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An Anchor 01 the Soul: Sure and Farm-St. Paul

Fall River, Mass., Thursday, Apr,il 11, 1974 Vol. 18, No. 15 © 197.. The Anchor $5.00~~E~~~

Bishop's Easter Message Dearly beloved in Christ. Once again the good Lord has given us the grace to celebrate the R'orious Feast of His Resurrection. Easter Sunday announces to the world the hope and joy that are found in our Christian Faith. Depressed and overwhelmed by sin and death..,-Qnd this

is so well sigryified by our commemoration of the Passion and Death of Jesus on Good Friday-we now find ourselves consoled and hopeful. yes Ewen joyous. as we realize that the Lord. through His death and resurrection. has brought about our salvation and given us confidence in our own future rising with Him. The, sorrows and problems of our lives take on new meaning: The: Second Vatican Council puts it this' way: "Through Christ and in Christ. the riddles of sorrow and death grow meaningful. Apart from His gospel. they overwhelm us. Christ has risen. destroying death by His death. He has lavished life upon us so that, as sons in the Son. we can cry out in the Spirit: "Abba. Father!"

Our faith in the R.isen Savior gives cause to hope in Him and to the love which we have for Him and for our brothers in Christ. Our Christian lives. made joyful and meaningful by the Lord Jesus. cannot be lived in isolation from Him or our fellowmen; all of us are made by the Creator and included in His salvific will. Rather. we who are Christians. believing in the Lord and hoping in Him. humbly and JOYfully work out our salvation by constantly reconciling our-selves with God and our brothers. This is the logical outgrowth of our faith in Jesus Christ. Contemporary theological writings have identified our Christian faith and hope, looking forward. as they do. to life after death and the world to come, as persuasive motives for action in the world, here and now. We have so many PRESENT opportunities to honor the Creator and Redeemer and to labor for the good of all His children. This is the meaning and message of Easter for us. It is also the theme of the coming Holy Year in 1975 and its preparatory year that we are now engaged in commemorating, namely Renewal and Reconciliation. Life is renewed at Easter by the Resurrection of Jesus. and we are reconciled with God and with our brothers as we participate in His death and rising again. 1t is up to us now. followers of Jesus, as we are. to put this truth into practice in our daily lives in order that the message of Easter m(IY find enthusiastic response, not just on one day. but throughout the year. . May the peace and joy of the Risen Lord be with you all. Devotedly yours in Christ.

Bishop of Fall River

CCA· KickoH Wednesday The opening meeting to launch the 33rd annual Catholic Charities Appeal of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Fall River will be held at 8 P.M. Wednesday. April 17, at Bishop Connolly High School auditorium. Fall River. Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin, S.T.D., Bishop of Fall River, will be the keynote speaker. This is

his fourth year as Appeal chair· man. More than 900 clergy, religious and laity of the diocese will be present. The Special Gift phase of the Appeal will be conducted from April 22 to May 4 and the parish house-to-house campaign is set for Sunday, May 5 from noon to 3 ,P.M. This phase of the Appeal Tum to Page Four

BLESSING PALMS: Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin, S.T.D., Bishop of Fall River, is pictured as he blessed palms to open· the Holy Week ceremonies at the Cathedral last Saturday afternoon. Assisting the Bishop were (left to right): Rev. Mr. Stephen Salvador, Deacon at St. John of God Parish, Somerset; Very Rev. Thomas J. Harrington, Diocesan Chancellor, and Very Rev. John J. Regan, Rector of the Cathedral, both of whom concelebrated the Mass with the Bishop.

Christians He -Live Holy Week Themes This is family day throughout . ,the Diocese of Fall River and indeed, throughout the world. It is not only when each individual family may express its dynamic unity but when each parish does the same, standing about the "source and center" of all religious ute. The celebration of the Mass of the Lord's Supper is not the simple commemoration of Christ's Last Supper but rather the recognition of the parish as a family of the need for Christ, that food without which we die. It is also the recognition by the parish's clergy of their hear.tfeit ministry to all. in imi,tation of the caring and loving Chr,ist. Where possible, only one Mass ,is to be celebrated so that the unity of the parish family may be better stressed. Added Masses this morning are only to give the opportunity to participate to those parishioners who in no way can take part in the Mass of the Lord's Supper. Because 'of ,its closeness to the sufferings of Good Friday, we cannot fully meditate and appreciate the greatness of Christ's


COLLECTiON' To Help Retired Sisters and Brothers

April 13-14

presence in the Mass. Th'at will be left to latE~r, when, during tJhe Feast of. Corpus Christi (Body of Christ), all will be able to focus better on the great gift of the Eu<:harist which the Father has bressed us with. Tonight, it is rather the ,intense love that Christ showed all only hours before He was to die. Knowing the appr,oaching abandonment by all, He still expressed His love and strengthened His disoiples for the critical hours to come. Just as the Apostles were brought closely together during the Last Supper and Christ re-

emphasized 'throughout the ceremony that unity with Christ and with one another was so necessary, so each parisharound the loving Christ-proclaims its need of Him and a loving need for each other. Immediately following the proclamation of the Gospel during which 'Christ speaks of His ministry and the fact that no servant is greater than his master, the liturgy provides a teaching illustrati'On of Christ's message. The Mass celebrant then actually dons an apron-as Christ Turn to Page Two

Catholic School Students Atta in High Achievement in Reading NEW YORK-Students in elementary schools of the New York Catholic archdiocese have shown "outstanding achievement" In 1973 reading test resul,ts, archdiocesan officials said. The average student in the fourth and fifth grades is three and a half months above the national average dn reading accomplishment, the archdiocese said. The average student an the sixth and seventh grades is six months above the national average. Tests in reading, language arts and mathematics were conducted l~st spring by Science Research Associates, Inc., a national testing organization, on all students in the third through the seventh grades in all schools in the 10 counties of the archdiocese. This included three boroughs of New York City and suburban counties upstate.

There was a contrast between students an the suburban counties and those in Manhattan and the Bronx, however. • In six suburban counties. the average seventh grade student is reading on a ninth grade level. In seven suburban counties, the average sixth grade student is Tum to Page Four

Bishop Cronin's Special Easter Mass WTEV Channel 6

Sunday 8:45 a.m.


Ge'rrard Juniors Win Awards

rHE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Apr. 11" 1974

Conf'erence Hits Administration Policies o,n Vietnam Veterans

Four Juniors at Bishop Gerrard High School, Fall River, captured high awards at the 13th annual Massachusetts Region III science fair held at Joseph Martin Middle School in East Taunton. They were DOl:lna Enos, Marie Cabral, Anna Hrycin, and Susan Correira. Donna Enos, a second time winner, received a gold pin first award for her work on "Complete Blood Count"; she also re~ ceived a $50 bond from the Bristol South District Medical Society and a $25 bond from the Fall River Teachers' Association, w,hose judges felt her project exhibited' the best pedagogical concept at the science fair. Her project this year amplified iller last year's study of human blood for which she also received honors. ,The Bishop Gerrard junior anticipates a career in nursing.


WASHINGTON (NC) - The Nixon Adminstrati'on is trying to hide the plight of Vietnam veterans with "l\mcheons and parades" for them, according to a coalition of religious and ,civic groups here. In response to 11 presidential proclamation setting March 29 as Vietnam Veterans Day, the Task Force on Veterans and Military: Affairs, of the Leadership Confe,rence on Civil Rights (LCCR) released a :report on the current status of veterans' benefits. Task force chairman June WiIlenz said at a :news confer: 'ence here that "because of inadequate and poorly managed programs, Vietnam veterans and particularly minority veterans have been effectively denied their earned benefits 'and have suffered grievous problems in .trying to resume t.heir civilian lives." The LCCR is coalition of more than 135 national organizations including civil r,ights, labor; church, women's, civic, fraternal, and other groups working on social legislation and enforcement of .laws affecting minority groups. The task force said "the Administration's, approach to the needs of veterans in the areas of manpower development and empl<>yment, educCl'tion, housing, and discharges' reveal major failure."


This failure, the report contended, is partly due to "the Administration's lack of a clear and forceful commitment to minority veterans and veterans from poverty areas' and backgrounds." Educational benefits provided to vete.rans, the task force report said, is less than what the World War II veteran reCeived and "is useful as a supplement to income and a cushion for veterans who can rely on parents and/or other income sources-sources which are not available to most minority and poor veterans." The Princeton Educational Testing Seryice reported in 1973, the report noted, that the Veterans Administration (VA) has no policy to insure equal, equcational opportunities for minority veterans. '

Marie Cabral and Anna Hrycin, winners for the third time, received silver pin second awards for their work on sickle cells and c'olor respectively. Susan Correira received a bronze pin for her work on the effect of light on bacteria. All four will represent the region and the school at a state science fair.

Catholic Women Host Bishop 'Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin,' S.T.D., Bishop of the Diocese, will be honored by the New 13edford Catholic Woman's Club at a 6:30 P.M. dinner on Thursday, April 18, at the Holiday Inn on Hathaway Road. Mrs. Theodore J. Calnan, First Vice President, is chairman of the traditioQal Bishop's Night to which all area past<>r's are invited. Members of the Club are encouraged to have' their 'reservations in as soon as possible., '

Pope Paul Warns Against Radical Measure~ iin., Populati~n, (:on'tror ';

SURVIVES TORNADO: Father Thomas Lyons, 55, stands 'in the rubble of St. Ann's rectory in Hamburg, Ind., which was blown down around him during a tornado which was part of a series of killer storms which took a toll of more than 300' lives in the Midwest and South. A. short distance from the rectory the priest found two victims of the tornado so" mangled that he had to anoint a foot. NC PhQto., ..


VATiCAN CITY (NC) - Pope ,Paul V,I, in a message to top leaders of United Nations population programs, warned against "a great temptation" to slow down population growth by "radical measures that are often in contrast with the laws implanted by God in man's :nature." Such radical means of population limitation "fall short of due respect for the dignity of human life and man's just liberty," the Pope said. The 'message was studded with warnings ,clearly designed to fend off the "radical measures" the Pope warned 'against-mea-

Necrology APR. 20 Rev. Edward F. Coyle, S.S., 1954, St. Mary Seminary, Paca Street, Maryland. Rev. James E. O'Reilly, 1970,/ Pastor Emeritus, Mt. Carmel, Seekonk. APR,22 Rev. James L. Smith, 1910, , Pastor, Sacred Heart, Taunton. Rev. Thomas F. Fitzgerald, 1954, Pastor, St. Mary, Nantucket. APR. 25 . Rev. John J. Wade, 1940, Assistant, Sacred Heart, Fall River., Rev. Raymond J. Lynch, 1955, Chaplain Catholic Memorial Home, Fall River.

THE ANCHOR Second Class Postage Paid at Fall River. Mass. PUblished every Thurs~ay at 410 Highland Avenue. Fall River. Mass. -02722 bv the Cat~olic Press of the Diocese of Fall River. Subscription price by mllil, postpai~ $5.00 per year.

sures he declared to be "in some cases based upon' a materialistic V1iew of man's destiny." Although Pope Paul did not spell out· what "radical measures" he was referring to,' he indicated he meant contraception, abortion and policies that either oh~rm family life or h~m­ string human liberties. Shortly after speaking of his anti-contracepNon encyclical, Bumanae Vitae, the Pope declared: '!No pressure must cause the Church 'to deviate toward doctri-' .nal compromises or short-term solutions."

Pro-Life Posters Pro-life posters are on sale at dioctlsan school!> in support of a . Pro-life Multi-Media Educational Center a.t 212 Oliver St., Fall 'River, 'according to announcement made by Robert Si'llnIons, center president. Simmons sltid the center will act as a clearing house for all types' of information useful to those en. gegerl in prO-life, anti-abortion activities.

Helps Strikers EVARTS (NC)-Bishop Michael J. Begley of Charlotte met with

striking coal miners and officials of, the Eastover mine here in . North Carolina to try to help the immediate needs of the strikers and their families. Emphasizirig that he was not taking sides in the controversy, Bishop Begley said he was well received by company officials and striking employes.

Also repr.esenting the school at the fair. will be a sophomore, Mary Santerre, who took an honorable mention award pin for her :work with plant fertilizers. Freshmen representing Bishop Gerrard were Pauline Dumas, who worked with bread molds, and JoAnn Bentley.whose' project concerned"crystal fbrmation. -.: ~;,.!!~


' £'a$ter~Program~A

-A sunrlse serVice will' b~ 'h~ld at La Salette Shrine,. Attleboro, Wee~ Easter Sunday morning, followed by Ma~s. Adoration of 1Jhe Cross express the community's Blessed Sacrament will take sorrow and hopeful reconciliaplace from noon to 3 P.M. and tion. . an outdoor songfest will follow, The reception of Holy Commu, weather permitting, with St. Patnion, having each remember the rick's folk group of Somerset and ~Iast night's love of Christ at the the Bread of Life group from St. Last Supper, only increases ;the Patrick's parish, Fall River, intimacy with Ohrist and the .$oramong participants. An Easter row for one's sins. .. egg hunt will follow the concert. Holy Saturday

Christians Re-Live Holy Co,:tinued from Page One did - and washes the feet of some of his parishioners so as to -like Christ - proclaim his loving ministry of service to others. . The anoient ceremony has taken a dramatic note since its re-establishment by Pope John XXU! but the message for both priest and people.is dear:

The day of mourning following the Passion is not only the reBy ancient tradition, the sacri- spectful quiet of the Jewish Sabfice of the Mass is not offered bath but is a mixture of mournon Good Friday. Yet, to permit ing and expectation. The Vigil service renews all. an intimate union between the inaividual and Christ, Holy Com- - Fire, light, song, joy again enter the ~arkened church and quicken munion is offered tjlis day. To permit this, enough the Joy of Easter. Vain is our faith if there was breads are consecrated on Holy Thursday's Mass 'of the Lord's not resurrection, St. Paul taught. He is present Supper to make Communion 'But He did rise and the renewavailable on Good Friday also. ... He is alive The Blessed Sacrament is re- al of Baptismal Promises togethserved in' a special way on er w.ith ,the fact of the Resurrec- , Thursday evening. Christian de- tron give all reason to rejoice. votion, meditating on the sufferWe can all have a happy Easing Christ, parallel hours of ad- ter, thanks be to God. He made oration at the. Repository (taber- it possihle - all possible. Yes, nacle) to those hours the apos- this is the day the Lord has tles were 'invLted to go' apart made; let us re}oice and be glad' with Christ and "watch" with in it. Him in prayer. Good Friday

Holy Cross Good Friday's ceremonies stress· the Passion and Death of Christ. Again, there is not sim-· ply the commemoration but the reliving. The Passion -and other scriptural readings reaLize their complicity in t'he crucifixion. The hailing and veneration of the

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Witnessed Christ Before Emperor

Name Priest As Advisor

Dr. Kotaro Tanaka, who died recently, gave the first formal explanation of the Catholic religion . ever delivered before the emperor. of Japan. It was an' opening that St. Francis Xavier had sought in vain four centuries earlier. The 90-minute session in the palace in Tokyo on April 30, 1946, was one of many notable occasions in the long life of Japan's most illustrious Catholic layman. Most notable of all was his conversion, at the age of .36. "How did you become a Catholic?" one of the imperial famiy asked him. In an interview he gave me afterwards, he expanded on his reply. His account threw light on the spiritual quest of educated JapanesE: in this century. Kotaro Tanaka' was born in 1890, as he said, "under the influence of St. Francis Xavier," in Kagoshima, where the saint had landed in 1549.

Mos.t Rev. Daniel A. Cronin, S.T.D., Bishop of Fall River, has approved the appointment of Rev. John R. Foister as a member of the Region VII, Advisory Board for Emergency Medical Services. Father Foister is the Chaplain of the Fall River Fire Department and Priest-in-Charge of St. Louis Parish, Fall River. Region VII takes 'in the Southeastern Massachusetts area encompassing !:'he Diocese of Fall River together with bordering towns of the Archdiocese of Boston. The priest will be the representative on the Advisory Board for EMS for the Greater. Fall River Area.

Plea for Aid Burmese seminarians and orphans are in need of American "foster parents" to help support them and educate them, according to Theodore W. Le Blanc of West Yarmouth who notes that .prospective benefactors may obtain additional information from .St. Theresa's Seminary, Taunggyi-S.S.S., Burma.

Meaning of Life His earliest contact with Christianity was in high school, where he had some Christian fellow students. At the age of 20 he had to interrupt his studies because of illness. "I was obliged to think about the meaning of life," he said. He regained his health and entered the Imperial University in Tokyo. He read German and Russian authors and had already come under the influence of two impressive Japanese intellectuals, Dr. Inazo Nitobe and Dr. Kanzo Uchimura. Both' had studied in America. Around. Uchimira, who had become a nondenominational Christian, a circle of disciples had gathered. Tanaka was one of them, but was disillusioned by the subjectivism and conflict of views within the group. Opposed War "The movement was a reaction against materialism and Protestant sectarianism," he said, "but it got lost in the unrestrained individual,ism of its members, its illuminism and moral relativism." Next he encountered two professors, .one German, the other Japanese, neither of them Christian, who gave their students a keen appreciation of personal culture and ethics. "All this prepared me for Catholicism," _Tanaka said. Tanaka was one of the Japanese who disapproved of the war. "The few who had real insight into the true nature of the war were tormented by the tragic dilemma of having to wish our country victory and defeat at the same time," he said. "They feared, too, that victory would make the military clique dominate over us even more."

Campus Cleanup In cooperation with a national college ecology. project, students at Stonehill College, Easton, aie planting shrubs, c1eal'ing streams flowing through the 550-acre campus, making a beach on a campus pond and landscaping dormitqry grounds. The monthlong project is under l:ihe direction of Rev. Thomas Feeley, director of campus ecology.


THE ANCHORThurs., April 11, 1974

DEDICATED TO CATH9L1C EDUCATION: School board members and officers of the Parent-Teacher Organization of St. Michael's Parish, Swansea have dedicated their time and expertise to keeping their school a" an integral part of their parish life. Front: Sister Claire Louise, SSJ, principal; Rev. Joseph A. Martineau, pastor; Mrs. Charles An: thony. Standing: Edmund Banville, Manuel Silveira, .Mrs. Donald Harding, Mrs. Manuel Silveira, Mrs. Gus Davi, Edward Whalen, Robert Cardinal.

Diocesans Will Travel to Washingtpn

25-'D4If'Deice Circle Tour of the

To Introduce Echo Retreat By Pat McGowan It will be a memorable Easter

for Mr. and Mrs. Donald Emond of 237 S. Walker St., Taunton, and for their four children, ages 4 to 12; also 'for eight diocesan teenagers. AU are flying to Washington, D. C. on Saturday, at the request of Archbishop W.miam Baum, to present the capital area'·s first ECHO retreat for girls. ECHO, developed in the Fall River diocese in late 1969, is a unique youth retreat program, which has been offered here some 50 times. About two years ago, said Emond, chairman of the diocesan ECHO board, word of the program reached Washington and a Fall River team was invited there to give a boys' ECHO. Now it is the girls' turn. Leading the group will be Mrs. Emond, who will direct the Washington ECHO and supervise training of a team which will continue offering the retreat in the nation's capital. Diocesan teenagers who will speak and aid in counseling their peers include CI'audette Corderre and Phyllis Barney from New Bedford; Sue Lake and Judy Comiskey, Fall River; Cathy Murphy, Kathy McClure and Pat Flynn, Attleboro; and Betty Correira, Taunton. Wears Echo Cross Such is the enthusiasm of Archbishop Baum for ECHO, said Emond, that he sometimes

wears In place of ~is pectoral insignia the cross given to all who make the retreat. Organizers of ECHO in Fall River were Rev. Thomas Mayhew, still active wil:ih the program in an advisory capacity, and Brother Louis Affrica, at the time on the faculty of the' former Coyle High School in Taunton, and now studying for the priesthood. ECHO is an ·acronym for "Encountering Ohrist in Others," and Father Mayhew explained it further by say,ing, "During the weekend we try to achieve a life that will eoho the life of .God in us-a life of joy and grace." The program is open to high school.juniors and seniors "Iookfng for a ·direction. Its aim is to let students experience· deep Chr,istian living and to know themselves and others a· little better. It tries to make them aware of their place in the Church." ECHO is based on the living of the Paschal mystery, say the team members: dying, rising and living with Christ; and an effort is made to develop a sense of liturgy in those mliking the retreat, so that they can under-. stand what the Church is doing in her Eucharistic and sacramental celebrations. Community of Love Talks during the weekend are given by priests, laymen and students. Topics include' the


Ohurch in ,the world and Chris,tianity in action. Participants Jom in discussion of each talk and there are -ample opportunities for small group meetings and talks with spiritual directors if desired. ECHO retreats are held regularly in the Fall River diocese, with Sacred Hearts Academy in Fairhaven serving a,s heaqquartel'S for the program. Now they wiH also be held ,in Washington, thanks to the dedication of the Fall River apostles.

under the leadership of

Fafhet '/enty R. CANUEL

Plan to Telecast Mass at Shrine WASHINGTON (NC)-The annual Easter Sunday Mass on April 14 at the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception here will be telecast by NBCTV from 10 to 11 A.M. Archbishop WiHiam W. Baum of Washington will be the celebrant and the homBist will be Msgr. J.ohn J. Murphy, director of the l\;ational Shrine. Remembllr How Music Used to Sound


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Catholic School

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Apr. 11, 1974

Holy Week Holy Week is not simply a recalling of past events. It is a re-living of the salvation-filled events of Christ. The' great experience of Christ was His passage, His passover from death to life, from suffering to glory, from the cross to the resurrection. This is the paschal mystery. It is the mystery that is ever. lived and re-lived in the.'~ Church at all times of the year but in a more intense manner during Holy Week. The divine plan of God, hidden from all eternity but' I manifested in the fullness of time and realized in Christ, is to form of all men a holy nation, a kingly people. It is to make all "one man in Christ Jesus." The divine plan for man's redemption underlies Holy Week. The reconciliation of God and man in Christ continues. The merits of Christ's cross. keep continually being applied to the souls of men. Christ accomplished man's redemption through the cross, through suffering and death. And what is true of the Vine must be true of the members; all are called upon to share the experience of Christ. . St. Peter tells us, "Christ also. suffered for us, leaving you an example thilt you should follow in His steps." We cannot live the same life as Christ nor in the same set of circumstances. But we can live Christ lives, can die" to sin and to our lower natures, can rise to newness of life, can live for God in Christ, can enter upon ami' live the resurrected life. We can live a life in which the bright- I ness of God's glory shines over the darkness of the world and the flesh and the devil with their works and pomps. It is not simply an imitating of the virtues of Christ. It is deeper than that. It is the putting on of Christ, the reproducing-as far as we can with God's grace-of Christ's experience, His suffering, His death, His burial, His resurrection, His glory. Christianity is an event, something that happened to and in Christ, something that continues to happen to and in those who would be Christians. It is dying with Christ, rising in newness' of life, feeding upon Christ's Body and Blood, living His life' as other sons and daughters of the Father, guided by the Holy Spirit. By .His experience, Christ conqu.ered sin and death and rose to glory and victory. By our entering into His experience' and especially during Holy Week, we re-live in ourselves what happened in Christ. And thus is His salvation imparted to ~s. I


Merit of Honesty This seems to be an age of non-heroes. For some reason or other, there is a jaded attitude among all too many persons. Perhaps there has heen too much disillusionment, too many disappointments in those who. were once highly regarded. But an authentic hero has stepped into the picture now. Just mention the number "715" and the name will easily come-Hank Aaron. With his 715th home run the other night, he passed Babe Ruth's record and has made baseball history and set a baseball record for someone else to shoot at. True, this is not the most eventful happening in' the world. There are more important things than baseball. But the fact remains that when' one sees a man who does his' very best in his chosen field, achieves greatness with integrity and honor, then this is to be noted with pleasure and the man acclaimed for what he is-a fine gentleman, a great baseball player, a hero in his field. It may be unsophisticated Jo' praise Aaron for being such a hero. But there is merit in such unsophistication. The merit of honesty.


£xlImine ,mg hands..•

Believe! .JOHN 20,27

The Risen One

Charities Appeal




St. William's Church

Holy Week - Holy Land With all the international politics and world wide globe trotting searching for some peace accord between the Arab and Jewish people, most of us have just ignored the fact that the land of Israel is still for the Catholic world, the Holy Land. The fact was once more brought: to focus ens the very survival of any Ohristian witness in the Holy for the Christian world this land and the Holy City of Jerupast week by Our Holy salem itself. .

Father, Pope Paul. In a fourteen page apostolic exhortation directed to the entire membership of the Catholic Church, Pope Paul once more requests that all bishops, clergy and faithful not forget that this war tom land is still the land of Jesus. The Holy Father once more, as .he has done so often in the past, clearly indicated that all the members of the Catholic church have the responsibility' to help maintain the Christian presence in the Holy' Land. The brutality and cruelty of the Middle East war w.ith its upheav'als of people and debasing spirit of animosity and intolerance threat-

If the present atmosphere continues to prevail, the Holy Faliher warns, and the .presence of the Christian community ceases, then the Holy Places would be reduced to mere museums. The concern of our Holy Father is a very real anxiety whioh certainly will be lost amid the flamboyant headlines of war. Yet. despite any propaganda 'adverse to the Ohristian cause in tfhe Holy Land, each and every Catholilc should have conceI:n •for the reality of our brothers and sisters 'who a.e trying to seek the expressiqn of religious freedom and worship in the land we consider most holy.

Care of Holy Land Above Politics

'Naturally in our own national press very little has been said OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER about how the Christian commu;<:fl Published weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River nity has suffered and even been ;.Il . 410 Highland Avenue persecuted in that area of the , Fall River Mass. 02722 675-7151 world made sacred by the presence of Our Saviour. It would be PUBLISHER bad politics. Most REIV. Daniel A. Cronin, D.O., S.lD. Yet this is a matter that must . GENERAL MANAGER FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATOR rise above politics. The fact that v. Msgr. Daniel F. Shalloo, M.A. . . Very Rev. John J. Regan .the Christian minority of the ASSISTANT MANMQI . Rev. John R. fol$t81 . H?ly La~~ does suff;!r shouht' v. John P. Driscoll '.... 00 of pr~ ~WQto each ...

Continued from Page One reading on an eighth grade level. In Manhattan, students showed a five-month lag benind national norms in the fifth grade and a three-month lag in the sixth and seventh grades. Even in Manhattan,' however, between 10 and 15 per cent of the students are reading two years or more above the national norm, the archdiocese said. In the Bronx, students in the fourth grade are at the nation.al norm, and students in the upper grades are about three months above the norm. Between 15 and 20 per cent of the students 'are reading at a level two 'or more years above. the national norm. In economically deprived areas, there were remarkable advances jn .students' scores, the archdiocese said. The average student in the fifth grade had advanced one year and s~x months in his reading score; in the sixth grade, one year and six months in his reading score; in the' sixth grade one year and seven months; in the seventh grade, one year and eight months.

every man' and woman regardless of religious preference, who has concern for religious freedoms and minority rights. During this Holy Week for the Christian world, . we should .focus some attentfon to the plight of our brothers and sisters of the faith who carry such a heavy cross' in their witness to the truths of the Christian faith Ill' ~e Holy Land. M ...~ com~ the great ev~ tb~...


Continued from Page One ends on Wednesday, May 15. Work of Nazareth . Most Rev. J~mes J. Gerrard, D.D:, Auxiliary Bishop of the diocese, will deliver the opening prayer 'and V~ry Rev. Luiz G. Mendonca, V.G., will give th~ final prayer at the meeting. Sister Maureen Hanley, R.S.M., principal of Nazareth Hall School in Fall River, will expla·in the work of the schools of. the diocese dedicated to teaching qf exceptional children. Mrs. Gilbert J. Noonan, this year's diocesan lay chairlady, will stress the importance of the kick-off meeting for' the campaign in the two phases of the Appeal. Mrs. Noonan, first woman to head the Appeal urges priests, religious and eight members from each of .the 113 parishes of the diocese to attend. Msgr. Anthony M. Gomes, diocesan director of the Appeal, will explain the theme, techniques and mechanics of the campaign. A coffee hour will follow the meeting. """""""11111111"'1"''''''"11111111''11111I1 "lIIll11lllllmllll'IlIlIllllll'lllll"IIIIIIIIII'''''lllll

week they should be in our prayers that they may find the strength and courage to continue this witness despite all adversities. We also should f.ind some way to express our material support for the holy places and church institutions. In addition we ourselves should have ·the courage and the boldness to follow the example of Pope Paul and call attention to civic leaders and the world in general, the perils and dangers that face the Chr:istian community in the Holy Land. The Christian world must make every effort to see that in any attempt to settle the conflict in the Middle East, their religious right and their religious houses of worship be guaranteed the freedoms and immunities of . international la,w. The Holy Land and the Holy Places must rema,in Holy to believing people and not become a mere tourist attraction for tile be~efit W.. secular or ~~

~ ~. -'.



THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Apr. 11, 1974


CATHOLIC, EI)ISCOPAL COOPERATION: Episcopal Bishop Robert M. Wolsterstorff of San Diego, C'atif., marches in a procession at his consecration in the Catholic Church of the Immaculata. Behind him are Catholic Bishop Leo T. Maher of San Diego and Msgr. 1. Brent Eagen, chancellor, wearing insignia as a Knight of the Holy Sepulchre of Jersusalem. No Episcopal church was large enough to hold the 1,500 persons who attended the consecration. NC Photo.

Bishop of Episcopalian Diocese Consecrated in Catholic Church q'SAN blEGO (Nt)' -~ A major In a sermon, Episcopal Bishop milestone' in 'the "ecumeni'cal Charles E. Bennison of Weston, movement in California took Mich" told the congregation that place here when the first bishop Bishop Wolterstorff's consecraof the new Episcopal diocese of tion was not only important to San Diego was consecrated in the diocese of San Diego but to the Catholic Church oi the the entire Episcopal Church, Immaculata. ,Bishop WOlterstorft\ pledged When Episcopal Bishop Robert to "obey Christ and serve in His M. Wolterstorff was consecrated name ... be faithful in prayer spiritual leader of more than and in the study of the Holy 200,000 Episcopalians, Catholic Scr.ipture .. ,boldly proclaim and Bishop Leo T. Maher of San interpret the Gospel of Christ Diego and Msgr. I. I. Brent and guard the faith, unity and Eagen, Ohancellor of the San discipline of the Church." Diego diocese were present in the sanctuary of the church, which is located on the Univer- Bishops to Meet sity of San Diego campus. On Evangelization Use of the church was offered WASHINGTON (NC)-Twenby Bishop Maher and Msgr. John ty-two bishops from Latin AmerPortman, pastor of the Immac- ica, the United States and Canulata, when it was found that ada will meet in Mi'ami April 29 no Episcopal church in. San to May 3 to discuss evangelizaDiego could accommodate the tion, ·it was announced here.. 1,500 persons who attended the It will be the' ninth Intertwo and one-half hour ceremony. American Bishops' meeting, one Bishop Wolterstorfr, 59, has of a series of annual cOnsultaserved as rector of 81. James tions to exchange ideas and proby the Sea Episcopal Church mote good relationship between here for the past 16 years. the bishops of North and South Chief consecrator was Bishop America. John E. Hines, presiding bishop "The Miami meeting has speof the 3.4 million member Epis- cial timeliness because its theme copal Churoh. Serving as co- -evangelization-is the topic of consecrators were retired Epis- the (world) Synod of Bishops copal Bishop' Francis E. Bloy of next fall," said Bishop James Los Angeles and Episcopal Bish- Rausch, general secretary of the op Philip McNairy of Minnesota. . U. S. National Conference of Catholic Bishops (NCCB). Valid Baptism "A number ·of the bishops atHONG KONG (NC)--The Ro- tending the Miami meeting will man CathoHc and Anglican dio- also represent their episcopal ceses here, will sign an agree- conferences at the,synod," Bishment recognizing the validity of op Rausch said. "The discussion each other's Baptism, Members should be of great assistance to of thtl ecumenIcal commission the process of reflection and which drew up the pact noted planning in which the bishops of that the agreement does not im- the Western Hemisphere are now ply any merger on the parts of engaged, in preparation for the synod," ,the two churches.

; In a spirit of love for my • brothers and sisters in

= =$

the missions;I enclose • my special sacrifice of


to be used

• where "living hurts • the most," • ANCH-4-11-74


• Name,



1--------'-I I Addres,"-s I I


1---------I I C.lty

• =







Remember the Soc,i~ty for the P~opagation~f the Faith when writing or changing your Will.

• =

The Soeiety lor the Propagation 01 the Faith Send your gift to: Most Rev. Edward T. O'Meara National Director ' Dept. C., 366 Fifth Avenue New Yor!l. New York 10001


The Rev. Monsignor Raymond T. Considine Diocesan Director 368 North Main Street Fall River, Massachusetts 02720


THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Apr. 11, 197.4

M'o,the'r Makes Mledita,tic>n On Seve~n Last Words ' "Father, forgive them for they know not what they do." She didn't mean to spill the milk... the bottle was just too heavy for little hands. He was trying to help put the dishes away ... but the shelf was higher than he could reach . . . and he dropped trust me. You never let them. She was trying to don't me do things my way. Every bring me a presEmt ... How time I ask, you say "No!" You could she have known they never LISTEN. were the neighbor's prize flowers. Fath~r, forgive me. If I always did what I should do, life would 'be serene, salvation ,secure.


"Amen, amen, I say to you, this day you shalI be' with me in Paradise." Morning sun, streamThe house ing in the window cleaned, alI in order A shampooed and scrubbed infant, reaching up to love and be loved ... The other night I helped my youngest in the throes of f.irst homework. As she finished the last bit, she leaned over, kissed my cheek and said, "Thank you, Mommy." Amen, amen, this day a bit of ParadiSe can' be with me ... if I just see it. Powerful Link "Woman behold your son. Son, behold your mother." One unique moment of a mother's life is the f,irst time she holds her first child. Her' dreams Ifor that infant are alI hope, unhampered by the limitations of reality. Her faith in those dre.ams is boundless for her love of her husband, her child and her God make alI things reasonable. That f.irst moment is a powerful link between God, her husband and herself ... for three have become one flesh. . "My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?" Mom, where were you when I needed you? Why don't you stick up for me? You've embarrassed me: You

My God, my God ... my children sometimes say such things to me. How often do I say them to you? , "I thirst." ... and it's unquenchable. There is' so much I . want to do ... yet the more I do, the more I want to do. These chlilidren who have been entrusted to me, I· want to lead them, guide them, teach them to serve fulIy and accomplish much with their lives. Yet, the more I show them, the more I see' the .necessity of growth in my ,own life, Lord, let me continue to thirst. For if ,it 'stops, I'H, exist without living.,. or I'II have died ... and, I'm not ready for that yet. Endless Finishings "It is finished." A mother's life is endless finishings. I fin,ish cleaning, the room becomes undone and I finish it agaJn. I ,finish the laundry, and the next day; I finish it again. These are inconsequentia1. , Would that I had the chance to refinish the more important things. The child with a bruised knee ... The adolescent with a bruised heart . . . The' y'oung adult with a bruised spirit ... They need help, guidance, wisdom .' .. and there's no second J chance. Lord, when I've fin.ished, let it he the way You would have done it. "Father, into your hands I commend my spirit." ... a'nd my husband's and my children's ... and not just our spirit, Father, but our bodies as welI. I cannot separate body and spirit, 6nly You can. Help me to see this link between my humanity and your divinity. Let me always use each of them to enrich ,the other. Amen.

Catholic, Public Schools Plan Joint Council .

SPOKANE (NC) - Spokane. Catholic schools and Spokane's , Teachers' Discu!is School District 81 have agreed to establish a joint planning Election War Chest' council"a cross between' a TORONTO (NC) -- The proposed establishment of a $1 mil- think-tank group and an advilion "war chest" aimed at top- sory board," according to Father pling the Conservative govern- Michael O'Neill, Spokane diocment of the province of Ontario esan superintendent 'Of education. Although decisions or recomwas left hanging in the air by delegates to the convention of mendations by the council would the Ontario English Catholic not be binding on either school Teachers' Association (OECTA) system, its act'ions may ·lead to expansion of cooperation as welI held in Toronto. A motion calling on the as "facilitate the programs 'we OECTA to avoid funding any now have ,in progress':' Father opposition party political cam- O'Neill' said. paign was tabled by :the convenThe council will inClude sup~r­ tion. intendents and school board The move to set up the fund members of both systems, and was sparked, among other rea- tentatively a staff member' from sons, by the proposed govern- each system, a representative ment bill 275, which would force' from non-Catholic Erivate compulsory arbitration in unre- schools in Spokane and six citsolved school board teacher-dis- . izens atIarge jointly selected by putes. the two systems. '

VOLLEY FOR CHARITY: Dominican Sisters play in a volleyball tournament at Queen of·the Rosary Academy in Amityville, Long Island, to raise money for a retirement fund for older Sisters. NC Photo. '

Declare'Ma,ry' Madlel for '·llb·er~ti:on·~"·:~~·"· ST. LOUIS (NCr-The Blessed Virgin Mary should be the model for the liberation of women "from ecclesiastical and cultural forms of oppression," according to the board of directors of the National Federation of Christian .

Gothal ic Laity

,T6 M'eet on Cape The National Council of Catholic Laity is sponsoring a Team Training Institute at Craigville Inn Conference Center, Craigville on June 7, 8 and 9th, (Friday, Sat.urday and Sunday). This is the only Institute being conducted in the New England area this year. The Team Training InsUtute is an adult educational experience which trains lay groups to do goal-setting and planning and work on building up effective team work. All members of the sponsoring organizations, NCCL, NCCW and NCCM and members of their nat~onal, diocesan, and parish affiliates are eligible to attend. Because of the themes, a special ipvitation is extended to members of parish councils and, diocesan Pastoral Councils. Priests, bishops, 'men and women religious are also particularly welcome. Mrs. Michael J. McMahon, Fiill . River is' the liaison with the Washington office in planning and setting up the Institute. Contact Mrs. McMahon or Mrs. Richard Paulson, Taunton,' dioc,esan president of NCCW for further information and reservation material.

Life Communities (NFCLC). At a meeting here March 2224, the board of the NFCLCformerly the Sodalities of Our Lady-endorsed Pope Paul VI's new 17,OOO-word statement on Mary and called for. an action program in response to it. The Papal statement, made public the first day of the board meeting, urged renewed devotion to Mary but rejected a view of her as "a timidly submissive woman" and stressed her active participation in an "event of world importance," the Incarnation. "-In response to the papal challenge," the NFCLC said it would develop for its member communities: Programs ,that "interpret anew" Mary's role in the Church and forms of devotion that express a modern interpretation. , "Programs that see' in Mary the exemplar of modem women in .all that would liberate them from ecclesiastical and cultural forms of oppression which make

them less than equals of men." "Programs which undertake to awaken ,a sensitive awareness of areas of anti-feminine injustice, and to follow such' programs with remedial social. action." The board pra,ised Pope Paul's statement Mary was not a passive spectator but a woman 'who "did not· hesitate to proclaim that God vindicates the humble and the oppressed, and removes ,the powerful' people of this world from their privileged positions."





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THE ANCH()R-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Apr. 11, 1974

You,thful Fas,hions to Lead Sunday's Ea·ster ·Parade Hopefully the sun will shine on Easter Sunday this year and in any case the custom of wearing new clothes to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ will continue. Of course the children' are aways the most pleasurable sight in the Easter Parade to the churches of the diocese. At Peter ,Pan collar and softly sleeves. Holy Name Church in Fall puffed In Somerset, a little bundle of River two very lovely young charm named Jennifer Menard ladies Nicole and Michelle, twin daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Balt!hazar, will join churchgoers for the second

has chosen white knit for her best outfit. Four year old Ms. Jennifer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Menard of St. Patrick's parish, will look chic in white knit trimmed in red, yellow and navy. Jennifer's dress is a sleeveless princess style. By Tri-colored buttons march· down its front and two red, two yelMARILYN low, and two navy buttons close her double-breasted matching RODERICK coat. For the final touch her curly brown locks will be topped with a matching white tam tip. • 1'J%FiUG1~ ped with a navy button. Easter of their very young lives. Twins in Plaid Nicole will sport a kelly-green St. Thomas More parish, also linen dress created by her grandin Somerset will be visited bv mother and trimmed in white another set of twins, three-yea;. linen with puffy white eyelet old sons of Mr. and Mrs. sleeves. An appliqued umbrella Leonard Burgmyer. Th~ddeus on its bodice has a smattering of and Leonard will be dressed in french knot rain-drops faIling identicaoJ plaid Eton suits in on it. With this, little Ms. Ba'l- shades of yellow, white and blue: thazar will wear a navy linen Their short pants will be topped coat tl1immed in white. with white shirts and the matchMichelle, Nicole's identical ing ,jackets. To complete their twin, wiJ.! be a vision in pink outfits they will wear white knit. Her dainty coat and match- knee-socks and brown shoes. ing dress are trimmed with white Fair, and lovely Lisa O'Neil, pearl buttons and delicate tailor- daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ing. Michelle's straw bonnet will Thomas David O'Neil, will grace be trimmed with pink and yell-ow St. Stanislaus church in Fall flowers and she'll wear white River in an outfit that will give lace leotards and matching white competition to the spring f1owgloves.8ll~ ,shoeS'.. ', " ~ . "'ers. A soft 'shade' of "peach has . Grandma, Mrs.' Antony Foster, been chosen for her matching added an extra touch when she knit dress and coat ensemble. made a . knitted and plastic. Accessories will include a matchpocketbook for each young lady ing hair bow and T-strapped that opens to reveal a hidden white patent leather shoes with treasure I inside (a little doll in white gloves. a cradle-like setting). Back at St. William's parish in Fall River blond, brown-eyed Boys Too Matthew Fernandes has already Not to be outdone by women's started on his way to being a lib, young Matthew Kuss III, the heart-breaker and he'll be garbed year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. for the job this Easter Sunday Matthew Kuss Jr. will also ap- in a deep blue denim-like twopear at one of Holy Name's Eas- piece outfit. His short jacket is ter Masses in an eye-catching lined with a red bandanna mateoutfit. ' rial, giving it a western look, His sporty navy blue sh~rt will a'nd his matching long pants will be topped with a bright yellow be topped with a red turtleneck sweater vest and a white and jersey. This'two-year-old son of navy-blue bow tie. His cuffed Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fernandes trousers are a coordinating yel- will . even outshine that special low, navy and white plaid. bunny! At St. WilIiam's Church in Fall Never Too Young River, Heidi Branco, 7 year-old A lady is never too young to daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rich- dress up for Easter and to prove ard Branco, ,has chosen pink to this five-week-old Cristen Cote, set off her sweet blonde, beauty. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. MauHeidi's dress is long, w~th a rice Cote of St. Michael's parish, Swansea, will have an Easter outfit. Her dress is mint green, Church in East GE!rmany embroidered with ducks and Still IHolds Its Own l sporting a scaIloped hemline and also BERLIN (NC) - The Church matching panties. She'I1 in East Germany has been able wear a handmade white sweater to "hold its own" despite the coat accessorized with white measures of repres9jon being lace leotards and a matching used by the communist regime bonnet and bootie~. When Cristen grows up she there, according to Western observers who attended t.he recent may weIl make her own outfit East German Catholic synod held as did teenager Christine Liberatore of St. George's parish, in Dresden. Although the government con- . Westport. Christine's two-piece tinues to try to curtail religious slack set is in a lovely shade freedom and activities, partic- of orange sherbet, with an Eisenularly among youths, the Church hower jacket and slacks with in East Germany maintains an fitted waistline and mock cuffs. organization that remains intact A very talented young lady is amidst atheistic surroundings, Christine who has made an Easter outfit that is hers alone. the observers reported.

FANS HAVE HABIT OF CHEERIN(.: Older Sisters cheer from the sidelines as their younger confreres play volleyball for their benefit at Queen of the Rosary Academy in Amityville, Long Island. A Long Island team won the title two games to one. Proceeds went to a .retirement, fund for Dominican Sisters. NC Photo. . '






Sipeci'al ROlle of Vicars for R1eligious ROME (NC) - Renewal and reconciliation, the twin themes of the 1975 Holy Year, pertain especiaIly to the' role of a vicar for Religious, Father William Hughes of the Rockville Centre; N. Y., diocese told a meeting here of American vicars for Religious. Father Hughes :is president of the National Conference of Vicars for Religious. "Recondliation defines the vicar because in one way or another he 'or she is charged with facilitating dialogue and understanding between people serving the Church ... "The vicar ... is committed in

Changes Aid Visitors To Sistine Chapel VATICAN CITY' (NC)-Hurrying crowds and guides shouting to be heard often raise the voice level of the famed Sistine Chapel and Vatican museums to a rumbling roar. Dur,ing the peak Easter tourist season, Vatican museum officials will enforce a new system to make Hfe more bearble for the tho~sands of visitors anticipated. ~The museums wiN be open longer from April 8 to April 19, guides will not be allowed to give explanations inside the Sistine Chapel and soft music will be piped ,into the chapel. . Guides will be able to explain Michaelangelo's famed frescoes to their groups before entering the chapel, using- large color reproductions of the frescoes.

a special way to the renewal of the Church," Father Hughes said. In an obvious reference to those Religious who take exception ,to updating called for in Religious :ife by the Second Vatican Council, Father Hughes said: "We do not look back to a golden age, to what the Church used to be. We look forward as Christ did to what t:Jhe Church is becoming, to what it ought to be, to what it will be." About 60 vicars for Religious from 40 U. S. dioceses attended

the four-day meeting here, which ended March 29. The highlight of the meeting, said Father Hughes, was the impressive participation of the Vatoican's Congregation for Religious. Diarlogue with offida,ls of the congregation was honest, serious and eager, said Father Hughes. Nine officials of the congregation attended all sessions of the vicars' meeting, including German Benedictine Archbishop Augustin Mayer, secretary of the congregation.

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Priest ~'LaWyer Wins in Court

THE ANCHOR'Thurs., April 11, 197.4

Pope St~es!ied Positive Rc.le Of WOmel11 VATICAN CITY (NC)-A renewed devotion to Mary can point the' way for modern women who are assuming decisionmaking roles in the Church, including a voice and vote at future councils of the Church, ac, cording to French Jesuit Father Jean Galot at a press conference in the Vatican. Father Galot, professor of dogmatic theolDgy at the Gregorian University in Rome, said that Mary is a model for the contem~ porary woman in thE! Church. , "At the Second Vatican Council we had women present as observers," he said.' "But Mary was not merely an observer in the early Church, no less a simple housewife. She was present when things happened' and made things ha.ppen at the Annunciation, at Cana and at Calvary." Asked specifically what the role of women would be at future' councils of the Church. Father Galot replied: "I do not know, but if women are capable of influencing Christian thought, why. should they not be present and take an active part in Christian assemblies?" Enlarging on the active role that Mary played in the early Church, the French theDlogian said at another point during the press conference: ' "Mary was the first to offer a redeeming sacrifice when she presented Christ as an infant at the temple. This maternal offering preceded in time the oblation at Calvary. but, 30 years later, was intimately connected with the oblation at Calvary. The document, at one point, refers to Mary as the "first disciple" of Jesus and a reporter wanted to know if this renewed devDtion to Mary would also open the way for women to serve Christ and the Church as pr.iests. .Father Galot was careful to make distinctions. "Mary had a mission different from the mission of the 12 Apostles," he said. "Since she was the mother of Christ and mother of the Church, her mission was certainly not inferjor tD the Apostles , but since they shared in an ordained priesthood and she, did not, her mission was different." . Father Galot implied. but did not say, that women do not need the priesthood to ~lrve Christ. "The mooern woman. just like Mary, is capable of receiving the teachings of Christ and of fulfilling a role in the Church in service to Christ," he said. Most of the questions asked at the press conference centered on paragraph 38 of the document. which urges the removal from Marian devotion of practices based on "vain c:redulity ... sterile and ephemeral sentimentality ... and (that which is) legeI!dary or false." Pressed by several reporters for .specific examples of what errors the document was referring to, Father Galot said he could not be specific because he did not collaborate on writing the document and did not know what the author of a few phrases in a lengthy document had in mind.

Colla r Battle

/ REFUGEES IN NEED: Palestinian refugees such as these in a Gaza Strip camp would benefit from a collection for the Holy L~nd as urged by Pope Paul in an apostolic exhortatiml. Although Catholics have been called-on lto support. the Holy Places in, the past, the new papal document places an increased emphasis on help to people. NC Photo.

• Israel Pope Asks Christian Witness In VATICAN CITY ~NC) - Pope in the Holy Land. Pope Paul proPaul VI has appealed to the posed that sp'ecial prayers be ofworld's Catholics to help support fered "for oUf brethren of the the cDntinued presence of the Church in the Holy' Land" and "living witness" of the Christian that a collection be taken up ancommunity in the Holy Land. nually in all churches and oratoThat Christian community, he ries throughout the world for said, is no longer self-supporting their support. The Pope suggested that this because of the' devastation of Middle East wars and emigra- annual offering of prayers and collection be "done' once a year, tion. The Pope's appeal made it on Gooo Friday or on another clear he is mindful of 'the an- day to. be named· by the local cient Christan shrines and Holy Ordinary." The Pope also stressed: Places associated with Christ's life on earth, but that he is even "The faithful are to' be inmore concerned with the day-to- formed in gODd time that the colday problems of the Christians in lection is to be used for the up'the Holy Land, who are pre- keep not only of the Holy Places dominantly Arab. but above all of those pastoral, The papal appeal was in a doc- charitable, educational and soument called an apostolic exhor- cial works which the Church tation. and was addressed to supports in the Holy Land for "the bishops, clergy and faith- the welfare both of their Chrisful of the world concerning the tian brethren 'and of the local increased needs of the Church , communities." Father Tucci noted that Cathin the Holy Land." The document was dated March 25. but olics have been called on to supwas released at a Vatican press rort the Holy 'Places and the Church's work in Palestine ever conference April 5. The exhortation made nD men- since the time of Pope Sixtus V tion of the state of. Israel, but in the 16th century. Pope Leo spoke instead of the "Church of XIII and Pope John XXIII have Jerusalem." "the Holy Land" and also issued special appeals on the same subject. the "Holy Places." 100,000 Catholics


However, in the new exhortaThe exhortation disavowed any political slant, but it was tion of Pope Paul VI. Father Tucclear that the Pope y.ras speaking ci said, "the accent is placed of problems faced by Arab Chris- more on the Christian communitians, in Israel and in its "occu- ty living in the Holy Land rather pied territories"·' brought about than on the mere maintenance by the fortunes of wa,r and pOlit- .of the' shrines themselves." . ical tension's and pressures. He said the Pope does speak of At the press conference intro- the need to maintain the "shrines ducing the exhortation. Jesuit connected with Christ's life. pasFather Roberto Tucci, the head sion and death, but he speaks of the Vatican Radio, said the even more of the need for the Pope was talking about the prob- vital presence of the community . lems of daily existence of some . surrounding them. 100,000 Catholics living in Israel, "The Pope in this document is Joroan and the occupied terri- concerned with a community tories. which is alive and 'not solely with the maintenance of what History of Appeal could become. without the ChrisAs a practical example of the tian presence, cold museums or solidarity of the world's C'atho- monuments to memories of the lics with their brother Catholics past."

Pope Paul's. exhortation is quite specific in this need to help the Catholic Christians in the Holy Land. It stated: "But it is also a country in 'Nhich. besides the shrines' and the Holy Places. a Church-a community of believers in Christ --lives and works. It is a community that in the course of hi~~' tory has undergone innumerable trials and has suffered painful difficulties. "Internal divisions, persecutions from without and, for some time now. emigration have weakened it, leaving it no longer selfsupporting and therefore in need of our understanding and of our moral help." Speaking of' Catholics in the troubled area, Pope Paul said that '''in a unique way they share daP y in the suffering of Christ and live up to their name as Christians 'by the testimony of a lively faith, open-hearted love and genuine poverty, in accordance with the Gospel."

NEW YORK (NC) - Father Vincert R. LaRocca, a Brooklyn priest who works for the Legal Aid society. won a round in his fight to wear his Roman coHar while defending a client in court. Upsetting a lower court decision, New York State Supreme Court Justice Guy J. Mangano 'ruled that Father LaRocca has the right to wear traditional clerical attire in appearances before a jury. Father LaRocca had been barred from wearing his collar by Criminal Court Judge Morgan E. Lane while defending a woman accused of assault. The judge said the clerical attire might prejudice the jury in favor of the defendant. Father LaRocca appealed the decision and 'the trial was suspended. "The prejudices .of the past have been tempered by the involvement of our clergymen in the now-open citadel of public me." Justice Mangano said. "We cannot build bars on evanescent presumption to bias presumably triggered by the sight of religious trappings." The ruling is to be studied by state Atty. Gen. Louis J. Lefkowitz before a decision is made on whether to appeal.

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A Living WillI , Does Encourage Death Steps



Thurs., April 11, 1974

BOSTON (NC) - Msgr. James T. McHugh, director of the Family Life Division of the U. S. Catholic Conference, pointed out to the New England Conference Catholic Hospitals Association .that "Death with Dignity" bills provide for an individual to execute "A Living. Will," stating in advance that no extraordinary means to prolong his life should be used when he is terminaIly ill. "Behind the stated purpose," Msgr. McHugh said, "is the expectation that the 'Living Will' will pre-condition the thinking of people toward positively terminating life in cases of seniility or incurable illness. Also, the existence of such a document creates a freedom or encouragement for the physician to take positive steps to end life." Msgr. McHugh said that tho Florida physician, Sackett, "sees the 'Living Will' as the first step toward a 'major change in American law.' Following close behind will be permission for next of kin to execute the living will. And finally, permission of two doctors to execute the living will, at which point we can expect a shift in criteria from compassion for the patient to socio-economic ,}ustifkations." Behind the "Death with Dignity" proposals, Msgr. McHugh UNIVERSITY HOST: Students at SMU in North Dartmouth hosted youngsters from said, is the quality of life ethic, Nazareth Hall in Fail River. SMU student Margaret Harding, far left, speaks with children under which the lives of certain persons are considered as of in- in company with SMU head resident student, Manuel Carreiro, far right. ferior quality because of some defect or disadvantage, or because of the burden that such persons place on others, or because WASHINGTON (NC)-"I think "most heartening" the "over- ous forms of aid to nonpublic is is deemed too costly for sociewhelming endorsement" of Cath- -schools. to prov1de care and sustenance they're here forever." Since then, Catholic parents This opinion of the future of olic schools by Catholic parents to keep such persons alive." Msgr. McHugh contended that c;atholic schools might be con- after the U. S. Supreme Court "have said they did want them the basic principle concerning sidered the expression of bias, decisions last June ruling uncon- (the schools)," he said. the use of ordinary means of coming from Norbertine Father stitutional state laws given vari-Suggests Central Fund prolonging life, which must be C. Albert Koob, who is leaving But, he said, Cathol,ics "have used even if there is no hope of his post as president of the recovery, and extraordinary National Catholic Educational to come up with new and better plans forf.inancing the schools. means, which need not be used Association (NCEA) at the end Unless you have a central fund when recovery is no longer pos- of June. But then Father Koob \ sible, "must be constantly re- knows the shortcomings of CathMIAMI (NC)' - The Florida with scholarships for the poor, examined, especially in light of olic schools and has had wide bishops have condemned slum you're running a series of unrenot a system." _ scientifict discoveries, achieve- experience in Catholic education. housing in another installment in 'Iated schools, I ments in surgical procedures and Pl'ior to becoming associate a series of statements on social Father Koob said that one diodevelopments in medical tech- , secretary of the NCEA 'secondary problems. cese in the south puts the entire nology. This principle is work- school department in 1961, he The joint statements were amount from the annual coIlecable, and must be continuously had served for 19 years in the signed by Archbishop Coleman tion for the Indian and Negro adapted to the changing circum- Philadelphia archdiocesan sec- CarroIl of Miami, and Bishops assembly of the Federation of stances of modern living." ondary school system, including Paul Tanner of St. Augustine, black children, and that f.ive or Msgr. McHugh suggested the seven years as pl'incipal of Charles B. McLaughlin of St. six other dioceses, ,including the Bishop Neumann High School. Petersburg, William D. Borders Detroit archdiocese, are considfollowing conclusions: -"Society should go slowly During his service at NCEA, of of Orlando and Auxiliary Bish- ering such a step. in establishing death-with-dignity which he became president in op Rene Gracide of Miami. He suggested the possibility Noting that a person is stronglaws, because a great deal more '1967, he has traveIled throughof a. national coIlection once a out the United States and talked ly influenced by the neighborhood is risked than achieved." to hundreds of Catholic school in which he grew up, the bishops year for Catholic education, sim-The patient has the primary teachers and administrators. said that slums have virtually ilar to that taken up for The right to decide when to cease the same effects on human per- CathoHc University of America The slight, bespectacled priest, using extraordinary means to pro'here. "Then you could take the sonalitiesas prisons. long life. Physicians, clergy, "raised in the slums of Philadel"Thus the Church in Florida ex- money and invest it," he 'said; . family and friends should assist phia," whose dark hair belies his noting, however, that there the patient in making the deci- 53 years, reflected on his years presses its concern for the avail- would be opposition because "it cision 'and should help the pa- at NCEA and on Catholic educa- ability and the condition of ta'kes away local control from past, present and future in his housing for the poor, for young tient in the dying process. families, for the. aged," the bish- the bishops." spacious office here. -The physician should not "You can't run schools any ops' statement said. "We urged make the decision about proParents' Endorsement the state of Florida to take a longer on tuition," Father Koob longing life alone and should emphasized. "If ,it pays 40 per The office has a "wailing more active and aggressive role take a conservative approach in cent of the biU, you're lucky." in attending to these problems." applying the principles to路 the waIl," he pointed out, one dark The bishops suggested that orange wall with a black ohestindividual case. height shelf to lean on "when the state provide more funds for -There shoul1d be a concerted you're feeling down." housing projects and that it effort on the part of- the entire adopt statewide building codes. PLUMBING & HEATING, INC. Father Koob has had many staff of the Catholic hospital Previously, the bishops of Sales and Service "to help the dying patient and "down" moments since a 35-foot for Domestic ~ his or her family understand fall through a sidewalk grating Florida have issued statements and Industrial ~ death in terms of the resurrec- in October, 1972. He avoids pub- on abortion, euthanasia, and the Oil Burners tion. The Catholic hospital should lic speaking, he said, because of plight of migrant farm workers. 995-1631 The bishops are .also scheduled also provide some understanding difficulty in standing in one 2283 ACUSHNET AVENUE to issue a statement on criminal of human suffering as associated place for an extended period. NEW BEDFORD Father Koob said he found justice. with the suffering of Christ."


Hospita I Opposes Abortion Drug BO~TON (NC)-The, medical staff of St. Elizabeth's Hospital, Boston's largest Catholic health institution, has urged the hospital to boycott Upjohn Company products because the company produces Prostoglandin F2 Alpha, an abortion-inducing drug. More of the nation's 800 Catholic hospitals may follow the lead of St. Elizabeth's, NC News learned. The boycott resolution was passed unanimously at a regular meeting of the 400-member medical staff. It was forwarded to the hospital's board of directors for consideration at their next meeting in mid-March. If the board adopts the resolution as hospital policy, the hospital administrators and pharmacists will be told "to neither order nor dispense Upjohn products wherever a generically equivalent preparation is available." Upjohn Company, one of the nation's largest pharmaceutical firms, .is the sole American producer and distributor of Prostoglandin F2 Alpha (PG-F2). The drug, a hormone that is injected into the amniotic sac of a pregnant woman, induces labor. The New York Times reported an Upjohn spokesman as saying that Upjohn has taken no stand on the use of the drug to induce abortion. The Times reported the spokesman as saying that the drug has other possible uses besides the abortifacient (abortionproducing) one.

Says Catholic Schools H.ere Forever


Pope Paul Mourns' Pompidou's Death VATICAN CITY (NC)-Pope Paul VI has mourned the death of France's President Georges Pompidou, who succumbed April 2 to a long illness believed to be cancer of the bone marrow. Pope Paul, after finishing his general audience address April 3 spoke in French to lament the news of Pompidou's death.

Bishops Condemn Slum Housing


The Pope recalled that President Pompidou had visited in the Vatican and said he had already sent a message of condoience to the people of France, adding: "We have already prayed for the soul of the deceased president."


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Asks Congress Approve Loan

THE ANCHORThurs., Aprjf' 11, 1974

S'ays Sociol'ogy Replaced F'act In ,Decisiora WASHINGTON ~~~C) - The Supreme Court in its 1973 abortion decision~ denied scientific facts pointing to when life begins and substituted sociological and subjective justifications, Sen. James 1. Buckley of New York charged in testimony before the Senate subco~mittee on constitutional amen~ments. Appearing as lead-off witness on behalf of his proposed anti· abortion amendment to the Constitution, the Conservative-Repulican senator also charged that proponents of liberalized abor- tion laws have obscured in pub· Iic discussions crucial facts "concerning what, or rather who, it is that is killed during an abor· tion." '. FORESTERS CONTRIBUTE: John Cardinal Cody of Chicago accepts check from ofBuckley, whose amendment ficials of Catholic Order of Foresters during conference on plans for 1975 Holy Year. From w0uld ban abortion in almost all cases and also ,protec,t against left, Earl P. Duffy, high treasurer of fraternal organization; ~ouis E. Car.on, high ch~er euthanasia a'nd infanticide, was ranger; Cardin~l Cody, high spiritual director of Foresters; Richard T. Tobm, board chairfollowed I:>Y six other witne3ses, including Sen. Jesse Helms (R- man; Paul H. La Montagne, former resident of Fall River, high secretary..Foresters, founded N.C.) and Rep. John M. Zwach in Chicago in 1883, is second largest Catholic fraternal insurance SOCiety. (RJMinn.) who are co-sponsoring another, more restrictive antiabortion amendment. Buckley's arguments were countered by former Alaska Sen. MILWAUKEE (NC)-The legal Many defenders of President must be given to a person acErnest Gruening, Rep. Donald and moral grounds for impeach- - Nixon 'are insisting, Father Dri- ,cused of a statutory crime." M. Fraser (D-Minn.) and· Rep. ment stem from the teachings nan pointed out,' that the Pres-, Historically, the English ParBella Abzug (N-N.Y.), who said of Judaism and Christjanity, ac-'ident cannot be impeached bethat liberalization of abortion cording· to Jesuit Father Robert I cause he has not committed a Ii~ment developed. the .impeachabortion laws has resulted in F. Drinan a member of the U. S. ' 'specific indictable crime. And ment process ,to exercise some lower 'maternal mortalIty rates , House .of' Representatives from Americans have long been taught control over the king's power, Father Drinan explained.. It and safer abortion procedures. Massachusetts. that Anglo-American law re- originated, in 1341 wh~n the king Both Rep. Fraser lind Abzug ,Speaking at ~"symposium quires tI:tat punishment ,be han~­ compared attempts to curb 'abor- sp'ons'ored by the ,poiitical sci- ed out pursuant to. a si>E(cific a!1c! and Parliament decided the, king's ministers were to, a~s~qr tions to the ill-fated "noble ex- E!nce departm.ent of Jesuit-run carefully worded ,st~tt:lte. to Parliament for their misdeeds: periment" of Prohibition, Abor- Marquette ,University, ,here, tions, whether legal or not, will Father Drinan, a Democrat, said: Abuse of Power Originated in 1341 continue, they claimed "Impeachment is designed not The key to the definition of Value of Life, But impeachment' procceds to measure the conduct of pubimpeachment, he said, involved on the assumption, the -former lic men by the yardstick of crimBuckley told the .subcommitthe abuse - of offici~l power or tee, chaired by Sen. Birch Bayh inal statute Jr a civil ordin'ance. dean of the Boston College law the betrayal of public trust. "Impeachment is the process school added, that ",the abuse ~f (D-Ind.), that the traditional Misconduct was des c l' i bed Judea-Christian ethic' emphasiz- available to.' the' people to re- power· is so detrimEmtal to, so-. ,as "tyrann'ical" or "corrupt'! or 'ing the intrinsic worth and equal move a' public off.icial when he ciety that the removal of the "subversive" of the rights of the, vlllue of every human life regard, has committed offenses of omis- individual who has violated his Parliament and the people. :ess of its state or condition was sion' or comrrlission not contr~ry 'trust can be brought about by During the first 400 years of to the law of the land but~o the the people, without all the forbeing replaced by a "q4alily-ofmalities of due process which England's· use of the process, life" ethic. The new ethic, he morality of the country." English law did not punish the charged, plllces .relative value official except to remove him on human life "for the sake of from office. This practice, he environmental, social, or ecosaid, indicates that the grounds nomic concerns." for impeachment did not rely on He said that "unbo:rnchildren offenses against 'statutes which lNDIANAPOLIS (NC)-Cathdioceses surveyed, 133 said they maybe only the first class of would have been punishable by human' beings who may not pass , olic dioceses in the United States have a "workingn31ationship" fine or imprisonment, but rather make much greater use of newswith local radio stations and muster under the new ethic." on the tenet that the people had Buckley's proposed amendment papers than of radio and televi- , 126 said they had such a rela-, ' the right to remove public offision in their communications actionship with llocal -television was designed, he said, to protect cials who had 'committed no, not only the unborn but also tivities, a survey released here stations. ' crime. indicates. Most of the dioceses, 117, said any human being "irrespective In the U., S. the executive does of age, health, funation or conThe survey of mass commulli- their relatinonship with the secdition of dependency.~· cation in 162 of the 164 dioceses -ular press was either excellent, not attain his office by the in the United States was ,con- or good. Twenty-six described divine right of kings. Yet, Father ducted during January and Feb- the relationship as fa,ir, eight as Drinan pointed out, the authors Conference' Names ruary, 1974, by UNDA-USA, a poor and three said they have no of the Constitution included the, remedy of ·impeachment. national Catholic association for relationship. Migrant/ SpecilCilist \ 'broadcasters arid allied commuWASHINGTON (NC)-5tephen Solis has been named migrant, nicators, to aid the U. S. bishops, specialist in t,he U. S. Catholic in their study of communicaConference's, division for the tions at ·their regional meetings Spanish-speaking, it was an- this spring. nounced' here. The post'is a new Of the 162 diocese, 136 are ,one, created to meet the special • served by Catholic newspapers needs of migrant farm workers and 120 publi5'h their own news(OMPLETE HEATING SYSTEMS and their families. papers. Slightly more than half SALES & INSTALLATIOJlS Solis, 30, previously worked the dioceses, 84, have communi· for Executive Systems Corpor- cations offices, some of which ation, where he was responsible handles both news and broad24 for providing manpower training casting. Only 31 have television HOUR SERVICE and technical assistance to 44 and radio offices. 465 NORTH FRONT ST" migrant programs sponsored by An average of seven persons NEW BEDFORD the U. S. Department of Labor's are employed full-time in dioc-, migrant division. esannewspaper activities in the

Sees' Moral Grounds for,



i ·

Survey, Shows Newspapers Big In Catholic Communications Field.

O~ Co.,


WASHINGTON (NC) - The former general secretary of the World Council of Churches has asked Congress to approve a $1.5 billion U. S. loan to benefit countries now facing "grave food shortages and, in some cases, famine.'" , The Rev: Eugene Carson Blake told the Senate Foreign Relations Committee that the proposed $1.5 billion loan which the Nixon Administration pledged to the International Development Association (IDA), the "soft loan"window of the World Bank, would ease the "marginal, subsistencelevel productiv,ity of almost a billion of the earth's poorest rural dwellers." The House of Representatives rejected authorization for the loan in 'January. An attempt is underway in the Senate to revive the measure. Dr. Blake told the committee that IDA assistance "will en; able poor people in some of the poorest countries to participate in self-help programs, and specifically recognizes that development efforts that simply boost the GNP (Gross National Prod· uct) have served mainly to widen the gap between the 'haves' and the 'have nots.'"

Bishops Reaffirm Abortion Position PARIS (NC)-The permanent council of the French B'ishops' Conference has restated itsposi. tion on abortion in anticipation of the debate that is to begin',in parliament April 16 on prop.6~ed 8hange,~ ,ir'i~J;a~c~<s,.~~9~n tlOn laws. , 1'1~' 0 ; ! ."I'r,(.I';'''oqO)1 I.) . ,_ . . '~Th,~)!fe Rf; ~,~~ f,l,'iil~}.nu~trTP~ a!! "respected from. ,the ,m9:m!'!l1t. of its conception. as ,after it~, birth;'" the permane!1t council said in a statement after a recent meeting 'here. "We realize the dramas of conscience that cases of extreme distress can present," the bishops said. "The legislator cannot ignore them. Nevertheless, 'the problem is not primarily a crim, inal one. , "A law respectful of human life, of the dignity of the woman, of the responsibility of the couple; must before all affirm and guarantee that the jnalienable right of every mother to give birth to her child protected from all pressure. .1.





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T.HE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Apr. 11, 1974

Exhortation on Marian Devotion Is Up-to-Date Pope Paul's recent apostolic exhortation, "Marialis Cultus" (Marian Devotion) is a thoroughly modern document in the sense that it speaks meaningfully to the people of today in today's language, not the ou.tmoded language of a bygope era. Though this The New York Times reports is true of the entire 17,000from Rome that this, the soword document, the key called "women's lib" section of passage on "the way women the Apostolic Letter, was writlive today" (paragraphs 34-38) is notably up-to-date in terms of content as well as style. This section of the document says

ten by the Pope himself. If this be so, the Holy Father might have taken his lead from something that St. Therese of Lisieux said, before he was horn, about .1.1II_:illiiiilrnilm_m:Wl:mlif true atld false devotion to the Blessed Mother. St. Therese was By born and raised at a period in' French ecclesiastical history MSGR. characterized by a sugary and rather sentimental kind of MarGEORGE G. ian devotio·n. It ,is all the more surprising, then, as one of her HIGGINS biographers has pointed out, to see how ori.ginal and fresh her II 11111111111 own conception of the Blessed that "the picture of the Blessed Mother was. "All the sermons I have heard Virgin presented in .a certain type of devotional literature can on Mary have left me unmoved," not easily ,be reconciled with she said at the end of her life. today's life style, especially with "How I wish I had been a priest, the way women live today." In .lobe able to preach on the other words, there is a "discrep- Blessed V,irgin! , .. For a sermon' ancy existing between some as- on the Blessed Virgin to bear pects of this (Marian) devotion fruit, it would have had to show and modern anthropological dis- her real life, which the Gospel coveries and the profound gives hints about, and not an changes which have occurred in imaginary life; .. Yet we can the psycho-sociological field in well guess that her life, in Nazwhich modern man lives and areth and later, must have been very ordinary ... We know well works. Noting with approval the gains enough that the Blessed Virgin that women have made in is Queen of Heaven and Earth. achieving equality and co- But she is more Mother than responsibility not only in the Queen, and no one should try to family but dn social, economic, persuade people, as I have often cultural and political life as well, heard, that because of her virthe Pope calls upon bishops, tues she outshines and as it pastors, and the faithful them-' were extinguishes the glory of selves to examine this problem, all the saints as the rising sun this discrepancy, with due care. makes the stars disappear. Good' To this end he urges them to God, how strange that would be pay careful attention to the find" St. Therese concluded her exings of the human sciences with a view to showing how Mary asperated criticism of the Mariol·' can be considered "a mirror of ogy of her own day by saying the expectations of the men and that "if in listening to a sermon on the Blessed Virgin we are women of our times." forced from beginning to end to Exemplary Role Making his own contribution gasp with amazement-nothing to the dialogue, in the form of a but ahs and ohs-we soon have "few observations," the Holy enough of it, and that leads Father says that the gains which neither to love nor imitation." Imitate Her Life women have made in terms of equality and co-responsibility Like St. Therese, Pope Paul have not lessened Mary's exem- ,wants us not to gasp with plary role in the life of the amazement at the virtues of the Church. He points out that she Blessed Mother, but to imitate has always been proposed to the her life of faith, hope and charfaithful by the Church "as an ity in terms of today's problems, example to be imitated not pre- challenges and aspirations. She' cisely in the type of life she led, is, for him, the perfect model and much less for the socio- of the disciple of the Lord "who cultural background in which builds up the earthly and temshe lived and which today poral city while being a diligent scarcely exists anywhere." pilgrim towards the heavenly Quotes St. Therese and eternal city, the disciple who Rather Mary is considered an works for that justice which sets example for th~ way in which free the oppressed and for that "she fully and responsibly ac- charity which assists the needy cepted the will of God ...and " acted on it and because charity While Pope Paul, in emphaand a spirit of service were the ,sizing this point, probably driving force of her action." In doesn't go as far as some people developing this theme, ,Pope Paul in the women's lib movement stresses the fact that Mary was might have - wanted him to go, not "a timidly submissive wom- his apostolic letter does reprean or one whose piety was re- sent a significant step in the pellent to others" but was "a direction in which the more realwoman who did not hestitate to istic leaders of the movement are proclaim that God vindicates the trying to lead us. humble and the oppressed and Obviously we still have a long removes the powerful people of way to go. Just how far can be this world from their privileged judged by reading a new book positions." by the distinguished French·

STILL A RARITY: ~ national communications survey shows that diocesan involvement in television facilities such as this in New Orleans is still relatively rare. Of 162 dioceses, only 31 had radio and television offices although'136 were served by diocesan newspapers. In New Orleans, Allan Jacobs, right, is head of the new Province Commicalions Center which reaches 45 radio and nine television stations. NC Photo.

Cites Importance of Communications CINCINNATI (NC) - "The Church is about communication. The Church is for communication that leads to union between God and man and between man and his brothers." . W.ith these words, Franciscan Father Agnellus Andrew, pres-ident of UNDA, the International Catholic Association for Radio and Television, emphasized the importance that the Church now places on the use of the media of communications. Father Andrew and Archbishop Joseph L. Bernardin of Cincinnati, chairman of the Communi~ cations Committee of the U. S. Catholic Conference, were interviewed on the ABC-TV program Directions. Archbishop Bernardin explained that, fn discussing the communications media as instruments for evangelization, the U. S. bishops are not thinking in terms of winning converts, but are "using evangelization in a

broader way, in the sense of proclaiming Christ and the Gospel to everyone; Catholics included," "There's nothing in -if for us,". the arohbishop added. "It's a matter of sha,ring something that has been given to us," . The relative novelty of the Church's use of ,the media, Father Andrew said, is partially due . to the slowness of the Church to change, "an instinct that stops it from leaping ahead,'~

But, he also said, "bhe media haven't wanted the Church too much. It taltestime for the media to realize that the Ohurch is not there to sell something for its own advantage." Conceding that Church officials in the past "were a little more secretive than we should have been," Archbishop Bernardin said that they "now have a better understanding of ·the reo sponsibility to provide people with information,"

Two Ohio Bishops Trade Pulpits

Among the steps that have been taken in the Ohurch to pro· vi.de people with information, the archbishop pointed to the practice initiated by the U. S. bishops several years ago of admitting the press to their annual meetings and to ,efforts being made at the local level "to let people know what's going on in the Church."

American theologian, Fr. George Tavard, entitled "Woman in Christian Tradition" (University of Notre Dame Press). Father Tavard, after carefully examining all the evidence from Scripture· and Tradition, concludes that "all ecclesiastical disabil· ities of women should now be raised, that all women should be admitted to all sacraments and to all positions of authority, ministry and service. The freedom of the Christian, imparted to all in baptism, should remove all manmade barriers between human beings." . Those are admittedly strong words, but the burden of proof belongs not to Father Tavard but to those who disagree with him. . ( © 1~74 NC News Service )

According to the Catholic Exponent, Youngstown's diocesan newspaper, the .occasion marked the second time this year that Bishop Malone has been involved in an ecumenical pulpit exchange. Earlier this year, the paper s~id, he traded pulpits with Episcopal Bishop of Ohio John Burt to mark the annual Week of Prayer for Christ.i'an Unity.

CANTON (NC) - A Catholic bishop and a Methodist bishop exchanged pulpits at liturgical services here March 31. Methodist Bishop Francis Kearns of the Ohio East Area United Methodist Church preached at St. John Catholic Church" while Bishop James Malone of Youngstown preached at the United Methodist Church of the Savior.

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THE- ANCHOR-,Diocese of Fall River...,.Thurs, Apr. 11, 197,41

The Parish' Parade

Questions and controversy swirl about the Catholic priesthood today. Why have so many priests .left? ''Yhat" about the future, given the reduced enrollment m semmaries? What is the essence of the, priesthood? The present I situation has prompted' Fahe t!ommunicate to the theolother Charles R. Meyer, of gian the questions which, the the faculty of St. Mary of people in the parish are asking, the Lake Seminary, Munde- so that the theologian may come lein, Illinois, to write Man of God: A Study of the Priesthood (Doubleday, 277 Park Ave., New York, N, Y. 10017. $5.95). __.m]JliilJlllIIl




to grips with these. DiversIty of Ministries , Father Meyer conceives the priesthood of today as one mission w.ith a diversity of ministries. This diversity is necessary to cope with the various manifestations of the modern spirit. He is especially acute in describing these manifestations. It is with them that the priest must' effectively cope. He must be I able to put himself in the place of those to whom he, would minister. This book is conducive to rigabout the orous thinking priesthood. The respective arguments of the several chapters are straightforwardly. 'made. That they rest on extensive reading is obvious from the lengthy bibliography. The book does not commandautomatic or entire agreement. Its merit consists in its stimulus ·to' reflection and discussion. Taped Monologues Another new book, These Priests Stay (Simon and Schuster, 630 Fifth Ave., New York, N.Y. 10020. $6.95), is presented as "by Paul Wilkes." Most of its 250 pages are given to taped monologues by 10 priests. There is an introduction to the book by Mr. Wilkes, as well as a special introduction for each of the firstperson recitals. He is compiler and editor only. Eight of the priests, including Bishop Thomas Gumbleton, an Auxiliary Bishop of Detroit, are ,identified; two appear under pseudonyms. All have at one time or another thought of leaving 'the pI1iesthood. Why? ,All have stayed.' Why~ The answer to both', queries are as different as the personal histories of the priests involved. Each "tells his life story, with special attention to how he came to the priesthood and what were his experiences in the priesthood. The distul1bing experiences are generally 'related to the arbitrary exercise of authority, the emphasis 'on institutioniilconsiderations at the expense of personal considerations, the disregard of humanity and humaneness, the failure to recognize and respond to Ohristian obligation in concrete social conditions,

"Perhaps the most telling problem with the priesthood today js the loss of perception of its own identity," Father Meyer obserVes. "Just what is a priest supposed to do today? What makes him different from a good Catholic layman?" 'Personal Agent' The priest, he says, "is the personal agent of Christ's sacerdotal power inasmuch as it is possessed by the Church ... The essence of the priesthood resided in a very simple rea:'.ity: the empowering of, a member of the Church officially to represent it vis-a-vis the priestly charism imparted to it by the will of Christ." A distinction must be drawn between the common priesthood ,of the laity and the ministerial or official priesthood. There is a difference not merely of degree but also of essence. Moreover, the ministerial priest is not just a delegate of the Christian community. "The priest receives his charism, which is a participation in the Church's own, through the medium and ministration of those who already possess it.;' Christ,' according to Father Meyer, had a twofoid task as priest. The first had to do with the paschal mystery, reconciling sinful men with God and uniting them with God and one another in love. The ,second had to do with the pentecostal mystery, the mystery of the coming and indwelling of the Holy Spirit, God's abiding gift to men. Twofold Task This twofold task :is also that, of the priest today. He performs ,jt ,in 'a contemporary setting Power of. .Prayer and with, relevance to present circumstances and needs. He is The two pseudonymous contrian apostle to the modern world, butions verge on the preposterto modern man. ous. One is by a man who seems But Father Meyer cautions to be suffering from serious emoagainst a concept of 'profession- tional illness. The other is by a alism which has many advocates. man who touts the profound "If today's priest is regarded as . spiritual benefit of sexual pro' a professional," he says, "it will' miscuity. not' be merely because of the Despite its faults, this book clinical programs he has partic- has value. It shows meri strugipated in; it will be because of gling in a crisis, suffering, his knowledge and use of theol- tempted to renounce a commitogy." ment, but eventually. staying It is essential that the priest with it. They came to see the continue his theological educa- unique value in their priesthood. tion. It ,is 'no less essential that They perceived fallacies in their

SS. PETER AND PAUL, FALL RIVER A public whist' will be sponsored by the Women's Club at 1:30 P.M. Monday, April 15 in the sohool basement at 240 Dover St. Mrs. Arthur Duffy, ST. ANNE, chairman, will be' assisted by NEW BEDFORD Mrs. Edward Johnson, co-chairA SpI1ingfest dance .will be man. held at the school hall from 8 Sr. JOHN, to midnight, Saturday, April 20, AITLEBORO with music bY the DeutschCub Pack 4 will sponsor a meister German ~and. German whist and b~idge party at 8 Refreshments will be served. o'clock on Friday night, AprH 19 Reservatlions may be made with in the .school hall on Hodges 'Mrs. Raymond Jacques, ticket Ave. chairman, telephone 997-4265. Raffles and prizes along with Proceeds will benefit the parish free refreshments will be offered. school. Donation is 99c. The 8:30 Mass on Easter Sun-, ST. MARY, day morning will bea Family NEW BEDFORD Mass stresgjng the theme "We The Women's Guild will preAre Risen People". Symbolic ex- sent "Showtime '74" at 8 P.M. pressions of new Ufe will be Saturday, April 27 and Sunday, featured. All are invited. April 28. Tkkets will be availFa'ther Pat and his folk group able at the door or may be refrom La Salette. will give, a con- served by calling Rita Lizotte, cert at 7 o'clock on Sunday telephone 995-1972 or Theresa night, May 5 in the school hall Martin, 995-5997. on Brock Ave. Admission for OUR LADY OF MT. CARMEL, aduits will be $1.50 and for NEW BEDFORD children 75c. An Easter pageant will be presented by parishioners at 7:30 ST. PATRICK, P.M. Saturday and Sunday, April WAREHAM 20 and 21, in the school auditoWith St. Rita's parish. Marion, rium on Rivet Street. Tickets St. Paatrick's will co-sponsor an will be available at the door or • open meeting presenting the may be purchased after Masses Birthright program at 8 P.M. this weekend and next weekend. Monday, April 15 in St. Patrick's hall. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Baker Expel Missionaries· and MTs. Claire Loranger will show a film and lead a discusFrom Mozambique, sion session ,on' the project, alNAMPULA (NC)-Six Italian reaoy active in several parts of Combonian Fathers accused of the diocese, which extends aid supporting black g~errillas in to women with problem pregnanthi~ Port!Jg,~e~e .A,tr~~ap:J.~rrjt9!~I cies. • have been expelled by ~he gov,; The Marion committee plan- ernment. . ning the event is headed by Mrs. Bishop Manuel Vieira Pinto of Robert Demeo and the Wareham Nampula was reported to have committee IS headed by, Mrs. been physically attacked by a Robert Cooney. . number of persons at the airport when he saw the missionaries ST. JOSEPH, off. AITLEBORO A group of missionaries in the The Attleboro area CYO ban- Nampula diocese - including quet will be held at St. Joseph's Combonian Fathers - had sent. hall at 7 P.M. Monday, April 29. the Mozambique bishops stateGuest speaker will be James ments critical of Portuguese Adams, basketball coach at rule in the territory and asking 'Providence College. Reservations for guidance. may be made through Monday, In late March about a thousand demonstrators gathered in April 15 at telephone 222-0995. Lourenzo Marqu~s, the capital of the territory, accusing the ST. GEORGE, missionaries of treason and of WESTPORT being in . contact' with the Rabbi' Norbert Weinberg will Mozambique Liberation Front speak at a communion breakfast (FRELIMO). Police finally had to to be held at Holiday Inn, Hath- disperse the mob. away Road, New Bedford, at 10 A.M. Sunday, April 21, by t.he Women's Guild. The event. will follow attendance' 'at 8:45 A.M. Mass by guild members. ONE STOP Tickets are .available from SHOPPING CENTER Joseph Mendes for the parish's • Television • Grocery annual variety show, to be held • Appliances • Furniture Saturday and Sunday, May 4 and 5 at Westport High School.' 104 Allen St., New Bedford Theme for this year is "Interna997-9354 tional Review." Publicity chairmen of parish organizations Ire asked to submit news items for this column to The Anch'or, P. O. Box 7, Fall River 02722. Name of city or town should be Included, as well as full dates of all activities. Please send news of future rather than past events.

Book Sti'mulates Rigorous Thinking 'About Priesthood,

PROVINCIAL: Sis t e r Rafter is the first provincial of the new Sacted Heart Province of the Sisters of Providence of St. Mary of the Woods, Indiana. NC Photo.


Urges Controls On Strip M,ining WASHINGTON (NC)-"Appalachia is in a very critical state. It could be in its last hour, but it may be its finest hour." That was the reaction of Bishop Ernest L. Unterkoefler of Charleston, S. C., to an ecumenical meeting on strip mining and the energy crisis which' he and several other Catholics attended in Wise County in southwest Virginia. According to Bishop Unterkoefler, Appalachia could be in -its finest hour since, "the churches are gathering together personnel with experience,' competence and sensitivity to hear out the entire problem of Appalachia, especially the strip mining issue." Such cooperation, the bishop said, could considerably alleviate the "very aggravated plight" 'of the Appalachian pe.opie. Participants from about 11 denominations, meeting in the heart of the Appala<:hian region, urged Congress to pass strictly enforced legislation regarding reclamation of strip mined lands, protection of the rights of landowners and equalization of the costs of deep mining and strip mining through taxation to en,courage underground mining development. All but the .last provision are included in a Senatepassed' measure. House action, delayed by controversy surrounding the energy crisis is continuing on a similar bill. .""""''''''I'''III''''''II'''''''''lIIlUUmUlllIUIl''III''''lIlUItlI~nrltllll"mu","""""''''.

complaints and their rationalizations. Again and again there is reference to prayer and Wihat it did for them. There are .readers who will find this book uhsettling, if not scandalous. But prescinding from the portions which evidence fundamental disorder in the speakers, one has to credit it with, honesty 'and with the merit 'of encouraging a realistic view of priests as human beings, hence requiring and deserving more generous consideration than is sometimes accOl:ded them.





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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Apr. 11, 1974


KNOW YOUR FAITH Relaxation and Religious Education



Relaxation It is a perfect time to reflect

RELAXAnON IS HUMAN: What could be more thoroughly human than playing and having fun? Children invent their own games on playground equipment at a site near Washington, D.C. and also make a game of getting their picture taken. NC Photo. mention of God's equally binding moral imperative to relax 'at times. We like to remember God's creative activity in making the universe but too easily forget his seventh-day example of rest and relaxation. The Judaeo.Christian tradition of Sabbath or Sunday rest bas long provided a religious context for working men and women to lay aside the week's labor in order to relax in the awareness of God's presence. I somet'imes think that God's call to rest, to be still, to relax is today one' of His most urgent moral imperatives for many persons of good will. Call of God We live in a world of increasing noise and tension. We move at a hectic pace under countless pressures. We also live in a world which affords more and more time for leisure. Yet often we are torn between the need or opportunity to relax and a

sense of guilt or uneasiness at taking time for relaxation. Some, of us, too, have never learned, or have forgotten, how to relax and make the most of the leisure time we have. As I sit here by the crackling fire, watching the sun steadily transform night into day, I am grateful for this rare opportunity to relax ,in the morning stillness. I am more clearly conscious of how important relaxation is for a healthy, happy life. I am more convinced than ever that we religious educators - whether parents, teachers, priests or religious - need to examine our 'catechesis and conscience formation. Those we teach have a right to recognize the call of' God to each of us to relax and learn to be still and peacefully creative. They have a right to learn of Jesus' enjoying a picnic with his friends as much as of Jesus whose work left him hardly time to' eat or sleep.

on the importance of relaxation in everyone's life, to recall the value of relaxation in our Judaeo-Christian tradition. My mind moves effortlessly to one of my favorite Gospel stories. You may recall the day Jesus' disciples came back after their first attempts at preaching. They were . enthusiastic about their initial success, but were weary from the work and excitement of the past days. Jesus, too, was tired. So he suggested that they all go off to a quiet place, have a picnic together, and relax. T.hat beauUful, human side of Jesus" personality is perhaps too little recalled in our religious education and preaching. Parents and teachers, priests and religious, tend to draw attention more easily to Jesus' tireless BLOOMINGTON (NC) - An general respect for human life." The archbishop also criticized work. His seemingly ceaseless ef- emphasis on "efficiency, expediforts to heal the sick, feed the ency and immediate satisfaction" a current overemphasis on perhungry, and preach His Father',s has caused man to lose sight of .sonal fulfillment, profit-seeking, Word. We are all aware that ultimate moral demands, Arch- government secrecy, and national Jesus stole moments away from bishop Joseph L. Bernardin told defense. "An overemphasis on personal work to go off alone into the an interreligious consultation hills or desert to pray. But we on the decline of public morality: self-fulfillment," he said, "seriperhaps ,too seldom recall 'that This "moral short-sightedness" ously erodes the stability of famHe also took time out just to has become "the basic ethical ily life, as is evidenced in an relax. problem of our times," the Cin- alarmingly high divorce rate." The profit motive, a "proven Likewise, our Christian moral cinnati archbishop told the meetinstruction clearly points out ing at Indiana University, Bloom- incentive" which can bring "increased well-being to many peoGod's call or command to work ingtoIl. hard, to involve ourselves reAs examples of moral short- pIe," Archbishop Bernardin said, sponsibly in creating a better sightedness he cited abortion and but it also can "lead companies world. We recognize, even if we . euthanasia, which he said "are to conduct their business without sometimes fail to live up to our posed as efficient answers to regard for the hum.anity of their Christian calling to be creative, certain very real personal prob- employees, for the proper development and conservation of the productive, in accord with' the lems." ~s God has given IIlh HowBut such "solutions," he sai4 world's resources or for society is often t.. Uttle "are ,~"'" n~ the expense ~ itself."

Prelate Says Moral Goals Lost In Emphasis on Efficiency


... -.re "

The Need for Leisure Time

promises to produce some good effect, even if that good effect is nothing more than one's rescue from dehumanizing idleness. But there are kinds of work which are every bit as dehumanizing as the worst sort of idleness because of their dullness, monotony, or purely mechanical nature. And just about everybody agrees that whenever work of this sort is necessary, those who must do it ought to be provided with opportunities and means to minimize and counteract the dehumanizing effects of By their work. For a Christian, the ultimate FR. BRENDAN end of all human activity is the same as the last end of man McGRATH himself, which is eternal loving union with God. Bringing this down to more immediate per· spectives, is simply means that What is the work ethic? It is whatever we do is really good simply the notion or conviction, Turn to Page Fourteen that work is in itself good and that anyone who does not work is on that very account to be African Drought condemned as lazy, idle, unpro- Affects Millions ductive, a parasite. In other WASHINGTON (NC)-Drought words, there is something at spreading among African counleast faintly disreputable about tries has touched about 25 milthe enjoyment of leisure. Our qua:rel with this work lion people, with one in four now facing starvation, an official ethic - at least as it has just of Catholic Relief Services (CRS) been defined - is not on the ground that work is not good, told a congressional hearing. Msgr. Wilson Kaiser, African for it would be absurd to say that work is bad in itself. With- regional director for the U. S. out a doubt it can be very good Catholic overseas aid agency, indeed, even in spite of certain said that the crisis in the Sahelia unpleasant or disagreeable fea- area of West Africa is the most tures that may characterize it. extreme example of mass migra~ tion problems facing many AfriContribution to Humanization can nations. In addition to This is where we part comdrought, he said, Africans are pany with the advocates of the moving as a result of political work ethic. We maintain, conpersecutions and because they sistent with the mainstream of lack the essentials for farming. Christian tradition, that work is A hearing on the drought connot good in itself, or nothing at all is good in itself except God. ducted by the Senate subcommitWhatever we rightly call good tees on health and refugees was is good only insofar as it is one of several events which brought representatives of pri· directed to a good end. vate and public aid agencies to ,~ So it is with work, or the enjoyment of leisure. It is positive- Washington to discuss what help ly good whenever it at least has been given from the original affected Sahelia countries of Senegal, Meuretania, Upper Ecumenical Service Volta, Mali Chad and Niger to a TORONTO (NC)-The first ec- wider belt of lands. Emergency umenical religious service in sup- aid is needed for 50,000 people port of the United Farm Work- in Sudan, he said. In two Keny ers of America was staged here provinces crop failures of 80 to ... by priests. nuns and Protestant 100 per cent have been reported ministers. A delegation of clergy and about 60 per cent of Kendelivered· a letter to the prov- yans in the northeast section of ince's largest food store chain the country require outside help asking its support in the boycott. to prevent widespread famine . In the last few years we have been hearing a great deal about what is call€~d "the work ethic." Often it is specified as "the Protestant work ethic," But whether there is anything distinctly Protestant about it need not claim our attention here, particularly since there seems to be any number of people from all sorts of religious backgroundsor none-who support this ethic.

It's 7:00 A.M. I'm sitting before a crackling fire, lool{ing out over the black Atlantic ocean. Gentle waves wash quietly ashore less than 50 yards from my window. Dawn's glow slowly reveals the waving golden weeds on the sandy beach and the white seagulls riding the gentle waves. Soft puffs of cloud turn gold~ as the sun's warm rays reach up over the horizon. A voiceless breeze brushes the smooth sand. It is so Galm, so still.

For me this is a rare moment -away from the noise and pollution of Washington, the tension of traffic tie-ups and long gas-station lineups, the nine-tofive office routine, and the ceaseless pressures of ever-recurring deadlines. As I relax here in the morning stillness beside the warm fire, it is easy to let tensions and worries ease away. It is a time to feel whole, in harmony with myself, with nature, with God.







THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River......Thurs. Apr. 11, 1974

Discuss Mission Trouble Spots .

,Replies· to Accusat,ion Of 'Wrliting Too Much' "Greeley, you write too much!" So wrote a biSh?pl, who claims to be a friend. It was not a new or. partIc- \ ularly original charge. r have h~ard it .fro~ cardi~als, university presidents, friends, enemIes, SOCIologISts, pnests, colleagues, complete strangers, ' I console myself with the and one cabinet member thought th~t those who complain I turned ambassador (he was that quantity and quali~y .are .in-) kidding). For many years I compatible rarely dlstmgulsh was baffled as to how to react. themselves by either ',characteriS-', ' My original response was serious., tic in their own work. I thought perhaps the self!Priest Who Writes anointed adviser had some speThe Book of Proverbs warns


cific comment to make about a particular product of mine which was of inferior qualit.y. But there was almost never a specific piece of bad writing.in mind. The critic was enunciating rather a 'general principle: quantity and quality are incompatible on a priority grounds. Indeed, some of the hierarchs who ventured their opinion did so on ,the basis of having read nothing that I wrote. They were repeating merely what they took to be a general and abstract truth. I then went through a number of years during whkh I quietly listened and thanked the commentator for his advice. More recently, however, I have mellowed and, as part of this new and more gende image, I respond when I'm told that Jl write too much, "So d'id Mozart, so does Agatha Christie." And that usually terminates the conversation.


Manual Published For Black Miraistry



us that even ,the fool will seem wise if he holds his tongue. Some Latin remarked si tacuisses, philosophus esses. Maybe if I shut my mouth more I would be defined as a serio'us sociologist (heaven knows it's bad enough to be a' plain sociologist. To be "serious" sociologist would be I unbearable). Alas, such a path I to wisdom and seriousness is no longer open 'to me. I don't define myself as a writer. I do not take my writing very seriously. I am a priest who writes. I am astonished that ,people read what I write. But as long as they do, I will write for them. When they stop readi~g me, I'll, keep on writng for myself. I'm not a writer but I HUMANIZING WORK: Just as work is truly good only like to write. It's hard work, but, it's fun, and I will do as much ,: insofar as it somehow contributes to the betterme~t of man, of it as I please-till that day so also leisure is well employed to the e.xtent that It does .the when it stops peing fun. Anyf BI h d II thing else would be false to the same thing. Seamstress Myrtle CU~I~ 0 an~ ar VI e, Spirit. Curtailing my output for Wis., combines work and leisure actIVity by saVing empty those dull clods who equate spools and scraps of material. She recently gave 3,242 of .quality with the absence of the spools to a state home for the retarded and a county quantity would be sinful. And I nursing home for use in craft therapy, and she ?onated· ~~a~;m:\~. sin I do no~propose '\ 20 barrels of scraps to church' women to make qUiltS and




"But you :should settle down : blankets. NC Photo. and concentrate on one thing!" I say my professional colleagues., To which I reply, "who says so? '

Th e

Where is itwrittel) in the law of God or mfln that the concentration on one thing is superior tp interest in' a wide variety of things?" Some people should concentrate because that is what they are most inclined to do. Others should diversify because that's what ,they're most -inclined to do. I'm in, the latter category", and I'm not a b out to c h~nge. Intends to Continue

PHILADELPHIA (NC) A black Carmelite nun and a black public school teacher with a long background of experience as a lay <:atechist. have written ' I do not imagine that before a handbook on the Catholic aposGod's judgment seat the charge tolate to the black community. of writing too much will he arEntitled "Black Religious gued very effectively. But I could Search: Manual for Urban Minbe charged with not using an istry," the bo.ok was p.ublished by the Confraternity of Christian ability because I was afraid of Doctrine-Religious Education Of- the complaints of those who are fice of the Philadelphia archdio- affronted by a susta,ined litercese. The 200-page book- written ary output: That would be a by Sister EIi:z:abeth Rosser and very serious charge indeed. If I Mary Lewis includes sectiolns were guilty of it, I can think of on the socio-psychological back- no effective defense. So I will ground of the black community, write what I want when I want programs and strategies for the and as long as I want. And apostolate to the black commu- 'those who don't like the' quannity, and specific suggestions for tity of my output are under no the presentation of the Church's' obligation to read it. In fact, if they want my advice about whflt dogmatic and moral teaching. Msgr. Raymond J. Teller, arch- directions they might travel, I diocesan CeD director, said he ' will cheerfully render that advice. The reader wHI excuse this believes the manual is the first such publication issued in the outburst, but it is good occaUnited 'States outlining a com- : sionally for a columnist to make plete program for the black clear to those admirable souls who read him regularly exactly apostolate. Sister Elizabeth has been as- where he stands. And, as another priest once sistant archidocesan director of CCD and Miss Lewis has been said, I can ~o no other. And I a CCD catechist and instructor won't. © 1974 Inter/Synndicate in teacher training programs.

e:e d For Leisure Time

lcontinued from Page Thirteen and useful to the extent that it \contributes to our humanization. Leisure II It is in this light that we ought to look upon 'our use of leisure. Just as work is truly good only insofar as it somehow contributes to the 'betterment of man, so also leisure is well em\PIOyed to the extent that it does the same thing. . The old Greek word tor leisure ~s "schole" from whch 'we derive bur word "school.'! This ought Ito suggesrsomething to us. Sure\y everyone will agree that any school's goodness is to be meas~red by the degree that those thO attend it can become in some human way better for hav. Ing done so" And so, that broad~r "school," which we call lei~llre, will be well used to the htent that it helps us to become inore nearly what we are meant to be 'as human beings. In the weeks to come we shall e turning our attention to some of the specific things that can .6ccupy our leisure, all of which .J..e shall consider in this same light of becoming more human. This is the same as saying that the image of God in which we are made .becomes more com~Iete and distinct. Hopefully, we shall be able to do this without a'dopting anything like that attitUde of grim determination to epgage only in those activities which contribute to self improve-

ment understood in a puritanical sense. For after all, what could be more ' thoroughly human than playing and having fun?

VATICAN CITY (NC) - Tribalism in Africa and political involvement by missionaries in many parts of the world were two of the problem areas discussed in the plenary meeting of the Congregation for the Evanthe gelization of Peoples, Church's prime agency for coordinating missionary work. The congregation met in the Vatican March 25·29 for the purpose of marshaling its input f<lr the upcoming session of the World Synod of Bishops, which will begin a study of evangelization. 'Bishop Edward O'~eara, head of the U. S. Society for the Propagation of the Faith and an adviser to the congregation, said in an ,interview in Roome that the meeting was the '''finest I have attended in years." Asked the reason for this, Bishop O'Meara replied: "The ocongregation has been striving to fulfill the mandate given by the Second Vatican CounClil, namely, not to be an administration center or a center to which problems are referred, but a dynamic source of missionary thrust. "I never saw it so visible as I did this week."

House Authorizes Disaster Relief WASHINGTON (NC) - By a vote of 276-124, the -House of Representatives has authorized $115 million in disaster relief to the Sa'helian zone in Africa, Nic· aragua and Pakistan. .The bill proyides,$151milliondri e~ergency drought relief for the Sahel and $35 million for such programs as food· and feed grain production and livest<lck herd improvements. Nicaragua would receive $15 million to convert temporary wooden shelters ,into permanent low-cost housing for 50,000 people in Managua, the nation's capital, which was hit by an earthquake in 1972. • ''VY'




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THE ANCHORThurs., April 11, 197.4


Honor Colonial Pri'est/s Memory


Schoolboy IChampionship Races Underway Throughout 'Diocese Tennis courts, golf courses, baseball diamonds and outdoor tracks will be swarming with schoolboy athletes from now through the end of May when the fiI,lal lines will be written into this year's record books. From the Attleboros to Cape Cod, the athletes will be striving to put everything are expected to wage a ,do or dJe battle right down to the final together as they chase cov- week of the campaign. A key eted l~ague championships. game scheduled for tomorrow

In the Southeastern Massachusetts Conference alone 10 titles will be awarded to the victors. There 'is no better way to climax the scholastic campaign than with a loop title and a shot at a state championship.

The Southeastern Conference baseball season is already in full swing. All three divisions have played their opening day games and now are ready to pursue the pennants in earnest In Division A, the area's most formidable baseball aggregations

afternoon pits New Bedford High ' NEW HAT FOR SISTER: Sister Mary Theresa of the against Durfee High of Fall Sisters of the Third Order of St. Francis earned her fireman's River. The host 'Fall Riverites hat when she saved the day at the Nativity Convent in can never be taken lightly. Likewise, New Bedford is always Lorain, Ohio by dousing a stove fire that threatened the kitchen. The assistant fire chief mlilde her an "auxiliary among the leaders.' Somerset, a long-time baseball power in the old Narraganset League, will tangle with DennisY'armouth on the Cape in another big game. Many observers feel Somerset has one of its stronger clubs this year and can compete well with the Division A powers.

Eastern Division Tennis Action Today' Elsewhere tomorrow Bishop Stang of Dartmouth is at Barnstable and Taunton plays Attleboro'int.thelJewelry City. AttiebOro cOllld be the surprise team in the circuit. Falmouth, the remaining Division A club, is not scheduled for tomorrow. A full slate of games is scheduled in Division B baseball competition tomorrow when Dighton-Rehoboth is at Seekonk, Fairhaven is hosted by Msgr. Coyle-Bishop Cassidy High of Taunton, Dartmouth entertains Bishop Connolly High of Fall River and Swansea's Case High is home to Bishop Feehan High of Attleboro. The nine· team Division C opened the season yesterday and will not resume league action until Monday. Four games are on tap then with Holy Family High of New Bedford at neighboring New Bedford Vocational, West-

port at Bourne, Wareham at Diman Regional in Fall River, Old Rochester Regional of Mattapoisettat Norton. and St: Anthony'sof New Bedford drawing a bye. The' two division boys tennis circuit finds Eastern Division teams in action today and Western DiVision teams idle until after Easter vacation. The racketmen who opened their loop season last week, a week before the other Spring sports, wJII all be back on the courts April 23rd. The eight team Eastern Division has Holy Family at Dartmouth, Dennis-Yarmouth at New Bedford, Falmouth at Fairhaven today. Wareham and Barnstable both will be idle. The remaining seven Conference schools who participate in tennis play in the Western Division. It includes Attleboro, Norton, Somerset, Bishop Connolly, T'aunton, Coyle an? Durfee.


fireman" and gave her the heagpiece which she models here' for her eighth grade class. NC Photo.

Recruiting Team Visits College Campuses in Vocation Effort NEW ORLEANS (NC)-Using the slogan "With God There Is No Energy Crisis," seminarians and faculty members from the New Orleans archdiocesan seminary are visiting college campuses throughout Louisiana to interest students in becoming priests. Msgr. Alexander O. Sigur, seminary rector, said that 'many college students believe that the career they had in mind when they entered college "is not what they want to do for the rest of their lives and are searching their souls for an attractive alternative." Members of the recruiting team plan to visit all campuses in the state. Their visit includes an audio visual presentation on the life and w~rk of the priest and personal interviews. Students expressing interest are ~nvited on an all-expense paid visit to the seminary. A seminary committ~e has developed a set of alternative 'programs leading to the priesthood that is being presented to

the college students. The alternatives are: . -Six years for men with some college but who have had no pries·t!y formation of philosophy courses. -Five years for college graduates with no priestly formation or philosophy courses. The program Wil'I be tailored to the student's needs. -Four years for graduates of Catholic, secular or seminary colleges who have a good religious background and strong motivation to take philosophy courses while studying theology and completing priestly formation. "There is no greater servke which Catholic groups and organizations can provide than to assist in the training of future priests," Msgr. Sigur said. "This program, in particular, offers them an opporunity to assist in the priestly formation of men who will serve in their own dioceses, men who wiil spread the good news of salvation to the People of God in their own parishes and schools."

St. AUBGUSTINE (NC) - A monument to be erected here during the bicentennial year of 1975 will commemorate Father Pedro Camps, spiritual leader of Minorcan colonists who helped establish New Smyrna Beach, Fla. Father Camps was with the Minorcans - who received their name from their native island just off the Spanish coast in the Mediterranean Sea - from the founding of the small colony in 1768 until they left in 1777. When c;ompleted, the monument will stand next to the Cathedral of St. Augustine. The monument, which is being executed by the noted Sculptor Viladomat in Barcelona, Spain, will stand on a base donated by local descendants of the Minorcans. Father Camps, who died in St. Augustine on May 19, 1790 at the age of 70, underwent the hardships with the rest of the colonists in New Smyrna Beach. But the abuses suffered at the hands of their -British overseers drove them to seek refuge in St. Augustine, where the governor offered them freedom. Before their trek to St. Augustine, the Minorcans chose Francisco PeIlicer to be their leader. Two of his grandsons later became American bishops: Bishop Anthony Dominic PeIlicer, first bi&hop of San Antonio, Tex.; and Bishop Dominic Manucy, first bishop of Brownsville, Tex.

Plan to Protest At Soviet Exhibit SPOKANE (NC)-"It would be interesting to see a conversation between an eight-year-old American child and a Soviet official when she asks him why someone her age can't go to Sunday school in his country," said an official of the American Jewish Committee (AJC) here. When Expo '74 opens here in May, the AJC and the National Interreligious Task Force on Soviet Jewry are planning to confront the issue of religious freedom in the Soviet Union at the Soviet exhibit at the world's fair. Soviet Jews are facing "spiritual and cultural genocide," Peter Schuman, northwest ·regional director of the AJC, , said while attending a strategy meeting recently.

Tennis arId Golf Rate Maior Sport Tag Tennis and golf are the only league sponsored sports where the div·isions have been aligned pr.incipally according to geographical boundaries. All schools in Fall River and any community West are in one bracket. Sohools situated East of Fall River are in the other. It was the determination of the board .of governors that competitiveness should not be a key factor in aligning schools for the pur.pose of either golf or tennis. One Or two outstanding players in either spor.t can offset any ·advantage a larger school might possess. From a prilctical and economic standpoint it is also more feasible to align geographically. Only a few years ago golf and

tennis were considered minor sports on the high school level. Such is not the case now. Both sports offer participants full schedules, close to 20 matches per season. State championship competition is also held on both an individual and team basis. These sports definitely deserve to be classified among the major schoolboy sports right along side of the traditionals baseball and . track. Fourteen area schools compete in the Conference golf circuit. The upper bracket includes Dartmouth, New Bedford, Old Rochester, Dennis-Yarmouth, Falmouth, Barnstable, Stang and Bourne. Holy Family, Diman, Norton, Fairhaven, Wareham, and Taunton comprise the lower bracket.









I Bring on tlleluia into the lives of the /

ret ire d Sisters and Brothers who have \


labored in ~ea'C'hing, Nursing and Child.


Care Apostdlates in the Diocese.. ,


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An Appeal In Justice To Relieve Anxiety· This M,ssage Sponsored by the Following Individuals and Business Concerns In The Diocese of Fall River . TOM ELLISON QUALITY MEN,'S APPAREL





New Bedford





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