46th Catholic Charities Appeal begins On Wednesday evening at Fall River's Bishop Connolly High School, over 800 priests, religious and laity from every corner of southeastern Massachusetts heard keynote speaker Bishop Daniel A. Cronin at the kickoff meeting launching the 46th annual Catholic Charities Appeal of the Fall River diocese. Bishop Cronin's address follows: "Tonight, as I look about this auditorium filled with so many good people, I am reminded of one ofthe powerful messages of Easter,
that Jesus came on earth not to be served but to serve. We gather tonight, in the name of Jesus Christ, to serve one another, and above all the neediest among us. "It is a great joy for me to stand before you, recognizing how similar our enthusiasm is to that of Jesus' apostles and disciples following the Resurrection. Like them, we have been witnesses to the love of Christ - for us and for all people. In much the same way as they, we have a message to share with people of good will, that the love
of Christ is now made manifest in cern to those in need. Through a the Church, the People of God. In campaign that raised the conimitation ofthem, we come together sciousness of our people we were tonight to share our talents and able to raise the net sum of gifts by translating our faith into $1,736,462. These funds were apcharitable deeds. Following this plied to diocesan works of charity: age-old tradition we kick off the our social service apostolates, our educational endeavors, Our pro1987 Catholic Charities Appeal. "The need is great and imme- grams for the young and for family diate, and is reflected in this year's . life, and to other pastoral activities. theme, People Helping People, "The. generosity and kindness, Won't You! Recall for a Qrief the concern and effort manifested moment that last year we reached by the people of this great diocese out in love in an unprecedented were a singular expression of Easter example of generosity and con- love in service to our needy broth-
ers and sisters. This week's Anchor contains a concise report of the expenditures made and allocated as a result of last year's Appeal. It suggests, in summary fashion, what was accomplished in your name and in the name of all who contributed so generously as a result of 'reachin~ out in love.' "This generosity of our people was manifested in an increase of over $102,000 from the previous year, resulting in a record $1,736,462 being collected. HowTurn to Page Six
VOL. 31, NO. 17
Friday, April 24, 1987
Southeastern Massachusetts' Largest Weekly
58 Per Year
Parents discuss adoption issues By Pat McGowan When should you tell a child he or she is adopted? Suppose a family has both adopted and biological children? What if my child wants to meet his or her natural parents? These were among questions posed by parents at the ninth annual adoption education conference sponsored by Catholic Social Services of the Fall River diocese. Held April 12 at St. Vincent's Home, Fall River, the conference was conducted by Dr. Harry M. Leichtman, a clinical psychologist with offices in Needham. Working with children, adolescents and families, he specializes in developmental issues and decision-making strategies. Pointing out that "there are no simple solutions to complex problems," Dr. Leichtman noted that adoptive parents must realize that their child comes to them with a genetic background derived from his or her birth parents.
"People often wonder 'What comes from me? What comes from them?'," he said, admitting that the interrelationship of heredity and environment is not fully understood and saying that intelligence, temperament and physical predispositions of a child are among characteristics bequeathed by the birth parents. When to tell a child he's adopted? There are really no clear guidelines, said Dr. Leichtman, noting that children develop on differing timetables and that there are some "45-year-old adolescents." Telling is really a continual process, but it's better to "underwhelm" than overwhelm, he said, adding that little children have difficulty understanding abstract concepts such as adoption and that readiness involves the parents' state as well as the child's. "If parents can't be ready to tell when the child's ready to hear, Turn to Page Six
OUTSIDE SMU's busy Religious Resource Center are, from left, Bill Barrera, Sister Tacy, len Chromy and Father Degagne. (Motta photo)
Providing the link By Joseph Motta Father Richard E. Degagne and Sister Madeleine Tacy, OP, look at their work as campus ministers and Newman Club moderators at North Dartmouth's Southeastern Massachusetts University as an enjoyable challenge. "Sister Tacy and I see our roles here as to provide the information students need to make correct moral decisions," Father Degagne said. "Campus ministry," said Sister Tacy, "is important because it provides a link with church between high school and whatever our students are going to do with the rest of their lives." She notes that the ELAINE ABDOW (left), Dr. Harry Leichtman and ministry is funded by the Catholic Appeal. . Mary-Lou Mancini at adoption education conference. (Gaud:- . Charities The Dominican Sister ofSt. Cathette photo) erine of Siena began her SMU
work on a parttime basis in 1976, and became a fulltime campus minister the following year. Father Degagne became a halftime campus minister at SMU last June; he is also parochial vicar at New Bedford's St. Anthony of Padua parish. In 1968, the late Father John F. Hogan was named SMU's first priest minister. Other former ministers include Very Rev. John J. Smith and Fathers John A. Perry, George E. Harrison and Richard R. Gendreau. Newman clubs are organizations of Catholic students at secular colleges and universities in the United States. They exist to offer programs of religious, intellectual and social activities to members. In 1873, a group of five medical students formed the first club at
the University of Pennsylvania, naming it for John Henry Cardinal Newman(180l-1890), regarded as the patron of church work among students on secular campuses. SMU's Newman Club is part of the school's Catholic Campus Ministry. Father Degagne said that its membership "fluctuates." There are only to active club members now, he said, since a large number of participants graduated last year. "We're in the process of building up membership again," he said. "Continuity can be a real problem. It's like losing a quarter of your parish each year." The club meets at 7 p.m. Wednesdays in the campus chapel. Members engage in Scripture study and Turn to Page Eight
'South African bishops get U.S. backing WASHINGTON (NC) - Two key U.S. religious leaders have praised South African bishops who have openly challenged new rules criminalizing public prayer for political detainees. ' A prayer service for detainees led jointly by Cape Town's Anglican and Catholic archbishops shows persons of faith will not be silenced by these restrictions," said Msgr. Daniel Hoye, general secretary of the U.S. Catholic Conference, and the Rev. Arie Brouwer, general secretary of the National Council of Churches. The.new South African regulations make it an offense to take part in any campaign, project or action aimed at the release of detainees held under security laws. An estimated 13,000 to 25,000 people are now being held as political prisoners. Msgr. Hoye and Mr. Brouwer, in a statement issued in Washington, called the new South African rules an "erosion of fundamental liberties.::. They said the religious protest was a witness to "the justice and liberation to which the Scriptures call us." The two said they joined with U.S. ambassador to South Africa Edward Perkins "in expressing shock and outrage over the detention of thousands of children" as threats to South African security. Leading Catholic and non-Catholic religious authorities in South Africa denounced the new regulations as an infringement not only on political expression but on religious expression. On April 13 Anglican Archbishop Desmond Tutu and Catholic Archbiship Stephen Naidoo, both of Cape Town, held a joint religious service for detainees in St. George's Anglican Cathedral there, openly defying the new restrictions. In a separate action, Msgr. Vincent Nichols, general secretary of the Catholic Bishops' Conference of England and Wales, sent an Easter message of solidarity to his counterpart in the Southern African Catholic Bishops' Conference, Father Smangaliso Mkhatshwa, who has been detained under emergency regulations since last June and says he has suffered torture at the hands of the South African police. "I pray that you and your fellow detainees will have the strength of knowing Christ's presence as you endure and resist unjust discrimination," Msgr. Nichols wrote.
Good Friday On Good Friday, Durban Archbishop Denis Hurley led an ecumenical procession through Durban streets in protest against detention of South Africans, many of them children, detained under "state of emergency" regulations. 600 marchers, including many clergy, seminarians, nuns and relatives of detainees, processed through Durban streets carrying 60 crosses representingchild detainees and one large cross for adults being held. "We believe Jesus is present in a special way in the detained children," Archbishop Hurley said in a prayer closing the service. "We ask pardon if we have been too cold and indifferent about the fate of the detainees, the fate and suffering of the children."
Pope plans trip to Germany VATICAN CITY (NC) - Pope John Paul II plans to beatify two victims of Nazi persecution and meet with Jewish, Protestant and Orthodox representatives during his five-day pastoral visit to West Germany, the Vatican announced. The pope's itinerary will include two of West Germany's largest dioceses, Cologne and Munich, the ancient towns of Augsburg, Speyer and Munster, and the city of Essen, in the country's industrial heart.
FATHER Francis L. Mahoney, pastor of St. Mary's parish, Seekonk, is Attleboro area director for the Catholic Charities Appeal, aided by Very Rev. Roger L. Gagne, pastor of St. Mark's parish, Attleboro Falls, and Attleboro' area dean. (Gaudette photo)
4 to represent diocese at parley Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Armstrong of St. Louis de France parish, Swansea, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Miller of Corpus Christi parish, Sandwich, will represent the Fall River diocese at an Eastern consultation of laity to be held May 2 and 3 at Mont Marie, Holyoke. The consultation, to be attended by east coast Catholic leaders, is the last offour that have been held throughout the nation in preparation for this fall's world Synod of Bishops, which has lay concerns as its topic. Mrs. Armstrong is president of the Diocesan Council of Catholic Women and Miller will represent diocesan Vincentians at Mont Marie. As at previous consultations in the West, Midwest, and South, participants in the upcoming meeting will consider lay spirituality, work, ministry, family life and other aspects of lay contributions to the church.
He will meet with West German government leaders at the beginning and end of the trip. Other highlights will include a visit to the West German Marian shrine of Kevelaer and a Mass in Munich's Olympic Stadium. The April30-May 4 trip will be his second to West Germany and
Statement of Revenues and Expenditures 1986 Catholic Charities Appeal I. TOTAL RECEIVED, Net Proceeds 1986 Appeal II. DISBURSEMENTS, Made or Allocated Fiscal Year Beginning July I, 1986 ,
Seeking and Finding "You shall seek me and shall find me when you seek me with all your heart, saith the Lord." - Jer. 29:13
Catholic Social Services Saint Vincent's Home (Debt) Saint Vincent's Camp Diocesan Special Apostolates Catholic Youth Organization
2. APOSTOLATES TO THE SICK a. Diocesan Pastoral Ministry to the Sick
$348,000.00 115,000.00 85,000,00 70,000.00 67,000.00
3. EDUCATION a. b. c. d.
Church harassed WASHINGTON (NC) - The Catholic Church faces government harassment in Lithuania and Vietnam and severe restrictions in ' Czechoslovakia, according to a report released by the U.S. State Department. In Cuba, "practice of religion' has been actively discouraged and in some cases in prohibited, in spite of an effort by the government to appear open to a dialogue with the Catholic Church," the State Department said. Freedom of religion was one of many areas touched on in "Country Reports on Human Rights Practices for 1986," released recently by the State Department. The I,356-page report covered 167 countries, many of which receive U.S. aid or belong to the United Nations. The report said churches in Lithuania, a Soviet republic, are subject to "systematic harassment."
visit the tomb of Cardinal Clemens von Galen, an outspoken critic of Nazi euthanasia policies. At the Marian shrine of Kevelaer, the pope will make an act'of He will meet with the German entrustment to Mary May 2. The bishops' conference and'represen- same day he will meet with repretatives of a lay Catholic organiza- sentatives of West German mintion known as the Central Com- ers, workers, craftsmen and busimittee of German Catholics after ness men in the town of Bottrop. his arrival in Cologne April 30. On May 3 the pope will beatify Jesuit Father Rupert Mayer, a On May I he will beatify Edith, Stein, a German Jew who con- critic of the Nazis who was impriverted to Christianity and became soned several times for his outspoken views. a Carmelite nun before being killed In the town of Augsburg, the by the Nazis in the Aushchwitz pope will meet with Protestant death camp. and Catholic representatives and dedicate a new seminary May 4, Following the beatification, he before meeting with West German will meet with Jewish leaders at chancellor Helmut Kohl in the city the archbishop's residence in Colof Speyer. ogne. He will return to Rome the The same day the pope will evening of May 4. travel to Munster, where he will his 34th outside of Italy since the beginning of his pontificate in 1978. The pope first visited West Germany in November,. 1980.
Diocesan Education Center Scholarship Aid Program Nazareth (Cum. Debt as of 6/30/86) High School Cap. Expenses -Coyle 1Cassidy 50,000.00 -Connolly 10,000.00'
160,000.00 50,000.00 101,747.98
4. PASTORAL ENDEAVORS a. Diocesan Family Life b. Memberships, Conf. c. Charities Appeal Office d. Development Priestly Personnel e. Permanent Diaconate f. Campus Ministry g. Communications h. Youth i. Handicapped j. Office of Religious k. Misc. (ecumenics, vocations, liturgical, etc.)
80,000.00 69,172.00 60,000.00 65,479.12 , 40,000.00 39,000.00 40,816.00 30,000.00 30,000.00 9,727.64
RECAPITULATION Net Proceeds of 1986 Appeal Disbursements Made or Allocated Deficit
$1,736,462.16 1,753,823.02 ($
.Remember future. says. NCEAbead ,
The Anchor Friday, Apr. 24, 1987
Sister Carmela
The Mass of Christian Burial was offered ye.terday at Mt. St. RitaConventcliapel,Cumberland, NEW ORLEANS (NC) - The world the next generation lives in . R.I., for Sister Mary Carmela CorOfTHE - the world of the next .....illen' . bett, RSM, 83, who died April 20. RELIGIOUS BOOK, CARD nium- caD be shapedby'tndaY" A New Bedford native, she spent Catholic teachen, Si'ler Cath..-rine a large part of her religious life AND GIFT STORE T. McNamee told several thouteaching in the Fall River diocese. 16 TUPPER ROAD sand Catholic teachers April 20. . She was the daughter of the late SANDWICH, MA They included many from the Fall Timothy and Susan (Curran) CorRiver diocese, led by Father Richbelt and a graduate of Holy Fam( BLUE HOUSE OPPOSITE ) ard W. Beaulieu, diocesan director ily High School, New Bedford, . SANDWICH AUCTION HOUSE of education. and the College of SI. Elizabeth, Convent Station, N.J. Catholic educators are in the position to be the leaders for the She held a master's degree in TUES. - SAT. 21st century, said Sister McNaEnglish from Boston College and 12 NOON - 5 P.M. mee, a Sister of St. Jo..pIt of Car.also did advanced studies at Provondeletand the keynote speaker at idente College, Fordham Univer• SMALL LENDING LIBRARY sitY'and Rhnde Island College. the Nati.onal Catholic Educational • ROSARIES REPAIRED AssociatiOl:lconvention which ends· Entering the Sisters of Mercy in • ROSARY MAKING CLASSES tnday in New Orleans. 1925, she tau8ht at St. Patrick's EVERY TUES. 12 . 3 . Installed last September as the and St. Mary's Cathedral schools NOT FOR PROFIT BOOlSTORE first woman NCEA president, Sisin Fall River, then at Holy Family ter McNamee was presiding over High School for six years. her rust NCEA convention. From 1946 to 1961 she was the The therpe of her talk, ~ AJldto. first principal of the former Mt. Some ... the Gift oFfeaching," was St. Mary Acad,my il1J'.a!Ul.jyer.. the convention theme.and is part e then tilliiJiffor 10 years at St. of the theme at Pope loho Paul Xavier Academy. Providence and Sales And Service II's fall visilto the United States. from 1965 to 1979 was adult eduFall River's Largest The gift of teaching is especially cation coordinator for the Proviimportant as the worlclmOyes til-. dence public school system, for Display of TVs ward the 21st century, Sisler Me: eight years of t1llttime also serv(lCA • ZENITH. SYLVANIA Namee said. ing as executive secretary of the Catholic educators can be leadFamilies fur Prayer office of the 1196 BEDFORD. SlRm ANNETTE KANE Providence dioe,... ers because tbey have "the com673-9721 mitment, the dedication.... and are Retiring itll979, she remained ·probably tbe only ones who can aetivcuntil1983assecretarytothe raise tbe right questions" about . . . administrator of, Mt. SI. Rita ethics and values in the new higb . Health Centre. tech world, she said. Sister Carmela is survived bya Savings? We have a This third millenniuDt"e.ould~ sister, Christine Eschholz of Ft. high-interest plan for come the great mi~e~nium: 1.000. Annette Kane, executive admin- . The .di~oeesan convention ~iU Lauderdale, Fla. Interment was in every savings need! yean of peace and well-being for is.trator oCthe National Council of begin with an 8: 15 a.m. coffee St. Patrick Cemetery, Pall River. all the inhabitants of the global Catholic Women, will offer the hour. InstiiIlatioD of new officerS village," Sister McNamee prodit-', keynoteaddressallbe341hannual ··lind preaentationof Margaret M: ted. ' . ,,' . ' " convention of the Fall River»Joce.- Lahey/Our Lady of Good Coun' But society alld Its leaders must san Council of Catholic Women _ sel awards will be among its higb~ HONG KONG (NC) - A series ,beprepared for the transition -or May 9 at St. John of God Church lights of article; in a Hong Kortg newS~eveD profound transformation parish center, Somerset. Co~ventionpreparationsareunl paper" has" warned :Christia'n 'that lies ahead, the NCEA presi· Some 400 womenJrom all·area., 'lIer'dimmoru'f )I1n. AubJ:CY Armc churches against engaging in politNow 11 convrnierit officu dent said-. of the diocc'se are .oxpec.i~.J.to. .strong, QCCW president. Mrs: ieal aeti)(ity after the British terriincluding Seekonk&: Taunton. She warned that if people are attend the daylong program, Michael G. McMahon, assisted by tory revi:rts fo th' People's Repubn9t aware of the changes in society themed "20th Century Women Fiild Mrs. Manuel Nogueira, is conven· lic ofChina in .99". Some observers "we become victims ofour society." Joy in Service." tion general chairman. say the articles reflect official But that is not going to happen. Other chairmen are Mrs. An- thinking in the People's Republic "MARRIAGE she told the teache",. "We are . Bishop Daniel A. Cronin will be thony J. Geary, luncheon; Mrs. of China ort the issue of religious going to playa role '.' we can make guest of honor and principal cele· Raymond Lavoie. coffee hour; Mrs. freedom. The series was about PREPARATION .a difference" for the next genera- brant and homilist at an I I a,m. Richard PauJson, registration; Miss religious freedom under the Basic AT ITS BEST! 'tion. . Mass. Claire O'Toole, gift shop; Mrs. Law, which willg<vern Hong Kong "Every act of our lives casts a Mrs. Kane has held her post David Sellmayer and Mrs. Aris- for S6 years afterit is returned to Gh,..... Gift shadow forward," according to sinl'C MarchI, 198~. Forthepreccd, tides Anclrade, hospitality. China. The series said the Basic C.. rtili..-.,.. For A Sister McNamee. "We educate our· ing seven years, she was NCCW Mrs. Raymond Poisson, deco.. Law should "emphasize the sepaW'...."'..n·d selves and we prepa~ to educate program director; her responsibil- _lations; Mrs. James A. O'Brien ration of church and state." To For Iinlo Contact the next generation." ides included de-veloping resour-' 'Jr.~ invitatrons and publicity; MisA tbis end, "we•. fnllst ~lea!ly deliIn her ·talk Sister McNamee - ces and program ideas for the Adrienne Lemieux and Mrs. Gil· neate the sphere! of politics and DAN & TERRY referred often to the book OOMeg_ councirs commissions on church bert Noonan, special guests. -religion,"'itsaid. Thechurch should ALEXANDER communities and community, fam· Msgr. Anthony M. Gomes is the limit itself to "questions of the ethatrends" by John Naisbitt. TEL. 636-2494 ~Megatrends'" for the coming ilyand international affairs. council's di.ocesan moderator. ieal ~d sp~rituallSpect~ .of life.." millennium, accordilll to Naisbitt, Until recently, she was also edi,....,,....,,.....,.;y_""'J,...,,..,.,""'J""'J,...,N""'J~,...,,,..,~"""'" . . . . "..,,....,,..,.,,..,,,.,,,,,,.,.,,.,.,,,.,,,,""""',.,,.,,.,.,,.,.,,...,,..,.,,..,,"',.,.,,..,, include a shift from an industrial tor of Catholic Woman. the i.1"',..,,.....":,,..,,,,,...,,,..,,...,,,..,,.,,,,,,..,,..,,,..,,,...,,...,"'-:,.,,,,,...,-.I,..,.~·,..,,,..,,,...,,,"',.,.,,,.,.,.""",...;,...,,...,,...,,,.,.,,...,,,,...,~,..,,,...,.ll society that thinks short-term and NCCW's bimonthly publication. ( nationally to an inforrnation socmy A graduate of Trinity College, ll.ll'" ,~..' II tbatthinks long-term and globally. H '. H He believes the trend will be toward Washington, D.C., and the Uninetworks instead' of hierarchies' versity of Pennsylvania, the.adII . _- . • II ministrator represents the council )1 . IIl and multiple options instead of on several Washington area coali-' • )t' . either-or choices. ·tions and isa director oCthe Nation~ ll' p' III To help shape the eoming era al Couneil 00 Aging. Sbe chairs , teache", must ask the ethical ques- the National Voluntary Orga'nizaII II tions about issues such as .the II 25 June - 5 July Paris -Lourdes $1732.00 II ~Baby M" surrogate mother ca" tion for Independent Living, an II <OA"S' 00 II and the possible dangers ofn.ew 'NCAconstituentunit. ll' 24-26July Quebec-FeastofSte,Anne ..... . H technologies to the environment, Mrs. Kane is active in her home 1 . 21 - 23 August MoIitreaI $399.00 II Sister McNamee said. community [lnd parish, where she 1 8 _ 13 October Montreal. QI.ebec '$269.013' II II ) They must a lso ask what kind of is a lector and a facilitator for skills students will rteed in the 21st liturgy planning. She and her hus15 - 29 OcIoberSpaln -l>ortLQ8l- Fatima $1432.00' century. Students 'will need "to band, Jo..ph, are the parents of " " learn how to learn, how to rai.. four adult children. II Pricesincludeaceommodalionslnll~cIa88hotels.lIillt1Is,taxes,gtatuilies.motoreoech . H questions. how to raise value iosues, ~ll lours and meals as listed in the itinerary. THERE ARE NO HlDOENCOSTSI ~~' how to imagine in ertative ways; His Brand ' it
EasternJeJeIisinn ~
NCCW exec'ut'I·Ve to speak d . . at iocesan conventIon
Warns churches
mounring' the lost L,..andeur of .-"':-s t - Cl'ty utith J Ie .t:=o~ ~S~did ':treme';ber her future:" Sister McNamee said. "We, too, are summoned torememberour·future."
"He has put his brand on us his mark of owne",hip - and given us his holy spirit in our hearts as tuarantees that we belong to him, and as the first installment of all that he is gning to give us." 122 - 2Cor.:
HNew England Pilgrimages 8. Christian Tours ll' ') 1
Domus Mariae House 01 Prayer, Inc.
' '
Box 826, Worcester, Ma.01613 .
(617) 754.9252
'l(~----~-~-~--~-~~~~~~""'~~~-_~ ,.."~".,.,,..,,,...,,,.,,,~,.,,.,""""',..,,,.
II llll lf U II
Diocese of Fall River -
Fri., Apr. 24, 1987
Losing the Game
A few fans still believe that baseball is the national pastime. Some even memorize statistical records and averages. There are people who collect baseball cards. Baseball magazines are hot items for the truly devoted. But is all this a front propping up a big business rather than encouraging sport per se? One really begins to wonder when one realizes the extent to which the almighty buck runs, motivates and drives today's baseball world. We have just been through the so-called contract time when all the so-called stars and their lawyers pout and rage about salaries. Obviously their antics have paid off. This is clear to those who want to be honest about the low road professional sports has chosen to get to the ball park. This yearS7 players will begin the season earning $1 million or more. Only 66 players of the 663 on opening day major league Tosters or disabled lists will earn the minimum salary of $62,500. These financial facts emerged from a reliable New York Times study. The average major league salary'this year will be $412,606. In many instances, of course, season starting salaries are only a takeoff point. Incentive bonuses are always at hand. Some teams' average salaries will rise when and if they re-sign certain free agents around May I. In addition, personal contracts for advertising and endorsements place many ball players over the million-dollar mark. Admittedly, it is difficult for some to hear any criticism of what was once a pastime. Many diehard baseball fans would not consider salaries an issue or problem. But they should concern everyone who cares about sports. Get what you can, when you can, is not the way to encourage the characteristics that sports should exemplify. Commercial crassness is dehumanizing athletes. Too many baseball players are mere slaves to be bought and sold according to the vagaries of defeat or victory. Profit is the true name of the game. Why take on the American sacred cow? Precisely because it has become a golden calf. The ideals, the hope, the vision of pure sport have become misdirected. Incentive now com~s from without, not within. Professonal sports is losing its heart and soul. And the kids playing Little League ball are being led down a false path by false prophets. Recent disclosures of drug abuse among major league players all too conclusively prove that while money cannot buy a good baseball player, it can well destroy him. For so many, baseball is merely a simple way to accumulate a fortune. In the process more and more men are selfdestructing. It's a simple case of too much, too soon, too fast. When this happens, the greatest major leaguer can become a nothing, a mere throwaway, an industrial accident. How many more players will self-destruct before their socalled unions reach out and help them to restore their selfimage for their 'own sake and that of their fans? How can we begin our springtime sporting rituals with enthusiasm and gusto, knowing that it's dope that keeps players on a high rather than the joy of the game itself? It's hard to restore a goodness once lost; it's hard to put together the pieces of self-destruction; it's hard to remove greed once it has taken root. However, if baseball is to restore itself, its image and its vision, it must play with integrity the real game that life demands of us all. The Editor
'Pvbll$hed weeldyby The Catholic Press of the l>ioceseof FaU Rivet' 410 Highland Avenue Fall Rivet Mass. 02722 67$-7151 Most
Rev. lobn F. Moore
PU8USHfR Dartiel A, Cronin. D.O.â&#x20AC;˘ S.U. fiNANCIAL ADMINISTRATOR ftltv. Msgr. Jobn 1. Regan . . . . LeiJl'Y Press-Fan Rive'
. ;:;--., .....~
~"""'",,~ .'
NC photo
"Praise the Lord, ye children: praise ye the name of the Lord!" Ps. 112:1
Abp. Hunthausen story "incorrect" SEATTLE (NC) - A National over authority in several key areas Catholic Register story that the of archdiocesan life to Bishop Vatican hopes to solve the ongo- Wuerl. The move provoked wideing controversy surrounding Arch- spread controversy and led to apbishop Raymond G. Hunthausen pointment by the Vatican in Febof Seattle by eventually retiring ruary of a commission of three the archbishop is "speculative"and leading U.S. archbishops "to assess "incorrect," says the chancellor of the current situation" in the Seatthe Seattle archdiocese. tle archdiocese. The chancellor, Father Michael The Register article said the G. Ryan, told priests of the arch"unusual, phased-in resolution to diocese in an April IS letter to the continuing crisis" in the arch"disregard" the story. He said the diocese "may bring a measure of information in the article "was apparently leaked ... by an unin- peace" before Pope John Paul II visits the United States in Sepformed and irresponsible party." tember. Francis X. Maier, editor of the In his letter to priests, Father Register, which published the artiRyan said the "gist" of the article cle in its April 19 issue, said the was that the Vatican has "formustory was "correct" and that the lated some sort of 'deal' in an newspaper would not have pubattempt to force Archbishop Huntlished it unless it was "absolutely hausen into accepting early retirecertain" of the facts. The Register story said that "ac- ment." He said it is "common knowlcording to highly placed sources" the Vatican hopes to "diffuse ten- edge" that Archbishop Hunthausen sions" in the Seattle archdiocese has had "very recent discussions" by promoting Auxiliary Bishop with the commission. "I can assure Donald Wuerl to his own diocese you that the archbishop has not "and eventually retiring Hunt- been asked to retire or re~ign, nor are any 'deals' being made in that hausen." The Vatican last year instructed direction," Father Ryan said. Archbishop Hunthausen, 65, Archbishop Hunthausen to hand
would not normally retire until he reaches his 75th birthday in 1996. All bishops must submit their resignations at age 75 unless they have retired earlier for health or other reasons. Mercy Sister Joy Clough, spokeswoman for Cardinal Joseph Bernardin of Chicago, a member of the Vatican commission, said Cardinal Bernardin had no comment on the article. She said that when the commission was appointed, members "agreed and announced publicly that they would not be making public comments on their own." Other commission members are Cardinal John O'Connor of New York and Archbishop John Quinn of San Francisco.
Family graffiti A trivia question for you. Where do we find the most most-read billboards in America? Times Square? Las Vegas? Atlantic City? Wrong. The answer is the family refrigerator. Not only are refrigerators the display place for important papers and nQtices but they are family diaries. I can tell the ages of children by reading the refrigerator. If it's plastered with colorful stick figures done in crayola and free stickers from McDonald's, I know there are preschoolers and kindergartners in the home. These give way to Little League schedules, "A" papers, field day ribbons, and notes like, "Don't anybody go in my room!" or nicer ones that say, "I love you, Mom, Your son, John Harris." In the teen years appear the cartoons, newspaper clippings about winning games, funny sayings and good report cards. (The poor ones mysteriously disappear.) Parents display sayings like, "Nags are not born but created by those around them," and kids post sayings like, "There are no bad kids, only bad parents." I thought that refrigerator graffiti would diminish when young adults left home, but it didn't. Snapshots of them at school and later, of their weddings and babies fill the space. I'm sure the inventor
of the old ice box would be astonished to discover the widespread use of his invention as the family bUlletin board. Recently I visited a friend whose children are in college and read on her refrigerator a small sign that proclaimed, "Money isn't everything but it helps the children keep in touch." How true. If children are non-letter writers, they reach out and touch us in our pocketbooks by calling, collect, of course. They call when they feel like talking, which can be expensive. When the rare occasion arises where they pay for the call, they have much less to say. I've noted that it's the person who pays who brings an end to the conversation. But so feelings aren't hurt, it's probably wise to say, "Would you rather talk another five minutes or have a pizza on us?" Puts it in perspective, even though we may not like their answer. When tempera paintings and high school schedules disappear from the refrigerator, letters become more important. They are our link to the living family. But some children don't write. "How do you get your college and military offspring to write?" I'm often asked. Well, they write when they need money. But we would like to hear from them at other times as well. A time-worn joke is that about the parent who writes and adds, "I'm
Challenge to clergy Imagine a parish in which priests provide strong leadership for the community in the spiritual life, give stimulating homilies and provide energizing liturgies. Those are qualities that the laity welcome, according to a recent nationwide consultation conducted by the U.S. bishops' Committee on the Laity. Whether one is a lay person or a priest all have the desire to get in better touch with our spiritual side. Those who meditate and practice spiritual exercises glow with reports on the peace of mind and heart they gain. Participants in Bible groups almost always come away wishing they could study more. The laity consultation brings home the kind of leadership laity desire in their priests. Interestingly, - they want priests to be spiritual leaders. As encouraging as this is, I believe it is unrealistic unless priests restructure their lifestyl~. First of all, today there are fewer priests available to work in parishes. This puts a premium on their time. The sort of priest lay people apparently want is one who organizes his' time efficiently in order to pursue the studies needed to give good homilies and spiritual direction. He ~hould also set time aside to evaluate the spiritual dimension of the parish in order to improve it. But unfortunately, many priests get so tied up in the administration of parishes that they are unable to focus seriously on spiritual matters. Several factors account for this. Some priests still do not believe in eucharistic ministers, lectors or lay empowerment of any type. They waste valuable energies because
somehow they feel they alone must do everything. Then there are those who have not continued their studies and therefore use the excuse of being a' busy administrator to cover up other inadequacies. Some, unfortunately, have not
enclosing a little money in case you need it," and then deliberately forgets to enclose it. These parents tell us it's a no-fail way to get a response: "You forgot to put in the money'" But few are so crass as to write that message only. They add details we hunger for in their lives. Parents have always had problems with non-corresponding kids. I remember reading that one of Eleanor Roosevelt's sons wrote constantly for money. In an attempt to teach him fiscal management, she wrote back, telling him she wasn't sending any because she wanted him to learn to live within his budget. It was years before she learned he was selling her signature to get the money he needed. Blest be free enterprise! Whether family communication takes place via the refrigerator, phone or checkbook, it remains as the single most valued trait in families. It tells us that we are important, remembered and treasured. The media may change but the message remains: "We love you and care about you. Keep in touch."
been schooled in organizational skills and don't possess them naturally. They don't even notice what may seem like disarray to others. April 25 1940, Rev. JohnJ. Wade, Assistant, Sacred Heart, Fall River 1955, Rev. Raymond J. Lynch, Chaplain, Catholic Memorial Home, Fall River April 26 1982, Rev. Ubalde Deneault, Pastor Emeritus, St. Joseph, Attleboro April 27 1925, Rev. Francis J. Bradley, D.O., Rector, Cathedral, Fall River 1949, Rev. Romeo D. Archambault, St. Anne, New Bedford April 30 1959, Rev. Stan\slaus J. Goyette, Pastor, St. John Evangelist, Attleboro 1900, Rev. John A. Hurley, Pastor, St. Mary, North Attleboro May 1 1882, Rev. Francis J. Quinn, Founder, Immaculate Conception, North Easton; Founder, Sacred Heart, Fall ~iver IIII1UfllIIlIllIlIIlIIlII!IIlIUlIlIlIlIlIIlIIlIIlIIlIIlIlIIllIlllll, THE ANCHOR (USPS-545-020). Second Class Postage Paid at Fall River, Mass. Published weekly except the week of July 4 and the week after Christmas at 410 Highland Avenue, Fall River, Mass. 02720 by the Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River. Subscri~tion price by mail, postpaid $8.00 per year. Postmasters send address changes to The Anchor, P.O. Box 7, Fall River, MA 02722.
To meet the spiritual needs of the laity, priests must focus on better organization of time. This is not for its own sake but so that they can free up the time and energy they need to meet their most important responsibilities.
Namibian vendetta LONDON (NC) - Namibia's government is waging a "vendetta" against the Catholic Church, said the Namibian Coun¡ cil of Churches. The council complained of "malicious and personal attacks" by high government officials and state-controlled media against the Catholic Church and Oblate Father Bernard Nordkamp, vicar general of the Apostolic Vicariate of Windhoek, Namibia. It noted the government's takeover of a Catholic hospital in Swakopmund, Namibia, after the church was forced to close it when the work permits of the Dutch medical staff were withdrawn. The council's statement was reported by the Namibia Communications Center, a London-based information office assisting Christian churches in Namibia. The Catholic Church is a member of the council, which urged church members to treat media reports or pamphlets on the church or its members with "extreme caution." int~rim
Diocese of Fall River -
A question about â&#x20AC;˘ marriage Q. I am a Catholic, at least by birth, involved with and planning a future commitment with a baptized Lutheran. My question is probably very fundamental. I previously was married in the United Church of Christ and have since been divorced. Does this prevent me from receiving the sacrament of matrimony in the Catholic Church? Since the crisis involved in my divorce, I have grown in faith as ,many do when faced with something that depends on one's hope and faith. I pray very hard that the Catholic Church will accept my request to be married in my faith. (North Carolina) A. From what you have told me, no obstacle prevents your marriage in the Catholic Church to another Catholic, or to a member of any faith or of no faith. You were baptized a Catholic, apparently in your infancy or at least when you were very young. According to Catholic Church regulations, you should be married before a Catholic priest in order to be validly married in the eyes of the church. Apparently that has not happened up to now. It is possible for you to enter the marriage you contemplate and have that marriage completely valid and recognized by the church so that you will continue to be a full member of our faith. Please contact a priest in your parish or in your area and explain to him the facts you have given me. I am sure something will be worked out very simply. Q. I am.a Catholic who was married in the Catholic Church years ago. After 17 years and three children my husband suddenly said he wanted a divorce so he could marry a young girl, only five years older than our oldest daughter. We were finally divorced. He remarried and so did I. My second husband died in 1956. Since then I have not remarried. I am now a great-grandmother, 76 years old. Is it possible for me to back to Holy Communion? Do I need to talk to a priest about it? (Rhode Island) A.I'm sorry you waited so long. Nothing prevents your receiving the sacraments and there is no need for a special visit with a priest. Please go to the sacrament of penance as soon as you can and get back to receiving the Eucharist. I hope you do it soon. Q. Iii the liturgy ofthe Mass the priest says, "Let us give thanks to the Lord our God," Is it not wrong for us to be giving thanks to the saints or the Virgin Mary for prayers answered, as the classified section of our diocesan paper suggests? Scripture instructs us in several places to give thanks to God the Father always and for everything. (Florida) A. Have you ever asked someone to pray for you and then, if you receive what you prayed for, thanked that person for his or her prayers? I imagine you have done so and that is precisely the meaning of our
Fri., Apr. 24, 1987
DIETZEN "thanks" to any of the saints or to the mother of Jesus for their prayers. It is true, all good things come to us from God our Father through Jesus our Lord. However, if we believe in the efficacy of prayer it does not detract from the honor due to our heavenly Father to thank the people who pray for us. In thanking the people in heaven (any of the saints, including our own friends and relatives in heaven and the Mother of Christ herself), we detract nothing from the thanks due to God our Father, since their prayers as well as ours are directed to him and all things, we believe, come to us from the infinite bounty of that Father. Q. Some months ago I wrote to you enclosing a self-addressed stamped envelope concerning biblical references to other children of Mary and Joseph. I have not heard from you. Could you please comment on the view that Mary had other children? Or did she remain a virgin for the rest of her life? (California) A. As I mention in this column on occasion, because of the large volume of mail I receive it' is normally impossible to respond to questions through the mail. The question you ask is one I still receive regularly, about which there remains a deal of confusion and misconception. While this question sometimes is considered a Catholic versus a Protestant subject, the fact is that students of the Bible, including today the vast majority of Protestant scholars, agree that neither the books of the New Testament or other early Christian writings offer any substantial evidence that Mary had other children besides Jesus. The extreme care that Matthew and Luke took to insist that the conception of Jesus was accomplished by a special intervention of God is seen as the significant gospel bias in favor of the virginity of Mary after the birth of Jesus, a bias which would be overcome only by strong evidence. The text most commonly brought forward to claim that Mary had other children is Matthew 12:47, wqich speaks of some disciples as "brothers" of Jesus. This apparent problem'disappearS when one realizes that the Jews of Jesus' time had one word that covered all kinds of kinships, from brother or sister to distant cousins. When this particularr Aramaic word is used to designate the relationship of some individuals to Jesus, it requires quite a stretch of meaning to conclude that they are his brothers and sisters in our sense of those words. The perpetual virginity of Mary was commonly taught by the great teaehers in the church from the very earliest decades after Christ. In this tradition, the church has long held that Mary was a virgin also after the birth of Christ and that she bore no other children after him.
Diocese of Fall River -
Fri., Apr. 24, 1987
Charities Appeal begins
,. . Continued From Page One they probably need heip," he said. He listed among benefits to children of knowing they're adopted as gaining knowledge of a critical aspect of their lives, avoiding the trauma of a later "surprise" and being able to integrate the knowledge into their ongoing development. Parents, on their side, have the benefit of sharing "an important life event with a loved one," demonstrating "parenting competency" and integrating the disclosure into their own growth.
Continued From Page One
honorary chairman. Each year you' have joined with me, in increasing ever, the expenses also kept pace and increased by virtually the same generosity, to help make a differamount. It is apparent that al- ence in the quality of life for our people. Today, more than ever, I though much is accomplished need' your help and support. through the Catholic Charities Ap"10 days ago, many of us gathered peal, the needs are even greater. at the Cathedral Church of St. For the second year in a row, we Mary of the Assumption, and in spent 10 I percent of what we colunion with our beloved Holy lected. Every dollar contributed Father, John Paul II, we celebrated was allocated to the various dioceWorld Youth Day. As we kickoff san institutions, offices and aposthe 1987 Catholic Charities Appeal, tolates and, indeed, a small deficit I am particularly conscious of the was incurred. As is customary, let needs of our young people, who me review in a general way these , benefit in great numbers from this expenditures.;.' campaign. They are the Church of "Some disbursements are made today and our hope for tomorrow. for capital expenses, such as the Through this vital campaign, may debt service for St Vincent's Home we also teach them valuable lesand the pledge payment on the sons about the importance of sacdiocesan gift to Coyle and Cassidy rifice and care for our neighbors High School's addition. This year who are not as fortunate as we. the payment of the cumulative "Please accept my profound outstal}ding debt of the Nazareth gratitude for all you have done in apostolate was made. However, the past arid for what you will the greatest po~tion of the proaccomplish this year. The priests ceeds of the Annual appeal goes to of your parish are indebted to you, maintaining operational programs and so am I. May I pay special in social services, child care, famtribute to Msgr. Anthony Gomes ily life, pastoral ministry to the for his competent and dedicated sick, educational and pastoral direction of the Catholic Charities' endeavors. "We have been able to maintain Appeal. I am most grateful for his the traditional programs in the tremendous leadership. I express current fiscal year: $348,000 has likewise my gratitude to Mr. George been allocated to the Catholic Agostini for the generous manner in which he has agreed to be the lay Social Services of our diocese, and $85,000 to St. Vincent's Camp. chairman for this year's Appeal. $212,000 has been expended in our "There is much work to be done Pastoral Ministry to the Sick, for a successful Appeal this year. $80,000 in our Family Life Minis- Many weeks remain before the try, $67,000 in our CYO program. formal close of the 1987 Appeal. The sum of$160,000 was allocated However, I know that I can count for the Diocesan Education Cen- on the zealous efforts of priests, ter, $70,000 for Special Aposto- religious and faithful laity as with lates, principally our Spanish apos- dedicated labors and tireless prayer tolate, and $39,000 for campus we go forward once again to make ministry. our Christian love translate into "The expenditure for the activi- support for the many apostolates ties of the Diocesan Communica- sponsored by our diocese. tions Office increased significantly "May the Good Lord bless our during the current year, to $40,000, efforts and may His Blessed Mother an indication of the growing im- intercede for us. portance of this field within our "May God love and bless you apostolic endeavors. This year wit- all. " nessed a doubling of the allocation Lay Chairman for the Youth Ministry at CatheMr. Agostini, ofSt. Mary's pardral Camp - a relatively new proish, Seekonk, also spoke at the gram that has borne much fruit among the young people of our kickoff. "I appreciate this opportunity diocese. "The Diocesan Apostolate for to speak to you tonight on behalf Persons with Handicaps and Dis- of the Catholic Charities Appeal," abilities also experienced a dou- he told his listeners. "When Christ was asked which bling of its allocation, allowing an expansion of apostolic outreach to is the greatest of all the commandpersons with disabilities, directly, ments, Jesus said, 'Thou shalt love and through networking pro- the Lord thy God.' And the second cedures. The current year also saw commandment is similar, 'Thou the establishment of the Office for shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.' Religious to coordinate the var- Through the Catholic Charities ious issues that affect the religious Appeal we fulfill his command to love God and to love our neighbor. serving within the diocese. "This Appeal has nothing to do "We are deeply indebted to the religious men and women who with money, rather it is concerned continue the tradition of serving with people helping people. This the People of God in such a dedi- means food for the hungry, housing for the, needy, caring for the cated and exemplary manner. "Through the generosity of our sick, rehabilitation for those afpeople, which was translated into flicted with substance abuse and the very successful Appeal of a programs to develop strong family year ago, we were able not only to life. "Unfortunately, taking care of improve our existing apostolic programs, but also to plan and initiate those in need requires a great deal new endeavors. This has been the of money. Most of us will never be hdlmark ofthe Catholic Charities called upon directly to take care of those in need. What we are called Appeal for the past 45 years. "The apostolates and pastoral upon to do is to give help to those endeavors already underway and less fortunate. growing here in the Diocese of Fall '''We have received many mateRiver testify to the abundant good- rial blessings. As a result of this, ness ofthose who have gone before we owe a debt of gratitude to God. us, our relatives and friends. This We pay this debt when we take is the 17th Appeal in which I have care of those in need. In all the had the privilege of servin~ as work that is required, and in all the
THE LEADERSHIP Training Team of the Diocesan Council of Catholic Women including, from left, Bella Nogueira, Dorothy Curry, Claudette Armstrong and Madeleine Lavoie, will conduct a training program at diocesan conventions in Rochester, N.H. and Bangor, Maine. Team members, who also include Theresa Lewis, not pictured, attended a National Council of Catholic Women preparation course last year and offered the training program to Fall River DCCW members last September. care that is needed, the role we in our diocese who can afford to play is very important. give should be notified. This Appeal "Our calling is not to perform should not be limited to parents the actual works, but rather to alone. Our sons and daughters raise funds necessary so that they, should be given the opportunity to who do the work of God;have the participate in helping the less forresources to take care of our needy tunate as well. When we die, if we brothers and sisters. can pass love and charity along to "What we are doing is very our children, then we have left important because, without funds, them an estate of great value. It is those in need will have no hope of important that they realize their a better tomorrow. responsibilities now. The future is "Christ once said, 'the poor we in their hands. With hard work will always have,' and this is true. and great effort, who knows what We are not expected to solve all we can accomplish. The Catholic the problems of this world, but as Charities fund refuses no one. We Christians we are expected to make help everyone, regardless of race, it a better place in which to live. color or creed. "In this day and age, success is "I would like to leave you with a often thought of in monetary terms. . beautiful statement that Mother Money represents success. If we Teresa made in which she tells us believe this, then we are all wasting that we are all capable of being our time here tonight. A sad saints no matter what we do in life. thought crossed' my mind; Our A reporter asked her, 'How do you Blessed Mother and St. Joseph feel about being called a living would be considered failures, for saint?' Her reply was, 'You have to they left no material goods. be holy in the position you are in, "They did have a Son, and they and I have to be holy in the posiset an example for this Son and it tion God has given me. There is is he who has set the example for nothing extraordinary in being all of us to follow. That is, that we holy. It is simply a duty for you love one another as he has loved and for me.' " us. Msgr. Gomes, master of cere"The other day I received a letmonies, discussed the Special Gifts ter from Msgr. John Gavin Nolan and parish phase Appeal mechanof the Catholic Near East Welfare ics. He urged the collection's priest Association. My sister brought to and parish chairmen to follow its my attention a statement he made "plan of success" format. in that letter and she asked me to Msgr. LuizG. Mendonca,dioceuse it in tonight's talk. Did you san vicar general, offered the kickever hear the expression, 'A man offs opening prayer. Msgr. John who's wrapped up in himself makes J. Oliveira, diocesan chancellor, a mighty small package.' Well, by gave the closing prayer. sharing our riches freely, we give Kenneth Leger of Sacred Heart, back some of the love that God so parish, Fall River, led singing of generously gives to us each day. the National Anthem at the open"Charles Rainsburg, whoat 100 ing of the meeting and closed the years of age played in the movie program with "God Bless 'Cocoon,' when asked about life America." said, "Life is a cocoon that when Fall River's Irene S. Monte ofopened becomes a butterfly." We fered piano music. are all cocoons when we are born. The Special Gift phase of the If we spend our time doing good Appeal began Monday and ends for others, then we are butterflies. May 2. The parish phase is schedOtherwise we are nothing. We uled for Sunday, May 3, from have the opportunity here tonight noon to 3 p.m. when 20,500 volunto do good for others, and that is teer solicitors will visit 330,000 through the Catholic Charities diocesan Catholics. Fund Appeal. A social hour in the Bishop Connolly cafeteria followed the "Every business in every parish should be contacted. Every family kickoff.
Dr. Leichtman stressed that adopted children should know as much as possible about their natural parents. "If you don't tell them about their background, they'll create one," he warned. But he said that good judgment should prevail. "You shouldn't tell a child that his birth mother's a druggie!" Instead, without revealing details, a child could be told, "Your parents had problems and couldn't care for you and we were lucky. enough to get you." ,Parents should have the last word, he emphasized, discussing cases where an adopted child presses to meet his or her birth parents. "If you don't think it's a good idea, you have the right to say 'Not now.''' What about the family that's a mix of adopted and biological children? It can go either way, said Dr. Leichtman: the adopted child may think the others are loved more than he, or the biological child or children may feel less wanted than the adopted one. Parents, of course, are human too, he admitted, "and kids can push our buttons" but the attitude should be that "this family's an open forum - we may not have all the answers but we'll talk about anything." What about adopted kids who say "I hate you"? Dr. Leichtman chuckled, saying "They're on track," and reminding his audience that every child shares that feeling at one time or another. He pointed out, however, that adoptive parents, tending to be more anxious than birth parents and more appreciative of the "irreplaceable and magical" gift of a child, find difficult the natural growth of independence as a youngster moves towards adolescence. "But our goal is to work our way out of our job," he reminded the audience. "Separation and individuation are needed for a person to become a capable adult." Turning to the adoptive parents themselves, Dr. Leichtman said that in his opinion their own infertility, where this exists, "is the single most tro~bling issue for them," and that some might need assistance in resolving their feelings on the subject. Those making arrangements for the April 12 program included Mary-Lou Mancini, Fall River area director for Catholic Social services and Elaine Abdow, adoption social worker for the Attleboro, Taunton, New Bedford and Fall River deaneries of the diocese. Information on adoption procedures is available at any social services office. The telephone numbers are: Fall River, 674-4681; Attle-' boro, Taunton, 226-4780; New Bedford, 997-7337; Cape Cod, 7716771. '
The Anchor Friday, Apr. 24, 1987
A votive light Dear Editor: Watchng a votive candle burn down prompted a brief observation. Its burning reminded me of life. Those at the very end of life often burn brightest and give the most light, just as the votive light does. The flame takes on immense proportions to the amount of wax remaining. The aging and dying members of Christ's Mystical Body also give those of us who are witnesses to their demise great spiritual enlightenment and warmth. Many times I have seen entire families gather together around an elderly parent to celebrate another year, or the times when loved ones surround a dying member. Their outpourings of kindness and love surely foster great light and warmth. Just as the votive candle dies out in a burst of flame, so do death and aging foster such wonder. WORKSHOP participants included, from left, Marian LeBlanc, religious education coordiTaking. this observation even further, I realize that Christ's death nator at St. Rita parish, Marion; Sheila Henry, a sixth grade teacher at St. Rita's; and Sister Ann was the greatest flame the world Miriam, MSBT, REC for grades seven through 12 at 51. Patrick parish, Wareham. (Motta photo) wiII ever know. The votive light of his love, however, continues to burn in each of us and its surge is greatest at this holy season. Perhaps the end of a votive light is telling us that completion of one type of light is in fact the torch of a At a recent adult education workreligious education coordinator at to the session because "I'm very new and greater life. shop held at New Bedford's Holy St. Michael's parish, Swansea, said interested in the CCD program in Jean Quigley Name parish, Sister Maureen that St. Michael's has "loads of the parish and how we can improve Rehoboth Shaughnessy, SC, executive secre- good soil and leaves sprouting on parish adult education." tary for evangelization/ education the tree. Sister Shaughnessy asked her and director of religious education ·"A tree hath hope," she said. listeners to complete the sentence for the diocese of Paterson, NH, Sister Shaughnessy told her lisDear Editor: "The purpose ofthe parish is to..." asked attendees to "image" their teners that exercises like this would God, Our heavenly Father, is Answers included "to strengthen home parishes as individual trees help them "think about the images the people, evangelize, teach, suptruly our best friend. As Father's in the "forest" of the Fall River of the parish and the implications port and show the way," and "to day approaches and we think of diocese. of those images for adult learning." gifts to give to our earthly fathers, Sister Shaughnessy addressed Participants dialogued about be countercultural (to show the it makes sense to offer something almost 100 catechists, coordinawhat makes a good educator and world a different way of living)." as tribute to God, the Father of us One participant said that the tors and directors of religious ed utheir experiences in religious edupurpose of the parish is to "faciliall. cation at the Diocesan Departcation. Concerns, ideas and quesThis is the fifth year I have been ment of Education-sponsored worktions were expressed and partici- tate the faith journey to a one-oncollecting prayers for a Father's shop. In the tree exercise, she pants took home information useful one relationship with God." Day gift for God. I'd like it to be Sister Elaine Heffernan, RSM, requested that participants envifor personal evaluation. very special and include a great a Diocesan Department ofEducasion their parishes as they are or Permanent Deacon Thomas Premany people. So far, I have 26,000 "as you'd like them to be." vost, part of the four-person St. tion associate director of religious prayers in the process of being Sister Theresa Sparrow, RSM, Michael's contingent, said he went education, told The Anchor that said. she "thought the workshop was All I ask is two Our Fathers a very productive." day, from now until June 21. The Many catechists and coordinapurpose is just to express love for tors, she said, remarked to her that BROOKLYN, N. Y. (NC) - The next council meeting May 5. God the Father. the workshop had provided them faculty council at Brooklyn ColIf you would like to participate, The council voted 36-29 at a with information they would be lege has "deferred" approval of a meeting April 7 not to include able to use in their parish programs. please send your name, address proposed honorary degree for Bishop Mugavero's name on the and the date you begin to: Bishop Francis J. Mugavero of list of recommended honorees. Father's Day Gift for God Brooklyn after some faculty mem- Gura said that although homoLuciIle A. Zimnotch bers at the public' school ques- sexuality was mentioned, council 60 Lancaster Rd. Apt. 32 tioned the bishop's stand on homo- members voting to defer action on Wethersfield, CT 06109 sexuality and other issues. Bishop Mugavero wanted more New York Mayor Ed Koch, say- information because "people who ing he was "shocked" by the faculty are not in the public sector" call v ATICAN CITY (NC) - Pope council's action, which was widely for special attention. reported as an outright rejection, John Paul II has established St. Bishop Mugavero, who has George Martyr Eparchy for Ro- announced he would award Bishop Mugavero the LaGuardia medal, headed the Brooklyn Diocese since manian Catholics in the United 1968, was the subject of some pubStates and named Bishop Louis an honor Koch established in 1981 and named forformer Mayor Fio- lic criticism after he sent a letter Puscas to head it. Feb. 4 to'all priests of the diocese • rello H. LaGuardia. The move gives U.S. Romanian He said the news of the faculty ordering an end to use of churches Catholics, part of the Byzantine rite, the equivalent of a diocese council action made him realize or other diocesan facilities by Digwith its first resident bishop. It that he never'had honroed Bishop nity, an organization of Catholic Mugavero "for all that he has done homosexuals who reject church elevates the current exarchate for teaching on homosexual behavior. Romanian parishes, established by for the city." Timothy Gura, a speech profesthe pope in 1982 and headed .by In a statement released by the Bishop Puscas. ' sor who chairs the council, said in Brooklyn Diocese Bishop MugThe eparchy, based in Canton, a telephone iJ:lterview April 14 that avero said he did not agree with Ohio, wiII serve an estimated 6,000 the action was only a deferral and "the reasons for denying an honRomanian Catholics in the United, that those who had seen it as a orary degree." States the Vatican said in its April negative decision were misinter"I must ask myself the question II announcement. Covering the preting. He said the degree, pro- what kind of human and moral nation, it has 16 parishes in six posed for presentation at the col- values are being taught by some states: Ohio, Pennsylvania, Illinois, lege commencement June 9, would members of the faculty of BrookIndiana, Michigan and New Jersey. come up for consideration at the lyn College," he added.
.Adult education workshop offers opportunity for personal evaluation
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Diocese of Fall River -
Bishops face possible arrest in protest
Fri., Apr. 24, 1987
piping systems
WASHINGTON (NC) - Two U.S. bishops face possible arrest May 5 for planned acts of civil disobedience in a major anti-war protest scheduled at the Nevada nuclear test site. Auxiliary Bishop Thomas Gumbleton of Detroit, president of Pax Christi USA,plans to be arrested during the protest, according to Pax Christi. Possibly joining him in civil disobedience will be retired Bishop Charles A. BusweIl of Pueblo, Colo. A third prelate, retired Bishop Maurice Dingman of Des Moines, Iowa, had also hoped to join the demonstration, but a family member said April 20 that Bishop Dingman would be unable to attend because of poor health. The bishop suffered a stroke a year ago and is confined to a wheelchair. The demonstration, sponsored by Pax Christi and Nevada Desert Experience, a peace organization based in Las Vegas, will mark the fourth anniversary of approval of the U.S bishops' May 1983 pastoralletter on war and peace. The demonstration is endorsed by eight other bishops, including five heads of dioceses, and by officials from 48 communities of men's and women's religious orders.
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Bishop Buswell told National Catholic News Service April 15 that he definitely intends to participate in the demonstration but that"I'm not sureabout" beingarrested. Pax Christi's national coordinator, Benedictine Sister Mary Lou Kownacki, said the arrest of Bishop Gumbleton - and of any other . members ofthe hierarchy who join him - would be the first such arrest of a Catholic prelate for protesting nuclear weapons policy. The only other U.S. bishop known to be arrested is Bishop Emerson Moore of New York, who was arrested in an anti-apartheid protest at the South African Consulate in New York in 1984. "There is no longer, for me at least, any moral alternative," Bishop Gumbleton said in a formal position statement. "I must actively resist." "It is clear that we are determined to proceed with the development" of new nuclear weapons, he said. "With this choice we not only move rapidly closer to that 'hair-trigger' situation, but we also consciously follow a course of sin, a course of spiritual self-destruction." Bishop Buswell described the demonstration as "just a follow-up to the peace pastoral."
"It seems to me that we ought to indicate we meant what we said" in that document, said Bishop Buswell. He noted that he will not be representing any official church agencies at the demonstration and that "it's a personal thing" that makes him go to Nevada. At least 200 peace advocates will participate in the protest activities, Sister Kownacki said, noting that a couple of hundred protesters from California alone are expected. According to Pax Christi, bishops who have endorsed the protest, besides Bishops Gumbleton, Dingman and Buswel1 are: Bishops Joseph A. Fiorenza of GalvestonHouston, Raymond A. Lucker of New Ulm, Minn., Joseph G. Vath of Birmingham, Ala., Victor H. Balke of Crookston, Minn., and John J. Snyder of St. Augustine, Fla.; Bishop Nicholas D'Antonio of New Orleans, vicar for the Latin American Apostolate; and Auxiliary Bishops Dale J. Melczek of Detroit and P. Francis Murphy of Baltimore.
The House of God "All of you together are the house of God ...the spirit of God lives among you in his house." - I Cor. 3:16
Providing the link Continued From Page One discuss topics pertinent to students, including relationships, peer pressure and communicating with parents. Well-attended on-campus MasseS are offered three times weekly and on holy days, with Sunday music ministry by Sister Linda Rivers, OP, and a four-member folk group. The Catholic Campus Ministry, in conjunction with the Episcopal/ Protestant Campus Ministry, publishes a newsletter several times each academic year. Episcopal/ Protestant students are ministered to by Rev. Eletha Buote-Greig. A nondenominational Christian Fellowship also serves non-Catholic students. For eight years Newman Club members have sponsored a campuswide fast on Ash Wednesday to benefit Oxfam America, a hunger relief organization. On that day, resident students forgo campus food service meals and the service
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donates a part of the meal cost. Part of the session, Father DeThis year's fast raised approxi- gagne said, was a presentation of mately $1200, said Sister Tacy. traditional church teachings reMoney was also recently donated garding premarital sex and an atto New Bedford's Market Minis- tempt to clarify why the church tries from proceeds of a bikeathon arrived at those teachings. and club members coordinated a Other forum topics, suggested clothing drive, sending 20 boxes of by students, have included formaapparel to Holy Union Sister Bar- tion of conscience and moral decibara Walsh, a missioner in Ken- sion making. tucky. Joyce Menard, a member of St. Other Catholic Campus Minis- Mary's parish, South Dartmouth, try and Newman Club activities president ofSMU's Returning Stuhave included a Christmastime visit dents organization for those reto Attleboro's LaSalette Shrine, suming education after a lapse of distribution of Thanksgiving bask- time, is also active in CCM. ets and retreat days. When Joyce, a young widow, Sean McLaughlin, a 21-yearattended college elsewhere, she was old junior, is one of four student disappointed at student apathy tolectors reading at Masses. Senior wards campus religious activity. Bill Barrera, 22, is one of II EuchShe is "thrilled about" what's going aristic ministers. . on at SMU, and the "access to Sean is among students ineeting clergy." monthly with Sister Tacy for ScripThe senior math major smilingly ture study. He is better able to said that "classes interfere" with understand the Mass readings as a participating in the CCM to the result; he said, and notes that degree she'd like. while he always attended Mass Many returning students are reand was briefly a CYO member in bounding from a "life-crisis expehis home parish, he now plans to participate more fully in parish rience,"she said, and contact with activities after he completes his clergy and religious "is important." Spiritual direction, counseling education. and the sacrament of reconciliaBill says he was always active in his home parish, "but when I came tion are available to students upon here I didn't do anything" for two request. or three years. Then he learned of This year, a 20-year-old student the many opportunities CCM offers has elected to prepare with Father Degagne for confirmation. She and jumped right in. will receive the sacrament MonThe young man noted that Sister Tacy and Father Degagne are day at Westport's St. George parish, with another student as her very aware of the problems young sponsor. people face and are willing and able to help with them. Student Jen Chromy was recently "They know much more than elected Newman Club president' we think they do," he said. for the coming academic year. Both young men attended a re"I wanted to be more involved cent CCM Sunday night forum in the organization," she said, "and which addressed intimacy, pre- .I want to get more people involved marital sex and abortion. in it." She said she hopes to schedule "Father and Sister got me thinking a lot about celibacy and sexu: some off-campus social activities ally active [married] people," Sean to increase the club's visibility. Richard Jusseaume of St. Louis said, noting that he learned that just because a person is celibate de France parish, Swansea, a comdoesn't meant that he or she isn't muting student, has been elected capable of an intimate relationship. the club's 1987-88 vice-president.
Diocese of Fall River -
Fri., Apr. 24, 1987
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HOLY WEEK HIGHLIGHTS: From top, the Chrism Mass; romeiros reach 51. Mary's Cathedral; Marie Friary of Marian Manor, Taunton, watches the Easter television Mass. (Motta and Torchia photos)
Holy Week highlights For hundreds of members of the Fall River diocese, a highlight of Holy Week observance was attendance at the Mass of the Chrism, celebrated in St. Mary's Cathedral and moved for pastoral reasons from its traditional Holy Thursday celebration to Tuesday of Holy Week. At the Mass, magnificent silver vessels containing oils of the sick and catechumens and sacred chrism are blessed for use through the coming year. Another highlight came on Good Friday when scores of men from Portuguese parishes in Fall River participated in an all-day pilgrimage with its roots in a tradition that began in the 16th century in St. Michael, Azores. Wearing shawls and carrying pilgrim staffs, the "romeiros" or pilgrims traveled from 8 a.m: to, 6:30 p.m. through the streets of Fall River, reciting the rosary en route and pausing for prayer at Espirito Santo, St. Anthony of Padua, St. Michael's, Our Lady of Angels, St. Elizabeth's, Our Lady of Health and Santo Christo churches, as well as at St. Mary's Cathedral. In the Azores, where the pilgrimage began as a prayer for protection against volcanic eruptions, the observance lasts eight days, noted local participants. On Easter Sunday, Pope John Paul II, in his Easter greeting to
the world, urged people to keep a sense of "reverent wonder" for birth and life and avoid reducing the human being to an object of technology. The message, which echoed the recent Vatican document on procreation, asked that people rediscover life as a gift that "reveals the Father's love." The pope spoke April 19 in an "Urbi et Orbi" message to the city of Rome and to the world, before giving a blessing from the central balcony ofSt. Peter's Basilica. The blessing ended Rome and the Vatican's traditional Holy Week liturgical events, which this year were accompanied by sunny weather and throngs of tourists. The pope celebrated Easter Mass in St. Peter's Square before an estimated 200,000 people. Then he delivered Easter greetings in 51 languages, including Hebrew, Tamil and Chinese. In his message, the pope said Christ's resurrection, a triumph of life over death, shows the "eternal source" of all human life. The life in a mother's womb is fashioned in God's image, he said. Meanwhile, at St. Mary's Cathedral in Fall River, the Easter vigil, complete with timpani, trumpets and music of Bach, Franck and other composers triumphantly rendered by the Cathedral Choir, also saw the baptism, confirmation and first communion of parishioners
Jesse Langford, a freshman at Bishop Stang High School, North Dart(llouth, and Claire Mary Byron. "Easter gives us the reason to love God and one another," said Bishop Daniel A. Cron~~, principal celebrant of the vigil Mass. He noted that the Red Sea, which parted to save the Israelites, prefigured baptism, through which Christians would be saved by Christ. Recalling his ordination at St. John Lateran in Rome, the bishop said its baptistry alone is larger than most U.S. churches. He said that for centuries catechumens have been baptized and confirmed in the vast area, then have processed into the basilica to receive holy communion. "The same thing happened in Fall River tonight,"he said. "Down through the centuries, that solemn procession had its repetition here." Also sharing the season's joy were nursing home. residents throughout the diocese, who watched the bishop's Easter Mass on television. Among them was Marie Friary, 87, of Marian Manor, Taunton. The mother of eight, a member of the city's Immaculate Conception parish, was delighted to have her picture taken for The Anchor, which she never misses reading, according to Sister Marie Therese, OP, Marian Manor administrator.
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"Russia will spread her errors throughout the world causing wars and persecuti.on of the church." Mary at Fatima 13~
present job or met the fine people I have met there." From Ohio: "I think I've learned a couple of things which I would like to share: "I. When interviewing, don't take rejection personally. Always try to turn it into a learning experience. "2. Practice answers to tough questions like 'Why did you leave your last job?' Avoid being overly critical of your previous supervisors. "3. Don't panic. There is a job out there for you. From Iowa: "Get your frustrations, hurt, anger out of your system. Don't be surprised if the hurt returns periodically. Don't retaliate or seek revenge. Try to put the experience behind you. "Although it is the worst thing that has ever happened to me, it opened for me a door that I would never have opened for myself. Now when I face something that seems like a catastrophe, I try to use it to understand other people and situations." Thank you, readers, for your response. Reader questions on family living and child care to be answered in print are invited. Address The Kennys, Box 872, St. Joseph's College, Rensselaer, Ind. 47978.
Adopting children from overseas Together
Recently we responded to a reader who had lost his job. That column brought responses from readers in all parts of the country who have had similar experiences. Here we reprint the insights and advice of the experts, those people who coped with the problem and got on with their lives. From New Jersey: "I wanted to express the feelings I had by being abruptly put out of work with no place to go. I had four college degrees at the time! The terrible losses made me more dependent on a contemplative, philosophical outlook. I knew I could, would survive as long as I kept my hope and faith intact. Prayer worked!" From New York: "My husband had a very hard time accepting the fact that the job was gone. He had no self-confidence and was filled with feelings of revenge. "My husband had to take a temporary job so we had some income while he looked for the right job. The temporary job did nothing to boost his confidence. It took us six months to find that job but he is happier now than he thought possible. The experience brought our family closer and made our marriage stronger. Our faith in God and the
support of good friends are probably the two things that helped us through that time." From Texas: "I was a single parent with four children. I had not worked in 20 years when I became divorced; On my first job my boss made sexual advances toward me. I reported him and I got fired! I found another job, a better one with better pay. I then realized that what happened made me a stronger person. I have more confidence in myself. I handled a difficult situation." From Kentucky: "I had been with the same outfit as a social worker for over 30 years. A new supervisor came in and pushed me to retire early by telIing me my work was not up to par. I was emotionally crushed. "I saw a counselor for several months. I worked with my wife around the house, helped my 16year-old son, had time for reflection. My wife kept telIing me I always worked well with the elderly. "A friend helped me with a resume and I was hired at a senior citizen center. I work 29 hours a week and my wife helps me with many aspects of my work. My bosses really appreciate my work. "If what happened to me never had happened, I might still be on myoid job and never had my
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By Antoinette Bosco I attended an unusual baby shower this week for a co-worker who isn't pregnant. Her baby is arriving on time for Easter. He's coming from the Philippines and he's beautiful; we've seen his pictures. Ginny genuinely was surprised at the baby shower. It's this kind of support, she told us, that gives her the confidence that her baby, who is not blonde and blue-eyed like herself, will be accepted. Ginny and her husband, a pediatrician, are among the growing number of American couples who are choosing to adopt a child from a foreign country. The reasons generally are similar. Couples have been told that very few babies are available for adoption in the United States. Waits can be interminable, often more than five years, after a family is judged fit to adopt. If a couple already has a child, an adoption agency is far less likely to consider them candidates. Thus the trend to look to a foreign country for a child is on the upswing I was told by Michael Aytes, a staff officer with the immigration department in Washington. He added that since foreign adoptions are treated as "immediate family," these do not come under the quota law and, in effect, could i_ncrease "without limit." Over the years I have talked with many families who have -adopted children from other countries and some founders of agencies that aid these families. I have been enormously impressed with them. What comes across is that they are motivated clearly by love. Iris Abbot, for example, runs a Connecticut adoption agency called Thursday's Child, started with her late husband about seven years ago. She and her husband had a son and had adopted two black children; now they wanted to help
other couples expand their families. I met two of the families she helped this winter. One couple's son, Gregory, is from India. At his premature birth in September, he weighed three and one-half pounds. When his new parents got him in January, he was still emaciated. By the end of March he weighed more than 12 pounds and his mother is overj oyed at his progress. The other family, with two natural children and an adopted black child, welcomed Leah from Taiwan into their family in January. Mrs. Abbot went to the Orient to make the arrangments and carry the baby from Taiwan to New York. The child came from a Catholic agency run by a religious sister
whom Mrs. Abbot callec;l "a phenomenal woman." Becoming an adoptive, intercultural family requires "a lifetime commitment," Mrs. Abbot added. "You're making a commitment to becoming a different kind of family, viewing the world differently." She went on to say that the one thing that annoys her is when people remark that they are "so noble" to adopt a foreign child. "I tell them, 'don't say that. The children are the ones who are enriching our lives,' " she said. That richness certainly is felt by anyone who meets these people who say that all God's children have a right to a loving family.
Negotiating house guests By Hilda Young
"You could have told him you were scheduled for brain surgery, "What would you say if I told that Donahue and Marlo were visyou I invited myoid friend Gary iting that weekend, that the county and his wife Gloria to spend next had quarantined the house because week with us?" my husband asked of cholera... " me this morning. He raised his hand. "Let's remem"The man who can spit waterber what Father O'Neil said Sunmelon seeds through his front teeth day about Christian hospitality." and the woman who scares the dog " ..II bet he's never had anyone when she laughs?" I said. guffaw at this meatloaf and then He nodded. He hadn't been kideat- four pounds of it." ding. I pointed a spoon dripping " ..II bet he would have welcomed pancake batter at him. "What Gary and Gloria with open arms," would you say if I told you I gave spouse countered. the kids permission to use your . "Not after I snitched on Gloria high school letterman's sweater for snapping her-gum during his for a dog blanket and that I ran homily," I said craftilY. over the lawn mower?" "What about your cousin who "Do I sense this would meet visits and brings the three kids with your disfavor?" he ventured. "Disfavor?" I said. "I thought who think our freezer was theirs in we agreed to consult with each a former life." other before inviting people over I caved in. "If you're going to who pop their gum during Mass make this a religious is.sue, I give and argue with each other about up," I told him. I even resisted the which one of your kids looks the temptation to say, "If you do the most like Howdy Doody." cookin' honey, I'll play the Lent." "Gary called and said they were Send comments to Hilda Young, going to be nearby and wondered General Delivery, Lopez Island, if they could drop in. What could I Wash. 98261. say?
Cardinal Sin discusses priests' political activity
ANNAPOLIS fourth graders celebrate completion of successful Lenten project of giving up TV for a week. (NC photo)
4th graders boycott TV ANNAPOLIS, Md.(NC)- Not watching television for a whole week could be tough for many fourth graders. But those at St. Mary's School in Annapolis this Lent showed it was possible - and even fun. They celebrated their success by showing up in school with homemade T-shirts and sweatshirts proclaiming "I did it!" The TV boycott followed a class discussion on how hard it can be to break a habit and a report that students in another school had made a similar effort, said Diana Stevens, the teacher who coordinated the project. Students quickly found other activities to replace TV. Theandre Currie said she spent more time with her grandparents and learned how well her grandfather plays cards.
John Clayton read a few Hardy Boys books. . Students had various reasons for participating in the project. "I did it to feel good about myself - to give up a habit," said Domenica Tripodi. Jay Morrison did it for cash. He bet his mother $3 and won. Family pressure kept at least one student away from the screen. "I wanted to watch, but they wouldn't let me," said Scott Preston, whose parents and brother did not let him forget his goal. Nearly every member of the class tried to participate, said Mrs. Stevens. "We all talked about how they'd feel stronger," she said. "If they could do this, they could do other things they never tried before."
brings hope to Central America
NEW YORK (NC) - The Latin America director of Catholic Relief Services said the agency and its local counterparts in EI Salvador will continue development efforts despite disruptions by the country's ongoing civil war. The CRS official, Terence Martin, compared the situation to providing transfusions for a wounded man who is still bleeding. It may not be possible to measure "net gain," he said, but the effort cannot stop. He commented in an interview at CRS headquarters in New York following an inspection trip that took him to Costa Rica and Guatemala as well as EI Salvador. CRS has only "negligible amounts of money" to support health, agricultural development, job training and other projects , Martin said, thus it creates model projects to serve as catalysts.
"There is also an important spiritual component of this effort," he said: "to convey hopeful new ideas to people. After five to 10 years of civil war, people lose hope. In some psychological sense they pack their bags. They don't make plans for the future." In Guatemala, said Martin, he went into areas of extreme poverty. Poor people carve out tiny spaces for their shanties on the slopes of very steep ravines around Guatemala City, he said. Looking at them, he said, he realized that if an earthQuake occurs, bodies will be dug out of these ravines "in the tens ofthousands, maybe hundreds of thousands." Such massive need, Martin said, is beyond the resources of church agencies, requiring national and international effort. "But the churches can point the way and identify new possibilities," he said.
. MANILA, Philippines (NC)Cardinal Jaime Sin of Manila has told Manila archdiocesan priests . not to back candidates campaigning for congressional elections on May II. In a document, "Catechism on the Involvement of Priests in Political Activity," the cardinal also said priests should only speak on political issues under certain conditions. The document appears to be drawn largely from a letter of Pope John paul II to Philippine bishops several months after the 1986 revolt against former President Ferdinand Marcos. Philippine church leaders, especially Cardinal Sin, were instrumental in the revolt. Manila archdiocesan priests, about half the country's clergy, also were told partisan politics is "the special responibility of lay people" and that "no party platform or candidate can represent the Gospel in its entirety." The catechism said a priest may speak on politics: - "When such an involvement .is demanded by his mission to evangelize. - "When such an engagement is clearly for the common good or the protection of the rights of the church and when the competent
Rites restricted for IRA members LONDONDERRY, Northern Ireland (NC) - Bishop Edward Daly of Derry, Northern Ireland, banned funeral Masses in the city of Londonderry for Irish Republican Army dead after an incident in which two masked IRA gunmen fired ceremonial shots over the coffin of a comrade as it was taken from a local church. Bishop Daly also critici7.ed those attending the Mass who applauded the paramilitary display. The funeral was for IRA man Gerald Logue, who the bishop said was killed in a shooting accident. "When hundreds of people who profess to be Christian applaud and encourage sacrilegious acts of this kind, I would be doing less than my duty if I did not intervene," .the bishop, an outspoken critic of sectarian violence in British-ruled Northern Ireland, said in a statement issued March 26. He said that no funeral Mass would be allowed for an IRA member in which the remains of the deceased were present. Bishop Daly told National Catholic News Service that the gunmen had broken "an understanding that there would be no paramilitary (or) political" display at Catholic funerals in the city. The bishop said he has a special pastoral feeling for the city, although his diocese extends beyond its limits. In his statement the bishop also denounced the IRA, which he said is engaged "in a ruthless and unprincipled campaign for power through murder, terror and intimidation ... Last September, Bishop Daly said Irish Catholic terrorists divorce themselves from the church when they commit murder. When the terrorists "shoot people in cold blood as they sit in their cars, in pubs or in their homes" they are following the gospel of Satan, he said.
authority, after the necessary consultation, permits such active participation. - "When competent lay people to fulfill the role are wanting." Even if the above conditions are met, "such participation must .. , call forth and invite the participation of competent lay people" and "the means used must be in consonance with the Gospel," it said. Cardinal Sin said his support for President Corazon Aquino in the 1986 presidential election and for the revolt of t hen- Defense Minister Juan Ponce Enrile against Marcos fell within such conditions. "I t was a question of moral right and wrong," he said. The catechism said politically involved priests can sin by excess "when he talks and acts as if the only thing that matters is politics and justice ... and when he puts the Gospel at the service of an ideol¡ ogy." But it also said that he can sin by "defect": - "When he preaches only general principles and fails to apply them to concrete situations. - "When he fails to keep silent about injustices and fails to defend human rights." - "When he fails to take a definite pattern of action even when there is question of the dignity and full development of human persons, the defense of human rights and pursuit of truth and justice." The document contains selections from Rome synods and papal documents, including a June 28, 1986 letter from Pope John Paul to the Philippine bishops. In that letter, the pope said the church "is called not to take positions of a political character, or to take part in partisan conflicts, but to give society the expert contribution which is proper to her."
The Anchor Friday, Apr. 24, 1987
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Apr. 24, 1987
Reaction to debt crisis statement ~alled positive
"j"'~'t" -; v",:;::'
, IN SANTIAGO, Pope John Paul II is welcomed to Chile by President Augusto Pinochet. (NC/UPI-Reuter photo) â&#x20AC;˘
Strong men meet in Chile VATICAN CITY (NC) - A subtle game of one-upmanship went on between church and state officials in Chile during Pope John Paul II's visit. On one side was Gen. Augusto Pinochet, head of the military government. On the other side was the Chilean bishops' conference. Often in the middle was the pope. Pinochet's aim was to get a clear statement or symbolic gesture from the pope approving his government. The aim of the bishops was to prevent this, getting the pope to support their strong human rights criticisms and calls for negotiated agreements between Pinochet and civilian political leaders for a return to democracy. At stake was tapping into the pope's moral authority in a country where 85 percent of the 11.7 million population professes Catholicism. The pope, often resorting to subtle rebuffs, gave little to Pinochet. The game started well before the pope's April 1-6 visit with the
choosing of a theme for the trip. The government suggested: "John Paul II, Messenger of Peace." The aim was to emphasize the successful papal mediation of an Argentine-Chilean border dispute which prevented the two countries from going to war. As the papal mediation favored Chile, the image would be one of the pope and government working together to maintain peace. The bishops suggested: "John Paul II, Messenger of Life." This was their 1987 national theme for reflection. It also was broad enough to allow for substantive speeches on improving the quality of life through respect for human rights and better economic conditions for slum dwellers and rural poor, main issues in which the church is pastorally active. The pope chose the bishops' theme. The government, however, was unbending. Church banners waved the episcopal message, but government buildings had flags proclaiming the pope "messenger of peace. "
A courtesy visa stamp placed in passports of foreigners entering the country during the visit also carried the slogan "messenger of peace." Prior to the visit, church sources complained that Pinochet, a Catholic, wanted the pope to celebrate a private Mass for him and his family in La Moneda, the presidential palace. Pinochet did not get his Mass, but the pope prayed in the palace chapel, with Pinochet and his wife kneeling right behind him. Pinochet also wanted the pope to bless the entire country from the balcony of La Moneda and had his wife make the request. Instead, the pope blessed the people gathered below the balcony and then gave the palace the traditional church blessing for a house. The pope and Pinochet met two other times, at airport arrival and farewell ceremonies. Chilean newspapers prominently and abundantly displayed photos of the two together at all three events.
NEW YORK (NC) - Bishop "all the parties involved to examJorge M. Mejia, vice-president of ine the ethical implications of the .the Pontifical Justice and Peace question of the external debt of Commission, said in a recent New developing countries" and called York address that reactions to the for solutions meeting "the requirecommission's recent document on ments of social justice and solithe international debt problem were darity." "mainly positive and some indeed Bishop Mejia said President Jose very positive." Sarney of Brazil, which has the But the few negative reactions largest debt among developing also helped by showing "limita- countries and on Feb. 20 declared tions" of the document, he said, a moratorium on interest payments, and the commission is grateful for sent Pope John Paul II a telex two them. days after publication of the docThe commission was "rather sur- ument saying he "agreed fully and prised" to find so much openness completely. " to a document that was "not parThe Brazilian bishops were "deticularly kind to anybody," he said. Bishop Mejia spoke at the Cath- lighted" with the document, Bishop olic Center in Manhattan under Mejia said. They had been sent sponsorship of the Northeast Pas- early copies, he said, had it transtoral Center for Hispanics. Earlier lated into Portuguese and pubhe had met with U.N. Secretary lished 10,060 copies in that language. General Javier Perez de Cuellar. Bishop Mejia, a native of ArgenThe document, "At the Service of the Human Community: An tina, said his country's president, Ethical Approach to the Interna- Raul Alfonsin, sent the pope a sixtional Debt Question,"was released page letter agre.eing with the docuat the Vatican Jan. 27. While pro- ment. Support has also come from posing no specific plan, it asked First World countries, the bishop said, noting that a West German Back at the Vatican, however, official concerned with economic L'Osservatore Romano, the Vati- development sent a telex declaring can newspaper which had its offi- "full agreement" and saying the cial photographer a few feet from document's principles had guided the pope at all these public events, his own work. did not run one picture of the two When a questioner suggested it together. There was not one photo of Pinochet in the entire L'Osserv- might not be realistic to expect action along the lines recomatore Romano trip coverage. Undaunted by the previous sub- mended, Bishop Mejia replied, "We tle rebuffs, Pinochet arrived at the have to have hope." If the church airport farewell ceremony in Anto- had no hope of response from fagasta and gave a speech after the bankers and others, he said, it pope read his brief goodby address. would never publish such docuPinochet asked "divine help" to ments. But he said many bankers overcome Chile's problems in de- declared the commission was basifending its "sovereignty and na- cally right. tional identity." He wanted the pope to ask Chileans to pray "to the Almighty so that all the threats that disturb our harmony and development are overcome." The pope blessed everyone at the airport, including police pro~ . - . viding security. Then he climbed '=- .... onto the airplane for Argentina. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .I
.. Vatican .;1': .. view
USCC discusses civil rights, tax-exempt status, Third World debts WASHINGTON {NC) - In recent days the U.S. Catholic Conference has taken positions on various matters before a congressional committee and two subcommittees. Topics at issue were the proposed Civil Rights Restoration Act, federal law on political activity by tax-exempt'organizatio'ns and moral principals involved in Third World indebtedness to developed nations. . . Emphasizing longtime church support for civil rights, BrooJ(lyn Auxiliary Bishop Joseph M. Sullivan , chairman ofthe U.S. Catho~ lic Conference committee on Social Development and World Peace, asked the Senate Labor and human Resources Committee to amend the proposed Civil Rights Restoration Act to address church concerns ¡on both abortion and the ext!=nt of the law's coverage. The act would overturn the 1984 "Grove City College" Supreme Court decision that held that only a university department or unit receivin~ federal funds, not the whole institution, can be held accountable for violations of antidiscrimination statutes. The legislation, S.557, would strengthen four basic laws forbid-
ding discrimination on the basis of race, age, handicap or - through Title IX of the 1972 Education Amendments - sex. Pro-life and church officials, however, have alleged that the bill would also lend added weight to a 1975 executive branch interpretatio'n of Title IX requiring institutions to provide abortion services and benefits. Bishop Sullivan recomended that the bill "include an amendment to ensure that Title IX will not be interpreted as requiring abortion coverage in student, employee or other programs" of universities and other institutions. Political Activity In a written statement, Mark E. Chopko, USCC general counsel, and Deidre Halloran, associate general counsel, advised the House Ways and Means Committee's Oversight Subcommittee that as currently interpreted, federal law on political activity by tax-exempt organizations is too vague, lacks objective standards and poses First Amendment threats. Under the Internal Revenue Code, religious organizations, such as the USCC, are exempt from federal taxes. The USCC also pro-
vides a group exemption for thousands of Catholic organizations listed in the Official Directory. However, the code also stipulates that the group cannot "pariticipate in or intervene in (including the publishing or distributing of statements) any political campaign on behalf of any candidate for public office." According to the USCC, the prohibitions extend to both direct anq indirect participation or intervention in a campaign and include publication or distribution of written statements, oral statements on behalf of or in opposition to a candidate, financial support and such assistance as providing volunteers or facilities. "Much of the controversy surrounding the political campaign activity prohibition relates to voter education," the attorneys said. "Specifically," they wrote, "if voter education material is widely distributed, but focuses only on a single issue or a narrow range of issues, (the Internal Revenue Service) characterizes it as prohibited political campaign activity, even if no statements of support for or opposition to any candidate are made."
The two USCC attorneys wrote Saying the situation was clearly that "by requiring religious organ- unjust, Bishop Weigand noted that izations to choose between the "poor peopk in poor countries are benefits of tax exemption and en- forced to pay back debts pushed gaging in religiously motivated on their not uneager but often speech, Section 501 (c) 3 (of the unrepresentative governments by Code) burdens their free exercise profit-seeking banks in the indusrights, which include the right to trialized world," and that poor .preach, teach and proselytize," they countries must transfer resources said. to the relatively rich developed nations. Third World Debt Solving the $1 trillion Third "Democracy is threatened by World debt crisis by endangering the debt crisis" as well, for elected the poor constitutes a "scandal" governments can face coups or that must be averted by debtors . other unrest if they establish stringand lenders alike, said Bishop Wil- ent austerity measures to save monliam K. Weigand of Salt Lake City ey for debt repayments, the bishop in testimony before the Interna- said. "We should not underestitional Finance Subcommittee of mate this danger." the Senate Committee on BankIn an interview later, Bishop ing, Housing and Urban Affairs. He said the net transfer of nearly Weigand suggested that the Vati$30 billion in 1986 from suffering can's expected $63 million 1987 debtor nations to banks in indus- shortfall and the current Vatican trialized countries "calls for a moral bank scandal should not harm the solution that should entail signifi- church's credibility in addressing cant sacrifices on the part of those financial issues. The bank scandal "should not who benefit materially from this be used by anybody to discredit situation." The U.S. bishops emphasize that the church's concern for the poor," any solution adopted must come Bishop Weigand said. However, "not at the expense of the poor "the Vatican bank thing has to be who are not the cause of the prob- dealt with," he added. "The first step is some kind of disclosure." lem," he said.
fteering pOintf PUlLlCI" CIfAIIMEJI
.r. liked to IlIbmlt news Items for this column to 11Ie AnclIor, P.O. Box 7. Fall River. 02722. Name of cltl' or town should be Included as ...11 .s full dates of all actlYitles. please send news of future rather tllan IIIIt evellb. Not.: W. do not carry news of fundralsl.., activities such I I bln,os, wIllsts, dancas, suppers .nd bazaars. We .ra haPIIY to carry notices of spiritual prOllram., club meetln«.. youth proJacts and ,'mllar nonprofit activities. Fundralslnl proJects mar. be .dvertlsed at our r"ul.r rates, obtalnab. from The Anchor business office tel.phone 675-7151. ' On steerlnl( Points It.ms FR Indicates Fall River, NB Indicates New Bedford.
CATHEDRAL CAMP, E. FREETOWN Emmaus weekend retreat April 24 to 26. HOLY NAME, FR Youth group bus trip to New York City May 2; information: Mrs. Montour: 678-1507. Retreat renewal April 26. CATHEDRAL, FR Vincentian meeting 7:30 p.m. Tuesday. o of I, ATTLEBORO Daughters of Isabella Alcazaba Circle 65 meets May 7, K of C hall, Attleboro; maybaskets will be made for and delivered to shut-ins. BLESSED SACRAMENT ADORERS, FAIRHAVEN Holy hour 7- to 8 p.m. Tuesday, Sacred Hearts Church, Fairhaven; celebrant: Father Alphonsus McHugh, SS.CC.; refreshments; all welcome. ST. JOSEPH, FAIRHAVEN New Jerusalem prayer group meets 7:30 tonight, rectory. Cub Scout Pack Night 5:30 p.m. tomorrow, church hall. MISSION FROM GOD HEALING MINISTRY Healing service May 3 begins with 2 p.m. Mass, St. George Church, Westport; doors open at 12:30; wheelchair accessible; all welcome. ST. LOUIS de FRANCE, SWANSEA Coffee hour and blood pressure screening after morning Masses Sunday, youth center. BLESSED SACRAMENT, FR Rene Thibault is parish Catholic Charities Appeal chairman. IMMACULATE CONCEPTION, TAUNTON Parishioners Manuel and Lena Fontes are celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary.
ST. DOMINIC, SWANSEA Parishioners Mr. and Mrs. Cassian Gillet are celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary. Board of Education meeting 9 a.m. May I. NOTRE DAME, FR Council of Catholic Women meeting 7:30 p.m. Monday, church hall; Fall River native Dr. Jeremiah J. Lowney will speak on his Haitian "Save-A-Family" project. CYO day trip to Boston Sunday; information: Kristen Carreiro: 674-0572. ST. STANISLAUS, FR Parishioners Mr. and Mrs. James Aguiar will celebrate their 10th wedding anniversary with a Mass of thanksgiving Sunday. The parish thanks an anonymous friend for a gift of $60 for parish schooJ student assistance. Applications for Women's Guild scholarship due by May 1: Irma Emond, 676-0325. BLUE ARMY Fall River diocesan division of the Blue Army of Our Lady of Fatima five-hour vigil in honor of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary begins 7:30 p.m. May 1, St. George Church, Westport; refreshments; all welcome; information: Ann Levasseur, 822-6866. COMPASSIONATE FRIENDS, UPPER CAPE Upper Cape Cod chapter of this support group for bereaved parents, grandparents and siblings meets first Wednesday of each month, E. Falmouth Library, Rt. 28; information: Jo Waltz, 548-6696. ST. JOSEPH, TAUNTON Religious education students in grades one through seven will provide music at the 8:30 a.m. liturgy Sunday as part of a CCD Fair themed "Teach the Children Well"; all are welcome to view student projects, enjoy refreshments and hear first and sixth graders sing, church hall. CATHOLIC SINGLES Catholic Singles of Cape Cod (all ages, regardless of status) Happy First Birthday Spring Fling 4 p.m. Sunday, Holy Trinity Church hall, W. Harwich; music by Jack Pena; free admission; bring favorite dish or dessert; information: 398-3471. CHRIST THE KING, COTUIT I MASHPEE Parish Marriage Encounter weekend scheduled for November 7 and 8.
Vatican worth said 5572M VATICAN CITY (NC) - The Vatican's financial holdings, including real estate, total about $572 million, but less than half of that amount produces income, said Cardinal Giuseppe Caprio, a top Vatican financial official. It was the first time a Vatican official has publicly revealed the amount of the Holy See's "patrimony" of investments and land holdings. Cardinal Caprio said the disclosure should help end "rumors about the immense riches of the Vatican." "As you can see, we have nothing to hide," he said in a rare interview published April 16 by the Italian financial newspaper II Sole 24 Ore. Over the years, some press estimates of the worth of the "patrimony" have exceeded $10 billion. "Let's say the total of the patrimony of the Holy See, including real estate and deeds, is 730 billion lire (about $572 million at the current exchange rate). But more than half of this patrimony does not produce income, and instead involves expenses," said Cardinal Caprio, president of the Prefecture for Economic Affairs of the Holy See. "The productive patrimony does not go beyond 350 billion lire (about $275 million)," the cardinal said. The rest is tied up in offices and other properties, including church-run schools and a hospital, all of which involve annual maintenance expense, he said. In a telephone interview with National Catholic News Service April 16, Cardinal Caprio confirmed the figures and said their publication was part of an effort to convince Catholics worldwide of the Vatican's financial distress. "I hope the good faithful will now realize that the appeal by the cardinals and the pope is truly necessary" and "corresponds to the facts," the card inal told NC News. In March, a council of cardinals appealed to the world's bishops to increase contributions to Peter's Pence, the fund that has helped cover Vatican spending shortfalls in recent years. Along with the appeal they sent, for the first time, detailed budget figures from 1985.
RESIDENTS of the small boys' cottage at Fall River's St. Vincent's Home recently received a color television from Fall River's Order ofthe Alhambra Leon Caravan. Some ofthe boys get right down to watching; looking on, from left, are counselor Ellen Buttermore; director of children's services Jim Cummings; Joseph Gaboriau, Leon Caravan member and past deputy regional director; Leon Caravan treasurer Ben Pratt and counselor John DuBanevich. Alhambrans' work benefits youngster. There are 40 members in the Leon Caravan, and over 12,000 worldwide. (Motta photo)
"In the letter to the bishops, the cardinals refer to the many fantasies about Vatican riches, noting that, apart from the various exaggerations, the base figures are false," Cardinal Caprio said in the newspaper interview. For example, he' said, the many art works in the Vatican - often cited as an example of Vatican wealth - have great cultural value, but for the Holy See represent expenses for custody, maintenance and restoration. The Vatican's patrimony dates from the time of the 1929 Lateran treaty, when Italy gave the Vatican a lump-sum payment in exchange for the remainder of papal territory in the country. Much of the money was used for new buildings and the remainder established as the "patrimony," which h~s been administered by a special Vatican investment office. The investments yielded enough income to cover annual operating expenses until the mid-1960s, Cardinal Caprio said. After that, the shortfall was made up by the Peter's Pence collection, an annual fund used traditionally for special papal projects. But in recent years, as the shortfall has grown, Peter's Pence has not been enough and the Vatican has had to dip into the patrimony to make up the difference, he said. For example, the Vatican's 1986 operating expense shortfall was about $56 million, while Peter's Pence raised about $32 million. The Vatican expects its 1987 shortfall to reach about $63 million. Cardinal Caprio, whose office puts together the annual budget for Vatican departments, cited two main reasons for increasing expenses: - The growth in Vatican offices from 37 to 47 since the Second Vatican Council; in the same period, he said, personnel has increased by half. . - Total salary expenses increased tenfold from 1970-1985, largely because of high Italian inflation. Cardinal Caprio said he hoped the Vatican eventually would decide to make its annual budget public, in addition to sending the information to the world's bishops.
The Anchor Friday, Apr. 24, 1987
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SAN DIEGO (NC) - Members of a San Diego parish saw it as at least a partial answer to their prayers when local police officials told them more foot patrol officers will be assigned to their drugplagued neighborhood. Christ the King parishioners and residents of the nearby community recently marched and prayed for an end to the open drug-dealing in their area. Deputy Police Chief Manuel Guaderrama and Lt. George Saldamando, commander of the newly formed WECAN (Walking Enforcement Against Narcotics) unit, told the' marchers that a substantial number of officers would soon be added to the foot patrols. Most of them will be assigned to southeast San Diego areas having a high level of drug dealing, Guaderrama said.
July 20 - August 2, 1987
We Will Rise "Everyone dies because all of us are related to Adam, being members of his sinful race, and wherever there is sin, death results. But all who are related to Christ will rise again." - I Cor. 15:22
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Send this coupon today for your day-by-day Itinerary brochure. I Domar's Group Travel Corp. (phone 1- I I 440 E. Sample Rd.. Suite lOlA 800-222- I 2687) I I Pompano Beach. FL 33064 I I Father Herbert T. Nichols I I July 20.1987 I Please send your brochure to: I I Name I I I
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Apr. 24, 1987
What's on your mind?
Q. What should I do if I suspect But don't respond tactlessly and one of my friends is thinking about say something awful like, "You're committing suicide? (Washington, being unreasonable," or "That's D.C.) silly. " Instead, try to offer reasons for A. Don't hesitate to tell your suspicions to some appropriate weathering the present storm, howadults, your parents, one or more ever dark life may seem right now. Try also to help your friend seek teachers, 'the school counselor or one of the parish priests if your solutions and alternatives. Stress the idea that dark times pass and friend is a Catholic. . This is not "squealing" 'or "tat- things do get better. Urge your friend to call the Suitling." It is a reasonable part ofthe cide Prevention Center if your business of lifesa'ving.< Talk with your friend if possi- community, has one. The center ble. Bring the subject out in the will not bawl your friend out but open with questions something like will offer kindly suggestions and these: "Are you thinking of doing alternatives. If your friend refuses to, you anything that would hurt you?" or more bluntly, "Are you thinking might wish to call after you have talked 'with your friend: The voice of committing suicide?" If he or she says yes, don't lo.ok at the other end Will try to help you horrified. Don~t lay guilt on the help your friend. As you surely know, a number person and don't say anything that would imply your friend is a bad of young people in different parts of the nation have committed suiperson. . Quietly ask about what me'thod cide in recent weeks. Quite apart from your friend's . will be used for the suicide. T~is may give you a clue about how problem, might this be the time to . close your friend is to actually start a campaign against suicide in committing suicide and when and your school? For starters, how where the attempt might be made. about some posters with one of Because the suicidal person ex- these quotations: "Today I set beperiences so much pain, ask your . fore you death and .life. Choose friend to tell you about the feelings , life!" or "T <> love God is to choose life." he or she is having right now. .Send questions to Tom Lennon, Then gradually you can begin to • ask about the person's reasons for 1312 Mass. Ave.,N.W., Washington, D.C. 2000'S. wanting to end his or her life.
F ALL RIVER South made it two CYO hockey championships in a row this season; they recently defeated Mansfield in the final series. The winning team is composed of, ftont row, from left, Bernie O'Reilly, Bill Lunnie, Mike Muniz, Bill Camara, Dave Nobrega, Chris Romans and Todd Prada; back row, from left, coach Gus Venice, Paul Hebert, Scott Keith, Scott Hornby, John Caroll, Scott Santos, John Chatwin, Kevin Taylor, Dan Kane and Paul Hogan. Missing from the picture are players Randy Prada, Tom LePage and Rick Coleman.
Bishop Feehan High School The moderators and staff of"Shaman," literary magazine at Attle,boro's llishop Feehari High School, were recently riotified that the 1986 publication won two prestigious awards for. excellence. The first, from the ''American Scholastic Press Association, was a first place award. :rhe magazine was judged on content coverage, design, organizati~n, presentation and creatl\'ity, and earned 900 opt of 1000 points. Shaman received a rank of above average from a National Council ?f Teachers of English program.
Areas considered included editing, proofreading and design. Coeditors of the literary magazine were Gay Perkoski and Donna Fortin. Its moderators were Linda Ausiello and Sheila Haskins, both faculty members.
• • • •
Congratulations to student Ellen Healey, who placed seventh statewide in the National Spanish examination, Level IV . She will receive an award at Framingham State College next month. III
Senior Timothy Sullivan 'has
By Charlie Martin
God reveals himself in many beautiful ways ,
By Cecilia Belanger Now and then'one likes to escape from all the distractions of daily ; life to where the spring breeze is wholesome and pure. I find great relaxation by the ocean, sitting on , a large rock and letting the visitant wind fan my cheeks and blow my hair. . So here I sit with my papers, , letters and reading material; about to try to answer' some questions and ask a few; I can appreciate Moses being subdued by splendor as I view the vast beauty that is nature. Even though I see no burning bushes, I do see God's handiwork all about me and I too am subdued. All this marvelous creation makes one think deep thoughts and begin to see light. What got me started on this line of thought was a letter I recently received. Its writer says he prayed that God would in some way be revealed to him. For some it is easy
to behold God in the world, while ,for others it is hard. The reason? I do not know. One's attention is so fragmented and staccato, claimed by myriad matters by day and tel'evision by night. ' What is more, it is of the very nature of God not to intrude or force himself upon us. We are often too caught up in the things that alienate us from him. Of course, one should never give up hope that one day there will be a burning bush in one's own life. But one should remember that his presence is always here, with the weak to make them strong, with the proud to make them humble, with the greedy to make them generous, with the evil to make them good and with the upright to make them loving.
No Disappointment "No one who believes in Christ will ever be disappointed." Rom. 10:11
There is something I want to tell you There is something I think that you should know· It's not that I shouldn't really love you Let's take it slow When we get to know each other and we're both feeling much stronge.r Let's try to talk it over Let's wait awhile Before it's too late Let's wait awhile Before we go too fa'r Remember tI:aat special night And aU the stars were shining bright We made our first endeavor to stay together We made our first promise . To love, to share and be real honest But on tlUtt very first night, it wasn't quite right I didn't really want to let all my feelings show I wanted to save something for later So our love can be green and new You said you would always love me Remember I said the same thing too You don't have to be frightened with my love Because I'll never give up on you I promise, III be worth the walt Written by J .lIanis III, T. Lewis, J. Jackson and M. Andrews. Sung by Janet Jackson. (c) 1986 by A & M Records Inc. JANET JACKSON'S "Let's She offers listeners an approach Wait Awhile" offers a view of that shows that desire need not sexual behavior that differs con- control our sexual behaviors. She siderablyfrom that of many other encourages couples to "wait popular songs. awhile before we go too far."
been chosen school winner of the 1987 Army Reserve National Essay Contest on the Bicentennial of the U.S. Constitution. , Three national ~inning essays will be selected by a panel of judges including educators, journalists and Army Reserve officials. Winners and their high schools will receive Pentagon-shaped glass trophies from the Army Reserve. Sullivan is the treasurer of Feehan's National Honor Society chapter and aNational Merit Corporation Letter of Commendation recipient. When a couple falls in love, sexual attraction ,is a normal and good part of the relationship. Every couple must decide how they will respond to their mutually experienced desire. The song advises couples to "take it slow" as they become emotionally and sexually attracted to each other. Our society often forgets that no can be a valid answer in deciding whether to become sexually active. A couple can demonstrate their respect for each other by realizing that neither individual is ready for the adult commitments and responsibilities of a sexual relationship. The song also emphasizes the importance of talking about sexual feelings and questions. Without honest communication, a couple can find that they have gone "too far" without really intending to become sexually involved. Clear guidelines can be helpful when a couple is deciding how to express their sexual desire. We heed to know what acts of physical touch are appropriate in ex.. pressing our affection and physical attraction. 'Without such guidelines, we may discover that desire rather than love controls our behaviors. Our sexuality is a wonderful and powerful part of being human. But like many aspects of ou'r personality, we have choices to make about how we will express its power. Your comments are always welcome. Address Charlie Martin, 1218 S. Rotherwood Avenue, Evansville, Ind. 47714.
tv, movie news Symbols following film reviews indicate both general and Catholic Film Office ratings, which do not always coincide. General ratings: G-suitable for gen· eral viewing; PG·13-parental guidance strongly suggested for children under 13; PC-parental guidance suggested; R-restricted, unsuitable for children or younger teens. Catholic ratings: AI-approved. for children and adults; A2-approved for adults and adolescents; A3-approved for adults only; M-separate classification (given to films not morally offensive which, however, require some analysis and explanation!; O-morally offensive.
-,,..-------"-l NOTE
DR. OMER BOIVIN of Fall River, holding a photo of his late wife Laurette, meets at his home with Father James C. O'Brien, SJ, principal of Fall River's Bishop Connolly High School, and several Connolly students in celebration of his announcement of a $100,000 trust endowing the Dr. Orner and Laurette Boivin Scholarship Fund at Connolly. Connolly students, from left, are freshman Conrad Paquette and sophomores Amiee Vezina, Natalie Troya and Paul Chouinard. (Motta photo)
Bishop Stang High School Barbara Cannistraro, a student at North Dartmouth's Bishop Stang High School, was a first-place winner in a recent science fair held at Fall River's Bristol Community College. Her project was named the senior presentation showing outstanding ingenuity and creativity. It captured the Naval Science a ward and a Marine Educators' award. Student Mike Spencer was second-place winner. His presentation earned an educators' award and the Marine Corps Science Award. Stang's Matt Zimmerman earned third place honors. Honorable mentions went to students Nancy Hunter, Jerilyn Latini, John O'Donnell and Chris Martin. Misses Hunter and Latini also earned Marine Corps Science awards for their work.
• • • • College application procedures will be explained to juniors and
their parents at an informational evening May 19.
• • • • Students Carolyn Sedgwick and Mike Harrison recently participated iQ the 40th annual Student Government Day at the State House in Boston. Acting as members of the House of Representatives, they were involved in the passing and! or vetoing of six "bills" dealing with contemporary issues. The students represented Stang as stand-ins for Representative Roger Tougas.
• • • • Junior Joseph Sullivan recently represented Stang at the South sectional High School Swimming Championships in Quincy. He qualified in the IOO-yard breaststroke for the finals. One week later, he qualified in the 200-yard individual medley at the State High School Swimming championships at Waltham's Bentley College.
Papal Polish plans prepared VATICAN CITY (NC) - Pope John Paul II will visit former Solidarity leader Lech Walesa and stop at the grave of a murdered priest during his June trip to Poland, according to a churchstate commission in Warsaw. Vatican sources, who confirmed the schedule, said that during the June 8-14 visit the pope also would beatify a teenage girl stabbed to death fighting off a Russian soldier's attempted rape in 1914 and a bishop who died in the German concentration camp at Dachau in 1943. . In Warsaw, the pope is to meet with Polish leader Gen. Wojciech Jaruzelski and visit the tomb of Father Jerzy Popieluszko at St. Stanislaus Church in downtown Warsaw. Father Popieluszko gave fiery sermons against the communist government before being murdered by Polish security officers in 1984. His gravesite has become a popular shrine. While in Warsaw, the pope will beatify Bishop Michal Kozal, said
Please cheek dates and times of television and radio programs against local list· Ings, which may differ from the New York network schedules supplied to The Anchor.
TV Programs Wednesday, May 6, 8-11 p.m. EDT (PBS) - "Dialogues of the Carmelites" - Based on fact, this opera is about a convent of Carmelite nuns in the city of Compiegne during the French Revolution. Their convent is confiscated and they are sentenced to the guillotine. Composer Francis Poulenc wrote the score for the opera, whose libretto was written by Georges Bernanos, after he read a German novel on the tragic fate of the French community. This Metropolitan Oepra version is sung in English.
Religious TV Sunday, April 26 (CBS) - "For Our Times" - CBS reports on teenage suicide and the innovative approach to the problem in Calgary, Alberta, where public, private and religious agencies try to coordinate efforts. Religious Radio
New Films "Making Mr. Right" (Orion) A young professional woman giving up on romance finds true love Sunday, April 26 (NBC) in the arms of an android which "Guideline" - Marist Father John she is hired to teach social graces. Susan Seidelman's social satire has Beckley, Catholic chaplain at St. most of its focus on sexual mat- Luke's Roosevelt Hospital Center ters. It manages to convey issues in New York City, is among those important to women but lacks a interviewed about ministry to balanced approach to the relative AIDS patients, their families and irpportance of sex and love in a friends. lasting relationship. Crude language and sexual innuendo. A3, I);' PG 13 "Prick Up Your Ears" (Goldwyn) - Harshly realistic depiction of the doomed love affair between British playwright Joe OrThe following listinp of sex, ton (Gary Oldman) and collaboraviolence and profanity-oriented tor Kenneth Halliwell (Alfred Molprograms and or constructive ina). Uncompromising direction television offerings were comby Stephen Frears dwells too vivpiled by the National Fedenidly on the details of sordid sexual tion for Decency of Tupelo, encounters and a concluding Miss., and are based on shows bloody murder and suicide scene. aired last rail. Vanessa Redgrave costars. Brief The fedention lists CBS as male nudity, vulgar language. 0, leading in tbe number of inciw R dents of sex, violence and pro"The Secret or My Success" fanity aired hourly. CBS bad (Universal) - An ambitious col11.42 sucb incidents per vieww lege-educated educated farm boy ing bour, NBC 10.03 and ABC (Michael J. Fox) takes a sexual 1.SS. route to the top of the corporate Objectionable ladder asa mailboy impersonating an executive in director Herbert progr.ams Ross' comedy about business ethics Program Network Incidents and the new American dream of Per hour instant achievement. Helen Slater Miami Vice NBC 22.08 is the love interest and Margaret Hunter NBC 20.00 Whitton the amorous aunt who ABC 19.56 Colbys gets him to the top. Not a positive A-Team NBC t8.91 role model for youth. Bedroom L,A Law NBC 18.00 humor dependent upon sexual Heart of City ABC 17.89 innuendo, negative stereotypes of ABC Movies ABC 17.36 women, acceptance of adultery. 0, Dallas CBS 14.91 Magnum P.I. CBS 13.08 PG 13 NBC Movies NBC 12.02 Films on TV
to have given his life at Dachau in 1943 so that other imprisoned priests could live. In the industrial city of Tarnow, the pope will beatify Karolina Kozka, known for herlife of prayer. At age 16, she was stabbed to death by a saber-wielding Russian soldier who tried to rape her. The postulator of her cause, Monday, May 4, 9-11 p.m. EDT Father Zygmunt Zimowski, said Karolina is seen as a symbol of (ABC) - "Rhinestone" (1984)poor Poles and as "the first blessed I1l-conceived romantic match-up of Dolly Parton trying to make a of the simple folk" in Poland. The pope will visit the ship- country-western singer out of cabbuilding center of Gdansk, birth- bie Sylvester Stallone. Director place of the now-outlawed Soli~ Bob Clark exploits Miss Parton's darity trade union and home of physical attributes and musical abil~ ities and makes Stallone look silly. Walesa. In Lublin, the pope will return Benign view of casual sex. A3, PG to the country's major Catholic Mondlly, May 4, 9~1l p.m. EDT. university, where he once lectured . (NBC) "Teen Wolf' (1985) - A on moral theology, and visit the high school youth (Michael J. Fox) former Nazi concentration camp becomes a big man on campus at nearby Majdanek. when he discovers he's a werewolf Other cities on the itinerary are in this slightly funny teen-oriented the pope's former archdiocesan comedy marred by jokes about see of Krakow and the Marian pil- alcohol and drugs. Vulgarity and grimage center of Czestochowa. sexual innuendo. A3, PG
The Anchor Friday, Apr. 24, 1987
Decency group rates TV shows
CBS Movies
Constructive programs , Program Network Rating· .Cosby Show NBC 8.517 Our House NBC 8.467 20/20 ABC 7.925 1986 NBC 7.788 Our World ABC 7.583 Hgwy./Heaven 'NBC 7.473 Disney Movies ABC 7.282 Webster ABC 7.275 60 Minutes CBS 7.075
• Monitors were asked to rate programs for "constructive contribution to society," with 10 being the top possible rating.
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Apr. 24, 1987
Father Dietzen, Catholic answer man BLOOMINGTON, Ill. (NC)Catholics are less preoccupied by changes spurred by the Second Vatican Council than they once were, says Father John J. Dietzen, author of a question-and-answer column syndicated by National Catholic News Service and appearing weekly in The Anchor. "My mail reflects far less puzzlement about changes in the church brought on by Vatican II, and far more desire by correspondents to' deepen their understanding of our faith, and of how that faith affects their spiritual life," he said. "Back in the '70s, there was an urgency to questions about the liturgy and changing rites. While there is still interest in those areas, more people reflect a need to understand what their faith teaches, so they can integrate those teachings into their life. Many are confused by misunderstandings of church doctrine and misinformation about church procedures," Father Dietzen said. The priest's column, which answers questions about the Catholic Church and faith-related topics, is the most widely published questionand-answer column in the Catholic press, according to a 1982 survey by the Catholic Press Association. A priest for 33 years, Father Dietzen, 59, is pastor of Holy Trinity Parish in Bloomington, the largest' congregation in the diocese of Peoria, HI. He was associate editor or" The Catholic Post, Peoria diocesan newspaper, from 1957 to 1973 and
treasurer of the Catholic Press Association before he went into parish ministry in 1973. His column, first published in The Catholic Post, was interrupted briefly by his new assignment but he resumed it in 1975, signing up with NC News Service at that time. Lacking a battery of secretaries, Father Dietzen is often unable to respond personally to readers' questions. Where anguish is apparent, he said, he follows through with calls and counsel. The priest said he feels a deep commitment to those who take the time to write to him for information. And it' is most information, not advice, they seek, he said, pointing out he is not "a Catholic Ann Landers," a tag that makes him uncomfortable. In lieu of repeating answers to often-asked questions about church teaching, he has compiled leaflets of previously published questions and answers. Single copies are sent free to those sending him a self- ' addressed, stamped envelope with their request. Topics treated in the. leaflets include marriage regulations, annulments, infant baptism, confession, funeral practices and membership in the Masonic order. A brochure about private revelations and devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary is being prepared, said Father Dietzen, who anticipates additional attention to the subject during the Marian year, to begin June 7.
Father Dietzen said his leaflets are not intended to replace catechetical textbooks, but rather to answer questions most often asked by Catholics and other Christians. The same is true, the priest said, of the seventh edition of his book, "The New Question Box," which gives more than 600 questions and answers. First introd uced in 1981, the book has gone through several 'revisions, with the major change coming in 1983 when the contents were revised to reflect the new Code of Canon Law.
New Yorkers lobby ALBANY, N.Y. (NC) - Some 2,000 New York Catholic laity, clergy, religious and bishops recently lobbied their state government, urging attention to church concerns ranging from care for the homeless, poor and unborn to support for private education. The event, which included speeches, workshops and a news conference by the eight bishops who are heads of New York dioceses, was sponsored by the New York State Catholic Conference. Among Catholic lay persons participating in the forum was Gov. Mario Cuomo, who spoke , on the many parallel concerns of church and state. Another speaker was New York Cardinal John J. O'Connor, who has sometimes sparred with the governo'r over church-related issues.
Coyle and Cassidy High School
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Coyle and Cassidy High School prtstnts
OFF BROADWAY "87" 7:30 P.M. to J :00 A.M. (Restaurants Sen'ing at 6:30) DONATION $7.00 ftatur;ng Peppermint Lounll'e (50'. Room) Upper Derk (Caalno) , Comedy Room Silent Audion Bark Stall'e Deli (Reataura..t) Vaudeville Room
The Maje-tlt Theater (One Ad PI.,) Fe-tlvel Da..ta..te (Porturueae Room) MOOftport Jan Fnti"al (Ouur Space Nite Club) Happy Hoolira..a· (lri.h Room) Let'. l'art1 (Great Rubber Band Room) "Mime" Time J. Your Time (Mime Room) Frenrh Room (Relltaura..t and Show)
Father Dietzen: the mailbox is never empty
Father Curran to Cornell WASHINGTON (NC) - Father Charles E. Curran, the moral theologian suspended from teaching at The Catholic University of America because of his dissent from certain church teachings, has accepted a visiting professorship for 1987'88 at Cornell University in Ithaca, N.Y. At a recent press conference in Washington, Father Curran said he received academic leave from Catholic University to take the one-year appointment "without prejudice to my tenured contract with the (Catholic) University as a professor of theology and without prejudice to the process already underway to take away my canonical mission to teach." At Cornell he is the university's first visiting professor of Catholic studies. He is to teach fall courses on the Catholic Church since the Second Vatican Council and on fundamental moral theology, and a spring course on Catholic social teaching. He is also to deliver a separate series of lectures on religious and theological issues in the spring. He said he looked forward "to the challenge of teaching undergraduates for the first time." In more than 20 years at Catholic University, Father Curran taught only graduate-level theology. Father Curran said that at Catholic University some conclusion is expected by June in the internal academic review of efforts by Archbishop James Hickey of WaShington, university chancellor, to remove his ecclesiastical teaching mandate. He contends that Archbishop Hickey's authority to remove him from teaching extends only to the teaching of students in ecclesiastical-degree programs. Archbishop Hickey claims that, although the civil and ecclesiastical programs are distinct within the theology department, 'any teacher in the
department ~ust have the ecclesiastical mission to teach and be able to teach in both sets of programs. Barry Adams, academic viceprovost at Cornell, said Father Curran was first asked to inaugurate the professorship in Catholic studies more than a year ago, when the case of his dispute with Vatican authorities over church teachings was not yet in the news. The university did not choose Father Curran because he is controversial, Adams said, but because of his solid academic credentials and "scholarly substance. " Oblate Father David Power, chairman of the theology department at Catholic University, said Father Curran was being granted "a regular leave of absence" of the kind typically taken by university professors when they accept a visiting professorship at another institution. Father Curran said his year at Cornell would be his first longterm position at a non-Catholic institution. He called it a "great opportunity" to "show in practice, in this particular situation, that Catholic theology can and should flourish in a university setting." Last summer the Vatican's Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith concluded a seven-year investigation of Father Curran's writings with a declaration that, because of his dissenting positions on various issues, he is "not suitable nor eligible to teach Catholic theology. " Father Curran disagrees with Vatican authorities on the nature and range of legitimate dissent from hierarchical church teaching and on specific points of moral teaching in a number of areas. He has questioned the absoluteness of church prohibitions against divorce, artificial birth control, abortion, masturbation, premarital sex and homosexual activity.