·-,The ANCHOR 1F(gJ~O
!M.<fJJSSo q
V'@O. 11 No. ~ 6
Tllullrsday, April 20, 1961
© 1967 The Anchor
$4.00 per Year PRlel!' lCc
Special Gifts Open
Jubilee Appeal
DEDICATION, :QEVOTION, THE CHARITY OF CHRIST:' 1.'he annual diocesan Cath The twenty-fifth Catholic "Charities Appeal assumes oli~ Charities Appeal will. be ~eld th.i s year ~rorn)vIay 7 through May 17. Directing the lilIiQ momentum this week. Activity will be the r.ule in every " drive ~or fU!1d~ to ~eet ev~r~mcreasmgneedsare, left to right, Auxiliary Bishop JameS! MI.ect of the JL967 effort for charity. Next Monday' the. J., Gerr~rd, ·Raymopd U. ~~lliherof Attleboro, lay c~ajrman; Bishop Connolly and Rt. Rev. ~al contacting for funds will get underway in the' Speci~l. ,}Isgr. Ra~mond T:, COlH.Hdme, djocesan director of .the ·Propagation of the·.Faith, who iSl Gifts section. From April 24 .. , ,. .. also the dIrector of the annual Catholic Charities Appeal. '. ' 1Jl) May 3 a large corps of Catholic Boy's Day. Camp, Naz-" . ' .' W'Ol"kers will contact profes iU'eth Day Camp and St. Vincent , .ional people business and de Paul Health C;:anip' will ap ~stry throu~hout the Diocese. MtU17 of the workers will be
·u S lJ ishops-Forge Ahead
pear. on the program' M~nday momlllg at 8. They will ~lSCUSS . •.• IIOmpleti ng their twenty-fifth the work at St. Vincent sand velll' of sel'vice in the Appeal. ~ the Camps sponsored by. the JIw. many instances, .these same ppeal. ~ and women will also activeChairman, Raylnond U. Kelti IV participate in the parish phase her,.i!\ 'commenti~g on the start <Jf t~ Appeal. of. the Special Gifts Section of The Lay Advisory Committee the. ,Appeal, said: "This ~s a sig.., . The bishops ~f the U.S.: illll CJll the Charities Appeal estab- nifican~ week. E:0r. the twenty three d~ys 'o~intensive"a~d Rashed a norm of twenty:"'five fi'fth year, our industrious team <lonnars iii honor of the twenty of solicitors will contact friends cooperative activity dealing Jl'ive ycars of service rendered ,of ~at~olic Charities throughout with reports and expl;essing ~ ~e community by the Appeal. the Community.. A quarter of II their individual wishes and de lln a small brochure which will centu'ry of service to the, com cisiuns by vote, d'iscuss'ed a wide be distributed with the c'ontrib murHty will be used as' a means' ral~ge ,of topics that will pl'Ove ~iolt cards~ the Committee of' increasiIig the. 9uaritity and 'important for the American speUs out the need for, this the, size of contributions. Church. . , ft1R~r.easc. Rising 'costs and fixed "To accomplish the goals of the 'A~ter haviI)g :voted. for their btoomc arc the d~minant cau!!.es Appeal, we must cOnstantly in rep'resentatives :to the ROnlan' ebat necessitate the raising of the cl'Case OUI' resources. The .great-, Bishops' Synod" for September . oorm; .., est resource we have 'is a gener ar~d agreeing 1,l,.at all bishops Representatives of the Cltll,l'Hy ous community. This has seen will henceforth meet twice a Appeal agencies will tape two us through twenty-fiye ·glorious year and the NCCB Administra.:. 1)I"0grams for viewil\g.on WTEV's years of charity. We areconfi tiye COlnmittee, 'four times 31 Il:Qmmunity Show, next· week. dent that. it will provide 'well year, the bishops 'aiso spoke to l1Qther John F. CrOnin, Pirector for today and the future. the faithful concerning,: ~ St. Vinccnt's Home, Fall.River "I wish. all of my fellow HERESY and Mr'. John .E. Kane, Chairman' workers for. charity good con- .. ,The Church in the U.S. maY' <Ii Ute Camp Committee, for thee tributions and speedy returns." have some, doctrinal problems but the bishops do 'not think hel;esy is one of them. They did not resent the "private" ~nqi.I,I'Y of Cardinal .OCtaviani"':"as other hiemrchies did-but they instead returned a "private" but opti mistic answer. , '''We find ri<> heresy in this LONDON Cr.W)-The controversy created b~r an ·edi.:. oolrial in an English Dominican 'magazine that ac<:used' the country," a press-spokesman for, . the bishops stated, "We are con @lurch of being "corr.upt" was inevitable because of the cel'lled somewhat about some ex JI)lt'imary task of the. D6minican Order, said the order's E11 aggerations here and there which lJ'l.ish provinciaI._ The COl'l'UI)-" ' people with the bestintentioris toon charge was made by Fr. to follow Father Charles Da~is and great 'enthusiasm are trying H b out of the Church. er ert McCabe, O.P. in the Father Davis had announced Febl'uary issue of the mag. on December. 20 that he waS t!2!ine, New Blackfriars. leaving the Church over his lIn the magazine's April issue, "concel'll for author~ty at the ex tlhe provincial, Father Ian Hislop, pense of truth." He was inarried OJ?, said that the aim of Father Feb, 4, McCabe's editorial was to show The provincial said that ~holics that they did not need Father McCabe, who was dis The Evening of Christian missed as editor of New Black Renewal sponsored by the ~1II1l1l1l1ll1ll1l1ll1l1l11ll1l1l1ll1l1ll1ll1ll1l1l1l1ll1l1ll1l!.!: fdars, after his controversial editol'ial appeared, tried to show Diocesan Confraternity of Christian Doctrine originally that the Church, although "holy 5 § with the holiness of Chrst, is, as s c h e d u led for March 15 a visible institution, in need of and postponed because of a major snowstorm has been re pUI·ification .." ~ ~ The primary task of the scheduled for Wednesday eve Dominican Order, Father Hislop ning, April 26 at 7:30, Rev. said, is the theological analysis Joseph L, Powers, Diocesan di 5 § of contemporary experience. rector, has announced. "This is simply thinking about The Fall River meeting will our anxieties and preoccupations be held at Mount St. Mary Acad ~ M£Yf j7 = ~ j7 ~ in the light of revelation. It emy with James Kelleher of Turn to Page-Fifteell) Turn to Page Fifteen BJMlllllIIlItIlIIlIIIIIllIIIIlIllIllUIIIIlUIUl1l11l!W!!!!!';?
To Implement Council
Dominican Work Invites Controversy Dangers
Schedule 'CCD -Renewal To Iks For April 26
= ~
= ~
to promote. for. the welfare of the Church. But at the same time, we feel there.is nothing hereti~ cal being taught in this country." It was stated· for' certairi that "it (Cardinal Octaviani's "letter) was not directed at the U.S. This was "8 general ietter in response to-'rumblings' heard throughout the world." ,The U.S. bishops an swer was cill~racterized ail'· ;'a benign reac~io':l'" ,',
Canonical Affairs 'Since the .Yaiican conditionecll permission' for Saturday substi. ~u'tion of Sunday Mass where III Shortage of pl'iests exists on the ap.proval of the regional confer ence ·of bishops, the U. S. gave itS 'appi'oval for any bishop·who thought this co.ndith _1 to exist in his diocese to go ahead and ask: and then receive thi8 permission. Turn to :Page Six
Diocesan Sch-ool Head
Aff.irms 'A:id 'Needed
'Rev. Patrick J. O'Neill, supe;intendent of Diocesan schools, has pr!3dieted, that the pa'rochial school system 'as it now exists "w~ll begin togo out of business within 10 years unless some form .'of...federal aid program to non-public schools is 'established." Fr. support the increased costs OIt O'Neill made the· as'sertion public education. Father O'Neill said those whet after a panel disCllS$ion on "Federal A.id to :ffiducation'" fear that aid to private schools
at Adas I~rael Synagogue ,in will wreck the public school system are 'naive. Public schools, Fall River. :' " The enrollment .in diocesan he. said, are too well established schools, the superi,ntendent said, and private schools provide III has leveled in the last two desirable diversity in education. He argued that non-public years. If Federal aid is not forth coming then highElr parochial schools provide a definite public school tuitions must be increased . purpose and have a tradition in education of the poor. to meet the rising cost of educa "If the American people find! tion and such an action will be come too burdensome for many in their hearts that the non public schools serve a purpose," parents to bear. he' said; "they will find a way to Federal aid to non-public enable these schools to exist." schools is an educational and not a . religious question, Father C';KG~ET,'('~;(,:tnu;rg,::::::w::":.:::~:::'::·:::~~L.:::::::!l O'Neill said. COIl1l~irmatccn The superintendent main tained that the Federal govern 'COJy.&nedl!'~d ment must be realistic when you \:Iring to light the fact that 6.7 million young people are ed . Fa~~ lRiv<e1l' ucated in non-public schools. "When we talk about the S~ndav A[Plsoil. 30
overall welfare of American children," he declared, "we can· ~ not neglect one-seventh of the student population." ~* you are DlOfr lCon~irmedl, sSG
He said that parents who your parisU, pries~ now. choose to send their children to non-public schools must still "'iii)::.:::H:':...,::::,:.:.:....::::::....:::,,,.. ::L,....:r:.......::......."':_•..;0
Adult St. Mary's
Hub ArchdiocC!s, Schools to Use'
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Apr. 20, 1967
Pr~~(.O]tes P~edS1~dC~1fho~;~
loya!ty in
TV System
W(JJr l'
BOSTON CNC)-The A~ diocese of Boston has sign~ a contract with a nationa~ known Philadelphia elect~ iC eorporation for the const~
WASHINGTON (NC}-"We affirm in. this hour of stress and trial our most sacred and sincere loyalty and patriotism toward our country, our government and our flag." This was the message presented by James Cardinal Gibbons 'of Baltimore to ed the Chaplains' Aid Associa
P,resident Woodrow Wilson
on April 18, 1917--50 years ag()-while the archbishops of the country were meeting at Catholic University of America. The pledge was made by the Q:ountry's hierarchy, in 'behalf of the clergy and laity, just 12 days after Congress had declared' that "a state of war existed" between the United States and Imperial Germany. It was the first such pledge offered by any religious body in the nation., 'All True Ameri!cans' "Our people, as ever, will rise as one man to serve the nation," the pledge said. "We are all true Americans, ready as our age, our ability, and our conditions permit, to do whatever is in us to do for the preservation, .the 'progress and triumph of our beloved country." The President of Uae United States replied (April 27) to CartUnal Gibbons: "The very remarkable resolutions adopted by the archbishops of the United States at their annual meeting in the Catholic Unh'ersity on April 18"" .. warms iny helut lind makes me very proud indeed that men of such large influence should act in so large a sense of patriotism and so admirable 1I spirit of devotion to our common country." Praises K' of <D In another letter of acknowledgement, the President termed "most enheartening" a resolution passed by the directors of the Knights of Columbus, meeting in Washington April 114, whicb reaffirmert "the patriotic devotion of the 400,000 members of this order in this count1ry- to, our. republic and its laws,.",' and pledging their "continued and unconditional support of tbe President' and the Congress of this nation in their 'determination to protect its honor and its ideals of humanity and right." The extent to which the country's 20 million ,Catholics were -,committeed by their'leaders to the cause of their country during World War .I is evident by file history of the emergency wal>time organization, the National Catholic War Council. The predecessor of the National Catholic Welfare Conference, it 1Decame in 1967 the U. S. Catholic Conference Historic ConfereD4lC With the entrance of the United States into World War I, there was no Catholic agency through which Catholics' could contribute to the war effort as Catholics. Sensirig the immedi ate need for such a center was Father Jobn J. Burke, C.S.P., of New York editor of the Catholic World, who in June 1917, found-
'April 23-0ur Lady 01 Fati ma, New Bedforcll. St. Michael, Ocean Grove. April aQ-Holy Ghost, Attle boro. St. Joseph, New.:Bedford.
second Class Postage Paid at I'all River. Mass. Published' every Thursday at 410 t1lghland Avenue,t, Fall River, Mass., 02722 lIy the CaUlollc .l'Tess 01 tile Dlocell8 01- Fall Alver. SUDscriptlon price by llllIiI, PG6tpakl ' $4.00 per ,ear.
tion. He proposed a' plan to unify the Catholic war work. It re ceived the approval of Cardinal Gibbons and Cardinals O'Con nell and Farley. Each archbishop and bishop was invited to send one clergy man and one laymen to a meet REV. W. A. SULLIVAN ing at Catholic University, Washington, held on August U and 12, 1917. Representatives from 68 dio ceses, 27 national organizations and members of the Catholic Press Association-US delegates Mrs. ,Michael J. McMahon, -attended the historic confer chairman of the annual conven ence. tion of the Diocesan Council of Unify Activities Catholic Women, to be held this The delegates resolved "to de.,. year at Mount St. Mary Acad vise a plan of, organization emy, Fall ~iver, on Saturday, throughout the United States to May 6; announced today the promote the spiritual aQd mate- day's program and the names of rial welfare of the U. S. troops those in charge of arrangements. at home and abroad, 'and to , Registration and a coffee hour, study and coordinate, unify and beginning at 9, will precede a put. into operation all Catholic -, business l!,ession, set for 10
activities'incidental to the war." o'clock. After months of planning, the Father McCarthy archbishops, in November, 1917, Rev. Raymond W. McCarthy, constituted themselves the Na director of the Family Life Bu tional Catholic War Council and reau and moderator of Fall River appointed four bishops' as' their District I of the DCCW will be Administrative Committee, with host moderator. Bishop Peter J., Muldoon of Bishop Connolly will be cele-, Rockford, Ill.,"·chairman: ' _ brant of a noon Mass. Assisting 'Father (later Monsignor) John the bishop will be Rt. Rev. Msgr. J. Burke, C.S.P., chairman of its Thomas F. Walsh, Diocesan and Committee on Special War AcAttleboro district moderator and tivities, also served as general Rt. Rev., Msgr: John J. Hayes, secretary until his death in moderator of the New Bedford October, 1936. District. Lector will be Rev. Awarded Medal James F. Lyons, moderator of The N.C.W.C. was recognized the Taunton District. by the United States government Mrs. Anthony Geary, Diocesan as the official agency of Catholic corresponding secretary', will activity and one of the interde ser"e . as publicity secretary as nominational Committee' Of Sev- well as co-chairman of the en welfare organizations author luncheon with Mrs. ViIlcent A. izedto function in the war ef Coady, Fall River District pres fort, and in ,the reconstruction ident.Tickets ..are available for . period after hostilities ceased. the' luncheon .from Mrs. Alfred Officially recognizing the War Almeida and Mrs. Raymond A. 'Couneil'swork, the gov~mment Poisson in the Fall River area; awarded the U. S. Distinguished Miss Helen McCoy, New Bedford Service Medal to Monsignor area; Mrs. James Williams, Burke' in 1919. Taunton area; Mrs.' George Alth' ough , C a th0 l'les comprISe . d ,Whalen, Attleboro a'rea; and ,only 17 per cent of the war-time Mrs. James Quirk, Cape and population, nearly one million Islands. Final' date for reserva-' served in the U. S. armed forces. tions is Monday, May 1. Deaths totaled 22,552' Catholics, Rev. Walter A. Sullivan', Dioc including 12,438 o,verseas deaths. A total of 1,026 Catholic cbap- , esan director of youth, will mod erate a panel discussion to be
. ' . lams servee;l on active d\lty. featured at the morning session. Boys' ChGir The afternoon session will convene at 2. Msgr. Walsh will FRIDAY - ' St. Anselm, Bishop, deliver the opening prayer, fol Confessor, and Doctor of the Church. iII Class. White. Mass lowed by' a 'message from the retiring president, Mrs'. James A. Proper; Glory; no Creed; Pref O'Brien Jr. ace of Easter. SATURDAY-SS. Soter and Cal us, Popes and Martyrs. III Class. Alumni Campaign Red, Mass .Proper; Glory; no Diocesan alumni of Stonehill Creed; Preface of Easter. College, North Easton, active in SUNDAY-JV Sunday after Eas ter. II Class. White. Mass the institution's Alumni Annual Proper; Glory; Creed; Preface Giving campaign are George A. Allen Jr., North Easton, chair of Easter. ' man; Leonard- Walsh Jr., Taun MONDAY - St.: Fidelis of. Sig Margaret Panos, Fall River, all ton, regional director; Frederick Mass Proper;, Glory; no Creed;, Kelley ,T "., Norton; Henry Perra Preface of Easter: am: Evelyn Rice, Taunton; Mrs. TUESDAY-:-St. Mar)~,', Evangel Margaret Panos, Fall River, all 1st. II Class. Red. Mass Proper; _ area chairmen. Glory; 2nd Prayer Rogations, Creed; Preface of Apostles. Guild, fer Blind WEDNESDAY-SS. Cletus and Marce'ninus, Popes and Mar The New Bedford Catholic tyrs. III Class. Red. Mass Guild for the Blind will' hold Proper; . Glory; no Creed; its regular meeting tonight, Preface of Easter. April 20, at 8 in the Knights of THURSDAY-St. Peter Caniilius, Columbus Hall, Pleasant Street, Confessor and Doctor of the New Bedford. Church. III Class. White. Mass The New Bedford Catholkl ~roper; Glory; no Creed; , Womell's Club will be the bOl!lt Preface ot,Easter., ,elub.
tion of an educational televisiGlii system which will transmit pro= grams to 300 archdioces8fi schools from the 50-story PnIoo dentia1 building in downtooo Boston. Msgr. Walter L. Flaherty, heal!. of the archdiocesan radio aOO television apostolate, will be h:i charge of the new modern ecl1.. cational project. REV. R. W. McCARTHY·
Dio(e~a!J1 Council of WOlm'en
''''', ..
In '!FeU liver Saturday, May 6
Mass Ordo
Musical selections will be pre
sented by the Cathedral Boys' Choir under the direction of Rev.
William Campbell. . Msgr. Walsh will then speak,
followed by the convention key noter, Dr. Paul van K. Thomson.
Closing the annual meeting will be an address by Bishop Con nolly. The program will conclude
at 3:30. '
Parking facilities will be available at St. Mary's Cathedral schoolyard. A shuttle service will ~ available to 'Mount St. Mary Academy.
As of January 1st
.M'eeting to Hear Rev~' R. C. Dodds Rev. RobertC. Dodds wiD
be the guest speaker at the
~eeting of the Greater River Clerical Association
scheduled for Friday, April 28, at 12 noon at the Quequechan Club, Fall River. Mr. Dodds' is a member 'of the National Council of Churches $1000 Multiples; held 'lw Unity Committee and' hi~..'topic • Six Months or Longer will be' '~Ecumenismirl" the United 'States". !. ,. • Dividends paid twice yeoJip. Clergy planning to attend requested'to make reservati6na ' . NO Notice' Required for' Withdrawal' . " with Rev. 'AIden R. B'urhoe, .. Vicar iit' the Church', of : Our ' .. Savior, 'Somerset, and ;ecretiiry e' Dividends' not subject .. ' of the Flill River Asso~iatioq: Mass. Income Tax '/ The deadline is Wednesday, April 26 arid the secretarY-may be "reached at 678-9663" or 678-6193. ' ! 'I
Necrology APRIL 28 Rev. Stanislaus' J. Goyette,
1959, Pastor, St. Louis de France,
Swansea. APRIL 30 Rev. David F. Sheedy, 1930, Past->r, St. John Evangelist,. At- ' tleboro. , , , Rev. John A. Hurley" 1900, Pastor, St. Mary, No. Attle~oro. MAY 1I. , Rev. Francis J. Quinn, 1882, Founder, Immaculate Conception, No. Easton; Founder, Sacred Heart, Fall River. ' , MAY Z
Rt. ,Rev. M. P. Leonidas Larl- ,
viere, 1963, Pastor, St.' Je8ll Baptiste, Fall River.
You may save any amo,,", any time when you have Cll Regular Savings Account. 0IcI0 Fashioned Pass Book f1exibilltJa.
SAVE BY MAIL We provide Postage-Paid enveJ,. opes for convenience. Specify type of account.
273' CENTRAL ' AVE~' 992-6216
Iortll Main Straet
... 8. A. R. I/iPlIII ~
Cathonc Efforts Towards Unity Sile~t, S~e@dy , WASHINGTON (NC) l!l'ewspapers' front-page cov ~ge of the American bish '-Ps' guidelines for Catholic
Violet Leonard of Taunton First Woman Teacher at Bridgewater Rehab 'Ce~teJr By JI)oJrl{tthy Eastman
The M'assachusetts maximum security prison for juvenile offenders is ,8. gloomy place t~e grey stone walls that surround the ancient Bridgewater institution are hiding a secret .•. a very pleasant secret, as a mat ter of fact.' Inside those forbidding walls are 85 youthful offenders who are guided and cared for by a remarkable team of counsellors and teachers. They have created for the boys an ideal atmo-
to visit, even on a sparkling Spring day. But
li&wish relations once again jo ltUsed public attention on the 1fOntinued Catholic involvement ~ inter-Church and interreli Iirous affairs. Occasionally sensational, usu QDy silent, Catholic efforts at , sphere designed to' bring about -~hieving Christian unity and their rehabilitation into society. A fairly recent addition to that ~erreligious cooperation are team is Miss Violet Leonard, a ~ing on constantly. Marked by [eontinual conferences but rare resident and native of Taunton, announcements, the movement where she is a member of St. towards unity has more to it Mary's Parish. 'Last September Miss Leonard became the first ttihan usually meets the eye. B.etween now and the end of woman ever to teach at the ven rtane, Catholic participants and erable institution. The channing young teacher ~servers will be taking part in with the ~parkling brown eyes is ~zens of minor ecumenical ac $;vities and' a handful of major' part of the pleasant surprise a visitor gets after stepping inside ~ents. Only a few of these will bve immediate results. Most of the walls. Her office, like the itbem won't make the papers. But rest of the interior of the build ing, is gaily painted and abloom ~y will all be important. with many colorful works of art. Doctrinal Questions So far this year, the boys have Some of these will be initial read and discussed "Blackboard !Jireps" taken by representatives ,Jungle," "Catcher in the Rye" ~ different churches and tradi and "Lord of the Flies." They ~ns to sound out the possibility saw' the' movie "Blackboard , ~ further discussion, Others will Jungle" and ,decided that they '1ll:2 second, third or fourth meet liked the book better. ~gs, meetings that will probe Bearing in mind that these are (§Jeep into doctrinal questions , boys who have most likely never Miting and dividing churches. read a book from cover to cover API-il opens with a meeting be 'before in their lives - thIs is ,tween representatives of the quHe an achievement. "So many Catliolic Church and the Amer of them have acquired a real k~ n Baptist 'Convention. This love for reading," Miss Leonard meet..ing on Monday, April 3, the says. "They come up here to the lClrst between the, two groups, reading room every chance they ~ll be chaired by Bishop Joseph have." Green of Reno, Nev., in De Witt, Judging from it's success at the lilIich. It will establish guidelines Bridgewater institution, "Hooked :f]:)r future discussions. ' on Books" seems to be a program Three days later, April 6-9, that has lived up to it's provaca Catholic and Lutheran delegates tive title. will meet in New York for their A larger part of the boys' days fourth meeting. Conversations are spent in other types of learn there at the headquarters of the ing situations, including wood butheran Church in America working, upholstery lessons, ~ill probe more deeply into bookbinding, music and art les questions of Eucharistic sacri sons. iIice, earlier studied in Septem , When a boy first enters the in ~r, 1966. , stltution he is given no privi Meet Wftth Orthodox \ leges, allowed no personal pos sessions in his bare cell. As he On April 19 Catholic ecumeni .m leaders from around the progresses in his rehabiiitation iJiFOrld will travel to Rome for lie gradually earns more privi leges, more responsibility, until f1 10-day plenary meeting of the the cell of, a boy who is near the ~tican's Secretariat for Promot tlm~ for his parole inay resem1;lle ing Christian Unity. This secre tariat is the Church's official the room of any teenage boy:
body for ,supervising and guiding pictures on the walls, materials »elations between Catholicism 'for his hobbies, phonographs and record collectii)]ls. ' 81ld other Christian Churches. What about discipline prob Back in the United States, St. IOhn's University in Collegeville, lems? "I have had none," says Minn., will be the scene of the Miss Leonard. And as you walk through the halls and observe ~xt major meeting, a dialogue the boys busy at their work you
f!»etween Catholics and Presby terians. This fifth meeting, April are struck by the friendly, co operative attitude of the boys, 36-28, will investigate the prob who give Miss Leonard a cheery !ems of mixed marriage. greeting wherever she goes. May will open with a Worces ~r meeting with delegates of the ""All the paintings and the fi>rthodox Church. Discussion at sculpture have been done by the ~e May 5 conference will center boys," she says with obvious 00 concrete proposals drawn up pride. "And they maintain the by joint Catholic-Orthodox theo institution themselves; they do logical task forces. Their three all the cleaning, cooking, laundry »art inquiry investigated: and most of the maintenance work." Greek Church Again Her new job is quite a change fur Miss :"'.e'onard who had pre Hits Birth Control viously taught fourth grade for CHICAGO (NC)-The Greek four years at Notre Dame School ~rthodox Church is still opposed in Fall River. 1» artificial birth control, ac-' "]['ve always wanted to work {lording :to 0rthodox Bishop Me~ in special education," she says. Ietios of Chicago. ,"My job here is like being a The Bishop said the Church's mother, father, counselor to Gtand against contraception is these boys-whatever the rela ~iterated in a statement by the tionship that's needed." Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of It is only recently that school North and South America in the attendance became compulsory 1967 official Orthodox Yearbook. for the boys at the Bridgewater institution. They must now spend ne hour a'day in school. But Education Chair tbis school in no way resembles NEW YORK (NC) - A new 11 conventional one on the "out cbal&' to be occupied by an au side." thority in urban education has '!"be boys come, eight at a time, been established at the Fordham to her office, for an hour a day, lJnjversity school of education. to read and dicsuss newspapers,
Thurs., April 20, 1967
Sees Ukrainian Rite Extinction Near in CO!1oda TORONTO (NC) - A vo cations authority warned here that "the Ukrainian Church in Oanada is threat ened with extinction if parents do not seriously take into con sideration the fostering of voca tions among their own children." Father Joseph Denischuk, ,C.SS.R., vocations director for Ukrainian-rite Catholics in Can ada, says there now are 190,000 Ukrainian Catholics in Canacla being served by four Bishops, 268 priests, 218 Sisters, 26 Broth ers 'and six members of secular institutes. ,The Ukrainian rite has four Sees with a total of 565 parishes and missions in Canada. More than 80 per cent of the priests are more than 40 years of age, with only one-third Canadian born, Father Denischuk said. The supply of European priests , is almost exhausted and the sup ply of newly ordained priests falls far short of the expected results, he said. Only one Ukrai nian-rite Catholic priest has been- ordained in the past year, while nine, priests have died, he added. The vocational director is -, touring parishes in, eastern Can ,ada to recruit, young men' to enter St. Vladimir College in Roblin, only Ukrainian Catholic 'mino).' seminary in Canada, and also to interest girls in religious vocations. During the past two years he has talked with 3,000 youths and children and inter viewed 250 prospective semina rians and nuns.
ViOLET LEONAlR)lJl magazines and current books. These are their "textbooks" from which they :earn modern history, geography and reading improye'ment. , "These 'boys don't ordinarily respond well to books. They've flunked out or dropped out of school and society. These are the kids who've always hated schoo!." , . So all the more remarkable is the progress that Miss Leonard and her two fellow teachers have made this year in their new program. The program is called" "Hooked on Books." It was origimited at the Industrial School fo. Boys and, has worked with great success wherever it's been tried. ' Part of the reason for this re
markable, state of affairs is what she calls "reciprocal respect." "I respect them and care for them and they know this and respect me in return." "The)' have grown up getting 'so little' respect from society. Sometimes I think that they don't think of the walls as pro tecting society from them; they think of the walls as protecting them from society which has hurt them." The major problem each boy has when he- first comes to the institution is an almost complete lack of self contro!. So while at the institution he receives psy chiatric help with this problem that has led to crimes against
NEED Distributing Company JANITORIAL AND
P. O. lox U081 FoOl River, Mass. Tel. 674-8826
Mar;anists Meeting
DAYTON (NC)-The 18th an society that range from car theft nual National Association of to murder. _ "Hopefully, most of them will Marianist Organizations conven leave here to become successfUl tion will be held here in Ohio and useful members of society," -May 6 and 7 at the University of Dayton. Miss Leonard says. As you leave the prison, you know you will not soon forget ,the faces of those boys behind ATTLEBORO'S the bleak walls. They - were Leading Garden Center happy faces, hopeful' faces. ,Faces, of boys you would be prc;md to call your sons. You pray that when the boys leave
,those walls they will find'in the S~uth Main & Wall Sts. outside world some of the Chris tian love they will need so much to help them make their adjust.., 222-0234 ment.
Summer Session Evening Classes JUNE 26 - AUG. 4
ll.ilQeD'«lID Arts
6:'30 - 9:15
UNDI::RGRADUAYIE COURSES • Bus. Admin. (i) Science
Write: Director of Summer Session
STONEHIU. COLlLIEGIE N. Easton, Mass. 02356
of BRISTOL COUN'll''t'
THE ANCHOR-Diocese' of Foil River-Thurs. Apr. 20, 1967
Jewish leader Desc~o~®~ Visit Watliu ~@[f'@lfinal
D®ml~es C~th@~o<r.:' S~h~@~s. . .
~@~~HD[[®~ @mJ@ [g)®WD~OW®
,CINCINNATI (NC)- A Cincinnati attorney and Au gustin Cardinal Bea, S.J." president of the Vatican See-'
TORONTO (NC)-"Catholics who have gone to Cath olic schools do better economically than those who went either partly to 'the public schools or entirely so," Peter H. Rossi, ·direetor- of the National Opinion Research Center at Chicago, told separate (Cath cation, he dealt -with two com olic) school trustees of On mon objections to Catholic tario at their annual banquet schools. "First, do Catholic schools prepare their graduates in Toronto.
retariat for Promoting Christian Unity, found in their very con versation a sign of the progreSB of Christian - Jewish relations when they met recently in Rome. / Simon Lazarus, Jr., of Cincin nati, 'a leader in the local and national American Jewish Com mittee, was one of a small group of members of the committee who met and talked with the car dinal laSt month in Rome while they· were on a three-week study mission to Mediterranean coun tries with the committee. Lazarus, who w'as "tremen ilously encouraged" by his visit with Cardinal Bea, said in an interview here that he told the cardinal about increasing Chris tian-Jewish dialogue in the U. S. Cardinal Bea, in turn, told of projects that were going on in other parts of the world, includ ing the study and revision of textbooks to take out passages harmful to the Jews. Saintly Man "The fact that we are here to gether," the cardinal told the group, "is living proof of the progress that is being made and of the spirit that's behind it. Twenty years ago a meetingVlike t.his probably wouldn't have happened." Urging Christians and Jews to work together on social as well as religious questions, Car dinal Bea commended cooper ation among Christians and Jews even in areas where they dis agree, like federal aid and sup port of text books for pri vate schools. Lazarus, who described Cardi nal Bea as a saintly man, said that "if all religious leaders could exude the same feeling and understanding that Cardinal. Bea did, the world· would be much better." . "The cardinal is a great human being," he said, "and he ought t,) be a saint along with Pope John.
Declaring that "American as well as other schools for get Catholic schools are a success,'" ting along in economic achieve ment," and secondly, ~'do C.ath Rossi, co-author of the Greeley Rossi Report, said that American olicsehools playa 'divisive' role Catholic schools "have managed in American 'society, as -some of to maintain themselves and grow their critics maintain?" Declaring that Catholics do at least in proportion to the in crease in Catholic population and better economically. with their Catholic education backgrouoo, they do produce noticeable ef fects in their graduates along the' ,he said: "Apparently there were lines that follow the emphases some qualities of the Catholic schools which either fostered stressed by the organization." economic success - perhaps the Objections kinds of work habits instilled by Speaking on the "social conse the vaunted 'better. discipline' of quences" of Catholic schoO'I edu Catholic schools~or the religious values of Catholicism in this his torical period had effects similar . tc the values of Protestantism in the early period of the Refor
Divisiveness ROSLINDALE CONFIRMATION: Rev. Richard John SS. PETER AND PAUL. On the question of "ilivisive son hands the chalice to ~l member- of the confirmation FALL RIVER ness" Rossi 'said the "evidence class at Sacred Heart Chllrch, Roslindale, where the Holy R .gistration for grade one in seems clearly against supporting Eucharist was administered under both species of bread such an allegation." the parish school . 'ill bc held In general, he noted, no sign'ifi and wine. Bishop Jeremiah F. Minihan, Auxiliary Bishop Sunday, April 23 after the 8, 9, cant difference)n anti-Negro, of the ·Boston Archdiocese, confirmed the class of 275 in 10 and 11 o'clock Masses. Boy Scouts will go to Expo anti-Semitic, or anti-Protestant Boston suburban parish. NC Photo.' . 67, Montreal in August. Their attitudes between Cahtolic school· . Catholics an'. public school Cath mothers are assisting in fund raising activitic and announce olics was perceived. "Indeed a cake sale after all Masses, there wa's some evidence that the Catholic graduates of greater Sunday. April 23. The troop com educational attainment were less mittee will have a musical vari Bridgeport Bishop Curt,is Announces Program ety show in the hall Sunday, likely to evidence prejudicial at April 30 to raise money for the titudes of all sorts than those of . For Priests on Connecticut Diocese similar educational attainment' trip. BRIDGEPORT (NC) - Bishop' Retirement prior to age 70, but The \\'omcn's Club will 'have who had gone to public schools." Catholic schooling did not hold Walter W. Curtis of Bridgeport after age 65, may be requested a rummage sale in the church has announced a retirement pro by priests through a diocesan hall Thursday and Friday, April back Catholics from participat ing in public life, he added. gram for priests 'of the Bridge personnel committee which will 27 and 28 and hold its installa port Diocese. Retroactive to Jan. make its recommendation to the tion banquet at Dighton Rock 1. last,' it provides that: bishop regarding acceptance or 1\1'a~or Tuesday, May 9. . non-acceptance of the request. ~@!p~/$ lP'~n!J'ffil@«:Y All priests subniit their resig Men of the parish have organ nations by the age. of 75, either ized a CYO athletic advisory On reaching 70, priests are ex ~@~®@] @tri)_. lL@\?te voluntarily or at the request of pected to resign any official po council and plan a baseball team proper authority. this season. Chairman is Milton sition they may hold in the di VATICAN CITY (NC)-Love . The age for voluntary retire M. Kozak; sccretary, William F. is the keynote in the primacy of ocese to allow younger priests to ment is 70 years. Patt.en; coach, Robert A. Fred take over the activities of these Peter and his successors in the er·~lc. Their next mecting is at offices. guidance and service of the 10 Sunday morning, April 30. Christian people, Pope Paul VI Priests on retirement will con L.eaders UII1 Alabama Committ.ees have been formed told thousands assembled in St. . tinue to possess faculties and will to plan the Summer parish picnic Peters during a general audience. be free to give assistance in pas Blast Gov. Wallace to be held Sunday, July 30, at Taking his theme from March toral work in parishes and other UI'ban's Grove, Tiverton. - MOBILE (NC)-;More than 400 Church instih:itions, if' their 29's Gospel in which Christ asks health penuits. Peter, "Do you love me more Alabama citizens here have ST. .JEAN THE BAPTISTE. signed a statement expressing than these do?"- the Pope stressed .'ALL RIVER A home for retired priests, "dismay" at Gov. LUI'leer! Wal the significance of the question.' T~1C Council of Catholic Women now' being constructed, is schedI' lace's recent speech calling for will sponsor a pilgrimagetn La "He wa3 asking the Apostle, uled for completion in 1968 and 1 st·~te defiance of federal court Salette Shrinc, Attleboro on Sun the first confessor of faith in ordered school desegregat.ion. \Vill be open to all retired priests. ::== day, April 23. A bus will leave the' divine Messianic niis~ion of Among the signers were many the school yard at 1 and return Christ, for that complementing at 5. characteristic which makes faith Catholic clergymen, Religious Mrs. Thomas Tache, chairman, live and work, that is love, and lay leaders; including repre sentatives of the Society of Jesus, and lVII'S. Oscar Phenix, co-chair charity." man, head the ticket committee. The Pope continued: "The the Josephite Fathers, the Sisters primacy of Peter in the guidance of Loretto and the Dominican s~. MARGARET, Sisters. and service of the Christian peo BUZZARDS BAY The statement appeared as "A ple was to be a pastoral primacy, ~ A whist party will be spon Note to Our Fellow Citizens" in sored at 8 Saturday' night, April a primacy of. love * * *-0 pray, an advertisement in the Mobile 22 at the school hall, Main Street, beloved' sons, that all may under Register. stand this prodigious divine b~' the SS. Margm'et-Mary Guild. design." 653 Washington Street, Fairhaven Maintaining that racism is "the HOLY NAME, underlying issue" in the contro 994-5058 FALL RIVER versy, the statements described. Benedictine Oblates the First communicants will hold state's dual school system as rehearsals at 3:15 Monday after Oblates of St. Benedict will "unjust and unequal," and innoon, April 24 and Thursday hold a chapter meeting Satur .sited other citizens to joi n the afternoon, April 27, at the parish day afternoon, April 29 at Ports signers in working "for justice school. mouth Priory, R. I., beginning now." at 4 with Mass. Dinner will.be served at 6. Reservations ~ may ST. FRANCIS XAVIER, be made with the Priory or by HYANNIS ANY WALLET SIZE ITEM .Mrs. Kenneth B. Clarke, a calling Mrs. Frank S. Moriarty, YOUI' Hill Man is
licensed grapho-analyst, will be Fall River 672-1439. SEALED IN PlASTIC the guest speaker at tonight's YOUI' meeting of the Women's Guild. 3Sc each -,3 f~r $1.00 FOR HOME DELIVERY CALL 998-5691 Coyle Penny Sale ICheduled for 8 in the IQ.wC'1' ..:- Mail Money with' Items to _ - -.he Mothers' Chlb of Coyle ehureh hall. The nominating committee High Schoo:, Taunton will spon FRAN-LOU PI:.ASTICS will present a slate of officers sor a penny sale on 'Vednesday P. O. Box "05
night, April 26, at 8 at Coyle 101 the 196:7-68 year at this meet so. DARTMOUTH. MASS. FALL RIYER. MASS. 02722
High. in~.
The Parish Parade
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THE ANCHOR-Dlocete of Fait R1¥er-1h..... Apr.
20. . .
Emile J. Monfils, chairman of decorations; standing: Mrs. Richard H. Manning, vice-regent, and Mrs. Antone J. Morris, past regent. Right: -Mrs. John B. Lowney, first regent, seated in front of Miss Evelyn Hen dricks, first guide, left, and Mrs. Emmet Almond, past regent. The Circle has a membership of 500.
FIFTIETH ANNIVERSARY OF HYACINTH CIRCLE: Participat ing in the Golden Jubilee Celebration of the Daughters of Isabella-Hya-~ einth Circle--New Bedford, were, left: Miss Mary E. Foley, regent, and Mrs. Richard H. Walsh, supreme regent of St. Louis~ Mo., at the cake cut ting ceremony. Center: seated, Miss Lydia Pacheco, past regent, and Mrs.
Cardsna" Cushing Emphas;~es Need For Inv@~vem'ent BOSTON (NC) - "Om' 'atechisms must be trans bted into real human con Richard Cardinal eern," Cushing of Boston asserted here. Cardinal Cushing said Christ did not make the rhetorical pro nouncements in response 'to people's need, but rather helped them by action. Christians must take similar risks to wipe out the IJOcial evils of the 20th century, be decl~red. "For the Christian this social ftnvolvement consists not only in the desire for material well being, which we share with all humanitarians, but also in the psychological hunger for more' being, in man's thirst for the fullness of undying love, in the final estabiishment of all things in the love of God," the cardinal said. Cardinal Cushing said that the message of Easter is hope. He asserted that fear is prevalent in our society-fear of nuclear de tJtruction, of our fellow men, of the future, of non-acceptance in a conformist society. This fear, be said, "is kindled by the con tinued expansion of' communism JiJi the various sectors of the a1obe." Christian lImperative The cardinal warned: "While some satisfaction can be obtained jjn diminishing the' degree of (Chill in the Cold War, let no one be so mesmerizec. ... as to think nIl is well and secure. Let no one of us be duped into accepting war as peace." Cardinal Cushing said Chris tians have not always seen their Christian responsibility because of complacency or "fear of in volvement.~ He added, "The Fathers of Vatican II have made it clear that for the Church and the Christian, involvement is not only not to be feared-involve ment is the Christian impera tive."
New Bedford's Hyacinth Circle lsabellas
Mark Fifty Years of Community Service
St. Johns to Open New School in '68 JAMAICA (NC) - St. John's University here in New York state will establish il'school of general studies in September 1968. . It will consist of three divi sions, each with a separate fac ulty and assistant dean. The new school will offer It part-time program leading to D bachelor's degree, a two-year as sociate degree program and am adult continuing education pro gram.
'By Patricia Francis Hyacinth Circle, Daughters of Isabella, of New Bedford marked its golden anniversary Sunday morning at the 11 o'clock Mass at Holy Name Church and a dinner that followed at the New Bedford Hotel. Guests of honor were Mrs. Anna C. Walsh of Florisant, Mo., supreme regent; members of the area clergy and charter members of the circle. Organized April 15, 1917, Mrs, Caroline ~. Manning of servance were ~ade by a l~rge at a meeting 'at Duff Han, New Bedford, who remained committee that included Miss Hyacinth Circle began its active in the D;'lUghters of Isa Mary E, Foley, regent; Mrs. An half century of charitable bella until her death. She served tone Morris, ticket chairman, work with a charter membership of 335 women. Today it has a membership of approximately 500. In 1934, the drcle sponsored establishment of the first Junior C' I . N E 1 d·t Irc e III ew ng an ,.WI h a charter class of 125 young women from 10 to 20. Through the years, members of the circle have participated in national and local charitable works, including raising funds for :he Queen Isabella Founda tionFund of $100,000 donated to t:.e National Catholic School of Social Service, affiliated with Catholic University in Washing ton. Two area women were among those awarded fellowships to the school: Mrs. Mary Lou (Cleary) Nally, formerly of New Bedford and now residing in Jefferson ville, Pa., and Mrs. Jeanette (Mulvey) Mahoney of Arlington, fO"'mel'1y of Fairhaven. . Following erection of the Rose Hawthorne Lathrop Home in Fall River, for treatment of can cer patients, members of the circle adopted the work of pro viding surgical dressings and other hosryital needs. They also work closely with the Catholic Welfare Bureau. One of the cir c!p's pet projects was help for the White Sisters, until they left New Bedford in 1965. First regent of Hyacinth Cir cle was Mrs. Helen E. Lowney, who contacted all charter mem bers before the anniversary celebration, inducing many of those able to attend to join in the birthday party. Secoud regent was the late
as national regent. The late Rt. Rev. Henry J. Noon of St.' James Church was the first of three chaplains who have provided spiritual direction for members of Hyacinth Circle. Second chaplain was the Rt. Rev. Msgr. Timothy B. Sweeney of Holy Name Church and current chaplain is the Rt. Revt. Msgr. John J. Hayes, also of Holy Name. ror many years, Hyacinth Cir cle held its meetings in the hall at the Knights of Columbus building at Pleasant and Camp.. bell Streets. Then, in the mid 1940s, the Most Rev. James E. Cassidy gave the circle use of a house at 11 Robeson Street which ~ea:s.since served 'as its headquar
and Mrs. Mary P. Quinn, a char ter member. Miss Ellen Gaughan read a history of the circle, which she had written an!! entertainment was provided by Nancy Howard Debruyn of Milton, who offered selections from Sound of Music.
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Hear Bishop NASHVILU; (NC) - Bishop Joseph A. Durick is the first Catholic clergyman to address a state convention of the Episcopal Church Women of Tennessee.
Play an extra set of ten.nis
Plans for the anniversary ob
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, THE ANCHOR-Di~c~se of, Fail: Riv~r- Thurs:' Ap~. 20, 1961 '" " '.-
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Reports Mean 'What? . There will undoubtedly be more than the usual furor over the release by the' National Oatholi~ Reporter of a text of majority and minority reports submitted to Pope Paul on the matter of birth control. It will be well to re member what these reports are and what they are sup posed to do. Members of the Papal Commission on Birth Control were asked by the Pope to study the whole matter from every possible point of view and to submit their findings to him so that in the light of this work and in the light of the medical issues involved he might make moral judge ments and 'pronouncements on these matters. , The studies would, then, be expected to contain every possible aspect of the birth control problem with every kind of argument both for and against every type of method of birth cOntrol. This is fundamental to any kind of re search paper. All sides of every aspect are discussed, argu ments strong and weak are brought out to bolster each , aspect, and then the whole is presented for thought and prayer and decision. This, 'indeed, is what the Papal Commission has done. For a reader to take this or that argument and from it to mak~ his own deductions is unwise and a misuse of what the Commission has done. For a reader ,to take what the Reporter has printed and to assume that this is the whole story is to come to conclusions' on partial evidence. The Reporter's release of these texts will be seen by many as an act of freedom, the willingness for all matters -to be discussed openly and before the entire world. It is hoped that the Reporter has gone a step further, even, and has indicated to its ,readers what these texts really IPean" how they are to be understood, and the purpose of re,sear,ch papers of this type. Most people are neither philosophers nor scientists nor theologians. Philosophical concepts, socio logical and scientific. ideas, theologizing about issues-all this cannot be simply thrown at people with the expec~tion that there will be no confusion.' think this way would pe naive. , ' It is never enough simply to issue reports. Two questions should always be asked in the wake of reports--:-are they accurate? and what do they mean? Or-to ,put it quite inelegailtly-Sez you, ,and So What., '
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Continued from Page One On mixed marriages, the form of the promises as used in the Madison Diocese was recom mended for general use through out the ,U. S. It states: "We sol..; emnly promise that all children who may be born of our mar
seminary studies, parish strueture, celibacy, the mission needs of Latin America and the "thkd world." As fa:- as celibacy is concerned, the NCCB unanimously, rea1firmed "clearly and strongly the, explicit teaching of the Vatican Council on the current and iraditional observance of clerical
, tbfs In the U. So Universal ea 'onical nonns will be given b,v, the Vatican and U. S. norms jr$ be established by the NCCD; It was suggested that trained. CCD laymen be permitted to dIlt part-time ministry as a step til! ward this establishment. Missions A comniission of seven bishopa 'will guide coordinating effon., among mission appeals for finalilot cial support and personnel. Religious Needs Regarding fund solicitations hi1, religious communities, t)te bis~ ops felt the problem is very com plicated and voted an ad hOC! joint committee be formed , . further study. Justice-Peace The bishops formed a natio~. counterpart of the Vatican COJDoo mission on World Justice-Peaee. , It was described as a "broad c0 operative program of'educatiOlil designed to arouse collaboratio:O: with other religious groups in an 'ecumenical kind of project to. make this affluent nation of oUDI more aware of th'e tremend01lilll needs of developing nations." Vietnam The Justice-Peace Commissiou; vIas "obviously interested J.Dj such topics as Vietnam and musti face them as moral dilemmas ~ 'our time," it was noted. A spokesman mentioned "grea'li concern among the bishops abou~ Vietnam, citing their statemell'li 'last November that no serioWl Christian can absolve himseril from being concerned with tb18 question, but added, "I sense great reluctance among the bis~ ops to take a stand either crill cizing or endorsing various aspects of the prosecution of the war."
riage will be baptized in the Catholic Church and carefully ~eared in the knowledge, ,and, celibacy." Pastora.l Councils practice of the Catholic, religion. To rumors that a Catholic The bishops are in search far We are ,both aware that our mar ,priest 'leave the Chufth, II sample constitutIon for pap. riage contract will remain biJid;' marry, and in a few years obtaID 10ral councils which will clead,. , ing until death. We promise not permission from Rome for lay distinguish it from the diocesaD to hinder each other in the prac';' Catholic standing, a spokesman eonsultors and the priests' seD , '" for the bishops answered: ates. . " Uce of religion." On previous, censorship the "This is a policy the JJoJ:v Twenty-four topics were prebishops wish prior, approval be' Father controls. Any priest who sented which might profitably be required for the actual texts Of engages in this is engaging in ma~ers of study, ranging, frOlia' Sacred Scripture, books of spiritual Russian roulette. Be adult education to vocations. prayer or devotion, liturgical 'or has no guarantee any dispensa-' National Parishes tion will be given to him in tile' It was shown that according. Attempts to slant or rewrite history should' alw~ys be ceremor.ial books, textbooks used future." A survey of the distribution Pope Paul's Ecclesiae Sanctae , met with vigorous and serious protest. On Sunday, a mon in religious eliucation programs, especially in the primary, and and utilization of priests in the' bishop has the rigl;l.t to suppresS ument was dedicated in Poland to the memory of the four, secondary levels;' that prior ap national parishes-those estab million persons who met death in the gas chambers of the, proval not-be required on books U. S. is being prepared by'the lished for special ethnic groups. Center for Applied Research in T R C' h infamous Auschwitz death camp. This act of unspeakable or articles dealing with Scrip , the ~postolate (CARA). Nothing' , he oman urIa, oweveJl., barbarity should live forever in the memory of man. 'ture, theology, canon law, eccle definite could be presented since bid the bishops not use this rIght ,siastical history and like sub because of concordats WI'th go'~ only 63 per cent of the dioceses' .. But the -dedication ceremony Sunday made scarce men jects. have responded so far. ernments or the physical or tion of the fact that the overwhelming preponderance of If dangerous tea~hings are moral rights of persons involved Priestly Formation 'without first referring to tho thos~ killed were put to death only and precisely because found, a warning in pastoral tone' should, be issued. ' Eight general recommenda- Holy See. they were Jews: The only reference to this martyrdom of Coordination tions were made for all semina-' Since these conditions do ~ the Jews was made in French by the president of the Inter ries: the seminary structure 'apply t'0 the U. S., the bl'sh' A Cominittee onPalitoral Re ~.... nationa1 Auschwitz Committee and his remarks were not search and Practice was f o ushould n dcorrespond e d ' more closely have asked the VatI'can to rele"' to what is usually found in the them from these provisions. . translated into Polish. whic h WIll coordinate the follow- American system of education; COD ing committees: Liturgy, Ecu- f f The chief speaker, Poland's Premier,. gave greetings menism, Canonical Affairs and ~ur years 0 high school, four The CCD has been and wiD to the Jews who had come to pay tribute to their dead but Doctrine. 0 college, four of theology; that continue primarily as a religiouB seminaries on the high school . glossed over the ordeal of the Jews which still hangs heavy Liturgy and college levels take accredi- educational program on the On the consciences of those who call this a civilized world. ' Four possible texts of,the Eng- tation steps; all seminaries'take parochial level, reported BishoP lish' Canon of the Mass were Greco to the hierarchy. He alsO It remained for individuals and groups after the formal given. By a vote of C! to 1, one' , cond~l~t self-study in the ligbt of announced that the complete text eeremonies to offer prayers for the Jews who died because ~xt was given approval of gen c~nci Ibear documents; that provJ- of the new edition of the CeD eral tenor. A definite text is SIons made for a system of Bible will be published in earlY they were Jews and for no other, reason. communication between the lito expected by June of this yj:!ar. de,t body and the administrative 1968. /.mong the scholars' pre / Men the world over, should add their prayers for these ~etirement and teaChing faculties so that paring translations are five die ~agic victims and should pray, too, that time will not For bishops, it was'moved that students may present their views tingUishec! Protestant memberS. Newman' erase either the b{lrbarity of the deed or the reason-s for it. a retiring bishop be permitted to regarding the seminary program reside in his diocese; that suit~ for faculty consideration; that It was recommended thai able sustenance be provided him seminary advisory boards of priests in Newman work be en (especially medical and hospital qualified members of clergy and couraged to secure advanced care) and that the N~B do so laity apart from seminary per- academic degrees, especially m ,if a particular diocese cannot; sonnel be encouraged; that a theology; that the high rate o.tl that r permanent commLJion is B.A. degree or its equivalent be turnover among Newman priests needed to oyersee this; that the an entrance requirement for a be curtailed; that part-time pr~visions for retirement extend theoloID" seminary; that eccel- chaplains be made full time to all bishops-auxiliaries, titu siastical studies begin with a where possible; that more priests lar, etC.-and not only residential course so students ",lerceive the be assigned to the Newman OffiCIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FAILL ~QVER bishops. " meaning, order and pastoral end Apostolate for the growing num For prirsts, that v'arious bene of their studies." ber of Catholics attending col410 Highland Avenue fit plans be reviewed so as to The bishops also encouraged lege and university; that the 'ublished weekly by The Catholi~ Press of the Diocese of Fall River ready a national plan of care and amalgamation where seminaries bishops re-emphasize the grow 675-7151
Fall River, Mass. 02722 benefits for retired priests. cannot maintain a suitable pro- ing importance of the Newmali Priests gram due' to size, unsatisfactory Apostolate. PUBLISHER
One of the first functions of facilities, inadequate faculty, fiNew Dioceses ~ost Rev. James L Connolly, D.O., PhD.
the Committee on Pastoral Re nancing and similar programs. The committee on presen~ GENERAL MANAGER ASST. GENERAL MANAGER search and Practices will be to Deacons names for new bishops will a-. study in depth the role amI life It was recognized that there' 'deal regularly with the questi_ Rt. Rev. Daniel F. Shalloo, M.A. Rev. John P. Driscoll of the priest in American society. will' be ' permanent order of of diocesan boundaries and tile MANAGING EDITOR
It should consider priestly for deacons established and that the establishment of new dioceses. Hugh J. Golden
matioD, income,' distribution, _NCCB will be empowered. 10 do Turn to Pll4Ie SeVeD'
Auschwitz Mem(jrial
Diocesan Sc~oots Students Reap Honors Aplenty as Senior Year Enters Into' Final Phase
'f.HE ANCHOR:: l'hun., April 20, 1967
Labor Statement Wins Approval
Honors aplenty are being garne~d by Diocesa.n students, among them Andrea Trczinski, a senior at Taunton's Bishop Cassidy High, who's been selected as one of 15 New England students to participate in the 1967 Youth Science Congress jointly sponsored On the agenda at Cassidy is a by the National Aeronautics Junior College Day slated for and Space Administration Thursday, April 27; a Couples and the National Science Dance Saturday, April 29; and
SAN ANTONIO (NC) Farm labor leaders hailed the Catholic bishops of Texas for issuing a statement sup
porting the right of farm work ers to form unions and urging national legislation to protec~ a father-daughter night Wednes Teachers' Association. this right. In the course of the two and a day, May 3. Spokesmen of farm associa half day congress, now in prog tions responded that they do no~ lPRan lltetJreat ress at the NASA Electronics oppose field workers joining Mt. St. Mary students will helli" Research Center in Boston, An unions, but withheld comment a taUt by Rev. Bernard Sullivan drea, like the other participants, pending a study of the bishops' will present a 15 minute oral Friday, April 28 in preparation pronouncement. . report of the project which for the retreat they'll be making The .bishops declared that gained her inclusion in 'the the first three days ox May. "among the basic rights of a Also to speak at Mount on the .event. human person is the right of . :" same day is Mother Mary Martha, freely founding associations or Duck Fond Assistant General of the Sisters unions for working people" and The presentations, say con of St. Joan of Arc, whose topic that all should have the right gress officials, are not comPeti will be vocations. The Sisters of "of freely taking part in the tive but will give listening sci St. Joan of :Arc care for rectories, activities of these unions without entists and teachers the oppor bishops' houses and seminaries. risk of reprisal." tunity to evalute them and offer Still in the vocation line,. The statement was issued at guidance to the students. Sister Mary LaSalette of the the conclusion of a two-day Andrea's project is an arehae M.ount faculty will attend a meeting of the board of directors ological and geological investiga meeting at Bristol Community of the Texas Catholic Confer tion of an early American pot .College Wednesday, April 26. ence. It was approved by the tery works, "The Duck Pond Subject? Vocations. bishops of the 10 Texas dioceses. Site." It has already won her Farm workers in the Rio many awards in state and re Dominican Academy students CONTESTS WINNElRS: Winners of New Bedford Grande City area of south Texas gional science fairs. will enjoy their senior prom Fri Students from Stang and from day, ,June 9 at the Hearthstone Serra Club essay contest 'on roles of priest, nun in Christian have been on strike since last St. Anthony and Holy Family restaurant; and congratulations community are, from left, runners-up Mary Black, Stang June, and their efforts had been high schools in New Bedford are in order for' DA's student High, and Michael James, St. Anthony High; and first endorsed previously by Arch were participants in an essay. council moderator, Sister Mary prize winner Catherine Giammalvo, Stang High. Stang also bisho!: Robert E. Lucey of Sam Antonio and Bishop Humberto eontest sponsored by the New Agnes, who has been offered a Medeiros of Brownsville. Bedford Serra Club on "The Role . graduate assistantship at the won plaque for having most entrants in contest. Leading the praise for the of the Priest and Nun in the University of Wisconsin. Christian Community." . , "Prevost members' of the Na Parent-Teacher Night is sched- duties for many of the Cassidy bishops was Cesar Chavez of First place winner was Cidh 'tional Honor .Society treated . uled for Tuesday, April 25 at .. students meanS more time to Delano, Calif., national director 'of'the United Farm Workers erine Giammalvo of Stang.' and' . cli.iIdren at st. Joseph's Home to JMA and will feature as a ,profit by,varlous e~ucational op mnners-up were Mary Black" a~ o:uting Sunda;)'; while NBS'ers speaker Dr. Betty-Anne Metz of' portunities;' 'At the Mass. State Organizing Committe'e whose also of Stang, and Michael at Mt. St. Mary's have elected . Bristol County Community Col- Science Fair Friday, April 21 Local No.2 is striking in Rio lege. . , through Sunday, April 23 Cheryl Grande City. .Tames of St. Anthony. Stang their officers for next year, in Chavez termed the statement also won a plaque for baving the eluding Martha, Nugent. presi-" And Prevost students are anti- McCaffrey, top winner in the most entrants in the contest. dent; Judith Doolan, vice-presi- cipating a dance Friday,' April school SCience Fair, and chosen "very powerful" and "very char At Stang they're congratu- dent; Susan Bernier, s~cretary; . 28 at St. Anne's Audit6rium. The one of the 25 representatives itable." lle said he thinks the lating Cynthia Curry, named to Diane Berger, treasurer.. Torquays will play. from the Fall River Regional, declaration:' "is an answer to the prayers of thousands and thou represent ber school on an area -.Speed reading is the word at This is'National Library Week will repr~sent Cassidy High to sands of farm workers in the department store's teen fashion Sacred Hearts,. Fall River, where and mixt week is Secretaries' gether WIth Pamela Candee. Southwest asking that their board. Mt. St. Mary Academy's some 30 students .are devoting Week, so maybe everyone should The .Massachusetts Youth. Cit Church and Church leaders stand representative to the same board .th~. hours e"ery .Saturday re\ld . a book about secretaries. izenship Conference at Bndg~ with them in their struggle to is El'aine Chaves. The lucky gals . mo~ing to a reading improve"; ,At any, rjlte, Cassidy Future Sec-. , water, sc~eduled ~or tod~y ~Ill ~ure . social -justice as ennun will receive modeling instruc- ment course. Reading power, retaries of America will tour a attract the follOWIng 10 JUnIors ciated toy the popes in the many tiona in connection with· their '. ~ed and word study are em-' North Dighton plant and visit' chosen as representatives: Donna encyclicals. ~ appointments and will also be phasized in the 10 week course, Wheaton College. Also pn their Cole,' M~y Fenton, Kathl~en given the clothes they model. which began April.. 1. agenda isa reception on Sunday. Hanna, Eb~beth Laffan, Paulme . Again at Stang, word has . Also at SHA, varsity and jay and a.luncheon next Wednesday., Lecuyer. reached the office that John vee teams in volleyball and, bas Cassidy Go Despite Vaeatlon Also Carolyn McCaffrey, Jo , . anne Orchekowski, Margarita Golenski, a '65 grad and now s" ketball honored Mrs. GeGrge Free time from regular class Procopio, Anne Marie Sullivan, Be sophomore, has received a Snyder, their coach, at a surprise and Donna White. The subject of grant for Summer study in dinner. Well they might, since this year's Conference is "Values EuroSePbe' hi A ta Mrs. Snyder has led them to in a' Changing World." ol ani PB. coop nees Narry League championships in Still very much in the "newa ,~.t~ s p o r t s . ' Continued frQm Page Six At EmmailUel College, Friday, April 21, three of Cassidy's lan are notices of college scholar-·· '.' Honoi' l?roviJiclai hiterdiocesan Offices 365 NORTH FRONT STREET ships and acceptances. At. Do An' extended discussion on guage students will compete in minican Academy, Fall River,' Jesus-Mary students honored sueD agencies might be best the annual French Contest for NEW BEDFORD Elar'ne Fisette has been accepted the Mother Provincial of the lRe strUctured and adequate man High School Students. They are at Southern Conn. State College; ,ligious?f Jes~s-Mary at ~ eer-,· powet supplied to them occupied Briana Doherty, Linda Guill.,. 992-5534 Diane Giasson at SMTI; and Sue ,emony mcludmg ~e. readmg of ,the bishops. The NCCB will fur mette. and Mary Wynne. Gagnon at Bryant; while Jerome . lIl~, ad~ress. by PaulIne Dumas, ther study the matter. has received a full tul-' Oth er sub'Jec t s w h'IC h th e b'is h' , 'Mancini '. . . ' s~hool ." f preSident, f1 . the . . presentation grant from St. Anne's·~os-. , tion 0 owers anl;l gIfts, and a ops treated were': communica-'
'pita I School of Nursing ana. a', :p'e~or:rnance by the g~et; C~U?' tions between' the bishops and
;,\ .. '. 'padial grant from the . Utlion"'.' OccasIOn s·,' ..... .' t·t t··· f p'Igh ".: '1" ••was t .t'the" Provmcial d' Colle Ins 1 u IOns 0 eri " earn ....ospl·tal dI'tto . . annua. VISit 0 heaca emy. "',1". ". ···t·i.U'· S 'h' ' . . : .....' . n . .' ., 'J'" •• . ,. ' . Il.g In ••e. . .; c anges In per , Receiving annual renewable,', ChristIan Youth. Movement mission: ·for· the alienation of
, .Scholarships at Jesus ';·lVlary . m~mbe~. of Prevost. and JM~ church"property; increased edu
,J' ;,/, . Academy, Fall River, are 'Su-. ;Wlll, VISIt Nazareth. Hall thiS cation on'the threats of abortion
onth ianne Lagarde, awarded a $2300·\· .. m. " and will .also sJ?onsor a cooperation with the YMCA ami
grant from Fordham University', ",cake , sale Sunday,. AprIl 30. A YWCA' better coordination with
and Yvonne L. Berger, recipient:.. 'vigil .service is set for Monday, .' ihe 'usce" celebration of the
(!)f three grants from Northeast-. April 24 and members will hold Year or'Faith in connection with em University, totaling $2180. their year-end banquet Saturday, the '1900th anniversary of the Suzanne previously received a June 3. _ martyrdom of Ss. Peter and Paul; $2500 scholarship from North Prevost debaters are preparing. celebration of Communications e~te.rn; ~nd Yvonne is a semi for the JFK tournament to be Day, May 7. finalist In the Rhode Island held at Cassidy in May. Thus State Scholarship Program. far the Prevost team has chalked Prevost reports that Gerry up' an 8-5 record. Ferris has been accepted at Bridgewater State College; and Cassidy notes that Rita Donnelly has received a full scholarshiJ!) fto Johnson and Wales Business . Just Across The School. Coggeshall St. Bridge Chess Tournamen& Fairhaven, Mass. Prevost students aren't giving Finest Variety of their gray matter a rest this vacation week. In progress ,is a SEAFOOD
schoolwide chess tou~ament,; Served Anywhere - Also
IIDd the winner will receive a, , ,,STEAKS-CHOPS-CHICKEN
.U. S.· ·.Bishop·s
famous for
Heating Oils
and Burners
baked by your Sunbeam Baker
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Apr. 20, 1967
Medical Gr9uP Inducts Nun
Sprin'g Cleani'ng Reveals Hoar'ds 'of Yardgoods
WASHINGTON (NC) - The first nun was inducted as a fel low of the American College Cl!I Obst!'!tricians and Gynecologists at its 15th annual clinical here. lBy Mary Tinley Daly The honor went to SiBtel' 'Spring hou'secleaning is like a great white light, reveal Miriam Paul Klaus of the Me~ cal Mission Sisters, who have ing all. It's not just dust in the bedsprings and radiators, headquarters in Philadelphi~ the great unwashed slats of Venetian blinds, gummy glasses dl,Jring . the. co}Jege's session~ stashed away on an upper shelf, finding of borrowed books Sister Miriam Paul was n«lI too long unreturned. These present to receive the honor Pel There, not in .one, not in two, sonally. She is stationed at the are what i call "honest mis. but in every closet we were community's Holy Family He&:. takes," chores you don't faced with the nemesis: a box or pital in Dacca, East Pakistan. ' mind having household help a bag or apile of yardgoods!
The college accepts as fello~
Forgotten IItems help you with, like doing floors, physicians who specialize in o.b walls, windows, rugs, furniture. The sewing center has been stetrics and gynecology and are , This is orthodox going pretty full tilt at our house judged competent and ethical by Spring cleaning recently, what with a bedroom their colleagues. Sister Miriam such as every where .we can set up the ma Paul took the written examina housewife can chine, the ironing board, sew tions for the American Board t a c k 1 e, have several hours every day, walk of Obstetrics and Gynecology iQ done with and out, shut the door and come back Pakistan in 1965· and the oral point to with to undisturbed work the follow examination in Chicago in April, pride. No, the ing day. 1966.. nuisances, at least Matter of fact, we thought She is a native of Vienna, at our house, smugly, we were getting all Allstria, a naturalized U. S. citi are, the "secret sewed up: "tents" and jumpers zen and a convert to the Catho . sins," jobs we've and miniskirts for the young;
really anticipat NO. ATTLEBORO ART WINNERS: Pauline Lemieux, lic Faith from Judaism. She
suits, skirts, hats for the more joined the Medical Mission Sis ed getting at conservative. first grade; William Midon, eighth grade; Cecile Parent; ters in 1957 after completing her "one of these days," but the We even felt no compunction sixth grade; were the leading artists in the contest con medical education at the Univer..... llPecific day never seems to come. in indulging a long-standing ducted in Sacred Heart School, No. Attleboro. sity of Louisville, Ky., and her And nobody, but nobody, can habit of visiting a yardgoods residency, at Barnes General help in this department. center quite 'often, picking up an H,ospital in St. Louis, She haG; Mom's Hobby Shll)p irresistible bargain in cloth, spent six years at the sistep,.
For. instance, there's the used lecting a pattern and actually hood's hospitals in Pakistan. furniture corner of the attic. eompleting garments. sOmetimes laughingly referred'to Sister Mary Luke Gray, an-. The sewing room, Markie~ o~her Medical Mission physician, . as "Mom's Hobby Shop." There's erstwhile. bedroom, was ,in re has also passed _the AniericaD',' the dresser bench Mom b going markably good shape as a pro Board' of 0bstl~trics.and Gyne::" to cane; when and if Mom learns. duction center and could eVeR cology . examinations and win how to cane, an art supposed to ; suffer the pangs of Spring house In this ever-changing world, 1900's with heavenly sketches of, . return to Pakistan to continue be lotS of fun. .There ure two cleaning with mere picking up of , where what is in one moment a dark haired, question mark" her practice.' perle'ctly .good boudoir chairs,' scraps, setting 10 rights and a 11>' is obsolete' the next, there is coiffured beauty with Ii lOng," or. ",iiI be perfectly good when horough cleaning. nothing more changeable than' graceful swanlike neck. . they're. recovered. And the little But those unearthed, forgot stand, picked up at" uuction, ten "treasures" in the other clos .the image of the ideal woman.' Immediateiy all fashion-con-' This image that stamps itself" csious females of that day rushed waiting patiently to be antiqued, ets! Why there was enough ma when and if Mom learns how to, terial here to keep Us chained 10 on the minds of out to the local emporiums to millions, causes antique, another touted "fun that sewing machine as was Pro purchase henna rinses and "rats'" fashion design-' hobby." • metheus to his rock. (the 'hair p!eces of the 90's) to What the good-natured ribbers Now, what had we intended 10 ers to change puff out their skimpy pompa of "Mom's Hobby Shop" don't do with that short length of pink styles, and dOlUS. know is that another secret flannel? Oh, yes, we'd picked it forces females The tWihkling 20's had no
cache of to-be-dones awaits in up for the proverbial "song" at alI over the sooner been born than the "It
world to rush to one corner of the basement the a visit to a mill in South Caro Girl," Clara Bow, caused the
the beauty fac touch of a little hand: pktures lina, would have it until the fol daughters of the aforementioned'
'to be framed, along with a fram lowing spring and make a coat tories to .be females to toss away their rats,
ing kit which "any child can for Mary Daly Brennan. (Mary turned out as its head for the nearest barber and
master"; another kit of clear is now nine years old and this carbon copies is expose their ears as well as their
created in many plastic resin, "ideal for embed pink bit wouldn't even make a knees.
ding coins, flowers, leaves, rocks, coat for her little sister.) MUs~ ways. Sometimes Not a decade later these knees
shells, pictures, novelties, jew it starts with a particular model lin, broadcloth, velvet, tweed": were encased in satin lounging
elry." So far, efforts have re that hits the public's fancy, or you name it, we have it. -. sulted in the embedding of one Out into the clear with every a cinema, star that reaches her pajamas and the ears hidden
penny, askew and far from orna item from every box, bag and audience, or even, as in the case under the marcelled curls that
mental. There's also ever~'thing pile. of Mrs. Kennedy, with the rise Jean Harlow sported.
you need to wire a lamp, every And such has been. the tide
and public acclaim of a woman I':o more "saving," no more thing but the skill, that is. of fashion, everchanging and
stashing away, no more visits 10 associated with politics. A strong-minded woman would remnant counters! , However, whatever the reason generally influenced by circum
,become a Jill of all trades, mas The Head of the House, paying or manner or time that creates stances, from the short skirts of
1er skills necessary and do away one of his rare visits to our sew-, an idol of this' woman, 8Jl idol the material-rationed war years
with the jobs one at a time, 'or ing center, viewed the miniature she is, at least until someone through the "New 'Look" that'
else give. away. all t\1e maIdngs, mill-end display. else more exciting comes along welcomed the advent of peace.
~~t, then a st,r~))~g:':mil)d~ woman , "By. the way,?'. he asked, "how's ~ cpallenge her place., ' . TOday's Qlieen probably wouldn't have gotten about putting ,a new pocket in, This phenomenon of one wom What of our present fashion'
" into'this'fix.in the first place. these' trousers?," And sOme shirt an or tyPe' of ,woman leading With spring,cleani~goncoming buttons that have ,popped?" alI others .is nothing new. I'm. Queen? Who, is the ,woman' of
lik~ the inevitable' tinie and sure there has been an ideal type the '60's who is'the' da'rii~g'of't~:'
O.K. First t~ings first. . . taxes, 'we decided to dean of beauty since Neanderthal man fashion press and fashion de-" around the undones :in attic ,and dragged his mate by her long signers? o.ddly. enough in this . basement, facl;! up to legitimate Baltir:nor~ Nun to Head thick tresses into his cave (eer-, age of affluence,· it seems that eatch':iills like the ~drpon..'lClos~ tainly no short-haired eave girl the female ,wile outshines' 'an' C()lIeg~ Advisory Unit ets.• wOuld have shone m prehistoric others is, ~ long-legged, wide eyed British' model who looks . PITTSBURGH (NC) - ' Sister times). M. Cleophas Costello of Balti Charles Dana Gibson pPOVided like an ad for Care packages and' Dougherty High Band more. will serve as chairman of the image of the goddess of the answers to the improbable name of Twiggy. the newly. formed Commission Wins Festival Honor on Higher Education of the Fed ~sley ~ornby (the. name on WASHINGTON (NC)-In this eration of the Sisters of Mercy. Protestants to' Speck
Twiggy's birth certificate), is a . · ease, to the victors it was a mix-' The commission will serve in 1'1 year old, pathetically thin ture of. cherry blpssoms and an advisory capacity in mat~ers At Catholic' Retr:eats
schoolgirl who has been sky-' roses. conce'rning the 15 colleges oper SAN ANTONIO (NC) - At. rocketed to fame and fortune The members of the Cardinal ated by the order. The federa least one Protestant minister Or through the efforts of her 'Sven:" '. Dougherty High School Band of tion. numbers, 15,000 nUDll layman ~ill appear as guest «ali, -her manager. Phiiadelphia marched <Yff with throughout the United states, . speaker at retreats held in the Her waif-like face shining first place honors in the band Canada and Lat~n America. San Antonio area during the Jrom the cOvers of hundreds of · eompetitlon. at the annual Cherry coming year, an' archdiocesan magazines haS inspired young '. ' Blossom Festival _parade - a n committtee OIl lay' ecumenism females, everywhere ie event which attracts tens . of New President has decided. ' ·thousands 'of visitors annually 10 LOS ANGELEE (NC)-5ister The ecUmenical aspects of the their hairdress~rs ~ ;) g~miR the nation's capital. Cecilia Louise Moore will be retreat program win carry over eut, paint their· lower lashes,_ The vIctory was nothing new come president. of Mount St. into a "1967 Ecumenical Dia like those of a kewpie don, and to the bandsmen - and girls. Mary's College here in .Califor logue" scheduled for June 29 UI They won first prize two years nia ~)D Aug. 15 next, succeeding July 1 at St. J~eph's retreat push .away t~at dessert pla1e. ago and last March 17 won ·first Sister Mary Rebecca who haS bouse here., Selected .ministers, Twiggy is apparently the JleW prize in New York's St. Patrick's headed the women's .liberal ,'aris .priest/!, Sisters, Brothers and idol of the fashion world - at Day para «e. college since 1961. laity will be speakers. l~ast until next season.
:nmtf> "
ll'HE ANCHORThurs., April 20, 1967
Now's Rig,ht;Time to' Plant Peas for E:arly Enjoyment
Sisters Assume Pasroral Duties
By J~ ar,id,l\fan1yn:Roderiek It is a eustom in New :England serve salmon and peas 00 the Fourth of July. Years back, this was the time when thresh salmon showed up Jin New England fish markets and Jl!lative peas could be found ~t the corner store. Now we have frozen peas year round, and!' Th'IS week Sis terha d e th cI ass & I mon may be had throug~-, act out the sacrainent to go along ~t most of the year. Thll3 with their lesson in the religious lm-as taken the special delight' W'orkbqok. My daughter came
AKRON (NC)-Priests visit flBl administer the sacraments, bu~ day by day the ordinary pas toral duties are performed bs,r nuns in Brazilian parishes· il1l.' Natal and Salvador administered by the Daughters of Divine Charity. ' Their duties, which includ~' the distribution of Holy Com munion, were described here bV Mother', M, Fidelis Weninger. who worked in Brazil for 21 years, prior to her election in 1965 as mother general of th0 community. "The Daughters of Divine Charity," she said, "care for those parishes just as though they were priests. Of course, we can't administer the sacraments, but we handle everything else such as pre-marriage instructionD and parish visitations."
'can; home'delirious with joy because G1tfll .appreciate fresh vegetabtea' she was chosen to bring in the limd fish made much more"paia-~' baby. oble by being put on ,a tablel ' 3 We. unearthed a doll that we day or so after it is caught. ':'", ilelt was closest to newborn baby If you want fresh peas for,tne!' size, and ,Grandma helped by ~ourth of July you can sow your' finding the baptismal garments creed about the third week of' that. were stored in her house l.lIlay. We prefer ours a little ear_I: and by dressing the fortunate ~er' and so we get the seeci' stand-in while she explained to ~lanted by the second or third" Meryl and Melissa that this was week in April 00 that the planta: the same dress that they wore will be well on their way before when they became members of ~e cold weather is gone and the .Church. (he warm weather arrives. By In fact, the children were QlllIll' reckoning, the peas we awed as I further explained that' Permission for the nuns t@ planted last week will be ready actually four children had used distribute Communion was ob ~ the second week of June. these baptismal garments. Meryl tained from Pope Paul vr Peas' are simple to grow and ~gan making plans, immediate through Bishop Eugenio de CATHOLIC WOMEN HONOR BISHOP: Welcoming Ililave nO special difficulties. They ly, "Ann Marie is going to be Araujo Sales, apastolic adminis Ilteed sun', moisture and good s6il." the' '!father (this in ,our all-girl Most Rev. James L. Connolly to the Annual Bishop's Night trator of Sao Salvador de Bahia. A: 'row of peas may be planted': ochool), Wendy is the godmother, Sponsored by the New' BedfordCathoJic Women's Club she explained. fulna matter of 10 minutes ahd' and Karen is going to be the are: Mrs. John W. Glenn, left, president, and Mrs. Daniel Sister ,Mother 'Fidelis' ordeli' OOten forgotten until it ia tiine: pt,iest because her new little F. Dwyer, first vice-president ' ", ' has been working in Brazil sincia ~r pickinlt , ,b,~othe! was christened Sunday 1919 and now has 460 nuns there. Jrirst' tum the soil over to 'il" a~d she knows jllst what to do." aU",except 18 'of whom are Bra i!lepth of about six inches or '~ , Innoeent !DIscussion zilians. and, break up the' clods. Make' ~" Even Melissa got into the act The order 'has 1,900 membero FHA Starts Foreclos~te:, lP,rocee~ings' twrro,w: about an inch de,ep"~~tl':' as she proceeded to spiel off m serVing in 10 countries throug~ drop the peas into the furrow list of, nam,es that she thought out the world with' headquartern' iellst .an' inch and a half a~a~< t~~, df;l,~l,should be given. Meryl" " ' Agai nst, Retirem,~rjf.ttoriu~ , in'" Vienna. Mother Fidelis U1', ,eovel the furrow, water, ~,~~ si~, e~'p'Ii!il1ed 'to her that salt would. MOUNT 'ANGEL (NC) - A by the'ilelghobririg Mount Angel 'completing a five-month visiia,. ~ack a~d wait. In 50 .days 'or so, be "P.llt on, the. doll's tongue to oourt-appointed receiver hall Benedictine Abbey, was billed tion of the order's 37 convents dlependmg on the varIety of seed preserve her from the sins of. in the United States. ~u, ~se',. the peas w.i1l be ready the 'Yorld and to' give her III taken over operation of Mount on its completion in 1965 as "the Angel Towers, a $3.4 million re nation's first Catholic retirement f!}aj!' ,plckmg and ~atmg. atlste for wisdom. home."" ; Plant Anywhere It 'was delightful to hear them tirement home completed scarce Greater Boston Sister }y, more than a year ago. . it was not the most prosperous, )peas may be planted in rows, discussing the sacrament in such The receiver-Portland attor": however, and by JI"'eb. 7, when Gets Fulbright Award lMlt they may also be planted ai inn~cent and childlike ways and ney John R. Fawt Jr. - was the mortgage-holder assigned the lllillost anywh~re they will get the yet witl,t understanding that MEDFORD (NC) SistCll' named less than a month after mortgage to FHA, which had in I>UUn: I planted two little roWlJ demonstrated wisdom far beyond Madeline Marie Nevins, a gradu the Federal Housing Administra sured it, the, 207-unit, six-story ate student at Tufts University, ~tween some raspberry bushes their years. The following inci tion announced that it was start building had only 80 residents in has been awarded a Fulbright !»«lother row in front of a flowe: de~~ occurred at about the time ing foreclosure proceedings ~ where my wife will be able this was happening and demon- ' against the home here in Oregon. 61 apartments. Fellowship to study medievaD. 00 get to them and still another stra'tes the feeling of some chi! Appointment of a receiver was French literature at the Univer Mount Angel Towers, built on !JIlandful of seed in a foundation drep. arid the naive wisdom they Beven acres of land donated to it the first step in FHA's machinery sity of Paris, France. ~ianting in front of the house. possess. ' toward eventual sale of the prop The Mass. Sister of St. Josep~ This latter may seem to be go ,For two or three days last Sch"001 Honors Chaplain ~rty to another private operator. will complete her doctoral wor!:!: l1mg a little too far but by the week, Joe had seen a female The home will be run as be , at Tufts after her year abroad. ~me the annuals a~e in bloom rabbit in the yard and he had Killed' in Vietnam fore, according to the FHA Port @le peas will have been con~ pointed it out to the children, d . th t it PLEIKU (NC)-A new wing land office, until it can be sold oome , the plants pulled up and sayIng a appeared ready has been added to St. Paul's to "a suitable organization to DO one will be the wiser. to have a litter. Sure enough, the The point is that one does not rabbit did have a litter under School here in memory of Father maintain its operation as. housing, fUNERAL HOME, INC. Thlave to make a big project out the mulch around one of the (Maj.) William J. Barragy of the for senior citizens." ~ growing a packet of seeds' rose bushes. Dubuque archdiocese, who was FHA's 'office in Washington a. MllrCOI Roy - G. lorralno RG1
mnce half the pleasure is ,to 'be' , The children were thrilled but ' killed in ,a helicopter crash in said Mount Angel Towers was lIoger l.aFranco
f Vietnam May 4, 1966. FUNERAL 'DIRECTORS
flound in doing a minimum of un ortunately a neighbor's dog A' brass plaque on the office one of about 20 such projects work while reaping deliciolw found. the litter and killed the wall states: "Rev. William J. not all ,Catholic - which had , IS tll'Vington C~.
nesults. tiny newborn rabbits. When failed since 1960, when FHA Melissa appeared on -the scene Barragy (Major, U. S. Army), mortgage 'insurance 995-5166
became In the Kitchen boni October 13, 1923,ordained available to them. More than lN~w Bedfo8'cIl she said realistically, "New life May "22, 1948, dl'ed I'n VI'etn'am M os t ·0" f the b ooks which con 200 have been built. . 1 ' ... p Iun k and it's all over. Just M.ay 4, 1966." th <OOJ;lI emse ves with heading like Jesus born at Christmas The new wing has five class \!lIUr ch,ildren in the right direc_ (tioqas living, t,hinking' Chrls ... 'dead at Easter." rooms, all on the ground floor. llia'n's recommend that' ·the'best Last:.' year when my oldest , St: Paul's is in the' charge of the' :to teachyo,ungstersabout ,daitghier 'received the sacrament ,I' Sisters of'St:' Paul de Chartres," OOle Sacrament of Baptism is to of tfi'e Holy"Eucharist for the first ,wh'o also'have 'an'orphahge near !'.Ilaye them attend an actual cer+ 'tim:~~: wil' celebrated With a fam:" . the iichoOt:· There'are 1;000 Viet.,; ~ony. This is' quite true, as we ili"l>ru~ch. ,Ali lt~~ everyon~' ,nam'ese children receiving pri:' .. . ,mar.';' an '-"'s'eco'n'dar'y educat·1"0'n' i~ , ~rvot:lCnced when Jason WM seeffied ' 'to' enjoy , was ,warm' , a •• l>avtized and Meryl and Melis: ging~tbread.' ' . the" schOOL' ,. .,' ',' ' \Were allowed to attend. ~~~~JI.i,'Cheese Gingerbread ' We were fortunate, in that the l,,3~ounee 'package' ere a JllIl' Schedules Convocation . l)ll'iest who performed the cere cheese On Council Documents !IlllOny was a personal !friend who l' cup molasses WILMINGTON (NC)- A day _p'lained 'clearly to the childreUll 2 eggs _actly wha~ he was. doing. rOIl 1 % cups sifted all-purpose ftOtllfi' l'long session of lectures, and dis IC'Ussions on the Wilmington dio liIUre this made a lasting impres% teaspoon baking soda ease and the post-council er81 Ilion, but I also feel that theii' 1% "teaspoons baking powdeR' will be conducted here. IlI!Illnds were on the celebratiollll 1. teaspoon cinnamon Som,e 600 clergy and laity are OOnat was to take place at home' 1 teaspoon ginger .. . - ' . expected to attend the meeting. smd on all the people who were % t~,aspoon cloves, which is being sponsored by a <llllm\ing to help them celebrate. 1-8 :teasp~n salt ,Plumper, rounderp • aro\llp of ~concerned Catholics" ,.' 'll.'his in its.elf wasn't bad, 'as, it '% '",!II> boiling 'water illl ,th~,'W,g~ing~on piocese. fuller muffins~ lB also'important that they ~al1) Beat the cream cheese urim (iJ:lJt of native, foods, but we
Receiver Take's ,Over
. '
~From an' Olde English recipe!
!koo th~t a baptism is' a.iQytul Ce,-', ~BOft' andfluftly; then gradually llWliori which should be shared beat"!'it 'the molasses. ' batter is smooth. 5)' Gently 'stir' in the boiling \Ytdh others, but' with the 'confu- . ': 2~, Beat- in the eggs, one at Cl !D@n of the party, it was difficul* Um~~". "," water." • ascertain just how much the7 3)" ,s.~tt t<!gether the flour, bak- " 6) Pour'into a greased 7% by" ~ learned. With this in mincll, Ang ooda, baking powdei', ~, H pan: ' ~ were delighted when '1ft and"spice~: ' 'f) 'Bake in a 350' oven 40 to lIound that Meryl was studying 41)' Add the dry ingredients te ' . 45 mlhutes.'] 'add about % cup Olf _tism in 8daoo1. l1he cheese mixtu-l'0, GUlring watilll 'Jl3iBins, but this is optionaL '
,Sunbeam English Muffins Baked by your Sunbeam Baker
HAPPINESS IS FAMILY REUNION:, A weekly radio' reunion is enjoyed by Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Sullivan, Holy Name parish, Fall River, with their daughter, Sister Anne Marie, R.S.M.. missioned to San Pedro
Sula, Spanish Honduras.. L~ft,. Barton Albert, ham radio operator ·)liIl .. Swansea, connects the Sullivans with their daughter. Right, InSart. Pedro Sula Jack Gaffney performs the same service .for Sister Anne' Marie. .
St~esses Serio~s·:',,:, Ham. Opl!r.~t~rs Arrange· W e~k~y.:RadiQ. C1tat~
.Ch·'urchSituatilon". . . In East -Germany'
F'or .Fa.11 R.iv,erPar.e.nts,' Missionary S. istet C
. '
• • • •
'Monastery Visits
. "
Dr. Eric Dean, chairman of the 'religion and philosophy depart . . ments at Wabash College here BERLIN· (NC)-Christiari Thursday's the most important da.y in the week to Mr. and Mrs, .Bernard Sullivan' in ·Indiana plans extended visits ehurches in communist-ruled of Holy Nameparish,Fall. River. It's the day they talk to their daughter, Sister Anne to several· Benedictine ,monas- lEast :Germa~y are suff(~ring Marie; R.S.M., assigned since last August to missi!)n work ·in San Pedro Sula, Spanish' teries this year. The v.isits Wt)ll 'kl" .' . db . be. financed: by a Carnegie gran~ . h from. gov.ernment harrass H onduras. T. e· y two h am ra d"W) operators: Jack Gaff received· through the GreatLak~ ., . . wee . y conversatIon is arrange . . ment..and restrictions, a Luther ney in San Pedro Sula and Colleges Association. 1m bishop told the eastern sec-. Ha.rton Albert of' Swansea. was on retreat. However, ar with Sister from their ,livjng tion of< the synod of .Germany.'s 'It came' about. tl)rough ';3 rangements, were made on.. the. ·room,.· ~eceptiori is ,excep~nt,' Protestant Church Council. . . .. , sPot .for ..the first of the ,weekly noted Mrs, Sullivan, fully 88 ·~.iiJ• • • • • • • • • iI ••• _ The clergyman, Bishop Fried-. series' 'of 'coincidences' that conv~sations... good 'as a . local telephoriecall.· • . III rich "Wilhem . 'krummachet! of . Mrs, SuliivaIi. ascribes'ld '''the , .. , The luck extended to a fellow: ". Another beneficiary ofth'/·. 11I11I ." .... ~ East' Gei'many, said that SChool . iuck6f the Irish," and 'h'ad 'its' 'religious of. Sister Anne Marie, . weekly radio' reunion 'is' RE!v.:·' • •
J .. B .
:~~ld~:~a~I~~V~~ti~~:~~:b:el~~~~~~':" ~:t~~A~~~n~a~~nC~~i~~~~.~~~:".' :~~~;~~i:~o~Sre~~:~~;r~~~~~~.::;i~~~d~~~~~=~t,OfS~:t:;at~~~:,. : ILU MBE'R .' CO.
ly appointment ~nd. asked .Mrs. Marie'sbrother . • • Lu't~'eranBish~~: ~~\"t F,r~l'iz ':'th~~o~~~~g~~~riotin~~'ri li~~t·e~r':$.Ullivan t if hShe,WtohUld .~ewla~t a ..", .. FOI'·'wonderln·g friends of the' 5'·'0 . ..· 'D"o'rtmo'ut·h·. : .. ~harf of Berlin, chairman of. th~ ... '. . " . , '.' ,~~SSl1g~, 0 ... e r JT,IQ". er." . ar a. ! Fall River Sister,' be" it' noted' <Ge~man Protestant C h u r c h· rlidlO o~erator ·who d'"arra~ge a m.mu~e, "slu.d Mr".AI~~rt, r.0rt~"7 .. that she 'has ·exercised·the n'a'me-': . and ",yan..~is·. : .: Council, made similar charges at co.nnectlOn· for you, .. said a WIth he got the' PrOVIdence changing option 'recently' given' . iii • ~e we,', stern section of the synod. frleI',d, and. someone else sug- Jl? other on the. ph.one and . . gave the Sisters of Mercy'.: Fornierl'" ill '. . . ". . • .. I rgested Mr Albert ·whom the h th of b If .7 ' • . So .. '.' J),ar.•mouth997-9384.. .1,. Bej::!ause. t.he East·· <:;erman . '~. , '. r ,er e surpnsl'! e~ . I.e. as her .name in religion was Sister" , ', .. ' t t'" t .' t" t' b Sullivans- had )mown _for some .she heard her daughter s vOICe. . Marie Bernarde' b t h' · h · · . Hyannis 292'1 '" Irovernmen .res riC s col} ac s e- t'Ime... b u t"h a d neVl'!r. . th 'h't . o· f ':" ' have to " ". . . . ' to he ,b . t· u . s e a.s III .'. ~ .J I " don t, even •ween E as t G'el'man -P ro t es t \'in ts_ ' . . 'bl' .. I fQug ' . ' . " . .go to·.. reverted. '. r ap Isma I name· " I and those in the West ·.the Prot.;.· =!.~ a ~O,sSI . e. chann.e. o· .c?mmu,"" ~wansea to talk, . said Mrs. SI.!I~ of Anne Marie. !I~.. - t "t' d' . h ld: t' . ' mcatlOn.wIttI.Spamsh.HO!1QQras. . livan. Mr. Albert can oConnec~ flS an syno was e ·m· wo llec-. S l' .. ' ···t d' 'M ", ' . ...' ., '. , tons: one in' west Berliri and the ; T~e ul I.v~ns.. VISI e .. ' r~ AI~. hiS radiO eq~llPrne~t. to the tel~.! 'th' . E t'B j'" bert.s .. t)oI!le. t.o .talk; over th~ phone and the Sulhvans can chat e er ~ear as er m. . possibility of contacting.-Sister . ' .. Catholics" face similar pr()b-' Anne 'Marie~ While th'ey were '. ':»ems because of a divi~~d G~r:- th~re he demonsthite<! hi~ equip-. Permit. Experiment : • $avines Bank ·life Inlurance ~an~. The East Gel'man government; fishing •. around: the- air .. •.. Real Estate loans:' ,In •'Shared Time' , , ' . " ' '; '. inen.~ ~has prevented thej)ishops. ... waves· and picking up 'an' ama-· ~here :~ ..om attending 'meeting's o~:' teur' in' -rex'as. '. ..:. ':'. P9RTLAND. (NC):':"'The Port-· Christmal ;a~dVacati'on Clubs" . . ~he G~rman Bishops.' .Conference, . To his feliow .ham .he,.. men, '~~nd school board. has approved I '. ,held 'i.i:J the West. tioned that he was looking 'for :ai "shared time" experiment iii. Savings' A'ccounts Join in Prayt;r :.an operator in Spanish HOll'duras.· .-Which children 'from a parochial 5 Convenient .locations . BiShop Krummacher said at '!And the,. next voice we· heard'," :~chool in' North' Portland will . .. . . . . 'attend classes part time ,in a the sy'nod that iii. the preslmt· recounted .. Mrs. Sullivan, still nearby public school. . NEW' BEDFORD' cris;s the Protestant churches sounding amazed, "was a man "must use evel'Y opportunity to saying 'This is Sal} Pedro Sula, The experi~ent will inv~lve join with Catholics in prayer." Spanish Honduras.''' at first only physical education Catholics and Pwtestants he Not only was Jack Gaffney, classes and will extend for only llaid, are "bound together b~ the th r operator from Honduras, in two ·years. . word of the .Lord and a common t"'e same city as Sister Anne. Children fro m' Immaculate Il'esponsibility." Marie, but it developed that he Heart parish elementary school. R.ESIDENTIAl The bisho~ said Protestants in lived across the street from her be allowed to attend gym East Germany have made every .convent, a~d had me~ her o~ sev classes in' Eliot school in the SCHOOLS. CHURCHES effort to obtain relief fwm ant.i eral occaSlOns,- He ImmedIately Qregon corrlmunity.. \. J!'eligious discrimination, but gov offered. to r~n across ~he s~reet INDUSTRIAL • BUNKER ernment authorities have re and prmg Sister to hiS mlcro-· ja!c.ted all appeals for action. . phone, l;>ut it turned out that s}ie D'ADSON Oil BURNERS He said such refusals of' the Complete Heating Installations Wins Festival Piize East Gel'man regime to end the INSURANCE' AGENCY, INC;·. 24 Hour Oil Burner Service. 'assaults on religion is part· of NEW YOEK (NC) - "The communist strategy and plan Search," .produced by Father 96 . ming, To further their objectives, Peyton's Family Theater, . has NEW .BEDFO~D,;MASS. he said. the com!TIunists will pel' received an award at Monte mstip indoctrinating children Carlo in the annual television I . 998-5153 ~7-9167 1lheir ideology while interfering . competition sponsored by the PERSONAL SERVICE with the consciences and right.s International Catholic Radio and Ne.w Bedforcll Me Pleasant Street Tel. 996-8271 _ tJ.; children and their parenti;. TV Association.' beliefs,
. ,. . ..... . . : 1 .-
teleph~rie bill. talkinll'.to
• •
:GLEN COAL & 'O'IL CO., Inc.
Bishop Medeiros Urges Justice .~ 'For Workers BROWNSVILLE' (NO) ~ Bishop Humbert<> S. Medei ros of, B~wn8ville,' whose diocese has been the scene of
10-month strike by migrant farm' laborers, has told farm owners to ,meet their demands for highe)' pay and bettei' living eonditions. In a pastoral letter to all Cath olics in the diocese-most of the population - released today, the bishop said: "The present plight of the mi grant farm workers of America is a constant reproach to our way of life. lPl
lFor 1lJse of Ail "They do not ask for charity. They demand what is theirs by natural right. When the affluent farmers pay a just wage to the migrant workers, when they make it possible for him to sup port himself and his family in frugal comfort and to provide education for the whole family, they are not making a gift of their possessions to the farm worker; they are simply handi;lg over to him what is his, for they had arrogated to themselves what had becn given in common for Ute use of all." , ' Migrant workers in the Rio Grande vaIiey' surrounding Brownsville have' been strik'ihg the larger farms for nearly a year in an attempt to get higher wages and better living condi-' tions. Their action, supported by thc United Farm WorkersOr-' ganizing Committee, followed the limited success encountered by UFWOC laborers in Califomia's {lrape vineyards. .
'. lLO~AIJ INTEREST NIl.' IUSlHIOP'S MEETING: Dis ,cussing topics between sessions, are Lawrence Cardinal .Sh~h.an, Baltimore; Bishop Joseph H. Hodges, Whe~]jng,
W. Va.,; Bishop Connolly, Bishop Humberto IS. Medeiros, Brownsville, Tex. and Bishop Joseph Brunini, Natchez Jackson, Miss.
Chu,rches Sh'ore Latin America Failures ,
Lutheran'Sees Stumbling Blocks Ahead!
SPJ:l,INGFIELD (NC) -:- The "Some of the things atheist quickly recognize that "study plicAt.ions" and must be, com Roman Catholic and Protestant marxists are doing'in our conti and commitment as an insep mitted .to providing "adequate churches have both failed in the nent should, by heritage," be arable unity" is their most ur pastoral CAre" to those involve.:l past in Latin America and both added, "have bee)} done by gent task if they are to, play an in political and economic action. face "severe stumbli6g blocks" Christians." effective role in the future of in the future, a Lutheran layman Looking toward the future, Dr. Latin America. Pho~ClJI. from Argentina said here. Niilus said there are "very se They must study, be said, '~both political and economic is Dr. Leopolydo Juan Niilus of 'were stumbling blocks ahead for 'Precarious Existence' Buenos Aires, director of the our Roman Catholic brethren suell &'lnd their theological im PHILADELPHIA (NC)-Arc~ But the Rio Grande workers Argentine Department of the also. bishop John J. Krol of Philadel have encountcred little success River Plate Centre of Christian Inseparable 'Unity phia bas received the annual! Illt.hough a recently organized Studies, discusse'd the Church in "They are," he s.aid, "being lLO Sourin Award of thc ] 17-year boycott of produce has received Latin America at a meeting of ST. UIS (NC)-The insti old Catholic Philopatrian LiteJ1' grow,ing support among the, ,the Lutheran World Fede'ration's ,hysterically requested' by 'the 'lute ':I!or J)lolecular virology at ary Institute. . . , ' supporters of the' status quo 'to 'St. LOUiS Univ.ersity here in Mis state's food chains. ' Commission on Stewardship and become their defenders once' • Evangelism. ' , The presentation marked the ' souri, has b~en awarded a $265, Bishop Medeil'os quoted lib . " again. The Roman Church 'failed, 101 g.J:ant from the National Can , " first 'time the award has beelll erally from both Pope John He warned the gr.oup that "in when'Latin America waS' strug-' eer Inst,ilute of the U. S. Depart made to a member of the hieJ1' XXIII .and Pope Paul VI's recent archy. ]t is ordinarily given w encyC'lical, On t.he Development too m,lIlyquarters the. Roman gling',Jor' its independence; ,n . ment: of 'Health, J!:ducation and a distinguished Catholic layman.. of Peoples, in establishing the Cath~Ii~, Church has b.een the may-all 'of us' may""':'fail now' 'Welf~re whic~ wil,l enable re The Archbishop was cited 100' right of farm workers to a'decent main whipping boy for the Latin "wheniHs struggling for its eco-' searchers to look for viral, spe AmeJ;ican" 'backwal;dness~ ,and lIlomic Independence."" eitic genetic material in hi.miavl "confident and courageous lead Jiving. there, .hl,lS been too, much ,self \ Dr; Niilus 'said that' 'all" elmcer.' .. ',' . " , ers~jP." But be also. took note of the complacency and self-ri.ghteous- ", q:hurdiesin Latin' America rou'st' ' plight of A'mcr'ica's farmers ness, about the positiv:e r.ole, themselvell' who "live out a pre played' ,by the Prote!>tants, in ,',
«:arious 'existence" .'unless they' Latiq ,American, social and,eco,.. 'N~w "constitute large' enterprises, nomi<;,deve~opment.",
, :'1 PURCHAS~ (NC)-The Pius sllch as ,corporations, 01' coopera , X School of Litlll'gical Music of Protestants, be said, have a ii,ves." , Manhattanville College of the "share and~ responsibility in the He urged both farmers and creation 'of seriou!> structural Sacred Heal1' here received workers to organize in their own maladjustments - both economic $20,000 in grants from Charl~ interest. :,' ~nd" Art.hur 'Morgan ,Of New and moral'~ Latin America. York, and John Morgan ,oi., Nat,ural Ri~ht , "Most of, the things our proRockville Centre, N. Y., to stimu "Given the natiol~;lr and even gressive Roman, Catholic bret~ ia!e' "new' music' for 'the BANQUETS • WEDIl)~NG5i· P~RTIES illtc~national deprc~sed ·condi-'· are doing':' today . i~,Latin m~rg,y.;' aioll of Agricultul'e 'a;ld' 'of 'fa~m 'America should';;,by'heritage;" he, -"COMMUNION,' BREAKfASTS, wor,kCl'S and of many,farm ,own-.: !!ai~, "have, beel';:~~~n,e"py}:>rotes:" , ers in purticular, it' is urgent tants." , ' ..::.:',' '::[ , : 11M3 PLEASANT STREET FAll RIVER that they be aware of' thei~ right ,,:' , :" "
Archbishop Wons Sourin Medal
,Cancer Study
, '::
~~~o~~o:~~~.~C~~~.i~II:~:~~~h I~~~~~
of development 'Which in the words of Pope 'Priul VI' signifies ]l>e~cc.
"We know that every man hAS a basic natural right to form and join wOI'kers' unions which con tribute to economic, progress by dcfending his "ights," he said. "But thc circumstances of the times the world over indicate that for the common good it is also thc duty for both migrant farm workers and for farmers to form associations." The United States, he said, has • duty to its migl'ant laborers llnd farmers which it must fulfill "by passing apPl'opl'iate legisla tion and using other suitable and dcmocratic means of assistance so that not only our tables, but thc tables of the world may be blessed with the abundance of the fruits of the earth."
'Sishop' :"o~~~ed
MEMPHIS .(NC)~:Bi~tiop,:Jo 'seph A. Durick,' apostolic admin.., istrator of the Nashville diocese, received the first annual Human Relations Award from the Mem phis Catholic Human Relations Council. He was cited for his stands on human dignity and equal job opportunities. He re cently instituted Project Equal ity in Tennessee. '
,F.... er"~ :Dome
550 Locust Street lFall River, Mass.
672-2391 Iltose E. Sullivan J'egl/rey E. Sullivall
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fan River-11lun. Apr. 20, 1961 .
Irish ,Emigro'nts Concern B:,~hops in· ,'Pgstoral
Suburban Parishes, Should H~lp Save .C'ity Parishes
WASHINGTON (NC)-Archbishop Patrick A. {YBoy1e . of Washington appealed here to ~ub\Jrban'Catholic paris'bes to come to the aid of poverty-stricken parishes in the inner city. "At least 10 Catholic parishes in the inner city need financial help to continue to is"··h d d ,- ize ... . t II h told C . Has ave ecrease ... s , ...... exlS, .' e a ommumon though the schools have contim . breakfast of the St. Vincent ued to operate at fun capacity. de Paul' Society, ,"and the Whll~ parish income has faUellil.
DUBLIN (NC)-The,spiritual and social needs of Irish 0trtifirants and the importance of preparing them for their
new 'life' in other countries were major concerns of the
. Irish hierarchy at its meeti~g here in- Maynooth. In a pa.s~ .
toFal on emigration it ,was·· "'to the formation of those likely pointed out that while "de-" to emigrate." .', . pa'rture of Irish people foi>' Among recommendations made residence in other c@uiitries in the pastoral for properly pi:-e
only way we can give it i!I off, school costs have 'risen: ~ through our suburban parishes." cause of increased' salaries; emSuburban parishes are hard ' ployment of lay' teachers, and pressed themselves he said with higher maintenance costs for' most of them deepiy in debt 00-, older buildings. cause of new constru~tion and Paro'chial school tuiti6n, which expansion.. "Nevertheless, they averages about '$4 a month, haa; must inaiJpirit of true charity not kept pace with 'costs, Msgr. share .their . resources ,with our Lyons explained. . poor .par.ishes." The St. Vincent de Paul Socl The archbishop said that one 'ety-here recently announced a "twinning" program. in whicb of. the reasons fl?r the poor fi nancial: condition of the inner sOlue of the more affluent par city ,parishes was the cost of i.shes "adopt" inner city parisheo operating their schools, but said an'd provide for their needs. emphatically that none of these schools would be 'given up. "If we didn't have to support Offers Folk Mass our schools," Archbishop O'Boyle For Vocations said, "nearly all 'Of our parishes could· take care of their basic HOUSTON (NC)-Bishop John needs. :But we are not going to. L. Morkowsky of Galveston-. giv~ up any of 'our schools as Houston offered a special foUt long as we can. get Ii dime to MaSs for youth on World Day oL support them." Pr~yer for. Vocations at Sacred '. . Not mentioning which' parish' Heart co-cathedral here. was; concerned, he stated that·, Father William Steele, dioc one ·itmner 'city parish received esan vocation director, said "the $54,000 from archdiocesan funds ' folk, Mass is being offered to at las~; .year.. tract the young people." . ·The· Msgr. Thomas W. Lyons, Arch.. " homily ,during· the". Mass dealt ' diocesan· Director of Educatiot1,' . with vocations. said ,th~t before the whije ·migra.:.· Contemporary,· folk musiC" tion· to the suburbs, CathoUa' composed by Ray Repp, nation,.' ' constituted about 22 per cent 01. ally . known folk song writer, the Washington Population. The was played during the Mass. Negr~.. who replaced the whitea. Guitar aceompaniment was pro are only about JO per cent Cath vided by seminarians from. St. olic. The result is that the par,. Mary'oS Seminary here.
is on" the decline, those who :do paring potential emigrants . for I lea.ve, .'~can be an enormous force, living'in other lands were: ' . ". for·good·in the lands they go ,to, : Young people should be en if they have the right ideals .and, , couraied to remain in schooias' motLves .. and abilities properly' long as they can benefit from H;' . Emphasis on the virtue of tem:' developed. "Without these," the pastoral perance; adds, "the alien en"ironment in ' The. utilization of youth club REV. ALBERT F. SHOVELTON which they find themselves may activities (discussion clubs and presen~ serious dangers to the . g::uiles) to' help young members spiritual and moral wenfare ~ to acquire healthy and natural the we'aker ones. . sOcial graces and habits Education and religious forma The aid of priests in helping tion of young people by the the young people to grow up to f •• schools and by the clergy coop Rev. Albert E. Shovelton, di confident maturity; rector of Sl Mary Home, New erating with teachers were cited Counse! by priests on expected Bedford, will speak as a repre as most effective contriil>utiona problems of housing, suitable . sentative of the Diocesan Com . 'employment, dangers· to health,' nlission for Christian Unity at Committe~' long"hours of work in other ,the75th anniversary celebra;tion countries, advanced atrange-' :at Holy Trinity Lutheran ,mentS 'with Catholic 'welfa!:'e.'Church;North Easton, Thursday, , ., agencies in countries 9f thei'r 'April 27. , CHI<!:AGO ,(NC) - The' board. choice and the provision 'of in., . . Father Shovelton'.s talk' ~iU of trustees,of the Catholic Uni-,'formll'tion concerning facilities be. part of aseroinar. ·He wili be versity; of. America, Washing- .'abroad for' emigrantS; :':. ':','. .... preceded by Rev. Dr. Nils Ehten ton, D,'9·, h!is .est~blished it :ne~ :;'., ~he' h6ldin~ .Of. Irisi:t:~"nhlli.~"· 8~rom, .Boston University School survey: and o!>lectlODs ~()mmlttee .. ::lft l<1rge', centers;' ".' ~., Theology, whose subject headed:' b.r ~ St.. ~OU~1l1(ly.~a~ ,,: '. A"parishnewsl,etter . s~nt. :be "Ecun1eni~m" ;in Protestant tof study ~he funct~op. and plaO!l!!: " . '. g: :"Perspective: Today" th .. C·th li 'U .' -Of' Of . D.'l0n th','. I" y".'f· rom. h ome·'."··f' 10 Or1:ll1O ". .' " .. . ~ a .0 ~vtersl,Y~ .... <': the': emigrants:' b{;furicti6ns': 'in",/Fathel' ShovEllton's suoject m~nqa ~r:':~o ern a hoh~ ""'- the "local' par.ishes : at ;Chri~tmaiJ'::be '~EcumeJ1ism;in Roman Cllth l:aCatton national scale.,: ..JJ. :.,an d' 0'thOer , t"lmes :. 0,f: th" e year.w ... ,. "h'" Th ' on ..·a ·tt ' " en, "oljc:,. Persp'ective'To'da'y"' . , A' 'dis. e ;cozp.ml ee~~made, up U4. they :might· possibly 'be' home.~uss!{)n period ,will follow. SIX laymen and four archbIshops" . ." '." .' ) The audience will be com all of who.m .ar~ pr~sent tr,ustee,s , _. . ' , : ' .prised of' the Lutheran ,parisa o~ the :u~lverslty. Formatu~n at Southern PrOVince, c!'mgregation, .the townspeople ~he co!nrruttee.was'announce? by " .. ~. '.. ' . ,_ . the, town's clergy, and the stll~ FrancII! Cardinal.. Spellman of Favors; DIGcor:aat.e" .'~', dents at Holy Cross. Fathenl New, york,: ch~rman of, the MIAMI CNC)':':"Bishops the:' 'Seminary." , Catholic Urnverslty board. . province of Atlanta have giyen . Pastor of Holy Trjnity is Rev. The. appointment of the com-' 'p!!~sts in the :six-ctiocese area Kenneth E'. Bjorklund.' .. mittee came against a back .permission to hear confessions in '. ground of reports that the U. S. the entire province and t h e y ' . bishops might transfer its I:on have also asked the National Brothers 'VO'uD'lltee~ trol of CatJ:lolic University to 11 Con:ference of Catholic BishoPs: firefilllhters group ,of laymen. The univer .to consider restoring the perma- . :II sity's r.ector, Bishop William J. nent diaconate in dioceses" that, NORTHBROOK (NC) - F,'our . "of the 34 men in the Northbrook McDonald" has denied the ·re want it. ports, but the chairman of "the The, two decisions were ~~_ volunteer fire department here :new commi~ee" Dr. Ca~roU nounced after the Bishops 'held are ,religious Brothers. They are Hochwalt, SaId the commIttee their annual meeting in Miami. : assigned to, the national head has been given the widest pos " ' . ' quarters. of the Society of· the sible' mandate from which "noth . Archbls~OP. P~ul J. Hallman of Divine Word at nearby Techny,
ing will be excluded." A~lanta SaId l~ IS cus~omary ~or Ill.' .
. "Our assignment," Dr. Hoch prtests t~ receIve. theIr faculties The Broth,:rs a.re on call ;any walt said,"is the most ,far from theIr own dl~cese and they time the Northbrook first 'sta reaching one possible. We are to h~ve. been. restncted !o .use tion standby has two or :less take a reaiistic look at every wlth!n that diocese: Effec.tlVelm men on duty for' all general aspec~ of the university all it medl~telY, all, pne~ts In good. alaons, and for any fire or emer has developed under its original stan.dmg may n?w he~r the con- gency when additional personnel directive since 1889, and at its' fesslOns of I?emtents 10 the, A!- are needed. Their" volunteering potential for the forseeable la~ta archdIOcese ~nd th~, 41- was approved, by the superiors, ',,:> futul"e,: It is obviously the trus ,oces~ of S?va~nah, Charleston, and· the .seminary bought them II teef.' desire to leave n,o qtiestfon '~alelgh, MIami and St. Augus- veh~C1e 'to expedite transportm unanswered which may .aft.ect ,. tine. .. .tion when they answer' a .fire the unfyersity.as a,national-hlsti ;' .:~. . ', ,. ,,, ",;!.c;:a~I" ,: , . ct HOME IMPROV~MENl 'LOANS tution, 1its, ~ac;:ulty, students, .~d . Sol.ons p'as's .JI n,. y ,', ,The Brothers estaimat~ that, the Cliurcl;i', and the" nation 'ift "', ' ., .... .~ ..... " J llmohgihem:;'th;ejt' haVe 'fouglU serves.'~ ,., ..,( ...; .I "'i,.): '·'Closing"·Measure ...·isome 50.fires;, ''''':', .<i:. • PERSONAL .LOANS':: , : ""., ." .j, ;, ;.·,;:;.5T: PAUL (NC)4A,bilLban.. ,. ,";'. ;,.' . . . . . '" ' • VACATION· LoANS..' Dedicate, Mon"ment ,,~ing .. ~l)e sale. pf spe~iti~m!'tr::,,, 0""R'O'U'RKtr!:' :, , chandise on Sundays has' heen . ~ ONE $10.' COMPlm BANKI~G.SERVICEAl At« "ad Fe Serra'" ,. · 'passed' b)-both houses of the S_\CRAMENTO '(NC)' d"'Dme ,.Minr,Elsota legislature..Gov.~aJ;": ' OF OUR 6 HAHOY; IANKS monument of .. Padre .runipero: old LeVander of Minnesota was 'S7J' ~c~nd "St~~ef Serra, O.F.M:was,solemnly ded- . exPected to sign it into law. icated on the grounds of ti.lle The legislation forbids the sale Fall River, MOIss_ State Capitol here Saturday. ,OIl Sundays and six, holidays.. 679-6072 The formal ceremonies were (New Year's Day, Memorial Day,' MICHAEL J. McMAHON
q:onducted by officials' of 'the' Independence Day, Labor Day/' Licensed Funeral Director
state alld by officers of the Nll- Thapksgiving and Christmas) of . Reg'isfered Embalmer ti. ve ' Sf' ns and Daughters of the cameras, ... musical instruments, WITH SIX. CONVENIEt\nlY LOCATED BANKS Golden' West. The project haa phonographs and tape recorders, . . . '. ,"' ~".' been sponsored by the California radios and television sets, jewelIN NEW" BEDfORD State Legislature and the fra- ry, clocks .and watches, furs, terrial ~ orders, who provided furni~ure and other home fur • _ $OUTH BANK-Cove St. at RCltdne~F~en~h' ioulevar«B .
"matching funds" to finance' its' . nishings, including appliances., , .' ". ' " WEST B~NK-Ke~pton S~reet at Mill Street
executi~n. ···Also wearing apparel (){all:' FUNERAL HOME; LUND'S CORNERBANK;,.;..Acush;net Ave. near Lund'. Comer·
Father Noel F. Moholy, O.F:M..kinds including footwear,. l u g - , 469 LOCUST STREIE1T '. DARTMOUTH BANK-Dartmouth Street 'near RockdCiieA-. vice postulator for the canorliza . gage; lawnmowers 'and 9ther" ,' N~RTH BANK-Acushnet 'Ave.' at ,CoHin Ave. tion of Ithe Franciscan friar 'who outdvor machinery and equip 'FAU RIVER, MASS. 'CENTER BANK-Purchase and' WilliamSts. . bas been hailed as "California's ,ment, hardware and tools, paints, , ' 672-3381 First Citizen and Greatest .Pio- : varnishes, . wallpaper :and re-· Wilfred e~ "'James IE; Illeer," W.?3 the principal speakeII' lated tools, lumber 'and other "DRIVE-IN: SERVICE' A'T' AU 'BANKS. at the ded~cation. buildine materials and supplies. Driscoll· Sullivan, Jr..
Priest to Spe(l]llc
At Seminar
NClline To Survey' ,CU
< ,,':'., .
. :!.
with the
Auto Loan Pian.
, ••
' 5u II-Ivan & Sons
Cardinal Cushing Sees Decrease In Seminaries
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Apr. 20, 1967
Family Care Program forO Children
The Paul A. Dever State School, Taunton, under the sponsorship of the Depart ment of Mental Health, has
BOSTON (NC)-The num ber of Catholic seminaries in the United States will de crease because of the diffi culty of obtaining top-flight scholars to staH them, Richard Cardinal Cushing of Boston pre dicted here. Addressing the New England Conference of the Catholic Hos pital Association, the cardinal told some 680 nuns, priests and . laymen that schools of theology, both Catholic and Protestant, will become more closely identi fied with "the great colleges and universities of this country, a system not unlike that of Oxford in England." Sharing the platform with Archbishop Cushing was Bishop Fulton J. Sheen of Rochester, N. Y., who urged Catholic hos pitals to go outside their own walls to bring social and medical help to the poor. "Go out into the slums," he said. "Give two .or three hours a day visiting poor families for healing and counseling." He also suggested that Catho lic hospitals in this country "adopt" hospitals in poor coun tries. 'In A Rut' "We can certainly afford to have someone put up a hut in the poor world. We have the spirit but we have gotten into a rut," the bishop said. Bishop Sheen told the confer ence "the hallmark of a Catholic hospital is that we serve each patient as we would serve Christ." Cardinal Cushing also pre dicted that rising costs of care of the sick will induce the fed eral government "to become more closely identified in hos pital administration." "I was told," he added, "that in some hospitals the cost of a bed per day is almost $100. There must be a ceiling somewhere."
Salons to Study Divorce. Laws TRENTON (NC) - The New Jersey State Assembly has unanimously approved a resolu tion to establish a commission to study the state's divorce laws. The measure, already passed by the Senate, is expected to be signed quickly by Gov. Richard J. Hughes. 'Thp. commission, described by Governor Hughes as "an effort to strengthen marriage," has al ready encountered the opposi tion of -the Monitor, the Trenton «!iocesan newspaper. But. the bIShOps' of the state's th'ree other Oatholic dioceses have reserved comment. Boih Governor Hughes and the commission's sponsor, Sen. Jere miah' F. O'Connor, are Catholics. And while Senator O'Connor would like to see the commission recommend liberalization of the state's di~orce law - desertion" adultery and extreme cruelty are the only grounds at present-he would also like other changes made. Among' them are' a- fa'mily 'eourt which would serve as counseling agency as well as divorce court, lengthening of the present three-day waiting period as a"1 obstacle to quick marriages, and anr{ a warning to young Per SODS of the seriousness of mar riqe.
Senate Election PROVIDENCE (NC)-Sixteen members of the 26-member sen ate of priests for the Providence dJocese have been elected in the first part of the senate's two atage elections.
recently begun a Family Care Program in an attempt' to· pro vide some of its children with the experience of family life. The program is initially seek ing to place approximately 20 selected youngsters in homes in the South Shore area. These chidren have been selected for their advanced capacities for ed ucation and training and their abilities to adjust to a home en vironment. These children reconmmended
by the psychologists and screened by the social workers, have all been approved by the school's physicians for the pro gram. "These children are ready and able to enter into the commu nity," said Dr. John L. Smalldon,' superintendent of the Dever school. Provides Funds "This program, with its empha sis on the advantages of the proper fa mil y environment, seeks, through a gradual process, to assimilate the child within the community." The Social Service Department at the Dever School will conduct
pre-placement visits with the child to the prospective foster parents to determine the com patibility of the youngster with the !family. Once settled within the family, the child will also be periodically visited by a schooi social worker to assist in the adjustment. The youngsters would attend special educatiOD classes in public schoolll throughout the South Shore. The Department of Mental Health, which sponsors· similar Family Care Programs in sev eral other schools in the state, is providing funds for the sup port of the children.
NCIEA Appoints Fr. O'NeiU Rev. Patrick J. O'Neill, Super intendent of Schools in the Dio cese of Fall River, has been ap pointed by the Superintendent's Department of the National Catholic Educational Association to serve as a member. of the na tional committee concerning tbe growth and development of .dioc esan and parish school boards. This committee, under the' chairman, Rt. Rev. Msgr. O'Neill D'Amour, will serv() as' an ad visory unit. It will gather and . distribute information concern ing the development, growth, and function of school boards. Father O'Neill made an exten sive study of functioning school boards throughout the country. His work in organizing our Dioc esan Board of Education and working with it during the past year has been commended.
Newman Chaplains' School at IHCJJl'vOlI'd ' WASHINGTON (NC) - The National Newman Chaplains' As sociation has added a second training school for priests and Sisters entering Newman work. It will be conducted at Harvard University. As in past years, a school will be held at the University of Col orado in Boulder. Dates for both schools are June 113 to July 2. The Newman Chaplains' School prepares priests and nuns as signed to the secular campus. The faculty has been 'chosen on the basis of experience in the Newman apostolate and. speciali zation in theology, -philosophy, script~re. and counseliJ)g. _ ,
Wlhere A
1001 Kings Hwy.
. NEW BEDFORD Open Evenings
What do you do when you live on a' Take a good look at your everyday very small island with over three and a - surroundings. You are apart of the 20% half million people-say Hong Kong? of theworld's populati~n that has access Move to. the suburbs? But what if the to 80% of the world's food. That means suburb is Red China? The only answer that the other 80% of the world must be is this-and rbe hundreds of thousands content with the remaining ~O%. Of who crowd these house- boats are lucky! course you can read this and say "So?". ' Ov« half die 'people of the world ani But, "'You cannot say to someone who taorneless-and most live in Asia. is hungry,: come tomorrow ... We must When we hear that three-fourths ol. act today because tomorrow may be too cbe human race lives in.poverty or below late" (pope Paul VI.) "Feed the man the subsist~ level, these are the peo- dying of hunger ... if you have not fed pie we are talking about. Do we know him, you have killed h1m." (Vatican II). what it feels like to subsist; to know no Dear Monsignor O'Meara, 1 am attach other feeling but that of hunger? It is ing my gilt 0/ $_ _ to help right the impossible, or we could never spend over imbalance in our world. Please use it so 100 billion dollars annually on arma- that a missionary can feed the starving. ments while 10,000 die each day .from name: - - - - - - - - - - ¥Jldernouri8bment. address: ..;...._~_ _...;..;__
THE ANCHOR~Diocese of.Fa" River-Thurs•. Apr. 20! 19M
·Social Revolut·ion Is Needed In latin America Lands From "Social Revohitiiolll. iin the New Latin America" Edited by John 3. Considine, M.M.
The possibility of orientating regional planning toward an overall solution of the pressing problems that concern more than one Latin nation could well engage Christian i:nitiative, writes Rene Atero. The most typical example of. this kind, he sa)'s, concerns Social Revolution in Latin-~er
the region of the Andean ica,". Most Rev. Mark G.Mc
Mountains where peasants Grath, C.S.C.," says: Barbara
numbering more than five . 'Ward, widely' read Catholic
'million live in th.ee different ' economist, begins her book en
<countries possessing basically titled The Rich Nations and the
Poor Nations with the flat state . 'similar pro b'ment, "I suppose we are all . lems. Our assoaware of the fact 'that we live in .ciation with nathe most catastrophically revolu ~ional orgariizationary age that men have ever
. ,tions concerned f::..ced."
··with deyelopSocial Revolution
ment planning Vice-President Hubert Hum .in no way imphrey, who honored this meeting
plies the imwith his presence last year,
proper subordiwrites in a recent issue of For nation of entieign Affairs, "Although the ob tie s u n d e r servation that Latin America is
Church s p 0 nin the midst of a political, eco sorship to less effectual accom- nomic and social revolution has plishment under the state. become a commonplace, it is On the contrary, it 'is a ques- true."
tion of becoming involved in a' . The influential Chilean maga
new front in which Christian zine, .Mensaje, published by the
action is not only indispensable Jesuit Fathers, dedicated an en
but will be most efficacious in tire issue in December of 1962 to
helping to enlist sectors of Latin the theme, "Revolution in Latin
American society of top impor- America"; and followed this up
. ·'tance for national dE'velopment. with· another special issue in
, , With reference to the actual . bctober, 1963, on "Revolutionary
'implementation of plans through ..Reforms in' Latin America.
:'well elaborated pr.ojectS, 'we Early in 1964 the Civilta Cat should make certain that iden- tolica, ,published. in Rome by, the ..
tification and recognition as an Jesuits, carried a critique, of
important part of the national these two issues of Mensaje by
effort are given to current Father Jarlot, which questioned
Church activities already oper- the prudence of using 'the terio.
ating numerous projects of social "revolution" in a Christian con
development throughout the text, pointing out that ,itia
<continent, . loaded with Marxist overtones.
For example, with regard to Not only does it signify rapid
education we should <eall atten- structural changes, Father Jarlot
tion to the fact that there are· in asserts; but also connotes vio, lence and some measure of hate Latin' America about 5,000 pri- and class warfare., :He would vate ed~cational inst:tutions pre- . prefer the term "evolution." pared to share in current eduea-'
tional programs throughout the Social Revolution
oontinent. Mr. Humphrey, in the article
The private univemities and· already mentioned, asks the,
eenters of technical training in· question: "Is it appropriate te
the fields of agriculture, labor.' define Alliance (for Progress)
and cooperatives couY-a double policy as favoring social 'revolll
the potential for pl'ofessional tion' - or should this word be
and technical trainin1' if they avoided in favor of 'evolution' 01'
would participate on D national some other expression?"
basis ir. serving the more pressHe an!!wers: "'Evolution', if
ing needs of society. . carefully examined, proves to be
Broad Horizons , inadequate, for it implies an un-
We must work also in the pres- conscious, non-deliberate change
ervation of the progress which that is slow and gradual.
has been achieved in the areas"What is required is conscious,
of social welfare now b~ing em- rapid change in the socio
phasized (housing, education, economic. structure, a process' public health). Lay groups 'such that can correctly and precisely; as Catholic Action in different be' called a revolution.· If used spheres _ Legion of Mary; St, not as a slogan. but in itS precise.' . Vincent de Paul, Carita3-which sense, the policy of peaceful s0 up to now have directed their -cial and economic revolution is efforts mainly towards' religion' .a>correct~har.acte,rizatio~of· i\l~ ': :. · 't' hid" . li;mce policy. . . and we If a.re act IVlless ou, eJ\:,...,.:·, "'"We should not hesitaie,'to,i' . pand theIr programs a:11d, focus "d t'f l ' 'th 't m' ' some of their work on ilrojects :' I e~ I y o~rse ~es WI I. , . : '~!i t planned by specialists':' ,',' " .J ;"J;.atm,AmencaiJust ~ Presldc:n. :... This would permit the' cltanel... , ..~ohnson ~ssoclated hunseU WIth; " . . . ' , ; .. it in hIS 'war' on poverty"' ' I~ng of theIr ~eal, .t~elr ~rga~l~a-:, throughout the world whenhe.: tIOn and f theIr i splnt of saCrIfIce d 'If' a peace t b • recen tly remark e: as power u resources 0 e put f l I t · . th i5 at the disposal of society. Among ,u re~bo u IOn ~n ese areas.
such works surely programs of ~m,?ossl. Ie, a VIolent revolutIon
IS mevltable ' "
community "improvement. will be .
especially attractive to tlhese lay
IELECVIltUCAL Thus the Church might con- .
Ccntrac1lol'$ sider putting its knowledge an,d
resources to more effective use
in preparing programs and proj
ects for adaptation to national
and regional needs.
They should select carefully
those with the capacity to fulfill
so that they may obtain financing
from national or international
sources to complement their own'
eontributions, thus enlarging ,the '. 944 County. St. scope of their activities, ' . ' .
In a study of "The Church and";
NeVi Bedfor.d c
There's muchthat'$ new at Firat National these days,~ •• and this sign atthe meat oaeels one of the most exoltlng~ But- don't tlhln.k~ 'for, a moment~ FIRST CHOICE MEAT I. merely a n~w name. If yo.':' hav,n't'shopped our meat Oa~ely, you're In for "happy 8urprlse~. We've always enjoyed a great reputation for· meat ...... have always sold the pIck of oholce meats ...... as Ih$p~cted .'and 'graded by the U.S.'Department of Agrloulture. (U.S.D.A.) .!But now with our You.C.ome First policy our meat casel .have taken on ~ new lo.ok.. Our finicky p~IIQy',,~t~~reotlng oniy the ohoicest' of the oholce c'... has beoome, believe It ·or not, evet1l·mol-e-flnlokye. The trlmnilng ,and outtl'ng: le.oloser and 'mQre':~a~e(ld ~ e .• to etJlv~ you th0 gi'e~tGst;m~at vaYu9:·and most flavorful meats In lF~r2~ National hIS~O.[y: O,Lill' oounters are the. cieanes~ and our !butohers mor~ eager than ever to lend you a weloome ·rneal.. tpia8"lnlng Idea~ tiuoh's gre~~ InQwsplrlt demanded a great new name" II .. ' -! fiRST CHOlom MEAT. AU U.S.DA graded and Inspeoted • " ". ann thel very plok of the oholce ...... eaoh and every cut the best yoo oan buy~ Arnothefr way we prove·
You: cona.flrst
at I'lrlt National'
.,'. !, .. ' •
Arguments For Celibacy
Outweigh Those Against
Say~ ~Q~~OIP
VATICAN CITY (NC)-Arguments urging that the :requirement of eeHbacy of priests be set aside as an ob stacle to increasing vooationsare not sufficient, Archbi-shop Gabriel Garribe, pro-prefect of the Congregation of Semi naries and Universities, told "extraordinary development of a press'confel'ence here. "My vocations in Mexicp and in personal answer is that the Yugoslavia and the , stable arguments for celibacy cd: continuity of recruitment in the clergy are stronger than those against it." He said he be lieved there should be a "firm affirmation in this respect," and that it would maintain celibacy in the Latin Church. By doing so, he said, the "quality ofpriesUy candidates will grow,'" and through the qua:Uy of its priests the Church will harvest an increase in the . quantity of candidates. The drop in the number of vocations, the Archbishop stated, Is due in part at least to the new attitude of today's youth and therefore requires changes_ in the traditional seminary formation. The prelate told the press that today's youth is much more fully aware of the whole world and far more sensitive to its problems than in the past. Those responsible for seminary training must realize the importance of education and be "capable of understanding the new genera tion, of admiring them and of discovering for' them the mission of the Church." StatistiCs Given Archbishop Garrone not e d tj~at, although there has been a falilng off in vocations generally, there have been some surprising exceptions. He singled out 1be
Dominican Work ,Continued from Page One means that the approach will be intellectual rather than devo tional ... and the emphasis win rest on accuracy, on the truth of a statement, rather than on whether it is opportune." , In performing such a task, mistakes 1n the form of "partisan statements ~ld ill-balanced re marks" are sometimes inevitable, Father Hislop said. He affirmed' the Dominicans' loyalty to the Church, but noted that it is often difficult for a vanguard intellectual group to express itself in terms that win not be misunderstood by the majority of Catholics.
CCD Talks Continued from Page One Tauntol. as the speaker. Mrs. Mary Fuller of Buzzards Bay will speak at the meetiDll in Bishop Stang High School, North Dartmouth. At Bishop CasSidy High School, Taunton, the speaker will be Edward McDonagh-Of North Attleboro. Thomas Flangheddy of Taun ton, will address the meeting at Bishop Feehan High School, Attleboro. The Cape area meeting will be held at Holy Trinity, West Hall' wich, with Miss Patricia llIIakle as speaker.
'SIQ'\7'(~ @~
Mar<qJ M®G'G'® T @@J~ ~~i'
~®®&f§ ~ITOW(QJtf®
WASHINGTON (NC) - Rep. Clement J. Zablocki of Wiscon sin has introduced a proposal to correct a defense education gap'! in American schools. Zablocki.'s bill wo~ld amend the National Defense Education Act (NDEA) to provide federal grants for purchase of laboratory and other special equipment which could be used by children and teachers In parochial and private schools. , In a statement on the· flOor Of the House of Representatives;: Zablocki pointed to inequities In , the 'present NDEA progra~ , which Congress, passed In 1958. to strengthen instruction in sci ence, mathematics, foreign lan guages and related subjects. An important provision of the, act, Zablocki said, is Title III, which provides matching grants to public schools for purchase of laboratory and other special equipment. Non-public schools now are eligible only for loans for that purpose. Under Zablocki's bill, public, authorities could obtain federal funds to buy laboratory and other special equipment which eould then be provided for use in' non-public schools. In order to comply with matching provisions of the NDEA, the non-public schools, or groups of such schools, would be required to prove they had spent an equal amount thenr selves for such eqUipment from private funds.
KANSAS CITY (NC) - The new role of a Bishop in the era of renewal has been spelled out here by Bishop Charles H. Helm sing of Kansas City-St. Joseph. In addition to the age-old role of teacher, Bishop Helmsing said a Bishop today must "read, stud)' and apply the teachings of the Second Vatican Council, the Gos pels expressed to meet the needs of the modern world." In short, Bishop Helmsing said, a Bishop must be "a slave of love" to serve as Christ served mankind. Bishop Helmsil1g spoke at the consecration of Auxiliary Bishop Joseph V. Sullivan, 45, of Kansas City-St. Joseph. Bishop Sullivan is the fir~ native of this Missouri city ele vated to the hierarchy. He was ordained to the priesthood June 1, 1946, has served as chancellor of the diocese since 1957 and was named Bishop by Pope Paul VI last month.
Poland." Among the statistics provided
at the conference were the fact
that the latest Church figures
count 234,000 Diocesan priests
and 168,000 Religious priests.
There are in addition 166,400
Religious who are not ordained
One of the most heartening things in the vocational world picture, it was pointed out, has been the increase of priestly vocations in Africa, Asia and Oceania. The growth of the local clergy has been a phenomenon of the last 40 years. Today in Africa and Asia approximately 500 or dinations take place every year.
Th urs., A pri I 2 0, 1967
FALL RIVER AUXllLhARY AT MEETING: Bishop Gerrard, Auxiliary lBishop of the Diocese of Fall River, is pictured at one of the sessions of the Spring meeting of the Bishops of the'U. S.held in Ohicago. NC Photo.
MILWAUKEE (NC)-ALuth eran scholar will teach Lutheran theology to graduate students at Marquette University here, start ing next September. Dr. Kenneth G. Hagen, assistant professor of religion at Concordia College, Moorhead, MinJ;l., will be the Marquet~e theology department'u first full-time visiting scholra un der a grant from. the Louis Cal der Foundation in New York.
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Seek More funds WASHINGTON (NC) -Two members of Maryland's congres sional delegation have intro duced a bill which would make the government spend $75 mil lion annually for birth eontrol aid in the U. ~. by 1973. The bin. introduced by Sen. Joseph Ty. ings and Rep. Samuel Freidel, would propose $20 million the fkst year, rising to $75 million bIV the fifth )'ear. Sta1e and loeal governments would provide _ edditiODal $25 mDJiclID br )87J.
Phone $12-1322
2M Second ..... - FaD . .
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of F~n River- Thurs~ Apr. 20,,1967
Misunderstanding· Faced
In Ecumenical Meeting
[iJescribes Stru~g!~ For QM@~gtLy in T~~®wo~~@~
Roman Catholic and Lutheran theologians 'agreed here after their fourth meeting that "many misunderstandings had been overcome" on the Sacrament of the Lord's SuppeR' -Holy Eucharist-but that further examination is neces sary. The doctrinal consul to the concrete worship life o1Z tation held at the headquart the' Church." ers of the Lutheran Church . In a' prepared statement re in America was the fourth leased f.t ,the conclusion of the
By Rt. Rev. Msgr. John S. Rennedy When Fred W. Friendly resigned from the Columbia Broadcasting System in 1966, he ended a 16-year association with that network. His trials in broadcast journalism are tbe subject of his new book, Due To Circumstances Beyond Our Control Control, • . . Management's' obligation is to Random House. $6.95; 457 protect the interests of these Madison Avenue, New York, stockho~ders," But Mr. Friendly is concprned N.Y. 10022). But this volume is far more than a personal memoir. It is the story of th~'
battle, a losing battle of course, for quality in commercial tel ~vision. The main point is that the story is
here told by
an insider. Mr.
Friendly's ·fame
gprang from his
close associa
tion with the
late Edward R. Murrow, He was Murrow's partner in the prepa ntion of such pioneering and still unparalleled series as "Se~ l!il Now" and "CBS Reports," ' After Murrow left CBS and went· into governm()nt service, Mr. Friendly became president . of CBS news. He resigned that ~sition because of a clispute con cerning the broadcasting of Sen ate hearings on the Vietnam war. Many ancient or recent con filets over broadcasting policy are rehearsed in this hook. There fta for example, a detailed ac ~unt of the hassies concerning Murrow's TV _program dealing with Senator McCarthy, before McCarthy's downfall as the re ault of the hearings in the Spring of 1954. There are briefer accounts of other skirmishes. Thflse are all. interesting and instructive. But the value of the book lies not so much in these reminiscences as fin Mr. Friendly's knowledgeable analysis of the process whereby television has retreated more and more from public service and become a purveyor of junk and garbage, littering the American Ii ving room and, worse, the American mind with trash.' Geared to ,Prcfit Many factors account for this . perversion. The principal one is greed. Television is geared to private profit, not puqUc service.. lLast year's whopping profits will not suffice this year. There must be sizable increase. This is to satisfy stockholders. Mr. Friendly asked William Paley, chairm.an of the board, "Why do we have to make more money every year?" The reply was, "We have many small shareholders across the country and within the company••••
about "the other stockholders, the 195 million citizens' who grant CBS and the other broad casters the franchise to use their air." .
FCC 'Gutless' One might, naively, expect that the Federal Communications Commission would effectively protect the interests of the other H E A :0 S UNIVlERSli'JI'Y: 195 mi'lion. But Mr. Friendly, ,:New president of St. Bona on the basis of close observation, venture University, St. Bona has -no kind words, and no re spect for the FCC. For all pur- . venture, 'N. Y., is the Very poses, the agency is toothless and Rev. Reginald A. Redlon,
gutless. , O.F.M., formerly of St. Fran
To make even more money for cis College, Rye Beach; N. H.
the shareholders, every possible penny has to be wrung out of The university Is operated by
the advertising medium which the Holy_ Name province of
television now, essentially, is. the Order. of Friars Minor.
This consideration governs pro NC Photo gramming, It might be supposed that, even if prime time at night must, eco- ~ nomically, go chiefly to program ming which brings in the maxi mum advertising dollar, there is ample opportunity for public LITTLE ROCK, (NC) - Ecu ser.vice broadcasting in the day menical guidelines dealing prin time hours. But no, pienty of cipally with the conduct of money is to be made from day Catholics at Protestant functions , time advertising. have been issued by Bishop .A:l Endless Re-runs bert L. Fletcher of Lttle Rock. Three soap' companJes alone Composed of the diocesan spend $290 million a year on ecumenical commission, the television advertising, and a lot gUidelines specify that Catholics of this is directed at housewives may attend Protestant church during the daytime. And the services; participate in the sing programming dictated by this ing and common prayer, but may advertising comprises'mostly old, not act as a reader or officer' old movies and endless re-runs of such services: of stupid situation comedies. The rules permit Catholics to '''Huge profits (are) being. real serye in wedding parties at mar-. ized from the use of the miracle riages in Protestant churches, of television as a transmission' providing the service does not' belt for retread serials, soap op involve a Catholic or a divorceci eras, game shows, and the like. person. Attendance at baccalau The yield from the detergent, reate services in a church or deodorant, bleach or food adver elsewhere is permitted. tisers who possess the daytime Under the rules Catholics may schedule (whose annual.expendi not act as sponsors at Protestant· tures ... (are) some $130,000,000 baptisms Oi' confirmation, nat ...), is the principal reason why' no serious progt:amming can be . J.larticipate in intercommunion sustained for any length of time services. The guidelines encour- ' age Protestant attendance at' during these hours." Catholic services. l3y serious programming is meant such things as' crittcal UN debates (for example, on Vietnam), vital congressional hearings, the Pope's visit to the UN, Churchill's funeral, etc.). Some of these have, in fact, got on the air, and even for a con siderable period of,time, b~t. al": ways there is a major, bitter WYman battle involved. 3·6592
Educational TV Subcommittee Sets
What may not be realized is CHARLES F. VARGAS
the power of the local station. 254' ROCKDALE AVENUE
Hearings on Smut
n is by no means meekly sub WASHINGTON (NC) -The missive to the network. It largely NEW BEDFORD, MASS.
House Select Subcommittee on gqes its own way, and its way.is Education is holding hearings in search of the utmost in profits. beginning today on a bill to es It is this fact, for example, tablish a National Commission· which accounts for the non on Noxious and Obscene Matters existence of a good, solid, repre~ and Materials. sentative late-evening news Subcoml.littee chairman Domi broadcast over the nekwork. nick Daniels of New Jersey is The local station prefers to put sponsor of thc bill, which would on its own scrappy, superficial provide for a 16-member panel travesty of a news program be to study the problem of obscenity caus,e it can get-in an excessively and recoqunend means Clf dealing large number of profitable com with it. ' mercials. On the same day that the hear Perhaps there is some hope in ings were announced two other the field of educational telev.i congressmen, Arnold' Olsen of . sion. Mr. Friendly is now en Montana and Glenn Cunningham gaged in exploring .that possibil of Nebraska, introduced bills to. ity. For our sake, may he be' curb the mailing of obscene mat successful. At any rate, we must ter. Olsen's bill has b£len en ,thank him for reminding us of dorsed by .the Post Office our tolerance of the criminial ~artment. misuse Qf the air waves.
Issues GlLIideli·nes For IEcumenism
in a series sponsored by the Bishops' Committee for Ecumen ism and Interreligious Affairs of the NCCB and the USA Na tional Committee of the Luther an Wot:ld Federation. Main themes discussed at the three-day meeting' were the Lord's Supper as a sacrifice, the manner of Christ's presence in. the Sacrament, the import of the concept of transubstantiation. and the "relation of these issues'
For our eIght "';edlcal Sisters In P1rappancode, south India, today is just a normal day. Doctor's bags In hand, they ,are out In the villages eK· amlnlng everyone for leprosy•••• "Leprosy can be cured If diagnosed early," says Sister Eliza beth, a surgeon. "Better yet, It,can be prevented. In this case, an ounce of prevention is worth'ten pounds of cure." ••• The cure is cheaper than penny "nely. Only $8.50 buys 10,000 Dapsone _ 'mIracle' tablets, enough ,for 43 lepers for a yeerl ••• The effort In Pirappancode is'lnterna tional. German Catholics built the 25·bed ho.. pital ('1St. John's"), French Catholics gave a workshop (for therapy). and an American friend of ours has pledged a convent and chapel. Now the Sisters need medicinp,s, a $200 microscope, a mobile dispensary ("hospital on wheels") for treating children especially In far·flung villages. Will you help them? Monsignor Nolan will ac knowledge' your gifts promptly and the Slste,. win pray for you, 'aware you 'are helping them cure lepers as Christ did. -
IJ $5,000 gives the Sisters a mobile dispensary ('hospital on wheels') for fighting leprosy at Ita
source. (A sign on the. side will featu re the name THESE. of your favorite saint, and your name if you wish.) ARE IJ $1,500wlll give the'Slster-surgeon an ope.... THII.. Instable. She's ustng a'kitchen table now.
WOULDc $575 buys a whirlpool beth, $100 a sterilizer.
NEED C $300 pays In full ~or the two-year training 01 IF a native Slster.nurse. She will write to you. YOU
WERI . C $240 ($5 a Week) takes care of • fuM·tlme A patient for a year.
closed meeting, the group noted that ,in contra!?t to topics dis 'cussed at the first two meetings -the Nicene Creed and Baptism -"there have been historically serious disagreements between the confessions concerning the Eucharist."
"All participants," the state
ment added, "agreed that many
misunderstandings had beellll
overcome as a result of the latest
LEPER C Strfngless glftlil of $100, $50, $25, $11S, $10,
IN~ $5, $2, Bet the Sisters buy what they need.
IiJ $8.50 equals 10,000 Dapsone tablets.
IlJ $1 a month ($12 a yeer) ,gives you member
un our Damlen Club for lepers.
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212/yUkOft 6-5840 .
ANCHOR-Diocese of Foil River-Thurs. Apr. 20, 196717
MAY 7-17
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An act of aratitude for 25 years of Charitable Se"ice
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This Message' Sponsored h, tlte Following 'ndividuals and Business Concerns ,. TIte
Diocese of Fall Riyel'
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Cape Cod and The Islands
FaD RiveII'
FIlA.. X. PElRON .
New Bedford
JiAUIl. G. ClEARY & CO., - .
" THE ANCHOR Thurs., April 20, 1967
'Anglicalfj)~ ~teview
Top ,East' C~ast College Hoopsters ·Play' At I(ennedy Ce,nter For P. C. Alumni
Anti'i.. Cali'~@~i~ ,1562 C~@~li'®lf
A full house crowd saw some o( the East demonstrate last week how basketball should be Scholarship Basketball Game sponsored by the Bedford at Kennedy Youth Center in New scholarship funds for deserv- ' ,tis first task to consider recast ing gr~duates of area high ing or replacing that church's 'schools" the game profits historic charter of the Thirty enabled presentation of the
~Hne Articles of Religion which , are strongly anti-Catholic .In !tOne. ' They are regarded by many as o stumbling block to Christian
first' Edward J. Tucker Memorial Scholarship of $2,000 to Clifford Marr of New Bedford in 1962. Marr, a graduate' of Holy Family High, was graduated from Provi ~ity. dence College in 1966 and cur , The articles, drawn up in 1562 rently is an Army lieutenant on ,"for the avoiding 'of diversities duty in Korea. $£ opinions and for the establish The second scholarship---named htg of consent touching truereli for the late :.1r. Tucker ,of Fair gion," must be publicly accepted haven, a Providence' College , graduate and one of the charter py the clergy at ordination. They have become a matter of 'members of the New Bedford ~,increasing objection, lind some club--was awarded last year to 'Anglican clergymen now feel Michael Doherty of New Bed talat they should not be called ford, also a Holy Family gradu 'Upon to subscribe to doctrinal ate. ' definitions which reflect views Currently, the four-year schol 'formed in the 16th oentury, aarship is a $2,400 one, paid at the
time of ,extreme and bitter reli- rate of $600 a year to the winner.
gious controversy. Next award will be made in
, , The ' articles; denounce . the 1970., The'Rev."EdwardC. Duffy,
€ h urch of Rome as erroneous in chairman' of- the scholarship
'matters of faith and' declare, games and "recruiter" of the
among other things, that "theplaye~s who participate, empha
Bishop of Rome hath no jurisdic- sizes the scholarship is open ·to
tion in this -realm' of England."any deserving boy who has been
: 'Some prominent' Anglican ,accepted as a freshman at Prov clergymen have blal1\led the idence College, "regardless of the sharp declfne'in ordination can high school he attended." 'Qlidates on a reluctance to sub Primary Method ~ribe to this document.' William F. Doyle, president of Consider, Advis(: the NE' Bedford club, says the 'The new commission was ap games are the alumni's "primary pointed by Anglican Archbishops method of raising money for the Michael Ramsey of Canterbury schoJarship fund." ", and Donald Coggan of York. It Since it was first held, the game consists of 17 members, most of has attracted a following of avid them theological professors' rep fans-who' help swell the schol zesenting different schools of arship treasury..' ' thought in the Anglican Church. Father Duffy feels it is "the ,Anglican Bishop Iar. Ramsey of top post-season game ..in New Durham is chairman. England," a,rid cites as proof the ',The commission's, ,general fact that his long time friend terms of reference say that it :is Bob' Cousy, Hoiy Cross All-. ""'to' consider and advise upon Anierican ,and, Boston Celtic ,doctrinal questions submitted to great; "played in it himself two , it .from time to time by. the arch years ago. It was his last game." bishops and to plan, when de Players who participated in ,slrable, the, investigation of this year's money-for-scholar I ~uestions by other groups." ships game-all college seniors Its first task will be to' con '.;..... represented Providence' Col sider the place of the Thirty- ' lege, University of Rhode Island, Nine Articles in the Anglican St. Joseph's of Philadelphia, Bos "tradition and the' question of ton College and Holy Cross. subscription and assent'to them." There were' Bill Blair, Jim Benedict, Bob Kavolski and Bill Lasher of P.C.; Mike Fitzgerald R.eligious Influence, (of Mattapoisett) Hen'ry Carey, Steve Chubin ,and Bob Boehm U.S. Wan~ of the U. of R.I.; Richie Murphy -'7NEW YORK (NC)-Although and Greg Hochstein of Holy, a majority of all Americans ex Cross; John Austin and Ed Hock- ' pressed the belief that 11'eligion enbury of Boston College and ,is losing its influence in the , United States in the latest Gallup Poll, Catholics declined to-give f~nll' lHoMsnln1~ fLaw majority assent to the opinion. Olhoc City EI1il(!Jlcts , The national survey 'showed SPRIfi!'GFIELD (NC) - ' By tilat 57 per cent of all Americans unanimous vote of 'its five city in 1967 believe religion is losing its influence., Only 14 per cent commissioners, this city has en expressed this opinion in 1957. acted a fair housing ordinance. , Among Protestants, 60 per cent 'The ordinan'c'e, the third of In 1967 compared with !L7 per its kind in OhiO,' becomes effec eent in 1957 said religion was tive May 3. Considerably strong losing its ;influence. Forty-eight" 'er than the fair housing legisia- ' ,per-cent of Catholics agreed in tion enacted 'by the Ohio Legis the latest survey compared with lature in 1965, it outlaws' dis Beven per cent in 1957. crimination in the sale or rental of any housing, excepting only dwellings for members of reli Get Federal Funds gious organizations or housing PHILADELPHIA (NC) - A established for one sex only. Neighborhood Youth Corps proj Springfield's new' ordinance ect under the auspices of Phila came as the res~lt of an improved delppia Archbishop John J. climate of racial harmony. The Krol's Commjssion on Economic city's mayor, Robert C. Henry, Oppi)rtunity Programs hlils re is a Negro whose performance ceived $267,980 from the federal of his duties has won wide re government. It was one of 74 spect. In recent "years, an Urban Neighborhood Youth Corps proj League has been launched and ects in 30 states approved by has made considerable progress. Secretary, 'of ,Labor, W. Willard A Human Relations Commission :Wirtz. ' is functioning. '
Still Lagging In Spain .
By Patricia Francis"
LONDON (NC) _ The ehurch of England has set up a permanent commission C1)n Christian Docbine with
)Sees Socia I Equity
Coast's top collegIate basketball players played. Occasion was the 8th annual Providence College Alumni Club of New Bedford. Initiated in 1959 to -' raise
was taken to task for lagging behind many other countries hi the development of a
just Christian social and eco nomic life at the 26th Spanish Social Week here. Angel Cardinal Herrera y Oria, former archbishop of Ma laga, in a letter to 'the Social Week sessions, deplored what he called a deficiency of Catholic influence in Spanish public lilfe, declaring that Spain a Catholic nation, 'was far from being a model of social justice. ' No Dialogue Earlier, Auxiliary Bishop Ra fael Gonzalez Moralejo of Valen cia, ecclesiastical moderator of 'the SocialWeek, sounded a sim ilar note, declaring that "where there is no dialogue between' citizens and their government, there is no democracy, and such a' society cannot call itself Christian." ,Cardinal Herrera said that "ahead of Spain 'are 'nations who ,have learned, how, to organize their natioJlal..lif~ accord;ing to the norms of justice, which, are the "daughters 'of consciEln.ce. Sweden has progressed in the social a.nd pO,litlclll o~de'r 'to such an extent that, the ,~ope .could state, that its public ~n;;~i , tutions a,re in, harmony"with the :teachings of the Seco~dVatican "Council,", he said. 1[Jpper ~Iasses ,', Cardinal 'Herrera lirged the "upper classes' of -the country'to contribute toward the formation of a "sound and realistic public opinion by which religi'ous con: PROVIDENCE COLLEGE SCHOLARSHIP: In at 'cepts would be applied to the economic and social life," of tendance 'at PC Scholarship Fund Basketball Game in New Spain. Bedford were: William Doyle, president.of the PC Club of "It is necessary," he said, "to New Bedford and Michael Doherty, present scholarship diminish the differences in recipient. classes, to work toward Unity not only in the economic order Billy Oakes, Marty Ford ,and , ,'l'he players enjoyed' demon but also in i~ the education, and . Tom Duff of st. ;Joseph;s, the strating th~ir ,proficiency. ;c,~vic department. nation's fifth-ranked,_ team., ' , , ,The fans enjoyed 'watching the, demonstration ~ and the scholar shipfun,d of the Providence Col The Best,:' lege Alumni Club of ,New Bed See's lay Teachers' '~ord t:eaped tb.e,'benef~il! ~f,b,oth.
Form Asso~iataon
CLEVELAND (NC):-Ground Population Control work for a diocesan lay teachers WASHINGTON (N'C) - U. s. : asso~iation was laid at a meeting of representatives of 21 diocesan 'Sen. J. W. Fulbright of Arkansas has asked for a' Congressional high schools ,here. appropdation of $150 million for Patrick Bruening, teacher 'at increased population coriti'or as St. Joseph's high school and tem sistanCe to' developIng 'countries. porary chairman of the new unit, said the association is an organ ization of professional people seekin!t professional growth. He added: "Only after we have proven ourselves as profession ' als, with a professional attitude PLAN ,YOUR pnCN~C "about our job, can we ask for ,OUTING NOW! and hope to' get professional consideration." I Special Rates to School and Parish Groups
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Georgell, Cluh Olf to Good Start
Taunton High Is Surprise In County Diamond loop
mE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fan River-Thurs. Apr. 20, 1967 .',.'
former F<rrJDD Riweff CYOer on Scholag.slvop <<It PIl1Jf/$~ns ,
By JOE MIRANDA By PETE~ BARTEK A Parsons College senior, JRob Norton High Coach eli Bonalewicz of Fall River is Coach BiD George's Taunton High diamond aggreg~ -nearIng the end of a most suc tion is the early season surprise :in the Bristol County cessful college career, both ath and academically. schoolboy league now in ita second week of the eampaign. letically Bob is attending Parsons in The pennant race appeam ~ be developing into one of Fairfield, Iowa, on a baseball the most exciting in many scholarship and has started bis years. Five clubs are battling of Ule better area clubs year third season as the college's first strong catcher. fOIl' the coveted flag. And" after yea:r. Coach Harold (Chet) Hane nean's List Student while action is fast and fm- wich's Bishop Feehan High team A 'Physical Education major, iOWl in the BCL, the eight N3r of Attleboro has tucked away Bob has a minor in History and :ragansett League teams are early season wins over North during the last marking period getting I' e Q d y Attleboro and New Bedford Vo was named to the Dean's List at :!lor the cham cational. The latter two will Parsons. ,pionship race m probably fight it out fornext-to A member of St. PatrIck's Par their /COmpeti the-last place in the final stand ish, Bonny is a 1963 graduate of tion. Delayed, ing as they seek to avoid the Durfee High School where he both by rain and cellar. participated in football, basket Ii: old weather, The two top contests on next ball and baseball. /COaches h a v e Monday's BCL, card will see The son of Mr. and Mrs. been reminding Coyle playing Durfe<e at Alumni Mathew Bonalewicz of 50 Chap their charges of Field in Fall River while Taun lin Street, he is oile of five chil the pitfalls of ton journeys to North Dartmouth dren al.d has not, yet decided eareless, loose to clash with. stang. Two northern upon a vocation. play and also Peter eounty rivals, Attleboro and Bonny has two older brotherll, the IOOmmission Bartek Feehan, meet at the former's a lieutenant, and Mathew Jr., II of Deedless errors which ean field next Monday when North staff sergeant, both in the Air relegate'a club to an early Dee Attleboro travels to New Bed Force and stationed ubroad. Bob ond diviaion berth from which it ford to take 0111 Vocatlonal. also has two sisters, Kathleen; win be bard to emerge as 1M Nury Contests II student 'at Durfee High, and oompetition progresses. Meanwhile, the Narragansett Ma:')' Ann, a grammar school Chausse and Jla,Jkut loop is comple~ing its first week The Herring City Orange and of play. It's still a little early to pupil. Has .f80 Average :Black pulled the big surprise of make 8 judgment as to how the young season when it held. clubs will stand at the end of the Bonalewicz recently returned the always strong Dul'lfee High lI:~mpaign. from a Southern baseball trip team of Fall River to a 2-2 tie in Four Narry tilts are on tap for end gained excellent commenda 11 innings. The prognosticators next Tuesday. tions from his coach, Duane bad been writing off the George Coach Jack McCarty's Case Banks, for his performance as eoached clan solely because they High Cardinals of Swansea will the Wildcats won 11 of 13 games. felt Taunton would be unable to face Coach Jack Hart's Diman The Fall River player batted J'eplace Art· Koska, lost by grad 'Vocational team in Fall River .430, belted three homers, had uation. in what looms as one of the nine runs-batted-in and se<lred But, Scott Chawrse impressed most interesting early season 10 during Parsons first 13 games. in his confrontation with the Fan games. Coach Doug Baxendale's Bonalewicz, a 22-year-old, 1'75 River Hilltoppel'll, aDd, now the Msgr. Prevost High team of Fall J)ound, 5-8 giant, enjoys playing same pundits who had relegated River will be at Dighton to meet baseball and so does his coach, Taunton to a lowly apot 8re the Coach Eddie Texeira's D - ~ who scheduled 89 games last sea first to admit that things will be Regionals. Coach Ed Bibeau will son to set a .:ollegiate record fur much more pleasant for the lead his W~port High aggr~ga the most games played in one Tauntonians this Spring. tion to Seekonk to ·vh( with year. Stro~ Coyle Offense Ankle IBjUl'Y Coach Roger Hill's charges. The Admittedly, an the doubting fourth Narry contest next Tues With the former Durfee' back Thomases were not convinced day will see Coach Jack Bren stop handling the brunt of the on the basis of a single perform nan's Holy Family High teain of catching duties, until a knee in ance. So, Joe Majkut and Chausse New Bedford meeting Coach. Jim jury forced him to the sidelines, Ulen eombined to throw a no-hit Sullivan's Somerset· High 'team Parsons won 72, lost 15 and twice win ove'r Coach Dick Joyce's at the latter's field. finished in ti~d games, called be Attleboro High team: Even the ca~se of darkness. Lanll:ers Ready, , most skeptical then conceded The former St. Patrick's star On Ca~ Cod, n nip:-~pd~tuck that Taunton must be reckoned battle is going on in that area's in the CYO baseball program, in the flag race. started poor'y this season, fin While Taunton High has heeD eon1erence schedule. Four con tests are listed for the Capeway is' ·ng off the Southern trip with eGualling the early season atten an ankle sprain, but entering this tion, unexpected results have eircuit next Monday.. They are: week, the ankle was in good Old· Rochester (Mattapoisett) eccurred in several other dia shape and Bonny expected to mond eontests. Attleboro, which at Barnstable, Bourne at Ware take his regular spot behind the did DOt seem destined lor gfeat bam, Dartmouth ·at Dennis-Yar plate. mouth and Fairhaven vs Law things this Spring, provided the first "surprise" w~en it toppled :rence High at Falmouth. Norton High, in the Clover Coach Jerry Hickey's Bishop Federal Agency Has Stang High of North Dartmouth. Valley Conference, plays its' first league game at home against Inter-Faith Advisors Taunton then proved its mettle when it defeated "surprising" Millis next Monday. The Purple WASHINGTON (NC)- A Attleboro. Hickey has talent at - and White Lancers travel to Catholic priest, a Methodist min Medfield next Wednesday. Stang, but, his problem has heeD ister and a Jewish rabbi have tv properly align his best playem been appointed religious advi Apparently, they were not in the Bors to the United States Infor right spots when they went down Score Government mation Agency here. to defeat at the hands' of Coach On Lab~r Problems Msgr. George G. Higgins, clIi Jim Burns' Msgr. Coyle High BUENOS AIRES (NC) -Two rector of the Social Action De nJne of Taunton which has partment, U. S. Catholic Confer Catholic organizations have is cwuted its way to two one~sided. sued a joint manifesto criticizing ence; the Rev. Edward G. Cu-· viet(lries. Coyle's strength is in roll, superintendent of the Wash th<e Argentine government, say its offensive attack, but, it also ington Northwest District ol the ing it has failed to protect work has a capable defense and pitch': ers' basic rights. Methodist Baltimore Conference, Jng staff to make a real run for Issued by the Catholic Young and Rabbi Richard G. Hirsch, di the BCL crown. Workers (JOC) and Catholic rector of the Relgious Action _ Feehan's Auspicious Start Action Workers' Movement Center, Union of American He Durfee, while it may have been (MOAC), the statement also brew Congregations, have been temporarily halted by Taunton, called upon the bishops "to be named to the USIA advisory enpects to be among the leaders aware of the needs and goals of panel. before the end of the week. The young workers and the labor Officials of the agency noted Hilltoppers looked good in win that, while it has had religious class" and "to be brave in <ex ning a double-header from Pil- pressing the Church's doctrine advisors since its inception, this grim High of Rhode Island last , as applied to real-life situations." . marks the first time an interfaith weekend. Coach'Joe Lewis /feels· It said that the government, ' panel had been established. his boys can now maintain the The purpose of the panel, offi "which calls itself Christian, but momentum they have generated is anything but Christian," has cials said. is to "assure that the in the non-league affairs. It goes "nothing to do with the Gospel agency's handling of, religious almost without saying that one or Christ's teachings or with the matters serves the best int<erest off-day is not going to thwart Church's doctrines as defined by of the nation and its dlveraity of the Hilltopperll' wbo produce ODe the Second Vatican Councit.. faiths."
Bonalewicz also played for St. Patrick's T)iocesan championship team and for the Fall River Mer chants in the Newport Sunse~ League. As a senior at DUrfee, Bonny was awarded the 1963 George Kaplan Memorial Trophy as the Hilltoppers' best senior basket ball player. His hustle and determination while performing for Durfee' at Bostcm Garden during the an nual Eastern Massachusetts Tecb tournament gained him the re spect and admiration of all that witnessed his efforts. Bonalewicz recently completed a practice teaching tour in an Iowa Junior High School and while t"ere coached the eighth grade team to a league cham pionship. Earlier in the college year, Bob_ was a member of the Parsons' intramural flag football prog,·am and received a trophy for his performan, J. Despite the heavy bnsebaU schedule, Bob has man::ged to keep hi" grades above average and after the Fall semester showed his prowess in the class room by being named to the Dean's List for the second time.
DeMatha Winner In Hoop Tourney
WASHINGTON (NC) - De Matha High of suburban Hyatts ville, Md., scored an upset, cliff hanger victory to cop the 12th national high sChool basketb'alll tournament, sponsored by thE local Knights of Columbus, J017 the fifth straight time. DeMatha avenged two regula17 season defeats by Mackin High, Washington Catholic League . champ, with its last minute 70-68 victory. ",. , , Mount Carmel of Chien go took , third place with a 47-45 over time win over DePaul Acndemy of Chicago. Northeast Cnthrt1ie of Philadelphia took fifth pIhce with a 77-74 win over St. Peter'tl " of New Brunswick, N. J. Cathe
dral High of Trenton, N..J.; 'In£!
Dwight School of New York als«)
participated. Aubrey Nash, DeMatha junloY, wall named the tournnment'!:l most valuable player. A 5-11 junior, John Somogyft set three tournament records- 40 field goals, 108 points in threE games and 43 points in one game and tied another record, ll-for 11 from the foul line.
The ,.oung catcher has been long known for his bullet like tlnrowlr' arm and gained con siderable praise from opponents in 1.11gh school, amateur and col lege eompetitions for his savvy behind the plate. . Three-Letter Man , :Bonalewicz played football for Don MontIe, basketb~ll for Tom Karam and baseball for, ·Joe Lewis while at Durfee and also performed for Lewis' Chatham·
team in the Cape Cod League.
The Fall Riverite cannot get
enough baseball according to his
mother. Mrs. Bonalewicz recalls
a game at Alumni Field when Durfee bested a Venezuelan
team, sponsored by the Peoples
to-Peoples program. Bob was in
jured and taken -to the hospital
Mrs. Bonalewicz remembers,
then came back to finish the
game, hitting a home run to win
·it for the Hilltoppers. He wall voted the outstanding player in the gameo
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photo are Archbishop John F. Dearde~ of Detroit at left, president of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops, and at right Archbishop Johl!1l F. Cody of . Chicago, conference host., Bishops Connolly and Gerrard attended from the Fall River Diocese. NC Photos.
AT BISEIOPS' CONFERENCE: Facilities for offering Mass' were provided, by the Archdiocese of Chicago when 230 U. S. bishops met in semi-annual conference.' In left photo nine othel' prelates' concelebrate Mass with Archbishop Joseph T.Ryan of Anchorage, Alaska. In right
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