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VOL. 32, NO. 15


Friday, April 8, 1988



$10 Per Year

Just society needs input of poor

Doctor attacks euthanasia proposal ROME(NC) - Supporters ofa California proposal to allow doctors to give fatal injections to terminally ill patients see it as a "wedge" to gain greater acceptance for euthanasia on demand, an opponent said. Dr. D. Alan Shewmon, a California physician and professor of pediatric neurology at the University of California Medical Center in Los Angeles, compared the campaign to put the Humane and Dignified Death Act on the November ballot to early efforts to legalize abortion, in which laws allowing abortion only in the "hard cases" of rape or incest paved the way for laws allowing abortion on demand. Shewmon has written and lectured widely against the California proposal. He was in Rome to speak on euthanasia to an Opus Dei-sponsored international congress for university students. Opponents of the California initiative call it "the death act," Shewmon said. The measure, needing 450,000 signatures to get on the November ballot, would exempt doctors from criminal liability for giving a lethal injection to a terminallyill adult patient who requested it. A terminally ill patient could authorize a proxy to make the request. The proposal says a patient would be judged terminally ill if in the opinion of two certifying doctors his or her condition would lead to death within six months. The proposal is opposed by the Californai Catholic Conference, which has said it would "open the Turn to Page Six

Southeastern Massachusetts' Largest Weekly

But tough times seen for nation

A PANAMANIAN mother and child wait outside an emergency food distribution center administered by the Catholic Church in a Panama City suburb. Church agencies have aided hundreds of poor and working-class Panamanians suffering food and cash shortages during the Central American nation's current unrest. (NC/UPI-Reuter photo)

WASHINGTON (NC) - The participation of the poor in church and society is essential to their human dignity and to the building of a community of justice and peace, said Seattle Archbishop Raymond G. Hunthausen. The archbishop told diocesan directors ofthe U.S. bishops' Campaign for Human Development, an anti-poverty program, that the campaign works against the "bankrupt vision" of individualism which has characterized U.S. society for the past eight years. The deliberate and systematic alienation of the poor from the rest of society, the gutting of social programs, spending $2 trillion on weapons and the Iran-contra scandal are all indications that "we are locked in a struggle for the soul of this country," Archbishop Hunthausen said. The archbishop, Bishop Arthur N. Tafoya of Pueblo, Colo., chairman of the bishops' CH D committee, and Notre Dame de Namur Sister Marie Augusta Neal, professor of sociology at Emmanuel College in Boston, spoke to the diocesan directors at their annual meeting held last month in Albuquerque, N.M. The campaign has made large strides in building power among the poor, Archbishop Hunthausen said, "but the fact that poverty is increasing amidst the affluence of these United States tells us we need to make even greater efforts

in the movements toward the conversion of our church and the penetration of our society." In recent years, "the radical individualism that has gripped our country has been exposed by its inevitable results and inherent contradictions - insider-trading scandals and influence peddling, arms dealing to terrorists and protection to drug runners," he said. But the country is approaching a time when change will be possible, he said. And in order to bring Gospel values to that change, the poor need to claim a share of the political power and all citizens must accept political responsibility, the archbishop added. For years people asslimed that being poor "legitimated exclusion from community," Sister Neal said. "Discovery of the full humanity of poor people is an experience of our times. Associating it with the right to share in the wealth and power is our challenge." The Campaign for Human Development and other programs which provide a biblical context for education and spiritual reflection on poverty and social justice are readily accepted by lay people and religious in the church, Sister Neal said. Current social problems "should not be interpreted as a failure of past efforts," Bishop Tafoya said. "For one can, I think, safely say Turn to Page Six

Kerner report remains valid after 20 years WASHINGTON (NC) - Detroit, New York and other major northern U. S. cities were still smoldering from the rioting, looting and burning of racial unrest when, in July 1967, President Lyndon B. Johnson appointed a commission to study the causes of the violence. A 400-page report released March I, 1968, by that body, the National Advisory Commission on Civil Disorders, issued a stark warning that the nation, fueled by racism, was rapidly "moving toward two societies, one black, one white - separate and unequal." The commission, called the Kerner Commission after its chairman, Illinois Gov. Otto Kerner, called for a change in attitudes and a major public commitment to housing and job programs, higher

standards of pay and improvements in education. Twenty years later "the Kerner report is coming true. . . . The country isn't as different as it should be," said a statement from experts on race and urban affairs who met in Racine, Wis., recently to review the work of the Kerner CommISSIOn.

Catholic officials agree. The report "was absolutely correct in its prophetic statements," said Auxiliary Bishop Joseph A. Francis of Newark, N.J., one of the nation's 12 black bishops. In a telephone interview he said he has spoken extensively on racism over the years, using the Kerner report over and over. "Education, employment and 'housing remain the greatest sources of irritation and injustice for

blacks," he said, adding that he believed racial motivations were behind diminishing quality of education for minorities, continuing segregation in housing, and misunderstanding of affirmative action. In Wisconsin, the experts said blacks have made strides in the emergence of a black middle class with better jobs, better education, better housing than before. More than 7,000 blacks hold elected office, while police departments, newsrooms and corporate offices have become more integrated. But left behind is an increasing black "underclass" of2.5 million, almost tri pIe in size since the 1970s. The U.S. Census Bureau reported that in 1986 one in three blacks, compared to one in to whites, lived below the poverty line, now

at $11,203 for a family offour, and that the median black inc;ome was only 57 percent of that of whites. "I'd say racism is pretty much alive" along with a feeling by whites that "blacks have been given enough," said Bishop Francis. "Churches on the whole have made some efforts to combat racism in the public sector, but I'm not sure churches, including the Catholic Church, have done anything to deal with it in church institutions," he said. Nor has the Catholic Church included many blacks in leadership roles, he said. Eleanor J osaitis, associate d irector and cofounder of Focus: HOPE a 'oetroit food and job-training program, said that as a Catholic she agreed the church had an agenda of "unfinished business" in¡ the black community, an agenda

much like that outlined by the U.S. bishops in a 1968 statement responding to the Kerner report. The bishops called for totally eliminating racism in church institutions, aiding the poor, building bridges of understanding and a sense of justice, providing quality education for the poor, pushing for fair employment practices and helping provide low-income housing. Bl!t "we still don't pray together;" said Mrs. Josaitis, referring to the separation of whites in Detroit's suburban parishes and blacks in urban ones. Her nonprofit organization was founded in 1968 as a way to get blacks and whites together and began with training for Detroit Turn to Page Six

Duke's death ends era at St. Vincent's Home On Good Friday an era ended at St. Vincent's Home, Fall RiV'er, as staff and students mourned the death of Joseph J. Dudek, 80, universally known as Duke. He had been an integral part of home life since the early years of the century, when he arrived as an 18-month-old toddler at what was then an orphanage staffed, as it is to this day, by Sisters of Mercy. "The sisters would put him in a basket by the stove for his naps," said Sister Rose de Lima Clark, RSM, director of St. Vincent's. "The home was his life," she said. Never married, Duke moved from his childhood at the orphanage to becoming a kitchen helper in 1929 and then for many years St. Vincent's chief cook. Until the weekend before his death following Ii heart attack, he was on duty in St. Vincent's kitchen, baking "delicious muffins and carrot cake," on his last Sunday,路recalled Sister Rose de Lima. She said, however, that he was most widely famed for his' raisin and apple squares and路 custard

pies, the high point of the open-tothe-public suppers held for many years at the old St. Vincent's Home on North Main Street, Fall River. At that home, close to the Taunton River and the railroad tracks, Duke was always good for a kitchen-door handout of food to hoboes riding the rails, recalled Sister Rose de Lima. "He never rebuffed anyone," she said, adding that many former St. Vincent's youngsters benefited from his friendship and kept in touch with him long after leaving the home. Many showed up at his wake and at his funeral Mass at Our Lady of Fatima parish, Swansea, where Father John P. Cronin, now pastor there, recalled his term as St. Vincent's director from 1962 to 1977 and his affectionate memories of Duke. Duke was among those at the head table last April when St. Vincent's Home celebrated its centennial. When he died he had given the home nearly 60 years of loving service. Son of the late Stanislaus and Catherine Dudek, he is survived by a nephew.

North Korea allows Vatican pilgrimage

YEARS Of SEHV i'42-1988


BISHOP DANIEL A. CRONIN discusses Catholic Charities Appeal plans with 路Rev. Richard L. Chretien, New Bedford area Appeal director. (Gaudette photo)

Kickoff meeting plans set

JOE "DUKE" DUDEK AT WORK (1969 photo)

The kickoff meeting launching the 47th annual diocesan Catholic Charities Appeal will be held at 8 p.m. Wednesday, April 13, at Bishop Connolly High School, Fall River. The Appeal funds maintenance and expansion of charitable, educational and social service endeavors of the diocese. Bishop Daniel A. Cronin will be the meeting's keynote speaker and Mrs. James A. O'Brien Jr., this year's lay chairperson, will stress the role of the laity in the Appeal. Msgr. Luiz G. Mendonca, diocesan vicar general, will deliver the closing prayer and Msgr. John J .. Oliveira, diocesan chancellor, will give the opening prayer. Kenneth Leger of Fall River will lead the audience of some 800 priests, religious and laity in rendition ofthe National Anthem at the opening of the meeting and will' close the program with "America the Beautiful." The Buddy Braga

Music Group will provide premeeting music and a sing-a-long program. The special gift phase of the Appeal begins April 18 and ends April 30. The parish phase is scheduled from noon to 3 p.m. Sunday, May I. At that time 20,500 volunteer solicitors will visit the homes of 330,000 diocesan Catholics. Msgr. Anthony M. Gomes, diocesan Appeal director, will be master of ceremonies at the meeting and will explain Appeal techniques and mechanics. A social hour in the school cafeteria will follow the meeting.





VATlCAN CITY (NC) - Six North Korean Catholics were allowed to visit the Vatican during Holy Week, Vatican sources said. The unprecedented pilgrimage is the fruit of "informal contacts" over the last 10 months between the Vatican and North Korea's communist government, the sources said. The North Korean government first tried to open church-state dialogue last June, when it hosted a meeting of non-aligned nations and went out of its way to invite Vatican representatives as observers. The Vatican sent a diplomat, Archbishop Giuseppe Bertello, and a South Korean priest, Father John Ik Chang. North Korea gave the delegation a "warm welcome," said an informed South Korean church source in Rome. During the meeting, at the churchmen's request, he said, the government produced several "real Catholics" who spoke with the Vatican delegation. Months later, as informal contacts continued, the Vatican's Secretariat of State requested that the North Koreans allow a small pilgrimage to Rome. The North Korea;ns' agreement to the idea was considered "rather surprising," said the South Korean source.

Cardinal washes drug addicts' feet VATICAN CITY (NC) - Holy Thursday's traditional commemo- . ration of Christ washing the feet of the 12 apostles had an unusual twist in the Italian Archdiocese of Milan. where Cardinal Carlo Maria Martini washed the feet of drug addicts, some of whom were reported to be carriers of the AI DS vIrus. The Milan newspaper Corriere della Sera reported that the 12 young men included eight drug addicts and four conscientious objectors to military duty who were performing some form of alternative service.




Family ministry programs planned April 22 and 23 will be significant days for the family ministry programs of the Fall River diocese. On those days priests, parish family ministry leaders and marriage preparation teams will hear presentations by Father Thomas Lynch of Stratford, Conn., former director of the U.S. Catholic Conference Department of Family Ministry, who holds master's degrees in theology and pastoral counseling and has completed doctoral studies in pastoral ministry. The priests, ministry leaders and all other interested laity will meet at 7 p.m. April 22 at Bishop Connolly High School, Fall River, for a program sponsored by the Diocesan Office of Education's Department of Continuing Formation of Clergy and Laity and entitled "In the Face of All the Madness Methods for the Family." There is no admission charge. Jerry and Scottie Foley, Family Ministry Program directors for the Fall River diocese, say of Father Lynch's message: "We think his concept of a family perspective is a major step toward recognizing that everything we do in ministry affects the entire family. His ideas are geared to real life, easily implemented and loaded with impact. "His message is not about more programs or doing more things but about helping the parish members to recognize their spirituality and to become more supportive of each other." Enrichment Day On April 23 Father Lynch will conduct an enrichment day for diocesan marriage preparation team members from 9:15 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at St. Thomas More parish center, Somerset. Some 100

Organ dedication at Dighton church

FATHER LYNCH couples and 15 priests are active on the teams. At the day he will discuss interdependence of family members, effect of the family of origin on engaged couples and spouses and the reciprocal impact of church and society on the family unit. The program will conclude with small-group meetings and largegroup sharing, the latter under the title "Prophets for a Nonprofit Organization." At Stonehill In other Family Ministry Office activity, the Foleys will conduct a program on April II at Stonehill College as part of a 'course on human sexuality. Their topic will be "The First Years of Marriage" and part of their presentation will be based on a survey they developed for newlyweds to determine major stresses in early married life. The survey, used in five New England dioceses, has proved a valuable tool for marriage preparation programs. The Stonehill program will include a look at "peak problem years" in marriage and factors affecting relationships such as unrealistic expectations, differing backgrounds, communication, finances, role relationships, the place of faith and the arrival of the first child.

A dedication concert and blessing of a new one-manual Roche organ will take place at 3 p.m. Sunday at St. Peter's Church, Dighton. The 290-pipe instrument has mechanical playing action, using electricity only to operate the motor that pumps wind for the pipes. It was built at the Roche Organ Company of Taunton by MatthewMichael Bellocchio, responsible for design, general construction and voicing; F. Robert Roche, also voicing; John Jens Johnson, woodworking; and Brian Wicherski, parts and finishing. It will be blessed by Father Raymond W. Graham, SMM, St. Peter's pastor, and the dedication concert will have Richard W. Hill as organist with the North Easton Chamber Orchestra. The soprano soloist will be Elizabeth Trueblood, who sings at Unity Church, North Easton, where Hill is music director. The chamber orchestra is directed by Douglas Anderson, a teacher in the North Easton school system. The program will include compositions by Purcell, Handel, Mozart and Haydn, spirituals and familiar hymns.


Fri., April 8, 1988

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BISHOP Daniel A. Cronin blesses holy oils at Chrism Mass of Holy Week. (Motta photo)

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THE ANCHOR'- Diocese or-Fall River:..=.- Fri., April 8, 1988

the moorins.-., The Pulpit and the Campaign What would happen if a Catholic priest, with all the necessary approvals, ran for president? Do you think that there would be at least a modicum of outrage if he preached his politics from a different pulpit each Sunday? No matter how superlative his abilities and programs, would he be perceived as respecting the hallowed separation of church and state considered by so many to be the cornerstone of our democracy? These are but a few of the questions that surface as one watches on the nightly news the campaign policies, tactics and manipulations of Jesse Jackson. Weekly, as an invited guest and ordained minister, he mounts a pulpit to preach his presidential ambitions. But is the pulpit the place for crass political ambition? Is the church the forum for mingling the Word with diatribes? Should the ordained use church communities to promote purely secular and materialistic platforms? Just the fact that such questions come to mind should in itself call into serious doubt the process of the Jackson campaign. The added confusion of a defiant and self-righteous posture does not aid one in making judgments. The inability of the Jackson forces to cope gracefully with adverse criticism does indeed cloud objectivity. It benefits no one to continuously respond to questioning as if the core campaign issue were bias or bigotry. Unfortunately, the style, idiom and pattern of the Jackson approach to government do little to dismiss this premise. A clergyman cannot escape judgments flowing from the tenets of his faith. In the extreme, consider Belfast's Ian Paisley and Iran's Ayatollah Khomeini. Here at home the political efforts of Pat Robertson give little room for any judgment but that of religious fundamentalism. Neither can Jackson shed his religious background when he speaks as a candidate. Rather, he preaches politics, sometimes quite poorly. Just as an added aggravation to the political purist, let this scene capture your mind. Say a given priest is backed by all the bishops in the country (already you know how farfetched is this idea) to run for president. Each Sunday he travels from diocese to diocese, all lSI of the Latin rite, plus those of the Eastern rite, to capture votes and the White House. Well, you can imagine the revolution that would ensue. The Ku Klux Klan would look like a Mary Poppins kindergarten class. Twenty-eight years ago a Catholic layman running for president was forced to be screened as a "real American" under the supervision of Norman Vincent Peale.and his henchmen. John Kennedy was suspect from the outset of his campaign just because he was a Catholic. A priest, even today, would never have a chance, he wouldn't make it in one piece to the convention. The double standard of American liberties would raise its ugly head with vengeance and perhaps violence. In other words, our politics aren't as liberal as we think. But above and beyond the issue~ of race and religion, the White House is no home for a "reverend." This is not to deny an individual the rights he or she possesses under the law. Yet, if we wish to assure real separation of church arid state in this country, we should urge religious ieaders to stay at home and do the work for which they were ordained. As we journey toward election day, may we hope that the voters will distinguish the real from the imaginary, substance from shadow. Politics should affirm people. As a process, it should offer confidence and forge unity, 'not fos'ter division and hurt. Here the Jackson campaign fails. The Editor'

<£OtTOl, ?R~v. John f. •re

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NC UPI Reuter photo


"I say to you that hear: Love your enemies, do good to them that hate yOU." Luke 6:27

Challenging cultural Catholics By Father Kevin J. Harrington It is difficult to find a seat on Easter in most U.S. Roman Catholic churches. The Sunday following Easter used to be called Low Sunday and judging by the drop in attendance, it was aptly named. While every Sunday Mass is a celebration ofthe Lord's Resurrection, many Catholics are remarkably fickle when it comes to being present every week. I share this vignette as a sign of our time: the young actress Valerie Bertinelli was asked by Phil Donahue why she wanted to be married in the Catholic Church to rock star Eddie Van Halen. She replied that she would not think about getting married outside the Catholic Church because she considered herself a devout Catholic. "Oh, I didn't know that you were going to church every Sunday," said Phil. "I don't go every Sunday," retorted Valerie. "I said I was a devout Catholic, not a fanatic!" A recent survey of the 52 million American Catholics revealed that one-third rarely or never go to church, yet think of themselves as Catholic. Over 17 million Americans can rightly be called "cultural Catholics." They marry and have 'their children baptized in the church but in no other way demonstrate religious commitment. Yet these half-hearted Christians do not need condemnation so much as inspiration, Greater efforts must be made to evangelize them. Most cultural Catholics who break the cycle of indifference, who tune in instead of dropping out, are returned to tHe community of be-

lievers by a hospitable priest or practicing layperson. I have found that most cultural Catholics are struggling with problems over images of God or their own self-worth. They are usually not just lazy people who do not want to get up on Sunday morning but are seeking the light of faith in the sea of doubt that surrounds them. Cultural Catholics are not endemic to the United States. The rest of the First World has its share. A sage once wrote that a culture can be read through its buildings more than through its stories. The Middle Ages praised the Lord with magnificent cathedrals that were painstakingly imitated until the present age. Today we build ugly but efficient highways and buildings that exalt pleasure, power, comfort, convenience, efficiency or excitement. But even' cultural Catholics should not uncritically accept the values our culture fosters. Living by Christ's values, however mnimally, means finding a place for prayer in one's daily routine. A common excuse for not going to church regularly is that Mass is boring. One with this complaint is obviously not praying regularly and is contrasting Mass with the many exciting alternatives available on a day free from the workplace. Evangelizing does not simply mean telling people that they are saved, rather it involves challenging them to live by Christ's standards, which are not always the same as those of the people around us. Jesus tells us to avoid greed. If

we did only that, we would be out of step with the people who write or watch commercials. Jesus tells us that we have a special responsibility toward the poor and weak. Our culture tells us that our only duty is to ourselves, to get as much as we can and enjoy it to the full without worrying about anybody else. Being countercultural in the Christian sense is har<t but by virtue of our baptism, each of us has the grace to accept the challenge.

AIDS guidelines NEW YORK (NC) - Dr. Edmund Pellegrino, professor of medicine and director of the Kennedy Institute of Ethics at Georgetown University, told a recent international AIDS congress that physicians have a moral obligation to treat AIDS patients and that Christian physicians and institutions have an even higher obligation in charity to serve those "outside the pale." He said physicians should treat patients without "moralizing" about their behavior, and should apply this principle to AIDS patients just as they do to those who have caused suffering for themselves through .smoking, alcohol abuse or other harmful behavior. But patients, he said, also have obligations to those who treat them, and can validly be required to accept AIDS testing opposed by many groups. That will enable physicians to know when to take special precautions for themselves and other caregivers, he said.

Collegerejecdons This is the week thousands of young Americans receive letters of acceptance from the college of their choice. All over the country there will be elation and rejoicing. It's also the week that more thousands will open letters of rejection and life will be grim for awhile. I say more because graduating seniors usually apply to five or six schools and, odds being what they are, get more rejections than acceptances. Somehow it seems appropriate that this tense period begins with April Fool's day and ends with income tax deadline day. Forfamilies with high school seniors, it is a harrowing time. A few charmed students will receive acceptances from all their schools of application but many receive none or, at most, one. If an acceptance arrives before the rejections, life is not so bleak. But for some perverse reason the rejections seem to arrive first. One of our children received three rejections and was so depressed we went to the mountains for the weekend to get away from the mail. When we returned on Sunday acceptances were there from the schools of first and second choice. We leaped from despair to joy in five seconds. Another of ours was put on a

waiting list which, in essence, says, "If our acceptees reject us, you still have a chance." This extends the anxiety period. He ended being accepted by his first-choice school, but it was rough for awhile. The college equivalent of the army's "Dear John" letter begins with, "Dear Applicant: We regret that.. ... and students don't read beyond that. Later, they go back and read, "We realize your disappointment but hope you understand this does not mean you are not a worthy candidate. Out of 1500 applicants we were able to accept only 300..... How can parents help at a time like this? Well, it doesn't help to say, "But we think you're wonderful." It only adds to the hurt. Nor should we show disappointment in them but along with them. Empathy is our best gift. If we share in the disappointment rather than try to offset it by blaming ("They take the kids whose parents give them lots of money,") or bolstering ("Everyone thinks you should have been accepted,"), we're more likely to help our young adults through their first major brush with rejection. "I'm disappointed for you," we can say. "I hate to see you hurt because I know how much this means to you." Another response is incredulity. "They don't know what they're

Family time If parents actually wanted their children to grow up to be anti-social, what might they do? For one thing, they might keep up the hectic life most families live, says Dr. Urie Bronfenbrenner, a leading authority on family life. He points out that one ofthe most hectic experiences a family faces is the demand of transporting mother, father and child to and from their daily.occupations. Commenting on this common family phenomenon, Bronfenbrenner recalls the remark of a Hungarian friend who observed, "It is very interesting. In America the children are being brought up in moving vehicles." Bronfenbrenner quoted a study which says that instability in family life is one of the strongest predictors of later antisocial behavior in children. For him, instability means frequent change in day-care arrangements or in parental employment, location or scheduling. To counter instability, Bronfenbrenner recommends that parents make room in their schedules to allow for "the process of reciprocity," for spending time together. What is important is not necessarily the particular activities but "what's in between" their beginning and their end. This is when a child might initiate something, a conversation might take place or parents and children might play a game together. It allows family members to exchange ideas, to listen to each other, to have children and parents focus on each other. It is this focusing between members of a family that creates order and helps to dispel the hectic atmosphere in family life. As I read Bronfenbrenner's remarks, it occurred to me that fam-

ily members might find opportunities to spend quality time together in some of the more ordinary activities of their lives, including occasions when they worship and pray together. Whether it is prayer at meal time, participating in Mass or a

April 9 1919, Rev. Cornelius McSweeney, Pastor, Immaculate Conception, Fall River 1965, Rev. Edward F. Dowling, Pastor: Immaculate Conception, Fall RIver April 10 1944, Rev. John P. Doyle, Pastor, St. William, Fall River April II 1914, Rev. John F. Do)Vney, Pastor, Corpus Christi, Sandwich April 12 1909, Rev. John Tobin, Assistant, St. Patrick, Fall River April 14 1977, Rev. Cosmas Chaloner SS.Cc., St. Francis Xavier, Acush 2 net 1935, Rev. Louis N. Dequoy, Pastor, Sacred Heart, North Attleboro April 15 1908, Rev. Christopher G. Hughes, D.O., Rector, Cathedral, Fall River 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 THE ANCHOR (USPS-545-{)20). Second Class Postage Paid at Fall River. Mass. Published weekly except the week of July 4 and the week after Christmas at 410 Highland Avenue. Fall River, Mass. 02720 by the Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River. Subscription price by mail. postpaid $10.00 per year. Postmasters send address changes to The Anchor. P.O. Box 7, Fall River, MA 02722.

THE ANCHOR - Diocese of Fall River - Fri., April 8, 1988



passing up, poor souls." I know it sounds facile but it taps into the student's feelings of, "I'll show them. They'll be sorry someday when I'm famous." Touching the student's feelings is important at this time, not discounting them with, "You shouldn't feel rejected." They do because they have been. It's right there in the letter. Parents need to layoff students at this time, also. Their behavior may deteriorate and they may become surly and uncommunicative. Rather than make an issue out of it, it's wise to withdraw until they are able to work through the hurt and realize that rejection of them as a potential freshman doesn't mean rejection ofthem personally. Being a young adult isn't any easier than being a parent today. College rejections are often just the first of future rejections in jobs, grad school and love. By being there supportively while our children bear their pain and work through their rejection, we are giving them valuable skills for life.


penance service, the beauty of a family coming together to experience God's presence in their life creates a focus. And these are times when "what happens in between" is important too. First, there is the sense offamily solidarity, all the members of the family supporting each other by their presence and communal prayer. It may mean getting into the car and driving _some distance, but "what happens in between" can help dispel the sense of the hectic pace of family life. For it means setting family time aside for the sacred, for silence and for dialogue with God. Bronfenbrenner, who is almost 71 and the father of six, thinks that it is much harder today to raise children. "What I am seeing is how much harder life with children is for them than it was for. us," he says. Life is harder because of the pace of life. It is harder if people do not allot time for reflection and the refreshment it affords, and if they do not focus on the most important aspect of life, our relationship with God and our role in that relationship. Sometimes when we hear about the need for family members to spend quality time together, we begin to look afar for an unusual activity that would allow for this. But sometimes the activity we need is closer to home than we realize.



Where's extreme unction? Q. We recently were informed that there is no longer a sacrament of extreme unction. Is this change authorized by Rome, or is it only something that exists in the United States? What happened to that sacrament? (North Carolina) A. I assume you refer to the change of the name of this sacrament from extreme unction to the anointing of the sick, a change in effect now for nearly 25 years. To answer your question about what happened, the change resulted simply from a deeper, better and more traditional understanding of the significance of this sacrament in the life of Catholic Christians. The name extreme unction came from the Latin, "extrema unctio," the last anointing. Through several centuries since that term became common for this sacrament, most people came to assume that this meant the anointing should be given in the final or last moments of one's life. I'm sure some of us still remember when members of a dying person's family hesitated to call a priest to minister this sacrament for fear the sick person would panic, assuming death was imminent. The true meaning of the word, however, was quite different. It meant,that this was tile las.t ~f the four ~acramentalanointings ofthe.. church, the other three'being bap- . tism, confirmation and holy orders. The Second Vatican Council referred to this unfortunate confusion. "Extreme unction," it said, "which may also and more properly be called anointing of the sick is not a sacrament for those only who are at the point of death. Hence, as soon as anyone of the faithful begins to be in danger of death from sickness or old age, the fitting time for that person to receive this sacrament has certainly already arrived" (Constitution on the Liturgy, 73). ' For the universal church, the official title of this sacrament and the ministrations which should accompany it is The Rite of Anointing and Pastoral Care of the Sick. Q. I.have read that the Vatican is studying the possiblity that the orders of Anglican priests may-'be valid and may so declare. Can you say ifthe validity ofthe priesthood of the Orthodox churches also is being examined? (New Jersey) A. The situation between the Roman Catholic and Orthodox Churches concerning holy orders is significantly different theologically, liturgically and historically from that with other churches. As the Second Vatican Council pointed out, while sad divisions remain between our church and the Orthodox Churches, in their sacramental and eucharistic life they have maintained their roots in the apostolic traditions, especially in and through the major patriarchal churches. (See the Decrees on Ecumenism and on the Catholic Eastern Churches.) The official Catholic directory for ecumenical relations with these churches, quoting Vatican 11, states that "these churches although


separated from us yet possess true sacraments, above all, by apostolic succession, the priesthood and the Eucharist, whereby they are still joined to us in closest intimacy" (1967, Secretariat for Promoting Chrisitan Unity, n. 39.) The validity of orders in these churches is, therefore, not in any doubt in the Roman Catholic Church. Q. A man and woman, married in the Catholic Church for 35 years, practicing Catholics raising a family, obtain an annulment of their marriage. Can the man then marry a Catholic, never married before, in the Catholic Church? The former wife is stilI living. Is this second marriage valid? My understanding is that you can get an annulment only if your first marriage was performed outside the Catholic Church. Then you may remarry in the church a second time. (Alberta, Canada)

A. An annulment is any declaration by a church tribunal that what ,seemed to be a marriage was never a true Christian marital union of life, as the church understands it. '. pne t~pe of. jlnnulment i~ the one to which you rder,called an annulment because of "defect of form." This means that a Catholic, who was obliged to be married before a priest or other qualified minister, did not do so. A Catholic who has not formally joined another church, for example, and who marries before a justice of the peace, would not be validly married according to our church law. There are, however, other types of annulments, as I have explained' frequently in the past, based on other impediments to a valid Christian marriage. Obviously this is the kind of annulment obtained by the couple to whom you refer. Regardless of which kind, once an annulment is deClared by a proper church tribunal, both partners in that previous union are free ,to remarry in the church. A free brochure outlining marriage regulations in the Catholic Church and explaining the promises in an interfaith marriage is available by sending a stamped, self-addressed envelope to Father John Dietzen, Holy Trinity Parish, 704 N.Main St., Bloomington, III. 61701. Questions for this column should be sent to Father Dietzen at the same address.

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Euthanasia ' Continued from Page One door to killing off the vulnerable and unwanted in our society." Shewmon, a Catholic, said his opposition stems from "traditional medical ethics." He noted that both the American Medical Association and the California Medical Association sharply oppose euthanasia. He criticized as "totally unworkable" the proposal's definition of terminal illness. "Doctors have no way of determining that someone will die within six months," he said. Euthanasia advocates have created the image of a "terminally ill person wracked with uncontrolled pain and on a machine," but that does not correspond to reality, Shewmon said. In 95 percent of cases, pain is controllable with drugs without "clouding of mental functions," he said. In addition, people already possess the legal right not to be subjected to life support systems against their will. "Our message is you don't need this act to have a humane and dignified death," Shewmon said.

Consolation "The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit." - Ps. 34: 18

Always There "Be strong and of good courage for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go." - J os. 1:9



STUDENTS at Bishop Stang High School, North Dartmouth, look on as Father Marcel Bouchard, chaplain, renews his priestly commitment during Holy Thursday liturgy before cross held by sophomore Ed Pires.

Just society needs input of poor Continued from Page One that were it not for past efforts continuing into the present, our plight would be far worse." The bishop thanked CHD officials for helping the church exercise "a clear and forthright preferential option for the poor, an option that has as its heart the empowerment of poor people in order that they might take their rightful place at the decisionmaking table."

O~ Co.,

Tough Times But the option for the poor faces tough times, warned U.S. Rep. Thomas Foley (D-Wash.) at a Washington meeting of diocesan directors of Catholic Charities USA, also held last month. Among those present was Father Peter N. Graziano, Fall River diocesan director of Catholic Social Services and also New England representative of the directors. With a mild recession likely and the federal deficit still looming








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large, "difficult times are ahead" as the government tries to meet' society's needs, said Foley, House majority leader. He said Congress was under "great pressure" to meet federal budget deficit reductions as targeted by the Gramm-RudmanHollings budget law and still meet its obligations in the areas of education, food programs, health care and extended care for the elderly as well as to the homeless and disadvantaged. In their decisions on domestic spending, lawmakers will need the "help, advice and support" of organizations like Catholic Charities, Foley said. Foley also said long-term solutions to the federal deficit could come from a proposed national economic council of six Republicans and six Democrats. Foley said the council could be as significant as the IS-member National Commission on Social Security Reform created in December 1981. Its task was to come up with recommendations on how to solve the then financial crisis of Social Security. The commission's recommendations included tax increases, benefit-growth reductions, a tapping of general Treasury revenue and coverage for new federal workers and employees of nonprofit organizations for the first time. Congress adopted' the recommendations, and as a result, Foley said, the retirement side of Social Security is "very vigorous." He said Congress will need additional revenue to meet its obligations, and suggested lawmakers consider a gasoline tax, "because every cent of a gas tax produces $1 billion." An obstacle to solutions is that most Americans "want no substantial cuts in federal spending, no increase in taxes and an immediate solution to the deficit - or $1 worth of government for about 80 cents," Foley said. Other issues discussed at the meeting were legalization and amnesty for immigrants; feminism in light ofthe Catholic experience; personnel issues in church organizations; Catholic Charities responses to Al DS; and problems of the elderly. Father Graziano said that Archbishop Eugene Marino, the new Ordinary of Atlanta, was the principal celebrant for the main convention liturgy, offered at the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception.

Continued from Page One priests on how to address from the pulpit issues of racism, black power and hate. Bishop Joseph L. Howze of Biloxi, Miss., the only black bishop to head a U.S. diocese, said he sees an improvement in overall racial attitudes but finds it "appalling" to see racial hatred in people too young to know what went on 20 years ago. He cited the apparent racially motivated 1986 killing at Howard Beach in New York and said he was also disturbed by lack of quality education for minorities and continued de facto segregation in schools in both North and South. The Catholic bishops have attempted to address the issues in pastoral letters, he added, but "it takes great effort to get Catholics to action." Jerome Ernst, executive director of the National Catholic Conference for Interracial Justice, said that in the last 20 years Americans have lost a sense ,of urgency about race relations. His own organization, for instance, once had 200 affiliates across the country. Today there are only three, although in an effort at revitalization, 96 dioceses have recently appointed NCCIJ directors. Ernst said that today poor blacks in the ghettos are almost isolated with no access to jobs, particularly when many opportunities are in the suburbs. He also noted that the rate of pregnancy among 15- to 19-year-old black women is more than twice that of whites in that age group.

GREGORY A. Curt, MD, a native of St. Michael's parish, Fall River, and an alumnus of Providence College, was honored last month by the Oncology Society of Dayton, 0., where he spoke on "New Targets for Cancer Treatment." Deputy director of the Division of Cancer Treatment of the National Cancer Institute at Bethesda, Md., Dr. Curt has been a fellow in medicine at Harvard Medical School and a clinical fellow in research at Peter Bent Brigham Hospital. He is internationally recognized for his achievements in cancer research, especially in the field of chemotherapy. He has lectured in Russia and Japan and next year is scheduled to speak in Jerusalem. He is the son of Mrs. August Curt of 5t. Michael's parish and the late August Curt.



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FROM LEFT, Mary Steenburgen as Miep Gies, Lisa Jacobs as Anne Frank and Paul Scofield as Otto Frank in "The Attic: The Hiding of Anne Frank," to be aired April 17 on CBS. (NC photo)


about her own experiences. A few years ago, however, she was interviewed by an American writer, Alison Leslie Gold, who said, "It is necessary for people to be able to read about what happened both inside and outside the secret annex."

NEW YORK (NC) - Some television viewers say they are tired of programs on the Holocaust. Try telling that to Miep Gies, who put her life on the line by helping hide a Jewish family during the Nazi occupation. of the Consulting with her husband, Netherlands. A dramatization of her role is presented in "The Attic: called in the diary by his nickThe Hiding of Anne Frank," air- name, Henk, Mrs. Gies declined. ing Sunday, April 17, 9-11 p.m. "Why us?" she asked the writer. "There were so many people in EDT on CBS. While in New York to attend a Holland who did the same work as benefit premiere screening of the we." Ms. Gold's response convinced program, Mrs. Gies met with the press. Speaking for herself and her her: "Because Anne Frank wrote husband, Jan, she said, "Please your names in her diary and your don't see us as heroes. We only did account of what happened outside our human duty to help people . the annex will add to the truth of the diary." who were in need of our help. With Ms. Gold's assistance, Mrs. "But there were heroes - the eight people in hiding for two Gies wrote "Anne Frank Rememyears, waiting every day in fear, bered," published by Simon & yet hoping to survive those terrible Schuster in 1987 and soon availatimes. Only the diary survived it ble in paperback. Producer Michael and we are so happy that we could Lepiner immediately recognized give it to Anne's father and he gave its importance in adding a missing dimension to the famous diary and it to the world." It was Miep, as she is known to acquired the television rights. readers of "The Diary of Anne When asked how she liked her Frank," who rescued the adoles- portrayal by actress Mary Steencent girl's writings after an informer burgen, Mrs. Gies said she was had given away the secret of the pleased. "Mary was totally calm attic annex to the Gestapo. and never showed any sign of Thanks to Mrs. Gies, the diary's panic. That's the way it was then doomed young author has become - it was essential to have your an indispensable witness to the nerves firmly under controL" Holocaust and her story continues With Mr. and Mrs. Gies was to touch the conscience of readers Cornelis Suijk, international directhe world over. tor of the Anne Frank Foundation Because of the diary, Mrs. Gies in Amsterdam. "When the Gersaid, she never considered writing mans invaded the Netherlands,"

he said, "the Dutch stood up to the Nazis despite reprisals. Yet it is not surprising that many just looked away. I was involved in hiding Jews and can remember the replies of those who were afraid or uncon'cerned." . After the war Mrs. Gies blamed the German people for the Nazi atrocities until one day a group of Germans visited the Anne Frank House. where she was by then a guide. When they heard her addressed as Miep, they recognized her name from the diary and crowded around her asking questions. Outraged, she shouted, "How could you fail to heIp the' Jews? We were far away but knew of the exterminations," The group leader quietly told her, "The people here never supported the Nazis. I myself was in a concentration camp for three years." Mrs. Gies concluded, "I recalled that Anne had written, 'people are basically good at heart' and realized that they could also be German." Mrs. Gies remembers well. "There is not a single day I don't think of Anne and what happened. On Aug. 4, the anniversary of that black day in 1944 when they were taken away, I can't look at the clock because I remember every detaiL" That is now Miep Gies' goal, making sure others rememlier too, so that racial prejudice and hatred can be seen for the evils they are and so that there are no more victims of racism like Anne Frank.





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U.8. Catholics take church for granted, says prelate ST. LOUIS (NC) - Catholics in the United States "take for granted what we have," says St. Louis Archbishop John L. May, president of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops. "There is no place with Catholic schools like this, Catholic hospitals like this, organized Catholic life like this," Archbishop May told an Archdiocesan Council of the Laity conference. Even with all the advantages of being a U.S. Catholic, "you've got certain Catholics writing to the pope, saying how everything has gone to pot in this country." While some corrections are needed, he said, "on the whole the church in this country is a strong, united church and we shouldn't be selling ourselves short." Archbishop May, a delegate to last fall's world Synod of Bishops ,on the laity, said that during the synod it was evident that more Catholics worldwide are being persecuted for their faith now than at any time in the past 1,000 xears. Bishops from other countries, some attending the synod despite "very grave peril," reported "so many in prison, so many exiled, so many homeless, so many put to death, 'disappearing people,' in country after country," he said.

In many countries where there are few priests and religious, "it is a lay life that the church lives," he added. Throughout the world, Catholics take risks to "live the Gospel, the social doctrine of the church, take an active rol~." When asked about votmg for pro-life candidates, the archbishop said that neither the Democratic nor the Republican Party platform embodies a consistent pro-life ethic as called for in the U.S. Catholic Conference's statement on political responsibility. However, some candidates come closer to the ideal than others, although "the church has never been in line with any particular political party." When choosing candidates to support, he said, their stand on abortion should take priority over their position on economic poli-' cies. But when weighing abortion stands against positions on the nuclear arms race, the decision is more difficult. "It's not the life of millions [of unborn babies]. it's the life of the planet, very possibly." Single-issue voting is not the solution, Archbishop May said. "You have to do your best. Follow your judgment and your good conscience as you look at each candidate."

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A powerful weekend By Msgr. Vincent M. Walsb It was a Saturday afternoon in niid-May, when my charismatic involvement was seven weeks old. Suddenly, the phone rang and Brother Pancratius was on the other end. "How would you like 'to go to Notre Dame for the annual conference? I think it would be a . good experience." So, inJune 1971.lfound myself for the first time on that celebrated campus in South Bend, Indiana. The 1970 conference had attracted 1200, and the leaders thought that 3000 might come this year. To their surprise and utter amazement, 6000 people jammed into the pavilion to begin the weekend. I met people from all over the United States who were experiencing basically the same thing I was. They, too, had sought the power of the Spirit, had yielded to tongues and were being led into a deeper, more prayerful, spiritual life. The powerful witness came from the very diversity of people involved - young and old, single and married, clergy, religious and lay. The Spirit was moving without any respect for social or religious condition. Some told stories of conversion from drugs while devout people told stories of an increased relationship to Jesus Christ. On Friday night, the overwhelming feeling was one of enthusiasm as more and more people filled the already jammed pavilion. On Saturday I listened to a layman speak of the poweI:ful works of the Spirit in prayer groups. These works were not all miraculous, as we count miracles. They were the Spirit's works ofstraightening out disordered lives and leading people into personal and communal lives of prayer. His talk was theolog-


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ical, fulfilling that description that theology is supposed to be a reflection of an experienced faith. . On Sunday, I attended a seminar for priests on the power of the sacrament of. penance. In the seminary we had always been taught .that, besides forgiving sins, the sacrament gave the penitent power to overcome sin and healing from sin's effects. The Church had even revised the rite of the sacrament to include a laying on of hands whenever possible. This seminar, too, was filled with stories of God's power. What had been theory was coming alive. People were beingfreed from addictive behavior and the priest-speaker


described his renewed faith in these healing and freeing powers of the ~acrament.

Before or after granting absolution. the priest helps the penitent to believe that God didn't just forgive past sins but empowered him or her to walk in a newness of life. The penitent is frequently freed from the memories, powers and strangleholds past sins continue to provide. Witnessing to a renewal in the power of penance came not just from the priest-speaker but from many other priests attending the seminar. I sat there realizing how much more I now could offer to my people during reconciliation. Sunday was the finale. Conference organizers were able to use the large basketball complex for the final Mass. Close to 7000 people gathered, praising God in prayer tongues while devoutly participating in the Eucharist. Seeing the nationwide scope of this renewal and meeting people whose lives had been profoundly changed by these charisms of the Spirit, provided just one more glimpse into the height and breadth and depth of the Spirit's outpouring. I had seen and experienced, in just a few short weeks, a series of signs and wonders, in small groups and large gatherings, that proclaimed loudly and clearly to me that the Spirit was doing a very special work. Msgr. Walsh is the vicar for charismatic prayer groups of the Philadelphia archdiocese.

After 12 years, Karens have Mass TAVOY, Burma (NC) - Visiting foreign pi-iests heard confessions and celebrated Mass recently for about 50 isolated Burmese . Catholics who had gone more than 12 years without sacraments. The Catholics are members of the Karen people, living in Htee Tah village in mountainous southeastern Burma. The village has about 2,000 inhabitants. About 30 of the villagers were baptized 15-30 years ago. Their children regard themselves as Catholics, although most know little about Catholicism and have not been baptized. "We are happy hearing the Mass. Although it is different and strange ~ from what we had over 20 years ago, we are happy," said Saw Tah Thaw, who attended the liturgy. French Catholic missionaries converted the Karen people to the faith, but they were expelled in 1966. Today, foreign Catholic priests from the Pontifical Institute for Foreign Missions and Paris Foreign Missions Society work in Burma.

Last September, Burmese authorities said missionaries who wish to live in Burma are free to do so. Several thousand Catholics are reportedly living in rebel-held areas around Burma's borders, but priests rarely reach them. The government has been fighting an array of small rebel groups, mostly ethnic tribes, for decades. Karen Catholics say they want religious instruction, but no one has sufficient knowledge to teach it. Theirchildren are eager to learn about the faith and prepare for baptism, they said. Karen catechists will be asked to work among these people in the future, and a priest who spea!cs the language will visit, said a missionary who asked not to be identified. "We will try to do our best helping these suffering Karens, or any race, no matter if they are Catholics or non-Catholics. They will be treated as equals," he said. The local Karen Baptist pastor, the Rev. Saw Moses, said there are several hundred Catholics in remote hill villages in the Tenasserim mountain range.

For Christ. For dignity. By Joseph Motta When Dr. Martin J. Dunn and friends travel to South America to work to improve health standards there, they do not present themselves as "the great gringos." They go "to share their experiences," always mindful of the fact that "if we teach someone how to fish, they can feed their families for their whole lives." The nationally-known oral surgeon, a Catholic from Milton, is president of Por Cristo ("For Christ"), a nonprofit organization of medical professionals who share their knowledge with their South American counterparts. Dunn recently spoke to confirmation candidates at St. Thomas More parish, Somerset. Parents and interested persons from neighboring parishes also attended. The speaker addressed his remarks primarily to his student listeners. He explained that Por Cristo "was born" in October, 1979, the day after Pope John Paul II delivered a "help the Third World" message, on Boston Common during his first visit to the United States. Dunn and former Boston Auxiliary Bishop Thomas V. Daily, who had been a South American missionary priest, discussed the need for improved' Latin American health care services. "It started as a hobby," said Dunn, who had previously done Central American medical relief work. He said that Por Christo now has about 500 volunteers. Aided by donations and working with the Missionary Society ofSt. James in Ecuador, Bolivia and Peru, the organization has made over 30 trips to those countries, seeing over 45,000 native patients and performing hundreds of operations. Dunn presented a colorful slide show of a Por Cristo excursion to Guayaquil, Ecuador. Hundreds of thousands of the city's residents live in its EI Suburbio slum, he said, pointing to a slide of a ghetto street. Much ofEI Suburbio is built on a swamp, its bamboo hovels standing on stilts. Residents cook with kerosene, Dunn said, and, since their homes are close together, the aN-too-common cooking fire often rages out of control, producing many burn victims. Por Cristo volunteers are given area tours by Dunn "so that they can see where their patients are coming from."

Dunn said Por Cristo teams work much like MASH military medical units, carrying with them as many as 200 trunks filled with necessities from which the teams operate for the duration of their two-week missions. "Every time we get there," he sai~,. "we have hundreds of people waiting to see us. Some come by canoe, some walk. "We're operating on children," he told the confirmation candidates, "most of them your age or under." Operations are taped, he said, and translated for reference use by Spanish-speaking doctors. Dunn showed several beforeand-after slides of patienls. There are many birth abnormalities, such as cleft lips, in communities like Guayaquil, he said, explaining that inbreeding and poor nutrition are causes and that the medical community in those locales didn't know how to repair the problems "so they piled up." Por Cristo introduced new cleftlip medical techniques to native doctors. Dunn showed a slide of an entire family whose lips were repaired, noting that the father had told him "I feel like I have dignity" after the operations were completed. Another slide portrayed an 11year-old boy with two noses. Dunn said the child wouldn't leave his home unless they were concealed by a handkerchief. After surgery, the boy's appearance was greatly improved, as proved by a slide. Dunn noted with a smile that he and another Por Cristo team member were later asked to be the youngster's godparents when he became a Catholic. The St. Thomas More audience visibly reacted to certain slides. Murmuring, gasps and shocked expressions were not uncommon. Smiles came, though, when Dunn presen.ted a slide of a little boy clutching a toothbrush. It was his fi.rst, the speaker explained, the gift of a Por Cristo team member. "I defy you to get that toothbrush out of his hand," Dunn laughed. Por Cristo, he said, also works with handicapped children and premature babies. The death rate for Ecuadoran preemies, he said, has dropped from 70 to 50 percent since Por Cristo began work in the country. America, by comparison, loses about nine percent of its early babies. Dunn said that Jamie Reilly, an

Easton resident and a senior at Boston College High School, was among Por Cristo aides on a recent mission, taking responsibility for luggage and equipment. Reilly spent much time with young cardiac care patients, Dunn said, noting that the teen "is probably one of the most outstanding people you'll ever meet" and that he received the Boston archdiocese's Bill Mullen Award for his work. Other Boston area youth, Dunn said, cleaned and painted a South American hospital in preparation for a Por Cristo team's arrival. Nursing students also make the trips, he said. Their work includes teaching burn prevention to children and advising mothers-ta-be on their nutritional needs. Dunn said Por Cristo sends a "poster child" to the United States each year. In 1984 that child was Alexandra Balcazar of Ecuador, an orphan whose jaw was fused to her skull. "Alex" was successfully operated on at Brockton's Cardinal Cushing Hospital. She now lives with the Dunns, who will adopt her soon. The speaker ended his presentation by asking the Somerset youth to "thank God that your home is not down there" and to pray for the success of a Por Cristo fundraising drive. "Everyone of us can make a difference," he concluded. Father David A. Costa, parochial vicar at St. Thomas More, led a brief prayer service to end the evening. A reading on justice was delivered by one teen, and the group prayed for Dr. Dunn, Por Cristo volunteers and all touched by the organization's work. Confirmation II student Nancy Couto, a member of the parish youth group, told The Anchor she learned "not to take for granted what we have here." Ed Swidey, 14, said the evening provided him with a new definition for the word "mission." "I used to think that mission was people going out and preaching," the confirmation I student said. "Now I see that it's also people going out and helping:' Dr. Dunn will return to St. Thomas More as guest speaker at the parish's Women's Guild banquet June S at Magoni's restaurant, Somerset. Those wishing to help Por Cristo may write to 830 Oak Street, Suite E. Brockton 02401.

Colombian bishop killed in crash

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BOGOTA, Colombia (NC)-A bishop ordained less than a month ago was one of 137 people killed in a plane crash in Colombia March


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Bishop Horacio Olave Velandil\, 44, of the Colombian Prelature of Tibu had been ordained bishop Feb. 20. The small rural area in northern Colombia includes 13 parishes. According to a spokesman for the Archdiocese of Bogota, the bishop was traveling to the northern city of Cartagena for a churchrelated meeting. The Avianca Boeing 727 jetliner crashed during a storm in the northern Colombian mountains near the town of Zulia and burst into flames. There were no survivors.


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DR. DUNN explains a slide during his presentation. (Motta photo)







THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., April 8, 1988

Parishes urged to aid aged


NEW YORK (NC) - Parishes Wisdom does not automatically should do more for the elderly but come with age, he said, and parnot in ways that encourage them ishes therefore need to help the to be self-centered, a priest who elderly reflect on their new situaspecializes in study of the aging tion and develop greater engagesaid. ment with other people. People "The culture tells the elderly who grow old gracefully, he said, that they're entering a time when are those who cultivate such virtues they can withdraw from responsi- as hospitality. bilities and be selfish," said Msgr. Msgr. Fahey said that the reliCharles J. Fahey. "But that's just gious community has an obliganot right; it's contrary to the Gos- tion to provide social services to pel message." the elderly, but sometimes gets so Msgr. Fahey is director of the caught up in these activities it Third Age Center of Fordham forgets its first responsibility is to University. He is also a Fordham assist them spiritually in their quest professor, and serves in a leader- for God. ship or consultancy role with many Msgr. Fahey also observed that church and secular bodies con- a parish with a daily liturgy will cerned with the elderly. often find most of those attending In a lecture at Fordham's Bronx are old people. If they are helped campus Msgr. Fahey said that in to become better acquainted working with the elderly, parishes with each other, he said, they will should concentrate on spirituality, . develop their own processes of but a spirituality marked by a bal- social interaction and find ways of ance between "interiority" and a providing services for each other. love that extends concern to the "The most important thing conchurch and society. gregations can do for the elderly is Old people, he said, should feel provide a place ofidentity," Msgr. a responsibility to preserve and Fahey said. improve the structures that have It is important for them to mainsustained their own lives, and en- tain this sense of identity, he said, sure that these resources continue in an "intergenerational" setting, to sustain others. but one where they can control the The name of the center directed times occasions of interaction with by Msgr. Fahey derives from his younger people. Old people need belief that the later years of life the freedom to "shut the door" and constitute a "third age" distinct be by themselves at times, he said. from childhood and the middle decades. The third age, he said, Teleconferences has its own distinct spirituality Msgr. Fahey noted that the Third and requires an intentional pastoral plan for parishes serving peo- Age Center wiII offer national teleconferences this month to train ple in this category.

Ge'ner'ous seniors Guess the peak age for giving to charity in the United States. Here's a clue. A 1986 study financed by the Rockefeller Brothers Fund disclosed that only 32 percent of people under 35 gave more than two percent of their earnings to charity, while 51 percent in the 50 to 64 age group gave more than two percent. The older we get, it appears, the more likely we are to give generously to charity. The answer to the $75 billion question is 71. The finance consultant who reported the magic number did not explain why 71-year-olds are most generous. My guess is that most are retired, have more disposable income and realize their earthly days are numbered. I have worked on several fundraising campaigns and have been surprised by the generosity of elderly people in modest homes, many of them frail or living on pensions. I was dismayed by the lack of charity in young, single, employed parishioners. My most recent try at fundraising fizzled, however, though most of my prospects were seniors, like me. When my favorite institution of higher learning asked me to help raise money for building expansion, I agreed. I was 'briefed on effective fund-

taising techniques at a fancy breakfast and given a list of prospects. Above all, we workers were told, don't solicit on the phone; do it in person. It was late in the drive when I started. I was able to reach only two prospects that first night. Both had received degrees long before me, which put them in their 70s or older. Neither man agreed to see me in person. Both were already paying into one of the college funds. And both asked me, quite peevishly Ithought, if I didn't know what day it was. I allowed as how it was Monday, Oct. 19. Both asked me if I had not heard what had happened that day: the "Black Monday" stock market crash! I apologized and agreed to call another time. Neither they nor any other prospect, even one who heard me in person, made a ,pledge. One promised to make a gift, but only if I sent him a pledge card by mailanother no-no. I sent it. Telethons and other campaigns may get lots of publicity, the 1986 study showed, but people are more likely to give to charity when they are askeo face to face. Donors respond most generously when approached by someone they know or when they are asked at work. A stranger at the front door

people interested in aging ministries. Four' sessions of three hours each will be telecast by the Catholic Telecommunications Network of America April 9-10 and 23-24. Msgr. Fahey said he expected participation by about 60 dioceses as the sessions are aired. Other dioceses may participate using edited tapes of the sessions that will be available in the fall. Msgr. Fahey said parishes often "fall into the trap" of viewing aging ministries only as the provision of leisure-time activity. Ministries "to and of' the aging are developing but are still relatively unformed in most dioceses, he said. "We hope this training program wiII add to the movement," he said. In the past, he said, almost nothing was done in aging ministries except by religious orders. Dioceses and parishes tended to see their responsibilities centering on youth. But the elderly, he said, are a larger part of parishes than of the nation as a whole. He cited a center study that found that while 12 percent ofthe national population is over 65, the figure was 27 percent in a representative group of 970 parishes surveyed by the center. Auxiliary Bishop Joseph M. Sullivan of Brooklyn, chairman ofthe U.S. Catholic Conference Committee on Domestic Policy and chairman of a Catholic Health Association committee on longterm care, will be among teleconference leaders.


has a better chance of obtaining money for charity than someone on TV or the phone. . The average U.S. contribution to charity, the landmark research showed, was $650 a year-about 2.4 percent of household income. Many donors would give more: 23 percent said they just didn't get around to it; 14 percent said they weren't asked. There is a striking relationship between regular attendance at religious services and giving to religious charities. Total giving by those who attend services weekly was, on average, three times as great ($990) than by those who do not attend at all ($300). A number of lessons can be drawn from these statistics which could benefit all Catholic charities. Catholics still have a high percentage of weekly churchgoers. and we retirees have more time to make personal calls. It's a good idea to concentrate on seniors we know. Just don't call on days when the Dow is down.

Motta photo


She shatters the myths By Joseph Motta About 60 men and women, all but one or two senior citizens, made themselves comfortable on a recent Thursday morning in St. Thomas More parish center, Somerset. They were there for a spiritual renewal program and to enjoy each other's company and a cup of hot coffee. What they. got was dynamite in the person of Sister Vera Herbert, SUSC, a creative writing instructor at Taunton's Coyle and Cassidy High School. Sister Herbert has been a member of the Holy Union of the Sacred Hearts community for over 60 years. At 79, she has the energy of a youngster and twice as much spirit. Her St. Thomas More talk, "Living Your Faith in the Golden Years," was joyous, a celebration in itself. "By your very presence here," the dynamo nun told her listeners, "you defy the stereotype of old age!" The seniors were told that they're members of "the third age". Sister Herbert explained that it begins "around the time a person thinks about retirement" and doesn't end until one can no longer care for him or herself. She said the.age should be appreciated for the many opportunities it offers. "You have time to delight in having time." she exclaimed, noting that the third age carries with it free hours to spend with God and the chance to ready "for the reality of death.' The Holy Union sister, a member of her community's committee on aging, said that myths of aging include unproductivity. "Rubenstein had a full concert schedule at 90," she said. "And third agers form the bulk of those who deliver Meals on Wheels and staff soup kitchens." . Sister Herbert said that disengagement ("old people withdrawn, waiting to die") is another myth that needs shattering. She further described the third stage of life as providing "a change of pace and focus ... putting your talents to use in a new way."

To fully enjoy what the age brings, Sister Herbert said, one might consider a "life review" to lay to rest unresolved conflicts which "keep returning to disrupt our lives." One can do such a review by "writing your autobiography, tape recording your memories, making a photo album." The process is healing, ~he said. "Forgiveness requires a breaking of our memories," she explained, noting that "cleansing" takes place when one forgives himself. "And we get caught up in God's forgiveness," she added. The other benefits ofa life review, Sister Herbert said, are that "you willJiave a body of knowledge and values to transmit to a future generation" and that "you'll be ready for a fourth age, ready to face death unafraid." Sister Herbert also spoke about programs in which seniors can combine'a relaxing low-cost vacation with exciting educational opportunities.

Sixteen are named to advisory council Washington (NC) - Sixteen new members have been named for the U.S. bishops' National Advisory Council. The 63-member council meets twice a year to offer written recommendations to the bishops on issues before them. Bishops joining the council for three-year terms are Bishop John S. Cummins of Oakland, Calif., and Auxiliary Bishops Thomas J. Costello of Syracuse, N.Y., and James P. Lyke of Cleveland. New regional representatives serving four-year terms are Deacon Samuel Frias, Granada Hills, Calif.; Ann Cass, McAllen, Texas; Margaret Dillon, Cincinnati; Joseph A. lanonne, Pembroke Pines, Fla.; Gesine H. Laufenberg, Moraga, Calif.; Edward L. Maillet, Tulsa; Kathleen Rice Orshak, Manchester, N.H.;James L. Ryan, Farmington, Mich.; Miriam Williams, Greensboro. N.C.; and Dr. John Zawacki. :\Torthboro.

Don't give up on prayer By Dr. James and Mary Kenny Dear Dr. Kenny: Where did family prayer go? We try to get our two teenage children to say a prayer at meals and at bedtime, but it's like running against the wind. They complain, and they don't pay attention. They tell us no one else prays. And they are right. My husband and I have noticed that other Christian families no longer pray either. Should we give up? - Indiana No, don't give up. Prayer is an important family activity. You may want to change your tactics or change the type of prayer. But don't give up. Resisting the traditional way things have been done is a part of growing up. Teens want to do things their own way. This is not all bad. Certainly the routine "Bless us, 0 Lord, and these thy gifts" or "N ow I lay me down to sleep" can be improved upon. One possibility is to have formal grace before meals and evening prayers only on special occasions. Another is to make the words personal and original. Let family members take turns asking God's blessing in their own way. A third possibility is to sing a song or hymn together. Prayer is contact with God. Words are not always necessary,

as is the case in any friendship. Sometimes quiet moments together are special. Many theologians define prayer as the "practice of the presence of God." There are at least five different types of prayer. All are appropriate in families. Some variation may help to make prayer more attractive in your family. Formal verbal prayer, like t.he Our Father or Hail Mary, is the obvious first kind. Teens often resist this, feeling it is too routine and impersonal. The second type is informal verbal prayer, where someone spontaneously makes up a prayer to express the feelings of everyone present. "Father, we thank you for your many blessings, but we feel overwhelmed and worn out now. Come be with us. Help us to stop arguing so that we may sleep in peace tonight." Third, the family can be asked to meditate for a few moments on a particular topic before eating or bedtime. The topic might be a mystery such as the Incarnation or a problem such as poverty or world hunger. Focused silence can be a meaningful form of prayer. This is sometimes called centering prayer and is a wonderful way of recalling

God's constant presence. "Let us take a few moments of silence to put ourselves in touch with our Creator." Finally, a family meeting on a serious topic may be thought of as public prayer. Jesus said wherever two or three were gathered together in his name, he would be there too. One family we know has "family religion" for about 45 minutes every Sunday night. They have sodas and crackers and discussion on a general theme. One year it was the Sunday Gospels, then reverence for life. This year they are going through photo albums and discussing their family heritage. Sometimes they play records and discuss them. On feasts they have a party. It may be important to individualize prayers with different age groups, especially at bedtime. The age difference can be significant. Family prayer can be important in keeping a family together. It will be helpful if you think of prayer more broadly than you have done. Try some of the various approaches suggested. Reader questions on family living and child care to be answered in print are invited. Address the Kennys, Box 872, St. Joseph's College, Rensselaer, Ind. 47978.

Hoping for the idealistic 1990s By Antoinette Bosco About two years ago while riding a New York City subway, I saw a poster which was a real sign of hope. It asked, "Are You Ready for the Idealistic '90s?" It was an advertisement from The College for Human Services, a school concerned with social welfare and human needs. What struck me was the way the poster showed the college's faith in the long-range goodness of U.S. society. I thought that the school's message was right. I've watched the socioeconomic pendulum swing back and forth several times over and I believe that history is about to repeat itself. The greedy 1980s soon will give way to a new era of humanitarianism. In my view, the last decade may have been the greediest period in U.S. history. Unabashed accumulation of assets, vulgar displays of wealth and wanton consumerism swept across the country, leaving the poor, the sick and the underprivileged in the dust. The classic comment on the decade's values came from financier Ivan Boesky, recently sentenced to three years injail in the Wall Street insider trading scandal. He was quoted as saying, "Greed is not a bad thing. You shouldn't feel guilty." . In a recent article, "1 he '80s Are Over," Newsweek claimed that since the stock market crash Oct. 19, the American public has turned the corner on self-obsession and materialism. Greed also has become the hottest topic of the day in newspapers, magazines, television, movies and even theater. The fact that everyone is talking about greed signals its demise, or so it seems to me. Society is examining itself and admitting that it's gone to excess. What's in store in the 1990s? Call me a hopeless idealist, but I

see a decade of renewed commitment to social justice and economic equality. After a decade in which the poor have been left to languish, the conscience of the nation has to ree: merge, as it did in the I960s. I can imagine the American people saying, "Enough. It's time to work on our social problems." Historian Arthur Schlesinger Jr.

believes in a 30-year historical cycle in the United States alternating between greed and idealism. He says, "There's a lot of pent-up idealism. In the 1990s we'll enter a phase much like the 1930s and the 1960s. Maybe I'm an incurable optimist, but I can't forget that subway sign predicting a return of idealism. If so, hallelujah!

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., April 8, 1988


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My Miss America dreams By Hilda Young As a youth there were two things I desperately wanted to be - Miss America or a fashion designer. In my heart of hearts, I had a prejudice toward being Miss America. However, my sister stigmatized me by nicknaming me Stubs, a name she claimed was inspired by my legs. Today, of course, I realize there is no reason a Miss America could not have legs shaped leke mininuclear power plants or knees that can smile by themselves. But my sister convinced me one had to be at least 5 feet 8 inches, speed up clocks by walking by in a bathing suit and cause small gusts of wind by blinking. As I matured I realized anyone, even someone with a firehouse figure (resembling a water hydrant) like mine, could become Miss America. But by then I had quit my flute lessons and would have blown the talent competition for sure. So I concentrated on fashion design as an 8- and 9-year-old. Early attempts indicated a rumbling talent. I would show my designs - cut from Raisin Bran and Wheaties boxes - to my mother. She would lavish encouragement on me, saying "That's nice, dear, finish your breakfast. Pick up your clippings and if you

forget to put the scissors back where they belong, you're dead meat." . Without her support, I might not have persevered. Once I made the mistake of showing a rough design of an evening gown to my sister. "Stubs, you've got to stop hacksawing paper dolls out of the cereal boxes or at least wait until they're empty," she said. "It's not a paper doll," I explained patiently, brushing Wheaties off the table and into my bowl. "It's an evening gown." My sister's eyes widened and all her teeth and gums came into disgusting view as they always did just before one of her obnoxious guffaws. She slapped the table, scattering a pile of Wheaties and, yes, guffawed. "You gonna call it 'Evening in a Swamp' or'Formal Wear By Frankenstein'?" she snorted, her beady eyes watering. "Ignore your sister," my mother comforted. "I think it's nice." She picked up a discarded piece of Wheaties box and set her coffee cup on my gown design. She held up the scrap of cardboard thoughtfully. "Very nice. Remember to put away the scissors." Who knows where I could be today if I hadn't given up flute lessons?


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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., April 8, 1988

Vatican expected to revise proposed education norms VATICAN CITY (NC) - The and non-canonical ones, which are Vatican Congregation for Catho- not under direct control of church lic Education has indicated that its authorities. proposed norms for Catholic col- Norms which are "primarily leges and universities around the pastoral rather than juridical." world may be revised considerably - Language which reflects "the as a result of criticisms by bishops autonomy of the various secular and Catholic educators. sciences" and promotes a spirit of A Vatican summary of the criti- dialogue between faith and science. cisms, released in early March, - Respect for academic freeshowed most of the sharpest criti- dom and research, even in cases of cism came from North America, theological dissent from church whose Catholic colleges and uni- teaching. A number of critics said versities make up more than half such dissent is a risk that must be the worlQwide total of such institu- taken if Catholic universities are tions. to enjoy respect in pluralistic Many U.S. and Canadian bish- societies. ops and educators opposed the - Recognition of the different legal language of the norms. They conditions facing Catholic instituargued that the direct hierarchical tions in Third World nations and jurisdiction over academic instituin those where Catholics are a tions envisioned by the proposal minority. would undermine the academic , - Recognition of the many diffreedom and institutional auferences in civil law under which tonomy which U.S. and Canadian Catholic institutions in different Catholic colleges and universities countries operate. need to maintain their credibility In treating the relationship beas educational institutions. In Asia, especially India and tween "legitimate freedom" and Japan, where Catholic universities "authority and fidelity," for exprovide a significant Catholic pres- ample, it said: "Though fidelity is ence in overwhelmingly non-Chris- necessary, the way in which this tian cultures, the proposed norms fidelity to the magisterium is expressed (and enforced) needs more were viewed as too Western. The education congregation has careful and nuanced development." announced plans for a 1989 major Support for the proposed norms international meeting of delegates that would give church authorities from Catholic institutions of higher 'direct jurisdiction over Catholic learning, the first such meeting . colleges and universities came from since 1972. Preliminary plans call some bishops and educators, infor U.S. representatives to have 18 cluding a minority in the United of 96 delegate slots allocated~o States. universities. "A few indicate a desire to have Among 500 comments on the even more direct control" than the proposed norms, as summarized draft document proposed, the sumby the education congregatron, mary said, but also pointed out that some nations indicated "that were calls for: - A clearer distinction between some proposed norms would vionorms for canonical institutions late civil law in their countries."

POPE JOHN PAUL II holds an olive branch as he prepares to celebrate Palm Sunday Mass St. Peter's Square. (NCj UPI-Reuter photo)


Vatican Library is happy hunting ground for international scholars By John Thavis VAT1CAN CITY (NC) - For scholars, the Vatican Library might represent the world's last, best treasure hunt, where the spoils can range from fame to footnotes. The library's territories have been charted but never exhaustively explored, and its 150,000 original manuscripts - writings on bark, papyrus, parchment and paper still yield discoveries to the attentive reader. . Ever since Pope Leo XI) I relaxed路 the rules for research in the 1880s, international specialists have worn a path to the library's doors deep inside Vatican City. The compound, once the private en~lave of curial monsignors, currently hosts between 150 and 200 scholars daily. From 8:30 a.m. to I:30 p.m., Monday through Saturday, they take their places in a brightly lit reading room, seated at antique wooden desks beneath a ceiling of Renaissance frescoes. If you listen carefully, you can hear the soft rustling of pages. It is the sound of academic careers being made. On a recent weekday morning, an Indian Jesuit pored over an elongated piece of sewn tree bark, which measured about one inch by three feet. The 350-year-old document, full of strange markings, was important to his study of India's Malayalam language.

Aquinas. Here they must deposit bags, coats and umbrellas before crossing the library threshold. It's a security measure, although thefts are extremely rare. The locker key is also a user's "passcard" in and out of the library. It is forfeited when a work is checked out and retrieved when it is returned. At the~ard catalogue, an Italian In the reading room, a sign on woman dug diligently to find a each desk prescribes rules for han1477 edition of Dante's "Divine dling books and manuscripts: Comedy." She needed that partic- No pen shall be held in the ular copy because it contains mar- hand while turning pages. gin notes by the Renaissance hu-. - The book musfalways remain manist and poet, Cardinal Pietro on the lectern. Bembo - the subject of her thesis. :.: Scholars must never "read The titles iii the reference room along" with their fingers. are clues to the eclectic bent of the Two wooden dowels are proscholarship here: ",Persian Miniavided each reader. They fit vertitures ofthe 12th and 14th Centurcally into the lectern, holding the ies," "The Roman Inquisition and work in place. One sound YOU'll the Venetian Press, 1540-1605," never hear in this library is the "Latin Bookhands of the.. Late cracking of book spines. Middle Ages." (A "bookhand," as None ofthe library's manuscripts most readers here could tell you, or its estimated 1.5 million printed was a handwritten script used for books can be removed from the literary works.) . premises, of course. But works can If you're a professor or graduate be photocopied, and some are also student, getting into the library is available on microfilm. not difficult. Not only that, it's free. Candidates must show proper identification (a letter from a uni. versity helps) and explain why their study depends on the holdings of the Vatican Library. New arrivals are first guided to ~ .. - . the "locker room" in the entryway, '" past the statue of St. Thomas Nearby, a newly arrived Chinese scholar was receiving an orientation He had come to examine a few of the many manuscripts brought back to the Vatican by 17th-century visitors to the East, including the famed Jesuit missionary, Father Matteo Ricci.


j'Vatican r: .. view ..

Knowing what to ask for has always been the key to success at the Vatican library. Today, its directors are considering a computer project that would revolutionize access. to the holdings - and perhaps make trips to Rome unnecessary. Tucked behind stacks of ancient codices is the library's fledgling computer center, just two years .old. At present, a handful of employees ~nter information about each new acquisition. The proposed project, however, would computerize the library's entire catalog - sonw 10 milli()1! cards. It would take three employees .10 years to complete and cost about $5 million, said the library's prefect, Father .Leonard Boyle. In effect, the computer catalog would allow millions of scholars to search from home, through an inter-library service, then order photocopies or microfilms as needed. A final decision on the project is expected in a few months, Father Boyle said. In the meantime, the library's more human pace of scholarship continues in the reading room. It takes about 15 minutes for most book or manuscript orders to be served up. Many of the works have not been touched in decades or centuries, but even the more famous and well-handled documents can provide new thrills.

It happened last summer, when a visiting professor from Johns Hopkins University opened the "Palatine Virgil." The fifth-century manuscript of the Latitt poet's works was familiar terrain for classics scholars. But on this particular day, the sunlight slanting in through the window caught the margin of the parchment, revealing a note in dry-point. The professor eventually found more than 700 ofthese near-invisible, 'inkless notes and is preparing to publish his important discovery. The compiled notes form a unique, ninth-century commentary on Virgit . Lesser finds are sometimes made by cleaning crews., When a library s1:telf was moved recently, workmen found behind it a bag full of Italian broadsheets from the 1860s. They turned out to be a one-of-akind collection of anti-papal propaganda, complete with satirical drawings. Father Boyle said he suspects they were placed there by a library employee and forgotten. Now they are taking their rightful place as historical objects cataloged, bound and filed in the library's manuscript section. The episodes illustrate one reason why the Vatican Library is so enticing to the specialists who pass their mornings here: In this trove of primary sources, there is much more than first meets the eye.

Fall River Maronite honored by pope

Motta photo

NED FRIARY stands in a NOAH dormitory.

Catholics numbered among NOAH Shelter helpers By Joseph Motta Ned Friary is "amazed" at how giving people have been to Hyannis' NOAH (Night Operation and Help) Shelter. The Marstons Mills resident and shelter director says religious groups are an important sector of the supporters and volunteers who help NOAH, which provides emergency shelter for up to 50 homeless men and women 365 nights a year. Catholic organizations, parish groups and individuals are a valuable part of that support system. Friary runs a busy office and hesitates to identify his volunteers by name. He's grateful to all for what they do, he says, but is afraid he'll inadvertently omit a group or individual when listing contributions. The shelter director said, however, that when the original fundraising drive to establish NOAH was launched about two years ago, a "major donation" for construction costs was made by the Fall River diocese. One Cape priest, he said, saw that the now just over one-yearold shelter's refrigerator and freezer were hopelessly outdated and unable to meet shelter needs. He provided new ones, Friary said, happily adding that the gift "allows us to store 10 days worth offood for 50 people... 路 The same priest,' he said, also donated a videocassette record~r, used by NOAH to screen educational tapes and movies for guests. A Cape religious education class, he added, donated a lifetime membership at an area video club. , NOAH guests, who range in'age from the upper teens to the elderly (youngsters are accommodated at a separate family shelter nearby) "are amazed at the quality of the food" which many church groups prepare for guests, some quite frequently. NOAH serves its guests complete hot dinners and cold breakfasts. Some dinners are prepared . at home by volunteers and some are prepared and served at NOAH. Donations also include cash and personal items such as toiletries. NOAH is partially state-sup-

ported; about a quarter of its operating costs must be raised through local donations. Food, clothing and cash are always needed, since NOAH is heavily utilized, due to an increase in Cape homelessness caused by inflated housing costs and a lack of rooming houses. Volunteer director Margaret Kelley, a member of Our Lady of Victory parish, Centerville, says that all Cape churches help NOAH in some way, "time, money, clothing, food. "These people teach us a lot about the need for everybody to have someone as a friend," she said of shelter guests. Friary says excitedly that a Cape radio station's recent fund raising drive for NOAH and two other Cape shelters netted $23,000. The goal was only $5,000. "We know that we're helping," Margaret Kelley had said earlier. "And wonderful graces and warmth come back to us." NOAH also has a housing search advocate and a substance-abuse counselor. 400 persons used the shelter last year, Friary said, noting that "there were 400 different sets of circum-stances." All "are treated with dignity and respect" and are asked to extend the same couttesies to NOAH staff and volunteers: '''For the past few months," a NOAH guest wrote in a letter reprinted in a recent edition of the 'shelter's "Update" newsletter, "I have observed you people bring, ing in food or cooking it in our galley and then you slip away into the night. I have tried to find out who you are so I could, along with other members of NOAH, somehow say 'Thank you very much for what you people are doing.' .. Persons or groups interested in assisting the shelter or helping to meet its immediate needs may write NOAH at 77 Winter Street, Hyannis 02601.

Father Ronald Beshara, a Maronite priest and native of Fall River, will be invested as a papal chaplain in ceremonies at 7:30 p.m. April 15 at the Cathedral of Our Lady of Lebanon in Brooklyn, N.Y. The new monsignor is pastor of St. Anthony's Church, Danbury, Conn. He prepared for the priesthood at Catholic University, Washington, D.C. and holds a canon law degree from the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome. In addition to being pastor of the Danbury parish, Msgr. Beshara is secretary and judge for the Maronite tribunal, serves on the review board of the Office of Ministries and is a consultor to the office of religious education. He was formerly chancellor of the diocese of St. Maron. In Danbury he is a member of the Danbury Hospital pastoral care committee and chairs the professional advisory committee of a regional hospice program. Msgr. Beshara is the author of several books and audiovisual programs on the spiritual, architectural and catechetical traditions of the Maronite Church, founded by St. Maron in the fourth century. Maronites belong to the Antiochene Eastern Rite and are the only church of that rite never separated from Rome.

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., April 8, 1988


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Barrio educator teaches calculus and pride

What's on your mind?



By Tom Lennon


Too many moons have gone by since I last spotlighted good news about young people. So this week I'm going to focus on Pat, a 19year-old college student who works at the health club where I exercise. But first you must meet 16-yearold Johnny, who is so scrawny and short you might guess his age at



13. The past few years have tough ones for Johnny. He had to watch his mom die a slow and painful death. Those long, terrible mont~s tore him up emotionally. Desolate after her death and filled with painful memories, J ohnny took to drugs. Big doses of the worst sort of drugs. Finally his dad took him to a treatment center where he stayed (or 40 days. Not long after Johnny returned home, he again sought relief from the pain in his heart by taking drugs. After a while he went back to the treatment center, but he wasn't really convinced it would do him any good. All he could see down the road was destruction, death and blessed oblivion. Here's where Pat comes on the scene. He lives several houses away from Johnny and had heard of his problems with drugs. Pat thought he might be able to help. One day he saw Johnny walking by his house and went out to issue an invitation to him. He asked him if ne'd like to come to the health club with him and work out, maybe on a regular basis. Looking at his skinny arms, Johnny hesitated. Wouldn't the big guys make fun of him? "I'm not laughing at you, Johnny," argued Pat. "C'mon." They talked a while longer and finally Johnny agreed to come. Last Saturday I watched the two ofthem working out together, Pat with the really heavy weights, Johnny with the lighter ones. No oneoeven thought of laughing at Johnny. He wasjust one more person getting some exercise. Johnny went through the same routine as Pat and all the while Pat gave him encouragement and tips: "Elbows closer together. Move forward on your right foot. You can do it!" Occasionally .Pat would make an approving remark and his pupil would smile. Once when Johnny was at the water cooler, Pat filled me in on his progress. "He's eating good meals now. Lots of protein. He's beginning to put on weight and he's sleeping well now too. And he comes here regularly, especially now that he's got his own car. He's making friends here too. Isn't it great when he smiles? I never used to see that. "He was in a bad way, man. He was getting into some of the worst drugs." It's just possible that Pat saved Johnny's life. That's why this week I say, ""Here's to you, Pat!" Send comments or questions to Tom Lennon, 1312 Ma.ss. Ave. N.W., Washington, D.C. 20005

CONNOLLY SENIOR Kris Baptista receives the NECON company charter from Robert W. Lavoie. (Barnet photo)

Connolly students participate in JA economics program Fall River's Bishop Connolly High School is working with Junior Achievement of the area for the second year in offering an applied economics program which forms a three-way partnership among students, teachers and the business community. During a one-semester class period, teachers, using JAprovided text and study guides, present basics of economics to juniors and seniors. Students develop a small business and once it has been developed, operated and analyzed, form teams to compete against each other in an open market forum using a management simulation exercise on a personal computer. "The strongest impact of applied economics is the ability of business to provide text and learning materials that are current information that has affected global economics within the past 12 months," according to Frederick M. Kalisz Jr., 1A program executive director. "The fact that we can also bring into the classroom a real live businessperson to help the students interpret their findings further enhances the program and generates the interest of educators," he adds. The Connolly program is conducted by Ann Ricci of the busi-

Bishop Stang 1963 graduates of the North Dartmouth high school will hold their 25th reunion July 16 at Thad's restaurant, New Bedford. Information is available from the Stang development office, 996-5602.


ness department. Business input is provided by the Eastern Edison Company. President and chief executive officer of NECON, tonnolly's company, is senior Lauren McNally. Among other corporate officers is Kris Baptista, a senior recently featured in a newly-developed promotional program for all Fall River JA programs.

Bishop Feehan Senior Jennifer Swyers will participate in an advanced studies program in organic chemistry. Her other activities include editorship of the school literary magazine and participation in chorus, folk group and theatre programs. Outside school, she is a parish CCD teacher.

* * *

The luck of the Irish followed Sister Mary Enda Costello, RSM, to New York City where she recently received a gold key award from the Columbia Scholastic Press Association for 24 years service as moderator for the Attleboro school's yearbook, Feehan Flashback.

* * *

At recent national honor societies induction ceremonies, 62 students joined the National Honor Society, 37 the Spanish Honor Society, 22 the French Honor Society and 20 the Latin Honor Society. At the ceremonies, Paul Pinsonneault, a member of l'Union St. Jean~Baptiste, donated a French flag to the school. He is the father of two Feehanites.


on youth ~

WASHINGTON (NC)-Jaime "Students in this country in genEscalante, the East Los Angeles eral always look for the easy way high school teacher whose success out," the Bolivian native said. in turning barrio gang members "They pick easy subjects, skip the into math whizzes is depicted in challenge." the new movie, "Stand and De"They don't want to do anyliver," teaches his students more thing related to academics," which than calculus. He teaches them he defined as chemistry, physics pride. and other classes known for their "You're the best - you've got difficulty. math in your blood," he tells them. Instead they take "Mickey Mouse And his unorthodox teaching meth- courses: 'TV Appreciation' and ods bring results. Most of his bar- 'Movie Appreciation,' " he said. rio youth have passed - some That's not school for Escalante, even with perfect scores - the whose students sign contracts to rigorous Educational Testing Service Advanced Phicement calculus spend 30 hours a week on calculus exam, which is attempted by less homework and attend classes bethan two percent of all high school fore and after the school day and even on weekends and holidays. students nationwide. Escalante's students - 95 perIn "Stand and Deliver," Edward cent go on to college, he said James Olmos of "Miami Vice" is authentic in the role of Escalante, stand in stark contrast to many others in the Hispanic community said the teacher. "Eddie spent two months learn- which has a serious school droping the things I do in the class," out problem. When they graduate from college he is so proud of them said Escalante. Escalante, who left industry for that he carries their business cards the classroom, makes math inter- in his wallet. The church, which is listened to esting. On his schoolroom wall, in the Hispanic community, should for example, he said, "I have a picture of a basketball player making help educators, he said. "The church is not involved in a three-point shot. Kids ask me if that's math, and I tell them, 'No, what the kids do in school," Escait's fun' - but it's also an illustra- lante said. Many Hispanic parents "do not understand" the American tion of a perfect parabola." Escalante's success with math educational system and often do students - whether by teasing, not even speak English. "Not even coaxing or threatening - had good 10 percent" were showing up at and bad effects. One good effect open house at Garfield High School was that Warner Bros. found him when he began there, he said. "The church has to educate the worthy of a movie. A bad effect parents," Escalante said. "It has to was that it was based on an incident in which his 1982 AP calculus teach them responsibility" for their class was unjustly accused of cheat- children. "That's what's lacking." The church also has to remind ing by the Princeton, N.J. based parents to control their kids, which ETS. The evidence? All 18 of his AP is not easy when the parents do not . students passed the rigorous exam. speak English, he said. "Once the kid learns the lanETS said their errors were similar. guage, he's in control," Escalante Though not proven guilty, the students had to prove their inno- saiq. The U.S. Catholic Conference cence by passing a second AP calls "Stand and Deliver"an "inspirexam in midsummer. They did. Escalante spoke about Hispanic ational" film and has classified it A2 ... approved for adults and students the day before he was slated to attend a Washington pre- adolescents. It is noted that the movie contains some profanity. view of the movie about him with U.S. Secretary of Education Wil- The Motion Picture Association of America rating is PG. liam J. Bennett.

New Bedford girls gain 4th CYO championship The CYO girls' basketball team of St. Mary's parish, New Bedford, has captured its fourth consecutive championship by defeating St. Joseph's, New Bedford, in a double elimination city tournament. In three matches, St. Mary posted first and third game wins of 20-19 and 29-26, while St. Joseph won game 2 by a 26-25 margin. In game I, St. Mary was led by Kim Boutin and Julie Poyant with 12 and 6 points respectively. Boutin's last two points came with no time left on the clock, sinking both ends of a one and one to win the game for St. Mary. Michelle Desrosiers and Sarah Constant paced St. Joe with 8 points apiece. Game 2saw a fired-up St. Joseph team take a 14-9 halftime lead and post an exciting 26-25 victory to force game 3. St. Joe was led by Michelle Desrosiers, who ended the game with 9 points scored in the second half. St. Mary was led by Kim Boutin, who ended the game with 16 points.

Game 3 saw St. Mary with a 17-11 halftime lead only to have St. Joe storm back to a 4-point lead with less than 4 minutes remaining in the contest. St. Mary took a one-point lead on a foul shot by Jennifer Perry with less than a minute remaining. With 5 seconds left, St. Mary's Jennifer Mayo stole the ball and iced the victory for the winners with a layup. St. Mary scorers were Kim Boutin, 10, Jennifer Perry, 9, Jennifer Mayo, 4, Julie Poyant and Lynn Burnes, 3 apiece. St. Joe scorers were Michelle Desrosiers, g, Angela Constantine, 7, Leanne Ferreira, 6and Sarah Constant, 4. St. Mary, whose record stands at 21 wins and 4 losses, is coached by Barry and Valerie Fisher and David Stevens. Players, in addition to those already named, are Amy Bedard, Melanie Breton, Clare Fanous, Ashlee Deston, Julie LaBrode, Laurie Poyant, Joycelyn Vardo, Alex Desnoyers, Andrea Lamontagne and Stacey Letendre.

The Anchor

tv, movie news Symbols following film reviews indicate both general and Catholic Films Office ratings. which do not always coincide. General ratings: G-suitable for general viewing: PG-13-parental guidance strongly suuested for children under 13: PG-parental guidance suggested; R-restricted. unsuitable for children or young teens. Catholic ratings: At-approved for children and adults; A2-approved for adults and adolescents; A3-approved for adults only; 4-separate classification (given films not morally offensive which. however. require some analysis and explanation); O-morally offensive. Catholic ratinls for television movies are those of the movie house versions of the films.

NOTE Please check dates and times 01 television and radio programs against local list· ings, which may differ from the New York network schedules supplied to The Anchor. New Films "Biloxi Blues" (Universal) Coming-of-age comedy adapted by Neil Simon from his autobiographical play about his brief stint in a Mississippi boot camp at the close of World War II. Simon's character (Matthew Broderick) is constantly in hot water with his brain-damaged sergeant (Christopher Walken) and some of his company's more macho men. Much rough language and a sexual situation involving a prostitute. A3, PG 13. "Johnny Be Good" (Orion Pictures) - A top high school quarterback (Anthony Michael Hall) is courted by every sleazy college football recruiter in the nation and promised all sorts of bacchanalian goodies to get him to sign on the dotted line. Badly directed with much jock humor and rough language, several sex ual situations that vulgarize women and brief nudity. A3, PG 13. Films on TV Monday, April 11, 9-11 p.m.

EDT (CBS) - "National Lampoon's European Vacation"(l985) - The family that cavorted their way across America on their first film vacation does so again, this time in Europe. Chevy Chase and Beverly D'Angelo repeat their roles. Witless, vulgar and unfunny with sexually oriented humor. 0, PG 13. Tuesday, April 12, 9-11 p.m. EDT (CBS) - "Murphy's Romance" (1985) - It isn't until the movie's end that Sally Field in the role of a divorcee and James Garner as a widower twice her age finally realize that their constant bickering means they're in love, long after all but middle-aged romantics will have lost interest. Some rough language and an inconsistent view of sexual morality. A3, PG 13. Sunday, April 17, 9-11 p.m. EDT (NBC) - "Home Is Where The Heart Is" (1987) - Released theatrically as "Square Dance," the story is of a young girl with religious convictions (Winona Ryder) who forsakes her cranky grandpa (Jason Robards) to live with her tragically flawed mother (Jane Alexander). The girl overcomes disillusionment with the adult world while expressing the inner strength and grace that propel her with loving enthusiasm toward womanhood. Sexual references and some rough dialogue. A2, PG 13. Monday, April 18, 9-11 p.m. EDT (ABC) - "The Man Who Loved Women" (1983) - Burt Reynolds plays a famous sculptor whose insatiable pursuit ofwome.n is eventually and quite literally the death of him. Some extremely· crude sexual sequences. 0, R Religiou~ TV Sunday, April 10 (CBS) - "For Our Times" - Looks at some of the major religious traditions practiced by Asian-Americans and examines their impact on U.S. society and culture. Religious Radio Sunday, April 10 (NBC) "Guideline" - Marist Father Leo Foley talks about living with alcoholism and therapy for alcoholics.

Katharine Drexel of Phi lade1phia was advanced March 15 when a Vatican board oftheologians affirmed that the 1974 cure of a 14-year-old deaf boy whose parents had known her could be attributed to divine . intervention. The boy had three small bones in the inner e.ar missing and doctors had judged that surgical intervention would be useless. After prayer to Mother Drexel he was a61e to hear. The case will now be examined by bishops and·cardinals of the Vatican Congregation for Sainthood. Final determination of a miracle is reserved to the pope. Mother Drexel, a member of a wealthy Philadelphia f<::mily, founded the Sisters cr the Blessed Sacrament to serve THE BEA nF~CA':,:~Ol~ :ndians and blacks. She died cause of Venerable Mother in 1955 at age 96.




Friday, April 8, 1988

FILM RATIN GS A-I Approved for Children and Adults (N 0 Entries) A-2 Approved for Adults and Adolescents Au Revoir Les Enfants Empire of the Sun Housekeeping The Dead Hairspray Jean de Florette End of the Line The House on Carroll Stand and Deliver Street Switching Channels A-3 Biloxi Blues Dominick and Eugene The Family For Keeps Frantic Johnny Be Good The Last Emperor

Approved for Adults The lonely Passion of Judith Hearne Manon of the Spring Melo Moonstruck My Life as a Dog

Only Satisfaction She's Having a Baby Shoot to Kill Three Men and a Baby Throw Momma from the Train

A·4 Separate Classification (Separate classification is given to certain films which While not morally offensive, require some analysis and explanation as a protection against wrong interpretation and false conclusions) Broadcast News Good Morning. I Don't Give D.O.A. Vietnam a Damn Ironweed O~Morally

Action Jackson Apprentice to Murder Braddock; Missing in Action III Cop

Offensive The Hidden School Daze Julia and Julia The Serpent and Masquerade the Rainbow Night Zoo The Unbearable Off Limits Lightness of Being Patti Rocks

(Rec.) after a title indicates that the film is recommended by the U.S. Catholic Conference reviewer for the category of viewers under which it is listed. These listings are presented monthly; please clip and save for reference. Further information on recentfilms is available from The Anchor office, 675-7151.

Area Religious Broadcasting The following television and radio programs originate in tbe diocesan viewing and listening area. Their fistings normally do not vary from week to week. They will be presented in the Anchor the first Friday of eacb month and will reflect any changes that maybe made. Please clip and retain for reference. On TV perspective 6 p.m. each Thurs'00 day, Fall River and New Bedford E ac b S un d ay, 11 • a.m C bl Ch 113 a e anne . WLNE, Channel 6. Diocesan Television Mass. "Spirit and the Bride," a talk show with William Larkin, 6 Portuguese Masses from Our p.m. Monday, cable channel Lady of Mt. Carmel Church. 35. New Bedford: 12:15 p.m. each Sunday on radio station WJFD· On Radio FM.7 p.m. each Sunday on tel"Be Not Afraid," 15 minutes evisionCbannel 20. of music and Gospel message Portuguese Masses from Our hosted by Father James M. Lady of Lourdes and St. AnFitzpatrick, parochial vicar at thony of Lisbon parisbes, TaunSt. John the Evangelist parish, ton: 7 p.m. each Sunday and' Attleboro, is heard at 8 a.m. p.m. each Monday on cable Sundays on station WARA. channel 27. 1320 AM. The Catholic clergy of the Attleboro area sPQnsor "Confluence," 10:30 a.m. each the program. Sunday on Channel', is a panel program moderated by Truman Charismatic programs with Taylor and having as permanFather John Randall are aired ent participants Father Peter N. from 9:30 to !0:30a.m. Monday Graziano, diocesan director of through Friday On station social services; Right Rev. WRIB, 1220AM; Mass is broadGeorge Hunt, Episcopal Bishop cast at I p.m. each Sunday. of Rhode Island, and Rabbi "Topic Religion." presented Baruch Korff. by two priests, a rabbi and a "The Beat," produced by BuildProtestant minister, is broading Block Ministries of Tauncast at 6:06 a.m. and 9:06 p.m. ton and aired on cable channels each Sunday on station WEEI in Taunton, Easton, Raynham Boston, 590 AM. and North Attleboro, features Programs of Catholic interest videos from and information are broadcast at the following on contemporary Christian rock times on station WROLBoston, artists. Check localUstings for 950 AM: Monday through Fritimes and dates. day 9, 9:15, 11:45 a.m.; 12:15, Mass 9:30 a.m. Monday to 12:30, I p.m. Friday, WFXT, Channel 25. A Polish-language rosary hour, conducted by Father J.us"Breakthrough" 8 a.m. each tin, is broadcast at I :30 p.m.· Sunday, Channel 10, a program Sundays on station WALE, 1400 on the power of God to touch AM. lives, produced by the Pastoral Theological Institute of HamA Polish-language Mass is den. Conn. heard from 7;30 to 8:30 a.m. "Maryson," a family puppet every Sunday on station WICE, show with moral and spiritual 550 a.m.





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Iteering pOintl SS. PETER & PAUL, FR School advisory council meeting 8 p.m. Monday, Father Coady Center. CORPUS CHRISTI, SANDWICH The Claussen family will host 10:45 a.m. Family Mass Sunday. Women's Guild potluck supper 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, Father Clinton Hall; guests welcome; speaker: airlines pilot Lt. Col. Robert Keesterer. . ST. ANTHONY, E. FALMOUTH Performance of Handel's Messiah (Passion and Easter parts) by Falmouth Interfaith Choir and Orchestra, directed by Harold Heeremans, 3 p.m. Sunday. BLESSED SACRAMENT, FR Parishioners have been asked to celebrate the last months ofthe Marian Year with Marian devotions.


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APOSTOLATE FOR PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES Father Joseph F. Viveiros, apostolate director, will celebrate a signed television Mass (for broadcast at , 10:30 a.m. April 17 on Channel 6) at II a.m. April 16 at St. Julie Billiart parish, N. Dartmouth; all welcome to the taping. Faith and Light meeting 3:30 p.m. Sunday, Sacred Heart Church rectory, Fall River. ULTREYA,DARTMOUTH Dartmouth Ultreya meeting 7:30 p.m. Monday, Holy Cross Fathers facility, Tucker Road.

ST. MARY, S. DARTMOUTH Women's Guild nomination of officers and spring fashion show 7 p.m. April 12. WIDOWED SUPPORT, NB Mass and meeting 7:30 p.m. April II, St. Kilian rectory basement. D of I, NB Hyacinth Circle Daughters of Isabella meeting 7:30 p.m. April 19, VFW Building, Park St. DOMINICAN ACADEMY, FR McGruffchild abuse program ends today. Easter liturgy 12:30 p.m. Wednesday. ST. MARY, SEEKONK Vincentian meeting after 10 a.m. Mass Sunday. Women's Guild meeting April 18. Adult Bible discussion 7 p.m. Wednesday and 9:45 a.m. Thursday. A Maryknoll Missioner will speak at all weekend Masses. ST. JOSEPH, TAUNTON Closing liturgy for religious education season 8:30 a.m. Sunday includes awarding of perfect attendance certificates. ST. MARY, FAIRHAVEN First Dominga: Theresa Medeiros, Fairhaven. O.L. VICTORY, CENTERVILLE Tom and Barbara Nutile are celebrating their 40th wedding anniversary. Guild luncheon noon Monday, parish center; Sheriff Jack DeMello will speak on the correction system; all parish women welcome.

SECULAR FRANCISCANS, POCASSET St. Francis of the Cape fraternity meeting 7 p.m. Tuesday, St. John the Evangelist parish center, Pocasset; Father Edwin Dirig, OFM, will celebrate Mass and speak; inquirers welcome; information and rides: Robert Collyer, 563-2654, Upper Cape; Dorothy Williams, 394-4094, Middle and Lower Cape. DCCW, NB' District Council of Catholic Women meeting 7:30 p.m. Thursday, St. Mary's Church hall, S. Dartmouth; meeting features "The Puz- SECULAR FRANCISCANS, FR zle," a panel discussion on vocaSt. Clare fraternity Mass and tions; Sister Mary Noel Blute, RSM, meeting 6:30 p.m. Sunday, Rose Episcopal Representative for Relig- Hawthorne Lathrop Home, 1600 ious in the Fall River diocese, mod- Bay St. erator; panelists, Father Richard E. Degagne; Father James Doherty, BIRTHRIGHT, CAPE COD Cape Cod Birthright is starting a CSC; Sister Grace Raymond, MSBT; Sister Joanna Fernandes, OP; re- training session for volunteers; information: Gerry Medeiros, 362-6909. freshments: all welcome. LaSALETTE CENTER ST. THOMAS MORE, FOR CHRISTIAN LIVING, SOMERSET Applications for Rev. Howard A. ATTLEBORO Life in the Spirit Seminar 7 to 8 Waldron Memorial Scholarship at weekend Masses. Women's Guild p.m. Wednesday evenings April 13 banquet follows 9 a.m. Mass June 5; through May 25, LaSalette Center speaker: Martin J. Dunn, DMD, for Christian Living, Attleboro; incofounder and president of Por formation and registration: David Erwin, 226-0745. Cristo.

CATHOLIC WOMAN'S CLUB, NB F AMILY LIFE CENTER, Bishop's Night 6:30 p.m. April 20, N. DARTMOUTH Wamsutta Club, New Bedford; inforMarriage Encounter weekend tomation and reservations by Sunday: night through Sunday, Corpus Christi parish, Sandwich. New BedMrs. Joseph Motta, 999-6770. ford Divorced/Separated meeting LaSALETTE SHRINE, Wednesday evening, April 13. ATTLEBORO BUILDING BLOCK Healing service 2 p.m. Sunday, MINISTRIES, TAUNTON People's Chapel; led by Father Andre A. Patenaude, MS, the service will "Rock and Its Role," presentation include teaching, Mass and opporon mainstream and Christian rock tunities for individual anointing and music, 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, Taunprayer; music ministry by Sister ton Catholic Middle School and 7 p.m. April 15, Bourne Community Lucille Gauvin, OP; all welcome. Center, Buzzards Bay; all welcome. ST. PATRICK, WAREHAM Meeting for parents of religious CHRIST THE KING, education students in grades three COTUIT/MASHPEE Jim and Jean Hannan are celethrough six 7 p.m. Tuesday, hall; curriculum will be discussed, Father brating their 35th wedding anniversary. Couples' softball begins 5 p.m. John Powell "Building Memories May I; information: Paul and Jean for Families" video will be shown. Roma, 428-2594. CYO members will discuss "Friends and Family" April 8 through 10 with ST. STANISLAUS, FR contemporaries from Centerville and Exposition of Blessed Sacrament New York City. 11:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Sunday. O.L. CAPE, BREWSTER Margaret June White was received Congratulations and welcome to into the church at the Easter Vigil. Phyllis Blume, Phyllis Crocker and The A Girls' basketball team, coached Kenneth Sargeant, who joined par- by Anne Marie Teasdale, is Fall River CYO 1988 season champ. ish ranks at the Easter vigil. Father Placid Stroick, OFM, of Father ST.MARY,NB Bruce Ritter's Covenant House, will Plans are underway for an extendspeak on runaways at a 2 p.m. April ed care program for parochial school 24 Men's Club meeting; public welchildren, to begin in September. come. Potluck ·social for new paParish council meeting 7:30 p.m. rishioners 5:30 p.m. April 30, lower April 12, religious education center. church; information: 385-8083 days, OUR LADY'S CHAPEL, NB 385-6751 evenings. Sisters' Day of Recollection tomorrow; Father Zachary O'Friel, ST.STEPHEN,ATTLEBORO Kid's singing group practice II: 15 OFM, of the chapel staff, will give a.m. tomorrow, church hall. Adult conferences at 10:30 a.m. on "The day of recollection May 15, parish Resurrection" and at 2 p.m. on "Rehall; information: rectory, 222-0641. ligious Life with God"; opportuniCCA chairperson is Mrs. Frances ties for penance. Lindberg. Marian year celebration DCCN,NB 6:30 p.m. April 30. District Council of Catholic Nurses seminar on "Forgiveness - An EsST. ANNE, FR Den One Cub Scouts meet 2:30 sential Component in Health and today, school. CYO baseball seeks Healing," 9:30 a.m. May 7, Sacred players ages 16 through 21; informa- Heart Nursing Home, New Bedford; presenter: Robin Casarjian, M.A.; tion: Steve Maurico, 674"5741, ext. 2614,8 a.m. through 4 p.m. Senior continuing education units availacitizens and school grandparents ble; information: 996-6751, ext. 60, needed for kindergarten lunchroom before April 23. supervision II :20 a.m. to 12:20 p.m.; HOLY NAME, NB information: Irene Fortin, principal, Women's Guild meeting 7:30 p.m. 678-2152. Monday. CATHEDRAL CAMP, E. FREETOWN Holy Redeemer Church, Chatham, youth retreat with Father Joseph Maguire today through Sunday. Diocesan Vocation weekend tonight and tomorrow. Our Lady of the Cape Church, Brewster, retreat tomorrow and Sunday. St. Francis Xavier Church, Acushnet, youth day retreat 3:30 to 9 p.m. Thursday.

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ST. LOUIS de FRANCE, SWANSEA Baptismal instruction 7:30 p.m. Sunday, religious education center; information: Claudette Sykes, 6724033. DIVORCED AND SEPARATED, FR Support group meeting 7 p.m. Tuesday, Our Lady of Fatima Church hall, Swansea; meeting April 27 same time and plal:e.

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ST. JOSEPH, FAIRHAVEN CYO cheerleading (grades four through seven) tryouts, registration and practice 12:30 to 3 p.m. tomorrow; youngsters belonging to the parish or St. Mary's parish in Fairhaven or who attend St. Joseph's School are welcome. Legion of Mary 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, rectory. ST. JAMES, NB CYO general meeting 2 p.m. Sunday. CATHEDRAL, FR Basketball teams now forming; girls' team; boys' junior team ages eight through 13; prep team 14 through 16; senior team 17 through 21; coaches and players needed; information: Father Richard G. Andrade, parochial vicar, 673-2833. SACRED HEART, FR Helen Piper is chairing the parish Catholic Charities Appeal drive. The Women's Guild Rose E. Sullivan Scholarship is available; application blanks available at high schools.

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