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Women Convene May 2 in Attleboro


Diocesan Council to Hear Weston Psychologist

Price 10c $4.00 per year Vol. 14, No. 16, April 16, 1970

Faith Crisis Papal Topic VATICAN CITY (NC) Pope Paul VI has said that , the general decline in voca· tions is the most urgent problem troubling the Church, but he rejected the abolition of celibacy as a solution. In his message for the World Day of Prayer for Vocations Pope Paul said that there are many causes for the vocation decline. The "present crisis of voca· tions is but one aspect of the crisis of faith which troubles the world," he said. The priesthood, Turn to Page Six




The Diocesan Council of Catholic Women will hold its annual convention on Saturday, May 2 at Bishop Feehan High School, Attleboro, with Mrs. Richard D. Deschenes, North Attleboro, as chairman. The day long program will begin with' registration from 9 to 10 A.M., followed by a business session presided over by Mrs. Charles Landry, Diocesan Council president. ' Workshops and a Concelebrated Mass with Bishop Connolly and diocesan moderators concelebrating will complete the morning session. Principal speaker at the afternoon session will be Rev. John R. McCall, S.J., professor of psychology and spiritual director at Weston College, major seminary for Jesuits in the New England area. He was formerly professor of psychology and clinical child guidance at the Boston College Graduate School' and director of personnel for New England Jesuits. Father McCall was born in Bridgeport, Conn., and received his early education in the public schools of that. city. He attended St. Bernard's Seminary, Rochester, New York.


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In 1942 he entered the Jesuits at. the novitiate at Shadowbrook,Lenox, Mass. and pursued his early training both there and at Weston College. After obtaining the doctorate in clinicaL psychology at the Catholic University in Washington, DC., he returned to Weston CoIlege to complete his theological education. He was ordained in 1953 by Richard Cardinal Cushing. After a three-year period of teaching and directing the Guidance Service at Fairfield University in Connecticut, Father McCall made further studies in Europe before taking up his present duties. Specializing on the emotional problems of children and adolescents, and on the parent-child relationship, Father McCall has lectured extensively throughout the United States. Because of his duties at Weston, he is also particularly concerned with the relationship between psychology and religion, and has written several articles on this topic. Turn to Page Six


CCA Special Gilts Phase Starts Monday ,





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CATHOLIC CHARITIES APPEAL: Denise M. Canuel of Fall River, left, a pupil at Nazareth Hall praises her school to Joseph C. Murray, lay chairman of the 1970 Appeal; Bishop Connolly and Mrs. Joseph C. Murray.

Priest Member Criticizes Pornography Committee WASHINGTON ( N C ) Father Morton A. Hill, S.J., a member of the IS-man Presidential Commission on Obscenity and Pornography, wants Congress to investigate



the commission's activities. Father Hill, president of the New York-based Morality in Media, Inc., has been feuding with the commission because of its refusal to hold public hearings. He conducted a series of eight hearings on his own in eight cities in February and March "to hear alternative views of the public." He was joined in this project by Rev. Winfrey Link, a Nashville Methodist minister who is also a member of the commission. The commission, which met here announced its decision to hold public hearings in Los Angeles on May 4 and 5 and in Washington a week later. Commission officials denied that the clergymen's hearings pressured Turn to Page Four

More than 900 men and women from throughout the diocese, filled the Bishop Connolly auditorium,' .Fall River on Tuesday night and heard Joseph C. Murray, lay chairman of the Catholic Char· ities Appeal for 1970, emphasize the importance of each in· dividual in conducting a successful ~ampaign. Speaking in the presence of Bishop Connolly, who is being honored this year on the occasion of his 25th year as a member of the hierarchy, Mr. Murray opened with an informal prayer.. "Appealing in the name of Christ that we spend our lives trying to show the same love, the same compassion, the same concern for the poor and the sick which Yo'u showed when You lived on this earth." "Please help each one of us understand that we are important to this campaign" summarized the prayer of the lay chairman. In stressing th,e role of communications in a 'successful campaign, Mr. Murray stated the most important phase is that "we speak to one another about the work of charity and give of ourselves to this whole appeal". "Joy and love should fill our minds and hearts during these days-the reason being that we Turn to Page Twenty

Serran Con,Jave On Wednesday Serrans of District No. 40, which comprises the Serra Clubs of Fall River,' New Bedford, Attleboro, and Taunton together with Newport, Providence and Kent County in Rhode Island will hold their Annual Spring Conference on Wednesday evening, April 22. at White's Restaurant, Westport. There will· be a social hour at 6 and dinner will be served at 7 to Serrans and their wives. Dr, Vincent P. Wright, administrative assistant to the president of Stcmehill College, will be guest speaker.

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KICK.OFF OF CCA: Discussing the 1970 Catholic Charities Appeal at the Tuesday night meeting, were: Mrs. Ronald l'ltalien of New Bedford; Frank R. Mason of Seekonk; Bishop Gerrard, speaker; Rev. Msgr. Anthony M. Gomes, Appeal Director.

Says Evaluators to Require 'Imprimatur' on Textbooks WASHINGTON (NC)-Religious textbook publishers have been told that only books already carrying an "imprimatur"-the acknowledgement by a Catholic bishop that "it may be printed" because nothing inside is false in faith or morals-will be "If our committee were to reviewed in a newly started judge books regardless of impritextbook evaluation project. matur, we would be establishing Father Thomas Donlan, O.P., ourselves as a national board of

the man in charge of the project, censors," said Father Donlan. gave publishing representatives He said it would mean making the details at a special session judgments on theological as weIl during the National Catholic Ed- as educational correctness. Instead, teams of evaluatorsucational Association convention religious educators, th'eologians, in Atlantic City, N. J. "Weare taking a stand for .parents, pastors and school offifreedom," he explained later in cials-will be trying to appraise an interview-with NC News. He religious texts. on the basis of defended the project, insisting it "efficacy, clarity and excelwas not censorship because the lence." Father Donlan said findings of evaluators would be looking at the books from an educator's the evaluators, based on uniform Turn to Page Six viewpoint.


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Beisheim Speaks 11'1 SMU Series




of Fall River-Thurs. Apr. 16, 1970

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The revolution that America "has, backed into by accident as the country moves into a tech-路 nological society," was the topic of the second (>f the James Louis Connolly Lectures, sponsored at SMU by the Newman Association. Peter Beisheim, assistant pro-' fessor of theology at' Stonehill College, spoke on "The Theology of Revolution," explaining that the nation is confronted with problems_ "we, had not planned on: for example the stress on automation and the distrust arid alienation that exists among .segments of society." Tomor.row's theology will concern 'itself, Beisheim said, with, "the liberation of man." He stressed that "man must be able to control himself and his humanity; he must have options and control what happens in the . future. He should not allow media to condition him and lim<:;; it his choices." .

OFFICIAL Diocese of Foil River

4tl5...C.. 路 ... ".IA



ASSIGNMENT Rev. Jose Antonio Ferreira dos Santos to St. Michael's Church,Fall River, as assistant.

As~ignment effective Wednesday, April 22, 1970.

~~,t?~;;:j-' Bishop of Fall River. "


Senate Has Bishop8 s Nomin'ees F'or Mediation, Arbitration

Church's Inability

Twenty-one priest-senators of A 13 to 7 vote had the Fatl the Fall River Diocese met at River Senate second their, apCatholic Memorial Home in Fall peal for a Church trial and sent River Friday in their regular messages to Bishop Connolly" the BUSY HANDS MAKE HAPPY PEOPLE: A guest at Madonna monthly meeting for April. Administrative Board of the Con- Monor No. Attleboro is admired by one of Sister:; who staff the A letter from the Most Rever- ference of Catholic Bishops and home ~s she continues her life-long habit-sewing. . end Bishop was read which re- the Papal Secretary of: State vealed the Bishop's three mem- asking for a fair and impartial bers on the Board of Mediation judicial hearing for these priests. and Arbitration. They are Rev. The Senate, however, declined William J. McMahon, pastor of to back' a proposed meeting by St. Joan of Arc Parish, Orleans; the NFPC in Chicago if the VatDetroit Women to F'robe Discrimination. Rev. John J. Steakem, assistant ican does not answer the appeal I'n' Inner City, Markets at St. Kilian Parish, New Bed- by April 20. The vote was 14 ford; and Mr. Thomas E. Kitchen, against such a meeting, and 7 DETROIT (NC)-Some 10,000 to' correct these injustices." He Clerk' of the 'Second District for. women are expected to parti<;:i- said' the major chain shores Court of Bristol County. ' ProP9 sed amendments con- pate in a shop-poor-Iive-poor "refuse to build badly needed The Senate then named Rev. cerning the elections to tile Sen- consumer survey to deter~ine new food centers. Cornelius O'Neill, assistant at St. ate and length of office for Sen'- whether there are "patterns of "They have barely moved' to Paul Parish, Taunton, to head a ators were tabled. A special com- discrimination against the black rehabilitate ancient ,stor~s, excommittee to find nominees for . mittee should make' recommen~ , . imd : poor" 'in area inner city' 'ce'pt to add bars around the the Senate representatives on the dations .to the Senate iil May. markets. ' doors so that carts cannot be Board. taken to the parking lots," he Rev. James A. McCathy, pas~ Volunteer hous'ewives from Rev. Lucien Jusseaume, pastor added. tor of St. John Parish,' Pocasset, city and suburban areas are beof St. Mathieu Parish, Fall River, "This discrimination continues and Episcopal Vicar for Reli- commented on a poor return for ing asked to "shop, in a poqr despite ample evidence black and live on a a diocesan-wide questionnaire on person's, shoes", gious, will arrange, representalow income budget from April people buy more groceries contion on the Board for the Reli- priestly income. sumable in the home than ~do Rev. Paul E. Canuel, assist- 20 to May 3. gious of the Diocese. suburban whites and that conant at Mount Carmp.l Parish, SeeThe housewives will be asked The priests then heard a resumer pilferage in black ghetto konk, described April study-days to shop in pairs in inner city port from Msgr. John E. Boyd, stores is lower than in white pastor of St. Patrick Parish, Fall at which Rev. John McCall, S.J. supermarkets and shops to de- suburban stores," Father Cunwill lecture. termine whether a pattern of' River, an<;l' Rev. George W. Coleningham said. ' The next meeting of .the discrimination ,exists. man, assistant at St. Louis ParPriests' Senate will be held at The project is being conducted ish, Fall River, on the deliberations held in San Diego by the the Catholic Memorial Home on by Focus: HOPE, a non-profit, Necrology non-sectarian Detroit organizaNational Federation of Prie'st May 8th. APR'IL 25 tion . seeking to improve condiCouncils. Rev. John J. Wade, 1940, Astions among the area's poor. The results of the national Mass Ordo Father William T. Cunningham sistant, Sacred Heart, Fall River. meeting seemed' to parallel very Rev. Raymond J. Lynch, 1955, closely : the, recommen"dations ,FRIDAY - Wee k day. M'a s s is co-director of Focus: HOPE., The project Will be the second Chaplain, Catholic Memorial made eiuiier by' the Fall River (Choice of Celebrant) _ Home, Fall'River. Priests' Senate. SATURDAY - Weekday. 1\1 ass survey in two years sponsored APRIL 27 by the organization. The fi.rst Washingtol,1 Priests . : :""'. <<;hoice of Celebrant) ), ' Rev. Francis J. Bradley, D.D~, survey was made following' the The Senate priests then dis- ' SUNDAY:"'" Third Sunday After 1967 Detroit rioting and dis- 1925. Rector, Cahedral, Fall cussed an appeal made by 19 Easter. White. Mass Proper; orders. It substantiated charges' River. Washington, D:C. priests for a I Glory; Creed; Preface of that higher food and drug prices Rev. Romeo D. Archambault, Church' 'juridical, hearing conEaster., prevailed in inner 0 city stores 1949, Pastor, St. Anne, New Bedcerning 'their dispute with their : ford. Archbishop. MONDAY - Weekday. Mas s compared with shops in more affluent areas, a report stated. APRIL 28 (Choice of Celebrant) Rev. Stanislaus J. Goyette, Father Cunningham expressed TUESDAY - St. Anselm, Arch- belief that "little has been done 1959, Pastor, St. Louis of France, bishop of Canterbury, Doctor Swansea. of the Church. Optional. ,White. Day of, Prayer APRIL 30 WEDNESDAY-Weekday. Mass Proposes Voluntary Rev. David F. Sheedy, 1930, Apr. 1~St. Paul, Taunton (Choice of Celebfant) Pastor, St. John the Evangelist, St. John the Baptist, Fall THURSDAY-St. George, Patron .Prayer in Schools Attleboro. ' River. WASHINGTON (NC)-Senate of "England, Soldier, Martyr. Rev. John, A. Hurley, 1900, Apr. 26-our Lady of Fatima, Rep~blican Leader Hugh 'Scott Optional. Red. Pastor, St. Mary, North AttleNew Bedford. of Pennsylvania introduced a boro. St. Michael, Ocea!' Grov,e. resolution proposing a constituGirls' ECHO tional amendment that'路 would May 3-St. Vincent Home, The first' ECHO retreat pro- permit voluntary, nondenominaFall River. gram for girls will 'be held the tional prayer, or meditation for Holy Ghost, Attleboro, weekend of April 24 at Holy those who do not wish to pray, F....era. Rome St. Joseph, New Bedford. Cross Retreat House, North in school and other public build" 550 Locust Street Easton. Five ECHO retreats for ings. boys have been given. The proFall River. Mass. "By doing so," Scott said, "my THE ANCHOR gram, developed by Rev. Thom- resolution addresses itself to the 672-2391 ' Second Class Postage Paid at Fall River, as Mayhew and Brother Louis basic issue in a manner' which Mass. Published every Thursday. at 410 Affrica in cooperation with the will permit the greatest. possible Highland ~enue, Fall River, Mass. 02722 Rose E. !3ullivan by the Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall Diocesan CCD office, is unique flexibility for a divergence of reJeffrey E. Sullivan River. Subscription price by mail, postpaid to the Fall River Diocese. ligious belief.:' $4.00 per year.


Housewives Su,rvey


The new theology, said Beisheim, is concerned with man's alienation from himself and hi.s neighbor and with the ,Church's inability to, provide man with hope and vision for the future. Theology, said the educator, must show us "how,"we can overcome fragmentation between. ourselves and others." It must offer a vision of' man, 'must discuss his nature, and' must apply the gospel message to today's society. Discussing violence, he noted that it falls' into four categories: personally overt; institutionally overt; personally covert; institutionally .covert. Ghetto, vio.~nce, he opined,is the result of institutionally covert tactics, as for example when unions or other organizations discriminate against minority groups. Next Connolly lecturer will be' Dr. Brian J. Cudahy, assistant professor of philosophy at Boston College. He will speak on "The Philosophy of Hope" at 1 Wednesday afternoon, Earth Day, in Room 228 of the Group II building at the North Dartmouth campus of SMU. The public is invited to attend.

D. D.

Wilfred C. Sullivan Driscoll ,


O'ROURKE Funeral Home 571 Second Street Fall River, Mass. 679-6072 MICHAEL J. McMAHON Registered Embalmer Licensed Funeral Director

Michael C. Austin Inc.

Funeral Service Edward F. Carney 549 County Street New Bedford 999-622'2 Serving the area since 1921


Prelate Stresses Hope for Church In Ecuador

THE ANCHOR·· Thurs., April ] 6, 1970

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African .Educator Giv·es Attitude On School Aid

NEW YORK (NC) - The cardinal-archbishop of Quito, Ecuador sees great hope for the Church in his revolution-ridden country because of what he describes as solid commitment of its youth. But at the same time, Cardinal Pablo Munoz Vega, S.J., warned at a news conference here that violence is not asu'itable way to solve social problems. "As revolution which involves the spilling of blood is absolutely not in agreement with the core of the Gospel message," said the 66-year-old prelate. Cardinal Munoz Vega spoke in Spanish to reporters as he was welcomed by the. Ecuadorian Social and Cultural Society of New York at the start of a one-week U. S. tour during which he will also visit Washington D. C., and Chicago. United Episcopacy A noted theologian and former rector of the Gregorian University in Rome, the cardinal made these points to newsmen: Ecuador's 30-member episcopacy is "very united and decisive" with a "deep concern for human development and sQcia) concern." Its young people "live with a very keen sense of social responsibility" and provide great hope in the post-Vatican II era. The "new thing" about today's youth's rebellion is its solidarity as a "distinct new social group" with political power of its own. Peace is diffiCult to attain but "it would be very helpful" for people to give more thought to Pope Paul's emphasis on the reduction of "fantastic expenditures for armaments" and the transfer of thiS'lnoneyTo intensified aid' for underdeveloped peoples. Greater Evils Cardinal Munoz Vega said that what sets today's youth apart from other young generations is their "sense of being a distinct new social group with their own real political power." He added: "When young people unite to support a cause, I don't think any political force can stop them." Violence poses "enormous problems" in Latin America, he commented, adding that it was against the Gospel and "we can not choose one evil for the solution of a still greater one. "And I think that a violent revolution in all of our Latin American countries would produce greater evils and problem.s than"at present. It would cause a series of breakdowns of values and dangers, a civil upset about which we could not anticipate the outcome."

See Further Curbs On Social Action GUATEMALA CITY (NC) Catholic leaders here fear that the wave of violence in this country, climaxed by the recent killing of the West German ambassador, may lead to further government repression and curbs on their legitimate social action efforts. The violence has already gained support for strongman Col. Carlos Arana Osorio, whose election as president was confirmed by congress in midMarch. He ran on a law-an~­ order platform. Political observers here agree that what gave Arana close to 50,000 votes more than his next opponent was the widespread fear of further bloodshed.


ATLANTIC CITY (NC)Father Martin Ekwa, SJ., regional secretary of Africa and Madagascar for an in-



CONCERN FOR ELDERLY: Guests at Marion Manor, Taunton undergo 'physical therapy on the rood bock to health. Your contributions in post years mode this scene possible and all are being asked to recognize Bishop Connolly's Silver Jubilee as a Bishop by giving generously to the aCtholic Charity Drive May 3-13.

Powerless to Deal With High 'Schools Stress Financial, Personnel Problems ST. PAUL (NC)-The St. Paul and Minneapolis archdiocesan Board of Education was characterized a~ powerless to cope with financial and' personnel problems which abound in the field of secondary education.' And the head of the board agreed with much of the criticism leveled in a report by a committee which was appointed to make and study recommendations regarding the archdiocesan high school system. Brother Francis Wray, F.S.C., provincial of the Christian Brothers in thi~ area and former board member, headed the committee. He detailed the report at a meeting of the board here. Brother Wray said the authority of finances and personnel in the archdiocesan high schools now .is vested in the Religious communities and officials who conduct the high schools. "If the board is to have such control, it would have to come from the archbishop and provincials of Religious orders now staffing the schools," Brother Wray reported. . "If you get the power, you're in business. If not, you're out of business," the report said. Agrees With CrIticism Brother Wray, who resigned as committee chairman after submitting the report, said the "illusory" power of the board and also of Father John Gilbert, archdiocesan superintendent of schools, in this area, is not unusual. He said such problems are being faced in Cathloic education in many sections of the country. " The Brother said he has "the feeling" that within two years some 40 per cent of Catholic schools may be forced to close

Edema in Nigeria WASHINGTON (NC)-A survey prepared for the Nigerian government with the help of American doctors. and the State Department reportedly· indicates that about one million Nigerians, 700,000 of them' children, are suffering from edema,. a degeneration of the body cells caused by starvation.

down and that many teachers may decide to leave the Cath-. olic schools because they afford no protection for the teachers. Jerome Julius, board chairman, said he agreed with most of the criticism made in the report. He admitted he was at a loss to

suggest a way that the board could gain authority. He said he hoped the second school committee will continue to meet and make recommendations. He also indicated that the board will undertake a closer study of the criticisms made in ~he report at coming meetings. ..



ternational group of Catholic educators, can't understand why the government 'is hesitant to grant financial aid to nonpublic . schools. Students from nonpublic schools contribute to the good of the ent!.re country after they graduate, he said. "So why not finance them?" Father Ekwa was part of a delegation from the International Catholic Education Office, attending the National Catholic Educational Association convention here. He said all schools in the Congo-where the administrative office which he heads is located - are financed by the state. Seventy-five per cent of Congo schools are Catholic, 10 per cent are Protestant, and another five per cent are run by a local religious sect, Father Ekwa told NC News. Only 10 per cent ·are state schools, but they are all financially assisted by the state. "What is important is the children," he said. The predominance of Catholic schools is due to the efforts of Belgian missionaries who established schools when the territory was still the Belgian Congo. "The great danger for Africa," Father Ekwa said, "is to form a man technically and to forget to make him honest, charitable, kind." If this happens, "you have made ~ gangster."


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THE ANCHOR-D,iocese of Fall River.,...Thurs. Apr. 16,,1970

Challenges Catholic Schools Offer Integrated Education

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(Substituting for Msgr.' George Higgins this week as author of the following column is Father P. David Finks, director of communications of the Task Force 'on Urban Problems, United States Catholic






At a community function not long ago I sat next to a religious Sister who was principal of a, suburban Gatholic school. Halfway through the fruit cup she was r~pid· ly recounting the problems she was having with the Black kids that' had been paincation as a national commitment stakingly recruited for her and a diocesan reality. This school. A few discreet ques- _w~}Uld be good relevant Christians unearthed the factthat tianity and could exert strong the Black kids in her- school numbered eight out of 1,500 total enrollment. My question about faculty training built around discussion of the Civil Rights ,mov~ment and Black identity' and, history brought a quizzical frown. She said, th~t there had been scattered lectures over the past several years on Civil ,Rights ..topics, but nothing formal.

political support to help overcome current White House timidity on school integration. The parochial schools have long claimed to offer an altlfrnative educational opportunity to parents and children not satisfied with a "monolithic" public school system. ' ' ': ' Free of much of the ted-tape and educational bureaucratic'silliness, church-sponsored; schools could provide learning situations where. all kinds of kids! get "turned .on" to the w.onders of God:s world ~nd .the vast array of creative hUl1)an possibilities and· responsibilities. A few' experimental schools wl,tich have become exciting "learning places" have long integrated waiting lists for their quality education. New Agenda

'Benign Neglect' , COFFEE BREAK TiME: 'Guests at Our lady's Hav~n, Fairhaven' daily' practice the great This Sister, youthfUl and proAmerican 'habit "The Coffee' Break" and thus regain a lost' American art..,.."Conversation." gressive in her educational ideas, proved by her subsequent conversation to have a good understanding and sympathy for the youth culture of the majority body, in spite of the fact that it tion would have been "unconstiContinued from Page, One of her students. Only in' the area them into making the decision. is dealing with the issues of 'tutional." , 'of race was she "behind the 'Father Hill called for a con- freedom of speech and press," times," and somewhat defensive. The commission last July isgressional investigation . after Father Hill said. It is this attitude of uninsued an interim report in which formed but seeming good-win Some few .school people' in learning at the meeting of an He criticized the commission it indicated its goals and dewithin much of the Catholic dioceses like 'Milwaukee and experiment the commission has for authorizing an experiment in fined "several methods of reschool system that frightens Boston are beginning -to work authorized, which Father Hill which 'young men are being search that should contribute to supporters of quality integrated with parents to develop commq- called "barbarian." "used like animals in a labora- the achieving of these goals." education in the United States. nity-run private schools. 'An He walked out of the closed tory" as part of research into the Among these methods was listed: Outside of II few ghetto-based organizea, partnership between meeting and charged that th~ effects of pornography. "experimental studies (e.g. rating parochial schools surviving on teachers and parents may' be commission had disintegrated Father Hill said that, as a the degree of offensiveness of an almost hour by hour subsidy, much closer to' the hoped-for into a device to prove one man's clergyman-member of the com- erotic stimuli presented in a conthe parochial schools are not a home-school, coalition than the pet theory. This, he said, is being , mission, he had never been con· trolled laboratory situation)." racially integi-ated educational traditional antiseptic p'.T.A:· done, without the knowledge of sulted as to the morality or , Father Hill had filed "sepat:ate process. Our schools have Future state {lJ:!.d federal- funds Congress which created the com· ethics of such, an experiment. remarks"; following ·the interim changed very little since 1954. for school, aid ,might make it mission, and at the taxpayer's Chairman of the commission, report of the cominission. He has President Nixon's recent state- possible for alert administrators expense. ' William Lockhart, dean of the said he intends to submit a miment on school desegregation and school boards to set, aside The Jesuit priest, referring to the University of Minnesota Law nority report for the final report· projects a new passive or neu- a portion of present church- press criticism that the commis- School, answered his charge by tral "tone" on the subject of produced monies to develop sion has' been operating for two maintaining that such c0!lsulta- of the commission due at the end ,of this Summer. Federal enforcement of school model innovative schools where years under a shroud of secrecy, integration. The President seems the ,~hildren of rich, poor and charged that even many commisto find it politically necessary to workmg class. parents could sion members are not aware of Cardinal Commends adopt this posture of "benign ~ learn. together m new ways. what is transpiring. 1st FEDERAL SAVINGS neglect" in order to' appeas~ the Br~gh~ colle~e grad~ates who "The chairman requested a~so' Detroit Catholics Of fAll RIVER silent majority and the South- are fmdmg theIr way mto school lute secrecy on the part of memBRUSSELS (NC) - Detroit's ern minority. systems today as a form .of al- bers at the first meeting of the Cathol!cs and their spiritual lead. ternative service might be chaler, Cardinal John Dearden, are highest rate on lenged to teach for a few years , PosItive Leaders~ip , among the leaders 'in, achieving Mission of Church: But in the eyes of minority in such ,schools even if there "co-responsibility," Cardinal Leo savings insured by a group citizens' and their sup- were no war. Suenens of Malines-Brussels Difficul'l' to Define U.S. Government Agency porters this federal ,shift into Certain religious communities ERLANGER (NC)":'" Close to commented here on his return neutral only adds to the respon- shorn of dead traditions by the from a United States visit. sibility of church leaders and disorganization of the last dec- 100 Methodist educators from all Cardinal Suenens is the author parochial school administrators ade might be ready' to recruit parts of the U. S. met at the of a book entitled "Co-responsi• Terms 2 to 10 Years to give more positive leadership new members around a whole Marydale Center for Christian .bility in the Church Today," pub~ • Min. Bal. $5000 toward the goal of integrated new agenda for a teaching 'mls- Renewal here in Kentucky for a , lished in 1968. He has said that four-day educational training schools as the corn~rstone of sion. the most important ide~ to come event. ,the free' and 'open society ~e , Spritunl Response Conference leaders' acknowl- from the Second Vatican Council i,profess. Terms ,1 to 2 Years T4e only thing that school ad- ledged at an informal press con- is that of ,"co-responsibility on . ~ The Blacks, the Chicanos, the Min. Bal. $2500 every level"-between Pope and must know now is ministrators ference that while they were 'poor,the 'young are watching to See, maybe ."just· one more that, we cannot get away wi~h focusing' on "the mission of the bishops. among bishops them• 90 Day Notice Account time," if the establishment business as usual any longer. Church" they had some' difficul- selves, between a bishop and his With Convenient NO church is ~ommitted to moral The Supreme C;ourt in its majes- ties defining both "mission" and priests, between priests and laity, among' theologians, among 0/ NO~ICE Withdrawal ' leadership, or mereiy' to occa- tic deliberations and the Ken- "church." /0 perrods administrations, The' key problem, delegates in- Brothers and Sisters, among deasional .squeaks from the band- nedy-Johnson • Min. Bal. $500 whatever their other, faults, dicated, was the difficulty of cons. Everyone has a role to play wagon. in bringing the redemption and have shown that the Republic; to bringing the old Christian mesThe Catholic school system Terms 3 to 6 Months also produces fear among Blacks survive and grow must develop . sage to life and making it helpful the joy of Christ to the world." Immediate Availability Cardinal Suenens singled out and other minorities as the sev- quality education for all its for a new generation in.a time Min. Bal. $1000 citizens. of critical social problems. Detroit as he reviewed his U. S. eral, states, at last move in the Henry Owen, writing in the • Miss Miriam Brattain, director trip, saying "It is the diocese in direction of some form of' Paro• REGULAR PASSBOOK chiaid and Washington makes .Washington Post, states it clear- of studies for the Board of Mis- which I was most at ease on the SAVINGS noises about impending federal ,Iy: "A number of studies, incluQ- sions, said the group's optimism leve) of the practical realization ing the 1966 Coleman Report, about the future stemmed from of the ideas put forward in co- , assistance .to private schools. • full flexibility Does this mean that parochial and the 1967 report of the Civil belief that while the church may responsibility." ' /schools properly transfused will Rights Commission, have sug- lose some members "around the • Interest earned from day of deposit live on in the South as. a refuge gested that segregation and fringes:: those who remain will • Compounded Quarterly for children of segregationists? quality education are closer to have a deepened commitment. being'synonyms than, antonyms. ',' In the north will public funds Im"""lIIllllltlll"I'"'""1ll1l"m,mm""III'"IlI""111l1IlUnm",nm," 111I"11",111"11., for Information Call 674-466f There is so much talk of rev" , help develop quality education ()NE STOP only for suburban kids attending olution today that the word is in and aspirations of kids p.nd parSHOPPING CENTER First Federal Savings de facto segregated Catholic ele- danger of being domesticated. , ents of 1970. " But it could be revolutionary The task would be tough and mentary and high schools? • Television • Grocery OF FALL RIVER and exciting and even fun to often discouraging. BUt who • Appliances • Fruniture 'Learning Places' try to organize our sagging, but knows, it might just be the kind 1 No. Main St. fall River It seems overdue for Catholic somehow vital church school of human issue around which 104 Allen St.,-New Bedford educators to develop ,effective system, as a moral and spiritual people could get moving and 149 GAR Hwy. Rte. 6 Somerset 997-9354 plans for quality integrated edu- response to the' human needs even celebrating ag~in.

Priest Hits Pornography Group' Tactics

· 5~2


THE ANCHORThurs., April 16, 1970

Liturgical Reform Commission Holds F'ina I Meeting With Pope VATICAN CITY (NC) - The special commission for liturgical reform which for the past seven years has overseen the sweeping changes of Roman Catholic rites and prayers ended its work with a final meeting and an audience with Pope Paul VI. At the audience Pope Paul warned that the renewal of the liturgy must not be the "arbitrary decisions of anyone" and that people should "abstain from experiments that have not been approved by the competent· authorities of the Church," The Consilium for the implementation of the Second Vatican Council's Constitution on the Liturgy met in Rome to complete the last details of its tasks and formally turned over its mandate to the Congregation for Divine Worship. . . In the seven years smc.e Vat!can II called for a sweepmg updat I'n g 0 f th e Ch ur ch' s I't I urgy, the Con ilium h supervi ed s as . s the.vast program ,WhICh has seen Latm almost obhterated as the language of the Mass and the Mass itself altered greatly to make it more comprehensible and less of a private devotion than it had been in the past. Variety of Documents The liturgical reform did not conform itself simply to the Mass but touched on almost every sector of the Church's liturgical life. As Pope Paul noted in his farewell address to. the Consilium's nearly 100 members, consultors and guests, the Consilium has issued a wide variety of instructions and documents on liturgical changes. He cited the new ordo of the Mass, changes in the Holy Week liturgy aJ;ld .reform .of the tites of infant Baptism, the ordination of deacons, priests and bishops and the marriage ceremony. Other reforms carried out by the Consilium include the new order of readings for the Mass, which incorporate much more of both the Old and New Testaments into the yearly Mass cycle, funeral rites, the Church

Seven Million Unborn' To Die By Abortion BOSTON (NC) - Seven million unborn children would die in the United States in the next two years as a result of more flexible abortion laws, Auxiliary Bishop Timothy J. Harrington of Worcester, predicted here. Addressing a board meeting of the Boston Catholic Charitable Bureau, the Worcester prelate criticized strongly attempts to make what he termed feticide sociably acceptable. "The basic flaw in this approach will always be that it makes an innocent human being. the victim of people who take it upon themselves to exercise God's perogative," he said. Bishop Harrington reminded that the Judaic-Christian ethic reaffirms the principle that life is a sacred gift and that the inalienability of the right to life is guaranteed by the U. S. Declaration of Independence and the UN Declaration of Human Rights.

Correct Start That which the fool does in the end the wise man does in the beginning. -Trench

calendar, the breviary and the rites of Confirmation and the Baptism of adults. Abstain From Experiments Pope Paul thanked the Consilium members and consultors for their w6rk. Speaking in Latin the Pope said: "It is necessary that" the renewal of the sacred liturgy with a~1 care. be comple~ed with pIety, wIsdom and !althfulnes.s a~d not by the arblt~,ary decIslons of anyone. . . . The Pope added that "it is necessary also that people abstain from· experiments that have not been approved by the competent authority of the Ch,~rch. .. , A. sacnflce IS .not acc.eptable that IS .offered dlsregardmg t~e nor~s fIxed by the Church. ~Iturglcal renewal must be carned through with real support of the will of the Vatican Council and . . . . ' m thIs holy task, whIch mvolves d" h' d th "t I ,Ivm~ w?rs Ip an e splrl ua hfe, It IS necessary to guard, protect and promote the unity and harmony of souls." . .

St. Mathieu CY 0 Plans Spring Carnival Rev. Paul R. Shanley, Boston's "street priest", will share his experience with area teenagers' as part of


Priest Approves Carswell Defeat

. PREPARED: April Showers may come hb way, but five-year-old Larry Lewis of Rockville, Md. appears ready for them. Larry was waiting with the umbrella for' his dad, photographer Jim Lewis, to come home and ~he result was this candid study. NC Photo.

Children's TV ,Broadcasters Oppose Elimination Of Commercials

WASHINGTON (NC) - The the Fall River Area Spring Car- . nival, sponsored by St. Mathieu's National Association of Broadcasters has told the Federal CYO. Commission The Spring Carnival opens Communications that elimination of commercials Monday evening at St. Mathieu's with "Love, Christian Style," from children's television profeaturing a keynote speech by grams would diminish rather Rev. John R. Bryant,' pastor of than improve the quality of proBethel A.M.E. Church in Fall grams. Replying to allegations by an River. His theme will be "What organization called Action for The World Needs Now is Love," Children's Television, NAB said Monday evening's program it cannot accept the' claim that will include a concelebrated folk television does not offer suffi~ Mass in the church, followed by cient quality programming for a folk fest in the parish hall, children. with several Fall River area singThe petition asked the FCC to ers participating. consider three proposals-there The carnival continues on shall be no sponsorship and no Tuesday evening with a "Dress- commercials in children's proUp Dance" at Anawan CYO Hall 'gramming; no performer shall in Fall River. be permitted to use or mention Father Shanley will be at products or services or stores by Anawan Hall on Wednesday eve- brand names during children's ning for the third night of the programs, and each station shall Spring Carnival. He will bring provide daily programming for along some of his teenage run- children-and not less than 14 away friends to participate in a hours a· week - as part of its panel discussion entitled "The public service requirements. The petition also proposed that Drug Revolution," Father Shanley has been engaged in youth work for over 20 years. Prior to his ordination, Supp~rt he worked with reta,rded children in New Hampshire, orphaned and abandoned children in KanLONDON (NC) - The ·bishops sas, delinquent children at 'Bos- of England and Wales have. exton's Boys Guidance Center and pressed support for the Pope's black youngsters at Camp Dor- decision to maintain the present chester. He was also camp di- requirement of celibacy for rector for the YMCA. priests. He has at present a full time At the close of their traditional appointment from the Archdio- post-Easter meeting here, the cese of Boston as chaplain in the prelates declared their "wholeministry to alienated youth "on hearted support of the reaffirmathe streets" in Boston, working tion made by Your Holiness of with runaways, hippies, drug the apostolic value of celibacy abusers and other alienated as a sign of the priest's total youth in a night ministry, the consecration to the love of Jesus only priest in the United States Christ and the service of his officially working in such a fellowmen. capacity. . "We would like to emphasize Also on Wednesday night's our determination not to permit Spring Carnival agenda will be a the priestly ministry to be exerkarate exhibition presented by cised by those who in your own the Fall River Academy of Kachi. words 'have turned back after The carnival will come to a putting their hand to the plow,' " At the first national conferclose at Anawan Hall on Thursday evening with "The Mod, ence of 92 elected representaMod World of Fashions," Teen- tives of the country's 5,000 agers from various area CYOs priests, to be held in June, a will model school, daytime and discussion on celibacy has ·been scheduled. evening mod clothes.

Pope On Celibacy

provision should be made for programming in each of several age groups (pre-school, primary and elementary) at specified • times. NAB said program quality would diminish with the absence of sponsorship. The FCC itself, it said, recognized this fact in its 1960 Report and Stlttement of Policy on Programming Inquiry when it declared: "* ,~ * sponsorship fosters rather than diminishes the availability of important public affairs and 'cultural' broadcast programming." In refuting the second proposal-that there be no mention or use of any product, service or store - NAB said that this could, in effect, ask the FCC to fulfill an impossible and illegal censorship role. Since children are potential viewers of any program, every existing show would have to be closely screened. NAB urged that parents not consider their children as free agents when it comes to television viewing. "Parents cannot abandon their children to the television set as if it were a mechanical baby-sitter and then ask in return that television take care of the young as if parents had no role to play in the whole matter," it said. Children need guidance and parents must look over their shoulders when watching television, as in all other activities, it said.

WASHINGTON (NC)-Catholic spokesmen who opposed Florida Judge G. Harold Carswell's nomination to the United States Supreme Court have expressed satisfaction with the Senate's 51-45 defeat of President Nixon's second nominee for the court's vacant seat. Father Timothy D. Barry of the St. Louis archdiocesan Commission on Human Rights told NC News that members of the commission were "pleased with the outcome of the Senate vote and hoped that the next nominee named would have a better record in the field of human rights." In Chicago, the deputy director of the National Catholic Conference for Interracial Justice also eJCpressed satisfaction with the Senate vote. Kenneth T. Wilson told NC News that the organization's officials were "gratified by the Senate's support for the sentiment of the people." He added that he hoped President Nixon's search for a candidate for the. bench would "turn up a Southern strict constructionist who can also be objective. We see no reason why a Southern judge cannot meet the requirements for the Supreme Court,"

Expand Social Work In East Germany BERLIN (NC)-Protestant social services for the mentally and physically disabled have been expanded in recent years in communist-ruled East Germany while most other Protestant social work has dwindled. Between 1965 and 1969, the number of homes for' mentally and physically disabled persons increased from 11 to 97 and the number of beds from 537 to 5,927, parish-operated nursing homes fell from 807 to 612, and children's day nurseries fell to 323. Three of 62 Protestant hospitals and convalescent homes and four of 32 children's' and educational homes have had to be abandoned. On the other hand, 30 new training schools for church and social-service education were established, according' to a summary issued by Protestant agencies in East. Berlin.


34-44 Cohannet Street Taunton 1 822-6161 ~~~~~~~~~~-~~



for School Groups


636-2744 or 999·6984

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Apr. 16, 1970 '




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~: ~-'.



lV.i!rldlY' R~ligi9(l -J{eligious World

Ed~ard B. Fiske, 'writing in The Ne-w York Times, has concluded' that in the' past two decades "while the, churches were becoming more worldly the world was becoming more religious and that the two passed like ships in, the night."; " , He states that while churchmen were concerned with making Christianity more secular, society, was looking for the transcendent, an area traditionally associated with organized religion. This mystical or spiritual revival in society is seen in increased interest, in the occult, Eastern religion, and primitive practices such as witchcraft. It is seen in the interest in mind-expanding drugs. It is seen in meditation and cnanting and in the resurgence of religious themes in popular music. The' latest Beatle record-perhaps the last that group will make, as a group-is an out and out spiritual experience singing about Mother Mary: It would be frightening if men and women of re,ligion and their leaders were to merely view this happe~­ ing without taking leadership in it. The Rev. David H.C. Read, pastor of the Madis(jn A venue Presbyterian Church, made a .penetrating comment last week in a John Courtney Murray Forum address: "The revolt against the secular and materialistic society is iii full swing amongst the young, and~'the' traditional signs of yearning for the tran~cendental-ai>ocalypticimagery, ecstasy, symbolism, communes. of withdrawal-are all '?I'mprim,at,u,;' around us. It is becoming apparent: that it is not, after all, the 'otherworldly' note in the church" that is being r~Continued from Page One criteria, would be submitted to jected but the nature of the establishment in this world. publishers, 'and authors before To the surprise of the apostles of 'relevance' to our wOrld,they are made pubdlic. instead of welcoming a church hygienically free of superThe evaluation project was " t" 'th 1 . d d d' begun last October by the newly 1 t t na ura con a~ma IOn WI a secu anze, cree an ,a 'formed division 'of research and credible program of social action, the young show more' development in religious educa· interest in a church that celebrates the tr~nscendent and, tion, part of the U. S. Catholic in the glorio.us 'irrelevancies' of prayer andsacrament.'~, Conference Department of Edu- , cation. The American bishops, It would be a shame that in an attempt J~ reach the had :requested that the Conferyoung today' and in an effort to ,be releva'nt' to' modern e'nce sponsor it ~ project to help mal}.' arid' '\lis Q~~ds,: chun;hmen were to, qOWn.gfl~,qe" Clod.:, t,h~~ ~val~ate text!> for, religious place aside the very elements that' modern roa:rt' 's>eeks' ·educatlon.',- " ..•.. ~:. ,.' h' h' '. f ..~ , ,Involved in, Controversy , the v.er.y..transcendency t at he IS reac mg out-OF.,i~ ,"" (~J,"-::' ' , c , ' , . , h , • '" ", .,' The bishops had been gettmg .. Let, modern man see m the Church tl;1e place of t~e criticism from' 'parents' , 'and transcendent, let modern man see men and women of Catholic organizations: about the religion who are completely committed to God and the doctri~~1 orthodoxy or approach things of God let modern man see the sincerity of such to reli~l?n of some texts.. A~out . . '. ' .' , 20 religiOUS textbook series are a' rehglous commltment-j~md then modern man WIll see available, a little over, half of that the Church ~a,s what' he seeks. It is 'not the theorjy them widely,. used. ' of religion that men reject-it is the, failure of 'men ~ho', According to a state"!ent last ·· 1" h' . h '1' ' December by the educatlOn-com~ prof ess to b e men 0 f ' re 1IglOn to, .lve t IS m t elr Ives. mittee of the usce, Department The sad cry of Gandhi is still valid - "If only you of Education books most freChristians were more like your Christ !" quently involved in religion text , '. controversies are: Our Life With God Series (Sadlier); Word and Worship Series (Benziger); Bible Life and . The United States has' been' taken to' task ~ime and Worship, Series (Allyn an~ time, again. for being a society that caters to the young. Bacon);' Come to the Father, SeBut a Cornell Univer~ity professor has said that United ries (Paulist); Living'with Christ (I't Mary's College Press); To States childiEm are really neglected. ' , :' Live Is Christ Series (Regnery); Parents give their children things, they shuffle them Lord and King (Holt, Rinehart off to schools: arid' camps apd programs. But what ,chil- and Winston); Roots of Faith Series (Harcourt, - Brace and dren need is contact with their parents and their brothers World); and Choose Life Series and sisters. Keep .them with their own age' group ex~ll;l-' (Argus). The statement described, the sively and they become age-segregated centered on m<;>-, education committee as "con· mentary graqfieation. ' vinced that there are many irreChildren need people - more than things. sponsible and exaggerated attacks being made" against religious textbooks. , Has Definite Place "In general, the new' religion textbooks, are, good and give



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Neglected Children



·@rhe ANCHOR



by The Catholic Press of ih~ D]ocese of Fall River 410 Highland Avenue " ,~, ' Fall River, Mass., 02722. 67~:7151 PUBLISHER Most Rev,,:J9m.es. L Connolly, 0.0:, PhD., " . ... " . '. ,. , GENERAL MANAGER' '-ASST. GENERAL MANAGE'R Rt!V. Msgr. Daniel F. Shalloc,M.A.: ·Rev. John P. Driscoll MANAGING EDITOR ~ . Hugh J. Golden, J:D.













Leary Press-Fell. River •





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WASHINGTON (NC)-An' NC News survey discloses tha.t most Catholic schools throughout t,he area, I;lre adamant in ,refusing ,to become havens for segregationists attempting to escape courtordered public school integration. But some of the schools are facing the problem with great caution. Catholic school officials ' in" ~ome :p~rts ,of, the So~th.}lre' havmg dlfflc.ulty 10 assessmg the, motives behind some new enrol1me~t requests: '

Faith Crisis Continued :from Page 9ne he \said; will not be made' more desirable by making it easierby freeing it "from what the Latin Church has for centuries considered its supreme honor, celibacy." On the contrary, said the Pontiff, "the young will feel even less attracted to a less generous ideal of priestly life. . . . "Where preparation for the priesthood takes place in an atmosphere full of prayer, of charity, of mortification, the problem of celibacy, does not even arise and the young find it more than natural to consecrate themselves to the Church in a full and total gift of self for the kingdom of God." Daily Sacrifice


T'extbooks solid presentations of Christian doctrine," it said. But' the statement admitted some texts "may be criticized for the emphasis they have laid on certain aspects of Christian doctrine and the lack of emphasis on others, or for their favoring of one .theological opinion ' over another." Father Donlan said he felt the imprimatur has a definite place in' the' Church today. "If writers want to enter a market that is Ultimately the responsibility . of the' Catholic" bishops, then' they' have go.t to, be c'onsulted and 'advised by these bishops," he said.' On ·the' question of ,determfning criteria, Father Donlan said:"I don't· think a publisher h,as any qualifications whatsoeveras' a publisher-to determine the theological quality of religious, books." Pre'late


Catholics must not give into discouragement nor doubt that God will provide for the good of the Church, he said. "It is necessary to place young men in a position to hear the voice of God who is calling ,them and give their consent to it. Therefore, the responsibilities of families is immense because the possibility of a fruitful internal dialogue with God depends to a large extent on the family atmosphere." Pope Paul stressed that "a community that lives generously according to the Gospel cannot be poor in vocations. Where daily sacrifice keeps the faith alive and maintains the love of God at a high level, vocations for ,the ecclesiastical priestly state continue to be numerous." Favor Confession Fac'e-to-Face MARTINSBURG (NC)-About orie·third :.of the:, young people.. going, 'to' confession at' St.' Jo·' seph's>Church, here in West Virginia choose to sit down and ,face the priest, instead of, kneeling down behind a curtain in the traditional way. Father John F. Kain, pastor, said the priests have not urged the use of face-to-face confes~ sion but have made it known that it is available. "At first only a ,few people made use of it, but now it is becoming more widely used," said. The widest acceptance of the new method "has been among converts to the Church, although many middle-aged people and some very young people have been delighted with the new confessional set-up," Father Kain explained ill a letter published in the Catholic Virginian, Richmond diocesan newspaper. "They are inclined to be more conversatIonal in making their confession, with more give and take between them and the priests. Frequently they go more deeply into specific problems of conscience and behavior than is the custom in the traditional manner of receiving the sacrament. "The reception of the Sacrament of Penance takes a minute or two longer in this fashion, but the impresssion the priests have is that the people who use it are quite pleased," he said.

MoraJ Decay BIRMINGHAM (NC) - Catholics' must fight together to halt a current' moral' slide involving' permissiveness in divorce, abortion, euthanasia anq pornography, Bishop George Dwyer of B,irminghan:i has declared. , In recent addresses to British' lay societies, the prelate noted: "Only 10 years ago it would have been almost impossible to believe that the law could change to allow a man to desert his wife and to obtain a divorce three years later whether or not his wife ,had done anything wrong. "There is now abortion and it has been said' that because of it 20,000 babies were not born last year. What that meant was that 20,000 babies' were killed last year." ", Such laws could'only be made if public opinion was prepared ' to accept them, the archbishop ."",,,•.•,,,,,,,"',,,,,,,,,,"'' ',,,,,,,,,,,,'' ,,,,,,,,,,,,'' ,,,,,,,,,,,,'' ,,,,,,,,,,'' ' ',,'' ' ',,,,,, added. He saw a general decline in mor~ls with little r~gar.d for----Diocesan Council truthfulness, honesty and mtegrity and and with this departure .Conti,nued from Page One f~o~., Christian standards. little Father McCall holds memberlikeli~o?d of a change 10 the ships in' the American PsychologpermiSSIve laws. ical ,Association' The American Eut~an,a~ia was now. being, dis- , Ciitholic psychdlogical' -,\ssociacussed apd who cquld j{now, hl;J tion; The American Personnel commented, ,what the outcome and Guidance Association; 'the' ,would, be and whether standards America Association of Univerwould rel~x any further? sity Professors. '

Asserts Non-Doctrinal F'actors Hamper Catholic-Anglican Un"ity LONDON '(NC)-Non-doctrinal of this?" he asked. "I do not factors as well as serious doc- sec why it should. But it is trinal differences arc keeping the hard to sec it surviving if the Catholic and Anglican Churches Anglican dioceses of Canterbury, apart in their attempts at unity, .York, Durham, Winchester and Auxiliary Bishop Christopher so on simply cease to exist. Outler, O.S.B., of Westminister "Nor is it easy to see our said in a national radio broad- largely Irish-descended English cast here. Catholic population settling hapThe non-doctrinal factors cited pily down under the control of by Bishop Butler included memor- Canterbury." ies of past events like the SpanDishop Butler said that in the ish Armada, the killing of Prot- Near East a number Of Easternestants by Catholic governments rite Catholic Churches such as and of Catholics by Protestant the Melkites and the Maronite<; r,overnments, differences of form have their own episcopal set-up and styles of worship and even but are all· in full communion such minor things as the kind with the Pope. of clothes worn by clergymen. I3ishop Butler said that "many of these factors arc extremely trivial yet they have their psychological effect somewhat in the way that the color of a man's WASHINGTON (NC) - The skin may have an effect on ot.hers of different racial origin." chief administrators of three Visible unity between two major religious organizations churches can find room for enor- have endorsed PreSident Nixon's mous diversity in the area of welfare reform proposal calling non-doctrinal factors, but visible for establishment of a family unity is not possible without assistance plan. Urging Congress to pass a doctrinal agreement, the bishop House bill (No. 16311) which said. provides for the plan, the three Doctrinal Agre~ment "Catholics cannot contem- leaders declared in a statement plate full union with a body such reform is long overdue. Issuing the statement were which rejected, for instance, .our doctrines of the supereme au- Bishop Joseph L. Bernardin, thority of the Pope and his in- general secretary, U. S..Catholic fallible teaching power," the Conference; Dr. R.H. Edwin Espy, general secretary, National bishop said. "I do not underestimate the Council of Churches, and Rabbi supreme importance of doctrinal Henry Siegman, executive vicea(treement, indeed, the necessity presoident, Synagogue Council . of it. But I think that we can of America. The three, leaders form the mere easily deal with this issue If we have cleared our minds on Interreligious Committee of Genboth sides from the notion that eral Secretaries. Since Decemwhat is being demanded by the ber, 1968 they have been meetother side is not only doctrinal ing regularly to consider issues agreement but agreement on a of common concern. "We believe that the House whole host of other things that have nothing to do with doctrine. bill, while falling short of our "Give'n doctrinal agreement and hopes. in some respects, neverthe restoration of visible unity theless is a major step in the, on the sort of terms that I have right direction," they said. The bill, which has been apoutlined one would hope that there would be· a gradual draw- proved by the House Ways and Committee, ,proposes ing toge~her of the two, united Means though still distinct groups and what amounts to a federally asat some future time a' further sured minimum income for the nation's poor. step might be feasible." In Full Communion In his broadcast Bishop Butler, a member of the Anglican Cath- Biafra Starvation olic International Commission on Lev:el Still High Christian Unity, asked: WASHINGTON (NC)-A sur"Would union entail. that eithvey prepared for the Nigerian er the existing Catholic strucgovernment with the help of tures in this country including the English Catholic bishops and American doctors and the U. S. their dioceses would be disman- State Department reportedly intled and that we should all come dicates th3t about one million under the authority of the arch- Nigerians, 700,00 of them chilbishop of Canterbury and his dren, are suffering from a degeneration of the body cells colleagues? " "Or that the Archbishop of caused by starvation. The unpublished survey shows Canterbury and his colleagues would disappear from the scene that starvation in Nigeria's eastand their faithful be taken di- ern region is as high now as it rectly under the wing of our was when the region's inhabipresent English bishops? Could tants were fighting for indepen-' they not continue to exist though dence from the central goyernRelief supplies being in full communion with each ment. channeled into the eastern reothers?" A great deal of the prestige gion seem to be missing the of the Anglican communion, he small enclave that was Biafra said. is derived from the fact until it fell to Nigerian troops ' of its being so very English-in last January. ' its traditions, in its hymns and Total 'shipment of relief suptheological thinkin~, in its cen- plies each week is also less than turies-old association with En- . that was flown into, the area glish society and the English weekly at the height of Biafracrown and parliament. Nigerian hostilities. Relief flights "Must reunion involve the loss during the 38-month civil' war managed to land. about 5,000 Papal Condolences .. tons of supplies a week in the VATICAN CITY (NC)-Pope Diafra area. Current shipments Paul VI sent his condolences to bril.lg in about 4,100 tons a week. Dr. ·Karl Western, P. S. Public the families of the "innocent victims" of an Israeli air' raid in Health Service doctor in Nigeria, which . 30 Egyptian children estimates at least 10,500 tons were reportedly killed and 40 are needed weekly. Some 35 per others wounded. The Pope. also cent of the area's pre-school age appealed for peace in the Mid- .children are suffering from east or "at least, a cessation of edema, the highest rate ever reported in a population group. the acts ef armed hostility."


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Endorse Nixon's Welfare Reform




:Ir ;j

,.:.L':;·~:~~.w~,_ MEDIATE WITH KIDNAPERS: Archbishop Hugo E. Polanco, coadjutor of Santo Domingo, and Bienvenido Melia, president of the Dominican Bar Association, walk through Duarte Park in Santo Domingo in one of several mediation move:; to obtain the release of kidnaped U. S. air attache Lt. Cel. Donald J. Crowley and to fore~tall student unrest at the local"high schools. NC Photo.

Dialogue Appeal Dominican .. Republic Prelates Stress Real Needs· of Country SANTO DOMINGO' (NC)-As vi'olence increases between . the political factions in this country, the bishops have made an urgent appeal for dialogue between incumbent President Joaquin ,Balaguer seeking reelection May 16 and opposition leaders during the election campaign. The elec, tion is May 16. "The gravity of the political situation and' the public statements of some leaders,'" the bishops said in a statement, "prompt us to join in the desire fOl: dialogue as the best means of, communication between men of reason for the good of all the peoples," . The bishop!l asked each faction to gear their political goals. to the real needs of this country. "Politics may be a very noble profession when guided by morals and justice, and there should be the guides for factional leaders," the bishops said. Independent newspapers have warned that dialogue may be the last chance for democracy in the Dominican Republic for some time. When President Balaguer announced in late March that he would run for reelection in the May elections, seven united opposition parties decided to boycot 'the election unless Balaguer resigned for the. remainder of his term, due to end in midAugust. . They charged that their campaign had met. with unfair re-

pression, and claimed that there had been repeated cases of police brutality and bias against their candidates. Balaguer barred all compromise in a' letter categorically rejecting the opposition demand that he resign. He said he would run alone, in a sort of .plebiscite, if necessary. He is backed by the Reformist party and the National Youth movement. The opposition, ranging from conservatives to liberals - including non-Communist leftists -has denounced his. moves as "continuiSmo," a derogatory label recalling the days of Rafael Trujillo, who shuffled. presidents 'between his own terms from 1930 until his assassination in 1961. . After the bishops' appeal for dialogue, four of the seven opposition parties announced their willingness to negotiate a settlement provided the. other parties approved. President Balaguer appointed a two-man mediation committee to, forestall a massive boycott of the elections.

Limiting one'!l pursuits to one lone avenue without benefit of change or diversion can result in a form of vapidity which sometimes deadens imagination. -Uhl


Sees Centralized School Syste~ DENVER (NC)--What will be the role of priests-professional educators and pastors-when a diocese centralizes its school system? The Denver archdiocesan priests' council has asked the Sec's Area Board of Catholic EdlIcation to clarify that question. According to Msgr. William .Jones, education superintendent, and Father Clement de Wall, president of the priests' council, the request really hits on the whole process of shared responsibility. Father De Wall said he sees a crisis ahead for pastors when t.he archdioce!le takes over the operation of all' the parish schools, altho;,tgh that event is still some lime away. He also sees the need for explaining and preparing the priests for their new role when t.hat event happens. "Seventy to 80 per cent of the priests' time is now spent in the administration of parish schools. If in three or four years time the schools are taken over by the archdiocese, we have to decide what we're going to do with their,time," he said. He said he would like the board to take over the operation of the schools, but he would also like the priests' role to be one of support and policy making.

Clergymen Involved In Consul's Release BUENOS AIRES (NC) - A bishop and several priests were involved in negotiations to obtain the release of a kidnaped Paraguayan consul in Argentina, Waldemar Sanchez, in exchange for two students alleged to be political prisoners here. The consul was released by a terrorist grol.1lp known as. the Argentine National Liberation Front without the exchange of students. Sanchez was abducted four days earlier. He serves at a border area post. Bishop Miguel Raspanti of Moron negotiated for Sanchez' release with Interior Minister Francisco Imaz, acting at the request of the kidnapers.






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THE ANCHOR"":'o'iocese of Fall River-Thurs. Apr. 16, 1,970

E.liects Layman

Academy Awards Not Worth Watching-But Irresistibl,e,'

BOSTON (NC) - James W. Wieland of Bridgeport, Conn., is the first layman elected pres-. ident of the Catl10Iic Theology Societv, founded 16' years ago. Wieland is assistant professor of religious studies at Sacred Heart College, Bridgeport. Other officers crlOsen are Sister . Francis Regis, College of Notre Dame of Maryland, Baltimore, vice president; Sister Ann Otis, Cardinal Cushing College, Brookline, Mass., secretary, and Brother Stephen Sullivan, F.S.C., Manhattan College. New York, trea-surer. The society, which is not affiliated with the Catholic Theological'Society of America, founded in 1949, in recent years increasingly has sought to orient its"membership and goals toward ecumenical developments. The delegates voted to conduct the society's future programs in close affiliation with the American Academy of .Religion. They decided to hold the society's September, 1972, meeting in San Francisco, in conjunction with an International Religious Conference.

By Marilyn Roderick Every year I tell myself that I'm not going to watch that celebrity parade, the Oscar presentation, but when that night in April rolls around I find myself just as anxious as anyone else to spend those two hours or, so in front' of my' TV watching Taste was again' the adjective .the' stars go by. Curiosity is that would have to be found probably the main reason lacking in the gown that decthat so many people all over orated the slightly overblown the' United States remain glued to their sets on that special Spring evening; curiosity as to who will race up to the platform to receive the win n i n g trophy and spiel off. the rtames of anonymous people who helped them to reach this pinnacle -of success. It can't help but be boring and it is; but every year there we are back in the same place afraid we'll miss something. . Yet not only is the show 'boring but it's embarrassing as well. Your favorite star· turns up (after' having what appears to be one too many cocktails) and performs as if he (or she) were trying out for a very amateurish high school pl.ay (in fact, I've seen high school players perform, more professionally) and appearance-wise, in the case of women, she's either stunning or disappointing. In most cases it's the latter. No Good Taste

, When I' 'ritEmilone"d to

m'y husband this morning (after watch. ing . the awards last evening) that so many of the outfits that were worn we're either cut so low as to be indecent or such a mad mixtures of styles that the only word to describe them was "kooky," his only comment was that Hollywood has never been known for its good taste. Money, No Taste Certainly good taste was nowhere in evidence when Ali McGraw walked onstage. She was wearing what appeared to be thigh high black boots topped I)y a black and silver mini dress. The black boots turned out to be black satin trousers but it still didn~t make the outfit any more palatable or becoming.· I mustn't' forget to mention that this strange combination' was topped off by' a black and white Indian type headddress that made the lov.ely young actress look like the latest soothsayer to hit our shores. All I could think of was all that money and no taste.

form of Elizabeth Taylor. True, 'the color of her dress was 'a breathtaking' blue that exa~tly matched the color of her eyes but all this beautiful color was 'overshadowed by the deep, deep plunge of Miss Taylor's bodice (or what there' 'was of the bodice) and the over glitter, of that famous Cartier gem worn like an anchor around her neckline. Reportedly Miss Taylor's onenight appearance with said diamond cost he'r' a paltry $2,500, but it does make one wodder why any woman with h~r !obvious bea'uty' 'should ·have; to . wear such an· overpowering gem.

Government Approves New Warning on Pill

Still a' Question If you were at all CUri9US

about what Hollywood was thinking 'about'the midi lengths your questions weren't fully answered as only a couple' of the femille!> wore the new style. Candy· Bergen wore a gypsy type skirt that could be called· longuette with black stockings and shoes, and Claire 'Bloom wore a green-printed longuette, only her accessory was boots. Person~lly J~; ,must. admi~I missed Hie stars like Roz Russell imd Audrey Hepburn who' alw~ys looked elegant, never hippy-like. Well another Academy Aw~rd night has come and gone; who was wearing what has been hashed over in a thousand and one homes, Offices and social meetings and while everybne agrees sleepily that it really wasn't worth staying up for until 12:30, I would be willing to bet that when next April rolls around it will once more find us with eyes glued to TV checking hair-dos and hem-lines.

Commissions Sisters To Distribute. Eucharist

LADYSMITH (NC) - Seven Servite nuns here in Wisconsin have been commissioned by Bishop George' A. Hammes of Superior to distribute Holy Communion at parish churches in the diocese, 'The permission, grant~d by. ~he Holy See at the bishop's requE1st, is effective until April 30, 1972. It .permits the nuns to distribute the· Eucharist when a priest· is not available; when a priest' is unable to do so because of, IllNumber of' Missioners ness, old age. or pastoral demands; when a Mass, would :be In India Decr~~~es unduly prolonged by a great NEW DELHI (NC)-The num- number of Communicants. ber of foreign Christian missionThe bishop said the nuns may aries in India has decreased by exericse the privilege at Com':. nearly 100 since' the beginning of munion during a Mass; assist' a 1968. Most of the foreign mis- priest 'at a service other than 'at sion'aries are Americans-i,219. Mass, or when a' priest is absent A report of the Indian home from a Mass.' , ministry, whiCh deals with. all The seven granted theprivialiens, shows that there were lege are Sisters' Mary Joan Le6,326 missionaries from 'abroad blanc, president of the commuserving in India in 1969, as nity; Clarita Corconin, Louise against 6,420 on.Jim. I, '1.968, . Lawinger, Aloysius Formby, Other foreign missionaries arc Rosemary Mayer, MiclJaleen Mcfrom Britain, 1,012; Italy, 521; Namara and Eileen McGing, all Canada, 43~; Ireland, 387; Spain, stationed at Our Lady .of Sor338, and Australia, 249. rows convent here.


BREATH OIF LIFE:. Boston policeman Randolph' .lamatina applies mouth-to-mouth re!>u.scitation tc? .three-month-old June Floyd of the Dorchester section, Bos~on. Running at the left is June's mother, Mrs. Karen Floyd. The child,. who had choked on a bone, was rushed to Boston City Hospital and was later released. NC Photo. '

.Minor"ity Tru'stees


~~. J

. Survey· Sho~s Significant Increase in Number Of Women, Blacks, Youths. on School Boards PRINCETON (NC) - Officials alism due to board changes of the Educational Testing Ser- stemmed from survey results vice here predicted a more liber- that showed blacks, women and al outlook among'college trustees young board members to be as a result of a "significant and highly receptive to academic widespread increase" in the num- change and to the use of the ber of women,. blacks and young university as a tool of 'social people added to school boards of change. trustees. " A survey indicated that since Disclose Premarital mid-1968' Negroes joined the bo.ards of 14 per cent of 396 Conception Statistics WASHINGTON (NC) - A Depredominantly white schools; women were added to the boards partment of Health, Education of 17 per cent of 376ccoeduca- and Welfare survey disclosed one tional or male schools; and out of every three first born chilpeople under 40 have been add- dren in this country between ed to the boards of 31 percent 1964 and 1966 was conceived of 402 schools. out of wedlock. Private schools reported the Hastily arranged marriages widest acceptance of black. fe- gave many of' the babies legitimale and young trustees. About macy at birth but one of every 12 per cent of the nation's Cath- seven conceived duringthat peolic schools reported board . riod were illegitimate at birth, changes, while from 8 to 11 Per it was noted. cent of the public colleges and The surv~y produced these u n i v e r sit i e s made similar conclusions: 42 per cent of marchanges. ried women under 20 were marCatholic colleges and univer- ried fewer than eight months sities indicated several. signifi- when the first baby was born; cant' changes in structure, ac- 20 per cent of white women and cording to the survey. These in- 42 per cent of women of other, cluded reducing bishops' author- races were pregnant at the time ity over schools to changing of t~eir fir-st marriage. board membership from priests The study also showed a reand Religious to lay people. lationship between a woman's Predictions of increased Iiber- wage and education, and whether she was pregnant at the time ofmarriage. Of women who earned Queen's Daughters $3,000 or less a year, 37.5 per "The Role of Women in the .cent were pregnant at marriage; Timeless Church" was the topic of th9seearning $10,000 or more, of Rev. Arthur deMello, curate 8.2 per cent were pregnant at of Ou.r Lady of Health parish, marriage. Fall River, at the annual Communion supper of Taunton Retrace, Steps Queen's' Daughters. Arranging the event was Mrs. Aristides A. To find new things, take the Andrade, aided by a large com- path you took yesterday. mitteee-. -Burroughs

WASHINGTON (NC)-A watered-down but strongly worded warning to be included with each package of birth control pills has been approved by t~e federal government. . Health-Education-Welfare Secretary Robert H. Finch said :the warning would be published In the Federal Register to allow comment from interested parties. The new warning version was detailed some weeks ago by Dr. 'Olarels C. 'Edwards, food and drugs' commissioner, after a longer version brought objections from industry and physicians. The longer version detailed statistics regarding deaths from blood clots each year among women who did and did not use the pill. The draft of the new version, in part, states: "The oral contraceptives are powerful, effective drugs. Do not take these drugs without your doctor's continued supervision." It mentions the danger of side effects and recommends consultation with a physician if continued use cause severe headaches, blurred vision, leg pains, chest pains or unexplained coughs, and irregular or missed .menstrual periods.

famous or QUALITY and



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Anyone for Kittens Is 'Ple~ As Cat Adds to Family

lHE ANCHOR· 19 0 Thurs .• Aprii 16. 7

T'Ounton, Council Women.~o M'eet

By Joseph and Marilyn Roderick

The Taunton [>istrict of the Diocesan Council of Catholic Women will hold an open meet· ing at 7:30 on Thursday evening, April 23 in the Immaculate Conception Chur<:h auditorium, Taunton.

I was reeently reminded of an article I wrote last year concerning rules for the newly married man in which I repeated a friend's story about breaking dishes, ruining a kitchen floor, etc., so that the little woman would not asl< for help. My recontent with ruining two minder came from a mar- not towels and a few other items of ried woman who suggested the sort that manage to find that I keep hints like these their way under bat\1room counto myself. Her admonition brought to mind an incident related by a close friend for whom I have nothing but respect. It seems that this friend who will go unnamed was invited to a formal affair to which his wife looked forward with anticipation. On the great night he dressed for the event and waited patiently for his· wife to emerge from her housewifely cocoon in regal splendor. However, after more than an hour of waiting he grew so fatigued that he took off his tuxedo, dressed in his pajamas and without so much as a how-do-you-do settled himself in bed for a good night's sleep.

No Husband When his wife finally emerged in her brilliance she was overwhelmed to find her beloved husband had disappeared. She looked high and low and finally found him in the last plac'e she would expect, fast asleep in bed. I<nowing that he o hadn't been feeling well and was. probably truly exhausted she let him sleep the night through while she nursed her wrath for the early morning breakfast which followed. Now any married man knows that it' is o'rie thin~ to' face tM enemy in battle, to fight to the last for something one believes in at the office or to brave the clements for a cause, but there are very few who would dare go to bed in the presence of imminent catastrophe. I certainly would not recommend such a procedure for the newly married man. Such an action must be executed only when enough credits have been stored up in advance; in this case 25 years of happily married life. In the Kitchen "Anyone for kittens?" Our charming 10 month old kitten (excuse me cat) has just made Joe and me grandparents by depositing four little furry bundles on a pile of towels under the vanity in my upstairs 'bathroom (no cellar maternity wards for our ritzy cat). Then,

Maryknoll College President Resigns ST. LOUIS (NC)-Sister Mary Gray McNally resigned effective June 30 after serving six years as president of the 450~st1,Jdent Maryville College of the Sacred Heart here. "The six years tl'!at I have been president have given ample opportunity for me to make what contribution I could. Now that Maryville is embarking on' a new phase of expansion, I feel that it is time for someone else to continue the' work," she said. During her tenure. the college enrollment increased 12 per cent and six months ago merged with Mercy Junior College, a small co-educational school in the vicinity. Sister McNally, 57, plans to remain at the school.

ters, she decides the morning' after the great event that '. more luxurious quarters are called for so (without even asking) she moves them into my linen cupboards (can I help it if I've got a cat that likes printed sheets). All the family had been eagerly awaiting the blessed event and Joe and I had even thought 'that it would be a worthwhile while experience for the children to ·witness the miracle of birth. However, Snowball must have heard our mutterings and decided that she wasn't going to become a living lesson in the art of sex education because she hiked herself upstairs and proceeded to give birth while' all the rest of us were busy cook· ing supper, setting tables, and doing the million and one other things everyone does around the witching hour of five. Why it wasn't until' around 7:30 that Melissa walked into the bathroom arid discovered it had been turned into a delivery room. Marvelous Thing The perfection of _a ba~y at birth has never failed to amaze me and I found myself equally amazed and more than ever conscious of God's work in even such a small event as the birth of kittens. Here's one small cat who only last Spring had to be fed with an eyedropper in order to survive giving birth to four tiny kittens of her own and having the natural instinct to know how to care for them immediately. It's really quite a marvelous thing to see. However I still feel I must stand firm and say, "Anyone for kittens?" I have a thing for anything lemo'n from pie to sauce so when I came across this lemon pudding recipe in a small paper cookbook that I had bought in Vermont I couldn't resist trying it. The results were just as refreshingly delightful as, I had thought they would be. Why don't you try it? Lemon Delight 3 Tablespoons butter

VB teaspoon salt % cup sugar 2 2 2 I

Tablespoons flour egg yolks egg whites (stiffly beaten) cup milk juice and grated rind of lemon (did you know that if you heat a lemon slightly in the oven you'll be able to squeeze more juice out of it. 1) Combine the butter (I melted mine and then let it cool) salt, sugar, and flour. Mix well. 2) Add the egg yolks, milk, lemon juice and rind and beat well with an egg beater until smooth. 3) Fold in the beaten egg' whites. 4) Pour into a greased baking dish set in another pan that has about an inch of hot water in it. (I use a long roasting pan). 5) Bake in a 350 oven about 45 minutes. This pudding has a light spongy top and a' gold sauce' underneath. 0


Miss Loella Hennessey of Walpole, formerly nurse to the Kennedy family and now specialiZing in the work fol!' exceptional children will be guest spe!lker. Miss Elizabeth Doran, with the aid of students from Bishop Cassidy and Msgr. Coyle High Schools, will develop a program in the work of the CCD for retarded children.

Ponder Nationa I Nuns' Assembly

FARM WORKERS PElITIONS: Petitions signed by 50.000 person:; in the Philadelphia area were deliveerd to Congress. From left to right are ~ister Regina of Jesus, R.A.; Msgr. Philip J. Dowling; Mrs. Hcpe lopez, Delaware Valley representative of United Farmer Workers Organization; Rep. William J. Green of Philadelphia; Brad Brasfield, repre:;entative of the United Auto Workers and Father Charle.• V. Devlin. The petitions requested Congress to include farm workers under the National labor Relations Act. NC Photo.

For Farm Workers Petitioners Ask National labor . REJlations . . Act Protection ;.',

WASHINGTON (NC) ......; Petitions signed by 50,000 persons, collected in the Philadelphia area since last November, backing interests of American farm workers' were presented to congressmen on the U.S. Capitol steps. Five House members from the Philadelphia area accepted the petitions gathered by the Cardinal's Commission on Human Relations of the Philadelphia archdiocese. Rep. William J. Green hO!ited the event attended by 125 persons who came here in three buses. The petitioners' resolution ·requested Congress to include farm workers under the National .. Labor Relations Act; include farm workers more effectively under national minimum wage which will ensure them a decent stan· dard of living, and include farm workers under the National Em· ployment Insurance program. Representatives of the Cardinal's Commission who attended were Msgr. Philip J. Dowling, executive secretary; Sister Regina of Jesus, of th~ Sisters' 'committee and Father Charles V. Devlin, program chairman. Father Devlin, speaking at the presentation, said the commission's effort in securing the signatures "has been a rpodest one." "The fact that the resolution has been so readily signed by members of all religious faiths and citizens' groups causes us to wonder how large might have

Cruel April April is the cruelest month, breeding lilacs out of the dead land, mixing memory and desire, stirring dull roots with Spring -Eliot rain.

been the mandate to action if the resolution had been a corporate work of all interested groups," he said. "We can only estimate that the desire for effective inclusion under the law would be overwhelming," he added. . A spokesman for the Friends of the American Farm Workers pledged a May 1 to 3 march from Philadelphia to Washington if the grape pickers strike in California is not over by then: He invited the congress· men to .ioin them, if not f;"om Philadelphia, at least from Baltimore.

Diocese Co-Sponsors H'ousing Renewal CAMDEN (NC)-The CaJ'!lden diocese has joined Cooper's Point Neighborhood Action Group in sponsoring a housing redevelopment project in an area known as Poet's Ro'1\'. The plan calls for building and rehabilitating some 90 housing units in an inner city area, inspected in 1968 by the Camden City Council and condemned as unfit housing. The neighborhood group made a survey which disclosed residents would remain in the area if the redevelopment plans made new homes available for purchase. The $2 million project will involve state. and federal funding, in addition to the neighborhood group and diocesan eftorts. Camden's Bishop George H. Guilfoyle said in addition to co. sponsoring the project, the diocese will make available George Downs, its housing consultant, . to the proje<:t. '

CLEVELAND (NC) - An anticipated assembly of 3,000 nuns at a three-day convention here tomorrow will determine whether to form 11 national organization representing 160,000 Reli-· gious women in the United States. Groundwork for the proposed national organization, tentatively called the National Assembly of Women Religious was accomplished by a 40-member task force in February in St. Louis. Sister Ethne Kennedy, task force chairman, said: "Everything now is contingent on the voice of the Sisters in Cleveland. Only if and when the assembly is officially established, when Sisters have chosen to, become members, will it speak definitively of long and short· range goals." Sister Ethne recalled that at a national meeting in Chicago in May, 1969, some 1,500 Sisters voted in favor of forming a national organization for women Religious. At the task force meeting in St. Louis, she said, possible goals, objectives, organizational structures and procedures were outlined 'in preparation for the convention here. Sister Ethne said the goals outlined include communication of a valid concept of the presentday Sister, plus a study, evaluation and recommendations of areas where nuns critically are needed. She said the task force proposes membership be open to individual nuns, Sisters councils, senates and other organizations of Religious women.

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The Falmouth National Bank FALMOUTH. MASS. By the Village Green SInce 1821


THE ANCHOR Thurs., April 16, 1970

.Boston Priests Urge Ad.optionLaw Revision BOSTON (NC) - Three Catholic' priests have called on the Massachusetts state legislature to revise the




u.s. · Soviet· Confrontatiofl_

Primary Factor in Mid-East Crisis WASHINGTON (NC) - A former president of the United Natio.ns General Assembly calculated that the best effort the UlJited States can contribute, to abating the Middle East conflict is to "pursue a policy of jus~ice and security for all." "Unless we attain that peace and security based on justice, our basic problems are not going to· be-faced or solved," said Dr. Charles H. Malik, also a former ambassador from Lebanon to the United States. "Th.e primary determinant· of the situation in the Middle East is the conflict of interests between Moscow and Washington or the relative presence or absence of Moscow and' Washil;lgton in the area," he said. In an interview with NC News, Dr. Malik,. now a professor .of philosophy at American University in Beirut, Lebanon, added: "This matter conditions and de-' termines and complicates all other problems that arise there." Concerning U. S. efforts to mediate the Middle East conflict and views of the United States in that area, Dr. Malik said: "The general feeling in Lebanon is that the United States .is committed to Isr~el.

state's adoption law, enabling fathers to seek adoption of their illegitimate children. Proponents of the measure, which they submitted to the legislature, are Msgr. James J. Scally, rector, Holy Cross Cathdral; Father Ernest T. Serino, director, Cardinal Cushing Spanish Speaking Center and Father Walter J. Waldron, president, Association of Boston Urban Priests. 'Hands Are Tied' Their action followed a' ruling by Suffolk Probate Court Judge Robert G. Wilson who denied a petition of Roberto Monnar Jr., for adoption of his illegitimate son. Under the existing law, a mother has the primary right to determine the status of a child born out of wedlock. In his decision Judge Wilson said the unwed mother of the .child signed a legal agreement with the Catholic Charitable !Peace With Justice Bureau for adoptive placement. He said he acted "reluctantly" "The United States, being such because he sympathized with a a great .power," he added, "can man "who has brought a human always help under all conditions,. being into this world and wants but Clln help best if it pursues to provide for him ~, (, ,;, but my a policy of justice and security hands are tied." for all." List Proposals Dr. Malik stressed that the Monnar, a native of Cuba, real problem in the Middle East became a U. S. citizen on March "is one of peace and. security 17, his 21st birthday.' His attor- with justice for all, a goal which ney has appealed Judge Wilson's must be attained to solve the ruling to the Massachusetts Su~ basic problems. JII . On the relation of the United preme Court. Revisions proposed by the. Nations to. the Middle East situation, Dr. Malik said: "The U. N. priests would: Grant a father the right to has always been seized of this· seek adoption 'of his natural problem at various levels. The child, when the mother has re- Security Council, the General' linquished its custody or control Assembly, the U. N. refugee opor has surrendered it for adop- eration, virtually all organs have dealt with it." : tion. "It would be impossible for the . Prevent a. wanted child from becoming an orphan charge of . U. N. to wash its hands of tile the state or a state-sponsored problem, so the U. N. would alagency if the child's father is a ways be brought in as far as defit and responsible ·person de- cisions are concerned," he added. "There already are a number of sirous of keeping the child. standing decisions. In my opin-Recognize every child's right iQn, the U. N. cannot disengage to his father's name and support itself from past decisions, nor and to know that he was wanted can the parties concerned feel by at least one of his natural free from honoring them." parents. Dr. Malik went on to discuss Modern Practices the situation in Lebanon. "EveryMake a beginning toward solv- one in Lebanon, clergy and lay; ing the problem of surrendered Muslim and Christian," he said, children who prove to be unadoptable and spend their early Pope Paul Stlresses. years in foster homes. Bring the law into line with modern legal and sociological Resurrection Truth VATICAN CITY (NC) - We adoption practices. have reached the point "where believers who call themselves Christians have come to deny South Korea Plans . the historical value of inspired Anti-Red Villages testimony or, more recently, to SEOUL (NC)-The South Ko- interpret the physical Resurrec" rean government is planning to tion of Jesus in a merely mysti, set up special villages to promote cal. spiritual or moral way,'1 social and economic .development Pope Paul VI told 50 biblical in areas that are vulnerable to scholars who had just completed ·communist irifiltration. a symposium on the ResurrecA statement by the Ministry ,tion. of Culture and Information .reToday "we proclaim forcevealed that the selection of the fully" the truth' of the Resurrecvillages is already under way. tion, the Pontiff told them. "Today as yesterday, the tes~fter they are selected, various government agencies will move timony of the Eleven (Apostles) in to aid the economic and so- and of their disciples is capable, cial development of the villagers. with the help of the Holy Spirit, The Ministry of Health and of arousing true faith. The next day Pope Paul told, Social Welfare will provide free' medical examinations for ·the .thousands in St. Peter's square villagers, distribute free medi- that the bodily and supernatural' cines and assist them in family Resurrection of Christ is a "most planning. certain and mysterious fact,"

menace.' The communists call you 'imperialists' but you use kid gloves. "Elsewhere," he went on, "all propaganda is anti-American. The United States is being sharply attacked. From this side, there is hardly any guts to call things by their names. There is hardly any anti-communist movement worth anything." Young People .


.Dr. Malik wondered "how much the United States during the last generation was· really governed by ideas and philosophy springing from the majority of the people? Is it possible that the United States may have'been governed by .a minority?" he asked. "Nixon may be trying to return the country to a policy that represents 80 per cent of the people." He expressed concern about the situation in U. S. universities. "Something' profound has happened," he said, "and something radical must be done." Speaking of young' people, he said:' "Twenty-one young Americans have been imprisoned in Beirut in the last two years for smuggling hashish out of the co~ntry. One is the grandson of the dean of a theological seminary. The boy has 'no notion of laws or social responsibility.

Guilty Priests Stay in HidingBALTIMORE (NC)--A Josephite priest convicted here of destroying Selective Service records and four others convicted on similar charges will not surrender to federal authorities to begin serving prison sentences. Father Philip Berrigan, S.S.J., and co-defendant David Eberhardt, in a signed statement mailed to Baltimore radio and television stations, said the five. planned to place themselves in the custody of peace movement f>upporters. The letter admitted the group had committed "crimes against paper" by destroying draft board records in the Baltimore suburb of Catonsville in May 1968. They described their crimes as "crimes of blood and fire favoring life and condemning death; crimes of protesting an $85 million daily waste in a brutal, futile war. "In a word, crimes of hope, relationship, community, justice, freedom. . . ,'. "We will therefore not surrender to the officers of this government," the letter concluded. "Rejecting its custody, we will seek the custody of peace people, and resist one last time in jail." Be~ides Father Berrigan and Eberhardt, the five refusing to surrender include Father Berri· gan's brother, Father Daniel Berrigan, S.J.; Mary Moylan, a nurse; and George Miche. All were scheduled to report April 9 to begin serving terms for their anti-war activities.

"is concerned lest Lebanon should disintegrate and go to pieces." • He said that friction has arisen between the Arab fedayeen, or guerrillas, stationed in Lebanon and Lebanon itself. "Last Fall, an agreement was reached between the guerrillas and the government of Lebanon in Cairo. according to which frictions would have been regulated," he said. "Since that agreement, problems have arisen and it is the hope of everybody concerned both on the side of Sends Condolences Lebanon and on the side of the· T guerrillas that these problems _ 0 Turkish Nation would be faced and be resolved.'" VATICAN CITY (NC) - Fol- . Use Kid Gloves lowing the disastrous earthquake Archbishop Helped that spread death and destrucIn Securing Release Earlier, at a luncheon with the tion across a l50-mile arc in SANTO DOMINGO (NC)-CoCommittee of the Department of western Turkey, Pope Paul VI International Affairs of the U. S. sent his consolences and promise adjutor.. Archbishop' Hugo E. Catholic Conference, Dr. Malik of prayers to· the Turkish nation. Polanco Brito of Santo Domingo presented some of his views on In a telegram to President Ce- played a prominent role in se· the world situation and' U. S. - vdet Sunay of Turkey, the Pope curing the release of kidnaped stated that he deeply felt the Lt. Col. Donald J. Crowley, air policy. "Why are your. leaders 'fright- tragedy "which has caused such attache at the American embassy ened to speak of communism and ruin and grief to. so many here. families." The archbishop, known for his why are the communists not afraid to talk about you?" he Officials in Gediz, 140 miles staunch advocacy of improved asked. "At one time in Wash- south of Istanbul, estimated the social and economic conditions ington, people did hot mince death toll may reach 1,300. The for Dominican workers and words in speaking qf commu- injured are reported to be 3,- farmers, made the telephone call that told the armed band of kid· nism. Now leaders would hesi- 000.. tate to speak of, 'the communist In a telegram to President Ce- napers all was well. Then he vdet Sunay of Turkey, the Pope boarded· the plane for Mexico said: "We assure you that we City as the principal custodian Annou.nce· Institute " share, with all our heart, this of 20 young left-wing militants trial which has stricken your en- exchanged for the U. S. airman. To Study Pollution tire nation. Invoking divine merThe archbishop said he exDAYTON (NC) - A feasibility cy on the victims of this calam- pected more such kidnaping tacstudy for 'the creation of an. In- ity, we express to your excel- tics by rebel groups throughout stitute of Environmental Quality lency and to all the Turkish na· the South American continent. at the University of Dayton was tion our most meaningful conannounced here by Father dolences." George B. Barrett, S.M., university vice-president. 'Saint King' Statue See Us First Fath.er Barrett said an EnviCHICAGO (NC)-Father George . ronmental Quality . Committee will be established. It will be Clements. pastor of Holy Angels See Us Last comprised of university faculty, church here, announced plans to raise $10,000 for a statue of "St. students, other universities and . members of' local government Martin Luther King" for Holy But See Us Angels Church. Father Clements _ and industry. a founder and chaplain of Chica: This group, he' said, will de- go's Afro-American Patrolman's velop the concept of such an in- League, announced the fund-raisstitute and will recommend ing plans at a Mass celebrated whether an academic department in memory of the late Dr. King. should be created within the regular educational structure. "We look upon this endeavor ELECTRICAL as a much-needed part of the' Contractors university's academic program," Father Barrette said. "The problems of pollution are the problems of all of us and we feel that a university, committed to 1001 Kings serving the needs of the community, should gear its curriculum where possible, to the world around us. It is part of our duty ~4 to create better citizens.....:..people who will take part in the crea944 County St. ~ S ~. tion of a better atmosphere in New Bedford _o_p_e_"_E_V_e_"_i_"_9_ which we live."



~ .~





Brazil Catholics Aid Assembly Of Lutherans

THE ANCHORThurs., April 16, 1970


F'our Dioceses To Join Council

PORTO ALEGRE (NC)Catholic leaders in Brazil are giving their full cooperation 'to the general assembly of the Lutheran World Federation being held here in July. Close to 2000 delegates are expected to attend. Cardinal Vicente Scherer of Porto Alegre told the Rev. Karl Gottschald, head 'of the 750,000member Lutheran Church Confession in Brazil, that "we will do all within our power to help you make this assembly a success." In a visit to the headquarters of the organizing committee at a church complex being rushed for completion before the assembly opens July 14 the cardinal offered the hospitality' of Catholic homes for the delegates as well as the Church facilities in this southern archdiocese of two million Catholics. CARDINAL AT WHITE HOUSE: John Cardinal, Krol, Reman Catholic Archbishop of PhiladelWith the cardinal was Bishop phia, chats with President Richa~d M. Nixon, and former Presdent Lyndon Baines Johnson after Ivo Lorscheiter, secretary of the the Cardinal had presided at an ecumenical prayer service in the White House East Room. ecumenical commission of the Brazilian Bishops' Conference, who said: "We want to help in establishing an open climate of public opinion toward the Lutheran assembly." Ninety-three per cent of the 90 million Brazilians profess NEW YORK (NC) - Dr. Eu- these current major areas of co- implement the concept expressed Catholicism. by Pope Paul in his encyclical on gene Carson Blake, general sec- operation: Ecumenical Climate The Joint Working Group and The Development of Peoples, retary of the World Council of Rev. Mr. Gottschald acknowl- Churches, said he expects a re- Vatican representatives. He co- that "development is the new edged that "this visit shows the port on the question of Roman chairs, this with Cardinal Jan name for peace." degree of good relations be- Catholic membership in the WiIlebrands, secretary of the In addition, Dr. Blake inditween our two Churches." Vatican's Christian Unity Secre- cated increasing Catholic-council council to be issued this Spring. The common problems facing The head of the international tariat. Meeting twice yearly, the cooperation in the areas of the Christian ministry todayProtesta'nt and Orthodox body unit functions both as a dialogue world service, such as relief efsocial change, youth, industrialitold NC News here he thinks the group, exploring theological and forts during the Nigeria-Biafra zation and country-to-city mireport will be made public by the ecclesiological questions and as conflict, and in Christian mission gration-"contribute to creating Joint Working Group of, the a planning group to give some work around the world. He said a sense of solidarity among us," council and .Vatican officials at oversight to specific Catholic- serious conversations"were now he added. under way looking toward full their May 25-30 meeting in WCC joint ve'ntures. Ecumenical meetings here The council's Commission on Catholic participation in the Naples, Italy. among Catholics and the prinDr. Blake gave no indication Faith and Order. Catholic,theolo- Christian Medical Commission. cipal Protestant groups already ,gians were elected to full memDr. Blake said the agency renhave undertaken studies and what the report might contain. bership on the commission at the The interreligious Joint Work- 1968 Fourth Assembly of the ders particularly valuable service. programs in these areas. Father Sinesio Bohn, head of ing Group, formed in J 965, has Council in Uppsala, Sweden and in developing countries by helpthe Porto Alegre archdiocesan been studying the possibility of have taken an active role ,in its ing Christian medical institutions work and plan together for the ecumenical committee, said his Catholic membership in the activities since then. most efficient use of their regroup is making arrangements council. Joint 'Effort sources, along with the public The general secretary said he to accommodate Protestant delThe joint agency for Society, and private medical facilities of egates in Catholic homes and was in full agreement with Pope institutions. He also announced Paul VI, who said last year dur- Development ,and Peace. This the host country. a crusade of prayers in the 160 ing a visit to council headquar- agency, organized in 1967, has parishes of the archdiocese for ters 'in Geneva that the time was been a joint Council-Catholic efthe success of the, Lutheran not yet ripe for Catholicism to fort from its beginning. Through Missioners to Have international conferences, consul- New Headquarters assembly. join the world council. tations and studies, it seeks to The July assembly is an indiAreas ot' Cooperation CINCINNATI (NC) - A new cation of the promising ecumenheadquarters for Brothers of the ical climate developing in some But Dr. Blake said the pace of Glenmary Home Missioners, dedareas of Latin America despite developing relations between the States Have Right icated to work in rural "nothe attitude of, some dissident council alid Catholic Church was To Limit Welfare priest-land" areas, is being conProtestant sects and Catholic rapidly changing that situation. WASHINGTON (NC) - ,The tructed in Fairfield, Ohio. traditionalists. . Catholic leaders, he said, "are be- U.S. Supreme Court, on a 5-3 ~cheduled for completion in ing pushed by their constituen- vote has upheld the' right of cies all over the world" toward states to set a maximum limit early 1971, the new apartmentLaity to Distribute expediting membership' in the on the welfare assistance that style buildings will have accommodations for 18 priests and council. goes to one family. Holy Communion Brothers of the administrative "The iast year has moved this The opinion in a Maryland case and training staffs, and guests. St. PAUL (NC) - Special perreversed the judgment of a spe- The Brothers wiIl continue to ocmission has been granted the question forward," he said., Dr. Blake said during the last cial three-judge federal court in cupy their present headquarters parishes of the St. Paul-Minneapolis archdiocese allowing lay men year he has devoted a consider- Baltimore which invalidated the near Glendale until the new and women to distribute Com- able amount of time working "at welfare ceiling on Dec. 13, 1968. quarters are completed. munion, according to a clergy the level of new Catholic rela- Maryland Atty. Gen. Francis B. The Brothers are unaccustomBurch appealed to the high court. , bulletin issued by Coadjutor tionships." ed to such a large building projPotter Stewart spoke Justice The world church leader listed Archbishop Leo C. Byrne. for the court, which held that ect. Their chief occupation has erecting s111all chapels and Permission for the laity to beMaryland's regulation setting a been come extraordinary ministers is Hospital Chaplains maximum of $250 a month is meeting halls in rural areas of Southern states. The intended by the Vatican "only consistent with both the federal anewdozen 130-acre headquarters site for those sit'uations where the Schedule .Institute Social Security Act and the U.S. formerly was owned by the Glennumber of faithful wishing to reWASHINGTON (NC)-The Na- Constitution. mary Sisters. ceive Holy Communion is so tional, Association of Catholic Msgr. Lawrence J. Corcoran, great that the celebration of the Chaplains wiIl hold its fifth an- director of the National ConferTh El Glenmary society was Mass would be unduly pro- nual Pastoral Institute for Hos- ence of Catholic Charities, com- founded 30 years ago by the late longed," Archbishop Byrne said pital Chaplains in Menlo Park, mented on the decision. "Let's Father W. Howard Bishop for in the bulletin. Calif., April 19 to May 1. The acknowledge the Supreme Court missionary work in rural areas Archbishop Byrne also urged four previous institutes have has rightly ruled that they not, served by priests. The so(states) are within their rights; ciety staffs about 100 mission pastors to make clear to parish- been -held here. The two-week training course but it still dosen't mean that stations in 12 states. There are ioners that priests welcome the help of laity who can take their for chaplains provides a partial they should do it." He said he 75 priests and 35 Brothers in place in the sanctuary with the fulfillment for certification as is opposed to limitations which the community, plus 20 students priest and assist in the distribu- hospital chaplain, according to would require a family to live for the priesthood and nine student Brothers. below the poverty Ii,ne. Father Michael J. McManus. tion of the Eucharist.

COLUMBUS (NC)-America's top elected Protestant and Catholic ecumenical leaders will be the two main speakers at the May 18 service here, at which four Catholic dioceses will join the Ohio Council of Churches. They are Dr. Cynthia Wedel of Washington, D.C., president of the National Council of Churches, and Bishop Charles Helmsing of Kansas City-St. Joseph, chairman of the U. S. Catholic Bishops' Committee or.: Ecumenism. Bishop James Malone of Youngstown. will be the spokesman -for the four dioceses-Cincinnati, Columbus, Toledo and Youngstown. The state's two other dioceses, Cleveland and Steubenville, are not joining the council at this time. "The Ohio Festival of Ecumenical Witness" will be held Monday evening, May 18, in the 4000-seat Veterans Memorial Auditorium, Columbus. May 18 was chosen because it is the day after Pentecost. Plans call for Catholics to meet at St. Joseph cathedral, and Protestants to meet at Trinity )::piscopal church. Both churches are on East Broad Street, and are aboul two blocks ~part. Participants will parade together the seven blocks to Veter-, ans Memorial, where the ceremony welcoming the Catholic dioceses into membership in the formerly all-Protestant Ohio Council of Churches will take place.

Expect Report of WC:C, Vatican Officials Study Possibility of Catholic Membership

Priest Asks Better Land Reform Law KOTIAYAM (NC)-Exemption of big rubber and tea estates can hurt lana reform in this part of India, a Jesuit priest has declared. Father Mathew Mooziyil, S.J., of the Lumen Institute, Cochin, told an all-faith meeting on land imd housing problems here that the land reform's aim of reducing the great gaps between rich and poor here can be thwarted if flexible ceilings on land holdings are permitted. . The new law gives tenants legal title to land around their houses after nominal payments. It was originally introduced by the pro-Peking communist Kerala state government, but after that regime was ousted communists called on the tenants to seize the lands rather than go through the formalities of legal transfer. The state government appealed to landowners to surrender property voluntarily to the tenants. Two Catholic archdioceses were among the first to respond, surrendering church-owned land to hundreds of tenants, Hindus and Moslems as well as Christians, who lived on the. land.

Bold Minds If we would guide by the light


of reason, we must let our minds -Brandeis be bold.

CONRAD SEGUIN BODY COMPANY Aluminum' or Steel 944 County Street NEW BEDFORD, MASS. 992-6618 '





Upsets Order

THE ANCHOR-Diocese ofFall River-Th.urs. Apr. 16; 1970 . . .'

First' Job' for This Decade: ,Controlli~,g the: Arm$ Race

Wisconsin' Federal District Court Judge Rules Violation of Priests Rights MADISON (NC) - Father James, E. Groppi's coristitutional rights were violated when the Wisconsin. Assembly cited him for contempt last. year, according ~o a ruling by U.. S. District Court Judge James E. Doyle.· The Federal jurist said con-, tempt powers of the legislature have long been established but the question was whether a person could be ,sent to jail without first getting a hearing by the. legislative body. "I conclude that such punishment may not be imposed by a legislature without at least providing the accused with some

By Barbara Ward , ,If the most important task of the hum'an ,race 'in the next 30' years is not to blow itself up-and 'it is hard to think of a more important on~then the negotiations shortly to re-open between Russia and America on the limitation of strafegic weati6nality or security. The strike pons (SALT) must be reck-, needed to wipe out America-or oned the most significant Russia-in one attack is already so lethal that the: biosphere~, event' of the new decade.


What should the reaction of the Christian citizen be to arms iimitation in general and to these particular talks? To bring ,; the nations' uncohtrolled arms spending under some rational, jn'ternational control is a step toward ,t h e outlawing of war and there can be little dispute about general doctrine, Any defense of· war' by the Church in the past. has been based on the idea' that justice and self-defimse must at times be defended by force. Any society, national or international,' needs a police force-in other words, enough power to'restrain violence and ill-doing. But actions .by the pol~c~ are or should be limited and specific and under the jurisdiction of a legitimate. legal authority. Complete Corruption The difficulty about nuclear war is that it cannot be limited or specific. Of its very 'nature, it must corrupt the whole planetary. environment, drea,dfully in, volving' the innocent and defenseless everywhere. Worse still, it contaminates, through genetic damage, the wholly innocent children of the 21st century. A war between major powers fought with nuclear weapons cannot fit into any acceptable definition of defense. Pope Paul drew the conclusion from these facts when he cried out in anguish to the United Nations Assembly: ."No more war-never· again war." The talks on the limitation of strategic arms on which R~ssia and America are now' engaged are simply a particular instance of the wider case. There is no conceivable issue of justice or national self-protection which can be satisfied by destroying more than half each other's people and cities at' once' and most of the rest of the population mor~ slowly by epidemics and radiation. Moreover, since contamination strikes both attacker and attacked, 'no conceivable escalation to nigher levels of destructiveness gives any greater' ra-

Economic Progress' Must Benefit AH


VATICAN CITY (NC)--No nation should try- to confine economic progress and the distribution of wealth within its own borders, 'Pope Paul told. the 28th Spanish Social Study Week. In his letter forwarded by Cardinal Jean Villot, papal secretary of state, to the social study week, the Pontiff said that man -has a desire for autonomy and . individual progress.' Technological progress, he declared, should benefit "the whole' man, and· all groups of' men, without distinction of race or continent." '

our little envelope of, air 'and soil and water - cannot survive

it., , . It follows that not only sanity'

but any hope' of security forbids any further upward spin in the vicious spiral' of ,constantly more elaborate weapons on both sides. It lies on the contrary, in a controlled movement in the opposite direction. Both' sides need ,to be content with, say, a modest ten times "overkill" and not bid each other up from this impossibility to the super-impossibility of ,MIRVs and beyond.

minimal opportunity to ~ppcar and to respond to, a charge," the judge said. The assembly had ordered Father Groppi jailed for up to six months for his role in a welfare protest and the forceable takeover of the State Assembly chambers last November. JUdge Doyle said the assembly's action violated the priest's rights because he did not have an opportunity to respond to the charges.

Planning Helps All change is not growth; as .all movement is not forward. -Glasgow



Somerset Nun Receives Habit

The Motherhouse of the Carmelite Sisters for the Aged and Infirm at Germantown,N. Y., . Impossible Bargain ' , was the scene of the ceremony . . ' . r- < of Reception of the Religious It IS for thiS reason that It IS Habit for 23 postulants. The . THE HOLY FATHER'S MISSION AID, TO THE ORIENTAL CHURCH ir~atio~al to. press forw~rd at ceremony followed, a concelethiS time With the test109 of brated Mass and was presided How can you' make this troubled world a better MIRV's mu.ltiple ,war heads or over by Most Rev. Edward J. ONLY place? Pray for our native priests and Sisters t~e extensIOn of more ABM' Maginn, Auxiliary Bishop of YOU eC!ch day, and do all you can to give them what s~tes. 'They do not -add substanAlbany. The families and friends CAN they need. They are your ambassadors to the bally to deterrence. of the Sisters being received DO poor, and they get lonely, hiJngry, tired. Month The argument for them is that were present. THIS by rT)onth, have a share in all the good they do! they can fend off a Russia The new novices will remain ; "first strike" and allow time fJr at the Little Flower Novitiate a retaliatory blow. But true de- Avila on the Hudson German~ "''' terrenc.e already Ii~s in the f.act town, where they wiil continue th~t "a?y conceivable "first their training in Spiritual 'Life For only $200 in Ernakulam you can build a strike IS already ,lethal. Who-. and Apostolate of the Commudecent house for a family that now sleeps on ever str~kes first, kills his oWn n i t y . ' . ·'the sidewalks. Simply send your check ·to us. Among those who ..were· repeople In the process -:- rather .Archbishop Parecattil will write tc;J thank yOIl mo~~ slowI~ pe~ha~s but a,1.illceived .'was ,Sister l'yf: Ait~honY . I' ; ':' ·-also;·:· . '. r.n .• .~ I "'>1"" r"\ germg . rad~.o~c~lr~, destruc~lOn Aloysiul!, O.Carm., the, former may '','Vell be rated .m~re terrible Miss Moreen Vach~lli,' daughter Send a 'stringless' gift each month to the than lOstant annihilatIOn. " of Mr. and Mrs. Ant,h,ony 'VaMONTH BY Holy Father to take care Clf the countless numIn short, the bargainers are chel1i, 63 Franklin Rd., Sometalready bargaining with the im- set, Mass. .' MONTH ber of mission emergencies. He will use it where possible. Another spin of impos' The Carmelite Sisters for the YOU it's needed most. s.ibility will not make them sud- Aged and Infirm provide modCAN denly more or less ready to ern concepts of care for the . HELP Give a child a chance. In India, Ethiopia, ancl come to sane co.n~Jusions at the aged and infirm in 30 homes IN the Holy Land you can 'adopt' a blind girl, a disarmament talks in Vienna. throughout tli'e United States, 1970 deaf-mute boy, or a needy orphan for only $10 , Sanity lies in going into re- lrela!ld and Scotland.. The coma month, ($120 a year). We'll send you the verse and 'there is infintely more mumty was founded 101929 by youngster's pho~o, tell you about him (or her). chance of this if, America does the present Mother General, not give the spiral another up- Mother.~,' Angeline Teresa, Send us your Mass intentions. The offering ward spin of more ABMs and O.Carm. in New York City. you make, when a missionary priest offers Mass MIRV testings just as talks are They staff, Catholic Memorial due to re-open. Home ill Fall River and Our for your intention, supports him for one day. Lady's Haven in Fairhaven. Mass intentions are his only means of support. Christian Voices Feed a refugee family for a month. It cos~ - Restraint no~ is parti~ularly Oppose Penalizing only. $10. We'll send you an Olive Wood R?sary urgent because the Russians have formally said, for the first Large FamilOes from the Holy Land. time, that they only seek "parFAIRFIELD (NC) - Leading ity" in nuclear power. They ar.e Families of America, Inc., or.. not seeking to pull ahead. ganization of families having Can citizens influence the out- four or more children, has sent DO Somewhere in our 18·country mission world you come? Can they raise an effec- a letter to Sen., Robert PackIT call build a complete parish plant (church, tive voice against the extension wood (R-Qre.) asking him to reNOW school, rectory, and convent) for $10,000. Name of ABM and more testing of the consider his proposed legislation it for your favorite saint, in your Joved ones' MIRVs? One answer lies with to "permit tax exemptions for memory. the reaction of Senator John only three children, and thereby . Pastore. Last year,' his vote was penalize large families," The letter, dated March 16, was critical in securing the accepttD ance of a limited ABM prograrrl. sent prior to Sen. Packwood's Dear ENCLOSED PLEASE FIND $_--,.,_ _-..,.. CO _ This year, he doubts whether he introduction of a' new bill will vote for its extension. "The (S.4438) 'which would allow ex- MonsIgnor Nolan: FOR,. --:. _ folks back home," he says, "ask emptions for only two children, why spending on education is born after 1972. Please NAME return 'coupon -:---~\-----------inflationary and spending on thb Judge John Henry Norton, with your STREET _ ABMs is not." . ' n~tional se.cretary of the organoffering But every Christian citizen is ization which is headquartered CITY_ _-..,.-.,....__ STATE_ _ ZIP CODE _ part of "the folks back home" here in Connecticut told NC for some Senator or Congress- News he has not yet received a THiE CATHOLIC NEAR EAST WELFARE ASSOCIATIDN man. Do they make their voices reply to his letter. Nor was he heard not simply on' the issue of aware of the new proposed leginflation but on the more critical islation. issiJe of human survival? The The letter to Packwood cononly hope for the world's secur- cluded: "Might it not be in the ity lies in control1ing-noLac~, . best interests of all' for you to TERENCE CARDINAL COOKE, President celerating - the arms race. 'withdraw this legislation so that MSGR. JOHN G. NOLAN, National Secretary .MIRVs and ABMs decrease se- we' can elevate our minds to Write: CATHOLIC NEAR EAST WELFARE Assoc. ~urity. They should not be tested positive thought rather than be330 Madison Avenue· New York, N.Y. 10017 or expanded while the disarma c ing preocC1,lpied' with the deTelephone: 212/YUkon 6-5840 " ment talks go on. . . struction of h.uman life?"









---------- .... _---..-.. ........



Favors Christian Mediator Role In Mid-East

THE ANCHORThurs., April 16, 1970

Cardinal,Cushing Leaves Hospita I


knowledging both Jews and Arabs have a legitimate claim to. Israel, a rabbi here believes Christians should be acting as mediators in the dispute instead bf taking sides. Rabbi - Arthur Hertzberg, president, Conference of Jewish Social Studies, told the 20th annual Institute on Judaism here: :'The conflict in the Middle East is not a conflict between right and wrong, but between right and right. Christian involvement there is the most problematic, most ambiguous and most tormented." Balfour Declaration He noted the Jewish claim to' the Holy Land is bound up in the 1917 Balfour Declaration, a British government statement favoring establishment in Palestine of a national home for Jews without prejudice to civil and religious rights of existing nonJewish communities. He added the Jewish claim also stemmed from history. "The Balfour declaration probably wasn't meant seriously but the Jews took it seriously. And they acted accordingly so that today there are nearly one million Jews ,in Israel," the rabbi pointed out. Possible ·Solution The Arabs were a majority in Israel before the Jews began pouring in during the 1900s, he continued. More than a million Arab refugees have been displaced from their land, most of them. hi 1967 during the six-day war, he declared. "The Arabs want all refugees returned to their land. They want a Palestine under partition with a one man, one vote system. This is unacceptable to the Zionist government because it would give the Arabs the majority and mean the dissOlution of the present government," he said. Rabbi Hertzberg feels one possible solution to the problem would be 'to resettle the Arab refugees elsewhere "with considerable help from the rest of the world." Role of ConciUlator He said if there was an equal distribution of Arabs and Jews, partition would work. It has been tried twice in the past and both attempts have led to riots and pogroms, he added, saying: "The Holy Land is as precious to Christians as it is to Jews and Christians wish to safeguard their interests." Christians have the opportunity to play the role of concilIiator in the Middle East, but over the years have acted as partisans," he commented.

Nuns Defend School Closing Proposal ST. PAUL (NC)-The School Sisters of Notre Dame defended a proposal for closing the 90-student Assumption parish school here, pointing out that the alternative would be the closing of the 260-student St. John Vianney school. The nuns position was made in a three-page statement issued by Sister Paula Young, the community's public relations director, The statement came in the wake of a statement issued by Msgr, George Ziskovsky, pastor of Assumption parish, who criticized the nuns for the proposal of closing his parish school.


BROTHERLY INSTRUCTI~N: Preston Gomez, manager of the Son Diego Padres, donned c1ericol garb in order to inspire his players during some batting instruction at Spring Training in Yuma, Arizona. The Padres won a record 52 games for on expansion team in 1969. The target for 1970 season is 70 victories. NC Photo.

Church in Cambodia Suffers Handicap Vietnamese Preponderant in Catholic Community PHNOM PENH (NC)-Cambodian political, and military lea<iers, moving to stave off attacks by Vietnamese communists and posl'ible civilian uprisings in support of ousted Prince Norodom Sihanouk, have brought the eyes of' the world to still another of Asia's trouble spots. Impetus for the rightist coup that deposed Sihanouk came from an outbreak of anti-communist and especially of antiVietnamese riots throughout the country. In bitter resentment of Vietnamese presence in their country -both as Viet Cong and North Vietnamese invaders and as peaceful aliens - Cambodians rioted in the Vietnamese quarter of Phnom Penh, the Cambodian capital. Vietnamese were attacked and killed, their homes, shops, churches and temples destroyed. Two of the houses of worship destroyed were Vietnamese Catholic churches. Yet observers here hastened to point out that the mob's outrage was not directed against the churches because they were Catholic, but because they were Vietnamese. The history of Catholicism in Cambodia seems to indicate that the observers' claim is correct. The story of Cambodian Catholicism is one of placid development unmarked either by great waves of conversion or by oppression. Priest Martyred Of the 62,000 Catholics in Cambodia today, about 55,000 are Vietnamese. There are about 2,000 Chinese and less than 5,000

Priests', Convention SYDNEY (NC)-Celibacy will be discussed at the national convention of Australian priests in May, but because the topic was so low on the list of priorities priests wanted to talk about, it will be considered only as part of a wider subject, the future of th~ ministry. "

As early as 1550 a Catholic Cambodian Catholics. Because 'of the preponderance of ethnic Viet- priest sailed up the Mekong namese in the Catholic com-- River into Cambodia and 26 mUl1i,ty; the Catholic Church in years later F~ther Sylvester de Cambodia suffers from the han- Azevedo was martyred there. In dicap of seeming to be a foreign _l770 the first translation of the catechism was made in the institution. But until recently, the two Khmer language, but 70 years peoples' national conflict has not later there were only four parspilled over into the religious ishes and 250 Catholics. arena, and Christianity's CamboChurch Divisions dian arena has been ope~ for more than 400 years. At present there are five Cam-, bodian Catholic priests. One of them is Msgr. Paul Tep 1m Sotha Samath, whom Pope Paul VI appointed prefect apostolic of Battambang in November, 1968.. Battambang prefecture covers MILWAUKEE (NC) - This 32,000 square miles in Western city's militant civil rights priest Cambodia with a population of will leave his inner-city parish 1.8 million, of whom only 9,862 when Capuchins take over in are Catholics. June. _ ' There' are three ecclesiastical Father James Groppi has dis- divisions in present-day Cambomissed the idea that his civil dia; the apostolic viCariate of rights efforts had anything to do Phnom Penh, with the only Cathwith the shift in administration. olic bishop in the country, Bishop "The changeover was at my sug- Yves Ramousse of the Paris Forgestion," he emphasized.' eign Mission Society; the prefecFather Groppi brought na- ture apostolic of Kompong-Cham, tional attention to S1. Boniface covering 26,500 square miles in ~arish with his 'civil rights eastern Cambodia with· 18,000 marches and rallies in the Catholics; and the prefecture church which attracted people apo.stolic of Battambang. from an over _the .city-and at Phnom PeJ)h was erected as a times, from other parts of the vicariate apostolic in December country. The parish was also headquarters, for several years, 1924, having been a prefecture of the NAACP Youth 'Council apostolic since August, 1850. It when Father Groppi was its ad- covers 12,500 square miles with a population of over 2.6 million, visor. of whom 32,000 are Catholics. Correct Direction A black priest, Father Kenneth Stewart, OFM Cap., has been appointed pastor by Father Rupert Dorn, OFM Cap. provincial superior of the St. Joseph province of the Capuchin order. OIL COMPANY Father Groppi recently expressed a desire to have a black priest appointed pastor of S1. Boniface. He said: . "I'm not too concerned about whether Capuchins or diocesan priests run the parish but only South • Sea Streets that black priests will be involved. I think this is a step in Hyannis Tel. 49-81 the correct direction,"

Grants Rig,htist Priest Request

BOSTON (NC)..,.... After a 20day stay, Cardinal Richard Cushing of Boston left S1. Elizabeth Hospital here and returned to his residence in nearby Brighton. . The 74-year-Old cardinal was ordered to the hospital March 19 for treatment of a stubborn infection which had failed to respond to medication. The cardinal will resume his usual schedule on a gradual basis, a spokesman said. During his stay in the hospital, the cardinal made news with an Easter statement, read from the pulpit of Holy Cross cathedral, asking for amnesty for young protestors, jailed or awaiting trial, and draft dissenters. A number of Protestant leaders supported the cardinal's proposal. Cardinal Cushing was visited at the hospital by Archbishop Luigi Raimondi, Apostolic delegate in the United States, who brought 'the cardinal a personally autographed message from Pope Paul VI expressing "special solicitude for your health" and imparting the apostolic blessing to him and the archdiocese.

Study Membership In World Council VATICAN CITY (NC) - Possible membership of the Roman Catholic Church in the World Council of Churches will be studied by a joint commission of the two bodies at a meeting in Naples May 23-30. "This is only a preliminary study, a look at the advantages for both sides and the disadvantages," said Father John Long, S.J., an official of the Vatican Secretariat for Promoting Christian Unity. "The commission will look at the theological difficulties involved, the policy of the World Council, the problem of a Church universal becoming a member of an organization made up of national churches. The dozen delegates from each side will not make any decision of the question, not even a recommendation. They will just look at the question, summarize how they see it and turn their findings over to a special study group."

Real Thinker Every time a man puts a new idea across, he faces a dozen men who thought of it before he did. But they only thought of it. -Arnold

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.Im~ig~antsi Asks Church " Help ,.

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Apr. 16, 1970 !

Along with their counterparts I FRANKFURT (NC)-It' is time that Catholics in Germany accept from Greece, Yugoslavia, Turkey, the hundreds of thousands of Jor- Morocco, Tunisia and. other naeign workers in their midst as tions, they have been sending a fellow members of the commu- half billion dollars a year out of nity, a group of pastors for the Germany. workers has urged. The priests addressed an ap'. The pastors, about 200 in . peal to the West German Cathnumber, represent the 750,000 olic bishops for action to guard Italians and Spaniards. in West against the immigration and res-' Germany's 1,500,OQO-person imidence of foreign workers beco!11migrant labor force. ing a matter "entirely determined The German word for the by economic and social rules." group is "gastarbeiter" - guest The Spanish and Italian pasworkers.' But a recent survey showed that two-thirds of the tors said the situation of the forSpaniards imd more than half of eign workers in West Germany the Italians have been in 'Ger- is partly "inhuman and therefore unChristian. " many for four years or more.


,Mighty Mo,' Colleg'e AII~America'n, Legend in Prayer, P'erseverance



LORETTO (NC) Maurice Stokes, a legend in prayer and . perseverance, has come back to stay at little St. Francis College, here in Pennsylvania where he gained All-America basketball fame. and developed a love for the Catholic faith. The onetime "Mighty Mo" was interred on the college grounds, his resting place to serve as a memorial to future St. Francis ·students. Father Vincent R. Negherborn, T.O.R., college president, officiated at a requiem Mass for Stokes in the college chapel anp at the burial. Stokes, 36, died of a heart attack in Good Samaritan Hospital, Cincinnati, where he had .battled against paralyzing encephalitis for 12 years. He first came to St. Francis College in the early' 1950s from his native Pittsburgh. He grew into a 6-foot-7, 240-pound center, became the college's first AllAmerica in 1955 and plunged into a promising pro basketball career with the Rochester (N.Y.) Royals, becoming the NBA rookie of the year. Baptized on Plane When the team moved to Cincinnati, he had become a close friend of another Royal star, Jack TwYman,. now a successful Cincinnati insurance 'executive and sportscaster. The world just about came to an end for the mighty Negro star on March 15, 1958. The Royals had lost a. game to Detroit in an NBA play-off. Stokes had been knocked cold in the game but revived and continued play. On the plane flight back to Cincinnati, he collapsed. Twyman, who ofte~. had di.scussed Catholicism with Stokes and had heard him say he wanted .to become a Catholic, baptized the unconscious star on the plane. At the hospital in Cincinnati, Stokes received the last rites of the Church. Then began an uphill battle for Stokes. Twyman, playing his brother's keeper, became Stokes' legal guardian, although Stokes' mother, a sister and brother sur-' vive him. Twyman arranged benefit basketball games among pros and in' other sports to defray the enormous medical and hospital expenses in Stokes' battle to regain the conscious world~ His recovery was slow, tedious. But in late 1963, Stokes had recovered sufficiently to' take in~


. New Zealand Mixed Marriages Increase DUNEDIN (NC)-More than half. the marriages now being contracted by Catholics in New Zealand are mixed marriages, according to a survey made by the National Office for Ecumenism of the New Zealand bishops. The survey is part of an extensive examination of the problem of mixed marriages launched by the bishops last' April. Subsequent steps will seek informa~ tion on the problems and tensions in' mixed marriages and information from ministers' of other Churches.. In 1968, the' last year for which statistics are available, there were 3,819 marriages in the C!ltholic Church in New Zealand. Of these, 2,353 were. mixed marriages. The Wellington archdiocese had' 921 mixed marriages, or 66 per cent; the Auckland diocese 792, 55 per cent; the Dunedin diocese, 218, 59.4 per cent; and the Christ~ church diocese, 422, 68.5 per .-' cent.' I

structions in the Catholic faith from the hospital chaplain. On Jan. 6, 1964, Stok~s ina wheel ./ chair attended his first Mass as: a Catholic received Holy Communion-with Twyman at his side. 'Tried to Bear Down' , Through use of whirlpool baths, physical therapy devices, isometric exercises, Stokes' was able to -manipulate an electric typewriter. One of the first me~sages he wrote now is a fitting epitaph for the courageous athlete. It is: . "I always tried to bear down in competition, but I never had to put it out as' hard as I do in this exercising."

Canadian Priests Finance Study Of Themselves OTTAWA (NCj-Catholic priests throughout. Canada are anteing up $15 each to find out something about


PRESIDENT: Episcopal. Bishop J.' Brooke Mosley, incoming president of Union Theological Seminary, is shown in his New York study during ar:" int~rview. The Bishop will take office Nov. 1. NC Photo.

themselves, stich as why many are leaving the ministry, unrest among the clergy and the priesthood's "identity crisis." The money is being used to finance a study by a team from the Laval. Sociological Research Centre in Quebec City, to re-· search the communities in diocCINCINNATI (NC) esan and religious priesthoods in the nine Canadian provinces. Archbishop .Paul F.Leibold Father Edmund J. Roche of the Office for the Clergy, Cana: of Cincinnati has' appealed dian Catholic Conference, said to the Legion of Mary to the first results of the study turn its efforts from defense of should be known by November th'e Church against external eneand t!le· complete findings by mies toward battle with enemies June, 1971. from within, using as. its chief He detailed the project' thiS weapon "a deep and loyal faith." way: He spoke at ceremonies here "For the last two or three years we have heard and read and in Dayton, at which legiona great deal about priests leav- aries reconsecrated themselves to ing, unrest among the clergy, the Blessed Virgin. "identity crisis" in' the priestReferring to the "enemies from hood, etc. All of us must wonder within," Archbishop Lffibold said how much foundation in fact they attack the authority of the there is for all this and why Holy Father and the magisterium, this subject comes up so often. · or teaching authority, of the Priests, too, won'der about these Church. . things. So they have decided to (I) find out the facts and (2) Members of the Legion of look for explanations." Mary, however, "clearly recognize that the Holy Fathers have For Greater Service He said the Laval research without exception been the. procentre made a study for the cli.- tectors and promoters of true ocesan priests in the province devotion to the Mother of God, of Quebec, which gained favor.- the Mother of the Church,our able comment. "Now they ar.e Mother," he said. doing this for both diocesan and "Destroy the' authority· of the religious priests in the other nine provinces. Priests are paying for Holy Father and you destroy the this themselves at $15 each, in devotion that the Holy Spirit atthe hope that the findings will . tributed to Mary in the Magnifihelp them to be of greater ser-. cat; 'All generations shall call me vice to the People of God," 'Fa- blessed,' " he added. 'ther Roche continued. . Cling to HoJy See . "Times have changed, ar~ changing, and will continue to The archbishop recalled a re'change, and priests want to be cent warning to Legionaries by able to change with them. Bur Frank Duff, Irish founder of the it's hard to know always the di" organization, against the "disinrections in which change should tegrating spirit" of those who go. And it is becoming more defy the authority of the Holy and more important to make See. the best use of the priests we Duff sai<;l "an obligation greathave. Some priests are ieaving; some are getting on in years, er than the ordinary rests on the some are dying, and there are Legion in. this matter,'~ and the not many' 'ordinations,'" he said. Legion, "as a principle of its very "The sociological study should life, must cling to the Holy See," provide a good assess'lnentof ·re" developing in the "general body sources and strengths as well as of the Catholic people a similar weaknesses in the priesthood; it, attitude of love and dependerice." should provide. a pretty good' picture of the principal problems "I would like," said Archbishop and needs,as well as of new" Leibold, "to propose this proopportunities," 'he added. gram of your venerable founder · as the theme of the Legion's efforts in our turbulent world of " Based on Imagination today-loyalty to the Church, Every great ad~ance in. science.. loyalty to the Holy Father, loyhas, issued from a new audacityl alty to' the living magisteriuJ;Il of .. --::Dewey: the Church." of .imagination.

·Asks .Legiona,ri'es Battle Enemies Within 'Church

"A Modern Parable'" There once was a ·certain young executive from suburbia who dressed in fine clothes and dined at elegant clubs. And there was a certain poor man from India who longed to eat what others threw away. ' Daily the young exe:utive read of starvation, illiteracy, frustration and despair. He watched TV specials on hunger. "Why doesn't someone change all this?" he pondered. "If they' were my neighbors . . . . " . ,


But the poor man's only dream was to have enough food for himself and his family. ,4nd i~ came. t.o paSs that t~e poor ~an dieda,nd ~eFlt t~.he(lv~n. The young executive also died but he was' condemned to everlasting punishment. In his torment, he cried out: "Why, 0 Lord, am 1 here? For what great sin a~ I punished?" And the Lord answered: "Son, remember that. in your lifetime, you received good things. You were blessed many times over. Your sin was not in receiving these gifts, but in your re~ fusal to ,share them. "You read of. suffering around the world, but you refused to help." . "You heard cries of despair, but you refused to bring consolation." "You saw that many needed the comfort of My words, but you refused to preach My gospel." "My son, you did not understand 'that your neighbor is anyone in need!" . Have we yet. to' come to this realization-that our neighbor is anyone in 'need? And in 1970 the needs are overwhelming--especially in countries Jess developed than our own. Food, clothing, shelter, .medicine are the basic and desperate needs. But even deeper are the needs of comfort, consolation,' inner peace and a conviction that someone cares.

Missionaries are concerned with all these needs for all our neighbors. The Society for the Propagation of the Faith ill concerned, too. The Society supports missionaries who bring both physical and spiritual comfort. The Society looks to you for your generosity, fo; your sacrifices, to continue its work of salvation and service. Remember: We cannot help unless you do.' Your. neigh?o~ is anyone in need. Do not refuse him!

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SALVATION ~ND SERVICE are the work of The Society for the Propagation of the Faith. Please cut out this column and send your offering to Right Reverend Edward T. O'Meara, National Director, Dept. C., 366 Fifth Ave, New York, N.Y. 10001 or directly to your loeal Diocesan Director. The Rt. ~ev. Msgr. Raymond T. Considine 368 North Main Street Fall River, MassachUsetts 02720

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Schedule Hearing On Maryland's Abortion Bill

THE ANCHOR·Thurs., 'Apri~ 16, 1970

Ask Cooperation Of Broadcasters

. ANNAPOLIS (NC)-Gov. Marvin Mandel has scheduled a public hearing April 22 on a measure passed by the state legislature which would give Maryland the most liberal abortion law in thc country. The governor has not yet indicated what action he will take on the measure. Leaders of Maryland's Catholics have spearheaded opposition to the measure which would repeal existing abortion laws and permit a pregnant woman, regardless of residence, to obtain an abortion for any reason, at any time during the gestation period, by a licensed physician in a state approved hospital. . The measure makes the abortion a matter between thc woman and the physician, without regard to the wishes of the husband or father of the unborn child. A pastoral letter by Cardinal Lawrence Shehan was read in all churches in the Baltimorc archdiocese at Sunday Masses cmphasizing "the constant teaching of the Church that human life from the very beginning of its cxistence is sacred-the most sacred thing on earth." The cardinal listed a variety of reasons why the measure is unacceptable, ;'primarily' on moral grounds" but also as "particularly bad social Icgislation." 'Legalized KillIng' On thc same day a lettcr by Cardinal Patrick O'Boyle was read in all churches in the Washington archdiocese, which inclUdcs' fivc 'counties~in .Ma~- . land. Cardinal O'Boyle warned the "danger of abortion threatens us all." He declared: "Legalized killing is no sectarian issue. Whatever we do now to prevent this legislation from going into cffect will be a contribution to human life, to the right to live, to justice. and equality, even to civilization itself." He also reminded that "even the nazis did not go this far in legalizing abortion." Shortly after the legislature approved the measure on March 31, the Maryland Catholic Conference composed of Cardinals Shehan and O'Boyle and Bishop Thomas J. Mardaga of the Wilmington, Del., diocese, which includes nine Maryland .counties, sent a message to Gov. Mandel opposing the legislation and allking a public hearing on it."

2,000 Houses Built In India District COCHIN (NC) - Forty new houses for the poor have been completed here by the Malabar rite Catholic archdiocese of Ernakulam here in India, bringing the total in a seven-year archdiocesan program to over 2,000 houses built against an cventual goal of 4,000. Money received in payment for the houses is used to continue the building program, its sponsor, Cardinal Joseph Parecatti!, explained. . In blessing the newest group, the prelate said that although he felt that a complete solution to Kerala stat.c' housing problems may not exist, the government and thc public must work together to deal with the situation, and eliminate the mud huts that are homes for many here.


*' ."

ATTLEBORO SERRANS: Rev. Thomas J. lynch, S.T.l., J.C.O., former president of the Canon law Society of America, discusses canon law revisions with the Attleboro Serra Club officers. Seated: Fr. lynch,. left; Thomas J. Carty, Serran president.' Standing: Antonino Caponigro, Jr. third vice-president; Paul M. Rockett, first vice-president; Rev. James F. McCarthy, chaplain; Paul C. Hinski, second vice-president.. '

Cites Seriousness of, Marijuana Problem

NEW \YORK (NC)-Broadcasters have ,peen urged to cooperate fully with a campaign sponsored by the Interfaith Communications Committee on Poverty to inform the public on the need for immediate action against hunger and poverty. Issuing the piea here was Vincent T. Wasilewski, president of the National Association of Broadcasters. The new:y formed interfaith committee has announced it will launch a 100·day program in an effort to get the job completed. Robert B. lBeusse, communications department director, U.S. Catholic Conference, is chairman of the group. Commenting on the committee's efforts, Wasilewski said: "Eradication of poverty is one of our nation's most urgent and critical objectives. Our nation's lawmakers are deliberating on 'important legislation on this during the next 100 days." He said broa,d<:asters can per· form "a very important function through their news, public affairs and editoriaJ programs to assuJ:e a full airing of the many facets of this serious program."


Franciscan Forms 'Chu ..ch for CO's'

BIDDEFORD (NC) - Father Matthew Audibert, O.F.M., chaplain at St. Francis College h'ere use 'of marijuana as two years in Maine, has anounced the forto life. mation of what he calls the The report urges that the U.S. "Franciscan Church for Conscisurgeon general' prepare are- entious Objectors" to provide port on marijuana as compre- counselling for persons opposed hensive as the one prepared on' to war and the draft on religious cigarettes. grounds. Rep. Pepper s~id re'search by the House Select Cpmmittee on More than 20 St. Francis stuCrime has shown that three mil- dents and faculty members have joined the new church group. lion persons are "experimenters" Father Audibert said the church or casual users of marijuana; two ' million are "social" or occasional was open to everyone whether users, and 600,000 are "habitual" or not they are from St. Francis users. Testimony by a number of College or are Catholics. The Franciscan priest emphawitnesses quoted in the report reflected a much higher number sized that his church had no efof "habitual" users, however. .: fect on his affiliation with Some observers wondered if a Catholicism. "People of all better release date could not churches can fecI free to join have been selected for the House this," he eltplaineq. "We are committee report, because of its calling it a church because a head-on bid with the Carswell church includes people with a votes for news media attention. common faith." Others pointed out that on any given day lately a score. of crises -at home and abroad-are vying for public attention.

HR Committee Reports 6,000,000 Users WASHINGTON (NE:) - Sandwiched between two Senate votes on the nomination of G. Harrold Carswell to be an associate justice of the U.S. Supreme Court was a House of Representatives committeereporr that six million 'persons in this country are using marijuana and are spending at least $850 million a year to buy it. The House report, overshadowSenate; ed by the doings in has confronted the country with an enormous problem of concern to all. Moreover, the problem is growing, can have most serious consequences, and has defied whatever sporadic efforts have. been made so far to cure it. Penalties 1'00 Severe The report indicates strong . links between the use of marijuana and the later use of what are called "heavy" drugs. Rep.


Rabbi Asks Study Of Intermarriage KIAMESHA LAKE (NC)-=-The president of the Rabbinical Assembly has called for formation of a commission to study increasing intermarriages involving Jews. Rabbi Ralph Simon of Chicago said the commission should include rabbis from grassroots congregations as well as rabbinic scholars and lay people. "It is clear to us in the American rabbinate that the number of mixed marriages is increasing," he told the opening meeting of the 70th annual Rabbinical Assembly, a clergy organization of Conservative Judaism, here in New York. About 500 rabbis attended the session here. A 1969 questionnaire by the' assembly showed that "at least" 3,000 converts were admitted to the Conservative movement in one year. On thc basis .of this estimate "we can project that almost 10,000 will join the ranks of Judaism annually" in its three major traditions, he said.

Claude Pepper, Florida Democrat and chairman of the committee making the report, said: "Only one out of the hundreds of drug users that testified did not start out· with marijuana." At· the ·same· time, the report calls for reduced' legal penalties in cases involving possession and use marijuana. It did not call marijuana itself -addictive, and said present penalties for first-time users are tQO severe. Rep. Pepper said he inclines toward a Nebraska statute which provides that first offenders receive a· mandatory seven-day sentence in the county jail and a course' of instruction on drug abuse. There is no fine for a first offense, and those imprisioned unlJer this statute are separated from prisoners convicted other offenses.


3 MillIon 'Experimenters' A major recomm'endation' is that penalties for the use of marijuana be reduced and made uniform throughout the country. A number of states prosecute marijuana use as a felony and impose sentences of two to f~ve years in jail. Texas, it was stated, lists the penalty for first-offense

Backs 'King Sunday' In Great Britain


Sends Envoy BRASILIA (NC) - President Emilio Garrastazu Medici said he is sooding a special envoy to . the Vatican in an effort to ex· plain charges that political prisoners, including priests, are being to~tured in Brazil. The envoy, it was reported, will also attempt to disQUSS with Vatican officials the strained church-state relations between his country and the Holy See.

LONDON(NC)-Cardinal John Heenan of Westminister approved a British group's proposal to mark the second anniversary , Ch~nce to Refute of U.S. civil rights leader Martin Luther King's assassination Error of opinion may be toler· with sermons on Sunday, April ated where reason is left free to 12 on racial harmony. combat it. -Jefferson In .a message to the Martin Luther King Foundation approving its suggestion, Cardinal BEFORE YOU Heenan praised the organizaBUY -TRY tion's establishment of an employment agency· for colored school dropouts who find it diffi<;:ult to ge~, jobs. (The ,term "colored" in Britain is not restricted to the black race OLDSMOBILE but applies to all non-white perOldsmobile.Peugot-Renault sons, including Asiatics and In67 Middle Street, Fa:rhaven dians).








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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-:Thurs. Apr. 16, 1,970

Parish Parade

Feehan High School Holds Annual Arts F~estival, with 'King arid I'; ' Displays of Art, Home Ec


In progress through tomorrow at Bishop Feehan High School in Attleboro is the school's annual arts festival. "The ,King and I" will be presented at 8 tonight and tomorrow night in the auditorium. Directed by Sister Mary Judith, the cast includes William Casey, Robert 'Berg, , the sale were eligible for a raffle a tennis racquet and a can of Sue Marquis, Stephen Motyl, of balls. Richard Corbeil, Dennis GrifTo Present 'Brlgadoon',

fin. Also Dennis Travers, Candy Benson, Lenore Turley, Paul Neveux, John Cinq-Mars and Nancy Dwyer. Choreography is being arranged by Sister Frances Burlack and Sister M. Evangela is directing music. Among orchestra members will be representatives of the Attleboro Concert Band. Concurrently with the plliy, students of Mrs. Monica Marvel of Feehan's art department will display their work in the auditorium foyer. Art students have also helped make props for the production of "The King and I." Also on view will be work by members of Mrs. Cynthia Schensnol's class in domestic arts. Alice in Wonderland "Through the Looking Glass". is the theme of Holy Family's junior prom, to take place tomorrow riight at Kennedy Youth Center, New Bedford. Props will include giant mushrooms, a house of mirrors and giant playing car~s. Four year old Anne Marie Fisher will pay a visit to the dance garbed as Alice in Wonderland, accompanied by Gerry Landreville, al,so four, as the Mad Hatter. In charge of dance arrangements are junior homeroom presidents Neil Barney, Joseph David and James, Allen. . Five delegates from Stang High in North Dartmouth attended the annual Model Congress, held recently in New Rochelle, N. Y. They were Ann Marie Black, Daniel Denault, Pat Jeffries, Janet Zajac and Christine Kwiatkowski. Also at Stang, congratulations, go to the girls' basketball team for a hardwon victory over New Bedford High. Teen Chairman Pretty blonde Diane Desmarais, senior at Mt. St. Mary Academy, Fall River, has been named teen chairman of the Teen March for St. Jude's Hospital. The march will take place April 30 through May 4 and will benefit the Danny Thomas hospital in Memphis, Tenn. dedicated to finding cures for childhood diseases. Diane, student council vicepresident at Mount, is also a regional science fair winner and a talented accordion player. She has named Suzanne Lapointe as captain, for Sacred Hearts Academy, also Fall River. Students winning scholarships to Dominican Academy, Fall River, for their freshman year .are Pat Maynard, from DAelementary school; Jeanne Malicia and Susan Cote of St. Anne's school; and Jeanne Desrosiers, St. Roch's. Also at DA, soph(j)more English students will present two plays tomorrow: "Room 222" and路 "The Devil and Daniel Webster." College acceptances from Holy Family include Christine D'Anjou, Bridgewater; JoAnn Weldon, SMU; and James Hayden, Fairfield, Stonehill and BC. When not being accepted by colleges, Jim Hayden is president of the HF tennis club which recently held tryouts and also 'sponsored a cake sale. St'!dents,.,baking for "

It's "King and I" at F~ehan' and "Brigadoon" is upcoming at Stang, where the popular musical will be presented at 8:30 .Friday through 'Sunday' nights, May 1 through 3, by the Gateway,Players.' Tickets may be had at the school or by mail.' , At Dominican Academy Elaine Lapointe has received a combJnation federal and, college loan and grant to Stonehill and Sue Leboeuf has been accepted at Bridgewater. And talkipg of Bridgewater, a delegation of., DA American History students' will attend' the Bridgewater Yputh Confer~nce SaturdaY,Aprii 25. ' At Holy Family, st~dent council representatives Dana Querim, Ted McIntyre, Terry Sirois, and Nanci Scotti are attending ,the Spring meeting for student councillors being held today at Seekonk High. HF's faculty advisor is'Raimundo Martin. And Holy Family's retreat, to READING BR,EAK:' Relaxing in modern library of Connolly be held Wednesday, April. 29 through Friday, May 1 will; be High' School, Fall River, are, from left, Robert Nedderman, conducted by Holy Cross Fathers. Mark Shea, Richard Harrison.

The Parish Parade

Bible路for 'Sale New York Dealer Offers Gutenberg

The Women's Guild will host an open meeting of the DCCW at 8 tonight in. the parish hall on Illinois Street and will serve refreshments. Rev. James W. Clark, chairman of the Taunton Municipal Drug Commission, will be the guest speaker. The guild, will sponsor a rummage sale in the school cafeteria on Friday, April 24 from 10 in the morning until 8 in the evening. Mrs. Francis Cox, chairman, requests that articles, bric-a-, brac, etc. be left at the school on Tuesday. Wednesday and Thursday afternoons between 1 and 3. For pick-up service, donors may contact Mrs. Heap at 5-9146. Coffee will be served to all attending the sale. ST. JULIE, NORTH DARTMOUTH Officers of t.he newly organized Women's ,Guild are Mrs. Thomas F. Burke, president; Mrs. Robert Ponte, vice-president; Mrs. Douglas M. Pfeninger, and Mrs. Daniel E. Brito, secretaries; Mrs. Albert A. Silva, treasurer. Rev. 'John F. Hogan is spiritual director. The organization is open to parishioners 18 years of age or older. Prospective members may contact Mrs. Albert C. Wobecky, membership chairman, or any guild member. OUR .LADY OF ANGELS, FALL RIVER Holy Rosary Sodality will hold a Communion breakfast following 8 o'clock Mass Sunday morning, May 17. '::~The路 ,Holy Name' Society 'announces a husband and wife Communion Mass for 8 Sunday morning, April 19, followed by breakfast and a meeting. The Summer schedule of Masses will begin Sunday, May 10, with Masses scheduled for 6 and 7 A.M. in Portuguese and 8 through noon on the hour in English. ' Also on Sunday, May 10, autos will be blesse,d at 1 P.M. in the church parking lot.

ST. FRANCIS ~VIER, FOII'"Estim~ted $2.5 Million HYANNIS'" ,~, NEW YORK (NC)~neof 13 Johann Gutenberg issued Better-than-rummage, as-is and Gutenberg Bibles in this 'counabout, 200 Bibles between 1450 children's sections will be fea- ' try and 46 surviving in the world and 1455. They were said to be tured at a giant rummage ~ale is being offered for sale here the first books printed from to be sponsored from 10 to 12:30 at a price estimated between movable type. Saturday morning, April 25: in $2.5 and $2.75 million. Monument of Printing the parish center by the Women's The Shuckburgh copy meaprinted by Johann The Bible Guild. A babysitting service will sures 16xll Y2 'inches and is be available and refreshments Gutenberg has just been pur- bound in red ,leather. Only five chased by Hans P. Kraus, a will be served. prominent New York rare-book pages are missing~ne of them ST. KILIAN, dealer: He bought the two-vol- a blank leaf. It is among the NEW BEDFORD ume Bible for an undisclosed largest of the somewhat varying amount from Arthur A. Hough- copies known. Mrs. Herve Caron, chairman, The centuries have had no diston Jr., a noted collector and has announced that the Women's effect upon the fine, ST. JOSEPH, cernible Guild will sponsor a rummage founder and benefactor of. the strong paper, still white and a , NEW BEDFORD Houg~ton 'Library at Harvard sale from 9 in the morning to 4 perfect ground for the large in the afternoon on Saturday, ,University. The Couples Club will hold its black Gothic type and the ruApril 18 in the school basement. Charles Scribner's Sons redis- bricated letters that enhance the first membership dance Saturday Election of guild officers for covered the 643-page Old a'nd night, April 25 in the school hall, beginnings of chapters. the coming year will take place New Testaments in 1951 after it Only three copies of the costli- for members only. Mr. and Mrs. at the May 6th meeting. ' vanished in 1824. The Shuckest book in ,the world' are, in Rene Cormier, chairmen, anprivate hands-Kraus's, one be-: nounce that tickets are ,now burgh copy, as it is known, is OUR LADY OF MT. CARMEL, longing to William H. Sceide, available. named for an English work in NEW BEDFORD the . last part of the 18th cen- 'which is on loan to Prin'ceton On Sunday, April 19, two bas- tury. University, and the third owned, ketball games will be played and AnLEBORO'S by Martin Bodmer, a Swiss colthe proceeds will be donated ito Houghton bought the Bible lector. A few belong to foundaleading Garden Center the Catholic Charities Appeill. from Scribner's for, about $150,- tions, the' rest to institutional Mothers will' play daughters, and 000 a few years after it was libraries. I the fathers will vie sons. . brought to this country in 1951. "I don't like the thought of The 8:15 Mass on Sunday In addition to the ,purchase price, selling it," Kraus s,aid. "It's a morning, May 3 will be a memo- , Houghton also gave Scribner's monument of printing-the first South Main & Wall Sts. rial Mass for all deceased mem- one volume of another two-vol- book of the Western World, nevbers ,of the parish PTA. Members ume Gutenberg Bible that he had er surpassed or even equaled. in his collection. are路 asked to attend in a body.: Money falls each day, but, this 222-0234 ,Joseph Mello 'and Richard Bar- ' will stand forever." boza will serve as co-chairmen', Conciliation Boord for the Annual Family Picnic, scheduled, for ',Aug. 2. , KEARNEY (NC)-A 20-member conciliation board is in the process of being formed in the Suggested Change Newark archdiocese, it was reMILWAUKEE (NC) -'- Father vealed at a meeting of the SenJames Groppi, militant civil ate of Priests here. Current plans at rights priest; will leave his inner- call for the board to be comcity, parish ,when black Capp- posed of five priests, Religious chins take it ,over in June. and lay people from each of the Father Groppi dismissed ariy four counties of the archdiocese. possibility that his Civil rights Newark Archbishop Thomas A. efforts had anything to do with Boland, the archdiocesan Pasthe shift in administration. "The toral Council and the senate 115 WILLIAM ST. NEW BEDFORD, MASS. changeover was at 'my sugges- would collaborate in the selection," he said,. tion of personnel.




"Save Witll Safety'"


Ukrainians Fear New Persecution Against Church

THE ANCHOR-Thurs., ApriJ 16, 1970

New Commission For Travelers

BONN (NC)-Fears that a new wave of persecution






Ukraine has already begun

VATICAN CITY'(NC)-A new' papal commission has been set up to provide for the spiritual needs of emigrants, travelers, and other people on the move. The new Vatican office is called the Pontifical Commission for the Pastoral Care of Emigration and Tourism. It has been set up to take care of the spiritual needs of emigrants, temporary migrants, nomad peoples such as gypsies, and sailors, airline and airport personnel and religious pilgrims. In ,setting up the new commission, Pope Paul VI has actually combined five separate offices which have existed in the Vatican for various periods of time and have been attached to various ,congregations of the Roman Curia, the Church's central administrative offices. In the document establishing the neW commission Pope Paul said that. "to provide better for the spi.ritual welfare of those who live away from home, it now seems expedient that these activities be useful1y and effectively united and placed under one direction." The five specialized offices now united are the Higher Council for Emigration; the Apostolate of the Sea; the Apostolate of the Air; the Apostolate of Nomadic Peoples and the Office for the Pastoral Care of Tourism.

or is imminent arc mounting lImong Ukrainians abroad. The fears were stirred by reports that Soviet authorities have sentenced a Ukrainian-rite Catholic archbishop to three years in prison for "ideological sabotage." The prelate, Archbishop Basil Welczykowski, C.SS.R., was consecrated secretly by Cardinal Josip Slipyi of Lvov before the Soviet Union permitted the cardinal to leave the country and live in exile in Rome: The archbishop had been arrested before, in 1946, and once was even reported dead. He was arrested in 1946 when the Ukrainian Catholic Church was banned and incorporated YOUTH AIDS AGE: Students involved in RATE' prcgram prepare for nursing home visits into the Russian Orthodox at monthly meeting. From left, Pat Fox, Sacr~d Hearts Academy; Janine Gendreau, Mt. St. Church. Along with many other Mary; Anne Demers, Sac~ed Hearts; Ted Rapoza, Durfee. Catholic priests, he had refused to join the Orthodox Church. The sentence at that time was death, but it was later commuted to 10 years of hard labor. For the past few years Archbishop Welczykowskl has lived in Lvov as a "pensioner," and By Patricia McGowan was strictly prohibited from engaging in any pastoral activities. A popular poster says it well: "Life is short and we have not too much time for ReDorts received here state that gladdening the hearts of those who are tra veling the dark way with us. Oh, be swift the Soviet secret police suspected the archbishop of violating to love'! Make haste to be kind." Students from six Fall River high schools are taking the prohibition and put him un- those words seriously. They're participants in a, program of service to the aged sponder surveillance prior to his sored by a grant from the "It's kind of weird: visiting Mrs. Wahl relates that a student arrest. , Romero Aid to' the Elderly them," said another. But no one approached an old lady who In early 1969, the three Ukrainian-rite bishops in the U. S. re- program and administered backed out of' his or her com- wasn't joining a song session. Get New Warning "Why don't you sing with us?" ported the arrest of Archbishop by the Family Service Asso- mitment. "It's really needed," said Mrs. she asked. "Because you sound On Antj-Semitism Welczykowski and his removal ciation. Wahl. "Every nursing home we like hell," snapped the oldster. in custody to Moscow. There had STRASBOURG (NC)-A warnThe teens, representing Mt. contacted before we started Such comments are good for a been reports that he had died in ing that anti-Zionist feeling in Hearts, JesusSt. Mary, Sacred RATE said that they needed this chuckle, but also serve to keep France can easily, grow into a March, 1969, from militreatment, but later reports denied the Mary, 'Prevost: Connolly and sort of programming., Many of- students on their toes. Second deadly anti-Semitism has been B.M.C. Durfee high schools, are fer nothing for the elderly, ex- best isn't good enough for senior prelate's death. issued here by Bishop Arthur citizens. Arrests of other Ukrainian making weekly visits to area cept TV-watching." EIchinger of Strasbourg, in The students are currently priests charged with exercising nursing homes, playing games As the Underground Sandbox, words that echoed a February with patients, entertaining them visiting seven Fall River homes. singing group that entertained statement by a French national their ministry have been reIn addition to friendly visits, the students at the Bishop Con- bishops' committee. ported by the French-Catholic on a one-to-one basis. "Oh precious youth," sighed a Sacred Hearts students, for in- nolly meeting, expressed it, via news service, Informations CathBishop EIchinger, who signed oliques Internationales. wheelchair patie!'!t in one of the stance, have organized singa- one of their songs, "If you real- the earlier statement, said: "It is at the home they visit. longs The news service said that homes, her face lighting up as ly love me, come on and let not up to the bishops to approve many other clergymen and lay "her" girl arrived. That about SQund Like Hell it show.'" or disapprove of political posipersons have been subjected to sums up what the youngsters Not at the Sacred Hearts The RATE students are let- tions of anti-Zionism. We only house searches. bring to the nursing homes: vi- home, but at another facility, ting it show. Future plans call want to warn certain Christians It was reported that Archbish- tality, enthusiasm and love. for them to aid in setting up a against the consequences of a op Welczykowski was arrested phone panel, which wi:1 check passionate struggle that might when he responded to a bogus Tminlng Program via regular telephone calls on develop into anti-Semitism, alcall to visit a sick person in elderly' citizens living alone. way ready to show itself. The 75 students involved in Lvov to hear a confession and They also hope to expand the "Nazism has sufficiently demadminister Communion. The evi- RATE attend monthly training visiting program to home visits onstrated to what excesses it is CLEVELAND (NC) - Cleve- and errand-running. dence against him included a meetings designed to help them possible to go." understand what's involved in land's Catholic Interracial Councross, a missal and a ciborium. students will be recRATE The official organ of the their contacts with the elderly. cil has started a fund to help Southern Carpathian military At a recent such meeting at Bish- meet the medical expenses of ognized at honor days at their region, Siava Rodiny (The Glory op Connolly High School, Boston a Kenyan student beaten" by respec~ive schools at the end of the Homeland), said the arch- University students who are three men in a laundromat in of the academic year, noted' hishop "committed ideological conducting the program under the largely Catholic Cleveland Donald Emond of the Family Service Association. sabotage under the cloak of reli- direction of Mrs. Dorothy Wahl, neighborhood of Murray Hill. Est. n897 John D. McGervey, president gious functions, in favor of in- did some role-playing for their of the interracial group and a ternational imperialism." young audience. Festival Ton'ight faculty member at Case Western They realistically depicted such Reserve University here, said the 2343 Purchase Street' Taunton area CCD workers will Commemorate Visit common situations as the repeti- beating of Shem Oyoo Wandiga, sponsor a film festival from New Bedford tious oldster, the forgetful one, a Case student, stemmed from 7:30 to 9:30 tonight at Bishop 996-5661 Of Holy Father the one who's living in the past. "pure unalloyed racism." Cassidy High School. . KAMPALA (NC)-A group of "That's just how it is," said a I-Ie addedt "We cannot take young lay Catholics here have listening boy. refuge in the thought, that this formed a society to commemoAfter the acting students crime was simply the work of rate the visit of Pope Paul VI to broke into small groups for dis- hoodlums over which we have no Uganda last July. ' cussion of their own experi- control. These hoodlums, whoRt. 6 at Tl1Ie Narrows in' North Westport Officially established under ences. They were frank. "I nev- ever they are, are immersed the patronage of Archbishop Em- er want to be old," said one in a Catholic atmosphere and yet manuel Nsubuga of Kampala, girl, and most agreed that they the Church has been unable to Where The The Pope Paul's Visit Memorilil really couldn't imagine them- teach them the most elementary Entire. ,Family Society aims at: parts of its doctrine of human selves as aged. Can Dine Answering the Pope's appeal brotherhood." Father Francis E. Gasbarre, for unity, charity, and cooperaEconomically pastor of Holy Rosary Church in tion among Ugandans; EstablishEarth Day the area where Wandiga was ating closer relationship among the Participating in a national tacked, said the church has held people of the country, particuFOR "teach-in" on environmental a special collection for the stularly the young; Promoting a RESERVATIONS quality, La Salette Shrine, Attle- dent. Public officials also exhigher, degree of morality, love PHONE pressed their concern over the lind respect for humanity and'so- boro, will present an Earth Day 675-7185 program Wednesday" April 22. incident and promised steppedcial development; Establishing up police patrols in the Murray links with people in other parts Further details are available at .Hill area. . of the world. ' the shrine.

Diocesa.n High, .Schoolers in RATE Program 'Make Haste to, Be l(ind'

Collection to, Aid 'Beaten Student

Stu rtevant 6' Hook

Builders Supplies

WH ITE'S Family



THE ANCHOR-Diocese: of Fall River-Thurs. Apr. 16, 1,970

The Parish Parade

Com~ends Father Greeley'



Publicity chairmen of parish organizations are asked- to', submit news items for this column to The Anchor, P. O. Box 7, Fall River

for Pries'ts



By Rt. Rev. Msgr. John S. Kennedy

ST. ~EAN BAPTISTE, FAI:L RIVER Parishioners will sponsor a variety show at 8 Saturday and Sunday nights, April 18 and 19, in the church hall. Directors will be Mrs. Flossy Labecki and Mrs. Dee Macek, and the cast will feature parishioners and friends. Tickets are available from Mrs. Doris Bessette and all cast members. Some tickets will also be on sale both nights at the Tucker Street door to the hall.

ST. MARY, SOUTH DARTMOUTH Many, many priests who have no intention of leaving New officers of the Women's the priesthood, are puzzled, sometimes bewildered, as to Guild are Betty Hemingway, their role in the Church during the years ahead. They want president; Candace Flaherty, 'to, be of maximum service to the cause, but ~onder :what vice-president; Sheila O'Hayre and Judy Viera, secretaries; Vi is to be required of them and repeating a theology Tracy,treasurer, how best they~ can fulfill a Greeley, that is at least five years out-ofThe annual Communion supsolemn obligation which date. per will take place at the parish ST. MARG~RET. If the priest begins to live up center following a 4 o'clock Mass BUZZARDS BAY they cherish and intend to Sunday afternoon, May 17. Reshonor. Very little is' being writ- to the requirements which Father SS. Margaret-Mary Guild of ervations may be made with Buzzards Bay and Onset will hold ten that is helpful to them. Greeley lays out for him, he 'wilt undoubtedly, be engaged full time. Sheila O'Hayre or Betty Heming- an executive board meeting Father Andrew way. For he must unify and lead Greeleyhas Wednesday night, April 29, at God's people; his ministry must A dessert-card party is the home of Mrs. John Gray. The ~WARD: Ben Shapiro of sought to meet be broad, multifaceted, and in- Brookline, founder and, secre- plaimed for Wednesday night, next regular meeting is set for 8 their need in tensive. Its proper preparation. tary for 33 years of Mas•. May 27, also at the center. Pro- Wednesday night, May 6 at St. New Horizons and performance will fill and Committee, Catholics, Protest- ceeds will purchase supplies for Margaret's' parish center. Plans for the Priestoverflow all his hours and days. ants and Jews, will be the re- . dressings made by guild mell}- will be made for Summer projhood (Sheed and bers for Rose Hawthorne Lathrop ects and the annual guild banWard, 64 Unicipient of the 1970 lantern Stresses Prayer Home in Fall River. Mrs. Edna versity P I ace, Award of the State Cquncil of Travers is chairman,' aided by quet, and a nominating commitNew York, N.Y. tee will submit a slate of officers. Father Greeley sees the priest the Knights of Columbus at a Mrs. Eileen Coleman and Mrs. 10003. $4.50). Mrs,. John Cummings will as a special kind of leader., He He does not is an expressive leader, one who banquet Sunday night in Bos- Beverly Singleton. Tickets are chairman the l!-nnual Spring rumavailable from these members. pretend to read mage sale from 9 to 1 Saturday, exemplifies an ideal, and moves ton. Mrs. Etta Robichaud, chair- May 2, also at the center. Also the future. He the minds and hearts of men. He man announces that a June on May 2 Mrs. Donald Lakin, maintain~ • that "the priest creis a master of human relationDance is slated for 9 to 1 Satur- guild president, and Mrs. Wilates the future because he be- ships and helps in the improveday night, June 6. - The Novas liam Brady will be delegate and lieves in the future and transmits ment of the quality of such relawill supply music, there will be alternate to the annual conventhis faith to his people." tionships. • door prizes and coffee and His book deals with the, virHe has faith in the vitality of CHICAGO (NC)-An Augus- Danish pastries will be served at' tion of the Diocesan Council of tues "that are required of men the message of which he is' the Catholic Women, to be held in -living and working in a dramatic bearer and in his own validity tinian priest told delegates to the the end of the evening; Tickets Attleboro. Christian Preaching Conference are available from Mrs. Robi- . transition, men struggling simul- as its bearer to others. He conMembers will attend the Dishere that preachers should 'chaud. ' taneously with continuity and veys love. trict Five DCCW meeting at 8 "reach for the common human discontinuity. " Thursday night, April 23 at Holy Just as did the spiritual direc- feelings" of their congregations. NOTRE DAME, The first virtue which Father tor in yesterday's seminary, Trinity Church, West Harwich. Greeley discusses is self-respect. Father Greeley maintains that despite polarization around con- FALL RIVER Here the judicious middle-of-the- the successful exercise of the troversial issues. The Council of Catholic Women ST. MICHAEL, Father Dennis GeaneYJ O.S.A., announces a Spring dance from FALL RIVER attitude exemplified priesthood is impossible, without road throughout the book comes im- prayer. But his explanation of of Chicago's Catholic Theological 8 tornidnight'Saturday, April 18. "Gathered in Love," a CCD mediately into view. prayer is far different from what Union, added that polarization A smorgasbord will be served. "mini-conventio'n," will be held The author deprecates the we were accustomed to'. Differ- is not always bad, since it is "the Mrs. Richard Perry, chairman, is from 1 to 6 Sunday afternoon, warped old 'notion that a kind' ent, but not arbitrary or empty. first role of the prophet."But he aided by Mrs. Robert Sicard. May 3. of false humjlity is essential to The chapter on this subject warned that a preacher has to' Mrs. Robert Chouinard is in ST. JOHN OF GOD, be careful how he deeds with charge of tickets. the priest ("I am nothing, worth- should be especially useful. SOMERSET s~nsitive issues among members less, deserving only contempt"). :,1· The peculiar merit of Father ,HOLY NAME, '~CD members will spo'nsor a Crippling self-loathing, self- Greeley's book is its hard-headed of his congregation. day of Ecumenical Involvement hatred is the likeliest result of wisdom. The author is highly "If we have to be ministers to NEW BEDFORD The Women's Guild and Holy and Christian Commitment besuch a point of view. Self-respect qualified' in social science, and a congregation of racists," he is a first requisite of mental and from that and related fields he said, "we can't just write them ,Name Society will co-sponsor a ginning at 9:30 Saturday morn"mammoth penny sale" in the ing, May 16. It will be held at emotional balance. brings much sound knowledge to off. lowe it to a congregation parish hall on the corner of Somerset Junior High School. to let them know where I stand. bear on religion and especially, Spontaneous Homilies County and S,tudley Streets at. The' program will include panel in this instance, the priest and Then we can go on to ,other 7:30 Saturday night, April 18. discussions, a demonstration of On the other hand, Father things." Greeley is by no means an advo- the priesthood. Proceeds will benefit the build- the new rite of baptism, a model But Rev. John Fry of WoodHe is sharply aware of much ing fund. Grand prize will be a class for first communicants, a cate of the exorbitant self-fulfilllawn's First Presbyterian Church ment which many now demand. that has been mistaken and dis- countered, "We are in a cove- color television set. The event is multi-media session on the EuHe sees this excess as a kind of tortive in past practice, and he nant with truth. If people are open to the public at no admis- charist and a teen-age happening. is outspoken in his criticism of The Women's Guild will preself-deifica tion. out-and-out racists, how do you sion charge: Chairmen include Mrs. Elmer Paul, Miss Frances pare a luncheon for participants. What it calls honesty may ac- anything of the sort. deal with them without dignifyBut he is aiso cool and unspar- ing their racism? ,We can't dig- McCarthy, James Harrington and Any member of the Fall River tually be aggressiveness, and Lawrence, Burns. Diocese is invited to attend, acwhat it calls relating to the peo- ing in his diagnosis of recent and nify it as 'in any way right." cording to announcement made ple may be mere exhibitionism. current popular practices which Other members of the four- ST. PATRICK, by Robert Murphy, general chairThe "spontaneous homily" which are as mistaken and distortive as man. is advocated in the name of self- ancient abuses. And he is justly man panel were Father Rollins FALMOUTH The Women's Guild will meet' fulfillment can be blithering appreciative of what is basic, un- Lambert, pastor of St. Dorothy's Church here, and Father Robert in the church hall following no- ST. PATRICK, , changing, and unchangeable. , nonsense. McLaughlin, on the staff of Holy vena services Monday night, FALL RIVER He favors the true self-fulfillBeing Together Name Cathedral. April 20. The program will be The Women's Guild will hold a ment: based on realistic selfhighlighted by a film, "Excavapublic guildola at 8 tonight in respect, and issuing in' responsiFather. Marc Oraison's Being tions of St. Peter's," narrated by the school hall. Mrs. Joseph ble behavior,' "behavior that is Together (Doubleday, 501 FrankRecollectio,n Day Robert Considine. Mrs. Charles Fazzina and Mrs. Stanley Pitera responsible to one's own best in- lin Ave., Garden City, N. Y. A day of recollection for Fall Russell will be hospitality chair- , are chairmen. Books are available stincts and also to the rights Of 11031. $4.95), translated from the from them or from Mrs. Robert those who are around us." Such French by Rosemary Sheed; is River area Cursillistas will be man. Regan, guild president, who also self-fulfillment is orderly, disci- subtitled' "Our' Relationship with held from 9:30 Sunday morning, ST. MARY, requests that gifts to be used as 19, to 8 Sunday evening at April plined, and fruitful. Other People," something of TAUNTON prizes be brought to the school Mt. St. Mary Academy, Fall Fattier Greeley insists that the prime importance to all of us. Confirmation services for ex- this afternoon marked with name River. Meditation, talks, discuslaity wants priests to be priests, But no one should suppose full-time and not part-time. They that it is a practical handbook sions and the celebration of ceptional children will be held at and number. Refreshments will be served. Mass will comprise the day's pro- 3 Sunday afternoon, April 19. do J'lot favor, he has found, the how to get on with other gram to be conducted by Rev. concept of a priest no different on people, especially the difficult Giles Genest, M.S. of La Salette from themselves except in occaones at home or at work. Rather, Cursillo Center and a team of ~IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII1II11111!: sional,leadership of the assembly Father Oraison is explicating our lay people. A topic of special during the liturgy. relationship with others, largely discussion will be insights gained The priest who accepts that at a national Cursillo convention idea is, according to Father in terms derived from Freud.: held last Summer in Cleveland. Labored, Dull


Discuss Problem' Of Preachi,ng



Quake Victims NEW DELHI (NC) - India's national Catholic relief agency, Caritas India, has donated $1,300 for victims of an earthquake that hit parts of Gujerat state. A check was forwarded from here to Bishop Ignatius D'SQuza of Baroda following two successive earthquakes that rocked the town of Broach ,and neighboring areas,

The baby, he says, begins 'life with an experience of irreparable but necessary loss, when the Ombilical cord is cut. And most of life' thereafter consists of a search for what it has lost. The child looks for it in others. . Despite some striking insig~ts, the book as a whole seems labored and dull, not of the same quality as previous work by the same author. '






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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Apr. 16, 1970


~ •••••••:1~ ••••••••••••• ~ •••••••••••••••••••JI

Attleboro Is Odds-On Choice In Bristol County Track The current and interesting Bristol League track season is expected to mirror the last campaign with Attleboro, Msgr. Coyle High of Taunton and Bishop Stan-g of Dartmouth fighting it out for the final standing for the top spot. And, once again Attleboro (Crowe's Oliver Ames teams is the odds-on choice to cap- compiled a 44-5 mark from 1961ture the number one posi- 65) indicates thai he has been tion. Coach Tom Crowe's extremely successful in achieving Jewelers humbled Durfee High of Fall River in the loop's opener, 92-21, and, in so doing, served notice to the rest of the circuit that they are out to extend their undefeated skein against league opponents. The Bombardiers were unbeaten in pennant competition last Spring when they captured the championship. In the ,four years Crowe has been at the helm, the Blue and White have compiled a 23-4 won-and-lost record in BCL meets. OVer the years, Coach Crowe has fielded teams that are well balanced with considerable depth in each event. His record of 67-9

his goal. ' The current Jewelers are no Exception. The team has displayed strength in both the running and field events. This factor, coupled with depth in most events, makes Attleboro tough to beat. Both Coyle and Stang win be slightly stronger than last Spring when they finished second and third in the league. However, it appears that neither will have enough to overtake Attleboro. Bishop Feehan High of Attleboro, Taunton, Durfee and· New Bedford Vocational all have strong individual performers but lack the depth necessary to cop the championship.

Performers Focus on Event Records This year the high and low hurdles have been added to the list of required events, raising the number of events in a County dual m,eet to 13. All league meets will consist of the 100-yard dash, 120-yard low and high hurdles, 220 and 440-yard dashes, 880 yard run and one and two-mile runs. Field events will be contested in the long jump, high jump, shot put and discus. The final event of each meet will be the 880-yard relay. The campaign is sure to produce some record breaking performances that have marked the past few seasons. In fact, record setting seems to be a practice as only two BCL records have endured for more than a decade. Those two were set'in i959 when Coyle and Fairhaven were the track powers and, coincidentally, the records are held by athletes of the two schools. Coyle's Michael "Barney" 0'Hearne set the long jump mark with a leap of 21' 7" and Ray

Arruda soared 6' ~" to establish the high jump record. While' no record is sacred, it appears as though these two will be difficult to beat .even in this age of the ever-improving ath· lete. If one is to fall, in all probability, it will be ,in the high jump. The most likely candidate to set a new record is Tom Reeves of Attleboro who has already cleared 5' 10" in competition. Teammate Charlie McKnight has duplicated the feat and might possibly best Reeves. Steve Howance of Durfee, who performed well in Winter, also has an outside chance to put his nam'e in the record book. O'Hearne's record appears to be relatively safe as the loop's best long jumpers are only flirting with the 20' mark. If conditions are favorable, the 100 yard dash record may go by the board this season. Alan Rich of Coyle, who has been clocked at 10 seconds could improve his time before the end of the campaign.

Cream of Crop Vie in County Meet lbe official BCL 100-yard record is 10.1 held by Josef Bartek and Dave Broughton of Stang, Bill Leahy of New Bedford Vocational and Attleboro's standout Earl Fielding. The prospect of setting a new record is somewhat diminished by the fact that the mark must be established while competing in the County meet, and not in dual competition. Performances in dual meets are applicable only to school records. The BCL meet is scheduled in Attleboro on May 27. Other marks that will be, the focal point for this year's trackmen include Tom Murphy's '67 220-yard wash in 22.2 when he was competing for the Attleboro Jewelers, the 51.3 of Coyle's Bob Dewey in 1965 and Alan Patenaude's I :58.2 in the 880, also in 1965.

The circuit's premiere milers will be shooting for a time under 4:29:5, the mark set by Coyle's Dave Hoye in 1966. The two milers will have to better Dave Skivington's 10:24.9 to dethrone the Feehan titleholder. Dave Hart of Attleboro will be among those trying to wrest the shot put title mark away from older brother Tom, set in 1966. Tom's heave of 58' %" is a formidable toss that may withstand the challenge of this year's 50footers, including Dave. Joe Silvia of Durfee presently holds the record in the discus by'virtue of his 149' 5 Y2" toss in the 1968 County meet. The league's relay record was set in 1966 by the Attleboro team which included Frank Marcoccio, Mike Martin, Dave Thornhill and Tom Murphy.


AI Nickerson of Falmouth

Great Asset to UMass Hockey Team Starred in Three Sports at Lawrence High Al Nickerson is 180 pounds of solid mus~le. Skeptics need only to che'ck, ,with the University of Massachusetts hockey opponents for verification. Only a sophomore, "Nick" was a contributing factor in the Redmen's 10-8 season despite his low point production. But Al didn't have to score to make his presence felt. Playing on defense, Nickerson , racked up a total of six, points on the season >:0 " * two goals and four assists * * * but was a great asset to goalies Pat Flaherty and Bruce Crawford. Known as a bruising body checker , Nickerson tied for the team leadership in penalties with a total of 26 minutes in the sinbin but when he wasn't banging bodies he was busy thawing himself at potential enemy goals. In several contests, "Nick" was credited with nearly as many stops as the UMass 'netminder. Bright Future Al was one of 14 sophomores on the 1970 Redmen squad and is a big reason Coach Jack Canniff points to next season with a high degree of optimism. The list of returness include this year's leading scorer, Jack Edward (27 points) of Milton and both varsity goalies. Canniff has reason to be optimistic. In addition to his bumper crop of youngsters, it's interesting to note that in all eight losses, only one was by more than three goals. Nickerson is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Alvan NICkerson, 11 Snapper Lane, Falmouth and is a 1968' graduate of Lawrence High School. While in high school,' he was a three-sport star, playing the Iinebacking position on the football squad, defense for the Clipper hockey varsity and first base on the baseball team. Phys ,Ed Major Al is one of three Nickerson children. His older sister, Sandy is married and 18-year-old Charles is a student. Majoring in physical education, 'Nickerson hopes to become an athletic trainer upon graduation. In addition to all sports,' Al enjoys traveling and would iike to do a little "sole-ste~ping" during the Summer, months. But the Falmouth youngster is only a sophomore and his present concern is the University of 'Massachusetts and the ice in Orr Rink. Al is a confident youngster and the , people connected with

Proposes India Rites Share Churches COCHIN (NC)-Sharing of ex· isting churches by members of Kerala's three Catholic rites has been proposed by a Church committee investigating conflict between the rites here. Pointing out that members (of various rites have no difficulty in attending liturgical services of a different rite, the committee headed off an effort to construct new church buildings. The committee, ,consisting of a bishop and a priest from each of Kerala's three rites ~Latin, Malabar and Malankara - was named by a national conference of Indian bishops held here in January.

... '. -





AL NICKERSON the Redmen ice fortunes are just been a key to victory." Al joined the varsity after a as confident in the young star. fine freshman campaign and was In All Games Director of Sports Information installed on the number-one deDick Page, who follows the for- fensive unit in the opening contest. He was one of only four tunes of all, UMass athletic defensemen to see actron in all teams, is a Nickerson booster. "AI has been an important de- 18 gam~s. fenseman for our team and helped us post a fine 10-5 record Says Law Supports in ECAC Division II competition. UMass had big wins over Lowell • Sex Education LANSING (NC)-Michigan AtTech (4-3), Colby (4-2), Amherst (9-2), Hamilton (8-7) and Ver- torney General Frank Kelly ruled mont i11 overtime (2-1) and in here that Michigan law and edu,each one, Nickerson's play has cation policy clearly support sex education in the state's schools. In his ruling, he emphasized Cites Responsibility, o that the law does not allow the teaching of birth control and Of Librarians does permit parents to request BOSTON (NC)-Catholic libra- their children, to be excused from rians share a responsibility with sex education classes. "preachers of the Word" to asThe attorney general's opinion sist contemporary society in the was requested after statewide pursuit of the truth, Cardinal controversy revealed widespread Richard Cushing declared here. confusion over the" legal aspects In a message to about 800 of sex ,education. delegates attending the 49th annual convention of the Catholic Library Association, the Boston archbishop said librarians have a special role because of today's "tortuous detours of error, preju-' dice and ignorance." The address of the cardinal, who had been hospitalized here CITIES SERVICE . for about two weeks because of an infection, was read by Msgr. DISTRIBUTORS John J. Grant, associate editor Gasoline of the Boston Pilot, archdiocesan newspaper. Fuel and Range Cardinal Cushing stressed the necessity to reconcile the advances of technological progress' with the on-going search to satOIL BURNERS isfy the spirit of modern man. For Prompt Delivery ,& Day & Night Service


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THE ANCHOR_Thurs., April 16, 1970

Appeal Continued from Page One are all members of the Mystical Body of Christ". Mr. Murray asked his hearers to put on the compassion of Christ in caring for that portion of the flock that cannot care for itself-the poor, the needy, the dependent. And he urged a special caring this year because all -bishop: priests, Sisters, lay people-are the Church and must work together to care as Bishop Connolly has been caring through his, ~ears as spiritual leader of the Diocese. Bishop Gerrard,' Auxiliary Bishop of the Diocese of Fall River appealed to the charityminded audience of the tremendous accomplishments' of care that are evidence of Bishop Connolly's loving care for the aged, the exceptional child, the incurably afflicted and the 'other agencies .aided by the annual Catholic Charities Appeal. Bishop Gerrard pointed out that in the poor and needy must be seen the image of Christ and that th~ spirit .and thought of Christ must be the - motivating force behind the Appeal. In an age that looks to the State and Federal governments for help, the spirit of charity must assert itself and does in the Appeal and toward those whom it aids. The reason for the Appeal still remains the sentiment of Christ -that what is done for the least of His brethren is done for Him. Speaking briefly at the end of the meeting, Bishop Connolly reviewed what is being dO'1e for the aged and infirm, the mentally retarded and the youth of th.e Diocese. He pointed out that there are sometimes voices of criticism over buildings that have been put up but he asked how the retarded and infirm could be otherwise taken care of. And he said that the real monuments to the Appeal and the charity of those contributing are not buildings but the work and sacrifice and caring that goes on and is supported by the Appeal. The work of caring could not be' done so well without the Appeal, 路and the needs that the Appeal serves grow steadily. Rev. Msgr. Anthony M. Gomes, Diocesan Appeal Director, explained the techniques and mechanics of the campaign. Pupils from Nazareth Hall for exceptional children won the hearts of the. large gathering with two. dance skits under the supervision of Sister Maureen, RSM" principal of the school. Bishop Stang High School Band provided music prior, during and after the meeting: . The Special Gift phase of the Appeal will begin Monday when 710 vo!unteer solicitors will call on 3,125 business, industry, professional and fraternal groups ~.hich, in the past, have gratuItlOusly responded with sizeable gifts toward the 31 agencies rendering services in communities of the 1194 square miles of the Diocese of Fall River.


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