written on scrap paper and was brought out of China to Hong Kong by a catechist. From there it was forwarded to Father Fedders in Taiwan. The letter ended: "The wind is stropg, but a swan can be safe . . . The mud is dirty, but the lotus is still beautiful. Sin. cerely in Christ, Ben,"
Bishops mull budget cuts
(necrolo9Y] April 18 Rev. Hugh B. Harrold, 1935, Pastor, St. Mary, Mansfield Rt. Rev. John F. McKeon, P.R., 1956, Pastor, St. Lawrence, New Bedford April 19 Rev. Msgr. Leo J. Duart, 1975, Pastor, St. Peter the Apostle, Provincetown April 20 Rev. Edward F. Coyle, S.S., 1954, St, Mary Seminary, Paca St., Baltimore, Maryland Rev. James -E. O'Reilly, 1970, Pastor Emeritus, Mount Carmel, Seekonk April 22 Rev. James L. Smith, 1910, Pastor, Sacred Heart, Taunton Rev. Thomas F. Fitzgerald, 1954, Pastor, St. Mary, Nantucket
WASH~NGTON (NC) The in a tentative staff cut of 36, 13 staff of the U.S. 'bishops' confer- in the usec Department of Eduence could be reduced by 10 to cation alone. 20 percent under several proposThe bishops' conference now als for budget cuts to be con- employs 365 people. sidered by the bishops at their If the bishops approve one of spring meeting in Chicago. the models at their Chicago The proposals are the result meeting, it will serve as the of efforts to avoid another inbasis for detailed budget, procrease in the assessment U.S. grams and staffing arrangements dioceses pay for support of the to be prepared for consideration National Conference of_ Catholic and final approval at the bishBishops and U.S. Catholic Conops' next meeting in November. ference. Last year the assessment was raised 25 percent. The bishops' .A:dministrative Committee has approved transWASHINGTON (NC) - Relimittal to the bishops of five gion "floats above life" if it is "models" for reducing the bud- not experienced .in families, get. Father John Shea told an audiThe Committee said the model ence of 1,300 educators gathered it prefers is one which would for the East Coast Religious Educut the bishops' current $14.5 cation Conference in Washingmillion budget by about $857, ton in addressing. the confer000, reduce the assessment to 'ence's theme, "Ministering with 9.3 cents per Catholic, and result Families,"
Floating faith
Archbishop Lubachivsky, 65, has lived half his life in the United States, but was born and edl:cated in the Ukraine. Ater his ordination in 1938 he studied in Austria, Switzerland and Italy. He was transferred to the United States in 1947 as secretary to Ukrainian-Rite Archbishop Ambrose Senyshyn of Philadelphia and secretary of the Ukrainian section of the National Catholic Welfare Conference. He also taught and served in parishes in Connecticut, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Wisconsin, Virginia and Washington, D.C.
He has published numerous books in English, Ukrainian and German.
Fr. Rahner on Fr. Kung Jesuit theologian, Father Karl Rahner, has defended the Vatican's decision that Father Hans Kun~ "can no longer be considered a Catholic theologian" or . teach as one. . "A Catholic theologian remaIns a Catholic theologian only if in his own theology he respects the line drawn by Rome," said Father Rahner. "If I were to come into' serious conflict with the line drawn by-the magisterium (teaching authority of the church) and if my Conscience were to lead me to reject it, then I must accept the consequences and say I am no longer Catholic," added Father Rahner. A document issued by the Vatican's Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith and dated Dec. 15 criticized some of Father Kung's writings, especially on infallibility and Christology, saying 'he "has departed from the integral truth of Catholic faith." Father Rahner's statements appeared in the Austrian weekly, Die Furche, and the London Catholic Herald.
NEW YORK (NC) - Leaders of severa:l religiolls organizations ~have, ,announced withdrawal' of payroll and other accounts from Citibank, saying that it-is "a. full-fledged financial partner ot South :African apartheid."
Largest Religious Store On Cape Cod i
':omplete line ReligIous "rtlcl~ for Religious Commllnitles and Organitations as well as Retail
Withdrawing accounts are the National Council of Churches, the World Council of Cliurches and the Board of Global Ministries of the United Methodist Church. In addition five Catholic and seven Protestant groups have pledged to refrain from buying Citibank bonds, certificates of deposit or notes.
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After Ma. Sundar Brunch , 'At
Lunehes • salldwiches - Cocktails
BISHOP DANIEL A. CRONIN enjoys a moment in the, sunlight, at newly renovated . St. Kilian Church~ New Bedford, where he confirmed arid' held a parish visitation. With him, from left, Father Alban'V. Montella, OFM, Franciscan provincial; Glenn Spindolar Father Paul Guido, OFM, pastor; Pamela Lewis. (Rosa Photo)
Fall River history made. in Florida
They call' it the Grapefruit League, the Citrus Circuit, and anyone attending a pre-season baseball game in the' intimate, folksy surroUndings of that gem of training faCilities, Chain-D~s... parlc:m., ; Wi.n~~. .a..~::-t.:e:n, ,flopda.. enjoying. the, frag@lce of nearby orange and grapefruit groves,' will agree that the names are welt chosen. , The Anchor was once again on WASHINGTON (NC) A priest exiled from Yugoslavia al- hand to assess the potential of most 35 years ago warned that the 1980 Red Sox through firstthe death of Yugoslav President hand observation of spring trainJosip Broz Tito will cause "a ing. More on the auspices for this year's Bosox later . . . very dangerous situation."
DaDger;>-seen after Tito
_t _
John & Mary Lees. Props.
The c;atholic groups are the Connecticut .province of the Sis-
,ters of Notre Dame de Namur, the Sisters of Loretto, the Adrian Dominican Sisters, DOminican' Fathers and brothers of the St. Albert province in Dlinois and the Sisters of Charity of Nazareth, Ky. . Announcing withdrawal of his ageney's $4.7 million payroll account from Citibank, the Rev. M. William Howard Jr., president of the National Council of Churches, called Citibank "America's major lender to South Africa.", He said it is "the only U.S. bank with branches in So~th Africa" and that it is currently assisting South Mrican corporations which want to invest in the U~ited States.
THE ANCHORThurs., April 3, 1980
ChUrch units boycott bank -
'Tennis CoUrts Available Now County, Road, P~sset 56'3·7171 Private: Function Room
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Spindle City; and The Anchor was on hand to I'ec9rd it. ln the first inning Remy, fully recovered from the vexing Achilles' tendon problem which sidelined him during the 1979 ~I\ign, jqmped right on Domback's first pitch and laced a slicing Shot to left field. Bruce Boisclair bI'Qke with the crack of the bat and hauled in Remy~s liner for an out. During Bomback's very creditable five-inning stint, when erratic fielding contributed to a two-run Bosox outburst in the second (the only damage be sustained), the. aspiring Fall River hurler faced, the veteran Remy twice more.
about young Bruce HurSt, the-.J portsider who began last season deep in the bush leagues at Winter Havent This kid stood Chi~o's White Sox on their heads one p.fternoon 'at Payne Park in Sarasota. He'll be diffi~ult to cut from .the regular squad. Joel Finch looked' promising. Perhaps the Sox system, for years a formidable developing ground for slugging outfielders, has begun to generate majo~ league hurlers.
Con-Con try
''The internal situation will be , On Sunday afternoon, March verr dangerous because of 'the 23, the picturesque Stocking eternal conflict of the Croats ballpark, overlooking central Jerry ~ot good wood on Mark's and' the Serbs, the dominant· na- Florida's gorgeous Lake Lulu, . BOISE, Idaho (NC)-Theef. tionalities" in Yugoslavia, said was tbe scent of an unprecden- offerings both times, but was retired, once on a fly ball' to fort to gather enough states to Father Stephen F. Lackovic, of ted local showdown. The Sox Our Lady of Bistrica parish in were matched against the New center and once on another fly petition Congress for ~ constitutional convention on abortion Lackawanna, N.Y. , York Mets, who train in nearby to Boisclair. While this miniconfrontation passed the halfway point last Yugoslavia was "made artifi- St. Petersburg. was 'going on, Sox hurler Bob month when Idaho became the cially and kept together militarMet mentor Joe Torre gave the Stanley was rolling along in a 17th state to approve the conily," said -Father Lackovic. He starting assignment to Fall vention call. . feels that peace between the River's own' Mark Bomback, stint dUring which he hand,cuffed the -Mets. With relief nation's constituent nationali- winningest hurler iiI the minor :nurty-four states are needed ties will be possible only if each leagues last season <at Van- help from hard-firing Dick to meet the constitutional rebecomes, an independent state. couver) and now a distinct poten- Drago, the --Sox won a 4-2 tilt. quirement that two-thirds of the He was secretaJ:y of· the late tial hurler for the Nati9nal Bomback W8$ not involved in states call for such a convention. .the decision, as it was his own Cardinal Aloysius Stepinac of League ,eiltry from New York. ~liever, Pete Falcone, who fell The measure passed the Idaho Zagree in Croatia until 'July victim to a two-run homer by . ,Senate by 25-11 in mid-February, Bomback would face the po1~5, when he went to Rome on budding catcber Muggsy Alenson and was approved by the Idaho church business and was DOt tent Red Sox offensive align- to absorb the loss. House by 52-18 March 3. , , permitted to re:enter Croatia. ' ment, with none other than Fall Jerry Remy as leadoff River's "This is the most recent posiWho won the Fail '. River . 'Fath'er Lackovic desCribed Yugoslavia, which consists of six batter. Incredibly, here in the shootout? 'Remy got good wood tive prO-life action iIi Idaho and republics and two autonomous "bigs," two native F..aII River- on the ball in his three trips to the result is that it has solidiprovinces, as "a conglomeration ites were facing one another. It the plate against Bomback. How- fied a lot of pro-life groups of nationalities" which have . was a mOlDent without prece- ever, he was retired eacb time. throughout the state," said Henry often fought against onean- dent in Fall,River athletic his- The Anchor is neutral, although Krewer, president of the Idaho tory. ' # we hope Bomback stic1Q; with Right-to-Life Society. other. the Mets.Let's call this unprece'rite, Serbs favor a Wuted ,In a, former time, diminutive The other 16 states whicb Yugoslavia, which th~y/ bave TommY Arruda might just bave dented local showdown a have called for the constitutional convention .are Indiana, Louisidominated, he- said, but the Cro- made the' majors. One can en- draw. , atians would prefer indepen- vision hiDl on the mound, acing Now ... about those Red Sox ana, l\1issouri, New Jersey, said the Sefbs, Mace- a Rqss Gibson or a Tommy Gas- . . . Don't underestimate the kansas, ,Utah, South .Dakota, donians . and MontenegriDs are tail. Sueb a cOnfrontation never mound corps. Stanley and Den- Rhode Island,· Massachusetts, "CulturaPyl closln' to the Russ- 'occurre<l. The March 23 duel nis Eckersley wete very im- ,Pennsylvania, 'Kentucky, Ne~ ians," while the Croats are was the first to emerge in the pressive in outings viewed by bras~a, ,Delaware, Mississippi, ricb athletic history of the this correspondent. And how Nevada and Tennessee. "Westerners."
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By Pat MeGowan )
, The frail old ihanclutched the comfortable' hand of Sister M~ry Christopher; . superi9r of r Fall River's Rose Hawthorne Lath. rop Home,dedicated since '1932 to tbl:! car& of terminally HI can"'~ cer· patients. ,'. -"Sister, 11m I going to die?,. he demanded. "Who isn't?" was her quick reply. "Eddie, that's what it's all about," she added. "It's what we're all waitin~ ,for." ."The biggest thing we give oqr patients is our Christian viewpoint," said Sister Cllristopher, who bas been superior of the seven-member Fall River community of the Dominican Sisters of St. Rose of Lima' since
THE FACE. OF LOVE: Sister, Christopher cares for Raymond Albert.
There is also an informal net-' ment from families, government month as Fall Riv~r superior, In general, she said, the Pl:lwork of voluntary workers. tients, often without realizing it, .agencies or insurance compan- there simply was no money to Some are members of parish support each other. "The ward is ies. meet the payroll.- The commungroups, meeting regularly to a learning environment,"she exThat ironclad rule was / set ity began a novena. "Midway make the dressings needed in plained, "with much nonverbal down il) 189.6, in the congrega- through, it, a man came from large quantities by many cancer communication." tion's very beginning by its Boston and insisted that we ac\ . patients, others are retired men One aspect of such learning foundress, known in religion as cept a $12,000 grant." and women who assist with such was eloquently expressed by a Mother Alphonsa put to the On another occasion, she reL recurring and necessary tasks patient who said, "I used to be world as Rose Hawthorne La- lated, "We were very low on as .' carrying. trays, feeding afraid to die until I saw how throp, 'convert daughter of au-' funds and an ordinary-looking Thomas Pasternak Reg. Ph. patients and washing' dishes. A easy it was for Jim( another thor Nathaniel Hawthorne. man came visiting. As he left, 'he CONSULnNG PHARMACiST special service is rendered by a patient"). said, 'Are you allowed to take It and another inflexible rule , FOR NURSING HOMES beautician who' styles the hair money?' I said, 'It's The sunny, cheerful wards almy favorite are explained by Katherine, BurAND OTHER of women patients. so provide a social environment 1972. ton in "So~row Built a Bridge," indoor sport,' and he handed me RESIDENT CARE FACILITIES Then th-ere are, ~veral young . and a sense of security, said SisPerson'ally; she has somethhlg a biography of Mother Alphan- a cheqk for $600. people who show up faithfully tetChi'lstoPller. "If sOqlething else' to give. Five years ago she sa: '·"(she) would :'have no ex e "!twaS e)tactl~(What'''e nl:ieti~' on Friday nights to wash dishes" happens and no sister is around, discovered she had breast' can- perimenting on the incurables in ed. All I could' say was 'Would . working with an enthusiasm a,nother patient will call for cer. She was successfully opera- her care . . . There was to be you believe YO.u'rean answer to that might surprise their mothers help." ted on one month after the death no aversion shown toward even a maiden's prayer?' and then I ./ Serving All Your Family Needs while releasing the sisters for a Although the work of the of a sister, also of cancer. Her the most diseased patient. There burst out crying right in front bit of welcome recreation. Rose Hawthorne sisters has simimother too died of the diseas~. was to be no wearing of rubber of him. We accept Medicaid, Medicare and all other "They started doing it as -a larities to the hqspice concept She has, therefore, wellsprings gloves to show disquiet or fear "God's cute, you know," she Major Third Party Payments . of compassion and empathy for of the patients. ' eonfirmation service project and of care for the terminally ill and confided. "If we need money,' 1224 PI,asant Street, Cor. 'Harrison Street 'her patients. . just kept coming," said Sister their families, a major differ"No money was to be re- we ~t it. He doesn't overly en-. Christopher. ence 'is that the sisters do riot A long, low building set on a Qr friends ceived from relatives dow us but we always have what Fall River, Mass. For the past six years a silent provide home care. However, hilltop in· the southern end of of the patients. 'These things,' 'we need." .N 0 5 F A I;A M 0 S P 0 'R TUG U ES center of love at the Rose Haw- they- have lon-g provided informal Fall River and'posses$ing a mag- she declared, 'shall be anatheThe concern of providence can thorne lias been Raymond Al- grief counseling to families. nificent view of Mount Hope ma..... also be" very symbolic. "Our Bay, the Rose Hawthorne, ,as it People help each other as bert" n0vv. 10 years old. Curly.The rule, however, does not ' biggest food donations are loaves hail'Eld and beautiful but unabte well, said Sister Christopher. It . .- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -. . 1 is usually called, has cared for prohibit accepting contribuflons and fishes," said Sister Christo- . SHOP thousands of New England can- from other sourCes. 'In the eariy pher, "about 30 pounds of fish to speak or move si~ce an opera" is not unusual for patients' tion for a' brain tumor at age 3, families to intE?ract .and SUpport FOR, cer victims. Yet the institution days of the community, the sis- a week and all the bread we described by Dr. Elisabeth Kub-. ters recall, Mother Alphonsa, can use, both from area mark-. Raymong is' especially dear to e~ch other, .she noted; and RAVE L? ler-Ross, world-famed psychiat- ' who had a goodly share of her ets." his· fellow patients and the sis- . sottle people continue to visit ters.. . patients' with whom they have ri~t and authority on the dying father's literary ability, became 'And, again in its' quiet way. . process, as "one of the 'most famous for her gracefully· writ- the Rose Hawthorne has reach"People don't· feel 'Sorry for become friendly even after their beautiful places I've ever seen," ten appeals, published in the ed'deep into the community. At . themselves when they see him," own family member has died. MOST OF' THE TRAVEL BUYS YOU' READ "We see many, many:examples is relatively little ~nown. ., ob~erved Sister Christopher. "If Letters to the Editor column of Christmas a cornucopia of offerABOUT IN NEWSPAPERS OVER THE WEEKEND "If I go QJ.It, to ta1k about the the New York· Times. you didn't look at him with the of devoted' spou8e~," she added. ings spills upon' patients and ARE, AVAILABLE AT work, I can't be home doing it," eyes . of faith, you wouldn't' 'Bypassing the written - word, sisters and through the year seriIn .1973 Dr. Kubler..Rosspaid is Sister Christopher's simple ex- Sister· Christopher nevertheless vice and religious organizations understand, but he has a role," an unannounced vis.!t to the Rose planation for the home's low pro- is in the same' tradition. She hold programs to benefit the she declared, caressing the little Hawthorne. Two days later $he file. . boy. said that in 1972, in her second home. ,described her reactions on a ,By their rule, the seven sisters must themselves give around the clock care to their pati~nts, us, m. . . . l906 ually numbering about 14 worn· en and i5 men. It leaves iittle Our Staff Co~slsts of ,. time for public relations, especiCERTIFIED TRAVEL COUNSELORS ally since several ot the sisters are themselves in poor health. , NONRDTORUNAU' "It's the sick poor caring for the OVII NIW INGLAND JUST <:AU sick poor," chuckled Sister. Christopher. There are but, two requirements , for entrance to the Rose Hawthorne or the other homes operated by the sisters in New York, 154 NOITH MAIN STIRT Atlanta, Philadelphia, St. Paul . FAU IIVlI, MA. 02722' and Cleveland: incurable cancer TOll fill 100-242-3162 Mall. only and inability to pay for care. The homes are supported en'~""'oJo CALL 676-1971 • . , ".; "We'll send You With PIHsure" tirely by donations. The sisters ( ,.... iro'~" BISHOP CJtONIN CELEBRATES MASS IN R8SE HAWTHORNE LATHROP HOME CHAPEL' , may not .accept direct reimburse: . ., ..... -".
PhQtmQcy, Inc. ...J
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., April 3, 1980
beautiful places I've ever seen.
.411 the . World Needs a.Creed •.. ,
Boston television program. "It was one of the most
I would have liked to put on a white coat and stay there the rest of the day. . "The patients were happy, the nuns were so open and cheerful and, the place looked 50 beautiful, with flowers and colored sheets on, the beds.'" , She .recalled, the experience again in a book' published last year, "To Live Until We Say Goodbye." There she said that the Rose Hawthorne Home was run "in the most loving, caring manne.r that I have ever witnessed in this cOJ,lntry. "It sounded so' remarkable -that I was most skeptical," she said, relating that she "sneaked into one of the rooms and asked the first woman ,in the first bed, 'What is it reaIIY' like here?' "With a beaming face she looked at ,me and said, 'There is no better'place on earth to live,' with emphasis on living." Although the Do.minicans share the vocation shortage of most religious communities,' Sister Christopher said that despite the community's low pr9file, it numbers 105' professed sisters, five novices llnd ,two postulants. Girls often learn of the -community thrpugh magazine articles or through friends or ~ela tives who 'are patients. Is it hard for them to adjust to its unusually demanding life? Mother Alphonsa, again in the early days, answered that question very simply: "It takes a week or so, and during' that time it is trying." ' But she dismissed the "fomantic notion abroad that our members are sque~zed of every ounce. of vitality and endurance. If people would look at our solid and comfortable maidens, it ought to clear up such an idea." In--the past the sisters had no . time off,apart from their dally recreation period. But in the past five Y'~rs the concept of a regular day off has surfaced. Unionleaders would shudder, however. The day comes once a month . and doesn't begin until 10 or 11 a.m., after the patients have h,d morning care. "The sick don't take a holiday," pointed out S.ister Christopher. Whereas she likes'to spend her monti:lly' day "curled up in bed with an Agatha Christie mystery," other sisters enjoy windowshopping, picnicking and sightseeing. Sister Christopher, after six years as superior in Fall River, will, according to community. custom, be transferred this summer, probably to New York City or Hawthorne, N.Y., the sisters' ' motherhouse. As a general cO\~ncillor of the congregation, she will thus be nearby for meetings and other community business. "Burnout" as a phenome'non affecting he'alth' care workers in stressful llreas such as intensive care, wards and pediatric cancer units has been much in the news lately. In this connection, a visitor asked Sister Christopher if the Rose Hawthorne had a psychiatrist to counsel the sisters when the going got rough. "Yes," she said. "He's on the altar in the chapeL"
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,THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., April 3, 1980
Babies need sensitivity relationship years later. '../ respopsive and sen;itive to her At the same time, r.esearch child, the child is likely to deDear Mary: In reading about an infants· offers very few an- velop well along intellectual, so~ the mother-child r~tiODShip, swers about what experiences,' ciar and emotional li~s. " t have learned that boDds fonn produce long-term ".rects and What does all this mean for very early in life, even, in the under which circumstances these you and others contemplating first few hours or clays. My effects occur. There are sO-.many, adoption' or foster, care?- From husband and I hope to beeome variables in human life that we what we know now we can say: adoptive parents. What are the 1. Nothing has been found implications for us? What if we must be cautious about absolute that is fiXed forever or lost foradapt a I or 2-yeaJ;-oId child? statements. Some of the more positive ever due to mother-child, bondHow important are thOse very findings from infant research ing in the first few hours or early experiebces witfi a baby? , days; A. Infancy is a fascinating are these: 2. Infants are resilient; gOOd There are many positive and and popu~ar topic. While much research is' going on,' few~ defin- good ways fer adults to relate relationsmps can be bUilt in ite answers can be given about to infants. Studies show that many ways; babies. After all, it is difficult mOithe~ spend more' time .,~3. An infant born into a diffito communicafe with them. They ing ~ables ~d fathers more. tune cult 'situation or a, deprived cannot report in words what pla~~g w~th them. Anoth~r background is not therebY s~ they are thinking and feeling. poSItive WIth. ~hem. Another red hopelessly for life; short MoreoVer, babies grow and be. reSihent. Ea~ new, stresses apparently can ,be change so rapidly that we can· expenence IS an OpportUDlty for handled even by an infant· . " not make general statements a new beginning. For, example," if the baby is very fussy and . 4. Whe~~r yo~ begm mo~er about them. Researchers have found that colicky, the' mother :g:lay feel ~ng by gIV10g bIrth, by adoptwhen mothers are not drugged that the feeding experience does IJ!g a ne~born o.r by p.aren~ng , smgle most unat birth, ,and consequently are not go well. However, playing, a toddler,.the g you can d~ for are also portaht .tm,n holding and bathing awake and aware of the experience, they frequently form a means of relating and they may your ch~d. s development. I:' .to very well. be a senSItive moth~r. Sensltl",lty dramatic .attachrilent, experi- be going . . simply means' paymg attentIon , encing ~ "falling in love" with There ~s. another aspect ,of 10- to, resPonding to and enjoying their infants. Both mother QJld fant resihence. Stresses, even that child. In short, recent rebaby want to be together; they sev~re s~ses, for a short search, far from reducing the experience peace and tranquility penod of tune, do not ~m to importance of good mothering, when together and unease and have long-tenn, damag10g ef- has found it to be crucial. unrest when separated even for fects; brief periOds. The' popular term QuestioDs on family living and A final positive finding is that for this experience is bonding. the .most important single factor ehiId care are Invited. Address SOme researchers have correla- in child development seems to to ]be Kennys c/o The Anchor, ted ~ positiv~ bonding experi- be the sensitivity of the mother P.O. Box 7, Fall River, Mass. ence with a good mother-child to the child. When a mother is 02722. By Dr. James and Mary Kenny
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Ai'last' it's
.. sprIng ,
finally arrive after flirting and ness of a New England winter? Every page' of every magazine teasing for a few days here and How can one's heart leap with announces winter is over and the there, how much more it means joy at a shoo'! of green or t,he voice of the tu,ttle will be heard ' to those of us who live with first crocus if one has had flowers all winter long? .. in the land. One needs only to four very definite .seasons. How can you appreciate the No, it takes a New Englander walk through the garden to kl)oW that spring is coming. joy of' new growth when you truly to appreciate Gocfs gift of e1g)erienced the bleak- spring! Shoots are appearing every- baven't . ! f t where and I'm sure within a week the early daffodils will unfold. ·1 rejoice each year that God planned Easter and spring to coincide, with new life bursting forth right at the moment when Winter's despair seems unend.. ing. On~ of the~st cookbooks I have ever come across was brought from Boston by my daughter. It's The Seasonal- Kitchen, A Return. toFres,h Foods by Perla Meyers, pubIlshed by Vintage Books. The section on spring foods makes one yearn to get into the kitchen and prepare all the lovely spring recipes: aspara~us chantiily, asparagus in lemon and herb sauce, veal in basil sauce, spring zucchini salad, to mention only a few of the delightful recipes using 'the freshest foods 8vaiblble. Along with the spring fever that sends us browsing Uttough cookbooks .and enjoying th~ brightness of the early produce appearing in our favorite markIUSTORlC 'MOMENT: English Arc~bishop of Canterets comes the surge of energy bury Robert Runde <right) greets Cardinal George,' Basil that makes us want to sweep Hume of Westminster ,after the archbishop's enthronement. away •the winter cobwebs and polish and shine everYthing in- Cardinal Hume, who read the epistle aUhe servi~e'in Canterbury Cathedral, is the first Roman Catholic to participate in to spring perfection. .I' often think when spring does such a ceremony since,the Reformation. (NC Photo) By Marilyn RocIeridt
[/leering pOlntJ]
uestion corner By Father John Dietzen
image is a skull and crossbonf,l's.
Q. As a parish priest I see conflicting practices concerning Communion under both species.
The cross looks like it may have come from a rosary; it also looks very old. Do you know anything about this kind of er09S? (Alberta,
rve seen the chalice left on the altar; each person came, picked up the chalice and drank from it. At other times Communion mfnisters have given the chalice to the people. Do you know if both of these practices are correct? What is the rule? (Pennsylvania) A. The chalice should never be left on the altar for each individual communicant to pick up and drink. The theology and entire symbolism of the Communion rite require that the Eucharist be "ministered" to the individual communicants. !Regulations on giving Communion are clear on this. It is no more correct to receive Communion from the chalice this way than it would be to receive the Bread by just picking it up from the ciborium on the altar. The Church is so conscious of the need for ministering the Eucharist that it provides an emergency procedure when not enough ministers are present at a particular Mass. When sufficient Eucharistic ministers are lacking for some reason, the priest may "appoint a suitable person who in case of genuine necessity would distribute Communion for a specific occasion." ("Immensae Caritatis," 1973 instruction of the Sacred Congregation for Divine Worship) A brief commissioning ceremony for that particular situation is given in the same document. J:ust as the minister of the host holds the host and says, "The Body of Christ," the minister of the chalice presents the cup to the communicant and says, "The Blood of Christ." The communicant answers "Amen." Q. Considering the increasing costs of funerals and cemetery plots, why doesn't the Church allow cremation? H not cremation, how about willing ooe's body to science? (California) A. I thought nearly alI Catholics would know by now that the Church does alIow cremation. The former prohibition of cremation was based on the teachings of some enemies of Christianity that cremation was a way to demonstrate a person's rejection of the belief in the resurrection and life after death. The likelihood of this being a reason for cremation is so remote today that the Church has lifted its prohibition, assuming, of course, that there is no such intention. It is also perfectly permissable to will one's body for scientific purposes if one wishes to do so. . I have wntten before, however, at. g!~ater length about the responslblhty we have to consider the: feeli~gs of our f!i~nds and relatIves 10 these deCISions. Q. Recently we were digging under our new home and dislovered a crucifix. The image of Christ is on it, but under this
A. I'd have no way of knowing how ancient or how valuable your crucifix is. The design on the cross is, however, not unusual. Particularly in the past, it was not uncommon to place a skulI and cross bones - the symbol of death - at the bottom of crucifixes. The explanation for this symbolism seems to be twofold. First, it is a sign of the victory of Jesus over death by his own death and resurrection. Another explanation results from the tradition, still prevalent in much of the Middle East, that the cross of Jesus was placed over the burial place of Adam. Thus, the crucifix with the skulI and crossbones would echo the remark of St. Paul that, as through the first Adam death entered into the world, life comes through the second Adam, Christ. Questions for this column should be sent to Father Dietzen c/o The Anchor, P.O. Box 7, Fall River, Mass. 02722.
FATHER EDMUND J. FITZGERALD has been appointed moderator of the Diocesan Council of Catholic Nurses. He succeeds Msgr. Robert L. Stanton, pastor of St. Patrick's parish, Somerset.
It's not true VATICAN CITY (NC) - A Vatican spokesman has denied an Italian newspaper's story that the Vatican will order. priests to wear cassocks in public and will ban women from being lectors. JOHN HAFFERT, U.S. lay The March Corriere DelIa Sera, of Milan alIeged that the leader of the Blue Army of orders would be contained in Our Lady of Fatima and the soon-to-be published documents only American vvho has by the Vatican's Congregation spoken to Sister Lucia, sole for the Clergy. No such documents exist, said survivor of the Fatima childFather Pierfranco Pastore, as- ren, vvill discuss the message sistant director' of the Vatican of Fatima on the Sharon Press Office. King shovv, Channel 4, BosSeveral days earlier, a biogra- ton, at 12:30 p.m. tomorrovv. pher of Pope John Paul II told a The author of 10 books, press conference that the pope's some of vvhich have sold secretary had denied the story. The story is an "invente<i over a million copies, Haffert rumor," said Father Mieczyslaw and the Blue Army have Malinski, Polish author of the been named by Russian book, "The Roots of Papa Woj- sources as one of three reatyla." sons vvhy Communism has La Stampa, daily of Turin, Italy, said a clergy congregation not as yet dominated the document urging clergy to wear vvorld. decorous attire is in preparation. ·But it said the document would only repeat what the pope already said - 9tat priests and WASHINGTON (NC) - The religious should wear distinctive,. Supreme Court has blocked efrecognizable garb. forts by a group of Chicago Catholics to obtain a court injunction that would have stopped Cardinal John Cody of ChicVATICAN CITY (NC) _ The ago from closing their parish. ---Vatican has raised its gasoline The court, in a decision reached prices to the equivalent of $2 without comment, refused to rea galIon for super and $1.70 for view a lower court ruling which regular. maintained that the dispute beBut Vatican employees still tween Cardinal Cody andmemhave a great advantage over bers of Sacred Heart Parish in other Italian gasoline buyers, Chicago was essentially a reliwho pay $3.30 a galIon for gious matter in which civil courts have no juirisdiction. super and $3.20 for regular.
Parishioners lose
OUR LADY OF MT. CARMEL, SEEKONK The Gingham Girls, a Warwick senior citizens group, will entertain at the Women's Guild meet· ing scheduled for 8 p.m. wed~ nesday. SACRED HEARTS COMMUNITY, FALL RIVER The Sisters of the Sacred Hearts, recently moved from their ·Fairhaven convent to a new home at 491 Hood Street, will hold an open house from 2 to 8 p.m. daily from Easter Sunday through Sunday, April 13.. All are welcome. The sisters are happy to receive requests for intercessory prayer at any time. DOMINICAN THIRD ORDER, FALL RIVER Dominican Third Order members 'will meet at 7:30 p.m. Friday, April 11 at Rose Hawthorne Lathrop Home, 1600 Bay Street, Fall River. ST. JOHN EVANGELIST, POCASSET Altar boys will practice at 10 a.m. Friday and Saturday. All are expected to attend alI Holy Week ceremonies. Grade 2 children will attend a penance service at 2 p.m. Sunday, April 13. ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI, NEW BEDFORDAltar boys will rehearse at 3:30 p.m. today and tomorrow and at 9 a.m. Saturday. AlI CCD classes will meet at· the regular times this week. ST. MARY, SEEKONK Altar boys will practice today, tomorrow and Saturday at 3:30 p.m. Final CCD classes for grades 1 and 2 will be held Saturday. Parents are invited to attend a closing celebration at 11:15 a.m. in the social room. Sister Thomas More, OP, associate administrator of St. Anne's Hospital, Fall River, will speak at a mother-daughter communion breakfast following 11:30 a.m. Mass Sunday, April
Thurs., April 3, 1980
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Tel. 548-3211 THANKSGIVING Novena To ·St. Jude
o Holy St. Jude, Apostle, and Martyr, great in virtue and rich in miracles; near kinsman of Jesus Christ, faithful intercessor of all who invoke your special patronage in time of need, to you I have recourse from the depth of my heart and humbly beg to whom God has given such great power to come to my assistance. Help me in my present and urgent petition. In return, I promise to make your name known, and cause you to be invoked. Say three Our Fathers, three Hail Marys and Glorias. Publication must be promised. St. Jude pray for us all who invoke your aid, Amen. This Novena has never been known to fail. I have had my request granted. Publication promised. A reader. (Advt.l B.A.A.
Route 28 East Falmouth Hosts - Paul & Ellen Goulet
548-4266 or 548-4267
Vatican Too
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., April 3, 1980
Practicing By Father John J. Castelot
know your faIth 1
Can you be whole again?
I didn't have a lot of time to think about myself. In '1959, I By Father John Barrett, S.J. had begun a weekly teen advice column for the diocesan press We sat in a cafe in tomb-like called 'Dear Doris.' It's still goEast Berlin, tired after the long wait at the border check-point ing strong and' I enjoy writing and the sombre walk between it as much as I did in the beginthe barbed wire walls separating ning. I also work with the National Multiple Sclerosis Society us from living West Berlin. promoting its popular MS READOver a refreshing cup, I stud- a-thon." ied Doris Revere Peters, smartly Doris kept steering our condressed, medium height, slim, versation away from herself, not blue-green eyes, traces of grey on purpose, but because her inin her wavy brown hair. Years before we had met in New York, terests lie much more with other again in Rome, Paris, Dussel- people. ShE!' is, indeed, a happy dorf, and now in Berlin, at an woman. She had to rebuild her International Catholic Press life when death claimed her beUnion meeting. This woman was loved Maurice, but she held the a competent professional journ- key that unlocked the door to alist. ~ut who was she, really? life without hitn. That key could well be called "concern for those "Well, before all else, I am a who depend upon me." widow . . . and a mother," she Today her sons' are successful laughed. "I have a busy life, and men. Doris works, visits them two marvelous sons." and applauds their accomplishAs we talked, I learned that ments. Her own ambition is to she was a New Yorker. She had write a book on spirituality. "All met her future husband, Mau- my life I've had responsibility rice Peters, in Salt Lake City,' for someone," she said. "Now I'm where he was area director of free for a deeper spiritual life. the Ford Motor Company. They Ten years ago I discovered the were married in Salt Lake's Focolare Movement and it gave magnificent Cathedral of the me strength to live what I beMadeleine. lieve, my life centered in Christ." It was a happy marriage, blessed with two sons. The fuA PERSONAL VIEW ture looked bright until the day polio struck Maurice and their By Doris Revere Peters boys. Only a year later, Salk I lost my husband when our made his great discovery. Paralyzed from the waist down the two boys were small, I have father was told he would never built a satisfying life. It didn't walk again, to which he replied, happen quickly, but it did come "The hell I won't." Therapy did about. , The proliferation of "how to" enable him to walk again and the boys recovered well. But for books (even one on "How to Be 10 years, the father and sons a Widow") would make one were together while Doris think that all that is necessary worked. "But it was a blessing is a clever book and tl'le ability in disguise," she says now, "his to read. It's not that simple. . influence was so great, his charm Neither is the abundant advice - , so infectious, that he left his in- from relatives and friends. delible mark upon them." However, some of the old But Maurice died suddenly of cliches still make sense. For instance, keeping busy makes an embolism in 1962. Doris said that losing him sense. And the often trite "keep crushed her. But she realized your faithg is sound. Even the boys' loss was unusually through grief and loneliness, I severe. Seldom do children have sensed that it would all work the privilege of their father's out. I realize now that I was company as much as had her relying on the Lord. sons. For me keeping busy' was "The last thing Maurice would easy, but I know this is not so have wanted us to do would easy for those whose children have been to suspend our lives. are grown and who are finanHe would have expected us to cially secure. I hatl to keep busy go about the business of living. to survive financially; and I'm "I had to go on working, to afraid my colleagues were build a satisfying, economically shocked when I appeared at the reasonable career. And I had to office the day after the funeral. see that joy stayed in our lives. I had to go somewhere, I had In looking after these essentials, to do something.
I was lucky. Faith supported me and financial need kept me so busy that I didn't have time to think of myself. In addition, I was concerned about my two young sons. Everyone's father is unusual. 'But he was unique. And theirs was an unusual relationship. Ten years before when Paul was three and Charlie just year old, all three were stricken with polio. After five years recuperating, they recovered to a degree, the boys more than Pete, who advanced from a wheelchair and crutches to a cane. Peopl~ ask, "Wasn't it awful?" Of course it was awful - for the ego of a young, brilliant man to lose the ability to support his family, awful wondering if his sons would ever walk. Yet the compensations were far more important. Because of an illness the boys had the unique opportunity of spending 10 years of their lives with the undivided attention of their father. The polio crippled his legs, so' touch football was out. But fishing was in. So was reading. The body was damaged, but not the spirit. Their ideals and prevailing good humor were forged by love in imitation of the father. They swam together, learned to walk together, and read the New York Times together '(a real feat for a five-year-old). And the tales their father wove during storytelling hour will some day be shared by theatergoers as the young son - turned - playwright draws on them or unlimited story lines. This relationship was shattered by death. The sudden loss of their father was traumatic. Even in my own grief, my heart went out to them. Theirs was the greater loss. So this additional need - to help ease their pain and support them in the adjustment they would have to make if they were to be whole again was my third blessing. In helping them, I helped myself.
Church must help "It is true that the church must uphold Christ's teaching on marriage. At the same time, she must help people who are in pain, who have suffered from broken homes - and she must above all embrace theth with the love of Christ." - Archbishop Peter L. Gerety
"A man who listens to God's word but does not put it into practice is like a man who looks into a mirror at the place he was born with: he looks at himself, then goes off and promptly forgets what he looks like. There is, on the other hand, the man who peers into freedom's ideal law and abides by it. He is no forgetful listener, but one who carries out the law in practice" (James 1, 23-25). These words of James, leader of the Christian community at Jerusalem, point up a dangerous human failing: a short memory. If a person all too quickly forgets the agony of a hangover or his remorse after being unkind or dishonest, the chances are good that before long he will be once more drinking to excess or hurting people he loves or cheating at work. One who forgets his behavoral history is' doomed to repeat its tragedies. . A short memory can wreak havoc in our own personal lives; it can do the same in our relations with others. It is distressing to see a congregation united as a community of love around the Sunday Eucharist and then, when they are invited to "go in peace," mouthing in-
suits at anyone who delays their takeoff from the parking lot by as much as five seconds. James singles out some really down-to-earth specifics and leaves no room for self-delusion: "If a man who does not control his tongue imagines that he is devout, he is self-deceived; his worship is pointless. Looking after orphans and widows in their distress and keeping oneself unspotted by the world make for. true worship without stain before our God and Father" (James 1,26-27). Our hearts go out to a woman who loses a beloved husband and is left with anxious concern for her children and herself. The parish family rallies round with genuine concern, comfort and more food than can possibly be consumed on anyone occasion. But a week after the funeral, who remembers, who cares? She is still desolate, alone, anxious and who remembers? The parish family may well be her only family. Will it remember the words of St. Paul reminding it that we are members of each other in the body of Christ? Will it remember its sister in Christ? Or will short memories rob it of spiritual insight and leave her to her loneliness, her hurt, her gnawing anxiety?
After the funeral By Cecelia M. Bennett Imagine that your spouse has died, you have three young children to raise alone. You experience being single again, but there is a big difference. The difference is that you have become accustomed to sharing your life, your bed, your joys, sorrows, achievements with one you love. Being alone is frightening. You feel angry, frustrated, confused and lonely. These feelings hang on. If only there were people to whom you could turn, people who understand and listen and move with you through the confusion and frustration. Our opportunities for these kinds of encounters are not in performing extraordinary acts, but in simply doing the ord.inary things. We, as members of parish communities, can be present to families that have experienced the death of a spouse, not just at the funeral, but for weeks, months, even years later. We can visit, listen, under: stand, comfort. Often, this means doing something without waiting to be asked: carpooling children; shopping together; if necessary, helping the person develop new skills such as cooking or keeping household finances. How welcome the neighbor who would give the children a ride to school in the morning or who would be there in the afternoon when they come home. And how nice if a friend babysat on a Friday evening, letting you just relax or perhaps attend a meeting. of the parish support
group for the widowed. An invitation to join a family Sunday afternoon picnic would also be welcome. A man who has lost his wife often finds shopping for school clothes difficult. The friend who offers to help can turn a dreaded task into an enjoyable one. And why is it that couples who were friends stop visiting? Saturday evenings can be very lonely times for widows and widowers. Thoughtful couples will keep the friendship alive. A parish can reach out by enTurn to Page Thirteen'
For children By Janaan Manternach The caravan was moving slowly across the desert. Jacob and Rachel, with relatives and friends, were hoping to reach the town of Ephrath before evening. Rachel was pregnant. They all knew she would have her baby that day. As the shadows began to lengthen, Rachel felt sharp pains. The caravan was still a long distance from Ephrath. It soon became clear that there was no longer time to reach the town. Jacob stopped the caravan and quickly put up a tent. He placed Rachel on soft straw. He was worried. He could see that she was in great pain. By evening it was almost more than she could bear. She sensed that she was dying. During the ev!'!ping, in the Turn to Page Thirteen
A Verdade E A Vida
Thurs., April 3, 1980
Dirigida pelo Rev. Edmond Rego Je~us
COUGHLIN Funeral Home Inc.
Celebramos domingo 0 acontecimento pascal de Jesus e queremos captar o que isso significa para 0 nosso mundo em que a morte continua a pairar como espectro amea9ador, quer ela proceda da curruP9ao e desgate dos organismos, que venha ela imposta do exterior assassinio. Jesus viveu a vida humana, especialmente as suas limita90es, nao escapando a propria morte. Mas os textos inculcam com igual vigor que Jesus tambem ressuscitou, isto e, voltou a vida, a plenitude da vida na qual 0 Pai 0 reintegrou. Sem esta conclusao, 0 intinerario de Jesus teria sido, em grande parte, urn fracasso. Ficaria na historia como qualquer outro grande homem, exemplar pela coerencia transparente da vida, mas nao salvador de todos os homens. o misterio pascal com 0 seu duplo polo, morte e ressurrei9ao, diz aos homens que, apesar da morte, eles estao chamados por Deus a vida. 0 realismo impoe-nos como inelutavel a nossa condi9ao mortal. Mas a fe diz-nos que urn homem, Jesus Cristo, goza da plenitude da vida como primicias dos ressuscitados. Isto quer dizer que a sorte que ja e realidade em Jesus cabe-nos igualmente a nos, porque titulares da mesma esperan9a, por dom misericordioso d'Aquele que e a fonte da vida. Importante para Jesus, a Sua Ressurrei9ao e garantia da vitoria alcan9ada sobre a morte, vitoria que nos partilharemos, se vivermos e morrermos com Ele. A Igreja apostolica soube captar o que isto encerrava de boa-novo libertadora para todos quantos experimentam a opressao da morte. Jesus libertou-nos da morte, n~o escapando a ela ou rejeitando a condi9ao mortal, mas atestando pela sua nova situa9ao de ressuscitado que, para alem da morte, ha vida, existe a vida. A historia dos povos conhece generosidades invulgares que se votaram a uma causa ate a morte. A historia recente assinala exemplos de pessoas de tal maneira identificadas com 0 projecto empreendido, que nao param nem hesitam perante a morte; aceitam tarefas que desaguam com frequencia no sacrificio pessoal. E alguns fazem-no sem professar qualquer cren9a na' sobrevivencia para alem da morte. A certeza crista numa felicidade alem tumulo foi, por vezes, invocada como tranquilizante e adormecedor face as urgencias da vida presentee ~ uma errada utiliza9ao da esperan9a. Essa fe numa vida que esta para vir em vez de calmar, devia precipitarnos para as transforma90es que se impoem para que a nossa existencia humana se pudesse chamar cada vez mais vida. De resto, nunca se viu uma meta final que nao fosse precedida por outras intermedias que para la encaminham. 0 nosso empenho devia ser total. o unico Jesus que existe e 0 ressuscitado e nao ha outro.
308 Locust Street Fall River, Mass. John J. Coughlin Michael J. Coughlin
. " •
Tel. 678-5651 After the funeral - what?
For children Continued from page twelve tent beside the road in the desert, Rachel's baby was born. "You have a son," the nurse whispered. A smile crossed Rachel's lips. She was hardly breathing. With one last breath she whispered a boy's name, Benoni, and she died. Jacob could not believe it; All night he wept. He loved Rachel more than anything. Now she was dead. Jacob's eyes were still red as the sun rose over the desert. He poured dust over his head. He would not eat or drink anything, so great was his sorrow over Rachel's death.. He could think of nothing but Rachel. He remembered how he had worked 14 years without pay to be able to marry her. He remembered the long years when they could not have any children. . Jacob could not bear to call his new son Benoni. The name carried with it the memory of Rachel's last hours of pain. So he changed the baby's name to Benjamin. It was a name he knew Rachel would like. It would remind ·him of her strength and beauty. Jacob's sadness over Rachel's
death lasted a long time. He decided to return to his father Isaac's home at Hebron. That is where his grandparents had also lived. Jacob never married again. He treasured the memory of Rachel all the rest of his life.
Funeral Continued from page twelve couraging formation of a support group for the widowed. It can encourage participation of singles in parish activities. Organizations can reach out to widowed members' by encouraging them to participate. A simple phone call inviting them to attend a function or offering them a ride so they do not have to come alone can make them feel wanted. A 'parish can develop a youth ministry sensitive to the needs of young people who have lost a parent. Liturgies and homilies that celebrate the family life in its differenl forms can encourage the widowed parent and family. A parish might sponsor programs on death and dying to acquaint tthe community with ways of ministry to the grieving.
China hears Vatican Radio VATICAN CITY (NC) - For the first time in more than 30 years, Vatican Radio has been receiving letters from China. Jesuit Father Roberto Tucci, director of Vatican Radio, told a recent press conference that the letters began arriving last' year and now average 30 to 40 a month. Most are from young people who have no knowledge of the Catholic Church and who wish to obtain information, he added. For many years, aneight-member staff headed by Father Joseph Smith, professor of missiology at the 'Pontifical Gregorian University, has been preparing and broadcasting a daily half-hour program for China. Emphasis has been on world
news and on human, cultural and philosophical issues. During the rule of Mao Tsetung, there was no way to know whether the transmissions were being received in China, Father Tucci said. Now Vatican Radio will begin transmitting a weekly Chinese-language Mass to China. Father Tucci also said Vatican Radio transmissions to two Eastern European countries are blocked at times by government a~thorities. He refused to name the countries. In one of the countries, he added, the interference occurs when "we switch from religious programming to talking about human rights."
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1150 JEFFERSON BLVD. WARWICK, R.I. lRt. .5 South· AIrport Ellt)
Bishop Feehan
Feehan High in Attleboro has been evaluated for reaccreditation by the New England Association of Colleges. and Secondary Schools. Preparation for the evaluation began a year ago, said school officials, with every faculty member named to com路 mittees preparing self-study reports. Finally a booklet summarizing all findings w:as prepared for submission to the nine-member evaluation team, which visited Feehan for three days last month. The team will report to the New England Association, wich will make the reaccreditation decision. Feehan's first accreditation was for a 10-year period, the highest recognition given by the association; and it is hoped that this achievement will be repeated. Sister Mary Faith, Feehan principal, explained that accreditation is important to the acceptance of students by colleges and universities and that it attests to a school's own standards. Sister Mary Faith, in expressing her confidence that Feehan will be reaccredited, declared: "The faculty are dedicated and concerned about the education and the total atmosphere at Feehan. They have ~n interest in the welfare of each student, and this interest comes across to anyone visiting Feehan." She noted that enrollment has increased yearly since 1972, and that Feehan will be at its capacity of 950 students this September, for the first time being forced to turn away applicants.
Holy Family
Thurs., April 3, 1980
Mathematicians at the New Bedford school placed first and second in a four-team math meet with Coyle-Cassidy High. The winners were Barbara Stone, Marcus Paiva, Marc Fournier, Dwayne Allemao and Monique Labens. Students recently viewed General Motors' "Previews of Progress" program, concerning advances in science, engineering and related careers. Last week French and Spanish students presented their fourth annual language fair. Winners included Lisa Gobeila, first prize for a French dinner; Rui Adao, Dolores Brandao and Maria Fraga, second prize for a Spanish culture exhibit; and Margaret Tonetto, third prize for a model of the Eiffel Tower.
CoyIe-Cassidy The student council announces that any money raised over the $500 goal for its Lenten Rice Bowl project will be channeled to aid for the Azores. . Cheerleaders at the Taunton high won third place in a contest held at Spencer, Mass., and students Kelly Moran and Jeff Wade are being congratulated for their contribution to a retreat day held for confirmation candidates at St. Ann's parish, Raynham.
By Cecilia Belanger According to latest reports about 4,0000 teen-agers are taking up cigarette smoking daily, while on the college level there has been a decline. The Department of Health, Education and Welfare says: - If teen-agers smoke a pack a day, they have one chance in 20 of developing lung cancer. - They have six chances in 10 of suffering a heart attack. - They have one chance in 20 of d,eveloping chronic bronchitis or emphysema. - The life expectancy of the pack-a-day boy is 65: two packs reduce life expectancy to 62. For girls the corresponding life expectancies are 72 and 70. (A non-smoking 16-year-old, boy can expect to live 71 years, a non-smoking girl 78 years.) Cardiologist Russell Luepker CAMP FIRE" GIRLS Michelle Dionne, Jeanne Pytel, Marianne Rego and Jessica Rocha and social psychologist C. AnJohnson say that teenof St. Michael and St. Mathieu's parishes, Fall River, receive "I Live My Faith" medals derson agers labor under the assumpfrom Father John Perry in ceremonies at Bishop Stang High School chapel, North Dart- tion that they will live forever. mouth, held in conjunction with television Mass marking the 50th an~iversary of the Camp Therefori! warnings that smoking Fire organization. The medals recognize completion of a program to mcrease awareness of can cause cancer and shortened lifespans don't frighten them. the place of God in daily life. (Rosa Photo) What influences teens to smoke, they believe, is the fear of being thought "uncool" if they don't. So they have prepared a series of ads turning the tables, depicting smoking as "uncool," and are hopeful that they will influence ,youngsters. Around the country the big surprise has been that cigarette smoking is declining at many colleges, even as it increases in high schools. For example, Princeton reports that only seven percent of its 4,500 undergraduates smoke, down from 45 percent about nine years ago. At the University of Minnesota 20 percent of the WHAT CAN JESUS' death freshmen smoke, compared with and resurrection reveal about 34 percent a decade ago. Harvard our own lives? says only five percent of its If we Stop with Holy Week's freshmen smoke, down from 22 outward events, we are con- percent in 1960. fused. But if we look beyond Some of the reasons: students these events, a deeper truth say they can't light up without emerges. Jesus invites us to share thinking about the noxious taste, a deeper mystery. lung cancer and wasted money. As we walk with him during The older the student, the more By {:harlie Martin Holy Week, do we recognize in aware he becomes. his suffering many of our own. LOOK BEYOND Social attitudes toward smoktrials? Sometimes the nails of ing have changed. Says one stuloneliness, rejection and misLook beyond the bread you eat understanding are driven deep- dent, "Four years ago, if you lit See your Savior and your Lord ly into our spirit. Why does life up at a "(liriner table with four hold this pain and brokenness? other people, you wouldn't get Look beyond the cup you drink Are emptiness and hurt our real hassled. Today, three out of four start coughing and complaining. destiny? ,See his love poured out .as blood Some college students say that Jesus faces these same quesGive us a sign that we migllt believe in you tions, yet he continues his jour- with maturity they have quit ney. Without answers to all his smoking. One puts it this way: Our fathers brought us manna from the sky whys, he makes the ultimate "I used to think that holding a I am the bread which from the heavens came act of faith and surrenders his cigarette gave the impression that I was more mature, especilife. He who eats this bread wiil never die As we walk through our own ally at parties. I don't think that The bread I give you will be my very flesh times of brokenness, we too are anymore." Approaching adulthood also challenged to have trust. Can My blood wiil 'truly be your drink we remember how we have been forced Anne H of Radcliffe to taken car~ of in the past and quit. "iI'm going to get married ThIs man speaks harshly. summon confidence to face the soon," she said, "and I feel Who can listen to his word? guilty about smoking. I don't future? want to let little children even Holy Week asks us to be We shall no longer follow him people of faith. Mystery sur- see me." You, my disciples, will you also leave rounds our lives and our God is But on the high school level the God of the unexpected. When peer pressure still prevails. And Lord, to whom can we go? we seem lost, we can still be so does the example of parents found. Even as we enCBunter' who smoke. Written by Darryl Ducote, sung by The Dameans, (c) 1980 the uncertainty of death, we Questions may be sent to walk with Jesus into resurrecby F. E. L Publications, Ltd. Cecilia BelaDger c/o The Antion. chor, P.O. Box 7F Fall River, Mass. 02722.
OCUI on youth
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By Bill Morrissette
portsWQtch Special Athletes' Dreams Come True Basketball team A of the Naz- Ravenelle, the other members areth Hall -and Vocational Cen- of the team. The Center's Team B took ter, of Fall River, won the Division II state championship at third place in its division, III, the Special Olympics State . and the players on that team Tournament held in Taunton John Kiley, Mike Harrington, High School. John Silvia, Linda Carreiro, Madeline Duhon and Judy The team received the cham- Brown all received bronze pionship trophy and the individ- medals. uals on the team received gold The success attained by both medals. The champions were teams are the results of hard sparked by the high scoring of work and diligent practice over Ricky Nobrega and Tom Beane, the past 18 months under the who got good support from Car- supervision and direction of mel Rosa, Tim Paul, Mary Gar- Frank DiCristofaro, adapted phyro, Brian Boissoneau and Terry sical education teacher.
More Diocesan All-Stars Coyle-Cassidy has placed three players on the Southeastern Mass. Conference Division Three all-star basketball team. They are Kevin Chisholm, Tim Leary and Ron Silvia, who were named to the fourth, seventh and ninth slots, respectively, on the 10player team. Others on the stellar squad are: I, senior Chris Aguiar, Case; 2, junior Ernie Bacon, Diman Voke; 3, senior Helmut Bryant, Falmouth; 5, senior Chris Day, 6,'· senior Dighton-Rehoboth; Scott Eckersley, Westport; 8,
junior Jeff Pina, Falmouth; 10, senior Steve Wetherell, Bourne. The conference's Division I all-star hockey team is made up of forwards Jeff Connors, Falmouth; Tom Richardson, Somerset; Scott Nickerson and Greg Neary, Barnstable; Bob Reynolds, New Bedford; and ,Bob Ventura, Taunton; defensemen Wayne Ferreira, Somerset; Shawn Chicoine and Mike Pellegrini, Falmouth; goalies Jamie Coleman, Durfee, Bill Jacques, DennisFalmouth; utility Fred Bohnenberger, Falmouth.
PLAY BALL! Under new coach Doug Berry, Holy Family High School's baseball team opens its season tomorrow with a non-league game at 10 a.m. against Old Colony Voke-Tech in Rochester. The new Blue Wave mentor is a Bridgewater State Teachers College graduate and a former baseball assistant at Apponequet Regional High School in Lakeville. He is presently a physical education teacher at Holy Family. Holy Family's Division II East conference schedule calls for engagements home-and-home with Fairhaven, Falmouth, New
Bedford Voke~Tech, Dartmouth, Bourne, Wareham and Old Rochester. Next Wednesday the Blue Wave will be host to Case in another non-league game. Bishop Connolly's Cougars open their season next week with a pair of non-league games against New Bedford Voke-Tech on Monday and Fairhaven on Friday. Among other non-league games this week,\Diman Voke is host to Dartmouth at 10 a.m. tomorrow. Somerset opens at Dartmouth Tuesday when Case is host to Old Rochester, and Durfee launches its season on Wednesday at Cumberland.
New Bedford Wins Hockey Crown New Bedford, regular season titlist, nipped Taunton, the runner-up, 5-4, in the Driscoll Rink, Fall River, last Sunday night and completed a sweep of the best-of-three final in the Bristol County Catholic (CYO) Hockey League playoffs. Pete Larrivee netted two goals in leading the New Bedford attack. New Bedford led, 5-21 going into the last period and staved off a spirited Taunton rally in that canto to eke out the decision and the playoff crown. New Bedford finished the regular season with 17 victories against one loss and two ties. Taunton had --eight wins, eight
losses and two ties. Best-of-three playoffs in CYO diocesan basketball got underway last Sunday. In the Senior Division, St. Mathieu, of Fall River, defeated Our Lady of Assumption, 83-72, in Fall River. The series resumed in the Kennedy CYO Center, New Bedford, Tuesday night. In games played in Taunton, Holy Name teams of Fall River posted victories in the Junior and the Prep Divisions. The Holy Namers defeated Holy Family, of Taunton, 49-43, in the Junior Division opener while the F~ll Riverit~s outclassed Our Lady of Lourdes, Taunton, 60-44, in the Prep Division.
THE ANCHORThurs., April 3, 1980
tv, mOVIe news Symbols following film reviews indicate both general and Catholic Film Office ratings, which do not always coincide. General ratings: G-suitable for gen· eral viewing; PG-parental guidance sug· gested; R-restricted, unsuitable for children or younger teens. Catholic ratings: AI-approved for children and adults; A2-approved for adults and adolescents; A3-approved for adults only; B-objectionable in part for everyone; A4-separate classification (given to films not morally offensive Which, however, require some an31ysis and explanation): C-condemned.
New Films "The Ninth Configuration" (Warners), written and directed by William Blatty (author of "The Exorcist") is set in an experimental mental institution for Marine officers driven to insanity by the stress of the Vietnam combat. A supposedly renowned psychiatrist, Col. Kane (Stacy Keach) is in charge, but often seems more disturbed than his patients. However, {{ane is intent on helping his charges and although unorthodox his methods seem to have effect. Through violence and the use of suicide as a plot device, Blatty grapples with some bf the most profound of religious questions and although his film is flawed and not suitable for children it offers rewarding viewing to adults. R, A4 "Defiance" (AlP): A young merchant seaman leads the terrorized residents of a Lower East Side neighborhood in a vigilante assault on their tormentors. This is run-of-the-mill entertainment, and its graphic violence rules out younger viewers. PG, A3 "The Fifth Floor" (Marvin): A young woman is wrongly committed to an institution for the in this exploitation movie heavy on nudity and violence. R,B "Hide in Plain Sight" (United Artists): This is a low-keyed, well-acted story about injustice arising from a federal program which protects informers by giving them a new identity in another part of the country. James Caan is a blue collar worker who conflicts with a government he had always respected when his ex-wife, now married to a gangster, disappears with their two children and he tries to g'et them back. PG, A2 "The Wicker Man" (Abraxas): Christianity and paganism conflict on a small Scottish island when a God-fearing police sergeant investigates the disappearance of a child whom he suspects has been the victim of a human sacrifice rite. Though the plot and acting are good, the treatment, featuring abundant nudity, spoils the film's effect. R,C On Telel'ision An estranged father and son are reconciled on "One Last Ride," a five-part miniseries for youngsters, airing Monday, April 7, through Friday, April 11, at 4-4:30 p.m. each afternoon on CBS.
~. . Ronny Cox is a one-tIme rodeo champ whose wife dies, leaving him to raise their 10year-old son (David Hollander). The problem is that the son has never seen his father, who disappeared on the rodeo circuit shortly before he was born. Unable to quit when he was champ and then too ashamed to come home when an injury turned him into a rodeo clown, the father is not exactly a sympathetic hero. The son, however, gradually gets over his resent'ment and gets his dad to stop acting like a clown and become a real father. "The Henderson Monster," Wednesday, April 23, 9 to 11 p.m., CBS: This is a study of what happens when a small town mayor tries to learn whether the local university is conducting its genetic experimentation with proper safeguards. The producers comment that the value of such experiments which may mean "benefit for mankind or the end of the world" is debated by experts but they think the public has a right to know of them. They note that the dramatization includes some sexual dialogue that" is "somewhat sophisticated for teleyision," but there is nothing in the program they wouldn't want their own children to watch. Films on TV Sunday, April 6, 7 p.m. (ABC) "The Ten Commandments" (1957) - A four-hour presentation of the C. B. DeMille biblical spectacle starring Charlton Heston (as Moses), Yul Brynner, Anne Baxter, Edward G. Robinson and Yyonne De Carlo. Featuring excellent special effects, the picture is more' entertaining than inspirational. Al . Monday, April 7, 9 p.m. (ABC) - "High Plains Drifter" (1973) - Clint Eastwood is a mysterious drifter who saves a town from vengeful gunmen destroying it. A despicable film that relies heavily on violence and rape for its impact. B Saturday, April 12, 9 p.m. (CBS) - "Magnum Force" (1973) - Clint Eastwood is a brutal detective unconcerned for legal niceties. A thoroughly irresponsible and violent movie. C
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., April 3, 1980
PUBLICITY CHiJRMEN are asked to submit news Items for this column to The Anchor, P. O. Box 7. Fall River, 02722. Name of city or town should ~e Included. as well as full dates of all ~ctivilies. Please send news of future rather than past events. Note: We do not carry news of f'mdraising activities such u bingos, whists, dances, suppers and bazaars.· We are happy to carry notices of spiritual pro,rams, club meetings, youth projects and similar nonprofit activities. Fundraising projects may be &dverlised at our regular rates. obtainable from The Anchor business office. telephone 675·7151.
ST. MARY, SEEKONK Children entering grades 1 and 2 of the COD program in the fall may register from 10 to 11 a.m. Saturday at the CCD center. A parish family retreat will be held the weekend of Sept. 26 at La Salette Shrine, Attleboro. Further information is available from Sharon Papineau, 3365453.
ST. MARY'S CATHEDRAL, FALL RIVER The Women's Guild will meet at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday in the par- SS. PETER AND PAUL, ish hall with Mrs. James O'Brien FALL RIVER Jr., president, and her support- . A census of the Watuppa ing officers as hostesses. Heights section of the parish A nominating committee will begin Monday afternoon, headed by Mrs. Mary Machado conducted by Stephen A. Ferwill submit a slate of officers nandes, aGcompanied by Father for the coming year. Joseph Costa of Our Lady of Rice Bowl contributions may Health parish. be brought to the church at any Eucharistic ministers will time and given to an usher. bring communion to the sick weekly, between the regular ST. ANTHONY, monthly visits by the priests. EAST FALMOUTH An organizational meeting to Anyone wishing to receive comform a support group for div- munion in this way is asked to orced and separated Catholics notify one ~f the priests. in the Cape Cod area will be Choir reherasals for the anniheld at 7:30 p.m. Sunday, April versary Mass of Thanksgiving, 13 in the church hall on Route April 26, will begin Monday at 28. Further information is avail- .7:45 p.m. able at all rectories and from Activities and spiritual life Father John C. Ozug at St. Ancommittees will meet Tuesday thony's rectory, telephone 548night in the rectory at 7 and 8, 0108. respectively. FIVE HOUR VIGIL, FALL RIVER DIOCESE The vigil held monthly in churches of the diocese will take place tonight instead of on the First Friday and will expand to an all-night observance. Beginning .at 7 p.m. at St. Anthony of the Desert Church, Fall River, with the Mass of. the Lord's supper and the Washing of the Feet, the vigil will continue until 8 a.m. Friday; concluding with the Mass of the Presanctified. It will include a holy hour, recitation of the rosary and a coffee break. All are welcome to attend all or any part of it. ST. PIUS X, SOUTH YARMOUTH Women's Guild members will hear gospel singer Brenda Steyens at a meeting at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday in the parish hall. Guests are welcome. ST. STANISLAUS, FALL RIVER' Parents of candidates for first communion will meet at 6:30 p.m. Sunday, April 13 in the lower chapel. The Holy Rosary Society will meet at 1:15 p.m. Sunday, April 13. The Men's dUb will meet at 7 p.m. the same day. Prospective .members are invited. cST. VINCENT DE pAUL SOCIETY, GREATER FALL RIVER. Vincentians will meet for Mass at 7 p.m. Tuesday, April 8, at St. George's Church, Westport. A meeting will follow in the church hall at which plans will be made for attendance at a regional Vincentian meeting to be held June 13 to 15 at Niagara Falls, N.Y.
ST. RITA, MARION Confirmation will be administered at 7 p.m. Tuesday in the parish. Adults have the option of confirmation at St. Mary's Cathedral on Pentecost Sunday and may make arrangements at the rectory. LA SALETTE SHRINE, ATTLEBORO Easter Sunday activities at the shrine will include an Easter egg hunt for children from 1 to 2:30 p.m. Vespers will be held in the People's. Chapel at 3 p.m., a service which will continue every Sunday at the same time.
ST. JOHN OF GOD, . SOMERSET CCD classes will not be held Saturday for grades 1 through
The reorganized Holy Name Society will meet at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday. Oficers are Manuel Arruda, president; Domingos Cabral, vice-president; Joseph Raposo, treasurer; Steven Rebello, secretary.
ST. JOHN EVANGELIST, ATTLEBORO The Ladies Guild will meet at 8 p.m. Wednesday in the school cafeteria for a presentation on antiques and furniture refinishing. Board members for the coming year will be announced, as well as plans for the guild's spring banquet. All ladies of the parish and guests are welcome.
HOLY NAME, FALL RIVER Father Joseph Faucher, SJ of Bishop Connolly High School wi!l be guest homilist for Holy Week ceremonies.
ST. LOUIS, ST. VINCENT DE PAUL, FALL RIVER FALL RIVER DIOCESE The secular Franciscans of the The Central Council of the St. Louis Fraternity will meet Wednesday, April 9, beginning Vincentians will meet Wedneswith attendance at 6:30 p.m. . day at St. John Baptist Church, New Bedford. Mass. All are invited.
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ST. PATRICK, FALMOUTH Students in grades 7 and 8 will participate in a 16-mile walk along Cape Cod Canal to raise money fQ.r American missions in Haiti. Those wishing to support the project may sign pledges following all Masses this weekend. MARRIAGE PREPARATION DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER_ An all-day marriage preparation session for couples in the New Bedford area will be held Sept. 14. It is primarily intended for those who work at night and cannot attend the evening sessions which are offered monthly. Other preparation programs will be held at St. Mary's Cathedral, Fall River, April 13, 16, 20 and 23; at Jesus-Mary Academy, Fall River, May 4, 7, 11 and 14; and May 18, 21, 25 and 28; and at S5. Peter and Paul Church, Fall River, April 20 and 27 and May 4 and 11. All begih at 7:30 p.m. In Taunton, beginning at 7 p.m. at Coyle and Cassidy High School, sessions are set for May 18, 21 and 25. In Attleboro, also at 7 p.m., they will be held May 18 and 25 and June 1 and 8, at St. John's School. Portuguese language series· will be held at 7:30 p.m. at Espirito Santo School, Fall River, April 20, 23, 27 and 30; and at St. John Baptist School, New Bedford, at 7 p.m. April 13, 19 and 20. Information as to registration procedures is available at all rectories.
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MASS. 02726
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