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VOL. 45, NO. 14 • Friday, April 6, 2001 '


Southeastern Massachusetts' Largest Weekly • $14 Pe'r Year

Church to welcome catechumens "



'the doctrine of the Church, beliefs that set us By JAMES N. DUNB~~:"},, FALL RIVER - In rit~s reminiscent of apart from other people. Gradually there is this those in the early days of the faith, catechu- process of initiation that takes place," he added. . "We show them what we are, who we are mens throughout the diocese will com~ for;ward on Holy Saturday to receive the initiat:.- and what we believe and they experience a ing sacraments giving them full membership", conversion Of heart in which most of them turn in the Church Christ founded. 'away from their old ways and all of them turn Culminating a year's process, the catechu-, away from unbelief to belief." mens will be baptized, confirmed and receive ,Sec;ing what Christians are all about, those " s e e k i n g full communion the Eucharist for the first time. with the Catholic Father Henry J. Dahl, Church suddenly say, director of the diocesan 'We want that,' Father Rite of Christian InitiaDahl said. What takes place on tion of Adults, said that the Easter Vigil, (Holy for many of the catechu-. mens it will be the joySaturday) is the culmiful end of a year's nation of the progress and for others catechumen's time of even longer, depending preparation. how their individual par"In many ways it reishes have prepared flects the Lord's passion, them. because many of them Asked whether he have had sorrow in their and others feel a loss as lives," Father Dahl rehundreds of catechuported. "And for some of them ... just coming mens advance from the RCIA process and into ,in to the faith involved the vital life of parishes, suffering." .At the vigil ceremoFather Dahl replied: "Oh no. We feel just the opnies "they will be bapposite ... actually a much tized, dying to their old closer connection to ways and rise to new life them, for what we have in Christ and then, redone is build up the ceiving the Eucharist, Body of Christ." first Communion, they Over the year the parare nourished by ish has been gradually Christ." "Twelfth Station" copyright 1996 Thomas The ceremonies, he inserting the catechumens into the life of the Scharbach. All rights ;eserved. RCIA logo said, "are a restoration of parish. This was done used with permission." the ancient through sponsorship and , catechumenate, the way through the weekly breaking-open of the Word the earliest Christians came into the f~th," Faof God, after which the catechumens are dis- ther Dahl noted. The catechumens WIll be accompanied by parents, their families and missed. "They see God moving in the lives of those friends and their godparents. "Of course by now the candidates have alaround them and make that connection to their own life, and through the catechumenate pe- ready been inserted in the life of the parish riod they come to understand what it is that and become a real part of its programs," Famakes us Catholic and what we believe,", Father Dahl explained. "They receive S9J!l~-,9f. .<' Tu.m to page 13 - Catechumens .



Stll) Mary!)s DQ~Y( SUND~Y

W'eek Sehledule

APRIL 8, 2001 Celebrant Concelebrant Concelebrant Deacon


11:00 a.m.: ' ,




Most Rev. Sean O'Malley, OFM tap. Rev. Edward J. Healey Rev. Ramon Dominguez . Deacon ~orman F. McEnaney


APRIL 10, 2001



Celebrant Concelebrants Deacon Deacon Deacon Bearers of the Oil of the Sick of the Sick of the Catechumen of the Catechumen of the Chrism of the Chrism

Most Rev. Sean O'Malley, OFM Cap. Clergy from the Diocese of Fall River Rev. Mr. David C. Frederici Rev. Mr. Kevin A. Cook Deacon Thomas P. Palanza Deacon Eugene H. Sasseville Deacon Richard J. Murphy Sr. Deacon John J. Fitzpatrick Deacon John deA. Moniz Deacon Robert'D. Lemay Deacon A. Anthony Cipriano




Presider Homilist

Most Rev. SeaQ O'Malley, OFM Cap. Rev. Marc H. Bergeron


APRIL 12, 2001



Celebrant Concelebrant Deacon'

Rev. Edward J. Healey Rev. Ramon Dominguez Rev. Msgr. George W. Coleman, V.G. Deacon Dana G. McCarthy

APRIL 13, 2001


Celebrant Deacon Deacon

Most Rev. Sean O'Malley, OFM Cap. Rev. Mr. Kevin A. Cook Rev. Mr. James J. Meloni Jr.



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Concel~brant ~



F.uniy ",_'"

3:~p:m.-· ~



APRIL 14, 2001


8:00 p.m.

Celebrant Concelebrant Concelebrant Concelebrant Deacon Deacon

Most Rev. Sean O'Malley, OFM Cap. Rev. Edward J.' Healey ' Rev. Msgr. George W. Coleman, V.G. Rev. Ramon Dominguez Rev. Mr. David C. Frederici Rev. Mr. Kevin A. Cook


ApRIL 15, 2001


10:00 a.m.,

Celebrant Concelebrant Concelebrant Deacon

Most Rev. Sean O'Malley, OFM Cap. Rev. Edward J. Healey Rev. Msgr. George W. Coleman, Y.G. Deacon Robert A. Faria



The Easter Mass from St. Mary's Cathedral will be televised on Easter Sunday from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. on WLNE Channel 6.

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Pope: Youths need ~o hear Gospel'sdemanding·invitation

THEANCHOR-DioceseofFall River-Fri.,ApriI6, 2001

Pope names U.S. Dominican as auxiliary bishop _n Solomons' VATICAN CITY (CNS":'- PoPe ,Born Dec. 20, 1957, in Long 15John Paul IT named a Dominican land, N.Y., Bishop-designate missionary from Long Island, N .Y., Cardone attended Dominican-run as auxiliary bishop of Gizo, ProvidenceCollege in Rhode Island. Solomon Islands. " H e entered the Dominican order Bishop-designate Christopher in 1981, prepared for the priesthood Cardone, 43, has served in Ute south- ' at the Dominican House of Studies' west Pacific island diocese for most in Washington, and was ordained in of the last 13 years. 1986. _----------. '

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VATICAN CITY - Preparing for a meeting wIth youths from Canada and Rome, Pope John Paul IT said young People today need to hear the Gospel's qemanding invitation to deny oneself and "take up the cross." , Speaking at aSunday blessing last Sunday, the pope said Lent was a

Daily Readings April 9 April 10

Is 42:1-7; Ps 27:1:.3,13-14; In 12:1-11 Is 49:1-6; Ps 71:1-4a,5~

goOd time to reflect on Christ's Can for self-sacrifice, which should be ''the Christian's style." ~'Jesus does not propose mortification as an end in itself. In reality, to deny oneselfand take up the cross means assuming completely one's responsibility before God and other people," he said. The pope said that as the Church asks young people to orient their lives toward Christ, it should not make it sound easy. "Christ is demanding with his ' disciples, and the Church does not hesitate to re-propose-even to you young people - a Gospel that is 'without discounts,''' he said. ''Those who place themselves before the great Master accept with love his cross, which leads to the fullness of life and happiness," he said.. At a ceremony in St. Peter's

Square Thursday, youths from Rome who hostedWorldYouth Day 2000, handed over a giant cross to young people from Toronto, who will host the next global gathering, July 18-28,2002. The pope said the cross has become a symbol ofthe youth encounters since they began IS years ago. Earlier in the day, the pope'made a pastoral visit to the Rome parish of St Augustine of Canterbury on the outskirts ofRome. He celebrated Mass in the modern church and told parishioners in a sermon that they should help battle the neighborhood's social problems, including drug abuse, prostitution and loan-sharking. He asked them to intensify their efforts on behalf of the needy, especially during Lent, which he said should be a time of increased charity by Christians.

6ab,15,17;Jn 13:21-33,36-38 April 11 Is 50:4-9a; Ps 69:8-10,21 bcd22,31,33-34; Mt 26:14-25 April 12 Is 61 :1-3a,6a,8b9; Ps 89:2122,25,27; Rv 1:5-8; Lk 4:16-21 " (Evening) Ex , 12:1-8,11-14; Ps 116:12-13,15FALL RIVER - "Portuguese 'vices in hospitals, health centers 16bc,17-18; 1 Cor 11 :23-26; In and Spanish Medical Interpreter and other health agencies. The curriculum has been de13:1-15 Training" will be the topic of a April13 Is 52:13-53:12; two-part program sponsored by veloped by the Office of ComPs 31 :2,6,12Saint Anne's Hospital Interpreter munity Programs at several edu13,15-17,25; Heb Services Department, April 14 and cational institutions including 4:14~16;5:7-9; In, 21 from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. UMass-Dartmouth. , ". 18:1-~9:42 , , Held in conjunction with the . Admission to the program re~W!1.1:~.· ,(t) ~n1,:1-2;2,or.' '~. statewide, Massachusetts Area· quires a high school diploma or ~ b~;6231~: ~s '~; Health ,Education Center.and-the .: GED; oral. proficiency in English, 6 10 12~' . Massachusetts Divjsion.o.fMedi;" and a target language; and ability ," , 1'424'35e'or Ps: . ca!Assistance, it is,a free, IS-hour to read and write at a basic level 33:4-712-' . program that introduces bilingual in the target language. Knowledge 13,20,22(2) Gn ' persons to the basic knowledge, or experience in health care is pre22:1-18or22:1and skills necessary to act as ef- ferred·. Registration is required. To 2,9a,10-13,15fective medical interpreters. 18; Ps 16:5,8-11 The goal is to prepare partici-, register and for more informa(3) Ex 14:15pants uniformly according to state tion call Saint Anne's Inter~ ~:~ ~J~~1E8x(4) standards and t? f~ster the devel- preter Ser vices at 508-674-5600, Is 54:5-14; Ps opment of quality mterpreter ser- ext. 2455 or 2440. 30:2,4-6,1112a,13b (5) Is 55:1-11; (Ps) Is 12:2-3,4bcd,5-6 (6) Bar 3:915,32-4:4; Ps ' Please pray for the following 19:8-11 (7) E£ 36:16-17a,18-28; priests during the coming week Pss 42:3,5bcd; , ~pril9 43:3-4 or, when baptism is 1919, Rev. Cornelius McSwt(eney, Pastor, Immaculate Concepcelebrated, (Ps) tion, Fall River ' ., Is 12:2-3,4bcd,51965, Rev. Edward F. Dowlirg"Pastor, Immaculate Conception, 6orPs51:12Fall River " 15,18-19 (8) Rom 6:3-11 ;Ps ~~/::: - 'April 10 118:1-2;16ab1944, Rt:~;::John~P:Doyle, PastQr,S1. William, Fall River 17,22-23 (9) Lk , ' 24::1-12 April\ll April 15 Acts 10:34a,371914, Rev. John F. Downey, Pastor, Corpus Christi, Sandwich 43;Ps118:12,16ab-17,22-23; Aprill~ '. Col 3:1-4 or 1 1909, Rev. John Tobin, Assistant, S1. Patrick, Fall River Cor 5:6b-8; In 1996, Rev: Msgr. Alfred 1. GendreaJ, <Catholic Memorial Home, 20:1-90rLk Fall River \\ 24:1-12 or, at ah 1997, Rev. Edward P. Doyle, O.P., S1. R~ymond, Providence, R.I. aftemoon Mass, \\ . L..k24:13-35 April 14 \ \. 1935, Rev. Louis N. Dequoy, Pastor, Sacred Heart, North 1111111111111111111111111111111 THE ANCHOR (USPS-54~) Periodical Attleboro ' Pooage Paid at Fall River, Mass: Publislx:d 1977, Rev. CosmaS Chaloner, SS.Cc., S1. Francis Xavier, weekly except for the first two weeks in July Acushnet ' " " and the week after Christmas at 887 Highland

Saint Anne's· to offer interpreter training


~ WalsJt Pharmacy 202 Rock St. FdlIIv8r





9da~ it easierfor tlWse you


In Your Prayers

Aveme, Fall River, Mass. 02720 by the Catholic

Press of the DioCese of Fall River. Suhsaipion price by mail, postpaid $14.00 per year. POSTMASTERS seoI address changes III The • AD:hor, P.O. Box 7. Fall River, MA CJJ:712.

April 15 ~' 1908, Rev. Christopher G. Hughes, D.D., Rector, Cathedral, Fall River

Jury rejects death penalty in case offormer"'VAnu:rse~ ...... inapp'f()pri~te, :the .

By CAlliOUC NEWS SERVICE SPRINGFIELD, Mass. Following a trial in which Springfield Bishop Thomas L. Dupre had been asked to testify against the death penalty, a western Massachusetts judge sentenced nurse Kristen Gilbert to life in prison without possibility of parole. Gilbert was found guilty in federal court of killing four pa-·· tients under her care at theVeterans Administration Medical Center in Leeds. U.S. District Judge Michael Ponsor imposed the life sentence after the jury failed to reach unanimous agreement on whether Gilbert should receive the death penalty or life imprisonment. Gilbert, a 33-year-old mother of two, was the first defendant in the state to face the . death penalty since 1975, when capital punishment was abolished in Massachusetts. Because the people of Massachusetts have consistently rejected reinstating capital punishment, no jury in Massachusetts has had to face imposing the death penalty in more than 25 years. In the Gilbert trial, the jury had to consider the death penalty because the prosecution was able to have the case tried in federal court since the crimes occurred on federal property.

Gordon Ho,,'ard

Deadline for registration is April 23. To register or for more . information, contact Mercy Sister Shirley Agnew, assistant director of the Pastoral Care to the Sick Department, 661 Falmouth Road, T-129, Mashpee, MA 02649, or by calling 508-477-6170.

Immediately following the meal, members of the Youth Ministry will present a Living Way of the Cross in the church, and the public js again invited to attend. . . , The .group will r~peat the.Living Stations on Good Friday, April 13, at 7 p.m.


alty, but I' msatisfied', with. the sentence;'" sai·d 'Christine Duquette, .sisterof victim Henry Hudon.. ' .. ' - .. . ·Her mother; :Julia Hudon, simply said, "Thank God'there : is .justice.'! , . . ... , Commenting on' the painful division in the ,community . caused by the case, Bishop Dupre said, "All of us ·under-. stand how people feel when this hits home. We all know how. we would feel if one ·of our. loved ones was involved in this kind of'a tragedy; we know the emo- .


Holy Union Sister Virginia Sampson will present the main reflection. Her talk will key on the spiritual development minis~ try. The day will also include Scripture reading and reflection and a lunch.








tions that would well up in us. "But that doesn't mean you give, in to those emotions and inflict 'retribu'tion and revenge on .pe0ple," he added. "We have to rise .above that"·

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Swansea youth set night of 'Soup and, Sacrifice' SWANSEA - In celebration of the Lenten season, St. Michael' Parish's Youth Ministry has slated a night of "Soup and Sacrifice" on Sunday at 6 p.m., in the parish hall at the church. A light meal of bread and soup will be served free of charge, but a free-will offering will be accepted to benefit Operation Rice Bowl's project to feed the hungry,


Many 'had:questi~n~dthe·jus~·.. deemed" tice of forcing a Massachusetts' deJendant's family:members jury to consider the death pen- were allowed to testify as to alty in a state that doesn't be- how they would be affected. lieve in having it as part of its ThaUestimony was apparjustice system. . ently critical to jurors because "We're opposed to the death they decided unanimously that penalty wherever it exists but Gilbert's execution would adto have it happen here in our versely affect her two young own front yard, let alone back children and both of her grandyard, we feel is egregious," said mothers. Family members of the vicSaul Finestone, president of a local chapter of Massachusetts tims who had favored the death Citizens Against the Death Pen- penalty were muted in their realty. action to the verdict. "I would Defense attorney David have preferred the death penHoose, who has represented death-row inmates in other states, characterized the Gilbert I NEED A GOOD PlUMBER? case as an offensive intrusion by the federal gov~rnment I For your home or business. against the will of the people I of Massachusetts. The defense tried to have I Bishop Dupre and Democratic I Plumbing & Heating state Rep. William Nagle of I I Est. 1920 Lie. 10786 Northampton, in whos'e district the deaths occurred, testify I about the adverse impact a gov"The Experienced ernment-sanctioned death I Plumbing People" would have on their respective I Providing a Full Line of communities. But Judge Ponsor I Plumbing & Healing Services I ruled not to allow their testi- L ~L~I~ ~w~s~ !2M~S~ .J mony. "While I have the greatest respect for those witnesses," HEARING AID SALES Ponsor s'aid, "I don't think it's & SERVICE proper for me to permit this case to ·become a 'general debate on.. the death penalty.'~ .. . . ~ Heari~g n;s~' At Home While that testim6n.y 'Was " ~ Rep~~ On All' Makes

Day of Prayer slated for lDinisters to sick DARTMOUTH - A Day of Prayer and Reflection for per- . sons involved in ministry to the sick in the Fall River diocese will be held April 28, beginning at 9:30 a.m., at St. Julie Billiart Parish Center, 494 Slocum Road. The diocesan Department of Pastoral Care to the Sick is sponsoring the program which will conclude at 3 p.m, Eucharistic ministers to the sick and pastoral'" visitors to hospitals, nursing homes and the homebound are en. couraged to attend.


THE ANCHOR - Diocese of Fall River - Fri., April 6, 20,0l


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Pope John ~'i8'~r~i8'-T~i8:~J Paul II

Official Postal Tribute Celebrates Pontiff's Contributions to Mankind Conakry, Guinea - As if they were answering the prayers of devotees around the world, the Post Office has released a new Limited Edition set of 9 Official Postage Stamps honoring His Holiness Pope John Paul II. Collectors and admirers of the Pontiff are suddenIy scrambling to obtain one of the few remaining sets from this aweinspiring tribute. ''Collector demand for these John Paul II stamps has been unbeIievable," said George Hubbard of the International Collectors Society, distrioot!lrs of the stamps. "Ever . since that historic day in 1978 when·

advantage of this mre opportunity to express their love for him:' "Over 500 million United States stamps were issued in 1964 to honor President John F. Kennedy. When you compare that to these Pope John Paul II stamps, which are issued in a strictly Limited Edition of just thousands worldwide, you can see the irresistible appeal these starops have both to collectors and to the Pope's many admirers," said Hubbard. Each of the 9 colorful stamps

For more information contact coordinator Mike Pacheco at 508-672-0427. . • ', ~ ..;

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. "•••.~,'.~.~.




therno il'l9i.-,

the living word

.'A crucial report It would be more than foolish to ignore the recently released . 2000 census' numbers and the .impact they are having on our diocese. Save for Fall River, New Bedford and Provincetown, the growth· in many areas has not only been consistent, but in-some places explosive. Cape Cod, Martha's Vineyard and Nantucket showed the greatest growth while upper Bristol, especially Mansfield, was 'not far behind. There are now close to 800,000 people within the boundaries of the diocese. This dOes not include the thousands of .people who have second homes or belong to the proverbial Snowbird population. III some Cape parishes the latter group can represent at least a one-third increase of people for six months ·of the year. The census validates what many have thought for ma.n'y years. The facts that these number present cannot be ignored. They im. pact almost every faCet of life. On the Church level it means that we have to take a long look at parishes, personnel and future planning. Fortunately we have a Pas.tora! Planning Office that is doing its very best to study the difficulties ,and problems that are imploding within our diocesan boundaries. To :meet the needs of such an increase in population in a time of declining peisOmlehs 'D~t:on~ ~oric~nj. stitfaccirbY,t}je 'Ce~sus;" , Many'other challenges' are' to'b¢:dealt:with- in thifparticular situation. In general, the growth is developing'at a pace much faSter than towns can handle on a day-to-day basis. In some places the schools are bursting at the seams. Since many of those moving into the area are college and univerSity graduates the demand for quality education is of prime concern. Politics is also affected hy a shift in Census fIgures. Growth compels that there be a reconfiguration of district boundaries. The state Senate and House have precise guidelines for political representation. Changes will also have to be made in the state's congressional delegation. This is of concern to many local leaders since federaI dollars are in the balance. . Transportation proble'ms are ever-present with population increases. It's a known fact that public transportation opens up areas for the hike in population. For example, rail. systems have changed upper Bristol Coun,ty. More and more Cape Cod is bec9ming a . bedroom for Bosion. 'The. qrdinary momi!1g and evening'craM on and off the Cape can be a nightmare. Now compound ,this with a. popular' vaqtlon destination and you have gridlock:: : ~" ' . , .' A surge in new immigrants and minorities presents its own sense of concern. Many people in this area have special needs that are not recognized by the majority. African-Americans, Native Americans, Asians and Hispanics cannot be lumped together when it comes to providing services. Each group is distinct in itself and has special problems to face in the adjustinent process. The litany of changes that this census report brings to all of us seems to be endless. More services are in demand. The great difficulty of affordable housing increases day-to-day as more people move into areas of limited resources. Conservation and protection of the environment are always affected by the increase of people along with the debris created by their lifestyles. In some areas the very quality of life is threateneo by population changes. All in all, the' census presents us with a challenge that will have to be faced by each and every one of us. We simply cannot put things ' off for the to~on:ow that ri~ve.r comes because it is already here. Theoretical think tanks and coll1Il1ittee studies are necessary but so often work their way into the oblivion ofreports and data. We must take a good look ciroun<i us, roll up our sleeves and get to work so that we may welcome and help the new people.on the block. The issues are critical. We should not put these issues on the back burner..


8. (CNS


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The horne as place to begin addressing violence .By FATHER EUGENE HEMRICK CATHOUC NEWS SERVICE

Recent shootings in American schools raise a question: What more can parents do to keep their children safe? Unfortunately, no single answer can solve this problell). It's so complex. We do know that more guns are being sold and are ending up in homes. Even if the guns are underlock and key, chi1dren find and use them. The challenge we face is compounded by reports of a large .in-. crease in the, number of children suffering from depression, an iIlThe Editor ness which can make them feel alienated from society and sometimes prone to injure others. We also are learning that thousands of childn~n skip school because they are afraid of being bullied. Some have retaliated by OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF' FALL RIVER shooting those who bullied them. And why do some children Published weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River bully others? There's a question .887 Highland Avenue P,O, BOX 7 that deserves study. Could it be Fall River. MA 02720 Fall River. MA 02722-0007 that some receive so little respect Telephbne 508-675-7151 at home that they intimidate othFAX (508) 675-7048 ers in search of respect? Send address changes to P,O, BOll 7 ~r call telephone number above " Among the seemingly endless· suggestions on how to curtail EDITOR NEWS EDITOR PRODUCTION MANAGER' school violence', none that I know of has yet suggested that our· -Rev. Msgr. John F. Moore James N. Dunbar Dave Jolivef .' homes regain the reputation of being a church.



At first, this may sound ridicuAnger oaen leads to shootings. lous. But listen to the late Cardi- Has there ever been a family disnal Joseph Bernardin of Chicago. cussion related to anger and how . In his pastoral letter "The Family to handle it. And if a family .memGathered Here Before You," he ber is angry, is our home a place wrote: "Family life provides our . to respond constructively and.Jov. earliest, and perhaps most endur- ingly to this? ingly powerful, experience of the With greater frequency, stanChurch.... The [Vatican Council dards of sexuality are being lowII] Dogmatic Constitution on the ered. Have we ever discussed this Church speaks of the family as a at home - talking over the rea'domestic church' in which 'the sons why this just isn't good for parents, by word and example; are people, for example. The cardinal . the first 'heralds of the faith with virtue of temperance describes regard to their children." , what happens to human nature Could viewing the home as a when we lower such standards. domestic church help to nip vio- Families can talk about this, and lence i.!1 the bud by stemming the they can talk about the gift of indepression and anger that plague ner harmony God gives us and our children? wants us to nurture. When family A church is a sa~red space set members see each other as sources aside especially for contemplation of support, so much good happens. of and dialogue with God on the Most important, do we ever go "good life" God intends for us. around our family tables and ask But when was the last time our what, above all else, we would most living room or dinner table served like to be remembered for? What as a sacred space where our fam- kind of people we want to be ily seriously discussed daily events and why? Do we all know how in light of our religious faith and much we care about each other? the teachings of the Church? If more families looked upon We have power shortages and their homes as domestic churches, 'reoccurring shortages of water lively family conversations would and oil. As a family, have we ever enrich our homes. Our sense of discussed the moral principles being a part of each other's lives upon which the Church bases it would grow, and I suspect depresteachings on ecology and stew- sion, anger and violence would ardship of the land? decrease.

Head ofColumban Fath'erS:'says, grade school nuns inspired ,vocation' By CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE ST. COLUMBANS, Neb. When Columban Father Brendan O'Sullivan was a sixth-grader considering the priesthood, the nuns urged him to become a n:tissionary. The Chicago native, who is the new superior general of the St. Columban Foreign Missionary Society, took the advice of the Sisters of Providence to heart. "The very best you can do is be a missionary," they said. He decided to give the seminary a try "to see if it was for me or not," he said in an interview at his order's U.S. headquarters in Nebraska before he left for his new post in Dublin, Ireland. Father O'Sullivan chose the Columban Fathers over other missionary orders, he said, mainly because he had a relative who was a priest of the order and had heard about" some of his adventures. After his own ordination in 1970, Father O'Sullivan was sent to the Philippines, where he said he and his fellow priests "lived the type of life we had imagined from the missionary magazines of the time." His first parish assignment was to a parish that had 30,000 Catholics; his duties were to administer the sacraments and preach to poor, rural people. His next assignment was to a parish with 60,000 people to serve. "It was huge. We had four priests and a lot of barrios - villages out in the hills. You could walk for five or six hours to get to these places," he said. "The people were Catholics but would not have had much contact with the priests, so you (were) providing services, building chapels, schools and clinics." He returned to Chicago in 1980 and then served on the order's General Council in Ireland. In 1989, he was assigned to S1. Columbans, near BelIevue. He served as vocations director and vice director of the order's U.S. region. He also oversaw the order's recruitment of lay missionaries. He was elected superior general last November during the Columban Fathers' worldwide conference in Australia.

According to Father O'Sullivan; today there are 590 Columban priests, 60 seminarians,~ and 75 lay missionaries serving in 14 countries around the world. He is optimistic the order will attract more members to its ranks, but he also noted that the missionary role has changed over the years, and, as local vocations have increased, fewer missionaries are needed. The diocese he first served more than three decades ago in the Philippines, he said, "would_ have had 30 Columban priests and maybe two or 'three diocesan priests. Now those numbers are reversed."

He addecJ, "In those 30 years, .we've witnessed a tremendous success story. Local church personnel have taken over practically everywhere. Now much of our work is bringing the riches of one 'Iocal church 'to others." Some of the challenges missionaries continue to face are in countries where foreign priests are not allowed to be. active missionaries, such as in China. "You can't proselytize or preach. So we adjust. They want English teachers, so we teach English and recruit others to join us," he explained. The priest often has said that how missionary work is carried

THEANCHOR-Diocese ofFall,River-Fri.,ApriI6, 2001 out is changing and that those involved in it are "going to have to learn to do things differently." But, what's at the heart of mis-

sionary work will remain the same, he said: "To bring Christ, Christian, values and the Gospel message to the world of its time."

TEACHERS St. Francis Xavier School in Acushnet, MA is now accepting resumes for various teaching positions to fill openings for the 2001-2002 school year. St. Francis School is an elementary/middle school with about 230 students in grades pre-school-eight. We are located in the suburb area of New Bedford. Please send resume and credentials to: 'Susan M. Boulay, Principal 223 Main Street Acushnet, MA 02720 No phone calls please. Retired teachers encouraged to apply. We are an equal opportunity employer.


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THEANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-·Fri.,ApriI6, 2001'

Cohabitation and marriage.

Q. In your answer to a question concerning the same as anyone else. The fact that the reception cohabiting couples being married in the Church, is sinful does not make it any less a sacrament. . Somewhat the same is true in marriage. Chrisyou left o!lt,the fad that the sacramento£.matrimony can be "alidly received only when, both tian persons who celebrate the sacrament of marparties are in the state of grace. . riage in a state of serious sin - whether that sin The probability that involves embezzlement, Publicity Chairmen are asked Park Zoo will be guest speaker. For . cohabitation involves malicious and destructive to submit news items for this col- more information call.508-995- sexual relations means gossip, gross abuse of oth. umn to The Anchor, P.O. Box 7, 4053. ' ers, immoral sexual bethe sacrament of pen' Fall River, 02722. Name ofcity ance is necessary before havior or any other serior town should be· included, as NORTH DARTMOUTH-A . ously wrong action - re\themarriage. Perhaps it well as full dates of all activi- Separated-Divorced Group will meet was your intention that ceive the sacrament of ties. DEADLINE IS NOON ON' from 7-9 p.m. April 9 at the Dioc- the above information By Father marriage. ", ., esan F~mily. ~ife Center, 500 FRIDAYS. ' would be part of the preJohn J. Dietzen Again, as with the EuEvents published mus~ be of' Slocum Road. It will feature a video charist, the effect of the interest and open to our general "Happiness is an Inside Job," by Je- mar.riage preparation ' - - - - - - - - - - - - you spoke of; if so, it was graces of the sacrament readership. We do not normally ,suit Father John Powell. lost in your response. (Maryland) are inhibited by the spiritual condition of those who carry notices of fund-raising A. My mail gives constant evidence that many receive it. But they are married nevertheless. They PROVINCETOWN - St. Peactivities, which may be adverCatholi~s still have two confusions about the mar- ,will not need to be, indeed cannot be, "remarried" tised at our regular rates, ob- t~r the Apostle Church, II Prince riage of couples who have been living 'together. after whatever mortal, sin they are aware of is fortainable from our business of- Street, will be the site for a Living - One mistake, which I addressed at length in the given. Stations of the Cross at 3 p.m. April fice at 508-675-7151. column to which you refer, is that cohabiting couples 'I must note that, even in response to questions 13. For more information call 508- are impeded by Church law from entering a'Catholike yours, I am reluctant to speak of the sacra' .ATTLEBORO - A regional 487-0095. lic marriage. While many elements in their lives ments so mechanically. The invitations and gifts of college fair will be held at Bishop ,SOMERSET _ The Nurse need to be addressed and dealt with before they God which we call sacramental grace are living re. , Feehan High School cafeteria from alities which reach back as a person prepares for a 6:30-9 p,m. April 9. It will feature Ministry Group of St. Patrick's Par- marry, living together does not in itself prohibit sacrament and extend into the future, representatives from more than 100 ish will spOnsor a daylong program their marriage in the Church, It is common Catholic belief that the graces of to The Catholic Church has limited and specific on health care ethics from 9 a.m. colleges and is open to any potential 3 p.m. April 21., It will feature impediments to marriage: lack of age, impotence, marriages (and penance, another obvious example) college student and parents. Catherine Seeley as guest speaker perpetual vow~ of chastity, a previous marriage and are already at work in a rOupIe as their love develATILEBORO-Ahealingser- and attendees can eam contact hours. so on. Cohabitation is not one of these impediments. ops and as they prepare 10 commit themselves to vice will be held at 2 p.m. Sunday For registration call Claire Stevens Second, I'm surprised at the number who have the covenant and communion that is marriage. To repeat what I said previously, none of the at the La Salette Shrine Church. It at 508-678-3831. written to me, many with extensive Catholic eduwill be led by Barbara Shlemon cation, who believe that the marriage of a couple above diminishes the responsibility of a cohabiting TAUNTON _ The Youth living together is not a valid marriage. That is not couple, and the priest or other parish minister workRyan and Father Richard Lavoie and ing with them, to deal in every way possible with include the celebration of the Eu- Apostles Institute will hold a semi- true and never has been. charist, music and the opportunity' nar for youth ministers, teachers, Catholic teaching is that an individual who, while the spiritual, emotional, sacramental and marital to be anointed and prayed over in- catechists, parents and interested conscio.us of a serious si~, receives the sa~ra~ent implications of their lifestyle before marriage. A free brochure answering questions Cathodividually. parties entitled "Teaching Chastity: ,of marnage or th~ Euchanst, for example, receives . . Encouraging Healthy Christian Re- ' t~e sacrament validly, even though unlawfully and lics ask about cremation and other Catholic funeral regulations and customs is available by . FALL RIVER - The Youth . lationships," at 8 p.m. May 1 in the smfully.. ..' . -'and Young Adult Ministry Offiee " DOlan (Serirer:atSt.Mary's Church. Certal~ly yo~ are aw~e that If a pe,~so~ receives sending a stamped, self-addressed ~nvelope to - is sponsoring a talk entitled "Ev- - . Attendees areiiivitect to join for Mass ' 'to~mumonwl1l1e cons~lOus o£an.unforglYen ~or- . Father John Di~tz~q"Box325,Peoria, IL 61651. Questions-may: be:,sent to Father Dietzen at erything You Wanted to Know in the side cha 1 of the church at tal sm, that person. receives the ~a~rament validly. the same' addreS~; 6... e~mail: iidietzen@aol.com. About the Catholic Faith B~tWere 7:30 p.m:':Fo'[,~~i'nformation call:~:'" He or she~~lY:'f~celvesthe euchanstlc body of Christ Afraid to Ask," as partofits:ongo-'" th~YouthApqs~eS~t508-677-2755. " ,,' . '" : ~ '. " ing "Theology on Tap Sessions" '. April 18 at Bickford's Restaurant,' WEST HARWICH .-:. The New Bedford. Attendees should Novena of Divine Mercy will begin , When I leamed the inspiring account of an unusual and to my college, the College of St. Rose. gather at 6: 15 p.m. The office will on April'13, at 3 p.m. at Holy TrinHer big Italian family spanned 23 years, like mine, also be sponsoring young adult vol- ity Church. The remainder of the mother, holding the hand of her AIDS-afflicted child, leyball 6:30-8:30 p.m. Thursday Novena will be celebrated on Holy traveling a Lenten journey to the cross and beyond, I and was devoted to _children: I ~elated so strongly to evenings beginning May 24. For Saturday at 3 p.m. and Easter Sun- knew I was immersed once more in the Easter love her and really understood why,. nurtured in love herself by family and Christ, she had become Barbara's more information call Bud Miller day through Easter Saturday at 7 story. A few years ago I saw an article in Readers'Digest mommy arid given- this beautiful child the home she at 508-675-3847. p.m. The Mercy Sunday celebration, '. . April 22, will begin at 2:30 p.m. by a reporter I knew from my hometown, Paul yearned for. Grondahl of the TImes Union in Albany, N.Y. He told Sister Mary Ann explained that Barbara "drifted FREETOWN -c- Mother of the No confessions will be available this the story 'of Mercy Sister Mary Ann LoGuidice and into my world like,an a~tumn leaf carried on the wind Sorrowful Heart Rosary Crafters are day. her adoption of Barbara, a young child who was HIV~ and transforme4 me, O:ty family and a community of actively making and sending out, positive and whose mother was,dying ofAIDS. Sister friends with her.;.e~tr~rdi~ary life force and amazing , handmade rosaries to Missions WEST HARWICH -'- The .• grace." . around the world. They are avail- Francis of Peace Fraternity, Secular Mary Ann' was executive Easter means new life able forteaching and/or demonstra- Franciscan Order,~ll meet April 8 director of Community -and thars.what the child tions for individuals or groups qr' . at Holy Trinity Church for noon Maternity Services, an ~arbara gave to the world nursing homes. For more informa- Mass. Discussion and refreshments agency in Albany helping in'herJegacy of having . , pregnant teens, children tion call Carol Spoor at 508-644- will follow. : with AIDS and others. touched so many lives with 2645. . With the blessing of ' .joy~ Even,herphysidan, Dr. WESTPORT -An educational By Antoinette Bosco ~K;lllana Manjunath, marNEW BEDFORD - The New seminar for all health care workers 'Albany's Bishop Howard veled at.how this child acBedford Catholic Women's Club featuring several guest speaken., will J. Hubbard and her reli,cepred her diagnosis from gious community, Sister will hold its monthly meeting at 7 be held from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. ' ,.' a place of utter faith in p.m. May 9 at the Century House, Saturday at White's ofWestport. For Mary Ann became 107 South Main Street, Acushnet. m01:e information call 508-678- .Barbara's mother, caring for her nearly five years un- God's will and'~ith remarkable courage. Those who til her death from AIDS at age eight in 1993. knew her affimied she'had an awe of life, was excited ~avid Reboy of the New Bedford 2373. The story was deeply moving, so honest about the -about God's gifts, from. butterflies to dandelions to excruciating pain and the faith struggle this nun-mother sunsets. She showed us ') glimpse of God." While SisterMarY Aim is still "haunted" knowing endured at the loss of her beloved child. I related. Recently I sought out Paul Grondahl to talk to him that 8.2 rriillion childreil worldwide are orphaned by about an astounding series he had written on high- AIDS-afflicted mothers. her work in human services tech prisons. I asked him about Sister Mary Ann. He . -for youth iakes on a special sacredness because of Bar' told me they now had collaborated on a book and that bara.. Barbara's funeral was held in the Cathedral of the the story was being considered for a television movie. I got their book, "That Place Called Home" (Servant Immaculate Conception, my parish, the church I pracPublication~), and truly couldn't put it down. , ti<:ally lived in until. I was married and moyed away. At first I thought I was reading' my own story. Her Bishop H;ubbard presided, saying, "Barbara's is truly father, like mine, was an immigrant from' southern ' a fantastic love story - a triumph of the human spirit Italy, a butcher who ownec! a grocery store in Albany and the conquest of goodness over the forces of ignoand never sent anyone hungry away; she went to Blessed rance, fear, sickness, 'suffering and even death." Indeed, this is an Easter story that I pass on with joy! Sacrament School, thefIrst Catholic school I attended.

Iteering pOintl

r------------Qu_estions an



An Easter story

The Bottom Lll.·ne

THEANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri.,ApriI6, 2001

Winston revisited Many, many, many of you From His Heart and Brewing have written to comment and Them Cups of Drip Coffee on inquire about a dear friend of His Tiny Propane Burner." mine, Winston. First, for all I doubt any of the headlines you kidders out there, he has no interest in Jaking over this column. You are funny. Hah, hah, hah. The column in which I exposed Winston for the unintenBy Dan Morris tional spiritual guru that he is was titled something along the lines of "Mobile Monk." got to the part about how Note: By "mobile'·' we are Winnie keeps a Bible on his talking about moving around in dashboard. Note: Winston is a vehicle, not someone who not a big fan of the nickname hangs from a hook and chimes "Winnie," but it is perfect. It in the wind, although in our sounds a lot like a little younger days Winston and I did "Winnebago," it resembles a something akin to that in horse sound and he talks ab9ut Homer, Alaska, after spending naming his VW van'Loretta afan evening of research at a ter a horse he knows. place called The Salty Dog. It It is Winnie's Bible that I was a wondrous evening dur- want to address. More accuing which we solved many of rately, I want to discuss this the world's problems but ne- man's method of scriptural glected to take notes. meditation, known in some Anyway, if editors had a lot circles as the "Flip-and-Flop of room to fill, the headline Technique of Biblical Inquiry." you read might have been more You see, the guy just whips like "A Guy Named Winston open the Bible when he feels Who Lives a Very Simple Life like it (often, although he in a Volkswagen Van and Trav- claims not in heavy traffic) and els Around Making People Feel then just reads it. And, cross my

The offbeat world of Uncle Dan

to him and comforts him. He even says if something specific is troubling him that his Let-the-Bible-Open-Where-ItWants technique works great. I tried to explain to him that we Catholics might tend to view this mode of divining the divine as haphazard, potentially chaotic and confusing, and not authorized by any catechetical body of which I am aware. He tapped his can of Copenhagen and squinted at me over his half-glasses. "Really?" he mused. "Yeah," I said profoundly. "It's like using one of the Magic 8 Ball answers that float into that little window. You know, you ask 'Should I change jobs?' and one of those floating hummers says, 'This is a bad day for romance.'" "Coffee?" he retorted. "Come on, Winnie," I said, "you gotta admit that's like using the Bible like a 'Ouija' board or tarot cards or a horo- . scope." He smiled. "Ah, yes Winston's Crystal Ball Bible Studies, Bar and Grill, eh?" "Exactly," I told him.


"Where in Scripture does it tell God's holiness and caring in a you how to read Scripture? Is special way. I hope it doesn't there a biblically mandated way verge on superstition because it . sure doesn't feel like it."·' to read the Bible?" "I guess this means you It is entirely possible I was haven't flip-flopped to a page witnessing the beginning of like that, huh?" I answered. something we could .call the "Nope," he said, reaching to- Salty Dog Theological Circle. ward his dashboard. "But I do Comments are welcome. Eknow that when I hold this Bible mail Uncle Dan at in my hands I truly can feel cnsuncle@yahoo.com.


.";.. ~ .. Note .


Please make a note that effective immediately, the deadline for submissions to The Anchor is 4 p.m. on the Friday prior to the date of publication. ... All advertising, copy, photos, press releases and Steering Points must'arrive by the deadline to be considered for publication. This is the result in a change of the delivery schedule at the Post Office. Thank you.

Rose Hawthorne Lathrop Home


1600 Bay Street Fall River,' MA 02724 - 508-673-2322

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'Holy Week

Holy Thursday:

7PM - Mass of the Lord's Supper, Bilingual; Adoration until midnight

Good Friday:

7PM - Celebration of the Lord's Passion, Bilingual

Holy Saturday:

8PM - Mass of Vigil, Bilingual

Easter Sunday:

8AM - Portuguese; lOAM - English; 12 Noon - Portuguese

Specials Sacrament of Reconciliation (English & Portuguese) April 10 - Tuesday 11AM to 12 Noon and 7 - 8:30 PM

• Fall River

, 8

'Book of talks, meditations by Bishop O'Malley available

THE ANCHOR - Djocese of Fall River - Fri., April 6,.2001

Please note that as of March 29, 2001, the E-mail address for. The Anchor is no longer anchOlpress@sneplanet.com. You can now reacl.t us on the Web at one of the following E-mail addresses:


TheAnchor@Anchomews.org Ms2l"Moore@Anchomews.org .IimDunbar@Anchomews.org MikeGordon@Anchomews.org Dave.lolivet@Anchomews.org

LENTEN RECOLLECTION , A QUIET DAY WITH JESUS . Saturday, April 7 - 10:00-4:00 . '. Barbara Shlemon Ryan " ; $35 (with lunch) - Former Chapel

HEALING SERVICES Sunday, April 8- English (2:00) Sunday, April 29 - Portuguese (2:00) ~~~------------------

HOLY' WEEK SERVICES Wednesday, April 11

Tenebrae Service - 7:15 p.m•. Holy Thursday, April 12

Mass of the Lord's Supper - 7:00 p.m.

book will serve a wider Portuguese-speaking audience looking for opportunities for spiritual en- .~, richment and growth. .. The entire publication 4is .'. in Portuguese and includes a preface by the Most Rev. " Jose da Cruz Policarpo, . Cardinal-Patriarch of "Usbo~:' . . .:~ "Peregrinos e Pas- . tores" is available at $8.95 at Baker Books, (l .niritua\S . Dartmouth; Egan's ,·£.~('C,os I:iS... I'" : ' Church" Supply, Somerset; La Salette Shrine Gift Shop, Attleboro; and Sheehan's Church .' Goods, Boston. Several Portu" guese-speaking charismatic prayer groups in the diocese are also selling the book. By mail it is . available from the Diocesan ',' .., Office of Com-

FALL RIVER - A series of talks and m<?ditations presented by Bishop Sean P. O'Malley, OFMCap., at a retreat in Portugal, is now available in book form here in the United States. "Peregrinos e Pastores" (Pilgrims and ShepheTds) features~_~()':l~

. . .. .. .' , S ..Rf,G\UNOS eW.sroRf. yE , . . ,..

ference feflec-'" ' . tions 'af!.~. daily homi1.ies ,and meditations offered by' Bishop O'Ma,Uey...to, j2. bisho'ps :":ftom Catholic dioceses throughout Portugal at Fatima in May of 1996. Bishop O'Malley : was invited that" year ' . to serve as retreat master for the Portuguese bishops' annual, five-day 'retreat. · Now the Lisbonbased publishing company, Rio dos Liv!os, has compiled all of the \ . '.,.. , . ' .'4!". vtJ' . • ~;l;> .. • • bishop's stirring talks ~ft. . ".. "' :.: . .•. .•. ·.. r,. fqf..~....... ~. ". ;., ~•. ': .;.. mUDlcatlOns. Int eres td ,~~'., . ::" . . e perand prayerful reflections _'A" sons should send a check for $8.95, into a 148-page, softcover ,;~':~' . , ' made payable to: Office of Communications, book. Diocese of Fall River, P.O. Box 7, Fall River, Although the subject matter was initially preMA02722. pared for bishops, the publishers believe that the \~. --~

" . '" .


Good Friday,'ApriI13

· 1 I ! < ' . W.· . . .

In Holy Thursday letter to priests, pope urg'esf~requent confession

Stations of the CrosS -12:10 p.m.' The Lord's Passion - 3:00 p.m. PassiOl~ Play - 7:00 p.m. Holy Saturday, April 14


Easter Vigil - 7:00 p.m. Easter Sunday, April 15

Sunrise Service with Mass - 6:00 a.m. (followed by breakfast in the Cafeteria)

Easter Day Mass -12:10 p.m.

Holy Week Confessions Sunday, April 8 - 1:00-4:00 p.m. Mon.-Tues.-Wed., ApriI9-1O-11. 2:00-3:00 & 5:00-6:00

No Confessions Holy Thursday through Easter Sunday ,


Saturday, Apri121- 6:30 p.m. Cafeteria - Good-will donation



Celebratibn of Eucharist -

12: 10 p.m.

Cbitpl~\~&'::Henediction·-3:00 p.m. '.:"

Sacramen1.6f Reconciliation . '





11 :00-3:00 .

To restore confession's place in Catholic practice, the VATICAN CITY - Pope popesaid,priestsmustmakean effort to rediscover for themJohn Paul II urged priests worldwide to help Christians selves "the full beauty of this rediscover the sacrament of sacrament." penance and to start by fre"Only those who have quenting it themselves. known the Father's tender emThe return of many Cathobrace," he said, "can pass on to lics - especially young people others the same warmth." - to the practice of confession Priests mu'st also combat a during the jubilee year was an widespread "minimalist" un"encouraging sign" upon derstanding of moral conwhich priests should build at I want you to know of my science and sin, which ig- . nores the "radical demands ·the start of the new millen- :admiration for this ministry, nium, he said. i discreet, tenacious and cre- . of the Gospel," the pope The pope made his re- ) t' Of 't . t' said. marks in an annual letter to j a /Ve, even I I IS some Imes "Many of the faithful priests for Holy Thursday, watered by those tears of the have an idea of sin that is not commemorating Christ's in- scfylyvhich only God sees based on the Gospel but on stitution ofthe Eucharist and IaniJ'stores in his bottle, n, the; common convention, on the priesthood at the Last i pope.said. what is socially acceptable," Supper. he said. . Writing in a personal - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . He said priests should· style, the ,pppe thanked ('make clear that sin is not ·priests. for their efforts, someof our own enthusiasm .jlnd "purely private,", but is sometimes at great personal cost, availability for the exercise of thing that also "lowers the level to bring the experience of this delicate and demanding" 'of' holiness" of the entire Christ's salvation to those in ministry;" ..Church community. their care. . "Now more than ever the At the press conference, "I want. you to know of my people of God must ~ helped Archbishop Csaba Ternyak, admiration··for this ministry, torediscovetthe sacrament. We secretary of the Congregadiscreet, tenacious and creative, need to declare with fiminess tion for Clergy, said one even if it is sometimes watered and conviction that the sacrapractical step in fostering by those tears of the soul which ment of penance is the ordinary confession would be starting only God sees and 'stores in his means of obtaining pardon and children at a young age, dur. bottle,''' he said. the remission of grave sins afing preparation for their first The jubilee surge in confester baptism. Communion.


COFFEE HOUSE: RAY TIERNEY Dinner senied until 6:30

sions "impels us to recognize that the profound needs of the human spirit ... cannot be canceled out by temporary crises," he said. The reasons for the crisis include a diminished sense of sin ~d an inadequate understanding of the sacraments in God's plan. But priests also shared some blame, he said, because of"a certain dwindling



.-,:' ,... .;,


THE ANCHOR --, Diocese of Fall River - Fri., April 6, 2001


immediately called to mind the fa- were taken for the display of the miliar appearance of the venerated body for the veneration of the faithpontiff;' the report said. ful. It also should not be forgotten ~ At a March 27 press conference, that the remains were kept in three Cardinal Vrrgilio Noe, one of those caskets, one of which was sealed who witnessed the exhumation, said lead;' Nazareno Gabrielli, a technithe entire body was incorrupt. cian at the Vatican Museums, told The body was witnessed by Car- the newspaper Corriere della Sera dinal Angelo Sodano, Vatican secOther experts said that while this retary of state, and several others. type of preservation was unusual, it After it was officially recognized, the could be explained by the fact that body was sprayed with an anti-bac- little or no oxygen could have terial agent and the casket was re- reached the remains. sealed hermetically. But popular Catholic writer Like other recent popes, the body Vittorio Messori appeared to speak . of Pope John was not embalmed, for many Italians when he said it was although it was treated with chemi- clearly a miracle. cals so that it could be displayed for "When the body of a blessed or the faithful before burial. a saint is discovered to be uncorThe discovery produced consid- rupted, this is considered a sign, and erable surprise among Church is interpreted as an anticipation of people in Rome, Qut Father Ciro the resurrection. So it is also a conA WOMAN prays in front of the casket of Pope John XXIII in a grotto underneath St. Benedettini, a Vatican spokesman, firmation of sanctity;' Messori said. Peter's Basilica last year. The marble-encased casket was exhumed by Church officials in cautioned against reading too much Last year Pope John Paul II beatiJanuary. It was resealed and will be relocated to the main level of the basilica at the altar of into the finding. fied Pope John, who is universally ''Objectively, the body was dis- remembered for his sense ofhumanSt. Jerome. (CNS file photo.'by" Nancy Wiechec) covered to be preserved. But this does ity and for his leadership in convoknotneeessarily mean thatasupernatu- ing the Second Vatican Council. ral event was involved," he said. Late ~ast year, the Vatican apCardinal Noe also downplayed proved plans to move Pope John's the finding, noting the relatively short burial place to the main basilica time since the Pontiff's burial. He level. It had attracted hundreds of cited the case ofPope Boniface VIII, visitors daily when it was located By JOHN THAVIS technicians exhumed Pope John's . day, since workmen had to open a whose body and burial clothing were among other papal tombs in the subCATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE body m' a "recogm·t.l·on" ceremony, marble casmg . and then three succes. found completely intact in 1605,302 terranean level of St. Peter's. VATICAN CITY - Church of- r in anticipation of its transferal from sive caskets: one of oak, one of lead . years after his death. But at a subseCardinal Noe, who heads the officials who opened the casket of the grotto to ttJe inain level of St. and one of cypress, in which the quentexhumationin 1835, all thatre- fice in charge of the basilica, said Pope John XXIII found his face well . Peter's Basilica . . body was closed. mained were the pontiff's bones. Pope John's new resting place would A Vatican technician present at be at the altar of St. Jerome, on the preserved nearly 38 years after his A detailed report Qn the proce"Once freed from the cloth that death, but the Vatican downplayed dure, drawn up by the officials _covered it, the face of the blessed Pope John's exhumation said that in right side of the basilica's nave. Church officials were considertalk of a miracle.. . present, was published by a Vene- (pope John) appeared intact, with the his view there was "nothing miracuThe discovery was made in mid- tian newspaper. eyes closed and the mouth slightly lous" about the body's preservation. ing publicly displaying the pontiff's ''When he died, some measures .remains before their re-interment. January, when Vatican officials and The exhumation took most of a open, and bearing the features that

Face of Pope John XXIII found well preserved 38 years after death


~ I .. ~ •. '

Our Lady of Victory Parish Centerville, Massachusetts

Holy Week Schedule of ServicesHoly Thursday -

Good Friday -


,Our Lady of Victory Church Our Lady of Hope Chapel


Adoration Until 12 Midnight Adoration Until 10 PM 3PM 3PM 7PM

Our Lady of.Victory Church Service _Qpr"Lady Hope Chapel Service ~~r Lady of Victory Church - Stations of the Cross



Holy Saturday~ -

Easter Sunday -

No Confessions Our Lady of Victory €burch-' . Our Lady of Victory Church Our Lady of Hope Chapel


, - Blessing of the Food Vigil Mass: Vigil Mass

11:30AM . 8PM·'· . '- 8PM

Our Lady of Victory Masses

8:15AM 10:45 AM 5:15PM

9:30AM 10:50 AM

9:35AM· 12'Noon

Our Lady of Hope Mission Chapel


10:00 AM

11:15 AM





Pope relDains 'young for his age,' says' Vatican spokeslDan


~~® ~~~®M ~~CD tf@~~ ~D~®~a 81J@


Holy Week Schedale April 12th Holy Thursday 7:00 p.m. - Mass of the Lord's Supper (Bilingual) Holy Rosary & Holy Name Societies to attend Mass a~ a group

10:00 p.m. - Eucharistic Adoration (English) 11 :00 p. m. - 12:00 a. m. - Euch~lristic Adoration (Portuguese)

April 13th Good Friday 5:00 p.m. - Liturgy' of the Passion.& Death (English) 7:00 p.m. - Liturgy of the Passion &. Death· Procession with the image of the Crucified (Portuguese) Holy Rosary & Holy Name attend as a group. Romeiros should be at the Church ~Y 10:30 a.m.

April 14th Holy Saturday 7:00 p.m; - Easter Vigil (Bilingual) This is the most important Mass of the year - it is called the "Mother of all Vigils."

April 15th Easter Sunday 8:00 a.m. - Mass in Portuguese , 9:30 a.m. - Mass in English 11 :00 a.m. - Mass in Portuguese Please Note: There are no scheduled confessions during Holy Week.





NEWS SERVICE ROME -Pope John Paul II has never . abandoned a papal project because of poor health and remains "young for his' age" in spirit and enthu'siasm, said Vatican spokesman Joaquin Navarro-Valls. Navarro-Valls, a close collaborator of the pontiff since 1984, made the remarks at the present~tion of a video on the pope recently in florence, Italy. His comments were reported by the Italian news agency ANSA. "In the 22 years of his papacy, the pope has never given up on a single thing he set out to do because'of health reasons. And that's true today, too," Navarro-Valls said. . "This demonstrates he has the physical capacity needed for the work he's doing. A man begins to tum old when he lives more on memories than on projects, and from that point of view, the pope is still young for his age," Navarro-Valls said. ' The spokesman's comments came as the 80-year-old pope was prepanng for a series of demanding foreign visits to Syria, Greece, Malta, Ukraine and Armenia over the coming months. He will preside over a Synod of Bishops in the fall, and after a Holy Year pause - has resumed meetings with groups of bishops, audiences with Church associations and visits to Rome parishes.. The pope suffers from a nervous systern disorder believed -to be Parkinson's disease, and the symptoms have been in-. • CATHOLIC

creasingly evident over the last several years: a shaking left arm, indistinct speech, lack of facial expression and limited mobility. Nevertheless, his determination to perform the functions of the papacy. has impressed recent guests. In late March, for example, the pope insisted on making a personal evening visit to inaugurate the Korean College, even· though it was not strictly necessary. Bishop Willia~ J. McNaughton of Inchon, South Korea, a U.S. Maryknoll miSSionary, said the pope moved slowly but gracefully through the ceremony. The ' pontiff's sense of resolve and spiritual concentration left people with the impression that" they were witnessing a "living saint," Bishop McNaughton said. He said the Korean bishops, who were making "ad [imina" visits to Rome as is customary every five years, noticed that the pope had one bad day in their meetings with him, but seemed to rebound on a second occasion. The bishop said that when the pope greeted them individually after a Mass in his private chapel, he looked up at Bishop McNaughton and quipped: "You're not Korean." Navarro-Valls' said the pope's sense of, humor is "extraordinary" and little-known to the. wider public. "The pope has never wanted to 'win,' but to convince. His encyclicals are long and sometimes difficult because they aim not at imposing something, but at convincing," he said. .



Blessing of the palms at all Masses.


7 P.M.: Mass ofthe Lord's Supper; feet washing ceremony; Blessed Sacrament procession to the Altar of Repose.



3 P.M.: Service of the Lord's Passion and Death; reading of the Passion, Veneration of the Cro-ss and Holy Communion. 7 P.M.: Stations of the Cross led by the parish youth group. I


12 noon: Blessing offood; 2-4 P.M.: Sacrament of Reconciliation. 7 P.M.: Easter Vigil Service and Mass.


Masses at 8:30, 10 and f 1:30 A.M.


Saint Elizabeth Seton Parish North Falmouth Rev~



Msgr. John F. Moore, PASTOR Deacon William Martin, PASTORAL ASSISTANT Deacon Paul Roma Deacon Vincent Coates Jr.

Pope urges lay people to pray Liturgy of the Hours VATICAN CITY - Pope John Paul II called for greater promotion among Christian lay people of the Liturgy of the Hours, traditional daily prayers structured around the Psalms. He said the Psalter was the "ideal source" of Christian prayer, to which the Church should turn to deepen its "art of prayer" in the third millennium. Speaking to pilgrims recently at the weekly general audience, the pope said he was beginning. a series of talks on the Psalter "to encourage and to help everyone pray ~ith the same words used by Jesus, (which have been) present for millennia in the prayer of Israel and of the Church." He said it was encouraging that many lay people in the wake of the Second Vatican Council had begun to pray the Liturgy of the Hours, a practice once restricted to priests and religious. Since the first "centuries, Christians turned' to the Psalms as "the prayer of the people of God," and early Church theologians understood the texts as speaking ulti-


mately of Christ, he said. In the intervening centuries, the Psalter was sometimes put aside in favor of other prayers, but was kept alive by monastic communities, he said. One monk, at the turn of the second millennium, went so far as to assert that the Psalms are the "only way" to experience a truly profound prayer, said the pope. "With this affirmation, which at first sight seems excessive, he in reality remained anchored in the best traditions of the first Christian centuries, when the Psalter became the book par excellence of Church prayer," he said. The pope said the communal recitation of the Psalms throughout the centuries also served to remind Christians that it is impossible to pray to God "without an authentic communion of life with the brothers and sisters who inhabit the earth." Praying the Liturgy of the Hours in no way excludes other "freer expressions" that characterize personal prayer, said the pope. In fact, those expressions can even enrich liturgical prayer,

THEANCHOR- Diocese of Fall River-Fri., April 6, 2001

for example, with hymns. General Church raw in the

Latin rite requires ordained observe this prayer. ministers - bishops, priests Church norms encourage all and deacons - to pray the Lit- Catholics to make especiaIly urgy of the Hours daily. Some the primary hours of morning religious orders and lay insti- and evening prayer part of their tutes require their members to . prayer life.


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Deadline for applications is April 27, 2001.


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Bishops praise arrest in abortionist killing ,'. WASHINGTON (CNS - A Ancaster, Ontario, in 1995. They spokeswoman for the U.S. bishops also want to talk to him about the lauded the arrest of a man wanted shootings of a Vancouver, doctor in for the 1998 murder of a Buffalo 1994 and a Winnipeg doctor in abortion doctor and said the Church 1997. "unequivocally" condemns the use FBI Director Louis Freeh told of violence in opposing abortion. reporters that two people in New James Kopp, 46, was arrested last York who helped Kapp also would week by French be arrested. He said Kapp's expolice in coop"Every human life has tradition from eration with the FBI. Kopp is inestimable value and no France likely suspected by one has the right to kill," would be a long U.S. authorities said Cathleen Cleaver, di- process. Cleaver said in the killing of Dr. Barnett rector of planning and in- . the· Catholic Slepian in his formation for the Secre- bishops "unBuffalo home. tariat for Pro-Life Activities equivocally condemn the use of Slepian per- of the NCCB. violence to opformed aborpose· abortion. tions at Buffalo's The violence of killing in the GYN Womenservices clinic. "We are gratified by the prospect name of Pro-Life makes a of the suspected killer ofDr. Barnett mockery of the Pro-Life cause. Slepian being brought to justice;' Just as we abhor the violence of said Cathleen Cleaver, director of abortion, we abhor violence as a planning and information for the means to stop abortion." Cleaver quoted New Yode's late Secretariat for Pro-Life Activities of the National Conference of-Catho~ Cardinal JohnJ. O'Connor, who said: "To imply ... that to preach', to teach, lic Bishops. "Every human life has inesti- . to write, to proclaim a Pro-Life pomabie value and no one has the right sition is somehow to encourage or to condone violence is calumny." to kill;' she said in a statement. She said the bishops' conference Kopp, from St. Albans, Vt., had been the subject of an intemational "views such lethal violence with manhunt since a month after the utter disdain and acknowledge(s) October 1998 killing. He also is with deep regret how the deplorwanted by Canadian law enforce- able actions of a very few can stigment authorities for allegedly matize the Pro-Life cause in the eyes wounding an abortion doctor in - of many."


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Listin'g"'ofHoly Week,: ••

• • Easter religious • .programs on EWTN" • By • • Eas~r~ • EWfN CATHOUC NEWS SERVICE


WASHINGTON - Here is a·listing of Holy Week and • themed programming on the cable channel. All ti!!1es are EDT: • - A two-p~ "Catholic Compass" installment, ''Path ofthe Mes.' siah;' which retraces Jesus' footsteps in the Holy ~d, with part one shown 3-4 a.m. and 10-11 p.m., April 6, and part two shown 8-9 p.m. April 21, 1-2 p.m. April 25, and 3-4 p.m. and 10-11 p.m. April 26. - ''Rome's Hidden Churches: A Lenten Pilgrimage," a visit to many Rome churches used by the pope on his Stations of the Cross visits, shown 9:45-9:55 p.m. each night on April 6, 8, 9, 11 and 13 (Good Friday), . --.:An "In Concert" presentation, ''Lamentations,'' with music evoking the pain and sorrow of Christ's crucifixion, 3-4:30 am. April 7. - ''Lenten Reflections," a series of reflections on the Gospels, 11:30 p.m. April 6, 11-11:30 am., 6:30-7 p.m..and 9-9:30 p.m. April 8 (passion Sunday), 11-11 :30 a.m. April 9, 11-11 :30 a.m. and 9:9:30 p.m. April 10,5-5:30 a.m. and 9-9:30 p.m. April 11, 11-11:30 a.m.. and 9-9:30 p.m. April 12 (Holy Thursday), and 9-9:30 p.m. April 13. - ''Shroud of Turin: Imprint ofMercy;' a multipart series about the historical background and current interest in the Shroud of Turin, 11-11:30 p.m. April 6, 2-2:30 p.m. April·19, 4-4:30 am. and 1111 :30 p.m. April 20, 2-2:30 p.m. April 25 and 4-4:30 a.m. and 11.• 11 :30 p.m. April 26. • - ''Little Margaret of Costello;' about a blind and crippled girl whose great faith leads to greater love of Jesus, 8-10 p.m. April 7. • - ''Father Rutler: Stories of Hymns," looking at the origins of • "0 Sacred Head" from Bach's "St. Matthew's Passion," 3-3:30 a.m. • April 8. . • - ''Palm Sunday Meditation With Father Groeschel;' in which Father Benedict Groeschel, a Franciscan Friar of the Renewal, offers • his insights about Holy Week, 7:30-8 a.m. and 4:30-5 p.m. April 8. • - Palm Sunday Mass live from the Basilica of the National • Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, noon-2 p.m. . • April 8. - Holy Week Masses from the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, 8-9 a.m., 12: 10-1 p.m. and midnight-I a.m. April 9-11. - "Semana Santa ~n San Migue~ Mexico," Holy Week services . in Spanish, 7-8 p.m. April 8 and 3-4 a.m. April II. - ''Father Pablo Straub Parish Mission;' a multipart Lenten parish mission series, 10-11 a.m. and 10-11 p.m. April 9-13. - ''The Passion by Radix;' performed by a Catholic musical drama troupe, 2-3 p.m. April 9, 8-9 p.m. April 12, and II p.m..midnight April 15 (Easter Sunday). . - A "Catholic Compass," docum~ntary, ''Maximilian: Saint of Auschwitz,': which looks at the life of St. Maximilian Kolbe, 3-4:30 a.m. April 12. . - "The Easter Triduum: Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday;' a series of reflections offered by Father John Corapi, a Servant of Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity, 8-9 a.m. ,and noon-I p.m. and II p.m.-midnight April 12-14. - ''The Father's Gift;' an examination of the doctrine on the real presence ofChrist in the Eucharist, 4-5 p.m. April 12. - Mass of the Lord's Supper from the national shrine, 6-7:30 p.m. April 12 and 12:30-2a.m. April 13. - A "Joy of Music" program, "Seven Last Words of Christ;' during which host Diane Bish uses the inspiration of music to'examine the seven last words that Gospels record Christ speaking before his death, 7:30-8 p.m. April 12 and 6:30-7 a:m. April 13. '---:An "In Concert" selection, ''Bach's St. Matthew's Passion;'. expressing the emotions experienced during the Passion, 3-6 a.m. April 13. - Commemoration of the Lord's Passion from the national shrine, 3-5 p.m. April 13 and I:30-3:30 a.m. April 14. - ''The Last Seven Words of Christ;' with Father Groeschel at St. Patrick's Cathedral in New York City, 5:30-7:30 p.m. April 13. - Pope John Paul II's Way of the Cross from the Colosseum in Rome, 8-9 p.m. April 13. - An "In Concert" presentation, ''Stabat Mater;' a rendition of Giovanni Battista Pergolesi's work, 4-5 p.m. April 14. . - Easter Vigil Mass live from the national shrine, 8-11 p.m. April 14. - ''Easter Sunday Meditation With Father Groeschel;' featuring reflections on the meaning of Easter Sunday, 4-4:30 am., 7:308 a.m., 11-11:30 am. and 6:30-7 p.m. April 15. - Easter Sunday Mass with the pope, 4:30-6 p.m. and 7-8:30 p.m. April 15. - The pontiff's ''urbi et orbi" message delivered from St. Peter's Basilica in Rome, 6-7 am. and 8:30-9:30 p.m. April 15. - Easter Sunday Mass live from the national shrine, noon-2 p.m. April 15. -:- A "Joy of Music" installment, ''Glory;' featuring the music of. Handel and Mozart, 2-2:30'p.m. April 15. •



ASHLEY JUDD and Hugh Jackman sta'r in a scene from the movie "Someone Like You." For a brief review of this film see CNS Movie Caps~ . lIes on this page. (CNS photo from 20th Century Fox)

'Spy Kids' is a'winner' By ANNE NAVARRO CATHOUC NEWS SERVICE NEW YORK Writer-director Robert Rodriquez's terrific-"SpyKids" (Dimension) is 007 for children, plus twice the fun. Not only does the fantasy-action flick synthesize a winning adventure story and cool special effects likely to please adolescents accustomed to the technowizardry of video games, but Rodriquez plainly underscores the importance of family. And this is no small feat in a movie world that often times tries to de-emphasize the value of the family unit. Unbeknownst to their kids, Gregorio (Antonio Banderas) and Ingnd Cortez (Carla Gugino) were once international spies. Now retired and doing consulting work, they aim to quietly raise their two young children, Carmen (Alexa Vega) and Juni (Daryl Sabara). Feisty CarmeIhis going through some preadolescent angst, annoyed by her boring family and yearning for adventure, which she believes can only be found far from them. Shy, nervous Jurii suffers from warts caused by his constantly sweating hands. Brother and sister pass the time away fantasizing about daring adventures and watching their favorite TV program, "Floop's Fooglies," hosted by madcap Fegan Floop (Alan' Cumming), a popular children's .. TV personality. Gregorio and Ingrid are lured out of retirement on a top-secret mission to save secret agents who have been kidnapped, and therefore must leave Carmen and Juni with Uncle Felix (Cheech Marin). But when redalert sirens begin to blare and black-clad ninja-looking baddies surround the Cortez-home, Uncle Felix blurts out to the children that their parents are spies and may be in danger, showing them how to make a quick getaway in a hidden escape pod. "My parents can't be spies, they aren't cool enough," says spirited Carmen. With this line,


M()vile tCalVSUllles

NEW YORK (CNS) - Following are recent capsule reviews issued by the U.S. Catholic Conference Office for Film and Broadcasting.' "Simon Magus (IDP)" . Strange fable set in a dwindling 19th-century European Jewish village where a demented

Rodriquez captures the sort of attitude found in some children who think parents are an obligatory nuisance to be tolerated but never liked. But in so many ways, the moral of the story\- that family does matter - comes roaring out. Carmen and Juni soon find themselves on their way to Floop's castle, where their parents are prisoners. Floop and his lackey Alexander Minion (Tony Shalhoub) plan to conquer, the world by cloning the children of celebrities and world leaders and implanting them with programmable brains. But for young viewers, the movie's plot will likely take a back seat to the exciting exploits of Carmen and Juni. Gadget-inventor Q would have been proud of the Bond-like gizmos that Rodriquez himself dreamed up for "Spy Kids." Carmen and Juni are thrust into a world filled not only with intrigue, but with jet-propelled backpacks, pre-programmed submarines (complete with microwaveable popcorn and tiny toilets), acid crayons, electroshock bubble gum and spy watches from which spring tiny satellites. While children will b~ impressed with the eyepopping special effects and kids-as-superspies story line, parents will care more about the moral coda, which affirms that family members need to stick together and support each other.. Parents should be aware that while the film's action sequences are fine for older children and preteens, the younger set may be frightened by it. Though "Spy Kids" borrows elements from other colorful adventure films (the Bond series, "Austin Powers" and eyen "Willy Wonka" come to mind), it is.a breath of fresh air in its approach and delivery that is ·likely to entertain parents and offspring alike. Due to some menace and several mild action sequences, the U.S. Catholic Conference classification is A-II adults and adolescents. The Motion Picture Association ofAmerica rating is PG - parental guidance suggested.

outcast (Noah Taylor) becomes key in the struggle to build a railway station that will bring the village into the modem era. The mixture of romance, fantasy and horror in ·director Ben Hopkins' dark drama achieves more"con-. fusion than success due to the film's laggardly pace,stereotypical characters and awkwardly phra'sed dialogue. Brief violence, representation of the devil and an instance of crass language. The U.S. Catholic Conference 'classification is A-III - adults. Not rated by the Motion Picture Association of America. "Someone Like You'" (20th· Century Fox) Formulaic romantic comedy in which a television producer (Ashley Judd), linceremoniou~ly

dumped by her boyfriend ( reg Kinnear), concocts a theory comparing gender relations to wildlife and then puts her new phi. losophy to use as an anonymous sex columnist. Based on Laura Zigman's novel "Animal Hus,bandry~" director Tony Goldwyn's predictable plot rolls out one cutesy cliche after another 'without being particularly romantic or funny. A few implied sexual encounters and several sexual references, an instance of rough Ianguage and some crass words. The . U.S. Catholic Conference classification is A-III - adults. The Motion Picture Association of America rating is PG-13 - parents are strongly cautioned. Some' material may be inappropriate for children under 13.

Worldwide 'hilnger pict~re bleak,


says Bread for World report By MARK PA111S0N

six-year-old children. CATHOUC NEWS SERVicE "She paused, looked down WASHINGTON - Grim re- with a clenched first, hit her chest alities about hunger worldwide are and said, 'Against my own will, detailed in "Foreign Aid to End against my faith, I became a Hunger," a new report issued re- walker (prostitute). I slept with cently by Bread for the World In- . men for money,''' he wrote. She told Sampa that at first it stitute in Washington. The report urges President "tormented" her but that today Bush and Congress to allocate an she does it with "less difficulty." "As long as I can afford a meal additional $1 billion a year in U.S. development aid for Africa, for my family, I am happy. I know "where hunger is deep, pervasive that one day sooner or later I will and widespread." die of AIDS," she said, on the In sub-Saharan Africa, more verge of tears. "But I can tell you than 186 milIion in all are l)1alnour- that I find hunger more deadly ished, it says. About 291 million than AIDS." people live on less than $1 a day, . Another contributor· to the reand every third person is chroni- port, the Rev.' John F. Schultz, a cally undernourished, it says. . Presbyterian 'clergyman who is The report, released by the sis- president of the Christian ter institution of the Christian Children's Fund, told of going to citizen's anti-hunger movement the remote village of Jello Dida, Bread for the World, also was Ethiopia. sponsored by 14 other religious ''The village was hushed, like a and development assistance orga- hospital ward. Many of the people nizations, including Catholic Re- were in the last stages of starvalief Services. tion. They had received no interThe report includes stories that national aid," Rev. Schultz wrote. . give a glimpse into the depth of Based on the report's findings, hunger in Africa. Along with the the institute has.developed seven horrors of seeing children dying recommendations on how Afriof starvation comes the tale of a cans can use U.S. aid: Invest in woman who engaged in prqstitu~ agriculture; build good roads and tion so she could feed her children. infrastructure; enroll more chilThe unnamed woman, who dren in school and keep them lives in the town of Pemba in there; empower and educate Afsouthern Zambia, was discovered rican women; prevent and treat by Joseph Kalungu Sampa, assis- HIV/AIDS, malaria, tuberculosis, tant coordinator of the Structural and other infectious diseases; fosAdjustment Policy Monitoring ter the development of new AfriProjcct in Lusaka, Zambia. can-owned businesses and In his essay, "Sex for Food," microenterprises; and continue Sampa said he asked the woman debt relief. how she made a living. She reBeyond the grim picture of plied that after her husband died hunger in the developing world, in 1994, she had tried and ex- the United States itself isn't exhausted every other way she knew empt from hunger, according to to provide food for her 13- and the report.


In 13 states - Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Rorida, Hawaii, Louisiana, Mississippi, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Oregon, Texas and West Virginia - and the District of Columbia, more than 10 percent of all households exPerience "food insecurity," defined as resorting to emergency food banks each month or skipping meals to pay rent. The Rev. David Beckmann, a minister of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and president of Bread for the World, said the United States could do its part to end world hunger by giving $1 billion more annually, or what amounts to "a penny a day per U.S. citizen."

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GIFTS Continuedfrom page one

ther Dahl reported. munity, so they will not just be "Their RCIA teams have done set free and we said 'goodbye' to much to get them involved in par- them and set them on their own," ish life and in some cases even in Father Dahl noted. "Our plan parish work, r----~ and after reis to be with .. ceiving the inithem and contiating sacratinue to supments will be port them and called neohelp them to phytes. They better become will continue a part of the to meet beparish ... and tween Easter we do this and Pentecost through evanfor mystagogy, gelization." he a period of said. time in which When the through the litfaith commuurgy and the nity they have sacraments become a part they come to of begins to better underdraw them stand the myscloser, they teries of the become and sacraments feel they are FATHER HI;:NRY J. DAHL they have just brother and received," he explained. sister Catholics, "and with that "They will be growing in the they truly become active particilife of the Church, the parish com- pants," Father Dahl said.


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HYANNIS - The Cap;:C~(.k·judged by:the Chapter's panel. Chapter of the Massachusetts-Citi. Application forms may be obzens for Life is taking applicatiolJ~"" tained \?y. writing to MCFL, 298 , for a $500 scholarship to be aw~e~L'Main Street, Hyannis, MA 02601 to it graduating high school ~epioi. or by calling 508-771-22~5 and from the Cape or Islands. " ..... leaving your name, address and Itis awarded based on the student's phone ntimber. The deadline for application and a submitted essay, entries is April 20.

HEADMASTER DENNIS Poyant of Coyle and Cassidy High Schoo', Taunton, recently .announced scholarship winne~s for its incoming freshman class of 2005. Each student will receive a $1,000 award. From left with Poyant are: Kyle Fink, Brothers of the Holy Cross Scholarship; Courtney Thurston, Thomas Whalen Scholarship; Emily Burdick, Sisters of the Holy Union Scholarship; Ryan Anderson, Sister S1. Paul Memorial Scholarship; and David Sniger, Msgr. James Coyle High S.chool· Alumni $qhol~rship..\.. " MAXINE BONNEAU'S fifth-grade science class at Our Lady of Mount Carmel School, New Bedford, recently created a rainforest as part of a' unit on ecologY:,Abov~, Melanie Gouveia holds a harpy eagle she helped make forthe project while below George Tarabaih and Joshua Fump explore the rainforest. ~ SENIOR JULIE Langevin shows off her school spirit with physics teacher Ann Perry atBishop Feehan High School, Attleboro, during'its Shamrock Week: Students celebrated the Feehan Shamrocks with a dressup day and various' activities sponsored by its student council.

~ MATH STUDENTS at Holy Family-Holy Name School, New Bedford, were .recently challenged to pick their'. favorite candy bar and mathematically enlarge its size on paper. Here, eighth,,',graqer Curt Jordan graphs his favorite to new dimensions.

• I

/. _FIFTH-GRADERS from Isabel Dean's class at Our Lady of Mount Carmel School use up a lot of floorspa.ce to complete a poster on the Stations of the Cross. They wer'e drawn byteacher Maxine Bonneau and will be used when students ma.ke their journey through the S~ations. - t-



Celebration planned to welcome 15 World Youth Day cross to Canada Pray to end abortion .,T -.





~ Palm Sunday ceremony being

archdiocese, described as "a spectacular liturgy." planned. It will be a "huge choreographed celebration," Msgr. Powers said in a briefing session for leaders By ART BABYCH f CATliOUC NEWS SERVICE and members 0 religious communities at Notre 'Dame Cathedral March 25. Several skits are planned OITAWA-TheArchdioces~ofOttawais'gear- by youths to dramatize how they encountered the ing up for a massive Holy Week celebration to wel- ~ross in their lives, he added. come the World Youth Day cross to Canada as it The celebration is to end with the Pilgrim Cross begins its 15-month journey to dioceses "ablaze in light" on a backdrop of a darkened \.o1S ... I • .I Corel Center, Msgr. Powers said. throughout the country. In anticipation ofWorl9 Youth Day 0 ~p.; e,,~ It will be "a wonderful event" for ~ , . . . _. the Catholic Church in Canada and in Toronto in 2002, Pope John Paul n is to present the Pilgrim Cross ~O ~. the archdiocese, he said. to about 50 young Canadians 0 , . The more than 13-foot-high • Pilgrim Cross has been the rallyincluding five native youths .. )\ ing symbol for World Youth Day from the northern Canadian E community of Rankin Inlet, I celebrations since Pope John Paul Nunavut - at a Palm Sunday ., Q II launched the event in 1984. Its arrival in Canada "marks the ceremony April 8 in St. Peter's \ beginning of a spiritual and 10Square. The native youths are to escort ~ .,"" ~ gistical preparation leading up to the cross to the Corel Center on • ~~ " . " World Youth Day," Archbishop '.. a... 0 .(~, Marcel Gervais of Ottawa stated. the western outskirts of Ottawa April 11 for a diocesan youth celebration orv' 0 R.... o. c,.<' The wooden cross will be in OtTorol\\ tawa from April 11 until Easter Sunday, expected to fill the 18,500-seat National Hockey League arena. Negotiations also are unApril 15, and is to travel to four churches in the der way to have the event televised nationally by . archdiocese before moving on to other dioceses in Canadian Broadcasting Corp: Newsworld and its , Canada. French counterpart. World Youth Day is to be held in Toronto July The 28,000 students from secondary Catholic 18-28, 2002. Organizers say it will likely attract the schools in Ottawa have been invited to take part in largest number of people ever to attend a single gathwhat Msgr. Patrick Powers, vicar general of the ering in Canada.







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There has been a fair amount of bad press about the Internet recently. A large population" of creepy people - adults, mostly - are hanging around in the teenoriented chat rooms and Websites looking to "hook up" with teens, or even younger kids, for sexual relationships or worse. These sick and dangerous people use the Internet to make contact with kids they could otherwise never meet. Some of those kids, tragically, end up being their victims. Young people sit in their bedrooms, zapping about the Internet, and somehow adult predators are able to lure some of them out of their homes and into unsupervised situations. How do they do it? They lie. Face it, if you saw these people, you'd never even talk to them. Predators on the Web are almost always men. Most pick female targets, but a fair number prefer boy victims. They work by establishing a relationship, developing a false sense of trust and then luring the target to meet them someplace away from home. If a middle-aged man calls himself "SallyI3," and his, profile says he's a 13-year-old girl at St. Brigid's, how can anybody find out that it isn't true? They can't. Hanging around in the chats, creeps pick up information about

potential targets: where they go to school, what they look like and most important, special interests, particular hobbies or favorite ac-

ordinary human relationship, body language, facial expressions and tone of voice communicate much more than the simple words a person says. But on the Internet you 'don't even know whether the r:==="':-'~~=:I~----' other person wept or laughed as '-~ you told your deepest secrets. There are four simple rules of of thumb for dealing with strangers on the Internet. -First, unless you already know the person in real life, asFOR YOOTH • ABOOT YOOTH sume that everybody you deal with is really a 45-year-old person pretivities. tending to be somebody he or she The person telling you he is a is not. 14-year-old girl may indeed be a --Second, never give anybody 53-year-old man with very sick on the Internet your ,address, interests. If you tell him where phone number or other informayou go to school, and especially tion that would allow someone to if you tell him who your teachers identify and locate you. Some of are, he may soon be watching you the people who have access to that information may want to come at noon break. A bit ofemotional black magic find you. Don't give them the can happen on the Internet. chance. Strangers can feel like the closest -Third, if you are relating to friends you ever had. People you somebody on the Internet and never met can seem to know you think you need to hide this from better than the people who go'to your parents, you're on dangerous ground. Internet creeps thrive school with you. That's because on the Internet -on secrecy. They want you to keep it's easy to tell your secrets. After them hidden from your parents. -Finally, never leave your all, this is a stranger, someone you'll never have to deal with 'home to meet somebody you face to face. But once you have know only from the Internet. told somebody your personal Never. Seriously, you might not problems and concerns, you feel make it back home. Your comments are welcome. a sense of intimacy, of shared exPlease address: Dr. Christopher peryence and trust. It's all an illusion. You are not Carstens, c/o Catholic News Sertalking with another human be- vice, 3211 Fourth St. N.E., ing. rou are typing notes. In an Washington, D.C. 20017.





. J. ,~









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THE ANCHOR - Diocese of Fall River ---" Fri., April 6, 200 I

Boggs retums:.to··her.~:beloved New Orleans after·stint.·:.in Rome



.' The. one event Boggs missed . was'World Youth Day, which attracted upward of two million : NEW ORLEANS - Corinne ,y.oung people to Rome in August "Lindy",Boggs is back home do..'.' ~ . 2000. ing what she loves best "Boggs said she knows why an French Quarter aerobics. .agi.ngPope John Paul II has the Boggs turned 85 earlier this , ability to connect with so many month and is shaking off the linyoung people. gering effects of the "Roman flu," but New Orleans' most fa."It's because he has tough '. love," Boggs said. "He remous Catholic still can , spects them so much he walk circles around those half her age. Boggs ,said. she knows ,why' an wants them to shape up and capable of doing After spending three aging Pope John Paull/nas the,abil- "become their best.· By the year memorable years as U.S. ambassador to the Holy ity, to connect with .so: many -YOU(1g 2011,. half of the people in the, world will be under 14 See - an appointment that people. ended March 1 - Boggs lilt's because he .has tough love," years of age. The Holy hopped on a plane, stopped Boggs, said. "He respects them. so Father's appeal to young iIi London to visit her much he wants thefT} to shape ,up and "people will be his ,greatest legacy. His love of young eighth great-grandchild (ner daughter Cokie Rob- become capable. of doing their. best. people will be his crown'ing glory." erts' first grandchild), and then finally arrived home ,Boggs said she does not ing in Rome in 1997, she tripped .know who will become the next for. good on March 3. Since then the only, problem on' the cobblestone driveway of. ambassador, but she believes the she's encountered - other than her residence and broke her post, far from being ceremonial, the ongoing renovation of her kneecap, a potentially debilitat- plays a critical role in helping the ' French Quarter home that sus- ing injury for someone her age.. United States set foreign policy tained extensive water damage But she was up and around .and gather information from when a third-floor pipe burst last within weeks and did not miss a . other countries. August - is that everywhere she single official function. And, ..yes, there were the walks, people want to stop and She was at her prime during perks. Her eldest great-grandAFTER THREE years at the Vatican, Lindy Boggs is back talk. the.jubilee year; hosting celebra- .son: Andrew Hale Boggs, got to home in New Orleans. The former U.S. ambassador to the And, of course, she can't say tions for the beatification of· receive his first Communion Holy See is photographed in front of St. Louis Cathedral in . no. She just adjusts her schedule. Blessed Francis Xavier Seelos ,. from the pope during a canonithe French Quarter. (CNS photo by Peter Finney Jr., Clarion "I don't know which thing is and, the canonization ofSt. .' zation ceremony in St. Peter's Square. Herald) creaking these days - but thank Katharine Drexel. CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE

goodnessifs. still creaking because it beats the alternative," Boggs .said in, an interview with the Clarion Herald, newspaper of the New. Orleans Archdiocese. ''lwas so fortunate to stay as.long as I did in, Rome and be able to partiCipate as avidly as I did." . Boggs.underp,lays h~r physi. cal stamina. Shortly after·arriv.


Bush reportedly asks halt

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Good Friday , , '~:~' .. 8 a.m~· .: ,,~.':~ 1VI0rning Prayers & Divine Mercy Novena .' :, ' ". '. ',12 Noon - ", .Midday Prayers & Divine Mercy Novena ':.' ., '·2;30 p.m.-:'·P.olish Service of Divine Mercy •


•• :


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, Holy'$aturciay '.

.·.··Morning Prayer & Divine Mercy Novena ,.12,cN90n: "Midday Prayer & Divine Mercy Novena ,8'a~m.,.· "I



Easter Sunday,··": ; . 6:30 p'-m.: _'~·$Olemn Easter Evening Pr~yer and . " " 'pivine Mercy Novena . Easter Monday through Friday 7 a.m. ' .Holy Mass, Chaplet, Novena Prayers' H.o'Y Mass, Chaplet, Novena Prayers 7 p.m. Saturday, April 21 . '"'8 a.m. - Holy Mass & Divine Mercy Prayers


Divine Mercy Sunday, April 22 10 ~.m. Divine Mercy Sunday Holy Mass Bishop Sean P. Q'Malley, OFM Cap. Celebrant. Homilist 6:30 p.m. Solemn Conclusion of Oivine Mercy Novena: Holy Hour, Chaplet, Prayers

VATICAN'CITY (CNS} - u.s. President George W. Bush has asked Israeli Prime, Minister Ariel Sharon to withdraw permission for the construction of a mosque next to the Basilica of the Annunciation in Nazareth, according to Israel Radio. The Vatican missionary agency, Fides, reported the news from Jerusalem along with a favorable reaction by a Church official there. Israel Radio said Bush made the request during a meeting with Sharon in Washington a week ago. U.S. Church leaders had raised the issue"wid: the president following his inauguration in January, asking him to support the Church's position. . ChiJrch leaders hoped that when Sharon took office in early March, it would open the way for a reversal of Israeli approval for the 'mqsque construction, which was granted in 1999 during. the term of former-Prime Minister Ehud Barak. Israeli Franciscan Father David Jaeger, of the Franciscan Custody of the Holy Land 'Office and a'vocal opponent ofthe planned mosque, saidhewas·pleased·with Bush's step. ''I am delighted and very grateful to President Bush, to the American Catholic' bishops' and American Christian leaders in general:!. Father Jaeger said. ''Many Protestant churchmen I meton several visits to the United States had assured me oftheir backing for the request made by the Franciscan custodians. The president's support echoes'Voices raised all around the Christian world," he said. The Vatican and churches in the Holy Land had strongly protested. the mosque .construction plans, which Utey said would be ariaffront to·Christians because of its proximity to one oftheir most significant holy places, the spot where Mary . was said to havelearried:she would.bear the baby Jesus. Church leaders·said Barak had given in to a small group of Muslim fundamentalists. More moderate Muslims supported the Church's stance, they said: To protest against the laying of the foundation stone for the mosque in late'I999,Christian churches and holy places throughout the'Holy Land closed down for two days. At'a recent Vatican-Muslim dialogue session in Cairo, Egypt, both,sides called for a peaCeful resolution ofthe mosque problem and condemned attempts to use the issue to sow animosity between Christians andMuslims.

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