VOL. 29, NO. 15
$8 Per Year
Planetary outlook
asl~e:d of educators
14,000 meet in St. Louis for NCEA convention
HELD BY HER MOTHER, 2-year-old cancer victim Victoria Szechyniski gets a kiss from Pope John Paul II at a weekly audience. Seriously ill persons, such as Victoria, and especially notable Vatican visitors are traditionally given front~row places at papal audi ences. Such encounters with the pope have become treasured memories for pilgrims from all parts of the globe. (NC/UPI-Reuter Photo)
ST. LOUIS (NC) Some gates that the Catholic Church is the ideal place to devise a core 14,000 Catholic educators, in cluding many from the Fall River curriculum for all its schools ,diocese, attending the National because the church is "universal" Catholic Educational Associa . and already has a "giobal pers tion convention, were told by a pective." United Nations official to be Muller's remarks on global education highlighted the con "daring" and design a curricu lum which could be taught in al1 vention's theme, "Gateway to Catholic schools on the planet. Global Understanding." In his Diocesan representatives at latest book, "New Genesis: the meeting were headed by Sharing a Global Spirituality," Father Richard W. Beaulieu, he contends that spirituality who will assume the position of must be a part of all educational diocesan director of education efforts if peace in the world is ever to be achieved. on July l. In a press conference before School principals in attend ance were Ms. Kathleen Burt, his speech Mul1er noted that in SS. Peter and Paul, Fall River; his 37 years as a U.N. official he Dennis Poyant, S1. Mary, New has come to the conclusion that Bedford; Sister Mary Nathan' the spiritual aspect of education must be emphasized. He en Doherty, RSM, Holy Famlly Holy Name, New Bedford; Sister couraged educa,tors, whatever Mary Nora Smith, RSM, St. their subject areas, to integrate James-St. John, New Bedford; spirituality in their courses. "We have tried intel1igence, Sister Martha Mulligan, RSM, we have tried science and nego St. John! the Evangelist, Attle tiations, but all our efforts at boro; Michael Donly, Coyle peace and understanding have Cassidy High School, Taunton. In addition 14 classroom shown that something is miss teachers from the diocese were ing," Muller said. "Without that spiritual dimension it is not very at the meeting, which ended yes likely that we are going to make tE!rday. U.N. Assistant" Secretary- it." Muller, a Catholic, said he General Robert Muller delivered Turn to Page Nine its keynote address, telling dele-
Lawyers rap IRS curbs on church politicking By Liz S. Armstrong WASHINGTON ~C) - At torneys for the National Confer ence of Catholic Bishops-US. Catholic Conference ihave criti cized as an infringement on free speech the Internal Revenue Ser vice restrictions on church poli tical activity. Under . the IRS ,regulations, non-profit, tax-exempt groups such as churches and other or ganizations must refrain from intervening for or against a candidate in a political campaign or risk losing their .tax exemp tions. Writing in the University of Virginia Law School's spring Journal of 'Law and Politics, Wil fred R.' Caron, NCCB-USCC gen eral counsel, and Deirdre Dessin
gue, assistant general counsel,
argued that the IRS interpreta tions of the rules have "sharply curtailed for churches" the First Amendment right to participate in the political process. IRS reading of the rules goes "far beyond the range of reasonable ness," they stated. The NCCD-USCC also an· nounced that its general coun· sel's office and the iNationa:I Dio cesan Attorneys Association will sponsor a two-hour teleconfer ence April 22 on restrictions on political activity by tax-exempt organizations. The teleconfer ence, to originate in Chicago as part of the diocesan attorney's convention, wi'll be provided to about 35 dioceses via the Cath olic Telecommunications Net work of America. Numerous questions have
arisen in recent election years over the permissibility of candi dates and other activities byreli gious publications and organiza tions. The rules generally do not prohibit the favoring or opposing of specific legislation as Jong as that activity does not trans late into direct support for or opposition to a political candi· date. An abortion rights group, the Abortion Rights Mobilization, in 1980 sued the IRS and the NCCD usec in an attempt to force the IRS to withdraw the Catholic Church's tax-exempt status be cause of the church's aHeged political activity. The NCca usee later was dropped from the sutt as a co-defendant, but the suit itself is still pending. Caron and Ms. Dessingue
and defend," they wrote. "Churc.hes must act at ,their peril as they attempt to walk the ob scure line between loss of ex emption and faithfulness to the obligation to speak. out on the moral dimension of important social issues." "A church or other exempt or In 1984, as the national cam ganization :intent upon compli paigns got 'underway, Caron ance with the law and protec wrote to diocesan attorneys tion of its status is confronted warning about. violating IRS by frequently uncertain regula regulatic>Ds. tory requirements," the two at He advised at that time that torneys said. "Fear of running churches "may no~ make state afoul of these ,regulations can ments, oral or written, in favor lead to a conservatism which of or opposition to any candidate strips the life and meaning from for public office. Thus, they legitimate commentary upon is may not encourage votes for or sues." against any candidate for public "These results are hostile to office e.g., via a sermon, parish basic freedoms which this bulletin or sample ballot. In ad society holds dear and which the dition, they should avoid state· Turn to Page Six
government is bound to uphold
stated that while the IRS rules forbid tax-exempt groups from intervening in political com paigns, IRS interpretations "also severely restrict the manner in which churches may address the times."
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., April 12, 1985
Dr.' Sullivan, papal knight" dead at 70
In Taunton ,
Home expansion eyed 'Reliable sources indicate that tenance and dietary costs. Since the Massachusetts Public Health over 80 percent of our patients
Council will act in May on the are public.aided, the State- would
gain as compared with new con
Determination of Need applica tion of Marian Manor, Taunton, struction."
to care for 41 additional patients
Marian Manor's petition for needing skilled nursing. increased skilled beds is now be
Marian 'Manor Nursing Home fore the State Determin8'tion of
is now licensed for 34 skilled Need Department with a nega
vwe 1942-\985 Pledgc ,care and 49 intermediate care tive recommendation from. the DIOCESE OF' F' ALL RIVER patients. If its application is Southeastern Massachllsetts approved, Marian Manor would Health Planning and Develop C a be. licensed for 75 skilled care ment, Inc., ,based on 1985 statisti ( patients and 41 intermediate cal need, not 1990. J care patients. n ~he City of Taunton also has
9 .,.,., ' Monsignor John J. Regan, a nursing home which has peti
Executive Coordinator for the tioned the State Determination
FATI-lIER RICHARD L. CHRETIEN, New Bedford area Bishop of Fall River in operating of Need tDepartment to al10w it director of the Catholic Charities Appeal, with Bishop four nursing homes having 600 to construct new facilities for 40 Daniel A. Cronin. The bishop and area directors are prepar patients, asserted that the skilled type" patients, together
"State's statistical calculations with additional intermediate care , ing for the CCA kickoff meeting April 17 at Bishop Con agree that 22 additional skilled 'beds 'and a day care faclity. 'nolly High School, Fall River. nursing home beds are needed in Under the rules of DON the
the Taunton area by 1990. Our 'latter petition has equal stand
request reduces Marian Manor's ing with Marian Manor in reintermediate' care patients by , spect to additional skilled beds
eight, where the need is not as for the Taunton area that, might
great, and makes for a net in be al10wed by the Public Health,
crease of 33 patients."
Council. Kenneth Leger of Fall River The kickoff meeting launching Msgr. Regan added that will lead singing of the National the 44th annual Catholic Chari Marian Manor was originally ties Appeal of the Fall River Anthem at the opening of the licensed in 1961 by the Massa diocese wiH be held at 8 p.m. meeting and will close the pro-' chusetts Department of Public LONDON (NC) At a recent Wednesday, April 17, at Bishop gram with America the Beauti Health to care for 133 elderly Mass concelebrated by church Connolly 'High 'School, Fall River. ful. people. "A change of Hcensure," men from Buddy Braga Music, under the 16 countries, Britain's The Appeal' funds diocesan he 'said, "eliminated use of the third patient floor in 1976.' Cardinal Basil Hume, president apostolates of charity, mercy, leadership of Joseph Braga, will provide ban(l music and children Capital renovations have now of the Council of European soCial services and education. Bishops' Conferences, said the from Nazareth Hall School will made the third patient floor ac Bishop Daniel A. Cronin will ceptable to serve the people of' continent would be revitalized be keynote speaker at the meet~ give a presentation. and find peace by living the The'Special Gift phase of the Taunton and i'ts immediate sur Gospel. The Mass at London's ing. This is his 15th year as Ap Appeal begins April 22 and ends ~ roundings." peal chairman. May 4. The paris~ phase is sched the area of which Taunton is Westminster Cathedral marked Over 800 priests, religious and Jlled for Sunday, May 5, from the 1,100th anniversary of the a part includes Lakeville and death of St. 'Methodius, one of laity from every area of the dio noon to 3 p.m. when 20,500 vol Middleboro. cese will hear Mrs. Aristides A. "Though the Taunton area has the two apostles of the Slavs. Andrade of Taunton, this year's unteer solicitors will visit the a majority of elderly people in Concelebrants included Cardinal lay chairperson of the CCA, homes of 330,000 diocesan Cath the area," Msgr. Regan said, Jozef Glemp, Poland's primate; stress the role of the laity in the olics. Msgr. Anthony M. -Gomes, "the majority of the nursing Cardinal Franz Kinig of Vienna, campaign. A'ustria; and Cardinal Jean-Marie diocesan Appeal director, will be home beds used to determine Lustiger of Paris.' 'Msgr. Luiz G. l'vlendonca, dioce master of ceremonies ,at the needs are in the Middleboro san vicar general, will deliver the April 17 meeting and will ex Lakeville area." opening prayer, with Msgr. plain campaign techniques. Msgr. Regan also advised that Thomas J. Harrington, diocesan A social hour in the Bishop "the capital cost of providing for chancellor, giving' the closing Connolly cafeteria will follow additional patients would be very VATIOAN CITY (NC) -Pope prayer. the meeting. small for Marian Manor as com· John, Paul, II's insistence that pared with -the cost of building general absolution be used only a new nursing home. Building in cases of "grave necessity" is a 'new nursing home costs be a clear call to church discipline
WASHINGTON (NC) -"- The the elderly and the disabled,
tween $30,000 and $40,000 per that will "test" priests who have bed. We estimate our capital come to see general absolution National Conference of Catholic which have been targeted in fed
costs to renovate quarters for 41 as normal, Archbishop Albert Charities has urged establishmenl eral bUdget cuts.
intermediate patients and to pro Decourtnay of Lyon Fra~e, said. of a presidential council of social
Father Thomas J. Harvey, advisers to advise ,President Rea vide fori 41 additional skilled Writing in the Vatican news NCCC executive director, ques beds would be about $4,OO() per 'paper L'Osservatore Romano, the gan on the social justice effects ,toined policy-making based on bed. archbishop urged such priests of national policies. military power and marketing "In addition," he said, "costs to be obedient to directives stated As proposed by the NCCC, the incentives. of care would be reduced or con· in the apostolic exhortation, council would review effects of "This nation was conceived on tained in many areas of expense "Reconciliation and '!penance," federal economic and social poli such as depreciation, heat, main- issued in December.... cies on the poor, families, youth, a radical notion of justice:' he said. "Therein lies Ol.,lr greatest . strength. That should be our banner to the world, particularly, the way in which we treat our , weakest members. That is our greatest defense, which is more powerful than the mightiest ar maments."
CCA l~icl~off meeting set for April 17 at Connolly
Secret of peace
Test of "discipline
Social advisers' council backed
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"He made them welcome and tdked to them about the king-' dom of God; and cured those who were in need of healing." Those words from the Gospel of Luke are lettered on the wall of the Frederick J, Sullivan, M.D. Memorial Library' at St. Anne's Hospital, Fall River. They epitomize the contribu tion made by Dr. Sullivan to the life of Fall River and of the hos ,pital during 34 years of practice in the field of internal medicine, He died April 8 at the age of 70, after years of illness, and h~s funeral y~sterday at St. Mary's Cathedral, Fall River, was attended by throngs of for mer patients, fellow doctors and friends, Many representatives of the diocesan clergy were con· celebrants at his Mass of Chris· tian Burial. A Fall River native, he was the son of the late Frederick J. Sullivan Sr. and the late Elena (McKenney) ,Sullivan. He was a 1931 graduate of Durfee High School, a 1935 graduate of Providence College and a mem ber of the class of 1939 of Jefferson Medical College, Phila delphia. As an Army major in World War II, he served in an English hospital as a cardiologist. Long associated with St. Anne's Hos pital, he was at, var:ious. times its chief of medicine;'iliedicaf staff president and a trustee. The hos pital -library was· dedicated to him in 1978. Professional1y, he was a past president of the Bristol South District Medical Society and the Fal1 River Medical Association. A member of the Cathedral parish, he was among its ,trus tees. He was awarded the Mari an Medal for distinguished ser vice to the diocese in 1968 and was named a Knight of St. Gregory by Pope Paul VI in the same year. Dr. Sullivan is survived by his widow,Mrs. Mary (Gallagher) Sullivan; by six sons, Frederick R. Sullivan of Holbrook; Dr. Thomas E. Sullivan of Beverly; Charles B. SulHyan of Reading l Pa.; Michael G. Sullivan of Swan sea; Gregory W. Sullivan of Fall River; and LawrenceJ. Sullivan of San Diego, Calif.; a daughter, Miss Marie E. Sullivan of Water ,town; a brother, Dr. Robert J. Sullivan of Fall River; two sis ters, Miss Alice G. Sullivan of Fall River and Mrs. John (Ruth) Golden of Somerset; 10 grand children, and several nieces and nephews.
:Referring to budget cuts, he said that "to impose deprivation of nutrition on countless fami -lies, deprivat,ion of shel,ter on many aged, and diminished edu-' cational opportunities for the majority of the nation's youth is a shortsightedness which will truly weaken our nation."
Strike averted
Open house to celebrate
The Dominican Sisters of the Presentation have announced an open house from 2 to5 p.m. Sunday, April 21, their rebuilt provincial house at 3012 Elm Street, Dighton. It will begin with 'a blessing ceremony con ducted by Bishop Daniel A. Cro nin. The house was severely dam aged in a gas explosion Oct. II, 1983, which killed Sister Marie Therese Pelletier, treasurer of St. Anne's Hospital, Fall River, which is staffed by the sisters. Severely injured was Sister Vim ala Vadakumpadan, who was working with Sister Marie Ther ese. The April 21 event will cele brate resumption of normal acti vities at the provincial house. All friends of the sisters are invited to attend, said Sister Dorothy Ruggiero, provincial superior. Her invitation follows: '\We cordially invite clergy, family, friends, benefactors, neighbors and all of you who have shared in our grief by your help, prayers and support at the tragic explosion of the Provin cial House' on Oct. n, 1983. Please join us on this joyous oc casion by which we wish to ex press our gratitude and apprecia tion to you."
By NC News Service The Ipractice of authority in the Catholic Church needs to be brought ·nearer to that of the Anglican and Protestant church es, but within the lines of the second Vatican Council and the principals of Catholic faith, says Cardinal Johannes Willebrands, head of the Vatican Secretariat for Promoting Christian Uni~y. Since Vatican II the church has created parish councils com posed of laypeople as well as diocesan councils including both laity and priests, he said at a London press conference.' But he said tlie church .':has not yet developed all the fruits" of the council on ,the matter of authority and still has to develop the trend "more deeply in prac tical ways" wbich would bring the church "nearer ,to the .prac tice of authority in other churches, especially in the Pro testant churches and in the Ang lican communion. Anglican and 'Protestant churches ,in each country have greater authority to set policies than do Catholic churches. In the U.S. for instance, Episcopal ians hold a general conference every three. years to decide na tional poNcy. ·Both clergy and laity participate in the decision making. The cardinal was in England to deliver a lecture commemora ting Cardinal Augustin Bea, a German Jes'uit and leader in the ecumenical movement who died in 1968.
VATICAoN CITY (NC) - Vati can 'lay. employees have called off a threatened work stoppage after. receiving assurances from UNITED NATIONS (NC) Vatican officials that a proposed The welfare of the family should wage package would receive be a "'paramount concern in the prompt attention. Vatican offi development of population poli cials agreed ,in February to work cies:: Msgr. James T. McHugh, out the fine points of the labor adviser to the Vatican's U.N. agreement during the next three mission, told the U.N. Popula months, according to a state tion Commission during policy ment by the 1,700-member A'sso and program hearings. ciation of Vatican' Lay Employ "It is extremely important to ees. Vatican officials also agreed recognize the different types of to the eventual formation of an . family structure, ,the cultural institution to handle labor issues, traditions of various nations and t'he statement .said. the importance to society of the stabil'ity of the family," said Msgr. McHugh. WASHINGTON (NC) - The National Shrine of the Immacu late Conception in Washington has issued a cassette recording to commemorate the 25th anni versary of the dedication of its upper church'. The 49-minute program In cludes liturgical music and a homily given by church histor ian Msgr. John Tracy Ellis of The Catholic University of Am erica at the silver Jubilee Mass. Christianity and the The second side is a description and history of the shrine to be American Economy used on a walking tour.
Family welfare
Authority'. concept still evolving
THE ANCHOR -Friday, April .12, 1985
Shrine cassette
Manor chaplain dies
"He was in every sense of the word ,the spiritual father of the whole Madonna Manor family," said Sister Thomas More, OP, administrator of 'Madonna Man or, North Attleboro. She was speaking of Father James F. McCarthy, 64, who died on Holy Thursday at Sturdy Memorial Hospital, Attleboro, and who had been since 1979 the Manor chaplain. Bishop Daniel A. Cronin was principal celebl'ant and Father Robert F. Kirby was hoinilist at his funeral Mass, concelebrated on Tuesday by scores of priests at St. MaTy's parish, Taunton. On Tuesday afternoon a mem orial Mass was offered at Ma donna Manor for Father Mc Carthy, said Sister Thomas More. She said residents were tremendously moved 'that the chaplain's sisters, Helen P..and Catherine L. 'McCarthy, both of Taunton, were present at the North Attleboro service immedi ately following thei·r brother's funeral. Born .in Taunton, a native of St. Mary's parish and the son of the late Patrick and Catherine (Smith) McCarthy, Father Mc Carthy was a graduate of Coyle High School and attended Boston College before enterin,g St. Mary's Seminary, Baltimore, to prepare for the priesthood. He was ordained Dec. 22, 1945, at St. Mary's Cathedral by Bish op James 'L. Connolly and sub sequently was associate pastor at Immaculate Conception par ish, Fall River; S1. Mary's, Nor ton; St. John the Evangelist, Attleboro; and S1. Mark's, Attleboro Falls. In 1969 he was named pastor of Holy Family parish, East Taunton, where he serveq until
1978, when he was appointed pastor of Sacred Heart parish,. Fall River. . '. In . F'ebruary~ .1979; .~l,'! . retired fTom that pastorate for reasons of health and became associate at S1. Mary's, North Attleboro, until his appointment to the Ma donna Manor chaplaincy in July of the same year. 'Whi'le chap lain he was in residence at Sa cred Heart parish, North AWe boro. Father McCarthy had been chaplain of the Attleboro Serra Club for over 25 years. His name is in nomination for the 1985 Harry J. O'Haire Award, to be presented at ,the forthcoming Serra International convention in New 'York City. The award, the Serra Club's ·highest honor, ·recognizes outstanding effort in promotion of religious vocat~ons. At various times Father McCarthy was moderator of the Attleboro Catholic Nurses' Guild; Attleboro area chairman of Special Gifts for ·the Catholic Charities Appeal; director of Attleboro area pre-Cana Confer ences; and Particular Council moderator for .Taunton area members of the Society of S1. Vincent de Paul. As well as his sisters he is survived by several nieces and nephews.
Two Ways "There are two ways to slide easily through life: .to believe everything or to doubt every thing. Both ways save us from thinking." - Alfred Korzybski
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri. Apr. 12, 1985
the living word
themoorin~ Returning to Real Education It is slowly finding its way into the news spotlight that a wave
of curriculum change is sweeping American colleges. .
One glib reflection was that education is coining east again
after having left the traditional educational institutions of the
Atlantic coast for the western land of adventure. There it died
on the vine offaddism. Now once more the east is being looked'
to, this time as a change agent to 1:?ring reform to campus
classrooms. . -
Currently hundreds of small private schools .and massive
state universities are a part ofa force that is radically changing
what college students will be learning in the days to come.
·In the last few years hundreds of colleges have stepped up
the number of mandated courses and redesigned general edu
.cation programs. Fast disappearing are the days when one could all but major in basket weaving, when survey courses were the backbone of learning and when earning a diploma was almost as easy as filling a green stamp book. Some are calling the changes a "back to basics" movement.
However, it really is more than tha~.Jt is a return to.,a more
.classical approach·to education, int~grated wit~a .~eensense ofthe impact of technology on society. At bottom is the desire to restore some structure to curriculums denuded of require ments in the education upheavals of the 60s and 70s. This, of course, is nothing new. There is always a follow-up
period after upheaval during which we look for cohesion.
There is little doubt that this dramatic trend on campus reflects
the larger national mood for solidification, for a reaffirmation ..
of values and ·structures. It is interesting to note that the
current ·efforts to unify curriculums have encountered little , opposition from either students or faculty members. Whaf is taking place in the ~rea of higher education will, one'
hopes, filter down to the secondary and elementary levels. A
new impetus should be developing to restore core curriculums
tpat will give students a clearer view of life and living than
currently is the situation. <: ... ' Many students leaving high sch'ool this year do not know
how to write, use the English language or read a book. Their lack of historical perspective is appalling, not to mention their inability to relate to today's real world. As co!Ieges and universities restore control over curriculum content, so must other levels of education. Students should not be promoted merely for social considerations. Academic achievement must be a prime consideration in the awarding of diplomas. , Higher education, being elective, can change more easily than mandated education, which is in disarray. Too many social forces have contributed to making primary and secon dary level classes in many cases mere time-sharing encounters. Those in charge of them nee~ forceful leadership on the part of their counterparts in higher ed ucation to the end that young people may become true students from their earliest years; that teachers and parents may be dedicated to learning; and that all concerned may be held accountable for what happens in our schools. In short, what is happening on the college campus must influence the. neighborhood school. School boards should actively encourage efforts to make changes designed to eradi cate the "blackboard jungle" image of education. The horizons of learning are ever expanding. The challenges of education must grow in proportion. We should not be satisfied with merely passing. If we hold to such a minimal mind, we will indeed perpetuate the present narrow mindedness. Education geared to this level is not worthy of.the name.
.__ J NC/ UPI·Reuter Photo
'Going therefore, teach ye all nations.' Mark 28: 19
Teena-ge- pregnancy ~:
' .
remain neutral, our schools have By Father Kevin J. Harrington Once again teenage pregnancy done a great disservice to our young people. Value clarification, for has become an issue of central instance, is often 'defined as deter concern to the media. mining what one's conscience is After the Guttmacher report telling one a't any given time. The highlighted a U.S. rate of teenage fact is that if your conscience is 'no pregnancy of unprecedented pro more than a trip wire of your emo portions, the media. harped on tions. a gauge of enjoyment, then contraception as the way to alle "Why not?" means "Go ahead!" viate this national problem. As usual. the media can call In other words, a poorly devel attention to a problem but fall oped conscience is very danger short in suggesting causes and ous. Having such a conscience is solutions. Contraception short like reading a sign on a crowded circuits a real,solution to a com highway that says "Slow - danger plex problem whose root lies in a ous curve ahead," and acting as poorly-formed conscience. It though it means "Resume full should not be surprising that the speed." Misreadingsigns telling us "me-generation" of the 70s has right from wrong can do unimagin given birth to the "why not? able danger. generation" of the 80s; and anyone An illustrative example is the surprised by the number of teen pregnancies must be far removed relationship between teenage pregnancy and suicide. Let's mis from reality. read some important signs and see When the problem is defined solely as unwanted pregnancy, it is . where we are led. Love means sex, true that contraception may seem and sex means experiment, and experiment means no commit to offer the logical solution. How ever, both the situation and its ments, and no commitments mean
no love. Without love there is only causes are far more complex. Eighty percent of teens who get loneliness and ultimately despair. How~ver, it 'is often easier to pregnant never finish high school; those who marry the father are condemn the next generation than . twice as likely as any other group it is to question the generation that to get divorced and teen mothers gave birth to such thinking~ Often are 10 times as likely to attempt teenagers have learned to misread suicide. And contraception is not a life's most important signs because they have lacked the best of panacea for the 16,000 young peo OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER Published weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River ple who become sterile each year' teachers.
because of untreated venereal . 410 Highland Avenue During Jesus' public ministry,
disease. his teachings were often scorned. 675-7151 Fall River Mass. 02722 With a problem this serious, it is Many departed his company when PUBLISHER hard to believe that, high school his message became too demand Most Rl!v. Daniel A. Cronin, D.O., SJ.D. c;urriculums for the most part dedi ing. He asked Peterif he too would EDITOR FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATOR cate only one day to clarifying leave. Peter impetuously _pro Rev. John F. Moore Rev. Msgr. John J. Regan· values, attitudes and beliefs on tested: "Where else can we turn for . . . . . leary Press-FaU River sex-related issues. In an attempt to the words of everlasting life?"
Ironically, it is the voice of Peter
as heard in the words of his succes
sor, Pope John Paul II, that is so often unpopular as it speaks against contraception, abortion and divorce. Unfortunately, many church leaders have chosen to part com pany with the teachings of the magisterium to walk the more popular path. Our best-known traditional principle, that genital sexual activity belongs in marrijige 'and not elsewhere, seems to be observed as much today in its breaching as in its observance. We need a new way of encouraging young people to abstain from cas ual intercourse in favor of waiting
for marriage." .
A simple appeal to p~inciples
will not suffice. An imaginative
appeal must be made by pointing to concrete instances of deep and loving marriages that have been a source of happiness to the partners and to their families and society. Lives of married saints sh'ould be
highlighted. Emphasis must be
placed upon sexual,communion as a witness to Christ's covenant 'love. This does not mean that inter course must be taken so seriously that it can never be fun, but it does m,ean that to be genuine fun, it
must occur in a union that is truly
a mirror of the union between Christ and his church. Young people should ponder that paradox that our suffering is greatest when we expect only grat ification from sex, not genuine human fulfillment.
Running away
A mother recently wrote me, "We have a seventh-grade girl who talks back to us about everything when we correct her. When we discipline her, she threatens to run away. She argues with us all the time. How do you handle a girl like this?" With prayer, humor, confidence, and, above all, perseverance. It's ~ fairly apt description of a 13-year old. Parents can expect early adolescents to argue. It's a part of identity and separation, and shows us what purgatory must be like. To the bewilderment of parents, t~ese youn~ ones will argue both sides of an Issue on different days a reality that led one frustrated father to tell his son, "Tell me which side you're taking and I'll take the other." How does a parent live with this constant arg~ing? By refusing to get caught up m the emotional side of the debate and by agreeing. ' .When one of ours went through thiS stage, agreement disarmed him. "Yes, you're right," I would say. "I am wrong and I am sorry you have to put up with a mother who is wrong so much of the time but that's the luck of the draw." We can smile, agree and hold to limits without arguing them. "] know I am abusing you by asking you to clean your room, but when it'~ clean you can eat."
If she argues, we just nod and "Dinner is at 6 if your room IS clean. Otherwise, breakfast is at 7." And we stick to it. The greater problem in the above letter is the mother's fear of he~ daughter's threat to run away. ThIS threat can be imaginary or real. We know there are many runaway teens that are never heard from again, so the threat can strike terror into a parent's heart. ~mile.
The threat sometimes starts when a ch~ld is 3 o~ 4. We handled it by helpmg the children pack a suitcase forbidding them to cross any streets, and inviting them to come home for a ~nack when they got hungry., ThiS won't work with ad.ol~scents but the underlying pnnclple may. Parents cannot allow themselyes to be held hostage to an ongomg threat of running away. I believe the best way of han dling the runaway threat is to deal with it rationally rather than emo tionally. When a young person makes the threat, we don't cave in and promise to relax limits but rat~er say, "Well, that's your OptIO~, of course. We're not going to cham you to our home. But the law holds us responsible for you so let's look at some ways we can get you out of here legally. Do you know any other parents who want you?" If not, we can sit with him or her and go over these questions. "Do
Violent youth
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall Rive~-Fri. Apr. 12, 1985 By
you intend to run away perman ently or temporarily? We need to know so we can free up your room." "Let's look in the paper and see what kind of jobs and wages are available to a 14-year-old. Maybe you ·could get a job as a live-in babysitter. Lots of working moth ers need these." " And while we're at it, let's look at a~artment rents, just to give you an Idea of what you'll need to earn." . And so on. While I am admit tedly being lighthearted I am not entirely facetious. When parents tak~ the threat seriously and show carmg concern for the young per son who threatens to leave home it takes the power out of the threa; and it is not likely to be repeated too often. For parents with serious teen age problems, I strongly recom mend the book, How to Survive Your Child's Rebellious Teens by' Myron Brenton (Lippincott), who has worked extensively with rebel lious teens and has a lot more answers than I.
At times I sit in on' hearings where a candidate for a doc toral degree defends his dis sertation. The last one I attended was terrifying.
They will always feel they were
born on the wrong side of the
tracks and are social outcasts whose only way to deal with society is through force.
As I listened to the doctoral candidate explain his work, I The dissertation was titled, "Vio realized that this phenomenon isn't lence, Children's Moral Develop ment and Social Maladjustment." confined to Northern Ireland. The candidate was a man in his Recently the Chicago newspapers 40s, married and living in Ireland. were filled with stories of neigh He was comparing Catholic grade borhoods terrorized by gang mur school boys who live in Northern ders and violence. Chicago is only Ireland with those living in the one of several large cities, and suburbs, in which the lives of youths Republic of Ireland. are being destroyed. If they don't Some of the questions raised in ~ie a physical death they go through the dissertation were: What hap pens when youths are exposed 'to life warped and anti-social. What's the answer? If I had one bullet holes in their classroom when classmates have uncles killed encompassing response, I believe by security forces and parents are every funding foundation interested taken from homes b}' the police? in youth would be knocking on my door. There is no one answer. One reply is that this violence ] do, however, have a sugges tends to induce youths to form tion. Many years ago there was a large personal networks - gangs. document on youth ministry which These gangs provide protection defined it as being for youth, by and security. Youths also become youth and with youth. When more accepting of violence within further defined, this slogan meant the family, the possibilities of that y?uth ministers should get divorce and family breakdown. youth mvolved in such ministries Another result ofliving in a vio as singing at Mass, youth retreats lent atmosphere is that youths, on and community action. a true or false questionnaire, will I believe the day has come to usually answer "true" to questions redefine the work of youth minis such as: "most people will cheat a ters. ] suggest that we look for a little in ?rder to make money"; "a special corps of youth ministers person IS better off if he doesn't who are conversant with the latest trust people"; "sometimes I feel studies on youth violence and like I don't really have a home"; "a gangs. ] see these youth ministers person like me fights first and asks resembling the old CYO coaches questions later"; "it's fun to give who channeled street violence into police a bad time." healthy competition on a gym floor. What is most frightening about These youth ministers should be these youths is that they have trained to educate parents about grown up before their time. Most the violence of a gang mentality. will never reassess their thinking They should be able to read the about trusting, wanting to fight or signs ofa neighborhood in trouble considering all police as the enemy. and know how to react and how to
as a go-between for youths, police and the community. ~hat ] envision is no easy task. Neighborhood violence is as old as the ancient Greeks. What we need ~re dedicated people who believe m youth and will seek every means to help them enter adulthood as complete and whole individuals.
for dead
Important Q. Recently in an answer about Gregorian Masses you said,"Though nothing is intrinsically wrong with the concept of Masses being offered for those who are deceased " the !dea of something especially ;ignif Icant about the number 30 might lead to superstitions about the celebration of the Eucharist for the dead. I'm not questioning what you say about Gregorian Masses, but you make it sound as if any Mass for the dead is not all that impor !ant. Perhaps I'm reading more IOto your answer than I should, but my husband died three years ago and the Masses I am having offered for him mean very much to me. Correct me if I'm wrong. (Massachusetts) A. You certainly are not wrong., ~ y comment was simply to empha sIze that what] explained about ~regorian ~asses was in no way mte~d~d to de.t~act from our long Chnstlan traditIOn of intercession for the dead. The practice of prayer for those who have gone before us goes back to the beginnings of the church. And since the Mass is (among other things) our greatest prayer, remembrance ofthe deceased holds ~n important place in it, especially m the Eucharistic Prayer. As you indicate, our practice of prayer for all the dead, as well as for specific intentions, is not only for the good of the deceased per son but also for the strength and consolation of those left behind. There is no danger of this tradition dying out or becoming less signifi cant in the life of the church. Q. I have a 23-year-old daugh ter, partially handicapped mentally and physically, who was born with hydracephalus. When she was in the hospital she was confirmed by a Ukrainian priest. Now she wants to be confirmed by a bishop, have a sponsor and pick a confirmation name like her brothers and sisters. Could she posibly be confirmed at our parish? (New Jersey) ~
A. The Ukrainian (sometimes c~lIed. the Rutheniim) Rite is among ntes m full communion with our c~u~ch, under the pastoral juris diction of the bishop of Rome. Probably the one who confirmed y.our daughter was a' priest of this nte. If so, the confirmation she received was almost certainly valid. If so, she could not be confirmed a~ain since, like baptism, this sac rament is not repeatable.
exception of the pouring of the water. . Considering the spiritual signif Icance such a celebration would apparently have for your daughter and.your f~mily, I feel certain your pansh pnest snd your bishop would be anxious to work some thing out along these lines. You should talk with a priest in your parish to explore possibilities appropriate for your daughter. Just for the record, some bran ches of the Ukrsinian Rite are not Roman Catholic but Orthodox. The chances that the priest who confirmed your child was from one of these branches are slim and in any case would not change ~hat ] said above. . Q. Your Question Corner is helpful to me since ~ am a young mother with no Catholic educa tion except sonne Sunday schoolJ have seen references to the "Mag nificat." What is that? (New York) A. In the fill'st chapter of St. Luke's Gospel we find the story of the visit of Mary, the mother of Jesus, to her cousin, Elizabeth. In response to Elizabeth's greeting, the Gospel places on the lips of M~ry a. beautiful prayer, or hymn, whIch IS found frequently in our Catholic liturgy and other devotions. . ]n Latin the hymn begins "Magnificat anima me~ Dominum," or "My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord." This hymn is often referred to as the Magnificat. You speak of yourself as a young mother. You may be too young to remember that, not many years ago, Catholic people were much more familiar with Latin and Greek terminology. Phrases like "Pater Noster" for "Our Father," "Kyrie eleison "for "L or d have mercy," and many ' otbl:rs were everyday terms for Catholics. Sometimes Catholic writers and liturgists -- forget there is a whole new generation of Catholics out there like yourself for whom these words and titles are com pletely unfamiliar. A free brochure explaining Cath olic regulations on cremation and other funeral practices is available by sending a stamped, self-ad dressed envelope to Father Diet zen, Holy Trinity Parish, 704 N. Main St., Bloomington, Ill. 61701. Questions for fthis column should be sent to him fit the same address.
. Eve~ so, however, there are ways m which she could share in the Sons of Our Deeds solemn ceremony of confirmation.
"Go'od deeds ennoble us. We are
She could choose a confirmation name, which sh'e had not the oppor the sons of our deeds." - Cervantes
tunity to do previously, and some
one close to her could serve as
THE ANCHOR IUSPS-545-020). Second Such participation might be compared to "supplying the cere monies" for'baptism after a baby, for example, has been privately baptized in an emergency. The child may be brought to church later and the entire solemn rite of baptism is celebrated, with the sole
Class Postage Paid at Fall River. Mass. Pub lished weekly except the week of July 4 and the week after Christmas at 410 Highland Avenue, Fall River, Mass. 02720 by the ' Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River Subscription price by mail, postpaid S8.00 per yeal. Pi>stmaste,rs send address changes lU The Anchor, P.O. !lox 7. Fall River, MA 02722.
Basic comm'unities aid church in Philippines
THE ANCHOR-Diocese, of Fall River-Fri., April 12, 1985,
New provincial team. for Sisters of Mercv ,
At a recent Chapter of Elec tions the Sisters of Mercy of the Province of Providence elected Sister Mary Christopher 0'·' Rourke provincial administrator for 1985-1988. Reelected assistant provincial was Sister Catherine Felton. Sister Rosemary Laliberte was reelected a council member; Sis ters· Therese, Antone and Ma donna Crawford were also elect· ed council members.
She holds a doctorl;lte in educa tion from Harvard University. Sister Crawford as a member of the Provjdence diocesan mar riage tribunaL From 1974 to 1980 she was vicar for religious in that diocese, serving currently from 1976 to 1979 as a provincial' councilor..She has taught at St. Xavier Academy, Providence; St. Matthew, School, Crarston; and St. Patrick School, ,Providence. Sister Laliberte has been a provincial councilor for the past three years. She has taught at Instituto San Vicente de Paul in San Pedro Sula, Honduras; SS.' Peter and ,Pau.! School, Fall River; ·and St. James School,' West 'Warwick. She was involved' in religious education at St. An thony parish, providence, and Mary, Mother of Mankind par ish, North Providence, where she was also director' of religiou!l education. More recently she bas been an outreach worker for the Catholic Association for Regional Education in the, Providence diocese.
President of'Salve Regina Col 1ge, Newport, from 1968-1973, Sister Mary Christopher is cur rentlya corporate representative for Transitiona'!, Employment Enterprises, Inc. of 'Hoston. TEE is a nonprofit employment com pany which. helps provide em ployment for persons who have difficulty in gaining access to the work place and involves the private sector in providing entry level jobs. The new provincial's back ground also includes teaching, service as an adult religious edu . cation coordinator <and work with The new provincial administra ,socia·l services and mental health :tors will take office July 1. agencies. She holds a doctorate' in sociology from the Univer· sity of ~otre Qame. '
2 beatifica,tions
AT THE 33RD ANNUAL Legion of Mary Acies ceremony at St. Mary's Cathedral are from left Msgr. Thomas J. Harrington, cathedral recto~; Katherine Hart; Bishop Daniel A. Cronin; Therese Beaulieu. ,Homilist for the occasion was Msgr. Luiz G. Mendonca, ,diocesan vicar general, clergy and Legionaries renewed their consecration to Mary and the service closed with . Benediction..' Works cif active members include marriage valida tion, prison ministry, census taking and visits to nurs ing homes,homes of the newly baptized and parish , newcomers. There are six active Legion of Mary groups in the diocese,: three. in New Bedford, two in Fairhaven and one in Fall River. Additionally, some 2,500 auxiliary legionaries pray daily for the work of active members. Information on membership is available from Msgr. Thomas J. Har~ngton, diocesan moderator, 675-1311; or Father Matthew Sullivan, SS.Cc., 995-1592. ' '
Sister Felton was assistant VATICAN CITY (NC) - A provincial administrator for the ' German sister who founded a Sisters of Mercy from 1982-1985. religious order with houses in the Previously she was administrator United States and an I,talian sis of Mt, 'St. Rita Health and Re ter who ~eft her cloister 1n Italy tirement Centre, Cumberland, to found an order, in Egypt are and Eastgate Renewal Center, set· for beatification by: Pope Portsmouth. She has taught in John Paul II in, St. Peter's parochial schools in Rhode Is Square Sunday. land and Belize, Central America', and was secretary for the Move Sister Pauline von Maliinck ment for a Better World at its ,rodt, founder of the Sisters. of RAMSEY, N.J. (NC) - Paulist page index and a concordance of international headquarters in . Christian Charity, was:.. born in Press has published ,the first com , the 1917 and 1983 codes. Rome. Minden, Germany, June 3, 1817, plete commentary in English on Father Richard P. McBrien, and died in Paderborn, Germany; the 1983 Code of Canon Law. chairman of the 'theology depart Vice-president for Institutional , April 30, 1'897. In 1849, she The 1,152-page volume, com ment of the University of Notre Advancement at Salve Regina founded the order which flourish missioned by the Canon . Law Dame, called ,the new commen CoLlege, Newport, Sister Antone ed 'in' Germany and later in Society of America and' five tary "truly indispensable" and has also been the college direc South America and in the United years in preparation, is titled, said it should be "in every ,rec tor of development. She was a , States. "The Code of Canon Law: A tory and every parish Hbra·ry." provincial councilor from 1973 . Text and Commentary," 'Any serious teacher or student 1976 and principal of Bishop . Sister Caterina Troiani, foun In hard covers, it is priced at of theology should also have a Feehan High School, A'ttleboro, der of the Franciscan Missionary from '1969-1973. She taught Sisters. of the Immaculate Heart , $39.95. More than half its first copy" he said. mathematics at Feehan for seven of Mary of Egypt, is also 'slated printing of 20,000 has already Editors of the commentary years before becoming principal for beatification. She was \born been sold. were Father James A. Coriden, .and previously taught at St.· in Rome Jan. 19, 1813, and died The book features commentary 'academic dean of Washington John's School, New Bedford. in <;:airo, Egypt, May 6, 1887.' by leading U.S. canonists 'on' Theological Union; Father various sections of the new cod.e. . Thomas J. Green, a canon law The Code of Canon Law· is a professor at The Catholic Univer sity of America; and Father Don systematic collection of the gen ald E. Heintschel, ·associate gen eral laws governing the West terms as "bias" or an issue of ern church. The flaws were first eral secretary of the National Continued from page one ments that indirectly support "interest to the electorate as a brought together in 1917. The .Coilference of Catholic Bishops decision to revise and update and U.S. Catholic Conference. or oppose a particular candidate: whole" are undefined. e.g., ~abeling a candidate as 'pro Yet, they added, "the penalties that code was announcedin 1959 abortion' or using plus or minus , for guessing incorrectly . . . are by Pope John 'XXIII, 'although the work of revision did not be potent indeed. An exempt organ signs to evaluate candidates." The NCCB general counsel's ization that violates the political gin in earnest until the 'mid VATICAN CITY(NC) 1984 advice also noted that polls activity prohibition risks Joss of 1960s, after the Second Vatican Scientific progress can stimulate Council. The new code ~as coni- . faith, Pope John ·Paul II told a and questionnaires surveying tax-exempt statues and tax-de pleted and issued in 1983. political candidates on the issues ductible contributions." recent general audience. "The are acceptable if "the poll or The English commentary con The Caron-Dessingue article immense progress made by mod questionnaire is not biased," if also discussed peripheral' prob sists of a ,complete, approved ern science in coming to under they covered "a w.ide range of lems facing tax-exempt groups. English translation of the 1,752 stand the physical universe (can) issues" important "to the elector For example, they said, the Abor· laws in the new code, with in serve as 'a stimulus to faith. in 'ate 'as a' whole," and if "the re . tion Rights' Mobilization ,lawsuit dividual 'commenta·ry on each God or at 1east to iI'ecognition of sults of the poll or questionnaire is requiring "hundreds of hours" law, a general ,introduction to the mystery of creation," he are reported in an accurate and of NCCB lawyers' time :in the the whole code and short ~ntro said. "The visible world consti unbiased manner," : :kgal "discovery" process al ductions to each section of the tutes for the human intellect the , Caron and Ms. Desingue wrote though the sui·t no longer targets code, extensive bibliographical basis for affirming existence of the invisihle Creator," references for each section.. a 56 in the 'law journal that such the church itself.
First complete Englislt commentary
on new Canon Law, Code published
\ ,Lawyers rap
Science aids faith
By Father Matthew Roche MANILA, Philippines (NC) The. growth of basic Christian communities in the Philippines has been a quiet but "revolu . tionary" development ,in the life of the island-nation's Catholic Church, said retired Bishop Fran cisco F. Claver of Malaybalay, Philippines. The comml;nities have been ,creating a "more participatory church," while most media at tention has focused on the church's conflict with the Philip pine government, he said.. ' "Basic Christian communities are "empowering the powerless' through the Gospel" and en abling "faith to be stronger than ideology," said the bishop. Bishop Claver said the mem bers of ibasic Christian communi ties participate in the. decisions which bring change in their communities, as well as in society. 'Bishop Claver, nicknamed the "fighting bishop" for his work with the poor, spoke "at Ateneo d(! ManHa University of the change in the'· relationship be tween church and state caused by the communities. . Based on the idea of'the com munity as a participatory church and "oriented towards action for the common good," the members "must not only. preach justice, but do it as well," 'he said. Of the 53 dioceses, :in the 'Philippines, 18 are in the final stages of developing Christian communities, while another 10 are in the beginning stages, he said. Bishop Claver called Min danao, the Philippines' second largest island, "the most alive" area of the country's church be cause of the steady growth of basic communities since 1970. The communities are hard .to manipulate politically, he said. But their members may change society since they are part of it. Members participate in com munity decision-making, which matures their will to act. Mem bers realize they can achieve th.ings themselv~s, the bishop said, and they 'acquire a new sense of dignity and develop a greater religious sense. .Bishop Claver, a native of the Phiolippines, was ordained .in Maryland in 1961 and consecra ted . bishop of Mala}'lbalay in 1969. He is a member of the Insti tute of Church and State at Ateneo de Manila University and is secretary of Social-Economic 'Life of Asia, a committee of the Jesuit Conference of East Asia. He is also a consultant to the Philippine bishops' conference on native tribal peoples.
Wiser Today man should never be ashamed to own he has been in the wrong; which is but saying in other words that he is wiser to day than he was yesterday." Alexander P?pe UoA
THE ANCHOR-Di~cese ,of Fall River-Fri., April 12, 1985
How Pope John 'Paul
the mail packet
letters are welcomed. but should be no more than 200 words. The editor reserves the right to condense or edit. All letters must be signed and Include a home or business address and telephone number for th~ purpose of verification If deemed necossary.
Clarifications Dear Editor: It was with concern that I read Father John Dietzen's col umn on March 29, 1985, regard ing Confirmation sponsors. I felt his answer only increased the confusion of eligible sponsors for Confirmation. The following clarifications were issued by the Bishop's Com mittee on the Liturgy in Decem ber of 1983 regarding Con.firma tion sponsors. 1. As far as possible, a can
didate for Confirmation should have a sponsor (d. CIC 892; Rite of Con firmation, no. 5). 2. According to the direc tives in canon 893 (with reference to canon 874,5) neither the father nor the mother of a candidate can be a sponsor. 3. However, even when there is a sponsor, par ents may present their children for Confirma tion. By "present" is meant the simple fact of bringing or ·accompany ing the candidate to the bishop (cf. Rite of Con firmation, no. 21). 4. There would seem to be no contradiction between canon 893 (cf. also canon 874,5) and the Rite of Confirmation, nos. 5 and 21. Parents can present their children in the way intended by the Rite, even though they cannot be sponsors. In 'light of this,.clarification, it should be emphasized that, in those cases when no godparent is present, a parent presenting a child for Confirmation should not be called a godparent or sponsor nor be understood as assuming the role of godparent. Perhaps the best designation for the parent would be "presenter." Parents are mentioned as "pre senters" not sponsors. This dis tinction should remove the con fusion caused by Father Dietzen's answer. Judith M. Sullivan COD Coordinator, Grades 1-5 St. Pius X parish So. Yarmouth
of a h~g
Dear Editor: I have friends who hug me each time we meet. It is difficult to express how much that small gesture eases pain and raises my spirits. Often I have pondered this and wondered why such warmth should produce such ef fects. Perhaps it is because of its similarity to Our Lord's final act
l{eeps up with the world
of love hanging upon the cross for us. His arms were open then and even now seem to beckon each worshiper. When 'arms' are open it is im possible to guard the heart filled with Hfe and :Iove. It .is given away but quickly refilled with His love. It would seem that during this penitential season when we are reminded of .christ's sacrifice we could perpetuate that act with warm, meaningful hugs. Jean Quigley Rehoboth
Dear Editor: Readers may like to mail their used Catholic pamphlets and magazines direct to the foreign missions. If those who wish to do so will please send me self-addressed envelopes, I will give them the addresses of missionary priests and nuns who need Catholic lit erature. Mary Conway 14 'Castle Street Cork, Ireland
Any better? Dear Editor: I'm sorry I have to say I don't like the small print. I think I wiH have to say goodbye to The Anchor next year. I have cata racts and can't use my gl'asses. It's tiresome to read that small print. It's not worth getting The Anchor anymore, so goodbye. A.L.D. Attleboro As of our last issue (April 5), we . increased the print size on pages set In Varitype. We hope this solves the problem for A.L.D. and others who have made simi lar comments. Please let us know! Editor
Bravo! Dear Editor: Bravo. Your trumpet made no uncertain sound. The "loud and clear" editorial against pornog raphy (March 1, 1985) was right on target. Pornography demands as much concern as other toxic wastes. The enforcement of exist ing federal obscenity laws could put an end to it all, but the prob lem is massive and growing. A Texas study explored the content of five skin magazines recently. There are some 300 such. They found rape trivalized, bestiality depicted, incest glori fied, :lesbianism and homosex uality :in fun color. And now, much of this is moving into the home through cableporn, dial-a porn, computer porn and video porn. In answer to ,the President's request to parents, schools and churches to get involved in the drive to clean :up America, we have scheduled a second Na tional Conference .on Pornog
VATICAN CITY (NC) When feminist writer Germaine Greer suggested in an interview last year that contraception exploited women, she probably never im agined that Pope John Paul II would be one of the, most appre ciative readers of her remarks.
. FAT HER Theodore E. Dobson, director of spiritual renewal services for the archdiocese of Denver, will be at LaSalette Shrine, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. April 27 for a day-long program on Dis cernment of Religious Ex periences. He will speak on resting in the spirit, prophecy 'and speaking' in tongues. There will be an opportunity for questions and answers and the day will end with a lit urgy. Information: 222-5410.
Medal awarded Ronald McDonald STEUBENVILLE, Ohio (NC) The University' of Steubenville is awarding its 1985 PovereHo Medal to Ronald McDonald House. Franciscan Father Michael Scanlan, president of the uni versity, said McDonald House won the award for its Christ ,like charity. The medal has gone annually since 1949 to persons or institu tions exemplifying the ideals of St. Francis of Assisi, patron saint of the university. Poverello, meaning "little poor man," is a popular Italian title for St. Fran r cis. The Ronald McDonald House, affiliated with the McDonald's restaurant chain, is a nonprofit organization which has estab lished temporary homes across the nation for families of child ren hospitalized away from home. The first house was es tablished in 1974 in Philadelphia. McDonald's restaurants across the country have raised more than $6 million for the houses. 111I111I11I1111I11I1111111111111111I11I11I11I11I111I1111I11I11I1111I1
raphy in Denver on May 31 and June 1, to show how the case of the People vs. Pornography can be won. Cardinal Krol has in vUed every bishop to send repre sentatives. fA united voice must be ,raised on behalf of America's children. For further information, con tact us at Morality in Media, 475 Riverside Drive, iNew York, New York 10115 ~212-870-3222). Morton A. Hill, S.J. President, Moramy in Media
, Yet the interview, published in March in the Turin, Italy, daily La Stampa, sparked such inter est at the Vatican that it was circulated not only to the pope but to other Curia officials as well, according to a papal aide. "The idea was that contracep tion makes the woman more en slaved," the aide said. The pope who was prepa~ing a series of talks on birth control at the time, found the essay welcome readin~, he added. Much of the information that
finds its way to the pope's desk is routed there by Vatican Sec retariat of State aides who pre pare a daily digest of news from around the world. They spoke to National Catholic News Service on the condition that they not be named. "Articles don't have to have 'church' in the headline," one aide said. He called Ms. Greer's essay, for example, '~the most important article of the month" and said her arguments were seen by Vatican officials as "an incentive to those in the church." , Humanitarian concern; are closely followed in the news digest, too, he said. Recent ex amples - both of which promp ted public comment by the pope - were news of the Ethio pian famine and the Bhopal, India, gas cloud disaster. Some articles provoke private discussion rather than public statements, however, When China's Communist Party news
paper suggested in December that Marxist might be outdated, for example, it caught the at tention of the clipping team and
"definitely went into the report," the official said. Major U.S. newspapers are re ceived by mail and read daily, along with about 30 others from Italy and the rest of the world, the official said. Articles are clipped, summar ized and translated into Ita~ian each morning, he said, although the original 'text is included too. The pope and top Vatican offi cials receive the digest - which can be as long as 20 pages around mid-morning. UsuaHy the pontiff tries to read it before his steady stream of dnterna'tion al visitors begins arriving at around 11 a.m., but fhe often can finish it only during the even ing, the officia,l said. In addition, the group pre pares a twice-monthly review of international Ibackground articles "both favorable and unfavor able" to the church, ,the offical said. Father Adam Boniecki, head of the Polish edition of the Vati can newspaper L'Osservatore Romano and a longtime acquain-
tance of the pope, agreed that he is "not protected from ad verse press reports or criticism." In December, for instance, the review included an article from a Prague newspaper about priests active in "Pacem in Ter ris," a pro-government organ ization that has been opposed by the Vatican. 1111 the same report was an article from a London paper about Cardinal Franz Konig of Vienna and church dialogue with communism; a review of Cardinal ~oseph Ratzinger's re cent comments about the church from a Madrid daily; and an article from The Times of Lon don about the Anglican Church's move toward the ordination of women.
Soviet publications also are read routinely, the official said. The pope's diplomats around the world are also his eyes and ears. Every week, the officia.J said, many of the 80 papal nuncios write detailed reports on their host countries. They also moni tor the local press. "A daily newspaper is often more authentic than a nuncio's report," the official said. Despite the media attention the pope receives, he relies little on electronic journalism for his own information, the aide said, noting that there is no television or radio in the pope's private room, an dthat the TV in a near by Vatican office is seldom used. Sometimes the pontiff may catch ,the headlines on a TV news show, but then it is usual ly turned off. He uses his spare time for reading books, medita ting or studying languages, the aide said. Doesn't the pope ever put his
feet up and relax with his fav
orite magazine?
The sources said that to fol low events in his native Poland, Pope John Paul avidly reads a weekly Catrolic publication from Cracow, "Tygodnik Powszech ny." In his younger days, before becoming one of the world's big gest newsmakers, the pope was among its contributors.
Catch 22 OMAHA, Neb. (NC) - The Catholic Health Association board of trustees has revoked the membership of St. Joseph Hospita,1 of Omaha after it was purchased by a non-Catholic, for profit health-care chain. But Archbishop Daniel .,sheehan of Omaha said he still considers St. Joseph's a Catholic institution. John E. Curley Jr., CHA presi dent, said the hospital lis no longer operated by the Catholic Church, therefore no Jonger meets CHA eligibiHty require ments. Archbishop Sheehan said that while the CHA ds free to establish membership criteria, "ownership lllnd teaching tradi tion are two distinct items."
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., April 12, 1985
,~. mrn~Jrn{
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Two Sisters of the Holy Cross" both New Bedford natives, will mark 50 years in 'religious life at a Mass at 11:30 a.m. Sunday, April 21, at St. George Church, Westport, followed by a dinner and reception at White's restau rant, also in Westport:
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Sister Gignac Sister Jeannette Gignac, daughter of the late Mr. and - Mrs. Edward Gignac, has taught ill elementary schools in New _. Hampshire, Vermont, Connecticut and Massachusetts and was a CCD coordinator for St. Mary's parish, North Attleboro, and St. John the Evangelist, Attleboro. For 10 years she supervised girls' summer camps in New Hampshire and Maine. Presently she is librarian at St. Anthony School, New Bedford. She holds a bac:helor's degree from Notre Dam"e College, Man chester, NH and did graduate work in theology at St. Michael's College. Winooski, VI. The jubilarian has two surViv ing brothers, Homer and Arthur, and a sister, Mrs. Rita Mercier.
Gaudette Photo
SISTERS JEANNEITE GIGNAC (left) AND YVONNE ROBIDA. Cathoiic University, Was!:tington, D.C. She did graduate study at Pratt Institute, Brooklyn, N.Y. and Alfred University, Alfred, N.Y.
taught over 48 years. A brother, Rev. Raymond A; Robida, is associate pastor at St. Anthony parish, New Bedford, and a sister, Sister Lucille Ro bida, CSC, is station~d at Notre, Da.m.e Coll~ge ..A~other .brother;~ ' Ernest, and another sister, Therese Robida, reside in New Bedford. A third brother, Nor mand, was kiHed in World War
Sister Robida Sister Yvonne C., Robida, daughter of the late Ludger and Clara (McLean) R6bida, was bOiri in 1918 and attended St. An thony School, New Bedford. She. holds a bacheior's degree from Notre Dame College and a master of science degree from
Now a science teacher at Keith Junior High School, New Be~· ford; she' was previously' at the former St. Anthony High School, New Bedford,' and at schools in New Hampshire, Vermont ahd Springfield, Mass. In all, she has
VATICAN CITY (NC) - The Vatican said last week it would implement a package of wage re forms raising -the pay of lay em ploye~s by 4 percent to 25 per cent on a new 10-level scale. The changes make wage sca'les uniform for the first time among the Vatican's four main admin istrative organizations. But Mariano Cerullo, head of the 1,700-member Association of Vatican ,Lay Employees which has negotiated for higher wages an~ other reforms, said the Vati can action was '~unilateral" and taken without workers' approvat
(Agostino) Casaroli's office,'" Bishop Schotte said. Cardinal Casaroli, papal secretary of state, was appointed in 1982 by Pope John Paul II to oversee the labor negotiations.' Bishop Schotte said the lay association' was employees' "largely involved in drafting the proposal," but should not have expected to approve the final decision. "They don't have the right to approve it - we're not a multi national company," Bishop Schotte said. "It's the Holy Father who makes the decision."
have been ignored," he said. According to Va-ticm infor mation,~annual !base sa'1aries for Vatican lay employees will range, -after deductions, from 12.5, mil Iion'lire (about 6.250) to 20.2 mH Uon lire (about $10,000). That represents an increase of about 4 percent for the lowest pay categories and about 25 percent for the ,top categories. Ul')der the new ,reforms, cost of-living increases will be made every six months. In the past,· such increases had been negotia ted separately and sometimes applied years afterward.
"They have completely ignored us, as if the association didn't exist. This action has trampled on the dignity of Vatican em ployees," Cerullo said. , The pay raises, retroactive to the beginning of 1985, will take effect as soon 'as employees. have been assigned to the new pay categories, said Bishop Jan Schotte, who is secretary of the Vatican's justice and peace com mission and heads a group that has met with lay employees' representatives to resolve the labor dispute. The reforms, which' largely re flect employee proposa-ls, were "communicated by Cardinal
.In February, the employees' association called off a threat ened strike -after receiving as surances that their proposals would receive prompt attention from Vatican officials. Bishop Schotte said the reforms include "all the major elements" of those proposals. CeruUo, . however, said there was still disagreement about the beginning date of the pay in creases. He also said the em ployees' proposals for gradual "merit raises" had been post poned under the new reforms. "They talk about the' rights of ' workers in Poland. Well, this is Poland II, where workers' rights
There was rlittle change in other benefits and deductions. Vatican employees pay no taxes, but 8.5 percent of their salary is taken out to pay for health care, pensions and severance benefits. In addition to the base salary, employees 'also receive monthly payments of 35,000 lire ($17.50) for each family dependent, and seniority raises of -about 2.5 per cent every two years. Non 'Italian employees also receive special payments ranging from 9 to 15 percent of their salaries.
Va~ican employees work a six-day, 36-hour work week. The average Italian work week ranges from 36 to 40 hours.
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., April 12, 1985. ~~~
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Continued from Page One envisioned a pluralistic world of many religions and many governments, in which unity would be achieved through diver sity. Before the m~eting a group of St. Louis Catholics criticized the selection of Muller and astrono mer Carl Sagan as speakers and the convention's emphasis on global education as its theme. Ann O'Donnell, of Women for a Just Peace and Women for Faith and Family, told the St. Louis Review, archdiocesan newspaper, that the convention had a pacifist bias in its selec tion of speakers, noting that there were few workshops on the teaching of the church's just war doctrine. She said she had not read any of Muller's books and she called Sagan an atheist who supports the idea that there is nothing worth dying for. "Nobody is talking about the need for a strong def.ense; the need to, stand up and fight and
Paul II for special occasions in ~ die if need be for what we be EARLY BIRDS - 5-6 Daily .. lieve in," she said. dioceses with the approval of the Sunday All Day Msgr. John F. Meyers, NCEA bishop. Archbishop May cele president, said the church more brated a Tridentine Mass in S1. " Closed Mondays than any institution is concerned Louis last February before about THE with the world. He said many 500 worshippers. He subsequent LUKel1 - Tuesday thru Frida, 12:00 • 2:30 of those critical of the meeting's ly approved celebration of the i: DINNER - Tuesday thru Saturday theme had an "exaggerated old rite once a month. 5:00- UO P.M. sense of nationalism." The archbishop also criticized , SUNDAY -12 Naan • 7:00 P.M. Msgr. Meyers said global those who envision an "unreal" Rte. 28, ·East Falmouth - AL!iO peace, communications and future, people he described as Catering to Weddings Hosts - Paul & Ellen Goulet global economics are aU relevant continually referring to the and Banquets topics for Catholic educators. "spirit of Vatican II." He said Tel. 548-4266 In his homily at the opening both groups have misinterpreted '1~~~a~aa8~'§222~a:a22a liturgy April 8 Archbishop John Pope John Paul's call for an ex L. May of S1. Louis said he was traordinary synod of bishops in sad to see some ·Catholics taken Rome in November to examine 'lip by a wave of nostalgia, a Vatican II reforms 20 years after hankering fora simpler time.. the close of the council. "How else can we explain the He told the educators that the 'longing of some Catholics for work of the church is now. Turn ROUTE 6--between Fall River and New Bedford the old Mass," A'rchbishop May ing backward or looking for said, referring to Catholics want ward, he said, "shows the failure One of Southern New England's Finest Facilities ing a return to the Tridentine of nerve and more importantly Mass replaced by .titurgical re the failure of faith." Now Available fOl forms following the Second Vati "Go carry the good news," can Council. Archbishop May said "We are here to do that in the work of The Tridentine Mass was re cently reinstated by Pope John 'Catholic education." FOR DETAILS, CALL MANAGIER - 636-2744 or 999-6984
DAYTON, Ohio (NC) - Day ton artist Paul Melia says he was trying to capture the spirit of the church and its richness of faith in his poster "Vaticano." The work, which depicts the r~ligious, cultural and historical aspects of the Vatican, was orig inally designed for sales to Vati can tourists and visitors but is now' sold internationally.. ·It was . ~ also an official souvenir of Pope John Paul II's visit to Canada last September. The 30-inch by 40.inch color poster pictures St. Peter's Ba silica, St. Peter's Square, the Pieta, drawings depicting the successio.n of !the church's 264 popes, and many other symbols of the Vatican.
At the top of the poster is the Holy Spirit in the form of a dove, hovering above a detail from Michelangelo's "Creation of Man." Over that work, Melia has superimposed a chalice and the Eucharist to symbolize the Trin ity and the coming together of the human and the divine, he said.
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. e artIst saId the poster also has three hidden crosses signi fying the hid~en beaut~ of the ~hurch ~at III many IIlstances IS recogmzed only by those who belong. Melia, a member of St. Albert the Great Parish in suburban Dayton, said he got the idea for the poster from former Canadian
middleweight boxer Mickey McGuire. According to Melia, McGuire gave his idea for a poster of the Vatican in 1979 to a Canadian friend in the poster business. The friend. Jamie Parsons, contacted Melia. Aided by local prie~ts the trio completed research for the pos ter, and' the first line drawing was completed in 1981. McGuire showed it to priests and bishops in Canada, and eventually it was approved by Vatican officials. It took two revisions of original drawing and nearly hours of work by the artist .fore the poster was ready printing.
the 500 be for
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ADEPT against depression
By Dr. James and Mary Kenny Dear. Dr. Kenny: Depression is such a horrid thing that comes and goes, and makes one wish that death would knock on one's door so many times. There is much in my life that is wonderful - a terri bly loving husband and two small beautiful boys. But a variety of questions and situations keep drag ging me down, and I just can't seem to get above them. lHardest of all is the fact that I don't feel accepted by my hus band's parents. I want to be liked by his family, yet I fear their rejec tion, and Halso fear exposing my children to t~e conflict. I can't see any way around it. Maybe it's me. I get down and then I see the world through dark glasses, as I pick out the worst side of everything. Then I get more depressed and H cannot eat or sleep. Please help me. (New York) Your letter describes depression' very weIl, including its two sour ces. Depression comes from diffi cult situations and from physical processes set in motion in our own bodies. Depression causes people to turn inward and doubt themselve&. Frustrated by situa:tional problems
such as rejection by in-laws, they feel helpless and hopeless. . Life is rough at times. Many situations arise to trigger the blues. When the blues stay around, how ever, to color other experiences, some way must be found to get out of the doldrums. To combat depression, I recom mend my ADEPT program, de signed to treat body as well as mind. 'Because of its physical nature, treatment of depression must include more than merely a psychological consideration of its causes and how to cope with them. "A" stands for activities. Get your hands and feet busy doing something concrete. If need be, force yourself to start a new hobby. Arts ~nd crafts offer many possibilities. Lift up your chin and show that you can take the initia tive, that you are bigger than the blues. "D" stands for diet. Eat a nutri tious breakfast, even if you do not have much of an appetite. Choose foods rich in B vitamins. Avoid sugar foods and soft drinks, because of the false "high" and subsequent letdown sugar causes. Whole-wheat toast, peanut butter and cheese
amounts, even with a queasy stomach. "E" stands for exercise. Improve your sluggish circulation, a com mon component of depression, with daily aerobic exercise. Walking and jogging are the simplest, but however you do it, try to get 15-20 minutes ofexercise vigorous enough to cause some change in your breath ing pattern. "P" stands for psychotherapy and counseling. You may need to see a psychologist or psychiatrist to help you learn to cope success fuIly with difficult situations. P also stands for prayer. "T" stands for therapy, in this case, antidepressant medications. Medications are usuaIly not recom mended for depression arising from difficult situations. Nevertheless, certain ones can be helpful in get ting out of the deeper and longer lasting dark and down moods. Try ADEPT. Begin with the first three, ADE. If your depres sion continues, you may need psy chotherapy and/ or medication. Good luck. Reader questions on family living and child care to be answered in print are invited. Address The Kennys, Box 872, St. Joseph's College, Rensselaer, Ind. 47978.
Mother says God using Karen Quinlan
MORRIS PLAINS, N.J. (NC) book they co-authored on their Thomas Trapasso, who was the experiences and from movie and Quinlans' pastor at Our Lady of - God is using Karen Ann Quin lan to spread a message of respect magazine rights to open the Karen the Lake, Mount Arlington, and for life, Julie Quinlan said in an Ann Quinlan Center of Hope, a has remained their spiritual adviser. interview shortly before the 10th hospice in Newton, N.J. Mrs. Quinlan said her husband, Mrs. Quinlan said she feels that Joseph, makes daily visits to ,Mor anniversary of her daughter's lapse into,a coma. . through her daughter the hospice J'ris View. ',; .. ' The condition of Miss, Quinlan, service to' the. terminally ill has She said she has noticed "a slow now 31, set off a legal battle and a come about, and that a message deterioration" in her daughter's about respect for life has been national debate over when artifi condition with more frequent infec cial life-support 'systems may be given. "I think we in our faniily have tions and longer periods of recovery. removed. "I talk to her and usuaIly I She fell into a coma April 15, become more' caring, sensitive people, reaching out more to help pray, "Mrs. Quinlan said. "I some 1975, after it is believed she con times brush her hair. When she's people," Mrs. Quinlan said. sumed alcohol and a tranquilizer. Nine years ago her family won a On Karen Quinlan's 31 st birth-. restless, I let down the side of the court battle to have "extraordi- . day March 29 a Mass was cele bed and I hold her and try to nary means" ofIife support turned .brated at her' bedside by Msgr. soothe her." off. After Miss Quinlan was re moved from the respirator her vital functions continued but she has remained comatose. COCHIN, India (NC) - A Catholics have no political rela She was transfered from St. "church of Roman tradition" exists tions . with the Chinese govern Clare Hospital in Denville, N.J., in China, but it is "not interested in ment. in 1976 to the Morris View Nurs subjecting itself to Rome," said "We are a people's organiza ing Home in Morris Plains, where Bishop K. H. Ting of the Patriotic tion," he said. 'We are entirely self she has survived with intravenous Association of Chinese Catholics, supporting. We receive contribu feeding and ordinary care. the government-approved Catholic tions from all our members. The The Diocese of 'Paterson, N.J. church. government doesn't interfere." supported the Quinlans' decision Bishop Ting, who recently head The Chinese delegation's visit to during their legal battle, citing ed an II-member Chinese church India was at the invitation ofIndia's church teaching that it is unneces delegation to India, told National National Council of Churches. sary to use extraordinary means to Catholic News Service that around "Christians in China want to prolong life.. When the Vatican's "700 or 800" Roman Catholic par learn from the rich experiences of "Declaratipn on Euthanasia" was ishes are being reopened in his the Indian church," said' Bishop released in 1980, Mrs. Quinlan country. Ting. said it reaffirmed her belief that "In· 1949 there were 3 million Since the Communist takeover the family had done the right thing. Roman Catholics,"the bishop said. in 1949, the Chinese government ·"What happened to Karen has has refused to accept any ties to surely changed our lives,~' Mrs. "Now there are more." However, he said, "there is no the Holy See. Quinlan said in an interview with Pope John Paul II has made the Beacon,· Paterson diocesan church in China which is inter newspaper. "I think we all have ested in subjection to Rome. No several efforts to establish contact with Chinese Catholics. In July grown because of this experience, such church exists as a group." "There may be people" inter 1984 he told members of the grown in a positive way. We are much closer now as a family. Our ested, he added. "China is a vast Taiwan-based Regional Episcopal Conference of China he hoped "it perspectives have changed. Little country. " "If there is an underground may soon be possible to reestab things that we once thought were church, how are we to know about lish" unity with Chinese Catholics. so important are no longer impor it?" asked Han Wen Zoo, associate tant. " Mrs. Quinlan said she cannot general secretary of the China attempt to "know God's will," but Christian Council. "Then it will "I fee~ Karen is truly in God's 'not be underground anymore." hands, and he is using her to help Bishop Ting is president of the so many other people." China Christian Council and prin The Quinlans h,ave used some of cipal of Nanking Union Theologi the money they received from a cal Seminary. He said Patriotic
Chinese bishop rejects Rome
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Koop says government
acted when doctors didn't
NEWYORK(NC)- The govern merit stepped in to protect handi capped newborn infants because often physicians do not, said Dr. C. Everett Koop, surgeon general of the United States. He spoke at a conference at Fordham University on "The Hand icapped Newborn in American So ciety." Other sponsors were the Storer Foundation; -the Institute for t~e Study of Disability Law, Medicine and Ethics; and the National Legal Center for the Medically Dependent and Disabled. Koop said that in his.lifetime the attitudes of physicians and health care workers have shifted from the Hippocratic standard of protect ing all life to emphasis on "quality of life." Also being considered, he , said, is not only the individual's \ quality of life but how it might affect the quality of life of family. members and others. . "Somebody has to step in," he said. Koop said if he were still in pri vate practice he might dislike govern ment regulations on treatment of babies born with handicaps. But he said he would recognize that "attitudinal change,among my fel low physicians" made it necessary~ The surgeon general cited his own long experience in treating ill newborns. "The effort we put into those youngsters has made my life worthwhile," he said. He told of one patient who had required 5 operations but is now a college student. In his address, a discussion period and later press conference, Koop criticized the physicians Who advised withholding treatment in the cases of two infants born with handicaps, a boy in Bloomington, Ind., called Baby Doe, and a girl on Long Island called Baby Jane Doe. The baby boy died, but the girl was later treated and went home to live with her parents. Koop said medical opinion in Bloomington was divided from the beginning, and that the ap proach taken by an obstetrician in most such cases has a decisive influence on parental reactions. Often the physician may not accu rately predict the baby's future, or know all the resources available to help the family, he said. He agreed with a conference participant that press coverage of the Doe cases was "skewed" against the position of protecting the han dicapped newborn. "The next issue is going to be Granny Doe, and there will be a thousand of them for every Baby Doe," Koop said. "We have about 12 to 15 years to get ready for that. "
The surgeon general also noted that the ft:deral government through programs in housing, education' and other fields, as well as health, is currently spending $64 billion per year for care of the handi capped: "If we need twice that 'much, let's spend twice that much," he said.
Good will not enough for catechists VATICAN CITY (NC) - Pope ADMIRING ALTAR BOYS surround Ken Kanzler (left) and Kevin Snow, Boston College John Paul II said at a recent football players who were star attractions at a spaghetti supper and Altar Boys' Night spon general audience systematic study sored recently at St. John the Evangelist School, Attleboro, by area Serra members. (Rosa of church doctrine is "indispensa ble " for full-time and volunteer Photo) religion teachers. The pope encouraged catechists to study in specialized institutes FAITH - A SMILE WIDE! that can fully prepare them in As Sister Maya tells the breathtaking Easter story church doctrine. ' (The slOne is rolled away . . .the tomb is empty . .. The doctrinal formation is a fundamental necessity, because ca He is risen . . . is risen!), this family in Burma techesis cannot be limited to teach shares our joy because, they share our faith. i~g' minimum Of truth ·that is learned and repeated by memory," Wouldn't you like to send smiles like this the pope said. to another family in the Missions? Doctrinal instruction received in preparation for baptism, con firmation or Communion is not enough for catechists, the pope. You can! said. "A more systematic study is . indispensable. Iri fact, sometimes circumstances have led those re sponsible for catechesis to have recourse to the collaboration of people ,of good will, but without an adequate preparation. Such solu tions are generally deficient," he said. • The pope also said that the teaching of church doctrine "was for its objective not a simple know ledge of the truth, but the spread ing of the faith." All the church's teachers should have this "mis sionary spirit," he said.
However, the study of church doctrine itself should stay within certain limits, he said. "A study that places the faith under debate or introduces doubts about the revealed truth could not help catechesis. The development of doctrinal science must be in agreement with a-development of the faith," the pope said.
Dr. Koop
00 • • • • • • 0
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I 1
YES! I want the poor of the Missions to share my Easter joy
and my faith. Enclosed is my gift of:
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"It is not the function of our government to keep the citizens from falling into error; it is the function of the citizen to keep the government from falling into er ror." - Justice Robert H. Jackson
. Several conference' participants, citing Koop's support for govern ment protection for handicapped newborns from birth, questioned the surgeon general about govern ment bearing the financial cost in c&ses requiring extraordinary care. Koop declined to make any explicit commitment to the principle of government financing but indicated . that it would be an appropriate area for coverage by "catastrophic insurance. "
The Function
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri. Apr. i2, 1985
Name Address City
1 1
L'__ .-:.
Please ask the missionaries to remember the following intentions at Mass:
1 1
Send your gift to:
ANCH 4,12/85
Reverend Monsignor John J. Oliveira 368 North Main Street Fall River. Massachusetts 02720
1 1
I I 1
--~ .to ••
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-fri. Apr. 12, 1985
New tax laws affecting cars
Last summer you finally bought the silver BMW you had your eye on for years. You could never have afforded the car on your own, but figured that since you commute to work and make occasional business trips you could write off part of the cost as a tax deduction. The passage of the 1984 Tax Reform Act, however, has turned your dream' car into a disaster. Under pressure to reduce the fed eral deficit, Congress has sharply restricted tax benefits claimed for company cars. You. have disco vered that unless you use your
BMW primarily for business'pur poses, you are not eligible for the tax breaks you had counted on. Your predicament raises the question as to what effect the new tax ·Iaws will have on your ability to claim deductions for recently purchased company cars. The new rules only apply to cars bought after June 18, 1984, so if you bought your car before last summer you can continue to follow the old rules. Basically, "the new law concerns the amount you can claim for investment tax credits and depre ciation. Formerly you were entitled to an immediate investm~nt tax credit worth up to six percent of the cost of your car. Und'er the 1984 act, you must prove that you use your car more (han 50 percent of the time for bus iness to receive any investment tax credit at all. Even if you can meet the 50 percent requirement, you are now limited to a maximum $1,000 investment credit. Depreciation deductions have, also been reduced. Under the old law, any part of the cost of your car which could be attributed .to business use could be written off over a three-year period, using an accelerated depreciation schedule. Now, cars which do not meet the 50 percent business requirement must be depreciated over five years instead of three. Since deductions will have to be spread over a
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otherwise personal car into one used for business purposes.
USCCbacks' halt: to Salv'adorandeportations
WASHINGTON (NC) - The U.S. Catholic Conference has joined other religious groups and CATHOLIC GIANT
congressmen in backing proposed PRINT BIBLES
legislation to halt deportation of Salvadoran refugees from the Uni ·11 :00 To 5:30 Sunday Thru Saturday
ted States.. Tel. 673-4262
• The legislation would grant ,------------~ two-year extended voluntary departure status to Salvadorans illegally entering the United States and initiate a General Accounting Office study of issues such as the fate of deported Salvadorans forced back to EI Salvador. 102 Shawomet Avenue Companion Senate and House Somerset, Mass. bills were announced at a Capitol Hill news conference by Sens. Tel. 674-4881
Dennis DeConcini, D-Ariz., and 3V2 room Apartment
Patrick Leahy, D-Vt., and Reps. 4V2 room Apartment
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Ralph Regula, R-Ohio. " frigerator and maintenance service. . "We will suppo'rt this bill and we urge its passage as soon as possi ble,"said Father Nicholas DiMar zio, USCC director of Migration Religious
and Refugee Services. Also addressing the news conference Gifts & Books
was the Rev. John Fife, a Presby~ terianJrom Tucson, Ariz., who is under indictment for his role in for everyoccasiofJ ... providing sanctuary to Salvador ans entering the country illegally:' Baptisms
936 So. Main St., Fall·River
than 70 percent b~siness usage of their car. Obviously the 1984 Act will have Although you continue to get Although employee fringe bene a great impact on both corpora accelerated depreciation deductions fits regarding company cars have tions and their employees. For if you qualify.imder the 50 percent been severely reduced, the com corporations, the new laws basi business use rule, the total you can ,pany itself, as employer, may still cally mean more paperwork. They claim for depreciation has also been provide a car to an employee as must make sure that logbooks are reduced. The deduction is now compensation. This qualifies as a maintained, or risk losing the limited to $4,000 for the taxable business use for the company, and company's tax deduction. Corpor year in which the car is first used, it can still claim a deduction. ations also face tax losses for cars and $6,000 for 'each succeeding However, any personal use'of the falling below the 50 percent busi taxable year. car is not a deduction for the ness use requirement. The IRS has not only made it employee and must be included in For employees, the laws will his taxable income. harder for you to claim deductions have a more personal impact: The for your car, but has made it very As of January 1,1985, new IRS old laws provided tax benefits difficult to prove that the car is regulations have also imposed strict , which were cherished by business actually used for business in the men as a way of making a luxury requirements for substantiating first place. In order to qualify as business use of a company car. car affordable. Now such people business use, the car m'ust be will no longer be able to buy BMWs Whereas the old regulations were required for the convenience of the somewhat flexible, you must now and write them off as a business employer, and as a condition of record the date of the trip, the expense. Or they may regret hav your employment. mileage driven and its business ing already purchased them. In other words, you must need a purpose in a log book every time The bottom line is that the 1984 car in order to be able to perform Act makes it very difficult for your car for business. You you use your job. This definition. of busi must be prepared to demonstrate either corporations or employees ness use is extremely narrow and than 50 percent business use to stretch the truth in claiming more will probably be very tough for business deductions for their c;us. by means of this log. people to prove. " So if you're thinking of calling For example, commuting is not If you do not maintain adequate your recent trip to Disneyworld in a business use, even if work is done records, you will not be allowed to during the ride. Likewise, a busi claim any tax credit or deduction. the company car a business expense, ness cail made from a car or a bus Not only will you lose out on tax think again. The IRS is watching iness meeting held in a car while benefits, but you could be charged you, even more closely than before. commuting does not qualify. A , with negligence or even fraud if The Murphys practice law in Braintree. business call made during the course you fail to comply with the new Way to Poverty of a trip taken.for personal reasons record-keeping regulations. "Of greed comes want; he grows similarly does not constitute busi Recently, due to public pres ness use. Even a car advertising the sure, the IRS has relaxed this rule not rich that loves wine and oil." o.wner's trade does not convert an for those who do not claim m'ore - Provo 21:17 longer period, they will be much smaller each year.
extended vol~ntary departure sta tus in the past, but the Reagan adminstration has refused, regard ing the Salvadorans as seekers of economic gain rather than politi cal freedom or safety. The USCC, public policy arm of the U.S. bishops, has, however, stopped short of endorsing the ' sanctuary movemen~. According :to Moakley, many Salvadorans who have been' deported have faced persecution, torture and threats to life in EI Salvador. Father DiMarzio said that al though it sometimes seems condi tions in EI Salvador have improved, the recent visit by a delegation of U.S. Catholic bishops to C!=ntral America revealed that "the situa tion is unsafe, for many, many reasons." . "The facts need to be brought to light" about the Salvadorans, "who are fleeing in fear of their life," he said. Even in the eyes of those who have reached the Uni ted States, "you could see fear; it is a real fear." .
The legislation's supporters de scribed it repeatedly as a'humanit arian measure, not a'tool for over Also backing the legislation turning U.S. immigration laws were Bishop Anthony J. Bevilac or an attack on President Rea qua of Pittsburgh, chairman ofthe gan's .polici,es regarding Centr~1 USCC · · Oversight fCommittee. on A menca. • . , ' MIgratlon and Re ugee ServIces,,, Morally, we cannot say we do and Jesuit Father Walter Farrell president of the Jesuit Conference:' ,not have ~oo~ fo~ t~ese refuge~s," Both signed a National Council of Leahy saId. A vlctlm of war IS a Churches letter to members of victim of war." Congress urging support for the He and the other congressmen noted that extended voluntary bills. The USCC and other church departure status has been granted groups have supported granting of to refugees from other nations,
including Afghanistan, Poland, care about refugees and we're try Uganda, Ethiopia, Lebanon and ing to save lives." Chile; UN one of us have had any "The administration on this choice," Mr. Fife added. "The matter seems to have a double only choice was the historic one of standard," Moakley said. "Why selling our souls and bowing down do we give this kind of relief to the to Caesar or protecting human Poles or for that matter to the life. " Afghans ... and not to the Sal Mr. Fife faces trial July 9 on vadorans? That (legislation) had to be introduced in the first place is assorted chargl;s of violating immigraiion laws. He and II oth a national scandal." ers, including three nuns and two Mr. Fife said sanctuary workers priests, were indicted for their must "err on the side of caution" . sanctuary activities. regardless of legal consequences The letter, co-signed by Bishop because "we're trying to protect Bevilacqua, Father Farrell and 15 human life." Protestant leaders stated that "our He said that he and ministers, religious commitment to the care' priests, nuns and lay people of var of the homeless and the protection ious churches providing sanctuary of the needy leads us to suppqrt "are accused of being anarchists. this legislation" on extended volun We're accused by the adminstra tary departure. tion of being criminals because we
New York
~uxiliary named
Born April 2, 1932, in Oak WASHINGTION (NC) - ' Pope John Paul II has named Park, Ill., Edward Michael Egan Msgr. Edward M. Egan, a Chi studied at the Pontifical Grego cago priest who has served in the rian University and was ordained Vatican the past 12 years, to be an in Rome Dec. 15, 1957. auxiliary bishop of New York. He spent two years in Chicago Bishop - designate Egan, 53, is a as assistant pastor at Holy Name former assistant chancellor of the Cathedral, then returned to Rome Chicago' Archdiocese but has as assistant vice rector of North worked' in Rome during most. of American College, the U.S. his priesthood. , national seminary in Rome. In He has been an "auditor" or 1964 hI: earned a doctorate in judge of the Roman Rota, the canon law from the Gregorian church's chief centra"! appeals University. court, since November 1972, and has served in other Vatican offices In Rome he has also been a pro as well during that time. In addi fessor of judicial practice in the tion to English he speaks Latin, Studio Rotale, an institute of stu French and Italian fluently. dies conducted by the Rota.
Vatican promises
balance in
·Dutch Jesuit
killed in Lebanon
new guidelines
By NC News Service The body of a .Dutch Jesuit' missionary kidnapped in Lebanon March 14 was found April 1 in a ravine near -the village of Nab ha in the Bekaa Valley of east ern Lebanon. The body of Jesuit Father Nicolas 'Kluiters, 44, was badly decomposed, and his hands were tied behind his back. A shepherd . reportedly found the body and led police to it. A Jesuit spokesman in Beirut, the Lebanese capital, said Father Kluiters' body was identified by another priest. He said he ap parently was killed shortly after being abducted more than two weeks earlier. Father Kluiters' car had been discovered neal1by by members of the Syrian army, which con trols the area. The car contained a note which read "Vengeance Party," a group that officials have been unable to identify. Father Johannes Gerhartz, secretary of the Society of Jesus, said Father Kluiters was a par ish priest for Maronite Catholics in the heavily Moslem Bekaa Valley. . The Jesuits have a house in Tanail, a valley _village. There are no plans to abandon the house. Father Gerhartz and Father Kluiters' decision to remain in the dangerous area was one rea son other Christians had stayed.
VATICAN CIlY (NC) - The Vatican Congregation for Reli gious and Secular Institutes will consider the teachings of the Second Vatican Council in de signing a new set of constitu ,tions for the world's cloistered Carmelite nuns,a congrega'tion press statement said March 26. The statement said Pope John Paul II decided to !have' the 'con gregation write the constitutions because of his concern for the nuns. The pope's decision follow ed a dispute among the Discal ced Carmelites over the funda mentals of the constitutions. The Vatican action is unusual because religiou~ 'Usually write their own constitutions, ,then submit them to the V'atican for appoval. The free statement said that the new constitutions "wiH ,take ino account the spirit and the intentions of the foundress, St. Teresa of Avila, and the order's holy traditions." "It all will
be' done," the statement said, in light of the Second Vatican Council. An Oct. 15 letter about the decision, signed by Vatican Sec retary of State' Cardinal Agos tino Casaroli, was protested by the head of the world's Discalced Carmelites, Father Felipe Sainz de Baranda, to whom it was sent.
TOMMY MAKEM, center, best known for his years as lead singer for the Irish folk group, the Clancy Brothers, is coached by Father Gerald J. Buckley, pastor of 81. Joseph Church, Deposit, N.Y., during filming of "Winter Roses." Tom Travers, left, wrote the story. (NC Photo)
Parishioners participate in feature -length film.
DEPOSIT, N.Y. (NC) - Par volve everyone who sees it. It ishioners at 'St. Joseph Church has the heart-warming stuffing an old- -movie.. We.' were all • The letter was, the "pope's rre" '. rummaged through their attic~ !, of' • . I ' sponse to a dispute in which for old missals and '1950s-style altar boys in a time when the about 20 percent of the order hats to use as props for a new greatest thing that could happen wanted constitutions based on film with what one of its stars to us was making it past three sewer caps in, stickball/: said those developed by St. Teresa called "the heart~warming stuff ings of an old movie." Serra.. of Avila in 1581. About 80 per cent of the nuns wanted consti In the movie Angelo joins a ,The 700-member parish in the tutions designed following Vati Syracuse diocese was chosen by crowd of bullies who' roam the can II and approved by Pope MIAM Productions to set the streets. One night he is struck Paul VI. pre-Vatican II scene for "Winter by a car. The shock paralyzes his Roses," a feature-length film .voice and he can no longer speak The press statement said the or sing. starring veteran showman Don ,letter expressed "the great in Then on Christmas Eve, he terest and fatherly concern of ald O'Connor, to be released stops by the church 'and listens the Holy Father in safeguarding next Christmas. Filming began at the white to the choir at practice. He the unity of the order and its fidelity to the Teresian charism." steepled church in upstate New -longs to sing but is unable. York in January with parishion Father Holleran, played by Irish In an Oct. 24 reply to the_ ers cast as e~tras. O'Connor, Ii singer Tommy Makem, of Clancy pope, Father Sainz de Baranda dancer ,in the 1940s and 1950s, Brothers fame, asks Angelo to expressed "disgust" at the tone stars as the film's Msgr: Dono prepare the manger for the and content of Cardinal Casaro hue. Father Gerald J. Buckley, Christmas concert. H's :letter. pastor at St. Joseph, said O'Con Angelo begins to ready the nor seemed to "instinctively" creche when a miracle takes The cardinal had written, in part, that unity ",is not of a play the role of a priest. place - the manger comes alive In the movie Msgl'. Donohue and Mary speaks to Angelo. sociological nature, nor is it de termined by consensus nor by a influences II-year-old Angelo Written by' Tom Travers, Villano, whose dream of being majority of monasteries." "Winter Roses" is based on his an opera singer "just Hke Mario memories of parish life in St.~ Cardinal Casaroli said the Lanza" is shattered and then re Cecilia's in' Brooklyn. . new constitutions should pro deemed by a miracle in a man vide for '''a fair balance between ger. "Miracle in a Manger," in "Part of the magic of this a 'diligent exactness on funda fact, was an earlier title for the show is that we are bringing mental points," for example, movie before producers settled back the most peaceful time in "prayer and penance, rule of on "Winter Roses." America and painting a parish cloister, authority of the prior Reuben Guevas, who starred life we recall with such fond ess." He also cited a 1980 papal in "Oliver" and other Broadway memories," Travers said of his instruction on "the usefulness of shows, plays Angelo. His ambi first screenplay. -a due severity in the observance tions are blocked by his fatqer, The moviemakers don't think of cloister." the film will be a blockbuster but played by 'Ray Serra, who be The cardinal said that those lieves that "singing is for sissies." hope for 'a "sleeper" that will Serra, whose most recent later become an annual television who could not accept the con movie appearance was in "The Christmas broadcast. stitutions designed by the con gregation could find "other Dollmaker" with Jane Fond-a, de About 90 percent of the movie forms of consecrated life," but scribes "Winter Roses" as "the was filmed in Deposit, a town of added tltat he was certain the kind of picture they don't make about 3,000, so named because anymore." sisters ,!,Ollld receive the docu it was once a lumber depot and "This is a five-handkerchief the site of the groundbreaking ment "heartily" and "with a joy show that will emotionally in for the old Erie Railroad, ful spirit of faith."
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THE ANCHOR Friday, April ] 2, 1985
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River':"'Fri., A'pril 12,
;the brake and one on' the gas." Most people don',t drive as he describes, but too often they' take chances. . .Sometimes people take chances for fun. Whatever the reasons, taking chances with your own or others' . lives 'is. dangerous and morally wrong. Drinking ,and driving is even more wrong. In this situation, in By Charlie Martin dividuals deliberately make a choice' ,to jeopardize other CAN I T DRIVE. 5 5 drivers' lives. Some statistics ,in dicate that one out of t~o acci One foot Olll the brake . dents involve a driver who has And one on the gas hey been drinking. Well there's too much traffic I can!t pass no Perhaps the drinking driver So I'm trying my best to legal move didn't intend to hurt :'another, touch my,groove again. But black and white come but the choice to drink and Go on and write, me up a 125 drive states; a willingness to Post my face take this chance. Wanted dead or alive' , Peer pressure can affect such. Take my license and all that jive a choice. Individuals want to I can't drive 55 oh no. ' show their peers that they can So I signed my name with No. 24 hey handle alcohol and be the same Yeah the judge said boy just one more huh as ever. Such an attempt is fool I'm goona throw your • . . in the city joint ish, for no matter what individ Looked me nn the eye uals think or ;ire trying .to prove, Said you get my Point alcohol influences driving. Drink I said yeah oh yeah. ing and driving shows others our Write me up a 125 lack of good judgment and how Post my face little we care about their lives. Wanted dead' or alive Sometimes we are passengers Take my license and all that jive in cars driven by a driver who's I can't drive 55 oh yeah' been drinking. I ask young peo I can't drive 55 (Repeat three times) .pie to, show cpu rage in such sit When I drive that slow . 'uations. Ask the driver to .stop You know it's hard to steer ' the car so' you can get out. And I can't get my ear out of second gear What used to take two hours . You may face ridicule initially. But ·in the long run, acting on Now takes all day convictions 'gains the respect ef Huh it took me 16 hours to get to LA. .. others,. even if our actions, con Written and'sung by Sammy Hagar, © 1984 by WB Music Corp. flict with the actions of friends. and The Nine Music· I invite reader response on this issue. Write and I will share SAMMY HAGAR' is more . Even though it offers little on your views with other readers. known for his rock-rebel image the commonsense Jevel, the issue.
than meaningful protests against of how people drive is impor Address corr~spondence to
society's Jaws. Consequently tant.
Charlie Martin, 1218 S. Rother one cannot take this song very Hagar suggests the image of a wood Ave., EvansvlIIe, Ind. seriously. person in ·a hurry, "one foot on 47714.
. '
In our Bishop Feehan In the final 1985 competition of the New England Majorette Association Bishop Feehan var s!ty majorettes' received four ffrst place ,and one second place trophy and also received an award for the highest season average in Class A. ,Junior varsity majorettes at .the Attleboro school received two first place and two, third
Don't despair says CD officer WASHINGTON (NC) - Col rank and . extracurricular activi lege 'applicants with their sights ties," she added. set on a particular school should Persistent applicants who not despair if 'that school does think they simply must get into not accept them; said an ad a particular school should enter missions officer at The Catholic another school for a year, then University of America. apply for a transfer ,back to ,their "It's a' fact that most students original ch.oice, Ms. Joiner said. who apply to eXJtremely selec" "But the student should real tive colleges are not accepted. ize that most selective schools That doesn't mean the students' accept only a ·limited number of won't be successful at other transfers," she said. schools and in life," said the ad Demographic changes, with missions officer: Helena Joiner. coflege-age students, and fewer Usually students end up at their second or third choice, Ms. rising coIlege costs have not af fected the supply of applicants Joiner said. . One reason certain institutions at selective colleges and uni are so selective is the entrance versities, Ms. Joiner also said. ,prerequisites, she said. Colleges "The' correct response to re and universities not only re jection is to decide to profit quire students' to be well-round .from the experience - and even ed in the sciences and' theh:u to show the people who turned manities, but also to ha:v~ ~'good you down they were, wrong," she . (achievement test) scor,es, class said.
Easter people
By Cecilia Belanger
Christians are Easter people speak calmly and softly. and we should never forget it! Let all three persons know Whenever I hear someone say, that you love them. Tell them of 'Tm only one person, I can't do By your hurt and' pain.. Try >to have anything." I think ofa few fisher very specific examples of what men and a tentmaker who turn it is that is disturbing you. And TOM ed the world upside down. One .'let a'll. three know ~hat you are must believe in the power of the also having a talk with the other LENNON Holy Spirit! two. . The Resurrection should be Bu,t try to avoid statements of our triumph song. If we are direct accusation and /blame. In . ' Q. Why can't my father and' united with Christ in' his death, say som~thing like, "Mom, stead, stepfather get: along. and my strong Jrictions between your' faith tells us that we shall 'be sometimes it looks to me like mother be nice to both of them . mother and real father; possibly united with him in his resur you're trying. to put dad down. instead of. always taldng sides thet:e,always ~ill be. And so she rection. The words of Paul give Last Friday, for example,', etc. . us hope here: "Whether we live ~d making it hard for' me? I' is constantly putting him ·down. This makes me feel bad." This -likely adds to the resent love' my real father and my step or whether we die, we are tti~ . Express your desire for a hap Lord's." father is mce 'too, but mom is ment yo~ real father f-eelsabout pier family Hie; and ask ~f there always putting dad down. (North the whoJe situation.. Carolina). . And you, are torn by these is anything you can do to help three-way conflicts. How pain~ things run more smoothly. A: What .a difficult question ful it must be for you. Try to prepare yourself for you pose! it involves a tangled What can you do ,that will les each of the conversations. Some skein of human rel~tionships that may be almost impossible to sen· rather than worsen this un- ' people ,like to make few notes pleasant situation? Almost any to help them remember the unravel. thing you do would seem to in points they want to make. . Your' real father may 'deeply volve ·a risk ·a,nd the possibHity Perhaps one or more of tpe resent the man who supplanted of heating up the conflicts. But conversations may seem to faii. him.fn . ~he 'affections of your . how about considering the fol But you will have given the. per mother. Perhaps your real father ' lowing course of action? son something to ponder and that feels. that your stepfather will Have individual talks with may eventually bring good re steal youraffectio!1s too. ,each of the three adults involved sults. Your stepfather may feel very in this situation. Try ,to choose a A:nd the Lord will be with you, tense in the presence of the man time when ,the person is not for you will be trying to sow who was his predecessor as head tired, irritable or worried about peace where there is discord. of your household. Maybe he something.
What's on
place trophies and placed .first in Class B championship com· petition. Together the groups won the competition's congeniality award. Marybeth McSally' and Maura Neely are varsity .captain and cocap,tain respectively and the junior varsity is headed by Lori Bellevance. '.
The message of the apostles has Ibeen clearly spelled out for us. No longer did they talk of failed missions; they preached a triumphant Jesus; they spoke of the dead as living forever. 'Our Lord taught the Father hood of God, implying that we are God's sons and daughters. That's something to occasion ir repressible joy! Jesus taught 'that we are more than creatures of ,the dust, more than thinking animals, that we . are made for eternity. Christ is risen! The world is beautiful! It is not the city of .the dead; it is a portal for the living. The Paraclete has come and Jesus is with us.
wishes your real father would never come around at all. Appa,rently there are still
Keep the emotional level low. If it threatens to heat up,: try very hard to be patient, and to
Send questions to Tom Lennon, 1312 Massachusetts Ave. N.W., Washington, D.C. 20005.
"Your daughter thinks your son':in-mw should have a raise, Pops.
THE ANCHOR -Friday, April 12, 1985
By Bill Morrissette
portswQtch Mansfield Retains Hockey Crown Repeating last season's tri umph, Mansfield has swept 'the best-or-three final in the Bristol County CYO Hockey League playoffs. Mansfield c'ompleted its sweep of this season's final with a 7-2 victory over Fall River North in the Driscoll Rink, Fall River, last Sunday night. Kris Bainton scored three goals for the champions while Steve Sharpe netted two goals and
was credited with a pair of as sists. Rich Webster also scored twice. Mike and Ed Cassidy each had two assists., Steve Sullivan and Marc Gal lagher accounted for the Fall River North goals with Gary Parsons assisting on both goals. The goalies for both teams were kept busy, Jamie Coleman of Fall River North was credited with 30 saves and Mansfield's George Pedro had 23.
tv, mOVIe news TV series to deal with pastoral Symbols following film reviews indicate both general and Catholic Film Office ratings, which do not always coincide. General ratings: G-suitable for gen· eral viewing; PG·13-parental guidance strongly suggested for children under 13; PG-parental guidance suggested; R-restricted, unsuitable for children or younger teens. Catholic ratings: AI-approved fOI children and adults; A2-approved for adults and adolescents; A3-approved for adults only; A4--separate classification (given to films not morally offensive which, however, require some analysis and explanation); O-morally offensive.
NOTE Please check dates and times of television and radio programs against local list ings, which may differ frorn the.New York network sched ules supplied to The Anchor.
Connolly, Yoke-Tech In Tourney Final Bishop Connolly High of Fall River and Greater New Bedford Voke-Tech will meet tomorrow in the final of the fifth annual Old Colony Baseball Tournament in Rochester. Connolly advanced ,to the final with a 6-5, 1O.inning, victory over Old Rochester and VokeTech gained its berth in the final with a 5-2 triumph over host Old Colony Regional High. Connolly led, 5-3, going into the seventh inning but the Bull-
dogs scored twice in that frame to tie the score at 5·5. Sopho more Peter Peladeau, who· took over the pitching chores in the ,top of the eighth faced only 10 batters over the remaining three innings, and scored the winning run after two were out in the bottom of the 10th. The Connolly-Voke Tech game tomorrow is scheduled for 130 p.m. Old Colony and Old Ro· chester will meet in the consola tion game at 11 'a.m.
School Athletic Realignment AH five diocesan high schools . Cassidy, Connolly, Stang, Holy now in the Southeastern Mass. Family, Falmouth, New Bedford Conference are among the 13 and Barnstable are Division II. Boys' basketball: Durfee, New teams that will remain in the Somerset, Feehan, conference -after this scholastic Bedford, Barnstable and Dennis-Yarmouth year. in Division I. Stang, Coyle In football Feehan and Coyle Cassidy will join Durfee, Somer Cassidy, Holy Family, Dartmouth, set and Attleboro in ,the West Attleboro, Falmouth in Division II. Divisiin while Stang, New Bed There is only one division in ford, Dartmouth and Falmouth field hockey with nine teams are in the East Division. 'Connolly, Stang and Holy Durfee, Somerset, Stang, Dennis Family make up Division II in Yarmouth, Barnstable, Dart mouth, New Bedford, Falmouth soccer along with Somerset, Dart mouth and Attleboro. Durfee, and Attleboro. The five diocesan schools plus New Bedford, Falmouth and Barnstable are the Division I Dartmouth will make up Division Two in baseball. Division I teams. Feehan, Durfee, Somerset, teams are Durfee, New Bedford, Attleboro and Dartmouth are in Somerset, Barnstable, Attleboro, volleyball Division I. Coyle- Dennis-Yarmouth and Fa'lmouth.
New Films "King,David" (Paramount) For half its length, this is a superb biblical film in which the sex, violence and pageantry usually emphasized in this genre do not obscure the central theme of God's intervention in humanity's messy affairs. A three-hour run ning time was envisaged, but the film has been cut to two. This and the presence of a miscast Richard Gere, 'make it a severely flawed film, but nonetheless one worth seeing. Some nudity and considerable violence, but sub Qrdinate<LtQ the,JJ1em~ and not exploited. A3,PG-13 "Desperately Seeking Susan" (Orion) is a screwball comedy, bright at moments but for the most part limp, about a New Jersey housewife who exchanges identities with an East Village playgirl. Directed by Susan Seidelman and written by Leora Barish, its only real plus is Rosanna Ar quette's performance as Roberta, the Susan- seeker. Because of its benign view of. adultery and some exploitive nudity, it is rated 0, PG-13.·
"The Care Bears Movie" (Goldwyn) marks the film debut of the Care Bears, sweet little pastel creatures who inhabit a saccharine world caBed Care-A ·Lot. Unless they teach the earth to care, Care-A-Lot will fall into Weekend Schedule ruin. Only very young and uncritical Stang is at Old Rochester, erset at Apponequet, Durfee at children will care very much Somerset af Connolly and See· Case, Wareham at Old Roches konk at Dartmouth in golf .tel' while Apponequet visits New' about this sentimental, mediocre efort. A-I, G matches today. In sof,tball it is Bedford High in girls' tennis. Westport at Stang, Bristol-Ply Tomorrow New Bedford High, ,"The Slugger's Wife" (Colum mouth at Dartmouth, Somerset Holy Family, Stang and Dart· bia), directed by Hal Ashby, is at Seekonk, Fairhaven at New mouth will participate in the a failed Neil Simon comedy ·about Bedford High, Voke Tech at Old Dartmouth High Tournament. a baseball star (Michael O'Keefe) Rochester and 'Harwich at Ware· Taunton is host to Durfee in soft married to arock singer (Re ham. ball at 11 a.m. becca DeMornay). Because of Boys' tennis matches ,list Somsome sexually oriented scenes and a benign view of premarital sex, it is rated A-3, .PG-13. Hockomock League Notes The Hockomock ·League open ed its spring season yesterday and has the following games on tap for Tuesday, April 16, in baseball, jayvee softball and boys tennis; King Philip at Mans field, Canton at Foxboro, Stough ton at North Attleboro and
Sharon at Oliver Ames, all at noon. Varsity softball, jayvee base ball and girls tennis on the same day have Mansfield at King Philip, Foxboro at Canton, North Attleboro at Stoughton and Oliver Ames, also all at noon.
. Films on TV Sunday, April 14, 8-10:30 p.m. EST (ABC) "Poltergeist" (1982) - High spirits in the suburbs. Gore, violence and favorable view of marijuana smoking and teen-age sexuality. 0, PG
Monday, April 22, 9-11 p.m. EST (ABC) - "Marathon Man" (1976) - Dustin Hoffman stars as an introspective student who finds himself involved with a terrifying fugitive Nazi (Lau rence Olivier). Heavy on violence and exploiting the tragedy of the Holocaust, this is a profound ly antihuman thriller that only a society as indifferent to secular graces as to moral values could consider entertainment. 0, R TV Programs In St. John's Gospel, Christ says his followers will be known by their love for one another. Unfortunately that's not the im pression conveyed by "Catholics in America: Is Nothing Sacred?" airing Tuesday, April 23, 9-10 p.m. on PBS. In this program, the percep tion of America's Catholics is limited to two extremes, tradi· tionalist and liberal, in a bitterly disedifying conflict over matters of individual conscience and church authority. One can argue that such a nar row focus misses entirely the mainstream of American parish life in the 20 years since Vatican II. ,Changes have not come easily nor wit"'out human hurt, hut the process of renewal is more pas toral than a doctrinal concem. That being said, this program makes an honest attempt to deal /' with some controversial issues within a church whose member ship numbers about one of four .Americans. It does this by using
the Milwaukee archdiocese as a
microcosm of the American
church. Producer Irv Drasnin
centers his program with a num
ber of provocative but one-sided
interviews, surely unrepresenta
tive of the vast majority of Mil
waukee Catholics.
On one side are those such as Msgr. Alphonse Popek of Catholics United for the Faith. An example of CUF's activities is an appeal to Rome to investi gate a sex education course in a local 'Catholic junior high. On the other side are the dis senters and the disaffected, such as theologian Daniel Ma guire and social activist Jim Groppi, both former priests, as well as others who question as pects of church moral- teaching or institutional structure. In a short interview Milwau kee Archbishop Rembert Weak land speaks about the values of diversity and the importance of inspirational leadership. His is a voice of reason which commands respect and acceptance. By concentrating on contro versy, however, this report misses the big story about the American church, that the cente·r has held and most American Catholics· welcome the changes of Vatican II and the challenges of renewal. Religious TV Sunday, April 14 (CBS) "Foil' Our Times" - Viewers get· a walking tour of the ancient is Jand of Patmos where, according to tradition, St. John wrote the Apocalypse, the last book of~he Bible.
"Search for Justice: Christian ity and the American Economy," a television series exploring is sues to be dealt with in the forth coming economics pastoral of the U.S. bishops, will be telecast on five consecutive Sundays, begin ning April 14,at 10 p.m. on WSTG·TV 64. The series, produced with major funding from the Catholic Communication Campaign of the U.S, bishops, is an effort to en· gage Catholics in discussion of fundamental moral, social and political issues. Distributed in this area by the Providence diocese,' it is being publicized in the Fall River dio cese by the Diocesan Office of Communications as an affiliate of the Catholic Telecommunica tions Network of Ameica. lEach 60-minute program opens with comments by a leading economist, presents reactions from concerned citizens across the nation and explains the stand of the church on the topic under discussion. It closes with an open forum session involving experts, church representatives and members of a live studio audience. Viewers' and leaders' guides to the programs are available at the Providence Diocesan Office Building, One Cathedral Square, Providence.
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri. Apr. 12, 1985
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PUlLlCI1Y CHAIIIIEN are asked to submit news ,Items for this column to 11Ie Anellor, P.O. BOl 7, Fall River, 0272:t Hame of City' or town should ,be Included as 'well as full dates of all activities. ,please send news of future rather than past events. Note: We do not carry news ,of fundralsln,' activities such as bln,os. ,whlsts, dances, suppers and bazaars. We are hallllY to .carry notices of spiritual IlrOlram., clUb meetlnllS, youth prolects and similar nonprofit activities. Fundralsln, pro lects may be advertised at our re,ular rates. obtainable from The Anellor business office, telephone 675-7151. On Steerlnll Points 'Items FR Indicates Fall River, NB Indicates ,New Bedford.
BL. SACRAMENT, FR Renovations to the choir loft have been completed, including cleaning and tuning of the organ and repair ing and cleaning of stained glass windows, reports the parish's New Vision Newsletter, which also notes that Blessed Sacrament will hold its first annual CCD awards ceremony at 10 a.m. Mass May 5. ST. MARY,FAIRHAVEN The baptismal font has b'een relo cated- in the sanctuary to permit ST. GEORGE, WESTPORT greater community participation in As the result 'of a Lenten reflec tion, a 'Yide variety of services are the sacrament. Thanks go to Abel being offered to the parish and to Victorino and Bill Alphonse for suc individual parishioners. Among them cessful completion of the project. are a telephone service and regular ST. ANNE, FR visits to shut-ins; assistance in the A youth .retreat begins today in CCD program and parish school; Peacedale, RI and prayers are re baptismal and marriage preparation; quested for candidates and team care of flowers on church grounds; members. letters to those in the service or away Gratitude is expressed to Cecile from the parish for other reasons; Michno and her nelpers for coordi escort service to social agencies;.<Joc nating distribution of children's c1oth tor's appointments, etc.; a parish ingrecently received by the parish welcome service; rides to daily and ' through the United, Way. Sunday Mass; painting and yard work; babysitting; support in times ST. FRANCIS XAVIER, of family crisis; drugs and alcohol HYANNIS Volunteers are needed to assist support. Those in need of service or wishing to offer help may contact Father Thomas C.lopes, Cape Cod Hospital chaplain with office work the rectory. on weekend mornings. .Information: 771- I 800, ext. 2286. _. SACRED HEART, A discussion group will begin at 9 N. ATTLEBORO a.m. tomorrow in the parish center. Gratitude is expressed by the par _ ish to Miss Lillia~ Labrie, retiring All welcome. -A marriage preparation program after 33 years as organist and leader of music. Choir members will hold a is held two Sunday nights each month ih the center and is required for a special celebration -with her. church wedding. Information at rectory. NOTRE DAME, F-R Onlya few openings remain in the ST. ANTHONY OF DESERT, FR Adoration of the -Blessed Sacra kindergarten class; those interested in enrolling a child are asked l to ment scheduled for April 14 has been canceled for this month. The make arrangements at this time. devotion will take place from noon to 5 p.m. May 5. ' ST. RITA, MARION Parishioners are invited to become 'ST. JOSEPH, FAIRHAVEN Hospice volunteers. A Ill-week train Family Ministry meeting: 7 p.m. ing program begins April 15. Infor April 14. mation: 295-0880, ext 298.
ST. JOHN OF GOD, SOMERSET Annualjoint meeting of Women's Guild with ladies of St. Anne orSt. louis de France parish, Swansea; April 17 at St. John of God center. Guests will be members of St. Patrick's Women's Guild, Somerset. Entertainment: Singing Sisters Rosa lie and Rosemonde. SS.PETER & PAUL, FR Clover Club choir will sing at II a.m Mass April 14. Neighborhood cleanup: April 13, beginning at Pulaski Park at 9 a.m. CATHEDRAL, FR Women's Guild scholarship appli cations available at rectory. Dead line May I. ' D of I, NB , Meeting, Daughters of Isabella: 7:30 p.m. April 16, K of C Hall. HOLY NAME, FR Youth group general ,meeting: 3 p.m. April 14; meeting in school yard for horseback riding in Lakeville.. O.L. ANGELS, FR The summer schedule of Masses as announced in the parish bulletin begins June 2. Lectors and CCD teachers are needed. Volunteers may call the rectory. ~T. STANISLAUS, FR
Women's Guild scholarship appli cations available at school. Deadline May I. Holy Rosary Sodality: meeting April 14 with sharing of wienconka, blessed Easte~ eggs. Junior choir members are accepted only in September. ST. PATRICK, SOMERSET The parish is being remembered in prayer this week by the Sacred Hearts Sisters of FaHRiver. O.L. GRACE, WESTPORT Cursillo/ Gift/ Emmaus followup ,program: 8 p.m. April 15, church basement. . :Marriage PreparJl:~ion Team meet ing: 8 p.m. April I~. ST. DOMINIC, SWANSEA First communion workshop: 9:30 a.m. April 13; banner-making meet ing, 9:30 a.m. April 27. Women's Guild potluck supper: 6:30 p.m. April 15.
'STONEHILL COLL-EGE, ST. JOSEPH, NB The legion of 'Mary is seeking N. EASTON Organ and voice _recital: 3 p.m. promises ofa total of75,000 rosaries April 13, St. Mary's Chapel, featur to be said in honor of the 75th anni versary of the parish. Outside help ing the newly-installed Moore organ and, the Schola Cantorum, heard welcome! Call Alice Beaulieu, 995 weekly at 'St. John's Monastery, 2354. Prayer meetings or Bible study: 7 Cambridge. All welcome. p.m. each Wednesday,.rectory base ST. ANTHONY, ment. All welcome. MATTAPOISETT Winners in a recent Women's O.L. CAPE,BREWSTER "Beyond War," a presentation of Guild-sponsored spelling bee: Karen the futility of warfare, will be given Porter, Eddy Xavier, Shawn Glea by Dr. Richard Bail from 12:30 to 3 son, Janet Russell. p.m. April 14 in the church hall. Dr. ST. JULIE, Bail is associated with the Harvard N. DARTMOUTH Community Health Plan in Cambridge Annual eyO a,wards banquet: I and isa member of Physicians for p.m. April 14, Lakesider restaurant, Social Responsibility. The meeting Westport, honoring Junior CYO is sponsQred by the parish Peace and basketball team and 'cheerleaders. Justice committee. All welcome. ST. MARY, SEEKONK PROVIDENCE COLLEGE Life in Spirit Seminar: April 12 Mass and Testimonial dinner through 14, CCD center. honoring retiring· college president SACRED HEARTS Very Rev. Thomas R. Peterson, OP: SEMINARY, WAREHAM Mass 5 p.m. Alumni Hall Gymnasi Day of prayer: 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. um; dinner 5 p.m. Peterson Recrea April 15. All welcome. tion, Center. Information: 401-865 2212. ST. MARY, NB O.L. VICTORY, CENTERVILLE Parish Boy Scouts are in need of a Two college scholarships are avail leadership team. Informational meet able to high school seniors. Applica7 ing: 7: 15 p.m. April 24, school ca
tions obtainable at high school gui feteria. dance office. Deadline April 19. Intercessory prayer: 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. each Saturday. ST. ANNE'S HOSPITAL, FR Parish celebration of Father John National Child Abuse Prevention F. Moore's silver jubilee of ordina Month lectures: 1:30 p.m. to 3:30 tion: 2 p.m. Mass April 21, followed p.m. April 18 and 29, Clemence by reception in school hall. Hall. Information: 674-5741, ext. A trophy case is needed for the 2270 school. Donors may call the school, CHRIST THE KING, 995-3696. . COTUIT/MASHPEE ST. JAMES, NB -Parishioners interested in found Women's Guild meeting: 7:30 p.m. ing a parish unit of the St. Vincent,de April 17; entertainment by Dunbar Paul Society are asked to call the School pupils. rectory. Volunteers asked to help clear QUEEN'S DAUGHTERS, TAUNTON land for additional parking at St. Communion breakfast following Jude's Chapel, beginning'at 8 a.m. . April 13. /0:30a.m. Mass April 14 at St. Joseph's Church, Taunton. Mrs. ST. LOUIS de FRANCE, James A. O'Brien Jr., Boston Pro SWANSEA vince director of the National Coun . First communion workshop: I to cilof Catholic Women, will speak on 3p.!Jl. ~p~il yq4th ~1-:'n~~r; rec~p: Morality in Media: tion of sacrament 9:30 and ,1,1 a.m. FAMILY LIFE CENTER Masses April 14. Post-confirmation retreat, St. An ST. JOAN OF AJ{<;, ORLEANS thony of Padua parish, Fall River, New pews and carpeting for Vis begins today; Marriage Preparation itation Church, Eastham, are ex teams training session: 9 a.m. April pectedin May. 13.
r-----..·Father Bruce RItter Because we· generally choose it so, there is Iittl,eof passion and fire in our lives..The mores of our civilized world cause us to look askance at strongly . held convictions, gently rebuke zeal, and' repudiate burning commitments to anything or anyone as somehow unbalanced, smackirig of deviance -- at the very least, sorely immature. A banker, after all, would hardly prefer to hire a person consumed with a burning love for Jesus Christ. And would we really want a Francis of Assisi to teach our children; or even to preach to us in our churches?
"There is little ofpassion andfire in our lives.
who missed the marriage'feast becaiJsethey weren't ready and we tremble. We hasten to remind the Lord that His apostles weren't ready either, or His friends. or Pilate or Herod or Judas. And we too, like most of that Passover throng, are unready strangers in Jerusalem. We meant to be ready. We had taken note of our past derelictions (we were not going to fall asleep in the garden again). But we .did and now we must make the best of it. Sorry Lord, again. At least I thinkl'm sorry. I would feel better aboutit, Lord, if I could feel passionately ,about my. sins, aUeast a little. Urban slums and middle class suburbs have little in c0!l1mon with a grove of olive trees in a garden called Gethsemane, where the life of a man named Jesus fulfilled its cosmic purpose with a:passion and fire and totality that we simply call "The Passion". We don't understand thein finite passion with which the love of God has pursued us. We don't understand how 'our quiet feckless lives could in duce such apassionate re,sponse from the Father, Son and Holy.Spirit. We would almost regret, if we could or dared, that God became so passi onately physical about loving us. Or that Jesus could so passionately love us, the passi onless. We are not ready to face the passionate ques tion: Are we really worth that much to Him? Can we really mean that much to Him, to them? What can He really see in us except a vast desire and need to be loved that much?
.The Church (our holy Church, our passionless, anciently Wise, prUdent and careful Church) thrusts upon us the events and passions of Holy Week with its zealotries and hatreds and convictions. therelentless loves and rivalries, the soaring worship of the man from Nazareth and the grimy hopeless betrayals, sin stands forth present, ugly. naked. Forgiveness on a cosmic and timeless scale reaches out and is rebuffed by niggling jealousies and an insensate pride, rejected most of all by the merciless in difference of the uncaring. "Are we really worth that much to Him?" We have been overtaken again by an Event that (would we but wish it so) could transform our lives. As so often Holy Week isupon us, again: The passionate love of the before, we. are not ready. Lent has slipped away from us Father and the Holy Spirit for us, expressed through the one more time. We remember that parable: the five virgins passi on of the "Son Jesus assails the tepid spaces of our own pallid lives to bring passion, as a gift, back to us. . Father Bruce Ritter, OFM Conv.• is the founder and President of Covenant House, _which operates crisis centers for homeless and None of this right now. makes much sense to our ki·ds. , runaway boys and girls all over the country.' , They've had their own share of personal Good Fri days and
precious few Easters. Yet in someway the mystery of their salvation and redemption is inextricably conjoined to our own. Thank you for caring about them and loving them. I pray that you andl are overtaken with the gift of passion this Easter: would anyone choose to celebrate the Resurrection with anything less than passionate joy? Peace. '
Yes, I want to help our homeless kids have aspecial Easter. Enclosed is my gift of: $_ _ pi ease pri nt: NAME:
Please send this i:oupon with your donation to: COVENANT HOUSE Father Bruce Ritter P.O. Box 2121
Times Square Station
New York, NY 10108