t eanc 0 VOL. 44, NO.14 • Friday, April?, 2000
Southeastern Massachusetts' Largest Weekly • $14 Per Year
Youth to gather at Fenway ~
Manchester, N.H., and will include nation- Boston Common at 10 a.m. to take part in a' ally-known Catholic musicians and speak- variety of activities including Eucharistic ers. Among the speakers are Rev. Msgr. Ray Adoration, an opportunity for the sacrament East ofWashington D.C. and Helen Alvare, of penance, and to view displays featuring director of planning and information for Catholic organizations, schools and colleges. By MIKE GORDON The gathering in Boston is the culminatthe Secretariat for Pro-Life Activities' at the ANCHOR STAFF National Conference of Catholic Bishops. ing event of an eight-month-period of FALL RIVER - More than 30,000 The event comes as part of the Jubilee preparation the bishops have called for. young people are expected at Boston's Year celebration and has Young people have been involved in many Fenway Park on April 29 for a day of spiri- been in the works for different parish-level faith actual renewal entitled Pilgrimage 2000. This . quite some time tivities over that time to unique day of celebration for Catholic high according to Jill deepen their spiritual . school-aged youth, college students and Leavens of the lives. young adults will give them the opportu- R end 0 Q A parade will nity to celebrate and renew their faith. Bud Group of begin at 1 p.m. and particiMiller, director of youth and young adult B 0 s to n, pants will ministry for the Diocese of Fall River, said hired to . it should be a wonderful experience for all coo I' d i - m a r c h from nate the the Common participants. down Com"It will be an exciting day for our young pilgrimm 0 n we a It h people," said Miller who was enthusiastic age and set Avenue to that close to 3,000 people representing the up registrafive deaneries from the diocese will take tion. Leavens Fenway Park. part in the experience. "They will find a said it was a big The afternoon will good mixture of spirituality, music, reflec- project to organize, .~ be filled with sevtion and prayer in Boston. It will be a great but that "it will be -a· ~ ~'1r eral programs focuscelebration of our Catholic faith." good day for young \..~J' .~ ing on the Father, the The event is open to young people from people." '-:t'~ Son and the Holy Spirit. the archdiocese of Boston and the dioceses ~e a~l-da~ g~thering ",,:i11 ~U:r:ati· '-P It will include guest speak' ers, witness talks, musical enof Fall River, Worcester,· Springfield and begm WIth pllgnms me~tmg on
Spiritual renewal pilgrimage on April 29 will celebrate their Catholic faith.
Poll shows strong supportfor .partial-birth abortion ban By CATMOUC NEWS SERVICE WASHINGTON - As the House of Representatives prepared to vote on banning partial-birth abortions, a new poll showed that 68 percent of Americans supported such a ban. Less than 20 percent of the respondents opposed a ban on the partial-birth abortion procedure, while 13.4 percent said they didn't know or declined to answer. The poll, done by MarketFacts for the U.S. bishops' Secretariat for Pro-Life Activities and the Knights of Columbus, involved 1,000 U.S. citizens questioned between March 31 and April 2. It had a, margin of error of plus or minus 3.1 percent. The poll showed that women oppose partial-birth abortion more than men, and younger men and women oppose it more than older Americans. Helen Alvare, director of planning and information for. the ProLife secretariat, said the poll results were not surprising, given the brutal nature of partial-bilth abortions. The procedure is used in late-term abortions and involves the partial delivery of the unborn child, feet first, before surgical scissors are stabbed into the base of the infant's
head. The child's brain is then removed by suction, allowing for easier delivery ofthe collapsed head. "There is no mistaking how strongly Americans reject partialbirth abortion," said Alvare. "Year in and year out polls have shown enormous support (in the upper 60's percentiles) for a bill banning this procedure." The House, which was expected to vote on the ban this week, has twice approved similar legislation by wide enough margins to overturn a presidential veto. The Senate vote on the bill in late 1999 was two votes shy of a veto-proof majority. Opponents of the ban suffered a setback Monday when the Supreme Court refused to allow the Clinton administration to participate in the arguments on behalf of BelIevue, Neb., physician Leroy Carhart, who has challenged the partial-birth abortion ban in his state. In a friend-of-ihe-court brief filed with the court in late March, Solicitor General Seth Waxman argued that the Nebraska law is unconstitutionally vague, "fails to provide an exception to preserve the pregnant woman's health," and interferes in the relationship between doctors and patients.
tertainment and a renewal of baptismal promises. Cardinal Bernard Law will be principal celebrant for an evening Mass and Bishop Sean P. O'Malley OFM, Cap.; will concelebrate with other bishops and priests in attendance. It will feature a large choir comprised of members from each diocese. For Miller and many dedicated people it has been a lot of work to get to the April event. But it has all been worth it because of the anticipated results and that the work brings people together he said. "It's an opportunity to celebrate our Catholic faith and I hope it will be a positive and uplifting experience." Miller went on to say the day will be an opportunity to help young people recommit themselves to Jesus Christ and he was thankful for all the hard work the coordinators have done to make it possible. Father Paul O'Brien, secretary for pastoralservicesoftheArchdioceseofBoston and executive director of the project, also was excited about the gathering. "It will be a unique renewal experience for younger Catholics and we hope it· will reach a lot of people," said Father O'Brien. "It's been a moving experience and it's nice to see people so willing to do God's work."
Diocesan native retires from
prolific academic career ~
Brother Robert Francoeur, FIC, will end 59 years of instructing next month.'
devoted member of the FIC community. At the end of next month, Brother Robert will retire, leaving his position as professor of business law and philosophy at Walsh University in North Canton, Ohio, an institute he's been associated By DAVE JOUVET with for the last 40 years. ANcHOR STAFF Since his sojourn began nearly 65 years ago, FALL RIVER - In 1935, eight months shy Brother Robert's life has been anything but unof his 13th birthday, Romeo Francoeur left the eventful, acquiring a number of academic degre~s, serving as a university safety and security of his parpresident for seven years and ents at their home on Bedard as an academic dean at two Street in Fall River. It was then colleges, becoming a lawyer, that the fledgling scholar beand traveling extensively in his ganajourney:that would take role as an instructor. him to Alfred, Maine, to beBut all that was a far cry come a Brother of Christian from the day he left home as Instruction· (FIC),'a journey a 12-year-old lad to trek north that would ultimately ta15.e him to Maine. In an interview with all over the globe. His mother, The Anchor, Brother Robert the late Leonie (Giasson) admitted that wasn't such an Francoeur realized early in her easy time. "I felt some lonelison's life that he was a gifted ness at first, a situateon that scholar. She fervently prayed prompted me to ask one of the a daily rosary that he would brothers whether a person was use his talent to serve God lonely all life long," he said. somehow. Those prayers' did "Even though I was 150 miles not go unanswered. away from home, I soon beBrother Robert Francoeur came adjusted to the situation has spent the past 59 years of as my loneliness faded." his life as a teacher, writer, Turn to page 13 - Brother speaker, student, lawyer and a BROTHER ROBERT FRANCOEUR, Fie
®ltttuartt6 Sister Casimira Wolejko CR
FALL RIVER - Word has Sister Casimira, who loved been received here of the March working with children, was then 11 death at ·th~ Resurrection missioned to New Bedford, Nursing Home, Castleton, N.Y., where she taught and worked of Resurrection 'Sister Casimira with four-year-olds at S1. Wolejko, 84, who had served for Saviour's, w~ile being active in , 35 years at St. Saviour's Day readying the TV Mass to,the Nursery in New Bedford and area's homebound. ,also assisted iii preparations for Due to crippling arthritis and the Fall River diocese's weekly other health.complications, SisTV M a s s . , ter _Casimira retired to the ProBorn in Lawrence, the daugh~ vincial Home in Castletoi1. After ter of the late 'John and the late being diagnosed with leukemia Julia (Sobieska) Wolejko, she en- in February 1999, she had retered the Congregation of the Sis- sided at the Resurrection Nursters of the Resurrection on Aug. ing Home. 14,1933. In June 1955, Sister Sister Casimira is survived by Casimira celebrated the 60th an- nieces and nephews. She was the ,niversary of the taking of her fi- sister of the 'late Alice nal vows. Styczynski, Jeanne Flynn and She began her religious career Ida Robillard.', . in Yonkers, N.Y., and in 1944 Her funeral Mass was celwas assigned to the Resurrection ebrated March 13 in the Children's Home in Amsterdam, Provincia1ate Chapel Of the SisN.Y., where she worked with ·ters of the Resurrection in young children for 17 years un-Castleton'. Burial was in Resurtil the home was closed. '. rection Cemetery there.
O'Malley, OFM Cap., delivers a reflection on "Forgiveness" at the Patriot Center , at George Mason University in Fairfax, Va., -part of the 'Diocese of Arlington's Jubilee Celebration. As a young priest, Bishop O'Malley used to celebrate Masses in Spanish in the Arlington Diocese. (Photo by Ann Augherton, Arlington Catholic Herald)'
Cardinal Law named to body o,verseeing Vatican finances By JOHN NORTON
the pope also named Jerusalem's In another April 1 announceLatil1-rite Patriarch, Michel ment, the pope named the VATICA,N CITY - Pope Sabbah to the Council of Cardi- council's other U.S. member, John Paul II named Cardinal nals for the Study'of Organiza- Cardinal Roger M. Mahony of Bernard F. Law of Bost'on a' tional and Economic Questions , Los Angeles, to also be a memmembf(r of a high-level consul- of the Holy See. ber of the Prefecture of Ecotative body that, oversees VatiThe nominations were an- nomic Affairs of the Holy S"ee, can finances and the Vatican nounced at the Vatican April 1. the body responsible for preparbank. Cardinal Law's appoinJment ing the Vatican's budget. Making an exception to the restores the number of U.S. According to' the statement, , rule that members be cardinals, prelates in the 15-member coun- Patriarch Sabbah's appointment ,cil to two. Cardinal John J. was made "pro hac vic·e." a O'Connor of New York resigned, "one-time'; exception to the reDaily 'Readings from the consultative body when quirement that members be carhe turned 80 in January. dinals. April 10 On 13:1-9,1517,19-30,33-62 or 13:41 c-62; Ps 23:1-6; In 8:1-11 April 11 Nm 21 :4-9; Ps , 102:2-3,16-21; In 8:21-30 Please pray for the following April 12 On 3:14-20,9192,95 (Ps) On priests during the coming week, ~:52-56; In 8:31\ \ 42 April 13 Gn 17:3-9; Ps \NECROLOGY \' i \ , 105:4-9; In 8:51\ April 10 \ 59, 1944, Rev. John P. Doyle~ Pastor, St. William, Fall River April 14 ' Jer 20:1 0-13; Ps 18:2-7; In 10:31, . Apfilll~/=<\.., . 42 1914, Rev. John F. Downey, 'Paslgr,-CorpusChnstl, Sandwtch April 15 Ez 37:21-28; (Ps)Jer31:10/--::::::--April\12 . 1909, Rev",Johri'l'obih, Assistaht} St. Patrick, Fall River 13; In 11 :45-56 1996, ReY.-Msg~. Alfred J. Gendr~au, Catholic Memorial Home, April 16 Mk11:1-10orJn Fall River , \ \ . 12:12-16 (pro 1997, Rev. Edward P. Doyle, O'P'J\St. Raymond, Providence, R.I. cession) Is 50:4\ \ 7; Ps22:8-9,17. ., April 14\ \ 18a,19-20,23-24; 1935, Rev. Louis N. Dequoy, Pastor, Sacred Heart, North Phil 2:6-11; Mk Attleboro \ \ 1977, Rev. Cosmas Chaloner, SS.CC., Sf. Francis Xavier, 14:1-15:47 or Acushnet .' \ \ . 15:1-39 CATHOLIC NEW!? SERVICE
Mrs. M. Myrtle McM~rrow TAUNTON - The funeral Born in Taunton, the daughMass for Mrs. M. Myrtle ter of the late Thomas F., and (Granfield) McMorrow, 86, the late Julia (Feeney)' was held March 31 in St. Jo- Grandfield, she was' a 1932 seph Church here, with inter- graduate of Taunton High ment in St. Joseph Cemetery. Sclioo!. Before retiring she had Mrs. McMorrow, who'died worked in the kitchen atMarian March 28 in t~e Bourne Nurs- Manor in Taunton. She was a ing Home, was the wife of th~ ,member of S1. Joseph Parish late Joseph C. McMorrow and and its Women's Guild and the the mother .of the late Father Fitzsimmons Social Club. ' Thomas F. McMorrow, a She 'leaves a son, Richard J. former parochial vicar at Our McMorrow of Monument Lady of Victory Parish, Heach; four grandchildren and Centerville. '.five great-grandchildren. J
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April 15 \...; 1908, Rev. Christopher G. Hughes, D.D.; Rector, Cathedral, Fall 111111111111111'1111111111111111 ' River THE ANCHOR (USPS-545-D20) Periodical Postage Paid at Fall River, Mass. Published weekly except for the first two weeks in July and the week after Christmas at 887 Highland AveTUJe, Fall River, Mass. 02720 by the Catholic Press of the Diocese ofFall River. Subscription price by mail, postpaid $14.00 per year. POSTMASTERS send address changes to The Anchor, P.O, Box 7, Fall River, MA fJl.7'12.
April 16 1928, Rev. Arthur E. Langlois, on sick leave, Denver, Colo. 1995, Rev. Norman F. Lord, C.S.Sp., Hemet, Calif. 1996, Rev. John W. Pegnam, Priests' Hostel, Fall River
Attleboro parish events mark 125th anniversary ATTLEBORO - In celebrating the l25th anniversary of St. Stephen's Church in the Dodgeville section of town, parish ,planners scheduled four seasonal events for the Year 2000. Launching the winter celebrations was a recent Mass at which pastor Father William L. Boffa, was the principal celebrant and homilist. Afterwards, parishioners enjoyed "Winter, 2000: An Evening of Memories, - The
Early Years," featuring a look at parish history and French music and cuisine. Upcoming events include a spring dinner-dance cruise on the Bay Queen on June 24, 7:3011 :30 p.m. Historically it will key on the migration of people to the Dodgeville-Hebron area, and carry a 50s music theme. A family picnic will be the main activity this summer, slated for August 6, taking advantage of
the fields across from the church and offering an event for adults and children with games and prizes. The celebrations will terminate in the fall with the special 125th anniversary Mass on Sunday, Oct. 1, at 11 a.m., at which Bishop Sean P. O'Malley, OFM Cap., will be the principal celebrant. Following the liturgy a reception will be held at the Knights of Columbus Hall in South Attleboro.
TIIEANCHOR- Diocese ofFall River- Fri., April 7,2000
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FALL RIVER - Saint Anne's Hospital has announced the re~ ceipt of five charitable gifts totaling nearly $5 million in the past five months. In announcing the gifts, Susan Benetti Oldrid, Saint Anne's director of development, said, "All gifts, especially those whose interest income is available to us in perpetuity, are critical to the hospital's ongoing ability to offer the most advanced technology. We are grateful to these people who have remembered us so generously. Their gifts will be used for generations to come." Hospital President Michael W. Metzler agreed, saying that "the
generosity of these benefactors helps us in our mission to provide the best possible care. We deeply appreciate their thoughtfulness." ·Four of the gifts were pequests that will be applied to the hospital's permanent endowment, which currently totals $1.8 million. These include two separate gifts of $300,000 by the late Hannah and Mary Hampston of Fall River; an anonymous bequest of$150,000; and a $25,000 gift to create the Gertrude L. Hutton Continuing Education Scholarship Fund for nurses employed by Saint Anne's Hospital. In addition, the hospital has been named as the solebeneficiary of the interest income in perpetui ty generated from an anonymous $3.8 million chari-
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LILLIAN PLOUFFE, president of the Diocesan Council of Catholic women and Claudette Armstrong share a mo. ment with Father Edward A. Murphy spiritual director of its annual retreat entitled "Believe With All Your Heart that Jesus Wants to Use You." More than 35 women participated in the workshops and Mass held at the Family Life Center, North Dartmouth.
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themoorin~ Political child abuse Psychologists clearly reflect that raising children is one of the most difficult and demanding responsibilities a person can assume and one for which most people have little preparation or training. Although precise data is almost impossible to obtain, it is estimated that more than a million children are abused each year. Victimization of children takes many forms ranging from sexual molestation to virtual imprisonment. Today the spotlight is focused on a form of abuse that is often overlooked: political abuse. The subject of this prey is Elian Gonzaiez. This poor child is experiencing an induced trauma that no child should have to bear. Just the fact that he was rescued at sea: while his mother drowned is horrendous in itself. However, the subsequent political infighting that exists is more than a mere embarrassment; it is political deception in its worst form. The rainbow of characters involved is appalling. First and foremost, Cuba'~ Fidel Castr'o is attempting to bring a new spark into his dead revolution. His antics to make headlines in this case have teen quite successful because of the poor judgment of the American media that have treated this issue as they would a circus event. Castro~s dictatorship is shaky and tenuous. His ploy is juvenile but he continues, to get headlines arid prime time. Just as deceitful are the Miami Cuban exiles. They have made Elian a cause celebre in order to continue their anti~Castro antics. For them it is nothing more than a political battlefield and civic rebellion. They should never use this child to threaten the entire Miami population with boycotts and civil disobedience. Because of their local power they have plotted with poHticians not to assist federal agynts as they carry oUf their lawful responsibilities. It seems that they are attempting to run country within a country. This goes,against everything 'that this'democracy represents in fact and theory.' ' ",! Npw to make matters worse for th.is child, Vice President Al 'Gore jumps into'the picture, Ofcoufse' hoping for ·Miami. vote~~ He wants a,Congressional. bill to.-l\e~p EIian iii:tthis:-'countr)I ofdor~ "6nly"serves £6 :This opport~nistic m'dv{:~n;thb place the child's future in a more muddled state,-It-is so ver-y ,sad to see this youn~' boy being used as a pawn. in -~~r pres~:" dential election process. " ' It was indeed refreshing to hear a voice of reason and re'spect in all this disgraceful activity. Michael' Brady, an' officer of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, put it succinctly when he said, "Everyone says :theywant to do what's right for this child but they've done nothing from the start to help, him deal with the terrible loss and dramatic change he's gone through." He feels that from ,all his personal experi~ ence, Elian will never get over this. These reflections should jar the likes of Castro, Cuban Americans' and Gore to realize the great psychological damage they are .inflicting on ·the boy. Their political motives are placing him in asituat~on where he will be unable to emerge untouched by such pathetic ,events. ' Children are wonderful listeners but .poor interpreters~ 'What . message is this child getting in the midst of this psychological 'fiasco? Not a good one, to be sure. Child abuse is fostered by violence, and unaccountable behavior patterns. Eli'an indeed· has been subjugated to a complex combination of events that will ,no doubt affect him each and every day of his life. These situations of social and political strife have perpetuated a pat'tern, that if left unabated, will destroy him. What a tragedy! The Editor
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Howdoes the pope keep going?
By FATHER EUGENE HEMRICK ' still exists? . have expected. CATHOUC NEWS SERVICE Could it be that he is just blessed Pope John Paul II's writings are , Even--a person fit for a mara- with good :genes that enable him voluminous. He loves ideas and thon would have,found Pope John. to persist even=though he is physi- forever is creating new ones. Is this Paul II's trip to the Holy Land tax~ cally' worn down?,' 'perhaps where he finds his ing., Each morning he had to be But here we need to ask whether strength?, up at the. crack of dawn ready to we should focus solely oQ physi-' I believe all these explanations make. innumerable appearances, cal attributes or if in doing so we help to account for the pope's 'speak in a language other than his are overlooking the psychological amazing ability to carry on. Howown and dialogue with heads of side of things. . '.' , ever, there is a deeper reason for state whose agendas were not alMany who serveJarge 'groups his strength. ways his. No doubt getting out of bed is .of people draw energy from them. Where does the pope get the I can personally attest to this. -There' difficult for him, but once up he strength to carry on when from all , have been times I could barely get ' starts his morning much differently appearances he seems in poor out of bed due to illness. How- than most people. His day begins health? Could it be that this ever, once up and delivering a with prayer, meditation, Mass . strength itself sends a message that homily or talk, the presence of the setting a sacred tone for the day. I rings louder than words? people often revived me: Instead 'would venture that this tone is one People who are athletic and stay of feeling drained, the people had of petition in which he asks God's fit as they grow older often de- a healing effect. guidance in accomplishing God's velop a constitution that sustains We know that Pope John Paul work. God is his staff. OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER . them when they are faced with he mingles Another secret to'the pope's II·loves people and that Published weekly by' The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River serious illnesses. with them whenever possible. Is strength is surely that he stops his 887 Highland Avenue P.O, BOX 7 Could it be that the pope is reap~ this the secret to his strength? work periodically during the'day Fall River, MA 02720 . Fall River, MA 02722-0007 ing the benefits of being an athOr is his strength found iii his to pray. This helps him to remain Telephone 508-675-7151 . this now susletic person that intellectual acumen? History is re-centered in God's work and to . FAX (508)' 675-7048 tains him? plete with stories of great artists, 'draw upon the power this creates. Send address changes 10 P,O, Box 7 or call telephone number above Or could it be that having lost poets, writers and philosophers Being in harmony with God is his· parents ,at an early age, he ' who, although on their last breath,' awesome and capable of moving EDITOR -GENERAL MANAGER NEWS EDITOR learned as a young man to fend were so consumed with creating a mountains. It is also capable of Rev. Msgr..John F. Moore Rosemary Dussault james N. Dunbar for himself and that this hascre- masterpiece that they carried on moving a tired, ill man onward . . . . LEA'AY "'E55 - FAL~ A~VEA . ated a, toughness in. him which far beyond the time anyone might with astonishing inner s~rength.
We need all the help we can get The 2000 version of the Bos- Babe Ruth when the Sox traded ton Red Sox kicked off this week, him to the Yankees in 1919, but and with all the notoriety they re- now they have to contend with ceived in spring training this sea- the added pressure of the ghost son, there's a good chance the band wagon is a bit more crowded at this time of year than usual. For all those fans whose lives don't rotate solely around the Red' Sox, let me bring you up By Dave Jolivet to snuff. Most baseball gurus believe the Red Sox will do very well this year. Most think they will repeat as' Wild Card of baseball present in the form of champs, and some feel they can high, very high expectations. And, to make matters worse, overtake the Yankees for the east. there's also the ghost of baseball ern crown. This will be an interesting sea- future lurking about. Sports Illusson. Not only do the rouge hose trated made the bold prediction, have to deal with the ghost of on the cover of their baseball prebaseball past, the infamous Curse view edition no less, that Boston of the Bambino, allegedly cast by will WIN the 2000 World Series.
My View From the Stands
THEANCHOR-DioceseofFall River-Fri., April 7, 2000
Many Sox fans believe there is now the Sports Illustrated jinx to contend with. Personally, I don't believe in the curse or the jinx. In fact, I've framed the Sf cover and have it hanging on the wall in my office ... not too far from my picture of Babe Ruth (in a Red Sox uniform). But, with this promising'season just beginning, I thought it would be prudent to take some precautionary measures for the Sox. Just today, I broke out my copy of the 2000 Catholic Almanac and went right to the section on patron saints and intercessors. I've prepared a list that Sox fans can turn to during the upcoming season - just in case we need it. First and foremost for Boston
New Bedford native marks 50th anniversary as priest FALL RIVER - Eudist Fa- Levesque, he attended St. Joseph Alexander Labrie, C,J.M. Father Levesque held teaching ther Louis Levesque, a native of School, New Bedford; La Salette St. Joseph Parish, New Bedford, Minor Seminary in Enfield, assignments at St. Anne's College, currently assigned by his religious N.H., and St. Anne's College, Eudist High School in Montreal community to Blessed Sacrament . Church Point, Nova Scotia. He and Cardinal Dougherty High. Church, San Diego, Calif., re- later entered the Eudist Father's School in Buffalo, N.Y. He later: cently celebrated his golden jubi- Novitiate iri Charlesbourg: Que- . became secretary to Ottawa Archbec, Canada; where he was or- bishop Joseph A; Plourde. lee as a priest. Following pastorates in N.Y. The son of the late Louis A., dained to the priesthood on Feb. and the late Jeanne (Robitaille) 19, 1950 by Bishop Napoleon- and serving as assistant provin- . cial of the Eudist Fathers in North' America, he helped found the St. John Eudes Center in Buffalo, . N.Y. Pastor of Blessed Sacrament Parishsiilce 1997, Father Levesque is also the spiritual director of the Cursillo Movement for th~ Diocese of San Diego.
fans to remember is the saint of lost causes or desperate situations; . St. Jude, and his relief patron, .Gregory of Neocaesarea. St. SebaStian is the patron of athletes, so feel free to request his intercession at any point during the season. As the season progresses into the dog days of summer, the 162game schedule will begin to take its toll on some players, so keep in mind the patroness of bodily ills is Our Lady of Lourdes and for endurance, turn to Pantaleon. Inevitably, the Red Sox will hit. a slump at some time during the season. Also inevitable is the scorching they'll receive from journalists and broadcasters. Now this can have a negative effect on some teams, so these negative vibes must be offset. Gabriel is the patron of broadcasters and Francis de Sales takes care of the journalists. Use them early and often. And if the season gets too much to handle at times, remember the patron of stress, Walter of Portnoise. There are a few miscellaneous .areas that should be covered as well. As most 'Sox fans know, the umpires made some questionable calls against Boston in last year's American League Championship Series vs. the Yankees. So it might be wise to remember that Raphael is the patron of the blind.
This one caused me to raise an eyebrow. The Sox have a talented young infielder named Donnie Sadler, who will begin the season at their Pawtucket farm team, but eventually may come up to the big leagues and playa roll in the Red Sox' shot at a title. Believe it or not, there's a patron saint for saddlers, Crispin. (Is that a good omen, or what?). Lastly, to cover all the bases, we should even consider the Fenway Park organist. St. Cecilia is the patroness of organ builders, so keep her in mind. You never know when a well-played, well-timed organ version of "Jumping Jack Flash" can spark a Red Sox rally. Well, that's my starting lineup for this season. But should the unthinkable (and probable) happen, file these names away for this coming October: Headache suf.ferers - St. Teresa of Avila; Poor Souls - Nicholas of Tolentino; and Lunatics --=- Christine. However, if the Boston Red Sox do finally win the whole kit and caboodle, no patrons will be necessary. We'll go right to the source. And thank God, for the rest of our lives.
Dave Jolivet is a former sports writer/editor, and current staff member of The Anchor. Co~ments are welcome online at anchorpress@sneplanet.com.
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EUDIST FATHER Louis Levesque and his sister, Katherine
J. Levesque of Woonsocket, R.I., enjoy the recent celebrations in San Diego, Calif.., marking the priest's 50th ~nniver sary of ordination.
Fairhaven W. Harwich Buzzards Bay Fall River Scituate Swansea , N. Falmouth FREE ADMISSION
Friday Saturday Sunday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
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8 p.m. St. Mary's 8 p.m. Holy Trinity 4 p.m. St. Margaret's 8 p.m. Sacred Heart 8 p.m. First Baptist 8 p.m. Our Lady of Fatima 4 p.m. St. Elizabeth Seton A free-will offering will be taken.
TIffiANCHOR- Diocese ofFall River- Fri., April?, 2000
The adventures of Klog Kreature Often in this column we discuss words, using words birthday candles by standing behind an angry DC-l O. and thoughts to express thoughts and words about them. Laughing and giggling like the J.oker, Klog This also frequently includes punctuation. When these Kreature called out to the KIQg Kreature Kommunity thoughts and words are held up to the light of day, for miles around as it sped down the drain line toward however, they do not always stand up to it, often be- Sewer Heaven. (At least that's what I though~ mostly because the whole system would not drain as indiing sent off without sunscreen. Thus, it is recommended you read this column at cated by the toilet's rotten attitude and the way it . night when it is very dark. Please do not think this is a flooded the whole bathroom.) My wife did not crasscommercialinfoplug for the Handyman's Sermind. This is because it pent Light perhaps adver-The o f f b e a t was not her house. It was f our rental. Rentals to my.. tised somewhere in this publication and available W0r 0 generation are a "potenUncle Dan tial retirement fund" for only $9.95 (plus shipping and handling, batterwith "potential tax benD M . efits." ies not included, void By an OrriS . where there is no dark). Keep in mind that I was thinking about my generation used to Adam & Eve Industry's spend hours "working" Handyman's Serpent Light just the other night as it HoolaHoops, especially that cool trick ofgetting them was conveniently wrapped around my neck and pointed to go really fast for a long time around your knees. at my area of concentration. The area of concentra- We have also invented "smart bombs" and microwave tion was under the bathroom sink and called in the popcorn, to say nothing of building spoits stadiums Handyman World a "thing that is shaped like an alba- that cost more than Bolivia. tross' throat, only it holds more and gets clogged." So, I pUt'away my easily stored Handyman's SerTraditionally, these s-shaped do-hookies attract se- pent Light before I became more frustrated than I rious amounts of hair, dental floss and other unidenti- already was and used it to flail the commode to within fiable substances from outer space that coalesce in the an inch of its life. Then I smartly called Roto-Rip and dark, damp and warmth of the drain to become Klpg asked them to come out and test my Visa limit. Kreature. They did an excellent job. And in a day or two, they With the help of my Handyman Serpent Light and tell me, they will do something about that drain line. (Note: Made of nontoxic plastic, KJog Kreature a pipe wrench, I was able to remove the albatrosslike thingy and, sure enough, a KJog Kreature was lodged and its many Sewer Heaven friends are available in in there. It made "ack, bleck, yetch, phlagum, hooka" most major toy stores; please mention this column sounds as I wrestled it from the twisted pipes. Or maybe when you buy them.) Comments are .welcome. Write Uncle Dan at that was me. Tragically, however, I made the mistake of flush- 441 Church St., San Francisco, CA 94114; or eing it down the toilet. This is not unlike blowing out mail: cnsuncle@yahoo.com.
A CHURCH steeple and a skyscraPer show. the damage caused by a tornado that smashed into downtown Fort Worth, Texas, late
last month. The storm killed at least five people and caused an estimated $157 million in damages. (eNS photo by Reuters)
Catholic leaders ask Gore, Hillary, for .an apology. ~
Allegations are that the the U.N. is "See Change," which has been endorsed by the National candidates' backers Abortion Rights Action League seek .to oust the and the Women Leaders Online. Vatican from its ,The task force says in its letter observer status at to the vice president and Mrs. the U.N. Clinton thilt both NARAL and
Women Leaders Online "have enWASHINGTON ~ Republi- thusiastically endorsed your camcan National Committee Chailll1an paigns, and regrettably, you have Jim Nicholson has joined with the both refused to repudiate the antiRepublican Catholic Task Force, Catholic groups as the Republican members of Congress and high- National Committee Chairman Jim profile Republican ...-:----" Nicholson asked Catholic leaders to you ~o do." "It is oursincere hope . ,The letter goes send a letter to Vice President Al Gore thatyou will notstandidly on to say that and Senate hopeful by as your closest supwhile it is one Hillary Clinton of porters try to muzzle the thing for Gore and New York, asking voice of over one billion Mrs. Clinton "to them to repudiate Catholics." stand on the ... wrong side of the anti-Catholic supporters of their issues important to campaigns. Catholics," such as their support In a letter to Gore and Mrs. , for partial birth abortion, for peClinton, the task force noted that nalizing married couples, and op"there is a very unholy war going position to parents sending their on in our country - a battle b~Â children to parochial schools. ing waged to evict the Vatican and "However, it is our sincere the Holy Father from the United hope that you will not stand idly Nations." by as your closest supporters try The Vatican has been recognized to muzzle the voiCe .of over one by the U.N. since 1964 with "ob- billion Catholics." server" status, meaning it has no In ending, the letter notes: voting rights but can take active "Your silence speaks volumes about your prio'rities and, until we have part in debates an,d conferences. The main group waging the war ' a response from you, its all we have to oust the Catholic Church from to go on."
Those who leave-Catholicism Q. What is the Roman Catholic Church's enter it or to remain in it" (No. 846, quoting the policy on the salvation of those w.ho were bap- Vatican Ii "Dogmatic Constitution on the Church"). tized and raised Catholic, but have left the If you read that carefully, it states that individuals Church to practice anotherreligion? I recall read- who do not believe membership in the Catholic ingonce that this is the only sin the .Catholic Church is a religious obligation for them personally Church does not forgive, or finds it difficult to can be saved even if they were members of the Cathoforgive. Can they ever return to the Catholic Iic Church but now do not wish "to remain in it." Church? (New York) . Perhaps they were never sufficiently educated or , A. Any sincere"and knowledgeable Catholic be- committed in their Catholic faith in the first place. lieves that in the Catholic Church there are certain Or perhaps something happened to make them lose it. Whatever the reason, the channels of truth and grace and intimacy with Church explicitly recognizes that in this matter the Jesus Christ that nor. Questions . essential requirement is mally are not present in candor, sincerity and the traditions, liturgy and life of other Answ'e r s truthfulness 'by the indichurches. vidual before God. And If he did not believe By Father that, of course, is someJohn J.' Dietzen thing we cannot judge. this, one would assume he would belong to anPope John Paul II repeated this teaching even other church or to none ....- - - - - - - - - at all. The same, we presume, would be true of Bap- more plainly as recently as last year. The theme of tists or Presbyterians or any others who deliberately his message for the World Day of Peace (Jan. 1, 'al1d prayerfully join another particular denomina- 1999) was respect for human rights. tion. In the section on religious freedom, which he Our do'ctrines in this matter are stated often and called the "heart of human rights," he writes that "no clearly. We believe that "the one true religion sub- one can be compelled to accept a particular"religion, sists in the Catholic and apostolic Church," and that whatever the circumstances or motives." truth imposes its demands on the human conscience The inviolability of religious freedom "is such "by the power of its own truth" and not by coercion. that individuals must be recognized as having the (See Vatican II, "Declaration on Religious Freedom," right even to change their religion if their conscience Art. 1, which is quoted here; and the decrees on so demands. People are obliged to follow their conecumenism, Art. 2, and the constitution on the science in all circumstances and cannot be forced to act against it." Church, "Lumen Gentium," Art. 15.) . In the face of widespread and frequently vicious Our Holy Father then refers to the Vatican II "Decrepression of religious freedom in the world today, laration on Religious Freedom," (n. 3) which exhowever, the Catholic Church is vigorous and ur- pands broadly on the same point. gent in its declarations that people everywhere must People who have left their practice of the Cathobe free to exercise their religion as they understand lic faith are always welcome to return. It happens a themselves obliged and called by God. lot. ' The ~'Catechism of the Catholic Church," for exA free brochure outlining basic Catholic ample, has this significant sente~ce, among others, prayers, beliefs and moral precepts is available in connection with salvation inside and outside the by sending a stamped, self-addressed envelope to Church: "Hence they could not be saved who,know- Father John Dietzen, Box 325, Peoria, IL 61651. ing thatthe Catholic Church was founded as necesQuestions may be sent to Father Dietzen at sary by God through Christ, would refuse either to the same address, or e-mail: iidietzen@aol.com.
an d
Needed: A chapel for Mid-Orange Prison Years ago I saw a movie called about 300 are Catholics. There is problem for weekdays. "As "A Bell for Adamo," set in an I~al only one place prisoners may Cat.holics, we should be able to ian village. The people had lost gather for religious services or have here what we have on the their church bell because ofWorld other events. "We all have to share outside: sacred space, a place to War II's destruction, and all they the multipurpose room'-My altar join others in prayer, or seek rewanted was to have a bell again. is a table on wheels. After Mass, pentance, or just find solace alone It was their important symbol; it God forbid the priest and I leave from everyday pressure." SeveraJ years ago the made them a community. state commissioner of corSomething similar is rections gave the Archdiogoing on today with cese of New York permispeople who also have sion to build a chapel on been disrupted, not by a the Mid-Orange prison grand-scale war but by a grounds - under the conpersonal one. They are dition that the chaplain Catholic inmates in a By Antoinette Bosco raise the money. Rosado prison, and what they says that because the men want is their own place to worship the Lord. A L..-----------.c:.:..:.i._..;;.....:.._J-I would do the labor the chapel could be built for movie about them could be called anything behind. The cross, the $90,000. Yet to date the chaplain "A Chapel for Mid-Orange." I heard about this from Rich- statue of the Blessed Mother and has been able to raise only $6,000! What you hear when you talk ard Rosado, a deacon who is the the tabernacle go in a closet," said Catholic chaplain at Mid-Orange Rosado, who described the mul- to this chaplain is how much he cares for the prisoners. "It is a Correctional Facility in Warwick, tipurpose room as a "sandwich." "Above the room is the gym, pleasure working with the men. I N.Y. He told me he has been chaplain there almost 10 years and so we hear all the noise, especially want to be here till I die," says never has been able to celebrate a . the sound of continually dropping this family man, who left a big Saturday Easter Vigil, "t~e most weights. Below us is the recre- company 22 years ago to be orimportant celebration in the ation room, with the TV blaring. dained a permanent deacon. He Catholic Church, because of lack Then there's the PA system. So has opened doors for many men much noise. We're fighting all who had fallen away from the of space." faith to come back to the Church. Here's the deal. Out of a prison this." Rosado sees an even deeper He is convinced that the Catholic population of some 750 men,
The Bottom
Memorabilia clutter Dear Dr. Kenny: I'm al- lot of time discovering dates and most 60 years old, and my places of their ancestors' life house looks like a museum. I events, researching their fam'don't know what to do with ily trees. They compile an everall my stuff. I have a hard lengthening written document time getting rid of things snaking back in time. Wouldn't with so many memories. a collection of artifacts be just Should I keep it and let my children worry about it after I'm gone? I'd like to simplify my life and living space, but I can't seem to get started. (Chicago) With Dr. James & You say your house Mary Kenny
looks like a museum. You must mean it is full of personal treasures, items you would be reluctant to get rid of because of their personal meaning to you. In that case, do what muse-' urns do. Take inventory of your valuable possessions. Make a form: 1. List the item by name. 2. Tell how and where it was acquired: 3. Tell the meaning for you, the story behind the item. 4. List the person who should inherit it. Museums have a detailed file on every item in their collection. They are preserving society's treasures, telling the story through objects and artifacts. Families ought to do the same. If we don't do this, articles with a story to'tell lose their precious connotations. When we die, they are given away without their aura or simply placed in the trash. The story is lost forever. Many people today spend a
as meaningful? Perhaps even more so. Why go to antique malls for generic memorabilia? Each family has its own collectibles, items that have meaning for· family members and future generations. Here is dad's football trophy. Mom's high school picture. Grandma's table settings. Grandpa's CPA license. Great grandpa's lap robe for their carriage. Great grandma's washboard. All priceless. Don't leave your treasures for your children to sort after your death. Begin now to give them away. Try it with·a few items. Experience. the pleasure of seeing your valued items displayed and loved in a new setting in the homes of your family and friends .. Give each item with its own personal story, what it means and why it's important to you. These are a true inheritance, the tangible story of your life.
In a paradoxical way, we all keep what we give away. These personal gifts are never "free." Rather, they bind you to the receiver in a concrete way, like museums which "loan" items to one another and thereby solidifyiheir relationship. You now have to stay close because you may want to drop in and view your cherished possession once again. So take inventory of your treasures. Write out the personal story behind each item. Or better yet, begin to pass the treasures on, each with its own story.
Reader questions on family living and child care to be answered in print are invited. Address questions: The Kennys; St. Joseph's College; 219 W. Harrison; Rensselaer, IN 47978.
TIIEANCHOR- Diocese ofFall River- Fri.,April?, 2000 men deserve their own sacred space. His dream is a realistic one, as he points to a beautiful chapel at Greenhaven Prison in Stormville, N.Y., built in the '60s by the prisoners. I have often been to Greenhaven, and I see the joy it brings the men to have their own Catholic chapel. It warms the heart to see some serve as altar boys and hear all of them sing out, led by their own inmate-formed music
group. How important it is for Catholic prisoners to meet Christ behind bars in the person ofa chaplain, and better yet if they have their own sacred space. I pray Rosado's dream comes true. For information about donations, contact Ken Hoffarth, Catholic Charities, Archdiocese of . New York, 1011 First Ave., New York, N.Y. 10022.
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Gi~vingi~ Donationsto U.S. religious institutions are up from 1968 levels even though individuals were giving alower percentage of _~I "'their income to churches. Comparatively, the percentage of individual giving to artsand humanities rose. '. Religion.
rJ96s S39.44
BILL BANCROFT of Madison, Wis., and Wayne Collins of Mineola, Texas, pose in front of a single-engine plane before taking off from St. Louis in January. They made a 11,OOO-mile trip to Tanzania to deliver the plane to a priest working with Flying Medical Service. (CNS photo from St. Louis Review)
Total Donations in Billions*
Per Capiia Donation as Percentage of Income
Pilot praises priest's airborne medical ministry in Tanzania By CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE
around the world on an 11,000- nant women and inoculation proST. LOUIS Wayne Collins mile trek. grams. Measles kills about half of *aJjusleJ for inflation has seen the world - twice when The pilots took a northern , those who contract it. flying his single-engine plane route to avoid areas over Africa "If they inoculate 500 children, around the world, and several where permission to enter the air they save 250 lives," Collins said. other times when taking trips space is routinely denied because "That's how dramatic this kind of across the ocean. ofcivil wars or security concerns. work can be." . One of the most impressive The two men flew to Maine, then Collins described a day flying places Collins has visited is the on to Newfoundland. From there with the medical crew. They went jungle of Tanzania, where phy'- they went southeast to the Azores to two clinics and treated about sic ian-priest Father Pat Patten for an overnight stay on the is- 60 patients. Four people were., runs the Flying Medic'al Ser- land of Mallorca. The next day transported .to the. hospital and a vice. ~ Ice Palace denies they continued east to the Greek woman and her two babies relighting systems. The bishop said "The work they're doing there island of Crete, then turned south leased from the hospital were rental for needed , his request to rent the arena for the is fantastic," Collins told the St. to' Luxor, Egypt, then to flown back to their village. preparation day. additional day, June 9, at the same Louis Review, archdiocesan news- Djiboubti, and across Ethiopia to Father Patten and his pilots "fly $15,000 rate as June 10, was de- paper. "You should see how much Nairobi, Kenya, an unusual amount - way above By STEVEN SIMS clined by the Ice Palace, good they are doing." . Father Patten met the pilots most planes doing this kind of CATHOUC NEWS SERVICE "We would be willing to pay Collins, a 75-year-old Texan, when they arrived in Nairobi. work," Collins explained. TAMPA, Fla. - Followin'g for the second day," the bishop delivered an airplane to Father Collins returned with the priest ~'They're short hops, often 20 or what Bishop Robert N. Lynch of wrote in his letter to the priests, Patten in January. Collins is a to his medical service headquar- 30 minutes, but it would take days St. Petersburg called a "sad and "but the management of the Ice volunteer pilot with Wings of ters outside of Arusha, Tanzania. by foot." unexpected tum of events," a ju- Palace will not make it available Hope, a St. Louis-based nonsecSome trips are for medical "I wanted to spend time in Tanbilee year Mass to us, saying tarian organization' that refur- zania to see the areas he's ,serv- emergencies, such as the time in Tampa for up- . - - - - - - - - - - - only that they bishes planes for bush-type fly- ing, to see where the Matzi tribe , Father Patten's quick response wards of 20,000 Bishop Lynch said he are holding the, ing. saved the life of a girl. Her head is," Collins said. people from the chose the Ice Palace be- date for a posArchbishop Justin F. Rigali of , Father Patten and his two vol- had been crushed when she was diocese was can- cause it was la/ige enough sible evening St. Louis had blesse.d and dedi- unteer pilots fly doctors to health attacked by a hyena. She is exceled after officoncert." cated Father Patten's Cessna 206 clinics and' hospitals, covering pected to make a full recovery, cials at the Ice t? hold the. 20,000 Catho-路' Bishop Lynch ' after the plane was rebuilt and some 35,000 square miles in Collins noted. Palace deriied ari Ilcs he belteved would re- said the Mass modified at the Wings' hangar at northeast Tanzania. The clinics are The priest's work is linked additional day's spond to his invitation to was becoming Spirit of St: Louis Airport in next to airstrips built by the closely with the Arusha Diocese. rental for event take part in the historic, costly. "The to- Chesterfield. ' , priest's organization. The medical service compound is preparation. The next st~p was for Collins Colli!1s said he was impressed on 12 acres and includes a school, diocesewide jubilee year ta.l ~ost. was In a letter to . clImbmg m ex- and Bill Bancroft of Madison, with the work at the clinics, es- where tailoring, masonry, carpen/ cess of $1 25,000 Wis., 67, to fly the plane halfway pecially the prenatal care for preg- try and mechanics are taught. all the priests of Iturgy: , the diocese, for three hours," Collins, who is not Catholic, atBishop Lynch shared his dismay he wrote in his letter, "something tended Mass celebrated by Father at having to cancel the jubilee I found increasingly difficult to Patten. ' year Pentecost Mass which had accept." Collins has retired "two or been scheduled for June 10 at the ,Bishop Lynch said he chose the three times" from retail and bankIce Palace, located in Tampa's Ice Palace because it was large ing businesses in Mineral, Texas. downtown, Channelside district. enough to hold the 20,000 CathoEven now in retirement, he is "as "I was hoping that the whole lics he believed would respond to busy as ever as a volunteer with " diocese in the great jubilee .year his invitation to take part in the Wings of Hope and is proud to would get together to thank God historic, diocesewide jubilee year serve the orgimizatioh. for the blessings that have been liturgy. ' "If I wasn't impressed with the bestowed upon us in the 32 years Bishop Lynch said Vince way they maintain their planes I that we've been a local church," Naimoli, managing partner of the wouldn't fly them," he said. Bishop Lynch told The Florida Tampa Bay Devil Rays baseball Wings of Hope has about 175 Catholic, newspaperofthe St.,Pe- franchise, had offered all along volunteers, many of them tersburg Diocese. ,to provide Tropicana Field, his McDonnell-Douglas retirees who The letter stated that while the team's home, as a venue for the , have been around aviation nearly Ice Palace had been secured for the Pentecost liturgy. But the Devil all their lives. Mass on June 10, technicians indi- Rays play the Florida Marlins the Collins' next trip is expected cated that they would need at least, ' afternoon of June 10, so the Ice to be across the Pacific. "They one more day to arrange sound and Palace was reserved instead. said stand by," he said. Source: Emply Tomb, lot 11Ie Slate of Churd! Giving through 1997' 漏2000 CNS GraphilS
Florida diocese cancels Pentecost .Ju"b.ilee Mass
Lent 2000
In HolyThursday letter to priests, pope urges love of Eucharist By JOHN NORTON , CATHOUC NEWS SERVICE
VATICAN CITY - Pope John Paul II urged the world's priests to grow in their love and awareness of Christ's presence in the Eucharist. "Let us rediscover our priesthood in the light of the Eucharist," he said. "Let us help our communities to rediscover this treasure," which is the "heart of the Church's life." The pope made his remarks in an annual letter to priests for Holy Thursday, commemorating Christ's institution of the Eucharist and the priesthood at the Last Supper. The pope signed the personal meditation while on his recent pilgrimage to the Holy Land and when visiting Jerusalem's Upper Room, where Christ is thought to have dined with his disciples the night before his crucifixion. "In this holy room," the pope wrote to priests, "I find myself imagining you in all the various parts of the world, with your myriad faces, some younger, some more advanced in years, in all the different emotional states which you are experiencing: for many, thank God, joy and enthusiasm, for others, perhaps suffering or weariness or discouragement." The pope, saying he could spiritually see Jesus and the apostles sitting around the table,
invited priests to meditate often on that night 2,000 years ago when their ministry was born. He hailed the many priests in the last two millennia who witnessed to Christ by shedding their blood. "Such martyrdom has accompanied the entire history of the Church; it has also marked the century just passed, a century characterized by different dicta-
torial regimes hostile to the Cliurch," he said. At the same time, the pope acknowledged that "many times, the human frailty of priests has made it hard to see in them the face of Christ." But Christ knew, even at the Last Supper, that he was putting his "treasure in earthen vessels," the pope said. "In choosing men like the 12,
TIIEANCHOR-DioceseofFa1IRiver-Fri.,ApriI7,2000 Christ was certainly under no illusions: It was upon this human weakness that he set the sacramental ~eal of his presence," he said. , Though Christ's presence can be expressed in many ways, his presence in the Eucharist "will certainly be supreme," the pope said. He urged priests to celebrate the Eucharist with fervor and to "dwell long and often in adoration" before Chnst in the Eucharist. "Through the centuries," he said "countless priests have found ,in the Eucharist the consolation promised by Jesus on the evening of the Last Supper, the secret to overcoming their solitude, the strength to bear their sufferings,
the nourishment to make a new beginning after every discouragement, and the inner energy to bolster their decision to remain faithfu1." At the press conference, Cardinal Dario Castrillon Hoyos, prefect of the Congregation for Clergy, said statistics from the last 25 years demonstrate that the vocations "crisis is over." At the end of 1975, he said, the Church counted some 60,000 seminarians, compared with late 1999 figures of almost 110,000. The number of priestly ordinations worldwide is also up: nearly 9,000 in 1997 compared to slightly more than 6,600 in 1975, he said.
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POPE JOHN Paul II, back at the Vatican from his pilgrimage to the Holy Land, address!3s a general audience in St. Peter's Square last week. (eNS photo from Reuters)
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'Pope: Than~s to God for Holy' Land pilgrimage is 'beyond words' By CINDY WOODEN
the faith and of the Church." "In this year 2000," he said, VATICAN CITY - Pope "Bethlehem is at the center of John Paul II said he could not the attention of the Christian begin to express his joy a'nd world: that is where Christ the gratitude to God for having Lord, the light of the peoples been able to make his pilgrim- dawned; that is where the procage to the Holy Land. lamation of peace for all those "The joy and recognition God loves began." which I carry in my heart for The pope said his trip culthis gift of the Lord are beyond minated in Jerusalem, the city words," the pope told an esti- where the passiqn and resurrecmated 60,000 visitors at his, tion of Christ, the central event weekly general audience in St. of salvation history, took place. Peter's Square. "The stones of Jerusalem are Pope John Paul renewed his silent and eloquent witnesses of prayers during the March 20- this mystery," he said. 26 trip for peace in the Middle Pope John Paul told of his East and he made a special ap- important meetings with Chrispeal for peace on the southern tians, Jews and Muslims in Philippines island of Mindanao, Jerusalem. where government troops and "Although there are great Muslim guerrillas have been . difficulties, Jerusalem is called fighting. to become the symbol of peace The pope said that through- among those who believe in the out his visit to Jordan, Israel God of Abraham and place and the Palestinian territories, themselves under his law," the he assured government and po- pope said. litical leaders of his concern He also spoke about his visit "for a just peace among all the to Yad Vashem, the Holocaust peoples of the region." memorial. Reviewing the major steps of "Once again I expressed his pilgrimage' from Mount deep sadness for that terrifyNebo in Jordan, to Bethlehem, ing tragedy and I reaffirmed Nazareth and Jerusalem, the that we want to remember in pope said the trip was "a return order to commit ourselves toto the origins, to the roots of gether"-- Jews, Christians and CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE
all people of good will - to defeating evil with good to walk along the path of peace," he said. . At the end of the audience, the pope called for an end to the "violent confrontations" between Muslim guerrillas and government soldiers in Mindanao.
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Rumor about nonexistent. FCC petition circulating· ST. CLOUD, Minn. (CNS) The rumor that will not die about a fictitious Federal Communications Commission proposal to limit or ban religious programming on television and radio is circulating again.. . According to e-mails and letters sent to a few S1. Cloud diocesan offices, Madalyn Murray O'Hair, a self-proclaimed atheist, is asking the FCC to con~ider limiting or banning religious programming. The letters say that O'Hair has been granted a hearing to discuss that proposal. In addition, the FCC has received mail claiming that O'Hair filed a formal petition (RM-2493) calling for an end to religious programs on radio and television. The rumors - which have also been reported in th~ Archdiocese of San Francisco and Diocese of Belleville, 111., in recent weeks are untrue, according to a statement on the FCC Website (www.fcc.gov). In fact, O'Hair has been missing since 1995 - the victim, authorities believe, of foul play. "The FCC cannot direct any broadcaster to present, or refrain from presenting,' announcements or programs on religion, and the
FCC cannot act as an arbitrator on the insights or accuracy of such material," the Website statement aqds. "Broadcasters, not the FCC, nor any government agency, have the responsibility for selecting the programi}1ing that is aired by their stations." "The fact that the FCC has been forced to:set up. a Website to deal with it states how problematic it is to them," Mercy Sister'Mary Ann Walsh, associate director of com~ munications for the National Conference of Catholic Bishops, said by phone from Washington. "This is the first time it has risen up in a few years ... since 1975," Sister Mary.Ann said. "It's out there now. All ofthe sudden, we've had a spate of calls." . "Since 1975 to the present time, the FCC has received and responded to millions of inquiries about these rumors," the FCC;::'s statement said. "Many efforts have been made by the FCC to advise the public of their falsehood." O'Hair and two of her adult children vanished from San Antonio in 1995. Last December, a federal grand jury indicted a Michigan man on charges of kidnapping O'Hair, resulting in her death. Her body has never been found.
eNS video reviews . NEW YORK (CNS) - The fol- fanity. TheUSCC classification is lowing are home videocassette re- A:ill - adults. (Uriiyersal)' . views from the U.S: Catholic Conr'fhe Messenger: 'The Story of . ference Office for Film and Broad. Joan of Arc" (1999) casting. Medieval action movie offers ''For Love of the Game" (1999) little insight into the life and times While on the mound at the close of the French teen-ager (Milla of the baseball season, an aging Jovovich) who followed her voices pitcher (Kevin Costner) confronts to defeat the English before being not only the batters but himself as betrayed and burnt at the stake. Dihe ponders his future with the club, rected by Luc Besson, the battlefield his passion to excel in the sport which scenes are drawn on an epic scale has consumed his life and the loss but keyed to gory special effects, and of the woman he loves (Kelly the lumbering result manages to Preston) because she feels he doesn't···, 'achieve little dramatic credibility in need her. Directed by' Sarn Raimi, its picture ofJoan as a political mar7 the pitcher's thoughts are shown in tyr who is less a saint than an hysflasf)backs which.mirror the mount- teric relying on· heavenly visions <;>f ing tension in the stadium as batter her own making. Much graphiC vioaf~i' batter is retired along the way lence, including a murderous rape, to apossible perfect· game, with occasional profanity and consider~ equally satisfying results for both . able rough language. The US_CC baseball fans and romantics. Implicit classification isA-IV - adults, with sexual affair, angry outbursts, some' reservations. (Columbia TriStar course language and occasional pro- Home Video) .. .
tCClViUl11ei. NEW YORK (CNS) - Following are recent capsule reviews issued QY. the U.S. Catholic Conference Office for Film and Broadca~ting. "East-West" (Sony Classics) A physician (Oleg Menchikov) returns with hisfamily to his Russian homeland
TUllO,. VOICE by Kevin Kline, offers a :gift to EI Dorado native Chel, voice by Rosie Perez, in the animated feature film "The Road to EI Dorado." For'a brief review, see CNS Movie Capsules on this page. (CNS photo from DreamWorks Pictures) .
Oscar-winner is·sympathetic to murderous abortion cause . "How's that for a hard case! After some soul-searching, Horrier aborts the child," Rowan said. He added it was "precisely the kind of tion of the compassionate abortion- situation that real-life abortion adBy CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE ist and his apprentice as part of an vocates trotted out time and again decades ago in their successful drive WASHINGTON - Writers for evening~s entertainment." two Catholic publications have beTom Rowan, the retired editor' for legalization." Rowan said "one can moaned the sympathetic only speculate" what the treatment given to abor,Irving, who wrote the novel which he film's characters would tion in the movie "The 'adapted for the screen, thanked think "if they could see Cider House Rules." The movie, which Planned Parenthood and the National down the road 40 or 50 won Oscars for Michael Abortion and Reproductive Rights Ac- years when abortions, now Caine as best supporting tion League in his Oscar acceptance legafand often trivialized, would snuff out the lives actor and for writer John Irving's screenplay, has speech. of more than a million unearned nearly $50 million born children a year and in nearly four montlls at the box of- of the Catholic Standard, newspa- . make the buying and selling of baby fice and'was still in the weekly top Per of the Archdiocese of Washing- parts a thriving business." 10 thanks in part to its'seven Oscar ton, wrote in a recent issue of the The U.S. Catholic Conference paper that the movie "unfortunately Office for Film and Broadcasting nominations. Jesuit Father Paul W. McNellis, tries its best to make a virtue out of classified "The Cider House Rules" 'writing in the April 1 issue of . evil." o -' morally offensive - due to The movie deals with a mid- "its positive treatment ofillegal aborAmerica magazine, said "The Cider House Rules" can be "a coming-of- 1940s doctor (Caine) who runs an tions, references to incest, murderage experience for the abortionist." orphanage and "is an abortionist on ous and suicidal behavior, drug He explained it thus: "To become a the side," Rowan said. One of the . abuse, a fleeting sexual encounter real man, just say yes to abortion." orphans (Tobey Maguire) grows to and brief nudity." Irving, who wrote the novel Father McNellis~ a professor of become the doctor's protege but the social ethics and political philoso- two have a falling out because the which he adapted for the screen, phy at the Gregorian University in protege is Pro-Life - until con- thanked Planned Parenthood and the Rome, called the movie "a culturai fronted by "a desperate, traumatized National Abortion and Reproductive watershed, for itcould not.have been young woman who was impreg- Rights Action League in his Oscar nated by her own father;'· he added. acceptance speech. made even 10 years ago." ~
"But when such .a reaction beMaking virtue out of evil comes sufficiently atrophied, then . is the stuff Hollywood - the time has arrived for a major stueasily sells. . dio (Miramax) to offer us a celebra-
about a listless record store just after World War II only to. owner (John Cusack) who is find brutal living conditions that forced to assess his lackluster life drive his Parisian wife (Sandrine when his longtime live-in 'girlBonnaire) to desperate action, friend (Iben Hjejle) breaks up endangering several lives. Diwith. him. As directed by rector Regis Wargnier keenly dramatizes a totalitarian society , Stephen Frears, the tedious film's lqosely constructed plot where husband and wife tak~ meanders while ·the comedy different paths in hopes of resputters, although' the eclectic gaining their freedom. Subtitles: mix of music provides some reImplied affairs and brief vio~ spite. Sexual situations with lence. The U.S. Catholic Con~ shadowy nI:Jdity, fleeting vioference classification is A-III ~ adults; The Motion Picture As~ . lence, an abortion reference, recurring rough language. The sociation of America rating~is U.S. Catholic Conference clasPG-13 - parents are strongly sification is A-IV - adults, with cautioned that some material reservations. The Motion Picmay be inappropriate for chil~ ture Association ofAmerica ratdren under 13. ing is R - restricted. "High Fidelity" "Return to Me" (MGM) (Tou~hstone) Surprisingly delightful roDull-witted.romantic comedy
mantic comedy in which a widower (David Duchovny) falls in love with a donor recipient (Minnie Driver) who, unbeknownstto him, has received his late wife's heart. As directed by Bonnie Hunt, the lighthearted film offers an appealing look at romance and second chances with honest, funny dialogue and good performances, although a somewhat predictable, rambling plot diminishes its charm. Fleeting profanity and crass language. The U.S. Catholic Conference classification is A-II - adults and adolesc,ents. The Motion Picture Association of America rating is PG - parental guidance suggested. "The Road to EI Dorado" (Dreamworks)
Disappointing animated adventure about two Spanish con men (voices of Kenneth Branagh and Kevin Kline) who find El Dorado, the legendary city of gold, but run into trouble when the natives mistake them for gods. As directed by Eric 'Bergeron and Don Paul, the film has a strong cast 'of voices and vibrant coloring, but the story sometimes limps and the flat, formulaic music is forgettable. Mild animated violence that may scare younger children and fleeting crass·language. The U.S. Catholic Conference classification is A-II - adults and adolescents. The Motion Picture Association ofAmerica rating is PG - parental guidance suggested.
What's in a name? To Catholic musician Kenny D, not everything By MARK PAmSON
Discorfano said it was "getting played a lot down South" after this year's March for Life in WashingWASHINGTON - So what's in a name? Easy ton. listening music has its Kenny G. Now, contempoHe added he's .getting resistance from some rary Christian music has its Kenny D. Christian radio programmers about "No Man Shall Th'e 0 stands for Discorfano - a mouthful, to Ever Undo What God Has Joined Together," which be sure. "My friends used to call me Kenny Disco," deals with the indissolubility of marriage. "Some he said, and he uses that moniker for his personal e- of the Protestant groups say, 'It's too. Catholic for mail address. us,''' Discorfano said. In the early 1970s, when he cut a handful路 of Discorfano is one of the rehltively singles for Mercury Records under the guidance of few Catholics trying to hit the big time two of the Four Seasons, he was Kenny Russell. in the contemporary Christian muBut for Kenny 0, it's not so much the name as sic industry - an even tougher nut to crack at age 54,. it is the message in his music. He made that abundantly clear . Havingjust retired as a police capin a telephone interview tain in his native Lodi, N.J., with Catholic News Discorfano said age isn't that much Service from his of a barrier. "Yes, to start a rock home in Tucson, group. But not, not when you Ariz. have Tony Bennett in his 70s "Look at the lyrsinging pop," he said. ics," he said, talkHe also related a story about ing about his dehow crooner Frank Sinatra once but album, "Do said he wanted to reYou Believe?" tire after 15 The CD inyears as a cludes the singer, "then lyrics to each he came back at 50 and said, of the dozen 'I'm not so old after shimmering all.'" pop songs on it. . Discorfano's es,Discorfano said he's pecially fond of the title aiming for the 30-and-up age group with his music, track that leads off the selfwhich is being sold by a produced album, which he says asks the question, "What Nashville label via the InMUSICIAN KENNY' DISCORFANO ternet. kind of a Christian are you actuAs for concerts, he said he'd ally?" He says the next song - "You Can Look It Up!" rather wait until "Do You Believe?" had sold a lot - promotes Bible study. "It's the first song I've of copies, allowing him to be a headliner. ever heard that addresses reading the Bible," he "Local performing doesn't do that much for the added. record," Discorfano said. "Once you get on the charts "Momma, I Love You!" is sung from the point you can get on a tour. I want to wait until I can lead of view of the child inside a mother's womb. the chorus." CATliOUC NEWS SERVICE
Theologian hopes book will help Catholics address AIDS ByTOMTRACY CATliOUC NEWS SERVICE
MIAMI - A theologian who edited a collection of essays about the spread of the virus that causes AIDS hopes his work will spur Church leaders to find new ways to address the growing AIDS pandemic. "We hope that this book fosters among Catholics an understanding that our 2,OOO-year-old tradition has resources to address the pandemic that affects especially the least empowered in our society," said Jesuit Father James Keenan, professor of moral theology at Weston School of Theology in Cambridge, Mass. Father Keenan, who ~so served as a consultant to the U.S. bishops' committee that drafted a 1994 revision of "Ethical and Religious Directives for Catholic Health Care Services," spoke recently at Barry University in Miami about the development of Catholic moral theology conceming what is now the fourth leading cause of death worldwide. Set for release May 5, "Catholic Ethicists on HIV/AIDS Prevention" (Continuum Interna-
tional Publishing Group) is a book of essays from 35 intemational moral theologians. The work represents the first time moral theological questions about HIV/AIDS have been addressed on this scale on a global level, according to Father Keenan, one of the principal editors. "We want to encourage academic theological organizations and conferences around the world both to reawaken to the call to be concrete and practical and to apply our traditions to answer specifically and practically - and not abstractly and speculatively - the more urgent problems before us," Father Keenan said. In his talk to more than 100 students and others at Barry, the theologian discussed the differences petween what he referred to as the first and second generations ofHIV/AIDS. In the United States, the spread of AIDS was first perceived as largely involving homosexual white males, but the epidemic has continued to gravitate toward members of minority communities and women. Worldwide, HIV infections have spread rapidly across much
ofAfrica and the disease is poised to spread rapidly in India, China and countries of the former Soviet Union, especially Russia, according to Father Keenan. The apparent clash of values between traditional Church moral positions and some HIV-prevention measures favored by Catholic health workers around the world - such as the controversial use of needles exchange programs for drug users - has caused a kind of stalemate over what to do about HIV's spread. But Father Keenan claims that Catholic moral tradition can help mediate. ''As we enter a second generation in this era of AIDS, many in Catholic leadership realize that they can be both protective of existing teachings regarding contraception, illicit sexual activity and drug use and (still) advance the interests of HIV prevention:' he said. Another theme of Father Keenan's is that the spread ofHIV worldwide presents the Church with a justice issue: For starters, only 10 percent of infected persons (most of them in the West) have access to the new drug therapies that can suppress AIDS.
Muslim-Catholic dialogue to prepare路 docum~nt on marriage By CATliOUC NEWS SERVICE
ings of family should include cerWASHINGTON - Catholics tain realities of contemporary life and Muslims from New York, - single-parent homes, blended New Jersey and Pennsylvania families from previous marriages, have agreed to begin preparing a and extended families. joint document on their views of The mid-Atlantic dialogue, marriage and family life. which began in 1998, meets anThe agreement by the Mid-At- nually under the sponsorship of lantic Dialogue of Muslims and the Islamic Circle of North Catholics, America and reached at a The text to be prepared will the National late February present information on how Conference meeting in each group views marriage, of Catholic New York, Bishops. It is was . an- the requirements of each traco-chaired nounced re- dition for marriage, and variby Khurshid cently i ri ous aspects of family life, es:Khan, repreWashington. pecially the values which senting the The text to Catholics and Muslims holdin Islamic be prepared Circle, and common. will present Auxiliary information - - - - - - - - - - - - -. . Bishop on how each group views mar- Ignatius Catanello of Brooklyn, riage, the requirements of each N.Y. tradition for marriage, and variAt the February meeting at ous aspects of family life, espe- Immaculate Conception Center in cially the values which Catholics Queens, the dialogue participants and Muslims hold in common. heard reports on the marriage conBoth religious groups, for ex- tract and ceremony in Islam, on ample, emphasize the sacred as- Pope John Paul II's apostolic expects of the bond between a man hortation on the family, and on and a woman in marriage and the dialogues of Catholic and Muslim sacred character of family life. married couples taking place in They also agreed that understand~ Buffalo, N.Y., and Harrisburg, Pa.
WOMEN & FORGIVENESS A Workshop with Christine Homen Saturday, April 8 - 10-4/ Theater - $25 JUBILEE YEAR PILGRIMAGE SUNDAY Sunday, April 9 - 2:00 p.m. - Chapel GRIEF EDUCATION PROGRAMS Thursdays at 6:30 p.m. April 13: "From Pain to Power" April 27: "Stumbling Blocks" Monday, April 17 - 10:30 a.m. "Depression & Loneliness" Counseling Center - $1 O/session
CONFESSION HOURS Monday-Wednesday 2:00-3:00 & 5:00-6:00 Additional Wednesday hours: 7: 15-8:30 p.m. Saturday 1:00-4:00 p.m. Sunday: 1:00-5:00 p.m. FRIDAYS IN LENT 11 :15 a.m. - Way of the Cross 1:00 p.m. Theater - Friday Fast Food RENEWING THE LAND A Jubilee Year Event Friday, April 14 -7:15 p.m. - Cafeteria Sr. Carole Rossi, D.P. . $5 Donation
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East Timorese refugees must be allowed to return, says bishop ORLANDO, Fla. The 100,000 East Timorese refugees residing in Indonesia-controlled western Timor must be allowed to return to their country and not be . forced to resettle in other parts of Indonesia, said Bishop Carlos Filipe Ximenes Belo, apostolic administrator of Dili. "No forced resettiement must.be permitted. I know that many want to come home, and they have not yet been given the freedom to do so," Bishop :aelo said. The bishop called on the international community to exert pres~ sure on the Indonesian government to not resettle the East Timorese should the refugees not leave the camps in western Timor by the end of March. Indonesia has said that it would cut off all humanitarian aid. to refugees this week. Bishop Belo made his remarks . in astatement released late last week by his biographer, Arnold Koheri, a· consultant for the Office of International Justice and Peace ofthe U.S. Catholic Conference in Washington. Bishop Belo, who was awarded. the Nobel Peace Prize in 1996, is- sued an earlier statement exclusively to The Florida Catholic, where he called on Catholics in the United States to help rebuild East Timor. "Dispersing people in Indonesia
against their will would only deepen the tragedy and comp'ound the crimes that have already been committed against the people of East Timor," Bishop Belo said. . About 250,000 East Timorese were either deported or fled to western Timor to escape the violence that erupted in wake of the August U.N.-sponsored referendum on in~ependence from Indonesia, About 150,000 have returned to East TImor, but an estimated 100,000 refugees still remain in w~st~rn Timor, Indonesia is demanding that, refugees choose whether they wish to become Indonesian citizens or be repatriated to East Timor. However, Bishop Belo said the Indonesian-supported militias, which control the camps and were ~sponsible for lastyear's violence, are preventing the East Timorese from returning to their country. . "Not only must the people in the camps in West Timbrbe given a free' choice to return to East Timor, they must be given the food and water that they need. Starvation must not be allowed to begin. They must be helped immediately.' The people· should not be cruelly abandoned to hunger and ~iolence," Bishop Belo said.: '.
CATHOLICS, MOURNING the March 16 killing of Patrick Dorismond, hold up their rosaries during a vigil for life sponsored by the National Black Catholic Apo'stolate for Life in New York. (CNS photo by Sue Calvin)
New York Catholics hold vigil in memory of man shot by cop By TRACY EARLY'
is pastor, was homilist and cel- who has become the most promiebrant. ' nent leader of black protest in NEW YORK- Black CathoThousands of protesters New York, later blamed the dislics, joined by a few' white sym- jammed the streets outside the turbances outside the church on pathizers, held a vigil for life re- church, and the police reported aggressive action by the police. cently at the spot outside a New 23 officers were injured and a "I will not allow our liturgies . York bar where a young black large number of people arrested. or our churches to be used for man, Patrick M. Dorismond, was People threw bottles at the police anything but th'e worship of God killed in an encounter with an and burned American flags. and the sacramental growth of his undercover police officer. ' Bishop Thomas 'V. Daily of people," Bishop Daily said. "Fran.ciscan Father James E. Brooklyn issued a statement last Although the Mass and the 'Go~a~: presid~ni' of atibnal 'weekprotesting a' disruption' iii.: :siria disorders were' widely 're,Black Catholic Apostolate for side the church at the end of the ported in the New York press, Life, carried a staff with a cruci- MaSs. . , there was no mention of the disOh.adorable and· Divine Will, behold me,here before the fix as he led about 75 participants' He .said that:because he. was turbance inside the church. , iinmerisity of Your Light, that Your eternal goodness may open·' in a procession from his friary to' unable to be at the funeral,he sent "We sent the bishop's statement , to me the doors and make me enter into It to fonn my life all in . a. statement Jor Msgr. John E. to all the daily papers, and not the bar a few bloc~s away. They prayed the rosary as they Mahoney,' episcopal vicar for the one picked it up," Frank DeRosa, . You, Divine Will. Therefore, oh adorable Will, prostrate before' . marched, and 'at the .bar contin- area, to read on his behalf, but a communications officer for the , Your Light; I, the least of all creatures, put myself into the little . ued to pray, hear Scripture read-·· disturbarice "prevented ~y, epis- , Diocese of Brooklyn, told Catho- . group of the sonS and daughters of Your Supreme FlAT. Prosings, sing hymns and listen-to copal vicar from reading.more lic New:s Service. , trate.in my nothingness, I invoke Your Light and· beg that it Father Goode appeal fOf a "new than a few sentences." . I!l the statement that Bishop clothe me and eclipse all- that does, not pertain to You, Divine vision" that would "prQclaim,the . Bishop Daily said the problem Daily asked to' have read at the Will. It will be my Lif~"the'center. of. QlY intelligence, the dignity of human life" and bring 'was caused by. "the intrusion of 'Mass,he'explaine'd that .he was enrapturer.of my heart and of my whole being: .,1 dO.Qotwant" , an end to "all violence; including .several persons from outside the plirticipati'ng in 'another. eVent to the human will to have life in this heart any longei. I will cast it . ,police brutality." . church who reportedly sought.to . mark the feast of .the Annuncia': . away from me and thus form the newEden of Peace, of happiDorismond, 26, who was' born· draw the attention of the Rev. Al tion and the jubilee year;but said, ness and of love: With It I shall be always happy; 'I shallhave:. 'in the United States to Haitian Sharpton to the pre~ence of P9~ his ·prayers were:with' the .qioum-'.. a· singular strength and a holiness that sanctiijes .all things ,and, . . immigrants, was,killed March 16; lice on the'street."· . ".' ers, and'espeCially D.orismond~s conducts them ,to 'God.' .. . - '. . " .... " " ' shortly after midnight, when he 'Rev. Sharpton, ~. blac~ ~aptist parents. . Here prostrate, '1 invokt: th~ heIp of th~ Most' Holy TrinIty was coming out of: a·cbcktai I. ' __...;;...---.;_...;;... --'_ . that They permit me to live in the cloister of the DIvine Will and lounge in a seedy area a few ~ thus return in me the first order of creation, just as tnecreature blocks from Times Square. . was created. ' . According to reports, he was p~esident Heavenly Mother, Sovereign and Queen of the Divine Fiat, . approached by an undercover take my ,hand and introduce me into the Light 'of the Divine , member of a police unit looking By BENEDICTA CIPOLLA asking him to suspend the death Will. You will Qe my guide, my most tender. Mother, and will for drug dealers: and a struggle 'CATHOUC NEWS SERVICE. penalty for Holy Year 2000. teach me to Jive in and to maintain myself futhe order and the ensued after he was asked, "You . VATICAN CITY ..:- In reIii a recent interview with got smoke?" bounds of the Divirie Will. Heavenly Mother, I cc;msecrate my sponse to a request from Catholic Fides, the Vatican's missionary . The question of who started whole being to Your Immaculate Heart: You will teach me the . bishops, Philippine President Jonews service" Archbishop the fight is disputed, but a backup doctrine of the Divine Will and I will listen .most attentively to seph Estrada suspended the death Quevedo said the moratorium member of the police unit, AnYour lessons. You will cover me with Your mantle so that the penalty for the remainder of 2000. 'was a hopeful sign of a change in thony Vasquez, 29, moved in and , " infernal serpent dare not penetrate into this sacred Eden to enEstrada's office .announced that the coun.try's penal system. ·his gun fired in the struggle. Ac. ~ tice me anQ:-lnake me fall into the maze of the human will. he agreed to impose a moratorium "It is in harmony with the recording to Vasquez's lawyt<r, the -::: ~" Heart ~ greatest Good, Jesus, You will give me Your on executions through December . ligious spirit of the jubilee and is gun fired accidentally when . ?~ . flames that' they may bum me, consume me, and feed me to Dorismond, who was unarmed, "in.deference to the celebration of the most suitable gesture to cel. form in me the Life of the Divine Will. the CatholicChurch'sjubilee year." ebrate the fifth anniversary of lunged at the officer. Saint Joseph, you will be my protector, the guardian of my The statement said Estrada (Pope) John Paul II's encyclical The religious character of the heart, and will keep the keys of my will in your hands. You would study the country's policy 'Evangelium Vitae,''' said the vigil l~d by Father Goode conwill keep my heart jealously,and shall never give it to me again, trasted with the disorder at the on capital punishment again at the archbishop. ' that I may be sure of never leaving the Will of God. The Philippines restored the Dorismond funeral Mass March beginning of 2001, when the reMy guardian Angel, guard me; defend me; heIp me in evprieve expires. . death penalty in I 994 following 25 at the family's parish church, erything so that my Eden may flourish and be the instrument Archbishop Orlando Quevedo an upsurge in violent crimes. In Church of the Holy Cross in that draws all men into the Kingdom of the Divine Will. Arnen. 1999, seven people were executed of Cotabato, president of ~he Brooklyn, which is a predomiPhilipp'ine bishops' conference, under the death penalty in the nantly Haitian parish. Msgr. ( In Honor of Luisa Piccarreta 1865-1947 Child of the Divine Will) Rollin J. Darbou.ze, a Haitian who . sent Estrada a letter in January Philippines. "
Consecration to the Divine Will
On bishops ,request,.Philipp,ine . suspends death penalty
THEANCHOR-DioceseofFaIl River-Fri., April 7,2000 Continuedfrom page one
Brother Robert said his par- Boston College; a doctorate in ents were "deeply religious, al- philosophy from Notre Dame though not demonstratively so. University; a doctorate in jurisThey were faithful to their prudence from Akron University Catholic obligations and saw to Law Sch<;>ol; and certificates from it that their children did the the Sorbonne, the University of same. I was an altar boy and they Paris, Institut Catholique of made sure that I was in church Paris, the University of Fribourg every morning for six o'clock in Switzerland, and Georgetown Mass." University in Washington, D.C. As a boy, Brother Robert 'atBrother Robert's teaching catended Notre Dame and Prevost reer began when he was 18 years schools in Fall River, The PICs . old, teaching a third-grade class taught at Prevost, and they made in Montreal. Later, he bec'ame an impression on him. the academic dean at La Mennais "The FICs were the only group College in Maine. of religious that I knew since they In 1960, he took on the same were my teachers," said Brother position at Walsh University Robert. "Some of the parish (then Walsh College) in North priests would have wanted me to Canton, Ohio, an institute run by go to the seminary, but even at the PICs. that early age teaching was more "One of my fondest memoattractive to me than preaching." ries at Walsh was my first day He added that he admired the on Nov. 17, 1960 when I surbrothers, was "attracted, to their prised all 67 incoming students mode of life, and thought that I by greeting them by name," said would enjoy teaching because Brother Robert~ In 1970, he substudies truly appealed to me." mitted a report to the North CenThat "mode of life" of the PICs, tral Accreditation Association founded in France in 1817, in- that led to Walsh receiving, for cluded the mission of affirming the first time, national accredi"others by assisting them to de- tation asa four-year institution. velop their intellectual and spiriAlso that year, he become the tual gifts so that they, in turn, can second president of Walsh Colbecome persons who serve oth- lege, a position he held until ers." He became a brother at his 1977, when he took a leave of investiture in the brothers' habit absence to earn a law degree. on Aug. IS, 1938 in Laprairie, "That's when I became a 'brother Canada, taking the name Robert. in law,''' he quipped. When he He completed high school at resigned the presidency, the Notre Dame Institute in Alfred, Greater Canton Community. orthen went on to earn bachelor's ganized a day of testiinonial in degr.ees in arts a,nct ed~cation his hOJ?or,. and gifted to him a from ,The University of 3.0-Qay trip, to the Q~ient. . In 1980 he returned to Walsh Montre~l; a .master of arts from
as a professor of law and philosophy. Additionally, during that period, Brother Robert worked as a lawyer for Legal Aid and taught jurisprudence at Akron Law School. Having taught college-age students for more than four decades, Brother Robert has seen some changes through the years. "During my' first eight years at Walsh, students had to wear coats and ties, pressed pants and shined shoes," he recalled. "In the 70s standards were relaxed, and long hail' became the trend. Today's students are back to being gen-' erally well groomed." Brother Robert added that some students still march to their own drummers as well. "I find generally that students of today are not as well-read as those of the early years at Walsh, but most of them are very familiar with computers." While fads and fashions may ebb and flow, some things don't change. "My prognosis for today's students at Walsh is that they will become stalwart citizens, with good jobs and a generous spirit of volunteerism in their respective communities," he said. Brother Robert has also seen changes in his own order through the years. "One of the things for which I have some regret is the loss of identity that occurred when we (PIC) discarded olir distinctive garb." He thoroughly eri~ joys life as a. brother. "For "the most part I have always h~d understanding and' compa:ssion~te
Cuban government using Elian to repress Church, says Fides By JOHNTHAVIS CAlHOUC NEWS SERVICE
VATICAN CITY - The Cuban'govemment has used the case of Elian Gonzalez to mask a new campaign of repression against the Catholic Church, according to the Vatican missionary news agency, Fides. The government has portrayed the Church as a malicious ally of those trying to keep the six-year-old Elian in the United States, Fides said in a report on Tuesday. The report, citing informed Church sources in Havana, said the Cuban regime has quietly withdrawn pennission for some Church-sponsored events and increased its surveillance of others. It said that as Cuban outrage has grown over the Elian case, the government has been trying to direct it more and more against the Church. One commercial on state TV took particular aim at U.S. Dominican Sister Jeanne O'Laughlin, president of Barry University and the nun who hosted a January meeting between Elian and his grandmoth-
ers in Miami Beach. Sister O'Laughlin later said she was in favor of Elian remaining in the United States. The commercial depicted the nun as slowly being transfonned into a com-
puter image of a demon, Fides said. It said Havana police have announced heavy fines for any- . one publicly defending the nun's role in the case. Cuban-born Elian has been
in a custody battle between his Cuban father and Cuban-American relatives since Nov. 25, when he was found off the Florida coast after a boat carrying his mother, stepfather and other Cuban refugees sank. The mother and the stepfather did not survive. Although Cardinal Jaime Ortega Alamino of Havana said in Dec~mberthat the boy should be reunited with his father in Cuba, the official media did not report that until 10 days afterward, Fides said. Cardinal Ortega later said that the Elian case was being used in Cl:1ba to incite "prejudices and dark feelings" against the Church. Cuban authorities have made small concessions on Church freedom since Pope John Paul II's visit there in 1998, but Fides said there were worrisome signs these .freedoms were "disappearing, giving way to greater control" over the Church's activities. . Meanwhile, a Cuban human rights group has reported that 600 dissidents have been arrested or temporarily detained since last November, the biggest such operation in the last decade.
superiors who provided me with opportunities for intellectual development," he said. Part of that intellectual deve.lopment included trips to England, France, Switzerland, . Mexico, Italy, Germany, Turkey,' . Greece, Portugal, Japan, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia, and Israel, either as an instructor or as an instructee. In addition to his teaching role, Brother Robert has also .served on any number of committees and boards,. made television appearances, been a speaker, acted as a judge or pronouncer for the Regional Spelling Bee, published articles in a number of scholarly journals and published a booklet entitled, "The Psychology of the Double Image." It almost seems that 60 years isn't enough for all these accom~ plishments. But if that weren!t enough, Brother Robert, an avid golfer, scored two holes in one at Firestone Country Club in Arkon! There were a number of reasons he decided to retire at the end of this academic year. "I wanted to retire before' my en-
thusiasm for teaching began to erode," he commented. Also, health concerns played a part in his decision. Within the past eight years, Brother Robert has had a heart attack, open-heart surgery and an angioplasty. He will continue to reside at Walsh University in Le Mannais Hall, where the brothers reside, and will "continue to be involved with Walsh as trustee emeritus and whenever the president (Walsh president, Dr. Kenneth N. Hamilton Jr.) asks me to volunteer in some capacity." He hopes to continue playing golf, reading (particularly mystery and detective novels), working on his computer, doing New York Times crossword puzzles, and may even pen a murder-mystery of his own: AdditionaUy, he'll continue to trek back east to visit the PIC North American headquarters in Albert, Maine"and also head back to Fall River to visit with his two brothers' and two sisters, and countless nieces and nephews. Sounds like retirement will be just as busy as the last 60 years have been.
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Medjugorje, Bosnia-Herzegovina
"Dear Children! Pray and make good use of this time, because this is a time of grace. I am with you and I intercede for each one of you befof(;~ God, for your heart. to open to God and to God's love. Little children, pray without ceasing until prayer becomes a joy for you. "Thank you for having responded to my call."
.OUR LADY QUEEN OF PEACE GROUP Marian Messengers P.O. Box 647, Framingham, MA 01701· Tel. 1-508-879-9318
THEANCHOR- Diocese of Fall River- Fri.,Apri17 ,2000
... \,
FEEHAN ALUMNA Kate Goldman, right, of the class of '93 came back to the Attleboro' school to speak with students about the value; of foreign language study. She holds a master's degree in Spanish literature and currently teaches Spanish anq Latin American Studies at Rutgers University, New Jersey. Spanish teacher Joan Drobnis, left, was re-. cently selected to give a workshop at the national convention of the American Council of Teachers of Foreign Languages.
High School
JUNIOR ROBERT O'Connell of Coyle and Cassidy High School, Taunton, displays his first place automobile from a recent slow roll contest at the Eastern Massachusetts Physics Olympics Competition. It was designed to travel, via gravity for a time close to five minutes. O'Connell's car won with a time of 3 minutes and 54 seconds.
.... EIGHTH-GRADER Meagan Savaria of Saint Francis Xavier School, Acushnet, was a top winner in i.ts recent science fair with a project entitled "Wood Density and its Effect on Stain Color." She and classmate Michael Raposa will participate in the regional science fatr at Bristol Community College, Fall River.
.... STUDENTS IN Cristina Raposo's second grade class at Saint Anthony School, New Bedford, listen as Connie Mil'Doso of HeartsOpen Minds to Empowerment (H.O.M.E.) of Helping Our People to Empower (H.O.P.E.) for Women discusses safety in schools and at home. Correction 'A caption in the March. 31 edition of The Anchor erroneously indicated Brownie Girl Scouts we~e at a Mass at Our Lady of Lourdes Parish in Wellfleet. The event was at Our Lady of Lourdes Parish in Taunton. The Anchor regrets the error. '
New Bible relates Gospel to teens' everyday lives By MIKE LAlONA CATHOUC NEWS SERVICE ROCHESTER, N.Y. - This book is full of sections titled "PRAY IT!" "LIVE IT!" and "Did you know?" Captions such as "Those thickheaded disciples," "Mission possible" and "Radical .equality" are sprinkled over the pages. Obviously, the publication has been designed to grab your attention. Its title? In most circles it's known as the Holy Bible. The Catholic Youth Bible, published by St. Mary's Press, was released nationwide this winter. Chances are, you've never seen a Bible like this before. Its actual Scripture passages, using the New Revised Standard Version of the Bible, remain unaltered. However, that text is accompanied by extensive material explaining the passages, and relating them to
a teen's everyday life. For instance, the section on "thickheaded disciples" points out instances related in the Gospel of Mark when Jesus' disciples failed to trust him or understand his teachings. . The section adds: "But don't count out the original disciples. Their journey is like most of ours, a lifelong experience of growing in faith and understanding." It points out that the disciples eventually became so bold, they fearlessly preached about Christ. 'Back sections of the Catholic Youth Bible contai.n blank pages for journal entries; maps of the Holy Land; timelines of human and Biblical history; and an index relating to specific themes, such as sexuality and self-image.. Michael Theisen, coordinator of youth ministry in the Rochester Diocese, served on the writing team for the Catholic Youth Bible.
He has also written a manual, "ScriptureWalk," which offers models to spark Scripture-sharing talks among high-school teens. Theisen co-wrote that manual with Nora Bradbury-Haehl, youth minister at St. Joseph's Church in Penfield and Holy Trinity Church in Webster. Theisen said publication of the Catholic Youth Bible is part of "a real push of late to get Catholics more literate with Scripture." Jackie Campbell, youth minister at St. Bridget's Church in . Rochester, is incorporating the Bible into faith-sharing sessions at the parish. "I think the kids will have a good time with it," she said. "The way it is laid out graphically, it says, 'Read me.'" "Our youth have a general lack of Scripture, but I think there is a desire for it," she said. "They have a desire to learn about sc·riptural
Our:·Rock and Role Don't choose to b~ lonely alone By CHARLIE MARTIN' CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE
Show Me the Meaning of Being Lonely, Is this the feeling I need to Show me the meaning of There's no place to run being lonely, walk with? , I have no place to go Tell me why I can't be there So many words for the Surrender my heart body broken heart. where you are. and soul How can' it be you're asking There's something missing It's hard to see in crimson love, me to feel the things you in my heart. So hard to breathe, Life goes on as it never ends never show? You are missing in my heart. Walk with me, and maybe Eyes of stone observe the trends Tell me why I can't be there Nights of light so soon ,They never say forever gaze become with you? Guilty roads to an Wild and free. I could feel (Repeat refrain.) endless love the sun. There's no control Written by M. Martin, A. Your every wish will be done. Are you with me now? They tell me ... Crichlow Refrain: Your every wish will be done Sung by Backstreet Boys Show me the meaning of Copyright (c) 1999 by Zomba They tell me ... being lonely (Repeat refrain:) Recording Corp. BACKSTREET HAS done it again. "Show Me Even if we are successful in distracting ourselves the Meaning of Being Lonely" is another hit off their from the current situation, we cannot outrun emohighly successful "Millennium" disc. tions. When it comes to our feelings, what we resist The song describes the emptiness that often fol- persists and usually returns with an intensity beyond lows a romantic breakup. The guy in the song acutely its first expression. feels that the girl is "missing in my heart." He wants Dealing with loneliness begins with a willingness to say to her: "Tell nie why I can't be there where you to stop pretending. We need to be honest with people are." Clearly, he does not understand why their rela- we trust and tell them how we feel. Another's validationship has fallen apart. He seeks to find the "mean- tion of what we are experiencing helps us take the ing" of his painful loneliness. first step through hurtful emotions. Not that these Maybe this song topped the charts because loneli- feelings then magically disappear. ness is a hurt that most of us encounter at some point The deeper the grief, the more we are likely to ride in life. However, its commonness does not make it an emotional roller coaster, never knowing for sure what or when strong feelings will emerge. any easier to face. One of Jesus' clearest messages from the GosWhen dealing with the emotions the song describes, most people have little insight into the meaning of the pels is that we need each other. We can turn to parents or friends. Almost every parish has someone who situation. Rather than look for meaning, I suggest that the would be pleased to sit with you and listen to your guy accept that he must go through a time of griev- hurt:Vet, we cannot expect someone simply to know ing. Loss always hurts. Loneliness, anger and sad- what we are feeling. When we open our hearts, we ness accompany such losses. The only way pas~ these allow God's caring to be made manifest through the presence of those who help us. feelings is through them. Is there a meaning to the loneliness that the guy in Many people are tempted to short-circuit the pro-cess of grief. For example, they immediately begin the song experiences? Most likely. Vet, few of us can looking for a new relationship. They don't want to live learn this meaning without first receiving some healwith the void that they now feel. Or they try to fill in ing for those painful emotions that are part of a loss. this inner emptiness with a lot of partying, alcohol or Eventually we'll begin to grasp the meaning. In some of the other escapes that society offers. the meantime, don't choose to be "lonely" alone! It takes courage to face painful feelings. HowYour comments are always welcome. Please adever, they need to be faced if we eventually are to dress: Charlie Martin, 7125 W 200S, Rockport, experience the healing that God wants to bring us. Ind. 47635.
lHEANCHOR-DioceseofFallRiver-Fri.,April7,2<XXl themes like forgiveness and reconciliation." For instance, she noted that the introduction to the Gospel of Mark asks readers if they have "ever been ridiculed or rejected
by others," a theme that most teens can relate to. The passage explains that the Gospel of Mark was written for early Christians who were facing persecution for their faith. Campbell further observed that many parts of the Catholic . Youth Bible are interpreted through the eyes of blacks, Native Americans and Hispanics. Campbell's parish, St. Bridget's, is one of the largest African-American parishes in the diocese. Vivian and Shaundra Ragland, sisters from Our Lady of Mount Carmel .Church {it Rochester, each gave it a big thumbs-up. "It has words I can understand," said Shaundra, 15, adding that the Holy Land maps in the back of the Bible helped her learn "where it all took place." Vivian, 16, said she finds the Bible's theme-related index to be quite useful. "If I'm feeling down, I can go to a part about depression," she said.
The 'pope's apology for the crimes, of Church members , By CHRISTOPHER CARSTENS CATHOUC NEWS SERVICE
1'6 a teen catching the sound bite on TV - "Pope apologizes for Inquisition and Crusades, next on News 10" ---, it can all seem just too puzzling. Pope John Paul II has undertaken a remarkable course. In the most public and open ways, he has confessed that the people of the Church in history have acted in ways that contradict "the faith we confess and the holy Gospel." Restated in my own words, the pope's message has been that men and women of the Church have made some serious mistakes. The pope has asked God's forgiveness and seeks reconciliation with those who may still suffer from those actions. Does this mean that the Church can be sinful, and that the pope expects forgiveness from people living today for things done to their ancestors? The questions are complex, and before the pope spoke an international commission of Catholic theologians addressed them carefully. Again, I offer my own words to restate their understanding. First, the Church as a body dOes not sin. However, individual members of the Church always remain fully capable of doing the wrong thing. Many can recite a long list of complaints about the Church. Those who dislike the whole idea of religion have it memorized. In the name of the Church, they will tell you, wars have been fought and Churchmen have supported the rich in their oppression of the poor. "Why would you be a Catholic," they may ask, "when people are still bombing each other over where they go to Church?" The pope has chosen a course that only one of the world's most prominent spiritual leaders might consider. First, he has directed that Church leaders take a long careful look at their past actions and seek the truth rather than looking for a pretty story. Then he has led the Church in asking pardon for these past sinful acts and for the harm done. In this, the Church is somewhat
like a parent whose teen-age child vandalizes a car. The parent did not break the windows or slash the tires. But the car was damaged, and the parent is morally responsible for the child's actions.
':","" II Coming
The pope's actions are not to be judged by whether or not there is public forgiveness from others. Certainly, some have said he didn't go far enough on this issue or that. There remain those who feel harmed, who are not ready or willing to forgive. The confession of the pope was never addressed to organizations or political bodies. The confession has always been addressed to God alone. When Christians sin - and they do - the critical step in correcting that error is turning toward God, accepting responsibility and seeking God's forgiveness and grace. Real reconciliation flows from being in right relationship with God. What is the message for those of us who view these events from such ,a great distance? There are two messages, I think. First is the powerful witness of John Paul II. Indeed, this is how a Christian confronts sin and seeks peace. We should all watch him and then imitate this profound example. Second, we all now have an answer to those who recite their list of "crimes of the Church": ':Yes, the members of the Church have made mistakes. Our course is to recognize them and seek to live in right relationship with God. All we can hope is that others will do the same." Your comments are welcome. Please address: Dr. Christopher Carstens, do Catholic News Service, 3211 Fourth St. N.E., Washington, D.C. 20017.
TIffiANCHOR- Diocese ofFall River-Fri., Apri17,2000
from Cape Cod or the Islands. It wjll be awarded based on an essay. Applications are available by writing: MCFL, 298 Main Street, Hyannis, MA 02601 or by calling 7712255.' ,
fteering pOint/. ATTLEBORO FALLS - The second session ofparish social minist,ry training for the Attleboro Deanery will be held on April 11 from 7-9 p.m. It is sponsored by Catholic Social Services. For more information call 674-4681. ATTLEBORO - A Jubilee Year Pilgrimage program will be held Sunday at 2 p.m. at the La Salette Shrine.It will be led by La Salette Father John Gabriel and focu~ ondiscipleship and the Cross. For more information call 2225410. Father Pat will perform at the next Shrine Coffee House on April 15 at 6:30 p.m. It will take place in the cafeteria. CENTERVILLE - The Cape Cod Widqwed Support Group will meet on April 26 from 1:30-3 p.m. in the lower hall of the CCD Center at Our Lady of Victory Parish, 230 South Main Street. It will be themed ''Family: Dealing with Fears and Feelings." For more information call Dorothyann Callahan at (617) 267-5258. CHATHAM - A Lenten Triduum will be held on April 10at the Holy Redeemer Church, 57 Highland Avenue. It wiH be led by Blessed Sacrament Father William Fickel and.focus on the Eucharist, the gift of hospitality, reconciliation and eternallik Masses for the Triduum will be held at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of Holy Week. For more information call 945~ 0677.
EAST FREETOWN - An Emmaus weekend retreatfor young adults aged 20-35 who seek growth in their relationship with Jesus will be held April 28-30 at Cathedral Camp. This coeducational Christian-oriented gathering provides opportunity for personal reflection
HYANNIS - A support group . for parents, families and friends of gays and lesbians will meet on April 10 from 7-8:30 p.m. at the Catholic Social Services building, 261 South Street. It provides support in a safe and confidential setting. New members welcome. For more information call 771-6771.
concerning one's life and relationship with· God. For more information cal~ Paul Hodge at 399-7418.
EAST FREETOWN -.A presentation entitled "Praying with· the Patriarchs and Prophets," will be held on May 10, 17, and 24 from 9-10:30 a.m. at the NEW BEDFORD - DevoSt. John Neumann Library. It will tions to Our Lady ofPerpetual Help provide an overview of key fig- - are held every Tuesday and Thursures·in the Hebrew Scriptures and ' day at the noon Mass at Our Lady their role as models of prayer and of Perpetuaf Help Church. 'For faith. Attendees should bring more information call 992-9378. their Bible. oNEW BEDFORD - The LeFALL RIVER - A two-act gion of Mary recently announced play entitl~d "Magdalene" will be that a holy year rosary drive, sponperformed on April 16 at 2:30 p.m. sored by St. Joseph-St. Therese at St. Mary's Cathedral by Thelma _ Parish, is currently undenyay. To Ann Jones. Refreshments will be make your pledge of rosaries for served in the parish hall following peace call Ther~se Beaulieu at 995the performance. For more infor- 2354 or Maurice Galipeau at 995. mation call Claire McMahon at 672- 5981. 7698.
FALL ~IVER - A day of prayer and reflection, sponsored by the Diocesan Department of Pastoral Care to the Sick for those involved with- ministry to the sick, will be held on May 20 from 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. at St. Patrick's Church. For more information call p73-2833.
five-week course on the history of the early Church will' be held on May 1,8, 15, 22 and JuneS from 7-9 p.m. at St. Julie Billiart Parish.. Seminarian David Erwin will be the instructor. For more information call the Adult Education Office at 678-2828.
SWANSEA - Our Lady of Fatima Church will host the Saints and Singers Chorus in its presentation of the Easter musical "Now I See You," on April 15 at 8 p.m. For more information call Father George F. Almeida at 676-1541.'
FALL RIVER :.- The Youth and Young Adult Ministry Office . is sponsoring a white-water rafting and camping trip to Maine May 2729 for adults in their 20s and 30s. For more information call Sandy Mullensky at 646-3179 or Bud Miller at 675-3847. .
WEST HARWICH - Novena of the Divine Mercy will beFALL RIVER - The third in gin on April'21 at 2:30 p.m. at Holy a seriesoffour Lenten penance ser- Trinity Church, Route 28.' It will vices will be held on.April 10 at 7 be followed by the Stations of the p:m. at St. Mary's Cathedral. . Cross. The remainder of the Novena will be celebrated on Holy HYANNIS - The Cape Cod . Saturday at 3 p.m. and Eoaster SunChapter of the Massachusetts Citi- day through Easter Saturday at 7 zens for Life is. offering a $500' p.m. Mercy Sunday celebration . scholarship to a high school· senior will begin at 2:30p.m. 0
SUPREME KNIGHT Virgil Dechant kisses the hand of Cardinal James A. Hickey of Washington after presenting the cardinal with the Knights of Columbus' "Gaudium et Spes Award" April 1 at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in' WaShington. Cardinal Hil::key is only the third person to receive the Knights' highesth6nor. The others were Mother Teresa and Cardinal John J. O'Connor of New York. (eNS photo by Nancy Wiechec)
Philip Berrigan' gets 30~month .sentence for damaging A-lOs' ~
He' calls the planes whose weapons poison the environment 'engines of hell.' By CATHOUC NEWS SERVICE
TOWSON, Md. - ' Philip Berrigan, a 76-year-old· former Josephite.priest and longtime ac~ tivist, has been sentenced· to 30 months. in jail for malicious destruction of property in connec. tion with a protest last December at the Warfield Air National Guard base in Middle River, Md. Berrigan and three others, who called themselves the Plowshares vs. Depleted Uranium, hammered and poured blood on two A-lO Warthog aircraft at the base because the' Warthog has a Gatling gun whiCh fires depleted uranium. Each of the four also was convicted of conspiracy to maliciously destroy property. Jesuit Father Stephen Kelly of New York and Susan Crane of Baltimore were sentenced to 27 months in jail, and Elizabeth Walz, a Catholic Worker member from Philadelphia, received an 18month sentence. Each defendant was ordered to pay one-fourth of the $88,622.11 in damages reportedly caused to the A-lOs. REFUGEES IN Mozambique reach for food at a camp in the village of Chiaqualane in midBaltimore County Circuit March, shortly after the U.S. announced it would forgive all debt owed by the flood-stricken Court Judge James T Smith Jr. country. Catholic groups meeting in Washington on Sunday will call for similar debt relief for . handed down the sentences last week after the four were convicted other countries with struggling economies. (CNS photo from Reuter,s)
in a jury trial. The defendants charge that the use of depleted uranium has caused environmental damage in Iraq and Yugoslavia and that the United States has sold ammunition using depleted uranium to other countries, including Israel and Turkey. "The A-lO is an aircraft built around a gun - a 30mm sevenbarrel Gatling that can spew 3,900 rounds per minute," according to a Plowshares vs. Depleted Uranium statement. "This criminal plane fired 95 percent of the depleted uranium deployed by the U.S. during the Gulf War, leaving behind 300-800 tons, poisoning humans and the elements in Kuwait and Iraq." In an opinion column published before his triaL in The Catholic' Review. Baltimore archdiocesan newspaper, Berrigan said the A-lO Warthogs are "arguably the most devastating weapons system yet fashioned." "Even in the company of other terrible engines of war, the Warthog is a monstrosity," he wrote. "Imagine it strafing a village, its Gatling gun armed with depleted uranium. It makes a pass and leaves a trench. people dead, buildings splintered, trees and vegetation blasted, the air, soil and water infected with radioactivity. The Warthog is an engine of hell - it has no right to exist"