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The ~ ,!' ' ' L-lri" ANCHOR An Anchor of the Soul, Sure and Firm-St. Paul
Fall River, Mass., Thursday, April 8, 1971 PRICE 104 Vol. 15, No 14 © ,1971 The Anchor $4.00 per year i
Diocesan Ordinary In Sacred Rites Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin, S.T.D., Bishop of Fall River, will celebrate and preside over Holy Week Services scheduled at the Cathedral of the Assumption in Fall River, and exemplify on a diocesan-level what will be celebrated in each church of the diocese on a parish-level during those sacred days. On Holy Thursday, the Most Reverend Bishop will be surrounded with priests of the diocese as be celebrates the Chrism Mass at lOin, the morning. . 'This Mass commemorates in a special way Christ's institution 'of the Priesthood and the sacramental ministry of the Church. Priests from throughout the diocese will concelebrate with ~he
Bishop and renew their "taittmitment of Priestly Service:: Oils reseryed for the rituals of the Sacraments of. Baptism, Ordination and the Sick will be consecrated during this Mass and later distributed to the parishes of the Diocese. Assigned concelebrants for this Mass are: Very Rev. Luiz' G. Mendonca, V.G., pastor of St. John of God Parish, Somerset; Rev. Msgr. John E. Boyd, pastor of St. Patrick Parish, Fall River; Rev. Msgr. Raymond T. Considine, pastor of St. William Parish, Fall River; Rev. Msgr. Anthony M. Gomes, pastor of Our Lady of Angels Parish, Fall River. Turn to Page Two
Fr. Patrick O'Neill's Role ·In· National Convention Rev. Patric\<. J. O'Neil, Ed. D., speaker H. R. Morgan of Mon. Superinterident of Schools will tana. . play a prominent part in the Father O'Neill is a member of forthcoming meeting of the Na- the Executive Board of the Su. tiona I Catholic Educational' As- , 'perintendents' Division of NCEA: sociation. Father O~Neill's name ,During the past three years he appears on the preliminary pro- has been a member of a team gram as the Co-chairman fQr a giving workshops on School Workshop on .Boards of Educa- Finance in various sections of tion. He is scheduled to intro- the country. duce Congressman Albert H. Fr. O'Neill designed an AcQuie of Minnesota at a special counting and Budget ~ystem for session, and will also serve as elementary a/:ld high schools that chairman of a session on En- is 'being, used' in about ,14 diovironment and .Education for Turn to Page Four
New St.Vincent's Stresses Home-Like E'nvironment The' new St. Vincent's Home in 1887, has been at its present in Fall River, which will provide location for 77 years and can a family atmosphere instead of no longer adequately serve the institutional -Hfe for dependent needs of today's children, Bishop and neglected children,will be Cronin added. Thus, Bishop a major beneficiary of this year's James Connol1y began developCatholic Charities Appeal. The Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin, bishop of the Fal1 River Diocese, appealed today for finanCial support for the home, which ,will provide shelter for' children of ali races and creeds. "In a day when the word 'relevant' has, taken on a sense of The - 30th annual 'Catholic urgency, nothing could be more Charities' Appeal will get under'relevant than the physical and way Wednesday when more than e'motional needs of. youngsters 900 members of the clergy, reliwho have lost their homes," gious a'nd laity of the Roman Bishop Cronin said.. ' Catholic Diocese of Fal1 River ""I appeai to all residents of will gather for the Kick-Off .Southeastern Massachusetts who .' Meeting in the auditorium ,of have fond memories, of a happy Bishop Connol1y High' School, childhood - and perhaps eVen Fall River. , rhe Appeal will fund 31 agenm'Qre so to those who do not enjoy such' memories-for finan- cies rendering charitable and social service works to all peoples cial assistance for the home," iii the southeastern area of Mas" the bishop said. Turn to Page Six St. Vincent's Home, founded
Bishop Cronin (CA Keynoter
Bishop Cronin's Easter Message Dearly beloved in Christ, The whole Easter message--as relived in the Easter ' Vigil-is the rising anew in spirit with the Risen Christ. Easter tells us that the struggle between light and darkness, life and death, has taken place. Christ has been victorious: His redemptive work has been accomplished. Now it remains for that salvation won by Christ to be applied toal!. men. Each person must enter into the tr!umph of Christ. Each Christian, dying to that part of himself which i~ unworthy, must continually rise again in newness of life, with renewed lo.ve of God as shown in the keeping of the commandments, with renewed love of neighbor through the spiritual and corporal works of mercy, with renewed personal hope and courage to form his or her own life more in the image Of the, :(,ord.· The reality of Easter belongs not to a single day. It is the continuing vocation of every Christian. As your.Bishop, I rejoice with you that Christ is truly risen. Aiid I pray that He may be risen within each one of you, and that . His pres,ence in your lives may cause you to walk always in His light and in His love. Faithfully your in Christ,
Bishop of Fall River
ing plans for a more adequate child-caring facility a few years ago. Bishop Connolly officiated last September:-just a few months before' his retirement"- at the' ground·breaking for the new home, The new facility will be built on farmland which St. Vincent's has long owned on Highland Avenue. Since the home was built on its present location jn 1894, there have been many changes in society-changes that 'have altered the needs of children and the standards of child care. .
"With the passage of time," Bishop Cronin said, "some of society's evils have been corrected 'and new ones fQrmed. Hence, in the past many children were left orphaned by the inadequacy of health c.are which resu,lted in the Turn to Page Fourteen
Annual Scouting Awards Planned For April 21 Bishop Daniel A. Cronin will concelebrate Mass with priests involved in the Boy Scout, Girl SC,out and Camp Fire Girl programs at 7:30 P.M. Wednesday night, April 21 in St. Joseph Church, New Bedf~rd. Rev. Roger J. Levesque, diocesan Scouting chaplain, will be master of ceremonies after Mass as are3L chaplains present candidates to Bishop Cronin to receive the St. George, St. Anne, Pelican and Our Lady of Good Counsel medals. Medals will be, presented to those who have 'give'n 'outstanding service to the Church through Scouti}lg pr9grams, on the recommendations of area chaplains and c~airmen. They are: New. Bedford-R,ev; Roger D. Le Due,. Laurier Audette" Mrs. Lawrence A. Harney. '. Fall River - Rev. Arthur T. , de Mello, Mrs. William F. Patten, ,Rev..John F. Andrews, Atty. Harold K. Hudner. Taunton-Rev. Barry. W. Wall, Francis L., Frazier, Mrs. Theodore Aleixo. Turn to Page Fourteen
',THE'ANCHC;>R:'-'~ioceseo' Fall River~.Thurs., April 8, 197.l . ".' .. • . - •.. •. ,! ,
Education,. CCD, . .Offices Pia n ' Le,ctures' ,
Rite' at', Catlhed'rat
Co~tinued fto'", Page One
Rev. Thomas J.. Harrington, Rev.
.Re~. Msgr:, Henri A., Hamel, -' Roland Bousquet. as~istant
pas- '
In'il coopeJativeeffortof both pastor of St. ,Joseph Parfsh. New tor at St. Jacques ,Parish, .Taunthe C~t110Iic School Department Bedford; Rev. Msgr. Daniel F. ton a1)d Secre!~ry-Notary of 'the· ,and' the Office of Religious 'Edu'Shalloo. pastor of 'Holy Name Diocesan. Tribunal. and'Rev. cation-CCD, Miss Francoise Dar',Parish, Fall 'River; Rev. IVisgr. Lucio B.. · Phillipino. assis~.ant ': cy. Ph.D., internationally known Robert'L. Stanton,' rector of St: pastor at. Holy Name·...Pansh., l religious.' educator, ,will' address Mary's Cathedral, P.arish. ,'Fall' New Bedford. and Assistant to ' teachers of the Fall River DioRiver; Very Rev. Henry T. Mun- the Secretary of Finance and cese on two pre-planned occaroe. assistant, past~r of Hply . Adminis,tration. ., i sions. ,Name Parish. New Bedford and The Easter. Vigil' Service Officialis, of the Diotesari Tribu- be' c;:elebrated at '7 o'c1ock Hoiy On Thursday evening.' May 6. , nal; Rev. John F. Hoga,n. pastor Sl}turday evening "at the Ca'theat 8 o'clock, Miss Darcy will of St. Julie Parish, North Dar- dra\. Th,e Most Reverend Bishop give her first presentatiqn' at the mouth. . '" .. will. preside over the service fnd' Sacred Hearts Acad~my, ProsRev., ,James F. Kenney.' Secre- hIS chaplains will be Rev. Lucien pect Street. Fall River. This pro'tary of'Flnan~e and Administra- A. Madore. chaplain of Mt.l St. gram will be the last'in a series .' ': \.tion;~ev. Patrick J. O·Neill. Su- Joseph Academy, Faii River, and sponsored by the Diocesan, , perl?tendent of Diocesan 'Schools Rev. William' w,. ,Norton. chapOffice of Religious Educatiop-, " ,ari.d ,ch<iplain at Bish~p Stang 'lain at St. ,Mary's' Home. New CCD. ' . Hig.h Scho~l; R,ev. John J. Smith. Bedford. , I The ,ser~es entitled "First assl.stan. t pasto~ of' St. Ja~es On Easter Sunday, the Most Thursday Program" has been dePansh~ ~ew Bedford al1d DlOcReverend Bishop will celebrate 'seigned as an enrichment proesan Director.o.f V?cati0!1~; ~ev.. an 8:45 morning' M~ass on 'WTEV. gram for ,religious . educators Ronald A. ,ToSti. DI07esan Dlr~c- ,(;hannel 6, in· !'few., Bedfor~. tHe throughout the Dioc.ese:. The t?r of the ,~onfratermty of Chrls- will also be the principal cylegeneral public anlin' particular t,lan Doctnne. , brant of, a ,concelebrated Mass the 'Clergy of the Diocese are in· The Mass ,of the Lord's Supper at the Cathedral at 11 o'c1bck vited to this" session., will be cell;brated. at the C;a~he" in' the morning. Concelebrat'ing; dral at 7 0 ~Iock I? the evemng. with the Most Reverend Bis~op Bishop ,Feehan High School in Concelebratl?g . With. the Most will be Rev. Jame~ F., Kenney Attleboro will be the site for Reverend Bishop Will be Very and Rev. PatriCk J. O·Neill. : Miss Darcy's second presenta-' Rev. Thomas J. Harrington, " tion . at. 11 6n, Friday morning. Chancellor of· the Diocese and, May 7. Within the framework 'of Rev. James F. Kenney. the Annual Teachers" Conve'n, On Good Friday,- the Liturgy tion. the te'aching laity and reliof the Passion and. Death of Our gious of the Diocese will ha,ve an Lord will be celebrated at, 3 Res'id'ents of': Sacred Heart· ,PONTIFF ON PALM SUNDAY: Pope Paul VI. holding opport~nity to hear "The Awak: o'c1ock in the afternoon.' For Home. New Bedford. rece~t1y pastoral staff. with palm branch as symbol of peace and ening of Faith in the Child", the the serviCe. the 'Most Reverend enjoyed.. a, concert, presented !by 'Christ's triumphal entry into Jerusalem; enters St. Peter's sub,iect of Miss Darcy's first visit Bishop will be assisted by Very the Greater Fall River Choral- B T eers. directed by }lerdinand ThiaSI lca, f or Palm Sunday ceremonies. In his m~ssage, the to the Fall River Diocese. bault and accCimpaniedby' . Holy Father warned that the world's youthful protesters Miss Darcy,' a native of Brother David Toucette.' F.I.d . run the risk of "becoming mediocre , . with false heroics," France. has studied and taught Soloist was Oscar Carpent1ier adding that he. understands that young people want to in France. Italy, Belgium. CanI;lda and the United States. She and. David Langevin was f~a- ,show themselves "strong and independent". NC Photo. 'The funeral of Sister Emmaearned the Diplome in Catechet" Bartic, S.S.D., who served at tured in two pia:(lo selectiohs. ical Studies from the' lilmen t'ViIla Fatima. Taunton from 1953 Now 15,' young' Langevin has Vitae Center in Brussels, Belstudied piano since the age lof " 0011' to 1970.. was. held last week at gium and she has recently com· the Academy of St. Dorotily. three and has won numerous pleted her doctorate in the psyawards and scholl1l!'ships, indud.. Staten Island.:, chology department of the UniWASHINGTON (NC)-A third ·1970 under a contract from the She died at St. Vincent Hospi- ing a scholarship to the Juilliard versity of Ottawa. Canada. nn New Y6rk of the drug education films and National, Institute of Mental .School of Music tal. Staten Island. at the age She has published ar:ticles in of 67 and was buried at Calvary City, which he 'received at ~ge programs revie'!'Ved by a ,national Health. Work was completed 12 and wiII use upon graduati'on council have been .c1assified as last September. the Catechist. Lumen' Vitae and ·Cemetery, Long Island. . '''scientifically unacceptable." from high schoo\. various French publications: PerA native of New York. Sishaps Miss Darcy is best known The National Coordinating 'Objects, to Closing In commenting on the proter Barti~ entered the Sisters of as co-author of the "Come to St. Dorothy in 1931. She was gram. Sister Theresa Healy. '~u- Council on Drug Abuse Educa- Ghetto' Schools the Father Series." She is not the daughter of the late Charles perior of Sacred Heart HQIrte; " tion and Information has reexpressed the hope that other leased a 46-page review of drug BUFFALO (NC)-A ,new Buf- only among its designers and and Emma Bartic. .A Mass for the repose of her entertainers might follow the education materials. including falo affiliate of the National Of- writers,' but also participates in soul was celebrated la'st' week example of the Choraleers and ,.programs in wide use in public fice of Black Catholics has ob- the teach-iris across the contibring their talents to a most dp- schools. Of the nearly 100 titles jected to' the closing of' five nent. at Villa Fatima. preciative audience. i re'viewed. 36 received the "unac- parochial schools by the diocese At present, Miss Darcy is in ceptable" rating. here. her third year as Assistant ProNecrology ... Peter Hammond, the council's Affiliate organizers asserted , fessor of Religious Education at .-..ew Due Pr'Dcess I executive director. said he' that school closings in Buffalo's 'Fordham APRIL 9 . in New viewe~ the published review lis East ~id~ ghetto were only one York City. University Rev. Cornelius ,McSwee,ney; Office Appr()ved Recognized as one of . , a starting point for ,a contl'nul'~g example" ,of, 'diocesan policies 1919, Past6,r. Immaculate 'ConCINCINNATI (NC) - Human evaluation of drug education rna- C~US1!lg '. .discontent ' amol)g .~Iacks. the few experts on' the religious ception; 'Fall 'River. ' psycho-social development of the rights and' freedoms' wiII be proTh e.y sal'd th' I terials a,nd programs.' , ey a Iso 0b')ec. t e.d t'h at Rev. Edward·F. Dowling. 1965, tected by a, new office of due h clergy, and parishIOners child from birth to pre-adolesI "M' . f t'" h pans Pastor. Immaculate' Conception. process, the 'priests' senate of , " before, school . . cence. Miss Darcy presents Ism " , I • t' 'f orma IOn. d' a f'lc aracterd were' not . c;:onsulted Fall River,' . the Cincin!1ati archdiocese said IS IC 0 many rug I ms. oes . d . I ' 'd ' ' courses dealing with various . h th d " 'h 'd oors c ose , APRIL 10,. , her.e. . . more arm an goo, e sal. ,The, fi~e' ghetto schools were aspects of the child's approach Rev. John P. 'Doyle. 1944, Pas' The educational films and., among 10 diocesan' schools . to God. The senate voted approval pf tor, St. William; Fall Rfver. the 'proposal and Archbishop audiovisual' programs, produced", Closed in an effort to check BufBoth Rev. Patrick' J. O'Neill. APRIL II', ' 'Paul F. Leibold has iridicat~d by the federal gQvernmentand . falo',s' spiraling diocesan' debt. Diocesan Superintendent of Rev: John' F: Do\Vney, 1914.' that it, wiII be' appended to!a by industry as a public service. The diocese said it would conPastor, Corpus Christi, Sandwich. document on archdiocesan' dr- , .were first viewed by a panel of . solidate the five schools' and Schools and Rev. Ronald A. Tosti, Diocesan Director of a,eliAPRIL 12 ganization to be 'voted on·, by scientists, andpsycllOlogists, for house the new school in build- gious Education-CCD cordially Rev. John Tobin, 1909. Assist- ' 3,000 priests; Religious and IJy their te~hnical ,a<;curacy. ings· n,ow occupied by Ii minor' invited all interested in religious ant, St. PatriCk, Fall Rivet. '. men and women at an archdiotIf the ·material was considered seminary~ The seminary is mov- education to' take part in. this APRIL 14 ; "scientifically acceptable.". it ing to new quarters. combined endeavor. , ·Rev. Louis N. Dequoy, 1935, , esan assembly May' 16. The assembly willi vote '~n went on to a "communications'" Pastor, Sacr~d Heart, No. AttleII documents of the sixth arch-' p~nel composed 'of lay peopie boro. . diocesan. synod - liturgy, mi~- with ,a variety of., attitudes , APRIL 15 BROOKLAW~ Re\r. Christopher G~ Hughes. ,sions. education. social action, toward. drug use. Peter' Fonda. a~d William F. Buckley.· Jr.. and D.D., 1908. Rector. Cathedral'. communications., clergy Religious FUNERAL HOME, INC. :s . Te(Jchers. Fall River. seminarians. Religious, temporal Ju.dith Christ were among the ~ R. Marcel Roy - Q,' Lomlna ROJ a,ffairs. ecumenism, laity, arid second panel's' members.. in the service Rogar uFr~nca """111111"'''''''"",,,,,,,,,,,, "",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"',,,,,,,,,,',,,,,:ni''''Il,,,,,,n:'''''''''''''lIOn archdiocesan organization, ThoJe The council. a private nonof the, Church FUNERAL DIRECTORS THE ANCNOR approved 'by the assemblywllI profit organization which coorSecond Class Pos'a~e Paid at Fall' River. 15 Irvington ·Ct. Write: Brother Guy, C.F.X. ' Mass.. PUblished. every Thursday' at 410 be promulgated in October ata dinates the drug education activ704 Brush' Hill' Rood New Bedford Highland Avenue, Fall River. Mass. 02722, celebration of the archdiocese's ities of its 97 national ,members. by the Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall 995-5166 ' Milton, Massachusetts 02186 River, Subscription price by mall, postpaid ,.. 1, began its evaluati9n' 'early in . ~50th anniversary. $4.00 lIer ye.,. ...... , -,.,-." _. . I I
Aged . Res;ident~ Enjoy COII1Cert·!
Sister ·Bortie Funercil Held
Cd-Ina In9 Counci-I F-In d s M' any D'"g Ab us'e'F-II ms lJ naccep. t a bIe
: .,
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall Riv.er-Thurs., AprilS, 1971 ••
Bishops Announce Progra,m of Priestly Formation WASHINGTON (NC) - The first formation program tailored specially for U. S. seminarians describes new ways for future priests to find out what ministry is like by working with the people they serve. The U. S. Program of Priestly Formation was authored by the National Conference of Catholic Bishops to fulfill a Vatican Council II directive that each country in the world prepare its own official seminary program. Subject to the approval of the Holy See, the programs were 'to be revised at regular intervals and harmonize with a Basic Plan for Priestly Formation-issued in 1967 by the Vatican Congregation for Catholic Education. The U. S. program has been approved for five years. "After that time, in the light of experience and of changing circumstances, the program will be adjusted and revised," said Auxiliary Bishop Thomas J. Grady of Chicago, chairman of the U. S.
Bishops' Committee on Priestly Formation. Practical suggestions for putting ministry to work during the seminary years are included in the 120-page U. S: formation program. It covers academics, general goals, organizational techniques and spiritual formation in high school, college' and graduate level (theologate) seminaries. Along with academic studies at the theologate level, it proposes a "field education'~ program, . directed by a seminary faculty member, to give future priests the opportunity for exposure to the people they will serve. Personal Maturity Concentrating at first on parish work, the program can also include teaching catechetics or working in hospitals, community organizations and charity agencies. "A field education program' will help the candidate achieve
a greater degree of personal and . emotional maturity," the document says, "because it will place him in more of a 'real world' atmosphere than has been usual in the rather closed seminary environment of the past." Another suggestion for giving future priests practical ministerial experience is a "deacon internship" for an unspecified period of time after the theol\)gate. Normally, ordination to the priesthood comes shortly after completion of theoiogate studies -and that option is still open. The deacon int,ernship, how.ever, would give a seminarian the chance to live and work in a parish before making the life commitment that receiving final orders implies.
Ordination would thus come by reason of personal readiness and community approval rather than by class promotion," the NCCB document says. A community dimension has also been added to seminary administration with a proposal for a seminary board composed of clergy, Religious_ (and laymen "who share a concern for priestly formation." The board's task, according to the document, would be "to help develop the basic. policy of the schoof' in accordance with Church law, this program of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops, and standard American educational practice." Theological study receives lengthy treatment in the NCCB
document. First aim of college-level seminary formation is to help the seminarian "mature as a liberally educated human person, committed to Christ and to the service of his neighbor," the document says. The college student is still experiencing a "crisis of growth" involving personal commitment to God and final choice of a vocation, it continues. "He must be assisted to understand fuHy the options open to him,' to discover his ,own identity, to rei.lite himself , personally' and functfoli' ally to the Church and the world, and to integrate the diverse aspects of his personality for ef· fective a, tion." ."
Community Approval When a deacon intern feels ready for ordination, his pastor, the field education director, the parishioners he has served and his bishop can also evaluate his readiness.
We relolce in Chrisrs victory over the graveand its promise of our own eternal re~emption" Spiritually we renew in ourselves the glorious resurrection of Christ.
LEADERS OF COYLE HIGH FAMILY AT SCHOOL'S VALEDICTORY: Bro. Armel Latterell, CSC, moderator of the Men's Club; Mrs; William McCafferey, president of the 'Women's Club; William R. Drummond, general chairman of the affair; Bishop Cronin, main speaker at the banquet; Alex Rich, president of the Men's Club; gather prior to the banquet following the concelebrated Mass.
THE ANCHOR-D,iocese of Fall Riv.er-Thurs., April' 8,'l~97t
,Sugges'ts 'N'ew Appr~~ach', I' To Reli'91ious Educa~ii!->n j
'10'-000. Catholic Educators ,
To Attend Annual Me~ting ,
" ,
MINNEAPOLIS (NC)"':""Despite source centers'~....:.open all daydiminishing numbers of teaching where delegates can go to talk Religious and hundreds of school to experts in fields like c1.!rr'icuclosings in the past year, nearly lum enrichment, or children's in the church-related colleges, in the Cathohc high scho,Ols, , I0,000 Catholic educators are e~ films. in,the parish schools, in the SU9day schools whether Prot- ' Another is a series of smallpected to attend the 68th annual estant or Catholic. The com"'i National Catholic Educational group workshops on topics like mon-feell'ng is that the job gain new insight. i~to religious "Early Childhood Education" Association convention here. ., . truth, see more of Its relevlilnce . and "Restructuring Catholic EdNorbertine Father C. Albert Just Isn.,t bemg do.ne. to life as we Jive it, and en,rich Koob, who heads the Washing- ucation.'.' . ~an It be done 111 the. ~a- our appreciation of religion ~rom Departmental Meetings D. C.-based organization, ton, mlltar sense and ,by.the famlltar all our other learning,' and A workshop on minority prosaid his office had already remeans?' Thi~, roughly,' is t~e especially our experience. ceived 5,000 pre-registrations for grams will feature Msgr.Geno question which B~o~her Gabnel Brother Moran goes so far as the April 12 to 15 meeting at ' Baroni, director of the National Moran has been ralsmg for ~ome to say, "The supposition of !this Center for Urban Ethnic Affairs, Minneapolis Convention Hall. tim~ in ,his' books and ~r~lcle~. book is that' it ,is only when', and an expert on problems of "I think we can now predict He coritinues to address It m hiS death be'comes a real expectathat total attendance will exceed white ethnics. Other panelists newly puplished Design for Reli- tio~ within one's experience that will be Marlanist' Brother .Joseph }0,000," he said. ' gion, (Herder and" Herder, 232 Christ:ian theology can be taught . Madison Ave" New York, N, Y, at all. For the vast numbe~ of "In view of some of the sober- Davis, executive director of the ing events of' tl?e past year, the National Office for Black Cath~0016, Clo.th $4.95; paper $1.95? children who study religion, ~ the His answer, it i!? no searet, IS death resurrection theme of response to the upcoming NCEA olics, and William Antell, 'a ChipCHAPLAIN: Rev. Arman' has really been high- pewa Indian, director of Indian convention "No." Christianity or other religions ly , encouraging," Father Koob Education for Minnesota. can only be so much vel'b, lage. ' " do' A. Annunziato, pastor of NCEA departmental meetings continued, referring to the school St. Francis of Assisi Parish, on seminaries, colleges and uniAdult Edll1cation New Bedford has been ap- closings, drop in personnel and versities, special education, high By This is an instance of the Iunlost battles for financial aid to conventional, and even jar~ing, pointed to succeed Rev. Wil~ nonpublic schools in states like schools and elementary schools will also be featured. . strokes which the author deliv- liam F. O'Connell as chap- ,Nebraska and Michigan. RT. REV., LeRoy Brown, executive secre-, ers rather fre'quelltly. But a: bit lain for the New Bedford Father Koob said the "draMSGR.' of reflection shows that, despite Guild for the Blind. Father matic thing" about thIS year's tary of the Minnesota Catholic some exaggeration, a valid ppint O'Connell became pastor of convention "is the fact that we Education Associati'on. is general JOHN. S. chairman. Coadjutor Bishop Leo is,'made. ' I St. Augustine's, Vineyard will be facing issues and prob- ·C. Byrne of St. Paul and Minne, KENNEDY It a]so clarifies what Brother lems within the context of a 'apolis is honorary chairman. ' Moran has in mind when hei in- Haven on March 10, 1971. striking theme: Concern ror' the Founded in 1904, NCEA now sists on the primacy of adulti edHuman Person. WNmJI:~:I':;~;~';~:J~:~{;m@~m includes in its membership about ucation. The author 'maintains Praises ~hristian "That, after all, is what Cath- 206,000 Catholic educators teachAt' the opening of the sixth that religious education is effecolic education is all about." ing 5.5 million students in 14,000 chapter of this latest work, he tively accomplished only in COITI- 'Religious Press Father Theodore M. Hesburgh, educational institutions across states that the book has three munity. There is, of, cour~~'lt~e NEW' YORK (NC) The president of Notre Dame Univer- the couhtry. premises. community of the family" m Christian religious press has , The first is "that the field of which the child begins life and been even more sympathetic sity, will give the keynote address on the theme at the first religious education must be re- spends his f.ormative years. i than the general press in covergeneral session on the convenborn out of a coalition of good The Chlirch, }W, says, cani do age of. conditi0'ls 'of Jews in the, tion's opening day. education and soundJheology." Continued, from Page One most in ,this regard by hel~ing Soviet Union, according to an Auxiliary Bishop" Patrick F. .1J ' . ; The second is "that' theology parents learn ho\y to be parents. American Jewish ,Committee ceses of the United States. Flores of San Antonio, Tex., will and education both point to the As mature human 'beings and ma- survey. ' The annual meeting of, the Na, I address delegates at another gencentrality of experience for all ture Christians themselves, they tional Catholic Educational As"Many Catholic and Protes- eral session. religious education." can be successful teachers ofl re- tant publications devoted considsociation will open in MinneapOther notables who will speak olis, Minn. on Monday, April 12. The third is "that if experi- ligion but not in~;tructors. I' erable space to 'statements_ of ence were actually, central to reThe theme of the 68th Annual Beyond the family, there is churchmen in support of Soviet include U. S. Congressman Alligious education, then the field (or should be) the 'Christian com- Jews," the AJC reported in a bert H. Quie of Minnesota, a Convention is Concern for the member of the House Education Human Person. More than .10,000 would have to be developed from munity, which, of its very nat4re, news release. Committee; Dr. Clarence C. Wal- administrators and teachers from the perspective of' adult cen- is' the most powerful instrUment When death sentences were ton, president of Catholic Uniterednes's. " all levels of U. S. Catholic eduof its members' Christian educacommuted for Soviet Jews who 'versity of America; Louis MenEcumenical Educ~tion cation will take part in the sestion. Brother Mor;~n tdenies that 'attempted to hijack a plane to dez, director of the U. S. "Right Brother Moran holds that a the parish as presen'tly con~sti Israel, the religious press ,pub- To' Read" program, and Sister sions. Father Theodore Hesburgh, tuted deserves t~'e name: of small child is a very religious lished expressions of relief from Ethne Kennedy, head of the Nabeing' who needs plenty of reli- community or serves the purpose many religious leaders, along tional Assembly of Women Reli- President, University' of Notre Dame,' will deliver the ConvenI w,ith 'pleas to the Soviet Union gious. gious education. But he, believes of community. tion's keynote address 0;" Monthat, for a child, a formal course Complex Argtimen~, : for relaxation' ,of emigration One special feature of this 'day, April 12 at 3 ~M. Auxiliary on religion is almost, certain to ,t rules. "If the Church actually funcyear's convention will be "re- Bishop Patrick Flores of San be inimical ·to religi'on. "The finpeople tioned as a commi:mity of Antonio, first Mexican-American ished products of- I,OOO-year dis""'IIII'''''''''''''''tI';''II'''''''UO''''''W''''''''i''I''''1111'''''''''''''''''''''11111''"''11111''""" elevated to the U.S. Catholic'hier- :' cussions are provided for the dedicated to searching for the, In the course of the book, as- Oppose Judaization archy wili address the Convennourishment of six-yeai-olds," divine, reflecting on the impli'cations of the quest, and liVing ;by are made which are Of Jerusalem sertions ' tion's only other general session. imd they are simply incapable of assimilatlng·these. The resultant the consequences of the reflec- open to challenge. But the chalVATICAN CITY (NC) - The attitude may be characterized 'by tion, its whole' mode of ,op~ra lenge should be reasonable. That Vatican daily warned that pressentimentality; on the one hand, tion would be educatiomil." is, what the author is saying sures on'Moslems and Christians Hence changing religious eduba- should not be dismissed out of to move out of the city of jeruand prejudice, on t\.1e other. This does not mean that reli- tion in the Church plainly in- hand, but: should be carefully' salem ,--"could do irreparable gion has ,no, place in, early edu- ,volves changes in. the Church ,considered, so that the real damage to the cause of peace iii itself. " ' I meaning. is grasped, and then' the Middle East:" cation. By an ecumenfcal educaIt involves changes in Catholic fairly tested. 245 MAIN. ,STREET. tion is meant a good ~eneral edThe March 22-23 edition ,of ucation related to thee'xperience schools. Brother Moran, to reMakes Us, Think L'Osservatore ;Romano ~ carried FALMOUTH - 548-1918 of the ind,ividual in his social peat, is not opposed to Catholic Brother.. Moran is' proposing 'an unsigned but' prominently that closing schools. He says ~RMAND ORTINS, Pro,~. context and enabling him to inthem is the very, reverse, of ,'an , someting 'radical. He is not con- placed editorial entitled "Jerusaterpret that· 'experience." lem and the Peace." The editorial '-~~~~~~~~~~ ....~~ 'tent to let any assumption, howI education,al policy. .Lifetirite Work protested' the Judalzation of ever venerable, go unsifted. In He has no patience with the I his sifting, he finds some chaff, Jerusalem "at the expense of the In the interpretation of expe- argument that CCJD classes c,an which he advocates. be discarded. non-Jewish population." rience, religion has a unique substitute for schools, and ihe The editorial said, that minorro,1e. But religion, cannot really casts a skeptical eye on the He also finds good grain, which ity communities in Jerusalem be taught in isolation from all great expectations attending t,he he wants proper!y used. else, nor can' it be taught as a parish's engaging of a coordi~aA new approach, new methods "today feel that their existence set of dogmatic propositions tor of religious ~dllcation. I will always draw opposition, and development is threatened without relationship to the supThe foregoing merely flits and on occasion some scandal. by a policy which seems to aim posed learner's experience. from facet to facet of the intri- But the failure of old ways is all at slow suffocation." Just as education is not lim- cate argUment which BrotHer too apparent, and there is some- , The editorial repeated the Vatited to schooling, so ecumenical Moran'makes in his book. That thing scandalous about compla- ican's support of the United Naeducation is a lifelong process, complex argument can be grasp- cent continuation of them de- . tions' r~solution calling ror mak365 NORTH FRONT STREET continuing: from birth. to death. ed only as a whole, hence a c1~se spite their unproductiveness. We ing Jerusalem and its environs NEW BEDFORD It should be' obvious that relireading of the entire text is re- do' not 'have to agree with containing the Holy Places a sepgious education is the work of a quired before either appreciatibn Brother Moran, but we do have arate entity safeguarded by in992-5534 lifetime. As the years pa,ss, we ,or criticism is possible. : , to agree that he makes us think. ternational agreement. " "If'J . I L : ~
It is a commonplace that there is now a' crisi~ in ~eligious education, and'this on all levels. It. is t.aking p'~ace '
Fr. O'Neill
Photo Supply
9)e 93''la6~ 0~e.
ea. £Ltc.
Heating Oils and Burners
4 , ·..... •
FBI PirectorUrges Respect For P,olicem-en WASHINGTON (NC)-Policemen should be respected, FBI dir~ctor J. Edgar Hoover said in the current issue of the FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin. Urging law enforcement officers to serve with dignity and honor, de~pite suffering personal indignities, Hoover said, "as a rule, a repulsive slur is more descriptive of its origin than its target." "Frequently," the FBI director said, "some belligerent, anti-law enforcement elements of our society refer to police officers as 'pigs: Obnoxious four-letter words are shouted at policemen, and the familiar chant, 'Off the pigs,' meaning 'Kill the Police' is a prominent cry wherever these groups assemble. "Further, cartoons and publications depicting police officers as pigs are common fare, even for children. The ridiculous statement, 'The only good pig is a dead pig' is a slogan of ,violent protestors. Such deplorable epithets can be gratifying only to little minds." Leaders Intimidated Hoover said that community leaders, including clergymen, "need to shore up some eroding ideals and principles" and "take a firm stand to preserve our sense of values." He complained that too many ~Ieaders are "swayed or intimidated by loud, unruly and aimless ramblerspeople with a lot -of dialogue but' no message." He said that policemen deserve more respect for what they represent. "In a free society where law-not man-is supreme, the policeman is a living symbol of the freedoms shared."
Project Equality Now Independent CHICAGO (NC) Project Equality, the nation's largest private program urging fair employment practices, separated from its parent body here to incorporate as an independent inter-religious organization. Formed in 1965 as a unit of the National Catholic Conference for -Interracial Justice, Project Equality now has nearly 400 participating religious bodies ranging _in size from the New_ York archdiocese to local churches, synagogues and church councils. . Don Rose, Project Equality's director of research and commu~ nications told NC News that the project was originally conceived as a Chicago diocesan program "but within a matter of months it attracted the attention of a great many other religious bodies and became an ecumenical movement with enormous potential. The only question was how soon it couid become selfsupporting and autonomous." Project Equality now operates in 23 states, promoting employment opportunities by directing the purchasing power of religious institutions toward businesses that practice non-discriminatory employment.' . Through a' program of on-site compliance reviews of more than 3,000 businesses in the program, the project claims it is generating an estimated 1,000 job opportunities for minorities each month.
THE ANCHORThurs., April 8, 1971
Cites Delusion Of Materialism
PRINCIPALS AT COYLE HIGH'S'SPIRITUAL FAREWELL: Present for the concluding spiritual ceremony as Coyle High School, Taunton ends an education era were: Bro. Ralph Jaworsky, CSC, principal at Washington's Mackin High School and principal at Coyle from 1949-55; Bishop Cronin, principal concelebrant of the Mass; Rev. James F. -Lyons, pastor of the St. Mary's Parish, Taunton where the late Monsignor Coyle served as pastor for 35 years; Bro. Richard Kiniry, present principal at Coyle.
VATICAN CITY (NC)-Modern man must not be deluded by the materialistic opinion that the present life is all he has, Pope 'Paul VI told' a general audience in St. Peter's Basilica. Comparing the delusion of materialism to the temptation of Christ in the desert, Pope Paul summarized the enticements offered by the materialists: "Be content with this world, for here is reality, life, the fullness of man, sufficient riches . , '. . Everything else is an illusion, an alienation, mere opium and a myth." The Pope countered by saying that the material benefits of this wofId 'are as transitory as the bread pffered Christ in the desert. Material benefits may satisfy for the moment, but they do not last. Instead, the Pope said, modern man must be convinced that "this effort: of materialistic humanism act,ually lowers the status of man to a temporal and animal level and denies the individual his personality."
Schools' Deficit Near $9 Mill~on_
TALLAHASSEE (NC)~atho足 Iic elementary and high schools in. Florida were operated slightly le,ss .than $9 million in the red during the 1969-70 school term, a statewide report disclosed. The Florida Catholic Conference which prepared the report said the total cost of education in the schools during the period was $24,645.728 and the deficit totaled $8,846,294. Thomas A. Horkan, Jr., direc-' tor, said the survey was the. first under a uniform accounting system for all Catholic school systems in the state.
He said it is apparent that unless state aid is given the Catholic schooI-. system, the schools may have to close. The report showed the state
~atholic school system is edu-
cating 59,560 students, including . 3,729 non-Catholics and 1,408 blacks, in 159 elementary schools; and 16,596 students, including 962 non-Catholics and 239 blacks, in 38 Catholic high schools. Horken estimated the Florida Catholic'. school systems now save 'taxpayers in the 'state $56 million, while _all nonpublic schools account for a tax saving of $86 million. -
Says Asians Prefer Self-Help P,rojects C H R 1ST C H U R C H' (NC) -As,ians do not want handouts; they want to be helped to 'help themselves,an official-- of the St. Vincent de Paul Society, said here in New Zealand. , The official, Rene Martinus, :l - _ Malaysian, is international 'vicepresident of the society, an association of Catholic laymen devoted to personal service to, the poor. ' Asians, he said, "prefer to participate in some kin'd of self-help project rather than receive food or clothing and be no better off than they were."
am the resurrection and the life; he who believes in -:ne, though he die, yet shall he ~ive, and whoever lives and believes in me sheill never die.{ John 11 :25)
il,lo,,008, .Happ" JEaster
"'aU River
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THE ANq-jOR-Diocese of Fall River:-Thurs., April
, i,,
a, 1971
,Easters Jlfealling ,
A 'Resurrected ,Life
, !
, The famed Hymn of St. Patrick prays: "Christ with me, Christ -before me, Christ 'behind me, Christ in mel, Christ beneath me, Christ above' me, Christ on my right!, ,Christ, on my left, C-hrist where I lie, Christ where I sit, I Christ where I arise."
Appeal Continued from Page One. . sachusetts, regardless of race or .creed. The Special Gift phase of the Appeal will be conducted from April 19 to May 1. The Parish house-to-house, campaign is set for May 2 to 12. Bishop Cronin, Main Speaker
Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin, S.T.D., Bishop 'of Fall River, will This is the Christian life-to let Christ live m~re fUll~ be the keynote speaker. This will in one's 'life; , ! be Bishop Cronin's first year as honorary ,chairman of the Ap.' , But the Lord has much competition in life from peal. Bishop Cronin said: "Before sources. A man is body as well as soul, and since knowlI became the Bishop of Fall edge comes to him through the ,bodily senses 'the tendency River, I had already been informed of the highly successful is for him to live his life on the level of the fienses, ac· Catholic Charities Appeal. The cepting and even searching for what pleases them and. success ,of the Appeal has been the body and paying scant attention to the life of th~ due to the untiring efforts· of spirit. I bishops, priests, laity and all our non-Catholic friends of every What. a man' can see and taste and touch and hear creed. The needs 'are greater and smell -- these have a power t9 attract immediately, - now than ever before. I require and, indeed, I am proud to ask and to hold in bondage. And. when' a person is thus en; your assistance." slaved; the call 'of' Christ to holiness has-difficulty gettiDi Dr. David Costa, Jr., diocesan lay chairman, will also speak., through. " , : , ' " . i The lay chairman 'said: "As a This' Holy Week calls upon the Christian to tune in fel1o~ layman, I have known for ' to the full life that he must live - the life of union witH , many years the woriderful works of charity and mercy of the 31 God in Christ.' It calls upon the Christian in the here to 'agencies of the Appeal. The needs remel1}ber. the' hereafter: It calls up the Christian of 'the are greater now than ever before. The expenses are rising. We' "now" to' realize that he is going into the future - a fu4I ,need the 'help of every member ture not bounded by time,, or space but a future! that willI of the laity. Since these services last for eternity. I are given to all members of the , I community, I call upon our Fundamental thoughts, indeed. brothers of other creeds to assist us in these charitable works." But this is the Christian, life - to share the life of Coyle High School Band, Christ by the' goodness of· his life, to share the death of Taunton, will provide music for Christ by sacrifice and self-denial, and 'thus to ,share th~ the occasion. The' children of l St. Vincent's Home, Fall River, victoryof Christ in the joy of the ,resurrection and to'live Rev. John F.' Moore, B.A., M.A., M.Ed. will perform a short skit of eneven now a resurrecte~ life'.' ,'. f : SS., Peter & Paul, Fall River hour, "will" tertainment. A coffee ,"'. , . be served and a tour of the high school for those .who have not viewed the edifice will 'be 'co'nSp~aJ<ing to a group of experts on env~ronmental is-i' There can be little' doubt that is a fact of reason and now of ducted by students of the high. school. Ample parking space is 'sues, Pope Paul has stressed the necessity of ,man's pro-' a storm of emotion and protest history, I has brought an obscure Army 'What this case does bring into available at the school. ' t~cting his envir()nment. Noting that some Christians have lieutenant into the doubtful question is a multitude of related their eyes fixe~ only on the other world, the Pope said,! glamor of national prominence. ,issues. Issues which have been Guild Whist "The truth is very different. The Christian knows how to; It also has once more focused effectively clouded over either The Mother McAuley Guild of , , I, national atte'ntion' in another by emotional flag waving or by St. Mary High School in Fall fix his 'attention on nature which 'serves exactly to raise: evaluation of the entire war'.in the smoke of the violent few. Mt. River will sponsor a Whist Party him up the divine' world .. ';' .We cannot remairi indif-:' Vietnam.' Rightly ,or' wrongly, One issue that seems to have next, Weednesday evening, April ,Lieutenant:Calley is fast becom- 'been occasioned by the Calley · h' . h' h h b ferent to t he anxiety, t e anxiety W lC as ,now ecome: ing the national symbol of a trial is fundamental to American' 14, at 8 o'clock in the School Cafeteria. Admission is $1 and commo~,' regarding the' pollution of those,n'atural elements, I divided and ,embittered people. democracy.' Calley was judged refreshments will be served. which are bound without choice to the physical and even" ~ow'ever, t~e, gr~ve danger that by' his peers. ' th I rf f " , . I IS most eVlden IS to center all Why don't all Americans enjoy "'"'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' e mora 1 e 0 man. I . attention on this single ma~ and the' same right. For exam,pIe Christianity has always taught that man must use' forget that there, was ever a,My lawyers judging lawyers and inquiring can we as a people • . . ,'.',' . ' , 'La~. In the heat and anger of doctors judging doctors. MQv- hope that another My Lai will nghtly the thmgs of the earth., All too often of course, extreme reactions this. is what not' occur nor another Calley • , ing on'e ,step' beyond, ,this trial take place. For, in the long this aspect· of religion has peen completely disregarded. I has happened since.' t,he Calley phase of questioning is, the fact verdict was' announc d 1 t run, Lt. Calley is l?ut a Pawn in The pursuit of the, good life has, 'made men think, that they, e, as that in a nation that is dedicated the terrible game' of war. He is week , " " ,'" ,to civilian rul~ why do we hav'e can do as they please with the things around ,thein.' Now Whether, we agree with the Tt ' t ' th f' t I ? and was but a c,hess piece in the , ,. ' ". ' . , ." ml I ary cour s m.e Irs pace. hands of the people who are men reahze, as never before, that theIr acts have conse- verdIct or not, whether we de- They do seem to be quite inconII 'bl'f th ' ,'1 . ' . ' . ' I fend' C '11 ' 'I ',' ' ' " rea y responsl e, or. e gUl t quences 111 the order, of nature as. well' as, 111 ,other areas.: . ,', or opp~se a ey as a so - , gruous 10 a natIOn for and by . and misconduct of modern war. , dler, 0'1 e thmg cannot change, ,people such as the ideal democ- f . 't' 't t' I ' d ' It' ·' WI'11 rem . force, t he baSlC . Ch' . I thee nature.o ' 'f t he charge' cracy..A . " " soldIer . . IS . "fIrst .' , and foree, dare 10't ISO a an comp e" e ' ,Perhaps t hIS ..nstlan Con~. name Y. cept that acts 'do have consequences _ and people had that was brought fprth ag!1i~st most a ,citizen of 'this riatipn rep-, epr~vl y. . Lt. Calley IS a very s~alt . the ,lieutenant, in ,the fi,rst place. . resenting all the people. If this is. ~etter foresee 'these., "' : In all"the discussions. that will " not the case 'then' the entire mil- shadow of an' all-encompassmg , consume" telev)sion .time ,and itary system has little or no na- me~tality, th.at seeks ~ar as a newspaper print, the basic fact ,tional purpose or meaning. It natIOnal pohcy. In t~IS re.s~ect remains that ,the Army'itself would indeed be foolish to feel each and eve~ AmerIcan ~Itlze.n I' tho~ght "Lt. ' Calley "exceeded his that all service men were mer- sh~res t~e guilt of My Lal: It IS , military responsibility. My Lai cenaries. qUIte UnIque to see that 10 the
.the mooRlnCj
The CalleY'Case
Acts, 'and- Consequences
:®rhe '-A'",
' "
Advocates' Open, Civilian Courts for All
wake the doves' Calley find Case themboth hawks ofand' selves, for different reasons, fac,Civilian ,control of the military " ,These questions are raised not ing the' determination that this , ,OFFICIAIL NEWSPAPER OF THE 'DIOCESE OF ,FALL RIVER has !llways','been our:",itational ' to ,degrade our present govern- country should get' out of VietPublished weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese'01f Fall River ,policy': E~ch .~na every branch"pf ment n~r the American Ideal but nam. For the people of My Lai " ' - :,410 Highland :Avenue ,,'. ,,:, ', ; t~e. ~ervlce IS supposedly ~u.nder . 'rath~r In ho~es that we may' this must come as a .sad after,675-7151 : clvlhan, ,control. " Why mlhtary contm\1ously Improve the great- thought: Let"us pray the people Fall River Mass~,02722' PUBLISHER ' tribunals? Why does a .democra- est gift of this nation, our free- , of this country may never have " DDS T O : c.>: need military tribunals? Open " doms. Only, by questioning and. to face the same fate.- For Lt. · I A C '. Mos t Rev. Danle r.onln, . ., '" I" clvllan'cour . '1' t s for a II A ' .' t'Iga t"mg events w h" IC h ,s hape, Ca II ey, we h.9pe t h . ., merIcans lOves at 'It h as not GENERAL MANAGER ,.'~SST.G,ENE~A~ M~NAGER1I,: re~ardless,,9f,statiO,n, ,or Posit,ion : our,na,ti?n~I,deStinr ca~, we have, ,been deCide"d t~at it jS.1?est that, Rev. Msgr. D~niel 'F: Shalloo, M.A " Rev. John P, !)mcoll ,'. should be a guarantee of Amer- , a functIOn 109 deJ?1ocracy. _Qnly; , one man beco~e the. scapegoat ,~Le.ry ,Prell-F.II'Rlver~"-~y,,,.. ,-;'. ~ . . ' ,." '.. ican 'justice.' , :" ".: " , by proposing, examining, and for an entire people.
Says International Policing BMyS T5me' for Re,flecticn
THE ANCHORThurs., April 8, '971
Let us pursue a little further the question whether a decline in America's defense spending would leave the
Rejects NF,PC On CeUbacy
Oregon, Senate
world at the mercy of Russian-or Chinese-Communist expansion and domination. Theoretically, the two systems proclaim a world Commu-· nist state. Since, however, that we do, after all, live in a neither wants the other to post-colonial world and small peoples no longer take it for run it, we cannot easily granted that great neighbors t::::~:::::::~:::~~~:::::~:,:,:;::::::::-:.:::ti
think any longer in terms of a "monolithic" Communist conspiracy. Peking seems ,Worried every time Moscow and Washington make courteous noises to each other. Equally, the Russians do not seem very happy about President Nixon's modest signalling to the Chinese. In theory, the two Communist Great Powers might make common cause against imperialism. In practice, so' far, they have just gone through a decade of spiteful, resentful relations, each denouncing the other's heresy and each disputing the other's version of the immensely long common frontier they are condemned to share. It sems a reasonable assumption that the Atlantic states do not have to outmatch both Communist Great Powers simultaneously. , In the relations between Russia and America, there is clearly one area in which unilateral American disarmament does not make sense. Europe is itself so powerful and highly industrialized that neither Great Power can at present envisage the other taking over the whole continent. Need Security Agrement
can move in and takeover. In West Africa, Guinea for a time depended almost entirely on Eastern block aid. But when. President Sekou Toure found the Russian Ambassador meddling in local politics, he packed him off to Moscow. In the United Arab matter, President Nasser continued tq goad Egyptian Communists, no matter what flow of arms was being delivered by the Russians. In Cuba, Russia 'contributes millions of dollars a day in .aid and has seen the local Communist' leader, Escalante, and his close associates put to one side. Perhaps Eastern Europe is still more striking. The Polish workers have just thrown out a government and the 'new one is seeking cordial relations with the Catholic (::hurch. AII these examples illustrate the unreadiness of small peoples to be run in the old way. To rewrite Marx: "A shadow is haunting the World-the shadow of democracy." Force Not All We assume too easily that force is all. The lesson of Poland for Russia as of Vietnam for' America is that power is not en<;lUgh to suppress people who believe their fundamental interests ar eat stake. The idea of self-determination cannot be simply eclipsed. It' revives and lives again. The second reason has close connections with this issue of "self determination." It is a principle enshrined in the world's overall basic law, the Charter of the United Nations. One of the purposes of the U. N. is to set up an independent, international police force precisely to prevent local disputes from involving outside powers and to create and hold a context for peaceful settlement. Since 19So-when the U. N. sanctioned the defense of South Korea-a number of U. N. police actions have had some success. The Congo emerged from civil war with its territory intact and without two rival governmentsas in Germany or Korea or Vietnam. Thanks to U. N. policing, Cyprus has not drawn Greece and Turkey into a disastrous war. The U. N.'s mediation efforts have at least so far localized the bitter Israeli~Arab strug-
But this does not mean that lower arms spending is inconceivable In fact, only some joint agreement on reduced levels of arms in Europe can help the two Great Powers solve one of the issues tending toward stalemate at the talks on strategic arms limitation (SALT). At present, Russia says American medium and short range rockets in Europe must be controlled. The Americans point out that these are there to protect Europe from the equivalent rock~ ets based in Russia. The argument is only solvable through a European Security Agreement which could have the effect, both on reducing arms spending and , of helping forward the SALT ~~ It is here, surely, as President talks. But at least one-third of the Nixon suggested at the el)d of American arms budget is devoted his recent mess!1ge on foreign to Vietnam and to preparations affairs, that the hope of future for other possible Vietnams. If peace in the developing contithe United States undertook no nents really lies-ina strong, more such expeditions and in- efficient, impartial and broadly volvements in the developing 'backed U. N. force to intervene post-colonial continents - how- in emergencies and buy 'time for ever excellent the reasons for ac- quieter tempers and wiser views.: tion-would small peoples everyAbove all, it is to this princiwhere be left to th~ mercy of ple of international policing that Communist expansion?' the Christian citizen-foliowing There are' two main 'reasons Pope Paul's ago~ized plea at the for doubting if such an outcome U. N. for "no more war"':'-must would be certain. The first is give his most eQergetic support.
SEVENTY YEARS IN GOD'S SERVICE: Brother Fla'vian Coughlan, C.F.X. a native of Somerville and a member of the Xaverian Brothers teaching faculty, explores past yearbooks of St. John's High School,' Shrewsbury and! points out" the fathers of the two students present.
C'ritici%es Federation's Position On Celibacy, Marri~d Priests NOTRE DAME (NC)-A veteran journalist criticized as "a serious mistake" the stand taken by the National Federation of Priests' Councils on the celibacy and married priests issues. Holy Cross Father John Reedy, publisher of AD Correspondence, a newsletter issued here, said in the April 3 issue that he had attended the March IS-18 NFPC conVention in Baltimore. He said the resolution regardi,ng celibacy was made the main isuue of the, convention. The resolution called celibacy "a pre. cious tradition of the Church" which "must be preserved," then requested the priests now active be given th,e choice between marriage and celibacy; that national hierarchies be allowed to accept married men as candidates for the priesthood and that priests who already have married be invited to return to, the ministry. ',_ The vote on the resolution was 182 in favor, 23 opposed and three abstaining, with 221 delegates at the' convention, Father Reedy said. Diminishes Stature "These priests, were not present as individuals; they had been elected' to represent affiliated senates' of priests (formally established with approval and influence of the bishOp) and also a number of priest associations (usually established by the priests, themselves, without the formal approval-often encountering the disapproval -"- of the bishops)," Father Reedy wio'te. He expressed belief the NFPC resolution 'has little chance of achieving its goal; diminishes the stature of the NFPC; will lead to fllrther alienation of priests from bishops; will mislead a numbE:r of priests into believing a change , of policy is inevitable, and will further polarize the Church' in the United States..
Father Reedy reported he asked Father Frank Bonnike, NFPC president, if he expected the U. S. bishops at their April meeting in Detroit to name delegates-for the world Synod of Bishops in Rome in September who are open' on the optional celibacy' issue. He said the NFPC head, refused to give a yes-orono answer. Massive Support "Instead, he said: 'We have a responsibility to state our own opinion honestly.' But all through the meeting, Father Bonnike and many others insiste.d that this statement was intended as a 'political document/ in other words, one which would achieve its practical results," Father Reedy wrote.
PORTLAND (NC)-The Senate of Priests of, the Portland archdiocese has voted to repudiate a resolution passed by the National Federation of Priests Councils calling for optional celibacy for priests now active in the ministry. . The Oregon senate vote on the NFPC statement was 18 for repudiation, two against repudiation ,and six abstentions. The resolution .read: "With all due respect for the delegates to the recent national meeting of the National Federation of Priests Councils, this Senate of Priests hereby repudiates the following resoiution of those delegates: " 'We ask that choice 'between celibacy and marriage for priests now active in the ministry be allowed and, that the change begin imm~diately.''' "In no way does this repudiation judge the delegates' mo.tives or good intentions, nor does it pretend to debate the case for or against celibacy; it merely proclaims to the people of this archdiocese that this Senate of Priests does not agree with the recent action of the NFPC delegates and firmly disavows their view of diluting celibacy in the Catholic priesthood." . The senate is an affiliate of, the NFPC.
Flattery We 'sometimes imagine we" hate flattery, but we only hate' the way we are flattered. -La Rochefoucauld
He charactedized the divergence ' ,of judgment between priests and bishops on' the issue "as 'great as aimost any other imaginable." He said at Vatican Council II, in synods and past meetings of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops "every time this subject has arisen, the support of the present discipline of clerical celibacy was massive, if not unanimous." Father Reedy said the NFPC has done "many good things for priests in the United St!ites," has provided them a much needed voice and could provide a "desperately' needed" irtfluence with the U. S. conference of bishops.
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THE ANCHOR-:-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., April.S; 1971
Wanderer ·Forum To 'Hela r Cia rdi no I
'It'll 'B'e',Colorful, G'rou'p .
Gr1eeting ,,Easter' ,Bu\nny ".'
Even though most of our Ne\V E'ngla~d Easters' af~i've, with a bit of a, chill in the air, it 10,oks as if.the're'll be ~uch " good looking finery in the Easter parade.'Home·. se\\jing. : ,has become an' art and,a form of creative accomplishment,'. therefor~' it w~s, no surprise ! when' 'I 'heard that many midi dress. Beth will accessol-ize outfits\ will be 'hot 'off the her outfit with either white "
sewing n:t.a~~ine of t~e. lad:y
, of the house. M~s. William Leary of Holy Rosary Parish, an accomplished seamstress ,and a striking model for her own creations, has, chosen navy and white striped double knit for her' long sleeved'" basic dres!) and plain navy double knit for a sleeveless, m_atching coat. ' The sewing machine is dO!Jbly busy in the Robert Ponte household, for both Mrs. Ponte 'and one of- her daughters, five year' old Elizabeth, will be wearing outfits that Mommy whipped up 'when they attend 'Easter Mass _at Our Lady of Fatima church in' Somerset. Mother's outfit is a lavender (with' tones ,of pi'nk) .double-knit ensemble that consists of a basic dress with a matching hip-length cardiga'n jacket. Lizzie's outfit is a nlUlticolored navy, red, olive and white dress, with a stand-up collar' and.a navy cape tossed over 'her 'cute little shoulders. .
. b90ts or patent leather shoe~. Another pre-teener, Micl1elle Banville, daughter of Mr. imd Mrs. Arthur 'F. Banville of \ St. Roch's parish in Fall River, will , be quite mod in a mUlti-coldred pant-suit and' mal~ching coat: in shades of mint' green, pale Yellow and melon. In her lovely bla"i1de hair Michelle will ent~ine multicolored flowers. A classmate of Michel~'s, Susan Barboza, dalughter of Mr. and Mrs, Raymond Barboza I of St. Anthony of the Desert parish has also chosen a pant-suit 'f or her Easter outfit. Susan's dark hair will be set off by the orchid tones of this bond;~d knit, Which ha.s three quarter length sleeV,es, a V neckline and a·· self-belt. I
Look of '70's
ST.' PAUL (NC) ""7"" Keynote speaker at the seventh ',annual Natiomil Wanderer. Forum June 18· to, 20 her~ will be Cardinal Patrick O'Boyle Qr" YVashing~on. , Accordirtg to the W,anderer, cOI"!!)ervative Catholic newspaper . which sponsors the annual meet- ' ing, general theme of this year's forum is "a call to ~general counter-attack on the forces working for the spiritual, moral, intellectual and physical destruction of human life." . Cardinal O'Boyle will address convention delegates on Friday evening -June 18. ' Retired Bishop Peter W. Bartholome, of St. Cloud, Mil:m."will celebrate a high Mass in Latin on June 19. Subject of Bishop Bartholome's sermon is the Biblical exhortation "Woe to me if I do not preach the Gospel." The meeting will feature workshop sessions on "the myth of overpopulation and resulting mass staevation," according to the Wanderer. Dr. Germain Grisez, Georgetown. University philosophy professor and author of AbortionThe Myths, the Realities and the Arguments, is one of the spea~ ers scheduled for the workshop" sessions. Another feature at this year's forum, according to the Wanderer, will be a "solemn service' of mourning and reparation for the countless numbers of innocents slaughtered by legalized abortion throughout the United States."
Another case of a talented m'other sewing her daughte'r's FAREWIELL TO BISHOP-ELECt: The people of Our Easter outfit is 'that of Bren1da Lady of Guadalupe Mission in EI Monte, ,Calf., say fareSouza of St. Joseph in Dightbn. well to Father Juan Arzube after his' last Mass. He ,was Brenda, dark-haired, dark-ey'ed daughter of Mr. and Mrs. MimJel consecrated Auxiliary Bishop of Los.Angeles on Thursday, Souza, will be wearing a matth- and has been named pastor of St. Alphonsus parish in East ing cape and pant ensemble a' Los Angeles. NC Photo. fresh lookiiig white, lime gr~~n, Favors Nonpublic yellow and white plaid. As an alternate look, in case Brenda School' Assistance "" 'wants to dress a little more for. SPRINGFIELD (NC) A promally, .she has a white w~ol gram that would give up to $30 Voices of Experience Tell About life dress that also' goes with the million in state aid to nonpublic cape:White accessories will cOrtl.As Deacon's Wife schools in Illinois was' recomplete her look' o( the seventies. mended to the state legislature "I'm not going to ~iss you Another dark-eyed charmer, DETROIT (NC) - Wives of here by the Elementary and Secwith that collar on," she told Maria Ciolfi, whose parents, Mr. candidates for the renewed perondary NOnpublic School~ Study and Mrs. Remo Ciolfi, belong to ,~anent diaconate in the Detroit' him-a'nd she didn't. Party-Pink Commission in an 11-2 vote. ' the Holy Rosary church in Fall Catholic archdiocese got some, 'Father Daddy' The three-Part recommendaAnother 10velyyoUllg Somerset River, has chosen pink to ge~t advice on what life will be like One of iJer children dubbed tion calls ·for scholarship grants belle will be 15-month-old Jen- ' the E~ster festivities .. Marla WIll from voices of experience - the the candidate' "Father Daddy" to all non public school students nifer LeComte, .daughter of Mr. be wearing a two piece, bellbot- wives of. Episcopal priests and on see"ing the collar, she said. in Illinois, scholarship grants and Mrs. Leo LeComte of St. tomed pant-suit with a white deacons here. Discussion centered around The group met at a Day of family adjustment to the diacon- for families where incomes are Louis de France parish. This ruffle cascading down the front. wide:eyed toddler will be a vi- That favorite Spring color, na0, Christian Sharing at the Catholic ate and the extent of a wife's at the poverty level, and estab'sion in pink. Jennifer~s coat is is Maria's choice for an Easter Sacred Heart S-fminary here, participation. The general con- lishment of an edu'cational depale pink wool with a scallopped coat. with 'the wives of Episcopal cler- clusion was that deacon's wives velopment fund for creation of edge down the front. It will be All in all, it looks as if a color- ics doing most of the talking must be supportive, but have "innovative educational' programs" by both public and' nonworn over a party-pink dress ful group will greet that, East~r and the wives of the Catholic no active role to play. public schools in a community. bunny. : candidates aski~g' most of the with an overl!1Y of w.hite lace. "The men are One wife said: I questions. Pink is always a lovely color , I One Episcopal deacon's wife out beating the drums ... we're for Spring and, that's why so Coeducational Host~1 commented, "Beirtg a deacon's home wiping the children's noses. many young, charmers choose It'll continue to be that way." First for Students I wife doesn't make too'much difit for their wardrobe. Six year Roofing Contractor They agreed that a peaceful HONG KONG (NC) _ Irish ference, except at social funcold Nancy Stanton of Holy Name 1re almost always asked with no resentment home life, " . tions you STEEPLE JACK WORK parish in Fall River will sport a Jesuits and U"S. MaryknollSis to pour the tea." of the extra nights and weekends . pink wool ensemble, again an ters with financial assistancej A Specialty the future deacons may work,' outfit from Mom's creative fin- from West German Catholics, are "The children teased at first, 488 Cumberland Street . gei-s. Phyllis Stanton has sewed cooperating in' the building of asking ,'Does this make us a would be their contribution. North Attleboro, Mass• "We'll just have to share him a pink A line wool dress with Hong Kong's first coeducational preacher's kid?' But really it 1-695-0322 gracefully," one candidate's wife short sleeves 'anda matching hostel·, for college students. j maqe no more difference in their 1-401-726-0495 concluded. semi-fitted 'wool coat for young More than half of the $640,000 lives than i~ did in mine," the Nancy. cost of the hostel' ~,as donated . Episcopal deacon's wife continAnother Holy Name parishio- by West German Catholics and ued. . ner, pre-teener Beth Baillargeon, the Maryknoll Sisters also mad~, . Catholic candidates for the didaughter of, Mr: and Mrs. Leo aconate ,sqmetlmes are', ,asj{ed ,. j' a .c,on,tri.bution. BailI'argeon, will be wearing a ' to wear the Roman ~ol.lar when The hostel will be built on the visiting the sick. One, candidate's . black and white tweed midi coat over a' purple and white A line . new campus of the United Col~,. wife said it was "sort of a 'lege of the Chinese University of. shock" when her husband first Hong Kong.' It' will be named! came home with the collar. . To' Honor' ~ishop the Adam Schall Residence, ~fte~ Bishop Cronin will be honored a 17th-century German Jes,uit! Radio Series at the Spring plenary meeting of missioner whow'as chief astron-i NEW YORK (NC)- A fourthe Diocesan Council of Catholic orner ai the court the emperor. \ The ,hostel will accommodate part analysis of contemporary Nurses; to be held, Saturday, May 15. Members will greet the 125 male and 125 female' stu-I pro,blems of. Catholicism in this prelate 'at a special reception, ac- .dents in separate wings; and' country called "The Changing Special Arrangements for School Groups cording' to announcementinade will have common,l:ecreatiqnall Church ,'in Changing Times" is FOR DETAILS, CALL MANAGER' 1:lY Mrs: Anne V. Fleming, presi- 'facilities', study "halls, and ',a I . the theme of an NBC radio net636·2744 or 999·698~ dent. . . work series on Sundays in April. chapei. " ,I:
'Share Him
Attention School Groups
• '.
, .
' . -. ..
Good Fridays of
THE ANCHOR-. Thurs., AprilS,. 1971
Life Must
Pree,ede Easter Sund,ays,
To 'HonQr Bishop In N,ew Bedford
Without Good Friday, there can be no Easter Sunday. Christ could not rise from the dead .. . until He had died. His glory was magnified by the depth of His suffering. How many little "Good Fridays" and the "Easter Sundays" that follow are'to be found in our daily lives was stranger than fiction. We ... if we just look for them? were hit by one 'setback after another. . We appreciate joy in relaOur eighth child was born'. , .
tion to the sadness that precedes it. Sounds impossible? Think about the last time you cared for a sick child, His fever kept climbing .Throughout the night, he cried in his discomfort. You awakened, attempted to comfort him .. .'without success, All night you tried alcohol· rubs, aspirin, praying he'd .just settle down and re,st-and let you get some sleep.
The Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin, Bishop of the Fall River Diocese, will be honored by the Catholic Woman's Club of New Bedford on Thursday evening, < April 15 at the Holiday Inn in New Bedford. Reservations' may be made with Mrs. Henry J, Fanning, Mrs. Celestino Macedo or Mrs. David Considine for, dinner which will be served at 6:30.
mentally retarded. My brother's wife died ... leaving him with seven young children. Our six year old daughter was hit by a truck ... her skull badly fractured. Another of my brothers was hospitalized with bleeding ulcers. A third brother tan his hand into a power saw. Finally, my husband became ill. It was our"Good Friday." But today, I can look back on each of these misfortunes and realize that everyone was followed by an "Easter Sunday."
Outlines Catholic Schoolls Formula
Unequaled Love
Our retarded child attends a special' school two days a week, and has brought unequaled' love to our home. My brother married a widow The next morning, he was no with two children. Together they better, You called the doctor and are building a rewarding life he prescribed medication. You with "their" nine children. The ulcers healed; that brother tried all day. He ate little, but couldn't keep it down. Again re-evaluated'the pace he'd been that night, sleep was fitful., Your working and realized he had to slow down. a'nxiety wore on you. The doctors repaired my other It was your own little "Good Friday." Even Jesus got discour,. brother's hand; but he recognizes aged during the Agony in ~he the importance o{' caution ... hands are vital to a carpenter. Garden. Tests showed that my husband The following morning, his had 'diabetes, but he's able to fever was gone. He was peaceful ... and you were relieved. Your , control it by watching his diet. And our daughter who was spirits lifted. You reached :'Easter Sun"day" and your appreciation hit by the truck has recovered was deeper because of the anx- miraculously. Her accomplishments have brought more reiety you had for two days. wards, joys and satisfactions to . Jobless 'Good Friday' our lives than anything we have ever experienced; What happens to, a family Often. when troubles become when the wage-earner loses his overburdening, we feel beaten. job? He spends days searching But, we are not alone. Must not the want-ads, tracking down the same overpowering depres-', endless leads. Those at home sion have prompted Christ to share the disapointment he suf- question on His Go.od Friday: fers each evening when he re"My God, My God, why h~ve turns, jobless. Discouragement you forsaken me"? and fear build as he nears the You can ret,urn your tragedy end of his prospects. The family into triumph. "Without Good tries to go about its daily life, friday, there can be no Easter desperately praying that he'll Sunday"! find something. (Mrs. Carson welcomes letters Then he calls,' glowing with from her readers. They will be excitement. He's been hired! The forwarded to her, promptly if·, "Good Friday" is finished; the addressed to Mrs. Carson ~are dawn of "Easter Sunday" breaks. of this paper.) We value the '''Sundays'' in re·...... lation to the depth of the "FriNun Has Fellowship days," Sometimes it's just little At Baptist Seminqry things ... a sharp answer from LOUISVILLE (NC)-An Ursu-' a child-and later, a simple '''I'm line nun has a fellowship at the sorry." . Southern Baptist, Theological, In a rush, mother adds the Seminary here. . wrong spice to the meal. Fear· Sister Mary Catherine Vukfully she tastes it, and finds the manic, ,studying for a doctorate flavor different ... and better. at the seminary, is one of three She is exhausted, and one of the Catholic students on the carrtPus. children offers to do the dishe<;; She is also on the staff ofUrfor her ... without being asked., suline College here. Discouragement ... and someUnder the fellowship, awarded one offers a kind word. for academic superiority,' 'Sister And sometimes the "Good Frii' Mary Catherine will receive $75 days" are severe - long and a month to act as assistant to wearing. Everyone has faced Dr. Dale Moody, Christian theolthem at sOJ:l1e time during life. ogy professor who formerly A few years ago, my family taught at the Pontifical Gregohad a series of tragedies that rian University in Rome.
'GETTING TO KNOW YOU': Rabbi Gerald Wolpe of Har Zion Temple,Philadelphia, Pa., shows the Torah scrolls to several participants in a day-lang Institute on "Jesus, Judaism and Catholic Education" arranged by the Cardinals' ·Commission of Human Relations and held at Har Zion and at St. Joseph's College. More than 100 religion teachers, most of them nuns, took part in the institute recently NC Photo.
Exem,ption Issue Some Convents, Rectories May Pay Minnesota Taxes ST. PAUL (NC) - Some convents, rectories and Catholic colt. lege dormitories may have to start paying state taxes, if two proposed bills' pass the Minnesota legislature here. Last Fall; Minnesota voters passed a constitutional amend· mentallowing the legislature to redefine the limits of tax-ex· empt properties. The two bills in question are part of a cluster of such legislation under consideration. , All property owned by religious institutions .is now exempt from state taxes' in .Minnesota.. One bill before' the house tax committee puts any building used bya public' or private ed· ucational institution as a residence for 'teachers 'or admiilistra" tors on the t'!x ,rolls., . This rrteans convents that house ·teaching, Sisters, or student'dormitories which incideJ.lt·: ally house teaching Religious would' both be taxed. A'secqnd bill says single dwel-, ling units for priests, ministers or rabbis serving a congregation would remain tax exempt, but prop'erty 'used for' additional dwelling units would not. ' . Both bills were tabled by the tax committee March 18. Religious Purposes Rep.' Harol~ Anderson, of Minneapolis, tax 'committee chairman, said he has been surprised that the bills have brought . little public reaction, either pro or con. House majority leader Ernest
Lindstrom, a co-authOr of the bills, acknowledged that the committee may want to amend the legislation preserving tax exep1ptions for convents and stu, dent dormitories. Lindstrom said another way of handling the exemption issue might be to insert tbe phrase "for religious purposes" after present wording which says property "owned by, religious institutions" is exempt.
CAMDEN (NC)-The superintendent of Gamden diocesan schools has outlined a formula to offset pessimistic predictions made by "prophets of doom" regarding the future' of Catholic schools. In a letter to administrators and faculty members of diocesan schools, Father James R. Tracy said: "We must a"ticulate the values of Ca,tholic education, analyze the strengths and weaknesses of our schools, actualize their potential and then make our voices heard." Father Tracy, acknowledged Catholic education today "stands at the turning point of decision," adding it is "our task as educators to 'Jet people see the inside of our schools and the heart of our system." Contrary to "prophets of doom" predictions that Catholic schools are headed toward extinction, Father Tracy said there is no breakdown of trust or com· munications among diocesan ed'ucators. He said "value education is the goal" and Catholic schools should be communities of love in addition to,' institutions of learning. He called for innovative tech· niques such a~ team 'teaching; "individualized-prescribed in· struction, and frequent faculty meetings to discuss means of meeting the quality education goal." Father Tracy asked the schools to undergo a self:evaluation program of their religious education programs based on guidelines fixed by the National Catholic Educational Association.,
Legislators Vote Against Abortion
THE ANCHOR"":' Thurs., AprilS, 1971
Asserts .Torna.do· Victims· Require Long~Term' Aid·· JACKSON (NC)-Ninety per~ sons were killed by tornados whiGh hit northern Mississippi's delta ar~a Feb. 21. An 'estimated · 2,300 are homeless. . Up to 100 tornados tore across the rural area, dama'ging, destoying scattered houses, far!TIs _ and some 25 small towns. . "NQw, it 'Iooks like timberlimd,'" said Sister Mary Francis Waite, adm'inistrative' supervisor of Catholic Charities' here. It is "a junk pile," she said, "with cars and sheet metal wrapped around each other, and' wrapped around trees.'" -- The 'area's immediate needs are' being met by government and private agencies, butCathoIic Charities expects to bear most of the long-term burden since it is the only permanent family social agency .in the area. '~l?eople 'have long-standing needs .' after the. govern91ent agencies move out,". Sister M~ry Fral)cis told NC News, "mortgages that' have to be met even though they've lost their homes, appliances .on which payments must still be made although they might be daJriage'd." Permanent housing, finding jobs-where industry has been destroyed, and care and placement of orphans and children whose parents were critically in"jured are other problems facing Catholic-Charities. The U. 's. Office of Emergency Preparedness' and other government agencies are planning to bring in mobile homes on a temporary basis, and to repair the pubiic utilities. Forgivable· Loans Msgr." Edward Michelin, executiv,e director of .Catholic Charities here, has offered to set up 'a permanent. low-rent housing project with' community sup" · port -- a land gift or offers to help in the .building.....:.to be ready by - the time' -the government housing is moved out. . .Catholic Charities also plans to give- $25 to each family in need 'as a result of the tornados, · and to offer. "100 'per cent forgivable ioans,i' to, be repaid wl!en and if possible. Some $117,000 in funds originally gathered to meet last year's hurricane emergency along the Mississippi" cqast. south of here, wiiI be available to the tornado-stricken area, although damage from the l!urrican~ is still being repaired out of the same fund. The .delta area is predominantly black ond only three per cent Catholic, but help will be given, victims regardless of their race or .religion, Sister Mary Francis noted. . .
o ,.
HISTORIC MEETING: Pope Paul VI talks with Yugoslavian President Tito and his wife, Jovanka, during a private audience with the Pontiff March 29. The Pope greeted Tito with a. call for mutual cooperation in the search for international peace. Tito is the first Communist heaa of state to make an official visit to the Vatican. NC Photo. .
Croation Catholics Protest Tito1s Visit •
CLEVELAND (NC) - Calling the March 29 meeting between Pope Paul VI and President Josip Broz Tito of Yugoslavia "a betrayal of the memory of th<;>se peacetime victims of Tito's g¢nocide,"- 200 Croation Cathol,ics held a peaceful protest in front of St. John's Cathedral here. I . . The Croats,. mostly men J I' tin· . their 20s, and many of them~ef. ugees from Yugoslavia, carried placards and posters bearing messages like "Tito is a KiI,ler of Croatian Priests and Nuns:' They also passed. out a lengthy resolution declaring March 28the day of the demc:mstration and the day before the Vatican meeting - "A .Day of Sorrow for Catholics." . " About 15,000 Croation Catholics live in the Cleveland diocese. The two-hour demonstration Was organized by Joint Commit~ee of Croation Organizations, I a group of 17 civic and patriotic Croation groups here. ' The 79-year-old Yugoslav le~d er is the first Communist h~ad of State to make an official vis'it to the Vatica.n. I ,
Dedicate Chapel At Shopping Mall
NILES (NC) - An idea proposed by retired Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen in an airpla1ne c<,mversation last year carpe down to earth thIs week with the, opening of an interdenorhinational chapel in the Eastw06d Mall here in Ohio., ,'I 'IWhen we go into the bUF iness world, we have become acProgram. Provides customed to pay as we entet," said Rabbi Sidney Berkowitte. ·Free Legal Help "Now, it's time to pray as We ,1, RACINE (NC) - A program enter." " ;providing ·free legal' aid services \ Rabbi Berkowit:i of Rod~lf: . to people ..who lack money or. Sholom Temple; 'Youngsto~n, kn~Wledge. ~f the la~ has been" Ohio, 'made the comment· as he elitablished. he~e' ,in Wisconsin. st?qd at a pulpit jin frol1tof! a .by the Racme· ,country bar asso- . plaqu~. of symbolic. 'pra:xing ciation and St.. Patrick's parish. hands. He was ·.orie of half Ia The cooperative effort will,' dozen speakers induding Bish'handle Civil cases. concentrating' 'op James W; Mal?~leof Youngs, especially' ·on family, landlord- town, who' helped dedicate the' tenant and financialpr<?b1e~s.·." ,chapel.. , ',", " .
of, Genocid'e Victims' Memory Shortly after Tito took con-' trol of the country in 1945, a campaign of religious persecution began. About 350 priests were killed, 200 others 'were .imprisoned, and'· all Church property was confiscated. But in'recent years, all charges against Yugoslav clergymen have been dropped arid seminaries and other religious institutions are reopening. . At his' meeting - with Pope Paul, Tito conveyed "the senti, 'ments of profound respect of the peoples and the government of Yugoslavia." Protest Meeting The resolution handed out by Croatian demonstrators here noted their ancestral devotion to the Church and the authority of the Pope' "has been deep and endless for thep~st 1300 years." The demonstrators said the Vatican meeting betrayed the memory of the victims of Tito's religious purge and 'those other
victims, yet living, who are being persecuted. in their homeland and also being forced into migration." .' , On his way to and from' the audience with Pope Paul, Tito's limousine was surrounded· by a dense swarm of motorcycle police. During several days previous to the Yugoslav leader's visit, .groups of right-wing Catholics and Yugoslav nationals in Rome circulated handbills protesting the meeting. The Croatian p~ople compose one. of Yugoslav's 'six constituent republics.
Restrict Laicized Priests' Functions
VATICAN CITY (NC)-Bishops of- the world have been told that laicized priests are banned from performing many of their liturgical functions and from holding certain teaching positions. Expand Notre Dame The Doctrinal' Congregation, responding to a directive of Pope .Liturgical. Studies Paul VI of February, 1970, told NOTRE DAME (NC) - A' fi- the bishops this past January: nancial gift of' undisclosed They should encourage priests amount will be used to expand, in difficulty to remain loyal to the liturgical studies department their vo.cation, but assist those at the University of Notre Dame leaving with "paternal care"; here" Father Theodore M. Hes- Laicized priests are not to perburgh, said. form any liturgical function The George and Mary Murphy where it is known they are forCenter for Liturgical Studies mer priests, ~hey are not to will concentrate on researching , , preach 'or perform pastoral functhe role of ritual patterns in tions-the only exception is that man's psycho-social development, the laicized priest could hear the and will, try to find out the Confessioq of a dying person; sources and ,limits of man's need Laicized priests are not to be for ritual, he added. employed a's· "administrators, Benedictine Father Aidan Kav- spiritual directors or teachers- in anagh,' director' 'of .the univer- seminaries, on theological faculsity's doctoral program in liturgy, ties or similar institutions, or as 'said such 'research is particularly heads of Catholic schools;" necessary .now, when liturgical A Vatican source, commenting forms are' changing in many 'on the fact that, the Vatican rechurches;.. . ' leEised these.norms on March 11,' Mr. and' Mrs.: Murphy, the. said: "There is .not much new in donors; live. and 'work' in Chica-any' of 't.his. In fact; 'probably the 'go, where. they fpunded a Mon-. only new thing, about' this 'is that . tessori school in' 1964: .Murphy ,it is now public. Most of this has' also ~founded the Credit lInion been-the 'practiCe'fot soinethne, : League' of Irel!1.nd. ' .. : ·any.v.:ay.:"-;' .... '. '. ';,' ~:., ,."
WASHINGTON (NC) - Maryland and Georgia have joined the gr0wing list of states whose legislators have turned down bills aimed ' at lifting restrictions against abortion. The Maryland House of Delegates decisively defeated a bill that would have removed virtually all restrictions. The proposal,similar to one passed by the legislature last year but vetoed by Gov. Marvin Mandel, was rejected by a wide margin 77-to-49. Public awareness and opposition were the main factors causing defeat, according to several Catholic leaders closely tied. to ' the issue. Maryiand Del. S. Frank 'Shore who led opposition against the bill, said that letter-writing campaigns, seminars, citizen contact with legislators and iectures by physicians kept the "rights of the unborn" before. the lawmakers. Passionist Father Neil, O'Donnell, Baltimore archdiocesan coordinator of health affairs, said the defeat showed '''an enlightened awareness of, an aroused social conscience on the part of the people of Maryland of a)1 shades of belief and convictions." At Georgia's state, capitOl, state Rep. KiI· Townsend withdrew his liberalized abortion bill from House consideration. A spokesman for the' Georgia Right to Life Committee, a nondenomirlational organization opposed to abortion. commented that Townsend "obviously lost the backing of key backers .of his bil I. ',' The Right to Life ~om mittee spearheaded citizen opposition' to the measure.
Cite Universities' Financial Troubles PHILADELPHIA (NC)-Almost all Pennsylvania private colleges and universities are in serious financial trouble and things are getting worse,' according to a report released by the Commission for Independent Colleges and Universities here. A combined deficit last year of $1 millon for the 68 colleges belonging to CICU was cited in the 'report, a figure which averages out to about $14,000 per institution. The report predicts a deficit of $41 million for colleges in CICU by 1975-76. There are 75 private institutions of higher education i!1 the state.
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THE ANCHOR~ Thurs., April 8, 1971 '
Pope to Appoint Priests Auditors At F'a II Synod
Plan Conference On Alcoholism
VATICAN CITY (NC)-Pope WASHINGTON (NC) - More Paul VI will name some priests than 590 Catholic, Protestant as auditors for the Synod of and Jewish clergymen will meet Bishops' Fall meeting, which will here May 2'5 for a conference 011 discuss the problems of the . treating alcoholism-a problem priesthood' in the modern world. which the sponsors say afflicts The Pope's intention was an10 per cent of American clergy, nounced in a front-page article twice the national average. in L'Osservatore Romano. The article was, in effect, a summary The conference is sponsored of a letter that was sent to the by the National Clergy Council presidents of bishops' conferon Alcoholism, originally a Cathences around the world by the olic organization but now ana· synod's general secretary, Bishc,p tional interfaith group. Ladislaw Rubin. Fath~r Roger P. Gallagher, Bishop' Rubin's letter urged convention chairman, said the the world's bishops-and especlergy have a special interest in cially those who are to repretreating alcoholism because, in sent their conferences at the six out of 10 cases, an alcoholforthcoming Synod meeting-to ic's first appeal for help is to a consult. with their priests' to clergyman. deepen their knowledge of the Participants will include Cartheme of the priestly ministry dinal Patrick O'Boyle of Washtoday. ington and Dr. Isaac Franck, exThe Vatican City newspaper ecutive vice-president of tlle said Bishop Rubin's letter inWashington Jewish Community formed the presidents of BishCouncil. THE LITOS FAMILY: Mark, 14 years of age; Elda, 6; Mrs. Litos, Mr. Litos; David 8 ops' conferences that the Pope 15. and Philip, "intends to name 'some priests .1lIUIU""",,.nUllIl""U"I'''''''''''''''''''''III'U'UUW''''''''''Ul,,,"m,,,,,,..,,""""'"'" • as auditors of the next synodal . loving they may be, often neassembly, providing them with glect their children because they the opportunity of attending the do not know how to care for plenary meetings of the synod them. For children of such parand of taking part in the soents the Society tries to teach called small language groups." the parents as much as they It was also stated that the are capable of learning. Every Pope will name these priests By Dorothy Eastman is also self-perpetuating. Experts attorney and in a last desperate effort is made to enlist the help after possible choices have been A housewife sees that her' in the field feel that abused and effort to help the little girl, she of schools and other egencies submitted by the bishops' conferences of the various 'conti- next door neighbor is constant- neglected children, if they sur- called on the New York Society and to .. encourage relatives to ly sending her toddlers out in vive, will strike out at society for the Prevention of Cruelty to becoming involved in the care nents. The naming of priests to at- the bitterest weather inade- as future criminals, future mur- Animals. Mary Ellen's case was of the children. "Child neglect or abuse is a tend a synod is a departure from quately clothed. A school nurse derers and future child-beaters. bought to court by the Society. In his office in the Hubbard The foster parents were sent to symptom of many problems in the original norms. While the spots signs of physical abuse on norms do provide .lor 10 priests . a grade school child. Both the House on Church Green in Taun- jail and Mary Ellen went to the· family - alcoholism, drug .representing 'R'engl6us orders iUld housewife and the nurse ask ton, Mr.. Utos spoke about the Ihe in the home of the church abuse, mental illness. Most of congregations to attend an ordi- themselves what they, as respon- growth of the Society that was worker. She ev'entuallY married the children we help come from a prosperous New York farmer, multi-problem families," said nary session of the synod, no sible adults, should do about founded on' April 23, 1878. :md had two' fine children of her The headlines in the Boston these situations. Where can they Utos. other provision for priests was turn for help for. these unfortu- Globe that day read: "Revolu- own. "Our focus is on trying to specified. Over the years that the So- keep the family intact. When tion Threatened in Russia" and nate children? Elect Representatives Help is as near their tele- "Indian War Imminent-Sitting ciety has been in service to we can, we place children with The number of bishop's repre- phones and the number is listed Bull Hostile". There was also a thousands of children like Mary relatives. It's only when consenting a given bishops' confer- for the Massachusetts Society special notice announcing the Ellen, caseworkers have seen ditions are hazardous that we ence depends on the total mem- for the Prevention of Cruelty to birth of the Society' for the Pre- definite patterns of neglect and are forced to go into court and bership of the conference. The Children. A private, statewide vention of Cruelty to Children. abus~, said Utos. • that's only in 5 per cent of the U. S. bishops elect four repre- child protective agency, MSPCC Tony Utos is a tall man with The pattern of generational cases." sentatives to an ordinary synod. provides casework counselling to kindly eyes and grey- curling a buse is a common one. CaseFrom his main office in TaunThe decision to admit priests parents whose children have hair. When' he talks about chil- workers find an abusive, rejectwas made months ago by Pope been neglected, abused or in- dren his voice is warm with ing mother and in countless in- ton and two satellite offices in Fall River and Attleboro, Utos Paul. Certain key priests around adequately cared for. emotion. stances discover that she her- directs the work of a superRome, for instance, had been He- related the story of Mary self. had been a sadly neglected The words "cruelty" and asked at least by early January "children" conjure up mental Ellen, the first child ever helped ~nd abused child. Where records visor and six caseworkers in Bristol County. to submit names of candidates. by a protective. agency, who are complete, the continuing picture~l of poor little HE'.en "We do get a few crank or This 'clearly means that a let- Burns with her wracking cough, was saved from a life of cruel Iinp of abuse has been found exter written in February by Father standing in the freezing rain" abuse through a law preventing tending for a~ many as five spite calls out we~d rather be safe than sorry and we usually Francis Bonnike, president of the punished by a cruel school mas- cruelty to animals. generations. find a basis for the complaint," National Federation of Priests ter for her act of kindness to The story of the MSPCC-and Retarded Parents he said. Councils of the United States, Jane Eyre, or the pale, pinched indeed of any child protective' was "on target," but did not faces of little boys trudging off agency-might well begin with Tony Utos, a Fall River naAnother pattern caseworkers tive is married to the former precipitate the decision. see often is that of the child in the grey dawn to wor,k in the the tale of Mary Ellen. A bookFather Bonnike wrote Bishop Fall River textile mills. let published by the Society, abused or neglected by intellec- Natalie Canario, and lives with Rubin, asking that priests be with a picture of Mary Ellen tually limited parents. Mentally their family in St. Ann's parish Face of Cruelty admitted to the synod, since one that would wrench your heart, retarded parents, no matter how in Raynham. what face does cruelty to But of the two main topics is the says, "To the layman, Mary Elchildren wear in 1971? priesthood. len is simply a name. But to Anthony Utos, District Execchild protective workers, it is utive for BristOl County for the' a symbol of the abuses which children's protective society, Corporation Buy~ children once suffered and of said in a recent report: "One the awakening of public consciTeachers Magazine would think that in this day DAYTON (NC) - A new cor- and age, as we' near the twenty- ousness which finally gave to poration formed by employees of first centurY,'a'gencies dealing children the status of human beINTEREST~; George A. Pflaum,. Publisher, with abuse and neglect of chil- ings." Mary Ellen entered the public Dayton division of Standard dren should be close to being International', .has purchased' 1'0- obsolete' and. unnecessary. After· eye in 1874. One day a church day's Catholic Teacher, a month- all, we have come a long way worker in New York City vi~it ed a poor woman. dying, of tuly with a circulation of 70,000. from the stone age to the highly' berculosis. The sick woman's Peter U, former advertising developed· sophisticated space BANK-BY-MAIL (post-paid) WITHlast request waS for 'help for. manager for PfI~um, is president travel era. Unfortunately, this is Mary. Ellen, a 12-year-old child and major. 'Stockholder of Peter not. . so.. The more· technology in the next· ten~ment, who was U, Inc., the new corporation . and' sophistication, the more 307 Main' St., South Yarmouth, Ma. 02664 subjected to sho.ckingly brutal which acquired the magazine for complex the problems of human . treatment QY ?er f~ster parents. * At Bass River,. :2-3 yr. term deposit .certificates yield an undisclosed sum. The maga.: beings; . the. more pressure man Cruelty to Animals 6.18% per year when compounded daily from day-ofzine will continue to be produced is forced to face." deposit:. $1,000. minimum deposit.. The church worker consulted Child abuse has been described in the Pflaum offices in bayton as, a, ·symptom of our· times. It the. police, her. pastor and· her by a three-mem.ber staff. .
Raynham Man Supervises Bristol County U,nit,. Masso Society for Child Cruelty Prevention
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THE ANCHQR-Diocese of Fall
',;' ,,'
Declares Prayer Ba'sis of Unity:,
River....:Th.urs., April 8, 1971 .-
Sp~ni·sh 'Tr~de Unio~' La4 Fails, to Meet 'Standolrds
. The' second Vatican Count'il's Pastoral Constitution qn the, Church in the Modern World, in dealing wi.th the subI ject of the worker and his rights,' emphasized three points . , : in particular: ' The right to organize is I amo~g the basic 'rights of that this represents "a co~sid~r. th h on able obstacle to the creation of e ~rna~ pers .' . a really genuine and represehUmons should. be, tru~y tative trade union movement!( able' to repre~ent their members. and'to contrib"ute to t~e ~roper development of economl~ h.fe. Closely related to, thl!, IS t~e right o~ wor~ers·.t? take pa~t freely In- the activity of t~elr. unions' w,ithout. fear of repnsal. !:";;,,~:':,g,mwt~,',;,:iiii:ii,,g,:i:i,:,nml
At the time this ILO report was being drafted, proposed ivisions of the Spanish tra',de union law were under consideration by. the government pf Spain. The ILO study group, taking note of this developmerlt, strongly recommended, that t~e new trade union law guarantee, 8y, ' among other things, that' "~11 positions of authority in the trade union movem~mt, includirtg , MSGR. the highest .. , be filled by election." ! GEORGE G. Approved by Bishops The revised law, subsequently HIGGINS 'adopted by, the Spanish gover~ ment, fails to meet this requir~ ment and, in varying degrees, SHIPBOARD BAPTISM: Gina Laquda Quilantang is A small minority of the Coun- also fails to 'measure up to sorrte cil Fathers took the position that of the other basic standards out- baptized by Father James Doyle, chaplain of USS Ticon-, these bilSic principles, of social lined by the ILO study groub. deJoga, during an ecumenical' service held, aboard while ethics were .. so widely, not to These same standards, inciden- in San Diego. An ecumenical group called Celebration say universally, accepted' ti)at it tally, were approved in subGene!ation provided' the music. NC Photo.. really wasn't necessary for the stance by the Spanish Episcopal' council to repeat them)n the Commission on the 'Social Apo~Pastoral Constitution. Jola~e. , I These bishops were overruled SInce the adoption of the new by the majority, however, and law, official Church agencies in fortunately so in this writer's Spain and numerous individuJI ATLANTIC CITY (NC)-Hig'n troIs" is the general theme of the opinion, for it simply isn't true Catholic leaders have criticized gov~rnment officials, including convention, which will feature to'says that the right of workers the government's failure to me~t Health, Education and, Welfare discussions on the, quality of. to organize and join autonomous the standards referr,ed to above. Secretary .Elliott L. Richardson, hospital care, hospital mergers, and truly representative· unions Perhaps the most detailed arl- will address 4,000' ,Catholic hos- medical staff organization, pub- ' and to take part in the affairs alysis of the new law from thk pital officials gathered here to lic policies and preservation of of these unions, without fear·· of point of view ,of Christian soci~1 discuss future roles for their in-' Christian values. reprisal is universally 'accepted. teaching is an article entitled stitutions. , Over $2 Yz million in the newAlso featured at 'the 56th annu'- est hospital equipment and supCoercive Measures "The Trade Union Law: Basit. ')'0 the contrary, as' Father Os- Principles and Effective ReguI~ al Catholic Hospital Association plies will be on'display in Atlanwald von Nell-Breuning, S.J., a tion" in the February issue of k convention June 7 to 1 ~ are Sen- tic City's convention hall. distinguished German expert in first-rate monthly, Cuaderno~ ators Edward M. Kennedy (D., Sister Margaret Vincent, Blanthe field of Catholic social.teach- para el Dialogo, published itt Mass.) and' Abraham Ribicoff ford, a member of the Sisters of (D., Conn.). Kennedy has introMadrid by a group of independ. "ing, points out in his detailed duced a, compr~hensive national Charity of Nazareth, will succommentary on the pertinent . ent-minded •Caihoic intellectuals:I health insurance' biil into the ceed Msgr. Edward: E. Michelin section of the Pas~oral Constitu.Oppose Bishops' Position U. S. Senate and Ribicoff served as, CHA president at the conventution: As might be expected, howl- . as one of the architects 0'[ the tion. Sister Blanford is a member '''In conditiQn's such as ours ever, a number of other Catha.of the board of. trustees at St. (i.e., in Western Europe), employ-, lics in Spain have, in effect, dis- Medicare program. Viilcent Infirmary in Little ~ock, Consumer watChdog Ralph ers will 'scarcely be tempted to associated themselves from th~ Ark. blacklist workers who are active position of the Spanish bishop~ Nader, who has critizedthe The asociation, headquartered "quality, of physicians' perforin their: unions, but' in authori~ with reference to the new trad~ in St. Louis, Mo., represents Illance established by the medtarian and completely or semi- union law, notably, for example!, Fascist States, coercive mea- Father Martiri Brugarola, s.il . ical profession," is another of nearly 900 Catholic-sponsored .sures by the ~tate authorities one of. the country's most prof ,the 100 plus speakers lined up hospitals, nursing homes and re'Iated facilities all, over the United against active trade-unionists are lific commentators on Catholic for CHA's convention. "Values - Standards - Con- States. still the order. of the day." (Com- ·social. teaGhing' in,. tile area:, of ,mentary on the Documents, <If. trade '.unionism.. : '. ','~. "','1 •. ',',r.i'\.:i:\r",i'r""rr}Wr::'I:i'r,,:rm'.Kr'i'\"r",:r,:,'""r':i":,:,:,:,:r,,,:,.m:",:i:i":K,:i"rrI:"w/":r,r,:ifi:Hi:i',,,,r'I!"::if':i'::ii:':}:i':,fi:",::iiNi',i:,i"t Vatican II, Vol'. V, Herder and'.' . " ' '.,. " '. \.' ' " " I. nd~ng, preoccupatIOn thiS (j,re carefully spell~ out .:) . ., . Fa.~h~.r" ~rugarq ,<1, ' wntmJ1.. distinction' if he himself were in the report. ', H er d er, N·ew.Yor", . " about 'the new la t t ' , . . , . . ' ..' .,' ' . w. a gre~, ,not so emphatically pro-governOn the other hand, .1 ;would a ',c1ear- . .'length in the "December-January" , t m . . h"· ' also have to agree WI't~ the , ' 'Father, 'd d " Nell-Breumng, . h .. . f . men IS over Iy d ef enslve , , ml~;, o~ogenha.rdlan ;:' 0 '~!? r~.. I~~ue of a .soCial. '?IJIl~tin pub T 'analysis'of the n'ew law. study group when' .it hastens :.to '. pu .. e ,to. f ave a anc1 mr t eI hshed F' a th er B P' . a XII' .. ' by the, "orgamzatlOn repre-" rugaroI a d an. 0 th er add. that ,"In't'he world I'n w'h'l'c;h " wntmg c:haplains ofI d·f . h' ,gov- we now Il've no' natl'onal genius, 'd' 0 . IUS. . A ' S encycb Icak , ' senting. ' . the .. offiCial ", e en de'r"s of .th e.'S" pams ..Qu~ r~geslmo ,~no ~w~y . ac, ',th~ Spam~h. .trade u~ion move~ enlments\ refusal, tQ 'meet the however distinctive, can .disrem 1,931, .doesn t Identify any of ment declmes to say m so man~ t d 'd . t f th . , t~ 'ILO gard the ethos and the mO,r.es these 'offending States.by name. 'word~ whether he'. is for' oJ s an ,aI', sfse dort' .' m ', ~ , . report re erre o· a hove' may of the world as, aw. hole, w. ithout 'There are those' who charge, ,against the new labor' law ' " ' l i b ". I' 'd'" ' .'. I f . ' '. we e mc me to ·say, m rep y severe loss.... h th t S '. '. owever, a pam IS ~me 0 On the other hand, 'he makes t' 'h' "1' th' A " "In labour and t~ade' u' nion the . . ','.. ' ,0, t IS" co umn, at. mencans .' m. It ,p~rfectly c1~ar tl~at, l.n.)'l1s ,ought to :mind ,their, own busi- matters ... there are unequivocal ILO Report. opmlOn; tho~: .·Sp.amsh bishops 'ness and let the Spanish people world standards ... No state is A .r.ecent', Report' on "The La- '''Y ho have ~ntlclzed the new lawi, take care of- their ow~ problems. bound contracturally by any of ,World' Standards these standards unless it has b,our ',and Trade Uni9n Situation' ha~e, ove~re.ach~dthemselves bYI in , Spain,'~. drafted by' a study ,trymg to tell, the . g?vernme,nt Once again, the .point is well nitified the instrument, but no gro~p of ti)e International Labor ,ho:v. toa~ply C~r~stla.n ~oclal! taken, The same' point, by the State can escape 'comparison Organization, .an auxiliary agen-, pnpclples Ip spepflc ',detail. " way, was. made very explicitly with them and evaluation of the ,cy of th~ l!nited, Nations, tends Govern~e~t.support~r.. .by the ILO study group which measure of freedom which it se,to substantiate t~IS charge, . One can sympathize with Fa~' issued the report, referred -to, cures to its people on the basis This,298-page report, perhapsther .Brugill'ola's repeated em-! above. of the comparison, the mos~ exhaustive' and cer-, phasis'on toe distinction between The study group say's that "Nor, can the comparison be tainly, one of the 'most, objective the exercise of political prudence! "the future of the labour and limited to the formal conformity studies ever made on the subject on the other. ,: trade ullion situation in Spain of the law with these wcirld under discussion, points out that In 'theory at least, his point isl can be determined 'by Spaniards standards; the test is how far there is too much "political" reasonably well ·taken, but one, alone." This is true, it says, for they are observed in fact," control of unions in Spain and would feel better ab,?ut his over-I a number of obvious reasons Enough said. .,
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Richardson to Address Catholic Hospital ,Association Conve,rition
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JACKSON (NC)-Prayer is the" basis for Christian unity, Cardinal Jan Willebrands, 'the Vatican's top spokesman for the ecumenical movement; said he~e in Mississippi. I The ,cardinal told the U. S. Bishops' Committee for Ecumenical and Interreligious Affairs at a special public Mass con~luding the group's two-day. meeting: "The basis of the movement is prayer because unity among Christians is a gift of God." Cardinal Willebrands, president ow the Vatican's Secretariat for Promoting Christian Unity, continued: ' "The first to pray for Christian unity wits Jesus Christ Himself. This is not just unity among men but a unity of mind and spirit," He said Christ called men to ask of Him and they would reo, ceive. "It is the will of God for unity, but we must pray for the mountain of division that exists to be removed and cast in the sea. "Let us pray for the gift of unity to begin with each of us." 'The bishops' committee adjourned without a statement. Matters di;scl,lssed at its regular meetings are not usually made public. The bishops' committee, met in Mississippi as a farewell gesture to Bishop Joseph B. Brunini of Natchez-Jackson, who is re, tiring f~om the group, as is also Msgr, Bernard Law, who is stepping down as executive secretary to become vicar general of the Na~ch~z-Jackson diocese.
Wants Recognition Of Selective CO WASHINGTON (NC)-Bishop Joseph L. Bernardin, gen'eral secretary, United Stat~s Catholic Conference, is hopeful that Congress will enact a draft law recognizing .selective conscien'tious objection. , The U. S. Supreme Court recently ruled that the present draft law, which provides exemption from military servicE' for those objecting to all wan: but not just a particular' war, i!' constitutional. The ruling, according to Bishop Bernardin "has left the door open to congressional action tf' recognize the right of selective conscientious objection~' or' objection to a particu.lar war;. '
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273 CENTRAl: AVE. 992-6216 NEW BEDFORD
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., AprilS, 1971
of institute with Sister 'Margaret O'Connor, B.V.M. of Dubuque, la., principal speaker. From left, Sister Corda Marie, O.S.F., Franciscan superior from Glen Riddle, Pa.; Sister Euthalia, O.S.F., Provincial superior of Trenton, N.J.; Sister Margaret; Sister Marie De~nis, O.S.F., s.uperior of St. Mary's Home, New Bedford. The attendance amounted to 130 from within outside the Diocese.
PRAYER AND NOW: "Prayer and Now" were topics of two-day scriptural institute for Sisters held recently at Kennedy Center, New Bedford under dire'ction of Franciscan Sisters of. St. Mary's Home. Left, Sister Marian Therese, O.S.F. aids Sisters in registering for program; center, among those attending are Sister Marie Rose Fafard, C.S.c., New Bedford, left, and Sister Louise Fafard, C.S.c., W~stport; right, leaders
University Head Allegations Lack Evidence
Helps Solve Problems 'of Pregnancy
PALO ALTO (NC)-Six Cath· olic priests have asked Stan· ford University to "mobilize and show strength" to end the war in Vietnam. The clergymen, including Fa· ther John S. Duryea, director of the Stanford Newman Cen· ter,critlcized' 'the uh'iversity's' president for not leading the way. In an open letter the group called upon "all of us who claim to be Christians" to go beyond anti·war rhetoric to coordinated action aimed at ending the war. The letter noted that Richard W. Lyman, the university's pres· ident, had condemned the war previosuly, but addressed him,
Birthright Offers Complete Service TORONTO (NC) A seed planted by a Toronto housewife in October 1968 has grown into a full-sized tree, with branches extending over most of North America. • It's Birthright, an emergency pregnancy counseling service founded by Mrs. Louise Summerhill to help solve any problem that might make it difficult for a pregnant woman to give birth. Birthright's credo is: It is the right of every pregnant woman to give birth. And central to that credo is Mrs. Summerhill's assumption that "no woman in clear conscience destroys her own."
h h b th f uc as een e success 0 Birthright that today it has saying: spawned volunteer centers in "Stanford has a role in this Vancouuver, B.C., Halifax, N.S.; war, and that role you have not Minneapolis, Rochester, St. condemned or adjured. You have Cloud, all in Minnesota; Cleveoffered no leadership in bringing land; Denver; New York City; the forces of Stanford and sim- Portland, Ore.; Chicago; Washilar institutions to bear against ington, D.C.; Philadelphia'; Pittsburgh; Atlanta; Dallas, and four industrial support of the war." centers in New. Jersey. Restraining Order In a rebuttal published in the Dozens of groups are in the San Francisco archdiocesan planning stage, Mrs. Summerhill newspaper, The .Monitor, Ly· said, mentioning Portland, Me.; man said the clergymen failed Nevi Mexico, California, Hawaii "to present evidence in support and Alaska in the U.S., and Onof their allegations." tario, Quebec and other CanaThe university president re- dian provinces. "It won't be too long before jected a charge that the school indirectly threatened the peace every city in the U.S. will have movement. "I can only assume," a center," she said. "And every he said, "that this (threat) re- center that opens means so fers to the restraining order re- many lives saved." cently granted us against such Mrs. Summerhill said an Inthings .as trashings, burnings, oc- - ternational Birthright Committee cupations of buildings and ,other is being set up to coordinate the actions carried out at ,Stanford , activities of the various centers. under cover of spurious identifi-· C. Anthony Pecorelll, of cation with the peace movement." New Approach The priests asked him in the RIO DE JANEIRO (NC)-For letter to "mobilize and show decades few Indians, blacks and strength in the face of the threat mestizos (mixed race) in Latin of escalated killing." America were involved in the Lyman said, however, that Church's official ministry, but their request failed to respect now 45 Aymara Indians in Peru diversity and pluralism at the are being trained as deacons, university and attempted "to and similar diaconate programs mold the institution into a single are going on in Brazil, Mexico and Guatemala. image." •
~J. ~ ~
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Woodbury, N.J., who is in charge of the four centers in New Jersey, is coordinator of the international committee. Interest is also being shown in the Britain, Australia and New Zealand for centers patterned on Birthright, she said. What- makes Birth·right. tick? Mrs. Summerhill, a petite mother of seven childre'n, gives the answer - Birthright offers a complete service to problem pregnancies,' "Whatever' problems make it difficult for a pregnant woman to give birth, we help to solve them," she sa!d. The problems may be financial, medical, psychiatric or they may involve employment, accommodation, immigration or adoption.
Birthright has liaison with the community services, and helps in obtaining legal aid where necessary, even marriage counseling and referrals to the Children's Aid Society. It also gives the pregnancy test, free of charge. . All this and more is offered completely free to anyone who is pregnant and distressed. In fact, Birthright has helped 3,000 women in the Toronto area since Mrs. Summerhill began her apos-tolate' on a shoestring budget and a prayer. "Half of the women who called wanted abortions, but Birth· right saved 99 per cent of these women from the perils of abof'tion," she said.
Aide Asserts Cardinal Koenig Would Regret Pope's Retirement WASHINGTON (NC) - Cardinal Franziskus Koenig of Vienna would "very much regret" the retirement of Pope Paul VI, an aide at his chancery in Austria told NC News in Washngton by telephone. A member of the cardinal's staff said Cardinal Koenig has never discussed the question of papal retirement with the Pontiff or anyone else. NC News placed a transAtlantic call to Cardinal Koenig after a major American daily newspaper (The New York Ti.mes) reported, in a ~tory f:om VIenna, that the cardl~al thmks Pope Paul wants to resIgn. The news report had not yet been seen in Vienna, the chancery official said, although the cardinal's office had learned about it and' had prepared a statement. "Cardinal Koenig himself would -very much regret the retirement of Paul VI, although realizing that-while the retirement of a Pope is absolutely unusual in the Church-it is theoretically possible." the statement said. The spokesman said the .,;. i .
. . .'
statement had also been given to Kath Press, the Austrian Catholic news agency. The last Pope to resign was Pope St. Celestine V, who resigned in 1294, two years before his death, to go back to his former life as a hermit and mystic. Pope Paul, who is 73 set the. age of 75 for bishops and pas· tors to submit their resignations and 80 for cardinals to yield their power of electing new Popes. His age-consciousness in taking such steps has touched off recurring speculation in both the general and the Catholic press that he might resign the papacy in two more years.
Astronaut Carried Bible to Moon I-IOUSTON (NC)-:-Capt. Edgar D. Mitchell, Apollo 14 astronaut, carried a Bible· to the surface of the moon Feb. 5, the first Bible ever taken from earth to another planet, .jt was disclosed here. The multi-language Bible, which included 'Hebrew, Catholic ancl Protestant versions, was titled '':fhe First Lunar Bible." Mitchell carried the Bible ina pocket of his- spacesuit. It is still in the spacesuit which is in quarantine at the space center here. Meanwhile the Catholic Daughters of America presented a copy of the new American Bible to the astronauts in ceremonies at the space center here. The presentation was made by Mary C. Kanane, Union City, N. J., national CDA regent, to Col. James McDevitt, Apollo 9 flight commander and now manager of the Apollo spacecraft program here.
Resume Talks WASHINGTON (NC) ,- The National Office for Black Catholics which last year rejected $150,000 from the National Con·_ ference of Catholic Bishops, has resumed negotiations with the bishops for money to support the office heaQed here by Brother Joseph Davis.
LEMIEUX PLUMBING & HEATING, INC. Sales and Service ~ for Domestic . . ,EE; and Industrial'. '~ Oil Burners .
Denmark Congress COPENHAGEN (NC) - The first Lutheran-Catholic lay congress in this country has been set for July 4-9 in nearby Hasley. The congress wiil discuss the modern structure of a Christian congregation, the social responsibility of Christians, educational problems and the relationship of Denmark to the Third World of underdevelopecL nations.
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THE_AN~H?R-:-Dioce~e,ofFall Riv~r-T~url!.,April ~~ 1Z 71 "
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fathers at an early age, , , '." ~~ I '''Now, other evil!> have re·, l:iR1e€::'l1'@CQElrnl1PlacedPOOrhealth.Theconstant. , ]f ~, , I Iy rising divorce rate with, its By Joseph ami MarilyllU Ro~eric:k ! consequent. broken homes has " frequently resulted in children A', week or so ago, Melissa and I took one of our pird who are not wanted as partners, walks to a. neighborhood wood where' we expecte~' to in a second marriage. encounter very few early returnees to the still wintry n9rth. '''The fast pac~ and demandh I h d t i l t h t when I was a ing life of modern society has Along t e way appene a reca a 'I likewise considerably increased ,boy of' Melissa's ,age, some , the incidence, of poor mental 30' years ago', I could recall. miracle of God, his creationsl and health, leaving parents unable to 'f I especially the joy .of re~irth, having seen .f loc, kso' rna - Everyw here aroun d us a t Ithl's care for their children. . lard dllcks descend, upon the season ' , 'd fl th "Both these circumstances we see, tVI ence 0 e I ' d 't' d'ff It f . marshes in a nearby pond about rebirth. Where last week there' lave rna e I more I ICU or \ this time of the ,year. . were only. dead·looking grey - the children from thes~ environWith:' ~his bit /of' ,nostalgia branches and pla.nts, now there mentshto Idde~elhoP be~hotlOna~ldY as which children love, we decided I I ear the fresh green they s ou , t e IS op sal . to vis'it ,one 'such marsh to see sow y app " " ' I ' Distinct 'Cottages, shoots of the new, plants. ,. Th f l ' t f th St what we could find. As chance We can visually see this new . ' e' ?ca POl!1 ~ e new .. would ,'have it we were pleas- ,I'f . th' b' dd', forsy1thia Vmcent,s Home Will be the hv, ., . h' h '11 b d' t' t , , Ie m e u mg antly surprised by if riot a huge bush' that only yesterday'lwas mg Units w IC WI. e IS mc flock, at least 'a number of such drab and lifeless but today is cottages. There ,will be three ducks which'had stopped at our bursting' with fresh green buds. cottages of 1~ b?ys each and, 'small pond on their way farther Beautifully we see it too in! our three co~tages,ot SIX; one cottage north. lovely friend Ann who is carry- o~ 12 girls and one cottage of Such are the 'dE;Ii,ghts of ing new life withi'1 her, another SIX. ' ;.'. Spring. The, crocw;e~' appear miracle of creation. I' The larger Units will hous~ each year' unexpectediy in the "Yes, Melissa' there arel so ch~ldren who have been able to still frigid ground;o the daffodils very many things that man, with ,adJust rather adect,uately. to amaze us' with their sudden ef- all his riches, resources :and whatever stre~ses .m. ~oclety fulgence of color;'.the trees, all brainpower can't even cpme have . resuI~ed m their h~~ng at at once turn green and the fruit near to duplicating, This' pe~fec. ~t. Vmcent s. The small Units are VISITS OLD ST. VINCENT'S: Bishop Cronin watches trees break out into bloom, tion can only be found in God's, mtended to serve, youngsters New Life work I who, may more accurately be de- two students at the Home on No. Main St. satisfy their When the girls were in nursery This Is a spectacular pie that s~ribed as emotionall:-.: disturbed thirst for knowledge during his, visit to the classrooms school 'and pre-primary the really should be saved for sp~cial Such youn~st:r!> ~re I.n need ?f of one of the 31 institutions assisted by the Annual Catholic theme ,of the, Catechism was occasions like' Easter. I did print mor~ spec.lahzed asslsta~ce m 'few ,life", .i.e. the new iife this before, but I really feel: it's dea.lm~' With the tragedies ,of Appeal. The special gifts phase is scheduled for April 19 to granted to Christians through worth repeating, especially at a their hV~s tha,t have sent them May 1, while the house-to-house campaign will be conducted from May 2-12. the resurrection of Christ, but holiday time. It was given! to to St. Vmcent s.. ' the lesson was applied visibly to me by Mrs. Al Saulino' of Holy There al~o. Will be a. small the children in the new life of Rosary parish in Fall River.1 program bUlldmg from which the Although there will be a din- kitchen where snacks and some Spring. For most .of us it is a r R' Pi activities of the youngsters will ing room in the school building, breakfasts w,ill be prepared. period of renewed activity and Ita Ian Ice e ,I be coordinated. Their health it is intended only for the noon ,For those cottages· th,ae will breaking away fr()m the lethargy 1 unbaked pie shell needs will be met in the dispen~ , lunch period. The central kitchen not have Sisters, there will be of confinement to the indoors Y2 cupra~ rice sary attached to one of the larg- facility, however, will supply the lay staff, either male Of ·female, and all'the noxious and tedious 8 eggs er cottages.· Spiritual needs will main meal of the day in the eve.' perhaps even married couples in chores associated with being 2pounds, ricotta cheese be met for Catholic children at a ning for all the cottages. some instances, attending to the' housebound, Spring is a time for 2 cups su?ar . ,chapel located on the grounds; children and their needs. Emulnte Home ~ondltion~ activity; getting out-of-doors to grated rI~d of 1 orangei children of other faiths will atThe youngsters will eat their "There are many who now rake the lawn, to clean up the grated rmd of 1 lemon f tend community churches. breakfast and11lain meal in' their look back to St. Vincent's as, shrubbery, :for a walk on the juice of a half lemon , Convent cottages as childreJ:! would nor- their home, or as a haven at beach; a game of catch, or what1.4 teaspoon cin~amon , I ,A convent wiil house the Sis- mally do in their own homes, some crisis in their lives," Bishever appeals to the fancy. 1 teaspoon va1lllla ters of Mer.cy who are working even though the actual cooking op Cronin said. "The new facility For me it, signals the time to ,1) Cook the rice according to with the children. The central and preparation will take, place will, stand similarly as a beac~>n put away _tile topcoat, bring out the. directions on the pack~ge; building ,will be, ,T-shaped-conin the central kitchen. Each cot- in their lives and for many chil. the old khakis and worn jacket ,dram and cool., , ! sisting of administration ,wing, tage, however, will have a small dren yet unborn." the and get reimmersed in the gar2) In.a ~arge howl beat I school wing with kitchen and 'den, b'ut right now th~ thought ~ggs ~ntll !lght. ~nd fluffy, ~dd dining area -beneath, and a gym- ••=;;.=;;.;=;.F.Fi".'0'."P.=;;.=;;.;=;,;=;,Fi",;;=.'0'.=;;.=;;.=;;.;=;,;=;.Fi"'i='i'=;;=;;;=;;;=;F.~'O', "P.=;;,=;;.=;;.;=;,Fi".:;,."P.=;;,=;;.=;;.;=;.Fi".'0'."P.=;;.=;;.=r. of getting outside and breathing the rI~e, rIcotta, sugar, orallge nasium wing' behind with activCo-Oper"tiYe Announces , a little> fresh air is exciting and and lemondrind, .:~mon' juice, in - ity, .shower' and mainte!1 ance invigorating, namon an vam a:: '! rooms below. lor S"yerS Spring Rebirth,' 3) Pour into unbaked' pie shell The on-grounds school is inNOW AVAILABLE - TERM DEPOSIT CERTIFICATES and bake 'in a. 350." oven for b,'ne tended for special education only 'There are some tllings man h f can't ma~e, aren't there, Dad?" our, or until II'm. Cool and ---for those youngsters who are . asked Melissa as she stopped to serve. unable to function in the regular pick up some ,pretty beach shells classroom setting either pecause One Year Term Two Year Term' _ that ,had been ,washed up by a ~ec·ommendColiege, of emotional disturbance, brain Minimum Deposit $1000 Maximum Deposit '$30,000 l.:j' I damage, slight retardation or just particularly high tide. It was a U ALL DEPOSITS INSURED IN FULL niversity, "rterger' : having fallen beh,ind their grade late Sunday afternoon and we MInimum Deposit $100 had driven down 'to Horseneck NOTRE DAME (NC) - The level as a result of the turmoii PAID UP SHARE, ACCOUNTS ' 0/ Maximum Deposit $30,000 to enjoy,;i, waik"along the sands University of Notre Dame ~nd in their lives. The rest. of the 1L 72 /0 Dividends Paid Quarterly and Every ,IN, PASSBOOK FORM, that' would soon behjdden by neighboring' St. Mary's Coll~ge children will attem! community Dollar' Insured in Full Summer ,crowds. For Ule answer will be merged 'irito one aea- schools.., ' No Notice Required for Withdrawal to her question Lissa needed only demic institution; if the schoJls' .to look a~qu'nd' her·- at' the trustees 'accept a' reccimmendafrom their executive colmPounding' surf, the, e,ndless tion • Continued from P,age One stretch that once housed so many mlttee. :I ' Attlebor~Diocesan chairman, of God's tiniest creatures. There The executive committee urged is something abotita deserted, that the:unificatioIl'begin,imme- Joseph J:,(& Mrs. Joseph) Murpre-season beach that gives mute diately and be' completedrtot phy (Executive secretary for the testimony to the loveliness and later than the' 1974-75 acaderrtk diocese is Walter P. Wilcox, 'Jr.( perfection of God's work. year. .. " ! Cape Cod - Rev. Bernard R. .,In the Kitchen " Increasing financial costs faced Kelly, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur E. 'Easter is another moment in by both institutions operated by Wills.. the hect,c merTy-go-round of life Holy Cross religious orders Was TwelftJt' Annual Program . 'b . b h d' a key factor in the merger r~cPriests who are present are inM~in QHice: 41 Taunton Green, Taunton, Mass• .ttRat flngs ack t e won er and ommendatl'on,', a' 'NotrA' I e' '" ',Dam vited to concelebrate and should Branch Office: 1400 Fall River Ave., Se~konk, Mass. 'i bring with them an alb and stole., spokesman said.
'Y@1rA'§waW,'sU ~®~
TClunton, Bank Higher Interest
.Ann.uaIS, outin,g C,
, ,Editor Resigns
BALTIMORE' (NC)--,-A. E. P. Wall, editor of .the Catholic Review.here, will resign ·June 15 to ,become managing editor of the Honolulu' Advertiser in Hawaii.
"It doesn't makE! much serise' for each school to operate 'n1il-; lion dollar libraries or scien'ce laboratories or similar acaderrtic structures that could be coin~ bined," ,the spoke.s~n~~' ~aid: , ~:'
Th'e event will 'be the 12th annual Scouting 'awards pre'sentation sPQnsoredby' the Catholic ,c'ommitte~ on Scouting and the Marian Committee of the Fall River Diocese., i.
Taunton cooperative b'ank ,
''The Bank That Sets The Pace For Progress' . '
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The Parish Parade Publicity ganizations news items Anchor, P.
Aid to Continue
chairmen of parish or· are asked to submit for this column to The O. Box 7, fall River
ST. MARK, ATTLEBORO FALLS, Parents of first communicants will meet on Tuesday and Wed02722. nesday, April 13 and 14 in the OUR LADY OF THE CAPE, rectory basement. A roller skating party will be BREWSTER The Women's Guild will meet held on Friday evening, April 16. at 8 Tuesday night, April 13 in The bus will leave the church the church hall. Herman A. How- yard at 7. The Couples' club kick-off will ard, horticulturist of Heritage Plantation, Sandwich, will show be conducted at 7 on Friday eve'a film an'd speak on the Planta-' ning, April 30 in the church basement. The program will consist tion. Mrs. William Jones, chairman of a pot luck supper and a mixer. of a Spring rummage sale to be Couples planning to attend are held beginning at '10 Thursday urged to .contact Laura Ouelette morning, April 22 in the west at 222-8262, Priscilla Brenna at wing of Immaculate Conception 699-7893 or Marilyn Carrier at Church, East Brewster, an- 699-2452 by April 23. nounced that the wing will be HOLY NAME, open the previous day to receive FALL RIVER donations of clothes and other Those interested in playing items. CYO baseball are asked to meet with Jack Thorpe in the Holy ST. JOSEPH, Name schoolyard at 6 Tuesday ATILEBORO night, April 13 for a short orThe. Women's Guild will meet· ganizational session. at 7:30 Tuesday night, April 13 ST. STEPHEN, for Mass, followed by a business ATILEBORO session and style show. Fashions The monthly meeting of the will be clothes .made and modWomen's Council will take place eled by parishioners. at 8 Monday night, April 12 in Two "Las Vegas Nights" will the church hall. Mrs. Theresa be held April 17 and 18, with Teixeira, program chairman, anprizes, games and fun for the nounces that Robert Frazier of whole family. the Seekonk school system will Parents of young people to speak on drugs. A discussion receive the sacrament of Confirwill follow his presentation. All mation on Sunday, May 2 will women of the parish are .invited. attend a meeting at ~:30 Thursday night, April 15. OUR LADY OF MT. CARMEL, NEW BEDFORD Boys Scout Troop 11 will hold a ham and bean supper from 5 to 7:30 Saturday night, April. 17 in the school basement at Rivet and Bonney Streets. Proceeds will purchase camping equipmept.
Approves Pension Plan for Priests
SAN DIEGO (NC)-A pension plan providing optional retirement for priests at age 65 with a monthly su'pend was approved here by the diocesan Priests Senate retirement committee and Bishop 'Leo T. Maher of San Diego. OUR LADY OF ANGELS, The bishop praised the proFALL RIVER gram as a "practical one to take .. Adoration today, Holy Thurs- care of the needs of our. retired day, will be scheduled by street prIests." It was hailed as the and hour as noted in the parish "most desirable of any in other bulletin. Church organizations dioceses," by Msgr. John F. Galare ~Iso assigned special hours. lagher, pastor of St. Rita parish S.olemn services will be held" here and chairman of the priests' at 4' tomorrow aftternoon and. committee. To qualify for the plan, Msgr. confessions will be heard at 3 Gallagher explained, a . priest P.M. and 7 P.M. Confessions will be heard at must be 65, have served 15 years in the diocese beginning before 3 Holy Saturday afternoon and from 7 to 7:45 in the evening. Jan. 1, 1971. The monthly penThe Easter Vigil will be cele- sion will be based on length of service and the. priests' contribubrated at 8 P.M. tions to the pension fund. Under ST. MAR,,", the current. plan, subject to NEW BEDFORD change, priests .will contribute Men's Night will feature the $150 a. year. . Women's Guild meeting Monday, April 12. Following a potluck supper whiCh will begin at Brazilians Start 6:30, there will be a karate exhi- Literacy Campaign bition. B~ASILIA .(NC)--:-The BrazilSACRED HEART, FALL RIVER The Women's Guild will hold a Communion supper in the school cafeteria following the 7 o'clock evening Mass on Saturday, April 17. Guest speaker wiill be Mr. John McAvoy~ Tickets will be on sale after the Easter Vigil Mass, Saturday, April 10 and following all Masses, April II. The supper is open to all women of the parish and former members of the Guild. The deadline for tickets will be April 14 and may be ,obtained by contacting 'the following: Mrs. Robert LaFrance, 2-0520; Mrs. Kenneth Leger, 8-6675:
ian bishops launched a Lenten campaign to promote literacy in the country and Pope Paul VI voiced his support for the campaign. '. During Lent all Brazilian dioceses distributed educational materials and Sunday sermons deal with the value of education. A central gove,rnment office, the Brazilian Litenicy Movement is coordinating the campaign. ·'In a' broadcast from Vatican City, Pope Paul urged' Brazilian Christians to accept responsibility for their neighbor's well: being, 'particularly "those' who do not know how to read and write; and have no awareness of their own dignity as men and children of God."
WASHINGTON (NC) U. S. Supreme Court ruled Connecticut can resume financial aid to nonpublic mentary schools until the
The that its elehigh
court hears an appeal of the aid law. "We're pleased and hopeful for the future," said' Msgr. James A. Connelly, school superintendent for the Hartford archdiocese.
Recognize Him?
LECTURER: Rev. Edward early Christians experienced the Risen Lord in several Schillebeeckx, professor of waysThe as expressed in the Resurrection episodes in Scripture. dogmatic theology at the Except when the Apostles were gathered together (in "comUniversity of Nijmegen, the munity"), the people to whom Jesus appeared did. not recognize Netherlands, and holder of Him at first. the Erasmus Chair at Har.Mary thought He was the gardener; the disciples on the road vard University, is sched- . to Emmaus thought He was just another traveller; an'd the opstles uled to speak on "Theology' fishing on the lake thought He· was probably just another fishand the Critique of Ideol- erman. ogy," in Baltimore. 'NC Photo But to each of these Jesus revealed Himsef by a word or
Sees Expo nsion Of Bible Work I n Red Nations NEW YORK (NC)-A consultant for the United Bible Societies said here new openings for Bible work in communistdominated countries of Eastern Europe now are more "encouraging" than in many years. The Rev. Sverre Smaadahl, based in Geneva, Switzerland, as Eastern Europe consultant for the societies, said the extent of the Bible work varies in Eastern European countries, with the exception of Albania where religion is forbidden. Mr. Smaadahl, a Norwegian who has a master:'s degree in theology from Yale University's divinity school, was here for UBS administrative meetings. He said that for decades there have been no fresh supplies of Scriptures in a majority of the communistdominated c 0 un t r i e sand churches have lost many of their privileges. "Christians in. Eastern Europe have experienced what .it is. to live under the cross," .he 'said, but Christianity "has survived."
by the breaking of bread. To each of these He gave a mission: He told Mary to go tell the others; He told the disciples that repentance should be preached; and He told Peter to feed His sheep. After Christ was recognized He disappeared, leaving them to find Him still present in each other! Today is no different. The Lord comes to us, and yet often don't recognize Him. He is present still among us; He speaks to us in His Word; and He is present in the Breaking of the Bread. Like .Mary, the travellers, and the apostles,' He ·Ieaves us with a mis3ion to go to the others and tell them the Good News that He is risen - He is God - we are saved! We could all give endless examples of our personal experiences of God; be it in an experience of love, prayer, commimity, birth and death, or happiness and sorrow. God is present and acting in our lives so much we· often don't realize it. But when we do experience God in our life, do we go out exclaim. ing our Good News to others? We are all called to "propagate our faith," and we do in many ways. Our actions alone witness 'to others our inner motivations (that which "moves" us to act or react.) When others experience love, trust, patience, and goodness from you, do they not experience something of God, if your life is motivated by Christ's life within you? Easter and Christrnas remind of this. Unfortunately the Easter "spirit," like the Christmas spirit, dwindles away (after the lilies die, the new clothes are worn, and the Easter baskets are empty) and we go about our business not grasping the joy each day holds with eaillh experience of people. relating with people. Likewise the spirit of sacrifice and giving may be. pushed aside as if. our obligation had been fulfilled till next Lent. We easily forget that God is present among us in the suffering-poor of the missions; that Christ's Mission is not a supplement to our Christian life, but a real· extension of it; that tl)e missionaries depend on their fellow-Christians for support all year; and that our giving to the missions is not just a charitable act, but a real witness of our faith from which other living human beings . will experience the living God!
We would like to express here our gratitude for your generous sacrifices for the missions during Lent. At the same time we 'do not hesitate to beg for your continued LOVE for the world's poor and their missionaries. In the' true spirit of Easter then,. please share your faith and Good News with others by sending a gift for the missions. Please clip out this column, attach your sacrifice, and mail it ·today.
Love; for Bible
Enumerating nevi Bible wOrk openings within. the last year, Mr. Smaadahl said the.UBS has· contact with 13 translation projects-four in Yugoslavia, three in the Soviet. Uniori, two in SALVATION AND SERVICE are the work of The Society' _ Czechoslovakia and one each in : Bulgaria, Hun'gary, P?land and -for the Propagation of the lFaith. Please cut out this column : : and send your offering to Reverend Monsignor Edward T. _ Rumania. O'Meara, National Director, Dept. C., 366 Fifth Ave, New : : He said contacts are made in' _ York, N.Y. 10001 or directly to your local Diocesan Director. : several ways. European consult- : The Rev. Msgr.· Raymond T, Considine .: ants and translation specialists : 368 North Main Street : visit various' communist. counFall River, Massachusetts 02720 : : tries, he said.. Eastern Europe translators take part. in training , ,............. , courses iii the West, he added. -- NAME -
"A deep love for the l3ible has emerged,. which has made the deep and uncovered needs .for Holy Scriptures even greater," Mr. Smaadahl said.
-.4-10-71 .,. :~-----------------------------_._-------------_.
\ -/
,THE April 8,:.: 1971 ... . ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., .' . . , I, '
Christ is:A-live:'und'u'ith lJ!s ,' , " ' " "I
The'Resurrection in ,Everyday Living
Dachau is, almost a synonym ,:for death. Thous~nds of men, women, and children died in fhe gas, chambers of Dachau. Many of them died in desperation and despair, But even in this deathcamp some inmates maintained belief in Ii(~ and hope for new life, ' One such person was an elderly Jewish woman. She lay dying in a' col<;l, , dark barracks, with little ,food and less medi-
He thought the poor w,oman was, having hallucina,tions, Moved with compassion he asked her what the leaf hadI told , her that ,could bring joy ini such a place, She smiled again and told him that· the leaf said to her over and, over, "Life, I new life, unending. life." ': The green leatf wall to her a sign of life in the dark surrounding~ of a death camp. Her Ifaith in the "living God" made it; possible for her to recogniz,e in the living leaf a sign and riromise of life for, herself and 'hope for the world. Her God was I"the By ~ fountain of life" (Ps 36:10), even in Dachau. ,I Life-Giving God : FR. ,CARLJ. " Christians shalre this Jewish PFEIFER, S.J. woman's undaunted belief iri life becaus~ of the presence of: the living God. In ,Ifact.. we recognize in Jesus' resurrection from' cine. ,A doctor"plso an inmate, the dead the greatest sign Jthat W!lS permitted to do what he could for th~ critically ill pris- God is a life-giving ,God and jthat \ oner. One day he visited the dy- those who trust themselves to ing woman, e)cpecting ,to find her his friendship will find "life, I,new life, unending life." , 'j 'depressed if not dead. . Risen from death, Jesus is , Instead, she lay there' smiling.' with us always ,lind everywhere Surprised, the doctor asked ,how (Mt'. 2~:20) that we' "Might 6ave she felt and why she was'smil- life and have it to the full"l (In ing.Weakly, she pointed to a 10:10). I small window and drew the docAppreciatiOn 'of the Iife,gi~ing tor's,attention to' a bral)ch with 'presence of the risen, Christ is one green leaf - all that she one of the major~ purpose~ of could see through the window. Christian' education. 1 . ". . She told him that, she and the Jesus, himself, on the morl)ing leaf had bee" talking ,to each of his resurrection, exemplifies other' and what. the leaf 'said this as he walks' along the ~oad caused her to smile. Turn to Page Seventeen I ,
I ,
'Communion in Hand·: A pr~ctical. probiem ,prompts this .column. Communion' in the' hand is , presently' not permitted thrQughout th~ United States, but, accord,ing, to' reports from, the ,Roman. .<::ongregation , for ' Divine Worsh,ip;,'IO c'ountrjes, including 'Ca!1atla;. haye. received authorization to introduce the procedure: In an age of, instant communication, suc"· diversity of, approach ,cim, and has, createdc,onfusion among Catholics.
hand 'quite acceptable wh~nl its, history and theology is bri~fly sketched for thenl. In other areas 'of. this country -the, problem has not' been I so easily resolved. Some 5,000 people daily cross back and fo:rth between Windsor, Ontario and Detroit, Michigan. Each Summer hundreds of thousands of vaca~ tioners travel from the United States to Canada a.nd vice versa. Finally, at port cities like N~w Orleans a substantial influx! or' visitors arrive, ,seek out a church 'for. Mass ailld find what is permi'tted and standard in dne area is a no-no in the other. I
The Resurrection of Jesus Christ from the tomb brought an instant ,meaning and a spirit into the lives of His early followers. The Resurrection brings the same meaning and spirit into our lives, in 1971 and thereafter. Modern living is" we are told, becoming more grim each year. Existence seems more hopeless for the older people, for the middle IIged, for the young. How can a person survive--:-stay away', from the prevailing gloom? You will (Jneed three things: (1) a spirit of unity with a,ll peo- , pIe; (2) a spirit of optimism; (3) a philosophy of life that gives you the long-range view, so you , know what you are supposed, to be doing in life. The need, for these three is evident. Without unity you will ,feel separated, from other generations and people-you will feel alone, 'misunderstood, unhelped by others; not helping others. So. somehow you must get a bond of , unity with all "people. NECESSITY OF OPTIMISM Also, you mu~thave optimism. The daily news. stresses war, 'crisis and disast~r incessantly, so that it person, can become obsessed with worry. If you allow yourself to be overwhelmed, you will become a fearful, depressed human being. Especially if young, you will be tempted to deep discouragement with. life, to become critical of soCiety, to stop trying, to turn to drugs or drink. To survive in 1971 and afterwards you will need, optimism. ' . But you will have neither unity nor optimism unless you have if philosophy of life that will explain life and, give you a reason for, living and for remaining cheerful and truly interested in all other people. Otherwise one is ju~t stumbling ,around in the dark, perpetually lost, without a roadmap. 'But if a person had a philoso~ phy of life ~hat would explain what it is all about and at the same time would encourage' both optimism and' unity with other people-thEm he would have the real key to survival in 1971 and afterwards'. Such a person would be lucky. He owns a personal surv'i,val kit. H'e is not worried, come, what may in society. He, has' no problems with a genera, tion gap-he is interested in all and wants 'to help all. Unity with all men, optimism, , a philosophy of life-if you have been alert, you know I have been describing'in reverse order, faith, , hope' and Christ'ian love. Your, key to survival is, your religion lived to the full.
A majority of J>is1)ops (1 i 7!to Noyember,. 1~70 meeting did approve of oprional Commti.nion in the hand (optlorlal The, difficulty is 'not severe in for the iocal bishop to introduce our suburban Washington parish. ,in his' diocesl;l, always oPtio~al ,Over a two-year· period at Sun- for each commu.nicant). Never: day Mass I have ,not observed theless; the VatiCan docume'nt , Reason for Survival a single person re!1ch for the Host govern.ing this, m~tter requiredi a, or extend 'a hand to 'rec(!ive 'Holy : two-thIrds plurahty',for passage.,,, Arid the.r~asoJ;l for our "surCommunion. ' Obviously a' I~rge',bloc of t~evival"-our remaining baiancetl, But troubled indivi'duals do hierarchy felt then the time was cheerful, dedicated to others-is seek an explanation after. having not ripe. and, the people wetethe spirit of the New Testament. witnessed this over 'television' noLready for such ii change,' "\ "For, our First 'Century ancestors (General DeGaqlIe's' funeral) or "The~e dissenting 'bi~hops c~r-' in the, faith, the fact that Jesus experienced it on business trips tainly did not lack supporters.: I had ~ecently risen from the dead to one of these 10 nations. How- have heard of disturbed' priests ' was 'as' powerful as anatomic ' ever, they seem more ,than satis- . who threatened to ,resign from blast. '. fied and find Commul'\ion in the Turn to Page Seventet:n In the afterglow of the, Resur107) ,at -the
, lPHOTOGRAM OF CROSS ABOVE A SYMBOL OF THE WORLD: The Cross stands as a symbol of unity with all people in this whirling, fragmented world filled with the problems' of everyday IlYing. NC Photo. . ,
rection .everything was' changed. Death? Why fear it? Now its secrets were known! Growing old" getting ill, enduring pains and separations? These old Worries 'of mankind, plus all, that 'any new technological society could'· bring; were left behind with the wrappings in that tomb of the' risen Christ.
'And in the light of that .risen Christ, to whom the wonderful old Church is only tryirg to lead 'us better, how unimportant are so many of the worries which fill' our newspapers and our mirt.ds: We will survive, we Catholics by faith, hope and. universal' charity, all' based on' the 'risen Christ.
Christian Unionists . Criticize P,resident' By
SANTO DOMINGO (NC)-The Federation of Christian Labor FR. JOHN F. Unionists said here that it 'dis~ agrees with Pre~ident Joaquin WHEALON Balaguer's recent statement that if'the 'Domipican Republic' does 'not follow his brand of ,democ- . 'racy" '.the country will fall to Because of ' the Resurrection,,: com'munism. . nothing can really get a follower':' The struggle IS not between of Christ discouraged or .lonely or " communism and democracy, but confused. The person with faith between the haves and, the have\ in the risen Christ knows what riots, the labor federation said. The federation also criticlted this life is about, where it leads and how to live' successfully- Balaguer's announcemenetil~the by growing each day in the grace will not, hesitate to deport "a,ny of 'God, h'elped by the -Lord's' 'political agitator, regardless of Church. The person with hope rank or affiliation," ,. counterbalances the daily quota ' Using' ,government statistics, of bad news with hiS' own Alle-' the, labor"'group listed ~~asons lulia~the"good news"that is the for what they caJled legitimate Lord's Resurrection. The person' opposition to the Ba'laguer rewitti charity is' no longer liviiJg ,giine and proof of thegrelit dis~ for self but is trying to help all crepancies between the life of from the oldest to the youngest, ,the rich and the' poor in tne Dois never negative, never critical. minican Republic'. ,
Christ ;5 Alive and With US! Continued from Page Sixteen to Emmaus with two disciples who were shattered by his death on the Cross the previous Friday afternoon. Their lives had been emptied of meaning and they were sadly disillusioned. As they walked along, Jesus joined them, but they were unable to recognize him. He sensed their sadness and asked what was troubfing them. They poured out to the stranger what had occurred and how they felt. He listened with understanding. Then he began to help them make sense out of their experience in the light of the Scriptures. He recounted passages from the' prophets starting with Moses. From the Bible he helped recognize that the Christ had to die in order to live. Death Contains Seeds of Life He ted them to grasp something of the deep mystery of Jesus' life and of every life: death contains within it the seeds of life, and no life devel,ops without some dying. Already they began to feel some hope.
Communion Continued from Page Sixteen their ministry, if the practice was allowed. I have read many letters from laity terribly upset by the irreverence towards the Blessed Sacrament which supposedly this latest reform would promote. I, have seen surveys reporting a high percentage of Catholics opposed to Communion in the hand. It remains to be seen if and when the American bishops will consider this question again or what may be the outcome. But I think we should try to keep the controversy in perspective. Communion in the hand was the more co.mmon method during Christianity's first millenium. Both the hand and the tongue have been consecrated and made a new creation through baptism; one is not holier than the other. Communion in the hand, especially with the larger, more substantial altar breads called for by the revised Roman Missal, may prove an even more reverent procedure than ou'r customary practice of placing the Eucharist on a person's tongue. Need for Proper Instruction Do we have any data from countries where this has been officially authorized? Yes. Father Leonard Sullivan, director of Canada's National Liturgical Of· fice, indicates that at parishes in which proper instruction has been offered, 95 per cent of the congregation spontaneously elect , Communion in the hand. The rector of Toronto's cathe. dral, a typical, downtown, inner city church with a good number of senior citizens, calls this the quietest introduction of any liturgical innovation in the past decade. He stood outside after all eight Masses on the first day of implementation to catch parishioner's comments. Not one complaint. But many, compliments, including the tearful observation of an 80-year-old man that this was the most moving Communion of his life. Discussion Questions I. Why is Communion in the ha'nd not a standard practice at this time in the United States? 2. What preparation should a parish have before Communion in the hand is introduced?
As the sun set over, Emmaus, the disciples' invited the stranger to dinner with them. At the meal, they recognized him "in the breaking of the bread." They recognized that he was alive, that he was with them, that he had been alive and with them even when they did no't recognize him. Joy filled their lives and they returned to Jerusalem to their friends to take up their lives anew. " Faith in his presence is deepened through the ability to read and interpret signs of his lifegiving presence. As, along the Emmaus road an~ at the. Em· maus inn, the chief signs remain the Eucharist, the Scriptures, and human fellowship or love. But there are countless other signs of his life-giving presence with us. Spring Suggests Life The green leaf spoke to fue dying woman of Dachau. The emergence of new life in Springtime after the bleak months of Winter suggests the presence of the giver of life. A word of CHURCH AS LANDMARK: Holy Family Catholic couragement or trust that reo creates a person's spirit may re- Church in Cahokia, Illinois, will be dedicated by the Naveal the "Word of life" whom tional Park Service as a National Historic Landmark on John recalls hearing and to'uch· April 25. The log chapel, oldest in Illinois, was erected in ing «I Jn 1:1). Almost everything about Eas- 1699 by a group of missionary priests from the Seminary ter: brightly colored eggs, rab· of Quebec when they traveled south from Canada through bits, golden chicks, radiant new the wilderness to work with native Indians. Following the clothes, joy-filled parades can be dedication, the' old church will take its place among simrea,d by the believer as signs of iliar historic sites such as the Independence Hall in Philthe presence of the risen Lord adelphia and other national landmarks. NC Photo. who is with us to help us live full, rich, happy lives even in the face of death and the disheartening problems of our times. At the end of a year of CCD Cardinal Heenan Titles Autobiography classes a first grader in Woodbridge, Va., was asked what he 'Not the Whole Truth" learned all year. His 'simple re-' LONDON (NC)-After 30 years ~eekly, Catholic· Times. His an· sponse sums up the meaning of cabinet ministers may reveal onymity was preserved and he Easter and the faith that is the their secrets, but "for ministers was described as a "special inpurpose of Christian education. of Christ no time limit is set vestigator" of that paper. "Jesus is, alive and he's right upon their obligation to keep During World War II he was here in Woodbridge!" John a firefighter in London's dockconfidences," ,Cardinal Heenan of Westminster said in land where he was parish priest. explaining why he entitled his Practically every house in his autobiography "Not the Whole parish was damaged in air raids. Truth." Aft,er the war he joined the The first half of the autobiogCLEVELAND (NC)-Students raphy - from his birth in the Catholic Missionary Society, of n,t Borromeo Seminary High London suburb of Hford in 1905 which he became superior, and School here will spend each until his appointment as bishop established a reputation as a weekend at home in a new of Leeds in 1951-will be pub- speaker to non-Catholic audi"semi-boarding" arrangement. lished here in the Fall. ences and as a radio priest. Previously the students were alHis book is being published by One of the interesting episodes lowed to return home about Hodder and Stoughton. in his life that will be related in once a month. Bishop' Clarence G. Issenmann the first volume is the secret of Cleveland' announcing the pol- visit he made as a: young priest Conference Plans icy change, said, "We do not to the Soviet Union in 1936. Seeking first hand evidence of Regional Meeting \vant to underestimate the role of the family in (the student's) . the persecution of religion there, The New England Region of he went disguised as a psychol- the Sister Formation Conference spiritual development." The Vatican Council's Decree ogist, maintaining his cover by will hold its biennial meeting at on Priestly Formation, which, visiting psychiatric clinics and Annhurst' College, Woodstock, Conn., on April 16 and 17. calls for suitable outside activi- lnstitutiol)s. His findings were reported, in ties and frequent family contact, Among the speakers will be was cited as another reason for a series of articles in the London Rev. John C. Haughey, S.J., asthe change. Msgr. Robert E. sociate editor of America; Sister Bacher, the' seminary's rector, Aids Minorities Marie Beha, O.S.F., author of said he hoped the change would Dynamics of Community, and Business Firms bring, an increase in enrollment. Sister M. Evangelin~ McSloy, The school's students approved CINCINNATI (NC) - A new R.S.M. whose topic will be "New of the change by a slight major· non-profit interfaith org~nization Direction for the Sis~er Forma, ity. has been set up here to aid small tion Conference." bl!siness concerns operated, - by There will also be small group Recommends Aid black and other minority groups meetings for the purpose of planSAN JUAN (NC)---:Puerto Rico to obtain financial credit. In the past, such businesses ning on the' diocesan or subshould provide aid to private regional level. schools indirectly, not through a have been hampered in getting All Sisters in the New England bank loans and other financial constitutional, amendment, a commonwealth House of Repre- aid. The new organization, Funds Region are welcome to attend. sentatives committee recom- for Self Enterprise, will guaran- Further information may be obmended here This aid should be tee bank loans and other aid ex- tained .from Sister Dorothy Cotterell, S.U.S.C., telephone 673in the form of income tax deduc- tended to'such concerns. One of the 12 participating ·5383. Registration may be made tion to parents and other persons contributing to the SUppOFt agencies' in FSE is the Catholic with Sister Marie Gertrude, 54 of private schools, the committee Cincinnati archdiocese's office of North Main Street, Jewett City, Conn. 06351. social action programs. said.
Keep Confidences
Give Seminarmans Home, Weekends
THE ANCHORThurs., Apr:! 8, 1971
Says Guidelines Need Revsion DUBUQUE (NC) - Guidelines for U. S. seminary formation which the nation's bishops made public on March 23 already need updating, a theologian, who helped write them said here. ' Father 'C1etus Wessels, Domin· iean priest who is dean of theology at Aquinas Institute in Dubuque, said things are happening so rapidly in the Church "that much of what is contained in these guidelines is in Ileed of revision." . Father Wessels, who helped edit preliminary drafts of guideline sections on theological cur· riculum and ecumenism, said the document "is based on a view of the Church which sees the seminary geared primarily to educat· ing priests for Catholic parishes." He noted that "the concept of ministry is undergOing profound changes," and said guideline reo visions should say more about "the broader ministry." Open to Change The U: S. Program of Priestly Formation, developed to fulfill a Vatican Council II directive that each country in the world prepare an official seminary program, makes specific provision for revision in its preface. Auxiliary Bishop Thomas J. Grady of Chicago, chairman of the U. S. bishops' priestly forma. tion co~mittee, said the document "is open to change and evolvement." , "The program has been approved by the Sacred Congregation for Catholic Education for a period' of five years," Bishop Grady said. ':After that time, in the light of experience and of changing circumstances, the program will be adjusted and reo vised."
Cardinal Resigns VATICAN CITY (NC) - Pope Paul VI accepted the resignation of Cardinal James C. McGuigan of Toronto. The Vatican press office said that Cardinal McGuigan, 76, had extended his resignation "quite a while ago" because o'f his ill health and age.
The Vargas Oil Co. p,:otects your famiBy's heating comfort all year round. TRY US FIRST,
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Fall River:-"Thurs.: ),pril
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8;l~711 .
'of, MagiC,' Answersl' Includes 6Team Min'istry' ,I,
Says Pay Raise Pol icy' Un j us~
. CHICAGO (NC)-A teachers' union official here has called a ,- Chicago archdiocesan school board decision to let individual As American CatholiGism has deteriorated' into chad,s parishes determine whether, lay during the last h&lf-decade, 'we have been able to witness teachers will get merit sall11'y raises next Fall "terrifically una steady,stream of magic answeJ;"s which are advo<;ated t:o. just" to poor schools. avert 'disaster. Howeve.r much substantive content, thes1e Robert Keeley, organizing" 'di·, answers may have had orig. '-',. rector of the Archdiocesan 'inally, they' quickly become ~r~ ,asked to rati~y, a decision ~o Teachers' Federation, Local 1700 slogans as they are seized by InIt~a~e such a mInistry after t~,e of the Illinois Federation of . . .' deCISIOn has been made - and Teachers, said the ruling would clergy, and rehgl<?us With with .little, real opportunity mean schools unabl~ to afford veto the decislon. ,j- , the 2.5 to 4.5 percent merit in, Neelis of Community creases might lose, teachers to __ , , schools which can. . " 3. Is it really ministry or an Father Robert Clark, archdi: ,evercise in self-iI1dulgence? D~ By ocesan school .superintentient, " the' members' of the team intend admitted that that was a :':very to respond to -the' n;leds ·al\d dJ~EV.: real danger." But he 'said the mandsof their community as t'h~ , ' . I board was caught between "alA~DREW :M.:'> , community defines them or as lowing as much' local autonomy " -they have themselves defined the GREELEY as possible to individual parneeds in a priori fashion? , ishes" and the hardship this au. , team that' of one tonomy might work on financial• I have heard . " I is alleged to have announced ly strapped schools. that it has better· things to db, He said the new .policY was tight lips, bright' eyes, ..intense than to minister to the local "a trial run for one year only" enthusiasm -and, one' fears, hospital and of another tha't and "an effort to see what can vast, amounts of neurotic anxi- says it does not want to be con;reasonably 'be done" in the 'area etY. "Salvation history," "keryg- cerned about money mat,terf of local 'autonomy.. ' matic . theology," "self-fulfill- (how backward o( St. Paul t? 'Keeley noted the teachers' ment," . "charismatic prayers," have been concerned about such union was not involved in negoSTOP! POP!: Quite a play, but not quite the play "sensitivity," "lay participation," things). . < tiating the pay scale decision "relevance," '''folk liturgy" -,And yet' ariothel' has' pro~ planned, as townsmen of Sezze Romano, Italy, turned ac- since it .represents. only 1'06 one could go on and on with the claimed-without bothering t? tors-centurions for a Good Friday Passion play pass the teachers at five grade schools list of simpleminded, _superficial consult, of course-that it is not time before rehearsal" in a game of horseback basketball. and two high schools in the cliches. interested in parochial school~. -Continuing a long established tradition, the town's 17,000 archdiocese. But he said he pubThe'iatest to the list is' "team Parishioners may find that they inhabitants will flock to see local actors re-enact the Cru- licly criticized the March I ministry." Let me make it clear have traded in a monarch for a school board ruling because he at the beginning that I am com- league of barons - and perhaps cifixion and death of Christ. NC Photo. consider,ed the potential harm pletely in favor of experimenta- lazy barons at that.' to poor schools "a moral issue.'" I tion with' new forms of ministry, No Leadership? : many of the problems we have
today are the result of the ab, sence--of experimentation in the past. Almost any kind of ministry would be an improvem~nt over the old pastor~curate relationship which w~s one o,f the last remnants 'of feudalism (along with the teacher-pupil relationship) ~Q be found in the modern world.
4. Are the team members kid" ding themselves abollt the possi e bility of dispensing with leaderLI ship? Leaderless groups may exist in sensitivity theory, and occaiI sionally in sensitivity practice (though most t:group leaders d6 indeed manipulate their groupsl, particularly the superficially trained clerical t-group saviors)~ but in the real world of' human community 'and human organizaj tion, leadership is needed to pro+ vide for the bookkeeping and housekeeping details" to protec~ the rights of community mem1 - bers, to see the "big picture" of the community's goals and ask the challenging questions to which the communit.y must reiI spond.
Declares 'Communism ,is Common Marian Congresses Enemy of Christianity, Ju~a,ism Meet in 'Yugoslavia"
ROME (NC) - ",Catholics and young Soviet Jew who managed Jews are in the same boat,"when to get to Israel where he now they have to deal' with commu- is a citizen. During the young nl'sts, because comm'unism ,'s the man's school days in the Soviet common enemy ·of Christianity , Union he did not know that the and Judaism, acc9rding to an state of Israel existed, until he American Jew teaching at the read in Pravda (the Communist Pontifical Gregorian University party daily) an article accusing Israel of aggression against the h~re. Arab states. When he kne~ that :"The communists long ago What I object to is not the showed their anti-Catholic posi- there was a Jewish nation he besound idea' of new forms of cotion," said Prof. David Nieman, gan immediately to plan on how operative ministry (on the conan expert in Jewish literature. to get there, Neiman said. trary, I have argued in- favor' of "Now in -the Soviet Union they them ,for almost a decade), but Same Source are reve'aling their anti-Jewish the incredibly shallow and naive position as well." ' At the Gregorian University approach to such ministry disAlthough the Jew,ish religion NiE:man is teaching "Hebrew litplayed,by thos!':'who have turned has been restricted in the Soviet erature contemporary with the it into th,eirlatest crusade. Union for a long time, anti- New Testament." Some Questions Semitism is growing there, Prof. Nieman said he is trying to f Nieman' said. "Anti-Semitism re- show how Christianity and modthat leadership in the ' b The fact One must ask 'a number of mains ecause a Jew is still a ern Judaism are both derived tough quuestions about' any 'such'" past has been arbitrary and on occasion 'tyrannical does' not Jew," he said. from pre-Christian Judaism. "experiment": ' This month Nieman became mean that we are justified' irl Catholics are becoming inI. First of all,' is it really an throwing out the baby with thE! the first, Jew to teach at the creasingly interested and conexperiment? Ha've criteria been bath. On the contrary, in demol ,Jesuit-run Pontifical Gregorian cerned with "the origins of their set up' beforehand :.1.0, determine cratic ,organizations, leadership University. ' . traditions," he said. whether it succeeds' or fails? N,'eman 49 was' born ,'n the is both more important and more' Ha~e methods' been established I ' • "I try to' trace the developdifficult than in authoritarian Soviet Union, but ~t the age of to evaluate its effectiveness? Or I organizations two his parents fIed the count,ry ment of the two religions from will it,'be a "success" if the team . and went to the United States the same source. We try to see members like it or don't' end up Easy Techniclue I because' of the anti-religious cli-' which writings are more typical fighting with each other or don't ' . of Judaism and which are more 5. Finally, is the "team minis.! mate in the Soviet ,Union. typical of Christianity," get married to' the local mother try" really very new? Is it roo,tedl I J~ws R.estrllined superior? (Or, in the case of clergy-religious' f~ams, to one in a clear and meaningful refor- I Today in the Soviet Union a another?) mulation of values and goals?1 Catholic Librarians ," , Does it manifest an' explicit and, Jew's passport ,des'ignates his na-2, Secondly, have the' objects confident faith? Of' is it merelyl tionality as a' Jew, and not a Schedule Meeting CINCINNATl (NC)-Librarians of the new. ministry b~en con- one morel!ttempt to reform the: Russian, Nieman pointed out. But suIted and given their consent to Church by the relaltively easyl it is not likely that he will get and educators from all over the the experiment?, technique of fiddling with the a chance to use that passport, country will gather Monday to "Celebrate Books"-,-theme of the he added. ' One frequently has the impres- structure? sion ,that the team ministry is I do not want to be inter-~ Because Jews are seldom al- Catholic Library Association's imposed on parishioners whether preted as jmplying that any indio; lowed to emigrate to other coun- 50th anniversary conven~ion. Father Harold A. Buetow, asthey like it or not. An exercise vidual effort of team ministryl tries, a situation has developed in democracy which begins in • fails' to measure up on these ' where Jews "are forced to take sociate professor in Catholic such fashion is at best Ii. dubious, question,S; but I must say I on a nationality but are -not al- University's school of education, kind of democracy; 'and it is nQt would be more encouraged about lowed to leave the.country," he ,will give the convention's keynote speech: "Catholic Librarimuch Improved if the rank and the experiments if I heard these! said file ,JT!~mbers of. the ,community questions being aS,ked, Nieman recalled the case of a ans Face the Future."
tq I
vATI'CAN CITY (NC) - The Pontifical Marian Academy will hold two congresses devoted' to Mary in Yugoslavia next August. The academy, which organizes, international Marian meetings in various parts of the world, announced that it will hold the sixth Mariological congress Aug. 6-11 at Zagreb, to be followed immediately by the 13th Marian congress in the same city Aug: 12-15. The possibilhy of holding religious congresses in Yugoslavia today points up the improvement, of relations between the Church and the communist regime of President Josip Broz (Tito),who visited Pope Paul VI at the Vatican. It is rumored that Tito will invite the Pope to attend the congresses, or part of them, However, there has been no official confirmation of these rumors.
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.... THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River--Thurs., April 8, 1971
. I
't,; ~
l8y PETER J. BARTEK Norton Nigh Coach
·S~~:~~~~·'~~d..D~;£~~' .Cd.h~~t ,
" .
' I
Schoolboy Baseball T()urney
Somerset of the Narragimsett, League and Durfee High of Fall River and the Bristol Courity'League will cohost a' schoolboy baseball tournament ,at Somerset's Hanson Memorial Field' on April 23. and .24~, 'The event, the, first Somerset' High I':1vita'~ " The :.yin,n~~swill clash' in the tional Tournament· wifl af- champlOrs~IP: ~al11e scheduled , , fpr··~ o'clock Saturday, April 24. f~rd local !ans the ~ppo~u- A consolation game will be mty of seemg the ar~a clubs played that morning commenc-
compete against two' strong baseball schools from the :-v estern part of the Commonwealth. In the tourney opener Durfee will meet Shrewsbury High in a morning,game and Somerset· will go against Wachusetts Regional High of Holden in the second half of' the doubleheader. Both Shrewsbury and Wachusetts advanced to the final of the Western Massachusetts State Baseball Tournament last year.
ing at 10. The first game on Friday will begin at 10 A.M. and the second contest is scheduled to start at 2 P.M. Coach Joe Lewis's Durfee'Hilltoppers will enter the tourney with three games under their belts. They 'are slated to meet Pilgrim High of Warwick; R. I. this Saturday in a non-league game, and will open their Bristol County League season Monday.
Injury Sidelines Durfee Ace for Season Durfee's opponent in the circuit opener will be Attleboro. The Red and Black will meet Msgr. Coyle High of Taunton on Wednesday. 'Both games will be plaved on the Hilltoppers home field in Fall ,River. Among the bright spots in the Durfee camp is Bruce Vieira, who started as a sophomore catcher, but spent most of his junior year at shortstop. He has been returned to his catching position and is expected to assume the field general's responsibilities very well. Steve Winarski and Dave Sullivan, both right handers, are exoected to share the major ,share of the pitching burden. However, Coach lewis will have to put his baseball know how to work in order to make up for the loss of ace hurler, Mark Bomback. The hard throwing senior is not expected to see !lny action this Spring due to a knee injury
.,~).,;, . HONOR. FORMER DIOCESAN CYO MODERATOR: Rev. Walter A. Sullivan , director of Cathedral Camp, is congratulated by Bishop Connolly, the former Bishop of Fall River who appointed Father Sullivan to youth work in 1956, on the occasion of the testimonial following 14 years in Cye endeavors. Also pre~ent were: James Gibney, left seated, master of ceremonies.' Standing: ;Rev. Paul F. McCarrick, assistant at the Cathedral and Cye successor to the guest of honor; Bishop Gerrard, Auxiliary Bishop of the Diocese; Abel Marceline, general chairman. '
Religious 'Leaders Called to Fight Drugs Conference Stresses Government's Efforts
suffered during the football season. His absence may keep DurWASHINGTON (NC) - Presifee out of the County title picdent Nixon recently cal1ed toture. gether 80 religious leaders for a Coach Jim Sullivan, dean of White House conference on drug Narry coaches, apparently will addiction, a sort of day-long be in for another banner season. . cese will soon be under way His pitching corps appears to be against 'mind-benders. in good hands with Mark RobilIn the east-wing theater where lard and Charlje Wright in camp. The pair combined for a 13-1 the President saw the war movrecord last Spring and are ie "Patton" three or four times, a national cross-section of Christhrowing better this season. Reports indicate that the Blue tian and Jewish denominational Raiders are stronger this year heads heard and saw lectures, than they were a year ago when sliqes and films on both the grim they advanced to the finals of torments of the narcotics scene the Eastern Massachusetts State and the .governmenf's efforts to wipe it away. Tournament. The defending Narry titlists will enter their own tourney with two league contests played. The Raiders open the Narry campaign at home against Westport on Monday, the 12th of WORCESTER (NC) - A new April and then play Old Roches- education department which will ter Regional in Mattapoisett on coordinate al1 educational acWednesday. tivities in the 'Worcester dioocesan director of education by New Bedford Premiere Club 'In Bel Race here. Father Gerard Rooney, former, provincial of the Passionist FaIn addition to the Durfee- will definitely keep them out of thers' eastern province who Attleboro Bristol County League conte.ntion this time around. chaired a two-year study on edopener, Bishop Stang High of Coach John O'Brien's Spartans ucation revision, was named diDartmouth will play Bishop Feehan High in Attleboro, Coyle from Bishop Stang have always ocesan directqr of education by will be at New Bedford Voca·· been among the better clubs in Bishop Bernard J. Flanagan. "We hope the new program tional and New. Bedford will be the circuit. This year should be at Taunton to round out opening no exception. On the other hand, will eliminate duplication and the Feehan Shamrocks have o'!erlapping in. education proday action. been hit ha~d by graduation and A capsule view of the BCl are in the process of building a grams," 'Bishop Flanagan said, "and that just. distribution of shows' Attleboro among those' team for the future. existing resources of faculteams that are expected to chalCoyle and New Bedford Voca- ties, finances and facilities can lenge for the championship. Coach Chet Hanewich indicates tional lack strong pitching and ~c accomplished for the good of that his club should be strong are not expected to be able to , all the people of tpe diocese." defensively and that the Jewel- stay, with the league powers. The new organizational plan ers fare well overall. New Bedford is rated as the w:11 bring under one office the Gary Livesey 'and Ray Bou- loop's premiere club as Coach diocese's 54 elementary and secdreau are accomplished pitchers John Pacheco's Whalers boast ondary schools; Confraternity of who can beat anyone in the cir- strong ptiching, good C1efense Christian Doctrine programs at cuit on a given day. Attleboro's and a potent offense. Taunton 1~ I parishes; campus ministry major problems m~y be its in· has to be rated with the better work at 17 Catholic and other ability to score runs. A year ago club~ in the league; but even at eol1eges, and 3 newly-formed the Blue and White lost man:f low that, is probably a step behind program for a'~ult continuing ed'-Ication. scoring games, and a similar fate New Bedford.
See Creates New E-ducation Office
"We thought it would be helpful if we show you what the government is doing and get your views and insights," explained Egil Krogh Jr, deputy presidential assistant for domestic affairs, ,who ran the conference. "[ would like to emphasize that we are not giving answers." For eight hours, one establishment . talked, to another about youth who have turned off both and turned on to drugs.
Iy and eloquently during a 12minute visit to the White House theater. "If there is an answer - not that there is anyone answer to life's problems - you have it. You have the answer and the inclination, trying to give the individual something to believe in, something to h~ng on to."
The religious group-including seven religion reporters from the daily and weekly denominaThe one-sided nature of the tional press, three rabbis, eight gathering - the 'administration· Protestant and Orthodox bishops, doing al1 the talking and the re- and two Catholic bishops (Auxligious leaders all the listening, iliary Bishop John S. Spence of with no specific suggestions on Washington and Bishop Joseph how to help-bothered some of ' 1.. Bernardin, general secretary the participants. They said so of the tJ. S. Catholic Conference) when they got the chance twice -was one of a dozen groups the during the day. . " President has seen in the past The message throughout-from six months about the drug probPresident Nixon who addressed lem. ' the gathering, from Attorney General John Mitchell, from Pentagol.l and Justice Depart· ment officials and others-was that drug addiction has become a national disaster, an epidemic beyond the ghettos that now infects' middle and upper-class suburbs. 'You Have Answer' "It has spread to the so-cal1ed 'best' families," said Nixon quiet1111111111111111111111111111111111111'11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111
Just because a bank offers you. ' . a Savings ,Account doesn't mean it can offer you a 'checking account
... 20
THE ANCHOR-Dioce~e of Fall River-Thurs.', S; 19i!1. . . . . )~pril . "
Catholic :Cha'rities Appeal Special Gifts Phase
House-to-House Phase
April. 19'·· May 1
May, '2 -12
,Fascinated by the Ability
Of the ~oys at the' Wood-Working Benches , "At !the
N~'zareth Vocation, Ce.~ter,
, '( 'Highland Ave., ~q~1 Riv~r.
, ' 'Thirty~'one 1, 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
:I .
Agencies Reli,dering' Charitable .and Social Services ' in the Diocese ,I·
Our' Lady's Haven-Fairhaven '11. RO,se' t1a~thorne Lathrop Cancer Hnme Welfare Bureau-Fall River '12. Cathedral Camp-Lakeville M~donna Manor-No. Attleb~ro '13: Catholi'c Youh Organizatio'n-Fall River St. Vincent's Home-Fall River ]4. St. VinFent ,de Paul Health Camp St. :Mary's Home-New Bedford 115. Home Nursing, White Sisters~Fall River Welfare Bureau-'-New Bedford 16. Catholi~ Youth Organizatio,,-New Bedford St., Anne's Hospital:"':Fall: River' , 17. St.' John's bay Nursery-Fall River Catholic Memorial Home~Fall 'River' .. ,lI8.Bishop'! Stang Day Nurstry-Fall River Family life Bureau 19. Catholic Community Center-Fall River Sacred Heart Home--New Bedfci;d' ',' ,. " . ' . ~!O.Catholi~· You'th Organization-Taunton ,~! 1: St. Fraiicis' Reside'nee-Fall River '
2'2. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31.
Nazareth Hall-Fall River Diocesan Guilds for the Blind and the Deaf Our Lady of the Lake Girls Camp' Nazareth on the Cape ' Catholic Boys. Day Car:np' , Regina Pads-New Bedford Marian Manor-Taunton ' Nazareth Day Camp Nazareth Vocation Center-Fall River Nazareth in the Attleboros
.This Message, Spon:sorecl the Following '.1ndividuals and Business Concerns ' , "/,.,I The Diocese Fall River Cape' Cod and :The Islan'ds , BASS RIVER SAVINGS, BANK
Fall River ANN ~ALE .,P~()DUCTS, INC. '
New 'Bedford •