t eanc 0
VOL. 25, No. 17
20c, $6 Per Year
Deacon :heads me·et Father John F. Moore, diocesan director of the permanent diaconate and editor of The Anchor, is in charge of general arrangements for the annual (:onvention of the National Association of Permanent Deacon Di:rectors, to begin Monday in Boston. With the theme, "The Deacon Director: Refining the Vision," the four-day meeting at the 57 Park Plaza Hotel will study the role of the director in the over- all diaconal program. The keynote speaker at TLlesday's general session will be Bishop Howard J. Hubbard of Albany, N.Y., whose topic will be "The Vision of a Ministering Church." Father John Shea of the archdiocese of Chicago will offer "A Guided Reflection of the Spirituality of the Director"
at Monday evening's opening session. Cardinal Humberto Medeiros will preside and give the homily at a Wednesday afternoon Mass which will have the New England bishops,·' including Bishop Daniel A. Cronin, as concelebrants. Msgr. Ernest J. Fiedler, executive secretary of the Bishops' Committee on the Permanent Diaconate will address a Thursday general session on "State of the Diaconate from Perspective of the Executive Office." Convention workshops will consider relationships of deacon directors to deacons, families, priests, the institutional church and each other. Election of national officers will conclude the convention.
USCC opposes aid WASHINGTON (NC) - After obtaining support of two leading Salvadoran church offic:ials the U.S. bishops have issued a new statement reiterating their opposition to military intenrention in EI Salvador by either the United States or the Soviet Union. The statement also defended four American women missionaries murdered in EI Salvador last December from criticism that they supported the country's leftwing guerrillas. "We continue to have ser:ious
doubts about and substantial differences with U.S. policy toward El Salvador," remarked the statement, released April 13 by the U.S. Catholic Conference. "Specifically, we wish to reiterate our opposition to military aid and intervention by the major outside powers. We oppose intervention in any form by the Soviet Union and its Allies; we likewise oppose U.S. military aid or intervention in the war," the statement said. Prior to its release it was Turn to Page Six
St. ViIlcent Day Sunday, the 400th anniversary of the birth of St. Vincent de Paul, has been designated Na. tional S1. Vincent de Paul Day. In the Fall River diocese Vincentians will distribute explanatory pamphlets at weekend Masses and in some parishes Vincentians will attend Mass as a body and receive corporate communion. The observance is the first such event for Vincentians in the U.S., note national officers. It
also marks Ozanam Sunday, observed by members on the last Sunday of April in commemoration of the anniversary of the birth on April 23, 1813, of Frederick Ozanam, founder of the Vincentians. The Vincentians are the oldest lay directed charitable movement in the U.S., founded in St. Louis in 1845. The organization has some 36,000 active members and conferences in about 90 Turn to Page Six
FATHER THOMAS LOPES, chaplain at Morton Hospital, Taunton, administers the 3acrament of the Sick to Mrs. Annie Perry of Our Lady of Lourdes parish, also in Taunton. (Rosa Photo)
"A Lot of People Are Depending on You"
CCA needed more than ever must be all the greater in order to continue the education of our precious Nazareth children. "Usually, at this time of year, all of our apostles make out preliminary budgets. These are finalized after the annual Appeal in early May. Frankly, we're e"Periencing difficulty in making Speaking at Bishop Connolly coherent forecasts for the NazHigh School, Fall River, to rep- areth apostolate precisely beresentatives from all parts of the . cause of the uncertainty prodiocese, the prelate said "You voked by restrictions in the pub' and I are well aware of belt- lic sector. tightening procedures which are "My sense is that we'll depend affecting the public sector, not even more heavily upon the genonly in education of youngsters, erosity of those who support but in many other facets of civic the 1981 Catholic Charities Aplife. peal in just this one facet of our "We do not yet have a clear overall program of service to perception of the full conse- God's beloved children who are quences of such restrictions in in need."· the public sector regarding fundINoting that the cost of energy ing of worthy programs like our in every apostolate involving Nazareth schools for exceptional buildings, Bishop Cronin said children, however I do have a that preliminary budget projecsense that your generosity to our tions in all such areas are "for1981 Catholic Charities Appeal midably higher than in the cur-
The high cost of energy plus "uncertainty provoked by restrictions in the public sector" have made it difficult to forecast the 1981-82 needs of agencies served by the Catholic Charities Appeal, Bishop Daniel A. Cronin told workers at the annual campaign kickoff meeting.
rent fiscal year" and declared that "we must rely upon a gen· erous and enthusiastic support of the 1981 Catholic Charities Appeal to avoid any curtailment of our outreach." The bishop named pastoral ministry to the sick as an "essential element in the overall program of restoring sick people to good health" and said the diocese hopes to supplement its already extensive program by adding priestly personnel to the ministry staff at Cape Cod Hospital in Hyannis. He forecast "modest economies" in the Hispanic apostolate, made possible by greater levels of "self-help" within the Hispanic community and by the settling of the Guad~lupanas Sisters, who serve the apostolate in a New Bedford convent. Recalling St. Paul's description of the "overflowing joy" experienced by the people of MacedoTurn to Page Three
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur. April 23, 1981
Catholic Charities
1980 Appeal Report I.
Total Received, May 4路14, 1980
$1,210,087.65 ---~-._"~--
Disbursements Made or Allocated Fiscal Year Beginning July 1, 1980 A. Social Service and Child Care 1.
Catholic Social Services
n. Saint Vincent's Home (debt service)
Saint Vincent's Camp
Catholic Youth Organization
B. Health Care 1.
Pastoral Ministry for Sick
n. Saint Anne's Hospital (allocated on pledge) lll.
Rose Hawthorne Home
C. Educational Apostolates
Central Office
n. Subsidy Program
Nazareth Apostolate
Special Subsidies
D. Pastoral路 Endeavors i. Diocesan Special Apostolates
n. Catholic Charities Office National & State Conference Membership
Permanent Diaconate
v. Family Life Ministry
Miscellany (Campus Ministry, Communications, Vocations, etc.) Disbursements Made or Allocated
III. Excess of Disbursements over Revenues $1,230,766.00 (Disbursements) 1,210,087.65 (Revenues)
CHRISTINE JUPIN, top picture, operates an electric sander as John Kiley waits his turn and Philip Perrault, woodworking instructor, supervises at Nazareth Hall Vocational Center, Fall River. Bottom, Father Maurice Lebel, S.J., director of the Attleboro area office of the Diocesan Department of Social Services, counsels a client.
$20,678.35 Deficit
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur. April
CC.t\. needed Continued from page one nia who gave "even beyond their means" to their poorer brethren, Bishop Cronin, asking Appeal workers to "do your level best," prayed that they and all contributors "will share a measure of that overflowing joy." "It Is Personal" V. Vincent Gerardi of New Bedford, the Appeal's diocesan lay chairman, and for years active in the St. Vincent de Paul Society, recalled words of the saint in his kickoff address: "If you consider the poor in the light of faith, then you will observe that they are taking the place of the Son of God, who chose to be poor."
FOR THE SECOND YEAR, the girls' basketball team of St. Mary's parish, New Bedford, has won the CYO diocesan championship, remaining undefeated with a 23-0 record in league play, playof1[s, diocesan playoffs and tournaments. (Story on page 15.)
Marxism is analyzed ROME (NC) .- Some elements of Marxist social analysis are acceptable to Christians, but the major principles of Marxism are anti-Christian, said the Jesuit superior general, Father Pedro Arrupe, in a letter. Writing to Jesuit superiors in Latin America, where a serious church debate over liberation theology and Christian uses of Marxist analysis has been raging for more than a decade, Father Arrupe issued a series of warnings against the Marxist understanding of man and of history
and the Marxist strategy of class struggle. In 3,500 words of tightly knit analysis, written in response to a 1979 request by Latin American Jesuit superiors, Father Arrupe said that it "is more difficult than is sometimes imagined" to separate specific elements of Marxist social, political or economic analysis from their relationship to the overall Marxist philosophy or ideology. "So there is a real danger," he added, "in defending the position that it is possible to under-
Christian elducators see hope for C:hinese church By Jeff Emlrst NEW YORK (NC) - A group of Western educators recently returned from a fact-finding tour of China reported that "a minor religious revival" is takir;g place in the communist-ruled c:ountry. The two-week tour took the 23-member group to five Chinese cities with 12 universities and colleges. In each city, the group met local Christian leaders and visited Catholic and Prl:>testant churches. The group represented the United Board for Christia,n Higher Education in China. Its leader was Nathan Pusey, united board president and president emeritus of Harvard University. Others in the group included Sister Mary Braganza, principal of Sophia College in Bombay, lklcJia.; Porter McKeever, vice president of the Roc:kefeller Foundation and Julia Ching, philosophy professor at the University of Toronto. The group's purpose was to learn about higher educ.ation in China as an aid to guiding the united board in the use of funds received as part of thl~ China claims settlement by which China, through the U.S. government, provided funds to U.S.
individuals and groups, including Christian missionary organizations, for land and properties confiscated by the government after coming to power in 1949. The group toured China at the invitation of the Chinese Ministry of Education, which expressed interest chiefly in having the united board allocate money for development of regional libraries in western China. An agreement for this was signed, said a spokesman for the group. The picture of "the Christian church in China" which emerged during the trip proved "deeply inspiring and encouraging," said the spokesman. The group was told that during the Cultural Revolution churches lost their Bibles, hymnals, libraries and furnishings. Buildings were closed, clergy were required to do heavy labor and attend political reorientation courses and young Christians were regularly denied. higher education. At the same time, family worship continued and hand-written copies of the Bible circulated," added the report.
take a Marxist analysis separate from its philosophy, ideology or political praxis (action)." One area of Marxist analysis that Father Arrupe sharply questioned was that of "property the structures (specifically, means of production)." "There is no doubt that a bad distribution of property, 'uncompensated by other factors, leads to and facilitates the exploitation pointed out by Marx and also denounced by the church. All the same, is not the institution of property itself confused with its bad distribution?" he wrote. He warned against "the efforts of anyone who wishes to take advantage of our reservations about Marxist analysis in order to condemn as Marxist or communist, or at least to minimize esteem for, a commitment to justice and the cause of the poor, the defense of their rights against those who exploit them, the urging of legitimate claims." In Latin America rightist reo gimes frequently brand as Marxist or communist the efforts by numerous clergymen and church organizations to achieve greater social justice.
The lay chairman added: "Our private charity outdoes all of the government agencies, not only because it is much less costly,
Msgr. Anthony M. Gomes, diocesan Appeal director, was master of ceremonies for the kickoff program. ~oting that the Special Gifts phase of the Appeal was already in progress, he said that. the parish phase wHl con· tinue from Sunday, May 3, through Wednesday, May 13, with house to house calls sched-" uled between noon and 3 p.m. May 3.
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Catholic nurses meet S·aturday The Diocesan Council of Catholic Nurses will meet from 1 to 5 Saturday afternoon at St. Mary's church hall, 343 Tarkiln' 'HiIl Rd., New Bedford. Marcy Smith of the faculty of Cape Cod Community College will speak on the day's theme: "Burned Out and Enlightened Within" and Mass will be celebrated by Father Edmund Fitzgerald, diocesan director of pastoral care for the sick. Non-members are invited to attend the program and may register with Sister Margaret of the pastoral care department of St. Anne's Hospital, Fall River.
but most of all because it is personal. All of us will go in the name of God to visit our fellow parishioners and beg from them in the name of the poor, our brothers and sisters in Christ. "That is why we hope that God will love us for the sake of the poor. We must pe stirred up by our neighbors' worries and distress."
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur. April 23, 1981
the moorirtCL..,
the living word .
A National Tragedy Recent parental concerns about discipline in an area public school together with the vandalization of another school once more bring to the surface some of the severe problems that face present day public education and the society responsible for its support. The incidents mentioned are by no means. isolated: rather, they are a local variation on a national theme. What it all boils down to is that public education is in deep trouble. Public education currently needs massive support by all who c.are about the future of this land. Today it is not receiving the sustenance it must have to make a real comeback. Quite apart from Proposition 2 ~ and decreased federal aid, public schools in general as reported in a· tecent Gallup poll, are just not making the grade. They need encouragement from all sectors of the social order to face fundamental issues, such as the need of discipline in the classroom. School departments and committees should also take a long hard look at curriculums and weed out frivolities. For example, reading should be considered more important than weaving. The mentality that a school should be an Olympic proving ground should be discouraged. For too long have communities competed in erecting buildings that are mere super sports arenas. Shouldn't at least the same time be given to fostering a student's ability to write as to developing his expertise in the bac:f'Astroke? Once we get our heads together on this level, it is absolutely necessary for teachers to begin once more to teach. For the most part, they can't do this at the present time because parents and the courts have made them less than babysitters. Schoolchildren reflect their home environments. The school is not the place to change a child; rather, it is an environment to challenge him' or her. How can this be achieved when parents threaten teachers, sue school systems, press court charges and for the most part become . mere protectors of a child who needs a good dose of discipline? Parental permissiveness has been a prime reason for the decline of the public schools. Problem children often re. flect problem parents. Because of the "no teacher is going to tell me what to do" mentality, the courts have become the chief administrators of public schools, with educators for the most part having little control over them. Judges have the absolute say, even as to which school a child must attend. The Il:eighborhood school has been destroyed by the courts, replaced by a judicial blackboard jungle. Naturally the federal government has also done its share to muddy issues in its usual chaotic style of misguided liberalism. As a result of all this, the flight to private and parochial education gains impetus. Such schools offer discipline, moral guidelines and that forgotten word, education. Parents who care will continue to sacrifice to send their children to these schools because in many areas they simply have no responsible alternative. Unless public education can thoroughly clean house and get its act together, it will continue to decline and decar. Th!S will indeed be a national tragedy.
OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER Of THE DIOCESE OF FAll RIVER Published weekly by The CathoUc Press of the Diocese of Fall River 410 Highland Avenue . Fall River, Mass. 02722 675-7151 PUBLISHER Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin,' D.O., S.T.D.
Rev. John F. Moore ~
leary Press-Fall Ri'/e,
'Christ, rising again from the dead, dieth now no more. Death shall no more have dominion over him.' Rom. 6:9
The centering point By Father Kevin J. Harrington The Gospel accounts of the appearances of the Risen Christ repay close examination. St. Paul, who spent so much time making that familiar analogy between the old Adam and the new Adam, missed a great opportunity to further the analogy with the first Resurrection account recorded in John's Gospel. As in the Garden of Eden, there are a man and a woman in both the creation and Resurrection accounts. Adam was given the task of naming God's crea· tion. The clutching of the fruit by Adam and Eve becomes the symbol of man's appropriation of what belongs to God. Adam's refusal to obey led to the sense of shame ever since characteristic of fallen man. The Crucifixion became the ultimate expression of man's inhumanity to man and ingratitude. to God. Mary Magdalen becomes an essential role model for redeemed humanity. Her sense of shame vanished when confronted by the unconditional love of God revealed in Jesus. When the new Adam, the Risen: Christ, called her by name, she at once recognized Christ through this action. We ~eed to name all creation, even in its sinful and unredeemed character, as lovable. To share in this task of redemption is to fulfill the command which Adam received to name creation. We
have no greater mission than to restore creation tit" Christ. There is, however, the danger of romanticizing this duty toward creation. This danger was the topic of one of the tales of the Desert Fathers: "There were three friends who were eager workers, and one of them chose to devote himself to making peace between people who were fighting . . . . The second chose to visit the sick. The third went off to live in tranquillity in the desert. "The first two became discouraged and decided to seek the one who was living in the desert for advice. They found him praying in the desert and they told him their dfficulties and asked him if he was able to find any peace. "He was silent for a time, then he poured water into a bowl and said to them, 'Look at the water.' It was all turbulent. A littl~ later he told them to look at it again, and see how the water had settled down. When they looked at it, they saw their own faces as in a mirror. "Then he said to them, 'In the same way, a man who is Jiving in the midst of men does not see his own sins because of all the disturbance, but if he becomes tranquil, epecially in the desert, then he can see··his own shortcomings'." The post-Resurrection appear-
ances emphasize Jesus' gifts of peace and forgiveness. These gifts are always accompanied with a call to serve. The crucial point is that if one does not accept these gifts, one has nothing to give in turn. Jesus' appearances occurred when .the disciples were tired and hungry. Most often he appeared to them while they were either resting or eating; generally, not while they were engaging in any great act {)f service for their fellowman. Roman Catholics need it be reminded of their duty to rest and worship on the Lord's day. We often find ourselves weary from life's incessant pace. The Eucharist must become the centering point of both our worldly labors and our spiritual life. Our minds should be like those of the early disciples. We should not wander far from the mystery of Christ's death and Resurrection as embodied in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. Contemplation of the Eucharist can help us to serve our fellowman with true Christian charity. ."",.".".""",.".""",.",."""",""""",,,·..."'.11"".·"1'·.,""",."··"""·''',··"" .._
(USPS·545-o2111 Second Class Postage Pa'd at Fall River, Mass. PUblished every T~ursday at 410 Highland Avenue, Fall Rlv~r, Mass. 02722 by the catholic Press of th~ Diocese of Fall River. Subscription price by mail, postpaid $6.00 per year. Postmasters send addreSl ;hanges to The Anchor. P.O. Box 7, Fill River. MA 02722
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur. April 23, 1981
saved? Just as I opened my longanticipated I)ovel in the window seat of the plane after a weekend of lecture:; and meetings, he plopped into the aisle seat and made ~l great whirlwind of settling down. I glanced up to see what was causing such confusion and he smiled at me. "Yep," he said. "Yep. Yep," and slapped his generous thighs in time to his words. And then, having exhausted his subject, he became quiet. I smiled and returned to my novel. He crossed his legs and rearranged our section of thEl plane. "Yep," he said, and I glanced up again. This time he expanded on the subject. "Yep, Jesus Christ is the high-rise in the condominiums of life." (Oh Lord, not this. What have I done to deserve this? I worked hard this weekend. I just came from Mass. Why him?) I smiled and returned to my book. ., "Are you saved?" he asked. I nodded and smiled. "Praise be; Me, too. I'm born again and telling the world about it." (Smile, smile. My tee'~h were beginning to hurt.) "Let me tell you - (do I have a choice?) I lost my jDb, my children left me, my wife left me (can't understand why) but Jesus didn't leave me. When I turned my life over to him, I
started making thirty thousand a year." (Smile. Return to book.) "I could tell you stories about Jesus you wouldn't believe. (I believe, I believe; just leave me alone.) I know a man who was losing his farm and Jesus came in with a good wheat crop and a shortage in Russia when he turned to him. Made a bundle. (Nod. Smile. Book.) "In my lifeboat - that's the name of our prayer bunch - we got eight men - all of them losers in one way or another, you know, (I'm beginning to) but there isn't one of them making less than twenty thousand a year since they found Jesus." (Jesus saves.) I heard about each of the 8 men and about 8 more that each of those eight knew. Somehow, proof of finding Jesus seemed attached to financial success. Finally, I asked myself, "Why am I listening to this? Why am I smiling?" My husband wouldn't have listened beyond the first salvation. Nor would most men I know. But we women do. Why? Because we can't be impolite. It's bred into us: listen and smile; nod and smile; never, never offend. I recalled the story told by a police officer at a rape prevention lecture. "Women are afraid to hurt others, even if it might save their lives," he said. "We had a woman once who maced
A 'good family' Of the hours of broadcasts I would upset the image of stabilheard the day of the assassina- ity we like to ascribe to families tion attempt on President Rea- by virtue of their structures. gan, one comment linger1ed with That's why there could be me. Talking about John Hinck- such shock in a newscaster's ley, the young man who alleged- voice, telling of a troubled ly fired the shots, one commen- young man from a background tator said, in a tone of almost of proper structure. wonder, "He came from a good Isn't it interesting how no one family." questions why a search into the If Hinckley had come from a family background is the first single-parent family, the com- thing that happens when a ment would have been, "He came young person gets into trouble? from a broken family." Further- Obviously, the explanation is more, I would bet the cl:>mmen- that we expect to find an antator's tone would not ha.ve held swer for the deviant behavior wonder or disbelief, but would by looking at the parents and have been almost explanatory. family. Long have we been inHaving raised six children formed that the way the twig is alone, I've had the opportunity bent, .the tree will grow. It's so to note this and think about it. easy to blame the parents for I am someone who has been the poor product. subtly and occasionally overtly I think our modern cultural blamed for the behavior of my attitude toward parents has in children in a way that parents some way been a sin against in a two-parent setting '!ire not. When my children misbehaved them. We have put parents in or did poor work (which happen- the position where they are to blame not only for how their ed rarely), teachers invariably children turn out, but for the would say, "They're having a mistakes and bad acts done by problem because they are childtheir children along the way to ren who do not have a f.ather in the house." When the ,children adulthood. Parents are expected to be ultimately responsible for did very well, as they often did, . the actions of others. some teachers would go as far This路 is a terrible thing to do as to comment, "How nice it is that they are overcompensating because it puts the children in for not having a father in the control of the parents. There was house!" . a time when impossible children 1 don't believe I ever heard turned adult were simply called anyone remark that a child was "black sheep.'.' Now they are having a problem because he or called parental failures. she was the product of a twoA priest who was a jail chapparent family, regardless of the lain told me that again and disorder that does exist in q,.any again parents would come to such homes. Such cliticisms him after their son had been ar-
an attacker and then stopped and asked him if he was all right." 'I relate to that woman but when I've had it, I've had it. So I closed my book and took on my born-again acquaintance. He gave me an opening when he asked, "When were you saved?" "Two weeks after I was born," I said. "When I was baptized." He smiled and fidgeted. "See, I was born all right the first time around," I added. "I didn't have to find Jesus to balance my checkbook." His smile tightened and he looked around. "Let me tell you about some people I know who found Jesus," I continued. He picked up the flight magazine, but he didn't read long. I told him about Dorothy Day, about a young couple I know who found Jesus and gave up thirty thousand a year to work with the elderly poor, and about some nuns in El Salvador who were born again a few months ago. His smile got thinner and thinner and finally he started reading and ignoring me. Yep, he did.
rested, asking, "Father, where did we go wrong?" I think the right question is, "Where did he go wrong?" In recent years social scientists have begun to research the genetic factors, the peer presSures, the influence of media and world and social environments, all of which coalesce to affect the bending of the twig and make parenting an imprecise vocation. That's part of the reason why parenting' comes with no guarantees. Add free will and individual choice and it is not too hard to find some answers to the question of how a kid from a "good family" can go wrong.
Nancy's favorite program Mrs. Ronald Reagan visited St. Ann's Infant Home, which is home to some 70. children between the ages of one day and six years. She went primarily to see her favorite federal program at work. Ten Foster Grandparents from the Prince Georges County Department of the Aging - come to the home every morning at 8:30, spend four hours helping with the children, eat a hot lunch and go home in a van provided for them. Inevitably, Mrs. Reagan spent as much time with their charges as with them, and for an hour cooed and clucked at, kissed, hugged and held hands with a great many small black children - who, being the least jaded of small fry, seemed delighted to see her and contributed to a series of irresistible "photoopportunities," all of which she cheerfully granted. Mrs. Reagan met everyone, cordially shook hands with the kitchen help, the staff psycholog'sts, the child-care workers, who were wearing ribbons for the murdered and missing black children of Atlanta. She wanted to greet everyone who wanted to, greet her. She even met, at her request and out of camera-range, with the 30 unwed mothers who stay at the home through pregnancy and delivery. They crowded around her for autographs and one of them, forgetting that the idea is to provide anonymity and shelter, complained later that she wished she could have had her picture taken with her. The First Lady, dressed in a tartan blazer and pleated black skirt, did everything asked of her and more. She got down to eye-level with every toddler who wandered or was pushed into her range. She was greeted by the administrator of St. Anne's, Sister Elyse - the home has been run for over 100 years by the Daugh,'ters of Charity - and by the chief of the Foster Grandparents Program, Jack Kenyon of ACTION, who is the' envy of other bureaucrats, since his purse, thanks to the First Lady's patronage, is one of the few to be increased in the revised Reagan budget. She was shown the home's charter, signed in 1864 by Abraham Lincoln. Sister Elyse explained to her that the home is for children of broken homes, or those who have been removed from their parents because 'of abuse or inability to cope. Nothing was said, of course, about the fund-slashes that her husband proposes, which will make the lot of the children's
families more precarious. , One of the reporters who trailed her through the playrooms and nurseries asked if she had had a hand in increasing Foster Parent funds. She smiled and said she "never int~rferes." She knows, of course, that the blacks are particularly incensed by the slashing of Aid to Families of Dependent Children, of CETA job-training, Food Stamps and other federal efforts to ease the lot of the poor. But she was focused on the people at hand. In one nursery she sat on the edge of a small table to chat with the five senior Foster Grandparents, whose star and card is a 90-year-old, Irish-born widow named Nora McSweeney. "Mrs. Mac," who has been a Foster Grandmother for II years, has worked with the mentally retarded emotionally disturbed. She told Mrs. Reagan that the job gives her "great amusement" and "some independence." She receives $2 an hour for four hours' work, five days a week. She informed Mrs. Reagan, amid much cackling in the group, that she is "looking for a rich old man." The Grandparents feed, change and rock the children, and provide the personal touch that critics of institutions always say is missing. Social workers generally believe that any home is better than an institution, which St. Ann's agrees with in principle. But they remember that two of three children recently burned to death when their father allegedly threw a flaming kerosene can into their bedroom had been safe in the home last summer. Mrs. McSweeney and the other low-income senior citizens who participated said about the program what Mrs. Reagan says in television spots she has been making to invite more privatesector funding: that it gives them a reason to get out of bed, that it makes them feel needed, wanted and loved. "The children路 come flying to you," Nora McSweeney told the First Lady in her rich brogue. At the end, a wide-eyed fouryear-old girl named Lyshawn, who was lapping up the attention that came from holding hands with the First Lady, was unwilling to be parted. "One of us is going to'have to let go," Mrs. Reagan said, gently disengaging. No question, the First Lady left behind a warm glow - and perhaps a hope that )ler intreest, and the spotlight she carries around with her, wi'l be directed to other worthy causes, which, for want of comparably powerful champions, are doomed in the president's ,pudget.
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Jhur. April 23, 1981
FROM LEFT, Deacon and Mrs. Leo Racine, Father Ronald Tosti, Deacon and Mrs. John Schondek. All will present workshops dealing with family life at the morning session of Saturday's convention of the Diocesan Council of Catholic Women to be held at Coyle and Cassidy High
School, Taunton. The afternoon speaker will be Father Bruce Ritter, OFM, of New York City's Covenant House and the day will close with a Mass ~t which Bishop Daniel A. Cronin will be. principal celebrant.
Father Ritter to addre'ss diocesan women The annual convention of the Fall River Diocesan Council of Catholic Women will be held on Saturday at Coyle-Cassidy High School, Taunton, starting at 9 a.m. The guest speaker will be Father Bruce Ritter, OFM, founder and executive director of Covenant House, eight group homes, two shelters for sexually abused children and a 24-hour
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Father Ritter, is described as a gentle priest who holds a doctorate in medieval theology but whose life work has become a
battle to rescue runaways to. the big city. T,hese children, he says,' become the prey of pimps who subject them to every perversion of spirit and mind, turn them into drug addicts and frequently torture and ki:J them. Father Ritter offers these
abused youngsters shelter, medical attention, food, a bath and the use of a telephone to call their homes. He expects to serve
St. Vincent
Continued from page one percent of American parishes. Members seek to meet the needs of distressed people. The monetary value of their work and of their community service projects is estimated at some NEW YORK (NC) - Through power. shareholder resol\ltions Catholic . More than 50' churches and $100,000 daily. The Sunday observance has religious orders and Protestant Catholic orders, working with churches and organizations in the National Council of for its goals: encouragement of the United States and Canada Churches' affiliate, Interfaith service to the needy, specifically are targeting both nuclear en· Center on Corporate Responsi- through membership in the St. ergy and apartheid. bility, will introdue a total of Vincent de Paul Society; linking Their goal is to convince cor· 34 stockholder resolutions on of Vincentians with their parapartheid and nuclear energy at . ishes in praying for those deporations to fight apartheid South Africa's system of strict forthcoming meetings. Together prived either materially or spiritracial segregation - and to re- the religious groups hold rough- ually; prayer for the canonizaconsider development of nuclear ly $29 million in stock. tion of Frederic Ozanam.
Stockholder clout used by churches
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at least 10,000 such teenagers this year. He is joined in his ministry by Covenant community members who pledge a year of service to the work. llIe will explain his program in detail at Saturday's meeting which will also include a luncheon and several morning workshops on family related topics.
Continued from page one shown to Bishop Arturo· Rivera Damas, apostolic administrator of San Salvador, £1 Salvador, and Msgr. Freddy Delgado, general secretary of the £1 Salvador Bishops' Conference, during their visits- to the United States this month. The poor of EI Salvador for decades have borne the burden of injustice, the statement said. , "A symbol of the vulnerability of the poor was the brutal murder in December 1980 of the four American missionaries who worked daily among the poor," said the bishops. "No one should impugn the evangelical character of the lives of these women or question the sacrificial nature of their deaths. Their ministry and their murders should focus our attention on the basic problem in £1 Salvador: the quest for justice and human rights by the majority of the population which has too long been denied both," the statement added. In a speech to the bishops of New York, Bishop Rivera Damas said he greatly appreciated the concern of the U.S. bishops for £1 Salvador. "Your concern is not just in words," he said. "You have sent your own sons and daughters to work among the poor and oppressed in my country." The bishop said £1 Salvador "asks only' to be allowed to settle its own problems" and "seeks aid only to reduce violence and to overcome material and spiritual poverty and oppression."
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur. April 23,1981
the moil packet leiters are welcomed, but should be no more than 200 words. The editor reserves the right to condense or edit, If deemed necessary. All letters must be s gned and include I home or business addnlss.
Prisoners pray Dear Editor: A man named Mike called to ask me if prisoners might do something to show their c:oncern for the murdered children of Atlanta. So at my next Mass in the Norfolk prison I told the inmates about the call. Their response was overwhelmingly in support of Mike's suggestion. With the Protestant chaplain, I planned a day of prayer and fasting using the prisoners' ideas. At the same time the inmates at Walpole State Prison made 100 green ribbons for the men at Norfolk to wear. On March 24 an ecumenicai' prayer service at 10 a.m. began a 24-hour period of prayer and fasting by the- prisoners. The men pledged hours of prayer and also giving up something like coffee, smoking, talking, eating, etc., for 24 hours. The day ended with another ecumenic:al worship service at which the prisoners were encouraged to continue to pray, fast and wear the green ribbons until the guilty person or persons surrender or are arrested. The participation of black, white and Hispanic prisoners in this project has been overwhelming, bringing together men of different colors and religions in love, peace, unity and harmony. We are hoping that God will respond very quickly to our prayers and fasting by using his power to bring an end to the crimes in Atlanta. Rev. Joseph P. McDermott Catholic Chaplain Norfolk State Prison Director, Our Lady of Ransom Guild
Diocesan CUf'sillo Dear Editor: Christ is alive and weB in the Fall River Cursillos! God really loves mankind and constantly keeps giving us so many wonderful gifts. ...Praise him for his church and the many ways we can take up his invitation: in this present age Marriage Encounter, Charismatic Renewal and Cursillos in Christianity, ... Over 3500 men and women in our diocese have experienced the renewal of the living Christ in his church and in each other through this movement. I've just returned from a graduation weekend that ended the leaders' school year and it has prompted me to reflect on Cursillo in our diocese....Over 100 weekends have taken place to date and there have been many celebrations, all of which will culminate with a study day on May 17 at Connolly High School and. with a Mass of celebration at our cathedral with our shepherd, Bishop Daniel A. CronLn, at 7 p.m., also on May 17.
Active Cursillistas renew their pledge to holiness through study days, group reunions, ultreyas and other gatherings. However, I am prompted to look at those brothers and sisters who have seemingly disappeared after their three-day experience. But the more I look the more amazed I am at the power and wisdom of the Lord. They are laboring in every corner of his vineyard in their own quiet way. They carry the sign of Christian. In the case of Cursillo the mark is the sign of renewal a renewed follower of Christ. John O. Rego Swansea
Bible seminar Dear Editor: We of Martha's Vineyard have just concluded a 10 week seminar conducted by Father James F. Greene of Oak Bluffs. The strength of the symbols, which from the beginning of man's history have beel1 vital in sustaining the human species, formed a vital part of our instruction. One came away with some idea of how to read the Bible and discriminate between the authors of the four Gospels. It was explained how each of them was written originally to a different audience. We owe to him the bringing to the fore of the great meaning and direct connection between the Old and New Testaments. Adult Catholics owe themselves a refresher course every year. We on this island hope that Father Greene will resume the seminar in the forthcoming winter, not only for the laity which is badly in need of them, but also for non-Catholics, who are freely invited and found the series most interesting. Is anyone long on theology? I think not. Arthur Hartog Vineyard Haven
[necrology] April 25 Rev. John J. Wade, 1940, Assistant, Sacred Heart, Fall River Rev. Raymond J. Lynch, 1955, Chaplain, Catholic Memorial Home, Fall River April 27 Rev. Francis J: Hradley, D.D., 1925, Rector, Cathedral, Fall River Rev. Romeo D. Archambault, 1949, St. Anne, New Bedford April 28 Rev. Stanislaus J. Goyette, 1959, Pastor, St. 'louis de France, Swansea
BISHOP DANIEL A. CRONIN greets Matthew Hardman and Jeriann Dube, candidates for confirmation at Sacred Hearts Church, Fairhaven. The bishop, the vicar-general and the three -episcopal vicars of the diocese will administer the sacrament in 85 parishes this spring. (Rosa Photo)
Defense lesser ST. LOUIS (NC) - A strong national defense must be maintained as "the lesser of various evils," according to 'Bishop John J. O'Connor, vicar general of the U.S. Military Vicariate and a member of the U.S. bishops' .new ad hoc committee on war and peace. In an interview with the St. Louis Review, newspaper of the St. Louis archdiocese, Bishop O'Connor said he distinguishes between the question of nuclear superiority, which he called "a highly technical issue," and the nuclear arms race. "Certainly I would agree with
David F. Sheedy, 1930, St. John Evangelist, AtJohn A. Hurley, 1900, St. Mary, North Attle-
says bishop
any bishops or any others who expressed their abhorrence and alarm over the continued stockpiling of nuclear weapons, the potential of a nuclear holocaust and the madness of an arms race which not only continues to imperii peace but certainly uses tremendous resources that could be used so much more beneficially," Bishop O'Connor said. In March a group of 17 bishops appealed for intensified dialogue and debate within the church on nuclear arms. The appeal also advocated careful consideration of "the possibility of unilateral disarmament."
Bishop O'Connor said he agreed that it is "absolutely imperative that we come up with alternatives to war very, very soon." However, he warned: "My current conviction is that unilateral disarmament on the part of the United States could plunge the world into absolute horror."
Nine Sisters of St. Joseph from the Fall River diocese were among 1000 community members attending "National Event," a convocation of the Federation of the Sisters of St. Joseph held earlier this month in Brentwood, L.I., N.Y. A keynote address on Congregation and Implications for Justice by Sister Margaret Collins of Albany, N.Y., chairperson of the federation's social justice task force, introduced the twoday meeting. Other program highlights included a sisters' panel on Tentatives in the Light of Gospel Jus-
Small-group seminars discussed ministries of the community, including housing, education, work in Colombia and Brazil and domestic commitments to houses of hospitality. Diocesan attendants were Sisters St. Paul, Annette Chagnon, Irene Comeau, Margaret Goulet, Emma Guenette, Jean Marie Lyonnais, Marie Clotilde Remy, Simone Rodrigues and Frances Sidebottom.
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur. April 23, 1981
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Baseball report Tampa's International Airport is a magnificent if antiseptic monument to 20th century America's brain power. Computerprogrammed voices guide one to "Dockside B" or "Baggage Carrousel Red." This wonderful facility stands about a mile from AI Lopez Field (s:;>ring home of the Cincinnati Reds), which is to say at the hub of a gigantic cir.c1e which stretches out to Dunedin (Blue Jays), Clearwate::r (Phillies), Saint Pete (Mets and Cardinals), Bradenton (Pirates), Sarasota (White Sox), Lakeland (Tigers) and to magical Winter Haven, the home of our local entry, the Red Sox.
siderably better than many folks think. Manager Ralph Houk, who's booted home a few winners in a long, colorful and rather successful career, has organized a magnificent training camp. A determined group of
Within that vast circle on Florida's delightful "Sun Coast" hundreds of young men exercise brawn power (not to dismiss cerebral activity, however) as they propel with strong right arms a horsehide spheroid (likely . stitched in Haiti) toward equally muscular young forearms gripping Louisville Sluggers or Adirondack bats. True enough, some teams struggle through pre-season preparations in Arizona or Baja California. And· a couple of teams . . . good ones, we must admit, like the Orioles, Yankees and Dodgers, choose the East Coast of Florida for practice. Nonetheless, it is within that' glorious circle spinning out from Tampa that most pre-season activity occurs. Once again The Anchor has toured the camps of several of the major league ball clubs, con~ tinuing to be the only diocesan newspaper in the country to pay this kind of attention to America's national pastime. As usual, The Anchor's principal interest focuses upon Boston's beloved/beleaguered' Red Sox! The tempting aroma of citrus fruit floats across some of the training sites, notably the spanking accommodations of our Sox at Chain-o-Lakes Park in lovely Winter Haven, a beautiful facility overlooking Lake Lulu, a skip and a jump from Cypress Gardens. Neither grapefruit nor oranges sprout around zany Paine Park in Sarasota, however, nor at Jack Russell Field in delightful Clearwater. Rather, seagulls circle and salj:y aromas of the Mexican Gulf waft across Long. boat Key. Occasionally a jacket is in order and youthful hurlers can legitimately complain that sometime-stiff breezes cause havoc with their curve balls! Good Pope John XXIII ex· pressed dismay at the "prophets of doom" who forecast ruination at the prospect of the Second Vatican Council. The' same phrase might well be applied to many fair weather fans of the Bosox who, bemoaning the departure of some (legitimately) high-salaried stars Fred Lynn, Rick Burleson and Carlton Fisk, to name the most prominent trio - imagine. that our local team will be a sad and disheveled group in the pennant race. Hold off on total despair, New England fans! This team is con·
the enviable if thorny task of selecting between hard·hitting Dave Stapleton and Fall River's own speedy Jerry Remy for second base. Both have had impressive training sessions. Rick Miller can still play a solid center field and seems happy to return to Boston. The heavy hitters, Rice, Perez and the ageless Yaz, will provide that veteran "balance." Superstar Rice should improve on last year's mediocre output. All in all, the prospects are not dismal. If New England fans can keep their expectations in proportion (and what, dear friends, were your expectations in 1967 and 1975?), we'll have a good deal of fun with this year's team. Let's hope that those storm clouds out on the horizon don't materialize in a strike action around Memorial Day. Naturally The Anchor's peripatetic correspondent sampled the fare at various restaurants in the course of covering the spring training games. Highest marks were awarded to Heilman's Beachcomber Restaurant in Clearwater, to The Flame' Restaurant in Tampa and to genial Nick Christy's wonderful Sundown Restaurant right in the heart of Winter Haven.
younger players is heading into the season and The Anchor suspects that more than a few pleasant surprises are in store for those who follow the Sox. Pitching is unquestionably stronger than for many a season. Frank Tanana and Dennis Eckersly are proven major leaguers, and Mike Torrez appears ready to atone for last season's erratic hurling. Dwight Evans has had an outstanding spring. New England fans are going to be delighted with youthful (24), burly, swift Carney Lansford who hopefully will be the latest in a long line of superb third basemen patrolling Fenway's "hot corner." Garry Allenson and Glenn Hoffman bring to the gaps provoked by the Fisk and Burleson defections determined (and younger) efforts to prove themselves. The spring showings by a host of outfielders have been encour· aging. Tom Poquette's arm looks fine and his hitting has been one of the delightful surprises of the Grapefruit League. Houk has
Giving a nod to other clubs in the course of The Anchor's circuit through the Suncoast, we look for the Reds to improve a good deal. The Phillies look a little too complacent and we'll have no surprise if the Cincinnati entry should scramble over last year's world champions. The Dodgers exude "class," from the suave manner in which manager Tommy LaSorta handles the media to the tiniest detail of the dugout. In the American League West, Chicago's White Sox have added some~veteran offensive punch to that magnificent cirps of young pitchers and could surprise Gene Autry's Angels. As far as the American League East division is concerned, naturally the Orioles, Yankees and Brewers provide our local Bosox with formidable competition, but fans don't be surprised at anything, even the possibility that that elusive flag may yet flutter over Fenway! Play baIl!
No ~uthority~
says lawyer
.. WASHINGTON (NC) - Congress clearly does not have the constitutional authority to pass the proposed "human life statute" defining personhood as beginning at conception, according to the U.S. bishops' chief legal counsel. In a memorandum commenting on the legal questions surrounding the proposed statute, Wilfred R. Caron, general coun. sel for the National Conference of Catholic Bishops and U.S. Catholic Conference, said that while the effort may be laudable, the bill has several deficiencies and likely would not survive a court test. The statute, introduced by Sen. Jesse Helms (R-N.C.) and
Reps. Henry Hyde (R-m.) and Romano L. Mazzoli (D-Ky.), would declare that for purposes of the 14th Amendment to the Constitution human life begins at conception. The 14th Amendment says states cannot deprive any "person" of life, liberty, or property without due process of law. It also grants Congress the right to pass legislation enforcing the amendment's provisions. Pro-life groups have been split on the measure. While some strongly support it, others say it would be of little benefit and might delay efforts to gain a full human life amendment to the Constitution.
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur. April 23, 1981
M.S.A. Landscape M.
MEETIN'G WITH Bishop Cronin at 51. Francis Xavier parish, Hyannis, from left, Mrs. Woodrow Hayes, Mrs,. Michael J. McMahon, Mrs. Donald LeFils, Miss Winifred E. Coleman. (Poisson Photo)
10 million women
By Pat McGowan "My husband said, 'Winkie, out!' chuckled Mrs. Donald LeFils, president of the National Council of Catholic Wo::nen, in recalling how she becElme involved with the huge organization that represents some 10 million American Catholic women. The energetic mother of eight children said that when the youngest, now a high school senior, was safely through infancy, she found herself with time and enthusiasm for outside. pursuits. With her husband and children's full cooperation, she embarked on the volunteer career that has led through various state and national offices to her present nearly fulltime commitment. And, from "wearing out the rosary beads" on her vE~ry first plane trip, taken from Florida to a Kansas City NCCW convention, Mrs. LeFils now logs almost as many air hours as a pilot, speeding around th.e country to spread the NCCW message of concern for women and family life. With Mrs. Woodrow Hayes, NCCW International Affairs Commission chairman, and Miss Winifred E. Coleman, the organization's executive director, she was in the Fall River diocese earlier this month to select a Hyannis site for forthcoming NCCW executive meetings. The leaders were escorted to Cape Cod, where they also met with Bishop Daniel A. Cronin, by Mrs. Michael J. McMahon of Fall River, NCCW treasurer. Before their trip they were entertained at breakfast by Mrs. James O'Brien Jr., DCCW legislative chairman and a past diocesan president. Enjoying a perfect spring day on her first trip to New England as NCCW president, Mrs. LeFils, of Osteen, Fla., explained her unique first name of Winkie. "Actually, I'm Mary Edwina," she explained in a soft Southern voice, "but if I'm introduced that way, I look around to se,e who's behind me. My daddy called me Winkie when I was a toddler and the name just ,stayed." At breakfast she commented appreciatively on scrambled eggs, explaining that sh,e had a
special interest: "We run a poultry farm with 30,000 laying hens." Mrs. LeFils was brought up a Southern Baptist, she said, but at age 16 was so impressed by a group of Catholic friends who insisted on attending Mass before a Sunday at the beach, "that I just went along with them.
"I was stunned at the beauty of the Mass and the church," she recounted. "I have a curious mind, so I started looking into Catholicism and I decided it was for me." Her future husband, she added, was among the Mass-going teens whose witness led her into the church. At' first upset by her conversion, her family "came around" in later years, she said. "Now I think my father loves my husband almost more than I do!" Mrs. LeFils and her traveling companions came to Fall River from a UN meeting in New York, where Mrs. Hayes presented a report on NCCW activity in Third World countries, notably a current campaign to raise funds for water tanks in underdeveoped African nations. The tanks, said Mrs. Hayes, not only save village women from walking miles for often polluted water, but provide a safe, clean supply. In that connection, Mrs. Hayes noted that the NCCW is among supporters of the ongoing Nestle boycott, aimed at influencing the large manufacturer of baby, food to halt Third World marketing practices resulting in use by uneducated women of impure water to prepare baby formula.
Also a traveler is Miss Coleman, a former college dean whose. present position involves much visiting of NCCW affiliates. She noted that the NCCW "puts our money where our mouth is" in promoting good working conditions for women. "We have a staff of 12 pa~ time and full time workers," she said, "and we are involved in 'flextime' schedules where people arrange their hours to mesh with home responsibilities." Mrs. LeFils' children range in age from 18 to 26, she said, and she has six grandchildren. "Some reporters," she said, her blue-green eyes flashing, "get quite aggressive, asking how come I go traveling when the NCCW emphasizes family life so much. But I tell them my family agrees with what I'm doing and to me it's the quality of family life that really counts:' This is the NCCW's 60th year and the anniversary' has been a special theme during Mrs. LeFils' term in office, which ends in October at the NCCW national convention in Kansas City. A national support program with the theme "A Gift to a Sparkling Future" emphasizes the NCCW goals of service to church, family, community and world. In the Fall River diocese the theme will be stressed this Sunday, designated as Council Sunday following Saturday's diocesan convention in Taunton. Petitions for the spiritual and temporal welfare of the NCCW and its diocesan affiliates will be included in the Prayer of the Faithful at parish Masses. Also of special concern to the NCCW executives have been leadership symposiums, being presented for councils throughout the country and proving effective in sparking organization of new groups. "Six new affiliates formed in the Pensacola-Tallahassee diocese of Florida after the program was offered there," reported Mrs. LeFils. Of her term as president she said, "It's broadened my vision of church and community. I'll miss it when it's over, but I'll leave with tears of joy for what has been accomplished."
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Parents have final say By Dr. James and Mary Kenny Dear Dr. Kenny: I read your article on the overly active 20month-old baby. We have an 11year-old son who has been diagnosed as hyperactive. We've had him every place in Kentucky and Indiana that you ca~ imagine. We even took him to a clinic in Florida. He has been on RitaIln, Cylert, tranquilizers of all sorts and several diets. Now he is on Dexedrine, which seems to help a little. We havewt had the success we would have liked and are very confused. Please help. (Kentucky) A. We wrote a column recentlyon the 4-D approach to hyperactivity in children, suggesting that parents consider 'discipline, diet and drugs for the child and diversion for mother. to answer your question, howeve~, I would like to focus on two additional points: I) How to use professional help, and 2) how to use drugs. Unfortunately parents and families have given too much of their decision-making power to physicians. Remember, professionals are experts in a particular area. We need the knowledge of experts to help us with specific problems. However, no profession is concerned with the whole person the way the family is. In medicine, parents should question their physician about any radical procedure. A radical procedure is any intervention
that interferes with chemical or bodily integrity or with family living arrangements. In other words, parents should question drugs, surgery or hospitalization. Ask two simple questions. First, "What will happen if we do what you recommend?" You need to know all the side effects and aftereffects. You need to know the recovery odds so you can judge whether the treatment is worth the pain and expense. Second, ask, "What' will happen if we don't do what you recommend?" You want to know alternative treatments and the odds for recovery without medical intervention. Take the answers home and consult your spouse and family about what to do. If need be, consult another physician. In your case, recognize that physicians can only give medical advice and knowledge. To find non-medical treatments you need non-medical experts such as educators, psychologists or nutritionists. Then you as parents make the decision. Some of the confusion stems from differing expert opinions. You can resolve this if you realize that you and not the doctors have the final say about your son. Since many drugs have been recommended to you for your son, I want to add some suggestions on how to use drugs. All drugs change the body's chemical balance and may well
have unintended side effects. Ask your physician about these possible side effects. Only use drugs when absolutely necessary and for a limited period of time. Rarely is it advisable to continue the same psychoactive medication longer than six months. Make sure the drug is doing what it is supposed to do. Set some very specific behavioral goals in advance for your son. For example, you might expect him to be in his seat more and yell less at school between 10 a.m. and noon. Find out how long it takes the drug to have its effect. Have an observer, a teacher or an aide monitor his performance. Observation is best done by someone who is with the child daily and who does not know whether or not the child is on medication. If improvement is obvious, you are in luck. If nol, for heaven's sake have the good sense to stop the medication. Simple charts of a child's behavior are much better than a vague evaluation about whether his behavior . "seems better" the past few months. Parents need to insist on their responsibilities and rights. Use the knowledge and skills of physicians. Then use rour head. Questions on family living and child care are invited. Address to the Kennys c/o The Anchor, P.O. Box 7, Fall River, Mass. 02722.
Admission for Episcopalians the nuance, to have misunder- married Episcopal clergy. While Catholic officials have standings arise." Bishop Law explained that called the Vatican decision a there are two possible ways for "pastoral response" to the desire an Episcopalian priest to come expressed by a number of Episinto full communion with the copal Church leaders said the Catholic Church. One is under decision could harm ecumenical the terms of a "pastoral pro- . relations. Episcopal Bishop Albert W. vision," yet· to be developed, which would allow retention of Van ·DiJver of New Jersey said a common identity with other that requiring Episcopal priests Episcopalians entering the Cath- to be reordained "appears to reolic Church. The other is to be- open the ancient controversy come a priest in a diocese of the about the unwillingness of the Catholic Church without refer- Roman Catholic Church to reorganize the validity of ordinaence to other Episcopalians. 'Both options are open to mar- tion in the Anglican Church," ried Episcopal priests, he said. The Episcopal Church is a branch of the Anglican Communion, Preparation necessary before which originated in the break by ordaining Episcopalians as Cath- King Henry VIII of England with olic priests, Bishop Law said, the Catholic Church in the 16th would vary with the individual. century. He said he has begun preparing Archdeacon James H. Gama national certification examina- brill, vicar general of the Epistion in consultation with others, copal Diocese of Newark, N.J., including Father Carl Peter, dean said Episcopalians seeking to of the School of Religious Stud- join the Catholic Church are ies at the Catholic University of "dissidents" who object to two America. changes in the Episcopal Church: He said that one of the Epis- the ordination of women and recopalian petitioners would be vision in the Book of Common his fulltime assistant in develop- Prayer. They might not be satising a plan for the "pastoral pro- fied with the Catholic Church Bishop Law said: "We need vision," with the help of Arch- either, he said. to respond to the legitimate de- bishop Joseph Bernardin of CinA Different Understanding sire of individuals to enter into cinnati, Bishop Raymond Lessard of Savannah, Ga., and "I thought I should have thee, a relationship with the church o God, as a help in loving men. and at the same time to be sensi- others. He· said up to now, more than Thou didst understand it differtive to our relations with the Anglican Communion and the 70 bishops have indicated their ently. Thou didst use men Episcopal Church. It's so easy for' wHlingness, "some with con- against me to help me to love a n~ance to be lost, and in losing ditions," to accept as priests thee." - Kierkegaard
WASHINGTON (NC) - Bishop Bernard F. Law of Springfield-Cape Girardeau, Mo., newly appointed delegate for the admission of Episcopalians, including married Episcopal priests, into the Catholic Church, stressed that the process focuses on individuals. "The church has a responsibility to respond to individuals without prejudice to the ecumenical movement," Bishop Law said in a telephone interview. "There is a difference between our church responding to individuals who wish to come into full communion now, and, on the other hand, the restoration of unity between churches and ecclesiastical communities." The announcement of Bishop Law's appointment by the Vatican doctrinal congregation on March 31 reaffirmed the congregation's' statement last summer that, in allowing the married Episcopal priests to function as priests in the Catholic Church after ordination, the church was not dropping its general requirement that priests in the Latin Rite be celibate.
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur. April 23, 1981
ue,stion corner By Father John Dietzen Q. Your column several weeks ago discussed the position of the U.S. Catholic bishops against capital punishment. I cannot understand the reasoning for this stand. The bishops seem to think that if a person is poor, a member of a racial minority, or O1j}erwise on the lower levels of the social scale, he has the right to commit any crime he wishes. I come from a poor family of six and we were taught properl~r not to commit crime. Please tell me how you can give any'Dne the privilege of taking someone's life or raping someone and then say they should not be pllllished. (La.) A. The position of the bishops
which I presented in that column in no way justifies criminal acts by anyone. Their point is that the laws applying the death penalty to certain crimes are not enforced in the same way for some groups of Americans as for others - as an examination of death sentences in nearly every state makes quite clear. Every large community in the nation has its tale of heavy penalties given to the poor or otherwise underprivileged offenders, when richer offenders go free or receive token punishment for far more serious crimes. Bad enough when it results in prison terms or other sanctions, the situation becomes intolerable when it involves the penalty of death. Apart from other serious concerns, for example, the real effectiveness of the death penalty as a deterrent from crime, or how much right the state has to inflict death on an offender, the bishops' argument was that since laws calling for capital punishment are applied with gross inequity, those laws should be taken off the books. In taking this position the bishops are simply asking for equal justice under the law for all citizens, a right guaranteed by the Bill of Rights. They do not condone any crime, regardless of who the offender may be. Q. After listening to a television program on cremation, I decided I would like to look into it. If I were cremated, could I be buried in a Catholic cemetery? I talked to a priest who told me I would need permiSsiCl'll from the bishop for cremation and that only under certain circumstances would that permission be given. (Ohio) A. Cremation is no longer forbidden by the Catholic Church. The practice has for a long time been considered wrong for Catholics, and numerous other Christians, because opponents of Christianity promotted cremation as a protest against the belief in the resurrection. Supposedly, if the ash,es were scattered God would not be able easily to gather all the pieces together. Except possibly for a few corne:t:S... 0( the. earth, this antiChristian mentality no longer has
anything to do with cremation. Thus the church's prohibition has been rescinded. As long as there is no such anti-religious motive, cremation is perfectly permissible for Catholics. A funeral Mass may be offered with the body present before the cremation, or a memorial Mass for the deceased may take place later. The ashes may be buried in a Catholic cemetery; in fact it would be appropriate to do so. No special permission from the bishop or· other church authority is required for cremation. The only condition necessary is the one I mention above, although, as I've stressed before, one should thoughtfully consult the wishes and feelings of one's family before making such a decision. Questions for this column should be sent to Father Dietzen c/o The Anchor, P.O. Box 7, Fall River, Mass. 02722.
Msgr. Hellreigel, liturgical giant WASHINGTON (NC) - ' Archbishop Rembert G. Weakfand of Milwaukee, chairman of the U.S. bishops' Committee on the Liturgy, praised the late Msgr. Martin Hellreigel, who died at 90 April 10, as "an example for all who strive to live the liturgy, to make life itself an act of worship." Msgr. Hellreigel, pastor emeritus of Holy Cross Parish in St. Louis, was considered one of the pioneering giants of the 20th· century Catholic liturgical movement, which culminated in the liturgical reforms adopted by the Second Vatican Council. He died of a heart attack in the infirmary of the convent of the Sisters of the Most Precious Blood in O'Fallon, Mo., to which had just been moved from the parish in St. Louis where he was living. Born Nov. 9, 1890, Martin Hellreigel studied at Kenrick Seminary in St. Louis and was ordained to the priesthood in 1914. As early as 1922, Msgr. Hellreigel was celebrating dialogue Masses. He was also one of the first priests in the United States to institute such practices as Mass with the missal, hymns sung in English, Offertory processions and special observances during the Easter vigil. The Second Vatican Council subsequently adopted many of his liturgical innovations.
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from $1395 MICHAEL TABAK of the faculty of Coyle and Cassidy High School, Taunton, has been named the school's development director. In his new post he will develop a file of alumni/ae of the former St. Mary's; Coyle and Cassidy high schools, as well as of Coyle-Ca$sidy graduates of the past iOyears. He will also work on long-range school goals with Michael Donly, who will head the school's administration as of July 1, succeeding Father Richard W. Beaulieu, the present principal.
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$1399 BUFFINTON FLORIST, INC. FATHER BERTRAND DEMERS, OMI, a psychologist and a native of Fall River, will conduct a retreat-seminar for women the weekend of May 1 to 3 at Ephpheta House, Cumberland, R.I. Working with him will be Fathers Ray Lacasse, OMI, and Lucien Dufault, OMI. The program will center on the healing of fear, anxiety and depression and will offer workshops on centering. prayer, meditation a.nd contemplation. Further information is available in Fall River from Mrs. Anne Lebreux, 6738073, or from Ephpheta House, 401-769-3900.
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Evangelization celebration set WASHINGTON (NC) - The National Conference of Catholic Bishops' Committee on Evangelization has endorsed the Third Annual National Catholic Lay Celebration of Evangelization, said Bishop Edward T. O'Meara of Indianapolis, committee chairman. This year) celebration will
consist of three separate conferences: in Portland, Ore., Aug. 68; in St. Louis, Aug. 13-15; and in Hartford, Conn., Aug. 21-23. Each conference will feature 20 workshops, liturgies, music and other activities. A day-long program for priests and deacons. on preaching for evangelization is also planned.
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur. April 23, 1981
Parishes as teachers By Father Philip J. Mumion
In the Newark archdiocese for six weeks in 1979, almost 40,000 people met once a week in parishioners' homes to reflect on the Christian obligation to care for the needy. Then 500 parish representatives turned out for a weekend training program on the work of justice. This outpouring of concern followed a year of careful planning during which members· of more than 200 parishes had committed themselves to reflection and prayer on the challenge Christ posed to their lives. Education for social responsibility includes becoming, more aware of the challenge of the Gospel in our lives and becoming more aware of peoples needs and the injustices th~y suffer. I
think it is more a matter of reflection than of information. It is an opportunity to consider what is happening in people's lives, why it is happening and what can be done to meet people's needs. Probably the best education in a parish comes from getting involved in people's needs and then reflecting on what is encountered. For example, if people help each other obtain adequate medical care and then reflect on obstacles encountered - e.g., how the expense of health care keeps some people from it - this will be an effeCtive learning experience. If parishioners visit prisons or participate in bail hearings, questions of criminal justice will be seen in a new light.
Education for social responsibility can however get mis· directed when it assu:nes peo' pie do not know there is suf· fering or do not care to do anything about it.' Then educa· tion becomes either an immobi· lizing inventory of all the dis· tress in the world or an attempt to arouse guilt feelings. In fact, no one can go through a week without hearing about suffering. The news media born· bards us and we constantly run into instances of injustice at work, at school.. in our towns and neighborhoods. Nonetheless, there are un· noticed problems - the parish family without enough food; the teen-agel' quietly falling into the clutches of alcoholism; the wornTurn to Page Thirteen
What one parish does
JESUITS IN THE "Horizons fot Justice" program experienced poverty firsthand in this hillside slum of Rio de Janeiro. (NC Photo)
Experience convinces
to reflect together on the experience. The most effective sermon I've Architects of the program ever heard was delivered by a faced storms of criticism from Lutheran minister from the stage all sides: It was "using" poor of an auditorium during a sem- people; it was unrealistic and inar on the U.S. penal system. superficial. The seminar opened with an Nonetheless, the program perinformal panel discussion among sisted. With few exceptions, thepeople who the previous day had Jesuits who experienced this progone through the process of ad- gram underwent a radical change mission to a state prison in awareness of the poverty and without prison personnel being oppression which masses of the aware of their identity. The pan- human race face every day. The el members said they were priorities and lifestyles of these searched and sheared - and, as Jesuits have changed. they reported thoroughly . Turn to page thirteen "depersoned." The effect on them was profound. One man, a high administrator in his church, simply descril:!ed his reactions. I suspect he had never spoken so movingBy Janaan Manternach ly before. What he described was disconcerting to an audience Paul and Barnabas were sailof educators and pastors. Prison ing back to Antioch. It had been admission procedures were for- almost three years since they eign to our experience and al- had left the city - years of most beyond belief. pain and joy. This dignified, intellectual man As they enjoyed the fresh was in the grip of feelings so in- saIt breezes, they talked about tense that they transformed him all that had happened. and his hearers. When he finThe Antioch Christians welished, I feIt that I had grasped, comed Paul and Barnabas. Then as if by osmosis, the inhumanity Paul called the whole communand degradation of his experi- ity together. "God did wonderence. ful things wherever we went," Some years ago, the U.S. Jes- he told them. "We began Chrisuits had a program for middle- tian communities in Perga, Lyaged members called "Horizons stra, Iconium and Pysidian Antifor Justice." The idea was to och. We preached the good news send them to various countries about Jesus Christ everywhere in Latin America for six weeks we went. To our surprise many in the summer, to work along Gentiles as well as Jews accepted with native Jesuits in areas of Jesus. We welcomed them all as poverty. The aim: to experience Christians." poverty and need totally differThe missionaries stayed in ent from anything they had Antioch for some time, happy to known in their own country, and Turn to page thirteen By Father John O'Callaghan
For children
By Christopher J. Sheehan Social Action Committee, now At S1. Mary's Parish in East 5 years old. A vital part of this Hartford, Conn., social justice is ministry involves food and clothan important concern, highlight- ing banks operated throughout ed in sermons, education pro- the year. grams and parish activities. Committee member Christine When "we look at where living Shannon said: "Our food bank the life of Christ is, everything has helped over 700 families is geared to social justice," says with many thousands of contrico-pastor Father Thomas O'- butions distributed." An ecuRourke. menical effort, food, clothing and The largely blue-collar parish even help in making deliveries includes people of French back- are provided by Protestant and ground and long-established Jewish communities throughout families. The people have a tra- the city, while The Hartford dition of "knowing and looking Bureau of Social Services often out for each other." '.: 'makes referrals to the church. Requests for food help are This tradition frames parish efforts to help the needy, co- given to a committee member ordinated by a seven-member who handles arrangements either
meeting with the fami:y at the food bank or having a home delivery made. Volunteer couples handle calls for one month each. The food bank is open daily while the clothing bank is open every week. Collections for both go on continually. At Easter, Thanksgiving and Christmas, the bulletin boards at the entrance~) of St. Mary's sport special signs of the season, such as a large pumpkin at Thanksgiving. Attached are the names of dozens of homebound elderly (half of St. Mary's parishioners are older than 65) who seldom receive cards or visitors. As people le'ave Mass, they are Turn to Page Thirteen
On equality in marriage Father John J. Castelot St. Paul kept both feet squarelyon the ground, never letting his ideals throw him off balance. There were facts to be faced, facts some enthusiasts in Corinth preferred to ignore. "Don't confuse us with facts!" they said. Paul's down-to-earthness stood him in good stead in coping with questions from his parish in Cor- , inth. Throughout the first six, chapters of First Corinthians he deals with reports reaching him from various sources. Now, beginning with Chapter 7, he takes up their own questions: "Now for the matters you wrote about," he begins. The first matter was that of
marital relationships, not of marriage itself, but of a certain attitude expressed by some wellmeaning idealists. He first quotes their viewpoint: "A man is better off having no relations with a woman." There was a sense in which this might be true, Paul explains. If one wants to be utterly free to devote all one's energies to the well-being of the community, that is fine. However, if one wants simply to be free of responsibility, that is egocentrism at its worst. But there was an even more sinister danger to be found in the attitude of the idealists. It might well reflect a growing
trend among certain philosophers so to idealize the spiritual as to despise the material; to look upon the physical body as evil and marriage as despicable. Pa.J.ll countered this trend with a realistic view of marriage as a rightful part of human existence. Marriage must not be disdained or tampered with, he tells the Corinthians. To begin with, the mutual attraction of the sexes is willed by God. . If it does not find legitimate fulfillment in the marriage relationship, it will seek it in the degrading practices of pagan Corinth. Were the enthusiasts to impose their pet ideals on everyTurn to Page Thirteen
know your faith
A Verdade E A Vida Dirigida pelo Rev. Edmond Rego
o Romem No Plano De Deus o homem encontra a sua razio de
ser em Deus que 0 criou. N'ele est~ o seu princlp~o e 0 seu fim. 0 que significa que, se se desliga de Deus, fica sem horizontes, sem sentido para a vida. Este ~ 0 drama qpe angustia 0 homem moderno. ~onhando com a sua reali~agio pessoal, imagina-a possIvel longe de Deus, entregue a si mesmo. Ora, Deus nio nos criou sem urn fim. No seu modo de ser, nas suas aspiragoes mais profundas, 0 homem tende para esse fim que i 0 mesmo Deus. Na medida em que se decide a prossegui-lo, j~ aqui na terra, esforgandose por conh~cer e aceitar os pIanos de Deus a seu respeito, 0 homem vai disfrutando da felicidade rel~tiva que 0 mundo the oferece, e que mais nio i do que 0 prenGncio da felicidadl autentica que so Deus, quando possuido em plenitud~ pode dar. ! Santo Agostinho quem no-lo recorda: Senhor fizeste-nos para Ti e 0 nosso coragio anda inquieto enquanto nio descansar em Ti. Na sua bondadee sabedoria infini' tas, Deus, ao criar-nos, quis tornarnos participantes da sua vida. DaI que, entre todos os seres da criagio que reflectem maravilhosamente a sa-' bedoria de Deus, sobreisaia 0 homem, feito i Sua imagem e semelhanga. Criados para conhecer, amar e servir a Deus, encontrarnos em Jesus Cristo nio so 0 caminho que nos conduz ao Pai, mas tambim a forga necess~ria para 0 percorrer, Ele i a sabedoria eterna, que veio ao mundo, encarnado, e que agora encontra as Suas delIcias em estar no meio dos homens. A vinda de Jesus Cristo ao mundo entra no plano salvIfico de Deus.Com a sua morte e ressurreigio, tornou-se a ponte que di acesso a Deus. Ele i 0 Pontlfice. Foi por ele que alcangamos a possibilidade de nos tornarmos filhos de Deus, tItulo em que assenta a dignidade do cristio. Pelo baptismo unimo-nos a Jesus Cristo e recebemos a Vida sobrenatural. Desde entio tornimo-nos templos de Deus, templos da Santissima Trindade. Essa vida cresce em nos, na medida em que pela fi nos unirmos a Jesus Cristo, facilitando em nos a acgio do Esplrito Santo que Ele nos mereceu enos enche do amor de Deus se nio the puser~os entraves. PossuIdos e animados por esse amor, longe de desanimarmos perante a tribulagio e os desenganos proprios da vida presente, anima-nos a Esperanga que aviva ern nos a certeza da gloria do j'
Apesar da natural tristeza dos Apostolos apos a Ascensio, Jesus tinha-lhes deixado claro que era necess; rio que ele partisse. A obra que havi a iniciado neles seria completada pel Consolador que ele enviaria do Pai. Em nos, como neles, continua a SE a acgio do Esplrito Santo que nos transforma e santi fica
Experience cOllvinces Continued from page twelve What no religious superior and no official document could accomplish, was accomplished dramatically by experience. If a picture is worth a thousand words, an experience is worth a million! Without awareness of the questions and problems that beset our cities and citizens, we'll never find meaningful answers to the social ills of society. Educators to' social concern are trying more and more to speak from experience, finding that theoretical arguments alone do not pack enough punch. But they are also finding it important to speak to experience. To help one appreciate the problem of real hunger, there is nothing like having been really : hungry! Injustice is all ~round us. Some is illegal, some' within the
One Parish Continued from Page Twelve invited to take a name and contact the person during the holidays. Parishioners visit the elderly regularly and deliver Meals on Wheels to those who wouldn't eat properly otherwise. At Christmas several dozen people receive holiday baskets from their neighbors at St. Mary's. The parish bulletin is used as a means of teaching social justice. For instance, information is given on how to support efforts of migrant work~rs to organize. Current needs of the community are also listed. Mrs. Shannon says that educating people about social justice is a challenge. "People are generous when they can identify needs, "but problems that don't have any immediate solution are much harder to communicate." Each November the parish conducts a Social Action Sunday, with liturgy and homilies on the theme of social justice. People are given information explaining the work of the Social Action committee and then are invited to sign up. Often guest speakers are invited to discuss social justice. Topics might include prison work or inner-city problems. Because of the commitment of the people, social justice is a continuing concern at St. Mary's Parish.
Teachers Continued from page twelve an physically abused by her husband. Many publications can be used as a basis for reflection: Scripture; statements of the popes and bishops; and many other book and pamphlets. When combined with reflection on situations actually met in daily live, such publications can illustrate the hunger and thirst for justice to be found in our own worlds. Most people are aware of suffering and injustice, care and would like to do something. So education for social ministry is primarily an opportunity to sharpen awareness and to find ways to exercise that care.
letter of the law. Discrimination, price fixing, lack of housing for the poor in cities where condominium conversion is the order of the day, exorbitant profits in some inner-city grocery stores - these are unjust practices. Few of them are simple to analyze, much less to correct; their roots go deep into the structures of society. Not everyone agrees on what is unjust. But that's not the issue here. My contention is this: Without some experience of injustice and some reflection, it is the rare person who really understands or acts on the church's teaching on social justice.
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For children Continued from page twelve be at home after their difficult journey. But their peaceful life did not last long. Some men came down from Judea to Antioch. They began teaching in the Christian community there, apparently been sent by the Jerusalem' church. "You must do everything according to the Law of Moses," they said. They seemed to be saying you had to be Jewish in order to be a Christian. Many Antioch Christians agreed with them. Jesus was a Jew. All the apostles were Jews. The church in Jesusalem was almost entirely Jewish.. The Christians at Jerusalem continued to worship at the temple. They ob· served the Jewish law of Moses. Paul and Barnabas had a different idea. They met' many Greeks and other Gentiles who welcomed the good news of Jesus Christ they had baptized many non-Jews. So Paul challenged the new teachers. "Your teaching is not right," he insisted. "What counts is faith in Jesus Christ, not circumcision. Anyone who accepts Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior can be a Christian." The debate grew more intense. The Antioch church became divided. Many people were upset. The leaders of the Antioch church decided to send Paul and Barnabas to Jerusalem to ask "Is it necessary to be a Jew first in order to become a Christian?"
Equality Continued from page twelve one, they might well drive people to debauchery. Paul speaks of the mutual obligations of marriage partners, but he is not reducing the relationship to a contractural deal. Rather, the circumstances in Corinth force him to point out that basic and equal rights to sexual relations are involved. Neither partner can one-sidedly decide to abstain from lovemaking. Abstinence must be a two-way decision and should only be temporary. It should, furthermore, have some worthwhile purpose. Paul singles out total, ail-consuming dedication to prayer as an example. He exhorts, cajoles, and pleads with the Corinthians but never commands.. To act under duress is to act inhumanely.
Thurs., April 23, 1981
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THE ANCHORThurs., April 23, 1981
Pope encourages cancer patient
. VANCOUVER, British Columbia (NC) - A young cancer victim whose attempted crossCanada run to raise cancer research funds captured the imagination of millions of Canadians has received a 'televram from Pope John Paul II. The pope invoked on Terry Fox "the strength of the Lord Jesus Christ and divine blessings in abundance." The 22-year-old Fox is a British Columbian who lost a leg to cancer several years ago. Last year he attempted a crossCanada run. to raise money for research. He reached Thunder Bay on the northern shore of Lake Superior by Sept. 6, 1980, before further development of cancer in the lungs forced him to abandon his run. He had travelled 3,339 miles from his starting point in Newfoundland. Although incomplete, the run helped Fox raise more than $22 million. When Archbishop James Carney of Vancouver met the pope in Alaska Feb. 26, he asked the pontiff to pray for Fox. The result was the telegram.
CoyIe-Cassidy Students at the Taunton school have been invited to hear Father Bruce Ritter of Covenant House in New York City address the convention of the Diocesan Council of Catholic Women to be held at C-c Saturday, April 25. Among recent student accomplishments: third place and a $50 award to Walter Precourt at the recent regional science fair; earning of slots a~ the state science fair by Walter and John Brady; choice of Cindy Baran and Donna Brezinski to participate in the Massachusetts Advanced Studies Program, a new 6-week program for gifted high school juniors, to be held this summer at Milton Academy in Milton.
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Patience By Cecilia Belanger It's surely time for science and religion to acknowledge the legitimacy of each other's increasingly similar worldviews. Mostly, it's time to understand that a materialism which makes objects of us all, separates us all and reduces us all is not just morally corrosive: it is false. The oneness that we say we seek and for which we pray oflien remains mere theory, never put into action. The very structure of the universe is a "oneness." I doubt it is accidental AT AWARENESS DAY, from left, John Sheridan, Mrs. Virginia Machado of the we are discovering many comCrawford Nursing Home, Fall River, Carol Mis, Father Paul Carrier, SJ (Torchia Photo) manalities. I think it is intended. Today, religion and the sciences have a lot to talk about and dt's one revelation after the other. At the annual Social Aware- pared by Connolly freshmen Pat the Liturgy was provided by the, Truth is immutable. What is ness Day of Bishop Connolly Burns and Brad Hibbert. Notre Dame school choir. true in the field of religion must High School, Fall River, 22 Coordinators of the day were also be true in the field of sciAll student participants in the speakers discussed various forms day wrote essays on their re- Rev. Paul Carrier, S.J. and Mr. ence. When two truths seem opof ministry and the day's theme, actions. They will be judged and Paul Murphy, S.J. posed, we must remember that "Who Are My Brother and My prizes awarded to the best in there is perhaps a third which Sister?" was further emphasized each class. will harmonize the whole. by t~e keynote speaker, Rev. Closing the day was a conIn fact, true science llnd true Daniel Lewis, SJ, director of re.igion cannot be arbitrarily ROME (NC) - "The Goldpastoral ministry for the路 New celebrated liturgy of commitment. Rev. John Murphy, S.J., smith's Shop," a play about mar- separated, for they deal with England Jesuits. Father Lewis gave the scrip- moderator of student govern- riage by Pope John Paul II, will different aspects of one truth. tural basis for the church miss- ment, was principal celebrant, be made into a film for worldMany students, however, are ion to the poor and challenged joined by members of the Jesuit wide distribution. Two Italian troubled by the paradoxes of rehis student hearers to serve the community and six diocesan film producers Marco Antonini ligion. It is difficult for them to priests. Rev. James C. O'Brien, and Mario Di Nardo, said the see how a God of love allows a needy world. Among other speakers were S.J., director of education for Interlinea Cinematografica Com- small child to die in India or a loved one to suffer through a Rev. Peter Graziano, on prison New England Jesuits, and former pany will shoot the film in Craministry; Rev. Robert Kaszyn- Connolly principal, was the homi- cow, Poland, where the pope severe affliction. was cardinal-archbishop. ski, parish ministry; and Fred list. 'In such circumstances we can , Also participating in the Mass. The play, written in 1960 un- only call for patience, for in due Enman, a Jesuit lawyer from were nursing home residents and der the pen name Andrzej JawHoly Cross College. course the complete answers Following the seminars stu- students from Bishop Stang and iew, has been performed in Ger- will be known. dents viewed a film, "The Shop- Bishop Feehan High Schools, man, Italian, Polish and other Failure to gain such answers ping Bag Lady," and a slide Nazareth Vocational Center, and languages since Pope John causes many to lose their faith show on the day's theme pre- St. Michael's school. Music for Paul's election, in God. But there are many such paradoxes in science, such as the dual nature of light or our abiliTHIS SONG tells how power- ty to define the essence of gravful words can be. We fail to ity. Such paradoxes do not seem to realize how much our words can hurt. Often it is a sort of game destroy faith in science. They in which subtly we say路 to our- simply remind us of our ~imited selves: "1 might not be perfect, understanding and until such but at least I am not like him or time as we learn more, scientific patience also becomes a virtue. her." In the middle ages, the faith Such games flow from inseof many was based more on curity. When we feel uncertain of our own worth .and value, we highly unusual events than on By Charlie Martin may keep trying to prove our- the miracles of everyday circumselves. But insecurity cannot be stances. The mysterious appearance of a comet, for example, healed by putting others down. was of greater importance than HER TOWN TOO If we judge others just on the the rising of the sun. basis of their external actions, She's been afraid to go out _ As scientific understanding inour judgments hold little validity. creased, false religious beliefs She's afraid of the knock at the door We can evaluate actions, but were no longer necessary to exThere's always a shadow of a doubt when we use actions to judge plain such occurrences; conseShe can never be sure the person, we are overreaching. quently, many no longer felt a Who comes to call We are not gods who see clearly need for God, forgetting the Maybe the friend of a' friend of a friend into people's minds. Anyone at all greater miracles of the firmaAnything but nothing again Jesus would take the time to ment and of life itself remainIt used to be her town personally know others. While ing unexplained. It used to be her town too approving the person, he often Henry Wadsworth Longfellow It used to be her town challenges the person's actions' once noted: "If spring came but It used to be her town too or decisions. Jesus believes in once in a century, instead of Seems like even her old girifriends others and supports them in their once a year, or burst with the Might be talking her down efforts to become better persons. sound of an earthquake and not She's got a name on the grapevine Our task i~ the same. We in silence, what wonder and exRunning up and down the telephone line' should take the risk of knowing pectation there would be in all Talking about someone said someone said something hearts to behold the miraculous others more completely. change. But now the silent sucabout something else If we care about others, we cession of spring suggests nothSomeone might have said about her will reach out to them in their ing but necessity. Tq most men She's always figured they were her friends brokenness. only the cessation of the miracle And maybe they can live without her Too many people feel that no- would be miraculous and the Written by Taylor, Souther, Wachtel, sung by James Taylor body loves them. Our task is to perpetual exercise of God's powlessen this number...路 -. . er seems less wonderful than its and J. D. Souther (c) 1981, CBS, Inc. withdrawal would be."
'Who Are My Brother and My Sister'
Papal movie
THE ANCHOR Thurs., April 23, 1981
By Bill Morrissette
portswQtch New Bedford's St. Mary's CYO Champs
tv, mOVIe news
Norris H. Tripp SHEET_ METAL
Symbols following film reviews indicate both general and Catholic Film Office ratings, which do not always coincide. General ratings: G-suitable for gen· eral viewing; PG-parental guidance suggested; R~restricted, unsuitable' for children or younger teens. Catholic ratings: AI-approved for children and adults; A2-approved for adults and adolescents; A3-approved for adults only; B-objectionable in part for everyone; A4-separate classification (given to films not morally offensive which, however, require some analysis and explanation); C-condemned.
per game while holding the opSt. Mary's of New Bedford has position to' an average of 11 captured its second straight' diocesan CYO championship in girls' points. basketball. Coach Barry Fisher's St. Mary team went undefeated The first annual Old Rochester in 23 outings, including league Regional Vocational Invitational games, playoffs, diocesan tourna- Softball Tournament will be held ment and in the first annual tomorrow and Saturday at the George Washington .tournament. high school in Mattapoisett. New Films Foxboro High, Westport High In the playoffs for the league "Eyes of a Stranger" (Warncrown the St. Mary girls swept and Nauset Regional join the ers): A sadistic rapist-murderer their series with St. James, 45-29 host school in the tournament in (John DiSanti) stalks the blind and 46-28, and went on to defeat which opening games tomorrow adolescent sister (Jennifer Jason Fall River titlist Notre Dame pair Old Rochester and Foxboro Leigh) of a television reporter 40-16 and 50-34 to annext the at 10:30 a.m. and Westport (Lauren Tewes) in this sleazy diocesan crown. In the George against Nauset at noon. The horror movie. Because of vioWashington Tournament they winners will meet at noon Satur- lence and nudity, it is rated C, defeated Notre Dame of Fail day for the tourney crown. ToR. River and Mt. Carmel, St. James morrow's losers will meet at "Going . Ape" (Paramount): and St. Francis, all of New Bed- 10:30 Saturday morning in the Avoid this witless comedy about ford. consolation final. a young man (Tony Danza) comThe all-around champi.ons will After the championship game, pelled by the terms of a will to be honored at a banquet on Mayall four teams will attend an care for three orangutans. It's 3 sponsored. by the St. Mary's awards luncheon. Each team will bad beyond belief and due to unAthletic Association. More hon- have one or more players named remitting vulgarity and profanity, ors will come their way at the to a 10-player all-tourney team. it is rated A3, PG. annual girls' CYO awards ban- Luncheon and awards will be "Hardly Working" (Fox): Jerry quet in the Cranberry Rooni, handled by a committee of soft- Lewis is an out-of-work circus New Bedford, next Sunday. ball parents. clown who fails at jobs ranging Sparked by leading scorers triIf rain or poor field conditions from chef at a Japanese restaucaptain Rachelle Lemieux and force a postponement on either rant to postman. There are gentri-captain Marie David the dio- or both days the tournament will uinely funny moments, but cesan titlists averaged 32 points be held Sunday. . otherwise this is for die-hard Lewis fans only. Because of Conference Baseball Underway The Southeastern Mass ConBarnstable vs. Durfee at Sarg- some mild profanity, it is rated ference baseball season opened ent Field, New Bedford, Somer- A2, PG. "Nighthawks" (Universal): Sylset at Falmouth, New Bedford at yesterday. Full four-game cards are on tap for tomorrow and Taunton. Division Two - Dart- vester Stallone is a New York next Tuesday. mouth at Case, Yoke-Tech at policeman in an anti-terrorist Bishop Connolly High took an Fairhaven. Division Three - Di- unit whose mettle is tested by impressive pre-season 5-0 rec- man Yoke at Bourne, Wareham a clever and ruthless German ord into its conference, opener at Old Rochester, Seekonk at terrorist (Rutger Hauer.) There yesterday at home to Case. The Westport. All games tomorrow is no faulting the action and excitement but the human dimenCougars visit Dighton-Rehoboth are at 10:30 a.m. The Feehan Shamrocks have sion is lacking and no signifitomorrow and play host to Dartmouth next Tuesday in Division shown well in pre-conference ac- cant light is she4 on the grave Two contest. tion and must also be considered problem of international terror. The tw~ ~t~er dio.cesan schools strong contenders for the Div- ism. Because of its violence and high level of tension, "NightIn that diVISion, Bishop Feehan ision Two crown. The Hockomock Baseball hawks" is rated A3, R. High and Bishop. Stang High, "Lion of the Desert"' is the meet tomorrow In Dartmouth. L ' t d h k . eague games 0 ay ave FranNext Tuesday, Feehan IS home to lin at North Attleboro, Oliver story of Libyan hero Omar MukGreater New Bedford Voke- Ames at Foxboro, Sharon at htar (Anthony Quinn) who for 20 years, until his 1931 capture Tech and Stang has un away Mans f'Ie Id an d Cant on a t Stougn,,.h game a t Fall' aven. t and execution defied Benito on. The two diocesan schools in Mussolini, matching his brave Divsion Three, Coyle-Cassidy Next Monday's schedule has but poorly equipped guerillas High and Holy Fami:ty High No. Attleboro at Foxboro, Can- against Italy's modern fighting meet on the latter's diamond ton at Oliver Ames, Stoughton force. tomorrow. Holy Family is host at Sharon, and Mansfield at Much violence rates A3 and to Bourne and Coyle-Cassidy is King Philip. Next Wednesday it PG c1assificatfions. at Diman Yoke next Tuesday. will be No. Attleboro at Canton, "Cafe Express" (Summit): Other conference games tomor- Foxboro at Franklin, King PhilNino Manfredi plays a Sicilian row are: Division One - Den- ip at Stoughton, and Oliver Ames reduced by a physical handicap at Attleboro, at Sharon. nis-Yarmouth to scratching out a living as a train coffee vendor, contrary to Host Attleboro Is Relay Winner Attleboro High, the host granted a waiver to leave the the railroad's rules. Earthy dialschool, posted a total of 90 Southeastern Mass. Conference ogue and a comic sexual incident points to win the Attleboro Re- and join the Old Colony League. make this mature fare, Rated lays in which 11 schools parti- This allows Taunton to join Old A3. "Excalibur" (Warners): This cipated. New Bedford High, with Colony next September. 86 points, was a close runnerup. long and lavish retelling of the The action was taken at a re- Arthurian legend is distinguished In boys' track, Connolly is host to Coyle-Cassidy at 10:30 cent meeting of the conference by sincerity and impressive a.m. tpmorrow at Bourne at at which, except for Taunton, cinematography. But the Holy 3: 15 p.m. Tuesday when Feehan sentiment favored holding the Grail sequences are muddled, visits Diman Yoke, ~Iso at 3:15. conference together. Another and the figure of Merlin has to Many area sshools will parti- meeting is planned for May 11 bear the burden of the film's ripate in the State Track Coach- at which time by-law changes meaning. Sex and violence are es Relays Saturday. will be presented to the Board overdone. B, R. "Knlghtriders" (UFO): This Taunton High School has been of Governors and the conference.
film attempts to re-create the .;.uiian legend in the saga of a troupe of daredevils who joust on motorcycles instead of horses. But the plot, which involves an attempt of television promoters to dilute the troupe's pristine purity, is simple-minded at best. Because of gratuitous sex, the picture is rated B. On TV Moving from suburbia to' the inner city is the plot premise of a new series, "American Dream," premiering as a movie specialSunday, April 26, 9:30-11 p.m. on ABC. Already cramped in their small suburban home, the Novak family has to find room for a fourth child and an aged parent. They can't afford a big house in suburbia but they can fix up a sixbedroom house in Chicago's inner city. Adapting to their new environment is a cultural shock for each family member except the father, who grew up in the neighborhood and enjoys walking to work instead of a two-hour commute. The series intends to evoke the image of the pioneer and of the immigrant in fashioning the national ethos. The personal values of the Novaks are less obvious. The wife, learning she is pregnant, considers an abortion but then realizes she "couldn't do it," a decision supported by her husband. In many ways, this TV family's attitudes and values are those of most churchgoers but religion seemingly has no place in their lives. Nevertheless the series has its heart in the right place and bears watching. Religious Broadcasting "Confluence," 8 a.m. each Sunday, repeated at 6:30 a.m. each Tuesday on Channel 6, is a panel program moderated by Truman Taylor and having as permanent participants Father Peter N. Graziano, diocesan director of social services; Rev. Dr. ,Paul Gillespie, of the Rhode Island State Council of Churches; and Rabbi Baruch Korff.
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur. April 23, 1981
OUR LADY OF ANGELS, FALL RIVER Catholic Charity Appeal solicitors will meet at 7 p.m. Sunday at the parish hall. Those planning for the Espirito Santo feast will meet at 7 p.m. Monday. A breakfast meeting will follow 8 a.m. Mass Sunday, May 3 for the Council of Catholic Women. Adults wishing to be confirmed at St. Mary's Cathedral Sunday, June 7, should contact the rectory. "
Ire asked to submit news Item's for this column to The Anchor, P. O. Box 7, Fall River, 02722. Name of city or town should be Included as well as full dates of all ,ctlvitles. Please send news of future rathe, thin past events. Note~ We do not carry news of fundralsing activities such as bingos, whlsts, dances, suppers and bazaars. We a'e happy to carry notices of spiritual programs, club meetings, youth projects and similar nonprofit activities. Fundraising projects may be advertised at our regular rates, obtainable from The Anchor business office, telephone 675·7151
BLESSED SAC~NT ADORERS, FAIRHAVEN The Adorers will hold a holy hour from 7 to 8 p.m. Tuesday at Sacred .J:learts Church, Fairhaven. Msgr. Luiz G. Mendonca will be homilist. Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament will take place Friday, May I, following 8:30 a.m. Mass until 9 p.m., also at Sacred Hearts Church.
ST. MARY, SEEKONK A life in the Spirit seminar will be conducted this weekend. Information is available from Pauline L'Heureux, 336-6349.
ST. MARY, NEW BEDFORD Congratulations are extended to the girls' basketball team, for the second straight year diocesan champions. Altar boy schedules are availBLESSED SACRAMENT, able in the sacristy. FALL RIVER The Diocesan Council of CathAll are invited to a Day of ' olic Nurses will meet at the Praise and Worship from 1 to church hall from 1 to 5 Satur5 p.m. Sunday in the church. Barbara Wright will be the fea-' day afternoon. tured speaker. Her topic will be ST. JOSEPH, "Come and Worship." FAIRHAVEN
ST. JOSEPH, ATrLEBORO The "Joyful Noise" coffeehouse meets at 8 p.m. the second and fourth Saturday of each month in the parish hall. All are welcome. DOMINICAN LAITY, FALL RIVER Tertiaries will meet for Mass at 1:30 p.m. Monday, April 27 at St. Anne's rectory, Fall River. A session in the rectory assembly room will follow.
LA SALEITE SHRINE, ATrLEBORO Father Richard Lavoie, MS, will conduct a public healing. service at' 2 p.m. Sunday at the ST. DOMINIC, SWANSEA People's Chapel. John Rego is parish chairman ST. GEORGE, for the Catholic Charities ApWESTPORT peal. The patronal feast of the parish will be celebrated at 7 o'clock ST. JOSEPH, Mass tonight. An ice cream so- FAIRHAVEN First communion will be recial in the church hall will folceived Sunday. low.
SEPARATED, DIVORCED FALL RIVER AREA Separated, divorced and remarried Catholics will meet for discussion at 7 p.m. Wednesday at Our Lady of Fatima church hall, 560 Gardners Neck Rd., Swansea. All are welcome.
"Forty Years of Constant Concern For Those In Need"
First communicants will rehearse at 3:30 this afternoon arid will receive the sacrament at noon Mass Sunday. Boys and girls interested in cheerleading will register at the school from 1 to 2:30 p.m. Saturday. Cub Scouts will meet at 5:30 p.m. Sunday in the church hall. ST. STANISLAUS, FALL RIVER The silver jubilee of ordination of Father Antoni S. Bury, associate pastor, will be observed at 4:30 p.m. Mass Saturday. A traditional Saturday blessed egg supper will follow in the school hall. Catholic Charities Appeal materials will be ready for collectors at all Masses this weekend.
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Fortieth Annual Appeal For Help IIA Lot of People Are Depending on You
APRIL 29 MAY 6, 13,20 Each class meets monthly for 4 months CLEMENCE HALL ST. ANNE'S HOSPITAL 243 Forest St, Fall River
For the Works of Charity, Mercy, Social Service and Education to All People in the Southeastern Area of Massachusetts ... The Appeal provides care for all regardless of Race, Color and Creed .•. The Appeal is supported by Fraterl1al, Professional, Business and Industrial Organizations. Special Gifts Phase April 20 to May 2 Parish Appeal May 3/ to May 13 Sunday, May 3 12 Noon to 3 P.M. 19,500 Volunteer Solicitors will visit 106,500 Homes in the Areas of Fall River, New Bedford, Taunton, Attleboro, Cape Cod and the >Islands.
Pre"Reglstration is Requested Call St. Anne's Hospital Telephone 674-5741 Marlette Eaton, R.N.
The Appeal provides care for the Unwanted Baby, Youth, Engaged Couples, the Sick, the Poor, the Elderly, Family Life, Education and many other people in need.
BLESSED SAC~NT, FALL RIVER A Cana Conference for married couples is planned for 7 p.m. Thursday, April 30. ST. ANNE, FALL RIVER Catholic Charities Appeal workers will meet in the school cafeteria at 7 tonight. A parents' meeting will take place in the church at 7:30 tonight.Babysitting services will be offered. Cub Scouts will meet at the school at 7:30 p.m. tomorrow. ST. LOUIS DE FRANCE, SWANSEA Father Stephen M. Walsh, OFM, will conduct a parish mission Monday through Friday, with a Mission Renewal Mass and homily offered at 9:30 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. daily. All parishioners are welcome. ST. MARY, SEEKONK A penance will be held Tuesday for confirmation candidates and their sponsors and a Mass of Petition will be offfered Sunday, May 3. The sacrament will be administered at 7 p.m. Tues' day, May 5. A May crowning ceremony will be held at 2 p.m. Sunday, May 17. DAMES PATRONESSES, NEW BEDFORD The unit will hold its 56th annual meeting and tea at 1 p.m. Sunday at Sacred Heart Home, New Bedford. New members are invited. The program will include Benediction and election of officers. GUlW FOR THE BLlNI>, NEW BEDFORD . Catholic 'Woman's Club members will be hostesses for a guild meeting to be held at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday at K of C Hall. ST. DOMINIC, SWANSEA Mass will be offered at Country Gardens Nursing Home at II this morning.
Honorary Chairman Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin, 5.T.0. Bishop of Fall River
Diocesan Director Rev.' Msgr. Anthony M. Gomes
Diocesan Lay Chairman
Vincent Gerardi of New Bedford
••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• m•••i
5 : •
7:30 P.M.
SSe PETER AND PAUL, FALL RIVER The administrative committee will meet at 7 tonight. The Clover Club choir will be heard at 4 p.m. Mass Saturday. Catholic Charities Appeal Collectors will meet for coffee and doughnuts after 11 a.m. Mass Sunday and will make plans for the May 3 house-to-house cam· paign. A Spring Bonnet Day will be sponsored Tuesday by eighth graders, with prizes awarded for the most creative hats:
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