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ry ,~ , ~I~' if/ .": it






Chants. Stress








& ,





In. Holy Week


The great truths Qf the

·~acred Triduumowill'be more clearly spelled out, more ea8,~


Oily understood, and rn




:heartily "shared, thank/!' to introduction of the vernacular ill the chants of Holy Week. ° ~,No' IOliger will the' }Hghlight~ be the intricate and mysteriou$ rites, the i>Jaintive psalms an~ lessons or the exuberant notes of the Exu1tet Vatican II haS 'emphasized that it is the' truths 'that these ceremonies and ehantS enfold that is to splendor forth. This will be possible for the use of the English-Latin Sacramentary in t!;le cere­ monies of the Church-Mass but especially the Holy Week ceremonies - is man­ datory in the Diocese of Fall River. In those parishes Turn to Page Six

WAs~i~GTON, ',(~~'),'~

'i'he nation's ,fargl:lst.~rlnJ.la.l n1eeting of Catholic educa­ tors .and . administl:ators moves midwest ,this ye!lr, \\;ith with somt! 15,060 participants ex­ J!)ected to gat!)er a~ McCormick Place in Chicago,Apr!1 ~'1 ¢h1'ough 14. , '" Under the patronage of Arch­ bishop john P. Cody of 'Chicago, the theme of the 63rd annual <eonvention of the National Catholic Educational Association Turn to Page Seventeen

'Polish Governmen~ Refusing,' Visas

To Church's MilienniumYe,ar

Diocesan CYO and CYAO Members 'Plan' Convention for May 28-2,9

WASHINGTON (NC)-The Polish ,government has shattered plans of thousands of American Catholics to visit poland durii1g celebrations of its millennium of Christian­ Hy. Jan Kinast, press secretary of the Polish Embassy in Washington, confirmed that Chicago had planned to 'lead a applications for visas, in­ pilgrirp.age on April 28 from eluding a number by top the Chicago area" one of the Catholic Church prelates, largest centerlj of: Polish-Ameri­ have been refused. Kinast indicated that the Polish communist government has no interest in the celebra­ tions planned by the Church ill Poland; which will e e n t e r amund the country's national shrine of Our Lady of Czesto­ Slhowa. The embassy secretar)' said he lIfas aware that Adolph Kita, Polish consul general in Chicago, lhad disapproved a number of re­ quests for visas. made by mem­ 1001'S of the U, S, hierarchy;. Archbishop John P. Cody of


cans in this country. They were to take part in the religious cerC:!monies May 3 to 8, at Our Lady of Czestachowa shrine, then journey to Rome where they would continue the millennium observance at the Polish College and be received in audience by Pope Paul VI. Neither Archbishop Cody nor his auxiliary" Bishop Aloysius J. Wycislo, has been granted travel permits. Kita said in a statement issued 'in Chicago: "We have nothing Turn to Page Sixteen

'Some 200 CYO members and 50 Catholic Young Adults :are expected to attend the eighth annual Diocesan CYO con­ .vention, to, be held Saturday and Sunday, May 28 and 29, 'at Cathedl"~l Camp, East Freetown. The CYO meeting will be held in conjunction with CYAO 'moderatots, or by mail the Diocesan Catholic Young from Convention, Box· 63, East Adult convention, according Freetown,' Mass. ' 'to announcement by James Gibney, presldent of the Dioc- 111111111111111111"111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 ,esan Council of Catholic Youth. A joint banquet and conven~

tion ball are planned with sep.

'arate ;voting sessions arid work­

shops. ,Deadline for pre-registra­

tion for the weekend will be

Friday,Ma;? 20, and a $12 regis­

tration 'fee will 'include the Con­

vention Gold Card Banquet, the

ball, a Sund&y afternoon "cook.

nie," and a complete convention

deiegate packet.

Pre':registration for In s are

available from area: CYO and 1I111111111111111111111111111111111111t11I1I1I11UlUlIlIIlIIllllill

MAY 1 .. 10, 1966


S.I!~ltehUli t

"~,(!,trrl @~: ffi~kr~) 'M(§j;~'



": i

IS\ tOOl


You have probed; :Me: andl You: know: Me ;; 'You knovw when: II sit. andl when], s,1iandl. 4GloJrYi be' to: tlle' F3ither' _ •. anose, and am. still wHili! 'Wall'" alleltiia;;' 'YoU! rest 'FOUl" hancl! upon. Me, alleluia;;; YOLm' lillrowlJ., G'



BiJotllen' Henman; Zaacaneillj, C:S,C;" dfrectou' oJ!: 1Ilie: Food Re,­ seaxm, .Centen' fOl!' Catholic .fu;,. s'tit,U1ifpns, .at. Stonelilll: Coli'eg~ NQnt1ii Elliston; said! .tlie. fbod: serio v.:fue. :rncfusQ toda~ is, ih, fl WJiq,U~lpoaiti":m to~ malte su!llst1an~ ti:3D. .ac;nn.1tJIi:l)utions; to') the. morolJ!, eaononue and! SJjlir:i1iual: wellfaro ,o1l: tfle., na,1[mr.. ,"']ll[e..1bdUliQ is! i.In a' posi.'tJi.OJll tal dey,eIbp am EM:onomfu~ dialogue eeE1'l!EIelJittaill assemilW lietiweenl. am expandfug; ao:m:me.r­

oem sacmicedL,


• l-"

SE:Q]]EN(i;Ei:' €fu!is:llians~ ~O) the: Fa:sC'llaJl v.fu1iiim o:fifo' 'Y,OUlT' t:fumk:[u], pr.tiseSln 1:1. Iamb) 1ili:e s:lieep redeemet~.:: tmlr.ris:tli,.



is~ smreS'~, 'RIt'~onciT~illii.sinnersl


'1!he~ IF3i~(m:,

meatni and! Me ha.ve e.on1tended1· fu1 that!; flom1ia:1t s:1i.1Jl:pendhU1&::


" .

1ffi:e: ~: of'Me'" d'ied~ r.eigns; imiIIolItaill.. S'!P:e., ~J declli.:cing; WImll: t\how. sa..wes:tlf) W'alirfiamin:gR "']]re tod o:f!:' (chrfs.1!~ m:QJ is; Jivfug:. 'Ii1re gfo~ ai' J:eswi' ITeSu~lliQDl;; Eright angels atfe.sjJng" The. s·lil'Qud, and napkin resting~_ Yea, Christ my hope is arisen: 'Po GalIlee He .goeS' oefore'· ·y'Ou.'" Christ indeed from death is risen, our new lif.e ~b­ fuhiing.Have' meircYj, VJic~or King" ev:wr' .lre~fug;. Almen. '.Al1ehiia.' " , ,. . ~

D_m'S'S: l€ !iil[J1Rcrm MILE:: .&In Slil(lllS(i)lted11b¥' 1!lh.e C-\:nili:uaill l€ Itmcli:es; o:fr RailltiiimOJ!~~, CGIIlJjloaedi aian~ and] tlie~ paOl!' and! need)' CD:li' lll1. dh;mn.~ <Dllmrfsilfan\ clufmmi'reS), h'3lJidl lLai.w,trelme: <Dim;,. wlio> .exdS1t cfeSJ;lite 1Ilie a£llIuence oB ,OUll.' soaie.tw.:" t1ie~ :B:'o~ C!:Z,Ol!8 dina! ShehaJ1" left, and.. Methodist. Bishop, Fred Pier.ce Car~ B1rothen 10Idi the Eastern Con­ son of' Fl1iTadeI'p'ii'a d'el'i'ver papers orr tPre role of' the Cl\urcl'r ference of tl\e Food Service Ex­ ,ecutive Association here. in the modern world.: NO Photo':' " . ' .' ':'.i1his, is: goaeL business, as, weD


,.,., ~()FFERTORY:: TFre:earth fearedt andt was, silent" when

'$:od.. aX9sefoY· jud:g;ment.


Alleluia. . ' .






CongreSSm.anl' tJrges: B'eJ:llcrrmine •• • G'" .... P :Stwl'enlfIs;' toa:r~lclpa,tP. ,I,!t.. ,ove,~n·ri.'ent JL<:HlISV'lJLLE {1~A\focinell" . 'lie: Wame.d!· tlilitt.panti,,·"dpation ~, .

<:. ,','COMMUNION':

Christ our passover, haS·'been sacri­ :liced, alleluia: therefore let us: ~e,el\lJ festiv;al w.ith ~e:un-, 'leav.ened bread o:1l sinceiity 'amt ~u1!htJ' allelufav allerui,a", U'.. S: Rep~tmtatlI.'~e;·· belie~SI m;'pOlithls, .. tJi~es.ti.nle, .. is, often ~~uia,



Please Clip Clncf .Bring' ..

·Oumln. Oftl

Says: CEF Laoks:' To TOEE1!JO'~NC}-at1zens for Educational Freedom is growing IlllP~ and I10pes to .launch a -1IffW deve~pment'PllOgram over .tile· next' fwu yea1'S; the associate liirector said here in Ohio. . ·."'i~ J'al'ie¥~ .one: of: three fWl~ mein.bers;, of~ fJhe: national' ,'aiF' said the. 'organi,zaiiomhopes a'«fd' fiv"l fuIl-tiine staff.' mem.. r~ . • . . d"l . :.;.. ..... p~_ '~r!":"!?D1I" '1·IJ'ClOnEv..e.:-::ntil"W>o~· ......o:""'"u ~Cl ...... ~i~e· ~" w·:- ~~ '~' into. a monthl'y magazine-. F . 'ted: Ti redO> .' aIley" who 'Irisin, - ,



cronnacttiom wWil a fi.u::ldl.i"aiSing drive to finance the ex~l said! CI:EJI1' has; gpoWDl fi!QIDl H to .1'JI state fedemrtli:ons: im the pst ~ll'" andi ma(\f add.1tw.o,meRt'filil



Heaviest. memb~. is;


. inl 'the. Mmwesfl;, be sait4, with totail members~ about: 1J30IP.oo. ' .D1JF" f~1IIldlldl im S~:EQuiS;.m li9~' is, 111 ncmdenominatimial ........ 0.';.,. wliidll aims.; at; SRml.. 'lIW..

.. "'. . . --",. equalI. tl!eatment .m- childmm iii nonpublic schools. .,. ...'.


' . '


GRAll},ID"A)1: ThiS, is the: da~r the lLord: has, made:;; lei!; ,ms, lle,' g,fudi and rej;Qice~ :in 'it~ Give: th:aa;r,ks; 1)0; ~,LoJ!d~)fmr ]fe iSl goad~ fol!' Hi's ID6C;}r' end'tmes; forever:. ~eI'u!iial". all'elUia;., F'assauel!'" ham


velopl a "dialogue!" with tlie POOIil wliicfu would: meet, 1Ilie: moral! J:ep sponsibilillyi oft tlie- fud'uB~ wli.ile~ impllovi:ng' its. economio

is, too; wonde-nul" all'eluia,; alleluia;.

€hrist~ .. oW!'

~. ' ~~;

I ".'

FRO;WIDEN<DE; (Nm~) -.fiJ B1!Qiihei!' who:' is! an: expert i:J. f{)o:d! affafrSJ c3l1led OIt tho food: service' indus1!~' to d~

r arose" and am\ s:tiilll witl'r you" allel'ui3i;, "WOUI

alleIUiw" a;lleIui3i•. Q;


[f~:@~; ~rn®:~cr'em" r \

JCes1l YoUJr hand' upon: :Me, allelUia;: 110U!" knowledge, wondmU.l~,



!j@0f' ~~fi®[jfJ ~~Moo@lk@,W :rN.TR([Xl']j"~


N~. ~ro."m:J.~. . . ~.,.,~,~.·;.t:;':-.·.-.;.,~:.,:.',.:.~.-.~.riL.,~\~:M...· -n.,\~. ·sw~.~.r"'~k:8.'and! ~·,.

Ilbml CG~UDen.t.

Pointing out that the Unite<D S~te,S'; ,w~th only? six pm:r crorN'l off the. wo.r].d's, DOpwation" ~1lI0 one~frdi of the worfd'bl p'xoduc<> tmm- ~pa~, Brotfhen 2'1aI:clU!eIJlll neled': "Our productive capabilP ities and our degree ol.afflllence grOwS!' to . ~nprecedenfed fuvelSt bue mur JD.Olla1I andlspillft'naL com­ miflneni; liaSl not. Jtept pacel" He. saia' despite the fact that Per ca'pita income iiI· the: Uniied States;,' has. ,do.ubled: nner. the past. ~,. 20.~,"'it.'i'lr.fuesciapably true ,that tlUsJlligPt'"iiD tlithilirimId, two oot ,of .every. t1\ree peopfe wiD go toJ bed~ ,wit.h th!s,'pnay,el1"08



enough COLOGNlE, (N€:)l J'oseph 'liriag,e to.uncferitandfng; one an,. '. ;;', ~ ., " Rev;' €hrist~ph~,(i;:-;ltughes, ,,";< 01.~t: :,~~lho~r;;.Sql~ l!.i\- '. Cardinal Frin~, of Cologne has .. Qtlier.~~ ThiS: is. parlic.urar~' ttlle :,,,' ,,~ '1 ·Enfi:e. j" ,,:. 1 D'.I!)i. ~'. ';190&.'; Rector: ~; eath~··. :.:. ~. l5e e: 'll.eilsons! and saial that: Gemnam ClIthoIi'cs: will 1)ecaus~·."'tS..d'eciSions:,were. ex... .. re.s . , " ll'aB!'River,', ' . . '., , . . . . , ' , l?aSsi:on;: 5:aIWiur, Petitions; and'D!.ank u.e.:iJ,j1OOthl anniv:eDSlllli-of pressecf..m JI.mIiCalancl pastoral ;; NiJli,W' 1I<l>.RK, «N<i::)) - F i flU!! 0'" .' ' l?rai)fets;: Mrimrtiom of: the F'olisht <r:hnisti~ witht speaial fenms: tfult; are. common. to' an' of llUblishensl bav:e -submitted 148 .:. APRIL 1& '. Ci:oss;: Cl:bmmuniom, Masses int Ge.nmanI"" even. if. they us;'" books> tlJr the: tbixdi' annual Na\t' kV'. Arthur E;,.. n.~ilJ,: 1928, SAT.t1RIilt\Y-Ho~' saturdaw. I are: dimied' permiSsi'on. to visit "rtliihR: the' councll. cIiaIleng~ tional Catholic Boalit. Award!! 01lllrick I~,a.vl;!~,Den.v'eIT" Co!olllldo~ Foland~ Protestants to 'make. a compar­ .

Competition, sponsored 1)~ the ~. . ~~ a~l'~o-~--~~tate ' . APRIL IS' "'h~ Ble' f ~ the The. .cardk1al told newsmen u e o:u.. ~ ...0 x:e 1oUUJA. anU. res Catllo:Iic'li'ress;' A.sBnciatian. . Prope.r~ .lJ e··· SSIng; 0 · ' t1iafl comnuinist'., authonities; irD. ~ur p'ositi'oni~'" Rev; Hugh B~ Harrold, 1935, New' JiliJ:e. ·and..the, pascihal . ' . LesSons;, ~ . with Polanlf stoPJ Catholics Candle;, . fi' COinnot' .. Pastor;,.st. M~rj;MansfieId'.. 11;' I!. !'Il'" I lilac., 'IIOX Rt. Rev. .To}W li",'lS1cKeo~" P;R., . blessilig; .of·. the font. andi re-' ~ere. om celebrating the. anni­ Of Rf)'I!}1RKE:

N.E~ ORLEANSThe. N.ew 1'956, Pastor,. st: Lawrence, Ne1iV '. -. newalt: Qt. Baptismal Promises.. sary iii M"ay; Most' German oUi:' !.' Bedford~ , ~' • /; Mass: Glory; rio Creed; Pref­ 'cials have"~ven up any hope. Orleans'arcl1dlocesannewspaper , ...:;, . ( ace,,,Com~ltinicantesandHane thaft. lPO~. will[ pemni1i; s()me has givep. editori,ar.sup~ort, to a ,~~CD~d.St~~t , I APB.IL:,:!OI. ,'. .. ...' igitlm of,Eastelt:, . ,~rm~ m);i:c,esenfativw,dO{ at'.- .PJ:O~edJ.t~ increase NeWT . I~" .: .·Rev., Eii'Warcf:' F.. Cl::oyle; .S:S.,..

tend! the~ crenemonies; im that Orleans and; neighBoring. Jeffer­ ., ,Fali',~River, Mass. ., !1954, St. ~ Seminary; Pacal SUNDAY-Easter .SUnday,. T.iLe coun~•.' ' soncoun~ tal-provide adcIii:i.ori3It "QS; , ,': St., Md'. . ,. . _, . .. .., R.esum:eati'cmJ of OUlt :rr.o~

reVenues' fOr pul>iic sCllooTs. l 'i ..: Jesus. cbJiist.; the, Solemnity of , /. :·MI£H~IHl, Jl', M'aM'AHON : '. ) . SOlemriitfes. D' Class. Whi~: "'J'oll) 'R~~lfl , ~eelting j llliiaensedJ l'1uner-aI' Directail' '. , '. ~ Mass'Proper;; GlorY;' Seq!Jence; .~ ni~ilil;w mee1iihg; of' JlaJ1 . lbat:tiste.>r EmbQf mell' .' (Creed;: Preface;· Communi;:' Ri'v.e.n' P:mti~ ebunci:I\, SocietY J • ':----------...., fUNERAIL HOME­ cantes! and' Hane: Igftuir of oj!' S1i;. Vifuaemf cfe. ~,' willl be ., '. Easter (8lsOi each. da~ during helW 'L'uesdaw at: m mClbclt: with 469 LOCUST S:l.REa , tl\e. CDctavel. .. , Benedictfon\ of tlie Mast; Blessed 'ALK!. RIVER~ M'alis. S'acmunenit, fI11. t1le~ '<l1iapelL in! tlie : April' l(ll-St; Pa~, Taunton., M0N,ll):AY -;-Eastell' MandilW-, 1 basement: of Notre: mame: Cliurch 05 2"338jl; . ClaSs. Whi~.· Mass. Properj at; 7';45; P.:M:, andi the~ meetiilg April 11-5t. john the Bap­ GlOry;,' Sequence;, Ci:eedj, Pre£. Wilfred C: James' E: tist" Fall Riven., :rolfuwftrg; ih~ St: Vi"mcen1t cfe: Paul ace;. etc:" of. E'aster,., D'riscoD s"nivon,. Jr: , Store;, :b79m Pleasant: Street;, . April' 17-0ur Lady of the 'L'lJESDAY - Easter. ~ue~. I Ero~ RosallY.';; New Be:iford. Class; White;. Mass Proper, St.. Michael, (Ocean Grove. >DftftUll A ''&IIli..I\ Glor~;, Seg,uence;, Cl::reed; Pref'­ :n..U''''i~.~.WI~: E~, " . a,ce:j, etc,. of .Ell!lteI!;. , . :, , ;DOANra~6£.AL!AMIis AprU 2~liIolY' Ghost', AttIe­ i' ;­ ;' . '·5·...",.•





€hm~ c;ffigftciaJ!y: ~ OJUlIllg;. unrew,atdihg; and:b.tiilgS y,ou.intD DeopIe" must get: iifto politiCs"if: assoCia~oil. wi;it1'1:.all'1¥Pes·ofpeo­ me- €l\urcl\;' iiI' to J)e> "the' con.. pre'" B'ut he' opllessed' 1llie' hope structive force in society it' once . t1i:ait ini1cIit~ will J.)e w:as::" . • . effiniiuifedl as;'''w.e~ lItIise: the: .le~ fi :Blbanlt: w. B'wrke;, filmilen: reu- . ojl: the: parliaipants1 in. ROlitics. . mseritlatiz\W' 1/irorm E:entuc~;, tal~ . . .. 31·JBenanmjir:je~~· audience . SeeS' .RecorrcilliAtion . that mvolvement is am iinpmrtant J£..' m-....'9.' . ~u.-IL,·. __ '.,., '. - amutlIIiUliom of the Canstitutiom on A _... """ R'~ the.~in tllwMOdlHmlWOll'1d . PO~ @'j'C»--A ~'recan.. ~Pl'Q,v.edl at, 1:he:. &mOneL Vatican . cm~Om'" a m:.a.n.g;· 'C;:,l'll;i'sti'aD «!:Qunciji.. . ehu~es: that .C!o~ be~ . "'ll1i1r ,€ l JWiain FJ3,the:rsl have '.ih.l!d:' l8' ye~.gp. is ~ ."pDt '~ou~·tbafi;;' e5p~ fOr.' ,~pOsSiQ!e~/.~~·pto1)aJ)re-,,"'.an 'Jhc' yOung; ~e should~ m'eattt a. A.ngIrean ¢est:~olislU:Vezt'. a~.:~ :better' _understandi~g not· only ,:aecoiuf.V~e,a:n,c:o.~lSSUi·. ~re of, .governm--" .but -alsO of ,poli,'- 'ia Ol"e, gp,n..' .,; .:. ,...'".. ',. :Ues;",IBw:dl:e~ cfcclaredl . ., ~:ae+'.Dr;;Mass~i' l'£.SlIep;..' " " f', .;' . ~eHf," 'professor; o~ :.clt~~' liis" . ' ,'~i>I:~:andl,!t\JIlhrat';~e. EPiScopal 'Geilm:Wl QlHe,V'e'sem~, serll:elQ;; Clili£, said'

as the. highest form of altruism .. and! ,moral. r~p{Jnsibili~~' tile Brotlien-,.safck , •• ~4BYr Idevelbpingr plants and processing, centellS.ini·econonti­ "Cal~ 'depressed. lUmas,:'· he con­ tin~, "tIl~ incfusfJr.y·will devel­ 'op ·abundant sources' ·of labor while: making; a, aontltihutioLL to 'EM:onomU:. stabilitJl'. This will, iG fum, .lielp cfuveIbp> stillJ greater .'maJ!R!etS;, ma;1Idng; gpeatmr pmol1W availllble to the indus~." .






Fu;'e~QI!, H'oin:e



j.','.::.,: . ,~



!D:'O'.,'S..Uivan: &; SO.




; .






St. Josepllj NeW! Bedfor,!!.

, .

•• •

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~r>~,Ay,-EI~s'fer ..w:edhe~ . day. F~;:.:·Whi'~. MasS

Proper;, G' r~'ll~Y .;, .:,Seq!Jencej " .. : 'AlE: ANCHOR' .; \ \. ;:' " '::: Cre~d';: ~reftice;~e.tc.'~o:fi: Eas~ , , second cl.ass' Postage Paid .~tF.a;1 n!v~: '. ~m:A~'-:E~tier' ~ursdilY,'~ . Mass, Pubhsheo, every Thursday at 4 1 0 · . . .. " ., , : "Igiliand. Avenue, Fall River. Mass... C2722 .' "I"Class. WhIf,e.\ ..'M:'~ss:: Proper, Ii~ tile: ClIthol!c Press oft tile Dloc:ese' of' Fall GloJ:y,". Sequenc~' Cl:reedi Pref': R,ver, Sub~r·'~t1on price by mall, postpaid t" ~ E":~ . . .$AJlO.per. year.,.. ._. - ace..;e c; e... as......,...


.I!!IIIIUrIllJl\ll; 1lI~'M'~: llTW.fi~I:~, LJ"I."-I - . l*i1

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Ill, Mal1le'J RllYi:-:Gi. lOrnJlnu 1 Rov

Rbg$li a;afranCOi

!lUNmA!!. DIREC'U:ORS; " "ll5i 'l"m91~nl (h. 9,9Si05ilMJ .' .' " f "

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~~,~~d~~,~. , , '.







, Funeral Dome' I •



Faili Rivel'., Massl.



11::.' Sulli'valn,

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,funeralServlte' :' I



.leffres E: Sulli'vall'


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.,: rif ! '" .."; !:JI¥ANf\l15', .,:: '. ! I" .'~. HARWICH PORT ' .

, ',' l' OS, 21.23911 , .! "":Bosei


',' i.j : c· .,'. II 1:,






~QumYAAMQUTht ~ .'1.'




Social Activity Must Support Individual


of Fan River-Thurs. April 7, 1966


Interfaith Conference Deplores.

Indifference to World Poverty

. NEW ORLEANS (NC):"­ Social activity should aim at helping, not destroying O'r absorbing, individual mem­

NOTRE DAME (NC) -:- The bors in space and time. We have "burning scandal" of Western in- no comparable nearness in gen­ difference to world poverty erosity and love," the statement "makes a mocKery of all pretensaid. sions to be a Christian and huIn the modern world the con­ mane society." participants in an ference participants ;aid, "the international theological confer- small white Christian and West­ ence declared in a stqtement ern minority are rich and groW' here. richer" They said the existence of afL t' th oted the 'd 'b 'd 'th Id as year, ey n , fiuence s~, e y SI e WI wor Western nat1.l)ns added' to their poverty stands as a ~otal obnational incomes a sum larger stacIe to the constructIon of a than the entire national income neighborly wo.rld. It threat~ns of Latin America and twice as the resort to VIOlence. It ~arr~es, large as that of India or Africa. within itself the apocalyptIc risk of wider war and ultimate de"These facts confront the struction.'; Christian and humane. conThe declaration on world pov- science of the West today Just as erty was issued by Catholic, the misery .of Lazarus once cried Protestant Orthodox and Jewish out for Pity at the gates of participants in the conference on Dives," the statement said. "Theological Issues of Vatican II" sponsored by the University Health Study Funds of Notre Dame.

The statement,' the only one Granted Colleges

adopted by the conference, was

WASHINGTON (NC) - The drawn up by the gr01;lp headed U. S. Public Health Service has 'by British economist Barbara announced 249 research grants Ward. The impetus for its adop­ and fellowships totaling more . tion followed discussion at the than $11 million. conference of the Second Vat­ Among the awards was $3,438 ican Council's pastoral Constitu­ for a project in judgments of tion on the Church in the Mod­ time at the University of San ern World., ' Francisco; two grants totaling Physicai Unity $17,046 to studies conducted at The statement stressed the St. Louis University; an award '''total scientific, technological of $18,843 for intestinal research and economic interdependence" ,. at M'afliuette University medical existing among peoples in the school; $15,455 for studiesil1l. modern world But, it said, this l)utrition at the Catholic Univer­ unity "remains a root physical " sity of Chile and a fellowship unity, lacking the moral dimen­ award in education to a student sions of human solidarity and at the Catholic University of human justice." America. "We have become cIc;>se neigh-

bers of the social body, Arch­ bishop Philip M. Hannan of New Orleans told an ecumenical gathering at Temple Sinai here, at which he was the guest of honor. One of the most important long-range effects of tJ:1e Vatican council on society at large, he said, was "the insistent empha­ sis that the individual should perform what he can, and should be encouraged by every other unity in society to perform what he can." This means, he said, that "the family should be encouraged to perform every task that it can­ and should not be supplanted in any such task by the state (}I" any other higher unit of society. "It means that the individual worker, the local association of workers or lillion should per­ form whatever he or' they can 1 without undue domination at the top. "It means that the' community should demand and should per­ form whatever it can for its wel­ fare and progress without re­ 'Hance on a higher unit of pout':'

:ical organization," and "the state

should perform every function

· it can without reliance on the

federal government, admitting

; obviously that the federal gov­ 'emment has a definite duty to assist the state where its efforts are needed." The important thing to re­ member, he said, is that each , unit exists "for the good of the single man. the image of God." "It is the rights of man which judge the value' of an interna­ tional organization, as it is the man 'Who, judges the value and 4ignity of the state and family," he said.

Women Hear Rabbi

Manpower Training

WASHINGTON (NC) - The BIRMINGHAM (NC) - Some U. S, Labor Department has ap­ 450 Catholic women at an inter­ proved a $63.277 Manpower De­ faith program at· Temple Em­ velopment and Training Act manu-El here in Alabama heard project for St. John's Hospital, 'Rabbi MiltonL. Grafman ex­ conducted by Franciscan Sisters plain symbolism in the sYl).a­ "in Springfield, Ill. The program gogue, the meaning and obs~rv­ entails 16 weeks of training 200 ance of Jewish holydaysand fes- 'persons as orderlies and ward ti,vals. ' clerks.

:'Asks Federal 'Policy Birth' Control' "On' " .

. WASHINGTON (NC) -:- The · director of the Family Life Bu­ , reau, National Catholic Welfare Conference, has called on the . MERCY IN TIlE HOLY LAND: Sister Marie Therese, administration to make clear 'its , a native Arab, g.ives U.S. surplus fO,od to ,a crippled refugee Pla~s' for implementation of ,its in Bethlehem. The Catholic Near East Welfare,Association, birth' control policies, including through the, Pontifical Mission' for Palestine, can feed a its stand on abortion. Msgr.' John C. Knott says it is ' :refugee family for as little as $10 a: month. clear that the federal govern­ ment is "formally launched on a contraceptive, anti-Ufe pro­ gram." , , ' He warned that e.xpe~ience in other countr;,es shows '!the pro­ motion of contraceptives is never LOS ANGELES (NC) -The A softer substitute resolution sufficient" and abortion is re­ was then presented to the CMA immediate past president of the BOlted to in order to correct <::alifornia' Medical Association House of Delegates which in tU?\ "contraceptive failures." has voiced strong opposition to :wrote a 'new substitute resolu­ Thus, he observed, it' is "not two .resolutions recommending tion and sent it on to the 22­ premature to allk what the plans liberalization of state' laws on member CMA Counsel for pos­ of the present administration therape,utic abortion. sible action, , are as regards a total implemen· It calls for broadening of abor­ Dr. James C. Doyle told ,the · iation of Its present pro~ram. association's ,reference commit­ tion laws and proposes that the , Many citizens are watching with tee that 'the proposed abortion Legislature establish procedure interest.", ' laws "blandlY ignore, blindly to provide proper medical con­ deny or' stubbprnly defy the trol of abortion through hospital 'Annual Communion, legally recognized and 'constitu­ staffs or othet competent med­ tionally 'protected rights of an ical comm'ittees. At So. Yormouth existing huma~ life." The annual ,Communioll\ .~ Breakfast of St. Pius :x: Parish, So, Yarmouth, will be held Sun­ day morning, April 17, following Year Books

Color PrO'l:ess the 8 o'clock MallS In St. Pius X Church. Brochures

Booklets The principal speaker will be 'His Honor Mayor John F. Col­ lins of Boston and men from aU neighboring parIshes are invited to attend the Mass and the breakfast. Tickets, priced at $2.00, may OfF S ET .;... PRINTERS - LETTERPRESS be obtained fit the office of Atty. Sames Quir.k, So., Yarmouth, or 1-l7_CqF'F.NI AVEN~J( Phone WYman 7-9421 they may be reserved by calling ,Sack 'Lascha at 289-2954 or New 'Bedford, Mass.' " ;, . writing P.0. Box 372, West '" Ik;nni,s,. ", . "

,Emphasizes Easier, Abortion Law I'gnores, Denies, Defies Right

American Press, Inc.



"He Is Risen • • • He Is Not Here I" 'ii'IJfJ!!,
















THE ANCHOR-Diocese of F~fl Ri\ler-Th~rs.'"Aprft7,



Judge Rules Ago inst . Bequest To Defunct Medical:' School'

Bishop Says, .Holy . ~ame' Socoety Pow~r Undeve~oped, Untested BALTIMORE (NC)-A bishop delivered a· rebuff here against critics wh,o claim the Holy Name Society has .outlived its useful­ ness. . Auxiliary Bishop John S. Spence of Washington, told the quarterly meeting of' the Holy Name Society the organization is "a living arm of the living Church, its great power still un­ developed and untested." Bishop Spence, a' Baltimore native, said it is being contend­ ed'that the Holy Name 'Society is no longer needed to stimulate frequent Communion, that its mission has been accomplished and it should ~tep aside to make

way for other orgaI1izations.'

"Before we accept this com­ forting conclusion," he said,

"suppose we look at the facts, Only five per cent of male

Church members, according to a recent survey, claimed to be af­ filiated witt any paris,h organ­ ization. 'Wha' about the other 95 per cent They are not here tonight, though their prayers and devotior. and support were seldom more sorely needed." Corporate' Prayer ,',Bishop' Soence, who in his early priesthood built up a strong parisi" Holy Name Society at the Shrine of the Sacred Heart, i,n Washington wlle,re he now is pastor, praised the sociI ety's pledge to honor the Holy Name of Jesus. '''I'm afraid.. . we must admit - - -- ..that, because of the breakdown of reverence and respect in our national code of speaking, there is more profanity, more careless and obscenp. language prevalent today than at almost any period in the long and, honorable his­ tory of the society," the bishop Sa,id. , ' . " : "And' we 'should be particu- 'larly ashamed 'to confess, as we


'Priests; Ministers ,At 'Cot~olic 'Altar ; 'HOHOKUS iNC) - Catholic ,'priests and Protestant ministers 'shared the altar at St. Luke's Catholic Church here in New Jersey to lead an'inter-religious service for Ch~istiail' unity. . ~ Initiative fo-r the service came "from Msgr. William J. Duffy, pastor of St. Luke's. Clergymen from four othel churches parti"cipated, taking turns in leading prayers especially composed f(lr the occasion, including a litany which iJegged God for forgive­ ness fO,r the rtivisions in Chris­ tianity. I , Although St. Luke's has a seat­ ,:ing capacity (If only 700. more ;than 1,200 people squeezed in (the church. Several hundred ~oihers were turned' away at the 'door.

1Seotf'le Archhishop, Su ","'orts Boycott SEATTLE (NC)-Archbishop Thomas A. Connolly and the Catholic Interracial Council here have come out strongly behind a two-day boycott of public schools called for today and to­ morro\\< by civil rights organiza­ tion's protesting school segrega­ tion,

, The eIC voiced its support of the boycott in fI statement unani­

'mously approve:d by the organi­

zation's executive .board, and

giveE firm bflcking by Arch­ bishop ·...:onnoJ]y before its re­ lease tu t,he press. The statement maintained that "the gross inequalities of a seg­ regated education fully justify a boycott as 3n attempt to bring about 'TIore equal erl~""tional opportunities," ,

NEWARK (NC) -A Superior Court judge has ruled here that neither Seton Hall University, South Orange, nor its now· defunct Seton Hall' Medical­ School, has a valid, claim to' a $42,000 bequest. The money w.as left to the medical school by Francis M. Cawley, who died May 21, 1963, but on Jan. 1, 1965, the medical' school was sold to the state 00­ ~atlse Seton Hall f(lund the fi­ nancial operating burden too severe. , Judge Ward 'J. Herbert ruled that although the Seton Hall Medical School still is a legal entity, the New Jersey College .of Medicine and Dentistry is the ' legal successor to the Seton Hall­

Medical School.

must, that some (If (lUI' '-own Ca:;nolic men are among the worst offenders in this regar-d," he added. • . Bishop Spence stressed man's' obligation to off€ r cmporare as well as individual hemage to qod. "Down through the ages," be said, "men have always resorted to corporat"! prayer." , . He said the instinct to pr.ay· together has beenappl~ed for recognition of civil ,rightsf<>r Negroes, for the reunion ,of' Christendom and for many ,other important purposes. .

Payment to the' school corpt)lr· ation, the judge said, "wouN benefit the creditors of the eol· lege, not the public." Cawley, he said, "surely did not intend h~ money to go to a college in the process (If dissolution to be UIIei merely to pay its debts. "He chose a functioning ioati­ tutioR as beneficiary and by that eheice Elemonstrated his interest in earrying on the publicly im­ pertant work of educating young men, and women" for the me~ ical profession. According to legal principles, he rule~', the bequest must be applied to aft organization "falling within ,the ~eneral intention of the de­ ceased."

Mill Hill Fathers

M,-,·I< ~~".e"".ol

U.S. VISITOR: Josef Car­

dinal Beran, now resident in Rome after long detention by the CzeGhoslovak regime, impeding his exercise of the 6 f fie e of Archbishop of Prague, will visit this coun­ try this month. NC Photo.

ALBANY (NC)-A speaker at ceremonies here marking the centennial .of the: M~ll Hill Fathers said the religious com;'· munity anticipated eleme'uls (If • the ecumenical coundl'sCon­ stitution on the Chur~b in the, Modern World. Msgr. Richard Hanley, editor of the Long Island Catholic".at a Pontifical Mass in Immaculate , Conception cathedral celebr;lting the community's centennial, said' ~t the Mill Hill Fathers'have sought to make the Church "aliye, ~y_ ., . WASHINGTON (NC) - The namic and relt"vant.", archbishop ')f Nazareth and Gal­ The Mill Hill Fathers-whose ,. ilee told a predominantly 'Roman official name is St. ~seph's 80- Catholic congregation 'here that. it ~ould learn much from the ciety for For~ign Missions-were. Church (If, tlh 'East concerning organized in 1866 byF.ather Herbert Vaughan, later Car~inal the Catholic Faith. Vaughan 'of Westminster, En"Western Christians have for gland. \ a long time -overlooked the rich They ceased active work in spiritual herit~ of the East." the United States when the- A£clJ.bishop George Hakim said American Josephite Fathers sep- at the Catholic University (If arated from the community in America. 1891. But in 1951· they returned .. :'We should look to the,liturgy to the U.S. and have houses here ~~ the Eastern Churcl1, at its and .in St. Louis, Los :Angeles contributions to doctrinal deve1:" ,and' Kenosha. Wis. epme1!t, clDdro the writing~ and Throughout' the' world' they tr.aditions (If the Fathers for an integral view (If Christianity," total more than 1,200 members he' stated: and are in 42h"rge of 17, missio~

territories. '. '''By • studying . the o'rthod(lx Churches and" the Catholic 'Churches of the Eastern' rites, W-estern Christians will find the Form Or~o"i7.:ntion key to an understanding' of the universality 01 the Church." For Lay Teachers , A congregation of about 506 PROVIDENCE (NC) - Paro­ chial Lay Teachers of Rhode persons heard Archbishop Ha­ Island, Inc., is a new erganiza­ ·.kim and participated in a con­ celebration of the Divine Liturgy tion designed to impreve eco­

nomic benefits, and social and of St. John Chrysostom (Byzan­ academic opportunities for lay tine Mass). teaclters in schools of the Provi­ dence diocese. Its founders stress that it is not a union; Ror affil­ iated with <: union. ,A teacher at St. eeciJials School in Pawtucket, whe de­ THREE WAYS TO SAVE... AlL vised the idea for the erganiza­ 'With INSURED PROTECTION' tion three years ago, said he' felt there was a lack of communica-' Onl~~~~';.~r~". tion among tlie lay teachers" who Investment nov! number more than 306. Savings III ..,Ufiom I<rm,inMnds~f $1:000, The organization plans to' ob~ • ,.. "NNUM .No .. li",~f"'hdr.-..f_i'" tain' group rates for medicai, BONUS SAVINGS PLAN' hospital and life insurance. and Sue ~ -lin4I - . t srstellamatly set up a pension program· for eadllllon~ \0 !11111 up ~ 1% Iltl' thn tlte late OR, rqullJr millIS, teachers. p, major project will be "achieving a salary level com­ C....nt".. on ' patible with the profession," the Regular ,teacher said.




Prelate Praises - Ea Churches


FEEDING. Amotherin India thinks of~erbaby first. Tllat'. THE why this,E-aster)s 4t nightmare•••. Ten mHlkm 'HUNGRY Indians. babies among tilem, are doomed to IS A starvation In 1966 unless we; the we II,fed, shire' -,O,RPORAl 'food 'with them right now., The Holy Father WORK $baring, and he asks ev.eryone to sllare•••• ,OF Your" money gjfts, ~$le.OOO,~,OOO, $1,ee~ MERCY $'500, $300-, $100; $56;$25; $10, $5, 12)


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THE ANCHORThurs., April 7, 1966

Questio'nnaire Reveals Lack Of Latin La'rids Knowledge


Episcopal Vica~s For Atlanta See

From "The Church in the New Latin America" Edited by John J. Considine, M.M. KIf anyone 8USpects that the average person in the United States has an abominable knowledge of Latin .Amer­ lea," declares Father Albert Nevins of Maryknoll, "I can \Msure him from evidence that he is c()rrect. Recently jor my own information, I quantity and quality of material put together a shor.t ques- coming from Latin America," tionnaire on Latin America. Father Nevins notes. "They It consisted of a few ques- blame the small quantity on the

ATLANTA (NC) -Three At­ lanta priests have been named to the new post of episcopal vicar, Archbishop Paul J . .,Hallinan an­ nounced. The three are Msgrs. Joseph E. .Moylan, Joseph G. Cassidy, and Patrick J. O'Connor. According to the Vatican council's decree on the pastoral office of bishops, which authorized the new office, they will have the same authQr­ ity in a particular field that the vicar general of a diocese has In the diocese a~ a Whole. Auxiliar:· Bh:hop-elect Joseph L. Bernardin will be the archdi­ ocese's Vicar General. "In each casE'," said Archbish­ op Hallina!l, "the experience and skills of the new vicars will be a tremendous resource for the Church. In planning programs for each area, another priest will probably be named this year to, act as executive director."

~ons that would test knowledge apathy and indifference of the -,very elementary knowledge. people (}£ the United States, say­ 'if.In e questionthat. if the people wanted more . naire was tried news, they would get more. The on a group ot quality is another story. It AS far _ adults and on a too much bar stool reporting." group (}f teenWhole Story Untond agers. The scores Venezuela is a case in point. were a I m 0 s t Previous to the recent national 1den tic a I . " elections.' U. S communications Father Nevins' media were full of stories of ter­ 11: irs t question rorism-bomhing of oil lines,. was: "When :...ou arson in U. S. warehouses, bank hear the term robberies, kidnappings, and killLatin America, ing of policemen. True, these what is the {irst things happened, and true, they thought that comes to your were Castro inspired. True, they mind?'''' Here are a few typical should have been reported. But answers: they were not the only things "The tropics. I always .wanted that should have been reported. TAIPEI (NC)-A committee of persons from the international flo go there." ' u one judged by the stories "Bananas and revolutions." coming from Venezuela that community nere on Formosa is working to raise $25,000 by May "Jungles." country was an armed camp of 15 for an emt:rgency department "Nothinl;; in particular." anarchy and terror, where busi­ at the Cardinal Tien Medical "A place where the rich people ness was being brought to a ' won't help ~he poor peGple and standstill.

Center. Now under construction it will include a general hospi­ expect us to do it." What the press did not tell

DEVOTION TO GOOD THIEF: Statue of St. Dismas tal, out-patient and emergency "A mess." was the tremendous economic "Brazil. My brother is there." record that was built up over in the tiny chapel of Dismas Halfway House in St. Louis departments, a nursing sc:hool, Another question: "Name one this period by Presi.dent Betan­ reminds the ex-convicts wh& seek help there that they and mobile clinics for the rural eount,ry EI Salvador bGrders.", court. He led Venezuelans to the can overcome past failures and (}Otain f()rgiveness ... as areas. Most did not answer this ques-· highest per capita income in tion. Of those who did, aAswers Latin America. In th,e past year, did the Good Thief, Dismas., WM <lied beside Christ on were sucb as: gross national production of Calvary. NC Photo. "Venezuela." goods and services increased by "Mexico." six per cent. Oil production was "None! It's an island." up ten per cent. Maracay aHd Only three respondents men- ValeRcia f 0 U n d themselves ftonell either Guatemala er Nie- caught up in an industrial boom, aragua. Particularly revealiag many of the nl'W industries com­ was this multiple cbeice 4lUCstieR ing from the United states. And "!What is the national language at the same time he made ,a ef Brazil: Spanish, French, POor-' •peaceful transfer of power to his NEW 'YORK (NC) - F i v e ·pl'imate of the Greek Orthodox (365. NOITH FIONT STIEET ( 'wguese. Other?'" " . ~liCcessor. . leaders 6f the Catholic, JewiSh, ,COOFeit iR Nortb and South , NEW' BEDFORD ( 33 per cent of the re.,liessaid That is the story that soolJld Orthodox and Protestant ,faiths America and Dr.' Louis Finkle­ Spanish . have beeR fully told. How ma~ have received honorary degrees steiB, chancellor, J.ewish Theo­ __ . WYMan 2-5534 . 11 per cent 6f the ~p1ies sa~d . North Americans know that at Fordham University. lolical Seminary of America. Pertuguese . . '.', German investment in Latin ~,,~~~ The special convocation, part 3 'percent of 'the replies ,8ai~r· 'America has doubled since 1959, )'·r.en.ch' is now over 300 mil1ionoollars; of a year..;long observance· of Fordham's 125th anniversary, 3 .. per. cent said otherlan-: . five times more than its invest­ rluages. ment in. Africa, ten times more was highlighted by 00 address 'Defec&lve CommuDicMi.. than in Asia? Japan has 400 by Father Pedro Arrupe, ,S.J., general of the Society of Jesus, Where does the' fault f6r this million invested in Latin Amer­ lack of knowledge lie? 'Father lea; and is increasing at a rate who is visiting the United States. NeVins beli~ves that basically it·, of 21i per cent a year. Who has Sharing 'the rostrum with lies 'in two T)1~ces-our coinmu­ told ihis storr of confidence and Father Arrupe was Father John nications mejia and our educa­ growth? Courtney Murray, S.J., Ameri­ tional curricula, Even those who can theologian. who was among have some Knowledge of Latin the honorary degree recipients. America present a view that is Both Fatber Arrupe and highly colored. The editors of Father Murray spoke on Ford­ Vision recently gave forth with TRENTON (NC) - The New ham's anniversary theme, "The some pointed remarks: University in'the American Ex­ A disturbing attitude towards Jersey Senate, by a unanimous perience," emphasizing the part !6-to-O vote. has passed a fair Latin America has developed in the American: uni'versity has this country. It might be called housing bill which bans discrim­ played in ma:1'!:' evolving concept the "down the drain" syndrome. .ination in sale and rental of all 9f religious Uberty and freedom It manifests itself in a number of housing in the state except ren­ en conscience. tals in owner-occupied one and . , ways;· glum talk ofbankrupfcy, let us alt stand united in the brother­ tw(}-family houses. Previous leg­ 'Receiving 'honorary 'degrees flight capital, balloo~ng infla­ islation· exempted sale of "for their long and zealous com­ tion, fearful talk of policial 001­ "000 of man in the bright light of the !tlpse and ch30S, table-thumping homes in develQPments of 18 mitment to the work on religious houses or less. liberty" were Father Murray; talk ef Communist takeovers up Resurrection of Christ which gloriously The measure has ·alreaey Rev. Dr. John Coleman Bennet-t, aBd down the line. It crops up In business lunches from New passed the ·Assembly. G&v. l\iCh­ president of 'Union 'PbeolGgical redeemed man in eternity. Mel J. Hughes has promised to Seminary; RevDr'. Eugene CllI"­ York: to San Francisco, itt g<W­ sign the bill. It was· supported sen Blake, general secretary.. Moment offices, and, most fre­ . .ently in the press. ' by church groups, includiRg the elect of the World Council 00: Churches; Archbishop Iakov9S, Christian Family Movement. "I have spoken to many secu­ lar newspapermen about ttle

Aid Medical Center'



Honor F.ive

Fordham Gives Honorary Degrees to Church

Leaders at SpecieI Convocation


(C Oils C . and Burners

Approve New Jersey Fair Housong Bill


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Shelter Techniques WESTFIELD (NC) - Among at.e first fac'lIty groups to com­ plete a special course in falleut shelter management being given to New Jersey teachers were 15 Aluns from Holy Trinity School here. The Sisters of Charity of St. Elizabeth spent part of the course timt: living under simu­ lated shelter .conditions a 11\ d solving spel~ific safety, commu­ Ideation and recreation prob­


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itizens :~~I~i




take part In the language t~ normany use. The truth of . • great act bl~s home: "0 Lord, assist us in this performance GIl our ,service. 'You condescended to wash the feet of your diseioo This Easter may bring to som'e people a truth that pIes and coroma~ded us to fol­ the Church has tried to point 'olit from the beginning­ low your example; despise nail that the joy of an' occasion is heightened by the preparation the work of your hands. And as we . wash awa~ outWaI:d, stairm. :made for it.If the work of Lent was one of voluntary fast may we also be cle~nsed ,by ,:ve­ ~nd'mortification and charity then the happiness of Easter ill our inward sins." . . . win be correspondingly great. If this Lent has seen little , All' church may accomp.a. no dying to self that there might be more life in Christ, Christ as He Is led to the repoSi­ then the joy of Easter will be. on a superficiai level and tory. Surely, everyone .C<lonoli walk In the procession fo,r' ill the d;ay itself will seem not" the. resurrection. of the spirit many places this \Vould mean that it is meant to be b~ta holiday niarked by' new clothe~ only confusion. But all c·an. jom . and the externals of happiness.' ' _ Him by singing-in the verhao­ A true Christian must not merely remember what ular--4heir prayerful accompa... iment. Christ did or be a spectator: as Christ relives the events of Good Friday salvation. He must enter, here and now, within the frame:­ The Solemn Liturgical Servie!ei work of his own life and day and age, into the saving of the Afternoon of the PassiOii events that Christ renews and re-presents and relives. The and Death of the Lord is prao­ sufferings of Christ he must reproduce within himself, tically all in the vernacular. The the death of Christ must be his death, and having died ·to lessons, the directions and the prayers are all a normal activity those elements of himself that are un-Christ-like' he can of the whole people doing som&> join in Our Lord's resurrection. thing.. . St. Paul's key expression throughout all of his wdt­ The prayers - chanted' in the ings is the phrase "in Christ." It sums up perfectly what vernacular-easily translate' thEl the Christian's life must be-a life in Christ. everlasting tmths of the Scrip.. tures into today's hopes and J!eoo Anything' else is simply a playing at Christianty. alities of the People of God. LIGHT OF CHRIST-The new fire, lighted at the Easter The Solemn Prayer of the Vigil, calls all men to be happy that the former darkness. Faithful does just this: it make$ has been shattered by the great event of this night, more solemn what the people The UnI'ted States Commissioner of the Food and have been normally d 0 i n g Drug Administration, Dr. Jaines 'F. Goddard, has warned the resurrection of Chri~t. Drawing by Father Arthur J. throughout the year. Christ'liJ about the increa$€ in the illegal use of hallucinatory drugs· ,King, O.M.1. Buffalo, N.Y. N.C. Photo. own intentions are made lDf,1 on college campuses and has urged that strong and con­ people's. chant makes ill ," certedactIOn be taken against this or else "an untold l. more definite, more solemn" more urgent. . . number of our students. may suffer permanent mental OJ' . .' The Soiemn Veneration of the . ".,·physical injury." . . . . .' , ,..' Holy Cross is aiso en'tirelyln the , One of these drugs-LSD-25-is so powerful that a New Jersey Senator: 'Says'. Leg~sl~t~)rs .Now 'vernacular. The simple .lcorne fraction of an: ounce can provide ten thousand d9ses that R 1°fze 5coo· h' "1 AOd I' Ch'old' C· . " d', let .us adore" making' of each cd '1 . ' .. . . I · . S' I - entere us a MarY-Mag'deleine and lead­ total y re~rrange the senses and produce weird ~Jld .extra­ ing us to embrace "the' crucified. ',.0'.,. 'ordinary aberrations. kfew pounds of it in a city~s water ,DEMAREST (!~·C)'·-,A.·New" declar~q.paret:ltsofchildrenin. Christ. ': - .:' " ";.,' supply .could· disorient the entire .poPulation.. ~, .' ,. Jersey ,state, senator ,says legisla- priva~e· or" Rarochial ·sch,?ols. " 'The 'LiturgiCal'Service of:Ujt '. ":""" ,i There is evidence that an' increase number Of "exper_ tors . are comin~"to,.a·r.ealiza~ion, . l:lugh~J~':Vor~ fo!; legal-meas~re,sCommunioi1·is' all iri the vernae:-' ,.' ." im~nt's" with this and' similar 'drulYs" are'.·oohig tried that school aid is in fact child-.....~~ ~neviate:)he .doupl.e 'bllrq~n . ular, .as tar as' the peopl,e oo:J) . ". " 0 " centered rather than .lnstitution-. they now ,fa~e, : " '" . '. ooncerned. 0nlythe priest's peg.. , .' '~' "eoilege' campuseS: ." . ,.. " . ~' '. .':" centered., . ,'... " ' sonal prayers are in Latin. Wh~ ".. ',.' F'urtherm'ore' th'e head ·of the, Treasury's' Narcotics Senator Matthew Feldman,told,'!' ;"Th.~ ~~a,te S~OUl,~Q ·alssis.~·th~:he. "'. "" .,.." ,. . th d 1 . f paren"" m every. ega way Wh 'greater prayer can ·expreSs'tM .. : ,,:Bureau, only-, recently charged that the -problem' of· drug' .' e secon. a.nl)u a .sympos~u~ '0. ''ih~ education' of .their i:hildrEm/' tboughtsof one who has just:ye-o .. . . . II ' . . 'h" 'b' .. . "d' .' f d' 'ff' . the Bergen County Cathohc· Ed. " . " .ceived Corom.un,ion th,is, day t,ha'.iO , "';partles' on co ege ~a~pu:~es: .~~ ~n '~a e more 0 a 1 'l~ .ucaiiOli AssociatIon, which stud~: he said.. Such' assistailce,'he' as- ",A1.·m.ighty .and m,er.,ieful ,God,' culty because some educators .haverefus~d'to crac~, down.'ied state and lQcal aid to non- serted; . should n'ot'be; m~rely: you have' he~ledUl!: by the ho~ 'The' N'arcotl'c's he·a.d, . .Henry L. Giordano, has' said thoat· some. ,perinissjve butthe should 1:)e'protec-· 'man': . passion· .arid .death . ". of '"our , , - ··.·public school stude,nts: datory under e'quaF ,.co]]egeofficialshad indicated thatpersonsshQuld have .. ',' ."It has taken sometime for us tion Clause' of the Constit'lltion,'" eh:rist.Be· ever merciful to _ ...the "privilege of self-expre'ss'ionand should be able to ex- torea~ize it but we seem to have: he .said.' , a n d.. grant that, we may a}::·"ays .' .,. " . .. come . to the conclusion that live devotedly by sharing ill ]>erlmen.t., .. .. ., , . . , when aid'is granted to a student· .. 'State, Senator Jeremiah ()'-,: this mystery." '. '. If ther~ are such coJlege, offICIals. who have taken in a parochial school, the aid is Connor told the symposium that, . . Easter Vigil' -, sucl:l an attitude, they have p,ow Peen seriOUSly warned by, not going to,a cl:lUrch, it is going. all ·children have a .basic right 'The great olessing of the 'Pas­ .!the,Food and'Drug Administl'ationthat their attitud~ is, to a c~ild.'~. , . .' . t o their,fair ~hareof funds· dis- . ehal Candle-like 'all'othersae.. of concern to the government -If there ·are officials who ­ Assemblyman John M. Skevin tributed for education: 'rainentals _ js' entirely in the 'remain. unconcerned about the dangerous experimenting: vernacular. . The meaniJigful "going on they· should realize that a student is,not only an "r..ight of Christ". alr~adY,ricb ,' '., . in symbolism, now becomes • individual with rights and privileges but that he is also a" part of the people and they nor­ , member of society with 'duties .and responsibilities toward mally not only 'genuflect and " 'R'o'l'y ,T"h'ursd'·a'" .... ,. , that 'socIety which includes his family, 'his college commu­ . ..' . . . sharp. His fire but automatical1l' Continued . from Page One, , " . ,. "Thanks be, to God." . " n;l'ty, an'd the larger civic co,mmunity to,' 'whic,h he belon.gs:' f' thO Ch:' 1'. which' use it language other ' . T'h M ' n·m'entI·ng· at .·the rl'sk of dOl·.ng .s·e'rl'o'us" m'ental" and e ass 0 e rIsm, ~e eThe great .ExuItet":-' sung iB ' .. . Expe than Englisbtlte use of the bra.ted. 'by th.e .Bl.·shop in: his' E I' h h' '.' . . , em9tional and phYsica. harm to hi~s,elf with the'resulting ,vernacular text is also man­ <J cathedral, surrounded by his ng.ls - as preserved the·form ,.', .problems ,for the community is not..theaction Of a respon,datory. Wherethe'officil:\lly prie5ts,.~has· been so.ch.;mged' t;~~:::eor!:~d~.gmha~\i~~;~~~J:~:l · h t tose.L),e . ap·.'proved texis, .' a..r e .'. avail-·. th,at th ' t th e~e, emp ha- truths' now will ·easily· sparkle . sible' person. NO'amount 0 f ' ta,l k. a b out· t h e rig . e, d omman, s'z the . th t II t h e ' . . able, they are ·t.> ~' used. If. . .: exp:ression can ne,g,ate and cancel out, the ob1igatiQn,' e~~ .. ' 't h,e corr'espon.·dl·n··g.....·chan'ts. I',es... ,. ~erv~~,. ,a ,a . . before the. P::!ople of ·God. They ''lib' . cle,r.gy .is. to be to the fai.thfu!. , " . are' not yet available, the WI not e rlistracted in their , , pecially among those benefitting from higher education, of , .... t' "b t' t' th' ' · · · · t · d' .. t . . ve'rn'ac'ul'ar 'J·s. t' 0 be' sung" on The' pr.ayer'chanted by the reading by the priest's chant: ~on rl U mg 0 u elr commum yan socle y. 'Bishop 'clearly shows the people that chant will easily bring the · . h es. to t a k eth'd .." a psalm tO,ne or one note . ,the place of the:'clergy in their truths home to them. .N 0 one WIS e l ea' 0 f " seIf-expreSSIOn ' " (e.g., Prefaces, Blessing. of , . . , . . away' from students or anyone else~ But it must be coupled '. Water, Exultet; etc.).' midst: "Lord God, you make use TheLitany will be their heart- . of the minisky, of priests'for re':' felt hopes .a.nd, pra,y'ers bU.,rstin" '''with' the idea of '~responsibility,," .or else it e, be a True, there may be' some 'djf­ generatin.'g' yQ,'ur people. Make ., f f , '.'structive force '3..nd no one, in or o,ut of'\col1ege,' 'ha,s fre.e ficuity this year with the ·new ' persevere' ,. orth and· i;tding real expre&l' . serving your will chants since they are new and rein to be destructive. slon.. ,. . .' on· slmp . l··t gift o~ ,The Long Bles'~l·ng.'of the Ba.... their emphasIs', ICI ythat . .in- our o;:lYs by. the . y­ . your grace the ,people conse­ tismal Water WI' II 'she'd much .......

_ _ _ _..:....:.. ..;....,,.......,.,.... ~ "will. trick those' accustomed to crated to you may increase iii. .... the' intricate and 'inspiring Gre~ .merit. a'rid io' number." , . its mystery and orice again. con-:. gorian. . ..', . vey clearly the great truths of In the past; the ceremonies T~en, in a moving ceremony God's creation and redemption. and chants would: interttionally this truth is illustrated. The The ritual acts will quicltly be provides for, his entrusted.. . und"rstood as carrl'ers and l'I,lus-' , . th e au d'lence th at th e y'Bishop so lm;pue , ~ would be led to read the gr!,!at flock,and equips his representa­ trations of truths: Old Testa­ truths contamed in these rites tives with the means to admin­ ment; New Testament,' today'. and thim Holy Week would ister the Sacraments (the Sacred basic religious truths, coura­ . ' geous moral conclusions 'and a OFF(CIAL NEWSPAPE~ OF THE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER mean something to ,even the' Oils). very least. in the Evp.~ing Mass' of the better, more .devoted and real­ Published weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River

Lord;s· Supper. the use of the istic use of the Church!s sacra­ Now, there no longer is an au­ dience in Church. The People of vernacular, even in Sung Masses,. mentals.

410 Highland Avenue

God-as taught by Vatican II~ is already. part of our normal The great climax of the 'mid­

Fall River, Mass. 02722 675-7151

has come to Church to DO some­ worship. However, the moving 'night Mass, wholesomely an_


thing. The chosen music and,the Washing of }:t'eet-a ,special part perfectly participated, can 'only

Most Rev. James L. Connolly, D.O., PhD.,

well-learned ceremonies a I' e of this evening.'s Mass-takes on give· true and excited· meaning

to Easter. The 'resurrected

seen and understood as vehicles a greater emo;>hasis. GENERAL MANAGER ASST. GENERAL MANAGER to teach and.to permit all to ex­ ·It is an evident act of love Christ's joy can be'unleashed on a Rt. Rev. Daniel F. Shalloo, M,A. Rev. John P. Driscoll perience the great tru'ths which .done here and now and not world and bring meaning-yes, MANAGING EDITOP,

Christ labored to death to teach something acted - in a foreign even joy-to today's -Catholic iIil Hugh J. Golden

'>\S on these Holy Days. language and melody. All can ' today's God given world.


THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fan River-Thurs. April 7, 1966

In Christ




. Sel f -EXpreSSIOn

At L0 n 9 Last..

" .





on -

Stress: Must, Be. :'o.n U.·nderst.·andin.'9 ' d b' ,L" ',., onceptsPresente y ·iturgy ,': .











C~unci,1\!I~rned Eyes,


'"From S'qilubbles of Past,



,. .,-

, <

Lower 'Tuition Costs, Propose

.yOUNGST'OW~, "(NC)-Bishop John J. Wright of

Pittsburgh said :hMe"that the "thrust" of Vatiean II is "solidly Christ-centered" and aims for "a dialogue with atheistic humanists." Two talks by Bishop Wright opened the Youngstown,. diocese's series of nine "council days" Knox, Luther, Calvin or Cardi­ designed to give priests, nal Pole, but with a world that has rejected the whole shooting Religious and lay, leaders a match - a world that hasn't

better understanding of the council decrees. Sixty-six Protestant ministers, Orthodox priests and Jewish rabbis who attended 'as observ­ ers, were also told "'bY" 'Bishop Wright that the council'lboked to the future rather than the " intra-Christian squabbles of the past. At the outset of the council, the bishops contiriiJed', journal­ ists covering the proceedings asked questions mainly on the possibilities of Christian reunion. But by the third session, Bish­ op Wright said, it was no longer important to indulge in "intraChristian worries." He added: "The bishops realized it was quite a waste of time to frame council' documents and wonder what John Calvin~ John' knox or Ignatius Loyola \Vould"think " of this or that passage:' The thought which came to' tile' ~ouncil was: 'Who cares?'" .,' '" Rather, he, said;' Ikthe'" real thrust of the council 'lind the' Church is not toW'tltc't a' dlil10gue o i with a world "i~iereSt~ in



, ',' Thurs., April 7,' 1966








A t Pittsburgh"

PITTSBURGH (NC) Officials of Duquesne:, Uni­ versity here and St. Francis College in Loretto, Pa.; have

expressed concern about a plan under which tuitiori at the University of Pittsburgh would drop next Fall to $450 from its , present $1,400. The state legislature, if! pres­ ently workfng 'out a plan' 'under which Pitt' would 'switch from a private to state-related' iristitu­ tion. Under the plah;, -tuition would be lowered,beginning with the Fall term, to $450., Father Gabriel J. Loncosky, T.O.R., president of St. Francis, said the college is "very inter­ ested in" the proposals about P a s t o r Protests Pitt's tuition and feels a "thor­ ough study should bE: made" of Hoodlum J u n g l e the entire question. He said the 'college would be glad to partici­ DENVER (NC)-A pastor got pate in such a study. St. Francis action when he complained to is located 14 miles from Johns­ INITIAL RETREA~: Rev. Joseph Trinkle, S.J., dis­ city officials about the "jungle town, Pa., where Pitt operates a for hoodlums" which, has grown cusses the progress of the first retreat conducted at Our branch campus. up in the neighborhood of Im­ Community Needs, Lady of Round Hill, So. Dartmouth, with B.C. High stu­ maculate Conception cathedral dents James Trant, William York, and James O'Leary. If consideration is giv:en to here. the position of private institu­ Msgr. Walter J. Canavan, ca­ tions and if the existing propos­ thedral rector, wrote: "We have ' . 'J als are found to be "'best for had to aboUsh all evening. ser­ '.... meeting the ,needs of 'the 'grow­ vices. Even the da-y-light hours ing number of students, the , " 'J ' . , " are not too safe. One' ,of our F T" SJed R pr~s~ntplan.would "be accepted .' " '" women (parishioners) w,as '0" , .', readily as serving the needs of a, ,t,.,e'SknOCked down and her purse 'the community as' 11.' whole," taken as 'she was going: to 3:30" -: ", "'. ' , Fath~r 'Lo'ricosky added: ',' ,:'Act P.M. Mass." Our Laqy' of Round Hill Re~, astro-,physics, students '~tH~ly Duquesne is in' a Pittsburgh As a result' of thl~ pastor's pro-' treat House in South ~artmou~hCrossand'Boston. Colleges will PHILADELPHIA (NC)-Pres:" ' test 'against repeated' assaults started swinging into a busy se-be dedicated by 'the Rev. Ray­ ,·area 'near Pitt. Father Henry byterian, Baptist; Jewish' an'd' and purse' sriatchings in the" son last week,when it ,opened its m6[ui'Swortls, S'.J., president'of ,McAnulty, C.S.Sp., its president;, Unitarian Universalist bodies, downtown Capi~ill Hih area, a doors to the first group of re-. Holy Cross. " said the !1n.iversity "can,only be , have initiated a court 'challenge team of two policemen with spe­ treatants since 'completion of an The new r~treat house wiil be , hurt" by 'any sudden 'and imme­ heTe of the state's' new' school cially trained Germa~ shepherd extensive renovation project at "formally ,dedicated Saturday, diate tuition reduction: at 'Pitt. busing act. , d o g s i!nd two-way radiQs. now' the' forme~ estate' 'the late' May 21; when' the Most Rev. Duquesne's tuition is about The suit w,as' filed· ,by' tax- patr.onhe,ar~a., Colonel Green. ' " , , ' , . Jamest..:'Cciimolly, D.D., blesses '$1,300;'St.- Francis" is ~about payers in the Common Pleas Back in 1964 when the area h ' $1,200 a ,year. A g·roup o.f' 49 seni'ors from 'the ouse.' Court. It claims violation of:, underwent 3n earlier,., ~iege of ,properChurch-State'relations in , ,lawlessqess, l\oJsgr. Canllvan ad­ Boston, Coll~ge ,. High School" Plan Open House , ' the law which authorizes ,tax-" vised his men parishi@ers to' "opened" the retreat 'house Sun-'i 'That ,day, nuns: of the, ,Fall " paid bus rides for'lchild'l'en at-" arm them~elvel! wi,th,cl~PIl and day. They left Wednesday when-,,:Riv~J;' D,iocelle will be" special"" tending parochial and ;other pri- become "vigilantes" ~ll' fighting anc1ther4,9,. seniors arriv"ed.,. ,. , ~~t~i~.,~t.a,n ,()pen hou~ at the" ' .. 'vate schools. ,.. ' ',' "" ," '! crime. Both t t .. "d t d FALL BIVEK ' , The following week, priests, ' re, rea s we. e ~vn uc e Similar attacks have' been' \ ,', ' by the Rev. Joseph Trmkle, S·oT,· , 'ministers and, rabbis of the area' " launched'in other parts of the' p' '. ..' of ~t. Robert's' Hall, Pomfret" w" ;.11 be,in"ited to a sec~,d o,pe" ,state against the law which went, r I· ,..~ C into effect last July!. onn.' house at the mansion. , Attorneys for the individual .to~ OS$rpQms • Laterthi"s month,on.April 23: 'Pliuis', ,alsO a,re' underway, for ".' taxpayers in the S4i~ ,:here.: said PHI ~ A DEL P ~ I A the radar geai: formerly oper':" 'n public '''open house"to 'ac-' , " the test was inti:;lted' by. the (N,c)-Pne.sts of the. ,~hlladel- ated by M.I.T. and now used by, quaint South Dartmouth neigh- 7 ' ,PresbyterY of Philad~lphia the-' phia Arch,dlOcElSe llre gomg,back ", bors and :otl:ler area residents ", "Philadelphia Bap~ill:t Asso~~~tion, to the classrooms-to study t~e I f ' h Eff .. :.' with, tl;1~ wO,rk that, has been t , the Jewish commuri1ty Relations wor,k of tlJe ecumencal·couqcll~ ~ccom,?lishe~. , 'Council of Greater 'P.hilad~lphia Attendance will ?e mandatory 27th and the Council ot' Liberal at thE!, study seSSlOns on docu-, Record' Breaking Churches (Unitarian Universal- me~ts. of, the Seco~d ,Vatican Bl)~LI~GTOi-.r. (NC)- Cath-' ist). 'CouncIl. olics, Pro~estan.ts ;md Jews in the Week PLUMBING & HEATING, INC., The suit alleges that the school In his letter to all priests, Greater BurlingtOn area here in EVES,-Mon. thru' Thurs. at 8:00 district of Philadelphia 'has put Archbishop John J:. Krol said the, Vermont,phg. to raise ploney for , for llomestic Fri., Sat. Eves at 8:30' : ' out $77,098 to lease 19' s'chool first day of e~ch institllte will the United Nations, Food and' -...L~ and Industrial ,Sun. Eve. at 7:30 buses to transport Catholic treat of the genera~, thl;!lnes of Agriculture Organization (FAO),' , ~ Sales and Service Matinees-Wed" Sat., Stln, 'school pupils. It says these are the Church; ,<lnd tpe p~storl;ll of­ as part of theinterfaith'Freedom , Oil' Burners, " at 2 P,M, ',' " 'the same buses .the' Caiholi<; fice; the second, on t~e Jiturgy, 'ir~:ay~~~"ger,ca~p.aign Apdl. 'WY 5·1631 P~one: F. R. 1-677·9357 .. schools ~ave used :and,'fcir"Whic~: , education,' and communications; 2283 ACUSHNET AVENUE Tickets on Sale in New, Bedford they paid the cost hi .the past. the third, the. lay apostolatCl! and Some individual participants . ',NEW BEDFORD Merri Card Shop,834 Purchase Street ',' ", 'ecumenism." said they would' skip a .meal and heard of Jesus Christ, or if it has, wants no part of Him. The aim is for a dialogue with a world that has rejected the cast, the plot and the Author. "The real question we should ask is:' What think you of Christ, and whose Son is He?'" He said the Church's aim is for a conversation with atheistic humanism as it is found in most of Europe, and. in "Marx­ ism, Titoism, Stalinism and com­ munism."

Rou,nd Hill ','Opens

I-I at h.er' rln«.e, .." uc,ts etreat ,For. Boston Colleg'e' ',H'igh Seniors'"

;.,'", ',Ch, lIenge',:,'S".ta", ," ,.. 'School Bus


fth'JI Y rmests,'G'olng '. B k' "'1 ' ':, ' ac

nter alt "ort To Aid Food Drive


Fire Levels' 'Steeple, Crack ... '" C·hur.ch .Bell"

WILMINGTON (NC) ":'-'F ire, destroyed the ste'eple of 108­ , year-Old St. Mary's Church here and extreme heat cracked the ancient bronze bell, render,­ lng it useless. The church, second built in Wilmington (then part of the Philadelphia ::liocese) was order­ ed constructed by Blessed John N. Neumann in pre-Civil' War days. A shrine to Bishop 'Neu­ mann in the church was water­ , 'damaged. Demolition workers took aown' " the charred oelfry, Professional' , ,cleaners readied the 'church for ,Masses the next day: But' the 95-' year-old bell, which required I " eight teams of horses to ,raise to ~he towe", may not ring again, Msgr. John H. Dawson, pastor,. said.

"To fulfill our priestly mission of teaching arid' g!1i <'!ing' the-;, ,faithful, we must Know and un'derstand the con~en~ of the documents (of, the Coun,<;il), he­ said. Such knowledge, 'and un-' 'derstanding can oniy be acquired' through a diligent study, of the documents themselves,'he added.' ,," 1


C . I


donate the 'money represented, by the "fast'l,tothe project. Mrs: I Richard Naeye of Essex Junc-;; tion, chairman. said the, partici­ pants will, accomplish three things: "increase interfaith un­ derstanding by underlining com­ mon concern and working to­ gether; arouse the community to the problem of world hunger,' and provide a meaningful spir-' itual experience for those in­ volved."

MILWAUKEE (NCj-A build­ jog landmark in the Blue Mound Road neighborhood here ~ is being demolished to' make . SE,~VING '. I' way for the new convent of the' FINE ITALIAN FOOD School Sisters of Notre Dame' who teach at HolyCrosS parish school here. Since 1902 it has,' been occupied by the' nun~ and,: IIRESTAURA~T ,and 'LOUNGE for a time, housed' the' school. I on LakeSabb'atia Back in the "gay '90s," before 1094 ,Bay ,Street the nuns took over, the building I was Peter J.Deustet's popular IITAUNTON ' VA 4-8154 I saloon.


Fa''s' ',;'

, - - - - " - - - - - - - - -.....-----,;",.,.....;.-"""-l...;;,;......."'l!


"May the light and glory of, Christ scatter the darkness." Peace and Joy, at Eastertide


Old. Red Bank Fall River ~avings Bank

Fall River


THl:. ANCHOR""Diocese..of


. ._


._. : .

. w·



·~.V&!7.':'''hvr~~ .~Prr" 7, 19.~

._ . '.






:Texons . '. Stress.


New:Styie le'ntShould B~ T'ime

Pair Practices SAN ANTONIO (NC) - Tbfl Roman Catholic Archdiocese ~ San Antonio has begun mailinll merit employment analysis forms to the. more than 2,000 firms which have supplied local! Catholic parishes and institlll­ tions with general goods 'anfil services.' At the same time, the arch­ diocese invited firms which dfl not now supply Catholic parishoo . and institutions--but are wiIlinfl to promote equal employmenl} opportunity - to send the)!J' names and a description of thelli' services to the archdiocesan so­ cial action department. The joint actions are part «l the Project Equality progl'am announced by Archbishop Rob­ ert E. Lucey last· Augu·st. The program seeks to put the eco­ nOJ:Oic power of the archdiocese on the side of minority grou)llll in seeking' I.air hiring practices. . ,

Of Spiritual· Nourishment By

Mary Tinley Daly

"You Catholics sure had it made this Lent !No fasting f' Perhaps we all have heard such comments after Pope' Paul's pronouncement that the Lenten fast was binding only.811 Ash W ednesday '~nd Good Friday. This is the common .interpretation. 6f like ours, not that of a famous many recent changes in the figure, but the life of acarpen- . Church. "Reading only the ter: ~ak!ng benches, tables and healilines, not the' fine the like, probably 'having prob­

print," said the Rt. Rev. Alban lems collecting from His cus­ :Boultwood, O.S.B., abbot of St. tomers. Anselm's,.' dur­ -On happiness: accept the joys ing a recent day

of life,not a 'gl90my outlook, a of recollection.

life lived. in God's grace; not He showed us

possible wlien one lives for self, the '''fine print/'

a simple fact which it takes 5 eve n .' pages'

sometimes a lifetftne of living to w her e i n the

dis'cover; peace is the outcome Pope spoke ,o~

of happineSs, frailties and ~in fielf-denial :Ind"

obstacles to I t . ' . Penanc'e as' i.n;;.

. -On grace': forget the .flowery

herent in Lent­ speechestelii'ng God how much


you love' iIfm~ Listen for His oin­ 'N~rsingSchool Closin~ .T h e 'carefullY' swel; ;hen' He" takes' you at ·y·our I . At Arkansas Ho.spita meallured "!wo otinceK.·of tl:Jis or . word and expects you·to. do that". is not· .~hat is Important. something concrete about' th'at .... EL DORADO (NC)-The Wai­ What does .m.atter if;' that: we . pet· fai:ifng ~f. :yourS. Don't Close ner Brown Hospital School of nooi-ish the s.piritual life, open your soul so there "won~t be" ~ Nursing, which has' graduatetli the soul' to G0d's graces.' an.d ')lot .chink lor 'His' grace· to 'fall uflon . 355 nurses in its 45 years of ... become .preoccupied with the and fiower: 'Sad result· ,of neglect' operau'on, wi'll clQSe next June S~ things of thfs .wolZld. , .. ." Of· grace 'is' realiz'ation: of wHat _ . Sister' M. Coiumki'lle of' the Comirig,'intothe first.e~rly-· . we might.hll\.e~eenh?d· ...~.e .Sisters of.MercY, director of. the ·morning . conference, rIll !lfraid. opened up.' that· chll1k.·' Forg~veArk~nsal? school, said' a declil.ling mostof us Wllf<,·still pretty 'm~c~' ness· ·of; Sl!) .".leans full ;forglve~ .number 'of qualif~ed i a pp l:1I1t.$, liC . '. world':oriented, ':wondering .,ho~: .~i~~S;·iI ~l'e.sto~!:'t.ion;.of innocen,ce. due ·to other schools in neighbor':' '. .things . w,ere goiilg-~t home; at· .: ~.'" '~ijkl the- Spirit· ....: '. ~ . iog ill'eas,' is ,one reason"jor' t~ . ·Jbe·off,i~e ..', ~.. :' .; . '. . _~ In :CloSjrig Abbot'.Bo\lltwoo~ .. ;. Jb..:>lY.::>-·J\lIH.'l "'n:i.h.l.~";«S: Winners' of 'sch'oiArsltips ' decision t~ l,'10se; . . ~ ··~n~·.~~ '~.!,~cll· " .' ..:t:~ad:#~m th:e.~~i~..~~.~: .. Be~e;::·1lO Jesus~Maty .Academy F~n"River~~reseafed ~from ]~ft ..... ' J\n?!~er;. ~h~said, 'i.~ :postti.~. " .' . Father A\:>~Qt;·~ us:~; h,a.v~ . dict~::words i)artic.ulaIZ1Y':appro,,:·,.,, .... .", .' ~.'., ':' " ' , ' : , ' '." , . . . n'" ., ':." ~f. tlle'All1e~lCan; Nurs~s'~SSO~I~ .' ' .. ' 'iiei.l~~ .. the ·~oo~,. fot.:h~. ~p~~, priat1.11or ~tJiis':b'f :anri.eilt:' , '.' :Patnee Fo~;~~.t, ~t. <!e9rge ~c~()()l,. Westport" ~u . one !e~r . ti~n'that"the edti~ation" for' .aD ..




'. :'J~~ ,~~n,feren,~~;:·y.ri!n·;: ~he>~.?m-: ',' ", :.. :*'X .~~ '~f*. ~~f\it~f .t'~ll~· i.ri:·: ': ~ward,;: p.eI1i~e:ll?us~el; : N.~,~r;~, D,~~e .~hool"

,:Fan·}l.lV.eI'-j .

~~4>,~e:'~~o' ai'~ )icensed~ to" p~'a~

: . ~e~!: ,tba,t 'fo!.'-}-~ese "fe",: .l}~u~s, : th~~jl~ys, .9t,r,:;,en t ..tJ.1t ~rt:th.~~~ ': partiaL awar9;.~ s..tandmg; D~nle]}e Chou~~~:rd; St..,~at~.Heu·. :.!\~e .11lJ~~I~g.sho~,ld,take·p"la~q) Dfil ...:,.,.~~. ~oul~: be .~~~l:. ~o p<!s.tp:of\e. ,: s~~u~g}.~!ld'.!kve!i~!gr~,~t:I?~~I~~;'. '. Sc-hoo};, Fall...River;. 'I>il:rtiaJ.; ,"and "Murlel ~~l~.~e,·St~ . m$htutl~~s . o.~.hl&Jtl~r}:ducatlOn.l<) . . " ... ordmary' preoccupatIOnsl . t9 .get ; and ·,stiould· also 'm' thiS sacred' . '.' , ;.' , , .".' , . . ... ," , .h .}' . "'n' .' '. .' . ..' " ... ..... ···~way''. from:.figurati\(ely.':rolling,:· .. :".r·· ""t"'t"h'" .,..••.}•.. : ·.. ,..··,,·... ·MathleU.8;··fuH.·,iQur se..oar':! lp.' ". . . \.... " . ' iii~m!E: .. :!i.. 5!'g.E'i!;35i.;i;;.!i:E!i!i!!!li5::e==52:=?=iil ,...,." '., ". . ..... .,. ~a~o~.e~pl<;1 ..e .J:n~~ 1!f~n~C) .. , " , . . . . . . '" I:'.:. ·year . ... '.. . ... a~fiun~: ill spa!!e.'!·· ,.. . . ,,' ,': .'~ other:tiihes.·This will be worth';; . . G". ' ... '. ~·'B· R D.·~.· r, ' . .:'H;id .- y'~u >~~n "~ompletely .. ily . doil~ "if :we' ref'rai~; from' all ' '.. R worldly,", h~ sffiilep, ':~oU'd lia~e.. :· sin:arld appli'ou~rsei~';s tQ'prayer .' e~,eXam,lne '.' shrugg~d off the .inv.i1#V°n. . tt> .~ .. W'(th"tei{rs; ''t()'lioiy~ 'rea~ing,~ .. ~' . :'MAKES .YOUR' -. D~re:.today, with a 'W:~ll; .:I~'s.a~1 'eompiiric'tioi'l' 01' heait,and . '10 .... Auther·. Stresses Relig~us.·Edoeation: Fight ·if you ca~e.for.~hat· sortof~. 'absiirtence:'lri hi¢s'e '-days;' CAR: ,RUN ..BEnER. . thing,':",:' . . ' <it'" .'~" ':fore' ::iet"',is:'a-d(i>sometfiing :btf:... :' tis···P·~:i~·:·Nee~j-'~·· '.~,:' ~ I'

there::' :,_


".,~. ~'ybnd' 'th~' ~woi{tecj' ·mea~·ure ·Of

Inio··...e' Light



R" .:: '".. . .'•.. '., ,'. '


I·'·· .

Oci:5 ..

, ""

. ·:6fAdults.·


'H'.'. '['.

,Ali :i:.Iew.· ~~ '~I~r~

.. and Serv~ ~tat~~ . :He then began wh~t he called . service' such ~s"piivate prayers. EVANSVILLE (NC)-ChUl:c~' the.co~m~nitY and doesn't have • a "spititual sti:etch,".t~e glad-:-~o.-.·. "ahd:abstinence ..Ii: fOo(i' , and' leaders chal'ged wi,th.the respon- it>: conic. fr91n the. school." . :'. Ev'efyw~e're be-alh'e f~ling that ~omes ~Ith "drin!i:: " . . . . ... 'sibility ,of. providingChristia~. Mo~t : of ,the, audierice app~~:-. contemplatIOn for' the. m~l pur-:- " "I..:et each one, over. arid above flducation must re,exiiminetheir : enUy came prepared to argue· for, . the rlif;!~sure. pi~s.~ribe~ .fM him,", ,goal!! to see if time,' effor~ and . 'the value of a Catholic' school . »ose,of l,iv.in!!; reah~atIon9f . ' offer God somethmg of his own money are being channeled in ed'ucation as opposed 'to a public

God s endunn", love for us. Into the LigJ:lt free will in the joy of the Holy the right direction, a Catholic: school education;

Those few hours of confer-. Spirit * * * Let him stint him." author, lecturer and mother said 'Mi·s. Ryan expressed surprise.

ences, meditation, .Mass and. self of -food, ·.drink,· sleep, talk, . here in Indiana.' there were ne questions chal­

prayer were, to our way of jest'ng; 'and look forward with Mrs. Mary Perkins Ryan of lenging the existence of the pa­

thinking, like a walk in the sun­ the joy of spiritual longing to Manchester, N. H:, ·str.essed reli­ rochial school system set' up

shine after being cooped up for the holy 'feast of Easter." gious education of adults as a alongsicie the public schools. "In

days in a musty house. prime need of today. She said it most areas where I have talked,"

-On prayer: a communion with has been overlooked in many she said, "this is the big ques­ God reached through faith and Seeks to Determine areas because of the demands of tion on people's minds."

YOU'LLI Dope; not a skill to be acquired Effects' of \Divorce providing a Catholic school e~ by some trick and with no cause . ucation for children. I' for al~rm if immediate refresh­ WASHINGTON (NC) A . Meeting the nee~s of all the. I~JPilIIl TlCKLEOII ment IS, not fo~nd; a, mea?s.. to hldge pr9minent in the area of people should be 'the goal of a ' · . ask God s .h.elp m lo~mg him: family law has called for a' Catholic education "'7 to teach fne....11..,,-(011 ONE STOP

-On spiritual readmg: a sahs­ major social study to determine adults as well as children to ap­ fying repleni~hment of the inner the effects of divorce 0tI juvenile ply Christian 'principle!! hi 11. SHOPPING CENTER'

font of creative .awareness. delinquency, the crime rate, and secular world she said. I.DEAllAUNDRY • Television • Furniture -On Chrilit's earthly life: He other areas affecting public mor-' .' ~rs. Ryan 'sP~k~. 011. apan~ • Apptiances .• Grocery :was a man as well. as God. DU~- ality and the common good: . which also included. Father '373 New' Boston Road ing those 30· year~ before ~IS . Judge George Fiedler of Cook . jameS Deneen Evansville dioe-. St., New'lBedford' 104 public ministry, He lived a life County, I~~;, told a lecture aUdi-·esiin·sCh~(su~el-intendent. . . fall River OS 8-56" WYm~~~-935" ence at Georgetown University' . .. TotaiEdueaMoB. .. Abem.s.k Re.lig·ion' Ex. oms ~~w C.enter that 'such a l'esearch·. '. Mr~. Rya'n' said Catholle edu-· project is crucial at this time eation iSIDore' than just attend-. In ·First . Two Grades' when' American. divorce . , law ance ·in··.Catholieicboois•. It ie' tends to . '!go in botb directions" wbat'shflcalled. '''8 iotai ehris:;.: ; - ·~U.E~EC (~C.h·):~~m.i~ati~~Ii. towa;o'siric'triess ;uld increasing' 'iian education that' Should rome.' i~ 'religion have been abolished laxity,' and, th~ eourts~'try. _ . hOm'taW 14ome,' . the Iiibur~ll. aiMi i: ;, .. :'ARICING . NOIL.S· ,~ ~:in··:tlie 'first 'and -se'con4;yea...s ·Ot~· . ration~~lisie' ,the~' inconSisten"t'. ~. ..,.' ',,' . _'. ~' , . .. . ' ..... , . ·:.·the·,· . '. the. Quebec'. ~Jenitmtaiy ·ciasse8. sitionS/'" . . . .~ . 'r" ' " . "; ; . . The. te~. p;lpers, wilI.J:~eeo,l!~ .. 'Judge' Fiedler': called; fora . €ouncil"of ., . tinued ~,in . the ..third .to, 11th '''nationaleiiori'~ bya competent . ... ; ".: ... . . , , ' . . . ...... ' . . . ' . .' .. . ·grad~s., b.ut )he~esuI~s :Deij' 'Mroup.o arrive at sociaipolicies . Opens to Cotholi~ ,' •. 5OMER~ET~' MASS; " . :t~t:Ug;~!~~n...~~.~ r:rJ~~u::fe~ ,~n(fremed~~ inJa'w Which: "wiiC "TYLER '(He) ~ Th ''teitas' . be aceepted' or' tolerated by aU . € o uncil of 'Churches has 'formal;' , '.' . m our' pluralistic .society , ~nd '}yo .oP. ~Jjed. meinb~i's. hip .... :Rom8lll.. , prom'otion of pupiis:: ~t f.rten~,y, democratic ,BAHt(· offeri~ .. ' . :This 'decision was m~de .by'. the... _. ..., .. .. , . • 'W}.·.Jl.~r.· . :k ~.o.·..·.r,the,. 4Io~l!'. 0,n gqod." .. Ca, t~.Ql.i.c,s..".. . . ' . . .'. ~". . ~uebec Miriisti-y'of .Education'on ..':. •• .t)Je·i~cofumendation:of the Catil.:.··.$..S.OO:·O·.··G·~ r'o·n"t·· '.. '. ~Witho~t'8 dl811en~ing 'Vote, 11" . .0 f ' the·, S \Iperlor .' .sessi.·on g'ates.· (I~ Accounts .. , .'. Aut~ll.oom··· ·.oUc C ommittee .. '" ."",!. ":,,. ',' .. , . , . . . . .i>;·slnes.s , . . . dele. .. Council'. or' Educathml Students· ,<BROOKLYN (-NC)-8t. Fran- 'jiass~ ~ resol.utioill autl\oriiing. ~hecking A~~ount&·'Bu:siness.loaM ef.secc,mdary' 'schools: will. eon':: .~s. ~oilege b~ie ,has received.~ . the 'council's'ofilcers' and .bOard. '. Savings ·Accounts . .... Real E.s.tate Loqna tinue to undergo religious ex&' . $8,000 stU:dent assistance grant to io ;'Seek with renewed' vigor the So.n,~. Shopping ~. .-Bright,"an. $to . aridge, ination tests but these will not, assist lfl hig~ school st\ldentS fUll pai'ticipationas eoilstituent


AII.n ...

. -, C()~VE~II:E,NT 8ANKIN~ 'WilHOuT :TRAFFic •

Chureh.i :.,






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.. Me~ber Fede~oiD~poslt insurance ltorporation ...'." '. .. ... . :., ~





, '.


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:THE' C·on·stant:·:S;prayingGtla:ranteed . . i1~)~;~.~P. G~rdeftliF~~ltTIJllS:hh]~Pnepare ,';\


Thurs., April 7,1966




''BY''JJosepl1J '~lMll Mnnlp ..,......... .





flower loyer there jsnothi~g more distressing , WICHITA (NC)-Nurses werG than visiting a gaTden in which the flowers axe diseasetold that it was among theili? .ridd.en .or infested with insects. There:is ,abso1~Jt~y no need' most important :functions to het:> ior this today: T.he i.ID:!lJ.'ket is flooded with ;exeel1ent Jlreprepare patients ior <dying at III ventativechemieaI pl'oducts, recent meeting of the Wichita "tion takeO:\(f"I as 'We 'ce1£lbrate Diocesan Council of CathoUill . whiCh, if used with eareand the glorious '!Feast of ;the ~esurNurses. rel;;'ularIty, m~,beaepended Taction (on Easter · S u n f u l y . C l a i m i n g "that the "greatesi, upon to keep the gar.den In the (cb:o.rohes ,of 'the Latin moSt challenging moment in the nealt1:ly. ri'ies 'the.Mass 'itself ds'the !focal liieof·a nurse is ·at the bedsidc:," The fcl1ow±!\g is a :~y .for- 1J)Oin:t ,of 1lhe ·al\Y~ , o e l e b r a t i . o n , ' S i s t e r Marie,Weronica, of 1he·Sl. ., c:nulo' wirlcl:i' 'is mdel;v' \USeeI' by as, it :is:dbseIWed;witb. :gren't ", Joseph nuns, asked 'the nurses: " , garden~rB" :and ';WIDen' '1' have' l;uJlendor ,and ;soletl:l.ffiW. 1n 'ithe ' "Are \we so :concerned with mM­ , Iiound to ,be ;mghiy 'iluceessfui in'. <rihuxahes cdftthe IEastern :rites, icalknowledge that :pr.eparaticm. :!l:l,y own ;gata"m'..iAn '.oUhe 'chem- .surih_;ns!the ~el~ jibe Jl\1.Iass !is :!or' ihe .greatest event 13" tho , . ,kala iliSted ~·.for ~e 'under Jtust:the ~g. Ailtel' 'the iSel'.. ·1i.:es ,of itn.tl-PIl'tientsslipsby un ':, 'Various' tthnip" nnmeswherev.er :vine rtlhe 'a01amn .:BlaSter llllessin.g .noticed?"'. . -.,' . "sprays are :sold:'t< • , , . isjgiv.eD:u:Pon '!the :tooas ithat,ea'Ch :. ·Sister 'Veronica, su;pe.rvisol' iu ,,,' (il)'iformt\king linse.cts 'Guch ifam.i.& hrl:n;gs.fto ;Church. J:n l R u s - s u r g e r y at St. Josephts Rm;pitcl, ,.as 'aphids: uSe :a: :sribstaD.de .con- Sill 1his 1.bl~g tUBed :to !be ~d '. ·~as .·jOIDeQ :in 'urging, :nurses to '.' taitiliur.e!ther·Jin:dane'l!ll" m.etox- olitside, "the cdhUJicb. itse1f \witb .be '.' :niore ready to help' 'd#ing }"lli.'1lor, ." the '!food ~ col?- llm:ge ttah1~ ,patients by F.ather Leon Ker­ (2) :use phaltan, ,capt an or eaCh lli,@:l'ted :bF 1211 IEaster 1lr.ead isellE!n and Jobanna .Klenke, ,R.NO) ;fel'bmn ifor' Il :fungicide ·topre-!:p,aslm~ :aoDhhJiu;g:,in lighted 'an speakers in a panel Discus­ vent bla.c1Qlpot, J)owde:J;'Y mildew candle. 'This 'b1.esSfrtg ,oflfood iB sion on: "The 'Dignity of the Dy­ and other fungus diseases. You iltiJ1 :camied(on 'byman,y fam:i1ies ing Patient." may find "j:ha't ,commercial prodof FoliSh (ex'Wadtion., t'qpe John -qPl;scOIttaip" cOlP,oo.mitj:ops :Qf I1wo '. . AziPiher~c9Stom\t~at has ,been ' ., :' T a 'the r Ket'schen; assistan1 ,,:"~I: ,~ore !~"~Il~~~' ~1Pcf.d~S.,\b:rought.·,to:oui'·''countty Irom' .' chancenor of the Wichita di66ese (3) use 'one of ,the ~able ::Etirope is,'that.Of ',sunrlse ser-'f ' , ·iteminded 'the' nUrses of 'the 'atti­ i, ·.'po"vders :')con'fami~g ,sie:rln ~or "Vices~ 1l'.hi( b,p.gau nrlth;an .01d' : " tude toward dying Ebrpresset'l by ;'.' ~h~W:il)~.:~n,s:~d1;s:'~,~ ~ J'BP.fl11'E!se . .legend. in the Midlll..?~~s ~at . ,.. Pope,J'ohh' XXIII' in the words, . beetles. told of the Sun ·dancing;qn Easter . "Every day is 11 good day t6' iJive; .," (II) l. bibcirPdrate 101i'a-r ~er- . morn' w.itll',io'y : QV!lr' the risen.. "~e'Very iClny 'is 'a good ,flay 'to' die." ;':'tizler 'into .ymir sprliy''fcirnni1a 'to . Christ. The '.st1n~s.;riYs·.rawatirig , , 'The' Holy Father' app.reci'a'l:e:l .;" 'help''foster~trb'riger 'Plants. . fromfrl.e 'dloudll'.wzre ·said·'tobe \" 'what d'eath Is:" 'Fafu~r '!{erseh'Eli:l "" A1Ithes'e 'l!hem.!{cal~&re"s61u'ble the. angels doing jllyft.d' ter.psi:' " said: "Only with such an under­ , 'Zil '1.\;ater~· "d 't'tiat'it lis' possH51e 'to' .. ch~re. ,The peopl~ ",von,kI gather ': sUlIwing' 'sha,~ .nurses' 'be'.abl~ to ;,; inh:' 'them 'in"'tHe ';SJ;irliyers" ''ilnd to watch the .~ommg of daybreak, . ,', .' . . "", .",: , . ' ." ., understand the i r"·p~fessi6n. apply 'them 'Si'1pJ.tiltarle6us'iY': 1 ': Btld.theTisiilg suniwith'the'Pl'iest· , . MT: 'ST~ MA1tY SrmOLA.;RSHIPS:... SeholarshW, wintheir vocatlori.":"·· '''''alsr:r~dci a'~~asp:~'on.:o'f':iri.t~~e'ls "of lthe :Yillage,.'·ll'.lIis~.rm.e:lie'va1~. ~():.lVIi. {St.1\;I~Y\'A4demY, F.aH. Riiv,er, are.; .fTOm -left, "..1As'Jdrrg·.tlurses to becbme1more "liquid dishw.as1iin~detei;gent.as ..c.ustomrtmav.cled woLththe .unmi- 'Ch "'1 A R:''','' 'SSP t ., cl . P nl Sch J Fall R··· '1ctJ.ow1edgeable 'abbut de!ttli;Miss I ' .. ,~:_,~ • ... . . " 'im"'at"e1" 10 ;grants to .iAmerica and llas be- " eqr .IJ.ll. ous~eau" . .e er an, ,a, IDenke, 'a1so of the St. Jbsep'h~D .. ,,,....W>.er ~o approx y , . . .. , , ' full.c· 'AI S".... I' "-' B' b 00,. 'Ii L ,rver, d gallons of' sprtUr.· ". ".,' '.','. . ;com~ iaD li:mP~an1:Plll'to'f. 'th~ . u..our year .. umnae OJ.~? arB~tlp';' ~r ara Ann . ac~r .a, Hospital. staff said ilrat "pllysiIh' the-SpringaTter Ithe:£irst ffiiaster ..ce1abratlOn In many con- £8. 'Peter !and P.au1~B, partial W.ur :'Yea~.Mother.l\llci\uley cians and'nurs'es show tbe grefit­ ,good' sets·oT"lea:ves.huve,devel- 'gr.eg~ti0:t;l'5';· . . Gu'ild Scholarship; Lucy':'Bettencourt, Head 'School, 'West_ est fear of '~eath." . . oped on the .roses. ,anda'ther It lS sh.ll a 1i~tle I.lnceI'tam.ho~ pOtt pamal lour' Alumnae .SCholarship· La.uxie Ann .' ''Knowle~ge e1iminates'fefil:, Q ; plants I"begirLsPtayirig':W.ith {the 0l:'r famib' WIll celebrate.this o.f:'.' " U . , ~ 'I.. . 'l ill'f ' ., h'" ." she said. "Fear eliminates ten­ '~ 1:indane :and 'fub:gicid.e :ll.o>lutiOlll'l. specilil i1ay this year, 'as 'the 'ill- :.-:!lampson, .=ea~ ",cuoo , fUl our ;year M<,>.ter M;cAuIey ,(}uild sion arid b~n s i on ellmlnatea Later, ,at. the £ir&t:s~ns ;:of ~bee-' nes~. ,of$ome of OUI. .o~.g~ SCholar.sh1.P... . pain;" .

'C, tles I aad sevin to the other /tWo era'bon'1lla'kes plans a bit indell­ ,~o.:Jl:il~1li'aris. Sevin$\1lliickland,~f- :ni.te. HO~'WJ;,_ we ~iU ~ "Our.. '. II::ficp..!.t ~o: '~mI~,!"S :it'fc,lflgs l~e _ 'VeIW lb~#;~.Jma'ke tis:a':'f!!rmw,:,' ':'.1'0.' !r'I:e ~ I 0,:,0,:., ,:'.... :.,.",,, ! ,aprqyet:, ''but is :m1Ulageable:llful ~ster ,o'f.aQY:~nd.ithllnk'fu1n~. . ,. '::J .. " , ·yWbere··A II. 'cmnbinatilm 'With itl:l.e (others ;1, ':hi 1ill. probaJji:h~'our·tab1e' will I.; . , -: •

I lI,·,.~~l1y: d"n':t lr-nw 'how !be ,graC"ed!by+t.he:traa, itiona1;ham~ .'. . . Says :P" Pst,,ox" thin "~{ghis, ,in """"~" '''Ullie liig us 'suPPdsedlY''a'mgh'of ." , " , "','. \1\ .~~~ds~~~!cI~i::~= ~?od l~C1t, ''Prospeii~ ;~h~r~'ap'tCmldren ./Because of· M:otheYs i,·· '!thrcmgh ·1thmr .:leaves)., :lil'though " .'plhess.. ~hus It is' ~ .f~tti!l~ m~.al . ,1RtA.'Y'.11-0lW.N '(lNC)-AMillS&Uri ,·'thomelschool .authorities 'to take ·A . ', .. .garden :expet.ts clnim \Wonders, ,.for tbISJ.oYj)usjfeaHt,(aa~.iW:e'~lll ,·.Circuit ,Court judge ruled ,here :'1Us.cip1inm:yaciliOIi ~t'ihe

, for them, but I doiee1 \that·l.am ,,:grace ,our. hom~ wJ.th ,~hatf;~ . that a. Catho!;,c .grade school was "childTen '0£ :sUl'.hparent. . "

'.. " I' ~ett.i..Qg .mo;r.e vi~orous ,plants: as fio~ers \\ve ~dln .~~~!J:e .'~o :I?~ek within tits -r~ghts in.' 'expelling . ';£'The {dis~plihary meas'ures ',f' • ,3 result of .uging the#J.;: 110 I~n- "and ,our ,tabla ""J.th,an,abuhilallce ." five . ,childr..m !because itheir determiIied 'by the school may


I -eorp6rnte 'tthinD iD.to (the~pray " 10~ goo.~ .3:~od 10 '\\Ve1co~e '(the mother "'ha:r3ssed'.' 'sChool.otfi- not be·~quest!oned.~' " d . . . . ...• ,.cillls. ' I after the I 'plants. have I made 1:\ ~en .' Fathe'J.' Mir:l1ae1 A. McBrien,

iaiJ1ly cgood l't~rt . ..I :foliar feed " ,On 'this ,day ,01. ,great lTeJolcmg ,1M:rs. Welma' CGruberofRay- pastor·t.if ,Q)ur Lady' of Lourdes, until lthe middle:o'f August and ·we 'need '~ ~ct~cUl~ :desse~. town :had tfiledsuit in Jackson and Msgr.M. F.McAuliffe, dioc­

~hen discontinue the practice so The. followm", reCIP 7 .IS .not~ly .Co.unty 'Cirouit iCourt to have esan snperintendent ·of schools,

that 'the ,plants wilfnot make too a pie for very special occaSIOns her children n-einstated in:Our said .Mrs. Gruber'S .,actions In­

much new growth lberore cold but one ~at ,can be .made :ah~d Lady ,df LOUl.'desparishschool. eluded :repeated protests about

~eather sets in. .. and ,kept .lIl .'Y 0ur freezer. I.preAt a heailngbefore Ju~ge school :policies and disci,pline.

" '.fer to make the sauce the .day Ri .One w.ord about ,/Wrf\Y.lD,g. ~b- Tm serving the pie however. 'chard H., Koenigsdorf 'both They also said that on one occa­ 'vIOu:;;ly It should be done With . ' , sides agree;j 'that 'the dismissals sion ,she ·slapped the ,school sec­ .aiscretion. The .sprays I have Walnut Ic~ Cream ,'Pie resulted prima'liil<y 'from 'the 'ae- retary for reprimanding one c&

J.isted abo~' are not ~cessively 1% cups (about 6 (oz.) chopped : ~ons .rf!. 'the. nJ,dtp.er., .., her children. . "

nangerous but should never;OO \Walnuts .. ·U,'.he, judge :smd'in his 1:'uling: , .. .Mis,' G.r,u·bet offered to apoic-

Jeft within .the reach .0£ :children . 1 egg white: I' '. , '~'rrhe, :cemdaj:t '~ ,a 'P~l1;ent :re- 'giie .for 'sl@'plng the secreta~,

NEW .nod shou1d never be sprayed on . Y4. tea,spoon $aI~ ... _, .,' lating i!;Q .sclmol -ma'tters 1:Q<lY:so :, but· Rather' MCBrien said, "It's

'1ruit that Is likely to Ibe eaten. % cup.sugar ,.' .,llff~ct,tlj.~·:ope:r;atiap,.,C01itr.ol.,andmuch.tool ate .for tliat~ If l' took .,

l~mediatelY. 11 you"maiIitaiti a I'pint cdfifec ;irie'cream .. disc.;plin.~ ',of ;il,~rihpo1 as to 'BU- them ':bacr-' .111Ypeople" wou':Id

;. xeg"~iar ·spray'ing· "schedule, say' . ,.) . p~nt .vaniIlaice: cream' wal.k:,alFover .me. 'I'd' have to ."" lta1s.iii4JarameI : ,ever~,,~o·,.yveelqj. 'l'.!~b,\g. the ,I. .B~er"ltery ,wen a 9 i,\~h .3 TablellPoons".hutter·'· ,.,:.Wa1kOu~dLthe,pa~.~'."::'.:. ~ -.JJ , ,grow,mg.season,you \will not l>Je pan: . .,. .1 :cup' ID~ypa6ked ibrown ' ::have to spray heavijYlanB:there2. 'Beat the egg \wbite \With ;IM~ar' ,.. ; I : . • " , " ' : '. ,j' :' • •·.~"DIiJi:r ••ii••.iI••'••••·• ••:iI••·• •••• i1• • • • •










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'U,p'nO.·.:Id "I'

,:'.: ,5,.,'·.·',:r.'S'h '.C.',..'.

.fx.rlEiiling ,. ',.' ' :(;00'0 ,Aaions ...

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.Meons GREA.r ,DEAL" ~










'Sanae '..


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··f II!' '.':, ., •... :L'. (OlU N\,S.&:,SONS· ," ,' . .

~ore ~an exercise much more 'the ,salt ..until .it 1s ..frothy. <Add 'l'%" C4,P" .H,ght .ere·am.' : caution in the use of the spray. the sugar graCl.nally, beating well 1.& 'Tabk&Po6ns IWhite rom . ~ ! ,'. • ",' , :~!. SprayiIlg, :IS.' ~ensiv.e. :.A ... afj;~;e~ch· indifitlQD.; :C:ontiIiue ~Y.r.up .. IIlI ' . _ : ~raying program such as the beating UI'ltil the egg whites .lL'CUp 'g'olden r",l~;";~ " . ..••• . .. ' . ' .• I ..,~ ..,"" __ 1._ ""old' h d n ~LO.11I 'INCORPO·RAT"ED· 1937 , one I havjil· Jisted' ,aht>:v.e' could '. .-I:m~w..u'p~.",.. 1D C oppe 1. Il'l"a small' saiicepancom- ~ ., '·cost at least $10 for a small .~aInuts. 'lI'urn iinto the pie p~n bine all the ir,gredients, .except' ii' ." "l1li .~garden for a. s.eas~n. 'For a large anCl spreap e:verQy with a,.spoqu the r~~i!l-s.. ,S~lrring ~onstantly,,~ . " ' '.',' . . '. . ,.. garden, of:c()urse, the cost may' over, 't!ie' bottom: a*cl \ si<:les bf . bring to'a boil cover 11 medium .... IJI!I be much greater: Butil we are your pie pan. Prick' oottom a~d heat. £Add U"alsins and .cook .3.or '9' • lill

!:ioing to expend energ ...;and .: .:B~des.:1:Vith a fork. ,~ ~!n, . m C ? r e . ; . . 'Il:! ',,.• '~

:: money for our gardens, then it. 3. Bake in 3400· oven 10 to,12 :~ ~'I:~.'. ~n E;... " .", ,.,: ..' "~

:': is ridiculous to allow them to minutes or until tannish :;tn ': .. ,..,.:,. ", \ """, ,; '. '~ ",..' .. "';",' '!"1tI ~all pr<:y,t;:>.rctilleasll'.antl i~eatCs.···£old.r,,·,'·.:'·: ""'~'" ,,';~' !: .', "wa@rm~]e"fi@um[Q;~~W:::~ "r)j' ,.". .. .JAt.~.~;ij~:. e.~lUNS; 'c:;t:;~ '~i~5; . ~ m the J{itchcllll , ' .4. Cool and chill in the refriikOJ·,,,,,· . '. , 1.'[;J .. i ,,' .... .• \ -. ." ..... ,'.," . "-. . . . . . i;~J@t;l181l1)l'I1' El. JDec:oistere, cl.Civii and 5trucfU'iol·Enr;trie:ar . ,., [j Starting' With the'· .solemnity era'tor. . .. j ;:v :'~jo[J; ~C,"~b " 0 1- .,... '" ~ " 01 Palm Sunday; HO'ly We&k is a ' 5, Spoti~'tM·:So.ft~~dcOftke ,·:·'~e.9.::':M~s.t.er"P(uTb~r:-;:~:93~: 0 '::Me'niber,Natl;~.~!,~ocietY'Professioncl En9~rie~rs' ': ;~~ ~iJrie of quie~'6ss;'prayei' and ice 'eream"mto -tne",cmtled sh¢J,1 Y,",. \3EOR\3E .'M. MONTLE .• ':1 ;~~Ai'Ii~l$, I.•. ~OUI.N§,J~" t~iClS.' . '~ r-acollectipni."',l'his,,solem::i air,' and ,top everi'ly wH:h'~lie softened '., :~. '.'~.': . qv,e'r. 35 Year~ ,'.'. " " ,0, ,,'. TMQMPiS K COLUN!i,~·'t. ""[[J lJ.owev~r,.b~gin,s to ?isper~e..wi~p" .. v~n~l~~. }?,ut In. .~p.4r, fr~ezer Ub-",., ',o,f, ,Sq:fisrie.d Ser.:v.ice .' . G). . ' , ." ' .I" .... " ' . , "~ the impressive expectations 'of' til ready to <ierve: Serve topp(;id 806, NO.,·MADN $V~lElEi ." 1.1, ACADEMY BUiIJ~RNG fFAU R5VER, MASS.lIl the Easter Vigil 9Q Holy ,Sat\Jr..-wltb the'ful-l:owi-ng'wa'rmraisln),nU .•Riv.er ' .' ,Os. 'S-74W. .. , . . . . . . .' .'.' ... [II day and finally joy and jubila- Caramel Sauce." III 1111 11.1111 IiUiIIll BIIIIIlD • • • • • IB IIl11Ui 1111 {D caIDII1Mlil1i liUi~

G'"'f"N'ER"",'l' :"('OHTlAn'OIS" .ta ... tUG

:'8" e

. . :'

I'"NEER'S ..


.' .



.. ~ord·hQm : N~me.•

THE ANCHOR~ ..!h:~~s.,. April' '7,' 1966


:Neecl,C.lu·rch,'Aid To'

Vice' Preside~t:

Solve cNorfhis

. NEW YORK (NC)~Job~ j. Men:g, 59,' .presidElIil Vil Hunter College' here sinoo 1960, will becom.e executive

Race Probiems TOLEDO (NC) - Raci~l problems in northern .cities cannot be solved without the help of the Catholic Church, the executiv0 director of the Na;' tional Catholic Confore'nce 'for 'Interracial Justice said here. Mathew Ahmann told leaders of the Toledo Catholic Inter­ ~lI'acial Council: · .' 'There isn't a single northern tity that is ~oing to solve its problem without the help 'of the Church. This is where the insti­ lution of Ca~holicism. is located. ·tlere we are big-in wealth and numbers.'" " ,. " .. ' , 'Larger' Ghettoes : ' Ahmal~:n ~ot~d the 'inci;e'asei~ 'Cathoiic .interracial grou'ps fr6ril a'5 in '1961 to 132 now, but said ·this is not e'riough. . ,' - ';We ar~ finally, ·reallY in':' 'lQlved but.we still haven't com':' mIitedc,nol;lgh, of :our leadership ·;jn.d, reS,Qurces ·,.to substantially ,f,fect ,the. 'N~gro"ghetto ·ill the ~i>rth~rnCqJl1mUllities:' i'.:~' ;.,"The 'ghettoes"are '. getting kll'get and ·the whole process' is ·getting worse. 'The·' ;fl"Ustration~ 4lf·the Negro'com}~unity go very 'd.eep,'.! ·he Warned .. ' ; "

vice president for the Lincolllll Center campus of Fordham Unile versity effective Sept. 1: Father Leo McLaughlin, S.J.. Fordham president, said Meng will be in charge of immediate coordination of the university's schools of law, social service, ede 'ucation and business, which wBll 'constitute a' major part of the Lineoln Center campus. . Meng will also be in charge of 'other developments there, ine · cluding an expanded liberal arts! · curriculum and' possibly a COI'JToo munication arts' center." ' .' Father McLatighlin 'sa~d Meng 'wouIa provide leadership in'tne 'u.nivEmiitY'·splans·to :develdIJ Lincoln ", Cente.r . '.'a.. universit1 · eampus 'uniquely fitted to th. 'needs and' growth', potential ~ 'Metropolitan New York."


S.t.re·sses:·:N~ces.sity. QtGotidJ~eqd'ership-'~

: ~ ¥ONTREAL (NC)~"The tnig.. Jdy .of, oUl; time, is that men's minds an'dsplI'its have not kept pace with. the development of ~ur "technology and speed' of iiving on the one .side, and our new. pride:~nd ,social indepen­ (len'ce on' the' other," 'a noteq i11urrin'u3 of Loyoln 'College said at the college's 70th anniversary 4lbservance. Speaking :60 : years after his 4lwn graduation frol\l the, Jesuit institution, Canada's Governor General Georges 'Vanier said: : . ' "if we are to forestall the de­ generation and perhaps even the disintegration of our society, we must have leaders'" * * and our leaders, I need hardly, remind you, will be drawn frdm our col­ lege and' university graduates III '" * the type of man who is ded­ 'icated to the development, no1' of his own vanity and ,power, but of service to his community and the enhancement' of its welfa'.re," ,~:

·Volunteer Society

Planning Cente'r'

CHICAGO (NC)"":"'Plans of the Extension Volunteei Society -for ·a national trah1ing -and' research tenter were discuss,ed bjr society leaders throughout the: country' in a series of regional mee~ings;' The sessions will'be conducted by Father John J. Sullivan, na­ tional director of the society. w1;li~h. ,recruits ~nd -trains lay volunteers for mission work in' ihe' United States. : Invited to attend will be dioc­ ,,~an directors and college fac­ · \Ilty representatives who will be \Irged to submit idea's for the planned national center. Initial plans wil.l be described by ,Father Sullivan and William J • .,}ac9bs, executive secretary., . The Northeast regiOlial session: will be held in Boston'on Tues':' .ay, April 26. .:.


14 on 'List . OKLAHOMA. CIT;i (NC) '-: J'ourteen "ooscebe'and porno­ IJraphic" books. . have . been banned for sale 'or distribution in the first official fest of the . 1957, Oklahoma law against ob-' /JCenity. '



"Ne~ UJiiver;;it~'


.' . . ,Meng callea ·his' ~ppoii1tme" , , ,C()~])JAL ,WELCOME :PopeJ Paul VI .i~vit~d 'l{i~g' :Bat~cJo~i~,apd,Qtieen)~~bipla;'"~f 'an SopportunitY'.·to' 'develop' and Belgium to atteridMass'in the Holy FatheJ,"s pri\r~lt¢· chape].wheri they were.hi Rome coordinate,in" essence,,·a ·neW on an' offieal state visit to the Italiangover~m'.::nt,Vhtiean'(\ffiClalssaiathey of .university ,that will be especially suited to the urban needs of Ne\t no other. occasion when a private audience began with Mass. NO ·Photo. . ." York City.." . .' . . . ",Fordham is currently in the ·second phase of, constructing its new. mid-Manhattan ·campus.. This phase consists of a 14-stor, classroom ·and ' offic~ '. buildi ng with a· three-story' theater and ~:~~W' ORLEANS (!':lC) .,...... A . The BUddhist developer's ofler ' ,l!lather Gly.~n iri' th~': Tomioka . ,en,tranc.ebuildirig. The. '~ost "",iii '''new, city" being' huilLiin:': it resulte51 ~n' 13rgep~rt, Father ,developmept program:, is 'a pop;';' ,be $15 million. '... strongly.' Buddhist' area 'of' Japan Glynn claims, :fro~ a visit to the .I.\lar Japanese wood cut·, artist, wilL contain a ·Catholic ,'church United States where he was most .Kohoshi I Saito, who donated. Wicker to' Receive

if the' shared desires' of 'a Marist impressed by the so~ial contri- ,$14,000 .worth, of his products to

missionary,and the Buddhist bution of the CatholiC Church to ,the Pt:iest to'sell in this ·couq.trY -Villanova "AwcU'~

,industrialist. constructing;,;t· he 'c.omlnunitY,life. , tQ. raise funds'for the mi,ssions.. . VILLANOVA (NC) .:.....:. To rJl -City are r e a U z e d . , · · Budhhist'lllelps . . ' "Wicker, Washington 1'll u r:e a 0' chief for' the 'New York Times, ,. . 'The: ' 'common go.al'of Father' In t he new city of 'J'omioka, 'he .A,lm''a .Mater ,H, 0', n"or'$. .has been" nilmed for VillanoWl Anthony' Glynn, S;M., is, one would 'like to E>stablish .a kinder·University's 1966 St: Augustine aimed at, halting the spread of garten as WelJas, a church,' A 'Anchorage, Prelate Award. inaterialism m Japan. kindergarten he operates in NEW YORK (NC) _ Arch­ , Father Joseph A. '.Flaherty~o Church a.nd Kindergarten Nara City has 175 pupils and all bishop Joseph T. Ryan of An- O.S.A., university president, said '.. .' " ':"'.' th hut 10 of them are .BU4hhists, chorage, Alaska, will· receive the the award,' named :for the patrolQ. .Fatl:IerGlynn, ,who IS m e Father Glynn re'ports, .Inal·,ntal·n-' , ,. United States to raise funds for . honorary doctor of laws degree saint of printers, is given annu'" the project, said. the head of the iog that 'the Catholi~ schoOl SYS- from his 'alma mater, Manhattan' ually for "distinguished achieve­ ,. ' . d' tern is most Popular, with the College, at a special convocation r ail way, companY',buIl mg Japanese because of the moral on the Riverdale campus here ment in communications jour­ nalism." Ton1loka, a community to house trainin6 it provides. . Monday. ' some 60,000 residents about 15 . Wicker will receive the award minutes from Nara City in Cen, An 0 t h'e r ~llddhist aiding. Brother Gregory, F.S.C:, col­ at a dinner in P~iladelphia Sat­ tral Japan, has invited the lege president, will confer the urday, April ] 6.'

Catholic ·Church to become the Un, iversity StCllr~s degree upon Archbis/1op Ryan,

only religious' developer in the who was consecrated head of the

new crty. " . Building. Program newly-formed archdiocese by

BIG DIVIDEND NEWS . ! , SAN' ANTONIO (NC) _ st. Francis Cardlnai Spellman of New Y.,ork Friday in 'Albany's a SYSTEMATIC University here in Texas Appoi~t. Fr. ·~aering Mary's ~athedral of the Immaculate year SAYINGS. announce,d' a $25 million build- Conception. . ing apd academic improvement To Yale Facuity 1I INVESTMENT . NEW HAVEI'((N0)-Father program that will see 10 new year SAYINGS buildings started on the univer­ . Bernard Haeling,' C.SS.R., noted, ELECTRICAL a REGULAR German' Gatholic theologian, h·as. sity c~mpus this yellr. Father Louis .J. B.lume, S.M., Contractors ' year SAVIN~S been' apP.6irited. Weigle' Visiting university president, told press Professor at thE' Yale University 'luncheon' the' lli-year program Divjnity. S~nool, it. ,w~s. an.,. should. rim(\er St., Mary's 'inc>t llounced,here; " , ,<> oniyr.!!ady. and willin~do " . Father 'Haering, ,the·" second ' eate an' estimatedenrollmentot '~ ., e,atholic priest to be appoint~d 6,000 students by 1975; but also" to the' Yale Pivinity School, will properly able to·doit." ..... , ~SQUTH YARMOUTH foin the' facuity for the second ~i New buildings 1'0' be s'ta'rted • DENNIS PORT, semester of~he' 1966-67 school in the :first phase of ,the program b~" year:' He, will also come to Yale. inClude 'a library,' student union, • HYANNIS.' to lecture' on "Biblical. Renewal math~ergineering building, sci­ .' YARMOU'r" SHOPPING' PlAZA 944 Co:", n ty' St: ' of Roman Catholic Theoiogy" at ence' addition, 'girls' dormitory, New' Bedford • ~STERVllLE ,the annual convocation of the 'central power station and four : ", Divinity School April 26-28~ buildings in a' law center com-

Last September Father Roland plex. The school of law will'be

E. Murphy, 0. Carm., became the moved from its downtown loca­ first Catholic priest to be' ap­ "tion to the 'campUs; .

pointed to the "Yale Divinity

School. He was named Visithig

Professor of Old Testament.


Cou"teractingJapcmeseMaterialism ChlJrch's W~rk' ImpressesDev~lopers.' "




5.25% 4.50% 4..2,5%·

.n' '~"





Bass Rive,



'Savings' Ba"k


, "'e" •

·Psychiatrist' OTTAWA (NC)-A psychia­

trist was .the retreat master at

St. P-atrick's 'College in Ontario this year. Dr, BerylD. Orris of Chicago is the first lliyman" 1G , conduct the college retreat or-:­ . ganized by' ·the students: The , native' of:Vienna, Austria, de­ . scribed his work as coordinating and ,integrating· psychiatry and l'eligio~'



'WY' 2-62'16.· "








" •. ~OMMUNION 'QREAt<FASTS 1~~3' pl~;e.S~NT ~:r.

,'. .~

· , F A l l . RIVER

OSborne 3·7780'

,M'en's Relig'ious

,THE ,ANCHOR........

Thurs., April 7, 1966

Orders Appoint New Committee t




Plans .EcumenicaW 'Good Friday Rite For Las Vegas


men's religious orders

have acted to strengthen their liaison with the na­

tion's bishops by appointment of a three-member committee to meet with episcopal representa­ tives. ' Father Boniface L. Witten­ brink, O.M.I., permane.lt secre­ tary of the Conference of Major Superiors of Men, said the pur­ pose of the committee is to effect a closer working relationship between. the hierarchy and reli­ gious orders as decreed in the ,document of the Vatican Council, ";rhe Pastoral Office of Bishops in the Church/' , The three religious prder rep­ i'esenta'tives are: Abbot' D~\Vi~ Mehinct>n, O.S.B., of 8t:. B~ne­ dict, La., president of the S~iss~ American Benedictine Congre­ gation; Brother D. John,F.S.C., of Elkins Park, Pa., director of the Christian Brothers province of Baltimore; and Father James .1\11. Darby, S.M",of Dnyton,'Otiio, ;})Xesident of ,the conference of Qlajor· .superiors. and stl:pel'ior' of t~. Cincinnati province of the Marianists, ' ,'; Mutual Consultations ., ,The. hierarchy appointed 'its three members, to the new, com­ mittee at its 1964 mecting 'held in Rome, 'during the· Vatican Council. Members are Archbish­ op Edward J. 'HunkeleI' of Kan­ sas ,CitY/'Kan;; Bishop Russell J. McVinney of Providence, R~ I.; and Bishop Vincent S. Waters of Raleigh, N. C. Father Wittenbrink said that the new liaison committee was established to carry out the' sec­ tion of the conciliar decree which states: "For those works t>f the apostolate which Reli­ gious are to undertake, bishops or episcopal conferences, reli­ gious superiors or conferences major religious superiors s)1ould take :action, only ·after mutual consultations." ,




Center Serves Cuban Refug~es MIAMI (NC)-With hundreds of Cuban refugees continuing to arrive in Miami each week aboard the government-spon­ sored airlift, the dioc~san Span­ ish center Centro, Hispano Cntol­ ico, continues to minister to the spiritual and material needs of the exiles. Located in the heart of down­ town Miami, the cente.r bore the brurit of the mass exodus from the island some five years ago and has no't let up in its service. During January and February some, 75 baskets of food were distributed daily to needy refu­ .gee families; some 2,800 cases were cared for' in the' medical clinic, where physicians donate their services; and more, than 200 exiles received attention in the dental clinic. . . , Not only food and medical at­ tention but also clothing, infor­ mation, employment services, and nursery facilities are pro­ vided at the Spanish center, staffed by the Dominican Sisters of St. Catherine de Ricci of Merian, Pa. , In addition, English language classes nrc conducted for Cubans and other Spanish-speaking im­ migrants.

Textbook Bill iRENTON (NC) - A bill has been introduced in the New Jer­ sey state Senate to provide up to $10 per pupil in I state funds for school districts that elect to lend books to parochial scllool studcnts.






LAS VEGAS (NC)-Bish. op Robert J. Dwyer of Ren«v is speculating that the Good Friday Liturgy planned foll' gambling-conscious Las Vegoo will' be "an ~cumenical and li­ turgical triumph." For' the first time all parishes in the area will be closed during . the traditional noon to 3 P.M. hours on that day. The bishol\li said the closing was decided ~ all churches may combine if,!. producing the liturgic..l even;; which will combine the talents of the various religious faith$ ill th,e area. .. There will be a 200-voioo chorus, composed of membef~ of church choirs, the Bishoj)) Gorman High School Cecilia. PHILADELPHIANS 'TO SERVE WITH MARYKNOLL: Departing from Guatemala and other singing groups. Jr.i,. , City :for C~racas; 'yenezuela, ·.are these hvo' Phiial;lel~hia al'chd~oC_esa~ ~r,iests, Fathers stead of recitation, there will ~ Gerald A. KelleHer, left, and -Joseph A. lIeim; right who 'hav~ taken a flve-yeartempo-. a dramatization of the Passioiil ral'y member$hip in the Catholic ,Foreign Mission SocietY'of Amel'ic,a,to work in Mary­ with Michael Rodney, who is n~ a Catholic, in the role of Chri~ knoll's missions in Caracas. :Brother Felix Fournier, M.M:, center~ was their guide, in thig .. Actress 'Br"lnda Joyce will 'be Centi'al Ainei;ic~hl capitai. NC 'Photo." , , the first ,,;orrian to take' part iil ··,1 • i . . . tpe liturgy, playing the rele ~ the maid who' accused Petem Panny Thomas of movie and 'W fame w,ill narrate the drama. ' I . . . Bishop Dwyer will lead tbtJ three-hour service with seven meditations, alteJ;'nated wit kt "leftist" activitills. They were choral singirtg of the "Seven Las& RIO DE J'ANEIRO (NC) rights from weal'thY landlords. -:-Progressive, Catholics, in .. ,Th,ese !lctivities ,were generally soon released. but the momen­ Words" by Theodore Dubois. .A 'bahdleader 'at a hotel here hall 'ba~ked ,by, the. Catholic ,hier:­ tum for s'ocial 'reform had di­ Brazil are becoming increas-' 'archy. Now ,all that is .changed. minished; llliterate Citizens re'" blended' the C~urch liturgy w.l' ingly dissatisfied' with, the , Momentum, ,Diminishes ' .main without the right· to vote. choreography and dram·a. failure.: of public officials here to Immediately after the coup 'Promised agrarian reform' pro­ push' a vigorous program of 'd'etat 'in' March, i964, many 'grams became' subject to endless . of social reform. Catholic laymen" and ' some bureaucratic '. changes. The oid : Some of; the' unrest is ·focused pi'ie'sts were jailed because o! 'progressives,' priests and ll\y on the Catholic bishops,' most of persons,no longer commanded 427 Second St. Cor. Morgan

whom supported the military Eucharistic.,Crusade an audience when they spoke. Ed. McGinn, Prop.

leaders who took:· over Brazil . ,Some observers here believe two years ago. Now, the progres­ Rally in' Worcester . the bishops hesitate ,to make OLiVEnl

sives feel, many bishops have WORCESTER (NC)-The im:­ state,ments on s9cia~ justice be­ Calculators-Adding & Acc't.

lapsed into silence about '.leeded nual rally ,of the "Eucharistic cause the immediate threat of Mo,;hines

niforms. .' Crusade. ?f grade school pupils communism in 'Brazil has passed. We Do Duplicating

. In '1963, before 'military lead­ will be held May 14 at Holy Soine Church leaders may be ers rose up' to overthrow the re­ Tel.

anxious to create a peaceful re­ Cross College here under spon­ gime of left-Ie'aning President sOrship of Bishop Bernard J .• lationship with the neW leaders. 679-6712, 675·7806 .78M· Joao Goulart,' Cathqlic leaders Flanagan. ' were in the forefront of those Father John P. Fontaine, diQc­ seeking social changes. Catholic youth g r 0 I:l P s demonstrated esan director of the Apostleship alongside M:,\rxists in support' of of Prayer, said 3,500 pupils from economic and al~ricultural im-' central New England will attend. The crusade, established in 1914, ' provements. Catholic educators work e d is the section of the Apostleship among union members in the of Prayer for young people of poverty-stricken nor the as t , grammar school age. It trains, members to make the sacrifice teaching them how to read and spell and how to demand' their of Jhe Mass the center of their lives.

Favor' Greater S~cial Reform Emphasis



Catholics in Brazil Critical of L~g.

Tri-City ORice Equip.

College to Accept Women St'udents " CANTON (NC)-Women' wili be accepted as full-time students beginning in June at Walsh Col­ lege, breaking a 149-year-old t'radition for the Bi'others of Christian Instruction who staff' the liberal,':\;t5 college here in Qhio. , Brother Thomas Farrell, F.l.C., ' president of Wals~, s~nce, "it opened in' 1960, announced the' move after apprO'val from the order's headquarters on the Isle of Jerscy and the college board of trustees. Special classes at the college were previously open to women but not in degree programs and taught by the Brothers who have taught only' noys and men since their founding in France in 1817.







~A~G~$ :





Catholnc Center KEENE (NC) - The n e VIi Catholic Student Center at Keene State Colleg€. here. 'in New Hampshire was blessed by Bishop Ernest J.l'rimeau of Manchester. The' center provides a student chapel for weekday Masses, library and discussion room, chaplain's office, snack kitchen and chaplain's quarter~.

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THE A."\lCfiP~71)1~~es~ ,01":-,,.'.' 0Jl.R.. •i. .v.:'r. -:-:rh~rs./t\. . . F.,dI. •. J,,,.. .1.•,:9•. . . 6. .{..... J ,o.•. .;;.:

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.~Il~ost Rev. 'Fulton

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" " . Q . UW!egil'.ll 'W.:J.s·W'ei7'lProud

for one :t.hing~Jb.eT 1l!antls. ilEIer face'1hciill the '1b!~~m of :t!·:ll'ose :&!lIla her eyesS:IJlar.klleaJ1mth loVing ikbiillmess.. Sutfuer :l!mll:.is :Wiall'e . why is it· that copious information is available con' ,ngiy,slllUTe:fl=d .illeforme~. One <!!lay the ,clill.'l1 .summoned..l!lllJD .enough 'oom-age',to :aSk her mother the .question: ''Mother, I ~o,v.e 'cerning an author' 7hose book hardly deserves publication, ,everything :a:bon't .yeahut :your llands• .Please tell me. why:are and none at all about one whose book is uncommonly i n t e r - t h e y 'so ugiy!" Ber mDth~ told . her the .truth: "Years .ego whem 'estillg ? Thus, on the Ja.cket of, say, Egbert Prurient'~ novel, ,you were tiny, ·,'the .roomm which you were sleeping caught lire Vomit, weare told all about These he s'ees not'· .fittm'g .I'nto from .8 spark :in -the fireplace. I.ran ;UJlstairsto 'Save :you"b.1it 11 hail to 'pass throu~hthe 1'ien:Iestof >the flames ·to get to 'You, pick his life, even down to his . the ·apostolatP. of today and to~011 Ulland ear,r,y .Y4)U :out. 'That :is why .~ .hands ,are ,~o ~b' .hobbies; "collecting Serbian morrow. And he observes that ,andtwiste(L" ­


Rt. ·\Rev.

Msgr. Job S.j[~muedy

;; :fJl.e'dge' h"aInmers,. spmt:r:tg 'or­

'even i£ the


:.lJ ~ Sheen; 'D.JD).

~f .ber·beau1iifuKmothet except

•• '.


several·states 'shri~d



' ----..


., ange juice in public! library nationalize ·.hE."St:hools{~'mis-OniEastel'Sun-day;, the Risen Lord ~I'okem upo~iJ::li~.dis¢pl~linel! '. books, and throwing. -stOT,lel'! .'at sionary bodies have' who a t ·.said: "Behold' .My iJ:mndsliBehold¥,y, ::fe~l .My Side! N ~ ~~.r. IU"e ~aInotintsio.a monopoly of e d u - s e a I T e d . I had to,p.ass·~ough the .:firesof Calvary ,to ,sav~ .yoq•. ,.As .:b.owleggedcqts.", But on the jack­ . Cation· in Africa'!),:all is' not . 'the 'little ;giil .said:· '''Mother, now:! lowe; -et .of."The , C a t b - : lost. by any means.' ..' . . eve1Ytliing.a:baut ybu but your. .han~ ;oli''.: .church ·.in . . ': .:Catholie in Polities' most of alll!" :sowe :say ··,to :the Lord: "I

"Modern. Afriea .Msgr.Mullin cautions against , love most Tb,ihands: NoW 1 undei:s.tand

. ",hat he considers the'''building . NAMED: I\-lsgr•. : John G.·,.TobYMwtrdS;!,? on~ :Sluill. piuck,-:ouout .

, ·(Hp.i'der· B 0,,) k •C e n t e r , New

f ~ ....ands. ,.... •...• disease." Buildings are not the Nolan has been :appointed ·York .. $4.95).

Church. Some church building

there is not a

has not been warranted by local N~tional· Secretary-of the Let us not be too hard on doubting'.

'word about the

conditions and may have been Catholic Near .East Welfare 'Thomas Who mId: "'''1 will not ·~ev.e

·author. On the

·prompted.bi'. '1 desirefo'r'-display: As 80 C ia t ion, s'ucceed~ 'until .I·enn ,see .the 'mark ,of ;.thenails-.in .f. 1'0 n t oft he

,Money could' be much better ArchbisbopJos£!ph T.~y.an.) . His' hands."Thomas would hav~ lIlO jacket, he is ,:used in the-.acti.ve·ap9~01ate. _ "Lord 'exeept If"un Who was w.o:unded ":illltmtified, 'long-' . He woUld .have'pries,tg. liv.e:.in recently named Qy..P<>p,ePaul "'-out ijf "Love 'for 'us: "(Little C,YJl.id.:is windedly, ·asJ Mullin. On the ..poverty,· in eonditi6ns ·mucli'llke. to be Archbishopc>f Anchor- "'rig-Min 'cMiying'~ov~ ili.:SDme­ • ! bront.. flap .he' is identified as those of their people. He asks .. age, Alaska. NC ~hot6. ,. tliiilg" tJlaCwDimds.f No' '.one Cl10ll $I'Ve. ' . , ,: ". ;.Joseph ·Mullin. 'And ,in Cardinal for cultural, racial.. and national another Wlthi)ut' bea"'ing :scars. ;W~. lIiye :in. ;n wOUIU1~d jWorJ$l. ....'., "noiUes 'are' wouJided 'with hunge,r, lepers .~ith . wi"eop~. :SO,'l'I;t!io .Rugambw:a's, introduction,· ,he -is ,humility among the clergy.. He ·.:lTeferred, to as a ,monsignor.. But charges priests. to promote tbeCatho~ac . .:,:·Sili.lH~.r~· :~~e.w~unde~ ¥'~~l>neljpess.m.is~naries ~tb :A1)iVeJ:~. "when, you .have said ,that· of. a ,·lay apostolate•. ,awakening·· the· . ' --. , . man,' you. have . said precisely .. pli)ople to .their. responsibility, Jewo~hG~~\f :We·:cah~o~.go?~ :btiild,i,ng W~~bamsan~ :~ecir.~':;~d .nothing. '. '. preparing them to meet itJ and. '.'" " . more !l.uxunolls.mQther h6uses·,;md,.extra 'comior.table :rect,Qnes ..... :·'['0 'judge ,ny· his··.book,. Msgr. ~reeing them togo about" iC It' JERSEY (NC)-Some- " ~h.i1e 'Cl'r[.is't"~alks. ~11~. 'e'~rtfbearl.ng ,sc~s. O:IJ\fai~ a~e -,beginMullin is a man worthilmowing. IS only the layman who can ef- times the source of a donation Dlng .to see .lliat. the .scars are not l;l~Y•. ln one bIg .Cl~ 1Parlsh.there He is obviously well acquainte'd >'fect the 'ChTisti'an preSence 'in "~nbe more 'gratify~g ibm 'the was a drive':'ltii a"li~w' recto'ry a.nd.:Qonvent" Gronps ;w.er-e.J:pr;gan­ · 1Ii'ithcontempbrarj Mr~cil. He' is .:the .rapidly' 'eh~ging:;Af.~can '., \ ':~~I)~n~ ·iFa.t;h'~r. 'VJchi~ .n: .r~:-· .~ze?,' 1t6 ~olle:ert··;ftini:is; ITben 'somet1:lJ.ng ,jhappened,. 'n'he:.l>anisbion~ ::"just as'.well' !lec,luairite'd with 'the world.:" .,'. , .. , . ,. . . . " . telli S.J. president of St: Peter's'" "1.nsistedl·, on' !I1!Ispeet:in,t> 1the d ,convent,..and .~eeto:r;y. 'lI'heu. 'eun£iluslan mind of 'the Church as expressed -" For example, he ha~' ~ ward 'Coll~ge her~, ~d \~1;J.ed,.iSciQ!>ed.'. -was 4ih.at theprlestS' ''Bnd· <_sisters. av:ere. :liwing iabov:e· the le~.,~o:f in the 'second Vatican CbunCil. ·to ·say about··the Catholic m pol-' $100 donation to the college ·mGlst 'of the_ peo.plein .the·:parish-,no dr~ve. They saw ·ithe :Ohrist ;'A:rid 'he shows great Ill'acHcal' .ities. SUM a·one1must he b6uhd' 'library fund from Temple Beth-of _the Scars. We ~nust btigin to 'sharf' :our wealth ·:wi.th:tbe wounded .. Christ in: Africa, ,Asia .and· Latin .iAnlerica :hefol1e -w.e luxuTiate. · ~oifunon "senJe' in" appiying . the' ~Y" j~stice' .and chari:y in-pu'b-.El, a Jewish synagogue' here: [second'to the fltst. . . ,. lic life·as much-'as :Ih' 'private, Father Yanitelli recalled 'he 'This.is 'the 'lesson"'o'f EaSter. "See . !My 'hands." itiTgly:?' YeS! Bul . .:. Assiinment In TaDz'ania and· must havE." the Inter!!Sts.· of 'had acco~panied a'cOllege ~glee "\~reater' ·Lov.e ~~an1lhisn0J?-an "hath;!'. ~!rite :.to :me ,and ttel1:me, ,~ .. His book gre~ !,ut an 'assi'~- the ~hole p~lOple at h7a~, .not . 'club. group ·to Temple :Beth...E lwIth"your sacnificeS·:fOT the wounded ·Chr.iSt, <of "y.our love lOll' The ~~i;tle.n.i from' a. Bisho~ lq T~nzania favorIng ~~s " C9-rel1gt.onlst~. ~6r a program as ,gesture of - :Risen' "Chri-st;· .H£\ppy Easter··.and God Low.e "~ou!. ...... -;" ~ho wl\nt~d a pastoral guiqefor ..The .Catholic. teacher, too, can, ecumeniSm:' . ' • 'his cijocese. What .. event\lated be a powerful influence for the ";''. " . . .' . ". GOD. ·LOYE ~OU 'to .M.J.B. J:or.a.$l;;500·l'lill'mik ;attnlihe!1 to .•.wasa ''': 'k·.mdo .··· f manu . al' 0f" paS~Q,'ral .' atokell, of .~ ·affection.. 1 . ,:.... t...- ore ~'''';' lb ""...... '" , i n s tead '0f ,a mew . .,.good .....of ;.,.Afril".a. ', .. , ...... . .,'"., f As FtherYan'telli" ·dIl.abb' " 8COD.lDD!WJU.Ll,urJll. •..... e OU.......,:aiUSB.. car. theology pertinent and useful in" . ". Sees Obstacles'. '. ·"SOlI. :a"'A' . t.. ,';Sill,_.. 1 "Ont!;": ';' ;.t(J Mr.' and \oMrs.··.J'.N.,£o:p.~·'".This is ,our first dIOOk aJ~u~,W~fi~/are~i!:_", ~:.'. ), : ";:.::'-j::' .:M~gri :¥~ni1) :~~i>. ;~~t:"F~es. ~o. '··a~:if\ui~,:,~e=a:~n.~'\i:n ~~:;" cdu:e'ct ~to~ou:'~' h'UsbaDd'~ (;latholi~, Jl ~:l:.ut,b~n;.:\BBt . -BUt whYsho'uld·this 'beof m- theChtistiaiuzahon of :Africa " P '~'~"'B'" ·i...:· . b'. d'';' ;., d :DO matter.. lOW' :aun.js ItoJPr.each Ghrist anti! <Cht.ist <flnIciH'leil ')for 0 . '1 l ' . h' h h . syna<togl.1e s. rower 00· ",eClp,e ... '-" '~. . ' . . . ..... . ; . ._th d .,. .. ,,·, , · ne 18 s anusm w IC as ·:.·L . ~. ',," ., . • • . . , . , .. , \ '·ilur· ......\'aw1lil;·iso·i11se· .. :w....,.:e e nee IS 'grea t es•• ,'. , .. '" ... t erest to anyone not engaged In . . ·.""""'nQa·~" A ... • 'J"'" . ' d ".~ ... t aeu~ar'4J .. ",''' an d h as'a ~ 1w make a. donation .. . . . , .. pastoral . ~wor,k:.cm.; ...he·.·'·SP.rea '. , . :to,the . . Cc,M, . .".. , ', . . -. .,., .. '.. -----..... ~.. . :" .. , . . . " answef.";fs't'hit. whiie.·';addresslng"· '. f~$.t ;~l(:f: "Some fif-, :.~~eIn·· ·.k ':'.'" ··th .". .. h .,. ~Do 'Y:o'u' .e-vet"w.onder· I'W.~' 10 th"e .!MisSioiI:S?" .. -" -... . ". . .. ., ...., h." '•• ' He ,wt,tt'¢s, ., - J .' . eepI-!Jg WI ". t'-'" 'llC .. e w a s ' " , should ! " " :1 i ·.":;;v.e r t~ecler.,gy:.tJ;i~ref:··:MSg~·-WI~llin.",.~",~eery·:Y;~~J1; a~o;~~.~o,~n in We~t':people's lXailition"of leo:"" InCireaseyourkn0wJ.Eidge :;~~d .lo~, of· the ~issi0.n~· b!::reacllilg gives' the <?ujslder a'''~Icture ·.of. '. NrJ~lI;:.~~~.:~ •.U~~.lH,~~J.o,Cat~oll(~, 'ple of the book ., weSi.nil.ed~r1ut'MISSION. -a ',pocmet--sized, ~-:montbW magazme -etllted' 'tly..Mf!st the C;~~rcl):~n-Mdca,'l~ ·status;. ,blSbop,·'to.glve ·theirl 'a . prIest. ,·thecolle,ge 'lib~ry as' Jib.eQb 'ed . '.Re~.: ~,ult~i1 .... ·:Sheen. ~'e~ .yourself up40-date on. ~iS::l(ma~ ~ts p,foblems, and a glimpse of ~e bishop hsd no prIest to of'oOuf gif(" . , ,,3 act1Vl.ties :the 'World ,ov.er. Let 'us put'.y.au (on :oursUbBCJ:tptlan '\list Its future. give them. That town has now '. '., , . . .. 'for'only orie"doTIara :Y-ear. The African Church is still ,a over a million in.ha1;>i.tants, all .. . . .. . ': missionary Church, Hi the sense Moslem." ,.. •, ':. " Si$~ell"~tc·COli'llil1l!J1«::t:· ." Cut, ,out ·,this rColumn,'}pin ~our '-sllitlrlfice ;to 'iLand :mail ;at,ltD of being manned mostly by mis­ About Communism he shows . . ...'. .. .. 'Most Rev. :'FUlton .if: :Sheen, .National D~emor <rJI. 'The Sodality iflo? sionary priest!>. In 1963- ·(the last no grave ·concern. Far worse a ··LGI!J.llisDlllll71l@ ~©spiitl'EaJ:D ,the Piropagation vf :the .Faith, :366 Fifth A:velllue, New 'York, IN. Y. year for whic!t figures are avail­ threat, in his judgment, is secu­ KAPLAN (NC) -The Sisters !lOOOl. ,o:r .yOllll' 'Diileesan Dit:ector, Rt. Rev. 1Msgr. 'Raymoncll ''1''. able) there were 12,600 foreign ·larism. The African leader to­ of Mount Carmel, who have con­ Considine, 368 North Main Street. 'Fan 'River, ·'OOllssacbuse'tts. missionary priests in 'the terri­ day is likely to be a man edu­ dueted schools in the Lafayette tories subject to the Congrega­ cated in Europe or America, :diocese since 1846. will take on . tion for the Propagation, of the where he saw religion utterly their first hospital aclministra­ Faith, onlyAfrican 2,624 AfrIcan divorced public and 'even priests. and But the Church ·social life..from He has brought that ·tion. • '" \ , I' . . . : . ' is not missioliary iIi the sense of kind of thinking back to Africa. . They will conduct the former , :, '( ' . . ':',:, . '.,' 'lllot being set IIp in dioceses. In a stirring Epilogue, Msgr. 'Kaplan Clinic.' a :20-.bed .facilfty 'Power Institutions" Mullin says, "Some 80 per cent ',,to' :b'e called 'CarmelHe~ital. lA,IC· . 0'·1 f "The institUtion was a .gift· to the :: ;J;,A..K \J''J;, Monsignor Mullin says that 0 the world is mission territory; 'sisterhood 'from Dr.EdwardVil­ ., '! Church roots are not strongly yet only 12 per cent of the 'lemez;'who est'ablis'hed thecliriic . '. DOMESne .&:H£:AVY IDUnr ;Ofl' ;BlJ.RNERS."::) established ·in . African soil (he priests: of. the world .are work­ '24' ., ..... : . " " ' ....... '. .. " . ' ... ,. ". . '. .'

allude~ to ;the: .mass· def~'ctions ingtp.ere.. :'.' : '. :}: ..., . , . . years ago. . in thE!' Congo).' Catholicnsm .. "Eighty-eiih~.per:cent of all .i~ Tre~~~rtCa±rixelSlStersop- i': ' .... ·,SDles,-S~~¥;jce~J;nsiaJiQtlon.. _, \~ draws the African away; from Catholic ,priests are concentrated "'era e' .. ' oseph's H6spit:H; Tlii­ . . ... ' . ..::. .. ,. • . .: " ." ... ·1 I! the socie.ty Which has~been his in that one.,fifth,ofthe world :,boclaUx,La., in ,the''New Ofleans " .." "'.' '~I\II,.:Q.f,f.ICE·~;J,O ,DURFEE STREET, FAI.4- -RIVER... ,.oO's support.. TQe· Church' confronts .:. wh~re Ule Church 'has/long been .,archdioces.e:.· .... ,... . ., , to Africa with a largely Euro- planted,"Clearly; he nuMs that . ;.1 pean face. • ; something snould b~ done .to ·4.1so, . ·,Ch4 stianity.ha,s been. right. tbe 'bal~U:ice, and the read- .' ·For .each of these, ·there is' a pres'ented' as :a code of things' ei"of his boOK'is l~kely to agree•. selection·'of readings,· ,geiierally forbidden"as a seI:ies .of pr!Jposi- . Short. SerVing .quite brief, always ifresh and to tions, but not 'as' a· dynamic ieal-" ", Other .bOOk. people. of whom the kPo~~~,:and 'dra-wfn 'fro1n ;a r~. , hI" . .' mal' aLT~e ;range' 0 .. auth·ors·In it y engagmg ,I. ,.. j, nne S woe person- we are told 'nothing are· the' . . . t -" d t . ality. not as a commitment to • i:o~pileis. of that. s\lperb collec- .·~any·cen urj.es..~n. ongu~~ ..~ :INC; Christ. Mor.eover. there is' now a tion of aids to reflection and .. , ' . . '. . .'., . . ...... marked trend toward w:bani:i,',!l- p'r.aYei;, Days. of the Lord, edited .;" ":"",... . ..

. .' '.;. tion, with masses,' flqcking:td the .by \ williaDi G. Storey (Herder '. M~N ,17 ·'25 '" \. .; , :.. , 'Fftl~ A..\ "~· . ~ eiVe~, and the Church has not and H.erd~r, N~~" Y91:"I.t.....~3.95).,~ ·.:JI,O~i~Jt>1T~JE: ~~W· ' \ . J r . f i Jl\\ readied itsel.f to·'·serve·'th'em 'of"'Whfch 'the"'secorid"v61ume " .., ....: " ~".: ""'V"" ,,:.,' "'" ,." .• , ,', • '.' .i, , tE1lere, ~ . . . ,..... ". r,. "Spl'ing;"'iS n6w,'.at·'hiiD:di·' '·$ods~'@f·.8r@~!hle·0'$·;~.... .',.' .' ·~IE:F.R. n~~~·.l\'T·.C.~!!h;.'Il' '.j The a~.tl}or"also,s~,a d:mger ': ',Ash' WednE'saay,thro\igh~ the ..,.o1UJi'.i~d~~~.~~@;'~<cle~~e· :;.! . " . . " .. ~U;~K, . Il~~~ in.:'.,m~., 9qWc;h's_·.cFnging-t!> ....S;tturday:::after ?entecost.'is t h e : U ".' . ',J:,i,~{5)r1'i'l A~a'~re:'~ \ w.hat"hecan.s "povv.~r."in,st}~U7., .sco.pe"o;f-. this volul,l1e',: with,!.:each . For in{or;"ofion"~~it{'f~;"'~ ,,":' ."~:fJ;!,(',"!J .~~~,~'t.k,!2J. . , tlOns ...' .., by._. ~ .. h.ICQ..... he m...e.~n..s . t..h.. osa . d... ay·,in... :{..en.t .cQva .. J;ed,·:.,.ea.. eh:.·., day ..... "~' y~~~ ·,.;'J.A'i."YlE· '."'.' .. ',


.,., ..









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' Warwick Neck.l!.,t·



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Projects for Hext Acodemit 'Yeor' Taking Shape in Diocesan Highs As .Yearbook Staffs Are Named

JHE ANCHORThurs., April 7, 1966


-----. Chaplains Help Bomb Victims

Already plans for next academic year are shaping UJlI Diocesan schools. At St. Mary Academy, Fall River, appointments have been made for the 1966-1967 Mercian and Merc.ycrest staffs. Newly appointed editor--in-chief of


SAIGON (NC)-Father (Maj.) John G. Shevlin of New York, followed closely by Father (Lt. Col.) Gerard .T. Gefell of Roch­ Mercian, the school paper, ester, N. Y., ministered to vie­ is Diane Viera. Assisting her Regina. Final tally of the 20 tims of the bombing by commu­ as page editors will be Ver­ minute contest gave Emmanuel nist Viet Cong terrorists at the onica Plaziak, Kathryn Gold­ 355 points to Salve's 305. Victoria Hotel, U. S. billet here Diocesan high, schools with early on April 1. ' en, Karen March and Elizabeth winners in last weekend's Re­ Two of threE' Americans killed, Czerwonka. S~lected as photog­ gion III Science Fair included military pOliC0, were Catholics. 1I'llphy editor IS Gail Silvia. Dominican with three first place All victims were rushed to the New next year. at the Fall winners, and Feehan, Mt. st. 17th F' ld H 't I f J a River school will be the post of Ie .0Spl a, ormer y Mary, Sacnid HeartH, Fall. River, naval station hospital, about a SPOl'ts editor, to be filled by and Bishop Cassidy. Students mile from the scene of the exMary Lowney. Sharing the post from these schools will exhibit I . of business .p.ditor are Barbara P oSlOn. Picar'd and Claire Goyette. Staff at a state-wide fair to be held Father Shevlin gave condition­ repol.ters will include Janice at MIT. al anointing also to four Viet­ Sacred Hearts, Fall River, is namese who were killed but Dufresne, Madeleine· Oliveira, highest ranking sehool 'in the whose religion could not be Alberta Costa, Linda Heywood, Bristol County Girls'. Volleyball ascertained. Gail Martin, Marsha Dean and League..SHA girls ca.me out vic-' Four of the eight seriously in­ Gel'<\ldine Bliss. . torious in il games for a no­ jured Amerkans were taken tG Mereyerest Staff defeats record. .. the 3rd Field Hospital. where Literary editor of the year­ And at Prevo~t High in Fan Father (Lt. Col.) Thomas :D.book. Mercycrest, will be Patri­ River, boys must wear fuii uni­ M G th f S . f' Id M' cia . Selle'clt arid 'Mary J'ane c ra 0 • pring Ie, ass., forms from now on. Colored and attended thl'm Skurka will' be business editor; . . patterned shirts are to be "worn 'the other 64 U. S. casualties Literary staffers. will include out" this. year. and ,come Sep­ h nly . , . .

Carol Bednarz, Catherine Flan-' tember whi.te shirts only. will be aWd°h mltl~Or ISn~unl~s. k d if

aga'n, Donna Fel'reira, Marcia .. ,1 en Fa. 'er ev.m as e the order of the d a · y . . any of the Catholics among Nasser and Jeailllirle Santerre: Co,;,captains' of basketball. for '<'I' them wished to receive the sac­ On the: busll1ess side will be next year at Jo'eehan High in At. ' . " raments, h~ got the answer from Donna 'Ross; Muriel Paquette tieboro wili ..D{i Susan Craig and .SHACADY· S'fAJi"F:' Staffel's. on Shacady, newspaper a couple' of them: "No need, and Patricia Merola. Photogra­ Carol .Roy....Mod·ei·ato.r is.. Sis.ter . F'atller. I' recel'ved last evell"'lg." " WI 11 be handled'b y M aureen Mary Rose Atigela. Tnere's'a law o.f Sacred Heads Academ.\T, Fall River,. are left, Mich.ele They.are phy .J among the U. S, s'er­ Silvia, <:::arol MOl;ton, geraldine and oider' notl!' a1' Feehan, "{oo,' Christie, right,' Kathleen Simpson. vicemen attending daily Mas! :P4~lJ~ti'n8 'and" Kareh - Doucette, ,where silenc"e·.in "the' hali's bas·' . . jn ~ajgo~. . .while typistS. currently sharpen-. been re~e~tablisned, • .' . convention' to be heid' on the" Derby" . in . which' Coyle" boys -'-.,. ing their..~kHls'for t.lie·jQb ahead'

Math, B'usiD08s'Skills, North Dartmouth ~campus .Fri-...with one hand (the right) liter-' a~dat.Stang "Le Petit Figaro,~ ~re:~tber~a GOl1t~;j~iilc~~a£~e;,·.day,April 29. 'l'~e progl~am will.. ~lJy.tied ~l)ind,:tJ;1eir·back.I;,·..an·"all-Jf,~e,~~h newspaJ?e r r .is, i~ Math·ahdbtisi\les.s·skills meets..·.. ' d'" 'to "k .' " def~te' d . tWf.J-·ha· nded. 'Cassl'dy st.uaents...!i.and"s. (:0-. editors B.ar..-. .eO,. Marga.l'et .W.al.sb, .€la. ire Goy~n ' 'd" H ' " ... "J d·th ,were recently;paf.ti~ipated.il'l:by: mclu e a giles spea er 111 addi-. ~tte,. Lyl a. ey'w.oo~,.." .lJ. 1 . • .'iion· 'to"discussiOlls'on the' mean-. ·Iassesat basketball.. It's~pped .: bal'a ·.By~!s ~11~ ~etel'~olt p~.e:...:Rl!posa, ~nna. Ma~'i~" !tt:go,: Char- St'ai)g stua.eil.ts. .In· :Math the, ing' arid Plirposes·of." the" hon·or.....this" .will,' 'become "a)l 'aririu'ar .pared. a sJJ,;~page Issue, ,mcluumji

"-.... C .. d C· 1 t C t ' S t·a·Ji g' ·reprelie'lta(jyes:, scored." ,., . . f' ..... t d h 1 ~ ..e aro~a!1 '..a.r.o.a Q~a:.· ". '. . sOCieties:" ; ,::: ,.: ~·.·event..Als.o at.Coyle;;the.tennis· a~"lons, Jl;a{f)ons _;lJ'!SC,~ At North Oartmouth'S' Bishop second among Jschools .. and., In.. , . . . . . :. . ..... ,.. .,... , news. And 'llsQ at Stang the ·.~a~lg,· the fi·l'st" of" preParat~ons" b~sinesS: sk,m.s·:too~ ."Slxth:.place: .~ .The .arhflcJal. he.al:t, lUl\~. a.n.~ ... =~~;~~~-~n~I~~~t~e~r~:~~I:r~:·"ChesS' Club ent'ei'cd .it~ 'fi~Kc9ii:' ... for the.riew.~seniOrclass took:· :Hlgh math' ~corerS.4were J()hn.: ... k.ld~ley. ..were,~hs~~~!;lse~:.t~~.~as. 'A' Id.' .y .. ,.". :.: ··~·· ..test·'·ilie'·New' 'Bedford High )l>lace this month. when seniors· DiCiccio.': and A4,'ary Holland, ty-.. ~}dy sClenc~ r;lass~Jl~y PI:O~!lssor. rno. . Sch~l Tournament: Heading . .... ...... ..... . •. mg· . f or f'Ir~t pI.ace,an. d M t Edwal'd W. Mett'lJl of,;,the D l)s.t· ]' 't H 0 1Y.. 'FamI "1 Y . the" 'club . . . . '. .,. .. ~9 be '~ere ~eflsur~d. I~r thell" ar. g ~re .. ' . ' .' ".' ~ .. MIT, '... " ..... :IS; ' f y,\I1g a. IS AI,;tn ~o/lklewJca, class rin~s.. ' Morse ;lthllped a:perf~ct 100 per, :,.~~p~.,t.JPent .,?f c~em,l~~l :en~i-, as the library' and typing room.. W'ith: Johll Fitzgerald its.s~~t.i,sti:. ., And.at. .Bishop ..Cassidy in c~nt score on,:the bU~l11ess ·sk~lls:.· .neermg:. (:asSl~Y. glr,l? JO~l'I1eyed are. changing plac.es and under:' ·cian. ~o, we don't know what he Taunton, the 1966-67 staff .of the-" test. In partial. busmess. skIlls", t,o: :l\!UT for thp. eye~t ..: , : . going; simultaneous remodeling; does. . · yearbook; the Corona, has been SC9 ri ng, Sta'ng climbed to, sec:- .... Also at Cassi~y, student, eoun:­ . "'. ' .

announced. It'includes Marianne' . 1-md place: for, .stenography I and-:. ~il~ors '~eJd.·~ .~pt~u.ck. ~uffl}t .£..91'. .: _.~.lill!lm!lmm

Sch'erben . and' cri'roi Smith co:" II seCtions,' .' .': '. • . ' ...,. parents,followed by a· -model'

editors;. Elizabeth . Moitoza 'a n d AI~o in th~ line .of matb, high. coul'I;cil meeting ·con,ducted by'

J;.inda Viv~iros. lay-out editors; n~nkm~ selllors. ~t' SMA· Fall· . pr~sldent £aI'91. Sylv.m: .

Elizabeth' Seipold, literary' edi_R~v~r m thl:' N,atlOnal Math e-. Recently'heill'd at Mt. St'. Mary: '.

· tor; Janet McCarty, 'busine'ss edi-' matIcs ExamJna1.lo~ l' e c e n, t I y. 'Academy' w~re .Rev: Edmund. tor; Susan Mogan, art editor; taken at many· DIOces~n highs,.' Delaney., who 'spoke on "Renew­ Sue Larivee, 'photography editor;' were. Mary A~n Demetnus, Mar-. al tfirough 'Christ's Message' in' and Rita Donl1elly, copy editor. gU,el:lte CloutIer, Bette Rapo~a, the Scriptures"; and Rev. Mau· h er L ' WJnlfred Byrne and Sandra SI1-. rice Jeffrey H Ig earDlng t ' , who explained the Heading for higher learning at ves reo , . concelebrated Mas~ to religion May tbe Joy and Promise Easter Dominican Academy. Fall River Upcommgevents for student classes. And MountIes Anne Sul­ lire Colleen Desrosiers and Ce~ councillors at Coyle High will Jivan and '}<JJsie Pelton were WJplift your Spirit and gladden cile Thibault Plus School of be participation in the South­ 'high scorers in their school in Busi,~ess' Betty Ann Ouellette eastern Mass. Student Council the annual UN High School Con­ YOUI' beollt Marymo~nt; and Maureen Tou~ Convention in .West Bridgewater test. Volleyball varsity players at pin, Stonehill. At Coyle High in T~ursday, A!Jt"lJ 28; and sponsor­ Taunton: William Cqte, PC and shIp ?f a P?st-Lenten dance. DA have chalked up victories BU; Stephen Cuttilo, Assump­ Co~ncl11o..s WIll be student C?­ against New Bedford High, Fair­ tion; Charles Flannery, Joseph ordmat~rs at a CCD leadershl!> haven, and Cassidy; and at SHA Kot Harold Woods SMTI' David day to oe 'held .Saturday, AprIl Fall River novice debaters from the Officers and Personnel HOye, Holy Cr~ss; Charles ,30 at Bishop Cassidy High. placed Jecond in a tournament Sunderland, Marquette; Joseph At Holy Family the yearbook, at S1. Catherine's, Newport. A of Viera, Manhattan; Robert Sil­ Maria, has been distributed, This special certifICate of merit was veria, Northeastern; William year's edition is dedicated to won by Ann Marie Charrette. Holmes, Stonehill. Sister Mary Daniel in apprecia­ Also at SHA, girls ·heard a lec­ At New Bedfol'd's Holy Fam­ tion of her many years of seJ:"ice ture on careers in business and ily: Nancy Chadwick, Fitchburg; ,to' HF. Editor was'Mark Keighl)', .. were offered the opportunity of Robert Gaur,lrea'u, PC; Bridget aided by Donna·Place and, Barry taking·.a business, aptitude ·test. Barron, Massachus~tts Bay Com-· Harrington, , Volunteers· are readying' at munity Coll~ge. ~nd HI!' winners in the New Feehan to rielp with .various' - Scholarships include, at Stang, . lBedford: Science' Fair include chor~s' in connection' with the Terrance Hamiltoo, $2,000 schol- .lKevm Harringto~, 'parJeen Kol­ Teachers' Institute· t6 be held at arship to. Holy Cr~ss; and John asinski .and. Theresa pryslopski.. the Attleboro· school. Thursday· ·PiCicc.io, $4,000. scholarships tel ." Pt;evost... H~g\' 13choors··glee and' Friday, May' 5 'and 6.' . , . . And'~t' Stang' the annual boys' · Holy Cross and B08.ton College. cI,!b will appe~r. in .'a, eOIlc.ert' Also at Stang,' jtiilior ThomaS '~unday, ~ay .~ at· Jesus;.Ma..y· .intramural 'basketball gam e s . Ne'ig~b'orhood Vel'a' h.llS· been granted" a partial, . Academy Hall Members will·be· saW- sehiors .claiming aU honors' ~u~mer scholJ1rshipt.o the Middirected ~~ 8r~tber C?e~~ste and 'over j'llniors, with freslimenand­ western M.usic and Art Camp of '. gu~st'. arhst wll.l be. Claudette . -. Sophomores 'waging a· less' un-' '. the University of Kansas.' D.emers of. ~t'. St, M~ry Acad':' even' contest. Also at Stang' ., .Fin'ally, at Bishop Cassidy at·· emy. Also on the program 'bas'e'ball is.qneler way under di~" N~w Taunton, . Doreen KruczeK has . ~ m~m.bersof t~.JMA glee: rection or' Coach Gimy Hickey; ~en n?tified of a $1200 schol.~rclub. ..... : . : ' . . . ~~p, i9Jf .is. goingfol'\\7ard on the ~ CENT':. BANK-Purchase· and· William Sts.' ship to Emmanuel," .. Cla~dett'e' al!lO he~ds one of Paskamansett C 0 U r se . with NORTH' BANK-Acushnet ·Ave. at· CoHin Ave. At MOllnt St. Mary. a. sodality two c::,sts i~ Mt. St, ~ary's }>1'o- . 'ChariieCoimeil as coach. . . .SOUTH .BANK-'-Cove St. at Rodney French Boulevard'· " .meeting fe'ahired' a discussion of duction of "Camelol"to'be pre-' .' Gi'rf. sodallsts at Stang took' LUND'S CORNER BANK-'-Acushnet Ave. near Lund's eorne.: duting, enteuainment, conform­ sented next week at the' Fall 'adVillltage of the :Palm Sunday' .WEST BANK-Kempton Street at Mill Street . ., ity un~ respect for a\lthority. Rive.. school.' . weekend to' make"3 closedre-' DARTMOUTH BANK-Dartmo~fh ~treet near. Rockdale AW}. Also at t~e .Mount, the National NBS Convention' treat at Ipswir.h. accompanied by: . Honoi: Society sponsored an National Bo'nor Society mem­ three faculty inemb~rs. . . .. ,. "inter~ollegia~e" ba.ttle of brains, . bers at Stang are' preparing tG· .... Powder' P'uff DerbY" .' . IORIVE.-IN SERVICE AT· ALL '~NKS :with opponents bearing. the .col­ p!lllY host to NlHlS units from alll Making news recently at Coyle' ',:' ell!. ~,}fJlu,D.,~W~l .. andSal~ peilW ~ So~tThe'asteli'IL\ l'.«a~.il, ~t ffi ano.· Gassidy was a' "Powder' PUU




.C/'{atiJJnae BANK


will .

.Conveniently Locclted' . ·..6.···· ·Banks In .. Bedford "


' . . .. ..


· 14

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of


') ",,,,,1

F~I! River;-Th,urs. April 7,


Scores Protest


l;~gai'~st 'M~eting


Asser~~', Charismatic::Gift~

i ' " . "·Ch:a~.·· ·'r·I-.fy Useles~ '. "W.,.-• tI'LOU'.t·, n

BELFAST, (NCh-A top)Irish 'Pre'sbyteriim leader ha~, dis­ 'av.owec;l' :clemQnstr,ations by IrIsh '~Free Prebyterian". ip. ~on, dor{ and.: R~me protestiri'g' the meeting between the Pope and the Archbishop of Canterbury. The Very Rev. T. A.B. Smyth, former moderator of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian , Church in Ireland, said in 'il ser­ mon here that the Rev. Ian Paisley and .his fellow demon­ strators were "agitators." Dr. Smyth',> denomination to­ tals over 400,000 members. Dr. Paisley is moderator of' the ,Free ',Presbyterian Church; of Ulster, '. an extremist group whose,mem­ '.. bership is believed to' bel under " 10,000., .

1 "


By Msgr. GeorgeG. Higgins (Directo~~ Social Action Dept., N.C.W.C.) The relationl'-hip' of ecclesIastical authority and the . d' f C4 prop heticwitness" 'of· individual ChristIans an groups 0 Christians on social problems like war, poverty, and dis­ crimination was debated briefly atN9tre Dame. UniverSity'S recent International Confer­ In point of fact, as I tried to ' d unn . g th e 'b n'ef colloquy ence on the Theological explam Issues 'of Vati~a~, n:.· .The which ensued, 1 am wholeheart­ .p~oblem came ul> for. discus­ edly in favor of the maximum


sion during ,an infornial~colloquy · I, . between' the present writer and ISO m e 0 f ,t h e ' , "

· t

ot h er'pane1IS s

over the issues

of conscientiou~

objection. Vat­ . 1't S .. , 'ican 11, In t rea t.m en t

Of the subl'eC[

of war and peace.

in the Pastoral

Constitution on

the Church in

the Mod ern World, did not 1..' .... '1' f address itself to the prmcl}> .e 0 : . ' b' 't,' ,., " s,uch , , conscientious 0 lec lOll:: 'but simply stated that "it seems ., ,,' right that 'laws m~lt~, h~inane , . ,'. p\'ovislons. ~()r th¢ c~:s~, o~ ~pose who for' reasons of conscience refuse to bear arms," provided, however, that they agree to , .i' serve·:the· humancommuriityin · ... some ·other way." ,.: . c. "





degree of \ freedom within the Church for individual' Catho.lics who feel compelled in conscience to give "prophetic' witness" on this and a n'umber' of. related is­ sues in the realm of public pol­

BENEFIT WORKING GIRLS: Rev. Edward Wojniak," "Dr.,Smyth said his chuI1ch is . h k f $25 000 f t St .. M "constantly f'mbarrassed. and icy and public morality. S.V.D., receIves ,3 c ~c or , rom. ac or eve .c- misrepr,esented' by Dr. Paisley's My.concern. is Queen, left, and mOVIe producer Robert WIse, to help buIld gr.pun. Church . t th'I pointed f d out, t d' .. The Prosbyterian, ~ not to limi ell' ree om 0 0 a hostel for working girls in Taipei, Formosa, where the. is cqmmitted to the 'promot~on of so, but rather to safeguard and Ch' . t wor k s. NC Ph 0 t o. . understanding and the removal Icago prIes P rotect it. And, unless I am bad­ of bitterness, he said. And while ly mistaken, premature state­ Irish Presbyterians cannot ac­ .ments by the official teaching cept many doctrines held by authority of the Church on is­ Roman Catholics "or visualize sues which are stili open to hon­ Continued from' Page One .remarks by. Msgr. Thomas F. even a remote possibility of un­ est difference of oplnion within " 'd , Ll'fe Bureau I of, t'he' " National Walsh, Dioceaan Moderator. The . ion ' , ..with the Christian .''community' threat­ ' .their . Church, he sal , Catholic Welfare Conference. M,t... . ~t .. ~ary. Glee Club Will.' "surely division can be faced in en rather than protect the cause The morning session, including' offer . a muslcal .interlude, fol- c h an·t·y an'd" a s t aunc'h s t an"d' f or of freedom. .. registration and coffee hour, lowed \;>y. Msgr Knott'sad~ress" ,Pr'otestknt principles' does net Right to Charity will begin at 9:30, and a business and a message from Bishop Con-,:, requ'il-e churlishneSs to sustain There is a lesson in this, it meeting will follow at 10:15. -A nolly.·.·, , " , ,'th~m.". . .' . ,.' ." seems to me,for all those' who leadership. .session is slated for Msgr. Knott will speak: OR. are currently insisting on the 11:20, followed· at 12:15. by Mass' "Love iii the Family," and he . -r. E maximum ~egree pf'freedon{ for in the' academy'· auditorium. brings to.:his topic!1 wide ,back-.'.." rlrst .Y~!.~." themselves as "prophetic wit­ Lunch will be serv-ed at one ·grol,lnd..A ~athTe ()tCon~ecticut;., ..I:'?R'I;SMOUTH (NC)~Father nesses" t6 Christian'values. o'clock:" " ., he was ordained' in 1939 .and :Regmald A: Redlon, O.F.M., ". . "Wants stateuienfl' They have-every right to ex-'. The afternoon session of the" ~ub~eqUe9tly,WOEkedin t~e:pro-" p'res~d~~t Q'f ~t. Fr~lJlcis,'C?1~ege, A :distinguished: "Protesta~t.. pect .the· fulle:3tmeasure'of' un-·':· gatherihg will iricludeamessage·. ~otipn '~,f tb~.Cana,Cor,feJ;ence Rye .Bea~h, N. ~., p~each~ at a . ,..; member 'of" the' . Notre'· Dame, derstanding,. cha'rity' a'nd' fore- from Mrs. Ja~es·A. O'Brien,' Jr., .. moven.tent. in Connecticut for 14 service' 'at St. John s EPIscopal · panel 'voiced bis:'dissatisfactiop.··bearance fI'om-:thosewho'are in" Diocesau....CoUhcll pr'esident;'and years' and'Served as full' .time"! church:' here~the :first;:Ume a , with this .guarded. approach t.o . positions.of ecclesiastical author-' 'director of' the Marriage and .. Catholic priest participated in a. , . ·a problem of such crucialimpor~ ity and from those· not· in, author.. Family Apos~61ate' of the Arch-' service at the 'church' founded in ·tance and then rather impatient­ ity who may happen' to look at '.diocese'of Hartford for 11 years; 1732•. :' .. ly expressed the hope..that with­ things from a d~fferent· angle. . .Cori'timied. from Page One . The prelate is the' author 6f ,: ... -in the near. future. the official' On the. other-"pand" the n<>W beautifUlly decorated in iJp numerous 'artiC1es~ including a' teaching authority of the Church . "prophets" .in our,. midst, must. to' .a 'half dozen colors,' gleams' w ee k l' Y syhdiCilted . column, NO J~B. TOO. BIG · would face up .to.the..problem realize. that cbarity:.cuts both .. 'With a waxy coatihg. .,. . "Eve'ryinan's' 'Family~" 'He' has .. , from the point of, :vie.w of its' . way. In my judgment, they will. .. , Mrs. Gadek. sars 'it' ciiil'take up' been direCtor of the NCWC Fam_, . NONE TOO SW'Ll . Declaration :m ·"Religious,.Free­ do their own. cause "more harm to "two t6 fourh'ours to decorate 'ily ·Life BilrE"au ,since 1961 and, . ,., dom and issue ~n .authoritative than good if, in defiance of other. one with ,an Intricate design'" ........ wall .. e~~,:,a~e~ .. ~.c.. the ·.r~nk ,of, . ··,statement in . defense . of;, the people's honest opinions, they" '1.ess'for' siiripler' designs.'~' . . ",.~o~~sbc~r~l~te ,In I~~2~ ", ,.. : " " ,'.' principle, of consc,:i~~ti'?~i objec­ insist that th~y and. they alone'. .

Wom,en to Hear Msgr. Knott



Easter Eggs.·'

'r-------------.. ·SUUIVAN BROS•.


.:'~ tiO~ithi~~gh .i' s;nc~;elY:,~~~,r~: this :~eth~e~;S:::;t~~~:orth~~~:;:~'f~~~~\:;~\:~~;:a:n~',~::~:::.:P'ittsbur9:hi·ponder~ . t t u ferences are reflected m the de- ". T' '.. :. . " '.,:'" .: •. . ". '" . hope, I felt it. app,ropn a e ll g­ cally, if they. demand: rthat .tbe sign,S. done by Polish no.w Uving , '.' -fJ.,em.. Re.,duchon :







:PRI.NTERS . .-.,




. Main' Office and Plant


gest that it would be:. ,a,:,;m,iJ;take officiai. teachin~' aothoritY of '

95",~ridge'st., :I.owetl~ .~. for the institutional ChJ,lrch to,. the Chur'ch prematurely certify in the UnIted'S~ates. . . . PITTSBURGH'(NC'):"",,· or he""

Tel. 458-6333.· , i'~ ·'.issue such an official'iitatement to. the authenticity'" of· their . Many. of :today s 'younger pe~- Pennsylvania House Committee

, untiistich: .time aio' theologians. ~'prophetic witness~'.on;debatable.:·~le"doIl\~eem.tob~ ,int:erest~d -on Higher Education isholdini( " :" '·Auxilia,yPlants.·· ':' , and other experts had: first ar­ issues. '::,; 'l~:c~~rYlng o~·. th~ .~l~ tradl- .. il"hearinii t~day at '·Duquesne..':.' BOSTON .. : rivedilt"a viable' con~nsus As I pointedol1~duringour. tlo.ns,M~. ~a~ek~ays~b~t my Universi~y to discuss.the impact'· among themselves~'",.,., . , . '., colloquy on,. this ,matter at· the, 'chIldren ,Iii s.c~ool-are fascmated on" 'private' instittitfons of plans , CAMDEN, N. JJ•... · The reluctance of the counc~l Notre Dame', conference, trying .. by the :E;aste,r e~~~/' , '.: ,·to· cut tuition ;'at the University·'.·.· .', QCEANP.O,~T, N.·~~.. , to come to' grips ·with the proh~ to force the institutional Church' Sees' God s lIIand.. of Pittsburgh"fron'i $1;400to'$450" MIAMI lem ot' COnSciE"Iltious objection at' prematurely to put the· stamp of She says she loves all types of..., next ,Fall.' . ,' .. ," ."., PAWTUCKET, R.I.. the le'vel' of principle was due official approval. on, one!s.indi-· ."peasant 'work ... '~ ... ~~en I s~.. The tuition slash has been pro­ to the fact, I' pointed out, that. vidual views. on controversial the beauty and· slmpbclty of It, posed as part ;of' a move to make PHILADELPHIA . unfortunately no such consensus' issues is an old game' and one I'see God's hand ',in it." : Pitt· astate:"'l'elated university. . time,' And, as she talks, Mrs. 'Gacek, ." exists' at the presertt .which is just ;is popular with ....: ' Consequentl)', . ~ " concluded, so-called ~be:r:a~'; as..it is with . finishes polishing" another egg ~UllllllillilllllfllllllliilllllllllllillllillllllllljllllllllllllilllllllllllllllUlIlIlIlIIlIlIlIIlIlllIlIIlI1II1111111111111111111/11111!;; . and adds it to the colorful·heap, = ' ..,. " .. ' . =

i~~t.. much' more 3 t u d" Y 'IS nee d e d b e­ so-called "conse.r.vatives." fore the offiCial teachirig'author­ already al'rang~p in a glass dish, .== -' .. -.... ==

Nasty Dispute, . on., the. co.ffee table. . §= The Silver Bay §='

ity of the Church will 'be: in a . It starterd back in Corinth in.· .Easter. visitors can .come now. =

po~ition to .hsue "a' definitive == ..... ." . '. . . = /,,, ... statellient ·on the 'principle of the first century A.D.; when the . She,i;;.ready to ,greet ,them with.. § IS comIng. § consci'entious objection' .as' such. early Christian.!> began to quarre(' the traditian;il . Easter ',eggs of . One of the' Catholic panelists among them~elves 'about' the Poland, made for viewing, not ~ bringing .... , .' ' ~ ,,' .' thought that! was"underestimat­ value of ·their respeCtive' 'gifts or.· eating. == == ing the crucial neeq for a clari:" chTarhi~ms. t d' teO h' h ., ....'..,.~= a, o:lI i. $ ."~" _~_= fication. of the Church's stand' IS nas y" ISpU , . W lC , · on' this' important. issue and,' threatened to .disrupt· the Chris:.. ..'. = = , .~ . ". ," . == more'" Specifically, r that I 'Was tian community' in Corinth, was '§ 't" ..", I - . ~'..JI § playing down the need for "pro­ eventually .brqughtto the a t t e n - ; ... , .. § ' . OC,eO·n S,,,, . r@O~S § phetic witries'.''' by individual tion of St. Paul, who. was at " UNION WHARF, ·FAIRHAVEN. Tel. 99~~C)358 ~ Christians in favor of :the prin­ Ephesus. .5iIlmlllllllllilllilli.lll11l11l1illlllilllllll1I,III,IIIiilllll11111111I1111I11I11111I111I1111I11I11I1111I11III 1I1111111111111111111111111t1~ ciple .of conscientious.. objection. Paul immediately,. wrote a He said'that we -simply 'do not rather sharp letteJ: to the Corin­ have time to sit arottnd and wait thians in an effort,to try to calm ~". for t.he expert~ ,to arrive at a the troubled, waters" (I ,Cor., consensus. In.dividual Christians Chapter 13). In this letter the and groups of Christians, he in­ Apostle pointed out that the so­ sisted. must be completely free called cnarismatic gifts - "in-' ,. , to "witness" tc their own con­ cluding the gift of prophecy"-:,' victions on this' matter :even in' are worseti:lan useless wfthout the absence of anything like a charity., 'T~'(ARES It was in the spirit of this im­ .; UPitOlSTERINGSHOP universal consensus._.· - mortal passa~e- of I Corin·thians. Custom Made Upholstered Furniture that· Vatican 11, in its Pastoral FOlI'dham Ubrariolll Constitution·. on .the Church in Reupholstering ••, Quality'Workmansblp­ ..... ', ... Large Selection Fin~ Fabrics NEW Y01=tK :(NC)-,Da'vid. R. . the Modem. W\>tld~ urged .Chris,. Worl( Guafilliteed .. "Free Estimates Watkins, head of the reference tians to be patient and forebear­ department cif Yale University ing with one another and 'not to "REMOLDEUNG OUR SPECIAlTY" library, has been appointed di­ try to force' their own charis­ . '992·2891'" rector of libraries of Fordham matic . judgments on the .entire New Bedford . TeI.'WY '64211 , 640 Pleasant Street 1602' 'Acushnet Aile';. Nell BedfOrd University effectivC' July I. Christian community. ·

1 ,.,




..,' ,. ,,. , ", ."" ",


rlllf. :. L,. ve; • M . ·· .


seef ..




Thurs., April 7, 1966


Canada's Bishops learn Techrnique Of Broadcasting MONTREAL (NC) ­ Twenty-two Canadian bisb-­ ops returned to school to Jearn the fine points of, tele­

ful about what wiJI happen to·

Judaism. There's a real anxiety over what will· happen '>to the Jewish community. "Even this meeting is a terri­ ble threat to keep Jews Jewish. They are being confronted for the first time with what it means to be Jewish by choice. But' the answer will depend a great deal on your generation rather than mine."

School Bus 'Suit

Filed in Court

TRENTON ,(NC) - A long­ awaited law suit against the busing of students to two paro­ chial schools in West Milford, N. J., has been filed here in Su­ perior Court, t.he state's highest tribunal. The complaint was entered on behalf of Henry F. Fox and Jus­ tin J. Jecker, two West Milford residents, by RQ~ert D. Gruen, Hackensack' attorney. It names' the West Milford Board of Edu­ cation, Passaic County Superin­ tendent of Schools J. Harold Straub, and New Jersey Atty. Gen. Arthur J, Sills as defend­ ants. Sills wa's' named, according to Gruen, because the suit raiseS' constitutional 'qur-stions. Supporting the litigation is , Protestants and, ,Other ,Ameri~" cans United, I.or Separ,ation of Church and States fP<)AU). is lPossib~~tAat:the New Jersey chapteI: 01 the~meI:icl\n Civil Liberties Union will enter, the case, as it h~.;lpr~mised, to sup­ port any, taxpayer'. ~nstitution' , litigation. . . . '., . The suit claims'thaftbe$H,·OOO , spent by the township to trans";' port about 600 children on 12 special ,bus ro't,!~s 'represents misuse of t~y.p~yers' fu~ds,' and :' violates both $tate and federal ' constitutions. .



Bishop ~elrry Opens

Congress Session.

Prelate Testifies , On, Housing Bias


MONTPELIER (NC) ~' A ,Catholic priest was aino!lg wit­ nesses at' a legislative hearing , , , h.ere testifying to the existence .' C)f hOl!si'ng dfscrimiriation in Vermont aimed at Negroes, Jews and other'minority 'groups. , He is Msgr. Edward J. Fitz­ simons, pastor of St. Monica's church and president of the'Ver­ mont Civil Rights UniQn. Msgr. Fitzsimons 'is former president of the Burlington chapter of the National Association for the Ad­ : vancement of Colored People. Msgr. Fitzsimons named three bousing developments, in Bur­ lington where covenants and re-' strictions are written 'into the deeds forbidding the: sale of property to members of minority groups.

Fellowship Funds PITTSBURGH (NC);-:-A $42,­ 000 grant from the U. S. Office of Education has been'awarded Duquesne University here to be osed for fellowship grants for graduate and undergraduate stu­ dents who plan to teach men­ taJJy retarded children. Du­ quesne's program in special ed­ ucation for the mentally re­ tarded wos initiated in 1964 with federal ~'

WASHINGTON (NC).....-Auxfi­ iary Bishop Harold' R. Perry of New Orleans c>ffered the prayer which opened a recent session of the House of:Representatives~ Speaker John "McCormack and Rep. Hale Boggs of Louisiana in;. vited the bishop, to officiate: .. : It was the s()con'd tiine Bishop Perry opened 'the' House' with prayer. The other' occasion was July 8,'1963', When, asa priest, he beca~e the !irst Negro guest chaplain of the 'House. '

DOGGIE COMES TO MASS: Present only, for the puppy sleeps through Father's sermon during Sunday morn­ ing Mass offered on the village commons in the southelk part of the Diocese of Gwelo, Rhodesia. NC Photo.

Paying Off Job Finding in Los Angeles Archdiocesan Program, Brings 1,800 Offers of Work LOS ANGELES (NC)-Some

.appeals., for jobs. The job offers .are then conveyed for fulfill­ been made in the wake of ari ment to the Urban League, to the appeal by James Francis Cardi­ California S tat e Employment nal McIntyre for more job op- 'Office serving Watts, the' area . portunities for minority. group twice torn by, riots and to· other ­ members ,in tbe Los, Angeles agem,ies able to supply potential area.. " ,, employees. ,"More jobs, are needed," the Besides the pulpit appeal,' the Cardinal says "~lnd we feel Sure archdiocese also· established a that other employers in our par,,: Job Finding Bureau under Mrs: ishes would like' to. participate .. Rosalia Nolan; experienced in this worthwhile cause", which employment tounselC:)r' and job ,is now in' the' fifth m~nth. develop~ent executive. T~e ioh.,fimfirig ,program, was' established' a,l t e r'conferenceS' . between the archdiocese and' the 1,800 offers of employment have


Urban League. The archdio~ese

S~ster' Begins Math

Lesson With Music UNION CITY (NC)-At Holy'

~osary Academy here in New

Jersey, the new math is really' new-it starts with Sister JaCinta playing the guitar for her stu": dents.· ' Math can be awfUlly difficult, expl~iJ)ed Sister Ja~inta, and she ,finds .,the ;music "creates an at-, m<?spher~ of relaxatio!l;'; Her 'songs' are religious or biblical songs set to popular music and have replaced the tra~ ditional ,starting prayers.' She enc«?urages tbe students to join in as she sits on the edge of her desk strumming chords.

Named for Prelate,' ~.OSTON (NC) - Gr9und will be broken this Summer for a new hosp,ital in Jerusalem to be named after, Richard Cardinal Cushing of Boston. Plans for the facility to be known as the Car':' dinal Cushing Medical Center were announced by Melkite Archbisliop George Hakim 01 Nazareth and Galilee, in Boston, on a tour of the United States.'




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NEW YORK (NC) - Sacred Heart Messenger magazine cele, brates its centennial in the April

issue with a new forma.t and up..:. dated approaches to modern spirituality. . Father Daniel' F. X. Meenan;

S.J., editor, said this did not

mean an abandonment of the

'past. "The Messenger began in 1866 as a magazine of dev'otion

and some cultural comment'" '" "', '~~erving ,the AI!0stleship of· Prayer', we will continue to pro­ vide informatio!l and inspiration to our readers . who are con':' cerned with· personal ,fulfillment in the Christian life,'" he said.

Lutheran Lectures, Holy Nom., Soci~ty WHJTMAN SQUARE (NC)­ A group of 30 Catholic' laymen received a begin'ner's course in Lutheranism here in New Jersey from a, Lutheran minister, ., , The Rev. Ronald C. Nelson pastor of the Evangelical Ltith~ eran Church of the, Apostles here, lectured to members of St. Charles' Borromeo Holy Name

Society on the history and tra­ ditions of 'his faith.

After 44 Years

COLUMBUS (NC) - DaytOIll Chaminade's well - dis'ciplined team buried an old jinx and cap­ tured Ohio's biggest high school , basketball prize-the state ClasiJ , AA championship., It is the firB1 Catholic school to win the title in the 44-yeat historY of' the state tournament. Chaminade d~feated Toledo's Liljbey High, 55 to 52.



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and Hyannis

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'Messenger' Marks -100th Annivrsary

vision and radio from experts of the Canadilin Broadcasting Corporation, spending three days of intense instruction at the CBC studios, often under the glare of television lights. Their special course, believed to have been the first of it<. kind ,in the world, was arranged by the special commission of the Canadian Catholic Conference dealing with mass media. During the final session of the Vatican Council, Louis Chabot, general secretary of the commis­ sion, arranged a number of in­ terviews with the bishops for use by the French-language net­ work in Canada.

Chabot noted that appearing

before the microphones and tel­

evision cameras caused difficul­ ties for some bishops and sug­ gested that steps be taken to help them overcome their awk­ wardness in dealing with masn media. ReCCI)tive Class Invitations were sent after the council to all the French-speak­ ing bishops across, Canada, .and 21 accepted, including Maurice Cardinal Roy of Quebec. Also attending the sessions here as an observer was ,English-speaking Bishop Re~i DeRoo of Victoria, B.C. , Their study program included the technique~ of making -fun use of-the microphone and tele­ vision eamera, how to write· for ra,dio and, television 'pr,esenta­ tions" how to give an interviel:1llo and participation 'in-panel dis­ cussii:ms and' press conferences. The, "teach'ers"" were all "ex­ perts in their' respecti,ve 'fields: announcers, interviewers, 'direc­ tots, technicians. Some' were women.

The instructors later said th~' had never before had such a're­ ceptive class. The bishops, they . found, were more interested ill the media than politicians. '


BISAILLON'S .GARA'GE 24-Hour Wrecker Service 653 Washington Street, Fairhaven WYman 4-5058 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• &••••••••••• ~-


THE ANCHO~--:-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. April 7, 1966

Ecumenical' Asse.mbly,

.. - !.





Card,inal Shehan, Methodist Prelate

Share Baltimore Platform'




SHARON (NC)-The supreme itual ideals and principles can officer of the Knights of Colum­ be shared only in whispers be­ bus called for "cooperation a~ . hind the private walls of our lfriendship" between the Knights homes." and the Masons, and outlined He also charged that "the pre­ $hree areas for joint ~fforts. . cious precept of patriotism'" is Supreme Knight John W. Mc­ "in serious trouble today." Jl»evitt told a brotherhood break­ "We have come toa sad day !fast cosponsored here by the when some misguided members Knights and the Masons that the of our youth would rather hoist fraternal organizations should on their shoulders the~draft card oooperate in "the spread and de­ burner than the .winner ,of the fense of a belief in God; the pro­ Congressional Medal of Honor."He also urged that the -Knights . motion. of patriatisni; and the safeguarding of a natianal mor­ and the Masons cooper1!-te' "in stressing the paramount 'need of ality." McDevitt said: "It is high time a fundamental'morality." iIior the dissipation of ahy l:e­ License and opportunism are eriminations, disaff.ections or . eating away at the basis of mo­ . petty jealousies that may have rality, he said. f>ormed a barrier to cooperation and friendship between the Editor Stresses Knights of Columbus and mem­ bers of the Masonic' order." Remarriage Evil ~ . McDevitt said the' bond ee­ PASSION CROSS: The tlWeen the two societies is "our JEFFERSON CITY (NC)-A Cross has many variations, llllutual belief in God and the priest pinpoint£ remarriage after paramount 'importance and eter- civii -divorce as a mushrooming .such as the Passion cross, Dal destiny of the human' ·soul." evil generally overlooked in the with ends cut to points. This He warned against "a profes­ curren. social upheaval. ' cross is one of a series. orna­ sedly atheistic political and eco­ Msgr. Ralph G. Kutz, editor of 'menting the Communion raii lllomic ,philosophy" which 'has the Catholic Missourian, Jeffer­ at St. .Francis of Assisi. seized much of the world' and is soa· City diocesan newspaper, church in Harrisburg, Pa; infecting the U. S. - . . ' sal~ted the reference to the evil, .. "Believers in God 'and eternal . in the papal decree "Matrimonii '. NC Photo.- .' YQlues must close l'lillks to]iM-e- . SacJ:amentum" as ."most timely." '¥ent our' nation from becoming' The' monsignor, who also is, . II scourged earth pillaged of its chancellor' of the· diix:ese, ·ex-:.P.lanning· School . ileligious~eritage," he said. pressing his views ir. an editorial "We must fight to keep rel-i-., in the current .issue of ~he paper,. For Nigerians lion fr9m being pushed back. called upon bishops ..and ,riests·' .. into the catacombs where spir- to, pay more atten.tIoA ·,to the. SAN ANTONIO (NC)-When probl~m.·. . . '·25-year-old.Joseph Okeke -re- . . He said prelat~ and clergyceiVeS his master's degree from have been preoccupied with "80- St. Mary's University here ,·ill rt cial evils of..tar le~ impartance" JjJly, the event will mark 'both and "Satan has been winning the ,theead of a rewarding educa~ WASHINGTON (NCo) - A; day against tbefamilY8fld .so- tionaleareer .for him-. 8fl4I the. _meal report from the Ameri~. cietythrouga .marriages con-· begtnning of such c~reers ·fer ean Associa'iiO'11 -of Univel'Si~' traded wit"- -divorced ·persons."· . students in .his -Hative Nigeria. ProfeSsors ·hasptitSt. JOlul~S . ',,!~e ever IRc~easing_streamef !11be ambitious iYoung ... lbe blink of being censtll'ed .t?dl~d?als commg from the na- whG is studying econamies at tile ..,. the assocun!O'11 lorfiriftg'!of tlon ~ dlvorce,ce~rts'~s\tcees:"" " university, plans to start a school teachers., iul 111 ;thei!' pr~l f~r new fOF ,some 4OOt& 500 students iD . Father ioseph T. Cahill!; C.M., ~es ,tS~9St, fl'lght~mg and_ the African oountry where.iUit-.. It. J9bil~a presic:teDt: 1laS.cftal>ged 47rtamly.demands ~ att~n-' etacy 'is.stlll the· noml. Ute AAUP·repon.withinoocura- . tion,than,has,~·gIYeB &Y"OUl' '. ' eies ,3Dddnwlid CQDclusions. -BishoPs and priests," ;MSgJ'. Kutz ~~e h~ ltad. tRl.~ g~.,ill __ ":;""""'aon 'said the three- comments.']" , ' . :_:~IURd smce graduatmg.from bl_ anc -y .....v.. . . ~. 'school in'E~terr. Nigeria where lItlemher- committeewhic.B ·pl:e.,. ,.e,S;a·i.s' .. :Iie -lived in ArondizuogG with his pared the re~,:)rt wftb ioordHIate. II parents, three' b~thers. and ;eii:bt . haste,".' ~rried ,~ an it1ade-' Continued frOID Page One aisters. Turning down ·a sc~olllrquate·'··iiivestIgatiofl, was ntlt OD:~ . sb' off f'L "btl . • jective aBEl accorded'the univer';' . againstJ¥chbishop Cody er·.the lP: .er. rom um~ ~n~-. other eminent .Church.leaders" ve~lty 111 ~oscow ~auseef ~S,' ::::me:~~~. mentS "inequitable '. but our people in Poland .feel it. : ~eslre-. ·to ~omplete hiS edttcaboowould not be good to' have so ~n the Umted St~tes, he a~rlvecl In a .report pUBlished in the many Churchmen 'in Wa'rsaw at· 111 NewOt:leans m 1960 wlth. 'nG AAUP Bulletin, an investigating the same time." scholarship and almost no funds.. eommittee of the 75,060-member The refusal to approve thtl re­ ."~ hay-e ,h.ad manY}inand~~ association condemned the quest for travel visas has been dl~lculbes s.mce ~960, be saul Christmas 'holiday firings of 21 viewed as a reprisal against the ~hI1e recallil~g hiS. yea~~here teachers as a "grievous.and in­ Catholic Church by the Polish 111 a recent mtervlew. It 'has excusable violation of academic government, which earlier had neyer b~en eas~. The encoorage'" ifl'eedom for dismissing the .. restricted the movements of ~ent the Amerlcan people.have teaChers without establishing Stef.an Cardinal Wyszynski, Pri­ given me has helped a lot. adequate cause in a:hearing con- mate of Poland, an outspoken IIlucted by a faculty commi~tee. critic Of the ('ommunist;regime. A travel agent in Chicage-, who ",'- visited Warsaw' two weekS ago, said: "This seems to be a con~ ". ' Just Across 1I'he tlnuation of the communist Coggeshall St.1Iricige struggle with' the' Catholic "Fairhaven, 'Mass. WASHINGTON-lNC)-Pcwer­ Church -in' Poland"'''' C We had it' in the midslOf' plenty and the . hoped the very ,dark'- picttl-re of ~ -:Fine$f Vaiiety 'of tlenial of civil ripls to'1Illany eltizens are the priJRe ·failures of the Church-State relations tbere .SEAFOOD our soCiety,· U. S.Sen. Eugene J. had brightened a bit, but now ·Served A.~ywhere -Ali. we see they have not." McCarthy cK Minnesota toW • STEAKS-CHOPS-CHICKEN It was pointed oo.t that the Georgetewn University lecture audience. .. .. ban comes at a time when. the Polish government is maIntain­ "It is becoming incr-easingly ing a "no visa required pelicy" I elear that traditi&llal types of for Protestants in Sweden, Nor­ social action offer insufficient way and Denmark to visit remedy for these failures," Mc- . Poland. earthy said, claiming that the Inquiries made in Milwaukee failure arises in part from the and Philadelphia disclased no expansion of civil rights 'accom­ visas had been received by panying social growth. . I e a d e r s of the pilgrimage "Civil rights change as society groups. Archbishop William E. ehanges," he stated. "We live in Cousins of. Milwaukee and his' an age of revolution, and explo­ auxili~ry, Bishop Roman R. sive changes in science. technol­ Atkielski, have not received ap­ PRINTED AND MAILED ogy, communications--of knowl­ proval of tbeir requests for edge in general-have given to visas. A member of the staff of .Write or 'Phone 672-1322 the problems ot today an imme­ the Milwaukee Journal, .daily 234 Second Street - Fall River . cUacy net characteristic Gfpre­ newspaper, also was refused a vious eras." travel permit.

BALTIMORE (NC) - Balti­ more's cardinal and the presi­ dent of the WGrld Methodist Council shared.a platform in the Catholic Center here to discuss the role of the Church in the modern world. d . Lawrence Cardinal She han and Bishop Fred Pierce Corson of Philadelphia appeared at an ecumenical assembly sponsored by a new interfaith group of 11 downtown churches headed by an Episcopalian priest. Cardinal Snehan spoke of the "duty of active service and of vital witness" which the Church and all its members have. . Yet,' he said. while making a contribution to the world and benefitting from it, "the Church

. Direct, Agency . GREENSBURG (NC)-An ex­ ecutive board of five laymen and three priests has been authorized ,to direct and operate all affairs of the CatholiC' Charities Agency by Bishop William G. Connare of GreEmsb~rg. The lay members named.' to the board represent the fields. of law, business, ac­ c<!unting, nursing and social work.

has a single intention: that God'. kingdom may come and that the salvation of the whole human 'race may come to pass." Bishop Corson, who was an observer at the Vatican Council, predicted that the Church's role in the world will be stronger because of the council's actions. Wisdom of God

He took note of criticism of the council's pace, saying: "The council was not a debating so­ ciety. It, did move slowly, too slowly for some, but the wisdom of God was in its movement. The tragedy would have been in moving too fast." He said Protestants could take a profitable look at how they might follow the renewal !;If the Catholic Church.. He speciflCd, among other things, the Church's effort to up­ date its orthodoxy ("we so often repudiate it"): the new empha­ sis on the, Church as the Body of Christ ("so often we look on it solely as man-made arid organ­ izational"); efforts to return to the authority of the Bible; and restoration of language which brings the message of God to ordinary men by using vocabu­ lary that is not "synthetic."





Head of St. John's .ts St.ucly .Repo·



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May the Bright Promise of Hope

. .in·the redemption of

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Mess~ge o.f that first EASTER-' .- fitlyour' hearts with Great Joy " .... during': this .~GlORIOUS EASTfRTIOE

,Is tlte wish 01










and Loan Association


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The Parish Parade


THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. April 7, 1966 \

17 , I



The Women's Guild will con­ duct a Guildf)la on Monday eve­ ning, April 11 at 8 o'clock in the school auditorium. Co-chairmen are Mrs. Joseph Richards and Mrs. Loretta Fazzina. The Fall tUver Gas Co. witl conduct a food demonstration on Tuesday evening, May 3. HOLY NAME,


The Women's Guild and Holy Name Society will co-sponsor a variety show at 8 Tuesday and Wednesday night, April 12 and 13, in the school ha.n.





The guild will meet Thursday night. April 14 at the home of Mrs. Edmund Hebert, Eastham. A clothes closet sale is set to begin at 10 Saturday morning, April 16. Donations may be made by contacting Mrs. John Connors 4>1' Mrs. Arthllr Cestaro. ST. JOHN BAPTIST,


The Ladies Guild will hold its monthly meeting at 8 Thursd.ay night, April 14 in the parish hall. Slides of va'dous countries will be snown by Mrs. Isabelle Sand­ berg. This program has been re­ scheduled from an earlier -date. Members are requested to bring clothes for a rummage sale Sat­ urday. April 16

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Parishioners will present a showboat variety show at 1J Sat­ urday and Sunday nights, April 16 and 17 at Fairhaven Junior High School, School Street. Di­ rectlXl by Malcolm Tripp, the 'ij)Togram will benefit the build­ ing fund of thp. new ~hurch, now under .constrndion.


Aft Plump 000 Meaty 10 to 14 Ib Avg

St...Hed Turkeys



School Leaders Continued from Page One (NCEA) will be ·"Curriculum for Renewal." Rp.p. Roman C. Pucin­ ski of Illinois, a member of the House Education and Labor 'committee, will deliver the key­ note address. Archbishop Cody will be prin­ : cipal celebrant at a ~ncele­ . bratlXl Mass on the convention's first -day. P.lst prcsidents':'gen­ eral of the NCEA will concele­ brate with the Archbishop. Bishop Ernc::-t J. Primeau of Manchester, N. H., current pres­ ident-general of the association, will deliver thl" homily. General Sessions The conventJon will have four general sesshms for aU delegates plus the 200 side sessions. In ad­ 'dition to Re;J. Pucinski, speakers at the gener:l1 sessions will in­ clud Father Colman J. Barry, O.S.B.,pl'esirient of St. John's .:Univcrsity, Collegevile, Minn., on "Ecumenism and Educatien," and John McAdams, director of publications of the Pan-Amed­ can"Union. Washington',' D. C., on ."The Spirit of Renewal in Latin America." Exhibits ':epresenting some 600 firms ha "e been set up in the convention's headquarters, overlooking Lake Michigan. A record 25,000 persons ·parti­ cipated in last year's NCEA meeting, held in New York City. The annual NCEA convention attracts more participants than any 0ther Catholic meeting in the United ::;t::ttes.

f&o~d Vic~ims NEW YORK (NC) - More than 5,000 vials of vaccine serum have becn donatcd to Indonesia by Catholic Rl"lief Sel'vices-Na­ tiona I Catholic Welfare Confer­ ence to help prevent the spread of disease ;>mong the victims of recen t floods.

': • !

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Committee "Seeks

THE ANCHOR--Dioceseof Fall· RIver-Thurs. April 7, 1966 ,


To End Strike

School S<ehedule' Poses Problem For, Venezuela Prelate, People

JAMAICA (NC)-The Unitecll Committee to End the Strike at St. John's - an ad hoc alumna committee - launched its firs\!; major campaign with full-page petitions in the campus news­ paper. Students and their parents are urged to sign the petitions; which seek an end to the strike that has plagued the nation's largest Catholic university since Jan. 4. The strike followed the Christmas-recess firing of 31 faculty members. The petition urges both the administration and the dismissed teachers to accept hearings con­ ducted by a board of six educa­ tors. The six would be chosea by both groups from a panel of 15, to be nominated by the pres­ 'idents of three or more Catholie universities. In a letter sent to Father Jo­ seph T. Cahill, C.M:, presid'ent of St. John's, and to Father Pe~er 0'Reilly, one of the dismissed teachers, the alumni committee said "it is undisputed that the discharged members of the fac:. ulty were not afforded ~ hear­ ing in the accepted and tradi­ tional meaning of the term Co * ., this remains the central fact which has led' ,to the, current crisis and it is here where the first steps must be taken."

CARACAS (NC) - Auxiliary school hours, but with 'little suc­ Bishop Luis Hewiquez has finalcess. The government itself bears iy stated in a loud, clear voice part ot the blame. Long hours what the students and teachers are necessary in some schools, of Caracas knew ~1l along-that which have double shifts to care school starts too early in the for huge' numbers of students. morning.. ' , There are still not enough facil­ It'3 getting so bad, said the ities to go arou.nd. An estimated Caracas prelate, that it endan-. 600,000 children don't go to gers the spiritual life of' the school at all. teaching Sisters, is harmful to the mental and physical health 'of the students, and indirectly contributes to the city's traffie ,'problem. , The trouble is that no one WASHINGTON (NC) - Two seems able to do anything about Catholic inshtutions were among i it. NEW EDITORS: Newly 'appointed to head diocesan 'Caracas schoolchildren begin '32 schools,' associations, firms and individuals in 15 states pre­ newspapers are left: Father William F. onnell, editor classes at 7:15 or 7:30 each morn­ 'ing, Since most of them do not sented with Vigilant Patriot of The Catholic Standard, Washington, D.C. a,nd Father ''1ive near their schools, they Awards for "outstanding per­ Gerald R. Forton, editor of The Magnificat, Buffalo, N.Y. must rise between 5 alld 6. The formance during 1965 in inform­ Photo. NC ing the public about threats to nuns who teach them have to American freedom and how to rise at 4, attend Mass an4com­ ,.) munity prayers, have breakfast combat them." The annual awards were pre­ and ride along in the 'school sented by the All American Con­ buses to keep order. ference to ,Combat Communism, 'Everyone Tired an organization of more than 35 , If that weren't bad enough, national civic, fraternal, educa-· the mass exodus of children, oc­ tional women's, veterans and curs four times each day. Vene­ "youth' groups, representing' a CINCINNATI (NC)-Religious In addition to their traditional zuelans are great be.lievers in combined membership of nearly Brothers are gaining new status tasks of macualiab6r, Brothers , 'fam'ily togetherness at the noon 40 niillion. ' in the, Church and, ~s a result, , are taking'on mote social service .... meal. This means the children Awards went to the Catholic are attracting more young men and educationaitasks, the two must be loaded' on cars. and , War Veterans, Washington, D. C., reported" and these' tasks are to their special yocation, accord­ buses, driven home, picked up for its booklet, "W.E.B.DuBois bringing' them 'into more fre­ for the (lfternoon classes starting Clubs' of America"; Station ing to: Brothers Cpnrad, Reb-, 'quent contact with the laity­ mann, O.F.M., and Brian Gallo, .~at ,2 or.3 o'dock, then carried WHK, Cleveland, Metromedia, another spur to vocations., ' O.F.M., of the Franciscan' Broth­ •home again late in the afternoon. Inc., for its program, "The Chal­ In New York Franciscans are ers Cincinnati and New York '. ' At the end' of the day the nuns lenge of Education," presented provinces. opening up store-front churches' !~re too. tired to prepare their in cooperation with the Institute The work :tself points to this and centers in 'depressed areas "classes, the 'students too weary for Soviet and East European and assigning Brothers to do COMPANY new status, 'IS priests had for­ for homework and the footsore Studies of John Carroll Univer­ social work and set up youth 'merly filled the vocational posts traffic policemen are exhausted sity, conducted by the Society and adult education programs, ~ after four' rush hours. of Jesus; and to John Carroll for the order. Complete Line

they noted. , ' Said Bishop Henriquez: "They University professors for their Expand Services Brother GaUo also said that Materials

have to chang«:> the school sched­ statement on the American posi­ "The very fact, that we are the New York province hopes to ule bl'!cause nO human, neither ,tion in Vietnam. sp~aking for ourselves helps our move its Brothers' training cen­ , child nor adult. can stand it;'" 8 SPRING ST.,' FAIRHAVEN ter to a location among the city's work" Brother Rebmann com­ , Lack Facilities ment~d. "With a priest doing it poor. In the Cincinnati province, WYman 3-26101 Changing the school hours, for us, it 'must 'have. seemed to Brother 'Rebmaim said, Brothers however;, means tampering with others sometimes thatth~B,roth­ are working among'the poor in, '.. " ,the traditional family gathering' the large cities where the Fran­ " BALTIMORE (NC)-Lawrence ers were,unabl«:> to do the job for ~iscans' have parishes' at:ld have at nO~)Ii; and, parep,is will hav.e th'emselve~." , ' :', none, of, it. Citizens of' Caracas 'Cardinal Shehan Will be among been sent:to the Southwest to the speakers at the four-day cel­ 'qotham Effort ' , have long ·accustomM them-,,'

work' among the 'Navajo Indians. ., ," ,selves to getting up early. Men efmition to be held here startiri'g ,Brother 'Rebmann, wlIo, is in' the building trades~often'be­ 'i'hutsday, Aptil 21in observance heading up rectuitmen~ ~ffor:ts I nferesf on 'Yo~r ~". gin work at dawn: 1I4al\Y" govern~ ,~ ,the bicentennial of American 'hi, the Cincinnati area, said th,at WEAR , " ". ment offices are open 'at 7, and ,¥ethodism. are up and "as uP.­ eri'rollmEirits' 'The eardinal will sl:tare th~ some officials are' at their tlesKs

'Shoes That 'Fit Invested In' ,:' '\ . de'rsta~ding', Of the', 'Brother'1! by ,6:30.; ': " " , " , platform with it Methodist Il\Y­ vocation becomes more wide­ "THE FAMILY SHOE STORE"' , The, Venezuelan ministry, of man, Dr. Charles C. Parlin, ,a swead, ' the . 'mimb~r :'o( young, . \lice' Ptes,ident' of' the' World' education has beElD battling par­ menente.ripg tJ:1e Broth,er)::lOod ' ,Methodist Council, in a, discus­ in 'aneflort to 'change' the will 'increase, 'even more." , > . . sion on ,eciimenistri, ' , , Announcing tJ:1e joint ,appear­ . In Units of $500 or More" ' 43 FOURTH' STREET WOIl1S 'ance, Methodist Bishop John ,Wesley Lord, chairman of the Fall River OS 8-5811 bicentennial program 'committee, Minneapolis, Minnesota NEW YORK (NC)-The Cath­ said that it was an indication of SANTA FE (NC)-A century olic Hour, produced' by the Na­ . the growing fellowship between' 'ago three ~uns' traveled 2,000 for detailed' information' ';, tional CO\1llcil of ~atholic Men,' Protestant' and Catholic churches "miles by stagecoach from Ohio write h» has been ,honored by the, Thomas and that the 'speakers will give to the New Mexico frontier ter­ Aiva 'Edison Foundation for' "witness to the oneness of the ritory and' established an or­ broadcasUng .ithe radio program ,~ommunity represented in Jesus phana'ge and hospital here at the :be~t por:trayi~,g America;', dul'ing, Christ as Lord,i' " Registered Representative request of Archbishop Jean Bap­ :ti965. , ,' , tisteLamy of Santa Fe. 145 Pond Street ,The award,presented to NCCM ' Come june, the' orphanage will Winchester, Mass. $nd the National Broadcasting 454, MAIN STREET elose. s't. Vincent's Home for € o mpany, wnich carries the pro­ PA 9·2696 Girls has J>een 'operated by the ,gram, was ml\de for the ~­ NEW, YORK (NC) - Catholic Sisters Na~e .........•__ ••.••• ._._..... of Charity of Cincint:lati. SOMERSi:T; ,MASS. gram's 1965, ,series, "Four Faces schoohuperintendents 'here have Oniy six' girls now' l~ve at the Address _ •••~ ..•_ _ ....;,; '" of Poverty." The program ex­ criticized. sharPly New¥ork "hQ.me. There were times when it plored' Christian responsibility City's delay ill extending to TELEPHONE 675-7992 City, .....--:._.__.•.• ~ _ • shelterecf 'nearly ,200. Sister for poverty on the international needy parocnial school pupils James Made, suPervisor, noted I . scene, ,in the inner city, and the benefits of new federal edu­ the 'current trend. is to place among the aging and migrant cation assistance. ' children in loster homes instead workers. "This exclusion is in clear vio­ The ,"Gatholic Hour" received lation of 'federal law," said Msgr.' of institutions. similar recognition from the Raymond P. Rigney, New York Edison Foundation in 1962 for archdiocesan superintendent and a series on teenage moral values.' Msgr. Eugene Molloy, Brooklyn diocesan, school head, spoke of "unexpllunable delay" in begin­ ning special programs for under­ NEW ORLEANS (NC) ­ privileged children attending ,Bishop-designate JosephG. Vatb ,nonpubllc schools. AVAILABLE FOR Althou'gh the Board of'Educa­ will be cOnsecrated in St. Louis BanquetS • te~in'lonicils

basilica May 26. Consecrator tion has authorized use of the ,,' , . Fashion Shows ,

will, be Archbishop Egidio V!1g_: federal aid to assist pupils from .' .fBRIST"L COlJNTY . :': 'Illozzi, Apostolic Belegate in the low-income families who attend $pedal Pa~ies

, trnited States. Bishop-designate' public schools,ithas fa~,l~ ;,_: :'*:,w '. .,:" ,WE AREA'S MOST ACCOMMODATING ,BANK Vath was named by ,Pope Paul. act, oriproposals, submitted sil!: ,,~~l'H ATTLEBORO' • " MANSFIa.,D, . .. , /,:... .' " VI to be auxiliary"to Archbishop: 'months ago to assist, lieprive,4, ' . wYman, 9-6984 '::',' ,A.tTLEBORO, FALLS, ';' i T-homas J.,' Toole.u at Mobile- children in oaro<:Pialarui Qther, ' MErcury '6-2744 "\, .... ,,,.;.... .'.' . " .f, :- : "" ':',;. "',,:;, ~Bi,rlX;lingh.~m. NL, .;._; , ,.~ .. <,. ' : , ';' pr~'\la~.'1l.~llo9~ ~,."

Present Vigilant Patriot Awards


On the Increase

Religious Brothers Attract' M'or'e Entrants, Envision New Status in,Churc'h, Role




.'Prelate ,:to Address Method.st'Meeti'ng








Catho'licHour Foundation Award",

Santa Fe Orphanage To Close in June


' ,. ",



Keenan & Clarey, In~


Construction Co., Inc.


New York Educators Score Aid Delay


Consecration Set





~., . . ,,'

.. , . "",1''','

.. '.,....



: j


Baseball' GefsUnderway:


Keen Co~p~tition


Thurs., April 7, 1966

.. P~e~a~<a ~[P@ rre~~



~:'~'. T~~k"~rnd F~e~d' M~@b

fO~~tr @ct ~G'5WD® SAN JUAN (NC)-5an Juan'o Archbishop Luis Aponte is the io.reruimer in a campaign tG combat the growing tide of viCE) on 'Puerto Rico, particularly drug addic.tion and juvenile de~

linquel'll;Y. The Catholic prelate had 1:1 third conference i~ 14 months with Gav: Rob<!rto Sanchez Vi~~ ella, d.1!?cussing the best possi ble

ways to fight the lawlessness.

Following the meeting witt!

the ~sland'!, chief executive, tho a~brmpp disclosed that a

meeting has Ill~ arranged ~or

Easter week with Episcopal!

Bishop; ~cisco Reus. FroylaJ:\

,and, tir•. ~9.rge Cintron" chairman 01 the Evangelical ChurchetJ \ . Counc~ when plans to enlargo i' the campai~ will be discussed. ,.i The ntthbishop said he diSs> cussed with the governor a pro-r , i;xJsal to establish 11 chaplaiDll'" corps for policemen on the is­ land, similar to the organizatioll\l

established fo!' firemen, whic!ll

grew' 'out" of" a suggestion madG

by Father Joseph Reger:of New York City.

]]y Fr-oc Th:ctGl! TIle N'I1ITy Scholastic baseball league opens its lSGG SGaSO::l today with. five games and the Bristol County loop [ids underway with three contests next Monday. :Mean­ whih, th~ track teams :representing s~hools in th2 Narry,

Ifockomock, Cape Cod. and '. ' th last year when it had llJL lo::>ps are prepa.ring fo::, ~~~~ its share, :Mike Don­ their first meets of the sea.- nclly is one of: the area's finest 0021 next week. The I1p...com- milam. Best as a. cr03S country.

ruIlI!Cr, Donnelly was beaten

in!! track competitiOLI. looms a cnc of the most" interesting, care- in only one meet. last year as. he,


cm:ri2d th2' S1'ta:In;rocI.i:s first G':ei: seosons albeit the finisfi line. tun.e and' agam.

I~ season was Bruce. MacDonald will give'

one of' the best H"ardtr Bl'OugJitoDl and Ronvar

hereabou1:s in. !! all the' compatieion: tl'ley want m

!i::mg tfmC'. Tl'u:rc 1J1e sh.atr put event., !AXe: fom: or five' , Poor.' Voeatfo."at ReI.. clubs. cnp.Tfie, gr.tdUQ.tion Iosses: of Art able of winning ,. M:u.rr~ and' .rim Feij:a, I'Lave; hurl over any league Durfee RigJl. of Fa:II. Eiver•. Coadl opponent a.n. C Clint Rarden."s- club;. wFllch. opens: given:. day>. Atagainst New B:edi'Ord. Vocational 1J.eboro H'i gh, at home next. Wedllesd~y, has which ca{?tured "very 'little C:o:ni.ng .back.'" Elf

me BeL championsbiP. last Costar,a .sPr1.llter; Len Landry,

Spring, is favored' to- repeat~ who runs the.. 220 and 440; John.

Under Concl! Tom 'Crow---wllo Violette, higi'J. jumpl!r and John led Oliver Ames of North Easton Azevedo, sh,:>tputter, comprise in the Hockomock circuit to seY- the nucleus around which Bor­ .eral State crowns:.-the Bomden ,hope:>. to build. ~ Hilltop­

bardiets are' counting; on. excel- . ·'p~rs .. limt. repeat pe.tfoonances bX :Durfee; h9:W~\Ier,. 8&,Peqrs no several stand-out veterans who- 'W<D:Se' off. than.. NC:lW Bedford ooD;lprise the nucleus of If wen· Vocational em ~au.nton. High. The 'bafunced ng~gation~' . H~ngtowners; lo..'>ct. over balf , ))a.vC'Thornhill, um:I.efeat!ett im last. yean's;.sq;uad thro~ g1'ad,. the quarter mile 'I:1st yeal'; is' uation. The. 'Whaling{ Cif$ Voke­ bacl£ to· roc.lt urr more: bonors. sters problem. is; merel,y' to field sg. .ilr ~ Marcoocio, w first. a: teani. ~ rack. .q:uantit¥ and rafir perfbrmel" iJt the· shorter' quaJ'it\yt; V'ocati'~nal;., last: in the IDe. m:n 22Q dashes; Cli'reuit, tJirouglL the' e~ weeks Medeiros at. N'ortll. . fit last season,.. Iifna.lIy had te ~n:nT ID1r~ an eJreelli:mt filot..:, its: .Ia1'B meets- 1!lecause ot hall nnd: i)aske.tball player; WllS\ 8' perso.nneI shortamL. t!ifr t:l.Ql!t shot' puttmt in. the coun~ NlttiOnaE Pastime last! season: when he.· bralte: t~ '1Ihree, cwn.f.I!sts Wlil! mark: the. scbool! 11eC01'd: 1)y mssing- thcr opening of' tbGl BCL baseball iron ball over 52 feet. He wi'll .loop on Monday. Durfee' will be be out. to better his own per- at N. B.. VocationIll, North At~ formance. And, Ron Rovzar will' ·tleliloro at 'Bishop Feehan High back up Hardt in the weight ,and Attleboro 'at Taunton. throwing event. Rovzar is; Bishop; Stan: WgJ::' will iotJ1!'o around the 50-foot, mark. QIlar- ney- to N{jrth .A:ttreboro on Wed­ ter-miler Thornhill also excels .nesda~ nex·t, in the broad jump. He consistThe- openC;l'lt in,·~oday.'s Narry ently' leaps: more- 1Jian. 211 root. 'league co~tfon ar,e;' SOm­ CoachCrowa problema will. '~at: :m:rmrton.-Rehoboth,. OId come iit' the distance, mnn.ing: . ,Roc1lesteJ!' . of . Mattapo~' at events: His, two. best: perlorinersDiman iD. !'all' RiWl", case: of in the longer races graduated: ;SWansea. at . Apponequel in lallt 'JUIlfl'. _ ' " ' , LLI1te.vilIc-" ~ost of Fan .RiVer.' . North Attleboro- mgh: is. oor- ~at H'aI¥ FiIJnfi¥ in: 'New Redfoxd', tain to ~ its presence" taUt and Wi:lstpQ:rt: at: Secll:oJ::lk. in the trac1l: and. field compati.­ tion this Spring'.. UnqtteStiOn:ID~ _I Paul Medeiros. of Nm:t.h is, one- of eeneCl. " ,I r;' Doians in many


C·h"·. d':" :en T-.­ A.'t Feeh:an HiS,h:


At't~eb~ro Firm:iHead


STUDENT AT WORK: Schoolboy: ,i;h pens1ve mo~ as he answers the questions correctly, he'h<>pes~ .ro~e ,18 a student m. one of' the schools in Cotabato. province 0f the Bhilippip.es, where Bishop Gerard Mongeau,' O.M.L, i£: PBeIate> Nullius. NC' PhotCi).

Help Each Other' MutlS tes Angeles Cuban Resefflement

Program. Suaess; and bcenen~ ANGm..ES {NC) - The: want to bring it. to; the a~tention present Cllban. refugee pnlgr:un of other- resettlement ,~ectors is the greatest family reUnIon throughout th~ c~untJty. he said. project in; the nation's history. lTeip 'l'hemsel~ according' to John E. McCarthy, "YOUr peli€Y of ~s help­ dil'ectol" of the Immigration De- ing'CUbanll'im8te$ a wonderful pllJ!1l:D:ront, National .C a tho 1 i.e program. 'Here'they aft support­ WeJifare Conference. ing themselves:;, tnkI.n'«" ~are of "All Cubans. arriving in Amer- tlIlemsel~s· their' leCont' of 'be­ iea, now' are coming ·to inothe~ eomiJair puilie' c~s; is, ~_ "and 1iathem!;, SClDS and daughters, low the national aveuage, ~ he lie' saldi. '. noted. ' . '" " ' . ". ' l!latfunai'. M~e.-"'Ji'EreCJl1.l&h;" he em~hasi~~. "(illa ,eoun1:lly, has opened its '1svery mtl~h concerp.ed ~~th cmQ1!S' anCi'its heart, to them. This' the weIfal1e of .c~banr~f,ugees. • ·tihe·fi.rst, tIme' tbattheUnited, seventy per ~t Of,Cu~a,n:; be­ m " f ing resettled' out of Miaml are S1tatea h:1s been the country 0 bein' . , 'tt1edb 'th h" fiJrs.t; asylwn tal.'" refugees," he g l'ese y e urc. Jj,(f)g-

Wins Initial Award"

, MILWAUKEE (NC)' - Ma~ quette- .University Engb;eerin~ AIimmi . ASsodation will present its fj'rsl' DistiIiguished .Alumn\UJ Award to Patrick E. Haggerty of I Dlill3s~ Tex.. at. an' honoi1l convocation _on Monday, May 2" .A 1936 electrical engmeerin; graduate, Haggerty is president and direcmrr of Texas Instnio­ . m.ents,. me.. an intemotional electronics fiJrm with headquaJ'o ters in Diilllis. Metals' and Controls in Attle­ boro (MaS$.} f.s a diVisiolll ~ Te.lt!/lS Imltnzments.



en .

SERVICE CQnll:Mfctcn •


. . , " 'lI\stitutlanal

Pall'ltil!l{l'< ond. Decorating

Fa.fRiover:' OSborne"i-191f










H'EATING-pjpIHG and AIR CONDitiONING . -:CONTRA,~'''oks ' Wv

3l'% Hinman Street' '

,leanstoi C:olieges .

St. Francis , Jte$idenc"


74 WiUiamson Skeet


whose job it is to extend the· ChUllch's helping J:wndl to those- uprooted from the are~s: finest spllinters. He, practlc~ asBtlrCS' Nortli: 10: 'their country;' andl' dispossessed points in dtnt tneE:ts. bY' way of' With. ti.gJ1t competition in its b;Y." war and' uph($val, caine here first place- victories in the IOcr: three· ditisions: the annual Dice­ tOJ fam±lla:rize; hiinself with the and' 220. s.cott. Wlii.te looms' as esan. CYO Cl'J.ee.dead.ii:l:g: Tournil!-' fa.d:s;. :£ig'uros and procedures of North's. Ilest quarter' miler' and' mcnt, 'was beldl last. weekend at the Catholie- CUban, Resettlement. John Ttmbrinkc· tops tftc. cIup in Bislilip. Fecfum High ScIloo~~ (!)jjfic:e: Of' the L'o!! Angeies arch­ the distanC12. events, Roland Ou!-· Attreb.oro. \ ' cfiQCl:ese, ' . ' met, like RoVZ3l! at Attleboro, ; J:n tile. Catb,o~i:q High School "'YoW:'Pnl~ i$ sO success­ is a good: thro:wer~. having' the ,division, Bishop S1:ang;NQl1:h shot· in the ncfgJlflo.t'llood of 50 'D::J!tmoutb; plazed first. with ful: and sc: exce1Ient· that we feet. . FCclian. and Ooinin.ican. Acad~ Coyle EUgli. of Taunton, whichemyr FalI Ri);er" croming in: se~ lost a nmnber of good' pe'rfbm:i.- 'and and. t!li.r,jl WASBll:NGTON' (NC)- Two ers last .r~ will feature h;;llf- 'In parish eya c:ompetition St;. Catholic,' coJ1~" have been Miler Tom Hbye who was William'S',. Fan: River" took. top' awarded Ce>ll::ge.· Rousing Loans beaten only once last year~ The honors;. witl'l, St Mar;yls, Norton., to build' dormitories, the Com­ Warriors wm co.unti.n.g; I'Leavil3!; and. Sacred. Kear:t, Fall River;, munit;y Facilities AdmiI).istration on Harold Crowell: in. the high placing: secnnd and third'. Fourth announced here, The CFA said jump, He has been clem:i:n.g- the place: honors wl~re split between Saere-d Frean College, Wichita. bar at six feet. St. Michael's. Fall River, and Kans., received $475,000 for a Bishop Stang High of North Immaculate Conception, North two-story dormitory, and Mt. Dartmouth anticipates a better Easton. Ange!' (Ore.) College' received record tl:is year than last~ Joe Ih the eLementary school dhn­ $4::i6',OOO for ~hree dormitories. . Bartek, the shifty grfddel", is the sian,. Sacred' -Heart, Fan River; club's mainstay in his final sea- came' fn· first, with St. John's son. The Somerset speedster is and St. Joseph's, both of Attle­ the BCL 100-yard champion. He bora, placing second and third. also garners points for the SparlItegi~D1al Meet tans in the 220 and 440 yard First plac~ 'winners in the FOR .V.oU.N~ WQMEN

C~ents. Bill Broughton·is a 'most, ,; Catholic' High School and ele­

196 ""'ipp.le St.; .f~.I1 River &l>le back-up man. He tosses the mentary divisioqs will join the, Conducted by Franciscan shot in addition to running the ''first, and second- place winners Missionaries of Mary sprints. EdHe~ly ,is.. pte tOP,,in ,th~ P~riS!il, ,9.~ ~ivision. in. :liooMs -'MEALs"'·

Spartan disbince'runn·er. ".' . ' t~~ .N;ew,.,England regIOnal tour~, OY£RNIQH1 I:'~SP~TA.LlTY , Bishop Feehan High of Attle- namerit to be held Sunday, AprEa

'"quire OS 3-289' , , bora hopes to supply more sur- 24 in Hartford.

~ ..


New Bedford '



I §




,May it be aU

thG~ ~~ar .... "

~ §




As th~ Egster, BeU;trhtmphantly ring out their glad tidings- §





~: r~ne;"Q~,of


faith. u:i: the


Risen Cnrist ;.

..1 ' 3

. .. "

~.. ,...

-J. r


·M. MOSHER"··&·· 'SON •






J ~1


!"P~O~,m~N~E~ R.' ·r. " ,. ,.. "'.,,::. 'GAsp~1~~4~. ~ ~llIl1l11l1l11i1l11l1l11lll1l11l1l1mllllliu~JIIl1l1iliiililllllilU1WUUUl1lUllllUwmlllllllllliilll11I!!Il1i1l1lUilJjIl~

20 .. ~CMot~cese'~fFan R'iver-,:,Thurs. April 7, 1966

-, ....




PRISON oCHAPLAIN: For nine years Rev.. John F. Hogan has been at Bristol County House of Correction, New Bedford. He calls his job "challenging, frustrating}~ I,.eft, he hears confe~sion, He is avail­ ~ble weekly for confessions and is on ~all at other times as needed. Center ~haplain

he celebrates Mass at St. Dismas Chapel in House of Correction. He offel'8 the Holy Sacrifice. there every' Sunday arid holyday. Right, he has per­ sonal c6nfe~ence with pris·oner~. He finds·,youth of majority of inmate............... "heartbrea~ng." :. . . .

Father H oga~ . Finds.'..Prison':.. (:.hapl!li~' s'.. Job ',' ~6~~t ~~O::m~ re~igiOn, re~igi~ o:~~~~~r f~~a~~a~:~f:~~~~::s~n~ . Father says Mass in St. Dism'as' a week or on special .(;h«lleT;lgiitg,::~'·Jf~r4;;:Ji~f~strating. .

. :~~:P:~e%. t~dn~:~S:n:f h~j;~~


ne~~~:~~ 'has conferen<:e.s ~i~h

. ..', '..... h I" :b'h' d'· b' .'?"A· h 11 . 1'.' . th R. '. J' h 'F···, ~everal ~eeJ-s a~o, he c~ndu.cted .' ·fallllhes when ·they or pr~sonel'l . What IS It hke bemg" a c.~p aI~, ~ ,m ". aI's .. ,' c.a. enge,· s~ys . e .. e~. ? n • a' ~ission for the men "e. * co and: request it, . . . Hogan, .·who ·hasbeen Gathohc chaplam"at the ~nstolCountyHouse'of'0orrectIon 'In Ne~'.·80 or 90' came." '­ , 'They're so'Young·to be head­ .Bedford .fur nine, years. Even "fathering" 40: youngsters at ··St. Mary!s Home in New," . E ac h Saturd.aY· afternoon; ·ing down the'wrong- path,"; he­ Bedford--of, which .he is director~doesn't"generate as many,' headaches, Biggest prob.; . members of the -Legiori of Mary says .of his junior parishioners­ lem : he feels, "is getting " : " . .' " .".".., " .. . go .to. Jail. t~: teach' catechism :::n.~u~~~, c.. an. only 'help the. '. '.f eII.OWS.'. to ch..·· th '. . '''We ma'ntain a":per~on 'should t!>reclte the Rosary. Once . ·t. 'hese . ange. eIr '.' - . -"',' ,1 ,,' ,,'.,.: _ : . . . , ; , . . . . . That is why...so many men re-- . aand mc:mth,.legioiuiaires attend' Sun- ~ . Then ' 'F'ather' HogllIl.·leave' .lives themselves. '~You .try . be he.ld. respon.sl,ble.fgr..hlS a~t~ .... tur~ to pris~~. They wea.ken.· o.~ 'day Mass'with the' priso eci"'a d' J'ai.l a.nd ·.goe·s' home' ·to· hl··s· 41 · '. . .. ' . ' Father' says. "There's always a -.. .. ,.' . . . . n .; n I 'Do rehabilItate·them,but , .~ .,. t . b''''f .,.. a' person .. " . ',,' doe's' the olltslde .and end· up behmd e ore b" . ' the.chOIr . . .of . ,Our .. Lady . .of' Fatima­ ·.youn.gste,ril... They have p"roblems, . . . you· momen

_.' ,an~t mak~ t~e~ be goo~Y .. ". 'soirietlliiig wh'en he" c~n. choose'" ar~ agal?,:-h/f s.a~~. .... ',," CtIurch, ,. ~\\,anse~, _ su?-gs." Miss too. But. their problems on the · " A ,heartbreak.m g aspect of: the... bety;een~rlght·~n4wrong.,>:go6d~, "SI~C.~ .hlS<p'!,I~O~. paf1shl~ners; .. )\farga~~~ E. 'SU.lllViln. Ii. reg~lar. whole are easier" to solve•. .' Job. Is,tha,ttoday, the vast mao: 'and ·evil.'" ;. . . '. ..' i'" .., • ,.. jor~ty of. the .prisoners are young,' Instead of' blaming a maii'.. '.: ' .. ..' ,. :.. : .. ~ . ... "$ Q ·~8, ,1?" ~.~; . 'actson'events ih,the 'p'ast,)~~~~er' ".': ::'; .. • .• .""A fewye~r~.bac,k, men, were thinks, '.'youpav;e to: .~a.k~ a I,il~~ . ; ' :"': 7 p . ··O·~ .•· " ~l ~~re fQr..ml.nor ..oftenses~ ro-o ·as he is now, and work, on' hIm" j. " , . " '•.1.,' ..Am'" " , ·Th·.·P.o. "R'"~S·U· ~ay, yo.ung pp'~ple' are, in ·prison . for jh;e present· and'~he futiue. ~ IY IY • ~or . se~lOu3 .CJ;Imes. It s anoth~~ :. ~'You try to help him build uP' j; _ , mdlcjl.tlO~ of th~ brea~do~~:~.,. ~ .4i~ ;~~~~~~h; -jl9-<l'. t~a9~ ~im ,tq. ,. .­ . .. >. ~orahty, .. ' . . _...' ..... 1 'call on.God;for help." .','" :.' . . . · . Father. Hogan says maJ.1y/.of ;·'.'··'."if-::we:: ~aii·) re~ch. 'into ',the' . the. young' men' "are talented.·~. heart' ~nd :,~oul' of a\·,m:an .make . . 'J,'hey'dbe' all right if only you' ·hhri. 'r~aiize; the levil"oiliis ways·:: • . .) could get th~in to channel tlleir', . and' instill'· ~ome :motivation'foi' .' talent ~nto proper fields.":. '. ;:. :a.ioqd)if,e·;.th.e.· ~art'~s' Well. 00; .' SherIff Jj:dward K. Dabrow.skl, .hiswa~ 'to rehibilitation. But it's' ..

· "has done a good job there. He's. . hard ~rid. only God knows.

done everythmg he possibly can.' ",hether you succeed." .

And' the. county has done its 'Worth the Effort

part. And the church has done .... . .

its: But it all gets back to the ~~t, diffIcult as, It IS for prl~on

mim themselves. They've got to. ?fflcIa~s ~nd prIs~n .chaplal.ns.

, ..... want to change the pattern of wor~lI1g In. "In antIqua!~d:prIstheir lives 'nd until they' do on WIth antIquated facIlItIes to

no one can ;~lp them." , solve a mode~n p_roblem," Fathe~

Father Hogan disagrees with Hogan feels.f a ~an ~?~ be reo:

the Freudiari theory "that man stored to a useful hfe, It s worth;

is composed of urges and drives all the effort and money we can

and instincts that force and pro­ pour into the program."

pel him into doing things he may How cim today's parents pre-,

not want to do " vent their youngsters from end­ He feels the victim of a crime ing uP. behind prison.walls? - ..

deserves "as much symp'athy as "Youngsters need a good struc­ • the criminal, althougc'you'll find' . tural . foundation, , .They need - it lot of do-gooders who don't. good mothers. and fathers and a seem to feel that way. good home-not just a place to hang their hats. They need se­ 'in their home and they~ !prelates to Confirm .cl.lrity need,to get back to God." in . In prosperous tin\es, people have, a. tendency to forget God MONTREAL (NC) - M 0 r e than 35,000 children will be con- . and a creeping disrespect for His moral laws starts eroding young firmed in 308 Confirmation cere­ monies during a 12-day' period . people, he Rays. As a result, ., many of them end up with a in this .ar:chdioc.ese, April 14 to !S. .' . 'prison'record: '. " . :; , '. , Paul Emile Cardinal Leger of . . ~'~~ p~is~n;jh,ey ~avet~me to Montreal will be assisted by t.hink. They .even get to the point Archbishop S e r gi 0 Pignedoli,' sometimes where they realize B. M. Apostolic Delegate to Canada, where they get fouled up .and de<;id~ to do. something about it and 12 other bishops. Their schedules call for at least two when they get out of jail. and on some days three Confir­ "But it's easy to be good when

Fall River mation ceremonies. everything' is helping to keep

In some parishes three or four you that way: It takes a man

ceremonies will be held because to be.good wnen everything ·that

the classn are so large. 5urrounds him is bad.It

r'r·. c·t'.•



12 Days


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