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47th Catholic Charities Appeal opens CCA Statement of 1987 Revenues and Expenditures, page 2. On Wednesday evening at Fall River's Bishop Connolly High School, over 800 priests, religious and laity from every corner of southeastern Massachusetts heard Bishop Daniel A. Cronin speak at the kickoff meeting launching the 47th annual Catholic Charities Appeal of the Fall River diocese. Bishop Cronin's address follows: Thank you so much for your presence here tonight.

VOL. 32, NO. 16

It is always heartwarming to see so many representatives - friends really, many well known to me; others - new friends - from every corner of the Diocese. Your presence in such large numbers is a source of great hope to me personally, as Bishop, that success will come once again this year to the Catholic Charities Appeal here in the Diocese. In fact, hope is at the heart of this beautiful Easter season which we continue to celebrate, now in its second week. Easter is a season

of hope, of renewed hope in the Risen Savior who promised us that whoever believes in Him, though he or she should die, will come to life; and whoever is alive and believes in Him will never die. (John II :26) This is the promise of our Divine Lord and Savior. His own glorious Resurrection at Easter is the source of the great hope to which we are called. And yet, this hope is not simply to remain with us individually. At the Easter liturgies, we renewed our baptismal prom-


Friday, April 15, 1988

ises when we rededicated our lives to Christ. An important component of our commitment is to make others aware of Christ's presence and love in their lives. We are to spread the Gospel message of hope to all. This year we have chosen Hope as the theme of the 1988 Catholic Charities Appeal. Our annual Appeal is so often the "Only Hope of Many People." . Because of the great hope that we have as believing Christians, through the Holy Spirit who guides

our lives, we must bring renewed hope to those among us who, for various reasons, have lost hope, or whose hope for the future is threatened because of the circumstances in which they find themselves. As Christians, we are challenged to help one another tangibly - to translate our faith commitment into action. We may well be the only hope of many people this very year. This is why each Appeal is so crucial. This is why our 1988 Catholic Charities Appeal is so imporTurn to Page Six

Southeastern Massachusetts' Largest Weekly

$10 Per Year

Draft pastoral decries "sin of sexism" Altar girls, women deacons?

NC photo

Some of the 16,000 NCEA conventioneers

Educators examine state of their art· NEW YORK (NC) -'- The 85th annual National Catholic Educational Association convention examined the financial health of Catholic schools, the emotional health of their most vulnerable students, and the moral health of the society they serve. Cardinal John J. O'Connor of New York, U.S. Education Secretary William J. Bennett, New York Mayor Edward Koch and CBS News broadcaster Charles Osgood addressed the convention on moral and church-state issues. The theme

of the April 4-7 New York gathering was "Catholic Education: Gift to the Nation." Some 42 educators from the Fall River diocese attended the NECA parley. Headed by Father Richard W. Beaulieu, director of the Diocesan Department of Education, they were representative of the Catholic Education Center, pastors, parish directors of religious education, principals and teachers. Turn to page fifteen

With NC News reports and U.S. Catholic Conference release As part of a plea to end "the sin of sexism" in the church, the first published draft of the U.S. bishops' pastoral letter on women calls for a change in church laws which now exclude girls and women as altar servers. The 1M-page document, released April 12, says women should participate fully in all liturgical ministries and church leadership positions that do not require priestly ordination. It also asks that a full study of the possibility of ordaining women as deacons in the Catholic Church "be undertaken and brought to completion soon." The draft document was released by the National Conference of Catholic Bishops in Washington after copies of it were mailed to all the bishops in early April. The pastoral's drafting committee, headed by Bishop Joseph L. Imesch of Joliet, Ill., has also asked the bishops to conduct consultations within their dioceses in

1988 and forward the results to the committee. Bishop Imesch, in a brief statement released with the draft, urged that the draft be read "in its entirety" to avoid forming "misleading conclusions" about what it says. He said the committee heard many different concerns from women during its consultations and said the draft reflects "not all, but a large number" of those concerns. "We feel th'at this letter responds to their concerns while remaining faithful to the traditions of our church," he said. Among many comments the draft quotes from reports on consultations with diocesan and national women's organizations, campus ministry g.roups and military bases is a statement from the campus ministry at Stonehill College, North Easton: "Both male and female members of the church must learn to work together for the common good. We will get nowhere if we do not base... our decisions, discus-

sions, etc. on mutual love and respect for all people." The bishops will have their first discussion of the draft, entitled "Partners in the Mystery of Redemption, A Pastoral Response to Women's Concerns for Church and Society," at their plenary assembly in Collegevi1le, Minn., June 24-27. The document has already been the subject of one of the most farreaching consultations in the history of the U.S. Catholic Church in the United States. "Our first responsibility throughout these years of research and writing has been to listen to as many women as possible, to hear them speaking from the reality of their own experience," Bishop Imesch stated. "What has become clear is that all women have concerns.... They may strive to preserve traditional values; they may promote change; their immediate and long-range objectives may diverge, but all agree that they want to be heard, taken seriously, and Turn to Page Eight

- Maternity leave, job protection and other policies should protect tbe special role of women as cbildbearers and mothers. - Education is needed to promote male responsibility in marriage and family relation~ ships and to halt tbe violence and sexual exploitation that women suffer.


The Anchor Friday, April 15, 1988

CTNA/EWTN to air Marian novena

Vatican OKs RCIA text WASHINGTON (NC) - The English translation of the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults, which was approved by the U.S. bishops in 1986, has been confirmed for use in U.S. dioceses by the Vatican Congregation for Divine Worship. The rite, commonly called RCIA, is a biblically and liturgically-based program of catechetical formation and reception of adult converts to the faith. It includes a series of liturgical rites for candidates, culminating in the celebration at Easter of the sacraments of Christian initiation: baptism, confirmation and first Communion. From November 1987 to January 1988, the bishops' committee conducted regional workshops on the new rite throughout the United States to make the RCIA more uniform and effective throughout the country. A "Pastoral Companion to the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults" will be published in the fall and will include a commentary on the rite and educational, pastoral and legal concerns related to it. The RCIA, based on ancient customs for preparing converts, was mandated by the Second Vatican Council. Its Latin text was released in 1972 and a provisional English translation was adopted by the U.S. bishops in 1974.

Minorities sought NOTRE DAME, Ind. (NC) The University of Notre Dame has announced a program to recruit more minority students and faculty members. At a recent press conference Father Edward A. Malloy, CSC, president, and provost Timothy O'Meara said the university's goal by 1992 is a 15 percent increase in minorities in the freshman class, double the number of minority students pursuing advanced degrees and 14 new minority faculty members for the four undergraduate colleges and the law school.

KENOSHA, Wis. (NC) - A nine-part preview of a Marian year novena-mission produced by the Apostolate for Family Consecration will air May 5-13 on the Catholic Telecommunications Network of America and on Mother Angelica's Eternal Word Television Network. . With interviews, speeches and dramatic readings, the series focuses on family life, Vatican II teachings on the laity, divine mercy and issues affecting the faith of Catholic youth.

PRIESTS CELEBRATING significant anniversaries of ordination were recognized at the Mass of the Chrism, celebrated Tuesday of Holy Week at St. Mary's Cathedral. Among them, from left: Fathers John A. Perry and William G. Campbell, 25 years; Fathers Louis R. Boivin and Edward F. McIsaac, 40 years; Father James F. Lyons, 45 years; Father Laureano C. dos Reis, 55 years; Msgr. Robert L. Stanton, 45 years; Father Rene G. Gauthier, 40 years; Fathers Joseph F. D'Amico and Peter N. Graziano, 25 years. (Motta photo)

Pope John Paul II has recorded a message for the series, which also uses clips of his 1987 U.S. visit and his weekly Vatican audiences. Mother Teresa ofCalcutta, Mother Angelica and other Catholic leaders also appear. The half-hour programs are part of a "Be Not Afraid" novenamission available to parishes and other Catholic groups. CTNA and other satellite systems will air a teleconference May 14 to train Catholics to present the novena-mission in their parishes.

AIDS hospices planned for L.A. LOS ANGELES (NC) - Los Angeles Archbishop Roger M. Mahony has announced creation of a corporation to operate residential care facilities for persons with AIDS. Six area Catholic hospitals are collaborating in the project, under which four hospices are expected to open this year and eventually 12 more will be established. The need for care of AIDS patients is increasing rapidly, said the archbishop. Many exhaust financial resources early in their illness and have no one to care for them, he said. . Cost of the facilities is estimated at $1.1 million a year.




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Ethiopian war threatens famine aid WASHINGTON (NC) - Increased fighting in two Ethiopian provinces poses more of a threat to relief operations than a government order temporarily removing foreign aid workers from those areas, said Beth Griffin, spokeswoman for Catholic Relief Services in New York. The Ethiopian Catholic Church can work under adverse conditions, she said, but agency officials fear that if fighting increases "the number of people at risk of starvation will grow beyond the current estimate of 3 million to a number that will exceed the capacity of any relief agency to deal with it." On April6 the Ethiopian government temporarily ordered relief workers out of Eritrea and Tigre provinces, areas of intense fighting between rebels and government troops. The government said the

order would be in force "until the area is cleared of bandits." In Ethiopia, CRS, the U.S. bishops' overseas aid and development agency, works primarily with the Ethiopian Catholic Secretariat, but also with Lutherans and Ethiopian Orthodox, Ms. Griffin said. She said about 3 million Ethiopians face starvation, and the churches are now feeding about I million each month. In Rome, Msgr. Giuseppe Pasini, director of Caritas-Italy, which aids a number of centers in the two provinces, said he received a telex from the Ethiopian Catholic Secretariat assuring Caritas that local churches could continue to distribute food and material aid. Rebel spokesmen said April 7 that the government had requisitioned aircraft from the national airline to airlift troops into the rebel areas.


Diocese of Fall River -

Fri., April 15, 19883'






Blue Fishing

Elizabeth Island Tours

Special Group ChaTters


Illness forces There's no petition, repeat, no petition pastor's resignation

A rumor that refuses to die is that of a proposal to ban religious broadcasting in the United States. Letters claiming that famed atheist Madalyn Murray O'Hair is the author of the phantom proposal and requesting that it be squelched have swamped the Federal Communications Commission for years. The misconception recently resurfaced in the Fall River diocese where several women's groups and at least one veterans' organization have been circulating samples of letters to be sent to the FCC. Most of the letters refer to FCC petition number RM 2493, a proposal which, while it had nothing to do with Madalyn Murray O'Hair, did in fact exist before it was rejected in 1975. Rather than propose a total ban on religious broadcasting, however, R M 2493 merely urged the FCC to take a closer look at religious organizations, such as fundamentalist groups, which had obtained broadcast licenses under the category of providing educational services to their listeners. The two broadcast producers who urged the FCC to look at the religious licensees said some of the religious organizations were broadcasting only religious propaganda, not legitimate educational material. The petition was rejected by the FCC on the grounds that a special examination of only religious license-holders would violate the constitutional separation of church and state. But before the petition was re-

jected, a number of fundamentalist Protestant churches and the National Association of Religious Broadcasters launched a campaign against it. Somehow, Madalyn Murray O'Hair's name was dragged in and the protests never stopped coming. While there have always been isolated reports of Catholic groups circulating petitions against the phantom O'Hair proposal, in recent weeks the reports have grown. At one point, say FCC officials. they were receiving 15,000 letters a day on the proposal, which has also been a long-standing thorn in the side of Catholic editors across the nation, who receive numerous requests from well-meaning readers to join the campaign.

Father Matthews Father Alvin Matthews, OFM, who served briefly at Our Lady's Chapel, New Bedford, in 1985 and 1986 before illness forced his retirement, died April 8 in Warwick, N.Y. A native of Hartford, Conn., he was ordained to the Franciscan priesthood in 1949 and subsequently taught philosophy at Siena College, Loudonville, N.Y., and Christ the King Seminary, Olean, N.Y. He was a campus minister at Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta, then director of the Newman Apostolate for the Atlanta archdiocese. Later he was associate pastor and pastor at parishes in New York State and Georgia before being assigned to the New Bedford chapel.

His Excellency. the Fall River, flas accepted the resigolation, fOlt reas()ns the Reverend Arthur C. Levesque as PA'~tnrnlrnl11'.....u', v •• ·..'un... Church in New Bedford. Bishop Cronin has appointed the Reverend Jay T. Maddock as Temporary Administrator until the appointment of a new pastor. Effective April 14, 1988

Due to illness, Father Arthur C. Levesque has resigned from the pastorate of Our Lady of Fatima parish, New Bedford, it has been announced by Bishop Daniel A. Cronin. The resignation was effective yesterday. The bishop has appointed Father Jay T. Maddock, vice-officialis of the diocesan Marriage Tribunal, as temporary administrator of Our Lady of Fatima. Father Levesque, a Fall River native, was born Sept. 27, 1919, the son of the late Desire and Elise (Albert) Levesque. After graduation from Prevost grammar and high schools in Fall River, he prepared for the priesthood at Assumption College, Worcester, and St. Mary's Seminary, Baltimore, and was ordained by Bishop James E. Cassidy Dec. 22, 1945. Father Levesque was associate pastor at St. Joseph's parish, Attleboro; St. Jacques, Taunton; St. Mathieu's, Fall River; and St. Anne's, New Bedford, before being named administrator of St. Anne's in 1969 and pastor of Our Lady of Fatima in 1970.

usee supports Panama bishops WASHINGTON (NC) - The president of the U.S. bishops' conference has expressed support for efforts by Panama's bishops to resolve the political troubles in their country, and repeated a warning against "foreign intervention" in the Latin American nation. "The voice of the church in Panama has been clear and consistent in denouncing the instances of civic corruption and state violence that have tragically become so much 'a part of recent news reports," Archbishop John L. May ofSt. Louis said in an April 4 letter to Panama Archbishop Marcos G. McGrath. "We share your concerns and stand with the bishops of Panama in your defense of h,uman rights and social justice," he said. Archbishop May also cited warnings by the U.S. and the Panamanian hierarchies against outside intervention. Those warnings followed calls by some Panamanians for direct U.S. action to remo.ve Panamanian defense chief and de facto ruler Gen. Manuel Antonio Noriega.




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P.O. BOX 276 FALL RIVER MA 02724







Diocese of Fall River - Fri., April 15, H88

themoorin~ Immigration: ANew Look Once again, we are taking a very intense look at the faces of newcomers to our shores. As a nation of immigrants, we have been more than selective about the type of people who might become our neighbors. Our history in this regard has been inconsistent, biased and even fraudulent, often reflecting the clout of partisan politics. Changes in our immigration policies have been myopic, with possible threats to the status quo viewed with alarm rather than logic. Today more than half a million people enter the United States each 'year as legal immigrants under a system that has not changed in almost a quarter century. However, the country has changed dramatically in the same time span and the immigrants reflect this reality. Today, 90 percent come from Asia and Latin America, whereas in the mid-60s over 50 percent were European. This shift has triggered predictable congressional reaction, especially when coupled with the problem of illegal immigration or "fright flight." In a nation now assaulted by foreign competition, mainly from Asia, immigration seems to have become either an economic planning tool or a possibly subconscious means of expressing prejudice. The turmoil of Central America is little understood by North Americans. The general judgment seems to be that immigrants from south of the Rio Grande are smugglers, terrorists and drug traffickers. Plug the border at any cost is the popular sentiment. In short, although the new immigration debate is couched in the unemotional language of economics, under the surface there are the old fires of prejudice and fear. Reacting to all this, last month the Senate, with little discussion, passed a bill that would begin moving immigration toward a system rewarding job skills and English-language proficiency. Sponsored by Senators Edward M. Kennedy (D-Mass:) and Alan K. Simpson (R-Wyo.), this bill would establish a special category of immigrant visas, with 55,000 awarded on a points basis for applicants with such qualifications as high school or college graduation, proficiency in needed skills and command, of English. The bill would also limit "family preference" status, now awarded to any sibling of an American citizen, to nevermarried siblings only. This would close the "chain immigration" loophole whereby in-laws can endlessly sponsor in-laws. What is really needed in this complex issue is positive motivation. None of us blessed with the rights and freedoms of United States citizenship should be beating people away from our shores simply because we view them as undesirable. If we shout from the mountaintop that we have an immigration crisis, we do have a crisis; on the other hand, if we regard the situation as a difficulty that we should solve, we have a challenge, difficult though it may be. We should not destroy the hopes of millions who want to live in this country simply because we do not like the color of their skin, the god to whom they pray or the language in which they greet one another. It is about time that we made a national effort to move beyond the ephemeral and superficial. True, we have natioOlli needs but in the process of meeting them we must not regard people as mere economic units. It's not the American way; it's, not right. The Editor

NCI KNA photo


"Return, 0 Israel, to the Lord thy God. . ..Turn away from evil and do good; seek after peace and pursue it." Osee 14:2; Ps. 33:15

Role of bishops' conference WASHINGTON(NC)-Adraft statement from top Vatican agencies on the limits of the authority of bishops' conferences has been sharply criticized by several leading U.S. theologians and church law experts. The JO-page document was sent to the world's bishops earlier this year by Cardinal Bernardin Gantin, head of the Vatican Congregation for Bishops, and was not immediately made public. It soon circulated among theologians and others, and National Catholic News Service obtained a copy. America, a Jesuit-run national magazine, featured critiques ofthe draft 'by prominent Catholic University of America theologians and canon lawyers in its March 19 issue. The scholars said the document must be taken seriously but does not give a balanced picture of the place of bishops' conferences in the church. In a Latin-language cover letter to bishops, Cardinal Gantin emphasized that the draft was a working paper, not a final document. He asked the world's bistlOps to submit comments and criticisms by the end of this year. The working paper says bishops' conferences cannot properly be called collegial bodies, and they should not become powerful at the expense of the church's central' authority in Rome or the individual bishop's authority in his (own diocese. The paper calls bishops' conferences "useful organs for examining, debating and coordinating important ecclesial problems at the national or supraregionallevel." But it warns that such conferences "have no competence to establish doctrinal and moral contents" and do not in themselves have the teaching authority that, according

to church doctrine, belongs to the pope, to all the world's bishops in union with the pope, and to individual bishops in union with the pope in their own dioceses. It particularly warns against "an excessive bureaucracy" of national committees, offices and staff in bishops' conferences, "coercing the psychological freedom of the bishops, who are then led to see the episcopal conference as a type of supergovernment of the dioceses." The role and authority of bishops' conferences since the Second Vatican Council was one of several issues discussed by the 1985 extraordinary session of the world Synod of Bishops. Synod members asked the Vatican to develop a study on the topic. The Vatican Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith along with the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples, the Congregation for Eastern-rite Churches and the General Secretariat of tqe Synod of Bishops, worked with the Congregation for Bishops to produce the draft paper. Two of the Catholic University theologians who commented in America magazine on the document - Jesuit Father Avery Dulles and Father Joseph A. Komonchak - suggested that its warnings against the risks of bureaucracy ought to be taken seriously by bishops' conferences, but they need to be applied as well to other organizational structures in the church, including the Vatican bureaucracy. Father Dulles said the working paper focused around two main theses, "that episcopal conferences are not in the true and proper sense collegial and that they have, as such, no mandate to teach. "Although many readers, like myself, will find the arguments given for these positions unper-

suasive, the positions themselves need to be taken seriously" because they represent views held by Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, head of the doctrinal congregation, and some other top church officials, he ~d. . Father Dulles argued that the Second Vatican Council, the 1983 Code of Canon Law and a number of public-statements by Pope John Paul II affirm a limited but true collegiality and teaching authority of bishops' conferences more strongly than does the working paper. Another America writer, canon lawyer Father James H. Provost, praised the paper for approaching the question of bishops' conferences from the "rich" theological concept of "communion." But he said the paper's actual use of the concept was "impoverished" and "individualistic." He said that "it views communion only in terms of individual believers and fails to reflect the rich concept of the communion of churches - ofthe organized and structured portions of the people of God." Father Provost also said the Vatican document "waffles" in alternately attributing some collegial character to bishops' conferences and denying it. Father Komonchak wrote that the Vatican draft "presented only one side of the discussion" in the wide debate about collegiality and bishops' conferences which has gone on since Vatican II. The document's different descriptions of the relationship between collegiality and bishops' conferences are so "inconsistent and confusing," he said, that "one reader wondered if the text was not the work of several authors who did not agree with one another on the point."

Cabin' fever Last Christmas vacation snow and cold swept across a good portion of our country and thousands of families found themselves locked into one home with too much togetherness. We were among them. At first, a blizzard is fun. We watch the snow pile up arid we are energized by the challenge to clear walks, push stalled cars, enjoy sledding, skiing, and building forts. But the excitement wanes when we realize we aren't going to get out for awhile. In our case, there was one narrow lane of two ruts down the middle of our street formed by a couple of four-wheel drive vehicles that got stuck and were pushed out by eager residents looking for something - anything -to do. Those ruts solidified into a track with high walls of icy snow on each side. If a courageous driver attempted the course, he prayed he wouldn't meet another driver and if he did, each outwaited the other to back up a block or drive into snow infested driveways and take a chance on getting out. We were definitely locked in - for days. We shelved other plans and looked at each other. We caught up on procrastinated chores. We took the Christmas tree down early. We played Trivial Pursuit. We got tired of one another. Cabin fever is real. It is defined

For the first time, human beings have the ability to destroy this planet through nuclear war. The environment is in danger of being


by Webster as "extreme irritability and combativeness resulting from DOLORES the boredom of living in a remote region alone or with only a few. companions." Fair enough defini- CURRAN tion. The Mayo Clinic Newsletter refers to cabin fever as "seasonal Cabin fever isn't new. In her affective disorder" which is "one of the several types of depressive novel, Clan ofthe Cave Bear, Jean illness and extreme form of the Auel wrote movingly of the tensions experienced by the ttan togewinter blahs." Humorous tales of cabin fever ther in a cave during the winter. abound in remote areas like Wyom- Whl:n spring arrived, carefully penting. One elderly rancher made his up emotions exploded. Offenses wife so irritable that when spring committed during confinement arrived she tried to run over him in were dragged up and avenged. Spring is here but memories of a Jeep. When he asked what he had done to make her so angry, cabin fever can linger. Let's exorcise them and get on with that she shouted, "Nothing." Another Wyoming woman re- lovely feeling of freedom to move counted the snowbound winter of about, to be with other people, 1949. She was single then and and to rejoice in sunshine. When when she finally got out for a St. we are free to be with others, we Patrick's Day dance, she met her love our own more. Let's plant the seeds, air the future husband. He tells her now, "You wouldn't have spoken to me house and forget the irritabilities of confinement. So we said things if you didn't have cabin fever." , She responds, "You're probably we didn't mean. Let's admit them, ask forgiveness, laugh over foolish right." Paradoxically, the strongest ef- behaviors, and enjoy one another fects of cabin fever show up when again. God gifted us with seasons. We relief comes - when the sick children finally recover, when the wouldn't enjoy jonquils and tulips snows melt, when spring comes. nearly so much if we hadn't had Victims can go into uncontrollable the bleakness of winter. But spring weeping spells. Domestic violence is here and we don't have to worry increases. It's as if we're saying, "I about cabin fever for another six hung on during the tough times months. By then, we may be ready for it but don't bet on it. but now I'm going to get you."

Aging leaders Conferences on the future of religious life keep hitting the fact that the average age of priests and religious is ris: ing and that there are fewer younger persons available to replace them. Often the situation in the United States is compared with' that of Europe, where the number of priests and sisters has so dwindled that there are a good number of priestless parishes and sisterless convents. Going by available research, there is reason to be concerned. For example, as many as 33 percent of our seminarians today are 30 or older compared with seven percent 18 years ago. The age of men and women religious is increasing; every year and a half their average age goes up one year. But should we be overly concerned by these statistics on aging? Today the U.S president and many leaders in industry fit into the category of senior citizen. And when we examine the golden eras of ancient civilizations we see the same pattern. Should we be concerned, therefore, if most future semlnarians come to the seminary at a~e 40 or older or that most of our. pastors are between 50 and 60? And shouldn't we expect that most ofthe hierarchy will be much older? With all due respect to older . people, I think that we should be greatly concerned. Why? Because we are in a civilization like no other before. If we need the wisdom and experience of older people, we also need the energy of youth.


destroyed. genetic engineering is developing by leaps and bounds, creating new areas of concern to be addressed. Those circumstances alone should lead us to conclude that we need persons who will challenge the present situation in order to bring about a better future. Without oversimplifying, young people generally are less tolerant of the status quo and want to change it. They have a sense of urgency and the naivete to believe that anything can be accomplished. They are not yet worn down by time nor are they conditioned by it to know what to expect. This leaves them with a sense of youthful adventure. Today's church is facing challenges which will require all the vitality it can gather. Those who are older and responsible for meeting present challenges need reinforcements as never before. They need young scholars and young adults who have the energy to work overtime if need be. Most of all they need the spirit of youthful adventuresomeness. If we become a church whose leadership is unbalanced in age, with older people topping the scale, 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111

THE ANCHOR (USPS-S4S-020). Second Class Postage Paid at Fall River. Mass. Published weekly except the week of July 4 and the week after Christmas at 410 Highland Avenue. Fall River. Mass. 02720 by the Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River. Subscription price by mail. postpaid $10.00 per year. Postmasters send address changes to The Anchor. P.O. Box 7. Fall River. MA 02722.







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we run the risk of sending our elders to their death quicker. Yes, the time has come to be greatly concerned about whether we as a church are in' a position to move into the 21 st century with an impact.

April 16 1928, Rev. Arthur E. Langlois, On Sick Leave, Denver, Colorado April 18 1985, Rev. Wilfred C. Boulanger, MS., LaSalette Shrine 1935, Rev. Hugh B. Harrold, Pastor, St. Mary, Mansfield 1956, Rt. Rev. John F. McKeon, P.R., Pastor, St. Lawrence, New Bedford 1984, Rev. Joao Vieira Resendes, Retired, Pastor, Espirito Santo, Fall River April 19 1975, Rev. Msgr. Leo J. Duart, Pastor, St. Peter the Apostle, Provincetown' . April 20 - 1954, Rev. Edward F. Coyle, S.S., St. Mary Seminary, Paca St., Baltimore 1970, Rev. James E. O'Reilly, Pastor Emeritus, Mt. Carmel, Seekonk April 22 1910, Rev. James L. Smith, Pastor, Sacred Heart, Taunton 1954, Rev. Thomas F..fitzgerald, . Pastor, St. Mary, Nantucket

Diocese of Fall River -

OK路toeat meat on 'Friday? Q. There seems to be a general impression that the law of abstinence from meat on Fridays was abolished. You have mentioned several times, including in your book, "The New Question Box," that the church does not have a universal law to this effect anymore. However, the new Code of Canon Law (No.l2S1) states, "Abstinence from eating meat or another food according to the prescriptions of the conference of bishops is to be observed on Fridays throughout the year" except for certain special feasts. This is confusing to a number of us. Is Friday abstinence an obligation or not? (Massachusetts) A. You quote the present law of the church correctly. Apparently, however, you and others elsewhere who have discussed this may not be sufficiently aware ofthe significance of those words about the "conference of bishops." The new canon law in this matter repeats briefly some provisions . of apostolic constitution of Pope Paul VI on Christian penance (Paenitemini, February 1966). The new law must be understood in the context of that document. In the course of that constitution Pope Paul recalls at great length the importance of bodily penance and self-denial in the Christian tradition, especially the observance of penance involved in the fulfj.JJment of the duties of one's daily life. The Holy Father then states, "With a view therefore of reminding its children of the precept of penance and urging its observance, the Apostolic See intends to revise the church's penitential practice in a way suited to the times. "It will be up to the wisdom and pastoral concern of the bishops to meet and to issue norms, in view of their knowledge of their religions and people, that will serve as an effective means to attain the end proposed." The church has no intention to abandon the outward practice of penance, he says later. At the same time, he says, other ways of penance are to be considered prescribed by the church "wherever it may seem advisable to the conferences of bishops to substitute the practice of prayer and the works of charity for the observance of fast and abstinence." Toward the end of that document the pope establishes regulations in words similar to those in the new code. Clearly Pope Paul, and now the 1983 Code of Canon Law, indicate that the former universal law of, Friday abstinence for Catholics is abrogated. Conferences of bishops (usually that means the bishops of a particular nation) may adopt that form of penance for their people or substitute something else. In November 1966the U.S. bishops responded to Pope Paul's words by establishing the following: Catholics in the United States should abstain from meat on Ash Wednesday and Fridays of Lent and should fast on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday. Fasting on all other weekdays of Lent is recom-

Fri., April 15, 19885

By FATHER JOHN DIETZEN mended. Finally "abstinence from flesh meat on all Fridays of the year is recommended to individuals and to the Catholic community as a whole." The American bishops again call attention to the voluntary, though highly commendable, character of Friday abstinance in their 1983 pastoral'letter on War and Peace. As a tangible sign of their desire to do penance for the cause of peace, the bishops committed themselves to fast and abstain on each Friday of the year. They then invited all American Catholics "voluntarily to do penance on Friday by eating less food and by abstaining from meat" (lV-B04). I repeat, however, as recent popes and bishops continually insist, these changes are intended to make us more, not less, sensitive to the need for self-denial in our Christian life. Jesus himself tells us "Whoever wishes to be my follower must deny his very self, take up his cross each day and follow me." Elsewhere he says, "He who will not take up his cross and come after me is not worthy of me." One would be hard put to find a more clear, absolute statement in any church law, old or new. A free brochure explaining Catholic regulations on membership in the Masons and other organizations is available by sending a stamped, self-addressed envelope to Father John Dietzen, Holy Trinity Parish, 704 N. Main Street, Bloomington, III. 61701. Questions for this column should be sent to Father Dietzen at the same address.

Scripture booklet for AIDS patients NEW YORK (NC) - The American Bible Society will publish a Scripture booklet in July for AIDS patients and their families, friends and coworkers. Titled "Nothing Can Separate Us From the Love of God," it will incorporate Old and New Testament passages grouped into selections linked by brief explanations. It will be available to hospitals, hospices, church groups and individuals who minister AIDS patients and may be ordered from the American Bible Society at 1865 Broadway, New York, N.Y. 10023.

Thais need aid WASHINGTON (NC) - To prevent Thailand from pushing Southeast Asian refugees back into the sea, the United States must show its commitment to resettling them, said Msgr. Nicholas DiMarzio, executive director of th(; U.S. Catholic Conference Migration and Refugee Services, after a visit to Thailand with Archbishop Theodore E. McCarrick, chairman of the bishops' Committee on Migration, and Father Peter Zendzian, Migration and Refugee Services associate director.

47th Catholic Charities Appealopens Continued from Page One tant. This is why it must be not only successful but even more successful this year. And so, once again, I ask your generous support of the many social, educational, charitable and pastoral programs which touch the lives of so many of our brothers and sisters, sustaining their hope and, in many instances, bringing them new hope! "Hope will not leave us disappointed," Scripture says. Christ will not disappoint us. Likewise, we cannot leave our brothers and sisters in Christ "disappointed" in whatever be their need. I am pleased to tell you that the Catholic Charities Appeal was the hope of many people last year. And I am further pleased to say that, because of the generous support of Catholics and non-Catholics alike, the Appeal did not leave them "disappointed." ·In fact, the 1987 Catholic Charities Appeal achieved the record net amount of $1 ,820,316.55. This represented an increase of $80,000 over the previous year's record. Although this was a substantial increase, we are well aware that expenses also kept pace, and thus the needs were even greater. Each dollar collected was allocated to various Diocesan institutions, offices and apostolate~. Not only was the total sum of the Appeal disbursed but, indeed, a small deficit was incurred again this past year. Let me briefly review just how the funds of our 1987 Catholic Charities Appeal were allocated. The greatest portion of the proceeds of the annual Appeal went, as it customarily does, to maintaining operational programs in the apostolates for Family Life, Pastoral Ministry to the Sick, Social Services, Child Care, Educational and Pastoral endeavors. We hear so often that children are the hope of our future as a country and as a world, and indeed they are. But it is also true that they are the hope of our Church. You can appreciate, therefore, why close to 40 percent of the expenditures from the Catholic Charities Appeal for 1987 were allocated for the benefit of the youth of our Diocese. Specifically, $85,000 was allocat(:d to St. Vincent's Camp, and $68,800 was expended for the Catholic Youth Organization. The Diocesan Education Center received $175,000 in addition to the $50,000 that is expended annually to assist the scholarship aid program for the students in our diocesan schools. I am happy to report that the Campus Ministry support has been expanded to include assistance to that important apostolate at Wheaton College in Norton. It will be noted that the expenditures for the Youth Ministry at Cathedral Camp have increased substantially in the past year. The good work that is accomplished by that apostolate is well known throughout the parishes of our . Diocese. Although so much work remains to be done, you will be heartened to know of the many good programs that are being sponsored by the Charities Appeal to assist our youn,g people: We have been able to maintain the other traditional programs in the current fiscal year: $369,000

has been allocated to the Catholic Social Services Department. This has become an increasingly important ministry within our Diocese. The sum of $227,900 was allocated for the Pastoral Ministry to the Sick. This allocation demonstrates the commitment that we have to bringing pastoral care and spiritual comfort to sick people in the many hospitals within the confines of our Diocese. Many of us have been the beneficiaries of the extraordinary care that is given by those involved in this ministry.

As I express my gratitude for ~ As a graduate of the Sacred what each of you, as individuals, Hearts Academy, I would be very as members of parishes, as the remiss if I didn't bring your attenDiocese of Fall River have ac- tion to the Catholic Charities' logo complished last year, I look ahead, "hearts entwined" - which appears once again, to the work to be done, on the posters distributed throughthe needs to be met, the people to out this aUditorium. This logo was be helped. And again the theme of designed by an SHA art student, our 1988 Appeal comes to mind: Dr. Corinne O'Brien, no relation, "Only Hope of Many People." a protegee of Sister Mary Adrienne. As I reflect on this year's theme, Yet, as I look out at all of you tonight, as I look to Msgr. Gomes "Only Hope of Many People," my and the priests and people who thoughts return to the year 1942 assist him throughout the Diocese, when it all began. It was wartime and to Mrs. O'Brien who has gen- and the press release in the April erously accepted the invitation to 18th edition of the Fall River be Chairwoman of this year's Herald News was headlined, Appeal, the words of St. Paul "$100,000 is set as Goal for War again come to mind: "Hope will Drive." The article reads: "Stressing the not leave us disappointed!" The good people of our parishes changes which this war has brought, are generous. Those in the many the Bishop says: 'Through a variety of social agencies, the Church business sectors throughout the

in the Cape has seen the establishment of several new churches with still another soon to be a reality; we have a new St. Vincent's H orne; there are diocesan facilities for the aged and infirm, the Diocesan newspaper, The Anchor, a symbol of hope; four modern Diocesan high schools; we have seen a total rebuilding ofSt. Anne's Hospital - this could go on and on. Calls have indeed been made upon the organized Church in the Diocese. Year after year, the faithful clergy and laity of this Diocese have An amount of $70,000 has been come to kickoff meetings to listen expended for Special Apostolates, principally the Apostolate for the to Bishop Cronin and his predeSpanish-speaking. Over $40,000 cessors as well as the numerous lay chairmen. Each year, a new theme was allocated for Diocesan Comis introduced and if I were to ask munications. The Diocesan Aposwhat some of these themes were, I tolate for Persons with Disabilities imagine few would remember; I has received $30,000 and the new confess that I would be just as remiss. But, somehow, this year's theme is more meaningful to me. Regardless of what it may be - the words and manner of presentation may be different but the message and the meaning are the same. It is and has been a message for the "hope of many people." In a statement published last year by the Administrative Board of the U.S. Catholic Conference on Values and Virtue - Moral . Education in the Public School, the introductory paragraph states, and I quote: "Children and young people are the future of our country, our civilization, and our world. They eventually will be responsible for the home and the Church, the state and the world at large. However, before entrusting our institutions and world to them, we must encourage in them a basic value system whereby they will respect, cherish, and care for themselves and other creatures. We need to help the young' develop into generous men and women of high and noble ideals." Last fall, at the time of His Holiness, Pope John Paul's visit to the United States, in an address at the Youth Rally at the Louisiana BlSHOPl')A~IEt;l.CRONINand Msgr. Anthony M.Gomes with the 1988 Superdome, His Holiness spoke of Catholic Charities Appeal poster, which win appear in churches and diocesan buildings "being partners" of sharing and throughout Sout~~tern·Massachusett$.•«Jaudette photo) serving and working together and how all of this is linked to God's plan, acco'rding to which we are Office for Religious received an Diocese are also most generous. is now and later will be called upon brothers and sisters in Christ who expanded allocation of $27,000. We will have a very successful to multiply its efforts to help those Catholic Charities Appeal once who go forth to defend us, and as belong to the people of God and Some disbursements were made again this year. who are made to live in commuwell, those who remain at home. nity, to think about others, to help for capital expenses, such as the ...and when peace comes, victor- ofhers." In this Marian Year, I turn in debt service for St. Vincent's Home ious though it may be, as we know and the pledge payment on the prayer to the Mother of the ReThree days later, in Los Angeles, it shall be, who can tell what calls Mary "our life, our deemer diocesan gift to Coyle and Cassidy one of the most memOrable mowill be made upon the organized High School's addition. In similar sweetness and our hope!" I look ments fOf me, and I am certain for Catholic Church in this Diocese.' HOPE toward forward with great fashion, this year we made the first many was the scene that took Bishop Cassidy declares this appeal payment on the diocesan pledge to an outstanding 1988 Catholic place at the Youth Assembly teleis being made for funds to help Bishop Connolly High School to Charities AppeaL" conference, some 6,000 teenagers, whomsoever, wheresoever, howMay God love and bless you all. assist in their improvement proone of whom was the young man, ever, we may." ject. WI; also began to budget born without arms, who played Lay Chairman There is no doubt in my mind funds to address the need for cruMrs. O'Brien, for 38 years a· that some of you gentlemen pres-' the guitar with his toes and was the cial repairs for the buildings used member of St. Mary's Cathedral surprised recipient of a papal hug. by the Catholic Youth Organiza- parish, also spoke. Her address ent this evening served your counThese young adults listened to try during World War II and intion in Fall River and New Bedford. follows: the pope speak about the role of deed, as now, you were the "hope May I preface my remarks by of many people," - whomsoever, hope in people's lives. He told his . This is a summary of the m<tnner audience and I quote: "You who in which the proceeds of our 1987 expressing my sincere gratitude to wheresoever, however. are young bring hope to the world. Catholic Charities Appeal were His Excellency, the Most RevOver these past 47 years, we channeled to the many agencies of erend Daniel A. Cronin, for my have witnessed tremendous growth, The future of the world shines in .the Diocese and by them to those appointment to serve as chairman but with this have come escalating your eyes. Even now you are helpwho were the beneficiaries of their of this 1988 Catholic Charities costs and wages. The American ing to shape the future of socieserv,ices. A complete report of the Appeal. It is with a deep sense of people have experienced many r~v­ ty...we cannot live without hope. expenditures of last year's Appeal humility that I assume this respon- olutionary changes in society ... We have to have some purpose in life, to aspire to something...you is printed in this week's edition of sibility and with a feeling of fer- changes in the Church, as well will be the messengers of hope for The Anchor which will be availavent hope that God will bless our indeed challenging decades. the world." ble to you as you leave the auditoBishop, Msgr. Gomes, the DioceThis Diocese has experienced Here in our Diocese, the future rium this evening. Foryour genersan Director, his competent staff extraordinary advancement, not ous support and that of all our and each one of us, as we join only in its building programs but of the world shines in the eyes of benefactors, I express my heartfelt together to endeavor to fulfill the most importantly in our diocesan hundreds of our young people. thanks. "hopes of many people." apostolates. The population growth Turn to Page 13

To perm or not to perm

U.S. medical aid for Chinese bishop WASHINGTON (NC) - Bishop Ignatius Kung Pni-Mei, 86, of Shanghai, a Vatican loyalist who spent 30 years in Chinese prisons, will be treated in the United States for heart and intestinal ailments. He is expected to be treated in the New York area, where he has relatives. The Chinese government has issued him a passport valid for five years. The Chinese government-approved bishop of Shanghai, Aloysius Jin Luxian, was quoted in a Hong Kong newspaper as saying the bishop planned eventually to return to China. He will be accompanied to the United States by a nephew. Bishop Kung was paroled in 1985and last January his political rights were restored by the Shanghai Supreme People's Court. He was quoted as saying: "In gratitude for the generosity of the government, I must contribute to the construction of the country's Four Modernizations for the rest of my life." Bishop Kung served 30 years of a life sentence after being con-' victed of organizing and leading counterrevolutionary activities. He has lived in the residence of retired Bishop Louis Zhang Jiashu, the former Chinese-approved head of the Shanghai See, since being paroled. The Chinese government-approved Catholic Church spurns formal ties to the Vatican. Some clergy and laity loyal to the Holy See were prosecuted and imprisoned following the revolution which brought Mao Tse-tungs communists to power in 1949.

Czech prelate raps breakup of march VIENNA, Austria(NC) - Czechoslovakia's leading church figure has criticized the government for breaking up a religious liberty demonstration by 2,000 Catholics in the city·of Bratislava. It is "the obligation of the laity to demonstrate for their rights," said Prague Cardinal Frantisek Tomasek in an interview with the Vienna daily newspaper Kurier. The declaration that the march had political goals was used as "a pretext by some members of the party" to halt the demonstrators, he said. "In the future, the government should proceed with more prudence." . On March 25, Czechoslovakian police dispersed about 2,000 people in Bratislava before they reached one of the city's principal plazas to hold their demonstration. The demonstration had been banned by officials. One ofthe protesters' main demands was the naming of bishops for 10 vacant dioceses. The country has 13 dioceses, and the naming of bishops needs government approval. Nominating. bishops has been a central issue in ongoing talks between the Vatican and the Czechloslovakian government.

The Sustainer "Cast your burden on the Lord and he will sustain you." - Ps. 55:22



By Hilda Young

A BUSINESSMAN who owned a large restaurant and office complex and gave them away to become a Catholic lay evangelist will speak at 2 p.m. Sunday at LaSalette Shrine, Attleboro. "I am an evangelist," says Charlie Osburn, "because the 2,500 bishops who met in Rome for Vatican Council II told me and all Catholics that our apostolate is to evangelize." Before beginning his career of speaking throughout the nation, Osburn turned his restaurant into a haven for the homeless and hungry, removing prices from his menus so that anyone could eat, regardless of ability to pay. Since giving away his businesses, he says, he and his wife Jeanne "depend on the Lord to meet their needs." Four of the couple's five children are also involved in evangelism. Sunday's service will be led by Father Andre Patenaude, MS, shrine director. It will be open to the public.

"Way ofthe Cross" VATICAN CITY (NC) - Holy Week 1988 was a "Way of the Cross" for Palestinians living in Israeli-occupied territories, said Latin-rite Patriarch Michel Sabbah of Jerusalem. "Every Palestinian carries the cross. They have carried it for so many years. It is carried by the wounded, by the people in jail," he said. It is "a social, collective and individual cross," he added. He was quoted in an Easter editorial in L'Osservatore Romano, the Vatican newspaper. "The basic principle for any solution is justice and equality for all the people fighting here," said Patriarch Sabbah. "It is the Easter hope ofthe 1988 'Way of the Cross' in Palestine," he said. The brief editorial expressed hope for "a new social, collective and individual life for the Palestinian people." Because of street fighting between Palestinians and Israeli soldiers in the occupied territories, Patriarch Sabbah cancelled the traditional Palm Sunday procession, part of which passes through occupied territory.

"What would you think if I got a permanent?" I asked my husband last night. He raised his eyebrows and looked up from his magazine. "Permanent what?" he asked after a bit. "A perm for my hair. You know, curls, body, bounce. Even a lot of men your age are getting them. Of course, hair is a prerequisite." He shot me a look that just missed my ear and ricocheted off the wall, almost knocking a picture to the floor. ~'Why would you want to look like an aging Orphan Annie?" he said, obviously seeking revenge for my slip of the tongue. "Change," I told him. "Don't you ever want to radicalize your life? Try a new look? Challenge the unknown?" Actually a perm would not be a journey into the totally unknown. My mother gave me one for Easter when I was 9 or 10. The smell corroded my nasal passages and I worried it would make me go blind. "Smells can't make you go blind," mother claimed. "Then maybe it'll seep through my ears and melt my brain," I countered. "If that so-called music of yours hasn't done that already, nothing will. Hold still," she commanded. As I recall, the result went directly past frizzy into fuzz. My sister called me Peter Cotton Cranium and told all her friends I had been run over by the electric Easter bunny. It's.probably her fault I've avoided permanents all these years. "If I squint my eyes and blur my vision, will you look more like a geriatric Shirley Temple or my aunt's poodle?" spouse chortled. Inspired by Mr. Receding Hairline, I called on the spot for an appointment with Crazy Curls Unlimited. "How can I help you?" bubbled the person answering. "Perm," I said firmly. "Hi, Pam," replied the voice. "My name is Ginger." "No, I'd like a permanent," I explained. "My name is Hilda, not Pam." "I understand," she giggled. "My name isn't really Ginger either. It's • really Nancy. How can I help you?" "Before we get into that again," I said slowly, "do you know of Shirley Temple?" I heard Ginger call around the shop. "She doesn't work here," she responded. I decided to put off the permanent for a while. I can't be 100 percent sure, but I thought I heard the electric Easter bunny in the background.


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Draft pastoral decries "sin of sexism" Continued from Page One respected as persons baptized and called in Christ to the service of church and society." "There were some women who defined themselves as feminists and others who rejected the term," the draft said. "Some women perceived exclusion from ordained ministry and exclusive liturgical language as instances of injustice; other women saw those who raised these issues as dissidents. There were women who called for a reexamination of noninclusive practices in the 'church, and women who reported that they did not feel oppressed at all though they were aware that a significant number of women in the church do. "In regard to human relationships, many women applaud th,e church's unwavering commitment to motherhood, its understanding of the reasons women work out-' side the home, its respect for all members of the family of God, single and married," the draft continued. "Thentoo, in almost every report there were some who raised critical questions about church teaching on human sexuality and reproduction and others who expressed strong support for these teachings. The majority praised the Church's stance on abortion and called for a strong pro-life emphasis. Many cited as a source of pain and uficertainty its teaching on contraception. "Women want to participate more in the decision-making processes of the church, allowing the Spirit to work through them for the good of all. They express dedication to the church and appreciatin for the clergy, but also admit that at times they feel patronized and undervalued. Many want expanded opportunities for ministry. A significant number are conVinced that the ordination ofwomen to ministerial priesthood is the only way to attain full participation in the church," the draft said. The proposed pastoral letter originated in 1972, when the U.S. bishops formed an ad hoc committee on the role of women in society and the church. The committee met with representatives of various women's organizations, commissioned research on a variety of issues, and, in 1977, conducted a survey to determine what roles in the church were or were not being filled by Catholic women. By the time of the November, 1978 bishops' meeting, it had become clear that women's concerns regarding church and society deserved increased. attention. After considering these concerns, and after dialogue with many women, the committee proposed in November, 1982, that the bishops address themselves to these issues through pastoral action. A year later the bishops unanimously approved a proposal· 'to develop a pastoral document. In March of 1984, a drafting committee was formed consisting of six bishops from dioceses across ,the United States. Seven women consultants representing different academic backgrounds and disci'plines, including a staff member and a writer, were added to the committee. The full committee met for the first time in November, 1984, to plan a consultation process. To involve the greatest number of Catholic women who have been addressing women's concerns either

individually or through their organizations, the committee decided upon two forms of outreach: presentations by national Catholic women's organizations and diocesan listening sessions. National organizations which appeared before the NCCB ad hoc committee included the Catholic Daughters of the Americas, Daughters of Isabella, Las Hermanas, Leadership Conference of Women Religious, National Assembly of Religious Women, National Black Sisters Conference, the National Coalition of American Nuns, National Council of Catholic Women, NCCB Secretariat for the Laity, Women's Ordination Conference. Also the Association of Contemplative Sisters, Auxiliary Knights of St. Peter Claver, Consortium Perfectae Caritatis, Grailville, Institute of Religious Life, National Marriage Encounter, National Right to Life, North American Conference of Divorced and Separated, St. Joan's Alliance, the Theresians of the United States and Women for Faith and Family. The Committee also received input from representatives of the Canon Law Society and Catholic Charities U.S.A .• and the National Association of Catholic Social Action Directors. The draft document discusses the concerns raised by Catholic women under four headings dealing broadly with women as persons, women in relationships, women in society, and women in the church. Each chapter begins with a presentation of what the bishops have heard from women across the country, identifying areas of affirmation and alienation. The bishops then explore what the church's heritage provides in response to the main themes. Finally they respond in each chapter to what they have learned by calling for changes where appropriate or recommending various directions or courses of action. For example, in a chapter on relationships, the document says the church's approach to issues of human sexuality and its expression is "prophetic and frequently in conflict with secular values and images that dramatize another view." It adds: "What people often perceive is not the fullness 'of Catholic teaching but misconceptions and caricatures that appear oppressive and impractical. The document calls on the church to work to ensure that no one will feel excluded or alienated because of its teaching and pastoral care and to place special emphasis on family issues." The document also insists that men take seriously their responsibility in the realms of sexuality, procreation and parenthood. "We challenge males to assume resppnsibility for their sexual behavior and not to place the blame or burden of that responsibility on women. Neither ought males to urge women to choose abortion as an alternative to an unplanned pregnancy. Women who succumb to such pressure legitimize and perpetuate male irresponsibility." Discussing ordination of women, the document said in 1976 the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith issued "Inter Insigniores, a Declaration on the Question of the Admission of Women to the Ministerial Priesthood." This declaration notes there is in the Roman Catholic Church an unbroken tradition of calling only men to min-

isterial priesthood. "The church declares that its constant -practice constitutes a tradition which witnesses to the mind of Christ," the draft said. "It is therefore normative and the church is not free to depart from the tradition." The draft document does recommend that a study ofthe admission of women to the diaconal office be undertaken and brought to completion soon. "Women serving in pastoral ministry accomplish, by virtue of some other title or commission, many of the functions performed by ordained deacons and are capable of accomplishing all of them," the bishops said. "The question of women being formally installed in the permanent diaconate arises quite naturally, and pastoral reasons prompt its evaluation. "Even more compelling," says the draft, "is the question of women being installed in the lay ministries of lector and acolyte. The exclusion of women and girls from certain aspects of service at the altar likewise raises concern. These instances ofexclusion seem to stand in contradiction to our call for women's direct involvement in the life of the church," the draft says. In addition to Bishop Imesch, the members of the pastoral writing committee are Archbishop William J. Levada of Portland, Oregon, Bishop Matthew C. Clark of Rochester, Bishop Thomas J. Grady of Orlando, Auxiliary Bishop Alfred C. Hughes of Boston, and Auxiliary Bishop Amedee W. Proulx of Portland, Maine. Consultants are Dr. Mary M. Brabeck, Associate Professor of Educational Psychology, Boston College, Sister Sara Butler, General Councilor, Missionary Servants of the Most Blessed Trinity, Philadelphia, Dr. Ronda Chervin, Associate ,Professor of Philosophy, St. John's Seminary Theologate, Camarillo, CA, Dr. Toinette M. Eugene, Provost and Associate Professor of Education, Society and Black Church Studies, Colgate Rochester Divinity School, and Dr. Pheme Perkins, Professor of Scripture, Boston College. Copies of the draft may be ordered from the United States Catholic Conference Office of Promotion and Publishing Services at a cost of 53.95 per copy, with bulk rates available on a sliding scale. The telephone is 1-800-235-USCC.

Blessed Rose ca'nonization set ROME(NC)- Pope John Paul II is to canonize Blessed Rose Philippine Duchesne, a 19th-century French missionary who spent the last 34 years of her life in the United States. The ceremony will take place July 3. . A member of the Religious of the Sacred Heart in France, Sister Duchesne arrived in New Orleans in 1819 with four other nuns to be a missionary among American Indians. At St. Charles, Mo., near St. Louis, she opened the first free school for girls west of the Mississippi. She also worked at an Indian settlement in Kansas, dying in 1852 at age 83. Her community has about 700 members in the United States, specializing in adult education and health care services.

Praying the children home By Joseph Motta

want to" and wrote to Mrs. Walsh. A personal letter from the founder Michelle Jolene Lakey, a pretty told her that over 3000 networks blue-eyed, brown-haired I3-year- had already been established old/rom Scranton, Pennsylvania, worldwide; locales included Canrecently became a part of my life.. ada, Korea, Japan, Saudi Arabia Michelle is a missing child. She's and India. been one for almost two years.' So why not Fairhaven? Mrs. You might have seen her face on daRosa began by asking friends to the side of a milk carton or in a gather photos of missing children for-sale picture frame at the local for her. She learned that these department store. It might have mass-produced photos are prepared come in the mail with your bills months ahead, so she regularly and coupons. contacts the National Center for I'll be praying for Michelle. Missing and Exploited Children Thanks to Priscilla daRosa of St. to see if the youngsters portrayed Mary's parish, Fairhaven, a lady .are still unaccounted for. who believes that prayer can make Still-missing children are assigna major difference in the lives of ed to people who wish to become missing children and their fami- prayer parents. Mrs. daRosa relies, I'll be praying for her every cords parents' names and addresses day. and notifies any individual whose child is recovered. Priscilla daRosa lugs a box full She notes that in all but two of materials into her North Fair- cases she has no idea whether or haven living room. It's important: not the child was recovered alive, it's the center of her Prayer Parent since NCMEC is reluctant to give Network. such information. She adds, Mrs. daRosa's apostolate is a though, that for families of misssimple one with big results. Anyone ing children, any word is welcome. who believes in God and prayer Fairhaven network prayer parcan be a "prayer parent" to a missing child. And in the approximately ents are of all ages, said Mrs. two years that the mother of two daRosa. She is a secretary at Fairhas been coordinating the project, haven's St. Joseph's School and 23 of the network's missing chil- each classroom there is praying for , a child. College students have praydren have been recovered. Mrs. daRosa learned of prayer ed, and so have Mrs. daRosa's hairdresser and other friends and parenting through a 1986 article in the Catholic Digest which profiled family. One friend's son, now in his Floridian Nancy Walsh, a mother of five who founded Prayer Par- early teens, is praying for his third ents. It reported that several chil- child. Although he'll probably dren for whom Mrs. Walsh and never know how his first two were her first network members prayed found, he doesn't mind. "It's all were soon recovered. Mrs. Walsh right," he told Mrs. daRosa, "they're not on the missing list didn't think it was coincidence. Neither did Priscilla daRosa. anymore." Currently, about 60 children are Upon reading the story, she thought "If I can do anything to help, I being prayed for through the Fair-

* * *



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Diocese of Fall River --:- Fri., April 15, 19889


haven network. Although she wishes "that they were all found" and that there was no need for work such as hers, Mrs. daRosa would like to expand the apostolate and see more people "praying the children home." "I've always had great faith in the power of prayer," Mrs. daRosa said. "Always. I have faith that there will be an answer somehow, for the good ofthe children and/ or their families."

Come on, Anchor readers, let's put Mrs. daRosa to work! If you're interested in praying for a missing child, send your name and address (a self-addressed stamped long envelope, while not mandatory, would be appreciated) to Priscilla daRosa at 23 Wilding Street, Fairhaven 02719. You'l receive a welcome letter, prayer suggestions and a picture of your child. Persons interested in starting their own networks are also welcome to inquire.

• • •

Story written and notes filed away, my thoughts return to Michelle. Will she ever be recovered? How is her family handling its loss? Has she a safe place to sleep? I'll be praying every day.

Motta photo

Priscilla daRosa

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10 THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., April 15, 1988 New Car? New Boat? , Personal Loan? Try us for prompt, pleasant service!

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An unusual adoption


raised children for some years and child of 13 can understand a true then must give them up, the bio- statement such as, "I didn't know Dear Mary: We adopted a child logical parents are requesting open how to tell you," or "I didn't know 13 years ago. It was privately ar· adoption. Adoption workers are whether it would make you feel ranged. just beginning to deal with this. better or worse to know." Our child has grown up knowThe third party in your situation You can suggest that he has two ing he is adopted. He is well adis the biological mother. I suggest mothers, one who bore him and justed and is a fine young man and . you contact her promptly, tell her one who is raising him. You can good student. your son's need to know about his tell him that you could not love Here is my concern: he is beginorigins and get her approval. him more if he came from your ning to wonder about his biologiOthers in the community must own body. You can assure him cal parents. know of the circumstances, and he that you will stick by him forever. I have every intention of telling is likely to find out from someone You might tell him that both of him, but I'm concerned about proelse. Tell him before someone else you are proud of him. per timing. The biological mother Finally, you can remind him is a family friend we run into sev- does. You have been open about the that, while his origins might be diferal times a month. I wonder if my child will feel betrayed by me for adoption, and the good relation- ferent from most of his friends, his to have is to your future is not. He does not belong not sharing the truth sooner. ship you seem advantage. to his biological mother. Neither - Massachusetts On the other hand, your son is does he belong to his adopTypical adoptions fall into one in early adolescence, when the tive parents. Like every child, he of two traditions. In the first, par- child becomes very concerned belongs to himself. What he beents are unable to care for a child, about his identity and place in the comes is his to choose. and the child is adopted by family world. It is a difficult time to learn If he is angry over the news, members. The child continues to such a momentous fact as the iden- accept his anger. Once you have know his biological parents and tity of one's biological mother. explained as honestly as you can, understands the relationship beWhile I cannot tell you what do not try to defend yourselffurthtween the biological and the adop- words to use in telling your son, I er. Adopted adolescent kids feel tive parents. can suggest some ideas you might rejected by biological parents and In the second tradition, a child include. get mad at adoptive parents. Biois adopted through a middle perExplain that the woman who logical adolescents also feel rejected son or agency by people having no gave him up for adoption did so to and get mad at their parents. connection with the biological fam- try to give him a better life. The Do not blame every stormy momily. Records are usually kept confi- adopted child, particularly the ado~ dential. lescent, frequently harbors anger ent in the years ahead on your failYour situation is something of a and resentment toward the biolog- ure to tell your son about his bioblend. You have contact with the ical mother. Accept his feelings logical mother. Stormy moments biological parent, but the adop- against her if he shows them, but ,are part of adolescence. tion has been treated as though also suggest the idea that she Reader questions on family liv· there were no such connection. wanted what was best for him. ing and child care to be answered While unusual, your situation is Your son might well be angry at in print are invited. Address The not unique. Today, particularly in you for keeping his origins secret. Kennys, Box 871, St. Joseph's cases where biological parents have Honesty is your best response. A College, Rensselaer, Ind. 47978.

Helping teens prepare for adulthood


By Antoinette Bosco


My youngest son, Peter, is student-teaching at a local high school. He brought home sobering evidence of how drastically the prob-


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lems of adolescence have changed. In the 1940s, a survey among teachers listed the top five problems in U.S. high schools as chewing gum, talking out of turn, running in the hall, improper dress code and not putting paper in the wastebasket. The same survey, done in the 1980s. named the top problems as drug abuse, alcohol abuse, pregnancy, suicide and assault. Today there is considerable awareness of how serious the problems of adolescence have become, but there is confusion over how the situation got this bad and what can be done about it. The Carnegie Corporation recently took a positive step with formation of a council on Adolescent Development. It focuses on early intervention in crises and promotion of healthy adolescent development. ."The tortuous passage from childhood to adulthood requires our attention. our understanding and a new level of thoughtful commitment," said Dr. David Hamburg, Carnegie president. "There are just too many casualties now, too many missed opportunities, too little knowledge and too much prejudice." He said the council "will try to interest our society in adolescents and stimulate more concern, caring and knowledge about this age group." Carnegie's approach is a welcome change from recent simplistic sQlutions to complex problems. The "Just Say No" media campaign against drugs, for example, is a little too easy. as are "Get Tough" policies against young people, which advocate routine

searches, seizures, expulsions and jail terms, all reflecting a lack of understanding and compassion. Adolescence is a critical period. It's when children begin to set foot in the adult world, but nowadays something is preventing teens from making a proper transition. The Carnegie Corporation points out that in the past children had plenty of opportunity to observe their parents and other adults performing adult roles, often working with them daily. But nowadays children are usually separated from adults. Many have no idea what their parents do for a living. Not too long ago, teens had many home and work responsibilities and there was no teen culture with its own music and fashions. That started changing in the 1950s and the new culture became entrenched in the 1960s. The Carnegie report states that one reason teens start smoking, drinking and having sex is to "acquire credentials for entry into adulthood." We have to change this. We must turn our imaginations to the question of how to include teens in constructive adult activities. One place is in the church. Teens should be invited to serve as lectors, ushers or religious education teachers. Another place might be com" munity service. Teens could work in literacy programs, hospitals or with senior citizens. The best way for teens to build self-esteem may be to function well in the adult world. effectively helping others. Self-esteem is the best defense against drugs and other abuses.

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., April 15, 1988

Warning: proofreading diocesan paper may change your life



I i

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VALPARAISO, Ind. (NC) Teresa Smith's desire to be a Catholic started becoming a reality while she checked for typographical errors in a Catholic newspaper. "I started out reading for mistakes, then I started to pay attention to what the articles were saying," Ms. Smith said of proofreading the Northwest Indiana Catholic, newspaper of the diocese of Gary, Ind., at the printshop where she is a typesetter. "The more I read, the more I liked it," she said. 'I saw how the church helped people' and how good people felt about their faith." Ms. Smith, 30, who was baptized at an Easter Vigil Mass April 2, said wanting to be a Catholic actually started before reading the paper. "When I was a kid, I was drawn to Catholicism," the 30-year-old woman said. "I had friends in parochial school and they would have pictures of Jesus and the saints to color with captions that said, 'Jesus loves me.' I thought they were so fortunate, and I wished I could be one of them." Her family was not religious, so Ms. Smith kept silent about her longing. Once, when she told her mother she wanted to go to church, she was sent to one where the "fireand-brimstone" preaching of the minister frightened her away. As she grew older, her wish to join the Catholic Church kept nudging her. While reading the Catholic newspaper, "I thought, 'This is what's been missing in my life,' " Ms. Smith said.

Although she had m'ade her decision, she was scared to take the first step. "It was a month before I finally got up the nerve" to ask Brian Olszewski, Indiana Catholic managing editor, about how to become a Catholic. Olszewski referred her to Father James Meade, associate pastor of St. Paul's, his home parish, and "broke the ice" for her with the priest. Her instructions in the Catholic faith began with Father Meade last summer.

Progress seen

pie, and we're all there for one reason - to worship God - I feel safe," she said. "I feel a real family atmosphere when I'm there." Pre-baptism jitters aren't much different from pre-wedding jitters, she said. "I feel the same way I did then. It's such a big step, such an important s.tep. This is something that will last for the rest of my life."

BROOKLYN, N.Y. (NC) Bishop Francis J. Mugavero of Brooklyn, looking back on 19 years as moderator of Catholic-Jewish relations for the National Conference of Catholic Bishops, said Catholics and Jews had developed greater respect for each other's positions even though "every once in a while there's an eruption" over

such issues as Vatican recognition of Israel and Pope John Paul II receiving PLO leader Yasser Arafat and Austrian President Kurt Waldheim. Bishop Mugavero's resignation as Catholic-Jewish moderator was announced Feb. 29. He was succeeded by Bishop William H. Keeler of Harrisburg, Pa.

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Ms. Smith kept her conversion a secret at first, fearing negative reactions from her family and friends. She said some people did badger her and questioned her decision to become a Catholic.


The surprise was that many of the negative comments came from Catholics.


"It hurt me that so many Catholics were saying negative things about the church," she said. "For a while I didn't go to instructions because of their snide remarks. But I found that many of the. things they were saying weren't true, and I decided to go back."

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"I think cradle Catholics are so lucky," she said. "They got to be Catholics all their lives. That's what I wanted to do."


Ms. Smith said she finds it hard. to describe how she feels about her new faith. But "when I go to Mass and there are all these other peo-


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GIANT BILLBOARDS like this one in Peking are posted throughout China in an effort to encourage one-child families. Similar campaigns are carried on in India. Pope John Paul II's new encyclical, "On Social Concerns," opposes state-supported birth control campaigns and warns that development must go beyond economics to include the cultural and spiritual needs of citizens. (NC/UPI photo)







If you wish to have your Gift Rosary blessed, verification card will be enclosed. Check,here O.


12 THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., April 15, 1988

Pope to visit 4 Latin lands


VATICAN CITY (NC) - Pope John Paul II is scheduled to meet President Alfredo Stroessner of Paraguay, Latin America's longest-reigning dictator, during a May visit to four South American countries. The pope also plans to meet the presidents of Uruguay, Peru and Bolivia and canonize three Jesuits killed in Paraguay in the 17th century. Only once before in his almost 10 years in office has the pope scheduled a canoriization ceremony outside the Vatican. The first was in. 1984 in South Korea. The pope plans to visit the four countries May 7-18 on his 37th trip outside Italy. It will be his second visit to Peru and Uruguay and his first to Bolivia and Paraguay. Paraguay is his last stop, May 16-18. During his first day there, the pope plans to meet Stroessner, 75, who came to power in a 1954 military coup. He has been reelected president seven times. The Catholic bishops are among Stroessner's strongest human rights critics and also have charged his Colorado Party with manipulating elections and repressing political opponents. The electoral system as practiced in Paraguay is meaningless for the average citizen, the bishops said last January. Also on May 16 the pope plans to declare as saints Paraguayan Jesuit Father Roque Gonzalez and two Jesuit companions, Fathers Alonso Rodriguez and Juan del Castillo, who were killed by Indians in Paraguay in 1628. The canonization. Mass is scheduled for the capital of Asuncion, where Father Gonzalez was born. The pope's first stop is Uruguay May 7-9. Events include' priestly ordinations and a meeting with President Julio Maria Sanguinetti. In 1985, ~anguinetti. became the country's first civilian elected president after 12 years of harsh military rule, characterized by a high number .of political prisoners. The next stop is Bolivia, May 9-14, where the pope will land at

"EI Alto," the world's hIghest co'mmercial airport at about 13,000 feet above sea level, serving the Bolivian city of La Paz. He is scheduled to meet President Victor Paz Estensoro, 79, two-time Bolivian president who spent much of the 21-year interval between his presidencies in exile. In a country prone to military coups, Paz Estensoro was an ironfisted civilian president from 195164 as head of a populist revolutionary movement that nationalized mines and provided an extensive agrarian reform program for the nation's Indians, but repressed political opposition. He was overthrown by the military in 1964. In 1985, Congress elected him president after no candidate received a majority in the general election. The pope plans to spend May 14-15 in the Peruvian capital of Lima, where he will close a Marian year eucharistic congress. He will also visit 38-year-old President Alan Garcia, a Third World leader prominent in calling for radical restructuring of the foreign debts of poor countries. Garcia, in his 1985 inaugural address, said Peru would limi\ payments on' its foreign debt to no more than 10 percent oOts export earnin~s, instead of the higher payments demanded by the International Monetary Fund and for-. eign bankers. He has praised the 1987 Vatican document on the Third World debt asking that part of the debt of poorer countries be erased.

Papal nod for Mali VATICAN CITY (NC) - The bishops of Mali have received papal encouragement for Christian- Moslem dialogue and for promoting the role of women in their West African nation. The church "wishes to be on the side of women, especially in places where, instead of being an active and responsible subject, they tend to remain ina passive role," the pope told the bishops.

Vatican Radio enters compact disc field VATlCAN CITY (NC) - Vatican Radio is going into the compact disc business to help offset annual expenses of more than $10 million - a major cause of the Vatican's annual woes. The "Radio Vaticana" label will feature both new recordings and archival Illflterial, such as unique papal concerts and studio performances, the station reported. It will produce and market the discs jointly with the Italian record company Frequenz. The venture IS an attempt to establish a steady income source for the noncommercial radio, which in 1986 spent more than $10 million, excluding personnel and administrative costs. Considered an instrument of evangelization, Vatican Radio's current income is negligible and its costs have traditionally been absorbed by the Holy See. Figures released by the Vatican indicate that the radio has recently been the biggest single contributor to the Vatican's annual budget shortfall, POPE JOHN PAUL II and U.S. Secretary of State which reached $56.7 million in George Shultz meet at the Vatican before the secretary began a 1986. A Vatican Radio development round of Middle East talks. official, Father Pietro Vanetti, said that other money-making projects were under study but had not yet received formal approval. He did hymn was sung. The icons, raised not elaborate. ROME(NC)-PopeJohn Paul above colorful banks of flowers, II paid tribute to the liturgical traThe new line of compact discs, dition of the Eastern churches dur- symbolized' the "iconostasis," or ing a recent Slavic-Byzantine cere- screen which separates the sanc- to be marketed worldwide, includes tuary from the congregation in "symphony' and chamber music, mony that included singing of the many Eastern-rite and Orthodox vocal and instrumental, sacred and Akathist, a I ,500~year-old Marian churches. profane," Vatican Radio said. The hymn of24 stanzas. It was. sung by three choirs in Slavic, Greek and The Akathist was written by an mix reflects the range of regular Arabic during a two-and-a-half- unknown author at the end of the programming at the station, which hour ceremony in Rome's Santa fifth or begining of the sixth cen- also broadcasts papal talks and Maria Sopra Minerva Church. tury, about 50 years after the coun- ceremonies. During his sermon, the pope cils of Ephesus and Chalcedon Among planned new recordings said that the Akathist reminds proclaimed the Marian dogmas. It Christians "how indissoluble is the is treasured by Orthodox and were works of Italian 'composer Nicolo Paganini played by violinevent of the mother of God from Eastern-rite churches. ist Ruggero Ricci, and unpublished the entire economy of salvation." The first half of the hymn cele- works of Hungarian composer Bela The hymn's Greek title translates as "not sitting," and the con- brates the infancy narratives of Bartok performed by pianist Gyorgregation stood for the duration of Jesus, the second half the church's gy Sandor, the station said. doctrines concerning Mary. The the hymn. A number of "artistic surprises" hymn's 24 verses correspond to the have been discovered in Vatican The pope presided over the cere24 letters of the Greek alphabet. Radio's 57-year-old archives and mony, at which Eastern-rite bishDuring the Marian year the pope selected for recording, in particuops, wearing gold and purple robes has made a special effort to in- lar several 1950s studio performand golden episcopal crowns, stood clude Eastern-rite and Orthodox ances, said Arturo Sacchetti, dibefore icons of the Madonna and rector of musical programming. churches in celebrations. Child and Jesus as Lord as the

Akathist sung at Vatican rite

U .8. papal trip financial debit, spiritual credit PHOENIX, Ariz. (NC) - The majority of dioceses and archdioceses which hosted the V .S. visit of Pope John Paul II last September found that the event was not without cost, but also not without gain. Only the archdiocese of San Antonio, Texas, showed a financial gain on the visit, $198,000. The diocese of Charleston, S.C. reported that it broke even. Other dioceses posted losses ranging from $82,000 for the diocese of . Phoenix to $1.5 million for the archdiocese of San Francisco. But planners in each city said there were no regrets for having hosted the pope. Funds for the San Antonio visit came from collections taken in the 14 dioceses of Texas, according to Richard Hemberger, executive director of Catholic.TV for the host city. Bishop Charles V. Grahmann of Victoria, treasurer for the Texas papal visit, announced in late March that the Texas bishops will present the pope with $105,000 in

trip profits when they visit the VatMsgr. John McMahon, Phoenix ican this year. visit coordinator, said, "We have a Hemberger attributed the finangain, but it's not in money.... The cial success to the Texas bishops' fruits of the visit will go on and on." decision to make the event a visit to the state rather than to one Funding for the Phoenix stop diocese. came from parish collections, large By contrast, the .pontiffs one- individual gifts and corporations. day trip to San Francisco has left a In addition, Msgr. McMahon esti$1.5 million deficit based on costs mated that $250,000 in donations of approximately $2.5 million and of materials and services were conincome of a little over $1 million; tributed to the visit. according to Fatlter Miles O'Brien The New brleans archdiocese Riley, spokesman for the archdio- posted a loss of about $200,000, cese. The deficit will be covered by said Tom Finney, director of comarchdiocesan operating funds. .munications. The archdiocese Archdiocesan planners also hope raised about $1.8 million of the $2 to bring in soine money from an million cost, paying the deficit exhibit of artifacts from the pope's from reserve funds. San Francisco visit. "We'll be fundraising a long time," Father Riley said. In Phoenix, revenues were just over $1.4 million and expenses were under $1.49 million. The diocese will make up the $82,085 deficit I ;. _ . -.: .;.. from cash reserves and diocesan operating funds. .






"You cannot put a price tag o.n the historical visit of the pope to your diocese," Finney said. The church is about evangelization and the pope is one of the wofJd's greatest evangelists, he added. Final costs for the archd'j'ocese of Miami, Pope John Paul's first V.S. stop, were $2.2 million, with $1.8 million coming from the community and from financial reserves, said an archdiocesan spokesman. The diocese of Monterey, Calif., anticipates a shortfall of between $\ million and $1.1 million, although if money still owed the diocese from its own parishes plus other Northern California dioceses comes in, the deficit may only be around $600,000. The six-hour stop cost the diocese about $2 million, said Ted Elisee, director ofcommunications. Bills have been paid from the diocese's internal bank, but that money needs to be replaced. Iftoo little money comes in by September to cover the loss, the diocese may

have to cut back on serVIces, Elisee said. Detroit, the last stop on the pope's V. S. tour, was added months after the original list was announced, thus had less time to plan and raise funds than other dioceses.. The archdiocese of Los Angeles had not yet compiled final financial figures on the pope's stop, said Father Joseph Battaglia, director of communications. He said estimates are for costs of about $2.7 millioIi'and revenues between $2.3 million and $2.4 million. 111 Detroit, according to spokesman Jay Berman, the visit cost just under $2.5 million, and less than $1.2 million was raised through major donations and parish collections. The balance came from archdiocesan reserves.

47th Catholic Charities Appeal opens Continued from Page Six Earlier I referred to the extraordinary growth of our Diocesan apostolates. It is often said"A picture is worth a thousand words." If I would have made an audiovisual presentation this evening, I would have captioned it "A Vision of Hope": whomsoever, wheresoever, however. These slides would project hundreds of youngsters, boarding buses on summer mornings in church and schoolyards throughout the Diocese headed for St. Vincent de Paul Camp in Adamsville, or children in vans from St. Vincent's Home heading down Route 195 to St. Vincent's Camp in Mashpee for fun and games and a day in the sun; young men' in baseball uniforms on warm summer nights playing ball in our cities' parks, or in hockey uniforms on cold winter nights, looking for the season's end and the play-off; or young girls on early fall Saturday mor~­ ings throwing up basketballs m portable hoops in St. Mary's schoolyard practicing for the next week's game; and the sound of school bells with the return of thousands of youngsters to the opening of our Catholic school year, many of whom are benefiting from our Diocesan scholarship aid program. I am reminded 0llce again of a quote of His Holiness when he spoke to our youth in Madison Square Garden in 1979, at which he stated: "The purpose of Catholic education is to cummunicate Christ to you, to learn to see the needs of others, to have courage to practice what we believe." In this traumatic age where there is so much abuse of drugs and alcohol, when there are so many pregnant teen-agers, we are fortunate indeed to have our Social Service Apostolate. In 1986, the Catholic Social Services of our Diocese counseled 123 pregnant women, including 81 new cases. The age range was 12-43, with 57 of these clients falling between the ages of 15-20. Of those counseled, 20 babies were placed in the adoption program of Catholic Social Services. The Apostolate of Campus Ministry is constantly growing - the present enrollment at Southeastern Massachusetts University is 5,000 students, there will be 1,200 in residence next year. Bristol Community College has an enrollment of 2,000, Cape Cod Community's enrollment numbers 1,500. Again I remind you of His Holiness's message in New Orleans, in which he asked those present "to take this special service very seriously - one cannot meet with college and university students anywhere in the world without hearing their questions and sensing their anxieties - you must continue to reach out to and turn our attention to the needs of our students." I am sad when I read of deafness, the invisible handicap, of the blind person unable to see nature's beauty, but I am encouraged by the presence of our Diocesan apostolate for persons with disabilities with ongoing programs which have existed for over 25 years. The Catholic Directory indicates that during the year 1987, there were 2,357 marriages celebrated in our Diocese. Most of these young adults have attended marriage preparation courses presented by our Family Life Ministry. Month

after month, dedicated priests offer spiritual guidance, and married couples share the realities of marriage, the values and conflicts, enabling these young people to recognize the value of warm, truly Christian relationships. Our Cathedral is often the locale of the culmination of precious dreams, our priestly ordinations, and ordinations to the permanent diaconate, all part of our vocation ministry and our Diocesan Diaconate Apostolate. Ceremonies are held for married couples' jubilees, Youth Ministry, for the installation of the hundreds of eucharistic ministers, who week after week distribute the Eucharist to our shut-ins, all part of the Pastoral Ministry A postolate, through which our clergy and religious in all areas of the Diocese offer comfort and consolation to so many through our hospital ministry in times of anxiety, despair and sadness. The weekly Television Mass conducted by our Communications Apostolate is a source of joy to whomsoever and wheresoever the air waves extend, not only in our own Diocese, but through the states of Rhode Island and Connecticut. It is indeed encouraging to note how many lay men and women in ever-increasing numbers have become involved in the life of the Church and how this led to "a depth and varit:ty of ministry far greater than ever before." In 1953, the Diocesan Council of Catholic Women, was established in this Diocese. The membership is made up of women from all our parishes. This Council serves as a very essential link of co'mmunication for all our Diocesan apostolates. Much is being said these days regarding the role of women in the church and it is my genuine feeling that the majority of women of the DCCW are very content with their role as lectors and eucharistic ministers. His Excellency has' been most supportive, indicated by my own appointment and that of two other Diocesan Council presidents as chairmen of this Annual Charities Appeal. May I take this occasion on behalf of the entire membership of the DCCW to extend our gratitude to our Bishop for his continuous encouragement and loyal support. As we look back over these 47 years we can celebrate with pride the outstanding achievements made possible with God's help and the sacrifices of so many wonderful people. At present the responsibility is ours. Let us go forth with a sense of dedication, remembering that whomsoever, wheresoever or however we are the "Only H ope of Many People." Youth Ministry Speaking on behalf of Youth Ministry at Cathedral Camp was Father George E. Harrison, its director. His comments follow: I come before you today, grateful for what is developing in the area of youth ministry in the Diocese of Fall River. Through the support of our Bishop and the generosity of those who work for and contribute to the Catholic Chairities Appeal, the Catholic youth of our parishes are being served by the Church in ways which are truly needed in this time and culture. Youth Ministry is a term which is used often in our Church, but which is not always fully under-

stood. Since many of you encourage this ministry by your great efforts, I would like to not only give you some background regarding the history of youth ministry in general terms, but also to inform you of its specific beginnings in our diocese and of the fruits of this endeavor which now exist and continue to grow. In 1976, the U.S. Catholic Conference published a paper entitled "A Vision of Youth Ministry." The purpose of this official Church statement was to "reaffirm and recast the Church's ministry with youth." Prior to 1976, youth ministry was synonymous with the CYO model that many of us were familiar with or with the traditional idea of a church youth group. Those models of ministry to youth worked well during a time when family life was strong and unified, values were clearly stressed, and our American culture was committed to promoting high standards of moral behavior. "A Vision of Youth Ministry" addresses the responsibilities we share as Church in helping our young people to mature into committed, faith-filled, Catholic Christian adults growing up amidst the distorted images promoted by today's secular culture.

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., April 15, 1988 Msgr. John J. Oliveira, diocesan chancellor, the opening prayer. Kenneth Leger of Fall River led the audience in the National Anthem at the opening ofthe meeting and closed the program with "America the BeautifuL" The Buddy Braga Music Group provided premeeting music and a sing-a-Iong program. The special gift phase of the Appeal begins April 18 and ends April 30. The parish phase is scheduled from noon to 3 p.m. Sunday, May I. At that time 20,500 volunteer solicitors will visit the homes of 330,000 diocesan Catholics. Msgr. Gomes was master of ceremonies at the meeting and explained Appeal techniques and mechanics. A social hour in the school cafeteria followed the meeting.



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Since the birth of this new vision in 1976, the Church all across the United States, on both diocesan and parish levels, has sought to create new forms of pastoral ministry with youth in order to fulfill its mission and to realize comprehensive and total youth ministry, that is, ministry to young people, for young people, by young people and with the young people of the Church. In 1985, with the encouragement and support of Bishop Cronin, a diocesan youth facility and a youth ministry office were established at Cathedral Camp. The Office of Youth Ministry serves a dual purpose: the first, to offer retreat experiences for diocesan youth through which they can come to know and value themselves and their relationship to God more fully; and secondly, to establish programs to benefit the young people and the youth leaders of our diocese in their own ministry at the parish level. In 1986, a pre-Confirmation retreat was created and offered to assist our parishes in preparing their young people for the Sacrament of Confirmation. During the past two and a half years, more than 2,000 of our young people have experienced this retreat at Cathedral Camp. Because of the positive response received from our parishes and our young people, other retreat experiences have been established as well. There can be no doubt that Catholic Charities has played an enormous and invaluable role in establishing the youth ministry programs which now exist in our diocese. Without your work and support, our office would not be able to realize the dream which we all share for our youth - that they may come to know, love, and serve God in this world. In the name of all our diocesan youth, I thank you, and ~e pray that your efforts may contmue to help serve our young people and to meet their needs through this extremely important ministry. Also at the meeting, Msgr. Luiz G. Mendonca, diocesan vicar general, offered the closing prayer and


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14 THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., April 15, 1988 cover alternatives as we try to solve our problems. Our lives can become less rigid and limited as dreams open us to new possibilities.

By Charlie Martin



I ..


Sister Farrell

Grant to Connolly staffer Sister Theresa Farrell, RS M, head of the mathematics department at Bishop Connolly High School, Fall River, was recently awarded a grant by the National Science Foundation and Indiana University of Pennsylvania to study the use of computers in teaching math through IUP's Project ExCELS (Expansion of Computer Education in Learning the Sciences). Sister Farrell has been a Connolly staffer since 1980, and according to Father Richard W. Beau-

Bishop Connolly Five members of the new speech and debate team at Bishop Connolly High School, Fall River, recently qualified for participation in an upcoming state championship tournament. They are Meredith Abbate, Glen Chretien, Helena Pacheco, Cara O'Hare, Natalie Troya and Lisa Squillante. In recent competition, Meredith finished first in dramatic interpretation with perfect scores.

• • •

Senior Christine Hopkins has been offered a Dean's Scholar Grant from the University of Southern California for a creative writing program.

• • •

English teacher f drama director Douglas Smith has been honored by Big Brothersf Big Sisters of Greater Fall River for his outstanding service to community children.

• • •

Edward Lambert, a 1976 Connolly graduate, will speak at the school's 1988 commencement. Lambert is a member of Connolly's board of regents and the Fall River school committee.

• • •



The senior banquet is scheduled for 6:30 p.m. May 25 at White's of Westport.

lieu, director of the Diocesan Department of Education, "is very competent in the area of curriculum deve!opment." The Mercy sister holds a bachelor's degree from Salve Regina College, Newport, and a master's in teaching from Rhode Island College. Project ExCELS participants will receive special training in the use of a modem and telecommunication strategies. The program's mathematics component will offer three weeks of intensive training in using the computer to teach math. Follow-up work will be an important part of the program, and participants will also learn to design and conduct workshops for their own school systems. The program offers three graduate credits. Sister Farrell notes that she is already designing Connolly math department curriculum improvements for the 1988-89 academic year.

Bishop Feehan Sam Barry, Kelly Drinkwater, Christine Dufresne and Todd Piantedosi, seniors at Bishop Feehan High School, Attleboro, earned a second-place finish in the Bryant Challenge, a business decisionmaking exercise recently held at Bryant College, Smithfield, R.I. 14 other schools were represented in the competition. ' Feehan business teacher Donna Motta was the team's adviser. Business instructor Jane Carter also participated in the program.


Desert sky Dream beneath a desert sky The rivers run but soon run dry We need new dreams tonight Desert rose Dreamed I saw a desert rose Dress torn in ribbons and in bows Like a siren she calls to me Sleep comes like a drug in God's country. Sad eyes crooked crosses in God's country. Set me alight We'll punch a hole right through the night Everyday the dreamers die To see what's on the other side She is liberty and she comes to rescue me Hope faith her vanity The greatest gift is gold Naked flame She stands with a naked flame I stand with the sons of Cain Burned by the fire of love Recorded by U2. (c) 1987 by U2 . U2'S "I~ GOD'S COUNTRY" through painful and confusing IS mystenous. The song's mestimes is a vision of how life can be sage seems to get lost in poetic different in the future. As the images. However, what the song song suggests, life can become says about dreams is important barren like a desert when the to hear. "rivers" of our dreams "run dry." Our dreams are a powerful Dreams help us see the world force. Often, what carries us in a new way. They help us dis-

.What's on your mind? Q. How do you tell one of your friends that you like the same guy 'she does and that you are going out with him? This guy does not like my friend, but I know my friend will be mad if she finds out I'm going out with him. I want to tell her because I feel like I'm going behind her back, but I don't want to lose her friendship. How do I tell her? (Pennsylvania)

A. Your instincts about this situation are sound. You should not let things go on the way they are. If your friend finds out from someone else that you are dating the guy she has her eye on, the results could be disastrous. One course you might follow is this: Have a talk with your girlfriend and, without at first mentioning this guy, discuss in a general way what rules the two of you want to have for your dating lives. Raise and resolve such questions as these:


on youth iiiiiiIJ


Will you keep each other informed about whom you are dating? . Can th,e two of you date the same guy? Will you keep each other informed about what various guys are like? Will you tell each other when you have decided not to date a certain guy any longer? What questions can you ask each other about what happens on a date? How much privacy do you have to give each other?

Many people have expressed a beliefthat our world is changing. Indeed, as a human family, we face many difficulties. World hunger, political oppression and the hellish cycle of poverty still afflict many of our brothers and sisters throughout the world. Yet a new spirit of caring about others is growing in the world. This spirit of caring is nourished and expanded when we share our dreams of bettering life on earth. We can get beyond the problems and hurts in our society, but we will need committed action and a vision of how to achieve this goal. On a personal level, dreams also help us move past the pain in our families and private lives. At times, the personal pain that we encounter in life restricts our perspective. We can get lost in pain. The power of a dream enables us to start working for change. Don't let problems run your life. Instead, begin to follow your dream for improving life. Whatever U2's intent in this song, their challenge is clear: Will you take the risk to share your dream about a more loving and caring world? ' Your comments are always welcome. Address Charlie Martin, 1218 S. Rotherwood Ave., Evansville, Ind. 47714. o

Your friendship with the girl, however, appears to be one of longer duration. You will have to decide whether you want to risk this longstanding friendship. with the girl in order to continue thiS new outcome-uncertain friendship. Only you can decide whether you want to take this risk. And only you can decide which friendship is more important to you. Send questions to Tom Lennon, 1312 Mass. Ave. N.W., Washington, D.C. 2000S

Bishop Stang

Once you and your friend have set up some mutually satisfactory rules about dating, you can decide whether and what to tell her about the guy you've' been dating, the one she has her eye on.

The play "Eddie," based on the life story of Eddie LaRiviere, a Rhode Islander who in 1977 died at age,I6 from alcohol poisoning and asphyxiation, will be presented at 7:30 p.m. April 25 in the gymnasium at Bishop Stang High School, North Dartmouth. The presentation, by Eddie's older brother Kevin, addresses teenage substance abuse. Utilizing education, prevention, community involvement and treatment, "Eddie" brings awareness and action into communities. The play, presented through the Edward J. LaRiviere Memorial Foundation, has no actual script. Volunteer student actors improvise the parts. School families and friends are welcome.

If you're uncertain what to tell her immediately, then let 24 hours go by to ponder the situation. Apparently you have only recently started going out with this guy. It sounds like your friendship with him is fairly new.

Called by Name "God said. 'Fear not. for I have redeemed you. 1 have called you hy name. you are mine: " - Is. 43: I

There well may be other questions that the two of you will want to bring up and resolve. The greater the understanding you have of one another's views, the better it is likely to be for your friendship.


THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., April 15, 1988

AN EASTER PARTY for the children and grandchildren of employees at Catholic Memorial Home, Fall River, saw, at left, resident Margaret Diskin and Megan Gaw, daughter of evening supervisor Catherine Gaw, RN, meet the Easter Bunny (Mickie Silvia of the activities staff). Right photo: Sister M. Shawn Bernadette Flynn, O. Carm., CMH administrator, with employee Kristina Barlow and her granddaughter Nicole Collins, fresh from the bunny-face painting area. (Garland photos)

Educators examine state of their art Continued from Page One They were among more than 16,000 convention participants who attended workshops on how to help students face a host of societal problems, including AI DS, drugs, alcoholism, suicide, unwanted pregnancies, divorce and homelessness. At the meeting Sister Ann Moore, CND, associate superintendent of diocesan secondary schools, was' seated for a threeyear term as vice-president of the NCEA Secondary Department. "Teach As Catholics" The Catholic school must be both "academically sound and integral in its Catholicism" and Catholic educators "cannot give youngsters any less," Cardinal O'Connor told the educators in his homily during the opening Mass. He told them they have "a grave responsibility to teach with the greatest possible excellence, but teach as Catholics" under the formal auspices of the church. The cardinal called it a "disgrace that the government at every level is prohibited from supporting our Catholic school system," and an even greater disgrace that in cases where it may offer some financial support "the price tag is that you stop teaching your Catholic values." It is exactly the values-oriented education offered by Catholic schools that is desperately needed in the United States, Cardinal O'Connor said. Bennett told the educators to "announce loudly and clearly that you are going back into your communities and taking the worst cases.... Give them an education. And then, once these kids are ready to graduate, ask your local town or community for half the price or two-thirds or 'whatever of what it would have cost to educate those kids in a public school." He said he believes local and state governments would be receptive "to constitutionally sound efforts to pay for the education of these students." If not, the private sector "would surely want to support such a worthwhile endeavor." The education secretary praised Catholic schools for frequently excelling with less funds and fewer resources than their public school counterparts. But, noting the c1os-

ing of many schools, he said, "I do not think good Catholic schools have been marketing themselves as wefl as they should." "Let's face the facts," he said. "You can't wait around for tax credits of tuition vouchers or other forms of new government funding." Koch, meanwhile, told Catholic educators that the city's corporation counsel was considering a new court suit on the issue of letting teachers paid by federal funds give remedial instruction in parochial schools. .He called the Supreme Court decision requiring that parochial school students be sent to a neutral site for the instruction "ludicrous, ludicrous." Koch ridiculed the idea that sending federally paid teachers into the parochial school system to give instruction not connected with religion was "polluting" the American democratic system. Osgood said the principal contribution of Catholic education is its emphasis on standards of right and wrong. Osgood called for improved academic performance in U.S. schools but he emphasized moral problems. Noting the convention theme, Osgood said that although in a sense it was a "gift" in saving taxpayers money,.the more important contribution to the nation made by Catholic schools was continuing to uphold moral standards. "Catholic education still keeps the light burning," Osgood said. Catholic schools in New York are highly appreciated by the black community for the ethical values they impart, Auxiliary Bishop Emerson J. Moore of New York said. Bishop Moore, one of 12 black U.S. bishops, cited a new study which he said found "most black people consider church schools one of the most important contributions the church has made and continues to 'make in New York City... We feel that we are on the right track here." Teachers can help prevent child abuse and teen suicide, inform about AIDS, and- help children cope with their parents' divorce, speakers told convention workshops. Dr. Vincent J. Fontana, New York Foundling Hospital medical director, called teachers "the front

line of defense" against child abuse and called on the school to be a sanctuary for children. . "If Catholic school systems can't find the time" to help abused


children, eventually "the school system will be filled with sick, hollow young men and women," he said. Teachers also can recognize teens who are considering suicide, Sonya R. Dunn, a New Orleans consultant, told her workshop. These teenagers often have slipping grades, give away prized possessions, and talk about suicide, she said. And 85 percent of people who kill themselves have attempted suicide before. . Mary Ann Clemens, a pastoral associate in Northbrook,lII., urged teachers to teach compassion as well as facts about AIDS. Franciscan Father Bruce Ritter said acquired immune deficiency syndrome has become widely prevalent among the under-21 youth served by his Covenant House ministry. Father James V. Flosi of Chicago told teachers to treat children whose parents are divorcing as if they have a "temporary learning disab.iIity" and to give them more attention. Dolores Leckey offer~d Catholic educators an agenda drawn from the world synod on the laity. Ms. Leckey, executive director of the National Conference ofCatholic Bishops' secretariat on the laity and family life, was an official advi~er at the 1987 synod.


Her agenda fOCUSed on spirituality; a sense of vocation regarding marriage, family and the workplace; and a commitment to Christian mission. Coadjutor Archbishop Thomas J. Murphy of Seattle told the NCEA seminary department that seminaries must prepare priests to work in a "collaborative" manner. Although priests have the same fundamental role as in the,past, he said, recent years have brought "significant change" in the way they carry out their functions in relation "to bishops, parishes, other priests, deacons, lay ministers and especially to women." Jesuit Father Avery Dulles, professor of theology at The Catholic University of America, commended the NCCB for carefully balancing its role between Rome and the local bishop, and for its teaching style.

For farmers GUATEMALA CITY (NC)Guatemala's bishops, backed by Vinicio Cerezo, the country's president, have called for benefits for small farmers including distribution of arable government-owned land, legalization of land titles and easing of credit terms. The call came in a bishops' pastoral titled "The Cry of the Land."


Easter. The Resurrection. Truly the greatest story ever told has been just that - told and retold. Afte! the Maasai tribe in Tanzania heard this great story, they developed a unique way to retell it: a tw~sided "Gospel" disk, with each slice of the circle detailing a piece of His Good News. The Maasai eventually wrote down the significance of each panel. The top panel in the disk above announces Jesus' Resurrection. "Even though they killed Jesus," the Maasai Gospel tells us, "God raised Him from the dead and He promised that if we learned to live as Jesus did, He would raise us tip from death to live with Him .-/"\ ~ ~~ forever:' ---v :~ ~ Help keep this, the greatest story .'... ' .' ~ ~ , ever told, being told - and retold - among the ~ 楼'O Maasai and others throughout the Missions! . Support missionaries through the Propagation of the Faith! r~---------------------------I

The Society for . . The Propagation ofthe Faith

. .

.... all of us committed to the world mission ofJesus

. Reverend Monsignor John J. Oliveira .. 368 North Main Street, Dept. C, Fall River, Massachusetts 02720 ANCH 4/15/88

- -YES! I want to make sure the greatest story ever told is told and retold throughoutthe Missions! Enclosed is my contribution of: - - $100 _ _ $50 _ _ $25 _ _ $10 _ _ $5 Name Address City





16 THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., April 15, 1988

Iteering pOint, PUBLICITY CHAIRMEN are asked to submit news Items for this column to The Anchor, P.O. Box 7, Fall River, 02722. Name of city or town should be Included, as well as full dates of allacUvlUes. Please send news of future rather than past events. Note: We do not normally carry newa of fundraising acUvltles. We are happy to carry notices of spiritual programs, club meetings, youth projects and similar nonprofit activities. Fundralslng projects may be advertised at our regular rates, obtainable from The Anchor business office, telephone 675-7151. On Steering Points Items FR Indicates Fall River, NB Indicates New Bedford.


HOLY NAME, FR Parish school students placing in the recent Region 1lI Science Fair: Joshua Pochon, grade eight, second place; Maggie Smith, grade eight, honorable mention; David Silva, grade seven, honorable mention and the Mark Hoyle Memorial Award. O.L. ANGELS, FR CCA solicitors' meeting 7 p.m. April 24. Espirito Santo feast domingas: Gilbert Cabral Jr.. Kathy Almeida. Luis Cabral, Herculano Mello. Joseph Monteiro. Alice Miranda and Msgr. Anthony M. Gomes, PA. pastor. ST. PATRICK, FALMOUTH Women's Guild luncheon follows II: 15 a.m. Mass April 24, Big Fisherman restaurant; guest speaker: Father Roger Wojick, MlC, of Shrine of Divine Mercy. Stockbridge; all Catholic women welcome. ORDER OF THE ALHAMBRA Fall River's Leon caravan will participate in a ceremonial'weekend April 22 through 24 at Comfort Motor Inn. Dedham. F AMIL Y LIFE CENTER, . N. DARTMOUTH Engaged Encounter begins today. Couple to Couple League Natural Family Planning training session 3 p.m. Sunday.

ST. LOUIS de FRANCE, SWANSEA Ladies of St. Anne Sodality meeting 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, parish hall; program: slide presentation by Mary Hooben; all welcome; refreshments. LaSALETTE SHRINE, ATTLEBORO "Terre Du Coin Cafe" with speaker, music and prayer 6:30 p.m. Tuesday; information: Sister Lucille Gauvin, 222-5410. ST. ANNE,FR Cya baseball team practice/tryouts 10 a.m. Sunday, Kennedy Park, Fall River. ST. JOHN EVANGELIST, POCASSET Women's Guild scholarship available; information: Elaine Judge, 563-2973.

ST. MARY, SEEKONK Children's Mass 10 a.m. ,Sunday. Prayer group 7:30 p.m. Thursdays, parish center. Women's Guild "Cootie Night" 7:30 p.m. Monday; communion breakfast follows 8:30 a.m. Mass April 24; information: Ann Costa, 399-8791. ST. MARY, N. ATTLEBORO Healing service and Mass with MARY LOU Johnson, center, a sophomore and member parochial vicar Father William T. Babbitt 2 p.m. Sunday, church. of the girls' track team at Fall River's Bishop Connolly High DIVORCED AND SEPARATED, School, receives instruction in javelin technique from senior CAPE, ISLANDS Heather Driscoll. Sophomore Noreen Daly picks up a few Ministry meeting 7 p.m. Sunday, O.L. CAPE, BREWSTER pointers by looking on. Connolly track coordinator is Jim Ladies' Guild communion brunch St. Francis Xavier parish hall, Hyannis: presentation on "Beginning May 15, Harbor Point; information: Barnaby. (Motta photo) New Life: Dealing Honestly with Peg Ferriter, 385-2932. Prayer group Pain and Hurt; information: Patti telephone line for emergency interNOTRE DAME, FR ST. JULIE, N. DARTMOUTH cession: Mary Farrell, 896-3309. Mackey, 771-4438. Council of Catholic Women scholYouth organization for 8th through Congratulations to parishioner Mary SACRED HEART, FR alship available; information by 12th graders is being formed; Chris Mitchell, who celebrated her 100th Celebration of Women's Guild birthday yesterday! April 24: Bernadette Morrissette, Perrotti will be director. Informa40th anniversary May 2, Venus de 674-4430. Living rosary, sponsored tion on Emmaus retreats for CathoMilo restaurant, Swansea; reserva- ST. PATRICK, WAREHAM by Boyd Council Knights of Col umlics ages 19 through 30 available at tion deadline Monday; information, bus, 7 p.m. Tuesday, church. Eucharectory. 993-2351. Richard D'AuCya general meeting April 26. transportation: Helen Piper: 673- Junior Cya roller skating party , teuil. Anna Gomes and Nancy Sulliristic ministers meet 7 p.m. April 22. 6734. church hall. Friday Night Gathering van. received into the church at the .ApriI23. will visit Fall River's Temple Beth EI Easter Vigil, are welcomed. NEW LIFE PROGRAM ST. JOHN OF GOD, SOMERSET for services tonight. New Life Program (divorce supChristian recording artist Jon SS. PETER AND PAUL, FR port) meeting 7 p.m. Sunday, Im- Polce in prayer group-sponsored ST. MARY, FAIRHAVEN Women's Club will host Fall River maculate Conception Church hall, concert 7:30 p.m. tomorrow, parish Second dominga: John Rego, 17 District Council of Catholic Women Taunton; topic: Being Sensitive to center; presentation is part of parish Daniel Street, Fairhaven. Ladies of meeting April 28; Mass 7:30 p.m. Needs. St. Anne corporate communion 9:30 60th anniversary celebrations; infollowed by business session and a.m. Mass Sunday. Adult Forum formation: 678-5513. CATHOLIC MEMORIAL social. Cya trip to Martha's VineI:30 p.m. April 24, church hall; guest HOME, FR yard April 20. speaker: Barbara Pryor, mother of Birthday party / coffee hour 2 this O.L. ASSUMPTION, CATHEDRAL, FR missing child Sarah Pryor; public afternoon. auditorium. Sunset senior OSTERVILLE Women's Guild scholarship availwelcome. Adult choir rehearsal 7:30 p.m. citizens' concert 2 p.m. Wednesday. able; applications at rectory. Scholauditorium. Maypole tea for resi- Thursday. Guild luncheon noon May ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI, NB arship committee meeting 7 p.m. 10, Paddock Restaurant, Hyannis; dents and visitors 2 p.m. May I, I-D Lillian Bono is parish CCA chairMay 5, rectory. aU parish women welcome; informasolarium. Animal encounter 1:30 man. ST. JAMES, NB p.m. April 26, floors one through tion: Diane Boudreau, 428-7833. O.L. MT. CARMEL, SEEKONK three. . Cya spring bowling tournament Prayer meetings 7 p.m. WednesWIDOWED SUPPORT, Sunday, Wonder Bowl, New Bedford. ST. THOMAS MORE, days; all welcome. Information on TAUNTON SOMERSET Women's Guild communion breakMeeting 7:30 p.m. April 25. Im- ST. JOSEPH, FAIRHAVEN Couples' Club meeting 6 p.m. SunThe parish family wishes Earl fast: Linda Nason, 336-6579. Conmaculate Conception Church hall, Heron a happy 90th birthday. John gratulations to girls' grammar A diTaunton; Chris Koehler will speak day, church hall. Parish council meeting 7:30 p.m. Thursday, rectory. Moynagh is parish CCA chairman. vision basketball team, Blackstone on stress management. Valley champs for the second year. Shoes for EI Salvadoran children are being collected in the vestibule.


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