HIGHLIGHTS OF WEST HARWICH CEREMONY: Graduates of the fJonfraternity of, Chtisti~n Doctrine training course from all, parts of Cape Cod received ce,rtificates at ceremonies. held in Holy Tr!nity Church. At· left, Bishop Comiolly presents certificate t6 Mrs. Nora Peters, St. Ahthooy's parish" East Falmouth. ,Rev. Joseph, Powers, Diocesan Director, .r the, Confraternity of Christian Doctrine is at left. At left' center, -Miss Karen Kelly, St. Francis. Xavier, Hyannis, kisses the BiShop's ring as
Sister James; O.L.V.M. looks, on. At right center, 'Mrs. 'Edw~rd H.SuIIivan., Harwichport; former director' of physical education of ,Fall River public schools, pours for Mrs. Callahan, Sandwich, while other guests· await their, turn. At far right, Missionary Servants' of the Most-Blesseq Trinity, guests at the reception, enjoy refreshments. Left to right are Sis'ter Ann William, and Sister Grace De Sales, Osterville, and Sister Conr,ad Theresa, Hyannis. . SisterJames O.L.V.M. and Sister ReginaO.L.V.M. were sclioolco-directors. .
Cape CatechistsRec~ive . Certificates From Ordinary "
... w The' . ANCHOR' '.
An Anrhnr of the SQul.Sure and' F'irm---:'S'r. PAUL: '
Fall River, MQss.
By Russell' Collinge "Neither snow, 'nor rain, nor cold~ nor gloom of night ••. '~, you'reHght.ies part of' the mott~ of the Postal Servi,ce, but :this 8lightly revised Portion :may well apply to the' hardy souls on the C~tpe who, travelled far and furious from' Centerville, Hyannis, Osterville,Wellfleet, South Yarmouth, Chatham; Sandwich and th~' .Falmouths· ahnost -eve17 Tuesday night this ,winter, . '-,' and, with one small'excep- IiIll....l ' , tion, refused to be stayed in " their journeys to West Har-.
Vol. 3, No.,16
PRICE 10c'
, SeCOnd 1.:1. . . Mail PriyileCftI Authorized a" Fall Riie., Ma.i,
$4.00 per' Year
Suggest ·Mil1imum $10 Appeal Gifts . ~'W e dare to suggest from all wage earners a minimum of. $10," Bishop James L. Connolly told the .representative ' group of clergy and laity ;from all pari$hes of the Diocese' • the Catholic Charities Appeal general meeting Monda-y. afternoon at Kennedy Cen- Appeal with a renewed ' spirit,ofter, New Bedford. charity, the Ordinary of .the Urging all, clergy and I!icic~se also predicted that new laity, to enter this year's Turn to Page Sixteeg
Former Fall RiveriteAssists, Needy Thousands in Malaya
wi~~~ exception was sleet, and only the frantic" but efficient,.
e·wsp.a"'p'e'":5-'" '"R' 'e'Je e' 'c t Off 'C' olor F',i I,m, . .Ad,5 '.
. LOS ANGELES (NC)-The f9!Jr metropolitan daily
telephone warning system of the, Confraternity of Christian Doc-' newspapers here have rejected a set of movie advertisements trine stopped the Gapeites frQm featuring the Goya nude and then refused-to accept a second' s~ruggling through the icy night.. set which criticized ,"bluenoses." And why? It probably sounded __ The advertisements were' the young' woman. . crazy to their neighbors, friends fo~he United Artists' film' . After rejecting, the first ads, and relatives-fay'ori~e,TV· pro- , " . . .... which prominently featured the The Naked ~aJa, a .por-" painting, the newspapers regrams, bridge clubs, dinne,r invitations, "orte time only" movies trayal of the hfe and times jected a second set that elim. Turn to Page Eighteen of the early 19th century Span- iilated the 'nude figure but conish painter Francisco Jose de ~ined statements such as "MasGoya; 'whp paiQted the picture of Turn to Page Sixteen
Institu.tion·sOpen· For Visitation
Washington P~e.lat~ Warns Of Unemployment Dangers'
'Many Diocesan Institutions will be open for public visitation on Sunday: April 19 and Monday, April 20 in cooperation with'the WASHINGTON (NC)-.:....Some 7,500 unemployed union Charities Appeal. In a recent letter to all mem-', members here to dramatize the plight of the nation's 4,300,bers of the Diocese, Bishop Con- 000 jobless heard their one-day conference opened with a nolly 'invited all to, visit these agencies of the Charities Appeal. prayer terming unemployment f'one of the w'orst enemies He said "Your personal visit to of humanity." ers, al~ng with two U. S. senatol'll .these beneficiaries of the Cath, Msgr. George C. Higgins, and a representative, spoke in· olic Charities Appeal will be a, an authority in the field of, favor of increased Federal actioD source 'of information and inspir- Catholic social justice, del-, to ease unemployment. ation to you and a source of satli'loered the prayer at the AFL' The 'Department of Commerce , isfaction to the good religious CIO conference" in the National estimates March unemployment who staff these agencies of Guard Armory. at .4,362,000 and employment at Charity." . National and ~tate labor, lead-' 63,828,000. This represents a . Turn to Page Eighteen 3'87,000 decrease in the February
A former resident of Fall River, a graduate of Sacred Hearts Academy in the city, is with her husb.and,in charge ef administering the Catholic Relief Services program for" ~ entire Malayan peninsula. '-She is Jeanne Kay Wolf, Jrianddaughter of former M~yor Kay of Fall River, and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ' , By John T. Crowley . . ~arold. B, Kay, formerly of the. eity and now of St. Petersburg; Dr. David Costa Jr., 325.Gardner Street, New Bedford, has been appointed by Bishop I').a. . Connolly as president of Particular CouncilSt.'Vincent de Paul Society, for the New Bed•Before her marriage five ford area, which includes parishes in that city and Wareham, Mattapoisett, Fairhaven' Months ago Mrs. 'Wolf was adMinistrative assistant' to the and South Dartmouth. ~ev. John F. Hog-an, D:0cesan director: of charities in· the New Catholic Relief Services office in, Bedford and Cape' areas, is' " Dr. and Mrs. Costa are the Saigon, Viet 'Nam. When she spiritual· director of the -'parents of four children; three married Georges Wolf she was' Council. ' sons and a daughter.' transferred to his post in Kuala A graduate of Holy F'amily , President of Immaculate Con-
'Dr. Da1jid ,Costa Heads St. Vincent de Paul Council in Gre('for' New Bedford Area,
: .'!'arn to Page
Calls for Return' Of Middle Ages Spirit and Ideas TORONTO (NC) -, Man bring together the world of modern science and the heritage of the medieval Jmlst
world of truth. Dr. Anton C. Pegis has told more than 1,000 delegates at the 16th annual Catholic Education Conference this, is necessary to' 'I'_a to Page Fourteea
High School and Providence College, ~he new president received his professional degree from Georgetown University School of Dentistry. He served in the Air Force Dental Corps both in World War II and the Korean War. Dr Costa is member of the newl~ formed S~rra Club in New Bedford and McMahon Council 151, Kdights of Columbus and the Fourth Degree Assembly. His professional memberships include, the American Dental Association, the, Massachusetts Dental Society and the New Bedford Dental S~t,y. ~
ce,ption Parish Conference of St. Vmcent de Paul for tth~ ~~t '. seven years, Dr. Costa' 0 d e , An~hor. he welcomes the oppo~tumty. t? serve a larger area m an ?CtlVIty of th: Lay Apostolate WhICh ~c,comphshes so ~uch good, spIritually and materIall~, ~ithout fanfare. He regards hIS /appointment as a·high ~lOnor, and looks forvy;ard to workmg closely wit~ appr~ximatel! 200 men as' socIat~d WIth St. Vmcent de ~aul work m t?e area. The sOCIety was founde~ by a group of French students m 1833 to help the poor. They chose as ~urn to Page Fourteea
unemploymeilt figure and was: twice as good-a job increase as· seasonal expectations had indicated. The U. S. Department reported a total of 5.8 per cent of' the civilian labor force out at work. AFL-CIO president George Meany commented that "the hard fact remains that unemployment.in March was higher than in any other March since the end of World ·War II, except a year ago when we were in the Turn to Page. Fourteen
Bishop Stresses u. S. • Church Seek Sa me End SEOUL (NC) - Catholic missionaries and, U.S. servicemen in Korea are work-' ing for the same causeChristianity - Columban Bishop Thomas Quinlan has told armed forces personnel. "You fight with milital'7 weapons and we fight with spir_ brn to Page Eigh4een
. DtOCt!9E OF JI'lIthL
C'ardiriaIO·Suggesh;;Crusade·9fiJoy"··, To Qf.fsetToo M~"y Moderri.~ears'
BOSTON (NC)-Modern peopie are "sick from fear" of al-' most everything, but a "crusade of joy" could ov~rcome th.is .sickneSs, Richard Cardinal'Cushk1g ,has told a Boston District Medical Society. ' The Archbishop of Boston said ealling this 'the "age of anxiety" is an appropriate label. To fight. this tendency, he declared, peopIe must "build up a tremendoutl sense of God's Providence." . Cardinal Cushing stressed the world had turned from joy to fear because it turned from God to materialism. "The world needs some great saint who will wage a war against the contemporary spirit of sourness, pessimism and :lear. None of us is a saint," he . mid, "but let;s start a ,crusade of , joy.", ' . '
Pontiff, Receives '. " Blin,d . P,I·I grlms
, ,
VATICAN .CITY (NC) , -h A ll'Oup of blind ere were asked by His pilgrims Holiness Pope .John ,XXIII to offer their affliction for'thE!'benefltof those',wbO must make men'see the 'Will of
2:. 'Fhur.s., :. ::~E ANCHOR Apr. 16, 1959
. '''Everywhere we turn we find :'people sick from fear," Cardinal Cushing said "fear, of their neighbors, fear, of their work" fear. of the diseases. they have and those they do not have, fear of the present, fear of the past and fear of the future, fear of the unknown and fear of the known, fear of everything outside of themselves and fear of themselves." .' Back '0 Religion, These fears are being incorrectly fought by· psychiatry, political slogans, seeking distrac,tions and dedicating oneself to a "cause." He suggested that instead, "we should meditate ftequently on the nature of' God as He is revealed, in the Our Father. That prayer should be a source ,of both sanity and sanCtity," he said. . "If we would recapture JOY," Cardinal asserted, "then our MARYKNOLL SUPERIOR CONSECRATED: Bishop' motto must be:' Go Back.·, Not John W. Comber.," M;M., Superior General of Maryknoll back to the old times when t h e r e , ' were nom'achines, no factories, (center) poses"with his Consecrator, Cardinal Spellman of.' no 'railways nor 'mrplanes nor New York (right) and the: preacher at the Ceremony,; television nor newspapers; but Car d'maI C,us h'mg 0 f B osto~ , Jlef t) ~ '. ' '.. ','" " _' ... ,' back to religion, to the spirit 'of . ,. fait.h, to a joyful Qf life,. to abstintmce and seU.conquest" .
Liturgical W.eek Hails '.. Speaker . , ' ,1
BOSTON (NC)-His Emine.ee Giacomo. Cardinal Lercaro, expert in the liturgical field, will be the main speaKer at the 20th annual North American Lin.. gical Week to be held from gust 23 to 26. . Acceptance of the speakmc engagement by the Cardinal, who is Archbishop of Bologna, Italy, was announced here br Father Shawn' G. Sheehan, who called it a '~major event" in the history of the North Americ8B Liturgical Conference.
Notre Dame Father Sheehan, who is prestdent of the conference, said the theme of the liturgical week, to' be,held at the'University of Notre ~ame, Will be "Participation ia the, Sacred Liturgy." Cardinal Lercaro is expecte!i to speak oa the ,past9'ral ,implica,tions oi liturgical 'instru~tion, Father 'Sheehan said the invita"Cardinal Lercaro wali ext.ended onbehalfof the,uturgi-
Apostolic Del~gate. Credits ,Suc:cess· tion,,~ ~e pilgrims, m€imbers of th~ ~~~~:=thi:~~:I:~i:;Sd.illo~:;~ To Am.e rican Ideals and' ,S pi..i t . ~b:~~:n~n;:i~~F::~::t~~~
Light and Char~ty' for the Blind fUlly'. regarded' by modern'meq, ROME (N~)~ArchbishopEgi- • ' said as a young priest 'at the .m~rY,l;IorpeMis~ioneis magazine, Ai;so . l' came from Belgium., vain 'of their culture and in~ne : dio .vagnozzi, Apos.tolic D.elegate· delegation in Washington, under Challenge. Fa~her O~Donnell Ie , CI~ lOn, .,' S 'onthesubjecfof ·wat'." ". . ,'to ,the' U. S.,· says the two ~reat; ,th.e· 'forme,r 'Ap'o'stolic', ';Delegate,' .chairman, '0.f the.lit'urgi.cal·.w'·eek'. ~y had been p!esent at a uno:' . ",.' " ',"," . ,, .' " " ,. . i d' -". B t the ' influences on his career, as' 'a 'now His Emifience'Amlew'Gio- ... ~section .on ,church structure and ,',;a~e~e;:;:in,;Uth~~t~~/w ere ·Vatican,diplomat'Were .his yearS .vlmrii Cardinal 'C'icognan'i, ·he,participation. in· the Mass. Host , .. leaving Rome, asked that'they be· as an altar boy, in St. Peter's . learned Somethingofthe" :AIDer,. .. to . t~e .liturgicai '~eck wQl be / brought into his presencea~ain. I basilica and the nine and on¢,:,,: "ican id~als ilnd' spirit,' which . BishopLel? A... Pursley of , "Iie,told ··them; ithat':' although LONDON (NC)-The most in':' ,'half years hesp~nt,at the' Apbs- served hinl well in the numerous . Wayne; Ind: ' . .' " .{<tbeY.·C<;ijldn6tJ.see h~,"he'knew 'tense arive for the conversion Of tolic Delegation in Washington. assignmentS that' followed>' , "Cardinal,·Lerc;u.o, ~h~ :;,videlr , ',;.' tbey:coiildfeeI:,his' aff~ction for, :England . and" Waiessiri~ the; '. The' Archbishop'; who ar:rives' ,Ill Ii': hu~oro~~ y~in, .he re-., ~ownfor, his .. outstanding' 01', '. them. 'Th,e ~oPe 'asked· them'tO ,. restorati<>fi of' the" hierarchy a:', in United States next Monday, called that on returning to Rome ganizational ability. has ,repe. " . , " . pray: forh'im:so that' theobjee:' 'cf;lritury ago' lias~h' 'launched ',Sch'edule Can. a T'a' Iks. after. his .years in' theU. S. his edly stress~ that' the liturIF ~ .' ,'~tives he had 'Set for his" PQntifi-here. . .,' . ,.,' asso~lates ,would .ref~r~ to him as '...must center the Mass. . . i, ~ -eate mtght:})i)lccomplis1)ed:" . M9re than fourrnillion prat~ " F "IIR' . K' f C ... '~the American" w,henever they . ::;'A.n,l?n~the~·'obj~ctire~, ret:~, ticing:~tholics o{~rigla.n~ have . · t .,a Iver , 0 . , . t1)ougJit)lis,c()nductw~sbeyond ."' Legion·of:l)ecen'cy , ",om~~mded.,to'the bh~d:'~s intenstarted a month's campaign to 'The first in a series of. Cans'. the traditional., ,', ' , ' .' " for·th~iiprayers, 't~ Pope win the other nine-tenths of the Conferences for the' members. . ·...they used to try'~get 'a rise ., ,"The following films· are to be :f listed the success of the co~ing nation to the Faith by prayer and their wives of the Fall River, out 'of .me by',calling 'Amer-' added to the lists in their respeo. ecumenical council and the peaCe 'and. by activ.e crusading.. The ,Council No. 86, Knights of cO-: ican,',:", he said, "unti(tbey dis-' . ·tive" classifications: .' .. he hopes will ensue from it. eampaign'will'end'May 4, Feast·, lumbus, will be held'at the Coun"" ' ,co,vered thllt I 'liked "the,name." Unobjectionable "for' Genenl "The Supreme Bishop will of the English Martyrs. eil's headquarters 'on Frankli~. ,.Archbi~op.. yagnoz#j,.:l,ltated· Patronage: Darby O;Gm eonvene in Rome all bishops of ,Organized by the Catholic.Mis- Street a.~ 7:30 :p.. ,M. on Wednes-. ,~,tl:fat American ideals.guide~ him Little Peoph!;' King of t~ Wild 'the world for all ecumenical . siopary . Society, thecamJ)aign, .day, Ap,ril ~2, under ,1l!e super,· _' to such a degree in his diplomatic . 'Stallions." . i" eoun~il," . the Pope. sai!!. ~T~is although' based birgely' on the v~siQn C!f .the D.io~esan Family., ,poststhat "if..1 hfd any.spccess . . . Unobjectionable for Adul'tll "will mark the fervent intentiOn "Crusade for Sool$",·m'ov.ement I.lfe. Bureau., ThiS conferen<;eforthe .Holy See, It'S a~trlbutable' arid Adolescents· 'G" nt Bebe1'" ··of all Christians, of all Catholics, in the' U. ·S., an ~activedoor!to-· ,will ~eat.the ?u~band and wif~ " i,n gre~tp~rt ,to, ~y first ,~xperi';". :'moul; ·Law: is .th~ La~. '. (:o~ all those Vihoco.rrespond, to. door apost<!late, is:e'~entiaily in~' .rela~lO.nshlps ,I? al~ -aspects Of.' e~ces"ln,tlie UJ:u1E;d ,.Sta,tes." . " " U'b: '. the grace of Our Lord .:fellus . tended to be aperioQ of prayer.' . ChrIstIan marrIed ,hfe. . ,' 'T"'...~.:, ' ." ,.. no Jechona e . for Adu'" Christ. Pray that there w-ill 'be ' . ", . . : ' "R~v.: Anth~ny M. Gomes ·of. oServ.~ oI:lStori~hill·:.Spe~d.Crazy. . .' . C hristo Church, member. Boar' d 'of . Ad visers ." , highly "..Condemned:' Third Sex: matthe unammous coopera l'lon, no t f or Oratory Tournament . ' S a~to questionable subject ",'
'",Month of 'PrQ:yer, "F';" C . , . ' ,. ·or.• ·, .OnVerSIO-:aS·, '.
I, -,
; ".tions
figh,ti!1g,p~tf~r.~~r,notfor.:,:d~:-~'L;sts Schools; ,,:,.,;..', .. of the.. Council, ·and Rev. R.ciy- ' -Six'ptomineht m(;!n will' serve '. .ter of this film,dealingwith P'e!'cords,' and:,: .~~y':.ISlOns.;~ .,b~t fo,r":;;WAS:£'UNG'i'ON··(NC)"::'" ;fhe ~ond W. McCarthy, diocesan th b d f d . peace, for spIrItual elev~Jl(?~;.fol' . 'if 'hth:Anh 'I Nt" "'1 T .'; . ' dlrector of the Family Life Bu,. O? e or 0 a Vlsers of Stone- " version;, is judged to be morallT Christ' -:- 'glory, honor, blessiot(·;·' Ig t" f :thua'N' ~.Ion~ 'cor:~i~-' reau, will conduct "·the confer- hill' College, according to an- '. dangerous and unacceptable in • ancC10ve for ,Christ again a'nd" 'Fm~n, '. ~ . L e.: ~ lo~all h.a hO lldc .. ence; which will conclude with a nounc.ement made by Very Rev. mass ,entertainment medium. , forever.". ' h~~rseManlc: "7~Qtoguge WI .. < e .. e question period.'" ,Richard H. Sullivan, C.S.C." Furthermore; the thesis is proere· y o . ' , ~ ·president ..,'" '" . posed in, away which elicit. . ',' The tournament is 'expeCted Holy Father Names . Appointed were "Philip Hem-sympathy for an immoral solu. ·.Confirmations : te). draw 'more .than '600' Students ingway, New Bedford, president tion to a domestic and social , April 1.9 from' 'Catholic high .. ,schools' Apostolic Preacher of Hemingway 'Transportation problem. 2:00 P.l\II.-':Our Lady-of Grace, ':thr0ughout the ct>untry; repre-' . Com,'pany',' John M: C,urley, MilNorth' :Westp'ort. .' " ",' . ,sent"mg 'more: " tllan " VATICAN' CITY (NC) - A l'30' h ig h ton, president of the Eastern , 4:00 -P.M,,- St. Anne,. New ' .' schools I'n" at lea'st 3'0 dioce' sft~ ' .. ..~. . 'Capuchin priest who has been a stamless Steel Corp., Baltimore; ·BedfQrd. '.,~" .. '.' . :.. ' " , ' . With headquarters at the Ma~T_ preacher to popes for the past 14 .Ra.lph D. Tedeschi, Rockland,. 11.ower' . H 0 t e', I ·th e· .. tburnament years has resigned his office m' . pre.sident of Tedeschi Markets,' 7 ''30 . ' PM' : .-:-;St'.''Mju~y' . ," South .. •. APPRAISER Dartmouth, . " .. '; will. ,include' the papal household. ' , , " compeiition:.in:va'r. William H. Sullivan ·Jr., Boston, REAL ESTATE . April 22. , . ' .. '~ io'us catego'ries, 'suCh as d·eoaUn·g. He is Capuchin Father Cle- president of Metropolitan Coal 7:30 P.M:~Blessed Sacr~e~t, Finals will be held 'on SatuJ;~ay, mente da Santa Maria in Punta C!,mp~ny; JosephP. Duchaine, ' Fall Riv,er.. . May 9, at Archbishop John· Cap- wh~ has been granted permissio~, N ' INSURANCE April 26 "roll High School. .".". . "" ).' to leave his post as Apostolic . ew Bedford, president of My~' 2:00 P.M.-:"St.·Mary;)~l'o~ton. ',More than',40' trophies' ~.fll~ be' Preacher of the Itoly See:'Father Bread Baking Company; and· WY 3-5762 . 136 Cornell S&' 4:00 P.M.-St. James, Taunton. '. awarded to w'inners"iJi>various . Clemente requested the change R~chard ~. Potvi,n~ Broc~ton, New Bedford 7:30 P.M:. _ Immaclila(e Con-," c~tego.r:ies. , . ",:;, '..," .": ,,'f .. so he might deyot,e full-.time·tO ,president of Buntee . Shoe Com-. eeptioil, Taunton. .....: ~ . r~ .~ ;~ ~'.~;-' his office.as Provincial, of the 'pany. .' '," .' ." ., :, ·>Mass· O'rdo', ":" Capuchins in Venice. Pope John <-------4~·~ 1
, , "
J' ' F OINe.·,1 ames·.
>.' ..."" See~n~-eI.:.:H:ailA:~~I~~S :'-';~j,oH;.,d 'F:iUDAY':;M~sS ~t Fall River, Mll88.' 'Published ,e'UrY' , Sunday; :Simple. • ,"
l'hursday st' no Highland ,Avenue, FaD. River, Mass., DY the Catholic Press of the Oioeese of Fall Ri"er. SubScription 'prlce ~Y mail, postpaid S4.00. per "ear.
r----....;....;......----.-.'""'. 'FORTY H'OURS DeVOTION' .
AP"~::;;.S<";cl>ae~ """'"'
. . . . .\
the 'pre"vious has appointed Capuchin Father Wh~te~, .Mails . Ilarino of Milan as his successor. • Proper;'Gloria'; Second Collect . st.' An,ic;etus; pope.'and Martyr; GIRLS & B O Y S . , _~refa~Q~ Easter:· .. ··. . ..... 9SATURDAY:.. -:;=-,Mass:' ,of: ·the STUDY, . Blesset:L. Virgin fQr' Saturday. ' AT . Simple.: ·White:'·MaSs'P1'oper;
01 L
" ,,
H,eating.· Oi.ls , -'an . durners'f B ',.
"For Your Protection Buy F r o m .
~;;:~'.~;:.\ili:~~'~d .' =~~
, . ~ • , ;
. ' ' SUNDAY-In Sunday After J ' .- h' . " Our Lady of thet· ImmacuEaster. Double. White. Mas's . une' 29t -Aug'. 28th ' F II late , C oncep lon, a 2 week. or. more River.". , .' Pro,'per', - Glor.ia,· Creed', Preface . .. . Apr. 19-QuiLady of the Holy ' ...of ~il.ster.. ~. ...>.... : , teIephoM OS 3-1793 Rosary, New Bedford. MONDAY-Mass of the pre:vious or Write to: .. HART HolY ..Ghost, Attleboro. " Sunday,.. Simple. White. Mass' . , . clo Patricia' Urban, ". . May ~6ur Lady of'the Im-. : .',': , Proper; Gloria-;:,:Pi-eface ,.6f721,~~ Bo.ton':Ad:::~U:~. macUlate Conception, Easter.' ... . North Easton. TUESD~Y~t, . Anse,bn, Bishop, BEFO~E. 'YOU St. Vincent's Home, Fall ConfessOr' and 'DoctOr of; the, River. 'Church. Double. White. Mass BUY· - TRY St. Mary, Hebronville. ' . f.ro~r;. Glor~a; Creed; Pr~face May 7-Convent of the Holy of Easter. ,., " .• .-,.' . Union of the Sacred ...tEDNESDAy':"" SS; &ter and Hearts, .. Fall River. Caius, . Popes and' Martyrs.. Convent of the Sacred Siml>le. Red. Mass Proper;' OLDSMOBILE Hearts, Fa i r b a n. Gloria; Preface of Easter. ., Mount St. Mary's ConTHU'RSDAY-St. George; Mar- ' Ileitault • Peugeot .' Simca vent, Fall River. tyro Simple. Red. Mass Pro~; 67 Middle Street., Fairhaven GlOria;Prefac:e of Easter, '
_.-.. '," ......:" ..,.""" ....",....,.... PERFECTION .: i.·D' ·E'B'ROSS'E", OIL;.. •
132 Rockd.'•.
mur I
New B e d t o r d : ' ~ BEDFORD . WY, 5-79'4"7 ' . . ",.' " WYman 2-5534 , ,~
~ .. ~
r·······~~· LOBSTE~
'OATS '~RE-'¢OMING BRINGING::"" ;: " " KING SIZE,.·<';"4:.. ,"'" LOBSTERS'::,.:' .:. ,.... C l .~ . lb.;' . : . Mac1-EAN'S SEA 'fooDS
••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• t?
'Nations D'on't Dare
3 I
Thurs., Apr. 16, 19~
Start. NuclearoWar
Bishop to Ordain 16 on April ·25
DENVER (NC)-"If the Russians bombed us tomorrow they themselves would be destroyed by the fallout," according to Father Theodore Hesburg, C.S.C., Notre Dame University President. Father Hesburgh recalled an observation of the late his' own observations: "I think \the nations of the world 'ire too scientist Albert Einstein frightened of the possibilities of made when he was asked nuclear warfare to engage in it."
Most Rev. James E. Connolly, D.D., will ordain seven priests for service in the Diocese at 9 o'clock, Saturday morning, April 25 in St. Mary's Cathedral, Fall River. ' They ::tre: Rev. Mr. Robert W. Dowling, son of Mrs. Reginald how he th'ought another world Father Hesburgh, representaE., Dowling, 21 Notre Dame war might be fought. He said tive of the Vatican to the lnterStreet, Fall River, and the late Einstein's reply' was: "I don·t national Atomic Energy, said Mr. Dowling. know about the next war but-that throughout Europe atomic Rev. Mr. Bernard J. Lavoie, if there is one-the one after energy plants are in use, plore son of Mr. and Mrs. Hermenethat will be fought with sticks .ere being built and mucn of htis gilde Lavoie, 2~7 Leonard Street, and stones." energy is being used, by EuroFall River. The university president added' pean industry. He added that this Rev. Mr. Roger J. Levesque, program has united European son of Mr. and Mrs. Roger L. Lenations more than" any other \':3':ue, 119 Reney Street, Fall , program. GENERAL' MEETING OF APPEAL LEADERS: River. Asked about Russia and the Rev. Mr. John V. Magnani, son Daniel F. Sullivan, Hyannis. (right) Lay Chairman of the United States, Father Hesburgh of Mr. and Mrs. John N. MagSALT LAKE CITY (NC)-The replied: "The communists get C~tholi.c Charities Appeal, discusses the new pledge system nani, 24 Reed Avenue, North AtSister Madeleva Poetry Associa- credit for a lot of things. they WIth BIShop Connolly and Bishop Gerrard. tleboro. tion has announced its second don't ever do. I think we are Rev. Mr. Thomas C. Mayhew, annual poetry contest for stu- worrying too much about Uvsson of Mr. and Mrs. James. F. dents of Catholic universities sia. We· should try to reali.ze Meyhew, 6 Clarendon Street, and colleges will be conducted. our own clear cut goals raiher Boston. ' on a wider scale this year. . than be on the defensive. We Rev. Mr. Da~~l F. Moriarity, . Sister M. Franzita, association. should not alw,ays 'try to react· director, has reported at'the Col-. to what the,Reds have tione or ST. LOUIS,CNC)-The historic Some five blocks from the "Old son of Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Moriarty, 204· Williams, Street, 'd" L t' t' k t . -8t. Louis "Oli- Cathedral," pos- ·Cathedral." . .-ege of S.t.· Mary-of-the-Woods are mng. e s.s IC 0 our own Providence, that .this 'year's .c'o·ntest wI'II'be goals;!'·,' . . . . . ' sibly the ,oldest church ~>uilding /I'h . . west of the~Mississippi River , e remodeling project, exRev. Mr. John J. Smith, son of open :to students of' illl Catholic Father Hj:!squrgh. said, "a.1pect,ed to cost several hun'dred Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose J. Smith. still in use, as a parish church universitie~ 'and colleges 'in the tho\lgh it .is. important: ttlat we will get· a n1ajor rem'odeling thl~ thousand dollars, will, in,clude 144 Summer· Street, New B'edU.nited States, Hawaii ahd'Puerto . are good .in science, we -iave'to ' year,Archbishop Joseph E. Rit- . a.n air conditioning system. for. 144 Summer Street, New Bedfor' Rico. Last year' the. 'imiugural be structure. The 144 ·Silmmer St., New Bedford. .h tgood ' . ~n all fields." '.... ., He llald . ter of St. Louis,' has announced.' the ancient .stone . c<>ntest was limited to Catholic :~ a, raIsed. faculty allowances. . Built in 1830, the huge stone edifice was built by Bi~hop Nine La Salette priests will be . 'institutions i'n the Western states.. , l.n.recent e' edifice· has "been, selected .by the Rosati,· C.M., first Bishop of St. ord~ined at the .same ceremony. " t ye,a,rs have enabl~d.th. . , Th"e con t· ' May l'. 't· umverSI to aadsome· LOUI'S es t WI'11" c' I ose .'. h y'.' , ' . 20 dis' . , Federal government to remain' . , a't a cost . of $63360' be' .Each contestant may .enter two' .. mguls. ed schol~rs fro.m al~ parts on the Jefferson National Expan'- tween 1830 and 1834. " poems. There will be $50 $25 of .. the world. to the ~acul.y. sion Memori,al h e r e : ' . It was the third church to be and $10 prizes and two hono~able ,Pop~Lauds The memorial, covering' some consecrated as a cathedral here ~Rentions. . ' •. '. 5 39 blocks along st. Louis' Mis- and is located on the only 'block ~IC VATICAN' C·IT . ' Y '(NC) _ HI'S' sissippi riverfront, will include of land in the entire city which I~ .. o~ly two other historic buildings has never changed hands-the' H:oliness Pope ,John XXIII })liid ,-the Old' Court House, ·where plot laid out by Pierre LaClede ·:the woimin' of Italian Catholic the famed DredScott case was Liguest in 1764 for a church for R " DALLAS (NC) .. _ . Father "Actjon'the co;"1plimeritof hailing . tried just; pri~r,to the' War Be- ".'theCatlrolic people .of . St. 'James' I. Tucek, head, of U~e 'thein'as 'i'notthe 'weaker sex "t~'een"The'~tates; 'and'the Man- . Louis." Rome Bureau of the N.C.W.C. but as the "stro'ng sex" becau~uel Lisa trading post, a: small News Serv:ice, has been named., of their religious fervor. . stone buildinif dating' back to MILLiON DOLLAR bYHj~'Holiness Pope, John XXIII Speakirig to more than 8,O().\l t~ebeginning of the19th ·ceri. as.a papal chamberlain with the .",,:"omen .at' a g'ene'ral auiuence in .tury~ '. ' . '" INSURANCE B~~LROOM title of Very Reverend Monsig.. St. P~t..e r'sl;>asilica, the,I'ope sai4,: , . Parish'- Church APPRAISER nor.. '.' '''pte feminine movement is a . '.. Now known the Ch~rch of Av.ailable tor REALTOR .' This was announced here by , greatphenomenori!1the ~,istory. St. :J:,ouis ,.of France,.. the ·"Old Banquets, Testimonials. Etc. Bishop ',Thomas K, -Gorman of of the ~lloder:l. Church: What. Cathedral" has' a "'parish . ..Dallas-Fort Worth. Msgr.Tucek,. . u~ed. to. ,be called the 'weak~r,· c4urch" for downtown St. Louis For . Full Intormation' Cotttact OS 2-2000 , • priest of the, Dallas-Fort Worth· s~'x.' i,s, in fact, bef9re God, the'" since the construction 'of the ROl~ND. GAMACHE -1320 No. MaID si. diocese, is, a former. managing . strong sex becaus~ of its greater', ': present St: Louis cathedral. The .' FALL RIVER W~man 9-69U editor, of the Texas Catholic, di- 'paitiJ;:ipation in the exercise' ~.f .·"new" Cathedral~as opened for ocesan newspaper. ", the. Faith;" . . '. services in. 1914 and . is ' located . . .
Poetry Contest Close.s May' 1
Governn:-ent Selects Old St_ Louis .Cathedral as Nationaf Memorial
" ome' Ch.-ef'. H'· ,,' : ecelves onor,·'
Women' ,'A, S. t,rong Sex '
Gi'be,t C. O'ivei,a
I.. , .
Msgr. Tucek, 36,' who' joined the· Rome bureau of the world.- , wide Catholic news agency in 1955, is widely known in' the Catholic press field and recently ,received acclaim .for - an out-· standing reporting job during the period from the death of Pope· Pius XII through the coronation of Pope John. The priest-journalist, who was ordained in May, 1947,' brought to his Rome assignment a broad journalistic background; He took" graduate studies in journalism at Northwestern University, Evanston, Ill, and gained practical experience, in addition to that from the Texas Catholic post, by serving on the Tidings, Los Angeles archdiocesan newspaper," the Fort Worth Star-Telegram a daily newspaper, and the. Was·h.. ington, D. C., headquarters staff of the N.C.W.C. News Service. In addition, he took graduate studies in education at the Catholic University' of America in Washington. . :
YOUSUF KARSH Look 'for this New Art Tr~ll$ure b.y the World's Most Famous Photographer ..
19 in
Homemade Food Sale
The Parish Parade '<
ST. JAMES, NEW BEDFORD , The Msgr. Noon Circle is holding a rummage sale this week. ,To co'ntinue through Saturday it is being held from 10 to 5 daily at 1078 S, Water Street.. ST. DOMINIC'S, ' SWANSEA A motion picture showing, "Massachusetts ,Holiday" will feature the Monday,' April 20, meeting of the W om~n's Guild., Mrs. Eva Ashley, Mrs. George Lawton and Mrs. Fred Mason Jr. are in charge of the program. IMMACULATE CONCEPTION, FALL RIVER The Women's Guild will hold a communion' 'breakfast Sunday, 'May 3, and an installation baI).quet Tuesday, June 2. ' "
ST. PETER THE APOSTLE, PROVINCETOWN ' Holy Rosary Sodality members will hold a silver tea Sund~y, May 3; to which new members are invited. ST. JOHN BAPTIST, NEW·BEDFORD The Couples-Club will hold, its llerili-annua 1 pot-hick supper Sun'day, April 26, with Mrs. Norman Sunderland as 'chairman. Members -will attend corporate eommunion Sunday, May 3. and an evening banquet is scheduled the same da'y. ST. 'MARY'S, MANSFIELD The Catholl'c Women's Club -'1'11 recel've corpora' te" commu'nion and" hold, a communion breakfast thl' s Sunday. Rev. .....ennl·s C. Kane, O.P,," Providence JJI College, will be.' the speaker., A silver tea will be heid Sunday afternoon, April 26, from. 3 'to 5, witli: Mrs. Malcolm Fales and Mrs. Rufus Gallipeau, in eharge. The annual banquet is scheduled for Wednesday. May 13 with the executive committee ,m~king arrangements'. New' off-icers' include 'Mrs. James, Maddock, president; Mrs. Frank Prohodsky, vice president; Mrs. Irma /Gleason; recording llecretary; Mrs. Bernard O'Malley, ,corresponding secretary; Mrs. Edward Kane, treasurer. ST. PATRICK'g. '\. FALL RIVER New officers for the Women's Guild will be nominated at the Monday, May 4, meeting and inI ' stalled at a, banquet Tuesday, May 26. Mrs., Joseph Drobyski heads the nominating c0!Dmittee. '
HOLY NAME; FALL RIVER New officers, headed. by Mrs. William J. King, president, will be installed Tuesday, May 5" by the Women's Guild. Serving with her will be Mrs. Frank M. Kingsley, vice" pr:esident; Mrs. 'Thomas F. Burke Jr., secretary; Mrs. John J. Crawf9rd Jr., financial secretary; Mrs. Anthony D'Ambrosio, treasurer. ST. MARY'!'!. MANSFIELD The C.Y.O. will go on chartered buses Monday to Boston to attend a performance of the .newest Cinerama production, "South Seas Adventure". The group will be conducted by the Rev. Edward O. Paquette, assistant pastor. _ The Junior and Senior C.Y.O. bowling teams will soon terminate their season.
Prominent CqthoJics On Refugee Board
ST PIUS X, SO.' YARMOUTH The Hyannis Inn was tlie scene of the third annual Past President's' Dinner of the St. Pius X Guild of So. Yarmouth. Honored guests were the Spiriual Director, Rev. Christopher L. Broderick and the, Guild presideQt, Mrs. James Quirk. Past Presidents Mdes. Thoma's Conway,' Jerald Jodoin, Fr~d Hatch, philip Dempsey were presented by Mrs. Louis Parks, Toastmistress, and also a past pr, 3ident. . The speaker. of' the evening, Rev. Edward J. Mitchell, h$ld for his subject "Shrines of Europe", and shOwed coiored slides of his own taken while on pilgirmages to these fa~ous places. . , In, conformity with a, custom established subseque'fit to their tenure of 0ffice, Mrs. Philip Dempsey and Mrs. Fred Hatch ,were presented' with Hummel flower Madonnas by: the Guild members in appreciation for their, many and valuable contributions to the growth 'and- welfare of the organization. About '75 members attended. - "'-" ·ST. PATRiCK'S, }'ALMOUTH Sister James, OLVM will speak at, the third annual Communion breakfast of S1. Patrick's Guild; set for 10 '~unday morning at Connamessett Inn.
- THE ANf;HOR Thurs., Apr. 16, 1959
Cardinal Plans American" Trip
AT VINCENTIANS' ,.BREAKFAST:·Headtable guests at the- Communion Br,eakfast 'spOnsored by, the Attleboro Particular Council, St. Vincent ,de Paul Society,. included '(l~ft to right) Myles Daly" president/of the council; Rev. Edmund Dickinson, chaplain; Rev. Luke Chabot, O.F.M., speaker and Roland Fregauit,' president ,of Sacred' Heart Conference. Father Chabot is the broth~r of Rev. Gerard J. Chabot, pastor of St. Theresa's, Attleboro, and Rev. Bertrand R. Chabot, aSsistant at St. Anthony of Padua;··New Bedford. ~ Parac hilte'J umps "Marriage. VOWS,. ,One a'nd Same' for, German Re'ds '
ROME (NC)-His Eminence Alfredo Cardinal Ottaviana, Pro, Secretary' of the Supreme Sacred Congregation of the Holy Office, will arrive in New York on May 28 for a month-long visit in the United States. Th~ Cardinal will sail for America aboard the Augustus' on, May 18 and will be accompanied 'by Msgr. Henry P. Cosgrove, a Brooklyn, N. Y., priest who is American notary of the Holy Of-, fice Congregation. The Vatican official is scheduled to. receive an honorary degree. fr,or:n the University 01 Notre Dame, South Bend, Ind., , on June 6 and anothe'r from the Catholic' University of' America, Washington, D~ C., on June 7. On June 11, he is sCheduled to be present at a centennial celebration of the Archdiocese 01 Omaha, Neb., at which 'Arch~ bishop· Gerald T. Bergan 01 Omaha· also will mar.k the 25th ~ anniversary of his consecration. Also expected to be present at the June 11 ceremonies in Oma" ha's St. Cecilia's Cathedral are Their Eminences Francis Card... inal Spellman, Archbishop' 01 New York and James Francis Cardinal' McIntyre, Archbishop of Los Angeles. . , .; Cardinal ,Ottaviani will also 1 f' d . •... visit with pe~sona nen s m w.e . United States. ,. , ' , GEIRIA (NC)-The Leiria diocese's Catholic weekly, "A Voz do Domingo" (Sunday Voice), ' has announced it is being sued f by' Gen. Humber-to ,Delgado or . ..._ its remarks against him when IIC was an"antigovernment candidate during Portugal's presidential election last summ~r:
BERLIN (NC) - East Ger- with strictly communist-inspired many's .. Redshavlt- found that 'functions. . mar,riage ,vows' and parachute, At the'same time a communist jumps have something in com- publication has, urged young mon-they are - both open to East German paratroopers to rely ST. MARY'S CATHEDRAL," ,.. anti-religious propaganda. ,exclusively on their skill and FALL' RIVER , According to reports receiv~d equipment, and :not to pray be-The oaimual corporate, coni- h ere, the, communIs . t c h'Ie f s 0 f fore J'um pin . g. , munion of the Women's Guild the Soviet zone are seeking to' The official magazine of the will be' held at nine Sunday 1 t d't' 1 .' , ' ' , rep ace ra IlOna marriage communist, sports organization morning, and followed by break'. I d b" b 'd 1 fast at the Catholic Community vows WIth ape ge y rl a compared belief in what it couples ,"to maintain socialist termed an "unknown God" with· Center. Miss Anne' C. Kiencke, h'" d . th mcrease such known factors 'as . "wind" Superior Cour', probation officer, ' ac tatlevements anf k de ' . Q S e power .. 0 wor ers , an velocity, drop 'speed and one's, will speak. t " ' ' peasan s. ' own skill", and commented: ,ST. MICHA~L'S, The old-fashioned marriage I ' "If it should occur that we do SWANSEA formula has also Deen exten- not reach. our target, then no The ,Holy Name Society will/sively 'rephrased' to include a prayer car 'help us." , pa'rti~ipate in the American, promise "to respect each other, Legion's Memorial Day parade, care for, and help each other, together with members of Boy help each other's cultural and COME IN - SEE - .arid DRIVE Scout Troop 40, sponsored by the professional development, take society.' our decisions jointly and be inOther activities include a dissolubly true to' each other." _ Mothers' Day breakfast Sunday, The new formula was appar.....he World's Most Beautifully Proportioned Cars( May 10 and parti~ipat~on in 'ently drawn up as part of, the at' - Forty Hours' Devotion Sunday, East German IWds' recent efforts April 26. to replace religious' baptism, mllrriage and funeral ceremonies ST: JAMES, , ~' I ' , NEW BEDFORD "Msgr. Noon, Circle will meet BERLIN (NC)~World com:' ,FORD DEALERS FbR OVER '38 YEARS Wednesday, April' 22 with 'Mrs.' , 'munism 'is stepping 'up its efforts l344-86 Purchase St. New Bedford, Mass. , Ann,·Ryan 'as, chairman.' A rum" to promote atheism. " mage sale in progress at 1078 . S th W t St t '11 b h Id " Moscow Radio, ina broadcast ou a er ree WI e e , ,heard nere, announced that tqe from 10 to 5 through Saturday. Soviet Union had set up a coorST. ROCH'S, diI).ating council for atheism and, FALL RIVER religious ~riticism. It said', an , The Council of Catholic Men editorial in the communist newswill hold its lllonthly meeting at paper Pravda has called to task 7:30, Mondily .evenil?g, April 20 lecturers on atheism who bore ' in the parish hall. An interesting their audiences with' dull preprogram is ~lanned an~' members sentations., . are invited to bring guests. ,... ""
S' Po'per' ues Portugal , .'
Atheism'ln Russia
ST. ROCH'S, " FALL RIVER . The Women's Guild 'will hold a whist Wednesday, May 20. with Mrs. Hector J;larrette in charge. I
ST. LOUIS DE FRANCE, SWANSEA Ste. Anne's sOdality will hold ' its annual potluck supper 'Wednesday, May 2<', it 'Was announced at last night's meeting, which featured a bean supper. ST. ANTHONY'S, :t\IATTAPOISETT The May meeting of. the ,Altar' Rosary Soc,iety will feature a jewelry demonstration; Tickets for the Wednesday, June' 10, banquet will he ,available:~he group will receive, corporate communion Sunday. May 3. A variety show highlighted "'the April meeting.
J5c'SPECIALJ5c WALLET SIZE PICTURES Laminated (Seal in Plastic)
15c ea.2for2;>c p.p, 24 HOUR SERVICE .
A Delicious Treat
Look for lh'is sign for 'Compl~te One-Stop ,'Banking 'Service
ST. JOHN'S. ~ GENEVA (NC)-A represent- NEW BEDFORD ative of the Catholic Relief ServThe Holy Name Society bOwlices-National, Catholic Welfare' ing team will have ,its annual, Conference has tieen elected sec": , banquet. on May 24, at White's retary of the executive 'commit- , Restaurant. tee of the International CommitNew officers for the year 1959,te for the World Refugee Year. ,60 are :President Augustine MorHe is Jean J.,ChenarCl. Also a tagua, Vice ,President Manuel member of the n:ine-man execu- Cardoza, S'ecretary 'James Cartive committee is Dr.'T.'Stark of doza~ Treasurer Walter Espinola, the ,Interriation'~l Catholic Mi-:' Puhlicity Chairman Joseph Regration Commission. bello.
Serving The Community Sill~e 1825
*'Wutionu'l* . 'Made, ~Rite' 'Chips ~sk F~
Them Today
,e.I ~ BAN K
55 NORTH MAIN ST. Look for this sign for modern banking servlc.
THE ANCHOR Thurs., Apr. 16, 1959
,Propn!e Library, In Every Parish
CHICAGO (NC) - A recommendation that every Catholic parish in the country have ita own librar:, was made at the anilUal Catholir: Library Association meeting here. Some 1,000 librarians, priests, nuns, teachers and authofl attended the four-day sessiona in the Conrad Hilton Hotel. The association's new president, Brother Arthur Goerdt, S.M., of St. Mary's College, San Antonio, Texas, announced that the 1960 convention will be held in New York from April 19 to 22. Brother Goerdt succeeded Sister MarT Eone of 81. Teresa College, Win.;.' ona, Minn., as president.
Plan More Raids On Mail Order Filth Dealers, .WASHINGTON (NC) Postmaster General Arthur E. 'Summerfield said here the dramatic raids on the New York City headquarters of three firms charged with major operations in mailed obscenity are a prelude to similar ones in other areas. He said in a statement after the 'raids that "we intend ~ press this program to clean up the mails all over the United States." Earlier; he announced that government agents had simultaneously raided headquarters of three of the nation's "large, defiantand ruthless purveyors of mail order filth." The raids, he said, dealt a "devastating and history-making, blow against the multi-million dollar mail order business in ob-, scene films, slides, pictures and circulars." He called them the "largest single action (of this type) on record." "The action taken," he declared, "will be welcomed by the Am,erican' ,people iIi all walks of life and all sections of the nation ~ho have received or seen their children receive unsolicited obscene materials from these puryeyors.'; Three Indicted Mr.. Summerfield said postal inspectors and U.8. marshals, acted after opening of sealed indictments returned by a Federal grand jury in New York charging 'three men with using the mails to distribute pornography and obscenity. The Postmaster General stated that each of three "has a long record of using the mails to sell porgnography and obscenity, either under present business names or under fictitious names which. were adopted when the department attempted to bar them from using the mails." Thousand!: of complaints which "flooded" the postal department prompted the raids, Mr. Summerfield said. "The protests eame from leading clergymen, parent-teacher associations, high .chool principais and college and university presidents, news-' paper editors and alarmed parents by the' thousands," he explained.
Special Apostolate
HOLY FATHER INSPECTS VATICAN PRESSES: Pope John chats with the pressmen of L'Osservatore Romano, near th~ Vatican daily's modern presses. At extreme left 'is Giuseppi Cassetta, vice director of the paper's press section. At Pope's right is Father Savino Zagaria, administrative director o~ both the newspaper and the Vatican Polyglot Press. NC Photo. .' . , ,
Msgt. Thomas Fitzgerald, chairman of the National Office for Decent Literature (NODL), advocated the establishment of. parish libraries as a special apostolate. .. Emphasizing the purpose of a parish library, Msgr. Fitzgerald said:' "To me, then, the parish libra-ry has as its primary,responsibility, the duty to bring the truth to men of all age's and educational' backgrounds in a world where in their everydaT life and contacts this truth bu been distorted."
We FORD Dealers 'inv.ite you to
•• 1HE WOIlD'S MOST , The 1'0I"d Oaleud.,Tcnfn YlctOltll
',in sales AD, acrOIM America folb have been fiockingto the 59 Ford. Come Bee for - ~lf bow oUr terrific "'let'Ullgive the moet terrific deals ever-in' • IR-lUId-._ Fordl '
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No big-size, big-BellinI( ears sell for 80 little. Fairlane 500 Fords are priced , up'to $102.76 ... thaD ,anything comparable; 'equip~ the' way moat. people want them.
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FMd • built for people. , Ford'B door openings ..... wider • • . Ford's seat. are full-CUlIhioned aU. the way across,... Ford givell 'the most room and com, fort wbere it counts.
Ford. are the world'. most beautifully propol'tioned ears! You can teD at a glance! Every cleaDcut line 'says '''l'hunderbird" '... every graceful ClOntour says "gooci ~"I
NEW PAPAL STAMP:' , Featuring two designs, .-set • f "f 0 u r commemorative postage stamps depict Pope Joh,. at his coronation and his' coat-of-arms in red and blue. It is the first stamp oa which, the present Hoi,. I'-ather appears. NG, Photo.
Come see our f.D.I.f. -
" •• ",'DI~HIE' ,OF"~""~~IV~.:" ...~... <':~' :',"-~<:'"
,,"6 ','~?~~THE'ANCH~'
Clifton 'FadiInan' has,' outlined \a~' Lifetime, of Read~ng Plan. He has selected a hundred books that would introduce - t)le reader to three thousand years of history, to the stream of Western civilization 9f which he is a part..~ In listing three books' of the Middle Ages, :Mr. Fadiman Ilpeaks of this period that "saw a magnificent flowel'irig in art, at:chitecture, sculpture, theology, and certain kinds of literature. It was the period during which the Catholic Church preserved much of the riches of" classical civiiization and instilled faith and order into soCiety. Much of its literature is difficult to' read; and most 'of us are no longer able to appreciate the great work of its theologians, particularly, St. Thomas Aquinas, one of ,the mas~erminds of all t\me." That statement gives rise to many questions. Here a sincere, and 1 intelligent man gives'' praise to the Church and her great minds but implies that the Church's ~, contributions are like museum pieces-masterpieces but not understood, touching little upon life, possessing no sense of urgency to make people seize upon them. o Is 'it that Catholics have not succeeded 'in presenting the Church's iiterature' in an attractive enough way,' , Is it that Catholics are too' conj;ent to boast about -' Aquinas instead of showing how his thoughts 'and words apply to today's cases. , , ' , '"", Gould it be 'that today's, mind, ha:s, lost the ability to trasp the great truths that the Ghurch and her writers have io offer. .' " , , ',' , , ' Or is it that. one must possess the' gift of ,Faith not to, " admire only but to understand what' the Church has to offer. It would seem tl.J,at Catholic intellectuals have their work cut out for them-to show today's man 'that the Church and hir writings can be appreciated and are guides for living.
Apr. 16, 1,959
Weekly Calendar Of Feast Days TODAY-St. Bernadette, ViI'gin, ,She was Bernadette Soubirous, born afLourdes, France, ill 1844, the daughter of a' miller in' poor circumstances, Between February 11 and July 16,· 1858. when she was 14, she was favored with a series of 18 apparItions of the Blessed Mother, whe( chose the uneducated peasant girl to reveal to the world the healing shrine at Lourdes. In , 1866 she joined the_ Sisters, of Notre Dame. She died in 1879 and was canonized in 1933;
Build ,and' Keep " Several writers of national news have' mentio~ed a freak black cloud. that enveloped the city 'or: Washington just at three o'clock on ,Good Friday afternoon.' , \, "Without a whisper of: a warning,'! one of ,theni,wrote,' "our city was abruptly shut from the' sky by a ,cloud that turned 'mid-afternoon to midnight. Then came an eerie yellow glow. No one around lierehad seen anything like it. At the .capitol, where the old hands are buffered against sensationalism,' the phenomenon stirred some awed, subdued speculation .•• You would have had to see and feel that damp, stiileddarkness to believe it. It was only a freak deep cloud,' as it turned out.'" , There is no point in speculating on this phenomenon. But it is interesting to note the reaCtion to it. , Apparently. many persons thought that'this"was an atomic bomb, that Washington had be,come a target of enemy attack: When the (flbud lifted several neighborhoods were moved"into action and drew, up plans for bomb shelters. That is a very practical reaCtion to the 'possibility that \ "it can happeJ:l here." But it does so bring back the words of the Psalm: "Unless the Lord build the house; they labor in vain that buila it. Unless the Lord keep the city, the guard keeps watch in vain:' , " . The shelter that will protect best from harm and danger JS not a concrete bomb, shelter but a shelter of prayer that each individual raises over his owp. 'life.
, PUblishe~ . '
we~k"y by The C,ciih~li~ P~essof, th~.D.ioces~ ot Fall' River " "'410 'Highland' A~enue' . .., Fall River, Mass.' , , OSborne 5-7151
,PUBLISHER" ,Most ~e.v.:, James L. Jonn'ally ,
D.O.,- PhD.
GENERAL· MANAGER ," ASST; GEN.ERAL MANAGER, Rev~ panie,l 'F. S~a"oo: M.A••. "',R~~. Jc;>hn' P:.Dr:iSCOU:-, MANAGING EDITOR . Hugh J... Golden '
". t
c.;or;es I:Worl(""'Shows True'
Stature .of", St.iThetese,' ~ ,'.
Thurs;,''Apr. 16,: 1959
By 'Rt~ Retr~' MSgl-~ Joh"" S."Kennedy Ida,. Friederike ,Gorres, has spe~t I ye~rsstudying st:. Therese' of ·LisiEiux. A massive book entitled. The Hidden Face (Pantheon. $4;95) is the fruit· of her'lonk labors. The Englisn version is a translation, by Richard arid Clara Win- ' '. ston,' of the eighth revised One'may say, "What is singular edition of the German ori- about that? Isn't all true spiritgina!. Even the person who uality God-centered?" The fact thinks that he knows all of. the mattei' is that much
,Na'tionalCathol'ic :M'e,n:, Urge Fi'rm Berlin Policy , DETROIT (NC)-The National Council of Catholic Men has pledged to work "in every prudent way" to create
about ·the saint has surprise in spirituality, at least ahe pracan "environment in which intestore for him in these pages. Fo.r U5e it, is self-centered. gration can be achieved and disMrs. Gorres has ' . That 'is, we concentrate worcrimination ended." I i f ted every riedly on self, watching ourAt its biennial convention here avail.able parselves minutely, charting our the NCCM General .Assembly ticular abo u t progress as if the soul were a promised that the men's council The res e, her stock on a broker's board. Even will work for "universal acceptfamily, the Carour penances are directed not to ance" of Church teaching eonmel of Lisieux,' pleasing 'God but to our own demning racia~ discrimination. and com e up .perfection ("spiritual beauty1V i i h so m s cUlture,'" the author calls ·the The approved resolution em,novel theories. latter)., • phasized "the teaching of the Her approach Complete Submission .. Catholic Church has, always proto,ihe subject is' Therese's,wl;lY was to'forget self" claimed the brotherhood of all objeetively critto ,submit eht(relY to ,G;Q<;t, to look " men under Fatherhood of God', leal. She is not ,to Him fOil· eyerythiri$, Jo give" and condemns racial discriminasuirry":~yed and . self into Histhinds to do with as tion and enforced segregation of ' hostile or patronizing. Her pur:" He "Will,~' t~L(accept ~verythil).g ~ persons because of race, colol: or MASS: Members of the Reserve Unit 320, ,creed." '.. pose is to see what is there, to as from Hii1t, ·to:,dg. a]l,for Hin.l;,seEr it clearly to see it' in :its ' and never to fret This requires M.P" .B~tta,lio~:'.of.f~ted¥ass Sunday.: ~fternoon .at the MilAnother resolution warned context, and to interpret'it intel- simplicity and strength. It also ligently and conscientiously: is tremendously practical. . itary Training .Center, Attleboro. Rev. Rene ,Chabot, M.S., • "failure of the western powen to stand' firm''- in the Berlin 'crisis Since she is highly competent, It precludes fussiness and' was celebrant and the serv~rs :were Captain Curtis W. would "encourage further i1g~' a 'hard 'l\[,orker, and willing to waste. We wonder, for example, gre!ision" by the Soviet Union.· review her materials repeatedly what our special cross is to be. Leonard Jr. (left) and Captain LaFrance ~(right). and revise her findings minutely,': Or we go looking for· crosses ,to the result is a book commanding' bear. In Therese's case, tlieaurespeCt· arid' sustaining interest thor observes, ~her life itself . through more than 400 pages of' was her cross, not one or anoth~r small print event in it'" , ' Hel," conclusion is highlY,favor- . The o'rdinary, everyday IOUMADISON (NC)'- Non~essEmable to the saint. And. siuce this, ' tin'e;' made, lip of SO many insig;' tial, Wisconsin businesses will be ' SUPER-RIGHT is cooly, reached" with. fastidious ",. nificant, little, ,things" she re- < forced, to close .qn Sundays under, avoidance .of ,mawkis~ne~s and,. garded .l;ls; he~, cross, andwbat. teJ:llls of a bill..being considered HEA CORN-FED STEER BEEF refusal to exaggerate, it ..Is the :. made ,it of such powerfUl spirit- 'by'the WiSCOnsin Legislat~re. lD«;)re, impressive. , . ' ual effect, was her 'embracing ·The,measure is 'aimed at auto " One feels that, perhaps; for· the" and ·enduring it with ,love. dealers and businesses in a grow- ' , first. time, one is aw~re: of th!! .····"Siiriilg .of MOSs " ing" number' of suburban shop.., ; true ,stature of Therese, as well, ',' Mrs.' Gorres reminds' us' that .. pingc~nters of metropolitan cen- -as of the full extent of her imit-, _ Therese "once' spoke <of' herself ters., Drug,' stores, restaurants,. ability. For this volume, gives as'a 'sprig of moss in the bouquet fiUirig statIons and mo.tion pic- , 118 not merely a candid likeneSs among showy flowers: This win- ture' theaters .would noi be af- . of'the saint, but also an analysis . some image 'captures, over lind fected: . ' ';' :---.' ,SI.LO~ of 'her spirituality which can, beyond whai she, intended, with B,usine~llriten;,~ho observe an- : lerve anyone as a roadmap for' astonishing precision her place other day besides Sunday as the Ilia own use. ' In the Church. For never does a Sabbath and c.1ose their busi-: , Ba8ed on Tradition single 'moss plant occur by itself nesses' ,on that day would be 'Th~rese was not, the autho.r in nature ... it is in the nature exempt. ' " . holds, original. That is, her of this kind of plant to appear The ,first offense would bring , doctrine and her way were not in colonies." " a Penal,ty of ~p' to $25. ,The vio- .. -,,." newly minted by her and withIn the landscape of the Church lator would 'be.liable for fines out antecedents; It goes, without there 'is also 'moss'-that modest up to $500 and up to 90 days in . saying that they owed much to ground.:.caver' 'of 'quiet,' 'little jail :for _ subseq~t offenses. . the Gospel. -- " Christians who are, as. individ~' They also were based; wit- . uals;' inconspicuous and 'unim.. tingly' or unwittingly, on an porta-Iit; but who, as a vast united : BEAUTIfUl, established tradition in French body" which 'remains constant' ~iritual thought. And they drew tQl-ough the centuries, form the; heavily on' the example and protective, carpet around the teaching in 'her own home. roots of life, conserving for these DINNERWARE This' last point is· of sPecial the nutritive moisture." Sparkling beauty moment. It is not nearly so well It is the chief. distinction of. for your family known, how much the others this book that it persuasively tabl~ or fancy contributed to the forming of demonstrates the possibility and 'entertaining. ' the saint. To make her authentic the means for each of us to be glory shine the more splendidly, moss in the Theresian sense. Bread & Butter her sisters rigorously hid the exWhen the reader has forgotten Plate FOR -.v 2Sc IRELAN,D • ENGLAND ten.t of their parents' and their the almost prodigious massing FEATURED THIS. FRANCE", GERMuANY own sharing in qualities and e.x:- and scrutiny of details which WEEK - WITH periences which, by such editing, pack Mrs. Gorres' lengthy chapT.aNEW YORK ANY PURCHASE make Therese stand forth as ters, and the boldness and deliAT A&P. unique. Mrs. Gorres makes point cacy with which she. plucks MAY16 after point in support of this away ,layer after layer of the ,J(JLY 30 • AUG. 2~ thesis. veils with which the mystery 61!PT.18 .' OCT. 15 She also stresses crucial factors of Therese is swathed, he is In Therese's childhood: One, .for likely to remember-and to be example, is the love with which trying, to put in practice-the she' was surrounded from her 'principles of the little way. SUPER-RIGHT earliest days. It' was a love pure, diSInterested in the best se~, More Murder and supernaturally oriented. It seeing the title The Broken was sheerly' and sublimely Rosary on a bOok jacket, one' Christian. would probably guess that the, AZORES. PORTUGAL It was not soft It did itself 'the contents' are almost anything ITALY. SICILY best Of all disCiplines. It set else except what they prove in GREECE. ISRAEL high' standards, called attentio'n fact" to be. Harold and Grace to' faults calmly and construc- Johnson have so labelled a murTasOLVMPlA tively, showed the ,right way der mystery of their joint author,DeWest, fastest from' Boston and gave,; every incentive and ship" (l3r~ce. $3). . . '. , MAY 7 ·.;'ULY 25 help in following it. In this love' _It is not a very good murder AU'G.:26 '~ SEPT. 23 ean be seen the seeds of God ntystery, although it' has the, 'OCT.20. DEC.12 which'1s first" ahd hist" in- potentials 'which,)! properly ,de.... HEAVY CORN-FED Therese's doctrine. v'elqpEfd,', might have. made k Sensitive Coliscience notable of its kind. The scene is 'STEER BEEF Arlother point is the sEinsitive an Ohio ,c~ty of medium size. ahd correct conscience' which' The v'ictim~ the county, pro$e,. Therese, with the assistance of ' CU~Qr. is ,a poor sort. of Catholic, '''11 'III/I! 111111' '\ her' fami'ty,' formed' from the who is '. ,shot while. <pjJlli~g a' "SQulng; from 'N~w York day.4huid beginning. Het conscience" was rosary. ou t, ,of his pocket. Tbe . " ' . - -.1' . Prtces _ Ia tills ad ~ ~ Sit.• AlIrfII8' ~ .. _ - i l l & ttc.... firmly' set on whlifis 'good, and suspects are numerous., And the', ' she learned to obey aut of love; succ.e!!sJ,u,i ;sieuth is .aYoun~" ' me;' strongest' and surest of newspap~rman.. . ;' motives. . , It is on .s~cb.- lllechaJlics that "'Central to Therese' way is the present 'entry is weak. And 4t9 Boylston 'St.; Boston 16 -awareness of God, the realization' the denouement • hastily run of "His .love, and the assurance th'rough, :hs' a 'quality' "of 'inap-" that;He, tIlrough His grace, can positeness' to what precedes it"'. do anything. Her' spirituality, toat 'Ieaves the' reader' feeling therclore, was GOd:..centercd."··, ~heated.' : .' , , ,,' .:! /",,)'
Wisconsin Wars ,On Sun day SaIes
.''In-coR"e···Ta~·S.tru9gle Ma'kes" Weary Columnist: Cry '~ncle' By .Mary Tinley Daly
~ . . . .Of"
.. 8'
Sucordium Club .
Meets Ton i ght-
Thurs.• Apr. 16, 1959
Dear Unele S a m '. An expression seldom heard nowadays is, "Say Uncle Vividly it comes back to me as a subconscious remembrance of two little boys slugging it out, each determined that the . , will cry. "Uncle!" be- corded in check .books, but .why ether fore being walloped' into. a hadn't we kept track of those pulp. ' dollars put in the mission envelThose little boys' of my opes? •A dollar to India; one to
The Sucordium Club of the Academy of the Sacred Hearts of Fall River will hold its annual business meeting at 7:30 tonight iII ~he school hall on Prospect Street. The nominating committee will present a slate of officers for .ele·ctiOll. Mrs Hugh J. Golden is chairman of the committee which includes Mrs: William M. Cleare, Mrs. G.Richard Duffy, Mrs. Howard J. Marcoux and Mrs. John J. White
childhood are now grown men, Africa--every' week, at leasf a eI. eourse, but it occurs to me few.; : We're not smart, taxt h'a t t heY, . wise, Uncle Sam. wherever they While the Head of the House are, at t his shuffles papers, mutters and , time.of·the year covers papers with figures, we m" the··same· put your tax form into the' type_... . Miss Mary. Jane· Swanson, position, taking writer and, without a bit of ashome economist of tlie Fall River &0 where I't hurts sistance, write name, address, . ., . . . Gas Company, will'. present -...this . tim.e in . social security numbers and oc.. , F da " t fu r th er. :FREEDOM CRUSADE AWARDS: Mrs..Mark demonstrc.t!on.· 00 pOcketbook. cupation -: and awal '..' , A: Thei~-. ". . cooking cooked. duriT'.g the demonstration The and we . instruction. sen (left) of Covingt.on, Ky''.' :presid·ento.f.,. . t,he.· N.atio.,nal· 'll'b' " d' 'd t ' b' .'," ..y, '.' '. The further instruction is deWi! e ewar e . .0 mem ers,.of all (I f '1 e u r . . Council of Catholic Women, receivEls. a dual· a~. ard fiom :t'tt~, the audience." . ) . .i ' ." d pressing. To. be dishonest, w e ' d . ; . . ., '. . .,.. \, ',. ~;.e ~·e.i. a n land in jail; to be honest, looks Crusade for Freedom, for the NCCW's continuing' suppor,t . Mrs; .. David .W.. Boland club
;ncl~;le:.~7e!li., ~::i I;
· '~'re BAM!" addtng the MBt-:--."UJICle .U
::.:.ugh we'Uland in poorthe H d f th H While ea ready; 0 e I ouse lets final' figures leaf
~~hth~Cr;:~~:~ro(~~;~)~~'eJ::~~~;:~~nw~~:'~:::a~~ :. ~~~~idc~~t.~~~;e~hilian;e:;i:;a: n. .' . .' " .' .' . .... . .. ,.
eX~,utIve secreta~y,. NCCW,looks o.n. NCPhoto~; .
guest to thIS mee.hng. TIckets for .the annual billiquet on May 7 at
~ ~:o~:s~ ~~~:o~~~e~a::en~~k:~ 'Crusade for Freedom' Gives AWd[iJ"s,:' ~~~n~h;i~:~ o~f;~~i~~l:'il~:be
· ·Re.iohitei,.,we again'open · H ::page . booklet, shuddering a $5,000' or. less, and ~as' seven d e - ' . :. .;. . ' ".. " .. ,. , the Plile one ominous the tax is only $56'Exam "Tupayel's who waitunV e and if there are eight dependentS lutJilinute often make. costly or more "There is no tax." Now . WASHINGTON' <i'~C) -: Two .' traffic' safety. He: pOinted . o~, ". Theannu~l scholarship contest miStakes." Uncle; we've paid awards from. the Crusade for as an' example, that to drive: will, be held at Sacred Hearts · early, we've paid late, and it'. that's magnanimous, Uncle!! Freedom were presented to the through stop.... 'sign, 'be Academy, Fairhaven, Saturday alWays costly.. . Beyond Our Means National .Council of Catholic sinful, depending, upon' ·the: morning, April 25. Eighth .grade We spread everything out, on .As the final tax is readied, we· ' Women during a training session.. ·Seriousness. of the occasion.. " pupils from public, parochial, 1IIle dining room table: amounts wonder-where are these tax here for the councii's 34 il~tional Preparations for seven leade'r- . and private schools are eligible. paid t.o us, receipts,. canceled dollars going? Cynically, we· committee chairmen and' vice·' ship. training, institutes to, ,be' The competitive examination checks, deduction slips, etc., etc. eonsider how many cents or ehairmen. conducted from JLine. ~o' August. will pegin at 9 and end a1' noon. It overflows onto four chairs and mills of ,our. tax' dollars are. a , A certifkate of appreciation at seven locations in the country., Application blanks may. be obtiM floor. . donation to a front porch Of. a for ihe NCCW's "'outstanding ranging from 'Burlington, Vt., ·to tained from school' pr.jncipals or On pag-e lour we.note th/at ''If !:ongressman? How many more asSistance" in the Crusade's.HJfJ9 Oakland, Calif.; were 4iscussed froin Sacred Hearts Academy. of d ' . f or: campaign was presented ' . at. the sessions. 'At these lnsti,. married at the en . your will be used f or I Imousmes., by John They should be filleq in and ' kets f or A. DeChant of the Crusade"staff, tutes training will be .cente.red . returned' to the Academy on . or tallable year, you are consl'dered expensive foreign Jun married for the entire year." our elected repre!lentativesand to Mrs. Mark A .. Theissen of Covaround .th~ fields of. youth aQd before. Tuesday, ·April . 21. . int'erWell, Uncle Sam, we. ,ve b een their wives? And .what per cen t In,,ton, Ky., NCCW president. .child' welfare, "the aging,' . , \ group' relations and. the efl:ect' married at the end of 30 taxa bl e will be tucked into the "sl.a.c.ks --eoAlso prese'nted to Mrs. Thei,,of .internatiorial rehitions 'years, so we're considered mar- pockets of youngsters mdls-' M~n and to NCCW was a porce,. . .on . the". ..... replica of the Freedom Bell local communi~y. ried? Nice ~ know. pensable" to~heir Capito! Hil1 lain We read and on, through fathers as offIce help whIle.', at in Berlin for the "cohtinuing ftDally cOming to "How to find our expense. they are furthermg and extraordinary. sUPIlor,f' ; your tax", fingers 'going their education?. given by Catholic worn_en .to Ute > 'across the lines·... We delve into . Our children, too, w?rk "part Crusade and to Radio Free Eui",I.C.A. We go back to ihebegin- time"--,-but not aLan $11,000 per' 'ope: In making the presentation CITIES SERVICE ning.and the fin~ print. We' annum level-while. ,going- 10 Mr. DeChant observed thai the DIStRIBUTO,RS' search for "copy B of form W _2" . college. to help ~ucate th~m- 'only recent award of a .Freedom ANTED f~t+te' aDd attach,lt, as you tell us. Selves,. our sons, and da~gh~eTl Bell replica was' made to'. Mr.s., : . . Where Did It Ge ' must not make moreth~~ $6O(l:--' DwighL D. Eisenhower at th,·.· 'Priesthood ondBroth~rh6~d... Gasof!,.,e L-c::,ck- of hinds. NO. impecfi. We add and subtract; multi;. less. than basic tuition in coll~ge. White House. ·m~nt.·· " , . . '.' ply and divide, .. Surely we We, the ordinary people, want Special Grant Fuel and. Range Write ~: didn't make that much? We to help you in this fight ,for eedom Dur'I'ng the three-day training ne'ver e-"w it. Where did it go? f r , Uncle Sam'But . as' we P. Box 5742 . . .... made ,that much, we see I, 't the government l'S not meetm'g the chairman and vi.::e , If we 'd Baltimore 8. Md. '. b eyond'ts i ncome, chairmen 'were instructed in would hav.e-well, you wouldn't on Iy I·Ivmg 1 , Oil BURNERS . but also beyond' that of .committee operations, leaderbe interested... y our smcere . f' ship techniques and. in special nen d , G. E. BOILER BURNER UNITS There are deductions - chil"Taxpayer" traffic safety programs 'l'he dren, of course. And charity... sessions were made possible by For prompt· delivery the organized charities are re:a special $6,000 grant :Crom ~Qe '& Day & Ni~ht Service New Scholarship Open Allstate Foundation .£o!' safety Hibernian Auxiliaries To Italian Descendants i programs and leadership trainRural Bottled Gas Service Plumbing-- Heating
To Counci'l' of Gotbol icWomen ." .. , .···Fai;j,~~veti can
a ..
&- SON,... Inc.
. . ,:.- 'Fathers' . .' : -
•• ~
'. BOyS.W
To Make ~iigrimage
New Bedford, North Attleboro and North Easton members ,of the Ladies' Auxiliary, Ancient Order of Hibernians will join in the second annual pilgrima~e to the shrine of Our Lady of Fatima in Holliston, Sunday, May 17. New stations of the cross will H dedicated by Bishop Jeremiah 'Minihan, Boston auxiliary, 'who will alaO deliver, the .ermoa 41 the day.
CHICAGO (NC) - An Italian in~t a dinner given by. the cultural organization, La RinAutomotive Safety Founda'ion ascita, has announced a $2,000 in the Dupont Plaza Hotel, }o'ascholarship for' graduate study ther Edmond D. Benard, assoin Italy in the field of art, music ciate theology professor at the or literature. Applicants must be Catholic University of America, women of Italian descent who discu~ the moral aspects of will have received a bachelor'. 0. degree by June 1959, and, have New Bedford. Juniors . a .speaking knowledge of Italian. Application must be filed . by New' Bedford Jilliio~"'DaugbApril 30_8t La. Rinascita, Rosary . ters of Isabella will hold' a moth";' . College,. River Forest, 111. . ers' tea, Sunqay, May 17, with Miss Priscilla Sharpa.s chairman. A dance is planned for June' and 'a cake sale for Saturday, Ma~ 2:
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.' .' (HAIRS
HONOR SOCIETY MEMBERS: Rev: Roger Poiriet; director of Jesus Mary, Academy of Fall River, presents membership cards to Honor Society members (left to right) J~ette. Gamache, ,Dolores. Larrivee aDd. Pauline LeBoeuf.
.APRIL . \16'~. 17 • 18'and 20 .. ....
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Rugs Offer .PleasingVariety Luxury Look to All Rooms·
TtH: ANCHOR -' , Thurs., Apr. 16, 1959
'. \Diocesan Council Meets on Cape
By Aliee Bough Cahill Today's market offers us such a wide variety of £Ion.. eoverings that it is hard to realize there .was a time when ~aving any kind of covering on yo~r floor was a luxury. Did you know that bare wood floors were the lot of JOUr ancestors until they permanent part of your home to ltad enough money to cover, point ~p the perllonality and the floor with canvas? decor ,of the room'it"adorns. You Of course, if you had a buy rugs and carpets only two
" Plans 'for the Annual District Meeting were announced at the final quarterly Council meeting of District 5 of the Diocesan Council of Catholic Women of Fall River at' St. Francis Xavier Hall, Hyannis. Very Rev. Leonard' Daley, District Moderator, in a brief address, thanked the Council members for their prayers during nis illness" and congratulated them on their effective work. Mrs. William C. Welch of W. Harwich, 'District Chairman of Discussion Groups, said that Rev. Fr.ancis McCarthy, D i 0 c e san Moderator'·of Discussion Groups, will'be the guest speaker at the annu'aF ineeting, to be held' at the KriighJs of Columbus Hall; Brick Kiln Road; Falmouth, 01'1 SundaY'a,tternoon, May 3, at 2.. The :program, with St. Anthony's League of Catholic Wome'n as' hostesses will open with the annual business meeting and election of officers at 2 o'clock followed at 2:45 by, a speaker and a question period. Tea will be served at 3:15 and the program, will close at 4 o'clock with Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament .and installation of officers at 5t. Anthony'. Church, East Falmouth.
nnter in the family, he exer- or three times in your life. The right choice can bring you cised his prerogative and the lasting satisfaction; the wrong femily sported choice may plague you daily. a bear rug. The You might ask yourself these warmth of the questions: 1) Which colors give tur was greatly best service? 2) Which texture appreciated, beis most suitable for my needs? eause floor s 3) What is the best type of in-' were cold and' stallation? 4) What is the best Ileat sparse. lining to use if I am carpeting . Then, when from wall to .wall? 5) How much .omeone PLANNING SPRING RETREATS: Miss Louise B. Finnell should I pay for good carpets brought in an of New Bedford (standing) Diocesan chairman of spiritual today? ' Oriental rug, 'which was far 'The range of floor' coverings development," studies the work Of members of .the Retreat Uld above the goes from struCtural materials, 'League as they. develop the schedule. Seated (1E~ft to'right) average settler's means, a skill- ,such as wood, tile, ,cement and Mrs. Yvonne' C. Hamel of Fall River, president of Our,Lady jul soul stenciled designs on a stone, to applied materials like of Good Counsel Retreat League; Mrs. Gilbert J. Noonan , eanvas floor covering to' simu- linoleum, rubber, cork and plaslate an expensive Oriental rug. ,tics in sheets or tiles, to loose of Falmouth, member of the speakers' committee and Miss, Stenciled floors,' sans canvas; rugs and carpets of cheap felt Margaret V. Lahey of Fall River, chairman of the speakers' ' , ' " also were considered quite eleor precious weaves like Oriental bureau. rugs. " eant. We've gone a long way from Soft floorings are desired' for' .ose primitive styles and now their feeling of., luxury ,an'd . . Rev. William J. McMahon,di- purpose the encouraging of lay 1be selection of a rug or carpet warmth, for their tapacity to Ie governed by' varying condi...; deaden ,noise and echoes and ·to rector 'of 'Our Lady' of Good retreats. Cathedral Camp is lotions which must be taken into' enhance the decorative scheme Counsel Retr'eat League for the cated on Middleboro Road, Diocese of 'Fali River, announces Route 18. eonsideration if an intelligent with ,color, texture imd pattern. the '1959' retreat schedule at eboice is to be made. When floors are' bad, carpet Cathedral Camp, East Freetown, New Bedford Breakfast Choice ,A Problem them from wall to, wall. If they Choosing the right carpet can are good, allow a margin of six' to be as foHows: The C~tholic Women\s Club of' April 24 to 26, junior and sen1te a problem, because' it is an inches 'or a fQot to two feet 'all PRESCRIPTIONS New Bedford will hold its annual tlDportant purchase. It becomt;s a around~one foot for a medium- io.r girl~; May. 1 to 3, laymen; communion breakfast Sunday, Joseph A. Norris, Jr. May 8 to 10,'Sodality Union; May sized room, two feet for a very May 3, Highlighting the April Reg. Pharm. 15 to 17, j unioJ: ang senior large room'. meeting was a performance by 686 Pleasant St. boys; May 22 to 24, laywomen; Carpet generally includes an May 29 to 31, freshmen and the Three Arts Trio, chalk artist , New Bedford and harpists. Six new members weaves and textures, but when sophomore girls. WYman 3-3918 were admitted. Plans for the sixth annual con-' 0( limited size, woven all around, June 5 to 7 is reserved for wntion of the Fall River Dioc- it is referred to as a rug, whether Coyle High School seniors; Sept, .an Council of Catholic Women plain or patterned; Today most 12 to 13, St. Vincent de Paul SoDAUGHTERS OF ST. PAUL ...e well under way, according carpeting is plain or of' a re- ciety; Sept. 25 to 27, laymen; Invite pung girts (14-231 .. labor .. to Mrs. Emmett P. Almond, strained over-all pattern that· Oct. 2 to 4, laywomen. Christ', vasl vineyard as GIl "pOlIte of .... tends to appear flat; most carpetDiocesan president. Edition.: Press, Radio. Movie. aitd l ... Oct. 9 to ·11, Legion of Mary; ..lsion. With' these modern _.... th_ Scheduled for Saturday, May 16 ing is promisin;; but, so far, ex- Oct. 16 to 18, laymen; Oct. 23 to' "issionary Si,ten bring Chri.... Doctrine lit Kennedy Community Center,., pensive. Cotton rugs are made 25, laywomen; Nov. 6 to 8, 10 aU. re\JCIrdl.n of ,ace. color or creed. )few Bedford, the' convention in flat weaves, using bulky yarns, Franco-American laywomen. Fe. iftfot....atiOll write 10: will open at 10 with registration / and in pile effects, either' with a Mrs. Yvonne Hamel, Attleboro, ' ,, REV, MOTHER SUPERIOR wooly effect or with a long shag- ' is president of the Fall River fIIf delega tes. ' 50 M. PAUL'S AVE. BOSTQN 30. MASS. Each organlzatio'n' affiliated' gy pile of loosely-twisted .yarns. Retreat League, which has its with the, Diocesan Council may: Many decorators are introducing, amd one voting delegate or al-' with pleasing ,results, the use of ternate to the day-long session. cotton rugs because, of course, • ames of delegates must be sent, they are less expensive. to Miss Kathleen C. Roche, 193 Elm Street, New Bedford by' .turday, May 2. All Welcome Although only delegates or alternates may vote, all Catholic women in the Diocese are urged to be present at the convention. Highlights of the program will include an afternoon dialogue Mass, and morning ~orkshops dealing with family and Diocesan Council of Catholic Women matters. The ,afternoon session will featare, in addition to the dhilogue Mass, a' speech on the conven1IIon theme, "Know the Mass-"'lve the Mass;" by Rev. John H. Hackett. Bishop Connolly will be suest of honor. . The morning workshops will Include "The Family and Dioc-' esan Institution," led by Rev. Raymond·T. Considine, and "LitIt's wonderful to be 1l1'gy and the 'Family," ~"lder the able just to reach in and direction of Rev. John P. Dristake out a favorite cut eoll. These will run concurrently, .tarting at 10:30. of meat ... all-trimmed, Also concurrent will be "Psyall-wrapped, ready! ehology of Children," led by Rev. But it pays to ask your, John F. Hogan and "D'.C.C.W. 'Stop & Shop Meat ~an Program is a Unit," under Rev. about other' ~ts in his 'IlhomasF. Walsh. The latter we~l-stocked 'ease! He' workshops will start at' 11 :30. knows all kinds Of wonLuncheon will be catered for . derful ~ays to coOk the those attending the convention. ..arious cuts of meat .•• Reservations should be made and 'he just loves to' talk ~ district presidents.' . about them. You can get IIl8ny a valuable tip from ' ' , ,You giv:e your,youngstef!l milk to go - and grow - on; Naturally, youwant~ gift 'j Bedford 'Women your friendly Step It " ,,~lteJ!?~!'!,.1?est. Ap.t~h~.bes1; is l:lood. Because th~'1J e~ qualitr.bleyery drop•. Shop Meat M_ ..• why' .. Pion Spring Whirl ;" ;,i.' :. ~cause Hood ~~ I!~,.nd"rds lor richness and P,#W, that '(ar, ,e~ceecJ the ~te and .- + , .A Spring Whirl Dance will be " .~ ,BOt. Jet .. bow him locl,t~l:'i~me.l!!S,f~ .acceptab1e milk, Because Ildod,lives:up to," ~? held ~orroW' night f~om 9 to 1 ::" ,&heac 8tailCJ~~. d~y'i~, day out. That'. wby"you '~,~xtfa ~hnes1i. .~ . lit New Bedford C()UoUy Clubby, .purity, and QualiiY'(r9m H o o d , . ' " /~' " , tile ways and ineans committee ,_~ ~ ~ fit<Of. the Catholic Women'. Club 01. ')few Bedford. . . :-. '. ._, ,. . .'. .... , Reading a large' eommittee III . " ';. ,,'f '. IIrs. James M. Anderson. .NoveIty dances and a wil1tz cOntest· '. '.'.' >,' J,',','.; be bighlicJaU eli tile . . . . . . _
Diocesan Di rector Lists '-Retreats
",·Post Office Pharmacy
Diocesan Women Plan Convention
Your Men of Tomorrow' deserve the extra quality of Hood Milk
,'. ';':'
_ -,_.-
-". ,. Known' and.'trusted s-tnce '1846" ' ~'-
" Quee~:':Moth'er Gives Plal\s For Visit
. Warn: 'Against: ":
, CLEVELAND (N C ).--: "There is no question' that pornography is, a, major' eause of sex violence," Wil-
LONDON (NC) - QueeJl Elizabeth the Queen Mother has· acted to fend off protests being stirred by 6 -
tremist anti-Catholic' g'r 0 up i liam A. Murphy, Jr., agent in charge of the FBI here, said at over her forthcoming'v~sit to a meeting of the Citizens' for His Holiness Pope John XXIII. Decent Literature., ' , ,The Queen Mother and 'her second daughter, Princess MarCiting, an increase in' rapes ot garet, are to be received by POIM! more 'than 100' per cent-even' John in a private aUdience OR with' an estimated hali ot' them April 22, in the course of their unreported-Mr. Murphy urged tour of Italy. every citizen to "contribute to. In the wake of complaintB the fight against filth-mongering from more noisy anti-Catholic or suffer from contamination by elements, a formal notice was ,this diseased business." ,Mr; issued from Clarence House, the M,urphy said: ,Queen Mother's London re~ "It is appalling that an entire: dence. It said; . eommunity 'can work itself into "During her forthcoming visit, PARENTS AS EDUCATORS PANEL IN ATTLEBORO: Sponsored by D.istriCt Four • hysteria of outrage against the sex criminal himself, yet tend, to of the Diocesan Council of Catholic Women in St. Theresa's Hall, South Attleboro, panel Her Majesty will pay a courtesy regard the man who helped trig,,; 'participants at left are (left to right) Dr. Robert W. Small, New Bedford, Mrs. Stanley:J. visit not only on the President of the Italian Republic, but alsO ger the crime. as only a con';' Koczera, DIocesan Chairman of the Family-Parent Educ~tional Progr~m and Dr.' Albert on the Pope, who is head of the temptible human being better: , G. Hamel, New Bedford. The second photo (left ,:to right). Dr. ThomasH:' Flynn, panelist Holy See'. You will no doubt, ignored than punished.'" realize that a' courtesy of this He . called for more realistic from New Bedford and Mrs. Adrien Piette, St. Theresa's Parish, South Attleboro, all talknature does not imply or reflect penalties against sex criminals ing to Rev. James' Clark of New Bedford, at right. any views as to the political or and smut pec;idlers, especially' religious opinions of the heads for second and third offenses. of states visited." Rabbi Rudolph M. Rosenthal Earlier in the week, the United preparation for first holy Comrendered, 'this privilege?" COLLEGEVILLE (NC)~T h e :., Gf the Temple on the Heights, Free Church of Scotland, a small task of instructing children for munion as the almost exclusive "The 'fact is," the pastor conanother speaker, warned that solicitude 01 the CatHolic school. tinued, "that parents by nature Calvinist body whose routine anfirst Communion is a job for America is following the same Except for the details of dress, as well as grace are constituted ti-Catholic pronouncements are , pattern that preceded the down- parents,' and in one Ohio' parish children are not allowed to make photography, and gifts, the most by God as the first and primary having a constantly lessening ,fall of other civilizations. impact on Britain, commented iB their first Communion' until important part of the preparaA century ago, he said "De , 'they have been instructed prop- tion' has been relegated to the teachers of the children whom its monthly publication: He has confided to them. "Our beloved Queen Mother Tocquevilie contrasted the fresh- erly at home. " teaching Sisters and pariSh , "Most children are hero-wor,"we doubt not is acting upon the ness and wholesomeness 'of, , This disclosure has been made priests. , 'shippers and,' their ideal heroes advice given to her. But the fact American life with the decad- "by Father Joseph' V: 'Urbain, "This, - we' think, is a very ,ence of Europe. This, 'unfortu- pastor of the Ohio parish who serious, mistake. While no one are father ano mother, Conse: remains that the claims of the quently, if parents give import- Pope as, head of the Roman nately, is no longer true.". complained that too many Cath,;, acquainted with' the exactitude Warning signs of America's olic, parent concern themselves and zeal of, our teaching Sisters ance to. the role of religion in the Church and as sovereign ruler , . decline, he said, were the nation's , with the, externals-"What will will ever doubt their efficiency home by teaching their children of Vatican City are so closely "immersion in sex"; the misuse Mary or David wear? Who will in preparing children for first not only secular knowledge but, interwoven'that recognition of with equal enthusiasm, religious of- "God-given talents"; excessive ,take pictures during, the, cerethe one will be regarded as holy Communion, it is a Sad , truths, children will have natural rf'~n<!tliti.on ot the oth'lr" materialism; mental, moral and "mony? Whom can we invite to commentary on family responphysical softness; the sub-human. the Mass or to "the ,dinner? sibility that this task is so com.. leaders to follow mid emulate. "heroes", of today's literature; Should we ,send out invitatioris; p1E;tely ,lifted' out of the hands These children will grow into the inversion of values that leads and what presents should we ,of the parents' or would it maturity carrying with them a NO JOB TOO BIG heritage that is most precious to, "spending more on playing get?" be more correct to say that NONE TOO SMALL for the day when they too will cards than in controlling cancer," parents have .unwittingly sur,:" Surrender Privilege assume under God the responsiand "the millions spent for things , In his own parish, Father Urthat are supremely unnecessary." Two Bishops Receive , bility of parenthood,;' . Declaring that the world faces" bain noted at least one parent ~ a struggle between two conflict- must attend a series..Qf instruc- National Board Posts PRINTERS ing ways of life, he expressed tions to aid in preparing their Youlll t WASHINGTON (NC) - Two t fear for America's lacK of spir- children for first Communion. new members '.ave been elected Main Office and Plant "We are accustomed," Father to the Administrative Board of t RAVE about lem itual strength and discipline. Urbain said,' "to think of ~e l.OWELl, MASS. EVERYBODY DOES I "We are casual in our dress." he the National Catholic Welfare t, said' and casual in our morabi. Conference. ' .. Bar-B-QChickens.• Telephone Lowell Leadership will not be won' by ,Pope Sends Greeting .. Bishop Allen J.' Babcock of GL 8-6333 and GL 7-7. a, casual I?eople.'" ,To Japanese, Prince ' Grand-Rapids will serve as episY ': 'copalchairman of the NCWC, South Dakotan Heaels ',VATICAN CITY (NC) - His Department of Lay OrganizaAuxiliary Plants . ;Holiness Pope John XXIII sent tions. '. . Xaverian Brothers ",Ii radio message of good ,wishes BOSTON Bishop Lawrence J. Shehan of FARMS .' ROME CNG:)-Brother Oswald, on the occasion of the wedding of Bridgeport is the new secretary ., OCEANPORT, N. J. : 145 Washington 8t Fai~haven. Schmitt of ~piphany, S. D., has : C'rown Piinc~ Akihito of Japan of the board. PAWTUCKET, R.I. • Just off Route 6 been re-elected Superior General',' to Miss Michiko Shoda. Archbishop Patrick A. O'Boyle ~---. ~ of the Xaverian Brothers for a The' greeting was spoken in of Washington, has been ,chosen second term' of six years. ' French and broadcast over Vati- vice-chairman o,f, the, board. He Another American, Brother can Radio. The broadcast was continues as episcopal chairman Famous Reading Clean Burning COAL, William Sheehan, of Somerville, immediatelyfollow'ed by a trans-' of the NCWC (Department of. Mass., ,has been chosen third lation in Japanese. Social Action. , SHELL IIPREMIUM" HEATING OILS counselor. Miss Shoda is,a graduate of the Auxiliary "Bishop James H . 'The Brothers of, St. Francis Sacred Heart Girls' School imd 'Griffiths'of New York has been .Dadson Oil Burnen" Xavier, 'Whose' genera I ate is in the International' University of elected assistant to the chairman Rome, is composed of about 800 the Sacred Heart 'in Tokyo and of the boarr lor United Nations , New England Colc. members. In New England the the first commoner destined to affairs. Automatic Coal 'Brothers: do educational work. become a Japanese empress. Stokers o Why Les~? , Juccessors t6';~.'.:' ;':::':' Bag'Wood. Coal ,
Parents' Duty 'to Gi,ve First Communion Instructions
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Corifu'§6on t'osis For Conflict On Evolution
Catholics' Give Guarded Favor To Castro
CHAPEL HILL (NC) The conflict between reli. ion' and the theory of evo, lution is based on "historical
HAVANA (NC)-Theregime of revolutionary leader Fidel Castro has now been in power in Cuba for three'
confusion." months, enough time to gal!ge the imp~ct of its rule on the This opinion has been ~ nation's overwhelming Catholic 'pressed by Father lVIl::hael P. majority a,nd to assess, the posi"-' Walsh, S.J., president of Boston tion of the Church under' the College, at the annual conference new government. , of Newman Clubci of the South Since Castro's forces over:' conducted at the University Olf threw the dictatorship of exNorth Carolina here. He sugPresident Fulgencio Batista last gested 'evolution may be "a sciNew Year's Day, much criticism entific and not a theological of his policies ha~ been voiced in question." the U. S. and elsewhere, most The Jesuit scientist, who was often in, connection with. the SERRANS MEET AT TAU~TON: Work of the laity in fostering vocations was praised Dean of Biology for 10 years mass trials and executions of before he was named the 22nd war criminals and alleged com- by three bishops at an area meeting of Serra Clubs, attended by members from Fall 'Boston Collegepres:(~cnt, said munist influence. River, Attleboro and Providence. Shown here are (left to right) E~gene Farrell, president the "only evolution that many Against this bac~ground' of .of Attleboro Serra, toastmaster; Dr. Frederick Rosenheim, guest speak~r; Most Rev: Catholics knew a century ago ,criticism', a -look at the attitude James L. Cormolly" Bishop of Fall River; Most Rev. Russell J. McVinney, Bishop of Provi-: 'was the godless type, which Watl taken by Cuba's Catholic leaders, not a science at all. but false themselves can contribute' a dence; Elmer Philbin, Serra district governor, and Most Rev. James J. Gerrard, Auxiliary philosophy masquerading in tAe lli~~~~~ . great deal to clarifying and un- . guise of science.'; derstanding the present situaToday, he said, "we reaJiae tion. , that Evolution and Huxley do These leaders, although with ( important reservations, have FREEPORT (NC)-More than ation as "just like the World might say it's a good expression not mean the same thing; and our oppositioI! to one need not supported the Castro govern- 100 parents in this Long Island Series.,-first come, first served;" of- their Faith." involve our ,resistance to the ment. community camped. all of a chilly Joseph Byrne, 23, started the, "Unfprtunately," he said, "we Realizing that the new regime night to have, their children en- have room for only llto first-' allnight stand. He was joined other. Different in their points of" is strongly entrenched and that rplled in overcrowded Our Holy grade pupils. Like every other soon by Bill Sheerin. Then the departure and their methods, both (religion and science) have elections are two years away, Redeemer school. school in the diocese, we I are rush was on. truth as their only possible 0bCatholic leaders regard their' The parents.began lining up unable to accommodate all the "I heard they were cutting the cooperation with Castro as hav- . in front of the school as early as children see kin g enrollment first-grade enrollment from 132 jective and prize." Looking' for arguments in the ing a threefold aim: forestalling 3:30 in the afternoon. They came here." . to 100, so I decided not to take Book of Genesis'to prove or disthe efforts of anti-Catholic equipped with camp chairs, lawn Father Sle,dzaus said the par~ any chance of not getting my boy, prove the theory of evolution i8 groups, channeling Christian fiJrniture, blank~ts; picnic .basents remained in good humor in," Mr. Byrne said. futile, Father Walsh observed, thinking on vital public matters kets-even :l television set-for during the 17-hour vigil. Describ_' stating that "the Bible is not a Grateful to God and represent: ,Jg a large section the long noct1..lrna1 wait. ing their patience, he said, "You of a population that has almost "I want my child to be edu- scientific textbook." The 947-pupil school is conIn the past decade, he conunanimously placed high hopes cated to know that there's a God ducted by the Dominican Sisters in the revolution. and that we're' grateful for what clUded, the air has been cleared Jesuits Organizing· of Amityville. A quota of 100 He has done for us," he added. enormously on this subj'ect: sciCatholir Opinion first-grade pupils and 25 pupils 'HThis parochial school' is where entists have been less aggressive Patristic, Academy On the basis of its three-month each for the foux:th,fifth, sixth in stating philosophical theories, my boy can get it." WOODSTOCK (NC)-'rhe Parecord Catholic opinion regards and seventh grades for the fall and Catholic minds, through Louis" Gomez of Brooklyn, three generations, have become tristic Academy of America has the Castro regime as striving term was set; been formed to foster scholarly brought along the portable tele- used to the idea of evolution. mainly to correct what it views Like World Series vision set. He was there to hold "Minus the heat of the earlier as the wors', abuses of the Batista Father Alexander L. Sledzaus, research in the literature of early a place for his sister. years of the controversy. the subpast: social injustice, public parish curate, described the situ- Christianity. I, Most of· those who waited all corruption and widespread opFather Walter J. Burghardt, night learned that their vigil ject now enjoys more light frOID both sides." pression. S.J., of Woodstock College here Misses Citizenship had not been in vain. Others, On the"'other hand, Catholics in Marylana, said it is the first who arrived during the morning, have strongly criticized the cir-, By Plane's Delay , such learned society in North .~"~""-------------~. cus-like atmosphere surrounding CLEVELAND (NC)-A Yugo- America. An inaugural meeting were told that the quota had the trial in late January of, a slav refugee couple arrived here ,will be held in 'Washington, been filled. Their names were Batista official, SosaBlanco, from Europe with, their newly probably in October, Father placed on a waiting list. Msgr. born daughter who missed by Burghardt has announced. Mem- John J. Mahon, pastor, said the : Fuel Oil Treatments: who was sentenced to death. method of selection would be , Are Ideal For Churches, , Many Catholics, too, find it . one day becoming a U.S. citizen bership will be by invitation changed' in the future. hard to justify, the retrial of a at birth. : Schools, .Convents, Orphan-: and 'will ,be extended to qualigroup' of 43 airmen charged Mr. and Mrs. Vlado Tretinjak fied schplars who are interested : ages, and, Rectories. : with atrocities. They were first were on a chartered plane to in patristic studies. : REDUCES Service Calls : brought to trial and acquitted New York filled with refugees The academy will be interested : Due To Dirty 'Strainers : by Castro's .own military tri- when Mrs. Tretinjak went inty in every aspec of Christian anbunal. Then on the order of the labor. , tiquity. philosophical, theologrevolutionary leader, they were The aircraft turned around ical, historical and philologicai, tried by another court and sen- and landed at Shannon, lreland, ~s.Qecially of the first eight centenced to stiff jail terms. ' where the baby was born about' turies. '. n' : The question of the trials and .an hour after the plane's arrival. pistributed by executions, however, is one in If the plane had been on its : RUSSELL T. STONE : which Catholic leaders do not, schedule-.:..it was a day behind- Objects to Children , Brockston Chem. Co. , believe they, can press for a it would have landed in the U.S. .Praying in School B,everage 'Co. 37 Silver Road : : in time for the baby to be born showdown. MIAMI (NC)-Harlow Cham331 Nash. Rd., New Bedford Brockton 19, Mass. : : a citizen. ' 'WYman 7-9937 ~ JUniper 6-3080 ~ Urge Aid for Tibet Now the child, like her par- berlin, father of three children who attend Dade County public NEW YORK (NC)-Directors ents, must wait at least five '.1 of the Sino-American Amity years before receiving citizen- schools, has said that. school prayers violate his constitutional Fund'thave called on the U.· S. ,ship. government to extend relief as~ Catholic Relief Services-Na- guarantees of freedom of relisistance to the Tibetan people tional Catholic Welfare Confer-, gion. His lawyer said he will in the wake of their revolt ence aided Mr.. and Mrs. Tretin- seek an anti-prayer injunction against Red China. The presi- jak in coming from an Austrian on behalf of Mr. Chamberlin, probably in a Florida state court. dent of the fund is Archbishop refugee :camp: Mr. Tretinjak, 25, Paul Yu-Pin, exiled Archbishop hopes to support his wife, Dar. of Nanking. inka, 19,. asa tailor.
Wait All· Night to Enroll Children in Parish School
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Sunbeam BREAD
. WIN FIRST CATHOLIC TV AWARDS: Winners of . the first Catholic Television Arts Award, sponsored by -the National Council of C~tholic Men, are (le'ft ,to right) French artist Andre Girard Qf Nyack,. N.Y.; Msgr. John J. Dougherty of narlington~ N.J. and Pulitzer prize-w-inning author, Paul Horgan· of, Roswell, N.M. They 'are shown with' Martin H. Work (extreme right>" NCCM's executive director. NC Photo.
et1 • ,NORTON q~ute,l23
E. BRIDGEWATER' Rout~ 18 \
R6ute2S'Jct.l06 & IS1
C·hurch:'s Pos·iti·on On Premarital Promises Joh~ L. Thomas, S.J.· Assistant Professor of Sociology Saint Louis University...."·
.~ THE ANCHOR Thurs., Apr. 16, 1959
12 .
God Love You
By Father
By Most Rev. Fulton J. Sheen, D.D.
.! .': .. \
Our Lord once sa~d to His Followers: "Blessed are the eYe8 that see what you see." Vision to Him was of two kinds:' one, physical, by which we See, butchers and bakers and Cadillac makers; the other spiritual, by which, thanks to faith, we see Divinity through His Humanity, the blessings of heaven through the crosses of life, and His Body and Blood through the appear- . auces of bread and Wine. -. .
Why do Non-Catholics have to make.alftheconcessio~s IR a mixed marriage? This question li~scome :up/several'; times at school,_and I'm not sure ·th~ilhaYethe~ight·,~ Mlswer. My Non-Catholic' friends argue: that it 'would·be democratic if the par- h ave ".'receIve './ d' thO • t' ,: d' " More . . e remen ous 1Jies were allowed to work privilege of' becoming,members eut their own agreements. of Christ's 'Church, and it would They .say the Church is be a serious si~ to place, this
The Gospel of Mark records some of the beautiful instances in which Our Lord looked upon His creatures. In the synagogue at Capharnaulll' He looked at a man whose right hand was paralyzed. That withered member was the symbol of those who ha'le lost the capacity to work for. the Kingdom of' God because they no longer extend fellowship and generosity to others. Oh! The . Paralyzed hands of the Church today; hands that can put wealth into the pockets ·but. can pull nothing out; hands 'that are folded in selfish embrace never. opening to . the 'pleading fingers reached out to them frolll··. Africa and Asia.
authoritarian in regard to the membership" in da!1ger. The premarital promises. promise exacted.befor.e marriage 'It's not surprising that your thus presents 'a reasonable' atNon _ Catholic tempt to secur.e a human guaran- ' kiends find it tee that'thi; 'privilege wih be . Pespected., . .. .' lIifficult to und e r s tan d the Obli~ation' of Baptism' '. ehurch's posi..' . . . ' .' :.:,' . tion on mixed' Second,~~~on. la":. .'I:eqUlres, : that bot.h·p~hes promIse.' to'haye' • ~. r rIa g e s . all their' ~hildreni:baptized'and" 'rIlelr p~obl~m raised as:.~~tholics;:'rIlls.'. qb~~a:': . On a~other occasion Our Lord ':Vas .ms pnmanly t'Ion. s t"em,";?' . -' ,....... .' A ·.·.fi '. t. t' rom, tli. e '. "pnm;lry preaching when a. messenger came anrom w 0 purpose 'Of, ~liFriige,:: a.i}d.,·:iio: nouncing that His Mother was waiting for , ~~~cer th d Catholic ,COUld, eiiterll' mar~ifig~" " . Him. Then He looked ,about at those who were siUing aro1md. lrS , ey.tho morally wit~out assumiilg,,'this : Him and said: "Here are My Mother and My Brethren! If any-' laOt agree WI re 'b'l'f'" , ' " :' . one does. the Will of God he is My Brother, My Sister and Catholics t hat sponSI I I y.:·~' ' ....." e b: . t t b':' Hence the c:hurch ·c.ould )i<,n,' . Mother.''' Ove and above the ties of flesh and blood are those : ,rdl s ~~bal Ch h d d )ogically permit·· the' faithful "to of the spirit. The ties of flesh vanish in the higher unity of O~r U she a VISI e urc en owe t t ,. h' h; Ii ,c . . ~ "th . f ll'bl . eon rac marrlages'lD w IC .,t ey .Falth. The missionaries who' follow the Father's Will to bring' WI In a I ~ authorIty to could not raise' their' children~as: , Him to the' pagan world are His "Fathers", His "Brothers" anlJ teach us·the ba~lc truths conce~n- Catholics. . . i:':" ", His "Sisters". . log man, ~arrlage, and mor~hty. The parental rjgfit~.~'~of;"Non~"-:"":"'.PRESIDENT-GENERAL. tco~d, w;~ fe7h etCePh?ns,. Catholics must cedi!totlle'prior" M<>st -Rev' William E CouS: My beloved readers, Christ looked with love upon those hi . y 0 no e leve a . marnag.e obiigations of their· Catholi"~ .... '. .-; ." , .... e '. .ms, need and those who serve the needs of others; on the helpless fa .ia sacrament; although all who partner bec . 't" ... ; "t" ' .. ·d ArchbIshOpof"MIlwau-. . . sause 1 Is,maln aine ....... . . '. . ' ,. the ,missions and on the missionaries 'who bring them the GospeL ....e th a t the Ca th 0 l'IC Ch·urc . . h~"IS"':th" e, , kee' .' been chosen.· .. ,_ serIous-mmded t l ' t't agree t' b that d . ! . 'has . ' . , . . ,. - ... a na 1;1ra ~s 1 u lon, a~e one, true Church founded i. by . pre~ident-general of the Would;to God that our, looks were as compassionate and spiritual. - ..... a specIal .' . ' g kmd bl' of t· contract, f the' Ch' . rlS t f or the sa.1vatu:~n""of ,.."all "',' N'. a'"'t''' IOna1.Cath'l" 0 IC E ducat.lOn. ',. , , anu IllVOlvm olga Ions 0 k' d '. .., " " . ' .' When'YOU Jook at a picture of Pope .John xxm do you see liighest order. maNn mC' th'·l'i·· " ~.~"l'l" ":i': .,," al A~sociation. NC Photo. 'in him.. the' ViCar of Christ? Do you see in him Ule "Father" of ' . . . on- a 0 C8 na.... a y. f.nd '. " ' . ~ca,use they. dIsagree. With this ;hird:-to accept, b,ut' they, ",'. all the missionarJ' sOcieties, not just one which has its roots in CatholIcs on these two pomts of must.; agree" that. the, ChurCh' '. America or France; but all of them? If your vision is spiritual then' dc5ctrin~, .Non-Catholics e~pt;:ri.~ \C<)uld,take no<other positi6n. serve UlespirituallY famished of foreign missions through him. ence dlfflc~lty in appreclatmg' .. ;' J'li¢se.. "~re. thepro~iseil de;;' ..' ·Everyone· else who begs in Christ's name has only a secondary tile Church s claim to reg~~ate .... manded by the : Code 'of ,canon I,.ISLE (NC)-~he Red regimeconsideraition';As the Holy Father put It: "The Vicar of Christ must tile marriages of the fai.~l,tful. ·;law.' The' Code further' r~~ihds in CzechOslovakia has increased be first and principally aided." In your will, ypur charities and However, if marriage. is ~eld, ~. .Cath~lic parties of their obliga';' ita activity against the Church, '... your sacrifices' look first to him. Give to him 'through his own be a sacrament, it ObVIously fallS tior\' to work prudently for the 'according' to information' re- _Society for tbe:Propagation of the Faith. ttnder the jurisdiction. 'of the ~onversion .of their partners and eeived at ·St. Procopi~s Abbey. Aurch. ., . ·b.QttJ :p.arties are· remiIided'that:' ·...TheIlltnois abbey, founded i~'GODiL0VEYOU to M.M.G. for $4 "I am enclosing $4.00 which Infallible AuthoritJ', . '~e~t: is to be no religi6u~scei'e",:i '1~~ by Czech Benedictine Fath- U, eQl:ull to::'1,Oc for each night I sl~pt in a good bed during Lent." Likewise, if it is beii~ved that: ..Rio~Y:'othE!r than :~,t,i?~rfo~~,ed,(.·~~~, .keel?s ~lose. co~~ct with ,;"':. '~.A ~~il';'Ager for $1 "I do not get an ahowance, 'nor do 1 Christ endowed His Clitircli with ';,'.by the Chur.c~... Y.· ' .. :; ':"""'.. ~z.ec!J.l?athohc.exl1es m,th~ U•. S., hav'e'a;'job;>1ju~'t~OWand then I baby-sit for a neighbor. 'Since this infallible teaching authority,. the ,:- ' Ife~~~i: IDd~lv.biiity~7 :": ;~. !in~ w,:~ththe ~hurch~it~ation'in is·.t:E!~f;'~i.S':·isiny offering for the Missions/' • ~.to Anon.lor $55 Cl:hurch must specify ,the' moral " F:' li'::- '.' ..', ," ,'::." " "." € zech9!\10v!lkl,a. ;R.eports ,reveal "Thi!llk i you, God, for everything." . a w.ligations of the .fa l'thfu·.1' "-.'., .•.....I!1.·.· .. y:,:,.StI..n~e man.thr. ~.oPhrc.a~~;: ' Re$i:~polfce '.in . Ciec. hoslovakia' '.'. "1'0' ",.,'.': '·.....cs ', .. ; ." d o"n.o accept· e·C urch'.,'· h .. ·..~·.. ....~ : ~d us your request and an offering' of $'! and: we will . Mililtion to marriage. Hence the '.' teilh(' ,'. ."fl' Ui .' ..,. :., '. a~~ arrested sev~!al p'rlests who, Church's position ca~' be calh;d' :' c '. c ,~g oq; .l~.. .~.~t.. r~~,. ;}Jh..~y' :,:. were ·,.released·~from ,prison after . send, iou the WORLDMlSSION ROSARY. As you, finger the . t p~~mblls~' ..t? re~pe~t.~;:,~hei~/ :tti~~ ..~lsf 'qo~mUl1ist party con-' , rosaty".your hands wiil be open to' Ulepleading .fingers reached .uthoritarian only if 'we" deny' . ~~t": . . ...".: . ?"paF ners olgatlonS-:In t~ils'r~- .1rresS.in'Mos"cow. . . ,oUt·. to 'you from Africa and Asia. 'As youiook at the different .ese two doctrmal POlptS•. , ;".~. ·gard. -Likewise.som·e' dioceses.': "'~" <. . ' . . eolored'beads, praying for each continent in turn, let your ·look ~erhaps it w~ll he~p. yo~ex~· '~i'so r~iiirea... proinise.conc~rll';'·' "SQlJle. !?rIe~~ .have been a~ be compassionate and'spiritual and send us an extl-a little sacrl~ln the Cat~olic.poSltIOn i! y~~ '. 'ing respect for the indissolubilit.;- .c~sea of,.. h~VI~g ~erformed reh- ,flee for the Missionaries who are loved by Christ. ~p clearly In mIn~ .th~ precIse· . of the;marri~ge bond. . " glOUS fun~b?ns WIthout app~oval eontent of the p~omlses m ques- . AU'of these' promises and 'reg;. Of, the mInIstry of schools and Cut out this column, pin your sacrlfice to it and mail it to the .lton. In the first' place, the ulatiohs:'aim to .guard 'the saric:" cUl~ure; , .. others have been Most Rev. Fulton J. Sheen, National 'Director of The Society for eh~rch tries to protect the fait~r' tity: of the sacrame~t. and;' to ?harged. wit? "illegally" preparth~·Propagation of the Faith, 366 Fifth Avenue, 'New York'l, N. Y., el. Its ~~mbers. Hen~e th~. Non:.. protect thE'. faith of the Catholic lDg'se~marlans apd students for or your DIOCESAN DIRECTOR REy. RAYMOND T. CONSIDINE, ea~hollc par~ymust p~om~se not .partner and' children.· They as- the PrIesthood.. ' . . to ~n~erfere III .any way WIth t~~ sume acceptance of the doctrinal.. The, ~ommunIst government is 368 !'forth Main Street, Fall River, Mass. . 1le1IglOUS practIce of the Catholle points' enumerated above .and., now preparing. to try the priests partner. . . " on this basis, it should be' clear' and seminarians who, according Through baptIsm -the faIthful that the' Church'.'would be remiSi to. :Red' accusations, were or-' if it took any other stand. d~med by secretly consecrated Although Non-Catholics must .blShops. make concessions if they wish to , enter a mixed marriage in the . Church, I think if they examine the content of the promise's, to.:. gether with the doctrinal assumptions upon which they are ~Jlsed, the~ must admit that.. the : JOSE,Pt:I M. F, DONAGHY Church is neither "undemocrati , owner/mgr. Church is neither "undemo142 Campbell St. cratic" or "authoritarian." She New Bedford, Mass. is making a reasonable attempt to protect the faith of . h er mem. WYman 9-6792 bers. H'EADQ'UARTERS' FOR
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R.d· CZ'echs Increase 'Cha.'ch 'Pe'rsec''utions
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V/est Virgi l1 ia Bish~p Wins Dutton'Award
PRINCETON (NC) - The annual Damien Dutton Award has CONTRACTORS been presented,' to' Coadjutor . 'and' Bishop Thomas i. McDonnell of BUILDERS Wheeling, W. Va. The:'oCcasion marked the' 15th anniversary .of ·the founding of the Damien Dutton Society of New' Brunsand Sons, Inc. wick, N. J. ' Bishop McDonnell is 'a former OSTERVILLE. national director of the PontifI- , GArden 8-6509 '. ¢lll SOci~ty, :fo.l: tt?:'e·Propaga.tion of the Faith.. The award honon . a person who has made an out- ; ..,._'_ .. -':" ..... ~ ... ~ .......... ~ ..., . standing contr~bution to the alle-: v~a~~,on ~fthe &U!terings:,~~. the, - ::,.... VIctims," of Hansen's Disease", \. . . , (l~prosy). : ' It was while Bishop McDo~- _ LADIES : nell wasservinlts as '. national :' WEA·RING 'APPAREL' : Director of the Society ·for the , , Propagatioll of the Faith that : 1875 Acushnet Avenue , , the Damien Dutton Society W&ll - New Bedford WY 3-2684 :
SAINT'S· COUSIN: . Mrs. Ltiigia Tufo, Italian w.,oman, was a special guest of: honor at the canonization lites for the FranCiscan Brother Charles of Sez~e. A ~8tant relative of the new It~ Charles, she :was the object of one of the miracles .pproved, which led tokis e8oonization. NC Ph"to. ..
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U'"$:~~~h,ri~t~a"l&'":E~p~t~~T";:~::};~~~ :.~:. ~~0:~>;~1°~4~;!~~:~'~;~~~()Rd%" .,' . ' , ./ .;:):. f6;1959'" :-: Fra.ud'of Birth ", " Names': ,.'f;~' .;, . By·M.t Rev.' . ,Robert'''Contr,of .., . 'Pr~side"t J;:iriwyer;: D"b~: ., . ~"""'-"-~..:;..,:. ........,\~~~
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't~~ 'A ......~ .. <~'\'\'3t-:jr.~),'·.~
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' ,'Bishop of Relie
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~Agairi . ",:' ::. WASHINGTON. (NC)·-..f.rariic ;
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#The Reverend Mr. Malthus," quipped'.the'equally':Reverena::.:M:r: Sidney Smith, "is a goodnatuiedman;iiiid, if ther~~ are' no appearances of approaching fertility, is civil to every lady:' But however amiable the original Malthus . . ' may:. )lave been in private against tampering with life, it life,· his .modern disciples, 'would still be' the last 'refuge of the Neo-Malthusians of to:. ignoble mind~ , day, 'are a bitter crew, stri: W~know astonishing little. of
. M, Folsom, chairman"of the executive committee of the Nationa1 Cathoiic Community Ser~;' ice, has \been ·reappointed for' a three-year term to the board of governors of the UniteQ. Service Organizations, The appointment National Catholic Communtty Service is one of the six member agencies of' the USO, which serves the welfare needs of the 2,500,000 men and women in the . ." . Armed Forces and their famHies. April is 'be~ng observed as usa month, President Eisenhower also reappointed Harvey S. Firestone
dent in their denunciations of the . pattern~ of. popu~abon all who question their analysis ~rowth. The lOt~~ests of h1storof th Pro blem lans and ethnologists h.ave rarely been focussed on this question, e Id pop u of wor ' d th-e and of recent years it. has been an " 1 Ion lat solution the y l~ft largehlY tO a grou P of SOC1? 0, f 't gists w 0 h ave b een ',mam1y propose or 1 s , . ' fi d d propagarnhsts for theLr . xe reme . y. " ideas. ' Th . ere. IS .a There is' urgent need for in. pro b 1 e .!U., 0 f. tens1've ex'am1'nat1'on. of, the. Jr., .chairman of the board of· Id 1 .. the Firestone ·Tire and 'Rubber ~or . popu arecord, for the light which the Co., to a three-year term on the lion, n~ doubt . past experience of mankind can usa board. He named James abQ.ut,. It. The throw: upon it, ~or rapid aM."'K'OFt TO HEAR. CARTO.ONIST: Senior Knight Van' Alen'of'Newport, R. '(. 'to' f a~ ,t. tllat . th~ :apparently inexplicable popula. hum3:n. race IS. . . , < , .,tion .growth ~is not a new phe- John·S. Hemingwa:y" (left)' and J; Clinton Rirriiiler,az:e. in ·'-<the,USO corporation for It three,growlOg at a.' .. " '. nomeno~; it.h'as occurred~ many ,charg,e of.the'Brotper Jtiniper·Le~~u.~e~hicli,will be ~iyen ": ~~~~~.~~~n;·de~gn:~~~ap~.~~~~., ra~e unpreced~!nted ~. history,· tiinesin the'past, under'~ircum- Monday mght at the New Bedford K of C Home by Father E. Clement president of Atlanta and, that certall~ area~. seem' to stlinces which sO far ha~e esC=aped Justin McCarthy, O:F;M. Father.··· McCar,thy the creator 'vniversfty~','and George R.wai:'· be thre~ten~d wl~h serious ?ver- exact analysis. of Brouier Juniper cartoon which ·run.s in: rtul.ny· relig'10us '. i~ce;:presidE!n't o.£'the Fitchburg;, _ population IS pl~lOly,ufi..-demable. . Why. did, the population of It calls for contlO.uous ,a!1d, thor-· Ireland,' for example, 'dou.ble be- and secular papers throughout United States. (Mass,) :paper. Manufacturing .J th 1 t f Company, as new members of oug h . s t uu y,' e app lca 10.n I 0 tween 175'0U 'and 1846? There is n o ' ,. ' the usa board of governors.' our,b ~s~ mm d s, an d a g~~ume y sufficient economic explanation, sclenbf1c appr~ach. It 15 not though it is . entirely gratuitous helped br. s?ap.J u~~ments, mere. to assume that Ireland, on the Cont~nued from Page. I. One . ,- • . r/J. ' • . '. ... ~puI.a~. sC1e,nb~m , or the sU,b- eve of'. the· Great Famine" was. depths Of the recessio*." bc, .... 'ii like a v~teran of the TV s~~lubon o~ senbmen~, fOJ; Chr~s- incapable of supporting a popu~Msgr. Higgins, director of the' ~J.~st O).·Westetns-instead it is'the we'stor,. tian morahty. p . . ' . lat'Ion 0 felg ' ht m1'11"Ions. " . .Actioli'Department ' . . of . the' .> " M ' . . Social ·V· I'd' of., '!l devoted'missionary in the' back ." ourns ,~S1ng: . . .' ' . P.ure Assumption . Natio!lai Catholic Weifar~ Con..: ~ \1'. country of India. And unless' we do r,h,e ,other day, we. ~eilcl, tlt,~.' The' theory ·of diminishing. ference,. pointed. to, various un., . fli something aboat U"thirt)' years in, eomp~.lpnt of· one. ~ro~w~~nt:.. world resources, ',moreover,in.. desirable consequences of unem.,. ,~ :3. the , saddle." may ,,:ell be his' eulogy. ad.r.oc~t~ of Neo-Malt~usulmsmt... the. fact of -unprecedentedpopu- 'ploYlJlent,not only to the jobless .. '. q-o :~ For ~rty years thIS strongman and. H~'Ill()~rned; the i~assmg of ,tl~; lationgrowth,.is so far from .', person himself, but to his family .•. f ...declicated priest:has, pushed his old grf'!~t,. ,unspc;llled,.' out-o~,:,do.Q~s: ' . ,proved as to'be pure' assumption. and· society as', well... bike lIIl. average of.25 miles • day &0. . TO? .n,:ta!1y people wer~.l~~~clmg: . 'It is.a glaririg example .of l8zy "', . '...: 'care for his parishoners. who are nature's fa~tnesses, leavlOg .ti.';e. .thinking. ' ' " .' . . Those ..vithout work: he Said, ' . , spread' between two .misSions.,. ,But telkta1e tral1 of ,e~})ty,bee,r. ~Ils In ,the ..fact of the enormous . "may'easily get 'theimpreSsion' '; liiDe .. has worked acainst bbD-and. al~.ng the, mou,ntatn, paths an~, strides which hav~ been' taken they are no longer useful to so:,;. ,2MltJj.Fathrr's Missio/t AJJ' like 'most of us.,..-whd was only good' .~?'fVn ~h~ bosk~ delli.. ~ey 'h. the past.. few decades toward. dety';' and this attitudeendan:;':' firtlit Oiimta/ Chim!! . fwithirty.¥ears ago. today is,an ~ werf?, b~11d1~~ Cl!p1nS o~t.on t~e the. development of power and gerS not· only them:, but "the PosSlbie task. Will 10u help. us .. d~ert, ,tearmg, up ~e ~e and:' the exploitation of .agronomieal peace and harmonyth8t should '. ..,.. IDo&oI'cyc!e fCRthiS' a'oocl· priest? The CoSt will be St15.. . d~tu~mg . the~?d: The~: were. ,potential,. there -is every reason reign in the home," . . ~~ m!ikulg CIties when: erst k»' believe that the present "Widespread ~. u~ploym~nt .th,e.re had o.nlybeenthe ~ilene:e .. world .population is no more than also, seriously endangers" the. and the sohtude. Bet~ get rid • fraction' of what the earth iociar" ord~r: because it is apt to . .t,. the surpl~sPoPulation l?efore could sp,pport, not only comfort- prOduce in"its victim feelings of . . ~,;,:!',sal~rumed 1>eY~d~ .. P- .b~Y. but ,with vastly, increased. discontent and bitterness toward MU efficiency a SocietY ~hich is llnable to uti!~.ell, .it is ,impossible ,not to 'This is 'n~t mere roseate· opti- . ize his servi~." ' ~ w1,th h1~abou~ the ~~ mism;if anything, it is a mild' CIaa~C'" c~9S. B~~ hsentJl~entabt~ ~ ~la form of understat.emenl.U man-, Experience bas shown,Msirr. lund" .!fhl C .' would set a p~10r1~ ',kind were. to deflect even a .part . Oft nature as above ma.n, ~ exof, .the ingenuity devoted· to Higgins'asserted,that in many parts'of the world "agitators and ~emely ~angerous and UTeSPOn- mutual destruction to the prob..ble. . lemof mutual livelihood there demagogues' Uirive on uriemploy:. ,The, proper concern ~ man- '. would be nIP furiher' need to merit arid use it as a means of kind IS man,.• not t~e real. or worrr" 'abO;)t' 'the' N'eo-Malthu- pitting ,one' class against another. BeCause' of ,the social instaoility alleged beaubes of nature. T h e . " . which' .it produces, ·unemploy, .problem confronting the race is ssans. Can for Fatits to learn more about the nature The Christian approach to the ment is 'one of the worst 'enemieS of humanity." and pattern of population growth problem of world population' is and much more about ,the. re-. - .not only in conformity ,with the Msgr. Higgins prayed that God sources of. the world for support- natural law and the pOsitive law will provide a "steadiness of purlBg _mank1pd. " of Christ,' it is in conformity and perseverance" to work: 'A.ctu~lly, .hardly more than, a with the. genuine demands at towards esta·blishment of an ecobeglOmng has been made' 10 true science . nomic order "in which or:ganized ' either of these studies. The ~nScience h'as no business relabor -will be given il 'greater dency of the Neo-Malthus1ans coiling in terror before a manu- voice in the determination of all has been, to.take a)ong leap from factured bogey. Its business is to those policies in Ainerican indus~he undisputed fa~~ of .-vast~y, supply the infor~ation which fits try which directly affect the ecoU1cre~sed population to ~helrthe facts of life; . nomic welfare of its members solutIon. of control by birth-, The tendency. of modern rwUJ. and the economic welfare of the .nationalcommunit)"." ' 'preventi°Lan,ZJ' Sola ~_ to with apparently .....a . . be satisfied ,. , 'Th" t1 . I easy answers, whether in politics Develop1'ng h1'S petl·t1·on, M"'-. ", IS. IS no on y an nnrnora . 1" , fl t d ' h' solution; judged by the standards or re 19lon, 15 re e~ e 10 IS Higgins said: 'th t 11 d f Ch . t approach·to the SOCial problem of e na ura awan 0 rlS - .. . ell' . "We pray for the. coming of ianity~ it is .both. lazy ~nd selfish. as T~at .is the advantage of the a better.' day .when o~ganized M;orahty aS1dc, It refuses to face Neo-Malthusians, That is' why llibor will be permitted to· sit' the facts an.d to !'robe ,for any in the cu~rent debate; they see~ down with management as an' answers. w~lch Will not bolster to be winning the argument It equa1partner in industry and, the preJudice. . , ... . . .' , ,.'. ' . together' with 'representatives' of :The humanitarianism which is 1S ' tIme fdo~ C hr1sban s ito elxpolse th'e public, plan intelligently for h l l f t t d . d t b" th b' , f N . e rau . an .0 ca , earess y, . ... , suppose 0 e e, aS1S 0 eo- f th 'tif" f t " the general economic welfare." " Malthusianism .is actually an or e SClen I"C.. ac s. . .: ' . ." . .' attack on humanity, on'the digPoor U~ortupates nity and decency of the human The Washington prelate. also. p~rson, If' there were no Christ-· Contiiuied from .. Page One'.' prayed for.·' a .j ust ·and lasting ,,' . 'save the 'wor1d:,~iil wpic;p. mali peace, asking that God '''h~lp our: ~ code, no. divine prohibi,tion 11'ves. The ph'l'lo'soph.er·.'·a·sserted',' representatives at> . . the. United.> ..,;:i . he is not, proposing "a. return 'to Nations ,.organization· and· the.·..·. .MARY;S'jiANK IS FOR hiE SUPPORT OF· NOVICES. THB ~ame' OS. ~~h~.-Midd:leAges, but he stressed' representativ~sof aU,otherna"'·' 'DUES ARE'APRAYERADA'y'AND A DOLLAR A MONTa.. Continued' from Page One the ideas and spirit,.of"~.at··~f~ tions to strive with.: constancy.; tljeir patron 5t.Vincent de. Paul, mustbe brought back:Th~:.world-' and with courage for the build, GIFT' CARD SUGGESTIONS for" our' mtSsilin' chapels. The' born of poor parents in France needs the.intellect, but not mere- ing.up,of an i~terIiati6nal order."" .' 'Bouse of GOd ·Isdn· great· need! Y'ou' caD help b,,' the· cion.. Hi· 1576. . Ordai.J.led in ~ i 600, .~ ...1y the', teChnological or scientific" He ... petitionf;!'d, too, '" tha 1: 900 , ..tlon'of-.u'article. . ,.' ,. ,c.".,' ':. priestly' work included opening in~ellect. '"1).elpus;to. see~more clearlY ou~ , Candles ',:.'.. $%0 Mass book ,'. "'. $25 Ciborium'" .... ,$48" fQundlirighomes' in .Paris 'in' "Without Christian intellectual' morl!t ... responsil>~lity, ."'l!s, . ~n4i!" .': S!ln.ctuar7 .Lllmit .15. Altar ~~,ne .': lOCruelfiK: •.•.• ;. 25 which·· ·Sisters· 'harbor .and edu.,...· 'participation,': '.. Dr.Pegis".,said, vi~uals .and, as a. people, ,tpgjye .. Mass Bella ' ' ' ' 5 Mass Ves"bDeuts 50 Picture II cate more than 10,000 orphans. "the world of tomorrow will 'generouslY of 01,1r.resoun:es,,~~d :His society of' Young Ladies "'con,tain '. fewer 'memories of the' our. wealth. to ,those. who' need, . . of the Holy Cross was 'organizedChri~iiilfi culture of so many' ou~ .:assi~tance, . So.,. desper,at(!iy,.,. to provide educatiqn ~orgir1s ,P~ .£enhiries:'~ .;. '. and, 'PY . ~ea·~onable; change!! in :.;.' .;. 'FRANCS" CARDINAL' SPE'LLMAN;'President' who live in dangerous'silrround' : He said medieval theologians our p.ationaL r. ~licy ,. to. open. our .' ,:.;: ~,.(; .. ,. Msgr.,PeterP;TuohY,J''!a't'l Sec',· ," .. ',' .:. bigs. St. Vincent de Paul' alsO :,knew man and they knew the·' favored .. land .those poor un;.. ' .,.,~.~ Se,nd all communications to:' founded the Copgregatio~ of . world o(man ~.sa spiritual":" fortumites.·who."today ,a're .wan-, Lazarus for 'home-mission work" one;' They can' teach' us' these,' deringove.:~theface,of.the.earth~ '. :;/ .. ,. :CATHOLIC ,NEAR EAST· WELFARE ASSOCIATION" . a~d, ~ter, the.Slsters·'of Charity.:' ti-i.iihs 'tOday.···· ..;.' . . ".',#i:" . .- 'asoutc~ts of the h~ari.·race~ iex'i'rig~~,!,I,\~f!~~~t4,6th Sf/ ·N~.;W V.0rk:1i,N. Y..·· ,'. ",: \ ",.",,'. :.•
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DAY OF RECOLLECTION: Officers and members of New Bedford District, Diocesan Council of Catholic Women, attended a Day of Recollection at Sacred Hearts ~cademy, Fairhaven. Left photo shows (left to . right) Rev. Eugene R. Robitaille 'SS.CC., of Fairhaven, preacher; Miss Louise B. Finnell, New Bedford, diocesan chairman of spiritual development and MJ::s. Joseph W. Moore, chairman of spiritual development, Wareham. In second left photo Miss Dianne Lagesse (left) and Mrs. Frank
Honor Students
Spotlighting Our Schools
Rogers, recording secretary imd president, respectively, of Sacred Hearts Academy Alumnae, are shown at Holy Hour. Miss Mary McGrath, Padanaram, district organization development chairman, is 'shown' during group recitation of, the rosary. In right photo Rt. Rev. Msgr. Hugh A. Gallagher, district moderator, chats with Miss Lillian B.Ross (left) district chairman of spiritual ,development and Miss Kathryn, T. McCarthy, New Bedford d~strict p'resident.' ".
Asserts Foreign Alcoholism Is Triple Sickness Students Need For, America's Four Millions visiting priests. Helping Hand. NOTRE DAME (NC)-One out .to Atheperson remains an alcoholic
.JESUS-MARY ACADEMY, HOLY FAMILY HIGB S~HOOL,' ATLANTIC CITY (NC)- of every 20 Americans who drink FALL RIVER NF;W BEDFORD The community and the cam- will become an alcoholic, Father "even though he may r.ecognize his problem and abstain from . h ' John S Ford, S.J.,said here. Seniors Jocelyn Cyr, J~annette E Ig teen members of the Mon_ pUS should combine their, He told more than 200 priests drinking for the rest of his life," Gamache, and Dolores Larrivee; signor McKeon Debating Society facilities to extend ,a helping attending the first annual Pas- Father ,Ford· said. '!An alcoholic Juniors Claudette Baraby, Paul- 'patt~cipated in .the . Second An- ' hand to the foreign st.udents in .' toral. Institute on Alcohol, Prob-, .can never learn to dr.ink moderine Beaulieu, Annette Cousineau, tiual. Spee"h Festivai a'nd Debate the U. . S., Catholic . educators . lems that Alcoholism is "a triple ately no matter how long he ..,. Patricia La Fleur, Dorothy McTourney he~d at Clark Univer- have been told. sickness of body, mind and soul." abstains." The test of alcoholism, Millan, Georgette Nunes, Pauline sity, Worceste'r, Massachusetts. Father EdwardW. Berbusse; Less than 10 per cent of Amer- he added, is ",whether a persoD 'Le Boeuf, Pauline Roy, and Lise The w~nners,' coached by Atty. S.J., of the department 'of history ica's four to five million,alcoQol- can drink regularly with moder. Toupin were inducted in the Maurice F.' Downey, were . , , , .Robert at Fordham University, addres~ lCS.8,re to be . f oun d on s k'Id row,. atioll!' Honor Society at a' special as-: A. Lawler who 'received a gold ing a special session at the 56th Father Ford said. He explained He said that the parish priest sembly. can often help the alcoholic to Il\edal and superior rating for annual convention ofthe Na'that, 'one of the most difficult President Claire Delisle delivered the opening address and original oratory; and George, ·'tional Catholic Educational Asso- problems i~ dealing with alc~ recognize his problem. But he other members exphliIied the so- . Thomas. who also was awarded elation, urged extension of sin- . holics is that they do not reeog- warned tha,t priests should recog-ilize their own limitations, and () ciety ideals: Leadership, Charac~ 'a medal and the rating of second eere friendship to foreign stu- nize their illness. Father Ford, who, is. a visiting urge them to cooperate with ter, Scholarship and Service. Qest negative' speaker. Justin dents. Father Berbusse cauKelleher . and 'George Thoma~ tioneda,g,ainst .the eng.e~dering' pro f essor. 0 f mora1 theology at Alcoholics Anonymous, doc ton . The program closed with the immade up the Negative Deoate' of "a nativist attitude that seeks" the C at h' 0 l'Ie U· . of Amer- and others who·are equipped to mverslty posing candlecererriony.· . team that won three of the six . W h' t DC to avoid contact with the foreign lca, as 109 on, .:, was one deal with alcoholics. Rev. Leo Maxfield of the La r o u n d s . ' Ultimately only divine grace student." of the principal speakers at the Salette Fathers, Enfield, N.' H., can help the alcoholic overcome Looks for Warmth institute, which was,held on the Last week Lawl~r competed addressed students on the neces"It never seems to occur to the Notre Dame university campus his blindness imd his compulsive sity of serious preparation before in the New·, England Regional entering upon one's vocation. A American Legion Oratorical Con_ American student that he is a . under the sponsorship of the behavior, Fa,ther Ford observed. panel discussion followed his test arid won second prize having host," the Jesuit stated, "and National Clergy Conference on "The average alcoholic doesn't bound by the law of hospitality Alcoholism. Bishop Leo A. Purs- change un.til his heart is touched talk. . . previously been 'awarded first towards those who come to this ley of Fort Wayne, episcopal somehow by the grace of God," place in the state' contest. . Fifteen juniors were presented ' country, most especially to those adviser to t};le NCCA, was host he concluded. letters for athletic proficiency TomoJ:~ow,'even'ing,the Junior who come to his campus." during the" basketballseaso!1. " Class. will hold their annual He said that when the foreign The 500 point award entitled dance in the Gold 'Room of the them to wear the blueJMA seal New Bedfor-1 Hotel. Bud Lilley's student first meets Americans on the campus he is "in serious of the Athletic Club. 'They are Orchestra will furnish the:music need for security," and "looks for Georgette N'Jnes, Gail ,Cloutier, for dancing from 8 to 12.' , . warmth and understanding." , Claudette Lapointe, Vivian Dion~ "While retaining a strong loyRhea Taylor, Helen Martinville, SAINT MARY'S HIGH, alty to home," Father Berbusse Cecile Martinville, Murfel Dou- TAUNTON continued, "he wants to adjust cette, Eileen Grillo, Lise Toupin; " . Paulette Lussier, Colette RousJeanne Richard is the alternate to and love his new environment. seau, Annette Cousineau, Made- number 1 'for a scholarship at He will not tolerate being poured leine Pineault, Colette Posey. Johnson Business School in ipto a mold and fashioned a la Providence, Rhode Island. Miss Yankee, but he is eager to reSACRED HEARTS ACADEMY. Richard is Treasurer of the Sen- ceive new ideas and to particiFALL RIVER Jorclass, CoP:' Editor .for the pate in American life." Pleasant Memories Sophomore Mary Elizabeth yearbook, and has been a high ""Parish and' diocesan agencies ,honor student throughout, her Sullivan was awarded first prize might also contribute to the for' in the Sodality Lenten Poster four, years at St. Mary's: eign student's' integration into Contest. ., As a celebration of the Titular American life" ,by inviting him Having WO:l eight out of '10 feast of Our. Lady C.ause of Our to social and intellectual activgames in the Bristol County Joy Sodality, a joint assembly ities' run by the parish, or by Girls' Leap.ue,· S.H.A,. placed consis,ting of probationers and asking him to participate' in dithird in th~ volleyball tourna- candidates was held. Tableaux of ocesan programs that strive ror ment. the 'five Joyful Mysteries were world understanding," the FordThe Seventeeners, a committee 'personified accompanied by med- ham Jesuit emphasized. which plans social events for the itations. The main characters 'Father Berbusse also said that students, will sponsor' a semi- were: Leona Morin, Our Lady; industry has "potential good will formal dance at 8 P.M. ~omorrow Anne Hayes, the Angel Gabriel; messengers" in fo'reign students, at the Pocasset Country Club. Jane ,O'Hearne, St. Elizabeth; adding labor unions could ad. The followi,pg girls' poetry en- Gertrude Darr~lody, St. Joseph; vance the cause' of international tries wer~ accepted by the Na". Virginia Menard, Anna the Pro- trade unionism by aiding foreign tional Poetry Associaticin contest: phetess; Carol Welch, Simeon; students. . Ann Dominguous, Jane Landry" Su~anne Milot, Child Jesus. The If the community and the camKathleen Kelley, Arlene Gaspar, social part of the· program in- pus helped: the foreign 'student, Katherine Danneman, Theresa .clude4 refreshm~~ts., he said, they would assure "his Hannon, and Carol Ng.. Maureen Students are registering for return. . to his homeland with Clement received special menSpring __ retreats at Cathedral pleasant memories of his stay in tion for her entry. " . Camp. Junior and Senior sodal- the United States." Sister Francis Sebastian and ists will attend the retreat April Sister' James Miriam, attended 24 to 26 or the official sodality the annual two:"day spiing meet- retreat May 16 to '17,. Freshmen NEW. YIRK (NC)-A televi'" ing of' the Classical Association . , will/have the privllegeof taking sion documentary which'featured' 'At RATES THAT WILL S~ VE YOU MONEY of New England at Boston Colwork of Maryknoll Sisters at a' part in a retreat sche(luled May lege.. .' , ,Comparison~ are convincing!, Come in and get the. ,figures clinic ,in, .Pusan, Korea, . was 29 to '31. Sophomore"'soda'lists Sisters' Day at a convention of named winner of 'a Peabody the Apostleship' of Pr'.ayer was· may enroll for this retreat or the Award for distinguished achieveattended by Sister Frands Sebas- sodality weekend. ,This year'~ ment iIi broadcasting:. Honored ' tian and Sister Ann Thomas. A retrea~ are' available f<?r the for its "contribution to intertalk of the importanc.e: of devo,:,. entire school..hodY as the result national understanding'" \V a i OF NEW BEDFORD tion to the Sacred Heart in the' ,"M.D. International," ,first' seen life of a Religi<>Us was: given bY, ·of. the careful planning of Rev. Of the NBC ,TV network in MAIN ,OFFICE-Union ,and . PI~asant Streets Cardinal Cushing, the: principal William' McMahon,' director of Januaty" 1958, .and J;'ebroadcast NORTHENP~1200 ,Acushnet' Avenue speaker.' . ',' ',. • Cathedral Camp. last February.
Wins Peabody Award
Wh'ether i't's aNEW or USED, CAR you can Get an' AUTO LOAN'
./ D1OC~
Continued from Page One goals will be achieved through the· introduction of· the pledge method of contribution.' . Auxiliary Bishop James J. Gerrard, V.G. and Atty. Daniel F. Sullivan" Diocesan lay chairman of the Appeal, were guests. In nis address to his fellow workers, Chairman Sullivan stressed, "Charity is not· a thing apart from our'lives as laymen. It is our serious responsibi1{t:-'.
'" 2~
Somerset Knights 'Set Holy Hou.r Break~ast
ACROSS Cinder Hort (1row. old' A beverage
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cannot be. It is too intimately associated with' the action of our, Lord Who lay down His' life for . as. all, Who knew no limit to Hili g iving. It is of God. It is of Our . Who . Lord; emptied Himself., . . '
1'101'. of lh. bod,. -
&0; Love 1'04
. Catholic Action Chairman Leonel Medeiros invites' members to attend with their families, and also extends an invitation to area· religious, organizations to participate. Following 'the Holy lJour a buffet lunch will be'served at the Council Home, Milford Road, Swansea. Members of the Council will receive Holy C.ommunion in a body at St. Thomas More Church Sunday, Ap'ril 26 and a communion breakfast will be served at the Home following the Mass. The arrangements committee 1 n c Iud e s Lawrence Rebello, . Thomas Simmons, Edward Viveiros, Joseph Shepherd, and Leo Lavoie.
It should, w.e .hope and pray, , increase the measure of gener'CHICAGO (NC)-A priest so fered a' broken neck which par. . osity too. For wI'th II'vI'ng' and paralyzed he mus t 'say M ass fr om' a1yze d h'1m.. hH OSPI'ta I'Ize'd smce, building costs SO highly inflated, . a wheelchair has been honored he came to t e Little Compal\7 f' Ch'Icago h·tal f M'ary H ' taI 'In 1953 • we need twice the help' that we by t b e staff o'~ OSpl 0 OSPl 'd" , . got eight years ag' 0:.·1t has been for the cheer an, en<:ourage.-_ ., Father. was give", permission . . _ our misfortune that' those' whO ment he spread. among to celebrate-Mass from a 'wheel. Hand of Friendship contributed less.·than $5 then'· fellow' patients. chair, and even 'that wu ... ' What then ,is Charity! It III continue to d. 10. '!'ather Thomas S. Obrycki baa tiriM he was able to 'oUer the '_ the hand of friendship reached Almost three~quarters. mimer:,. 'been given a' plaque by Mother Sa~rifice only on Sundays' for •. out to someone in need.' It is a ica1ly speaking, of our .support Mary Gerard of the Little com-. tinie. Now he oUers Mass' dail7 heart sympathetic and .alert to comes in this bracket. ,We can pany of Mary Hospital after he in the hospital chapeI .,' another's want. But 'it is more succeed in our. aims only if this was selected as tlje "Patient We The p{iest's bed is especially than that, It is really an expr~s- measure~..of generosity is in... Remember Best" by the hospi- equIpped' to let him raise . and &ion of confidence in -the stand- creased. :tars staff. Mother Gerard said: ' lower himself by manipulating ard set up by Our Lord when He We dare to suggest from an "Despite his ~fflictit?n, Father his wrists and this movement is Aid: "What you, have done for wage earners a minimum of $10. Obrycki ~ ::s a cheerful word for his only relief from total immoone of th'ese -least, you have done Fa mil y contributions wjlere nurses; attending physicians and bility. . to me." And again: "I was hungry there. 'are several members other patients. He is a source of and you gave me to eat, sick and should be proportionately in- inspiration those who' are you visited me." Mt. 25:35. creased. If 'veryone helping us. burdened with physical ills and' This is service to our'· fellow ·ih the lower bracket added, a encourages patients when they man for' the sake of Christ. More dollar ortw~ to his contribution begin to feel sorry, for them:" .'.~ even than .that, it is service and .it would mean a difference of. selves."' . devotion to Christ Himself since almost $l00,OOO~.. Father ; Obry~'ki, . a Chicago 469' LOCUST STREET. He identifies Himself with the. Voices Appreciation native ordained in 1948, was il\FALL' RIVER, MASS. ,one we help'. What we do for the ' . . These then are thoughts that I: jured in an auto accident near OS· 2-3381 needy and the afflicted we do . 19 9 H ul - for Him. And He that reads 'the beg priests and la'y representa- Durango, Colo., in 4. e I Wilfred C. JamesE. heart k':lows our motives. . tives of our Charities to keep in DriscoU Sullivan, Jr. mind. Believe me, deeply appre_' But the eyes a~d ears of the- ciative of your loyalty 'and,conpoor are quick to detect the diS- stllllCY for the cause of Christ ia guised selfishness' that comeS to "SPECIAL MILK minister to them. Such is s.urely His needy' in the 'Diocese. May NICKERSON 'nom Our Own not to, be found in the ministra- God Bless you and yours for your generosity;" ,.' . . , . FUNERAL·and Tested Hitter tions of the sisters, the priestS Please remember 'that 'yOu "'MONUMENJ' AcUshnet. Mass. wy, 3-4457 and the' laity that serve as our rep,resentatives o.f the a rity of . ','., .. :. i ' . SERVlqes . agents. ~lease 'God 11' may not. Christ .which' ~ges YQU to ~, be part of oUr'disposition. The sensitive to 'all human'.: needs: . • ,Special Milk aOURHC' ....... OWICH•.".. ~•. ' ..•' Homogenized Vito D Milk' Charity of. Christ 'should per- . You speak for inirpo'or,' His,sick,·. suade us all to work wholeheart• Buttermilk . edly in support of' 'the many '-the aged and unfriended, the.un_ • Tropicana' Orange Jui~ CAPE COO works the' Diocese carries in in certain. gropingyoutb growing' • Coffee and'. Choc. Milk -,. , up about you. Mel s-o..... co-......'. His !'lame and for. 'His Sake; .' • You ate the agentS' of maily • ~ggs - Buttei!' Some years a~o we were ur~ed well-esteemed arid. great Char.it!1b1e. ser~ices which give . each ~ day positivp proof oJ their wort)l ·JEFFREY , ATHENS (Ramo NC)-Arch- I to the community. We should iu~e,al bishop Marius Macronitis of Ath- like to extend and expand each 571 Second St. - ens is, in critical condition folone of them so as to 'give everT lowing an automobile accident needy person of the 'Diocese all ..mIB~ .Fall '"River, Mass. . .; , near here. the benefit the) seek. , .'OS .9-6072 Sst lAc...' S&. '. .The Archbishop's car .and a The wOJ::k" will be ,done, God ral' RI~er~ II... ~ I 'MICHAQ J. McMAHON military vehicle' collided. The willing, thanks to your dedicated OS 2-239" .\ driver of the Archbishop's car, . interest. and personal .supPort. licensed F"nera! .Q'irector ~E. Sullivan F:'ather CokridaS, was killed io- .Ma7' God bless' and reward 'R~ister~,Embalm.,, Jeffrey ~. Sultiy. . . .tantly. . '. .",alL
White's Farm'Da'iry:
.Archbishop Jnjur.d
i:r::ru.. clotll' '95 Acts 99 Japanese oola 101 l'ermlt
Solution 8n Page Eighteen
A Holy Hour will be held by Bishop James E. Cassidy Council . Knights, of Columbus at 5 Sunday afternoon, AP9.1 19 at • S1; Thomas More Church, Somerset.
fiRIE'iirs F.OB
7 l' I . f 'h. ,ar... 0 • da,. k I . I :~:~a ... .. a r;~:s~I". • Shoemaker'. Row tool Happenln,. 10 Oratln.. Slick 11 lUnd of a 411ek Kind of U 0,.11" ,.,rUln.. (pl.. 18 Bock . II HB WAS BY l' Adlst·.,....... BIRTH A 1lI WI.ness 'H Breadln.. pIMa . U 1'1",,04 out 96 Exte..d ou. 17 ,Gronp of 97 ConJunctioa muskelee'" 88 Extiuct bird. . 18 Worklld 100 False Cod 81 Enll'lI.h le~ 10Z Irish mou...alD (pl.) I' .,: 103 Rea're. 13 Ncw 10011I_' IlK HE WAS A form) 'FAVOR1TE S6 Raps 'OF THE _ ...._ 38 Klud of .n..... 105 Klad ~ \ ~ Branch moldln.. U Simll....
Allow. lo .tand 1'0werlol ])eer..... lIIinote 1'1'001'. ]<'eel
Honoi' Para Iy,ze. d eh·Icago, p. rlest F"or Ch eerlng · H osplta · I Patlents ·
1 I 9 III
" .. , ' -"
Continued from Page One terpiece goes here," followed by a blan'k space and an assertion that· this was done because of •"those bluehoses who blush at the thought and black out the picture." The Hollywood Reporter said the film is a "lacklustre" project offering exhibitors nothing to exploit . except the word "naked." The National Legion Q.f Decency, the Catholic agency' which classifies movies on a moral basis, listed '''the Naked Maja" in its A-3 ~ategory, morally unobjectionable for adults. The legion cautioned that its rating is "based on' tl,Ie picture content and is not to be interpreted as a ,sanction of proposed advertising." Two billboard firms here turned down the initial ad vertisements, but 'seven television stations carried them, usingreproductions of' the painting..
THE ANCHOR Thurs., Apr. 16, 1959
Reject Film Ads
This is definitely true where the ChaNty of Christ prevails. \ There' the' he'arts and minds of Charity is not the p.xl'lusive meri .are held in peace. But this domain of the religious whg staff the charitable institutions'o! the pearl of great price is- bought Diocese. It is' equally our only by' " thdse that not only .. 'domain,". . spend, but who spend themselves Special Gifts Section of th.e for the cause. Appeal stal'ls April 19, when This is the sort of spending 1,000 trained solicitors will con- 'that brjngs on prosperity. It gains tact businesses; industries, fratpeace for many hearts, the peace ernal groups and professional" of being loved, 'appreciated, cared . men. This 'part of the Appeal' for, secure hi the presence of . will continue unti( May 3. understanding, devoted friends. Industry and business have . The ChariJy .of Christ urges us responded in a more generous to spend of our resources, but it manner, Appeal headquarters urges us as well to give of ourreported to~ay, lin their advance ." selves, our interest, our time and·...... gifts, finding the new pledge our talents for sympathy that a method of contributing an aid spirit of true peace may reign.' to greater generosity. Peace is assured when we beBishop COllllolly's address folcorrie· instruments, of Christ's lows: mercy; .,when we yield to Him" . Charity of Christ Moves' Os and' act as He-would have us do. In launching the Cathl.lic ' So what we set about doing in '. Charities Appeal for 1959, we this Charity ~ppeal has considtempted to rehearse the' erable significance for us as well many arguments that prompt us as for the afflictea. whom we to support this precious work. help. If we represent the cause With 24 or more agencies serving of-Christ and His Charity, we the sick,' and the aged,~the~in- should be like Him: in our atti:. fant; the orphan, .and youth ill tudes an<;l dbpositions. need o'f guidance, we have many His sacrifice was and continue.~ an eloquent source of appeal. complete. This is true of those . The arguinentS' are, however,' 'th~t follow. Him most closely, familiar to us all. And the work the priest at the altar, the sister is too. We see it go on all around in her consecrated life, the dedias. So we do not' have to be' cated socia! ,~orKer. We should convinced. Our presence 'here is . not put too cautious limits- Oil· proof sufficient of that. our own disposition to be an am_' But; we do need, ail of us, to bassadorof good" will to our be right in our. understanding of neighbor bespeaking the Charity. Charity, for' nowadays it has of Christ that moves us. been drained pretty much of its 'Pledge System real meaning. Poor people tell Thi~ 'year with a view too keep J ou that wl\en complaining of our resources high ,and even to the neglect that they feel. Young- give us co.urage to attempt. riew .ters whose real concern is for and necessary chari\ieswe are care and affection I show their introducing the Pledge System. disappointment at off hand treat- TlJis will permit o~r frfends and ment. The worker wants no dole; . supporters to -keep alive their And everyone dreads the cold benefactor;that has no interest in interest in a J:leighbor's need, and give proof of it several times bim personally. h ' Charity isno impersonaIthing.. in the 'course oft_e year.
01" "ALL RIVER. "An.
c. P. HARRINGTON" 'FUNERAL HOME t86 PIJ'moutb AYe. 'ral' Rivei'
, OS ":'2272
Michael C. Austin . Inc. FUNERAL SERVICE 549. COUNTY ST.
lot f/lJick tleHvelY"
Warns. Prejudice Wave Threatens All Minorities
Thurs., Apr. 16, 1959
Urges Christian Action to Settle Race Problems
DETROIT (NC)-A Catholic lay leader in interrac~al affairs has warned race prejudice is "epidemic" in character and a threat to all minority groups. George K. Hunton, executive secretary of the Catholic' Interracial Council of New York, cited the history of the Ku Klux Klan to illustrate that organized bigotry begins by being antiNegro, "soon" becomes'anti-Jewish and "inevitably" becomes artti-Catholic. Mr. Hunton, speaking at the biennial convention of the National Council of Catholic Men, which was attended' by THE CATHOLIC PRESS GROWS STRONGER AND STRONGER: A permanent more than 3,000 ·Catholic men and continuing display of several hundred 'Catholic publications has been est'ablished at from throughout the nation, 'deplored the fact that todaY, more the offices of the Catholic Press Association in New "Yolk Staff members keeping the than 90 years after the Civil War, display up to date ar'e Carolyn Nichoalds, Doris Bittner and Eileen Nugent o.f the ~ational "Negro leadership must still offi~e staff. The C.P,A. 'will hold its annual cOllvention in Omaha, May 12-15. NC Photo. valiantly struggle to obtain the fundamental rights of citizenship that we as a nation are happy to WASHINGTON (NC) - The men go to church and receiv!! against injustice, Mr. Fonseca give to the most newly landed Latin American Bishops' Council '. the sacraments, only 10 in 100 assailed the concept of I,.atin immigrant." (CELAM) is the "nerve center" women. Some 14 percent fulAmericans as a "lazy people." Vast Potential Of the 16 to 18 million Ameri- 'of a dynamic religious upsurge filled their .Easter c;luties. And He said that "mosCof them are can Negroes, h~ pointed out, only in Latin Ame~ica, a Catholic while 95 per cent are baptized hard working, thrifty people." Catholics, only about one-tJIird E" about 600,000 dre Catholic. The editor declared here at a sym0 make their first Communion." conomlc Alms remainder, he said, represent a posium. Jiame Fonseca, editor of the, To combat this religious in: He stated ~at CELA~'s .work "vast potential mission field" for difference Mr. Fonseca said that In the economiC sphere IS dlrectthe Church within the United Spanish and Portuguese language editions of the N.C.W.C. at its me~ting in Rome in 1958 ed mainly toward rural Latin States. Mr. Hunton streSsed the im- News Service, said that ·the CELAM "called for an intensive America Which, he said, "con-' portance' of solvin~ the racial Bishops'.Council is.spe~rhea?ID,g campaign to spur the establish- stitutes .sorr:,e 70 per cent of the ment of the Confraternity of. populatlOn. problem by citing the emergence an attack on LatIn America s Large landholdings and primiin recent years of many newly two major probl~ms: ~eli?ious Christian' Doctrine in all the 17,000 parishes of Latin Ameritive methods of cultivation independent nations in Africa ignorance and SOCial mJustIce. Mr. Fonseca spoke at a Sy~- ca; and to improve the teaching have plunged the' rural masses and Asia. The people of these personnel, materials and pro- for the most part into cultural countries, he said, "are out posium on the lay apostola~ m backwardness, Mr. Fonseca said. window shopping for a form of Latin America. The sympo~lum jects." Education Projects He noted that "some 30 million government." And in choosing was sponsored by the InstItute lridians live in undersubsistence between communislT\ and dem- of Ibero-American studies of the 0 "The education effort of' the ocracy, he' added, their first Catholic U:niversity of.',America. Church both in catechesis and in 'levels--culturally, economically Mr. Fonseca explamed that the schools is being intensified," and morally retarded." question is: "How do those who which was formally es- he continued "More and more . are not white share in the .equal- . CELAM, .schools ' . '~But CELAM IS bellt on cor. h d ' 1956 , . IS 'compose d' parochial are beIng est' h d't' "M ity of American democracy." , tabhs e m hb' hops' a n d · . . ' . ree Ing suc con lOns, r. · 1 . tabhshed in several countries F . t' d I "b Mr. Hunton asserted that lay of th e car d lOa s, arc IS bishops who have spiritual jurisC t h . 1 b onseea con lOue, y spearCatholics have often manifested . .. . . . . . .. a ec etIca centers are e- heading a concerted effort in re• tr t' d b "apathy and indifference and. dIctIon over 463 ecclesIastIcal ginning to function with recog- 1" Latin America. ilized excellence"" Igl~uS I~S u~ l(~n ('8n Yt' «:n inertia" toward the question of territories. in . " . gagmg· In ml.SSlOnary ac IVI t y racial justice. However, he said, .~ehglo~s Ig~or~nee . He stated that CELAM also fully conscious of the material such an .attitude is no. longer In cIbng CELAl\f s fight on re'spurs the promotion of Cathoneeds of man and the family. possible in light of the U.S. ligious ignorance, Mr. Fonseca lie literature and the catechism," Mexico Ecuador Peru and BoBishops' statement last fall con- first called attention to the grav- together "with courses in lay livia a;e' working.on a program demning enforced segregation. ity of the prc;>blem. . formation - in Catholic. doctrine of 'Indian redemption,' . ". and "Never before has the prestige "It has been estimated that 70 and the study of the main Proproposals have been made to esof Catholic "leadership been so per cent of Latin Americans,lack testant,sects." tablish a Cotholic institute of In'In describing CELAM's efforts dian studies. high in the field of intergroup the basic funda'mentals of religious instruction," he said. "In relations," he added. Among the "baffling problems" their traditions floats a sort of in the field of race· relations, . religiosity· and a general idea Mr. Hunton cited especially 80- about Ood, the saints and some called "panic· s~l.ling," brought· sacraments . '.. Most of tile govabout by "venal" realtors who ernment systems· of education" \ induce white reside'nts to sell", are highly secularized . . . and militant agnostics .teach and their homes' cheaply when Ne-' groes begin to move into their 'write 'for the great masses." "In some regions," he continneighborhoods. ued, "only four per cent of the Prevent Slums
, Plan Dynamic Religious Upsurge for Latin 'America
CHICAGO (NC)-Action and courage on the part of Christians were urged here by a priest to help solve the "dangerously real" problem of race relations. The need for Christians to act as lay apostles in promoting racial harmony was stressed by Father John F. Cronin. S.S., assistant director of the Social Department, National Catholic Welfare Conference. He gave the niain address at the banquet of the Midwest College Conference on Human Relations. Father Cronin's address was based, on principles enunciated in the s'tatement on desegregation issued the past November by the U. S. Catholic Bishops. He said the Bishops "clearly and unmistakably . . . spelled out Christian principles of justi.ce and charity, as applied to race relations." . But the great majority of persons "belong in the category of the disinterested" when the question of interracial justice ill brought up, Father Cronin added. "They have opinIOns and are often articulate about them in their own circles," he said. "But it never occurs to them that they may have a personal. responsibility to act in this field. "Such persons should read, and reread, the words of the Bishops. They shlJuld ask themselves if they are falling into the attitude of Cain: 'Am I my brother's keeper?' For in fact there are few Americans who can say that the problems of 'race relations is not theirs: _ personal, moral and civic responsibility. It may affect some more than others .. But it ill a real prpblem, dangerously real.' Father Cronin said that the four prImary phases of the racial problem involve voting rights, schooling, housin; and jobs. He added that if these are denied, "real progress becomes almost impossible."
Mr. Hunton and Father John F. Cronin, S.S., assistant director of the Social Action Department, National Catholic Welfare Conference,agreed the only way for the problem to be solved is for white home owners to -6tand. firm and refuse to be stampeded into selling their homes and leaving their neighb<;>lhoods. .
,Hospital Co~claYe ST. LOUIS (NC) - Auxiliar~ Bishop Fulton J. Sheen of Ne\\ York will deliver the closing ad dress at the 44th annual convention of the Catholic Hospit~ Association of the United State and Canada here. The four-da: convention opens June 1. ®
How Do You Rate on Facts of Faith. ~).E:
.iIii_.·~$:j· a.1Ai4_;at 4.Z~f By BRIA'N CRONIN
The initials. "O.P.", ~ea~ing "Order of Preachers", 'represent the:-(a) Paulists? (b) Passionists? (c) Jesuits? (d) Dominicans: 2. How many days' indulgence are .granted for .kissing a bishop': ring?:-(a) 100 days? (bL50 days? (c) 25 days?' (d) 12 days? 3. The Laetare Medat awarded to distinguished Catholic layme is presented by:-(a) Knights of Columbus? (b) The Ho' Name Society? (c) Notre Dame Uniyersity? (d) The Pope? 4. The· priest at Benediction wears a long, embroidered vestmen. called the:-(a) Chasuble? (b) Da~ma~ic? (c) Alb? (d) Cope? 5. Which of the following 'Church Council,S was ·held to reform abuses and to counterProtestantism?:-(;i)., 'The'Cpuncil of Trent?; (b) The, Council t,f Constantinople? . (c) The Council 01 Florence? (d) The'Vatican Council? 6. The word "Lent" is derived from the Anglo-Saxon '~lencten" me.aning:~(a) S~rrow? (b) Reparation? (c), Abstinence? (d) Spring? , . 7. Apart from funeral services, when does the priest say "Remember, Man, for dust thou art, and unto dust thou'shalt ret.urn"?:· -(a) In Baptism? (b) On Ash Wednesday? (c) In Confession?' (d) In Extreme Unction? 8. Who does the Old Testament record as having seen a ladder ascending to heaven?:-(a) Jacob? (b) Moses? '(c) Elias? (d' Isaias? Give yourself 10 marks fot each correct answer on Page 18. Rating: 80:"'-Excellent; 70-Very Good; 50-GOOd; 50-Fair 1.
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I .
Cate~~ists' R'eceive' Certifica'fes,
C~ntinu~d f~ompa.geO.Je.· tha~k~d'
DIOCE~E MA~.,· :Fall : .18. Thurs.~l~~ ~:.~ ......Continued OF
,River , W o m a n
.. : . th'e BjsllOpfOl.'.making. from Page One. '''Surplus food from the United ' ,";"'all scorned -and eliniinated,on the 'course. possible in the Cape ' Lump~r;.Malay~ •. souih ofChina. States:is made very good 'use 'of '~uesday nights in or'derwget to . 'area, ' . ~ev, 'Finbarr,:Mc;Aloon.;, '0'5'5' SO' There' t~l(~couple have a com-: here in Malaya...• says Mrs'; Wolf; '... W.' est Harwich and go·to.·. sc,h.o,·ot!·· S,S,.CC.,. p.astGr' of' Holy: Trinity.' ,, . 'bination apartment,.office. "What. "No oUiet organization:is assistSchool~ in' thiscase,»~ing, tw~ ,~for proviqing.fa~ili~ies/~ndSis" is.... the'living>\roOm has, been ing the poot-and the' sick on such bours 'of·. the Conf:r,:aternity of" tei James for· conducting. the' made into an office," writes Mrs. a scale. It reveals 'the ~hadty of Christian'. Doctrine :Course' 'in" cla·~e~.'·'· . . ' .: ". .... Wolf; i'and. ,thoe.dining room has Christ that· the Catholic Church Teacher T~aining given',~'y Siste~.: " Bishop's Speech, . beco~~, ,a living-dining ,room. and Americans .have for .the ·,James of Our Lady of,victo~y' . I'n Iii~address,to the. graduates, .' This arrangement is very: prac:" needy in this country;" '. ·Missionari'Sisters. ;:.... Bishop, ~onno:ly compa.red,tpe . tical and, 'more important, ecG-' . "Malaya reminds us of the .... . Fifteen two-hour. sessions cov- ,plague of darkness which .de-' .nomical;aside. from making it United States," she comment&; ering the.making of lesson 'plans, ' scende'd' 'on the Egyptian; with '" Yery easy-t~ getto .the .office in, . "for the people are vC!ry demG-' . ".,... the'. need for befng-' sur'e of, your' the spiritua(;darkness,' which the morning." . • cratic. Tlie' population is com'" '. lac'ts,' hoW to tell Bible stories . besets the, world today. He. said' . '' . posed Of ab3ut 50 per' cent Malays .'\(I' use pictures, biackboards/ that 'thosti'in'Communi~ts'h a n d s ' : ' " COsmop~litan' Neighbors and 50 percent Indians, Chinese, flash .tard~ .anQ 'flaimel boards are in:spi~it~a(darkness;.where ..,}Il'eigh/>Ots :inthe apar-tment· Eurasi~ns and ·Etirop~ans. There an'd, . most 'particuhirly, how to" there is,-rioorecognition of religion . . ,.' building include: Pakistani, Si- is .no color :barrier here and aU .,dapt· . Catholic .. the,ology .to' : lior ;'nY~hance',to practice or' . Fac'ts of Faith amese, English, Arab, Dutch, alld' these groups' work side by side. · fourth grade level. An4 'what to propaglitiLft:,.·~· . ',. ANSWERS:' I (d);2 (b);3 'c); Chinese families.·Mrs. Wolf keeps each retaining· some of its native '40 when (fill iIi. your own spe-. .. This . ~pititu'al' darkness .. is 4 ,(d); 5 (a); 6 '(d); 7' (b); 8 (a). . the Cat.holic ~elief Services 'dress., languag'e; ·food and c~ ·e'i8Cproolem piipil) does (fill-in" spreading;;' ~ stated. In . the . '.' ." . office in operation while her' toms." '< . Four special problem pupil's spe';'· United States there is great reli;.V,isit . Institutions . husband, .makes~onstant field' Mr. and Mrs. Wolf expect their ciaity):: .:. ~ " .' , '::' '. giousind'ifference arid a..'trend;· . ' . ' , trips; being .out of the city ail first' child in the summer. The · " . Teaching-Is Hard . . " 'to seif-s'u'ificiency. Th~' Bishop .. C~nti~u~d frOID p~ge;One. 'average of two :Weeksa.,month.· birth will take place at the Franf. . ':Good::teacBing :is not a simple." said hiaFthe parentis the'naturai ' On' SUl1dar, April 19 Im(Mon~ On the trips he visitstne ciscan Missionaries ·ol"Mary hos1':' _e~sY"tliirig; 'but this course: . t~ach~f, anc! thatiieitii~r chutch .day, Apri1~20.these;agencies will ... welfare,cehters"CRS· assists 'pitalin Kuala: Lumpur, another .... , ·takes you by the·hand; leads'you': . nor..'state has ~ver· denied:this '. be open .for visitors from.2 .:r.M:. thr-oughout the peninsula.• In all,. link with· Fall River for Mrs.' ....ou·nd pitfalls and dangers, arid~. fUridaITlEmtalrignt" or education~ .' to', 4 PJ\I.:: . . . . .. 40;000 people are'aided with food Wolf, since' the 'Franciscan' MisIielp~ overcome .the ..terrors' of . Parents' "must do ·the religious . (:atho'lic M~morialHome, 244S' . parcels: from tbe United States. . sionarIes have been active in those first few weeks as' it· trai'nini(,'and're'ligious education' Ho:me, ~860 No. Main St.,·St. jo- They include tubercular patients 'this Diocese.for many years. teacher: An'dH'lets you .know 'must ~n(iC be put .off . until' the· seph's Home: 56. St..Joseph St. and their, families, aged, orphans, . The couple expect to return ·to that every' teacher; not just you, child is iO or 11.· \. . ~azareth H.all,:887 Highland 'lepers,' chronically. ill, 'nursing the United States on leave next ! ' bas wondered ,and will' wonder, .The prelate closed"by' ·sa,·y'"irig Ave:, :Catholic :Community Cen":' mothers and unemployed. year. . ter;' 31,Franklin' St.; all in Fail wh~ they do it. . this °was a happy day for 'the River~nd. Catholic ,Community . It is the first time this course Cape and .that he' hoped' the Center, .1'30 High St:, Taunton.' bas been given on the Cape and priests would not be'sli>,w in put.' .. . h On 'Sunday, April 26 a repre,i despite mutterings and . ead- ting this new group of teachers h k' . t I ' . sentative group of institutions 'in !. s a mg SIX y-~ne peop e com:,- towork.. He .urged the,graduates the greater New Bedford area pIeted the reqUIred 30 hours and not ·to 'sit back and relax but to " . " . will be open for· public inspec':' are now eligible to teach Confra", feel'and accept their responsibil.. liernity classes. l ity to give account 'oftheir Faith ,tion. Came the end of the course, . to the yo'l1th no\v growing up. Seek 'Same End and . all those Tue~day nights Following his talk ,the :Bish~p, added' up to one, bIg. Saturday offered Solemr Benediction asCont'inued from; Page One .fternoon, wh:~, in a brus,h~d, sisted by Rev.'Christophe~· L.· itwil'ones, but our mission is the' waxed and shmmg Holy. TrIIllty Broderick' pastor' of! Pius' X. same: to win people to the Chris-· . Church in West Harwich, with Church' South 'Dartmouth as tian way oUife," said the Bishop, friends, relations and most of deacon' and Father MCAl06n as who is Apostolic Vicar of Chun- ;' . Holy Trinjty parish looking on, sUbdea~on' '. ' . ;.chon an(j a former prisoner 'of ~------------the 61 received certificates from .. .,.. . the Reds. . CENTER AlLCRAFT His Excellency James L. ConAtt Ot;.er c~er'iJ.·~resent h' . Bishop .Quinlan spoke on ' , ' nolly, Bishop of Fail River, and . e~ mgt e ,IS 01,' -.yere IS "Communism as. Seen :Through Paint and Wallpaper .WATER HEATERS met hj~ later at thereceptipn chaplams: Very Rev. Leonard ~', the Eyes' of a Prisoner," ~t the' 20 gallo,; capacity in the church basement. A .truly« Daley, pastor of·: s~. Franc~,s. invitation of Gen: George . Dupont Paint . bOg .$.tu,d." . '. :., ..X.v.., Cbu"h, Hyunm"nd Rev. Deekec, oommandec-in-eh;ef of ~. PARKING Before the certifica'teswere Walter J. Buckley, p~storof Our United Nations armed forces in . • . Rear o.f Store given out, Rev. Joseph Powers,. LOad y O.fllthe Assumption Church, Korea. . .~t:.t •.'•.,..""~. 42.2 Acush, Ave. Diocesan Director of the Confra,-' ..... s t erVI e. , ".,.PIPING AND HEATING ternity of Christian Doctrine·· . Rev. Bonifacg G.Jones, ·~S.CC., EC cor. Middle ~t. 25 So. Main St.. WY 3.0096 . .' '. A'·· k .. ,.~, " assistant of Holy Trinity',' was . . New Bedford Red ttac s,~,: ... master of ceremonies.' Aiso present w~re.-Rev.'The~': . GARAGE BERLIN '(NC)-;-Prem'ier' ,6tto""dore Brennan, SS.CC'., ,pastor of· A Full Line of S.turtevant ~UTO BODY AND Grote~ohl of communist· East-': .,Holy Redeemer, Chatham; arid.' HARDWARE and' .. Germany":' has ·accused··.'''s{)Jne>:his assistant, Rey:~R~gerD'oherty, PLUMBING, FIXTURES . GENERAL REPAIRS Hook church leadzrs" of aiding· Wes't- SS.CC.; Rev. Howard A. Waldron, . Est. 1897 ern spies. The premier has spe- pastor of Our j-ady of Victory, '75 Bellville Ave. WY 3'-7661 cially mentioner' Julius Cardinal .q~nterviJI~;!tey';J,a1!1~s E. Glea,,: New Bedford Builders Supplies Doepfner,Bishop of·Berliri. : .. ' ·.:,son; pastor of ~t: Patrick's, ,FalHARDWARE '''W~cannot permit the·defam.,. mouth; ReV. Ambrose E. Bowen. 2343 Purchase Street ,jog of· our democ~acy by.·,some '.' and~Rev.Jame~·~:,D~Jzell,assist-, 1872 ACUSHNET AVE. . New Bedford ·ehurch feade'rs who' . protect . ants ·at· Hyannis, 'and J~ev, Regis' .New Bedford WY 2-0022 WY 6-566f . ~ '.' Electrical agents'and Western secreLserv- '. Kiatko,~ski,:·:,S~.CC.;· .of Fair.. , ContraCtors '·ices..Tlle· arrest of. such crimln'a]s haven.. • by our security service,ds' 'ur~. Parish~'s' represented .by, grad- . ently necessary fo'r the .p'rotec- uates inCluded Corpus Ch,risti,." tion of ,our republic,", the Red· ". ~andwich; .off 0 I y ,Reedemer; SHEET ·METAL· Heating puppet premier asserted. . Cha t1WI)1.; Ho.ly. Trinity, West. fESER, Prop. ,Earlier, this year .Cardi!lal: Harwich; Our. LadYoof thf;! As-' . 915 Acushnet .Ave. RESIDENTIAL Doepfner protested the arrest . sumption,. Oster:ville;,';Our Lady At Weld· Square. ? INDUSTRIAL' in Rathenow of some Jesuit'. of Lourdes,Wellfleet; St. An'priests, who 'were accused and; thony,' East Falmouth; 'St. COMMERCIAL 944 County St. N~w Bedford sentenced' by an East German ·St. Francis Xavier, Hyannis, St. 253 Cedar St. New Bedford New.Bedford's Leading court for alleged espionage activ- PatriCK, Falmouth; St Pi\IS X, New Bedford WY 3-3222 !;1~umber .',' ity, South Yarmouth. ..
(J:,W11NUGO Nt;Jf'T'" .WliE'/t!.•••
W.. o·r.d'.
I'ut,.·on'.'. '..
' .'
Leader German Cardinal' ','.-':."
~Y..:' ~-
C~yle~" DU'rfee~'and'Dighto~'"
Thurs., Apr. 16, 1959
Appear' as Baseball Leaders
Says Exem~~ory Catholic Ideal Says Exempla ry
By JaekKineavy Iomenet BlBh' School Co~, ~ ~asketball bowed out on a highly successful note last week when a spirited Santo Christo aggregation defeated talented St. Joseph's of Fairhaven, 61-58, in a terrific over-' time finale of the first CYO Easter Basketball Tourney. , . former Case star, The much deserved, victory Jim Travis, brought to fruition the Fall led all scorers with a 21 point Riverites dogged climb' to performance, closely followed title contention in a field so by Don Murray of SS. Peter and
TRENTON (NC) .~ priest-theologian has assen.. ed "the Catholic who would exemplify in public life and administration, the teachings at
his Church would make the best Paul who tallied 20. If a great type of public official for initial showing may be used as country." a criterion, the CYO: Easter Father Francis J. Connell, Basketball Tourney bids fair to ,C.SS.R., dean for religious combecome a popular affair. munities at the Catholic Unive.. The interim period on the sity of A1nerica, Washington, scholastic sports scene is hardly also said~'thereis absolutely DO any longer than your next breath reason for rE;lj¢cting a CathoUe , a~d so it's batter up tC?day'in the fr!>m any public office, including Bristol County and Narry Leathe presIdency,' on the groundlt gue circuits. Wareham launched, UMPIRE3 ASSOC,I,ATION:;A formative stage meeting of' his religious belief." the defense ,of its, Old Colony title last Monday to get things' of umpires, who are planning to form a County League of Generally 'speaking, he deelared, there' is, no more reasoa ' started officialW:-Falrhaven and umpires for all :,parochial and public school games in, the Somerset played an exhibiiit>n' area, view the charter:from th~ National Baseball Congress . to believe t1\ilt "a Catholic public official would find a conflict tilt Saturday in Fairhaven, the ,of America. (Left to right) William F., Doyle, 'assistant between his "religion and the fo.reboding' elements notwith- director of the Kennedy Center, New Bedford; Ted Fredette, laY'S of his country anymo.M standing. 'd ' presl ent of the Bristol County Um'p'ires Association and than there is, to believe that the ,Scholastic BasebalL . same difficulty' would confront ":Robert W. Swift,viCe-president. ' . . a religious-minded ProtestaBt Pre-Season prognostications or Jew. find the veteran-,studded Coyle, I" ~ .. : . . Each player of 'both finalist, arid' Durfee nines expected to, . ' CI aym~ns GOO's Law - First squads was also awarded trophy, ' patU.e,.it ,out fo.r Br!stol County, .': Father Connel1. added, how.m~pte~toes, whi~e' t~e ,coaches,' " honors. The reaolution of this ' . ' I , 0 ay'~,. .;.T~nY Avilla ~~d.. jerry:: Silviil:" issu:e''Wiil "nave'somti', basis in DETROIT (NC)~atholiclay:. ,. through' the cerituries can be ever "that if at any time in ow Country a law was passed 'obUIJa,ccepted thj! ,,~amp(onship and"'" faet this afternO()n;"shi~e thes,e:,. men were urg~d he~e by: Bishop' d'oile only by the laity." . i'l1nner:-up trop~ies ~ri ~~alfot " teams are schedtiled'UHneet at Allen J. Babcock of Grand RapThe Bishop' pointed out that ·ing the citizens or public officiale their respe.ctiYe Sq~ads., ; Alumni Field, ,Fall' River. By<, i~s".Micl~.;, ,to perf.OJ,"m. "with' in 'othe'rphases of the mission '<if to act contrary to God's law the 'Th t t' , ' . , d,;' , wa,y of an,ti,·CiP.ating'·the pitc.'hing;·.i '~~arity 'and." zeal", their: unique the Church,' laymen' 'are 'called Catholic' would be obliged '.. e presen a Ions were ma e " ., 'I . th'°' t h'·"··· f by Fr. 'Walter Su,llivan,; Failchoices'!>f'coachesJim:Burns of /!,o~ In' ~: eac,Ing.:.n:H~slon 0 on to be assistants to the bishops 'conscience to refuse obedienee. ' RiverCYO Director who was, Coyl~ a?d '~uke urban of; Dur- , the.C.hurch.. , ' ... .;. .•. " and priests. However, he'added, . God's law ,must come first. "But the~me is true:of 8Dl' assisted by Paul Borkman, tour.~,fee, It' JShl~hlY. probabl~ ,that ," 'It is up' t~ iaynien ,to" bring :. in this' work it is the bishops and neY'director. . ' , ~th will ~o m,wlth expen.enced' '.' about "the infiltration!of Christ's priests who are' to be "helPers" conscientious Prdotestant or Jew if . 'he has' any real religio. . , ., ' rlghthanders. AI' C9sta" Will, no ,: ~achings. into' every, phase f)t' of the Jaity; , ',' .;". belief," he concluded. "He should Te~,PIaY. . ,I' d~ubt stad for~heWa.rri~,t~ and '~uman life," ~eclared: ,Bish9P ,Obligation . Although Sa~~, Chrlstos, vic- Rick Bonale~lcz' ·w111'hk~I~"~~bCock,,~cting,episcopalchair-, "It ,is 'n6t ai>ostola'te to· give preference to God's law• • k>ry was essentIally a team ef- ,dra;w.theHl1ltoppers ,startmg. man, of the/ Lay Organizations which 'you are assigned, but one "his religion' interPrets .. . iU" , .. ,..•. , fort,. three boys, Ed, Av~lla, Art .asslgnment. . " .' . Department "of ' the 'National which by the very nature'of the . ,Ferr.eiraand John ~posa were Durfee, Eastern State finalist Catholic \VeUare Conference. Chu'rch.a~.d'hermission IS yours p~rtIc.ularlY ou~standIng., RaP~- last season and State champions ,Bishop 'Babcock delivered the. by reason of God's plan." he said. NEW DELHI (NC)-Iridia ... sas first .quarter .. marksmanshIP. in '57, \1as' a potent nucleus on keynote address at ,the biennial' . If 'laymen fail to fuifiiI their lowed 24 new Catholic foreip . sent Ch~lst?S 0l1t .to a? ~a~ly .. 'hand. In AI" Lavoie and Charley convention of the National Coun,. unique mission of' irifiitrating 'mi~ionaries to come, to ... lead. ~vllla s 19 POInts,.' WdlVI~- Carey, the Hilltoppers' have the cil of Catholic Men. He spoke on modern society' with Christ's country during 1958." , .ual hl~hfor the .game" ~ept hiS two' best lefthandedhitters in "The Catholic Layman in the . m 'e s sag e, Bishop Babacock team In ,contentIon. ,d~l,'lng the local schoolboy ranks today. AI Crisis of Modern America." Some 'warned, it will remain unac,second, half..Ferre.Ira s; .(iea.dly ',playsfirst base, Charley second. 3,000 men from' throughout the cqmplished. He continued: foul, s,h 0.0 t 1l).g .10. 0Yfilrtlm,e .l\.t shortstop will be' the versa- nation attended the" meeting '.'dod wills 'that the influence ~me~t~dJhe,verdict. Aft. ha(ia . ,tile Slim Kupiek, another, thii'd 'here t;)f Christ be exerted in business 13 point n i g h t ."' , ' '. <, year player and beh' d thepa 1 te " . must take 'it " '.' , ' . '. m, "The princIples 'of" Our Lord's and ' industry--'-you ,. , , ,For St. Josephs,"magnificent handl\ngBonalewlcz~sislantsthe Gospel message must' be brought' there. God wills that' the Justice" in' defeat: forward AI,' Dellecese, . veteran 'Bob. Hargraves. ' '. " into every', phase of humim life," arid charity 'of Christ guide la bo~ ." ' . "imdniilhagement-you niust take "J' " center Ken Hobson and guards' Big men in 'the Warrior line~ Bishop Babcock declared, "These them. there. God wills that 'the NEW BEDFORD, . Joe Porte and Paul Bernard bore up are Peter . Bartek, an All~ cannot be confined by the inner ' , , the brunt o! the burden. Bernard 'Scholastic; 'outfielder last year walls of a church. '. philosophy of Christ permeate and Dellecese split 28' points. and long ball hitting Pilte Ga~'-' ., ' - the field of education-you must INDUSTRIAL Ol,l~ Porte' tossed in 11, Hobson 10. zola at first base. These boys, Christ 10 the Marketplaee see that it does. God wills that' The balanced scoring .placed a along with pitche Al Costa, who "They must be 'carried into the the spirit of Christ ennoble and HEATING OilS great burden on .Sarito' Christos himself is 'rio slouch at the plate, . 'world of finance, into the world sanctify our homes and our famwho were at a definite height will bear the'brun t of the War- 'of comm.erce, into the world of Hies-you must see that it doea," TlMKEN disadvantag'e. Limiting hi g h riors' offensive bU12den, despite education, into the world of scoring Bernard, the best driver the fact that Coyle has lettermen industrial and labor relations, Ou. BURNERS in the tourney, to five field goals ' '~oW'n the line in virtually every' into the field of law, into the proved the key to ,success ,for oposition. work of the Church in her exELECTRICAL & Christos. " The picture in the Narry cirtensi,on of the life of Christ down CONTRACTORS The game itself, close all the cuit is neb\l1ous at 'this writing. way, was one. of the finest exbi- ~he 'league has,- no defending 501 COUNTY 5T.· Residential - Commerel" bitions of basketball this ,age,nt champion since:. ,Dartmouth, '58 RENSSELAER (NC)~OO del~dU8trial NEW BEDFORD has' seen during the entire' sea- titli!'J t , ,will. compete this Spring egates from 35 states will attend 633 Broadway, Fall River son. Santo Christoa' combined in 'Bristol County. Case, last the annual convention of the WY 3-1751 excellent ball handling and play- year's runnerup, is in a rebuild" OS 3·1691 Young Christian Workers; to be mCjking to ~ombat the superior ing year, but 'Dighton, which held from August 8 to 14 at St. ,,~>=is::in::JlOO4~~ height '9f .their Faii'h'aven op- tied' ~econd place ,honors, has six Joseph's College here in Indiana. ponents. Both teams had speed to lettermen returning and must 'be Delegates, will study the use of burn and the game moved at· acknowledged the team to beat. leisure time. a' fast pace from the opening Jack Torres,. classy portsider, is whistle. the lad about whom Coach Walt Scanlon will build his team. Jack Missals, Rosaries Consolation Game threw the only no-hitter in Zone a'nd other Gifts In the consolation con,te,st which 9 American Legion competition preceded the championship. last summer and ,he will toe the for game, St. Dominic, Swansea, mound against Somerset today. Confirmation and registered a 58-53 ,victory over Play Ball! SS. Peter and Paul, Fall River. First Communion St. Dominic was without the services of ace Tom Bourne who was 16wbridged by the measles. '-=mily C. Perry PRINCETON (NC) - Ninetytwo graduates"of Catholic col562 Cou.,ty St. New Bedford leges arid universi.ties 'are among Opp. St. lawrence Church .. . .... 1,200 students given 1959-60 fel, VANC(O'UVER (NC)-T h r lowsh~ps ',for"first year graduate fonner f~otball. stars are among study by the Woodrow Wilson 21 seminarian§, from British ·,NationalFellowshipFoundation. Columbia riow" ',studying to 'be" ' The 'list of reCipfents relea~d Oblates ,of Mary_ IiiimacUlate.' by 'Hie foundation: here' showed, Maintenance Suppliei' llf \tit ,uperYl,1oII 0; the l' .They are Bill and Leo' S~een- that Notre Dame:,University, with SWEEPERS.'- SOAPS, ......e6 u l I 4 ' , RAP"'IT "ON", Of tile Abbey of tlle Ge~'" flY, brothers, and 'Peter Durkin, 22 fellowships··~ .its stude~t8, D.ISINFECTANTS all of Vancouver. Bill, who will had the largest single group Trappists have been famous for and great care in baking give be ordained next year, was a among' Church,institutions, FIRE EXTINGUISHERS' their home-made bread for cen- this bread 'Its rare, superb wellknciwn football player with The fellowships provide the turies .•• Monks' Bread brings flavor. Monks' Bread, tall and the University of Portland. Leo, full cost of tuition and fees for 'back a long lost satisfaction- slender, firm In texture, brings his younger brother, played pro- the student' in addition to $1,500 the simple Joy of eating sub- an exciting new disc~!Jery in 1886 PURCHASE ST. fessional football with the Brit- in living allowance. The founda-' stantiai, hearty bread; Rich In- . honest good eating to your ish Columbia Lions. Peter Dur- tion's project is ba<;ked by a NEW BEDFORD eredients,' skillful kneading, family table. kin was prominent with the $2~ million dollar· 'grant given WY3-3786 VaDCCNver CoUete 'llCluad. by the Ford Foundation. talent-laden that Christos were given little serious consideration at the outset: Named most valuable player of the tourney was San t 0 Christo's f ril e playmaker, Ed Avilla; who se brother' To h y guided the' Fall River quintet to the title. When the MVPselection was announced It was hard ~ telf which of the brothers was more pleased. After extended . fratern~l felicitations;'Ed stepped, forward tcfreceive the handsome tl'ophy from Fr. Paul McCarrick.
"'l.L RIVER.
Bishop Babco k ce t e$ L ' Obliga'tions en T d' , Wid' or ,,;
Missionaries '
',HATHAWAY,.. 011' (0., INC.
Leisure Time
92 Catholic .College Alumni Win Awards
Ex-Football Players Oblate S,eminarians ~
THEY HEAD DIOCESAN NURSES: Shown are the presidents of the .in the Diocese, together with the Diocesan , president and Rev. Cornelhls J:.. ~elih~r, D,iocesan moderator. Left to ~ighf lin Mrs. Mary Signorella; Neiv Bedford president; Mrs. George Sullivan,
.ur Catholic Nurses' Guilds
:. Scoff at Fea'rs ' ;Catholics,' Form ~ Mono'lithic Bloc , ,
Fall River president; Father Keliher, shown with Mrs. Dolores'Ferus, nurse at St.Anne's Hospital;· Mrs. RitaQ'Donheil,' Attleboro president; Miss' Helen Shove,' Taunton president.
Four '-Nurses' Guilds iii Dio.cese A~re.sts·:follow "C'otitriIJute ,to "Wel'flre:of Sick ~lIn~:~y -5al'es '" ,_ ", ,
By Patrl'cl'a 'McG'owan'"
.MANCHEST~R (NC)-,Nin~ teen store owners and 'cletJaJ
' .
DETROIT :(NC) -;- The '" This articlebegirts ~ ,series on, Diocesan-wide orga~izationsan~agencies~ -,:'" " . have been ,arrested in a drive to __ Archbishop of Detroit and . ' Catholic nurses encouilter more frequent and more serious,probleins)n:,applyingrreli- ' ,enforce this city's ordinance for;. the le~hlative assistant' ofgion to life th~~ almo~tany,~ther'g~oup of 'iaywom~~. Th~y .are:, ip dail~' 'cori~ct.~~i~h:, ~t~~ng non-essential Suriday • U. Semi.tor have seQffed patients in spIrItual. as well as physICal need; a 'day s rou.tm~ m8:Y; lI~clude ·t~e. b~ppIsm of ·'Iit fear~ that Catholics make up a new-born, the summoning of a priest.to a dying man ;alw,ays 'It mv~lves oshow,1~g.. t~e ",Under the local New,Hamp· .. monolithic 'power bloc ilCting 's~ire ordi,mi~ce,' the list of , in unison on al:' issues: : co~pas~ion ,of t.he:<:Oiv.jn~ , registered n~r~es. An i~portant· in 'atteri'dl:!n'ce and 'nursing . .'~necessities"', permissible ,for Archbishop' JohnF. De~Z:den '~~ysiciaIl to those for wh9m -. one was sponsorshiJ? of a course', :seryice 'toyo~ng.stets,at St. yin- -'Sunaay _-sales indudes bread, · IlIld Emerson' Hynes, ll~gislat,ve they ,care.' ,,' . " .in. nursfng ethics for Cath()lic cent de ·Pa~l.:Health 'Camp. '-Fpr, . i,nilk, ne~spai>ers and pe~iodi , asSistant to Senator Eugene ¥c:In'this' Diocese .the·special >s,tudents -at Unio? ~nq. Truesdale - the latter s~i'vice.,nur~es' donate ' ',~als,fresh fruits; co?fectionaries, ," C'arthy of' Minnesota, stressed' need' of nurses has I ,been ,recog:' Jlospitals, 'Fall, RIver. . .. ,8 day or so at a bme and are on . IC4! ,cream" s()tt drl.nks. 'and: toIbe ,:diversity of thought t~at nized for years in. the, appoiIit.. :7·For10 year~ 'the Fall 'RI~et call:atthe camp. " . '. bac~o in 'var~ous ~or~s.., he ; nurses;._~ork. dosely. WIth .. ", :Tite ",taboo" items'include cds.. exists amongCatholic~, at' 'the ,ment of:a chapl<:jin tfrserve 'as" guild' h~s offered,. a' nursm g , · lHenniel converitionof the Na'- Diocesan Dh'ector . of~ Hospi.tals s.chola.rshlp to ~e~er-vll1~ ~t~dents", .~I?CeSan org al1lzab?ns .for ,ph,y-, metics,-, meats, sh'oes, ciothirig. : tIOmilCouncil,6{: Catholic' Men. arid Nurses;·Currently l:te is Rev. . 'a ,proJ~ct also mltIated. thl~ year slclansand pharmaCISts. Theyare' greeting cards, posfcards, books, Archbishop Dearden· conceded ,Cornelius J. ,Kelihe:ri pastor .of , by the ~ttleboro orgalllzatlOn. , ,hono~e,d ~uests, at the. ann~al,. '~heese,' but,ter ap!i new l!nd 'u'sed -.tlty is an essential' chaI:aeter-" St. Mary's Chllrch; Hebronville. ',' Gradu~t7 nurses_are offered .F~hyslClal1s Mass~. for mstance,. automobiles: ' ietic of CatholiCism, but just· as Under 'his jurisdiction 'came opportul1ltIes by means of fre- a~d area doctors ~reque?py lec-, ' fl.YIiical, he' addeji, is thjs ,diver- four, Catholic Nurses'" Guilds;,' quent openforu~s to·learn. the t~re .at the Jl';lrses meetmgs.. Dominican Republic Iifty. orgaliiz~d ,-in Attieboro,: Fall Catholic standpomt' on V~rIOUS Fath~r Kehher has ,been Dl~- '. Distorted ,View., River Taunton, and New 'Bed- '. hospital procedures. Such'mfor- esan DIrector for 16 years, bemg New, Bishop, ' 'The Archbishop ,cited the "ap- . ford. 'They have a/total of 350 ,mationis needed espe,ci~lly by . ~ppointed.by.Bishop Cj1ssidy.. He: "V'AT'ICA'N' C'ITY (N'C)-Pope : .rehension" on: the part of some members:" ' : : ..:~raduates 'of non-Catholic hos- . IS ~lso chaplam for,the ~all ~Iver , : people that the- Church is ,"a Pioneer Guild, pitals. , . gUllda~d_on the board,ofdlrec-, john ,has named Father' Juan rigid, monolithic structure" in 'The'Fall River . guild ~s the ' Ptib~i~, service.guil~ projects tors for,the,stllden~nurses~ home Felix Pepen' as first bishop 'of : which the will of the leaders is pioneer group, being, the first have. mcluded. fIrst aid .care at at, S.t. ~nne s hosp~tal. , the newly established Diocese of aeeessarily th. will of all its women's organization in, the St. Anne'sShrme"Fall River" on HIS VH;W of the I~po~tance ?f, Nuestra ~Senora de 13 Altegracia ' members., "Truly, this is a dis- Diocese to be affiliated ;with:the' feastdays when large crowds are the nursl?g profeSSIOn IS shared en Higuey, Dominican Republic. torted notion of the Church," he Natio,nal CounciL Throu~h 'tb!'!' StressUrtllent Need by,th~BlshopsofNew.Englan~.., Bishop.:.elect' ~epen,' born in : told the NCCM, "a'parody 0'£ tHe years it has organized educa- ' ,~" ":J,,, ' . ' He saId ,that the.measure of,their Higuey, Jan. 27, -1920, was orInstitution Christ has bequeathedtional,actiVities for students and For Lay.'Catechlsts. esteem can be Judged. from the dained in'1947.' .. us." , ' , . . BOGOTA (NC)-Since priests fact that every, Ordmal'Y and" 'He has served as a pastor, miliMr. Hynes noted thepossibili~y Carmelite Tertiaries alone' cannot solve Latin ~,Auxiliary,inthesix-state area is· ,tary chaplain and as a professor 'lbat a Catholic may be a cand.1-, 'T -M" A' '·1"'2"4' America's' religious ,instruction 'p,-:esent at regional ,meetings of of various subjects in the Cath'date in the' 1960 presidential- .'. ,0 eet onprl " problem, a "atechetical apostol- the Arch<;onfraternit,Y of Gath- olic colleges' of the Dominican electl·on. 'He sa'id this' means WASHINGTON (' NC) ~,Mo,re, ' ate 0 f 'the l al'yt 'IS urgen tly 0 l'IC,. N'urse s. R~public. Catholics are more frequently ,than i,500 delegates from all- needed, the Latin American His qwn opihion? "The nurses, lteing questioned by non-Catholic ,sections of the country' are, ex- , Bishops' Council reports. are the'most wonderful group of ' Americans about their stand on, . pected at the three-day annual ' .. Although' Latin' Americans . women rve ever, had 'anyt~ing E:hurch-State relations., - ' national conference of, the 'thi'rd -havea profound faith, their lack to do w i t h . " "Unfortunately,"_he continued, Order of Our, Lady "of', Mount of adequate religious training /' GOOD FOOD "there is often an unjust over':' . Carmel, which opens Friday, has 'resulted in: All Four Corners tone to the question-as though April 24. " , "" 1) Superstitions, and serious' Pleasant Atmosphere, Students from neady, every the answer is unnecessary since General sessions will feature deviations 'ffom the Faith. ' country'in the world"including "ask anybody'" the quest~oner does not really 'discussions of the' Little OfflC~ 2) A wave of spiritism. Viet Nam, Ghana, CzechoslovaAir Conditioned believe that a Catholic can be of the Blessed Virgin", which is 3) Protestant proselytism and kia, Australia and Korea, are " , ' trusted." recited daily by memllers of the Marxist infiltration. 386 Acushnet Avenue studying this year at Fordham , Omit' Prefix Carmelite Third Order. Work- .. 4) Half-hearted Catholics who University in New York City.' New Bedford !fII' However, Mr. Hynes said, Cathshop will cover apostolic work do not obey, the Commandments ,elies for their part "must be pursued, by tertiaries. and' do not 'receive the Sacraeareful in our response not to' Fa t-,h e r Kilian E. Lynch; ments. 'The F:amJly That create the impression that there O.Carm., Prior ,General, ()f. the' Subsecretariat for the Propaiii a Catholic political bloc in Carmelite Third Order, w,ho will ' gation and Defense of the Faith Prays Together , Ibis country and'that Catholics come, from Rome; will be the has decided ,to urge the estabwill automatically. support a keynote speaker, lishinent 'of the Confraternity of .Stays' Together" candidate for the presidency Christian Doctrine in all Latin aimply because he is' of the same Chinatown School American parishes and to request ,THE JIeligion," CHICAGO (NC) - A new, th~.laity's aid in achieving more It is "ouestionablelanguage" , $300,090 fireproof' .. CathQlic ; imd' better religious training for " F~RST NATIONAL to .- use the terms "a Catholic school will be !,!rected in Chica-' ' children and' adults. .enator" 0:' "a Catholic presi- go'S Chinatown. It will preserve BANK dent," l''l:r. Hynes, declared. He, the traditional Ofiental' styie of AUicboro....,..Sou&1i AUleboi'o ' pointed out that the Constitution the local Chinese business ,build;'; , Seekonk . lPecificallybars any religious ings. .. test for office and added: "If it ..... citizen ~ho is a Catholic is electPr.escriptions, called for GO,ODEXAMPLES ed president, he will not be a' and delivered have Twice the Value 'Catholic president.' He will of HEADQUARTERS FOR amply be 'President of the GOOD ADVICE DIETETIC SUPPLIES United States.' It is not wholly' Do You Work in a Factory, 600 Cottage St.' WY 4-7 ~39 ' In the spirH of the Constitutiori UNION PRiNTERS , ,New Bedford Garage, Machine Shop or to put a denominational adjective in front of the title 'Presi-. REYNOLDS-DEWALT, , . Gasoline Station? tIent.'" ' William and Second Streets We pick. up and deliver, clean New Bedford ,WY 6-8234 and repair overalls. Also, we have Carcl~"'~1 Named .c:i complete line of Coveralls. Pants, and Shirts for sale., To Commission VATICAN CITY (NC) -His We reclaim and wash,any oily. SHRUBS TRE~S Eminence Amleto Cardinal Ci' dirty or greasy rags. eognani, former Apostolic DeleOIL BURNERS Why Buy When' We Supply gate to the United States, has Also complete Boiler-Burner been named' a member of the or Furnace Units. Efficient PLANTING , low cost beating, Burner' and p'ontifical Commission for the fuel oil sales and s~rvice. DESIGN Iltate of Vatican City. The commission, headed by Stanley Oil Co., Inc. High Street, Assonet, Mass. Bis Eminence Nicola Cardinal 480 Mt. PleasaB& S&reet Canali" is the governing body' 2" RowardAvc.. New Bedford Tet MI 4-2821 WY 3~268'J New Bedford PIa.... WY 9~G4Z4 01' WY·9-G~_._· IJI ... Vatican City.
'M-K Restaurant
_ -------~
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Attention Mechanics!