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VOL. 48, NO. 15 • Friday, April 16, 2004

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Southeastern Massachusetts' Largest Weekly • $14 Per Year

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ELECTION Kennedy to Kerry: Catholic candidates in different times By PATRICIA ZAPOR CATHOUC NEWS SERVICE

came a momentous Supreme Court ruling on abortion and WASHINGTON - Forty- an increasing vigilance by four years later, the words are some in the Church toward nearly the same, but the em- how Catholic politicians vote. Before Kennedy came phasis is dramatically different. When Sen. John F. Kennedy along, only one Catholic had of Massachusetts ran for presi- been a major party's nominee dent in 1960, he faced a bar- for the presidency. New York rage of questions from a pre- Gov. Al Smith lost the 1928 dominantly Protestant public election largely because of his like: "How do we know you stance against Prohibition. But can separate your Catholic be- overt anti-Catholic rhetoric liefs from your political re- also was a factor in his defeat. In a speech on the Senate sponsibilities?" With Sen. John F. Kerry of floor in January 1928, Sen. Massachusetts seeking the Thomas Heflin, D-Ala., White House in 2004, the ques- warned that Catholics were tions he'll get likely will come trying to get the Democratic from Catholics and sound more Party to denounce the Ku Klux like: "What makes you think Klan - which he described as you can separate your Catho- "the Protestant order" - and lic beliefs from your political were trying to control Southresponsibilities when it comes ern newspapers to push Smith's candidacy for presito voting on abortion?" Much about the two Massa- dent. "The Roman Catholic edict chusetts senators may be similar, but the political and reli- has gone forth in secret argious climate for Kerry bears ticles, 'AI Smith is to be made little resemblance to that president,'" he said. ''They will Kennedy confronted. Between lay the heavy hand of a CathoKennedy's era and Kerry's Tum to page 13 - Candidates

Poll shows Catholic support evenly divided for Bush, Kerry WASHINGTON (CNS) - An early poll shows Catholic voters are probably no more or less likely than the general population of Americans to vote for the first Catholic presidential candidate in 44 years. In a national telephone poll of Catholics, the Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate at Georgetown University found that about 46 percent said they would vote for Sen. John Kerry, Tum /0 page 13 - Poll

AT THE annual Chrism Mass at St. Mary's Cathedral, Fall River, Bishop George W. Coleman, center, blesses the oils to be used at confirmations and anointings of the sick in the upcoming Church year. The Mass was celebrated on Tuesday of Holy Week. (AnchollGordon photo)

Taunton church's renewal celebrated on Palm Sunday By DEACON JAMES N. DUNBAR

Mter the blessing of palms Sunday in the Parish TAUNTON - When he saw the smiling faces Center nearby, Father Stopyra celebrated Mass for and heard the oohs and ahs of his congregation when the first time in the "new" church. they took their first look at the extensive and reTum to page nine - Holy Rosary markable renovation of the interior of Our Lady of the Holy Rosary Church on Palm Sunday morning, Father David M. Stopyra, OFM Conv., knew his prayers were answered. "My happiness was for the people, the congenial Franciscan pastor said. "1 was pleased because they were pleased. 1didn't want to disappoint them. We have about 500 families and they had worked hard over the years to make the annual August Parish Picnic a success, and that is where the money came from to make this wonderful restoration of their church." What the people saw when they entered the church was a much lower and simplified reredos, or panel that backs the main altar, allowing an unobstructed view of the magnificent, multicolored rose window depicting the Last Supper, at the top. The tabernacle, that had been part of the structure, was moved to its own altar of repository on the left side of the sanctuary facing the fronL However, the large wooden sculpture in color depicting St. Dominic receiving the rosary from the .., Blessed Mother, flanked by statues of saints Francis . and Anthony, still holds its prominent place at the center of the rear wall of the sanctuary. The main altar itself was removed from the reredos and placed as a free-standing structure in the cenTHE NEWLY renovated interior of Holy ter of the lower level of the new half-circle sanctuary Rosary Church in Taunton, greeted parishio. floor, where it is flanked by two large angels with ners on Palm Sunday. (Anchorphoto) lamps that once were part of the huge structure.

Friday, April 16, 2004

COlin: Felll/-murtier IIJw nottlepellllent on blowing W011lll1l WIISpreg7IIJIII SAN FRANCISCO (CNS) A few days after similar legislation became federal law, the Cali- . fornia Supreme Court said the state's fetal-murder law applies even when the killer was unaware that the victim was pregnant. The court on April 5 ruled 6-1 that killing a pregnant woman counts as two homicides. The decision overturned a 2002 lower court ruling. Carol Hogan, associate director for pastoral projects and communications for the state Catholic conference, said the ruling on the 34-year-old California law was "a good decision." The case involved the fetalmurder conviction of Harold Taylor, who killed his ex-girlfriend, Patty Fansler, in 1999 when she was 10 weeks pregnant. A state· appeals court had ruled that he could not be prosecuted for killing her unborn child too, because

Bishop Coleman.to celebrate two parish centennials this weekend

he didn't know she was pregnant. In reinstating Taylor's conviction, Supreme' Court. Justice Janice Rogers Brown said he did not need to be aware "of how many potential victims his conscious disregard for life endangered." . NORTH EASTON - ImDouglas Johnson, .legislative director for the National Right to maculate Conception Parish, Life Committee, said the ruling North Easton, has completed supports the validity of the new . plans to celebrate the centennial federal law. It says that a "child of its present church building. in utero" is recognized as a secA centeimial Mass will be ond victim when he or she is celebrated by Bishop George harmed during the commission of W. Coleman tomorrow at 4:30 a federal crime. p.m. The Mass will be followed The law "does not require by a dinner-dance at the new proof that the person engaging in Shaw's Center in Brockton, adthe conduct had knowledge or . jacent to Campanelli Stadium. should have had knowledge that Former parishioners and the victim of the underlying offriends of the parishare warmly fense. was pregnant." The federal Unborn Victims of invited. Violence Act was signed April 1 by President Bush.

Immaculate Conception Parish,North Easton marks anniversary on Saturday

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A Parish Day has also been scheduled as a family event at the Brockton Rox on June 13. Additional information on these and upcoming centennial events may be obtained by calling the parish office at 508-238-3232. The church was dedicated by Bishop Matthew Harkins of the Providence diocese on April 19, 1904. Bishop Harkins also participated in the laying of the cornerstone on July 4, 1902. The stone building of Gothic design was planned by archi-

tec.ts Murphy & Hindle and constructed by J.w. Walsh Inc. with the assistance of many local workmen. Within the church, oak dominates the interior. A large copy of Murillo's "Immaculate Conception of Soult" painting compliments the main white marble altar. The current pastor of Immaculate Conception Parish is Father Thomas C. Lopes; the parochial vicar is Father Ethan G. McCarthy; and the Deacon is Paul M. Fournier.

St. Paul's Parish, Taunton to mark jubilee on Sunday

TAUNTON Bishop ily came together to participate nity around it. George W. Col~man will 'to help make this ongoing .celOther events and fund-raisconcelebrate a Mass of Thanks- ebration a success. Annamae ers include a cookbook featurgiving at St. Paul's Church in Schondek, Day O'Shea, Norma ing favorite recipes collected Taunton Sunday at 3 p.m. A Wade, Mary Vandal, Claudia from parishioners. A beautiful centennial celebration banquet Duarte, Marie Rawson and medallion to commemorate the will follow at the Venus De Alan Thadeu completed a beau- parish centennial anniversary Milo Restaurant in Swansea. tiful handmade Historical Quilt was commissioned by the cenThe St. Paul's Centennial depicting the history and pas- tennial committee. Committee has been hard at tors at St. Paul's. Parishioner Mike McIntyre work these past several Parishioner Edward. Lynch donated a custom upholstered months, holding fund-raisers authored the recently published chair he handcrafted, as a raffle and social activities as part of historical "A Centennial Jour- prize to help raise funds for St. the year long celebration. ney." The 226-page hardcover Paul's. Members of the parish fam- . is currently at press and is For more information about scheduled for release in early the centennial celebration and April. The book details the his- other parish activities and mintory of Taunton's St. Paul's istries, go to the Website at Daily Readings Parish and the growing commu- www.stpaultaunton.org. April 19 Acts 4:23-31; Ps 2:1-9; In 3:1-8 April 20 Acts 4:32-37; Ps 93:1-2,5; In 3:7b-15 Acts 5:17-26; April 21 Pleaseprayfor thefollowing Ps 34:2-9; In priests during the coming weeks 3:16-21 April 22 Acts 5:27-33; Ps 34:2,9,17April!9 1975, Rev. Msgr. Leo J. IJu\ut, Pastor, St. Peter the Apostle, 20; In 3:31-36 April 23 Acts 5:34-42; Provincetown . \ \ 1990, Rev. Daniel E. Carey; Chaplail},.Gatll9lic Memorial Ps 27:1,4,13Home, Fall River \ \.....----=~-,/ 14; In 6:1-15 April 24 Acts 6:1-7; Ps ~C .~~, 33: 1-2,4-5,18\..>..----- Aprq ~ 1954, Rev. Edward F. Coyle, S.S.; St. Mary Seminary, Balti19; In 6:16-21 April 25 Acts 5:27bmore,Md. \ \ 1970, Rev. James E. O'Reilly, Pas~or Emeritus, Our Lady of 32,40b-41 ; Ps 30:2,4-6; Rv ·Mt.CarmeJ, Seekonk. \ \. . 1999, Rev. James P. Dalzell, Retire{l,\ Catholic Memorial. 5:11-14; In' 21 :11-19 or Home, Fall River \ \ 21:1-14 • AprilU Y' 1910, Rev. James L. Smith, Pastor, Sacred Heart, TaWlton' 111l11l4l1IHIHIIIl11111IUIH· 1954, Rev. Thomas F. Fitzgerald, Pastor, St. Mary, Nantucket THE ANCHOR (USPS-S4S.()2()Periodical

In Your Prayers








fMaf<! it easierfor tliose you row

Postage Paid at Fall River, Mass. Published weekly except for the first two weeks in July and the week after Christmas at 887 Highland Avenue, Fall River, Mass. 02720 by the Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River. Subscription 'price by mail, postpaid $14.00 per year. POSTMASTERS send address changes to The Anchor, P.O. Box 7, Fall River, MA 02722.

AprilZS 1940, Rev. John 1. Wade, Assistant, Sacred Heart, Fall River 1955, Rev. Raymond J. Lynch, Chaplain, Catholic Memorial Home, Fall River .






Attorney general asked to intervene t.o delay same-sex marriages

ing representatives of Mass Voices for Traditional Marriage: Fall River - Daryl Gonyon at 508-672-4822. Somerset/Swansea - Henry Dion at 508-673-5482.

Attleboro area- Donald Girard at 508-699-7029. New Bedford - Diane Bolton at 508-994-8421. Cape Cod - Lloyd McDonald at 508-430-1559.

FALL RIVER - A postcard and November 2006. ing marriage as the union ofone man telephone campaign is being ~t month, the legislature acted and one woman. Americans will reSAI.ES-QvrsIDE -'AM - SPM -No NIGHTS, No WEEKENDS mounted this weekend to urge state to ban homosexual marriages member and appreciate the couraAtty. Gen. Thomas Reilly to ask the through aconstitutional amendment, geous leadership you show at this Supreme Judicial Court to delay the . and instead allow the creation ofcivil time." The J.S. Paluch Co. one of the largest publishers of legalization of same-sex marriages. unions for same-sex couples. LawThe SJC itselfissued a six-month· Catholic Church Bulletins is now hiring expo outside These are due to be licensed begin- makers need to vote again in the next stay (Nov. 18, 2003 to May 17, sales reps. We offer the serious appHeant an opporning May 17. legislative session. The state e}ector- 2004) before its ruling would betunity to earn $4OK+/yr. in a weekly CODllD. proMass Voices for Traditional Mar- ate then must make the final deci- come effective. That was to allow riage has organized teams of lay ac- sion and this cannot occur for 2 1/2 the legislature to take action it ~. Full Time Benefit Package & 401K, CAR tivists at many parishes in the Dio- years. . deemed appropriate in the light of NECESSARY. For more info call Mr. Ed. Hayes 800. Atty. Gen. Reilly, the chief law- the court iuling. cese of Fall River and also in 524-0263. Worcester, Springfield and Boston. enforcement official, has refused to What the legislature in fact has The effort has the support of the petition the Supreme Court. It was done is to begin the process to amend . Massachusetts Catholic Conference, the SJC which ruled last November the constitution so that same-sex ....- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -... the public policy arm of the bish- that same-sex couples have the right marriages. are banned but civil S1. Anthony of Padua Church ops. to marry and must be granted li- unions are created. 1359 Acushnet Ave. New Bedford, MA 02746 The goal is 100,000 postcards censes. Proponents of traditional mar508-993-1691 * fax 508-999-4775 distributed and signed at churches, riage argue that beclluse the constiThe postcards read: . ''Please seek and obtain a stay of tution cannot be amended until NoSPRING CLEAN UP RAFFLE and 100,000 telephone calls to Reilly's office at 617-727-2200 ext. the Supreme Judicial Court's vember 2006, the court should furTickets are on sale for 3 PRIZES 2042. Goodridge decision, so that nomar- ther stay its ruling and respect the 1st Prize $500 of Yard ~ork by FATHER & SON LANDSCAPING Gov. Mitt Romney wants the SJC riage licenses are issued to same-sex -legislature's action. Even more than $450 Car Detailing by THE CAR BUFF ($250 cash value) 2nd Prize to delay same-sex marriages until couples until the people can vote on that, the court should recognize that 3rd Prize $200 of House Cleaning by R & C CLEANING state voters can decide the issue in the constitutional amendment defin-o with the action of the legislature, the $5.00 each 3 for $10.00 same.:sex marriage question has Tickets available after Masses Sat.4:30 p.m., Sun. 8:30, 10:30, 5:00 p.m. been removed from the SJC's jurisOr by calling Mrs. Cote 508-994-9132 or Mrs. Pappas 508-995-5563 diction. www.saintanthonynewbedford.org Organizations that want to parProceeds go to St. Anthony Renovation Fund ticipate in the postcard-telephone. Cash option Instead of prize may be awarded at winner's request campaign may contact the follow-

SAH announces- health fair, annual scholarship contest

FALL RIVER - Saint Annels tion call 508-674-5600 ext. 2270 Hospital will hold its annual Inter- or visit the Website at national Health Fair April 24 from www.saintanneshospital.org. The hospital also invites applica- . 10 a.m. to 2 p.rn. in Room 134 of Clemence Hall. It will cover a wide tions for its 15th annual Victor A. range of health and wellness topics Palwnbo, MD, Memorial Scholarincluding diabetes, eye care, heart ship Awards. 1\\10 $1,000 scholardisease, breast health, insurdIlce and ·ships will be presented to students pursuing health careers and who are smoking cessation. It is sponsored by the residents of Assonet, Berkley, Multicultural Health Committee of Dighton, Fall Riv~r, Freetown, the hospital and features more than Rehoboth, Swansea, Somerset, 20 exhibitors. Free activities include Westport, Tiverton, R.I., or Little blood glucose screenings, music and Compton, R.I. Applicants must be entering or food samples from Hispanic, Portuguese and Cambodian cultures, pursuing a degree in nursing, allied face painting for children, health orotherhealth care professions at an accredited college or university. storytelling and games. For more information or an apParking is available in the .orange lot directly across from plication call 508-674-5600 ext. Clemence Hall. For more informa- 2002.

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Friday, April 16; 2004


. the living word

EaSter unity It was a wonderful and unique Easter. This year the Christian and Orthodox cale1)dars coincided. All celebrated t:4-e joy, of. the Resurrection on the same daY: It was not lost on Pope John Paul II who reflected, "I pray to the Risen Lord that all of us baptized may soon be able to toget~er relive this fund~ental feast of our faith each' year on the same. day." The same feeling surfaced iIi many areas of the Orthodox world. After all, the greatest work at hand for all the Church is the goal of unity. Christ the Lord founded one Church and prayed that they be one. In his Church he instituted the . sacrament of the Eucharist by which the unity of the Church is both signified and brought about. As we know all too well from history in this one and only Church of God, from its very beginning there arose rifts and dissensions. Over the centuries much more serious differences surfaced, and large communities became separated from full communion with the Catholic Church. Not all of these separate movements were theological in nature. Many' of them were based on political power. Such was the case In Constantinople and the English Reformation. The head of state became the head of the church, resulting in divisions that still exist today. They have created many serious obstacles that discourage full communion. The Ecumemcal Movement encouraged by the Fathers of Vatican II and reflected in the. wOrks of the ~urrent pope is striving to overcome these hurdles. However, it is obvious that separate churches are not blessed with that unity which the Lord sought to bestow on all those whom he has given new birth into one body.' ' In the Decree on Ecumenism, y'atican II taught that "the term 'Ecumenical Movemenf indicates the initiatives and actualities encouraged and organized according to the various needs of the Church, and as opportunities offer, to promote Christian unity." In this· light, I all in the Christian faith shOuld make every effort to avoid expressions of judgment and actions that do not represent the true condition of separated church bqdies. Not to do this only makes the effort of achieving mutual dialogue mor.e difficult. Where there is real and ongoing qialogue, everyone gains a true knowledge and more just appreciation of the teaching and religious spirit , 'of both communions. Mter all, the fundamental task at hand is to little by little remove the obstacles that prevent perfect ecclesiasti. cal communion and that all Christians willbe gathered in a common celebration of the Eucharist. In this all will be gathered into the unity of the one, and only Church which Christ bestowed on I).is Church from the very beginning.. , . ~ It is incumbent on all Catholics to bear witness to this umty in their household of faith. In this present contentious atmosphere cre.ated by the failings of the times, there are some who have chosen not to witness to this unity and who have chosen to walk on paths of , their own makings..Less and less do we see charity prevailing, as subjectivism becomes the standard norm. The Easter call of unity by the Holy Father is one that applies to all in.the Church family that would seek their own ends. Preserving unity is essential. If we are true to this course of action, we will be giving our even richer expression to the authentic Catholicity and apostolicity of the ChUrch.' Whatever is truly Christian is never contrary to what genuinely belongs to the faith. Indeed, it can always bring a more perfect realiza-; tion of the 'very mystery ofChrist and the Church. . As St. Paul writes, "All you who have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ; for you are all one in Christ" (Gal. 3:27~28).

The Executive Editor





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experiencing is a preamble to logical well-being: We become the eternal life Christ brought limber, cheerful, and our step us. At first they exude a soothing becomes energetic. To truly celebrate spring or, pinkish color, and when at last . Spring dazzles us with ~er for that matter, any wonderful they come into full bloom, the ,color. Not only are there white, event in our life, we need to cheiry blossoms in Washington, delicate cherry blossoms, but take the time to absorb it. The D.C., become a delicate whitegolden yellow. daffodjls, shades ness that delights the eye, ' of red, white and purple azaleas, well-known philosopher iosep dogwoods and tulips, to name . Pieper tells us that the essence signaling the arrival of spring. of celebration is contemplation. Spring is an exhilarating time but a Jew. Applying this to spring, it when brightness, color, warmth No~ only does Mother Nature means gazing and musing upon and life abound. Like all beauty, bedazzle us with her floral it reminds us to stop and absorb arrangements, but we follow her the season's marvels. When we do this, we let that which . God's gift to us: example by sporting more surrounds us enter into us; we Spring comes with the vernal colorful and brighter clothing: digest and assimilate it. equinox, when day and riight in Spring is especially a time of Any parent will tell you that the Northern Hemisphere new life. Farmers plow and plant one of the wonders of a new become'equal in length of time. their fields, and ,anyone with a child is its infancy stage; the . _ We wake up to light, and most large backyard or an empty lot baby's first smiles and new life nearby starts a garden. Radishes of our day and early evenings are filled with it. Thanks.to . and lettuce flourish, as do other . warm the heart to no end. But parents will add, "Before you science, we have 'documented cool weather vegetables. what we always have felt: The know it they are walking, al}d Thanks to the warnith and more light we absorb, the . the next minute they are out the long hours of light in spring, door." . happier our mood. golf clubs, baseball mitts and Spring is upon us with its _ We also know that the sun at bicycles emerge from closets this time of year and in the and garages; this is, a season of . first smiles. Before she takes a summer is excellent for our walk, take time to cherish the renewed physical exercise. health if we don't bake in it too moment. Absorb her and let her Most important of all, Easter long. It not only boosts our arrives in spring and reminds us . ltght, warmth and life iinger immune system, but our psycho- that all the new life we a{e within you! CATHOUC NEWS SERVICE .

-:=rlday, April '16~2004

A fish story in the peaceful Taup.ton woods One of the'benefits of worm wiggling 'on my hook, later that summer. In an effort writing a weekly'column is and then for the occasional that I get to vent, rant, rave fish that ended up at the end of to provide a well-rounded and otherwise speak my mind, my line. It was about that time, childhood for said nine-yearold, I purchased a couple of even when no one wants to or maybe it was when I decent fresh-water rods, listen. But the reverse is true insisted on bringing my small as well. Often reagers send Etransistor radio and an earplug picked up a fishing license and some lures and promised my mails, snail mails, or even pull on the boat with me so I could daughter that I would teach me aside to lend their opinions listen to the Red Sox while her all I know about fishing too. Such was the case earlier fishing that fishing and I that weekend. That this week when I was took about five asked, "When are you minutes. going to write a After tying the column about fishspinners on each line ing?" (the worm thing still Knowing full well haunts me), we that I only write about headed through the things I think I know .woods to the edge of about, I chuckled at By Dave Jolivet the pond. We settled the response. Yet, on a big old rotted little did I know, the tree stump and began bait had been dropped to cast our lines in hope of in the water and I was about to parted ways. The whole c!1tching the big one. serenity sce'ne had lost its bite. Since I had gotten quite . "I CAN write a column appeal f.or me. rusty at this fishing thing, I about fishing," I thought as I But in recent years I've made some critical errors that again become hooked at the rolled my eyes shut and snapped at the lure. As a thought of dropping a line into I like to consider "re-learning the water. No~ too long ago, I . experiences." I remembered matter of fact, because of my that you shouldn't cast too spent a few sweet hours nine-year-old's interest in cruising Nantucket Sound with near tree branches. In fact, I EVERYTHING, the angling was reminded of that a my brother-in-law, trolling for bug has bitten me again. number of times that first As a lad, I would go fishing stripers. Even though there was nary a nibble, the day was day. Also coming back to with my dad and brother on mind was that one shouldn't. fantastic, simply for the fact beautiful Stafford Pond in reel in their lines through neighboring Tiverton, R~1. And that I was out cruising Nanthick reeds and old branches I did enjoy those days... for a tucket Sound on a sunin the water. . splashed summer afternoon. while. I don't know when it What a day though! While My int~rested really piqued ' happened, but eventually 1. when my family went campi~g trying to untangle my line began to feel sorry for the

My. View From the Stands

from the trees in back of me, our dog Igor knocked Emilie into knee-deep mud. After extracting my child from the ooze and securing the canine, I finally freed my line from the brancttes (with a pair of scissors). Then I had to make my way il).to the pond to free my lure from the reeds. But that was OK since I had already slipped off the rotten log into. the water up to my knees, soaking my sneakers, socks and jeans. At this point I had the sudden.realization that fishing, for me, was just as relaxing as golf! When things settled down, I was able to find just the right spot to cast away the afternoon. Shortly after I felt the nibble!'Oh yeah! The juices started flowing, just like when I was a lad. I yanked the line to secure the hook and anx- . iously started to reel in my catch. It was a perch. With Emilie by my.side, and Igor with tail wagging and her tongue hanging to one side, I pulled in the prize. "Gee dad, your bait is

Senator John Kerry must stop calling himself Catholic. It not only gives public sc.andal but causes confusion among Catholics as well as our Protestant and Jewish brethren. Kerry is an espoused supporter of abortio.n rights. His statements tlult h~ is '~personally opposed" are disingenuous: He is ·~llied with every pro-abortion group endorsed, by NARAL; promised never to

turn back rights granted by Roe v.· Wade; promised to protect women's reproductive rights (itself an oxymoron); guarantees litmus tests for federal judges; voted , against the partial-birth abortion ban and the Unborn Victims of Violence Act; and hedged on the gay marriage issue, etc. Abortion is an intrinsic moral evil and in vot-· ing for a candidate who supports moral evil, a person becomes an


Dove Jolivet, edito, of The Anchor, is 0 f017lle, spom edilo,lwrilelj (JIII/ Tegulluly gives oneffJII 'sperspecdve on tile IIniglle wo,1d ofsports. Comments fJTe wekome tJJ dtI"ejoli"et@oncllomews.0t:6.

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Letter to the Editor Editor:

bigger than the fish," Emilie accurately observed: I guess it was the water that magnified the fish as it was being coaxed into shore. As I released the little fellow back into the pond, I swear it was giggling. It was a great day, and I've already promised Emmy that we would do it all again this year: This time I won't have to buy the rods or lures, although I may have to invest in fishing line. When the weather warms up, I'll pick up my 2004 license, pack the kid, the dog and the supplies and head to the ponds. I just know there's a big catch out there waiting for me to bag. Or m~ybe it's just the opposite! I'm not quite sure if this is the fishing column my dad, er, I mean the reader had in mind, but there it is.

"The help received jimn the Propagation of the Faith is literally our 'l~feline, n, says one seminary . rector in India. Although the seminarians grow most of their own '\, food and their parents are able to ':,J, . offer some financial assistance, these students would not be able to prepare to serve their people as priests without help offered through the Propagation of the Faith. "Daily the seminarians /;ray for the great sacrifices made for thein," says another rector i~ that coulltry. "We colltinue to ask God tlJ bless you and the importallt c(jntribution yOlt make toward the Church in India. ..

accomplice. We Catholics have a moral obligation to develop an in. formed conscience and to vote accordingly. If the candidates do not meet the criteria, we must prayerfully make a decision to consider the lesser of two evils, if that is possible. Please, Senator Kerry, run on who you are. Do not include "Catholic" in your resume. Doris 'Thohill



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The -Society for THE PROPAGATION OF THE www.worldmissions-catholicchurch.org Rev. Msgr.]ohn E. Kozar, Natiollal Direclor, 366 Fifth Ave., NY, NY 19001 Rev. Msgr. John J. Oliveira, V.E. 106 Illinois SI.. New Bedford. MA 02745

AUn: Column

BOARD MEMBERS of the Fall River Diocesan Council of Catholic Women met to make final arrangements for the annual convention to be held May 1 at St. John of God Church, Somerset. From left: Madeleine Lavoie, co-chairman; Sister of St. Joseph Cluny .Eugenia Brady, moderator; Claudette Armstrong, chairman; and Lynette Ouellette, DCCW president. Members are asked to register for the convention by contacting their affiliate. president.

Name Address City

CJ PlclI~1' ~I'/l(l ill/onllllliOil 011 !lour Giji Anllllity Progmlll ANCH.4/16104 For the Church in the Missions today, 1etlclose.,. 0$100 0 $50 0 $25 0 $10 0 Other $ _


_ _





Please remember rile Society.for tile Propagatil/Il of the Faith'

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Friday, April 16, 2004

Eucharistic adoration is not just for' adults anymore . healing Mass for the elderly, sick arid shut-ins, sponsored by theSt. . Vincent de Paul Society will be lield Saturday at 11 a.m.. at St. Mark's Church. The sacrament of the sick will be available. A luncheon will follow for attendees and caregivers. For more information call 508-6997566.

BREWSTER ~ Beginning tonight at 7 p.m. and continuing for the next eight weeks "Come Walk with Me," will be held in the parish center of Our Lady of .the Cape Church. This mutual support seminar for bereaved persons will b,e facilitated by members of the Lazarus' Ministry group. Transportation is .available. For more information call Pat Fleming at 508-398-5635.. - "EAST FREETOWN - An Emmaus Retreat for young adults ages 20-35 will be held June 11-13 at Cathedral Camp. This co-educational weekend provides an opportunity' for young people to experience God's love and share in aChristian community. For more information call Barbara Hayden at 508336-9158.

FALL RIVER - A Mass and healing service will be heldApril 22 at 6:30·p.m. at St. Anne's Church. Rosary will be recited at 6 p.. m. Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament will follow. For more informl!tion call 508-674-5651.


.templation. "Children four, five and six years ists Gerald'Dyck aildAnn Shauger PHILADELPHIA - Ask par- old can be moved by the Holy Spirit Kocuba, combined local choirs, erits why they don't take their chil- much more with their innocent Homeward 'Bound of Little Falls, dren to eucharistic adoration and .hearts than adults with their rational N.Y., Heather, Church and Keri most will tell you the same thing: way of thinking. The children can Bichel, and the St. Anthony School . lead us in prayer;' he told The CathoKids don't understand it. Chorus. For more information call But Father Antoine Thomas, a lie Standanl & limes, newsQaPer of 508-993-1691. member of the Congregation of St. the Philadelphia°Archdiocese. He said that children who are NORTH EASTON - "Dis- John, thiriks that they can. "Do we adults understand the regularly present at eucharistic adocerning the Way:' A Program for Those New to the Catholic Faith;' mystery of the Eucharist? We be- ration seem to have a grea~r interfor those who experienced the Rite lieve in it, but do we understand it?" est in theMass. They understand that of Initiation ofAdults or made their he said. "We think we understand it there is a relationship between the Profession of Faith will be offered better than children, but my experi- Eucharist and Christ's sacrifice on, April 25 from 2-5 p.m. at Holy Cross ence after 10 years of leading the cross and are eager to receive the Family Ministries, 518 Washington chil~n's holy hours is that children sacrament of reconciliation.. Street. Brother Joseph Esparza, under.Standitmuch more than adults Father Thomas believes that C.S.c. will lead it. For more infor- in many, many respects." regular eucharistic adoration is. the mation call508~238-4095 ext. 2013. Father Thomas began leading best way to prepare chijdren for first Children of Hope holy hours for Communion. NORTH EASTON - The Ju- youngsters in his native France in .''TotaIk(aboutfirstCommunion) bilate Chorale Chamber Ensemble 1994, and continued the practice af- and have all kinds of programs at and the Bridgewater State College ter he caine to the United States to school,.it's still in the framework of . Chamber Singers will present an af- found a new priory in Peoria, m. school," he said. "Therefore, the ternoon of inspir.ational music toSince then, he has given many children consider the talk on the morrow at 3 p.m. at 500 Washingyouth retreats throughout the United' Euchanst to be just one 9f the talks ton Street, North Easton. For more States, has made numerous appear- they receive at school all day. . information call 508-238-4095. · ances ·on the Eternal Word Televi"When I teach them iri front of ORLEANS - A Sep~ated-Di~ , sion Network, and has spoken at the Blessed Sacrament, they see the . vorced Catholics Support Group will dozens of parishes across the coun-', immediate unity between the talk meet April 25 at 7 p.m. in the parish tty' on the topic of a holy hour for and the presence ofJesus. It's a mat. ter of experience." center of St. Joan of Arc Church. It children. The priest's religious order, On a recent Friday evening at St. will center on a video by Andy Morgan. For more information call Fa- founded in 1975 by a Dominican Michael Church in the Columbus, ther Richard M. Roy at 508-~55- pries~ foc~ on prayer and con- Ohio, suburb ofWorthington, Father 0170.. . ,

ATTLEBORO FALLS.;.... A , tor David Touchette, Guest Organ-

SOMERSET.....: The Fall River Diocesan Council of Catholic Women will hold its 51 st annual conventionMay 1 in the parish center of St. John of God Church. Sister Patricia Chappell will give the key-note address. Bishop Louis E., Gelineau and Dr. Mildred Jefferson will also address the group.


Communion to the homebound

When I was a child, my father suffered from emotional illness that caused him to fear being in . crowds. He would go to town on farm business, but he didn't attend Mass or other community events. As children, we accepted his SOUTHDARrMOUTH-Fa- absences from our firSt' CommunNEW BEDFORD - The therTadeusz'Pacholczyk will present ions and school programs, Daughters of Isabella, Hyacinth a program entitled 'The Science and though it remains hard to Circle No. 71 will meet April 20 at Ethics of Stem Cell Research and understand. 7 p.m in the parish hall of Holy Cloning," April 22 from 5-6:30 p.m. ~e pri~t at our rural Name of the Sacred Heart of Jesus oin Room 231 of the Southern New parish must have underChurch. Entertainment and refresh~ England School of Law, 333 Faunce ·stood, th0!1gh. because ments will follow. For more infor- .Corner Road. For more information every month he would mation call 508-990-7595. call 508-495-1953. bring my father the . ·Eucharist It was quite a NEW BEDFORD ~ A "ConTAUNTON - A Secular production back in those cert and Tea" will take place at St. Franciscans Order chapter is being . pre-Vatican II days, . Anthony of Padua Church, 1359 formed in Taunton and meets every probably more so because our Acushnet Avenue, on May 2 from 2 second. Sunday of the month at Our pastor was a Croatian immigrant to 4p.m., on the chUrch's famous Lady of the Holy Rosary parish cen·who wore his old-world' ways as Casavant Pipe Organ featuring Or- ter at l·p.m. For more information resolutely as his black suit. ganist David Langevin, Guest Direc- call 508-822-9079. The house would be spotless. We children' would wait in silent anticipation as mom met the priest atthe door with a lighted candle. I remember him still, this sturdy little man with the jutting chin and the strange accent, making his way to the door as if he were leading a May procession, carrying t:J::Ie . Body of Christ to my father. It was unthinkable then that someday a layman, much less a 324 Quaker MeetinghoUse Rei., East Sandwich . laywoman, would make sinillar joumeys with the same precious Exit 3 off Rou~ 6 2:15 p~ gift- . Celebrate Divine Mercy and When I signed up for the Care , visit our new Church! and Compassion parish ministry, I envisioned being called to make a

NEW BEDFORD - The New Bedford Catholic Women's Club banquet at the Wamsutta Club honoring Bishop George W. Coleman will be held April 28 at 6:30 p.m. For more information call E~el Cataldo at 508-994-8542.

lasagna for the mother of five who . broke her leg or being asked to take an elderly parishioner to the doctor. To my surprise, I found that the ministry consists solely of a group whose members take tiJrils bringing holy Communion to the




Thomas led more than 100 children ages three to 13 in eucharistic adoration fOf almost an hour. The priest began by instructing the youngsters on how to conduct themselves in church, including . when and how to genuflect, kneel comfortably and remain silent. He explained why Catholics do these actions and also talked about the emotional preparation necessary for prayer during adoration. "We see Jesus in the-Eucharist. We see Jesus in one another. We need to raise our love level to get closer to the gate of heaven. How do we get closer? Jesus is the gate of heaven." . After the children proceeded to the altar to kneel, Father Thomas removed the monstr~ce from the tabernacle. , 'There's Jesus here;' he told the children. "When you receive Communion, it is the Body ofChrist, and Jesus comes to {eign in our body like in this house. "09 you visit your friends once a year? No. We spend time with our best friends, and now we are spending time with Jesus. Jesus is our best friend;' he said. Periodically throughout the adoration, Father Thomas played his guitar while the children sang along.

homebound. After someone'took 'me on my training mission, I wondered: Cari I do this? . . I've learned there are licensed assisted-living facilities scattered all over town in homes. I've learned that brmging Communion is a lot more casual than in the old days, and no one greets you at the. door with a lighted candle. And I've learned that what I knew about the reality of being a shut-in just skimmed the·surface, like a pebble skipping lightly over a lake. . The first tirne I took Communion all by myself, I was awestruck. I got in the car and placed the small pyx containing the hosts on the seat beside me.. r respectfully turned off the radio, envisioning Jesus, in pis .

humanity, sitting with his sandaled feet resting on the carpet of my car. At first, I confess, these visits made me sad. Why was the. . Sunday sky so bright and blue when there were people who couldn't run outside to enjoy it? There is a charming little woman I'll call Fran~ She has the kind of coiffed -hair and painted nails I hope I have when I'm 85. Fran asks me to pray for her. She asks if I have seen ~The Passi~n of the Christ", and we agree it sounds very violent. "I. know enough about how much Christ suffered;' she says, gazing at something I can't see. And suddenly,' I'm sure s~e . does know. . The words of St. Teresa of Avila strike me, "Christ has no body now but yours, no hands, no feet on earth but yours.... You are his body." , How marvelous to belong to a Church that teaches this, and that sends people to bring the Body of Christ to the members of his Body. "Behave yourself;' I jokingly tell Fran asI head out into the near-spring morning. .The empty pyx is in my hand. I realize I'm humming the song I heard before I turned off the radio, . and I'm startled to recall the words: "How sweet it is to be loved by you."



Friday, April 16, 2004

Easter duty Q. I am in my 70s and go to Mass whenever I'm able. I want to make my Easter duty by going to Communion, but can I do that without going to private confession? I know I

have not committed any

In this law, as in past similar rules, the Church does not intend to impose a new obligation for confession, but merely prescribes a time within which mortal sins should be confessed so that, if for no other reasons, the Eucharist might be received. Thus the

serious sins, but I still don't go to Communion as often as I'd Uke because I cannot go to confession easily; sometimes it's months or years. (Florida) A. First let's clear up By Father your "Easter duty" John J. Dietzen obligations. According to Catholic Church laws, all the faithful who have received first Communion law about annual confession should receive Holy Communion does not apply to someone who at least once a year. Unless is not aware of an unconfessed something serious stands in the mortal sin. I realize many Catholics are way, that should be done during the Easter time, which lasts from under the same misconception as you seem to be about yearly the beginning of Lent to Penteconfession being an Easter duty cost (Canon 920). for all Catholics. The present The obligation for sacrament regulations which I just quoted, of penance during this period is binding only if it is necessary for however, are nothing new. They go back at least to the Fourth an individual to receive the Lateran Council (1215; Chapter Eucharist. The Code of Canon 21), which makes clear it is Law (989) states that all who speaking of mortal sin. have reached the age of reason are obliged to confess any . The "Baltimore Catechism" (official revised edition No.2), serious sins once a year.

Questions and Answers

from doing that right now, even developed, so it could not have if some time goes by between an English meaning. your opportunities to go to Afree IJroellun in Englisll confession. 0' SJKI1Iisll, llIISWering fJ1I6sfrom which many older CathoQ. What do the letters INRI lions CotIwlics ask oIJoui lics studied their faith, asks what stand for at the top of the IJaptism pmelices ondsponsor'S is meant by the Church comcrucifix? Sometimes the letters is avaiItzIJle lJy selllling II mandment to confess our sins stIJIIIped, seV-mltlnssed emeonce a year. This commandment, ' are IHS. I've been told that lope to FotIIe, Jolin Dietzen, means ''I have suffered". Is it responds, means that we this true? (Ohio) Box .125, PeoTio, IL 6JMJ. should make a good confession A. The Gospel of John {lueslions 11IIlY lJe sen/to each year "if we have a mortal (19: 19) tells us Pilate placed an FIl1JIn Dietzen 01 tile smne sin to confess" (Question inscription on the cross of Jesus III1t.IFess, 0' E-mlli/: 293). jjdietzen@ooleom. which read "Jesus of Nazareth, The "Catechism of King of the Jews." The first the Catholic Church" letters you mention are an refers to Canon 989 in abbreviation of those words in its explanation of the Latin, "Jesus Nazarenus Rex obligation for annual HEATING, INC. Judaeorum." confession (No. 2042). Sales and Service The symbol IHS (I've never for Domestic and Industrial You realize, I hope, seen them on a crucifix, incidenOil Burners that this is not what the tally) are the first three letters of Church recommends; it 508-995-1631 the name Jesus in Greek. The is simply the bare minimum 2283 ACUSHNET AVENUE symbol was in Christian use long required. Any Catholic who NEW BEDFORD before the English language understands that the sacrament of reconciliation does much more than forgive serious sin, how it helps us repair our sinfulness and other weaknesses, and how it reconciles us to God and our fellow members of the human family will 947ParkStreet· Attleboro,MA0Z703 normally receive this sacrament more than once a year, mortal DIVINE MERCY WEEKEND sin or not. Sat.,Aprll17 - 4:30 p.m. Vigil Mass Fr. Raymond Vaillancourt, MS. Please reconsider and start Music Ministry by Christ the King Church, receiving the Eucharist whenever Directed by Tom Kendzia you go to Mass. From what you told me, nothing prevents you 5:30 p.m. Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament (Until Midnight)


La Salette Shrine

Encounter with a butte.rfly time that way. It was either "a I was looking at a little quarter past 10" or "almost white butterfly the other day noon," not "10:13" or while warming my pants "11 :56." And there weren't pocket on Observation Rock. digital time displays built into About the size and shape of a everything from your stove wheelbarrow, only without and radio to your car dash and wheels, the rock sits at the pocket knife. edge of the little pond at my However, to be honest, I digs: Uncle Dan's Weed remember my grandfather Emporium and Rusty Hulks grousing about the same Estate. acceleration of time. For a rock, it is friendly and comfortable, at least on sunny days. Of course, I don't spend much time on it during cold or rainy weather. The butterfly was ignoring me as near as I could tell as it flipped By Dan Morris and flopped from one item of curiosity to another. About 100 "It's lunchtime already!" years ago I would chase his (or her) ancestors around with he would bark. "How's a guy supposed to get anything done a fishnet strapped with rotten fish line to an to alder branch. when there's only 15 or 20 minutes between breakfast I was not much of a threat to and lunch?" the species. My cousin and I would My thoughts turned to laugh. We thought he was time. Little white butterflies kidding. We had been stalkprobably have the same ing bumble bees all morning, impact on you. Why did the armed with recycled mayondays of my single-digit youth naise jars with holes poked in go on and on and on - while the lids to let our dangerous the days of my older age go prisoners breathe. We had so doggone fast? Even if I spent tons of time - driving creak out of bed early, bedthose holes into the lids with time still arrives about five a rock and an old 16-penny times as fast as when I was nail, then furnishing the jars six or 10. with fresh grass and dandeliIt would be convenient to blame this time warp thing on ons, and then talking grandma into letting us use the advent of digital time. When I was eight, no one told her brown gardening gloves

The offbeat world of Uncle Dan


for protection against the bees. And after this lengthy preparation process, my cousin and I had spent another major wad of time hunting the stealthy bumble bee - notably in remote regions of the world apart from my grandma's flowers. If we were caught making a bee safari near her irises, she would have snatched back her gloves and worn them while wringing our necks. Or so we understood. After all this, we would trek back to the kitchen and ask grandma how long it was until lunch. "What?" she would laugh. "You two just finished breakfast. It's only a quarter past 10. Here's two snicker doodles each so you won't starve to death. Stay away from my irises." I'm not sure, but maybe this conundrum involving time has to do with insects. It has been years since I have hunted any - other than the occasional hornet that wanders into my office without knocking. I think I am going to call my cousin and see if he 'Il come on over and we'll experiment. I have a mayonnaise jar, a rock and a rusty nail around here somewhere.

Comments lI,e welcome. E-moil Uncle Don lit ensune/eOJ@Ylllloo.eom.

6:00 p.m. - 12:00 a.m. Sacrament of Reconciliation

Sun. AprD 18 - 8:00 a.m. - 11 :30 a.m. Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament - Chapel of Reconciliation 10:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. Film on Divine Mercy - Theater Also I :30 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.

12:10 p.m. Mass & Procession Fr. LUKe KrzanoWSKt; MS., Principal Celebrant & Homilist - Music Ministry by Christ the King

Church, Directed by Tom Kendzia 1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.rn. - Sacrament of Reconciliation 1:30 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament 3:00 p.m. Devotion & Benediction Reservations requested for bus groups. Wheelchair accessible. Cafeteria space available for those who bring their lunch. Call 508-222-5410 for further information.

HEALING SERVICES WITH MASS Sun., April 25 - 2:00 p.m. - English Fr. Richard Lavoie, MS. Sun., May 2 - 2:30 p.m. - Hispanic Alr:ltbishop George Pealr:e, S.M Sun. May 16 - 2:00 p.m. - Portuguese Fr. Manuel Pereira, MS. Sun. May 23 - 2:00 p.m. - English Fr. Andre Patenaude, MS.

JOHN POLCE: BETHANY NIGHTS Fri., April 30 - 7:30 p.m. - Church - Good-will donation.

Sat., May 1

PRO-LIFE ROSARY AND MASS 3:00 p.m. Rosary: Luminous & Joyous Mysteries 4:30 p.m. Eucharist: Fr. Tom DiLorenzo, Presider and Homilist

Sponsored by Knights of Columbus

SACRAMENT OF RECONcn.IATION Apr. 16 - June 30: Monday - Friday 2:00 - 3:00 p.m. Wednesday 2:00 - 3:00 p.m. & 5:00 - 6:00 p.m. Saturday - Sunday' 1:00 - 4:00 p.m.

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PHONE 508·222·5410 E-MAIL: Is,pamsoftice@juno.oom WEBSITE: bttp:lllasalette.shrlne.tripod.com FAX: 508·222·5410

Friday, April 16, 2004



dents, UMass Dartmouth and Bristol Community College. The Compact, which inNORTH DARTMOUTH - Each of cludes the communities of Acushnet, the four diocesan Catholic high schools, Dartmouth, Fairhaven, Fall River, New Bishop Connolly High School, Fall River; Bedford, Freetown, Lakeville, Rochester, Bishop Feehan, Attleboro; -Bishop Stang, Somerset, Swansea, Wareham, Marion, North Dartmouth; and Coyle and Cassidy, Mattapoisett, Westport, and the Diocese of Taunton, took part in the recent Regional Fall River, works to address and support , Instructional Technology Expo held on the issues of education reform in the South campus of UMass Dartmouth, and the re- Coast region of the state. Based on a regional science fair model, suIts clearly revealed the students are tech savvy. the Instructional Technology Expo proCoyle and Cassidy won the overall com- vided a competitive opportunity to highpetition, based on the highest average score light the importance of technology skills for a school, and diocesan students placed to high school students. first in each of the four presentation catThe Expo was broken down into three egories. In addition, 17 diocesan students categories: . PLACING FIRST in the overall competition at the recent Information Tech1'. A comprehensive written multiple- nology Expo held at UMass Dartmouth was the team from Coyle and Cassidy captured a top 20 award, including the fIrst 11 places. choice test of basic knowledge of technol"We are extremely excited about how .ogy. This event required the students to . High School, Taunton. The team included: Melissa Robens, Emily Silva, Mike LeVine, Sean Kennedy, Mike DeSousa, Jordan Trubiano, Elizabeth Banville, well our students performed at this level," / make O!1-the-spot decisions. 2. A 15-minute oral' presentation of a Rebecca Driscoll, Billy Morin, Richard DiCroce, Danielle Gilmore, Amanda stated diocesan Superintendent of Schools George A. Milot. "The competition was project. The projects路 were problem-based Lumnah, Darren Domingos, Brian Correia, Michael Lucini, Patrick Sousa, judged blindly, meaning that the judges did topics selected before the Expo from a list Caitie St. John, Chris Thomas, Paul Crosby, Kendra DeMoura, Alexandra not know the school of each participant. of categories: Hill and Shannon FitzGerald. Coyle faculty members Beth Lewis, Jason - General Research; "We're living in a history-making age Kenney and Jim Rusconi supervised the students. of education. It's an information age and - Applied Technology; - Civic Conscientiousness; our Catholic schools are at the forefront of - Entrepreneur. the education of the future," he told The Anchor. The written portion of the project was The fIrst-ever expo of its kind in the area submitted prior to the Expo. was sponsored by the SouthCoast Educa3. A hands-on test of a series of skilltion Compact, which is a school, business based, scavenger-hunt type q'uestions stuand higher education partnership between dents were asked to solve. Like the combusiness leaders, area school superinten- prehensive test, this event required the stu-

THE TEAM from Bishop Feehan High School, Attleboro, included, from left: Ryan Fleming, Matt Hall, Dan Beksha, Elizabeth Clappin, John Callahan, Jon Cardosi, Matt Cardosi, Jackie Anderson, Dan Riall, and Dan Romero.

REPRESENTING BISHOP Connolly High School, Fall River, were, from left: Lauren Rodrigues, Rob Costa, Ashley Rogers, Garret Moniz, Erin Malone, and Technology Coordinator Lori Cooney.

THE BISHOP Stang High School, North Dartmouth, team, from left, front: Megan Banner, Katherine Connolly, Katherine Gonsalves, Amy Araujo, and Kyle Hemingway. Middle: Patrick Lewis, Raphael Mabasa, Jarrod Gibbons, and Matt Durand. Back: Melissa Martins, Cameron Durant, Daniel Tyrrell and Alexander Roan. Missing from photo: Shaun Rocha, Rebecca Joyce, Lauren Sabra, and Evan Plante.

dents to make on-the-spot decisions. Each ofthe four diocesan Catholic high schools assembled a team of students with a faculty advisor. The competition was open to any interested student. The team of Kendra DeMoura, Alexandra Hill, and Shannon FitzGerald from Coyle and Cassidy High School placed first in the General Research event. The Applied Technology event was captured by Patrick Lewis of Bishop Stang High School. ' In the Civic Conscientiousness category, the team of Raphael Mabasa, Kyle Hemingway, and Matthew Durand from Bishop Stang took top honors. The team of Matthew Cardosi, Jonathan Cardosi, and John Callahan took the top spot in the Entrepreneur event. Coyle and Cassidy student Shannon FitzGerald won top honors in the individual awards. . Placing second through 11th were: Matthew Durand, Bishop Stang; Alexandra Hill, Coyle and Cassidy; Raphael Mabasa, Bishop Stang; Matthew Cardosi, Bishop Feehan; Jonathan Cardosi, Bishop Feehan; Kendra DeMoura, Coyle and Cassidy; Patrick Lewis, Bishop Stang; Erin Malone, Bishop Connolly; Dan Romero, Bishop Feehan; and Patrick Sousa, Coyle and Cassidy. Rounding out the top 20 were John Callahan, Bishop Feehan, 13th; Matt Hall, Bishop F~ehan, 14th; Rob Costa, Bishop Connolly, 17th; and Darren Domingos,


Amanda Lumnah, and Caitie St. John" Coyle and Cassidy, 18th, 19th and 20th respectively. Representatives from area businesses were the judges for the events. Students who achieved a pre-determined score were awarded with an Information Technology Competency Certificate that could be included on their resume when they apply for college or employment. Prizes provided by area businesses, such as computers, scholarships, and course tl,litions, went to winning students. Also included in the day-long event were presentations from area business representatives. Besides the four diocesan Catholic high schools, the following schools took part in the Expo: Durfee, Dartmouth, New Bedford, Old Colony, Old Rochester, Wareham and Westport high schools, in addition to Diman, Greater New Bedford, and Old Colony Regional Vocational Technical high schools. "It's easy to see that education is changing," said Milot. "Our schools have to change as well. Our four high schools are state-of-the-art when it comes to modem technology, and it showed at the Expo. "We're introducing technology to all our diocesan students in our grammar schools," added Milot who also said the teachers in the diocesan schools are receiving state-of-the-art training as well.

_.. _.~ '.. .".. .:'.i.::;,.:'%,\ 1he~

Friday, April 16, 2004

9 frigeration of Taunton, which installed the air conditioning; and Tierney Sound and Video which did the audio system. Palanza said accomplishing the renewal in the old church "was a tough job." He said that restoring the posts and beams and the woodwork probably gave the church its originallook. He said the reredos was a cumbersome structure that after modification is now balanced by the beautiful rose window. Cutting the sanctuary floor to create a platform in a geometric pattern was another major task in order to place the altar in a more visible place for the congregation. ''The table of the altar where Mass is celebrated must be always the main focus for us, and this is what we strived for," Palanza asserted.

THE STATUE of Our Lady of the Holy Rosary glistens in the sanctuary of Holy Rosary Church, Taunton following extensive renovations. At right is one of the beautifully restored Stations of the Cross. (Anchor photos)

Holy Rosary

One of the innovative methods of recreating be,auty in design .involved removing the carvings from the heavy frames of the Italian-<:arved Stations of the Cross and using them to embellish the altar, modified pulpit and the new baptismal font, and we think they worked out effectively," Palanza said. The designer also praised the work of Paul Dufresne, the parish custodian, ''for all the cleaning up he did after us. The contractors too said he gave vital support to them." If Father Stopyra was lavish in his gratitude to Palanza and his task force, the feelings are mutual. "Father Dave is a tremendous guy to work for," Palanza noted. "He is always friendly and happy and most receptive to what we did and his goodness is seen in his carin for the eo Ie."

Continuedfrom page one

The former moveable baptis- where the churches had a lot of The parish was established tery font, which was rolled into marble. I sat in one of the pews three years after the Fall River place at time of baptisms, is now in the church here. It was a hodge- diocese was founded in 1904. The made permanent at the right side podge. The carpet was torn and church was to serve Polish irnmiof the sanctuary. It is fitted with there was a variety of colors and grants who arrived in the town in a basin lighted from beneath. A I thought to myself, 'This is go- the 1890s. With the help of a docolor{ul stained glass window is ing to take some work.' But in nateq parcel ofland and a $3,600 my mind I was already making bank loan, the current church at on the wall above. 80 Bay Street was completed and While all the post and beams . plans," he said candidly. The annual Polish Picnic in the blessed on Nov. 15, 1909. of the 1907-era church were refl4'bished to ~ir natural w09P";' p'a~i~~-:-h,ad become .:~. Jragiti~_n?-. J..• .. ,:;The .:F.~a:ncisc:an Friars, Order so'Wete the oak pews. But the lat- drawmg people from the entue, of the Fnars Mmor Conventual, ter are fitted with custom cush- southeastern part of Massachu- have been in charge of the parish ions and new kneelers. New car- setts and Rhode Island. Its suc- since 1923. "At fust we looked at painting peting was laid throughout the cesses were to play an important church, the lighting was up- role in the major refurbishing. and other basics, and then we regraded, and the entire structure is "The picnic brought in some aliied more had to be done," Fanow air-conditioned. $40,000 and I immediately put it ther Stopyra related. "And so with The luster of the natural wood in the Diocesan Depository," Fa- the excellent design and leaderthroughout the church is also seen ther Stopyra said. "Over a period ship of Deacon Thomas Palanza, in the refurbished chairs for of time it accumulated and with and a talented group of dedicated clergy and servers in the sanctu- approval of Bishop Sean P. construction workers in many ary. It is in perfect compliment O'Malley, OFM Cap., and then fields, things began to really to the white painted surfaces of Bishop George W. Coleman change. Tom's redesigning althe walls, the altar, reredos, side and then all of the councils and lowed us to use everything we had altars, and baptismal font. liturgical bodies that grant various without having to buy anything. Large carved statues of St. approvals - we were underway." But what he did with the original Theresa of Liseux and St. Anne, An active parish committee things is amazing. And I can't say both in color, are in prominent proved key to the project, he said. enough about the wonderful work niches at the rear of the church It included Kevin Kiernan, John these people performed." below the choir loft. Each has a Kearns and John Kearns Jr., Mary "They were here at 9 a.m., and pullout counter to hold flowers. Kullas, Emily Pelczarski, Mary would work until 6 p.m., and evThe reconciliation room has also Wojcik, and Carolyn George. erything had to be perfect in their been done over. At some point the amount in estimation or else they would do One of the most dramatic the depository from the fund-rais- it over again," Father Stopyra rechanges is in the hand-carved and ing picnics, the programs of called. delicately hand-painted Stations pledges from parishioners and Deacon Palanza, Diocesan Faof the Cross that in the 1930s others reached $240,000, the es- cility Consultant, and the princiwere imported from Italy. Re- timated cost of the renovations. pal in Palanza Design, Inc., echmoved from their large, ornate The actual work to make all oed the pastor's comments. heavy frames that were fashioned the needed changes in the church "The main contractor and carin Poland, they are now set into that holds 300, began the day penters were C & D I C & E more delicate natural wood frames after Christmas 2003. While the Sousa of Somerset, comprised of that show off their beauty. miracle of renewal was underway brothers Deodate and Caesar "For years we have been known there for three months, the main Sousa and Caesar's son Eddie, and as the 'Polish Church,' but now I hall in the Parish Center became they are master carpenters," call our church the 'Jewel of the place where Masses and other Palanza stated. "They make ' projects happen and without them Taunton' Father Stopyra said with services were held. Three other Taunton Catholic we couldn't get these kinds of a wide smile. "But actually we still have our Polish customs and our Parishes, St. Paul's, St. Jacques, work done. I never work without Polish hymns." and Immaculate Conception, co- them on my projects." Palanza and Father Stopyra In an interview last week, he operated in the endeavor, offerrecalled what he found when he ing their facilities for funerals. also had praise for Lavoie & arrived to take over the parish It was the fust major renewal Tavares of Fall River, who did seven years ago. in the parish since 1984, when the the painting; Pavilion Floors of "I had come from two modern Parish Center was completed and Woburn; Conlon Electric of Fall parishes in upper state New York dedicated. River; and Conlon and Sons Re-



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'Friday, April 16, 2004

Computer crash路 leads boy to write a book about St. Jude , By CHUCK MooDY CATHOUC NEWS SERVICE

PITTSBURGH ...:.- For 14year-old Michael Aquilina III, the idea of writing a book about St. Jude began several years ago when he was experiencing problems with his computer.. "It was actually it hard-disk crash on a really old computer," recalled Michael, who was about seven years old at the time. "I was having trouble solving it." He ended up going to a church that one of his friends attends and where there were St. Jude prayer cards. The youngster asked for the saint's intercession. A few days later Michael was at a Goodwill store and found the software that solved the problem. Michael was convinced he found it through the intervention of St. Jude, the patron of lost causes. . "I guess that's what started my devotion to St. Jude," he told the Pittsburgh Catholic, newspaper of the Pittsburgh diocese. Michael has written "Saint Jude: A Friend in Hard Times." The 78-page book, aimed at children ages 10-14, was published this year by Pauline Books & Media, which is operated by the Daughters of St. Paul. The book's foreword is by Scott Hahn, a professor of theology and Scripture at the Franciscan University of Steubenville, Ohio. Hahn is also the founder and director of the St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology in Ohio. Michael's father, Michael Aquilina Jr., is the author of numerous books about the Catholic Church and vice president of the St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology. The Aquilinas and their six children, five of whom are girls, are members of Holy Child Parish in Bridgeville, Pa.

When young Michael, who is the oldest child in the family, first came up with the idea for a book about St. Jude, he tried to convince Hahn to write it. Then years later, Michael's father' suggested that they work on it as a father-son team. Michael wrote the first draft while visiting his grandparents, and after his dad suggested some edits he rewrote it and sent it to a publisher.. He later sent it to Pauline Books & Media. Editors there read. it, made a few changes and then published it. Having the book published is "really cool," Michael said. "I hope it will help a lot of people learn more about St. Jude because it doesn't seem like a lot of people know too much about him besides that he's the patron of lost causes," he added. In the book's introduction; Michael writes: "In getting to know St. Jude, we're making friends with someone who was a close friend of Jesus. It's not that St. Jude answers prayers like God does. Saints are close friends of God who intercede for us, but it is actually God who a.nswers prayers." Michael is so devoted to St. Jude he took Jude Thaddeus as his confirmation name last year. In addition to writing a book and using computers, Michael likes playing baseball and is a licensed amateur ra- , dio operator and a Boy Scout. He said writing a book was "tough at times because there .were revisions and all that," but he also said it was fun. He hopes "it helps a lot of people learn more about St. Jude." More information on ordering "Saint Jude:' A Friend in Hard Times" is available on the Website of Pauline Books & Media at: www.pauline.orgl store/index.html; by calling: 617-524-8035; or by E-mailing: customerservice@pauline.lorg.

, DOUG JONES and Ron Perlman star in "Hellboy:' (eNS photo from Sony Pictures)

eNS movie review - 'Hellboy' , NEW YORK (CNS) - A hell-spawned hero uses with tentacled moristers conjured from the dark side his infernal powers to save the world in the comic book- by an evil madman, who turns out to be a reincarnated Rasputin (don't ask). Apparently the necromancer inspired action adventure "Hellboy" (Revolution). Back in the late 1980s, Ron Perlman gave "animal needs Hellboy to embrace his demonic destiny and magnetism" a whole new meaning as the hairy half of usher in the apocalypse, which will literally turn the the equation in the "Beauty and the Beast" TV series. ' world into a hell on earth. Things get sticky when Hellboy thinks Myers is As the title character in "Hellboy;' Perlman trades in his furry face and Brothers Grimm duds to playa scar- making the moves on Lizz (Selma Blair), a melanlet-skinned, cigar-chomping demon, who packs a mean choly pyro-kinetic for whom HB. carries an unrequited punch to back up his repertoire of cheeky one-liners. torch. Who better for the helltown hero than a girl who But underneath his filed-down horns and gruff, tomato- spontaneously bursts into flames? Perlman is terrific as the good-guy gargoyle, imbutoned hide is a heart as big as his sledge hammer-sized ing what could easily have been a cartoonish, oneright fist. The:film opens on,an appropriately dark and stormy dimensional role with sensitivity and wickedly funny night on an isolated island off Scotland during World sardonic wit. His devil-may-care performance goes a War n. The Nazis, mded by the evil Russian mystic long way in making up for the lame script. Despite his dark origins, Hellboy is just your averRasputin (Karel Roden), are trying to tip the scale of victory via black magic by using a "hell-hole genera- , age blue-collar joe, ready to rumble with a squid the size of a sequoia, but shy around the ladies. Hellboy tor" to summon the "seven gods of chaos" to earth. A platoon of Allied commandos has been charged selflessly fights to protect the very people who conwith derailing the!r efforts, along with Professor Trevor sider him a monster. I'Broom" Bruttenholm (Kevin Trainor), the head ,Of . , Still, some'Christian viewers,may'find it troubling the super-secret U.S. Bureau of Paranormal Research being asked to root for a deni~n' of demonville. It and Defense. As Broom says of the bureau, ''There says something disheartening about our c'ulture when are things that go bump in the night. We're the ones we have to look into the deepest bowels of hell to find who bump back." The Nazis are stopped, but' not be- heroes. And while the :film is full of Catholic symbolfore a pint-sized hobgoblin sneaks through the crack 'ism, the religious objects (rosaries, etc.), as used by the characters, remain superficial talismans .:.- like opened up by the generator. Taking a cue from the Rolling Stones, Broom shows crucifixes in vampire movies - and lack any meansympathy for the devil and adopts the fork-tailed found- ingful spiritual significance. The movie opens with a question, "What is it that ling, naming him Hellboy - HB. to his friends. In a victory of nurture over nature, H.B. grows into a mus- makes a man a man?" The answer suggested by the cular Mephistopheles, becoming an unlikely cham- :filmmaker is that belted by Ethel Merman: It's not pion of good, who battles the forces of evil alongside where you start, it's where you finish - even if you his paternal-minded surrogate (who has aged into John had the misfortune of starting in hell. As Catholics, Hurt). . we believe that damnation - and for that matter salDavid Hyde Pierce lends his voice as the fish-faced vation - depends not on some sort of Calvinistic Abe Sapien, HB.'s mer-man teammate at the clan- . doomed-from-the-womb predestination, but on the destine bureau. sum of the choices we make using our free will in As directed by Guillermo del Toro and true to its ' cooperation with (or rejection of) God's grace. comic book origins, the movie has a rather slim'story In the end H.B. realizes that the truest definition of line, padded by bloated special-effects sequences. hell is existing without love - on that point, comics Though festooned with moody Gothic atmospherics, and catechism agree. Due to abundant comic book violence, recurring the bare-bones plot follows a standard buddy-cop formula involving Hellboy breaking in a new BPRD part- occult elements and some crude language, the USCCB ner, John Myers (Rupert Evans), whom the ailing Office for Film & Broadcasting classification is L Broom is grooming to take care of H.B. once he is limited adult audience, films whose problematic congone. Most of Hellboy's time is spent duking it out' tent many adults would find troubling.


''The Girl Next Door" (20th Century Fox)

yet is filled with shots that linger salaciously over women's Vulgar comedy in which a bodies, all the while promoting On December 10,1925, Our Lady appeared to SiSter Lucia . straight-laced high school senior the notion that moral fiber <seer of Fatima) and spoke these words: 1~1IIICtJin my , (Emile Hirsch) falls for his means stooping to do something 1III11U! /lull I promise to tlSsist fJ1 tIte lIour oftIeu1II willi tIte gmces beautiful new neighbor (Elisha wrong as long as the intent is necessmy/0, tIte SIlIwdion oftlte;,soulr, alltAOse wllo on tItejint Cuthbert), discovers she's a pure. Steady, crass sexual refS8IrmIIIy ofjipe conseclllive monJIIs sllll//: . former porn star, then risks ev- ererices, sporadic nudity, objecI. Go to colffession; 2. Receive Holy Communion; .J. Recite tIte C~i M()~le Rosmy (S tIecmIes); mu/4. Keep me C011lJNlRY/0, IS minlIIes wllile erything, including a tification of women, brief drug metlittJting on tIte ISmysteries oftlte Rosmy, willi tile inlelllion of Georgetown University scholar-' content, underage drinking and , 11IIIAing reptU'fIIion to me/' , ship, to prove that h~ loves her. constant rough language with In a spirit of reparation, the above conditions are each to be NEW YORK (CNS) - The 'Using a painfully inept script profanity. The USCCB Office preceded by the words: "In reparation for the 'offenses following is a capsule review of chock-full of pathetic dialogue, for Film & Broadcasting classicommitted against the Immaculate Heart of Mary:' , . a movie recently reviewed by the director Luke Greenfield's film fication is 0 - morally offenConfessions may be made during 8 days before or after the Office for Film & Broadcasting pretends to disapprove of the sive. The Motion Picture Assofirst saturday, and Holy Communion may be received at of the US. Conference of Catho- adult entertainment industry's ciation of America rating is R either the morning or evening Mass on the first saturday. glamorization of pornography ~ restricted. lic Bishops.




. . . c',







fund-raising effort brings electricity to Nigerian village


to a larger village, agreed to help fund the project. 1\vo other brothPROVIDENCE, R.I. ers who live in· Ebenator interThanks to a fund-raising effort viewed subcontractors and priced spearheaded by an employee in the materials needed for the project. Meanwhile, Clarke collected Providence diocese, the village of donations from, her family memEbenator, Nigeria, has electricity. The project was organized by bers, co-wo*ers and others, includAnne Clarke, a worker in the neigh- ing Providence Bishop Robert E. borhood friendly visitor program of Mulvee and the diocesan secretary the diocese's Office of Community, fbr social ministry, John J. Barry m. Services and Advocacy. Clarke collected $670; Sister During a casual conversation last fall, Clarke leamed from Nige- Onyeje's brother contributed , rian Sister Patricia Onyeje, infor- $1,400. The total amount covered mation specialist in the community the cost of wiring and the electricity services office, that the 1,000 or so poles neede9 to connect villagers' residents in her home village had homes to an outside electric line. ''The whole village was so exno electricity or running water. She told Clarke that even her cited because they never thought own family in Africa lacked many that they'd ever get electricity," said of the basics that most Americans Sister Onyeje, who is a Daughter BISHOP TIMOTHY A. McDonnell smiies at well-wishers as he leaves St. Michael's Catake for granted. Most of the vil- of Mary, Mother of Mercy. "I didn't thedral following his installation as the eighth bishop of Springfield April 1. Bishop McDonnell takes leadership of the diocese whose former. head, Bishop Thomas L Dupre, retired for lagers are poor farmers who raise expect to get such a huge ambunt only enough food to feed their fami- of money. I felt so excited. It is a health reasons just before allegations were made public that years earlier as a priest he had lies, she said. miracle." . sexually abused two minors. During his installation Mass, Bishop McDonnell promised to be Twenty homes in the village Clarke, whose large extended a listener and apologized to victims of clergy sexual abuse. (CNS photo by Fred LeBlanc, family annu,ally supports a local now have electricity. Those who do The Catholic Observ~!) . ' family in lieu of exchanging gifts not have power yet still have to use during the Christmas holidays, de- kerosene to light their homes and cided to adopt Sister Onyeje's vil- . batteries to operate radios. Once her home was wired, Sislage. It would only cost about $2,000 to bring electricity to the ter Onyeje's mother, Susan, rerural settlement, whose population ceived another gift - a smaIl refrigerator that will allow her famis. predominately Catholic. "We are grateful for what we ily to store bottled water and other have," Clarke, who has since re- foods. By PEGGY WEBER , in early· February for health rea- being I apologize to those who' tired, told The Providence Wsitor, Another beneficiary of the gift CATHOUC NEWS SERVICE sons just before allegations were have been hurt," he continued. the diocesan newspaper. '''We &re of electricity is the local Catholic made public that years earlier as "I hope that trust and faith can happy that we did not only affect , church, St Michael, some ofwhich SPRINGFIELD, Mass. Bishop Timothy A. McDonnell a priest he had abused two mi- be restored." one person, but a whole village. It is still under construction. The parts Bishop McDonnell said he only takes 11 little to help a lot." promised to be a.listener and nors sexually. already built have power. When Bishop McDonnell's remained optimistic. apologized to victims of clergy The church is being built in Once the nun's family in Nige"With Holy Week so near I ria heard of Clarke's plans, one of stages by villagers who donate their sexual abuse during ceremonies appointment to Springfield was installing him as the eighth announced March 9, a grand' cannot give up hope. Easter Sister Onyeje's brothers, a success- time and purchase whatever matejury was being convoked to in- does follow Good Friday,'; he ful appliance dealer who has moved rials they can afford. bishop of Springfield. Just. two days earlier the dio- vestigate the accusations for emphasized. He quoted the cese announced that the estab- possible criminal charges, and words of Mother Teresa, "There ". Eucharistic Holy ~ lishment of a special fund to as- two days later the two men who is nothing so bad that ,God can't sist such victims was nearly say they, were abused filed a bring a greater good out'of it-:Hour and devotions civil suit against Bishop Dupre. if we let him." complete. sales And Service to Our Lady of Bishop McDonnell began Bishop McDonnell focused The two-hour installation LaSalette and his homily on a light ceremony on April 1 beFall RIIIlIT's Ul1lsst Divine Mercy are held note, thanking all of gan with Bishop ,Display DfTYs every' Wednesday McDonnell's reception at "With Holy Week so near I can- those who had noted he evening at 1: I 5 p.m. the door of St. Michael's not give up hope. Easter does fol- was being installed on ZENITH • SONY April 1 "and took such ·Cathedral. Archbishop in the Shrine Church low Good FridaJ{' he emphasized. joy in wishing me a Sel;ln P. O'Malley of Bos1196 BEDFORD ST. at LaSalette Shrine ton greeted him and pre- He quoted the words of Mother happy feast day." FALL RIVER .,!41 Parle St. Attlebor~ Archbishop O'Malley sented him with a crucifix Teresa, "There is nothingso badthat 508-673-9721 and holy water. God can't bring'a greatergood out said that when he spoke to Bi.shop McDonnell about Archbishop Gabriel' ofit - if we let him." having the installation on Montalvo, papal nuncio to " The Frandsams April' Fools', Day "he the United States, read the Immaculate Conception Province jumped at the idea." . official papal letter ap-· (OFM) "This made me a little nerpointing the 66-year-old former his homily on the readings for . Vocation DIrector: New York auxiliary to the the liturgy, which related to the vous and I wondered if he was Dr. Charles Gingerich, ofm theme of trust in God - even going to jump up at the cerSpringfield diocese. . EmaD: Charles848@aoLcom At the bishop's chair Arch- when one's faith is being tested. emony and say 'April Fool,''' he . bishop O'Malley handed Bishop , "Our faith is still being added. Web Site: "Your task here will not be, McDonnell his crosier and in- tested," he said, reflecting on the WWW.FRANCISCANVOC.ORG troduced him to the congrega- abuse crisis facing the Church easy," the archbishop told 1-800-521-5442 (days) tion, which gave him a lengthy over: the past two years. "The . Bishop McDonnell. "There is 1-888-521-5442 (evenings) standing ovation. . wrongs done and the petrayal much healing to be done. There 978-863-0042 Although the ceremony was have hit at the heart of our is trust to be restored, peace es978-863-0041 (evenings only) tablished." described as low-key, the mood faith." FAX: 978-863-0172 But, he added, "Countless "Springfield has been afwas definitely upbeat among the 1,400 people who packed fected. Over the years, young people are praying for you each . USA the cathedral, including more people were wronged and the day so you will be strong." 459 River Road Andover, MA 01810-4213 A New York native, Bishop than 40 cardinals, archbishops trust given so freely by their and bishops and about 200 families was' betrayed," he Mc'Donnell was ordained a CANADA. priest for the New York Arch- , added. priests. 2210 Lawrence Ave. East Toronto ONT. MI P 2P9 "It shouI'd nevei' have hap- diocese in 1963 and has been a Not among them was Bishop Thomas L. Dupre, who retired pened. From the depths of my bishop since 2001.

Bishop McDonnell installed to lead Diocese ofScpringfi.eld


Eastern Television



Friday, April 16, 2004

Sunday -celebrations wlthout priests reveal clergy shorta'ge By ANDY TELL!

It says in part: "These celebra- . concluding rite. Father Steve Wolf, pastor of St. tions foster yourfaith, build comNASHVILLE, Tenn. - Pa- munity, and are sources of sup- Stephen Catholic Community in rishioners·who attend the 8:30 port for one another as members. . Old Hickory, also had to schedule a Sunday celebration in the' . a.m. Sunday Mass at. St. Ann' o(a Catholic family." Church in Nashville recently got St. Ann parishioners re- absence of a priest. His parish has four weekend a glimpse of the impact of the sponded favorably to both letters, Masses. During the three ye'ars Church's shortage of priests. Father Breen said. The pastor, Father Philip "A lot of them did say we need before an as~ociate pastor was Breen, had to go out of tpwn for to hear about it," he' added. "The assigned to St. Stephen, Father the weekend and could only find laity understands priests are Wolf said, "Every Monday mornsubstitute priests to say two of the stretched thin; They need to hear ing I woke up feeling like.I was sick. So the days off weren't life. parish's three weekend Masses. it from their pastor." . In his letter, Father Breen' giving, they weren't rejuvenating. So instead of the usual 8:30 Mass, Deacon John Casey led the wrote: "I truly believe that our , .:. After a while it took its toll." Before getting help fr~m an .congregation in the rite for a Sun- Catholic priesthood is in crisis" day celebration in the absence of and .the crisis is pushing the en- associate, Father Wolf would arvelope of the physical, psycho- range for a visiting priest to say .a priest. . "I think this is something that's. logical and spiritual health of our the fourth Mass at St. Stephen. . "We ended up having one weekgoing to happen more and more," priests." Deacon Casey told the Jennessee ''To live over the store, so to end we couldn't find anybody," Register, newspaper Of the Nash- . speak, is a stre~s factor itself;' he he said. Father Wolf told his parishiosaid; "That's why it's important ville diocese. The difficulty in findIng a sub- for priests to get away occasion- ners that the following weekend they would have a Sunday celstitute priest is just one .symptom ally for some rest." of the' growing crisis of a short- . The Sunday celebration in the ~bration in the abs~nce of a priest age of prie~ts, Father .Breen absence of a priest satisfies the in place of one of the Masses. added. "We have to recognize Sunday Mass obligation. It begins "I felt like I'm doing the thing there's nobody. on the bench" to with the greeting, a prayer for I n~ed to to, take care of myself, call up when needed, he said. God's mercy, and an opening but I was full of guilt," Father As priests grow older with prayer before moving into the Wolf said. fewer new priests being ordained Liturgy of the Word, with. three "By and large, people say take to replace them; the .shortage is re.adings just as in a Mass. care of yourself," he said. "And projected to grow more severe. . The readings are followed by that's very reassuring." "I'm sad that we've come to a homily, the profession of faith , To accqJIlIllodate its growing this," the priest' said. and general' intercessions. In the' cortinlunity' and to help' 'easeOOtfie . In the days before his trip, as place of the offertory and conse- strain, St. S.tephen's is planning , the difficulty in finding a replace- cration, there is a prayer of to build a new, bigger church, ment grew, Father Breepsent a thaQksgiving. which can accommodate more letter to his parishioners explainThe congregation' then recites people ateach Mass, the Lord!s 'Prayer, exchanges the ing the problem. . But larger churches may not be He attached a letter from Nash- • ,sign of peace and is invited to re- the ultimate solution. "The botville Bishop Edward U. Kmiec ceive Communion, the hosts hav- tom line," ,said Deacon Casey, is that i~ read dunng a Sunday cel- . ing been consecrated earlier by a people "need to pray for more . ebratiori in the absence of a priest. priest. The service ends with the vocations." . CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE,

POPE JOHN Paull! tips his zucchetto to the crowd during his weekly general audien,ce at the Vatican April 7. (CNS photo by Giancarlo Giuliani; Catholic Press Photo)

By. celebrating Eucharist, priests will attract vocations, pope says By CINDY WOODEN

mg it and our zeal in offering it to ,our brothers and sisters, especially VATICAN CITY - Pope John to the sick;' the pope wrote. Paul II prayed that the more than Pope John .Paul asked priests 400,000 Catholic priests in the ''to show special care for altar servworld would never take for ers, who represent a kind of .'gargranted the mystery and blessing den' of priestly vocations," to help of being able to celebrate the Eu-them grow in their love for Jesus, to recognize him in the Eucharist charist. In promoting vocations to the and to experience the beauty of the priesthood, '''your own witness liturgy. , counts more than ailything else," The pope ended his lette[by' , the pope told priests in his annual praying$at the world's priests Holy Thursday message to them. would receive "the grace never to The message, released at the take for granted the myst.ery put Vatican, focused particularly on in your hands." how priests can encourage vocaPresenting the letter at a press tions among altar boys by the way conference, Cardinal Dario they live, pray and celebrate Mass. Castrillon Hoyos, prefect of the "In your-hands they see the Eu- Congregation for Clergy, said the charist 'take place,' on your face pope's annual letter. takes a perthey see its mystery reflected, and sonal tone and wants to help priests 'in your heart they sense the sum- "rediscover the very high dignity mons of a great love," the pope. of their ministry and their responwrote. sibility to be trustees of the inestiThe Holy Thursday remem- mabie gift of the Eucharist." brance of Jesus' Last" Supper The Vatican, he said, has ruled marks the institution of both the that girls may serve at the altar and Eucharist and the priesthood, Pope the Congregation for Divine WotJohn Paul said. ''These two sacra- ship and the Sacrame~ts may haye' ments were born together and,their more to say on the practic'e when destiny is indissolubly linked un- it issues a document on liturgical . abuses later in the spring. til the end of the world." Archbishop Csaba Ternyak, Jesus called his apostles to follow him and, by extension, "he secretary of the clergy 'congrega- . called by name each and every tion, said the congregation's latest priest in every time.".. verified data' showed there were' Although Christ is present 405,067 Catholic priests in the when the faithful gather, the as- . world in 2001, about 1,000 more . sembly "is not by itself able to cel- th~ there were in 1961. ebrate the Eucharist or to provide He also said the number Of mathe ordained minister," because the . jor seminarians - those in their last priest, like the Eucharist, is a gift five or six years of preparation' for of God, Pope John Paul said., priesthood - has almost doubled All Catholics need to 'pray for since the beginning of Pope John/ more vocations to the priesthood Paul's pontificate in 1978. because they are God's gift. ' ' ' G o d is the God of history and But priests themselves must co- he knows the crisis and acts within . operate by offeripg an example to it, for example, by calling more othe~s, particularly to children and mature candidates," said Cardinal " young people already involved in Castrillon. The cardinal had spe~ial praise , parish activities, especially those who serve at the altar. , for the bishops of the United .. "What counts is our persoI!al States, who, he said, "are making , commitmentto Christ, our love for great efforts withfarnilies and in' the Eucharist, our fervor in cel- catechesisforvocationsandIthink ebrating it, our devotion in ador- we will see the fruits of this effort." CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE

U.S. TROOPS bow-their heads during a ceremony at their b~se in a former palace of

Sa~d~!11 f:iussein AprilS·. Protests against t~e U....S.-Ied coalition by supporters of radical ShIIte cleriC Muqtada al~$adr left more than 50 people dead April 3-4. Sixteen Purple Heart

medals were awarded to soldiers who sl:lstained injuries during battles. (eNS photo from ReL!ters) -

FAMILY CONTENTMENT When asked how content they were with aspects of life, Americans chose family first


lic state upon you and crush the life out of Protestantism in America." Suspicion of Catholics linPercent of those who said they were "highly satisfied" with... gered 32 years later, when Kennedy set his sights on the White House. The Southern Baptist Convention unanimously passed a reso[ friends lution voicing doubts that Kennedy or any Catholic should be president. Anti-Catholic hate religion literature again appeared throughout the country. Former career President Harry Truman decried the religious bigotry, even though he earlier had opposed Kennedy's nomination because of disagreements with· the senator's father, Joseph P. From telephone interviews with 1,011 adults Kennedy, a former ambassador nationwide conducted Dec. 11-14, 2003. to England and founding head of Sauna: Gallup the Securities and Exchange Commission. Truman reportedly said: "I'm not against the pope. I'm against the pop," referring Continuedfrom page one to the senior Kennedy. Kennedy said he was not "the D-Mass., in November, compared 10 percent of voters were unde- party identification," Gray said. Catholic candidate for president. to 41 percent who would vote for cided. About three percent said About 40 percent of those Catho- I am the Democratic Party's canPresident Bush, a Republican. they were likely to vote for inde- lics polled who said they intend didate for president, who happens to vote in November said they also to be Catholic. I do not speak A poll by Zogby International pendent candidate Ralph Nader. Gray told Catholic News Ser- were Democrats. About 33 per- for my Church on public matters of voters nationwide taken the same week in March found the vice that in spring 2000 many cent consider themselves Repub- . - and the Church does not speak percentage voting for Bush and more voters were undecided be- licans, the CARA survey found. for me." The last time a Catholic was a Kerry to be equal, at 46 percent tween Gore and Bush, who had Such comments were credited clinched their ,respective party's major party's nominee for presi- with helping Kennedy eke out a each. dent was in 1960, when JQhn F. narrow win. With the statistical margin of nominations by then. error for both pO,llsat about plus Gray said one reason K~rry Kennedy b~came !h~ [l!st CathoThen came the 1973 Roe v. or minus three percent, that means does not seem to have ani par- ·lic U.S. presiOent. A pre-election' Wade Sup~eme Court ruling that so far this election year Catholic ticular support among .Catholics poll that year found 72 percent of legalized abortion nationwide. voters differ little from the gen- on the basis of his religion is that Catholics planned to vote for The Republican and Democratic eral public in their presidential some voters may just be learning Kennedy. parties began carving out increasCARA found Kerry's stron- ingly distinct positions on aborhe is Catholic. He also noted that election choices. The number of Catholics whp much about the Catholic elector- gest support among the Catholics tion and expecting their candidates said they would vote for Kerry ate, the political parties and the polled to be from Democrats (81 to support them. nearly matches the number, 47 Catholic Church has changed percent would vote for Kerry) and A new "Catholic issue" exHispanics born in the United ploded in 1984 around ~wo New percent, who said in a pre-elec- ~ince Kennedy's election. "Kennedy did not have to deal States (56 percent supported York Democrats, Rep. Geraldine tion poll in 2000 that they would vote for the Democratic nominee, with the issues of abortion, stem- Kerry). Half of those born after Ferraro and Gov. Mario Cuomo. cell research or same-sex mar- .1982 said they would support From the first day of her camVice President Al Gore. CARA researcher Mark Gray riage that are important in the cur- Kerry. paign for vice president - as runWhen the poll responses were ning mate of former Vice Presisaid among the more surprising rent campaigns and important isfindings of the March 15-21 poll suesfor the Catholic Church," he divided according to how often dent Walter Mondale of Minnethe respondents attend church, sota - Ferraro was challenged of 1,001 Catholics was how few said. The stronger unifying factor of Gray found that Catholics who about how she could be a "good of them are undecided about who they support in an election that "the Catholic vote," according to attend church more oft~n were Catholic" and vote as she did in was still nearly eight months the CARA poll, seems to be "less more likely to support Bush than support of legal abortion. away. CARA's poll found about about religion and more about Kerry. Cuomo and New York Archbishop John J. O'Connor, later named a cardinal, publicly sparred over the governor's support of state funding for abortions for the poor and over his explanations for why he thought that wasn't a conflict for a Catholic. A widely reported speech by Cuomo that year at the University of Notre Dame provided the basis for other Catholic politidans since then who have d~scribed themselves as "prochoice" and distinguish their personal acceptance of Church teaching from their public role as legislators. In 1990, Cardinal O'Connor said such justifications from Catholic politicians puts them at apologiz~ risk of excommunication by "treating Church teaching on abortion with contempt." Boston Archbishop Sean P. O'Malley said last summer that






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Catholic politicians who support legal abortion should stop receiving Communion of their own volition, though he also said the Church does not deny the sacra" ment to people approaching the altar, presuming that they do so "in good faith." .Two Vatican documents issued in 2003 said Catholic politicians have a "grave and clear obligation" to oppose any law that violates Church teaching on the right to life or same-sex marriage. In the meantime, with John Kerry poised to become the first Catholic nominee for president in two generations, ·some PJ;o-Life groups already are pressuring Archbishop O'Malley and other bishops to bar him from receiving Communion because he doesn't follow the Church's lead on abortion. . In his 2003 book, "A Call to Service," Kerry described himself as "a believing, practicing Catholic." He and his wife, Teresa Heinz Kerry, regularly attend Sunday Mass. He was divorced from his [lest wife in 1988 and later spoke publicly about applying for an annulment. Neither his campaign staff nor his Senate office responded to questions about whether the annulment was ever finalized and Catholic dioceses do not release information on annulments. His current wife was widowed in 1991, when her husband, Sen. John Heinz m, R-Pa., was killed in a plane crash. In recent Senate votes, Kerry has opposed bills to bail partialbirth abortion, supported efforts to lift the prohibition on abortions at U.S. military installations overseas, and. supported a resolution affirming that Roe v. Wade was correctly decided. All those positions were contrary to those supported by the Church. On other issues, Kerry's positions more closely resemble the Church's lobbying stances. For . example, except in cases involving terrorists, he opposes capital punishment. Recent Church teaching says there are almost no circumstances in modern society under which the death penalty is necessary. How Kerry answers criticism about ignoring Catholic teaching on abortion will develop during the course of the campaign. But one statement he made last year' echoes what Kennedy said· four decades ago in response to a very different type of religion-based criticism. The Associated Press quoted Kerry in August responding to the Vatican document that called on • lawmakers to oppose same-sex marriage. "I believe in the Church and I care about it enornlously,'~ Kerry said. "But I think that it's important to not have the Church instructing politicians. That is an . inappropriate crossing of the line in America."

Friday, April 16, 2004

TCMSstudents IIoldjJmyer se,."ice TAUNTON - Each Monday .during Lent, the students and staff ofTaunton Catholic Middle School . gathered for a Lenten prayer 'service which featured lessons by religion teachers il!td students. The fifth~gnide class of Mary Glines spoke about their relationship with God and offered ideas to practice during Lent. TQey focused on spiritual needs througp several prepared skits an~ what

students can give up during Lent. Mary Jane Rebello's class focused on the Lenten practice ofgiving. Students were previously asked to think about what it actually feels ijke to be hungry or thirsty and sixth-graders shared Scripture passages to highlight those thoughts. Other Lenten lessons included Stations of the Cross, reconciliation and a Passion play presented by eighth-graders.

THIRD-GRADE and first-grade students from Holy Trinity School, Fall River, stand near parish histories published in The Anchorthc~.t were displayed to help, celebrate' the diocesancentennial. From left, Jenria Rapoza, Michael Abrantes, Valerie Perry'and Jonathon Ferreira. : TAUNTON CATHOLIC Middle School students .participate ina Lenten prayer service.

CLASS OFFICERS from Bishop Connolly High School, Fall River, meet with Bishop George W. Coleman during a recent visit to the school. From left, Sophomore Austin' Moniz; Senior Moira Duffy; Bishop Coleman; JU~ior Andrew Nunes; and Freshman Tom Ol~veira. ,

CINDY DELTANO, left, a S1. Mary's School, Mansfield, parent, was recently honored at th~ State House in Boston by the Parents Alliance for Catholic Education. Deltano serves as president of the school's advisory council and co-chairman of its legislative' subcommittee. She was selected as the Parent Volunteer Award winner for the diocese.


FIVE STUDENTS, who will be members of the 2008 graduating class of Coyle'and Cassidy High School, Taunton, vyere recently awardee scholarships for outstanding academic achievement in their respective middle schools and on the Coyle placement exam. From left: Nathan Hebb; Andrea'Stewart; Kathleen Nolan; President of Coyle and Cassidy, Brother Harold Hathl;lw~YI CSC; Caitlin Walsh; and Joseph Tutino.

NICK AND Peter Krafka and Kathleen Boyland of Bishop' Feehan High School recently participated in the Junior Districts Music Festival. Nick' and Kathleen play the trumpet at the Attleboro school and Peter auditioned on acoustic string bass.

Friday, April 16, 2004



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After someone says goodbye By CHARUE MARTIN.

WHEN I LOOK10 THE SKY When it rains it pours and opens doors And floods the floors we thought would always keep us safe and dry And in the midst of sailing ships we sink our lips into the ones we love That have to say goodbye And as I float along this ocean I can feel you like a notion that won't seem to let me go 'Cause when I look to the sky something tells me you're here with me And you make everything all right And when I feel like I'm lost something tells me you're here with me And I can always find my way when you are here And every word I didn't say that caught up in some busy day BISHOP FEEHAN High School, Attleboro, students parAnd every dance on the ticipating in the school's "Clown Ministry" program help to kitchen floor we didn't load boxed food items into a van outside of the school chapel dance before that will transport the food to a local soup kitchen. And every sunset that we'll miss I'll wrap them all up in a kiss And pick you up in all of this when I sail away Whether I am up or down or in or out or just plain ove'rhead ATTLEBORO - The students the Alan Shawn Feinstein nationInstead it just feels like it is impossible to fly of Bishop Feehan High School wide school challenge to help . But with you I can wrapped up their Million Can feed the hungry. Last year, Bishop Feehan was March Lenten Project last week. spread my wings To see me over everything In all the students collected 40,845 recognized by Feinstein, who visthat life may send me food items, surpassing their goal ited the school, for being the top When I am hoping it of 32,000. The top student was school in the nation for monies won't pass me by freshman Zachary Meilan, who and food items collected. The final total was announced to And when I feel like there is collected 2,820 items. no one that will ever know me The project is in response to students at a Holy Thursday Mass.

Bishop Feehan High School wraps up Million Can March


There you are to show me Sung by Train Album: My Private Nation Copyright (c) 2003 by Sony What is it like for you to say goodbye to someone you love? That's what Train's latest single "When I Look to The SKy" is about. The song is off their 2003 disc "My Private Nation." For most of us, saying goodbye is difficult, especially if

a I"" u. DO,.,,,. AI


the separation is likely to be lengthy. The song invites us to consider how to stay connected to someone we love. The singer says, "When I look to the sky, something tells me you're here with me, and you make everything all right. And when I feel like I'm lost, something tells me you're here with me, and I can always find my way when you are here." Here are some suggestions for maintaining a loving connection after saying goodbye: I. Pray for the person. Prayer is a loving and powerful connecting energy. Prayer does not change God. Rather,

praye~ affects those who pray and those who are prayed for. Use the pathway of the Spirit to bring love and blessing to those you love. 2. Encourage the one going away to enter fully into the new situation - a new home, a new school, a new job, military service. Genuine love is always freeing. Helping each, other fully engage in life is a clear message of love. 3'l?ev~lop your own ritual for checking m WIth each other. This might mean a scheduled time for instant messaging, Email or phone calls. The frequency may not be as important as the commitment to a routine. True, the routine might be interrupted at times. However, aim for the best approach available. 4, Keep track of significant dates. A bilthday is a true holy day. Find a way to honor birthdays, anniversaries or other significant dates for those who have gone away. 5. As the song suggests, do look up at the sky. God created all that you see. The sky can remind us that God's loving presence surrounds both you and the person you miss. You can allow this awareness to deepen the closeness felt between you and the other. Remember that where love is, God is, and that all of us find connection in God, our source and destiny.

Your comments tue always wekome. PlellSe wrile to me m: cll1Iuutin@swintlimul.nel or til 712SW 200S, Rockport, fN 476.15.


the school newspaper. My teacher caught me reading a fantasy novel when I was 1spent a lot of time in high supposed to be studying polynoschool trying to fit in. It never mials. Again, despite my efforts worked because most of my to be like the others, I didn't wildly unsuccessful attempts at becoming popular within one of make it into the AP courses and felt excluded in their conversathe many subcultures that tions. prowled the school halls had to At 18,'1 became a punkdo with turning myself into which at the time was the height someone i. wasn't. of fashion. I adorned T-shirts At 14 f tried to be a jock. 1 with safety pins and paint, belonged to the track team and was a sprinter. I wore my hair in penned lots of poetry and sewed my own skirts, but moved away a ponytail and tried to get in from that when I realized I was with the popular girls. But I left entirely too chipper, to fit in with the team - and my pursuit of my school's darker punk athletic glory - when wearing sensibilities. the name-brand shorts that I'd In college, I retired to the saved so long to purchase failed coffeehouse, where I became a to land me a place in the in, folkie. I'd sip lattes while crowd. discussing Shakespeare and At 16 I turned into a geek. I watched science fiction. I joined listening to a guitarist croon

tales of love and woe. Although I still love acoustic music and great literature, I stepped away from the "scene" when I

discovered that, at that particular place and time, I couldn't pursue the more mainstream things I wanted to do. "Subcultures" and cliques are a mixed bag: Exploring what they have to offer can open your mind to new people and new ways of thinking. But getting locked into one particular highschool worldview - labeling

yourself or others as a "prep," a "goth," a "skater" or a "nerd" could destroy those options as well as your understanding of the way other people live. r stopped trying to be someone I wasn't when I realized that the places I fit in the best were the places where I never had to prove myself through artificial means, like clothing, interests, music or knowing "the right people." These places involved family, longtime friends who also didn't have a "crowd;' people at my church, teachers and musical ensembles. In my efforts to fit in, I forgot about the places I already belonged. But I didn't regret the efforts to make a space for myself in high school life. The failure to fit in back then gave me inter-

ests that make my life exciting today. I learned healthy eating and exercise habits from my sports soirees; a love of words and writing I treasure from the days exploring geekdom; an ability to mend holes in clothing from my do-it-yourself fashion days; and a quiet appreciation for many different styles of music from the many coffeehouse concerts J attended. Now, the jock side of me gets ~ treat dUling workouts at my gym. My inner geek thrills when I get to work on my 'newspaper's Website. My bohemian sensi'bili路 ties are met with the Indian batik tapestries and French paintings with which I've decorated my apartment. Plus, my inner fashionista no longer has to worry about looking silly on the job.

_ ..




Friday, April 16, 2004

Los Angeles cathedral displays photo exhibit ·~t·c.sar Chavez them to proclaim their basic rights LOS ANGELES (CNS) 'The Cathedral of Our Lady of the as human beings and as employAngels in Los Angeles is display- ees." "Now, more than ever," the ing a photo exhibit through May 12 of Cesar Chavez, a lifelong cardinal said, "the legacy of Cesar Catholic and founder of the Chavez inspires us to find creative United Farm Workers, who died ways to respond to God's call to serve our sisters and brothers 11 years ago. The exhibit; ·"Cesar Chavez: . whose dignity is under assault on His Soul and His Spirit," features so many fronts." photography by Victor Aleman, . The cardinal cited some of the editor of Vida Nueva, the Span- current obstacles for immigrants ish-language newspaper of the and working people including obstacles to workers' rights to orgaLos Angeles Archdiocese. Aleman's collection spans the nize, difficulties for immigrants to many years he spent covering earn legalization and the lack of Chavez and the farm labor move- decent health care. "One of our challenges is conment when he was managing editor of EI Ma/criado, a United vincing people that t!te best way Farm Workers publication, and to resist the ongoing assault on when he co-founded the first their dignity is to vote," he said. farmworker radio station, KUFW. "One of our happiest victories The photographs are displayed will be when the working famiin a side chapel inside the cathe- lies and the poor of our country realize that voting allows them an dral. The exhibit began March 31, empowerment that is unrivaled in Chavez's birthday and the day a scope." Cardinal Mahony thanked the memorial Mass was celebrated for him at the Cathedral of Our Lady Chavez families and the leaders of the Angels by Los Angeles Car- and members of United Farm dinal Roger M. Mahony. Members Workers and other unions and of the Chavez family attended the community organizations for their Mass along with farmworkers, la- "noble work.~' "May this annual celebration bor union members and civic and religious leaders. continue to deepen our individual In his homily, the cardinal and collective resolve," he said, noted that everyone who had the "and may we move forward in the privilege of knowing Chavez coming weeks to promote human would agree that his "vision for dignity, justice, and equal rights all farmworkers evolved from his for all of our citizens - but esdeep spiritual life, and that his pecially the poorest, the powerleadership derived from his insis- less and the voiceless. Then we tence that the best way to gain jus- will have truly captured the vision tice for the poor was to empower of Cesar Chavez."

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This Message Sponsored by.the Following Business Concerns In the Diocese of Fall River GILBERT C. OLIVEIRA INSURANCE AGENCY FEITELBERG INSURANCE AGENCY


JOHN P. JACKSON demonstrates to visitors at the Turin Shroud Center of Colorado how dimensions of the reputed burial cloth of Christ correspond with the standard unit of measure in early P~lestine. Jackson, a member of the 1978 American team that first examined the shroud, operates the center with his wife in Colorado Springs. The couple said Mel Gibson's movie, "The Passion of the Christ:' has sparked renewed interest in the shroud. (CNS photo by James Saca, Denver Catholic Registe~

Shroud of Thrin experts say Gibson filDl sparks new interest in cloth BY CATHOUC NEWS SERVICE He sees his constant Jewish faith passion and death. "I'm just as fascinated now with as a way to remain unbiased in his COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. it as I was .30 years ago when I shroud research, however. The dif~ The wide publicity and controversy surrounding Mel Gibson's started studying it," said John Jack- ference between Christians and ''The Passion of the Christ" have son, a Catholic, in an iriterview with Jews, he said, is not whether Jesus brought a spike of new interest in the Denver CatholicRegister, Den- lived and died, but whether he rose from the dead. the Shroud of Thrin, which many ver archdiocesan. newspaper. A former Air Force officer who Schwortz contended there is believe was Jesus' burial cloth. John P. and Rebecca Jackson, started studying the shroud in 1974, clear evidence that casts a serious who run the Turin Shroud Center Jackson doesn't see belief in the shadow on the carbon-14 dating of Colorado in Colorado Springs, shroud's authenticity as simply a tests performed in 1988 at three separate laboratories. The original and Bimie Schwortz, who runs matter of faith. plan called for seven samples the interactive Website from seven different parts of www.shroud.com.reported a significant increase in calls or "They would still have to explain the shroud to be given to seven different labs for carvisits since the movie carne the image with allofits characteris- bon-dating and chemical out. ''This is normally a busy tic~ IIhe said ''/justcouldn'tsee how analysis. At the last moment, plans were changed and only time of the year for us, but . a forger could have done it II there's been about a 40 perone sample was removed and cent increase" in phone calls, divided three ways for tlie ''Are we trying to replace sci- three labs. No chemical analysis said Rebecca Jackson, associate director of the center. A New York- ence with faith? No, not at all," he was done, he said. ''When you have, potentially, the born daughter of Orthodox Jews said. "It's quite the opposite. But who is now Catholic, she is a spe- this would all be pointless if it most important relic of Christiancialist in Jewish historical migra- doesn't lead us to faith. This work ity and you, for expediency, change tions and cultural influences and has led us to want to study our faith the test that could make or break its authenticity, that's not good has written and lectured on Jewish more deeply." Schwortz - a participant in the judgment in my opinion," he said. aspects of the shroud. More importantly, in his opinSchwortz, a professional pho- April 7 PBS television program tographer, and the Jacksons have "Shroud ofChrist" - said the 1978 ion, "there is empirical, scientific beenexperts on the Shroud ofTurin studies proved that the front and evidence now in existence that for more than a quarter-century. back images of a man on the shroud shows that that section of the cloth . John Jackson, a physicist, was the are no work of art and are unlike was, in fact, a reweaving, probably leader of a team of more than 30 any other image in the world. done in France, while the shroud "Based on 27-plus years of in- was still there, by theFrench court," American scientists who examined .. "the shroud in,. 1978 and Schwortz volvement ... the only logical an- he said. was the team's documentary pho- swer or explanation for the Shroud Jackson"too, is unconvinced by ofThrin is that it wrapped the body the carbon-14 tests. "Ijust knew too tographer. The centerpiece display at the of Jesus after he was crucified," he much about the !!hroud to blindly say, 'That's all there is to it,'" he shroud center, which can be vis- said. ited by appointment only, is a lifeSchwortz, a foryner imaging said. size photograph of the 14-foot consultant at Cedars-Sinai Medical 'They would still have to explain burial cloth, which shows blood Center in Los Angeles, said he was the image with all of its characterisstains consistent with Gospel ac- a Jew when he started studying the tics,"hesaid ''I justcouldn't see how counts of the wounds of Christ's shroud and remains a Jew today. a forger could have done it"

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