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The ANCHOR An Anchor of the Soul, Sure and Firm-Sf. Paul

Fall River Mass." Thursday, April 4, 1974 PRICE tDc Vol. 18, No. 14 @ 1974 The Anchor $5.00 per year l

Rev. Edwin J. Loew Dies, Pa'stor of Woods Hole Rev. Edwin J. Loew, pastor of St. Joseph Parish, Woods Hole, died on Monday at the CatholIC Memorial Home in Fall River while recuperating from recent surgery. Son of the late William and the late Ellen Cassidy Loew, Father Loew was born in New York City on March 18, 1902. After attending elementary grades at Sacred Heart Parish School in New York City, he studied at St. Mary's High School in Taunton and Providence College. Father Loew then prepared for the priesthood at 51. Bernard's Seminary, Rochester, N. Y. and was ordained a priest by Most Rev. James E. Cassidy, Third Bishop of Fall River, on May 6, 1934. . He served at St. Patrick Par-

ish, Falmouth; Our Lady of the Assumption Parish, Osterville; Immaculate Conception PaI'lish, No. Easton; St. Patrick Parish, Fall River; Holy Name Parish, Turn to Page Two

Diocesan Holy Week The most solemn days of the liturgical year will begin on Sunday with the ceremonies of Passion (Palm) Sunday. Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin, S.T.D., will celebrate the Solemn Blessing of Palms and the Mass of Palm Sunday at St. Mary's Cathedral on Saturday afternoon, April 6, at 4 o'clock. The parishes of the Diocese will hold similar solemn ceremonies on· Saturday and/or Sunday. At other Masses celebrated on Palm Sunday or its vJgil, a solemn entrance commemorating the messianic entrance of Christ into Jerusalem will be observed. At other Masses a simple en· trance will be used. On Wednesday evening, the Most Reverend Bish(lp will celebrate an especially priestly rite at .the Cathedral. The Chrism Mass will be offered on Wednesday evening, April 10, concelebrated by as many priests as can conveniently gather at the See's principal church. The Mass commemorates the institution of the ministerial pl'liesthood by Christ during the Last Supper. During the Mass, the priests present renew their priestly commitment to their Bishop. He then provides them with the especially consecrated oils Turn to PagE: Eight


Easter Collection To Aid Retirement of Religious . The Most Reverend Daniel A. Cronin, S.T.D, Bishop of Fall River, announced a plan for' as· sisting religious communities of Sisters and Brothers in meeting the financial burden associated with caring for elderly and disabled members. A sum of $150,000. has been pledged by E'ishop Cronin from the Diocese of Fall R,iver, ~o be distributed over a two-year period to congregations represented in the apostolates of the Diocese. The announcement was made in a letter which Bishop Cronin addressed to the clergy of the Dio· cese, in which he solicited the eager and enthusiastic cooperation of clergy and faithful laity al,ike in establishing the fund. Specifically, Bishop Cronin stated that the proceeds of the Easter Collection in Diocesan parishes for 1974 and 1975 would be the principal source for the pledged amount. Alluding to a study published several months ago by the United States CathoIic Confer· ence, Bishop Cronin indicated that irrefutable evidence demon~ strated the plight affecting many of the religious orders, and stated his personal conviction that some significant action should be taken. A special task force commissioned by the national Catholic office had reo ported that care of elderly religious has, dn recent years, be· come especially difficult as costs have mounted through inflation lmd other economic factors, and as the number of active religious Sisters and Brothers has diminished, thereby reduoing income which congregations might have used in providing care for retired and dis~led members. The need for current capital is especially urgent in some religious communities, since recent chal1ges dn the legislation affecting Social Security would allow participation by those who have

pronounced vows of poverty, on condition that "back service" be funded. Bishop Cronin noted that the Diocese of Fall River and its bishops have always maintained happy and cooperative associa· tions with the religious commu· nities of Sisters and Brothers who have labored in teaching, nursing and child-care apostolates, and he stated that it was proper to endeavor to respond to need arising, especially among the elderly Sisters and Brothers who should enjoy a well· deserved rest fro.m their apostolic labors without worries and anxieties ·about material concerns. Bishop Cr·onin announced that the pledged sum, which would represent a gift from the people of the Diocese of Fall River, would be allocated to the various communities of Sisters and Brothers in proportion to members serving in the Diocese. Pay-

ment will be made directly to Provincial Superiors. There are some twenty-four con!!re?-ations of reMgious women active in Diocesan apo.stolates anti two orders of Brothers. Presently over 750 Sisters and Brothers are numbered in these groups. The text of Bishop Cronin's communication was sent to the various religious SUo periors concerned. The text of Bishop Cronin's letter to the clergy of the Fall River Diocese: Reverend and dear Father, A few months ago, the results of a study concerning the retire· ment costs for religious were made known to the bishops across the country. This study was conducted by a special task . force commissioned by the Administrative Board of the Unit· ed States Catholic Conference. It came as no surprise that the findings showed conclusively that the various religious conTurn to Page Four

Holy Family High School Names V·ice Principal New Bedford's Holy Family High School has announced the appointment of Mr. John J. Finni as Vice Pnincipal to assist the Principal, Sister Charles Francis, R.S.M., in the administration of the parochial high school. Mr. Finni is presently teaching Latin at the school which is attached to St. Lawrence Parish. A Doctoral Candidate at Brown University, Mr. Finni is at present writing his dissertation on Greek Epigrams From the Persian Wars, with Professor Alan L. Boegehold of Brown as his advisor. Son of Mrs. Abigail Gaughan fiinni and the late John J. Finni, the new Vice Principal was born

in New Bedford on May 8, 1946. He atended Holy Family Grammar School and Holy Family High School, graduating as a National Merit Scholarship Fi· nalist from Holy Family in 1964. He attended Holy Cross College on a four-year tuition scholarship, receiving his A.B. degree in the Classics in 1968. He then followed post-graduate courses at Columbia University from 1968 to 1969 and, in 1969, entered Brown University where he has completed course require· ments for his Ph.D. Finni was a teaching assistant at Brown during the 1972·73 academic year teaching Begin· ning Greek and Great Periods in the History of Greece. In New Bedford he has served as a teacher of remedial mathematics for the Summer School classes in pre·Junior High School, as an aide in that program, and in the education of non-English said he believed that there would speaking students. be some excellent candidates in He has been the recipient of the South Jersey area. an NDEA Title IV Fellowship "Father Velozo possesses the and a Woodrow Wilson Disserqualities necessary for this im- tation Fellowship. portant responsibility," said Bishop Guilfoyle. "His priestly dedication and excellent educational background are needed in the planning {)f the training program for candidates and in the formation and carrying out of recruitment and selection policies for this apostolate." The Bishop said that about 500 permanent deacons are presently serving ,in the program throughout the United States and that the very great majority are married and in various self·support· ing 'positions. . Father Velozo added that permanent deacons can be helpful in preaching, teaching, and baptizing and visiting the sick in hospitals and in their homes. "These permanent deacons will . also be able to take the word JOHN J. FINNI Turn to Page Four

,PermanentDiaconate for Camden Diocese Is Headed by Somerset' Native Rev. Donald D. Velozo, a Som· erset native and the son of Mrs. Dorothy R. Velazo, now of Fall River, and the late Jesse V. Veloz6, has been named director of a permanent diaconate program for the diocese of Camden, N. J. Ordained in 1965 after completing seminary training at Christ the King Seminary, St. Bonaventure, N. Y., Father Velo20 holds a bachelor's degree in classics and philosophy from St. Mary's College, Kentucky, and a master's degree in American and Church history from Villanova University. He is cbmpleting work on a master's degree in secondary education administration at Glassboro State College. He is currently vocation COOl'" dinator at St. James High. School, Carney's Point, N. J., and also serves as administrative assistant at the school. , -In announcing the new program for the Camden diocese, Bishop George H. Guilfoyle said that the

permanent diaconate is growing ·in the United States and can be of valuable service in the Church's pastoral ministry. He




sMu, Plans ~Frolic

'CCA Schedules

THE AI'ICHORThurs., . April 4, 1974

Radio arId TV Programs

Pope Beatifies German Martyr

The Catholic Charities Appeal Headquarters, through its dioc· esan director, Rev. Msgr. Anthony M. Gomes, has announced special programs on TV and radio for the 1974 Appeal. This is the thirty-third annual call for funds, dating back to 1942.

VATICAN CITY I(NC) - Liborius Wagner, a German priest who was martyred almost three and a half centuries ago for ref~sing to renoun<:\'! his Catholic faith, was beatified by Pope Paul VI March 24 in St. Peter's Basilica. Blessed Liborius, was tortured and 'put to death because he refused to renoun<:e his Catholicism and return to his original Protestantism. .

The Appeal funds help to support the many apostolates of charity, mercy, social seryice and education in the southeastern area of Massachusetts. These funds aid all persons, regardless of race, color and creed.

For Nazareth "College for a Day," a preEaster party for 50 exceptional children from Nazareth Hall school in Fall River, will be sponsored by the Residence Hall Congress of Southeastern Massachusetts University on Saturday, April 6 on the. SMU campus. Students from the SMU residence halls will welcome the youngsters at 10:00 AM., show them cartoon movies in the residence hall 'lounge, lead them in a sing-along and then treat them to lunch in the Campus Center cafeteria. High point of the day will be an Easter candy hunt for the young guests in the open area of the campus between the Center and residence halls. "SMU students held· a great NAMED: Bishop Cronin Christmas party for senior cit,has named Rev. Daniel L. izens this year," says Mary Ann Freitas, pastor of St. John Lemansky, chairman of the Com· of God Parish, Somerset as munity Services' Committee of the SMU Residence Hall Conthe Spiritual Moderator of gress. "Now it's time we treated the St. Vincent de Paul So- the youngsters to a pal'\ty." ciety{)f Fall River, Particular The residence hall congress is Council of Fall River. .., picking up the tab· for lunch. Buses from ~all River to SMU and back are provided by the Fall River Vocational SchooJ. Candy is courtesy of Zayre Department Store, Dartmouth Mall. A First Friday' Mass and five hour prayer vigil will be held Life Friday night, April 5 at Sacred Man lives and is from God. He Heart Church, Summer Street, is, as it were, the fast-flitting New Bedford. pulse of the Divinity. -Bronson Alcott The services will be the thirteenth in a series of vigils ,in area.' parishes, held for peace and honoring .the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary.

Speaking in German, Pope Paul said during the glittering Most Rev. -Daniel A Cronin, ceremony in the presence of 'S:T.D., Bishop of Fall River, is thousands of pilgrims from honorary chairman of the Appeal Blessed Liborius' place of birth and Mrs. Gilbert J .. Noonan, FalAPPOINTED: Very Rev. in East Germany and his place of mouth, is diocesan lay chairlady John J. Regan, rector of St. of martyrdom in West Germany: the Appeal. "Born of a good and exem- Mary's Cathedral, Fall River. Channel 6 'WTEV, will show plary Protestant family, this par- has been appointed by Bish- the following- programs: ish ~riest's adherence to the op Cronin as financial adminTV Mass Schedule: Masses at Catholic faith ... can be for all istrator of The Anchor, the 8:45, AM.; April '1, Rev. Msgr., of us a motive for reflection and, official newsp'!per of the Di- Anthony M.· Gomes, Diocesan for hope in the so greatly desired Director; April 21, Rev. Justin J. " restoration of the unity of the ocese of Fall River. Quinn, Ne·w Bedford Area DirecChurch." tor; April 28, Rev. Walter A SulLiborius Wagner, a Lutheran, livan, Taunton Area Director; 'was converted, by the Jesuits and May 5, Most Rev. Daniel A while studying at Wuertburg. Cronin, S.T.D., Bishop of Fall Later, as a parish priest in the. River. NEW YORK (NC)-Thirty-five duchy of Franconia in southern priests, nuns and Brothers from Community Program: 8:30 G~rmany, he was imprisoned by , Religious orders and several dio- AM.; April I, Nazareth Hall, invading Swedish troops. ceses took a crash course at the Fall River, Harry' Mosher and After five days of torture durAmerican Management A~socia­ Rev. Msgr. AnthOny M. Gomes; ing which he refused to renoun~e tions' (AMA) sleek, mid-Manhat- April .16, St. Vincent's Home, his Catholicism, he was martyred tan skyscraper offices here to ex-' Fall River, Sister Rose de Lima on Dec. 9, 1631. plore ways to recruit youngsters Clark, RS.M., Assistant Adminfor. Religious vocations. istrator; April 23, Most Rev. Their three-day seminar, the Dimiel A Cronin, S.T.D. and fourth in a series, provided an Mrs. Gilbert J. Noonan. Continued from Page One TV spot announcements will eyeopener for all: The vocations New Bedford; St:. Mary Parish, directors-some conceOing that be aired on Channel ti. Radio' anNo. Attleboro, and 051. Joseph they were appointed to their jobs nouncements by all radio staParish, Woods Hole. without preyious administrative' tions in the area of southeastern For the past 14 years he· has training - plunged into profes- _ Massachusetts will highl'ight the been pastor of the Cape parish, sional management jargon and' thirty-three years of service to where his body was received techniques with humor and open- the community. Tuesday evening and a funeral . The Special Gifts 'phase of the Mass was celebrated on Wednes- ness. T?e people of the ProfeSSIOnal Appeal begins April 22 and ends day morning.. Institute of the AMA, more used , May 4. The house-to-house camLast night Father Loew's body to young bankers and co~put~r paign in 'the parishes begins Sunwas transferred to S1. John the data analysts than clergy III theIr day, May 5 when every home Evangelist Parish, Attleboro, classrooms, found themselves ad'11 be visited between the where a wake service was cel- justi~g from middle management, :~urs of noon to 3 P.M. This ebrated at 7 o'clock. termmology to. the conce~ts of phase of the Appeal ends offi. II yem Ma y 15 . . A funeral Mass was also cel- the Second VatIcan . CouncIl. cIa The management consultants ebrated in the Attleboro church this morning at 10 o'clock with were _a little surprised to find ~'so professionals No Confessions Very Rev. Henry T. Munroe, pas- Religious tor of St. John the Evangelist sophisticated," one said. Contrary to previous custom, Panish as ohomilist. The seminars were jointly ere· confessions will not be heard at ated by the National Center for La Salette Shrine, Attleboro, on . Church Vocations (NCCV) and Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Necrology' the AMA Alarmed by. sliding Holy Saturday or Easter Sunseminary enrollment, and compe" day, in order to permit shrine APR. 12 Rev. John Tobin, 190!), Assis- tition for the commitment of personnel to spend the days on young people to agencies such as retreat. Holy Week services will tant, St. Patrick, Fall R.iver. the Peace Corps, the NCCV ap- be held as usual, at 7:30 each , APR. 14 Rev. Louis N. Dequoy, 1935, proached James L. Hayes, presi- night. Pastor, Sacred Heart, North At- dent of the AMA and former dean of ,business administratio'n tleboro. External World at Duquesne University in PittsAPR. 15 The Christian frankly admits Rev. Christopher G. Hughes, burgh, for help in recruitment that his view of the, external trainin~. D.D., 1908, Rector, Cathedral, the mind world' is colored by Fall River. that of Christ, but he maintains APR. 16 Want Separation thereby he catches the true colors Rev. Arthur E. Langlois, 1928, MEXICO CITY (NC) - The of creation's handiwork. on sick leave, Denver, Colorado. bishops of Mexico oppose estab-Ralph W. Sockman APR. 18 lishing diplomatic relations beRev. Hugh B. Harrold, 1935, tween the Vatican and Mexico. Pastor, S1. Mary, Mansfield. Archbishop Carlos Quintero Arca Rt. Rev. John F. McKeon, P.R., of Hermosillo, saying that he . 1956, Pastor, St. Lawrence, New spoke for all the bishops, said, ' ,Inc. Bedford. "We want the constitutional separation of Church and state to Funeral Service continue." Rumors concerning THE ANCHOR Edward F. Carney diplomatic recognition began aftSecond Class Postage Paid at Fall River, 549 County Street Mass. Published every Thursday at 410 er Mexican President Luis EcheNew Bedford 999·6222 Highland Avenue. Fall River, Mass, 02722 verria recently visited Pope Paul by the Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall Serving the area since 19·21 River. Subscription price by mail, postpai~ VI at the Vatican. $4.00 per year. .

Religious Attend Career Seminar

Fr. Loew


Michael C. Austin

Vigil of Prayer In New Bedford

The program will begin with confessions preceding an 8 P.M. Mass of the Sacred Heart. Included in the evening' will be exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, Holy Hour and Benediction. The Vigil will end with a midnight Mass in honor X>f the Immaculate, Heart.

Doane' Heal -Ames .INCOI'O'AU"O


Refreshments will be served during the evening, and all are invited to attend all or pal1t of the services.

HY ANNIS 715·06841 South Yarmouth 398-2201 Harwich Port 432·0593





~. .

FUNERAL HOMES Serving All Faiths Regllrdiess of Financial Circumstances For Over 102 Years CITY LOCATION ' 178 Winter Street Between Cherry & Locust Sts. FALL RIVER

SUBURBAN LOCATION 189 Gardners Neck Road North of Rt. 6 Intersection SWANSEA

Maryland Pari$h Unique Plan Cuts Debt

Hope Is' Theme of Priests" Convocation; Fall Riverites Meet in California

BEL AIR (NC) - An unusual The 1974 convocation of the funding plan started at St. Margaret parish here has wiped out National Federation of Priests' one fourth of the parish's Councils' House of Delegates met $850.000 debt within three in San' Francisco with the theme weeks, and its sponsors are hop- of hope to be emphasized in all • ing it will clear the whole debt priestly activities in the face of confusion. frustration. alienation by May 1. . And many parishioners in this and polarization. . Witnessing to the growth of small town in northeastern Maryhope in the uniquely American land see in the plan not only an opportunity to help the church. organization ot priests, Rev. but a chance to establish a per- Thomas C. Lopes. assistant passonal $1.000 savings account as tor of St. Anthony Parish. East Falmouth. and an official of the well. The plan is called th& Debt Fall River Senate of Priests, atReduction 'Bond Sale and it tended his third such meeting. In the face of "predictable works by loans the parishioners pressures" burdening the Amer. make to the parish. ican priests as a consequence of It began last September when the pastor, 'Father Alphonse loneliness. lack of job satisfacRose, asked the parish council tion. and other problems. the to help find a "dramatic. inven- document "The Spiritual Renewal tive" way to reduce the parish's of the American Priesthood" building debt. In the past five , states: "There -is a reason to hope for years the parish has paid off $150.000 of its debt. but interest suitable structural solutions for costs have skyrocketed and the many of these problems in parish is currently spending priestly life and ministry, They $80.000 a year in interest alone. show the priest's office to be A committee established by at once rooted in the divine instithe parish council devised the tution of the Church but historplan which involves asking indio ically conditioned and open to vidual parishioners to lend radical changes. both in minis$1.000 to the parish. interest- tries reserved to the' priestly free. When 850 people have done office and in the life style of the so. the debt will be cleared-or ministers. (p. 2)" at least the interest on it.. Apostolic Delegate CONVENTION SPEAKER: Rev. Vincent Dwyer, Over the next 10 years the Archbishop Jean Jadot. Apos- a.c.s.a., frequent retreat master in the Fall'River area, parish will repay 85 parishioners tolic . Delegate to the United addressed the 1974 convocation ·of the National Federation a year by random s·election. States. drew an historical first of -Priests' Councils House of Delegates on the theme: Forced-Savings by sending ·a special message to The plan has captured the the convocation of priests assur- "Priest: Minister for Hope and Healing~" imagination of many parishion- ing all that Pope Paul VI had a ers. One Bel Air teenager mowed "special affection for .and con- area. asserted both the dignity plained that Rev. Colin Maclawns for three yeal's to .earn fidence in the priests -of this and the hopefulrtess of the Amer- Donald hlid been elected as Executive Director and Rev. Reid ican priest. money for college. Now he' is country." Mayo named as a priest adviSOr. Referring to the $400.000 study lending his savings to the p.arish, The message was welcomed by He stated that the first meetIn another family. four chil- the representatives. of t\1e affil- by the Ameraican Bishops of the dren combined their savings iated 100 diocesan priest sen- American Priesthood. he pointed ing of the full- committee was from babysitting and yard work ates, 20 gr·ass-root priest associa~ out that priests like other Amer- scheduled for June of this year. "In considering priorlties,'~ he icanS" are emotionally and psy-' to lend $2.000. . tions and seven religious orders. chologically underdeveloped. continued. "attention will be' Some parishioners who have Referring to tl)e Holy Year. "But we can define a saint as given to the recommendations taken bank loans regard the pro- the Apostolic Delegate said that someone who can stand up with made by' the Ad Hoc Committee gram as a forced-savings plan -it "provides a special opportuall his warts and blemishes," the in their earlier published report. for themselves. Each month they nity to renew the commitment reHgious explained. "and can Very high priority will be given will liave to pay the bank back made on ordination day ... it say. 'I am lovable and beautiful.·.. to listening to prie~ts themselves II certain amount on their permeans a prayerful clearing away • Priests should say 'yes' to the -as they speak to the committee sonal loan. but sometime in the of the attitudes which havelm- fact that they are in process of through their senates or through next 10 years they will suddenly peded our lives and ministries development. of becoming, he. organizations concerned with • have their $1.000 back. and have often been the cause emphasized. priests," Of <:ourse. they will not earn of separation from one anoth,er. Fall Riverites interest on the loan to the par,State df Federation "In our zeal we have ail made ish. and o/n the meantime they Fr. Lopes met Rev. Agostiriho Rev. Reid Mayo of Burlington. mistakes . . . Given our human" will be paying interest on their Pacheco, former assistant at Imwas re-elected president of Vt. personal loan from the bank- frailty. such is understandable. the NFPC by acclamation. Dur- maculate Conception Parish in but that interest qualifies as a Given our responsibUity, such is ing the past 14 months in com· New Bedford. who is now a pasunacceptable. And the first step tax-deductible contribution. pleting the former president's tor in the Diocese of BrownsThe plan allows parishioners to toward rededication is the real- term. he explained that the im- ville, Tex. and a delegate to the set a specific date for repay- ization of this responsibility. I age of the national organization convention, ment of their loan if they wish am confident that these needs has greatly improved. Also present as a representato do so. and it will have an will be met." 'tive of the Senate of St.PetersThe growth of the NFPC. exCesar Chavez emergency fund to repay a paburg, Fla.• was Rev. Norman plained Fr. Mayo, reflects the Refen:ing. to the support he had rishioner if he needs the money ·Balthazar. a native of St. Joseph need for mutual support "sharreceived from priests in his back early. Parish in New Bedford. struggles in Southern California. ing and cooperating that must "There are many reasons for exist within the priesthood of Cesar Chavez stated "This was hope." commented Fr. Lopes. "I this country, in this age." Abortion Hearing a very special kind of help. not believe that all the delegates left "We have facilitated." he conjust the help of commitment ·for home with a renewed sense Date Is Changed and understanding. but the help tinued. "priest councils standing of hope both in the national orWASHINGTON (NC) - The alongside the farmworkers. in an Senate suocommittee on consti- of your bodies. being willing to hour of extreme need . . . We ganization and in its respective pray and picket with us. being senates," tutional amendments has anhave fostered understanding of nounced a change in hearing willing to get in trouble with the ba,sic right for collective barus," dates on proposed anti-abortion ELECTRICAL "We have a duty to under- gaining ... in the Farah strike amendments to the Constitution. Contractors . . . We have facilitated and stand that saying 'yes' to man's The subcommittee will hear shared with all councils through dignity is the differen'ce between congressional witnesses on Wedour "Search and Share Direcnesday. April 10. Medical hear- being of service and being a tory". the latest packet on "Edstated the intense layservant." ings. tentatively scheduled for ucation for Prison Reform" and servant is to be man. "Being a April II. have been rescheduled "Experience of Women Religious available at all times." for April 23 and May 7. in the Ministry of the Church," Encouragement In additiln to coftgressmen Bishops' Committee Rev. Vincent Dwyer. O.C.S.O.• and medical experts. the subcoma doctor in mystica( and ascetMost Rev. Thomas Grady. mittee plans to hear from 944 County St. 4""'~ the legal profession. women's ical theology. personally known newly elected chairman of the New Bedford '. groups. right-to-life groups and to many Fall River priests be- NCCB Standing Committee on 992·0560 cause of his many retreats in the Priestly Life and Minis,try. exother interested parties.





THi' 'ANCHORThurs., April 4, 1974



Ask Price Controls For Hospitals WASHINGTON (NC) - Although' the administration has asked Congress to authorize continued price controls for the health industry. changes appear to be good' that the controls will end April 30: John Dunlop. director of the Cost of Living Council (COLC). has asked Congress to extend the COLC's authority over the charges made by the health and construction industries. Unless Congress gives its approval to the extension. all price controls will end April 30, However. Dunlop admitted that he was virtually alone within the administration in asking that--t:he controls on the health and construction industries be retained.

Euro~ean H9.!J.~av leadership of

Father Thomas

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An audience with His Holiness, Pope Paul VI, is scheduled, as well as a comprehensive tour of Vati. can City. These are anly a few of the high spots! Write or call today r - for your detailed itinerary! - , I Rev. Thorms Lawton (phone I Holv Cross Fathers 238- I I North Easton. Mass. 2051) I

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Jesuits to Join C.U. Faculty

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thu.rs., Apr. 4, 1974

Man o:nd God and Holy Week· The Second Vatican Council has been compared~with all reverence-to a Spring housecleaning with special em~ phasis on· the rugs. These have ·be·en beaten to shake out the dust that has accumulated over a period of time so that the original pattern may shine through in all its beauty. From time to time the Church evaluates itself and checks on the customs and techniques that have been introduc~d over the years and centuries. Meaningful at the time of their incorporation into Church life, they may, in many instances, have lost their original purpose and have become relics of another age. Relics are fine, of course, but the Church is a living dynamic organism with the unchanging and unchangeable truths of God lived in a setting of the - here and now. The customs and techniques that have become meaningless must be relegated to history and the .present relevance of the relationship of God and man with· and in and through Jesus Christ and His Church must be ·emphasized. Nothing spells this out so clearly as the coming Holy Week. Man and God are'set in stark profile against modern life. Holy Week is the procession from darkness into light, from death into life. Every aspect of Holy Week spells out God's love for man-in His creation of man, in His plan for the redemption of man, in man's cooperation with the saving work of Jesus Christ, a work not only accomplished once in history but a work taking place here and now in its application to man here and now. Redemption is not something that once took place. Redemption is the living Christ present and active in our world, bearing in His hands the redemption He has won, reaching out to .associate man with his own death and with His own resurrection. This is the design of the Church that has alw:ays been there. Hopefully, this Holy Week will see more and more peop~e aware of what is happening, entering into the reality of redemption, and thus fulfilling all the more perfectly the Will of God, the work of God's Church....,....the sal~ation of man.

Hiding. Behlind the Devil' The New York movie critics have not taken too kindly to "The Exorcist" faulting it on dramatic and film-making grounds while admitting that it will undoubtedly make a great deal of money. But the psychologists and psychiatrists have taken it to taslk on 'other fronts. They see it as a set-back in the attempt to convince people that, for the most part, they do have control over their own lives, can make decisions for which they are accountable, cannot shirk re·sponsibility for their own lives and . decisions by attributing these to an outside force. People do have many pressures upon· them that influence the way they live and the judgements' they make and the actions they take. Some of these can be so strong that .free will and self-determination are taken away. But in most circumstances of life and for most people, they are their own persons and make their own decisions and take the consequences of tnese. Everyone should give the devil his due. He is a reality in the world. But it would not do to attribute to him what is the work and activity of the person himself. It would be all too easy to say-as a television comedian now says-"The devil made me do it." This iis a cop-out, an abdication of responsibility, and as such a running away fro~ maturity and reality. /


Public enemies

·Easiter Collection Continued from Page One . gregations. of Sisters are laboring under great difficulty in providing for old and retired Sisters, because income antcipated from present and future Sisters has not been available in sufficient amount. 'For the most· part, no provision had been made in . the past for the retirement of .Sisters. The situation is virtually the same in congregations of reIigbus Brothers. Implications of . recent changes in legislation regulating Social Security has made the problem all the m·ore urgent. The results of this study were made available to the bishops for whatever use they wanted to make of them. The Diocese of Fall River and its bishops have always enjoyed a very close relationship with the good Religious Sisters and Brothers who for· years and years have been staffing our many institutions and exercis-

Anti-Discrimination Ruling Supp.orted WASHINGTON (NC) - The Council for American Private Education (CAPE) has endorsed a federal district court ruling that bars private schools from discrimina'tingagainst blacks. The CAPE statement came in a brief urging a federal appeals court here to uphold a 'ruling made last summer by a federal district court in Alexandria, Va. That court ruled that two northern Virginia private schools had violated a 19th-century civil rights law by racially. diseriminatory practices.

Published weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall Rivel 41 (I Highland Avenue Go Among CAPE's 10 member orFall River, Mass. 02722 675-7151 - ganizations joining in the friend PUBLISHER of the court brief are the U.S. Most Rev. Dcmiel A. Cronin, D.O., S.T.D. Catholic Conference and the National Catholic Educational· AsGENERAL MANAGER FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATOR sociation. The 10 organizations Rev. Msgr. Daniel F. Shalloo, MA Very Rev. John J. Regan represent about 12,000 schools accouI}ting for more than 90 per ASSISTANT MANAGERS cent of the non public elementary Rev. John P. Driscoll Rev. John R, Foister and secondary enrollment in the "~Leary Press-Fall Riv6: United States.

.jng in their very dedicated way the various apostolates of Christian education and health and child care. Now that so many of their number are finally able to enjoy tlte rest due them in their advanced age,· it is more than just this Diocese, ever grateful for the services of 'these good religious, make some significant contribution toward their support in· retirement. Naturally, .this effort must, of necessity, be :'limited . because our resources are limited. .However, I feel that we must make some helpful contribution. Hence,\as Bishop of this Diocese, I am pledging to the religious congregations of Sisters and Brothers laboring in the Diocese of Fa'll River the sum of $150,000 to assist them in their retirement expenses. This sum, proportioned according to the number of religious serving in the Diocese at the present time, will be forw;J.rded directly to the Provincial Superior of each congregation over a two-year period. Because the Diocese must raise this sum as "new money/' I am directing that the proceeds of the Easter Collection this year and next be destined for this purpose. I ask you, as a brother priest to share my concern about, this very human, but at the same time very spiritual, matter. Please bring this subject to the attention of- your devoted parishioners in a most convincingand forthright manner. The good Sisters and Brothers who have labored so long and with such devotion for the cause of the Church and the service of our people in this Diocese de• serve this evidence of affection and willing support. I am confi. dent that this plan will have the enthusiastic cooperation of the pri~sts and people of the Diocese. Begging God's every blessing upon your priestly ministry, I am Devotedly yours in Christ, ~ Daniel A. Cronin Bishop of Fall River

. WASHINGTON (NC) - Two prominent Jesuit theologians, Fathers Avery Dulles' and Walter Burghardt, will join the faculty 'of The Catholic University of America's School of Religious Studies on Sept. I, Dr. Clarence C. Walton, CU president, announced.' . Both are now professors at the Jesuits' Woodstock College in New York, which is scheduled to close. They will be professors of theology at CU. Currently a professor of systematiC theology at Woodstock, where he has- been a faculty member since 1960, Father Dulles, 55, the son of the late U. S. Secretary of State John Foster Dulles, is best known for his work in fundamenta1 theology, ecclesiology and ecumenical studies. Currently a professor of his. torical theology at Woodstock, where he has been a faculty member since 1946, Father Burghardt, 59, is editor· of the scholarly journals Theological Studies, Woodstock Papers and Ancient. Christian Writers. He is known for his writing and teaching in the theology of the Church Fathers (Patristics).

Diaconate Continued from Page One of God to the factories, offices and other places where they work and will be able to reach ·many people who don't frequent a church," he said. In an apostolic letter issued on JU!1e 18, 1967, Pope Paul gave the. '.'.G.eneral Norms' Jor .Restoring the Permanenr'-Diaconat€, in the LatiI;l Ch urclJ.~' a;nd.;, sajd.. that . "older men, whether. single -or married" can be called to the diaconate ... the older age in this case is reached at the completion of the 35th year." He also said that "no one can be called to the diaconate unless he has gained the high regard of the clergy and the faithful by long example of truly Christian life, by his unexceptionable conduet, and by his ready disposition to be of service." . Functions of Deacon Among the functions of the geacon are: -to assist the priest during liturgical celebrations. -to ad·minister baptism and officiate at funeral and burial services. -to distribute the Eucharist and ~o bring it as a Viaticum to the dying. --to read the sacred books of the SCripture to the faithful. -in the absence of a priest, to assist and to bless marriages in the name of -the Church by delegation from the bishop or pastor. -to promote and sustain the apostolic activities of laymen.

College President!' MIAMI SHORES (NC)-Sister Mary Trinita Flood has been elected president of Barry College, four-year institution operated by the Dominican Sisters of Adrian, Mich. A native of Chicago, formerly secretary general of her congregation, and vice president of academic affairs at Barry College, she succeeds Sister Mary Dorothy Brown, also of Chicago,' who has served as college president since 1963.

Greatest Danger To Schools Is F'rom Within TORONTO (NC)-The greatest_ danger to the survival of Catholic schools in the province of Ontario is from within--if teachers do not accept the responsibility of bringing the spiritual dimension of man to students, Bishop Emmett Carter of London, Ont., told the 30th annual convention of the Ontario English Catholic Teachers Association (OECTA) here. Bishop Carter charged teachers with the responsibility of providing students with the Catholic interpretation of the Gospels and passing on this philosophy of life that has been inherited from others.



THE ANCHORThurs., April 4, 1974

Franciscan Brother Serves as l"haplaln. ,-' Priest Opens At New York Detention Center Civic Center

NEW YORK (NC) - When Brother Timothy MacDonald visited the new Adolescent Re路 ception and Detention Center (ARDC) on Rikers Island last year, he noted with dismay that its yourig inmates had to be handcuffed and shuttled from one -side of "The Rock" to the other for religious services. "Tha,t's when I decided these youngsters needed their own chaplain," said the husky, good-natured Brother, a member of tQe Franciscan Friars of the Atonement. Brother MacDonald, who first visited the detentIon center as part of the Clergy Volunteer ProHonest Opposition gram, has found little difficulty ,adjusting to prison routine, per"There are a few bigots .in this haps because he was an orphan province who do not like us who spent most of his formative because we're Catholics and who years in institutions in Connectithink that we are monsters and cut. He came to Rikers Island are perpeterating our monstros- after doing mission work in ity in separate schools. . North Carolina. "There are some people who The ARDC contains 1,080 have l~gitimate and honest op- housing units. 路Its inmates are position to the separate school awaiting trial, a process that can system on philosophical grounds. take as long as a year. These people I honor because "I'm not a sob sister who bethey have a position and that is lieves that nobody belongs here," their right. "But I do not believe there is Brother McaDonald said. "There any threat to our position from are people who belong here; the outside. If we live up tei our key should be thrown away; sodeclarations and convictions and ciety has to be protected. But put them into practice then they area very small minority. Catholic schools will not merely The city doesn',t have any other facility. So what do you do for survive, they will prosper." a boy who can't fit into school, Bishop Carter said that the who doesn't have a home, who present undertaking of keeping is too good to be left in jail and spiritual.values alive in Ontario' toO. bad to be let go? represent "IOO'years of evolution', Counsel,ing the young inmates, t1edicat'ion"':of our .forebears and recognition by 'even those who who may be charged with some- . thing as simple as shoplifting or do not share our faith. seriOUS as homicide, takes up as "-If we do not live up to our responsbilities then we are most of his day. One of Brother MacDonald's breaking this public trust." concerns as the first full-time salaried religious coordinator in the New York prison system is Asks Reconciliation to act as an ombudsman. He has After Farah Strike' gone to court in defense of 'no PHOENIX (NC) - Bishop Ed- less than 15 youngsters 'in the ward A. McCarthy of Phoenix past few months: has issued a statement asking All the inmates say tha:t they support of the Farah Manufac- are innocent, he noted, but when turing Co. as a resut of the ter- he talks to them, he often learns mination of a -labor dispute be- that they are not. tween Farah and the Amalga. "If I feel (an inmate) has a mated Clothing Workers of place to live, a possibility of America. going back to school, or a chance After noting that he had -preto get into a drug program," viously criticized Farah for -acBrother MacDonald said, "I'll tions which were contrary to plead for him in front of a judge. socia'l justice, the bishop said: "I A lot of judges are understandwould recommend that buyers seriously consider purchasing ing, and ,if they see there is a Farah clothing products in order friend interested in the youngthat the company and its work- ster, they will let him go." ers might prosper and be an example that will lead to a wider Clergy Education acceptance of the ideals oil social . Board Named justice." His statement was made, BishPROVIDENCE (NC) - Bishop op McCarthy said, in a spirit of Louis E. Gelineau of Providence reconciliation and to repair the has established an advisory losses suffered by the company board on continuing education and the workers. of the clergy and appointed five diocesan priests to the board. The purposes of the new Penance Renewal board are to advice the bishop Discussed on TV about the educational needs NEW YORK (NC)-The re- of the diocesan clergy, to pronewal of the sacrament of Pen- vide opportunities and programs ance was discussed on the CBS- for the continuing education of TV series "Look Up and Live" diocesan priests, to sponsor conferences and courses for the on Sunday, March 31. The hour-long program, "1'l).e continuing training and developSacrament of Pen'ance: Sacra- ment of the clergy and to main- . ment 'Of Reconciliation," focused tain liaison with other diocesan on recent Vatican directives for agencies concerned with clergy renewal and education. the renewal of Penance.


MECHANICIVILLE (NC) Whether it is erecting partitions, building cabinets, or assembling light fixtures, if there is some patching to be done at the Mechanicville Civic Center, Father Charles Sgueglia is willing to unbutton his cuffs and begin the mending. And while the remodeling is continuing, about 200 teenagers gather each Friday and Saturday evening to engage in a variety of activities offered at the Civic Center. Currently, the main attraction is the penny arcade located in the basement, where the teenagers can play 25 coin operated machines such as pinball, target shooting, bowling, and baseball. Other amusements include ping-pong, pool, chess, and darts. There are also a snack-bar and a lounge for small group meetings. But the Civic Center is not oriented entirely to providing entertainment for the young. Once a ramp from ground level to the kitchen has been completed, the Civic Center will be available weekdays for the area's senior citizens. The ramp will allow easy access to the building for the elderly who must use crutches, walkers or wheel路 chairs.

Abortion Control Act Approved . BROTHER AT "THE ROCK": Brother Timothy MacDonald talks with new arrivals at "The Rock," a New York detention center at Rikers Island. One of his duties as first full-time salaried religious coordinator in the state prison system is to act as an' ombudsman for the 800 inmates, mostly black or Spanish-speaking, between the ages of 16 and 20. NC Photo. Donald recently recruited is a black, Crozier Father Ted Parker. "The reason why I want a black priest," he said, "is to show the black inmates here that the Church is color blind, and Father Parker has a lot ,to give."

Among his duties, he also has been charged with reviving the Clergy Volunteer Program. More than 35 clergy volunteers have been assigned to Rikers, but only eight or so regularly show up. One priest whom Brother Mac-

HARRISBURG (NC) - A bill which establishes stricter rules and regulations for abortions was passed by the state Senate and sent to the House of Representatives. Among the more important provisions of the Abortion Control Act is a requirement that a wife obtain the consent of her husband before receiving an abortion unless the procedure is necessary to save the mother's life. If the woman is under 18yearS-Old and unmarried, consent to the abortion must be given by the parents or guardian.

IRELAND This year. , . join HUMBERTO CARDINAL MEDEIROS - Archbishop of Boston in a Pilgrimage to Ireland This tour is under the sponsorship and spiritual leadership of His Eminence.

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TtiE A~C,!iO.R-Diocea& of,Fall Riv.er,T!l.lIfS;,' Apr.:-4;l97·4

D:r~"ACarso;n's t~'re" F:o,r Automoph,obia I loved to drive when I first got my license. But over the last 10 years, I've developed an increasing fear of driving ... compounded in heavy traffic ... which degenerated into pure dread of parkways. The more my fear grew, the less

I drove; and the less practice,

' f ear. . .. Th'IS, I'm th e more· sure, sounds ,ridiculous to anyone who likes' to drive. But it does have an advantage. I know more back roads than anyone. I can get anyplace with· , o~t going near a parkway. m'%:wiig'''~''',@'lm@rrnlkil(



Anyplace, that is, except if I have to' cross a large bridge. Bridges are worse than park.. ways. So, I just never crossed them. If I had to go anyplace on the other side of a bridge, either my husband drove, or I took a train. , When I even think .about a bridge,it reduces itself to four feet ,wide, with six lanes of traffic ... five of which are filled with trucks as big as. whales, ready to swallow me. In spite of this fear, I regularly give others adviee on having confidence. And every time I do, a little voice ,inside me says, "But you're afraid to drive on parkways ... and bridges .. !" The little voice kep~ nagg,ing. I told it. "I was just being cautious; I wasn't that good a .driver.


City streets, then two parkways, then more city streets, and another parkway, and another ... places I would have sworn I couldn't drive. The real crisis was still coming ... 20 miles high and only four feet wide. The car must have shrunk too, because it fit. " I did it! My conf.idence soared. I had faced a' fear and beaten it. Two more parkways ... and we were home. As we pulled up to the house, I was bubbling with new-found accomplishment. I said to my husband, "I can do itl" He said, "But not alone" ... and took his hand out of his pocket ... holding his rosary.

ROYAL WELCOME: Pope Paul receives Prince Rainier of Monaco, Princess Grace (former film star Grace Kelly) and their children Prince Albert and Princess Stephanie in a private audience March 25. They were received with papal honors reserved for a private - but not formal visit of a head of state. The Pope was taken ill March 26 with a recurrence of the flu. NC Photo.

Court Upholds Welfare Payments to Unborn

RICHMOND (NC) - A federal appeals court here has agreed with, a lower court's ruling that indigent pregnant women are entitled. to Virginia welfare payments for their unborn' children. The court, however, did not rule on the question of whether an unborn child has a constitutional right to such aid, a point which was argued in a brief submitted in the case. The U. S. 4th Circuit Court of Appeals agreed with U. S. District Court Judge Robert R. M~r­ hige Jr. that Virginia's policy of denying such payments under its program of Aid to Families with -Dependent Children(AFDC)violated the Social Security Act. You Can, You Can The opinion was praised by But I couldn't turn that little Bishop Walter Sullivan, apostolic voice' off. It kept haunting, and administrator of the Richmond finally got the best of me. ' diocese, who had contended in ,a I had to ma~e a trip. The best friend-of-the-court brief that the route was parkways. Just to be Virginia policy had the effect of safe, I picked out an alternate forcing indigent pregnant women route. All the way to the park- to choose abortion. way I kept telling myself, "You can do it ... you can do it ..." Ask End to Re'cruitment I couldn't. I had to make another trip. Of Children as Killers Again I picked an alternate route. BELFAST (NC) - Priests in As I was driving toward the Northern Ireland have called for parkway, that little Lorelei in- Catholics in this British province side me, instead of nagging, to prevent the recruitment and started coaxing, "You can do it. training of children as killers for Just take it easy ... believe you the outlawed Irish' Republican can ... try ,it ..." Army (IRA). I did it! Only about 20 miles, In pulpits across the violencebut it was a start. wracked province on March 5; Having gained a foothold on priests said youths only "13 and a fear was exhilarating. 14 years old'h~ve been used by For three days I still had that the IRA. The priests appealed to' confidence ... but then, I hadn't Catholics to reject both the IRA had to go anyplace. gunmen and their practice of The fourth day my husband enlisting children. and I visited our son at college., In a sermon the previous day It was easy ... he ,was driving. Bishop William Philbin of Down It didn't matter that we had to and Connor, :whose diocese incross a bridge. cludes Belfast, said that those But on the way home, after "who are organizing these murjust a few miles, he pulled off ders and training children to do the road and asked, "Do you them will answer to God and be think you could dr-ive? I feel SQ punished." sick I'm just not up to it." Less than a week before the It was a most inopportune bishop's sermon a policeman protime for him to come down with tecting ,St. Patrick's Cathedral the flu. from bomb attacks was killed by Twenty minutes of driving and three youths in their early teens. my . confidence was building. Police are still searching for Only my left knee was knocking. them.

RICHMONO, (NC)-Virginia's General Assembly, in. one of its final acts of the 1974 session, guaranteed the right of hospitals and medical personnel. to refuse to participate ,in abortions. The last-minute effort required the intervention of Gov. Mills E. Goodwin Jr. to introduce a new "conscience bill" after a broader abortion bill died in a HouseSenate stalemate. The conscience bill will permit hospitals to refuse to admit patients for abortions; free doc-

Catholic Committee Backs Anti-Smut Bill ALBANY (NC) - The New York state Senate has passed an anti-pornography bill that had been ba'cked by the. New York State Catholic Committee. The bill, which the Senate approved by a vote of 35-16, would, substitute a lack of "serious literary, artistic, political or scientific value" for ,the present norm, of "redeeming social v,alue" in judging the obscenity ofa publication ,or performance. In a letter to members of a Senate committee that had' considered the bill, the Catholic committee urged passage of the bill because "it will enable judges and juries to make clearer determinations than ever before as to what is obscene." The Catholic group called the bill "the most effective proposal this year to rid us of the purveyors of pornography."

tors from being required to perform abortions; allow hospital personnelto'refuse to participate in abortions; protect hospitals and personnel from lawsuits' or ~isciplinary action for refusing abortions, and prohibit hospitals from' refusing to hire personnel who have conscientious objections to abortion. "The bill was the only abortion legislation to be approved in the state since the Supreme Court's 1973 rulings swept away on state restrictions on abortion. A bill to make Virginia's abortion laws conform to the court's rulings was defeated in 1973, and this year the abortion revisionalong wirh a conscience clausewas contained,In a bill overhauling the state's entire criminal


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code. The bill died in a HouseSenate impasse over its provisions that would have reinstated the death 'penalty for some crimes. Conscience clause supporters then moved to rescue it in the day before final adjournment. because the deadline for the ordinary introductiQn, ()f _ l~gi.sl!lti.on had passed; the legislature could consider new legislatidn 'only if it was requested by the governor: Goodwin agreed to the introduction of the conscience clause as new and separate legislation. The House approved it with only one dissenting vote on the final day of the session and the Senate passed it 32-0 about two hours before adjournment March






THE ANCHORThurs., April 4, 1974

Says Posies to Pr,olifera,te. On People Too This Spring

Letter Produced On Film Strip

Carnations, daisies, daffodils, gardenias and just about every other flower imaginable will be growing this spring on people, not just in gardens. It's been a long, long time since there's been such a rage for the wearing of artificial flowers, probably at least since the late forties. Last the days of wrist corsages, then you'll be pleased to hear that winter when we visited Paris this custom is also coming back. I noticed even the very best You'll see more 'and more such

designers were showing flowers as very important accessories, but I really didn't think that their impact would cross the ocean this year. lmml~it~il~



corsages at the junior and senior proms that are an important part of this season's social activities. Those who will admit to remembering back to the other era when artificial corsages were im. portant will find that the new flowers on the market are even more lovely than their ancestors and really not that more expensive. Who Knows? What has prompted the popularity of an accessory that has been thought "corny" for the past 20 years? Who. knows? It. could be :the return to feminine fashions; the rush for nostalgia of the forties and "fifties or just the fact that everything comes full circle eventually. For whatever reason it may be, flowe~s will bloom in your garden; in your home and on you for spring'and summer '74.

While wearing artificial flowers takes a bit of courage at first, .iust a glance at the very high style fashion magazines will reassure you that they are the "in" accessory. Gardenias Lovely The gardenia is one of the loveliest of the artificials. It has a fresh look that is perfect with Stewardship Council f,ome of the white collar and cuff Director Elected dresses you'll see this spring. WASHINGTON (NC) - The Some flowers will find their way to your head because you'll board of directors of the National he wearing them around the Catholic Stewardship. Council crown of a hat, twisted into your has elected Redemptorist Father curls or even wrapped around a Francis A. Novak of the Grand chignon. Worn any way at all, 'Rapids, Mich., diocesan developt!)ey are very lovel)~ and quite ment fund campaign, as the first fulltime director of the NCSC. refreshing looking. NCSC president, Msgr. Charles If real flowers are still your thing and you remember back to V. Grahmann, secretary of the San Antonio, Texas, archdiocese, made the announcement. Bishops Issue Letter He also announced that the On Iowa Farm Life national office of the NCSC, now DES MOINES (NC)-A letter located in Kansas City, Mo., will expressing deep concern about be moved to Washingtol), D. C., life in rural Iowa has been sent to be closer to the heart-beat of to all the state's pastors by the the U. S. Church," specifically four Catholic bishops of the state. the offices of the U. S. Catholic In telling of their concern for Conference and the National families on Iowa's farms, Arch- Conference of Cathol·ic Bishops. The chief fund-raisers of 80 bishop James J. Byrne of Dubuque, and Bishops Maurice J. dioceses compose the NCSC, Dingman of Des Moines, Gerald which is dedicated to developing F. O'Keefe of Davenport and to the fullest the Church's use of Francis H. Greteman of Sioux people's time, talents and finanCity noted that the number cial resources. of farms in Iowa dropped by Conscience Clause Bill 46,000 from 1960 to 1973. "If permitted to compete on For Hospital Employes an equal basis," the bishops' letOTTAWA (NC) - Norm Cafic, ter stated, "the family farm wi)1 a member of Parliament from the survive." The bishops noted that the province of Ontario, said he will Iowa legislature is currently con- introduce a bill that will protect sidering bills which would re- nurses who on conscientious grounds refuse to perform cerquire that large corporationtain medical treatments, includowned farms file exact informaing abortions. tion such as the size,' number, Cafic, a Liberal party member, volume of production, and ownis also considering a bill that ership with the state. would make it a criminal offense for a hospital to. take action Priest Named Judge against an employe who refuses to assist with a therapeutic abor· C Of Marnage ourt tion. NEW YORK (NC) - Cuban The proposed bills were Father Raoul del Valle has been sparked by the recent removal of appointed a judge of the New a nurse, Anna Maria Palmer, 24, York Archdiocesan marriage from operating room duties at court. Father Del Valle, who pre- J. O. Ruddy Hospital, in Whitby, viously held other posts in the Ont., when she refused to take Church court here, studied at part in an abortion. the Havana Seminary and earned "I feel that I am being disa degree in canon law from the criminated against," said Mrs. Gregorian University in Rome. Palmer. "I'm being denied a highHe came here after the commu- er income because of my religious conviction." nist takeover in Cuba. ~


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PHILADELPHIA (NC) A' filmstrip and cassette program on ,the U. S. bishops' pastoral letter, "Behold Your Mother: Woman of Faith," has been prepared by the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine-Religious Education Office of the Philadelphia archdiocese. Msgr. Raymond J. Teller, author and producer of the program, said it is designed to introduce adults and high school students to the bishops' letter and to increase devotion to the Mother of God. The 15-minute filmstrip, with pictures from Rome, Lourdes, Fatima and other Marian shrines, is synchornized with a summary of the ·pastoral letter read by John Facenda, a CBS newscaster. Facenda contributed his services to the program, because he said he and his family have received many favors through the intercession of the Blessed Mother.

Mercy ._~~

STARVATION SPOTLIGHTED: This Ethiopian mother and child, desperately fighting for survival at a relief station, show how famine has taken a heavy toll in African countries. An official of Catholic Relief Services told a congressional-hearing that drought has touched 25 million persons in Africa with about one in four facing starvation. NC Photo.

Mercy imitates God and disappoints Satan. -St. John Chrysostom


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Seek 'Conscience Clause' for Nurses

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In Abortion Legislation TORONTO (NC)-The pro-life movement in Canada is expected to press the federal government for a "conscience clause" in current abortion legislation to protect nurses who refuse to participate in any abortion procedure. Gwen Landolt, president of the Toronto~area Right to Life Association said' that before nurses are hired, they are being asked by' public hospital admin" istrators if they will participate in abortions. "If they say, 'no,' these women are not hired," Mrs. Landolt said because the hospitals claim that they were denied employment because they lacked the necessary qualifications. Nurses have the right to be protected from this kind of discrimination." "At least three doctors who applied for staff positions at public hospitals told me they were refused jobs because of

doctors and nurses who believe in the sanctity of all h~man life." Draft proposals for the conscience clause will be considered by members of antiabortion groups across the country and will probably be included in a position paper to Parliament this fall. The paper and a one-millionsignature petition will demand legislation to tighten existing abortion laws and protect the lives of the unborn.

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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Apr. 4, 1974

Holy W'eek Offers Opportunities Continued from Page One which they will use throughout the Diocese in the administration of the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, Anointing of. the Sick and Holy Orders. New Deacons During the Mass, the Most Reverend Bishop will ordain six seminarians. to the Diaconate. They are: Rev. Mr. H. Stanley Barney III . of St. Lawrence Parish, New Bedford. Rev. Mr. William t. Boffa of St. Bridget Parish, Stamford, Conn. Rev. Mr. 'Arnold R. Medeiros of Santo Christo Parish, Fall River. Rev. Mr. Bruce Neylon of St. Patrick Parish, Fall River. Rev.. Mr. Herbert T. Nichols of Immaculate Conception Parish, Taunton. Rev. Mr. Richard M. Roy of St. Josepjh Parish, New Bedford. Following the Mass, the priests of the Diocese will return to their parishes carrying oil stocks containing the newly consecrated oils for the administration of the sacrament.s throughout the new liturgical year. Lord's Suppe:r On Thursday, April 11, the Mass of the Lord's Supper espeCially highlights the family atmosphere of each parish. The Last Supper of the Lord will be commemorated during which He instituted the Holy Eu(~harist. The Mass is to be THE family eucharistic meal for each parish. The Mass is to be celebrated in late afternoon or evening. Only if there are numbers of parishioners who cannot participate in the Mass of the Lord's Supper is it permitted to schedule other Masses at other times during the day. Following the Mass of the Lord's Supper, a solemn procession will bring the Blessed Sacrament to the Repository where public adoration is held into the night but not after midnight. . At the Cathedral, the Most Reverend Bishop will offer the Mass of the Lord's Supper 'on Thursday evening at 7 o'clock in the evening with Bishop James J. Gerrard and other priests present concelebrating.

ing to most ancient tradition with Holy Communion being re~ served only to this Service. Most Rev.. Daniel A. Cronin will preside. at the Service of the Passion and Death of Christ at the Cathedral at 3 o'clock Friday afternoon. .' Good Friday-and for those who can, Holy Saturday-is a day of special penance, abst·inence and strict fast for all. Holy Saturday The realization of the death of Chr.ist especially characterizes Holy Saturday. No Mass or services are held during the day. But the pall of mourning quickly turns to the Sepulchre of Christ and the important fact of His Resurrection puts all in true perspective. In the evening, not before 7 o'clock, the Easter Vigil is observed. Then life and light again enter each parish church. A joyful appreciation of the crucifixion ushers Easter joy. . Fire is. blessed; the Paschal Candle is prepared and lighted;. the churches regain their joyful lights as the Candle solemnly is brought into the church and its light is spread among the parishioners; the.. Exultet injects joyful song into the assembly; the Scriptures have all relish Christ's victory; the solemn celebration of Mass has all fully particoipate in the sacrifice of Ch~ist. Our FATHER FIXIT: Father Charles Sgueglia (left) works with Ben Canfield on a duct Faith is firm; He is risen! . for the Mechanicsville (N.Y.) Civic Center. Father Charles, as he is known, has been inThe Cathedral ceremony, at volved for three years ·in renovating the center to provide facilities for area young people. which Bishop Cronin will preside will. begin at 7 o'clock in the evening on Saturday, Ap~il 13. Holy Week VATICAN CITY (NC)-Father who had become Protestants dur- days and then killed .on :Dec. '9;': Holy Week is then before us. It is an urgent invitation to ex- Uborius Wagner, a German con- ·ing the difficult German Refor1631. His body was thrown into press and confirm our Faith. It vert to Catholicism who was mation period. the Main River but was re.covis not a simple commemoration martyred for his faith during the During the Thirty Years' War, ered and buried in Klosterheidenof an tiistor.ical fact 2,000 years Thirty Years' War 4n 1631 was when the Swedes invaded Ger- feld since 1803. old. It' is rather an opportunity beatified in St. Peter's Basilica many, Uborius hid, but was beAccording to his history he to enter into Christ's. ever re- March 24. trayed and imprisoned. He re- died proclaiming: "I wish to live, newed effort to get into our The Vatican announced March fused to give up his Catholic suffer and die as a Roman Cathlives by getting ever closer to 14 that Pope Paul would preside faith and was tortured for five olic." Hit:n, reliving with Him the mo- over the beatification ceremonies ments that did and do make of the priest, who was from the every difference in our lives.. Dioce.e of Wuerzberg, and the Mass of the day was cel. ebrated by Bisllop Joseph Stangl Priests Criticize of Wuerzburg.

Beatificclti'on Held for German Martyr

Family Law



SYDNEY (NC) - The government's Family Law bill is a fraud and "has little to do with the family except its destruction," according to Father Christ's Passion T. J. Purcell, secretary of the The celebration of the Lord's Sydney archdiocesan priests' Passion and Death is the high- senate. light for Good Friday, April 12. "·If the Family Law bill is Sacred Scripture is read; solemn passed in its present form it will General IntercesSJions are prayed; do more to destroy the concept the Cross of Christ is venerated; of Christian marriage and the Holy Communion is rece.ived. primacy of the family than any Throughout the Diocese, each 'bill previously before the Austraparish-depending on the needs lian Parliament," said the priest. of its faithful - will hold the. The priests' senate was .ulllinisolemn Service during the after- mously opposed to the bill's nooh or evening. There is no clauses on the dissolution and Mass celebrated this day accord- nullity of marriage.

Uborius Wagner was born at Muelhausen, Germany (now Mul~ house, France), in 1593, of a Protestant family. He studied at Leipzig, Gotha, Strasbourg and Wuerzburg, where he was converted to Catholicism by 'the Jesuits. Ordained in 1625, Father Uborius became a pastor of Altenmuenster in 1626, and devoted himself to regaining Catholics

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While a bustling world hurries past, God speaks in gentle ways


THE ANCHOR·-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Apr. 4, 1974



BIG DAY: It was a big clay at Sacred Heart parish, Taunton, as over 700 friends gathered to pay tribute to John Nichols, retiring' after more than 42 years of service as custodian for church, school, rectory and convent buildings. Hugh Flynn, left, parish trustee, presents gift to Nichols; right, Nichols and his sisters with priests who have served Sacr~d Heart

Cardinal Critical Of Arrests SAO PAULO (NC)-Cardinal Paul Evaristo Arns of Sao Paulo accused this city's chief of police of "vengeance against the Church" in criticizing the arrest<; of dozens of laymen wmking with Catholic social action programs. The cardinal ,also disclosed at a press conference here some of the topics he had discussed with a high·ranking aide to President Ernest Geisel. Geisel, a Protestant, became president of Latin America's biggest country March 15. Cardinal Arns said that police chief Sergio Paranhos Fleury per· sonally interrogated some of the 40 laymen arrested in Sao Paulo. Waldemar Rossi, who works for the archdiocesan justice and peace commission was tortured for six hours, Cardinal Arns said. Only 14 of those arrested since January rem&in in jail. Cardinal Arns said that the archdiocese is giving financial aid to the families of those ar· rest,ed and financing their legal defense.

over past four decades. From left, Rev. Walter A. Sullivan, pastor of Sacred Heart, Rev. Thomas F. McMorrow, Rev. Francis B. Connors, Miss Sarah Nichols, Mr. Nichols, Miss Mary Nichols, Rev. David A. O'Brien, Rev. Howard A. Waldron, Rev. William F. Morris.

.vote to Restore Death 'Penalty

People Don't Take Time to Love, Says Retired Custodian from .Taunton BY


he was an altar boy under Rev. James Lubey. Very Different

"If only whoever is responsible When he became custodian in for the gas shortage would give me enough gas for my little red 1929, it was a very different job VW, I'd like to see some of the than it is now. "There were no United States," says John Nich- definite hours, nor- any pay you ols when asked what,he wants to were supposed to get," he explained. "When something was do with his retirement. Nichols, of 446 Weir St., Taun- going on, whenever -it was, you ton, is now retired after over 42 . were there. ~ was the fifth . years as custodian for Sacred curate. H'eart parish, taking care of the "Things are different now," church, school, rectory and con- he added. "For instance, when vent. Over 700' parishioners, we were kids -and shoveled sn<lW friends and reiatives gathered for around the church, and rectory, a recent testimoni'al in recog- we never knew whether we'd get nition of his long service. paid or be blessed for our work, The program began with a but that's the way it was then." Mass concelebrated by Rev. WaiNichols served under five' paster Sullivan, Rev. Edward Bying- tors, Father Lubey, Rev. Edward ton and Rev. Kenneth Delano. Moriarty, Msgr. Francis McKeon, Rev. David O'Brien and Rev. Rev. William Galvin, and the Howard Waldron were seated present pastor, Father Sulliin the sanctuary. The offertory van. During that time the Sacred gifts were pres'ented by Mr. Heart plant grew from a church Nichols, his sisters, Mary and ,and rectory to -include a school Sarah Nichols, and his niece and and convent. In addition to tak· nephew, John and Beth Kondas. ing care of the buildings and Condemns Vetc) Following the Mass, a recep- grounds, Nichols used to do a tiOI1 was held in the lower lot of driving for the priests. Of Anti-Smut Bill church, with entertainment, re"Years ago, there were a lot PHILADELPHIA (NC)-Cardi· fre'shments, and a check pre- of house visits to the sick,", he nal John Krol of Philadelphia sented to the fotmer custodian. said. "Now everybody gets told Pennsylvania Gov. Milton J. "Everyone at the reception rushed to the hospitoal." Shapp that he spoke "for my was say,ing to me, 'Now you can Too Much Hurry brother bishops in frankly con-' go to Ireland or to Europe,' but Asked what he liked best demning your action" in vetoing 'I'd rather see something of about his job, Nichols replied, an anti-pornography bill. America," Nichols said. "I saw "The people, especially the kids. "I beg you not to doubt that enough' of Europe during the our sentiments are shared, broad- war. When D-Day came, I didn't Iy and solidly, by Catholic men have enough points to be shipped and - women throughout this' home, so I was stationed as part SHAWOMET state, as well as by great num· of the maintenance outfit at bel'S of people not of our faith," Ike's headquarters. We weren't GARDENS the cardinal said in a letter to kept awfully busy so I got to see 102 Shawomet Avenue the governor. a lot of Paris and parts of GerSomerset, Mass. Earlier in March, the governor many. I took every chance I got Tel. 674-4881 vetoed a bill that wQuld have to travel." banned the sale, distribution or Nichols' two years in Europe 3% room Apartment $155.00 per month exhibition of material judged to were the longest. he has ever 4% room Apartment $165.00 per be obscene by a jury. - It also been away from his parish. He month would have made the county the has lived in the Weir section of Includes heat, hot water, stove, reo norm for defining community Taunton all his life and his serfrigerator and maintenance service. standards on obscenity. vice to Sacred Heart began when

The kids were wonderful, but you have to talk to them as children, about their ideas, not about your own. You have to listen to them." "Nowadays, you hear a lot pf talk about love but everybody's in too much of ,a hurry to love," he added. "You can make money if you want to kill yourself, but when you're walked down 'the aisle it doesn't make much difference." Nichols' choice is a -slower pace. He still helps out occasionally at church and is waiting for milder weather to take some trips. His sisters, Mary, a former school teacher, and Sarah, who worked for the telephone company, live next _door to him.

HARRISBURG (NC)-Overriding the veto of Gov. Milton J. Shapp, the Pennsylvania legisla· ture voted to restore the ~eath penalty for murder. The vote to override was 16920 in the House and 42-6 in the Senate. Shapp called the new law "manifestly bad legislation," but said he would uphold it. The U. S. Supreme Court's decisi9n in the 1972 Furman case had set aside the Pennsylvania death penalty. The court then said that the death penalty was unconstitutional because of the uncertain way in which it was administered. Last September, the Pennsylvania Catholic Conference urged state legislators to explore every alternative before voting to retain capital punishment, but did not definitively oppose the death penalty.


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Banquet Commemorates,Stonehill's 25th

THE ANCHORThurs., April' 4, 1974

The Parish Parade

Almost 600 persons attended ST. WILLIAM, a Stonehill Col1ege testimonial FALL RIVER dinner in New York March 28 Mr. Philip T. Silvia, Jr., Ph.D., and heard New York Governor will be the gue~t .speaker at the Malcolm Wilson pay tribute to regular monthly meeting of the Anthony E. Cascino, a col1ege Women's Guild scheduled for 8 BOSTON (NC)-Cardinal Hum- board member, for his efforts o'clock on Wednesday evening, berto Medeiros of Boston has ap- on behalf of Stonehill. Apfiil 10 dn the al1-purpose room. Held in conjunction with the pealed to a priest who' has been Mrs. Louis Castanza and Mrs. celebrating Mass in Latin in a col1ege's Quarter Century celRita St. Michel will serve as manner not conforming to ebration, the black-tie, dinner at hostesses. Church regulations to, manifest" the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel was The annual "Guildola" will be "the loyalty and obedience which attended by business executives held at 8 o'clock on W,.ednesday from throughout the United he promised at his ordination to night, April 17 in the parish States, Latin America, Europe the priesthood." center. The priest, Father John L. and the Far East. 'ST. MARY, Proceeds from the testimonial, Keane, has been celebrating Mass SO.l>ARTMOuTH in Latin according to the tradi- totaling more than $100,000, The Women's Guild's annual tional Tridentine rite, named' comprise the first contribution to meeting .wil1 be held at the Parafter the 16th-century Council a fund for the expansion and ish center on Tuesday evening, of Trent. In 1971, Pope Paul de- enriChment of the college library. April 9. ,Governor Wilson, the longcreed that that rite' should be reFinal reports for the year will placed by the new Order of the time New York Lieutenant Govbe given at this time fol1owed ernor who recently succeeded Mass now general1y used. by the presentatlion of the slate In a statement issued here, Nelson Rockefel1er as the state's of officers for the upcoming year chief. executive, commended Cardinal Medeiros said he had . by the Nominating Board and spoken with Father Keane "about Cascino "for encouraging the dethe election of the new directors. his celebrating the sacred liturgy velopment of private higher edWith the new insurgence of ucation in America." in a manner and in circumstances landscaping and practical plant"Freedom of choice in educacontrary to the regulations of the ing the program "Gardening Church. I deeply regret that tion is 'an ;important ,and cherGoofs", do's and don'ts in garFather Keane has publicly con- ished American tradition," the dening presented by the Garden tinued to disregard the Church's governor remarked. "Mr. CasShop, Acushllet Avenue should discipline in these matters in cino is playing a leading role in prove most interesting and inBoston and even in other dio- preserving this heritage by. his formative. work on behalf of Stonehill Colceses." 'l!r--"';';;" For those who have not made lege." 'For, Rare Cases' their reservations for the forthRev. Ernest J. Bartel1, col1ege PRINCIPAI.S AT COLLEGE DINNER: Anthony E. The cardinal pointed out that, president, presented Cascino coming Installation Party to be while English is to be preferre'd with Stonehill's "Outstanding Cascino, Stonehilll College board member, ~ew York Gover- held at Dugdale's Town House, for the public celebration of Achievement Award" for his ini- nor Malcolm Wilson, and the Rev. Ernest J. Bartell, Stonehill So. Dartmouth on Tuesday, April Mass, pastors in the archdiocese tiatives in combating world College president. 16, Mrs. Edward Anuszczyk and may authorize the use of Latin hunger as, wel1 as for his service Mrs. Vincent Hayes will be availin the Mass on weekdays" as to high education. Other nations represented at ment for the Seventies" program, able to accommodate you in this often as they judge such use is , A former col1ege professor, the dinner were Sweden, Bel- The project will cost an esti- matter. pastoral1y advisab:e" provided Cascino taught at Northwestern gium, France, Spain, Korea, Mex- mated $500,000. Turn to Pa~e Twelve the new Order of Mass is used. University and Ripon College. In ico, Brazil and Colombia. The cardinal said he' can, and addition, he has served as an .The library project, which inhas permitted the use of Latin adviser ·to the Wharton School of cludes alterations to the existing at Masson Sundays and holy Finance and Commerce at the ,structure and construction of a days under the same conditions. University of Pennsylvania and' new wing, is the next step in the . Only the Vatican cim permit Loyola University of Chicago. • col1ege's $15-million "DevelopINDUSTRIAL and DOMESTIC I the use of the Tridentine form "for rare and exceptional cases," the cardinal said, and stated that Father Keane has not received his permission for the place where he celebrates' Mass, nor . LONDON (NC) - The recent tive party and are expected to that of the Vatican for the Tri-' British elections have once again rave few scruples about using dentine form. thrown the whole issue of North- their position in London to try to New Bedford 997-9162 312 Hillman Street Stating that he did not want ern Ireland into confusion. change the new Northern Ire. . .. . "to invoke sanctions or' take disland government. Northern Ireland elected' 1-1 - ciplinary action against Father Protestant extremist Union party Under the Constitution Act, the Keane," the cardinal reminded members to the House of Com- new Northern Irish assembly and ,the priest of his promise of obe- mons in London, whe~e because , ·its executive (intended to give dience and urged the clergy and of the failure of any political the Catholic minority a greater the laity of the archdiocese "to party to win an over~al1 majority' share in the government of the assist me in my earnest efforts they may be ina balance-of- British province) cannot be overto effect a reconciliation with power position. thrown for three years. . this· brother priest ... Should Acutely conscious of the posThe main hop~ for peace in Father Keane desist from his present activities' and request sible political deadlock the-.11 Northern Ireland seems to be any permission' or p:rivilege con- Protestants, believe that as' the that all three British political 22 MEMORABLE DAYS DEPARTING JUNE 11 fourth .most powerful group in parties, Conservative, Labor and sistent with the norms of the· OTHER DEPARTURES: Apr. 9 & 30, May 21, July 2 & 23, Aug. 13, Sept. Parliament they may hold a barLiberal, will remain committed Church, I shal1 be glad to give 3 & 24, Oct. 15, 1974 gaining power strong enough to .to the new set-up in Northern his request my personal considCome along on this exciting, trip featuring the best of France, Italy, bring down the carefully conIreland and that none of them Austria, Germany and Ireland plus visits to the shrines of lisieux. eration." Lourdes, Assisi and many more highlighted by an audience with the structed coalition administration will be tempted to turn back into Holy Father. of Catholic and Protestant mod- the past to reach an accommoIncluded are round trip jet air transportation via PAN AMERICAN,first class hotels with bath, most meals, sight·seeing, transfers and most Library Association ~ erates set up in Belfast two dation with those seeking to retips. Every tour is accompanied by a tour chaplain. In addition, a multilingual tour manager accompanies the group from start to finish. months ago. ' store the old dominant ProtesSchedules Meeting The cost? Only $1159 from New York tant regime, The British House of Commons HAVERFORD (NC) - The in London now has in its ranks 53rd annual convention of the , ARRANGEMENTS BY the three most powerful and milPove~r Catholic Library Association will No one should commend povmeet April 15 to 18 in Pitts- itant Protestant politicians in CATholic TRAVEl CENTER burgh, it was announced here at Northern.lreland....:....the Rev. Ian erty but the poor, AMlRICA'S UADINO O"IATOI Of CATHOUC INUI"T TOUIS Paisley, William Craig and Harry -St. Bernard the association's headquarters. For your free colorful brochure call or mail co~pon today In addition to nine general West.. Their victories over Unionist sessions, the convention will also' Cathol,ic Tra~el Center (213) 263-6841 ~~~~~R • have special interests sections party candidates who supported 761 S. AtlantiC Blvd. ~.~ r~ .BEFORE YOU the new power-sharing local govLos Angeles, Calif. 90022 TID 11874' • ~such as high school libraries, BUY -TRY ra ~ university libraries and library . ernment in Northern Ireland cerPlease send me free brochure on GRAND TOUR OF EUROPE tainly marks for the present the ' educators. with Father Casey departing June 11, 1974, The Regina Medal" awarded end of the years-old alliance befor outstanding contribution to tween the British Conservative children's literature, will be pre- party and many' Northern Irish sented to Robert McCloskey, a Unionist politicians. OLDSMOBILE The 11 have little sympathy writer and iIlustrater of chil67 Middle Street, Fairhaven with Edward 'Heath's Conservadren's books.

CardinallUrges Priest to Use New Mass Rite




British Election Throws Situation In No. Ireland Into. Confusion







THE ANCHOR-Oio~ese offaIUHver-Thurs., Apr. 4, 1974



Promotes Fr~e Elections Father Daniel Lyons, S.J. enjoys. the distinction of having written more articles against Cesar Chavez and the United Farm Workers dian any other American journalist. He also enjoys the more dubious distinction of having disseminated more misinformation about Chavez could and should have learned long time ago, even if he had and the UFW than anyone anever visit~d California, that else in the Fourth Estate. prior to strikes and boycotts,

At predictably regular intervals he says demonstrably false things about Chavez and the UFW.


MSGR. GEORGE G. HIGGINS Father Lyons did it again a couple of weeks ago in a syndicated column entitled "Chavez and the Boycott" (The National Catholic Register, March 10) The gist was that the UFW's boycott of lettuce and grapes is immoral. I don't know of a single moral theologian of any professional standing who would subscribe to that conclusion. Moreover Father .Lyons knows that the U. S. bishops did not agree with it. He should have noted in his column that the bishops en· dorsed the boycott at the November meeting of the National Con· ference of Catholic Bishops. I might add, parenthetically, that for reasons best known to themselves some opponents' of the boycott are mischievously spreading a rumor to 'the effect that the NCCB vote on this issue was either invalid-or, at best, meaningless-for want of a quo· rum. The record will show that's a lot of balderdash. The pres· ident of the the NCCEl formally ruled, in response to a question from the floor, that a quorum was present when the boycott resolution was present.ed. Following that parliamentary ruling, some 16 bishops from all parts of the United States eflthusiastically spoke in favor of the resolution. Not a single bishop spoke against it. The official minutes of the meeting show that the resolution was adopted without audible dissent-which is another way of saying that it was passed unanimously. False Statement Father Lyons also alleges in his Register column that Chavez and the UFW have always been opposed to free secret ballot elections as a means of determining which union farm workers want to represent them. "To the best of my lmowledge," he says, "and I have made many trips to California in the past few years to interview the farmers, Chavez never suggested to any grower that he hold an election among his workers, until the Teamsters came along. Instead he used the boycott like a gun against their heads, threatening to destroy the farmers economically if they would not sign a contract with the union." That statement is completely false-irresponsibly so, in my opinion, because Father Lyons

the UFW, as I reported in the last release of this column, has consistently called for elections, only to be rebuffed by the growers. Having been rebuffed, the union was forced, in desperation, to resort to strikes and boycotts to settle the representation issue. Present State Father Lyons also could and should have learned, without ever having, visited California, that the UFW has participated in a number of secret ballot elections and has won them all by a comfortable margin. The UFW's record on this issue of free elections has been outlined in meticulous detail in a memo orandum prepared by Rev. Wayne C. Hartmire, Jr., a United Church of Christ Minister, who serves as Director of the National Farm Worker Ministry and is one of the most knowledgeable men in the United States concerning the ins and outs of the farm labor prob· lem. Rev. Mr. Hartmire's memorandum is entitle'tl "Elections and Legislation in Agriculture." Copies may be obtained by writing to him personally at 1411 West Olympic Boulevard, Room 501, LGS Angeles, Ca. 90015. So much for the history of this dispute over the free election issue. What's the present state of the question? The record is very clear. The UFW and the , California AFL-CIO have joined forces in supporting a free election bill which was introduced ·in the California Legislature on March 11 by Assemblymen Burton of San Franciscb and Alatorre of Los Angeles (Assembly Bill No. 3370. March II, 1974,. California Legislature, Sacramento, Cal.). Election Petitions The Burton-Alatorre measure would set up a full-time, three'member Agricultural Workers . Commission, named by the Governor and confirmed by the Senate. Under the terms of the bill, an election petition could be filed on a farm when the number of workers on the payroll is at least 50 per cent of the expected peak employment. Any union which wants to be on tqe ballot after an election is' ordered by the Commission can do so by getting cards signed by 10 per cent of the total number of workers expected at the peak of the harvest season. Harry Bernstein, labor reporter for the Los Angeles Times, reports that while there is disagreement about certain features of the Burton-Alatorre bill, "speculation is growing that the state soon may have a law designed to ease bitter farm labor battles." Bernstein quotes William Grami, director of Organization for the Western Conference of Teamsters, as saying that, while the Burton-Alatorre bill 'needs some modifications, "I bel,ieve there

PASSOVER SEDER: passover, the Jewish feast of deliverance celebrated by Christ on the night before he died, starts this year on April 7, marked by Christians as Passion or Palm Sunday. The word Seder means order or formal arrangement. At right, a table is set with all the Seder elements for a demonstration observance in Adas Israel Congregation, Washington, D.C. At left one of four cups of wine is lifted by Rabbi Stanley Rabinowitz who also holds up a matzah, praying, "This is the bread of affliction which our ancestors ate in the land of Egypt .... This year we are here; next year in Jerusalem." NC Photo. is a good possibility of getting legislation now." The growers interviewed by Bernstein withheld comment pending formal release of the details of the bill, but several said unofficially that they cannot support such a measure if it dos not outlaw the boycott weapon which the UFW has used with more effectiveness than strikes. On the other hand, some growers have indicated privately that they are so anxious to get some kind of unionrepresentation law on the books so that they may either support the Burton-Alatorre measure or at least not oppose it if it does not contain what one called "any gimmicks." Having carefully studied the text of the bill, I would say that the growers have nothing to fear . in this regard. The bill doesn't contain any gimmicks. It's a first clean bill of its kind ever introduced in any state legislature. In other words, it's aimed exclusively at promoting free elections and isn't slanted either for or against the UFW. This oeing the case, I sincerely hope that the growers will either support it or at least not oppose it. Ditto for Pather Lyons. As one who claims to be in favor of free elections, he can rightly be expected to support the BurtonAlatorre bill and to urge his friends in the industry to do the same. If he opposes the bill or fails to push for its adoption, I for one would be compelled to conclude that he really isn't interested in free elections but is using the election issue polemically to harass the UFW. ( © 1974 NC News Service)


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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Apr. 4, 1974

'Great Tom' by Matthews Is Bool( About T.S. Eliot The greatest, or at least the most influential,. of the 20th century poets writing in English is T.S. Eliot, who was born in 1888 ,and died in 1965. No satisfactory biography of Eliot has yet' appeared. Nor is' one likely to appear for years to come. . The reason is not lack of was a literary sensation, and it has had an effect on all subinterest, but rather the re- sequent poetry in English. strictions laid on access to In 1927, Eliot, who was by


materials essentia.l to such' a ,heritage a Unitarian, was rework. Hence T.S. Matthews sub- ceived into the Church of Enti,t1es Great Tom, his book about gland. He was, ever after, a deEliot, "Notes Tow.ards the Defi- vout, practicing member of that Church. Mr. Matthews seems to regard this as a bizarre, almost unaccountable, development. By Repugnant Treatment . In this, he is unpleasantly pa~ RT. REV. tronizing to Eliot, as he is in" "much else, as, for example, in_ MSGR. assessing his poetry ·and life style. Eliot was singular, but one JOHN s. . can hardly believe that he was KENNEDY - the freak that skedaddles through these complacently chuckling pages. Certainly he was a man who nition of T.S. Eliot" (Harper suffered greatly and long. This & Row, 49' E. 33-rd St., New has much' to do with the tone York, N. Y. 10016, $8.95. Illus- of his poetry. But he saw his trated). suffering from a Christian viewA book such as Mr. Matthews' point, and it· is this which illu-admittedly under a handicap- mines even the most somber has some value as the view of a passages of his work. contemporary of Eliot's, one who Great honors came to Eliot, had some personatacquaintance among them the Nobel Prize. with him and has some familiar- And there was happiness, too, in ity with the American and En- his final years. Cynics are inglish backgrounds of 'Eliot's life clined to smirk at his' obvious ' and 'work. contentment when, at the age of Adopted Bostonian 68 and a decade after the death Eliot's ancestry was proper of his neurotic first wife, he Bostonian, although he was born married again. That smirk finds in St. Louis and spent his first its way into Mr. Matthews' treatdecade and a half there. His par- ment of the matter. It is repugents may have lived in a setting , nant. remote from Boston, but the atAloof General mosphere of the home was BosAnother great man is differtonian; and from 1896 on, the ently viewed in Claude Mauriac:s family spent every summer on The Other de Gaulle (John Day, , the the Massachusetts coast. 257 Park Ave. South, New York, At 16, Eliot was sent east to N. Y. 10010. $12.95. Illustrated). MHton Academy, 'and from there Mr. Mauriac, son of 'Francois' he moved on to Harvard. At Har- Mauriac, was private secretary vard he gave little indication of to De Gaulle for some ·years after what his future accomplishment the liberation of Paris in 1944. would be. He continued at Har- He was never intimate with the vard graduate school, where he aloof general. but he saw him came hi touch with an array of almost daily for considerable eminent t,eachers. ,periods, hence came to know He had a year of study in him well. Paris, and. later proeeeded to a --His attitude toward De Gaulle German ,university. He left Ger- was all but idolatrous, as shown many when World War I began, in the diary' entries which conand transferred to Oxford. For stitute this book. Many passage's the next 50 years, England was read like the breathless expresto be his home, and he would sion of a schoolgirls' crush. But eventually' become 'a British Mr. Mauriac was not always ensubject. tirely uncritical, 'e.g., he could Unhappy Marriage coolly observe that De Gaulle It was in England :that his po- attached no importance to people etry was first published; there as individuals. Record of History that he married at 26; there ,that Mr. Mauriac, even after a long he emerged as an original and powerful ctitic. \ The marriage day of hard work, took pains to was a disaster, and his writing summarize' De Gaulle's sayings ,lid not provide a living. For and doings during that day. years he was an employe of a Hence one gets here many of De bank, and later he bl~came, and Gaulle's off-the-record utterremained for the rest of his life, ances, some record of history an editor in a publishing house. as it was being made, some noThus, he always had a full-time ,tion of the personalities collabjob, and his verse and prose were orating or contending with De produced in his spare time. Gaulle in a period fateful for All, that is, except the most France. famous of his works, "The We see De Gaulle as he asserts, Wasteland," which was written "I'm always France." as he com- ' during a three-month period plains bitterly of the United when he was supposed to be States and Britain and vows to having an absolute rest to re- pay them 'Out, as he deals with cover from a breakdown. Pub- problems both when he is in and lished in 1922, "The Wasteland" when he is out of office. We

The Parish Parade Publicity chairmen of parish organi,zatlol1s Ire asked to submit news Items for this column to The Anchor, 'P. O. Box 7. Fall River 02722. Name of city or town should be Included. as well as full dates of all activities. Please send news of future rather than past events.

ST. MARY, NEW BEDFORD The Women's Guild will meet at 8 P.M. Monday, April 8 in the school. A cordial tasting party will be featured and refreshments will be served. New memo bers, age 18 or over, are invited to attend. Tickets will be available for a parish show, "Showtime '74," at the meeting, or reservations may be made by calling Mrs. Rita Lizotte, telephone 995-1972. The annual rummage sale will take place in the school from 10 .AM. to 8 P.M. Thursday, April 18 and from 10 AM. to 6 P.M. Friday, April 19. Mrs. Florence Lavoie, chairman, may be contacted for further information. OlJR LADY OF MT. CARMEL, SEEKONK Carol and John Levis o~ Birthright of Attleboro will speak at an open meeting of the Women's Guild Wednesday, April 10 in the church center on Route 44, Seekonk. A business session will be held at 7:30 P.M., foIlowed at 8:30 P.M. by the talk, which will be accompanied by slides. A question period will then take place. All adults of the parish and junior and senior high school students are invited to attend. Refreshments will be served. ST. JOSEPH, TAUNTON Mr. and Mrs. Donald Lewis ,are general chairman of the third annual dinner dance sponsored by the parish, to be held Saturday night, April 20 at the school hall, Sheridan Street. Theme of the. o.ccasion wIll, b~ ~'b-pril '\n Earjs" apd, ~ysi~;'ilY.Hl 't~\,q:x:.t,h~ Four C's. A sOyial hour from 6:30 to 7:30 will be followed by dinner from 7:30 to 9 and dancing until 1 o'clock. Tickets, are available from Edgar McAloon or Stanley Saladyga Jr. Reservations will close ~ Monday, April 15. ST. GEORGE, WESTPORT The Couples Club will hold a Hawaiian luau and dance at 7 P.M. Saturday, April 20 in the school hall, with music by the Pearl Harbor Hawaiians. Tickets are limited, according, to announcement made by Mr. and Mrs. Adrien Durand and Mr. and Mrs. Roland Thibault, in charge of arrangements.

ST. JOSEPH, ATTLEBORO A practice session for third graders who will receive .the Sacrament of Penance for the first time will be held from 3:15 to 4:15 P.M. tomorrow. A parent is asked to accompany each child. Parish council elections will be held in June an'd an open meeting will be held in May at which time ,any parishioner may MEDALIST: James A. nominate candidates'in addition to those selected by a nominatFarley, former postmaster ing committee. general and national chair- HOLY NAME, man of the Democratic Par- FALL RIVER ty, is the 1974 recipient of A parish retreat will end toLaetare Medal from the Uni- morrow w1th special Masses at versity of Notre Dame. NC 11:50 AM., 5:15 P.M. and 7:30 P.M., each foIlowed by confesPhoto. sions. A communal penance service will take place at 7:30 P.M. TuesCatholic Alcoholics day, April 9 as part of the Holy Plan Pilgrimage, Week program of the parish. ROME (NC)-Calix, an organA sewing group making pads ization of Catholic members of for the Rose Hawthorne Lathrop Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), will Home meets at I P.M. each Tuesobserve its 25th, anniversary in day at the school. early May by sponsoring a pilA drop~in program for teengrimage to Europe from the agers takes place from 7:30 to United States to seek papal ap- 9 P.M. each Monday night, also proval of its program of rehabil- at the school. itation. Father Leo Dolan of the arch- ST. LOUIS, diocese of St. Paul-Minneapolis, FALL RIVER The annual mammoth penny an active member of Calix, told sale will ,take place from 2 to 4 NC News here that, in addition' to visiting Rome, Calix pilgrims P.M. Sunday, April 7 in the from five nations will convene' church hall on Eagle Street. in Dublin to honor Matt Talbot, There will be 350 regular prize's in addition to numerous door the Irish reformed alcoholic who prizes. Mrs. Wilfred St. Michel died in 1925. is chairwoman. According to Father Dolan, Calix members from the United SS. PETER AND PAUL, . States, Scotland, Ireland, En~' FALL RIVER A gala Las Vegas Night is gland and Wales will join a Mass at the tomb of Talbot in planned for Saturday, April 20 the Church of Our Lady of by the Home and School Assn. Festivities will begin at 4:30 Lourdes in Dublin on May 13. P.M., 'continuing to 11:30 P.M. Talbot began drinking at the age of 12 until, at the age of 28, Refreshments and beverages will he dramatically put down the be .available. Mrs. Pat Latinville bottle and for the next 41 years heads the planning committee. The unit also plans a dance of his life lived a life of prayer, fasting and penance and gave for Saturday, May 25 at Sacred his meager earnings to the Heart auditorium. Mrs. Pat Bell and Mrs. Mary Bisaro, .co-chairneedy. men announce that tickets are available from them or any other watch him as he faithfully but associatinon member. boredly attends Mass, as he speaks understandably of Petain, ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI, and even, inoredibly, as he chew's NEW BEDFORD The Ladies League will hold a gum. cake sale and communion supper Heroic, Ridiculous Aluminum or Steel He makes predictions, which at dates to be annqunced, with 944· County Street Mr. Mauriac sets down at the Mrs. Dorothy Blair named chairNEW BEDFORD, MASS. time. Some are fulfilled with un- man of the cake sale. 9Q,-M.18 The unit has sent financial canny accuracy; others are proved utterly wrong. He comes support to a leper colony in . across as now heroic, now ridic- Japan. Rev. William O'Connell, pasulous. When he died, 'in 1970, there tor of Sacred Heart Church, Fall was no state funeral; his obse- River, addressed the league at quies were of the simplest. As :its last meeting. far back as 1948 he had said that this was what he wanted, and in 1952 he drew up specifications for his funeral which, almost 20 year.s later, were carried out to the letter. Discussing a De Gaulle press conference, Mr. Mauriac writes of certain statements, "They DOMESTIC & HEAVY DUTY OIL BURNERS migh,t have appeared ridiculous "Sales -Service -Installation to the profane, I mean to those who have not fathomlld the mysMAIN OFFICE - 10 DURFEE STREET, FALL RIVER tery of the man." You have to be a true believer to swallow all of this often revealing book. + •••••••••••



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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Apr. 4, 1974


KNOW YOUR FAITH Speaking Out For Justice and Pickets, demonstrations, boycotts, sit-ins, draft card burnings, silent v,jgils-the past decade in the United States has seen a considerable amount of protest and dissent.


Site of the Last Supper The spot in Jerusalem which is traditionally served as the site of the Last Supper is presently in Jewish hands and is a Moslem Mosque. How this came about provides us with one of the most interesting and complicated 'stories of this ancient city. '~m:mJ




Have these actions been good? Have they helped the causes of peace and justice? Or have they It has long been thought that been harmful to the public inthe Last Supper was held in the terest and welfare of our nation? private home of one of Christ's These questions are as difficult wealthy disciples. The location as they are important. of the Cenade (from Latin coenaculum, n:teaning dining room) on To try to be objective in talking 'about protest activities in Mount Zion was the center of a neighborhood of fine homes this country is no easy task. Our memories are filled with dra.during Christ's time and tends matic pictures of urban. riots in to verify such speculation. When the. Roman Hadrian reWatts, Newark and Detroit, of turned to Jerusalem in 135 A.D., student protests at Berkley, after the city's second destrucColumbia, and Kent State, of tion by Rome, he reported that civil rights demonstrations in one of the few things that reSelma, of peace marches at the mained standing was a small Pentagon, of police confrontachurch on Mount Zion which tions in Chicago. The long and had been built by the Christians bitter years of the Vietnam War to mark the site of the Last Supestranged' 'mllny 'citizens from per and the Ul'per Room. each other and from the ordinary A basilica was built on the processes of political and social spot called Hagia Sion, that is change. Holy Zion, but over the centuries The right and responsibility of the Chr.istian community to be CONFRONTATIONS: Pickets, demonstrations, boy- it has been destroyed, rebuilt and destroyed and rebuilt aga,in. In ,involved in protest against and cotts, sit-ins, draft-card burnings, silent vigils-the past addition, it has changed hands dissent from unjust governmental policies is basic to the com- decade in the United States has seen a considerable amount many times. The Crusaders rebuilt on the munity's mission to preach the of protest and dissent. The,ultimate protest-an anti-picket ancient foundations and today's Gospel. No national institution, picket-is depicted by Dutch cartoonist Cork. Nc Photo. building probably dates from the program or leader is sacred or Crusader period. In the 16th cendeserving of absolute allegiance. In more recent years in this and dissents are actions on beThat would be idolatry, forbid- 'country, acts of civil disobedi- half of peace and, justice which tury it was turned into a Mosque, den by the First Commandment. ence agains segregation laws and should certainly be undertaken Confrontation of laws relating to the military by all Christians in the United Minnesota School The 1971 statement by the draft have been effective wit- States. It would be very unusual World Synod of Bishops on nesses of Christian values of -indeed, unfortunate-if Cath- Enrollment Down' "Justice in the World" told us: justice and peace. It is signifi- olics, lay and clerical, were abST. PAUL (NC) - Enrollment "Our mission demands that we cant to note that after the 1973 :sent from such witnesses. in Catholic schools of the six should courageously denounce Supreme Court ruling on abordioceses of l\ftinnesota declined injustice, with charity, prudence tion, the U. S. Catholic Bishops by 5,040 students or 6.2 per cent ,in the 1973-74 school year from and firmness, in sincere dialogue advised civil disobedience of Marks Centennial with all parties concerned." the preceding year, tile 1973-74 legislation justifying or promot- Of Aquinas' Death Official Minnesota Catholic DiBut to denounce injustice does ing abortion. TEHERAN (NC)-The seventh not mean simply speaking out rectory indicated. centennial of the death of StNorms for Protesting in the ordinary ways of sermons The total number of students' Thomas Aquinas, the great Cathand speeches or articles and What kind of protest and dis- olic philosopher and theologian, enrolled ,in the schoois of the books. It means to confront so- sent can a Christian become inarchdiocese of St. Paul and Minciety as effectively as possible. volved in? An answer to that will was solemnly commemorated at neapolis and the dioceses of And where the effect.iveness of depend upon the particul'ar cir- the state university of this pre- Crookston, Duluth, New Ulm, St. this confrontation is hindered cumstances of each case. But a dominantly Moslem nation. Cloud and Winona ,is 75,661, Seven conferences stretching said the directory, published by because the ordinary voice can few general norms would seem over a period of two days- the Catholic Bulletin, weekly not be heard and dialogue to suggest themselves: March 7-9-at the University of cannot be established, then seri1) The dissenting action should Teheran on the works and newspaper of the St. Paul and ous consideration must be given be non-violent toward persons; Minneapolis archdiocese. thought of the Dominican saint to various forms of protest and In the archdiocese, Catholic 2) Its greatest power should were opened by the university dissent. chancellor, Dr. Houshang Naha- school enrollment is down 2,779 The action of civil disobedi- be symbolic; 3) Toward property, the dis- vandi, who spoke on the subject to 46,737 students, a loss of' 5.6 ence-going against an unjust senting action should be exer- of "The Economic Ideas of St. per cent. Secondary schools lost law and accepting the conse660 students and elementary quences-has a long heritage cised with symbolism and with T1'J.omas Aquinas. minimal destruction. Among other speakers on schools lost 2,119. among Christians. The early Enrollments are also down in martyrs engaged in civil disobeDuring the past two years, we T.homistic philosophy and theoldience by refusing to follow the have seen right-to-life demon- ogy were Archbishop, Ernesto Minnesota public schools. State layvs requiring worship of the strations, grape and lettuce boy- 'Gallina, apostolic pro-nuncio to department of education statisRoman emperor. There were cotts, rent ,strikes against unfair Iran, and Dominican Father Wil- tics show a decline of 19,638 Christians who refused to go landlords, peaceful demonstra- liam Barden, apostolic adminis- students, or one per cent. Grades along with Hitler and his unjust tions for an end to the Vietnam trator of the Latin-rite Archdio- one through eight show a loss of 16,405 or ,2.6 per cent. laws. War. These and similar protests cese of Isfahan.

and another portion was used for the cenotaph which was believed to be the tomb of KingDavid of Israel. Building's Sections Upon entering the building today, the areas on the first floor are usually identified with the washing of the feet of the apostJes by Christ prior to the Last Supper and His Resurrection. Now this area is occupied by the tomb of David and a museum containing the relics of Hitler's persecution of the Jews. There are strong indications that the room where the tomb of David 'has been placed was a very early Christian meeting place or church. Inscribed on the walls in Greek, there is graffiti 'which reads, "0 Jesus! Let me live, 0 Lord of, the Sovereign," 'and "Conquer, 0 Savior. Have Mercy." It appears likely that this may mark the site of that structure referred to by very early writers as "the little Church of God upon the spot," and called by Theodosius "the mother of all the churches." Tum to Page Fourteen

Tried to Express Christian Viewpoint , MALAGA (NC)-"I only tried to unite the two parties of a dispu~e" and to express a Christian viewpoint on the problem of the Basque minority in northern Spain, Bishop Antonio Anoveros of Bilbao said here. Bishop Anoveros had triggered a serious Church-state confrontation in Spain by giving a sermon calling for "greater freedom" for the Basques and for a socio-political system which would preserve their language and culture.

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Co 115 -Priesthood

'TMf'ANC:HOR-Diocese of Fa'. ~iyer-Thurs.;Apr. 4,,1974

Reason for ' Hope,

Hits 'Unfeeling Arrogance' Of ·Selective' Compassion

SAN FRANCISCO (NC)-"The American priesthood ... is a reason for hope," National Federation of Priests' Councils (NFPC) president, Father Reid C. Mayo, Liberalism during the past decade has been guilty of told almost 200 priest-delegates gathered here for the federation's lack of compassion-or, rather more precisely, the strange annual convention, which drew selectivity of its compassion. If you were a militant or a representatives from priests' drug addict or a mugger or a rioter, then you were the councils across the nation, was proper object of compassion. . . "A Reason for Hope. Si Se If you were a black, working It is admirable for the bishop Puede! (Yes, It's 'Possible!)" In hard at being respectable or to accept philosophically being his state of the federation admugged. His Christian charity dress Father Mayo recited a long successful, you were. not 'towards the mugger is ~truly edlist of NFPC accomplishments "authentic"; and if you were a ifying. But I for one would be in areas such as justice, ministry white male, when then you had al- even more edified if he showed and priestly growth that were most no rights at all. You were some ,disposition towards exthe result of past hope. He called beyond any doubt an oppressor. pressing charity for those caught for continued effort and collabin the bind of a racially changoration in aiming at new goals ing neighborhood. . and new strategies for hope. "Nothing is more comfortable Worse Injustice . than complacent acceptance of By In effect, the bishop urges what is," Father Mayo said. such peopl~ to accept with, reli"Nothing is more upsetting than MOTHER OF ALL CHURCHES: There are strong indiREV. gious resignation an horrendous cations that the room where the Tomb of David has been reaching out for what might be." injustice that the larger society ANDREW M. But he urged priests to mainis imposing on them~ He is not, placed was a very early Christian meeting place or church tain their hope and stay in the GREELEY of course, about to ask blacks' ... (likely) "the mother of all churches." The low~r course struggle. to accept with religious:resigna- of stones in the Jerusalem wall (right) date froin the time "It is because Christ is 'always tion the injustice that society 'of Herod. To, the' left on Mount Zion is the Tomb of David. coming to us in the future that imposes on them. Nor should he. lies ·before us that the', Church An extraordinary example of No group should be asked to NC Photo. can experience herself as a dythis compassion is a recent com- accept injustice; on the contrary, namic and forward looking commentof Episcopalian Bishop in a society like ours, fig};1ting munity of faith," he said. _ Moore. The bishop 'is a man' against injustice is an esseptial "It is this pull into the future whose goodness, integrity, and parrof the pluralist game. Why, Continued from Page Thirteen Private prayers are permitted that can make the Church the Christianity cannot be doubted, then, should one particular group In an obviously Crusade-built but no public worship is allowed and yet his comment on racially -the white working class and . upstairs room is the traditional in·'this, the holiest of Christian most exciting and relevant comchanging neighborhoods displays lower middle class be urged on site of the Last Supper, the plac'e shrines after the Church of the, munity on the face of the earth an incredible insensititvity to religious grounds to make them- of the institution of the Eucha- Resurrection or Holy $epucher. tod3y." what such situations mean to selves an exception and permit rist and the Priesthood..The room Downs~ai~sl 'in what was probthe people involved: ' the rest of society to walk O'v.er is large, 45 by 28 by 20 feet. ably the first Christian meeting ".. '. The pOroblem of racism 'as them without complaint? Here also is the traditional place, pious Jews pray before WEAR it is now being expressed in the , The bishop might argue that place to which the apos'tles and the medieval cenotaph they beShoes That Fit North is a combination of racism a w<;>rse injustice has been done Mary returned after the Mc~n- lieve to be the' tomb of King "THE FAMILY SHOE STORE" and economic gre,ed. If you move ' ' . to' the blacks. Undoubtedly this , sion of Christ to' 'await the Par- David. to Forest Hills and somebody , ,0 . .... 5, ..'I)."~": . . is the case, but the question, re" aclete. It is here, too, where the Thus the Cenacle, and its' loca·· else moves in and that makes mains as to why. one particular election 'of Matthias to replace tion' is anoth~r symbol' of the' the neighborhood go .down, you group should be selected to Judas would have taken place. many myst~ries and contradicbecome very angry. You don't 43 FOURTH STREET pick up the tab for undoing . P.e~te~ost Site I tions that abound in the . lands just say, 'Well, it's too bad. I such injustice. The segregated of the Bi!>le~ Fall Rive,r, 678-58,11 If tradition Js ,correct, an even won't get 'as much for my house housing market in large Amer- more important event ,occurred as I, thought I would.' You ican cities is an horrendous don't quietly move. It becomes structural injustice (out of which in this spot. In' an adjoining room, the Holy Spirit descended an emotional issue and when many real estate men have be- upon the apostles and dis~iples . you hook that onto racism, you SIN.CE 1898 come millionaires). But asking on Pentecost. have got a real whammer. Plus certain groups within the pop- . )t'-is likely that near this site the fear thing. You know, the ulation to risk their life savings, on Mount Zion, Peter preached SINCE 1941 streets, which is a .legitimate their' neighborhoods, and fre- the first. Christian sermon (Acts fear. People. do get hurt." quently their: personal safety to 2:29). . The "fear. thing" is real, as SINCE 1967 end such injustice while other The M;qsleJ;Il Mosque dates to the bishop himself rElcently dis- groups (and :usually those who the centuries' of Moslem control 'covered when he was mugged. damn the working class as ra- of the' Holy Land. Attach~d to But if he ~o~w knows personally cist) pay only a slightly large the wall of the 'Cenacle is an the nature of fear, he seems to income tax check is also unjust., Islamic shrine or m,ihrab. Nearby have no understanding at all of is an ancient column ,bearing the what it means to a working-<:lass Beam in One's Eye Christian image of a pelican family, 'all of whose savings are American liberals have never feeding human heads, symboliztied up in the family home. To patronize such a family by tell- liked the igryorant, uneducated ing Christ feeding his flock. Ar'ing it to take its loss quietly (even working class - particularly abic inscriptions on the walls if it is loss of everything) and when it is -Catholic. The people dedicate the building to "Allah, move unemotionally to another that Bishop M-oore writes off as the compassionate, the merciful." neighborhood is-with all due greedy racists are the same respect to the bishop--unfeeling ones that Senator McGovern and his supporters tossed out. of the arrogance. .Democratic party, while they ............LACKS CONFIDENCE ............SHORT ATTENTION SPAN eagerly let in blacks (so long ............DAVDREAMS ............RESTLESS AND FIDGETY Marriage Tribunal as they were either militant or ............IMPULSIVE ............DOESN'T FOLLOW DIRECTIONS , J. TESER, Prop. , ............IMMATURE had Ph.D's and' preferably both). ............DOESN'T COMPLETE ASSIGNMENTS Workshop at C:.U. , EASILV DISTRACTED ............DOESN'T UNDERSTAND : RESIDENTIAL : WASHNGTON (NC)--A work- That's a wonderful way to : ............DOESN'T CONCENTRATE WHAT HE READS INDUSTRIAL : achieve moral, intellecual, and shop on matr,imonial tribunal If so, your child may be an underachiever struggling .practice, designed to instruct religious parity. It doesn't help :, 253 Cedar St., COMMERCIAL: New Bedford' needlessly in school through no fault of his own. Our priests who must serve, as no- to wiil elections, of course. Peo993-3222 , taries, advocates and defenders ple have a way of not voting , modern, proven developmental program, which has aided ,for candidates who tell them .~"'-'---'--------_Q of the 'bond in their dioceses, over 10,000 children, maX be the answer for your child.· will be held at the Catholic Uni- that they are greedy racists. They also have a -way of not FC?r information and free illustrative brochure call versity of America here May 14 listening to religious lel!ders who to 24. 617·997·5131 or 617·695·1342 Sponsored by C.U.'s canon law denounce them as greedy racists. ONE STOP Bishop Moore and other relidepartment 'and office of continNorth Dartmouth North Attleboro SHOPPING CENTER uing education, the workshop gious leaders like him might • Television • Grocery will include discussions of eccle- want to ponder the words of the • Appliances • Furniture siastical and American matri- man who said that one ought monial jurisprudence, ordinary to look to the beam in one's own 104 Allen St., New Bedford "Where Children learn Ho'!\' to learn" procedures in matrimonial cases eye before complaining about th~ 997-9354 mote in another's. and special problems.

Site of. the Last Supper

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THE ANCHOR--Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Apr. 4, 1974


Playoff Committee Realigns Schnolboy Football League Ever since the formation of the multi-team Southeastern Massachusetts Conference almost three years ago local schoolboy sports fans have been beseiged with one realignment after another. The original divisions in all major sports nave been altered since the inception' of the circuit with Schools are classified mainly according to the average enroll· the hope that the moves ment of the league they are in. would strengthen the league. Consideration is also giv~n to Realignment is back in the news. But, this time the Conference is not involved, it is the State. The Massachusetts Secondary School Principals Association last year voted to allow state championship football playoffs. For the first time a rating sys· tern was developed to determine the two top ranking teams in four different divisions. These two met in what has become known as the Schoolboy Super Bowl games. The Football Playoff Commit· tee operates wHh a set of guide· lines to establish the placement of leagues within divisions.

individual enrollment and past performance. The committee also attempts to balance the divisions by trying to place an equal num· ber of leagues dn each. Conditions vary from one year to the next, thus the committee has made provisions for change by realigning each year. The Playoff Committee along with the Executive Committee of the Massachusetts High School Football Coaches Association is charged with the task of reviewing all leagues and independent schools and making changes where dictated.

Largest Area Schools in Division II Because of changes in the avo erage enrollment of sehools in the Middlesex' League it was moved from Division II to I. Schools in the Catholic Central League will be eligible for Division IV next Fall ,instead of III again because of enrollment changes. Likewise Commonwealth Conference teams move from Division IV to III. The only school in Southeastern Massachusetts affected by the changes is New Bedford. The Whalers were classified as a Division I school when they were playing an indepen'dent schedule, but now that New Bedford is a member of the Southeastern Mass. Conference it is considered a Division II school along with all other Division I Conference teams. On the state level those leagues with an aver.age enrollment above 725 boys in grades 10 through 12 are in Division I. , It includes all the schools in the Bay State, Greater Boston,


Brother Herman Zaccarelli Accepts New Responsibilities in Food Service Announcement has been made of the appointment of' Brother Herman E. Z'accarelli, C.S.C. as director of educational research and development for the Cahners Publishing Co., Boston. The reli· gious has also been named editor-at-Iarge of "Today's Chef," a magazine published in Pitts· burgh. Well known for his director· ship of the International Food Research and Educational Center, located on the campus of Stonehill College, North Easton, Brother Herman will develop rna· terial on career education for food service workers in his post with the Cahners company. Walter Cahners, vice-president of the organization, stated: "We will expand our concept for providing total educational programs and other services for nursing homes, hospitals and other institutions. Brother Herman will continue his work with professional organizations in the United States to assist them in pinpointing 'areas in need of ed· ucational programs for second· ary vocational and technical school and college curricula and for on-the-job training of hourly employee and food service management." Unique Stories

In his association WIth "To· Middlesex and Suburban leagues. day's Chef," the religious has Four independent sohools are in· free rein to cover the United c1uded in this 39 team division. States looking for unique stories Southeastern Conference (I), about successful food service Boston District, Catholic Con· operations," said Bernard J. Miference, Merrimack Valley, cal, the magazine president. Northeast and five independents He noted that stories will deal make up tne 48 school Division with changes in employee educaII. The average enrollment of , tion, the future of today's chef these schools is between 580·724. and opportunities for developing Schools with between 320-579 qualified chefs from trainees. , Br,other Herman brings to his boys in grades 10·12 are in Divinew assignments a background sion ·III. Included are Southeastthat includes 18 years in the food ern Conference (II), Cape Ann, Commonwealth, Dual County, service industry. He founded the Stonehill Center 16 years ago Hockomock, Old Colony and one independent. Division III is and he is the author of 'seven the largest bracket with 51 books and more than 100 articles on various aspects of food and schools. nutrition. In addition to holding All leagues and independents many professional memberships with less than 320 boys are in in his field he is a faculty memDivision IV. The group includes ber of the Division of ,Continuing Southeastern Conference (III), Education at Stonehill College. Catholic Central, Catholic Sub· Humanist Approach urban, Mayflower, South Shore, In a recent address to memo Tri·Valley 'and three independents. There are 49 schools in bers of a restaurant association in Pennsylvania, Brother Herman the small school bracket.

them and allowed them to prove that t.hey -could take on more demanding responsibilities. "What does it do to your hon· est efforts in behalf of the peo· pIe who work for you," Brother Herman asked, "If your unenlightened counterpart in some other company bleeds his em· ployees for all he can get. Be· cause the humanist approach is backed by most executives in our industry, we should be able to take measures to make these lesser executives come to grips with their selfish attitudes."

Change Unlikely In Abortion Law NEW YORK (NC)-A Cath· olic Congressman running for the Democratic gubernatorial summed up accomplishments and nomination in New York state goals for food service executives. has said that Congressional ap"The industry has taken major proval of a constitutional amendsteps in the past decade ·to at- mena banning almost all abortract qualified people to its tions is unlikely in the near ranks," he declared. "The upturn future. In an interview in The New in attituc;les hourly employees hold toward their careers, and York Times, Rep. Hugh L. Carey the' growing sensitivity of most of Brooklyn, commenting on the food service executives to em- amendment proposed by Sen. ployee needs are proving them- James L. Buckley, Cons.·R.-N.Y., selves 'stepping stones to a new also a Catholic, said: "Until the climate of opinion changes in era in food service progress." Brother Herman. called for this country, it's a vain attempt." Without endorsing the Buckley intra·industry policing to protect the good efforts of enlighted amendment, four U. S. cardinals management from the repugnant recently testified before a Senate practices of less enlightened subcommittee on behalf of a companies: "The heart of the constitutional amendment that matter," he said, "is that some would establish the unborn child employers still hold their staff as a person from conception onin SUCh. low repute, the em- ward and would preserve "to a ployees can only mirror the atti- maximum degree" a commitment tudes . of their employers and to universal preservation of life. ,Carey also said that if he were show a record of poor perfor· mance as their work history governor, he could do nothing to builds. Ten or 15 years ago thh reinstate the New York law that type of management attitude banned most abortions. That law, would have been called the 'law' which allowed abortions only of the jungle'. The guy at the top when the mother's life was engrabbed of everything for himself dangered, was replaced four leaving the employee at the bot- years ago by one permitting tom to fend for himself. Today's abortions on demand up. to the .young people call it as they see 24th week of pregnancy. it, a disregard for human digIn 1972, the state legislature nity." repealed the new law and reIn his c:osing remarks. Brother placed it with the former law, Herman slressed that a new hu- but then Gov. Nelson Rockefeller manist approach could revolu- vetoed the repeal, despite an aptionize the industry. He suggest- peal by, Cardinal Terence Cooke ed that all executives ask them- of New York, who later exselves where they would be today pressed his anger at the gover· if someone else hadn't shewn nor's decision. BROTHER HERMAN


Grid System Has Edge Over Basketball Eight schools within the conf,ines of diocesan territorial limits will we for Division II honors. All are members of the Southeastern Mass. loop. Eleven are in Division III, including defending champion North AttIeboro, Oliver Ames of North Easton and Mansfield of the Hockomock League and eight Conference teams. Nantucket, Martha's Vineyard and Prov,incetown of the Mayflower' League join six Conference teams in Division IV. The state rating system for football places teams of re,lative strengths against one another. For example, if Diman Regional of Fall River were t.o finish in a playoff position it would com· pete against a team that has played within the DiviS/ion IV

bracket. The system is fair and neither club would have a decided advantage. However, such was not the case in the recently completed basketball playoffs,' Diman, cochampion in the small school Southeastern Mass. Conference bracket, was forced to compete against the most formidable basketball schools in the state. In the basketball tourney schools are placed Jnto divisions according to male enrollment regardless of the league the school com· petes in. Diman, as an example . only, would have been in a more equitable position had it competed in Division IV rather than Division I. Perhaps the organizers of the state hoop tourney will take the lead of the football officials and implement a similar policy.


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