Deeds, Not Words Only
E. Lamber, Sr., this year's diocesan lay chairman of the appeal. The 1972 Catholic Charities sued the following statement on Appeal will launch its special the occasion of the kickoff of the 31st Annual Catholic Charities gifts phase on Monday, April 24. More than 700 solicitors will Appeal. make 3,225 contacts to fraternal, professional, business and industrial organizations throughout Southeastern Massachusetts. This phase' end Saturday, May 6. The house to house phase will begin on Sunday, May 7 and continue through to Wednesday, May 17. Nearly 17,000 volunteers will then visit 104,500 homes throughout the diocese. The Bishop's statement follows: Dear Friends of Catholic Charities, . Last year it was my privilege to give for the first time as Bishop of Fall River the address at the annual "Kick-off" of the Diocesan Catholic Charities ApAn Anchor of the Soul, Sure and Firm-St. Paul peal. It was with a heart full of confidence and enthusiasm that Fall River, Mass., Thurs., April 13, 1972 I asked the cooperation of PRICE 10~ everyone in the Diocese in conVol. 16, No. 15 漏 1972 The Anchor $4.00 per year tinuing the noble tradition of energetic and sincere support of the Appeal. Tonight it is with those same emotion's that I address you, but with, the added dimension of heartfelt gratitude His Excellency Most Rev. Daniel
A. Cronin, STD, last night is-
More than 900 representatives of the Diocese's 114 parishes and 17,000 appeal workers, heard the Most Reverend Bishop, Rev. Msgr. Anthony M. Gomes, diocesan director, and Mr. Raymond
grams. Certainly no one can even begin as yet to measure the affectionate help and assistance that will be given to the homeless and emotionally disturbed children who will be cared for in the new St. Vincent's Home on Highland Avenue in Fall River, where construction is almost路 completed. This new endeavor was undertaken with great courage by my predecessor Bishop Connolly, and with its mQdern facilities, the Home should be able to provide the most recent professional methods of bringing assistance to the young ones who will be received there. It has been with great sacrifice that this enterprise has been carried on, and it will require the most ardent support of all to insure its success. The cost of this facility has been very great, and maintenance and improvements You all know well the many over the years will naturally reendeavors to serve our less- quire substantial funding from fortunate brothers and sisters in many sources. Nonetheless, as I speak to you every section of the Diocese. No one can measure the good that this year, I have great joy and has been accomplished by the hope in my heart. The response numerous facilities for the sick of the priests, religious and and aged infirm, the homes for faithful during the past year has children, the schools for the re- been one of enthusiastic coopertarded, the camps for young- ation and I see this as an extrasters and our various youth proTurn to Page Six'
for the magnificent response given by one and all to last year's Appeal. We not only arrived at our desired goal of the previous year's results, but we surpassed them. May God be praised for this, and may His choicest blessings descend on all the clergy, religious and faithful laity who, by dint of hard labor, saintly dedication and selfsacrifice, enabled us to collect the funds so needed for the charitable works of the Diocese.
It stressed that the responsibility for adaptations of the new ritual dies with the bishops' conferences, although some provisions are made for decisions by individual bishops and the celebrant. As far as bishops' conferences are concerned, the article' stated that "the question hi not only that of translating the ritual into 路a living language and to avoid being overliteral ... but also of truly adapting this rituaL" Nevertheless, it was also stated that the "basic ritual," which is the normal way of proceeding in initiating an adult into the Christian life, should not be omitted. The new ritual lays down three stages for the initiation of new Christians into the Turn to Page Six
Bishopsl Meeting Ends Today Most 'Rev. Daniel A. Cronin, S.T.D., Bishop of Fall River, together with Most Rev. James J. Gerrard, Auxiliary Bishop of Fall River, attended the Spring meeting of the Bishops of the U. S., which this year is being held in Atlanta, Ga. Bishop Cronin shortened his participation in the national meeting and returned home yesterday so as to open-the Catholic Charities Appeal at Bishop Connolly High School last evening.
Later today, the Diocesan Ordinary is to leave for Rome for another meeting of the U. S. Bishops who serve as trustees for the North American College in the Eternal City. ,
In Georgia, the Bishops discussed administrative and liturgical proposals. Plans and organization for the usual two meetings per year were discussed. Turn to Page Six
Calls Democracy Difficult Task
VATlCAN CITY (NC) - Democracy is difficult, Pope Paul reminded representatives of Europe's Christian Democrat parties. "It's a question principally of On Sunday afternoon, April the Society for the Propagation 16th, the Archdiocese of Boston of the Faith with a special Mass giving the right place to liberty, to personal initiative, to the in cooperation with the other and dinner in Boston. dioceses of New England will obRepresenting the Diocese of rights of persons and families serve the 150th Anniversary of Fall River and a concelebrant of and intermediary bodies, without the Mass at the Cathedral of the ever failing to harmonize them Holy Cross wiIl be Rev. Msgr. with their duties, with the deRaymond T. Considine, Diocesan mands of the common good, of Director of the Society for the order and of solidarity," he said in a brief address April 8 to the Propagation of the Faith. Archbishop Humberto S. Me- Political Bureau of the European deiros will be principal celebrant Union of Christian Democrats, of the Mass which wHI be offered which has been meeting in Rome. "In sum, a sense of responsiat 4 P.M. Other celebrants will include most of the bi!!hops of 'bility must be created at every the New England dioceses., pin-路 level. Democracy is difficult!" The pope emphasized thai ner will be serVed at 6 P.M: 'at neither the Catholic Church nor the John B. Hynes Civic Audiits visible head is "tied to any torium, Prudential Center, with _ Bishop James Walsh 'of Mary- political system, nor to any knoll as special guest. Archbishop political party." He also underFulton J. Sheen will also speak. lined the mutual independence and autonomy of the church The world-wide society was community and the political founded by Pauline Jarlcot at community. Lyons, France, in order to gather alms for foreign mission work. Diocesan Schools Later it ceased to be a private organization and was taken over Spring Vacation by the Holy See as a Pontifical Rev. Msgr. R. T. Considine, P.A. . Society. Next Week
150th Anniversary
PLAN CELEBRATION: In charge of plans for the observance of the 75th anniversary of 51. Joseph's Paris~, Taunton, are, sel:lted, Rev. John J. Murphy, pastor; and co-chairman Alfred Cormier. Standing, co-chairman F. Hamilton Lane and Rev. Bento R. Fraga, assistant pastor.
. 2 "
PQpe ,Paul Pays
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs Apr. 13, 1972
One Third -Cost . . Of Gift Bibles
Hits Learni~g' of Religion , By 'Mechanical Repetition LONDON (NC) - There can cause its purpose was simply to , never be a return to the mechan- define concepts. It would be, difical repetition of catechism an- ficult to imagine a manner of swers as a means of teaching teaching more remote from that Catholic doctrine to children, of the S~rmon on the Mount." Cardinal John Heenan of West· ' , Efforts ·to revise the catechism minster a letter to teach- have continued since, the 1950s, when an experimental catechism ers in his archdiocese. The cardinal urged the teach- was issued and later withdrawn. ers to use the 1971 Vatican Gen- In 1971 stocks of the old cateeral Catechetical Directory - a chism were depleted' and a new completely revised guide to mod- edition was published; this reern methods of religious instruc- piJblished catechism incorporated tion-in conjunction with the corrections of facts. But because catechism used in the schools lthe edition was .described as "revised," many teachers contoday. The cardinal said he agrees cerned with liturgical change. with those who criticize the rote took this "revision" to be the learning in sing-song fashion of Church's last word on the catethe. 370 questions and answers chism. AlthQugh the present cate· contained in the school cate· chism will be retained, Cardinal chism. "It is doubtful," he said, "if Heenan's letter urged teachers the ,ca.techism itself ever led peo- to use it not as an end to itself, , pie to love their religion. Its lan- but as part of a well·informed guage was clear but it was dry approach to' the teaching of and dispassionate precisely be· Christian doctrine.
National Council of 'Catholi'c Laity DirectorsPI'edge Co-Responsibility WASHINGTON (NC) - The board of dilrectors of the new National C.ouncil of Catholic Laity ended its first meeting with a,strong commitment to co· ,responsibility in the Church and several statements on national and world issues. The 24-memb'7 r board, head,ed b~ NCC~ preSident H.G. Jim Rountree of Rogers, Ar.k., spe~t four d~ys at a retreat h?use m suburban Bet.he~~a workmg out goa~s a.nd prIorIties for the· orgamzatlOn. Acting in .it~ own name and' not for 15 million Catholics represen~ed in NCCL affiliates, the board: . . Drafted a. letter to the .t:'l0r~e.. gla~ parlIament !lOmmatmg Mother Teresa of Calcutta for , the Nobel Peac~ Prize; , ,Asked .that c~I1dren be allo~ed . to. receIve F.lrs~ Com~umon ,wIthou~ necessarIl~ havmg. to ":lake fIrst ConfesslOn ahead of tIme; , .....
'Narco Priest' Heads Drive 1roCoordinate Drug Effort
Expressed "anguished sympathy" for the people of Bangladesh and called for massive fi· nancial and moral support by the WASHINGTON (NC) - The U. S. government, the Catholic bishops, Christians generally and last place drug addicts will $0 is to a rectory, because many all Americans; priests are not prepared to counGenuine Councils sel them, says the man known Stated that the report of the presidential commission on pop- as the "N-arco Priest." Father Roland Melody, coordiulation growth was "disappointing" and rejected its conclusion nator of the Catholic Office of that population planning should Drug Education (CODE) here, be achieved through more abor. hopes to help priests across the country, learn more about drug tions" Ur~ed support of -tax cre:lits addiction through a network of for the parents of childre in diocesan directors for drug parochial and other pr~ate abC1se. :Father Melody, observed the schools, as well as "careful, competent and ongoing analysis" of nightmares of drug abuse himthe entire 'question of education self first hand. From 1962 to 19114 he spent about two nights for Catholics' ,a week riding along with the Called upo~ the nation's laity to make the bishops' annual narcotics squad of the New York Campaign for Human Develop- City Poli~eDepart~ent. The Trinitarian priest had ment their own campaign, not only by giving in the yearly anti- been asked to talk to a group of poverty .collection but also by , parents about. drugs: Anxious to lending talen,ts and skills to ac- get more information on the subject besides what he had read in ....ecrology tions for justice. Ithe newspapers, he approached APRIL 14 'In affirming co-responsibility Rev. Louis N. Dequoy, 1935, 'as a, job for everyone ,in' the the police department and got Pastor, S?cred Heart, North Church, the' NCCL board said:, the necessary permissions. His Attleboro. ' "We seek genuine councils whose experiences are, related in a book • APRIL ~5 membership 'is' chosen by the ,p'ublished last year' and titled ~ev. Christopher G. Hughes, people. The' full voice' of the "Na rco Priest." Since that initial ~peaking en,D.D., 1908, Rector, Cathedral, Church must be brought to bear gagl~ment, Father Melody, 38, Fall River. , o.n every aspect of the Church's has addressed hundreds of groups APRIL 16 mission." and has appeareq on radio and Praises Organization Rev. Arthu~ E. Langlois, 1928, ' On Sick Leave,Denver, Colorado. The'board's'statement on chil-' tele;,isi(m programs all over the country. APIUL 1 8 , ren and the Eucharist noted that Script Rev. Hugh 'B. Harrold, 1935, '''parents are in the best position Pastor, St. Mary, Mansfield. to j~dge their children's readi c " HI~ls also w,orkin'g on his own Rt . Rev. J 0hn F. M'cK eon, P .R., ness" to receive Co'mmunion for ' 90-minute televisiQn script fea1956, Pastor, St. Lawrence, New the. first time in their lives. A turing hard rock, soul music and' Bedford. ' general catechetical" directory popular' performers willing to APRIL 20 put together in Rome last year state publicly. that drugs are Rev. Edward F. Coyle, S.S., endorsed the practice of first not for them.', Before becoming coordinator 1954;' St. Mary Seminary;' Paca, confession before first Commu· of CODE, a unit 'of the U. S. Street, Ma,ryland. nion. ' Rev. James E. O'Reilly, 1970, The NCCL was formed last Catholic Conference '(USCC) , Pastor Emeritus, Mount Carmel, ,November as national-level co- health affairs department, Father Seekonk. , alition combining the National Melody'ran a narcotics referral Council of Cahtolic Men and the servke-helping addicts choose _.M"M~'."""""""''''~'~'''~;~~'~';.'''''''''''0 , National Council of Catholic suita')le rehabilitation programs Second Class Postage' Paid at Fall River Women. The separat,e autonomy -at the Shrine of St. Joseph in M.ass. Published every .Thursday at 410 .. of men's and women's councils Stirling, No J. Highland Avenue, Fall River. ,Mass. ,02722, . ' , One project he has undertaken bv the C.thol'c Press 'If the Diocese of Fall 'at local and dIocesan levels was River. Subscription price by mail, postpaid 'kept since opening the CODE office $4.00 per Yell. . •
on Feb. 1 is preparation ,of a manual of "plain gutsy articles about drug abuse," written by doctors, psychiatrists and other experts. Manual The manual will eventually be available to priests requesting it and will contain such information' as where to refer an addict and "how to tell a good rehabilitation center from a bad one," , Father, Melody said. The priest explained that some rehabilitation programs do more harm than good. "You can send a kid there and he'll be worse off than he was before; or he'll stay there two weeks and' split, and have a' bad taste in his mouth for all rehabilita,tion programs,", he said. Father Melody has written to every American Catholic bishop, urging each, to appoint a diocesan .director for drug abuse. The diocesan director could develop a wide variety' of programs; he'said, such .as a drug education curriculum for Catholic schools, seminars for parents, and the es'tilblishment of dioc-' esan drug rehabilitation' centers, 'perhaps in empty convents, school buildings or other facilities not currently being used. Father Melody plans to put 'out a directory of these diocesan officials and he hopes to transmit the program information they share with CODE to their eountefJ>arts in other dioceses. ' '
'Aging Seminar
' The third annual se~inar on aging sponsored by th,e RATE pr()gram of the Fall River FamiIy Service Association' will be held Thursday, April 20 at Bish- ' . op Connolly High School; Fall River. 'Participants will explqre living arrangements for the eld-. er,Iy Who .do not 'need nursing . home care but are unable to' maintain their own homes. The program is open to the public.
,SANTIAGO (NC) - Cardinal Raul Silva of Santiago said he expects to ship soon 10,000 copies of the ,Bible to Cuba, thanks in part to a contribution from Pope Paul VI. The shipment, which has prior approval of Marxist authorities in Cuba, was offered during the Chilean visit last Fall 'of Premier Fidel Castro. When acute paper shortages here prevented the printing of such -large edition, the Chilean Bishops Conference sought to buy the Bibles in Spain, but some $15,000 was needed. Castro asked about -the delay in delivering the Bibles during a meeting in February with 12 priests and seminarians visiting from Chile. They belong to the organization Christians for Socialism. Cardinal Silva said tilat 'on a recent trilp to Europe he sought financial aid for the Bible shipment among friends there. One unnamed source gave $10,000, he ,said, after the German Catholic aid organization Adveniat turned down a request fo'r funds. Pope Interested "Jef the Cuban bishops want Bibles, let them ask directly. If the Chilean bishops want to send this gift, let them foot their ,bill," the prelate said was the com· ment of a German source. Cardinal Silva added that he, brought up the subject of the Bible shipmept to Cuba during a private audience with Pope Paul. "He immediately showed a keen interest and wanted the project to succeed. He picked up the phone and called Archbishop Giovannia BenelU, asking him to find $5,000. I was really moved and grateful. "When 1 went to see Archbisbop 'Benelli (Vatican undersecretary of State), he' was waiting for me with 50 bills of $100 each." Last January the Chilean Bishops' Conference,secretary, Bishop Carlos Oviedo Cavada of Concepcion, said the shipment "is a firm offer, and in conversations with Castro it was even mentioned that we could use Cuban ,ships." Months earlier the bishops wanted to send Bibles, to Cuba but dropped the attempt when approva-I came from Havana' for 200 copies only..
For 'LD~ Children The Greater New Bedford Chapter for Children with Learning Disabilities, will meet at 7:30 Wednesday night, April 26 at Centre Methodist Church, Walnut and, Centre Streets; Fairhaven. Parents and teachers of perceptually handicapped children are urged to attend.
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Anti-Abortion Rally Planned in Bri"tain
Nurses Schedule Spring Parley
LIVERPOOL (NC) - An antiabortion rally here April 30 is being sponsored by the nondenominational Society for the Protection of Unborn Children. Organizers expect about 20,000 persons to attend. Fleets of buses and a special train will bring people from all parts of the country.. Mrs. Audrey Dawson, an Anglican who is honorary chairman of the rally, said that Britain's present Abortion Act, passed in 1967, is unjust. "No law which denies legal protection to any section of the public because of race, creed, age or size can be just. All it boils down to is that doctors are . being used in an attempt to sweep problems under the mat because society will not face up to its responsibilities, such as developing more adequate' housing or giving a fair deal to unsupported mothers."
Protest Expanding French Army Base PARIS (NC) - Two French bishops have joined a protest movement in south central France that is seeking to prevent the extension of a French army camp. Bishop Jean Ernest Menard of Rodez and Bishop Cy.prien Tou'rei of Montpellier recently went to the small town of LaCavalerie, about 50 miles north of the Mediterranean coast to ce,lebrate a Mass for the demonstrators. After the Mass they went to the nearby farm of Lanza Del Vasto, a pacifist writer who undertook a 14-day hunger strike to protest the ministry of defense's decision' to expand the camp of Larroc. Del Vasto is a native of Italy but he has l'ived most of his life in France and writes in French. He is now 70 years old and became a diseiple of the late Mahatma Gandhi during a visit to India between 1936 and 1938.
Start Relief Appeal For South Sudan GENEVA (NC) - the World Council of Churches has launched a $500,000 relief appeal for the South Sudan. The effort will utilize the relief capabilities of the Catholic, Protestant and Orthodox churches in the South Sudan. The appeal follows ratification of a peace agreement between government authorities in Khartoum and the South Sudan Liberation Movement. Although hostilities hc,we been suspended, there are still many displaced people as a result of the guerrilla war that split this country between the dominant Arab north and the, black Africans in the south.
Oblates to Meet
Oblates of St. Blm~dict will meet at 4 Saturday afternoon, April 15 at Portsmouth Abbey, R. I. for Mass, followed by a conference and dinner at 6 o'clock. Dinner reservations may be made at the abbey or with Mrs. ,Frank S. Moriarty, telephone 672-1439.
Amazement Happiness is much more equally divided than some of us imagine. -Colton ,
rHE ANCHORThurs., Apr. 13, 1972
The Fall River Diocesan Council of Catholic Nurses made plans for its spring plenary meeting at a recent business session. The meeting will take place at St. Anne's Hospital, Fall River, on Saturday, May 20, beginning at 4:30 P.M. Mass will be celebrated at 6 P.M. aqd dinner will follow at 7 o'clock. To be honored is Rev. Cornelius J. Keliher, former council moderator. Mrs. Anne Fleming, council president, announced that a New England-wide meeting of Catholic nurses will take place the weekend of Oct. 6 through 8 at High Point Motor Inn, Chicopee.
PLANNING FOR ANNUAL DCCW CONVENTION: Realizing that parish enthusiasm is essential for any diocesan project, three of the parishioners of St. Pius X, So. Yarmouth who will be principals at the April 29th annual DCCW Convention scheduled for Bishop Gerrard High School, Fall River. Seated: Mrs. James F. Quirk, DCCW president; Rev. Msgr.Christopher L. Broderick, pastor of St. Pius Xth; Mrs. Lillian Johnson, president of the DCCW of the Cape and Islands Area. Standing: Rev. Philip A. Davignon, assistant at St. Pius and Mrs. John J. Haust, DCCW corresponding secretary and convention publicity chairman.
Euro~eaii H!n,~av leadership of
F'the, Ad,ien E.
'BERNIER st. Anne Parish,
Study Use of Hindu Symbols BANGALORE (NC)-The use of Hindu symbols in the Catholic_ liturgy, a controversial topic in the past, will be discussed at a national seminar here in June. Over a year ago some Catholic groups protested using Hindu
gestures and symbols in the Mass in the name of Indianization. Despite the protests, the Vatican approved a 12-point plan submitted by the Indian bishops for the adaptation of the
New Bedford
Liturgy Church's liturgy to India. The Mass, under the bishops' plan, resembled in some aspects Hindu temple ceremonies in its externals and celebrants had the appearance of pujaris, Hindu priests.
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tHE ANCHOR,....,Oiocese 'ofFal!' River-Thurs Apr. 13,
:lnviteAIi Sisters Day of Sharing
Dep·lores Cat·holic Writer's Criticismof'Cesar Chavez
The Committee on Pastoral Concerns from Region One of, the Leadership Conference of , Women Religious invites all sis, ters to attend a Day of Sharing at Archbishop Williams High School in Braintree on Sunday, May 7 from 2:00 to 4:30 P.M. At this meeting groups with specific interests, e.g., ethnic America, suburbia, prisons, third world, national political network, communications media, will have the opportunity to exchange ideas, problems, projects and "dreams." The May meeting evolved from a resolution at the March 26th session held at Cushing High School, Boston; The represimtatives from 22 religious communities in the New England area agreed that the' LCWR could be of great service to sisters by fostering meetings, providing a clearing house of services available, communicating to all sisters the work being done by communities, and publishing a neW-s.Jetter coordinating the work ·of the region. Further information about the committee, can be obtained from the chairman, Sister Grace Donovan, provincial of the Holy Union Sisters, 492 Rock Street, Fall River.
Fr. Daniel Lyons, S.l., formerly of "Twin Circle" and now a regular columnist for. the "National Catholic Register," has a thing on Cesar Chavez and the' Ullited Farm Workers Organizing Committee. which, by the way, will soon be changing its name to take account of its new stat- organize but had spurned the would use 'undue pressure us as a full-fledged affiliate offer) to persuade the workers to vote of the national, AFL-CIO. against the union. , ' By
Secondary Boycott In a riumber of other cases, including some in which the Bishops Committee was involved as a mediator, the growers were ilOt at all interested in having an election but were pefectly' willing to settle for a card check -which by the way, is a standard procedure many other in-
Finally it should be noted that Lyons has probably attacked a number of growers, in an efChavez and UFWOC ion print 'fort to avoid deaHng' with more often than any other writer UFWOC, secretly negotiated BOOK PRESENTATION: Sister Theresa Fortin, C.S.C., in' the Uriited States, with {he contracts, with another union prindpal of St. Anne's School, New Bedford, accepts copies possible exception of his con- and did so without' an election. of "Fishermen on Georges Bank"by New Bedford author frere, Fr. 'Cletus Healy, S.J. I have no possible 'way of William Finn from Mrs. Lucille Swain, president of United That's a dubious distinction, to knowing, why Fr. Lyons consisbe sure, but it would appear that teritly fails to make' mention of Fishermen's Wives. Organization presented copy of book' Fr. Lyons is rather proud of it this fact in his anti-UFWOC to every New Bedford Catholic school and Sister Theresa and he fully intends to keep columns. Your, guess on this accepted volumes as their representative. up his running attack on the score is as good as my own. Donates Crosses union until the cows come home, Fr. Lyons also says in his Jan. presuma:bly with the utterly vain ,11 co'!umn jn the. "Register" that . .To ,Education ,Fun4 hope'of everituaJ.lY driving it out ChaVez' "only' effective' weapon, ERNAKULAM (NC)-Cardinal of b~siness. , the secondary boycott, is illegal , Joseph' ParecattiI of the Syro: , ,-. cBethat as it ;may; Fr. :Lyons: for any union: ;:.". He simpiY,has Va,tican .Tou'rist, 'Inf:ormation Office' . Malabar rite' ar<:hdiocese of latest attack on Cesar Chavez. to· know that this, is a, demon_'Ernakulam .here in India donated ·:'Served ·Oyer 20QI~OOO' Visitors :andUFWOC .("How' Chavez strably false statement. The secthe collection of pectoral crosses Runs His 'Union'" ,~'NationaL ondary boycott is notHlegal for VATrCAN CITY (NC) ,- The India, Japan and Arab countries. of. the archdiocese to an educaCau16lic R~gister,',' 1/11[72) 'is unions :which are 'not-covered, Vaticim's 'new information offic.e Most of the questions, asked tion fund for poor students. 'simply a monotonous paraphrase under. the terms of the National for pilgrims' and tourists had at the information ,office conA pectoral cross, suspended of a number of- his previouscol7 ,'LaboT' Relations. Act. And ,the ,more than :200,000 visitors dur.. , ,cerned: r.eligious museums and" by a chain from the neck, is the umns. Needless to say, it's petu- NationaI.. Labor Relations::Board ing its first year. ' . monu~ents ,of Rome and the emblem of a bishop, although it lantly anti-Chavez' and Anti- itself has corisiste~tly rUled that ; The office, on the' left-hand Vatican, with a special. interest can also be worn by certain UFWOG· from beginning to end UFWOC is not covered under the ,side of St. Peter's square (as you shown' in the cataccmos. other Church officials. ,but, for present purposes, Act and',is therefore 'not entitled ,face the church) was opened with :Most of the' questions asked." The carQinalgave all pectoral ,is no,point, I SUPP9SS!; in a·rguing to the protections, of .theAct. a .small multi"lingual staff in' Feb.. " ce:ntere~ ron "cultural and' tour~st crosses received or worn by him- , with Fr. Lyons on that particuruary 1971 "with the.airD of as- points of .interest, but the office self and his 'predecessors since 'Unfair Action' lar score. His ,mind ts made up, The new General ,1Co,unsel 'of ,sisting visitors to St. Peter's said. that ,many· visitors also the .establishment 'of. the, archdioand presumably nobody is going NLRB, Peter Nash, recently ,'re·; and VatiCan City. wanted' to know where they oese in 1896 to a trust ,fund to change it. ' In the, past there was no could have confessions heard formed for the purpose of proversed this position. Claiming, ,Fr. Lyons' personal opinion that the union is in fact covered office dealing, with the various in their own languages, hours of , viding college scholarships for about Chavez and UFWOC .is by the restrictive provisions of questions and problems-to say Masses in national churches, and poor students. The donation was one thing, however, but his mis- the Act, he petitioned a federal nothing of languages-that nat- possibilities, for concelebrating estimated to be worth about statements, of fact about the court: to enjoin the union from urally crop up at one of the top Masses. $2,800. ' union are something else again" engaging in a secondary boycott tourist: areas of the world. The office has published a Copper replicas of the donated and they simply have to be against certlain lettuce growers The Pontifical Commission for pamphlet in English and French crosses will be made and plated chaUenged in the name of honest in California. The court is ex- the State of Vatican, City re- that lists the regular Sunday with gold to be preserved as hisjourna.Jism. , " ' pected to rule on this matter ported that the largest single Masses' celebrated in different torical mementoes. Wins Election national group of visitors came languges, 'including Latin, as ,' , 'early in AprIl. Command He says, for'· example, that " Meanwhile the Socia] Develop'· from the United States. 'Seventy- well, as,' Saturday evening , He ,that would govern others, Chavez "does' not 'believe in elec- ment, Department of the U. S. five per cent of those using the Masses valia for keeping' the tions to see whether workers Catholic Conference has written, facilities of the new office were ,Sun~ay obl~ga!ion. first should be master of himself. want to join the union. He does to President Nixon, protest,ing C~tholics, but there were 'also -Massinger Accepts, Post , 'not believe in them because he against "the wholly unfair ac- numer<:lUS visitors from Israel, UNITED NATIONS (NC) 'has lost such elections the few tion" of- the Board's General lII"lttollllllllll·'Ullllllllmlllll~lUllIlillllllti 11I1""'11'" Mrs. HelVi ~ipila of Finland has 'times he has been forced, to hp!d . Counsel. '·'In, 'vieW of the fact," NOW ON SALE them." our letter', to the President :reporter for the New York Times, notified' UN Secretary 'G~neral Timely Book! CATHOLIC PRINCIPLES Kurt Waldheim that she will ac'fohe fact is that as recentiy as pointed out, "that the protec- stated UFWOC's position with , AND OUR POLITICAL PARTIES ' March 21 the Bishops Committee ' tions "and the ,benefits of the , much greater accuracy on a re- cept the post of assistant sec- , by Joseph J. McMillan retary general, to which he nom' on Farm Labor, at the joint in- ,NLRA have not been extended cent round-up article on the farm 23 Chapters, 327 Pages -inated he'r: When she takes over vitation of the union' ancJ' J. ,P. to agricultural workers, this ac- labor' problem in Cal,ifornia. Comprehe'nsive, ,Documented, Critical, Witfv: $t:i 51) , Hood Sons, Inc., supervised an: tion (by the General Counsel) "Historica'lIy," Roberts pointed th€, office in the Fall she' will be , VANTAGE ,PRESS, , election ~ovetihg so~ne 300 citrus 'clear.Jy 'lacks, the 'even-handed alit, "farmers have opposed , the first ,woman ever to serve 518 West 34th Street, New York, N.Y. workers employed by Hood in, , approach one has a right to ex- placIng workers under Federal , in the top echelon of this world 10001., ' ' . the State of Florida,. The union pect from the, agencies of our .Jegislati<>n, ,but when the grape organization. , won the election and, thus be- federal government." boycott proved so successful, came the'excIiisive bargaining' Loaded Statement . they changed their position. In r,:::::========================~ agent for all Hood's field workLastly, Fr. Lyons says that 'its early years, the, .union wanted ers. ' Chavez does not want' his work- legal protection. Now it feels , ' This is not the first election, ers to enjoy the same protection that any legislation would be that UFWOC has won, and it and benef,its that the law so restrictive that it could not will not be the last. I might add (NLRA) provides for,non·agricul- organize effectively, and it at that the main reason the union tura'! workers. The reason for would do better outside the has balked at elections in certain " ,this,' he argues, .is that "Chavez law." cases jn the past was the fear . does not want any laws restrictThat's a fair and objective that, under' the Circumstances ing the arbitrary and high-handed statement of the union's posiprevailing in. those .partiCular manner in which he runs his tion. By contrast, Fr. Lyons' cases, ,the growers (many' of union." rhetoric leaves much ,to be dewhom had' been offered' elections That's a loaded' statement. sired-and that's putting it' as 115 WILLIAM ST: NEW BEPFORD, MASS. when the union first began to ,Steven V. Roberts"West Coast mildly as possible.
,,'First "Year' 'Re,port
II ulllllllmu",,,,mlllllll,111 II 111111I
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs Apr. 13, 1972
Worthy of Regard Pope Praises Priest Associati'ons Working Under Church Authority V:ATICAN CITY (NC)-Associations of priests working within the system of Church authority to foster spirituality 'and the brotherhood of priests were praised by Pope Paul VI. The Pope acknowledged, however, that such associations have an uphill fight in interesting some priests precisely because the associations are approved by Church authority. Speaking of an audience March ,22 to leaders of an association of Italian priests, the National Council of the Apostolic Union of the Clergy, the Pope reiterated the sentiments of the Second Vatican Council and the recent world Synod of Bishops that "such associations serve the whole priestly order." Stating that he values highly the work of priests' associations "in the light of today's priestly reality," the Pope added: We well realize the difficulties your union is encountering today because of the widespread
indifference toward official structures and even joining associations." The Pope said, however, that the personal priestly responsibility and group activities engendered by associations actually lighten the task of authorities. This comes about, the Pope said, either "through the free initiative of the rank and file in accepting the directives of superiors or, while awaiting these directives, in adopting a style of life more animated with the generosity of the Gospel." The Second Vatican Council said that priests' associations are "worthy of high regard and zealojls promotion." The final pronouncement of the 1971 Synod of Bishops on .the ministerial priesthood advocated the promotion of priests' associations because they further the aims of priests and promote '~holiness in the exercise of their ministry."
Nixon Determined to Encourage Flourishing of Nonpublic Schools ,PHILADELPHIA (NC) - The Nixon Administration "is determined to encourage the flpurishing of the nonpublic school systern in this country," according to a message from te President delivered at the 69th annual National Catholic Educational Association convention here. U. S. Education Commission. er Sidney P. Marland, Jr., read Pres-ident Nixon's message as part of his keynote speech on "Public P.olicy and the Private School" at the gathering of an estimate 15,000 Catholic educators from across the nation. "My position on nonpublic . education is well known," Nixon .said in the two-page message, "but I should like'to take this opportunity to路 restate it briefly' here." . Nixon's message said U. S. nonpublic schools "have been integral to our nation's educational system from the very beginning," They provide a healthy competition for the public school system, and "offer spedal opportunities for minorities-notably Spanishspeaking Amer.jcans and black Americans," Nixon said. "The ultimate goal of our total education system in the United States is quality education and equal educational opportunity
far all," Nixon's message said, adding that in order to achieve that goal, "We must put our, schools on a sounder financial footing." For Federal Action Nixon noted that his two-year School Pinance Commission "has recently submitted its recommendations to me," and that the f,inal report of his four-man panel on nonpublic eduucation "shOUld be available within two weeks," The President said he had asked a bi-partisan advisory commiss-ion on inter-governmental relations, to review preliminary school financing proposals, .and said he intended "to make specific ~ecommendations to the Oongress for federal action," In his keynote speech, education commissioner Marland did not clarify what kind of recommendations Nixon might eventually make, but he said the Pres.ident "has directed us to make an earnest search for solutions under law" to the problems of private
Fool Sometimes路 a fool has talent, but never judgment. -La Rochefoucauld
BISHOP PARTICIPATES IN PARISH SWIEMCOMKA: 'St. Casimir's Parish, New Bedford was' host to Bishop Cronin on the occasion of the annual parish Easter dinner following Mass offered by the Ordinary in his program of parish .visitations. Top; Bishop Cronin with Rev. Casimir Kwiatkowski, pastor, left and Rev. Henry Kropiwmicki, assistant, right, meets Mr. and Mrs. Jan Domagala' and five of their eight children. Center: The Bishop proceeds throughout the parish hall for the special blessing of -the food. Bottom: Bishop Cronin, assisted by'Father Kropiwmicki, completes the blessing for the Swiemcomka.
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THE ANCHOR~D!ocese ofFaJl Riv~r-Thurs Apr ~ 13,'197,2
Study Problem' Of Illegal Alieris 'In California
How' Much' Time Left?
President Nixon spelled out last week just one aspect of the present non-public school crisis. If non-public, , ,LOS ANGELES (NC)-An efschools were to disappear in the nation and their 5;2 milfort to uncover illegal aliens has lion s~udents absorbed into the public school system, the touched off a perplexing,' American taxpayer would be forced to come up with 10 poignant dilemma in California's Mexican-American community.' billion dollars to build schools for these' additional stuThe law that lies at the bottom dents and an annual additional bill of 3 ,billion more dollars of the problem has been ruted , ' ' in school operating costs. unconstitutional, hut the issue it ' This is the financial price to be paid for the disappearraised remains alive-along with ance of the non-public school system. ' ,, fears that a revised form of the There are other and higher prices' that would be paid law may be passed. also. To ,Understand the dilemma, one must understand the feeling The confusion of trying to absorb .these students inthat is conveyed by "carnales:'to one system would certainly weaken the remaining sysa word commonly used by young tem for years to c0trle. Mexican-Americans. It derives ,The acceptance into the nation's. educational picture from the Spanish phrase "her'of a single non-competitive school system would surely be manos carnales"-full brothers. It means related by blood. unfortunate. , And yet there are still people who cannot see anyThe sadness now among the "carnales" is that a new Califorthing',else than a single public schooi system serving the nit state law makes a distinction educational needs of every student. between Mexican-Americans and , ,They, cannot see that the Federal constitution makes Mexkarts who are in the United ,no provision for a uniform school system. The constitution,' States illegally. ,acc'epts as valid every school system that serves the comCheap Labor mon purpose of educating whether that system be the one The California legislature Called public or whether it be private, or whether it, be passed a law, written by' Assemparochial. What, that vatiety of schools systems doeS:proDream ,trip?, blyman Dixon Arnett, which imvide is freedoin of' choice to parents, a freedom which the poses a penalty on any Califorconstitution also guarantees and which, up to now, par": nia ,employer who knowingly ents have ,been allowed to exercise only at an additional hires an illegal alien. The law Rites Vatican seeks to curtail'the use of illegal , cost to themselves. For this exercise of the right to provide their children with 'the kind of educational ,system, ' Continued from,Page One shortened form of, initIation be- 'alie~s asa source ,of cheap labor. they wish,parents 'have ,had to continue supportirig the full participation in the life of cause of special' circumstances, ' United Farm Workers Vnion public' school system without any consideration given for the Church that may last over a such as the danger of death, but leader Cesar Chavez supports the tlil~ 'article stressed that "it Arnett Act because, he says, ilperiod of years. ' , their' support of another" valid school system; would be contrary to the inten- legal aliens are unfair competiThe new ritual provides for a Still before Congress is the Delaney Bill or "JuniQr tinn of the !legislatorif a bishops' tion to American agricultural , GI Bill-,of,Rigllts.," It proVides for a voucher to be given conference were to retain only workers. to each child and able to be used and cashed in'eitherthe Chclrities Deeds' the more simple and shorter Opposition to the law comes orelo, omitting the basic ritual," from various activists who re- ' public or pa~ochial or 'private school system. If this workContinued from Page One ed so well ~nd without constitutional objection ill :the.,ca~e : ordina:ry demonstration' of the which, is 'the ,ritual of initiation fleet the conditions in which urof those attf,!Iiding the, college of their, choice' why should ' tradition of community which acc,ording to the ~ree degrees. ,ban, ~workers .find, themselves. The 'arti~l~ warned ~at';'in Men 'lik~ Bert ,toron~, 52, a vetit not work ~ith younger people and esp~ially since thes.e exists in the Diocese of Fall younger students mus~ by'law attend school. " , River: Bishop, clergy,' religious 'palrticular, the non-existence of er,an'in labor and communitYac-. an organized catechumenate tivities and a member of the Apparently the state constitution~ are just too, in'- and faithful laity joining toget,Jler m\Jlst not lead to a systematic Mexican American Political路 Asin '8; v1ery real way to carry on tricately worded for any approach to be maqe in that area. the mission of the Church, not USE: of tlle simpler ritual, which sociation, oppose the Arnett A,ct Th.e federal' government must .prQ~de the answer. only in preaching the charity of mUlst be used only 'as an excep- because they contend it opens up 0
Christ, but also manifesting that 'tion, because it would deprive a new climate of discrimination. The 'Arnett Act wa's declar~d love for one another in deeds of the, candidate for Baptismaf the liturgical rites which are des- unconstitutiorial in February by The Mass readings for the days after Easter have mu~h Ch~~y :~~c~~ris;;a~c:n~:~~lic tined, to accompany and sustain a Los Angeles Superior Court. to, tell Catholics: They speak to us ,of the growth of the Charities Appeal and,the success his spiritual progress."But, this has not diminished apEarly C~urch despite opposition on every side and of the of the works it supports have The article said that the three prehension over the act. Appeal , risk of martyrdom that baptism involved. ,been manifest over the years. main' liturgical stages leading to and 'modification of the law are They speak to uS,also, pf similar situations today: , We cannot be content with past adlilt Baptism must "mark the expected. ,accomplishments, however, for spilritual ascent of a candidate Cath.olics should not路 fall into the trap of believing the fin,ancial success of ,the Ap- toward full' participation in that ,they live in a Christian society: It may be' ,that in peal must be reflected in an ',Christian life in all its aspects." name.'but hardly in fact. There is opposition to the Will ever-gr'Jwing amount so that the ThE! three liturgical stages proContinued from Page One . of 'God. There is the risk of ridicule and loneliness if one DioceSE' can meet the increased vidl~d for are: The 240 bishops present must follows the precepts of Christ. There, is' surely not only cost of its charitable undertakThe principal gesture or cere- deal with the National Office of th I' f h .. 1 f ings, and, at the same time, be in e neg ectmg 0 t e pOSItive aw 0 God and the natural a position to consider with a cer- mony of entering the state of a Black Cathlics in 'supporting its law l:>ut ~ctive opposition to it. And should one try to up- tain amount of justification and catl:lChumen, which should signi- programs and fund raising. With permanent diaconate prohold God's ,law-in the' matter of dEmouncing abortion, couragE' further expansion' and fy the "handing over to Christ grams already in effect in, the of the candidate's destiny and for example-he is immediately branded 'as the opponent improvement. . ' his initial entry but not full par- U. S., there' is a strong urge to of womep. or upbraided for trying to impose his views on. We are grateful for the generask the Holy See to permit the others.' , ous support of business; indus- ticipation in the Church." This ordination of permanent deacons entry presupposes that there' is try and the professions, and for These Masses after Easter portray not only the qis- the tireless cooperation of cam- an initial faith which is to be under age 35, which is the present minimum age. torical setting in which early Christianity grew but have paign workers in the Special dev,eloped. Special help through the ordipresent application as well. There is still' QPposition to Gift phase of the Appeal. HowThe "election" or decisive call nation of younger men especialfaith-sometimes after a to the Christianity and risk in being a Christian.' ever, the strength of the Appeal in significant measure lies in the period of years-which is to indi- ly in black and Spanish-speaking generous response of each pa- catE: that the candidate is consid- communities would be of great rishioner in every parish, ered fit to take part in the sacra- help to the Ch~rch. it is felt. There is also a strong moveTo you before me, then, pas- ments ,in the near future. This tors, priests-directors, parish stage should coincide with the ment to gradually establish a "national ritual", and perinit inlay chairmen and committee beginning of Lent. dividual bilshops to make' ritual workers, I express a personal The sacramental initiation, plea for energetic and enthusias- whieh normally takes place on adaptations for a three-year OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER Published weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese' of Fall River tic sUJpport in this year's Appeal. the ,Vigif of Easter, including "experience", and then submit But together with the plea, I Baptism, Confirmation and re- them for approval on a national 410 Highland Avenue scale. want you to know that there ceptions Of the Eucharist.. Fall River, Mass. 02722 675-7151 goes also the heartfelt expression Such ,adaptations are now perPUBLISHER of my sincere appreciation of ,mitted national or area conferMost 'Rev. Daniel A. Cronin, 0.0" S.T.D. ~otential 'your de!:ire' to assist and of your ences ' ot' bishops in Christian GENERAL MANAGER ASST. GENERAL MANAGER labors to carry this,year's Appeal A man with ability and the de-' Initiation of infants and adults, Rev. Msgr. Daniel F. Shalloo, M.A.Rev. John' P.Driscoll ' ' to a su(:cessful and noteworthy sire to accomplish something can Confirmation, Marriage,' Funeral ~lelry Press-fin RIver ' " ' conclusion. do anything. -Kircher , Rites and in the Order of Mass.
Opposition and Risk
Bishops Meeting'
tHE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River~ Thurs Apr. 13, 1972 \
1 ) SILVER JUBILEE AS INDEPENDENT PROVINCE: Fathers and Brothers of the Fairhaven-based community of the Congregation Of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary gathered at a Mass of' Thanksgiving with Bishop Cronin presiding to commemorate their special silver jubilee. Left: Principals at the affair were Bishop Gerrard, Auxiliary ,Bishop of the Diocese; Bishop Cronin, Ordinary of the Diocese and Very Rev. Fintan Sheeran, SS.CC.; provincial of the' Sacred Hearts Congregation. Right:
'The :P:arish Parade
Diocesan natives in the order present were, Rev. Francis Larkin, SS.CC., a native of Harwich and homilistat the Mass; Bro. Robert Di Manno, Fall River; Rev. Clement Beaulieu, Acushnet; Bro. William Keane, Mattapoisett; Rev. Michael Annunziato of Taunton, who came from Harlingen, Texas; Rev. Jude F. Morgan of Fall River,路 a member of the Navy chaplain corps stationed at Otis Air Force. Base.
F(jther Larkin Is Homilist at Anniversary Mass' of Sacred Hearts Fathers
NOTRE DAME" FALL RIVER Homilist at a Mass marking like to call them 'spiritual lightThe Council of Catholic'Women the 25th anniversary of the foun- ning rods;' deflecting God's punwill sponsor a Spring Dance in ding of the Fairhaven province ishment on sinners," said the the school hall from 8路 to ,nidof the Congregation' of the homilist. ' night on, Saturday, April 22. . Sacrec;l Hearts of Jesus and Mary . In closing, Father. Larkin paid M~si~.wi'lb~provi4ed ,by,. the was ~ev. Francis Larkin SS.CC., Jardinaires. Coffee and doughfirst American priest of the nuts will be served. , Belgium-based community, who Tickets may be obtained from met Sacred Hearts priests as a Mrs. Albert Arruda and Mrs. boy in Harwich. ' Ray.mond Pelletier, ticket coWASHINGTON (NC) - The Last Tuesday's concelebrated chairmn. Mass was presided over by Amercian bishops' department Bishop Cronin and held' at St. of Migration and Refugee Ser: OUR LADY OF THE CAPE; Joseph's Church, Fairhaven. Fr. vics has urged the United NaBREWSTER Larkin's theme was taken from tions to investigate alleged reliThe Women's Guild will hold Luke 12:49: "I have come to gious persecution of Lithuanian a rummage sale starting at 10 bring fire to the earth. How' ~ .Catholics in the Soviet Union. on Thursday morning, April 27 wish the blaze were ignited." The plea came from the dein the west wing of the ImmacuHe said路 the ,Sacred Hearts partment's director, John Mclate Conception Church, East community began in the fires of Carthy, who said 'leaders of lithBrewster. the French Revolution, "to fight uanian Catholic community in Arrangements for leaving do- the fire of hatred with the fire the United States urged him to nations must be made with the of love." Father Marie-Joseph speak in their behalf. chairman, Mrs. William Jones at Coudrin, founder, "placed on the In. March more than 17,000 896-3679. habit of his spiritual sons and 'Lithuanian CathoHcs signed a daughters two symbols of love- petition sent to the United Nathe heart of Jesus and the heart tions Tegarding the alleged. perST. PATRICK, secutions. of his mother." FALL RIVER McCarthy said the prominence Father Mateo The Women's Guild will liold a given to the story in the Catho- . The homilist mentioned in patpublic guildola at 8 tonight in lic press prompted the lJithuathe school aUditoriupm. Many ticular the life-work of Father nian leaders in the United States prizes will be awarded and Mateo, known as "the fireto seek help from the Migration . tickets will be available at. the brand," and next to Father and Refugee Services. door. Refreshments will be Damien, apostle of 'the lepers, "Many Hthuanian Catholics served. the most famous Sacred Hearts here in the United States are A rummage sale is scheduled Father. Father Mateo founded refugees who fled their country from 9 A.M, to 2 P.M. Saturday, the devotion of the EnthroneApril 22, 'also in the auditorium. ment of the Sacred Heart in the Archbishop Sheen Mrs. Joseph Drobyski is chair- home, a worldwide program of man. which Father Larkin is now na- Named for Award tional director. NEWARK (NC)-Retired ArchTurn to Page Fourteen Stating that the community bishop Fulton J. Sheen has been has the mission of "putting out named to receive the Archbishop Aid For Victims fires as well as enkindling Boland Award, given annually by NEW YORK (NC)""""The Cath- them," Father Larkin explained the communications office of the olic Medical Mission Board air- that an important aspect of the Newark archdoicese. freighted ,$38,103 worth of re- Sacred Hearts apostolate is that Archbishop Thomas A. Boland frigerated vaccines to Lima to of making atonement "for the of Newark will make the presenhelp some 60,000 persons mflde hatred and opposition of so tation at the annual communicahomeless in Peru by, the recent many towards the mission of tions office dinner May 12 here. 'floods and earthquake.路. The Jesus. This community members The New Jersey Department of emergency relief shipment also do by spending time each day Catlholic War Veterans is a coincluded hospital shirts sewn by before Christ in the Eucharist, sponsor of the awards, given for local CMMB groups around the taking the place of those who outstanding' contributions in the United States and Canada. no longer walk with Christ. I Christian communications field.
tribute to the work of pioneer members of the American province, "awaiting the resurrection" in tne Fairhaven cemetery of the community.
Bishops.' Repr'esentative to Seek .Help for Lith..anian Catholics after World War II to avoid communist oppression," McCarthy said in the telegram. . "Often their first contact upon reaching the U. S. mainland was with members of the Migration and Refugee Service who provoided homes, jobs, and assistance in adjusting to a new way of life." 'J1he' telegram, addressed to UN Secretary General Kurt Wa,ldheim, pointed out that the' UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights calls for the recognition of religious freedom by all countries. The Migration and Refugee Services departm~nt is the offioial representative of the Catholic bishops of the United States in the field of migration, immigration and refugee affairs.
Nationalize Private Schools in Pakistan KARACHI (NC) - All private schools and colleges in Pakistan have been nationalized as part of tjle education policy of President Zulfiqua,r Ali Bhutto. Bhutto announced in a nationwide broadcast that the aim of the education policy is democra. tization and emphasis on science. schools will be accomplished over a two-year period starting from October of this year. Private colleges, however, will be nationalized in September. The Pakistan 'government had announced in July 1969 that it would nationalize aU Christian missionary schools in the country and remove English as the country's official language. Catholic educational institutions in Pakistan include 70 high schools, 130 middle and primary schools and eight colleges. , :
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tHE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs Apr. 13, 1972
Report Increase In Ecum'enisrl1
Says'S,al,es P1e1ople: S,hould Try Haird'er to Plle1as,e It was a middle-aged group that sat around the living room discussing the part-time jobs they~d held during their high school and college years. After just a few of us mentioned the jobs we'~ had during the fifties, while treading the halls of .higher ' Another clerk who sends me learning, we discovered a rushing for the nearest exit is thread of similarity ran the high pressure gal (I can take through all our occupations. high pressure guys better for ~1'WHig~U; 1111111I1
The fellow that worked at summer camps gravitated toward this type of work, the man who supplemented his room and board with jobs serving food stuck with this throughout his fouf years;.the shoe salesman remained a shoe salesman depite a change of stores. My contribution to the evening was the fact that I worked in just about every store on our Main Street from the time I was 16 unW I graduated from college and entered' the teaching profession. - As I looked back on .my eight ye-ars'of being a salesgirl I reale, ized that' this is probably the main reason I have such sympathy for the gal behind the counter and why I approach anyone servicing the public with a smile rather than a rude remark. However I must admit that very often my greetng from the other side of the counter leaves much to be desired.
some unknown reason) who overwhelms me with "dear" and "darling" while at the same time practicaHy forcing me to disrobe and try on one of her exclusive models. While zipping me up this same gal regales me with stories of all the doctors' and lawyers' ,wives who won't buy anywhere but in her store (I know some very lovely gals who are married t~ doctors and lawyers, but I doubt if they wouid want some one to shop in a store just because they did). Zipper Race By this time I'm so aggravated ' that I unzip as fast as she zips, mutter some excuse about .it not being a flattering color, and gather my belongings in a rush to depart. She by this time gets the hint and I must' admit that her parting words are not ,so enthusiastic as were her opening ones. Glancing back over my past few shopping trips I must admit that I have been finding more and more fr,iendly (in fact, even charming) clerks in the area ~tores. In many cases, these gals and guys were young people who actually seemed interested in what I was buying, enthused "BLACK MADONNA" UNVEILED: The painting of about my opinion,and willing to put themselves out for even a "The Black Madonna" was dedicated recently in 51. Philip'S small sale. Who knows, perhaps Episcopal Church, 5~. Paul as a memorial to two l~aders these kids weren't kidding with of the black community in the Minnesota capital who died aU this talk of love and respect for our fellow man. What I do within the year. Memorialized by the painting are Lonie know is that such an attitude A. Atkins, who served eight years as President of the does make shopping a pleasanter 51. Paun Urban League, and Whitney Young a former aspastime. sistant: executive director of the league and the executive
Doesn't Help I realize often the salesperson is underpaid and overworked but I still fai,l to see how being rude to a customer helps this situation. , Many such salesgirls are found in the better stores where (sad to say) they tend to New Nonpublic School judge a book by its cover and where unless you're dressed to Aid Bill Proposed, the nines you're very likely to be, ',TRENTON (NC)-Payment of ,ignored or worse, insulted. I've $50 and $100 per elementary and solved this. problem by wearing high school student, respectively, the most expensive outfit I own would go to parents of children when' shopping in these stores, attending nonpublic schools in but it's a sad commentary on New, Jersey under new legislamodern day courtesy when we tion introduced in the State Senhave to do such a thing. ate. With' 26 legislators, including' Plan to Mark African Democrats and Republicans, as co-sponsors, the measure was exliberation Day pected to be approved. it has the NEW YORK (NC) - Imamu support of Gov. William, T. Baraka, black poet and play- Cahill, who included $19.5 milwright formerly known, as 'LeRoi lion in his proposed budget for. Jones, has announced pIans for such assistance. marches, picketing' and' other ,The $50 and $100 figures are demonstrations in Washington to substantial increases over. '$10 mark African Liberation Day on ,and' $20 payments' made for May 2 5 . , '1972'-73 under the state's first The demonstrators wm focus b,roadprogram to aid students at on the Washngton 'embassiesandnonpublic ,schools. The funding other offices of Rhodesia and figure is below what Catholic South .Africa, countries whose ,groups' have been seeking. white supremist governments New Jersey Catholic Conhave long 'been 'a target of 'lib- ference' has' been promoting eration efforts, and of Portugal, legislation that would put the , which still retains three AfTican aid figure at' $100 per pupil, recountr.ies as colonies. gardless of the education level. Baraka said' demonstrations Other organizations, particularly would also be directed 'against lay groups a,nd Citizens for Eduthe United States, which he cational Freedom, wanted the called "one of the chief oppres- figure pegged to the state~ aid sors ,0~j\frJ~l!!lยง,jI)AJ:I~,.w.o~.l.d..:: ..,.. ~9.I;,fQLP!!RHl;:_.!?~l.t.Q.Qls., .. _.' .
director of the National Urban League at the time of his death NC Photo.
Methodist Bishop Doubts Morality Of <:athoHc Position on Abortion W,ASHNGTON (NC)-A group of 18 Protestant and Jewish leaders have w~lcomed the report of President Nixon's population eontrol commission and urged! the President to give it serious consideration. In a signed statement the group also called on the president to "publicly encourage" other Americans to give the report a careflil study. At a press conference United MethOdi;;t Bishop John Wesley Lord of Washington; one. of the signers, took a swipe at the opposition to the report taken by ,the U. S, Cat~olic Conference:'
said: "From personal and religious beliefs I consider abortion an unacceptable form of population control." . While the joint statement did not mention the Catholic Church by name, Bishop Lord did at the news conference. "The position the Roman Catholic Church takes, if not immoral, is .less moral" than the position taken by those who are concerned ,over the bir,ths of unwanted children, the bishop said. Among :the signers of the statement were Dr. John Coventry Smith, American president of the World Council of Churches;' Rabbi Henry Sieg"Abor~ion and sterilizatinon," Bishop Lord said, "are being muml, executive vice-pr,eside.nt of the Synagogue Council of used as .:1 kind of red herfing to . America; and Dr. Cynthia Wedel, draw p,~ople's a.ttention from president of the National Council, the larger issues." of Churches. , BiShOP Lord said it wduld be 'a ",tragedy" if' President Nixon Sufficiency decided to shelve the report because he, did not like what it As for money, enough is says on abortion. ' enough; no man can enjoy more. __ Last :year President Nixon -,Southey
STOCKHODF (NC) .,.-, The Catholic Church in SwedeI'! is gradually becoming less of a foreign body and more of a con- ' structive partner ,in inter-<)hurch activities in the country, according to a r~port issued here. The report, entitled "Six Years of Ecumenical Work in Sweden," _ was by Jesuit Father Herman Seiler, former chairman of the ecumenical commission' of the Stockholm diocese. The commISSIon, appointed two weeks after the end 'of the Second Vatican Counci,j by Ameriean-born Bishop John E. Taylor of Stockholm, was the first such commission in Scandinavia Father Seiler said. Many regarded the' commission as a test of the Catholic <J1)urch's wiHingness to participate in ecumenical programs in the traditionally Lutheran countries of Scandinavia, the Jesuit said. "While there has not been any 'ecumenical miracle;' of course, in the last six years," he said; "a remarkable and indeed 'surprising development, deserVing consideration in' other lands, has taken place." ' As a typical example of such ecumenical development, Father SeHer cited the admittance this January of the Catholic Church as a full member of the Swedish Council of Churches. ' "This' fact," he said, "signifies not only an essential change of ' climate, but also a search for solidarity in the fact of ipcreased pressure from radical secularism and in relation ,to the thorough. : ' going change tg be effected, in the near future in the .churchstate relationship."
Centers Moved SANTO DOMINGO (NC)-The government of President Joaquin Balaguer quietly moved birth control centers from six hospitals staffed by nuns, thus complying with requests made by the ~ishops early last year. The centers function elsewhere, along with some 42 clinics devoted to "family 'planning" under the Dominican Republic Council on Population and Family.
SHELL HEATING OILS South โ ข Sea Streets Hyannis Tel. 49-81
rHE ANCHOR.-Diocese of Fall R.iver-Thurs Apr. 13, 1972
Early Att1end,a,ncle at Wa,kes Beneficial for C,hi:ldren A respected friend of mine, a doctor, stopped me the other day. He was obviously troubled and asked my advice. He wanted to know the correct thing to do when attending a wake. A close neighbor of his had died and he wanted to go and pay his respects, but he hesitated because, al- dence In their having learned particular form of etiquette. though he was in his late thisAfter so many good experiforties. he had never been ences, I was somewhat shocked to a wake!
when we ·ran into a problem, particularly since the problem was ... me. I wonder if the chil~ dren could give me some lessons. I don't carry-on uncontroHably; By I just have a bad case of "foot in mouth" disease. that's most virulent at wakes. MARY My husband's uncle died. Of the survivors, I knew only one CARSON of his sons, and none of the other members of his or his late wife's family. I was determined, however, to behave as I expected His apprehension made me my chHdren to do, and extend glad we started taking our chil- sincere condolences to the nearer men to wakes while they were relatives of the deceased. young. Because our family is so Dark Suits large, we have regular opportu-. In the gathered crowd, it's nities. Knowing it could be dif- sometimes difficult to tell who ficult for the children when are the "nearer" relatives, so I -someone close to them died, we devised my own system. The "all began taking them when it was black" custom is fading with our a distant relative. famHy, and usually just the very The children hardly knew one close relatives are dressed in of my aunts and when she somber clothing. .Jhe key to passed away it was a good time recognizing. immediate family is to teach them why a family to watch for dark suits. gathers on such an occasion. At the funeral home, just outSince she had been sick for a side the chapel door, a man in long time, everyone looked on a black suit stood.. . solemn her death as a blessed relief and sad. He had to be a close from her suffering. There W3S no relative, because I had seen him emotional strain and the children at other wakes in that branch accepted it well. They even re- of the family. Knowing that he served their questions untiJ we.' didn't belong to uncle directly, I got back to the car. immediately concluded he was a brother-in-law. He reminded Had She Shoes? me so much of uncle's wife that he had to be her brother. The experJence triggered conWith confidence that I was versation covering a wide range of thoughts. We went from an doing the right thing, I started · f t 'ty to spec - with carefully phased sincerities. exp Ianat IOn 0 e ern!: ulation as to w<hether or not she "It's good to see you again, had shoes on. but it's unfortunate we get toR was a wholesome experience gether only under such sad cirf.or them. They accepted the be- cumstances." "Yes, it is a shame, but it's lief of happiness in heaven, learned respect for the dead and good to see you, too." . recognized the need for consola"I'm sorry. It must be a great tion and companionship to the loss for you." "Thank you." close family. "How are you managing?" Having met with success the "Oh, very welt" first trip, we had no qua,Ims "Is there anything I can do to about taking them when Great- help?" grandma died. AHhough she "No, thank you. Everything hadn't been sick, no one was has been taken care of." too surprised ... Grandma was "And the grandchildren, how 94. This time there was a closer are they taking it?" tie for the chHdren, but again He paused for a moment, took they did well. Only one of the my hand, then carefully asked, boys was upset by her "early" "Whioh funeral were you lookdeath because he had been count- ing for?" ing on her making 100. I had just offered my condo-. There were a· few more aunts lences to the undertaker.. and uncles, and as the children kept impfQving, I gained confi- Renewal Group Voices
English Priest Prays For Apollo Mission
Anti-Abortion Feeling
K1NGSTON (NC).,-More than 5,000 persons filled the National HECKMONDWIKE (NC)-An Arena here for ·~Ar.chdiocesan English priest has sent a preyer Week" and unanimousto the National Aeronautics and 'Iy passed a resolution "totally Space Agency at Houston, Tex., and irrevocably'''' opposing any that he hopes the ApoHo 16 ~broadening of Jamaica's abortion astronauts will take to the moon law. in April. The Kingston archdiocesan The priest, Father Patrick gathering expressed itself as Roche, pastor of Holy Spirit par- "members of the OhrIstian cornish at Heckmondwike, is a friend munity" and, in its resolution, of some NASA personnel and'- invited "all other men and has been invited to watch the women of good will to join us in blast-off by Charlie Duke, one of opposing any substantial change the three Apollo 16 astronauts. in th:.,p'r~~ent law on abortion. ,-':":
:·.l~." ",~
" ... T.... ~".f·
NEW BEDFORD WOMAN'S CI.UB: Past presidents joined with members of the New Bedford organization to honor Most Rev. Daniel A Cronin, S.T.D. on the occasion of the clubs annual Bishop's Night. Bishop Cronin with Mrs. Maurice A Hurley, vice-president extreme left, witnesses Mrs. William P. Walsh, president, second right, pin a corsage on Mrs. Edward W. Galligan, charter member and second president.
• SHREVEPORT (NC) - The families of 43 black children have asked a court to force the diocese of Alexandria, La., to integrate its school system by September. or lose tax exempt status and any federal school aid. The suit filed by parents of the chlidren maintains that the diocesan school system is segregated, has "served as a haven for white families fleeing public school desegregation orders," and has ·served to undercut the desegregation orders of federal courts. Filed in the U.S. District Court for the' western district of Louisiana here, the suit names as defendants Bishop Charles Paschal Greco of Alexandria; Msgr. John Wakeman, diocesan school superintendent; Secretary of the Treasury John B. Connaly; Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare Elliot L. Richardson; Internal Revenue Service Commissioner Johnnie M. Walters;. and St. Joseph's parish in Mark~ville,. La.. The 43 children "either attended segregated parochial schools in the diocese of Alexandria, or within the past two years attended a segregated parochial' schOol for black pupils which was closed w,ithout providing said children with an opportunity to attend a racially unitary .parochial school," the suit says. In 1971-72, the parochial school system consisted of 35 schools, with a total enrollment of 10,900 students," the suit says. "About 20 per cent of these students are black. "In 1971-72, 25 of these sch.ools have 90 per cent or more white student enrollment, while 8 h~,:,«:, 80 .1?er .cent or more
black student enrollment. Two tery is located between the two schools have approximately 25 .schools, the counsel for the per cent black enrollment and plaintiffs said. 75 per cent white enrollment." The counsel, Benjamin.P. LamMost of the children named as berton, a Washington, D.C. atplaintiffs are students at Holy torney working for University Ghost School in Marksville, Legal Services, said the class acwhich has 262 students and is tion will help "to close one of 500 yards away from St. Jo- the most substantial loopholes seph's School with its predom- in the whole integration system. inantly white 293-member stu- It will give us a chance to close dent body. An integrated ceme- the doors to white flight."
Protest'S Viol'enoe on Swedish TV STOCKHOLM (NC) - Samuel Nygren, a father of four children in Falun northwest of Stockholm, has started a nation-wide campaign to make the stateowned television network cut down on profanity, violence and sex scenes in its programs. Nygren appealed to all Christians in Sweden to put away their TV sets during July, August and September and to stop paying their TV license fees for those months. (To have TV sets in their homes, persons in Sweden must pay for licenses, renewed periodically, similar to
automobile licenses in the United States.) 'In an interview in Dagen, a Pentecostalist daily, Nygren said that he is particularly concerned about the profanitY,violence and sex scenes in TV programs for children. He said that he wants "one Christian program every day and one Christian children's program every week on TV. "There are'more than one million active Christians in our country. It is a clear democratic right tha,t we take part in decii sions on TV programming policy."
Attention School Groups
PLAN YOUR PICNIC, OUTING NOW Special Arrangements for School Groups FOR DETAILS, CALL MANAGER-636-2744 or 999-6984 • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• + + •••••
Cardinal Urges Aid for SchoQls
rHE ANCHORThurs., Apr. l3, 1972
Expect Approva I ·Of School Tax Credit, Plan PHILADELPHIA (NC) - The president of the National Catholic Educational Association has rated, from good to excellent" the chances for passage in Con~ gress this year of a tax credit program benefitting parents of nonpublic school children. FatherC. Albert Koob told a press conferenc!! at the 69th annual NCEA convention here that "one serious weakness" with tax credits is that poor peopl'e who . pay no federal income tax will ,not benefit from the proposal. Thirteen tax credit bills-allowing parents to substract some school costs from their final income tax bill-are now before the Ways and Means Committee of the U.S. House of Representativ~s.
The NCEA president said he I)oped companion legislation providing special educational assistance to the poor would also be introduced. Several congressional offices are "toy'ing around" with that kind of legislative pro, posals, the priest said, but nothing concrete has yet been final, ized.
RECEIVE SACRAMENTS: Members of sacraments at Easter Sunday ceremony at SS.CC., left rear, and' Sister Carmen Joseph. their preparation. Ten family members made tized.
Go to Parents ,father Koob, a national board inembers of CREDIT, new nonpublic schoo'l coalition formed to _,gather support for a tax program,said Catholic school officials seeking aid for' their, ' strliggling' institutions "back in, to the tax cr~dit idea from the const~tutionalangle." ", < . :After the U:S~ Supreme. Court ,decision last June voiding two state programs of direct aid ,to nonpublic schools, tax credits' ,that 'go to parents instead of to church-related institutions' seem to -be among the best aid options ,remaining, he said. Fath~r Koob said ,he plans to make a, nationwide tour with CREDIT to try to foster grass: ,roots support for the tax credit' concept within the Catholic com', munity.', '.. " ' , Other Concerns The NCEA president also discussed what he considers major concerns besides finances, among the estimated ,15,000 Catholic educators attending the convention here, Those concerns fall into three major, categories, he said: determining the best, content and methodology for religious instruction; coping with shared responsibility in school management; and integrating structured c.urricula with independent study, especially amo;lg high school teachers. "I find a great deal of good coming out of the 'purification process' ,in Catholic education," said Father Koob, referring to questions being raised about current Catholic educational philosophy and structure. , Finding answers to some of , the' hard questions, he said, will mean "a much better system of , education in the years to come."
, 'How True!
February, sunshine is as exhilarating as an unexpected holiday: ,-Feather
the Carrion family of New Regina Pads Center. Rev. S.U.S.C., right rear, were their first communion and
Bedford receive William Petrie, responsible for four were bap-
Teacher, Stude,nts at' Sacred' Hearts High Aid Families fIt Regina Pacis' Center
If you want to se,e what is Clothing, toys, and household bring them to Sacred Hearts being done for the Spanish com- furnishings 'are being solicited ConVent, Prospect Place, Fan munity in ttie New Bedford area, for these people. Response is River. Anyone wanting to, conGolden, tribute' useful article, for ,iliis take a trip 'to Regin~1 Pads Spap,- yer)' goo<;!. Miss Laurie, L' !: ish Center, 610 South First a fermer member of the Spanish "bea~!iful work for God". may Street, New,'Bedford.. and you Club,' ha's,)lvolu'nteered 'her ser- qontact ,Sist~r" Carmen 'J os~ph will, realize, that "something vices to pick up articles for those at 679-1044 or Miss'Laurie Goldbeautiful fotGod" is, constantly who do not' find it convenient to' en at, 674-4408. going on. ' " ( Rev. William Petrie, a Sacred Hearts priest, is in charge of the ' center. Unfortunately he does Christ Still Experiencing Agonies not speak Spanish and has had difficulty in reaching adults who , Of Good Friday cannot speak English. For this their religious faith and, which VATICAN CITY (NC)-Christ reason, Sister Carmen Joseph asks for an intervention in favor is still experiencing the agonies of the J:loly Union Sisters in Fall River has volunteered her ser- of "Good Friday" in every crime of the freedom of worship. Vatican Radio also cited the vices to help in the search for against mankind, Vatican Radio "appeal'of'Soviet Jews'who had souls. A native of Puerto Rico, commented recently. Referring to the killing of asked that they be permitted to she is conscious of the fact that three technicians of the Norili uttend ilie synagogues this past her 'fellow countrymen face many problems in adapting' them- Atla:ltic Treaty Organization in , Passover; March 29. The commentator also said selves to a way of living entire- Turkey, the commentator said ly unknown to them and she that "the event constitutes a that there are "too many reports goes from house to house where stain and a point of dishonor of racial discrimination, which in she says ,she is received "with not Dnly for, those who materi- various parts of the world block open arms" a~ soon as she tells ally executed the crime but also non-whites from the enjoyment of civil rights granted to all newly, arrived residents, "I am for tle whole of humanity." from Puerto Rico. I am here to Vatican Radio said that the other citizens. Humanity is' intry to help you in any way I news is in "violent conflict with sistently mortified by torture, possibly can." th'e message of redemption and imprisonment, which are used as The first fruits of her contacts of love which'. .. Good Friday means of establishing justice." In conclusion, Vatican Radio were evidenced on Easter Sun- proposes for man's meditation." said that "in the contemporary , day when a whole family had 8Ui:h crimes, the commentator the happiness of receiving its said, "inevitably recall the mar- world,which has known and exfirst Holy Communion. At the tyrdom of Golgotha and' the Cru- periences notoable progress .in the fi.eld of moral awareness, based ' same time four children were cifixi,on, not only because Christ on fundamental documents such baptized. This is just one family, is the first, the prototype of in,and there are many others in nocent persons who are discrim- ,as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Christ continues need of, spiritual aid. inated against and' oppressed, His Good Friday in oppressed Help Needed but also because He in a myste- individual persons and in whole The spirituai needs of this peo- rious but real way lives aga'in peoples." ple are one aspect of the work in every man." but their bodily needs are equalVatican Radio repeated that ~,."--"'-""""'--, ly great. To 'aid in this way Sis. the "Passion of Christ relives itter Carmen Joseph has organized self in Catholics, in the believers ~ her Spanish Club at Sacred of every faith and in all men who Hearts Academy' to, assist her. suffer because of injustice. Some Twice a week they travel to the days ago there was news tha.t Regina Pacis Center where the 17,000 Lithuanians tried to send ~ 245 MAIN STREET :.. academy students help the chil- to the general secretary of the FAI.!t\0UTH - 548-1918 : ' dren with ilieir homework while United Nations a document in : Sister Carmen, Joseph visits which they denounced 'the op- : ARMAND ORTINS, Prop_ : " , needy families. pressiDn they suffer because of ~"""""""""-"~, .
In Opp'ressed People
, ,:, "ORTINS' . ~ Photo, ~upply ~ " , ,
NEW YORK (NC) -.Cardinlll Terence Cooke went on televi- , sion here March 26 to urge federal and state governments to ' help keep parochial and other private schools open across the nation. ' The alternatives to government -tax aid to nonpublic school pupils or their parents, he said, cO,uld mean the shift of 5.5 mil- . lion nonpublic school students (4.5 million of them Catholic) to the American public school system. "This would iliereby end the annual tax s'aving of $l.5 ,billion now invested volurttarily': by nonpublic school pai-ents,' contended the New York archbishop. "Taxes will rise and all soci.,.. ety will suffer," Cardinal Cooke predicted. , The cardinal's half-hour "Report on -Education" on the local NBC television station was unusual in, that it included questions by two newsmen, Burt. Shanas of the New York Daily News and Bernard Bard of the' New York Post, both,education specialists. • ' \
Color TV Begins With p'assion Play BRASILIA (NC)-Color television came to Brazil in Holy. Week. The feature presentation was a Passion Play acted at a dusty town in Northeast Brazil. Veteran actor Carlos Reis played Christ, but the rest of the :500 aCtors and extras -were residents of Nova Jerusalem, a town bliilt 'a' few !yoors: ago' 'as ,~1.CQPY'.9f , Jesus died.. Nova -Jerusalem is about 120 miles from Recife. Its terrain ano climate strongly resemble thoSe of Jerusalem. In the, late 1950s a' group ,of' farmworkers, aided by architects and historians, started builing a lifesize replica of ilie, Holy City: towers, walls, ,pfllaces, temples and homes.. It was ready by 1968, when the first performance of the Passion Play', was given. It soon attracted nationwide attention. During Holy Week the city reenacts the events of Christ's passion, death and resurrection. There are live Stations of the Cross, with the public mingling with the actors.
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CommissionAsks ·VD' Courses For Schools
THE ANCHORThurs., Apr. 13, 1972
'Super Faithful' Run at Shrine
WASHINGTON (NC)-A government commission, reporting POMIGLIANO (NC) - More that veneral disease has reached than 200,000 faithful flocked to "epidemic proportions" in the this Naples suburb to celebrate United States, has urged coedEaster Monday at the Shl'ine of ucat.ional VD courses for' public Our Lady of the Arch despite and parochial schools. warnings against excessive demThe National .Commission on onstrations of piety from the Venereal Diseases recommended bishops of the Naples region. that the Gourses be taught· by Our Lady of the Arch, to whom specially trained teachers or many local miracles have been health nurses no later than the attributed over the past censeventh grade to children enterturies, is the special devotion of ing puberty. some 50,000 Catholics caBed "Despite the potent additions r.. "super faithful" who run, as to our therapeutic weapons," the much and as far as possible, from commission said, "both syphilis all parts of this region, many ...•.......' •. . -'and gonorrhea continue at high collecting money for the Madon. levels in every country in the . \ na on the way. world . . . and there is evidence Dressed in white and formed that the incidence of both diin teams in the local villages, seases is rising." they run or walk to the shrine The commission made its recwithout stopping - hopping ommendations to the U.S. Dethrough vmages to permit peopartment of Health, Education ple to pin money to the standards and Welfare, stressing "it is esthey carry. On arriving at the sential that these courses be ofshrine, they crawl up the nave. I fered to all students in mixed i. ~',.$ ~! .•••" This year another 150,000 or co-educational classes." t faithful were on hand to watch Inadequate Instruction The courses, the commission "YOU HAVE A COMMITMENT": Dr. Helen Creighton, center, reviews her semi- the devotions of the "super faithsaid, should include references nar discussion on the legal aspects of nursing at St. Anne's Hospital, Fall River with ful" and take part in the other to- human anatomy and physiol- Sr. Jean Marie, left, administrator and Miss Jacqueline Allard, coordinator of inservice devotions and the fairs that flourish side by side. ogy as a basis for understanding The 15 bishops of the area, personal community heaith. ·It education at the hospital. headed by Cardinal Corrado Ursi said there was "a deplorable inof Naples, had' warned -against adequacy" in health science inexcessive demonstrations and struction in many schools. to crack down on the coltried Dr. Merlin K. Duval, assistant lection of money but their warnHEW secretary for health and ings for the most part were science, told a news conference DR. HELEN CREIGHTON there is evidence "VD had inthan' one specialty, Dr.. Creighton be able to answer these ques- ignored.. creased simultaneously with inearned her bachelor's and mas- tions about her patients-"What 'A professor of nursing has ter's' degrees in' arts, with con- do you see? What do you feel? creased use of the (birth control) Church Joins Land pilV' .although he said there was warned· that· the quality of the centra'tion In tniltheina:tits:' A ~l!-t qq, Y?U smell?" . nursing profession is being threatReform Program .'Inot·: enough 'evidence to".estabregistered nurse, she ho~ds a mas• Nurse Patient lish a cause-effect relationship." ened 'by thOse' who regard' their ter of science degree in nursing, SANTO DOMINGO (NC)-The The speaker stressed the opin- .Church has given a boost to a The relationship, some have work as only a .7-3 or 3-11 job. and ,before she earned a doctorN\ll'sing' m~st be mo~e than ate in jurisprudence, she pub- ion that to meet the expanding controversial government land .contended, is that the pill allows a greater degree of sexual ,that, and more than money, lished two books and some 140 . role of the nurse; "We are going reform program here by donatactivity among both single and according to Dr. Helen Creighton artides' which have' appeared to have to nurse the patient, not ing over 1,000 acres of prime . married persons, and the chances of the School of Nursing at the' mostl~ in professional journals. the TV monitor or the desk," farm land. And, she was equally convinced of contracting venereal disease University of Wisconsin at MHThe only condition, said CoadTwo Specialties that in nursing school curricula, waukee. She recently told more therefore become greater. jutor Archbishop Hugo E. Polan"We are going to have to come In nursing, she has two spethan 350 nurses from SoutheastDuval said that gonorrhea has co of Santo Domingo, is that the now become the most common- ern Massachusetts at a seminar cialties--the law 'as it affects the up with more." lands be parceled out to farmers experi" profession, the subject of one Drawing on her own ly reported infectious disease,. in Pall River that "You need ence as a many-times hospital now tilling them and to their with syphilis ranked fourth, and something to live by outside of of her two. books;. and cardiov,ascular nursing, the. subject of who, she said, seems "to neighbors. patient "the- bulk of cases occuringbe- yourself ... you have to have a The acreage, located at Bayathe ,second, 'published recently. have beaten cancer "for the ·commitment." . tween the ages of 19 and 30." She is a member of President time," Dr. Creighton had some guana and Monte Plata, amounts that with the "outShe added HEW'S latest available figures Nixon's 21-member commission cr.iticisms both of hospitals and to a third of what remains of show there were 80,000 actual lawing" of religion in the public investigating medical malprac- of patient care. "Things happen farmlands donated to the Church. cases of early or infectious syph- school systems,' y,oung people totice as a representative of the to patients in the hospitals of the over the past two centuries. Litilis in the United States in the day' seem to have no sense of American Nurses Association. 1970s," she said, citing graphic tle income is derived from them. i2 months ended June 30, 1971 ethics or values. "As· we close She has traveled extensively as instances of cases which have .The archbishop said the land -an increase of 15 per cent down hospital schools of nursing a consultant in clinical nursing, either resulted in lawsuits or donation would prompt others to over the previous year. Gonor- - whether Catholic, Protest.ant and she is 'an instructor of which have affected the patient give their idle farms to the prorhea last year afflicted 2.5 mil- or Jewish-we have cut down medical-moral ethics at the New- as a human being who has spir- gram for the benefit of the poor. lion Americans, or more than 10 belief· in the principles of com- man Institute of Religious itual, psycpological, social and per cent of the population, said mitment to people and to some- Studies. economic needs as well as physthing outside of ourselves," said HEW. MalpractiCe is a subject that ical ones. . $5,000 Or More The commission has recom- Dr. Creighton. The UWM professor asked her arouses the ire of the nurseOn Equity In Your Home mended a five-fold increase in . "Revolution for the sake of lawyer, and she reports. that esti- audience, "Have we turned away You May Use The Money present federal spending for VD revolution has not produced sat- mates indicate "60 to 80 per cent or neglected someone who is old, However You Wish. control from $12.9 million to $68 isfaction," she declared and she of lawsuits grow out of poor decrepit or smelly? Or are we suggested that, after a decade public relation." She declares giving them the same care we million by mid-1977. AVCO FINANCIAL of emphasis on rights, "If we that "Very few people are going would one of the Kennedys?" SERVICES dedicated the '70s to responsibil- to sue you if they are convinced Dr. Creighton told the nurses 71 William St., New Bedford Bish,op to Receive ities, we might solve the rights that you are doing your best." that after a recent nursing home 994·9636 question." Jewish Award She is critical of nurses who fire in Wisconsin she was apDr. Creighton expressed the do not perform their proper func- palled to discover at a meeting CLEVELAND (NC)-Auxiliary Bishop William M. Cosgrove is' view that if. there were more of tionsand in Fall River she de- . that the reaction was 'Oh, we're one of four reHgious leaders who a spirit of dedication in the clared "I am a look-see person." going to have another inspechave been chosen by the Jewish world, there would be fewer TeUing the nurses "to go and' tion.' There was not a line of Community Federation of Cleve- problems whether of race and' find out what's ,wrong with a regret over the loss of lives, she land to receive the 1971 Henry creed, wages and hours, or in the patient," Dr. Creighton asked, recalled, and she pointed out that matter of malpractice suits. A. 'Rocker Memorial Award. The "Have you ever listened to his "no place suitably staffed could award includes a trip to Israel. The professor, who said she complaints? Have you ever taken . have lost nine out of 13 lives." We talk about life being cheap Besides Bishop Cosgrove the has "aJready spent a generation his pulse? Do you know whether recipients are Bishop John H. as a lawyer," conducted a sem- he's had his breakfast and what in .Asia, but how about the Burt,' head of the Ohio Episcopal inar on the legal aspects of nurs- he's eaten?" And, she asked, cheapness of life here?" she Diocese; the Rev. Albert M. ing at Clemence Hall of St. "Do you see fear, or do you asked. In nursing homes and hospiPennybacker, Heights Christian Anne's Hospital in Fall River. resent' the fact that a frightened tals, she emphasized, "people An example of her conviction patient may clutch at you?" Ohurch, and Rabbi Daniel J. Silver of The Temple. that a .person should have more A nurse~ she emphasized should Turn to Page Twelve'
~,~,.: \r: . ••." '
Quality of Nursing Threatened by Those Who Regard It as 'lust a 'lob'
S.E. Massachusetrs Finest Food Stores!
Nursing: Threat
fHE ANCHOR"",,:" Thurs., Apr. '13, 1972
'Continued from Page Eleven are being injured by incompetent personnel." She was adamant in her belief that incompetence should result in discharge and she stressed that supervisory personnel must have "backbones, not wishbones." WASHINGTON (NC)...,....A presTwo Themes idental panel has recommended Dr. Creighton urged nurses that the federal government aid "To keep up to date," and she nonpublic schools with construcreminded them of an obligation, tion loans, tuition subsidies for "To nurse is to teach." poor families, 'and tax credits She paid tribute to Sister for the middie Class. Madelein'e Clemence, director The recommendations were in . emeritus of St. Anne's School of ,a summary of the. report of th~ 'Nursing and dean of ,the college', Panel on Nonpubllc Education; of nursing at 'Southeastern Mas. a subcommittee· of the Presi~ sachusetts University. She noted dent's Commission on School , that the nun is "the model" of Finance. The full report was excommitment to nursing and she. pected to be released lat~r this asked "What are you d9ing to month. follow :in her footsteps?" In its three principal recomThroughout the day, in her mendations ,the panel, chaired seminar discussions, in answerby Catholic University President ing questions from the lecture Clarence' 'WahoO', said:" pJoatform 'and in private talks, The government should make VATICAN GARDENS: The luxuriant and'heretofore inaiC:cessable gardens of the Va- Dr. Creighton reiterated' two loans' for construction of 0'00'constant ,themes - commitment tican have been opened t~ public guided tours. public school facilities. to nursing and concern' for the The poor""""both those on welprimacy of the patient. fare and 'low income workersshould be given up to $100 per child to pay tuition at nonpub: Catholic Bangladesh lic schools. " ' ' The Vatican gardens have long business ,in the gardens at that VATICAN CITY (NC) - The . Total E;nrollment luxuriant and generally inacces- been closed to the general public. time was, 'advised to be out of Relations Cordial InCOme tax, credits should be sible gardens of the Vatican have BOMBAY (NC) - Archbishop Private Preserve sight. • granted to pare'nts of nonpublic <at last been opened to publ,ic During the reign of Pius XII, The story is told that when Theotoinus Amal Canguly of school,students. There would be guided tours. ' the gardens were considered so Pope John XXIII was walking in Dacca said here that the relalimits on the size of the credit Once limited to the afternoon private a preserve of the Pope the gardens one afternoon short- tions of Catholic "with the presper cliild and other li~its on walks. of Popes, a restricted few that visitors were, not allowed ly after being elected Pope, an ident, prime minister and the credits for richer famliies. \ of the papal staff' and the nec- even on the top of the dome of 'a.rchbishop accompanying him government of Bangladesh are ' Federal school 'aid' should be 'essary presence of gardeners, :St. Peter's during' the afternoon exclaimed in horror that there cordial." alloted to states on the basis guards and other workmen,. the hour:; he used the gardens for were people on St. Peter's dome The archbishop said that the of total school enrollment-non- verdant and' hilly gardens are private walks. Windows of the who could see' into the gardens. government of the new nation, _ public, as well as public. now toured regularly four days papal secretariat of state overPope John's reply was: "Don't formerly East Pakistan, "has Although President Nixon has a week b.y trained guides speak- ,lookjng the ..gardens had to be worry., You are a most discreet assured aU the people that they supported federal aid· to 0'00'- ing five I'anguages. ' shuttered as well, despite the man of blameless life and I am wiU be given freedom to preach public schools, most recently in . and practice whatever religion The tours, still considered an Summer heat, and anyone with too old to give scandal. 'a speech to' the National' Catho- experimenta'l idea, have been they 'may belong 'to. The fundamental 'rights of all be safe~ .' lic Ed~cational Association, the arr,anged by the Vatican's Office panel's report was' apparently of Tourism and Information, guarded since Bangladesh is based on the four principles of withheld while its constitutional which was established a little socialism, secularism, democracy and financial aspects were stud- over a year ago. ied' by administration officials. INDIANAPOLIS (NC) - The other 'countries is responding and nationalism. On M,ondays and Thursdays at In addition to Walton, the 9:30 A.M., groups a,re taken on a Indiana Catholic Conference has through Vatican Council Ii by "More than ever before our panel members are Bishop Wil- two-hour tour of the gardens fo'r adopted a policy statement en- allowing increased freedom in . Catholics feel that they are part of ,the country, that they can liam E. McManus, director of ed- a 'fee of about $1.70 per.person. cour~,ging Church support of cultural expression. give to as weN as receive from ucation for the Chicago arch- On Tuesdays and Fridays,groups minority groups seeking "legiti"Within the United States, we the country and that they can diocese and head of the U,S. are offered a two-and-a-half-hour mate aspirations" in cultural exbishops' education committee; tour of both the gardens and St. pression and political self-deter- face a very similar phenome- contribute to the moral, educanon," the ICC said. "In the poUt- tional and cultural development William G., Saltonstall, former Peter's Basilica for about $2.55. mina':ion. ieal sphere minority groups, of Bangladesh." principal of Phillips Exeter Aca"In this day of rising national- black, brown,red, white ethnic The gardens make up the largThere are about 120,000 Cathdemy; and' Ivan E. Zylstra of ism in the Third World, of desire are seeking 'power' - selfest part of the, lOB-acre Vatican -olics in Bangladesh in· a total the National Union of Christian for cultural expression and podetermination." . in population of about BO million. Schools in Grand Rapids, Mich. City. Most visitors to Rome the the past have seen the gardens Iit:ca:, self-determination, The ICC said this same need There are about 125 priests in Chureh blessed these 'as 'legitionly from 'windows of the Vaticonfronts minority groups within Bangladesh-abou·t 60 per cent can Museum or from the distant mate aspirations," an ICC state- the Church. "This, in no way, of them Italian or Canadian misMedia' Accredited ment read. top of St.Peter's dome. A large should be seen as a threat. It is sionaries. "V,~stiges of colonial days are For Bishops Meeting part of the gardens covers the being a natural development. The removed," the ICC said. WASHINGTON (NC) - Sixty- steep rise of, Vatican hill, which eight seats for reporters ---.: 37 few persons looking at St. Peter's "In the great international social growth of such groups should be ELECTRICAL encydicals of John XXIU and encouraged if the Church is truly from the general' press and 31 realize lis behind the church. Contradon interested in listening to and Paul VI this movement is both from th.e religious press-have Formal Gardens meeting the 'legitimate aspiraunderstood and supported." been assigned for the April 11When Italy and the Vatican The ICC said th~ Church in tions' of these groups.". ' 13 'meeting in' Atlanta of the Naagreed in 1929 on the terms of 'tional ~oriference of Catholic The ICC said cultural differ"'Bishops, the first ever opened to the establishment of Vatican e:nces cannot be overlooked or Oity, Pope Pius XI specified that rthodox Bishops direct news coverage. . underplayed . "A Latin expreshe wanted no more territory than, Corndemn Abortion sion of Catholicism may be much The National Catholic Office HELSINKI (NC)-The bishops' different than an Anglo-Saxon for Information,', 'the official would be suitable for the home press spokesman for the confer- of an English country gent,leman. conference' of the Greek Ortho.. one. The history and experience ence, announced the choices and And in, fact that.. is what' ~he dox Church of Finland said that oJ black Americans may' demand . 944 County St. in unres t' d a b0 rt'100' . published ground rules for news- gardens.remind expressions ' ,one . of, , both."., rIC t e IS "con- religious-cultural New Bedford the vanety of th~ t~es': of, gar-', ,trary to the Christian view of men covering the meeting. . which are uniquel~ theirs." to ·.be found'. behmd. the. l'fe" Ab rt' th b" h 'd TIiey include non-transferabil- . dens ' , ',' " . " , .' " ' I . : 0 'lOn, e IS ops sal, ity of accreditation withqut noti· My s, walls' and., the ~personal is "a destruction of life." nooks .for lI'est'anq repose that . Th' b' ' h ' " 1 fying NCOI, withdrawal of cre- dot the area. . . Eo IS ops vle\Vs .appearec ,WE SELIL MONEY" BUT OUR BUSINESS IS PEOPLE dentials ,and reassignments to . m '!l pastoral letter~Jgned by Th~re are formal gardens WIth Archbishop. Paavali .of Carelia ariother reporter for "conspicu-' the best #ting ihat ever happened to Cape Cod ous non-use of accreditation" bea~tlfu~ly set-out .borders. and ,ano ~,ll Finland and Bishop Joduring the three-day meeting, no deSIgns m flowers, mcludmg the 'hanne's of. Helsinki. The letter more than one reporter from one , coat of arms of Pope Paul VI. A was published in Orthodox news organization .inside the cactus garden is sheltered along Church News. bishops' meeting room at any the walls. of Vatican Radio's The' Orthodox bishops 'Said one time. tower stUdlOS, -and small woods :that confusion had arisen among s1J~t'EROUTE 28 HYANNIS· 'Press briefings and panel dis- P~ oak and pine hide trickling some churoh members', over reOANI< BRANCH. OFFICE ROUTE 28 S·O. YARMOUTH cussionsbetween the' bishops' fou~tains- in cool shadows cent- changes in Finnish law 775-4500 ' sessions will be held as before, . aga~n,st the heat of Rome's blis- permitting what amounts to un. tel'mg Summer sun. rest,rkted abortion. with unlimited press .access. .... .. .... - ... ..... '."
Panel Suggests, Federal Aid To Schools'
Vatican' Gardens, Now Open to Public
Confer'ence SUPPOlrts Legitimate Aspirations of Mil'1ority Groups
~~.'an4 I:I tist Company of Cape Cod.
,. .
.Ohio Chancellor Favors Nationa I Pastoral Council YOUNGSTOWN (NC) Is there a need for a national pastoral council in the U.S. Msgr. J. Paul O'Connor, Youngstown chancellor and chairman of the U.S. Catholic Conference advisory Council's steering committee studying the feasibility of a pastoral council, emphatically says "Yes." Is such a council advisable now? Just as emphatically, he answers "No." Msgr. O'Connor says the theological basis for a national council grows out of the Vatican II assertion that ent.ire People of God-clergy, Religious and laity-all make up the Church. He also cites Pope Paul VI's comment that man today desires to share in decisions that affect his life. The role and form such a council would assume lJas not yet been decided, but several ideas are emerging. 'Prophetic' Teaching The council, Msgr. O'Connor suggests, would discuss issues of national importance and advise the bishops, encouraging them to be more "prophetic" in their teaching. If a national council existed several years ago, he says, it could have, for example, urged the bishops to issue a statement on conscientious objection much sooner than they did.
THE ANCHORThurs., April 6, 1972
Interview with Cardinal Conway Explicit
Practice Justice, Superiors Told
Warns Against "Too' Simple an Interpretation" ARMAGH (NC) - Cardinal W111iam Conway of Armagh sees the British government's takeover of direct control of Northern Ireland "as a positive step." Political life in the British province, he told NC News in an interview "had become polarized and had lost aU flexibility. A break in that continuity. was desirable-analagous to the electric shock treatment given to patients with nervous illnesses ... "Something like this was necessary to break out of a vicious spiral ... It provides a breathing space during which new po'litical alignments and figures may emerge." The cardinal, who was born in the North, said the view that Britain's takeover and dissolution of the Northern Irish parliament was brought about by the violence of the outlawed Irish Republican Army is "too simple an interpretation." The violence would have withered away," he explained, "if there hadn't been deep-seated distrust in a large section of the, population with the existing political arrangements and with some of the methods used to combat violence. It was this deep-seated distrust that produced the change."
ROME NC)-Superiors of Religious orders must practice what they preach by showing justice toward the men and women in their orders before _preaching it to the world. That was the theme of a meeting here at which Religious superiors launched a' program to implement the teachings of the 1971 world Synod of Bishops document on world justice and Pope Paul's Jan. 1 appeal to everyone "to work for justice." At the meeting's end, the Jes" uit superior general, Father Pedro Arrnupe, president of the Union of Superiors General (male), and Mother Mary Linscsott, superior general of the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur . and president of the International Union of Superiors General (female), issued a joint communique saying that members of Religous orders "have to witness to justice not only through their " ~ direct involvement in its promotion in the world, but also through their own example in their lives and institutions."
Lutheran-Catholic Group to Meet ROME (NC)-A new international joint working group of Roman Catholic and Lutheran representatives will hold meetings in October to review and evaluate contacts and conversaNons that the two churches have h'ad on various levels over the past five years. The first session will meet Oct. 16-20, probably in Europe, 'and will review earlier dialogues, consider Lutheran-Catholic situations in vari-ous countries, look at relationships between the two bodies on the theological level and give special attention to local and regional contacts and cooperation. Three 'additional sessions are scheduled to be held in the three following years.
British Army Brutality
During the current crisis in Ireland, Cardinal Conway said, the Church has "cons,jstently The council would encourage -stated very, very strongly that bishops to "speak out" on moral violent means ought not to be issues before it is "safe" to do used" -and that there is "an urso (as it is now "safe" to speak gent need for far-reaching politout against the' Vietnam war)- ical initiatives to, .. very genin other words, to give greater uine social grievances: discrimileadership, Msgr., O'Connor says. nation (against Catholics) in jobs The council probably would al- and housing and in other imporso urge the bishops to seek from tant areas." He said he feels that the overRome more freedom in the Ii- . whelming body of Northern Irish turgy, marriage cases and the life-styles of clergy and Religi- Catholics hates the killing, the maiming and the bombing, but ous. that Catholics were trapped by the brutality of the British army. Relatively Small If Catholics rejected the IRA, the A well-planned council, he be- cardinal said, they were acceptlieves, would provide the bish- ing their torturers and jailers. ops with insights as to where Thousands of Catholics were the U.S. Church ought to be go- rounded up and detained without ing. trial and charges under the Current thinking is that the Protestant-controlled governcouncil ought to be relatively ment's internment-without-trial small, somewhere between 50 order for suspected terrorists. and 200 members. Msgr. O'ConNeeds New Structure nor feels. the majority should be dected, but some members The cardinal said that the sitnhould be appointed to guaran- uation in Northern Ireland in fee the inclusion of ideological, which the Catholic minority was 1 acial, and national minorities permanently excluded from parand to provide for needed ex- ticipation in the government was pertise. "unhealthy and unstable," but The council's main thrust added that the problem cannot could be both prophetic (a be solved by physically forcing_ strong group exercising moral almost a million pro-British leadership) and reprei:;entative Protestants in Northern Ireland (a broad"based group represent- into a united Ireland with the ing the thinking of' the average Irish Republic in the south. "A union of territory would American Catholic). mean little without a reasonable unity of hearts and minds-and Defeat Move would probably only create new BOSTON (NC)-Massachusetts problems," he said. will not change its laws banning "Northern Ireland," he - said, abortions this year. Moves to needs -a new political structure, liberalize the laws were turned and it is widely thought that this down by the House of'Represen- should be' a structure providing tatives 201 to 16. Highlighted by for community governmentan intensive campaign by the ' that is, government in which all Catholic bishops of Massachu- political parties participate in setts, who urged retention of the proportion to the number of their laws, the issue was bitterly de- elected representatives ... if reasopable' stability ,apQ... barmpny bated i! •. , , •.
could be achieved in this way ban on artificial contraceptives one couId safely .leave the prob- . and divorce. lem of a united Ireland to hisCardinal Conway, however, tory. In other words, 'let justice sa,id he "would not shed a single· be done and leave the rest to tear" if the constitution's special history.' " recognition of the Catholic Church's position were to disFor United Ireland appear. He called it "a piece of l1he cardinal has been in a decoration." singularly difficult position. He "In the context of a united is accused by Northern Irish Ireland," the cardinal said, Protestant diehards of master"there would naturaHy have to minding a Popish plot to rule be a new constitution that would Ireland from Rome and at the he acceptable to the people of same time Catholic zealots, inall Ireland." cluding IRA members, say that his moderation and oft-repeated ; condemnation of violence play into Protestant hands, DAILY INTEREST SAVINGS ACCOUNTS The cardinal left little doubt that he feels a united Ireland is PER ANNUM the only realistic long-range solution to the problem. Many Protestants in Northern Interest Earned From Day of Deposit to Day of Withdrawal Ireland, however, have cited the special position accorded the ALi. DEPOSITS INSURED IN FULL Catholic Church in the Irish ReMinimum Deposit $100 pubHc as an obstacle to unity. PAID UP SHARE ACCOUNTS Maximum Deposit $40,000 The Church receives special ~ 00 Dividends Paid Quarterly and Every IN PASSBOOK FORM recognition in the Republic's Dollar Insured in Full constitution, tit has a large meaNo Notice Required for Withdrawal sure of control of the state educa-tion system, and there is a
....... .
5 %
Scho()1 Principals Honor Religious· ANAHEIM (NC)-Brother An- thony Wallace, assistant professor of education at La Salle College, Philadelphia, was honored for his "outstanding contributions" to education at a meeting of the National Associ'ation of Secondary School Principals here' in California. Brother Wallace was the executive secretary of the second~ry school department of the National Catholic Educational Aassociation from 1967-71.
. Main Office: 41 Taunton Green, Taunton, Mass. Branch Office: 1400 Fall River Ave., Seekonk, Mass.
Taunton ,cooperative bank liThe Bank That Sets The Pace For Progress' ~
.... ANCHOR-Diocese .tHE ... ." . '
, .
o~ Fall Apr. , River-Thurs ,.. .. 13, 1972 .
--The· Paris'h- Parade /.
. '
Cooking Addict Misses Fun Of Trying New Recipes
Publicity chairmen of parish or· . ganizations are asked to submit· news items for this column to The Anr.~l)r,P.' O. Box 7, fall ,River
By. Josepll and Marilyn Roderick No matter how deeply parents are sleeping,: there are certain sounds that wake them' out of their stupor. One is the sound of a closing outside door early in the mornIng. So. it was I leaped out of bed when: I heard ~he sound of the storm door at 6 A.M. . My early exiter was Jason, painter experienGEls when he hapwho it. turned out was anxi- pens· upon a beautiful.landscape. I get my kicks by' baking a pie or kneading a batch of bread. store with a slice ·of· bread with This I truly miss. However, now a hole in it. that I'm getting it little .more 'adIt seems that one of the bread justed to .my wor~·I. find that companies has advertised that I'm doing more li;rid' more' weekit will give five loaves of bread end cooking, making food that to any customer who can f.ind can be used by the,family during a hole the size of that pictured the week.. '. '. , Do you know ',I'm even look~ on the package. Jason had found ·.a hole the size of that pictured ing forward, 'tq ". going~uper fashion we allowed him his fun market, shopping 'this weekend, and when. he returned with the so you~ really: have·to realize that statement that "George said he ;r miss ,my stint itt the kitchen. win check with the bread sales~ . This is a delicious and unusual man," we tl!ought, that the prob- lemon.pie recipe with a different lem was resolved: , . twist to the 'topping~ .
ous to get to the corner
, ~ No Fishes?
Lemon Meringue Pie
RENEWAL: Cardinal Vi.cente Enrique Taracon, 6:5 year~of age, the noted re'former of the Church in Spain, has received the backing of Pope' Paul VI and his secretary .of· state Cardinal Jean' Villot for an all-out el,fort for Church renewal and social reform· in Spain.
ST. THOMAS MORE, SOMERSET The Women's Guild will meet .at 8 tonight in the lower church hall for the last business session of the year. Election of officers will follow presentation of a slate by Mrs. Edna Altham, chairman of. the nominating committee. Mrs. Helen Harrison, banquet committee chairman, will announce plans for· the annual banquet and installation of officers. Arrangements will be finalized public penny sale to be for held Saturday, April 22 in the hall, with Mrs. Rita Russell as general chainnan. Tonight's entertainment will be presented by Renee and Louise LePage, who will offer a program of liturgical folk music. Mrs. William Ryding will be in charge of refreshments, aided by a iarge committee.' ' ,
ST. ANNE,.", FALL 'RIVER Bingo will be played in the school cafeteria' from 7 to 10 every Wednesday ,night from now on. Refreshments will be available. The Home and School Association will hold a meeting combined with a Creative Art's Fair at 7:30 tonight in the school. A panel discussion on "Your <::hild and His Body Needs" will include as speakers Miss· Anne Marie Hedquist, instructor of nutrition at SMU; Mrs. Patricia Dobek and Mrs. Doris Kingman, pediatric instructors; Mrs. Paul· ine Ready, dental hygienist; and Mrs. Mariette Eaton, instructor in obstetrics. All parents are urged to attend. A cake sale will- follow all Masses this weekend, sponsored by Senior'Girl Scout Troop 1515., ' The annual parish bazaar is slated for the weekend of April 21 in the school auditorium. Refreshments will be served,prizes will be awarded and many 'games will be featured.
ST. JOHN OF GOD, Well, believe it or. not, George 1 baked pie shell ST. KILIAN, SOMERSET checked with the salesman and 1 and % ·cup water NEW BEDFORD Jasop became the recipient of Y2 cup cornstarch A large committee is planning The Women's Guild will sponfive loaves of bread' which he 1,4 teaspoon saU "Cabaret Nights," to be held at Mor~1 sor aa whist party at 8 Saturday · proudly deposited - on the 1 and 1f.l cup sugar, 7:30 Friday and, Saturday night, 15 in the'school night, April UNJTED .. NATIONS (NC) -kitchen counter:' Now, we use 4 eggs separated June 2 and 3 in the church hall. sliced bread oniy foicsandwiches 2 Tablespoons butter or. mar- Racial segregation is "one of the basement o~ Earle' Street. ,Selections from musical com,great moral challenges of our and morning toast, and therefore. garine edies . wiill be, sung under the OUR LADY OF ANGELS, .. 1 Tablespoon grated lemon rind time," ·the chairman of the UN's FALL RIVER consume about one loaf. a week, direction of Rev. Henry Arruda special committee on apartheid so ,what we were going to do Y2 'cup lemon juice The Council of Catholic Women and other entertainment will insaid on the 12th anniversary of with five loaves was a mystery. 1,4 teaspoon cream of tartar' will sponsor a dance at 7:30' Sat- clude dancing and a singalong. '~he ; Sharpeville massa,cre,' .in We finally parcelled it out to Y2 cup sugar for merin'gue . Refreshments will' be available. 'relatives who promptly n'o ' 1) Combine I1f.l cup sugar, which South African police killed urday night, April 29 in the Tickets may he obtained from all .hall. Music' will be' by church doubt b~gan looking for holes cornstar9h, . salt .and 139 black civil rights demonstra~ast members ~nd also from Mrs. .",' .. tors.>, ' ; .', " . ". ' ':, . Ai- Jardin'. ' of their own. Jason's .comment saucepan" ~ook over medium Eliza Rebello" telephone 679upon being questioned his ,heat, stirring constantly, until Apartheid-strict !~cia.) segre- , Holy' Rosary' Sodality' "'an- .6649 and Mrs. Henry Cote, 676nounces a Communion breakmother as to what she was going mixture comes to boil and is gation-isthe official policy of 1475. . fast and meeting' to follow 8 to do with five loaves of bread thickened. Boil 1 minute, re- ,south Africa. o'clock Mass Sunday morning, ST. MARY' CATHEDRAL, was precious. and one of those' move from heat. The Sharpeville anniversary 2) Beat egg yolks, slightly in was designated as International April 16. gems which we keep tucked FALL RIVER A penny sale will take place 'away for future years. His com- a small bowl; slowly blend 'in Day for the Elimination of Racial The Mothers' Club will' hold at 7:30 Friday night, April 21 in ment, "Mom, that's no problem, about Y2. cup, of the hot corn- Discrimination. its 'annual, Communion supper the hall. We'll look for more holes.~' . starch mixture,' slowly stir back The apartheid .committee Sunday, April 16 at Eileen 'DarWith the cost of food what it, into remaining mixture in sauceehairman, Abdulrahmin Ab~y ST.. FRANCIS XAVIER, 'ling's restaurant. A motorcade is, I am looking for an advertis-,' pa'n. ,Cook, ,stirrjng constantly, Farah of Somalia, recalled that HYANNIS' will leave the school yard followingcampaign . offering' f,ive" over low heat 2'miriutes; remove the UN General Assembly had A "second chance" Spring and ing 5' P.M. Mass. Principal suppounds. of meat for each pound from heat. :Stir in lemon . juke, . acknowledged the moral leader.. Summer clothing consignment per speaker will be Rev. Robert if-;. it.<::ontairis·",gristle or five butter, and iemon 'rind; pour' into pounds of fi,let of sore if it con- ' cooled pastry' shell. . Cover 'Witli ~ihip exercised by the churches in ·sale will be ·held tomorrow and Kaszynski, pastor of St. Stanisopposing racia.) segregation.· Saturday from 10 A.M. to 4 P.M. laus parish, Fall River. tairis ~,' bone; someyirhere there transparent \"rap, refrIgerate in the lower church hall, South has to be' a gimmiCK that pays. ahouf'~ hours. '. , The Altar and Ro~ary Society Street, Hyannis: Clean,pressed, will conduct a cake sale iri the In tho 3) Beat eg!:" 'whites.' W.Ith ~;tress Ecumenism sized and priced clothing, may school from 5to 8 Saturday evee 1 c en . cream'. of 'tartar'· until' fOl:\my, he brought to the. hall from 10 ning, April 15 and from 8 to "How do you manage to do, slowly.. sprinkle In remaining Y2 I'n. S.chool System to 11 :30 this morning, from 2 noon on Sunday, April 16. Cof· everything w~th such a busy . cup sugar and beat. until meJERUSALEM (NC)-Ecumen· scehdule?" is the question I hear ringue, stands in, tall ,peaks. ism gets :more than lip service at: to 3:30 this afternoon and from . fee and doughnuts will also be most often from my friends and Using a pastry bag, press' me- the 24 educational ,institutions, 7 to 10 tonight. Items will· be available.. . _colleagues. The answer is that ringue ,into 10 large puffs on a of the· Franciscan Order's Cus· so.ld with 60 per. cent, of the Members are, requested to profit going to the donor, the reit 'isn't· easy -and many ·things . greased and lightly floured cooky ~ody of the Holy Land. ,leave their home"made donations mainder benefiting .the parish. just have, to be put into the sheet. Bake in a 425 oven 3 to in the' school on Saturday afterThe institutions provide train,"This is, .an excellent moneybackground. 5 minutes. Cool and place on . i:'lg for members of many differ- making' opportunity for house- noon. With all the excitement of a pie top before serving." ent religIous communities in 'the wives;" notes Mrs. Leo Gregoire, .. neW j<il,> that offers more variety Middle East. More than 11...000 project chairman, who adds that · than any 20 peopie would want . Fewer Schools Close, ,students attend t!lese institu- no rummage or white' elephant to spice up their life; I find that tions, and their teaching staff ite,ms will be handled. Men's, one of the things that has really .Than Predicted nu:nbers 375. ONE STOP women's and children's clothing been suffering is my; cooking, WASHINGTON (NC) The SHOPPING CENTER The, c;ustody'S schools are lo- is .acceptable. and. this I sorely miss. Two rea- sharp. increase in' Catholic sons why I find creative cooking school closings predicted after cated "in five different countries • Television • Grocery . · so fascinating are that f love to the 1971 Supreme Court ruling --Cyprus, Egypt, Lebanon, Jor- ST. MICHAEL, . • Appliances • Furniture eat and I find a. great deal of against nonpublic school aid dan and Israel. Twelve of the OCEAN GROVE 104 Allen St., New Bedford A specilil Day of Recollection .satisfaction in making a dish does not seem to have material- s,:hools begin at 'the nursery continue will be conducted by the parish 997-9354 that my family really enjoys. ized, says an official of the Na- s,:hool "level and through the elementary grades, \ for all parishioners and friends tional Catholic Educational AsRecipe' Addict nine provide elementary and sec- on, Sunday, April 30. sociation (NCEA).. The program will open at 1:30 When a new magazine comes Dr. George Elford, research ondary schooling ;and three BEFORE YOU in' I can't resist trying at least department director, said NCEA more are elementary boarding with an introductory talk and BUY-TRY sehools attached to orphanages. close at 6 with a cottcelebrated· a few of the recipes that they had predicted a 4.1 per cent drop M~sS. Discussions and reports have in glorious technicolor. I'm in the number of U. S. Catholic Only about 20 per cent of the I sure this addiction must be schools-about 466 fewer. students are Latin-rite Catholics, will occupy the hours ~uring the ' something akin to that a home. An initial review of. 1971-72 ana some 1,500-about 13 per , aftl;!rnoon. ·carpenter feels when he comes Catholic school sta'tistics indi~ cent-belong to other Cal'lolic A free buffet supper will be OLDSMOBILE across a truly exciting do-it- cates a 3.4 per cent drop in the rites, 'including the Byzantine, served by the Catholic Woman's Oldsmobile.Peugot-R~nault yourself project, or the itoh for- number of Catholic' schools, or Syrian, Armenian,' Coptic and Club'in the church hall fc;>llowing 67 Middle Street, Fairhaven a' paint bruSh that a SundaY . about 386 fewer,' Elford ··sa'id. Maronite. the Mass.
Apartheid Great, Challenge
In h
tHE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-T~urs Apr. 13, 1972
Christ Victim,of Collective Evildoing of Mankind
Greenland Gets Fi'rst Church
"God's plan of liberation and salvation is once and for all fulfilled in the Paschal Mystery of Christ." But Christians, seeking justice and the liberati~p of mankind from all oppression, have to extend the processes of redemption through time and the world. In doing so, they seems a very decent chap-well, law and order must be preserved, participate in the Easter people have been hailing the man Mystery. With this thought, as a national leader ("King of
the ir)troduction to the Synodal the Jews"). The respectable document, "Justice in the" classes - churchmen, lawyers, World," comes to an end. 'bankers-distrust and denounce him, so perhaps it will be best for all concerned if he is put away. Then take the chief priests, By scribes and Pharisees among the Jews. They are in an awkward BARBARA position. It rather resembles that of, say, chiefs in Africa who WARD used to collaborate with the European colonial: powers - and still do in Rhodesia. They have established a modus vivendi with ~'1'&. .~"%t~' Naturally, as Christians,' we Rome's overwhelming power. 'are accustomed to the idea of They are allowed, in many Easter's ultimate significance. ways, to run their own affairs, PROTEST: Assemblyman St. Paul simply says that if Romans do not force their way Anthony Imperiale of New Christ did not rise again, then into temple's and synagogues. the Christian faith is without The Sanhedrin has complete reli- Jersey displays "The Godmeaning. But it is possible to gious authority. The local Roman father Game" in the state's feel one knows something as a centurion is likely to be a, very Assembly chamber'as he disfact without ever really thinking responsible, agreeable man and cusses his proposed legislavery much about it. Why does undoubtedly the Roman army tion which would ban the the Paschal Mystery explain to does keep very good order. sale of games with an ethnic us the reality of both social and Social Sin personal sinfulness? How does connotation. Similar proit provide the culminating proof Trade is flourishing even if taxes testations of ethnic prejudice that m!\O's "ascending path" is are resented. And provided the are being aired in a separate a real ascent, not an illusion, wild lads who have joined the that his road turns upwards and freedom fighters or Zealots- meetirig by blacks, whites his journey through time 'makes vowing to throw the Romans and browns in Chicago. sense? , . out by force, are kept under conPerhaps no generation has trol, a 'working comprOlnise, ever asked these questions with comfortable for the Romans and more agony. The old faiths seem comfortable for respectable Jews, . to have died while the brief and can be worked out. The local WASHINGTON (NC) - A bill recent period of total confidence "puppet" ruler, Herod, agrees to outlaw abortion unless it is in science, human reason and au- with them. necessary to preserve the life of tomatic progress has faded beBut Jesus, whom, the masses fore the realities of modern mass 'hail as Messiah 'and who the mother has been introduced technological killing-from the preaches against the' hypocrisy in the New Jersey legislature to gas chambers of Auschwitz and of the Pharisees and the greed of restore restrictions recently invalthe destruction of Hiroshima, to merchants and even overturns idated by a federal court ruling. The bill, prepared by State today's huge expenditures on money lenders' booths in" the nuclear overkill or, the air war temple, . is obviously likely to Assemblyman Brian T. Kennedy, in Southeast Asia. If this is what upset both "establishments"-of would ,require. that. two physiman and science can accomplish Rome and of Jewry. As they put cians determine there is a danger together, what grounds for hope it in the Sanhedrin, "it is better to the life of a pregnant woman. The stipulation that the life are we offered by what was once 'that one man should die than of the mother must be in danger called human rationality? that the whole nation ,should had been the' traditional inter-' suffer." Help Us Understand 'pretation by New Jersey courts Thus, two very respectable for more th'an 100 years. HowBut both as secular history groups contrive, for what seem and as "sacred history," the life to them excellent reasons, 10 ever, the 2-1 federal <;ourt ~eci and death of Christ help us to kill God. This is the essence of sion struck down the law on the understand the real meaning of social sin-not to 'see that the grounds it was too vague. Since the decision, legislatiol! our human task. Take the histor- whole politico-social framework, has been introduced in the New ical facts which come down to in this case, of colonialism, opJersey State Assembly to permit us through the Gospels and pression and collaboration, leads through some 'non-Christian to violence and sin' just as cer- abortions to be performed legalsources such as the historian, tainly as dO personal anger or ly for a variety of reasons up to the 26th week of pregnancy. Josephus. In, our Lord's time, personal spite. In Ohio,a last minlite effort Palestine was a Roman colony, IBut this is not an issue simply failed to add an amendment to with a system of government very like that of recent European of ~ conservative establisment. revise Ohio's criminal code. to Christ's refusal to lead a'violent permit abortion-on-demand. The colonial powers. revolt against Rome. alienated proposal touched off a two-hour Pontius Pilate, honest. worried, the radicals. When it came to a debate on the floor of the legisanxious to be fair, yet 110t wantchoice, the crowds yelled for the lature. ing to get into trouble with the The proposal would have perRoman government at home, re- release of Barabbas, in prison for violence, possibly as a freemitted abortion on demand dursembles scores of British colonial governors in the last hundred dom fighter. The "establish- ing the first 19 weeks of pregyears. They are confronted with ment" of anti-colonialism, can nancy if performed by a physigoings-on among the "natives" also fail to see that there can cian in a hospitat The amendand although it is hard to grasp be a collective or social sin in ment would have allowed aborthe rights and wrongs of the af- indiscriminate killing, even for tion after 20 weeks of pregnancy fair-arid the "agitator" himself the noblest cause. Christ, killed only to save the life of the for his uncompromising social . mother. ' criticism and equally un'comproIn Mississippi, a bill to liberalContentment mising nonviolence, is thus' the ize that state's abortion laws has Know and believe in yourself, symbolic victim of the realities been pronounced dead, by the and what others think won't dis- of mankind's capacity for collec- . two state representatives who -Feather rtive evil. turb you. introduced it.
States Debate Abortion Bills
GODTHAAB (NC) - The 50 Catholics living among the 46,000 Lutherans who inhabit Godthaab are about to get a church of their own. . The first Catholic church to be constructed on the Danish island since the Midd'!e Ages will be built with the financial assistance of the Cath{)lic archdiocese 'of Cologne in West Germany. At the end of the 14th century
there was a Catholic bishopric Ihere, but it was abandoned when Scandinavian settlers left. The little Catholic community of Godthaab is ministered to by three Oblate Fathers. Father Finn Lynge, 38, who converted to Catholicism 19 years ago and entered the Oblates last Autumn, organized the first pilgr.image to the Holy Land in the island's history.
The Money In-Between. Time Springtime is like a "money in-between time," a chance to catch our breath: hopefully Christmas bills are all paid, and we prudently start putting a little away, anticipating vacation, graduations, and weddings. Even better, for many people this. in-between time brings an addition to their pocketbooks by way of tax refunds. What's my point? There are several. Many people ask what they can do additionally to help th: missions and the. wor~d's poor? Many people, feeling the stram of present-day mflabon, still send a sacrifice regularly and write they wish it could be more. There are many ways to give to the missions, and this "in-between time" is one opportunity we hope is not missed. The missionaries serving in the most poverty stricken areas of the world have no "in-between time" • • • no vacation • • • no tax refunds. The spiritual and material suffering of the poor goes on; the relief, hope and progress missionaries bring de, pends on your suppol'1l, financiallYl-true-but ~st by your concern and love, and by the unseen power of your sacrifices and prayers. Springtime is often 't time when mission concern and sacrifice is forgotten. Yet here is a special opportunity for sharing. When many of us are catching our breath and feeling refreshed with spring fever, the missions begin to feel the additional hardships of neglect. This year could be different if our springtime embraced the poor of the missions! Springtime offers extraordinilry opportunities to help the , missions:' a share in your tax return is one way to. thank God for your work, your health, your means of s~stenance. Spring cleaning? Remember the missionS-:-Old gold,' sUver, and jewelry, given to the Society is always appreciated. Unneeded Life insurance policies, gift annuities, and remembering the Society for the Propagation of the Faith in your wUl are other ways . of helping the missions.
. ..--
We have no savings clubs, but weekly or monthly donation can· provide a missionary seminarian with a year's education, a catechist's monthly support, a leprosarium with the needed medicine, and on and on. Most of all, please, use this springtime to grow in the ·I~ve of Christ by remembering in a special way your fellow human beings who need to know your love all year round. Please clip out this column and send that special gift for othe~s today. """""""""""""""""""""""'; : SALVATION AND SERVICE are the work of The Society : for the Propagation of the Faith. Please cut out this column : : and send your offering to Most Reverend Edward T. , O'Meara, National Director, Dept. C., 366 Fifth Ave, New : : York, N.Y. 10001 or directly to your local Diocesan Director. : :
: :
The Rev. Msgr. Raymond T. Considine 368 North Main Street Fall River, Massachusetts 02720
,, : :
,,, ,,: NAME - ADDRESS , : : ,, :- CITY STATE ZIP.................. : -- 4-9-72 ,, , : Remember the Society for the Propaga!ion in your Will :-~"-,-"""""'-"""""'--""--"--"'-----:-
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs Apr. 13, 1972
FAITH God .is Ou'r Father
I !I
.God our Father is a God of For example, one of the, i~reatest paradoxes of Christian :;pirituality is that the God we eall Father is also Mother. In Christian tradition, God the :father does not just generate, he also brings forth; he not only initiates life, he also sustains it; he not only provides food, h~l himself is food. In addition, qualities often closely associated with fatherhood, such as paren. 1ia] authority, justice, and power, are complemented in him by a dependence onilie free love of his sons and" daughters, by mercy, and by 'tenderness. This provides a clue for us to what .it means to be "in God's image." For to be in God's image" whether we are men or women" is to be called to the fullness of' the humanity he gave us, creat·, ing in, ourselves a synthesis of' what are mistakenly referred to as .exclusively 'feminine' quali.. ties. Each human being at times is c:a21ed to reflect strengtih, at. others weakness, at times aggression, at times surrender. All of us a're called to be mature, cognitive, thinking beings, but we must also develop child· J.ikeness, feeling, and affectivity. God Is My Fortress rn Christian spirituality, this {:aradoxical element in existence i:; found most often in the life of prayer. There we find that God is ,at the same time the source of all security and the absence of all' security. He is FATHER AND SON: Too young to "sing for his father", strength, rock and steadfastness the same time. that he is the this child still knows that he has the protection' of. his at one who says, "Come, leave your father; ,The sense. ot what "father" should be.'like, draws t:eople 'and your father's house people: to. God as ~' ... our' father~"Photo by Pfeifer:· and enter a land I shall show you." • We may be warned by t:he Sometimes ,a phrase, a sen- never loved him,' or'he neve!-' tence from a movie .'grabs you. loved me? .'.. But stm, when I wQrds of Martin Buber, "Woe to The final words of "I Neve.r hear the word 'Father~ ... it mat- that man so possessed that he thinks he possesses God." Yet we Sat:tg .far my Father" struck me ters." find it even more frightening to ,that· way,; Perhaps you remember Perhaps these final words of ,them too: ' .. this fine movie struck a· reson- be so possessed we thiilk it posdene, ·the son, 'and Tom, his ance in me because of my expe- sible to dispense with him. "You father; spent their: lives in an in-' r,ience . with' d'elinquent boys. are my stronghold,' my, refuge, tense personal struggle between Many', ,of. them feared their my fortress, my secur·ity," 'we themselves. At· times' they seem fathers. Others despised them. mad in the psalms. He is the to: ~ate :each oth~l'; denuine Still ·others felt'sorry for. them. one place where we can rest. First Move by God tenderness break-s $1'Ol.1gh only . But,' much to my surprise, I momentarily. ·Finall~:the ol,d man found that to them as to Gene, Yet in another sense, it is the word "father" mattered. face-to-face with God in prayer ~~r Even for boY's whose fathers had that we learn to surrender even \ I ,i beaten them, a1;landoned them, OLlr security. In prayer we learn b'etrayed them,' there' .was ,a' to become empty. In prayer we sense - of what a father' was IEI1l::'n that before G{)d we must meant 'to be like, what, killCi of g.ive up everyone ,of our idols, FR. CARL J. father they would want to be even the idol of secur.ity. This is someday. PFEIFER, S.J. what .is . behind the somewhat shattering suspiCion we have . God the Father ~hat tlj:e security of. the ChrisFor young ,people whose tian is. to be without security fathers genuinely care for them and, the future of the Christian angrily, orders ,Gene ,out of his and are able to communicate is to create the future. .house. Gene, leaves 'with equal with them in a. relationship of Similarly, altlhough we cannot anger. '''That night' I left my trust and affection, :the word even begin to pray until God father's hOl.lse f~rever," he muses "father" has a still richer mean, first approaches us, prayer is at later, after his father's death. ing. Few experiences are as it;; best- an exploration into God, The movie ends as Gene con- meaningful for a man as becom- a going forth 011 our part into cludes his reminiscence. "Death ,ing 'a father and guiding the the unknown. The entire Judaeoends a life, but it does not end a growth of his children. The deep Glristian tradition is a reminder relationship which struggles on , love of man and ",roman takes on t<J Us that we can only love God' in the surVivor's mind toward a new fullness when 'that love :bElcause he has 'first _loved us; some resolution which it never '~comes' fruitful' of .new life. . that it' is he- who 'sought _out finds ... What did it matter if ,I. , Turn to Pag,e Eighteen' Abraham, and Moses and the :~aradox.
Source of Christian -Spirituality prophets - sometime~ , against , give even the most halting sigtheir will, as in the cases ,of nals such "I, lo~e you. I'm Jeremiah, an<;l. Joo11" and 'even sorry," or, "I love you.. Thank you." It is God who' came to us Saint Paul. in time, who broke into human , history where we were;, whoapproached and still approaches us ,in all the modes of being open By to men-poetry and song and \ sorrow and beauty· and other SR. MARIE people. Powerful Gentleness HARRIS, CSJ Yet prayer is at the same time a movement on our part, a journey, an exploration .into_ God. God, is where man's going. As Prayer is not first our activity; Ohmstopher . Fry reminds us in it is God who makes the first "A Sleep of Prisoners" .: move, who comes to u~ when we , Turn to Page Seventeen' '
Father, Source of Christian Spirlualit-y YQU cannot define Christianity in terms of solving' soCial -problems. Christianity tries to pro-' duce good men, and. good men today are concerned witlh' social problems . . . drugs, oppression, warfare, poverty, etc. 'J1herefore Ohristianity is not a political or esconomic organization. It is a religion. .
'Concern for the good 'of ·~ne's fellow men and willingness to -ma~e perSonal sacrifiCes .for .that good, are marks of the' Christian. If a man does not have those marks, his Chri:stianity' is hypocritica,1 and hollow. Bu~ those marks alone cannot define him as Clwistian. llhey 'define only the good man. The Christian is a son of God.
Faith and Religion Christianity is a faith and a religion. As a faith, it is a speCial vision of the world.,As are· ,ligion, it is the effort tQ live in full awareness of that speCial vJsion. Such a life is a life of love, according to the teachings 'of tJhe gospel we have seen:·It is a me of sacrifice, after the model of Ch'rist's self-gift for .us. And such a life is also a life of prayer. The prayer that makes the Christian's life is not prayer simply as "repeating a lot of words as the pagans do" (Mtt. 6,7). It is not only the repeated beg~ing God for favors, "for you Father in heaven knows that· you need all these things" (Matt. 6,32). Tohe Christian's prayer is a life _of knowing God is close and so of fee1iD.g close to God. It begins, as all life begins, in God, our Father, the giver of life. "Let us give thanks to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. For In our union with Ohrist, God has greatly blessed us with every spiritual Turn to Page Seventeen
Modem Music at Mass
The title tune from "!Alfie:" contrast har~hly with the played as instrumental 'back- . thoughts, attitudes. and a~m(j 'ground music, seems totally in- sphere expected when we ap-' appropriate in a Catholic church proach' the altar' to receive at Communion time. Moviegoers '.Christ's Body and Blood. But I think we should hold will remember Michael Caine in <that f,iJm as the fun~loVjng back for a moment our immedi'ate, negative judgment and weigh t:he matter more carefully. , Alf,ie doesn't escape from these episodes totally unscathed., He By shudders at the sight of his aborted fetus on 'an- apartment 'FR: JOSEPH' M. floo.r and, at the movie's conclusion, walks across a bridge and CHAMPLIN down the street-alone. Is'the f.ilm trying to say something t~rou~ contrast? 'umw:_~ Pr!ilaches Chris.t's Message .~ English ,playboy who 'quitelrre-The song's' lyrics lead. us to sponsibly IQved and lef.t countless young (and a few not so . believe so. "What's it all about, young), women. Moreover, Alfie Alfie? Is it' just· for the moment even encouraged 'one l!flfortu"- we live?:. Are we. meant to nate girl to abort the child he take more', than we give?" ,had fathered. AHof this. indeed Turn to Page Eighteen'
THE ANCHORThurs.. Apr. 13, 1972
Caroline Matilda's Story 'Curiosity of History' "As happy as kings"-it is an ironic expression. Certainly it would be so regarded by close observers of the species. Thus, a woman with long experience of the English court in the nineteenth century said. "The more I know of royalties the more I pity them-the race is a sume power. Caroline Matilda, ignored by her husband most extraordinary one and generally and hostilely viewed by rivals in I'm glad my station in life is the Danish royal family, found of a less exalted degree."
Sour grapes? Consider the specimens found in Hester W. Chapman's Caroline, Matilda: Queen of Denmark (Coward, McCann and Geoghegan, 200 Madison Ave., New York, N. Y. 10016. $6.95) and Nina Epton's Victoria and Her Daughters (NQrton, 55 Fifth Ave., New York, N. Y. 10003. $7.95). Caroline Matilda, born in 1751, was a member of the English royal family. Her father .was Frederick, Prince of Wales, the son of King George II. Frederick died before his father, hence was never king. This gave his father keen satisfaction, for he detested bis son. Why? Sister of George III
a friend in Johann Struensee, a young German physician. The king had taken a fancy to Struensee, who shrewdly used this favor to work himself up to the chief ministerial post. He became, in fact, dictator. For two years, he and Caroline Matilda ruled Denmark, getting the increasingly unbalanced King Christian to sign decrees of their fashioning. The queen and the doctor were more than good friends, and this scandal intensified the fury of their enemies at court. Short Reign A coup was staged in 1772. The king was physically captured by relatives and made their creature, to be manipulated by them as he had been by the queen and the doctor. After the coup, Struensee was beheaded, and Caroline Matilda was exiled to Germany. She had been in Denmark. only six years, a short, turbulent, often nightmarish term. She died alone in 1775, aged 23. Her pathetic story' is of no great importance, except as one of the curiosities of history and as evidence of the doubtfulness of the "'happy as kings" bit. Miss Chapman has written better books about more sigpifkant' subjects. This minor work is marred by some silly and taste-. less .comments abqut relig!ous conversion.
Frederick seems to have been a decent sort. Not too bright, of course, but then neither were other relatives of equal eminence. Kings have a way of disliking and even persecuting any heirapparent. George referred to his Victoria's Daughters son as "the lowest stinking coward in the world," kept him at a . Caroline Matilda was related, distance for 30 years, and would of course, to Queen Victoria, pot allow any member of the whose fate, in the next century, royal family to attend his was to be quite different. Don't funeral. look for anything like a complete Frederick's daughter Caroline account or even outline of VicMatilda (sister of George III) toria's long reign (1840·1901) in was uneducated and blankly ig- . Miss Epton's book. The author's .norant of history and the world concern is the queen's relations of her time. She was totally,im- with her five daughters. prepared when, at the age of 15, Tohose daughters are notable in' she was married to King Chris- their own right, some of them at tian VII of Denmark. The mar- least. For example, the eldest, riage was arranged for politjyal also called. Victoria, became reasons. ',Empr~ss 'of Germany and was King Christian, still· in his the mother of Wilhelm II, nototeens was diminutive. He was, rious as the Kaiser. already a drunkard and showed Alice, the second daughter, signs of mental derangement. was the mother of Alexandra, The signs were soon proved all who' married Nicolas II, tsar of too true.· Russia, and died with him at the Danish law forbade any but ' hands' of the Soviets in 1918. Danish attendants for the queen, Still another daughter, Beatrice so that Carqline Matilda went was the mother of Victoria alone and afraid into a strange Eugenie, the last queen of Spain. land, a doomed marr,iage, and a Queen Victoria was a bearer bizarre court. of . the disease hemophilia, and through her daughters spread it Assumes' Power in royal families all across EuHer husband, an absolutemon- ',rope. The consequences in· hisaroh was absolutely irresponsible ~ory were considerable. whether as king, husband, or Enjoyed Affection father. His real interest· was in debauchery' and in such pranks Thus, the Tsarina Alexandra as going out at night· with other came under the influence of Rasdissolute young men to beat up putin because of his supposed the watchmen, smash windows, ability to cure' the disease in her and incite riot. son the tsarevich. RaspuHn's His Irresponsibility and his ascendancy had,much to do with lapses into madness. inevitably condRions which provoked the led to attempts by others to as- Russian Revolution.
Union Suspends Winery Boycott FRESNO (NC)-Cesar Chavez' United Farworkers Union has agreed to suspend temporarily its secondary boycott activities against nine California wineries, while both sides seek to settle federal boycott charges out of court. As a result, a Fedt'ral District Court hearing on it National Labor Relations Board complaint against the union was postponed indefinitely. District Judge M.D, Crocker, who had set the hearing for April 6, c,>rtified an agreement signed b'\ the union attorney William (',lrder ane! labor board attornf. James S. Scott. A secondary boy, .tt h pro hibited under t1-)e No anal l,aboy' Relations Ac;' Fa I ,\, ,rker· were exempted fror:, pro\l<;ion of the act W"'.'1'} it' ~cal"'· lay.. in 1935, bUl the loalu ha.; charged that the : jon repr.e sents some non-fil' I workers and thus is subject to the act. The Chavez group has denierl the charge, insisting that it represents only field workers. The board can reintroduce its suit for an injunction if it finds any violations of the terms of the District court agreement.
MISSION SCENE: The missionary prip<;t talking with some of his parishioners at the mission of Raipur in India is part of the daily routine of thousands of dedicated missionaries throughout the world. NC Photo.
Source of Christian Spirituality Continued 'froin Page Sixteen gift in the heavenly world. Before the world was made, God had already chosen us to be his in Christ, so that we would be holy and without fault before him" (Ephesians 1,3). ., Peter's Words It is a rich and full life: "He has g.iven us previous and very .great· promises, in order that by receiving what he has promised you ~ay escape from the destructive passion that exi~ts in this world and come to share the divine nature" (II Peter 1,4). It is a life, however, that' we must learn to :appreciate. We must open our.·eyes to the treasure .within us-to "know what is the hope to which he has called you, how rich are the wonde'rful blessings he promises his people, and how very great is his power at work in us who . believe" (Eph. 1,18f). "God has put his stamp of ownership on you by gi,ving you the Holy Spirit he had promised. The Spirit is the guarantee that we shall " receive what God has promised his people, and assures us that God wHl give complete freedom to those who are his" ~Eph. 1,13f.). ' We have the power "through his Spirit to be strong in your inner selves, so that Christ will make his home in your hearts, through' fahh".(Eph, 3,16f.). In this state "you may have y?ur 1IIIIIIIIIIIIIII"'I""IIIIIIIIIII.llllllllIlllIlIllllllnl111""'lllllllllllllllIUIIIIIIIIIllllllllll"I.""lll
To say that Victoria dominated her daughters would be to perpetrate an understatement. But at least they enjoyed her affecttion, which is more than can be said for her eldest son, the P.rince of Wales (Iter King Edward 'VII). Some of the narrowness and prejudice characteristic of the mother could be found in the daughters, but one or two of them acquired, a more liberal attitude and even a modest degree of intellectual competence. In this, too, there is a greater distance than that in years between Caroline Matilda and the daughters of Victoria.
roots and foundations in love, and you, together with all God's people, may have the power to understand how broad and long and high and deep i~ Ghrist's' love ... and so be completely Continued· from Page Sixteen filled with the perfect fulness of The human heart can go to the God" (Eph. 3,17ff.). lengths of God. Dark and cold Paul's Words we may be, but this Is no winter It is a life of peace: "God's now. The frozen misery Of cenpeace" which is far beyond turies breaks, oracks, begins to human understanding, will keep move; The thunder is the thunyour hearts, and minds Safe in der of the loes. The thaw, the Christ Jesus" (Philippians 4,7). flood, the upstart Spring.' It is a life in God's presence: 11hank God our time is now ,"God has made you his friends, Wlhen wrong Comes up to face in order to bring you, holy and . us everywhere. Never to leave pure and innocent, into his pres-, us till we take The longest stride ence" (Colossians 1,22). of soul men ever took. Affairs It is a happy and thankfdul are now soul size. The enterprise life: "Be happy always, pray at . Is exploration into God. all times, be thankful in all cirTo live with ambiguity and cumstances. This is what God paradox seems to be the destiny wants of you, in your life in of our generation of Christians. Christ Jesus" (I Thess. 5,1618). That a God of paradox is the "Sing pslams, hymns, and sacred source and support of this kind songs; sing to God, with thanks- of life is itself a powerful gentlegiving in your hearts. Everything ness. you do or say, then, should be done in the. name of the Lord Jesus, as you give thanks through him to God the Father" (Col. 3,16f.). "Serve the Lord with a heart full of devotion. Let your hope keep you joyful, be patient in your troubles, and pmy at all times" (Romans 12,12).
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The Vargas Oil Co. protects your family's heating comfort all year round. . TRY US FIRST
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs Apr. 13, 1972
Our Father
.COmmOn Culture Herita'ge Basis for 'Ethn'ic Thing' I note that from that secure bastion of cosmopolitanism. Westchester County, Mrs.. Sidney Callahan has announced that "this ethnic thing is mostly a fraud." Not only is it a fraud, it has "already crested and revealed how little it has to offer.'" Not only is ' the' ethnic "thing" over, it is Of course, as even t:he most also "basically bankrupt." cursory investigation of the sitThis will come as an in-
teresting revelation to the considerable number of younger 1>cholars who are dedicating their professional careers to the study of ethnic heritages in the United States. It will also come as a considerable suprise to many .American, Poles, Italians, Greeks, Hungarians, and Lithuanians who have discovered that for the first time since their ancestors came to the United States it is now legitimate to be proud 9f their past. They are frauds and they are bankrupt if they think that there may be something in their respective heritages that t:ari enrich American life. , Mrs: Callahan's notion of history is, to,.put it mildly, quaint. "Everybody who came to these shores (except the blacks) came because they didn't like something 'in the old country. Mostly thOse somethings that were gladly left behind were barriers arising from highly developed , ethnic, racial, religious, or class consciousness." ,
uation would have revealed to Mrs. Callahan, this is not what those who are interested in the persistence of ethnic group identifkat-ion in American society are talking about-save for the crazies who appear on television occasionally. What most· of us are talking about has noth,ing to do with blood and race. It has to do with common cultural heritage. ' When a black 'man calls another black man "brother," he is asserting that American blacks have had many cultural experiences in common, experiences of oppression, yes, but also experiences of triumphing as human beings over oppression. Blacks share experiences of keeping alive faith and hope and fraternity in the midst of the most impossible of circumstances. Similarly, when an Irishman, or at least some Irishmen, celebrates St. Patrick's day, he is not glorifying Gaelic blood (whatever ,in the world that might be); he is asserting the value of the Celtic and Christian heritage whieh influenced his ancestors , and which still influences,him,
DONATION TO NEW ST. VINCENT'S: The Sunshine , Club. of the Aetna Life and Casualty Co., 1010 So. Main St., Fall River recently dissolved and the members voted to use their funds for a donation to the new St. Vincent's Home, Fall River. Louise Canuel, club president. presents a, check for $100 to Sr. Christina, RSM in the presence of the club treasurer, Nancy Carvalho.
at Mass
cally, instrumental music as "a COntinued from Page Sixteen The answer to those questions s'oft background during portions -i!: an emphatic "no." "As sure as of the Communion rite." Would Alfie fulfill these direcI believe there's a heaven above . . . I know there's something tives? Yes, if we consider how muoh more. Something even non- its message of love blends in believers can believe in. I be- with those unity, joy, contemplalieve in love, Alfie. Without true tion, mystery sentiments nor-. love we just exist: .. Until you mal:ly associated with the Eufind th~ love you've missed charist. But what of the ugly as- ' peets in t,hat movie which so . you're nothing, Alfie." Those are, in my view, very clash with the pure atmosphere correct,' Christian thoughts. After we' seem to breathe during am! J,esus gave us two com- Communion? Will not backmands: love the Father with our groupd music from the title whole hearts and others as we song bring them to, and contamIncredible Shallowness inate, people's minds as they apIlov~ ourselves. This ccinternpoIt ,is possible for such elite r,~,ry m~lody is; 'at least to some proach or leave the altar? Posintellectuals as Mrs. Callahan to extent, preaohing the same mes- sibly, but I doubt it-especiaHy if the celebrant or planning comdismiss the ethnic heritages out s~,ge . . mittee has additional solid reaLiturgical Decision of hand because they really don't believe, that there is any Is the song Alfie "technically, sons for utilizing the tune. Fulfills Decree thing in them worthwhile, The aesthetical'ly and expressively Irish, the Italians, the Poles, the good?" The Boston Liturgical Suppose, for example, the Lithuanians, the Czechs, the Commission insjsts on this qual- preacher began his homily with Hungarians, the Greeks, the Ar- ity in' music suitable for litur- a copy of the sheet music from menians, the Latvian, the Blacks, gical worship. I know neither Alfie in hand, read samples of Blood, Race Loyalty have nothing really to contr,ibute Burt Bacharach (who composed the lyrics and then spoke of the From' someone less charming , to Amei-ican society. If they had the tUlle) nor his professional love, respect, responsiveness and a,nd attractive than Mrs. Calla- something to contribute, presum- credentials. but presume peers good example needed for happy han, all of this would be dis- ably Mrs. Callahan. would not re9pect him as an artist and fami,ly life. In such an instance missed as, absolute'~nonsense. dismiss them as '''bankrupt wi)uld judge a piece like Alfie the very familiar refrains played "artistically sound," not cheap, later on should serve to recall Most immingrants ca'me to the frauds." But since there is nothing trite or a musical cliche." and reinforce the sermon. United States for reasons not I~ its third instruction 'on the _unlike "those which brought the there, Mrs. Callahan can say, "A How could Alfie possibUy enancestors of the American Irish: nod to the past, a brief apprecia- hanCe the liturgy during Com- Liturgy, the Holy See states: they were stan:ing to death, and tion to those who went before is munion? Official documen'ts es- "Music in the celebration must they were starving not because enough. We should be more in-' tabI:sh the function of music for serve the worship of God, and. tbere was something they didn't terested in building our common that portion of Mass: it shclUld thl1S must have qualiti~s of holi, "give expression to the joy of ness and good form; it must be like in their own heritage but future." Heritages that are centuries because of political oppression unity in the body of Christ and suited to the 'liturgical action and ,long should be dismissed with a the fulfillment of the mystery the nature of each of its, parts; , from outside conquerors. ' Like most' Catholic intellec- nod! And a future can be con- celebrated." Moreover, it must not impede the active tuals :who are called upon to' structed without any attention these decrees recommend we use participation of the. whole aspontificate on everything, Mrs. to the past. Even for a Catholic the organ and other instruments' sembly, but rather direct the at~ Callahan has not done her home- intellectual, this is shallowness to help us "share Jeelings of joy tention of mind and heart to the work. She observes, ,"It's' time beyond 'belief. As anyone who and contemplation at appropri- mystery which is celebrated~" I obviously feel that in the we affirmed the old liberal idea has ,given f-ive minutes consecu- ate, times." They cite, specificontext described above Alfie that r'ationally chosen loyalties 'tive thought to the subject ought conforms to the requirements· are more important than blood to be aware, men build a future not by wiping out the' past but thing worthwhile in the "old of that decree. and race. C~mmon 'Experiences' , "by' understanding where they church," which'they have' written off socasucilly, and there have c0l)le from.. University Names Real Frauds .might also be' something worthDoes Ilh~ really think that the intelligerit students and' advo-' while in the past history of First Provost cates of ethnic tradition, be they One's ethnic heritage is not an American Catholicism from DETROIT (NC) -'James W. black or white' ethnic trad-itions; enclave within which one is pro-" which the contemporary fashion Woodward has been named the are asserting loyalties of blood tected; it is the 'ground on which setters might learn. God forbid first provost in the 95-year' his-. and race?, When a black man one stands, a base fr<;>m which' :that anyone like Mrs. Callahan tory of the University of Detroit. , greets another black'man with one ventures forth, a home from or 'her friends could iearn anyWoodward, a Pro,testant, be-, .' the' title 'of "brother," is this which one goes out and to which thing from Italians or Poles! comes the highest ranking black " really something that has to do 'one Il)ay return periodically. There may be some fraud go- in any, Jesuit college in the with blood and race? And if it Mrs. Callahan and other self- ing cn, but I would suggest that United States. He joined the uni~ 'is, ,then perhaps Mrs. Callahan: proclaimed Catholic intellectuals it is not the '.'ethnicthing." The versity in 1968 as head of a projwould be right in saying, "But· are of course terribly nervous real frauds. are the shallow, glib. ect aim,ed at education of blacks. no to racial and ethnic 'mys- about the "ethnic thing" because self-proclaimed Catholic intellec- Most recently he has been vicetiques;"· ,. , it says that there might be some- tuals. president for academic services. IImmWII;JPlllhl1lUIUlOlUmIll1ll1ll1ll1l1l11ll1l11l1lltlIlIl11111l11Ulllllm,mmmUIlI1l1'UI1I
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Continued from Page Sixteen It is not surprising then that God revea,ls himself as a father already in the Old' Testament. The prophet' JereP1iah' describes God's thoughts: "How I should like to treat you as sons ... You would call me, 'my father' ... and never cease fOllowing me" (3:19). Hoseah the prophet,puts similar words in the mouth of God: "When Israel was a child, I loved him; out of Egypt I called my son ....It was ,I who taught Ephraim to walk, who took them in my arms ... I drew them with human cords, with bands of Jove; I fostered them like one who raises an infant to his' cheeks (2:1-4). Catechetical. Directory The Jewish people reponded to God's affection, by calling him their father: "Y<;lU, Lord, are our father" (Isaiah 63:15). Jesus was building on this long tradition when he taught his disciples to pray "our father ..." (Mt. 6:9). His whole life was lived -in an intimate relationship with his father, whose will he accomplished arid whose love he shared with all who were open to accept it. His whole mission in life was to help men real,ize that God was in fact their father, that they were indeed brothers and sisters, sons and daughters of the same father. Christian education-at home, in the classroom, in churchcontinues Christ's role of enabHng people to relate to God as a Father. As the General,Catechetical Directory states. ;'The supreme purpose of the incarnation of tlt.e Word and of the whole economy of salvation consists in this: that all men be led to the fa'ther. Catechesis, therefore, since it must help to an ever-deeper understanding of this plan of love of the heavenly father, must take care to show tha~ the supreme meaning of human life is this: to acknowledge God and to glorify him by doing his will, as Christ taught us by his words' and by the example of his life, and thus to come to eternal life" (41). The effort of Christian educat1ors--of whom none are' more important than mothers and fathers-is to help people to realize the love God' has for each person, and to respond to that love with deep trust and affection. In a sense it is to make real in relation to God what Gene said of his father: "When I hear ,the word 'father' ... it matters."
DRY CLEANING AND FUR STORAGE 34-44 Cohannet St., Taunton ,Whittenton Branch Store ' 334 Bay Street, across from : Fire Station Tel. 822-6161
CONRAD SEGUIN BODY COMPANY Aluminum or Steel 944 County Street NEW BEDFORD, MASS. , 992-6618
THE ANCHOR-Oiocese of Fall River-Thurs Apr. 13, 1972
t ii '
By PETER J. BARTEK Norton High Coach
iAttleboro Favorite to .Retain Bristol County Track Title Attleboro, defending Bristol County League track champion, is favored to retain its title in this the final season of County Competition. The Bombardiers under Coach Tom Crowe, one of the most highly regarded track . mentors in the area, can expect strong challenges from a top division club by most County track followers. Also, both New Bedford and Bish- Glenn Peach, state low hurdle op St"ang High of Dartmouth, record holder; Gary Livesey, sec-
but should have little difficulty ond best javelin thrower in New with the remaining five County England last year; Scott Powers, teams. Class A state discus champion; The big Blue opened its sea- along with eight other consisson last week against a respec- tent point getters have graduated. table Bishop Feehan club with a However, the key to Attle94-28 victory. The young Sham- . boro's success over the years has rocks, from Attleboro, were com- been its depth. Coach Crowe alpletely outclassed and managed ways seems to have someone only three first. place finishes in waiting in the wings to take the 14 events contested. over. The Bombardiers are deep Attleboro's margin of victory in most events again this Spring is more impressive in light of the which could spell trouble' for fact that Feehan was rated as County foes.
Area Hockomock Reps "Marginal" Contend.ers On the baseball scene all clubs experts wrong by upending the in the diocese, with the excep- favorites and gain a tournament tion of the Hockomock League berth. teams, will conclude their exhiOliver Ames wiH host North bition campaign this week. The Monday while Mansfield enterHockomock circuit began its tains Norton in a non-loop conseason Monday of this week. test. The Green Hornets will reThe diocese's three representa- turn to league play Wednesday tives to the Hockomock Mans- against Sharon. .... field, North Attleboro and Oliver Ames High of Easton are rated Norton WIll begm Its Tnas contenders in most preseason Valley League season the 19th poHs. However, most Hocko- of .April with a h?m~ game mock "experts" point out that agamst Blackstone-MlllvIile. The Franklin and Foxboro are the Lancers under Coach. H~ward teams to beat. Kelley 'are hopeful of plckmg. up The favorites should battle it where they left off last Sprmg. After suffering through most out throughout the entire cam-. paign for first and second place of th~ campaign the Lancers hono·rs. The race for third is a rallied to win their final five wide open affair with the three . games of the season. With Art local clubs along with Sharon Wood and Dennis Hunt returning and King Philip of Wrentham to assume their pitching duties, given a chance of earning that Coach Kelley's charges could position. All will try to prove the surprise this Spring.
Cape Cod Ambassadors Leave for Tour While the Spring sports prepare to dominate the schoolboy schedule, the finishing touches. are' being applied to the basketbaH campaign. In Norton, Coac h Ph 1'l Nor t on announced his retirement as basketball coach after 16 years at the helm. When Coach Norton
took over the Lancers hac\ lost 59 successive' games. However, it wasn't very ·Iong before that streak was sna~ped and Norton developed into one of the better clubs in the Tri-Valley circuit. Although the Lancers have had poor season for the past three seasons, Phil Norton coached teams have won over·onal Comm.·ttee 200 games and qualified for the ..... Tech tournament 10 times. His Re-Elects Officers retirment marks the end to anWASHINGTON (NC)-The of- other brilUant schoolboy coachficers of the National Commi1Jtee ing career. on Human Development have Down on the Cape Coach Leo been re-elected to their second Millerof Nauset will leave today team. for the annual Cape Cod Sports Ambassadors European trip. This The officers, who have served year the Sports Ambassadors ina one-year term, are Dr. Albert dude hoopsters from Nauset, Wheeler of Detroit, chairman; Provincetown, Bourne, Chatham, -Leopoldo Sanchez of Los An-·· Falmouth, Harwich, Sandwich geles and Lenore Mullarney of .and Holy Family High iil New Knoxville, Ten~., vice-chairmen. Bedford. The group will compete They were re-elected at the against. youngsters of comparcommittee's meeting in Farming- able age during its tour of the ton, Mich., attended by 24 com- Continent. The goodwill ambasmittee members. sadors will return on April 24.
DIOCESAN CHAMPS: Hoopsters at St. Mary's School, New Bedford, are diocesan CYO Basketbali champions. Front, from left, S. Mills, R. Bmgger, W. Dupont; rear, Roger Robitaille, coach; R. Sirois, captain; M. Ward.
Accuses Security Force of Torment The Amnesty International reLONDON (NC)-Amnesty International, an organization that port a~serted that interrogation aids politicaf .prisoners, accused British-backed security forces College President in Northern Ireland of psychoDOBBS FERRY (NC)-DonaI4 logical torment of Catholic prisoners' interned as suspected ter- Gruewald, vice-president of Sufrorists. folk University in Boston, has. The Catholic minority in been named· president of Mercy Northern Ireland has been claim- College here in. New York. ing that those being 'interned Grunewald succeeds Sister Mary under' the government's imprisorunent-without-trial order for Eteldreda Christie who resigned suspected terrorists have been . last Spring. He. will take office. brutally mistreated. next Fall,
O~ Co.,
methods admittedly practiced by the Royal Ulster Constabulary's special branch "constitute a grave assault on the human mind." A three-man committee of inquiry sponsored by the British government earlier in March confirmed widespread reports that methods such as the use of .black hood, noise machines, prolonged bread-and-water diets, and longtime deprivation of sleep were used to extract information from detainees.
.992-5534 99.7-8939 996-2571
20 . THE.ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-ThursApr.-13, 1972
Catholic Charities Appeal .19~'2-1972
THIRTY ~ FIRst 'At~NUAL C.ALL FOR FUNDS Rendering Works of C#:Jarity,. Mercy and Social
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This M.essage Sponsored by the Fo.llowing Individu~,'s and Concerns In· The Diocese of Fall Riv.~r. ., Cape Cod and The Islands BASS RIVER SAVINGS BANK