OrdinaryioOrdain ,Seven, for, Diocese
Saturday,·April25 Seven priests will be ordained for service in the Diocese 8f Fall River by Most Rev. James L. Connolly, D.D. at 10 5aturday morning, April 25 in St. Mary's Cathedral. They are: Rev. Mr. John J. Smith, son of Mr. 'and Mrs. Ambrose J. Smith; 144 Summer Street Moriarty, 204 WiHiams Street, New Bedford. Providence. Rev. Mr. John V. Magnani, : Rev. Mr. Thomas e. Mayhe~ son of Mr. and Mrs. John N. son of Mr. and Mrs. James F.
An Anokor of tfte Soul, Swre Otnd Firm-8T. 'PAUL
Thursday, April 9, 1959 Second Cia.. Mall PriviJelrt!ll Authorized at Fall River. M.....
PRICE lOe $4.00 per Yea,
harities Leaders
Meet' Monday ea~h
J:tepresentatives of Parish in' the Diocese' will . ,.' father at 3 next Monday afternoon for a General Meeting r:"'"';tt tha Catholic Charities Appe~l. The clergy, parish chair. '/ - . , trustees, former Chairmen and members of the SteerCommittee will attend. . the Appeal's list of institutions. ~;' 'rhis year's meeting will Most Rev. James L. Connolly ";;~'''lreld in tlre Kennedy will preside. Attorney Daniel F. o1i t h and Community Sullivan, Lay Chairman, 'will
:" . II f:..::t B~df~:d "t.
'" . ' ..' • ,"
,er. New Bedford. This is the time in the Appeal history .. ,the meeting has been held 't:' 0,. f F 11 R' Th h h .h,. a Iver. e c an?e as '.' .' Q made at the suggestIon of ~), .ftte Steering Committee. The • . -.nmittee feels those attending . ~ 'WOuld be anxious to see this
~: ,~e to Miss Mary. A. Cole, ''1143 Rockdale Avenue, New !!L~,;.~-edford. You~h ch~m~an of. the Diocesan Council of. Cath. . _ e Women Sll1ce Its ll1cepbon, she has been named vice~, . •airman of yo~th activi· €ouncn. ' Ii;,~ fes for the NatIOnal, CounI dd't' t h !:l,;•. ' ,-.:II f C h r n a I Ion 0 er work on the ~ ' - ,0 at 0 IC Women. Iliocesan level' Miss Cole has ~~::< In her new eapacity, Miss . long 'been acti~e with the Girls' ~ will assist in planning a aMional program for youth poops and will make .suggestIo.m As for activities to be incl~d~d ~ the Monthly Message, offiCIal ~cation of ~e National
Archbishop Egidio Vagnozzi mscheduled 10 al"ri,ve 1ft flhis country Monday, April 20 to take up his new dutiell as the Apostolic Delegate to the United States. The new Apostolic Delegate me-t with His Honneq Pope John XXIII before em' ...... n,'S Atlantl'" both ,hands, sa~· "You ... barkl'ng " ,no " afraid of your big job. wlM erossing. He plans to spend about me't>' his first day in this country 'l!he Archbish~", audielllie
pledge system to be used on the parish level of the Appeal. All parish supplies for the
t .! ~a~~t!e~gn~~!~~~~!}~!f,~~~ has ~.
Apostolic Delegate "Meets With Pope
address the group. He will explain the several changes that will be incorpora:fed into this year's Appea~. Mr. Suilivan will ' give particular attention to the
Magnani, 24 Reed Avenue, North Mayhew, . 6 Clarendon Street, Boston. Attleboro. Sister in Religion , Rev. Mr, Bernard J. A. Lavoie; Rev. Mr. Smith is the brother san of Mr. and Mrs. Hermenegilde Lavoie, 207 Leonard Street, of Sister Mary Padraic, R.S,M.. stationed at St. Joseph's ConFall River. Rev. Mr. Robert W. Dowling, . vent, Fall River. He attended son of Mr. ,and Mrs. Reginald E. Holy Family grammar and high Dowling, 21' Notre Dame Street, schools in New Bedford and received his bachelor's degree from. Fall River. Rev. Mr. Roger J. Levesque, Providence College. His studies for the priesthootl son '()f Mr. and Mrs. Romeo we,re undertaken at St. Philip L~vesque, 119 Reney Street, Fall Neri School and Boston College River. Rev. Mr. Daniel F. Moriarty, and also at St. Mary's Seminar~ son of Mr. and Mrs. Patrick 1.. 'Purn to Page Sevenieea
visiting with His Eminence Franeis Cardinal Spellman, Arch.bishop of New York. Referring to his meeting with ttle Pontiff, 'Archbishop Vagnoz. zi, a veteran 'diplomat, said he told the Holy Father he is "a little bit afraid at the prospect of going to such a big job Approximately 200 Catlto- . as' Apostolic: Delegate to the lic 'men from Sou~heastern U.S. "The Pope laughed and, tapMassachusetts and Rhode Island will gather at the ping himself on the chest with REV: MR. SMITH
Serrans To Hold Meeting Tonight In Taunton
with Pope John was in effect. r.eunion. He had been counselor at the nunciature in Paris for a time when the Pontiff - tb!a Archbishop Angelo GiuseIJl)e Boncalli - was Apostolic Nun. -. France. Archbishop Vagnozzi, wIle eomesio the U. S. after serving as Apostolic Nuncio to the PhUippines, said CYf his half-hour 'lI1Inl to PaA'e Pourteen
Taunton Inn tonight for a joint meeting of the four Serra Clubs .,. in the area. . CIS The men, who have dedicated f , themselves to fostering religious Sister Mary Margaret, the former Anna Agnes Franc... vocations among young men and New Bedford-born Franciscan Mi58ionary of Mary, will ... young women, are members of clubs representing the Attleboro serve her Golden Jubilee as a nun on April 29 in India. i.............. .. . Thirty-five years of her'life as a Sister have been speM District, Fall River, New Bedford and Providence. , ill India. Her bl'Qther, Frank World War I she was »eGal'l_ Dr. Frederick Rosenheim, a T. Francis, retired postal from I,ndia to Switzerland where ~: NEW YORK (NC)-U.S. economic programs are the .:\, .:f'Rtral battleground in the cold war against communism, convert from Juda'ism to Cathol- . employee, lives at 22 Bo}"- Me did nursing among the siek icism, will deliver the 'main and wounded &Oldieps of sevet'aI ~~n J. Gilhoole.y., U.S. Assistant Secretar.v of Labor has· address at the dinner, which will den Street, New Bedford. nations. red . , start at 7::l0 following a social Sister Mary Margaret left New After the War, Sister Malty .. Addressing the Catholi~' hour. Bedford on Jan. 1, 1908 for the Margaret returned to Rome and file rest of the world over to the . n's League of the New Russians." The Attleboro District Club is ,con~nt life and has never I'e- then to Trivandrum, Coclrla sponsoring the meeting, with its turned home. She went first to Province, India. There she taught t·/··.....~k Naval Shipyard, the Declaring U. S. weapons are president, Eugene Farrell of the Motherhouse of the Order in Christian Doctrine elasses ft)r :,:?,J-"WKl'if" Department official two-fold - military assistance . ' . ted the U. S. has "adopted and economic assistance - Mr. Mansfield, serving as the general Lyons, France, and from there children and adults and carried to Fribourg, Switzerland, where ". !!trat~gy of ~rward defe~se" Gilhooley added "the military chairman. He will also be the she was invested on Apl'il 29, on similar classes in the outtoastmaster. lying villages. She also taugbt '. dealIng WIth commUnIsts, operation ~s a holding operation," painting to the children. Among the guests will be Most 1009. .: he called "global wolves," but "the economic programs are Sister is still active and ill .. After receiving ber habit, Sissaid this strategy, which today the eentral battleground in Rev. Russell J. McVinney,' D.D;; Bishop of Providen'ce; the Most ter went to. Rome :ior study in present attached to 8t. Helen" "our fil'st line of defense 1Ibe cold war." preparation for an assignment t!:':onvent, Lovedale, lJllgap_ the frontiers of freedom," is "If we lose that sector," be Rev. James L. Connolly, Bishop .. ~ia. M . . CMlibHK ut JIl!o¥mee; South lDdiL 'hI'Il .. Pa&;e EtcIKeea eDIT aMeNative to tuPnini ~u..n .. Page E"~ ~.
CYO in Holy Name parish, New Bedford. Among the group's outstanding proj,ects has been the raising of hun?reds of dollars for the new BIShop Stang Regional High School.
":., ,'"lfresses American Aid Programs ',~.~ to Halt Communism Spread
New Bedford Native to Observe Nun in I,ndia Golden Jubilee
'".,. F··':'·t~·, u ure
'_. ··D··-e··'m-'.··an· ." ds... Growth ' .' . . '. '.
·....DIOCESE. 01" PMilL. RIVER•.. MASe.
" 2' . ,
In Catholic' ·ECI.ucClti()n·':·
'Thurs., April 9, 1959
S. Catholics Send Millions To Koreons
. Dr. Urban H. Fleege, heAd 9f the department of educa-' tiOIl DePaul' University, Chicago, presented, a . series of statistics future educatiooaI' growth in,Catholic colleges aDd .universities. Speaking. to college eduea-' mean a minimum of more than SEOUL (NC) - ' Catholto 45 000 teachers in grades and tors ·at the NCEA 56th /high schools alone, exciusive of Relief Services National .Annual Convention in Atlanthose needed to replace teachers Catholic Welfare Conference, tic City, Dr. Fleege main- who.die, quit or retire. , the largest BOn-gove.rnmen~ tained that radical steps must; As for expenditureS, Dr, Fleege' aI relief agency in Korea, during be taken to provide for the needs said they' will be "astronomical," . .1958 distributed 65,000 tons 01. • our educational system.. costing Catholic institutions 'for foodstuffs provided· by the By 1970, he said, two students expansion' in facilities about United States Department of will be in college for' every one~ $1.5 billion. by 1970, exclusive of Agriculture. today. The population· boom land costs, if they keep pace\vithAccording to a report released causing this Will produce "con-:' oth'er colleges and universities. by CRS-NCWC here the 65,000 Iliderably more severe" conseHe said' present' cost of the tons was valued at seven m'illioa quencel} for Gatholic education,' entire Catholic educational. dollars. De declared. structure is ·not known, but if, In addition, used clothing anel Catholics, he Continued, have based. oil ·the cost per' pupil in fQOtwear, supplied by the' U. S. been increasing "more than 40 public ~ education . it . 'comes' to Bishops' Thanksgiving clothing per cent. faster that the rate of: about $1.9 bilIi~n a year or.more , collection,. was·given to: orphanpop,ulation as: a whole." Yet, it than $10..million..ev.e.ry ~hool 'ages, old peoples'. homes and has been estimated that today day. The Cathoiic college. and · victims of the .disastrous flooda .only ~ per. cent of Catholic' . university share of this is about that hit Korea in Septembea, . youths attending. college ,are in , ,$376 million.' each .tr~ditional 1958.' . Catholic institutions, he a.dded.· school year, he said. ~ By th.e early 1980!s,- there will' 'J' New Type College . Medical Supplies , . (. be nearly 80 million in s.chools, . ,Among the possibilities. sug-., , Medical ~upplie's tot~ling . i Of all kinds as compared' ·today...... gested to deal' with these p,robtons and valued at $600,000 were with a little more than 40 mil-: 'lerns, Dr. Fleege listed a new supplied to Catholic hospitab . liOn, Dr. ,Fleege·predicte<i:,.. type of CatcoliccoIle"e· that and clinics throqghout Korea by Need For 'teachers " would be built· not as a separate CRS-NCWC. ,By 1966, he continued, c:ath-' . institution, but in ·the viciilHY; During tiieyear CRS-NCWC '..., olicgrade schools may enroll.. if· not on the campus, of' the supplied and financed 120 :teed.' 'about 5.8 million students,' high heavily endowednon-s~ctarian' ing stations where one meal • schools about, ·1.2 million and uJllversities and adjoining'State day' was supplied to' poor Ko... college's about '450,000: This will universities., ~ ., . · eans. In September, NCwe ,. "Let the heavily finanoed' inleedingstations were used to stitutions carry the main burden ·feed '. the ,thousands of flood Of. educating our yout~ . : . Let ·victims. Unobjectionable for 'general us design' a .curriculum ·includin,g,... In cooperation with the Office patronage: Li~tle Savage, Sad philosophy, . theology, certaiIi·,. ~ OBSERVES' 'ANNIVERSARY: :ae:v.Lawrence D. Su};., for ··Economic· Cooperation CRSHorse. penetrating coursesiri .t~e.hti-·'}!ivan·. C:s.C.· .of Holy' Cross Fathers Mission House, North NCWC spo'ns6red 76' assimilation . Unobjectionable. for adults: ~ities,' biology.and 'the ·social Dartiri6tith,' 'is':.. sho~ "c.elebrating his' Silver Jubilee Mass. Naked Maja (Note: Certain his- I sciences in' which our system.of . projects for the resettlement of torical references itl' tpis film . values" has greatest 'revelance'," Edward 'J. ,Hartnett; C;S.C.,. served as deacon. A Choir :r'efugee ·families on the land. are to' be Judged' as caricature.: .~ he said in' proposing what. would. of Holy.Cross Fathe!s Selllinary a~. North Easton provided Furthermore the rating is based be taught in such new Catholic music.'" . . .Drama Oft the pictUre content and:-:is institutions.' , ' ~ ~TARRYTOWN (NC)-The Nanot to be interpreted as a sanctional Catholic Theatre Con,fe.. tion of proposed advertising.) .. ~ T~ Broad'c'ast':Drama: ence will' conduct a drama critiObjectionable in p~t. for:a~: . cismclinic Saturday, April l-J..' Room at the Top. ·(Not.e: ,The Of Saint/s·Lif~· treatment involves' gr-oss ..sug" wihe Cure' of Ars," .the famous~ : RENSSELAER (N-C) ~ Father meeting over which Father Her-' under the sponsorship of Marygestions in costu,ming, dia~og~and 'French Priest who .confessed: John E:Byr-ne, C;PP"S" of Day-' bert'· Kramer, C.PP:S., societ~·· ·mount College here in New YorJ[ situattons. Moreover it· ;tl:mds to more than a. million PEiOpie .in his tori' has heen elected' provinciaL moderatQr gene!,a!:i~ Rome, pre- State... arouse undue sympathy' ·for an lifetime has been m<\de:tt~e,sQb-' . of th-eA1ne'r,ica~'P!ov'inceo(.the'sided.·:-" " adulteress.) ject pf . ~noriginal: :half hour: ~ociet~ o~the-'Prec~otisBI~od:.,;, . "Sticceedi~g Fathe; Byrne as Delicious . . , •. . . radio.' drama.: :'. . . Father Byrne succeeds;Father vice. provincial is Father Isadore Treat Mass.Or-do " . 'Th~s drama. wlll be.· broad~ast . Seraphin W.',Oberhauser, C.PP,S.,. A. 'McCarthy, C.PP.S., pastor in · . .',.r.'; '.J.~ : ' . .." ~ye~ .WN.B~ ".. ~~~,~lay' ev~nm~,·. who served two six-year ten.ns ' Falls :Church, Va. 'The president , FRIDAY-:M~s#..~,I>.r~~l~qs,~u~.:;, ,J\~~ll"12 at:6~~p ~~;:'oti:le.C~~h,<'>~lC \': atth~ql1ioproVinciaIhQuse:." ',. of St::;T6seph's College here i~ · day. SlmpJ~<~~lil!e;'.·. :<~e8;tel'l' o/ulJd .()fl'1e~::<I~~~f~r~.:.... :: .The::;~ci~t~ . of. tl1~ ::r~c~~\ll!i Indiana,,'·' Fatl!er.,' Raphael H.; Proper; <:l,tft~~;, . pre~~ce", .of, ; ',,!J:1e guild's r;ewest drarIll,l ,wa~ :Blood;,~<.>tt:n~e,d,:{m IB!5 .1~·.,It~lY!j Gros~~!.:,(,::.'~~'~" ::will be s~cond Easter..,:.".,:, "c.,.' .' . . ,~rltten by gUlld, memb~~,~a~; .. ~a~: ~BO: !?raest~I~~~f7?m~a<;,~..;i . consu1tor~";' . . . .. ' j ' ',. . ,. :""uel Almada : , '.,:.-\. ":;'·ing'miss~ot:taryani:l·pap~h.\Vork.; :. ':S . .:' .• , ;.,.., . ; . . , .ATUR.D~X.;· .St. Leo I, ...~ope;·" , .·The : Cure', 'of~s:> (Samt.. ··:','th~~,.l\itiehcapp.r9.~iri(:~:ha~.12J~. . 9t~er .. pr~vmclal, offlcers are: . Confesso,r" . poctor . .of .. the:, . John Vlanne3:".),>bec~~e-.,~ele-:i, ;prie~ts,:;reiJrE;sent~d' ,ili "40.di~ , Fat~er;H.~~,?ld· V, 'plH~r, C.PP.S..:, ., Church:;D?u.ble. Whl;~e.; ~~.~~~i,L ,bra!E;d as a ~onf~~~o~}~~~ 'W,t~r ,:o'ceses ,and .'arChdiOee§eiAlndin' , of DaytOI?-. ~~~r~t~9T and Fathe~." Proper; .~l~rla; Cree~,. ~r~f:c~.;' ·Century. P~I;'le;.O£~~.. w~lt~~. ~.:. O,hiie; '~'" ,:~._/, .NQrbe,f~; }?~~let:Jl)!!_n, ,C,PP,S.'" of Easte.t:· ... ' . : . r··.· ,,' " days or more m 'QI:d,rj W;t*.:c9Q~.:· '. F th"~ B' :.:; ,: 'lected' t Sanborn; WIS;, ·t~easurer. . euNDAY'~ ,~I' . ,sun~a'y,,"Aft~/ : f~Sse~' I;Yl~~1n'~i~ .-ra;a~~~;~i.rl> ·ic~: et: yrne ~~~s .\" ~a.; <. c; .:':.: :.:- ;,.: '"
Legion of Decency
Clinic .
.Fathe'rJohn ,BYr.r.e 'Heads 'American Precious Blood Society Province,
,<-.,' .
'>;:.:' ./
:Dou~l<:,: WJll~e M~s~:.
Easter. .. Proper; Glo~la; Creed; Preface of E~ste~. :. . ' .... MONDAY ~ S( H~Ifu'enegild,: Martyr.' Sinlple. Red:' Mass> Proper.; Gloria';' 'Preface" 'of '" Easter.' . .... '0
YUES'DAY-.St. Justin, .. M~ro/r.:
Double. Red.' Mass Proper;. Gloria; Second Collect '58. :Ti-' burw(·andComi:>an.iiin;· Mar.> tyrs; 'Preface:'of 'East~r.;:'.'~:.: :~;,
>" " •.
de:is guth:s;:an~~r: iP:"~hi~~. ':. i: ~:~H'onor:Two Me"" :.: '.,1''1M"','E·.~~ I!~EI.L· EllER 'the Saint turnEfd ihemoSt·J:l~pe:.:';~8AS .eITY (N~)-C~aii'~'\ l~parish. iri. )'ranfte into. the.' 'iPanJohnA.McCon~..of tl?:e' -;EiEc"'RIC~l ~9st frui~uI and· f~o~s par-ish .;4tonu c Energ~~ Comrrii~i6n ~nd : . ' . . ,. Ch.ristopher ~"BellLis '-S.Sena~ot Stuart SymJngto.n. ..CONTRACTORS ·!:'..
'PJ;6-'U, ductio~. director.:. and . Fl~reD(Je:. o! MJ,$s.cwr!.w.i.l1 r~eiy~ ponQrary : ReSideD'ial .:.. Commerolal Mell,oi the. ?1"g~!1i-st..... '. .' . . ' .':' degrees: .frolD.. Jes~it"operated. .. .. ,... industrial · -, '. :.. '.-. Rockhurst· College here in .Mis.. ·,saur1.on Thllrsday, April.i6~~ .' "633 8r~~way. Fall River , The niorithlYb~iness. meet...;.. . ... " . OS 3·1691
Ma4e . Rit~ . C.hips C, •
Swansea: t< of C..
~~ ~ h~~i~ihe~~~~~r" "P~.;~i~T'8~J,~y,Rt
Knights of Cohimbus, Monday, INSURANt:£ AGENCY WEDNES~iY-Mass of the Pre- April ·12. at the Council 'Home, . vious ·Sunday. Simple. White. Milford Road, Swansea. . All Kinds Of InsUrance Mass' Proper; Gloria; Preface The meeting wHl' be presided 96 WILLIAM STREET. of Easter. ' over by ·Grand Knight Lloyd HEW BEDFORD. 'MA .. S8. •, J'arvis. ·Following a short busi, ----''---TH-E-AN-C...:I1;;..O..:R'--.:..;,......;..;,.;.;;.. , . neSs meetiQi Council\ Lecturer DIAL WY 8~51'53 SeeoBd-class mall privilea'ea authorilled Raymond Bachand will intraPersonal :'5efvice .. Fall River, Masa. Publisbed eve-" duce the Rev. Bernard Sullivan 0 I'hunda, at by 410 the Highland' of' St. Mary's Church, ·Norton. ,., ""'!"!'---_----------:~ River, Mas••, CatholicA.venue. Presa of Fan the DiOcese'of Fall River. Subscription price , Father' suliiva'n" was" 'ei:'; llIr mail, poatpald S4.00 1101', ~ea~. dairied the early . Part 'Of' this year and st. Mary's Church was :. PLUMBING' & HEATING, INC. FORTY HOURS his frrst assignment ' :for Domestic ,. . · Warden John C; .Oliveira 'Jr, , 1··~.·· '. '. & Industriai . : DEVOTION' " :. announced that the Shuffle :~"Sa1es and. Board' contest will t>e reSumed' Apr. 12-St., P.aul, !faunton. Oil BUri:iears .Service foUowiIig the meeting. S1: JOM tbeBaptist, Fall WY ·2-9447.. ' .. River. 2283 ACUSHNET. AYE. Co'nfirrftcii-ions " .' ~; 19-:0ur Lady of the Holy . ,', I .' .... , NEW BEDFORD . 'Rosary; New Be.dford:' '. April ·~~Suriday-·· . '. .' . Holy Ghost, Attleboro. ~ 2:00 P.M. .bur 'Lady ~i. Per":'.. .;.;.~.;..;;.._ _..... April 26-St.: Michael,. Ocean· . . pettial Help; New·Bedford·.· p' Grove. . .. , '. < . - • ... ' ......, .:00 P.M.' I a c u fid·e . Our Lady of t1'ie'lmmacuConcepliOn;" New":Bedford.' ' late COnceptiOn, Fan '7:30 P.M. St. Casimir, New River. ; :. Bedford> c ' . : "COMPLETE ~ur Lady of the immaculate Conception, April l~MoDday. 7:30 P oM. LAUNDRY SERVICE North Easton. . St. Michael, Ocean ~ Grove. . . ' " . .., . 64 HICKS STItED at. Vincent's ~;P8U · 'APrillbTuesd87'~ 7:30 P.M; " . NEw BEDFORD Rive},.·;.':···.·: . St. AntliOn¥ of Padua, F~·._:~" .;.Wy~, 3-4777' st. Mary, Rebronville.
EA:R''L'.. ' LJ.. · ."Ity
'New ~ Bedford & Acushnet C&-oPerative B~ks' Famous Reading CleOn .B"..ning COAL SHfU"'PREMIUW HEATING' OilS . .' -
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Identification Office', Cataldo Addresses Hyannis K of C County Identification Officet" Louis Cataldo warned the lack of respect evident in today's teenagers is the primary cause of the current increase in juvenile crime. Addressing the 35th annual communion breakfast held in the Hyannis Inn by the, Father McSwiney Council 2525, Knights of Columbus, Mr. Cataldo scored the widening disregard which American children have for their families and teachers and assert that wanton acts such as the complete disregard of public
Editor Stresses Spiritual Value Of Daily Work
Medical Award
GEORGE M. MONTLE Plumbing - Heating
806 NO. MAIN STREET ' OS, 5~74~7
Fall River'
Bavarian Pa!;tor Sees Stigmatic Suffer
KONNERSREUTH (NC) Theresa Neumann, German stigmatic whose annual suffering of Our Lord's Passion on - Good Friday has attracted world-wide attention, is reported agaiIi to have bled from wounds similar to those suffered by Christ in the Crucifi·xion. Theresa Neumann is now 60 years old a~d in poor' health. As a result, visitors were not permitted to see her, Only the village pastor, Father Joseph Naber, remained with her. A number of American servicemen were among the estimated 8,500 pilgrims attracted to this tiny Bavarian village on Discussing the work of the main u Good Friday.
speaker, Mr.Catalso, prior
the Communion Breakfast
are: seateq' (left tq right), District Deputy Alban Duches,neau, ~~lirhaven; Grand Knight John" J. McConnell, Hyannis; and Supreme Council Representative Frank Fraher, Wareham. Standing (left to right) County Identification Officer Lou is Cataldo, Hyannis; main speaker and Committee Chairman Paul S. KeaveY,West Yarmouth.
Gets New Post VATICAN CITY (NC)-Pope John has named Msgr. Gioacchino Sormanti as ~ubs~itute Secretary of the, Sacred Congregation of Rites. He succeeds Msgr. Enrico Dante who waa earlier ilPpoi~ted Pro-Secretar, of the congregation.
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THE ANCHOR Thurs., April 9, 1959
property and social institutions was the result of this lack of respect. Citing several recent cases which had come to the attention o( the sheriff's department, Mr. Cataldo explained that the phen_ omenon of juvenile crime was not confine,d to any particular social or economic strata but was equally ,prevalent in all groups. "While juvenile crime is not the problem on Cape Cod that it is in urban areas it still is a matter of great concern to law enforcement agencies here," said Mr. Cataldo. . He also charged. that the flouting' of moral and ethical standards by motion pi,cture and television producers contributed to the rise in teen-age crime. "Much of the killing and sen'suality which can be found on TV and motion pictures can' be attributed to the Communist infiltration in these mediums," Mr. , Cataldo said. , More than 80 co'uncH members attended' the brea,kfast after the 7 o'clock, 'Mass in 'St, Francis Xavier Church; Paul S. Keavey was 'chairman, and guests in-' eluded District peputy Alban Duchesneau' of Fairhaven and supreme council representative Frank Fraher of War~ham.
DETROIT (NC) It is through his daily work 'that the layman is to carry oil the mission of Christ, Philip Scharper, editor with the, Sheed and Ward' publishing compa'{ly, pointed out to delegates at the biennial convention of the Na-: tional Council of Catholic 'Men, ,A worker should realize that his tasks "have ultimately only the value which Christ has put. upon them, and the value which He has put upon them is im, mense," Mr. Scharper said. , "We are to make the, world' hQly by offering it to Christ," he continued. "We clmnot, then, , make the world holy by standing aloof from' it, .. We, can make the w.orld holy only by entering into it and bearing witness, say-' ing in effect to those around us: ' 'This is how a Christian lives. This is how a Christian works.' ~ Although modern America has a "work-centered economy," Mr., Scharper declared, "most Americans look on work as though it were to a great degree by its very nature, almost' by defini,tion, something non-creative something tiresome, something to be undergone and undertaken, 'but not something to which a man can if\ any way give him&elf in commitment.~' "': Expression of, Love Even Catholics, he said; "tend' to look on work ... from Ii pure;.' ", if 'human' point of view, -' or, III 'least we don't look at 'work ih tile 'pe~spective of GOd's plan for' 'man." ' " Laymen, Mr. Scharper declared, should "anticipate the" theologian" in this ma,tter anll' "provide ,by our experience'; our' ,I reflections upon' our expeti~nces, our experiments, -the 'r'aw' material fi-om which thetheoiogian 'hiinself might then devise an adequate'theology of ,,;vol-it:" " The speaker urged laymen to model their attitude toward work on that proposed in Scripture. In the, Old Testament, he, , pointed out, God Himself is de": ' scribed as a worker 'in creating the world and man. In the New Testament, he continued, St. Joseph was a carpenter and, according to' tradition" Christ Himself for many years practiced the same trade; "His work was the expression of His love," Mr, Scharper commented. PHILADELPHIA (NC)- Dr. J. Bernard Schaeffer of Jefferson Medical College has been named recipient of the Shaffrey Award given by the Medical Alumni Association of St, Jo-, seph's College. A pioneer in diabet~s research Dr. Schaeffer's activities cover many fields. During his 34 years at Jefferson Medical Coll,ege he has taught almost 7,000 students. The award is named in memory of Father Clarence E. Shaffrey, S.J" priest, physician and professor, who headed St. Joseph's ,pre-medical department untii his death in 1947. \
'DIOCt!:e.; 0\0"
Balancing the Books
Praises Williamsonls Vivid, Tragedy of ,Mo'ry Tudor,
-TH£ ANCHOR Thurs., April 9, 1959
.Puerto Ricans Join Existing Church Life
By Rt. Rev. Msgr. John S. Kennedy I doubt that for every hundred books about EJizabeth I there is one about Mary Tudor,' who preceded her 'on' the throne of England (1553-1558). The generally recognized~" principal reasons are that Elizabeth was the more brilliant of the two, that her reign ized plots against Mary and lasted 40 years longer,_and sent into England subversive that under her Engl~nd literature., ' , came out of the doldrums. Others, like William Cecil,'
NEW YORK (N€)-National parishes often establi§hed in the past to ajd new immigrant groups will not be' founded for the thousands of 'Puerto Ricans' entering the city annually~
Less generally recognized as a Eliza~th's cHief ,.c;:ollaborator, chief reasoh for the difference made a show of abandoning their in the. esteem '. Protesta~tism, ,but secretly adthey get is the ,hered firmly to it, As, for Elizaf act of' 'their beth herself, she paraded indireligious differcations of Catholic conviction ences. Mar y , and pietY,'but at best she was a skeptic. d aug h t e r of Cat her i n e ' 9ppose Restoration _ SACRED, HEAR'l'S ACA.UEM;Y SCHOLARSHIPS: of Aragon, was However,Othe main so'urce of Receiving scholarships to the Fall.River Academy are front a' devout Cathresistance to re-establishmf.mt of (left to right) Rita Sullivan, Academy Elementary School olie'; Elizabeth, the Catholic Chl1rch was the d aug h t e r of large category of men who had and ,Mary': Elizabeth~ Jette, . St. Joseph's School. Rear (left Ann e Boleyn, profited materially from its ex- 'to right), Bernadette Lima, Sacred Hearts School and Gerwas the Propulsion and the alienation of its aldine Aguiar, Davis School. Misses Sullivan and Jette.won testantizer . 0 f property. There were now in England. Mary has come down ,in possession of lands and buildings full scholarships, while Misse~ Lima and Aguiar were win. history as'a kind of villainess, a which had once supported and ners of partial scholar,ships. ,,' harsh fanljlti'c who savagely per- hOllsed religious communities. secut~d Protestants; Elizabeth in They proposed to retain them. contrast, is considered a great' ,Anything which represented a Chari~ . , _ heroine, her name synonymous threat to their doing so" they with enlightenment, freedom, would fight. ,Agreeable or indif. I J progress. That these reputations, ferent to the 'restoration of the POZNAN (NC) - Catholics', do not share this impression, are egregiously out of keeping old religion, they would be ferthroughout the world, particu- particularly' after my recent conwith the facts, only a relatively ociously against it if it entailed. larly those in ·the U. S., have a ,tacts with the broad world of the, , 'few people versed in the history, any loss of holdings 'or 'revenues great interest in the Church in ',UniverSal Church." of the sfxteenth ~enturyr~al~z~: 'to .th~mselves. . ' Poland, the Primate of Poland Covers All Costs Compact, Readable Mary, made' mistakes. One of has said. At. the same tim~' The Cardinal'singled out Car-. h I d be Stefan Cardmal WyszynskI . 1 C h' . Their, number' sou ' . them was her martillge to Philip th k d R' h d C d' I C h dma us mg for speCIal thanks. swelled'- by Hugh Ross William- II, son of the Emperor Charles V. . an e ' I~ ar ,ar m~ us He said that when the Boston , son's compact, vivid' and read- Against all 'cpunsel, she stub- mg". Arch~lshop of Boston, .~or prelate "learned that the Polish able book The Conspirators'and 'bornly insisted on the making he.l~mg . hIm. to s~pport Pol.lsh Primate had trouble in maintainthe Crown' '(Hawthorn' BO,oks.of the match. It was decidedly ~emmarlans and prIests studymg ing the Polish institutions which $3.95), which .is subtitled "~he unpopular. ~ In Rome. train young Polish priests. in true story C)f Elizabeth and Mary Council Too Large, From All Sidefl Rome be caine 'to me and said Tudor." '. She was unfortunate.in much Cardinal Wyszynski said "there that he would cover ail the obliMr. Williamson has made use else. Her' council, for example, was great.'interest.in Poland" 'at ,gations·and debts of these instiof' documents dealing with , was so large as to Pe unwieldy; the conclave in Rome at WlilC ..... h ,'tutions;,' Mary's t~rm of ,queenship which confusion rattier than' c18rity -'His Holiness Pope John was i'This was a token of Divine have never before been available. marked its discussion of and. elected. Providence,. because in this way On these, and on other research,' d .. . lb' the institutions and. colleges have on,_ .crucla usmesS. HI was pleased;" the Cardinal he has ' b'ased what he calls DeClSlOns, a firm foundation and can "neI'ther a biograp'hy' of Mary ea th t 00 k. .h er a bl es t an d most Said, "that the most minute Iu t e mInIS t er, G ar d'lner, ',.an d thing happening in Poland is im- quietly continue to work. We · t f h . " reso 'have 22 ,yo~g prl'ests there and' Tud or nor a h IS ory'o errelgn " but "an' attempt to, present the the assistance of Reginald ,Pole mediately known in' the whole ~ was denied her until it was too world, Whenever I was in the in the colleges there 'are 17 relationship between Mary and Polish acolytes." Elizabeth from the time when late, corridors, questions were heaped Elizabeth's first attempt had No matter how, often one re- upon, me ceaselessly from, all one is al- . SI'des-from ,Sydney to Bombay failed until Mary's' death, four .....v iews Mary's history,' I ;: and one-half years' later." ways. struck "and, chagrined, by to Montreal," he continued. Mary' is known as "Bloody the failure of Catholic ,princes, - . . ' , . ' "It sometimes seems to us that ,and evel! the Pope, to realize her -... " Mary." The epithet suggests that , predicam'ent, her purposes and. we, are isolated," Cardinal wyshe, dealt almost indiscrimin- the weighty consequence of what szynski commented adding~ "I ately in murder. Yet she spared Elizabeth. This fact alone" in they did in her, regard. , , view of Elizabeth's complicity in, The. King of France, for exif not initiation' ;f,<. schemes' to ample' sought to get her out:- of kill Mary" should, rid Mary of the way and put Elizabeth on Elecfrico) the throne. ,This would be in 'his, the stigma once and for all. political interest.' ,That it would' Cont,oct~s That Elizabeth was deeply inbe disastrous for the religion "olved in such schemes, Mr. • which 'he himself professed, ,did Williamson unchallengeably es, tablishes. The web of conspiracy, not give him any con'cern. 464'~d St. he traces out meticulously. Its· -', And the Pope, Paul' IV, had strands are farflun"g, its intricacy an acute antipathy to' anything FALL. 'RIVER dizzying. But always the center,.is Spanish; which caused him'to . South Sea Sis. wherever ;Elizabeth, hai>i>ens' 'to pursue 'a policy detrimental to OSborne 2-2143 -be. " , " M a r y and, ultimateIY,to. the ' Tel. HY 81 Rejects Advice 0 ch~nces o~a Catholic revival in ' Hyannis Mary had '~very' reason to dis- England. . , ' , patch the daughter of the schemLose Calais. ...:. ~ ing woman who replaced her ~ ill-advised war with Fra~ce, .. mother by the' side of Henry at Philip's instance, led to the loss VIII. Her councillors advised 'of; Calais, which had been 'in that she ,do so. Foreign observers English ihands for 200' years. . were convinced that it was folly . It is true that the fall of that not;. to. Buf Mary stood fast port. city was engineered by agaiost it., She was ,far more English Protestant, traitors" but principled and lenient than it was the war whiCh g3lve,them t' I Elizabeth-was to prove when her, the occasion for their ill deed; turn' at the throne came. Losing Calais was a 'bitter blow Mr: Williamson represents to English pride and :J,!:nglish Mary as She was: a short, dumpy; pocketbooks; the odium of it near.,sighted, earnest woman', her attached 16 Mary. ' WHARF FAIRHAVEN, MASS. ..:. youth gone and age come pre- • Even the weather was against maturely. upon, her in chancy her. One of the summers of her. ~ health. With little of Elizabeth's brief 'reign was' the worst in' geni~s; she was tremendously memory, with torrents of rain brave, never flinching in the fact' day, after day, and resultant of, multitudinous difficulties and floods, crop failures, famine. . dangers as mortaI.as they were In norie of her purposes did she immediate. succeed., She did not thwart 'When she began to rule Eng- Elizabeth's s;'ccession, She did " land, ,the Protestant tide was not rool ouf'heresy. She did not already running strong. It had r~turn Engl~nd to. membership o. set in during the last years' of in the Church Universal. _ Henry VIII, then came to a flood-, The fault, to some extenf, was during the reign of Henry's only. against her. Sh'~ was impeded, by '~ son, Edward VI. Mary sought to people who should, have done -~'APPLIANCES:' reverse it. ' everything to forward her inten'..; She met r~sista~ce, There were tions. And a~ways there were convinced adherents of the new th~ tolls of conspiracy reaching , religion who would not give it 'out from;England., " .. , ' ~ANCIS J., DEVIN! ' ARtHUR 'J~_ DOUCET 'up or simulate conformity. Many' : This is one' of the tragedies,of of these went abroad, and from history; extremely well 're363 ~heir,1Oreign, sanctuaries. organ- ,c,9..~ted~ '<.'.... ...~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Pri,mat,e", of" Poland High. in Proise' Of ,Cardinal- Cushing's.,
, Integra tion of these persons" most of them Catholics into eIi'sting Church life is the eornerstone of plans of Francis Cardinal Spellman, ArchbiSQop ()f New York, for their spiritual welfare.', I Msgr. James J. Wilson, coordinator of Spanish Catholic, Action, says more' than 35,000 Puerto Ricans imm-igrate in the Archdiocese annually. Their 10tal is DOW about 600,000. Msgr. Wilson said that, wherever possible, existing parishes ,will be urged to absorb the new-' comers in the hope of avoiding the "Irish towns" and "German towns" common· at the turn of the centll"ry in many areas. • He explained that "it 'will be a process of mutual education," adding ·that "the newcomers ' will have t() be urged to, enter into existing parish life and the older residents will have to be· 'encouraged to' accept them." The 'Monsignor revealed the total of Spanish-speaking priests,. many of Wihom. were -specially trai.¥ed in Puertp- Rico, now is 219: They are stationed in 61) parishes in Manhattan, 26 in the Bronx and 25 outside the' cdiy, he said.
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,r' /
Hollywood in Focus
Catholics in Ohio Advocate More .Aid for Ag~d
New Crime Films Suggest Improved Dramatic Insight
COLUMBUS (NC)-More liberal aid for Ohio's aged has been advocated by delegates at an Ohio Catholic
By WilHam' H. M~ing
Two notable new films dealing with criminal case histories by chance arrive together to suggest Hollywood'a dramatic insight into crime. "CQmpulsion""sensitively written by Ric'hard Murphy, from Meyer Levin's book and ,pl~a against the death sentenCe. intelligently produced, as a H~ winds up, however, by redebut effort, by young Rich- minding the young killers that ard Zanuck of 20th Century- life imprisonment may give them
. Welfare Conference. Over 100 clergy and laity delegates from the state's six Sees also favored: A higher state minimum wage law; a motio!) picture classification statute; a fair employment practices law; a study of the ample time to ponder' whose I'ox, deals with the atrocious migrant labor problem; more Loeb-Leopold "thrill-murder" of hand placed the eye-glasses as liberal tenant selection powers major evidence against them, inIi t tI e Bobby for the Public Housing Authorto possession ·of the pOlice. The Franks in Chiity; establishment 'of an alcoattorney professes to, be an ag-. cagL _. holism advisory board in the nostie but clearly he is thinking lti4, Department of Health; a 16-year of the hand of God. "AI Cal)(me," old ,minimum age for a motor "Compulsion" utilizes as una Marvin Waldscooters operator's license, and dertones the sordid, sensational Henry F, Greenmoderniz.ltion of the state's. unfeatures of the 'crime and spotberg biography employment compensation law lights the rebellion against au- .. .. the infamous with increased benefits, longer tho.rity and morality which langster, who benefit periods and modification 'transformed two talented young with the connivance of corrupt COMPETITIVE EXAMINATION LEADERS: Four year of some restrittions. men into unconscionable crimadministrators, founded a still tuition scholarships have been awarded by Dominican AcadThe dele,dates voiced opposiflourishing underworld empire. inals. demy, Fall River, to Pamela Audet (seated) St. P~trick's tion to: a simple majority in the Capone' Story .. released by Allied Artists. School; standing (left to rig-ht) Colette Janson, St. Anne's Legislature for approval of a Rod Steiger's portrayal of AI Both these films serve to illu8- Capone follows a similar pattern, . bond issue as not representative \rate that the pathological, psy- alt~ugh this' story examines the School; and Rita Chouinard of St. Anne's School. of the community; a mandatory ehological and moeal quirks of mia-spenl'life of a crudely illitdriver-training program in the Ibe criminal mind andtbe hideschools; a Senate bill which erate, Brooklyn-born hoodlum eus evils these perpetrate against ..he» later became one of Amerwould take power from hospilOCiety and the' individual can ka's most venomously powerful tals iil deciding who would serve be frankly dramatized on the gangsters. DETROIT (NC)-The Worcester Diocesan Council of' on their staffs, and a bill to let t1ereen without objectionable emeducational, requirements for The Capone film naturally enphasis upon the sordid, sensa- tails lOme detailed presentation Catholic Men and the Msgr. Lannon Council of the Knights teacher certification on the of Columbus of Corpus Christi have been named first place ground that its language was lI60nal aspects of crime itself. of brutal, gang-land killings, but confusing. , AstI\roved for AduU. there is no attempt to glorify the winners in the 1959 National Catholic Action Award , ored io' the organizations eateBoth these films have been criminal as did most of Holly- Contest., Presents Program The awards are presented gory. liYeR Legion of, Decency ap0 wood's earlier gangster dramas. pl"i)val for adults. Both present The W or"ester council was On Obscenity' biennially by the National Embezzled HeaveD IlCting performances that fOr inKarly in February, this eolumD Council of Catholic Men "to selected, ,for the Mass program QUEBEC, (Nq-A three-point trospective persuasiveness rank was the first with the news of • give recognition to groups of which it has conducted. Under program to fight obscene literamong the finest ever seen on' vitally interesting, German-made laymen who have made outstand- the program a one-day diocesan the movies. institute was held in January ature waS- urged here by Justice movie ,based on Franz Werle!'s 'ing achievements in' the la,. 1958 to familiarize lay leaders Eugene Marquis of .the Quebec IR "Compulsion," Dean Stock- true, family story about ". apostolate." Superior Court. well (repeating his Broadway kitchen saint," called' 'EmAnnouncement of the winners with ways of promoting better He suggested: (1) the mobilizunderstanding of and participabezzled Heaven." atage role) and Bradford Dillwas made at the biennial NCCM tion in the Mass among Catholie ing of public opinioh against the The' National, Legion of De- convention. man are electrifying as the brilmen. sale of aU obscene material; (2) l1ant, young law students who cency, noting that "Embezzled Television A wardS concerted action by individuals La,. Participation eommitted murder to prove their Heaven" is "inspirational in The Council's first Catholie Since then similar institutes and organizations to promote "intellectua! and emotional su- tlieme, artil?tically produced, Television Arts Award were periority over the common h~rd." outstanding in entertainment presented to Pulitzer-prize win- Have been held in all deaneries good literature, pictures, and Their attitudes and actions, value and judged praiseworthy' ning author Paul Horgan, artist and all parishes of the See, objects, of high moral value; by, Catholic critics," not only Andre Girard and Msgr, John J. reaching the majority of Cath- and (3) insistence that the auprobed with decisive but delicate . reference to their degenerate re- gives it a family rating but adds Dougherty, professor of Sacred olic men in 'the diocese. Sponsors thorities take action against all lationship, point up, without di- a special commendation. Scripture at Immaculate Con- have cited' an increased use of infractions of anti - obscenity laws, This is the second film so recrect comment"the truth that inception Seminary, Darlington, missals among the laity and more frequent parish dialogue Masses. tellectual attainment does not, ommended in line with a direc-, N, J. The Msgr. Lannon K of C was of itself, afford immunity to tive of the Episcopal Committee The Worcester diocesan men's NO JOB TOO 81G chosen for its comprehensive mocal corruption. for Motion Pictu'res, Radio and' council was named to receive the Catholic information program Orson Welles, as their defence Television, 'The first, "The Inn Catholic. Action Award in the NONE TOO SMAU lawyer (called Wilk in the film, of the Sixth Happiness," was federations category, The Corpus which involves personal effort by virtually all of the 54 members but Darrow in real life), in one singled out by the Legion of De- Christi K of C Council was honof ~he fOllr-y~ar-old council. cency last December. ef the longest, most compelling Of the two I consider "EmGets State Post eourt-room "takes" ever filmed, SPRINGFIELD (NC)-Father makes an unusual and successful bezzled Heaven" by far the more PRINTERS deserving and it is to be hoped Patrick Wright, diocesan director that Catholic Action groups of schools, has been named a ••In Oftiee .nel Pl• • Actors Guild ' everyhwere get behind itS re- member of the Illinois Library lOWEll, MASS. NEW YORK (NC) Fred lease. Comm'tttee by Charles F, CarpenItelly has been named executive They might request local thea- 'tier, Illinois Secretary of State. Telepllooe Lowell BOYS WANTED for the .ecretary of the Catholic Actor. ter owners to book it and then CH. '-SISI _ . GL 7-7101 Priesthood and Brotherhood. Guild, succeeding the late George confidently organize local public lack of funds NO impedi. Buck. Mr, Kelly has resigned aa support for it. It is a heartment. associate producer of Roxy Thea- warmer for non-Catholics 'as Aax,".,.,. Plant. !ler stage productions to devote well as 'Catholics; • rare story, Write to: BOSTON full time to his new duties. exquisitely done in color. P 0, Box 5742 'OCEANP,ORT, N. ,. Baltimore 8, Md. PAWTUCKET, R. I. 'P,RINTING and ,~;,~.~
Worcester Diocesan"Men's Council Wins National Catholic Contest
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DIRECTOR AND APOSTOLIC DELEGATE: Archbishop Vagnozzi, prior to departure to the' U. S. confers with Msgr. Andrew P. Landi, left. of Brooklyn, director of the Rome headquarters of Catholic Relief Serviees-Ncwc. Me Photo. '
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.- ,...-~: €larif\ting'" Statement.':·::-';i~~:;f;t·~':;:~~;:?:!<~~<~{,.;-.::,~,,".·;:'::'~'" . ",,,,i·-!:'+-'w::-·,;:·, ..'" 'tl,··-,~,,~;;·,· .<,"t,..".". ,,~,.:,::,:" ,.;":,; '':'':;;-·'"·%t~>·~<·""",;..-·< l4!,:r::- -' .-iI'r ~ ,;~'_:, ,~,.,;,.,_. -:.l.??el':l.Wil:in~rpllW,.J.Y.l.a h,
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, '. . Since:.~e first' announced .that, he W;,lS c~~li~~ a~'~cumen"!Ie ' ''7VoI,. '. :'.-. . 'jr 1" Ical CouncIl" Pope "John has Issued sev~ral cl!l'rlfymg ~tate-·,· '" , ' . ':. ,,;.: ~: ..f·~?~ / ments:.', ,:' '. ':.' .,; .. ", -: .',,'. .' .. , :/:\:;;~; Th(p~urPose of th~se 'statements .has :been to' specify ...... ;.. / " '-:.-f\ -. the role 'of t-1')e, Council which will probably beheld in about' - / :../ ., two years. . '. .' . .:..
Weekly. Calendar Of Feast Days' TODAY.,..... St. Mary of Cleophas, Widow. She lived in the first century, one of the thr~ Marys who followed Christ from Galilee and who stood at the foot of the Cross at Calvary. She was the wife of Cl~ophas and the' Mother of the Apostle Sl James the Less. '
The latest announc~ment of the Holy Father states: ."The Ecumenical. Council wili give a magnificent §pectac1e on unity. It will show how united is th~ Holy Church of God.,. By· its very nature the meeting will serve as. an invitation to the separated brethren who call themselves Christians to return to the common fold. The leadership and protection of, that fold was given by Christ to 'blessed Peter by an irrevocable act of the Lord's will." The purpose .of the Pope's words- is undoubtedly to put to rest the view:""-hopeful but uninformed and unreaJistic--'of ·some p.rotestants that· the Council would give them an opportunity to meet 'on anequaJ footing with' the Bishops. of the ChUrch and·to work out some 8gr,t' of cOlllpromise on dOetri~e ~nd" disCIplil1e -acceptable .to'· ~IJ t]1e ·parti~s. concerned. ~. . '.,> . ·The.n(jn~Cathblics just· do .not 'ha~'e .the vte'w' of the: . Church:'that"C3:tholics'have: The Church'"i~,'after. all, .the Body :0£ :Ch-r1st:"Of "its. 'verY,nature, then,; :i:t;has::Christ as" 'its'invisible',Head::The visible :hea.d:Of,the,:Church is··the ,: Christ~appoint~d Peter and, his successor{,"~he'Bishop'o( , j
>":.. "
FRIDAY-St. Ezechiel, Proph·et. He lived in the sixth century, "B.C., and was one of the four greater prophets. He was the writer of a canonical Book 'of · Scripture. Tradition has it. that .he was put' to death while 'hi captivity in Babylon with the rest of the nation by one of the .Jewish headmen who, : 'had ,turned pagan. His grave', was '. ·piJgfimage: for' early Chi-.isUana. -J.~- ~ .: ~ _, .. ~.; ". : ,••.• : "i-" •• , •.•••
, SATURDAY-St., LeO· ·1· the
'. gre~.t~ '~ppe~c,()~!essqr;;;~c;tor· i~
".' R~ine.,,' ~.,,.: :,~ :.' These a·re·':fac·ts that canrtot'chan'ge' orhe" chti-hged. "There can be n()'eotnpiSinise~ noroH-eall vote on this' concept ,of the, Church~ , ".' This 'is the'~irrevocable act. of the Lord's wiW',that the Pope mentions; €hris,t willed that His' Churchbe:one,and' He founded' it upon..' Peter.. Peter still' speaks' 'and rules through John..' .. ' . C,
', •• ,:
__, '
(i·;Th~rs;,'April. ~,; 1,95~' ,
: . ~ THE ANCHO&
: ' . ' :,'
The Ecumenical Council and the Holy Father are prepared to show all kindness' and charity and courtesy toward. non-Catholics. They; are not prepi!red, indeed,. they cannot change, the "irrevocable act of the Lord's w,ill" placing His' Church under the leadership and protection of blessed Peter and his succe.ssor. With char~ty and understanding, the separated ,brethren must accept that fact.
BY REV. JAMES A. McCARTHY aoly Name Churclf-Fall River
, . In my prayer book, a'nuril-' ber' of the prayers are followed by parentheses containing the words for example (7 years" , 3 quarantines) I'm quite certain that this refers to the indulgence that can be gained, bu't what does "quarantine" The Nati6nal ,CathoHc Educational ,Association has mean? completed its annual meeting. The members"'have discussed, The parenthetical words are, the fact that the future presents a tremendous' challenge as you surmised, an indication of to Catholic education. . . the indulgence attached to the The next decade wili demand a physical expansion that prayer.."Quarantine" refers to a . eanbecounted,only in the hundreds:of·millions of dollars; period of forty days..The term quarantine is no long~r use,d . ·This· .will mean'sacrifices on the part of'every Catholic. since' ,indulgences are . '1 0 w The future will call:for teachers ,everyievel of 'education granted in direct terms of years ":"-from· pri~~rygrades to, university .d'ass~'s, Certainly only ~and days. 'The'years and days referred a portion,ofthese'can be religious'unlessthe vocation picture to in partial indulgences do not becomes brighter than present indication~ poil1t. 'mean that one's period in PurThe' suggestion has been made,' that perhaps some gatory'is shortened for the peri",grades in school·can· be, dropped ~ith9utJoo' much damage od of time' designated. It means to the education apostolate. The forecast s'urely indicates that the same amount of merit is that more and mQre children will'not have the opportunity " applied to the soul as' could' be gained by the equivalent period . for a Catholic education. I spent in" public penance. Public The 'educatorsand those in authority must decide<the . penance is a rarity today, but'. wisest ways of handling these and related problems. The in the early days of the Church one certain conclusion' is that the home must do more' in it was common arid in most ,cases quite severe. terms of Catholic education.
place of the bell on Holy Thursday and Good Friday. It is called a crotalum or tabula.
• '* •
SUNDAY - St. Zeno, BishopMartyr. He served as Bishop of Verona from 362 until his martyrdom in 371, at the time of Julian the Apostate. He is best 'remembered as an ecclesiastical writer of distinction, his main theme· being the virgin birt.h ~ Christ.
I 'find it difficult to get to Mass because of my age and for other reasons. What s~ould I'do? If one finds it impossible or MONDAY - St. Hermenegild; extremely difficult to attend Mass for any good reason,. v.g., Martyr. A Visigoth prince, he age, 'infirmity, combination of was the son of King Leovigild , great distance and la~k of trans- and was brought up as an Arian portation he is excused from this in the Court of Se,ville, He was converted by Bishop St. .Leander. obligation. In 'your ca'se, vancedage would excuse you. and his enraged father impris-:-.. If you can get to' Mass occasion- 'oned him. When he refused to ally, 'it would be good, but 'if 'return to Arianism, he was ·be': you' cannot, don't be 'disturbed. headed at the order of ·his father ~Get .in touch with '8' priest in' in 586. His brother, 'Recared, sucyour parish; he can bring Holy · ceeded to the throne, was conc;ommunion to you at your home. verted to, Catholicism' and ,. . . "brought',about the return of the nation ,to the faith. ,A recent.show on Broadway 'rUESDAY-St. Justin, Martyr. . had the title "Bell, Book and Candle". Does this phrase have' A native of Nablus, Palestine, he lived from about 100 to 165. He any significance in the Cathoalso is known as St. Justin the lic Church?· The bell, book and candle Philosopher. He was converted to Christianity when about 30 were symbols used in the greater years old by reading the Scripexcommunications in the Church .• * * Virtue is not something that is taught in school-it tures and witnessing the heroism in medieval times. After the What is the meaning ~f the is something that is done, is practiced. And the home is sentence of excommunication of martyrs. His two "Apologies word "imprimatur" which ap, for the Christian Religion"· and the place and the parents the teachers for this fl1ndamental was read, the book was slammed pears in the front of some his "Dialogue With the Jew Trywork of Catholic education-to inculcate virtue. closed, ,a lighted candle was books? phon" are classed among the thrown to the ground and the , The parents must be conscious of their teaching role. most inl;!tructive second-century / Literally imprimatur' means bell tolled as for one dead. They must see the Catholic school as supplementary to this "let it be printed". Permission Christian writirl:gs. He was be< * ',* but not a substitute for it. . headed in Rome, with a group of is required to put into print any other Christians. The parents must be equipped to be teachers. ·.This Catholic subject, particularly one What is a Devil's Advocate? means their own education must continue. A Catholic news- treating of doctrine, morality, WEDNESDAY - SS. Basilissa This is the popular name canon 'law or scripture. This perand Anastasia, Martyrs. They paper like The Anchor ha's a place here; Catholic magazines miSsion given to the Promoter of Faith, is issued by a diocese; and books can contribute. The parish library, suggested at approval by the bishop is neces- an official who takes part in were Roman noblemen who proceedings for the canonlived in the first century and the Catholic Library Association meeting, can bea bank of. ,sary before a writing bearing the, ization _of saints. During the were among the first converts. Catholic spiritual and intellectual material easily available teachings of the Church may be proceedings he offers all possi- They are said to have assisted published. Itis also required for to every parishionerronscious of his and her're.sponsibility ble objections to 'canonization, at the· buri~ls of SS. Peter and images set up for public devo- in. order to eliminate possible to be a teacher. ' . ' Paul, and for these Christian tion. errors of· judgment regarding acts were killed in a massacre of Now is the time to prepare for the challenge of the' • • '* the sanctity' of the candidate,. Christians carried out under future. The pressure will not get less, it will increase with '. On a few occasions I have for sainthood. His' main duty is Nero. time. Pareritsmust be prepared now to take up with renewed, seen reference to Holy Rood to'bring out' the .truth .and pre.:: vigor and to' pursue with ability the educational role 'that ,cemeteries. Does "Rood" refer ·vent 'rash de.cisions concerning ,only to 'cemeteries? the miracles and virtues of the is theirs by,hature' and, now' more than ever,' by necessity.' . . . ~. . .' ,"~."~ . . R09d is a'unit of land measure, c,andida~e. His objections are Members of the AWebo,ro answered by' the Postulator of' 'so there'may be a play on words Area ;Particular Council, St. here, but ROOD. also, refers· to, the Cause..' VincJnt de P~ul Society, will rethe cross of Christ; more speciClubs ceive HDty Comunion in a body fically the term :has ;lttached it, at the 7' o'clock Mass Sunday ·self to a large crucifix, usually ., BALTIMORE (NC)-The Mid-' morning in Sacred Heart Ch1,ll"ch, · with. figures' of the" Blessed dIe. Atlantic' Province of the' NaNo Attleboro. Rev, Edmond L. l'!'Iother. and St. John-a' group tiomil Newman Club Federation Dickinson will celebrate' the OFFICIAL NEWSpApER OF ,THE' DIOCESE' OF FAll RIVER representatio,n of Calva·ry.· , . will hold its 1959 convention Mass and preach . Another instance of t~e use. of here fro~ April 24.to 26. Theme The a'nnual breakfast will be Published w~ekly by n~e Ca,tholic P;'~ss of 'the Dioces~ of Fall'River, this word is the' "Rood-screen" for the convention will be: "Are served 'in the Sacred Heart par. , ...·".410 Highland A-..:epue .. ' \ . . .whie:h" is thE! 'wooden' screen or· Your Ethics Ca'tho!ic ?'~' .. ,.. \.;J,::>,·"ishllall'imm~dia tely.; after ' the:. 'Fall . 'OSborne, 5-7151 . . Riv«;;-, Mass: ' partition 'which ·'separates. the, The keynote 'address wil1.'I>e Mass. Rev. Luke Chabot,O.F.M., choir .from. the nave' of . the given by. Father' James', Keller, superior' of Our Lady of tl)e PUBLISHER· church.' . . , founder.' and director of the" Smile Shrine, Pittsfield, N. H., ,~~st ~e~;;',)ames, ,L; ..C~pn~lh.;:O:D.; PhD. . .'. :',{ \ • • • ·Christophers.. The . conv'ention Will b~ the speaker. GENERAL' MANAGER ,'. _ ~SST;'GENERAlMANAGER; ·'.! Is.there a special name lor ' 'willclos'e . with a Communion,.' In·chil.l:ge 'o~ arrangements"fqt: the n~isemaker8ubstituteil,forbreakfastat :wh'ich awards for the ev'ent are, Roland Fregault. Rev• .o~Cln~~I: F; S~f'.'~o. ·'M;A:'." ).~R~.".~?~.~ ;~.p:ris.~,~li ;~e bell'aC'&!le end ~. Holy-outstanding achievement in Joseph Sullivan, . Spencer Kel-: :, ,(·',,'MANAGING:·EDIT0R . r'~t;· . . : _." · '.~Week?' 'r,. . .', : .. , ' . . . . 'Newman Clubs' will be, pre.:. .IY; Jotm -Antaya, an'd ,Manuel . Hugh J. Golden)' '" '"A wooden clapper'ii used in" .ented..' ' , ' . -" .' Castro. '"."
Challenge of the Future'
-. .
"Attleboro Society , To Hear Franciscan
_ . ,:•.••(1 ...
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· Ro,"an, ;he served·.as Arc.h~,ea~n 'of Rome' under Popes SC'Cel~ , tine arid:. Sixtus, III. He be~ame , Pope':in 440 and ruled . 'wh'e'ii .. ' .Rome ~as threatened by vanda~ · and heresies. When' the Huns · swept '~the 'city, he sought out. Attila and, saved. Rome from \,destruct~on..He also mitigated' the sack of the city by Genseric and his Vandals. More than 100 of his sermons are still extanl .He died in 461 and is ,buried in St. 'Peter's.
,"bels'of C~lOririlstS ...,
·~v~~s,~.F"'i5~ ~ ~iV~;'fM"$S:
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Fr. John ,F. Hog·an.
"... ' ' .. ,
'Notes~~'Lack :'·of>~a,fij;~~tY?:~~I~~:L. : , 4!!,ong Co'llege; Studen~t$~<'::': .
.By Donald Mc&nald DavenPort CathoUe
'~u~tNAC~~~T1959' 7
Serran Chaplai... '
In New Bedford'
Todan . college students seertl'to, be the object mounting interest among sociologists, churchmen' and jour~ nalists. Within the past month, CBS's ,!'20th Century" televisiQn program devoted two half-hours' to interviews' with students at Rutgers univer' . h S thing in society is good as by 81ty; t e' aturday Evening those who think everything is Post published anarticIe on bad. " certain phases of campus We need the keen critical tem-
Rev. John F. Hogan, director of Diocesan Charities in the Greater New Bedford and Cape Cod areas who is also. in charge of St. Mary's Home in New Bedford, is the chaplain of the newly organized New Bedford Serra Club. .
madness; the "Great Issues" tele- per of the educated. person who vision program heard men like has. .seen;·,the, possibilities, the The New Bedford Serrans will Kenneth G a 1great heights, to which human· receive their charter. on Wednesbraith, Rob e r t society can aUahi.. _. day night, April 29. A mass for Hutchins and V(e also ,need, the '110 less keel1 .the Serrans will be celebrated others analyze appreciation,·of'that person' who' . at St. Mary's Home before the t'h e academic. und¢.rstands there is no dishonor . char.ter banquet, at the New Bed-, community; the no',)~ss . Of ."ri1dividuaiit~" o~ ford Hotel. Wall 'St r e e t, "in,de~enderice" in"c~nforh{jng to Qrganization of the.New BedJ 0 u r n'a 1 has ," tho.~eJl1~s-::iionesrwork;~m.~,fiford club gives'the diocese three be 'e n pUblish-", tal "H~eliti" par~,ntar~spop'sihil; 8erran groups: Fall River and ing a -series 'of ' itY,::;wmch: .give ':;to :"socie:tY::'i1:S·\ .. , . Attleboro both haVe active clubs: articles on the indiSPen,sa,ble stability ai\d,order:' , Rev· Daniel; :If, Shalloo, assistant American edu· " ','Questi'oiiS',Qu~lib'" ',{ ',::, ....: at St Joseph's Church in Fall') cational scene, I'-thin~,'fi1:~he light: ,of p'~es~rit . River and general ma~ager of indudfng. c 01-, eVideitc:e,:':~e;)'riay·wonder,~tliJn. ' leges; and just . aj:lQut tq.e.qija-lity. of ;c911e'ge~'and ", ". 'P1::1\ ',,' , ' The Anchor, is chaplain to the' Jast we~k a Cornel). Vnlversiti university edti~iliion'toda:y;: Are";",· 'S ' KER: Shown. at the .annual Com':' Fall, River, ,group, while. Rev. sociologist, Robin M. Williliht!j the students getting all facts and 'rilUnion Breakfast for St. Georg~ Women's GUil~" Westport , James r. McC,arthy, assistant at St. John the Evangelist Church Jr., gave a lecture' at the''Univet~ nO reflection; aU data and no ,FactorY, are Rev. John F Hogan, director of St..Mary's sity of Notre Dame 00 the atti- inquiry; all particulars and no Home and mainsp~akl;)-r,,~ Mrs. Nathaniel Tripp, president in Attleboro is chaplain to the' club' in this area. tudes and aspirations oftoday's . principles? .of the"guild:' <'.:' ""." ' , . ..,. coll~gians. .: Are we, indeed, begimiing to' 'The things that all of these I;eap the ,harvest of a generation peop'le are' trying to discover ap:': of skepticisll). about the existence·' 151 S Parently is whether our college of absol~tes? ' students are "rebels" or "con'The "beatniks," who are ulti0 formists.'; Some of the analysts mate rebels, I suppose, carry ROME (NC)-On the eve of are also raising more basic ques- their relativism and rebellion to his departure for the United tions, it seems to me; questions ridiculous extremes, down to States, Archbishop Egidio Vag-, like: "Are our liolleg e, students their, clothes and the way their nozzi, new ,Apostolic Delegate, being educated?" hair is 'cut, oruncuL ' paid a visit to the Rome headI say the educational question Ironically,' they find ,their quarters of Catholic Relief is more basic because if the stu- '!absolute" in conforming to their Services-National Catholic Weldents are genuinely educated, I own ,cult of non-confo,rmity. fare Conference. think they will escape both the Not~ing is more drearily uniform Received by Msgr, Andrew P. "rebel" and "conformist" classifi- or predictable than the dress, be- . Landi, director of the mission· in cation. That is; if they are really havior and attitudes of a colony the Eternal City, he was posted scholars of some depth, they will of beatniks. on the worldwide operations of refuse to be polarized; they will But before we ridicule them, it the relief agency and expressed avoid the extreme of automatic might be well to note that' the an interest in reading the annual rebellion and the opposite ex- };lland' conformists find their report. " , verne of automatic conformity. .kabsolute" ,in suburbia and se'..' The Apostolic Delegate, ,wh() .. They will, instead, rebel when cuI'ity, that is fo 'say in a' com- succeeds His Eminence Amleto their wisdom and character tell fortable anonymity and social Giovanni. ..Cardinal, ci~ognapi, them rebellion is demanded. And conllcierice ~hich extends only to sails from IITaples on~pril 12.on they will conform" when that their job and perhaps the local the, ' . Italian liner.. Cristoforo same wisdom aI:\d character tell PTA.' , . Colombo. Arriving in New· York them 'that conformity 'isreasonFrom neither can expect eight daYS l;i~er, he will spend able and required for the comthat' inexQrable,' constructive, his first day as. the guest ot mon good llS well as' their per- critical pressure to close the gap His Eminence ,Francis Ca'rcijpal sona1 good. . between what man' a.nd ..society Spellmap. " ... '. Alre3.dy Polarized ' can be arid what they are. .' While· with Msgr., Landi, 'the' I could not help thinking, as t Arcl1bishop recalled a ,meeting watched and listened to the Rutwith. Msgr. Edward E. Swanstrom,executive ,iirector of the gers collegians, that their particular difficulty was not lack'of Bishops' overseas relief agency, and expressed his enthusiasm for imagination or courage, but lack PROVIDENCE (NC)-Mother 'the work carr~ed on "throughout of philosophical, perspective, a Mary Cecilia ~eed of the Con:" the world. by Catholic Relief lack of the maturity one has a vent of the Sacred Heart here Services-NCWC. right to expect from a college will observe the 'lOOth anniverjunior or senior. sary of her birth on April 24. Move Body of Pius X They had already polarized Mother Reed, a member of the into either rebels or conformists. religious of the Sacred Heart To Venice Saturday VATICAN CITY (NC) -The Some glibly snickered at their who conduct Elmhurst Academy, Cut from Fully-Cooked Armour's Star or Morrell's classmates who were on the road has been stationed at the school boqy of St. Pius X has been rePride Canned Hams to positions as junior executives, for the last 40 years. She retired moved from its place, in the marriage and the split-level from teaching five years ago at chapel inside St. Peter's basilica WHOLE CANNED HAMS, 12 Ib avg. 1b69c to be prepared for its journey 'to home with the picture window- the age of 95;~' _ all symbols of spineless conformBorn in Chicago in 1859, Venice. The.silver-masked body of the ity apparently. Mother Reed attended Caiholic Others, however, frankly ac- schools there. Upon her gradiI- saint is being kept in the Hall of. knowledged that their aspira- ation from high school she the ~rchives of the Vatican ba- tions were precisely for job se- obtained a position as an' ac- silica chapter. It .will be transcurity, marriage and'the split- countant with a wholesale furn- ferred to Venice Saturday, April level. itui'e concern, a position which 11, ~here it will b~ exposed for None, so far as I can recall, she held until her entrance in public venerat:on for one' month BONE IN - BLOCK STYLE ' showed any discrimination or the novitiate of the Religious of in St. Mark's basilica. selectiveness about either con- the Sacred Heart on the'. Feast Heavy Corn-Fed Steer Beef formity' or non-conformity., of the Annunication, 1887. CONTRACTORS This inflexibility, this indis-Mother Reed is' a relative of and " ''''ces ....... t. Ihls ad 9Vli....Ie«l I..... Sal., APril 11 & ~"" III I". e........ II' & wlel." criminate hardening of positions Bishop' Thomas' Hendricke'n, BUILDERS is, to me, more alarming and first Bishop' of Providence. She;more symptomatic of what ails like' Bishop Hendricken, was a today's college students than· is native' of Kilkenny; Ireland..She a mere counting and compari,ng ~as many memories of the pre:' ~,...,...... (;ttY Sparklrng beauty fal :.~ .and .Sons, Inc: of conformists and non-conform., late 'imd is proud' to repea't that" your family table CII 1-sts. it was to Kilkenny that he sent .. , 'OSTERVILLE'· >;';;1:<.. fancy entertaining• Capable of .Judging' for tpe cornerston~ of the . '.. t!'~'r<!~n'~-6~~~ . An educated college student, I present Cathedral of St. Peter .~':~t:, should think, would emerge fiom and St. Paul in Providence. . ",1,... SAVE 'UP. TO 40% - START NOWI the 'classroom ·with at least .In addition tOl-her 40,years 'at· Three l-week periods'. plenty of time enough philosophical and cul- Eimhurst; Moiher; ,Reed'has to build a sa,rvice as large as you ~ish.~ tural formation to be' able to served at convents of the Sacred f!\ different· piece ,each week. : l' judge the society in ·which he Heart· in .Chicago" Omaha, and , "THIS WEEK'S FEATUREmust live and work: Rochester, N.Y. , He would be able to distin:.1', " ,R'ome Assignment gUish between, the ,genuine' : 'HOBOKEN (NL:) -,"Father values of that society,' to which 24-HOUR WRECKE~' all reasonable men con'form: and Cyprian M. ; Sullivan, O.F.M. the faults, weaknesses and Conv., is enroute to Roine where' SERVICE pseudo values·which call, not for he will' begin a new assignment :653 Washington Street rebellion but for Criticism' and as'· apostolic . confessOr "at the' ", .. ,'-': .-.,' ..... -:-.. ,-, Bilsilica "of" St.' Peter. ':He: Md' reform. Fairhaven WYman ,4-:5058' ; I' airl' al~rme(r u:much by 'col- beert a missfo'nary for'1~ye:ars in' '.' J":":' J:,": '".' M2e JUadualea who th1nk evert':' BraziL '."'"
DeIeg.o t,e V·
W e If re"·Off·" ' Ice
Come See •• You11 Save at A&P!
Sister Observes 100th' B·Irt'hd oy
Chuck Roasl c lB'49
liea",v.,}~n.I"Y~''~J Dinnerware' >.
,Dimier .plate' l~~'~~~H~H 39'"
At Our
,':. .~>.:'
'I:rish Good 'WiH Ambassador· Spreads Cheer Ev~ryw.here· .
Cana Conference ·At ·New Bedford'
By' Mary. Tinley Daly
A rare treat recently was the' privilege of meeting a · spontaneously gay little sprite of a man, President Sean T. O'Kelly of Ireland. His ebullient responsiveness to'each person:...-and to groJ:lps of persons-made of his visit to our country a treasured mem- Greeted with a standing ovation
ory. As
members of the press, the Head of the House and I were' includea among several hundred who came under President O'Kelly's IIJ}eIl 'the afteraoon he arrived, accompanied by lUll lovely wife. Indoctrinated . . .•. the typical ~erican "big llian..,...~ig . cl tradition, We .. a~~i'te~a :ponderous mellIBge ~om a 1101emn ,.headof. atate. The n, w hat . o:ur ·wondering' eyes did' appear but • diminutive (five feet, four inches) man with. a booming · "oice who comp1l:itely disarmed IOmewhat blase ladies andgen· and enchanted the hundreds ~f tlemen of the press. I
. ~ THE ANCHOR Thurs., April 9, 1959
Rev. Luiz G. Mendonca, an_' . assistant at Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Church, New Bedford, ana Rev. John P. Driscoll of SS. Peter' and. Paul Church, Fall River, will be speakers at the
by members of the House and Senate, the Supreme Court and other dignitaries, the Irish presfirst Cana Conference to be held ident had tc> pause before beginat 7:30 P.M. next Sunday a't the ning his prepared remarks: "I K of C Home, Pleasant and am so filled with' emotion at the Campbell Streets, New Bedford. warmth of your welcome," he The conference, a series of four 'began, "that· I can hardly get lectures for married couples, ill my nerves calmed' down . to being; sponsored by McMahon address y·ou.'" . C'ouricil 151, Knights of Coluin. Closing t~e talk to the' joint' . bus. All marrie'l members and session was 'prayer in 'GaelIc, . ali married couples are cordially translated: "For God's blessing' t; }:'O SPitiNG DANCE: Fall River's Community Center invited to atte'nd. on tbe"vital wotkof 'thisdis~ was the .scene of 'the' first post-Leniien Danc.e for high school'" A large. co;nmittee is assisting iinguis.,hen ..Con'gtess:,:for·"ihestuden;ts, i Standing fbefore' the 'Dutch. girl Jrlotif are' (left 'to :' .. ~lbert ·A. Cate lli , ~eneral chair;. . preservation of the freedom Ilnd'· right)1rene Medeiros Santo Christo .Parish· L Le" St·. '. ~an;George Lemieux, refres~::, pe8C4l'of ,the' w'orId." ''', .... '," " eo ary, • ments and Fred· Murray hospA· I,;li,ter, .l!.il! ..~s ~e' "sG'UD,Cll M~ry's qathedral; K;enny Pacheco, St. Christopher's Parish, taliti.' ...', . Irish' hear't" to' fulfill' the wish' . Tlyerton. and J ealine Comeau, Imt:naculate yonception; . .. . . . . ,
:a~i':'~~f~r~;h~t:e~~:tr:::~ '·A~e.ricdn-Born .?(ster.i:n .Lay .Garb
" . on an. allcient George·WashingtOri"ParkeCuI-tis. 'Curtis; 'steps6n •of ' George' oWashington; had said in 1844: . '''Years after' my mortal bOdy shall ha"e laye(i: loUie bosom' of. our comrtton mother,. some irish heart may come, a'nd droppipg . a sh~rock on my grave cry: 'God ~less hilJ1;' ". ... 'A Loving '.People'
Michigan Felician Cross Medaf
gr.a~e; thaC~f D'
New'1'1' no I ' I reets, to ian oi r 5' Town'
. 'WihS Red
. BAY. CITY (NC)-A Feliciae 'ROME (NC) .,..- The p .. "H;~;;: 'Johri '. Patrick Cal,'roll-Abbing. nun who accumulated more than . things' at ·Girls',. Towp are the Msgr. <;:arroll-Abbing, long.fa·m... 500 hours of volunteer first aid ,girls...stheir life, their future arid" ous for.. his Italian Boys' Towns" teaching in a five-year peri!>d, themselves.. . . 'has carried over his belief in . has been presented a certificate' Sixteen' Italian orphim girls,' value of training 'youngsters for', and' medal of meritorious service 14 and 15 years. of age, are .the liie to the·girls of Girls' Town. by the Michigan Bay County Red .""My voice is very well heard,heart ?f. aspi~itual e~p:rime?t' Both the M'on~ignor and Sister Cross chapter. the little' man chuckled, "but· known m ItalIan as VIllagglO Dominic take the realistic view' A Red Cross volunteer for .15 oftentimes· I'm hardly seen. So; d~lle ~agazze,': located. about,· that their children ~re orphans' years, Sister Methodia began first I've got a few boards under me ~Ig~t m!les outs,lde of ~ome. ~he or from low income'families and aid teachirig in Detroit parochial '. to raise me up today." . The whole official visit of· msbt~tlOn, . bullt mamly. 'WIth that no. one is going. to give schools. Du-\;ing the past five Only with "the boards" ~uld President O'Kelly, an experience American mo~ey, .opened last these youngsters anything unless years she has given first aid he reach the. microphone!. but gruelling for many .. younger. October and IS gUIded by the they earn it . instruction ·to 'Pore than' 850 h~ message out-muscled thQse man, was taken in stride by .the . ,religious desire to 'honor God by . " .... " . .. students. small. irishman.. Carrying ',his 7,6' caring for His ·children. '. ~lrls . !own, alms at teachmg . o( many dignitaries we .have years as lightly and casually as'· Girls' Town 'however differs' . j~ mhat:lltants to be go.0d CathTwerity-fiveFelician. n.~~ heard on siInilar ·occasion~. . 'No elevator heels for President a 'butterfly on. th,e'shoulder, theft-om similar i~stUutions'because ?l~cs ~nd g~O~ wor.kers, special- trained as first aid instructors O'Kelly,'but the frank admission, ' Irish pfE!siderit seeniedto-::-rio, he of its' approach and its philos-' lzmg In. trammg as governesses. by Sister Methodia are now aer,;. Hi'm . short," '. and the blithely did~njoy every' minute. For ophy.· For instance, Girls' Town .Though th~~e are nl? longer many ing in Michigan parishes. him, America meant peOple, and is a femiriine stronghold, with. in .. t~e" U~Jted States, govern'lmplied, "S(> what?" it's obvious UiaUie loves 'People.' 'the accent on feminine. . . . esses are m demand throughout, irish Charm At ~eceptions,'he kiSsed the . "There are no unifor~s here;- Europe: The positiQn also h~s a ~ . Electrical Rottling but physical'statut:e 'ladies; warmlyshook·ha.ndi wit~ 'said Sister Dominic Ramacciotti - status, .well . above the typical ContractorS · was short about the·man. Lepre., the meri, made.it quite eVident .' the American-born and' trained orphan~,train~d fi~lds of seam-ehaun charm, if ever we saw it, : he was glad to be. here~ And . :ciir.ectoress:. "You clin't .teach stressJ <:>r housemaId. · exuded from the tiny President everybOdy ,was glad to have him! ·girls how to dress if they have Summer' Camp of the tiny iSle.' Pink-cheeked, One Jewi;m ~~wspape~oman, " w wear uniforms." . NEWARK (NC.)-The Catholic silver haired, with laugh wrin.... after being kissed by Preside~t. 'Even Sister Dominic does not Youth Organization of the NewIdes around sparkling eyes, he. . "f . th t' . th h b't held his listeners spellbound by O'Kelly, instinctively put her wfear a unl orm, a IS, e a.l hand to her cheeck as she turned 0 the School Sisters of Notre ark dioc~sehas announced it will . hill s'I'ncere delight J'ust in being ...... . a mem'ber. buy .8 summer camp for boys Qf w hiIC h s h e IS a way arid murmured, "The Irish ..,.ame 944 County St~ . ,~ from 7 to 14. It will be opened with "the folks." . Ch' I h' f . (. The same reaction was evident -they're a loving people ...". . angmg .co or sc emes, resh for a two-month season in July. The lack of affectation 'and flowers, prints of the best in New Bedford when he spoke before the joint modern anc;l classic art, chintz It is located on a 163-acre tract · session of Congress, the first' stuffiriess, love of life-in-the- curtains, all the little niceties of near Blairstown. Irish president ever· to do this. present, combined' with a real- the fe1Y!inine touch brighten the istic appreciation of freedom and two-story, yellow building which the determination to preserve it serves as the home and sChool of ~Check Hyannis Girl Enters were salient impressions left by Girls' Town. ' Carmelite Novitiate the dominant little man. , Underlying the pleasant, homeReal Estate loans ,Sean O'Keliy, brief though. hill like atmosphere of Girls' Town ill Miss Elizabeth Barrows,daughSavings ~nk 'Life Insurance ' ter of Mr. and Mrs. :John J. Bar- "isit; has made his mark upon a built-in- respect for work and , :discipline. This' reflects the rows, 88 Oak Street, Hyannis, America:' Christmas and' Vacation Clubs In our town, folks are friend- thinking of Sister .Dominic and and a member of St.· Francis Savings Accounts Xavier parish, was' received as lier, somehow, since "the 'little ~e institution's founder, .Msgr; Irish~~ul~~ cam~a~they' .un-. ..~~~~_.~,11111!'._~ I~+ a novice in. the community of 5 Conv~ient Locations the Carmelite Sisters for the doubteq,ly are in your town, and. Aged- and Infirm' at ceremoniell ·othergwhere he viSited. . . PERFECTION in New York City. .' '., · Especi~'lly)ntheSe.(laYs, 'when .. 'tensjo~ is iiI the ali-; frowns " ','Ol~ , ~he Hyal'uiis girl r~ce'ived:ihe ':comiijg rii'ore.ea:si1i~lliansmiles, .• n~m~ of Sister Juliett~ ,Marie., 'depression a!! the:.,general nv>Od, ~.Your Protection ~he will spend, a two ,year novi~ . we ·say:.)· ~i~', " .• ':~i"".i'· <:,.' . ' . lui From .. .' " tiate in Germantown, N,Y. ':,be": · HGod. be with you; President· 'fOre:bdng a~sigri~d to duty iii the, O'Kelly. iThank'You for CODling'!" '". ' ~ERFEC·T'ION'· .•... . ..t: .-: .• ' ,'. ". _,,. comm.unit)'~}Q:;this Diocese,'the.. . 132 ROclcdal€ Ave.:,· Cimnelite' Sisters' operate ,,:the' ~-":"."",,"-!,,. ....,..--....;,;-;..;.~~. New Bedtord "
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IIome . Decoration
Man'y Conside~ati()ns
Thurs., April 9, ·1959
Coy~e ' Mothers
Use of Paint, Wallpaper
-Plan Whist'
By Aliee' Bough Cahill . It has been said that the "middle-age droop" in a house tg only skin deep,' for if you know how to brighten your Rome with paint, paper' and low-cost cottons, your house -whatever its age--can be' as alive and refreshing as a "breath of Spring. If you are moving mto or restorSpring works its miraCle ,. lng 'an old house, examine your "tdoors with surprising walls carefully. ' bursts of color against an If the walls are cracked and
. The Mothers' Club of Monsignor James Coyle High School, .arrangements for the Annual Taunton, has made preliminary Whist and Bridge Party scheduled for ,next Thursday in the SChool Auditorium. . -
Mrs, John Meunier was named general chairman .of the event. Assisting Mrs. Meunier will be 'Mrs. Jose Contieres, secretary Mrs. John .Cross, Jr., whist chairman and Mrs. William McAI:va~,bridge chairman. Mothers frQm all sections' of the area have. been named to various committees and they will mee.tjn .the· school annex Monday eveni~g'at 8 o'clock.
array of new greens. You can have to be patched, remember it work wonders indoors with the is pretty difficult to disguise COOKBOuK F'OJ.-t A ROYAL BRIDE: Mrs. Koichiro • a m e formula. . these infirmities. While paint Asakai, wife of the Japanese Ambassador to the United Whether you r works miracles, .you may still States, accepts a specially bound copy of the cookbook . home is stuffy' see the cracks in the plaster. But with anemic why should paint cost more than' "Tres Bien" for Miss ¥ichiko Shoda, soon to marry Crown age, or' cold' . pap~r? It generally takes a Prince Akahito of Japan. Left to right, Mrs. Joseph Duffy, 'IV it h 'naetnic workman longer to paint a wall Chairman of the Stone Ridge Building Fund Committee eolor . sChemes, than paper it and more often a . Bethesda, Md~, Mrs.. Asakai; Mrs. Harmon'Burns, Jr., pres~ • will wake up wall needs two coats of paint, ident, Alumnae Association of the Sacred Heart, Stone to the fresh· ,w~ereas you only hang the paper Mrs. Joseph Mattingly viCe"presidehL NC . Photo. ", Er)gli~.hJesyjtW'~ns eolors you· can once. Papei' will cover the cracks . Ridge; ..'. " . '-'." , " 1\ .. ,'. ,...: ' :'. .se, whether a;}d' pretty much banish their ugliness. '.' ' FOur ,choice. is Loyola Wisdom Aworct: wallpaper or But then, there's the house'CHICAGO (NC)--,FatherMar:':" paint. keeper who wants paint becauSe uri C. D'Arcy, s.J., has rec~fved The 'wallpaper manufacturers she says she can wash the walls. VATICAN. CITY (NC)-Queen erol:ls in the past 60 years,' King the second annual ChriStilm Wi~' IIeve certainly produced some I wonder how many people avail Mother Elizabeth of England Edward VII, as Prince of Wales, dO'm award 'of Loyola University !ascinating designs in the last themselves of this possibility for his' 'diStinguished contribuhaJj-century and yet today y.ou and I wonder how often it is and her daughter, Princess Mar- visited 'Pope Leo XIII. The pres- tions to theology. garet, will be received by His , , . ent Duke of Windsor,··the· former wUl see. "ads" offering. to ·.pay really necessary. , Holiness Pope John XXIII in. a Father D'Arcy; an English owner high pric~s. for any Like all things we've mention- private audience 'on April 22; it King Edward VIII,vifl.ited Pope Jesuit who is a visiting lectl!1'er Benedict XV in' 1918, when he J1emnants of old .wallJ;>aper, for. ed in 'our decorating considerawas learned here.' ' was Prince .of Wales. In 1925, in.philosophy at Cornell Univ~r:" tiler consider. the old desig l1S . tions; you must carefully examWhile there was rio official King George V and Queen Mary sHy, is a well-known authQr. :,'; and colors SO choice that .they· ine your·over-all picture, namely.' aimouncement that definite ar- called on PoPe Pius' XI, and' in Jike to quplicate them. .' . Anoti:ler Jesuit educator, Father what is to be the color scheme The cost of, manufacturing. for my whole house, does this ,rangemEmtShave been made for 1951, Priricess Eliiil'beth,' now J,ohn Courtney Mqrray,:'S.J., ~ paper-Y(hether)t benewsp'ri~t, color scheme suit my furniture the' audience, an offiCial source the 'reigning Queen; visited Pope W oodsto~k College, .'Md., \.Vas t.he wallpaper or stationery-has in- and accessories, am I the kind has confirmed the date and the' ,Pius XII 'with her husband, first recipient of ~he Ch.r.isti~" " . .eased ·.so tremendously in' the of person who likes to change faCt that the Queen Mother and Prince PhiliP. Wisdom award in 1958. last few years that to purch'ase '8 drapes and slip covers often and Ptincess will be accompanied by be'autiful. hand':'blocked prmt will .the~e different .changes Si~ Marcus Cheke,British Min'- Comme,ncemeQt Speoker Cherished Photo· - iater to the Holy See. ' one becomes involved in 8 major clash with the walls? ST.' MARY,"dF;'TH~-WOODS ,ROME . (NC) ~ A, prisoner ". '" Following the aUdience,~ the exptmditure. Perhaps that is why .~m Must Harmonize 80 many of the papers you see royal visitors w'ill be honored (NC)-Mrs. Mary StImvan Spill- Walked .from, Regiiui Coeii j ~U todliy are pretty horrible 'with Recently; I went into a home at.ad.inner at the'Rome embaSsy' man, 'vice .president· and ~rily here lastwE!ek carrying under ... their wild designs' andviv'id where it was obvious that each ' of. the ,British ambassador. ~ U. S. member of thepoaxd of the his arm, his most' cherished an. autogr3ph~ Wodd Union'of Catholic Wo~ possession" eolors. ' purchase was made on the basis Italy. of its individual' merit and each The Quee~ and her daughter en's Organizations, will address photograph of His Holiness. Pope Paint or Paper? JohnXXIiI.. I." • • is an individual matter to ' certainly stood out in solitary are to be in Ronie from April ?01 the 118th commencement exergrandeur,' with nary 8 mate to cises at St. Mary-of-the-Woods to "25 on what has been termed He was VIttorio Cocozza, 45, determine whether to paint your walls or paper them. But there I claim it. The'paper was bold and a ~'p~~vate' visit:" Princess Mar- College here jn Indiana on Mon':' the man who was chosen because are some basic principles to gay; beautiful alone; the drapes' garet paid a call on Pope Pius day, June 1. Mrs.' Spilhnan, na- '"of. his outstanding goociconduet guicle' one: The cost is generiilly were stiH···· another ,pattern, XU in 1949. This will be the tive of Denver who now lives in to. recite tpe .Prisoners' Prayer uppermost in our minds and of- beautiful material and e~pensive, first ..papal audience lor. the Hempsiead, New York, is a for':' last December 26 when the Pope mer vice president of' the Na- visited the prison. He,had'be~n ten the budget is the 'deciding . I'm sure, as the. owner purchased Q~eeri lV.Iother Elizabeth. Visits of British' royalty ~ the tional Council· of .Catholic reprieved three years before hIa factor. The condition of the. it by the yard, but certainly not Women. ~~ have been relatively' n term expired. walls must be 'duly considered. ,in any way coordinated with the walls. slipcovers and accesBoston College Glee sories. Once again, too many designs. Club in New Bedford . make a room look, dizzy and Holy Family High School large patterns tend to dwarf its Alumni Association, New ':Bed- size. When you get dressed to :lord, will present a concert by go out to dinner or a party, you Boston College Glee Club at wouldn't think of wearing, say, a Keith Junior. High School 'sun-. checked skirt, a striped jacket; day afternoon, April 12, at 3 . and a polka-dot blouse. Of course o'clock. not. But here was a'room where Directed by C. Alexander Pel- walls were one pattern, draperies oquin, noted area musician the' another, rug' ~nother, and slipglee club will present a totally 'covers still another. "': BeW program, never previously If you deCide to use wallpaper, sung in public, Peloquin is direc- . and there's. no denying that. pator of several collegiate glee pered walls have charaeter, plan WITH REFRESHING HOOD elubs in addition to Boston Col.. ,w usepapers'that blend:-Green SlL-OU-Eft . :lege's and is also in charge of and white have struck a popular the choir of SS. Peter and Paul fancy lately. If 'you"have an" old 1". Start now to "get in trim for Cl:atnedral, Pr~vidence. Victorian "hous~, '\\rith very. high' Sunday's con,cert will bEment ceilings you might paper the ceil·.slimmersummer fashions. the highschoolscholarshipfuha·.· . ing. in a darker color too'br~ it The easy',~ tasty way is with .. eo-chairmen are Edward R. down and y.()u'd of course I:o~?id Hood' Sil~u-et Non-Fat' Milk, ..... Mitchell and Miss R~semary K. using stripes. If you used a fairly '" . Quinn, llssisted.by a)arge com- . large-patterned design' in the .: : Drink,.Sil-ou-etat every meal mittee~ ..":' :" ':" '. Hving .room, you might decide • ~ ~. use it cereal and in your . Tickets~,.,OQ~ihable·fr'C)m;; 011; a solid color for the entrance favorite recipe$', •• and yoq'll eommittee'mElIlibe'rs'" bY 't~i~' : bld.l..' :With a dining room openphoning W'¥man 4-1124: . ! il)l~"off the living room, be sure ·cut YQur calorie count 'way ,~ .0 plan .,pleasing contrast. down!~ You'll feel'young' and " :. . Adv~~tag'es of ~aint . healthy, toO, because Sil-ou-et Pn:the other hand, if, you want supplIes so many of the vitagay 'chintz at your windows, or mins and minerals you need ··if ~70U cherish some' 'priceless when dieting. Get slim, •• get .Oriental rugs, you'llp,rob.ably .. iettle: for having your· wall Hood Sil-ou-et at your store . pa,jn.ted and today you can get or door today I the paint store to mix paint to 'match ,any color scheme by '':': simply bringing them'a sample of the color you .want to match. There are som~ fine new paints on the market that are easy to .apply and'H you want your room ., ' ,to look larger you may decide , to paint th~ w9Qdwork to match .: the walls. But, again, we. adlDoni$h ,you, RO.t to change your " 'c(;lors abruptly bur"ratl).er use graduations of the same basic· eolbr.in.~·adjoining' 'room's; You .-n' achieve ·'some. very in~rest iog·,contrasts in.this way·,' :' Remember -even though you do. only·~me room at..,·time;ikeep ,.WATCH "26 MEW! IVElYIUNDAY'7.'~aO,. ",:i .~~,Q~.-~,l.co,lor.Scheme;,inr.mind ...,. : . ••"" ....-;;.;,: ~:J~ .' 'i.~~d-i; 5.~~~~ ~_:"~,' .;..&....: ~ •. ~\~ . ,'," ':'..) : .. 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pope. John,. Will R~cervein.Audience Eng:lish Queen Mbtherond.Prihcess
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J M l ! S " ' , W ,ants,Aga"irist
. 'f·)'~l o' '~~rs.~~I ~~;;::
Over Emphasis
III Science .. -
'·,'J,'e.5u.'i.t Propo'ses ;More Emph~si,s S · '. ".Oncu~nces .
(INO) -
oot· knowledge of
philosophy, and the hDmanities, the scientist Cd be "a danger to ,society," a Cat~ onc scientist has warned. ' Americans may' be over-em- ,phasizing t~, ,importance 01 science, since there are man¥ . questions to which science does not provide an answer, declared . Dr.' Hugh Scott Taylor, chemist , and dean of the Princeton uiliversity graduate sChool.
: FAIRFIELD (N C) ~ . StrOnger' emphasis. on the ~ciEmcesand more rigorous scholastic demands on stu.:" .. ,, dents have been advocated at.the annual convention of the Jesuit. ~ducational Association he~e in €onnecticut. . More than 250 delegates from fue' United .States, Ca,nada, Cuba and Japan attended the convenThe sciences "have Httle to tell concerning the regulation ·01 tion, largest in the hi.story of t h e human conduct," Dr. Taylor reassociation which was urged to give special attention to gifted minded men of the Detroit Firs students. ' Friday Club. "They may p'rovide answers as Inspirattonal Task , t-o observed behavior, but ther Father Paul C. Reinert, 5.J., do not answer the question 'president of st. Lou,is University, whether such behavior is right told the convention that' the pres-."., or wrong," he said. ','In matten !,~nt ,age of tech,?ology c:a.lls' for. ~ . .• REPORTS' MEDICAL WORK 'OVERSEAS: A,n~n-physici~n, MarYknoll Sister ,concerning ,ends; peace, justic, well educated, highly competent - . , . ' '... '.. '," .. . : '. .' th N Y k ff' f C th r R 'f'! liberty or any ofher .heart's de"'manpower.,... ,,'AntoniaMaria,c~nfersWI~~ pro~ect, supervIs~rsn?-.e ew' '. or o~ce. 0 , a O:IC,~,}(~ 'sire; 'the scientist is not conspie,';~WeJesuit administrators,".he ,·Service~N.e.W;C.'AmerIcan' BIshops" overseas' rehefagency. She ,wIllsqon retllrn to . UQusly superior to other educatetl .~d, ';must reacti"atethe',age,~.;Fotinos~wh'ere:sh~"has'beenworking imong'the sick She is pictur~d with,seated, left' men." y Old, p.rinciplee.n,unc!8:t~ b ,9u ',to:right ,MargateLComiellan,.MinervaMores, Eileen Egan and ,Berta', del Raw. Standing Dr. Taylor said, there is nit Blessed Lord III HIS parable . .,~ " ' . ' G b'·· 1 M ' d R't L NCPh t .".,. 'Feason "why a scientific world talents:' Our Jesui! faculties are SIster a rle ,anean I.a ynn: 0 o~ , '" ' . civilization need be 'undered and our gifted Students are men, ' , from a ,universal religious faith./w: whom: five pre~ious talentS added:' "No.~ when manai. have been. given. ltlS ourtask to ,MARYKNO~L ,(NC)-=-An. ~~- . which too~ place ill. the Queen , 'vision' of God's 'plan for"His capaCity'for contro1,'over mat,e.; ,inspire t!J.em w 'produce yet~n~ , ' tttude'of"spirltuaISenility": in of ,Apostles Chapel of M~ryknoll <i::hrist and' for His Church."" . rial things 't~rough. science )1 .-ether,five,.":, ' .' '~egal:dt6,tli~;¢li~~ch's'aB,~si~~ic,,' Semi,nai"y,~,. " , '''They'have: ~ailed,tounder~ 'becoiningmore"poteQt, it is evea , .'. Push te Capacity· '. ' ',";work" was' sharply.:' critic!~~d' ~,o.:.consect:ators w~re . Bis}iop '" stand,'~ he said, . "the 'secret . more essen'ti1!1 'that': he pursue ," Father, Reinert ~alled for ~ol", ': t<;(i'ay' by >iii's:¢'r1in~nc~ :aic~llrd . ' ~ar~in ,?:. McNatnara of Jolietmea~ing of Chr~st's symb~ls 'and 'with Eiqual intensity, the pr" lege placement programs to at- ',Cardinal Cus~in.g, Archblsh~pof m. 111lnOls" ~nd Maryknoll ,'G?d s word. A thousand·. years' ciples of a' spiritual order." "tract· students to, broaden'arid . 'BostQii~' - .. J , ' . ' , • ' . " , ' Blshop~aym~md,. A. , ' Lane. With God are as a watch m the Dr. ·Taylor asserted the "urge. 'deepen their education,' rather .; HEi; deliv~r~the serm6n 'at'the ,Thirty-si~ members of the hier- nigh:, an ~our or .two, ~o more-need" ,today' isnot fOJ; the spethan' to speed it up. He urged co'n~ecrati<iri of Bishop John W. archy, ~ere amoRngl!h~ morettthadn ahnd 21nOOH oIS plan' ffocr · H,ISt.Chuhr~h cialist in science, but for tbe "that freshmen and sophomor~s .Comber, M:M;, Superior General ~50 prIests and ~ IglOUS a en t e, years 0 ' h rIS ~an" IS- "liberally. educated man." be p'!3ced in sections in the basIc of Maryknoll... His Eminence mg the ~nsecratlon. tory. to d~~e are 1?ut the flrst·few "It ought to be recognized and '''sUbjects where they would be . F r Ii n c i's Cardinal. Spellman, . Dlscourage~ent . moments. sb:essed that the advances OIl! pushed to their capacity rather Archbishop of New York, was They heard Cardmal CUShll~g Bishop Comber, a native of' sCience and technology. do n04; 'thanbe allowed to develop "hab- the co'nsecrator at the ceremony, berate what h~ terme~ an' atb- Lawrence, Mass., is the" fourth pose any new tests of character,. its of sloth and boredom." ".. tude of paralYSIS and dlscourage- Superior General of Maryknoll he said. "The airplane, radia. The S1. Louis educator said ment in regard to the Church. since the missionary society was television - while they have even greater scholarly expect"H b d . d' t 'grading systems should be "a . . o.w can ,we e e,ceI.ve m 0 founded in 1911. shrunk our world-have not imancy is one of the most serIOUS k th d reasonably accurate indication of challenges we face in,. common, spea I.ng WI Poesslmlsm. a~ O.rdained priest in 1931, he posed new standards of humarl d f th f Ch t what students have ach}eved as . with' other leading ~ducational ~spalr 0 e power 0 rIS m was assigned that same year to' .behavior. They demand a more measure,d against, their" ,qod,HIS Church perpetua?ll,y, to r,enew' the Maryknoll mission in Man- rigorous observance of the old th given talents." He added on thiS 'institutions." . ~ f ace 0 f th e, ear.th " h,~as k e d . . churia. When Pearl Harbor was and unchanging standards.' basis, the A's and B's would take He emphasized that "the time ~d all thIS frlghtem?g de- attacked he was placed in a con,;, "These still are love, both at • sharp decline." " e, has arrived for, increasing the featlsm when the commul1lsts are centration 'camp, where he re-·. God and of our neighbor. Today Face Challenge ,scholarly demands upon our stu- on the march, when they ~ave mained until he was repatriated this. neighbor is not only the Father Neil G. McCluskey, ,dents.' To -increase the potential conquer~d people and. te~rltory, . in December, 1943.' In 1944 he tra:veler down the nearest roa~ .,S.J., Of, the Jesuits' national re:.,~ among our faculty and gifted-stu- at'the rate of 44 square mll~s.an was named rector of the Mary:' but millions in far off la~ ,vie:w,.Amerj£a,declared the task dents we must.multiply ,oppor- hour and ~:weptover,~O million knoll Major Seminary here. In . from India to Africa.", ' .of creating "an atmosphere, ,of ,tunities." _. ~ople behmd·the,cu~tams of po- 1953 he" was assigned to p'eru" I lIce s!ates.-We arelosmg our,per- and the following year he was ' specbve of the C:hurch foolishly transferred 'to Chile;" where 'he' !o~ suppose th~t ItS. f~rtun~s and served as' group superior of all 0, ~ts future are Identified. With the 'Maryknollers in that country'. ' ebb and flow of the tides of a . '.' Rev.. Henry Dauphinais, M.S., and Rev" Guy G e,rvaIS, cold war." ......... -. ; M.S. of La Salette Seminary, Attleboro, will sail from New Cardinal Cushing said that 'York tomorrow tob~gin six-year !inissionary assignments "those who think of the Christian :in: Argentina. era as declining '. ~ . have lost the 0 CHARLES F. VARGAS The new assignments 'came , : He has served as professor and G'0,0 d . Sh h' d ', prefect of discipline at Enfield . ep er . 254 ROCKDALE AVENUE about in response to an ap- • and at East ,Brewster. I" HER:BRIGGE~ (NC) ,"- The 'lEW BEDFORD, MASS• . peal .for more priests in Father' Gervai~, a native of Catholic pastor of this. Alpine South America made:by Jhe. Woonsocket, _ a'lsO studied, at village has returned here de" late' PopeP.ius XII, and tbe Enfield, and following Novitiate 'spite the threat . of rock slides for '~~istol County S~perior . Genet31 of th~L& -' at East Brewster, completed his "to· be near my flock in time ~lett~ Order.. " '" :." . education at Attleboro. He ,was of danger.': , Fath~r paup.Qinai~ is ,tl~e: so.n .' ordained 'by Most Rev. -Kenneth Father Emil Schmid left with of M~, and Mrs. Reml pauphl,nals:. ,Turnelj,f D.D., on May 24; 1958 in the villagers when' authorities ',of Fltchbl;1rg. He was ,educate,d , 8t: Anthony's'Church, New Bed'; ordered an evacuation in Feb'~~~~the PrI~stho~,d att?~ O!der. ~ .'ford,' '.'.' " , ,,' / rvary.Some 10 per cent of the ,mmor semmarym Enfield, N; H. t ·· ' ; " ,. . . ,: . " . people, later. returned to their his Novitiate at East Btew-,' ~ ~:Mi,ssiona.rjes ,of the L.a Salette homes when authorities Sliid rAUNTON, MASS. ;ster and completed philosophical,,:" P6Ijsh~r?v~?c~'~ave be~n,:s~rv~' there was no imm.edia1tl,danger. ~ :. ;' . : f' . , ", : . ':1 'and theological studies 'at Atile- "','ing twoparI~~e~ II?- .SC:HIthAmer- Father: Schinidsaidmost' of the j boro. He was ordained May 28, iea since, 1938, ,.one:i~ Cordoba other families sleep in barracks THE BANK ON 'H~55, by"B'ishop ebnnolly,-' ., ' and th~ other in. Sllnta,F'e. .'. ' down the valley, but., more are TAUNTON GREEN planning to move back. '
ON ;
'I 'Attltu · de T oward's. M·ISSlons," · . Card·Ina"I H'· ,ItS' S·· plrltua He
,. .
" L"
:Two .La Sa lette 'Fa:thers' 'to, . ':eave . M' .'..., T' ", . . For Argentine. . i.ssion , om,- rrow..
,Bristol County' Tru~t . C~mpa,ny:
ffJi ,uk/( delivery" ~S~
Member of Federal Deposit
Insuranee Corporation
PHARMACY· Joseph A. Charpentier Reg. PMi'm. 1992 ACUSHNET AVE. NEW BEDFORD
R. A. WILCOX CO. OFFICE FURNITURE In Stock for I......ediate Delivel'7
COMPARE, ,'••• then ioin ihe
···SUnDeam IRE'AD
EXCHANGE CENTER TO AID NEEDY: St. Vincent de Paul Society of Notre Dame Parish, Fall River, is staffing an .Exchange Center as a service' to families needing clothes, furniture and household utensils. In left photo, Roger Marchand, center worker, demonstrates the comfort of one 'of the store's items, to Ovila Barnabee, store's owner. In s~ond left; Albert Petit, president. Olf the, N'otrea Dame. ",Vincentians; discusses the .
St. Vincent de fa,' ul; Exchc;rn,ge ·Aids _ . Needy in ·Fa II R·iver, Pa rishes.' :' " ex- .
Center's procedure with Rt. Rev. Alfred J. Bonneau, pastor. In the second right photo, Father Gerard Boisvert, Council chaplain, smiles in anticipatioD of the joy that some family will receive from the radio held by Ray'mond Roy, store manager. In the right photo, Adrian Bolduc (left) and John Brown of St. Bernard's Parish, Assonet, examine a refrigerator and wondel' , what family ill their area is in ab~]ute need of it.
ANCHOR.... Thurs., April 9, 1959
Teachers' Face Harsh CompetitiolJ From'Skiliful Rivals for Pupil
A clothing and furniture who will iSsue' 'a requisition t o · ',' ATLANTIC CITY (NC) - A 'history of the race, but most .change hast>een - opened by .be presented at the s~re., Jew~sh priest'toldCatholic,educatorll them 'are bap .educators. Toe , Notre ,'Darrte Conference, ' ,F,all . Operating costs :.. w~ll Pe .de'' , here tha't"Arrierica's'''most cour- many teachers competing for the River Particular Council, St. ' frayed ,through asn,lall' ser~ice c:~~nge .. ageous people" now are its ,single stud,ent." . Vincent de. P~ul Society. .'" " •.charge to, parish units using the . 'y'. N ,T, h "teachers, but they fa~e, disheart"Do. you ever stop to ask you... ' , DesigIled'to provide clothing "store., Donations 'of 'clothing or A NE~, "J()~~h (C C) 't't ' h e eriirig competition. self how imposing is, the c;ompe··and furniture at nOlninal or ,fur'niture. iri clean',' uSable eon- 'h ~lerd~can elwl~ t' omd~1 t~e, as The priest, Msgr, Francis J. tition .you face?" he asked. ':CaII , ' , th' , d' 't' 1 ' ', al e papa, ac IOn Irec mg a charge 'to, " the needy, e store .. . " ,1 Ion are we come. ch ange'm th'e H 0 1y W eek l't I ur- Lally, editor of the Pilot,Boston you be funnier than the cornie located at 153 Barnes Street, Fall 'It will be appreciated if those " . 'f' t t t d archdiocesan newspaper; s aid books?, , ,as exciting as, televi· WI'11 b e open f rom I' to' 5 ,. makmg . ' contrIbutIons '.. . gyIcan R· Iver, can brmg . t as 1"a slgm ' d st epd' ()war, " g Monday through Saturday after- them to the store but if this is mHe~r.eHlgll.ous upn ersJan m ' 'III 'that "in the midst of America's sion? How do yo~ stand up latest and perhaps deepest edu- against movie queens and hand... 9 M d ' . ' . ' . . IS 0 Iness ope 0 h n x x noons an d f rom, to on ay "ImpOSSible or If furmture IS too d' t d th t th d" b through Friday evenings. It will bulky for 'convenient transport,. - /re~ ell ~"e bWI~rf'~ bunde- cational crisis," things "will be some heroes? .. What can you worse before they are better." offer to replace rock 'n' roll?" be open at other times by aparrangements ~ill be made to /etvdmg an :un e ~e th e , e f , He spoke at the 56th annual con"Once you were teachers and G o'ntment . ". k . . , e e rom a prayer In e 00 d P I., .' pIC It u p ' . . Friday liturgy for the' Jewish vention of, the 'National Catholic the classroom was yours,'" ,be Persons m need of merchandise , For such serVIce the followmg 1 I 1948 d P P' said. "Now the classroom is as will apply to their pastors or an may be called: Raymond Roy, ~~~p e' n, t' un er ~pe ~us Educational Association. He said that at one time "being wide as life, and ih the midst of officer of their parish unit of store manager OSborne 4-0034; th aLu th t,onzta Ito n .w~s ghl.vehn thor , . 1S . . , e a In ex In w IC e a tea€her meant respect and dig- raucous voices from every directhe St. Vmcent de Pau oClety, Raymond Boule, clerk-treasurer, d 'I'd t th J ' . wor s were app Ie 0 e ews, nity, deference in the commun- tion you are competing for the o • OSb?rne 5:-7625; Albert PetIt, to be translated in English as ity, and a place of honor' in the busy eyes and ears of the young." Deny D ISCrlmlnahol:' preSident, OSborne .2-18.84 or "unbelieving" and "unbelief" inhearts of the educated; now it, "You often speak," he continIn Teacher Choices OSborne 3-2187; DaVId VI~eant, stead of ,the former "perfidious" means more hard work, misun- ue'd, •"of providing clean, wellsecretary, OSborne 2-2516, Edd '..... I'd " NEW YORK (NC)-The New ouard Lacroix, auditor, OSborne an !'er 1 y. derstanding, defiance and' often lighted classrooms, attractive York Board of Higher Education 9-6314. ' ~rving M, Engel, president of bewilderment." teaching methods' and poised has found "no pattern of reli- ' the American Jewish ,CommitThe decline in the status of the teachers,. ,Now you must do teacher, Msgr. Lally stated, is more, YOM must be more colorful gious discrimination" against Newsboy's Charity tee, said Pope John's' action , Catholic 'teachers at Queeris Colshould be "an inspiration to re- due in large, measure to every- than a comic book, kn'ow more lege. ' 'Wins NBC Award ligious leaders and educators as one's having a hand in education. than the $64,000 question, be , The board's findings were the '. 'PHILADELPiIIA .(NC) -'- A < setting 'a new standard for "The tragedy of this," h~ con- 'quicker than the jets, and, be : result of an investigation· begun teenage newsboy, J:ames Metzler, acpievement" in, improving in- tinued, "is -that we have more mqre understanding than the , last Oct~b~r into charg~s ~hat ',a' sophomore at West Catholic ter-group relations. educators.than ever before in the disc jockey." . the mumclpal college dlscnm-, High Schooi here was presented Mr. Engel' said ,that ,"civic inated against Catholic teachers the NBC P~blic Service Award unity among all fait~s, which is ~t1lIhT dIDiTd1Ih...t1lIhT t1lIhT t1lIhT t1lIhT d1IhT diJhT t1lIhT t1lIhT d1It-:'"d1IhT t1lIh~t1lIh..,. .. in matters of appointment, ten- for his help in the current Arch- one of the most potent weapons , ure and promotion. diocesan Catholic Charity Drive. ip the free world's fight against .=j what you can do with a _The charges are also. being i~- The youngster sells the Sunday communism,. will ,be greatly vestigated by the State Commis- 'papers outside his parish church served by Pope John's action." ~ ~ sion Against Discrimination. St. Carthage~s in; West Philadel~ .,~ ~ • They were first made in anony-" phia. His' we~kii profits, which " Marygrove Expands mous bulletins circulated on the amount to about $13, have beeri DETROIT (NC) -A library campus an~ sent. t? board mem- given ,to the pastor, Father James addition and a laboratory buildbers and city offiCials. J. Marley, to be divided between ing costing about $3 million will They were taken up by the the charity drive and the altar . be' the :lJrst project in a 10-year ~' Catholic ~eachers ~ssociation boys society, 'of which he is a expansion program of Marygrove ·G and the DIOcesan Umon of the former member; " College. Holy Name Societies, both of the The award was' presented. 'by Diocese of Brooklyn. R~ymond W. Welpott, NBC. vice Spend A Beautiful president. aM general nianager 'WEEKEND IN NEW YORK : PostpQne Rummage; ,of WRCV and -WRCV-;-TV, here. The Catholic ,Nurses Guild of Complete Tours Arranged : Fall River has postponed its .rum, 1j,c1ud~g'" " '<a :.. : J11age sale" originally planned .TRANSpoinAllON - HOTEL for April" to Friday, May 1. , THEATERS , With Mrs. Michael F. 'Fitzgerald' , MAKES 'YOUR . in charge, the sale' will be held, : at 250 Linden Street from 9 to 5. BETTER
Group "
At, 'New Car Dealens . and Serviee Stations Everywhere
364 Hersom St. WY 2-9321 New Bedford
Malee those needed REPAI RS ./MPROVE - ~EMOI)EL
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WSAR 1480 ON THE DIAL -7:45 P.M.
. . : w i t h an ~. EASY TO PAY - LOW COST ~ HOME IMPROVEMENT LOAN G· -at-
~, ..:. ~ ~
49th SAINT: Franciscan Brother Charles of. Sezze (Italy, 1613-1670), the 49th Saint of the Order of Friars Minor, will be canonized Sunday: Nt: Photo.
572 Pleasant St., New Bedford, Mass. Chapel Devotions:. 10:00 A.M.-12: 10 noon-3:00 P.M.-, S:10 P.M.-8:00 P.M. ,, . - ... ..... '
L.:' ~'
Making ,necessary repairs NOW will save you from having to make major: repairs LATER CENTER BANK-Purchase and William Sts. NORTH END BANK-Cor. Acushnet Ave. and Coffin Ave. SOUTH END BANK":"Cor. Cove St. & Rodney French Blvd. .
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...Member Federal 'Deposlt Insurance Corporation
~IlID'.;.1lID'.;.'WI. ;.'WI,.1l!IJ7.;.W.;.1lID'.;.IlID'. ;.IlID'. ;.1llJJ7• 1lID'.;.Il!IJ7.;.1l!IJ7.;.1l!IJ7.;.l@1..(4
Iage and··Scmd . ..
.' ...... .-
Bitter Hcirvest of Divorce'
'-THE'ANCHOR'1 Thurs., April 9, 1959, .~
Very obvious· iri NevCJ~a By M~t
Rev ~
~obert J. Dwyer, Bishop 9f Reno
....., ,,
;. .. ',:;.
:Go'd ,Love You \
,By Most Rev. FultoB J. SheeR, D.D.
D.D.· .
Why is it that the foOd~e eat when We.Me childreB 80 quickly .. passes into growth, strength and physical power whereas the spiritual f!><>d, the Eucb,arist which .we i:0nsume seems to produce no great strides toward o.ur ,union with. God? A stone. ad~ed tc:» a stone would quickly make a building; why then does not Communion m~ke uir "grow' to oUr full stature iR Christ?..
"On-matters of divorce, there cannot be any c6mpro.. . This is not, by your leave, a Papal pronounce~ent; it riot even a quotation. culled from the unpublished sermons
JRise between Rome and .Reno." til
.. .:
Union Through Sacrifice
of the Bishop of· Reno.'. ~t
admitting the merest· leg~ fic- . w~ 'voiced, of all places,. In tiOns as .groimds for divOl:ce, the the British Parliament a nation as .a whole was outraged. few weeks ago'by a certain For a period of years.'Nevad~ Mr. John Hobson. The occasion. ~aped the rewa~d of her pecuwas. the debate on a Legitimacy har pluck, but ~s. was not· too . BtU introduced mng actually, until o,the,r com- _ '1ax th e Ie-,. monwealths beg~n ttblddm~ for to re .. h th gaI ,· d'Isa b'l't'es III . her busIness on . pre y muc . e' of those born ~me easy terpis: Dltt of wedloc.\,t Nowadays" if anyo~e ,goes to III view of the' R~n~ to be, divorced,.It, IS much s iii Ii 1 T 'contin-:in the ',sp!rit.of. g?i?g .tc:( Gr,etna '" geilt of those Green to be m~rrIed, more 'of, \\dl 0' ·opposed ' 8 tradition than a n~cessity. ttlebiU it' was) "'Began in:i'arliainent . . si~p'ly ,another' :. if' REmo is" the' symbolic: .' '. , st.t;p 'I~ "the Mecca of those who' would':'," fNDIA'S70th BISHOP:' pr.o~r~s~I~e ~e-:- .... , "divorce by consent," it is O!lly Consecrated on March 31, Chnsballlzabqn of marrIage, ~r, fair to remind Mr. Hobson that' A '<1" . B" h Alb'f V - as' anothe~ s~eaker 'phrased:lt, th~ process he so much'deplores~XI Iary IS Op . er; " !:Re' subsbtutIon of compassIOn h d 'ts b" 'n.. 'n h's' own D Souza, above, of Mysore, ., a I egInnluc s 1 I .. h h C th'l" ."fOr morality, . . '. city of London, in the veryPa~- .In.Q..Ia, IS t e 70t . a, .. 0 J~ "What Parliament has. beea liament of which he is an Hon-. BIShop, to be consecrated ..m, ~ slowly andgradually over orable Member. . India. NC Photo. . . ~last.-few y,ear,s," Mr. Hobson.. He ignored the' fact that it . went yn to, s:y,:;ba~,b:en to. was precisely there that the ori- 'New BeCifordTech to Reno WIt ou saym so, an ginal compromise between Rome" " . . at each stage ~f the.pass~ge of and Reno was attempted, when a Hell Hetp mElasures dealmg WI~~dlvorce, sUDservient Parliament sanc. Traditional Hell Week achvichildren and· .separabo,n, we . do, . tioned the divorce'· proceedings . ,: ties for'Nu Beta Tau fraternity of iIl,·fact take,. ourlllarrlage, laws of 'King lIenry·VIUand named New Bedford Institute of Tech-, ~ step further .towards d~vorce him Supreme Head· of." the'· nology has been transformed into . . consent.", Church in :E;ngland to boot.: . Help Week projects this year as tJnenviable Reputation: .Once the barrier ~as d'~wn'fl>r . p~edges and members alike forReno lias' indeed acquired' aft those of' royal'blOod, it could'sook'traditional hazings in 'favor lIfttmviable reputation,' national' only be a question of time until'" of. community services. ' and 'international, on the score it should be thrown d9wn'dot, BenefIting from the program of' eatering to the' divorce' trade, commhners as well; arid if' rea- - was' St. :Mary's Home, New BedIt 'comes, nevertheless;',as'some- ,iJons 'of great weigh.t and sOlemn . ford, which ~as 'adopted" 'by the. thing of a shock even to a moment were initiallY required; .. fraternity, Ove~ a period of four hardened -Renoite to realize ·that time's attrition would lighten, th~ . Saturd,ays, the .st~dents, mostly the name of his' city is not only weight and forget the moment; . Navy' veterans' painted a barn infamous but is act,!-ally symbolie it has' taken ail of . four cen·:"·. C and 350-~00t f~nce a~ the Home. ill. the moraL,thinking of ,manturies ·to travel the· road': from' "The bOys' h~d painting e~pe Wad. . . , Westminster' to'Reno. The break- . rience in the Navy. alld, did. a~ 'Rle contrast· between ·Rome down of marriage, gradual' and " goOd' job'''' said Re~, John' :F, aRd ,Reno takes on something of imperceptible over the main: Hogan; Home chapla~n, He said the' popular significance of .the part of the course, ha;s. been aC~from 20 to 25 boys,' Protestant dichotomy of· Jerusalem ·and' celerated beyond belief in the .. and, Catholic, participated in .the Sodom and Gomorrah. . . decades since··the first World project. under· the direction, of ~me, as the appropriate symWar., ' '. .' '. J.' Donnell' :aowen, 'their vice ' .bol of Catholic Christianity, England still clings to some' president. They. were . also stands for the inviolable sanc- shreds of her Victorian code,., watched by dozens of small sidetity of the marriage bond"; Reno, but it, was instructive to note walk superintendents from St. as the symbol of modern pagan- that the result of the deb~te in. Mary's.,: ..... ,ism, stands for its utter subverquestion was it vote of forty-five Following the jop, the Home sion. to four; so that Mr, Hobson found. had .'a supper for the painters. Now there is no question :but. only three like-minded' Members' Chances are good thlit the next that Reno deserves her symbolic to stand with him. ... . \ time St Mary's needs brightep':' eminence,.. .. Victi~ of Broken Hom~s. . ing, Nu Beta Tau boys ~ill be When,-' back in'the 'twentjes sWinging ine l;>rushes' al,'(ain.. the Nevad~ legislators, seei(;ing, ' America has· gone farther much ' . ·to bolster the tottering economy' faster, Most states, it is .tru~, . "POp' S.V. of the commonw~aith, took ,the still frown on Nevada's laxity; step of r.educing residencere- but it.is a fairly. well-es'tablished' JAKARTA, (NC)-His Holit h rough ou t th ena t Ion that 'ness Pope John XXIII .haS don' quirements to a pare' minimum, fact the: .couttS:: CQ:':oPerated . b¥ 'the. reasons adduced for dissolv- ated 300;000 rupiahs ($10,{)OO) for r) .,...., , ktg any marriage need not, and relief of viCtims' of Indonesia'i 1iI._1. ,,::U" n-,o'n·· .··S·,-·s~ter .:.:. ~ :':,~nde~d sh?Uld not, be too ~losely • !'ecel1t floods, ........ y....... ..., ' . '.:'" - ... mqulred mto. ~ ..,
g: .
The reason' is to be' sought in OW" cooperation ,with ·the Bread of Life, Just' as some bodies lack the power to Convert food into energy and growth, so too certain. souls lack' the power to _convert <;:ommunion into sanctity. The lack is not on God's side, ·for the union with Christ iii heaven will produce a rapturous felicity. The lack is on our . · pari. True, we receive Communion, but we do not at the same' time sacrifice; discipline' · or bring. into subjection our selfish nature.:.·; We plant the seeci of Divine 'Life, 'b~~, we' · uproot no,weeds~" . .. .
~ ~.-
Thisheing so; why 'not make ;sac:r,if.i~qW' now,' of all that your,lower'na~tire':h~Ias1;Y dear. Th~se sacrifi<;e!l 'will have the' "'mostW
~e~ll ;~u'uiak~ them for )he ~eJ'.,~or'a,:nd'iI~:-th'()~ w.~o.'alte~dY. 'h~ve much. Building a chili room and bar in. a. Ia.rge .~ni :V'ersitywili.ii'ot·be as useful w' lhe Soul as h~~i?!;'.tbe. le~rs
... in India or' Africia,' .: .. '.. .',: . .. If you make your Sacrifices to the Vicar of Christ.. ',' '. a, because he has e~arge ~f, all the missions. of the .1Votld b •. beeaulie he knows their .eeds better than you ... '. e. becaUse the missionaries would rathet: receive from . hhn than from you ' . ' : . . '.' ' I "d-.a .. d. 'b~eause'he asked that be be ',im iuH1princ~,paIY al CUe, All sacrifices sent to the Holy Father's o,wIi Soc~ety for the. Propaga"tiop of: the 'Faith, ai'~ di::ected. an~ given to ~m',',All'~at you send to us in turn'WIll be given to him. . .' . . ...
OOD LOVE YOU to' Anon for .$t' "I k~ow you asked, fo~ a dime but I'm sending a few 'dollars ~stead.': •.•• , toE.~.J. for $iOO .''In. th,a~ksgiving for, pe~e of mind.'~-: .• to ~.K. (20 yea!8 . , old) . ,f~. $20 "I know ·.the MisSions can use this extra. ~~dinK money bet~r than I.,....it ~as an unexpect.edgift anyway. .". · to.T., C •. for· $5, "Gave up ,the. extra, coffee rings ·1 'enjoy ,and'~ '~e barg'ain i-ot rid an ~x~r~ t1hln.'" ." .., "
, :
Red' is the ~or of ~harity.In ,your' charity ~e' ask'you to~ray' :for the Missions and Missionaries in the AmerIcas ·for whom the r~d decade of our. WORLDMISSION.'ROSARY is offered, We ·will send you-the rosary 'if you ·willsend US a sa.crifice of $2. (or more), along -with' your request ·for. therosary~: "', . .. .
'---. Cut out this column, pin y~~ sacrifice' to' it .and .
mail it to ·the' Most Rev: FUlton J. Sheen, N!ltional Director of The'Society for' the Propagation of tbe'Faith,-366 Fifth Avenue, New york I, N. Y., or yotir DIOCESAN DIRECTOR REV. RAYMONDT.·CONSIDINE, 368'Noah Main Street,Fall River, Mass,
, Illvite young gi~ (14-231 to labor ill Christ's. ¥ast vineyard as an Apostle of the Editions; 'P,ess, Radio, Movies and Tel~ vision. With' these' modern~eons. these Missionary Sisters b,ing Christ's Doctrine ~ '011, regardless 'of' race, color or creed, .. FOr information write to: REV. MOTHER SUPERIOR , 50 ST. PAUl'S AVE. BOSTON 30, MASS.
~:' Go:rririilf:tee. '. ::.' . ii.:
;;";:.. :;.,:~. .We
may not' hav4F arri~edat ,
L"" consent"; but we .~e:~ithiil .' ;!'-RO()t<LAWN "FUNERAl' HOME, INC; .
»"':':':":~"'"'~.'/~';!.(:''' :..·.,~,·<:ttae final imbecillitY .of. "div.orce .
~J.l~IP~ ,at"~6e:~~~~~: t~hge L.h8iling distance of i t The grim , . sa~~~~ '~~:~h!v,t~'tclSI i b ~dl- .' figures citEi(i'byProfeSsOr Piiirim' .. a"Ma"""'·ROF ~ c. Lorr.lae<i&or Roger LaFraau
~~.I\"';"";~~':A"~ """'I;ol·,02'}a' '~'d'al~3' 'ar.s1'ognee'.· I.,Sorokin in, his Study of The ·on· pn· n "/." Sa" Re 1 t· be'
Oi;a:.fotir:irieinber.,CO~ittee'·;i6~.. .l\mericatn t x vho u lOIn. ar . :.' "1 '''to . tit . h r: Th"··' out ~11 9 0 s arkly ow c ose we ~~~vat~a e,' l; sc. ;~e'm'ent OIB hav~ come to anarchy in ,the fieldf e"ouua Ion ·IS a r u~ " ,." :,
NEW BEDFORD ;'" the New England Association of.: "of marrIage relatIons. WYS";7830 ' C6.1leges~ arid Secondary:SchooIs,::', Perhaps _the sadde!!~ fal;:t ~f.;aU fOl"the retention of membership. 'IS that of the forty~flve mll~lon Tbe invitation to serve a~ eval- c,ttildren in AmeriC~, twelve uat~r was issued by Mr, Charles million .are the victims of broken F. Hamilton, Headmast~r,'13el- homes, mont High School, Chairman ofSo far as Nevada herself is the Sta'ndinj( Committee for In:' concerned, the irresponsible OJ dependent 'Second'a~y ~cli'Ools'in . action of her former legislators "":: Helen Aubertine Braugh the New England Ass6Ci~tioit,· (still the public shame of the " OWJ1:et and Director, Other ~embers of the' com- <;ommonwealth)'has'resulted in Spacious Parking Area mittee"'ihc1ude . Mr, Gordon"'0, a bitter harvest. . . wY 2;.2957 Thayer, ' Headmaster,' . Thayer . The, national problem of diAcademy, Chairman; Mr: How- vorce may here. bEl" stUdied br.." ~29 .Allen. St.. . New: Bedford .ard Niblock, Principal;' Win- the most casual. obserVer, . fOl<', .~.~~,--~......_------~.", chester High School; and Mr.. its effects are everywhere ap, George H, Blackwell, lIeaqIjJ.asf;.. parent, in. a .lowering 'of 'the' er,. The Rivers Country 'Day whole moral tone, in areadiness -."\:.;:..' .... ,,,,",.' School. " " ' ; . , .. to condl:m~"what:' ~. ' morally '1lhe re-ev~i~ati~~ ;f~e~ber dangerous or frankly indecent, Inc. schools ,'e.verYten;·years,is"ia' in what comes cloSe to Ii c~n:-, . accordance with .the 1952. ruling ~mpt for" religil>n ~l}-d . • We;,·~:) . ~~ER.AL· SERVICE -:-'io'tIhe New England Association, :familiar'sanctities' of'·lif~>.>.'·::.: , : ' ! " of .""-Colleges', :and':,secondari':, ....' Th~se"are hard. w~r~~;~:b~~".> . ~ .'~," ,; . -'> SChools. Sacred Hearts Acad-·· they are not tobe demedWhEln::--.,· . ~ "",549 COUNTY ST. ~ has been' a 'iriember since' : ,'8, citY·;t>ecE)1'nes;:a";":syml:>~\i:]~/~~;t. d';:~~}BEDF6Ri{"MASS 19'11, and was:re-ev~luat.ed for .. fOr glory or for !Jbame:';r~IlCJ"':~t·~...• -;.•.• ~'~ . " .. • i'
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WelCOmei OIclFriends'
Asserts Alaska GndHawaii Add Strength to America •
Thurs., April 9, 1959
MA8•• •
Diocesan Paper Hits Obnoxious Cinema Ads·
By Joseph A. Breig
Cleveland Universe BUlletJn
In the usual meaning of. the words, 1 have never been in Alaska. And I have never been in Hawaii. But how often, in spirit, I have visited both! My mind has adventured where my body could not follow. It is difficult to describe Kahoolawe 'Lanai Molokai, the vividness of my impres- Oahu, K~uai, Niih~u, sions of such distant places. On Molokai, at the base of a I am an inveterate reader' sheer cliff overlooking the sea,
BALTIMORE (NC) - An editorial battle over suggestive movie advertisements in Baltimore daily and Sunday newspapers has appar:" ently been won by the Catholic' Review, archdiocese newspaper. The Catholic Review protested the Baitimore secular daily newspapers' acceptance of movie . advertising which it labeled as "contrary to accepted standards 'of public morality." . .
and what I see on the printed ~gline~s ,and be~uty met in a . page is almost more real than htanc, shll conflIct; and beauty' reality. Certaineventually won because goodness ly it is more came to its rescue in the person romantic of'a man filled with the spirit of I have' shoutChrist, eel "Mush, you ~at,h,~r Damiti-?, ,. t~e _"Leper. Cites Hypocrisy malemutes!" as Pr~est, to~er.s In hls.tory .and The Catholic Review 'editorlal I travelled· the' will .to~er tllll,li~"an.d tal1er, as" chided ll'~cularnewspapers for Yukon ter'rl'tory' . th~ c.,enturies ,RaSS; and Haw!l~i" ·..<ii'·.'01'>ERA"I'ION"- fiRPH"A'NS BEFORE : T wo~vear-old accepting movie ads whi~h' it U . . : . with Jack Lon- . will tow~r with him.. ' ,. . .I ."degraded the divine dign'tty. don' and RobertMaScuJi;n~ ,Vigor .. ~ulia Kim, little Korean 'orphangirl,completely emaciated, said of woman.'~ The dioces~n press W.Service.· "And ··the:wotnan I have nevet"'beenin'Alaska' is shown with Cohimban '.Sister Benignus, M.D., when she called upon the secular papers to who kissed him - and. pi~etied' with 'itssnows'and 'glaCiers and, : ,wasbroug:ht to the Sisters' .hospital Mokpo City. Little meditate on the harm done to ·his· poke-was i the lady. known .. 'indomitable masculine' vigor. I hope was held for her, recovery. . . both parents and youth who were as Lou." "And the inky smoke, have never . been in Hawaii' '. trying to lead a 'decent life. in a greasy cloak, went streakwhere. nature :is like a maiden The Catholic paper said a cering down the sky." beckoning, tain amount of hypocrisy wa' ..... With Charley, Chan, I have But it· is as' old friends' and iilVolved when these same newssolved many a mys.tery und~r the boon adventurers that I welcome' papers editorially attacked movie mysterious moon of Hawaii. I them into the Union as the 49th censorship and suggested that it think of the islan<,l!! as the hmd 'and 50th of the 'United States of was up to parents to take care with a language .that is music, America of. their children's movie going. Molokai-mol.e-oh-kah-ee. 'w'aiAmeri~~, I think, is the most Needed Help kiki - weh':ee-kee-kee. The astounding work of human minds words are articu}ated, beauty, that the earth has seen. It i~ the The reaction from a Hearst newspaper was quick and posistrangely familiar· because of nation made of many nations, tive. Managing editor William' their kinshfP with American many races, many philosophies, Townes agreed the editorial,· Indian terms I have heard from many religions, many cultures.. were "absolutely right." .Mr. childhood. And the thing that makes it one Townes said: Trips Off Tongue is a simple forthright statement of a theologIcal truth. "Your editorial brought re.I grew up on a river called the. "We hold these truths to be newed and stronger action than. Kiskiminetas.' Kiss:-kih-'MINN-. self-evident, that all men are .ever before. More ads have been. ee-tahss. How it' trips QU.,he created equal: ·that they are en- . rejected and .others required to tongue and sets the nerves of do~ed.by their Creator with cerclean up suggestive texts and rhythm to tingling!' tain . inil1ienable rights;' that illustrations. . . .Nearby were larger rivers, the : among these are life, liberty and "You have helped us to do Monongahela (MWm-ON-gah the pursuit of 'happiness; and' what we wanted to do, but were HAY-lah) and thC;! Alleghany that to secure· these rightS govdoing quite inadequately." . (AL-eh-GENN-ee). 'More than ernments are instituted among Meanwhile, in the other Baltionce, I have seen the sun setting - men.'" . more daily the offending adver~ in a lake known as Oconomowoc .' . tising complained about in the (oh-CONN-oh-oh-mow-wock). Greatest Statement· But there is a peerless gentle':I'here stands the greatest and AND AFTER: Six months later, thanks to wonderful Catholic Review editorial had been cleaned up considerabq' ness, a kind of wooing, a making- deepest political statement ever - care of the Sisters and to medicines supplied by Catholic from the original version. love with syllables, in the Ha- placed on paper by human hand.•.. Relief Services, a normally healthy Julia returns the smile We are created; we are endowed f h er S'IS t er- D OC t'or. S·' . wal'l'an place-names, as I'f those 0 lsters h eadquarters are at Hyde Park,· . who selected them wished to em- b your C reator; and It is t h' e brace the very geography; business of government to treas- Mass. Mauna Koa, the White Mounure and defend that endowment. tain; Mauna Loa, the Long This is the heart and the soul Mountain; Kilauea with its great of the United States of America; Ghost. VATICAN CITY (NC) - ' A crater. To recite the islands is it is for this that the Flag has The figures concern the dito utter poetry-Hawaii. Maui, flown from the time when its total of 11,199 Catholic priests OIL BURNERS stars numbered 13 until now are at work in the mission areas oceses and missions under the Also complete Boiler-Burner theY are 50. of Africa. jurisdiction of the Sacred Conor Furnace Units. Efficient Vene,ration of. St. Pius when "One nati:JI1, indivisible under Of the total, 9,320 are mem- gregation for the Propagation of low cost heating. Burner aod VATICAN CITY (NC) - His God, with liberty and justice for fuel oil sales and service. bers of religious orders and conthe Faith. oHoliness Pope John XXIII has all)' This is the meaning of gregations, Fides, mission news . Missionaries at work in Asian Stanley Oil Co.~ Inc. named His Eminence Giovanni 'America, and it is to this that . agency reports. Diocesan priests countries of South Korea, Fort80 Mt. Pleasant Street Cardinal Urbani, Patriarch of Alaska and Hawaii' are adding total 1,879. The 'White Fathers mosa, Japan and Hong Kong New Bedford WY 3-268'7 Venice, to act as· Papal Legate their.....s trength and loyalty. have the largest number, 1,643. total 2,539, of which 775 are during the .ceremonies in Venice "And for the 'support of this Following close behind are the Asians, Fides reported. In other concluding the. veneration of the. declaration, with a 'firm reliance 1,357 priests who are members Asian countries there is· a total remains of Pope'St. Pius X. on the' protection of Divine of the Congregation of the Holy of 1,732 priests. . The remains will be e'xposed . Providence, weinutually pledge in Venice fro~ April' 12 'to May to .each other' 6ur Lives, 'Our 1~ . . Fortunes, and· sacred, Honor." COME. IN·..... SEE -. and .DRIVE . our. "."
Over 11,000 Priests: in Africa'
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B; BRIAN' CRONIN 1. To whom did. Jesusrrtake th~promise" .•. for they shall be ealled ·the children of God" in His' Beatitudes?:-(a) The merciful? (b) The meek?· (c) The poor? (d) The peacemakers? I. What division of the Roman Curia is the supreme court of appe-al?:-(a) Apostolic Signature? (b) Sacred Penitentiary? (c) Sacred Roman Rota? (d) Apostolic Chancery? . J. Our Lord appeared to St. MargarEltMary Alacoque exhorting the faithful to practice what devotion in ·His honor?:-(a) The .. Poor Souls? (b) The May Devotions to the Blessed Virgin Mary? (c) The Stations of the Cross? (u) The First Friday Devotion? 4. Which well-known saint was the author of "Spiritual Exercises"?:-~a) St. Francis of Assisi?, (b) St. Augustine? (c) St. Ignatius of Loyola? (d) St. Dominic? 6. A brother of St. Peter was also one of the apostles. His name was:-(a) .Matthew? (b). John? (c) .Philip? (d) AndrewJ CI. The shortest Gospel text is read at the Mass on the FeaSt of the Holy Name, and' on. what other. day?:-(a) All Saints' Day? (b) Palm Sunday? (c) Good Friday? (d) The Feast of the Circumcision? 7. Who is the patron l18iot of B~y Scouts?:':-(a) St. George? (b): St. John Berchams? (c) ·St.. Aloysius 'Gonzaga? (d) St. Christopher? . , ' . '. .. . ,. . ... In the"Old'Testameilt, which prophet was,rebliktid by. his' donkey
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meeting John: "His :H 0 i i ne's s has 'no~ changed bit'si"nce I knew' him 12 years ago, and he remarked . that I was the same." ~ .Archbishop Vag~ozzi returns .to the U.S. where he served' at the Apostolic Delegation from 1932 io 1942~ .He was Apostolic
M~'hu~band w~s alw~ys~ery~ecti?nate'::Utj~i1 arOu~d:, .
:. ~.
: the -time after we h~.our fourt,h ch,ld. ~mce; then he D~ver . P raises me or usesendea.rin.g words; .he',drmlcs.too, much: th very em and then says .very mean m~; h e ~nce became '. . otionally, upset and 'cried.~ ttu-'o~s< 'light: on se~eral .other saYIng.!. didn't pay any at-' points in yoUr. letter. Y?U .say tention to him or appreciate;that .iwh~n 'he's been drmkl~, h' ' That's not true·though ; he accu~s.. you of not pa!~... 1m.. . ' . . :' ..... y a\ttentionto him,' of falling I am k~pt busy managm. g Jhe ..' .an . .... .'. t' h"un' of thi'nking' to '. t (. . b') . apprecla e· , babies and I,the. .he's 'not .important on, his. What can do?budge my JO .• ·:·that :: :". , While' 'I was c;»wn. :., ~ reading you t' Needs Confidence I lett~r, Rose,a' .. Although:: ·fou:·' b~lieve·this' whoie series of isn't true, have you stopped t ? \ n e w
Delegate and then Apostolic Nuncio to the Philippines sin.ce 1949. The Archbishop said thar in . 't t R . h h s been his VISI : 0 orne e. a conferring with .hispredecessor as Apostolic. D,-el.egate., , Ainieto Giovanni Ci<.:ognani, and other.. ·officials.:, of: the.: Roman ',Curia, on, matt~'rs conc~njng,his ' post,: . . .
riars .Minor Order.'::.. 49 :Saints';
ask what these remarks tell. you,_. ·;·F.·.. aboutOllfs'feeii'iigs? Isn't it :C1ear' that he resents.not being head of . ,Co~n·tsi the fan:lily,:'''~nd~ is looking; f O f " ' ; · , . v . : A T I C A N ' CITY'(NQ)'-;-iWith some: way bUild up his _own . . " , ..". ... ' . ' .. ' the .. canonization .of '.Franciscan . EN,:ROUTE:;TO'NEW POSTTN'U:S.:. 'th'e •. ceP~fve, iig'!-: FIth!lg,. c~,?~rlY mto the.~tal ,'~..,' ..... ' . . . :, , " A lib' h' E 'di 'V':: " $'unday,. the brder of, Fmlrs ever'"fo.r-T~~ve pattern are your remarks th~ttoh~ Delegate to~r~Ymte,d~t~te!;l". rc . IS O.p"gl:oa~., Minohvill count 49 saints recog..: learned ,thatinhe is. nQ.1..;j1ffecti0 IJ a te ,,~d .n,o:· -riozzi,is:,sli6wp,~9n. th~ ev~ of hIS d~parture.WIt~ P0p'e John ... nized by:..the_ Church. St. Charles diviaual'cases ";i'" longer uses' endearIng·terms of '. XXIII \:.... ith· whom he serv.ed ascourtselor at the Papal Nun- , ,was born Oct. 19 1613, in l?ezze,. . alw~ys ha:hi:'some unique as- 'praise and }oye.. ls it_poss~ble ciatunnnParis , in 1947.NC Photo.. , . , . "s6uth of Rome. " . . ' D. pecti! that must be adequately that you took thIS pretty much . . conSidered when attempting. to for ~IlP,~, gladly .receivi,ng, p''. offe} any ~or:thW:hile adV:ic~/. his tribute of affection," praise, . 'tieS Aitho'ugh your:-leHer')'was ~nii"iove: y~triever returning i t · . rath~r comp'jete,. I feel l,w..9 ul d ,inki'nd?·· '. ';:", ,.'. S '.. . " hav'e':· to know both of you,'someSome: women, thoughtlessly as' . and' who (laD explajn them?" This old saywha't better befor.e I.could sug- slime . . . . .that" this ,.is a one-way· . in'" is . true. in almost every case except ~ne! For the third suc~eSSlve year . . gest,.a positive p!an of . action. street thouglicOmrrion sense American ' Pilgrims . will'.celebrate Wbo. has need of an eXII~anation . "1 th for 'D the• gieat"beauty aU· express see In uyour 0 ers 3Y. Un d e r' the' circumstances, '. should ·.tellthem that t h -e traff·· IC th'e Feast 0' f the- Sacred Heart at . Tbis year, wbywelIot gratitllde the~efore the best I can do is to must .iuQ b()Jh.~ays if love is to the great Shririeat ParayLe.. to YOUR Mother and to YOUR GOD by raise a :pertinent. endure. It may be that your' . Monial where Our Lord appeardonating 'an article. for a. mission cbapel for y.our consideration, assuming husband' stopped showing you ed to St. Margaret Mary to insti- ~ We will send her our beautiful GIFT CARD. that, your case runs fairly true affection be~ause your manner tute devotion'-.to His Sacred and pressed flowers .from the Holy Land ~ . to form. As I see it, you are a of acting led, him to believe that Heart; teU 01 your generosity to the missions 011 re1l1tively efficient wife, ~anag- h~ ,Jas .not needed in this area . 'Very Reverend Eugene. Robiber.behalf. ' lng your home and babies and either. , .' taille, SS. CC., Vice Provincial of Chalice •.•••.. "0 AUar. .. $lOll Mass Book .. $25. handling the budget as a normal . Bead of Family . the .Fathers of the Sacred Hearts, Candles 20 Altar stOlle ,10 . ~~,:,m:esUnents ::. part of your daiiy routine." What should' you do! Wen, . will personally lead the Third ~3ss, ~eU ', 5 Sanctuary lamp 15' fn yourieiter Rose, if our analysis is roughly 'Atinual Pilgrimage which will: YOU WILL LIVE' FOREVER IN THE PRAYERS 'AND GRAT!. that' you: had to take' ov~r ~e correct' it seems to me that you .. leave New York on May 30 and' TUDE"OF THE POOR OF THE MISSIONS IF YOU MENTION hanpling of family fin,ancies be- Should' search for ways'toin- spend thirty days visiting the THE CATHOLIC NEAR EAST MISSIONS IN. YOUR WILL ... eause when' your hUSband insist~ volve him more actively in run- principal shrines in Europe... . WHY NOT "00 IT, TODA y.! ed :on trying' to do' so, bills '. 'nin'g'family' affairs: - . The Shrine of' the Little '. . ...h e ..f ussed a b ou t " SPRING IS THE MOST BEAUTIFUL weren't. paId, Granted ,th,:i~.'You must manage, ...... Flo.wer .at .Lisieuf ,w.i,ll be ;~he '. THE YEAR-and the most beauWul TIME years OF of giving the older children money the ' budget, . you fiist of the European Shrines to ' . ' one's' We as' well. SEMEAN and MAURICE .are for :school, .drank up/q:tiite too Items:'th him be visited, followed by th.ree ,_ the SpriDg' 01 life-and they wish to· Even. now, and he drinks a goI d f th au I lot M his che~k 'on Fri'day .nig\}t pans, an . so or W: . ". '. days in 'Paris with lVIaSs at· the erate' themselytlS to the service, of the altar in . . eac!l wee!t, .·tl1 us s1,low~,~that 'Basilica .o~ theSa~red.'Hear~ at Egypt.- Their desire &0. enter the seminary lsno& and ,Saturdliy' before the .you' want :Ilis advice. '. 'Montmarte, the Shrine of the new. They have bee.i1 waiting some, timenow-:remainder over to you.' Try to build hini.. up as head Miraculous Medal where O u r . _and they Will 'continue' to until we can ~d ' !' " 'Man's Job . . of the famiJY in your Lady" appeared t() St. Catherine a' sponsor lor each' boy wbo will. be .willing . Tl!epattern that 'from "eres, and in turp, ma.y. p,?t Laboure Shrine.of. St. ." pay his necessary expenses of $100' a year durmg six ,ear this 'description is thatyour'hus-:",' $Orne press'ure' on 'hlm to .curb dett~ Never~" and, th~n '?Q. . sem~n~~r cours~. Would~ou . like, to "have a pnes~ iD .the 'band' like m:my men of his type,his drinking; .',.".. 'for two,days atParay Le Momal' ,family •. Here.1S your. chance. capable' of hanaling the." '," FitlailY; take every'opportun:' to celebrate the Feast of ·the· MASS OlfJfERINGS NECESsiTIES is family~financ'~s in a !'espons!ble .. ity' you ca~ .t~ praise him wh~n. Sacred-Heart and'in preparation . OF LIFE TO YOUR MISSIONARIES ... AND THEY BRING manneri-though he fee~Jl that he he does well,. and to show him for the Feast, Father RobitaiHe YOU THE SPIRITUAL NECESSITIES OF ETERNAL LIFE should do this because he prob- that you need his emotional sUP-, .will. conduct a day 'of, recollec" •.• SEND SOME TODAY. ably believes that this is a man's port and ~ompanionship. AI-,' tion. , ' THE SPRING SPEAK OF job. Hence he's bound to f ee"I though· you wiU prob a blY h a.~e. Pilgrims' will travel .from THE BEAUTIES GLORY OFOFGOD! Sister MARIE letdown and insecure as head to' continue 'running t h e f ami y Paray Le Monial 'toArs where u. ALBERT 'and Sister GERMAINE bave of the family when experience pretty much your own, avoid Mass will be' celebrated in the listened and they bave beard of the glory shows, he's not up to it. giving. the impression of being. village' church where. St. John 01 God-and tbey now wish to devote Some 'men who find them- sell-sufficient. Thi~ doesn't im- Baptist Vianney, the Patron tbeir lives that everyone in Lebanon selves in similar situations man- ply any hYIl,ocrisy on your part- Saint of Priests, labored' during may know 01 Rim. Tbey wish to be age to -protect' their se~-esteem you do' need ~im, even as .h~ is. 'his priestly life. 1959 marks the Sisters of tlie Sacret Heart-but they by giving their wives a weekly Few marriages are bwlt on a Centenary' of the Death of the mus& wait until we can' -locate '. sponsor allowance with which to run the • fifty-fifty proposition, As lqng Cure of Ars. From Ars to Geneva for each girl wbo wiD be willing. to pay home. They feel they're still as you both contribute the' best· and the Shrine at Annecy, the siso a year for &h~ necessary expenses of the two year Doviboss becauSe they give the that ~ou have,' and the total Basili~a of St. Francis de Sales. tiateperiod.. You may send the money in any manner eODallowance. . somehow adds up to pneb,unOn to Milan where Mass will be . venient while your "adopted daugbter" prepares herself for I' think your mention of the 'dred, you'll maintain a happy. celebrated at the Tomb of St. 'a liIe of service to tbe Mystical Body. budget is, important because, it successful family. Charles Borromeo.To Venice and THESE BOYS DON'T WANT A GYM! And there's nothing Padua for Mass at tIle Shrine ·of peculiar about them _ they are students of the Christian . St. Anthony. Florence to visit the' Brothers in Eritrea. They profit from the . 'Basilica of' St. Francis in Assisi teaching and the. example' of the Brothers arid 'on-·to· ''Rome for five days, and'. they wish to go to Mass~pay a. visit during which time it iS~f;ltici. to "Our Lord iii the Blessed Sacrament-'· pated that our Holy Father ~ill and in' a w'ord have Our Lord· "on . the receive 'I"ilgrims i.n . SpeCial ,premises" with them, .They now must waik ··Auciience. ;FromRome, pilgrims . many miles to attend a Church,' Will you ',''Ym,tJ::£!Y~l t.o·$i~I\a, Nic~ ~nd . ~eJ.p·them.to . build . a' chapel wbich will Lourdes. Persons interested: in ser.ve the :Brothers. ,and, tl,1eir. many stu. ." 'joining the Sacred Hea~t'., Pil.. dents?' These devoted men.and boys will do, m?s~ of .the w~rk . -""grimage-are' lnvioted to I)on~act so that the.. cost wi!1 b~.a.~out ..$4,OOQ\ Can 'you help them! . 'Very· Reverend;:.. E;ugerie,J.'lo,biDear Cardinal Spellman: . taille,. Fathers of lhe ~i.ici'ed ,I ,would, like tl» show my. ,gratitude for the: gift of my own "Heart; Fairhaven. . .. .faithfu. the. presence of .Our ·Lord. in the Blessed Sacrament. .. " .. Enclosed is $10 to buy a ,Eirst COmll)uni9n outfit for a refugee ch'i1d, May the joy of their First grow !lud . .' .' ., , . .', . ,~ : stronger as the ye~l's. go, on. '. .;., . . . . ,:".' EASTON p,i; (NC)-A ~~'tr:eat similar case s k e pit runnini,'~~': t h riO ugh. m Y.. :-'i mind. This as.:.'·) sum'bci similarity be .. .
',~o .co~id~pce,:~M",,~~,~f-est~~?,<. -:.!~'.'
n~\(AJ>o~~ ,!3:fC)t~er Ch.ar~es,of",~:z,ze ~ext
F' clllr - haven ',"
T",o' 'L.ead·:·.:,P,.I·.I,g·r·.•-m·':.
Y~u me~tioned
p:rha~s;, .over.th~bllls,
~o~ld fut~re
;".:>New·Retreat HQijse
'., hou~ for 'men will. be built :near NAME' :: ••.•.•• ~";' ••••••••• ; ••••••••••••••• ~ .• here bytbe F r ' a I \ c , i s c a n F M h e r s . . . . i ." "" • ,'The'" str'ueture' .Will:inchi.de: a ." ,ADDRESS ••••••.•••••• .-. ~ ~ ; .••••• ~ •• ~.~ •••• ' "chapel, moiiastery' ;;lJld; r e t r e a t " · · .... ',. . ' 'i . ::::'.:·~:hoii$.e~;~an:a.: ·wil1:-'¥.:-b~Hf',on~~~ 23 .. -.'. ::'-'.' t~iri~ ~ ~.~: sit;;;::'G~oiincibreakfng:·i.s .set . . ,<.'lor later iliis",monthand the ;. -K e::60'th ANNIYERSARt:'~:Gat~~;eat~g~t'h~i: ~~.,,·i:bUi1dj~g :is':'.~~pe~~~.to .be ,c~m fo~ the Arlniversary': banqueE'are::(lett .. ,tO....r ight) .-Grand' pleted-Iate next~year. - ... . FRANCIS CARDINAl·~SPELlMAH;Pr.sldent· • Krtight Kenneth Murphy; ·Rt;-·Rev. Joh-n J~ :Shay, PaS~l"Of'- -MOFthethrhouse tOhf tHheo'lyFrSa~~: . ·.Ms.... Tuohy, Nat'l Sec'y f • " b J"~ W'II' E P f can a, ers 0 e . ,,' .. . . ·'".Seml.an IOIftlilUnlcatians'to:,., , St. John s Church, AttIe oro; l4Jge· I lam·· •. owers 0 Commissariat is in' PittsbJU"gh. . ,CA11tOlICNEAI,EA-5T-.WElfARE' ASSOCAnON',' .', . Rhode Island and Rev.' Gerard -J. Chabot.·pa5tor of St. Father LaWrence Pollak, O.F.M.. 'u.; 480'Lexingto;'.'Ave~at,46th St. 'New·Yorlc·17, N. Y. Theresa'a Church, Attleboro. . is delegate pro_vincial ri " " ,. '. .1, "'~'" ,-'.. -., .
;- -..
:. .'. 'acre'
, '
·.diL'l2ear'&t OlissioDSJib
'.Ie, '..
• _
.. i,.',
.~ .. ~.
t) ~
-- It's fun to make your own to mix and '\ 'match- - with", each bracket. It's thnlling to \\ realize how mu~h food you get for only \ 99c This Sale Ends Saturday
~"\. assortment -
. Grape Jelly
Sensational Values - 5~ock Up! . .
FULL AND ~P ARTIkL 'SCHOLARSHIPS: Whmers 'in the eompetitiveExamirtatioii:have been announced' at JesllsMary Academy;, fan\Rivel"~Seated:'Margaret Fedor, fun; . Standing, left .tlJ,right::· Madeline Valcourt, partial; Claire .,. .... , .' Amyot, partiai;' ~nd Diane Peloquin, .partial.
~aIie1 Pure' .
3 ". 99c
~rahel Pur•. P.E~E"VE$~i
·'While:.·TunCi .' . , $'.ffecl'·Oli"••.
, ChIck. of the ~jcf
..... You,'O-
Plan CommU:nion Breakfasts
The ·Paris·h ,Parade OUR LADY OF HEALTH; ST. MICHAEL FALL RIVER' OCEAN GROVE The Holy Name Society of St. Members of the Women's Michael's Church, Swansea, will Guild will attend Mass with their receive Holy Communion in a mother!) to mark Mother's Day. body Sunday at the 8 o'clock A supper at 6:30 that evening in mass. the pari~h hall will also honor The monthly meeting of the the mothers. society will be held in the school ST. MATHIEU'S, hall following the mass. A stand FALL RIVER up breakfast will precede the May plans o:t, the Women's meeting which will be served. by Henry Murphy assisted by Dom- Guild include a communion breakfast Sunday May 17 and a inic Casilli, Gilbert Howarth and Louis D. Read. . Maybasket whist Friday, May 22 in the parish hall. . Reports will be given by the various committees and future ST. JOSEPH'S, activities will be 'discussed and FALL RIVER plans made and naming of comThe Women's Guiid will hold mittees. . . , a fashion show tonight in the President 'Louis D. Refld urges. .parish hall at 8, v.'rith Miss' Ann all members to participate at the' l;'etrella as narrator.. Guests are mass with the society and attend invited. . the meeting afterwards. OUR LADY OF. ANGELS,. A membership drive is being FALL 'RIVER conducted by the society and all Mayor John Arru'da' will speak male members of the 'parish 18 years or older are invited. to' join at a mother-daughter 'commun'ion breakfast scheduled to follow <7' the organization. the 7:30 Mass Sunday, May 3 in the parish hall. Mrs. Mary Velozo ST. JAMES, is chairman. . NEW BEDFORD . Also planned fot' May is a style Msgr. Noon Circle will spon$or a rummage sale from Tues- show in the parish hall Sunday, day through Saturday, April 14 the 24th. to 18, from 10 to 5 daily. at 1078 ST. ELIZABETH'S, South Water Street. Mrs. Nora FALL RIVER : Feeley is chairman with Mrs. Th.e Women's Guild will sponMary Fagan as her co-chairman. sor a spaghetti supper and dance The group's regular meeting Saturday, April 25. A mother and will be held Wednesday, April daughter communion breakfast 15 with Mrs. Ann Ryan presiding. is set for Sunday, May 10. Mrs. Sadie Morrow and Mrs. Helen McGrath are chairman and ST. STANISLAUS, co-chairman of the social hour FALL RIVER The Parent-Teacher and to follow. Refreshments and Alumni Association will hold. a cardplaying are to be featured. mystery ride Saturday,. April 25. ST. DOMINIC'S, Assigned as. hostesses for the SWANSEA May meeting of the group are Sunday, April 12 will be carfirst grade and pre-primary nation Sunday at St. Dominic's. mothers. . Altar decorations will be real carnations and parishioners will ST. JOSEPH'S, purchase artificial flowers, made ATTLEBORO The Ladies of Ste. Anne Sodalby I Women's' Guild membe~s, as they enter the church. Over 1,000 ity will hold its monthly meeting and social ·TuesdaY evening, flowers have been made for the project, to benefit church ac- Apri,l 14 at 7:30. Mrs. Julia . Lathigee is in:. charge of entertivities. tainment, consisting of a fashion Acting as chairman and co. chairman of "Operation Carna- show. tion" are Mrs. Lloyd Jarvis and ST. MARY'S, Mrs. Daniel Almeida. > SOUTH DARTMOUTH OUR LADY OF FATIMA, Mrs. Frank Mello 3d is general SWANSEA' chairman of a ·dance planned by Acting as co-chairmen of the the Women's Guild' for Saturday May Lawn Festival to be held .. evening, April 25th at StevenThursday, Friday andSatUlJay, son's, from 8 to 12. May 28, 29, and 30, ate Mrs. Joh'l ST. PATRICK'S, ~ . . -; Des m 0 n d, representing the FALMOUTH Women's Guild and V.' James Annual Communion Breakfast 'Campagna, from the Holy Name for ,:members.. o.f. the Womf!.n's Society. ' '. Guild will be held at·.10 A.M. ST. JOHN BAPTIST, Sunday, April 19, in CoonamesCENTRAL VILLAGE ., sett Inn:· Members will receive '.1,'he Women's Guil4 announces Holy' CommunioiIat' the 8:45 completion of its pledge to Mass. Stonel1ill College. -. Guest speaker will be Sis~er A whist incorrectly announced .James· of Our Lady of Victory last Saturday' night will b& he~d Missionary Sisters, who is curthis Satur~ay, April 11, at 8 in. ·renlly. conducting a course for the parish hall. ' Jay teachers in West Harwich. '.
Facial Tissues .Baked Beans Grapefruil String Beans
'OX of
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13 oz
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FOWLReaclytoc... La 33 . C
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a book ~e
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NATURAL SCIENCES ILLUSTRATED edited by American Museum ofNatural History
Celery Hearts . Iceberg - Form, CrISP -
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KintK~ze . 19c
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4C .
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L~udsJesUlit, Publicati~n-'s
.Accur~crY and Courage
Oml Crosswords'
I . . - - -.......- - - B y
Henry Michael------...
By Msgr, George G. Higgins Director NCWC Social Aetion Depar~ent-
was offered at St. Patrick's Cathedral in New York City.'with His Eminence Cardinal SIlellman presiding-:to commemorate the fiftieth anniversarr of America, the national" America's specialists on these Catholic weekly review published by the Jesuit.Fathers particular problems are extraof the United Sfates. The ordinarily competel)t and well 3el'ffion was delivered by His informed and'I, for one,' have ~. Cardinal Cushing of Boston. The Cardinal's eloquent
"ALL •• Yn, II"• •
Religion Alone No_ Guarantee Of Ability' BOSTON (NC) -"Religion alone is no guarantee of political eompe~ncy," His Eminence Richard Cardinal
. Last Sunday, April 5, a Solemn Mass of Thanksgiving
16 Thurs.,- April THE ANCHOR 9, 1959
Cushing said here at a testimonial dinner in honor of state sen. John E. Powers. Cardi~al Cushing said he eould not see "how anyone would vote. for a candidate for public office merely because of his religion," He stated that voters should choose a political candidate ill much' the same way as they .would select a doctor or lawyer." Declaring that the Church and the State' provide for huma,. needs each in its own way, the Car<iinal added, "It has alwaya been my consistent policy to respect this separation of functions on the part of Church and State." "It would be unfortunate, however," he stated, "if the principle of separation' were to be pushed so far that the state would consider its independence of func·tion as implying its right 10 cliaregard the law of God." , "And it would be even more regrettable," he continued, "if religion were to become so much concerned about purely spiritual and religious matters as to ell:elude from its proper field of interest the moral principles ,by which. public life must be organized and controlled."
long sinde come to regard their writings as required reading in' connection with my ow,n work in the NCWC Social Action Department. ..
tribute to Amerparalieled mrrlier m'essages of. congratulaSeldom Disagrees tion received 'by It is customary· in a jltbilee '.he editors from tribute of this' kin'd to cover all· a number of the bases, so to, speak, by insertdignitaries, ining a' cautionary note to th~ ~ c l.u din g His effect that the writer, doesn't Holiness' Pop e necessarily always agree in every John XXIII and de~il. with the position's taken po res ide n t by the particular periodical un-. !)wight Eisender' discussion: oower." In the present case, while being By compari, faithful to this tradition, I would , . JOn with these messages of consoften the blow by saying that I ACROSS . . On.. who m.k• . a W ....ri". /' 8' St...... ameDd • • 9 HeaYeDIT bod, 88 P""."IJ"T 1 I;o,t blood vatulau'on . from ecclesiastical seldom disagree with America io' 110 A .rai.. . DOWl!l' '<Ill H."I" ....... 6 F'U. tOJrether _d political leaders of such· the field of socio-economIcs and p.tter . U I.oY"n 61 VaS 1 AD .1101' a KIDd of·eouell 17 Tra",,1 6Z Groov.. J D"fame la ew::alted rank anything that this that: even when I do, I am forced III lIDeI . N J.itDrl\'icai prlDt til Flow. free1Jo column might say in praise ,of ·to admire the cogency of its .ar19'HE IS _. I.DI\'''.&"'' a nrop,y <It Fr.jt'rant OF NEGRO ao..er ... · . M I"...d ".. • Tr.D....I.. America on the .occasion of its,' guments and the' tolerant spirit MISSIONS liS R ..bbers II Hoard"r. <It Food Golden Jubilee would be anti- -in which they are presented. III SOD of Ad• • II' R"sldeDt of , IUDd of II KI.. d ..r .... , I" 'HI': WORKED C.rllibea.. e....""da. otimactic at best: Watch out, now. Here cornea N I.eado_ AMONG .. lol...d • , Ik'" II2l )l'orm eODcep" lIll Glye lIP 1I6 Remal.. I lII.ke • low, Nevertheless I cannot forego the' commercial. America's ciras Half '(pr"a,,). 6' Syot"m'" U MI,t.k. !:be opportunity of saying "thank ...... cul~tiol1 is now in the neighbor- . r~::"~::::bf~" ~~:: "aJaM . , III Serf eorlDgfr..U 10 JUDd 01 1l.8. IIll HEWOR.II.BD JICMl" and "God 'bless you" to the hood- of 50,000. Surely there 1111 Mol''' e,,11 . IIIdl••. (101.) 'IN :. : ::;&'tl'cf:'~ 'GZ P.ld Do&lee . 11 Twlats ",HI!::HAD~ editors of America for all that isn't any reason w~y this figure MANy ....._ 8lI HE ,Blo:J.ON6- 1Z W.lk h. w.ter the,., havc done in the past and . cannot be doubled.. within' the' JO Fa~i'iiM .1 ED TO THE IS COllBum"d Soci~ty iDeo :~ t'~::\& . JRSUIT ........._ It Wi-.thful . 11ft curr~ntly doing to promote a near future-preferably before III Pi"c" 01 omee 84 Flat ~oektl 64 Tbe..... 111 Ob..rves ·better understanding and a more the end of this" the fiftieth' year, furniture 6li J.lqald 6li AI..rt 16 T.k" .11'11' II Print"r'. 61 Att..mpt. llfl Japan",e eola 66 PI.ce of adt_ ~tive application of Christian of the magazine's existence.. m......... (pl.) CHICAGO (NC)-Christopher 67 I.eta G9 Rlo••omlll' .%9 FI"I.h . 34 CODch ;JI'.mciples in a dozen different Subscriptions; at the, ann'ual 73 Rdst so EI"vates self 68 Put In harmoDW Dawson~ British historian who is S6 (!onJonctioa Skelet.1 park 69 74 M.. tat Sl'Stato of human-endeavor. rate of $8.00, can beforw'ardedto' • Fae.. h.lr 711 A ....k. ll! Dorb.... U.. professor of Catholic studies at TO IIleDtal 51 Potions " Great..r lU Fayon to deftctent - Second to NODe the' following address: America . Harvard University, will deliver 40 Remn.nb 77 Sinew enu. Tl M"se of ITN 44 Insoots 7lI R.bT SlI Derision • It will not 'be taken amiss, I Press, 70 East 45th Street, New the annual Thomas More Lecture C5 E".-lish .uthor 8Z Nail S6 Tempt..cl 7Z ~:::~bt here on Sunday, May 3 at the 'f, f 0 r the ediate York 17, N. Y. t6 HRWAS ' . 8S Complete S7 Continue' :Iftl sure, I 74 Infl.med . . CAI.I.ED THE 1M Trenchlik. 38 KettJ"drum 15 Bondi.. 20th annual Thomas More Asso:>urposes of this column, particu...: HF 78 Immer... ciation meeting. 'The non-profit CARTAHF:NA 85 s~~~f 0 . . .& :::is''N:T~c¢i 80 lar attention is given to AmerNelrat!"" • Woma.'. n.ame ~FlJ~ LAND 11 AD.imal .Ida association promotes Catholic :ca's courageous and eminentlyCou~troom reading. ;ane and constructive approach NEW YORK (NC) - Every Solution on Pale Eighteen " .'to controversial problems iIi the 3pecific fields of economics, race_ courtroom ,'in New' York State to' '::elations and international af-' win'soon containaplaquebearing .·U\e words " In God We . Continued from Page One . Haro,ld W. Meehan has arefairs. Trust." , ' . , ranged a program for these There may'be other magazines .The plaques will be erected as Ap~al have ~een dehvered ~nd meetings. They will centerabo~t i. the United States 'which now . a result of a directive issued by parIsh commIttees are .bemg the' most effective, means of conanct then··and by way of excep-· the State I·Judicial Conference, organi~d. To- p!ace partIcular tacting prospective contributors..... .ion o.utshinE;! Americ;l in ihejr. climaxing a three-year campaign emphaSIS on .the Appeal, all par- Chairman Sullivan, who will ',andling of'a particular problem conducted ,by James B. M: ishes have been requeste~ to re- . assist in arranging details, will :n one or other of these areas, but McNally, associate justice of ·the -.. frain from money raising activ~- ansWer questions 'on. orgaqiza:. OPENS A SAVINGS :t is my impression that' on the appellate division.' , ties of ev~ry nature fro~ Apnl tiona I procedur,e at each meeting, :Iverage, year in and year out, Justice MaNi:llly began his 18 to May 14. The Special Gift section will ACCOUNT ·AT THE America takes second place to campaign after the U. S, Con- Area Gifts Sessions commence Sunday; April It,' . '1BIle in terms of accuracy, regress, adopted "In God We In' the Special Gift se~tion, OLD RED .BANK ilebility,~'and realistic courage. - Trust" as a national motto. The Ulere is much preparation activ. To be m'ore specific about mott~, carried on coins since ity.A series of area meetings America's contribution to the 1865, began to appear on one dol- 'for SpecialG~fts solicitors .has ';iause of sochH justice, lI~tme cite lar bills in October 1957, '. . .been arranged. They will start It'. eo.y to ,'ort .ov;ng. :Rparticular its frequent articles It ,will soon be printed .on ~uron April 10 at the Catholic :lfld editorials on labor-managerency of other denommatlOns Memorial Home for the Fall and just as easy to save '1lent relations, racial segrega- too, the Treaury Department has River -area; - April 13th at the - COMPANY , ., "regularly. . :ioD and the United Nations. announced, Kennedy Community Center, New Bedford; April 15th in the Complete Line. CYO Building, Taunton; April We help money _Materials Building 17th, St. John's Schoc;>l, AttlebOro grow by adding regular( fQr the 'cQmbined Attleboro8 SPRING ST.; FAiRHAVEN North Attleboro and Mansfieldgen.,ou, dividend•• - WYman 3-2611 Nort~n: areas. All meetings will start at 7:30 P.M. ica
Thomas More To Hear Historian
'New York to Install . Plaques
Appea.I Lea ders- to" M eet on'M'on day 5
•$ s
t' ..
l:! $ ~.
Lo.e•• divid;nd tho ~rate of 3 1/4% per
L .
New Bedford. Fall River .'Mattapoisett
BUSH .& CO.,. SIN~~~~8~
Save by mail at
APPEAL LEADERS IN ATTLEBORO AREA:.Members r>f the Steering Committee of the Attleboro District confer 'Kith Rev. James F. McCarthy, area chairn'ian. Seated (left 1;0 right) Father McCarthy a,nd Rus~ell Brennan', Standin~ (left to right)Joh~ C~roU a~d ~arry Condo~' . '
$ . annum.
PLANT CHAMPION TER, NO. DARTMOUTH Every Garment moth-controlled Treated at no extra cost
Fall River Savings BaDIl Open F;iday evenings till •
141 NO. MAIN ST. FALL RIVER Tel. OS $.7861
Ordination on Saturday, April 25 ContiDued 'rom Pa«e ODe Baltimore. He will celebrate his first Solemn Mass at St. Lawrence's Ch~rch, New Bedford, Sunday, April 26, with Rev. John F. Hogan as archpriest; Rev. .lohn Murphy, deacon; Rev. James A. Clark,. subdeacon; Rev. .lohn P. Driscoll, preacher. North Attleboro Resident Rev. Mr. Mattnani a resident of North Attlebor~, attended primary and secondary schools in the city. Seminary studies were undertaken at St. Charles College, Cato'nsville, Md. and St. Mary's Seminary, Baltimore. He will sing his first &lemn Mass, at 11 Sunday morning, April 26 at St. Mary's Church, North Attleboro. Serving as archpriest wiH be Rev. Edward B. Booth. An uncle, Rev. Vittorio Magnani of the Diocese of Modena, Italy, will be-deacon. Rev. Norman J. Ferris will be subdeacon and Rev. Robert L. Stanton will. preach. Rev. Mr. Lavoie attended St. Mathieu's School, Fall River and Assumption Preparatory School and College. He studied for tile priesthood at the Grand Seminary, Montreal. 'His first Solemn Mass, scheduled for 11 Sunday morning, April 26, will be celebrated at St. Mathieu's Church, Fall River. His archpriest will be Rev. EIzear Grenon, a cousin from Canada. Rev. Rene Levesque, 51. J~hn the. Baptist Church, Fall RIver, WIll be deacon and Rev. Clement DUfour,. St. Theresa's, New Bedford, will be subdeacon. Rev. Roger Poirier, ~otre Dame Church, Fall River, IS scheduled as preacher. Also at Montreal Also a seminarian at the Grand' Seninary, Montreal was Rev. Mr. Dowling. His earlier stUdies were undertaken at Notre Dame ammar school and Prevost HIgh School~ both Fall River; and AssumptIon College. Mr. Dowling will sing 'his first Solemn Mass at 11 Sunday morn_ ing, Aptil 26 at Notre Dame Church, Fall River. On the altar with him will be Rt. Rev. Alfred J. E.. Bonneau, archpriest;· Rev. Adden Bernier, Notre' Dame, deallon; Rev. .1: Normand., Hardy, St. Anne's, New Bedford, subdeacon; Rev. William F. Col-
Poetry Winners
THE ANCHOR - , lard, pastor of St. Theresa's, New Thurs., April 9, 1959 Bedford, preacher. Rev. Mr. Levesque attended Notre Dame and Prevost Schools .and Assumption College. He was also a student at the Grand Seminary. His first Solemn Mass is scheduled for· 9:30 Sunday mornlng, 'April 26 ~t Notre Dam.e Church, Fall River. His archNEW YORK (NC)-The priest will' be Rt. Rev. Alfred J. Nati~:p.al Legion of Decency E. Bonneau. Rev. Alfred J. Genplans a full-scale campaign dreau, St. Mary's Cathedral; will to promote attendance at be deacon; Rev. Donald' E. some movies it deems ·suitable Belanger, 51. Jean Baptiste, sub:' for the entire family, :¥:cordiflg .deacol'!; Rev. Roger Poirier, to a national Catholic magazine. Notre DalY!.e, preacher. The legion wi,ll not abandon . St. Joseph's Church, Proviits system of classifying films, dence, will be the scene ot Rev. but will in addition give its supMi'. Moriarty's first Solemn port to certain films, as It did Mass, scheduled for 11 Sunday "The Inn of the Sixth Happimorning, April 26. His archpriest ness," Information magazine. will be Very Rev. Arthur' T. published monthly by the PaulGeoghegan. Serving as deacon • ist :Fathers here, reports. will be Rev. Charles M. Mitchell. A copyrighted article in the Providence. Rev..James L. Kellimagazine says the legion's other her, Carden City, R. I., will be FULL SCHOLARSHIP WINNERS: Entering Mf. St. plans to foster good films insubdeacon. Rev. 'Eugene Walsh, clude: S.S.,. of Baltimore will 'be Mary Academy this year as award winners are (left to preacher. 1. Increasing the number of right) Judith Callahan of SS. Peter and Paul school; Linda laymen on the legion's board of Rev. Mr. Moriarty attended Ferreira, St. Joseph's School; Janet Hastie, Wixon School' now chiefly members St. Joseph's. School, Providence, ' reviewers, and Judith Bednarz, St. Stanislaus' School. of the Motion Picture DepartDe La Salle Academy and Our. ment of the International Fed- ' Lady of Providence, St. Mary's c.ation of Catholic Alumnae. and St. .lohn's Seminaries. 2'. Encouraging aduLt discusMass in Boston sion groups to analyze "the tupRev. Mr. Mayhew will sing his 'ics and treatment in todar's NEW ORLEANS (NC)-Defirst Solemn Mass at the Cathesands and thousands of seamen adult-theme :films." spite their. sometimes rugged ral of the Holy Cross Boston many a quiet, unassuming, phil3. . Fostering interest in higb at 10 Sunday morning, 'April 26:' exterior, most sailors have "a osop~ically tempel'ed old salt schools and colleges in guiiling good solid foundation of Chris-' His ministers will. 'be Rev. John who can converse with intelli- students in intellignt evaluation tian faith." Frawley, administrator of the gence on the weightiest sub- of films. Cathedral, archpriest; Rev. Rus"They've got faith-but'. don't jects," he commented. Worthwhile Pictures sell Davis. director of music at ever tell them t:ley've got reliBesides making regular visits Msgr; Thomas F. Little, execSt. John's Seminary, 'deacon; gion," commented Father Thomas to seamen along the waterfront, utive secretary of the legion, is Rev. Edward Keohan, HaverMcDonough, C.SS.H., who is a~ quoted in the article as saying hill, subdeacon. The preacher national secretary of the Apos- Father McDonough operates the that "we definitely have no in.-' Catholic Maritime Club in New will be Rev. Edmund Hackett, tleship of the Sea. He said he tention of getting behind ev~ry Orl~ans' port area. Father Mcwas afraid of seamen' when he also of the Cathedral. Donough's trademark is the morally unobjectionable film. Rev. Mr. Mayhew studied ·at· began his work among sailors pocket calendar. He passes out Hgllywood makes." . 15 years ago~ Cathedral High School, Boston "We will,. on the other han~ hundreds of them to sailors. "A. a n.d . '81.' John's Seminary, But he soon found out that pocket calendar is worth more n()t hesitate in giving our supBrighton. "they were a lot 'more afraid of than' money to a guy ;""ho must port f.o really worthwhile pieAlso to be ordained by the me," he recalled. Today the spend weeks on a ship," he ex- tures," he said. ,"We're inte°ested in films, well done artisMost Reverend Bishop are nine Irish-born priest added, h~ has plained. ti~ally, which deliver a gOflCi priests for the Missionaries of lost his fear. "You just have to The chaplain emphasized in moral message, though not ri~ talk their language," he exOur Lady Of La' Salette. They his dealings with seamen he essarily containing a r~}jgiOUll plained. are Rev. Mr: Gerald Baril; Rev. avoids "preaching" to them. theme.'" Mr. Rene Bisaillon; Rev. Mr. Father McDonough said he "The approach is oblique and ."Ow' aim now is to prom~ . Edmund Bourque; Rev. Mr. gets a laugh from landlubbers the work is' sometimes rather better films produced throucla Richard Delisle; Rev. Mr. Alwho think of all sailors as hard- . intangible," he said, "but .it's desire· for' our approval rathB })honse Larochelle; Rev. ·Mr. drinking, tattooed old salts. "I very effective and very enjoy- than fear of our' disapproval," Laurier Morin. happen to know among Uwu- ~ble." ' Msgr. Little is quoted as sayiR8; Rev. Mr:Maurice Proulx; Rev. ·Mr. Real Richard; Rev. Mr. Albert Bard.
Pecency Legion To Recommend Some Movies .
Port Chaplain Declares Sailors Have· Solid Foundation in Faith
Spotlighting Our Schools
" I. I
.._,-,--"-------------------------_._--------.-..~._.~_._-~_ ..-._--_ ,
MT. ST. MARY ACADEMY, .......Our Lady's Basilica"; Patricia : FALL RIVER Harrington, "Communion"; G a i l ' Members of the Science Club, Faris, "If I Were Queen"; a n d : The Vang~ards, spent a day at Valerie Polka, "0 Little Star". , Science Park, Boston. AccomOrchestra Members will be :,: panied by Sister M. Verona, guests of St. Xavier Academy in R.S.M.,A.M., and Sister M., KateProvidence tomorrow, partici, rie, H.S.M., A.B., moderator of the pating in a joint concert for t h e : science club, the students viewed student body at St: Xavier'S. :. a demonstration in Charles Hay- 'HOLY FAMILY, : den planetarium as well .as NEW BEDFORD . ' visiting exhibits, including the ,. Talking Transparent Women, an The NatIonal High School : appendectomy formation of crys- P oe t ry A ssociation has accepted , tals, and atomic energy displays. for publication poems S'Ubmitted , The National High. School by eight members of senior a n d : Poetry Association has released junior classes. The Sen i 0 r • the names of students who will Awards were given to Jo-Ailn. : have poems published in a rel- Bender whose topic was Senior , • gion anthology, Young America Year; Ruthann Carter, Justice; : Sings. Two students merited Russell Jordan, Books; Robert : . I t' M'1 Ken Lawler, Retired Mariner', Jeffrey , specla men IOn: an yn Nunes, Death',. Mar'tha O'Leary, " nedy for "Deceit" and Patricia Medeiros for "Interlude".' 9ther Our Secret Weapon; Theresa Oli: students and their poems are: ' veira, Graces;, Janice Szeliga, ,. Patrieia Reagan, "The Poem"; The . Robin's Song. The Juniors . d ~ Margaret Griffin, "Visitor"; Mar- recelvmg awar s were: Patricia llyn Wrobleski, "Human Love"; Calanan, A June Sky; Diane Patricia Kowalczyk, "Nightfall". Champagne, Autumn Leaves; .l"an Macomber, "Give Me Agnes Costa', His Guiding Hand; Strength"; Judith Pereira, "The Jo-Ann Figueiredo, Why Am I Rosary"; Kathryn Mag rib y, Here?; Eleanor Florio, Someone; "Puppy-Love"; Frances Thomas, Anrie Marie Healy, Lent; Edward Kelly, Trees in Spring; Raymond Lagasse, Rustle of Spring. Lato gasse's poetry was given special mention. MONTICELLO (NC) - As Junior Varsity Affirmative and Spring snow blocked ·the roads Negative debating teams met around this northeast Iowa town, with· Coyle High School teams students at Sacred Heart High at the Kennedy You-th Center. School thought their :annual reRepresenting the Affirmative treat would hav~ to be postponed from Holy Famil:- were Catherfor lack of a retreat master. ine Brower and Joseph Kelleher, But a helicopter was pressed who were defeated by Joseph Into service to pick up Father C. Quill·and Lawrence Lacaillade of J. Ralter in Dubuque-30 mnes Coyle. Holy Family's negative away. The 'copter skipped over team consisting of Maureen the snow-clogged roads in a 25- Hayes and Richard Kijak also . minute trip and the retreat be- met defeat at the hands of David gan. on time. Carmichael and .1oho Hanieski•. '.' .
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Continued from Page Onf:BakerChiid Guidance Center in .' . gf the Diocese of Fall River, ,a'nd Boston,he studied at .Collunbia·· tbe Most Rev: JamesJ. Gerrard, . University and is a graduate of .' ,auxiliary bishop of the Fall RiverttIe School of Medfc'ine there. Diocese. .. . " Dr. Rosenheim has written . Presidents .and· chaplains . of, an~ leduredextensively sub-" each club will be' seated with the jects 'jn his field and is a memelergy. at the head table. ber of· the' Boston Psycho-AnaLecturer at B.C.'. lyti~ Society and' the .American Dr. Rosenheim is a lecturer. on Orthopsychiatric Assn.. ' . . . psychiatric information at .the . The New Bedford Serra dub " Boston' College School' of" Social was recently organizied' under Work,. where he has been assothe sponsorship' of. the' Attleboro .;: ciated since 1946,' and' is a prac- District Club and is' to be char.' ticing psychiatrist in Boston. tered later this month:' . " A former directorof the. Judge '. .',
Fo.reig' n ·Aid.ls.' Red Stopp.er
....~ TIHE. ~NCHOII,
., ': ,. . " Continued from Page One 'continued, "we' 'lose Asia,. then Africa, then South America. And· .then· there would be too' many wolves for us to fight alone. '" '" '" Unless we do this job, the wolves will win, while our bullets rust in our rifles." .
... tary dollars ,will . have been spent in vain." Khrush Trfes Again .Explaining the u. s. policy of forward defense, Mr. Gilhooley referred to the" current Berlin crisis, He said: "Eleven y-ears ago the air lift frustrated a Stalinist power play Red Pressures' for Berlin, Now Mr. Khrushchev This is the Ireason why the is· making a~other 'play, and . U. S. Government has instituted President Eisenhower has made .a program of economic as well as' our stand plain.. We will talk military assistance to vital~ areas any time about anything.. if it that are'a target of Red aggJ::es- willhelp the cause of a just and .~ sion, Mr. Gilhooley stated. honorable peace, but we will not "Unless the developing nations' . be bullied; We will not be shoved' 01' . ANSWE.RS·:':J (d); 2 (a); 3 (d); of the warldcan make progress"a~ound qy anybody, anywhere." , . NEW YORK (NC)--:..ca~holic· 4 (c); 5 (M; 6 (d); ·7\(a); 8 (a). . toward economic betterment,in_ ;--~· --.-~ ,HEIDELBERG (NC)-rhe an- and 'public school officials have ., , - dustrialization and'a better life," \ . . ' Dual rally and first convEmtion of . asked Gov. Neison A'- Rocke-' h,eem~ha:size~, "tpey willn?t be .COR~EjA' .the Mili~aryCouncil of.CatlioYi!=,.. feller of NewYorkto'open~he·.>':PARIS (N·C).....::...The· National.' able t.o.resist th~ .·penetrations ';.ONE STOP .~~rt ~ill beheld 1\pril17 to 19' is.tate's Nation~l ·Guard. ·arl!'0ri.el" .t\S~iatiori· ofPti'est >:Veterans alld 'pre~s~I;:s o~ .th~., age':lts. of ~).he Gen~rl!l,,:walkerHotelin Jor..·studenfa~hlet,cand·~e~r~ai.· Ii'ete,has' imn6tinfed.th~tit will.,c<J.~muDls . ~~pefla~Is~.~.; ~ ."SH()PPING (:;'NTE~ . ..Qercht9~ad~?,~t'w~s an~ounced tional activities, , .':'-., .,.<,.; ,ori~anize . 'im' iniernational .'pit..;; " ~It~o~t.such 1":progra~. ()~ ec~::' e; Television' ' .• Furbi&un - '.':-" .lael"e..,·; ,.' .:.. ~:;::', ;,:; ..... .~he plea"co"'taine~)Q"aJetter:"i:;.grimage\tO ;Lourd'E;s~.from:Ali~·:.:~6mIc. de'yelopmel1t-}h~ ,fr~, c . ' ..... • . ·:~r:~s~~.ing'~t':~h~b~sine~; se~. ,.si~~~}f;by',repiese:ll.tativ'dl~~~; tif.~;, ;:$~~t'~O;)6~ $epi~~~e:i'2to' ~mlrk!.·;·t~j)~}(lcan~o:t:,:~~e~ th~, c.O~~~~~ .. ,!Appl~anees·..• '::Groeet;' ." .:lio~':"l,~!)e }\;1aF ~~rl,:;F;C;,lwar.dJ. . B()a!d .. o~ .li:9u~ab()!1 'l:l.nd?:t~~ ..;Jh~26th~~"nivel'sa'r~~of.ihesU1~tY:'.IJ~~~,'~h~Pe~~~,. a,n,~'lln~~I'~I~I:.' ' :' 'l~·~ll~n,.~.&.~·N·ew . '~to~~> . O'NeIll,. ,MCC~·presIdent,whoJ'Cathohc.High' School AthletIc' 'of .world'WarII'·";,: '. . '. < .••• . . ' . , -:>.:·Wyman 1.:9354 . .'. c ~command~nggene':ilr:of: ~he. ':Asli~ja!iqn"urges;the:qovernor" .' L;u~ge:· grou'ps: ~i\,.~teians.fro~'15c' SPECI A '15'~:' . . '" ., .'.: ~, ~'. :~~my:s .~IJ~ope~~. COrJ:l.- i :~n hi~: capacity' as com?\a~der-:,., . Germany',.k;;(l'·,ItalJ'>a~: well~. e,"":' . . : . " '.. . }-. :.. ': ,•. ~UDlCll:tlOns ~on~;~.· ". '.' ' . , In:-chle{ of. the state ~Il~tIa,. to ,from the Allied ·nationS. are ex.";:: WALLET ·SIZEPICTURES:· .;iL."::' .~p'i~it,~~J . exerci~~; .of:· th~.·. di.r~ct,.·~ff.i~ers!(),f., the' ~ta~e~ ';1.'7,.: pected ,to a#el14. "~'. '.~. . "liirriina.ted· .. (Se~1I . i'" jtla~tic)' :":;",.;,..,' council are:o to be. conducte(l' ·by armomes' In the::cIty ·to'ablde<by .. ' . . ' •.;, ,. "'. • .,'. . , :;>':"l'~t~e'r' (Col.)~ Joh~: 1\ Kilcoy~e.,·a, '19,57 statelaViWhi~~ .:er Q.v14es . . . . . , ~ .. ·.·L· :.:E·· ,.·l$«(·e~·;· f.::f~t: 25cp.p..; t.:·; . ,.:~n·':rrancisco,priest who ill com'",,; "f()r' the:ul;e:,9f armories"·!.Of·a,ny:, , '.~ ,< 24 HOUR'SERVICE. ", .:. :,. ::··,m.~iind.. ch.·aplain of. 'the .ArmY'~lI prograindesig.neq ..to·red.uce~ ju':" •• ,..,. ".... .. . '" ·:};:,.;E~~og,e~n 'Sout~ern ~r,e~i' and< . venite deiinquenclT.. "'ind114ing',:' I· . .:,SEAlAST;.:B~ox';!514' ". .~ 4fI\ . , ,Fa'ther (Lt. Col.) Jeremiah Sul- '. a~hletic. events." .. :,; '<.{'>";.'. , '"x: ': " :,.".:.;' . ' NEvi '0' ; 0" 'M.''A:'5'5 .' -'~~" liva'n,' U. S. Air Fo'ice C h a p l a i n ' .' . AUTO' ~9DY :'ANO . ; ' - c ';>.F ~. ' . . . • annurW ftofrl. the" Diocese' QfC r0 9!tston, GENERAL·.~REPAIRS '. Thurs., "pnl 9, 1959 .. . .
CrOSS Word Sol'ution
Ask·Armories· Use' ·Servicemen· Plan F" y' h P'I' . -.,·st'. Ra.lly .. '.' . .' out ..' ..a'.Y: .
Fac·fs·,·of ;F'aith
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Veterans at Lourdes .
'W'hyS~it/~'~Q~ less?
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Holy. ·Fa the'l'tc)' Visi't, . under~he'j~int .Rome. A'rchbisl Iic'~, '" 7SBellvill~·'A\;e:. .wY3~7661,
sPonsorship. of . the Natiqnal. --ROME(NC)--':"'p~peJoniiw'ili· . New' Bedf~rd, ~ou.nCit' of Catholic Me~ and the., go to his: cathedral, the Arch:" . " . ,.' .,: . Nat!onal Catholic. Community basilica of St.John Lateran,to ". , ..:.... ,:,,~;, ..' .. Service.. Both organizations have mark· the 750th"annl'versary :of . '~:" ~ :".';~ ~~ ~ ~~.;-"):";~ ~~ '!'.~~ ~ ~~; .~ their headquarter~·in. \yash'ing-' the founding of the.Fr~~c'jscan COI)··~I'A 7 '-; . tolL' . , 'Order on Thursday, AprIl 16: : ~. Ill~'~I.. ~
';MR' n
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1 North Main St., Cor. Bedford Open Friday Evenings 'til •
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N~w BedfQrd S'Ori(y Author~zed l
PRESENTING SERIES OF TALKS: Do~inican Academy debaters· present the second in series of 'd'iscussions ' on Communism Sunday eveni~g at 7 :.o5~ Left to right:· Una . Raymond, Claudette Michaud, Barba,ra Arruda and Aime , . Marie Levesque:' ' .
WY.7-9486 .:
First EasterTournament Outstanding Success ,
NEW YORK (NC) - The average college freshman HI a "surface reader" who needli\ · skilled guidance before he it ready to evaluate properly the works 'of a Graham Greene or a FrancoJs Mauriac. For this evaluation work, said · Father John F. Harvey, theologian at Dunbarton College of Holy Cross in Washington, the student must have "a clear coneept of the primitive nature of . evil" and clarity on the nature of esthetic J:?resentation. . Master by Practice Father Harvey spoke at the fifth anImal meeting of the So-·. ' ciety of Catholic CollE!ge Teachers of Sacred Doctrine. The theologian described the : artistic presentation:' of moral evil as the "most delicate" of'aU subjects. To be able-to meet this ,ch~llenge, he said, students must receive a "more thorough" education in moral and esthetic" · principles. However, knowledge'·of prin. ciples, he continlied, "is not· suf. 'ficient," because students mas,ter principles "o.illy by practice in applying them to established works of'literature and drama.-
of the entries-14 to be ex- deal.of color. Play has been act--hailed from Fall River, spirited and Ute efforts of 1he but the range of representa- . youths have been well received tion spanned the area from by the' enthusiastic, highly~par Fairhaven to Attleboro. tisan fans that have viewed the, Gracing the roster of the par- competition. Sartori~l' honors. ticipating teams . went to sma r t I y . outfitted were many of St. Mary's squad, resplendent the All-Scl1lasin ·their blue jersey, white tic hoop stars of pants and fashionable blue 'and the past season. ' white, knee-Ieng'th game stockDurfee's start- "0 ings. Urging OLPH on to gr.eater ing five were on heights was a ,nattily-~ttired 5 han d, though·' girl cheering squad which re-' .not as a unit. fused to allow a decidedly proNEW. BEDFORD CYO BREAKFAST: Guests at the Charley Carey Fall River crowd dampen' their and Stan. Kuinspirational efforts in behalf uf semi-annual Communion Breakfast of St: Anthony of Padua piec engineered their New Bedford favpri.tes: . CYO, included (left to right) Rt. Rev. Msgr. Albert Berube, Sacred Hearts, The. members of. the clerey pastor; N ~mand J.Boulet, CYO pres·ident;.. Rev.· Bertrand John Connell headed the impres-' were· 00'"hand .in force to lend CYO' director and Theophile, D'es Roches, guest sive Saints Peter and Paul quin- :: support'to·their· parish teams and R..Chabot,. speaker~ ,... '. . .' , . tet, Dick Bonalewicz appeared,. among' th~ ~Ilad ~entors were . " with· St. Patr.icks· and. .Gary three. sCQ,QQI coaches with'vast Hathaway bad leg and all was basketball experience.. Abe ~ositiYe" the ~ainstay of St. Marys.' White, Durfee' Tech's var!1ity pilot, guided Sacred Heart,while Holy . Family and COyle: John .O'Brien, assistant at Som., . Four members of the .Bristol erset, and Paul Monahan, Case· . . . ·~OSTON (NC):..- Richard Cardin~ Cushing, . ArchCounty ch~pion,Coyle'team. freshman 'mentor, . handled S1:' bishop of Boston, favors a "pos!tive. approach" to . motion ' were among· the eempetitors. .Thomas More and St. Dominics, pictures... , . : Tom Bourne, 37 points vs. St. respectively.' .. , Speaking at the V.S. premjere of "Erhbezzled~Heaven" James (N. B.) guided. a talen~ed' Demonstrating the value' of the Cardinal, told -the audi. '. gO , and that makes them want to' St. Dominics squad into the team play were the successes ence he 'hoped they w.ould go 'to see it." semis. Teammates jack Morissey .achieved by Santo ·Christo·, Fall Lourdes Pilgrimage Find Reconciliation , (Immaculate Conception" Taun--' River CYO champion and OLPH, act as propagandists for the 'l '' . " Th e be s t way f ora C th 0 1 Father Harvey said 'tea~h~'rs of , . ton), Al Costa (St. John of God, Greater New Bedford'runners- f 1m. " lCS"IU "We are often.' asked, to' con- exert a wholesome influence oni' religion and art should "work Somerset) . and Jeff Wheeler up. Both. squads were pitted. . Car d'ma I C us h'mg' sal'd.. together" in educating students (Sacred Heart, Taunton) made against superior inQ.ividual talent . demn one J;llovie or another," he mOVIes, . t 0 suppor t . goo d f'l . to correlate "all the different impressive, if fleeting, appear- . in the quarterfinal round, but in remarked, "but I have never IS' 1 ms. Proceeds of the premiere per-' judgments" which can be made ances as their teams bowed out each' instance the cohesive pat- done so. If you condemn a. pic-' ,in the initial round. terns of the veteran CYO 'squads ture,' .it is' the best publicity you formance of "Embezzled Heaven" . a.bout.a given work of art. , . :not to were gIven . t 0 C ar d'ma I C us h'mg "Conflicts between the, censor prevailed. Their meeting in the can give i.t. Tell 'people With St. James (NB)' were final is conjectural, but with the to help sponsor a special pil- ,and the critics in regard to a " Holy Family's·All Small· Schools grimage to Lourdes next sum- literary or dramatic work are speed and ball handling ability Youth. Presents Play guard, Milt Frazier, and New each showed in the early rounds, . mer.' inevitable, but not insoluble," he asserted. "On the higher level 01 ·Bedford High's Mike Whelan. it would be a great game. At Espirito' Santo st. Marys' (FR) had a host of . . . Free From Vices wisdom and of charity the man well known personnel. In add!. . ESCIT A play, "St. Philomena, Child "I will be taking 68 exceptional of prudence and the man of an tion to the aforementioned Gary. The recently concluded ESCIT and Martyr," will be presented children to Lourdes with"ine," ean find reconciliatio!'!," he said. Hathaway', coach Benevides' team Tourney" at. Newpo-rt' found by the Youth Guilp. of ·Espirito he said: "half of 'them are physicincluded ,Ken Machado, Durfee, Bishop 'Carroll of Washington, Santo Church, Fall River at 7 ally-retarded and half mentally ~ Jim Shovelton and Jim Holleran, l;).C. edging Trenton ·Catholic, Saturday and Sunday evenings, 'retarded. Weare 'not going to Diman and Dave Borkman, De 67-65, to retain its title~hd gain ,April lland 12, . .L"ourdes in seach ofa rriiracle, " La 'Salle. . ....... :.. ,. . a second, 'leg' on· ·the Bishop To. benefit the parish 'school althqugh many' mit-acleshappen' ..... St. Thomas More; Somerst,'one . McVinney Troplly.' The·Caps building fund, the three::'actplay ·there. I am takingtne children . of the early tourney favorites, talented guard, Ge,:,rge Leftwic, . will feautre settings 1'n Greece,' . to· this great shrine so that they' boasted All-Nar~y ~~ke Salmon,' was named' most valuable. . Rome and a' prison cell. A final may offer their ;prayers to God, . . while neighbor.' St. Dominics, Watching Gary Hathaway. in tableau is entitled'''ThePraises' so 'that they' may pray' for the" Swanseap~o~ideQ ::r'()!ll .Bo-urne, . action the .other night we, ~of St. 'Philomena," , leaders of' our·country, for the" . . '. ,couldn't help but recall the sim-. .. ..... . 't . f ld rd'r' . d ' 'INC•. with a stellar supp~rting cast ili' iiarity"of his'style 6f play to that ~hle:l parts w111 be ell?cted by, commums s, or wor 0 e an · the ,pefsOns of Jim ,and Phil of Leftwic. Both 'are lefthanded Bever! Cabr~l~sSt. Phl1a',ITena; abetter future;: I 'believe these ·Travis both ofwh'om playelfvital ':". . . Lorrame Ohvelra as Prmcess children are especially close t o · · ; . roles on Case HtghJs Class C: and ~ach dribbles hIgh and, hard. - Aglae, the 'saint's' ino,ther; and" Go-d and hope 'that their 'prayers' : . '. 1957 Tech champion squad·. Also' That s fast company, Gary. Alfred Lopes -as Prince Lucius, 'will be effective." '.
<;:o·rdi.ial Cushing Favors Approach to Motion Pictures
Average College Freshman Only SurfQce Reader
Jack Kineavy Iomerset High School Coaeh The response to the first Easter CYO Basketban TourDey has been mos-t gratifying; Twenty-four parish teams entered the competition which got underway last week and "" will be concluded tonight in Hali, Fall River. The bulk
• \l\L
THE ANCHOR '. Thurs., April 9, 1959
B' &''"S'. '..
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:~h :a:~ed~~:~~ ::a~au~:: ~ar.row· M(~II'gin' Lane's outstanding .playmaker PH· T this past seas~. .' . UtSI m' . OpS Fairbaven Entry
St. Josephs (Fairhav~n) which. looked very strong againshSf; Michae'is (FR~ was studded with, former Blues. Paul Bernard and Al Dellecese, in particular, came up with tine individual performances in the quarterfinal' round.. Fred DUguay and' Felii Swintakprovided 0lJl' Lady of Pei'Petu81 'Help with a formidable 'ODe-two scoring ·punch 10 ease the 'New Bedford entry into the IIemifinals 1M *he expense Of
st. Marys. Theile are but a :random sampIing of the fine schoolboy talent that was. ill evidenCe ~uring the early .tRges of the
, tourney. The entIre Santo Christo Iqued, DOne of whom has had any appreciable high school playing experi4mce, earned a well-deIIerved niche in to~y play by turning ll6ide St. Thomas More, 'MJ":46 . in' the quarterfInals OIl · Bunda)"., M.A~~l1a p_aced ~C,with }6 points, Johnny Raposa had If IIiDd Art' 'FeRelFia" It". . " '!'be St. 'Pbomes More-St. Pal, Jlick imtial I'OUnd elash produeed
: lleveralliigh ·wate!' marks to dite. · Somenet's 88 points ranks as the highetrt team .output· thus far. · Add St. ·Patrick's 82·m.rken'and ;poa have the ..bi«he;,t atI. ~ pegate aI. the eompetition. Mike II&lmoD Joand tbe -*rings for 38 ~, in tb8t ·~iest 10: estabiim the · kadtYkIual ~ JIeCClN ..... ~ . . _tftneIL .
"'OW ."",.
.....' .... ~~ .. ,,:.-..
JERSEY CITY (NC) - Bill Smith of ' St. Peter's College was the top scorer among the 1,000 basketball.players at 80 Catholic colleges' throughout the Nation during the. 1958-'59 season, aceording'to the final statistics from. tbe NCAA (Naij.onal COl. legiate Athletic Association) and NAIA . (National Association 'Of Intercollegiate Athietics). Smith, who was named most "!tluable player in ·the Middle ':Eastern Conference, is' a recent eonvert to ·the Faith. Brother of a Protestant .eminilrian, be attended St. Peter's at the· urging of a Jewish referee at the loeal Young Men's .HebJ'ew Associa_ twn. ,..------------_.
:;r}::~~:·.~o~~~~eressis played'
Mother Mary Anjo of the Saered Heart,. F.M.M. is directing the play and' a 15-member choral group which. will pl'esent between-acts entertainment is di- . reeted by Mother Mary' Fr~ricis Borgia, F.M.M. Instrumental music will be furnished by Patracia Vasconcellos, ,pianist and Jacqueline Costa, violinist. George' Lopes is stage mail-' . ager and Joseph Medeiros is electrician. The performancesare open'to the publie.
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· Lo-ty Me'dl-'ato'rs OPERATION TENDER LOVINGCARE:'Awell-organizedprogra~,existsforfoster P - h" L I " 1 , , " .are, of babies in the FaJrRiver Diocese. At feft Miss Helen Burns; m: charge of piace;, , arlS " ;soca '~ Between'Mo,dern ,', ments. for the Fall, River area, checks a';file. ~t left center, Mrs. Irene Gauthier gives a,' Lay ,Apo"stolate , ", .' baby. Just one last mouthful of formula. At rIght eenter thebab~ts awake and appre-" , ' , " Society and God ~ ' eiating·Mrs.Gauthier's,help in accomplrs~ing,a burp. A~ 'far right, the young m~n is f~r' Activity Scene
DE;rROIT (NC) - Donald J. ~sleepy to bother a~out such matt.ers ,as dlaper-changmg~ but M~s. ~oland W'"LavOie' DETROIT N ' . "'orman, inanaging editor of 18 SO expert, after carmg for 50 babIes, that she doesn't dIsturb hIm a bit. ' ,dele'gates to (thC'b-:- Ad.drleBStn, C Ave Maria magazine and presi• \ ' e lenma contilent of the National 'Catholic 'vention of the National Councll · Action Conference, urged lay... of'~he Catholic Men here, Msgr. :7 ~ ~ JOSIah G. Chatham, pastor of St. ' Inen to bring about "a great re...... ' R' , eonciliation , . . between the lchard·of Chichester church in lRod~rn 'American community '-' U~~ ' Jackson; MiSs., declared that the ..' d th . . I es :-By Patr')'c)'a' McG'ow'an 'parish should be "the native ,.n ,e unc h angea bl e pnnClp 'et Christianity." I, home, the school and the local . , Eve,r seen a picture 'of the Infant ,Jesus, drowsy head against His Mother's breast, headqmirters. of the lay,apo!lt~"Just as the priest is a mediu~the tender portrayal '. late," He outlined a detailed · ator between God and, man, so eonte,ntedly sucking His' ,thumb, ,J'ust Jlke your own baby? That's. " too we are charged with the task of the Divine Infa,nt that hangs in the office o~ Miss Helen Burns, busy" kindly ladyprogram for the lay apostle to , .f bringing God into contempor- 'in-charge of foster home placements for FalL River area Catholic Charities. ' take part in parish life by: ary sQciety and bringing tilat so- ' 'The picture keynotes the " 1) Participating in parish soeiety to God," he told aelegates' ' S h e said that the most impor- is Mrs. Roland W. Lavoie. Mother cieties. "Obviously," he said, "lay to thc biennial convention of the ' loving care given upward of tant thing a foster mother gives of seven children herself, rang- apostles will be able to work to: )Jational Council ,of Catholic 100 babies a yearby Cathoa baby can't be measured on an ingfrom 11 to 18, she has cared gether only through some type Men, lie Welfare Bureaus in Fall 'appplication form. That's moth- for 50 babies in the past six of organization." In seeking to reform society, River and New Bedford. In New erly affection. Without it a baby, years. However, he' pointed out, Mr. Thorman said, laymen must Bedford placemen'ts are handled ,well-cared for physically, can "I love it," says, the petite "mere friendship" is not enough. 'use the twofold tool of moral by Mrs. Mary, Grenier, but in starve emotionally. But some- ,woman', and a moment's watch- "The true lay apostle . . . must and institutional reform., both offices the problem ·is the times, she said, the problem is ing her with her 'current charge show initiative, assiIme responFor example, in regard to the same: sometimes there are more one of -too much love-a foster proves it. Nor does she mind 'sibility, accept leadership, en· hce problem, he said,. this ap- babies 'than homes to re~eive' mother is brokenhearted when the thousands of nights of broken courage others to active participroach would envision, "a prothem. , the time comes to take a baby sleep 50.babies'have involved. pation, and use his influence to'--"; .gram of moral education to al"Usualiy we can manage, but £rom her c a r e . ' shape the society to meet the leviate prejudice and a steady occasionally we have' a good "We warn mothers that they . He~ ~amilY ~ret e,~.:~r sUh~lPdQJ't- current needs of the parish, the er pressure on the institutional lev- many babies coming to us at one' era 0 v proJec . e c I ren diocese and the universal el to change discriminatory laws time, and'then we have a 'prob- should try not to become too miss it when there's no baby in Church." Msgr. Chatham said: attached to the babies," explain- th~ house," ,declared Mrs. Lavoie, and customs." lem," ex'plained Miss Burns, in "I ~aining Prog:ram imilarly, he continued, "in saying that the Catholic Welfare ed Miss Burns, ,since p acements Want to Help? 2') Helping.to form a training S , are always temporary." Uslially, the field of family life, we must Bureau, a state-licenced place. . are gad, I' you,'re interested in partici- program .for the lay apostolate. ' , thoug h , partmgs smce both work out programs which ment agency, welcomes appli- ·most ,parents go from foster pat,in,g in the foster care p'rogram 'The starting point for' such a encourage strong religious prac- cations' from potentiaL foster- _..bomes to adoptive parents, .and and live in the FaIt' River area, program he said, might well be tices'in families, while at the mothers. , Helen a parish census. And the census their. stories have' happy-ever- you may contact Mi~ ~'" IIame' 'time moderating the in. Certain standards must be met ' after endings. ' Burns at the Catholic Welfare not only train those who con, Mitutional pressures which make by foster-parents and these are Bureau, 344 Highland Avenue, . duct it, but "serves also as a 4iecent family living difficult. explained at time of application. Probably the cpampion foster Fall River, OSborne 6":8481., source of information in the , "In economic life, worker, Clothing and medical care are mother in the Fall River area New, Bedford and eape Cod planning of further apostolic management and o,wners must provided for babies and payment residents should contact Mrs. parish projects," he said. eooperate to establish conditions is made for· their board while Mary Grenier; Catholic Welfare 3) Participating in and p,~ which will allow all who want they are with foster families. , Bureau of New Bedford, 419 moting the liturgical program of to work an opportunity to adeThe average stay of a baby Duff' Building, WYman 5-7337. hi,S p~rish. 4luately support,~themselves and' with a foster mother is two ~ 'their families. And simultane- • months, said Miss Burns, alCINCINNATI (NC) -Mother .w;ly it is necessary to instill though' occasionally a child may Mary Orner Downing has been a strong sense of morality in re;nain in a home as long as a elected. to a six-year term as ,~ each group." year. Mother General of the Sisters of DETROIT (NC)-A family life expert has challenged Charity of Cincinnati who serve 9'15 'lUSt Ip six archdioceses and seven di'; Catholic laymen to 'deyelop a "practical;~houghtful restateI oceses in the country. ment" of the meaning of marriage "in terms of Catholie ,5 ( d ' It 'IOns. " Cincinnati's Archbishop Kar-l values and contemporary 1'" 1Vmg eon , 'DETROIT (NC)-The execu- a life of simple vows and engage J. Alter presided at the electionCatholic famili~s may not nature of marriage." The conse«ve director of the National themselves professiol1ally with meeting attended by 82,delegates 'be mere "conformists" to quences of this are revealed, he tl:'Ouncil of Catholic Men pre- work at both the diocesan and dieted here that U. S."dioceses national level." , representing 1,450 members of ·the family patterns of modsaid, in the ,prevalence of divol'cEi and the "relatively high" rate of in growing numbers will set up Mr. Work predicted that in the ~:'ers~~~~~~~:Mo:'~~h:ar::~ ern society, Father John L. oentral offices to coordinate and future the NCCM will decen- mana who had been Mother Thomas, S.J., professor of sociol- invalid marriages. - Moreover, 'he said, even valid 4iirect the lay apostolate. tralize itself "to a certain extent" General since 1953. Mother Mary ogy'at St. Louis Universiiy and Martin H. Work made this and set up regional offices to Orner is a native of Cincinnati, ' columnist f'Or The Anchor, told mixed marriages indicate on the torecast in a~ address to the bi- serve its affiliates. an alumna ,of old Sacred Heart delegates to the biennial conven- part of Catholic partners "either ennial conyention of the national Courses in Apostol~te College at Clifton, Ohio, and for , tion of the National Council of rejection, ignorance, or little appreciation of the supernatural federation of Catholic men's He ocged Catholic schools and the last seven years was in Catholic Men. wganizations. Some 3,000 men cOlleges to provide courses in', charge of Villa Nazareth, a boys' , "From the Catholic view- life and of Christ's redemptive from all over the "countr,y the lay apostolate. Such courses, orphanage fOunded ,in 1952 in point," he explained, "such 'nor- mission as expressed in the sacilttended the meeting. I he said, might be given as part R.ome. ' mal' practices as divorce, sexual Pamental system." The NCCM director said it is of the religion curriculum, as / license and illicit family limita- ~ Father Thomas·called on la,.feeling/that diocesan men's special noncredit courses or as " The Sisters Ql, Charity of Cin- ti.on are morally pathological." men to be active in 'promoting eouncils should "direct their part' of night and weekend adult' einnati are a branch of the sisDiscussing the layman in rela- · more widespread knowledge of action to the f'Ormation ()f pro- education' program. terhood. founded by Mother tion to the family, Father · Catholic teaching on the meaning flessiol"..M and intellectual groups He added that it' is necessar¥ . Seton. Thomas delivered' one of four : of marriage, ~e fa~ily and sex. IR their areas." These "special- that there be established a , major addresses on aspects of He urged effective "postgrad~ ~d groups" J.!epresent sources "national research and study New Swiss Guar~s .. the NCCMconvention's' theme ,uate ,training in marriage and the el "untapped leadership," he ,center which can be the laborll"The Catholic Laymen in the I188erted. 0 tory, library and the seminary" VATICAN CITY (NC)-Ar'ec- Crisis of Mpdern America." , ' : family'~ through study clubs and ,Preper Instrument ,:lor the lay apostolate. ord number, of recruits will be Father Thomas asserted that discussion groups, family retreats ,As far as formation and trainHe emphasized that permanent added to the ranks of the Papal co,ntemporary socie'ty has seen, a : and other means of adult iil, struction. thg in the apostolate are con- leadership training programs Swiss Guard when 42 men take In addition, he said, laymen eerned, Mr. Work, questioned reaching down to, the parish level 'the oath on May 6 to defend His "rejection of the traditional , €hristian view of sex." Current · must promote '''a spirit of unity whether the proper instrument is must be set up in every diocesan Holiness Pope John-XXIII. sexual ii~ense, he said, is based · and solidarity.among all Cathoiie ~ "small cell ()f the elite" atmen's council. 'He pointed. out The swearing-in ceremonies tached to the diocesan council that the recent Vatican directive 00' that day will mark the 432nd on the faCt that many people now couples" 'He warned that the ... ~ __ already exi'sting groups ded-i- ~ lay participation in the liturgy anniversary of· the heroic's-tand assume "the right to formulate "isolated" Catholic couple is t18t~d to thefurmati()ll m the makes it clear that "the future that the' Swiss Guard made ill their own definHion Of' their ' under the "constant, daily impact Wty., . training of the lay apostolate defense of Pope Clefhent VII 1'el&tionships to the Creator." Ot Secular attitl\des" and may .H~ suggested ~ possibility of must involve a liturgical pr~ during the sack of Rome, With DivoreePrevaleDt_, · core to adopt "the secular out~ "special type of 'secular insti- pam with the Holy Sael'ifice Of the, new recruits, ~dded! tJ.t.e ,:Llkewise; he continued; socie~ · looks arid cOndUct ot those them.it " " ••• Wbotie membel'1i,wiH live' ,tIr.e KaS6 at _ .0-•. ' , eoJlIl8 strength will be 14)4 mea. hU ,denied "the .-amental ·
T,eOue,r. ..__ '.. U,:OV',•10" 'C,are,' K e.··u,,otes',' Ho'me PIa'lRe'meo't 01, Bo'L;S'Q
Cha rity Sisters Have New He-ad .
Catholic View of Marriage Nffeds Restatement in Modern Terms
Pa . hes M
Deve Iop Lea ders h-
'Th' , roug h D·'DOC'esan Men