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VOL. 35, NO. 17
Friday, April 26, 1991
SllPer Year
Parish rebounds from major fire "We are the church"
AT THE SCENE of the St. Stanislaus fire, Father Robert S. Kaszynski, pastor/ confers with Father John R. FoIster, Fall River fire department chaplain and pastor of neighboring St. , Anne's parish. (Studio r> photo. Other photos page 15.)
------------------_.._----_1.. At DCCW convention:
By Pat M.cGowan Flames were still leaping from the roof of St. Stanislaus Church, Fall River, last Sunday, but in the parish school hall across narrow Rockland Street, the talk was of rebuilding. "We are the church and we'll build again." declared a membe.r of the basically Polish parish which nevertheless attracts people of many national origins from far beyond, the city of Fall River. "It's a community." said Mrs. Evelyn Bean, drawn to the 550family parish by its warmth and spirit of caring. "People talk to you here," she said. The second devastating fire in the history of the 93-year-old parish began during 10:30 a.m. Mass last Sunday. Believed of electrical
origin, it burned some four hours, even with the assistance provided nearly 50 firefighters by drenching spring rain. Among the first on the scene at the three-alarm blaze were Bishop Daniel A. Cronin and Msgr. John J. Oliveira, diocesan chancellor. Reiterating the parish attitude, the bishop said "The church is its people, not its buildings." The 10:30 Mass was celebrated by LaSalette Missionary Father Paul Rainville. substituting for Father Robert S. Kaszynski, St. Stanislaus pastor. who was directing a retreat at LaSalette Shrine. Attleboro, when he was called to the fire scene. Massgoers first noted something amiss when a light bulb in the ceilTurn to Page 10
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Bishop scores Sunday openinigs 1
By Pat McGowan "It is absolutely disgusting the way Sunday has been desanctified," Bishop Daniel A. Cronin told members of the Diocesan Council'of Catholic Women. The women met last Saturday at the new and beautiful parish center of St. Ann's Church, Raynham, for their 38th annual convention. Decrying an April 17 decision by Massachusetts Commissioner of Labor and Industries Peter Torkildsen to lift a ban on Sunday morning openings of supermarkets, malls and large department stores,
the bishop urged the more than 300 women at the meeting to use their influence to ensure "everyone understands that the Church disapproves of Sunday being turned into just another day." The proposal to extend Sunday hours was protested in February by the Massachusetts Catholic Conference, representing the four dioceses of the Commonwealth. Smaller retail outlets are already permitted to open on Sunday morning, while larger establishments open at noon. Approval for the latter group to extend Sunday
hours must be given by lpcal police chiefs. As the Anchor went Ito press, a decision had not been reached, said a spokesman for the Fall River police departmeIit, who indicated that area police chiefs would meet on the matter April 25. Swansea Police Chief Ralph Lepore is among chief~ opposing extended openings, citing the fact that Sunday is traditionally a Christian day of worship. Indicating that local influence of the' DCCW memb'ers would Turn to Page Seven 1
INCOMING DCCW president Mary Mikita (left) and outgoing president Madeline Wojcik with Bishop Daniel A. Cronin. (Lavoie photo. Other photos page 5.)
Dominicans of St. Catherine of Siena
Celebrating a century
THIS 1898 PHOTOGRAPH records the first time the Dominican Sisters of St. Catherine of Si~n~ gathered for- a group picture. It was taken in' August in the children's dorn;titory of DOmInICan Academy, then a boarding school. I
By Marcie Hickey They came quite by accident and have stayed for a century. On Sunday the Dominican Sisters of St. 'Catherine of Siena', known to Fall Riverites as the "Park Street Dominicans," will celebrate the 100th anniversary of their founding in the Fall River diocese with a noon Mass ofThanksgiving at St. Anne's Church; Fall River. Bishop Dartiei· A..em.nin will preside. . A reception will follow at nearby Dominican Academy and Convent including a buffet, tours of the convent and a slide presentation on the congregation's history. The event will also be marked by the official opening of the sisters' new Heritage Room, which
holds community artifacts and memorabilia, including artwork of the sisters, gifts to the congregation such as a set of fine china, a doll collection illustrating modifications of the sisters' habits over the years, and the original plans for the convent drawn up in 1894, Formerly upstairs in a room adjoining the convent library, the community treasures will now be permanently displayed in a remodeled room near the convent en, trance. Dominican prioress Sister Elizabeth Menard, OP, and community archivist Sister Aim Muriel Brown, OP, have been instrumental in organizing the celebration Turn to Page Eight
Male,-"celibate priesthood good thing, says prelate
Bishops to talk money at closed meeting in June WASHINGTON (CNS) - The U.S. bishops will examine the structure and finances oftheir twin conferences, the National Conference of Catholic Bishops and U.S. Catholic Conference, at a three-day closed meeting June 13-15 in St. Paul, Minn. The bishops are expected to vote on possible increases in diocesan assessments to fund the NCCB-USCC,. possible cutbacks in NCCB-USCC operations, or a combination of both. The review was mandated by the bishops when they were asked in 1989 to increase the diocesan assessment from the current rate of 15.7 cents per Catholic. A Conference Assessment Project, known as CAP, began in 1990 to review NCCB-USCC operations. The current NCCB-USCC bud.get is $34.2 million, with the diocesan assessment covering $8.1 million of that. The rest of the conference's income comes largely from grants and from fees for services. Bishops were sent a survey in May 1990 asking them, among other things, whether budgets of individual NCCB-USCC departments and offices should be en" larged or cut back based on what they perceived as the value of each to the national and local church. Father Dennis Schnurr, NCCBUSCC associate general secretary, said some bishops of larger dioceses felt certain departments could be cut back because they duplicate work done on the diocesan level, but that "smaller dioceses are saying, 'Everything you're doing is . appreciated ....
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Since the survey was taken, the bishops have received its results, an explanation of current NCCBUSCC finances and structures, and a document by a "CAP committee' of bishops, with 16 questions bishops should ask themselves relative to the NCCB-USCC's future. Among the questions, Father • Schnurr said, were how investment revenues should be utilized and whether the NCCB-USCC should seek more outside revenue sources for its activities. Currently, investment revenues, along with slight surpluses from the 1989 and 1990 budgets, are helping fund 1991 operations, he said. Some NCCB-USCC activities receive outside funding, among them the bishops' Secretariat for Pro-Life Activities, which is aided by the Knights of Columbus. Bishops are being asked to consider outside funding, Father Schnurr said. Scenarios would include an NCCB-USCC development office to help other offices get grants from Catholic foundations. With no other outside income, the per-Catholic assessment would have to rise to 16.7 cents in 1992, 17.3 cents in 1993, 18.1 cents in 1994, 19 cents in 1995, and 19.9 cents in 1996 just to keep NCCBUSCC acfivities at current levels; Father Schnurr said. Each· one-cent assessment increase represents about $500,000. Keeping the same assessment levels "would force us into cutbacks," Father Schnurr said. "If we're looking for a savings, a reduction in the overall budget," Father Schnurr added, the necessary step would be looking at "[bishops') conference units that have the largest budgets." The executive director of each· department was informed of suggestions made by the CAP committee based on bishops' survey comments. Each director then met with the appropriate' NCCB or USCC committee to discuss the suggestions. If suggestionsmet "an absolute lack of enthusiasm," the CAP committee withdrew them, Father Schnurr said. The bishops will benefit from computer technology when making their decisions. "At every moment they are going to have before them a calculation of the impact (their budgeting proposals) will have on them," thanks to a computer program's output being linked to a large projection screen in the meeting room, he said. Cutbacks orcancellations ofNCCBUSCC programs would take effect by the end of 1992, Father Schnurr said.
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Catholic angle on "Doonesbury" FAIRWAY, Kan. (CNS) News is the lifeblood of the social and political satirist. For Don Carlton, the finish artist for Garry Trudeau's nationally syndicated "Doonesbury" comic strip, news . can also mean instant headaches. "We all have our personal gripe with [Iraqi President} Saddam Hussein," Carlton said, "and mine is having to draw all those damn camouflage uniforms!" Still, the bearded, 50-ish Carlton jokes that he is pleased to have avoided a "real job" during his 20year association with Trudeau. "Most of my friends perceive me that way," he said. "They think, 'Oh, cartooning must be fun.' It is, but it's also hard work." Carlton, a Catholic, works in his home in Fairway, a suburb of Kansas City, Kan. While working as circulation manager for the National Catholic Reporter in Kansas City, Mo., he did freelance advertising work for Universal Press Syndicate, which supplies "Doonesbury" to newspapers. A mutual friend arranged a meeting between Trudeau and Carlton in 1971 when Trudeau, having decided to attend graduate school, realized he needed some help with "Doonesbury." "I didn't think I would like Garry before I met him," Carlton said. "He was everything I wasn't. I thought, 'Here's this Garry Trudeau - he's from Yale, longhaired, young, very bright, and probably intolerable to work for.''' Instead, Carlton found his future boss "extremely warm," and their IS-minute meeting set the stage for two decades of"long-distance cartooning," as Carlton calls it. "In those early days, Federal Express wasn't even around," he said. "We just relied on special delivery mail service to get things back and forth from New Haven [Conn., where Trudeau lived} to Kansas City." Today, Trudeau sends his rough pencil sketches and any special instructions via fax from his home in New York, where he lives with wife Jane Pauley, host of NBCTV's "Real Life" program. Carlton keeps a low profile, deals with Trude~u over the phcne, and sees him only on special occasions. , "We went to Garry and Jane's wedding," Carlton said. "And he was in town last October for the 20th anniversary ofthe strip." This fall, he said, the Trudeaus will fly Carlton and his wife to New York for what Carlton calls "a big weekend of theater" to celebrate their 20 years of collaboration.
CINCINNATI (CNS) - In an sacrament of orders in such a way interview with St. Anthony Mes- that men are to be ordained and senger, Archbishop Daniel E. not women." In defense of the Western Pilarczyk of Cincinnati said the church should stick to a male, cel- church's tradition of celibacy he , ibate clergy even if it means fewer said, "I think we have to keep telling ourselves, when you have a U.S. priests in coming years. He attributed the Catholic voca- married person serving the church, tions decline in the West partly to the service of the church is by definition a secondary commitment an "attitude problem." The projection of fewer and on the part of that person. The fewer priests becomes "a self-fulfill- primary commitment is to wife ing prophecy," he said, if it leads and family. And if we're going to people to quit working for voca- continue to teach what we teach tions because "the attitude is, it's about matrimony, we have to say all going to hell in a hand basket." that." He said he could not absolutely rule out an eventual change in church teaching about women priests, but that does not mean the issue "is up for grabs." WASHINGTON (CNS) The "What we are talking about here bishops' Committee on Women in is not law or regulation, we are Society and in the Church is seektalking about belief," he said. ing input for a four-part video serWhile the church's celibacy rule ies on issues affecting women in is not a matter of belief, he said, he the church. opposes a change because ,of "imThe series, each part to run 10 plications both financial and ecminutes, will look at women's spirclesiological." ituality; balancing family and work The eight-page interview with from a spiritual perspective; use of Archbishop Pilarczyk, who is mentors; and women and men as president of the National Conferpartners working for the church. ence of Catholic Bishops, was the Dolores' R. Leckey, executive cover feature of the magazine's director of the U.S. bishops' SecApril issue. St. Anthony Messenger retariat for Laity and Family Life, is published monthly by the Cin- said input would be accepted in cinnati province of Franciscans. letter form. The archbishop said arguments Letters, due by May 31, should for changing the celibacy rule or include both suggestions about teaching against women priests issues the series can address and because of the vocations decline in examples of what is occurring in Western'Europeand North Amer- the four areas, she said. ica are based on "a very narrow Two videos are slated for fall point of view." release. The other two are to be At last fall's world Synod of released before Lent 1992. Designed Bishops in Rome, he said, bishops as a tool for parish groups, the from around the world "reaffirmed series will include a discussion as strongly as they could, short of guide. shouting, that they wanted the "We want people to help shape church's discipline of celibacy to these videos," said Mrs. Leckey. remain. The ordination of women "We want letters in which people was not discussed at the synod at tell us their stories, raise questions all, as far as I'm aware." and point out' what should be He said there is "some insular- addre.ssed in parish discussions." ity" in describing the U.S. ratio of The committee wants to know, about I, 100 Catholics per priest as for example, if groups of women a shortage when the worldwide are gathering for prayer, or if men average is about 2,200 Catholics and women are collaborating on per priest. parish ,efforts such as outreach to The vocations decline in the the needy. West "is troublesome," he said, There is evidence that "women "but it's a localized phenomenon. have different ways than men of It's a developed-country phenome- , speaking to God and experiencing non. The number of seminarians God," Mrs. Leckey said. The c0!TIhas gone up 47 percent in 10 years mittee wants to know if this is the worldwide." experience of most people. He questioned the claim that Research on use of mentors fewer priests will mean a less sac- shows that some ethnic groups, for ramental church. "We tend to have example Hispanics, have a tradia convenience-oriented ministry, tion of older women guiding that you have to have a Mass at younger women, she said. The every time when anybody wants a committee wants to know what Mass," he said. both Hispanic and non-Hispanic Eliminating some sparsely at- women have experienced in this ten'ded Masses or consolidating area, she said. some parishes should not be equatThe goal is for the videos to ed with denying people the sacra- "develop and expand upon quesments, he suggested. "Did it come tions that affect women's lives," be down from Mount Sinai that Par- "inspirational and motivational," ish X on such-and-such a road and "get men and women talking with 75 families is supposed to last on these issues." forever? I don't think so. . . . I An Embrace don't envision a situation in our diocese where people would be "T Q mo~t, even· good ·people, deprive.:1 of the sacraments forever God is a belief. To the saints he is and ever if a married man were not an embrace."--Francis Thompson ordained to be their priest. I don't 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111II. think we're talking major. incon- THE ANCHOR (USPS-545-020). Second venience here." Class Postage Paid at Fall River; Mass. On women's ordination he said: Published weekly except the week of July 4 and the week after Christmas at 887 High'~The church's position is that it is not free to open or close that door land Avenue, Fall'River. Mass. 02720 by the Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall at all, that there is something of a River. Subscription price by mail, postpaid 'given' in the priesthood which the $11.00 per year. Postmasters send address church attempts to discern.... It changes to The Anchor. P.O. Box 7, Fall River, MA 02722. is my belief that Jesus set up the
Women's video series wants input
DEACON CLAUDE LeBLANC addresses the Catholic Charities Appeal kickoff audience at Bishop Connolly High School, Fall River.
50th Catholic Charities Appeal launched Story and Photos By Marcie Hickey Additional photos on page 10 At last Wednesday's kickoff meeting for the 50th annual Catholic Charities Appeal, lay chairman Deacon Claude A. LeBlanc called all who participate in the effort through donations or canva"ssing "collaborators in charity." Focusing on elements of this year's theme, "Caring, Giving, Time, Sacrifice," Deacon LeBlanc noted, "We use time 'for many purposes: to work, to eat, to sleep, to be a part ofthe happenings that occur in our lives. But time can also be a sacrifice for those who are canvassing, knockiing on the doors of people you do not know." However, he said, "Please do not think of' yourselves only as
On a· lighter note, the deacon suggested that perhaps it was meant to be that he would be standing on the Bishop Connolly High School .stage to launch this 50th Appeal. "Two separate events of 50 years ago come together on this stage," he said. "Y ou might say that the Catholic Charities Appeal and I were born together!" Also 50 years ago, noted Deacon LeBlanc, Appeal director Father Daniel L. Freitas participated in his first Appeal. Turn to Page 10
Providence College among top hi U.s. NEW YORK (CNS) - The 1991 National Review College Guide has named II Catholic colleges and .universities among what it has rated America's 50 top liberal arts schools. In the preface to the college guide, its editors write that U.S. higher education "is in crisis," saying "admissions standards have been lowered, curricula debased and courses trivialized." The guide was edited by journalist and author Charles Sykes and Brad Miller, literary editor of National Review, with an introduction by William F. Buckley Jr., National Review editor for 35 ~e~s.:. It lists schools that "overall, achieve academic excellence" based on: - Quality and availability of faculty; - Curriculum quality, with emphasis on liberal arts. - Intellectual interaction between students, faculty, administrators, alumni and town residents. ANational Review news release says the 50 schools selected were "shining rays in an academic jungle." "The core curriculum is an endangered species and the academic left is the culprit that's killing it off. There is cynicism in 'the classroom about the Western tradition and American ideals," it says. "And, what's worse, there are curbs on free expression - it's bet. ter not to voice your opinions on certain subjects unless your opinions are 'politically correct,''' says . the release. Catholic colleges and universities listed in the guide were Thomas Aquinas College in Santa
organizers or collectors; you are collaborators in charity with your bishop." He added, "Are we really strangers when charity personified comes to our door? Are we not brought her by Christ's love and bound by that love?" Through the Charities Appeal, "We collaborate in child care, social services, pastoral care for the sick. "You form the total person" in our elementary and high schools, Deacon LeBlanc continued. "You provide training for priests and deacons; you sponsor family life and all it entails; you bring the Catholic way of life to others through communications;" you provide for diocesan nursing homes, where "life is respected and treated in a sacred fashion."
Paula, Calif.; University of Notre Dame in South Bend, Ind:; Mount St. Mary's College in Emmitsburg, Md.; St. John's University and the College of St. Benedict in Collegeville, Minn.; St. Anselm College in Manchester, N.H.; Franciscan University of Steubenville in Steubenville, Ohio; St. Vincent College in Latrobe, Pa.; Providence College in Providence, R.t.; University of Dallas in Dallas; and Gonzaga University in Spokane, Wash. Profiles of the 50 top colleges were included in the guide.
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Fri., Apr. 26, 1991
themoorin~ Hope for the Future: Public Higher Education The history of public higher education in this area of the Commonwealth is one of determined persistence. From the early days of our textile schools to their merger as Southeastern Massachusetts University, the road of educational progress has been rocky. Nevertheless, many have labored for years to bring not only S M U but our other area colleges to their present high level. But in education as in all else, one must renew as well as' maintain. The difficulties now being experienced at Massachusetts Maritime Academy are but one example of the need for new approaches and ideas. It would be unfortunate if such a good school became a mere commodity to be auctioned off to the highest bidder. There mlJst be some way it can remain a viable part of the Commonwealth's network of higher education institutions; possibly as a college of the proposed, University of Massachusetts at Dartmouth (now SMU). The recent initiative of Cape Cod Community College to involve the public in its efforts to be a vital educational force in the community also deserves applause. The路college's door-todoor fundraising campaign should not only raise needed capital but also public awareness. It faces unique challenges in a unique community and is responding to them enthusiastically. Meanwhile in Fall River, Bristol Community College offers many opportunities to those who might otherwise be looked on as unschooled immigrants. BCC indeed deserves every effort made to enable it to continue lighting lamps for the many who might otherwise be left in the darkness of ignorance. Despite the fact that the State College at路 Bridgewater is not actually in the territory served by this paper, it has reached thousands of diocesan residents, especially in the area of postgraduate work. For years Bridgewater has been an outstand'ing leader in public higher education without receiving the recognition it truly deserves. It's a fine college that has started uncounted graduate students on the road to a doctorate. In fact, it's a shame it hasn't been considered for incorporation into the state university system. Perhaps there should be University of Massachusetts campuses at Bridgewater and Buzzards Bay as well as at North Dartmouth. The proposal to raise S MU to the level of a true university is to be welcomed, supported and financed. For where it is at the present time, S M U is a good school. It has had a very positive outreach to the local community and has given many a basic college education. However, its true potential as a univ'ersity has never been fully developed. Perhaps it has been too parochial in its vision or perhaps too many with area influence have limited its horizons. Whatever the case, new possibilities are unfolding for SMU. As a fullfledged member of the Massachusetts system, it can move fromits insular position into the mainstream of higher educational opportunity, benefiting more students from the undergraduate to the doctoral level and assuring its position in the state financial structure. It is evident that great things ar.e happening in our area colleges and universities. As responsible citizens, we should do everything we can to bring to fruition the hopes and aspirations such institutions represent for the future of our young people. The Editor
OF~ICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER Published weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River 887 Highland Avenue P.O. BOX 7 Fall River, MA 02720 Fall River, MA 02722-0007 Telephone (508) 675-7151 FAX (508) 675-7048 PUBLISHER Most Rev, Daniel A. Cronin, 0.0" S.T.o, EDITOR GENERAL MANAGER Rev, John F. Moore Rosemary Dussault <Il'@t~n. Leary Press-Fall RIver
"The flowers have appeared in our land." Cant. 2:12
Towards a new world vision By Father Kevin J. Harrington During the beginning days of the lhaw in the Cold War then President Ronald Reagan supposedly convinced President Mikhail Gorbachev that the reason each country had so many arms was because they distrusted each other. Reagan, in his recently published autobiography, said that when both leaders realized that their mutual distrust was not of the magnitude to justify continuation of the arms race, they were finally able to put their differences aside and work together. lndeed~ one year ago. on April II, 1990, Gorbachev spoke to the World Media Association about a new world order. Since the victory in the Gulf war, President George Bush has in his turn often referred to the coalition effort as part of an emerging new world order. Too often in the past order has been narrowly defined as t~e semblance of law that can be main~ tained through a balance of power; but a truly new world order will require a rethinking of the meaning of security. Our military strength may keep us safe from armed invasion and may help us take a leadership role in regional conflicts, but there are other strengths that must' be brought to bear on the myriad of problems that face us. The irony of the Gulfwar is that it has heightened the spending of money on armaments. Its showcasing of high-tech weapons has diverted the scanty funds of smaller nations away from human resources. The current $1 trillion a year spent on weapons proves that most nations still believe that security lies in being armed to the teeth and
not in better relations with neighbors. Canada's President Brian Mulroney has noted the irony that most of the weapons used in the Gulf were supplied by the five nations of the United Nations Security Council. The creation by Saddam Hussein of a vast military arsenal should have taught the world a valuable lesson. A laissez-faire free market approach to the weapons trade has wreaked havoc in the Middle East. However, if a coalition of countries can come together to fight a war, it should be equally able to mount an arms moratorium in the Middle East. All our rhetoric about a new world order notwithstanding, without such a moratorium it will be business as usual with the weapons-hungry nations and a new war will be lurking in the not too distant future. Last September, 71 heads of state joined for a World Summit
praYe~BOX Love of Marriage Lord God, You are love and life itself. Sttengthen the bond of matrimony, so that married spouses are always willing to give life to a child that is the fruit of their love. Through the grace of marriage, may they reflect in their lives the undivided love which You are in the Most Holy Trinity,
for Children. They committed themselves to an action plan to address the silent catastrophe of 40,000 child deaths each day from malnutrition and disease by reducing this rate by one-third by the year 2000. The cost of this project is estimated to be $2.5 billion annually (the cost of U.S. cigarette advertising each year). The world summit highlighted the problems facing the least developed countries but did not ignore those of the more developed nations. In the United States alone, one-fifth of our children live in poverty and 37 million citizens have no health insurance. Perhaps the insight of Gorbachev and Reagan regarding mutual trust could come to be the true beginning of a new world order. It is one thing to come together to fight a common enemy such as Saddam Hussein; it is another thing altogether to fight poverty, pollution, hunger and disease. When the nations of the world begin to feel secure be<;ause they are committed to a relationship based on trust rather than fear, the $1 trillion spent annually on weapons can be earmarked for investments in the areas of health, education and environmental restoration. e Without such a change in thinking, the only lesson taught by the Gulf war will be that the nation with the most arms wins. That lesson is part of the old world order, an order as old as Croesus, the ancient Greek king possessed of legendary wealth, who learned the hard way that his gold was useless without the iron to defend it. The new world order should not be based on something as antiproductive as mutual distrust but on mutual trust and a shared world vision.
The Anchor
Theneed for diversity
Letters are welcomed but the editor reserves the right to condense or edit. if deemed necessary_ All letters must be signed and include a home or business address. They do not necessarily express the editorial views of The Anchor.
Sunday's readings: Acts 9:2631; I John 3:18-24; John 15:1-8 The April 1991 issue of"National Georgraphic" contains an intriguing article on plant genetics. The By FATHER ROGER author maintains that the genetic KARBAN uniformity which we have bred into our modern crops is a mixed his essential contribution to the blessing. It greatly increases yields faith. but it also makes each plant idenLuke believes Saul's conversion tically vulnerable to disaster. To to be one of the most significant make certain that some calamity events in church history. tIe is able will not wipe out the world's food to see God's hand at work throughsupply, scientists are racing to obout the entire episode. It is no tain and preserve genes from wild varieties of common plants. Their accident that it occurs just as Gentiles are beginning to seek entry future existence as cultivated crops into "the way." depends on genetic diversity. Noone in the present communIronically, today's Gospel speaks ity can meet the demands of these about plants: grapevines. Jesus reunexpected converts. Everything minds his disciples, "I am the true vine and my Father is the vine- is geared toward Jewish convergrower .... No more than a branch sions. Culture and religion are uniform. All share identical Scrip-, can bear fruit of itself apart from tures and worship; everyone takes the vine, can you bear fruit apart the same things for granted. How. from rile. I am the vine, you are the can they relate to people who branches....The person who does begin their search for Jesus from a not live in me is like a withered, totally different background? rejected branch..." Initially the faithful try to turn Union with Jesus is a major component of John's theology. The these Gentiles into Jews. Only then evangelist often stresses this aspect do, they permit them to be Christians. But Luke believes that God of faith in his Gospel and his three wants them to go beyond this proletters. Such unity is a pledge that we are living correctly. If we are cess... Different" people must be admitted directly into the faith not completely bound to Jesus, everything we accomplish is worth- and not forced into a prior reli: gious system. Saul, because of his less. Normally we show we are one Jewish! Gt:ntile cultural mix. is ideal for such a ministry. with God by the kind of things we But Saul's path to Jesus was so do. We read in I John: "Those who unique that many .....even refused keep his commandments remain to believe he was a. disciple." Had in him and he in them." And what Barnabas notstepped forward and is his most important comm'and? ..... We are to believe in the name of ."sponsored" their former persecuhis Son, Jesus Christ, and are to' tor, the Jerusalem community would probably never have acceptlove one another. .." Yet, just as plants need diversity ed him. Had Saul been rejected. to survive, so we who are growing the church would have missed its opportunity to become a universal in our union with Jesus also need religion. Uniformity would have diversity. If there is too much unibeen its downfall. formity in our unity we could be in Barnabas, believing that faith in danger of extinction. Without a constant infusion of "new genes" Jesus could transform an enemy into a friend, takes a chance on we risk annihilation. Jesus seems to have tackled this Saul and receives him with open problem by commanding us to arms. This one act of love eventulove one another. Luke gives an ally changes Christianity's entire example of love's importance in direction. The saml: God who creates plants our first reading. Saul certainly brings new genes also creates the Church. He has made diversity essential for the to the Christian community. But survival and growth of each. So he comes into the faith in such an extraordinary way that only love easy to be content with the status quo;.so simple to fall back on tracan guarantee his admission and ditional ways. Only love will give us the security to accept 'those who bring enough diversity into the Church DAILY READINGS to keep in existence.
April 29: Acts 14:5-18;Ps 115:1-4,15-16; In 14:21-26 April 30: Acts 14:19-28; Ps 145:10-13,21; In 14:27-31 May 1: Acts 15:1-6; Ps 122:1-5; In 15:1-8 May 2: Acts 15:7-21; Ps 96:1-3,10; In 15:9-11 May 3: 1Cor 15:1-8; Ps 19:24; In 14:6-14 May 4: Acts 16:1-10; Ps 100:1-3,5; In 15:18-21 May 5: Acts 10:25-26,3435,44-48; Ps 98:1-4; 1 In 4:7-10; In 15:9-17
Friday, April 26, 1991
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AT DCCW convention, from top, Bishop iDaniel A. Cronin with recipie~ts of Margaret M. Lahey/ 0'rlr Lady of Good Counsel Award, from left, Rose Soucy, Emily Pacheco, Elsie Abreau, Mary Bettencourt, Frances Furfey; new diocesan officers Helen Stager, treasurer; Claire l O'T oole, recording secretary; Mary Mikita, presiClent; Bella Nogueira, first vice' president; diocesan moderator Father James F. Lyons and Dr. Lois Wims, convention keynote speaker. (Lavoie photos)
$1499 AUGUST 10 - 21 From/to Boston (Air fares available from/to other cities) SPACE LIMITED - CALL NOW! REV. J. JOSEPH KIERCE Saint Kevin Rectory 35 Virginia St., Dorchester, MA 02125 Telephone: (617) 436·2771 OR HELEN FLANAGAN THOMAS COOK/CRIMSON TRAVEL 104 Mt. Auburn St. Cambridge, MA 02138 Telephone: (617) 868·2600 Ext. 368 Toll Free: 1·800·365·7733 Ext. 368
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WASHINGTON (CNS) - The United States remains a religious nation, with only 7.5 percent ofthe population claiming no religious affiliation, according to a recent survey by the City University of New York. The survey, conducted through telephone interviews with 113,000 Americans over a 13month period in 1989 and 1990, showed that 26.2 percent of respondents identified with the Catholic Church, making it the largest religious body in the United States. According to census figures, Catholics comprised 23 pen;ent of the U.S. population in 1990.
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The Anchor Friday, April 26, 1991
Q. What should keeping the Lord's day holy mean to Catholics today? Attending Mass is simple. But refraining from servile work? Does this still have a meaning? Today many people hardly ever do servile work. It is possible for
Keeping holy the Lord's day in the 1990s professional persons to work all , -day on Sunday, not do a bit of "servile" work, but miss the spirit of the Lord's day. I've been given vague directions by priests such as, Does the work you are doing keep you from God? Please, are there any real guidelines or is it all a matter of attitude? (Texas) A. Participation in the Sunday eucharistic liturgy still is required for us, of course. Whatever other obligations:we have to observe the Lord's day are meant to help us keep the spirit of reverent reflection, worship and rest. Vatican Council II calls Sunday "the original feast day" and urges that 'its observance always shouldbe proposed and taught "so that it
may become in fact a day of joy and of freedom from work" (Constitution on the Liturgy, 106). Canon law says almost the same. The faithful "should avoid any work or business which might stand in the way of the worship which should be given to God, the joy proper to the Lord's day or the needc;d relaxation of mind and body" (1247). You probably are aware that the whole idea of forbidden "servile" work developed in a radically different agricultural-labor society. I t generally misses the point entirely to discuss what kinds of "work" are allowed. Our aim, as the above statements indicate, is to have our homes and activities reflect on that
day above all the peace, joy, contentment and love that should be ours because of what Jesus has accomplished for us by his death and resurrection. Q. I am a Catholic woman married to a Lutheran man for 46 years. We were married in a civil ceremony. The reason was simply that my husband was in the Navy and I wanted to go with him as his wife. This was 1944. Our first child was born in 1946. For years we attended the United Church until we moved to where a Catholic church was available and I began attending. I have two questions: Is it all right for me to receive communion? Are we allowed to be buried
in a Catholic cemetery together? (Alberta, Canada) A. You should talk to a priest about the validation of your marriage in the Catholic faith before you return to the full sacramental life of the church. Judging from the facts you give, this process should be relatively simple and brief. There i's no reason to be concerned about your being buried together in a Catholic cemetery. It's done all the time. Please talk to your priest, explain the situation, and he will advise you of the steps to take. Questions may be sent to Father Dietzen at Holy Trinity Parish, 704 N. Main St., Bloomington, 111. 61701. '
Is morality synon.ymous with the letter of the law? By DOLORES CURRAN
Last January in San Diego a 25year-old man in a wheelchair entered a bank and threatened to blow it up with a bottle of nitroglycerin if the teller didn't give him $70. He explained apologetically that he needed it for heart medicine and he had only $4 left in his account. He was arrested a few minutes later at a drugstore near the bank where he was attempting to buy a bottle of heart medicine for $69. The bank's security guard followed him and called police.
The story was humorous to some television reporters but I found it more tragic than funny. It reminded me of one of the dilemmas posed by psychologist Lawrence Kohlberg to subjects in his research on moral development. His fictional problem, which has been widely used in adult religious education, had to do with the morality of a husband who stole money for medication for his dying wife. I have sat in with more than one group struggling with the issue of morality in this situation. In each group, there was at least one person who evidenced dualistic thinking - stealing is either right or wrong. If it's immoral, then the'reason for it never justifies the act. _There was also at feast one in each gf'OUp who evidenced plural-
istic thinking: "Yes, stealing is in stealing a loaf of bread to feed wrong but the situation determines his starving family? Later on, was the priest who the morality so in this case the husband is not guilty because he is gave him shelter right in telling the doing it out ofunselfish motives." police that he gave Valjean the Most adults fall between- the silver candlesticks when he had two, asking questions like, "Did he actually stolen them? In_dualistic exhaust all other possibilities? If thinking, the answer is no; it is so, would it be immoral?" "What never right to lie. Yet, most readers and viewers respond empathetwere his motivations?" i~ally to both Valjean and the Assigning morality to another's , priest. behavior is always a chancy busiI recently attended a lecture by a ness because we take it out of the moral theologian who distinguished context of that person's life and 'between moral, ethical, ap.d reliapply it to our own situation. gious behavior. Morality, he beWhat we were discussing in the' lieves, is based on the rules or groups had more to do with the mores of society. Ethics are rooted question, "What would I do?" in a deeper understanding of God's Victor Hugo's book, Les Mis- mercy which, throughout scripture, erobles, which was turned into one influences the commandments and of the most popular musicals in other rules. Religion is the means recent years, is based on this whole to this understanding. issue. Was Jean Valjean justified Under this definition the U.S .
magistrate in the San Diego case operated from an ethical base. When the offender appeared voluntarily for arraignment and pleaded innocent claiming that anyone in the same position would have done the same, the judge told him he didn't have to be booked or fingerprinted because it would be an imposition to the man who is partially paralyzed by a stroke. The thief told the judge he "hated to have to go to this extreme," ref" erring to the robbery, but insisted that he had tried every other way to find money to buy the medicine. As of this writing authorities have not yet decided whether to prosecute the case. Let's assume they do. He broke the law, after all. And say you end up on the jury with- the instructions, '''Your only question is whether or not he broke the law." How would you vote?
.Can Father Aristide begin a new chapter for Haiti? By ANTOINETTE BOSCO
With the election in Haiti last December of Father Jean-Bertrand Aristide by an overwhelming majority of 70 percent, one would have to be calloused not to feel new hope for the people of Haiti. I spoke with a woman who went to Haiti with her husband,for the February inauguration of Father Aristide as president. Phyllis Nauts told me of their shock. The night
By Dr. JAMES & MARY KENNY Dear Dr. Kenny: How do you know if someone is an alcoholic? My husband has lost two jobs in the past year because of his drinking and had three auto accidents, but he still insists he is not ali alcoholic. Are there some guidelines? - Indiana. . What causes a problem is a problem. If your husband has lost
they flew to that country, someone threw a firebomb into the dormitory of an orphanage for homeless boys run by the 37-year-old priest. Four of the boys were killed. "The murder of the boys six days before he took office made the violence and corruption we'd read about shockingly real," she said. Two days later they went to the Mass for the four boys. Hundreds of people were there; the church was jammed. "We saw Father Aristide forthe first time, looking frail and anguished. The four small coffins carried his 'children' as he called them," said Ms. Nauts. "After the service, a Haitian couple said to us, 'This isn't about death, it's about life.''' Ms. Nauts and her husband,
neve; reach their fifth birthday Duvalier had thousands of people and medical care is beyond the brought for interrogation and torreach of most people. ture. She said only 20 percent Father Aristide has been well taken there survived. "We were known as an activist priest, a lib- shaken by Fort Dimanche. More eration theologian who is commit- than anything else we saw, it stood ted to eliminating government as a squat, ugly metaphor: Murder corruption, public sector stealing ,and terror were routine ocand the unjust, unequal economic currences." My interest in Haiti deepened a Given Haiti's long' history of conditions that have led to such few years ago when an acquainpoverty and suffering in his poverty, bloodshed and routine tance told me about a man named country. corruption, "can one little priest Ferdinand Mahfood, a food exHe is also a special, sensitive begin to write a new story?" she porter from Pompano Beach, Fla., person who speaks several lan- asked. who has become a modern misThe day after the inauguration, guages, composes songs, speaks in sionary, starting Food for the Poor, Father Aristide went to' Fort Creole directly to the people and an enterprise that has become quite has shown the grass-roots leader- Dimanche along with some of the well known. ship that generated the trust that survivors and families of people got him elected president. who died there. "He spoke of the It was Mahfood's way of doing Ms. Naut told me she and her past and of the future and planted something about the unbelievable. husband visited Fort Dimanche, a tree. We hope it grows well," she poverty in this country where death is rampant from disease and hung- the infamous barracks where Hai- said. And so do we all. er, some 60 percent of the children ti's former president Baby Doc Hendon Chubb, both of whom are psychotherapists, said that statement was true because while people were mourning the boys, they were at the same time "celebrating the man they had chosen, who they hoped would put an end to such deaths." .
Alcoholism: the disease that denies itself perience blackouts or consistently judgment or the high costofliquor
jobs and had auto accidents because of his dri'nking, then obviously his drinking is a prob'lem. That problem is called "alcoholism." Denial is a very common symptom of alcoholism. In fact, alcoholism has been described as the only disease that denies itself. Many people imagine an alcoholic as a bum lying drunk in the gutter. That's one r,eason why many people say they are not alcoholics. Actually; fewer than 4 percent of the nation's alcoholics fit this pattern'. The major effect of alcohol is to create euphoria. Everyone drinks for the same reason: to feel good. Once people get feeling good. the
"problem" is treated with'laughter and dismissal. That is another reason why people deny alcoholism.
go over their own "quota." The second type of alcoholism is called ,"alcohol abuse." Here the Alcoholism comes in two varievictim may not be physically depenties. One type is called "alcohol dent, but the drinking causes serdependence" or "alcohol addic-' ious problems in important life tion." Here, the victim is physiareas. A few examples are: cally dependent on alcohol. - Health problems such as imThe person suffering from alcopairment of the liver, heart and hol dependence will drink large other body organs. amounts daily, on weekends or on - Marital problems such as periodic binges. The best way to spouse or child abuse, infidelity tell _if a person is physically and separation. dependent is to observe whether - Personality problems such as' they suffer from withdrawal when irritability and combativeness. they stop drinking. ' Another way to tell is if they - Financial problems such as heavy indebtedness pue to poor have the habit of eye-openers, ex-
itself. - Employment problems such as tardiness, absenteeism, poor work performance and job loss. Your husband appears to be suffering from "alcohol abuse." His drinking is seriously affecting his life. If he cannot or does not stop his drinking, then he needs treatment for the problem. After two job losses and three accidents, it is time for outside help. Reader questions on family living or child care to be answered in print are invited by The Kennys; 219 W. Harrison St.; Rensselaer, Ind. 47978.
The Anchor Friday, April 26, 1991
Sunday openings vention Mass was offered for them Continued from Page One outweigh his, Bishop Cronin told . and for all deceased members, said the women "I can give this talk the bishop. At an opening business meeting ~nywhere but can you imagine the new officers wer~ elected to twoI~fluence you'll have ifyou empha路 sIze hgw Sunday is being desacral- year terms. They are Mrs. Andrew Mikita, president; Miss Claire ized." He also stressed the bad effect on youth of commercializa- O'Toole, recording secretary; Miss Helen Stager, treasurer. tion of Sunday. "How can they Vice presidents are first, Mrs. grow up learning to respect the Manuel T. Nogueira; Fall River; Lord's day," he queried. second, Mrs. George Bauza, AttleThe bishop expressed his gratiboro; third, Miss Theresa Lewis, tude for DCCW contributions to the diocese, stressing that "I want New Bedford; fourth, Mrs. Leo Plouffe; Taunton; fifth, Mrs. every parish guild in the diocese to become associated with the coun- Joseph Mazzuchelli, Cape and Islands. cil." All were installed by Bishop Conventi(m keynote speaker Dr. Lois Wims held her audience spell- Cronin at the convention Mass. The bishop also presented the bound as she related her years of service as a police officer in Cen- annual Margaret M. Lahey Memortral Falls,RI, to'-the convention ial/Our Lady of Good Counsel theme of"Here I Am, Lord. I Will awards to a woman from each DCCW district outstanding for Serve." The alumna of EeehaJl---HiglL service to her parish coun~_ The 1991 awards went to Emily School, Attleboro, who is now assistant professor in the adminis- Pacheco, Our Lady of Health partration of justice department at ish, Fall River; Mary S. BettenSalve Regina University, Newport, court, Immaculate Conception,. Dr. Wims was the first woman New Bedford; Elsie Abreau, St. Anthony, Taunton; Rose Soucy, police officer in Central Falls. She said that a sign over her Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, Seedesk at Salve Regina given her by konk; and Frances Furfey, St. Elia homicide investigation officer zabeth Seton, North Falmouth. Mrs. Theodore J. Wojcik Sr., reads "We work for God." "You don't usually think of po- DCCW president, announced that Mrs. MichaelJ. McMahon is nomlice officers as doing that," she inating committee chairman for said, "but it's true of many." Dr. Wims added that in many the annual convention of the ways "it's hard work to get to work National Council of Catholic for God," citing grueling police Women, to be held in September academy training and the fact that in Dallas. Mrs. Aubrey M. Armone small police department had strong has been nominated as third national vice president and Miss 600 applicants for two vacancies. Dorothy Curry as a member of the She said that Central Falls is a "perfect place to do God's work" national nominating committee. but it was hard for her to co~e Both are past presidents of the from a middle-class background DCCW. . Also at the convention, past to a world of cocaine and aging tenements with their attendant president Mrs. James H. Quirk problems. It was sometimes hard will be installed as Boston profor her friends as well, she said, vince representative to the NCCW. recounting an instance when she The province embraces the states was driving with someone and ofMassachusetts, Maine, New Hampspotted a car on the police wanted shire and VexIllilDl. On behalf of the council, Mrs. list. Wojcik presented a check to Bishop Her friend was understandably Cronin for the work of the diocese confused to find himself chasing and it was also announced that the car, she chuckled. parish councils had collected a "Police officers must confront total of $2000 for the NCCW many fears and take a lot of abuse," Water for Life program, which she told the audience, "but there's funds the. digging of wells in Third a great brotherhood among them." World countries. For example, said Dr. Wims, In brief comments, Mrs. Mikita she had a disastrous house fire in expressed appreciation of her elecwhich she lost literally all her pos- tion as the new DCCW president sessions. "For months afterwards and said that "Together We AI received checks from policemen I chieve" would be the council theme didn't even know, sometimes with for the forthcoming two years. a little note enclosed: 'I worked an Father L~ons singled' out for extra shift for you, so here's the special mention the recent "excel" money.' " lent leadership seminar" presented Your fellow officers take it for at LaSalette Center in Attleboro granted that they would "stop a by NCCW trainers under DCCW bullet" for you, she continued. sponsorship. "You don't expect that of most Music at the convention Mass coworkers." was directed by Michael Kelley Police .officers can be the best or with choristers from St. Joseph worst of people, depending on cir- parish, Taunton, and the Coyle cumstances, she said, notillB that and Cassidy High School choir. the recent videoed beating by police The convention committee was of a Los An_eles man carried "a headed by Mrs. Aristides A. Anlesson for all cops." drade and Mrs. Richard M. PaulBut, she concluded, "We do son. Subcommittee chairmen were work for God - and he's the best Mrs. Raymond Lavoie, registrapossible employer." tion and publicity; Mrs.' William Grover, luncheon; Mrs. Plouffe, New Officers During the convention letters of decorations; Miss Adrienne Lemieux, nominations and coffee hour; condolence were read and Bishop Mrs. Harry Loew; liturgy. Cronin and DCCW moderator Mrs: Michael J. McMahon was Father James F. Lyons expressed parliamentarian; Miss Lewis was the sense of loss felt by all at the recording secretary; and Mrs. Anrecent death of pioneer members Gertrude O'Brien and Margaret thony Geary was treasurer. Concluding the day was "A Noonan, both past presidents who had contributed greatly to devel- Classic Sound," a musical program opment of the council. The con- directed by Richard Naas.
JEFFREY E. SULLIVAN FUNERAL HOME 550 Locust Street Fall River, Mass. Rose E. Sullivan William J. Sullivan Margaret M. Sullivan 672-2391
"New England ho,~"ilaIiIY wllh a European Rair路
HELPING make preparations for a National Congress of the Sacred Heart ofJesus to be held Aug. 1to 4 at the Sheraton Convention Center, Liverpool, NY, are members ofthe Fairhave~ ch~pter of Men of the Sacred Heart, from left, Ray LaVOIe, vIce-president; Octave Pimentel, publicity; Donald St. Gelais, pres~dent;, Leonard Cejka, hisrorian. Not pictured, Norman DaIgle, secretary. The convention, sponsored by the Sacred Heart Enthronement Apostolate, will include a day for young people ages 14to 20 on Aug. 3 and perpetual adoration throughout the event, arranged in cooperation with a Knights of Columbus honor guard.
Calipari to speak at CY0 banquet Rev. Jay Maddock, director of Jarship will be drawn from the the Fall River Area CYO, an- names of players attending the nounced today that John Calipari, banquet. . Cali pari has completed his head basketball coach at the University of Massachusetts in Am- second year at U Mass, Amherst, herst, will be guest speaker at the leading his team to the National annual awards banquet. The event Invitational Tournament semifinals will be held at McGovern's Restau- at Madison Square Garden. rant, Fall River, at 6 p.m. May 7. All coaches have been notified by mail and are reminded that they VATICAN CITY (CNS) - In can order tickets by calling Mrs. its work on behalf of migrants, the Vivian Burke at 673-9492 or Fachurch defends not only the relither Maddock at 675-7150 or 676gious rights of uprooted people, 1541. The ticket deadline is Saturbut all of their rights, Pope John day, May 4. Paul II said. "The church works At the banquet, team trophies for an adjustment of national and will be presented to parishes wininternational legislation in resning regular season and/ or playoff pecting the fundamental rights of championships this year and indievery person to life, to a homevidual awards will be given. land, to a family, to just treatment Highlighting the evening will be and to participation in political presentation of Sportsmanship and social life," he said at a recent awards in the Junior A Boys' Divison and the Junior A and B Girls' . meeting of the Pontifical Council for Migrants and Travelers. Division. A basketball camp scho-
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April 27 1925, Rev. Francis J. Bradley, D.D., Rector, Cathedral, Fall River 1949, Rev. Romeo D. Archambault, St. Anne, New Bedford April 28 1959~ Rev. StanislausJ. Goyette, Pastor, St. Louis de France, Swansea April 29 1987, Rev. James Leo Maguire, Pastor, Monterey Diocese, California 1989, Rev. Adolph Szelagowski, OFM Conv., Parochial Vicar, O.L. Perpetual Help, New Bedford April 30 1900, Rev. John A. Hurley, Pastor, St. Mary, North Attleboro 1930, Rev. David F. Sheedy, Pastor, St. John Evangelist, Attleboro May I 1882, Rev. Francis J. Quinn, Founder, Immaculate Conception, North Easton Founder, Sacred Heart, Fall River May 2 , 1963, Rt. Rev. Msgr. M.P. Leonidas Lariviere, Pastor, St. Jean Baptitte, Fall River
OUR LADY'S RELIGIOUS STORE Mon. - Sat. 10.'00 - 5:30 P.M.
BOOKS 673-4262 936 So: .ain St..
Fall River
Diocese of Fall River -
Fri., Apr. 26, 1991
Dominicans of St. Catherine of Siena mark centennial
Continued from Page One and preserving the history of the congregation, which arrived in Fall River in 1891 to staffschools. But the road to Fall River from· the sisters' original home in Carrollton, Mo., was anything but a direct route. Originally they were asked by a Dominican Father in Lewiston, Maine, to leave Carrollton and found a new community in Lewiston. However, a mixup in communications gave the priest the impression that the sisters were not coming, and by the time Mother Mary Bertrand Sheridan and Sisters Mary Anna Scoales and Mary Catherine Buren arrived in Maine, he had returned to his native France. f-_ _~F=all River was meant to be merely a stopover on the sisters' return to Carrollton. But their visit planted the seed of an idea in the minds of Fall River Dominican Fathers Francois Bonaventure Esteva, Paul Comerais and Charles Bernard Sauval. The day before the sisters arrived back in Carrollon, a letter was received by the community there: Father Esteva was asking the sisters to come to Fall River to teach. So Mother Bertrand and her companions set out once again, this time to settle permanently in Fall River, then part of the diocese of Providence. On Sept. 4, 1891 they moved into the Hicks Hill house, now 1939 Souih Main St., prepared for them by the Dominican Fathers. The next day they welcomed more than 300 students at St. Dominic's School in what is now Blessed Sacrament parish, and two months later they opened S1. Thomas' School on Tuttle St. Young women from the community were trained as teachers' aides, and when in December Bishop Matthew Harkins approved the opening of a novitiate, eight of the women entered immediately. "Good is Done Quietly" The congregation's motto, "Good is done quietly," has its origin in a New Year's tradition of the 'sisters that still endures: "the drawing of the sentences." Father Sauval, who had offic ciated at the opening of the noviciate, since Father Esteva had returned to France, instituted the custom on Jan. I, 1892. At the ceremony" eacti sister drew a card printed with an inspiring passage on which they were to reflect during the year. The message which became the community motto - in French, "Le bien se fait sans bruit" - was drawn by Mother Bertrand. In August of that year, the two sisters remaining in Carrollton, Sister Gertrude Romey and Mother Bertrand's older sister, Sister Philomena Sheridan, closed the community house there and came DOMINICAN HISTORY: from top: foundresses Moth- to Fall River. With their arrival and the addier M. ~ertrand 'Sheridan (seated) and Sister Mary Anna ofthe teacher-aide postulants, tion Scoales.m 1891 and Mother Gertrude Roney in 1925; from the e sisters soon outgrew their space ~ov. 6, 19.58, Anchor: Sister M. Pius (center, left photo) at Hicks Hill, and in December mstructs Sister M. Madeline, left, and Sister M. Martin in 1892 the congregation moved to a Gregorian ch~~t; and m~sically inclined Sisters (right photo, new convent on Benjamin St. "Ofthe eight young women who from left) Mmam, Regma Marie and Clare Marie demonentered originally, four remained st.rate their skill; Bishop James L. Connolly with, from left, in formation and became the first Sisters Bernard Marie and Mary Simon and Melissa Reiff at postulants," recounts Sister Menthe blessing of the Dominican Sisters' novitiate on Tucker ard. Among them was Adele TrottRoad, North Dartmouth. (Anchor, May 4, 1961). The noviier, later Mother Joseph. "Each year after that there were a numtiate is still open, and while there are no present vocations ber of novices and within eight education continues at that site in the Catherinian Center' years there were 25 sisters," adds which hosts retreats and adult educational programs. • Sister Menard.
Sister Mary Catherine Moreau, one of the first young women to , , enter the community in Fall River, became the congregation's first annalist, keeping a complete history until the year before her death in 1911. Her faithfully recorded accounts offer lively portraits of the founding sisters, retold now by Sister Brown. The "wise, prudent and loving" Mother Bertrand was "truly an educator, collaborator, nurturer," says Sister Brown. "Great faith and ajoyful Dominican spirit accompanied all she did... Her magnetic personality generated love and respect. She set high academic standards for the school and encouraged hard work and sacrifice." I he foundress suffered four serious illnesses before her death in 1915, "and, as our annalist put it, everybody would be praying very hard for her recovery because it was still too early to lose her," says Sister Menard. Mother Bertrand's legacy - her genuine dedication, resourcefulness, emphasis on prayer and study, calm acceptance of disappointments, and warm and welcoming spirit - "continues to touch her followers as they discern God's call for the 21st century," said Sisters Brown and Menard. Mother Bertran~'s companion, Sister Mary Anna Scoales, is remembered as a gifted teacher, loved by young children and possessed, of a beautiful singing voice as well as a mischievous streak. "We are told she never missed an opportunity for a 'natural history' lesson at recess time - the 'mountains and valleys' formed by the most recent storm, or the resident spider spinning a web under the porch," notes Sister Brown. Young Sister Mary Catherine Buren, who had contracted tuberculosis while in Carrollton, insisted on accompanying Mother Bertrand to Fall River to found the new community despite her fragile health. The annals reveal that she suffered days of intense pain, but nevertheless remained "calm, peaceful and uncomplaining" until her deat-b in 1892 at age 23. She is remembered by the annalist especially for "her expression that mirrored interior simplicity and nearness to God." Sister philomena Sheridan was
burgh, NY. and a short-lived ven- Bishop Gerrard High ~chool, decline in health and Sister Mary ture in Grafton, ND, the latter which included faculty members Thomas Kelly was named interim prioress. closed within four years. "The dis- from all three schools. Later Bishop However, the annalist relates, tance was too great and the weather Gerrard itself closed when Bishop too extreme - some of the sisters Connolly High School, also in Mother Bertrand "never became were getting sick," explains Sister Fall River, became coeducational. indifferent to the concerns of the Menard. convent" and, "always more of a mother than a superior," she enThe community also expanded The .1978 to 1986 term, of Sister joyed the company of the younger closer to home: in 1922 they were Barbara McCarthy as prioress geninvited- to staff St. Francis Xavier eral was marked by "more subtle sisters and sboWed great concern The shrewd Mother Gertrude for their well-being. .School in' Acushnet, where they changes," continues Sister Menard: Roney wore many hats: teacher, still serve. "a continual growth in the identity Continued the annalist: "God administrator, infirmarian, treaslet it be clearly seen that she was Mother Joseph Trottier led the of the community, the implemenurer, construction work overseer. community from 1940 to 1946, tation of the renewal process after truelythe instrument He wished to "It can be said that if our foundig the furrow, where, thanks to during which time the sisters' New Vatican II; long-range planning dress was the soul of the congregaher, a fruitful harvest would grow. York missions "became a major and evaluation of our life and tion, then Mother Gertrude wa~ Blessed with an energetic will and ministry touching many towns" mission." truly its right arm'" says Sister 1980 saw the Catherinian year, generous love, Mother made a says Sister Menard. They went Brown. from one school to another, "see- an international observance ofthe total gift of herself to God in the She was reputed among local renouncement of her time, her ing more than 2,000 students a sixth centenary of the death of the bankers and lawyers to have had own desires, her strength, in fact,. week." congregation's patroness celebrat"the head of three businessmen" her whole-life,-to--lead-~~ -During Muther--rotm- Augusta---e!t J>.Y-~Jt_e .F.a~l~!~e£-,iste£s~_i!~_ complemented, notes annalist SisMarsden's 1946 to 1952 term as speCial actiVIties, spe~ke~s and dlsalo'ng the road to perfection, in the ter Moreau, by "the heart of three dual role of religious and educaprioress the communit obtained plays an~ the v~r~ahzatlon of the' mothers." tor." b 'Id' ' . . . h Y commuDlty's miSSion statement. 'f d M h G d UI lOgs adJolmng t e Park Street . "Th' t' b' . f Her "penchant for architecture" Th . e gl te ot er ertru e· convent to house the sisters and IS con mues to e a ~Islon 0 was translated into plans for the Roney was a natural choice to-take novices and allow the school to who w~ are as we move mto the present Dominican Academy and over the role of prioress in 1913. expand future; It speaks to who we are and Convent, built in 1894. Within three years she founded the The ~cademy boarding school who we are to become," notes Si~The plans were drawn up by Dominican Academy Alumnae Ashad been closed, but a prep school ter Menard, who .a~su~ed the prtMother Gertrude and Mother J oswas opened under the direction of oress gener~l posItion 10 1~86. sociation, endured the death of her eph - "working through the night," close companion Mother Gertrude, Sister Mary Delmace Seguin for S~e deSCrIbes the cent~nmal celesays Sister Menard, and they needand planned a third addition to the high school students considering bratlOn a~ an opportu~ltyto focus ed little alteration by professional convent. Completed in 1917, the entering the community. once aga~ on the her!tage of the architects. "l~m a product of those prep ~ongrega~lOn as the .s!sters move addition completed the building as In March 1895, less than a month it is today, including space for the· school years myself," says Sister !nto a period ~f tra~SltlOn, e~~lorafter the sisters moved into the school, chapel, sisters' dining room Menard, who attended from 1956 109 collaboratIOn With Domlmcan newly constructed red-brick strucand The Studio. to 1958. "There were 15 girls atthe orders of men and women throughture on Park St., Dominican Acad"I don't know how they built it," time who attended school along out the country. emy was opened with a compleFor ~he p~st year and a half the muses Sister Menard. "There was with the Dominican Academy ment of seven pupils, three ofthem ~all River sisters h~ve been ~~)fkno money, very few resources. But students." boarders. Mother Gertrude was a very prac109 more closely With Dommlcan tical, smart woman. She got the Mother Teresa of Jesus Bou- nuns in Newburgh and Ossining, When the new school year began in September there were 30 stupermission of the banks and supchard was prioress general from NY, "with a view of possibly comdents, and the sisters were also 1952 to 1970. Under her leadership ing together at a later time," says port ofthe bishops and it was built on a whole lot of faith." a convent school was opened in Sister Menard. staffing a fourth school: S1. Anne's, It was also under Mother GerNew Haven, Conn.; the sisters At the center of the centennial then on Hope St. trude's leadership that the Dominserved at St. John's nursery under' celebration is emphasis on the A Dying and a Resurrection the auspices of St. Patrick's par- "giftedness" which has enriched ican sisters embarked on mission As the academy and the comwork in upstate New York, visitish, Fall River; and the communi- the sisters' community over the munity continued to grow, Sister ing public schools to teach catety's only Canadian house was years. Menard recounts, "it was both a "We have always had gifted chism after hours. opened. dying and a resurrection in a way." Expansion Years Changes people," says Sister Menard, "and While several postulants professed In 1916 Mother Mary MadeMother Teresa was succeeded we've needed to call on ttiose gifts vows during those years, a number leine Desaulles succeeded Mother by Sister Anita Pauline Durocher. to serve the sick, in education minof sisters died of tuberculosis, Gertrude as prioress. Her 1970 to 1978 term was marked istry, and in leadership and organtyphoid fever or influenza. She "saw the community through by "changes" says Sister Menard, izational positions. "We lost Sister Catherine Buren .. the expansion years and the reorin"habit, ministry and lifestyle. . . . "There is the Creativity Center," in 1892, Sister Philomena in 1895, The highly scheduled daily routine run by the multitalented Sister ganization of the community's govand several young sisters in their ernment in 1922," when her title was replaced by more decision- Gertrude Gaudette; "the elderly early twenties died between 1895 making by the sisters." sisters who serve as portresses and was changed to prioress general, and 1905," says Sister Menard. ~ays present prioress general Sister A "big, big change" came, says give us their gift of prayer; and the 1908 was marked by additions Menard. Sister Menard, in 197) when gift shop which sells articles made to the Park Street convent and the Mother Madeleine guided the Dominican Academy High School by our sisters," adds Sister Menard. celebration of Mother Bertrand's congregation until 1940 and saw merged with Mount St. Mary'sThesisters'ministrytodaytakes golden jubilee. the opening of missions in Plattsand Jesus-Mary Academies to form many forms: pastoral care, pasTwo years later she suffered a toral ministry, campus ministry, day care, social services, religious education, and retreat work among them, she says. Sister Brown calls her archivist position "The resurrected ministry." But the sisters' identity is still very much linked to their original vocation: teaching; "We've been in education in one form or another throughout our years," says Sister Menard. "Education is in avery real way the heart of our ministry." And so, on April 28, the day before the feast of the community's patroness, St. Catherine, the Dominican Sisters will welcome visitors to their motherhouse, where their educators continue to bestow the gift of knowledge on students at the only remaining private school for girls in the diocese. It will be a celebration of "100 years of service to the church and the many people of God," says Sister Menard. "Part of our commitment is to continue to respond to God's call - and to see that that call is constantly changing." SISTERS PRAY in the newly-completed Bominican Academy and Convent chapel in 1917.
Diocese of Fall River -
Fri., Apr. 26, 1~91
known as a talented artist and seamstress with a "joyous, gentle ·spirit," says Sister Brown.• Sister Sheridan spent many hours. teaching the art of painting to Sister M. Joseph Trottier, laying the foundation for what later would be called The Studio (now the Creativity Center).
-I" FROM TOP: at a picnic in North Dartmouth (Anchor, July 13, 1978); Father Ron Henery, OP, left, and Father Robert Vaughn, OP, celebrate a Mass in observance of the 600th anniversary of the death of St. Catherine of Siena (Anchor, May 8, 1980); at left, Sisters Donna Brunell (left) and Elizabeth Menard open the community's development office in New Haven, Conn. (Anchor, Feb. 6, 1987); at right, the statue of Mary, whose pedestal and arch, constructed by Sister Gertrude Gaudette, were dismantled last year when the statue was moved to the convent's new courtyard and fire access road (Anchor, May 24, 1987); DA students entertain retired sisters (Anchor, Feb. 19, 1988).
ON STAGE at the CCAkiClc.off me-eting, from left, with Father Daniel Freitas (at podium): area Appeal directors and meeting speakers; Father William Boffa; singer Catherine Quental with her pastor Father Freitas.
Kickoff meeting launches 50th Charities Appeal
BISHOP Cronin greets meeting guests. ,
National parley set for AIDS ministers The' National Catholic AIDS Network will host the Fourth National Catholic HIV / AIDS Ministry Conference June 27 toJuly2 at the University of Notre Dame, IlTd. Including workshops on such topics as prayer, rituals ofcelebration, transition, death, loss, and women with AIDS, the conference creates an environment in which reflection and personal renewal can take place. An introductory three-day training module has been incorporated for those beginning HIV / AIDS -', ministry. Archbishop John R.'k'oach of St. Paul-Minnellpolis will celebrate Sunday Mass. Keynote ~peakers will be 'kev. RichatdMcBrien, Carol Lynn Pearson and Bettyclare Moffatt. Information on the conference is available from Rodney DeMartini, SM; 445 Church St., San Francisco, Calif. 94114-1793, tel. ,(415) S65-~613.
Decision praised WASHINGTON (CNS) - The U.S. Catholic Conference's top attorney has praised a federal court decision allowing parochial school students to receive remedial instruction in government-owned vans, as long as the vans are off parochial school property. Mark Chopko, USCC general counsel, said that a decision by U.S. D.\strict JUdge William H. Orrick approving such an arrangement in Sal) Francisco was "a major victory" for all schoolchildren.
Continued from Page Three Father Freitas also got a few responses when he asked the full house audience if he had any colleagues that had been present for that first Appeal. Deacon LeBlanc congratulated those who had participated in the first Appeal and welcomed those making a first-time effort. "And to all Of you a sincere thank you for your dedication," he added. "You are the catalysts." Also speaking at the kickoff meeting was Father William L. Boffa, parochial vicar at St. Joseph's1>arish, Taunton, and director ofSt,,vincent's, Nazareth and CathoJicBoys' Stlntmer camps in Westport, ali among beneficiaries of the annual charity drive. For many ofthe poor and underprivileged children they serve, said Father Boffa, these camps have been over the years "a safe harbor from a turbulent home life; an introduction to a clean and safe environment; the difference between a Christian" and non-Christian environment. From the time the first summer camp was opened in 1929 as St. Anne's Camp, chiefly a place for children to recover from surgery, the Westport camps have hosted tens of thousands of boys ages 5 to 14. The decision to bring in seminarians as counselors as their introduction to pastoral ministry and, joked Father Boffa, "cheap help," was made during the 196Os. Among seminarians who served at the camps were the future Cardinal Humberto Medeirps and Willie Warren, who drowned in rescuing a young camper. This past summer, Father Boffa recalled, St. Vincent's Camp hosted two brothers whose home burned down, providing them with "clothing, a place to stay." Also at the camp last summer was an 8-year-old whose mother had recently died. His father was out of town, So he was being cared for by an older brother. The camp became "a stable environment for that child," said Father Boffa. "Situations such as these make being a contributor worthwhile." In conClusion, said Father Boffa, . "I have enjoyed spending your money - on our children'" Father Freitas urged diocesans to continue "the mission of caring for the less fortunate. "With the enthusiastic support and leadership of our priests, let us
work toward the $2 1/2' million mark. We need you! Sacrifice and work will put us over the top" of last year's total. Other participants in the kickoff were area Appeal directors; Msgr. Henry T. Munroe, who offered the opening prayer; and Msgr. John J. Oliveira, who offered the closing prayer. Piano music was provided by Irene Monte of Our Lady of the Angels parish, Fall River; Kenneth Leger of Sacred Heart parish, Fall River sang the National Anthem, and Catherine Quental of St. John of God parish, Somerset,
closed the meeting with the singing of God Bless America. Special Gifts Deacon LeBlanc reports that the Special Gifts phase of the Appeal, which began on Monday, is doing well. The 250 Special Gifts volunteer solicitors are making contacts with 3,000 professional, fraternal, business and industrial groups in Southeastern Massachusetts. Said Father Freitas, "These contributors with great generosity and enthusiasm support the Appeal for its contributions to the community for people in need. These
donors pour out their hearts for the AppeaL" Funds collected, said Father Freitas, support the many apostolates of charity, mercy, education, social services and health care facilities of the diocese and serve all persons regardless of race, color or creed. Gifts solicitors in the five areas of the diocese - Fall River, New Bedford, Attleboro, Taunton, and Cape Cod and the Islands-are asked to make reports to their headquarters as soon as possible. The Special Gifts phase ends May 4.
Parish rebounds from major 路fire Continued from Page One ing flashed. then small flames appeared around it. St. Stanislaus School principal Denita Tremblay, reading announcements at the pulpit, said she smelled smoke, but thought it was from a nearby candle that had gone out. Then a parishioner shouted the alarm. Mrs. Tremblay said that what she then witnessed from her vantage point was incredible. "There was no panic. Everyone stood up in silence and walked out. Thank God there were fewer children at the Mass than usual because it was a vacation week." She went into the sacristy to phone the fire department and when she returned to the church another sight met her eyes. Children safely- out of the building, adults and teenagers had returned and were quickly and quietly removing everything possible lrom the church._ "It was beautiful. Noone had empty hands." said Father Rainville. He said he and parish Permanent Deacon Franciszek Mis made , it their first priority to remove the Blessed Sacrament and sacred vessels from the church. They and "everything that wasn't nailed down" were initially taken to the next door rectory. said Mrs. Tremblay. As well as vestments. statuary and the heavy baptismal font, two special parish treasures were rescued: a 50-pound wooden handcarved statue of St. Maximilian Kolbe, a Polish hero who gave' his life for a fellow prisoner at the World War II concentration camp of Auschwitz; and an ikon of Our Lady of Czestochowa, the patroness of Poland, blessed by Pope John Paul II. ('
Later everything was taken to St. Stanislaus School when firefighters briefly feared that the church blaze might involve the rectory. It was at the school, in the dim light of emergency bulbs activated when power to the parish plant was Cl,lt off, thllt parishioners gathered to watch the fire across the street and even as it burned to talk about possible fund raisers to help rebuild St. Stanislaus. Also on hand at the school were Red Cross workers who seemingly miraculously materialized with coffee and soda. Mrs. lremblay. whose children are fourth-generation St. Stanislaus parishioners. said her grandparents had come to the parish in 1906. "When the firefighters broke the stained glass windows to vent the smoke and flames, my heart broke a little too," she said.
emigrants to Fall River. Its first baptism took place Oct. 21, 1898 and the cornerstone of the present church was laid Feb. 26, 1899. The third pastor, Rev. Peter Basinski. founded St. Stanislaus School in 1906. It was the first Polish Catholic school in Massachusetts. By 1914 the parish numbered 800 families and in 1918 Father Hugo Dylla, who was to serve it for 44 years, began his pastorate. During those years the church was completely renovated following its first disastrous fire in 1951. In the same spirit, St. Stanislaus will be rebuilt following Sunday's fire, said Father Kaszynski. Among the earliest to pledge support have been members of the Fall River Jewish community. Leaders of both Temple Beth EI and Congregation Adas Israel have friendly ties with St. Stanislaus parish. Support from congregants will be channeled through theJewish Community Coun-
But stdking a positive note, Fa- cil. ther Kaszynski said, "I feel very peaceful. I feel very' calm." He has served St. Stani~laus since ,1962, successively' as parochial vicar, administrator and pastor. "A little time and a little cash and we'll I>e BRASILIA, Brazil (CNS) back; in business," he said. The The Inc;fUlD Missionary Council of chufcD is insured but no exact dol- , the Briuilian&ishops' conference lar figure has yet been set on dam- has urged quick government action ages. Which may go higher than ' to aid the nation's Indians, saying $750,000. ,13 were murdered last year, 31 He gratefully acknowledged the committed suicide and 69 died of immediate concern of Bishop illnesses such as malaria. ' Cronin and offers from the neighRanchers, squatters and hired boring pl)l'ishes of Our Lady of gunmen were responsible for the Angels and St. Anne to provide rise in violence against Brazil's Mass accommodations, but said 240,000 Indians, said the council's that liturgies would most likely be secretary, Antonio Brandt. Only four of last year's murders celebrated in St. Stanislaus school hall. _ ___ were investigated and only one The parish was established in murderer was convicted, Brandt . 1898 to serve the needs of Polish said.
Outsiders decimate Brazilian Indians
Keep religious reasons against death penalty, ministers urged FALMOUTH, Mass. (CNS)The director of clinical services at a Massachusetts facility for youth offenders urged a conference of Catholic prison ministers not to abandon religious reasons against the death penalty. "Watering down the Christian message for any reason - including expediency - is dangerous to the border objectives of strengthening the commitment to life and to human dignity," Janet Schoof said in an address in Falmouth earlier this month to the National Convocation of Jail and, Prison Ministry. "The continuing battle to eradicate the death penalty is weakened when the Christian perspective is reduced to humanitarian arguments," Ms. Schoof said. A graduate of Harvard University Divinity School, Ms. Schoof said opposition to the death penalty is held to be like opposition to the Persian Gulf War - un-American. "It's not cool to be radical anymore. It's not avant garde, it's not brave, it's not chic, and it's not even all that interesting. Quite the contrary, it's stupid, naive, offbase, soft, unrealistic and un-American in the most un-cool way," she said. "Those of us who oppose the death penalty are assailed by all of the above verbal arrows and more." Others' perceptions are damaging in additional ways, Ms. Schoof said. "We've allowed others to associate forgiveness and mercy with wimpiness or lack of courage. For some reason we have let others interpret for us what the action of our justice thinking would bring," she said. "Forgiveness does not necessarily mean that w.e have no concern for the safety of our streets or for the victims of crime," Ms. Schoof added. "I can remember my par-' ents forgiving me untold numbers
of times, but that never weakened their resolve to help me learn from my mistakes." The absence of parental nurturing is often seen as a precursor to violent crime, she said, with death penalty advocates saying the criminal put to death "got what he deserved ...· "How come it is that we don't really start worrying about giving people what they deserve until they have broken the law?" Ms. Schoof asked. "Why should a 30-year-old get the electric chair that he deserves," she said, "when as an infant he did not get the cuddling he deserved and as a 5-year-old he did not get the father he deserved and as a IO-year-old he did not get the freedom from abuse ... as a 15-yearold he did not get the supervision ... as a 20-year-old he did not get the education ... and as a 25-yearold he did not get the job he deserved." Ms. Schooftold the prison ministers "our Christian traditions and beliefs bring us ... better prepared for the battle" against the death ,penalty. She said Christians possess teachings and a heritage which "loudly proclaim the dignity and value of every human life," which "speak to a process of forgiveness and reconciliation," and "which consider the value of prayer and a right relationship with God." She discounted people pulling Bible quotes "out of their back pockets" to argue for or against the death penalty. A frequent pro-death penalty argument is the "eye for an eye" quote from Exodus, which in actual fact "biblical scholarship generally agrees ... was a call for limitation of punishment in the context of a community where harsh and extreme retribution was the order of the day," Ms. Schoof said.
Stang honors Gulf War veterans Bishop Stang High School, North Dartmouth, hosted a Mass of Thanksgiving April 12 for the safe return of Operation Desert Storm service personnel with Stang connections. Mass celebrants were Stang Chaplain Father Stephen J. Avila and diocesan director of education Father Richard W. Beaulieu. Foreign language department chairperson Jacqueline Bertrand McCarthy coordinated the event. Among guests at the celebration was Lt. Col. Jeffrey D. Fox, Stang class of'69, who was shot down over Iraq Feb. 19 and taken as a prisoner of war. Stang student Peter Fanous of Kuwait presented Lt. Col. Fox .with a POW flag which flew on the Stang campus during his ordeal. The Air Force officer addressed the assembly of students, faculty and friends, thanking them for their support and prayers. Many of Fox's Stang classmates joined in a luncheon that followed in the school library. Other honored guests were Stang graduates L. Cpl. Arthur Caesar, '88, and L. Cpl. Paul Levine, '82; aviation technician 1st Class Petty Officer Richard D. Waite of Mattapoisett, father of Stang student Scott Waite; and Stang friend Lt. David Hayes of New Bedford. I
FORMER POW Lt. Col. Jeffrey Fox of Swansea accepts a flag from Stang student Peter Fanous of Kuwait.
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall· River-Fri., Apr. 26, 1991
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Catholic schools did the t'rick WASHINGTON (CNS) - Catholic school education trained reporter Caryle Murphy, 44, to be responsible, "especially when times got tough," said the Icorrespondent, who won a Pulitzer Prize for her wartime reports from Kuwait. Ms. Murphy, a fo~eign correspondent forThe Washington Post, Won U.S. journalism's top honor April 9 for stories oth.ers handcarried from the Persian Gulf nation where she hid out last August. In Catholic schools. "it was always emphasized th'at if you had a responsibility, you should pay a lot of attention to it, especially when times got tough," Ms. Murphy told Catholic News Service April II. The graduate of Trinity College, run by the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur in Washington, and Jeanne d'Arc Academy High School, Milton, hid with friends in the emirate after Iraqi troops took over the nation last Aug. 2. For 26 days she was the only U.S. newspaper reporter in Kuwait giving eyewitness accounts of the occupation. She reported from there until Aug. 27. when she escaped Saudi Arabia dressed as an Arab woman in !l convoy of Kuwaiti refugees. ' Some of her stories were published without a byline to protect her while she hid from 'Iraqi troops. Living amid the events which culminated in the Persian Gulf War was "frustrating" when she felt unable to report what she sensed was "the No. I story in the' world," though "no oTie knew what was going on," she said. Back in the United States, she was "thrilled to death" to find her stories had gotten through. she said. "I had no idea they were generating such interest." She said she was not afraid of dying but worried about what would happen if she were detained. "I didn't want to lose my notes," she said. In one close call. Iraqi soldiers asked for her passport, but soon released her. They couldn't read. she said, "and didn't know the blue color [of the passport) meant American." When she left the ¢mirate, she dressed in Arab style and wore a veil over her face. she said. Ms. Murphysaidsheisachurchgoing Catholic, though not aligned with a parish. "I go where I like sermons," she said. ' She said her experience in Kuwait "only got nerve-wracking after [the . Iraqis] said they we~e going to hang anybody who sheltered a Westerner. At the time I was staying with a Kuwaiti family. That was one of the major 'factors that made me leave." She said one Kuwaiti who helped her was still being held prisoner in Iraq.
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: ..... -..,.
on Christianity in new 'Europe set for f~11
VATICAN CITY (CNS) - The Vatican plans to convene about 100 European bishops - including Protestants and Ortbodox to discuss Christianity's role in the new Europe at a special Synod of Bishops late this year. "We Are Witnesses of Christ Who Has Liberated Us"wilI bethe theme of the Nov. 28-Dec. 14 synod, the Vatican announced. Synod participants wilI discuss the church's role in European society as former communist countries build democracies and as the continent moves toward economic unity. The changes in Europe in the past year and a half bring challenges not only for formerly repressed churches, but also for those in Western Europe where economic welI-being often threatens Christian values, said a Vatican reflection paper on the synod. At an April 16 Vatican briefing, Archbishop Jan P. Schotte, secretary general of the Synod of Bishops, presented the paper and explained how Catholic delegates would be chosen. Although formal invitations have not yet been sent, he said, about 15 representatives from Orthodox and Protestant churches would be included as "brother delegates," invited to speak to the entire assembly and participate in the synod's smalI working groups. Arturo Mart photo Lay people and women religious wilI be invited as observers, and POPE JOHN PAUL II, a lover of children, ha's been asked by the world's cardinals to eight provincial or general superwrite an encyclical affirming iife. iors of male orders wilI be elected delegates, the archbishop said. Under normal synod rules, where the number of representatives from VATICANCITY(CNS)-Does' possible terms. Can there be any are "seeking to contain" poorer im individual country depends on the church need another document doubt about where the church nations "on the pretext of demo- how many bishops it has, fewer condemning abortion? stands on the morality of abortion? graphic politics," Cardinal Rat- than one third of the delegates would have been from Central or According to the world's cardiMaybe not, the cardinals said zinger said. nals, yes - and the statement - PracticalIy, the docu,ment Eastern Europe, the archbishop -but over the past 20 years, the should go beyond abortion. At a battleground has changed. In 1968, coul~ respond to the changed tech- said'. Pope John Paulll and members Vatican meeting April 4-7, they "Humanae Vitae" spoke mainly to nology and its implications for of the European bishops' synod asked Pope John Paul II to write human life for example, the couples and the individual conan encyclical that would affirm the science; in 1974, the doctrinal con- abortion pilI or the fact that some planning committee decided to , value of human life in light of alI gregation's statement warned of contraceptives now function as change the rules this time to give a , "current threats." the "possible" legalization of abor- abortifacients. The church would greater voice to the churches which The cardinals made clear that tion; today, according to church also seek to involve the mass media, are just emerging from communist they consider abortion the No. I leaders, some 30-40 million abor- political parties and medical per- oppression. he said. threat to life. With the adjustments the largest tions are performed each year, sonnel in the fight against aborAs frequently occurs at VaticanEuropean bishops' conferences tion and other related evils. many of them legal. sponsored events, the battle cry at Cardinal Ratzinger outlined Italian. French and Spanish That's why today's pro-life fight this meeting was sounded by Carnothing less than a social and po- each wilI have four delegates, while has a strong political element. So dinal Joseph .Ratzinger, the Vati- does Cardinal Ratzinger's prolitical battle plan. A main goal of the Czechoslovakian, Polish and can's top doctrinal official. In a posal, which was released to the this plan is to bridge the gap Yugoslavian conferences wilI have keynote address, he warned that between personal ethics and the six each. press in sketchy outline but deThe presidents of the 15 West the church was losing ground in its tailed in his actual address to the political sphere - to weaken, for fight against abortion, and calIed. ,European and eight Central-East cardinals. It set' out five focus example, the argument that a European bishops' conferences wilI for a new statement by the magis- areas for a new document on the Catholic can be personalIy opposed be automatic delegates, as wilI the terium. to abortion yet support legal abordefense of human life: presidents of the European bishops' No one really expects a doctri- DoctrinalIy, the church could tion for those who want it. conference and the council of bishnal breakthrough on the subject, For Cardinal Ratzinger, that make a "s'olemn affirmation" that ops' of the European Community. however. Some observers wonkind of argument reflects an "abAdditional delegates wilI be electdered whether a new encyclical "the direct killing of an innocent solute tolerance of freedom of ed according to the size of a bishops' wouldn't simply be a "recycling" human bei'ng is always a matter of choice" which can destroy the grave sin." Without being a formal . conference, but there are different of"Humanae Vitae," the landmark dogmatic pronouncement, he said, moral foundations of society. formulas for Western and Eastern 1968 encyclical that condemned What will a new encyclical have European conferences. in no uncertain terms - both such terms would have the "weight" of dogma. ' to say on this matter? A hint can be abortion and contraception. ' Archbishop Schotte said the - Culturally, the church should found in the doctrinal congregaIndeed, the church's condemnapope wilI appoint delegates from tion of abortion is stated almost denounce "the anti-life ideology" tion's 1974 "Declaration on Aborcountries or Soviet republics which have bishops, but not bishops' everywhere a: Catholic cares to in society, which is "based on tion," which stated that a Christian can never conform to legali~ed conferences, including Russia, Byelook: in canon law (the penalty is materialism." - In the legislative area, the abortion, cannot campaign or vote automatic excommunication for lorussia and the Ukraine. those procuring an abortion);in a document could outline different for it, and "may not colIaborate in The Eastern-rite metropolitans - Ukrainian Cardinal Myroslav landmark declaration by the doc- types of legislation on ~bortion, its application." The pope will be trinal congregation in 1974 (the the "embryo trade," euthanasia, expected to expand on this point. Lubachivsky of Lvov and RomanThose who want a new encycliian Archbishop Alexandru Todea year after a U.S. Supreme Court etc., and show how these laws are cal believe there are new and insiddecision opened the way for legal- "intrinsicalIy immoraL" of Fagaras and Alba Julia - are automatic members of the synod, ized abortion), and in the Second - Politically, the' document ious developments on the abortion Vatican Council's document "Gau- could connect anti-life laws with front that require clear responses he said. The synod reflection paper dium et Spes" (which called abor- their "totalitarian" basis in society, from the church. They want a includes 17 questions the bishops tion an "abominable crime"). and show how developed coun- more political strategy. If in prowilI b'e asked to answer by midAdd to that the hundreds of tries use such policies for "im- viding it the church repeats its August in preparation for the meettimes Pope John Paul II has con- perialistic" aims regarding the long-held position, that's the least ing. demned_ abortion in the strongest Third World. Developed countries of their concerns.
Church girds ,f()r ,new pro-life battle
The paper said the synod's theme unites references to current historical changes with the church's need to help people understand what true freedom is and how'it should be exercised. The church in Europe is calIed to begin "a new evangelization through which faith in Christ the Redeemer wilI be more incisive in the life of European society," the paper said. The new evangelization has already been started by Christians in communist Europe who suffered and even died for the faith, it said, noting that the trials which Christianity survived under communism may have been "more severe" than the attempts "to eradicate the church" in its earliest days. The falI of communism also has implications for Western Europeans who thought that solidarity with the poor required them to be Marxists "or at least to accept the instruments of Marxist analysis and to place oneself under the political direction of communists," it said. "In many developing countries the convi<;tion was spread that Marxism offered a capable model for overcoming material poverty and for constructing a more human society emarginating faith and negating religious liberty," the paper said. Thus, it declared, the church must help Europeans see that their unity and future peaceful relations cannot be accomplished only through the economic changes proposed for the continent in 1992, the paper said.
Shooting replay upsets fans ROME (CNS) - Soccer fans listening'to radio in northern Italy were told Pope John Paul II had been shot in the Vatican - then found out the news was a decade old. Taped coverage of the shooting of the pope in St. Peter's Square May 13, 1981, was accidentalIy broadcast in the Turin area during state radio's soccer program April 14. Rumors that the pope had been shot again quickly spread. Rome police headquarters received several calls, while the Vatican assured querying journalists that the pope was fine. A red-faced Mario Giobbe, head of sports broadcasting for RAI, the state radio network, said April 15 he was stilI trying to work out what happened. "It was basically a technical problem," he said.
Here and Now "Do not look back. And do not dream !tbout the future either. It wilI neither give you back the past, nor satisfy your other daydreams. Your duty, your reward - your destiny - are here a'nd now." Dag Hammarskjold
EI Salvador violence escalates
Unprecedented action splits world's Carmelite nuns I
VATICAN CITY (CNS) - Pope John Paul II has approved new constitutions for92 mon~steriesof ALBANY, N.Y. (CNS) - With cloistered nuns in the Discalced world attention riveted on the PerCarmelite order. sian Gulf region, little notice has Approval of the new constitubeen paid recently to the escalattions, similar to the Carmelites' ing violence in EI Salvador, accord1581 constitution, came after morl) ing to a Salvadoran pastor and than five years of tension within human rights activist. the order. The new constitutions Jesuit Father Jon Cortina said make each prioress directly resterrorism by military death squads ponsible to the Vatican, under the in EI Salvador is on the rise and "vigilance" of the local bishop, state-sponsored violence against instead of maintaining the order's Christians is worse than it was in centuries-long tie to the superior 1980, when a string of murders general of the Discaled Carmelite . priests. and persecutions culminated in FATHER CORTINA the assassination of Archbishop The Vatican statement announcOscar Romero of San Salvador. ing approval of the constitutions lies, the priest said. "ReconciliaVisiting the Albany diocese tion and forgiveness - that dimen- for the 92 monasteries, most of recently, Father Cortina said a them in Spain, said other Carmesion of Christian life is very deep in fearful "war mentality" has gripped them." lite cloisters could "in the future his country since the United States make the same choice." With regard to the 1989 slaying resumed military aid to EI SalvaThe remaining 700 monasteries of the Jesuits and laywomen, on dor on Jan. 16, the same day it with more than 11,000 nuns mainMarch 22 of this year, U.S. House, launched its war with Iraq. tain their ties to the Carmelite of Representatives Speaker ThoCongress had stopped U.S. aid priests. mas S. Foley reappointed 19 to protest EI Salvador's failure to The Vatican statement said the Democrats to a Special House investigate the 1989 murders of six approved for the 92 monasrules Committee on EI Salvadore created Jesuit priests and two lay women. teries, with about I ,500 members, to monitor the Salvadoran governfn restarting the aid, the United ment's investigation into the kill- "retain the same text of the constiStates said it was needed to help tutions <?f 1581, with various corings., the Salvadoran government com- . rections and adapt ions." The committee is part of the bat guerrilla insurgency. It quoted a section' of the 1581 House Democratic Caucus Task In an Interview with The Evanconstitution explaining that the Force on Central America. Rep. gelist, Albany diocesan newspaper, Carmelite nuns form' a "spiritual Joe Moakley, D-Mass., was reFather Cortina complained about family" with the priests, but do not named committee chairman. the U.S. aid and about the world's "necessarily" depend on the super. Moakley has charged repeatedly tolerance of the injustices perpeior general's governance and juristhat the high command of the Saltrated by the government against diction. vadoran armed forces has "engaged the church and the peasant and Proposed constitutions for the in a consipiracy to obstruct jusworking-class populations. 700 monasteries are awaiting Vattice" in the case of the murdered In addition to the 75,000 civiliican approval. They ~re based on Jesuits. ans killed or kidnapped by governpost-Vatican II constitutions apEarly last month the Salvadoment-linked death squads, dozens poved on an experimental basis by ran military agreed to expand the of priests, religious and lay people Pope Paul VI. investigation into the Jesuit kilhave been killed in EI Salvador Both the approved and proposed lings, saying that as many as a "just because they were Christians," constitutions maintain the strict dozen' more military officers other he said. There have even been of cloistered contemplative lifestyle than the 13 indicted so far may periods in recent memory when Carmelited nuns. T'he biggest have been involved. owning a Bible or a picture Qf change in the post-Vatican II conThe latest action in the matter Archbishop Romero was considerstitution had to do with internal came April I 0, when a Salvadoran ed a subversive or criminal act. governance. It promoted a more high court ruled that nine soldiers, In his more than 30 years of sercollegial style, gran'ting wider including an army colonel, will be vice in EI Salvador, Father Corauthority to monastery councilors tried on suspicion of the killings. tina, a native of Spain, said he feels and convent chapters., The decision could lead the way that he hasn't preached the Gospel In, late 1984, Pope John Paul to the first trial of a high-ranking to the poor as much as he's had the directed the Vatican Congregation Salvadoran army officer, Col. Gospel of the poor preached to for Institutes of Consebrated Life Guillermo Benavides, for human him. to draft new constituti,ons for all rights abuses. "They evangelize me more than Discalced Carmelite nuns based date was set, but presidNo trial I evangelize them," he said. "They on the 1581 rule. The decision was ing judge Ricardo Zamora was have shown me how to live a unusual because religious usually instructe9 to inform prosecutors Christian way, how to give value write their own constitutions, then and the defense of the court's decito God's plan for the kingdom, submit them to the Vatican for and to name a jury, the docsion what justice might be, and what approval. In 1986-87,' when the ument said. love, peace and reconciliation might be." Dangerous Lie Refugees who have been dis"The danger is not lest the soul placed from their villages by the war have even donated blood to should doubt whether there is any' provide for the medical needs of bread, but lest, by a lie, it should soldiers wounded while waging persuade itselfthat it is not 'hungry." war against them and their fami- . - Simone Weil
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monasteries were asked to evaluate the draft, about 70 percent rejected it. In 1988 members suggested to the pope that one set of constitutions be written for all cloistered Carmelites based on the post-Vatican II text. A commission appointed by the superior general drafted the new constitutions for the majority group. The Discalced Carmelite Monastery of St. Teresa of the Child Jesus in Buffalo, N.Y., is one of the 92 directly affected by the Vatican action. Its prioress, Mother Mary St. Joseph of the Immaculate Conception, said that the nuns were "very pleased that we'll continue as we've been." An American Carmelite who asked not to be named because, she said, the issue was "too touchy," said the nuns in the 92 affected monasteries "have been taken out from under the authority of the general" and were now directly under the Vatican. She compared the move to an end-run and said that "it's like the way Opus Dei was taken out from under the jurisdiction ofthe bishops of the world" when it was made a personal prelature. "The Holy Father's just divided the 'nuns into two groups," she
The Anchor Friday, April 26, 1991
said. "There hasn't been a division like this since the Discalced Carmelites began in the 16th century."
How does he do it? CHAMPAIGN, 111. (CNS) While many bishops are closing or merging parishes ·because of a lack of priests, Peoria's Bishop John J. Myers has asked his priests to gear up for "a re-priesting of our parishes" in the next five years. In a recent series of regional meetings with the priests of the diocese, Bishop Myers told them that he anticipates a net increase of about 20 priests by 1995. He said that figure is based on a projected 44 ordinations in that period, offset by loss of 24 current priests through death or retirement.
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By Charlie Martin
CRY FOR HELP By Mick Conway, Kids who are in treatment for alcoholism or drug dependency learn a lot about what it means to get really honest. Bottom-line honesty doesn't happen overnight, but requires steady perseverance on the part of the recovering person. Most addicted kids, and adults for that matter, have spent enormous time and energy avoiding honesty about their dependence on chemicals, so it should come as no surprise to learn that an equal amount of effort will be required to overcome the avoidance. Part of what getting well in treatment means is getting behind the denial that has become so much a part of the lives ofthe kids who are there. Adolescent de pendency is no different from adult chemical dependency in that re-· spect: Denial is t,hepriinary symp, . tom of the disease. Being,nonest about the circum- , stances' 'of someone's' alcoh:olism or drug dependency can 'be scary. We all ~ant to protect ourselves from hi.irtfuI feelings, and when tlJose feelings. have 'been' stuffed down deep for a long time it isn't easy to 'iall them up for examination. "I felt like I had just been through open-heart surgery;" said on'e'·recovering teenager, who had, just gone through the family Week seg' ment of her treatment.
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"All the angers, fears and hurts that I had been holding inside for years started pouring out of me. It wasn't easy to talk to my mom and dad about my feelings, but the therapist kept encouraging me to make a start. Once I did, it got easier and easier," she said. "One thing that really helped o.ur family was being in group sesslOns with other families who had kids in treatment. A lot of what had happened to them had also happened to us, like not commun}c,ating ~l!li each other. "It was like we had all been dancing around my problems, blaming others or making excuses for my behavior. It was really hard for my parents to face the fact that I had become an alcoholic, but once we started talking about 'it, things got easier:~ " Family·week.ci~ring treatment is often an intense time. leis not unusual 'for fa.mily 'members' to 'resist talking a~Ol.it whai-i'cs been like for them':to live with an aicoholic or drug-depeQdent teena.ger. They have carried so m'ucti fear around with them for so long that it seems incredibly dangerous to talk ,openly: a!id honestly about their feelings',": . ',' "I used todiead weekends When Angie would come home drunk from a party. I tried to, tell myself that it was just part of growing up, that all teenagers had to go through it. I knew in my hea.rt that what she was doing was not norma'i teenage behavior, but I didn't want to believe that she was becoming addicted to alcohol," said Angie's mother. "One of the hardest things for me to face was my own responsi,bility in Angie's alcoholism," said her dad. "I kept thinking it was somehow my fault that she was drinking so much. It seemed like a • reflection of me as a parent, a~d that was hard to admit. After what we've learned in family week, I now know I'm not to blam~.", Family programs associated with treatment centers are full of open-' heart surgery. They teach'us' how to mend a broken heart and how to deal with our long-neglected feelings. They also teach us that the greater healer, Jesus, is the tie that binds' recovery to continued good health. He is not afraid of honesty, so why should we be?
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She's taking my time Convince me she's fine But when she leaves I'm'not so sure It's always the same She's playing her game And when she goes, I feel to blame Why won't she say she needs me I know she's not as strong as she seems Why don't I see her cry for help Why don't I feel her cry for help Why don't I hear her cry for help I wander around the streets of this town Trying to find sense in it all - The rain on my face It covers the trace Of all the tears I've had to waste Why must we never break down and cry All that I need is to cry for help Somebody please hear me cry for help All I can do is cry for help And when you fell the pain Release the pain Cry for help Is all I need All I need Is a cry for help Cry for help Is all I need Is all I need , Is a cry for help .. ' , .All that I need is to cry for help I win be there when you cry for. help' ' Why don't I hear her cry Jor !telp " ' ;. '. All tha,t I.~eed'i~ a cry for help:' :, .... Somebody please hear me cry for help All I can do 'is'cry for help, . .,', ' Sung by Rick Astley. Written by R~ Astley, R. Fisher (c) . ' , 1991 by BMG Music RICK ASTLEY has come a long way, I didn't like his early hits that emphasized an .overly" macho voice. On "Cry for Help" he has' toned down his vocal expres-
'siOlI arid combined his talent wit,h some striking piano and a full choral backup. The result is a powerful musical impression, and Astley's latest hit. The song describes a couple's
failure to communicate how much they need each other. One individual waits for the other to share her feelings. Since this waiting game takes the relationship nowhere, he feels hurt. He pleads that "somebody please hear me cry for help." He wants to "release the pain" and find some support for this bewildering time in his life. The situation reminds us that we must risk being emotionally vulnerable if we seek genuine closeness with another. Sometimes we learn early in life to hide emotions. Some families foster a sense that feelings, or at least certain types of feelings, should not be trusted or expressed. This teaches us to disown the vulnerable, "feelings" part of ourselves. We need to understand that feelings are good in themselves - gifts of God that we must learn to handle well. Emotions are messages from our inner, selves. They can be acknowledged, listened to and evaluated. ' We do not need to act on every message from our feelings. At times it is better to allow'a feeling topass. We can then see if it returns. Repeatea feelings within a relationship are stronger indicators that one should talk about what one is experiencing. Also, when we share feelings - the timing - is important. For example, consider intense feelings of anger. Often we need to take some time to cool down before we communicate anger. Without this time lapse, the strength of what we feel might lead us into verbal behaviors that destroy emotional closeness. However, feelings that we must learn to share are our cries for help. As we own and share more of our vulnerable self, we discover some of life's closest, most treasured moments. Your comments are welcomed by Charlie Martin, RR 3, Box 182, Rockport, Ind. 47635.
Much ado about second base Arnold could not attend because By Hilda Young The monthly meeting of the his wife had limited him to three CYO Baseball Fundraising Com- meetings and four practices per mittee convened at 7:40 p.m. at week.) Mary said the team had been Georgia Fitzpatrick's house. Frozen glazed donuts left over from bor~owlng St. Francis Assisi's the last meeting were served. Geor- second base for a long time. but St. gia apologized for not taking them Francis had reclaimed it for their giils' softball team." out of the freezer sooner. ' , 'Erriie questioned the expendiErnie Lee, treasurer, rep'orted the committee had $32.21i'n the ture, noting that n'one of our play~ bank and a $5 outstanding loan to , ers h~d re.ached secQn!1 base as yet. Coach Arnold's wife so she could Mary noted there was always a buy bread on the w~y home from ,chanc~ o,ne of our boys or' girls inight steal second. the last game. Dennis Wright; religious ed'uca, .First business item: Chairpertion coordinat,or, objected to use son Mary Schreiner said Coach , Arnold asked her to request $15.75 of the word "steal." Erni~ suggest.ed Dennis take it for a new second base: (Coach up with the commissioner of baseball or Father O'Kneel.our pastor.. Lucille M organ, hospitality ONl'y FUll·lINE RElIGIOUS chair, said visiting teams might be GIFT STORE ON THE CAPE insulted by a lack of a second base. • OPEN MON·SAT: 9·5:30 Also, our teams might be embarSUMMER SCHEDULE rassed. , OPEN 7 DA Mary asked if it was legal to run ~directly (rom first to third. Ernie, indicated "no" by hitting his foreSullivan's head on the table. . Recording secretary Hilda Religious Goods Young noted that some of the 428 Main 51. Hyannis mothers had been complaining 775·4180 about Coach Arnold having the John &Mary lees. Props, players a~tempt to steal second so
often. All the sliding was ruining the uniforms and grinding dirt into tht: knees like you could not believe. . Ernie pointed out that steali'ng and sliding were the nature of the game. D~nnis asked how the commit, tee could be so complacent about the nature of a game that included sneaking around baseS, to say nothing of what seems to him to be a lot of unnecessary' spitting. He motioned we pass a resolution asking the U.S. bishops to write a pastoralletter on sports. There was no second. Georgia asked Hilda what she was using on the uniforms. Ernie made Ii 'motion that the purchase of a' second base be approved. Mary seconded (no pun intended). Motion passed, five in favor. one abstention. Mary recalled she had promised her husband she would be home at 8:30.so he could go bowling. Ernie motioned we adjourn. Georgia apologized again for the donuts. Motion passed unanimously. Respectfully submitted. Hilda Young. Your comments are welcomed by Hilda Young, 25218 Meadow , Way, Arlington, Wash. 98223.
Scenes at St. Stanislaus fire
THE ANCHOR--Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Apr. 26,1991
Iteering pOintl PUBLICITY CHAIRMEN are ..ked 10 .ubmll new. Ilem. for Ihl. column to The Anchor, P.O. Box 7, Fall River, 02722. Nam. of elly or lown .hould be Included, a. _lIa. full d.le. of allacUvPI.... .end new. of fUlure ralher th.n p..1evenl•. Nota: W, do not norm.lly c.rry new. of fundral.lng acllvltl... We .re h.ppy 10 carry nolle.. of .plrllual program., club meellng., youlh proJecl. and • Imllar nonprofit acllvltl... Fundr.I.lng proJecl. m.y be advertl.ed .1 our regular ral.., obtainable from The Anchor bu.ln... office, lelephone 875-7151. On Sleering PoInll Item. FR Indicalei Fall River, HB Indlcalel New Bedford.
ST. ANTHONY, MATTAPOISETT 4th grade penance mini-retreat 3 p.m. Monday; dinner provided. Guild meeting beginning with prayer service 7 p.m. May 1. Applications for Guild $500 scholarship available at local high schools and rectory; deadline May 3. ST. MARY, FAIRHAVEN May crowning at 9:30 a.m. Mass Sunday; all religious education students should meet in church hall at 9:20 a.m. Youth group meeting, CATHEDRAL, FR Parishioners are asked to pray movie and social 7 to 9 p.m. Sunday. specially for a member of the first SACRED HEART, NB communion class until the ceremony To honor Frederic Ozanam, May 12; sign-up sheets on bulletin founder of the Vincentians, blessed board at center door. bread will be distributed after each Mass on Ozanam Sunday, April 28. ST. PATRICK, SOMERSET Eighth graders are now collecting There will also be refreshments in summer clothing; children's and the parish hall after 10 a.m. Mass. CCD registration for next year will babies' clothes especially needed. Somerset Congregational Church in- be held during May. Teachers, aides vites parishioners to share in cele" and substitutes needed for the probration of their 150th anniversary; gram. Methodist minister Dr. Marston SACRED HEART, FR Speight, director of Christian~Mos- . Women's Guild installation banlem Citizens, will speak on Islam, quet 6:30 p.m. May 6, Venus de Christianity and World Community Milo. Reservations may be made at 7:30 tonight at the church on 1411 with Peg O'Shaughnessey, Yvette County St. Dufault, Martha McVey, Margaret ST. JULIE BILLIART, O'Hearn or Louise Poole. N. DARTMOUTH ST. JAMES, NB Confirmation II presentation cereBlankets are needed for the homemony 7 p.m. Sunday. Recipients of less. Donations will be picked up by Ladies' Guild $400 scholarships are Mark Lewis, tel. 993-6965. Jeffrey Cabral, John Nunes, Gary F ALL RIVER AREA CYO Regan and Kendra Thomas. Ladies' Guild banquet 6:30 p.m. May 8, NB BASEBALL LEAGUE Managers and coaches are reCountry Club; reservations: Emily minded that the organizational meetSantos, 994-1562, or Pat Janiak, ing for the 1991 season will take 994-8423, by May I. place 7 p.m. April 29 at the CYO ST. MARY, SEEKONK Hall on Anawan Street. Every parLife in Spirit seminar explanatory ish intending to have a team this seasession 7:30 p.m. May 5, parish cen- , son should be represented. League ter; confirmation 7 p.m. May 6; first rules will be discussed and practice communion 11:30 a.m. May II. times will be given out. For further information contact Al Vaillancourt, 672-1666.
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OLOA nets N.E. basketball title Congratulations are in order for the Our Lady of the Assumption, New Bedford, junior CYO basketball team who traveled to Springfield and beat St. Cecilia of Wilbraham to clinch the 1990-91 New England CYO Championship title. On the way to the New England championship the OLOA Junior basketball team made up of 7th and 8th graders, downed St. Michael's of Providence, RI, 50 to 44 and St. John's of Hartford, Conn.. 61 to 50 to cap their undefeated season. In addition to holding the New England title they also disting- , uished themselves by winning both the New Bedford and Fall River diocesan CYO championships.
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SACRED HEART, N. ATTLEBORO Anne and Dave Johnson will host an RCIA inquiry session after 10:30 a.m. Mass Sunday; Raymond Howard will be accepted as a candidate for full communion at that Mass. Women's Guild meeting 7:30 p.m. April 30; Ray Aubin of Attleboro Farm and Garden will speak. LaSALETTE SHRINE, ATTLEBORO The Philippines will be the subject of a 7:30 p.m. Saturday session of the continuing "Religion in Our World" series in the Good News Room. Rev. Joseph ,P. Gosselin, MS, will examine influences which have shaped the spirituality of Filipinos and led to current religious institutions.and beliefs. . ST. DOMINIC, SWANSEA Children's Mass with baptism of the new son of a CCD teacher 10 a.m. Sunday. ST. ANN, RAYNHAM Day of renewal 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. May II, parish center, with Father Ray Bourqu,e, who appears on EWTN. Pentecostal celebration, healing service and Holy Ghost crowning ceremony 7 p.m. May 20. All welcome. • MASS IN PORTUGUESE Father John Oliveira of St. Michael's parish, Fall River, will celebrate a Mass in the Portuguese language for the Brazilian community of Cape Cod 6,:30 p.m. Sunday, St. Francis Xavier Church, Hyannis. CHRIST THE KING, MASHPEE Food pantry needs jelly, peanut butter, crackers, canned meats and toilet soap. Women's Club day of recollection May 18. Blessing of motorcycles, family kite flying and picnic I p.m. May 5, church parking lot and picnic area. ST. LOUIS DE FRANCE, SWANSEA Vincentians will attend 7:30 Mass and a following breakfast Sunday in honor of Frederic Ozanam. A parish mission, postponed ftom March, is set for May 4 through 8, directed by Father Ro~ert Morin, OMI. VINCENTIANS Taunton District Council Mass for deceased members and intention of beatification of founder Frederic Ozanam 7:30 May 7, Holy Cross Church, South Easton; meeting follows in church hall. Cape & Islands District communion dinner 5:30 p.m. tomorrow, O.L. Cape Church, Brewster. Information: 896-5546.
Church responses to drug crisis teleconference topic NEW YORK (CNS) - Partici- on the drug problem, seeks'to edupants in a recent teleconference on cate health care professionals and the drug crisis gave evidence that carries the anti-drug message to the church in many parts of the students. nation is making serious efforts to Stan Hay, of the San Diego address the problem. Organizing Project, said the proFather Raymond, B. Kemp of ject involves II churches in an Holy Comforter-St.' Cyprian's ecumenical effort to get public Church, Washington, said his par- officials to carry out a comprehenish has "been creating a climate sive anti-drug program. where it's OK" for people to admit Dealing with anyone aspect of they have an addiction. He spoke during a teleconference sponsored the problem is inadequate, he said. He described his own drug adby the National Pastoral Life Center in New York and broadcast by diction and imprisonment and how the Catholic Telecommunications he turned his life around when he realized that change was possible. Network of America. Father Kemp said he originally Father Kevin Sullivan, social" thought the parish had 'only a few development director of the New drug cases among its membership, ' York archdiocese"reported on its but then realized there was a prob- Task Force on Drug Abuse. Memlem in virtually every pew. bers believe, he said, that dealing At one recent liturgy, he said, he with addiction requires addressing counted 75 members of the con- an individual's values, not just gregation in recovery. treating the probiem itselfthrough The city of Washington, Father techniques or neutral counseling. Kemp said, has an estimated 50,000 Calling in from a teleconference to 75,000 addicts, and "drugs are listening group was a woman from driving the wave of violence." ' the diocese of Gaylord, Mich. She . He called for renewed attention said that diocese sponsors two in the church to the ministry of low-cost retreats a year for people Jesus as healer to help people out with drug problems. Attendance of chemical dependency. has grown, she said, from 12 at the Franciscan Father Benedict Tayfirst retreat to 33 at the most lor, who runs a Harlem program recent. called Project Create, said he takes Father Sean O'Sullivan of the the church to addicts. When people ask him where his Miami archdiocese also called to church is, he said, he tells them, say that former Florida Gov. Bob Martinez, nominated by President "You're standing in it." Father Taylor said many addicts Bush as the new director of the in Harlem lack self-esteem. As federal office on drug policy, hoped local conditions deteriorate and to engage the religious community jobs are nonexistent, people begin in working with him. Father O'Sulto think badly of themselves and livan suggested that church people turn. to drugs and alcohol, he with experience in drug ministries should contact Martinez. explained. Barbara Bush, coordinator of Community Health and Recovery Services for the archdiocese of Atlanta, said the drug crisis reached NEW YORK (CNS) - The into all sectors of society. Catholic Medical Mission Board has reported it sent $12.4 million She said she is from the country club set and became addicted. And worth of medical supplies abroad today, she reported, the drug in 1990, including aid worth $2.6 million for victims of the 1986· problem has moved even into rural nuclear disaster in Chernobyl, and small town areas of Georgia. She said the Atlanta archdioSoviet Union. The shipments went to 2,758 missions in 47 countries. cese trains parish teams to work
Missions aided
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THE OLOAjunior boys: CYO basketball team: front row, from left, assistant coach Dwayne Grace, Attim Almeida, Sharik Mendes, Troy Cooler and Craig Rosario; middle, from left, Deacon Antonio daCruz, Ricardo Beltran, Frank Correia, scorekeeper and CYO girls' coach Bernadette Sylvia, head coach Peter Britto; back, from left, John Gonsalves, Malik Perry, Ronnie Webb, Marcus Willis and Joe Goodine. Not' pictured: Ronald Barboza and assistant coach Eric Britto. (CY,N photo)