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Bishop Cronin Opens 33rd Charities Appeal, Shows How Funds 'to Aid Apostolate

The ANCHORAn Anchor


the Soul, Sure and Firm-St. Paul

Fall River, Mass., Thursday, April 18, 1914 Iil..I 16 © 1974 The Anchor PRICE 15c Vo I. 18, l""'IIlO. $5.00 per year

Council of Catholic Women To Convene in Taunton The Diocesan Council of Catholic Women wiU hold its 21st annual convention at Coyle· Cassidy Hilgh School in Taunton on Saturday, April 27. The theme of the day will be "Reconciliation - People With God and W.ith Each Other." Guest speaker for thEl event wm be Rev. Ronald Lloyd S.M.M. Father Lloyd is a Montfort Mission Father and has preached retreats in England, Scotland and Wales. 'In 1959 he was assigned to the United States where most of his preaching has been on'the East Coast. The convention wi'll open w.ith registration and a coffee hour at 9 a.m. The' first session will begin at 10 a.m. Mrs. Richard Paulson, diocesan president and honorary chairman will preside at a business meeting, folowed by a workshop conducted by the Family Affa'irs Commission led

Special Gifts Phase Opens AprU 22 The first phase-SpE:cial Gifts -of the annual Ca,tholic Charities Appeal of the diocese of Fall River, now in its t1hirty-third year of service to the community, begins Monday, April 22. 850 volunteer special gift solicitors will make over ·1,225 calls on professional, fraternal, business and industnial Qrganiza· tions throughout the southeast· er'n area of Massachusetts. The solicitors have received special invitations from the Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin, S.T.D., Bishop of Fall River. They have all responded affirmatively of their willingness to serve. Rev. Msgr. Anthony M. Gomes, diocesan director of the Appeal, said'that "in behalf of the many people in need receiving help from the many services and institutions of the Appeal, I ear· nestly urge the professional, fraternal, business and industrial Tum to Page Three

by Mrs. Rodney Blythe, Attleboro District and Msgr. Anthony Turn to Page Three


The Regina Pacis Apostolate, he explained, was funded during 1972 in the amount of $21,605. The same apostolate required $43,193 during 1973. Providing another illustration, 'Bishop Cronin noted that the Diocesan Catholic Youth Organization program cost $40,000 in 1972, whereas Appeal funds in the amount of $65,265 were alloAppeal, avoided any direct men- cated to the same program durtion of a goal for the 1974 cam- ing 1973. "Today," the Bishop paign. However, with a smile, he noted, "it takes and costs money said, "Wouldn't it be grand if to do good." Noting that it was comforting we could reach the million dolto indicate what has been done, lar mark in our Diocesan appeal the Bishop urged his listeners to in this anniversary year?" Mrs. Gilbert J, Noonan of Fal- look ahead. "We must think in mouth, lay Chairlady for the terms of allocating the proceeds Diocesan drive, first woman to of this drive into areas where serve in the capacity of coordi- they will do the most good," he nator of the Appeal in its thirty- stated, and provided a brief resthree year history, spoke to the ume of the principal areas of gathering of parish committee apostolic endeavor for which the workers from the 113 parishes Appeal provides annual funding. "Far and away," Bishop Croof the Diocese, calling for "new confidence, new enthusiasm, and nin stated, "our most pressing new eagerness," calling for "a concern is in the area of social little extra effort" from the works of the ·apostolate." He members of what she described reminded the gathering of the devoted service provided by as a Diocesan "team." Auxiliary Bishop of the Dio- priests, religious and laity in cese, Most Reverend James J. years past, singling out for speGerrard, D.D., delivered the cial mention a number of clergy, opening prayer. Monsignor Monsignor Hugh A. Gallagher, Gomes explained techniques of founder of the New Booford organization for parish commit- Catholic Welfare Bureau, Monsignor William H. Harrington, tees. Sister Maureen Hanley; RS.M., long associated with Saint VinPrincipal of Nazareth Hall in Fall cent's Home in Fall River, and River, a school for exceptional Monsignor Francis E. McKeon, youngsters which is funded pioneer in the Diocesan program through the Appeal, spoke to the for youngsters at summer camps. The Bishop indicated that, in gathering about growth and work of education in the four proposing allocations for the Diocesan schools for exceptional 1974 Appeal, he foresaw that a full 60 per cent of the camchildren. Very Rev. Luiz G. Mendonca, paign proceeds would be used V.G., Vicar General of the Dio- in funding social works. In dolcese and Pa.stor of Mount Car- lars and .cents," he stated, "I am mel Parish in New Bedford, gave speaking of $600,000. Persons with a variety of burthe closing prayer. Bishop Cronin, principal speak- dens, difficulties ·and problems; er at the Kickoff Meeting, point- the Bishop explained, can find in ed to the impact rising costs and the Diocesan social works, "a prices had made during 1973. place to which to turn, and peoTum to Page Two

1974 Appeal Coincides With Diocese1s 70th Anniversary The Most Reverend Daniel A. Cronin, S.T.D., Bishop of Fall River, called upon campaign workers for the 1974 Fall River Diocesan Charities Appeal to work as "channels" in approaching parishioners, residents of every faith and creed, and the business community of Southeastern Massachusetts, in soliciting contributions to support Diocesan charitable, educational and social works. Addressing the "Kickoff Meeting" at Bishop Connolly High School in Fall River, Bishop Cronin told the 900 priests, religious and lay men and women present that the work they were . undertaking was ". . . a good work " and was ... God's work " Bishop Cronin noted that this 'year's Appeal coincided with the 70th Anniversary of the establishment of the Diocese of Fall River by Pope Saint Pius Tenth, who founded the Diocese in 1904. He pointed with pride to the great good accomplished "across all geographic, ethnic, racial, sodal, economic and religious lines," but expressed his concern that a generous response be forthcoming from' all quarters to insure the continued activity of the Diocese in a brmid range of social and charitable wor-ks. "The more funds that are placed at our disposition in this annual drive," the Bishop stated, "the more good we can do." ,Bishop Cronin, who was introduced by Monsignor Anthony M. Gomes, Diocesan Director of the

E'ducators Meet May 2-3 ,

About 1,500 elementary, secondary and religious education teachers from the Dioceses of Fall River and Providence will meet at Bishop Feehan High School in Attleboro on Thursday,


May 2, and Friday, May 3, for the Annual Catholic Education Convention. The Most Reverend Daniel A. Cronin, Bishop of Fall River, will be the chief celebrant and the' homilist at a Mass of Reconciliation. Priests from the 'diocese have been invited to concelebrate. The Reconcilers, directed by Rev. Andre Patenaude of LaSalette Shrine, Attleboro, will lead singing. Rev. Fernand Cassista, M.S., Director of Popular Music Programs and Services for Mark IV Presentations, Attleboro, will speak on Thursday, May 2, while Sr. Sarah Fasenmyer, new Dean of Education, St. John's University, Jamaica, New York will address the teachers at the Education Convention on Friday, May 3, at the 11 a.m. session. Mark IV audiovisual center of LaSalette will present a film festival: giving teachers an oppor. tunity to preview new releases. A listing of titles and timing of films will be available. A "Swap Shop" is planned for

high school teachers, who will meet in groups by subject area to exchange program ideas. .Individualizing instruction, phonics, values, sacramental Turn to Page Two


Bishop Approves Sacred Hearts Transfers Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin, S.T.D., Bishop of Fall River, has approved the transfers of Sacred Hearts Fathers as proposed by Very Rev. Fintan Sheeran, SS.CC., Provincial. Rev. John J. Brennan, SS.CC., pastor of St. Joseph's Churoh, Fairhaven, becomes pastor of St. Joseph's Church, Fairhaven, becomes pastor of Holy Redeemer Church, Chatham. Rev. Ambrose Forgit, SS:CC. pastor of Our Lady of the Assumption Church, . New Bedford, becomes pastor of St. Joseph's Church, Fairhaven. Rev. Raphael Flammia, SS.CC. pastor of St. Anthony Church, Mattapoisett, becomes pastor of Our Lady of the Assumption Church, New Bedford, and Rev. William McClenahan, SS.CC., pastor of Holy Redeemer Church, Chatham, becomes jastor of St. Anthony's Church, Mattapoisett. The transfers become effective Friday, April 26, 1974.


Educators Meet

THE ANCHORThurs., April 18, 1974

Continued from Page One

Scout Ceremony At Nazareth Hall Charter Night and Court of Awards' ceremonies were held recently by Nazareth Hall Boy Sco'ut Troop 37, Fall River. Peter Dal1sch, district 'executive, presEmted the troop <:harter to Sister Maureen Hanley, R.S.M., Nazareth Hall principal. Joining in the Court of Awards was Girl Scout Troop 1139, also sponsored by the school. The meeting 'began with a candle lighting ceremony and Rev. Hugh Munro of Holy Name, parish offered an opening prayer. Presenting awards were Frank Scott, Scoutmaster and Miss Jeanine' Letendre, Girl Scout .leadenHarold MoShiel\, Institutional Representative for the Boy Scout troop, was master of ceremonies. The Boy Scouts offered a first a,id demonstration and the girls presented songs. Scout William Holland played organ selections . Concluding the ceremonies PauJ Lapointe led the troops in the singing of Scout Vespers. Awards Presented Awards ,presented were: 5 Year Pins, Gerard Dionne, John Bradshaw, Kevin QUinn, William Holland, Kenneth Stanko, Ste: phen Malone, Paul SuHivan, Pr,isci'lla Shea, Leilani Anderson, Carmel Rosa. Four Year P.ins, James Sullivan, John Scott. Two Years or',more, Beth Ainsworth, Teresa Butler, Debra Davis, Den~se Demers, Lisa Joubert, SandI'a Sardinha, Anna Cabr,al, Anne Golen, Sandra Kyle, Debby Vasconcellos, ' Linda Carreiro, Madeleine Charion, Marinlyn Maurer. Tenderfoot Badges, Stephen Garcia, Richard Nobrega, Robert Greenhaulgh, Franooise Whalon, Michelle Carr~er, Christine Jupin. Leaders' Awards, Patrol Leader, Gerard Dionne; Assistant Patrol Leader, J'ohn Bradshaw; Scribe, Kenneth Stanko; Libra-, rian, Kev,Jn Quinn; Quartermaster, John Scott; Bugler, Paul Sullivan. ' , Recognition' was given to Ron Fortier, an S.M.U. student who aided troop projects and to Mrs. Margaret Smith for her help with the Girl Scouts.

Necrolog:r APR. 27 Rev. Francis J. Bradley, D.D., 1925, Rector, Ca-thedral, Fall River. 'Rev. Romeo D. ArchamrbauIt, 1949, St. Anne, New Bedford. APR. 28 Rev. Stani,slaus J. Goyette, 1959, Pastor, St. Louis de France, Swansea.

APR. 30 Rev.' David F. Sheedy, 1930, Pastor, St; John Evangelist, Attleboro. APRIL Rev. John A. Hurley, 1900, Pastor, St. Mary, North Attleboro. MAY I Rev. Francis J. Quinn, 1882, Founder, Immaculate Conception, No. Easton; Founder, Sacred Heart, Fall River. MAY 2 Rt. Rev. M.P. Leonidas Lariviere, 1963, Pastor, St. Jean Baptiste, Fall River.

preparation, 'curriculum, prob路 lems of youth, innovation, as well as parish programs and liturgy are among topics to be discussed at the tWO-day session. About 100 suppliers of educational materials will exhibit in the Feehan gymnasium, offering 'convention delegates an opportunity to examine new offerings before placing orders for September.

Request Funclling For Attica Defense


BLESSING OF OILS DURING MASS OF CHRISM: Bishop Cronin blesses the Oil of the Infirm, Oil of the Catechumens, and the Holy Chrism at the Mass offered on Wednesday night of Holy Week in the Cathedral. Assisting are: Very Rev. Thomas J. Harrington, chancellor; Rev. John J. Smith, Diocesan Director of Vocations; the Bishop, Rev; John R. FoIster, assistant at St. Louis Parish, Fall River; Rev. John J. Oliveira, secretary to the Bishop; and Joseph Costa, a seminarian, parishioner of Espirito Santo, Fall River. ,

,B.ishop Cronin Opens, 33rd Appeal Continued from Page One sponsored at a national n:Ieeting clergy conferences. The special "Nazareth Apostopie-priests, religious and l'aity and workshop. Another priest -not only sympa~hetic and con- has attended a seminar at Cath- late" for retarded and exceptioncerned, but professionally com- oljc University on parish coun- ,al youngsters enrolled in four Nazareth schools in Fall River, petent and possessed of suffi- cils. "Several priests have attended Hyannis and Attleboro is coordicient resources to provide real help." a spec'ial pastoral and theological nated by the Diocesan DepartSocial agencies maintained by week of study designed to en- ment of Education and funded the Diocese of Fall River include hance -the service they do, and through this phase of the annual the offices serving urban cen- will, provide for their pari- Diocesan appeal. ters, the Catholic Youth Organi- shioners." Health Care zation, the Family Life Bureau, Noting that these programs The Bishop made special mencustodial homes for youngsters, are not sweeping and spectacu- tion of Diocesan initiatives in homes for the aged, the Catholic lar, Bishop Cronin did indicate the field of Health Care, and Scouting program, the Guild for that they are encouraging and noted that during the past year the Blind, the Saint Vincent help to provide for increasingly the Diocese ,completed payment dePaul Camp,and a number of competent ministry. " to Saint Anne's Hospital of the similar off!ces and apostolates.路 ,Two other areas of apostolic pledge of $250,000 for the magApostolic Activity endeavor, the Bishop stated, nificent Intensive Care Unit reBishop c:::ronin went on to ex- trace their origins to the very cently dedicated by Bishop Croplain thaJ th~ remaining 40 per Gospels themselves, namely Ed- nin to the memory of the late Mother Pierre Marie, O.P., as cent of Jhe Appeal funds would ucation and Health Care. "We have, during the past a gift of the people of the Diounderwrite other areas of apos- tolic activity. Pastoral activities, year, attempted to coordinate all cese of Fall River. "We must do more than he stated, would likely consume educational endeavors, our school 10 per cent of the total su':!l system,our Nazareth program, preach the Gospel in the vital 'collected in the campaign. for retarded youngsters, our cat- area of health care in this day He explained that Diocesan echetical organization, our adult and age," Bishop Cronin stated. "We must be prepared to back participation in national and re- education'al 'work, in a single gional conferences, in ecumeni- Diocesan Department of Educa- up our testimony, sometimes, with expenditures. cal, bodies, in Project Equality tion. "Sometimes, we must put our "Sound bddgetary principles and si~ilar groups is funded from thiS part ,of the Appeal. are in full operation," the Bishop money on the line where human The Regina Pacis apostolate is cOl1tinued, . "but once again, we life is concerned" and its sanctistill another aspect of the pas- must rely upon funds collected ty an~ dignity, born or unborn, toral area of Piocesan concern, in the Appeal to conduct educa- of whatever quality, and the funds must come from our anas is Diocesan presence in the tional programs." ' field of communications. The Diocesan Department of nual appeal." Contingency Priest Studies Education, funded by the annual A relatively new area of Dioc- Appeal, oversees school and catBishop Cronin expressed the ~ esan activity was described by echetical programs in the 113 hope that a portion of the prothe Bishop, development of reli- parishes of the Diocese. Under ceeds of the 1974 Appeal could gious personnel. the direction of Reverend Patrick be, set aside to ~build, up a "re"During the past year," he J. O'Neill, a variety of new en. serve" or "contingency" fund., stated, "despite a shortage of deavors has been undertaken "I personally think it makes a priestly personnel, we have been during the past year, notable good deal ,of sense," he said, "to able to sponsor a priest in pro-' among which has been a very prepare for the proverbial rainy fessional studies at the Canon broad-based Diocesan consulta- day. If we could allot 10 per cent Law Sch-ool of the Catholic Uni- tion process associated with the of the total proceeds, as years' virsity of America. Three priests planned National Catechetical pass a fund could be developed have completed a special course, Directory. to the point where programs and brief but intensive, in processing Over 2,500 diocesan educators, activities could be substantially matrimonial cases to be prepared 'pupils, parents and others have aided by interest earned." to help in our Tribunal work. participated in the process. The . In concluding his remarks to ''Two of our priests active in Department of Education 'has the campaign workers', Bishop the Newman Aposto]ate will be held or planned, a number' of Cronin expressed his gratitude "

ALBANY (NC) - Three major religious organizations in New York state, representing Catholics, Jews and Protestants, have called for adequate fundil1g for the defense of prisoners indicted on charges arising from ~he September 1971 uprising in ,the state prison at Attica. The request was made in a letter to Gov. Malcolm WiJ,son signed by Charles Tobin, executive secretary of the New York State Catholic Committee; Rabbi Harold Gordon, e,xecutive vice president of the New York Board of Rabbis; and Rev. Dr. John L. Regier, executive director of the New York Council of Churches. During the four-day Attica prison riot, more than 1,000 inmates held 38 guards hostage. The riot was ended when 1,000 state troopers and police stormed the prison. In the assault, nine hostages and 28 convicts were kiUed. A total of 43 men died during the take-over by prisoners arid assault by police. Several inmates 'have been indicted for their parts in the uprising., ""'I'''IIII1I1''''''''''lIllllrttmUU'''''''ll''


to the countless collaborators in ,the annual Appeal, and invoked a special blessing upon all present. Monsignor Gomes introduced the priest directors and lay chairmen and women from the five areas of the Diocese who were at the Kickoff Meeting: These leaders will coordinate the Appeal campaign in two phases in Fall River, New Bedford, Taunton, Attleboro and the Cape under the supervision of Monsignor Gomes and Mrs. Noonan. The first phase, Special Gifts, will be conducted from April 22 to May 4. Fraternal, industry, professional and business groups will be contacted in, this special campaign. The parish house-to-house campaign will 'be held on Sunday, May 5, from noontime until 3 p.m. The campaign officially concludes on May 15. The Kickoff Meeting concluded with an informal coffee hour, attended oy a large gathering in the school cafeteria.

Michael C. Austin Inc.

Funeral Service Edward F. Carney 549 County Street New Bedford 999.~222 . Serving the area since 1921 THE ANCHOR Second Class Postage Paid at Fall River. Mass. Published every Thursday at 410 Highland Avenue, Fall River, Mass. 02722 by the Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River. Subscription price by mall, postpai~ $5.00 per year.

Bishop Cronil1 To Officiate

THE ANCHORThurs., April 18, 1974

'White Sisters' Are Honored

Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin, S.T.D. wil:l cOnfer "Admission to Candidacy" to six seminarians studying to serve in the Diocese of Fall R.iver during a Mass scheduled for 7:30 on Friday night, Apl1il 19 in the chapel of St. Vincent's Home, Fall River. The following five are from St. John's Seminary, Brighton: WiUiam F. Baker, Raymond Cambra, Joseph M. Costa, iohn J. Oliveira and John C. Ozug. Kevin F. Harrington from St. Mary's Seminary, Baltimore is the sixth member of this group.

DCCWtoMeet Continued' from Page One Gomes, Diocesan Spiritual Director. A workshop on Ohurch Communities Commission will be conducted by Miss Olotilde Mason and Miss Clorinda Ventura, assisted by Rev. Peter N. Graziano, also a diocesan spiritual director, and Rev. Michael Nagle. Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin, D.D., S.T.D., will be guest of honor at the convention and wil also be the pr,incipal celebrant of a concelebrated Mass which wiH conclude the day's activities. Rt. Rev. Gerard J. Chabot; diocesan moderator, will also 'address the gathering, and Mrs. Paulson WIill deliver the president's message during the afternoon convention sessinon. Rev. James F. Lyons, District Moderator of Taunton, will be in char,ge of Mass arrangements. Mrs. Will-iam Grover, Taunton Districf President, is convention chairman and Mrs. James E. WJIIiams of St. Joseph's Church, North Dighton, is luncheon chairman.

Special Phase Continued from Page One groups to continue their generosity in an increased measure this year. Our motto this year is "Give More in '74.' These services are given to all peoples, regardless of race, coloi:' and creed throughout the southeastern area of Massachusetts." Mrs. Gilbert J. Noonan, diocesan lay chairwoman, sa,id today: "Our five area lay dj,rectors and .I thank our special gift solicitors for their willingness to launch this year's Appeal. We ask that an contacts be' made now. The best guarantee of success in 1974 rests w{th the pace set here in the special gift phase. Parishes wiLl receivl~ full credit for all gifts made by these groups which belong to parishes. Therefore, there is no surer way for a parish to go "over the top" than for Special Gift. solicitors to make their returns directly to their area headquarters. Proper par,ish crec;tit will be recorded." All five area headquarters in the diocese will be open to record rpturns from Special Gift solicitors. This phase of the A,ppea,1 closes officially on May 4.

Benedictine Oblates Oblates of 51. Benedict will hold a chapter meeting at Portsmouth Abbey, R.I. at 2:30 P.M. Saturday, April 20. The program wHI begin with Mass, followed by a conference, vespers and dinner. Reservations may be made at the abbey or with Mrs. Frank S. MOl1iarty, telephone 672-1439.


CENTENARY BALL: The artistic creation of Notre Dame Church will highlight the ballroom as members and former members of the Fall River Parish commemorate the lOOth anniversary of the parish. Left: Roland Aubry and Mrs .Nancy Comeau, committee members; Maurice Levesque and Sr. Georgena, the artists and Rev. Msgr. Alfred J. Gendreau, pastor of Notre Darpe.

,'Notre Dame Week' This is Notre Dame de Lourdes Church Week in Fall River, proclaimed by Mayor Wilfred Driscoll in recognition of the "out· standing religious leadership and guidance" given the community by the parish, now celebrating its centennial year. A Centennial Ball, a highlight of a yearlong observance of the anniversary, will be held from 8 to 1 tomorrow night at Lincoln Park Ballroom, North Dartmouth. Music will be by the Al Rainone' and AI Jardin orchestras and decorations in blue and

Pastor Offers Mother's Mass Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin, S.T.D., Bishop' of the Diocese of FaH River, presided and read the final committall prayers following the Liturgy of Christian Burial that was ofifered on Tuesday morning in St. Joseph's Church, Fall River for the late Mrs. Ann E. Connolly Duffy, the mother of Rev. Edward C. Duffy, pastor of St. Mary's Church, Seekonk. Father Duffy was the principal concelebrant at the Mass and was assisted by 30 other priests from Jnside and outside the Diocese of Fall River. Rev. Msgr. Thomas F. Walsh, retired past(lr of St. John the Evangelist Parish, Attleboro was the homi'list. Also preent were Most Rev. James J. Gerrard, V.G., AuxHiary Bishop of the Diocese of Falil River and Most Rev. Joseph F. Maguire, Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Boston. Many other priests from the diocese were ,in attendance at the Mass. Mrs. Duffy was the wife of the late Thomas H. Duffy, Sr. In' addition to Father Duffy, she is survived by another son, lIhomas H. Duffy, Jr., of Southport, Conn. Interment was in St. Patrick's Cemetery, Fall River.


white, the parish colors, will feature fresh flowers. Occupying a position of honor will be a large drawing of the church, the work of Sister Georgina Anderson, R.J.M. of Jesus·Mary Convent in the parish. Msgr. Alfred J. Gendreau, pas-

Fall River tor, will address present and for· mer parishioners in the course of the evening. Rev. 'Thomas E. Morrissey, assistant parstor, in charge of centennial ~ctivities, announced that tickets will be available at the door tomorrow night.

Over 1000 years service to God was recognized this month by the Daughters of the Holy Spirit of Putnam, Conn. at a ceremony honoring 29 jubilarians, including five who are either diocesan natives or who have served in Fall River or New Bedford. Known as the "White Sisters" in the Fall River diocese, the religious conduct schools, homes for the aged, day nurseries, and residences for business women. They formerly operated the Bishop Stang Day nursery in Fall R,iver and still offer home nursing service in the city. Five JUbilarians Religious with ties to the dio'cese are Sister Therese Emilienne Thiboutot of Taunton, a 60-year jubilarian; Sister Yvonne Helene Freve, a golden jubHarian who served one year in Fall River; Sister Bernadette de Marie Coderre, also a golden jubilarian, assigned to New Bedford for four years. Also Sister Catherine Therese Sottak, New Bedford, a silver jubilarian; and Sister Blanche Thibault, a silver jubilarian who served in Fall River 15 years. Among priests at the jubilee celebration was Rev. Edward P. Doyle, O.P., a Fall River native who is chaplain of Annhurst College, South Wodostock, Conn., operated by the Daughters of the Holy Spirit. All the jubilarians were presented with gold medals, the ,highest honor of the Norwich diocese, by its Ordinary, Most Rev. Vincent J. Hines.

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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of fall River-Thurs. Apr. 18, 1974

Parish Parade

As the Appeal Opens


Last evening's kick-off of the Annual Catholic Charities Appeal focused once, again the attention of all within this area on the fundamental law of charity-love of God must show itself in love of neighbor and especially of neighbor in need. It would be easy to talk about the difficult economic conditions at the pres'ent time, to make all sorts of excuses for not giving. But that is what' they would be-excuses. People can always find excuses for what they do not wish to do. But real love of God and love of neighbor for the sake of God brush aside all such flimsy rationalizations. Charity does not count the cost. Charity sees each person in need as a brother and a sister, a child of God, Christ in the person of a neighbor. This is the only frame of mind that a follower of Christ can have as the Charities Appeal opens. It .must be the attitude of those who solicit contributions; it must be the attitude of those who give to the Appeal.

The Council of Catholic Women will sponsor an April Shower Basket Whist at 8 o'clock on Saturday night, April' 20 in the par·ish hall. Mrs. R'O'bert Ouellette, chairman 'and Mrs. George Cummings, co-chairman have announced that members donating baskets and other items may bring them to the parish hall be- . tween 7 and 9 on Friday night, April 19. Any teenagers wishing to donate their time by acting as scorers are asked to be present in the hall at 7:30. Mr. George Cummings will act as announcer for the evendng. ST. MARY, NEW BEDFORD

.Papal Message

Th~ Women's. Gu,iJd will present a variety show, "Showtime '74" at 8 P.M. Saturday and Sunday, April 27 and 28 at Normandin Junior High School auditorium, Tarkiln Hill Road, New Bedford. Tickets will be ava'i1able at the door or may be reserved by calling the rectory, telephone 995-3593, or· Rita Lizotte or Theresa Martin.

In a brief Easter message to the one hundred thousand persons crowded into 5t. Peter's square in Rome, Pope Paul made two telling points. He said that "although human life ends in' temporal death, it conserves in itself the immortal seed of rebirth; of resurrection and. of everlasting life." He warned that those who build their lives on materialistic values, pn self pleasure and well-being, build on sand and deceive themselves. It is strange how often too many persons refuse to recognize what they really are. They cater to their bodies, to their senses. They ignore or refuse to accept the reality that they are made to the image of God, that they are made to live forever, that they are made so that-as 5t. Augustine found out centuries ago-they are restless until they rest in God.

As Pope Paul said, they fail to recognize that they bear within themselves the resurrection, a resurrection of glory or one to eternal loss. The bearers of such a precious heritage should insure on this earth that their realization at the moment of temporal death will be to resurrection in union with Christ. . But all too often they barter away this kind 'of an eternity for a few minutes of pleasure, for a fleeting excitement of the senses. It is a bad bargain, at best, and, at worst, an eternal frustration.

Surprising lleaction A great New York newspaper reported that a woman bought a newspaper at a mid-town newsstand one day last week. It was. a pleasant day and she was feeling happy so she remarked to the dealer, "Good morning." Just that'nothing more. Apparently no one ever spoke to him, at least not that way, and in surprise he blurted .out, ".You're the nicest person I've seen in six months. You've made me nervous spea,king ,.that way to me:" It is rather surprising and just a little sad that such a

remark would evoke such a reaction. And that it would be considered newsworthy. It does show that people have a longing to be considered by others. Just the smallest expression of basic humanity brings out the best in them. Imagine if this were multipled on a larger scale. It could be that New York City could not stand it! The reaction would be so much nervousness that the whole city i~ould grind to a halt.


Published weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River 41 I) Highland Avenue Fall River Mass. 02722 675-7151 PUBLISHER Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin, D.O., S.T.D. GENERAL MANAGER FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATOR Rev. Msgr. Daniel F. Shalloo, M.A. Very Rev. John 1. Regan ASSISTANT MANAGERS Rev. .John P. Driscoll Rev. John R. Folst~r . . . . Leary Press-Fall


Priest Asks Pope Paul to Name At Least Six American Saints MONTCLAIR (NC) - A priest here has proposed that Pope Paul VI canonize "at least six North American saints" during the 1976 observance of the United States bicentennial. And in a telegr.am to the Pope ---copies of which have gone to all the bishops of the country-, he invited 'the Pope to come to St. Peter Olaver Church here to elevate the six to sainthood. Father ,Charles McTague, administrator of the small predom-, inantIy black parish, 'idmits that i·t's not likely that the Pope would come to St. Peter's. But he said it's the only church he has the authority to -invite the Pope to. However, he said that if such a ceremony were held in Sacred Heart Cathedral in nearby Newark, it would have "half a million. people in Branch Brook Park -listening to the ceremony over loudspeakers." The park is next ,to the cathedral. Father McTague's main interest, however, is in promoting the canonization of the six:

New Jersey K of C To Aid Birthright NEWARK (N-C)-The Knights of Columbus in New Jersey will assist Birthright, an international pregnancy counseling service, both financially and by recruiting volunteers for the program. Birt-hright will benefit from the annual K of C "Operation Concern" program, in which the beneficiary is different from year to year. In five years the program has raised $115,600 for refugee relief and to aid tohe victims of disasters in the U. S. The choice of Birthr'ight" as the focal point for 1974 was an. nounced here by Msgr. Henry Beck, state K' of C chaplain. There are 15 Birt-hflight centers in New Jersey and all of them have reported a need for volunteers .

Pierre Toussaint, Mother Elizabeth Seton, Father J.unpero Serra, Bishop john Neumann, Mother Katherine Drexel, Katefli Tekekwitha and Sister Mir·iam Teresa Dannjanovich. Father McTague's list of candidates for sainthood represents the diversity of Amearican Catiholk culture. -Pierre Toussaint, a black and a native of Haiti, died an New York in 1853 after years of working with orphans and helping needy seminarains and missionaries there.' -Mother Elizabeth BaY'ley Seton, a New York native and con-· vert to Catholicism after her husband died, founded the Sisters of Chaflity in the U. S. at E'Jrnmitsburg, Md. She died in 1821 and was beatified-declared "blessed"-in 1963. -Father Junipero Serra, an early Spanish missionary to Nort-h America, died in 1784 after founding the It!ajor Franciscan missions in California. -Blessed John Nepomucene Neuma'nn was a native of Bohemiaand fourth bishop of ,flIhiladelphia (1852-1860). In 1963 he became the f.irst American bishop to be beatified. . -Mother Katherine Drexel, a Philadelphia native, founded the Sisters' of the Blessed Sacr,ament to minister to American blacks and Indians. She died in 1955 at . the age of 96. _ --Kateri Tekakwith was martyred in 1680 at the age of 24. Dorn in New York, she is the first North American Indian candidate ,for canonization. -Sister Mir,iam Teresa' Demjanovich (1901-1927) was born in New York of Byzantine-Ruthenian Rite parents, but she lived the latter part of her life in a Latin-rite parish and died ,as a member of the Latin-rite Sisters of Charity. Proponents of her cause consider her a tang,ible Hn'k uniting Ca,bholics of all rites in a stronger bond of char-ity.


The Holy Name Society will sponsor a Whist Party .at 8 o'clock on Saturday night, April 20 in the parish hall. ST. FRANCIS XAVIER, HYANNIS

Members of the Women's Guild wJII attend Mass at 7:30 this evening and then conduct the regular monthly meeting at 8 o'dock. The nominating committee win present a new slate of officers and the vote will be taken at thts meeting. Chairmen are asked to have their annual reports ready. Miss Dorothy McCann, Home Economist for the Cape Coo Extension Service will speak on "Nutrition". The meeting is open to. al1l ~omen of the parish. Coming events are: annual banquet on May 16; rummage sale on May 18 and the. summer ·bazaar on July 31. '.


The Home and School Organization will hold a gala Las Vegas Night in tlhe school on Saturday, April 20. Activities will start at 4:30 and continue unllil midnight. Free refreshments will be provided.

Anti-Church Laws In Czecheslovakia VIENNA (NC) - Nuns work,ing in hospitals for the incurable in Czechoslovakia must now wear civilian dress if they joined their communities after 1968, according to reports reaching here. In addition, the nuns will be salaried like civHian employes. .Also, according to reports, all priests licensed to function by the country's communist government have been ordered to renew their licenses. Only a relatively smaH fraction have so far been permitted to continue funcNoning, and many are being scrutinized for "loyalty to the state."

Pope to Unseal Entrance Door Of Basilica VATICAN CITY (NC)-Pope Paul wiH open the second phase of the Holy Year by unsealing an entrance door of Saint Peter's BasHica on Christmas Eve just before midnight Mass. The second phase of the Holy Year is designed for pilgrimages to the sacred shrines of Rome. In a preliminary phase, now un· derway around the world, Pope Paul called on local churches throughout the world, including his own Diocese of Rome, to strive for renewal and recondliation by means of local pilgrimages and ecumenical ventures. The preliminary phase is intended for those who could not make pilgrimage to Rome and will last from a year to a year and a half depending on when the local church launched its own program. The so-ca'lIed Holy Door is a gateway through which pilgrims will enter the four major basilicas of Rome to gaJin indulgences' for their participation in the Holy Year. Holy doors in the basilicas of Saint John Lateran, Sarint Mary Major and Saint Paul Outside the WaHs will -be opened on Ohristmas day by three cardinals designated by Pope Paul. Right of Sanctuary . Historians believe the Holy doors in the Roman basilicas were in vogue from Elt least the Holy 'Year of 1450. A Spanish pilgrim, Pero Tafur, writing in 1437, said the indulgence of the Holy Year was connected with the right of sanctuary dating back to pre-Christian times. Right of sanctuary was practiced in early Christian times, and a legend maintains that because of so many abuses of this right, Pope Sylvester I in the early 300's ordered the special door of sanctuary sealed up and only opened in special time of grace, such as a Holy Year. The Vatican announcement on March 30 that Pope Paul will open tlhe Holy Door on Christmas Eve and then 1>roceed into Saint Peter's for midnight Mass settles a small debate on when the door should be opened.

University to Host Catholic Lawyers DETROIT (NC) -. The Jesuitrun University of Detroit will host an international meeting of Catholic lawyers, judges and law professors, it was announced here. The theme of the week-long International P.ax Romana Congress of Jurists, July 20-26. will be: T,he Contribution of Christian Jurists to Social Justice in the International Community. Pax Romana, an international movement of Catholic students and inteJ,1ectuals, will sponsor the meeting "to analyze legal problems from the angle of charity and ethical considerations" according to Prof. W.J. Wagner of the University of Delroil's law school, who is Pax Romana's vice president. Wagner said the organization is not well known in the United States but is very active in Europe. He said he expects some of the leading members of the legal profession in Europe to attend the congress.

THE ANCHORThurs., April 18,.197.4


Plan Teacher Corps Program





DUBUQUE (NC) - The Dubuque archdiocesan board of education has approved plans for a Teacher Corps program to be implemented in the 1974-75 school year "to lighten for a time the financial burden of some Catholic schools." The archdiocesan office of education also said the program is intended "to provide generous lay persons with an opportunity and a challenge," Although the office of education said that Teachers Corps members serve "while accepting limited compensation," it warned against considering these volunteers merely "cheap labor." Father Russel Bleich, assistant superintendent of education, said that {!very effort will be made to protect the dignity of yolunteers and determine the' "right motives of those schools wanting volunteers."

ORDAINED TO THE DIACONATE:' Six seminarians who will serve the Diocese of Fall River received the Order of the Diaconate during the Mass of Chrism on April 10. Left to right: H. Stanley Barney, member of S1. Lawrence's Parish, New Bedford; Herbert T. Nichols of the Immaculate Conception Parish, Taunton; Arnold R. Medeiros of Santo Christo, Fall River; Bishop Cronin, the ordaining prelate; Bruce Neylon of St. Patrick's, Fall River; Richard Roy of S1. Joseph'S, New Bedford; and" William Boffa of St. Anthony's, Allston.

Ch ristian-Jewish Dialogue NEW YORK (NC)-The positions of both Christians and Jews have undergone some "retrenchment" recently, but this is evidence of a new, "more sober" stage in the dial,ogue, according to the Vatican's representative in' the U. S. In an address to the Synagogue Council of America, Archbishop Jean' Jadot, apostolic delegate in the U. S., said that some leveling off of the initial enthusiasm in the ChristianJewish dialogue should .have been expected but should not discourage anyone. Past differences between Christians and Jews, the archbishop said, must be faced before meaningful discussions of the present and future can begin. "To face one's past has a purifying and regenerating effect. and thJs applies to the historical as well as the personal task,"

Archbishop Jadot explained. "I am aware of the heavy debt that lies on the Chris.tian side in com.ing to terms with our past alienation. I am confident that Christians will not flinch before it," As an example, the Belgian archbishop cited the Second Vatican Council's statement on the Jews which re}ected antiSemitism and claimed a "common patrimony" with the Jews. The. present task of Christians and Jews, Archbishop Jadot noted is two-fold "We must sustain and advance our dialogue," he said, "and at the same time increase 'Our cooperation to contribute to the solution of the grave and pressing problems the world in which we live faces." Among those problems, he listed peace, justice, poverty, and alienation of youth. If civilization and human life are to survive on eanth, Arch-

Scholar S'ees Catholic-Anglican Eucharistic Sharing 'Very Soon' GARRISON (NC)-"We must soon have at least limited permission ,for eucharisNc sharing" between Catholics and Anglicans, according to a member of the Anglican-Roman Catholic dialogue .in the United States (ARC). He also predicted further theological. advances but warned of an extensive need for pastoral education in the two churches. Addressing a group of Ahglican and Catholic ecumenists at the Graymoor Ecumenical Institute ·here, F'ather Allan Laubenthai of St. Mary Seminary, Cleveland, said that in some areas inter-Communion js already taking place in fact, even though it is not legally accepted in either the Catholic or Anglican (EpiscopaHan) communions. The pressures of this fact, he said, add to the urgency of con-

sidering eucharistic sharing, both in ecum~nical. dialogue and in official negotiations. "More, based upon the reasons given for permitting euchar,istic sharing with Orthodox Christians (true sacraments, above all -by apostolic succession-the priesthood and the Euchari,st) I foresee at least the same amount of sharing being permitted very soon with Episcopalians," Father Laubenthal said. "Although Roman Catholic bishops now have the authol'ity to admit other Christians to the Eucharist in Catholic churches under certain circumstances, reciprocity will soon be in order based on the degree of consensus emerging on critical issues," he continued. "Hopefully, the conditions will not be as restr.ictive as those presently in effect in the cases mentioned."


New Stage

bishop Jadot said. "The forces and agencies of humanity and civilization" must work together. "Prom bent among these forces must be the traditions of Judaism and Christianity, or, if you wish, the Judeo-Christian .tradition, which lies at the roots of Weste::l1 Civilization and has, in effect, made its influence felt well beyond the Western world," he added.

Midwest Pastoral Planners Meet JEFFERSON CITY (NC) "Pastoral planning and pastoral participation are two sides of the same coin," Father Robert Howes told a group of participants in a two-day conference here in Missouri. Representatives of pastoral councHs and pastoral planning offices from 17 dioceses in 12 states attended the meeting. Father Howes, formerly a member of the staff of the Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate and presently on the staff of a management-consultant firm, said that "a good consultative process must accomplish efficiency, prophecy, be representative and must be spiritual."

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Seniors Receive Partial Grants

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Apr. 18, 1974


Dialo.gu,e Withrout Rancor Leads 1'0 Grealter Love,

Two seniors at Boishop Gerrard High School, Fall River, have been awarded half tuition scholarships. They are Miss Laurette Lapointe, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.. Victor Lapointe of 744 Bark Street, Swansea, and Miss. Jeanne Desrosiers, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Desrosiers of 401 Winter St., Fall River. Miss Lapointe, an honor student, will follow the two year executive management secretarial course at Johnson and Wales College, Providence. She has been employed for the past year on a part time basis as an office worker an~ is an avid tennis enthusiast and philatelist.

Years ago, before I was married, I heard a priest say there was no such thing as "love at first sight." Certainly there can be immediate infatuation or attraction, he said, but love requires knowledge. After 20 'years of marriage, I'm just beginning to underfind ideas offered that stand what he meant. I loved areI may beyond my understanding. I my husQand when we were could also learn something that first married. We had been may later be proved wrong. ,But dating for several years, and at that time I thought our love was greater than any other in the world. Maybe it was ... but it 00ttsWit'WlnWNllltW




even gaining the knowledge that a concept is wrong can jncrease my knowledge about God, can result in increased love. Some people say that the theories being constantly developed by theologians should not be made publiC. I disagree. I think that open dialogue among bishops, theologians, and ordinary lay people will increase the fund of knowledge about God. There is little' chance of lay, people being badly misled by their participation in such dialogue. We are not liv.ing in the darI< ages. We are oJ,iving in the age of the information explosion and even little children are 'discerning in their acceptance, of ideas these days. ' If we will dialogue without rancor, the only risk I see is that we may aU learn to 'love God more! I'll take that chance.

was small compared to what it is now. And I fully expect that 20 years from now, when I look. back on this time, ['11 see tremendous growth, probably greater than the growth of the first 20 years. Deeper Love For we're constantly learning more about each other" new ideas, new concepts, and this increased knowledge has fostered a deeper love. This is true of the love beMEXICO CITY (NC) - The tween husband and wife, and it creation of the National Populais also true of man's love for tion Council, an agency charged God. with applying the recently apI loved God when I was a child proved General Population Law, ... but it was a simple love, with has caused a controversy over only basic knowledge about him. the economic,' moral and social I went to Catholic schools and ,implications of population' concontinued to study religion, but trol here. Mexican President Luis Ecche'primarily I was re-learning the ' same facts I had learned in verria Alvarez spoke of the urelementary school. In those days gency of a population policy in speculation about theological Mexico in' establishing the new ideas didn't f.ilter down to ordi- agency, and was promptly critnary people ... and partiucular:ly icized by the predominantly Catholic National Union of Parnot to students. But God is infinite, so there ents and the Christ'ian Family should be no limit to what we Movement for his population can learn about him ... and in policies. In ~ message establishing the doing'so our love for him should government agency, President grow as our knowledge grows. So now I see a need to con- Eccheverria said that there are stantly'learn more about Mm. If still many prejUdices against I am satisfied with what I family 'planning among average learned as it child, my love of Mexicans. ult will be necessary for us to persuade teachers and God cannot grow. priests work,ing in the most reIf, in my adult years, I refuse mote towns of the need for a to learn anything new, if all I demographic policy," he said._ , want to hear is a re"hashing of The General Population Law, . the same things I learned as a child, my love of God is limited. passed by the Mexican legislature last November, is aimed at So,I must make a choice. I can curbing this country's population either stick with what I learned and it replaces a 1947 law that before, and risk \.imiting my love aimed ,at increasing population. of God, or I can learn more. The new statute provides govGranted, learning more about ernment support for the use of God involves taking some risks contraceptives. too. I may learn things that don't , ~it the neat patterns I knew. I Re-Elect Provincial may misunderstand theories that Sister Lucille Labelle has been are advanced. re:elected prov~ncial superior for Escape the American province of the Daughters of the Holy Spirit. 'It would seem that almost all She is responsible for 48 conthe people in the world eould be vents in seven states and Candivided into two classes: those ada. Members of the community who are running aftet something, offer home nursing service in Fall and those who are running away. River and formerly staffed Bishfrom something. op Stang Day Nursery in the 路路~~-."."R.;L; EVans- ,,-city>: > '. . " , ... "'0'

Doubt Population Control Need

Veterinary Medicine

CHAPLAIN AND "BODYGUARD" - Father Joseph McDonnell, chaplain of Cook County Jail, talks with his "bodyguard," Lt. Dan Robinson of the jail staff at the entrance to tier of cells. Robinson, who was baptized by Father Joe, credited the priest for bringing a new spirit of cooperation Ito the jail. NC Photo.

Suggests Mor'e Church Action on Aid WASHINGTON (NC)-Church groups should become "more activist" in their support of foreign aid legislation, according to Sen. Hubert H. Humphrey (D-MJnn.).

mated 1975 budget of $800 million, and donations of commodoities, down 50 per cent from 1971, are still faUing.

Humphrey told NC News that Humphrey's remarks followed committee hear.ings on cuts in churches have been effective in the Food for Peace program, the making known their feelings on U. S. food aid plan f.or needy issues such as health care and 'countries. Witnesses testified race. But he said that churches that funding under Food for have fallen dawn in recent years Peace had' dropped from a 1964 in lobbying efforts for foreign aid high of $1.6 billion to an esti- 路biBs.

Miss Desrosiers, also an honor student, will major in Religious Education at the Catholic University 'of America in Washington, D. C. Her interests include science and journaHsan and she has received regional. and state science ~air awards for projects in veterinary medicine. She has worked on the Bjshop Gerrard yearbook and school newspaper. She plans a career as a coordinator of reJi.gious education programs.

Past Regents The bi-annual meeting of the Massachusetts Past Regents Club of the Daughters of Isabella will be ,held at 12:30 P.M. Sunday, April 28 at the Red Coach Grill, Stanhope Street, Boston. Slides of Appalachia will be shown' and plans discussed for a dinner for sUipreme officers of the organization.


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THE ANCHORThurs., April 18, 1974

When It's Time to Mov-e, You Find Y,ou're Attached

Rosary Donated ~o Museum

By Joseph and Marilyn Roderick

Several people have asked me lately how to go about preparing a garden for planting. This is sometime backbreaking work, depending on the condition of the area to be planted, but it is not very complicated. If th~ area has already been planted, it is Just how cluttered our lives merely a matter of turning become with possessions really the soil over, breaking up the hits home at this time, and sad clumps and removing any to say, the things that may mean weeds or grass that. may be present. I use a spade or pitohfork to do the job, lift out any large rocks that are turned up, follow this with a raking to level the soil and the garden is ready to be planted. If you have any wellrotted manure available, this can be incorporated with the soil for friability as well as fertiHty. If you have never worked the area, your work is cut out for you. The soil has to be turned over in the same way, only there may be a much greater amount of sod and stone to be removed. This is dioHicult work, but there is no way to get around it. I have found that mechanical till- , ers do a good job on an existing garden, but are far less suitable for a new plot of ground. For a new garden -it is almost essential that you get as much manure as possible to incorporate into the soil. ThE: soil must be checked carefully for e<>nsistency. If it contains massive amounts of clay it should be treated with as mueh sand as possible to get it reasonably friable; otherwise it will bake heav.ily in the sun during the hot months. On the other hanel, if soil is exceptionally sandy, it needs as much humus as possible and this can come from peat moss, manure or any otJher organic materials which are available and economical. Once the garden is turned over and prepared, the best advice I am able to give is to show a little patience and to learn from your own experience what is required in terms of preparation. Stunted, twisted plants are good indications of clayey soil, while thin spindly plants are an equal indication that the soil needs to be built up and fertilized. In the Kitchen As I'm writing this column I have just returned from bringing my mother down to the new apartment that she's moving into. The past two weeks of packing and discarding have been hectic ones for her because moving from a large apartment or house into a smaller one becomes a difficult problem. What do you throwaway-what do you keep?

Social Consciousness Theme of Workshop CINCINNATI (NC) - "Social Consciousness" win be .the theme of the eighth national workshop on the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius to be held Aug. 26-28 at Xavier university here. Archbishop Joseph L. Bernardin of Cincinnati wiH celebrate Mass for' the participants Aug. 27 and preach the homily. Other speakers in the workshop will include Doris Day, founder of the Catholic Worker movement and prominent Jesuits from across the nation.

the most to us are really not things of great value to anyone else or even an essential part of the living process. A table is discarded that can no longer be used, but my mother cannot discard so lightly her memory of buying this t!IJble with my late father. Things become an integral part of our lives. and nowhere does this become more apparent than in the moving process. While it is easy to say one shouldn't get attached to inanimate objects I now can see that people save things not so much for their monetary' V'alue but because they are a link to a part of life they do not want to hand over to tfhe Goodwill Store. This ,is an excellent recipe that I have had many requests to repeat. Luscious Apricot Squares % cup dried apricots 'h cup butter or margarine, softened 1,4 cup granulated sugar 1!f.1 cup sifted all-purpose flour 'h teaspoon baking pGwder % teaspoon salt 1 cup light brown sugar 2 eggs 'h cup chopped walnuts 'h teaspoon V'anilla extract confectioners' sugar 1) Cook apricots as' label directs; drain and chop finely. 2) In a large bowl, cream the butter and granulated sugar, stir .in 1 cup of flour unNl crumbly -and pack into a greased 8 by 8 cake pan. Bake 25 minut~s at 325 or until lightly browned. 3) Meanwhile sift together the r~maining 1/3 cup of flour, bakpowder and salt. In a large bowl with electric mixer' at medium speed beat brown sugar and eggs until blended; beat in flour mixture, walnuts, vanilla and apricots. Spread over baked layer and bake 25 to 30 minutes at 325 or, until golden. Coolon rack and spl'inkle lightly with confectioners' sugar. Store tightly covered. 0


Want Peace Restored To Caribbean Island PORT-OF-SPAIN (NC) - The Caribbean Conference of Churches (CCC) has come out in support of the efforts of the churches on the troubled island of Grenada to seek reconciliation between the government and opposition there. The CCC called upon the churches to play their role in this reconciliation shortly after Trinidad's Prime Minister Eric Gairyaccused the CCC of not living up to its part in bringing peace to Grenada, a recent hotbed of opposition to the Gairy government. Grenada became independent of Great Britain on Feb. 7 amid a conflict that divided the people on this island, which is 90 miles from the northern coast of South America.


STRANGE DAMAGE: A four foot by four inch plank protrudes from a picture of the Sacred Heart in Mr~. Willia~ Rohe's home in Cincinnati, Ohio. MrS. Rohe, nght, said that a tornado drove the board into the painting and also spiked its uplifted hand with a two inGh nail. The tornado was one of a series of storms which caused widespread death and destruction in Midwestern and Southern states, including an estimated five deaths and $50 million damage in Cincinnati. NC Photo.

DAYTON (NC)-A rosary see cretly hand-formed from bread ,in a prisoner of war c;amp in North Vietnam has been donated to the Air Force Museum at nearby Wright-Patterson Air Force Base. . The donor, Brig. Gen. John P. Flynn, U.S.A.F., said he was given the rosary by Navy Cmdr. Paul Schultz while they were prisoners at the Plantation prison camp. "This rosary is typical of others that were made while we were in camp," Gen. Flynn said. "It was made from bread which WCl'S shaped and then colored with ink, which incidentally, was not normally available. "It takes a few days for the bread to harden. String was taken from a cotton blanket to actually string the cross and beads into the rosary." Cmdr. Schultz said that the North Vietnamese would con路 fiscate the rosaries he made if ,they found them. But he added that the guards would almost never pick up the rosaries with their hands but wit-h pencils or sticks because they thought the .r.osar.ies had some kind of magical powers.

Pope, Charity Agencies Aid Brazil Victims

ROME (NC).......Pope Paul VI and Catholic aid agencies throughout Europe are sending help to victims of Brazil's recent floods which left thousands homeless, other thousands dead and farm Natural Birth Control for All lands completely washed away. Pope Paul sent a personal Seen Possibility financial contribution through the apostolic nuncio to Brazil as "It is possible iliat in the near soon as he heard of the disaster. VATICAN CITY (NC)-Present-day experiments on predict- future someone will discover Catholic charity agenoies in ing the time of ovulation may not only the substance that is Denmark, West Germany, Enlead to making natural birth most responsive to ovar,ian hor- gland, the Netherlands, Spain control available to all, several mones, but also a method which' and Switzerland have made experts in gynecology sa,id on can reveal, in a manner simple' money available to Brazil charand accessible to all, changes Vatican Radio April 6. ities for on-the-spot purchase of which take place some days beemergency materials. Gynecology experts from fore ovulation, therefore pr.ovidmany nations concluded a m~t颅 In addition, the West Germany 'ing a method of natural control ing April 5 in Rome in which agency sent a planeload of medof fertility." they collated their work on deicines, f.ood and clothing to the The gynecology experts met in stricken country. termining an easy method of determining ovulation and thereby Rome to compare notes on how making it easier for couples to their individual research is prouse rhythm method, a form of gressing and to compile a roster Catholic Daughters birth control acceptable to the of all those engaged in research Move Into Mexico on natural birth control. Church. NUSVO LAREDO (NC) - The Prof. Salvatore Mancuso of the Catholic Daughters of America faculty of obstetrics of the CathCc)lIection Stolen extended its organization into olic University of the Sacred PHILADELPHIA (NC)-Three Mexico with the establishment Heart medical school in Rome robbers, ilieir faces covered with of a chapter here: said in an interview over Vat- ski masks forced their way in the Bishop Sahas Magana of Matican Radio April 8 that he is rectory of Maternity, B.V.M. amoros welcomed the organizastudying the changes in saliva Church here April 7, and escaped tion to the diocese and expressed during ovulation ,in order to de- with between $3,000 and $4,000 the hope that it would flourish termine the precise time of in Palm Sunday collections. . in Mexico. ovulation.

Study Changes

. Saliva seems to undergo a buildup of hormones just before ovulation, whereas those hormones almost disappear in the saliva at the precise time when ovulation should take place, Mancuso said. Prof. Mancuso said it is much too premature to say his experiments with saliva will produce the key to natural birth control. "Our studies are at what I would call a pioneer stage amI much study must yet be undergone to create statistically valid data," the Italian professor said. , Then Prof. Mancuso added:

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Tornado Re~ief Appeal Made'

THE ANCHlORThurs., April 18, 1974

Magazine Sees Catholic Pr~ss

LANCASTER (NC) The Christian Appalachian Propect (CAP), a non-sectarian organization working to relieve poverty in Eastern' Kentucky, has appealed for "people-to-people aid to make Easter and spring into days of resurrection" for victims of early April tornadoes. In a letter to 500,000 CAP supporters, Msgr. Ralph Beiting. the organization's president. said the tornadoes had caused "unprecedented destruction." "Those who died unquestionably represent the greatest tragedy," he said. "Yet those who still live face a monumental task of rebuilding. In many cases devastation was totaL" He appealed for food, transportation, medicine, 'shelter, clothing,. volunteer workers and money.

Future Bright . NEW YORK (NC)-If editors and P4blishers are willing to make hard-nosed management decisions, the future of the Catholi~ Press in the U. S. can be bright. That seems to be the conclusion of four articles in the April 6 edition of Ameti<:a magazine published here by the Jesuits. The entire edition deals with the state of the Catholic press in this nation, and was designed to aid, the nation's bishops in their spring meetings on the topic of mass communcation in evangelization. In the past, Catholic editors and publishers seemed to disdain management and production problems as being below their journalistic dignity, said Msgr.. R.G. Peters, editor of The Catholic Post in Peoria, Ill. But recent postal increases,' higher salar,ies demanded by staff members, and falling circulation have combined with outdated management techniq'ues to imperil the continued existence of the Catholic diocesan newspapers, he added. . . Savings can be made, however, in utilizing the new production methods such as offset printing and automated typesetting, he pointed out. An often ignored possibility lis putting printing' contracts up foJ' bids. '. Least Expensive There .is ,hope, Msgr. Peters said, in recent attempts by the Catholic Press Association and other groups to inform and educate editors about more efficient management techn'iques through seminars and workshops designed for that specific purpose Arthur L. McKenna, director of cjrculation and advertising of The Tablet, the newspaper of the diocese of Brooklyn, said that many pastors refuse to contribute to the newspapers if the parish schools are facing financial difficulties. However,' he cited studies which indicate that Catholic newspapers are widely read and are the most inexpensive means of informing the laity of current news concerning the Church.

'Florida Legislature Kills Amendment TALLAHASSEE (NC)-For the third straight year the Florida state l~gislature failed to ratify the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA); which would outlaw all distinctions between men and women that would 'discriminate against either sex. The ERA has been approved by 33 states but it must be passed by 38 before it becomes part of the U. S. Constitution. . Chief opponents of the amendmentin Florida were thl~ Florida Federation of Women for Responsible Legislation and the Florida Council of Catholic Women, which is made up .of diocesan councils of Catholic women across the state. The ERA was killed on the senate floor by a 21-19 vote after three· hours of debate, mainly over the question of whether the amendment: would subject women to the draft and to combat duty.

"We're opening our doors and emptying our pockets and storage bins for the stricken people of all faiths," Msgr. Beiting said. "All that we have is being made available to individuals, to churches, to private and government agencies at work helping those made homeless by tornado violence." Msgr. Beiting appealed for aid not only to CAP but to "any organization working to alleviate the suffering."

Commission Lay Ministers Annually

CARDINAL SPEAKS FOR BUSING: Cardinal Humberto Medeiros of Boston faces a crowded hearing room during a Massachusetts legislature hearing on the Racial Imbalance Act. The cardinal strongly supported the act, a school integration law which would involve the busing of more t.han 5,000 Boston area students in fall. NC Photo.

Asks Higher Priority for Human Rights WASHINGTON (N C) - A House subcommittee has urged the U. S. to give protection of human rights a higher priority in future foreign policy. Noting that "the human rights factor too often ha.s been neglected in foreign rel,ations," a House foreign relations subcommittee has asked the State Department to discourage in vari- ' ous ways governments which commit serious violations of human rights. Such sanctions, the subcommi-ttee said, should be meted out "in an objective manner without regard to whether the government is considered friendly, neutral, or unfriendly." The majority report came out of hearings on international protection of human rights and study sanctions by the U. S. arid the United Nations. According to the subcommittee on international organizations and movements, the "prevailing attitude" of pure power politics" ,has led the U. S. to embrace governments "which prac-, tice torture and unabashedly violate almost every human rights guarantee announced by the world community." The subcommittee said that the current U. S. relations with

South Vietnam" Spain, Portugal, the Soviet Union: Brazil, Indonesia, Greece, the Philippines and Chile "exemplify how we hav(! disregarded human rights

Catholics Top List For Growth Rate STOCKHOLM (NC) The Catholic <:::hurch is the most rapidly growing church in Sweden, according to a report of the Stockholm Institute of Sociology of Religion. The institute reported that from .1972 to 1973 the Catholic population increased more than seven per cent, from 58,929 to 63,300. Next came the Jehovah's Witnesses, with a 5.5 per cent increase.

for the sake of other assumed interests." The report scored the ,policy of "quiet diplomacy" in which the State Department makes a low-key appeal to governments Wilich violate human rights. "Quiet diplomacy" would be effective, the subcommittee said, if affected governments realized ·that it would be followed by other actions-public condemnation of violations, appeals to the , UN, cutoff of military assistance and sales and of economic assistance - if low-keyed appeals were unheeded. . The report warned against imposing higher standards of moraLity on countries unfriendly to the U. S. and ignoring violationsof rights in friendly lands.

INDIANAPOLIS (NC) - Commissions for Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist, commonly called lay ministers, will become an annual event on Holy Thursday in most parishes of the Indianapolis archdiocese. Instead of expiring every two years, the commissions will expire every year on Holy Thursday, the day on which the Eu· charist was instituted. . The change is expected to spotlight the service. of" ministers as well as reduce the recordkeeping necessitated by a constant turnover.


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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Apr. 19, 197.4

HONORS AT ST. ANTHONY'S: Youth, age are honored at St. Anthony High School, New Bedford, where Ernest St. Gelais, 17, left photo, has received appointments to West Point, Air Force Academy and Coast Guard Academy; and Clarence Demers, 65, has retired after 47 years

Says Monastic Life Still Holds Valuable Lesson BENET LAKE (NC)--Monastic life, though steeped in centuries-old tradition, offers a valuable message to the modern Church and society, according to Bishop Bernard F, Law of Springfield-Cape Girarde:au, Mo. To the outside world, he noted, the simple life of monks and abbots serves as a reminder of thair special characteristics of silence, .a rhyThm of prayer and work, poverty, obedience and stability. "These things say something to our age," Bishop Law, explained in an interview last week at St. Benedict abbey here in Wisconsin, where he was one of the main speakers at a weeklong workshop program for 38 abbots and priors from the U. S., and Central and South America. He described monasticism as having a paI'ticular charism or gnt that God intends for the Church. Prayer Life "And I see Benedictine monasticism as being particularly suited for the needs of the Church - quite relevant," he added. The endurance of monasticism through times of change, Bishop Law said, reflects the desire of a growing number of persons for deeper prayer life. Mona9tics, he contended, represent a growing awareness in the Church of what Christ meant when He said, "You are in the world but not of it." Another work~hop IE~ader was Benedictine Abbot Giles ZarameIla of San Giorgia's abbey in Venice, Italy. The true value of monastk life has been somewhat neglected recently, Abbot Zaramella said. "We're trying to meditate and bring forth values for the modern world which seem to have been lost-the primacy of the spirit over matter,"

service as school, convent custodian. From left, Demers, Rev. Bertrand Chabot, St. Anthony pastor, Doris Lacoste, senior class president, at presentation ceremony for Demers.

St. Anthony High Honors Youth, Age Where Retiree, Senior Receive Honors By Pat McGowan Youth and age are in the news at St. Al1I~hony High School, New Bedford, where Clarence Demers, 65, has just ret,ired after 47 years of keeping the 33-room school shipshape; and Ernest St. Gelais, 17, .is in the unusual posiNon of being able to choose among appointments to West P<>int, the Air Force Academy and the Coast Guard Academy. Demers, who plans to "take it easy, work In my garden and around the house," had words of praise for St. Anthony's current crop of students, whom he termed "not too much different from those in 1927 when I started-Maybe they're more wideawake now. They're' a good bunch of boys and girls. It's very seldom that one gets out of hand," St. Gela,is is definitely one of the "good bunch." He is student council president at St. Anth<>ny's, a member of the national honor society and the ochool basEibaIl team. He also serves on a regional advisory council of high school students. Mter school he holds a par.t-tllme job in a pharmacy. Both Demers and St. Gelais are members of St. Joseph's parish, New Bedford, although Demers was a longtime member of St. Anthony's parish and attended the school as a youngster. Over 1000 In the 1930's, said Demers, St. Anthony's was solely a grammar school, with an enrolhnent of weIl over 1000 children and three or four classrooms for each grade. By the 40's, however, enrollment had dropped as "the parish and families got smaller," At that time the high school was opened. Today -the, enroHment of the combination school is about 850 boys and girls, and it and Holy Family School, also dn New Bedford, are the only


Brazil Decorates Cardinal Scherer

PORTO ALEGRE (NC)-Cardinal Vincent Scherer of Porto , Alegre was decorated by the air institutions in the diocese offer- , changed in 1933 and only one force ministry for his pastoral ing complete primary and sec- man was needed to keep an work in this southern Brazilian eye on it and to maintadn the area. ondary educations to students. When Demers started at St. school. Young Clarence was that The ceremony took place in Anthony's as an 18-year-old, he man. the headquarters of the regional Over the years, he said, he had was a fireman for several years. "We had hi~ll pressure boilers a nine or 10 hour work day in air command of Rio Grande de then and it was a requirement the winter and an eight hour Sui state. The decor.ation, the Air Force that a licensed fireman be on schedule in the summer, when he would get the building into shin- Merit medal, was given to Cardihand at all times," The heating system was ing condition for its September nal Scherer in recogn·ition for his reopening wIth the aid of several "balance" in bis pastora,1 work work among the poor and for his stalwart high ~hool students. Pope Greets Rad io, efforts at improving Church'Very Very Neat' state relations. TV Exec....tives In winter, said Demers, he Church-state relations reached VATICAN CiTY (NC) - Pope had in effect a seven day week, Paul VI told radio and television because he would always check a critical stage in the last month executives that the Holy Year re- St. Anthony's furnaces on Sat- of President Emilio Garrastazu sponds to a deep human need, urday and Sunday. Additionally, . Medici's term. The March 15 and he urged them to give the he took care of maintenance for inauguration of Gen. Ernesto Holy Year "a large place in your the large Holy Cross Sisters con- Geisel, a Protestant, has already produced a marked improvement broadcasts." vent near the school. The Pope said: "For our part "The school was always very in Church-state relations here. we want only to insist on the very neat," said Sister Yvonne, Holy See's entire availability, C.S.C., the pr.incipal. And St. Anon its desire to favor your work thony's has been grateful for to the maximum, on its determi- such dedicated service. Last year nation to furnish you every aid the senior class dedicated its and collaboration you have a yearbook to Demers, and last· right to ask of us." month after he had cleaned his The Pope, who had been ail- last classroom and checked the ing and had resumed his regular furnace for the last time, he was schedule only five days before, called into the school office. said he was receiving the radio There he was presented with a 303 IYANOUGH ROAD and TV executives "despite the clock by grammar school pupils especially heavy, work of HoJy and with checks fr.om the high HYANNIS, MASS. Week." schoo.! and from Rev. Bertrand TEL. 775·0081 He noted the popular success of Chabot, pastor of St. Anthony's. radio and TV dramas touching As Demers retires from a caon the "tragic aspect of human reer of service, St. Gelais predestiny," He said they probe pares to enter one. St. Anthony's "basic problems for man, that ,is proud of both. SINCE 1898 of his origin and his end, the mystery of the world's government-chance or prClvidenceSINCE 1941 the problem of evil," WEB OFFSET ONE STOP Good and Evil SINCE 1967 SHOPPING CENTER God would not be God and • Television • Grocery personified Perfection if He • Appliances • Furniture showed Himself indifferent to evil or treated evil in the same 104 Allen St., New Bedford way as good. 619-5262 997·9354 -Martin D'Arcy






THE ANCHORThurs., April 18, 1974

Papal Document Shows Teachings Well Foullded ROME (NC)-Pope Paul's recent exhortation on "devotion to Mary,'" (MariaHs Cultus) advanced the theme of the American bishops' pasl:ora'i letter on .Mary issued last Nqvember, according to Cardillll'l John Carberry of St. Louis. The cardinal was a prime mover of the American bishops' pastoral, called "Behold Your Mother: Woman of faith." Cardinal Carberry told 'NC News that the American bishops "concentrated on the wealth of dogmatic teachings concerning Mary in an effort to try to fathom the mystery surrounding the Mother of God. "The Pope in a m'anner of speaking, zooms r·ight down to the praotical devotion to Mary. "Not only does the Holy Father augment bhings we could' only touch upon in a few paragraphs, he shows that traditional teachings of the life and role of Mary, that is, the dogma we spoke of, are so well founded." Directly to Christ Cardinal Carberry, who is well known for his personal devotion to Mary and who intI10duced the Amer·ican bishops' pastoral letter to the press last November, said the papal document clearly stressed the position of Christ in Marian devotion. ' "The Pope indieated in his 'devotion to Mary' the direction which Marian devotion should take: directly to Christ. "Pope Paul indicates that' there is rich' biblical foundation for believing that Mary found her happiness in Christ in urilon with the Holy Spirit, and we can do .the same," Cardinal Carberry said. , Although the papal document restricts itself as much as pos- ' sible to the subject of devotion to Mary, Cardina1 Carberry said that there is 'much in Pope Paul's exhortation that is rich in material for meditation and simple prayer. Both documents speak of the rosary and of the merit in meditating on the events or "Mysteries" in the life of Jesus and Mary during recital of the rosary. 15 Mysteries . The 15 mysteries recounting the life of Christ 'have 'been standard in CathoHc practice for'centuries, but the American bishops' document said: "New sets of mysteries are possible." Triggered by the suggestion, the ipternational office of the Legion of Mary in Ireland told its members that they could now meditate on 20 mysteries. ' An observer in Rome said that both the American suggestion and the Legion of Mary interpretation are "premature." Asked abolit this confusion, Cardinal Carberry quickly set the matter to rest: "We had heard of the possibility of new mysteries, but the Holy Father in his document speaks of the standard, pattern of 15 mysteries,"


- Veleran Radio and Supper Club Star A.vers Role of Church in Her Life , MILWAUKEE (NC) - , "Pope John, when he opened the windows, he meant well, but I think he let in too muoh air." 'Phe 'speaker was HHdegarde, the veteran radio and supper club ente,rtainer who a1 68 is stiU performing .and ,still deeply ,concerned ll'bout the Church. She '. was interviewed while here for an appearance at Mount Mary' College. ' The singer-pianist has not stopped praying the rosary daily since the beginning of World War II. Every Lent she goes to daily Mass. A framed picture of the Sacred Heart goes wherever Hildegarde goes and she wearsher brown scapular almost all the time. In 1971, Hi,ldegarde was invested by Cardinal Terence Cooke of New York as a lady of the equestrian order, of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem, a high papal decoration bestowed on laity. Disturbed But .the woman who introducedsuch oldtime favorites as "I'll Be Seeing You," "All of a Sudden My Heart Sings", "Darling, Je VQUS Aime Beaucoup," and "Last Time I Saw Paris," is disturbed by much that goes on in churches today. "I think the vernacular is marvelous but why have they taken away the statues? That was cruel. "We need ,those images for inspiration. "One day I went to a church in New York, and, you know, I couldn't tind the tabernacle? It was on the side. You wouldn't have even known it! There wasn't even a red light or crucifix to show it. I was very upset!" She is upset too when she sees that some priests don't genuflect anymore. She genuflects for them in reparation. Asked what for her would be the ideal pniest, the singer said, "He would be happy and proud fOT :his calling and would be' educated about the faith. He would pray that !:>reviary every day! He would visit parishioners, the sick, poor, neglected, suffering and dying. His work would be definitely spiritual." Salvation of Souls Apologizing ·for sounding too hard on others, HildegaI1de said she does not disparage the social

Five-Year Plan Set To Keep School Alive

TROY (NC)-The school board of Sacred Heart Parish here has launched a five-year plan as a, way of keeping the school alive. John Madden, president of Sacred Heart school board, said that the plan was adopted to keep parents starting their children in the early grades. "We are try,ing to overcome parents' fears that the school won't be here in four or five years," said Madden. "If we convince people we will be around, we will be." Projections for the plan were based o'n enrollment trends and parish census data. From these qSources, the school board oetermined that there are enough Peace Peace is that state in which children in the parish to maintain enrollment until the end of fear of any kind is unknown. -John Buchan this decade.


HILDEGARDE OF RADIO AND SUPPER CLUB FAME action of many priests in the other relationships. "This is what Ohul"ch. "That's great ... but God wants, of me, so I guess I let's not forget about salvation , just accept His will." Does she see entertaining others of souls." Her faith hilS helped herac- as a Ohristian apostolate? "I becept her single status, she said. lieve I have a mission as an exGod has allowed her to-cuHivate ample and inspiration," she said. 'her musical talents and appar- The Lofld doesn't want us to ently has wanted her to stay mope around and drag down the single and mobile. She was en- ,spirit. My talents are to lift the gaged several times but two of spirits of people. Thanks to the her beaus died, and traveling Lord, I have, I'm .told, this special for her career interferred with charisma."

Fr. Peyton Sees Papal Document Renewing Interest in Rosary ALBANY (NC) -- Pope Paul's new document on' devotion to Mary will end "the eclipse that enveloped Mary" recently and spur new interest in the rosary, F.ather Patrick Peyton said here. , Father Peyton, national director of the Family Rosary Crusade and an ,internationally known advocate of the rosary, described the decJ.ine in Marian devotion as a "felix culpa" (fortunate mistilke) that "produced so clariJfying and so motivating a document" as Marialis Cultus. "It is a document for QUI' t'imes and troubles ..." Father PeytQn said in a statement at his cm,sade's headquar.ters here.

As a result of the Pope's document, Father Peyton said, "individuals and families will once again take the rosary into tlieir hearts and homes, and through it they will grow in grace, holiness, peace and happiness ... The wheel has made its full turn ... The ecl,ipse of Mary and the rosary is vanishing speedily and, I·ike the moon,after its eclipe, the brilliance of her rosary wiU shine' all the clearer and brighter."

Named Papal Legate To Conference

TAIPEI' (NC)-Archbishop Simon D. Lourdusamy of BangaIt descri'bes "clearly Mary's lore, In,dia, has been named r01e as a model fQf contemporary papa'! legate to the f.irst plenary women," he said. assembly of the Federation of Father Peyton said that "the Asian' Bishops' Conference ecJ.ipse that enveloped Mary and (FABC) to be held :here April the rosary in recent times has 22-27. ' proved to be another "felix The Indian archbishop is secculpa" (fortunate mistake) that retary of the Vatican Cimgregaproduced so, clarifling and so' tion for the Evangelization of motiv:ating a document ... It is Peoples. an authoritative answer to all Cardinal Maximilian de Furswho ask, "Where is Mary? What enberg, president of the Central has happened to the rosary.' " Committee for the Holy Year, Father Peyton, who has spent is also coming here from Rome more than three decadeS promot- for the Assembly, according to ing devotion to Mary, said that Archbishop Stanislaus Lo Kuang the document stresses the flight of Taipei, secretary general of FABC. use, of the rosary. "The rosary is now revealed ina br,jJJiant light for 'what it is," he said. It is, ','a Gospel prayer, aprQlog, and epilog of the eucharistic sacrifice, the Mass, and one of the greatest and most effective prayer's for ,the family." Pope Paul in the exhortation encouraged use of the rosary but not during Mass, when, he said, the focus should be on the Eucharist.

Cardinal Exalted By Blue Army WASHINGTON (NC)-Cardinal John Joseph Carberry of St. LQuis has been honored here in New Jersey by the Blue Army of Fatima for his work in promoting Marian Devotion. It was the fourth time the Blue Army award has been given, and the first time in recent years. Previous redp.ients were the late Konrad Adenauer, chancellor of West Germany, the late Dr. An,tonio Salaz2Jl', premier of Portuga1; and the late CardinaJ Eugene Tisserant, once dean of the Oollege of Cardinals, who in 1956 dedicated the world center of the Blue Army at Fatima. In presenting the award, the Blue Army's national president, Msgr. Anthony Connell, praised Cardinal Carberry for "all you have done to bring the message of true devotion to Mary to all the American people,"

Stanford to Join CU in P'rogram BOYS TOWN (NC)-Stanford University will join the Catholic University of America in the $25.5 million long-term research program 'in youth development funded by Father Flanagan's Boys TQwn, it was annQunced here. The announcement was made by Arohbishop Daniel E. Sheehan of Omaha, president of the Boys Town board of directors, and Richard W. Lyman, president of Stanford. , For the next 25 years, Boys Town will provide $450,000 annually to Stanford for a program integrating basic academic research with f.ield studies concerning young' persons. CathoLic University received a similar commitment in January. . The institutions ,will also receive up to $1.5 minion each for, physical faoilities to house the East and West Coast programs. The program will be headquartered at Boys Town.

Bishop ,Loses Eye HOUSTON (NC)-Bishop John L. MQrkovsky lost his left eye FridaY.' night, March 8 when two gunmen pistol whipped him durin.g a robbery -in his home here. The bishop, who had his wallet, some change and his car stolen, was reported in satisfactory condition at St. Joseph's Hospital. LIVELY NITE-Muslc, Fun, Sing, Dance

Tony Rapp-Art Perry PLAYING PREm FOR THE PEOPLE Apr. 6-Fr. Joseph Baehr K.C., Tiverton 13-St. Theresa Hal!r Tiverton 2G-Sacred HeartL !'jew Bedford Holy Ghost bulld-K.C.-Tlv. 27-Boys Club of N.B. K.C" McMahon-N, B. May 4-Lakevllle Lion's Club ' ll-Newport-K. of C. ,Hall 18-Feast of Blessed Sacrament Ball 25-St. Theresa K.C., Tlv.

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Farah Strike First Step In Struggle for Equality

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Apr.

J8, 1974 11 I'

(fl~ .


Every major airline in the United States publishes-and makes available to passengers, free of charge-a company magazine of interest to the average reader. Some of these in-flight publications are nothing to brag about, but others are rather classy. Even the best of their contributors, strike and boycott which was with substantial gains, however, tend to indulge in settled, for the workers, shortly after a studied and rather fluffy Mr. Adams' puffed-up article on kind of purple prose, studded with gushy superlative!;, when writing about the incomparable glories of those cities or regions

Texas appeared in print. That's what the frontier spirit will do to people when they get tired of being treated as second-class citizens. Like Mr. Adams' mythical cowhand, the Farah workers didn't feel inadequate or inferior By vis a vis their employer. They felt they were just as good as MSGR. he is and were prepared to prove it. GEORGE G. I don't know what Mr. Adams was trying to prove when he HIGGINS suggested, contrariwise, that in Texas the frontier spirit tends to 11I1111 I i I make low-income workers more which just happen to be serviced tolerant of ,their lot than com· (at inflationary rates) by the parable workers in some of the more decadent regions of the sponsoring airline. Most of the time, these over- country. This I do know howblown travelogues (which are ever: It would be a mistake for PLAN ECHO RETREAT: Team from Fall River diocese makes plans for ECHO girls' really poorly disguised advertise- -any businessman to take Mr. retreat which concluded yesterday in Wash:ngton, D.C. and was first held in that area. ments for the carrier in question) Adams too seriously in this re- From left, Sue Lake, Fall River, team member; Mrs. Donald Emond, Taunton retreat leadavoid anything that even remote· gard and to jump to the selfIy smacks of social or political serving conclusion that Texas er; Rev. Thomas Mayhew, originator of ECHO program; Donald Emond, diocesan ECHO workers, of all people, are will- chairman. Fall River team went to Washington at invitation of Archbishop William Baum controversy. By way of exception, how· ing to settle for low wages in to present first girls' ECHO retreat for capial city. Group from this diocese introduced ever, a feature article on Texas exchange for the "pride" which boys' ECHO to Washington two years ago. ECHO means 'Encounter Christ in Others" and ("The Frontier Still Lives!") in comes from living in the extend- youth retreat is similar to adult Cursillo program. the March-April issue of Eastern ed shadow of the Alamo. Airlines magaz'ine, "Pastimes," Militant Campaign includes a bit of social commenA recent visit to Texas leads tary that reads like a 1920-style me to conclude, with due apolhandout from 'a small·town anti- ogies to Mr. Adams, that the union Chamber of Commerce. of 10 male characters and more WASHINGTON (NC) - Net- Gerbner pointed out. Farah strike was only the first Between 1969 and 1972, Gerb- than four of out 10 women were Drive for Reform step in what promisees to be an works have made some progress The author, Junis Adams, says increasingJly militant campaign in curbing televised violence, but ner said that "roughly eight out involved in violence." Although the number of women characters that the frontier spirit is stm 'on the part of low income more must' be done especiaHy ,in involved in violence has fallen, alive in Texas "and is wha,t en- Mexican-American workers in ohildren's programming, accord- Consecrate New Gerbner stressed that women ing to a university researcher. TeX!as and neighboring states to ables the average Texan of modcharacters are more often cast as Dr. George Gerbner, dean of Bishop of Arecibo erate means to keep his cool, and prove, a .la Davy Crockett and his dignity. It's not what a man other Texas ,heroes, that they the University of Pennsylvania's ARECIBO (NC)-The first na- victims of violence. has that counts, it's what he is,' are just as good as "the trail Annenberg School of Communi- tive bishop of Arecibo, RedempGerbner said that researchers was the old saying. A cowhand boss or the owner of the herd" cations, told a Senate hearing on torist Father Miguel Rodriguez are espeoiaNy concerned with never felt inadequate or inferior and that they intend to be TV violence that the number of Marti.nex, was consecrated here such trends since "one of the characters involved in' on-screen March 23 by Oardinal Luis most important effects of TV vis a vis the tra.iJ boss or the treated accordingly. I also have the impression, on violence was down from 1967 to Aponte Ma,rtinez of San Juan. owner of the herd: He was just v,iolence on viewers is fear." as good as they were and pre- the basis of what I heard in 1972, but the Ipercentage of Also participating in the conAccording to the study, Gerbpared to prove it if necessary. Texas a few weeks ago, that, in- shows 'Containing violence and secration (:eremonies here were Which is why great disparities creasingly as time goes on, the the frequency of violent episodes Bishop Edward John Harper of ner said that "viewing does tend in income and wages seem to be Church can be expected to take in ,these shows has not lessened. the Virgin. Islands and Bishop to cultivate TV's view of the more easily tolerated here than a strong public stand in support Gerbner, presenting a progress Alfredo Mendez Gonzalez, who world in the minds of viewers in other states. A man may work of these disadvantaged workers report on research funded by the resigned as bishop of Arecibo with respect toa particular question." He oited figures showing for low wages but his pride will in their struggle for recognition National Institute on Mental recently. and equality. The efforts of the that those who watch television rema,in high." Health (NIMH), said that he was Chicago··born Bishop Mendez That's a cur,ious way of ra- Church on their behalf will prob- especially concerned that ,the Gonzalez has resigned because, most "tend to overestimate-as tionalizing the "grea't dispar1ties -ably be resented in some circles rate of violence in adult· pro- he said, a missionary bishop is does television ,drama-the risks in income and wages" which ad- and may lead to the charge that gramming. In general program- "expendable for the good of the of violence in life." mittedly exist in the Lone Star the Church, which is supposed to ming, Gel'lbner said, home and Church." State. I would have expected, exercise a ministry of reconcilia- family themes are most common, Bishop Rodriguez, 42, was· the author to take an altogether. tion is doing just the opposite. followed by sex and then violater installed as bishop of Are. Risk of Conflict different tack. I would have lence. But in cartoons, he said, cibo by Archbishop Giovanni thought that the frontier spirit The bishops of Southeast Asia violence leads even nature and Gravelli, the apostolic nuncio to -assuming that it's still aLive -which in the age of supersonic _animal themes. the Dominican Republic, who is and well in Texas-would show jet isn't really aU that far from "It is interestig to note that also the delegate to Puerto Rico. 45 MAIN STREET itself in the 1970s by prompting Texas-'fa'ced up to this charge low-paid workers to be less, a few weeks ago, in the light of as we go from presumably adult With Bishop Rodriguez' installaFALMOUTH - 548·1918 rather than more, tolerant of their own situation, and an- to children's programming, home tion, t,he process of handing over and family and domestoic tpemes ARMAND' ORTINS, Pror~. to native bishops all the dioceses such glaring ine=luities. Moreover swered the oharge by declaring drop sharply, but violence, the in this island has been complete. if bhe "pride" of the Texan who that the Church must be on the ~~~ and money-oriented works for low wages rema'ins as side of the poor, even if tbis in- media high as Mr. Adams says it does, vo}ves the risk of alienating it- themes increase in frequency," I would expect it to result, not self from the powers that be. ,in an apathetic acceptance of the "Opting to be with the poor status quo, but rather in a some- involves risk," they said at a unfamiliar course of looking for what militant drive for socio- meeting of the Bishops' Institute guidelines of polIcy and action, economic reform. [or Social Action at 'Manila. It not to ready-made theological, at Frontier Spidt involves "the risk of conflict , legal and sociological system ... In point of tact, that's precise- w1th vested interests of 'estab- but to -a discernment of the hisly what is happening deep in the lishments,' religious, economic, torical process taking place heart of Texas. To cite but one sOdal .and political. It also in- among our own people." example, the "pride" of the pre- volves, for leaders of -the Church That makes good sense, not dominantly Mexican-American specifical.}y, loss of security, and only in Southeast Asia, but in 115 WILLIAM ST. NEW BEDFORD, MASS. Farah workers in El Paso and that not only materiaJ but spir- Texas and Tlimbuktu as well. San Antonio led them to call a itual. For it means takiing the ( © 1974 NC' News Service) 'I

TV Violence Down, But Not Enough


ORTINS ~. Photo Supply




The· Parish Parade

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Apr. 18, 1974

Publlelty chairmen of parish organizations Ire asked' to submit news items for' this column to The Anchor, P. O. Box 7, Fall River 02722. Name of city or town should be Included, as well as full dates of all .activities,'Please send news of future rather than past events.

Re'commendsMaisie Ward's 'To and fro on the Earth' Our books this week are by people now in their 80s. Both writers are English, both are world travelers, both have an intense interest in the making of a better world. But in much else they are very different. In religion, for example, Maisie Ward, author of "To . life livable for previously destiand Fro on the Earth" (Sheed tute and despondent outcasts. and Ward, 64 University Discerns Motives Place, New York, N.Y. 10003. In Mexico, s.he came' upon

$8.50), is CllthoHc. Sir Jwlian Huxley, author of Memories II .(Harper & Row, 49 E. 33rd St., New York, N. Y. 10016. -$8.95








Friends of Our Little Brothers and Sisters, founded by Father Wasson, which is in effect one large family of homeless chi'!dren, now number.jng well over a :thousand and given a chance in life. In Peru, she saw something similar in the work of Father Branche. Other examples, all investigated at first hand, are given. Al-ong the way, Miss Ward has sometlhing to say about the Black Panthers, about protestors and resisters of the Vietnam war, about those who have gone to prison for the sake of conscience. Whereas she deplor~s violence and is mistrustful of the dramatic gesture and inflated rhetoric, she seeks to, discern motives and to give credit to brave witness. If a London workman could, without disrespect, call out en-thustastically to the aged Queen Victoria, "Go' to it old ginl;" perhaps a reviewer may be permitted to make the same acclamation in the case of Miss Ward.

SS. PETER AND PAUL, FALL RIVER The Women's Club will sponsor a public whist party at 8 P.M. Monday, April 22 in the school basement at 240 Duffy St. Miss Mary Tyrrell and Mrs. Donald F. Negus are co-chairmen. HOLY NAME, FALL RIVER

NO SUPPORT: Producer Robert Radnitz of the awardwinning film "Sounder" says that the decline in general audience feature films is due to fact that these are not supported by those claiming to want them. NC Photo.

Publish 'Worship Book for IBlacks


Felicita Zdrojewski, wlill address Projec.t Leisure par.ticipants at 2 P.M. Thursday, April 25 in the school hall. With the aid of slides she will expla,in the creation of a large P.olish folk art tapestry which she designed and made with the aid of many members of St. Stanislaus parish, FaII River. Depicting a traditional Polish holiday celebration, the hanging was on display in St. Stanislaus church during the last Christmas season and was viewed by thousands. discuss the Sister Felicita ethnic and liturgicaol significance of the tapestry as well as the process of its making. C.S.SJF.

ST. MARY, NORTON The Catholic Woman:s Club will sponsor a buffet dinner dance at the parish center on Route 123 at 8 P.M. Saturday. Music will be by the Bee-Bee's. ST. MICHAEL, FALL RIVER The Home and School Association will hold a waste paper and magazine drive from 9 A.M. to 5 P.M. Saturday. April 20 in the school yard on Wellington Street. Papers may be brought to the yard or will be picked up if donors call the school at 678'0266· to make arrangements. BLESSED SACRAMENT, FALL RIVER A meat pie supper and penny sale will be co-sponsored by the Women's Guild and Men's Club at 7:15 P.M. ,in the church hall. Reservations ,are necessary for the supper but the sale is open to the public. In charge of arrangements are Eddie Brault and Mrs. Helen Ouellette. . ST. JOHN EVANGELIST, ATTLEBORO A gala Irish Night will take place Saturday, April 27 at Bishop Feehan High School, with "Tara Ball" festivities begJinning with a reception at 6:30, followed bya tradit,i-onal Irish banquet at 7:30. Entertainment will be presented and music for dancing will be by the Ed Drew orchestra. Prizes w'ill include a grand award of a trip for two to Ireland and many door prizes.

WASHINGTON (NC) - The lIIlustrated), .is an atheist who National Office for Black Cathbelieves :in something oalled olics (NOBC) released a new book here to help black Cathtranshumanism. Miss Ward begins with some olics develop liturgical worship bleak observations about old age, that is more expressive of their own culture. . but she proceeds to belie them. ST. PATRICK, For in the ninth decade of her Entitled "Soulfull Worship," FALL RIVER life she is going strong and gothe 160-page book is written by The Women's Guild will hold a ing almost everywhere. ShlJ is in' Father Clarence Rivers, a noted nmunage sale on Satul'day, April terested in new idea~, new qeblack liturgical aI:tist and com20 in the school basement on velopments and she can symposer. It provides i:lbout 60 pages pathize with both the aspira'tions of background on what is in- Slade·St. Hours of the sa'le are Huxley's Memoirs and the dissatisfactions OIf the volved in developing effective from 9 A.M. to 2 P.M. All artiSir Julian Huxley wrote the worship in general and for spe- cles to be donated to this sale . young. Sees Promise second instJallment .of his mem- cific cultural groups, especially may be brought to the school on SANTO CHRISTO oirs 'when he was' 84. It begins Afro-Amerkans. It also conta,ins Friday, April 19 after 6 P.M. FALL RIVER She recognizes that the world Members of the Council of as' she knew it for most of her with his appointment in 1945, as outlines for liturgical celebra- HOLY REDEEMER, Catholic Women will receive , secretary of the commission prelife is in ruins. But she sees trons of certain feasts and for CHATHAM corporate. Communion at the 9 sl'routs of promise wherever. she paring for the formation of what occasions such as Black History o'clock Mass on Sunday mornlater became UNESCO (the The Association of the Slicred Week. goes. Hearts 'and the Holy Redeemer ing, April 21. Breakfast will be At the beginning of her book United Na,tions Educational, Sci"We are not seeking a sepserved 'at the Hoiiday Inn immeshe says, "All over the world I entific and CultJ,lral Organiza- arate Church," salid Brother Jo- Guild honored Rev. William Mcdiately after Mass. Clenahan, SS.CC.,· fornner pastor, tion). When UNESCO was set have found small groups who are seph Dav.is, NOBC executive diReservations are now open building a new world .in the shell up, he became its first Director rector, "'but we are trying to at a farewell reception and tea for a dinner and theater evening in the church hall, at which he General, a position he held. for of the old one that is crumbiling make a black contribution to. received the gift of an electric scheduled for June 7. around us ... My book is simply two and a half years. . the Church,". Maybasket tickets should be typewriter. He is telling here of his work a selection of my own experiBrother Davis said the book' Cochairmen of arrangements returned by Tuesday, May 14. ences in the final years of a long yvith UNESCO, and of an endless should be helpful not only to series of other tasks laid upon for the testimonial, attended by ST. MARY, life." black Cathol.ic congregations, And at the end there is this: him after his term of office end- 'but to black Protestant groups parishioners and area residents, NEW BEDFORD "The multitudinous experiences ed. He travelled even more wide~ and to white Catholic or l>rot- were Mrs. William E. Kelly, as"Abortion and the Living sociaUon president, and Mrs. Will" will be tJhe topic of a disI can dredge up from my fre- lythan Miss Ward, go.ing otiten, estant groups as well. . Andrew W. Mikita, guild leader, cussion sponsored by Birthr,ight quent world tours confirms the for example, to Africa, which she aided by large committees from of New Bedford on Wednesday idea which underlies this book. seems never to have visited. Wicknedt1less Obviously he Is a man of pheboth organizations. Evil is l'arge and loud, indeed evening, April 24, at 8. The open raucous. It destroys easily, nomenal energy, of a broad If men are so wicked as we ST. JOHN BAPTIST, meeting will be held at St. . quickly, on a vast scale-.and al- 'l'ange of interests, and of pro- now see them with religion, CENTRAL VILLAGE Mary's School Auditorium, Illiways gets the front page. Good found concern for the future of what would the'y be without it? nois St., New Bedford with At-Benjamin Franklin is quiet, slow perhaps, for to mankind. He dismisses aU creeds A yard and food sale will take torney George D. Constantine build takes ~onger than to de- (except his own) and PUitS his place from 9 A.M. to 2 P.M. and Dr. David Constantine as stroy, but stead~ly, perpetually trust in scientif'ic humanism. Saturday, April 20 at the par.ish . guest speakers. creative. Because it is personal hall on Main Road, Westport, Sense of Obligation ST. JOSEPH, it must be small in scale." under sponsorship ,of the Ladies' All his life, Sir JuHan has been ATTLEBORO Mary Guild. Among items on sade wiIJ Personal Work a close student of nature. In old Seni-or citizens will hold a card It is impossible to think of any Dorothy Day, the Catholic age, his passion for discovery party at 1:30 on ,Sunday ~fter­ be furniture, clothes and dishes. individual who has ever contribWorker movement, the Houses has not abated. He grows exdted noon, April 21. Admission wm OUR LADY OF ANGELS, uted or ever will contribute as of 'Hospitality -these are dis- over species of birds and animals be 99c and proceeds will be FALL RIVER much service toward the reconcussed ~irst and referred to often new to him, over unfamiliar added to the pal1ish funds. ciliation of men with God as The Children of Mary will Mary. ,throughout. Tl:1ey best exemplify plants, over strange natural Reservations are now being phenomena as well as unusual taken for the AWeboro· Area sponsor a cake sale at all Masses ~hat Miss Ward has in mind. -Pope Leo XIII .The work is personal. It is evidences of hl1man genius. He CYO banquet scheduled for 7 this weekend. The unit will hold strictly non-violent in its opposi- revels in ,natural beauty, and con- o'clock on Monday night, April a breakfast and meeting following 8 A.M. 'Mass Mothers' Day, tion to evil and its struggle for veys it weI! in words. The world, 29. Tickets are $4.00. Sunday, May 12. good. It is patJient and persistent. in its variety, fascinates him, but The Council of Catholic Women It hews undeviatingly to ilts line he never sees in its wonders any ST. GEORGE, WESTPORT will hold instaUation ceremonies of commitment, and it never testimony to the divine . loses hope. Yet he has a keen sense of The Women's Guitd will hold a Sunday, May 26. Delegates will In Australia, Miss Ward en- obHgation: he must do what he Communion Breakfast at the attend the diocesan council concountered 'the Recovery groups, can to better mankind's lot' and Holiday Inn, Hathaway' Rd., im- vention to be held in Taunton which aim at "helping the iii-ad- .to prevent catastrophe. Hence medi'ately after the 7:45 Mass Saturday, April 27. . justed, the mentally unbalanced, his exertions within the Ioimits of on Sunday morning, April 21. An June activities will include celthe neurotic to help themselves . his vision. Unllike Miss Ward, he open menu will be offered to ebration of the feast of Espirr"to back to healthful and happy liv- looks to big organizations and each individual. Santo the weekend of June 7, dng." In Indi,a, she observed agri- impersonal forces to bring about Rabbi Weinberg will be the and the \annual blessing of cars . guest speaker. cultural co-ops which are making a new order. Sunday, June 2.


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THE ANCHOR·-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Apr. 18, 197.4


KNOW YOUR FAITH Enioying God's Creation Joy' is what we experience when we possess anything we regard as good. The greater the good, the greater the joy. So it fomows that JlJhe ultimate joy will be the secure possession of the greatest or ultimate good, which is what we mean by heaven.

jPleasure and Catechesis Last month Japan gave a hero's, welcome to Hil'OO Onoda, the last known World War II army holdout. Onoda had finaHy 'Surrendered after 29 years on the remote Philippine island of Lubang. In an interview, he described the loss of his fellow comrades as his most difficult e~perience during those lonely years. Asked about his most pleasant experience, he responded: "Not'hing-nothing pleasant happened to me through all these 29 years."





In a sense it is true to say that pleasure is just another name for joy, except that the notion of joy seems or'dinal'ily to suggest something on a higher level than "mere pleasure." But we do speak of en-joy-ing anything that affords us 1>leasure. Therefore, we can consider joy and pleasure as amounting to just about the same thing. There is no area other than that of pleasure or joy in which the old idea of the "golden mean" comes to the fore so prominently. On the one hand we have the hedonist who maintains that noting but pleasure is worllh striving for, that the main object of life 'is to have fun. His motto is "Eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow you die." At the other extreme is the grim PuritJan who looks upon any sort of pleasure at all as at least suspeot, if not positively wicked. Enjoyment: Gift of God


GIFT OF GOD: "Joy is what we experience when we possess anything we regard as good." A girl enjoys sliding on a piece of playground equipment in a Milwaukee park. A Christian does not abstain from meat or drinking alcoholic beverages because he believes that t'he enjoyment of the pleasure associated" with suoh eating or drinking is wrong. R'atJher, he wants to experience the pain of ,abstinence to atone for his sins and the sins of others. Via Media If both the hedonist and the grim Puritan are wrong about pleasure and its enjoyment, it seems that the place to be in this matter is in the middle. Everybody knows, for instance, that even if one is very fond of, say,

It is not particularly difficult to demonstrate the fallacy of both of these positions. The hedon,ist is wrong beoause the search for plea,sure for its own sake invariably leads tQ bitter disappo'intment and disillusionment. like everyt'hi>ng elISe that is good, pleasure is good only for something beyond it, not really in itself. Like all other false gods pleasure made into a god will Priest to Receive sooner or later fail its devotee and leave him empty and aban- Uppsala Degree UPPSALA (NC)-The (Lutherdoned. Those who c.ondemn pleasure an) University of Uppsala here as unworthy of man are equally has announced that it will award wrong, because it cert.ainly is a an honorary doctorate in theolgood thing in its place. We know ,ogy to Sulpician Father Raythis is so for many reasolliS', but mond E. Brown, an American first of all because the God who Scripture scholar. It wiJI be the loves us has made pleasurable so first time the university has many of the things that we must given this degree to an American . do for our own good. We have Catholic priest. Two years ago Father Brown only to think of eating and was the first Aimerican priest to drin~ing and sex to recognize receive an honorary doctorate in the truth of this. Surely there would be some- theology from the (Presbyterian) thing out of the way in any de- University of Edinburgh, Scotsire or attempt to exclude en- land. The on\y American memjoyment from these activities ber of the Pontifical Biblical that God obviously meant to be Commission, Father Brown is a enjoyable. In a w.ay it would be member of the Faith and Order something like rejecting a gra- Commission of the World Council of Churches and immediate cious gift of God. What we have just been talk- past member of the U. S. Nationing about should not be confused al Lutheran-Catholic Dialogue, with the practice of self-denial. which recently issued a stateRightly used, this is always for ment of agreement on the the sake of an even higher good. papacy.


chocolate eclairs, for instance, it won't take him very long to get to the point that he has no desire at all even to look at another chocolate eclair. What is true of eating chocolate eclairs is true of any pleasure in, this world. Sooner or later you come to the point where what was pleasurable before becomes unpleasant or even painful. So the answer is simply moderation. We are afforded occasions for enjoyment not only so that this life may not become an intolerable burden but a1so to afford us a foretaste of heaven itself. A,fter all, this is, the ultimate and absolute perfection of enjoyment. And like the small boy who is admonished by his mother to take it easy with the candy :be's eating so as not to spoil his appetite for dinner, we ought to warn each other concerning the opportunities for enjoyment to "take it, but take it easy."

That remark gave me pause. Twenty-nine years without any pleasant experiences! Even allowing for some exaggeration I could not help but feel saddened at the thought of so pleasureless an ordeal. About the same time I read about two elderly women in Washington. They lived in such poverty in the nation's Capitol that they wore 14-year-old shoes, and subsisted on almost nothing. Appfil'rently, they had known much better' days earlier in life. Now VIle sight of neighbors go-

Junta Official Fires Anti-Marxist Priest SANTIAGO (NC) - A priest who fought the regime of Marxist President Salvador Allende has been fired as head of the Catholic University television station here by an· official of the military regime which toppled Allende last September. Father Raul Hasbun lost his job as director of the television station in a dispute with the military over the independence of the station, the same issue which caused him to become a leading figure in the struggle against Allende. All the executives of the station resigned in support of Father Hasbun after he was fired by retired Adm. JOrl~e Swet.t. Madge, the military-appointed rector of the University.

O~ Co.,

ing out dressed up for lunch or dinner brought tears to their eyes. Such a pleasant experience existed for them only in memory, and they wept at the thought of so ordinary a pleasure. Place of Pleasure Both stories describe rat-her extreme circumstances. Yet both 'suggest - perhaps because they are extreme-that the sustained absence of life's ordinary pleasures is not desirable. Both stories give rise ,to a kind of sadness and compassion for persons deprived by poverty or by conviction of life's pleasant experiences. Both stories caused me to reflect on the place of pleasure in human life. I have met many good Christians who instinctively feel the enjoyment of pleasure is somehow tainted. They feel guilty when they have a good time. They feel it more virtuous, or more Christian or even more nobly human to endure pain than enjoy pleasant experiences. Turn to Page Fourteen

Seeks Endorsement Of Primary Boycott WASHINGTON (NC)-United Farm Workers of America (UFWA) head Cesar Chavez told newsmen here he would curtail his secondary boycott efforts across the country in return for an AFL-CIO endorsement of the primary boycott Qf non-UFWA lettuce and grapes, according to Associated Press reporter Robert Dobkin. Dobkin told NC News that Chavez made his remarks to newsmen af.ter a speech he delivered here March 26 before'the delegates to the legislative conference of the United Auto Workers - International Association of Machinists. The secondary boycott, which the UFWA has been waging against selected grocery chains around the country, is aimed at stores which carry certain products rather than against the products themselves. The boycott of specific products is called a primary boycott. AlthQugh secondary products are illegal for unions covered by the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA), farm workers are not covered by the act and are exempt from NLRA restrictions.




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Bishops Urge Prison Reform

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Apr. 18, 1974 '

Calls 'The Exorcist' Cheap Explo~tatiori of Religion Dan Herr, the Sage of North Wabash Avenue, recently ~ remarked that if lhe heard one more thing .about "The Exorcist" he would vomit. It is one of the few healthy reactions to that honest, sickening movie I' have heard yet. It's a shame more Cathworld or of a cosmic wa·r in olics-priests included-are the heaven between good and evil. not vomiting. The book was On the contrary, I· think the exa phony, shallow, manipula- istence .of such a confHct is self'tive suspense story with cardboard characters and a confused story line. It managed to ride to the bestseller lists by using re-




evident to anyone who examines either his own personality or the daily newspaper. Whether that evoil is focused in a person or not (and I am not prepared to preclude the possibility), or is superhuman and impersonal,' is hardly the point. There is evil, and it is more than neurotic disturbance in our own personal.ities or oppressive social structures-although both are marvelous outlets for evil. . Stresses Gospel

The profound disservice that things like "The Exorcist" (and Iigion as a gimmick. The Cathoilic remember its falbled predecesexorcism ritual is a sure-fire au- . sor, "The Deviol Rides on Horsedience-grabbe·r. And the movie ,back"?) do to authentic religion was remarka,bly faithful to the is to make it seem like the forces of' evil are primarily concerned book. with talcing po'ssession of the Hence it too is little more than bodies ofJ.ittle children, performcheap, cynical exploitation of re- ing ritual murders, and destroyJ.igion used to pep up a trite !hor- ing Teilhard-like exorcists. (Well, ror story. Given the power of if you're. going to put Teihard in ENJOYING LIFE TO THE FULL: "In a sense it is directors and cameramen .to mao. a movie, I SlUppose M8;x von Syntrue to say that pleasure is just another name for joy." nipulate the audience with fancy dow is the man to play him, A jazz musician in New Orleans shows his pleasure at techniques, horror and religion though he sure messed up, ·the can provide a night's gr1pping, part of Jesus in "The Greatest signalling the start of a parade by blowing a whistle. spooky entertainment. It is only Story.") Evil operates quite when .you get out of the theater nicely in the Middle East, in Ulthat you realize the d'irector ster, in Washington, in Peking, doesn't believe in either God or in the British coal f'ields, and a Continued' from Page Thirteen The religious educator has the the Devil and is merely playing or so other spots, without Then, too, I have known peodozen task of guiding <;>tJhers deHcalte games with you to rip off your money. You've been had, gentle having to take possession of pie WIho seem to live mainly for to a balanced attitude toward viewer. But what else did you anyone. Th·a.t we should have the pleasure. For them the good life pleasure. A healthy Christian aphell scared' out of us by "The is just having fun. Whatever is proaoh to pleasu~e sees it as one expect? Exorcist" and be bored by' the pleasant they consider to. be of the good things in lrife, someIt is disgraceful that so m.al)Y bloody strife in Ulster or Vietnam good. Evil is, for them, whatver thing for which to praise and Catholics, who ought to know . is just about as religiously inap- is unpl~asant. Their goal in ljfe thank God. Having. fun, enjoying better, have permitted them- propriate as, you can get. would appear to be the continual one's'self, experiencing pleasant selves to be taken in. The priests The present state of the Amer- enjoyment of every available feelings-this is not life's highwho cooperated with the movie, ican Churoh is such that people .form of pleasure. est good, but it is basically good. and even appeared an it, were will grab at just about any .straw Neither of these attitudes Balanced Attitude shiIls for .the money-grabbing that comes along. "The Exortoward pleasure are fully Chrisproducer and director. The charThere are times when pleasant acters who crawl out of the cist"is.a splepdid straw. Someday. tian. Jesus' Jife, as described 'in exper.iences may tend to interwoodwork describing their own we might try the Gospel of the New Testament exhibits a fere with the pursuit· of greater exorcistic triumphs over Satan Jesus of Nazareth, who pro- . healthy enjoyment of life's ordi- goods. Then there is need for are perhaps to be forgiven, or claimed not terror but love, not nary pleasures. He apparently discipline, . for abstention, not at least pitied. They're crazy. a God who was e?ger to ~estroy enjoyed good food and drink. He because pleasure is wicked, but The clergy who proclaim to the b~t wh~ was passionately III love seems to have loved the plea~ because there are greater goods sures of life outdoors. He cer- with which the pursuit of pleapress - Catholic and secular- With HIS creatures. But that, of course, would tllJinly appreciated the pleasures sure may at times conflict. that "The Exorcist" is probablY of friendship, and the pleasures !laving a good effect on people's never sel!. In a very real sense the ma© 1974, Universal Press Synd'c't of being alone. re}'i~ious lives don't understand turing Christian needs to learn what religion is all about. Undoubtedly, Jesus knew well to look at the world with some.the verse of Psalm 194 in which thing of God's attitude at the Superstitious Fears Guerrilla Priest God is praised for "producing time of creation. God looked "T~e. Exorcist" is f,caring the Killed in Colombia bread from the earth, and wdne around at all he saw and obliving daylights out of people. to gladden men's hearts, so that served that it was goocl, very MEDELLIN (NC)-The minisSince it appeals to subtle, protheir faces gleam wi,th oi!." He good. There is a certain sense try of war officially announced found, superstitlous fears-and surely praised and thanked His in whioh true attachment to his death .of Father March 23 .the does so very skiIlfully-there is Father for the ordinary pleasures world and its pleasant aspects small wonder that even the only Domingo Lain Sanz, a Spanish of life. Christian tradition fol- i·s a prerequisite for any healthy priest who had joined Colommoderately disturbed descend on detachment. lows Him in this. rectories around the land with fear bia's leftist guerrilla groups. The government s'aid - that and trembling in their psyches. The mad, of course, lire having. Father Lain was killed in a clash ELECTRICAL CONRAD SEGUIN a tiield day; and every priest· with army troops in a rural area Contractors .~ of. the state of Antioquia Feb. 20. knows--even without writing a BODY COMPANY column-':that the name of the The' area has traditionally. been Aluminum or Steel the site of 'the most violent mad is legion. 944 County Street Mind you, I don't deny the ex- <:lashes between the Colombian NEW BEDFOItD, MASS. istence 'of superhuman evil in army and guedlla groups belong9Q2-~618 ing to the National Liberation Army (ELN). Teachers The clash Feb. 20 caused the Saints and mystics are the' death of another guerrilla and . 944 County' St. .,..,.~ great teachers of the loving.kind- Carlos Roberto Angel, the son New Bedford ' ~. ness and fascination of God. of a rich businessman who had 992-0560 -Evelyn Underhill been kidnapped in January.

Pleasure and Catechesis





MIAMI (NC) - Florida's five bishops issued the third in a . series of pastoral letters to citizens and officials of the state in a 'document urging changes in the criminal justice system. Of primary concern to the bishops is the rehabilitation of those imprisoned, while recog. nJizing the need to protect. society from those prone to antisocial behavior. The bishops called for extensive revision of the bailbond system "which discriminates so extensively against the poor." They noted that both innocent and guilty often await trial under conditions which would-be intolerable in state prisons. Prisons, they said, should be located in various areas around the state so that visitation by family or friends woulq be facilitated with a 'view to tlie prisoner's -eventual peaceable return to the commun:ity. Fur'ther, the bishops called for more extensive use of work release programs. Turning to the supervisory personnel of prisons and parole official, the bishops urged raising their oWn level of ~om­ petency through continuing education and greater coordination between prison staff and the Parole and Probation Commission.

Director of Council On Aging Nominated WASHINGTON (NC) - PresicJent Nixon has nominated Msgr. Charles Fahey, 40, director of Catholic Charities for the Syracuse, N. Y., diocese, to the Federal Council on the Aging. Msgr. Fahey is president of the American Federation of Homes for the Aging and was a participant in the 1971 White House conference on the aging. He has also served .on the committee on aging of the NatJional Conference of Catholic Charities. The Syracuse priest is a member of the New York State Catholic Oommittee and chairman of the New York State Council of Catholic Charities Directors. The Federal Council on the Aging advises the President and Commissioner on Aging on I the needs of the elderly and acts as spokesman for the elderly before the Administration and Congress.


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THE ANCHORThurs., April 18, 1974


Catholic Press Value Studied


More Schools Will Qualify For State Baseball Tourney The common goal shared by all high school athletes is to participate on a championship team. Winning the league title is the first: priority, but once that has been accomplished the athletes set their sights on the state crown. It is a thrill for any individ~ ual to compete in the state centage ratings and by divisions according to boy enrollment in championship payoffs re- grades 10-12. In opening round gardless of the .sport. In years competition teams with the best gone by only those clubs that finished first and second in their respective leagues qualified for the state baseball tournament. This year things wiH be different.

won-Iqss percentages will be paired off against the clubs with the poorer records. In order for a team to qual,ify, that does not win its league The Headmasters Association, championship, it must win 14 following a similar pattern used games in a 20 game schedule. No for qualification in basketball, Massachusetts school can play have adopted a new system that more than 20 regularly schedwill allow for more schools to uled games per season. Prebecome eligible for the presti- season scrimmages and tournagious tourney. Champions and ment games, of course, are' exco-champions automatically will cluded. A team that plays 19 gain berths along with any other . games must win 14 to gain the school that wins 70 per cent of 70 per cent win margin while its sancti'oned games. teams playing 18 or 17 games Teams wiltl be seeded by per- must win at least 13.

Conference A Schools in Action Saturday The Eastern Massachusetts first round games will be played on June 1 in all ruivisions. followed by quarter~inals on June 4. The semifinals are slated for June 6, and the finals for June 8. Another change allows for teams to play rained out games on Sundays by' mutual agreement. Likewise schools that agree may play their tourney games under the lights. The winners of the Eastern Mass. finals will advance to ,the State Tournament where they will meet the champions from 'Central and Western Mass. State tourney competition will be held in two divisions large school and small school. The semi-finals will take place on June 13 and -the finals on June 15. On the local baseball scene Southeastern Massachusetts Conference Division A schools will play their first Saturday game of

the campaign this week whh four games on tap. Any bas'eball fan able to take in one of the contests should be in for a fine eXlhibition of baseball. Th'e larger schools in Division A play an excellent brand of baseball and can compete with any school in the Commonwealth. Pre-season .forecasters predicted a close pennant race in the division. Now with the new tourney format each game takes on added singntficance as the teams battle for loop honors and tourney berths. One of the key contests scheduled for Saturday finds Durfee High of Fall River at Somerset. Both teams are deep in talent and very well coached. Coach Joe Lewis of the Hilltoppers and Coach Jim Sullivan of Somerset will be pulling out all the stops to win this game which could go.a long way in determining the final league standings.

Schoolboy Golf Championship Dates Set Elsewhere in equally as important games Taunton will host Barnstable, Bishop Stang High of Dartmouth is at Dennis-Yarmouth, and New Bedford hosts Falmouth. Attleboro draws a bye Saturday. The Jewelers return to action Tuesday when they travel to Somerset. While the baseballers fight for tourney berths the area schoolboy golfers are prepping for the State individual and .team championships. The Headmasters Association announced this week that Pocasset Country Club 'on Cape Cod will again be the setting for qualifying rounds in both tourneys for local schoolboys. Follo,wing the Cape round qualifiers will advance to the individual championships on ,Tune 10 at Saddle Hill Country Club

in HopkintoJ). The winners of the 'team title at Pocasset will quanty for 路the final round of team play to be held on June 17 in Westborough. LocaHy there are 14 schools that compete in the Southeastern Mass. Conference golf league. Eight play in the Upper Division and six in the Lower. Most schools play between 14-20 matches per season. The schools in the upper group include New Bedford, Dartmouth, Old Rochester of Mattapoisett, Dennis - Yarmouth, Falmouth, Barnstable, Bishop. Stang and Bourne. The lower group is comprised of Holy Family HIgh of New Bedford, Norton, Diman Regional of Fall River, Fairhaven, Wareham and Taunton.



Celebrates Golden Jubilee A member of the faculty of Bishop Connolly High School, Fall River, will celebrate fifty years of religious life on Saturday, April 20th. Brother David Touchette, F.I.C., the first Provincial of the American Province of the Brothers of Christian Instruction, and, subsequently the first master of novices in 'the United States, will be joined by members of the clergy and by religious superiors when he celebrates fifty years路 of service. Most Reverend Daniel A. Cronin, Bishop of Fall River, will preside at the 4:30 p.m. Liturgy of Thanksgiving to be held in the St. Pius X Chapel, Bishop Connolly High School. Members of the Roman Catholic congregation of teaching Brothers will also be in attendance. Reverend Brother Albert Tremblay, FoI.C., Superior General of the Brothers and Brother Francis . Blouin, FoI.C., provincial superior of the American Province will also be in attendance. The Notre Dame Choir, under the direction of Brother Touchette and organist Mrs. Oscar Barnabe, will provide the religious music for the jubilee celebration. Rev. Maurice Lebel, SJ, rector of the Jesuit Community at Bishop Connolly High School will be the principal celebrant while Brother Bloui!1 will deliver the homily.. First Provincial Boston-born, Brother David (Joseph Paul Touchette) was born on December 12, 1908, the son of the late Joseph S. and the late Marie Louise Touchette. He has one surviving brother, Henri W. Touchette, who lives with his family in Montreal, P.Q., Canada. Brother David entered the congregation in March 1921 at La Pointe du Lac, P.Q., Canada. In 1946 Brother David became the first provincial of the American district when the province of La Prairie, P.Q., was divided into three and the Brothers living in the United States became autonomous. Previous to this time, he

had taught in Biddeford, Me.,' Plattsburg, N.Y., and Alfred, Maine. Even during the busiest years of his service, Brother David has always found some time to devote to his love of and great skill in music. Even as provincial he was never too busy to direct chorale and glee cub presentations to underscore a special liturgical feast or the nameday of a Brother. Even in his busy schedule today, he still finds time to direct the Notre Dame Parish Choir as it celebrates its centennial. Brother David is still involved in full-time teaching. He is presently on the Bishop Connolly High School faculty as a teacher of math and physics. He has 'been at this post since his return to full-time teaching in 1967.

HUNTINGTON (NC) - The Catholic press is "sometimes expected to reduce the majestic truths of God to the tiny dimensions of cramped craniums," according to a special supplement of Our Sunday Visitor. Published to provide information for the bishops' regional meetings this spring, the tabloidsized supplement attempts to explore the current state of the Catholic press. The bishops' topic in the spring meetings will be the role of communications in evangelization. In the lead story, Gerard E. Sherry, editor of the Monitor in San Francisco, said that another problem which afflicts the press is the readers' trend toward reading newspapers for relaxation aa'd escape from problems. To fight this trend, Sherry suggests that journalists, especially Catholic journalists, remain dedicated to truth and honesty in interpreting the news. In another front page story, Bernard Lyons suggests that dioceses make more use of their newspapers as educational tools. Religious discussion groups, he added, can aid the circulation and readership of diocesan newspapers by serving as sources for the discussions.

Priests Back Day Of Humiliation .LANSING (NC) - The senate of priests of ,the Lansing diocese urged priests and people to observe the National Day of Humiliation, Fasting and Prayer called for AprH 30 by the U.S. Congress. Congress established the special day at the suggestion of Sen. Mark Hatfield (R-Ore.). Hatfield told the Senate that Americans "have been living through days that try the soul of the nation" and are now faced with "a country torn apart with division" and lacking the spiritual foundation to restore itself.

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Catholic' Conferen'ce 'Discusse's "Policy of Capital. Punishment

WASHINGTON (NC)-A start has been made on developing a U. S. Catholic Conference (USCC) policy on capital punishment, Bishop James S. Rausch, USCC general secretary said here. "We do not have a policy at

present," the bishop said, explaining that, af.ter the U. S. Supreme Court decision in June 1972 ruling the death penalty to be unconstitutionaUy "cruel and unusual punishment" as then imposed, was '''a non-issue."

A policy was not developed, the decision, Bishop Rausch said. Since the court's decision, he said; "because there was no felt need for a policy," The ab- however, 23 states have reinsence of any expression of oppo- . stated the death penalty for cersition to the Supreme Court's de- tain crimes and on March 13 the ci!~ion by any bishop could be U. S. Senate pas~ed a bi'll reininterpreted as agreement with instating capital punishment for

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