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diocese of fall river

teanc 0 VOL. 23, NO. 15


20c, $6 Per Year

I will draw You from all riverbeds, streams, springs




from the roots and the plains -


trees the sun.

from "Easter Vigil and Other Poems" by Karol Wojtyla (Pope John Paul II)

EASTER MESSAGE Dearly Beloved in Christ, "Lord, by your cross and resurrection, you have set us free. You are the Savior of the world." This acclamation, sung so frequently at the Eucharist, takes on added meaning on this beautiful Easter Feast. As our Holy Father writes in his recent encyclical letter, the risen Lord is, indeed, "the Redeemer of Man" and "the center of the universe and history." (Redemptor Hom~ inis, No.1.) In Christ Jesus, a new age has dawned. By his cross and resurrection, the Lord has freed us from sin, he has brought healing to our wounded nature and restored to mankind the hope of everlasting life. He is the Savior of the world. My dear people, prayerful meditation on the profound significance of these Easter mysteries should be a source of much joy and consolation for all believers and for the whole world as well. Easter is, indeed, a day which the Lord has made. At the same time, the Feast of Easter beckons us to let the power flowing from the Lord's cross and resurrection direct

our daily lives. Since we have beeR raised up in company with Christ, we must set our hearts on things of heaven "where Christ is seated at God's right hand." We must put to death whatever in our nature is rooted in earth. (Colossians 3:1, 5.) And so the Church appropriately asks us today to renew the promises of our baptism, to reject sin and profess our faith in Christ Jesus. This Easter finds us in the midst of the Seventy-fifth Anniversary of our Diocese. As Shepherd of the Church of Fall River,¡ it is my prayer that our risen Lord and Savior will restore and renew us all this Easter, leading us to serve him ever more faithfully in his holy Catholic Church. A blessed and joyous Easter to one and all throughout the Diocese. Faithfully yours in Christ,

Bishop of Fall River



Irish history or about St. Patrick and his faith. I am 82 years old and not too able to play any parts for' my race. Catherine Flynn Fall River

THE ANCHORThurs., April 12, 1979

Letters to the Editor

Soviet Intrigue

letters are welcomed, but should be no 1Il0re than 200 words. The edito~ reserves me right to condense or edit, I.' deemed necessary. All letters, must be signed and Include a home or business address.

Day of Devotion Dear Editor: I enclose a copy of a letter I forwarded to Bishop Cronin after attending the Day of Devotion. Mary Grochmal New Bedford Dear Bishop Cronin: If I may, I would like to take a few minutes of your very precious time to share with you the feelings generated within me after attending the Day of Devotion offered at St. Mary's Church in Fairhaven. The long hours spent planning and organizing this Day of Devotion at St. Mary's were well worth it! The involvement and dedication on the part of the Church's parishioners and the fantastic support and assistance given by St. Mary's fine and loving clergy should be acknowledged. The Day of Devotion encompassed fine speakers who were very real and cari'ng people. There were many interesting group discussions, and a great deal of individual sharing. We all (80 participants) prayed; listened, sang, and laughed together. The loye of Chris,1: was present. It was very real and beautiful!! I left the Day of Devotion feeling an inner glow of strength and peace with God and myself. At the age' of 29, after recently going through a difficult time in my own life (divorce), I can honestly say my love and understanding of God has increased. Living in the world as it is today, we all need so 'desperately to know , that God loves us. That we are very important in his eyes and in the eyes of our clergy and our Christian Community. This love, caring, and sharing were all very present throughout the Day of Devotion. I met so many friendly warm Christians of all ages and from all walks of life. I felt the need to share the above with you. I have also expressed my feelings to family members and friends and .acquaintances. I would like to thank you for allowing our parishes to partake in the Day of Devotion! Mary Grochmal

NOTICE The final booking date for the' Jubilee Pilgrimage to Rome June 10-23 is tomorrow, Good Friday. Those planning to make the trip who have not already made their reservations should contact their travel agents or ',Father Ronald A. Tosti, St. Francis of Assisi Rectory, 247 North St., New Bedford, telephone 997-7732.

FATHER RONALD A. TOSTI, New Bedford area director for the Catholic Charities Appeal and Bishop Daniel A.- Cronin, CCA honorary chairman, prepare for Wednesday's kickoff meeting.


M~sses ~t




APRiL 22: Rev. Roger L. Gagne, Attleboro assistant CCA director, homilist:' Homes for the Elderly APRIL 29: Rev. Ronald A. Tosti, New ~edford CCA director, homilist: The Work of the Appeal MAY 6: Bishop Daniel A. Cronin Community Program, 6:30 a.m.:

APRIL' 17: Rev. Edmund J. Fitzgerald, director, Diocesan Department of Pastoral Care for the Sick APRIL 29: Bishop Cronin and Melvin B. Gonsalves, CCA diocesan lay chairman MAY 1: Rev. Peter N. Graziano, director, Diocesan Department of Social Services

Children's Bill Dear Editor: Teach the children today, for they're tomorow's parents. The enclosed literature is distributed to the children in our city. Through The Anchor, more children could be reached.

Children's Bill of Responsibilities To My God, My Country, My Parents and Myself - Grow . in character and ability as I grow in size. - 'Be honest with myself and others in what I say and do. - Learn and practice my religion. - Honor my parents, my elders and my teachers. - Develop high moral principles and the courage to live by them. - Strive for health in body, mind and spirit. - Respect the rights of others. - Set a good example so that others may enjoy and profit by my company. - Give honest effort to my work. - Regard my education as preparation for the future. - Obey our laws so that we

may live more happily together. - Preserve and strengthen our American way of life and government. Officer Ray Furtado New Bedford Police Department

Loyal to Eire Dear Editor: In the March 29 Anchor I was most surprised end very pleased to read the article by P. Jerry McGuckin of North Attleboro. He refers to a policy stateme~t of President Carter with reference to Northern Ireland. I have not seen Jerry in 30 years, but like myself he is loyal to the land of our fathers and of our Christian heritage. President Carter's coup de grace does not phase me. He is just breezing along with the breeze. It was our late President Kennedy's father, Joseph Kennedy, who ended the Marshall Plan money from the USA, used to maintain an army in Northern Ireland. As for hearing any mention of St. Patrick from our pulpits, may I say slncerely not too many of today's 'clergy know much in

Dear Editor: In a recent issue of The Anchor you discussed Congressmen Drinan and Studds. You stated "the secular press is a more than vocal champion of the Congressman." The enclosed comment (an editorial from the Mobile Register discussing "the faceless operatives who actually run this coun try") may be of interest. At least some of the press in Alabama does not have its head in the Soviet stratosphere. A, perpetual awareness of the extent of. Communist intrigue is a present natiQnal nooessity. American movies and TV (are) so busy with Soviet propaganda, e.g., "The China Syndrome" and "The Unknown War" by. CBS, that they brazenly couple intrigue with entertainment. John -Falvey New Hyde Park, N.Y.

Ready To Scream Dear Editor:, I am enclosing an open letter to Anchor readers. I've heard so many conversations and read so many derogatory letters in the newspapers that I'm about ready to scream. , Keep up the good work. It's with anticipation that I await the' arrival of mail. each Thursday. May the Risen Christ fill your life with His joy and peace. Lucille McGowan New Bedford

Open Let'l'er With the arrival of Holy Week, it's about time our thoughts turned to the Passion and Resurrection of Christ. How much longer is this hassle concerning the bishop going to continue? . . . Frequent conversations on radio talk shows and letters to editors air people's gripes. They can also nourish feelings of anger and resentment. This is not a healthy situation. It is not good for the Church either, for she is being ridiculed in her ministers. Bishop Cronin is the leader of our diocese and consequently responsible for its direction. Come judgment day, he'll have to answer for his actions as each and every one of us will. Criticism does no good, but prayer does. ~ray for your bishop and priests that the Holy Spirit will enlighten and direct them in these difficult times. Holy Orders does not make a man perfect; he is still human. Keep that in mind the next time you are tempted to criticize. Lucille McGowan

Good Friday Dear Editor: The following lines are my thoughts on Good Friday: How often I've wept and wept for me

Self-pity for my misery, Rebuking those who did mistreat Or added to my self-defeat. So I sinned without a care Justified by my despair, Miserable creature, learning too late The Christlike ones to emulate. At each station of the cross I pause to contemplate Thy loss, o Saving Victim who died for me, Today I weep and weep for Thee. Mary A. Correia New Bedford

Catholics React To Three Mile HARRISBURG, Pa. (NC) The accident of the Three Mile Island nuclear reactor that brought international attention to the area also brought reduced congregations to Sunday Masses - some of which began with the rarely-authorized rite of general absolution. Permission came from Bishop Joseph T. Daley of Harrisburg, but some pastors did not exercise the option for fear that it would cause alarm among worshippers, most of whom were taking the situation in stride. Msgr. George Lentocha, pastor of Seven Sorrows parish, Middletown about 2 miles from the nuclear site - said he and his approximately 3,600 parishioners felt no bitterness toward Metropolitan Edison, the company that operates the nuclear plant. He said he and his peopl~ have confidence in those who work for the company. Msgr. Lentocha, who gave general absolution at Mass, told his people he looked out his window and saw two cardinals building a nest on the porch. "They were making long-range plans and God is taking care of them, and He will take care of us too." Msgr. William Keeler, chancellor of the Harrisburg diocese, said Bishop Daley had offered the facilities of the diocese to aid in case of evacuation. The deans in the area north of Harrisburg were notified that parish halls, schools or other parish facilities might have to be used in case of evacuation. 'Bishop Joseph McShea of Allentown offered ,Bishop Daley the facilities of the Allentown diocese to aid evacuees. Bishop Daley made similar arrangements with the -Bishop of Scranton.

Holy Places A special note should be made that in all Catholic churches throughout the diocese a collection is taken up on Good Friday for the preservation of the Holy Places in the city of Jerusalem that are so dear to the hearts of Catholics throughout the world.

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur., April 12, 1979


Pilot Pastoral Program Well Received by Sick By Pat McGowan A pilot program for pastoral care of ~he sick has been in operation for several months in six diocesan parishes. It is meeting enthusiastic acceptance by home bound persons. The program involves use of extraordinary ministers to bring the ,Eucharist to sick and aged parishioners no longer able to attend Mass regularly.The new undertaking is not a labor-saving device for priests! Rather, it is a means of bringing the Eucharist to the sick more regularly and frequently. In St. Joseph's parish, Fairhaven, for instance, 13 ministers bring holy communion to 100 persons weekly. Making so many visits would be an impossible task for the one or two priests who serve the average parish. In practice, therefore, most priests make communion calls about once a month or possibly less frequently. With ministers, the homebound can look forward to at least weekly reception of the Eucharist. At St. Stanislaus parish, in Fall River, where 24 ministers fan out to private homes and

Major Papal Address VATICAN CITY (NC) - 'Pope John Paul II has'strongly reconfirmed celibacy for Latin-Rite priests. In a major document he also indicated that he will not easily grant laicizations, dispensations from priestly life. The document is a papal letter addressed "to all the priests of the church on the occasion of Holy Thursday 1979." In it the pope said objections raised against priestly celibacy are based on criteria "whose 'anthropological' correctness and basis in fact are seen to be very dubious and of relative value." The Latin church continues to wish "that all those who receive the sacrament of orders should embrace this renunciation (of marriage) 'for the sake of the kingdom of heaven,''' the . letter said., In a sho'rter companion letter addressed to the world's bishops, the pope stressed "the brotherly communion of the whole of the church's episcopal college or 'body.' " He asked bishops to intensify their unity with priests of their dioceses and urged "every possible effort" to encourage new vocations to the priesthood. Both letters were, linked in their titles to Holy Thursday (April 12), the day on which priests renew their promises to their bishops. In ttle 35-page letter to priests, the pope also placed strong emphasis on lifelong fidelity to the priestly vocation. He rejected laicization as an

nursing facilities after 10:30 a.m. Mass each Sunday, Father Robert Kaszynski said the only reluctance on the part of patients was due to fear that priests would no longer visit them. "When they realized that the ministers were supplementary to the priests' visits, they were overjoyed," said Father Kaszynski. The same held true at St. Joseph's, 'Fairhaven, where Father Ambrose Forgit, SS.CC. said that parish priests acompanied the ministers on their first home visits to allay misapprehensions. In St: Mark's parish, Attleboro Falls, Father George Bellenoit reports that nine ministers visit 18 homebound persons regularly, while the priests make monthly visits. He said that at each visit the ministers conduct a short service, following the approved ritual for Administration of Communion to the Sick by an Extraordinary Minister. Families are invited to participate. Father Bellenoit added that the ministers are willing to give practical assistance to the homeTurn to Page Eight



MRS. BRIDGET CORBETT of St. Mark parish, Attleboro Falls, receives the Eucharist from Extraordinary Minister Mrs. Mae Souza as Mrs. Yvonne Slattery, also a minister, joins in prayer. (Callahan Photo)

Holy Week Program The names of participants in services at St. Mary's Cathedral for Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Holy Saturday have been announced by the chancery ~ office. _ ~. . . Bishop Daniel A. Cronin will ,be celebrant at 7 tonight for· the Mass of the Lord's Supper. He will be assisted by Rev. Mr.

easy answer to a crisis in one's vocation, but the words of the text do not rule out all possibilities of granting laicizations. The pope did not say what he will do with laicization requests, but his words indicated a tough line will be taken. Laicization is a papal dispensation freeing a priest from his ROCKVILLE CENTRE, N.Y. priestly duties and retW'ning (NC) - Delegates to the 1979 him to the lay state. Catholic Press Association conHe urged priests to call on vention in Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. their resources of faith and April 24-27 will hear authorities prayer in moments of crisis on editorial and business prob"and not have recourse to a lems associated with publisJ:1ing dispensation, understood as an Catholic newspapers and maga'administration intervention,' " zines. when the issue is "a profound Representing the Anchor at question of conscience and a the annual meeting will be test of humanity." Father John Moore, editor; Msgr. The pontiff emphasized John J. Regan, financial adminchurch teachings that the priest- istrator; and Miss Rosemary hood is sacramental, hierarch- Dussault, advertising manager. ical and ministerial. , . The convention, will be the Because of their "likeness to .first at which the Bles~ed SacChrist, the good shepherd," he rament " will be, reserved for said, "you priests are expected adoration. A room at the hotel to have a care and commitment will be set aside for this purwhich are far greater and dif- pose, with Henry P. Libersat, ferent from those of any lay Jr., editor-manager of The Floriperson." da Catholic, which serves the While noting that priests are dioceses of Orlando and St. engaged in a wide variety of Petersburg, coordinating oneactivities, he added that "with- hour adoration assignments. in all these differences, you are Turn to Page Eleven always and everywhere the bearers of your particular vocation." THE ANCHOR "And this you can never fot(USPS·545-D20) get; this you can never reSecond Class Postage Paid at Fall River, nounce; this you must put into Mass. Published every Thursday at 410 practice at every moment, in Highland Avenue, Fall River, Mass. 02722 by the Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall every place and in every way," River. Subscription price by mail, postpaid he said. $6.00 per year. Postmasters send address

CPA Convention Set for Florida-

Turn to Page Five

changes to The Anchor, P.O. Box 7, Fall River, MA 02722

Bruce Cwiekowski and Rev. Mr. Raul Lagoa as deacons. Concelebrants will be Msgr. Thomas J. Harrington, Rev. JonPaul Gallant, Rev. John Moore and .Rev.. Horace, Travassos.· . The Celebration of the Lord's Passion will be held at 3 p.m. tomorrow. Bishop Cronin will preside and Rev. George Coleman and Father Travassos will be at the throne. Msgr. Harrington will be celebrant with Rev. Mr. Cwiekowski and Rev. Mr. Lagoa as deacons. They will also sing the Passion, with Msgr. Harrington as Christ and the deacons tak-

ing the other parts of the narration. The Holy Saturday vigil service and Mass of the Resurrection will be celebrated at 7 p.m. ·Btshop 'Cronih',' witl" preside with Father Moore and Father tbe Travassos at the thro~e, deacons assisting. Father Gallant will sing the Exultet. Bishop Cronin will celebrate the 11 a.m. Easter Sunday television Mass, assisfed by the deacons. Msgr. John J. Oliveira will be master of ceremonies, with Father Travassos and Father Gallant assisting.


DCCW Convention Speaker Is Father Alvin Illig 'Father Alvin Illig, CSP, executive director of the American bishops' committee on evangelization, will be the main speaker at the 26th annual convention of the Fall River Diocesan Council of Catholic Women. The Convention will be held Saturday, April 28 at Bishop Stang High School, North Dartmouth. Registration at 9 a.m. will be followed by a coffee hour and the first convention session will open at 10 with Mrs. James W. Leith, . council president, presiding at a business meeting. Three morning workshops will be presented concurrently by the Church Communities, Family Affairs and International Affairs commissions of the council. With the themes "Through God's Gift of Love," "For Family Enrichment"· and "For a Lasting Peace," they will be moderated by Father Peter N. Graziano, Msgr. Anthony M.

Gomes and 'Father Horace J. Travassos. Miss Mary .Elizabeth LaRoche, Mrs. Raymond A. Poisson and Mrs. William W. duM!'nt Jr. will be workshop' chairmen. A luncheon will be .served in the school cafeteria at· 12:30 p.m. Miss Dorothy A. Curry, in Turn to Page Eleven

Good Friday Rite In Jersey City JERSEY CITY, N.J. (NC) Relating the sufferings of Christ to those of their own neighborhood, residents of the Lafayette section of Jersey City will participate in a unique Good Friday procession tomorrow. Several of the 14 stations in the outdoor procession will be at homes where muggings, fires and murders have taken place in the last five years. The 12th Turn to Page Eleven


THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur., April 12, 1979

themoori~ Our Easter Hope The recent peace accord sign~d by Moslem Egypt and Jewish Israel brings to all peace-loving men a glimmer of hope that has special meaning during this particular Eastertide. For those who follow Christ the accord offers hope that once more the place of Resurrection will be a spot where men will be able to rise above their personal hates and fears. To be sure, the mere fact of an agreement cannot in itself impose peace on the hearts of hate, that have for so many years attempted to solve their differences by the sword. Yet the statement made before the world that these two nations will try to tum their swords into pruning hooks bodes well for those who see peace as the ultimate goal for this land that is so very holy for so very many. Agreements must now become realities, accords must now become facts and arrangements must now become mutual "before this peace document is truly brought to fruition. This can only be accomplished with time, prayerful patience and mutual trust. The fact of certain obstacles to lasting peace must also become a reality openly discussed 'before the world, not permitted to fester narrow prejudice arid seditious revolt. The grave question of the rights and freedoms of the Palestinian peoples must become a living issue that is not buried by the machinations of nationalistic politics. These millions of suffering peoples deserve support as they seek to plant their roots once more in a land they can deservedly call their own. Yet it shQ~ld always be remembered that their most just cause will not be well served by warmongers who arbitrarily tum their backs on the realities achieved by those who have succeeded in bringing the first dreams of peace to fruition. In addition, the concerns of millions of Christians should not be set aside or ignored as politicians seek to mend broken fences and repair unjust boundaries. The sacredness of Jerusalem is not solely an interest of the Moslems or Jews. Christians must have the freedom to walk in the footsteps 'of Christ without fear or repression. International guarantees should be adopted so that the shrines that are sacred to the Christian pilgrim will not become token pawns in a political power play. Nothing has as yet been stated by either side that would be an encouragement to attempts to preserve the Holy Places dear to the hearts of the followers of Jesus. As implementation of peace efforts becomes a reality, such assurance is indeed among our Easter hopes. A true and lasting peace can only be achieved in this land made holy by God when His message ot love and brotherhood becomes a living reality. Certainly this Easter Sunday we can say with that great prophet: "How beautiful upon the mountain are the feet of those who bring happy news of peace and salvation. Let the ruins of Jerusalem break into joyous song, for the Lord has comforted his people." May we pray that all men will see Jerusalem always at peace, a city that God has blessed.



Published weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River 410 Highland Avenue Fall River, Mass. 02722 675-7151 PUBLISHER Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin, 0,0., S.T.O.



Rev. John F. Moore ~,leary

Press-Fall River

'I have seen the Lord.' John 20: 18

An Easter Hymn for Saints & Others By Thomas P. McDonnell Reprinted by pennission from The Pilot of Boston Easter is a very good time to write a love letter to the Church. I have never written a love letter to the Church - I mean, saying it directly like that: Dear Church, I love you madly. Suddenly, there's Easter and the microcosmic sunburst of the first jonquil is enought to set your soul afire. Life can be gorgeous as well as mean and dispiriting; filled路 with the intelligence of love as well as reduced to mere satiation; buoyant in the spirit of the Lord as well as immobilized in the solipsism of doing one's own thing forever, which, of course, is a clear definition of hell. Suddenly, there's Easter all tulippy and brimming with the wine of a new day and a new season. Therefore, Dear Church, I love you madly. I thought I'd tell you so. You probably路 don't receive many epistles of fealty, these parlous days, in a century filled mostly with cynicism and deception in almost all our human affairs. When I speak of the Church, I mean that community of souls wherein my Christian spirit dwells, the Church as the herald and sign of the kingdom yet to come; and I mean, ecumenically or not, the one and only Holy Roman Catholic Church. As perhaps the last moral stronghold in the world, this Church is clearly recognized as much by those who hate it as by those who love its holy fortitude. Whenever institutionalized Christianity is derided and mocked and scorned and damned, it is the Catholic Church that is the known object of derision and it is the Catholic Church which thus bears the burden and the glory.

Okay, Church, how do I love could never have managed (the thee? Let me count a couple of translation is my own). the ways. First of all, I love I love people in the Church your saints. I used to hear it who have touched our lives, said as a mark. against the somehow or other, some better Church that it has never pro- known to the world than others, duced any of the greatest names but all of whom startle us with in Science, with a capital S, or their presence in a Church that in modern Literature with a is daily reported to be either capital L, or in Whatever with declining or already dead: I a capital whatever, when in mean such radiant souls as point of fact it is the eternal Charles de Foucauld; Mother business of the Church to recre- . Teresa of Calcutta; Catherine de ate men and women in the im- Hueck Doherty of Combermere; age and reality, of saints. And Carlo Carretto in the Sahara; do we have saints! Saints are so Raissa Maritain; and Jacques, good they have gotten a bad whom they chided as the end: name. I don't mean to say they Michael Novak, who is writing are goody-good, like niceums the best Catholic commentary in little boys and girls all in a row, America today; Kateri Tekakbut I mean thunderously good witha; Mother Cabrini; Flannery as the most interestingly real O'Connor, and Tom Merton the people either in or out of this burnt man, who came home world. again to Gethsemani. Souls like I fell in love with Teresa of those. God, aren't they beautiful? Avila first, and then only later with the woman who became my wife (also a saint to have put up with the likes of me all these years). As for Teresa, I knew I had to love someone who had the verve and vivacity to tell God to stop pushing. I love Thomas Aquinas not only for the most orderly and perceptive mind that ever functioned in Christendom or, for that matter, anywhere else - but bec~use he had the humanity to say that in the end all his profoundest works were as straws in the wind. I love Francis of Assisi because he revivified our sacramental vision of the world. I love John of the Cross, perhaps most of all, because he is pre-eminently the poet of God, who caught the luminous landscape of the Spanish soul in three short lines "As the siege ended/ The horsemen rode down/ and dismounted by vistas of water" - in a way that even Hemingway

History knows more than the moment we call now. We cannot act as if we were men and women without history, and there is no history more astonishing than that of the Church. But the only way to cope with history is to love the only mo. ment we know as now. And the only way I can cope with that moment is to love those I love, the Church I love, in the renewed Mass and iIi the Eucharist which overwhelms me, and to love forever that glory of Easter which is the Risen Christ. Thus concludes a layman's epistle to the secularists: that this so-called declining Church 'in the modern world shall stand against all weathers and seasons and in all manner and modes of time, clothed in its centuries of saints, even until now and forever. To paraphrase the once and only playboy of Hippo, "No wonder I have loved you madly, 0 beauty so ancient and new."

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur., April 12, 1979

Papal Letters Continued from Page Three "The priestly personality must be for others a clear and plain sign and indication. This is the first condition for our pastoral service," he added.


He said that priests must be "close to people and all their problems." But he stressed that this must be done "in a priestly way." Priests must be men of prayer and witnesses to "the perspective of eternal salvavation" in their service, he added.

Dioceses Slate Life Issues Day

Successor to Baltimore Catechism? WASHINGTON (NC) - The the history of the church in the National Catechetical Directory, United States." It is also the "Sharing the Light of Faith" is first in the world to request and not the Baltimore Catechism,' receive approval from the Holy but its editors hope for the same See. recognition the catechism has "I would like to see the day achieved over the years. come when it is as familiar as The directory, five years in The Baltimore Catechism," said the making, was introduced at Msgr. Paradis. a press conference at the WashHowever, it's another era now, ington headquarters of the U.S. he said. "You don't work off a Catholic Conference. Msgr. Wilfrid H. Paradis, di- catechism, you work off a caterector of the project and usec chetical directory." What's the difference? "The secretary of education, said, directory is globular - a cate"This is the first directory in

chism is one part of that. A catechism ordinarily deals only with the content of the Christian message. The directory deals with' content, process, methodology, resources, roles, responsibilities, cultural milieu." Sister Mariella Frye, directory coordinator, said the years of consultation will help the document, which will govern the content and methods of Catholic religious teaching at all levels in the United States. "It involved thousands of

people who now have a vested interest in the directory and are part of the development," said Sister Frye. "It give~ us a deep understanding of what catechesis is all about," she said. "It's more than instruction - catechesis is a 'life-long process. Adults are often not aware they need ongoing catechesis. They must be made aware that catechesis is the responsibility of the entire faith community, not just the teachers."

The four Roman Catholic Dioceses of Massachusetts wi!! sponsor a day-long program of workshops and discussions on the many "life issues" confronting society. The program, "A Day of Life and Growth," will be held at Anna Maria College, Paxton, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday, May 5. Workshops will include issues such as abortion, the elderly, child abuse, death and dying, genetic counseling, natural family planning, euthanasia, and Judaeo-Christian attitudes toward abortion. Other topics featured will b~ the' test tube baby (in vitro fertilization), pro-life attitudes among youth and media treatment of the pro-life issue. The morning keynote address on Meditating Structures will be given by iPastor Richard J. Neuhaus of New York, senior editor of Worldview, a monthly journal of ethics and social change. Pastor Neuhaus is the -author of a number of books on 'the Christian faith and governmental public policies. From 1976 to 1979 he was co-director of a national research project sponsored by the American Enterprise Institute on "Mediate Structures and Public Policy." The afternoon keynote address will be given by Rev. J. Bryan Hehir, a Boston priest currently serving as Associate Secretary of the United States Catholic Conference Office for International Justice and Peace. Father Hehir, an authority on modem ethical problems, will speak on "A Growing Sense of Respect for Human Lifel' He will be introduced by Cardinal Humberto Medeiros, Archbishop of Boston. Among experts conducting workshops will be Dr. William J. Lynch of St. Margaret's Hospital, Dorchester; David Wilson, columnist for the Boston Globe; Rev. A. Paul White, executive editor of The Pilot, newspaper of the Archdiocese of Boston; Matthew Pisapia of the Boston College School of Social Work; Dr. Joseph Stanton of the Value of Life Committee; and Marvin Weinberger, President of Citi路 zens for Informed Consent. Throughout the day a continuous路 presentation of audio-visual materials on life issues will be featured.


The American Catholic On Sunday, April 15th, The Boston Globe will present a very special issue of New England Magazine entitled "The American Catholic" which examines the state of the Catholi.c Church in America. In it you'll find a personal account of what it means to be Catholic and American; a look af who goes to church and who stays away; an examination of the political and social issues that concern Catholics; a discussion of "Liberation Theology"; a status report from the Vatican and more.

The American Catholic Coming Sunday, April 15th In' New England MagaZine.


THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur., April 12, 1979

Anti-Urban Ethnic Bigotry Is Washington Problem By REV. ANDREW M. GREELEY

Every time I visit Wash- . ington, I am more appalled at the' anti-urban ethnic bigotry' that pervades the federal bureaueracy. It is not explicit, but lurks beneath the surface and has a profound influence on the way the federal agencies view American society. For the most part, the younger generation of bureaucrats and administrators have been train-



Any mother of small children kn<;>ws the effect toy advertising has on them. TV convinces them they'll absolutely not be able to survive without the "New, Super EI Junko Game. The kids then bad-

ed at the elite graduate univer- ity in the 1980 census. They will, sities in their view, acceptable of course, collect data on Aleuts groups are women, blacks, and Samoans and such folks, Jews and Anglo-Saxon Protes- but nothing about Irish or italtants in cities of the North; un- ians or Poles. acceptable are Southerners, Nor will the Civil Rights ComFundamentalist Protestants, mission, whose staff is almost people whose' names end in entirely Jewish and black. To it, vowels and Catholics. ethnics mean Asian Americans, At one time, Hispanics were Hispanics, native Americans acceptable but with increased (American' Indians), Aleuts and prejudice . agains the so-called Samoans, and hardly Irish, Ital"illegal" immigrants, they have . ians, Poles, Lithuanians and been taken from the book of other such unacceptable groups. the living and written down in Similarly, in its concern about the book of the dead. the civil rights of "minority" After aLl, they're Catholics religious denominations, it is anyway. emphasizing various sects and Let us take some examples. cults. Despite well-documented The census has resolutely resis- evidence of discrimination ted' asking a question on ethinic- against Catholics by large cor-

porations, major 'foundations das, much less that such agenand private universities, that is- cies' should concern the Presisue just doesn't move the Civil dent of the United States. Mr. Carter promised solemnRights Commission, staffers. They are much more concerned ly during the election campaign about whether people might that he would do something to start discriminating against the see that there was aid to Cathmembers of far-out religious olic schools. Califano, Ibis source of information about cults. Then there are review panels Catholics, has assured him that Qf the various federal agencies he doesn't have to honor that which fund scholarships. They promise. You can, however, 'ignore onelean oyer backwards to give scholarships to Asian and liis- quarter of the population or panic scholars, but somehow or treat it like dirt only just so other Catholics just don't seem long, and then you're going to make a really major blunder. to make the review panels. I felt during my last trip to Fin'ally, the staff of the White House itself is utterly unaware . Washington that -we are much that urban Catholic Americans closer to such a happening than have political and social agen- we were a year ago.

ger their mother . . . with the persistence of the commercials. What happens? If mother buys the game because she can afford it, because it's a good toy, and because it will be good for her children . . . fine. - But if she buys it when she can't afford it, she's being conned. If it isn't good for her children, she has been a victim of accepting someone else's idea of what her children must have. What about mothers who throwaway usable appliances' ... because they aren't the "in"

or not something is good for your family . . . someone else has already said it is.

color? What about those who cannot wear last year's garments because designers dictated that they're "out?" What about the thousands of gimmicks that we are constantly told we must have. Granted, many things are good, useful, and have improved our standard of living. But many are junk. ' Having turned down kids who absolutely had' to have some: thing, I know it isn't easy. I can see it's much simpler to give in. You don't have to think whether

You don't have to decide if a garment looks good on you . . . someone else has made that decision. You don't have to exercise good taste in fixing your home . : . some decorating trend has solved those problems. In short, life is simpler if we let someone else make our decisions. There's a comfortable, secure feeling because our own consciences haven't entered in-

to the matter. We don't worry whether it's right or wrong . . . it's simply the thing to do. Next time you're buying something, ask yourself a few questions. Is it good quality? Do I really need it? Can we afford it? If you can answer "yes" to all. three, go ahe~d, but if not, consider why you are thinking of buying it. If it's just to follow a trend, to avoid bucking a tide, to escape using your own free will and intelligence, you are neglecting the mind God gave you.

Are Catholics Really Vi ctims of Discrimination? By JIM CASTELLI

A recent Harris poll found that Americans believe, by 89-4 percent, that there is no discrimination against Catholics in the United States. At the same time, both Catholics and non-Catholics have charged that anti-Catholicism in America is widespread. But the evidence indicates that the truth lies in between; there is much more anti-Catholicism than most Americans would like to admit, but not nearly as much


I just read an article on how women's buying habits were changing for reasons of time arid money. Most of those interviewed were young career women who said their shopping time was precious,

as those who believe in conspiracies 'see. The Harris poll itself helps put the issue in perspective. It found traces of latent anti- Catholicism and a denial of past discrimination against Catholics. But it also found that' anti-Catholic discrimination is not nearly so serious as discrimination against Jews, blacks or Hispanics. More perspective is provided by Msgr. John Tracy Ellis, an expert on' the history of the Catholic Church in America. He says there were five major waves of anti-Catholicism in the United States between the 1840s and the 1940s and that there .seems to be a revival of antiCatholicism lately. Msgr. Ellis 'says it would' be

naive to believe there is no antiCatholicism in Americ;i. He feels it persists in "the two extremes of society" - the uneducated poor of Appalachia and the intellectuals." Much recent discussion of anti-Catholicism has focused on political issues - abortion, tuition tax credits and government regulation of church institutions. But Msgr. George Higgins, U.S. Catholic Conference secretary for special concerns and a veteran of Catholic involvement in public affairs, points out that it is dangerous to attribute motives. "It is a mistake to' accuse a particular politician of being anti-Catholic路 simply because he

happens to disagree with the 'Catholic' position on a specific matter of public policy," he said. Many actions often branded "anti-Catholic" affect other religious and ethnic groups as well. Part of the problem is a general lack of understanding of the values of cultural pluralism and the role of the voluntary sector. ' For example, Msgr. Geno Baroni, an assistant secretary of housing and urban development, says that while he is convinced his boss, President Carter, understands the importance of family, neighborhood and ethnic and cultural diversity in making ~public policy, much of the federal bureaucracy does not.

'But two recent developments that the f,ederal government is beginning to respond to at least some Catholic concerns. Last fall, Eleanor Holmes Norton, head of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, said she would begin an investigation into "executive suite discrimination" against Catholics and Jews. And this week the U.S. Commission on Civil :Rights held a two-day consultation on religious discrimination. The meeting was prompted in part by the Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights, which urged Congress to hold up the commission's funding if it did not look into religious discrimination.

therefore they planned each season's wardrobe. Quite a few stated they take one Saturday each season to shop for that season's clothing. This of course requires a great deal of energy as well as a, great deal of money at one time, but !t certainly is the perfect way to shop, and one I would ,love to try. Planning would be needed because you would have to know just ~ what you already have, what you'd need to add, to look fashionable and the accessories

required to pull everything together.

Economics must also play an important part in shopping. No more can we afford impulse

buying. Each and every item must he workable; affordable and enjoyable.

Most of the women who shopped in this manner said they did most of their buying in one or two boutiques because they found the big department stores confusing, and I can agree with this. When I do get to New Yo.-k to buy a few things, I spend frustrating time just trying to find various departments. However, if I shop locally or in Boston I know my way around.


CETA P'roblem WASHINGTON A new chapter in church-state relations in the United States is being opened by legal debate on a previously unasked question Can federal funds be used to hire the unemployed to work in church-run elementary and secondary schools? The federal government has been funding

such jobs all over the country for years through ,public service job programs under the Comprehensive Employment and Training Act.




THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur., April 12, 1979


~tubi(lS, clllt.


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Women or Men· Young Couples Retired People The Franciscan Fathers invite you to join them in the very pleasant work of circulating their award winning publication. Working from your own residence via the telephone, your full or part time efforts create your own permanent business. This is an unusual opportunity that has already. proven successful with many other people.

For A Personal Interview At Your Residence

YOUNG PEOPLE of Blessed Sacrament parish, Fall River, stage a Holy Week production of "Jesus Christ Superstar," directed by Jeanne Simonin, with Rochelle St. Martin as Jesus, Karen Quental as Mary Magdalene and Michelle St. Martin as Judas Iscariot. (Torchia Photo)

Write FATHER PETER 37 Bow Road Newton, MA. 02159

We Grumble, But We Pay, Say Taxation Experts CHICAGO (NC) - Although the philosopher Plato said some 24 centuries ago that "when there is an income tax, the just man will pay more and the unjust less on the same amount," as the ides of April approach, a priest and a professional tax preparer don't think tax cheat~ ing has become an accepted part of our times. "Most people are pretty good about it, no matter how much they might complain," said Father Michael D. Place, an assistant professor of Christian life and historical theology at St. Mary of the lake Seminary in Mundelein. The question of cheating on taxes must be seen in a broader social context, he said. The act of cheating, an ethics professor would argue, is not as bad as the style of the act, which reflects a lack of concern for others. "The needs of the poor, the oppressed, the aged and the unhorn are also part of this question of how we care about others," Father Place said. "Taxes help the government discharge its social responsibility to these groups." Mary O'Brien, an employee of Hand R Block who has prepared almost 2,000 individual returns in the past two years, also thinks that the image of the typical citizen searching for every loophole simply isn't accurate. "People are basically honest," . she said. "They don't want to cheat the government. They know tllXes are necesary. What they dQn't know, and are usually surPrised to discover, is the legitimate number of deductions

they are entitled to. "Those who complain didn't get as much back as they had expected, or had to pay more taxes," she added. "But in general I have found few problems. People simply don't ask me to find loopholes." This honesty extends across the income range and social strata of her clientele - blueand-white-collar, hourly and salaried, retired or still working, with incomes anywhere from $400 to $70,000 a year, Mrs. 0' Brien said. "Retired persons in particular are anxious to get their affairs straight with the government," she said. "Most come to us for help in understanding the forms. They're not looking for tax advantages, and I try to explain the regulations in a Christian way. The attitude of the tax preparer is very important."

if a missionary could bring them the Good News of Christ's Resurrection! That is why we beg for funds ... to help support the work of missionaries bringing the Good News of Christ to those who have not yet heard it. We are the Society for the Propagation of the Faith, helping the Church's mission effort for over 157 years.

. Would you remember them in this time of Easter joy?


Necrology April 20 Rev. Edward F. Coyle, S.S., 1954, St. Mary Seminary, Paca St., Maryland Rev. .'James E. O'Reilly, 1970. Pastor Emeritus, Mount Carmel, Seekonk April 22 Rev. James L. Smith, 1910, Pastor, Sacred Heart, Taunton Rev. Thomas F. Fitzgerald, 1954, Pastor, St. Mary, Nantucket , April 25 Rev. John J. Wade, 1940, Assistant, Sacred Heart, Fall River Rev. Raymond J. Lynch, 1955, Chaplain Catholic Memorial Home, Fall River .

I'll help spread the joy of Easter by my enclosed sacrifice of: 0$1,0000$5000$2000$1000$500$200$100$5 OOther 011-$--

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THE SOCIETY FOR THE PROPAGATION OF THE FAITH Most Rev. Edward T. O'Meara National Director Dept. C, 366 Fifth Avenue New York, New York 10001


The Rev. Monsignor John J. Oli\'ci'll OR: . Diocesan Director 368 North Main Street Fa II R'Iver, Massach use tt s 02720

1 I 1

_ .J '


THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur., April 12, 1979

GRAND KNIGHTS and district deputies of the Knights of Columbus in the Fall River diocese meet with State Deputy John J. Donovan and Bishop Cronin to plan a membership drive. Seated, State Deputy Donovan, Bishop Cronin, Msgr. John J. Oliveira, vice-chancellor. Standing, District Deputies Robert T. Joy, Cape and Isla~ds; J. Murray Sennott, Attleboro' area; Charles Silvia, Taunton area; George L. Courville, Fall River area; Paul R. Turner, Easton area; Membership Director John T. Trainor, Fall River.

Pastoral Program



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Continued from Page Three bound, such as helping with shopping or small chores. They also spend a little time chatting about community and parish happenings and bring with them the weekly church bulletin. At St. Michael's parish, Ocean Grove, Father Clement Dufour said ,that ~rom 20 to 25 invalids are served every Sunday by nine Eucharistic ministers and that the program, which started the Sunday before Christmas, is very successful. The home ministry program at St. Jacques parish, Taunton, is differently structured, said Father Raymond Robillard There a Holy Union nun, Si~ter Alice Desrosiers, works fulltime visiting families and nursing homes assisting Father Robillard in his ministry to patients at Taunton State Hospital.

"She visits residences and nursing homes from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. daily," said Father Robillard, "reaching about 80 people regularly. Then she spends the afternoon assisting me at the hospital." Sister Alice adds such touches to her ministry as sending birthday and anniversary cards to the elderly in the widespread parish, noted Father Robillard. Father Michael Nagle of St. Margaret's parish, Buzards Bay, said the pilot program has been in place since February and at present involves two women who visit some 30 nursing home patients. "The patients are happy to have this service and look forward to receiving the Eucharist," said Father Nagle. Plans call for extending the program to home bound parish-

ioners, he said. Father Edmund J. Fitzgerald, director of the diocesan department of pastoral care for the sick, is coordinator for the pilot program. He said it was preceded by a 1976 study chaired by Father Daniel Hoye, now working with the U.S. Catholic Conference in Washington. The study committee recom-, mended to Bishop Cronin that extraordinary ministers be permitted to distribute the Eucharist outside the context of Mass; and that appropriate training and supervision be provided for such ministers. The committee quoted the rite . for Anointing and Pastoral Care of the Sick to the effect that it is fitting that communion be, brought to the homebound by the Eucharistic minister directly from Sunday Mass, "to a degree making them feel part of it." Where possible, this is done in the pilot program, with ministers placing hosts in a special container called a pyx just before the recessional of Mass and going directly from the church to the sick and elderly. Father Fitzgerald said special training is given the ministers to the sick, in. addition to that offered the extraordinary ministers who assist- at Mass. Home ministers learn, for example, that they should be familiar with the physical and emotional condition of the patients to be served and that they should be willing to spend a little time in friendly chat with each person. The pilot program is expected to give the pastoral care department the feedback needed fo ensure that all parishes will eventually be able to offer their sick and elderly members the consolation of receiving the Eucharistic Christ regularly and frequently.

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Should Grown Children Obey Parents? By Dr. J,ames and Mary Kenny ,Last week we discussed parent-child relationships when a 19-year-old daughter, seeking independence, told her parents ·she was seeing a divorced man and she saw nothing wrong with premarital 'sex. We summarized what parents can and cannot expect from young adult children. Families do not operate by contract. Family relationships involve belonging, acceptance, - emotional support and love. When a child dismisses our values, ignores our rules and flaunts her behavior, all in the name of freedom, how. do w~ respond? We can define her rights and parents' rights as we did last week. If parents cannot tolerate her behavior, they can ask her to get another place to live. Hut suppose parents want to make every effort to maintain family bonds. How do we love the "impossible" child? When an adolescent child rejects our values and behaves contrary to our moral code, we parents often focus on the bad

behavior until it becomes almost an obsession. A parent's thoughts run something like, this:. "Every time I look at that girl I think of how she is defying all that I value. It is simply not fair of her to act this way. Sometimes I'm afraid she'll go off and never come back to us - and other times I wish she'd do exactly that." But think for a moment. No matter how bad her behavior, do you really want to drive your daughter away forever? You can hardly expect an adolescent to initiate a process of forgiveness and re-establishing . ties. You, the parent, must take steps to break the destructive circle. Rirst, stop judging. Does telling her she is wroIJ.g or bad do any good? No, she will either defend herself or ignore you. Whether you are right or wrong does not matter. Now take the hard step. Forget about her bad behavior and concentrate on her good behavior. What does she do well? Does she sew, cook or clean house well? Does she play ten-

is, play a musical instrument? Is she a good big sister to her siblings, generous and loyal to her friends? You might not even approve of her kindness, but kindness it is. Look for the good things. Help your spouse to' stay positive. The more' you bring good points to mind, the more you will see' virtues rather than faults. Jesus loved people who had done things far worse than your daughter. He brought out the best in people. He loved even people who were strangers to him. Can we try to do less with our own children whom we do love in spite of all? You can clarify the issues between you by specifying what adult freedom and adult respon'sibility mean. Then go one step further. Translate your love for your daughter into approval of the goodness in her. It might be the one thing that can keep your love relationship aJjve. Readers questions on family living and child care are invited. Address to The Kennys; c/o The Anchor, P.O. Box 7, Fall River, Mass. 02722.

Experts Believe Turin Shroud Genuine Scientists involved in studies of the Holy Shroud of Turin have said they believe the cloth which bears the image of a tortured man is in fact the burial garment of Jesus Christ. One, Harry Gove of th(· University of Rochester, also predicted papal approval for a carbon-dating test to help establish the age of the cloth. Until now, guardians of· the shroud have rull~d out any carbon tests, since they involve partial destruction of the object being studied. Now, says Gove, chairman of the university's physics and astronomy department, a new technique he was instrumental in developing could date the cloth using "no more than a single thread, four to eight inches long." Gove said he believes Archbishop Anastasio Ballestrero of Turin, Italy, custodian of the relic, will change his stand on carbon tests because of the new' technique. Last October, Gove attended the International Holy Shroud Congress in Turin, where he participated in composition of a paper tit:1ed, "A Method of Dating the Shroud of Turin." ~onventional carbon dating, invented in the 1940s, depends on the decay rate of the radioactive isotope carbon-14. The procedure requires a specimen of material about the size of a man's handkerchief, and takes about two months to complete, he explained. By contrast, his method could, with a single thread, "determine in an hour, maybe two," the shroud's age, the scientist asserted. The mp.tho~ lo:-- "~en successfully tested in dating a 2,OOO-year-old egyptIan lu.....uny wrapping, he said. • Archbishop Ballestrero first 'refused to permit destruction of a single thread, on the grounds that if the shroud was Jesus Christ's, no part of it should be destroyed. The archbishop may now permit the test, Gove said, since "the Catholic Church is eager to have false relics uncovered." Gove expressed his conviction that the shroud is genuine. "If the shroud is a fake," he said, "the guy has got to be the cleverest (forger) ever to' come along." Gove, who made his remarks at a colloquium at Rensselaer

Polytechnic Institute, Troy, N.Y., said the shroud's authenticity can never be proven' with absolute certitude. "Science doesn't have all the answers, . and we might stH, have to relegate the Holy Shroud to the area of miracles," he said. In that, he agreed with another shroud authority, Tom Haverty, an infrared specialist and one of a team of 36 scientists permitted to examine the shroud after it was on public display in Turin's cathedral last autumn. "There is no scientific way to prove that the man (in the shroud) was Christ. But right now I have no reason to doubt that it was," said Haverty. The cloth was scrutinized by a group consisting mainly of atheists, said Haverty, a Catholic. He shared the prevailing skepticism, he said. "I've always felt that religion puts a stamp of approval on things like this too quickly," he said. "Something has to be proved to me before I'll believe it."

Three tests convinced Haverty of the shroud's authenticity. One examined pollen grains on the cloth through an electronic microscope. According to, test results, the cloth had been in Palestine, Turkey and northern Europe. Another test indicated that the shroud's wearer had bled from head wounds inflicted by a crown of thorns. "It is historical fact," said Haverty, "that the Romans were touchy about crowning only royalty. They wouldn't normally have crowned someone they considered a criminal." Other tests revealed that the body had not been washed immediately, in conformity with standard Jewish procedure at the time. Instead, it was wrapped immediately after death. "Right now," said Haverty, "I have no reason to doubt that it was (Christ)." Haverty said the tests also revealed that the victim it enshrouded was 5-feet-8 to 5-feet10 in height, about 165 pounds and very muscular.


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When are you happiest? Happiness lies in giving. You're happiest when you give yourself to the people who need you most. . . . A mother, for instance, hums with happiness when she bathes and dresses her baby. A good nurse al· ways has time for a smile. Good fathers whistle at their work. . . . The best sort of giving involves more than writing checks-still, how better can you help the children now who need you overseas? Boys and girls who are blind, lepers, deaf-mutes, orphans-your money gifts, large and smail, will feed them, teach them, cure them, give them a chance in life.... Want to be happier this Easter? Give some happiness to a child. You'll be happy, too!

•• ••



In Erumathala, south India, a young Indian girl in training to be a Sister of the Destitute will learn, among other things, how to care for orphans. Her training costs $300 all told ($12.50 a month, $150.00 a year), a small investment for a Sister's lifetime of service. Like to be her sponsor? We'll send you her name and she will write to you.

•• ••


For only $200 in Ernakulam you can build a decent house for a family that now sleeps on the sidewalks. Simply send your check to us. Cardinal Parecattil will write to thank you also.


In this "Year of the Child," brighten the heart of a blind child in the Gaza Strip (where Samson lived). $5 gives shoes, $10 a set of braille , readers, $25 clothes! .

..•• ..



Bishop To Serve OnCRS Board Bishop Daniel A. Cronin is among 14 bishops forming the new board of directors of Catholic Relief Services, the overseas relief arm of the United States Catholic community. At the 'board's first meeting, held at CRS headquarters in New York City, members familiarized themselves with agency plans, policies and key personnel. Standing committees were set up to deal with financial, auditing, overseas programs, and information and development aspects of the huge CRS operation.

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur., April 12, 1979

Chairman of the new board is Bishop Daniel P. Reilly, Norwich. Members, in addition to Bishop Cronin, are Cardinal Terence Cooke, New York; Bishop WilHam G. Connare, Greensburg; Bishop Thomas J. Mardaga, Wilmington; Bishop Mark J. Hurley, Santa Rosa; Bishop Edward T. O'Meara, Nation~l Director of the Society for the Propagation of the Faith. Bishop Edward O'Rourke, Peoria; Bishop Aloysius J. Wycis10, Green Bay; Auxiliary Bishop

Joseph A. Francis, Newark; Bishop John L. May, Mobile; Archbishop Robert F. Sanchez, Santa Fe. Bishop Edwin B. Broderick, CRS director, and Bishop Thomas C. Kelly, general secretary of the U.S. Catholic Conference, are ex-officio members.

Unseen Self-Denial "There is a great deal of selfdenial and manliness in poor and middle-class houses, in town and country, that has not got into literature, and never will, but that keeps the earth sweet." Ralph Waldo Emerson.

Where there is none in south India, you can build a six-room p'erOlanent school for only $4,000. Archbishop Mar Gregorios will select the village, supervise construction and write to thank you. The children will pray for you, and you may name the school' for your favorite saint, in your loved ones' memory!

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TERENCE CARDINAL COOKE, President MSGR. JOHN G. NOLAN, National Secretary . . . Write: CATHOLIC NEAR EAST WELFARE Assoc. 1011 First Avenue. New York, N.Y. 10022 Teleph0r'e: 212/826-1480

• 10

Help Not Expected

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur., April 12, 1979

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WASHINGTON - Against a mood of deep concern about the dollar, the deficit and inflation, independent schools can expect little help from Washington, Sen. John Chafee (R-R.I.) told educators at the National association of Independent Schools conference. Chafee reported that the mood in Congress has changed from two years ago, when he' said new programs had a chance of being approved.


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Diocese of Fall River

VILLAGERS AND MONKS reenact the stations of the cross in a Good Friday tradition at Kalwaria Zebrzydowska in southern Poland. (NC Photo)


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Some of the residents of St. Vincent's Home in Fall River, lining up for dinner. St. Vincent's Home is one of the apostolates founded by the annual Catholic Chariti,es Appeal.


For the Works of Charity, Mercy, Social Service and Education to All People in Southeastern Area of Massachusetts ... The Appeal provides care for all regardless of Race, Color and Creed ... The Appeal is supported by Fraternal, Professional, Business and Industrial Organizations.





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Honorary Chairman

Ask for Creed at your favorite Jeweler's, Religious Shop or Gift Store.

Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin, S.T.D. Bishop of Fall River .

Diocesan Lay Chairman Melvin B. Gonsalves, of Teaticket


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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur., April 12, 1979








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Question (orner •





on the Liturgy of 1971 - among numerous other documents. Q. How BDd why did the pracIncidentally, I !believe you tice of the Kiss of P~ce or misunderstood your pastor. of shaking hands at Mass originThere is no new code of canon ate? Do you' think our Lord law as yet, though one has shook hands with the apostles been in preparation for several when he said, .. My peace I years. The 1918 code of canon leave with you, my peace I give' law is still in force, though you?" How can this. practice many of its provisions have been be avoided by those who find it superceded by other church regobnoxious? (MeL) ulations. A. The Kiss of Peace is among Questions for this column the oldest rites connected with should be sent to Father Dietthe Mass. At ieast five times the zen, c/o 1be Anchor, P.O. Box New Testament speaks of Chris7, Fall River, Mass. 02722. tians greeting each other with a "holy kiss" or a "kiss of ·love." We know for sure that by around .the year 150, the kiss as an expression of unity and peace Continued from Page Three among Christians constituted Bishop Joseph Crowley, chaira regular part orthe euchari~tic man of the U.S. Catholic Conliturgy. ference Communications Com,For centuries the Pax (peace), I mittee, will be principal conas it was called, was exchanged celebrant and homilist at the by everyone at Mass. Toward convention Mass April 26. the late Middle Ages, the pracAuxiliary Bishop Augustin tice began to be observed only Roman of Miami, archdiocesan by the attending clergy, and vicar for Hispanics, will speak other signs (embraces and so at the convention luncheon on) often substituted for an ac- April 25. tual kiss. This continued until Other speakers will include our present time when the Kiss, Msgr. John J. Egan, director of or Sign, of Peace is once again the Center for Pastoral and Soprescribed in some manner for . cia I Ministry at the University all the faithful. of Notre Dame; and Richard Thus, in spite of -your mis- Banules, business manager of givings and suspicions, the Sign NC News. of Peace has deep roots as a Convention discussion topics fitting external expression of will include Internal Revenue the Christian meaning of the Service and postal regulations Mass and holy Communion. affecting Catholic publications. A session will feature Jesuit If we really believe that in receiving the eucharist we share Father Joseph A. O'Hare, editor the table and the meal which of America magazine, and Father Jesus provided to express and J. Bryan Hehir, associate secrebuild our family until as his tary for international justice brother and sisters (and there- and peace at the U.S. Catholic fore as brothers and sisters of Conference. each other), doesn't it seem strange that anyone would consider it obnoxious to touch another in gesture of charity and Continued from Page Three' unity just before going up the charge of arrangements, notes aisle with him to receive the that the reservation deadline is body of the Lord? Friday, April 20. District reservation chairmen The church's long .adherence to the Kiss of Peace as a signi- are Miss Theresa Lewis, New ficant element of the Mass might ,Bedford; Mrs. John Silvia and reasonably suggest that anyone Mrs. Irene Pereira, Fall River; who finds that part of the Mass Mrs. James Blackmore, Cape annoying lacks something in his and Islands; Mrs. William Grounderstanding of what the Eu- ver, Taunton; Mrs. Marcel Lariviere, Attleboro. charist is all about.

PAUL GOULET, Prop• Route 28,

By Father John Dietzen

CPA Convention


Q. I recently had a discussion with my pastor about women readers at Mass. He said that under the old canon law women were forbidden to be readers, but that this is pennissible under the new canon law. Can you tell me where this pennission can be found? (Ky.)

A. The exercise' of the ministry of reader by women is provided for in several liturgical documents, the present Order of the Mass (1969), the Instruction of the fongregation for Divine Worship of 1970, and the liturgical in~tructions issued by the American bishops' Committee

Golden Mean "It is a great grace of God' to practice self-examination, but too much is as bad as too little." - St. Teresa of Avila


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HELEN HAYES, the first lady of the American theatre, who was recently in Provincetown as a judge of plans for the Eugene O'Neill Theatre to. be constructed in that town, is the 1979 winner of Notre Dame University's Laetare Medal.



station, marking the death of Christ, will be in front of the home of Frances McMahon, an 84-year-old woman murdered there Feb.. 24. Father Thomas F. Olsen, pastor of All Saints Church, has invited the pastors and people of all churches in the area to participate. "The purpose is twofold: to accept God's will and to ask his help in seeking solutions to the problems of all people in every neighborhood of every city," he said. As the procession goes about the neighborhood, the bells of the participating churches will toll. All the participants have been asked to prepare by spending an hour tonight in silent prayer at All Saints Church, recalling the agony in the garden.



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Continued from Page Three

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HOLY THURSDAY, 6:30 p.m. Mass of the Lord's Supper. Adoration at the Repository until midnight.

GOOD FRIDAY, 3:00 p.m. Liturgical 'service of the Passion of Christ..

GOOD FRIDAY, 7:30 p.m. 86th .annual paraliturgical and dramatic Way of the Cross, descent from the Cross and procession.

HOLY SATURDAY, 7:00 p.m. Easter Vigil and first Mass of the Resurredion.



THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur., April 12, 1979

KNOW YOUR FAITH Why Give to Foreigners? By Father Donald McCarthy



Several years ago when baseball's Cincinnati Reds soundly defeated the New York Yankees in the World Series they were affectionately called the "Big Red Machine" by their admiring fans. The picture of a machine that rolls along with power and majesty expresses the abstract notion of teamwork between ballplayers. St. Paul used another picture to express the unity of Christians: the body of Christ. St. Paul spoke of baptism uniting people in a way that far exceeds the teamwork of a baseball team. "It was in one Spirit that all of us, whether Jew or Greek, slave or free, were baptized into one body" (I Corinthians 12:13). How can the unity of Christians in one body be made visible? Returning to baseball comparisons one may reply by suggesting "teamwork." Every parish community practices teamwork in the multiple activities that it sponsors. Some members teach in religious education programs, younger parishioners may drive senior citizens to Mass or parish activities, electricians string lights for parish, festivals . and executives join ways and means committees of parish councils. Thus all members contribute toward the team's success. But members of -the body of Christ are everywhere. In fact, every living person potentially belongs to the body of Christ. Hence contributing to the teamwork of the body means participating in an international effort which makes the United Nations pale by comparison. 'Christ's worldwide body lifts up all humanity in a praising and worshipping movement toward the Father. But. sometimes devoted and unselfish Catholics lose patience with frequent collections for the work of the church in foreign lands or for international programs to fight poverty and disease. They find it more satisfying to support local works of charity or the parish school. No one can object to concern for individual units 'of the body of Christ. But worldwide teamwork can't be achieved without serious efforts toward the good of the whole, at least by spiritual and moral if not by visible and tangible support. St. Paul exemplified. this corporate concern by his famous collection for the poor of Jerusalem. He brought help from the new gentile Christians of Galatia, Macedonia and Achaia, saying "if the gentiles have shared in the spiritual blessings of the Jews, they ought to contribute



St. Bernard By Deacon Steve Landregan

to their temporal' needs in return" (Romans 15:27). The arithmetic of belonging to the body of Christ should include a form of tithing to the worldwide needs of that body. ,Parish communities which successfully raise thousands of dollars in support of parish works of education and charity should consider pledging at least a portion of that income for use in foreign 'lands as a manifestation of unity with the whole body of Christ. 'Parochialism in charitable concerns neglects the teamwork of the whole body of Christ. The "Big Red Machine" was not successful just because of one or two strong and healthy players, even including Pete. Rose!

For Children By Janaan Manternach One day Jesus decided to visit Nazareth. It was his hometown, where most of his family still lived. As in any small town, everyone knew everyone else. The older people in Nazareth remembered Jesus as a young boy working in Joseph's carpenter shop. They had often seen him go with his mother to the town well to get water. The younger men and women remembered playing with him in the streets. Jesus' friends and neighbors were happy to see him again, but they were also curious about him. They had heard reports of remarkable cures by him. They had heard stories of large crowds listening by the hour to him. Would he work wonders in his hometown? Soon after, Jesus arrived back in Nazareth. It was Saturday, the Sabbath. Jesus went to the familiar synagogue where he had come with Mary and Joseph every week as he was growing up. Because he was now known in the neighboring towns as a rabbi, a religious teacher, the local rabbi in Nazareth invited Jesus to preach' at the Sabbath service. Everyone wondered what Jesus would say, what he would do. He read ,a brief passage from the Torah, the Jewish Scriptures, just as devout Jews do even today. Then he talked to the people about the meaning of the Torah reading. He spoke to them about God, about how to live happily as children of God. The people were very impressed. In fact, they were amazed at Jesus' ability to touch their hearts and minds. They Turn to Page Thirteen

Who Needs Enemies? By Fatbel' JoJm J. Castelot "With friends like you, who needs enemies?" There is no record of Jesus ever having asked that question, but he certainly had enough provocation. His own relatives questioned his sanity (Mark 3:20-21; see John 7:5) and his fellow Nazarenes turned on him violently. Mark seems to have telescoped their growing hostility into one incident (6:1-6; Matthew 13:54-58). Luke gives a slightly c1eater picture of the switch from wondering admiration to furious rejection, even if his editing of the material gives the surface impression that he is describing one visit to the hometown (4:14-30). Mark tells us that Jesus came home with his disciples and began to teach in the synagogue in a way that amazed his audience. They said: "Where did he get all this? Is not this the carpenter, the son of Mary, a brother of James and Joses and Judas and Simon?" They found him too much for them (Mark 6:1-3). As their reaction stands, it could express begrudging admiration. After all, they had known him from boyhood as part of a not particularly distinguished family whose members were well known to them. As far as they knew, he had never received any formal schooling, yet his synagogue homilies were amazing. They were baffled. This is just the impression which the first part of Luke;s account gives. It is a bit' more detailed. Jesus had gained quite a reputation in the area and it had preceded him to Nazareth.

Consequently, it was only natural that he be invited to conduct the synagogue service. He read a passage from Isaiah which spoke clearly of the dawning of the Messianic era, and when he sat down to explain it, they were singularly attentive. His opening words were: "Today this Scripture passage is fulfilled in your hearing." All present spoke favorably of him; they marveled at the appealing discourse which came from his lips. They also asked, "Is not this Joseph's son?" (Luke 4:14-22) But Jesus' next words indicate a sharp and surprising shift of mood, suggesting the passage of some time during which the temper of the. townspeople has become decidedly hostile: "You will doubtless quote me the proverb, 'Physician, heal yourself,' and say, 'Do here in your own country the things we have heard you have done in Capernaum.' But in fact, no prophet gains acceptance in his native place." (Luke 4:23-24) Here Luke rejoins Mark, who says: "No prophet is without honor except in his native place, among his own kindred, and in his own house." And Mark tells us bluntly: "He could work no miracle there, apart from curing a few who were sick by laying hands on them, so much did their lack of faith distress him" (Mark 6:4-5). Matthew, writing some decades later, when Christians were getting a bit touchy on the subject of Jesus' human limitations, found this reference to his inability to work miracles a bit too much and changed it accordingly: "And he 'did not' Tum to Page Thirteen

Times of reform and renewal in the church are times of great contrast.. of indulgence and renunciation, of debauchery aQd sanctity. Such a time was the first half of the 12th century, when Bernard of Clairvaux emerged as zealous defender of the faith and crusading mystic. In the twilight of the 11th century, the great reform of the Benedictine order that began at the Abbey of Cluny, France, started to degenerate into monastic mediocrity. A sma'l group of monks seeking to return again to the purer form of the Rule of St. Benedict founded a monastery in the wilderness near Citeaux, France. This was the beginning of the Cistercian Order. Fourteen years later, Bernard, a young man of 21 from a small nearby village, knocked on the gate of Citeaux. With him were 30 companions, including four ,of his five brothers and a number of other relatives and friends. Shortly"'"-thereafter, his fifth and last brother joined him. The charisma of the young monk, whose arguments for a life of prayer and renunciation had been so successful with his brothers and friends, was a gift to both the fledging Cistercian movement and the whole church. Bernard's gifts were manifold. He had an irresistible personality, possessed great organizational ability, was a prodigious writer, a persuasive preacher and a profound spiritual theologian. He was a man of action and a mystic, whose life foreshadowed the mendicant monks of the following century who could have such an impact upon the affairs of both the church and secular society. Although he preached against heretics with the zeal of a crusader, and was a principal force for unity in a church rent by the simultaneous election of two popes, Bernard's most important work lay in the reform and renewal of Benedictine monasticism, and the instigation of religious revival in the whole church. Three years after he entered the Cistercians at Cite'aux, Bernard and 12 companions began a new foundation in an isolated valley near Champagne and called it Clairveaux. Within three years, by 1118, the Abbey of Clairveaux, with Bernard as its first abbot, hegan establishing foundations of its own. By the time of Bernard's death, 68 Cistercian monasteries had been founded from Clairveaux. Turn to Page Thirteen

For Children

A Verdade E A Vida Dirigida pelo Rev. Edmond Rego A


Continued from Page Twelve asked one another, "Where did he get all this knowledge? Where did he learn to preach? He never went to any special schools." . The townspeople were puzzled, but tTiey were proud of Jesus. They loved him as one of themselves. They were happy that Nazareth was his hometown. But after a while, Jesus became too much for them. Instead of admiring him, they became jealous. People asked one another, "Who does he think he is anyway? He has no more education than the rest of us. Why is he so special?" Slowly the townspeople turned against him.. They became angry because he was not doing any great wonders in his own hometown. "Why doesn't he cure sick people right here in the town in which he grew up?" Jesus was deeply hurt. His friends and neighbors were reo jectinghim. One day he told a

do Senhor

o Senhor ressuscitou verdadeiramente. Jesus ressuscitou ao terceiro dia da Sua Morte, como tinha profetizado. Eis como se concatenaram os factos: Depois da tragedia do Calvario, os amigos do Senhor, alguns se mantiveram fiths nessa hora dif!cil, prepararam rapidamente o Corpo de Jesus e depositaram-no num sepulcro novo, talvez espera de mais tarde Ihe levantarem um mausoleu condigno. Com 0 par do sol, chegava 0 princ!pio do sabado judaico, e nao poderiam ir muito longe, por agora, nas suas dilig~ncias. A Divina Provid~ncia disp~e tudo para que tilo possa haver duvidas sobre a Ressurrei,ao: um sepulcro novo, para que nao nos assaltasse a duvida se teria sido Ele ou outro anteriormente ali depositado quem ressuscitasse; cavado na rocha, para excluir qualquer hip6tese de roubo; porta selada e com guardas a vista, para que ningu~m ousasse tocar-lhe. Ao romper do dia houve urn grande terramoto, pois 0 anjo do Senhor, descendo do • ceu, aproximou-se e removeu a pedra••• Jesus sai glorioso do sepulcro, e os guardas correm cidade a avisar as autoridades acerca do sucedido. Mas a mentira que lhes ensinam a dizer e infantil, 0 que faz exclarDa:r a Santo Agostinho: "Astucia mise ravel ! Apresentas testemunhas adormecidas? Verdadeiramente estas a dormir tu mesmo, ao imaginares uma tal explicaCjao. II Se dormiam, como puderam ver? E se viram, porque nao intervieram, se estavam armados e com autoridade? Ao menos, porque nao denunciam os assaltantes, para que sejam castigados? As santas mulheres, sem 0 saberem, vao ao sepulcro. Maria Sant!ssima nlo as acompanha, porque espera a Ressurrei~ao. Porque h~-de embalsamar 0 Corpo do Seu Divino Filho? Ao encont.rarem 0 sepulcro vazio sao colhidas de surpresa, e vao comunicar 0 facto aos Ap6stolos. De tudo 0 que nos contam os Evangelhos, com aquela simplicidade e sinceridade que Ihes e peculiar, verificamos que os Apostolos nao contavam com a Ressurreiyao. Sao colhidos de surpresa e resistem a acreditar. A Ressurreiilo de Jesus 0 grande acontecimento anunciado por Jesus e procla, made solenemente pelos Apostolos nas suas . prega,oes. Jesus nunca insistiu em convencer os Seus ouvint~s da veracidade de qualquer milagre que realizava. Mas anuncia solenemente a Ressurreiiao gloriosa como sendo 0 grande sinal da Sua divindade: IIGerayao rna e adultez:oa! Reclama. urn sinal, mas nD:o Ihe sera dado outro sinal, a rilo ser 0 do profeta Jonas. Assim como Jonas esteve no ventre do cetacio tr~s dias e tr3s noites, assim 0 Filho do Homem estara no seio da terra tres dias e tres noites." Para que os Apostolos nro desfalecessem diante da Sua Paixto, ant.ecipa a gloria de ressuscitado no Tabor diantede Pedro, Tiago e Joao. E vai j depois, como born Pastor a procura da ovelha perdida, aparecer na Cenaculo, reconduzir os dois fugitivos de Emaus e confirmar a Fe .vacilante de Tome. Entre outras raz~es, podemos pensar que Jesus procede assim porque a Ressurrei9ao G o alicerce da nossa Fe. Nos nao temos urn Deus morto, mas vivo. Ressuscitou! Esta con- dos seculos. , nosco na t erra a t e' a, consuma~ao


Enemies Continued from Page Twelve work any miracles there because of their lack of faith" (Matthew






Luke, writing about the same time as Matthew, omits it, but tells us something even more distressing. The occasion is an· other synagogue homily; this time Jesus alludes to the careers of Elijah and Elisha, stressing the fact that these two prophets, likewise rejected by their people, exercised their ministry in favor of gentile foreigners. At this, the congregation grew infuriated, threw Jesus out of, town and came close to lynching him by thrownng him over a precipice. IBut as often happens in l;nob action, when it actually came to giving the first shove, no one had the nerve. "He went straight through their midst and walked away" (Luke 4:30). Who can fathom his thoughts as he "walked away"? These were his own townspeople, many of them his own flesh and blood, and they had rejected him violently. He was walking the path trodden by all the prophets before him. Like them, "to his own he came, yet his own did not accept him" (John 1:11).

THE ANCHORThurs., April 12, 1979

group of them, "Every prophet is honored by strangers. The only place a prophet is without honor is in his own hometown, among his friends and relatives, even in his own house." Jesus· was so troubled that he could not do what he had done in the surounding towns. Since his own people did not believe in him, he was unable to help them experience God's healing power. He cured only a few sick people in Nazareth. So he left his hometown and went from village to village all over Galilee. He spent most of his time teaching people ahout God and about how to live with God. But the pain of rejection by those who had been closest to him remained, with him the rest of his life.

St. Bernard Continued from Page Twelve His reform of Benedictine monasticism extended beyond Clairveaux and its foundations. In 1119 he began efforts to correct the mediocrity of monastic observance at the great Benedictine Abbey of Cluny. His life is an example of medieval monasticism at its best. His zeal was tempered by charity and humility and found its strength in the life and passion of Jesus and in deep devotion to the Blessed Virgin. In a letter to another abbot, who had abandoned the lavish lifestyle for which Bernard had taken him to task, he explained his refusal to ignore defects and weakne~es for fear of causing scandal. "When scandal comes through vices being denounced," he wrote, "it comes through those who do what is blameworthy and not through those who blame it." His uncompromising demand for a life of Gospel poverty is reflected in one of his sermons where he speaks of Christ as "our head, crowned, not with glory, hut with the thorns of our sins. As members of that head, crowned with thorns, we should be ashamed to live .in luxury. Our times require the balance of action and spirituality that marked Bernard of Clairveaux's life. Our zeal must be tempered by charity and humility and must flow from a life lived in imitation of Christ.

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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur., April 12, 1979

By Charlie Martin


, FOURTH GRADE STUDENTS ()f St. Mary's Primary School, Taunton, reenact the' drama of the Passion under direction of Mrs. Carol Zopatti, Christian education and language arts teacher. (Gonsalves Photo)


focus onyoulh • • •

By Cecilia Belanger

The National Center for Health Statistics in the U.S. says that' 1976, the most recent year for which figures are available, the number of suicides among U.S. youth 19 and under was·l,719. Among children under 15, 163 suicides were reported. Clinical observers agree that the statistics are only the tip of the iceberg, beca\lse both attempted and,actual. s4icides are significantly under-reported. Dr. V. Victoroff of Cleveland's Huron Road Hospital claims, "There are more youngster suicides than we know about. About 20 to 25 percent are called something else. For example, a 'toxic drug reaction' doesn't have to read self-inflicted.''' . Family break-ups cause fear and insecurity. Pamela Cantor of Boston University claims that for a teenager, losing a parent through divorce is more damaging .than to lose one through death. Dr. Victoroff adds that society's demand for instant gratification is a factor: "f think its (suicide) partially because the words 'no' and 'wait' have gone from our lexicon. Our society demands instant gratification . . . 'fast foods' and 'fast moods.' Our kids want fast money, fast highs and fast adventure. They believe a fantasy in the head is one to be acted out. Slashed wrists, speeding accidents and so on are 'body language' tel)ing us: 'Pay attention! There's something rotten going on in my life, and I hate it!' " Dr. Kiev highlights an often overlooked factor: pressures on youth to participate in activities before they are ready for them. He also attributes the suicide trend to such things as the rising divorce rate, high mobility, the ragmented structure of communities, and "weakened goal-directed behavior." One psychologist mentioned another ingredient in the overall, social/mental health mix of

today with:"It's very difficult to Award and Plaque, a $50 savings expre~ negative feelings in this bond from the 'Bristol South country. Hostility, guilt, fear and Medical' Society and the right hate do need to have some sort to compete in the state science of outlet so that they are not fair to be held later this month directed toward self.'! at the Massachusetts Institute Lack of a positive self-image of Technology. among youth' remains a probAlso to compete in the state lem. When youth receive no as- fair is Donna Brezinski, who surance of their worth, self-in- won two awards for her study on flicted death becomes a last bid whether X-rays are necessary for love and attention. in dentistry. One judge called Dr. David. Shaffer, head of her work the best he had seen child psychiatry at the Colum- in 17 years of . judging dental bia-Presbyterian Psychiatric lri~ .projects. stitute in New York, say$', "ChilCommended for participation dren do not realize that death in a science forum held in conis final. They do not develop junction with the fair and also mature ideas about death until slated for state level competimiddle childlife." He cited a tion were Walter Precourt, who study that found that 50 per- won a second place award for cent of children between 6 and a study of meteorology; and 11 thought death was reversible; Ted Figlock, who received honin the 11 to 13 group, 13 percent orable mention for work on still believed this. 'radio waves. Dr. Shaffer said the threats to Brian Lecuyer was named a jump' in front of a car are among state fair alternate for his prothe most common suicidal ut- ject on the jet stream. terances made by young children. Social trends such as peer and parental pressure, competiFive out of six Holy Family tion for grades, changing life High School contestants in the styles, drugs, rejection of authority and consequent feelings recent regional Science Fair of being lost without the right merited awards. They were Gorkind; even television's depiction don Goes and Kevin Stone, third of the hopeless, problem-satura- places for projects on computers ted, seamy' side of life are fac- and truth and deception; Kathy Hudon, honorable mention for a tors in youthful suicides. project on blood work. Many television shows tend Angelique ViIlenuve, honorto reinforce the feelings of a able mention for her study of large majority that ours is, in- Acushnet River pollution; Mideed, a bleak, unattractive chelle St. Gelais, named an alworld - one that's not worth ternate to the state science fair studying for or working hard to for her work on grasshoppers; survive in. Teresa Desrosiers, chosen for It's up to adults to turn that state competition for a project image around. on the brain. Also at the New Bedford school, a career day sponsored by the student government comStudents at Coyle-Cassidy mittee presented speakers on reHigh School, Taunton, who mer· habilitation, business subjects, ited awards in last week's Re- television, government, fine arts, gion III science fair were led by the work of police and fire detop award winner John Brady, partments, medicine, banking, a freshman whose project on electronics, personnel manageblood circulation earned him the ment, hair styling, engineering, $100 Tom, Cahill Memorial law and the armed services.

Holy F'amily


1 don't know how to love him What to do, how to move him I've been changed, yes really changed In these past few days when I've seen myself 1 seem like someone else I don't know how to take this I don't see why he moves me He's a man, he's just a man And I've had so many men before In very many ways He's just one more Should I bring him down, should I scream and shout Should I speak of love, let my feelings out I never thought I'd come to this - what's it all about Don't you think it's rather funny I should be in this position I'm the one who's always been So calm so cool, no lover's fool Running every show He scares me so I never thought I'd come to this - what's it all about Yet if he said he loved me I'd be lost, I'd be frightened I couldn't cope, just couldn't cope I'd turn my head, I'd back away I wouldn't want to know He scares me so I want him so I love him so From "Jesus Christ Superstar" by Andrew Lloyd Weber and Tim Rice, (c) 1970 Leeds Music Ltd. • Those who encountered Jesus had to face decision. No one met him lind walked away indifferently. Those who hated him did , so fiercely, and those who Joved him stood in awe of his deeds and words. This is still true. Yet those who loved Jesus did not completely understand him or their own feelings toward him. Like Mary Magadelene they realized a difference within themselves. Their loving brought a power to change themselves and others. Yet Jesus remained a man of mystery. The speed or events left those who loved Jesus dazed. They asked: How can this man of marvelous powers allow small men of enormous pride to destroy him? There was no answer. Before their eyes, he died a broken figure on a cross of shame. What of the . -changes, the promises, the memories? For those who risked loving, waiting was inevitable. Some waited, thought and pondered Friday's brokenness through long, inwardly dark nights. Then in the beginning glimmer of a Sunday dawn, these friends of the buried Jesus, including Mary Magadelene, crept sorrowfully to the grave. But before their eyes new questions unfolded. Why was the stone rolled away. Where were the guards? And who was this stranger asking his mysterious question, "Why do you seek the living among the dead?" With words that shattered the boundaries of reason, the ultimate answer to all the question.s 'of the last three days was given: "Mary, it is I!"

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Interscholastic Sports



South Repeats As Hockey Champion Fall River South, which finished first in the regular Bristol County Hockey League season for the second consecutive season, has also repeated as winner of the league's post-season playoffs. The Southie's defeated New ,Bedford 5-2 last Sunday night at the Driscoll Rink, 'Fall River, to sweep the playoff final. Bob Leger scored for New Bedford

45 seconds into the game but goals by Glenn Souza and Jim Carey, in the second canto gave South a 2-1 lead going into the last period. Goals by Bob Leite and Bill Taylor in the third period widened- the gap to 4-1 before Marc Pepin scored for New Bedford. Souza closed the scoring at 14: 17 with his second goal of the game.

Cape Has Outstanding Catholic Athletes Good Catholic high school athletes do not necesarily have to be from Catholic schools. A case in point is the Robert Sullivan family of St. Pius X parish, South Yarmouth. 'Now attending Villanova University on a baseball scholarship the oldest son, Bobby, graduated in 1977 from Dennis-Yarmout High School where he captained the school's soccer, ice hockey and baseball teams and was class president. Another son, Tommy, is now a junior at Dennis-Yarmouth. He participates in the same sports as. Bobby and is. president of the junior class. Last year he was voted to the Cape Cod Times' No. 1 baseball team as

its 'top pitcher. The school's team was a finalist in the state playoffs. Tom, then only a sophomore, pitched and won four playoff games. Despite scholastic and sports demands, both boys and their younger brother, Rickey, 13, serve or have served as altar boys at St. Pius X Church, where their father is also active. This may not be a "standard" sports article, but when youths combine church activities with rugged· scholastic and sports commitments, it is worthy of recognition. The Cape abounds with outstanding Catholic boy and girl athletes. This article is intended to stress that point.

Hockomock Lists Special Events The Hockomock League plans two special events next week. The ninth annual J. J. Kelly Memorial Relays will be held Monday at' Mansfield High School and the Val Muscato Relays for girls are scheduled for Tuesday at North Attleboro High. Mansfield is the defending champion in both events and will be seeking its fifth consecutive Kelly Relays title. All other league schools - Canton, Fox-

b~ro, Franklin, King Philip, North Attleboro, Oliver Ames, Sharon and Stoughton - are expected to participate in both meets. Both meets will start at 10 a.m. ,with field events to be followed by track. For the Kelly Relays, Bob Lane, head track coach at Taunton High, will be meet director. Val Muscato,' athletic direetor at Oliver Ames, will direct Tuesday's relays. Admission is free both days.

High School Sports In Full Swing Among the high school baseball games scheduled for this afternoon are Holy Family at Old Colony Voke, Old Rochester at Apponequet Regional, Greater !New Bedford VokeTech at Diman Voke, Bishop Stang High at Dartmouth, Somerset at Case. Saturday, Fairhaven visits Stang, Holy Family is host to Westport, Wareham is at Old Rochester. Stang is at Old Rochester today in girls' track while boys' track meets have Fairhaven at Dennis-Yarmouth and Old Rochester at Sandwich. Diman is host tomorow to Voke-Tech in boys' track. Among girls' softball games today are Wareham at Bourne, Old Rochester at Westport, Apponequet at Dartmouth, )Vith Durfee at Westport and Dartmouth at Seekonk on Saturday.

The Hockomock Baseball League opens its regular season today with Sharon at King Philip, North Attleboro at Canton, Mansfield at Fox.boro and Stoughton at Franklin.

Blue Laws Stay WASHINGTON - The U.S. Supreme Court has refused to hear challenges to a New Jersey blue law which bans the sale of some items on Sundays. Challenges to blue laws in Maryland and Pennsylvania previously failed before the court. The New Jersey Supreme Court had ruled the state Sunday closing law constitutional.

Rudderless Ship "There is nothing in the whole world so 'dangerous as a sense of vocation without a belief in God." '"'- W. R. Forrester

• tv, movie news Symbols following film reviews indicate both general and Catholic Film Office ratings, which do not always coincide. General ratings: G-suitable for gen· eral viewing; PG-parental guidance sug· gested; R-restricted, unsuitable for children or younger teens. Catholic ratings: Al-approved for children and adults; A2-approved for adults and adolescents; A3-approved for adults only; B-objectionable in part for everyone; A4-separate classification (given to films not mOMllly offensive which, however, require some analysis and explanation); C-condemned.

New Films "The Bell Jar" (Avco Embassy): This screen version of Sylvia Plath's autobiographical novel about the mental breakdown of a brilliant college girl is a painful film unredeemed by much compassion or intelligence. Extensive nudity is objectionable. R,B "Old Boyfriends" (Avco Embassy): A recently divorced woman hits the road to look up three old boyfriends. Muddled film, "Old Boyfriends" is handicapped by a poor lead performance by Talia Shire, Rough language and some adult situations. R, A3 "The Great Bank Hoax" (Warners): A fine but ill-used cast headed by Ned Beatty, Burgess Meredith and Michael Murphy gets no more than a mild chuckle from this leadenfaced comedy about an attempt to cover up an embezzlement with a mock robbery. Adult jokes and situations. PG, A3 "All Things Bright and Beautiful" (World Northal): A family film about a dedicated young veterinarian (John Alderton) with a pretty wife (Lisa Harrow), practicing in Yorkshire just before World War II. One scene graphically depicts the birth of a calf. G, Al "Love at First Bite" (AlP): Thrown out of his - ancestral castle by a communist government, Count Dracula (George Hamilton) and his servant (Arte Johnson) go to Manhattan. The count wins the love of a beautiful model (Susan St. James) but her jealous psychiatrist (Richard Benjamin) tries to separate them. Vulgar language and moral sleaziness make the. picture objectionable. PG, B ......"Phantasm" (Avco Embassy): An amateurish attempt to crossbreed comedy and horror. Two brothers look into strange goings-on at a cemetery and find themselves battling dwarfs and other unpleasant creatures. The movie exploits nudity, gore and violence. R, C

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THE ANCHORThurs., April 12, 1979



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"Remember My Name" (Lagoon): Geraldine Chaplin plays a disturbed woman, just out of prison after serving 12 years for manslaughter. She harasses her ex-husband (Tony Perkins), who is living with a new wife -(Berry Berenson). Miss Chaplin is good, but the film itself is !i dreary affair. Adult scenes and rough language. R, A3

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On Television "The Renaissance and the Resurrection" Sunday, April 15, noon-I p.m., ABC: Rebroadcast of. a documentary on the Resurrection as interpreted through Renaissance music and art. ....:."The Guardian," Sunday, April 15, 1-2 p.m., Rebroadcast of a mimemodern dance interpretation- of the Easter story told as a play within a play produced by a group of college students, The Guardian is a janitor seen -as a Christ figure. "NBC Reports: Reading, Writing and Reefer," Tuesday, April 17, 4-5 p.m.: Interviews with pre-teens and teens on their use of marijuana. The National Education Assn. urgently recommends viewing of this program to parents and children and NBC, for the first time ever, is permitting educational institutions to tape it at no charge for classroom use.

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"Transplant," Tuesday, April 17, 9-11 p.m., CBS: The true story of John Hurley, a driving executive who oversmokes and overdrinks and suffers a massive coronary at age 35. He undergoes a heart transplant, buying two more years of life before succumbing to infection. The moral: slow down, relax, enjoy what you already have.

Howlrd C. DOine Sr.

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HYANNII 775-GIM IIItII n ...1ItII ••·220t Hlrwlcll Pert 432oOS13

SaturaYt April 21, 9 p.m. (CBS) "Uptown Saturday Sidney PoiNight" ...1974) tier and Bill Cosby get caught in the middle of a Harlem gang war when they try to enlist the services of gangster Harry Belafonte to get back some money stolen from them. A pleasant, moderately entertaining comedy with some very good acting. A3





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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur., April. 12,1979

steering points PUBLICITY CHAIRMEN are asked to submit news items for this column to The Anchor, P. '0. Box 7, Fall River, 02723, Name of city or town should be includecf. as well as full dates of all activities. Please send 'news of future rather than past events. Note: We do not carry news of fundraising activities such as bingos, whists, dances, suppers and bazaars. We are happy to carry notices of spiritual . programs, club me,etings, youth projects and similar nonprofit activities. Fundraising projects may be advertised at our regular rates, obtainable from The Anchor business office, telephone 675·7151.


The Ladies Guild will hold its annual arts and crafts night at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday in the parish hall. Members are invited to display their handcrafts. Also on the' program will be a mini-fashion show, with members modeling styles they have created. 'The guild bouquet will be held Wednesday, May 16 at Venus de Milo restaurant, Swansea. ST. ANNE, FALL RIVER

Following the Mass of the Lord's Supper at 6:30 tonight, adoration will take place at the repository altar until midnight. IMMACULATE CONCEPTION, TAUNTON

An Easter egg hunt low 9:15 a.m. Mass on Coffee and doughnuts available in the parish

will folSunday. will be hall.


,Baby sitting services are available at 10 a.m. Mass each Sunday. Sharon Papineau heads the volunteer corps responsible for this project. SSe PETER AND PAUL, FALL RIVER

On Easter Sunday, T. J. Nowicki will provide ~rgan music at the 8 o'clock Mass, Folk Group at 9:30 and SIGN Group at 11. The administration committee will meet at 7:30 p.m. Monday. - Senior CYQ will meet at 7::30 p.m. Tuesday. The annual Spring bowling tourney will be held Monday at Holday Lanes, Westport. SACRED HEART, TAUNTON

Bible study is held every Thursday from 10 to 11:30 a.m. in the religious education center. The "Easter basket" project for the week is attendance by families at a Mass or Holy Week service. ' MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER ANNIVERSARY WEEKEND

An anniversary weekend open to 'couples who have made a Marriage Encounter will take place this weekend in Newton. Information is available from Paul and Ann Gagnon, 16 Church St., Malden, telephone 321-0236.


The annual blessing will be held at 1:30 p.m. May 27 in the church lot. Catholic Charities solicitors will meet at Sunday, April 29 to pick contact cards.

of 'cars Sunday, parking Appeal 7 p.m. up their


The Women's Guild will meet· at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday in the school hall. A representative of the crime prevention unit of the Fall River police department will speak on crime statistics, show a film and answer questions. A traditional Tenebrae service will be held at 7:30· p.m. Good Friday. ST. JOHN OF GOD, SOMERSET

Somerset Catholic Women's Club will meet at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday at the parish center. Father Daniel L. Freitas will show slides of the construction and dedication of the new St. John of God Church. The parish Women's Guild will meet at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday and will hear a talk on cardiopulmonary resuscitation by Lt. Arthur Soares of the Somerset fire department. LA SALETTE SHRINE, ATTLEBORO

A sunrise service and liturgy will be held at 6 a.m. Sunday at La Salette Shrine. An Easter egg hunt for children will take place at 1:30 p.m. on the shrine grounds and an Alleluia Service will follow at 3 p.m. in the shrine chapel.

Sports Report from· Winter Haven New England fans will soon become familiar with some new names: Dwyer and ,Papi and Wolfe. The "second line" has been strengthened by off-season acquisitions, and lurking in Pawtucket is a potentially magnificent shortstop, Julio Valdez. Expect to hear from him! What if Carlton Fisk's physical problems resist all the attention and skill of Dr. Pappas? Sox rooters, please don't panic. Wily veteran Bob Montgomery has a lot of mileage, just the right ingredient to help season two goodlooking young catching prospects, Mike Allenson (the stronger offensive threat) and O'Barry (the better defensive prospect). The Anchor suggests that "Pudge" Fisk take his time, perhaps even from the disabled list, while the cooler days of spring-time ball in Boston, Chicago, Milwaukee and other northern ports of call pass. The receiving department can hold , up very well, thank you. Then, there is the pitching staff, probably the focus of most dour reports. The classic observation of Mark Twain, who, upon reading his obituary, is said to have remarked that it was rather premature, might be applied to the Hose hurlers. This is not a bad pitching corps. Dennis Eckersly was a midseason form, with "velocity," in one appearance' viewed by the Fall River diocesan newspaper's itinerant observer. Mike Torrez, a proven major league performer, is 32 years old, with plenty of miles left. Don't the prophets of doom just routinely give him several more years? That is a formidable tandem of front line hurlers, reminiscent of the Virgil Trucks and Dizzy Trout Tiger duo of some years ago. Backing up these two fine pitchers are Bob Stanley, who impresssed this reporter (and Cincinnati batters, the likes of Dave -Conception et ai, whom he "collared" in one exhibition tilt), Steve Renko, a new acquistion who never enjoyed the luxury of piching for a team that can get him runs and which can play solid defense, a~d others.

Bill Campbell is feeling FINE, and look out enemy batters! Old pro Dick Drago will come in from the bull-pen, and help, as will Andy Hassler. From the port-side, look for John Tudor to come up to the parent club from the Pawtucket Sox to help before the current campaign is over. Take heart, New England fans. The team that takes to, Fenway's friendly fields this afternoon is better than last year's club, which (drat . . . how can we forget!) went all the way to "playoff" ball before howing out of the World Series. The Anchor feels that they'll never get a 14 game lead. But come the ides of September, see where they are. We're batting that they will be in first place. Why is a 14 game lead attainable in the '79 campaign? Mostly because the east is stronger than last season. Look for those Tigers from Detroit to improve! If "The Bird" ever returns, this club could pass Baltimore. Rusty Staub might well continue his gourmet cooking: Thompson, Webb, and company can whale the spheroid, and the mound staff, Wilcox, Billingham, Hiller and company impressed this observer. Your reporter was at "ChainO~Lakes Park" when the Yankee invasion occurred in late March. Guidry vs. Torrez: what a dramatic re-match! Jim Rice, with 5 RBI's, stole the offensive show, with home run help from Gary Allenson. Crammed into Winter Haven's picturesque ball park was the largest crowd, by 20 percent, ever to view an exhibition game. Mike Torrez went five masterful innings. Reliever Tom Burgmeier, got touched a bit (a thunderous clot by Reggie Jackson!), hut the Stockings clearly showed their mastery over the Bronx Bombers, and look for this to recur during the championship season. Highlight of the contest was the appearance, in '(ankee gray, of El Senor, Luis Tiant. Sox batters treated Tiante badly, and, in defense, the veteran right-hander turned to vaude-

ville, clowning with Rice, Yaz and Scott, the potent middle of the Red Sox order. The Anchor watched Cincinnati's Redlegs a couple of times. Joe Morgan appears fully recovered from vexing injuries. Johnny Bench and George Foster (whom you'd want to have on your team, unless you had Jim Rice!) are devastating. This team, like the Sox, has better pitching than is commonly acknowledged, and this observer can anticipate a rematch, at Fenway and at Riverfront Stadium, of the memorable World Series contests of '67 and '76, which pitted the same two teams together. The Anchor visited Grant Field in Dunedin (thanks, Channel 5 and Don Gillis for helping the itenerant correspondent). How poignant: the outfield wall is covered with billboards, for the big "nationals," (AAMCO, McDonald's, Coca-Cola) and for such local advertisers as "Clearwater Mall," "Pinehurst Pub," and Hoagland's Olds," the latter located just two blocks from the ball park! Remember 1946! Conferring by the dugout at Dunedin were Red Sox coach Johnny Pesky and Blue Jay coach Bobby Doerr. Fans linger at Chain-O-Lakes Park after exhibition games as the players continue to practice. One afternoon this remnant gave Carl Yastrzemski a standing ovation after the veteran slugger put on an awesome' performance in the batting cage, ripping shot after shot into the orange groves in right field. Down to Citrus-land come many former Sox luminaries to help prepare major and minor league players . . . Frank Malzone, hitting literally hundreds of ground balls to Butch Hobson, Tommy Harper, demonstrating running skills, Sabath "Sam" Mele, Johnny Podres, the old Dodger hurler, - and, of course, the dominant I presence, Ted Williams, helping batters prepare for what, we all firmly expect to be a memorable season.

~lJUi)& 0 a








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