A 11 A nchor of the Soul,
Fall River, Mass. Vol. 1, No.1
alld Firm -
Thursday, April 11,~ 1957
Application' for Slcond·class mail pri.l· leg.. is pending at Fall, Mass.
PRICE. 10. $4.00 per Yr.
Bishop's Statement Dear Readers. Here's a word 0/ cordial welcome to our new Dio cesan Paper. Coming to us each week with pictures, news and views it is bOl/nd to bring us closer together and im prove our spiritual and social customs. I am sure The A ncllor will find an honored place, like the crucifix, in every home throughout the Diocese. With all our easy entertainment 011 Radio dnd TV, we still need the prillted word. Books and newspapers have always been regarded as sources 0/ reliable in/orma tion. The Catholic pulpit needs the help 0/ the C~tholic Press. Much 0/ our conviction, and most 0/ our learning depends 011 what we read, understand and believe. The A /Ichor will broaden the horizon 0/ our interest and make us sl/rer and stronger in ol/r Faith. I am con fident it will make friends ql/ickly and keep them through the years. Permit me, here and now, to thank the Staff, the supporters and all that subscribe to our new, important ventl/re. May God bless my personal representative, this Diocesan Paper, as it comes to make a port 0/ call each week in your home. May it help and heartell us all'in OUf journey through life. Up Anchor, Qnd away!
/62;;5'" Bishop
0/ Fall River
Father Higgin,s Appointed Pastor
Of New Vineyard H'aven Parish
Establishment of St. Augus tlne's Mission at Vineyard Haven as a parish has been decreed by Bishop Connolly. Rev. John T. Higgins has been
named the first administrator of the new parish. St. Augustine's parish will comprise the towns of Vineyard Haven, Tisbury, Chilmark and Gay Head. These communities have been served by the Sacred Heart parish of Oak Bluffs since 1903. Very Rev. Edward B. Booth is 'pastor of the Sacred' Heart Church. The new administrator re ceived his theological education at St. Bernard's Seminary in The old round-house style rec Rochester, N.Y. He was ordained tory that has sel'ved St. Mary's to the priesthood on June 10, parish, North Attleboro, for many' 1933 by the late Bishop James years will be replaced. E. Cassidy. Contracts are being signed for Father ,Higgins now returns to the erection of a new, more effi serve some of the people as cient and more comfortable house administrator whom he served for the clergy and domestics. as a curate' 24 years ago. The g'eneral contract has been He has also served as a curate awarded to Coleman Construc at Nantucket, New Bedford and tion Company of Providence. Taunton. Plumbing and heating will be During World War II, Father done by Schofield Plumbing & Higgins was a chaplain in the Heating Company of North At United States Army in the tleboro. Liberty Electric Com Burma theater. ' pany of Providence will do the MASSES AT FATIMA electrical work. In each instance, PORTUGAL - IP! the year the low bidder has been awarded 1956, a total of 3,327 Masses were the contract. The work of demolishing the said in the chapel of the appari old rectory has already begun. tions here and 4,000 in the Ba Construction will begin imme silica of the shrine. Five hun diately following preparation of dred eighty couples were mar the site for the new parish rec ried and 75 Baptisms took place tory. ' in the same length of time.
North AHleboro Parish to Get' New Rectory
EXTENDING OF THE HANDS AT CONFIRMATION: Kenneth Arruda, 12-year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Arruqa of State Road, North Westport, was confirmed , by the Most Rev. James L. Connolly, D.D., Bishop of Fall River, at his home. Rev. Maurice H. Lamontagne, administrator of Our Lady of Grace Church, North Westport, is 8& sisting Bishop Connolly. Kenneth suffered severe body burns when his home burned a few years ago.
Diocese Prepares
For Holy Week
By Rev, Patrick 1. O'Neill
With the revision of the Holy Week ceremonies, the modern movement to give the sacred liturgy back to the people has made great progreSs. It is hoped that this year with a more widespread understanding of Holy Week, Catholic people everywhere will share to a fuller degree in the graces which accompany the Church's official wor ship. , For centuries, there has Believe Name Our Paper been an unfortunate separa tion between the Church's Appropria te for Diocese
The name The Anchor for the new official newspaper of the Diocese of Fall River was not selected by'accident or by chance: It was chosen with an aim, The Anchor is the symbol of the theological virtue of Hope living hope that animates, con soles and strengthens the just Christian In the midst of his la bors. Hope is that virtue that fires us with confidence that God will give us the means to obtain
the heaven'for which we all live. The name also designates to some degree the place of publica tion, The Diocese of Fall River. with Its extensive shore lines has experienced the need of Tne Anchor in its history. its eco nomic life and today in the recre ational sphere. So we hope the name is a sum mary of many particulars to ·the people of the Diocese of Fall River. '
worship and .the Church's people. The Mass, the Sacraments, the public prayers of the Church have long been looked upon as
Fr. Thomson New
At Norton
Rev. William D. Thomson. M.A.. director of Catholic Wel fare Bureau in New Bedford, for the past eight years, has been appointed administrator of St. Mary's parish in Norton, Bishop • Connolly announced today. Father Thomson will succeed WASH~NGTON-Because they are in a position to the late Rev. James C. Conlon. A native of Taunton, Father write directives and advisory memoranda, some lower Thomson received his theologI echelon officials in Government are able to incline opinion cal education at St. Mary's SemI toward appeasement of Communists. nary in Baltimore. He was or dained May 21, 1932 by the late This is the testimony of - - - - - - - - - - Bishop James E. Cassidy. a member of Congress, once' ing as a witness before the Sen Father Thomson, who 18 also ate sub-committee on Internal arne die a I missionary to Security, which has now made chaplain at St. Mary's Home. China, who has had expert public his testimony of May, New Bedford', studied for hl.8 master's degree at Catholic Uni 1956. ence in Congressional investiga The Congressman indicated versity. In 1938, he returned as tions of executive departments. as an instructor in the Phlloso He is Rep. Walter H. Judd of TURN TO PAGE TWENTY-ONE phy of Education at the Sacred Minnesota. Hearts School of Education in Rep. Judd said " there' has We Extend Invitation Fall River. been a little too much emphasis Father Thomson served in Fall on the cloak-and-dagger work of To All to Submit River until his appointment as the Communists" in this count Catholic Welfare Bureau director News to Us try. "We think we have to get in New Bedford. We invite each and every somebody who stole documents Rev. Joseph L. Powers. assist parish sodallw, society and do or wrote something in code to ant at St. Joseph's Parish, Icesan fraternal organization the Soviet Union," he declared. Taunton, has been appointed to send their news items to us "I don't think those are the Diocesan Director of the Confra for publication. We will glad dangerous ones. Those are the 'Iy see that your events are pub ternity of Christian Doctrine, it little fellows. The really danger was also announced today by licized. Just send them to ous ones are the ones nobody Bishop Connolly. Father Powers The Anchor, 21 Bedford Street, evel' suspected." formerly served as assistant in Fall River. The Congressman was speak St. Patrick'. Par1sh. Falmouth.
Lower Echelon Officials Mold Government Policy
,( .
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2 OFFICIAL Diocese of Fall River
"'.....1·........ ' ..1'
April. 14-11 :00 A.M.~t. Mary's Cathedi·~l. Blessing of Palms. 4:00 P.M.-SS. Peter & PaUl, Fall River. Confirmation. '7:30 P.M.-Our Lady of Health, Fall River. Conflrmtaion. April 15-5:00 P.M.-Cathollc Welfare Bureauj Fall River..
CorpOration Meeting. 7:30 P.M.-St. John the Baptist, Fall River. Conflrmatlo'n. April 16-7:30' P.M.-St. Anthony of Padua; Fall River.
firmation. '
' -
April 1'7-9:00 A.M.-Catholic Memorial Home.
Corporation Meeting. 10:30 A.M.-Rose Hawthorne Lathrop Home, COl'pora tlon Meeting. 8:00 P.M.-St. Mary's Cathedral. Tenebrae.
April .18-1'0:00 A.M.-St. Mary's Cathedral. Blessing of Holy
'7:30 P.M.-St. Mary's Cathedral. Solemn Pontifical Mus
of the Lord's Supper.
Thursdav. April '11. '1957
I,talian Support
For University
BRUSSELS (NC) - The Bel gian Ministry of Communications MILAN, Italy (NC)-Unlver alty Day was celebrated in every announced that it Js issuing a stamp to commemorate Father town from the top to the bottom Louis Hennepin, Belgian mission of the Italian peninsula in a ary and explorer of North (N.C,W,C. NEWS SERVICE) drive to raise funds for the na America. WASHINGTON-"A thorough tion's only Catholic university. Father Hennipen was born in Sacred Heart University here. , 'ItudY of the entire situation re Ath, Belgium, around 1640. He In a country where centw'ies garding public' housing" was belonged to the order of Reeol old institutions are common suggested by a prelate In a state lets of St. Francis. In 1673 he ment before the Subcommittee on place, Sacred Heart University is went to Canada as a missionary. Housing of the Senate Committee a youngster only 36 years old. There he met La Salle, the But in its short' existence it has French explorer. He joined La on Banking and Currency. The call for a new appraisal of established an impressive record Salle's 1678 expedition and ex public housing was made by in many fields. One of the rea plored the DUnois River and the Msgr. John O'Grady, secretarY aons for its success is the out upper' Mississippi. of the National Conference of standing abillty of its rector and Captured by Indians, he was Franciscan" 'Father the first white man to see the Catholic Charities. He suggested foundei', the study be undertaken by th e Agostino Gemelli. Falls of St. Anthony, the site of Father Gemelli, one of the Minneapolis. He was rescued and sub-committee on housing before the next session of Congress world's noted psychologists, is a later returned to Europe where begins. convert. A famous scholar before he published accounts of his Msgr. O'Grady said that as the his conversion, he was also an discoveries. He died in the Ne Ul;ban Redevelopment Program ardent Socialist. His disputes therlands after 1701, the exact of 1949' got under way, "it be -, with the Church over Socialism year being unknown. came clearer that the provision led to his study of Catholic for relocation in decent, safe and thought, his conversion and his CECELIA NEWTON entrance into the Franciscan sanitary housing was not work ing satisfactorily." Order. The situation "has g l' 0 W n This year the university has steadily worse," lie continued, an enrollment of almost 10,000 . "for the very 'slmple, reason that students. INSURANCE. public' housing, and housing for The institution's greatest boast families of middle', income, have is that its alumni of 9,311 in not kept pace w~th the, needs of clude 11 bishops and archbishops. REAL ESTATE the people displaced by the new Still more are llliYinen in import redevelopment program and by ant governmental, educational 7 No. Main St. Fall River, Mass. tlie:accelerated highway progra m. and business positions. that got under way after the Housing Act of 1949 was passed." ,Makes Suggestions' Msgr. O'Grady said that more should be known about the atti tude of famllles that have been ,dlsplacec.i by the Urban Rede '"velOPine'ntand Renewal pro , grams, and about the extent to which' their relocation has con tributed to the development of new slums. ·He ,also said that a "large proportion of the occupants of public housing consists of broken MASSACHUSETTS ,families," and "very little" i8 being done "for the .rehabilitation of these families." Msgr. O'Grady, suggested that the sub-conllhittee on housing might strengthen the cooperative 'Iection of' the Housing Act by adding five more years to the length of the mortgage life over the present 40 years and by lowering the interest rate to foul' per'cent. Advice. from All He said the problems growing out of housing and urban renewal 'call for "much study on the part 'of ,the American people," and Ihould not be left to "so-called experts for solution." , "We might well 'ask ourselves," he continued, "whether the study of this program doesI\'t call for a new type of citizens' self-help organization." "Without Buch organizations that involve all the people, all ,roups, there isn't much hope of • real understanding on the part of the people of the problems presented by the making over of American, cities," h~ concluded.
Complete Public Housing Study Is Proposed
DECREE Establishing St. Augustine's, Mission Vineyard Haven as a Parish By the aut';orlty vested in us by the Code of Canon Law, wi(h the cOllsent and approval. of the Diocesan 'Board of, Consultors, after consultitlg·the Very Rev. Edward B. Booth, V.F., we by this decree establish and constitute St.' Augustine's Mission, Vineyard Haven os " new parish. This parish will comprise the Towns of Vineyard Haven, Tisbury, Chilmark and Gay Head. Persons resid . -ing in these areas will constitute the membership of the, new parish of St. Augustine. The endowment and benefice will consist of the voluntary offerings of the filithful. The parish has the privilege of keeping in reserve the Blessed Sacrament under the usual conditions and with proper provision for reverent devotion,' 2) of possessing a bap tismal font, 3) of administering the sacraments, and -I) having all' other rights that are associated with a paro chial establishment. With this decree we appoint the Reverend John T. Higgins to serve tIS administrator of the parish of St. Augustine, .Vineyard Haven. The tIppointment of Father Higgins flnd the erectio;1 0/ the new parish become effective . April 24, 1957. Given at 'Fall River, this 9th, day
0/ April, 1957.
Roman Catholic Bishop
0/ Fall Riv~r
') ~ <
The Sta r Store (ongratu lates
which the Diocese of Fall River a new
Announcing · · ·
.Mtissionary to Canada Honored by Belgians
-Bishop. of Springfield, Mauachusettl WILL LEAD THE FIFTH NATIONAL PILGRIMAGI TOs
Success to ilThe ANCHORU ,
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THE ANCHOR· Thursday. Apr~ II. 1957
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Misguided Actions Cause Some to Misunderstand' By I?onald McDonald
An' Ohio priest has said some important things with ,regard to the "poor public relations" of Catholics in the United states. Father James B. Sullivan, O.M.I., a profes sor at Mary Manse college in Toledo, points out that on many points of religion and morality Catholics must dif year, two admirable lect.,ures- on the subject of morality and cen fer with fellow-citizens who sorship in a democracy. Those are not Catholic. non-Catholics .(and Catholics)
Thunday, April 11, 1957
Public Relation Problems Cited At Conference
Catholic Women Cana Session Told Strength Sunday~ight
A Cana Conference for mar Is In Unity ried couples will be held In the
WASHINGTON (NC) A basement hall of the Santo Christo Church, Fall River, at 7 two-day conference for presi (N.C.W.C. NEWS SI;;RVJCE) dents of national organizations Sunday night. The Conference NEW YORK-Pri2sts, nuns, of Catholic women affiliated will be directed by Rev. Raymond brothers and laymen from Penn with the National Council of W. McCarthy, diocesan director of. the Family Life, Bureau, and Catholic Women bas been con ·sylvania, Maryland, 'Massachu Rev. Anthony M. Gomes, assist . setts, Connecticut apd New York cluded1 here. Mrs. Robert H. Mahoney' of ant at the Santo Christo Church. attended tIfe third arlnual pub The next pre-Cana Conference Hartford, pl'esident of the NCCW, lic relations seminar of 'the Cath is scheduled for Sunday, April 28. in a discussion of united Cath olic Institute of the PresS' held olic womanhood in this country, told the presidents: But, he asks, when Catholics who heard or read these lectures In Cathedral High School here. tions of Catholic women in disagree must they also be dis "The strength of -"the NCCW creased and expanded during Leaders in various fields, spe must surely have had dispelled the first decade of this century. depends upon you and your un agreeable? for them a mass of information cialists in all phases of public re derstanding of its purpose. lJn.t': but "lacked effectiveness through Like Father Thurston Davis, about the moral rights and du lations and publicity, addressed B.J., the editor of America, Pro ties of Catholics to uphold mo," more than 300 reEres1mtatives of' ed in our efforts we shall stand a lack of unity." She declared that handicap as. one body, magnificent in our :lessor Jam e s rality in popular literature and Kane of Notre ' ' motion pictures. Yet for every schools and colleges, welfare and corporate unity, splendid in our was overcome In March, 1920. united .will, giving and receiving when the NCCW came into' be Dame a-nd a citizen who read either of these medical institutions and publi help and inspiration from one ing and became a part of th,e number of oth cations. . lectures, I shoul!! say, conserva anothel~ all animated by the Department' of Lay Organiza e r' perceptive Eight workships attracted per tively, there are a thousand wl:!o tions of the National Catholio American Cath- . are convinced that, as Father sons interested in certain aspects one purpose." Mrs. Mahoney said that the Welfare Conference. olics, l~ather of. methods for improving rela Sullivan .says, "Catholics' want , Msgr. Howard J. Carroll. gen NCCW now has ,22 national or Sullivan is quite the police to enforce morality fall tions with the public. The sub disturbed about beyond the "minimal area" and jectS ranged from preparing ganizations affiliated with it. eral. secretary of the NCWC, was the principal speaker. She said that national organiza the g row I n g press releases and editing, to.ex want to legislate Catholicism in , tension between planations and.." instructions on to the non-Catholic's life. Catholies and fund raising. The blame for this must cer non - Catholics tainly be shared by some Catho James A. Farley, 'former Post 1n Ameriea: He declares the idea . lies, parti~ularly by those who master General, was one of four is spreading that Catholics form do in fact want the police to keynote speakers. The others Our hearts welling over with an un-American pressure group suppress what wiser men are were Bishop Vincent I. Kennally, thanks, in our Easter Masses we for the purpose of legislating knowledgeably reluctant to de shall beg the Risen Sa\'ior to bles! S.J., Vicar Apostolic of the Caro CatholicIsm into the non-Catho-, fine as' "immoral" or "obscene." line and Marshall Islands; Msgr. all our friends for your wondrous lic's life. . These Catholics either do not Aloysius . Coogan, representing charity to our Holy Father's Near Cold Hostility East l\'lissions. At the Holy know or will not accept the reas His Eminence Francis Cardinal Father Sullivan blames Cath- . onable principles set down by Spellman and 'Father Timothy J. Sepulchre early Easter morn His olics for a substantial share of Father Murray and Professor Flynn, director of public reIa'.,. Beatitude, the Latin Patriach of the present tensions. There is Burke. The point is that the tions for the New York diocese.. Jerusalem, wiII offer a Pontifical no need, of course, for Catholics latter two canno.t possibly "clear Mass; and immediately after, ten Mr. Farley declared that pub to do all the breast-beating and up" In a year all the misunder of his missionaries wiII say lic relations is a "necessary ad lielf-critical examining. There standing that uninformed Cath -junct fo every phase of your day Masses for you and ~·ours. Your" will always be those who regard olics have tlle capacity to spread to day relations with.the public.'; gifts (stringless and special). any Catholic with cold hostility, in one day. membership offerings and Mass Church Farsig-hted who in any issue prefer to think • Intentions provide the means for . the worst of Catholics. And there The presence of so - many Prevention of misunderstand the missionaries to carryon. will always be some who do not Ing can be achieved in a combi priests, brothers and nuns, he take the time or trouble to de added,-was "one more evidence nation of ways. termil.e whether their fears and Catholics who must disagree that the Church is ever aJert to HOMELESS AND HELPLESS
liuspicioft of Catholics are justi new methods to wise procedure with non-Catholics on such mat FATHEH KING has to worry about means to provide basic neces·
fied. ters as euthanasia, birth control and to the scientific approach f But Father Sullivan Indicates legislation, ,easier divorce 1Iiws, to problems of all kinds. Just as slties-food, clothes, medical care, shelter, anl1 other daily emcr
several areas where American etc., should do so with courtesy. the Church has been farsighted gencies=-for the Arab Palestinians (now 900,0001 exiled from homes
Catholics have been especially Insult .and invective polson the in every other major advance in in Israel. .We send a HOLY LAND ROSARY for every $10 gift. On
remiss in clearing up the kind of all', asphylxiate urgument and history, so the development of Easter thousands will look to him for help.
misunderstanding and misinfor bring forth only shrill and sterile sound policy at the public rela mation whIch begets bigotry and strife. tions level In our Catholic U. S. THE CHURCH MARCHES ON
'puts Catholics in an unkindly hospitals, charitable. Institutions, More American The good missionary blsbop visited Kapplpa·
light. Catholics who protest specific missionary societies and various Catholics are not, he says, hos thai, India, some months ago. 30 families labout
immoralities In the community other endeavors is ,Proof that the tile towards the public schools. 218 persons) asked him to come to receive them
need for professionally conduct should not question' the patriot Catholics, no more than Pro Into the Cburch. They were scbismatlc Jacobites.
ism or loyalty of the guilty; it Is ed public relations has been testants, want the police to en He sent a missionary wbo now has 80 more
rather unlikely that you will be recognized and something posi force morality "except in that able to either persuade or In-, tive is being done about it.:' famlIles.(about 450 persons) ready to reunite with
minimal area which is absolutely struct someone whom you have, Bishop Kennally offered II Rome. The bishop writes he must give "hem a
necessary for public order and prayer for the success of the sem In advance, called a .traitor. ehapel ($2.500) and the priest 1\ bumble home 1$1,500). Please help.
social security." Catholics should promptly inar. He said he is interested in Catholics do not want to and tirelessly, .call to the atten public relations because it takes ehange the Constitution -and re SPI~EADING HIS WORD
tion of non-Catholics the gap two months to travel about his duce .all other religions to a sec We hope you are enrolled and sharing In the rich spiritual bene
vicar!.ate, a problem that requires between misguided actions by in ondary status. fits. Enrolled, both living and deceased, share In 15,000 Masses
extra effort to keep the "people "Repressive measures against dividual Catholics nnd the au yearly and gain many rich Indulgences. Perhaps you'll lipread the
of the area informed and to thentically Catholic actions anQ Protestants in Spain" is not, he word to your friends. With your gifts the Holy Father support.
maintain a continuing iiasion be MYS, "Catholic policy" but principles as demonstrated by tween the Jesuits and the 50,000 many mission works. Membership for Individuals $1 yearly, $20 per
responsible, reasonable Church "Spanish policy," just as. "re men from Pope Pius XII 9n persons they contact on more petual; families $5 and $100.
pressive mea:>Ures against Cath than 2,000 islands. I' olics in Sweden Is Swedish policy down. as Father Sullivan Catholics, Father Flynn outlined the va rather than Protestant policy." LAST SUPPER SCENE suggests, "should compensate for riety of' interesting and chal ,Before the repository on Holy Thursday. two I Two Big Tasks the many ways In which we must lenging. probfems 'that confront' novices, botb· named SISTER MARl' EUCHA . Catholics, 11; seems to me, have think and act differently" by co him as director of the public in RIST lone I"cbonese, the otber Indian). pra~'ed two tasks confronting them. They operating with non-Catholics In formation office of the archdio their I,ord to find a "splrtual parent" to help must not only clear up misun the many other matters where cese.. Msgr. Coogan, moderator each wlth'the $150 a year each needs for her two derstanding .l' ega l' din g the' collaboration Is not only pel'mis of th~ .C.I.P. and director of vo- years training, I\:hlch her own parents can't give. Church; they must also, so far sible but essential. This does not cations in the archdiocese, voiced Involve, said the priest, "becom-' the praise of Cardinal Spellman as possible, prevent misunder . SISTER DOLOROSA Iii .India sent the same standing. If misunderstanding Ing less Catholic." It only in and his wish for -the continued prayer to Our Sorrowful Mother, as did SISTER ~an be prevented, '01' at least re volves "becoming more Ameri success of the Institute and all of E~nLlANA In Sicily. duced appreciably, there will be can." its work, inclUding the seminars Nor, might I add, should any that It sponsors. proportionately less need to per ABDULLAH- and IS::::A, two seminarians of the Latin PatrIarch In
of the above be taken as an ar form the more diffiCUlt, frequent Jerusalem look to us for assurance. We need $100 yearly tor' eacb
gument against a militancy of ly ineffectual task of' clearing up during his six years training. Any Installments will do
Faith. The argument ,Is simply misunderstandlng:- . Congratulations that militancy, unless it Is dis For example, the moral theolo gian, Father John Courtney tinguished by Christian charity HAPPY DA Y !
and Murray, S.J., and Professor Ver and based on knowledge, does no REMEMBER? Was It fifteen or fifty years ago when
non Burke of St. Louis Univer 'service for either the Faith or rou received Our Lord for the first time? Were you like
Best Wishes sity have given, within the past the civil community. one of our Near East tots ·so poor that your parents could
. TO' no& give ~'ou 1\ NEW FIRST COMl\1UNION OUTFIT.. If .
not. thank God wltb 8 I'ltt ($10) to help our Sisters outfit a
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FORD DEALERS FOR. OVER 38 YEARS 1344-86 Purchase St. New Be.elford,· MaSs.
~'l1ear fist Olissions.r:t
Magr. Peter P. Tuohy, Nat" Sec'y
Send all communications to:
480 Lexington Ave. at 46th St. New York 17, N. Y.
Oak Bluffs Men To Pick Slate On Sunday
MEMORIAL DAY DEDICATION IS BEING PLANNED: The new church for-mem bel's of St. Mary's parish In Hebronville Is picture~ above. Rev. Cornelius J. Keliher is pastor. The new church has been built in North Seekonk.
Dedicate St. Mary's Church In North Seekonk May 30
-----------the late Rev. John P. Clarke and drew thousands of pilgrims from neighboring Blackstone Valley in Rhode Island and Bristol County communities.
The Holy Name Society of tha Sacred Heart Parish.. Oak Bluffs. under the leadership of President Albert K. Sylvia of Edgartown, will meet next Sunday night for the annual election of officers. Installation ceremonies will be beld at the May meeting. Ed mund B. Hickey of Vineyard Haven is chairman of the instal lation committee. President Sylvia reports an other fine year of Martha's Vine yard Holy Name activities with many new members and well attended meetings. Officers ending their year's work are President,. Albert K. Sylvia; Vice President, Chester L. Brennen Secretary, Dennis AlleY, and Treasurer, Joseph Fragosa.
USO Center Opens In Providence
THE ANCHOR Thursdav, April II, 1957
-Salve Regina College Offers Bus Service For Day Students Beginning Septembel' 1957 spe. clal bus service w1ll be available from Providence. Pawtucket, and Fall River, Mass., for day stu dents attending Salve Regina College. Reasonable weekly rates.
Polish Primate To Visit Rome WARSAW-Cardinal Wyszyn ski wlll make his first visit to Pius XII since he was released from confinement when the antl Stalinist regime of Gomulka cam~ to power. the Warsaw Ra dio has reported. The Cardinal wlll arrive in Rome by May 13 to participate in the celebration of the 40th anniversary of the Pope's COl\' secration as an Archbishop; The Polish Primate wlll be aa. companied by Bishop Michael Klepacz of Lodz, Auxiliary BIshOp Zygmunt Choromanskl of War saw. Aux1l1ary Bishop Antoni Baranlak of Gniezno. and Fath er Wladyslaw Padacz. his ,hap. lain.
PROVIDENCE (NC> - Three new USO clubs have been opened by the National Catholic Commu nity Service to meet the in creased needs of military person HEBRONVILLE-New st. Mary's Church-now near nel, Thomas D. Hinton, NCC8 executive d ire c tor, has an ing' completion in nearby North Seekonk-is.a monument Catholic Press Plans nounced. to years of prayer, sacrifice and toil. " .' ,-', St. Louis Convention The clubs are in Anchorage, The new church, located in Ch~r~'y Hill Acres plat NEW YORK mc) _ Arch Alaska, Providence and Platts just over the Attleboro line ' bishop Joseph E, Ritter of St. burgh. N. Y. Mr. Hinton said the in Hebronville is less than fern of pOPlilatlon growth and Louis will give the keynote ad opening of the new USO units is a mile from the present edi- other factors resulted in' ~he se- dress at the 47th annual con pa.rt of the expanding program vention of the Catholic Pl;ess the NCCS' to provide for fice on Hebron Avenue. The lection of the North Seekonj{ site. Association to be held May 14 to of American armed forces through church wiII be dedicated at 7:30 St. Mary's parish, founded in 17 in St. Louis. out the world. ' New Bedford's Onty May 30. 1906, was for the English-speakThis was announced by Msgr. The new USO-NCCS unit in The fast-growing congl'egation ing members of st. Stephen's John S. Randall, president of Providence gives the city its first Author.ized bas long since outgrown the Church in Dodgeville. For many the association, at the headquar fu ll-time club operation since the Chevrolet Dealer small church erected in 1906 by years two Sunday Masses were tel'S of the CPA here. Msgr. end of World War II. The new the founding priest. the late and 'ample to accommodate the 'small Randall Is managing 'editor of club was blessed by Bishop Rus 545 Mill St., , t h e Courier Journal, newspaper sel J. McVinney of Providence. beloved Rev. Patrick S. McGee. country parish. New Bedford Near phenominal growth fol-of the Rochester diocese. , Gov. D.{!nnis J. Roberts of Rhode Parishioners enthusiastically ralWY 7-9486 Bishop Thomas K. Gorman of Is land Intended the opening. lied to the support of a building lowed World' War II with the funcl project first established by burgeoning of hund,reds of new Dallas _ Fort Worth, honorary .homes within the parish lines, president of tlle association an~ Rev. George A. Lewin. When Fr. Lewin was forced to especially in North See!i:onk and Episcopal Chairman of the Press l'elinquish direction of the parish South Attleboro. The parish Department of the National because of his health, Rev. Cor membership mounted steadily Catholic Welfare Conference, nelius J. Kellher, present pastor, and. In recent years, has swollen which issues the N.C.W.C. News took up the challenge with the to overflow proportions. Service, will be the principal from assistance of devoted parishlon A third, and later a fourth luncheon speaker. Awards will be ers who had long realized the Mass was instituted to best serve presented to outstanding news inadequacy of the present struc the rapidly Increasing number of papers and magazines. parishioners. Priests from Lature. The convention program inLook To Future Balette Seminary in Attleboro cludes 48 work sessions, 34 round The building of new st. Mary's assist the pastor on Sundays and table discussions, and 14 meet Is but the first phase in a long Holy Days. ings featuring speakers from the A Shrine to St: Theresa, the Catholic press, from Catholia rang'e bUilding program aimed at the eventual construction of a Little Flower of Jesus, was es- education and from secular busl 115 WILLIAM ST. NEW BEDFORD, MASS. rectory, convent and school. The tabl1shed In the late 1930's by ness organizations. ~;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;=;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ p resen t house at 68 Hebron Ave nue will continue to serve as parIsh rectory meanwhile. DON'T DELAY - SAVE TODAYI The new church, located on a three-acre tract, sits 300 feet back from Central Avenue (Rt. 152) between North Street and Newport, Rhode Island Coyle Drive in North Seekonk. The property Is parallel to the A Catholic ,InStitution for the Higher Education of North School and a half-mile • SAVE ~ BY • MAIL • north of Baker's comer. The Women, conducted by the Religious Sisters of Mercy church may be reached from Fall Both Ways River on Route 6 to the Rumford FULLY ACCREDITED Rotary, then right to R9ute 152. The church is about five miles from the Rumford Rotary. OHerl A.B. and B.S, Degrees-Teacher Training, The edifice is of wooden co Nursing, Hoine Economics lonial architecture with a seating Private Bus Service -Available capacity of 550. The present structure seats only about 200. LOAN ASSO'CIATION For catalog and further Information addreu When completed the basement Open Fridav
~weJ\,No. I North will be equipped with a kitchen Eveninll till •
THE REGISTRAR and the hall will accommodate ... Main Street another 550 for parish functions. A Modern Institution For Savings & Home Loans Although the new chur,ch is located In Seekonk it does not disrupt the parish boundaries which embrace the Hebronville Dodgeville-South Attleboro sec tion of Attleboro, North Seekonk and North Rehoboth. FALL RIVER The purchase of' the North Seekonk site was announced last • FRANCISCAN MISSIONS OF CALIFORNIA May by Fr. Keliher and ground Chicago, Los Angeles, San Francisco,, 0 ....
breaking ceremonies followed June 22 to Julv 6 (Limited reservation)
shortly thereafter. At the time the purchase was announced, Fr. • MARTYRS' SHRINE OF OLD FORT STE. MARIE Keliher said the decision to build MIDLAND, ONTARIO, CANADA In Honor of in nearby North Seekonk was Lackawanna, Niagara Falll, Toronto, OttalNa
made with an eye to future ex June 28 to Julv 6
pansion of the parish. The site provides ample parking space • SHRINES OF PROVINCE OF QUEBEC, CANADA and room to erect other pari,sh SIt. Joseph', Montreal; St. Anne de Beaupre; Cap de I. Madeleln.,
Beauvoir, Sherbrooke, Enfield, N.H.
New Bedford & Acushnet Co-operative Bank~
oL. ":-aIf,
Parish Inerease
Original-plans called for build Ing the new church on parish lanel just south of the present edifice and rectory but the pat~
Julv 16 to 23
For'information write to:
ASSOCIATION OF OUR LADY OF SALVAnON 670 West Bovlston St., Worc.ester 6,_ Mass.
EVERY FRIDAY at 4 P.M. and 7 P.M.
Laity Can Aid Spiritual Starvation of Soul I
THI ANCHOR ThUrM'y, APril 11, 1957
Three Big Areas For Child Noted
Archbishop Brady Scor~sOppoi1en,ts Of Cross on Statehood Emblem .
ST. PAUL (NC)-The Arch pin and Marquette? Was it an bishop of St. Paul, Most Rev. affront that such names were BARRANQUILLA, Colombia William O. Brady,· a native of given? Is it an affront it they I cannot say ~ow often I have been told thahome old (NC)-Apostollc virtues in the Fall River, said opponents to the are retained? Facts are facts. Irishman saying his rosary is holier than I am, with all. inclusion of a cross on the Min To try to deny them one hundred my study. I daresay he is. For his own sake, I hope he Is; adult Christian are the fruit of a nesota statehood centennial em years later by ignoring them or atlong collaboration between hili blem are waging a campaign by excluding them in a centen. But if the only evidence is that he. knows 1~S8 theology family life, the activities -of his against "imaglnery bogeymen tri nial celebration would be a .falsi. than I. then it is evidence the dark." ficatlon of local history," the that would convince neither If their starvation was bodily: for parish and his school training, Archbishop Brady's comment Archbishop wrote. This statement was made in a we do know the value' of the him nor me. It would n()t The prelate said it is "like letter to the Second National on the complaints over the cross convince him, because all bread that. perishes. appeared in his· latest weekly throwing out the baby with the Congress of the Marian ~ongre Losing Contact' column which appears In the bath water" to complain about . those rosary-loving, tabernacle It sPiritual starvation is to be iatio"ns from Msgr. Angelo Dell. CathoUc Bulletin, St. Paul arch loving old Irishmen i have ever the use of the emblems on auto diocesan newspaper. known (and my own ancestry Is relieved, it must be largely the 'Acqua, substitute Vatican Sec mobiles and beverage contain. work of. the laity, who are in retary of State Msgr. Dell'Acqua The state centennial commis rich with them) were avid for ers. dally contact with starvation's was writing in the name of His sion has been requested to re more knowledge of the Faith. It "It there be a conflict of con move the cross by representatives science, let's throw out the beer does not convince me because victims. We must come to an Holiness Pope Pius XII. understanding of the grea.t dog The famUy holds a special pre of the state branch of the Amer while it Is obvious that an Ignor mugs, dinner plates and all th& Bnt man can be virtuous, It Is mas, so that we know them in eminence In the three areas In ican Civil Liberties Union and rest, but keep the 'cross',''' themselves and in their power which a: child first begins his spokesmen for Seventh Day Ad equally obvious that Ignorance Archbishop Brady concluded I Is not a virtue; men have been to nourish; .we must bend every arowth In virtue, said the letter. yentist, Lutheran, Unitarian, "If today's pressure removes the When, as. a small chUd, the Jewish, Episcopal and Universal martyred who could not have effort to mastering their utter 'cross' from the emblem that stated a doctrine of the Church ance. Only So can we relieve the Christian sees the good example Ist churches. marks the past, tomorrow's pres starvation that now l1es all about of his parents and later receives. The charges made about dis correcUy, and martyrdom Is· the sure will attempt to tear it from play of the cross are that It "vi supreine proof of love: yet with us. Once we see it, we, see that· their strong and firm encourage our churches and our homes," more knowledge of God .they. we. must set about it-primarily ment, "all these things form the olates separation of church and would have.loved Him more still. and overwhelmingly for the sake basis of a fruitful future of good state," will give "serious offense" works." wrote the prelate. to "humanists; Jews, Buddhists, Sacred Hearts School Knowledge serves love-It can of these others, since it is into .To those home training, the agnostics, atheists and other turn sour of course and serve lerable that men should be per ishing for want of truth that we message continues, Is to· be ad groups of citizens" and will be Exam on Sunday pride or conceit could bring them. But not only ded the strong and harmonious offensive to many Christians be- . The annual scholarship exam and not love, for their sake. For our own sake cooperation of the school, "which cause the emblem will be used .and ags.inst this ination for eighth grade pupils too: for it is not good to be the must be completely aware of its "on car stickers, highball glasses, we poor sons of wlll be held at 9 Saturday morn sane minority in a society that mission, that Is,. the education arid beer mugs." Eve must be on is losing contact with God. ing at the Academy of the Sacred of the child of a family, a child Brady said, "we Archbishop our guard. This series of articles will be who is also a memliei·· of society would be false to our citizenship Hearts, Fall River. Knowledge concerned with Theology from and a child of God." Two full tuition scholarships In Minnesota if we did not say does serve love. the point of view of this twofold The parish, on its part. must frankly that we think that those are being offered. They are the It serves love in' need-the need of our own souls provide an Incentive towards who have agitated to have ·thls SallY Tucker Creamer Memorial one way by re 'cross' removed have blundered -and The Marla Doud Foley Me moving misunderstandings which for the food and llght and love .ood works,· wrote' Msgr. Dell morial scholarships. Two half are In the way of love which at of God that the great dogmas 'Acqua, because "in It shall be badly." The prelate declined that tuition scholarships are also 0[. the best blunt love's edge a little bring with them; and the .need found the best workshop for jus "surely no affront was Intended fered from the Mary F. Mahoney -for example the fact of Hell of men all about us, a need which tice, brotherhood and peace," can rise a doubt of God's love in can be met only If we meet it. The letter pointed out, by makln&, to non-Christians" by the cross, Memorial Scholarship fund. Registration for new pupils will "Can we erase from historY the a man who has not had his mind Our next articles wlll contain the . means of growth In devo enriched with what the Church practical advice on' how to study tion available to the maturing part the Cross of Christ played . be held Sunday from 10 to 12 in the morning and 1 to 3 In th& can teach him; so that he Is Theology, Then we shall embark Christian, the parish contributes In Minnesota's beginnings?" "Can we change the name of afternoon. driven piouslY to avet:t his' ·gaze UPOn what the Church has to toward making the parishioner A general Alumnae meeting from some truth about God in teach us about God. The 'article$ more fervent and active In the St. Paul to Saultown? What shall order to keep his love undimmed. w!ll be linked together; it might process of forming a vital parish we do with St. Peter, St. James, will be conducted at 8 Monday St. Anthony Falls and Henne- night In the school auditorium. But knowledge sei'ves love in a be worth, whUe to keep back community. numbers for re-reading. It can still bettl~r way-as these arti cles wlll show-because each new not aU be easy. Some of it w11l thing learnt and meditated about be, tough going but the reward God is a new reason for loving is great; as . physical fitness means tough going but is worth Him. the effort. . Truth Is Food
Now a Catholic might still feel
that all this is convincing Heart Disease Course enough, but that none of It Is for' him all the same: the Planned for Nurses Church does not command him WASHINGTON (NC)-Catho to go deep into theology; if his lic University of America. has an Boul is not getting all the food It nounced It will Inaugurate a might It suffers no hunger pangs, heart disease nursing program the half~dark seems pretty light in September that wlll be fi to h1m, he knows he loves God: nanced by a $96,000 grant from and .anyhow it Is his own busi the National Heart Institute of ness, the National Institutes of Health. . Now Insofar as a Catholic is T.he purpose .of the program• • atistled with what he is getting, which wlll· lead to the degree of there is no more to be said. It is Master of Science In Nursing, Iii his business, .at least 'It's not to .provide nursing leaders with mine. But liIe Is not only getting, up-to-date findings in cardiao it must be l:lvlng as well, and a I1lseases 80 that they can apply Catholic can hardly be so easily this knowledge in caring for per aat1sfled with what he is giving. sons with heart ailments. , ~he most obvious fact of our day Nurses from various fields, Is that we aIle surrounded by mU such as Industry, school and hos Ions who are starved of food that pItal, w1ll be eligible for the pro Christ Our Lord wanted them' to gram. Because of Its specialized have-they getting too small nature. the program wUI be lim & ration of truth. and of the Ited to about 10 nurses each Eucharist no ration at all. We year. regret their starvation, of course, It wlll be directed by Miss but we do not lose any sleep over Capltola.B. Mattingly of the Unl it; which raises the question verslty'S School ot" Nursing Edu the PUb '__ we really appreciate the food we cation, who Is a graduate of the ourselves get from the Church:· Yale University School of Nurs we shOUld not take it so ca1mly ing.
By F. J. Sheed
lhngratulatioU$ to
Al' .THE NARROWS 'f'! WESTPORT Near the Fall' River line
AVE. at RODMAN,.J... ST. FALL" RIVER •• - -. ' .•, ~
Steady Dating
Thursday, April 11. 1957
Distinctions Outlined To G'uide Youn'g Folk By Joseph A. Breig Cleveland Universe Bulletin
I wish that the people who make speeches inwhlch they denounce "steady dating" would define their terms and make careful distinctions. Or, if they really are distinguishing and defining, but are not being adequate ly quoted in the public press, linked like chains, is too much like seeing people lead each, oth then I wish the reporters er by rings in their noses. Perhaps the most depressing would report m 0 l' e c 0 m pletely what they say. I am afraid there is an impres Ilion in many minds that if the Ilame young man and the young woman are seen together a doz en times a year, they are en gaging in what is called steadY d a tin g. But they aren't. I fear also that many peo ple are coming to feel that a 'youth must nec essarily select a different girl almost every time he goes to a school dance or some such festivity; and that she must select a different boy. But that is not so. What, in fact, is the nature of the steady datfng against which young people are being warned, and need to be warned? It is something that ordinarlly has a touch of goofiness about it, and can be defined with reasonable accuracy. It involves young people Who are in no position to marry with in, say a couple of years, or who in any case have no intention of so doing. Meaning of "Steady" "Steady dating," properly de fined, means that two such peo ple are together a great deal, perhaps a couple of times week ly or oftener, and that frequent ly they are alone together, or at least accompanied only by one other couple. Usually, steady dating also means that this young man and young woman select each other exclusively, or nearly exclusively. They seldom or never make' "dates" with other boys or girls. Three chief excesses are in volved. There is excess in fre quency of association; excess in exclusiveness, and excess in aloneness or privacy. The note of goofiness enters because this over-dating leads to public displays of possessiveness -displays which are ludicrous, llI-mannered and embarrassing to everybody. Even the apparently innocent practice of everlastingly walking hand in hand, or with fingers
effect is the loss of femininity and masculinity. I mean that the young people involved in these excessive attachments tend to lose identity, individuality and distinctiveness. Should Retain Identity They become over-dependent on each other. It is as if each were the opium of the other; and both grow dopey. , The girl no longer likes to be with girls. She does not enjoy the special lighthearted fun of female gatherings. She feels in 'complete without the' chap to whom she has grown fast. She is entirely too much his properby. She is more his ;proper ty than" she ought to be even if she were his wife. Even in marriage, the two per sonalities ought to retain their dignity. Husband ought not to . be submerged in wife, nor wife in husband. As husband and wife, they are two in one, flesh, but they re main two souls, each with the right and duty of ultimate self reliance and self-respect. The young man suffers even more than the young woman in these over attachments, because manliness, of its nature, is more independent than womanliness. Master and Control The "steadY-dating" boy ceas es to share the vigorous pleasure of male gatherings. No longer. shall we say, does he belong to himself and to the male sex; he belongs to a woman. He is bound as if with apron strings. Youth is a time for larking and gregarious gatherings. It ia time for getting acquainted with a great many people; for becom ing a familiar and cheerful mem ber of the human famUy. But all this is not to say that young men and women should not have preferences. Of course they wlIl have preferences, but they must not let them get out of hand. . If young people are to become what they really want to become -self-reliant and mature men and women-they will master' and control their dating as they master and control other things.. They wlll do some straight think ing about it, and guide them selves accordingly.
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Gffts For Tha Attendants
Ten parishes have exceeded the quotas established for them by the Circulation Department of The Anchor. A number of other parishes have done exceptionally well in their early circulation returns and, undoubtedly, w1l1 achieve their quotas before we print our, second edition. The ten parishes with a 100 per cent showing, ol~.better, to start 'us off are: Corpus Chlistl Church, Sand wich, Rev. James A.. Drury, pastor. Mt. Carmel, New Bedford, Rt. Rev. Msgr. Antonio P. Vieira, pastor. Mt. Carmel, Seekonk, Rev. James E. O'Reilly, pastor. Our Lady of Grace Church, Westport, Rev. Maurice H. La montagne, pastor. . St. Boniface, New Bedford, Rev. Columba Moran, SS.CC., pastor. st. Dominic's Church, Swan sea, Rev. George J, Sullivan, pastor. st. Francis, Acushnet, Rev: Alexis Wygers, SS.CC., pastor. st. Joseph's Church, New Bed ford, Rev. LouIs E: Provost, pas tor.. st. Patrick's Church, Fal mouth, Rev. James E. Gleason, pastor. st. Patlick's Church, Somer set, Rev. Edward J. Gorman, pastor. . You can subscribe at any time to The Anchor. Just drop your subscription en velope in the church collection basket at any Sunday mass and your pastor will forward it on to us. Help YOUI' parish attain itl quota. It is our desire and our aim, to see that each Catholic home hi the Fall River Diocese has a copy of The Anchor.
God Love You By The Most Rev. Fulton J. Sheen, D.D.
OS 5-7838
The Church forbids a priest to read Mass without a server or someone In attendance. Why? Because the Mass Is the sacrifice of the Mystfca~ Body of Christ which is the Church. On the cross Our Lord offered Himself alone; In the Mass we offer ourselves with Him. On the Cross Our Lord was Offerer and Offered, Priest and Victim; in the Mass Our Lord with His Mystloal Body the Church Is both Priest and Victim; Of ferer and Offered. After the priest offers the Chalice he lowers it to the altar anc! swings it in the four,directlons of the earth, saying that it is offered for the "salvation of the whole world". North, South, East and West. the fruits of redemption are invoked upon the world. China, India, Tonga Islands, Russia, Tibet are all inclUded. The priest becomes a ilant straddling the world as he extends the Chalice over the heads of 1,500,000,000 pagans who know not that Christ died for theIr sins. ( Each time you assist at Mass you are involved with Christ and you are involved with the world; you are seeking to plant Calvary in pagan lands lIB Calvary is renewed on the altar before you. The Mass is mission-minded, because It involves the whole world. When you assist at Mass think not of one partiCUlar spot but the whole earth as groaning for redemption. Never offer the sacrifice of Christ without makln&" a sacrifice. He died for the world; so must you. He is Redeemer with a Capital R, yOU are a redeemer with a small r. prolong that saorifloe In your daily life. Never let a day &,0 b,y without some tiny act of self-denial e.g., not buying a magazine or a soft drink or a hard drink or some candy-and at the end of the month send the sacrifice to the Holy Father through the So ciety for the Propagation of the Faith, his Mission Society. GOD LOVE YOU to W.F.B. for' $25 "In gratitude for the suc cessful settlement of a court hearing." ••• to M.J.K. for $25 "Given for the love of God." ... to the three K's "This $5 is the sacrlflce of a school boy's lunch, a father's nip of beer and a mother's scrimp ing here and there'" .. to C,M.C. "This $1 for the poor of the world that maybe these slight gifts 111 save the souls of the persecutors of the world." .... to E "I took butter away from myself for thirty days and saved perhaps $3-it's for the Missions." ... to L.R. "If I had bought one of the new style long chiffon scarfs it would have left the MissIons short. $6.75. 'A parody on a familiar quote runs thus: "East Is East and West Is West but East plus West is far the best!" East and West are linked together in the circle of the WORLD MISSION ROS ARY on which you can pray for a wprld that Is pleading for the strength and unity of peace! The Rosary Is yours at your re quest and a $2 offering sent to: THE SOCIETY FOR THE PROP , AGATION OF THE FAITH, ORDER DEPT., 366 iFfth Avenue, New York 1, New York. Cut out this column, pin your sacrifice to it and mall it to the Most Rev. Fulton J. Sheen, National DIrector of The Society for the Propagation of the Faith, 366 Fifth Avenue, New York 1, N. Y., or your DIOCESAN DIRECTOR REV. RAYMOND T. CONSIDINE, 368 North Main Street, Fall River. Mass.
and to the staff and personnel ,of the
Ten Parishes Meet -Quotas For Anchor
Gift Of Faith
\\ AN C H0 RII
r;cholarShiP Exams
I Spotligh'ting Our Schools·
THE ANCHOR Thursday, April '11, 1957
magnetism of the Savior's per sonality and emotions were stirred. Miss McGee Winner \ Plays Are Success Patricia Ann McGee, senior at spu·it of Mother St. Ignatius. A highly appreciative group of Mt. St. Mary Academy, has been FoundreSs of th~ Religious of lovers of the thespian arts awarded the Firestone College Jesus and Mary: The purpose of gathered In the auditorium of Scholarship. Patricia, the daugh- the undertaking Is .to fOfiter' a . Sacred Hearts Academy, Fair haven, to view two plays by the tel' of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph James greater 'knowledge' of the rellg'i high school' students. The na McGt~!l,582 Jefferson Street, Fall ous leader and teacher who fur turalness' of the young actresses,. River, will receive f!I ll tuition, thered the cause of education In some of whom were making their
academic . fees, textbooks, and various countries' of the world, as first acquaintance with the
. boards, captivated the discrlm
8ubstantial part of the llvlng Fr/'ance,' . England, Canada, United. Inatingaudience. costs for four years: Patricia In the curtain raiser, "To Betty Ann McGee has been accepted States. Italy, Spain, India, and With Love," Barbara Baker had at the! College of New Rochelle. Africa. Patricia is the second Mt. st. The schools participating In the title role. She was ;ibly sup Mary Academy graduate to be a the speech tournament besides ported' by Elaine Daniels in the recipient of the Firestone Col- - Jesus-Mary Academy are Regina role of Father and Janet Sorelle lege Scholarship. The first-was High School, H\Yattsville, st. In that of Mother. Betty Camn won repeated applause for ·her Ines . M. Silva, class of 1955, Clare's, Woonsocket, Villa Au daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph gustina Academy, Goffstown, portrayal of the teenage brother Silva, 262 Division Street, Fall N.H.; st. Charles, Providence,' while Sandra Mandeville played, River. Miss Silva enrolled at and Thevenet Hall, Highland the part of Betty's little sister. Minor parts were effectively Salve Regina College, Newport. Mills, N.Y. and Is now In ner junior year. The members of the Cecilian played by Margarida Correira, Alice Oliveira and Helene Fre The forty-girl orchestra and Glee Club will present thell' an the eighty-voice Glee Club of Mt. nual music entertainment at 8 chette. Kathleen Perry and Mary St. Mary Academy wl1l entertain Wednesday night, May I, in the Louise Andrews shared the work at the seventy-fifth anniversary Jesus-Mary Auditorium. The of stage manager.' The main attraction was of the Knights of Columbus to program will open with "Let not "·Round the Clock with Claire," a be held at the Ballroom, Lincoln Your Heart Ee Troubled,"fol Park, on Monday, May 6. The lowed by sprightly selections dramatized day In the life of a academy orchestra Is trained such as "I'll See You Again," girl by the late Reverend Daniel and directedoy Sister M. Verona, "It's a Big. Wide, Wonderful A. Lord, S. J. Carole Almeida, a R.S.M., A.M., and Arthur 'Pa- World," "John and Jane," "Au convincing· Claire, played her demanding part with competence quete, B.Mus: The orchestra Bois du Rossignolet," "Ave Ma and simplicity. Linda Pickett was will provide music during the ria" and "Spring Breezes," con banquet. The teacher and di- ducted by M. Marie Nathalie. her dignified guardian angel. Patricia Ellison drew hilarious rector of the glee club Is Sister music directress. and accom M. Gabriella, R.S.M., F.T.C.L. panied by Miss Elaine Saulnier. laughter with her high jinks as a Sister M. Fidells, R.S.M, A.B., of North Attleboro. The varied roguiSh, rather than diabolical, demon. Is the moderator. The Glee Club selections to be rendered prom Despite her youth, Catherine will sing during the final part Ise an entertaining "soiree mu ef the social. Arthur Paquette slcale" for all music lovers, which Norris was at home in the role will . conduct the orchestra and will be highlighted by a guest of Mother. Diana Flood, as Jean, the Glee Club. singer, Miss Suzamle Charland completed· the family. Creditable . \lerformances were also given by . Mt. St. Mary Academy girls of Woonsocket. '
Maribel. Kennedy, .Mary Ann will again be present In the Ca
Unexpected Concert Souza, Teresa Houlihan, Mar thedral and In' other parish Richard Inger, religious sales garet Duggan. Muriel Poyant, churches for the restored Holy Week Liturgy. They wlJl sing man, offered a delightful hour of Gene' Callaghan, Mary Agnes entertainment ·when he sang for the chants which are the role of the congregation In the services. the stUdent body at st. Anthony's High School, New Bedford, re Mt. St;. Mary Academy Or chestra will render Its annual centl~. He also pleased 'his audi concert at 8 Monday night, April ence with impersonations. Mr. Inger, who has been in 24, In the academy auditorium. this country for two years, Is an. Jeannine Lavoie and Pearl Hodg son, both seniors, will be guest excellent artist and pOsseS&Cs a rich baritone voice.. He comes soloists. . from France. On Saturday, April 13, at 9:00 He sang "Ave ·Maria" and ~ a.m., Mt. St. Mary Academy will "Bless This House," which he hold the annual scholarship ex amination for girls who will dedicated. to the Sisters. Mr. In graduate from grade eight this ger hopes to' appeal' on a na year. All girls who' intend to tional T.V. program. In the neiu' enrol! at Mt. St. Mary Academy future. After· his performance he for next year's classes are urged to take this examination which chatted with the students for a 1s also an entrance examination. while, and demonstrated his skill a.s a magician arid signed auto .Contest April 24 graphs.
A movie, "I Beheld His Glory,"
Senior Carol Ann Dugan has was shown to the' faculty and
been selected to represent Jesus Mary Academy, Fall River, In an student .bOdY' of st. Anthony
oratorical contest sponsored by High.
the Religious of Jesus-Mary, at It was a fitting representation
9 Wednesday, April 24, In the for this Holy Season of Lent as
Regina High School aUditorium, the story of the crucifixion is al- . Hyattsville, Maryland. The topic ways conducive to medjtation for discussion vim evaluate, In and to reflection. As the picture the light of our present day re progressed and the passion un ligious educational system, the furled, the audience sensed the
Ca.ron, Ann Farley and Alice academies of FaU River at Wojcicki. Patricia Hemingway 8:30 Saturday morning, April 13. Over 200 eighth graders attend. was stage manager. ed the "Catholic High School" Plaque Dedication . program at Dominican Academy. Gift of the Class of 1957, a dis tinctive plaque bearing a gold Sponsored by the freshmen, this embossed book, has been placed program W8.S designed' to show In the Holy Family High School eighth graders what a Catholio library to perpetuate the mem ory of the late Sister Bernadette High School has to offer them. The BishlJPs' Relief Fund drivG Marie, R.S.M. is a major interest in all classes. Present at the dedication cere mony were the Rt. Rev. James with a variety of projects to en" J.' Gerrard, V.G., pastor of St. 'courage this annual Lenten act!·
Lawrence Church, and Sister vity.
Basketball intramurals fin· Mary Virginia, R..S.M., principal of Holy Family High School, as Ished with a pla.yoff. Ten teams, well as the various class officers including 130 girls, formed this and library aides. The invocation year's Dominican League, play Ing a total of 18 games in a for the .repose of the soul of Sis ter Bernadette Marie was recited double elimination tournament•. by Robert Tweedie; president of In honor of the theme of the the Senior Class .and Mary Beth year, "Our School Is a Dominican· Mosher original pOem in School," the teams were named for Dominican saints. Nancy tribute to Sister. . Hart's Blessed Martin team met For the past twenty years, Sis ter had been a member of the Jacqueline Poulin's St. Pius team faculty of. Holy Family, where in the finals. The Sodality of Our Lady of she had taught· dramatics and the ·Rosary. now In formation English and .had been the certi fied ljbrarian. Sister's assign . stage, has Reverend Donald E. ment to Holy Family had been Belanger as Director. St. Cather. her one permanent commission ine of' Siena is the secondary pa during the twenty years since her tron of the Sodality. Six units have been formed and have chos· religious profession. It is the wish of the Class of en Apostles "as their patrons I 1957 that this plaque will be a St. Peter, senior unit: St. John worthy memorial to' the zeal of ·and St. Jude, junior units; St. Sister Bernadette Marie, who Paul and St. James. sophomore labored tirelessly to improve the units; St. Matthew, freshman unit. Sodality officers are Louise library facilities, that the stu Chouinard, prefect; Pauline La dents might benefit. voie, Vice-prefect; Claire Du Holding Retreat mont, secretary; Barbara Freitas. Rev. Godfrey Riley, C.P., of treasurer. Scranton, is conducting the an Meeting every I Tuesday even· nual retreat which began yester ing, candidates are now follow day and concludes tomorrow at ing probation instructions, as the Dominicl',n Academy in Fall well as making their first at· River. A five-day Crusade for tempts at apostolic activity; Pro. Prayer preceded the retreat dur jects undertaken inclUde work on ing which all students concen retreat preparation, respect for authority,' daily RosBry.· attend. trated on preparation for the im ance at weekday Masses, the pos· portant days of the retreat. Registration is now being held itive aspects of Lent. and pro motion of the good in the field 'for the Schqlarship Examina tions scheduled in ~ all Catholic of entertainment.
Third Order Regular of St. Francis Offer to young Men and Boys:'" special ·opportunities to study for the Priesthood. Lac:k ·of funds no obstacle. Candid(]tes ·for the religious Lay Brotherhood also ·accepted. For further Information, write to
Congratulations to
The ANCHOR· The OlficialDiocesan Newspaper.
Shrine of Our Lady of LaSalette Attieboro, Massachusetts .
Right to Work Bill Opposed By; Prelate
Sisters of Mercy Plan Education Conference
MILWAUKEE- (NC) - Sisters of Mercy from nine provinces HARTFORD, (NC)-Bills will attend the order's fifth an· which have been introduced nual educational conference hera in the Connecticut legisla· from April 22 to 26. The theme of ture to enact a "right-to the meeting is "The Role of the in the Development of ·work" law are opposed to Teacher the Intellectual Virtues". Christian economic principles The keynote address will ba llnd are potentially injurious to given on April 22 by Father Gus the state's economy. Archbishop tave Weigle. S. J .. professor of Henry J. O'Brien of Hartford ecclesiology at Woodstock Col has declared. lege. Md. Msgr. Joseph F. Donnelly. di&:-' Attending the conference will ector of the Archdiocesan Labor be the Mother General and mem Institute, appearcd at a public bers of the general council. the hearing herc bcfore the legisla mothers provincial of the nine turc's Labor Committee and pre provinces. and 84 official dele sented the archbishop's opposi gates representing over 6,000 tion. nuns engaged in educational The bills would outlaw. unlon work in 46 states. management agreements requir ing ""'orkers to join the union NEW BUILDING within a certain period after WORCESTER (NC) - A new thcy are hired. three-story science building will Archbishop O'Brien's state be constructed at Holy Cross ment said: College here. Construction will "This so-called "rlght-to work" lpgislation in my OPll1lon be started in the spring of 1958. is not in accord with the sound the college announced. The build Christian principles which should ing will house the chemistry, inspire economic life. In brief. physics and mathematics depart ments. It Is expected to be ready the general purport of such legis lation is to make It unlawful to for occupancy late in 1958. require a worker to become a Lent should remind .us of the member of a union even though great value of penance to our the majority of his fellow em ployes, acting for what they be. spiritual growth. lleve to be their common interest. bave designated it as their rep l'esentative in negotiations with their employer.
Little Known Facts for Cathol ics
THE ANCHOR Thursdal'. April 11. 1957
Worcester Senior
Wins Assistance
WORCESTER mC) - One of the first loans in a Massachu setts-wide program to aid stu dents In obtaining their bachelor or graduate degrees has gone to Louis R. Leveille, a senior at As sumption College here. The loan, for $250, was granted by the Massachusetts Higher Ed ucation Assistance Corporation. formed recently by educators and bankers. The corporation lends money to students at low Inter est rates. The student needs no collateral and has up to three and one-half years to repay. He may borrow as much as $500 for each of his last three years as an undetgraduate. Only Mas sachusetts residents are eligible for loans under the program. . Loans are payable six months after graduation, but the student.. has the option to renew for up to three years more. If he feels he cannot repay immediately. . SHEED HONORED
LILLE. France (NC) - Dr. Frank Sheed, Catholic author. 'publisher and lecturer. was awarded the degree of Doctor of Sacred Theology by Achille Cardinal Llenart. Archbishop of LllIe.
Unions For Common Good
"The sponsors of the proposed legislation claim that a funda mental right of the Individual is invaded if he must join a union. I do not agree with this view point. It is neither Immoral nor unethical to require union mem bership for the greater common aood of the group. In our modern and complex' society everyone is subject to prohibitions and res traints as well as to mandatory rules of conduct based on ,the common good of'the group. "Thc Church encourages the union movement and memben ship therein as generally neces sary to insure the worker his ahare of social justice, The "rlght-to-work" bills. if enacted into law, would seriously affect union membership. They would injure the labor movement. which. when it acts in accord ance with sound moral princi ples, has' our full support. Fur thermore the legislation would be a disruptive factor in the in dustrial economy. For these rea sons I am opposed, to .the so called "right-to-work" bills."
Our Best Wishes to Bishop Connolly and the Editors ·of
The ANCHOR on the
Bishop Placed Under Arrest VIENNA (NC) - The Red Hungarian government of Janos Kadar has arrested a Cathollc Bishop and several other import ant Church omclals In what observers consider a new at tempt to gain control of the Church in Hungal·Y. The reports state that Bishop Jozsef Peterys of Vacz. in north ern Hungary. has been placed under house arrest. Also reported confined are Cistercian Abbot Wendelin End redy, Msgr. Andrew Zakar. for mer personal secretary of His Eminence Jozsef Cardinal Mlnds zenty. Primate of Hungary. and Father Horwarth. all official of the Gyoer cathedral. Reports of the arrests were confirmed following the apparent failure of talks between Arch bishop Jozsef Groesz of Kalocsa and government officials of the office of Church Affairs and of the ministry of education on Church-state affairs. Since the Kadar government seems determined to fill these and other posts with its own "peace priests" it is feared by some observers that Bishop MI chael Endrey. whom the Holy See has placed in charge of Cardinal Mlndszenty's See of Esztergom. and his vicar-general•. Father Schwarz-Eggenhofer. wllt be un able to exel'cise their functions.
Diocesan Newspaper
~ the
National Bank, 59No'rth~ Main Street /' Fall River, Mass. f
Dactated Persecution. Again Directed at Church in Munglary
.' MostG\;Q
By Laszlo Magyar Written for N.C.W.C. News
" A peri9d of renewed persecution appears to be the outlook for the Church in Hungary following the people's uprising last October against their Red overlords, and their Ilubsequent defeat by Soviet invaders. The cm'i'ent situation in - - - - - - - - - - - useless. At the same time it Hun.gary is not at all like Is must convince Moscow· that it is that in neighboring P0lnnd, able to keep the Hungarian peo as some people seem to be~ ·ple under control while fqllowing
10" THE ANCHOR .. ThursdllV, April, II, 1957' SACRAMENT OF CONFIRMATION: John An thony Barboza, 12-year old'~on of Mr. and Mrs. John Barboza of Briggs Road, North Westport, received the sacrament of confirmation at his home. Bishop Connolly .administered the sacrament. John has been a musculardystr9phyvicti'm for eight years. ~)
lieve there the Church has won the Kremlin line. new liberty from a government Aim at Youth that has been able to free itself The. renewEld' campaign of per to some extent, at least, from di secution will probably hit the rect SQviet control. Alt~ough Po Church hal'dest in the field of land .is still a Communist coun education. The October uprising try, the anti-Stalinist regime showed Hungary's Communist headed by Wladislaw Gromulka despots that their earlier efforts knows it can remain In power to Indoctrinate the country's only if it continues to make con young people. and drive them cessions to the people, Including away from the Church were a. not only economic reforms but total failure. Asa result, they also more f l' e e d 0 m for the have begun to do away with the Church. short-lived freedom of religious In Hungary, on the other hand, education that was introduced there is no freedom for either at the time of the uprising. Re government or Church 'today. ligious instruction has already The ~C(lmmunist regime of Janos 'been banned trom the schools in Kadar Is completely under Mos a. number of communities. in cow's thumb. Red Premier Kadar cluding Szekesfehervar and Du :has only, recently returned to napentele, and will, .in aU prob Budapest from the Soviet capital. ability, soon be banned from where he signed two agreements schools throughout the, entire' • Warrmest Wishes binding his country closer than nation. And Most Sincere ever to the U.S.S.R. Another sore spot will be the While Hungary's governmenL, matter of Church appointments. • Congrratulations has shown itself willing to intro A newly issued decree of the gov ',WASHINGTON (NC) - Sen. study the possibility of adoption duce -some economic reforms. ernment's Bureau of .Rellgious To otherwise it Is -again using the Affairs' states that all ecClesiasti Richard L. Neuberger (Ore,) has of a family allowance program." • "THE ANCHOR,i .terrorist.ic methods of the worst cal appointments made "Since Oc praised a resolution passed at The Senator pointed out that )lerlod of the Stalinist era and tober I, 1956. aie ~'null and void" the recent 25th annual Nationai "more than eight million Ameri aiming them especially against unle!SS confil'med by the bureau. Catholic Family Life Convention can families are making less than The the Church, . The position of the govern in Milwaukee. $2,000 a yearlmd the children in Follow Kremlin ment in its battle against reli The resolution urged the U. S. these families face an Insecure That t.his policy is being made. gion Is made easier by the fact bI Moscow cannot be doubted. that the head of the Church in government to study the possi future." Recently, for example, the press Hungary, Cardinal Midszenty, bility of a family allowance pro Last year Senator Neuberger bI the Soviet Union stepped JlP , cannot maintain contact- with I Its war on reli~ion and again either his' priests or the faithful. gram. In his remarks on the submitted a resolution In the Fall River Savings Bank began to launch bitter attacks The Cardinal would violate his resolution, which, were inserted Senate asking the federal gov 'in the Congressional Record,. ernment to provide for a study 141 NO. MAIN ST. on His Holiness Pope Pius XII, right of asylum at the United of family allowances. He said Kadar and his minions are fully States legation should he try to Senator Neuberger said: "I was indeed pleased to see here that he intends to reintro Fall River aware t'hat a satellite country send or receive messages. , that the 25th annual National duce the family, allowance reso haS no choice but to follow slav Catholic Family, Life Convention lution tliis year. \ ' Reason for ,Concern Jshly where the Kremlin leads. This situation appears' to be urge the federal government to How well they know this has been shown most recently by th-e very convenient for the regime. placing of Bishop Jozsef Petery It does not have to risk the in All Success To of Vacz and other Church au dignatIon of world opinion by thorities under house arrest. putting the 'Cardinal back in jail. Among those against whom such yet he is completely isolated. Should the Cardinal volunta action was taken Is Msgr, Andras Zakar, former personal secretary rily leave the legation, he would of His Eminence Jozsef Cardinal celtalnlY be jailed again at once. Official Catholic -', Mindszenty, Primate of Hungary. When the Communists allowed 'who is now living at the United the prelate to lea,ve his prison Newspaper-Diocese of States legation In Budapest un and placed him llider house ar Fall River der right of asylum In order to rest in 1955, they did not grant For a h~1f century we have avoid further Communist im him a pardon for 'his "crimes" against the state. As a result he catered to the religious prisonment.. " A few days before the Bishop's could' "legally" be imprisoned needs of the priests, nuns again without a new trial. arrest it was reliably reported '" and laity of New England. Funerals • Weddings • Corsages • Hospital . This has been stressed by Janos that six or seven unidentified Horvath, h~al1 of the govern prle§ts had been detained. .,. nuns .have also reportedly been ment's Bureau of Religious Af arrested for helping to distri fairs. who declared that the'Car , TELEPHONE 2082 ROBESPN ST. bute "subversive material." These dinal's life sentence which he was 22 Chauncy St., Boston FAll.RIVER arrests appear to be acts of re given In 1949 still remains in, OS. 5·7804 Patrick F. Riordan, Pres. prisal against Catholic clergy ,force. The Cardinal's present men. whom the Red Hungarian status, he declared, is "only an press constantly points to as 'the Interruption of his sentence." At the present time It does' not persons "guilty" of Instigating _seem probable that the govern ,the October uprising. Hungary's Communists realize ment will try to remove Cardinal that they must use every pas Mindszenty from the legation by .1 b 1ewe ~ p 0 n to regain the force. Within recent weeks, how etrength they lost as a result of ever. he has been 'viciously slim that uprising. Like"every other dered by the, Communist press \,. orthodox Marxist regime. the and radio. One of the broadcasts, Kadar govemment regards Cath made by a member of Kadar's puppet cabinet, was a violent at eDclsm as its most dangerous enemy and plans to turn Its en tack on the Cardinal whicn cul-: tire arSenal Ilgainst the Church. minated In a' threat to punish People who know Communist him for "his renewed crimes." Thus the Catholic Church in tactics are certain that the Hun :' ~ Famed Fall River Institution Barlan Reds will stop at nothing Hungary. deprived o.f her head In their campaign against her: and with other leaders under ar rest. has reason to be apprehen for Friendly, Pers()1Ullized Sel"vice. ~ey will respect no laws, in61ve about her future.!. ? NudJng their own. , 'j<> The government reaUzes. more over, that to make any conces Bishop Resigns '~ons to the Church, would be regarded by Hungarians as a sign VATICAN CITY (NC) - His of weakness. . The people' would Hollness Pope Pius XU has ac feel that they had compeled the cepted the resignation of ,Bishop :regime to make'them. This from Pedro Marla Rodriguez Andrade, ilIe government's 'point of view. 84. of Ibague, Colombia. for would be exceedingly dangerous, reasons of- health. The prelate, because the present regime de who was Bishop of Ibague for 33 »ends for its me on being able years, has been retired with the to persuade the nation that it rank and title of Titular Arch Is 80 strong that resistance to it bishop of Brisi.
Family Allowance Program ,Wi,ns' Support- of :Senator
Specialists In Special Floral Arrangements
Salutes "the ANCHOR" and' Wishes It Every Success,
Nun Is At Work
In Physics Lab
For' Uncle Sam
By CARL BALCERAK , WASHINGTON - "Squeezing'· liquids with ultrasonic' waves ar handling highly explosive chemicals Is not the type of work you would expect a diminutive llUn to be engaged in. But that is what Sister Mary Howard is doing in the physics laboratory here at the Catholic University of America. A Sister of Notre Dame, she is believed to be the only nun who is investi gating scientific phenomena un der U.S. Army auspices. A con tract for this research has been awarded to the university by the U. S. Army Office of Ordinance Research. In a basement laboratory at the institution Silver Mary How ard is working in a strange and dangerous world-1n order to build a better world. Despite the haz ards of .her job, Sister Mary Howard has not lost her sense of humor. In front of a powerful air compresSOr in the Jaboratory, shit has this sign: "This compressor starts at random times and can tear any mortal fingers asunder." Probe Materials Just what does she dO, and what in the name of science are ultrasonic waves? Here is what she said in reply
to these questions:
"Ultrasonics consists of high
frequency sound waves, a form
of energy used to investigate ma
terials in the physical world. An
atom smasheJ.: bombards atoms
with energy but with ultrasonic
waves Catholic University
squeezes liquids and gases. bring
Ing the molecules closer together.
"This enables us to see the molecule itself. It is known that there is a definite pattern in thl) molecules of liquids, but holes are present that are not found in .olids." Of what concern is all this to the army? Always Searching According to Sister Mary How arJ. it is of major importance because the army is always searching for new designi~g ma terials with which to build its equipment. Blueprints for these llew materials, she said. cannot be drawn up until the structure of present day chemicals is clari fied. , Research at the C. U. labora tory is done with liquids at a temperature of 80 degrees down to one that is very low. By a very low temperature. Sister Mary Howard said she meant liquids with a temperature of about 350 degrees below zero. "Of course," she added non chalantly, "keeping some of these liquids below room temperature is important because they are highly explosive." One of the liquids Sister Mary Howard works with is etllyl chloride. It is often used in SUi,-' gical operat~ons to freeze .an in fected part of· the body. Ethyl chloride boils at room tempera ture, changes into a gas and becomes highly explosive. Caution Needed Anyone can see. that absent mindedness is not encouraged in the university laboratory because failure to keep such a liquid In the "cooler" may be fatal. Sister Mary Howard Is working on her doctorate in physics at
Founder of Sisterhood Beatification in May VATICAN CITY (NC) - Eu genie Smet, Fl'ench-born found l'ess of the Helpel'S of the Holy Souls. will be beatified in St. Peter's Basilica on Sunday. May
Tells of Conditions In India at Stonehill Colleg~ Stonehill College students were 'liven an interesting picture of medical work in India when Mother Anna Dengel, SCHM., M.D,. spoke at the college. Moth er Dengel. who was in Boston to receiye the Laetare Medal of the St. Luke's Society. awarded an nually to an outstanding person age in the field of medicine, was 'accompanied by Sister Barbara, a surgeon just returned from 10 years in the Society's hospital in Pakistan. Both spoke of the work of the Medical Missionary Sisters. an order founded by Mother Den . gel. which now includes over 500 members, many of them doctors and registered nurses. Sister Barbara told of her work and the importance of the Society in Illdia. where women are not al lowed to see any man except those in their immediate fam .11y and where, therefore. no male doctor could treat their ill PUTS SQUEEZE ON MOLECULES:. Delving deeply nesses. She pointed out that into the science of ultrasonic waves Is Sr. Mary Howard, life expectancy in India is less than 33 years and for women is a familiar figure in the physics laboratory at the Catholic even less than that for men. She University of America, Washington. A Sister of Notre explained the difficulties posed Dame, she Is doing work under contract with the U. S. by the fact that most people live in villages reached over nearly Army Office of Ordinance Research. impassable roads and that the lack of sanitation brings about the university. and she expects head of the physics department a number of diseases which are to receive it this year. After that at the university and Dr. Francis not problems here. O. Rice who is head of the
Sister Barbara said that in she is expected to head the phy creasing governmental regula sics department at Notre Daml) chemistry department.
Sister Mary Howard· works tions in many countries where College in Cleveland, whIch wlll then become one of the few with Dr. Herzfeld and with Dr. the society now works had made women's schools in the country Theodore A. Litovitz, the uni the job more difficult. She told offering physics as a major versity's director of research in also of the long and costly train liquids,
ing Which was necessary for the course. In her parting remarks, Sister qualified medical personnel' and Catholic University was one of Mary Howard said: "The field of . the great need which still exist the pioneers in the field of ultra sonics. Much of today's research ultrasonics is tremendously inter ed in India and Pakistan despltlt great strides made by the gov in ultrasonics is based upon a esting and offers unlimited op fundamental paper written by portunities for experimentation." ernment in the last ten years. Dr. Karl F. Herzfeld. who Is now Anyone for ultrasonics? The daY provided a reunion
for Rev, Thomas C. Duffy, C.S.C .• director of the Stonehill Colleg(J Building Fund, and Mother Den gel, since Father Duffy served for three years as chaplain of the mother house of the Order In Philadelphia.
Taunton Guild Meets Tonight Mrs. Frederick Coite of Ran dolph will give a demonstration tonight in the art of cake dec orating at the April meeting of the st. Paul's Catholic Women's Guild. Taunton. Mrs. Arline Pero is chairman of the arrange ments committee. She will be assisted by Mrs. Kathleen Wil liams, Mrs. Anna Bartel, Miss Mary Rennie. Mrs. Margaret Tummon and Mrs. Maria Yelle.
Plan Card Party A card party for the benefit of St. Augustine's Church win be held Monday night. April 23. It will be sponsored by the Catholic Guild of Vi n e y a r d Haven. The Guild conducted a success ful penny sale Sunday. Proceeds will be used for the new parish rectory. Barbara E. Kszystyniak, secretary, reported.
Best Wishes to
The Anchor
New York Lace Store 89~93
Known in religion as Mother Mary of Pl'ovidence, Eugenle founded the Helpers of the Holy Souls to work for the benefit of .the Church. She died in 1871. According to present indica tions. this w1U b~ the only bea t1f1c'.\tion to talca place during 1957.
OS 8-5286
·... 1'J.'be ... .Jnviflllion
Published Weekly by The Catholic Press of the' Diocfle of Fall River
21 Bedford Street
OSborne 5·7151
Fall River, Mall. PUBLISHER' Most Rev. James L Connolly, D.D., Ph.D. CENERAL MANACER ASST. CENERAL.MANACER Rev. Daniel F. Shalloo, M.A. . Rev. John P. Driscoll MANAGINC EDITOR Attorney Hugh ~. Colden
We Are Most Grateful The Catholics of the Diocese of Fall River will always be grateful to the newspapers, to the radio and television
stations that service this area. The cooperation and go~d will that these have always shown to the Church is deserv ing of the highest praise and deepest appreciation. Ours Is a predominantly Catholic area, and so we would natu rally expect the public service media to reflect this fact: That Jt has done so in such a large measure and in such a fail way is, nonetheless, gratifying. Their pledge to aid us in this, new venture, The Anchor, is another expression of kindness. We shall call upon them often for their help; we have been assured that' , It will be forthcoming. For this-our siJ1.cere thanks.
"To live as Christians, to feel as Christians, to think
as Christians in a society which is not Christian, when
we see, hear and read almost nothing which does not of
fend or contradict Christianity; wJ?en especially life places'
ali obligation on us, and charity often gives us the duty
of not making a visible break with the ideas and customs that we reprove, all this is difficult and hardly possible." A Ji'rench philosopher has described accurately the atmosphere in which we live and work and recreate. People are more interested in material things than in things spiritual and to an ever-increasing degree; sin is consid ered an archaic notion; immorality is paraded as glamour or "realism;" God is given lip service-sometimes-and little more. Small wonder. that a noted preacher has told bis indifferent congregation: "God is so far from your minds that you don't think of Him even to take His Name in vain.''' . When this is the attitude of an age, the whole ~n vironment must change before we can expect significant changes for the better in individuals. Recent Popes, ever sensitive to the moods of the time, have pointed this out -the battle between good and evil is not isolated in an' individual but must be fought against the background of his family, his work, his friends, his environment. This is the function of a Catholic newspaper - to try to change the atmosphere of society. The Catholic newspaper is not out to air prejudices, to grind axes-that attitude generates more heat than light. The Catholic, newspaper aims at reporting the news, taking the most practical' approach possible-recognizing that God and the things of God have a place in the affairs of men and nations. The informed Catholic, is in a position to in fluence his envir~nment and to put God where He belongs. , The Catholic newspaper guides him in doing this. We do ~ot believe that it is forcing issues to mention God in connection with them. We do not believe that this Is taking a partisan view. Once we accept the fact of God -His existence, His supremacy over us, man's accounta bility to Him-then how can God lJe ignored? And yet this is the evil of the atmosphere that we are trying to change. God is kept in the realm of the theoretical-it is respectable to believe in Him but don't let Him into every day life. The attitude seems to be that God is wonderful in Church on Sunday morning-but keep Him out ,of work, business, recreation, family affairs, wherever He might prove to be embarrassing to us. Those al'e precisely the places where we must bring God. To do this is difficult -but we are pledged to try to achieve it.
Sa'ge'and Sand
May C~lebrate Mass Now From Dawn to,Dusk By Most Rev. Robert J. Dwyer Bishop of Reno
The' triumph of the city' is shutters ,in time to l~ in the, complete. The ,Church, however first rays 'of the rising sun. along reluctantly, has acknOWledged with the anticipated early bird. the victory. The final conquest Today If you happen to want was the Mass schedule. The Holy something before 10 o'clock your See has now removed the last chances of being waited on are restrictions on the celebration of thin. Banks tend to be even more the Holy Sacrifice' at any time restrictive of the hours when they between dawn and dusk (and condescend to receive suppliants even leaving these limits to broad into their carpeted sanctums. We abominate the Latins for taking interpretation), granting discre tion in the matter to the Bishops a siesta in the middle of the day. but our irritation is unjust. We in their dioceses. Thus has 'been accomplished, accomplish the same purpose by lopping off the day at both ends. without bloodshed, a major revo For it. is at night that the city lloltion. For' centuries, certainly really comes to life. When the since the fall of the Roman Em pire, the Church has held to a lights begin to flicker your ur horarium, an arrangement of the banite becomes a new man. His hours of the day. based primarily work is done; he has years and on a rural economy. Early to rise years of evening before him; and and early to bed is the normal he spreads his w!rigs like the and even the necessary schedule night~hawk he is. Your genuine of· 'the farmer tilling his fields man of the city considers that and tending his stock. It serves there Is something' positively ab as well for the village dependent normal about going to bed before upon the farm and its economy. midnight. If yOU do yOU must be But the citY'is something else sick or losing grip. Saint or again. Your urbanite prolongs sinner, you are committed to the the hours of the night and is' horarium the city imposes on us. mighty loth to get up too early It has taken the Church the in the morning: Indeed, if he had better part of two centuries to his way, he might be tempted to make, up its mind to the fact that the city and its pattern of eliminate ~t altogether. It is futi 0 debate the comthe day are both here· to stay. parative virtues of these con In this, actually. the Church' has trasting time-schedules. Thhe' neither anticipated nor lagged are 24 hours in the day, arrange behind the rest of society. The them as you Will, and if "some habits of ages past are ingrained, must watch while some must not easily eradicated. The senti sleep, thus runs the world away." mental prejudice in favor of the In itself, getting up at four rural time-scnedule lingers on. o'clock in ,the morning and going though the city has conquered to bed at eight in the evening is the country. no infallible sign of sanctity, any Very slowly has the Church more than staying up past mid yielded to the urban pressure, night and greeting the sun at even in the matter of Sunday eight in the morning is a proof Mass. Within our own memory of reprobation. It depends on 10 o'clock was considered a late what you do with the rest of hour and a'concession ,to the
the time. more worldly type of Catholic.
But since the Industrial Revo- But the process of erosion has
'lution the economy of the city Quickened since we crossed the
and its time schedule have been watershed of the First World
On Palm Sunday, Catholics receive blessed palms from gaining ground relentlessly. At War. The 12 o'clock Mass. almost their priests as ~n external profession of their loyalty to first both Church and the cap a scandal when it was introduced Christ the King, a King Who in a. few days will be crowned tains of industry opposed any in the effete East. became 'uni The bells rang out on versal practice. and there were with thorns and enthroned on across. Palm Sunday'is it change. the frosty air at five o'clock, and reports, offensive to pious ears. wonderful going-to-Church day: people like to bring ,some the factory whistles blew at six, of enterprising pastors announc thing horne with them. while huddley figures scurried ing Mass as late as 12:55. The ' But we must keep in mind two faCts. The first is down the streets rubbing sleep city was gaining fast. , Then came World War II, and out of their eyes. But all that. that the primary purpose of going to Mass on Sunday my grandchildren. is far . Its train, of enormous changes. Is always to give something to God. Religion is not a awaydear and long ago. In our hap not least those having to do with spiritual automat existing only for man. Religion is God pier age the bells are rarely heard the time-schedule. The Holy See centered. Worship-religion in action-is the poor little before 'seven and the whistles , made no difficulty about adjust human's soul's total response to the reality of God. The pipe .an apologetic summons ing the time of Mass for the earlier than eight-thirty. benefit of the armed forces, second fact is that 'we always bri:pg something home from hardly' Or take the stores along Main morning. noon, or night. The ex Church with us, and precisely' because we have given Street. Time was when the am perience left Its mark. With due ,something to God. bitious shopkeeper took down his deliberation but with his charac
We Must Give to Receive
THE ANCHOR_ Thursday, April 11, 1957
Duty of Catholic Press
WeeklyCalendar Of Feast Days TODAY - St. Leo I the Great, Pope - Confessor - Doctor. A Ro man. he served as Archdeacon of Rome under Popes St. Celestine and Sixtus III. He became Pope in 440 and ruled when Rome wa. threatened by vandals and here sies. When the Huns swept the city, he sought out Attila' and saved Rome from destruction. He also mitigated the sack of the city by Genseric and his Vandals. More than 100 of his sermons are still extant. He died in 461 and is burie!i in St. Peter's. ' TOMORROW - The Seven Sorrows of the Blessed' Virgin Mary. Generally. this date is the Feast of st. Zeno. Bishop Martyr. He served as Bishop of Vei'ona from 362 until his martyrdom in 371, at the time of Julian the Apostate. He is best remem bered as an ecclesiastical writer of distinction, his main theme being the virgin-birth of Christ. SATURDAY - St. Hermene gild. Martyr. A Visigoth prince. he was the son of King Leovigild and was brought up as an Arian in the Court of Seville. He was converted by Bishop St. Leander 'and his enraged father imprison ed him. When he refused to return to Arianism he was 'be headed at the order of his father in 51i6. His brothel' Recared succeeded to the throne, was converted to Catholicism and brought about the return of the nation to the faith. SUNDAY-Palm Sunday. Gen erally this date is the feast of St. Justin. Martyr. A native of Nablus. Palestine. he lived from about 100 to 165. He also is known as St. Justin the Philoso pher. He was converted to Chris tianity when about 30 years old by reading the Scriptures and witnessing the heroism of mar tyrs. His two "Apologies for the Christian Religion" and his "Di alogue With the Jew Tryphon" are classed among the most in structive second-century ,Chris
tian writings. He was beheaded
in Rome with a group of other
MONDAY-SS. Basilissa and Anastasia, Martyi·s. They were Roman noblewomen who lived in the first century and were among the first converts., They are said to have assisted at the burials of' SS. Peter and Paul. and for these Christian acts were killed in a massacre of Christians carried out under Nero. TUESDAY - St. Bernadette. Virgin. She was Bernadette Sou birous. born at Lourdes. France. in 1894, the daughter of a miller in poor circumstances. When she was 14. she was favored with a series of 18 apparitions between February 11 and 16, 1858, of the Blessed Mother, who chose the uneducated peasant girl to re veal to the world the healing shrine at Lourdes. In 1866 she joined the Sisters of Notre Dame. She died in 1879 and was can nonized in 1933. WEDNESDAY - St. Anicetus. Pope-Martyr. He was a Syrian who succeeded St. Pius I as Pope in 155. He defended the Faith against Valentinus, Marcian and other Gnostic heretics. He is said to have been put to death at the order of Emperor- Marcus Aurelius in 166. teristic alertness to the actual ities of modern' life. Pope Pius XII has introduced by stages the new Mass schedule. Wisely he has left it to the Ordinaries in their dioceses to determine its appli cation, but his mind on the mat ter is clear, to conform the hora rium to the circumstances of the day. He has even anticipated the future. It may be fascinating, 25 years from now (supposing a great many things), to look back and recall the stages of our adjust ment. It might be. of course. that we will all be farmers once more-. by' then, and the process entirely reversed.' That is the trouble with predictions.
THE ANCHOR. Thursday, April 11, 1957
To His Excellency James L. Connolly, D. D. and the Staff of
The ANCHOR Prayerful Best Wishes For God's Blessing On The New Diocesan Paper . OUR, LADY'S CHAPEL
Spiritual bouquets for the living, sick, and deceased, and for special occasions. Religious articles.
FATHER DAVID J. FLEMING, O.F.M., Rector' 572 Pleasant St. New Bedford, Mass. Telephone: WYman 6-8274
7:00 a.m., 8:00 a.m' r 8:45 a.m., 10 a.m., 12:10 p.m路 Additional Masses First Friday,' 6:00 a.m.,-5:45 p.m. Evening Mass every Thursday, 5:45 p.m路
Daily-5:10 p.m.
Tuesdays-After all Masses, also 3:00 p.m., 5:10 p.m., 8:00 p.m.
1:30 a.m., 2:15-5:15-6-6:'15-7:15-8:15-9 a.m.
10 a.m., Tuesdays WNBH, New B"edford WALE, Fall River-7:30 p.m.
1230 a.m.,.....2:15 a.m., 5:15 and every half hour until 12:15 p.m.-Evening Mass 8 p.m.
Thursdays":"'12:30 p.m., 5: lOp.",. and 8:00 p.m.
Fridays-8:00 p.m.-Stations of the Cross
Daily-8:30 a~m. to 9:00 p.m.' (and before Morning Masses) Sunday 12:00 noon to 5:00 p.m.
Daily-12:30 p.m. to 5:10 p.m. Saturday-12:30 p.m. to Midnight Sunday-9:30 a.m. to 5:10 p.m.
THIRD ORDER OF ST. FRANCIS First Sunday of the month-Mass, 8:15 a.m., Lower Chapel Meeting 3 p.m.
'" INFORMATION CENTER OPEN DAILY Catholic Literature-Instruction Classes, for Catholics Qnd non-Catholics, Mondays and Thursdays at 8:00 p.m.
Franciscan Mass League Enrollments for the Living and Deceased , Yearly $1, Perpetual $5 '
At Our House
Some CaU's Are Too 'Long
And Others Too Shor1t By Mary Tinley Daly
14 TIHIE ANCIHOR Connecticut Girl· to Devote Life
,•"rKlllndav, April II, 1957 Magnificat Medal For 1957 Goes to St.Louis Woman
"Trrr-trrr-tr! " (N,C.W.C. NEWS SERVICE) First telephone call of the day. Leaving the break CHICAGO - A St. Louis wom fast dishes in the sink, and with a quick drying of hands, an who is the mother of nine we glanced at the clock-9:05. . children, ,but who still finds time "Hello, darling!" It was to be active in .Church and civic Ag'nes-'Staccato Ag'," as Ellen or leave her alone, but organizations, has been named the Head of the House calls along came a IS-minute descrip 1957 recipie11t of .the Magnificat tion 'of Ellen's cold-like-mine her. "How are you? I just which had turned into pneumo Medal, given annually by Munde
had to call and find out if your co)d is better. You really should take care of it, you know." "Milch better." we interjected before the next flood. "Well, I'm glad, so glad," Agnes went on, "but as I said to
Ed, 'You know,
that cold of Mary's is terri ble-just terri ble.' and, Ed
said 'H 0 n e y,
YOli a I \\' a y s worry about your friends. That's YOUI' sympathetic·nature.' Well. I guess I am just naturally sympa thetic and I don't worry enough about myself. Perhaps I am always worrying about my friends, as Ed says, but I'think good friends ought to be con cerned about one another. And goodness knows,' I told Ed the other day-yesterday. I think it was. No it was Tuesday, 'cause that's ,the day I'd been to the doctor, Anyway, I told him, I said to Ed, 'Goodness knows Mary would be concerned about me, if she knew.' " Heavens, came' the panicky thought, something's wrong with Ag, really wrong. The staccato and the concern'were contageous. "What is it. Agnes?" I asked 'anxiously'. '.Are you ill? I had no idea . . ." "Oh course you couldn't know," Agnes sighed, ~'I'm not one to parade my troubles, As I always say, 'God loves a cheerful .. .' I mean, 'Laugh and the world laughs with yOU' and I'do try to keep, up. Well, as I was saying, I went to the doctor Tuesday..,- the day I told Ed how worried I Was about you." "And what did the doctor say?" "Well," Agnes went on, "he didn't find out anything definite. Doctprs are so vague, aren't they? He did say that I ought to take things easier. 'Relax,' he said, These are his very words, Mary. Relax, Mrs. Woods,' he said, 'and quit stewing around,' What language for a. doctor. And I said to him, 'Doctor,' I said. 'it's all very well for you to sit there and tell people to relax,' I said, 'but how can you relax when the apartment needs cleaning every day?' It isn't a thorough clean ing, but you know what I mean, Mary .. ," After a blow-by-blow descrip tion of the debate with the doc tor, came a resume of a party last week: guests, food and decorations. Then a pseudo-final, "I'm so glad your cold is better. Watch out, though. Mary. Those things flare up. Take my cousin Ellen .. ," At that stage, I could take
nia. "And then, poof," said Agnes,' "just like that for poor Ellen," Ellen never had another cold but she had a wonderful funeral ... "And the Bishop sent a letter to the family," Agnes enthused. "Imagine, the Bishop!" Agnes was getting into her second wind. "And bishops must have an awful lot to do, confirmin!: people and figuring out parish lines and getting money and all that. Don't you suppose?" Before delving into the duties of the episcopacy, this 'seemed a proper time' to call a halt. For tunately a sneeze came. "Do take care of that cold," from Agnes' end. "Do relax," from ours. Conversation terminated at 10 :23 - disqwater cold . . . ' After dishes, next phone con versation was at our own insti , gation - to the .Junior Dalys --.,. just a hankering to talk to the little family on Valley Road. Phone rang at their house, followed by a loud clanking somebody had dropped it. Then the faint. sweet lispy-voice of 2Y2-year-old Deirdre: ,"H!!" "Hello, Deirdre," we said, "how are· you?" "Hi," she repeated.,' "'Bye!" This is Deirdre's usual phone conversation and 'she loves it.' Before she placed the receiver. her mother picked it up. "Hi," came Lu's creamily tran 'quil voice. "How're you doing?" We assured her that we were doing all right. "How's everything at your house?" (staccato influ ence still in evidence). "A couple of viruses," Lu told us, "worse yesterday, better today. Every thing fine. Sean took a tumble and has only a small blue knot on his head. Honestly, she laugh:' ed, "a can of frozen juice is a miracle - worker applied to bumps," (We could recall the dripping ice of our own bump-, , therapy,) A two-minute chat with our completely, mature and poised young daughter-in-law inter rupted by' a few instructions to the small fry - left the warm glow of assurance that all was well in that other home, so close to our hearts, Telephones. they're wonderful. Mr. Alexander Graham Bell. we thank you for linking the world on a person-to-person basis. There are the too-longs. of course, and the too-shorts-like Deirdre witti her "Hi-'Bye"-but the in-betweens are wonderful. _ "Trrr-trrr-tr!" It can mean anything!
,lein College here to a graduate , of a .Catholic women's college. The winner is Mrs. Donald Gunn, a graduate of Fontbonne College, St. Louis, who is the wife of the president of the St. Louis
Board of Aldermen. Announcement of her selection was made by Sistel; Mary John Michael, president of Mundeiein College. The' medal' be, pre:' sented lin May. Established in 1948, the award takes its name from the' opening line of the Canticle of the Blessed Virgin in the Gospel of St. Luke: "My soul magnifies the Lord." It is given to a woman who is deemed to be distinguished for her I~fe ap.d for her influence. Sister John Michael said.' , " Fortner Winners· Mrs. Gunn, whose' ,children
range in age from 6 to 23 years.
was a 1952 winner of the award of honor given by the National Foundation for Infantile Para lysis. She has been co-chairman since 1951 of the St. Louis Mothers' March on Polio. She is ,on, the advisory board of the Volunteer Service Bureau and was a delegate to the 1956 White House Conference on Education: She is a past president of the' Northeast District of the St. Louis Archdiocesan Council of Catholic Women a11d is presently a member of the district board. She is assistant chairman of the Daily World Missionaries. a group which .offers spiritual and material aid to the missions, and Is a past president of the Font bonne College Mothers' Club. Previous recipients of the medal include Mrs. Henry Man nis of New York City, Mrs. Mary Tinley Daly ,of Washington, Mrs. K. Cary Clem of, Los Angeles, Mrs. Felix Lepeyre of New '01' leans,Dr. Jeanette Vidal of West Warwick, R. 1., Mrs. Robert Em mett Garrity of Northeast Har bor, Me., Mrs. Ben Regan of Chicago and Miss Marion Mc Candless of Notre Dame, Ind.
To Teaching
Mexican Ch'ildren
NEW LONDON (NC) - A 30- work exclusively among the Mex year-old woman from this city ieans at first, Miss Maynard and has been selected to establish her associates hope eventually to what is thought to' be the first, extend their work to the nearby United States branch of Madon- ' Hopi and Navajo, Indians. na House, a secular iilstitute with Before entering 1\1 ado n n & headquarters at. '::ombermere, House Miss Maynard was em Ontario. played in the business office of Miss Catherine A. Maynard. the Southern New England Tele who has been visiting her parent. phone Co., here. here, w11l establish with two co workers La Casa', De Nuestra Senora (The House of Our Lady) at Winslow. Arizona.
They will work, among under-,
privileged Mexican - Americans,
giving religious' instruction to·
Catholic children 'as well as providing clothing and nursing services. " WASHINGTON (NC) - The, first silver star award of the Indians To Benefit
The lay missionaries,who have National Foundation for Infan taken simple promises of poverty. tile ParalYsis was presented here to the National Council of chastity and obedience, wiII re ceive no salary and wiII be Catholic Women. The award was in recognition dependent on charitable contri butions for' their food 'and of the outstanding service of the more than nine-million NCCW clothing. . They will assist at daily Mass, members in the fight against have meditation periods, recite polio. the official morning and evenini The presentation was made by prayers of' the Church and give Elaine Whitelaw, director ot '30 minutes a day to spiritual women's activities, to Mrs. Rob reading, ' ert H. Mahoney of Hartford. , The apostles, from Madonna N.C.C.W. president. House are going to Winslow at the invitation of Bishop Bernard T. 'Espelage, O.F.l\1., of Gallup, CongratulatiolUJ Ne~ Mexico. Although they will TO
Women's Council To Get First Polio 'Award
THE ANCHOR Sat. June 8-10 a.m. Auction Barn - Water St.
Benefit of
586 Pleasant Street New 8edford, Mass.
St. Bernard's Mission
"Because We Know Our Business IT'S GOOD BUSINESS
For You to Know. U8"
Hugo D. PerrOtt
Ceorg. Bedard
Best Wishes To
os 5~199~
Loranger & Sons
THE ANCHOR Thursday, April 11. 1957
Communist Propaganda Aims to Win Moslems
National Shrine
Bell Tower Is
·WASHINGTON (NC)-The recklessness of communist propaganda has been emphasized anew by a U. S. Govern ment agency which has revealed that Moscow is conduct ing a propaganda in the Middle East claiming there is re ligious freedom in Soviet ist propaganda among youth." Russia. Moscow has been Must Fight Religion broadcasting talks on this That the Moscow Radio said on theme in the Middle East another occasion: "Religious
K. of C. Gift WATERBURY INC) - A one million dollar bell tower will be erected at the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception as a gift of the Knights of Co lumbus. The Shrine, destined to be one Of the ten greatest churches in the world, is under construction In Washington, D. C. , Stypreme Knight Luke E. Hart announced the gift at ceremon ies held here to open the observ IIl1Ce of the K. of C. diamond jubilee. A highlight was the dedication of a bronze statue In memory of Father Michael J. McGivney, founder of the inter llational organization. In recognition of the many works for the Church performed by the K. of C., Mr. Hart said, the Cardinals. Archbishops and Bishops of the United States In-· "Hed the society to defray the expenses In the amount of one million dollars for the building of the campanile. Mr. Hart ad ded that a meeting of the K. of C. board of directors just held here voted to accept the Invita tion. He said the campanile will be known as The Knights' Tow er. The bell tower for the Shrine in Washington will be 316 feet in height. Outside of the Wash ington Monument, no tower in the nation's capital, or sur rounding territory, and probab ly the United States, Is loftier. Some other notable bell towers are St. Mark's in Venice, 325 feet. Giotto's Tower at the Cathedral In Florence, 275 feet, and the LeanIng Tower of Plsa, 188 feet. Mr. Hart said the K. of C. Is defraying the expenses of build ing the campanile in thanksgiv ing for 75 years of successful 'Work enjoyed by Its society.
languages for about a year, but lately it has stepped up the pro gram to an average of two such broadcasts a day. The Moscow campaign Is thought hel'e to be a Communist effort to counteract material which the U. S. Information Agency has circulated widely In the Middle East. This material Includes facts about the declared anti-religious nature of Com munism. Soviet Russia finds itself in something of a dilemma. It Is trying to win over the Moslem . peoples'of the Middle East by posing as their friend, while, at the same time ,according to the U. S. Information Agency, It is discouraging Islam (the religion of the Moslems) in Soviet Cen tral Asia. Selling Two Lines
SHRINE TOWER, GIFT OF K. OF C.: The 316 foot bell tower of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Con'"' ception, Washington, will be erected as the gift of 'the Knights of Columbus at a cost of one million'dollars. Su preme Knight Luke E. Hart explained the K. of C. is de fraying expenses of the campanile in thanksgiving for 75 years of successful work enjoyed by the society. The tower, shown above' in the architect's drawing, will be known as the Knights' Tower.
The V:- S. Information Agency 1s countering Soviet efforts by contrasting what the Commun Ists are saying In Russia with the line they are trying to sell abroad. The Information Agency, and its radio arm, the Voice of America, are telling the people of the Middle East: . That there was published last year in Moscow a booklet for So viet scholars which attacked the foundations of Islam and des cribed the Koran as fiction. That the Moscow Radio said on February 12: "The central committee on the Komosol (Com munist Youth Organization) has adopted a ·declsion making it compulsory for the Ko,mosol organizations to improve athe-
Best' Wishes
The Anchor
B. M. C. Durfee Trust Company
Member Federal Reserve Sy~'tem
Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
80 North Main Street, Fall River, Massachusetts "
Telephone OSborne 8-5661
ideology, In principle, is hostile to the entire structure of our life and the Komosol organIzations must supply their efforts to hin der the spread of this ideology." That the Voroshilovgrad Ra dIo said on March 1: "Religion always has been a reactionary ideology. We must fight against religion: this Is the ABC Of ma terialism and Marxism. One must fight against religion In a Bol-. shevik manner, with passion and without mercy. It is the sacred duty of the party organizations to create all conditions for mak ing atheistic propaganda effec tive and militant." That the Moscow Radio said on March 5: "It is necessary to propagate the materialistic out look and develop atheist propa-· ganda more broadly." Inconsistencies, .it has long been known, do not bother Mos cow in Its propaganda work.
Holy See Directs Book Campaign VATICAN CITY lNC)-MiIi tary vicars have been instructed to report on obscene literature and means to combat anti-reli gious activities in their triennial reports to the Holy See in a de cOree Issued here by the Sacred Consistorial Congregation. The decree was published in the Acts of the Holy See (Acta Apostolica Sedis), officIal publl
cation of the Holy See. The in
structions were given In the form
of a questionnaire Intended to help military vicars draw up their reports.
T;1lE M~Ci-laR· Thursdav. April 11. 1957
Viet~~lfi'J1/S OmJ~Y C(jJi~oUc PGencer
Is Suppressed SAIGON. Vietnam .(NC>-This nation's only Catholic newspaper has been suppressed by tlie gov ernment and its priest-editor has been sentenced to 18 months in prison. Father Vu Minh Trac, editor of the Duong Song (Road to Liv ing), was convicted and sen tenced on charges of "defaming the state." . Father Trac and the editor of a daily paper in Saigon, who was convicted on the same' allega tions, are now free pending the hearing of an appeal in a highel' court. WARNS OF RED SUBVERSION: Ngo Dihn Nhu, at Charges were brought against right, recent visitor to the White House; disclosed that Father Trac after he published Comm:unists are intensifying their' campaign ofsubver an editorial in the Road to Liv sion in Southeast Asia. Mr. Nhu is a brother of President ing commenting on the attempt ed assassination of Vietnam's Ngo Dinh Diem of South Vietnam. Catholic President Ngo Dinh Diem at Ban Me Thuot. Bishop of Hemeria and Auxiliary . Writing under the pen name Consecrate Auxiliary to Archbishop Leo Binz of Du Vo Thanh, Father Trac made For Iowa April 24 bu'que on Wednesday; April 24. in the following' statements which DUBUQUE (NC) - His Excel- • St. Raphael's Cathedral here, were cited 'by the' prosecution as Co-consecrators wlll be Arch"disurbing' public order" and lency Archbishop Amleto Giovan"which could be' exploited by the . ni Cicognanl, Apostolic Delegate . bishop Leo Binz of Dubuque and Bishop Loras T. Lane' of Rock to the United States. wilLconse communists" : "We pray that the Almighty crate the Most Rev, George J. ford, m. Bishop Ralph L. Hayes keeps the President always in Biskup of Dubuque as Titular of Davenport Ia.. wlll preach, good' health and enlightened to regain the confidence of the be ginning." "In short, both the govern ment and the people, under pres ent circumstances, ought to chart .. a wiser course." . 'The public prosecutor' said tht} 'article had a 'deplorable effect because it might cause important misunderstanding. He said Fath er Trac had used terms that a careful man would never use. Because the offense was minor and was being heard in the low est court, the prosecutor asked that the maximum penalties of ... that court be imposed. Three days after Father Trac's editorial appeared in the Road to Living, it was reprinted in a secular dpily newspaper. Dan Chu. Vu ~gOC Cac, editor of the Dan Chu, was also arrested and , convicted. Both the Road to Liv ing and the Dan Chu have been prohibited from pubHshing.
Jap Envoy to Seek Papal Aid to End Nuclear Tests -_.-""
. ROME (NC) Masatosht Matsushita. special envoy sent by Japanese Premier Nobusuke Ki shi to appeal to the British government for cancellation of, its scheduled hydrogen bomb tests in the Pacific. is' expected to have an audience with His Holiness Pope Pius XU here on Sunday. Pope Pius himself has fre quently spoken out on the evils of nuclear warfare. The last time he did so _ in his 1956 C,hristmas Message - he urged the United Nations to use its influence and authority in behalf of disarmament. 0 In that message, the Pope said that "only in the ambit of an institution like the United Na tions can the promise of indivi dual nations to reduce arma ment, especially to abandon the production and use of certain a,rms. be mutuallY exchanged ,under the strict obligation of international law." The Pontiff added: "Likewise only the United Nations is at present in a position to exact the observance of this obligation by assuming effective control of the armaments of all nations with out exception."
TV Permit Rejected For Jesuit College WASHINGTON (NC) - Per mission to operate a television station on Channel 11 in St• Louis has been granted to th8 Columbia Broadcasting System. Announcing the grant. th8 Federal Communications' Com mission said that four compet ing applications were turned down, including one from St. Louis Telecast, Inc., a corpora tion· connected with St. Louis University, an institution con ducted by the Jesuit Fathers. The FCC ruling was in iine with the recommendations of a hearing examiner submitted in September, 1955, On March 3. 1957, the Protestants and Other Americans United for Separation of Church and State (POAU) sent a letter to the FCC asking the agency to deny licenses t() St. Louis University and other Jesuit-operated schools. . On March 4, an FCC spokes .man said that the POAU letter was not considered an official petition and would not affect the decision of the FCC. The other school involved was Loyola 'University of the South at New Orleans. The FCC had already granted Loyola's Station WWL a conditional license for Channel 4 1n that city.
I' ,
ANDERSON-LITtLE C'O. A Great Name in the
Southeast Asia New R~d Target
WASHINGTON - A brother of President Ngo Dinh Diem of Southern Vietnam disclosed here today that there is a build up of a Communist subversive cam paign now in progress in South east Asia and it is expected to I rell-ch its climax during the second half of this year. Ngo Dinh Nhu, 47, the brother of the Vietnam chief executive, made the disclosure to news papermen at the White House aftel' he had paid a 20-minute call on President Eisenhower, He was asked whether Presi dent Ngo Dinh Diem was plan ning a visit to the United States. He replied that he was certain his brothel' would like to makG such a visit but' added it would ha ve to be made in the first paxt. of this year, -He then disclosed that the Communist build-up drive is now in progress. He said it would~ make it impossible for the Presi-, dent to leave the country during the second part of the year. He cited as some oJ: the reasons for his conclusion the Communist ,disturbances in Bangkok and the plane dhth of Philippines Presi dent Magsaysay. _ ."They are starting their work now and it will reach a peak in the second half of this year," Mr. Nhu said. "It is certain that the. Communists will intensify tl1eir efforts at subversion in all Southeast Asia." Mr. Nhu recently was named an adviser to his brother and given. the rank of ambassador. Another brother 18 Bishop Petel' Martin NgO Dinh Thuc, Vicar Apostolic Clf Vinh-Long.
Manufacturing 0/ Fine Clothing'
.Tlie Diocese of Fall River on
UNTIL 9 .....
THE ANCHOR Thursday, April 11. 1957
Seminarians Meet Father Peyton The Family Theater program, now 'markIng Its tenth year on radIo. Is being prepared for tele vIsIon presentation, Rev. PatrIck Peyton. C.S.C., told Holy Cross fathers and semInarians on hIs vIsIt to St. Plus X SemInary in North Easton. More than 400 Holywood and Broadway stars have appeared on the radio program during its 10-year presentatIon, Fat her Peyton told the prIests and semI narIans. He said the American program .has become so popular that a SpanIsh program under the same title and featuring SpanIsh film stars Is now a reg ular feature on 28 stations In that country. The nationally known radIo priest, who Is director of the Family Rosary Crusade, remind Ed the seminarIans, as future priests In the Holy Cross group, of the great gift God has given them, that they are to be other Christs in the world, men ot prayer, sacrIfice and great love and devotion for Mary, the Mother of God. Father Peyton's visit provided a happy re-unlon wIth Rev. Jos eph Quinn, C.S.C., director ot vocations at the seminary, who is a former member of Father Peyton's staff. Father Peyton arrived at the lieminary wIth Rev. George S. DePrlzlo, a native of Mansfield in the Fall River DIocese. who is now Provincial of the Eastern Province of the Congregation ot the Holy Cross. The radIo prIest was greeted by Rev. John Lucey. C.S.C., seminary superIor.
College Honors
Dublin Mayor
VILLANOVA (Nc> - Robert E. Briscoe, Lord Mayor of Dublin, will be awarded an honorary doctorate of laws degree by Villa nova University on April 23, It was announced today by Rev. James A. Donnellon. O.S.A., Vil lanova President. "The election of Mr. Bdscoe to 'Dublin's highest official post is one of the greatest examples of religious tolerance and under standing in modern history," Father Donnellon said. "He Is a man of great talents which the people of Dublin recognized. Villanova, too. wishes to honor him."
Educators Meet In Milwaukee MILWAUKEE (NC) - Mal'· RADIO PRIEST GREETS SEMINARIANS: A television version of the Family Theatre program,. now marking its tenth year as a regular radio feature, is being quette University will be host to planned, Rev, PatrIck Peyton, C.S.C., told priests and seminarians at' St. Pius X Semi the annual Jesuit Educational nary, North Easton, during a visit before he left for Spain. Father Peyton is shown here Association meeting April 21 and 22 In conjunction with the Na greeting Thomas Clark, C.S.C., and his seminary classmates.
Rising P'rices Are Reflected
In College Education Costs
Honorary Degree For Kennedy
Columban Priest
Named B·lshop
ST. BONAVENTURE (NC) Douglas Edwards, television newscaster, will give the princi pal address at St. Bonaventure . University's annual hIgh school press day on May 8. Some 1,500 hIgh school journ alists, their advisers, and pro fessional newsmen are expected to participate. Mr. Edwards. 39, was one ot the first radio newscasters to switch to television.
Since 1889 When Bishop Harkins was the shepherd of the Dio . cese, and New Bec;lford had only four parishes H. V. Sowle, Pioneer Florist was providing quality flowers for the churches and the homes of New Bedford, Fairhaven, Acushnet, Dartmouth, Westport and a major part of Cape Cod. SOWLES' flOWERS HAVE BEEN SYMBOLS OF HOPE THROUGH JOYS AND SORROWS OF OUR CATHOLIC FAMILIES FOR 68 YEARS.
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Think of SOWLES Only 10 Days Before Easter PLEASE
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Baby Orchids . Orchids ROles
First Student Congress
tional Catholic Educational As sociation convention. More than 200 delegates are expected to attend the opening session April 21 at the Marquette University High School. Father Gustave A. WeIgel, S.J., of Wood stock College will discuss "The Heart of JesuIt Education - The Teacher." Delegates will consider norms for colle~e admission policies. graduate scholarshIps and fellow ships, the place of the library In Jesuit colleges, advanced stand ing ,programs for high school students, and modifications In high school mathematics pro grams.
School Journalists To Hear Edwards
WASHINGTON (NC) - The 110 colleges were included In the amount of money students spend sample for the survey. The survey In attending college has doubled is said to be the first comprehen sInce 1939-40, according to a sive study of how much It costs survey made by the Office of an undergraduate student to go • Education, U. S. Department of to college. Health, Education and Welfare. The base year for the survey The prelimInary findings sur was 1952-53. Projections for 1957 vey were announced here by have taken into account the Bu Lawrence G. Derthick, Commls reau of Labor Statistics' cost-of Illoner of Education. living Index and the rise In The expenditure per year for tUition. fees and other college VILLANOVA (NC) Earl full-time undergraduate students costs. Warren, ChIef JustIce of the attending public college this year United States. and Sen. John F. averages about $1,500; a student private college pays about Kennedy of Massachusetts wlll in $2.000 a year. be awarded honorary degrees by The average expenditure in Villanova UnIversity during a 1939-40 was $747 for a student in three-day symposIum on peace public college. and $1,023 for a Bishop-elect Harold Henry, Co to be held April 25 to 27 In con private college student. . lumban missionary from North nection wIth the dedication of More than 15,000 students from ' field. Minn., recently named by the unIversIty's new law school buildIng. Pope Pius XII as Titular Bishop College Expands Father James A. Donnellon. of Coridala and Vicar Apostolic PAXTON, (NC) - Anna Maria of Kwangju in South KOfea. will O.S.A.• unIversity president. saId the degrees will be conferred on College's new $400,000 multi-pur the fInal day of the symposIum pose building has been dedicated be consecrated in Holy Cross at an academIc convocation in by Bishop John H. Wright of Cathedral, Boston. on Saturday May 11. Archbishop Cushing wlll Worcester. It Is the third struc the campus field house. ture built by the ,Sisters of St. be the consecrating prelate. The 47 year-old Bishop-elect is Anne on theIr campus since the Colleges to Debate
college was moved here from the first American born Colum Marlboro In 1951. It is named ban raised to the episcopacy. He Foreign Aid Topic
Foundress Hall. in honor of is a veteran chaplain of World CINCINNATI (NC)-Cincln Mother Marie Anne,' founder of War n and was a prIsoner of war. natl wlll be the college debating the Sisters of St. Aime. center of the nation tomorrow and Saturday when Xavier Uni versity here acts as host for the tiecond annual Robert Marx Na tional InvItational Debate Tour nament. .XavIer's Phllopedian Debat SERVE CHRIST AS ing SocIety has sent invitations to 24 of the nation's leading col • Parish Priest lege debate teams to particIpate in the tourney. . e Priest-Teacher Each team will comprise two atudents. Two debatel's will • Foreign Missionary , llue, "Resolved-That the United States Should DIscontinue Direct ,e Home Missiorier . EconomIc AId to ForeIgn Coun trIes."
BAN DIEGO (NC) Bishop Charles F. Buddy of San DIego opened this city's first Catholic atudent congress today by offer ing a Pontifical Mass In st. Jos eph's Cathedral. More than 400 seniors from five of the city's Catholic hIgh Ilchools are participating in tlle congress the theme of whIch is "The Ch11stlan and the Con temporary World." Among topIcs to be treated at panel discussIons are, Prepara tion for MarrIage, The ChrIstian and ,S o.c I a I ConscIence, The ChristIan Vocation. The Adoles cent and AuthorIty. and CrItIcal Thlnltlng.
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Telephone WYman 5-7866 GEORGE RADCLIFFE -
ment, let the ·ohlP8 fall whers the AFL-CIO, we do not mean to they may" In other words, they gloss over or to make light of the are not merely sparring fOl' time problem of racketeering and cor or talking for public consump tion. They mean business. This I ruption In the labor movement. know froin discussing the matter The ,problem Is admittedly a very With many of them privately and, serious one. Moreover It must be By Very Rev. Msgr. George G. Higgins off-the-record. said In all frankness. that the _ What· will be the over-all long range effect of. the 'Sauce for the Goose labor movement winked at the current Senate investigation of labor racketeering? From one point of view, of problem far too many years. This question was answered succinctly as follows in a course. the. leaders of the AFL Consequently It organized labor recent Issue of a well known Washington newsletter: "The CIO deserve no particular credit is on the spot at the present for cooperating with the Senate time, It has nobody to blame but union movement is about to Investiltation In a spirit of good Itself. have its worst setback in 20 Naturally they would prefer to faith. It might be said, In other The fact remains. however, years and it has it coming.. clean house on their own Initla-. words, that in supporting the that the responsible ottlciais of tive through the medium of their investigation they are merely the AFL-CIO are making up for l3ut the movement is still recently established E t h i c a I chock - full of Practices CommIttee. They real~ doing their duty as responsible lost time. However belatedly, citizens of the United States. they are now squarely facing up viril1ty. and however, that the job is ·too That's very true. On' the other to their responsib1l1ties in, the aft e l' pause ize. big for them and consequently, and clean - up as we have already indicated, hand, it should be noted to their tleld of ethical practices. We it will go a they, welcome the assistance of credit that there are few if any have already suggested that they precedents In the history, of woUld be foolish to expect any head on a new . the McClellan committee. Congressional Investigations for medals for doing their simple and Wiser, ,No Witch-Hunting their' w1llingness to have their duty. Neverthelesll they do have course:' a right to expect a certain degree In other Their support of the investi dirty linen washed In public. The leaders of the AFL-CIO of sympathetic understanding on words, the net gation was, forcefully ,restated In effect of the an editorial In the March 3 issue also deserve a' great deal of the part of the Congress and the Senate inves of the AFL-CIO .News. The edi credit for having enacted a de general public particularly In the tigation will torial reads In part as folloW8~ tailed Code of· Ethics 'which w11l field of labor legislation. be binding on all of their officers be good for the labor movement. '-The public has every right to "The McClelland Committee, and' affiliates-under penalty of expect the AFL-CIO officials to We are incllned to agree with this conclusion. That Is to· say, needless to say, is not a court ot suspension or expulsion.· In this support corrective legislation. we. are fully confident that the law. On the other hand, it is not, respect, they have set an example But the officials In turn have, a labor movement wlli emerge from on the record of the first few which might well be followed by right to expect that the Senate the present crisis not only clean weeks, a witCh-hunting group all of the other economic organi investigation will not be used as er but stronger and much more nor a' group of Irresponsiblell. To zations in the United States a pretext for enacting legislation . date, it has performed a publlo the National Association of which Is· punitive rather than effective than ever before. ' service in bringing to llght facti! Manufacturers,' for example, and corrective in nature. Punitive Full Cooperation and figures which only a govern~ the U. S. Chamber of Commerce. legislatitlon-l.e.• legislation de We say this principally because mental agency could uncover ... This is not' said In criticism of signed to weaken the labor of the statesmanllke and intelli In other words: what has been the NAM and the Chamber of movement or "to cut It down to gent manner in which the labor harmful to labor during the first Commerce. But what's sauce for size"-is no solution, to the movement has reacted to the few weeks of the hearing has the goose is sauce for the gander. problem, of racketeering or cor Senate investigation. The labor' been not the Committee but the Winked too Long ruption. On the contrary. It movement could have· dug Its practices' and attitudes which ·It ' In paying tribute to the states would only make the problem own grave. so to· speak,.1f it had has brought to llght:' manship of the top officials of worse. opposed or refused to cooperate This editorial, in oUf opinion, with the investigation. That does great credit to the states would have been disastrous. For . manship and the moral integrity tunately, however, George Meany of the AFL-CIO. and his associates on the Execu The top officials of the AFL;. tive Councll of the AFL-CIO are CIO, in addition to cooperating cooperating fully with the staff with the McClellan committee in of the McClellan committee. . the·investlgation of union abuses, These men readily admit that have pledged themselves to sup there are stlrlous abuses In the port legislation designed to elimi-' Dial OS 6-8246 .' labol' movement, and when they nate these abuses. There is no , FALL RIVER. MASS. say they are determined to elimi doubt in our mind that they fully nate these abuses, they mean it. Intend to live up to this commit
Expects Labor to Benefit 'FrOlm ~enate Inquiry
Wherever in, the world you'd like to go CONNORS TRAVEL BUREAU of 1418 Sou t h M a i n Street, Fall . River will make all arrange ments for your plane, bus ~ail or ship; will engage and confirm your hotel reserva tions; will offer you profes sional travel advice from the personal experiences of the members of our staff. American Expresa Com pany, Thomas Cook, Catho lic Travel teague, Martin Tours, Caravan Tours, Col pitts; Greyhound,-any tour by any operator-may be purchased at our office at the posted rate. Do you still want to go to Europe this summer? W8 have s e,v era I interesting tours with openings for a few people who want to see Europe in 1~57 with a con~ genial group: Most Rever end Christopher J. Weldon, leader of the Springfield Diocesan Tour of. Europe; Rt. Rev. Monsignor Edward G. Murray's Tour to Ire land, and ]l1any others. Call or write us today for all in formation, because ~omor row may be too latel Your t r a vel problems, wherever in the world you'd like' to go, can always be solved by travel experts a t the CONNORS TRAVEL Bu REAU, 1418 South Main Street, Fall River. Telephone OSborne 3-0951. Francis J. Connors
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Persuading Public Opinion Is Democratic Privilege
ThuM", AprH II, 1957
Catholic 4-H Club TOLEDO (NC)-A college professor saId today he is Awards Planned
disturbed "at the poor public relations" Catholics have "in the eyes ot our non~Catholic fellow-AmerIcans." WhUe Catholics must differ with others on many points ot religion and mo rality, Father James B. Sul that repressive measures against Protestants in Spain Is Spanish livan, O.M.I., said, they are policy rather than Catholic' poli put not m.erely in the posi cy, even as repressive measures tion ot disagreeing but also ot being disagreeable. The onlY reason Cathollcs re fuse to use the public schools, he laid, is because they beUeve reU glous training is the Boul ot edu cation and must accompany the teaching ot every subject. "It really pains us when bad pubUcity suggests we are devl live," he explained. "Much more it hurts to be accused ot hostility toward the publlc schools. They also are our responsibility and our hope tor the simple reason they are the responsibility and hope ot all Americans. Father Sull1van emphasized that CathoUcs no more than Protestants want the pollce to enforce morality "except In that minimal area which is absolutely necessary tor pubUc order and aoclal security," Work Ai'alnst Deterioration In the tar less restricted sphere which concerns accepted, publlo morals, "we do have the demo cratic right to work against ita deterioration by persuading pub llc opinion," said the priest. Nonetheless, he said there 11 apreadlng the idea that CathoUcs form an un-American pressure i"roup attempting to legislate CathoUcism Into the non-Catho llc's life.. Father Sull1van declared it is not the Catholic desire to change the Constitution and reduce all other religions to a aecondary atatus. He said: "We may point to the example of such ali-Catholic states a. EIre or Portugal. We may declare
against Catholics In Sweden Is Swedish policy rather than Pro testant POlicy. Father SulI1van speaking to the Mary Manse College League. raised questions that probed for answers on whether Catholics have detaulted In winning the respect, confidence and friendli ness ot non-Catholic neighbors. "To compensate for the many ways In which we must think and act dltferently, have we bent over backwards with them in other matters, not by becoming less Catholic but by becoming more American?" he asked.
Recognition of Christ Urged by Legislator WASHINGTON (I~c)-Rep. J. Floyd Breeding of Kansas has introduced In the House a joint resolution proposing a Constitu tional amendment which would have the country "devoutly recognize the authority and law ot Jesus Christ, Saviour and Ruler ot nations, through whom ll.!"e bestowed the blessings of Al mighty God," The resolution contains a clause statlI16 that the amend ment shall not be interpreted so as to establish one particular ec clesiastical organization, and another clause which declares that Congress shall provide a "suitable oath or atflrmation" for 'those whose "religious ~les" would prevent them from riving unqual1tled allegi ance to the amended Constitu tion.
WASHINGTON (NC)-Congressman Aime J. Forand DES MOINES (NC) - An award tor Catholic 4-H Club of Rhode Island, the prime mover behind a proposal to members has been approved by exempt private, non-profit schools from Federal excise the executive commIttee ot the taxes, said here today he is "very pleased" with the prog National CathoUc Rural Lite ress of his proposed legis ministration of the tax reguln. Conference. lation. tlon. To be known as the "God His comment came ~tter Rep. Forand is convinced it is Home-Country Award," It will be presented for meritorious service Rep. Jere Cooper, (Tenn.) unfair to make private schools chairman ot the powerful House pay the levies and exempt pub In the rural field. The commit Ways and Means Committee, an lic schools. His subcommittee tee also announced that 4-H au thorities approved the plan on a nounced his group had reached supported him On this point and "tentative agreement" to inclUde, a recommendation for exemption national 'basis. The commIttee stated that a In a bHl revising Federal excise was Included in the report pre sented the full committee. Catholic 4-H Club member who tax regulations, the proposal ex empting parochial and other Excise. taxes, sometimes called has completed three years of ac aales taxes, must be paid by pri. cepted 4-H Club work, and who private schools. . Mr. Cooper's statement noted vate schools on Items such as Is recommended by his pastor, wlll be eligible tor the award. A that the recommendation to free school buses, typewriters, cabi private schools from the levies nets and desks, as well as on tel 4-H Club member who Is Inter ested in becoming a candIdate was one of Bome 60 provisions ephone calls and the costs of transporting school groups or tor the award must obtain an to be included in the bm of re school officials traveling in be. application from his pastor, the vision. The exemption will mean sav halt ot the Institution. co~mittee announced. After the The only opponents of the ex pastor approves the to I'm he w1ll 1ngs for private schools estimat send it to the executive secre· ed by the committee at about $3 emption were the Treasury De mHlion a year. These schools partment, which opposed all pro tary of the NCRLC. now pay excise taxes on many posed revenue cuts, and a spokes Each application will be re Items they purchase, plus the man tor an organization known viewed 'bY a conference commit tee and if the award Is 'made, a 'Federal tax on communications as Protestants and Other Ameri can United for Separation ot medal will be sent to the pastor and transportation costs. Public schools do not pay the Chw'ch and State (POAU), He for presentation to the club admitted the exemption would be member. The announcement said levies because they are consid that the State 4-H Club official ered units ot local iovernment a "tiny concession," but charged wlll be notified ot each award and such units ll.!"e exempted It might lead to what he called from payment. "a more serious erosion of the iranted. . The committee announced on principle of church-state separa. ly "tentative agreement," tor tion," 150th Anniversary technical reasons. The massive • Excise taxes yield the Federal EMMITSBURG (NC)-As part revision of the excise tax laws Is iovernment about $10 billion a ot the commemoration of the the first since they were passed year. Net effect of all recom 150th anniversary ot the found in 1932. mendations committee would be 1ng of MoUnt St. Mary's College "Tentative agreement" Is a revenue reduction ot about $9 and Seminary here in Maryland, leen by observers as tantamount million a year. the Seminary Schola Cantorum to final approval. It is extremely has made a musical recording. It unlikely any chantes or elimina To Mark Jubilee , will be released in early May for tions of provision now agreed distribution through the College upon wHl be made. NEW YORK - Cardinal Spell· The movement to exempt pri and Seminary, and w1ll bear an man w1ll otter a Pontifical Mass RCA-Victor Red Seal Label. The vate schools from the taxes orig In St. Patrick's Cathedral to music wHl cover a wide range ot Inated with Rep. Forand last mark the silver jubilee of the both sacred and secular works. . year. He headed a Ways and National Federation of Cathollo Physicians' Gulids on Wednesday, The 27-voice choir Is directed by Means subcommittee which in Father David W. Shaum. vestigated inequities 1n the ad- June 15.
Forand Pushes Legislation To Cut School. Excise Tax
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Book of the Houll'
Life of Hilaire Bellcc ,Manly, Enthusiastic·
THE ANCHOR Thursday, April 11,'1957
,Westport P'arish Holy Name Group Sends Anchor to Men in Service
French President Rev. Maurice H. Lamontagne, ,pastor of Our Lady of Grace To Visit Pope Church In Westport, is one of our VATICAN CITY mc) - The
supervises religious institutiortl throughout the country. On the lower levels of 'admin Istration, the religious affairs ministry had regional officers on provincial and county people's councils. At the height of the persecution of the Church. these local departments caused much of the trouble priests and reli gious experienced. Poland's Catholics had asked for the abolishing of the local offices immediately following the release of His Eminence Josef , Cardinal Wyszynski, Primate of Poland, in October, 1956.
biggest boosters. Vatican has officially announced Father Lamontagne's parish !4 . for the first time that "President among ten which have sub
Since Hilaire Belloc's death in 1953, several books of Rene Coty of the French Repub scribed 100 per cem, or better, ac
llc has expressed the wish to pay cording to a quota system estab
,memoirs and literary estimate have app.eare~, but the first a visit to the Sovereign Pontiff lished by the Circulation Depart "authorized biography" is Robert Speaight's The Life of Pope Pius XII and that His Holi ment of The Anchor. ' However Father Lamontagne Is Hilaire B'elloc (Farr~r, straus, $6.50). Like Chesterton, ness will be glad to receive him on May 13." . not satisfied with that accom with wQ.ose name J"lis own It had earlier' been reported plishment. Now the Holy Nanie If·Belloc.1s spoiled~as Chesterton. that President Coty probably. was So often coupled,' Belloc Society of Our Lady of Grace so often Is":":"1'or ge'neratlons of . would visit the' pope while visit Church is going to subscribe to was a. ,man of a thousand Catholics by having too much of Ing Italy on' the invitation of our paper for every parish mem:' interests and a I m 0 s t as the wrong kinds of his wrltl~g ~~~~ia~ President Giovanni Gron- . ,bel' who Is in the United states armed forces; many abilities. . rammed Aown their throats be We hope the Holy Name So GKC said' of fore they are 'able to understand Hierarchy to Attend' . . clety In every other parish in the st. Thomas and appreciate.· - diocese will follow the lead of the Aquinas that Fatima Congress Westport group. . he was like a Finely Complements FATIMA (NC)-His Eminence large city; you. A more personal memoir of Adeodato Giovanni Card i na I Somerset's first Cana Confer could draw a plan of him, BeJioc the Man (Newman, $3.25) Piazza, Secretary of the Sacred Religious Sup'ervision ence will be held at 8 Tuesday but you could Is provided" by the author's Consistorial Congregation, will Abolished by Poland night, May 21, In the Old Town not paint a daughter and son-in-law. These speak at the first International Hall. This announcement has. Congress of Christ the King since WARSAW (NC)-The Polish portrait t hat . members of the family circle de government's decision to abolish been made by Mrs. John J. Ferry. would accu velop at some length the personal belore World War II. The congress is scheduled to be state supervision of religion on a. president of the Somerset Cath rately reflect side of a· fascinating life. (Mr. his genius. So Speaight Is quite frank about the held here from August 13 through regional baSis has been seen by ol1c Women's Club, sponsors of observers here as a positive step the conference. Rev. John F. Ho '\. • It is with lack of his long-term firsthand 15. Expected to speak at the con-. towards fuller religious freedom gan of New Bedford will be the Belloc. kl\Owledge of his subject.> Mr. speaker. Rev. Raymond W. Mc Belloc's life lasted just over 70 Jebb, In the first half of the gress are Auxiliary Bishop Fulton In Poland. 'There is in the Polish cabinet Carthy of Fall River is diocesan years. But the last decade there book, does "The Man and His. J~ Sheen of. New York 'and His a minister of Religious Affairs director of the Cana Conference of saw him ,physically and men Work"; Mrs. Jebb complements Eminence Manuel Cardinal Cere whose office still controls and program. tally affected by the second the larger wor~. The net effect of Jeira, Patriach of Lisbon. World War' and the death of his both, it Is hoped, will be to send son Peter therein; so that for readers to learn the' man through FALL RIVER....; NEW BEDFORD practical purposes, his work falls his books, especially the great Within a period of about 40 years ones that. of their kind, are un 'of immense productivity. Partly surpassed anywhere In Engllsh because he needed the money The Path to' Rome, The Four at least this was so until rather Men, The Cruise of the. Nona, and late in. life; when he had become tl:le Poems. almost well-to-do by pre-1950 Dual Selection , standards--and partly because of his restless energy, Belloe' exer The Book of the Month Club cised his pen and the .pens and choice for April 1s' a dual selec typewriters of those to whom he · tion. About one of the' volumes. · Richard Bissell's Say, Darlln~ dictated. Many Facets (Atlantic-Little, Brown, $3.95) 'it · 'suffices to' say that It is a novel He was engaged. as he put It. . of modern show businesS7-a by In "writing: writing, writing,' product of the transformation of . without fea,i' of exhaustion, with- an earlier novel of Mr. Blsseli's out Irrltlibllity or ·self-critlclsm•. Into a very popUlar and often . . \. highly suggestive musical. Jack . without danger of comparing the Jordan. the hero of the new better with the worse , .. The volume, It would be easy to con whole art Is' to wI'lte and write fuse with his creator, and one· a'nd write 'und then offer it for experience with another. Mr..Bissell has a sharp eye for sale, just like butter. , . The more enormous one's output. the more ·detail and marvelous ear for New the publishers get to regard you York. and especially show-busl as a reliable milch cow:" Belloe ness sl?eech. He has also a pi'e~ did not quite say, as Johnson did. dilectlon for the vulgar and th8 that no one but a blockhead ever tasteless, which began to ~anl wrote except. for money, but he fest Itself even when he was . did feel that writing for money writing ab~out, tugboat piloting on ' ,was a most respectable way of\ the Mississippi. This book is one making a living. of the least worthy choices of the With the' many facets of Bel Book of ' the Month Club since The Ninth Wave, though It is a loc's writing, Mr. Speaight at tempts to deal fairly and pro better book than that calamity! portionately. He evaluates and The other choice is Walter di~cusses Belloe as historian, blo Lord's Day· of. '. InfamYI (Holt, grapher, poet essayist. expert $3.95) written of the Pearl Har on military lore and battles, and bor· disaster: . with the·: s a·m 8' . philosopher-theologian. Import method and brilliant reporting ant also were the political and that characterized A Night to economic writings of this French- Remember. This is a most read- . Englishman, though as a practlc able book and one more contrlbu ing politician he was not very tlon to a new kind of history successful. Two terms in the centering about weeks, days, and House of Commons demonstrated even hours - but it would seem to him, and probably to others, . more Important in Its impllca that he could not be yoked and tlons for the future hlsorian than led or driven as a party man in itself. Without passing judg must be. ments or drawing too many Belloc would, I think, have conclusions from his Inferences, approved of this biography. Mr. Mr. Lord makes It quite clear Speaight writes with manly en that the way In which Pearl thusiasm of one who was always Harbor came about, despite what both manly and enthusiastic. And was known In Washington of he does not scruple to point out Japanese plans, makes President Keep these important days forever in softly lighted, -sometimes even to underllne Roosevelt's remark about "a day the faults of his subject. It Is a that will long live in infamy'! beautifully cqmposed profession<J1 photographs taken great man who emerges from appllcable to many other than in our fine studio now. these pages, and it will be a pity the Japanese attackers.
By Rev. D. Bernard Theall, .
.Somerset, Plans Cana Sessions
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Holy Week CONTINUED FROM PAGE ONE the exclusive work of the priest, with the people acting as obedi ent, but passive, spectators. SUch a notion has lost sight of the very purpose of tl),ese acts 0\ worship. Correctly viewed, these acts make up the publlc prayer offered to GOd by all the faith ful, not as solitary individuals, but as united members of Christ's society. The active role of the people is 'lltressed throughout the new Holy Week ceremonies. Whenever 1I0me sacred action is to be car J·ied out, the new Missal directs that it be performed "where it ean be seen by the people:" Where formerly only the servers answered the prayers of the priest. now all the faithful are directed to make these resPonses. The people should take part in the processions of Palm Sunday and the Easter Vlgll, and all pub lJcly renew their baptismal prom ises on Holy Saturday. These are only a few Indlcatlons of the Holy Father's desire to Impress on Catholics everywhere that they have a very real share In the Ilrayers o~ the Church. All this external participation, lIowever, will be useless without Interior devotion. Prayerful con Illderation of the mysteries of the Passion and Resurrection, careful Iltudy of the Holy Week Missal. and most important, a sincere confession, will prepare us for this hollest of weeks, From Palm Sunday on, we should participate In the ceremonies In the fullest way-by receiving Our Lord in Holy Communion each day. We must, in short. put aside our worldly concerns, and make Holy Week the climax of our year's de votion. 0l1servance Begins Sunday The Holy Week observance be gins with Palm Sunday, which lias been given the additional name of "Second Sunday of the Passion," to center our attention on Christ's sufferings. The cere mony opens with a prayer In which the priest blesses the palms. The palms are then dis tributed to the people, if this has not been done beforehand. The Gospel describing Our Lord's triumphant entry into Jerusalem follows, and next, the jo~'ful pro cession begins. This procession is a re-enact ment of the first Palm Sunday; when the people of Jerusalem rushed out to welcome Christ. waving palm branches and crying "Hosanna to the Son of David!" Now, centuries later, the Church Ileeks to recapture that spirit of loyalty and homage to Christ the Bavior. Hence, all the people are called on to march in procession through the church, and if this Is impossible they should at least Join in the praise of Christ, manifested by the procession. After the procession. the priest mugs a concluding prayer, and then a striking change takes place. The priest removes the Joyful reci vestments and puts on the somber violet ones, to begin the Mass In commemoration of Our Lord's passion. Pledge of LO~'alty The most notable feature of this Mass is the solemn chanting Or reading of the Gospel account of the passion. During this read ing, we should follow in our Mis .sals, keeping In mind that Christ's passion was a triumph over sin through pain and suf fering. Palm Sunday has long been the "forgotten ceremony" of Holy Week, With the new emphasis on the meaning of this day, as many people as possible should try to' be present at the principal Mass when the procession is to be held. And the palms blessed for this procession should be kept In Catholic homes as reminders of our pledge of 10yaJt.y to Christ our King. On Monday. Tuesday. and Wednesday of Holy Week, by dally nttend:mce at Mass and re eeption 01 Holy Communion, and
by meditation on the events of Our Lord's passion, we should strive to prepare for the climax CONTINUED FROM PAGE ONE of Holy Week. that those he considers danger The next major ceremony of ous are the one· "who advocate Holy Week occurs on Holy policies that work out to the Thursday, the day on which we good of the Communist party," commemorate the institution of and occupy places in government the Holy Eucharist. The main where they can write memoranda lesson of this day is the unity of for action by their superiors. Lower Eschelons all Christians with Christ and with one another through chari "If YOU go down through their ty.. history and watch what they Fraternal Charity have ·recommended over the years," Congressman Judd de It was on the first Holy Thurs clared, "you find it turned out day that Christ gave the com to be favorable to the Soviet mandment of love, that His dis ciples love one another as He Union. I am sure they will never has loved them. This love He be fOund to be carrying Commu demonstrated by washing I the nist cards. They would be fools feet of His Apostles. indicating -to have meetings in the back end that willingness to serve rather of an alley 01' a restaurant ·some than to be served is the proof where. They are clever, and their of our love fbI' others. But most real danger is their ability, at important, on this day- Christ the lower eschelons, to write gave us Himself in the Eucharist position papers, Then t.hose poli as the supreme bond of unity and cy papers go to the action agen cies, like the State Department, love. the Pentagon, and the National In some churches ,the lesson Security Council. If you allow of fraternal cha.rity wlll be mani . me to write the papers on which fested by the touching ceremony my superiors make their deci of the washing of feet, which sions, I think I could have had may be added after the gospel of a good deal to say about what the Mass. The priest, represent my superiors will think. ing Christ, washes the feet of .... Given No Choice twelve men, who stand for the "For example, if the top man twelve Apostles. In the beautiful music which accompanies this comes In and he has the choice l'lte, Christ's commandment ot between two memoranda on his love and st. Paul's teaching on desk and both are written by a fellow who is pro-Communist. charity are recalled. the man's freedom of decision is However, the strongest unity not too wide. He has to decide and love· are achieved thi'ough between' two positions, both of the actual offering of the Sacri which are in v~'ious degrees pro fice of the Mass, and the recep CO'!lmunist, which means. In my tion of Holy Communion. Holy book, inimical to the United Communion brings about a very States," ' real unity with Christ, for Christ Telling of visiting China as an actually comes to dwell within official representative of the us. Through Communion, also, United States during World our union with one another is War II, Rep. Judd said he was made evident. for we receive the astounded to discover how many same sPiritual food from the U. S. employees in China were same altar. downgrading the Nationalist government as corrupt, and Unity and Charity praising the Chinese Commu~ In the Eucharist, Christ gave nists. He said he was making no His own Body and Blood as a accusations that the American symbol of the unity and charity representatives in China during which should be the distinguish that period were Communists, ing mark of all Christians. On but that some' of them "for this day, we should pr8JY fervent whatever reason, believed we ly that the love of Christ and of should back the Communists." our fellow men so beautifully ex The Congressman asserted an pressed In this ceremOtly, wlll other thing to watch Is "the leaks permeate our lives throughout to the press. All of you have seen the entlr,e year. , In the iress for six months," he After Mass on Holy Thursday, told the sub-committee. repeated the Blessed Sacrament is carried stories especially from certain in solemn procession to the re columnists, t hat the United pository. where It will remain States is going to recognize Com until the distribution of Com munist China after the next munion o'n Good Friday. During election. Ai1d the United Assem this period, the faithful are in bly will meet and admit Com vited to spend some time at the place of reposition, adoring their GUARANTEED King. Whose death, which they are about to commemorate, won f or us salvation. Next week, the ceremonies of Good Friday, Holy Saturday, and Easter Sunday shall be described. AUTO RADIOS May the prayerful participation JAMES E. NORTON In these ceremonies accomplish their purpose of giving glory to 46 Middle Road God and bringing grace to His Acushnet WY5·7548 . people.
Lower Officials
munist China to the United Nations. I asked two or three times down at .the state Depart ment, if this is true. It has been denied completely and emphati cally by everybody at the toP. More Than Dreams "Finally, one came out few weeks ago in a Kiplinger Letter. It said that, at one of these re cent conferences with foreign visitors, it was teJltatively agreed· that this would be done. It would be denied officially, the letter said, but the fact is that the United States is going to recog nize Communist China and not veto Its entrance into the United Nations. "I called up keymen and said, 'Has tgere been a change?' "They said, 'No; we saw the story, too. There is not a word of truth in it.' ' "Now, the newspaper reporters didn't think that up. Somebody in the Department told them that. This Is a thing that goes on again and again. Leaks go out from underlings that this Is what our policy is going to be, we are going to recognize Communist China. It Is not the pollcy of the Far East Division. Yet: some where down in the State Depart ment, or in the Pentagon, or the National· Security Cauncll, or someWhere, there are people who pass this out. "You go to the press people and they won't reveal their sources. I don't blame them. But this is handed to theIIl as inside dope to pass on to their readers. This is a way in which they shift the thinking of the people toward fur the r appeasement of the Communists." (NC).
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THE ANCHOR Thursday, April II,· 1957
Check for Italiqns G;ven to Cardinal CHICAGO (NC)-An I $11,077 check for the American Commit tee on Italian Immigration has been presented to His Eminence, Samuel Cardinal Stritch, Arch bishop of Chicago. Endorsing, the program of the ACIA, the Cardinal said at the Italian consulate here: "The United States has a moral oligation 'to bring here as soon as possible wives and minor chil dren of those immigrants who' came to this country within the last two years on the provisions of' the Refugee Relief Act of 1953. A total of 20,153 spouses and minor children wel~ left in Italy . a~d Greece alone-18,230, Italians and 1,923 Greeks-with the hope that they would join the breadwinner wUhin a short period of time. "It is immoral and psychologi cally unsound to keep these fam llies apart. It is also dangerous to our foreign policy since it adds another argument to the com munists' constant barrage of criticism of the restrictions in American Immigration laws,"
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The Fathers of the Sacred Hearts engage. in parochial work fQreign and home missions and education· Aspirants to the religious priesthood or brotherhood may' obtain infor mation by writing to' VOCATIONAL DIRECTOR
:'~ '<t.,'
.... .1
Serra Internatmoll1lal Convention in June'
THIEANCHOR Thursdav. ~pril 11, 1957
LOS ANGELES (NC) - om dais of Serra International' are anwcipatlng the largest conven- . Uon in its 22-year history when delegates from 150 serra Clubs meet here Jurie 22 to 26. General chairman ,Ed Fischer said th" convention theme will be "The Serran Examines His Spiritual Life." . Delegates are expected from clubs in the United States, Cana da and Latin America. Advance registration, Mr. Fischer said. indicates a record attendance. The purpose of Serra Interna tional is to promote priestly vocations. Serra was founded at Seattle in 1935 and now has ex pinded into an internatiOnal
Retreat League
Plain Outlined
One hundred forty women, rep , resenting more than 100 affili ated organizations of the Fall River Diocese Council of Ca:tho 1fc Women were at Cathedral Camp, Lakeville, Sunday to he~l' Mrs. George Oliva of Milford. president of the National Lay Woman's Retreat League. Mrs. Oliva defined the closed retreat as '48 hours of unbroken l'Eisidence in a retreat hOijse fol iowing proscribed spiritual exer: clses under the direction of a re treat master. Cathedral Camp will be the official retreat house for the League., :1 .Rev. William A. McMahon, diocesan moderator of the Spirit ual Development for the Council. explained the purpose' of the League as he stressed the im portance of a retreat movement in this diocese. Designating the audience as "apostle:>." Mrs. Oliva asked them to carry the idea of retreats to. their groups. Most at tending were officers or spiritual development chairmen' of their parish councils. Answering the' question as to just who ,can make a retreat, Mrs. Oliva explained that "any woman may make a retreat with her group. As to the why of making a retreat, she said, "we owe it to ourselves and to our families; for, if we can't change our lives to fit the pat tern, perhaps we can change our selves. to fit the pattern." The next retreat for women of the diocese is scheduled June 7. The meeting was opened by Mrs. Emmett P. Almond, Dioce san Chairman of Spiritual De velopment, who introduced the Diocesan President, Miss Marga l'et Lahey. , Officers appointed by the Spir-
- Bishop Is to Receive Catholic Press Award
FlVE BROTHERS SERVE ONE DIOCESE: The Pittsburgh Diocese has what has been called the Uol1ique distinction of having the only family of five priests serving it. They are, left. to right, Fathers Edward R., Albert L., Joseph K, Louis A., and Wilbert A: Farina. At one time the four youngest wen~ assistants to Father Albert. The parish . they then served,,was . affectionatelv . '" termed "Farina Coeli." r"
ltual Director were President, ,Aid For Hungarians Mrs. Raymond Hame.l of Attle '- NEW YORK (Ne:)' - Twenty boro; secretary, Mrs. Aristldes thousand copies of a, newly pub Andrade 'of Tallnton; treasurer, ,lished combination phrasebook Mrs. Mary Shea of Hyannis and dictionary designed to help Hun membership c h a i I'm a n. Miss garian refugees learn practical Mary Pheliul. Each of the five English have, been issued. district presidents and one other Msgr. Aloysius J. Wycislo. di person from each district will rector of resettlement for Catho comprise tlle executive board. Miss Lahey and Mrs: Almond lic Relief Services - National were pourers aided by Miss Emily Catholic Welfare Conference. Perry. President of the New Bed plans to distribute 8.000 copies ford Council and her committee of the 200-pagJ:l, pocket-size served as hostesses. / Benediction of the Most Blessed "Handbook for Hungarians" to Sacrament in Our Lady of the diocesan resettlement dirge tors Atonement Chapel concluded the and members of the National Catholic Resettlenlent Council. meeting.
Pope Blesses Cornerstone For Church in Quebec VATICAN CITY (NC) - His Holiness Pope Pius XII has ble~s ·ed the cornerstone which will go into the planned Basilica of the Virgin of the Rosary at Cap de la Madeleine. Quebec-Province. Canada. The Congregation of Rites has accorded to the Basilica the priv ilege of the celebration of a special votive Mass which sets forth the Blessed Virgin as "Queen and Patmn of Canada." The privilege was granted in a. special decree signed by His Eminence Gaetano Cardinal CI cognani, Prefect of the Congrega tion of Rites.
NEW YORK (NC) - Jim Bishop, author of the forthcom ing book, "The Day Christ Died," . will receive the ninth, annual Catholic Institute of the Press award. for "the distinguished manner in which he has exem plified Catholic Ideals in the communications field," Presentation of the award will take place during the annual communion breakfast of the local press group on Sunday, May 5. at the Hotel Plaza here. Mr. Bishop, a newspaperman and a former editor of thlJ Catholic Digest monthly maga· zine. won fame as an author when his historical work, "The Day Lincoln Was Shot." scaled the best-seller lists in 1955. His latest book. publicized BIJ an account of the events on ·thlt first Good Friday. Is scheduled for publication by Hal'per and Brothers on May 15. , Previous winners of Institute a.wards include columnists Bob Considine and H. 1. Philfips" author Fulton Oursler and pub· lisher Martin Quigley. Last year the honor' went ,to Gene Lock hart. actor, writel' and stage dir· ector. .
l'iYom .the
24Thursday,THEAprilANCHORII, 1957
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1. LOOK I Take a slice. Look at ft. You11 see it's so much smoother, SQ much finer graine~ than any other bread '1ou'vo ever seen. Note each beautifully unifo.~ slice with its appetizing oven-brown crustl
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homemakers can never be satisfied with any other l>read. Make your 20 second test today. This is the bread you11 insist on for life.
'1I"HE ANCHOR- . ~3 '1I1uaMay, ~lJril-1.1:- 1957£ '
Sports Chclltter
New Pitching Rule Cause Of Concern to Major1s, _..
'T'exas Bowl Again Beckons To 'Small Fry,Gridders
2.50 earned-run averag~ for Miami in the International League last yeai'" A broken bone ' in his left foot prevented his BRYAN, Texas (NC)'-Got compiling an even better',record. a bunch of small fry around But Dick Is use,d :to'com'batting. the' neig'hborho,od:.who like
By Jack Kin.eavy' The ball players are moaniJ?,g'ilga1n.-.'i'helatest speed ::etl~~t~'~l~ ::d:lh~~ri~h~e~~n~ up rule is the partiCUlar sourceofgdeva.n~¢~ It prohibits s,teelbrace on hlsieft leg until the batter rO,m st,epping out of. t,he 00,x· on.ce the pitch,e,.f.': .' he , was 6. He received constant 15 ready to work. The rule Is designed to -eliminate the hospital treatmentuntir he was harassing In, arid out mov,'e" yI8eal~.nd still ,gOes: back' :once' a ments of the hitter, thereby must be ready to swing, At Bny , The remaining member of the "peedl'ng 'Up the act Ion. rate, only time will prove, or dls- ' Massachusetts ti'iumvintte i 8 f,
ever possible this pattern will be used," The "small" refers only to the to play football? ' . players. for the Milk Bowl has all the fanfare of the Rose Bo\vl It you do. they have a chance and the Cotton Bowl, plus II. to play In the "biggest little" bowl crowd appeal that the giant bowl games do not have. game of, them all, the National There are pre-g'ame parties, a Milk Bowl on Deceni~er 14 ~n the queen contest. a parade, visiting '-Alamo Stadium In San Antonio. celebrities., half-time ceremonials the annual football Classic and an awards' banquet after for small-fry elevens. the game. In addition this year's " This may seem like "rushing" game will be tele'cast live across the football season a bit. but the nation. since the honor of playing in the R:oyal Treatment Milk Bowl Is a nationally 'coveted The visiting team to be selected one, small fry teams under Cathollc auspices would do well to for the Milk Bowl will face the ,stal't scrimmaging Immediately. challenge of the "best" small the direct,or of the bowl game fry team In Texas, which is se lected ,by a process of 'elimina advises. Small-fry players must not be tion. The out-of-state team, to over lio pounds in weight and be composed of 30 players, will be not over 15 yearS of age. Squads chosen from the U. S. or Canada.
eligible for consideration are The youngsters will get a free trip those playing in after-school pro- to The Alamo, a ranch holiday . and a visit to nearby Mexico. grams for orphanages, recrea Coaches of Catholic youth foot
tlon associations, neighborhood clubs, p i'l vat e and parochial ball teams are requested to send schools, churches, civic groups data on their teams to Harry , and other nonprofit organiza- , Evons, ,National Commissioner, tions. National Milk Bowl, 808 Majestic Building, San Antonio. Texas. Telecast Planned The Milk Bowl classic, was started in 1949 by Eugene Weafer Congratulations to 'and his wife, Elizabeth. Mr. Wea fer Is now the executive director of the National Milk Bowl, which has its headquarters In Bryan. His wife Is on the board of dl rectors. Four Catholic teams have par ticlpated in the nine games played thus far In the Milk Bowl. For the past three years, the established formula of team se lection has involved one Catholic team again a 'non-Catholic one. AnlEBORO, MASS, ' ~:::!I:r:... ..:.W.:,:e::::a::i:er=-·:h::a::.s.:'sa:l::d~t:h::a:t_"..:.w~h:e::n~-_~~~~~~~~~~~~=
Coupled with the 20 second rule, prove, ·the efficacy Of the new .. " lefthander Dick, Buker , ' of Nor:' the pitcher' to Ieg1sIa t Ion. _wood. Bunker had an outstandwhich requil'I~S W·th th j ' I ' 1 b , I e mil. or eague c u S' ing season at Schenectady iast deliver the ball no more than 2Q breaking camp and heading year in his first ,full season in aecon ds a ft er h e h as rece ive d it north, It Is time again' for man-' pro ball; he won 19 games for fbIs·osmes thaerecaetmchpetry--.!rothVeldeRdu,tlhees agel's 'to complete the~distaste'ful the Eastern affiliate. Dick came th eil' ros ' t ers d' own ' ' Committee feels certain that a t as k 0 f panng to the Phillies via Notre Dame. · 'ts' Th ' 1 b' '" , ' 1 1 1 t ega Iml. 0 e c u s ares~veralsummers ago he"played good deal of dead time has been authorized to start the season iIi Canada under Bill Kearns. 'exII I t d with 28 players but they must 'be Somerset High' basketball coach. e m na e. , Why then the lament? Simply down to 25 by May '16. R''ook"ies' ' . h :f 1 h t th III now' head coach of baseball at th IS, Pltc ers ,ee t a ey w who' are" released 01' optioned Tufts. Kearns', IncidelTtally; has be fair game in the balk depart- experience' disappoint;ment and ,just been appointed a scout in ment; fear the f quick- dl·sillusl'onment. But today the'y ,the Brooklyn Dodgers organlza ·t h t hitters t pI c rea mellt. Hereto ore. a also suffer, something more tan- tion. al"ble _ the loss of medical benepitcher customarily stopped'i his · h th hitt d .. Ed die Glennon, general mane er ra se fits available in the neW pension agel' of BinninglJ,am in the mo t ,Ion w en his hand to indicate distress plan. Pe'l'sonnel retal'ned after Southern Association, prese,nted \. f lome thl ng in !lis eye, or exam- April, 1 'are eligible for' .uch Jack Tighe with a pocket piece p Ie. Un der t h e new ruIe shouI d ben'efits for a full season. at the outset of the Tigers spring he fail to follow thr'ough, the , hurler Is guiity of a balk. If he Bidding for Jobs training schedille. The metal does complete the motion and A trio of Massachusetts boys container carried a small medal he was going high and tight on '-. all pitchers -:-' have looked of St. Jude. After his Tigers had the hitter. who was not feigning 'very impressive with the Ph1llies lost 10 at their first 14 games, disability, there's the' danger of this spring. Jack' ,Sanfbrd, Wel~ Tighe did a ,little ~research and .kulllng. ' lesley nativ~, and the, eld,est' at found that St. Jude is the patron 27, is conceded the best' chance saint of hopeless cases. Batter Responsible to stick. Jack. who won his only The quick-pitch, however, is major league stCart last SeptemNew Choir Book the thing the umpires fear will bel' on his return from' the TOLEDO (NC)-The Gregor~ attend the enforcement of the 'Army. allowed onlY' five runs ,in ian ,Institute of America has new rule. The Quick-pitch is the his first 13 innings' on the Citrus published anew' standard choir method by which the pitcner Circuit this Spring: boo~ for ,Holy Week. The 208Farrell, a' product of St. Mary's page book is said to provide a tries to catch the batter unawares by not giving him time to High, Brookline. has'made steady complete repertoire for Ameriaet set between pitches. The new progress in the Ph1llies'organiza- can' choirs in accord with the rule now' emphasizes the batter's tion since signing in 1952. Dick. newly-restored rites. The Inst!responsibility. Once he steps into who packs 195 pounds on a 6'3"tute headquarters is at 2132 Jefthe box he is on his own a_n_d~_f_ra_m_e. had a 12-6 :..r::::ec::::o:r::d-.:a:n:d~a::--=f-=el::.::'s:.::o-=n~'::.::A..:.v::.:e.:-, ...:T:,:o:le::d:o:..:."
Most Rev J ' ames l C 3 94 Highland • onnolly, D. D Fa/l R' A Va., • Iver, Mass.
to His Excellency
Most Reverend Bishop' Connolly
YOur Exc'ellencyr'
Congrat , OHlc1al . u atto ns and beat "Th PublIcation of th . wlshe. On th ' • Anchor" e D,ocese, e new
()n the Publkation, of
The' Official Diocesan Newspaper
The tw
Fall R'Iver_
Ie dive. of S '70 f t erra are: er and re 'g.ou. life." ,prOmote VOcat' 'On, fo the
'70 further C
friendship atholici,m thr 'h '
y, a~ong Catholic me .:ug enduring
, ou .nstilled th n
made US'genui ese objet,tives i
, mU/ating au ne ,Serrans. Ap pr ,n, our IOU'S and
pport b eC/ahve of sUPPOrt of ' I., e aSSured of fh Your sti , e prayers and
0 0
, E OfFICERS and M f' h' , EMBERS ,0,,, t,e, SERRA CLUBS
,: :., 'A;,l':,: ",', ,- ': ',': From , ' eGora ,No"Ai.. '·: '
t::· ~ '~:::':': " ,;":' .
. ,,',
M~nsfield and