Catholic Charities Appeal May 3-73
Special Gifts Phase Opens Today
More than 2000 Special Gifts collectors for the 1964 Catholic Charities Appeal begin: their work today in advance of the General Phase of the Appeal which opens on Sunday, May 3. During the Special Gifts Phase, business and professional interests are given the opportunity of contributing to the 29 Appeal agencies which benefit in whole or in part from the funds collected every year from every por tion of the Diocese and from those of the Protestant and Jewish faiths as well as from Catholics. Outstanding monu ments to the generosity of Ap peal donors in the past are the four homes for the aged and infirm already operating in the Diocese and a new one presently being readied. The Fall River Diocese stands first in New En gland and among 'the leaders in Turn to Page Twelve
Fall Rive'r, Mass., Thursday, April 23, 1964
Msgr. Lally Convention Yol. 8, No. 17 © 1964 The Anchor Speaker 'Fr. Denehy, USAF Chaplain, editor Rt. Rev. Francis J. Lally, of the Boston Pilot, On List for Promotion will be the principal speaker PRICE lOe
$4.00 per Year"
The name of Major John F. Denehy, U.S. Air Force, ehaplain Corps, has been placed on the list of those selected for promotion to Lieutenant Colonel. This is tantamount to being promoted to that rank within the current year, with the exact date contingent on office procedure. Father Denehy, a priest of the Fall River Diocese, is assigned to t'he Office of Chief of Air Force Chaplains, Headquarters US Air Force, Washington, D. C. where he functions in the Personnel Section responsible for the 'World-wide assignments and re essignments of all Air Force ehaplains on inStallations al;lsist tog in the defense of the West ern World. Ordained in St. Mary's Cathe dral in September, 1945, by the late Most Rev. James E. Cassidy, D.D., third Bis~op of the Dio cese, Father Denehy has been on active duty with the Air Force Chaplain Corps since 1950. He served as assistant at Our Lady of the Isle, Nantucket, and Sacred Heart, Oak Bluffs, before entering the military service. He has served at bases in Michigan, Germany, California, .r4lpan, and Otis Air Force Base on Cape Cod. In November, 1961, he was transferred from Kindley Air Force Base, Ber muda, to assistant staff chaplain for the Eastern Transport Air Force at McGuire Air Force Base, N. J. His assignment was to assist in the supervision of Air Force Chaplains at bases
at the afternoon session of
the annual Convention of the Diocesan Council of Catholic Women to be held at Bishop Cassidy High School, Taunton, on Saturday, May 9. His topic - "The Church and Change." The morning session will have Mr. and Mrs. F. Eugene Moore of No. Attleboro "discussing "Lit urgy in the Home." Turn to Page Fourteen
E'stablish Dates For Retreats In Diocese . Rev. William J. McMahon, Diocesan Retreat Director, announced today the sche dule of Retreats for the year
and the innovation of a Day of Recollection. The District Dir~c tors and Parish chairmen at tended the meeting at Our Lady Of Good Counsel Retreat H,ouse that was conducted by Mrs. Mary Almond, president. It was decided to schedule a Turn to Page Sixteen'
MAJOR JOHN F. DENEHY along the Eastern Coast of con tinental United States as well as several Atlantic overseas areas. His present duties, to which he was transferred in August, 1962, involve the assignments of over 1,000 Air Force chaplains.
eCA on TV Larry G. Newman, lay chair man for the 1964 Catholic Charities, will appear on the Community Program of ChaWlel 6, tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock.
Schedule Acushnet Man's Ordination Frid,ay, May 1
Rev. Mr. Dacien Forand,C.P. of Acushnet will be ordained to the priesthood at 9 A.M. Friday, May 1, at St. Michael's Monastery Church in Union City, N.J. by Most Rev. Quentin Olwell, C.P., Prelate Nullius of Marbel, Cota bato, P.I. He will sing his First Solemn Mass at 11 A.M. Sunday, May 3, at St. Fran cis Xavier Church, Acushnet. He will be assisted by the pastor, Rev. Aurele Pepin, SS.CC., arch priest; Rev. Antoine Myrand, C.P., Holy Family Monastery, West Hartford, Conn., deacon, and Rev. Maurice Jeffrey of St. Jean Baptiste Church,Fall Rive~, . subdeacon. Rev. Joseph Leo Flynn," C.P., director of St. Gabrielle's Re treat House, Brighton, will preach. The young priest will be honored at a reception from 2 to 4:30 P.M. at Gaudette's Din ing Hall, Acushnet. Born Aug. 13, 1936 in Acush net, the son of Mrs. Mathilde Dec.and Forand and the late Arthur Forand,. he attended st. FranCis Xavier grammar school in his home town and St. An thony's High School, New Bed ford where he was graduated as president of the senior class in 1954. He entered Holy Cross Pas sionist Preparatory Seminary SJ:!pt. 8, 1954, and made his pro- ' fession as a Passionist· Aug. 1, 195'7 . at. St. Paul's Monastery, Pittsburgh, Pa. Subsequently he studied at Passionist seminaries in West Hartford, Conn., Jamai-
REV. MR. DACIEN FORAND ca, N.Y" Brighton, Scranton, Pa.. and Union City. .He is a brother of Ernest, Oscar and Raymond Forand, and M"s. Arthur Blais, all of Acush_ net; Arthur Forand, Albion, R I.; Edward Forand, East Hamp. ton, Conn.; Miss Rene Forand, Fall River and Mrs. George Roy, Bath N.H. His mother reside. at 146 Cushing Lane in Acush net•
Bishops Urge R'esponsibility In Film Studios, Theaters NEW YORK (NC) - The' U.S. Bishops' Committee for Motion Pictures, Radio and, Television, in a statement yesterday marking the 30th anniversary of the National Legion of Decency, called for a mature approach to films on the part of movie makers ·At the same time the Bishops and movie audiences. In a warned, of two disturbing trend. wide - ranging, 6,500 - word - the efforts of "powerful fae. review of the past, present tions in Hollywood" to revive an and future of the film industry and the legion, the Bishops' committee stressed the need for intelligence and responsibility in movie studios and movie thea ters.
"anything goes" policy on film making and the "growing tend ency" among some producers to "challenge the, Judaeo-Christian vision of man." Turn to Page Six
Sisters of Mercy r7;I;;";:t;r;";:;';;>;i,'~;:'mt.';W'i:g%:;~!>'~~i;:iNm;?@J:mW%W;iWi®mWtH::m:,;Y;;~w~@w:@:::,;r.g;;:~B~fm';l;~H:K%:W~:t?X;;:;~Wf}'~·:';:::I!":~,:::~Ei';nm;~:;'w&.-J:'W'N*;;@;:(~I(f;"}~i';;'@:!;Wilri'l\:r@)K'f;o;?%;@:I(imm",:mW;i*:"1;W$;;;Wr,;i@!Y.@.!I
• New Debate Rules Receive Grants 'Progress' of' Commiss·ions Indicates Four Sisters of Mercy, three of them faculty mem bers of Mt. St. Mary Acad emy, Fall River, and one the
• Concelebration • Communion Reception • New Subcommittees'
principal of St. Louis School, Fall River, have received grants for Summer study. Sister Mary Adele, R.S.M., Chairman of the Modern Lan guage Department artd French teach('r at the Academy, has received grants for study in Turn to Page Seventeen
The Vatican Council made another important lunge into history and into the realisation of the r,eforms urged by Pope John and Pope Paul, with the conclusions of two im portant commission meetings in Rome. The Coordinating Commission which is to supervise the inter-session work, streamlined the debate arrangements so as to speed up Council work and make it more effective.
Its work was made public in a Council Press communique. The Liturgical Commission began its task of reviewing the Bishops'- Regional Conferences' proposals and it started to lay the foundation for the long-range reforms asked by the Council Fathers. Its work was made public in an in terview by Archbishop Guilford Young of Hobart, Australia, a commission member. '
Coordinating Commission
Liturgical Commission
Bishop COWloIly grants a dispensation from the law of abstinence on the solemn feast of St. Joseph the Worker, Fri day, l\'Iay 1 by virtue of facul ties granted by the Sacred Congregation of the Council, by special mandate of the Supreme Pontiff. •
The Vatican Council's 10 Cardinal Coordinating Commis sion reached decisions this last week that could well change the effects and tediousness of the world meetings. In an effort to forestall slow motion debate, the steering com
Vatican Council Leap f'orward
mittee decided to streamline the form of debate that the council will follow in its third session which opens on Sept. 14. This meeting was the fourth held since the recess of council meet ings last December. Turn to Page Four
The newly appointed commis sion to implement the Council's Decree on a worldwide scale also held a meeting in Rome - its first. It is to draft new rites and formulae for the changes men tioned in the Liturgy Decree The commission is also to, re-
view the decisions of national and regional bishops' confer ences on substituting the ver nacular for Latin in parts of the Mass and the Sacraments. The commission has 42 mem bers from 26 different countries. Turn to Page Four
THE ANCHORThurs., April 23, 1964
Cites Laymen's Grave Du'ty To Unity
Says Rights Bill Indicts Society WHEELING (NC) - Bishop Jcseph H. Hodges of Wheeling said here that "it is an indict ment of our social order that the government must resort to pub lic legislation to guarantee the rights of a citizen." Bishop Hodges asserts in the West Virginia Register, news paper of the diocese, that while support of the legislation before the U.S" Senate is needed, it is regrettable "that a civil rights bill is necessary." Bishop Hodges said the bill deals "with the fundamental rights of a large segment of our population - rights that have have come from Almighty God, our Creator." Divine, Human Justice "Anyone who denies a man fhese rights violates the law of God and affronts the dignity of the persons injured. Divine and human justice are at stake," he said.. "It is an indictment of our social order that the government must resort to pUblic legislation to guarantee the rights of a citizen. It is an even more shameful indictment of Chris tianity and religion in general that we who profess a belief in God or Christ fail nGt only to treat our fellow men with char ity but even to grant him ele mentary justice," he said.
Mass Ordo FRIDAY-St. Fidelis of Sigma. ringen, Martyr. III.Class. Red. Mass Proper; Gloria; no Creed; Preface of Easter. SATURDAY-St. Mark Evangel ist II Class. Red; Mass Proper; Gloria; Second Collect RGga tions; Creed; Preface of Apos tles. SUNDAY - IV Sunday After Easter. n Class. White. Mass PrGper; Gloria; Creed; Pref aee of Easter. MONDAY - St. Peter Canisius, Confessor and Doctor of -the Church. III Class. White. Mass Proper; Gloria; no Creed; Preface 'of Easter. . TUESDAY-St. Paul Gf the Cross, Confessor. III Class. White. Mass Proper; Gloria; no Creed; Preface of Easter. WEDNESDAY- - St. Peter of. Verona, Martyr.- III Class. Red. Mass Proper; Gloria; DO Creed; Preface of Easter. THURSDAY - St. Catherine of Siena, Virgin. III Class. White. Mass Proper; Gloria; DO Creed; Preface of Easter.
Apr.26-Holy Ghost, Attle boro. St. Joseph, New Bedford. May 2--St. Vineent's Home, Fall River. May S:-Our Lady of the 1m. maculate ConceptiOh, North Easton. St. Mary, Hebronville. St. Joseph Orphanage, Fall River. May 7 - Mount St. Mary's Convent, Fall River. Convent of the Sacred Hearts, Fairhaven. Convent of the Holy Union of the Sacred Hearts, Fall River. May 10 - St. Patrick, Fal mouth. May 17 - St. Casimir, New Bedford. Villa Fatima, TauntGn. THE OCHOR
second C~SS Postage Palel at Fall River, Mass. Dublishell eve" 11Iursday et 410 HirltllllCl Avenue Flit Rive. Mass. by tIM Catl\ollc P,ess 01 the Diocese of FaU I'ver. Subscription price by llall, pOitpalll ....00 pe. year.
MILAN (NC) - Catho lic laymen have a "grave duty toward C h r i stand toward the Church" to
. BISHOP FELICITATES MONSIGNOR DOLAN: Bishop Connolly, right, congratulates Monsignor William H. Dolan, Taunton, left, in the presence of Monsignor Shalloo Fall · ' center. . R Iver,
Po~erty War
Stress Need of Religious School Pupils
Catholic Agen.cie,s Back WASHINGTON-Six national Catholic social action and edu cational agencies have thrfwn. their support behind an "a~-out war on pGverly" spearheaded by the Federal government. "The stimulus of the Federal government is welcome and in deed necessary," Msgr. GeGrge G. Higgins told the House ad hoc subcommittee considering the administration's p"oposed $962.5 million anti-poverty pro gram. ~ Msgr. Higgins, director of the Social Action Department, Na tional Catholic Welfare Confer ence, spoke also for the NCWC Education Department, the Na tional Conference of Catholic Charities, the Bishops' Commit tee for Migrant Workers, the National Catholic Rural Life Conference and the Bishops' Committee for the Sp811ish Spealdng. Questions Provisions While generally backing the
aims of the administration bill (H.R. 10443), Msgr. Higgins raised questions about its edu cation provisions, which would put special elementary and sec ondary education - programs in the' hands of public educational agencies exclusively. "Religious schools enroll hun dreds of thousands of children who come from economically de_ prived homes and who are in
Home Owners Shun Sales to Negroes
RIDGEWOOD (NC) - An ex tensive survey taken in this New Jersey middle-class suburban community shows that most home owners would not object to a N(;!gro living on the same block with them. But most would not sell their own homes to a Negro. The survey was taken over a two,..month periGd by the Bureau of Applied Social Research at Columbia University, New York. Legion of Decency It was conducted among 204 The following films are to be homeowners selected at random in such a way that the sampling added to the lists in their re would be representative of the spective classifications. Unobjectionable tor General \ views of the 26,000 people in this community. Patronage-Rhino. Unobjectionable tor Adults It revealed that two out of Torpedo Bay. three residents would not op Unobjectionable for Adults, pose a Negro family on their With Reservations-The Setvant street, but four of five would not (Observation: A cinematically sell their home to a Negro brilliant examination of the cor_ mainly because Gf their fear of rupting power of an evil char what neighbors would think. acter, this film requires certain reservations; its portrait of Necrology human corruptibility may be overdrawn and for some its APRIL 25 treatment would be occasionally Rev. John J. Wade, 1940, AB shocking). Condemned-Mistress for the sistant, Sacred Heart, Fall River. Rev. Raymond J. Lynch, 1955, Summer (Objection: This tedi ous film story of blatant sexual Chaplain, Catholic Memorial ual misbehavior, is presented Home, Fall River. without moral significance. In APRIL 27 its treatment, furthermore, it Rev. Fra~cis J. Bradley, D.D., resorts to gross suggestiveness 1925, Rector, Cathedral, Fall. in cGstuming, dancing and situa_ River. tions). ·Rev. Romeo D. Archambault, 1949, Pastor, St. Anne, New Bed ford.
April 26-2:00 P.M., Sacred Hearts, Fairhaven; St. Anne, Fall River. 4:00 P.M., Holy Name, New Bedford; St. Louis, Fall River. 7:30 P.M., St. John the Bap-' tist, New Bedford; Our Lad7 of Ule An&els, Fall River.
work for the unity of all Chri9 tians, Augustin Cardinal Bea told students and faculty members of the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart here in Italy. The German Cardinal, who heads the secretariat for Pro moting Christian Unity ad dressed a conference on the sub ject of "What the Unity of Christians Expects from Lay men." He first stressed' the real possibilities that exist to foster unity work as demonstrated ~ developments in the ecumenical field in recent years. "Things have been seen Ja these past few years that have not been seen for centuries," he said. "These are facts -which speak for themselves but also speak above all as a testimony of the irresistible work of the Holy Ghost in the Church aDd in. all those who have been bap.. tized. This divine help will be able to move, though only little by little, the mountains of 0b stacles which still exist in tae path toward unity." Has Real Role
The Cardinal stressed thai against this background of 1he reawakening of the world to • desire for unity the layman bM a real role to play. "The unity of the Church, that perfect unity willed by Christ, -depends on the contribution of each and all of its members," he stated "Consequently all are .. fact in a position to contribute to the realization of unity and therefore every member has the grave duty toward Christ and toward the Church to interest himself in the unity of all be lievers in Christ and to work for -it."
need of special educational as sistance," he said. He cited figures on the num ber of parochial school children from economically depressed areas in several large cities: Washington, 17,000; Baltimore, 11,000; New Orleans, 11,000; Detroit, 10,000; New York, 21,000. The parochial schools are al ready doing much for such chil dren and could do more "if the opportunity is afforded," he said. 'Partial Attempt' "The intent of this bill is to mobilize all financial and hu man resources in eradicating Honor Guard poverty," he said. "Surely, then; Bishop Cassidy General A. it spould be possible to devise some way of utilizing the facili- sembly Fourth Degree Knighb ties and personnel of parochial of "Columbus served as Honor schools, not for the sake of the Guard for Bishop Connolly lilt Conf~ation in St. Joseph school-these programs are ac Church, Fairhaven, Monday tually a burden to the schools night. The group included J~' but for the sake of the chil seph Witkos, Joseph Jacinto, dren." I John Guilmette, Rudolph Pre Msgr. Higgins noted that the fontaine, Jean Parent, Manuel administration bill contains a section stating that "no child Gonsalves, Arthur Martin, An shall be denied the benefit" of tone Martin, Frank Folger, J~ an education pragram under the seph Goulart and Edward ~ Soares. anti-poverty war because he does not attend public school. He called this a "partial at tempt" to ensure equal treat ment but questioned whether It Hwill in practice be effective." Helen Aubertine Brough
Msgr. Higgins said the "basic William H. Aubertine
criterion" for participation Brian J. Aubertine
"should be need, and that need • . • is just as evident among Spacious Parking Area the children in parochial WY 2-2957 schools." 129 Allen St. New Bedford
Funeral Home Inc.
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APRIL 28 Rev. Stanislaus J. Goyette, 1959, Pastor, St. Louis de France, Swansea.
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APRIL 30 Rev. David F. Sheedy, 1930, Pastor, St. John the Evangelist, Attleboro.
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Between April 5 and
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THE ANCHOR Thurs., April 23, 1964
Predicts Return Of Religion To Schools
Queens College Head Resigns
BRIDGEPORT (NC) Bishop Walter W. Curtis said here he is confident U.S. public schools will one day again combine religious values and popular education. The Bishop of Bridgeport said he is personally convinced that "the vast majority of our Amer_ ican people" would like to see some closer connection between religious training and schools. The prelate was the principal speaker at a convocation mark ing the first anniversary of the granting of a charter to· Sacred Heart University, the Bridgeport diocese's unique commuter col lege directed and staffed by lay men. "Catholics are not alone," Bishop Curtis said, "in their anxiety to assure religious edu elation in our country. "Increasingly, groups in other faiths are looking for a Way that will permit parents, through the educational system, to transmit their religious heritage as a foundation for the lives of their ehildren. Bishop Curtis also described government scholarships as. in direct assistance to religion and schooling.
CoVnnelly Priest 60 Years
HI. Rev. Fraucis P. Connelly, PA ..V.F., a native of Fall River, and vastor' of Our Lady of ------Refuge Church, Brooklyn, N.Y., will observe the 60th anniver sary of his ordination to the priesthood on Saturday. Monsi gnor Connelly, born in Fall River on Oct. 4, 1877, was edu cated in Fall River schools, St. Michael's College, Toronto, St. Francis College and St. John's Seminary, Brooklyn, and was ordained April 25, 1904. Monsignor Connelly has served as pastor of Our Lady of Refuge Church since 1931. He was made Il Papal Chamberlain in 1929, a Domestic Prelate in 1938, was named a Dean in Kings County in 1941, and was' raised to the dignity of Prothonotary Apos tolic by Pope Pius XII in 1954. The Jubilee Mass on Saturday will be celebrated by Most Rev; John J. Boardman, D.D., Auxi liary Bishop of Brooklyn and a long time friend of the Monsi gnor. A grand-nephew of the prelate, Rev. Jude Francis Mor gan, SS.CC., a Fall River native who is a Sacred Hearts Father and a Chaplain in the Navy sta tioned at the Marine Air Station in Cherry Point, N.C., will serve as an officer of the Mass. An anniversary dinner and in formal reception will complete the celebration in honor of the well-known and much-honored prelate.
NEW DOMESTIC PRELATES: Left to right: Rt. Rev. Alfred J. Gendreau, Fall River; Rt. Rev. Augusto L. Furtado, Somerset; and Rt. Rey. Felix S. Childs, Fall River.
God an 'Enigma' to Public School Pupils
Prelate Cites Separation of Religion, Education selves, here present, not given LOS ANGELE~amesFran a religious heritage of right cis Cardinal McIntyre charged thinking and right living in our here that to children attending public school, God is "an enigma, days of youth. not the Creator." "This heritage is fast disap"Christ is not even recognized amongst noteworthy men of his_ tory," he told civic and business leaders at a Town Hall lunch eon. "Each year," he said, "new LORETTO. (NC) Father subjects are added to the curri Francis J. Connell, C.SS.R., said culum, but emphasis is given here in Pennsylvania that in the only to separation of religion present day liberty for all reli from education. Even the basic gIous groups is the best policy and universally accepted prin for all governments to follow. ciples of religion that have Father· Connell, dean for reli gl,lided men and nations for cen_ gious communities at the Cath turies are ignored." He said newspaper reports of 'olic University of America, Washington, D. C., and one of "lawless and irresponsible co the country's best known Cath duct of teen agers" confirm the olic theologians, said there are gradual erosion of the "inher many reasons why J1 govern ited capital of these basic prin oment even in a predominantly ciples of religion." Catholic country should grant The Cardinal asked his audi ence to consider his viewpoints freedom of worship. and to take "whatever action Among theSe, he said in a lec may be within the bound-s of ture, are respect for the sincer your competency and responsi ity of conscience of non -Catho bility." lics, the lessening a£ tension "We can all venture," he said, among citizens of different reli "to imagine what would be our gious beliefs, and a desire to pre vent situations in which some might enter the Catholic Church Peru Moves to Aid for other than spiritual reasons. In addition, Father Connell Catholic Schools LIMA (NC) - For the first said, the government of a Cath time in recent memory the olic country is helping Catholics in other countries to win free Peruvian House of Deputies ap proved a large grant for private dom of worship by guaranteeing Catholic schools. The Senate is religious freedom to non-Cath expected to pass the bill giving olics under its jurisdiction. approximately $600,000 to Cath olic education. Fall River Guild The bill was presented as part of the total educational budget The April meeting of Fall for the year 1964, which totals River Catholic Guild for the about $100,000,000. Public edu Blind will be held Sunday in cation in Peru is controlled and Sacred Heart School, following supported by the national gov Rosary and Benediction in the ernment and not by individual church beginning at 2:15 P.M. deJ2artments and cities. The allotment to Catholic schools is minor, but it is con sidered a major breakthrough in the Church's fight for govern ment aid in education.
Religious Liberty Best Policy
pearing in our time. And let us further be mindful that these qualities, which we possess and treasure in our own lives, and the lives of our children, have not come to us spontaneously. They came from proper train ing." Cardinal MacIntyre said edu cation was the natural outgrowth of religion. Strange Company "In fact, the most fundamental question facing man has always been the question-where did I come from? And the consequent question is of equal importance and urgency-where am I going? Religion and religion alone has made the study of these -ques tions a primary one," he said. . Saying that religion and edu cation today "are the subject of Supreme Court disjunction," the Cardinal added: "Is it not strange that in the public school system which has developed in the United States, the children may not be taught that there is a God? To them, He is an enigma, not the Crea tor. "Perhaps only in Russia today is the recognition of God, or a Supreme Being, denied.· Are we not keeping strange company?"
944 CounYy St. New B~dford
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Add to the list of missionaries requesting cancelled stamps the Franciscan Clerics at St. Thomas More House of Studies, 650 Jackson Street, N.E., Washing ton 17, D. C. Proceeds from stamps will aid missions in Paraguay.
24-Hour Wrecker Service 653 Washington Street, Fairhaven WYman 4·5058
NEW YORK (NC)-Harold W. Stoke disclosed the long running controversy over anti-Catholic discrimination charges was a contributing factor in his resig nation as president of Queens College here. His resignation, effective Nov. 1, has been ac cepted by the Board of Higher Education. For several years the discrim_ ination charges have cropped up, principally on the ground that certain Catholic teachers at the college failed to obtain pro motions. The charges have been aired in legal actions - and at board hearings. Stoke. said he resigned as head of the college and political sci ence professor "for personal rea_ sons." Regarding the bias con troversy, he said: "It was among the complexities which make the administrative problem at Queens College." He indicated there were other reasons for his resignation. Stoke will be on leave from Sept. 1 until his resignation takes effect. He said he hopes to re main in the field of higher education.
Oblates to Meet Greater Fall River Oblates of St. Benedict will hold a chapter meeting Saturday afternoon and evening, April 25, at Portsmbuth Priory. A 4 o'clock conference will begin the program and din ner will be served at 6:15. Reci tation . of compline will follow. Friends of Oblates are .invited and may contact Mrs. Frank S. Moriarty, at OSborne 2-1439 in Fall River for further informa tion.
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Thurs., April 23, 1964
Church's Future Rests on Solid Family Living WASHINGTON (NC) American Catholic families "hungry for holiness," ac cording to a priest who has spent seven years with a na tional Catholic family agency and is now leaving for fulltime writing and lecturing. But there is need for a new approach to spirituality for mar ried couples that will take into account their special situation and needs, added Father Henry V. Sattler, C.SS.R., since 1957 assistant director of the Family Life Bureau, National Catholic Welfare Conference. Father Sattler has been re called by his· Redemptorist su periors for fulltime writing and lecturing assignments. In an in terview before his departure from his NCWC post, he said the Church and the nations must become "more family-minded." "The future of the Church in America, I suspect, does not so much rest on the parochial school system, a strong priestly and religious community, an enlightened hierarchy, a strong and articulate laity but upon solid CtIristian family liv ing. It has been a joy to contrib ute my mite to its growth," he said. Married Couples' Problem
Father Sattler is the author of a pioneer sex education manual, "Parents, Children and the Facts of Life," which in hard covers and paperback form has sold half a million copies and has recently been translated into Spanish. Discussing the problems faced by married couples in their quest for holiness, he said they are often made to feel that '''their holiness must be achieved de spite, and not because of, their state of matrimony - bya re mote imitation of religious life." "Quite to the contrary," he said. "The married are not to imitate remotely the spirituality of celibates. Celibates must imi tate and transcend the spiritual_ ity of the married. Why else is the nun called a 'spouse of Christ'? Dual Spirituality "Christian marriage needs a red-blooded ascetical theology of its own and not merely a pale imitation of the spiritual books for celibates," he declared. "Even the recent avalanche of books on lay spirituality tends to ignore the special dual spiritu ality of husband and wife, as though even most laymen were unmarried." As for the needs a'nd problems of adolescents, Father Sattler claimed that they have been "short-changed as though they were suffering through a sort of disease." He hopes through his book on the subject to show that "adol escence is not a disease nor a time of torture for parents and teenagers" and to help young people to "sigh with relief in facing their growing pains with joy and a sense of challenge rather than with fear and con cern."
Gift to Missions GREEN BAY (NC)-A record $264,000 contribution for the missions was made in 1963 by Catholics of the Green Bay dio cese. Father S. A. Borusky, dioc esan director of the Society for the Propagation of the Faith, said the total was $40,000 great er than the 1962 donation.
FOLLOWING INVESTITURE: Three of the eleven new monsignori are, left to right: Rt. Rev. Thomas F. Walsh, Attleboro; Rt. Rev. Joseph A. (A)urnoyer, Swansea; Rt. Rev. Joseph R. Pannoni, Fall River. .
Council Leaps Forward With Commissions' Progress
Continued from Page One Priority-in its first discussions - was given to Concelebration and Communion under both species. It is expected that by next Holy Thursday a form of con celebration will be ready so that the priests can join together in offering the same Eucharist at the morning Mass of the Chrism and also at the evening Mass of the Lord's Supper. There will also be formulae for such concelebration on the occasion of priests' retreats, con ferE'~ -~s and synods. The Liturgy Constitution "en act<>ot las· Dec. 4 calls for the formulation of such rites,' de claring that concelebration normal in the Eastern Church ·(Catholic and Orthodox) - gives appro"Oriate manifestation to "the unity of the priesthood." It would give evidence of the, teaching that all priests - no matter what their degree or re sponsibility, share in the one and sole Priesthood of Christ and the individual priests share in the apostolk mission of their bish op. Holy Communion The Commission is also giving top priority to determining when . the faithful of the Latin Rite may receive Holy Communion under the forms of both bread and wine. The Constitution pro vides that Communion under both species may be granted to clerics in cases determined by the Holy See (newly ordained in Ordination; Religious in Pro fession; newly baptised at Mass following Baptism.) Subcommittees The Commission also intends to form ''''bcommittees com posed of li~urgists from all parts
Urges Apostolate
For Alcoholic~
NEW ORLEANS (NC)-Three or four priests from each dio cese should dedicate a portion. of their time to helping alco holics, it was recommended here by Msgr. Joseph A. Dunne, chaplain of the New York City Police Department. Speaking at the 6th annual Pastoral Institute on AlcohOlism, Msgr. .Dunne said the priests would find meetings of Alcohol~ ics Anonymous "most interest ing and rewarding,'? and would "see the spiritual joy which comes to each one who wins conquest of alcoholism."
of the world to work out the details of long-range reforms provided for by the Council. For the Mass alone, Archbishop Young of Hobart, Australia pointed out, there will be 10 such subcommittees. Each subcommittee will have a definite task; selecting appro priate Scripture readings, re-. forming the general structure of the Mass, working out certain rites. The committees will freely consult bishops, priests, reli gious, laity in arriving at their conclusions. When the work of the sub committee will be done, it will be forwarded to the Liturgical Commission for review. The prooosais will go from one to the other and back again until U,ey have satisfied all concerned. '~A very special subcommit tee with 10 sections" will see to it that harmony is preserved
Theresians Planning Foreign Expansion KANSAS CITY (NC)-Plans for expansion into foreign coun tries was the major considera tion of the advisory board of tbe Theresians when it met in Prov idence Hospital here. The Theresians is an organi zation of Catholic lay persons dedicated to fostering vocations to all women's religious commu nities. The advisory board ~ made up of priests, Religious and lay women from 11 states. Members of the board, recog nizing the interest and need for expansion of their organization, pledged "all possible coopera tion" in instituting Theresian units, "either autonomous units within the realms of the coun try's culture or under modified control of the mother organiza tion."
University to Honor Cardinal Marella WASHINGTON (NC)-Paolo Cardinal Marella, Pope Paul VI's legate for the dedication of the Vatican Pavilion at the New York World's Fair, will receive an honorary doctorate of laws and speak at a special convocation Friday, May 1 at the Catholic University of Americ here.' Cardinal Marella is Archpriest of St. Peter's basilica in Vatican City and Prefect of the Sacred Congregation for St. Petel"s.
throughout the Church's pub lie worship. One of the sections is to assure that· the liturgy it self presents a balanced theo logy. Archbishop Young pointed that an example would be to make sure "that the Church's teaching on death as expressed in the Requiem Mass is not in conflict with the concept of death expressed in the liturgy of Good Friday. The funeral ser vice of today, which draws many of its prayers from the Middle Ages, places heavy stress on death as sad and dreadful, while the Good Friday liturgy ties it to the triumpth of the Resurree:- tion."
Other 9Ubcommittee sections will deal with the Divin~ Office, the Biblic'tl aspects of the lit urgy, etc. Archbishop Young expected that the commission will need six or seven years to complete its long-range task. He said that o the commission's work will in fluence the church's worship for centuries and that it w,,"'"'l be rash to put reforms through hastily. If the work is done· hur riedly so as to answer the im mediate needs of the 1960s, be said, it could burden the Church of the 21st Century with the same type of meaningless liturgy that has straightjacketed wor ship for the past 400 years.
Continued from Page One The Council press office an nounced the commission had "established a timing and method of discussion on various schemata for the coming third council session. While some schemata will still require deep examination and debate, others can follow more rapid procedure, since the Fathers have already had an opportunity to express their opinions on them." Though no details were given, observers theorized what this progress might be. Some men tioned a probable timetahle to be followed; others, considerably shortened debate on those mat ters which have already been discussed in council. The council communique said the commission examined other problems relating to the work of the g e n era 1 congregations (working assemblies of the coun cil Fathers) "in order to facili tate debate on individual sub jects and streamline the manner of speeches." Here, too, eyperts think that some kind of "Devil's Advo cate" could be named to sum up and Ii res e n t the criticisms against each schema. Another, a "Relator" would present a de fense of each schema. Both these prelates would simply give their thoughts on the schema but would summarize the opinions put forth by the Fathers. At its meeting, the Commis sion had examiped the schemata on: The Church, The Pastoral Office of Bishops, The Oriental Ghurches, Ecumenism, Priests, The Lay Apostolate. Marriage, and The Formation of Priests and Catholic Education. It was emphasized that it was not the work of this commission to judge the content of these schemata "but to see if they have been redrafted according to instruction" (given by the Fathers in past debates, amen~ ments, suggestions written in since the Fathers have returned home, etc.) The next meeting is scheduled for mid-June,
Christian Renewal Television Topic NEW YORK (NC)-A series on renewal of Christian life and worship will be .presented on the Catholic Hour over the NBC television network the first four Sundays of May. .The programs are produce.! by the National Council of Cath olic Men
Complete Line Building Materials
OSborne 5-7856
WYman 3-2611
SPring 5-0700
Asks Protestants To Learn More Of Cathol~cism
See State Taking Medical School
TORONTO (NC) - A United Church minister said Protestants should I ear n much more about the liturgy and • tradition of the Catholic Church. Dr. Alfred D. Forrest told 300 persons at an interfaith meeting: "We Protestants tend to dismiss as pretty irrelevant everything that was said and done that is 80t recorded in the canon of Scriptures, until Martin Luther, .Iohn Calvin, John Knox and John Wesley came along." "If it's not in the Bible, it has .eemed irrelevant. Now we know that the New Testament Scrip tures came out of Tradition. We have our scholarship. We know better. And this is one of the major studies of Faith and Order and the World Council of Churches. 1 find however that some of my good Protestant sub scribers want nothing of it," aid Dr. Forrest, editor of the United Church Observer. . He said: "Protestants must deepen their own understanding of the nature of the Churca. We Protestants have done our .elyes a lot of disservice by being too superficial in our knowledge and judgment of the Church of Rome." The minister-editor said "for our own sakes and for those of our children we need to purge eur history books of aU dis ocders and misinformation." He aid his Church's committee on Christian Faith is now reexam tning the booklet "What's the Difference" in the light of the ecumenical dialogue with the intention of correcting anT et" ~s or overstatements. 1)r. Forrest told CatiloIies Chere are ~ecial area.s whel-e Oleir help is rieeded. He said ..,.e Catholic dogmas, like the papal infallibility and the Ma rian dogmas, "are, as we under lltand them, completely unac eeptable to us." "1 know they are pretty dff 8cult for some of you," he said. -rbe Catholic Church will not be faithless to the ancient body of its faith. We cannot ask you to compromise with things you bold to be true. But we may expect deeper and deeper study and possible .reinterpretation."
Monarch Has Right To Change Faith THE HAGUE (NC)-Seventy .even per cent of the Dutch peo ple believe their monarch ftaS the right to become a Catholic a JlUblic opinion poll has revealed. The Dutch House of Orange has been Protestant since the 16th century. Contr~versy was stirred here this year when Prin cess Irene Y'evealed her convet" aon to Catholicism and her in tention to marry a Catholic, Spa n ish Prince Carlos de Bourbon-Parma. She voluntarily relinquished her right to the throne. The poll, conducted by the Na tional Ins tit ute for Public Opinion Research, showed that T1 per cent of the people believe Ihe monarch has a right to be oome a Catholic, and 73 per eent Ulink the monarch should DOt emicate as a result of the eon Wt'Sion.
TRENTON (NC)-A commit
tee established by Gov. Richard
IN NEW ROBES: Invested Tuesday night as Domestic Prelates were, left to right: Rt. Rev. John J. Hayes, New Bedford; Rt. Rev. Arthur W. Tansey, Fall River; and Rt. Rev. Anthony M. Gomes. Fall River.
Few Register Views in Poll on Smut DAYTON (NC) - Final sta tistical report of a public opinion poll on obscene literature in the Dayton area will not be available until about Friday, MaT I, ac cording to Dan Benson, advisor
of a Junior Achievement group
that is tallying results.
But the third and latest re port -compiled by the JA group was disappointing to sponsors of. the poll, who had hoped that . thousands of' Dayton area dU zens would register their views. The report ~ompiled March 8-14) . showed that only Z,704 persons Mgned and returned questionnaires on obscene liter ature to the· Community Stan dards Committee. On this total, .about 75 per cent found material on area newstands "incompatible with their moral standards." The sponsoring committee, composed of representatives of various faiths, printed and dis tributed 700,000 questionnaires - far more than could possibly be used. But by any standard, the number of responses was low, agreed Mrs. John P. Hart of Dayton's Precious Blood parish, leader in the effort to assess pub lic opinion. She expressed dismay tha t cit izens are apparently "apathetic and unconcerned." M'a)'or's Proclama.tioD
The final report is not ex
pected to show much of an in crease in the number partici pating in the survey, intended to establish "contemporary com munity standards" in the field of obscenity. :Mayor Frank R. Somers caned for the quiz in a proclamation, explaining: "Under the law itf the State of Ohio and in com pliance with the decisions of the (U.s.) Supreme Court eon
Heating Oils
and Burners
-cerning obscenity, It is neces sary to apply contemporary com munity standards to alleged obscene material. The citizens of the community should be af-
J. Hughes to study the operation of the Seton Hall College of Medicine and Dentistry in Jersey City will probably recommend that operation of the school be taken over by the state. . That was .indicated here by the chairman of the special eight-member committee after its first meeting. George F. Smith said the com_ mittee will determine the value of the school's assets and try to report to the State Legislature before June. "My guess is that we will In ferentially recommend taking it oveJ"," Sm.ij;h said. . The state, which has no other four-year med'cal college, ·moved into the Seton Hall pic ture when informed by the school authorities that the an nual financial deficits were proving extremely burdensome. Estimates of the annual operat ing deficit range from $700,000 110 $1 million. Smith said state subsidies tG the school are "legally impos sible" if the school· remains in control of Seton Hall, a Newark archdiocesan institution.
New Dental School
Citi.zens Apparently Apathetic, Unconcerned
Fan-Like Seating BELLMAWR (N C) - The aew church for Annunication parish here in New Jersey will be built in hexagonal shape with seating for 950 persons arranged out from the sanctuary in a fan like manner so that 85 per cent of the congregation will be within 70 feet of the main altar, the pastor, Father John F. Wieckowski, has announceci.
Thurs., April 23, 1964
forded an opportunity to voice their opinions on the subject of obscene literature and thereby furnish a pattern of contem porary community standards."
cmCAGO (NC)-A $6 mil lion dental school and cOOie will be part of the new Loyola . University Medical Center near suburban Maywood, Father .lames F. Maguire, S.J., univer
sity president, has announced.
* tc ¥ ,...
• • • •
atianol BANK
THE ANCHOI;!-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Apr. 23 1964
"What Do They Think" "What do those guys think we have been doing for the past twenty years?" These words of former heavy weight boxer Joe Louis give as good a commentary as one could wish on some of the newly-arisen leaders in the civil rights struggle. Most leaders' in the field, men and women of both races, have been pushing over the years and with a steadily increasing insistence for equality and justice on behalf of Negroes. Theirs has been and is a noble story of dedication to the principles of morality and social justice. They have advocated a movement within the confines of morality and legality and in keeping with the language of the Supreme Court of the United States, that the march for equality proceed with all deliberate speed. While it is hardly a tribute to American justice that t'he movement has taken one hundred years to reach the present state of affairs where something like its realization appears at least dimly on the horizons, still the fact re mains that these tactics of controned moral pressure have done much. The consciences of Americans have been disturbed, the moral implications of the struggle have been made burning bright, the dignity of those crying for justice . has blessedly upset the complacency and indifference of a ~ nation. But there is an ugly shadow casting its length across the scene. Some Johnny-come-latelys have arrived preaching a doctrine that closely approaches anarchy. Against the advice and pleadings of respected and responsible civil rights leaders, men and women who themselves have suffered the day-to-day indignities 'of segregation, men and women who have lived with and fought against malice and ill will with the weapons of raw courage and tenacious faith and admirable patience, against these heroes and true leaders in the civil rights field a handful has arisen de manding that illegality be .fought by illegality, immorality by immorality, injustice by anarchy, imbalance by "what Mayor Wagner of New York has called "a gun to the heart of the city." . Perhaps the most admirable aspect of the civil' rights struggle has been its spiritually-rooted motivation. Men of religion, mostly Protestant Negro ministers, have been outstanding for their insistence that the problem is a moral one, that the evil of segregation must be countered with love, that violence must be met with faith and courage that is not vacillation for being pati~nt. And now these leaders, who have been giving their ali over the years, are faced with the'tragedy of seeing their work and efforts harmed by a group that would unleach hate and violence. . All who see the moral justice. involved in the civil rights issue pray that this handful who would distort the picture might see that evil cannot be fought by evil. And perhaps they might also ask themselves what those who have been working all along for civil rights have been doing for the past twenty years. They might learn thereby what means to the end are not only moral but effective.
Considerations While it should "not be a selling point for an Appeal that goes by the name Catholic Charities it is still a col} sideration: the economic effect on a community of l the agencies supported by the Appeal. The payrolls of the Homes for the Aged and Infirm - the four already oper ating and the one being readied - make an imprint on an area that is by no means negligible. Other considerations that should impress business in terests especially are the facilities supplied communities by Appeal agencies that would otherwise have to. be built and maintained by public tax dollars, the professional ser vices given by men and women who staff these in the name of charity, the frugal use of each Appeal dollar, the stretching of funds to accomplish the maximum with the minimum.' . These considerations should underscore the point that the Catholic Charities Appeal is not only a "Catholic affair" but a public service as well.
OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER Publisfled weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River 410 Highland Avenue Fall River, Mass. OSborne 5-7151 PUBLISHER Most Rev. James L. Connolly, D.O., PhD. GENERAL MANAGER ASST. GENERAL MANAGER Rt. Rev. Daniel F. Shalloo; M.A. Rev. John P. Driscoll . ·MANAGING EDITOR Hugh J. Golden
C"fhnou.qh the Week. With the Chu.nch By REV. ROBERT W. HOVDA, Catholic University
Continued from Page One They expressed hope that, in the spirit of the Vatican council's decree on communications media, "the signs and symbols of the film medium (will) 9Peak to an men of who they really are made in the image and sign of God." The statement was signed by the members of. the Bishops' committee: Archbishop John ~ Krol of Philadelphia, chairman; Bishop Walter W. Curtis of Bridgeport, Conn.; Bishop Lora! T. Lane of Rockford, Ill.; Auxi liary Bishop John A. Donovan of Detroit; and Auxiliary Bishop Timothy Manning of Los An. .geles. Power for Good, III The statement - entitled "The National Legion of Decency: 30 years of Christian Witness" began by emphasizing the power, for good and ill, of the new Mass communications media. It un derlined their influence by re ferring to the modern world as an "audiovisual civilization." Among recent events illu9 strating the power of the media, the statement cited their treat ment of the last days of Pope . John XXIII, which made this an "ennobling experience whose intimacy and depth the whole world shared;" the "sensitive coverage" given the Vatican council and the pontificate of Pope Paul VI; and the moving treatment of the events sur rounding the assassination of President Kennedy. "There can be no question then that the Church 'welcomes with joy' the new communica tions reyolution," the Bishope said. Turning to the history of the Legion of Decency, the statement recalled that at its founding in April, 1934, it was unique in the Catholic world. Now it is one of 42 national Catholic film of fices throughout the world. . Principal Function Remains The "primary function" of tlle national legion 'office, the state ment said, is "to offer a service of moral quidance to the film patron so that he may be able to make a discriminating choice of motion picture entertain. ment." The Bishops cited statistics to demonstrate a shift in Hollywood policy - imposed by the impact 'of television - away from fami ly films toward those designed for the mature viewer. In 1938, of 535 movies re . viewed by the legion, 496 (93 per cent were) approved for the general public. In· 1963, of 263 films reviewed, only 70. (26.62 per cent) were approved for the family and almost 50 per cent were placed in categories "other than those for the family or young people." The Bishops emphasized that _ moral ratings of' films will con . tinue to be a principal function of the National Legion of Decency. "If legion services were necessary in the past, they are even more required today," they said.
TODAY-Mass as on S~nday. have been sanctified by the use The Gospel of this day compares of centuries. It must also and al the suffering of a Christian to ways be, in a sense, "new". That that of a woman in childbirth. is, it must be the worship, gen The Christian's suffering is uine and personal, of this con fruitful, Christ'is telling us, and. gregation of persons. its outcome is _joyous. It is not And whenever forms, by acci_ sought for its own sake - this dent of history, become so frozen suffering, this "distress"-but is that they cease to express and accepted only because it is some_ speak to the persons of an age how a condition of love. If it is or region, they must be reexam possible for the human person .ined and reformed, as the to love without suffering, the Church is now doing with the Gospel does not know of it. Mass and other sacraments. TOMORROW - st. Fidelis of The First Reading teaches Sigmaring:en, Martyr. The mes both of the Father "with 'whom sage of this Mass of a martyr is there can be no change" and of the same. That suffering which us humans who must be chang. s"ems such foolishness and mad. ing all the time. ness, such a waste, to the super MONDAY-St. Peter Canisius, ficial observer (First Reading) Doctor. But this does not mean is the trimming of the branch that the basic truths of faith so that it may yield more fruit" change. And only mischief can (Gospel). It is to this trimming come of a tendency some of us we submit when we listen to and have-a tendency of identifying accept God's Word, especially in our habits and our ways with its public proclamation at Mass. such changeless truths as the SATURDAY-St. Mark, Evan divinity and humanity of Jesus gelist. The Council's constitution Christ and His saving, redeem on public worship puts a great .ing work. deal of stress on the·importance "Sound doctrine," we learn in of scripture readings in the Mass today's First Reading, is to be and in all Catholic services. It taught and preached and com sees the readings from the Bible municated whether people like and preaching on them as of the it or not. Any changes the essence of Christian worship- Church is accomplishing or con not mere added ornament. To templating are not changes in day, then, as we honor one of the - doctrine, but change's in tile Gospel writers, we might pray' communication of doctrine so that we recover from the sick that men may really hear. ' ness of viewing th.e MaSs as "of· TUESDAY _ St Paul f til fertory, consecration and com . '. 0 e munion" and begin to under Cross; Confessor. It IS vue that;, stand it as a celebration of God'S when~en real~y hear :?e g?od Word followed by a celebration . new~, It ~ay still ~eem foolIsh. of the sign or sacrament by .. ~ess (FIrst ~eadmg) to the~. which the Word is expressed in So much :WIser than men IS act'o God's foolIshness; so much ~O~RTH SUNDAY AFTER stronger than men is God's EASTER. The Catholic Church weakness," that such pre~chers in our day is unde::-;::oing a pro and confessors of· the FaIth as found reformation involving the ~>ne we honor today cannot changes in law and custom and . take upon themselv~s the bur habit, all the way from the deep den of. ev.ery man s response. DUBLIN (NC) - The Irish places of our public worship to . Thepomt IS that we must take Hierarchy will hold a plenary the shallows of administrative upon ou~selves th~ burden of meeting in June to decide on organization. urgency m preachmg the mes degrees and methods of using . Irish and English in the Mass. Only a deep and instructed sage (Gospel). The Bishops' Standing Com, faith can understand these WEDNESDAY - St. Peter of changes without being shaken or Verona, Martyr. "For "its sake mittee announced plans for the full assembly following a meet disturbed by them, at least in(the Gospel's) I am ready to ing at Maynooth. It said that the Wally. For the whole point of undergo anything" (First Read committee had fprmulated plans these changes is to aid the life ing), teaches this Mass of a for use of the vernacular, and of faith and to make faith. in Martyr. And the Gospel speaks that these would be submitted telligible to those now parched of "trimming clean" the branch without it. of Christ so that it may yield for the full approval of the Hierarchy. Today's Mass is instructive in fruit. One doesn't have to stretch The committee also said that this regard. The Entrance Hymn these texts to find lessons for us it had considered "the applica begin:;: "Sing to the Lord a song in the Church during these days tion of the new liturgical laws that is new" * * * new, fresh, of reform and of change. "Grow to the Divine Office and the meaningful! It is never enough ing pains" may be misnamed, fot. our worship of God, for ex but there is pain in all growth, . ritual for the administration of the<sacraments. and the funeral ample, to· be merely traditional, in all life. Will we sacrifice life ilerviee. merely the use of forms whicll· . for comfort? .'.
Irish Prelates Plan Liturgy Meeting
Parochial School Turnaway Costs
City $623,125
Fall River Student Participant in Fifth Annual Liturgical Workshop at Stonehill College
CINCINNATI (NC) Cincinnati public schools will spend an extra $623,125 next year to enroll 3,000 of the
With favoring skies and April breezes, StonehiII College's fifth annual liturgical work shop 'attracted some 900 priests, Brothers, Sisters, seminarians and just plain laypeople to the North Easton campus. They paritcipated in a Bible devotion and heard a discussion of Vatican Council II and the Liturgical renewal by Rev. John Miller, C.S.C., liturgy editor ..
of the New Catholic Ency elopedia, before separating into separate interest groups to hear talks on topics such
pupils to be turned away from parochial school first grades in September. . About 60 per cent of the 3,000 ean be absorbed into existing facilities, a school official said, as "The Vocation of a Parish but for the other 40 per cent it ioner"; "Teaching the Liturgy"; "The Gelineau Psalms" and will be necessary to build tem porary classrooms, remodel some ''Liturgy for the Family." Leading the family liturgy plants and rent space. discussion was the workshop's A total of about 10,000 chil only representative from the dren will be turned away' from Fall River Diocese, Mrs. John Cincinnati archdiocesan parish Sullivan of Sacred Heart parish, first grades. The archdiocese Fall River. announced March 5 it is closing The mother of two children, this grade in an effort to over she is also a junior at Stonehill, come rising costs and teacher majoring in English and philos shortages. ophy. Her talk, dealt with ways Public schools in other areas of making the liturgy meaning of the Cincinnati archdiocese ful "in a family situation." . will absorb the adiiional 7,000 Liturgical Year children. Running through the liturgi Need Teaehers cal year as celebrated at home, George Redfern, assistant su she menti,pned the Advent perintendent of Cincinnati pub wreath and the celebration of lic schools, said 30 public schools the feast of St. Nicholas as a will need larger teaching staffs. means of explaining to children He said 62 teachers in addition the Christian origin of Santa to the "normal turnover" Of 30 Claus. first grade teachel"S will be "We associate the Santa Claus BOught. bit with St. Nicholas," she said Redfern said 25 teachers now ,"and Christmas becomes what it in the system have volunteered . really is, the birthday of Jesus." Mrs. Sullivan noted that the to teach first grade. He said an other 25 who are new to the sys family sings "Happy Birthday tem will accept first grade posts to You" for the Infant and a and it is expected another 25 birthday cake is part of Christ will be obtained· through addi-' mas dinner. The Sullivan children parti tional applications. cipate in an Epiphany house To complete the list Of teach ers required, he said it is blessing and are encouraged to make Lenten sacrifices; Lent planned to retrain former teach ers in special Summer classes culminates with an adoration and recruit from the subStitute' period on Holy Thursday and an Easter celebration that includes list. Average class size will remain a home version Of the paschal candle and a special lamb at 30 pupils, he said. shaped cake. Pentecost brings "a birthday cake for the Church." Father's Rote ' Mrs. Sullivan stressed the father's role in the Christian PASADENA (NC) - A leader family, noting that a father can bless his children and the food In the movement to reverse Su preme Court decisions regarding on their table. He should do the use of the Bible .and prayers these things, she said, to make in public schools claims to have vivid for his children his place • quarter million signatures in their scheme of things. The speaker added, however, urging congressional action. Dr. Robert Kofahl, first vice that parents must be ''practical and realistic" in modifying any president of the American Coun given practice to the tempera cil of Christian Churches of Cal ifornia, explained the aim of the ment and ages of their own chil campaign is to force a vote. on dren. "If they. don't want to a bill introduced by Rep. Frank form a procession to bless the house, they just won't do it." J. Becker which would "guaran She also warned against over 1ee the right of Bible reading and prayer in any public school, doing liturgical living to the institution or place." More than 200 high school students fanned out into shop ping centers in Grand Rapids, Mich., seeking signatures on a BALTIMORE (NC)-Maurice petition to "put the Bible back. J. Blackwell, 17, was honored as in public schools." the nation's "Outstanding Catho
Quarter Million Sign' For School Prayer'
Name Outstanding Catholic Youth
Prelate Says Unity Taken Seriously
lic Youth" of 1963 at a Catholic Youth Organization dance festi val in the Civic Center here. Baltimore's Archbishop Law rence J. Shehan presented the Towson Catholic High SChool senior with the citation. He was chosen by a group composed of presidents of the National CYO, the National Newman Federation and the National Federation of Catholic College, Students.
MILWAUKEE (NC) - Fran ziskus Cardinal Koenig told an honors convocation at Marquette University here in Wisconsin the Vatican council has compelled people to take Christian unity .eriously. Unity, he said, "'has been dis covered as a task for which all are responsible and which should not merely be talked about, but NEW YORK (NC) - Four which should be conscientiously priests have recently joined the ~udied and pursued with all our nation's armed forces to serve -a·s strength." chaplains, F ran cis Cardinal "This unified world will not Spellman, Military Vicar of the be a Christian world," he said, Armed Forces has announced. "any more than this disunited They are Fathers John H. Cor-' and quarreling world is a Chris- caran, BoSton archdiocese, Air tian world. But it will' be iilflu-' . Force; Daniel T. McCauley; enced and moved byChrlstian" Q.C.D., B 0 st 0 n archdiocese, .alues in' that measUre' as Chrie- Army; Leon J. Richard, Worces- . tians will find their uilitY in .'. 'ter diocese, Air Force,' and WH.· ''world 'OD ·the move to uD.ific:a.." Ham J. Milligan,' New ·York. tion... :> archdiocese, Air Force. .:
Enll'st as Chaplal'ns
LITURGICAL WORKSHOP: At Stonehill College lit-· urgical workshop, from left, Mrs. John Sullivan, Sacred Heart parish, Fall River, session leader; Brother Antoninus, O.P. and. Brother Joachim, O.P., seminarians from St. Stephen's College, Dover. point that the children's attitude The school, she said, can pro becomes one of "Oh, Mommie's . vide reinforcement of what tile . family is trying to do but imple at it again." "If a practice l!Ieems forced, mentation of the practical as we drop it," she said. "These pects Of the liturgy should be left to the family. She admitted, things are only helps. The litur gical spirit isn't a multitude of however, that a problem exists observances. The important thing when parents are not interested in fulfilling this part of their is that the whole family be cen responsibility· and said that the tered in Christ and that mem school and parish may be forced bers realize that the family as a to step into such situation~. . unit is part of the Church." Children's Masses, she com Not School Centered Mrs. Sullivan said there has mented, are not so acceptable as family attendance at Mass, with been a tendency to associate re all members seated together. ligious practices with school and "Future leadership and re drop them after graduation. She declared, "I think religious sponsibility in the Church should come from children who training should be divorced from the school situation and have had liturgically-oriented centered in the home, then it home training," she concluded. will not be left at school with Place of Rosary the books." In a following question period, there was much 'interest shown in the role of the rosary among liturgically - minded Catholics. Mrs. Sullivan said she felt recitation of the rosary took GWELO (NC) - Bishop Aloy sius Haene of Gwele ordained too long .for the average child, the first three African deacons and suggested shorter forms of prayer. for his diocese on the 25th an niversary of his own ordination She commented in this con to the priesthood. nection that too early introduc "These three deacons are my' tion of some practices tended to real jubilee present," Bishop kill children's interest for a dis Haene said after the ceremony at proportionately long time fol the' minor seminary here in lowing. "Don't kill the child's Southern Rhodesia. "I consider interest by 'pouring it on' too it a special thoughtfulness of the early," she warned. good Lord that I am allowed to share my priesthood for the first time with three young Africans NO JOB TOO BIG of my diocese on this day." NONE TOO SMAU. The newly ordained deacons belonged to the first group of boys who entered the minor seminary which the Swiss-born PRINTERS prelate founded 16 years ago. They are expected to be or Main OHice and Plant
dained pries~ next December.
Ttt£ ANCHORThurs., April 23, 1964
Plan Symposium AT Notre Dame NOTRE DAME (NC)-A Uni versity of Notre Dame symposi um on the Person in the Con temporary World will be held here Wednesday, May 6 in COn junclion with the dedication of the Notre Dame Memorial, Li brary the following day. Father Chester A. Soleta, C.S.C.. vice-president for aca demic affairs, announced that Kenneth W. Thompson, vice president of the Rockefeller Foundation, would be chairman . of the symposium. Eugene Car dinal Tisserant, Dean Of the Sacred College of Cardinals, will 'be honorary chairman. . Cardinal Tisserant will cele brate a Solemn Pontifical Mass marking the library dedication the following day. A theologian, a philosopher, a !cientist and a psychiatrist will deliver papers at the sympo .lium. They are Father Louis Bouyer of the Abbey of Lucerne, France; Professor John E. Smith, chair man Of the department of phil osophy at Yale UniversitY; Sir Hugh Stott Taylor, former dean of the Princeton Graduate School and now president of the Wood_ draw Wilson National Fellow ship Foundation; and Dr. Dana Farnsworth, director of the Har vard University Health Services.
Solon Lauds Eff~i'ts Of IJunkie. Priest"; WASHINGTON (N C) - A priest. who ha$ won the .nick name "the junkie priest" for his efforts to help drug addicts was praised in the SenatefO!' his "dedication and selflessness." Sen. Kenneth Keating of New York lauded the work of Father Daniel Egan, S.A., in establishing a "halfway house" in New York for addicts seeking rehabilita tion. . He said Father Egan's program may be "the start to a new, ra tional and humane approach" to the problem Of drug addic tion. He noted that the priest's story is told in a new book "The .Junkie Priest," by New' York newsman John D. Harris.
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T~E A",CHOR-Dioc~se of Fatl-Rive,:-Thurs., Apr. 23 1964
'CatheI1C' Books' -Less' i'n 1963'
Birthday Surprise for' Grandma Involves Lots of Secret Plans By Mary Tinley Daly A story about a mother in a situation most mothers face, eventually-that of presenting a pleasant family pic ture to a daughter's date:'-' is credited with starting Kath leen Norris on her career as a short story writer. Its, title is "Mother," its situation so natural, so poignant, it can"Baby" showed us her patent leather pumps, donned for the not be forgotten. occasion; the almost-six strutted It is a story which her Easter hat and gloves; the has had a deep, impression ev' since its first printing, perhaps a half-century ago. Many a mother, from that time on, has warmed to
four-year-old passed the pea nuts with a promise, "I'm not going to take any of 'em, Gram mao They're for you;" the two year-old passed the mints, DCCW INSTALLATION: Participating in the Instal-, dropping a few along the way. it. A small granddaughter produced lation of the officers of the Fall River Council of Catholic, ''Mother," aca series of hand-drawn pictures. Women at Our Lady of Angels, Fall River, were, left to eo r din g t 0 A "gathering of the clan" to right: Mrs. Thaddeus Dzugala, host president; Mrs. Michael' Kathleen Northe extent of 20 made a:happy J. McMahon, re-elected president; and Mrs. William King, ris, successfully commotion. ' spiritual development chairman. a r ran g e d a As honoree. Grandma was en peaceful I ate sconced in gl'andeaur, served afternoon party first, given presents, and was Two Causes Advance
after a superinwardly bowing in humility and hectic day, filled gratitude to those who had been For Beatification
with one frusbehind the scenes in what was VATICAN CITY (NC)-Pope
tration after another. (Only a real production. mothers know what ,these frusNatural rea c t ion, "May I Paul VI has ordered publication,
trations can be, and usually are.) help?" was submerged and of the decrees attesting to the
It has been yea~s since we read Grandma ju9t sat like a queen true martyrdom of a French·
Jesuit in Madagascar in 1896 and
.. the story, but its inspiration re- on a throne, realizing all too mains. There is nothing of the vividly the infinite detail that the true heroic nature of the
ph<lney in it, no striving for had gone into preparation. A virtues of an Italian nun who'
"social status," just a true rep- - 'sUrpri!ie such this' doesn't do died in 1922. The Pope's decision" which .
r,esentation of the family as it' itself: there'must have been the entitles both servants of God to
really is. ' . clandeStine telephone calls' of the rank of venerable, completes
Fish, Dinner invitation and planning, the one of the major steps toward .
In line with this story, came' cleaning and cooking and'deco-' ultimate beatification. 'Before'
a situation at our houSe. - Well, rating - all the time with four the process i5 completed there ,
not exactly at our, house b\lt at small children underfoot - the is still, required acceptance of'
the house of one of our da.ugh- . shining of silver, 'getting. out all 'two miracles by the Congrega ters. - (To' sav~ her ei)).barrass- . the good dishes, probably' bor tion of Rites. mEmtwe shall not mention her _ rowing· from sisters and' sister The Jesuit, Father Jacques
, name.) ," " in-law for fill-ins. . Berthieu, was killed in a tribal
Carne the invitation: "Will you ,'Fish 'diimer,' served . buffet war' in Madagascar, now the
and Dad eat with us next 'Fri- style, was deliciou~, pretti~d up . Malagasy Republic. Sister Maria
day? Just a plain old fish dinner. with parsley a!1d paprika; l~on Fortunata entered the Benedic
Long' time since you've had wedges: and butter ~uce; a' tine convent at Veroli, Italy, at'
dinner here." mixed green salad of delectable the age of 14, and 'spent 70 years.
At ,'six the following Friday crispness and with. tangy : there, spinning and, working at
we were met by scrubbed' and' dressing; crunchy hot ~read '" '" • the l()om. . ' shining grandchildren, four of And the finale -=- a high, light .. them, likewise a scrubbed and and lemony birthday cake baked shining house, decorated with' by the two eldest grandchildr~n, Assumption 0 of, I . . balloons, crepe paper 'and signs decorated with cocoanut and a . Assumption Circle, Fall River. '
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, GRAND- birthday meSsage -:- but' with no ' Daughters of Isabella, will hold
MA. ' 'candles, bless the~r hearts! . ' a Communion breakfast follow
So they had remembered a A party given ,as though 1\ ing 9 o'clock Mass Sunday morn
birthday, one we would gladly were no trouble at all, just a ing, May 3 at St. Mary's Cathe- ,
forget except fOr this exciting generous gesture, . brought, a draI. Rev. John P. Driscoll,
experience. ' l u m p to the throat - and Anchor assistant manager, will
"Birthdays are fun, Grandma," memory Of Kathleen, Norris' speak:. The unit also plans. a
said the five year old, "I'm gonna story about 'a mother who bed rummage sale for May. be six just 11 d,ays from now. made a similar effort. ' How old are you, Grandma? Oh, Of such are family ties streng I'm sorry!" Site clapped her hand thened. St. Francis
over her mouth. "Mommy says Residence
you don't ask grown people how old they are." FOR YOUNG WOMEN Grey Nuns Help Save We went along with that. 196 Whipple St., Fall River 750 if! Quebec Fire Su'Prise Conducted by Franciscan LEVIS (NC) - Grey Nuns of "Jus' wait, Gramma," grinned Missionaries of Mary the four-year-old. "W'e got a the Cross and citizen's guided ROOMS - MEALS
630 children and 120 aged per eu'prise for you." , OVERNIGHT HOSPITALITY
sons to safety' when fire raged The "su'prise" wasn't long in Inquire OS 3.2892
coming. It l1ame in the form of . through a ho~e for the aged all of our children - all in this , and children here. The fire, of underterrnined vicinity --' and their spouses, some of them also bringing their origin, broke oQ.t in a 'basement, children. Another su'prise wall cloakroom w~ile th"e 800 persons "Aunt Virginia," my sister, in the home were attending until that· little house was Mass. The nuns quickly shep cronE II. MONnE
.... Malter PIIImb.r 2t3O
ringing with the joy .. of their herded their Charges to a section very presence' in a gala atmo of the large five-story home Over 35 {ears
which was cut off by fire walls sphere. of Satisfied Service,
from the part where, the fire 806 NO. MAIN STREn
occurred. Fait 'River ' OS 50:-7497
Catholic Nurses In addition to the aged and the orphans there were 75 Grey The Fall River Diocesan Coun eil of Catholic Nurses will hold nuns in the building. ,Only one its Spring Plenary Meeting' at . had to use an aerial' ladder to 4:30 Saturday afternoon, May 16 reach safety. at St. Anne's School of Nursing, Fall River. Msgr. Humberto Medeiros will show slides of the Ecumenical Council, Bene diction will be celebrated at 6:30 and Bishop Connolly will Joseph A. Charpentier be guest of honor and speaker Reg. Pharm. at a dinner to follow in the TEL WY 6-0772 hospital cafeteria at 7. The coun cil will sponsor its annual re PRESCRIPTIONS treat the weekend of Oct. 23 1902 ACUSHNET AVE. through 25 at Our Lady of Good NEW BEDFORD Co'unsel retreat house.
WASHINGTON (NC) - New Catholic books in 1963 declined by 32 compared to the previo1.M year, Eugene P. Willging, direc tor of libraries at the CathoIJe University of America here, b81 reported. Willging, editor of a week. list of new Catholic books, said a survey disclosed 1,176 Catholie books were published in 1963, compared with the 1962 total 0.1 1,208, which is the record yeaz. A total of 219 firms are repre sented in the report compiled br Willging, analyzing Cathqlie book publishing data from 19. ~ 1963.
To Install Mrs. Angelo Flynn heads • nominating committee to choose officers for Mother McAuley Guild of Mt. St. Mary Academy, Fall River. Those elected win be installed at a banquet Wed nesday, June 10, at the schooL
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Pare'nts: Encou:rage Child ren'~s'
Thurs., April 23, 1964
Expectations of Financial Aid
Asserts Mothers Best Statesmen
,By John J. Kane, Ph. D. , "'I have a stepson 24 years old living at home. He is
WAS HI N G TON (NC) Mothers make the "best states men," an educator and authority on the Middle Ages said in a talk at Dunbarton College here.
employed and when he reached 21 his father asked him to pay board. He refused and still refuses to do so. I've talked this over with my husband but he feels he can do nothing. I doubt we are teaching this prep school and would not get boy a sense 0 f responsl'b'l' 1 1- into Princeton. Further converty." No, you are not teaching 1 sation revea ed that he, the him a sense of responsibility fether, had been expelled from
Father Astrik L. Gabriel, O. Praem., said this is so because a mother "is not like a politician
and forgive me if I add, it is a Princeton twice. Because he had thinking of the next election,
.ttle late to start at the tender never made it at Princeton, he but she is like a statesman who
ego of 24. Your was determined his son must. thinks of the next generation."
husbimd's paCreate D1usions Father Gabriel,.director Of the , thetic .plea that Here is more or less the story 'Medieval Institute at the Uni he can do nothof the contemporary middle-age versity of Notre Dame, observed ing is just about parent of today. Many of them that medieval educators insisted true, short" of were in their teens and twenties FU L L SCHOLARSHIP: PARTIAL GRANT: Made- that a mother's primary responC 0 u r s 0 f, 'duro g th depres 1'0 of th that of teaching her ' m e s n e Cameron Shea, daughter of leine Phenix, D 0 min i can '-ibUity' ..children,is and ,~lling him to thirties. Some of them knew that "her. great leave home and . p()verty, even dire poverty, first Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Shea, St. Academy, Fall River, has teaching should consist in con lltart supporting I hand. Thomas More parish, Som- _ earned a partial scholarship vincing her daughters that the himself. ObviBy dint of hard work, frugal 'erset, has received a four from Emmanuel College. An greater saint a woman is, the ously, yourhusliving, and sacrifice they have year full tuition scholarship honor student, she also par- greater woman she is." band is unwill- d rd f' . 11 rm.-P move upwa manCla y .......~" to Emmanuel College. A sen- ticipates in glee club and Constructive Principlell
ing to do this can now give their children ad and you do not feel that you, as 'vantages they always wanted ior at Sacred Hearts Acad- spOrts activities, and is a . Speaking on women's eduaa:
stepmother, can. " but never achieved. Their theme emy, Fall River, she is active member of Our Lady's So- tion in Medieval times, Father But the problem you present song to sons and daughters in extra-curricular organiza- dality. She belongs to St. Gabriel said there were other Is not an uncommon one. Many might be: "You'll Never Have It constructive p r inc i pIe' that young people living at home to.. As Hard As I Did,'" ,tions including dramatics. Anne's parish. modern teachers can learn from day and earning an adequate They are creating' illusions" , teachers in the Middle AgeL' .lary find the idea of ''paying. both· for themselves and their' "For instance; he tleclared, bOard" repellant. This was not, children. They, seem 'to forget' ,0 " 'Medieval educat~rs c-. teach us true 'in the past. In fact, the" that 'whatever they , have . . , . ,. ., ' " " - . their final conclus4on - "that Whole notion that older children achieved, at least in. moSt cases,' WASHINGTON (NC)' .....;' The, that $, Louisiana law under" . man snould' study to be learned : would not only pay board: but' 'was achieved in the face, of hard' U. S .. Supreme Court haS upheld:, wh~ch the city facilities Were ,'and woman' shoUld study to be 'help sup POl' t parents and work and sometimes hardship a district court ruliD.g that segsegregated is contrary. to the wise." ' '' ,YDunger children by 'supple~ .In occasional moments' of truth 'regatfon' of parks, playgrounds : ,Constitution. "They can also teach us how to 'roenting a father's. salary .was they tell theIr children this, but, ~nd other recreati.onal' fa:cili~ies;, Three' justices indicated they pt"oduce an uncommon, wise ' gene'rally accepted. , ' . , ' ~,he ~~?S have a' nam,e ,: for. it:, ,m New Orleans un,c~>nstitu- , , thought' the case should have woman in' an age of unthinking, The change has occured,in the,·'~sta.tIc. T.he parents . ,actIOns ,tiona!. ,', ', ,'. been sent to a'court Of app'eals' commonman"he'declared, and Whole range of parente.. 'ch'ildren ' b 1 th d e Ie elr own wors: You .' In a s~ary: action, the high in.stead of being dealt with im- that "the idea of the 'educated relationships. About· 40 or' 50 really canno.t kid .your kIds. court granted review of and afmediately by .the· Supreme woman con sis t s of wisdom, 7ears ago most youngsters left " Sense of BesponsibUit7 firmed the lower court's finding Court. curiosity and inspiring power. 8Chool after e i g h t'h grade, secured a job, lived at home and ' No one can disagree with par made some financial contribu- ents who want· to giv.e their tion to the family until married. children the head start a college : Then high school became a degree affords. ,If the youngster" can profit from it ~ and some ",,aecessity. So for the most part, times tliey cannot or will not _ children had to be supported let them have it. But temper it .ntil about 18 years of age. " with an increasing sense of reSupport Until Zl sponsibility. Encourage ,them to , 'Today, college is consideJ:'ed help earn, ,their way through 'an essential by many arid, we' college at least by working and have 15 or 20 times as many bo.Y:SSAVING in. the Summer. In and girls attending college as in si$.t on Pard work at 9chbol and 1900. But it doesn't end with col-' ~pingat home., .,' 'lege for professional school or' :~The whole idea of'honoring graduate work clalIn more and ~ents mulrt be tll:ught :young 'more. In many cases this means siers, and one aspect :0£ it 10 SJarents will support their chil- wIves financial help if needed. dren pretty much until they are' When older children:, need do Zl or 22, ilOmetimes even longer. no'thing to earn their oWn room Furthermore, both parents and and board, they not unexpected children seem to expect this. 11 take it for granted. None of this would be possible Pastors complain about young If incomes had not increased people who fail to suppOrt the considerably over what they church. Parents complain about were. But more importantly, it their failure to help pay their would not be possible if parents own support within the family. had not developed a quite dif- Children reared in a tradition ferent attitude toward the length of such irresponsibility will not of their financial responsibility only find life hard later, but' for children. In some cases it they will find it much harder. even extends to the early years The parent who thinks to make of their children's married lives. life easy for a child may only Ironically enough, if children's succeed in making it more dif- : expectations of both longer and ficult than necessary.:,
increased financial support are.,
great, parents have' generally
made them so. The psycholO-'
gists have $'.pame for it J>ut per.:
haps a story wiil illuStrate it ONE STOP better. Sf10PPING CENTER
I Shocked, indIgnant. , Some years ago i 'encountered
• TElEVISION ' • fURNITURE a man in a Pullman diner. He • APPliANCES • GROCERY was a trifle garrulous but when
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he demanded I tell him what ''lYman 7-9354
was wrong with his 16-year-old
Son, who had recently taken the
family Cadillac on a 300-mile
A ~AMILY TREAT trip to see his girl friend and.'
wrecked it. His father was going
BAR-B-Q CHICKENS out to pick it up.
I told him quite honestly I
didn't know what was wrong
with his son but did think tl).ere
FARMS was something wrong with • 145 Washington St.• Falrhavetl father who allowed such a young Just off Route 6 boy to take a car 300 miles to
'NY 7·9336
lJee his girl friend. At first be
was shocked., then indignant.
Watch for Signs
Then quietly the story was told.
While out for I Drive This man was worried. His 110ft $top at tt1is deliRhtfuJ Spot
WU fl:unklol out of aD eJtduMve
'F'9 rb·d' , . "t·· . ds· I, , -5' . 'egreg9 Ion . f 'PI' aygroun
Perfect for
Thurs., April 23, ,1964,'
Pope Reiterates. Vocations Need
Orthodox Leader Sees Vast Area Of Agreement
VATICAN CITY (NC) - Pope Paul VI, speaking from his window to thousands of persons who waited below in St. Peter's square to recite the noonday Regina Coeli with him, remindect them that both the Church and the world need more religious vocations. "As we have said in other ways," the Pope told the people in the square, "the world and the Church ha"e need for voca tions, for young people who hear the call of God. "Today we say that the world and the Church need vocations. We pray that Our Lady inspire and guide generations of strong and generous souls to the ser vice of God." Earlier in the day, the Pope offered Mass in the Sistine chapel before a group of pilgrims from his old See of Milan. After a brief sermon in Italian on the Gospel theme of the day, the Good Shepherd, he addressed a few words to other pilgrims in French, English, German and Spanish.
ST. MARY - OF - THE WOODS (NC) - Catholics and Orthodox Christians share a "truly vast area of
agreement," an Orthodox leader said here in Indiana. But, added Metropolitan An tony Bashir, head of the U. S. archdiocese of the Syrian An tiochian Orthodox Church, "re union will not result from re viewing with satisfaction the much that we share but from the prayerful, charitable and patient examination of the little in which we differ." Archbishop Bashir spok,e at an unu'sual Catholic-Orthodox gathering that followed a pri vate meeting with Archbishop Paul C. Schulte of Indianapolis. , The meeting between the two prelates, according to its or ganizers, was intended to "sym bolize" the historic meeting earlier this year in the Holy PLAN NOVEMBER MEETING: At a meeting of Boston Province National Council Japanese Students ' Land between Pope Paul VI and of Catholic Women in Manchester, N.H., Fall River Diocesan representatives join in dis LOS ANGELES (NC)-Forty Orthodox Patri..rdr Athenagoras cussing plans for organization's national' convention to be held in Washington, D.C. in Japanese students from Sophia I of istanbul. At the conclusion of t"'e din November. From left, Mrs.' John J. Harri~gton, Boston Archdiocesan Council president; University of Tokyo will spend ten weeks this Summer studying ner the two Archbishops led Mrs. Evariste Laverdiere, national "director; Mrs. Aristides A. Andrade, Fall River Dio in this' country. Six will study those present in a litany of unity ,cesan Council president; Mrs. Adr~en Piette, South Attleboro, National Family and P£r at Loyola University here. They adapted from a prayer composed ent Chairman. will also visit 20 U. S.'cities and by the World Council of see the World's Fair. The Chris_ Churches. Each then gave t~ tian Family Movement and the group his blessing. Jesuit Association of Universi Archbishop Bashir spoke at a ties and High SchOOls arranged dinner on "Possibilities of Re-" for their trip. union between Catholicism 'an~ Orthodoxy." : .. 'Courageous Act' NEW YORK - In a moving religious persecution in the He called this a "most exciting Orthodox Church receives the of Christian Soviet Union. most favorable treatment be- I and exhilaraitng time" for demonstration Persecut.ion Increases Christians. "The age of mutual unity, members of the Catholic, cause its center is in Moscow Orthodox Father Meyendorff and can more easily be con-' recriminations and proliferating Orthodox and Anglican Churches schisms appears to be' drawing joined here in a day-long Act ~id the Soviet persecution of trolled," he said. "Roman Cath "all religious groups" has been olics, on the other hand, have to a close, and all who profess of Veneration of the Russian loyalty to the Lord Jesus Christ Icon of Our Lady of Kazan, one increased steadily since 1959. their center in Rome and are not WYman feel now the challenge of His of the most sacred in the Ortho "It must be admitted that the subject to Soviet controL" 3-6592 will that 'all may be one,''' he dox East. He noted that Soviet policies CHARLES F. VARGAS said. The icon, which was sent here ; "certain additional Parents Responsible presented From the Orthodox viewpoint, for exhibition at the 1964 New 2 54 ROCKDALE, AVENUE difficulties" for Jews because he said, the "most encouraging" York World's Fair, was en of their presumed attachment' For Vocations Lack NEW BEDFORD, MASS. development of recent years shrined for public veneration in to the State of Israel. SAGINAW (NC) A bishop was ,the suggestion of the late the chapel of Fordham Univer Father Meyendorff declared Pope John XXIII that "serious sity. A Mass of the Byzantine said here in Michigan the lack ,of religious vocations is tied to that it was the Orthodox Church consideration be given to Or Liturgy in English was con because of its position in Soviet thodox and Roman reunion." "celebrated by three Jesuits of a general 'lack of the spirit of society and the fact that most "The resistance or indifference the Eastern Rite stationed at sacrifice among the people and Christians in Russia are Ortho of a few Orthodox spokesmen, Fordham's John XXIII Center to the reluctance of parents to dox, which has suffered the the evident alarm of some Prot for Eastern Christian Studies,' permit their children to enter th,e religious life. greatest from the Soviet anti estant ecumenists, and the ex sponsor of the service. " In a letter marking "World. religious campaign. treme caution of later comments The Day of Veneration ended from, Rome, do not detract from with Pontifical Benediction by Wide Day for Vocations" observ_ the value of this truly courage Auxiliary Bishop Joseph M. 'ance in the Diocese of Saginaw, : Bishop Stephen S. Woznicki ous act," he said. Pernicone of New York. At a press conference earlier speaks of "the two bottlenecks PLUMBING & HEATING, INC. in the week, Father George A. that, according to the consensus Observe Centenary among the clergy, are mostly re for 1J0mestic Maloney, S.J., told newsmen sponsible for the lack of voca and Industrial Of Missioner's Death that the day of veneration was ,tions in our day." .. . Sales 'and Service , . .=SINSINAWA (NC) - About planned as a symbol of Christian "One is the definite lack of Oil Burners unity and as a protest against 150 diocesan clergy and Domini the spirit of sacrifice among our WY 5-1631 can Religious assembled here in the stepped up campaign of people for the welfare of our 2283 ACUSHNET AVENUE Wisconsin to observe the cen neighbors. The second is the NEW BEDFORD tenary of the death of Father Fund For Missions barrier to vocations put up by Samuel Mazzuchelli, O.P., fa the parents of the prospective mous missionary of the Ameri-' - Tops $23 Million candidates themselves." can midwest. VATICAN CITY. (NC)-Cath ST. MARY'~ - BAYVIEW Father Mazzuchelli worked olics of the world contributed Names Laymen among the Indians in Michigan 'more than $23 million to the Resident Camp for Girls Ages 6-15 - June 21· August 2. 1964
WHEELING (NC)-The Dio and Wisconsin and founded pa-, Church's central missionary Operated by Sisters of Mercy - Swimming· Sports· Arts and Crafts
rishes in Wisconsin, Illinois and agency in 1962, according to the, cese of Wheeling, W. Va., has Weekly Fee $40, Registration $5 - Phone 434-2079 or 434·0486
added four lay persons, three Iowa. One of his spiritual fami Holy See's latest statistics. This Or Write ST. MARY'S CAMP, RIVERSIDE, R.I. 20915
college educators and a lawyer, lies is the Dominican Sisters of, came to about $500,00'0 more to its pol~cy-making school Sinsinawa. than the previous year's contri board, Father Rotert H. Wan Bishop William P. O'Connor butions. street, superintendent, has re of Madison presided at the ob Out of the $23 million, the servance and blessed the cor Sa£red Congregation for the ported.' nerstone of the new educational Propagation of the Faith was FOR BOYS, 7·15 LAKE OSSIPEE, N. H. center at St. Clara Convent herA. able to give over $8 million to Season: June 30 to Aug. 24 Rates: $430 per season missioners throughout the world Inc. Relief for Alaska to help them in their work. The The 310 acres of Camp Marlst are situated 011 beautiful lake Osslpeedn New Hampshire. All bunga lows are equipped with screens. hot and, c~ld missioners had requested subsi. MOVERS SEATTLE (NC)-A check for water, showers and toilet facilities. The 1964 season will mark tile fif dies amounting to more than teenth season that Camp Marlst Is In operation. The camp Is conducted and $49,101, representing contribu SERVING
comlfletely staffed by , $21 million, almost three times tions of Seattle archdiocesan Fall River, New Bedford
Catholics, has been sent to what the congregation was able 70 MARIST BROTHERS Cape Cod Area
Bishop Dermot O'Flanagan of to supply. Agent All land and wat., activities a;. oyoitoble i"~ludJnSl hO'Mba~~ ,~ing. rifr~ry, The congregation also gives Juneau for relief work in earth arch.,y, waf., slti!ng, conoe trips oncI ove,nlght hik... Individual lWimmt~SI substantial support to the Pon quake-stricken Alaska. Arch AERO MAYFLOWER
Instruction i. ,gillen. bishop Thomas A. Connolly of tifical Society of St. 'Peter the For further information: Phone 201-241-2460
Seattle said the financial aid Apostle, the Pontifical Associa or write Brother Joseph Abel, F.M.S. at
tion of the Holy Childhood, and came from the "spontaneous out Nation-wide Mov.,.
pouring' of generosity on the various activities of Eastern' WYman 3·0904
part of Catholics" in a special Catholic churches and the 304 KEMPTON ST., NEW BEDFORD Box F-10 RARITAN ROAD, ROSELLE, N. J.
Church in Latin America. collection.
Christian Unity Under Icon of Our La~y Catholic, Orthodox, Anglican Join in- Veneration
ca'rnp marist
Supreme. Pontiff Urges Prayers For Vocations
Blocks Family ,Planning Study
VATICAN CITY (NC) Pope Paul VI has told the world's Catholics that they have a duty to foster voca tions not only because of the Church's need for them, but also because the number of vocations to the priesthood are a "precise and indisputable index of the vitality of the Faith." In an appeal broadcast Sun day over Vatican Radio on the World Day of Prayer for Voca tions, Pope Paul cited the words of St. Matthew: "The harve~ is great but the laborers are few." Pope Paul also composed a prayer asking God for an in crease in vocations to communi ties of Brothers and Sisters. The Pope said that vocations are few "compared to the in creased necessities of pastoral care." He added: "Few they are in consideration of the exigencies of the modern world with its uneasiness, its need for light and guidance." The Church, the Pontiff said, stands in need of "teachers and directors who are progressive yet sympathetic for the past" as well as of vocations to care for "the great numbers who have strayed from Christian ideals and who are indifferent··· but 'who still need to see in priests and Religious the living example of a perfect Christian life." bdex of Catholicity "Above all there is a great need for dedicated hands on the mission field, where so many of our brothers need to be cate chized, helped and consoled." The Pope said the vocation rate is an index to a people's Catholicity because "where vo cations to the priesthood and re ligious life are abundant, there the people live generously in ac cord, with the Gospel. There, too, you :find good and fervent par ents' who are not afraid, but rath~r happy and honored, to give their chi I d r e n to the Church."
Thurs., 'April 23, 1964
HONOR STONEHILL PRESIDENT: Sharing the spotlight at the fourth annual Presi dent's Dinner in honor of the Very Rev. Richard H. Sullivan, C.S.C., Stonehill president, were, left to right: Philip Hemingway, New Bedford, co-chairman of arrangements; Father Sullivan; Dr. Norman A. Welch, president-elect of the American Medical Association and guest speaker; Bishop Connolly. Father Sullivan, president of Stonehill since 1958, has recently been named as provincial of the Eastern Province of the Congregation of the "Holy Cross.
'"Plan International Eucharistic Congress .Pope 'Sympathetically Inclined' to Invitation ROME (NC) - Floating hotels in the Arabian Sea, 200 dancers, 4,000 taxis - these are only a few of the problems facing Father Herman J. D'Souza, general secretary and liasion offieer for the 38th International Eucharistic Congress to be held in Bombay, India, Nov. 25 to Dec. 6. Father D'Souza, who was assistant to Bishop Fulton J. Sheen at the U.S. national office of ~ SoCiety for, the Propagation of the Faith. for almost eight, years, 'visited Rome in a whirlwind tour of eight countries to rllise,funds for and'interest in' the congress. . 'Asked What the chances are .that Pope Paul VI will make the
, ,i
Ivan Dias, an Indian priest 'studying at the Pontifical Ec clesiastical A cad e my, the training school for the diploma tic- staff of the Papal Secretariat of State, most probably will head the office. The office will bring the con gress to the attention of the press of Italy and will deal with prelates during the third session of the ecumenical council who v.;oant to attend the congress. Fordham Graduate "Father D'Souza, who earned his Ph.D. in educational psycho ,logy at Fordham University,' New York, in 1956, will 'spend
only 2 per' cent of India's 450 million people are Christian. "Yet there has never been such a response from these people as there has been to this congress," he said. The Indian priest praised the cooperation' offered by the cen tral gov'ernment of India and the government of Bombay. They have "gone all out," Father D'Souza said, "to help make this' event a ~ccess.
Airline Official Plans To Become Priest
SAN FRANCISCO (NC)-The board of directors of the San Francisco United Community Fund failed to act on a proposed birth control study after a pro test by a Catholic spokesman. Msgr. -James Flynn, gene,al director of Catholic Social Serv_ ice for the San Francisco arch diocese and a member of the UCF's Social Planning Commit:. tee, opposed a suggestion that the board name a committee to study family planning. Msgr. Flynn said the Catholic Church was not attempting to impose its views on others, but that in a voluntary group like the United Community Fund agencies in the majority should not seek to override a minority which considers a proposed ac tion immoral. Divide Agencies He also warned. that action in the family planning field could divide agencies comprising the Community Fund and hurt its fund raising efforts. Meanwhile, controversy con. tinues here over the recent action of Mayor John F. Shelley in deleting funds for a birth con_ trol program from the city budget.
Interfaith Chapel C H A R L EST 0 N (NC) Churches of various denomina tions in South Carolina are co operating in the construction of a $75,000 chapel at the South Carolina State ·Hospital in ~ lumbia for the mentally ill. Con. struction has begun after years of planning. The colonial design chapel will accommodate 600 w hen completed. Catholie churches throughout the state will cooperate by a special col lection on Sunday, April,26.
, BOSTON (NC) - A 47-year MAKE A RETREAT a month of his 45-day tour in old former Air Force plIot and the United States. He will also official of American Airlines. at Holy Cross Fathers Priests, Ministers visit Austria, Germany, Holland, tdp to tndia for the congress, B~lgh,lm, France, England and will study for the priesthood at Retreat House the Pope John XXIII National F;ather D'Souza said. Ireland. Form Assocation Seminary for Delayed Vocations Rte. '138, No. Easton, Moss. B~RRE (NC) -c-' Catholic and , Governinent BopelulThis is the first time an in in Weston, Mass. Pro*stant clergymen here in ,"The Pope has received the ternational Eucharistic Congress DOD Vermont have organized the ir1vitation from the President of has been held in an Asian coun Richard F. Gardner is one of Community Brotherhood Asso· India and he is sympathetically try since the Manila Congress in 25 accepted for the first class in Men: May 1-3 ciation. inclined to it. The Pope has not 1937. Father D'Souza noted that the seminary now being built. He ladies: May 15-17 Rev. John P. Christensen, yet made up his mind, but the resigned his administrative posi Married Couples: May 29.~n pastor of the Universalist church Indian government is hopeful tion with American Airlines in Holy Father GreetS 1961 to begin preparations for For info. on retreats or days and president of the new group, and looking forward to the visit said the organization plans were during the congress." the priesthood and is now of recollection, pleas~,write American Newsboys studying made when members of the at Holy Apostles Semi While in Rome, Father D'Sou~a or call Director: tel. 238-2051 'VATICAN CITY (NC) A Barre .Ministers' Association met laid the foundations for the nary, Cromwell, Conn. group of American newsboys with Msgr. William J. Cain, opening of a congress office here pastor of St. Monica's Catholic this Summer. He said Father boys were singled out by Pope Paul VI for their "industry and chureh. energy" at the Pope's regular Aims of the association include Enjoy the Highest Rate on Wednesday audience. promotion of closer communica Elect Fr. Dufault your Savings consistent tion among the churches; an in . To the newsboys--89 of them Superior ,General with Safety ~ terest in social welfare and oil an all-expense tour sponsored Your~avin~s, problems arising from poverty; ROME ( N C) U. S.-born by a magazine--the Pope said, are Insured opposition to all forms of dis Father Wilfrid. Dufault, A.A., "We praise your industry and safe by an criminatiort; work among youth has been elected to a second 12 energy, dear boys, and we urge agency of the CURRENT groups to eradicate prejudice year term as superior general of you to learn from your faithful and campaigns to strengthen op" , the Augustians of the Assump U. S. Gav't. RATE delivery of each day's news the tion. position to offensive motion pic lessons of fidelity, constancy, tures and literature. Born in Spencer, Mass., on perseverance and good will. Be , ; Dec. 11, 1907, he was ~ducated cheerful and helpful to others,
at Assumption College in Wor and may God bless' you and
AustraliaVincentians cester, Mass.,' entered the As your ~ FREE/KIT Send us this coupon for FREE save- ~ families."
sumptionist congregation in
, by-mail forms and details on , Become Instructors Quebec in 1930 and was or , starting an account. , SYDNEY (NC) - The Society dained in Rome in 1934. He of St. Vincent de Paul of the earned degrees'in theology from ~ Signed ~ Th.e Sydney archdiocese has adopted the Pontifical University of' St. ': St. & No. .. _...... : as a major project giving reli Thomas Aquinas in Rome and gious instruction to Catholie in philosophy' from Catholic , City _.................................. ,
children attending state schools. Laval University in Quebec. . With formation of a Confra He taught philosophy at As Resources over $21,000,000 ternity of Christian Doctrine sumptio,n College and in 1946" We Invite Your lnquiries ~ committee, the society launched when an Assumptionist province We Have EVERYTHING For__ a program which is to include was set up for North America, The BRI.>·E And Her PARTY founding and staffing parish he was named its first provin
schools of religion, sponsoring 232 DARTMOUTH STREET
cial. His brother, Father An days of recollection for children, ROME OFFICE 1 North Main St., cor Bedford· Open Fri. Eve. 'tm 8 tonio Dufault, is a priest of the and visiting homes of Catholic Springfield diocese stationed in SOMERSET OFFICE 149 G.A.R. Highway. Route & children in non-Catholic schools. Holyoke, Masa.
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~Iver-rl'lurs., Apr.
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Our Obligation, l~ Universal:
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Says Self-Aggrandizement, Cowardice Motivate Gossip
eyo .Day
at Fair
By Most Rev. Fulton J. Sheen, D.D.
At some time or other, every teacher is going to be jolted to learn, via the grapevine, that he is teaching~ome very weird doctrines indeed. His teaching has lost some thing, if not everything, in translation. Far more seriously perhaps, a person will some two gossips talking about a times be shocked to hear, or or couple "going steady" as soon overhear, that some outland as they've been out together ish quotation is supposedly once or twice.
NEWARK (NC)-Some 15,000 members of the New Jersey Catholic' Youth' Organization (CYO) will visit the New. York World's Fair on Thursday, May "r, Ascension Thursday. The day will begin with a dialogue Mass in the Ice-Travaganza building, where a temporary utar will be erected on the ice;
God, Love You
By Joseph T. McGloin, S.J.
from himself. Or he may even learn that he is guilty of a whole series of actions !Hi has never heard of before. The world may never be lucky enough to ex terminate all
gossips, but we ean at least try to face the fact that a gossip is deadly. Some times, both male
and femaletypes seem to consider gossip indulged In by everyone. .' Results In Harm But the fact is that this al legedly harmles!! occUPlition re-' sembles Russian ;Roulette .more than it does 'any i oth~r "sport" It can result in tragedy, and it . invariably does result in some harm .to someone.: ' . Human nature always, seems ,to require a scapegoat, someone ~ stamp on in order to' ·make oneself seem superior.' There are .those who preach ,the inferiority Of races other than their own to achieve this purpose, while others, for the same noble rea son tread on reputations. No matter how .piously the gossip professes devotion to "the truth", his-or her-mo.tiveis still self_ aggrandizement. Sometimes the press set the example for us, as some papers savor every moment of a family breakup and,.a new ."marriage," and' reports. ev.ery.. gleeiul detail of the latest "romance" of some p,ublic figur.e.Gossip columnists seem ill at ease, in fact, when there are no games of marital musical chairs to cover. Back Fence Seminars And if the story isn't flashy enough in itself, an enterprising newspaper can a~ways peP" it ·up with a few headlines which are even further removed from the troth than the original story. But when it comes to real ~sip, even the press has to take second place, quantitatively and qualitatively, to the old seminars around the back fence ... the bridge table. On a good day, a husband or a wife, a «:friend" or a stranger, a' teacher .... a parent, a priest or a nun, Ol" even the new neighbor's dog, can be utterly destroyed. Take, for instance, the girl 'who really does, .!l. dissecting job on another girl she dislikes, all the time proteSting ,how mui=h me "admires" her.' 0" consid¢r the steady-going teen-aged girl who cuts down the girl who ~as too much persomility to resort to this psychological crutch.. Male Approach Different ' In any case, it's an attempt to establish one's own reputation. by deriding another. And, by, way of a foot-note, it can truth fully be added that more steady going has been caused by gossip than by any other factor, by one
It would be unfair to stick with the seemingly traditional theory that gossip is solely a female type prerogative. Boys and men can hold their own with the best of them, even though the male approach is PARISH HISTORY: Rev. somewhat different.
There is the boy, for instance, Reginald Barrette, St. Roch's who feels he has to brag about parish, Fall, will out some "manly" accomplishments line' the history of Notre on a date, when all the other Dame par ish, also FalI' participants in a bull-session are doing so.
River, of which he is a nat Then there is the character ive, at a special meeting of who is too spineless to be pure Notre Dame Council of Cath himself and so, as a defense, olic Women at 7:45 Monday talks about the pure as though they were something less than night, April 27 in Jesus-Mary men, and as though he were AcademY' auditorium the only manly type in the vicin ity. It's always the coward who, boasts moSt lo~dly of his. ,cour- '. age. Continued from Page One Chain Reaction the nation in the' care of the Gossip can take almost any . aged and infirm. . Currently there are ,774 guests ·form. It 'can be a lie or a half truth, or it can-but·usually .: being cared for 'physically, so isn't~a bit of truth that is sim .eially, culturally and spiritually ply no one's business. , .in Fall River's Catholic. Memo It may be 'only a suggestion, or rial Home, New Bedford's Sacred a hint, or a rumor, or even an Heart Home, Fairhaven,'s .Our imagined rumor: "I don't know, Lady's Haven and Marian Manor but • ••" "It may not be true, in Taunton. With the addition of but she's certainly the type' who Madonna Manor in North Attle would do it· • . " . boro, which is being readied, Pretty soon, this' sort of the number will grow to 894. speculating turns into: "I ~as More than one-third of these told by someone who .knows for guests are in the nursing care sure·· *" No matter' what its category. . 'beginnings, gossip invariably Rt. Rev. Raymond T. Consi turns into a chaiI,lreaction., dine, Director of the .Homes for . Crucified C hr~ .' the Aged, has not~d. a gr~wing Gossip is ~ low form of slaugh demand for rooms tor nursing ter that 1W teen..-ager or adult care guests and a. slight .i~ssen- . should ever descend to----};)ecause ing in requests for ,care of. ,am · "desc!!n'" ~ is, '£rom the level of bulatory aged. Many sectiollsin ·human ;magnificence to., the the existing charitable agenc~es depths qf cowardice. :A real hu- which were designed for. the man being will. have enough 'aged, have been converted. to simple character and courage to : areas for c!U'e of aged requiring · find other, even 'mor,e profitable . nursing care. · occupations than gossip. As a result of the increased At the very least we can. un .numberof nursing care patients, derstand the wisdom Of doing the personnel, nurses,· practical ·unto others as we would have nurses, maids, etc., has also been them do unto us. But that isn't increased. The highest quality enough. We should also have in housing and care is provided enough sense to understand for the guests. Christ's command to "do good to The Catholic Memorial Home them who hate you," and His (Fall River) has 134 guests in important observation, "What its nursing facility and 122 am you have done to one of these, bula-tory guests; Sacred Heart the least of my brethren, you Home (New Bedford) has 82 have done to Me." guests in nursing facilities and Christ knew what gossips were 178 ambulatory guests; Our -they. crucified Him. And we Ladies Haven (Fairhaven) has can continue to crucify Him in 64 guests in nursing' facilities our gossip about others. and 74 ambulatory guests; Mari an Manor (Taunton), recently expanded to include an added 32 ,guests, now has.. 120 .gul'!sts. .. Madonna Manor. (North Aijle ,bora) ~l provide :f;or.1.20 iu~Sts BOSTON (NC)-Pope Paul VI when it opens. has expressed personal interest in and continued prayers for the U. S. national seminary for de layed vocations which will open in. September in Weston. SAN FRANCISCO (NC)-The This was reported by Msgr. George A. Schliche, rector of the San Francisco Conference on seminary, upon his return from Religion and Race has' become Rome where he had a private a permanent organization with the election of officers. audience with Pope Paul and The Rev. Hamilton Boswell. made a !'progress report" to the pas tor of Jones Methodist Vatican's Sacred Congregation of Seminaries and Universities. church, was elected chairman of Msgr. Schliche said the Pope the steering committee. Father Eugene Boyle, moderator of· the will send Archbishop Dino Staf Catholic Interracial Council, the fa, secretary eyf the congrega Rev. John C. Smith of the San tion, as his personal representa Francisco Council of Churches, tive to the Sept. 5 cornerstone laying ceremony and official and Rabbi Joseph B. Glaser of opening of the Pope John XXIII the northern California Board National Seminal')' for Delayed of Rabbia were elected vice Vocations ebairmea.
S·peela, . • I Gef . I t$
Seminary Progress' Interests' Pontiff
Religion, Race Group. ,Becomes Permanent
Is not love of the poor of the world tied up with the loft of a parish for the poor in its area? Suppose a frontiersman had cleared a small piece of a forest and, with the trees he had chopped down, built a log cabin. The trees yet uncut, or the land yet un cultivated, could be iikened to souls still in the order of nature, knowing not Christ. The trees subjected to the axe of discipline and made to minister to a human habitation might be likened to souls who became members of the Mystical Body of Christ, or the supernatural order. Would not such a woodsman seek to extend the arable land and diminish the wild foliage? Is not a pastor of a parish bound in like manner, out of love of Christ, to ·bring lost sheep into the fold, to become involved in every aspect of human · life because ChrfstaHected all hl,UDanity by His Incarnation? Will there not be, as' r~ the Second Vatlcan Council, Involvement and identffication of the parish with everJ' _Ie 1tOia.I in the parish'! The parish ~ not to minister to' the sand alone: it serves. the city, the comm1Jllit,.,the world, t~e uncut trees which are eapable of'beeomingcruci fixes. As' the parish mUst not be a r:heUo "or a spiritual fori under 'siel-e, but rather a leaven in tbe IIlaM of the city's corrup tion. sotthe dioeel!le and the nation an not to hoard their treasures as if they were na tional, but rather share them with Mos lems, Buddh.isls, the h1llllT7, the slum dwellers and the wild foliace of the Com munists' forests. The pastor who is worried 'about the soul of ~he 'city. in wl,lich he , lives, as Our Lord wept over Jerusalem, ., .is a.1~ the pastor who. wiJ~· share all his ~lessings with the, ~orl()l.aS His"Master shed His: Blood on. the " Cross at the crossroads of' the civilizations of Jerusalem, Athena and Rome. ,'" '. .
In a recent 'survey, 92' per cent' of Catholic's asked for more
em'phasis 'on the 'world 'o'i;>~ig~tion of. the parIsh and the' Mystical
Body and l~s on parish' needs and p~icular devotions. The "sense
, of _he faithful'; 'is. ri!fh~i W~ ar~ 'members of the Mystical~dY
· of. Christ, wherever there is itbodlness" there is our ministry,
'for the 1ncarnatipn was the "en~fleshing" of God .in the form of
~m. There Ui humanity iri,.the dQpe:':'fiend, in the Communist, in
·the juvenile· delinquent who calls himself an atheist; in Harlem, in Vietnam, in the slums of Latin America. In other words, we are Catholic not just because we belong to an institution or a parish, but because we have a universal obligation. to all man kind. The pastor who helps the poor in his parish, even though they are not Catholics, is tl;\e pastor who makes sacrifices for the 2 billion who know not Clirist. And the same is true for you. If you love h,umanity, for whom Christ died, you will seek to propa gate the Faith all 'over the world.1 Won't yOu?
GOD LOVE yOU to Anonymous for 3Se "This was. f~ a reaUzed tiiat people who. e&n't ev~n read ',. 'Deed ii .more." '•• * to .B.V. for' $3 "Thanks to'St. Jude for a "'favor recelvecL.. ·• ·*'io iI.B.F. f\»r $100 '~or the poor ~ the Mis sions," ···.to E.J.T.for $$"1 WOD ·th~. at ~e nee t!'iack. Pleue it to' help the' pOor "01 t~ world." . . '
Beatie fail book, until i
'use •
The ten letters of GOD 'LOVE'YOU speU out a'decade of the rosary as they ericircle~ the 'medal originated by Bishop Sheen to honor the Madonna of the 'World. With your request and corre . sponding offer you may order one' in any of the following styles: ... $' 2sm~Il sterling silver . . $ 3 small 10k gold
$ 5 .large ~erling silver
$10 large 10k gold
Cut out this eolUDlD, pin J'our sacrifice to ft and 1& to the MOR Rev. Fulton J.' Sheen. National Director of the SocietJ' for the Propagation 01 the Faith, 366 Fifth Avenue, New York 1. N. Y., or J'our Diocesan Director, RT. REV. RAYMOND T. CONSIDINE. 368 North Main Street, Fall River. Mass.
.Days of Reeolleclion for April & May at. the Shrine of Our Lady of La Salette ."
AprR 26-Sunday-Foi' :SingleWomen (English)
May .2-Saturday-For Women (French)
. . .
. May 10-Sunday-J:or ~artied Couples (French)
.... Anna" Qoltllier. M.s. lFreocll) or Rev. Arthur Bourgeois, M.S. (English) ,. DilJeto" If Days of Recollection , TElEPHONE '-'- Area Colle 617·222·5410
YES. •• we have. KING SiZE•••••
49c lb. While tile, last
MacLean's Sea Foods
'Scholarships Still in' .School Spotlight As Seniors Report Additional Study Grants Scholarships are still in the high school news, with
Nancy Ryan of Bishop Stang, North Dartmouth, just having
received notification of an $800 grant from Emmanuel
College. Nancy is an honor student and enrolled in Stang's
college prep course. Also at
At St. Anthony's in New Bed Stang, George, Niesluchow ford Charles Levesque is proud ski has been awarded a Holy possessor of "best speaker of the
Cross College Merit Scholar tournament" trophy. after his
ship. He's an honor student, performance in Quincy at the
naturally, and Is also sodality Eastern Nazarene College De
prefect for boys and active in bate Tournament. His team
the math and glee clubs and the mates joined for a record of four
student council. wins and two losses for the day.
Just born at Mt: St. Mary And at Holy Family, also New
Academy, Fall River, is the Na Bedford, Kathleen Kennedy and
tional Honor Society. ',t'hirty Dennis Kennedy won two silver
six seniors and juniors have bowls at the Bishop Fenwick
been inducted into McAuley Freshman - Sophomore debate
Chapter, with the name honoring tourney. Kathy was best affir
Mot her Catherine McAuley, mative speaker, Dennis best
foundress of the Sisters of negative.
At Coyle High in Taunton de
Mercy. At the induction ceremonies baters have qualified for the fi
four officers of the honor society nal round of Narragansett Debate
at Sacred Hearts Academy, Fall League play. It'll take place at
River, were present to welcome 2 Sunday afternoon, April 26 at
New Bedford's Kennedy Center.
the new unit. The Coyle team will also meet
Animal Lovers There's certainly a collection, Bishop Cassidy's unit in a re
of animal lovers at Prevost High. tum match Sunday, May 3. This will take place at Cassidy. RECORD YEAR: "Make this a record year" urges bulletin board and activity pl~n
Seems we're always hearing sto And Bishop Stang wishes It ners Geralyn Forgues, Diane Thivierge, Yvette Thivierge of Sacred Hearts Acad~my ries of strayed livestock. Latest concerns two traveling snakes known that its team is in first Fairhaven, are in ihe midst of doing just that. . ':' who left the biology lab to pay place in the Narry League. Two seniors, Carolyn Durant and "Brother Dominic and his illus parts in Our Town, to be staged Family are, for the drama ciub.
George Souza, are unbeaten thitl George in the liberal arie. trio~ hisrory students and un And at Pre v 0 s t, marking next month by Sacred Hearts, Susan Sylvia, president; Patricia season. welcomed visit." Gerard Goulet, Prevost junior,' Shakespeare's 400th, birthday, Fall River. Collis, vice-president; Christine Not everyone's in New York all students of English have read, P()nichtera, secretary; Doitna on that World's F'ai!' trip.'Prevost ,has been nominated for the Na Discuss Communism Monte, treasurer. ' sodalists I' e t urn e d yesterday tional Council of Teachers of or are reading one of his plays.. Colette Boyer, senior at DA, Also at Prevost, juniors got,
from a retreat in Gloucester and English ann u a I achievement _ And Gl()ria Harrington. ~ill attend Cardinal Cushing_ juniors aDd seniors at Mt. St. awards program. Good luck, . an. inside .view of seminary life C()llege in the Fall under terms, take over as edito!-' of Hy,Fy Gerard! this month when four seminar Mary's are enjoying their an Spy, _the school paper, aided by Gail Kerrigan's in charge of ians from St., John's, Brighton, of a Federal Defense Stud'ent' Jeannjne ,Dum().nt. mial trip to Washington. They're Loan. Also at the Fall Riyer' Mt. St. Mary's junior prom, set addressed them on preparation due to return tomorrow. ' school, seven sociology class ' Etiquette Note . At Jesus-Mary 'Academy in for Wednesday night, June 3., for the priesthood and showed mem'bers prese'nted an "enlight Arthur Paquette's orchestra will slides of daily activities. . Fellow we know dispenses Fall River, report - card day is ening discussion about commu known as teachers' _G.E. day (get play. nism." The well-informed 'seven' soft drinks at" a weekly CYO FirM Prhle Twlee 'Democracy in Aetion dance. 'Just 'for fun, he kept even, of course). 'Top students are Anne Marie Albernaz, Caro First prize for the second year Students o~ Jesus-Mary Aea- lyn Borges, Janine Chouinard, track last Saturday night and are Suzanne Lagard~who led the running in the' annWlI Fall. River demy's problems in democracy L~uise Lanneville, Madeleine reports he had exacUy one hOur school with a 96 average;' Rose CYO Declamation Contest 'was- class saw' their subject matter Mpreau, Mary Louise Souza and of rush bus~ess ,be£()re he got m~ McBride,93:6;' Lucille a, please or thank, you from a Rousseau' and Rita Laflamme,' awarded to Janice Fusco of in actio~ when they 'toured Cynthia Strickland. ' teen-age 80dil drinker. , . both 93.3; and Janice Speck-' Jesus-Mary. Her entry - "Was' Rhode Island's, Capitol; They Melanie Abraham, Holy Fam It a Droom" by Guy de Maupas-" . visited' the Senate. and' wit hall'; 93. , - Jiessed a _trial at the' Court 'By junior, is an alternate for Girls at Fairhaven's Sacred santo Several students at SHA Fan BuildiI)g and last but not loost. MasSachusetts Girls' State and Hearts A~ademy are busy prac . ticing for the Diocesan Musk: River are garnering laurels in were ''heartily' welcomed" ~ Paul Carrier will represent the school at Boys' State. Warren parish activities. They're active' Governor Chafee. ' Festival to be held next month Meanwhile junior and senior' Sanford is his alternate. at Bishop Feehan in Attleboro. on champion ,basketball teams Also at H()ly Family, the so students at Sacred All high schools will participate and a cheering squad sponsored Latin and it'll be a good opportunity by Sacred Heart parish. Hoop-· Hearts, Fall River, traveled d'ality will receive new members
for comparing notes' as well as sters are Beverly Barnes, Jean from the space age to the days Monday, April 27 with Bishop
Dartmouth • Gerrard presiding. McGrady, Cindy Mendonca, Car- of Roman and Greek mytho making music. At SHA Fall River girls will 01 Trainor and Mary Lou Sulli- logy, via filmstrips showed by Stang announces that five • , and Hyannis • mark their .first day in school van while Michele Christie com- 'Sister Francis Sebastian. students have bee n granted ., Juniors at Domincian Aca- membership in the DeRossi Sym . after vacation' by attendance at mands a winning cheerleading squad. demy are sponsoring a dance phonic Accordian Orchestra: • So. Dartmouth WY 7.9384. National Honor Society induc And at DA Sister Mary of the t()morrow night at F'ranklin Janice McKay, Theodore Milos, • tion ceremonies. Seniors who'll Hyannis 2921 . • speak at the program include Sacred Heart, orchestra director, Street CYO. Leonard S y 1. v est l' e, Kenneth was among delegates to the Na-. And at St. Anthony's the Na Kathleen Raposa, Margaret Don Teixeira and David Ferreira. 'helly, Marybeth Furze and Nancy tional Music Educators Conven- tional Honor Society, the French They'll compete at the World's tion in St. Louis. Sister Mary Club and the Stamp Club are Fair in August. Powers. Juniors receiving membership Noel and Sister Mary Timothy all deep in preparations for next New club officers at Holy pins are Mary 'Lou Sullivan, of Bishop Feehan High in At- year's activities, reports Henry Mary Kelly, Paula Powers, leboro are traveling too. They're Pelletier, Anchor man. Holy Family's proud of Claire Nancy Regan, Ellen Demetrius, among c hap e l' 0 n e s for the Enjoy Dining Kathleen Smith and Kathleen World's Fair trip, and will re- Lyle, R 0 gel' Robitaille and turn from New York tomorrow. Robert Cae s a I' for winning Silvia. IN THE Physics Stars It's anchors aweigh at Holy awards for poems submitted to Eileen Clement and ,Catherine . Family _as boys prepare to hear· - the National High School Poetry Imbriglio are taking bows at a talk by Commander Richard Association.' , . -,JOLLY WHALER Coyle's band and Cassidy's Dominican Academy, Fall River. Hawkins on Wednesday, April -AND They've received awards for 29. His subject will be Navy glee cJub are practicing for a '5POUTER INN" their "outstanding. progress in careel'S and" requirements' for ,joint presentation at the Dioce entrance to Annapolis. san Music Festival, which is physics," reports Jeanne Leves RESTAURANTS
que. And at Coyle, winners in the shaping, up asa not-to-be-missed fr()sh-soph declamation contest- . event. Always free, Park_inti
and the junior-senior or-atory Also' at C()yle, the student Univel',si~ AI",mni. contest have been annuonced( council, headed by William WYman 9-6984 For declamation, Peter Lacail- Crombleholme, is sponsoring·the lade, Vincent Andrews and' annual intramural' ,basketball UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS (NC) Michael Felong came in in the ,contest. Some 25 teams are - The John Carroll University usual order; for oratory, laurels "striving for the mastery." Alumni Association here in Ohio were earned by David Mc'Bishop Stang's music depart has named' Anthony J. Cele.. Govern, James Fagan and Daniel ment will present its Spring con brezze as its man-of-the-year. Hoye, all from St. Mary's parish, cert Sunday and Monday, April The U.S. Secretary of Health, Taunton. Peter is fro m St. 26 and 27. The band will be di Education and, Welfare is a Joseph's, and Vi n c e n t and rected by Alipio Bartholo and former mayor 'of Cleveland. Michael are from Immaculate the glee club by Sister Patricia AND The award will be presented Conception, both Tau n ton Gertrude and Sister Winifred. at an alumni Communion break parishes, also R()ger Morris and Theme will be "Silver Sym fast Sunday, May 24. Celebrezze, George Souza of Stang High phony" and the audience is 53, received his pre-law training plaeed second and third respec- asked to come prepared -to parti • GENERAL TIRES • DELCO BATTERI~ at Carroll before earning a tively in a declamation contest cipate. • PERFECT CIRCLE RINGS
bachelor of law degree from sponsored by New Bedford CYO Also in line with the per Ohio Northern University in Both are seniOI:s, with Roger in forming arts, six Prevost soph FALL RIVER - . ~EW 'lEDFORD -, HYAt...~IS - ~!I!l:WPORT
1936. the science curriculum and omores and two juniors will have
·:••............... :. J B ':• • • • ·· ..
• ·" ., : LUMBER' CO~:
•• So. •
New Bedford Hotel
Honor Celebrezze
8T. JAMES, NEW BEDFORD A ham and bean supper Is an nounced for 5:30 to 8 Saturday night, April 25 by Msgr. Noon Circle. Mrs. Theodore Gladu is chairman. . ST. JOHN BAPTIST, NEW BEDFORD The Ladies Guild plans a rum mage sale fron. 8 to 5 tomorrow and from 8 to noon Saturday morning in the church hall. , Mrs. Helen Meads has been named chairman of a Commu nion supper set for Sunday, June 21. SACRED HEART, OAK BLUFFS Women's Guild members will be hostesses at a breakfast for first communicants and their parents Sunday morning, May 10, following 7:30 Ma'SS. The Holy Name Society will sponsor a mother-daughter Communion breakfast Sunday May 24 at the church hall. ST. 'PATRICK, FALMOUTH A tour of feasts will be spon sored by the Women's Guild Sunday, April 26,' with several appropriately decorated homes to be visited and refreshments· to be served in the church hall, at its conclusion. ST. MARY, NORTH ATTLEBORO Mrs. Cornelius LyOns, chair man, has announced that an open buffet will be served Tuesday evening at 7 o'clock in the school hall. Election of officers and. the distribution of the revis~ by laws will follow the buff~t.
ST. AUGUSTINE, VINEYARD HAVEN The Women's Guild announces a pilgrjmage to La Salette Shrine, Attleboro, Sunday, May 17. ST. PATRICK, WAREHAM St. Patrick Circle will sponsor a breakfast for first communi-' cants Sunday morning~ May 10. A Spring rummage sale is set for Friday, May 1 from 7 to 9 in the evening and Saturday, May 2 from 1 to 3 in the after noon, in the parish hall. A Summer cake sale is planned for Friday, July 3 in the Wareham Theater lobby. ST. MARY, FAIRHAVEN "', Annual mother-daughter Com munion breakfast of the Ladies Association of the Sacred Hearts is set for Sunday, May 24 in the rectory. The unit will sponsor a breakfast for first communicants Sunday, May 10. Also on next month's program is a potluck supper. SANTO CHRISTO, FALL RIVER Members of the Councll of Catholic Women will, mark Mother's Day Sunday, May 10 with reception' of corporate Communion at 9 o'clock Mass in the morning and attendance at a supper in the parish hall the same evening. In charge is Mrs.· Antonio Furtado. The unit also annOUllces a cake sale for Sun day, June 14, with Mrs. Mary Farias in charge of details. Next regular meeting is Tues day, May 5.
Msgr. Lally Continued from Page One Monsignor Lally a native of Swampscott, was graduated from Boston College in 1940 and re ceived an degree from Laval University, Quebec in 1940. ' He holds honorary degrees from Stonehill College, Mar quette University, Manhattan College and Boston College. He was also awarded the Alumni Medal by Boston College in 1953. Among the many committees that the Boston prelate serves includes chairman of the Bos ton Redevelopment Authority, Met r 0 pol ita n Boston Arts Center, Committee on Foreign Relations, the America'n Aca demy of Arts and Sciences, and spiritual director of the League of Catholic Women. In 1962, his ~ok "The Cath olic in a Changing America" was published. Mr. Moore was born in Poss ville, Pa. and was graduated from Notre Dame University. and is now product sales man ager for the Foxboro Co. . His wife is the former Joanne Malay from Lorain, Ohio. She graduated from St. Mary's Col lege, Notre Dame, in 1948. They are the parents of seven children ranging in age from two years to 11 years of age. Long, active in the Christian Family Movement, the Moores, in addition to being treasurers for the Fall River CFM Move ment, also serve as members of the Advisory Board of the Family Life Bureau of the NCWC, Washington. Mr. and Mrs. Moore will dis-' cuss the importance of liturgical practices in the home arid des 'cribe some of the particular' customs followed in their home' and those of their friends.
ST. KILIAN NEW BEDFORD ST. JOSEPH, The Women's Guild announces. FALL RIVER its annual rummage sale from . New Women's Guild officers 10 to 2 tomorrow and Saturday are Mrs. ia.mes Bradshaw, pres in the rectory basement. Mrs., ident; . Mrs. Bradford: Durfee Sydney Garth, chairman, .an-. vice-president; Mrs. Louis Kro-' nounces a fish pond as a special ger, treasurer; Mrs. Franklin children's attraction. Fairhurst and Miss Frances New officers will be installed Brough, secretaries. at a banquet Wednesday, June 3 All Men's Guild officers have at Tamarack Restaurant, Lake been re-elected. They include' ville. Robert Gagnon, president; Ar The unit will invite other thur Buckley, vice-president; parish organizations to a Neigh Joseph Kennedy, secretary; Jo bors Night Wednesday, May 6. seph Souza, treasurer. ST. MARY, Solemn establishment of the CCD will be held at 7:30 Sunday NEW BEDFORD The Women's Guild will hold night, April 26 in the church. a penny sale tomorrow at Gau· HOLY CROSS, dette's Pavilion in Acushnet. A FALL RIVER Communion breakfast will fol The PTA's annual penny sale low 9 o'clock Mass this Sunday is set for Sunday, April 26 at the at Town-and Country restaurant. parish school. Donations may be Rev. Philip Kelley, C.S.C., will left at the school Saturday" speak. April 25 from 2 to 4 in the after Next meeting ·is set for Mon noon. , day, May 11 with Mrs. Theodore The unit's annual banquet' Pagotte in charge of the pro will be held at 6 Sunday night,' gram. June 7. Mrs. Julia Jaryna .and Mrs. Madeline Strojny are ST. JEAN BAPTISTE, chairmen. FALL RIVER OMAHA (NC)-A meeting to The next meeting will be Officers of the Women's Guild rally support for the civil rights' Tuesday, May 5 and a Commun. are Mrs. Eugene Hebert, presi bill pending in Congress will be ion breakfast for first commun-' dent; Mrs. Emile Rancourt, vice_ held here in Nebraska for Cath icants will be sponsored later in president; Mrs. Donald J. Desi olic lay and clergy leaders from the month. lets, secretary; Mrs. Alfred the Midwest Tuesday, May 5. Gagnon, treasurer. Sponsors said the aim of the ST. WILLIAM, The unit will attend corpor meeting will be to inform se FALL RIVER ate Communion Sunday, May 3. lected Catholic delegates from New Women's Guild officers key Midwestern states about the include Mrs. William McPart ST. PATRICK, moral intent and the legislative land, president; Mrs. Paul Batch. FALL RIVER elder, vice-president; Mrs. Wil The Women's Guild plans to status of the civil rights bill of liam Reed, secretary; Mrs. hold elections and a calendar 1964, and to outline suitable Michael Biszkzo,treasurer. They party Monday, May 4, a Com. techniques, £01' informing our will be installed at a dinner to munion breakfast Sunday, May senators of our concern over the be held June 8 at Sunderland's 17 and its annual installation need for an effective ,civil rights bill. restaurant. banquet Monday" June 8. The span,sors' announcement A Communion breakfast with ST. ROCH, said the key to passage of. the Mrs. Raymond Gagnon as chair_ FALL RJVER rights bill is ''the arousing of the man will follow 8:15 Mass Sun Mrs. Albert Cantin of the conscience of the one-third of day morning, May 10. Council of Catholic Wom:en is our nation that has ao direct ST. JOHN BAPTIST, involvement in the current chairman of a committee plan CENTRAL VILLAGE ning the annual Silver tea for struggle." "Our Midwest will detel:mine The Women's Guild. will SPOIl new members at 7:30 Monday sor a' rummage' from 10 to 2 night, May 4 in the parish hall. . ~hetber or no.t we will have a S~~urday, April 2.'i ~tth~ church Benediction in:the church: will .0rkab1e national code for' precede the tea.... ' right&, N it aaid. " hall on Main Road.'
Catholic Meeting For Rights Bin·
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Maturing Church Now Teaching About Peace CHERRY HILL (NC) The Cat hoI i c Church's teaching on race relations in recent years is a good ex 3JJJlple of its continually "ma turing social conscience," a priest-editor said here. Father John Reedy, C.S.C., editor of Ave Maria magazine, told a Communion breakfast of St. Peter Celestine church that segregation and discrimination were not seen as pressing- moral issues 50 years ago, but' now they are issues over which Catholics might be losing their souls. Disturbing This 'change' might be 'dis turbing' to some Catholics, but it doesn't mean the essential teaching of the C h u r chis changing," the Holy Cross priest said. "But the way this teaching is expressed for each generation, the way in which each genera tion responds to its own errors and dangers, this does change," he asserted. Igno-rance Fath'er Reedy pointed out that God has chosen the "instrumen tality of men - men who share the good intentions and weak nesses of other men - to direct His Mystical Body. This means that men in authority will be at times ignorant, unperceptive, dull in their exercise of the teaching and ruling function of the Church." But, he added, this does not make men evil. It merely makes them human, fallible and weak "just as I am, and you are, on other issues." "Our generation stands before God in the light of a different judgment than that passed on my parents' generation,';. he said. "We shall be judged by what we have seen." . What was done previously with "ignorant innocence," he said, can no longer be done with either ignorance or innocence. "Putting this in the bluntest terms, it is quite possible even likely that men and women are losing their souls over hardness of heart in this matter," Father Reedy declared.
Posthumous Award To Catholic Father RALEIGH (NS) Paul A. Mowery of Shelby, N.C., des cribed as an "extraordinarily or dinary" man, has been named North Carolina's 1964 Catholic Father - but he'll never know it. Paul Mowrey is dead. The parent-educator commit tee of the North Carolina Lay men's Association, which made the selection, also voted Mrs. Rose Allen of Wilmington, N.C., as the Catholic Mother of the year. She is a widow whose only daughter is Sister Mary Rosa lind of the Sisters of Mercy, stationed in Belmont, N.C. Mowrey, a popular postman in Shelby, called each of his seven chiIaren, one at a time, to his deathbed when he knew life's end was near. He explained to each that it was God's will, asked only that they remember his love for them and for each to love and cherish God and the Catholic Faith. He also had a similar longer talk with his wife and shortly afterwards he died.
Blesses Seminary PONCE (NC) - Archbishop Emanuele Clarizio, Apostolic Delegate for Puerto Rico and Papal Nuncio to the Dominican Republic, has blessed the new major seminary at the Catholic University here in Puerto Rico. Sixty seminarians are housed ill· the. builCHn,.
Youngsters Discover Milk Doesn't Come From Bottles as They Tour Dairy
Thurs., April 23, 1964
·Brazil Rebell-ion
Aid to Church
If you're wondering what to do on a grey April afternoon, you might try taking 20 lively seven and eight year olds on their first trip to a dairy. "It SMELLS," was their first discovery upon entering the lar ge cow barn and milking shed. Actually the establishment is spotlessly clean, but you can't separate cows from a certain fragrance. With a member of the dairy staff as a genial guide the youngsters, members of a you t h group sponsored
WASHINGTON (NC) - The tebellion that overthrew the leftist regime of President Joao Goulart of Brazil has indirectly improved the position of the Church in Latin America's lar gest nation, ,according to an ex pert on Brazilian affairs. Father John De Jong of the Latin American Bureau, Nation al Catholic Welfare Conference, voiced this opinion in an inter view here. The Dutch-born priest, who has spent 18 years in Brazil, said Church leaders there will have greater access to the new autho rities than they did to those of the ousted government. The Goulart administration, he said, was not out-and-out com munist, but was becoming more and more Mar xis t and in creasingly looking for support tG the Soviet Union and Red China.'Resented Slur Because of better relations with the new regime, Father De Jong said, Catholic leaders will have a better chance of getting government cooperation to put into effect the board program of social and economic reform that has been called for by Brazil's Bishops. The rebellion, he noted, was sparked by C~tholics who dem onstrated in Belo Horizonte against a slur on the Church by ex-President Goulart.
by St. Joseph's parish, Fall River, but representing several other parishes as well, looked wide-eyed at week-old twin calves and noticed with delight that the barn was full of swal lows as well as cows. The lit tIe birds swooped through the air, chirping in cessantly. "They come in every time we open the door," ex plained the guide. "They pick up the cows' grain." High point of the tour was seeing many of the 60 cows housed in the barn being milked. Ordinarily milking machines are used, but the guide also demon strated the old - style han d method. The well-trained cows trotted to the machines as their turns came, were thoroughly washed, then had milkers at tached. Fascinated, the children watched huge glass containers filling with the fluid as milking progressed. They picked favo rite bossies, deciding one had a Beatle-like crop of curls, and that another, who wasn't pro NOW THEY KNOW WHERE IT COMES FROM: Milk ducing much milk, was nothing but a lazybones. Then the cows tastes better now they've visited a dairy-, say Mary Jane marched back, each to his own Tokarz and Catherine Palumbo, Holy Name parish, and Jo stall. Ann LePage, Sacred Heart. "Each one knows where to go,"said the ,guide. DALLAS (NC) - Gate of agree that the guide did a good increased interest in milk - now Ice Cream a , lob as they note their offspring's they know where it comes from. · Heaven parish here in Penn After seeing the cows, it was sylvania has launched a drive to time to sample one of their pro collect 4,000 books fUll of Green ducts. The host distributed ice Stamps the equivalent of cream to a delighted line-up of $8,000 with which to buy a new youngsters. All agreed the cows bus for the parish school. The had done a good job. · bus is needed as an addition to And 20 mothers will probably the parish's present fleet, which bas to cover an area of some 356 square miles daily to trai-Isport LIMA (NC) - The efforts fYf The third reason is the Im · 700 of the school's 884 children foreign missioners, particularly proved organization of the Lima those from the U.S. and Canada, . archdiocese itself over the past were a major reason for record few years. He pointed out that BERLIN (NC)-The Commu nist party of Kazakh, a central breaking attendance at· Peru's for the first time the archdiocese has adequate statistical data to Asian republic in the Soviet churches during the Easter sea Just Across The
son, Juan Cardinal Landazuri make planning effective and Union, has complained that de Coggeshall St. Bridge
Ricketts, O.E.M., of Lima said. realistic. spite all anti-religious propa Finest Variety of
Telephone' interviews wit h ganda many young people were Fourthly, he declared, the pastors of five churches staffed fruits of the archdiocesan synod on the side of the church, a de SEAFOOD
by .Americans confirmed news velopment it called "contrary to held in 1959 are gradually Served Anywhere - Also
paper reports of sharply in expectation and very surpris making themselves felt, as the creased attendance .at Holy provisions of the synod are put ing," according to a report STEAKS-CHOPS-CHICKEN
reaching here. Thursday services here. Father into practice little by little. Opposing government regula Alban Quinn~ O. Carm., of The Cardinal stressed the fifth Chicago reported that 3,000 peo tions, religious groups such as cause, which is the influx of CAPE COD'S
the Baptist and other evangel , pIe received· Holy Communion at foreign missionary personnel . his parish of Our Lady of Mount into Peru, particularly from the ical sects have held public meet LARGEST BANK
ings and established community Carmel. U.S. and Canada. In the last four centers and churches, the report Interviews also revealed that years the number of priests in PAYS
said. attendance was up not only in Peru has jumped 22 per cent the capital but also in churches and the number of Sisters 30 . throughout Peru. per cent, due almost entirely to . Cardinal Landazuri attributed the arrival of personnel 'from the rise to five main causes in abroad. an exclusive interview. Interest Compounded and FLINT (NC)-The Flint Board First, he said, is the fact that payable quarterly on our of Education has rescinded a 53 new parishes have been es Notice Savings Plan 40 - year - old policy requiring tablishedin Lima in the last daily Bible reading in the Mich_ nine years, providing increased igan city's public schools with spiritual care for Catholics. MAKES YOUR
40,000 students to comply with Prestige Improves recent U. S. Supreme Court CAR RUN BETTER
Second, the prestige of the rulings. Church has markedly improved, • SOUTH YARMOUTH At New Car Dealers At the same time, the board the Cardinal said. The people in • DENNIS PORT and Service Stations stressed the role of religion and general have a new image of the • HYANNIS said religious writing has been : Church due to increased activity Everywhere • YARMOUTH SHOPPING PLAZA considerable in history and in the social and cultural fields. "must. be emphasized as part of the regular teaching and curric I ular development within the R. A. WILCOX CO. I .... Flint public schools."
Stamps for Bus
New Records
Efforts of Foreign Missioners Boost
Church Attendance
Youth Favor Church Despite Propaganda
Board Bans Bible, Stresses Religion
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In stock for Immediate Delivery
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703 S. Water Street New Bedford
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fan River-Thurs., Apr. 23 1964
Stresses Prelates' Position On Civil Rights Legislation By Msgr. George G. Higgins Several years ago this writer incurred the wrath of a number of his fellow Catholics by pointing out - as Dlany observers had done before and as many more have done in the meantime - that almost all of the more ex treme right wing organiza ing out copies of an anti-civil tions in the United States rights pamphlet written by its tend to be strangely silent West Coast Director and en about social reform in gen titled: "Civil Rights--Commu eral and about civil rights in particular. This allegation was greeted wit h disdain and righteous indig nation by many of our readers. We were told, in no uncertain terms, that we we re being very unfair to till e organiza tions in ques -"' twn. Thes€ or ganizations, we were solemnly assured, ar~ wholeheartedly devoted to the cause of social justice and civil rights-more so, if you piease, than any of the so-ca.lled "lib eral" organizations in the United States. Some of the indignant letters we received at that time from members of the John Birch So ciety and similar organizations were abusive and, more often than not, downright slanderous in their personal asides about· the late President Kennedy and other distinguished champions of civil rights. Even at that, however, we 'Were pleased to receive these letters, for they gave us at least _me little reason to hope that, eontrary to what we had hither to been led to think, the John Birch Society and some of its many counterparts in the United States would pleasantly surprise lIS, in the end, by joining, if not actually leading the fight for eomprehensive civil rights leg islation and other crucial meas ures of social reform. Observes MoratoriulIl We decided, then, to declare a' moratorium and t<. refrain from el·iticizing any of the so-called rightist organizations, includiog the John Birch Society, until all the returns were in on the issue of civil rights legislation. . The rest of the story, of course, is anti-climactic and hardly needs to be related. The returns are now in, and, sad'to say, our righteously indignant correspon dents of several years ago, have, by and large, failed to redeem _, their unconditional guarantees of right wing support for the eause of interracial justice. The organizations, which they 90 solemnly assured us were the real, solid-gold champions of civil rights, not only have re fused to support comprehensive civil rights legislation but, in varying degrees are desperately trying to prevent its enactment, come what may, Needless to add, they are do ing this, as frantically as ever, in the 'name of anti-communism. 'Communist Plot?' The John Birch Society, for example, is peddling for $1 each so-called "civil rights kits" which bitterly assail the pend ing civil rights bill and, believe it or not, bluntly charge that de_ segregation is a "communist plot." These kits whic'h are being ad vertised in the Birch Society's monthly organ, American Opin ion, are entitled: "The Truth About Civil Rights (The com munist program)" and are being plugged as follows: "Now, in one packet, the whole story of how the communists plan to turn racial strife into civil war." The Birch Society is also send_
nist Betrayal of a Good Cause." And two members of the Soci ety's national committee are si multaneously running their own crusade against the civil rights bill. Supporters of one of these in dividuals-who happens, by the way, to be a prominent Catholic layman-are sending out fund raising telegrams to enable him to continue his all-out campaign against the civil rights bill. These telegrams describe the. bill as the "most insidious threat to American freedoms ever in troduced in Congress." • Sit on Sidelines It would be unfair, of course,
MEDALIST: Jane M. Hoey of New York will be the first recipient of the annual Mater et Magistra Award of the College of Mt. St. Jo seph, Cincinnati, named in honor of Pope John XXIII. The internationally known Catholic sociologist and au-' thor will receive the gold medal at ceremonies at the coUege on Saturday, May 2. NCPhoto.
to leave the impression that all of the so-called rightist organi zations and publications in the United States are in complete agreement with the letter and Continued from Page One the spirit of the John Birch So ciety's wretchedly emotional Day of Recollection on Satur crusade against the' civil rights day, September 1', for the bene bill. Not all of them go to such fit of those unable to make a complete closed retreat. outlandish extremes. Following the Executive and The trouble is, however, that Legislative Committee meeting, few of them are willing to dis associate themselves, once and Father McMahon led the mem for all, from the Birch Society's bers in prayer for the repose of inane and divisive brand of anti_ the soul of Mrs. Mary Bernar dino, late treasurer of the Re communism. treat league. Moreover, tQ the best of my Mrs. Mary Neville, head of knowledge, hardly any of them the ways and means, announced -if any at all-are. prepared to that an afternoon tea and card support comprehensive civil party would be held on Satur rights legislation. day, June 13, at 2:30 in the On the contrary, as indicated Retreat House. There will be above, almost all of them-;-de a prize for each table and a doer spite what so many of their prize. Tickets will be one donar. members told us a few years Following is the schedule of ago in the correspondence al retreats of 1964: ready alluded to - are either April 24-26 - Serra Club. trying to prevent the enactment May 1-3 - Student Nurses. of such legislation or, at best, May 3-5 - Student Nurses. are sitting on the sidelines mut May 15-17 - Vocation Retreat tering weary slogans about the Sponsored by Serra Clubs. dangers of Big Government and May 22-24 - Women. the allegedly imminent threat of June 5-7 Young Adults"creeping socialism," Freshmen and Sophomores. Sept. 25-27 - Laymen. This, it seems to me, is proof Oct. 2-4 - Women. positive that they are not really Oct. 9-11 - Legion of Mary. interested in civil rights despite Oct. 16-18 - Laywomen. their indignant protests to the Oct. 23-25 - Nurses. contrary. Oct. 30-Nov. 1 - Laywomen. Catholic 'Ri~htists' Nov. 5-9 - Married Couples. This is not to imply, of course, that the pending civil rights bill is beyond criticism in all its de tails. On the contrary, if the leaders of the many so-called MANCHESTER (NC)-A re rightist organizations in the tired industrialist has donated a United States honestly believe mountain to the austere Car that the bill can and should be thusians. improved (not scuttled or emas Joseph G. Davidson !tas speci culated, but amended in such a fied that" all land on Mount way as to make it more effec Equinox, an area of 11 9quare tive) let them say so. miles, will become the property But, above all, let them be of the Carthusian Foundation of d<llle with the idle pretense that America within nine years. comprehensive civil rights legis_ All 4,000 acres of his hold.ings lation is immoral or un-Amer at Sandgate, Vt., already have ican. They know better than that, been transferred to the Carthu or, in any event, they ought to. sians, Davidson said, and COIt This goes in particular for the struction of a permanent monas undetermined but presumably tery to accommodate 25 Brothers sizable number of Catltolics who and 25 priests is planned there. belong to these organizations. If they are as well informed as many of them claim to be about Catholic social teaching, they must have learned by this time BERLIN (NC) - A Polish that the American bishops have long since come out in favor of , atheistic magazine has attacked a new government-published en comprehensive civil rights legis_ cyclopedia on the grounds that it lation as a logical, not to say a explains some things in a "Cath necessary application, in our olic manner." times, of basic Catholic teach For example, said the article ing on the equality and dignity in Argumenty, the names of· of all of God's children, regard Catholic saints are preceded by loess of their racial origin or the the abbreviation, "St." color of their skin.
Donates Mountain To Carthusians
Atheist Attacks New Polish Encyclopedia
ROAS'S. u65
Millions to Visit Vatican Pavilion At World's Fair FLUSHING MEADOWS (NC)~With only a few ex hibits still uncompleted, the 1964 New York World's Fair opened here yesterday to a fan fare of trumpets and the official blessing of President Johnson and other civic and religious dignitaries. All roads, tracks and air routes lead to Flushing Meadow, a fact that presents the Catholic Church with an historic educa tional opportunity. Some 70 million persons are expected to visit the Vatican Pavilion during the life of the fair and, for many, it will be their first contact with the real ity of the Catholic Church. The pavilion's theme is "Christ Liv ing in the World." Unveils 'Pi eta' The Vatican exhibit, occupy ing a 55,000 square-foot site, was dedicated Sunday by Paola Car dinal Marella, legate of Pope Paul VI. It was also the occasion for the unveiling of Michelan gelo's celebrated 'Pieta' statuary which made perhaps the most discussed and controversial ocean crossing since Columbus. The Vatican Pavilion's theme of Christ in the contemporary world has been illustrated in three sections - the Church as Christ loving, as Christ teaching and as Christ sanctifying. Everything that art, sculpture, electronics, motion pictures and literature can do to foster under standing of this central mystery of the Church has been utilized by the designers and Church of ficials. Provision has been made for the window shopper and the scholar. The building. itself has an oval-spiral design, necessitated by the aemand for smooth crowd-flow during periods of peak attendance. Of steel-frame construetion, the pavilion ill built on a fotrndation of con crete-capped piles and has a concrete slab as its floor. Above ground, the structure rises to a total height of 100 feet. To pre vent monotony due to the ex tensive wall areas, the exterior of the building has been con structed with a horizontal cren elation, or battlement, and is adorned with 10 bas relief sculp tured panels in contemporary style, representing the Church, the Creed, the Commandments and the liturgy. '
Baptist Publishes Catholic Newspaper WASHINGTON (NC) - The Catholic parish newspaper La Voz in Puno, Peru, didn't miss one issue last year-thanks to an American Baptist Peace Corps member. Robert F. Clark', 26, of Bethes da, Md., who just returned here from a 32-month tour with the Papal Volunteers in Puno, told how he was unable to put out the weekly paper for the Mary knoll Fathers during a month long journey to Lima. . He found a volunteer in a young Peace Corps member whose mother, back home in the United States, wrote hymns for the Baptist church. The paper, he said, was as good as ever with its Baptist editor.
Prelate to Conduct Memorial Service CHICAGO !NC)-Albert Car_ dinal Meyer of Chicago will con duct a memorial service for the late President John F. Kennedy during the 39th annual conven tion here May 19 to 21 of the Military Chaplains Association of the U. S. A. The association serves 20,000 past and present chaplains of the armed forcea
ANCHOR17 Shakespeare's Birthday Again Recalls Ancient THE Thurs., April 23, 1964 Controversy-Was ~e Or Wasn't He Catholic? Prelate Praises
Today is the 400th birthday of William Shakespeare, an anniversary that didn't go unnoticed at Sacred Hearts Academy, Fall River. They anticipated the date a little, since this is a vacation week, but their celebration was worth a four-century wait, according to participants. Junior and senior English students dressed as Shakespearean characters for a whole day, attending s n c h unShakespearean courses as typing and short hand clad in leotards, gym suits ("amazingly Elizabethan"), and feathered hats. Then they presented scenes from MacBeth, The Merchant of Venice, A Midsummer Night's Dream and Julius Caesar to an enthralled assembly of fellow SHA'ers. Climax came when an enormous birthday cake was wheeled on stage and everyone joined in singing "Happy Birth day" to the Bard. The cake was cut into 400 pieces for distribu tion to the happily coincidental number of 400 girls--who agreed they needed refreshment after blowing out 400 candles. In charge of the giant tribute were Mrs. Charles Soforenko imd Sister Mary Hortense of the academy English department. A large cast was headed by Marybeth Furze as Shakespeare. Sophomores Cit SHA will carry the celebration a step further Wednesday, April 29 when they'll travel to Boston to see a production of The Comedy of Errors by the Royal Shakespeare Company, touring the United States in connection with the 400th birthday year. Was He or Wasn't He The' attention focused on Shakespeare this year recalls the controversy, almost as popular as whether he did or didn't write his own plays was he or wasn't he a Roman Catholic? At least two scholars are cer tain he was. They are Heinrich Mutschmann and Karl Wenters dorf. Their evidence is set forth in a massive and learned book, "Shakespeare and Catholicism." In preparation for its writing they collected and collated ma terial scattered through many other books and articles bearing on the poet's religion. Their study includes evidence drawn from Shakespeare's personal and historical background, together with internal testimony afforded by his plays and poems. In the poet's own works they studied 197 separate passages bearing on Catholic dogma, ideas, and customs. An amazing range of Catholic teaching is covered in these passages, they say, including the doctrine of grace and references to six of the seven sacraments. Mention of the sacrament of penance, for instance, is so de tailed as to include all five ele ments needed for a good confes sion. Other matters treated include the seven capital sins, the prac tice of making a retreat, Cath olic doctrine as to the burial of those who commit suicide, the existence of purgatory, prayer for the dead, supplication of the saints, veneration of relics (strictly forbidden in England at the time), and use of the ros ary and sign of the cross.
Diocese Observes Diamond Jubilee DULUTH (NC) - Chicago's Albert Cardinal Meyer will pre side at a solemn Pontifical Mass here Tuesday, May 5 marking the 75th anniversary of the founding of the Duluth diocese here in Millnesota. Bishop Francis J. Schenk of Duluth will offer the Mass in Holy Rosary cathedral and Archbishop Leo Binz of St. Paul will preach the sermon. The newly completed Cathe dral High School will be dedi cated formally in conjunction with the celebration.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU: Lynda Johnson and Joan Gallagher, otherwise Mrs. Shakespeare and William, celebrate Bard's 400th birthday, complete with cake, at Sacred Hearts Academy, Fall River. Four hundred students ate 400 pieces of cake. In Shakespeare's a most noteworthy dence pointing to cism is the amount
personal life, piece of evi his Catholi of trouble he
Sisters of Mercy Continued from Page One France. One is from Services Culturels of the French Embas sey for Study at Besancon, France. The other grant is a National Defense Education Act . grant that Sister will pursue at Tours. Sister is one of 80 par ticipants chosen from all over the country to study abroad from June 18 to August 22. Sister Mary Albertus, R.S.M., Chairman of Mount's Science Department, has received a Na tional Science Foundation grant to study chemistry at a Summer Institute to be held at Pratt In stitute in Brooklyn. She is one of 40 participants in the session. . Sister Mary Flora, R.S.M., Chairman of the English De partment and teacher of English and German at the Academy, is one of forty teachers to have re_ ceived a NDEA grant for a Summer Institute in German to be conducted at Hofstra Univer sity on Long Island. . The principal of St. Louis School,Fall River, Sister Mary Maurice, R.S.M., has received a grant from the National Sci ence Foundation to study nwd ern math and science for the Junior High School. level lit De Pauw University, Indiana. Takmg part in the month-long institute will be forty grant selectees and eight professor..
took to be married In the pres ence of a priest. The authors conclude that al though the poet lived at a time when Catholics were persecuted unmercifully, he was and re mained a Catholic throughout his life. "In our opinion," they say, "the results of modern re search confirm this deduction beyond any reasonable doubt."
Press Coverage Of Council ST. LOUIS (NC) - The American bishop who supervised the operation of the English-language press panel
at the second session of the Vatican council said here that reporting of the council repre sented the "best news coverage of any religious news event in history." Bishop Albert R. Zuroweste of Belleville, Ill., a former episcopal moderator of the U.S. Catholic press, praised the work of both the religious press and. the mass media - secular news papers, magazines, and broad cast agencies. Bishop Zuroweste, who served as chairman of the U.S. Bish ops' Committee for the Press .... Panel, described the coverage at a fundraising dinner for the Family Life Center, operated at Pevely, Mo., by the Benedictine community of Pius X Monastery. The Swiss American congrega tion conducts retreats for mar ried couples. N<:\ting that there were defi ciencies in the coverage of the Vatican council's first session, the Bishop explained the steps taken by the U.S. press panel to give reporters background in formation on the council events. 'Best Show' Daily gessions were held in the U.S.O. building in Rome, and Bishop Zuroweste said between 100 and 150 reporters faithfully attended the meetings. Serving on the panel were such council experts as Redemptorist Father Bernard Haering and the late Father Gustave Weigel, S.J. Bishop Zuroweste called the daily panel's performance, "the best show in Rome." "The cov erage .was good for - the most part;' he said. In some instances ' it was bad. But it was the best news coverage of any religiou news event in history."
Acts on. Race JERSEY CITY (NC)-An in terracial praesidium has been formed by the Hudson County Curia of the Legion of Mary.
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese, C?f Fall Riv~r-Thurs., Apr, 23 1964 _
Editor Stresses Need' of. Larger Role for Laymen in Church
Wilson Bio~raphy Stresses Necessity of Legislation By Rt. Rev. Msgr. John S. Kennedy The question of .the incapacitation of a President of the United States is much in the minds of thinking people just now. This concern is prompted both by the assassina tion of President Kennedy and by the fact that there is no Vice-President. Various orado on Sept. 25, he had a suggestions for determining stroke which, \/hile it did not incapacitation and meeting fell him, rendered further travel the problem have been made. and public appearances out of
But no agreement has been the question. reached as to a solution, much It was when Wilson was back in Washington that the massive less is there ef fective action. stroke occurred. No one save his wife and Grayson was allowed The need of a sound working I to see him. Nothing concrete about his condition was dis measure is un closed. Bland, uncommunicative derscored by a reading of bulletins were issued. Specula When the Cheer_ tion, rumor, unease spread through the country. in g Stopped: The Last Years Acts in His Name of Woodrow Cabinet officers had no idea -Wilson by Gene of what the President's state Smith (Morrow. , might be. Important business of $5.95). Wilson all kinds was left untended; no suf£~red a major stroke on Oct. decisions were made; dangerous 1, 19,19. situations were simply ignored. His term did not end until Mrs. Wilson resolved that her March 4, 1921. For almost a husband would continue in his year and a half the country was job as if nothing had happened. without a fully functioning Such official. action as had to chief executive, and for some of be taken was represented as that time Wilson was incapable originating with him; but as now of any business whatever. seems incontestably clear, was This was a sad ending for initiated by her and given out in his name. In all her life she wh~t,had been a brilliant career, aI!d 'could have been disastrous had only two years of formal education. So prepared, she was, for, 'the country. in effect, President of the United Wilson's career is briefly out States. lined by the author: the presi Wilson's recovery was never dency of Princeton, the gover more than partial. As it slowly norship of New Jersey, the elec tion to the Presidency in 1912, progressed, he spoke once, and the accomplishments in the only once, of the possibility 'of years of peace, the leadership resigning. But then came a wish in' the first World War, the to run again, and when the Democratic Convention of 1920 World leadership and the adula tion of millions in many lands gave the nomination to Gover for a brief space after the war nor James M. Cox, Wilson's fury was unbounded. ended. Hero Worship Revived Second Marriage After Harding's inauguration, 'rhe first Mrs. Wilson died in the Wilsons went to live on S. 1914.. Wilson mourned her griev Street in Washington. About' ously. To provide' companion ship and some cheer for him in , three more years stilI" remained the iqnely White House, a cousin, to him, and during that time Helen Bones, came to live with there was a change of sentiment in the country. him there. Something of the old hero The gloomy atmosphere' de pressed her, and the President's worship revived, and his funeral in 1924 drew. tens of thousands physician, Gary Grayson, intro duc'ed her to Edith Bolling Galt, of people, although it was a a 42-year old widow who ran private, not a public, ceremony. It is hard to believe that, 40 a Washington jewelry shop. The President met his cousin's new years later, nothing has been friend, and in short order began done to ,insure that there can be paying court to her. They were no repetition of the virtual va cancy in the nation's chief mag married in December 1915. She was by his side during the istracy which obtained in 1919. Part of the reason is that the difficult war years, and she was with him when, in early 1919, full story could not be told until he went to Europe to negotiate Mrs. Wilson's death at the end of peace treaty and to launch 1961. Now that it is placed on the League of Nations, which he the record by Mr. Smith's read_ saw as the sure guarantee of an able book, the urgency of spe cific legislation should be ines end of all wars. capably plain. His reception throughout Eu Excellent Book rope was wildly enthusiastic. He Wilson was still an a'bly func was regarded as a messianic figure, a focus of impossible ex_ tioning President when, in 1917, Robert Murphy became a very pectations and hopes. junior consular official of the Popularity Ebbs United States. Mr. Murphy, who But the peace-making did not achieved fame as an American go smoothly, Wilson's popularity diplomat during and after the ebbed fast, and at home there second World War, tells his story was growing opposition to in Diplomat among Warriors American entry into the League. (Doubleday. $6.95). This opposition was led by It is an excellent book, a shin_ Henry Cabot Lodge, one of the ing exception to the rule that Jnost powerful U. S. Senators. the memoirs of American public Wilson, who returned to the figures, at least in our time, are eountry in' June, determined to dull and uncommunicative (as' undertake a cross - country witness books by Messrs. Tru speaking trip calculated to rally man, Eisenhower, Nixon, Sher the people to support of the man Adams, et al). League.
This is a volume of history-in_ the-making, replete with action The trip began in early sept tember and went quite well so and high drama, not without far as popular response was comic touches and e.telightful concerned. But Wilson 'was anecdotes, alive with strong per_ plainly unwell. He doggedly sonalities' and threaded with -..&ontinued until, in Pueblo, Col- wisdom.
TOP STUDENT: First Negro in the 113-year his tory of St. Joseph's College, Philadelphia, to be elected president of the student body is John E. Collins, 20. A his tory major, he ranks number one student in his class. He is an altar boy, a Knight of Columbus, vice-president of the class, and a member of seven other extra-curricular organizations. NC Photo.
Says Communists Infiltrat'e Brazil Church Groups RIO DE JANEIRO (NC) -A Catholic paper directed by a bishop has charged that Church organizations, parti cularly Catholic Action, anii even members of the clergy have been infiltrated by com munists in Brazil. • This accusation came as the nation's new government, which overthrew the leftist regime of ex-President Joao Goulart in early April, has uncovered a vast amount of evidence of Red subversion. Meanwhile, a group of Brazil ian Bishops has asked modera tion in the new regime's anti communist efforts. A cardinal has urged Ca,tholics to take part in public life, but as individuals, not representatives of the Church. And another group of bishops has called for national uri.ity to solve Brazil's still press_
ing social and economic prob lems. Leadership of the new re
gime - military men who
ousted Goulart for fear he was allowing Marxists in his admin
istration to prepare for a Red takeover-has indicated it Is in agreement with the Church's at_ t~tude toward urgently needed reforms here in Latin America's largest country. The War Minis_ try issued the following note: Had Leading Role "In reply to questions by the press about the position of the high command of the revolution regarding the social doctrine of the Church expressed in the
latest statement of the Brazilian Bishops, which points to the need for reforms demanded by our national development and the underdevelopment of sev eral areas and territories in Bra zil where the effects of social dissatisfaction are apparent, Gen. Costa Silva replied in the name of the supreme command
of the revolution: 'The social
doctrine of the revolution coin cides with the social doctrin'e of the Church. The revolution shares the aspiration for social justice for the people.'''
Catholics played a leading
role in the rebellion. Long be fore its start, a number of Bra zilian prelates, headed by Jaime Cardinal de' Barros Camara of Rio de Janeiro, warned against the communist activities toler ated by the Goulart government
SAN FRANCISCO (NC)-A Catholic lay leader urged here that U. S. Catholics "draw on our American characteristic and accept the risk" of giving lay men a larger role in the Church. Laymen "will make mistakes" if given policy-making roles in Church finance and management -"but so do the priests who now have these jobs," said Philip Scharper. Some 2,500 laymen, priests and Religious attended the sym posium, sponsored by the uni versity's alumni, and also heard addresses by U. S. Sen. Eugene J. McCarthy of Minnesota and Fat her Godfrey Diekmann, O.S.B. editor of Worship mag azine and a liturgy expert for the Second Vatican Council. 'Ivory Tower' Scharper charged that "the exercise of authority in the American Church has tended to
be feudalistic" and needs to be changed. "Bishops and pastors must realize there is danger in op erating from a soundproof ivory tower," he said. "They must ex pose themselves to the views of laymen, for as decision-makers they rely on facts--as many as pO~Lible, as accurate as possible. "What is missing is effective dialogue and communication be tween Church authorities and those who can give them expert information and help. No ma chinery exists for the laity to express themselves even when invited to do so." Scharper acknowledged that "we already have lay represen tation in the teaching and sanc tifying missions of the Church hiy teachers in schools and the Confraternity of Christian Doc trine and lay participation in the liturgy.
The Missions-What's Your Part? IF YOU WERE A PRIEST,YOU'D SUFFER AND NEVER OOUNT THE COST. In INDIA, ERITREA, ETHIOPIA, EGYPT, /!!. t Ih IRAN, YOU'd live with hatred, ex L...'b-~ ~'J,' haustion, lonliness, disease. You'd
'V d' sacrifice ;yourself, In order to admin ~ ~. ister the sacraments ••• If you were ~ 0 a Sister, you'd ,wash out the sores ~ =' of frightened lepers, teach the cate ~ fA ehism in fetid, bamboo huts, care + for the blind, the aged, orphans, the poor ••• You'd be, In other words, , a misslGl'lary .•• You'd live in a hut not fit for dogs, sleep Qn the ground, eat what the native's eat. You'd wear Th. Hoi, Plllhn's Mission ANI yourself, out, and die, probably, be for Ih, 0rier4111 Chflrch for you reached fifty ••• This Is the Near East mission world. It's peopled by pagans- for whom
Christ died. It's peopled, too, by Catholics like ourselves, Catho
lics too poor to support a priest or Sister ••• For 2'7c a da;y
(less than the price of a pack of cigarettes) you can train a native priest ••• For 33c a day ;you can FEED A FAMILY of Palestine Refugees ••• Not much money, you say? -Is isn't much for us who have so much. In the Near East mission world, how ever, $1 is a fortune! •.• For each of our priests and Sisten actually in mission work, we need ten "missionaries" like ;Y01l at home. We need people at home who pray every day for the ,.uccess of what our priests and Sisters do. We need housewives, mailmen, stenographers, engineers, who will "do without" and "make do" In order to send a monthly sacrifice . . . Is $1, $5, '10, $50, every month too much to ask? Only ;you can sa,. ••• What's it worth to save a soul?
r::J $1 A MONTH - Food, clothing, me d i cal attention for lepers. Send us $1 now, and say you want to join our DAMIEN LEPER CLUB. D $2 A MONTH - A blanket, shoes, eye-glasses, for an orphan boy at Father Poggi's home in CAIRO, EGYPT. - Mark your
ncrifice, "Father Poggi."
D $5 A MONTH - The rent-money to house a famlly of Pal estine Refugees in BETHLEHEM. - Write to us.
D $8.32 A MONTH - The 'cost of training a native priest. The
entire course of training lasts six years, costs $100 a year, $600
altogether. - Write to us.
r::J $10 A MONTH - What it costs to feed I famlly of Palestine ,Refugees, - Arabs who lost everything as a result of the 1948
Arab-Israeli War. - Write to us.
r::J $12.50 A MONTH - The cost of feeding, clothing, housing, and training a native Sister. - We'll send you "your" Sister'. name and address. You may write to her. She will write to you. [J $50 A MONTH -
Mark your gift "Stringless" and we'll use Is where it's needed most. It will buy medicine for I clinio,
books for a mission school, buy a new roof for a mission chapel.
D $75 A MONTH sIoner's use.
Buys a complete medical kit for a mis
[J $200 A MONTH -
Will build, in only one year, a brand new mission school. - You may designate the school as a perma \ent memorial to your family or your loved ones. - Write to us.
~'l2ear SstODssionslitl FRANCIS CARDINAL SPELLMAN, Pr.sld.... MSfr. Jos.,' T. R;a, 'Nat'l Sec', Send 011 com•••lcotlo•• tol
CATHOLIC NEAR lAST WELFARE ASSOCIATION . 480 Le",lnAton Ave, at 46th St, New York 17; N. Y. "'"'-----~-------_
.__. ...---------",j
By Jack Kineavy Maybe it was just my imagination but the crowd on hand at Coolidge Corner, Brookline, last Monday seemed a good deal thinner and considerably less demonstrative than those of poignant memory. No doubt the chilly weather was a fac1x>r. Perhaps age game would go on, but exposure lends a certain detachment. eventually benumbed fur the r Anyhow, it wasn't the same. protestations. ' The occasion, of course, the Isn't young Conigliaro some running of the 68th B.A.A. mar~ athon, that 26 mile endurance haul from Hop kinton to B09 ton which now is dominated by those from other s h 0 res whose names we can't pro nounce never mind spell. Ap r i1 19th was a red-letter day to a sports loving Boston ian. It still is, I hastily amend, but it doesn't have the overall particular significance that it en joyed in days of yore. That was when the Hub was home to two major league teams and despite the vagaries of schedulin~, Bos ton W81S assured of opening the major league season. Now the majors have ex panded to 12 teams, necessitating and earlier start and, of course, the Braves have long since va cated the Gaffney St. Wigwam to take up residence in the plush premises of Milwaukee's County Stadium. The historic pageantry memorializing the heroic efforts of our embattled forefathers has become more elaborate, how ever. Only the marathon re mains unchanged. Belc-IaD Vietor
- Successfully defending the
laurel wreath he earned in ro
cord time last year was the
Belgian. Aurele Vandriessche
whose official interpreter, Albert
VanStennbergen, if m em 0 r y
serves correct, was a member of
the language, department at
Boston Latin School during my
formative years. My young sons Stephen and John were properly impressed with dandy Vandy's winning performance· as he sped down Beacon Street after the fashion of a 600 - yarder. But they couldn't quite fathom the per ambulating style of many that followed despite repeated ex planations that these guys had run half the distance from home to Grandma's. We stayed on tiD venerable John Kelley shuffied by The 56-year, old veteran still wean the knotted handkerchief about hl.s head, though now, I suspect, it's purpose Is quite different from the perspiration absorbent of yesteryear. At any rate, the remarkable macadam devotee, BAA winner in 1945 and seven times runnerup, received warm plaudits from the crowd en route to a 48th place finish. Yankee FaD Young John, a Yankee fan from 'way back, lobbied until he was blue in the face - and it didn't take long standing out bt the 39' weather - to go down to Fenway where his heroes had a 3:00 P.M. date with the Red Sox. Frankly, I didn't think the
McMahon Council Schedules Supper McMahon Council Knights of Columbus will hold a ham and bean supper Saturday in the council hall at Campbell and Pleasant Streets, New Bedford. Supper will be served from 1:30 to 8:30 P oM. and danciftg will follow from sa to 12. Ticket. may be purchased from membera and abo at the eanteeD.
thing? Reminds one a good deal of Joe DiMaggio,lithe in appear ance, quick, strong wrists. And did you see that back hand stop by old iron glove himself off Maris in the 6th? Cold weather obviously has its advantages, through hardly to the degree mentioned by a sportscaster who opined that this was Monbou quette's kind of day. Alas, poor Yogi. Injuries, post ponements and three extra inning one-run losses have rele gated the A.L. champions to the cellar. Things aren't any better for the Dodgers either who after the completion of one week's play are also looking up at the rest of the league. No-no Games On the harassed schoolboy schedule, this corner can't re member when back to back no hitters were turned in by a mound staff as was the case in Somerset last week. Coach Jim Sullivan's Raiders posted suc cessive no-no efforts against Holy Family and Apponequet by 1-0 and 3-0 margins, re lII)eCtively. Ace lefthander Jim Goodwin went all t~e way against Holy Family whose Tim O'Leary also turned in a better than creditable performance. On Friday, Dick Ferris and John Boise-lle combined to no hit the Lakers and on Saturday all three saw action in a 5-2 win over Barrington, R.I. in an exhibition tilt. Over in the big city, coach Joe Lewis' Durfee club is off and running in de fense of its BCL title with two league wins and sweep of the 8eries with Rovers to its credit. Eddie Pellaprini, varsity base ball coach at Boston Collepe, proved a most interesting and in formative speaker at the State Baseball Coaches meeting at B.C. Saturday. Pelly broke in with the '46 Sox with a home run his first time up, 8IS. did Wilfred "Lefty" Lefebvre, a Holy Cross product, who was better known for his pitching. Conigliaro's first Fenway home run now makes the select local group three.
Chinese Prelates Consider Liturgy TAIPEI (NC) - The Bishops assembled' here under Thomas Cardintl Tien, O.M.I., _Apostolic Administrator of Taipei, to conside:' changing lOme pal'lts of the liturgy and :Mass into Chinese. Faced with the problem of the many dialects spoken on the mainland and this island, the bishops debated a suggestion to translate the Mass into Pai Hull, a classical Chinese style each person can read in his own dia lect. It was further recommended that the ritual already trans lated into Chinese be approved for pastoral use, the Benedictlon hymns be sung in Chinese, .and that the Chinese feast of Ching Ming (a feast of the dead when graves and tombs are decorated) be adopted and celebrated prop_ erly by Catholics. Archbishop Giuseppe Caprio, Apostolic Nuncio to China, pre sided at the sessions. After the first meeting, the bishops took part in the dedication of Arch bishop Caprio's newly-completed official resident in TaipeL of· Formosa
Patriots' Day Reflections: The Marathon and Baseball
Thurs., April 23, 1964
Paper Dispu*'es Donovan on Cuba MIAMI (NC)-The Voice, Mi_ ami diocesan newspaper, has disputed a statement by New York attorney James Donovan that the Catholic Church is not being persecuted in Cuba. ''The truth of the matter is that Castro is persecuting the Church; he is eliminating the Church by making it impossible for it to exist," the Voice said in a page one editorial. Donovan in a talk recently at the National Press Club in Washington, D. C., said that Cuban churches are open and . reasonably well attended; that priests are free to preach as they wish, and that Fidel Castro has no objection to having priests ill Cuba as long as they are native Cubans and nof" Spaniards. Donovan personally negotiated with Castro for the exchange of $60 million worth of U. S. med- r.. ical supplies for 1,300 prisoners TESTIMONIAL: Most Rev. James J. Gerrard, D.D., captured in the unsuccessful Auxiliary Bishop of the Diocese, congratulates Rev. Walter 1961 Bay of Pigs invasion. The Voice cited statements 1>7 A. Sullivan at testimonial banquet honoring the Diocesan exiled Auxiliary Bishop Eduardo CYO Director. ' Boza Masvdial of Havana and Bishop Coleman Carroll of Mi ami. Both Bishops said large num bers of priests have been e:ll pelled from Cuba and that the .Church ~ere is not free to op erate schools and carry on other SAN ANTONIO (NC)-Arch_ groups. She expects her men to teaching programs. Bishop Carroll said that from' . bishop Robert E. Lucey said here join other .groups and "bring. a religious standpoint ''the situ- ' the field of race relations prob . to them moral and spiritual ation today in Cuba *. • is all ably is "the least Christian and ideals." impossible one, if not hopelesa the most savage that Americans· The influence of the U. S. entirely." have created." Church, he continued, has not The Archbishop of San An been entirely lacking, but it tonio said human relations need could be "immensely enlarged, badly to be purified, but too improved and intensified." many Catholics do not welcome any change. NEW YORK (NC) - Franetl "When voices are raised pro Cardinal Spellman has appealed claiming the laws of juStice and for an end to "every last vestige charity they are ignored," he of discrimination against Ne v A TIC A N CITY (NC) gr<>es." charged. Father Theodore M. Hesburgh, The Archbishop of New York; The prelate spoke Tuesday at C.S.C., president of the Univer in an "apPl;!al to the conscienee the investiture of 10 Catholic sity of Notre Dame, has been of New York," said: laymen ·as Knights of st. Greg confirmed by the Sacred Congre.. "I pray that the full light of ory in San Fernando cathedral. gation of Seminaries and Uni God's truth will shine into the Msgr. James M. Boyle, pastor of versities as president of the in heart of each of us, the pricelese S1. Prince of the Apostles parish, ternational Federation of Catho truth that we are all His chi!':' offered a Solemn Mass. lic Universities, it was lea~d dren and brothers one to another,· Archbishop Lucy also attacked here. and that each equally should the .area of industrial relations, The 46-year-old priest was· share the benefits of those rights ' especially in Texas. Catholic so elected to the post at a meeting for which our forebears lived; cial doctrine sounds "fantastic'" of Catholic university rectors in in this state, he said, because Washington last Summer. He fought and died." "the economic philosophy of our succeeds Bishop-elect William J. citizens is thoroughly primitive." McDonald, rector of the Catholic He charged employers, manu University of America. facturers, powerful corporations Father Hesburgh has served OIl and the Texas legislature have the U.s. Civil Rights Commis ereated an atmosphere which has sion under Presidents Eisen made the existence and growth hower, Kennedy and Johnson. of labor unions 81 difficult as He is also a member of the Holy possible. NEW BEDFORD
See'8 three-man delegation to He said that the "dominant the International Atomic Energy economic philosophy" of Texal Ageney. INDUSTRIAL OILS
is "identical" with the one con demned in 1891 by Pope Leo HEATING OILS
'Most Savage' Area
Texas Prelate Says Race Relations Field
Least ,Christian
Asks End to Last Vestige of Bias
Fr. Hesburgh Heads World Federation
. Catholic LaJ'lll&ll'. Job He described the situation condemned by Pope Leo in this way: "The trade unions had been destroyed, labor had no protec tion, legislators had cast off traditional religious teaching and thus the workers, defense less and alone, were handed over to the greed and inhuman ity of employers." The Catholic layman, he said, has a clear job to do. The Church itself cannot organize labor unions, growers' associa tions and similar professional
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Apr. 23 1964
Taunton's Marian Manor Addition Sows Contentment
.A new spacious ward provides dignified comfort for invalids.
Main Corridor joins lobby, sun room, dining areas and new wards
Main ~Ioor nurses' station supervises health and happiness of guests.
Dominican Sisters dining room doubles for recreation and sewing area.
New addition to Marian Manor contains new boiler room, garages, enclosed fire exits, and new private rooms.
Pleasant Sun Room is a popular gathering spot to chat and watch the world go by
Refined atmosphere dominates nurses' dining room.