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VOL. 48, NO. 16 • Friday, Apri123, 2004


Southeastern Massachusetts' Largest Weekly • $14 Per Year

CATHOLIC CHARITY Appeal volunteers share a moment together at the Attleboro-Taunton kick-off held at Highland Country Club, Attleboro. From left are, Anna Keough, Deacon John Welch, Edna Fernandes and Theresa Galligan. All are from St. Ann's Parish, Raynham. At right, volunteers listen to Director of Development Michael Donly as he initiates the evening program. (Anchon'Gordon photos)

Catholic Charities Appeal kicks off 2004 season ATTLEBORO - Bishop George W. Coleman greeted hundreds of parish chairmen, committee members, and volunteers at "kick-offs" for the 63 rd Annual Catholic Charities Appeal held this past week in three locations across the diocese. These parishioners, many of whom have worked as par-

ish volunteers during the annual Appeal for decades, came together to signal the beginning of this springtime Appeal that occurs as the diocese celebrates its IOOth anniversary. The kick-offs were held on April 13, 14, and 15 in the Cape and Islands, Fall River-

New Bedford, and the Attleboro-Taunton areas respectively. Attendees were treated to a viewing of the newly produced video highlighting many of the services provided by the Catholic Charities funded agencies; observations by the guest speakers, MaryLou Mancini of the Office of Catholic So-

cial Services and Father Edward J. Healey, director of the Office of Pastoral Ministry to the Sick; and comments and thanks from Bishop Coleman. "I'm so deeply grateful for your many years of faithful support of the Catholic Tum to page three - Appeal

Hispanic Apostolate of Cape Cod performs centuries-old tradition

THE HISPANIC Apostolate of Cape Cod performed a Living Way of the Cross on Good Friday afternoon at St. Francis Xavier Church in Hyannis. Additional photos on page 16. (Photo by Tom Mignone.)

HYANNIS - The Passion narrative was brought to life by members of the Hispanic Apostolate of Cape Cod on the grounds of St. Francis Xavier Church here on Good Friday. Although the Living Way of the Cross on Good Friday is a centuries-old Hispanic tradition, this was the first time for the Hispanic Community on the Cape. The characters of the Passion, from Pontius Pilate and the Roman soldiers to Simon of Cyrene and the women of Jerusalem, were portrayed in authentic costume. Christ, portrayed by Gabriel Trinidad, a 33-year-old Mexican native, fell three times under the weight of his life-sized cross. Parishioners followed in procession, stopping at each Station for prayer and song. The Living Way of the Cross culminated with the raising of

three men on their crosses, representing Christ's crucifixion between the two thieves. Finally, Christ was removed from the cross, and recalling the Pieta, appeared lifeless in his mother's arms. While the day had been bright and sunny, at the moment Christ died on the cross in the Living Way, dark clouds covered the sun in downtown Hyannis. Many of the people there were moved by this added extra, which seemed to perfectly reflect the actual Gospel account of the moment Christ died. Father William Rodrigues, director of the Hispanic Apostolate on the Cape said, "No matter how much we prepare, some things remain out of our control." Nearly two months of rehearsals in the church basement, Tum to page 16 - Tradition

Friday, April 23, 2004

Sister Marguerite Vigeant RJM NORTH SMITHFIELD, R.I.Religious of Jesus and Mary Sister Marguerite Vigeant, 83, of Rhodes Avenue, a retired teacher, died April 15 at St. Antoine Residence. Born in Fall River, Mass., a daughter of the late Roland A., and Alice (Pellerin) Vigeant, she entered the Congregation of Religious of Jesus and Mary on Aug. 11, 1938 in Sillery, Quebec. She

NEW BEDFORD - The Serra Club of New Bedford recently held meetings at White's of Westport where they welcomed several guest speakers. Father John Driscoll, former pastor of St. Lawrence Church, spoke on vocations to the priesthood. Father Driscoll said that it took him eight years after high school to become a priest and members were surprised at how many years of studying it took to become a priest. Father Driscoll said that the characteristics necessary to become a priest are a man must "be holy, a man of faith and a man of prayer. He must also be a man of availability, affability and ability." Availability in that he must be available to people and to administer the many duties of being a priest. Father Driscoll commented

that a priest must be friendly and kind and always try to do God's work. . At another Serra Club meeting, members and their families attended a holy hour for vocations at St. Mary's Church, New Bedford, led by Msgr. John J. Oliveira and Deacon David Pepin. The Serra Club members and their wives also recently attended an Evening of Recollection at the Sacred Heart Fathers Damie,n Center. in Fairhaven. It featur~d a talk about ~other Theresa and leprosy patients by a priest who spent 25 years working in India. The Serra Club is an international organization that promotes vocations to the priesthood, diaconate and religious life. For more information call Virginio Macedo at 508-993-9179.

WEST BARNSTABLE John R. Diggs Jr., M.D. will present a talk entitled, "Sex Se-. crets You Need to Know," at Cape Cod Community College on April 29 at 3 p.m. The location will be in the Science Hall, Route 132, West Barnstable and the lecture is open to the public. Diggs is aboard certified internist with 19 years of clinical experience providing care to ethnically and socially diverse populations from California to New England. He has been called upon as a speaker and commentator on the topics of teen-age pregnancy and the epidemic of sexually transmitte& diseases. He has been a guest on "Thl'l O'Reilly Factor," and innumerable national radio shows including the "Dr. Laura Program." Diggs has published many essays and articles for local and national print media. This talk will offer a wide range of medical information fo-

Daily Readings April 26

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On December 10, 1925, Our Lady appeared to Sister Lucia (seer of Fatima) and spoke these words: '~ounce in my name that I promise to assist at the hour of death with the graces necessary for the salvation oftheir souls, all those who on the first Saturday of five consecutive months shall: 1. Go to confession; 2. Receive Holy Communion; 3. Recite the Rosary (5 decades); and 4. Keep me company for 15 minutes while meditating on the 15 mysteries ofthe Rosary, with the intention of makingreparation to me." In a spirit of reparation, the above conditions are each to be preceded by the words: "In reparation for the offenses committed against the Immaculate Heart of Mary." C~nfessions may be made during 8 days before or after the first Saturday, and Holy Communion may be received at either the morning or evening Mass on the first Saturday.


Roland Vigeant, FIC, in Ohio; a sister, Lauretta Dufault in New Jersey; and nieces and nephews. She was the sister of the late Albert Vigeant and Florence Sherman. Her Mass of Christian Burial was celebrated April 17 in Precious Blood Church in Woonsocket. Burial was in St. Jean Baptiste Cemetery, Bellingham, Mass.

Cape ·Cod Pro-Life Alliance to host noted speaker/physician

SPIRITUAL DIRECTOR of the New Bedford Serra Club, Father Brian Harrington, left, shares a moment with Club President Arthur Correia and recent guest speaker Father John Driscoll. '

Father Driscoll is guest sp'eaker at recent Serra Club meeting

professed her final vows on Aug. 20, 1945 in Sillery. She had taught in parochial schools in Fall River, Woonsocket, and Providence, for many years. She was a graduate of JesusMary Academy, Fall River, and received a bachelor's degree in education from Catholic Teachers College, Providence, in 1952. She leaves a brother, Brother





Acts 6:8-15; Ps 119:23-24,2627,29-30; In 6:22-29 Acts 7:51-8:1a; Ps 31 :3cd4,6ab, 7b,8a,17,21ab; In 6:30-35 Acts 8:1 b-8; Ps 66:1-3a,4-7a; In 6:35-40 Acts 8:26-40; Ps 66:8-9,1617,20; In 6:44" 51 Acts 9:1-20; Ps 117:1-2;Jn 6:52-59 Acts 9:31-42; Ps 116:12-17; In 6:60-69 Acts 13:14,4352; Ps 100:12,3,5; Rv 7:9, 14b-17; In 10:27-30

1111111111111111111111111111111 THE ANCHOR (USPS-545-<l20) Periodical Postage Paid at Fall River, Mass. Published weekly except for the first two weeks in July and the week after ChrisbnaS at 887 Highland Avenue, Fall River, Mass. CJ2720 by the Catholic Press ofthe Diocese ofFall River. Subscription price by mail, postpaid $14.00 per year. POSTMASTERS send address changes to The Anchor. P.O. Box 7, Fall River, MA CJ2722.


cused on sexually transmitted disease including contagion, symptoms, treatment and prognoses as well as teen-age pregnancies. I?iggs bottom line is that the only way to protect oneself from disease is through abstinence. School nurses, guidance counselors, social workers and others working with young people will find it valuable. A question and answer period will follow his lecture. Diggs is a dynamic speaker, committed to promoting sound, evidence-based public health policy and his presentations have been greeted with enthusiasm and

great interest. The program is sponsored by the Cape Cod Pro-Life Alliance, a five year old group whose members are drawn from the Pro-Life committees of 15 Cape Catholic Churches. As a peaceful, educational organization, the PLA has been involved in many community projects promoting Catholic teachings on life issues, from conception to natural death. For further information on the Pro-Life Alliance, please call 508-8338432. No reservations' are necessary and the talk will. begin promptly at 3 p.m..

In Y our Prayers Please pray for the following priests during the coming weeks April 26 1982, Rev. Ubalde Deneault, Pastor Emeritus, St. Joseph, Attleboro 2002, Rev. James F. Greene, Pastor, Our Lady of Fatima, New Bedford . April 27 1925, Rev. Francis 1. Bradley, D.D., Rector, Cathedral Fall River ' 1949, Rev. Romeo D. Archambault, St. Anne, New Bedford 1973; Rev. Edward F. O'Keefe, SJ., retired, St. Francis Xavier, Boston '\\ . Ap,ril28 1959, Rev. Stanislaus 1. Goy~tte, Pastor;sCLouis de France, Swansea ~£


1987, Rev. James Leo Maguire\ I{astor, Monterey diocese California \ \ ' . ·1989, Rev. Adolph Szelagowks~\OFM Conv., Parochial Vicar, Our Lady of Perpetual Help, New Bedford 1999,. Rev. Peter P. Mullen, M.M.,\~aryknOll Missioner . April30 \ 1900, Rev. John A. Hurley, Pastor, St. Mary, North Attleboro 1930, Rev. David F. Sheedy, Pastor, Stjohn Evangelist, Attleboro . 1993, Rev. John Moda, Pastor, St. Mary's Ukrainian Catholic Church, Ford City, Pa. May 1 1882, Rev. Francis J. Quinn, Founder, Immaculate Conception, North Easton; Founder, Sacred Heart, Fall River 1996, Rev. Joseph F. D' Amico, Pastcir~ Sacred Heart, Oak Bluffs 1997, Rev. Walter A. Sullivan, Pastor, St. Mary, South Dartmouth May 2 1963, Rt. Rev. Msgr. M.P. Leonidas Lariviere, Pastor, St. Jean Baptiste, Fall River


Continued from page one.

Charities Appeal," saId Bishop Coleman. "Tonight provides us with an opportunity to thank the m'any volunteers and spread the message of the good work accomplished by the various offices and apostolate~ in the diocese." Diocesan Director of Development Michael Donly reminded the crowd that they should never underestimate the impa~t oftheir credibility and that ofCatholic Charities here in the diocese. Ninety-four cents of every doUar donated each year goes directly to the nearly 30 agencies and apostolates funded by the annual Appeal. He thanked them for their wonderful effort last year when the Appeal recorded an all-time record total of$3,674, 844, with 75 percent , of au parishes exceeding their previous year's total, and a slight increase in the number of donors being realized (nearly 50,000 in all). Father George C. Bellenoit, pastor of St. Mary's Parish, Mansfield, gave a blessing to start the AttleboroTaunton program, asking God to give all the gift of new enthusiasm and commitment to all as the Appeal opens. "Bless our efforts and those who give of themselves;' said Father Bellenoit. "You've been dedicated for 64 years and may we continue to lessen the suffering of those in need." The theme throughout the three evening programs was a focus on the tremendous work of Catholic Charities here in tlie diocese, the great impact it is having on tens of thousands of individuals ahd families throughout southeastern Massachusetts, Cape Cod, and the Islands, and the ever-increasing demands being placed on the agencies to provide services to a growing number ofour friends and neighbors in need regardless of race, creed, nationality, age, gender, or economic status. More than 125,000 people were helped by the Appeal last year ineluding those that live in the Samaritan House which reaches out to the homeless. In the video, one resident said "sometimes unfortunate things happen to people and your donations


are appreciated more than you know." A resident of The St. Francis House, a recovery house for women getting out of prison, was grateful for the Appeal and said it has helped her ''find a job, find prayer and become a productive member of society." More than 10,000 pounds offood are given away each month to those in need thanks to the Appeal. It helps provide coverage at our hospitals, support groups, the weekly television Mass, AIDS Ministry, Youth Ministry, ~L and GED programs, weekly Masses in our prisons, summer camps, campus ministry and the Christmas giving program among others. "I've been involved with the Catholic Charities Appeal ever since the church was built," said Anna Keough of St. Ann's Church, Raynham. "I enjoy helping out and it's been a great experience. Friend Edna Fernandes agreed and said she's been helping out for more than 25 years. 'They do a lot of good for everyone;' said Fernandes. The Appeal has its official beginning in parishes on May 2, Appeal Sunday, and continues until June 17.

450 Highland Avenue/P.O. Box 2577 Fall River, Massachusetts 02722-2577



DECREE In considering the pastoral care of the faithful throughout the Diocese and after a thorough study of the situation on Martha's Vineyard, and after having consulted the pastor of Saint Elizabeth Parish in Edgartown who is also the pastor of Sacred Heart Parish in Oak Bluffs and who is also the pastor of Saint Augustine Parish in Vineyard Haven, and after having heard the advice of the Presbyteral Council of the Diocese of Fall River, the Diocesan Bishop hereby decrees the following: That Saint Elizabeth Parish in Edgartown be suppressed; That Sacred, Heart Parish in Oak Bluffs b!'l suppressed; That Saint AUgl,lstine Parish in Vineyard Haven be suppressed; That the new Good Shepherd Parish be erected with the three worship sites of Saint Elizabeth's Church in Edgartown, Our Lady Star of the Sea Church in Oak Bluffs, and Saint Augustine's Church in Vineyard Haven; That the canonical registers of Saint Elizabeth's Parish in Edgartown, Sacred Heart Parish in Oak Bluffs, and Saint Augustine's Parish in Vineyard Haven be kept at Good Shepherd Parish; That the goods and obligations of Saint Elizabeth's Parish in Edgartown, Sacred Heart Parish in Oak Bluffs, and Saint Augustine's Parish in Vineyard Haven belong to Good Shepherd Parish; That Saint Elizabeth's Church, Saint Elizabeth's Rectory, Saint Elizabeth's Hall, Our Lady Star of the Sea Church, Sacred Heart Rectory, Sacred Heart Parish Center, Sacred Heart Cemetery, and Saint Augustine's Church become the canonical property of Good Shepherd Parish. This Decree shall be effective at 12:01 a.m. on Sunday, the second of May, in the year two thousand and four. Given in Fall Ri~-tms.J;wentieth day of April in the year two thousand and four:

/5~:~~Y'~!"?,;\ I






EDICTAL CITATION DIOCESAN TRIBUNAL FALL RIVER, MASSACHUSETTS Since the actual place of residence of EMANUEL B. LOPES is unknown. We cite EMANUEL B. LOPE~ to appear personally before the Tribunal of the Dio· cese of Fall River on Tuesday, May (2004 at 2:30 p.m. at 887 Highland Avenue, Fall River, Massachusetts, to give testimony to establish: Whether the nullity of the marriage exists in the Vieira·Lopes case? Ordinaries of the place or other pastors having the knowledge of the residence of the above person, Emanuel B. Lopes, must see to it that he is properly advised in reo gard to this edictal citation. (Rev.) Paul F. Robinson, O. Cann., J.C.D. Judicial Vicar Given at the Tribunal. Fall River, Massachusetts on this the 15th day of April, 2004.



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Friday, April 23, 2004


the living word

The problem at hand

, Have you gone to the gas station recently? Each day the price for a gallon of gasoline increases. How much did you have to pay to heat your house this winter? Home heating costs have soared. When was the last time you had a prescription filled? The cost of prescription drugs is ever increasing. In so many areas of our lives creeping inflation is becoming a serious reality. More and more people, especially those on fixed incomes, are having a difficult time making ends meet. Interest rates on savings and term certificates are next to nothing. People who have, over the years saved for their retirement, find that they yet , have to work to survive. To be sure, home mortgage rates are low, but for the average worker the cosfof housing is out ofsight. The litany of personal financial difficulties is endless. ' To add to this confusion, the federal deficit is daily increasing. In fact, it's out of sight. One.might blame this on the war in Iraq. Yet, it's more than one single issue that has plummeted the nation into the red. However"due to the confusion of the times, few seem to be worried that the country'is unable to pay its bills. Yet, paid they must be. On the iriternationallevel, our dollar is taking a horrible beating by the euro. People who have saved to take a Eurepean vacation are aghast at the dollar devaluation. In the area of international commerce, we yet have an enormous trade deficit. We forget that some day the books will have to be balanced. The portents in this regard are dismal: When all is said and done, our current finances are" in trouble. One. can be certain that as we prepare for elections, the issue will indeed ' playa key role in the final outcome. As dissatisfaction increases concerning the handling of the Iraq war; so also does domestic financial concerns become a real issue. Americans, as we know, vote not with their feet but with their pocketbooks. This might seem trite, but it is very real. One could argue that Americans could care less about money concerns, given the frightful debts in the are;! of creilit cards alone. Personal debt is a real problem in many homes. Our drive to acquire "things" has left many a person in a deep financial hole. Some people cannot bail themselves out of a situation despite all the promises of consolidation. Yet, ill the end, they know they have to pay up, even if they lose all that they' have, even their homes. If this be true for individuals, so too it must be for the collective whole, the nation. Given the current climate of international affairs, no one is going to come to our aid to free us from debt. We are not seen as the friendly face in the world family. In fact, each day we become more,and more the ugly American in the eyes of the world community. To date, our policy in this regard is one of caring less about what others think of us. We imagine we can go it alone. Such a mind-set is dangerous and deadly. It smacks of an arrogance that only foments division and divisiveness. In this day and age, we cannot ignore the international community, nor should we use the United Nations for our self-interest. At the current time, when close ties of dependence between individuals and peoples all over the world are developing, the universal common good has to be preserved in a more appropriate way and more effectively achieved. Already eXisting international orgaruzatio~s represent a true attempt at laying the foundation on an international level for a community of all people to work together towards solving the very serious problems of our times. It should be obvious, then, that international, cooperation must be an effective part of public policy and not just a tool to be used when it is' a case of mere convenience. . We must face the truth at hand with a sincere regard for the common . good.




(MA'ITHEW 20:31).

One nation 'under God' By


I believe that the best way the same line of thought, do we to deal with atheists is to resort to character assassinaAcarnival-like atmosphere imitate par excellence the God tion? The balding Michael develope(j as reporters, Newdow is undoubtedly beyond , they deny. There is an evening protesters and onlookers prayer路 that priests in particular his prime. Is he going through a descended upon the U.S. recite that captures God'~ mid-life crisis and making this attitude beautifully: "Grant Supreme Court March 24 to his last hurrah? Lord, that we may see in each hear the atheist Michael A. Do we respond t<;> Newdow Newdow's case that his person the dignity of one on his own terms and argue redeemed by your Son's blood daughter should not be subthat there is no such thing as The Executive Editor jected to reciting the words so that we may respect the an atheist because if you say "under God" in the, Pledge of freedom and the conscience of you don't believe in God, you all." Allegiance. are admitting there is a God? How should Catholics and You can't disbelieve what ' No matter how deeply we feel about making war, proothers steeped in the Judeodoesn't exist in your mind. Christian tradition react when moting character assassination, Or do we just dismiss the making people eat their words such an effort is undertaken by , whole' affair as one more someone like NewdQw? Do we carnival to which the Supreme or sending them to oblivion, start a jihad - a religious war God's way encollrages us Court has opened itself? Will OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF tH&OIOCESE OFfiALL,RI~ERr' always to maintain respect of it, like most carnivals in the - against atheists? " , Published, weekly by the 9athplicfrl'l搂$ thl'liPi~\t o~~, the person's conscience and Not with soldiers or bombs, past, quickly pass and be 887 Highland Avenue P.O. BOX 7t: L, ~& obviously. Of course, there's , freedom. forgotten? Is no reaction the Fall River, MA O~720 $.,: FalfRiv~t, MA '02712:00"'07'1:\' always the possibility of letter- better course? God never forces us, but Telephone 508-675~715ij "FM< 5G8-o'15-'Z04Sh :;4; writing, an E-mail blitz, phone always leaves us to our own As Christians, we have the E-mail: TheAnchor@Anchornew .' calls and other efforts to designs, knowing that justice responsibility to evangelize Send address changes toP.O.l3ox,"ealtbr lila :.,;!r:!,,~fM%?f~t:'t1 support'the nation's Judeoalways will win out. This must others. Should we react to an 'Christian heritage. , be our disposition in heated effort such as Newdow's with EXEc(iTiVEEDrTOFl~~ ,But do we undertake a debates. evangelization, trying harder Rev.Msgr. John'F. Moor.,' relentless battle to destroy the Living as truly as we can as to share the good news and EDITOR NEWSEQITORt '~'C)EFleE'l'VlANj)iGE illogical and destructive thinkChristians is the best way to .bring about a change of heart David B. Jollv~t Jam~s N路 O,unllar " '.hell~tb'f"~'E\el~1 ing of such people? Following make Christians. in people like him?

theanCti qt




Friday, April 2S, 2004


Nothing much Bruin here Let's see. What word or were only a nandful of Bs who played playoff hockey - and phrase can best describe the two of them were rookies, and 2003-2004 Boston Bruins? Champions? Hah. Overone a mere 18-year-old puppy. achievers? Yeah, right. 'Big Goaltender Andrew Raycroft Bad Bruins? No. Lunchpail . and his teen-age ro.okie teammate Patrice Bergeron, Gang? Nyet. Marty Lapointe, Travis Green More appropriate words come to mind; chokes, folders, and Sergei Samsonov showed under-achievers - all true up to play every night.· enough, but I prefer the Anti-Patriots. When one ponders the New England Patriots, the words heart and soul come to mind. Even the Boston Red Sox, in the midst of an 86By Dave Jolivet year drought h~ve heart and soul. And look at the Boston . Frankly, the rest of the Bruins Celtics - talking about upsetting the Indiana Pacers in didn't - I don't-care what the first round of the NBA Coach Mike Sullivan or anyone else says. playoffs. This Celtics team But the main reason the' couldn't upset an apple cart with a bulldozer, but at least Canadiens upset the Bruins for they have heart and soul. the second opening round in Not the Bruins. Capping off the last three years is because what could have been a perfect our northern neighbors wanted it more. Much more. sports day in Beantown on Patriots Day, the Bs couldn't Was Montreal that much more talented than the Bruins? even net a single goal in their No. It's beyond me how the Bs Game Seven showdown with could not find it in themselves the New York Yankees of to knock off the Habs up hockey, the Montreal three-games-to-one with two Ca~adiens. Yep, the flying games at home! Frenchmen (and Swedes and . Montreal played with pride, Russians and the occasional American) aped the phoenix passion and HEA~T and SOUL. The Bruins, except for by rising from the ashes of a the aforementioned handful, three-games-to-one deficit to didn't. Yes, big Joe Thornton pluck the series from the was playing hurt. But if he hapless Bruins. It was a first for both teams - the first time was so hurt as to be as ineffective as he was for seven in the prolific history of Les Canadiens that they came back games, why play at all? Was it a case of a less-than-IOOfrom three-games-to-one, and percent Joe was better than no the first time in the storied Joe at Obviously NOT. He history of the Bruins that they have blown such a lead. I'm so was absolutely no factor at all. That's not Joe's fault, but a proud. healthy skater would ,have What happened? A few been the logical choice. things. Number one, there

My View From the Stands


Centennial Mass to air on local cable TV FALL RIVER - The Diocesan Centennial Celebration Mass, recorded at St. Mary's Cathedral on March 14, will begin airing on several local cable access channels next week. Bishop George W. Coleman was principal concelebrant of the special liturgy, which marked the 1OOth anniversary of the establishment of the Fall River diocese by Pope St. Pius X. Concelebrating the Mass with Bishop Coleman were Boston Archbishop Sean O'Malley, OFM Cap,. and Hartford Archbishop Emeritus Daniel A. Cronin, other visiting bishops and priests of the diocese. The Fall River Diocesan Choir, whose 33 members represent 12 diocesan parishes, provided the music.

'The Mass will air in cities and towns according to the following schedule: Barnstable, Chatham, Dennis, Harwich and Yarmouth, cable channel 17, May 8, 15,22 and 29 at 10:30 p.m. Dartmouth, Fall River and New Bedford, cable channel 9, on April 23,27,30 and May 4 at 3:30 p.m. Fall River, cable channel 95, April 29 and May 5 at 7:30 p.m. Mashpee, cable channel 17, April 28, May 5 and 12, at 9:30 p.m. New Bedford, cable channel 95, April 28, May 5, 12 and 19, at 11 a.m. Air dates and times for additional communities will be published as the information becomes available.

The bottom line is that the Bruins didn't want it as much as the Habs; the coach ' couldn't motivate them enough (as if they needed any more motivation); and the front office (ala George Steinbrenner) couldn't light a spark under any of them. There was a time when this would have been as devastating a loss as, say, last October's Game Seven in Yankee Stadium. But not this year. I didn't expect the Bruins to make it out of the first round (only when they were up three-toone did I sense a sligh~ glimmer of hope). The toothless Bruins could have ruined a beautiful Patriots Day in Massachusetts, but they didn't. The Sox came back to beat the Yankees, and the football Patriots signed their best running back since Curtis Martin. So all in all, it was still a pretty darned good Patriots Day - despite the ' Anti-Patriots. , Dave Jo1i.vet, editor of

The Anchor, is a former sports editor/writer, and regularly gives one fan's perspective on the unique world of sports. Comments are welcome at davejolivet@anchomews.org.

Correction In the April 9 edition of The Anchor, Catholic News Service provided ,a photo of Massachusetts State Representative Philip Travis and incorrectly identified him as a Republican. Rep. Travis is in fact a Democrat. The Anchor regrets the error.

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Executive Director of the Parents Alliance for Catholic Education (PACE) Needed PACE, a statewide Catholic schools organization located in Boston, MA, is seeking a full-time Executive Director. In its 11 th year, PACE educates the Catholic schools' constituency about state and federal budget'and legislative issues that impact Catholic schools in order to mobilize Catholic school supporters to lobby their elected officials. PACE also works with 247 Catholic school principals to ensure that their schools equitably participate in the various state and federal grant programs. PACE's major aim is to expand publicly funded parental choice programs. Qualifications: A minimum of 5 years experience with government relations and/or direct government leadership experience. Preferably, a graduate degree in law, political science, education, and/or a related field, a minimum of a bachelor's degree is required. Special preference will be given to those applicants who have successfully formed, led, and maintained coalitions and partnerships. Applicant must be an active member of the Roman Catholic Church. How to Apply: Please send your cover letter, resume, and the names of three references to: George Milot, President, PACE Board of Trustees, Diocese of Fall River Department of Education, 423 Highland Avenue, Fall River, MA 02720 or by E-mail to gmilot@dfrcec.com by Friday, May 21,2004.



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Friday, April 23, 2004


,Drinking to the point of sin When this point is reached, one, Q. When drinking alcohol, under the influence. Those who can know she or he is in heavy how do you know when you ' drink heavily frequently discover , have committed a serious sin? later that they have done things " sin territory. .........._ ...., . What is'the line you cross, while drinking that they wouldn't It should go without saying ATILEBOR,O - Grief educa- They can be sent in care of: Father, making drinking more than think of doing otherWise. that these dangerous circumtion programs will be held at the La Paul Cruz, St. Anthony's Church, just a "little" sin? (Missouri) "Inhibitions are lost, moral stances do not normally arise Salette Retreat House during the Vaddy, Kollam P.O. Box 691 013 suddenly, though they may do so, A. The line, as you ccill it, isn't compasses cease to exist,people Summer on evenings from 5-6:30 Kerala, India. especially in younger people who that hard to tell in theory, but in are violate~ or injured - 'all, we , p.m. as follows: May 9, "Connect---.L... have no experience of practice a l<;>t of common, po' NEW BEDFORD ---' The New sense and personal ing with What Does Not Die"; May alcoholic intake but 16, "Grief: A Sacred Sadness"; May Bedford Catholic Women's Club honesty is necessary, whose initial experience 23, "Remembering the Source of banquet at the Wamsutta Club honis so severe it causes As eve?;ne ~:s, ts Comfort"; June 13, ''Remembering , oring Bishop George W. Coleman critical trauma, even h any use 0 co 0" ec 1foe -with Love"; June路27, "Cultural will be held April 28 at 6:30 p.m. our death. thinking and emoJ1 Backgrounds"; July 4, "In God We For more information call Ethel tional processes some'Usually, warning signs By Father Trust"; July 25, "How Do Moum- Cataldo at 508-994-8542. are present long in how. It's sometimes ers Behave?"; August 1, "Dreams: advance, signs that tell us John J. Dietzen called social drinking NEW BEDFORD - A "Con- because people expect it A Healing Connection"; August 8, we're headed for trouble ''Dealing with Difficult Feelings"; cert and Tea" will take place at St. to "loosen us up" and unless we change the , and August 29, "Reconciliation as Anthony of Padua Church, 1359 make social activities a bit freer track we're on. It's when we ,realize, as a result of the fact that Healing." For more information call Acushnet Avenue, on May 2 from and more congenial. ignore those signs that we end up we were "drunk." Eventually, if SisterJudith Costa at 508-824-6581. 2 to 4 p.m., featuring the church's this tendellcy isn't caught, one, in serious lo~s of ability to control Any drinking, however, that famous Casavant Pipe Organ with deliberately causes路loss of reason ourselves and in serious sin. will almost inevitably end up FALL RIVER - The Hudner Organist David Langevin, Guest Di- is a serious sin. One can know inflicting terrible physical, Obviously oth~r important Oncology Center at Saint Alme's rector David'Touchette; Guest Or- when the use of reason is lost, fOf emotional and spiritual damage factors may enter the picture as Hospital invites area cancer patients ganists Gerald Dyck and Ann example, if one cannot later well; how one's use of alcohol on oneself or someone else. to participate in an education and Shauger Kocuba, combined local remember what he or she said or affects one's family, work and Of course, the usual three support program held from 5-6 p.m. choirs, Homeward Bound of Little did while under the influence of , personal health, to mention ol}1y qmditions for mortal sin apply every Wednesday in Room 220 of Falls, N.Y., Heather 'Church and alcohol. The "lost weekend" here as anywhere else: serious three. Clemence Hall. For more informa- Keri Bichel, and the St. Anthony syndro~e is not unusual for matter, sufficient reflection and 1\vo more points are approprition call Mark Theodore at 508-674- School Chorus. For more infoima- people who drink heavily. full consent of the will. The first ~te. First, to deliberately cause tio!,! call 508-993-1691. 5600 ext. 2279. another person to come under the time one drinks to intoxication Hours, or in some instances days, may become a fog. People there may not be real consent. influence of alcohol or other FALL RIVER - Catholic So-' NORTH EASTON - "Dis- cannot remember where they dangerous drug is also gravely The individual just doesn't know cial Services of the Diocese of Fall cerning the Way: A. Program for were or what they did. Eveiything how that amount of alcohol will sinful, a serious sin at least River will hold an information ses-' Those New to the Catholic Faith," is a haze the next morning when against charity, love of neighbor. affect him. sion April ,27 from 7-9 p.m. for in- for those who experienced the Rite they find themselves at home and Second, we all have seen After a bit of experience, dividuals and families interested in of Initiation of Adults or made their wonder how they got there. ' however, the person knows that movies of frontier days when adopting a child from a foreign Profession of Faith will be offered drinking a certain quantity of injured people were deliberately Others will drive long discountry or a domestic newborn, at Sunday from 2-5 p.m. at Holy tances, even travel to other cities, alcohol will render him or her out made drunk with whiskey in the 1600 Bay Street office. Refresh- Cross Family Ministries, 518 or, visit friends and never rememof touch, unable to judge right preparation for painful surgery. ments will be served and informa- Washington Street. Brother Joseph ber a rninute of what occurred from wrong, unable even to Here, as in more modem forms of tion handouts will be available. For Esparza, CSC will lead the event. during these episodes. remember what happened during general anesthesia, the physical more information call 508-674- For more information call 508-238,'Another sign is that one cannot the drinking binge. The resulting good of the patient justifies 4681. 4095 ext. 2013. intoxication is then not "accidendistinguish between right and rendering him or her partially or wrong, good and bad, while tal," but deliberate and sinful: full~ unconscious during surgery. FREETOWN - Mother of the NOlUH DARI'MOUTH-A Sorrowful Heart Rosary Crafters are Diocesan,Divorced-Separated Supmaking and sending handmade cord port Group will meet April 26 from rosaries to Missions throughout the 7-9 p.m. at the Family Life Center. world and are available for demon- Guest speaker D,Oug Hughes will My friend Bud hils been a little isn't a success. And we are all "I think.it's a good idea," I said. ,looking to you. See?" . strations. Individuals or groups in- address the topic "Dealing with . testy lately. Even snappy. He ''Well,'' he conceded, "if the , ~erested in learning how to make Abusive Relationships." For more claims the condition is largely due He did. "You back-stabbing, , guy can make enough money to rosaries should call Carol Spoor at路 information call Bob Menard at 508- . to the fact he has been named rotten ..." buy J~aica by making a movie 508-644-2645.. 673-2997, chairperson of St. All Saints "Whoa, Bud 01' buddy," I about Jesus, there's no reason he Parish's Annual Major Weekend interrupted, "you'll do great. JuSt shouldn't share a little of it at the MISCELLANEOUS - The bazaar in appreciation." ORLEANS - A Separated-Di- . Festival and Bazaar and :earbecue keep the Catholics-for-Kerry' . booth a good distance from the Diocese of Fall River is offering vorced Catholics Support Group and Dance and Car Wash and "My point exactly," I said. need-based scholarships through the will meet Sunday at 7 p.m. in the More. Catholics-for-Bush booth, and . , '~d if you time it right, you can St. Mary's Education Fund for the parish center of St. Joan of Arc _ It is the logistical probably use him as a 2004-2005 school year. Students Church. It will feature a video by equivalent of planning a draw for the I:ar wash and ' presently enrolled or who are ac~ Andy Morgan. For more inf6rma- major invasion of a hostile the dance." , cepted for,enrollment at a Catholic tion call Father Richard M. Roy 'at country, only without .the Bud lightened up. "I elementary or middle school may 508-255-01'70. ' help of tankS or CNN. . bet he'd donate some, apply for aid. Unfortunately, Bud has movie memorabilia to the WEST HARWICH- The fallen into the habit of auction too." , MISCELLANEOUS Celebrate Life Committee of Holy calling me a oack"Awesome. You've Catholic Social Services is seeking Trinity ParishlHoly ~edeemer Par- stabbing, rotten, revengeadded an auction to the .volunteers willing to donate one ish will hold its monthly Holy Hour seeking, sadistic rat-fink bazaar this year?" I evening per week to assist in teach- Sunday at 1:30 p.m. at Holy Trinity who wanted to get even smiled. ing basic English to immigrants. Church, Route 128. Bring a friend with him. everything will just fall into place." "Oh, absolutely," Bud Hom:s are usual!y6-7:30 p.m. on a to pray to stop abortion throughout I must admit I did speak very "Har, har, you sadistic rat-fink" grinned back. "And Msgr. weeknight and classes are five- the world. highly of him at the meeting at he snarled. O'Kneel agreed with several of seven learners per teacher. We have which the chairperson (aka Bud) "Bud," I chortled, "people will us that you'd be just the person several high school students willing YARMOU'l'HPOlU - Father was selected. 'The fact that he w~ pack the bazaar when they find out to chair it." , to act as teacher assistants and pre- Roger Landry will lead a Morning . not there was not my fault. The that Mel Gibson is going to be . Suddenly I felt a little testy. vious teaching experience is not re- of Recollection on May 1 at Sacred fact that he has nominated me in there." , 'Even snappy. I think Bud sensed quired. For more information call HeartChapel, SummerStreet(just off .the past to ,a few chores while I "What?" he blinked. it. . Sheila Sullivan at 508-674-4681. Route 6A). The event will begin with. was absent from a meeting or two "~ure:' I said, "get the bishop "Not to worry," he cajoled. "I Mass and include adoration of the ,hardly crossed my mind. _to invite Mel. Then we'll put out know the bishop would be more MISCELLANEOUS - A Blessed Sacrament, two conferences 'This is a great honor," I the word that he's going to have a than happy to ask Donald Trump missionary church in India is seek- on prayer, and the opportunity for r;:xplained to him. ''The event , booth where he's going to have. to give you, a hand." ing items for its school children. individual confession. The theme of raises a big portion of the parish ,auditions for his next movie, 'The Comments are welcome. EEspecially needed are pens, pencils, the conferences. will be "St.' Joseph, budget. We'll probably have to . Passion of Making $400 Million.'" mail Uncle Dan at markers magazines and rosaries. and Human Work;' All are welcome. shut the place down if the bazaar "Cute." CDSUDcleOl @yaboo.com

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'Trying to outsmart Bud

Friday, April 23, 2004


More on marriage Why support a Federal secular institution" in its recent Marriage Amendment? Here are decision mandating so-called 10 reasons why. "gay marriage." The MassachuI. The FMA will prevent setts Supremes were wrong, but activist judges from redefining if their opinion prevails, it will marriage to fit their squinty be another step toward establishreading of the "signs of the ing secularism as the official times." There isn't the slightest ideology of the United States. shred of evidence to support the 4. Government-sanctioned claim that the American people same-sex "marriage" will want this redefinition. Those who do should have the democratic courtesy to take their case to legislatures, not courts. Judicial usurpation of decision-making on grave issues of public policy is By George Weigel undermining democracy. It's time to draw the line. This is the place. inevitably lead to demands that 2. "Marriage" is not somehomosexual sex be discussed thing the state can legitimately "neutrally" in public schools. redefine. Marriage is a human institution thousands of years Parents who fight this will be older than the state; a just state branded irrational bigots. This is already happening to supporters recognizes that and structures its of the Federal Marriage Amendlaws accordingly. The state is ment. under moral judgment here, not 5. The same charge of bigotry the institution of marriage as it's will be laid against priests, been understood for millennia. ministers, and rabbis who 3. Attempts to redefine decline to perform "gay marmarriage inevitably involve riages." One young priest I parallel attempts to drive know, an entirely sober soul, told religiously-informed moral me that he fully expects to see norms from public life. The clergy of his generation jailed for Supreme Judicial Court of refusing to perform same-sex Massachusetts, for example, "weddings." He is not being declared marriage a "wholly

The Catholic Difference

alarmist. Unhappy precedents have already been set in Canada and Great Britain, where clergy have been subjected to the pressures of the criminal law for teaching classic Christian doctrine on homosexual behavior. 6. Some constitutionally fastidious conservatives and a few dissembling politicians argue that marriage has always been a matter for the states. This is historically inaccurate. Several federal laws against polygamy were passed in the 19th century, and absent federal intervention, polygamy might well have been legal in several states. Moreover, gay "marriage" activists will insist that anyone state's "gay marriage" provision be recognized in every other state under the Constitution's "full faith and credit" clause - and they'll find a lot of the federal appellate bench supporting that claim. In the current political, cultural, and judicial climates, defining marriage is, inescapably, a national issue. 7. Then there's the slippery slope, which in this instance is an empirical reality, not a logical

Unjustly condemned, but joyful was astounded at seeing how the With all the attention given to human spirit, refusing to be Mel Gibson's ''The Passion of the Christ," I expected more would be broken, can transcend earthly crime, faithfully bearing witness to said about injustice. For Jesus, an a legacy of joy inherited from the innocent man, was surely unjustly Creator. condemned. Hillesum was Jewish, living in Unjust condemnations were on Amsterdam, an educated, contemmy mind. Before I saw the movie, I had just read the prison writings of two astounding people - Etty Hillesum and Jesuit Father Alfred Delp who were innocent but were put to death because of official hate. Both were By Antoinette Bosco executed by the Nazis, one for the "crime" of being Jewish, one for being a Catholic priest. I felt the Gibson movie left a lot porary woman, when the Nazis entered Holland. She kept a diary, of blanks in not presenting more which much later was published as about who Jesus was, what he ''An Interrupted Life" (pantheon taught and why he was willing, in Books). I was astounded to read in truth, to love us to death. I think the introduction that as she was we should have heard what Jesus being transported by train to said just before he went out to be Auschwitz, where she was murdered on those false accusamurdered Nov. 30,1943, at age tions. I believe many would have 29, she threw a postcard out the been startled to hear him say that window. It later was found by he had taught his Father's truth to farmers and sent to her friends. On his disciples "so that they may it she had written, ''We have left share my joy completely" (In the camp singing." 17:13). She was singing as she went to Jesus was about to be crucified, her death, reminding me of Jesus, yet he spoke of joy. who spoke ofjoy as he went to his I used to think that was really execution. impossible, to be in the crucible, In her diaries, Hillesum wrote, yet able to speak ofjoy. But in "If I have one duty in these times, reading of the lives and deaths of it is to bear witness. The earth is in Father Delp ,md Etty Hillesum, I

The Bottom Line

me, and the sky. I am going to read St. Augustine again. He is so full of simple devotion in his love letters to God. Truly, those are the only love letters one ought to write: love letters to God." Father Delp was executed by the Nazis Feb. 2, 1945, at age 37. His "Prison Writings" (Orbis Books) are pulled from his soul and contain a truth and wisdom that perhaps only could be so strikingly expressed by someone trapped in a profound injustice. He was killed on trumped up charges that he attempted to assassinate Hitler. Indeed, he had opposed the Nazi regime and helped many Jewish people escape. After the verdict of death, he wrote, "I was sacrificed, not conquered." I was struck how someone, tormented in a prison, could write: "Yet it does happen, even under these circumstances, that every now and then my whole being is flooded with pulsating life, and my heart can scarcely contain the delirious joy there is in it." Li,ke Jesus, he could speak of joy! How much we can leam from courageous people who stay so linked to God, from people like Hillesum, who, cold and hungry, could choose joy, writing, "I shall simply lie down and try to be a prayer."

fallacy. If states can redefine marriage as the union of two men or two women, on what principled ground will states deny the claims of one man and three women to be married? Or two women and three men? There is no such ground. If gay "marriage" becomes the law of the land, polygamy and polyandry are not far away. 8. Gay "marriage" advocates insist that family "structure" doesn't matter. Haven't we learned from years of a lengthy, failed experiment in social welfare policy that marriage "structure" does count? What's just about ignoring the overwhelming social scientific evidence that kids flourish best in a stable family led by a father and a mother? To endorse same-sex "marriage" is to declare that motherless or fatherless families are social goods. The kids, as usual, will suffer most. 9. We've already seen the damage that's been done to marriage and to children by a culture that increasingly divides "marriage" and "procreation." Legally endorsing same-sex "marriage" will accelerate the separation of marriage and

parenting. 10. What would we be saying about ourselves and our traditions if same-sex "marriage" wins the day? Among other things, we'd be saying that the biblical understanding of marriage and the family is wrong, even bigoted. We'd be saying that there's nothing really important about our being created male and female. We'd be saying that "marriage" is something than can be redefined by anyone seeking to 'meet a personal "need." Is that what we want to say to, and about, ourselves? I don't think so. George Weigel is a senior fellow of the Ethics and Public Policy Center in Washington, D.C. BURIAL LIFE INSURANCE


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.THE PARISH OF ST. JAMES 233 COUNTY STREET NEW BEDFORD, MASSACHUSETTS 02740 We at 81. James would like to extend a hearty farewell to our long time Pastor, Father Edward E. Correia. From our hearts, "Thank You," for all your love, compassion, understanding,

·,JL "'-',I,(""" ,




openness, prayer and witness that you have provided to us over the past ten years. Even though you will no longer be residing at 81. James as Pastor, you will always .be.among us. May God continue to , bless and keep you a~ong

your journey

wherever He JPay lead you. . With great love and appreciation, Parish Fat¢ly of 81. James

. .' \






\' •















Three-ring vocation: Religious sisters bring the Church to circus workers By CLAUDIA McDoNNELL CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE

their circus work. "The jobs we do are very important to our ministry," Sister Fabritze told Catholic New York, the archdiocesan newspaper. Their colleagues, she said, particularly value the fact that the two nuns live, work and travel with them, stand in the same food lines and sweep the same floors. ''They begin to see me as a per-

sionaries in Papua New Guinea. Sister Fabritze spent 16 years there working in religious instrucNEW YORK - When the cirtion and religious formation of siscus came to New York recently, ters. Sister Overkamp served there under the big top with the acrobats, for 25 years, teaching domestic clowns, dancers, elephants and liskills to young people. They both ons were two religious sisters.. left in 1993 and went in different Sisters Dorothy Fabritze and directions. Bernard Overkamp go where the In 1996, Sister Fabritze attended circus goes, making sure performa convention of the U.S. Catholic ers and behind-the-scenes workMission Association, an orers always have the Church ganization for people inwith them. volved in cross-cultural and "This is their vocation. Sister Overkamp said that be- overseas ministries. There God calls them to this work," Sister Fabritze said sides working on costumes she is she picked up a book about of the life of people in the there for the members of the troupe, circus ministry and couldn't get it out of her mind. circus. to "listen to their stories, to listen with Later, she got in touch The two women, who are Missionary Sisters of the the ears of my heart, to see with the with Father Jerry Hogan, a priest of the Boston ArchdioMost Sacred Heart of Jesus eyes of my heart." cese who is a circus chaplain of Hiltrup, Germany, acand travels around the-United.company one of the traveling units of the Ringling Bros. and son they can talk to," Sister States. Eventually he invited her to Fabritze said. "Some people call attend a meeting of circus minisBamum & Bailey Circus. They care for the spiritual needs it counseling. Some people call it ters. She met two nuns who had of circus people, but they're also mentoring. I call it being Church." been doing the work for years. Starting in 1997, they worked Sister Overkamp said that befull-time circus workers. Sister Fabritze pulls the curtain, presid- sides working on costumes she is for several circuses before joining ing over the entrances and exits of there for the members of the . Ringling Bros. and Barnum & all the acts. Sister Overkamp troupe, to "listen to their stories, Bailey last December. Circus minworks in the wardrobe department, to listen with the ears of my heart, istry is an outreach of the U.S. where she keeps the costumes re- to see with the eyes of my heart." bishops' Office for the Pastoral The apostolate of the sisters' Care of Migrants and Refugees. paired and helps performers with The circus puts on shows 50 congregation is to bring the Gosquick changes between scenes. In their ministerial roles, the sis- pel to people who have not heard weeks a year, so it's often on the ters provide religious education it, who no longer believe or who move. Most performers travel on and sacramental preparation for are not reached by traditional min- the circus train. The sisters have a trailer with bunk beds and a truck. children and adults. They arrange istries. Sister Fabritze, a native of The larger of the trailer's two bedfor Masses and always are ready to listen if someone needs to talk. Allentown, Pa., and Sister rooms is their chapel, where the But they were quick to explain that Overkamp, who is from Blessed Sacrament is reserved 24 their spiritual ministry flows from Westphalia, Germany, met as mis- hours a day by special permission.

SISTERS DOROTHY Fabritze and Bernard Overkamp appear in the center ring of the Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus at Madison Square Garden in New York recently. In addition to providing spiritual counseling to employees of the traveling circus, the nuns work at curtain-pulling and do costume repair. The women are Missionary Sisters of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus of Hiltrup, Germany. (CNS photo by Chris Sheridan, Catholic New York)

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A LARGE cross illuminates the front of the Colosseum in Rome April 9. Pope John Paul II presided over the Way of the Cross at the site. Also taking part in the service were men and women from regions of the world suffering from ethnic or religious strife. (CNS photo from Reuters)

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Friday, April 23, 2004

Producer of 'Lourdes' documentary .finds trend in 'faith films' no surprise By PAULA DOYLE'

tion God in the industry - and now it's OK," sb said. LOS ANGELES - John Tenorio, a filmmaker With the "Lourdes" film, "doors have opened u] wh~ produced the award-winning "Lourdes" docu- for us little by little," Tenorio said. An award it re mentary, is not surprised by the blockbuster suc- ceived at the International Family Film Festival las cess of Mel Gibson's "The Passion of the Christ." year helped land a distribution deal with New York Nor was he surprised a People's Choice Award based Cinema Guild, which considers "Lourdes went to "Joan of Arcadia." The CBS drama, in its to be the flagship film for its catalog of religiou first season, features a teen-age girl who begins to films, according to the flffi1's general manager, Gar have conversations with God, who appears to her Crowdus. in various human fonns and asks her to do specific Cinema Guild sales director Luke O'Connel things. expects the film to do well, since initial sales of th "There's a trend toward .'faith films,'" said documentary to educational and religious market Tenorio, 49, a marketing and media consultant who have been promising. attends OurLady of Perpetual Help Church in Santa "It's quite a nice film," said O'Connell. "In ad dition to giving a history of Lourdes, it gives a gool Clarita. Tenorio's "Lourdes" documentary, based on the look at how miracles are validated." Blessed'Mother's apparitions to 14-year-old The documentary's director and writer, pathola Bernadette Soubirous in 1858 in France, has won gist Dr. Peter Hoffmann, 52, contacted longtim three film awards, resulting in a distribution deal friend Tenorio in 1999 after reading a book abou with one of America's leading distributors of films Lourdes he purchased at a garage sale. He was in and videos. The film was honored as best documen- trigued by the accounts of hundreds of miraculou tary at the recent Valley International Film Festival healings occurring at Lourdes; certified instanta in Studio City. neous cures numbered more than 600. Paulist Father Frank Desiderio, head of Paulist After submitting a script "treatment" to Lourde Productions, likewise sees a trend. officials, who receive up to 200 requests a year fa "I was saying to TV executives that, if you show filming access privileges, the duo was given pel religious stories, religious people will show up," mission to film their documentary during a week ii Father Desiderio told The Tidings, newspaper of the October 2000. Los Angeles Archdiocese. "You could feel a kind of contagious spiritual it: The priest produced the TV movie "Judas," around you; I felt a total immersion of love and car which aired last month on ABC. The show received ing," said Hoffmann. . a 10 percent share of viewing audience, the same His film crew was given total access to the appa percentage garnered by a TV biopic on actress rition grotto and the basilica built at the site. The: Natalie Wood, and this has convinced Father also were allowed to film at St. Bernadette's crypl Desiderio that the general public, not just religious Her uncorrupted body lies in state at the chapel in people, will support路well-made films with.reJigious . conv.ent at. Nevers, Franc~.. She sp~l1rt:l1~ ~~rnainde themes. of her life there as a Sister of Charity. She died il Barbara Nicolosi, director of the Hollywood- 1879 at age 35. based Act One screenwriting program, said humans Hoffmann and Tenorio hope the film will be aire, have always been fascinated by the spiritual dimen- soon on a cable television channel networ~.; sion. However, for a long time, according to More information about "Lourdes:' .and how tl Nicolosi, movies mostly steered clear of spiritual buy it is available by calling the Cinema Guild al themes. 212-685-6242, or on the Web at "It was so desperately unhip in the '80s to men- www.cinemaguild.com. CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE

UMA THURMAN stars in a scene from the movie "Kill Bill - Vol. 2." For a brief review of this film, see CNS Movie Capsules below. (CNS photo from Miramax) Film & Broadcasting classification is A-ill - adults. The Motion Picture Association of America rating is R - restricted. "Kill Bill- Vol. 2" (Miramax) Violent and vapid continuation of director Quentin Tarantino's sanguinary saga about a fonner female assassin (Uma Thurman) gunned down at her wedding 'rehearsal and left for dead by the assassin circle she had once been a member of, led by her former boss-lover, Bill (David Carradine). She has already dispatched two of her fonner hit squad associates in the first film; the second installment follows her on a roaring rampage of revenge as she slices and dices her way through her two remaining would-be killers, _'Y-orking her way up the chain of "command in order to'~ what else? - kill Bill. While the more dialogue-driven "Vol. 2" is not as bloody as its much gorier predecessor, the superficiality of its hip, highly stylized savagery promotes a video-game attitude toward violence which seems to say killing is cool and, despite its pulp cinema references and flashes of visual brilIiance, is fueled by a revenge-driven theme incompatible with the Christian understanding of forgiveness. Recurring gratuitous scenes of violence, much rough and crude language and drug content. The USCCB Office for Film & Broadcasting classification is 0 - morally offensive. The Motion Picture Association of America rating is R - restricted. ''The Punisher" (Lions Gate) Boring and gleefully violent tale of a retired undercover FBI agent (Thomas Jane) whose whole family is murdered, prompting him to reciprocate by methodically setting out to kill the mobster responsible . (John Travolta), his wife, best friend, associates and assorted assassins who fail to stop the relentless vigilante. In absurdly pretentious fash- . ion, director Jonathan Hensleigh simply strings together a series of brutal executions as the title character from the Marvel comic books is depicted as a heroic dispenser ofjustice. Excessive, gory violence, rationalization of lethal' vengeance, sporadic rough language and minimal profanity. The USCCB Office for Film & Broadcasting classification is 0""":'" morally offensive. The Motion Picture Association of America rating is R - restricted.


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NEW YORK (CNS) - The following are capsule reviews of movies recently reviewed by the Office for Film & Broadcasting of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops. "Connie and Carla"



Breezy and brassy comedy about two struggling Chicago-based lounge singers (Nia Vardal~s and Toni Collette), who, after witnessing a gangland execution, hightail it to Los Angeles to hide out, disguising themselves as drag queens who wind up becoming overnight sensations, headlining in a cross-dressing cabaret show. Director Michael Lembeck's film strikes a palatable though at times preachy tone, poking fun at the flamboyant female impersonators while stressing their humanity. A sympathetic portrayal of the gay lifestyle, recurring sexual humor, a sacrilegious comment, an instance of same-sex kissing, intermittent crude language and a few drug references. The USCCB Office for Film & Broadcasting classification is L - limited adult audience, films whose problematic content many adults would find troubling. The Motion Picture Association of America rating is PG-13 parents are strongly cautioned. Some material may be inappropriate for children under 13. "I'm Not Scared" (Miramax) Enthralling thriller about a 10year-old boy (Giuseppe Cristiano) living in a remote Sicilian village whose innocence is shattered when he makes a shocking discovery in an abandoned farmhouse and learns that the terrible truth behind it leads him closer to home than he ever would imagine. Masterfully told through the eyes of a child, director Gabriele Salvatores combines suspenseful storytelling with hauntingly beautiful visuals of sprawling, sunbaked Italian vistas to craft an intimate coming-of-age tale of courage and compassion. Subtitles. Some violence, recurring rough and crude language. The USCCB Office for

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C.NS video 路reviews NEW YORK (CNS) - The fol- proach, director Philip Saville's lowing are video capsule reviews three-hour film eschews biblical from the Office for Film & Broad- pageantry for a more intimate porcasting of the U.S. Conference of trait of Jesus (Henry Ian Cusick), Catholic Bishops. painting him as a passionate provo"Cheaper by the Dozen" (2003) cateur, while remaining consistent Fitfully amusing comedy about with John's core message of Christ a family with 12 children veering out as the incarnate word. Crucifixion ofcontrol when mom (Bonnie Hunt) violence. The USCCB Office for must go on a national book tour, Film & Broadcasting classification leaving dad (Steve Martin) to hold is A-II - adults and adolescents. down the very rebellious fort while (Visual Bible International) the demands of his university foot''The Matrix Revolutions" ball coaching job allow scant .time (2003) for his unhappy youngsters. The Bloated third installment of the family-first message follows direc- sci-fi trilogy which finds Neo tor Shawn Levy's predictable parade (Keanu Reeves), the computer of pranks, pratfalls and parenting hacker turned messiah, venturing problems, including dismay over into the heart of Machine City in their 22-year-old daughter moving order to stave off an assault on in with her boyfriend. A discreetly humanity's last stronghold by an implied affair, occasional toilet hu- army of killer droids bent on the mor and briefslapstick violence. The extinction of mankind. While full USCCB Office for Film & Broad- of mind-blowing effects set against casting classification is A-II a moody Orwellian backdrop, adults and adolescents:(Fox) writer-directors Larry and Andy ''The Gospel of John" (2003) Wachowski prove that the third Faithful word-for-word version time is not a charm, completing (narrated by Christopher Plummer) their cyber-noir cycle with this joyof the life, ministry and death of less orgy of visual pomposity, its Jesus Christ, as recounted by the metaphysical musings mired in a fourth Evangelist. Though weighed maelstrom of noise and stylized down at times by its verbatim ap- violence, none of which is attached

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'to characters we care. about, mak ing its banality aU the more obvi ous. Much sci-fi violence as we] as recurring profanity. The USCCl Office for Film & Broadcastin. classification is A-IV - adult~ with reservations. The Motion J>ic ture Association of America ratin: is R - restricted. (Warner Hom Video) . "Passionada" (2003) Sweet romance set in a New En gland Portuguese-Americ,m tishin: community where a former can shark (Jason Isaacs) lies about hi past to the devout widow (Sofi. Milos) he has fallen for even as he daughter (Emmy Rossum) insists hi teach her card counting in exchangl for encouraging her mom to dati him. Director Dan Ireland blend humor and torch songs into a mod estly charming tale of secon( chances and love's healing powers An implied affair. The USCCB Of fice for Film & Broadcasting c1assi fication is A-ill - adults. The Mo tion Picture Association of Americi rating is PG-13 - parents an strongly cautioned. Some materia may be inappropriate for childrel under 13. (Columbia TriStar Hom( Entertainment)

Friday, April 23, 2004


Papal donations to help victims ofwat; disaster top $1.6 million VATICAN CITY (CNS) - Us- help people threatened by drought ing monetary gifts he received from and desertification in Africa, distribindividuals, religious orders and dio- uted about $3 million in 2003. ceses, Pope John Paul II designated In addition, the "Populorum $1.68 million for emergency disas- Progressio" Foundation for ter relief and development 路aid in farmworkers and indigenous com2003. munities in Latin America and the More than $240,000 was used to Caribbean funded 221 projects for help the victims of war in Iraq, , a total of more than $1.8 million. Liberia, Nigeria and the Congo, acThe Vatican newspaper said ficording to figures published in the nancial gifts to the pope are an ocApril 7 edition of L'Osservatore casion for individuals, parishes, dioRomano, the Vatican newspaper. ceses and religious orders to demThe Pontifical Council "Cor onstrate that they are part of the uniUnum," whi<;h promotes and coor- versal Church and share its concems dinates charitable giving, handles the for the world's neediest people. distribution of the aid. The charity of the pope in 2003 CAPE COD also included donations of$243,000 to help the victims of flooding in NATIONAL Argentina, Bolivia, Fiji, Guatemala, MORTGAGE Sri Lanka and Vietnam. LOW, LOW RATES STARTING AT Pope John Paul sent Archbishop MARTHA GARCIA of Glendale, Ariz., is attended by medical student Katherine Mack at Paul Cordes, president of "Cor 7 the Mission of Mercy's medical clinic on wheels. Traveling weekly to different sites, volunteer Unum," to several of the hurting NO POINTS, NO CLOSING COSTS medical staff see 250-300 unemployed and uninsured patients a week in Phoenix and sur- nations in 2003. He visited Iraq im1ST, 2ND, 3RD MORTGAGES mediately after President George W. rounding suburbs. (CNS photo by Claudia I. Provencio; Catholic Sun) PURCHASE OR REFINANCE Bush declared the end of the war IMPROVEMENT, REPAIR DEBT CONSOLIDATION there and he visited Vietnam soon CREDIT CARD PAY OFFS, after the floods. HOME EQUITY, COMMERCIAL In addition to helping victims of 2ND HOMES, TUITION, SELF EMPLOYED NO INCOME VERIFICATION war and natural disasters, the papal POOR CREDIT - NO CREDIT giving included more than $205,000 , PAY OFF LIENS & ATTAGHMENTS FORECLOSURE-BANKRUPTCY for projects to benefitchildren in BraAPPLICATION TAKEN ON PHONE zil, Chile, Ghana, India, Mongolia" By CLAUDIA I. PROVENCIO NO APPLICATION FEE. tion, a local parish, which Smith and the Virginia G. Piper and Central African Republic, Tajikistan, FAST SERVICE. WE CAN HELPI CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE asked remain anonymous, houses Nina Mason Pulliam charitable Ukraine, Uganda and Vietnam. CALL NOW PHOENIX - Cramped in a, Mission of Mercy's pharmacy. trusts, amQng others, enable local The pope also gave $25,000 for New Bedford 508-636-7000 Retired Dr. Charles Levison, a churches and community centers HIV/AIDS programs in Malawi and small makeshift examining room Cape Cod 508-945-0060 adorned with pale pink wallpaper, weekly volunteer, said, "A lot of to open their halls each week to a Romania. Free ~pplication on Internet Minerva Lopez sits on the edge these folks wouldn't have any steady stream of Arizonans in' The article also reported that the www.ccnm.com of a paper-draped table, legs dan- medical care at all if it weren't for need of medical care. John Paul II Foundation for the MORTGAGE BROKER # 1161 gling, inhaling deeply as a doctor this place." For three years, Shepherd of Sahel, established by the pope to Adj, $10k min. However, "the care is a little the Valley Lutheran Church in listens closely to each breath. Suspecting Lopez's cough compromised," he said, because Phoenix has served as a primary may be the onset of asthma or tu- many patients, particularly diabet- care center for Minerva Lopez Truck Mechanic and her family. berculosis, the doctor refers "Thank God there are her to a specialist. Her 1st shift. Full time. Saturdays required. Excellent places like this," said her three-year-old' daughter, benefits. CDL-A license and 3 years of experience Every nook and cranny of the 36- aunt, Rosa Lopez, who is Sara, sits patiently in the needed. Apply in person Mon.- Sat. 8:00 am - 4:30 pm comer sucking on a lolli- foot, custom-built medical center on treated monthly for diabewheels in Phoenix is used. The vans tes. She learned of the clinic pop. at Gold Medal Bakery, 2'1 Penn St., Fall River, MA or In the hallway, another two "bedropms" serve as exam thro~gh word-of-mouth and call 1-800-642-7568, ext. 735. patient, who is a diabetic rooms. The bathroom is a nursing told her niece about it when her husband lost his job and and a cocaine addict, is station/pharmacy area. health benefits. treated for infected leg Diocese of Fall River Every nook and cranny bums suffered after falling of the 36-foot, custom:'built asleep next to a heater. Down the hall, a Spanish transla- ics, require medications the clinic medical center on wheels in Phoenix is used. The van's two "bedtor loudly informs a patient who simply cannot afford. "But it's better than nothing," rooms" serve as exam rooms. The is hard of hearing that her prescription calls for only half a pill he told The Catholic Sun, news- bathroom is a nursing station/ paper of the Phoenix diocese. "It pharmacy area. each day. Enjoy all the beauty - in sight and sound - of the Mission of Mercy refers paA nurse retrieves medications, makes thllm come back to get March 14th Mass from St. Mary's Cathedral while doctors consult about diag- checked and gives them some tients who need additional tests Celebrating the 1OOth Anniver~ary of the Diocese or a specialist's care to doctors noses in the hallway. It's all in a idea about their diets." John Olson, executive director who cannot donate time in the van day's work for Mission of To order your copy, please fill out the form below and Mercy's volunteer team of doc- of Mission of Mercy, said it pro- l:mt see patients, free of charge, return with your payment to Office of Communications, tors, nurses, and medical students vides primary medical care typi- in their offices. Diocese of Fall River, P.O. Box 7, Fall River, MA 02722 "It's something that I feel is who see 250 to 300 patients a cal of a family practice. "We also 100th Anniversary Video week at clinics in Phoenix and do some minor surgery, like re- very needed. It's a way to .serve moving tysts and ingrown toe- God and the community," said surrounding suburbs. While minimal privacy is one nails," he said. "We set casts, bro- . six-year volunteer Terry O'Brien, a registered nurse at Banner of the drawbacks, the Catholic- ken bones, that type of thing." The clinic relies solely on pri- Thunderbird Medical Center and founded medical clinic on wheels provides free health care to the vate donations and community a parishioner: at the Franciscan area's unemployed, uninsured support, he said. The organization Renewal Center. "Certainly this is an opportuand marginalized working poor also has facilities in Maryland and nity to do missionary work with- . - citizens and noncitizens alike. Pennsylvania. Every year, the Arizona clinic out having to go somewhere else More Catholics volunteer with the clinic than members of any sees about 12,000 patients at a in the world," Smith said, "and to other Christian denomination, cost of $420,000, or an average work around, other Christians who said Dr. Brad S'mith, acting medi- of $35 a patient. Nonprofits such have the same philosophy about cal director of the clinic. In addi- as the BHHS Legacy Foundation how patients should be treated."

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Medical mission: Clinic on wheels helps 12,000 needy Arizonans yearly


Friday, April 23, 2004

Text ofdaily papal message now availablefor cellph:ones WASHINGTON (CNS) - The 'Look, you have the radio service, the · words of Pope John Paul II - if television, the newspaper, the maganot his voice - are now available zine. Now there is a new medium.''' When the Vatican responded on most U.S. cell phones. Through a service called "The positively to the idea, "we were Pope's Thought of the Day," an Ital- immediately on' the same. page," ian finn is making the pope's mes- Tarantino said. The service began a year ago in sage available to cell phone users. The service began April 7 to Italy, and subsequently expanded · Cingular and Verizon Wifeless cus- to Ireland, England and Malta. tomers. After a test was conducted Tarantino said Acotel is working April 14 on AT&T WIfeless' sys-' with tlie Vatican to provide Span. tem, the papal message 'service be~ ish-language messages. The messages are available at came available to AT&T Wireless customers and is to be made avail- noon Eastern time each day. The texts aren't long, given the able to other wireless service prosomewhat cor$.ned screen size. viders soon. For example,- the April 5 mesIn all, the estimated 105 million ,cell phones that have text-messag- sage read: "May Christ, the way, ing technology, or about 70 percent the truth and the life renew you so of all U.S. cell phones currently in that you will be his friends and wituse, will eventuaijy be able to ac- nessesin the world." The message from the day before that read: cess the service. "The Pope's Thought of the "Mary teaches us that to pray we Day" is selected by the Vatica,n must enter our own room and, afpress office, according to Nino ter.closIng the door, speak to the , Tarantino, the general manager of Father in secret." There is a 30-cent fee charged Acote1 USA, the U.S. branchofttte Italian company Acotel. The mes- for each message. To subscribe, cell phone users' sages are culled from his speeches, homilies and writings. ca~ sen~ a text message saying Tarantino said he and an Acotel "Pope on" to the number 24444. To colleague approached the press of- . unsubscribe, callers use the same fice about the possibility of offering ·number to send 'the text message . a daily papal message: "We said, "Pope off."

Springfield diocese's communications leader resig~s after _abuse allegation Bishop McDonnell was installed SPRINGFIELD Bishop Timothy A. McDonnell has ac- as leader of the Springfield diocese cepted the resignation ofMichael A. on April!. Graziano had overseen the comGraziano, president of the Diocese of Sprinifield's Catholic Commu- munications ministry of the Springnications Corporation. Graziano's field diocese since 1982. In 1998, letter stated that his resignation was he was named president ofthe newly for personal and family reasons. The consolidated Catholic Communicaresignation was presented to Bishop tions Corporation that was formed McDonnell on April 12 and was ef- to manage all the various print and fective immediately. . electronic communication services The report on April 13 that of the diocese. Sister Homrok has worked as a Graziano had resigned was followed on April 14 with an announcement staff producer for the television sethat Sister of St. Joseph Catherine ries, ''Reel to Reel" and as a writer F. Homrok, a full-time staff mem- for the Catholic Observer, the biber at the Communications. Corpo- weekly newspaper of the Diocese ration, had agreed to take over as of Springfield. 'The important work ofthis mininterim administer, effectively immediately. istry needs to continue," said Sister " Graziano's resignation came af- Hornrok. "For this interim ~riod, ter the diocese received a single knowing the capabilities of those complaint against him alleging who work alongside me, I'm willsexual misconduct in 1985. TheDi- ing to take on the administrative re· ocesan Review Board recently'made . sponsibilities that accompany this an initial finding that the allegations position;' she said. should be investigated further. In Sister Hornrok worked as a prosubmitting his resignation, Grazi.illo ducer of the "Chalice of Salvation" made no admission with regard to television program for six years bethe allegation, but stated his wish that fore taking a leadership position iri the diocese's recent forward mo- the Sisters of St. k, ~ph community mentum not be sidetracked. in 1993. She. returned to Catholic . . On March 9, Bishop McDonnell Communications iIi 199Q. was named to head the Springfield She was one of the founders of diocese after his prede«essor, Bishop Gray l:Iouse Inc., a non-profit neighThomas L. Dupre, retired in early borhood agency in Springfield's February for health reasons just be- North End, and currently serves as fore allegations were made public president of its board of directors. that he had abused minors sexually. The Catholic Communications A grand jury is being convoked . board will immediately begin.a proto investigate the abuse accusations cess regarding a search for a presiagainst Bishop Dupre for possible dent of the corporation, it was recriminal charges. ported.

PALESTINIANS CARRY' a wounded youth after an Israeli helicopter fired a missile at the Rafah refugee camp in the southern Gaza Strip recently. Bishop Y'Jilton D. Gregory of Belleville, 111., president of the U,S. Conf~rence of Catholic Bishops, sent a letter to U.S: President George ' W. Bush urging him to revive the Israeli-Palestinian peace process. (CNS photo from Reuters)



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·BishopGregory urges Bush to revive Israeli-Palestinian peace process By STEPHEN STEELE CATHOLIC NEWS SERviCE

WASHINGTON - ' The president of the U.S. bishops' conferencecalled on President Bush to · take new sieps to revive the IsraeliPalestinian peace process. In a letter dated April 13, the day before Bush met with Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon in Washington,Bishop WiltonD. Gregory of Belleville, Ill., urged the U.S. president to help "reverse a seriously deteriorating situation" in the Holy Land. "U.S. leadership is essential if both sides are to escape this spiral of violence and injustice;' -eishop Gregory said. He said the Israelis and Palestinians needed "strong support from the international community, especially the Ul)ited States;' to achieve and maintain peace. Bishop Gregory urged Bush to remain committed to the U.S.backed "road m'ap" peace plan, which envisions by 2005 a demo·cratic Palestinian state at peace with Israel. But the United States could undermine the peace process by supporting unilateral initiatives, such as the construction of a security wall by Israel that has divided many Palestinian communities, he said. "Christian leaders in the Holy ·Land are especially concemed about the security wall, which they have called 'a grave obstacle' to peace," . Bishop Gregory said. During a January visit to the Holy Land, Bishop Gregory said he saw the "devastating effect of the wall." The wall divided families and communities, cut people off from their livelihoods and· impeded the ability of religious institutions to function normally, he said.

At a Washington'press conference, Sharon's plan for "disengagement" from Palestinian territories - a plan the Palestinians oppose - won a strong endorsement from Bush, in an apparent change in U.S. ~ddle East policy. Under the plan, Israel would withdraw from all ofthe Gaza Strip and four of 120 West Bank settlements and impose a boundary' on the Palestinians. . Bush voiced support for an independent Palestinian state, but ruled out allowing Palestinian refugees to return to Israel after a Palestinian state is created. The president praised the proposed Israeli 'actions as "necessary steps for

peace." .


For decades, the United States officially has viewed Israeli settlements in the West Bank and Gaza · Strip as an obstacle to Mideast peace. In the past, the United States also has not openly rejected the right ofPalestinian refugees to return to Israel. . . Palestinian leader Yasser.Arafat said in a statement that the announcement would destroy. the peace process. U.N. Secretary-'General Kofi Arman criticized Bush for ignoring the wishes ofPalestinians. Gerard Powers, director of the · U.S. bishops' "Office of Interna· tional Justice and Peace, said Bush's support for Sharon's initiatives would have a negative impact on the region. "We're very concerned that President Bush's support or acquiescence for some of the Israeli government's unilateral measures, specifically the security wall, settlements and the right of retum, will undermine the prospects for a just peace that the president laid out in

his road map for peace;' Powers told Catholic News Service. "We're very concerned about the impact it will have on the peace process because it seems to be supporting one side's position on a number of important issues," Powers said. In his letter to Bush; Bishop Gregory said the U.S. Catholic Church strongly supported Israel's desire for security, but also supported the Palestinians' "legitimate aspirations" for an independent state. "We are especially clear that the current violence and repression, suicide bombings and aggressive responses are unacceptable," he said. The bishop said both sides were responsible for the escalation ofviolence. ' "Palestinian attacks on innocent civilians cannot be tolerated, both because they are morally abhorrent and because they undermine the legitimate claims of the Palestinian people," he said. At the same time, Israel's occupation of Palestinian territories was no longer "militarily or morally" justified, he said. Bishop Gregory also expressed his concern over "deteriorating relations" between the Israeli govemment and the Catholic Church in the Holy Land. The .bishop said "the growing problem of denial of or delay in granting visas" to religious and the failure to implement a 1993 Israeli~ Vatican treaty have, "created the most difficult situation in living memory for the Church in the Holy Land." ':It would be a great tragedy if the vital role of the Christian community in the Holy Land is undermined because of these and other actions," he said.

Friday, April 23, 2004


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Liturgical composer reflects on life with Guillain-Barre syndroDle ST. PAUL, Minn. (CNS) tion Hospital in St. Paul. numbness'and a tingling sensaA year after being diagnosed During his recovery, he said, tion in his fingertips and from with Guillain-Barre syndrome, he often asked himself, "Can I his ankles to the tips of his toes, an illness that quickly paralyzes live with this?" which sometimes makes walkthe muscles and can cause "Amazingly to me, every day ing difficult. death, liturgical composer Fa- I seemed to experience God say"It's the fatigue that poses the ther Jan Michael Joncas contin- ing, 'Yes, you can,'" Father g~eatest challenge for me," he ues his recovery but said. "Up to this point, finds his life forever I've been, a 'rather changed. healthy and vigorous "I wonder if I'll ever person, although not be equal to 'capturing even my best friends what I'm learning about would ,call me athletic. life and faith through ... But now, all that has (Guillain-Barre synchanged. drome) inmy composi"I know now that I tions," Father Joncas will never be able to said in an interview by teach extra courses," he E-mail with Pat Norby, added. "For all I know, news editor of The a regular teaching load Catholic Spirit, newspamay be more than I can per of the Archdiocese handle. I've canceled all of St. Paul and Minnespeaking engagements apolis. outside the archdiocese; Ordained a priest of it remains to be seen if the St. Paul-MinneapoI can return to even a lis Archdiocese in 1980, fraction of the work~ Father Joncas wrote shops I used to do." , "On Eagles' Wings" and Father Joncas also. said he had "a collection 200 other pieces of liturgical music. A theology of new liturgical music professor at the Univerprepared for recording sity of St. Thomas in St. this past summer," but' Paul, he was struck with that has been "postthe illness on Holy poned, perhaps indefiThursday in 2003 while nitely." teaching for a semester "I suspect that I will at the University of be writing some music Notre Dame. in the future, but at the A doctor originally FATHER JAN Michael Joncas rests at moment, nothing is diagnosed him as "sim- home in St. Paul, Minn. Father Joncas, com- coming to me~" he said. ply suffering from poser of "On Eagle's Wings;' is recovering from That is not to say that 'overwork ;md nerves,'" Guillain-Barre syndrome, an illnes's that para- Father Joncas' experi~ the priest said, but when ence with Guillainlyzes muscles and, can cause death. (eNS his symptoms quickly Barre syndrome is all worsened he entered photo by Dave Hrbacek, Catholic Spiri~ about loss. South Bend (Ind.) Me"I have gained a morial Hospital on Holy Satur- Joncas saId. "Every day I'd also more profound sense of life as day and then was transferred to ask God, 'What are you trying mystery and gift," he wrote. "I St. Marys Hospital at the Mayo to teach me?' but I never re- have a deeper insight into what Clinic in Rochester, Minn. ceived any direct response to holds us together as human be"I truly believe God was that question; I'm still ponder- ings: our finitude and suffering watching over me throughout ing it." and awareness of death; our cathis period ~f worsening sympFather Joncas now lives pacity for great good in compastoms," the priest said. "Two alone on the University of St. sionate care for each other; our hours after I drove myself to the Thomas campus and does not desire to be in control and our hospital (in South Bend), I could use any assistive devices such call to let God act for and in us." no longer walk on my own." The interview also made as a wheelchair, walker or leg : clear that Father Joncas has not Father Joncas spent a month braces, "I'm still afflicted by unpre- lost his sense of humor. in the neurological intensive Asked whether any of his care 'Unit at St. Marys, another dictable waves of fatigue, so I month on the ventilator unit and have not yet returned to full- own songs or those of other a third month in the rehab unit time classroom teaching," he composers had come to mind during his illness, he replied: before his release for another said. He said he also experiences "I'm pleased to note that no three months of outpatient songs of mine ran through my therapy at Bethesda Reh~bilitamind during my illness; that would just have increased the Dear Anchor friends, please note that we torture!" He did recall "snatches of are in the midst of switching to a classical music haunting me innew computer labeling system. termittently"; they included Some of the address and pieces by Beethoven, Samuel Barber, Arvo Part, John subscription changes may take Tavener and his friend, Marty a few weeks to become Haugen. effective. The refrain from Haugen's "Psalm 23" "became part of my We apologize for any daily prayer," Father Jonca's inconvenience this may said. "Shepherd me, 0 God, beyond my wants, beyond my cause. fears from death into life."


CHARTER UPDATE One lesson doesn't fit all in child sex ,abuse' education WASHINGTON (CNS) - In teaching minors how to keep from falling prey to child sex abusers, one lesson plan doesn't fit all. Minors range from preschoolers unaware of the physical, emotional and spiritual dimensions of sex to streetwise 17-year-olds. So, organizations helping dioceses and other Church organizations set up child sex abuse prevention programs have age-appropriate instruction for use in Catholic schools and parishes. An0ther important aspect is not iso)·:.!'1g child sex abuse instruction from other issues of child safety, said Marist Brother John Cummings, superintenden't of the 53 Catholic schools and pre-school centers in the Diocese of St. Petersburg, Fla. Brother Cummings said sex abuse prevention for the 16,000 students 'in his system is integrated into the larger program of stopping all types of abuse and harassment. In telephone interviews with Catholic News Service, experts involved in sex abuse education, known as safe environment programs, said they prefer an integrated approach. Such an approach, they said, makes sex abuse prevention part of overall safety programs needed for child welfare and teaches children about it in simp.le terms, much like how they are taught to look both ways before crossing the street. The aim is not to overly frighten minors, especially young children, said Laura Buddenberg, who set up the safe environment program for the St. Petersburg diocese. "You don't want to alarm kids," she said. "You don't want to have children afraid of every adult who crosses their path." Buddenberg is outreach di.rector of the Center for Adolescent and Family Spirituality of Girls and Boys Town of Omaha, Neb., priginally known as Father Flanagan's Boys Town. She has set up safe en,vironment programs in several dioceses.' . Safe environment programs for clergy, employees, parents, volunteers and children are mandated by the 2002 U.S. bishops' "Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People." A delicate aspect of programs

is instn,lction for very young children, such as how to make them aware of body parts and their sexual use and abuse. Buddenberg said one way to start teaching young children is to refer to the body parts covered by bathing suits. Jesuit Father Gerard McGlone, a clinical psychologist who has set up programs for a network of Jesuit junior high schools, said at the introductory stages teachers should use common terms for private body parts such as "breast area" or "back area." Another important point, he said, is to first teach children about the positive aspects of sexuality. "Five- and six-year olds speak to you in stories, drawings and with their dolls," he said. Teachers must use these as tools "to enter and speak on their terms," he said. Father McGlone added that children also have to be taught how to get out of uncomfortable situations, such as by avoiding being left alone with adults who make them feel uncomfortable. Teaching children "to just say 'no' could increase the violence against the child," he said. Children should be taught that once they have removed themselves from a bad situation, they should tell an adult they trust about the incident. Virtus, a branch of the National Catholic Risk Retention Group, which has established safe environment programs in about 80 dioceses, provides teachers with a resource sheet outlinivg the recommendations of the American Academy of Pediatrics for age-appropriate education. The recommeridations are: - From 18 months to three years teach children the proper names for all body parts. - From ages three to five teach children about private body parts and how to say "no" to anyone who makes them feel uncomfortable by touching, - From ages five to eight teach about good touches and bad touches and safety away from home. - From ages eight to 12 teach about personal &afety issues. - From ages 13 to 18 teach about rape, date rape, sexually tqnsmitted diseases and unintended pregnancy.



Friday, April 23, 2004

Espirito Santo alum honored ,

FALL RIVER - Connie Viveiros was recently named the 2004 NCEA Catholic Elementary Distinguished Graduate during a ceremony at Espirito Santo ,School, Fall River. The award honors those who put into practice the values and ideals they learned in Catholic schools. As an Espirito Santo parishiciper" Viveiros has served as the chairman and secretary of the Mordomia. She films Church , functions and serves on the pas-


toral council 'and centennial committee. She also helps coordinate various processions and parish feasts and distributes food to the needy. Viveiros serves as a resource to her former school and served as vice president <;>f its parent teacher association. "Catholic education made me realize the importance of ,giving back to the community," said Viveiros. "My faith makes me who I am and has given me the, strength to overcome many challenges."

"MEMBERS OF the Taunton Catholic Middle School Art Club' created this mural of Jesus and Mary engaged in conversation with four young people. .

TCMS Art Club creates magnificent school mural TAUNTON - It isn't the Sistine Chapel or the Louvre Museum but, the Taunton Catholic Middle School Art Club is very proud of their latest expression, painted on the largest wall in the school's cafeteria., The scene depicts Mary and Jesus on a hillside, engaged in conversation with four children. In the background a shepherd is tending a flock of sheep and a small village, nestled at the edge of a lake, appears in the distance. , This tranquil scene is the brain-

• STUDENTS FROM St. Francis Xavier School, Hyannis, were all smiles aftertaking some of the top honors at the annuai , Rensselaer/Bristol Community College Region III Science Fair. From left: Douglas Richard, third place; Lauren DiFelice; Phoebe Laplante, first place; Ivy Laplante, first place; Olivia Durand, third place; Julie Benedito, third place; and Travis Gomes, honorable mention.

child of former TCMS student, Justine Hill, now doing community service from Coyle and Cassidy High School. Hill met with the, TCMS Art Club last September'to form an idea for the mural. The original plan called for a drawing to remind students ofthe diocesan theme for this year, ''Remember who you are, stay true." While the Art Club members have changed parts of the mural over the months, all agree that this work took on a life of its own. The final product still remains true

to the original idea. The Art Club students responsible for this piece of art are N~lle Paquette, Ashley Farquharson, Erin Connors, Stephanie Polgar, Kristen Zale, Mary Norman, Lauren Poiemski, Caitlin Mellon, Jessica 'DiCarlo, Frank Fagundes, Elizabeth Vaughan, Puja Patel, and Jessica Morrison. Coyle and C!lssidy students Justine Hill, Brendan George, and Brendan Dutch directed the work with help from Mary Ann Hill.

P~INCIPAL MARY Bolton of Espirito Santo school, Fall River, presents the Catholic Elementary Distinguished Graduate Award to Cormie Viveir~s during a recent ceremony.

ARTIST ROB Surette recently created this arid several other religious works during a visit to Bishop Connolly High School, Fall River. Students Alex and Andrew Kurowski look on. .

Religious artist puts on showfor students

• FIFTH-GRADERS Erica Manny and Kyle Bousquet of FALL RIVER - The Sweet St. Mary's School, New Tooth Club of Bishop Connolly , Bedford, show projects they High School sponsored an art show 'created for a recent Religion by Rob Surette, creator of''Who Art Fair. With- them are pastor in Heaven." Surette is a young artist Msgr. John J. Oliveira and who shares his belief by creating teacher Louise St. Michel. portraits and images of Christ while Projects focused on saints, dialoguing with students. the sacraments and Bible stoWhile visiting the school, ries. ' Surette created five large portraits

nations from the National Honor Society and the Chaplain's Fund. Sophomores Alex and Andrew Kurowski, founders of the club which helps students buy books, sponsored the event with money received in its annual.fund-raiser. , One of the portraits will be placed in the Msgr. Prevost Auditorium in remembrance of the and four were purchased to dis-· late Linda Jarvis, wife of Assisplay at the school thanks.to do- tant Principal Bob Jarvis.



Frlaay, April 23, 2004

School principals called key to stopping bullies BOSTON (CNS) - When the seats were filled at an April 13 workshop on deaHng with bullies, Catholic educators lined the walls, sat on the floor and gathered just outside the doorway of the meeting room. During the workshop, which was part of the April 13-16 National Catholic Educational Association convention in Boston, participants learned that there was no simple program to weed out students who are bullies, but that school principals were key to making sure that kind of behavior was not tolerated. To stop students from bullying one another, principals must take a stand against it, said Deborah A. Schwope, assistant principal at Resurrection Catholic School in Lakeland, Fla. "Don't just sign up for a program," she urged. "It's a day-today, hands-on initiative and it takes a lot of time, but it's worth it." By day-to-day, she meant literally keeping a close eye on how students relate to each other, particularly outside the classroom, in the hallways, in the cafeteria and during after-school programs. She said when she sees students bumping into each other in the hallways, knocking students' things down or causing someone to trip she doesn't hesitate to say something. The student perpetrators will usually offer "fake apologies" but they will get the picture that faculty members are aware, and do not approve, of what they're doing, she added. And since the school principal cannot possibly be all places at once, Schwope said, other teachers and students also need to be on the lookout for bullying behavior.

Nancy L. Genzel, principal at Resurrection School, which started an anti-bullying awareness campaign five years ago, said today's students are getting more sophisticated at bullying and the antics that upper-grade students used to pull are now done by students in lower grades. She's also seen an increase in girls bullying other students. MEMBERS OF the National Catholic Educational Association listen as Boston Archbishop She said school administrators Sean P. O'Malley speaks in Boston April 13. (CNS photo by Gregory L. Tracy, The Pilo~ and faculty members, in their desire to stamp out bullying, have to recognize the difference between students who are bullies and those who are simply rude or trying to be funny. BOSTON (CNS) - Catholic the world and to be a part of that "Bullying is repeated aggressive The Church should look to the behavior against someone," she educators must not only teach their plan. apostolic movements that have said. students about God, but must wit"Our task is not just to teach arisen since the Second Vatican Resurrection School has zero ness to them how to live a Christian people about God but to help them Council and have had "great success tolerance for bullying behaviors. It life by putting their faith into prac- to know God and his love," Arch- in communicating a deep spiritualis something that is talked about tice, said Boston Archbishop Sean bishop O'Malley added. Teaching ity to their members in the context frequently in classes and school P. O'Malley, keynote speaker at the students about their Catholic faith of small, close-knit communities;' assemblies. School buJJjes suffer opening session of the 10Ist annual must be a process of mentoring, he Archbishop O'Malley said. consequences, from having their National Catholic Educational As- said, where the word of God is "not These movements "energize their expected to be received as mere in- people to be evangelizers" who parents contacted to meeting with sociation convention. Approximately 15,000 people formation;' but understood to have bring the good news they have rethe guidance counselor or princiceived to those around them, he said. pal, and, if necessary, getting ex- attended the April 13- I6 convention a "deeper meaning" for their lives. at Boston's Hynes Convention CenYoung people today are growing pelled. "Catholic education is about Genzel doesn't treat the matter .ter. The theme of the gathering was up in a secular world where violence making disciples, helping people lightly, citing statistics such as the "Heritage and Hope: Faithful Past, has become entertainment, marriage respond to the call of holiness by . is threatened and the sanctity of life being part of a faith-filled worship4.8 million students who are threat- Faith-Filled Future?' Archbishop O'Malley thanked is disregarded, he said. The Gospel ping community struggling to be ened physically or verbally by another student each year in the convention attendees for their dedi- messages that Catholic educators faithful to the Gospel;' he said. Catholic educators and other inUnited States or the 78 percent of cation to educating young people, must teach are becoming "increasstudents in grades three to eight telling them that their services are ingly alien" to the views held by the fluential adults in the lives of young who report being bullied just in the "contributing to a better world." He majority of society, the archbishop people need to be models of Chrisencouraged them to focus their ef- said. tian living, he said. Students will not past month. She also noted that 45 percent forts not only on teaching academAn obstacle to truly transmitting learn how to be faithful, he added, of students are not sure if teachers ics but also on teaching morality. the faith to schoolchildren is the lack unless they see examples of faith in ''As educators, we must see our of faithful witness by many of their their own lives and through the lives are interested in solving the problem and 26 percent of students do role as trying to prepare people to parents and adult role models, said of the saints. "We need to equip our young not believe that faculty members be good and virtuous people;' the . the archbishop. ''A huge area where are interested in conflict resolution. archbishop said. "Catholic education we are most deficient and which people to be disciples. They need to "Only one out of four believe we has always been about that quest- hampers our attempts to teach the know the truths of our faith, but they care," she told participants. "We to form the whole person - to help young is that of adult faith forma- need to know how to live those truths;' Archbishop O'Malley said. people know about God's plan for tion," he said. need to change that."

Archbishop urges teachers to give witness in living a Christian life


A great band once sang: "I'm waitin' on livin.' I'm waitin' on leavin.' I'm waitin' on leavin' to live." I currently am "waitin' on leavin'" to go on a cruise. At times it is the only thing I can think about. The thought is a sneaky little guy, acting like Gollum, creeping around the cavern of my subconscious, waiting to pounce when I have something really important to work on. A little rush brushes my nervous system, and there I am, trapped in a forest of daydreaming about the cruise to come. Graduation is sneaking up, becoming a Gollum for many seniors. Thoughts drift away

to a life of freedom, college, summer and adventure. The classroom becomes a prison holding us from the life we will live only a few months away. Schoolwork is more burdensome than usual. It w~ighs heavily on us. There is a flip side to this. When I think about the cruise, I think about all the things I have to get done before I can board the ship: the deadlines; the stories; the shopping; the headaches. . Sound familiar? I'm waitin' on leavin' to live. Pre-graduation is full of responsibilities and struggles with family and friends and college preparation. It is overwhelming to venture into unknown territory while trying

to deal with daily plans and responsibilities. Making the transition from high-school student to adult 'is rocky, to -~:-:l



,Coming of

Age say the least. Raise your himd if you have a memory of a grandparent, a parent or an elder shakily sitting down in his recliner and saying, "Have fun while you are young and before you have to grow up!" In the summer during high school I could sleep until I p.m. without budging. My

mom would try to get me up for hours, but with no success. Soon enough, my grandpa would be pounding on the window in my bedroom, yelling at me to get up and do something with my life. "If you got time to sleep, you got time to work." Grandpa would say his famous line while looking through my window at a sprawled-out kid with his pillow over his head, trying to look asleep. It didn't work. Within and hour, he had me raking leaves or cleaning the garage. Groucho Marx once said, "Time flies like an arrow, fruit flies like a banana." I don't know exactly what he meant by that, but I thought it was funny. The sculptor Auguste Rodin

l once said, "Nothing is a waste of time if you use the experience wisely." This makes more sense to me. We cim waste a lot of time sitting around waiting for something to happen, or we can enjqy the daily laughs and companions that our last remaining days of high school bring to us. The shared memories. The grouchy teachers. The hallway chatter. The poet Emily Dickinson once said, "To live is so startling it leaves little time for anything else." There is life to live before walking down the graduation aisle, shaking the principal's hand and heading to the after party. Now I will sit my aching body down in my easy chair and leave it up to you.



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Tradition memorizing lines and making costumes, proved well worth the effort for those who took part in the holy event. Trinidad com-

Continued from page one

mented to a local newspaper that, "We're not professional actors. We're going to do it with all our hearts."

JESUS FALLS as he carries the cross as portrayed by members of the Hispanic Community on Cape Cod. Below, Mary holds her Son after his death on the cross. (Photos by Tom Mignone.)

Sainthood cause advanced for nun who long served Hawaii's lepers VATICAN CITY (CNS) ofthe disease in 1889, Mother Cope Pope John Paul II has advanced the took over his ministry as well. sainthood cause of Mother Mother Cope was born in GerMarianne Cope of Molokai, a many, and two years later her famFranciscan sister who served lep- ily immigrated to Utica, N.Y Mrosy patients in Hawaii for 35 years. ter working briefly in a factory, she A decree attesting to the "heroic joined the Sisters of the Third Orvirtues" of Mother Cope was pro- derofSt. Francis in Syracuse, N.Y, mulgated at the Vatican on Mon- and taught at a parish school. She day. That means the nun is consid- later became administrator of St. ered venerable and can be beatified Joseph's Hospital in Syracuse, once a miracle is attributed to her where she learned much about nursing. intercession. Vatican sources said such a When the Hawaiian government miracle was at an advanced stage asked religious orders to help with ofstudy. A second miracle after her Hansen's disease patients in 1883, beatification will be needed for her Mother Cope and six other sisters to be canonized. responded to the call. ~other Cope, who lived from The alleged miracle being stud1838 to 1918, was the first U.S. ied involves the unexplained healmissionary to work among patients ing of a U.S. girl more than 10 years with leprosy-or Hansen's disease ago. The girl had experienced mul- in the Hawaiian Islands. When tiple organ failure and doctors conBlessed Damien de Veuster, the sidered death a certainty. But after more famous Belgian missionary to prayers seeking Mother Cope's inHawaiian Hansen's patients, died tercession, the girl recovered.

PARISHIONERS OF the United Church of Assonet and St. Bernard Church, Assonet, gathered for prayer on Easter Sunday morning on the shores of the Assonet River. The ~on颅 gregations have been holding a joint sunrise service for more than a decade, with the clergy路 from both churches alternating leadership every other year. This year the assembly was larger than normal, a fact attributed to a six-week RENEW season dedicated to the theme of ecumenism. the Rev. Bill Comeau assisted by Father Tim Goldrick, led the Morning Prayer. Following the ceremony, refreshments were served in the parish hall of the United Church.

Actor challenged by role of Cardinal Law in Chicago play CHICAGO (CNS) - When the lights come up Chicago's archdiocesan newspaper. He spoke by at the beginning of "Sin: A Cardinal Deposed," phone from the sandwich shop he owns. James Sherman is dressed in vestments as Cardinal . "But even when you work with a fictional charBernard F. Law, former archbishop of Boston, acter, when you put on that skin, you look for all kneeling in prayer. . the possibilities, because nobody is one-dimenThrough the rest of play, at the Bailiwick Reper- sional. I don't see Cardinal Law as one-dimentory in Chicago, he remains the central focus as he sional," he said. Sherman, who was raised Catholic and occasionanswers questions in depositions about the .cases of former priest John Geoghan and Father Paul R. ally attends Mass, said the play doesn't show the Shanley, two of the Boston Archdiocese's most cardinal's pioneering work for civil rights in the notorious accused child molesters. South as a young priest. But he tries to keep that The play ends with Cardinal Law's December history in the back of his mind, especially at the 2002 resignation as Boston's archbishop. end of the play when the cardinal signs his letter of Playwright Michael Murphy distilled the resignation. "This is a guy who at one time of his life had a docudrama from more than 11,000 pages of testimony from Cardinal Law's depositions in 2002 and strong sense of social justice," Sherman said. "At some point in his climb 2003, along with statements from victims and . through the hierarchy, he others. The production, I began to feel the instituwhich opened March 2 tion was more important. and is directed by Baili... It's an edgy line to wick Artistic Director walk." David Zak, has drawn naHe read the original tional publicity and bescript for the play, which come a magnet for vicwas much longer than the tims of clerical sexual final version, as well as abuse. news reports of the scanSeeing the victims and dal in Boston and survivors in the audience, watched videotaped clips and listening to them in of Cardinal Law. the talks following each "On a whole lot of levshow, has made a diffiels, it's a tough role," he cult role even harder for said. "But it's an actor's Sherman. dream, to take a role like For three shows a this in a world premiere week, he slips into a Roproduction and define it." man .collar, hangs a pecChurch leaders have toral cross around his not commented on the neck and tries to portray play, but Sherman said the cardinal as a flawed they shouldn't fear it. person, not a monster. Performances also "It's very tough, beJAMES SHERMAN portrays Cardinal Ber- were scheduled for cause you are dealing d F L ' th . f"S' A C d' I Wellesley College in In: . ar Ina Boston in mid~May, but with a real person as op- nDar . da"::Tlnh e predmle~e 0 epose. ..e .pro uctlon was b eln~ pr~- the school recently deposed to a character out of a playwright's imagi- sented at BailiWick Repertory T.h.e~tre In Chl-' clined to host the producnation," Sherman told cago. (CNS photo courtesy BailiWick Reper- tion, citing "scheduling The Catholic New World, tory Theatre) and logistical concerns."

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