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Practical Charity

Keeps Fall River

Diocese in Front



!Fall Riveru Mass. ThursdaYI April 131 1967 1


Vol. 11, No. 15

@ 1967 The Anchor

$4.00 per Yee."


tulture Cris.is 'Seen

Emphasizing Church.

As Totally


PITTSBURGH (NC)-The unmistakable attributes of

«he Church in the futul'e wHl be a keenly :appreciated pl'iegthood of the laity and an enormously intensified pub­ ~ opinion, Bishop John J. Wright of Pittsburgh predicted


the biennial convention f th N ' 1C .( 81ere 0 e abona ouncl of Catholic Men. The bishop aaid it was not valid to claim "'that the priesthood of the laity !ls a new concept in the ChUl'ch, ~ that public opinion in the Chul'Ch is an entirely new force." However, he continued, "the ilmpact for good of both these elements essential to the Church will be vastly greater generattons to come, resulting in developments that it is perhaps im~ssible for us even to image." Bishop Wright emphasized ilhat he was speaking of the ~hl1rch "in" the future, not "of" 11.

the future. He. said the Church "of" the future wiil still be 'the living presence of Christ Jesus in' history. ""Like Christ," he said, "whose living body is still at work.in history, the Church must always be, the Church is yester­ day, today, forever the same." This is not to deny develop­ ment in the Church, Bishop Wright explained, "even such development as would change its outward appearance and its rela­ tion to· its environment as the grain of mustard seed infinitely develops before it becomes the mighty tree in whieh all the Turn to Page Six

Pope Names Curia Officials, Inaugurates Visitation Pope Paul initiated changes in the Diocese of Rorile mid

Ctte Roman Curia this week. F~r his much-criticized curia tile Pope took steps to bring relative youth and inter­ aational tone to the body. In the Diocese of Rome, the Holy Father inaugurated the use

of the restored baptistry of


John Lateran, Rome'g oathedral. Then he began and Kpillined the diocesan visitation ~gun on Sunday. In the Roman Curia: Antonio Cardinal Fen'etto, 68, \1ViII replace Fernando Cardinal f:ento, 83, one of the ChuI'ch's highest dignitaries 'and the first eurill cardinal to actually resign from office. Jean Cardinal Villot, 62, Arch­ ~ishop of Lyons, France, was named prefect of the Congrega­ tion of the Council filling a posi­ 1ion left vacant by the death of Petel' Cardinal Ciriaci. Archbishop Francesco Carpino,

Secretary of the College Qf Car~ dinals was named pro-prefect of the Congregation of the Sacra­ ments; Archbishop Dino Staffa, Secretary of the Congregation of Seminaries and Universities, was named pro-prefc~ct of the Supreme Tribunal of the AposTurn to Page Eleven


Diocesan Women To Hold Annual Conclave May 6 The Diocesan Council of Catholic Women will hold its annual convention Saturday, May 6 at Mt. St, Mary Aca­ demy, Fall River. With Mrs, Michael J. McMahon. Fall River, as convention chait'man, the day-long program wlll begin at 9:30 with 'registration, followed by a business session presided over b'y Mrs. James A. O'Brien Jr., council president. A panel discussioll and noon Mass will complete the morning program. Princi:)al speaker at the after­ noon session, to 'begin at 2, will be Dr. Paul van K. Thomson, vice-president 'fol" academic af­ fairs at Providence College.· Dr. Thomson is a graduate of Columbia University and did graduate work at General Theo­ logical Seminary and Brown University. He has been a con­ sultant to the U. S. Office of Ed­ ucation and has served as a member of wage determination boards in Puerto Rico. The author of two books, the speaker is a noted lecturer. His activities include membership on the Catholic school board of the Providence Diocese and on the editorial staff of the Providence Visitor, Diocesan newspaper. He is the father of seven children.


"I wonder how many people of our diocese are aware . of the great heights to which.·our Catholic Charities have risen on a comparative basis throughout our region and our nation," Lay Chairman Raymond U. Kelliher of Attleboro commented in his talk at this year's appeal organization you can't pay for - dedication, meeting. The Fall River Dio­ devotion, the chal'ity of Christ." While corporations may give in cese is first among the Dio­ the interest of tax benefits, those cese of New England in pro­ who support the Catholic Chari­ viding housing alld bed care ties Appeals ate motivated by a for those over 65 years of age," sense of stewardship and the Mr. Kelliher reminded pastors. realization that they owe some­ curates and laity who attended thing to a neighbor in need. the meeting at Jesus Mary Aca­ The Bishop stated that while demy in Fall River. Fall River is fifth among 133 the diocese is proud. of its char~ dioceses in the nation .and first itable works, "we must eXJ;land, among 43 dioceses in United adapt, and plan for new facili­ States with equal or greater pop­ ties to meet incl'eased needs." The Bishop spoke of a survey ulation totals, the 1967 lay ap­ peal chairman noted. "These he had made on the numbers of facts and figures reflect very exceptional children within the strongly the efficient use of diocese and hopes for additional every dollar received by OUI' facilities for these. There is alse Catholic Charities Appeal," he the possibility of combining St. Vincent's Home in Fall River observed. Quoting from St. James' Epis­ and St. Mary's Home in New tle, Bishop Connolly told the Bedford if further study shows assemblage: "If anyone has this to be desirable. The Bishop added that he has power to do good and leaves it great praise for the young peo­ undone, he commits sin." The Ordirlliry stressed the ever ple of the Diocese and cited the increasing burden placed on the contribution made to their well diocese as it attempts to meet being by Appeal - supported' the demanding needs of its agencies. . Final preparations are being people. . He also pointed out the inval­ made for the Special Gifts Phase uable contribution made to the of the Appeal which will be con­ various agencies supported by ducted from April 24th to May the Appeal in terms of "things 6th.

Bishops Be.gin Nominations, Discuss Varied Topics

CHICAGO C~C)-U.S. Bishops from throughout the country-230 out of 261-flocked to Chicago so as to take new steps in implementing' the decrees of the Vatican Council and to prepare for the Bishops' Senate to be held in Rome in September. The announcement of the topics nounced by the Pope earlier this of the Roman Bishops' Sen­ year. Two alternates will also be nominated. ate set the bishops to serious Other topics being' weighed by thinking concerning their repre­ the bishops and outlined in the sentatives at the meeting. Four early press briefings were: bishops-qualified in these fields ENGLISH CANON: The deci~ (Doctrine, Canon Law, Semi­ naries, Mixed Marriages, .Litur­ shn to use English in the Canon of the Mass has been delayed gy)-are to be named. The names of the nominated only. The entire prayer is to be bishops will not be released un­ restructured and, p'mding this, til they have been approved by interim translations have no use. PRIESTLY CELIBACY: The MAY 7-17

the Holy Father, according to matter of priestly celibacy will the regulations of the Senate anftll 111111111111111111111II11111111111111111111111111111111111111IiF. not be a specific issue of this meeting. The subject concerns the universal law of the Church. The U. S. Bishops will appoint a committee to study the prob­ lem of the whole priestly life and celibacy might come up in ~his, commented Bishop McDevTurn to Page Fifteen

Announce Feehan Sports Changes Bartek Athletic Director, O'Boy Football Coach

Bishop to Confirm Diocesan Adults The Most Reverend Bishop

will confer the Sacrament of Confirmation on ·adults from all over the Diocese at 2 o'clock Sunday, April 30, illl St. Mary's Cathedral, Fall River. Recent converts and adults who have not yet received this Sacra­ IlDent should see their parish Jl)riest at once and receive Ifrom him the certificate of eligibility which they are to bring to the Itathedral with them that day.



Rev. Patrick J. O'Neill, Diocesan superintendent of schools, today announced the appointment of Frederick Bartek as athletic director and Paul B. O'Boy as head football coach at Feehan High School, Attleboro. Bartek has been head basket­ ball ilnd track coach and assist­ ant football coach at the school for the past four years. He is a graduate of Coyle High SchooL While attending Stonehi1l Col­ lege where he received his A.B. dp.ltree he served as assistant Turn to Page Three

Vatican Outlines Synod Topics


CHICAGO (NC)-The text of the announcment by the Holy See of the five topics slated for discussion by the Senate of Bishops which is to meet in Rom· on Sept. 29 was published at the opening of the NCCB in Chi~ago. . The assembled bishops of the U. S. heard the "subjects which will be discussed in the first general meeting of the senate of bishops". They are: "1. DOCTRINE OF FAITH: rlie dangers should be pointed Turn to Page Twent."


THE AN,C,I:fO~-Dic.>.c,ese of Fall River:-Thurs. ~pra,l}, 1.?~7, •


~~;t~ t.'


StMdento N'ovice, Teach,er~" How 'Motther Superior '~,' '

The Fall River community lllIf Dominican Fathers has ele,ctecll the Very Rev. Thomas M. Lan­ dry, O.P., prior of theirmonas-o tery•. Father Landry is well known in Fall River and New England. He served as pastor of St­ Anne's Church from 1942 untill 1957. A New Bedford native, Father Landry attended elementary grade school in Brockton, and entered the Canadian Province of ihe Dominican Order in 192'1. During his stay in Fall ~iver, "Father Landry was active in I 'community affairs and' promotecll French culture. '" , He is expected to assume his new duties within a few' 'w'eeks, Succeeding the Very Rev. Ray­ mond M. Charland, O.P: 'who , " was called to resume duties as professor of Canon Law 011 the Theological Faculty of the Do­ minican' College in Ottawa, Canada. '

The first few months s'he was at Sacred Hearts Acad'­ emy in Fairhaven, little' Claire Dumont almost drowned in her own tears. "Mother Mary Leobin, who was mistress of the little children then, said she never saw a child who cried as much as I did," she recalls, The following four years she smiling at the memory. That was principal, at ,Sacred Hearts was in 1936, shortly after her School in North Fairhaven, still father died. Her mother, living at the academy. She also Mrs. Charles E. Dumont of ' taught 5th thrQugh 8th Grade Fitchburg - the former Blanche there. L'Abbe of. New Bedford _ de­ ' " Lal1t September, the 5 foot 4 cided to take over her husband's incb: nun with ,the. young face insurance agency in Fitchburg. a~(J.,y9ung id,eas' was named su'; "Many p'eople thought she was perIor. ,. .', foolish, because she hadn't gradShe was overwhelmed at first. uated from high school. But she' , '''Most of the nunswere,ones who , said it was a good business and brought'me up," .'she says. "They she studied and got her license inQtheied, me. That's the oruy and ran it herself. Even today ·thing,th'atinakes glilli now ­ she can add figures faster in her I can mother some of the older head than an adding machine ones." , . One of the. acad~my changes

.does." . Going to wO,rk, however, meant that occured after Sister Mary

that",Mrs. Dumont had to find a Claire assumed her duties was

place for her three children: the announcement that the high ... I Claire, her older.brotbeR' Charles, school progr.am there will be D~ecrO ogy who was a 3rd Grader at the phased out over the next three MOTHER MARY CLAIRE, SS. CC. APRIL ZZ time, and her youngeli brother years. ' " .Rev. James J. Smith, 19UIl. Robert, who was in kindergarten. "I spoke to Mother General Sacred Heart, Taunton. Claire was in the 2nd Gr.ade. about it and she agreed," Sister Hev. Thomas F. Fitzgerald, . "Sacred Hearts Acad.emy was says. She feels a small high 1954, Pastor, St. Mary, Nantucket. a long way,from home, but they school there currently are APRIL 25 boarded boys then and we could about ]20 students - cannot pro­ Mentam Hospital Chaplain Opposes

~v. John J. Wade, 1940, As­ all be together." vide the ~ame quality and sistant, Sacred Heart, Fall River. Charles and Robert,stayed un­ breadth of education that can be Cutting Trainee Program

Rev. Raymond J. Lynch,' 1955, til they graduated from the 8th .found in a larger school. ehaplain, Catholie Memorial Grade, Cl.aire remained through With a small faculty, she exSAN FRANCISCO, (NC) ­ down, Fath~r McNamara said,. . Home, Fall River. ' her high school graduation in plains, you cannot offer such/'"' ','We're on ,our way back to the there' will be no one ready tel; APRIL t7 1947. things as advanced math or sci- 'mental warehouse'." take the p~ace of ~e technicians' : 'Rev. Francis J. Bradley, D.D.. , ' "The next day, I en~ered the ence courses "for the two 01' ' 'Such was the opinion of as they qwt or retIre. . " "Rector Cathedral Fall River Dovitiate here." three student'S interested." : Father Anthony McNamara, "It's simp~y .going to be more·· 1925. ' , .• Today, 21 years after ~he first When the high school program Catholic chaplain' at Napa State and more diffl~ult for chaplains Rev. Romeo D. Archambau", _ arrived at the Academy, Sister is phased (lut, the elementary Hospital for the Insane; in regard to ~p the patlents spiritually," 1949, Pastor, St. Anne, New Mmy Claire still is th~ire, Now school program can be strength- to a proposal by Gov. Ronald he said. Bedford. she is mother superior. ened, -she says, to pr.ovide such Reagan to phase out the psychia­ Speaking of the governor's She is the fil'St graduate of the things as science l.abs for 7th .and tl'k technicians trainee program drive for economy, Father Mcacademy to become its superior. 8th Gn>.ders and typing tor 6th, at the hos~ital as part of an Namara said the hospital could She is the first nun of hel' 7th and 8th Graders. economy drive. not be viewed in terms of "dol­ erde~' _ Sisters of the Sacred "Besides," Mother Superior "We just can't r~alize. what's lars and cents" but only'from the Hearts'- to complete ahe novi:" eenfesses, "most high,school ,girls happening here," Father Mc­ point of view of "welfare of the, tiate in Fairhaven. "Th~y opened w::t ~f do things like root ~or ~~~a~a c~m;;e.n~d. '~hese P:~- patients." Est: 1897 the 'novitiate for me and I was' a ~"ootball team - and :they"" <i la nc . ec m~ans 09" e., , . J ' ,( .... , 'the nnly one for'.a while. 'Before ': soould.. '." " , ,ba(:~bone. of the" Whol~, m~ntal 110.. .... ' that girls had to go tCl Canada, ForeJ,grl boarders wIll,,~ al-, ~glene pro~ra~. '" , ,..-.,ame.,.' .(),;~,~ay.n?eR'::'d' 2,343 Purchase Str~·l , aoo before that the onlynovi- ' lo~d to s1ilya~ t~ academ~" "~~ ~sye~l~tnc tech~icIan, ~e, To COllf~re:nce ' , : " j ."\ ,New Bedford ",,' 'II".' Wlte was in' Fr.ance." , , " even afte~ the high schoo~,dis-, eX~lalned, IS the mernal hesI?I~ ..,,,:',,' , " ",' , ,",'" "996-5661. ,'ll She w.as the .first. M~iCe to appear,;. Most o!,them are~t tal'S counterpart of the reglsINDIAN~P<?LJ~ (NC) -;-::"La-Y".",lIi'__~~----_----' take her first ~ows in tllJis ceun- ~e,gularstudents, .she. explams.. .)~~ nurse: . . ' repres~ntation 1D the Indiana, .." i . ' I ' " " try. . They ~re prim~rlly mterested.They spend ~ght hours.a da~", Catholic ,Comference was"~broad.';""" ;--,,-.----------,-.,.,.-... ... _ " . ' , , . ' , . , ~11 learning Enghsh and we: can ,on ,t~ ·wards With the, patlents,. ,:ened ,at the· grOup's secohd! 01''- ' young nun, ' 't"mue ", tnat" ' d " "They ' re t rame . d t 0 k eep,; ganlzatlonal " '.. " ,", I ,. Hi~ vie a C II . Nsheh studied N' H'at " eon . ' " .; ,.'h esal meetinl('here' ", o . e ge , In a~ .ua,' ..i, ., , r 'h As' stU! talks about "her "!hell'lentallydisturbed in contact, . Equal voting'"priVilege;' 'wer" - '. ' h 1"- . '. " .. ·til I't'" Wh t ,,,,,, .'. 't,,, : , . ' " " f rom w IC h she recelved·'her ~hel' d ; i sc ~". '~~I>1~r Mal?' Claire i~ as. ,WI rea I,Y., , a ev~r ~uccess", gIven ,to, fIve:Catholic" laYme~".. "'..',' ,In~' . ' d ~rt~ egree and master'll enthusiastic as any of her teen";' I'v~ had as a chaplam "IS' du~" " who 'were ,niimed to the organi" , 1011., , 'd'" ; 'S ' . , ,-:." In A~' e uca , 'nd age c h arges.' he llDules, too., ..'.","" outrecU y t 0 't'"...e work o·f these pre-., ,zatIons's' board'of directorg."pre" -..,.:-'-'-~~"'-"'~~~~~~~an u Lat· ergra d'" uate ~ s!le,ma­ T' ·' .'" . I' . ' .... ,'" ",, . .n» . d' '. Imes h a:ve'changed smce that ,"..esswna oeop Ie. .vlOusly composed of the 'state's Cf S S 'CE J6r~h In· m an mInored 10 day,in ]936 when a little Claire" Patients' Welfare' five Catholic bishops. ' TIE ERYI ... ,' IRa b'. ~~ked ~bout .the unusual Dumont baptized what was to be "I can'~ help a patient spir­ Five additional lay member DISTRIBUTORS' oo~ l~a lon, s e"smlles, " her '''permanent'' horne with the itually," he added, "unless he has were named, to the ICC out:' Gasoline, !lOme contact with reality." ,

and communit:r action d;part I hked math, ,~he snys. "But heal'tbrokentears' of a child. they needed a Latm teachel'." If the training school is ,closed ments. The board f d' t­ Fuel and Range

Later she spent a year of . ' 0 Irec ors.. , study i~ France Ii vi ll8 at the Mass Ordo authOrized the lay organizations Mother House th~re before tak­ d:partment of ICC:: to cr~ate a· P .ogram of public affairs to ing her perpetual vows She also FRIDAY-"-St. Justin, Martyr. In ' :. . Oil BURNERS .. ' took education courses' at Cath­ Class., Red. Mass Proper; stlmulat~ interest of the la'ity in olic University. Glory; 2nd Prayer St. Tibur-' commulllty and state affairs. for Prompt Deliver>; tius and Companions, Martyr; When she returned from , VATICAN CITY (NC) - The & Day &. Night Service France, a full fledged nun, Sister -80 Creed; Preface of Easter. consultors of, the Pontifical Com­ Mary Claire was assigned to the SATURDAY - Mas s ' of the mission for the Revision of the ,G. E. BOILER BURNER ~NITS academy for .fQur years as 1st Blessed Virgin for Saturday. Code of Canon Law completed a and 2nd Grade teacher. IV Class.' White. Mass Proper' weel:-Iong" meeting which was ONE STOP "The building and I grew up Glory; no Creed; Preface of -divided into various study SHOPPING CENTER together," she says wryly:. Blessed Virgin Mary. groups. '61 COHANNET ST. ' • Television • Furniture . ..,.####~ ##.,.###_~##.. SUNDAY~1I1Sunday after Eas­ It was decided that three more • Appliances • Grocery tel'. II Class. White. Mass' study gro:Ips will meet in May

TAUNTON Proper; Glory; Creed; Preface and two more in June. Their

Attleboro -: No· Attleboro 104 Allen St., New Bedford. of Easter. conclusions will bp. submitted to

HO(JJ~S Taunton' an examination by the Commis­ 997.,9354' MONDAY~Mas s of previous sion's cardinal-members. .

Sunday. IV Class. White. Mass The ·work of the commission' l. Proper; Glory; 2nc Prayer', Sti " was particularly "delicate 'be- , April 16-8t. Paul, Taunton. Anicetus; no Creed; Preface of' cause' of conditions under which St. John the Baptist, Fall Easter. .. '. . the Church's new legislation River. ' ' .. TUESDAY-M a ss of previohs must be prepared," said the Vat­ Sunday. IV Class. White. MaSs ican's' Osservatore Romano. , .pril 23-0ur Lady of Fati­ Prope~; Glory; no Creed; Pref~, '~'It is sufficient to mention in' ma, New Bedful'd. ace of Easter. '. ' ' , th'is 'regard/' the comment went" " "ot' •. ' ,II ,: , ' . St. Michael, <?cean Groyt;, WEDNESDAY-Mass of ,previ­ em, "additions .to canonical doc-' -,' ous Sunday. IV Class. White. trine, since the promulgation qi..' Mass Proper; 'Glory:; CreEi«l; the, first Code of Canon Law ' THE ANCHOR (.i917) ;~m~above all, the decrees' . Preface of Easter." ,. 5eeOlld Class Postage Paid at FilII "'River, THURSDAY-Mass of previous of, the ~cond Vatican Council.' Mass. Pilblished every Thurs«lY at 410 Sunday. IV Cl.ass. White. Mass ' Also to 'bE; considered are pro­ Hlgflland Avenue. Fall River, M,lss. 02722 115 WILLIAM ST. .' NEW BEDFORD. MAS'S. bY tile Cat.olle Press OT the Diocese of FJlII Proper; Glory; no Creed; Pref-' posals of the bishops' conferenceS ' RIver, SuDseription price by, 4IIllII. IIOStpakl ace of Easter which bave been queried .. $4.00 per year. '


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Canon' Lawyers End Meeting




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Urge Recognition Of Alcoholism As Dise@!ie

'nfE ANCHORThurs., April 13, 1967


Call Off Checago Te(!l~h~ll's Sfrtroke

HOUSTON (NO) - The thnportance of recognizing al. iOOholism as a disease which affects body, mind and soul

CHICAGO (NC)-A strike b:9 lay teachers in an archdiocesan high school here was appare'ntly averted when the school's ad­ :'Was emphasized at the ninth an· ministration agreed to give legal lllUal Pastoral Institute on Alco· recognition to the lay teachers' ~ol Problems here. organization. More than 160 priests and pro- . The Catholic Lay Teacher As­ fessional lay persons from the sociation at Leo High School United States and Canada at· here had planned a strike vote 'i!ended the institute, held in con­ unless the Christian Brothers of ~ection with the 19th National Ireland, who operate the school, Clergy Conference on Alcohol­ recognized the association as Il:sm, which was a members-only the sole collective bargaining eon venti on. agent for the lay teachers. Philip A. Schraub, attorney Father H. Robert Clark, as­ and former judge of the Court of sistant superintendent of the Domestio Relations in Corpus Chicago archdiocesan school sys­ Christi, Tex., said: "The alcQholic tem, said he received a telegram must be considered a person who from Charles Reinke, president fa approaching physical, m~ntal of the association, saying that a and spiritual bankruptcy. His ail­ strike vote was "imminent." ment must also be recognized as Father Clark said it was his un­ Cll' disease." derstanding, however, that the Cites A& Work strike vote was called off after CARMELITES PROFESSED: At ceremonies held at St. Teresa's Motherhouse, Ger­ It is more important to realize school acceded to the asso­ mantown, N.Y., the following sisters from the Diocese were professed in the Carmelite the I/lbat there are alcoholics or ciation's demand. people suffering from alcoholism, Order: Sr. M. Francis Clare, Our Lady of the Angels, Fall River; Sr. M. John,Lorraine, Brother R. J. Lasik, F.S.C.H., ,ntther than'to be concerned with Our Lady of the Angels, F'all River; Sr. M. Paul Elizabeth, St. Patrick's, Fall River; Sr. M. president of the school, acknowl­ Why some people suffer from the Philip Anthony, St. Joseph's, Fairhaven; Sr. M. Stephen Ann,' st. Joseph's, Fairhaven; edged that he is willing to rec­ 'disease, he added., the association, but said Sr: M.. Timothy Owen, St. Mary's, Fairhaven. The Carmelites staff the Catholic Me­ ognize "Medical science has not yet he was not in contact with its been able to determine why it morial Home, F'all River, and Our Lady's Haven, Fairhaven. leadership. He said he knew only . is that one out of 15 people of what he read in the newspapers variqus backgrounds contract and heard from Father Clark. ,this sickness," Schraub con­ Brother Lasig said he had been ~nued. , doubtful at first that the Cath­ He cited the work of Alco­ olic :-~ay Teachers Association ac­ Ilolics Anonymous, founded 35 tually represented the majority Di$cIl.ISS years ago to help the .habitual of the faculty members at Leo, drinker, as the single national The National Council of council' level and' will be' geared the institute for one day. The but had changed his mind after agency able to effect mass so­ Catholic Women conduct to officers, chairman and other second day will include discus­ talking to a number of the teach­ ,briety. He said: "As a result of Catholic women who are leaders sions of scripture, liturgy, ecu­ ers on an individual basis. The a program development in­ or rfhe work of AA there are now potential leaders in Diocesan, menism, . youth, CCD participa­ association claims to represent Monday through district or parochial organiza­ tion and family-parent educa­ 21 of the 22 lay teachers at the ClPproximately 350,000 sober stitute drunks in the country. There are Wednesday, April 24 through 26 tions. With the theme of "Direc,:, tion. school. It has submitted contract also 6,500,000 alcoholics in the at the Sheraton Biltmore Hotel, tion Tomorrow," the three-day Workshops will highlight the demands for improved wages eountry." Providence. Members from the session will seek means of im­ third day's program and Mass and fringe benefits. Dioceses of Fall River and Prov­ Education Process plementing directives of Vatican will be celebrated at noon each "In the early days of AA if a idence will be in attendance. IJ[ in the lives of Catholic women. day. Members of the clergy are Dlan was still able to support Diocesan representative will invited to attend the institute Topics Included LINCOLN (NC)-The Catholle and reservations may be made bimself he was not considered. be Mrs. James A. O'Brien Jr., for partial or full participation. board of education here in flo be in need of help," Schraub Diocesan Council president and The first day's session will em­ Information may be obtained Nebraska has adopted a pll\n to said. "This is no longer the case. a member of St. Mary.'s Cathe": phasize organization and train­ lIleenagers and people in their; drai parish; Fall River; and Miss ing and will be of primary inter- . from Mrs. JamE~s A. O'Brien Jr.,. restructure the eight schooIa early 20s are found at the AA Kathleen C. Roche, first vice­ est to those who can only attend reservation chairman, at 674-1679 'under its control to offer a 4-4-4 division Qf primary, middle anll la Fall River. meetings." president, Our. Lady of Fatima high school. He said the presence of young parish, New Bedford. people is indicative of the educa­ tion process that has been going' Also in attendance from the Continued from Page One 6n in informing the public of the F~ll River District will be Mrs. danger of the disease Michael J. McMahon and Mrs. coach of basketball and head Schraub urged priests and.' Patrick Murphy, St. Mary's Ca­ Maintenance Supplies

coach of track at Coyle High. oIergy to become familiar witQ thedral; Miss Helena Dumont, He teaches history at Jreehan. SWEEPERS'- SOAPS

the various agencie!l available M~. Romeo Parent and Mrs. to aid them in helping the alCOoo' Wt1fredG~rand, Notro Dame;' ~ O'Boy· is a graduate ·of Coyle DISINFECTANTS

holic. and Mrs. Vmcent A. Coady, St. and received his degree fl'om FIRE EXTINGUISHERS·

Providence College in 1964; He He cautioned the delegates Thomas More, ~merset. studied' law at Suffolk Univer­ against believing AA is a sure From the Taunton District: sity for a year. cure. He said 50 per cent of M1'8. Richard PaUlson, Iminacu­ He came to Feehan in 1965 as 1886 PURCHASE STREET South • Sea Streets

those who go to AA meetings are late Conception, Taunton; Mrs. able to attain sobriety in a short James Williams, .St. Joseph, coach of freshman football and NEW BEDFORD assistant varsity football coach. time, and 25 per cent give up North Dighton. Tel. 49-81

Hyannis 993-3786 He has· also coached CYO

drinking after a period of slip­ . . ping. The other 25 per cent From the Attleboro DIstrict: baseball in Taunton. '

never become sober, he added. Mrs. Charles Landry, Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, Seekonk; ·Mrs. George Whalen, St. Mary's, North GREATER NEW BEDFORD'S YES BANK Attleboro. The institute will study pro­ pram planning on the Diocesan M.\DRID (NC) - Fernando eardinal Quirago Palacios of Santiago de Compostela has .ad­ dl'essed a letter to all Spanish priests inviting them to express CLEVELAND (NC) - Father their "situation, needs and prob­ Hugh E. Dunn, S.J., president of lems." CBteek Our Rates -Why Pay More.! C'\rdinal Quiroga, president of John Carroll University here, was presented with an Israeli the Spanish Bishops' Confer­ ence and of the Spanish Bishops' Haggadah (portion of the Tal. Clerical Commission, pointed out muu,> on behalf of the Commu­ nity Te:nple congregation ·here. in his letter that the Second Vat­ Rabbi Jack J.Herman pre­ ican Council "brings to all of us an ambitious task with mul.iple sented the award in appreciation demands from which we c~not ·of Father Dunn's offer to the Jewish congregatior. to .use the an." He added that the Spanish auditorium of the Jesuit univer­ hierarchy desires to' oUer ali sity for its Sabbath services. pl'iests "on a solicitous and The la'minated Haggadah, en­ cased in metals, was illustrated fl'iendly basis, a source of spir­ and printed in Israel; it symbol­ itual, cultural and human en­ richment, an integration of izes the deli verance of the Is­ raelites from Egypt. values and aspirations, and a co­ lHandy, Helpful Offices All Around Town The Jewish congregation was ordination of efforts, leading to made homeless when a fire de­ greater efficiency in the priest­ stroyed its temple on Feb. 15. hood."

Name Delegate.s· to CouncU Institute . Women to





'Middle' School

Feehan Changes






Invites Clergymen Present P'roblems

Gives Jewish Award To Jesuit IEducator







E'du'cators' Attend Library" ' Workshop at Feehan Hi9~,/

THE AN~HOR--:DioGese of Fall River-Thurs. April 13, 19fJ7

ST. GEORGE, WESTPORT Al Bollington will give an organ recital at 8 Wednesday night, April 19 in St. George School cafeteria for the benefit of the building fund. Admi~sion 'will be 50 cents and' refreshments will be served. ST. PATRllCK, FALMOUTH Past Presidents of the Wom­ en's Guild were honored at a 10th anniversary dinner at which en­ tertainment featured a musical monologue by Nancy Howard Debruyn. Honored guests in­ cluded Rev. James E. Gleason, Rev. John Regan, Sister Ann William, M.S.M.B.T. and Sister Christine Marie,M.S.M.B.T.

By ~ry Michaud ' .. Over· 150 .religious and lay teachers of the F'all Ri~er and Providence dioceses attended 'the library workshop held at Bishop Feehan High Sch~l in Attleboro last Satur.. day. Beginning at 10 with registration and coffee in the auditorium foyer, the pro­ erature" was Sister Mary Urban, gram opened with a general RS.M., school supervisor of this session in the auditorium Diocese, who discussed the neetll and a welcome by Sister of fostering the habit of reading

ST. JOHN BAPTIST, CENTRAL VILLAGE \ The monthly meeting' of the Ladies' Guild will take place at 7:30 tonight in the parish hall with Mrs. Joseph Baldwin as program chairman and Mrs. John Murley, Mrs. Thomas Mori­ arty and Mrs. Sophie Oliveira in charge of the social hour. The unit will sponsor a variety show at 8 Saturday night, April 22 in Westport High School au­

ditorium. The theme will ·be

"Moonlight in the Hayloft." Fea­

tured will be song and dance acts

and old favorite tunes. Mrs. Al­

ston Potter Jr. is general chair­

man and director, aided by Mrs.

Ralph Souza,·co~chairman;,Mrs.

Clarence Kirby and Mrs. Antone

DeCosta, in, charge of tickets;

and Mrs. Joseph Andruskiewicz,

pianist. I The guild is repeating a rum­

mage sale held last Saturday. It

will be held again this Saturday,

April 15, from 10 to 2 in the . parish hall.

Mary Mercy, R.S.M., Feehan principal. Guest speaker Rev. Joseph P. Walsh, S.J., librarian of BishOp Connolly High School, Fall River, spoke on standards' for school library programs, ,set ,by the American Library Associa­ tion. The workshop, chairmaned by Sister Eugenia Margaret, S.U.S.C., of Sacred Heart School in Taunton, and Sister Mary Faith, RS.M., of Bishop Feehan, was designed to instruct and fur­ ther knowledge of librarians in the parochial school system. Sis­ ter Eugenia Margaret holds a .master's degree in library sci­ ence from Villanova,' and Sister Mary Faith received the same degree at Catholic University.

MEDALIST: Father John J. Flanagan, S.J., executive ST. JOSEPH, director for 20 years of the FALL RIVER Catholic Hospital Associa­ . The Women's Guild will meet tion, St. Louis,' has been at 8 tonight in the school hall. named reGipient of the Amer­ ST. KIUAN, ican Hospital Association's NEW BEDFORD

highest annual award, the The Ladies' Guild will hold a SACRED HEART,

Distinguished Service Award, cake sale in the school basement NO. ATTLlEBORO it was announced by Edwin Registration for 'the pre-pri­ on Sunday morning following lFl!otlllleIl' O'Neil L. Crosby, M.D.; executive the 8, 9. 10 and 11 o'clock Masses. mary class will be held Sunday At a dinner session Rev. Pat­ in the school office from 2 to 4. vice-president of the Amer­ ~ Coffee will be served. The Protestant churches of' ican Hospital Association.· rick J. O'Neill, Diocesan Super­ intendent of Schools, addressed ST. MARGARET-MARY GUILD No. Attleboro and Plainville NC 'Photo. those in attendance. BUZZARDS BAY AND ONSET have invited parishioners to at­ Mrs. William Brady, ways and. means committee chairman, has announced the following social events for the Guild: a rummage sale on Saturday morning, May 6;. and the annual penny sale on Thursday, July 6. . ,Mrs. John Cummings, spiritual development chairman, informed the members that the project of bringing home made pastries to the seminarians at the Sacred Heart Seminary will continue this month. The next board meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, April 25 in the home of Mrs. William Brady, 33 Onset Ave., Butler­ ville, while the next Guild meet­ ing planned for Wednesday, May 3 will feature a covered dish supp~r and a wine tasting party. ' IMMACULATE CONCEPTION, FALL RIVER , The Holy Name Society and Women's Guild will co-sponsor a ,penny sale on Monday evening, April 17 at 8 in the strand Thea­ ter, Pleasant Street, Fall River.

tend an open house in any of the Protestant churches in the mentioned ar~as on Sunday afternoon from 3 to 5. OUR LADY OF THE ANGELS, FALL RIVER The Holy Name Society will sponsor a husband ,and wife Communion Breakfast on Sun­ day after the 8 o'clock Mass. Edmund F. Bagley will ·be .guest speaker. The newly elected slate of offi­ cers of the Council of Catholic Women will be installed on Sunday night, May 21, at the 5 o'clock Mass. Following the Mass, Rev. Raymond W. McCar-_ thy will be the guest speaker at , the installation banquet. The Officers are: Mrs. Lillian Theodore, president; Mrs. Mary Thomas, vice-president; Mrs. Gloria Magano, treasurer; Mrs. Mary de Costa and Mrs, Mary E; Velozo, recording and corre­ sponding secretaries, respecti vely.

OUR LADY OF VICTORY, CENTER VILLE The ann u.a 1 Communion HOLY GHOST, Breakfast of th'e, Women's Guild ATTLEBORO The Women's Guild of the wil' be held on Sunday morning, parish will serve as host club May,7 following the '8 o'clock for.a meeting of the District No. . Mass. The guest speaker will be 4 Diocesan Council of Catholic Judge Beatrice Hancock Mul­ laney. ' Women tonight at 8 in the parish Reservations may be made by hall. The Harmonettes will prflvide conbcting Ml·S. Lawrence Sylvia chairman, or the following com~ the entertainment, and I'efresh­ mittee members, Mrs. Richard ments will be served. Farley and Mrs. George Reale. Resp.rvations must' be made ,by ST. l\1ATHIEU, Thursday, May 4. FALL RIVER The Council of Catholic Wflmen

will sponsor its annual Mavbas­ Canada Missioners

• I

ket Whist on Saturday ;'ight, OTTAWA (NC)-Nearly 5,000 April 22,at 8 in the parish hall Canadian missionaries - 40 .per on 3t. Mary's Street. Ticketf: will cent of, them Sisters - are at be available at the door. work in 100 developing countries Mrs. Robert Ouellette is 'Serv­ throughout the world, according ing as gC!1eral chairman, while to statistics compiled by the the ticket sales are in charge of Canadi~n Religious Conference. Mrs. Omer Jean. Committee members are asked

to make returns Friday evening,

April 21 between 7 and 9. .

Mope thim 100 baskets wi.ll be

amo"g the prizes to be awarded. ,




. The CCD executive hoard

will fll€ e t at 7:30 tomorrow night

iR the school.

The Women's Guild will ::pon­

sora dessert card party itt 8 to­

night in the school halL The

.public is invited, and tickets are

available from Mrs. Henry Lord.

~rri1VDfr® e@tl'h@~B<C$




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L0NPON (NC)-For the first time Roman Catholic observers have been invited to attend a Lambeth Conference, the inter­ ,national council of the Anglican Church. Observe:r:s are also being invited from other major Chris­ tian Churches. About 500 Anglican bishops from all over the world will at­ tend the conference, to be held July 25-Aug. 25, 1968. The theme will be "The Renewal of the Church." ' The Anglican primate here, Archbishop Michael Ramsey of Canterbury, will preside over the conference at his .London headquarters, Lambeth Palace. The conference will be divided into three sections for discus­ sions: faith, ministry and unity. The chairmen of. these sections will be, respectively, the Angli­ can primate of Canada Arch­ bishop Howard Clark; A;chbish­ op Frederick Coggan of York, England, and the Metropolitan of India, Archbishop H. L. Jacob De Mel. Lambeth conferences are nor­ mally held 'every 10 years. They .are essentially deliberative and their decisions are advisory only.

Father O'Neill stressed the im-· pOitance of school libraries in the the field of education, and the use of state aid being offered, "without taking advantage of it." Subjects covered throughout the day included book purchas­ ing, selection, processi.ng, library and audio-visual materials, sim­ ple cataloging ,and classification, research in the ·elementary li­ brary, teaching library skills io elementary stUdents, children's literature, and the role of the library in the junior high. In a session on audiovisual materials conducted by Sister Margaret Marie, RS.M., of St. Xavier Academy, Providence, ~t was noted that the average stu­ dent reaching high school .age will have spent 15,000 hours watching television, against some 10,000 hours in school studies, according to studies' made by the Americtan Library Associa­ tion. The educator pointed out the advantages of employing filmstrips, slides, records, and tape recordings in the library system. . Speaking on "Children's Lit­

in younger students. Allocation of available funds was also touched upon. "Thirty per ,cent of your book allo'l"ance should go on hooks for grades one through three and 7'{) per cent for grades four through eight," said Sister Mary Urban, quoting from a survey made by the American Library Associa­ tion. .Jonior lHligh Mr. David M. Dunn, teacher at Morton Junior High School in Fall River, who conducted a ses­ sion on "Library in the Junior High," disclosed to his workshop "students" methods of inducing greater participation by pupils in the school library program. His methods include having submis~ . sions made by them to the schoo'J newspaper, and suggestions foil' books to be introduced into the library, along with a share of the great work to be, done in the keeping-,up of the department. . During the second session, a movie, provided by Bridgewater State College, was shown. Titled "The Lively Art of Picture Books, n the film showed the work of 36 outstanding picture book artists.. In the third and final sessi6B a meeting of high school libl'a­ Jians took place in Feehan'. conference room. There'" was dis­ ·cussion on introdacing audi&­ visual materials to school libra­ ries, and on the setting up &f a committee to coordinate and eliminate duplicate work iu­ volved. Also discussed were student use and borrowing of these. aids.

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Prelate Asserts WithholdingMilk .'Not Immoral'

Holy Union Sister Wins Fulbrtght Grant For Seminar at Sophia University

CINCINNATI (NC) Farmers who withhold milk from the ma:rket in order to push their demand for high­

Sister Anne Dolores Donovan, SUSC, a faculty member of the Academy of the Sacred Hearts, Fall mver, is one of 25 history teachers in the United States who has been awarded

a Fulbright Seminar in Japan. After a period of orientation, Sister will take part in a seminar at the Jesuit Sophia University in Tokyo. This program will concentrate on .the modern history, geography and economic life of the American Historical Association, Asian people. She will have the New England History Teach­ ers' Association, and the National the opportunity to visit the

prices "could not be said to be acting immorally," according to Archbishop Karl J. Alter of Cincinnati. In a letter to pastors of rural m'eas of the Cincinnati archdio­ leese-published as farmers in 'l:1 states entered the third week @f a widely publicized "milk. atrike"-Archbishop Alter said ~he farmers have a "just claim" li:or higher prices, but refused to ~ke sides with either' the mem­ !bers of the National Farmers . Oi'ganization or the milk distrib­ C!tors. "As to the specific moral issue, however," he wrote, "a farmer who seeks to bring attention to . what he considers an injustice by withholding milk which be­ longs to him, even to the point of c:estroying it, could not be Guid to be acting immorally. "Efforts should be made when possible to put the milk withheld to some good use rather than destroy it," he added. The letter was made public as the striking farmers-who are demanding milk contracts grant­ mg them a two-cent-a-quart !!trice hike-admitted the failure of the withholding action and shifted to the more drastic policy @Ii slaughtering some milk cows. Have Same Rights Efforts to donate the milk withheld to charitable institu­ tions generally had met with lYailure. Few were willing to ac­ ~pt unprocessed milk, and the only persons with processing and ciistt'ibution equipment are the buyers against whom the farm­ <;lrs are striking. The result was the dumping of thousands oil gallons of milk-an action which drew the criticism of some, but gave the farmers nnuch-needed publicity for their liM'

€ l ilUse.

"Some may argue that the llloiding of vital and perishable ogricultural commodities ought IllOt be judged by the same set oil' moral principles. To be sure, llluman suffering must be kept ~ a minimum and carefu~ con­ Gideration must be given that the good .sought outweighs possible 'Iilvils. Yet, it must be affirmed '~lhat agricultural producers do have the same basic rights as other sectors of human society."





DUBLIN (NC) - The expan­ sion of dialogue and collabora­ tion between priests and laity marked the annual congress here 01 the Christus Rex Society, an organization of priests engaged ill pastoral work. For the first time the congress was apen to laymen and: lay­ women for two days. The other three days were for priests and the clergy of other denomina­ ~ions.

Keynoting the congress, the HWesident of Christus Rex, Father Cathal B. Canon Daly of Queen's tJniversity, Belfast, said: that € : ht'istians must fight what was un-Christian In the world in order to build up Christ in the world, and to rebuild and renew Ute world of Christ. The ChTistus Rex Society this :fear is marking its :25th anni­ versary. With a membership of 1,800 or approximate!)' haH of Ireland's diocesan clergy, the /Society provides a forum in \Which diocesan priests can dis­ ~ss social! and pastoral prob­ llems, exchange information, pool experiences and develop 11l spirit at community effort.

Council of Social Studies.

historic and cultural cities of Japan. According to Arnold Toynbee, if you wish to see the city of tomorrow, visit Tokyo. Sister will do just that!

With Diocesan approval and at the s\!ggestion of Dr. Edwin Fen­ ton, Sioter conducted his experi­ mental units in her class this year. Recently, she was invited to participate in "The Amherst Project" by the Committee on the Study of History by Amherst College. Incoming Juniors at the Academy will profit by this invi­ tation.

The daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius W. Donovan of Fall River, Sister is a gradu, ate of the Academy of the Sacred Hearts, Fall River. She received' her Bachelor's degree from Vil­ lanova and her Master's degree from St. John's' University. Last Summer she participated in an American History Institute sponsored by the NDEA at the University of Massachusetts. Sis­ ter is a member of the Diocesan History Curriculum Committee. She is also a member of the


After her studies this Summer, a course in Asian history will be available to the Senior Class. Sister also received a grant for Summer study in Mexico through the University of Flor­ ida, which she declined, to accept the g~ant to Japan.

'Wisconsin Approves Bus Amendment 'arochial School· Students Benefit MILWAUKEE (NC)-Wiscon­ sin's voters have approved by a 100,OOO-vote margin a consti­ tutional amendment expressly permitting state subsidization of school bus rides for parochial, school students. The vote (461,354 to 355,782) just about reversed the margin by which a similar amendment was defeated at the polls in 1946. This year's vote 'was immedi­ ately hailed by officials of Citi­ zens for Educational Freedom, which 'had campaigned exten­ sively for the amendment in the state, and criticized Protestants and Other Americans United for Separation of Church and State, which opposed the measure. In spite of the amendment's approval, however, Wisconsin's private school students still do not have their 'bus rides. It re­ mains for the state legislature to pass . laws which provide the

money 'and the terms under which they can be transported. Theodore A. Sorenson, super­ visor of pupil transportation for the state department of public instruction, has estimated that if 42 per cent of the parochial school children receive transpor­ tion - the percentage of public school pupils Who ride to school-the rides could cost the state $10.8 million in the first year. , Victory for Chilllren But Sorenson's speculation will have to wait until the legislature acts, probably before the end of its current session. Citizens for



'~~kgll'@tlJJ1lt~ Amerucllin J~W(j')'

NEW ROCHELLE (NC)-Some 150 educators from 10 Catholic colleges and seminaries in West­ chester County will meet at the Tg'B~S\ttl:!ltte C©lMlm8tl't~~' College of New Rochelle here for a three-day institute on "The if~ C@mb~t ~D'iJI)Wl" Making and Identity of the NEW YORK (NC) -A tri­ American Jew." . state committee to combat ob­ The conference is being jointly scenity traffic was formed here sponsored by the Westchester by representatives from various organizations in New York, New regional office of the Anti-Defa­ mation League, B'nai B'rith, and Jet'sey and Connecticut. , Initiative for the meeting was the colleges - ~ew Rochelle, taken by Operation Yorkville, Elizabeth Seton, Good Counsel, Manhattanville, Mary­ interfaith neighborhood group Iona, which has alerted New York mount, Mercy, Loyola Seminary City to the obscenity problem. and Mary Rogers College of the Name of the tri-state group Maryknoll Seminary. Featured speaker will be Dore

is the Greater New York Com­ mittee of Action. It will meet Schary, national chairman of the

monthly and will concentrate on Anti-Defamation League.

a campaign to encourage those

in mass media to provide whole­

some reading, viewing and· en­

01. a mT£MAfIC tertainment. • /0 year SAVINGS'

THE ANCHOR'Thurs., April 13', 1967

Raises $90,000 For New School


DENVER (NC) - The "Angel Anonymous" came to "Father Woody" and announced he'd be able to come up with $30,000. Then came Trini Lopez, young folks' singing idol and now ev­ erything is rosy for "Father Woody"-more formally Father Charles B. Woodrich. assistant pastor of Assumptior.. church. More than 9,000 persons flocked t~ Denver Coliseum and plunked down $60,000 at prices ranging from $3.50 to $25 for a benefit to build a new parish school, replacing the present 84-year-old structure. Lopez, who seldom does ben­ efits, had them screaming with glee, strumming his electric gui­ tar and singing his popular brand of song. The comedy team Frank Kalil and Jay Truner, plus Dick Peabody of the "Com­ bat" TV show, also were on the program. About the "Angel Anony­ mous," all Father Woodrich would say was that he doesn't live in the Denver area, prefers to remain nameless, but agreed! to contribute the $30,000 over a six-month period to the school building fund.

Georgetown School

Educational Freedom said it is

drafting a model bill which it Second Nation

hopes will be adopted, at least in - WASHINGTON (NC) _ On III part. student-preference basis, George­ The vote waf; hailed by Joseph towa "Jniversity's law school P. Kenney, president of the Wisranks second in popularity in consin unit of CEF, as a "reflec- the nation-close on the heels of tion of (the voters') basic fair- Harvard's No. 1 ranked school. ness and wonderful demonstraThis was disclosed by Richard tion of the growing spirit of coAlIa I GOI'don, chairman of the operation between people of all adm'ssions department of the religions." Jesuit university's law school. He Father Virgil C. Blum, S.J., disclosed that some 45,000 stu­ professor of political science at dents took law school admission Marquette University and a tests. He said 5,885 of the stu:' national CEF executive commit- dents asked that their test scores tee member, said "the children be sent to Harvard, while ,:>,743 won an, overwhelming victory. requested their scores be sent to Citizens for Educational Free- Georgetown. dom commends the m (the Columbia University's law v~ters) for their self-sacrificing school ranked third; New York dedication to the democratic U.'s school, fourth, and George process~s in the interests of the Washington Uo's school here, health, safety and welfare of fifth. -. youngsters who attend church­ related schools."



N®w rEdatoll' ALBANY (NC)-The appoint­ ment of the Rev. Charles J. Stoneburner, a Methodist minis­ ter, as editor of the quarterly publication of the Catholic Art Association was announced here by Father Thomas Phelan, asso­ ciation president.



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changes., They claimed Nevada was losing divorce business be­ cause of liberal laws in other states and in Mexico. The Cath­ olic governor made no comment when he signed the measure.

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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. April.13,1967

Individual . VB. Community Pope Paul, in an. address to' the national conference ·.of ItaHan Bishops, has put his finger squarely on a strange 'phenomenon of the present moment. Never before has there been so much talk about the Church as a community, the people of God, the f.amily of God, and the corresponding need of a community spirit, of concern for the family. And never before has there been' so much individualism' with many persons feeling a right and, indeed, an obligation to put forward individual ideas and to attack even Church doctrine, all the while quite unmindful of the effect of their individual action upon the community of the people of God. It .is one thing for theologians and philosophers to . re-examine various thf:ories and to discuss these in their

most far-ranging consequences' in their journals and sem­

inars. It is quite another thing for this or that individual­

. qualified or not-to stand before the people of God' and

/iJi intemperate phrases bring into question such basic ideas as· the Presence of Christ in the Eucharist, the Vir­ gin Birth, the physical resurrection of Jesus. The philosophers, the theologians have an obligation to keep asking questions, not in a spirit of scepticism but to make sure that men have reasons for the faith that is i'n them. These qualified experts must always discuss the' changeless doctrines ox the Church in terms understand.. able to modern man and in the light of his philosophies. That is their charge and commission. .. . But for people to bring confusion into the minds of the family of God by indiscriminately throwing up argu­ ments against themo~t sacred beliefS of Oatholicism is either a display of impudence or shows little or no con­ ~ern for those who are dazzled and affected by these at­ tacks and unable to understand them for what they are: It is the t'actics of the college sOphomole who stands on a street corner and confuses and entangles the high school crowd with a vulgar display of his newly~acquired knowl­ edge. . Such show-off tactics have no place in the heart of one sincerely devoted to Christ and to Christ as He is ~ow - with His members, some capable and brilliant and learned, some weak and frail and of little learning. Pope Paul said that there is no place for this "inex­ plicable spirit of vertigo" in the Church, for "radical aggressions 'against sacrosanct truths of our do'ctrine."' And, in fact, it is seldom from the most learned that these attacks come. They issue from those Who talk much of community but still seek the spotlight by their highly individual actions that stir up and confuse and thus at­ tract attention to themselves. Li~tle concern is there here for the f.amily of God.

. Fill the Gap Next week is National Library Week. One public library in the area has over its door the inscription-The People's University. It is well naPted. People have more leisure than ever .before. One of the last talks Pope Pius XII ever gave concerned itself with this problem of leisure-,,-.what use would people make of it. Those who think at all are most con<:erned over the time that people have at their dispOsal. Will it be put 1;0 productive and creative use, or is it to be filled passively with people giving themselves over to television or to idleness or to stagnation? The endless pursuit of .pleasure is, after all, limited both by energies and money. How is time to be occupied? There is a cultural gap in most lives that sho~ld be filled. Reading can do much to· fill the needs that exist. '\>"ast worlds of knowledge and wholesome entertainment re­ pose on library shelves. But people must read to open up their lives to changes that will make them different and better . Reading is a habit. It is one that should begin early in life. It is one that parents' can encourage in children by reading to them, by enjoying the results of reading with them, by encouraging above all with example.


Published weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River Fall River, Mass. 02722 675-7151 PUBLISHER . Most Rev. James L. Connolly, D.O., PhD. GENERAL MANAGER. ASST. GENERAL' MANAGER . I Rt. Rev. Daniel F. Shalleo, M.A. R~v. John P. Driscoll


Hugh Gold~n




.By Edward P. McDonagla

I think there is a proved;, "God writes straight with crooked lines-... Tbat ,must be the ease wifll

that . says

Sees Church as Priestly Society

Herr (of the Thomas More As­ sociation, Chicago) has been pleading, a center serene in the faith, big enough to be at home with the old,' yet open to the new, competent enough to work out patiently the transitions to be made, valiant enough to re­ fuse half-solutions and to in­ sist on solutions consistent with sanity and sanctity, with the un­ changed faith as well as tile changing needs." The 'cultural changes influenc­ ing the structures of the Church are nowadays inspired by the values and the vocabulary of de­ mocracy, Bishop Wright said. To the extent that democracy is a political form, he argued, it prob­ ably offers no essential wisdom greater than that which influ­ enced the structures and chang­ ing fonns 'of' the Church under other political cultures, feudal­ ism and monarchy included. Influences "To the extent that political democracy may underscore or help realize values more close to the humane or to the trutils of faith concerning man, his dig­ nity, his destiny and his power to denominate creation and build the kindom of God, however, de­ mocracy has important and wel­ come illfluences for change to bring to bear on the secondary structures of the Church," tile bishop continued. "However, theological values, rather than political or merely cultural values,· remain the dom­ inant influences in shaping the c han g i :. g structures in the Church. "Foremost among the theolog­ ical concepts producing the pat­ tern of structural.changes for the Church in future is the con­ cept of priesthood in. its' most developed and profound dimen­ sions." He explained: Priestly "The image projected by the Church in the future, (if the di­ rections set by the Vatican coun­ cil's Constitution on the Church develop as one prays they will) will be that of a Church the structures, action and impact of which reveal it to be neither clerical nor lay, but totally priestly. The Church in the fu­ ture will be in practice what it has always been in principles: not a Church with a swollen head Textbook Law of sheer clericalism, not a two­ DENVER (NC) - Legislation headed monster of a Church has been . ltroduced in the Colo­ with a clerical development in­ rado House of Representatives' dependent of the laity and a to appropriate $2.2 million to buy laicist development independent textbooks for every student in of the hierarchy, but a sacerdotal grades seven through 12 in all Church, the total community of .schools, public, private aJ;ld which is· one with the total parochial Christ," .

the Adult Evening Program 011 Renewal that we had origina)lS', scheduled for the evening 01 March 15th. If you remember that Wednes­ day, you must remember that • snowed and then some, and we were forced to postpone the pro.. gram entitled "Change: ChaCl8 . of Challenge?" We are finally out of the sn01V, season and, barring further com­ plications, our program will be held on Wednesday evening, April 26th; starting at '1 :30 P.M. Arrangements are much tht; same as before. There will be five locations used for the pro-o gram and five laypeople associ­ ated with the CCD Board wiD give the same principal addresS. Mrs. Mary Fuller will speak at Bishop Stang High School iii North Dartmouth. Jim Kelliher., past ,president of Diocesan CCD, is. scheduled for Mount Sainll .M41ry's Academy, Fall River. Patricia Makin will be at HolY, Trinity Church Hall in Wesll Harwich. At Bishop Feehan High in Attleboro, Tom Flang­ heddy will be the principal speaker. I will have the honors at Bishop Cassidy High School in Taunton. .

As before, we will begin witJl a short Bible Service followed by the theme address.. The speakers h a v e collaborated closely and will be using a com­ mon outline. Refreshments wiD be served following the talk and there will be discussion sessions which will allow everyone _ elaborate on the main theme. The evening will be concludecl with a Mass celebrated by the Area CCD Director. In all, il should last until about 10 P.M. You may be tempted to stay'8 little longer to continue the dis­ cussio~ with us. Be our gues1s. We are determined to present a program that will appeal to aD adult Christians, and not jus1l those involved in CCD work. For that reason, we will not be talking about the problems being encountered by CCD teacher~ fishers and so on. For that same reason, you should plan to in­ vite your friends. We hope to explore some basic principles, such as our responsi­ bility as adults in the continuing renewal of the .Church, and the tools that are available to us in carrying out these responsibili­ ties. Because change is a fact of life 'in this Church of Renewal, we will, of course, be talking about it too. The evening should be an experience in Community and we hope that you will join us. When we think of it, the post­ ponement from the original date will give all of us additional opportunities to publicize this special event. I'm sure thaCs what the proverb means. Mary Neville, CCD executive Board member, -is recovering from a serious illness at Morton Hospital in Taunton. We willlli her well. April 30th is the date for the Canonical Establishment of the CCD parish board at Our Lady of the Assumptioh, Osterville.. On the same day St. Mary's, No. Attleboro, will hold Open House for their CCD grade school of Reli~on. .

:,Sacred Hea~s f\cademy Sister :Is 'Subject of, ~Winning' ,Essay IOn 'Most In~piring' Tea'cher' I





Holy Family

The Monsignor McKeon De­ bate Society at Holy Family High, New Bedford, finished fn second place in the Nari-y League. The debaters finished with a 13-2 record and were be­ hind only one team, St. Cather­ ine Academy, Newport. Else­ where in debating, Holy Famny participated in an intermediate tournament at Lawrence Centrat Catholic and in two varsity de­ bate tournaments, Eastern Naz­ arene and a tournament at Am­ herst. David Chevalier, junior, at Holy Family High School, has been appointed by Coach J!tek ,Nobrega Captain of next ye:ar's basketball team. As bas­ ketb.all fades from the limeli~tJ.t the Holy Family High baseball team' has' begun tryouts 'ahdl pr~ctice. Also in sports at Holy Family, a parade was held for the baskeball team. Students from Bishop Stang and St. AR­ thony's were among the many spectators at the parade. Bishop Stang's band marched 'and! played throughout the parade.

.Winner of a city-wide' ess'ay ,contest on "My Most In­ spiring Teacher" is Nancy Isadore, junior at Sacred Hearts Academy, Fall River. Her subject was Sister John Alicia, S.U.S.C., who teaches religion,' English, speech and drama is faculty advisor for SHA's , ' , junior class, and organizer were victorious over the Acad­ il)f the school's popular folk- emy of the Holy Name, Albany, . . th P hI N. Y. and Cardinal Hayes High smgmg group, e $ ara es. New York C·t· h'l' D' ' ',' 100·ft' .. y, W I e ~ane N

~~cy s prIze w.as a .gl !Certificate and a tnp to Washmg.~ d S· t J hAl' . th ""n an IS er 0 n ICla, as e · t f N' . d b su Jec 0 ancy s es.say,rece.t~e th~I'saml,l award. SJster",AlRma 'M' d M , ane an rs. Ch"arIes S..... ,~OJ:~,~,ko, als!) of the SHA faculty, ,w,l,l';~ fi l' t i th t t d , n~ IS s.n e con es. ,an ,~~ ,their chOIce of a $20 ~Ift ,ced~f4,,cate or a camera, as \:hd, the stlk' dents ,,: who . wrote abQuth'them. ""0' ,'~T , ,10' ther Diocesan teac ersw~o .wer~ named in contest in~tud~~ ~rother Roger Millette, Prevost principal; and Sister Carol MarY of the Mt. St. Mary faculty. Among winners from Diocesan schools in the Region III science fair, held at the Dwelly Street ,Armory in Fall River, were, Jr~m Dominican Academy, ~MP.~ ior Division: Susan Eolin, first iii. 'Chemistry; Jane Rogers, se~i;nd :in earth science; Patricia LeDOc, firsf in biology and' Btis1!ol County Health Association; '$25 :bond; Virginia CoIlins, second tn biology; and Jeannine' Dore, ·third in biology. .. '." 'J", ',' 'Dominican Academy, "Seni6r Division: Patricia Maurano~' se'c­ on'd in chemistry; Denise Jansdrt, second in biology (she wilf e'lC'­ bibit at the state fair); Michellie Ptovost, Jeannine Levesque, Carol Masse, S. E. Mass. Dental Society Award; Sharon Andrade, honorable mention in biology. Sharon will exhibit at the state fair as winner of her school's science fair. From Mt. St. Mary Academy, Fall River: Diane Vieira, second prize in physics; Patricia Bond, first award in chemistry; Donna Ferreira, third award; C:u101 Morton, honorable mention; Jane McDonald, third prize in chem­ istry; Veronica Plaziak, ho~~'~­ .wl~ fTlention, physics; Pairi~ia ,fie~I,17ck:, honorable men'ti?:n' ,~~d $.~~ s,a'lmgs bond from Fall l}i~~r ~~~~~er~' Association for p~ojl'!C,t on cancer. ,; ," Mt. St. Mary, Junior 'Division: \Dawn Hannafin, third awaitl: in ·(!hemistTy. Diane Vieira, Pat'tiC'la Bond and Donna Ferreira' wlU'~~ 'among 25 entrants repres'Elnting Region III in the state fair l~te'r this month and Patricia SelU!ck will represent the Mount at 'thie state' competition. From Cassidy High School, ')'aunton: Junior Division: Nancy Garce$lu, second prize in biology. Cassidy Sen i 0 r Division: Cheryl McCaffrey, third prize in biology,; Irene Caron and Pamela Candee honorable mentionsia biology. Cheryl will represen't Region III at the state fair ahd ,Pamela will represent Cassidy." '0' Debating News Debaters at St. Anthony High School, New Bedford, have" a record so far this season of i2 wins and three losses, President Gf the society is Armand Gad:. bois. He and Louise Beshara form the negative varsity team Il:or the school and Alfred Gau­ thier and Joseph Abraham are the affirmative team. They are coached by Atty. Richard' A. :Bachand and the society modera­ ,tor is Sister M. Gerard. Thus far the teams have placed third in t~e Narragansett League. " , 'Jl)ebrabant Debaters oil SRl\. JF,t,ill Ri vel' report that they. ~ ti~ for fourth place in the N.arry ~Mue; and Cassidy's Debate ~ub returned with honors fr~m tl tournament at Seton Halll,C9\~ lege,' South Orange, N. J. v.;.he~ Jane Masi and Kathleen' '~ady

Quigley and Pamela Desmarais topped Mater Dei T' 't N J' ' ren on, .., and Morris Knoll s and B"ISh op Ford-Hi~hs ,\of New York. ' FF"shm"n,~eb"tersf B' h­ """ ,,.. ," 'i' rom IS op Cormolly' High ',Fall River 'met-LaSalle AC"dE/":'Y' , f P .~ ~... 0 rovi deniCein: 'th~ir, iirst intEi~scholas­ tic encQ\lnter,Michael Manning and, oT6hn Chei)e~ Were affirma­ tl've'd' J h V era ," ebaters' • ('n':d' a ,osep and 'Jim :Qene'rides upheld the negative:;ide:'," 0'



On Sports Fll'ont Teams at SHA Fall River have chalked up imposing records this year. The basketball aggregation won the Narry League cham­ pionship, apd the volleyball team has just accomplished' the s~llle, feat. SHA bowlers are, pJIlO ,tq,~irst place ,currently. ' ',' , " ," :al\~ketballs intramuralsar~,~i.. p',ro,gress at the Mount as ',I.'uljtJe!;l, ~,upr~nies, Lovin' Spoo~fl,ll, .~,~ones, Raid~rs, Monkees, :Ras,­ cals and Byrds are 'competing for'top honors. " "A~,q. Connolly reports th~i, th~ ,p~s,ketball team has ende,d')ts s~,ason, as winners of six out of ~~' games and with Joseph Kelly as high scorer. At DA Vivian Fiola and' ih~ PF 'Flyers defeated Jacqueline Martin's Desert Boots to win the school's intramural basketball tournament. The final score 'was 31-29. , Coaches of all girls' teams in the Narry League met recently at the gym of SHA Fall River to play the SHA championship te~m. Final, results gav~ the ~()flches two games and SH~ two.games. lltetrea~ Scbe«l1unnedl :r, ,fifty-seven .DA seniors' are .finishing a retreat at La Salette netreat :aouse, today, while I un:­ der,cIassmen had their retr.eat at the, academy. under Rev. Thomas Tobin, ,C.S.C. ,,' ,Mount seniors are preparing for a closed retreat at La Salette with the theme "Is God Dead'W Students may',choose to,make,the retr,e'at at the end of April 0.1', the b~ginning of May; and under­ classmen will have their retreat the first three days of May at school. ' SHA Fall River seniors recent­ ly attended a Vocational' Day ~t La Salette, highlighted by a Bible vigil, Mass and talks on the religious, single and married states. WIlist J!>luty ," 'Seniors at Prevost will 'spon:" SOl' 'a Whist party at 7:30 Sattli'''­ day night, April 15 at Jesus"­ Mary auditorium. The annual affair is a fund raising activity to benefit the senior class." In charge of arrangements are David Berube, Guy Morin and Raymond Jusseaume. Dominican Academy junior Betty Murray is glowing over big sister Kathie's selection as Student Nurse of the Year for for Southeastern Massachusetts. Student N-lrse of the Year Kathie, a '64 grad of DA, is a senior at st. Luke's Hospital, New Bedford. '

, ,', , ,College Acceptances" "" ,~atest acceptances at colleges l!-nd" other institutions of higher l~~rp'ing: At Dominican AcQd.,. e~y': ,Sue Gagnon, Bryant Col.. 1~ge; Nancy Gancorski, Eileen gay,thier, RIC; Bernadette ,R,od­ rigues, Bridgewater. .,.' • At Cassid)': Arlene Goodwin,

,Name Representatives' , Steven Thomas, a Junior at Holy FamJIy, has been selected! .' ."~_"....,.J to attend Boy State in J~e. :',NATIONAL MJ!,:~d.',~WARD:S::fIonors in the Natiomii Also Susan Rimmer and Michaeli Merit Scholarship Examinations' hayebeen merited by Stang Houghton have been selected 'tG represent Holy Family at a lead­ students Patricia Manning and John Fitzgerald, .. .seated' . , and ership conference day. Several!. 'Rl!l.ymond Purdy, Claudia J~Juchetti, Susan Cabral and Alan' members of the Problems, of Roszkiewicz, standing,, .from left. '' Democrac:' class attended, tl , 1 . j , model General Assembly of the , I Salem; Cynthia Rasmussen and trophy awarded, to the outstand~ United Nations meeting. Juniors will hold their annual Diane, Piechota, Bristol Com~~:­ ing school of the 15 participating nity; Barbara Quill and Lfnda in the program based' on UN dance tomorrow at the Kennedy Boyd, waiting list at Bridge­ proceedings. Prevost represented Memorial Catholic Youth Center. water; Jean Burton, Leqmel the Union of South Africa, the Several students from the Span­ ish II class at Holy Family atShattuck; Jean Carter" SMTI; UAR and Poland. Donna Hinchcliffe is generalten~ed an all Spanish Mass alS Lorna Prunier, Northeastern; Arlene Henrique, Taunton Voca­ chairma,n for the Mt. St. Mary Bishop Cassidy High School. Holy Family High students tional; Donna McGlynn, waiting senior prom, to'be held Tuesday, June 13. Aiding her will be winning awards at the Greater list at Boston State. At Jesus-Mary: Jeanne Dube Denise St. Laurent and Linda New Bedford Science Fair are: and Michelle O'Brien, Bristol Rodrigues. Also at the Fall River Daniel Dwyer, Martha McQuil­ Community; Yvonne Ber"ger, academy, National Honor Soci- land, James Berry and Peter seini-finalist in Rhode Island ety members had as a project the O'Donnel. James Berry won first prize illl S tat e Scholarship Prograrri; visiting of pa'tients at the Earle' 'Th'eresa St. Pierre and Jeaiihe E..., Ilussey hospital; and seniors the senior division in Earth Sci­ 'P1:tbot, SMTI.' ,,," were inducted into the alumnae ence and was chosen to attencll frevost: Denis 'T~tr~l;1it association at a silver tea attend- the state science fair at M.I.T~ ed by the prospective graduates Bishop lFeehnllll ~,~~ton Conservatory of lVlusi~" I and their mothers. The first festival of Fine Arts I A.t p,ominican Academy, Sister Debate club meetings' have to, be, held at Bishop Feehan M~ry, ,Agl1es has been awalide(l a scholarship and graduate,' <lSI­ f,,\!,pel;i, for the year a~ ,Prev<l,§lt" . High School opened on Tuesday sistantship to the University of and are being replaced by a evening, with a Night of Music Wisconsin for study in physics; weekly course in 'speech open" presented by the Feehan band. "chorus, color guard"and twirlers. and, ,Sister Joseph Marie has"re­ 'to all students.' The speech class will deliver an ,t::,eived, a National Science Founi­ '1 " ," 'Se. ,]T@SCJl»1hl ]1"lreIP> dation grant for an academic I" ' " overview of the Massachusetts ,At Fall Rivl~r's St. Joseph's State Constitution in the audio,­ year institute at Syracuse Uni.­ Prep School, juniors are bliss- visual room at 7 tonight. "Meet :versity. Tomorrow's . Charlie Brown fully contemplating their school Me in St. Louis," a three'-act Day, at Mt. St. Mary, with sodal­ rings,' which they received with comedy, will be staged tonight ists selling chances for a Peanuts appropriate ceremony at the be- in the auditorium and also on . Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock. surprise box. Proceeds will help ginning of this week. send l;ielegates to the Summer School of Christian Apostolate "'Cc:or<ww.w"'.... in New York this Summer. Also tomorrow, sodalists will sponsor a, talent show. I



lParents' Night Parents' Night will be held. Tuesday, April 25 at Jesus-Mar.y Academy. Dr. Betty Anne Betz, deaon of administration for night classes at Bristol County Com­ munity College, will speak and the National Honor Society will induct new members. Parents will have the opportunity of meeting with faculty members. Also at JMA, Junior-Senior Day has been set for Thursday, ' June 1. Bishop Connolly boys are now able to purchase a school blazer and other clothing accessories, but the Fall River boys' school 1}l!S as yet no mandatory unifoJ;m, S~udents have been invited to jQill' ,a CYO-sponsored trip" to E"po, .'67, scheduled for June. ,J " Congratulations are in ,order fpr the Prevost delegation to the J;ec~nt ,UN day at Salve Regina College. The Fall River ,bQ3'$ went home with the first place



Q . _ _. . . . .

true British flavor in Sunbeam English Muffins' (the tenderest; tastiest' ever!)



Sees Aid Threat To Separation

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall Rl'{er-Thurs. April 13, 1967

Grandma'sCold Doe'sn'tStop Party From Be'ing Success By Mary' Tinley Daly

It started with the suddenness of one of the current :April showers. Sneezes, headiness, thickness of speech, the general mal'aise associated with "a gold in th' 'ead" struck at our house, removing the cook from her kitchen. Most disappointingly, though, it "and I hope she won't be there removed old time hostess­ long." ­ removed her bodil:y--from .a · Ens'ued talk of ailments, remi­ family get-together. With niscent of Guy Carryl on a hypo­

chondriac: .

Ginny home from college for a "In: every new and smart

~ort visit, we had thought it disease, would be fun From housemaid's knee for all the to heart-disease, marrieds, their She recognized the sp ou s e sand symptoms as her own." ehildren to "I had what you got, Grandma, spend a Sunday' ',V and they burned that thing (va­ 'at our house. .~/. porizer) in my room, but then "Wo u I d be" [l,.,." "",.. "" ' when I quit coughing they made fun? It was! me go back' to school." POSTHUMOUS AWARD: President Johnson made a Cooking done 'When I Had Measles • • .' ahead of time, posthumous presentation of the Congressional Medal of "I just love being sick," Alice's di ni n groom Honor to Mr. and Mrs. Jo.se Fernandez of Los Lunas, N. M., blue eyes sparkled at the me­ table extended

whose son, Spec. 4 Daniel Fernandez, died heroically in mory. "When I had measles, I its full four

Vietnam sacrificing his life to save four comrades by extra leaves, Ginny willing and got new toys every day and my able to serve as hostess, it favorite ice cream and John had throWin~ himself on" a live grenade. The Fernandez family seemed ridiculous to cancel a to wait on me! But then I got attends St. Clement's parish in Los Lunas. NC Photo over the measles." Her voice party for a silly cold-in-the:­ dropp:ed. "­ head. Far more sensible to re­ In other words, make the best move the germ factory to her own bedroom and, as the British of it while you can, 'Grandma, don't "take up thy bed and walk" say, "Carryon!" Like lepers of old in Biblical any.sooner than necessary. By thIS time, the party was

times who were required to . shout "Unclean! Unclean!" going strong downstairs. I could

whenever anybody approacheci hear the Head of the House;

them, from the safe fortress of "You want me to carve still There was a time when paper you don't get near any protrud­ bed, I gave forth with warnings more ham and turkey?" dresses belonged exclusively to ing objects). Emissaries were sent upstairs of my own contagion to anybody Print and color are the strong periodically with iced fruit juices paper dolls but now in this. new :who came upstairs. era of fun clothes, real':'live flesh selling points of the new paper and soft drinks, prescription of 'Keep Out'? Nt)! articles, for designers .seem to medico to "push fluids." Thank and blood dolls are eyeing the­ Did that deter visitors? Not goodness, no "pushing" of food! market for paper clothes. This feel that they should make up in on your life. First to approach exuberance for what these After the ball was over,' the new idea in the bed-of-pain were, under­ clothes lack in the way' of dura­ house rocked itself back to fashion has be­ standably, our M.D., Brad, and silence, Ginny cleaning up in' her come such an bility. There is also a bit of our R.N., Markie, offering pro-. perfectionist way, came a ring at overwhelm i n g status-'seeking in wearing these fessional and pampering care for the front doorbell. success that the clothes, much like that of the a mere cold sufferer. Then proverbial man' who buys a new "Who was there?" I persisted supply .. cannot Eileen and Tony, Eileen shocked as the Head of House tried to keep tip with car every time the ash trays get that we didn't even possess a evade the question. dirty. When the dress gets dirty . . the de man d: fever thermometer, TQ:'lY recti­ you can just .toss it away and "Well," he grinned, "now that What started as fying that by a quick trip to the you're feeling better, I'll tell you: as an advertis­ forget all those .nasty' cleaning drug store. Adding to the hospi­ bills. a guy trying to sell us a lot at ing gimmick by tal atmosphere, Lu and Johnny Pleasant Haven Cemetery. Told a . well - known Speaking of the disposability went home for their electric va­ of these garments, this does him we didn't feel quite up to paper company porizer, Mary and Tim brought being measured, not this eve­ has sky - rock­ make them art ideal travel item cough syrup, Pat and Dan, a box ning." eted into one of the biggest with such things as absolutely of throat lozenges.

money-making schemes since gorgeons baby bibs sellingfor 30 Even floral offerings were

the gold rush. cents. Another use has been rushed more quickly than any Urges CCD Teachers

The paper company, in an ad, found . for the paper dresses F.T.D. could deliver as four­

offered paper shift dresses for the jet set. One inventiv~ Know Teenagers Worle,l $1.25. Even the United States among year-old Margaret Brennan ex­ hostess sent ea(~hof' her female tended a sweaty handful of cro­

post office. had difficulty ~hand:- . guests a· shocking pink paper TOLEDO (NC) - Before set­ cuses, straight from' our front ting out to teach religion, a Con­ ling the de~uge of orders a9d a shift along with an invitation )'ard. fraternity of Christian Doctrine new industry was born. which instructed ·them to wear ~'You don't want these children instructor should have. a thor.,. Statu's' Symboi the dress to her party.. ' exposed to my 'germs,"" I pro-:­ · ough knowledge of the teen­ . Of course, anyone' who has. .' This certainly erases the worry tested to their parents, "much as agers' world, 'Father Frank Mc- ever dealt with p'aper knows that 'aoout another woman showing I love having them he·re." '. Quilkin, O. Praem., told an' in­ there are' varying' degrees of '. up· . .it the' party 'in the same They're exposed; to colds stitute of more tnan 500 elemen.,. 'quality and' durability in any dress as" .the hostess. Another tary.and secondary school teach-:­

every,where, ran the, consensus, paper produCt. These dresses are . most~st hostess' went one st.ep at school, in churcn, on buses. ers here.

not made of tearable 'newsprint further and sent her· guests a "Pre-catechesis'; has been ne­ but of a' sturdy,' non-woVen, . plain white shift and a paintbox, Besides, t~ey're about, mine fee.t away from you and y:Ou have the' glected, but should be an essen­ ·paperlike substance which i~ with . instructIons that prizes tial part of trainingCCD teach­ treated so that it is"fire resistant would be awarded for the most good sense to cover up sneezes. and, in many.~ cases, . waterproof. ('r~ginally decorated dress. The children, all of them, were ers, the Norbertine priest said. '. quite entranced at the unfamiliar' The teachers should know the Most· manufacturers of this ma­ F~m fashions are not the only milieu at our house: Grandma student's world:- the music, terial guarantee it for at least a dancing, manner of dress, mores. ,couple of weatings '(as long as thil1g th~se nOl1-woven fabrics prone, and they about and bus­ are' being used for.. Hospitals ,are tling. The great leveler, sickness~ ·,It's a temporary world, he' said, consu.ming them with relish for but an important one. ha<l. taken over. hospital' gowns, nurses' uniforms "The~' must, see us' as truly Survey. ShowsPari'~h "Why; I never saw Grandma in and' disposable sheets. Maternity bed before," said 12-year-old humanistic people ---: people the manufacturers are jumping on Communications Gaps Gospel has benefited," he said. Deirdre.

. KANSAS CITY (NC)-'-A sur:" the "bimdwagon with their lin~ "Com~ to think of it, neither'

which always had something of vey has disclosed that communi­ did I," commented her mother, Hyacinth Circle

cation gaps prevail in a number a limited time use anyway, so why not something gay. And one Golden Jubilee of parishes in the Kansas City­ very original "think ahead" de­ Receives Habit . Mrs. Sheridan Lee, Mass. State St. Joseph diocese. signer is creating wedding gowns Sister M. Denise Paul' of the Regent. and Mrs. Daniel Dowd, . Answers to questionnaires dis­ Holy Spirit, St. Joseph's parish, · Supreme Advocate of the Daugh­ tributed by' the New People; di:" made to order. I'm planning a trip to New Fairhaven, was among .41 postu:' ters of Isab~lla will att~nd the ocesan newspaper, pinpointed: Iants receiving the 'Carmelite 50th anniversary of the Hyacinth lack of communications between York in the not too distant fu­ habit in recent ceremonies at St.. Circle No.7: in New Bedford. pastors, assistants and laymen; ture and 1 hope to elbow my way Mass will be offered at 11 and too much parish activity built to the nearest paper boutique Teresa's Motherhouse, Avila on the Hudson, Germantown, N. Y. the banquet will follow in the around the parish school; greater and indulge my urge for some­ Her community, the Carmelite Gold Room of the New Bedford voice for the laity in parish thing faddish, probably to the Sisters for the Aged. and Infirm, Hotel.· matters; insufficient spiritual de.. tune of six dollars. If I do ac­ Mrs. Anna Walsh, Supreme velopment activities for teen­ complish this, I'll let you know staffs Our Lady's Haven in Fairhaven and the Catholic Regent of Flourissant, Mo., will agers, anC' greater need for adult in a later column just how wear­ Memorial Home in Fall River. also 'attend. education classes. .able paper Qreue5 aI&

WASHINGTON (NC)-Publfe education and church-state sep.... ration are being "gravely threat­ ened" by attempts to secure gov­ ernment \ aid for parochial schools, the Women's Division of the American Jewish Congress said at its annual convention. The 500 delegates passed • resolution at their closing .ses­ sion asserting that benefits UIi church~related schools were "merely a beginning toward the ultimate goal of full public fi­ nancing of non-public schools OD. the basis of parity with the pub­ lic schools. Even if that is not the intended goal, it is undoubt­ edly what the present practice9;) if unchecked, must lead to." The women said "we are op­ posed to public aid to religiouply affiliated schools because it . brings about the very evils that the principle of separation of church and state are designed tc) prevent." J' But the resolution did not specify those evils. The resolution was adopted as AJC vice president, Howard M. Squadron, took a verbal swing at Sen. Jacob Javits of New York for urging repeal of a New York state constitutional bar to aid for church-related schools.



Trinity Gets Grant

WASHINGTON (NC)":'-Trfnity College here has' r.~~eiver;l '.3 $62,480 grant from ,the ~ord Foundation' for partial support of a' traiping program'for inner:­ city junior high school teacherS.

F~oral Arrangements En~iven

THE ANCHORThurs., April 13, 1967

lUJ01expected P~aces in House By


Encou rages Ro ~ e

a-uucl MarHYll1l Roderick

Flowers 'are beginning to enter the house now and what

8 pleasure they are. UrifitI was married I must admit that J[ thought that a preoccupation with flowers in the house was a feminine prerogative and that men were not supposed to appreciate such things. Either I have succumbed to to win the gym medal." (These sneakers, by the way, are prob­ 'femininty' (which I wouldn't ably at the bottom layer of any dare write if I suspected it to one of a dozen or so cartons of \1)e true) or I have finally adSummer clothes buried behind mittcd to myself that there is no four or five chairs in the farthest ~ason why I shouldn't openly corner of our basement. ~njoy a vase of flowers as.much "Ma, I broke my lunch box." M .my wife does. And, I do:, (This comes on the heels· of my ;. Thus far we have had a. pot of ~fficient cleaning of the kitchen <,Jaffodils which really. bright- r- during which I disposed of ever; ened Ip the house at E<Ister·and paper bag in sight,) lli~t1c vases of crocus which my "Marilyn," this from my wl.fe somehow man~ges t~,. get m<>ther "the library called and into arrangements before or . . , they . sal'd you have b 00k s overd ue , Ie.. . . AGAIN, some woman called and .Thc forsythia is now. ready t,o. said she wanted you to collect bloom. and we have q~ll.te a few for the orphans in Outer Mon­ ~nqUlls which are Waltl11g to be golia, 'and that washing machine pICked as. soon as Marilyn can is leaking again." All this in one get the tIme to arrange them. breath and delivered within the In the past I have been very first five seconds after I enter the much disturbed by flowers door, for you see I am what is which are picked from the gat:- known as a working mother and d~1} an~ then never fhid th.~ir I return from my school work )liI'ay to an arrangement or WIlt at just about the same time' as llO, minutes after they' enter tile· my offspring. ~~u~e. With this in min~ ~ d'~~e'~- . Now to prepare a meal that lil\lne~ to seek out th~ .bes~, ~a.ys will be on the table by 5:15 so to pIck flowers so that they that Joe 'can eat and get to his would get proper treatme.nt and .PCD c~ass by 6:30" or to a meet­ mot be wasted. T',te foIlo~U1g are ,jng, or to take Meryl to dancing s,~me of the thIngs w?lch,.; we -:tesso'ns or to anyone of the hun­ , Tii~~le, ~ound to be ~o~t su~.~s:sf~l 'dred' of other obligatiorts':that'we 'WI. ,1 .owers.. .... . ':.:- .. , ;' modern parents are responsible . ,Fi,rst, flowers sll0uld .:~ .. «ut f<>r. It is no wonder that at times with a sharp ~nstrument'so as. n~t I oontemplate with longing a t9 .tear the tIssues of t~e ,st~ms. deserted island off the coast of We vrefer to cut the stem on a Maine with a few ooagulls for lihal'p diagonal, since this in- oompany. G}re(\ses the amount of surface for Plan Meals water absorption. As far as meal preparatian is We have found that flowers do best when they are cut late in eoncerned, planning seems to be the day, for us, at 11 convenient the best and only solution, short time after we get them home of hiring Julia Childs.. This week from work, about five or sil[o I managed to include two elegant iI)'clock. I understand that this is desserts in my menus by plan­ considered a good time because ning ahead, making sure I had it has been found to be the the ingredients, and doing most period when the plant has ab­ 6f their preparation the night IJOrbed its greatest amount of before. moisture and is in its least active I always vow to keep this .up state. At any rate, aside from the but you know what theysay aoout theory, we have found that our the best laid plans of mice and eutti ngs do hold up well if taken men, nevertheless right after I ~inish this column I'm going to llt this time. browse through my recipe books Dark Room Another trick which we picked and make out my menu for next tip ill a book is to place the· newly week before I do my grocery ·eut flowers in a pitcher of tepid shopping. We've got to beat this water in a dark room overnight hectic life without resorting to .(we put ours in the c~llal'). This TV dinners! This dessert is very easy to again increases the amount of water absorption. The last of prepare and could be done late these steps is the most essential in the evening to be ready for because it does extend-the life of the next day's dinner. It comes highly recommended by my husthe cut flower appreciably. Regurdless of how you treat - band and what better seal of your cut flowers, be sure to. get approval could a food get? them into the house unless you Date Cream Dessert (lre . one of those unfortunates 2 tablespoons soft butter 'whe have allergies. And don,'t , 1 box' date bar mix . ibe afraid to set up little arrange­ ~ cup chopped nuts inents i~ unexpected places; a .'1 cup heavy cream l<itchen counter or a bathroom Z tablespoons confectioners counte-, next to the telephone, sugar 6ust inside the back. 'door, . or 1 teaspoon instant coffee 'Whatever. Everyone half expects .. 1) Heat oven to 400 degrees. ~ see a bouquet of flowers on Ute dining room table, but it is . 2) With a fork l)r pastry blen­ an unexpected pleasure to look: der, blend the butter with the up .:md see a half dozen bright box of date bar mix and mix in ,eHow, daffodils in the bathroom nuts. Spread in a 13 x 9 x 2 pan lIS you drearily search for the and bake for 10 minutes. B-reak tooth paste in the morning. up with fork, cool a~d crumble; III tbe Kitehea 3) Prepare date J1l1ling (this Peace and quiet reign supreme also comes in the box) as di­

until suddenly the silence is rected on the package; cool.

4) Whip the cream with the

flhattered and anyone within eac'':' shot of my house realizes that it sugar and instant ooffee.

5) Cover bottom of a large

fa 3:30 and school has let out. round glass cake pan with crumb

Any mother with small school­ going children will agree that it's mixture, then date filling, then

awfully difficult to describe the whipped cream until all ingre­

dients are used up; end with

chaos that can descend as every­ iIJIle rushes in to tell his impor., crumbs. '6) Chill at least 4 to 5 hours­

tant story of the day. "Mommy, Sister and I just serve with more whipped cream

have to have sneakers for~ gym 'as a topper if you really don't tomorrow or I won't get a chance care about. calories.


In Civ~cAffa~rs.

AUTO MECHANIC: 'Sister Madelyn Jewel's of St. Eliz­ abeth's Hospital, Boston, Mass., receives het "diplorna" from A. C. ~enker; automobile sales manager; on completion of a four-week course in mechanics attended by 100 nuns, nurses and secretaries: The trial program is designed to teach women. drivers emergency procedures to use when stranded on the road. NC Phot@

New Responsibilities .South Carolina Bishop Urges Opening Up New Areas to Women for leadership Balance . CHARLESTON (NC)-Bishop Ernest L. Unterkoefler' of Charleston has urged the opening up of new areas of responsibility within the Church for women at a National Council of Catholic Women . program development institute here. Representatives of seven dioceses .attended the ~irst in a series of eight regional institutes sponsored by NCCW. on the theme "Direction: Tomorrow." "The clear point," Bishop Unterkoefler said, '''is that there must be a balance of leadership among the laity, a cooperation and a coordination among men and women." The South Carolina Bishop aserted: "Women must come of age in carrying full responsibility for apostolic action in the midst of a world that is still, developing, still searching for the hu~an and divine answers.to such. problems

Cope Cod District Mrs. Robert O'Neil, Hyannis­ port, was guest speaker at a meeting o-f Cape and Islands District Council of Catholic ·Women at St. Pius X chu-rch hall, South Yarmouth. S~ discussed her life in Nazi Germany, her coming to America as It war bride and her conversiOft '­ Catholicism.

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as war and peace, hunger, world population, distribution of the natural resources of the earth, the interrelationship of the cul­ tures of nations. In all these areas everyone should acknowl­ edge the competent and effec­ tive participation of women." "Women still have to work for the recognition of the per­ sonal rights of all women espe­ cially where these 'rights are not being universally honored,''' he said, adding: "Your personal spiritual re­

newal and your corporate re­

newal must continue. The world is looking for the signs of re­ newal among the laity," he said.

'Roll another "strike" on

the energy

you get fro·m a slice of­ Batter Whipped

Sunbea'm Bread

STEELTON (NC) - Catholic women should be willing to step out from under a "security blan­ ket" of isolation and become ac­ tive in community affairs, the president of the National Coun­ cil of Catholic Women said here. NCCW president, Mrs. John D. Shields of Stt'ong, Pa., said at the convention of the HalTisburg Diocesan Council of Catholic Women here in Pennsylvania: "We should join community organizations...that are working to corect problems of slums, unfair business practices, poor housing, inadequate schooling and the like. . "We should take an active i~~ terest in local, state and also national politics, studying t1)e issues, educating others and vot­ ing intelligently for those people and issues that will work for the Lest interests of ail men. "We should not isolate our­ selves in a security blanket basedl on a dependent sense of religiorn because we know from our reli­ gion that we are made for this world and that it is our job t(J) make this world a fitting place of God and His people." . Mrs Shields warned the 600 eonve·-tion delegates, however, to be wary of .imposing "our sense of values on those whqll'l Wt: wish to help.," "Charity and justice are boU. served," she said, "when we con­ sult the individuals for whom we are launc;hing a program­ and when we work out the plan­ ning with them and not fM them."

Reinstate First Grade CLEVELAND (NC)-Assump­ tion parish here will reinstate the first grade and drop the eighth grade next Fall, Father Raymond A. Trapp, pastor, an­ nounced. He said the change was made because a survey showed a third of the student&! leave parochial schools in the seventh and' eighth grades k> transfer to public junior bi~ schools.

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Thurs., April 13, 1967

Ev~der!u:e ~nll'<esf

A$~~ ~@@[p>®[7'@U'DOB'll

LONDON (NC)-One of thO causes of the unrest among Bri~ ish Catholics is the fact thiltl many younger priests are inteJl=. lectually unsy'mpathetic to thtil older generation of priests, 2 leading Cat hoI i c journalis~ charg~d here. Douglas Woodruff, editor Illlfl the Tablet, British CathoJm weekly said, that theyoungelf clergy "are in general mucll\ more wholehearted in their en­ thusiasm for Vatican II and onlw. fearful that it may not be 110n" ored ,and implemented to the fun and that the old men stilU in charge of the heights ofJ power may contrive to whitthl the promised changes away." Woodruff was discussing prob­ lems in the Church in a speci3'll article in the Daily Telegraph, [) national newspaper.

Am(O)CI1lg ~®~Dg]ions In MO$$ooln Work DETROIT eNC) - The national director of the So­ ciety for the Propag~tion of the Faith has called for in­

creased cooperation between Catholics and· other faiths in mission work. Msgr. Edward T. O'Meara said: "Anything generally ecumenical, I am for. I am totrlly committed to ecumenism." The monsignor, whose head­ quarters are in New YOi k, came here to meet with 17 Midwestern diocesan directors of the society from Indiana, Michigan and Ohio. It was the first of 11 regional meetings planned by the prelate Of the laity, he said that, as a who succeeded Bishop Fulton J. Catholic editor, he had been Sheen, now bishop of Rochester, made only too well aware how N. Y" as head of the society in much distress of mind the recent the United States. changes are causing to the older Joint Planning genel'ation ahd especially to the Msgr. O'Meara said he favored converts " " " Converts who were joint mission strategy and plan­ I.UNCH IN ROREA: This Korean mothe l' and her two little girls enjoy a hearty lunch, taken through a long course off ning wherever possible. 'A very as the economy of South Korea forges ahead. A primary government aim is to make the instruction * * '~have been very healthy groundwork is bE'ing laid, country self-sufficient in food production. The presidential election, in May will be follwed much disconcerted by some of for ecumenical planning in the the manifestations of the new by elections in June' to the unicameral Nation al Assembly. NC Photo United States for missions," he ecumenical spirit." This spirit, he stated. said, has played down the notiolTJl He said the number of discus­ of heresy "and has dwelt on the sion sessions between subcom­ merits of our fellow-Christians mittees of the U. S. Bishops' as separated brethren." Committee for Ecumenical and Woodruff added that the "main Interreligious Affairs al~d other EXQlmDlnl@~Dons, urge of these younger laity is faiths could lead to understand­ ing for more practical ('oopera­ "to go off to Mississippi" if they for a more socially conscious re­ NEW YORK (NC)-Fordham from Fordham and the women want to work in the civil rights ligion. It is a good time for hoo will be granfed the same degree iion. University plans to ope,n a three:­ movement, or travel to Europe heads, with the television cam­ Asked if Catholics and Protes­ year "experimental" college here from the Thomas More college if they wish to learn another eras waiting, to put authority on tants might someday send com­ in which 30 selected students and at the Bronx campus of the uni­ trial. language, she said. bined teams to the mission field, five faculty l-rlembers will live versity. Msgr'. O'Meara noted that there and work together in a Bronx "There is a danger of dilet­ "So no one can think the tur­ Study Urdu is already cooperation ir{ the apartment building. tantism in this," Dr. Sewell bulent waters will subside for a The curriculum of the college field 'between the faiths. About stated. "That is why the students good while yet, and in the mean­ Students and faculty will de­ will not be entirely unstructul'ed. joint teams, he said, "I would vise their own curriculum. It is When the 30 students enter on will be expected to demonstrate time we can only conclude that like it some time, but I am not expected there will be no as­ we are much too near to Vatican July 17, they will be expected a real commitment and excel­ lence." sure we are ready." II to be able to make any worth­ signments, term, papers, 'exami­ to- begin the study of Urdu, a Father Leo McLaughlin, S.J., while appreciation of what its Primary Task nations or majors. Subjects will variety of the Hindustani lan­ president of Fordham, said the lasting effects will be." Msgr. O'Meqra told the mission ,be taught to groups of about guage. experiment would lead to director's that the primary task seven students who will meet Urdu was chosen to give the changes in the university. whenever they choose. of the' society continues to be to students a challenge, Dr. Sewell !:!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII~ He said the main problem fac­ The new college has been ten­ ,said. It was, suggested by Prof. render assistance to the native § DRY' CLEANING ~ ing colleges is lack of student tatively named Bensalem after Hamid Kitzelbach of India, who Church and clergy. participation in organizing the and ~ an' island utopia mentioned by will be a faculty rnember. The missionary is interested curriculum. "What is being in the needs of the whole man Francis Bacon ~n one of his Real Commitment taught now is not related to the as a human person, he continued. poems. The students will have no student's life as he liveS it," he Make Life Interesting This means that the mi~:sionary Summer vacation. Dr. Sewell stated. 'doesn't go out just to COli vert or conceded that the students an:d "We hope to make life so in­ Father ;McLaughlin predicted add to the roles of the Church. teresting that the students won't the faculty may get bored while that other universities will es­ "They, go out to assist and to be need LSD," said Dr. Elizabeth living in such close quarters for tablish 'similar experiments as a 34-44 Cohannet Street . of help," he st,ated., Sewell of Fordham's English de-,; three years. step toward giving a gl'eater _ Taunton 822-6161 ~ But students will be' permitted voice to students. partment, who has been appoint­ ~'The foreign mission idea is :WIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII\I11111111III111111111111111111III I1111Ill1iiJ ed to head the 'new college. She undergoing change," M s gr. explained that' recent student O'Meara said. "Mission means a Form Association sending forth to help. The idea revolts, such as those on the MANCHESHER (NC) - New of simply ,converting pagans is Berkley carnpus of the Univer­ sity of California, indicate that Hampshire priests have fOl'med not acceptable any more." many students "feel they have the Association of Priests of the of Manchester and Teachers to Receive ~ea~~t :~~." into a machine and Diocese adopted a constitution. Members will elect officers who will serve The' 30, students will be se­ omp~teU' rqlnung lected mairlly from among high as a senate of pl'iests for the , WASHINGTON (NC) - Sev­ shool'senior's who have applied diocese; 'eral Cathol'ic universi:ties will re­ _ for admission to Foi'dhamnext 'ceiv.e ::ederal grant~ from the .' Fall. The male'students will rlf,. 'D. S. Office of 'Education to tt'·ain" -re.ceive a bache'lor, of art~ degre~ 'acuIty mem~ei:s .in ';the use ,of educational teaching devices ahd Religious Bellarmine College computer-.lssisted in~trudion. Tuche,. .. The $2.5 rnillion aIiocation has Honors Katzenbach k> the ••rvice

been made',Dnder'Tftle VI-B of LOUISVn"LE (NC) ~Under , of the 'Church

Deposits Welcomed in :Multiples of

the Higher Edu'cation Act of secretary o~ State and former 1965, designed to; strengthen Wrile: Brolker o OJ'. C)....x.

Attomey General Nicholas Kat­ ,$200.00 up to $30,000-on Single and Joint Accounts 001 Wiache.ter Street

faculty personnel in: thc use of zen bach has been named to re­ to $60,OOO-fo'r CO,rporations Up Newtoa .Uehla.,..•• II. . . H • •

educational media in :higher ,edu­ ceive the 1967 Bellarmine Medal. cation. : 'DIVIDENDS PAID 4 TIMES A YEAR The medal will be presented at Catholic universities nAceiving a banquet April 30 on 'the Bel­ February, May, August and November grants were Santa Clara, (Calif.) larmine College campus here' in , All Deposits Ins'ured in Full $43,898;, Seton H;all, South Kentucky. \ -,

Or'ange, N. J" $20,000 and St. The medal is awarded annually ..John's, Jamaica,' N.- Y., $ti,500. to a person "who, on the national CO.

or international scene, exempli­ fies 'in' a notable mann'er the For the Blirds virtues 9£ justice, charity,' and COLUMBUS (NC);,--The" Ohio tempel'ateness ill dealing with ; House of Represen:tath'es nas dHifcult and controversial prob'­ F' 'gly recommeri'ded a massi"e lems." , 365 NORTH FRONT, STREET canipaign to distribut'e bil th con­ Previous ,recipients include NEW BEDFORD trol pills,- to n~dwing black­ Sen. Everett R. Dirksen, Ill., ac­ .-/ birds-which farmel:s say dam­ tress Irene Dunne, 'Poverty War Moln Office: -4 Winthrop' Street, Taunto~ 992-55~4 age $15 milliOn worth of crops Director'R, Sargent Shriver, and Branch qffice: 1-400 Fall Ri\;'er Ave., Seekonk annually Ambassador Henry Cabot Lodge.

Fordham to Open No


E~per;mentai College --- Majors

~~~F~~~ ~=



T '. .







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Curia Changes

Continued from Page One 10lic Signature. Both of these prelates become full administrators of their re­ f;pective bodies while the pres­ ent prefects only retain the titles to the offices: Benedetto Cardi­ nal Aloisi Masella, 87, in the Congregation of the Sacraments and Francesco Cardinal Roberti, 77, in the Apostolic Signature. The introduction of Cardinal Villot, one of Vatican II's five undersecretaries, was a welcomed evidence of Pope Paul's efforts !o internationalize the Roman Curia. The appointments of Cardinals Villot and Ferretto, relatively young as curia cardinals go; was thought of as a welcomed trans­ fusion of young blood. That both prelates were accepted as "lib­ eral" minded also gladdened many who had backed the Vat­ ican Council's pwposals toward a change in the Roman Curia. Antonio Cardinal Ferretto be­ comes the Church's "Major Pen­ tpntiary" who will dcal with the ministry of justice fOt· cases of conscience and indu·lgences. He will also head the Sacred Apos­ tolic Penitentiary and all priests with special faculties who hear confession in the four major basilicas of Rome. With a Pope's death, the Major Penitentiary is the only one who retains all his powers to absolve from the most sedous sins and censures. He is the only. cardi­ nal authorized to communicate with the outside wOl'ld in this capacity during a conclave for the election of a new pope. Diocese of Illome In a ceremony which has no pr'ecedence in recent papal his­ tory, Pope Paul VI baptized two infants in the renovated baptis­ try of S1. John Lateran Cathe­ dral and thus signified the Chris­ tian renewal of the I'cligious life in Rome. During thc concelebrated Mass which followed thc baptisms, the Holy Father gave Luigi Cardinal f.rraglia a Bull inaugurating the Pastoral Vif;it of the Diocese of Rome. The Cardinal, the Pope's Vicar

for the city of Rome, with six other officials, will visit the city's 2:35 parishes, and every religious institute, school, church and other' organization to make reports on them with an eye to drawing up plans for better functioning in the future. The Pope was especially care­ ful to wam that this visitation was not some bureacratic regis­ tration, census, or strictly jurid­ ical rendering of accounts. Taking the spirit of the Sun­ day gospel of the Good Shep­ herd, he likened his visit to that of the all-interested Shepherd and sh'essed that the product of the visit was· to be a renewed apostolate in every phase of life Ijnd activitity, a seconding and activation of the pleas of Vatican ~I.

PIr@O$e$ ~®'WOYil@nl ApO$~@~@G'®




~ .• _ ~ •••_ •

COMMUNiCATIONS CENTER: A National Office for the Media of Communications has been established in Dublin, with the official opening of a new Communications Center. Here nuns and priests produce a discussion program. NC ;Photo

@[Q)®[fjJ (6@mmlliJ[fjJO~@lfD@lI1~ U[f@001l


DUBLIN (NC) - A message from Pope Paul VI and the at­ tendance of high government and Church officials marked the opening here of the new com­ munications center of the Na­ tional Office for the Media of Social Communications. The $165,000 center is a gift of the Catholic Truth Society of Ireland to the Irish bishops, The Holy See has made a grant of $12,JOO toward operating ex­ penses in the first year. Purpose of the center is to train priests, Religious and lay persons as producers and direc­ tors in social communications, with initial emphasis on tele­ vision. Among dignitaries attending the inauguration were Presidcnt Eamon de Valera of Ireland, Archbishop Joseph Sensi, .apos­ tolic nuncio to Ireland and Wil­ liam Cardinal Conway of Ar­ magh.

Stressing that the new com­

Southern Provonce Favors DiCliconate MANCHESTER (NC) - The New Hampshire Supreme Court has told the state House of Rep­ resentatives that a bill requiring daily recitation of praye'rs and

Bible readings would be un·con­


At the same time, the court ad­

vised the Senate that a resolution to place plaques bearing the legend "In God· We Trust" in public schools would be consti­ tutional. . The court was asked to rule on the measures. which· aJ'e now being consider'eo by the legisla­ .


The pl'ayer bill started as a provision for a pel'jod of silent meditation-which the court said would be in keeping with recent , U. S. Supreme Court rulings­ but was latel' amended to pro­ vide prayer and Bible readings, with the subject matter left to the discretion of the teacher. The teacher would be author­ ized to include "the use of the Lord's Prayer or any other prayer of some general use, or l'eadings from the Holy Bible or from some other religious work."


~@OlJlf®[f' Dm3 [glliJ~~BUiJ



munications center corresponds to the desires of the Second Vati­ can Council, Pope Paul in his letter to Archbishop Thomas Morris of Cashel, president of the Catholic Television Committee, said the center was "an irre­ placeable form of the apostolate of our times, which aims at ani­ mating with a Christian spirit and with human values the mod­ ern instruments of communica­ tion, which are intended by their very nature to bring brotherhood and light to the nations, and to encourage the advance of culture and the spread of truth." The Pope said not only the Church will benefit fwm the celr~er, "but Ireland also, through the 'safeguarding of the heritage of its national and.Christian cul­ ture, and the enrichment of that

Pfi'e~aJfI"e to


CO{lJ)ll'Ild~ of ChMli'ches PHILADELPHIA (NC)-Arch­ bishop John J. Krol will address the 21st annual meeting of the Greater' Philadelphia Council o~ Churches, Saturday, April 22 here. This will be ,the first time in the history of the council that a Roman Catholic prelate has par­ ticipated formally on. a council affair. The archbishop will speak on issues of common concern to Protestants and Roman Catholics in the interest of increasing un­ derstandihg between both gl"OupS. Twenty-seven Protestant de­ ; nominations are represented in i the Greater Philadelphia Council o.f Churches, aecQunting for 85 : per cent of the P}·otestant· com­ , munity.

U®~®WO~O@U'Il heritage through the dynamic energies which the Catholic faith confers and inspi res." "Moreover," the Pontiff added, "one of the center's chief cares wiJI be to serve Irish mission­ arIes. We pray that they find in the aids it offen! them new ways and means of announcing the good news of the Gospel to the whole world."

Comment Cautious On New Encyclical WASHINGTON (NC) -Com­ munist radio broadcasts moni­ tored here indicate that the world's communist nations have taken a cautiously complimen­ tary view of Pope Paul VI's new encyclical, Development of Peo­ ples. Albert Reiss, comentator for East Bedin's Deutschlandsender, praised the papnI document as a condemnation of capitalism and f ound in it strong support both of general and specific proposals for peace and prosperity made by communist countries. On the other hand, Radio Bel­ grade's Dragoljub Katic found f ewer parallels between the en­ cyclical and communist doctrine and pointed out that the Pope's l etter did not condemn capital­ illm but only certain aspects of it.




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BALTIMORE (NC) - "Every time a bishop turns around he filCes problems. but when he turns to the Newman Apostolate there is good news and conso­ lation," Lawrence Cardinal She­ han of Baltimore said here. The prelate; speaking at a ban­ quet in connection with the three-day convention of the Mid­ dle Atlantic States Province of the Newman Apostolate, cited the growth of the Newman Apostolate in the Baltimore archdiocese during the past yea~. He noted that Newman centers were established at Towson State College and at Frostburg State College; that a center was established to serve professional schools, such as medicine and law in the Baltimore area, and that an archdiocesan office was established last March. The principal address was given by Father Waltel' T. Gouch, C,S.P., chaplain at .Johns Hopkins Me d i c a I Institutions, and the archdiocesan consultant for the Newman Apostolate. He called American secular univer­ sities "the creative ccnter oQ our society," where the intellects of the nation's leaders are formed. "It is vital and important th~ the Church be involved in thali formation," he stated. Father Gouch said that by ] 985, 80 per cent of Catholic stu­ dents in higher' education will biS ·attending secular universities.

Dollar Levy VANCOUVER (NC) - The archdiocesan school board win again ask Catholics of the Van­ couver archdiocese here in Brit­ ish Columbia to give a dollar ;n month for operating costs of the Catholic school system, chairman Garry S. lVIiller announced.



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More Funds

If>@weG"lTy Waif'

SAN ANTONIO (NC)-Arch­ bishop. Robert E. Lucey, of San Antonio has asked Congress to eScalate the wa'r' 'oil 'poverty J by approving legislation to continue the programs through funds re­ quested by President Johnson. The Archbishop, who is c0­ chairman of the National 'Inter­ religious Committee Against Poverty, in letters to Congres­ sional leaders, said '''the past few years have witnessed a deep awakening in the entire struc":' ture of the minority groups and those steeped in poverty. , '''Until then there· were oniy: '2 few voIces raised'in concern 'of these people.' SlOWly and with resounding effect' the injustices and the inhuman plight of these people began to show themselves until finally their concern be­ came a major concern of fellow Americans. ' "The Inter-religious Commit­ tee Against Poverty, uniting Ro­ man Catholics, Protestants and Jews in common voice, strongly urges approval of the necessary legislation to continue and esca­ late the war on poverty. We urg~ you to 'vote favorably on the budget which the President has submitted to the Congress for the support of 'the Office' 'of Eco­ nomic Opportunity," the letter stated..' '


By Msgr.- George- G. Higgins' (Director, Socjal Action Dept.,. NCWC) "When I went 'into the store and bought this suit of etothes, the man didn't ask me what I'd give him for it," ,Oran Lee Staley said. recently. "He told me the price and' I had to pay it. But when the farmer takes his stuff to market,it's just the opposite. . . t 11 h' h t a marketing cooperative. ,The 'The b uyer e s ini w a farmer needs 'cheap and sure he'll pay and the farmer has credit. . to take it or leave it.~ HAlone: he has' neither the

., Mr. 'Staley has oeen president strength nor the' knowledge to 6f the National Farmers Organi­ get it from the commercial.. or- . 'zation,since1955. ganizations. United with other On March 17­ farmers he can, by u'nited sav­ an appropriate ings and· united controi, give to daY. to 'start a himself the credit he needs. good fight-the "In the earlier stages of the NFO called a credit union he will be able to milk-withhold­ borrow oniy small amounts on lng action in short term loans for equipment SIXTY CENTS WINS PRiZE: Father Marcous Padil­ Corning, Iowa, and the like. Later as cooperative , which has since .banking grows, the farmer will', la, O.F.M., of Cin~innati, explains his prize-winning sculp­ " s pre a d Ii k e find it a necessary organization ture, "Cactus Blossom," which he finds valued at $150 by wildfire to other for farm purchases and crop judges of an art contest. Father Padilla created the sculp­ par t s 0 f the financing. ture from 60 cents worth of metal purchased in South <: 0 u. n try and "I think American experience quite unexpectedly, has won the has made it .clear tl~at t;he sim­ Bend, last s'ummer when he .attended 'aCOl1rse in sculpture enth,usiastic support of a number pIe marketing cooperative with,. at the University of Notre D~me. NC Photo. of; traditfonally conserva,1.i ve .ed,. out an auxiliaJ;'y cre,dit, coop~ra­ itors and columnists ,-:.. R~ch.ard ti've is anemic and thatii: stands ,:Wilson and James. J. Kilplltr~ck, on -unequal terms with the 'or­ l!Q[ ,example. ganized buyers. A. credit: union ;Long Overdue;, system, that is, a farmers' c~op­ Vincentians ,Build ,,' ':"Speaking.for myself" I am all erative' banking "systeni' ,and ·a "Religious Brother~. Work as Appre"t~c.es for the NFO in its determined a cooperative marketing .system, Housin·gProjects,' , st(luggle for a fair shake~much are twins. " "" ' Outside Seminary BOGOTA (NC)-A .number of as I I hate to see milk being 'with­ . :\ ., ~ " ) "In, the, circUlllstan.ces of housing projects for middle· and held from the market or poured American ,life ,all C()OPeratives NATICK (NC) - The Oblates tlell to their fellow, worke~. low in'come groups, are being 'into 'the gutters, whens" many Q~ght to be either on, a national of Mary Immaculate of the' St.' "They are participllting," heex'­ built throughout Colombia under people around the', world" and scale or, when regional or. local, John the Baptist province have' plained; "in a,' very effective the direction of the Society of apostolate. The whole attitude in even' here in the United States, they ought to be closely feder­ initiated' an "on the job" training St. Vincent de Paul. al'e underfed -and yndllnlour­ ated. The goods and money mar­ program for Brothers preparing the shop sometimes changes be­ Financing is made available b,. ishe d . kets are national markets and for work in the province's home cause the Brother is there." the society to families who lack: I am only surprised that it has the organization must equal the or ,foreign missions. The program also provides an the means to purchase a home. taken American farmers /;0 lo~g market. The Brothers' training center intermediate step between lay The average price of a house is to realize that they need some "These three-marketing co-, is located at the province's school and Religious .life, he continued fonn of collective bargaining. operatives, credit cooperatives of philosophy and theology here In the ordinary seminary setting $2,000, with $300 down payment and 15 years to complete fuit In this connection, I should' and organization or 'federation and is under the direction of with Brother teaching Brother, payment. A few homes are given like to pay tribute belat(~dlyto of each on a national scale-seem Father George Sirois, O,M.I. The' there may be "t08 much inbreed­ free of c~arge to families who my predecessor, the late F,r, Ray­ Ifundamental.. province has 10 other houses i~g." according to Father Sirois. monil A. McGowan, for being a HThe idea is to have an organ-. in New' England and New York. . While living in the seminary· are completely without financial full generation ()If more ahead ization of the farming occupa­ and missions throughout the but going daily to ordhlary jobs, means. of his time in reminding farm­ don, as a whole, 'taking its place world. the Brothers are able to "grad­ ers that unless and until they in a society made up of ',organ­ Brothers come to the training milly adapt to Religious life," Lebanese Cardinal

organized themselves into the ized occupations, 'More ,concrete­ center either, before or after, he said, and to achieve real ma­ Hits Subversives

equivalent of bargaining units~ ly, if every crop in the United their novitiate studies to learn turity before taking tlteir final roughly comparable to labor States had· its own, strong 100 a trade they will later practice vows. BEIRUT (NC)-The leader of' unions -: they would never be per cent organization and a vast in their mission work. They There are currently" nine the largest Christian community able to achieve parity with the network of farmers' credit coop­ leat:n the trade as apprentices Brothers in the progrant They in this country has criticized other segments of our eC(lIlomy. eratives covered the country, and workers. outside the semi­ work at trades 'ranging f~om ap­ ,"foreign: subversive elements"· Fr. McGowan first developed still it WOUld not be enough, to nary at ordinarY.'jobs. prentice elctrician to ! service for trying to destroy national!. this point in a major add'ress at meet the need of an organized According. to Father 'Sirois, unity and called on President ·station mechanic. the 1931 ;.convention of the Na­ agriculture in an organized the, principal goal of the program Charles Helou to rid the country tional Catholic Rural Life Con-:, society:' ' .. is to help the Brothers to become of those who "are spreadin,g ference, The following elitcerpts . "Cotton farmers are· b,eing told __ experts in their trades. The Ob-" Abortio':' Law Change trouble and subversion." from that address· show him to to cut their 1:I creage. If 'they do, lates. have found, however; that.

The attack on the "subver­ have been a man' of remark~ble, most of t~em ,will plant, let us it has many other valuable're-· poubtful in Minn.

sives," made by Paul Cardinal vision: ' ' say, corn. But thete is a corn suIts. .

. ST. PAUL (NC) - After two Mebuchi, Maronite-rite patriach 'E~ery ,Farme! '" *. .. surplus anyway, Cotton farmers Act as Apostles weeks of public hearings, a pro-, of Antioch, was interpreted here . . . \viii, 'then" simply be' 'r'ushing , . Th e B ro th' "Every American far ~ e r' '. ers, h e sal'd,pra ct'Ice posal to liberalize Minnesota's as a denunciation of Lebanese " should be a member '.0£ as many from o~e surplus to .a~other·sur-: their trades as' do the worker-.' abortion law has been shunted supporters of President Gamaa plus and when·they Jom the corn . . ".,'. ' '. cooperative marketing organiza­ . farmers, they.will be iittle or no prIests m E!Jrope, ,actmg as apos-, 'without a, recommendation by Abdel Nasser of the United Arab Republic. t~e . state Senate judiciary sub­ tions, clubs and services as' are' better, off than before and they committee: necessary for him to market his, will' Weaken the already'·, weak .The bill's chances ofbe~ng sent varied crop ,at a fair',pri~; This" corn f a r - m e r . ' _ "Machine (arming and the sci-' seems basic. ., . "Farming is naturally a divided' 'lmtific use of seeds and soils have to the Senate for actiOitwithout "A farmer cannot ~ both industry but':itis ais<> riatutally created .a, surplus in nearly a sub-committee recommenda­ ORTn~s farmer ~dexi>ert salesman. A a single unified·'industry. It has every crop. Farming never has tion are considered',iiiim. still more cogent faCt is t~flt;· ex­ 'to be treated as a unit at' the. run ·itself successfully by the . The hearings were ~a~ked by

pert salesman or riot, ,3 lone saine time that its dividends are ,eompetitiop- of one farmer with considerable opposition by Cath­

f{lrmer bringing his prOduce. to safeguarded; Sepl;lr'at~, disunited . a~oth~r and the com~etition ltf, olic spokesmen and. a large num­ 245 MAIN STREET market meets a.hlghiyo£,ganize.d' crop cOo~ratives' are not the, ~lsumt7d farmers WIth ..tiler ber of medical m~m to the btu .FALMOUTH-548·1911 which is being pushed' by an and strong commerCial Mllrket­ final word in .farm' organization. ,industrIes. ad ~oc group called the Minne­ tng ring. .""T' .. . ' "We have now reached a p&int ORTINS, Prop. ARMAND "There is no equality, between, . he.answer, IS m~tead, an 01'-' where it is clear beyond que~-, sota Council for the. Legal Ter­ him and the buyers, the sale that . g.amzatIon of ali agncultl,lre, na-. tions that even national crap eo-' mination of PregmlOcy. results in im unequal contract,tlOnal and <;<,~plete, to ,meet a operatives cannot solve the the farmer does not get equll1 naturall;,. ~Ul1fled occ~p~tion~ a~d problem of a fair price. Farming

value in'money or goods for his ~et suffICIently fleXIble w~thm must be a planned industry to

crop, he is mulcted, bilked and Itself. to, ~eet crop and regIOnal meet the situation created by

cheated all the time. peculIantIes. the machine and farm, skill.

"Cooperative marketing organ:. Desinactive Competiti_ "To be a planned industry,

bation is a means of obtaining "Such an organization of the it requires complete organization

justice. The strength and knowl- occupation can care for two es­ of the whole occupation and its

PLAN YOUR PICNIC edge of, the united farmers can sential needs of the farmer. One own general staff. Otherwise

~TING NOW! give them expert abili'ty in need is not simply to know what farmers will go on cutting each

marketing and cill). bring them not to plant so as then to avoid other's throat and with disunited Special Rates' to School and Parish Groups eloser to equality with the buy- an unmarketable surplus and and competitive crop coopera­ , ers. poverty. It is to know precisely tives they will do so more thorFCN' Best Dates For Your P.ienie, Outing or Clambake "Eve~y farmer should belong 'what to plant so as to get a mar'" oughly."

to a credit union in his parish or ketable crop,and the right living If Fr. McGowan were alive to­

CONTACT.: MANAGE~, at Lincoln P~rk

neighborhood, for much the same for the farm families cil the day, he would be rooting for

Phone ~9-6984 or 636-2744, reason that he _should belong to country. the NFO-ali the way.

Photo Supply



... , •.••,


Religious Seeking U. S. Withdrawal From Viet War

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Foil River-Thurs. April 13, 1967

Columbia Dean Stresses Moral, Social Consequences of Science

NYACK (NC)-In "an ap~ peal from men of all faiths," 32 American clergymen, edi­ tors and professors have called for U. S. military with­ drawal from the war in Vietnam. Their statement, issued through the Fellowship of Reconciliation, an interdenominational, peace group here, here in New York state said: "We have chosen not to stand with the partisans but with the victims. It is on behalf of those caught in the cross-fire - and those yet to be - that we have again found it necessary to call for American military with­ drawal." The statement noted that just over a year ago, 10,000 members of the "world religious com­ munity" joined in signing a statement entitled, "They Are Our Brothers Whom We Kill," which initiated the formation of the International Committee of Conscience on Vietnam under the auspices of the Fellowship of Reconciliation. Negotiate Peace "In the year that has passed since we last spoke, the weighted evidence against this war has reached mountainous propor­ .tions. "We therefore call again upon our countrymen and government: " .. '" >I> To stop air attacks on both North and South Vietnam, at once, unilaterally. "¢ ¢ >I> To express a clear in­ tention to withdraw all U. S. military forces from Vietnam. "CO co ¢ To state unequivocally U. S. readiness to negotiate an end to the war on the basis of the 1954 Geneva agreements, with the National Liberation Front as one of the principals in the nego­ tiations." The statement concluded: "We ask more fundamentally for a national examination of conscience. We Americans boast of a pluralistic religious heri­ tage; many speak with scorn of the 'Godless.' Yet no act of bru­ tality, initiated by American or allied forces, is found offensive to the ethical values Americans profess; at the same time, enemy atrocities of far less magnitude are decried with vigor." Prominent .Figures Catholic signers of the state­ ment included Father Daniel Berrigan, S.J., associate editor of Jesuit Missions magazine; Father Philip Berrigan, S.S.J., curate at St. Peter Claver Church, Balti­ more; Father Edward Duff, S.J.. Holy Cross College, Worcester; Msgr. Paul H. FUrfey, co-direc­ tor, bureau of social research, Catholic University of America; John Leo of Commonweal. Other signers were Father John L. McKenzie, S.J., Univer­ sity of Notre Dame; Father Rich­ ard McSorley, S.J., Georgetown University; Msgr. Thomas J. Reese, director of Catholic So­ cial Services in the Diocese of Wilmington; Father Peter Riga, St. Mary's' College, St. Mary's, Calif., and Sister Mary Corita, graphic artist.

Miami to Implement Council Decrees MIAMI, (NC)-Msgr. John 3. Fitzpatrick, chancellor of the Miami Diocese, has been named by Bishop Coleman F. Carroll as episcopal vicar to implement Vatican Council II decrees in the diocese. Father Ronald Pusak has been appointed acting chancellor. Msgr. Fitzpatrick formerly served as editor of the Florida Catholic, newspaper of the St. Augustine Diocese and of the Voice, Miami diocesan news­ papeJ:


MILWAUKEE (NC)':-Society can no longer permit scientists and engineers to ignore the social and moral con~equences of their work, a scientist whose work aided in the development of the atomic bomb said here. John R. Dunning, dean of Columbia University's school of engineering and applied science in New York, addressed a convocation at Marquette University following dedication of the university's new Todd Wehr chemistry building. "We should not permit continued determination of whether or not a particular technology has harmful potentialities to be made unilaterally by those who wish to use it for purely selfish reasons," he cautioned. Tremendous Problems Dunning is best known for having performed a historic ex­ periment measuring the energy released from uranium fission and the fission of separated U-235. This work contributed to the development of the atomic bomb. Despite the great improve-



MARKS JUBILEE: Sr. Elizabeth Joseph, O.Carm., receives Holy Communion from Rt. Rev. Joseph P.A. O'Brien of the Archdiocesan Chancery Office, New York, as her father, Michael Delaney, awaits reception of the Eucharist during the Mass of Thanksgiving on the occasion of her silver jubilee in the Oatholic Memorial Home Chapel, Fall River.

'Burlington Secures Liturgist's Service BURLINGTON (NC)-The lit:' urgy commission of the Burling­ ton diocese has secured the ser­ vices of a liturgist with, wide ex­ perience in pastoral liturgy to help bring the real meaning Of the liturgy to the people O'! Ver­ mont.

ments brought to society by technology, Dunning said tech~ nology "has brought with' it the tremendous problems of pollu~ tion of our environment our air, our water, acoustic probleks and a host of Qther nuisances." Because science and technol­ ogy have developed means of prolonging and saving lives, he said, population growth' has be­ come a real problem. He scored both of the solutions offered t6 control population growth-that is, both voluntary and govern-? ment birth control programs­ stating that they "contain pro-­ found dangers." 'Threat to Humanity' Voluntary control, Du~ning said, would tend to be used "by the most intelligent and imagi­ native elements of the popula­ tion far more than (it would be) among the least able and least aware. This would swing the •. balance of the population to the less intelligent and creative." "On the other hand," he con­ tinued, "if selective population control is applied by the state, we cannot avoid a terrifying threat to the humanity of the human race." Dunning urged great efforts by universities, working with local. state and federal governments, to deveilop sound policies and meaningful goals. "Historically," he said, "many scientists and engineers have underestimated or ignored the social and moral consequences of their work. We should not continue to make this kind of mistake."



This child suffers from malnutrition. Only f()od and care now keep her from being one of 1O~OOO ch ildrel1l who will die today. Qn every continent missionaries are at work bringing food, medicine all1d THE SOCIETY the life-giving word of God to the poor. But they need your help. FOR THE WOULD YOU SEND A GIFT WITH THIS PICTURE TO SAVE A CHILD?






_Nt sr

. -;

-AnQnymo:!J~"IMedi!atio~s' :Inctease ,Love: of _Church' , By Rt. Rev. Magr. John S'.-K~nri~ay ~











Inevitably there is something dry abOut the documents

of the Second Vatican CounciL. Here and -there, they, are

touched with poetry. 'Occasionally, an idea is so striking, so

intrinsically beautiful, tha:t -th(reade,r's hear~ i8"qu~ckeiled.

'And the person who stays - , ' : ..' ' .: - . . ,



. .. "


with the do~ument;s,~reading I~a~n~~~~,ltsa:e:~:;:~~ and re-readmg them, evellt- ,aoout us changes, it 'is essential

ually sees a visi<m of ·.theto have a more precise kn<lwl­

whole which is uplifting. But of edge of what the Church is,-what

their very nature, thl!Se' 'oareful, its essential purpose. is, how ~t

rep e ate d ly ..,' '. '."'".' " !s meant to functi<ln: This knowl.­ 'll" 'e v 1-' sed' ¢dge the Fathers, of' the council

stlitement~ are undertook to suggest and their

more concerned outline is fleshed out by the the­ W'ith exaCt 'imologians on whom they dreW.~

pression":than . La,~m.a~'s,T~k, " ...

with stirring im'The relatl<lnshlp of, the Church

ages, There' is to Christ, its' ,relationship to, 'the'"

n'e e d th e n kingdomo£.,'God, :,the role' of, the

of supplemen. ;Holy Spirit-these key factors

tary matter. It are variofisly, illustrated. ,The

elm be found place of the Eucharist ("the,Sac­ 'S c·a t t ere d rament of our ecclesiality") is through innudeveloped in different ways. tnerable books, each de-aUng with, Gives Deeper Insig.M, ' one or another subject' treated Much he~e i~' quite different by the council. ....... from conventional notions which : 'Reading all of them, -,tweri'~et- have been untlii.nking~y" acc~pte<L ting hold of all of them; ill' 'It But the manner of presentation task beyond most of Us. Sinne.:. is calculated'not'to jar us awake thihg like,an antholoID"is''there~ by flinging pails of icy wa.ter,iA

fore desir'ablea .. ~. our face, but to 'awaken-'~ sure­

c' It has now been provided,1n {y yet with' re~onable ' genile~

case of one of the most1lnil. ness. ' " . ., ....

portant of the council d'Oc'u::' After awhile, one can' begi~ 'to

ments, the dogmatic constitution playa game with this book. 'l;'b.e

~ the Church. . ,:, ," 'name of the .'author of a passag~

Rahner, Conga;ll'.' .": is' found oniyat the end' of :his

"A regrettably unidentified contribution. Without looking 'at

person has gathered passages the name, one speculates as to

from the writings of leading t\1e:' who the writer is, given the

ologians dealing with the Church, strain of thinking and the style

arranged them according to th~ o~ writing., , ,

structure of the dogmatic constiBut it is not a game book. It

tution on the Church, and tiiled is, as the title declares, a, help

the collection Meditations on"the to meditation. As one goes

Church (Herder and Herder. through it, day by day, reading

$3.95; 232 Madison Ave:, New and pondering, one acquires a

York, N.Y. 10016). I deeper insight into the Church,

, Some of the theologians were a greater love of the Church, a ,Jinfluential in formulating the finer sense of one's role, and an '!eoncepts which are found in - increasing confidence. Consequ:ences, 'JI.'ru*Iln.! i' ::the constitution itself: for Hple, Karl Rahner arid YyesCon- ':, There is an unmistakable per':" ilga~. Better to underst,and" the "sonal basis.for everythin~. Which. i;~rIeflY stated concepts, we can, Father Daniel J. Berrigan, S.J., i~~ Meditations on the Church, iI).cludes,in Consequences: Tr~th )fmd a fuller. development,. of and .•.. (Macmillan. 3.95; 60 FIfth H'them in excerpts from th,e ~rit:.:- ' Av:e., New York,N. Y-'" 10036). :iings of these men. , '\ .' The three, essays, :.or rather;;se~ ';' There is, for exampl:e;' Rllh-·· of ' observations, which the book ii:~er's idea of the Churclll of the comprises,"'are r60ted in.., what, ;:future as being a little .flock, in the author has done and endured !ft~e midst of the world. Ra'l)n'er, in ~he civil rights movement, ~he !,;u.ke Congar, sees thE' world,· anti-war movement, and durmg. : drawn ever closer together'the month when he was in exile :community, with the' htimim in Latin America. ;family and human history, even But there is in the finished imore a unity' than now, and writing very little of the autobi- . :'everyone being everyone else's ographical. Some unmistakable !,oeighbor. , allusions to his experiences are , Precise Knowietllg.a to be found in the second and In this 0 ''', . _ third sections. For the ,?1os~·.pa~ :, , c mmumty, th(. C~~IS _ . however, Father BerrIgan Con;:'" IUans wl1~ for.m onl~ a telat!vely . 'fines himself to what. he has "small mmorIt~ WIth ll(~ m<!e- drawn out of these experienceS•. ;,pendent ,domam of thc!I:own" 'His is a quest for truth for ' :'" .• • Th ey WI'11 b e g~thered justice, for starkly genu~he.·· :,round the altar, announcmg ~h~ Christianity. He seeks to be rig­ ,-death of the Lord and entrustmg orously faithful to principle, ' and . the darkness of their own lot . to make precise and vital appli­ '" '" '" to the darkness of the' death" cation of principle. But .there is i of the Lord. nothing merely mechanical about "They will know each .other as, this. Always the context is life' 'brothers, and there will he very as it is the existential situation. ,few hangers-on, for thelre w i l l ' -, be no earthly advantage in being , .a Christian." . 1ED.IECiIltOCAn.' That view of what is to come 'Con~I1'CIIctol1's ' ;rnay be right or wrong. One' ,eannot help feeling that the like­ ;nihood of its being right'is great,:"



.' t··


,\ i, :j,





SWlmll'flM~r P'lI'cgli'mm

DETROIT (NC) - A Summer ;at college for high school juniors :was announced by the University 'pf Detroit. Qlllalified students, :will be enr'olled fOY"c6llegE:-Ievel' '~=~er courses startinl(: .Jhi:; '. I,


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:people feel thIs w~y':ab,otit th.elr c,ustomera~

; '~~." What do, w~ ",,~all Wh~n we. saY~',u,t;1t' i=:lrst National, You .Come first"? :Justthl~.We.tak~ 'C!'xtra co~~e with everythln~, .W~ sen. Take Qur Qwn dSYor'PGarden oan'nad vegetables. We I " @eleot quality! vegetables' that ~urpass' ':even the superb" atemdards for Gr~de "An oanned V$~et~ble~ 'by' the United, : ',States Government.. .",~' .r" ~,. ,And o~r FIABT CHOICE MEATS. Butche'rs ~Iways say you '@arn.len:a-'good store by Its:ground beef. Wf; grind: ours severar . jlme~ 8, 'day Insure freshness .. " • and do It In spotlessly clean grinders the way you would In y()ur: own kltqhen.. ,Wh@lla:hen ~ays an egg, It'a usually Gr~d$ d~A"e ,Bu.t will It ~@·~radeluAwwhei'll H~ n')sohee your family table? It ~III-if 'VO,Ul bought It ~t Firat National. At first National, we're fUSSy ~b()llJt egg 1rsshnasSJ. Wham yOlll don't' ~ak~ sgg$ fll'Om ou~ ~i:telves, we dol And we date our egg boxes so yo~ can check fU'ssh81es~ yourself.' K1I'Ilow fa better way to be sure? Tlhl~ ,Is ihesplrrlt and! attitude of all our. irl·e.ndly First National






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.:; . , ~,.










Charities Official Says Proposed Old Age Benefits -Inadequate

THE ANCHORThurs., April 13, 1967

WASHINGTON (NC) A for states to include families spokesman for the National Con­ with unemployed parents in ference of Catholic Charities their aid to dependent children told the House Ways and Means programs. Committee that old-age and sur­ Child Welfare vivor benefits called for under "The federal government," he the administration's proposed said, "should consider further 1967 amendment to the Social means to assure adequate public Security Act are inadequate. assistance standards which will Msgr. Lawrence J. Corcoran, enable families and individuals secretary of the National Confer­ to live as befits human beings. ence of Catholic Charities, said "Need," he continued, "should that the proposed increase will be the only eligibility require­ not be sufficient in itself to en­ ment for receiving public assist­ able all recipients to live decent­ ance. The client should be of­ ly. It will keep SQme aged per­ fered, but not required to accept, sons locked in poverty." social services." He recommended that the ben­ In referring to proposed revi­ efits be increased "at least to sions of the child welfare sec­ the poverty level of $1,600 for tions of the Social Security Act, individuals and $3,100 per year Msgr. Corcoran asked that an for a family of four." amendment be added to give Msgr. Corcoran endorsed the clients "the right to freely choose amendment's provision that an the child welfare services he aged person be allowed to earn desires and to freely choose up to $1,680 a year while col­ where he will use them." lecting benefits and proposed Msgr. Corcoran also recom­ that "a mandatory incentive to , mended that provisions be made seek employment" be built into for the training with federal other public assistance programs. funds of "sub-professionals" to He also urged that the federal alleviate shortages of profes­ government make it mandatory sional social work pf?rsonnel.

Sister to Head' DioceSiG ru Schools In -Te~oH5 See

Bishops B'egin Discussions in Chicago Continued from Page One Itt, press spokeman for the NCCB. SATURDAY MASSES: Th e situation of a critical shortage of priests, as it exists in mission countries, does also exist in the Western dioceses with great distances and few clergy, one bishop pointed out. Priests could satisfy the spiritual needs of more people if they were allowed to offer some Masses on Saturdays and some Masses on Sundays. ABORTION: No statement concerning the rash of proposals for relaxed abortion laws in a number of states was being considered at this meeting. HIGHER EDUCATION: It was recommended that a committee of bishops explore the proper relations between institutions of Catholic higher education and the bishops. JUSTICE-PEACE: ,The proposed committee of U. S: bishops on world justice and peace would not mean taking a new look at the Vietnam war, it was pointed out. Nkw BISHOPS: Since the Holy'See now asks the national £onferences of bishops in each £ountry to transmit each year the names of priests considered to be possible candidates for the episcopacy, the NCCB had to discuss how this might be done. In the past each province did this every two years. The names were sent to the Apostolic Del­ egate who forwarded them to Rome. This practice will con­ tinue until Rome approves varia­ tions, proposed at this meeting. The proposed new process will still have the names of suitable

Sisters Relinquish Hospital Ownership ASHLAND (NC)-The Sisters who have owned and operated St. Joseph's Hospital here in Wisconsin for 84 years are trans­ ferring ownership to a new gov­ erning board composed of citi­ zens of the Ashland community. After study and discussion by the provincial council .of the Poor Handmaids of Jesus Christ, the order decided to relinquish control of the hospital because of financial problems and lack of qualified Sisters for staffing. Mother Symphoria, provincial, said: "Sufficient numbers of Sis­ ters are not available to staff all cd our missions. This being the situation, we prefer to assign our responsibility to others who £an more readily serve the needs "Ashland..-

DALLAS (NC) - Bishop Thomas K. Gorman has ap­ pointed Sister Mary Caroleen Hensgen as superintendent

FINAL INSTRUCTIONS: Father William E. Farland, right, of St. Kilian's Church in New Bedford receives final instructions from Captain George Miller of the 60th Fighter Interceptor Squadron before taking off on an orientation ride in an F-IOIB Voodoo jet interceptor at Otis Air Force Base. 'USAF P~oto.

New Bedford Priest Father WiHiam Farland Thrilled by Jet

Air Force Base

candidates originate in provincial meetings of bishops each Flight at Otis year. However, any bishop will "n was a piece of cake!" said have the right at any time to propose the name of a candidate Father William E., Farland of St. K iIi a n's Church New' Bed­ for the 'episcopacy. ford after touch-down ,from an Though the letter of the regu­ lations from Rome mention only orientation ride in an F-101B candidates to the episcopacy, the Voodoo jet interceptor at Otis Air Force Base. bisho/?s' committee report as­ The priest who previously as­ sumes that NCCB may have a , voice or a role to play in nomi-' sisted Otis-based chaplains while he served in nearby Falmouth nating bishops for Sees that be­ come vacant. It was pointed and Sandwich, found the flight out that 95 per cent of all the a "terrific experience." Father Farland and Captain present Ordinaries in the U. S. began their service as auxiliary George Miller, pilot of the 60th Interceptor Squadron aircraft, bishops. It was also suggested that at performed a military gate climb shortly after takeoff. these yearly provincial meet­ ings, auxiliary 'bishops be per­ mitted to vote and not only the residential bishops. The NCCB has authorized the president, Archbishop Dearden, to form a national committee of bishops to channel recommenda­ tions from the provinces through the Apostolic Delegate to Rome. However, the cpmmittee must be broadly representative of all the geopraphic regions within the Catholic Church ,in the U.S. To do, this, Archbishop Dear­ den will, choose six other U.S. bishops of the administrative £ommittee.

, "It's practically straight up," said the priest who seemed to know quite a bit about flying. "We leveled off at 35,000 feet and later we went supersonic over the water. I think the most sensational aspect of the flight was the acceleration during the climb," he added. The New Bedford clergyman is no stranger to Otis aircraft, having flown with "Chappy" James, former 60th commander, in an F-94 several years ago. (Editor's Note: "Chappy" James is currently a Colonel and is, serving in Vietnam.)

lalue V';

of the Dallas-Fort Worth dioce­ san school system, effective June 1. The action was described here as the first time that a woman was appointed to head a diocesan school system in this country. The School Sister of Notre Dame, who has been in the edu­ cational field for 35 years, will succeed Father John F. Myerll. He has headed the school system since 1962 and will be given a pastoral assignment. Sister Caroleen, a native of St. Louis, currently is principal of Redemptorist Senior High School, Baton Rouge, La., and part-time supervisor of the diocesan ele­ mentary school. She has been active in civic, ecumenical and educational projects. Has No Fears She received her bachelor's and master's degrees from St. Louis University and also studied at Marquette, George~ town, Chicago and Notre Dame Universities and Loretto Heights (Colo.) and Quincy (Ill.) Col­ leges. Sister Caroleen said she "has no fears" of her new assignment. Last Summer she was the direc­ tor of the Project Head Start in Baton Rouge with 27,000 children involved. She has been active in affairs of the National Catholic Educa­ tional Association, the National Association of Secondary School Principals, the Louisiana Teach~ ers Association and the Louisiana Principals Association.


· I


New Orleans Nun's Pipe Dream Reality NEW ORLEANS (NC) - An open house next Thursday at the new spacious, modern mother­ house-noviti'ate of the Sisters of the Immaculate Conception here will be a memorial' to Sister Valerie. The new motherhouse was a

prime need for years-the old

convent was cramped and ter­

mite-ridden. The nuns, who have

worked here since 1874, tried various ways to raise funds, but all 'failed. Sister Valerie once entered a tobacco company's jingle writing contest, hoping to win the $10,000 first prize. Instead, she won a $10 briar pipe. Eventually gifts from friends, plus aid from the New Orleans archdiocese made the new building possible-but Sis­ ter Valerie died shortly before ber "pipe dream" came true.







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Church and Justice KANSAS CITY {NC) - The National Catholic eonference fol' Interracial Justice will sponsor a conference on "The' Church and the Urban Racial Crisis" here A~. ~ to AUi. ao.






THE ANCH<?R....:Diocese of fall


Trinit,y Admi:ssions Director Cites

Aid to Disadvantaged 'Students

U. 1967

Reso'ur<:e$. of Lat·in 'Church S·houid Aid Soc,ial 'Res~arc'h 'FI'~m

WASHINGTON (NC)-The di­ rector of admissiens at Trinity College here has denied a charge by an American University pro­ fessor that Washirigton .area colleges are doing little to help disadvantaged inner city stu­ dents .gain admission to college. Sister Sheila Doherty, in a reply to JainesWeaver, chair­ man of the American University chapter of the American Asso­ dation ·of University Professors, .said that several area colleges, including Trinity, ,Georgetown and Howard, "'have been work­ ingon thi~ problem for the past three years." She particularly cited college orientation programs operated by Jesuit-run Georgetown ahd re­ . ported that Trinity itself has .ad-

"SlDciaaRevolntion in :the New Latin Atneriea" Editedb,. lohn J. Considine, M.M..

To situate Christians in national p1anning for Latin. America, writes Rene Atero, we must make it ve:r:ydear that the contribution of the Unitecl"States toeconomieand social devel(}pm~nt eff0rts in Latin America has at present been .primarily made thJIough the mechanism of the A11iance through a range vf 'Ol:ganizations for Progress. Is there a place known .as the social ·apostOlate. But the pl'esent .situation with for the co.t:lCept cf Christian the urgency ofprobleins requir­

participation in social planning? ing immediate solutions .and with We will' make- a brid analysis of the danger of attractive ,offers the elements of from other groups ·demands ,of us :such Christian much more than that. JlJ art i -cipation. Recently Christian activity has F~'om .a prag­ taken one or more .steps in the matic' point of right direction. A promising view we .can movement inspired by the hier­ :say th.at by archy has begun in ;the conduct­ Christian par­ ing in .Latin America. of .socio'­ ticipation in the 'economic studies <lnd research planning of de­ through -the establishing of vari­ velopment we ous entities for this purpose. In mean the inte­ the majority 01 cases, however, gration of .the these efforts tend.to be limited efforts and re­ to inadequate social activity: sources of the Christian organi­

Pragmatic .Action

,u;ations .of .a ·country or of a ·con­ ·anent with those 01 the secial

The world today requires much '<E!Ommunity to achiev(~a balanced more. It demands of the Ghr~s­ improvement of the standard of tian a more active and significant lliving .ef .the people. involvement in the life of the Godgh'ClIil .M.a:1date . people .and particularly of the ­ First of all, we 23 Christians poor. base our effort in this strictly A two-fold goal must be at­ material 'sphere ona -precept or tained: 1) categoric alleviation of . mandate given by God himself povery 'and squalor; 2) the re­ ·when 'he ordered the human race birth of the community as human to !increase, multiply, and 'subdue beings With body and souL This Jitheearth, because when man, will be .Jchieved if in addition to controlling nature, puts 'into use the program for renewed pas­ :ali 'the -resources of creation and toral activity that the bishops ~ansforms them into ·economic and clergy are carrying 'Out so .and cultural 'goods, ;)is activity zealously, the Christian layman .becomes part of God~£ basic plan. involyes himself ineffective par­ Further, the Chrfstian who ticipation 'in planning the, eco­ :works for the economic and so­ nomic and 'sociald~velopmentof eial development of his fellow fello'lV Christians. man, who concerns himself with Hen! it is well to note that pas­ providing better living condi­ toral planning is a special-func­ tions for -mankind through the tion of the Church, carried out by exploitation of natural resources, total mobilization of the needed will be able to offer to God a human clements under Church more developed world, a world controL Instead, in planning so­ closer to perfection, because "in cial development, the 'Christian order that creation might sing must relate his work to the state with Jesus Christ the glory of as ·guardian of the ,common good, God by the sacrificial offering of obliged to make certain _that all all Christians, they mustf.Lt'st ben.efits of contemporary 'life have taken possession :ofcrea­ reach every segment of society. tion."

'Christian Contribution

Development of ]'eople We as "Christians can make a ':'his mand'ate calls upon us to acknowledge the importance real .::ontribution to the efforts of of .considering as· part of the our nations to achieve social ad­ divine plan and as .an iJuportant vance' in Latin America. This duty of Christians this concern contribution can be-made on two leve.,ls-that of the planning itself for the economic and social de­ and that of implementation of velopmen~ of the people. We are, then. faced with the task, the the planning. I believe that we execution of which is c1earlyand must not commit the seriolls error of underestimating the re­ unequivocally demanded. How­ ever, it is well to ask ourselves sources that Christians .are .able to mobilize for this great .effort. two questions. Are we Christians.prepared to In the field of planni.ng we sha_ :) in the effort foJ:' the devel­ find a flourishing group of 'insti­ opment iofLatinAmerlca .effec­ tutions located in various ,coun­ tively and enduringly, so as to tries, the majority of whiCh ,are mak~ the .fruits of .that develop­ carrying 'out their acti:vities iso­ ment permanent and to assure its lated from each other, often 'CGn­ eontiriuing growth? Or are we centrated in a .single diocese with wasting our eHorts and resources no serious effort to achi.eve 'Uni­ m a diffused movement impelled fication of purpose and ,distr]bu­ only by a provisional '~lltleok tion of .effort at a regional ,or low.. rd Latin Am~rican 'Pro~lem? national level. Before attempting to answer Most of these ·efforts :arenot these questions we should :make en1,y :unassociatedwith the :gov­ it clear that for the present we emmenial planning authority shall c~ncern ourselves-only with but even resent any suCh ,asso­ aspects ,of social dev~loJlment in ciation for fear of identification its narrow significance :since, with an activity that migllt-ap­ ~hough many opportuni~ies exist pear other than strictly eccle­ for Christian participation in the shis~cal. strictly economic planning, that The :resources possessed by our area would require another ap-. Latin American Church groups, proach which does not fall within many of them established the scope of this Presentlltion. through the generous efforts of It is indisputable that ·Chris,. 'Christians of :other ,continents,

tians, always inspired ~y the should be used .forparticipation

socia! doctrine of the Church, in social research and planning

have concerned themselves with ona broad civic basis,contribut­

social injustices and with the ing to the more effective accom.:.

'bash: needs of the pOOl', a~ting plishmentofthe 'national-pl!ln.

EQUALITY: Father Rich­ ard J.Tumer, St. Paul ~rch­ diocesan ~priest, is president of the board of directors of the Minnesota Council on Re­ ligion and Race, sponsors of Project Equality, a national ·ecumenical !program tG pro­ mote racial justice, pmticu­ lar]y in emplpyment oppor­ tunities. NC Photo.

mitted 42 Negro students from the inner. city ill the past two years. "We would like to have a broader program .at Trinity and will have one in the near future," Sister Sheila said. ";However, it does take a great deal of money to run a special progr.am to pre­ pare the inner city students for college work:' She also said that while she would "welcome the participa­ tion .of the local .chapter of the AAUP in its attempt to widen the scope of the. various pro­ grams established for the disa61­ vantaged, it is disquieting for me to read a report which in­ fers that no1hi~g is being done in' the local area to correct this situation."






Priest ,Criticizes B.asiiicG IPr,ojec:t LIMA (NC) - A priest has sharply criticized .a pr~ject ·call­ in,g for the construction of a basilica herein Peru at an esti­ mated cost of $1.5 million. Father Harold. -Griffiths Es­ .cardo, columnist for Ex.prese, a Lima daily, deplored ·the plans for the Santa Rosa de. Lima basilica and .asked: "Where will the money come from? Is it not disconcerting te see that, while there are areas without churches and in crying need of social assistance, we should have the luxury of build­ ing suCh'a 'basilica?" -Father Escardo accused Peru of "playing" at "being a powerful and wealthY nation," instead 'of one "with much misery, hunger, without schools and with a short­ age of hospitals and housing." He also criticized the erection of "luxurious school buildings}n a nation 'where there are many children who lack school facili': ties."






..... ..,~

Here at 'home three weel(s .ago milk was ,poured onto 'streets and highways by an organization WHAT campaigning for a pdoerise·01 two ,cents :a ilN .quart. Meanwhile, ,overseas three :out of :foUl' 7I'HE chi1dren ,go to bed :hungry ,becalJs~ they ,have no WORLD?ifood $10 will feeQa refugee family in the 'Holy ,Landfor .a .full month! In thanks. we'll send .:you an Olive W.ood .Rosary ,fr.om .Jerusalem. Simply:send us your ,friend's name and address, bjrthda~, .saint's :D~yor anniversary-our ,new,artistic .Gi.ft CarLi ,w.ill tell 'him 'What you've done for .aneeqy misSion <chapel lin .his name. Gifts to .select from: Vest· ments ,($50), Crucifix ($2~), ·Challc.e .{$46)J :saInt's ,~icture($l'5), 'Sanli:tua'Y 'Bell ($5)•••• oCan .Y-Ou ,thlnk D1 11 'better ~asting gift?

USE 'and-In .time for ,his



YO,URiO,llH.EAIl! ~

'DallS 'TODAY,

if'Gr Ihe ,first time ·ever, 60 lucky boys and girls :In 'PJrav.om, south India, :have happy faces, combed 'hair, and a c'hance to .Iearn ·the A'BCs• "They're .getting to:know 'God too, of course.... .says Jthe Carmelite superior, Mother Paulina. "'Today they're 'living (lolls. Ten years ·from·tw\Y theY"1I 'be bUilding the new Iindia-as -seminar­ 'ians and novices, plumbers, -electrlCians, 'farm· ,ers, and future teachers." •.. !Mother P.aU:lil)a :and 'her seven 'Sisters Ineed 'help 1\:0 .stay :in iF'lra­ ·.vom, !however. Their llittle nursery :school looks ,like 'an .abandoned -cow-shed, ~nd they Ilackeven a decent ,place .for :Ma.ss.••. Give these :Sisters 'youril:wo hands? An adequate :schoolwiU cost . :only $1,7.50, a tiny .chapel $1;500, for men .in ·the lIi11agewill do the construction free·of-charge. Name the :school or clla.pel (or :both) for your favorite saint, with a plague asking prayers for . Wour .loved ones, If you give the full amount. PartiaJgifts ($500, $100,$'50, $25, $lG, '$5, $2) W.ill .give the youngsters milk and 'Clothing, and the Sisters 'will be ,grateful to ~ouforevar. .••• 'Mail~our gift 'rig'ht 'nov:/I


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THE ANCHOR-Diollese of Fall ~iver- Thurs. April 13, 1967


Attend Catholic then Jewish Services r-- '-: -­ By Patrieh Francis They gathered i.n the lJase­ "" ment of St, John the Baptist Church a week ago Sunday -some 150 Girl Scouts and

SCOUTS AT TIFERETH IRRAEL SYNAGOGUE: Jo­ hanna Rothman and Ellen Rosenberg with their invited guests Jane Gonsalves and Melissa Conde of St. John the Baptist Ch~treh,. New Bedford at the New Bedford Syna­ gogue in an ecumenical gesture on the p~ut of girl scouts.

Seek Converts British Missionary Society Makes E.ffort To Reach 40 Minion Non-Churclhgoers LON Ji)ON (NC} - Britain's la,OOO Catholic priests were

urged t<> make an'an.:.out effort to convert their nearly 40 million fclaw citizcms who never go. t~ C~UUcll.


TI'le call came from the Cath­ olic l\1tssionary Society,. an: or­ ganization run by diocesan c1ey­ m,- who· spend theIr- lives seeking con"-et·ts. usually with trnveliing: missions in the less-populated rural areas. that have few Catll:­ OIiCfF. The society's director, Father Kevin O'Brien. told a special conference het'e of some 100 priests that "sheer evangelism" toward the uncommitted- must

run parallel to ecumenical activ­ ities. The society itself is spending about $120',000· annually in tak­ ing the Gosper to the people. One of its main activities is advertis­ ing free- information on the Catholic Chuuch in the national press. Last yeaI'", nearly 25,000· people sought such information. Of tl1tese. ne·2.l"1y 1,000 are known to have become CatholiCS'. At pres­ ent a brief infOlnn,ation COUl'Se IS­ going out to 8,000 people. Fol­ low-up, instruli:tion is pro.vided: if requested and applicants are put in, tou€ h with, their local Catl'tolic church.

St. Bernardls Seminary Plannmng Broad Reorientation of Program ROCJlf.ESTER (NC) :....- in an avowed attempt to end the isola­ tion of seminarians from the la­ ity, members of religioua orders­ and urban problem's, Rochester's St. Bernard's Seminary has an­ nounced changes which will ameunt to a broad reorientation of the seminary program next Fall. The seminary will become one of the few with a layman in an important teaching post when, Dr. Uulalio It. Baltazar, autl'1or ef "Tielltard and' the Supernatu­ ral" and pbiIosoph:r pl"ofessor at the UnJ.¥crsity of Dayton. comes to teach a course on the: philo­ sophical backgl'ound of dogma. Both nuns and seminal"ians from religious orders of priests will also study at Ute seminary; the nuns as auditors, the priest­ hood candidates as regular stu­ dents. MemUCii'B of. £eHaioUil

orders wilt also be invited to as­ sume full-time teaehing posts at St. Bernard's. . Deacons from the seminary will also undergo "internship" training in the inner ci.ty. work­ ing with the diocese's rapidly assembling corps of ur-ban min­ istry specialists. According. to an annCiluncement by Bishop. FultonJ. Sllteen, spir­ Hual direction at St. Bernard's will also be bro.adened with an increase in the number of spir­ ituaL dil"cetors from one to three. "In additieR to tJ:e· J)iblical and ascetical doctrine whieh .has al­ ways formed' the substance of priestly spirituality," said the annoullcement. additi.onal em­ phasis will be placed on relating spirituality to tile Chureh's mis­ sloe by a di::reetor witll experi­ ence in the foreign missions, ami. on PS¥choleeieal G:ounselinJ,

.Brawnies wearing sI:tining faces, crisp uniforms and airs of anti­ cipation. Then, togetlter with their leaders and adult members of thc Neigllborhood Service Team, they marched upstairs and down tlte middle aisle of the church for the 9 A.N::. Mass. TIte Rt. Rev. John A. Silvia, pastor of St. John's spoke to the attentive young women-eom­ plimenting them for their Scout activities and lio:nting out that Scouting is a strong d'eterrent to juvenile delinquency. Last Friday, wearing the same faces, the same uniforms and tlie same anticipation, the same Scouts and Brownies gathcred Tn Scout Hall at Tifereth Israel Synagoguc before attending Sabbath Eve Services at which Tifereth Israel Scouts received Menorah Awards, the highest re­ ligious awards presentcd to Scouts of the Jewish faith. The Scouts and the Brownies who participatcd in the "ecu­ menical" program found nothing stra1'.ge in meeting each other's faiths. Scouting long before had crossed the color and nationality lines. The adults found it a revela­ tion, "It was a marvelous thing, not only for the children, but for the adults," -Mrs. Edward Rothman, chairman of the Girl Scout Neighhorhood! Service 'lieam said. "When we went to Mass, I was impFessed. With so much less Latin, we we're able to fol­ lew things as we went along.. It was' hal'd to tel'l what church we were' in." MFS: George Fish, troop' organ­ izer of the Service Team and the originator at St. John's· of the excl'tange' program, was equally impressed by the service at Tifereth Israel. Follo.wing tI'te S~out Mass at St. John's, Scouts and Brownies ano: their leaders had breakfast in the church hall. Following the Sal:lbath Eve services at Tifel'eth Israel', they enjoyed an oneg shabbat-with a1'; array' of pas­ tries pvepared bY' the synagogue Scouts. "The thing that amazes me," Mrs·. Rothman' said, "is that we seem to be unusual doing -this. I would think it would be a nationwide pl'ognam." Ml'S. Fish agl"ees This year's "exchange" was the secoREI .fOI." the two Scouting. units. The program was held last year .for the first time' and was SEl successful it is planned as an annual event. Scouts. and leaders agree it is worth continuing. Bigotry evolves from igno­ rance, Knowledge is the path to understanding. The Scouts of' St. John tli.e Baptist Church and Tifereth Israel Synagogue have chosen Ute "learning" path.

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ATTEND MASS AT ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST CHURCH: Kathleen Fish and Patricia Avilia of St. John's Church, New Bedford meet with Jill Horowitz and Susan Goldberg of the Synagogue Troop No. 85 following their attendanee at l\tfass~ ,

IMust Face Minnesota Catholic School to Close; Public Hi:gh Has Problem MARSHALL (NC) -- Marshall Seniol" Public High School has a problem-or, to be exact, ZIG problems:. Come next September, the school will inherit 2J.G' students who now attend Central Catholic High School. which will close in. June after 17 years of operation. L. M. Frey, superintendent of schools, commented: "We had hoped that the suspension of Central Catholic. could have been delayed a year: or two, when we would have been better able to absorb the increase." Marshall High already is bulg­ ing at the seams, but plans caB

fOF opening a new $4 millioJt school with ample sp:lce for the increase in November, 1968, Frey added: "So the problems are nc~ insurmountable.'" Father Hcnry !LeMay, rector o:tl the Catholic school. said mount­ ing operation cost was the prime rcason for closing tlhc school. He said tli.at in projecting Fe­ ceiDts and expenditures thrOUGh May, 1963, he found "that if WfJ wanted to pay our Dills and alse payoff some of our debt, "«'fJ would incur an additional debt of more than $So,aoo. We ean't afford to keep going into de~t and must face reality."


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1'HE ANCHOR-Diocese of~ RWer-Thurs. April 13, 1967

LEARNING ']'HlROlUGlBIEXPERIENCE: Left: Happiiiess is persqn­ ified by Thnothy Donaghy ~ he "steers'" fire engine during· visit· to Station 6. Center: Tenses investigation is conducted by Roger Leaver,

Low .Pe~~terl1ltage





BALTIMORE (NC)-Only 37 per cent of the total "pop­ ul'ai'ion of the Baltimore area are known to be church-go­

Visit to New Bedford Fire Station Completes Name Controller For Worcester (NC)-Edmund [(indergartners. Study 0.1, Community Life E.WORCESTER St. George, a financial exec­ utive with several Worcester firms for more than 20 years, has been named controller of the Worcester diocese - one of the few Catholic laymen to hold such positions in the U. S. Bishop .Bernard J. Flanagan said, St. George will'take charge of all diocesan finances and wUl serve as consultant to the bishop fiscal and personnel matters. would' have drowned' out ' the of fire engines, beaming with the visit was the end. The youngsters, The bishop said st. George's unrestrained loY of the young. didn!t want to leave. cllmging' alarm. appointment was' "in ' keeping The visit was one of three' They squirted fire extinguishers. : And, as they marched back to with the' mind of the Church to tours for the littlest pupils at The:' investigated the protective school, each young boy u().doubt-.' give lay people the responsibil­ St. Jiuries during the school year~ masks "that firefighters' wear edly was wearing in his mind,' ities in which they have special competence. . 'Previously they had "inspected", whu they',gointo a smoke-filled a firefighter's helmet and fight­ , ing a blaze in which he rescued. Police' headquarters a'nd the Post· buiiding. "It will relieve priests who They chortled with glee as' dozens of people.' . have been concerned, with these Offi~e, . meeting their other ~he girls? This is an era of temporal matters, making it pos­ friends; Mr: Policeman an'd Mr. firefighters displayed the tech.,. nique of sliding down a fire pole equality. They probably were sible for them to be available Mailman. from their ,second floor quarters. for pastoral duties," he added. Each was intriguing to the tillY They howled as one of their daydreaming the same thing. tots. compatriots was tossed up and __ __O__O.-o-.o-.o-.a__o__ o-.O_'I_O_ID However, the visit to Fire down in a "people net" used to Station 6 was one they probably catch people forced to drop fro~ . will never forget. a burning building. Lt. Stev~n Kamionek and Lt. "There has never been any­ John E. DeTerra were warned. thing like it," Mrs. Manning said. ahead of time about, the. small Woodr Metal Desks and Chairs people invasion.. They warned firefighters and everybody was , PLASTIC "JUST GIVE ME A CHANCE TO QUOTE" really. LAMINATDNG SERVICE From the. time the youngsters . 187 SHAWMUT STREET • NEW BEDFORD, MASS. Photos, I.D. Cards, Newspaper

By Patricia Francis Members of the kinderga'rten class at St. James School in New. Bedford know that firefighters are their friends. That became obvious recently when the young scholars paid a "community" visit to Fire Station 6 at Purchase and Potomska Streets. Mrs. Francis J. Ma;nning, kindergarte.n teacher, said it was just as well ~,;fire'alarm 'didn't ring in' during the visit because the . arrived until the time. they left "The men were wonderful to squeals of excitement from to walk back to school, there' , them 'and the children enjoyed . her charges and the' roars of..' wasn't a dull moment. . every' minute." , " They sat ,in the driver's seat .Only problem with the entire laughter from firefighters

ers, according to a recent report , of all major Protestant and Cath­ olic churches compiled by the Maryland Council of Churches here. The Rev. Robert D. Ball, direc­ tor of' church planning' for the " Council, 'presented the report to Father John J .• Walsh, executive IleCretary of the archdiocesan commIssion for Christian unity. .Relating some of the signifi­ eant findings of the 13l-pagere­ port, the Rev. Mr. Bal« said the relatively low percentage of church-'goers "gives 'us an idea of the missionary field not in Afri -:a but in Baltimore." The percentage ·of church­ :::w- 'going Baltfinoreans, according to 'the report submitted by Mr. Ball, is 14.78 per gent Protestant and 22.25 per. cent Catholic. Shows Locations The report, which took six months to' compile, is based on 1963 census figures tak<m in the Baltimore archdiocese .andthe current data of all majorProtes­ tant congregations. It is the first DefendlsBili . report to show the locations of all AUSTIN (NC) -The sponsor major churches in Balt~ore by area" as well as what churches . of a bill to liberalize the Texas and socio-economic groups are abortion" laws has. admitted that· the legislation faces some rough in each area. 'going because of the opposition The basic purpose of church­ planning .departments in the of the sta,te's Catholic bishops. Maryland Council of Churches, But State Sen. George Parkhouse Mr. Ball explained, is to keep 00: Dallas defended his bill as track of socio-economic changes "just simple good sense." . in the state, and to relate all this to planned new and existing churches.

Norris H. Tripp

Arts and Fauth


!::HICAGO (NC)-An in-:depth exploration of the relationship of literary and visual art!! to tp.e Christian faith will feature the 1967 symposium on Creative Arts and Christian Renewal here June 9 and 10. ','

gingerly touching firefighter's mask, as John Jeff~ies stands by. Right:' Philip 1'iTune;; and Annem:arie Lewis have the time' of their lives as they tl"st fire extinguisher. ' .






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Norton High Again Eyes Flag .}II Clover Valley Confer~nce

Mansfield and Oliver Ames Aim for Hockomock Crown By PETER BARTEK

Norton High Coach

. , THE ANCHOR-p'iocese of Fall River-Thurs. April 13, 1967 '1


: .' ~





" '. ' : ~

, .. .



.' ., I

",R,p.eofs High/i'ght Easter Basketball TourlJey·", ' , ' ..::: -. .




St. John's of Attleboro Wins :;:

Leo Charron Voted Most Valuable Player

BY JOE MIRANDA The Fall River Diocese can Mansfield High and Oliver Ames of lIrQrth Easton ­ boast one of the largest post sea­ traditional northern Bristol County rivals - are being son basketball tournaments ever counted upon this Spring to make a real serious run for staged, The annual CYO Easter the pennant in the Hockomock baseball circuit, a compe­ event. The tournament, which started tition which North Attleboro ule which has three games on nine years ago under the direc­ :""~;t i-;"'" tion of Paul Borkman, has at­ High will probably rejoin tap this week. after a mediocre showing VeterlU!l Infil~ld tracted 547 basketball teams, Basically, Mansfield will have representing 46 cities and towns i during the past· decade in j.. the bigger and stronger Bristol tl young club to represent it on in three Dioceses. l- / . .....~

! .x.:- ~

St. John's of Attleboro became County schoolboy league. Neither the diamond this Spring. Coach the Big Green

Bill Sullivan -like Wooster at the first parish in the history of A-~-' of Mansfield

. Oliver Ames - will build his the tournament to win' three lior the Orange

team around five returning championships Tuesday night and Black of

starters. when it ousted Sacred Heart of Oliver Arne s

Three of last year's regulars Roslindale, 86-77 in the Senior are making any

who are back again play in the fLlal. pennant predic­ infield. First base is up for grabs In the Junior Division, Sacred tions but the

with Bob Souza, the only left Heart repeated as the tourna­ o P p 0 sit ion hander on the club, as the lead­ ment champion via a 75-56 decl­ looks for both ing prospect for this post. Junior sion over St. Mary's in an a11to move up sev­ Darrell McKenney will take care Fall River final. eral notches in of second base. Allan Houghton, Another first occurred Tues­ the s tan din g Peter who played right field last day when Leo Charron of St. ever- their final Bariek Spring, is being converted into n John's repeated as. the most MOST VAI,UABLE PLAYERS: Leo Charon, lef.t~ of J)OOitlons of last year. third baseman while co-captain valuable player In the senior Greg Sankey will tend to the class, becoming the first partici­ St. John's, Attleboro and Kevin Phelan of Sacred Heart, Changing Leagues shortstop duties. pant to win two awards. Kevin Fall River, flank Easter tournament director Paul Borkn1~m. Meanwhile, Nor t C) n High, Play Two Positions Phelan of Sacred Heart was which reached the State Class C chosen as the Junior MVP. finals for the first time in the Returning Dave Digiralamo, a :Borkman, who has directed of New :Bedford parishioners, winners selected most valuable. lIIistory of this northern county, junior, will fill the bac/tstop each tournament, first sold the Wendy Miranda {If OLOA and Holy Name of Fall River won school in 1966, hopes to be in . berth for Sullivan while Bob 'idea of a post season event for Bruce Violente of HN were the Senior division, 67-65 over the thick of the Clover Valley Armstrong, another returnee, ,Diocesan hoop teams. to Fall ,.chosen MVPs in their divisions. O~OA of New Bedford and -John Conference flag race again this has nailed down the left 'field River Catholic Youth Organiza­ The entry list dropped to 51 Isidor' of the Fall River team was seasoll. spot again this Spring. tion director Rev. Walter A. . the next year,' but four new selected MVP. North Attleboro High, at this Sullivan plans to alternate Sullivan in 1959. Father Sullivan towns were included. Onset, Preliminary Switch writing, is almost eertain to two pitchers in center field when is now the Diocesan director and Dighton, Mansfield and East Borkman and staff were 'not switch to the Hockomock loop. they are not on the slab. Art Rev. Paul F. McCarrick has con-' Greenwich,R. I. Our Lady of to' be caught by a bigger e~try Randolph High has dropped Lortie, John Scolia and Jim tinued the event, which he had Perpetual Help of New Bedford the next season and accepted 91 from that league,Ct'eating the Baibeault are hooked-up in a a part in originating. captured the senior champion­ teams, including a record junior vacancy that will make it easier three-way battle for the right 93 Teams in '63 . ship with a 66-64. win over St. entry of 37 clubs. The director for the Red Rocketeers to mange field job. Johns of Attleboro and Fred switched the preliminary round Jack Souza, older brother ~.. The first event was a test. Duguay of OLPH was the MVP. contests to Attleboro, New Bed­ II league comprising schools _.< OUi' the first baseman, and Co-cap­ ", c181s expected 16 teams and Holy Name of Fall River downed . more nearly its own size. h d h t th ford, .Fall River and Taunton and tain John Flammia, are the right: ope t a ey could fill the city rival St. Patricks 70-58, for'. --ht Inner Defeose ta b t . t d ted 2A only eight teams in each class "05 handed hurlers that Sullivan quo, u ms ea accep ~ the Junior cro~n, but Bob Dris- played in the finals at Fall River. Coaeh Buddy Wooster has five hopes will keep his elub in the entries and the tournament has eoll o~ St. Patrll;ks won the out-, The lone new entry was Holy , Iltarters to form the nucleus of thick of the ]eague title race. since grown to such proportions standmg .player ,t~~phy,. beco.m-, ',' J1'l'ameQf Providence and behind this season's Oliver Ames aggre-, Both did a creditable job laSi:' ,that 93 teams entered in 1963; in~ the fIrs~ ~~mber ofa l~smg",. MV.P., Bill Cox, the newcomer ,., : lation which will be out:to bet­ season and should do much. bet,., .,~ ,rec~rd ';lntouched by any other, -qumtet to gam·the honor. ,; ",'Won the junior crown, 47-4!l o.ver , ter its fourth place finish of e' ,teo,r, 'this 'Spring wit:h . ~"se"son'6'",',~,rganlzabon,'. .... .' ., 'Boson t '.. .,. B k nrchd'loeese In' .. " St.•. Josephs of Fairhaven.," St. . experience tucked under their year ago. or man s orI~m,alldeawas to, .,Borkman1s ,extravaganza' grew Johns of Attleboro became.. ,tbe Tbree of the returning quintet belts give area' yOilth'. an extra ·two I are infielders. Wooster will have' " ,', ' , ' • "weeks' of ·'basketball. 'Now, the "tQ 69 teams ,'n;.1962" setting ,rec- ,first; team to repeat'in the Senior tAl come up with a new second F~Dr Regulars Back .• , tournament requires an 'esti..:" or,d,s. with 4().~~niof ~nd .29 j\!Jlior ,:, .Divisi,on,· topping 'Santo Christo, ,.easeman. The North Easton Starting next Monday," the;""m:iited'six weeks to complete' and entries. A pav', .~,. parIshes, St.· . r17~73,but Bob Farias of . Fan " 'mentor has an, excellent defen­ H~komock ~lubs play,; two.; .'SerVices .tea'ms throughout' Mas-", ,~dw~rds of B.t;ockton. an.d St. Jo- .River was selected' as the ·MIVP. . sive' first sacker 'back again in ' }ea~e games every week (Moll-"sachusetts and Rhode Isla'nd " s~phs of ,Holbrl?l~k beca~~. the" , . , . Entries Down In 1965 ... j. junior" Dick Meehan' who is ~ay: and Thursday) until May 11" The Easter tournament starled • firli t to enr~n 1roJTl the Arc~dio-' i, 'lln, the 1965 event, 62 teams Ilrebably the best first base :when. the schedule then ·,lists 'as"a record breaking event iis"" cese of' BQs~on..' SeekotIkand .'.~,et;e accepted, including entries guardian in the Hockomock loop. ,three games ~ach wee~.The first 24 teams from Fall River,' New' .P~ovincetowt:l alsl> were new-., from Somerville,. South Be11ing­ Tom Clay, who is known also for half of the season WIll be, re-" Bedford Atthiboro Somerset,' ,comers to the ,even,t. ham. and North ,Easton, Mass.,

.his accomplishments on 'the bas­ stricted to. seven inning conte~ts.. '''Swanse~, Fairh~ven' and Taun-" st. John's Pa.rish· .of Attleboro., an4Warwick and Georgiaville,

ketball court returns to play Games wIll be the regulatIOn. ton'made up the largest tourney stole the 1962 spothght, topping R.,I.

. lIhortstop while Jim Hall will Iline innings during the .last half ever staged in Fall River OLPH, 83-75 i~ the Senior final, Assumption of South Belling­ of the campaign which will be '. . ' and defeating st. Patricks of ham won the Senior crown, 85­ IIwitch from the keystone bag highlighted by two twi-night Fust Chamllllon, MVP Fall River, 67-64 ·for the Junior, 78 over St. Patricks of Fall River

to third base. The leading aspi­ tilts, starting at 4:45, giving Santo Christos of FR won the .title. Via O'DonneiI sparked the _and its sparkplug, Glenn Gariep)... f : : ~a~':'lo~~~~:~ base working parents all opportunity ,first to.urney , edging St. Josephs' senior entry. and ,Mike DeLutis was selecte6 most valuabl~. St. , to see .their sons in action. of FaIrhaven, 61-58 and Ed the juniors as St. John players Marys of Providence copped Hard-hitting, clean-up hitter· Norton-sandwiched geograph- . ·Avilla of the champions was se­ became the first parish to sweep honors in the Junior Division, Eob Bridge will start bis third ically between North Easton and' ',lected as the tournament's first both MVP Awards. 97-86 over St. Josephs -of Fair­ season as Qliver Ames' catcher. Mansfield _ has four regular Most Valuable Player. Borkman and CYO officials haven', 'Tom D'Amore of the R.]' Bridge is considered by many as starters !from last year as th~ Borkman, receiving consider.:. had watched their tournament team was chosen a!dhe outstand: the best all-round receiver in nucleus for this year's Purple able encouragement !f rom' grow into one ",)f the best' and' ing performer. Hockomock competition. A I i and White's combination. Fathers Sullivan and McCarrick, ce'rtainly the most populated of' . Last year Sacred Heart of Fall Bristol County small school cen­ Third baseman Bobby' Thurber " ~nnounced that the 1960· event any event ever sponsored by a" River was the Junior champion, ter fielder Paul De Couto gives 'will again tend to the hot corner.' would be split into two tourna- Fall River Diocese sports group,··· 'defeating city rival Holy Cross, Wooster a dependable ball hawk Junior Mike Wynn and seniorments, a junior and senior. but some were surprised and 59-51' and Dennis Carey of the in an important spot. Russ Hardigan will patrol' left " Word spread· of the tournament most shocked by the 1963 entry victors was MVP. St. Johns of Southpaw Slab Stopper and right field, respectively. throughout the area and the re­ list. ' 'New Bedford topped St. 'J9hns Wayne Casey, a track team Sophomore catcher Timmy Mc- sponse was tremendous. The 1960 58 Senior Teams of Attleboro, 83-81 and Leo speedster, looms as the _most Endy is the fourth regular back attraction opened with an entry A record 93 hoop teams ,were Charron from Attleboro was likely left fielder while Paul for another season. list. of 53 teams, 34 seniors and enrolled in 1963. Along with the chosen as the 'Most val~able Bodio, a fleet-footed sophomore, Young Mound Corps 19 juniors. communities pre:viously entered player. An odd thing happened appears to have won the regular Norton, which plays its second Enter Providence Diocese were hoopsters,.!from Abington, last year, no new city or 'town right field berth, game of the year tomorrow when Added to the representation, Plymouth, Randolph, Yarn)Outl:\; .. had an entry. . Greg Chapman is the keyman it meets Dighton at the latter's was Wareham, Buzzards Bay, Weymouth, Quincy, Westport" ... Approximately 5,470 PlaY,ers in Wooster's pitching corps field, will probably use Greg North and South Attleboro, Hyannis, and Whitman in MasA total of 55 teams entere<;l the plans. The senior southpaw has Cruff at first base, Paul Hassie Marion, Norton and St. Marys sachusetts and .Pawtucket, Bris:- tournam~nt this season, 36 \n the an excellent knowledge of the at second base and Rit Bouchard of. Newport, the first of what was tol, Tiverton, Warren, Valley senior division and 19 jUlliors. ftquirements of an outstanding at shortstop. Bob Adams looks to hecome a long line of Provi­ Falls and' Portsmouth, Rhode The newcomers were Westwood, moundsman and, with any kil"ld like the. most likely center dence Diocese entries. Island. -. Roslindale and West Roxbury, of support from his mates, he fielder. Ne1.y Bedford teams were the A record 58 teams were en- Mass. and Manville, R. I. should rank among ~e loop's Sophomore right hander Art most· sllccessful in 1960, Our tered :In the Senior class, 35 par- . So, after nine years of partici­ best. Bouchard, . who led Norton to Lady of the Assumption topping ticipated in junior competition. ,pation; the Fall River Diocese, BackinM up Chapman will be the State finals last year, will Holy Name of Fall River, 65-56 And after a long, weary seven ~hich of course supports the Meehan, the first baseman, and be the No.1 hurler. He will be for the ·Junior crown and Holy . weeks, .Our Lady of Assumption Catholic Youth Organization, has DeCouto, the center fielder, who backed up by sophomore Kenny Name of New Bedford taking the of New Bedford topped St. Au- .made post season basketball pos­ will take their turns on the hill Allen, and freshmen Allan Rich measure ·of Santo Christos, 69-5'1 gustins of Newport for the Jun,.. ~il?le for approximately 5,47(j) ill the busy Oliver Ames sched­ and Steve Nichols. to win the Senior title. A pair ior title with Ron Lomba of the boys. ~



!• •




1ll:llf ANCH0R-Di~cese' ofFali R~ver-Th urs, .A ~.;r , ~ 1967

Mrs. Jacques Mays with her twin sons, Vicky and Jimmy, in the school's garden. Right : Meals are presided over b~ a college stu'dent or housemother.

CAPE SCHOOl. FOR ATYPICAL CHU.DREN: Left: Personal at­ tent-i'on is the nleans of making these special chil(lren happier. Center:

World WatcbesFamed,School at 'Chatham






. •


muriicative speech can be taught Dr. Jacques Mav is an internationally known physician, teacher' and researcher.' friendly feeling, In c;iestroying an object the at the same time, and ultimate­ His life hasbeendeciicklted to eradication of ',infirmities; He has written many scientific child is trying to find. out to a greatly improved emotional books and papers, ambng whic~ a seven volu Ill;e series on the Geography of Disease, and whar degree by his own efforts ly adjustnlent is obtained. an adventurous biography about his life ~nd work in South East Asia spanning over three he can modify and shape struc­ By this time the third stage tures, appearances and elements has been achieved, a gradual decades: Here in Chatham . approach towards life at home. Firmness is insisted upon since of his environment. he is the Presiden t of the Physicians and psychiatrists Even a child that has no com­ But whether the child returns Board of Trustees for the all came out with negafive vel': it is felt .these children need' municative speech, Which many home 0'1' continues at the school, the comforLand security afford­ dicts. Their deep faith and con­ . ,Parents School for Atypical fidence in God however guided ed by strict rules of behaviour. of these children at first lack, his individual potentialities have Children founded by him and the couple to seek and pursue At no time should a child be' can· be taught,~gEmtly but firmly, been brought out to the utmost. his wife in 1955. a positive approach that helps disciplined. Firmness can be at the school how to shape plas­ Children who could not chew, His work with the U, S, Agen­ not only their own children but compatable with love and smiles. ticine into objects he likes, how feed or dress themselves, that cy for International Develop­ others. to combine colors and later could not speak, have leanled Habilitatioil at the Parents ment an,~' with the National They found an ideal setting School is obtained though affec­ draw a design, how to construct these elementary habits of daily 'Institute of Health takes him for their school in a big 200 year tionate regularity; the discovery something by himself, as taught life, and as they progress iearn in carpentry, how to knit a to all corners of the wQrld, old mansion on Sea View Street. of the individual child's person­ how to enjoy a few simple ac~ ti vities of life. . During these frequent ab­ Originally built for three sisters ality hidden behind the screen beautiful Afghan. Often a manual skill and com­ , sences his wife Marie-Anne car­ and brothers there had. been of its disease symptoms; prep­ In turn children who lllck ries on the tenacious fight to three separate houses which aration for outer contacts. many of the abilities the aver­ overcome and ease one of the later were joined into one. a'ge take for granted are blessed In the initial period the child' least kno'!Vn handicaps of chil­ 'OpICS with an exceptional candor and gets accustomed to the environ­ dren. This gives. the advantage of­ ment of love the school en­ Continued from Page One insight. A'gentle warm hearted woman providing many cozy little bed Instinctively they are able to deavors to create for each. .. she possesses nerves of iron 'and rooms with several bathrooms Defense ba'rriers will loosen' out which the faith encounters draw out the very best qualities an endless capacity for' hard on the top floor. Other small ,in those that work with them once the child becomes aware· from the quite widespread atti­ work, mental as well as physical. rooms serving as class rooms that he is not expected to cope' tud' which, because. it exagger­ and for them. At their 'therapeutic school in surround' the large community with anything that is above his ates too greatly human and . An entire new and upgrading a park near the seaboal'devery­ dining room on the main floor." capa<:ity,' worldly values, rend~rs very' evaluation' and approach to their . Several . larger rooms in the own lives has opened for those Once confident· relationship difficult· the knowledge and 'su­ thing is. being done to make basement are used for indo·or. atypical or mentally handicapped recreation. has been established with those' pernatural acceptance of the who have come in contact with transcendent order even of God children happier human beings. . surrounding him he is ready for these children who have a spe­ It takes special atten1:ion arid An' additional building was the second sta'ge in which talents Himself, . and manifests' itself in .cial mission of their own in study of each individual. constructed for the older chi!­ various forms of atheism. life and so much to those whe» and personal abilities can be· .To Dr. May every malfunction dren. There is a cheerful modern developed. "Under these Circumstances what· are willing to open their hearts. . • of the body can be traced to an kitchen used solely for' home . -What is often looked upon as suggestions does it seem should and minds to them. alteration of ·the physical str-uc­ economic purposes. Children are a destru'ctiveimpulse, in an be made concerning false opin­ I Dr. and Mrs. May are parish­ tlil'e or toa .change in the bal­ taught to make their own atypical child Dr. May cQnl1iders . ions and errors regarding reli­ .

ioners of the Holy Redeemer ance of molecules. cookies and other tasks that give as a way of measuring his own gion and doctrine of faith?

Church just around the corner Sustained by indomitable be­ them pride: and,. confidence in strength. in ~n environment "2. THE REVISION OF THE fmm their home and school in , lief in' God, tireless application their achievemellts. Chatham. towards which the child has no CODE OF CANON LAW: Ques­ tions concerning the. revision of of available medical knowledge Individual., lessons are held the Code of Canon Law. Dr. and Mrs. May are proving each day in the smaller Class­ daily how much can be accom­ rooms. "3. SEMINARIES: (A) The' plished when those wllO need The s'chool can efficiently take role of episcopal conferences re­ John help most are offered it. care of about 26 children, from garding seminaries and the col­ ~esidence Here all fields of medical sci-' four years of age on. 'But they . JAMAICA (NC)-A Lutheran laboration of· these· conferences FOR YOUNG WOMEN ence are consulted on 1he lo'ng a.fe grouped so that there are theologian has been appointed wit~ the Sacred Congregation 'of 196 Whipple St., Fall River road towards finding a CUI:e for never more than three or four full time member of the theology Seminaries; (B) The fittihg Conducted by Franciscan a malfunctionment that .had been in a family. This includes the faculty at St. John's University pr~paration .of those who must Missionaries of Mary pl'eviously abandoned as hope­ day and night house mothers, here in New'York ..

undertake the task of training The Rev. Dr. Robert C. Schultz, candidates for the priesthood. less. the teachers ana their young ROOMS ,MEALS . Dr. and Mrs. May eompare high school assistants whO act 39, will begin teaching in Sep­ OVERNIGHl HOSPllALITY "4. M I X E P MARRIAGES: Inquire 673-7890 treatment of these children to like loving big sisters. tember. He will conduct courses Co~ments and suggestions about the job of education and habili­ In addition to the house in Protestant theology on both those things' whi.ch make more undergraduate and graduate'lev,­ tatiol1 - analogolls to putting mothers, all practical or regis­ difficult the carrying out of the braces on a polio strick€ ' n child tered nurses, there is a faculty els. His courses will be open to 'Instruction Concerning Mixed or . teaching a blind person of teachers a'nd a staff of two . all students on an elective basis. Marriages' issued by the Sacred Dr. Schultz, currently a fellow Congregation of the Doctrine of "braille": doctors, a psychiatrist and a First, they say, one mllst rec­ psychologist on a part time basis. in religion an'd psychiatry at the Faith on March 19, 1Q66. America's Economy King

Menninger Foundation in To­ ognize what amout of nOI'mal These children are exception­ "5. THE SACRED LITURGY: For the Best Deal Come To

peka,. Kan., was graduated from The norms and principles which tissue and function is left. Then ally musical and the faculty in­ Concordia Seminary in St. Louis. should guide the carrying out of Broadway one J "clst see if vicarioUi; func­ cludes a part time music instruc­ tions cannot be developed, tor. He earned his doctorate in the­ the Constitution "Sacrosanctum INC• Their concern and devotion Staff members are chosen for ology at the; University of Erlan­ . Concilium" (On the Sacred Lit­ 768 BROADWAY i~ personal as well as dinical. their maternal feelings and their gen, Germany, and attended the urg'y) about the order of Mass, RAYNHAM, MASS on Rf. 138

divinity the Sacraments and the Divine ~t dates back to the birth of their ability to identify themselves Harvard . _Uni versity CHARI,ES J, DUMAIS, Pres.

N school as a post-doctoral scho¥lr. Office twin sons 19 veal'S ago. with the children.

Syno d T

Lutheran Minister

On St. Faculty


St. Francis




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