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Southeastern Massachusetts' Largest Weekly • $14 Per Year

VOL. 45, NO. 17 • Friday, April 27,2001

CatholicCharities .Appeal launches 2001 fund drive By MIKE GORDON ANCHOR STAFF

WESTPORT - The 60th annual Catholic Charities Appeal held its first kickoff event Monday evening at White's of Westport bringing many priests, planners and friends of the Appeal together to discuss the fund-raising aspects and put into motion it's theme "Sharirig ... Our Re-' sponse to the Needs of Others.': Bishop Sean P. O'MaI!ey OFM 'Cap'.; having just returned from·a. visit to the. diocese's Guaimaca mission in H9ndU1"~s' addressed the large group about the' Appeal's importance. .\. "The Catholic Charities A.ppea\ har many programs that touch many 'lives," said Bishop O'Malley. "It's our chance to say, look at what we're doing in the community." . The bishop said attendees need to be apostles as they continue their "wonderful work," with the Appeal and he thanked all involved for their generosity and hard work. He asserted that "the needs will continue

to grow," throughounhe diocese and encouraged continued support. "We try and respond in the best way we can," said the bishop, "and on behalf of the 200,000 people serviced I thank you." The Appeal will continue through June 13 and is a chance for contributors to im,pact theliv~s of the many people the bishop m~ntioned.'·ln 2000, the Appeal raised a record' $3.4 million thanks to the generos,ity o[many, find it helped in excess of 200,000 people. Totals from parishes alone 'exCeeded $3 inillion and several parishes were ableto:break the $100,000 plateau. .. ,O~er kickoff events will be held May ',~ 6n Cape Cod and May 2 in the Attleboro/ -Taunton deaneries. Director of Development Michael J. Donly took time to thank all those involved with the Appeal and said although they realized a 32 percent increase over the last three yeats the goal is. to get more people to give. Turn to page J 3 - Appeal·

HIGH HOPES - Joan' Park of St. James Parish, New aedford, speaks with Msgr. Thomas J. Harrington and Bishop O'Malley at the Fall River kickoff of the 2001 Catholic Charities Appeal. (Anchor/Gordon photo)

Diocese's vicar for religions finds Rome a rich experience FALL RIVER - Back from 'Rome af- late Heart of Mary Sister Sharon Holland the African Missiort Fathers Father Joseph sential aspects of religious life today to globalization and justice issues promoting ter participating in the National Conference of the Congregation for Institutes of Con- Fleming of Marianisti, Rome. "They covered topics ranging from es- peace. All in all, these were days of serisecrated Life; and the superior general of of Vicars for Religious, Mercy ous reflection:' Sister Heffernan Sister Elaine Heffernan said the commented. ideas and information gained After the series of talks, the made for "days of serious reflecvicars attended Mass in St. tion." Peter's Basilica at which CarAs representative for religious dinal Edwardo Martinez in the diocese, Sister Heffernan Somalo, prefect of the Sacred said the relationship between the Congregation for Institutes of vicars throughout the United Consecrated Life and Societies States "was a very enriching and of Apostolic Life, was celbeneficial opportunity for me, I~~ ebrant and homilist. , because of the exchange of ideas Later the episcopal represenand programs and the. outstand.t tatives attended a conference at ing presentations offered at the the Office of the Congregation sessions." conducted by Oblate of Mary Sister Heffernan was among Immaculate Father Henry 72 participants at the national Lemoncelli. conference held every five or six "Father Lemoncelli offered years in Rome. key questions for our reflection This year's meeting, held at such as, 'How do we see our role the Christian Brothers' Center, as vicars for religious in the reFratelli Christiane, in the Eter, ality of today's U.S. culture?' nal City, "proved exhilarating ,I'. and 'What are the concerns of and certainly offered a great exthe religious in the U.S.?' and perience," the Mercy nun said. 'How do vicars assist their bishAmong the speakers were Society of the Divine Word Father RELIGIOUS VICARS from across America, including Mercy Sister Elaine Heffernan, (back ops?' I can tell you that the enJohn Fuellenbach of the row center in front of door) from the Fall River diocese, enjoyed an audience with Pope John suing dialogue between the vicGregorian University; Immacu- Paul II during their recent visit to Rome. (Photo by Servizio Fotografico de "L'o.R.') Turn to page J 3 - Rome

:','il, I




THEANCHOR- Diocese of Fall River-Fri., April 27, 20.01

Retired Boston Auxiliary Bishop McNamara is laid to rest By CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE BOSTON - Cardinal Bernard F. Law of Boston was principal celebrant of the funeral Mass at the Cathedral ,of the Holy Cross on April 20 for Boston Auxiliary Bishop John R. McNamara. Bishop McNamara died April 16 of congestive heart failure at St. Elizabeth Medical Center in Boston. He was 73 and had retired for health reasons in October 1999. Burial was in Holy Cross Cemetery in Malden. Bishop McNamara was a native of Worcester. He studied for the priesthood at St. John's Seminary in Boston and was ordained by the late Cardinal Richard Cushing' in 1952 at the Boston cathedral. , His first 10 years of prit;stly ministry were spent in parish assignments. In 1962, he was commissioned as a chaplain in the Navy and immediately reported for active duty. He advanced through the

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Siste'r Annette Dupuis RJM PLAINVILLE - Religious of Jesus and Mary Sister Annette Dupuis, 95, of 92 School Street, who had served as a religious for 68 years, many of them as a teacher, died April 17 at the Jesus and Mary Mission Center here. Born in Fall River, the daughter of the late Joseph and the late Emma (Campagna) Dupuis, her family moved to North Attleboro when she was a year old. She entered the convent in Sillery, Quebec, Canada, in 1933 and professed her vows onAug. 8,

ment she was missioned to the Jesus 'and Mary Mission Center. Sister Dupuis leaves' a brother, Rheal Dupuis' of Fitchburg, and a sister, Holy Union Sister Aline Dupuis ofl~well. She was also the sister of the late Lionel, Ulysse, Lucien, Fernand, Gerard and Norman Dupuis, Irma Girvais, Dinoral Pinsonault and Lucette Prefontaine. Her funeral Mass was celebrated April 21 in St. Martha's Church in Plainville. Burial was in St. John the Baptist Cemetery, Bellingham.

Sister Marie Anne Cardin OP Novitiate in North Dartmouth. Sister Marie Anne's 'final assignment was from 1972 to 1992 at St. Catherine's Convent in Fall River where she had began. She leaves a brother, &nest Cardin of Maple, Aa., and three nephews, including Mare Cardin of Swansea. She was also the sister of Roland, Orner, Yvonne and Blanche Cardin. Her funeral Mass was celebrated Monday in the Chapel of the Dominican Sisters of Hope, 37 Park Street. Burial was in Notre Dame Cemetery.

·Mrs. Gabriella M. Campbell

Daily Readings


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1935 in Sillery. After her initial vows she was missioned to the Holy Family Convent in Woonsocket, R.I., for 12 years where she was a teacher. Subsequent aSsignments took her to Fall River for 11 years, where she taught at Notre Dame School; Precious Blood Parish in Woonsocket, where she taught for nine years; and then to San Diego, . where she spent nine years. Her final assignments were to Hyattsville, Md., and St. TImothy's Parish in Rhode Island. After retire-

ranks an'd was appointed chid of chaplains for the Navy in 1985. He also served with a Marine battalion in Vietnam. I.nan interview with The Pilot, Boston's archdiocesan newspaper, at the time of his episcopal ordination in 1992, Bishop McNamara said, "As a Navy chaplain, especi~lIy while movFALL RIVER - Dominican July 2, 1937. ing with troops, I always had a of Hope Marie Anne Cardin, Sister Marie Anne served as a Sister real sense of being needed and 89, died April 20 at the Fall River cook and as a domestic during her appreciated." convent of the Dominican Sisters of many years of service that ended in Among the military decoraHope. She had served her Order as her retirement in 1992. tions awarded to, Bishop a religious for 68 years. She began religious life in 1932 McNamara were the DistinThe former Marie Yvonne as a cook at St. Catherine's Convent guished Service Medal for ser- Annette Cardin, she was born in Fall in Fall River. She subsequently asvice as chief of Navy chaplains, River, the daughter of the late sumed those duties at St. Rose Conthe Bronze Star, the Meritori- Cleophas and, the late Valentine vent in Acushnet, St. Dominic's 'Convent in Plattsburgh, N.Y., St. ous Service Medal, and the Navy (Laqusse) Cardin. Augustine Convent in Peru, N.Y., She entered the Dominican SisCommendation Medal for performance of duty aboard the ters on June 30, 1932; made her S1. John's Nursery in Fall River, St. first profession of vows on July 2, Bernadette Convent in New Haven, USS Oklahoma. 1934; and her final profession on Conn" and the Domiiucan Sisters' Bishop McNamara was made a monsignor in 1985. In 1988, after 26 years; he retired from the Navy 'with the rank of rear MARION - Mrs. Gabriella maker with a shop in her home, admiral. (Moniz) Campbell, 96, wife of the she also worked at Brickman's of Bishop McNamara is survived late Manuel Leite Campbell, and Vineyard Haven for 35 years. She by two sisters, Jean O'Donnell mother of Father WiI~iam ~. was also a talented baker, having of 'Amherst and Edna Camp~ll, pastor of St. Rita Pansh baked for local bakeshops for years, , here, died Sunday at the Cape Cod specializing in Portuguese donuts. ,McNamara of Worcester, and a , NursingandRehabilitationCenterin ~he Jllso enjoyed gardening, knitbrot~er, Thomas McNamara of Buzzards Bay after a lengthy illness. ting(and~cr6cheting,;·· 'v o,~~~~-;" ; Menden, Conn. Born in St. Michael, the Azores, . -An: active. member,' of, St., r----~--'"'!,"'!! ..'"'!,""'!.""'!_i_.!"!_~'. -she emigrated to, this- country in Augus.tine~sParishin-Vineyard+Ia· Montie Plumbing ,1915. After her marriage in 1925, ven, Mrs. Campbell was active in & Heating Co. she and her husband moved to Vine- theAltar Guild and made ,vestrrients yard Haven on Martha's Vineyard. for the newly-created parish conOver 35 Years She resided there until 1996 .when secrated in 1.962. She was also past .of Satisfied Services she took up residence in the Nurs- president of the Women's AuxilReg. Master Plumber 7023 ing Center. iary of the George M. Goethal JOSEPH RAPOSA, JR. Known as an outstanding dress- American Legion Post and past 432 JEFFERSON STREET FALL RIVER 508-675~7496




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Acts 6:8-15; Ps 119:23-24,2627,29-30; In 6:22-29 Acts 7:51-8:1 a; Ps 31:3cd4,6ab,7b,8a, 17,21ab; In 6:30-35 Acts 8:1 b-8; Ps 66:1-3a,4~7a; In 6:35-40 1 Cor 15:1-8; Ps 19:2-5; In 14:614 Acts 9:1-20; Ps 117:1-2; In 6:5259 Acts 9:31-42; Ps 116:12-17; In 6:60-69 Acts 13:14,4352; Ps 100:12,3,5; Rev' 7:9, 14b-17; In 10:27-30 '.


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THE ANCHOR (USPS·545.mo) Periodical Postage Paid at Fall River, Mass. Published weekly except for the first two weeks in July am the 'Y.eek after Chrisanas at 887 Highlam Averwe, Fall River. Mass. 02720 by the Catholic Press ofthe Diocese ofFall River. Subscri¢on price by mail, postp3.id $14.00 per year. POSTMASTERS send address changes to The An::hor, P.O. Box 7, Fall River, MA 02722.

president ofthe Tisbury Holy Ghost Society in Vineyard Haven. Besides her priest son she leaves two daughters, Lolita Duarte of Vineyard Haven and Lucille Bennett ,of New Bedford. She was also the mother of the late Beverly Mae Campbell. I Her funeral Mass was celebrated Wednesday in' St. Rita Church bY' her son, Father William G. Campbell. Burial was in Oak Grove Cemetery, Vineyard Have~, The Stott, Chapman, Cole & Gleason Funeral Home, 2599 Cranberry Highway, Wareham, was in charge of arrangements.

In Your Prayers Please pray for the following priests during the coming week April 30 1900, Rev. John A. Hurley, Pastor, St. Mary, North Attleboro 1930, Rev. David F. Sheedy,'Pastor, St. John Evangelist, AW~mo . 1993, Rev. John Moda, Pastor, St. Mary's Ukrainian Catholic Church, Ford City,Pa.

May I 1882, Rev. Francis 1. Quinn, Founder, Immaculate Conception, North Easton; Founder, Sacred Heart, Fall River 1996, Rev. Joseph F. D' Amico, Pastor, Sacred Heart, Oak Bluffs 1997, Rev. Walter A. Sulliv~n, Pastor, St. Mary, South Dartmouth

May 2 1963, Rt. Rev. Msgr. M.P. Leonidas Lariviere, Pastor, St. Jean ' Baptiste, Fall River

MayS 1973, Rev. Leo M. Curry, Chaplain, Catholic Memorial Home, , Fall River 1985, Rev. Albert Rowley, SS.Cc., in residence, St. Francis Xavier, Acushnet

May 6 1905, Rev. Thomas P. Elliott, Founder, St. Mary, Mansfield 1980, Rev. Asdrubal Castelo Branco, Retired Pastor, Immaculate Conception, New Bedford 1994, Rev. Ernest E. Blais, Pastor, Notre Dame de Lourdes, Fall River

Council of Catholic Women' sets convention for May 5 TAUNTON - The Diocesan Council of Catholic Women will hold its 48th annual convention, installation of officers and present its Good Counsel Awards on May 5 at Coyle and Cassidy High School, Taunton. Registration and coffee hour opens at 8 a.m., with a business meeting and election of officers at 9 a.m., and a Mass celebrated by Bishop Sean P. O'Malley, OFM Cap., at II :30 a.m. during which new officers will be installed. After a 12:30 p.m., luncheon, afternoon sessions will open at 2 p.m., and will close at 2:45 p.m. Main speaker at the morning session will be Sheila McCarron, programs director for the National Council of Catholic Women. In the afternoon, the guest speaker will be Notre Dame de Namur Sister Peggy Crosby, di-

rector of Social Concerns for the temala to review projects for the Diocese of Manchester, N.H. new NCCW Help-A-Child Latin McCarron, a graduate of St. America fund. Joseph College in Maryland and Sister Crosby, director of the the University of Maryland, is a Social Concerns programs for 10 frequent contributor to Catholic years, coordinates public policy Women magazine. She has devel- for the New Hampshire diocese oped and promoted programs that and also oversees Imrrtigration and speak to the mission of the , Refugee Services, Respect Life NCCW. She has facilitated the Issues, Multi-cultural Ministry, production of the "Mothers Out- Institutional Ministries, and tracks reach to Mothers Resource proposed bills and laws concernManual," the "Respite Resource Manual Called to Pray," and the domestic violence brochure "Women Healing the Wounds." Most recently she collaborated with Common Ground in a campaign "Make the Case for Children and the Environment." In conjunction with NCCW's International Concerns Commission and Catholic Relief Services Domestic Outreach, she recently traveled to El Salvador and Gua-

THEANCHOR-DioceseofFall River-Fri., April 27, 2001 ing the death penalty and environmental issues in that state. A former elementary school teacher and principal in Boston, Sister Crosby was also a member of the Educational Development Team for the Boston archdiocese, and served as a multicultural consultant to Boston Public Schools. She opened multi-cultural centers in Boston, Lowell and Lawrence. Many of her workshops are devoted to . multi-cultural understanding and awareness. For ticket reservations and information call 508-678-6941.

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THE ANCHOR - Diocese of Fall River - Fri., April 27, 2001


the living word

Quebec reflections As the smoke clears in the wake of the Quebec Free Trade Conference, there .are many serious concerns that such a prpposed trade agreement will have in 'the lives of some 800 million people in the Americas. Sad to say, the message of those protesting was lost amid the violence of the crowd. Chainlink fences do have a way of inflaming emotions and causes. Yet some of the concerns that people' surfaced are quite legitimate and must be heard if justice and equity are to be a reality in such a vast undertaking. The history of capitalism in the Americas has, in general, been an embarrassment espeoially by United States conglomerates that in the past century exploited Third World nations, created puppet dictators and ignored people's poverty. It is precisely in these particular areas that mere political verbiage simply will not satisfy the true issues that such an agreement will indeed surface. Economic life brings into play different issues that so very often are opposed to one another. This is. why so many conflicts arise. While in the early stages of formation the proposed trade partners should sit down and resolve these conflicts. Negotiations respect~ ing the rights and responsibilities of each social entity should be the foundation stone of such a trade arrangement. Since it is the heads of state that came together in Quebec it should be obvious that the state has a major role to .play in the process. Economic acti~ity, especially the activity of tQday's market economy, cannot be conducted in a judicial, political or institutional vacuum. On the contrary, it presupposes sure and certain guarantees of individual freedom and private property as well as a stabl~ governmental infrastructure. For many countries of the America~ this has been, is and will be a tremendous challeng~. The princip~ task of the state is to guarantee this security so that those who work. and produce can enjoy the fruits of their labors. For many people ijl Central and South America this is yet a dream. . . Next of course are the responsibilities of business enterprises. For too many generations, major businesses have had profit and gain as their prime objectives. Even here in this country the history of labor clearly shows th~ extreme ~bus~s encouraged-by_-ru~ess. robber-bar-ons. There are stIli people m thIS land who are margmallzed by current business practices, If the..governmem.wishes to expand economic. opportunities to all in the Americas, it should roll up its sleeves, and put an end to poverty here at home. Often business lobbyists have an influence on Congress. One wonders sometimes who the elected offiCials are working for when they ignore people for profit. The good of the individual should be the prime concern. Profits are necessary, however, because in the long run they guarantee employment. In vast multicultural circumstances, which are reflected in the Americas, access to employment and to' profession must be open to all. Discrimination should not 'exist in the labor force. People have a right to employment and a just remuneration for their work should be guaranteed. All 'men and .women should be given the opportu~ity to provide a dignified livelihood for themselves and their families. From a Church viewpoint we must remember that man himself is the author, center and goal of all economic and social life. As the "Catechism of the Catholic Church" points out, "the decisive poiot of the social question is that goods created by God for everyone should in fact, reach ev~ryone in accordance with justice and with the help of charity." May those who are forging this new international trade agreement do their homework well and realize their obligation to serve the needs of all peoples in the hemisphere, not just the few.

The Editor


OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER Published weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River 887 Highland Avenue P.O. BOX 7 Fail River, MA 02720 Fall River, MA 02722-0007 Telephone 508-675-7151 _ FAX (508) 675-7048 Send address changes 10 P,O.


7 or call telephone number above

EDITOR NEWS EDITOR PRODUCTION MANAGER Rev. Msgr. John F. Moore 'James N. Dunbar Dave Jolivet








. The weather conditionsfor this year's Cherry Blossom race in Washington, D.C., were ideal: cool, moist air and just enough overcast skies to shade us from the sun. The walk to the starting area w.as idyllic: Everywhere I looked, cherry trees, beds of bright yellow daffodils and deep blue cro: cuses were in full bloom. "Lord," I whispered to myself, "it doesn't get much better than this." As thousands of runners prepared for the beginning of the race, I asked myself, "Why have so many people of all ages p·ut themselves through the rigorous discipline of training for this 10mile run? Why expend anywhere from $100 to $200 on shoes, clothes and health foods? What is the payoff?" No doubt the payoffs are numerous, but I think they all come down to life: Running heips people get a better grip on life when that is needed, to recapture it if it is lost and to re-energize themselves. During our run, I came upon a

Vietnam veteran with the name Captain Phil printed on his Tshirt. As he was vigorously propelling his wheelchair, you could not help but notice his two missing legs. I don't know what exactly happened to him, but my guess is he was one of many of young men who lost legs in the war. When men are young, they dream dreams of a bright future, but when a man loses limbs,. his dreams tum to nightmares. In cases like this, a person can fall into despair and stop living. Yet, here was a man who had found a new life. Instead of shutting himself up in his room and feeling sorry for himself, he was outdoors imbibing the energy that comes from the shouts of the crowds and those with whom he was competing. My guess is that if I had been able to enter the minds of the people around me as I ran, I would have found many who were psychologically and physically damaged. The young woman next to me may have' been suffering the pain of breaking up with her boyfriend; the middle-aged man ahead of me may have been fight-

ing depression; the elderly woman just behind me could have been fighting her aging and mortality; the young man out in the lead may have been trying to regain confi~ dence after experiencing a traumatic injury. Depression, despair, disillusionment, loss of self-assurance and fear of mortality often are lurking 'around the comer. Once they set in, we find ourselves fighting to keep alive, let alone enjoy it, and if we give up the fight we become the walking dead. For many people, running is the antidote to psychological and physjcal enemies. Not only does it get adrenaline flowing, lower blood pressure and raise one's mental attitude, but it also helps those who run to remain in the flow of life. After the race was over, I walked among the blossoming cherry trees that Iined Washington's Tidal Basin .. The sun was now fully out, highlighting their splendor. As beautiful as they were, the real beauty I was experiencing at the moment was knowing that there were runners who had just been given a new shot of life.

T'hat's entertainment!? Disaster movies, plays and May 19 tells the sad, sad story TV shows are just not my forte. of the Boston Red Sox AFTER I derive no pleasure from spend- Babe Ruth was sold to the New ing three hours waiting for some York Yankees. A story can't get beloved characters to meet their much more tragic than this. Yet, doom in a high rise inferno or I'm being pulled to attend a proby slipping into an ice-cold wa- duction, despite my distaste of. tery grave aboard a sinking ocean liner. Entertainment for me is something from which I obtain amusement or warm and fuzzy feelings. Something I can look back on and feel By Dave Jolivet good about. Like mashed potatoes. As a lad, I hated peas, but had to eat them. So, I would "feel-bad" stories. I suppose my shove the hated orbs into my being a Bosox fanatic for the last mashed potatoes and swallow 35 years could put me in the them whole so as not to taste same category as those wh~ enthem. Mashed potatoes were a joy disaster stories. After recently reading about the haven for me. By and large, I avoid disas- musical in an Associated Press ter productions at all costs. I'm story, I had to learn more about it. more of a Bullwinkle follower I jumped on the Internet and within than a Titanic fan. Yet, I've minutes I was at "The Curse of learned of a play that opened the Bambino's" home page at in Boston this past week that www.bambinomusical.com. has me completely intrigued. Immediately, I fell under it's It's based on one of the most spell. In the center of a montragic phenomenons in all of tage of pictures is a shot, in a history, but I still want to see Yankees uniform, of the Babe it. It's a musical called "The with devil horns! Beautiful! InCurse of the Bambino." The cluded in the montage are pictitle alone sends shivers down tures of various Red Sox the spine of any diehard Bos- lowlights, including photos of Bucky Dent and Bill Buckner, ton Red Sox fan. The play, scheduled to run at and references to Johnny Boston's Lyric Stage through Pesky's holding on to the ball

My View

From the Stands

too long on a relay in Game 7 of the 1946 World Series, the Cleveland Jndians' playoff win against Ted Williams and the'48 Sox, and Luis Aparicio stumbling while rounding third base costing the Sox a pennant in 1972. And last, and certainly most least, is a portrait of the dreaded. Harry Frazee, the man responsible for placing most of New England under the Bambino's curse with the sale of George Herman to the . pinstripes in 1920. I can't imagine what this strange musical is like, but it seems like it could be similar to watching all the best disaster movies in one sitting! And it's set to music! The play opens and closes in the living room of a Red Sox diehard watching Game 6 of the 1986 World Series you know, the one where we were one pitch away from a world championship. Man, it doesn't get any better, or worse, than this. Maybe I'm not a disaster film freak because I get my disaster jollies from being a Red Sox fan. That must be it, because year after year I proudly wear my Red Sox shirts and hats in the spring, and meekly tuck them away for a few months at the end of Septem-

THEANCHOR-DioceseofFall River-Fri., April 27, 2001 ber. I am a disaster freak! I must be. I truly want to see "The Curse of the Bambino." But if I do go, I'm going to bring plenty of mashed potatoes to mask the bitter tastes only


the curse can bring. Dave Jolivet is a former sports writer/editor, and cur· rent staff member of The An· chor. Comments are welcome at DaveJolivet@Anchornews.org.

'Freedom from Smoking' series set at Saint Anne's FALL RIVER - To help' smokers become non-smokers, Saint Anne's Hospital will present "Freedom from Smoking," an eightweek smoking cessation program, beginning with a free orientation program Ma¥ I, at 5 p.m., in the Cardiac Rehabilitation Suite at the hospital. Designed by the American Lung Association to help smokers quit in an instructive and supportive environment, the series addresses many ofthe issues that often prevent smokers from successfully giving up the habit. The clinics use both group and


individual counseling. Dixie Tavares, RN, an ALA-celtified program instructor and a Saint Anne's Cardiac Rehabilitation nurse, said that each person who joins the class will work with a counselor to develop an individualized plan for quitting. Some of the program's topics include: being prepared for the pit- . falls; a step-by-step modification of behavior; and the lifestyle and physical effects after quitting. For information about the fee and materials furnished, contact Dixie Tavares at 508.674-5600, extension 2392.


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THE ANCHOR - Diocese of Fall River - Fri., April 27,200 I

Iteering pQintl



I I 1. }

Publicity Chairmen are asked at 7 p.m. at Our Lady of the Angels to submit news items for this col-· .Church. This course helps attendees wnn to The Anc/wr, P.O. Box 7, develop a deeper relationship with Fall River, 02722. Name ofcity or Jesus and transform their lives. For town should be included, as weD more information call 508-676as full dates ofall activities. DEAD- . 8883. LINE IS NOON ON 'FRIDAYS. MASHPEE ~ A Celiac SupEvents published must be of interest and open to our general port Group, sponsored by the Christ readership. We do not normally the King Parish Nurse Program, will carry notices of fund-raising present a program entitled "What's activities, which may be adver- New in Gluten-Free 'Foods," Suntised at our regular rates, ob- day at 2 p.m. tainable from our business ofNEW BEDFORD - The New fice at 508-675-7151. Bedford Catholic Women's Club ATILEBORO - The Pro-Life will hold its monthly meeting May Living Rosary Rally will be held May 9 at 7 p·.m. at the Century House, 5 beginning at 2:30 p.m. at the La· 107 South Main Street, Acushnet. Salette Shrine. Mass will follow at David Reboy of the New Bedford 4:30 p.m. It is sponsored by the Park Zoo will be guest speaker. For Shrine and Massachusetts Knights of more information call 508-995Columbus. For more information call 4053. Bob Mathieu at 508-674-6309. NORTH EASTON - An open ATTLEBORO - Singer gui- house will be held on each Sunday tarist John Polce will lead a Bethany in May from 2-4 p:m. at The Father Nights program tonight at 7:30 p.m. Peyton Center, 518 Washington at the La Salette Shrine Church. For Street. A talk entitled "Mysteries of more information call 508:222- the Rosary: Lessons for Living," will be given by Holy Cross Father Tom 5410. The Shrine will hold a healing Feeley each Sunday at 6:45 p.m. service in Portuguese Sunday at 2 Holy Cross Father John ~halen will p.m. It will include the celebration address the topic "Mary Our of Eucharist and the opportunity for Mother," May 13 at 4 p.m. For more people to be. prayed over and information call 800-299-7729. . apointed individually. NORTH DARTMOUTH-A DIGHTON ' Separated ·~1I •. , .. ,~' :::;-..S' i1,tJH A . nne_S,.+. . -Di vorcedGroup ..ww.meet Hospital's School ofNursing Alum- . April 30 from 7-9 p.m. at the Diocnae Association will hold its annual esan Family Life Center, 500 communion supper May 6 at the Slocum Road. Speaker Donna C. provincial house of the Dominican Tobin will address the topic "SerSisters of the Presentation. Arrival vices of the Probate Court Concernshould be at 4 p.m. and Mass will ing Divorce Matters." be celebrated at 5 p.m. A buffet will ORLEANS - A Separated-Di~ follow at 6:30 p.m. To register call 508-763-2609. vorced Catholics Support Group will meet Sunday at the St. Joan of Arc EAST FREETOWN - An Parish Center. Welcome is at 6:30 Emmaus Retreat for young adults p.m. and the meeting begins at 7 between the ages of 20 .Uld 35 will p.m. Guest speaker David Presnall be held June 22-24 at Cathedral· will address the topic "The Many Camp. This co-educational week- Ways of Letting Go." For more inend pro.vides an opportunity for formation call 508-255-0170. young ~dults to experience God's " love and share in a Christian comSOUTH DARTMOUTH - A munity, For more information call diocesan Ultreya, themed "Hail Paul Hodge at 508-399-7418. Mary, Gentle Woman," will be held May I at7 p.m. at St. Mary's Parish FALL RIVER.:...- The Youth· Center. Adiocesan service and steerApostles Institute will hold a semi- ing committee meeting at 6:30 p.m nar for youth ministers, teachers, will precede it. For more informacatechists, parents and interested tion call Barbara Gauthier at 508parties entitled "Teaching Chastity: 823-4116. Encouraging Healthy Christian Relationships," May I at 8 p.m. in the TAUNTON -: A workshop conference room at St. Anne's. presented by the Polish GenealogiShrine. -Attendees are invited to cal Society of Massachusetts, will Mass in the rectory chapel at 7:30 be held Sunday ~t 1: 15 p.m. at the p.m. For more information call the parish center of Holy Rosary Youth Apostles at 508-672-2755. . Church. It' will.offer attendees an opportunity to learn how to look FALL RIVER - The Univer- up family data. For more inforsity of Massachusetts-Dartmouth mation call Maryan Nowak at 508will present a concert Sunday at 4 824-7740. p.m. at St. Anne's Church. It will feature selections from the "Faure WEST HARWICH -:.. The Requiem." Celebration of Life Committee of Holy Trinity Parish will hoid its FALL RIVER - A Life in the monthly holy hour Sunday at 1:30 Spilit Seminar will be held May 2 p.m.

A Mother's Day reminder from a fish I was reminded of Mother's est. My particular mission was to on her pronounced forehead. Day recently by a fish'. She was, I . keep an eye out for small squads When my dive-gloved hand was am pretty sure, a sculpin or a close ofgreen sea urchins to harvest and about four inches from her nogrelative. These are ugly, toothy place into the bag I was dragging gin, I snapped my wrist to tap her. little fish that much resemble what .along behind. Unbelievably, she spun-and-swam most folks know as bullheads. Feisty Fish Momma resented so quickly I didn't touch her. I could hardly believe it. Mrs. Feisty Fish and I met in this, all 10 or II inches of her. about 20 feet of water in the It is common to find sculpins And I could not believe it again Straits of Juan de Fuca in a large lying on the bottom and giving when she came back and posikelp bed just around the ....-----------f'---.:::::;::::--,"'I tioned herself in the same comer from Fresh Water way. I think she was sayCove. I was diving for ing, "Nanner, nanner, nanner." green sea urchins. I had not called in advance to 0 I was starting to like tell her I would be there, this little fish. Talk about and she was clearly not courage. Nonetheless, for happy about it. By Dan Morris the principle of it, I There are actually two reached out slowly again to tap her. How could I layers of kelp in this area of the straits. The first is have missed her lumpy the lengthy, flowering kind you you it "bet ya can't see me" look forehead from four inches away? And back she came. see floating on the surface and from their buggy, beady eyes. But sporting long, ribbon-like Feisty was not about to be camLike birds who feign a broken "leaves" from bulblike heads. ouflage. She lifted off the bot- wing to seduce a predator away Undernea~ and growing close tom,swam aboutthree feet away, from their babies, this little to the bottom are what we call turned around, looked me square mommy was willing to put herbull kelp. Bull kelp resemble min- in the mask and paused. . self in danger, even give up her After a nano-second of face- life. (How would she know I was iature underwater trees like you'd see in a rain forest. Their trunks to-face evaluation, she shot asuckerforcourageou~parenting, are about the thickness of your straight at me and bonked me al- even in ugly fish?) thumb, and they grow three to six most in the middle of my foreSo I moved. An·d was moved. feet tall. head. (I sported a knot and small I was proud of this little, wonWhen you hover over a bull- cut for a while to prove it.) The derful creature with tiny fins and kelp forest, it's like being sus- Navy should have underwater a huge love for her nest. Funny, as I wriggled away through the pended over a Hobbit world. vessels that can launch that fast. She retreated about three feet, kelp stalks and looked back at her, When you descend through the canopy and settle to the bottom turned and looked at me again. she did not seem homely in the amid the bull-kelp "tree trunks," Then she finned slowly toward slightest, but quite beautiful. Comments are welcome. Eit is as if you are a giant creature me until she was not 18 inches Uncle Dan at squeezing into an elfin world.. . ~way,:.I .reached o,ut ,slo.Wly to mail You wriggle through the for- thunk her gently between the eyes cnsiincie@ya'hoo.c'oni~ ..

The offbeat wor 1d f Uncle Dan

"'Is it reall}Tarf?" "" """",,


I'm one of those old-fashioned people who thinks lash comes immediately. People defend the work as of art as a work ·that inspires because of its beauty, art, claim people have a First-Amendment right to its .mystery or its .ability to open the vistas of the produce whatever they please and that protesters are worlds found only in one's soul. I have found this not with the times. Or something like that. I have always felt that viewers have the right to kind of genius in many creations of artists as varied as one could imagine - from Michelangelo and respond negatively to art that's not their cup of tea. DaVinci to Van Gogh an9 Picasso to many living, But that's for conversation, not for protesting. modem llrtists. Yet, I have to s'ay that I, like the archbishop, get But in recent months I have been aware of a offended when art truly looks like it's just a trashcontroversy about art exhibitions that some see as ing of sacred images. That, to me, violates what is outrageously insulting denigrations of our sacred· the very nature of art as expressed by Michelangelo: heritage. The Brooklyn Museum of Art has come "Good art is nothing but a replica of the perfection. of God and a reflection of his art." under fire for displaying a painting of the Virgin .... . I remember when I Mary spattered with elwent to Italy a few years ephant dung and a phoago, viewing the wonders tograph of a nude of the cities and the counwoman as Jesus at the try side. They wer~ so ofLast Supper. ten dominated by strucThe latestcontroversy tures with religious over what is art and what· By Antoinette Bosco themes, I had a renewed is an insulting depiction appreciation for how of a sacred figure is cen'truly the spiritual has been tered in Santa Fe, N.M. Hanging in the Museum of the inspiration for artists of all media. Whether in International Folk Art is a computerized photo col- paintings, writings, sculpture, Church buildings, lage of the famed image of Our Lady of Guadalupe music or poetry, the link to the supernatural and the wearing a two-piece swimsuit of roses. Beneath the divine has for centuries been evident. collage is a bare-breasted angel apparently holding I grew up in the midst of exquisite art as a memup the image. bel' of the cathedral parish in Albany, N.Y., a church . As might be expected, many are finding this built largely by the labor of its parishioners in the image offensive, and the New York Times reported mid-1800s, modeled after the Cathedral of Notre there was a "boisterous protest outside the museum Dame in Paris. The rose window, the stained glass ". (and) a harsh review by the archbishop of Santa windows, the organ, the magnificent altar - all . filled me with a wonder that veered on the magical. Fe, Michael J. Sheehan." I could empathize with what he said when he Even Robert Louis Stevenson was moved to say, asked that this work be removed: "This is not cen- "Mankind was never so happily inspired as when it sorship. My concern here is that this is an insulting made a cathedral." image of a sacred icon of the Virgin Mary. It's So it's not surprising that, while I respect our deeply insulting and disrespectful'to the sentiments First-Amendment rights, I. would be turneq off by of many people." an artist who depicts Mary in a bikini and thcn gcts When a controversy like this occurs, the back- a good payoff - lots of attention and publicity.

The Bottom Line

THEANCHOR-DioceseofFall River-Fri., April 27, 2001

Children who die before receiving Baptism

The catechism strongly teaches otherwise. There is only one final goal, one desire of happiness for all humanity: life with the God who created us. We may attain that goal, or we may reject it by our own fault, but there is no half-happiness somewhere in between. The desire for this eternal " union with God, according to the catechism, is part of our nature, a gift 6f God, a vocation addressed to every human being. The ultimate goal of every person is the same, to share in the very happiness of God (Catechism, Nos. 1718-1719). Whatever mysteries we must negotiate, therefore, in exploring questions about the unbaptized, we need to find the answers without resorting to something called limbo.

Q. What is the doctrine of of explanations. Whatever the theory, however, the Catholic Church on the destination of children who die one fundamental conviction is before birth and therefore be- considered beyond doubt. God fore baptism? This happens many times just in _ - - - - - - - - - - normal circumstances, but obviously thousands of times in abortions. I've had people tell me such children go to heaven, some say they By Father go to hell. Others say John J. Dietzen they go to limbo. Is there a Catholic teach- ....- - - - - - - - - - ing about this? (Florida) offers the grace of salvation to

But there is also much he has not told us. As Pope John Paul II encouragingly put it in his book, "Crossing the Threshold of Hope," God is unendingly at ~~- work in the sacraments "as well as in other ways that are known to him alone" (Page 134). Or, as the catechism says, the' Church knows no other means of salvation, and so has a mission to baptize all those it can. We cannot forget, however, that "God has bound salvaeveryone who does not place a tion to the sacrament of baptism, deliberate obstacle to that grace. but he himself is not bound by (See, for just one of many ex- the sacraments" (No. 1257). As for limbo, this became a amples, the Council of Trent decree on justification, Chapter 13.) subject of heated debate when Obviously, that includes chil- 18th-century Jansenists insisted dren who die too young to have that all nonbaptized children are consciously chosen any obstacle condemned to hell. Against them, to God's .love. St. Augustine, in Pope Pius VI declared that one fact, uses precisely this principle may believe' in a limbo that is to support his teaching that God neithet: heaven nor hell and still gives the grace of baptism, and be a Catholic (Errors of the Synod therefore salvation, to such chil- of Pistoia, No. 26). That remains dren. the only significant reference to "The Catechism of the Catho- limbo in any major Catholic doculic Church" approaches the same ment. "The Catechism of the Cathoidea from another direction. Baptism is necessary for salvation, it lic Church" doesn't even mention says, "for those to whom the Gos- limbo, for good reason. Limbo pel has been proclaimed and who would imply some sort of twohave had the opportunity to ask tiered final destiny for human for this sacrament." Little children beings. One is eternal life with obviously have not had that op- God, the other a "natural" happiness apart from God (limbo), portunity. God has.lqld us much ab91.!"~ whert~ people "go" who through his plan for salvation which we no fault of their own do not reach . are obliged to believe and follow. the top leve1.

Questions and Answers

A. The death of a child before birth and baptism is always an anguishing and confusing experience for believing Christian parents. The tragedy is compounded, of course, when the action is deliberate, as in the case of abortion. To sort out all we hear at times like this, we need to keep in mind some important and heartening truths of our faith. Jesus distinctly told us that baptism is the essential sacramental way people enter into his life, his community of faith. Most Christians have long pondered how exactly to understand this. Billions of people die without baptism, without even hearing of God or Jesus. If God loves all people and wishes them to be saved, which is certainly part of our faith, how does he make this happen? As the question applies to very -¥pung children, theologians through the centuries have offered a variety

Priests for Life links with Project Rachel ad caDlpaign By JERRY FILTEAU CATliOLIC NEWS SERVICE

WASHINGTON Less than a month after announcing its own $12 million ad campaign for post-abortion healing and alternatives to abortion, Priests for Life said it will instead coordinate efforts with an already existing Project Rachel campaign. Project Rachel, the Catholic Church's outreach to people affected by an abortion loss, was started in the Milwaukee Archdiocese in 1984 and now operates in more than 130 dioceses. Both campaigns will use billboard, print and electronic media. Father Frank Pavone, national director of Priests for Life, announced the change in approach after meeting with Cardinal William H. Keeler of Baltimore, chairman of the U.S. bishops' Committee on Pro-Life Activities. Father Pavone said he is aware of the post-abortion ministry of many dioceses and wants Priests for Life to be an added resource and encouragement for programs already in use.

"There is no need to initiate separate campaigns with the same end," he said. "Priests for Life will continue to work in harmony with the goals of the bishops, both nationally and at a diocesan leve1." Cardinal Keeler said the Project Rachel media campaign conducted jointly last year by three dioceses in the BaltimoreWashington region had "enormous success" in reaching out "to those harmed by abortion." "This program reached so many," he said. He added that the dioceses involved - Baltimore, Washington and Arlington, Va. were planning "a modified campaign again this spring." Other dioceses have conducted similar campaigns or are preparing to do so, he said. Cardinal Keeler said he was "very pleased" with Father Pavone's decision and said the Committee on Pro-Life Activities and its staff "look forward to working more closely with Priests for Life in the future." In his original announcement of an ad campaign last month, Father Pavone said

Priests for Life planned to devote at least $12 million to it over the next two years.

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NCEA vendors hawk saints' Two Iowa nuns indicted for trading card~, uniforms, candy School of the Americas action THE ANCHOR-Diocese ofFaH River-Fri., April 27, 2001


DUBUQUE, Iowa - Two Dubuque Franciscan nuns are among 26 people from across the country who have been indicted for acts of civil disobedience last November at the U.S. Army's school for training Latin American military officers in Fort Benning, Ga. Siblings, Franciscan Sisters Dorothy and Gwen Hennessey were shocked shortly before Easter to find they have been targeted for prosecution in the case. . More than 10,000 people took part in the massive demonstration. The Hennesseys were among 3,000 who defied federal regulations and trespassed onto the U.S. Army base. The sisters could receive up to a six-month prison sentence and a $5,000 fine. They have been ordered to report to Columbus, Ga., May 22 for trial in U.S. District Court. The training school, foUnded in 1946 and formerly known as. the School of the Americas, has trained about 57,000 Latin American military officerS. Critics say its graduates have included many of the men implicated in some of the worst human rights abuses in Latin America, including the murder of Salvadoran Archbishop Oscar Romero and the Jesuit priests and women at Central American University. In January the school was renam~d the ,"We~t~tp. t1e!)lisp'hert1 Institute for Security Cooperation." The legislation renaming required that its curriculum from now on include at least eight hours of instruction "on human rights, the rule of law, due process, civilian control of the military and'the role of the military in a democratic society." Sister Dorothy, 88, and Sister Gwen, 68, have been ar;rested for civil disobedience in the past, but have only been jailed once - in the early 1980s. At that time they and several others calling themselves the

By MARGARET PLEVAK St. Patrick or St. Francis. Others CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE "Grassley 9" staged a sit-in at the are iesser known, like St. Des Moines office of U.S. Sen. MILWAUKEE - Surrounded Hallvard. There are even blessed Charles Grassley, in protest of the by exhibitors touting high-tech persons, which Shanley jokingly Iran-contra scandal. computer software and the latest calls "rookies." Those路 protesters, part of the religious textbooks during the NaSome have been canonized Catholic Peace Ministry of路 Des tional Catholic Educational Asso- since the'cards were printed, for exMoines, were sentenced to perform ciation April 17-20 convention ill ample, Blessed Faustina KQwalska, community service work. Milwaukee, Jim ~hanley was offer- now St. Faustina after her April Social activists all their lives, the 2000 canonization. Hennesseys have devoted much The back of each card time and energy to shining the light includes the history of the on human rights violations around saint, a factual tidbit about the world. the Church, the liturgy, or Their brother, the late Father Ron tradition, and a set of Hennessey, a Maryknoll Missionary "stats" for each saint, such and friend of murdered Archbishop as birth date and feast day. Romero, worked in Guatemala and The idea for the cards El Salvador for 34 years. came to Shanley, father of He often told his sisters of sussix, a few years ago, when pected atrocities committed by militrading cards of infamous tary personnel who he said had been criminals came out. "I trained at the School of the Amerithought we should have cas.. cards portraying ,the other . From 1996 to 2000, Sister Dorend of the spectrum," he othy was a live-in volunteer at said. Davenport's Clare House, the only "Holy cards were origiresidence in Iowa for people with nally used to plant the seed AIDS. The facijity was stirted by of a religious vocaanother sibling, Franciscan Sister tion, and they still Miriam Hennessey, who was hit by can do that. But a car and killed in 1990. , you even hope that The Herinesseys were raised in a perhaps the cards family of 15 children on a farm near ing a nostalgic product with an up- :instill a good yirtue or Manchester. They ~t their par..: dated twist: saint trading cards. , make a child want to emuents for inspiring a sense of the duty Holy cards, long used in : hite a saint," Shanley to defend the poor and marginalized. Catholic schools as rewards, are added. 'We were often reminded that the still good incentives for elemen"They're a little more Gospeltellsus, 'Whatsoever you do tary-age students, who also like interesting than a typical .. JQ. th~ 1~~t.9f.IJlY .bre.threQ. .yOll do to collect and'trade such items' holy card," said Stephanie to me,'" SIster Dorothy told The among friends, Shanley told the Baker, a catechist at St. Witness, newspaper of the Archdio- Catholic Herald, newspaper of Stephen Parish in Walnut cese of Dubuque. . Creek, Calif., who stopped the Milwaukee archdiocese. Calls and letters of encourageFounder.ofthe family-nm, Vir- at Shanley's booth. "I think ment for the two sisters have been ginia-based. Holy Traders, , they'd go over pretty well." steady at Mount St. Francis, the Shanley was interviewed at his What is getting more Franciscan motherhouse in booth. in the exhibit路hall at the '. popular in Catholic Dubuque.. Whatever the outcome, Midwest Express Center. schools are uniforms, acthe Hennesseys have been assured to Ela,ine The saint trading cards feature cording they and the other 24 indictees will a mix of male and female saints. Stephens, vice president of have lots of SIlPport when they get 'Some are more familiar, such.as . Schoolbelles, a Cleveland to Georgia. 'We won't be alone in CoIUll1~ bus," she added.

pulls 'no punches touting the 'abstinence advantage'


~@WUD[fO@][1D@]OU ill) O~n[fD ~Q)QDUO@[][J The world's 110,021 seminarians are found around the globe in these proportions: -


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manufacturer of uniforms for Catholic schools who was running an exhibit booth. ' She finds schools like the way uniforms promote school spirit and eliminate the competitive sides of dressing, while parents appreciate the way uniforms cut down on the morning arguments with kids over what to wear. When it comes to school fund raising, however, traditional products still rule, particularly chocolate, said Jeff Hill, a fund-raising consultant for Kathryn Beich, a division of Nestle based in Chicago that has been operating for more than 100 years. The products have been used for years as fund-raisers for groups ranging from parent-teacher associations to high school bands, Hill said. Chocolate bars and candy tend to be more popular sales items than wrapping paper or cards, he said, because "it's an easily recognizable food that can be eaten in hand."

@ ~l CNS GJqphics


,SACRAMENTO, Calif. - The Loretto High School gymnasium bleachers inSacramento rocked as every one of its 467 students gave a standing ovation to a speaker who l;1ad just delivered a knockout message with the power of a heavyweight champion. The speaker was Pam Stenzel, who makes it her business to travel worldwide challenging teens to choose "the abstinence advantage." "If you forget everything. else, there is one thing you need to remember," boomed Stenzel. "If you have sex outside of marriage, 'outside of one permanent monogamous partner, you'll.pay." A Minnesota mother of three, Stenzel began her talks to Minneapolis youths in 1989'after serving as director of the Alpha Women's Center, a crisis pregnancy center. "It took nine years of girls looking at me and saying 'Nobody told Q1e,"I didn't know,' or ,'I'd have made a different choice,'" said Stenzel, who believes teens do make the right choice when given the facts. Today she speaks to more than 500,000 young ,people annually, including Catholic school students in the Milwaukee, Denver, Los Ange!es, Baltimore,

St. Louis and Ne~ Orleans archdioceses. She was in the Sacramento area April 9-10. _ Stenzel tells teens that, when it comes to issues related to sex, they are facing consequences youths in previous generations couldn't begin to imagin~. Teens in 2001, she cautioned, living at a time when sexually transmitted diseases are running rampant, sterility, infertility and abortionjates are up, and marriages 'are falling apart. . ''The worst thing'that can happen (if you have sex) is not 'pregnancy," Stenzel toid students, noting th,at during a 24-hour perioq 12,000 people receive sexually transmitted diseases:. ''There is a four times greater ris~ of coptracting a disease than becoming pregn路ant." . , The risks, warned Stenzel, come not only in the form of contracting one of 30 sexually transmitted diseases, many of which are incurable, but in joining the 80 percent of teen-age moms living in poverty. Healthy, premarital relationships, explained Stenzel, must be built within a framework of mutual respect. "Today we have a group of kids who are not hav-ing sex and are militant about it ~ and I'm saying 'Good fory~u,'" ~~~ sai~~_.


Flood waters slowly subsiding . in section of St. Cloud diocese

THEANCHOR-DioceseofFall River-Fri., April 27, 2001





Guard members who were called up to assist in flood preparations. Heavy rains the weekend before Easter joined the melt-off from an unusually snowy winter to cause flash floods in lower areas, closing some roads.

The combination of melting snow and new rains brought flood fears in other parts of the .BRECKENRIDGE, Minn. diocese as well, making families . - Folks in Breckenridge went adapt Holy Week and Easter through hell and high water four plans. years ago when floodwaters of Sheila Stainbrook, a reader at the Red River of the North the Easter Vigil April at Im,crested at a record 19.42 maculate Conception Parfeet. ish in Rice - a town along The high water was the Mississippi about 10 Father Moenkedick worked along- miles north of St. Cloud back again this year and residents worked hard to side fellow volunteers all day stack- wore her waders to church. ward off another hell like ing sandbag dikes in low-lying parts She went alone as her 1997, when 350 homes of town. After Palm Sunday Masses husband, Bruce, and their were flooded and total he worked from noon until nearly children, Austin and damage was $35 million. midnight sandbagging along the Ashley, stayed home to Breckenridge lies on keep watch on their propRabbit River. the northwestern edge of erty, which abuts Little the St. Cloud diocese. It is Rock Lake. on the Minnesota-North I The next morning the Dakota border where the Otter Father Moenkedick worked rest of the family went to Mass Tail and Bois de Sioux rivers alongside fellow volunteers all while she stayed home to keep . converge to form the Red River. day stacking sandbag dikes in watch. "We are far more prepared low-lying parts of town. After Elmer and Luby Hollenhorst this year" than in 1997, said Palm Sunday Masses he sing in the Immaculate ConcepFather Leo Moenkedick, pastor worked from noon until nearly tion choir and also live on Little of St. Mary of the Presentation midnight sandbagging along the Rock Lake. Neighbors helped Parish in Breckenridge, after Rabbit River, a Bois de Sioux them surround their house witp several days of almost nonstop tributary that was starting to / a wall of sandbags two to three I feet high. Like the Stainbrooks, sandbagging in early April. flood several farms. Since 1997 the town has built The next day the'Red River they took turns' attending Easmore permanent earth and con- hit 16.96 feet at Breckenridge ter services and wore waders to crete dikes, and residents had and weather service officials get there. "Our yard, basically, is covmore advance warning of high were warning that it could go waters--this year. ,.. ,"•. , h~gheJ. ered by water,". Elmer. St. Mary's Church and the Instead it began dropping. It Hollenhorst said. He said their garage had parish school are not far from hit a secondary peak of 16.42 the river, but they are on ground feet April 13 but dropped a foot- about eight inches of water in high enough that no sandbags or and-a-half over the next four it, but "you just have to accept these things. It's the will of dikes were needed. As it did days. four years ago, the school pro"Things are sitting good," God." vided shower facilities and Breckenridge Mayor Cliff i "We were in it (the flooding) sleeping space for about halfof Barth, a St. Mary's parishioner, in 1997 and we made it. We'll make it again this year," he said. the 64 Minnesota National said.

-HOMES LOCATED on Abel Island in Guttenberg, Iowa, are surrounded by the main channel of the Mississippi River. Catholic agencies in several states were helping those affected by the flooding in the Midwest. (CNS photo from Reuters)


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Name: Address: CitylTown: State: ANTI-GLOBALIZATION protesters face off against a line of p61ice near the site of the Summit of the Americas in Quebec recently. A Canadian nun who participated in peaceful protests at the summit said the demonstrators were seeking trade that js fair, not free. (CNS photo from Reuters)

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#__ Book(s) at $8.95 each (includes postage and handling) TOTAL: $ Make check payable to OFFICE OF COMMUNICATIONS

. 10

THE ANCHOR - Diocese of Fall River - Fri., April 27, 200 I

tation to a still-born child is played for laughs. Many sick sexual references, constant re~ pulsive sight gags and gross-out humor, brief rear nu~ity, recurring rough language and some profanity. The. U.S. Catholic Conference classification is morally offensive. The Motion (C~搂 Picture Association of America rating is R - restricted. tC(JIV~UI.le~ "The Luzhin Defence" NEW YORK (CNS) - Fol(Sony Pictures Classics) lowing are recent capsule reOften-stirring tale of an obviews issued'by the U.S. Catho-. sessive Ru~sian chess genius lie Conference Office for Film (John Turtu.rro) who falls in love and Broadcasting. with an independent young "The Body" (Av~lanche) woman (EmilY Watson) during Torpid drama in which a an important championship PAUL HOGAN stars in the Catholic priest (Antonio tournament but becomes in- . Banderas) investigates an ar- creasingly unstable as the rela- Paramount Pictures) cheological discovery of a cru- tionship and competition adcified body from the first cen~ vance. Set in 1929 Italy, directury that is suspected of being tor Marleen Gorris' periodpiece the b9dy of an unresurrected pleases with well-drawn characJesus Christ. Set in Jerusalem, ters and beautiful costuming and writer:-director Jonas McCord's settings, though the contrived minor film focuses on the conclusion is disappointing. A By ANNE NAVARRO priest's crisis of faith, using the suicidal act and a sexual encounCATHOUC NEWS SERVICE Israeli-Palestinian tensions as a ter. The U.S. Catholic ConferNEW YORK - Aussie Paul backdrop, but remains shallow ence classification is A-III Hogan Teturns after a 13-year abin its- exploration and eventual adults. The Motion Picture Assence as Mick Dundee, this time to affirmation of the Resurrection. sociation of America rating is sunny California in the leaden comMature theme questioning PG-13 - parents are strongly edy "Crocodile Dundee in Los AnChurch teaching, some violence cautioned. Some material may geles" (Paramount). including a suicide, an instance be inappropriate for children Reprising the role he made faof rough language and fleeting under 13. . mous in 1986 (and again in 1988) crass words. The U.S. Catholic "With a Friend Like Harry" as the. woolly crocodile wrangler Conference classification is A(Miramax Zoe) from Down Under, Hogan once IV - adults, with reservations. .French psychological drama again plays Mick Dundee. In each The MotionPictilre Association in which the life of a' family of the first two comedies, the clash of of America rating is PG-13 man (Laurent Lucas) is d,rasti- cultures and Dundee's charming man. parents are strongly cautioneEl... cally altered after a chance meet- nerisms are the focus; and "Crocodile Some material may be inappro- ing with an old high school' ac- Dundee in Los Angeles" follows the quaintance (Sergi Lopez) whose same route, almost exactly. priate for children under 13. The first two films, while not "Freddy Got Fingered" benevolence masks extreme ma(20th Century Fox) levolence. Director Dominik exactly uproariously funny, had the Revolting comedy about a Moll constructs a chilling advantage ofbeing somewhat novel. lazy 28-year-old (Tom Green) thriller aided by understated per- The third.in the series has no such living at home wit~ his parents formances and taut editing. Sub- adv~~tage, and suffers as well from who aspires to be a cartoonist titles. Off-screen violence, some a paper-thin, time-worn premise and but does little to actually accom- sexual references and occasional stale fish-out-of-water scenarios that plish this. Co-written and di- rough language. The U.S. barely eke out the laughs. The film also crawls along at a snail's pace, rected by Green, the worthless Catholic Conference classificataking a long time to get to its story. film is a sedes of vile scenes tion is A-III - adults. The MoThe film opens with Dundee in held together loosely by a vir- tion Picture Association of the outback, still happily earning a tually nonexistent plot, where America rating is R - reliving capturing large, scaly-skinned everything from sexual moles- stricted. lizards. In this chapter ofthe Dundee



movie "Crocodile Dundee "in Los Angeles." (CNS photo from.

New locati.on, but the same old 'Croe' saga, Mick's longtimejournalist girlfriend, Sue (Linda Kozlowski), is' temporarily assigned to the Los Angeles bureau of her father's newspaper. Mick tags along with their nineyear-old son, Mikey (Serge Cockburn), hoping to expose the boy to the world outside their small Australian town ofWalkabout Creek, population 20. The film is peppered with familiar scenes of wide~yedhick Dundee trying to master newfangled technical gadgets'of 21 st~entury Los Angele~, Yet these ~n~spave a ten~颅 tive sense about them, as if director Simon Wincer seemed embarrassed to include them, but really had no choice in the matter. Even the main plot of the story takes a back seat to these scenes, which is not surprising given the film:s flimsy story line. Sue's assignment in Los Angeles is the result of the original bureau chief's suspicious death. When Sue decides to investigate, Dundee gets to play sleuth. Apparently the old bureau chief had been working on an article about a shady movie studio smuggling priceless paintings into America from Eastern Europe. With Dundee on the case, there's no

chance for the bad guys. The only surprise in the film is the appealing performance by 10year-old newcomer Cockburn. His easygoing manner fits right in with Hogan's own laid-back attitude and the rapport between the two is pleasingly believable. And though their performances are not terrible, Hogan and Kozlowski are on autopilot. While some may object to the representation ofDundee living with his longtime girlfriend and having an out-of-wedlock chilq1' H, i,s handled with discretion, and the film ends with the happy couple tying the knot. It is a shame that "Crocodile Dundee in Los Angeles" is not a better movie, since there are so few 路PG-rated films being made. It is disheartening that, when a familyfriendly film finally does come along, it is a cinematic disappointment. Due to some mild violence and a smattering of crass words, the U.S. Catholic Conference classification is A-II - adults and adolescents. The Motion Picture Association of America rating is PG - parental guidance suggested. .

eNS book review - .'Faith, Healing & M~racles' FAITH, HEALING & MIRACLES,.by France, and "ordinary miraCles," coinciFrederic Flach. Hatherleigh Press-Norton . dences that change our lives for the better and may be attributed to God's providence (New York, 2000). 230 pp. at work. Miracles, Flach believes, "demonstrate Jesus' compassion for the vulnerabiliREVIEWED BY CAROLE NORRIS GREENE ties of human kind, our susceptibility to disCAlHOUC News SERVICE ease, the inevitability of death - and so World-renowned physician and psychia- stir our own compassion and abilities to heal路 trist Frederic Flach examines where. medical one another." Flach contends that how we experience science and faith intersect and how our attitudes and behavior influence our mental and feelings of helplessness is a powerful deterphysical health in "Faith, Healing & Miracles." minan.t of health. He cites four person~lity' Flach asks why. it is that people of faith types which research finds to be associated seem to do better when recovering from or with health or illness: - Type I has an increased risk of canliving with an illness. "This seems particularly true for those whose faith rests in a cer. These people have strong needs to be personal God," he says, "~nd when their faith close to another person emotionally, or to is commingled with the recognition that God pursue some goal that is permanently bemore often acts through natural means than yond their reach. When they fail they feel "worthless, hopeless, depressed, and helpby means of miracles." He begins with what is known about less - an assortment of physically dangermiracles - both exceptions to the natural ous feelings that they try their best to con. order we read about in the Old and New ceal," says Flach. - Type 2 people, who have an increased Testaments and in accounts of Lourdes, ", .

vulnerability to heart attacks or strokes, show not likely to be commonplace today, but an intense need to distance themselves from other idols - "rock groups, movie stars, disturbing persons or situations. But they can- wealth, corporate power, sex, activities, not. "This results in an ongoing state of irri- politicians, eyen ... very worthwhile entertation and anger, a feeling of being trapped; prises ... may be more valued than one's relationship with God," he writes. "All these and again, helplessness," observes Flach. idols, being earthbound, are capable of gen~ Type 3 has a better survival rate. Flach says, 'They seem to be people with con- erating severe frustration and disappointflicting desires. They want closeness, but ment, providing, in the end, a spiritual empare afraid of it ... although they may expe- tiness that' renders us more susceptible to rience anxiety or episodes of aggressive- disease." ness, they ... do not appear to be at increased' Studies furtner showed that therapy could help individuals move toward a type risk of physical disease." --'-:'''Type 4 people actually enjoy an in- 4 person~lity, restoring a their sense of comcreased survival rate. They have a healthy mand over life and experiencing reduced sense of self-confidence and autonomy, and helplessness. Flach writes, "It's safe to assume that they regard others as having the right to be . the same way. They are in touch with their the treated patients gained a certain level of emotions and know how to express them . faith - although faith isn't mentioned as effectively. They like themselves. They like such - and if they did, we still don't know other people. They learn from experience." in what or whom they believe." He asks, Flach postulates that type I suffers from "Could similar results have been obtained the common malady of idolatry. Temple if these subjects had been directed to parworship, decried in the Old Testament, is ticipate in 25 hours of prayer?"

THEANCHOR-DioceseofFall River-Fri., April 27, 2001


Nun gave self to others in life and in death

JESUIT FATHER Richard Bollman, pastor of Bellarmine Chapel at Cincinnati's Xavier University, joins other area ministers in walking through the city's Over-the-Rhine neighborhood, where protests and rioting followed the shooting death of Timothy Thomas by Cincinnati police. (CNS photo by Tony Tribble, Catholic Telegraph)

A policeman shares his view of Cincinnati'riots BvTRICIA HEMPEL CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE

CINCINNATI - "None of us wants to be the next police officer who shoots someone, but we don't want to be carried in a funeral procession by our peers, either," the officer said. An 18-year veteran of law enforcement, including lOon 'Ciricil1'nati's police force, the sergeant ilsked that his !1al}W nqt be used when he was interviewed. He had just finished a 19-hour day, one of many long shifts he and fellow officers worked in the wake of the pre-Easter riots in the city's streets. He told The Catholic Telegraph, Cincinnati archdiocesan newspaper, that the police do not usually speak among themselves about shootings and prefer to allow the investigations to take place rather than speculate. Such

was the case following the shooting of Ti'!1othy Thomas by a police officer April 7 in Over-theRhine, an inner-city neighborhood. This Catholic officer said he has been shot at and has been involved in shootings in his career and has long felt the community tensions simmer. He said it was clear that the uprising duril1'g Holy Week was a long time in comi路ng. ". . "On Tuesday, it exploded," he said. "We were outgunned and outmanned. The curfew should have been implemented immediately." He referred to the situation as "urban terrorism," where the rioters were essentially telling the City Council, "We'll hold the city hostage unless you do what we want." He did not put the blame for

ANGELA LEISURE mourns at an event following the death of her son, Timothy Thomas, 19, who was fatally shot by Cincinnati police as he fled when they attempted to arrest him on traffic warrants. (eNS photo by Tony Tribble, Catholic


the violence on the local community, however. "It was brought about by outside agitators, not the local people," he said. He said the City Council acted irresponsibly and "played to the crowd" instead of doing its job at a meeting with citizens two days after the shooting. The officer was referring to an eady April meeting between a huge crowd of protesters and City 'Coinieiririem15ers~'Tne CinCihffdti Enquirer daily newspaper reported that the crowd pushed in on council members and demanded answers to why the shooting occurred. Council members promised to change the police hiring system, including how the police chief is selected. The paper said one civil rights leader threatened to have protesters bar the doors to the meeting room. "You have to have civility. We have laws about these things," the officer told The Catholic Telegraph. "This kind of incivility that we saw in the City Council meeting would not have been al-路 lowed in a courtroom; the courtroom would have been shut down. This was mob rule." The solutions for easing the tension are not clear, he said. Two-man patrols "wouldn't hurt on our end. But the police department needs to take charge. We need to get City Council out of the mix." His sentiments have been echoed by Lt. Col. Ron Twitty, the police department's highest ranking African-American official. The loss of so many veteran cops to early retirement takes a toll on morale and eliminates resources which could be of value to the younger officers, he added. "A lot of younger officers are resigning. Attrition is hitting us heavy. After this week, I guarantee we're going to lose a few guys," he said.

DALLAS (CNS) - Sister Georgianne Segner, a School Sister of Notre Dame who dedicated her whole life to helping others, did so after death as well. In what has been called an ultimate act of love, the former high school and college teacher and first head of her order's pallas province donated her brain to science when she died last October at the age of 86. The Dallas nun's gift is intended to help unlock the mysteries of aging and Alzheimer's disease, a progressive, degenerative neurological disorder that is the most common form of dementia in adults. Since 1990 she and 29 other members of the Dallas province have been part of one of the largest brain donor studies in the world, known as the Nun Study. The project, under the direction ofDavid A. Snowdon, associate professor of preventive medicine at the University of Kentucky, involves 678 elderly School Sisters of Notre Dame nationwide. Snowdon plans to unveil his findings in a book scheduled for release May 8. Sister Elizabeth Newman, Dallas provincial leader for the School Sisters of Notre Dame, said the study was perfectly suited for her order because of their focus on education. The order was founded by Mother Theresa Gerhardinger in Bavaria in 1833, with a special mission to educate women, youths and

the' 'pb"ot:'


- ... .. '"

85 percent were teachers. Some participants in their 90s still had fulltime jobs, while some in their 70s were bedridden and suffering severe disabilities. Sister Newman said the sisters, all born In the late 19th or early 20th century, formed a "wonderful study group" because of their similarities ofenvironment, food and work habits. "Back when they were young nuns, convent life was much more structured," she said. "They ate the same food and followed a similar schedule. They didn't smoke or drink." Another important factor is that the order keeps detailed records of its members, including medical, educational, work and other personal data. All participants have donated their brains after death to the University of Kentucky for the research project. That has been an important aspect of the study because it allows Snowdon's team to correlate the brain's condition with the subject's physical and cognitive condition before death. Sister Newman recalled that one study participant, who recently died at age 99, used to joke that she was looking forward to going to heaven and joining all of the other "brainless nuns" from the study group.

Health and Wellness COOidinator .. " .

''We are educators and that's what The Holy Union Sisters are seeking an indimotivated the sisters (to join this vidual who will deYeIop, implement, evaluate direct a health and wellness program, ) t0 con tI路nue t0 he Ip 0 th ers and Study, including elder services, for the Holy Union even after death," Sister Newman Sisters.This individual will also initiate educasaid. tionaI, social and heald! care programs as well as coordinate services with outside agencies The Nun Study is funded by the that promote the maintenance of good National Institute on Aging, part of health.This position will be based in Milton, MAo but will require tr':M!I in eastern MA and the National Institutes of Health. It RI, wid! some tr':M!I to NewYori< and as far began in 1986 as a pilot stUdy on -.ry as Aorida. aging and disability with elderly Qualifications include: a Bachelor's degree in nursing. social services or a related field and School Sisters of Notre Dame in fiw years of experience in health careJhealth Mankato, Minn. In 1990 it was ex- education or case management. to: Susan McDonough,Vice Panded to include older order mem- ResumeS President of Strategy and System bers in other parts of the country. Development, Covenant Health Participants were 75 to 103 years ~~~:~:~6~~.~~~路 old when the study began. More than '----'

The Youth Apostles Institute presents a.seminar entitled:

'Teaching Chastity: Encouraging Healthy Christian Relationships"

m~~~~ 'i


Where: Conference Room, St. Anne's Shrine, Fall River (Lower level of Rectory - enter 818 Middle Street)

When: Thesday, May 1, 2001 7:30 p.m. Mass in Rectory Chapel 8:00 Seminar in Conference Room Presenter: Mrs. Susan Negri, Teacher and Pro-Life Coordinator, Bishop Stang High School For: Youth Ministers, Teachers, ReI. Ed. Volunteers, Parents, Priests


Info: Youth Apostles 508-672-2755

Please Note: New Meeting Place - St. Anne's, Fall River (Enter 818 Middle Street)



THE ANCHOR- Diocese of Fall River-Fri., April 27, 2001

British bishops urge voters ·to 'serve the common good' By PAULINUS BARNES

that does not depend. on age, race, gender, wealth or any other atMANCHESTER, England'- tribute," they said. On family life, the bishops said Bishops in England and Wales issued a new document encouraging they were "gravely concerned" about Catholics to "serve the common the increasing instability offamilies good" as they vote in the next gen- and the serious consequences of eral election, likely to be June 7. widespread family breakdown. Catholic electors, the bishops said, Cardinal Cormac MurphyO'Connor ofWestminster, president should discover where candidates MSGR. JACK KENNEDY, child protection co-coordinator for the Liverpool Archdiocese, of the Catholic Bishops' Conference stand on issues of human life, which ofEngland and Wales, said the bish- they called "a matter of supreme im- and retired judge Lord Nolan read the "Review on Child Protection," which Nolan released ops wanted to encourage Catholics portance." recently. A committee set up to advise the Catholic Church on how to stop sexual abuse called to reflect on the Church's social The obligation to defend human for police checks to be carried out on all clergy, staff and volunteers. (CNS photo from Reuters) teaching and its application to present life was undermined further in 1990 circumstances. when experimentation on human In his preface to the bishops' embryos was legalized,-they said. "Most recently a moral chasm has document, "Vote for the Common Good," published in late March, been opened by Parliament's deciCardinal Murphy-O'Connor said the sion to permit the creation and deChurch's social teaching provided a struction of cloned human embryos. set of principles and goals for life in It is possible that in the next ParliaBy PAULINUS BARNES society. ment attempts may be made to lein social work, probation and psy- cedures for child protection and CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE "Its focus is the common good. galize euthanasia. To do so would chiatry, ;md a senior London po- dealing with allegations." It illuminates our view of society be both wrong and dangerous. Figures published by ilie CailioMANCHESTER, England - A lice officer. and how we evaluate public policy," Whatever the motive, euthanasia committee set up by Cailiolic bishCardinal Cormac .Murphy- lic Media Office in London showed he said. . amounts to murder," they said. ops to review child protestion pro- O'Connor, president of ilie Cailio- that in the years 1995-1999, 21 "It is not a political program, and On issues of global poverty and cedures recommended police lie Bishops' Conference ofEngland Catholic priests in England and committed Catholics are rightly to injustice, the bishops said it was es~ checks on all clergy, staff and vol-' and Wales, launched ilie review in Wales were convicted of offenses be found in all the main political sential that the work of the British unteers within the Chl,!rch. September after admitting "inad- against children. More than 5,000 parties. It is not our job to suggest government should continue to try Among the 50 recommenda- equate procedures" had led to er- priests live in the two countries. to anyone who to vote for, and we to reduce the burden of the unpay- 'tions, ilie independent committee rors. The report also suggested iliat do not do so. We ask you to take able debts of the poorest nations. He said the report was "ex- every Cailiolic parish should have suggested iliat ilie Catholic Church part actively in the democratic proBritain's involvement with the set up a national database on candi- tremely constructive and helpful" a designated child protection repcess, and then to vote witl1 this ques- arms trade, its nuclear anTIs arid the dates for the prie~thood and a na-" 'and would form a major item for resentative, wiili ilie whole Church tion in mind: 'Howcan my vote best possibility of a renewed intern~tional ,lional.child p'rott:ctiQ'l.!:!r,i! .~i!hi!!-_disq.l.~siqn:.by~ the .bishops. of En- adopting. a single set of policies serve' the common'good'?''' ,., ..,.. ariTis race' are' 'iirgen'C ri1oful-cnar· the Church to provide support, ad- gland and Wales at their meeting based on Home Office procedures In the document, the bishops said lenges to the government, they said. vice and information at a national this week. for preventing child abuse. political involvement is an imporOn asylum seekers, the bishops level. "We committed to ensuring Thecommittee also urged bishtant part'of Christian discipleship. said that in the Gospels Jesus had The committee, set up to review iliat the Catholic Church becomes ops and religious superiors not to They highlighted several contem- made it clear to his followers "that current child protection procedures, ilie safest of places for children," overrule' selection boards where porary issues: family life; human in welcoming' and receiving the released its initial findings last he said. "I am intent that the Cciilio- reservations are expressed about the life; global poverty and injustice; stranger' and the outcast, they are week. Chaired by' a retired judge, lie Church in this country, in En- suitability of a candidate for ordiasylum seekers and refugees; crime welcoming and receiving him," Lord::,Nolan bf'Brasted, the inde- gland and Wales, will be an ex- nation on the grounds of a possible and prison; and family members Th~ bishops also said that the pendent group included specialists ample to everyone on proper pro- risk to children and young people. I • needing care. They said that the foun- government should give adequate dation of the Church's social teach- support to people looking after elding was the Gospel and the teaching erly or housebound people. of Jesus Christ about the dignity of The bishops said public authoripeople. ties had a duty to prevent criminal "From conception' to death each acts and to protect people and propVATICAN CITY (CNS) - Pope John Paul II en- plained iliat the Neocatechumenal Way's seven-year human life has a value that can never .erty. But they said there were imbe lost and should never be ignored. portant questions to be asked about couraged the Neocatechumenal Way to continue work- program of formation, its religious education programs Everyone is made in the image and the effectiveness of the penal sys- ing with Vatican officials to draft statutes regulating the and its liturgies have divided parishes or e~c1uded parishioners who want to worship but not join ilie move°life of its communities. likeness of God and has a dignity tem, "The recognition and welcoming of charisms" that ment. In his letter to Cardinal Stafford, the pope said no new movements' bring to ilie Church "is not an easy process," the pope said in a letter to U.S. Cardinal 1. sPecial gift found in a new movement can dispense the Francis Stafford, president of the Pontifical Council movement "from reference and submission to the pasfor the Laity. . tors of the Church." Church officials are responsible for However, the pope said, the process of discernment overseeing Cailiolic movements and pointing out areas and of drafting statutes that will lead to formal juridical needing correction in order to promote the good of the recognition of the Neocatechumenal Way is essential whole Church, he said. "This requires a deep discernment of the wi II of God for its future, In the letter, the pope said Cardinal Stafford is re- and must be accompanied by constant prayer so that sponsible for approving the statutes and "for continu- hearts will open humbly to the voice of the Spirit in ing to accompany the Way also in the future." ecclesial communion," the pope wrote. Cardinal Stafford told Catholic News Service reIn 1990, Pope John Paul appointed an official at the Council for ilie Laity to serve as moderator of the move- cently that the leaders ofilie Neoc~techumenalWay are ment. . still working on the statutes. The cardinal said he would not comment on the The pope repeatedly has praised the Neocatechumenal Way, a spiritual renewal movement founded in Spain pope's letter, which "speaks for itself." In a statement reported .by Vatican Radio, Kiko in 1964, as a powerful means of helping Catholics strengilien their faith, of bringing others into the Church Arguello, who founded the Way with Carmen Hernandez, said a draft of the statutes would be preSUSAN SKEABECK, who recently turned 100, displays and.of fostering vocations. At the same time,' he has insisted the sented to ilie council soon. a chasuble she made for her son. Skeaback, a parishioner at Neocatechumenal Way and other new movements "We iliink that iliey will be providential for the misSt. Ann's Parish in Erie, Pa., continues to make vestments operate only in cooperation with local bishops and sion which God has entrusted to the Neocatechumenal that are sent to other oountries. (CNS photo by Andrea Baran, priests. Way in the service of ilie new evangelization," the stateLake Shore Visitot) In some dioceses, bishops and pastors have com- ment said. CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE

C.oDlmittee recoDlDlends police checks. on Church clergy, staff


Pope encourages Neocatechumenal Way to continue work on statutes.


THE ANCHOR - Diocese of Fall River - Fri., April 27, 200 I Continued from page one

"We hope to see increases in the number of people helped and increase the base of people who contribute," said Donly. "Ninetyfour cents of every dollar raised for the Appeal goes to help' people. That is the highest percentage in the nation." The kickoff events offer a chance for benefactors to gather and showcase the great works accomplished through the Appeal, as well as providing a reason to again be generous of one's time and treasure. More than 50,000 people donated to the appeal in the year 2000 and the annual Appeal is the only time that the diocese asks its parishioners to come together to fund the charitable works of its agencies and apostolates. Pastoral care, summer camps for handicapped children, immigrant outreach, food pantries, televised Masses for the sick and homebound, abuse prevention, education, Scouting and Rainbows programs are just a few of the efforts that benefit from the Appeal. Funds also go to youth. pro-

grams and 'services, respect life endeavors and providing pastoral and clinical help for those infected with and affected by HIV! AIDS, marriage preparatory programs and to support low income housing for people in need. A video presentation showed those who have benefited from the annual Appeal and ho~ so many across the diocese make a difference in the lives of others. Funds assist the old and young, the sick and homebound, hungry and homeless; anyone regardless of background or faith in .need of help the video emphasized. Edith and Michael Arruda of Filii River attended the kickoff and said they have been involved with the Appeal as long as they can remember. "I grew up with the idea that the Appeal is a wonderful thing," said Edith. "We love helping people and we owe a great deal to the Church." Mary Gauvin agreed and said helping people has always been part of her life. "There 'are so many people that need help." Helping them is part of our "Christian duty," she explained..

Director of Catholic Charities Msgr: Thomas J. Harrington, said he is looking forward to another successful Appeal and spoke about the "essential work" the annual drive helps accomplish. When the Appeal began 60 years ago much concern was placed on the building of buildings, he said, but as the years have gone by it has become more focused on the building of lives. "I hope it will be a successful Appeal and our work will continue to reach out to people. We entrust this year's efforts to God's guidance and ask him to bless all those who help and who are helped by the Appeal," he said.

Contributions to the Appeal may be made either through a one-time donation or through a pledge that is payable over 10 months. Donations should. be se~t to the Charities Appeal Office, 450 Highland Avenue, P.O. Box 1470, Fall River, MA 02722, telephone 508路67路5路1311, or dropped off at any parish in the diocese.

POPE JOHN Paul II will say a prayer for peace at the destroyed Greek Orthodox church in the Syrian town of EI Quneitra May 7 during his first visit to the Arab nation. The town, captured by Israel dUring the 1967 Middle East war, was returned to Syria in 1974 with most of the buildings destroyed. (eNS photo from Reuters)

Papal visit highlights challenges to Church in Greece, Syria By JOHN THAVIS CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE

VATICAN CITY - Pope John Paul II puts on his pilgrim shoes again in May, traveling a route through Greece, Syria and Malta that evokes the missionary voyages of St. Paul nearly 2,000 years ago. TJ;je May 4-9 trip highlights the pope's conviction that, at the dawn of third millennium, the Church needs to rediscover the evangelizing energy of the Apostles. For the pope, St. Paul has always represented the missionary model. . The visit also will underline challenges currently facing the Church in the eastern Mediterranean: ecumenical tensions with VETERANS VOLUNTEERS of the annual Appeal share a smile. They are from left: Eleanor Orthodox Christians in Greece, Shea and her brother Dan, and Edith and Michael Arruda. (Anchor/Gordon photo) relations with Muslims in Syria, and the struggle to maintain a Christian presence in the Middle East, a region torn by decades of Continued from page one conflict. As he embarks on his first postAt Siena, after participating at ars and the members of the Sa- spirit of St. Francis, still permejubilee trip outside Italy, the pope cred Congregation was enlighten- ating the environs after 800 years. Mass in St. Catherine of Siena - who turns 81 later in the same ing and enriching," Sister . Here, Francis could write: 'No Church, the vicars held a farewell month - will also have to conone showed me what to do, but banquet, "and there was a final front a personal challenge: his Heffernan asserted. exchange among all the The highlight of the steadily diminishing health. The participants, with mutual visit was a papal audipapal schedule is physically taxexpressions of deep grati- ing, beginning with nine major ence with Pope John "It was an inspiring event for all of us. tude for this opportunity events during his 24-hour visit to Paul II, with photographs taken of the The pope sent his blessing through us to to spend time for confer- Athens) the first stop on his joursmall, intimate group. all the religious in our dioceses. The en- ences, reflections, dia- ney. logue and spiritual enrich"It was an inspiring event The pope's schedule during the counter reminded me again of Jesus' ment in the holy city," said for all of us," she said. six-day trip is relatively heavy, words to Peter, 'I have prayed for you, Sister Heffernan. "The pope sent his blesswith 28 public encounters or lit"I left Rome with a urgies and 18 talks. Although the ing through us to all the Simon, that your faith may not fail; and religious in our dioceses. once you have recovered, you, in tum, better understanding of the pontiff appears eager. to begin history and the influence traveling again - he has at least The encounter reminded must strengthen-yourbrothers./11 of our Church and a more two more trips planned for the me again of Jesus' words sincere appreciation of the coming months - his physical to Peter, 'I have prayed for you, Simon, that your faith the most High Himself revealed words of Jesus to Peter: "You.are appearance lately has not been may not fail; and once you have to me that I should live accord- Peter, and on this rock I will build reassuring. recovered, you, in turn, must .ing to the pattern of the Holy my Church." The pope will become the first And Sister Heffernan added, modern pontiff tovisit Greece or Gospel.''' strengthen your brothers.'" During a visit to the monas- "Finally I carry in my heart this Syria, and the trip features some' The vicars had the opportunity tery of the Camaldolese Monks promise of Our Lord, 'I am with foregone successes: two encounto visit Assisi and Siena. Sister Heffernan recalls her the group chanted Vespers with you always; yes, to the end of ters with the head of the Orthotime.''' . feeling in Assisi: "We breathed the them. dox Church of Greece, Arch-



bishop Christodoulos; an unprecedented papal visit to a mosque in Damascus, followed by a meeting with Syrian Muslims; and the beatification of a Maltese priest who founded a religious institute in the mid-1900s. In each country, the pope will meet with the Catholic community - bishops, priests, religious and laity. - to offer words of encouragement. The Church's status and size varies immensely from place to place. In Greece, the tiny Catholic .population of 63,000 sometimes feels discriminated against in a society where Orthodox Christianity is the official religion. In Syria, some 310,000 Catholics coexist in relative harmony with 14 million Muslims and have excellent ecumenical relations with the Orthodox and Protestant churches. In Malta, the pope will visit an island of Catholicism; more than 90 percent of the population belongs to the church. Throughout his visit, especially during Masses and in a meeting with youths in Damascus, the pope is expected to echo St. Paul's letters to the peoples of the same region in the first century. "We must revive in ourselves the burning conviction of Paul, who cried out: 'Woe to me if I do not preach the Gospel,'" the pope said in his recent apostolic letter on the third millennium. But, more than most trips, this papal pilgrimage holds some pitfalls, too. In Greece, the Orthodox green light for the visi t came after months of debate that stirred up centuries-old animosities. In Syria, the potential complications could stem from the regional political situation, which in recent weeks has deteriorated in the wake of the worsening Israeli-Palestinian crisis.




Diocese of Fall River - Fri" April 27, 2001



.1 ' !


LEARNING ABOUT SCIENCE Eighth-grader Natasha Caetano looks on as science fair. judge Mark· Shorrock. examines her project on Magnets at the' Espirito Santo School's recent science fair. At left, judge' Gerry Roy asks sixth-grader Kyle Aguiar a question about his project entitled "Which Works Better: A Heated or Frozen Tennis Ball?"

FIFTH-GRADE students at Saint Joseph School, Fairhaven, enjoy lunch with Office,r Ted Souza of the Fairhaven Police Department. Souza heads the D.A.R.E program for students and visits with them every Friday. .

.... ALUMNA CATERINA Avelar, center, right, recently returned to Our Lady of Mount Carmel School, New Bedford to do a'mini songfest for students. She was assisted by pre-school teacher Myrna Capallero who accompanied her on banjo. Avelar recently released a CD. She also works with the school's pre-school class as an aide once a week~ ~ FIRST-GRADERS Adam Mendonca and Rui Aguiar from Our Lady of ·Mount Carmel School, colored a depiction of Jesus be. ing laid in the tomb as part of the school's Easter celebration. The Stations of the Cross were held each Monday after': noon during loent.



ERINN GRASSO'S kindergarten class at St. Anne's School, Fall River, received a special treat recently 'when Firefighter David Wood visited their classroom to 'talk about fire safety and his job. He stands with his son. Keaton Wood. . 4 ' .

Do you get it? God loves you Bv AMVWELBORN CATHOUC NEWS SERVICE

struggle at least once in a while with loneliness and isolation. Sure, they may lead busy lives surrounded by loads of other busy people chatting the day

In a way it sounds far too simplistic. It's first-grade religious education stuff, it's right out of a little kid's Bible, it's something that's so obvious, it's not even funny: .. God loves you. Big news, right? When my students in Catholic high school religion elasses would reflect on the worst of the worst of their FOR YOUTH • ABOUT YOUTH previous teachers, they'd usually come up with at least one (or two or more!) whom they and night away. But despite all that, a feelremembered for being able to teach that particular mess,age ing nags. "Does anyone really over and over-and not much understand me? What if all else - as an answer to every these people I call my friends test question. really knew the real me - my deepest thoughts and feelings, God loves you. And we all had a good laugh. my secrets and sins? Would After all, there's so much they still care?" more to Catholicism, isn't "Surely not," we're ail there? So much more that intel- tempted to think sometimes. ligent teens like you are able to "Surely when you get down to understand and grasp. So much it I'm probably your basic undepth and breadth, so Qluch rich- lovable loser." ness to our ancient faith. God loves you. It's really an Let the little kids have "God amazing thing, this deceptively loves you." We're ready for simple idea. something more complex. Perhaps there are times when Of course you are. You're you wonder what in the world hungry for more, and you to do with your life. Other won't find a stronger advocate people seem on an absolutely for meeting that challenge in straight road to college and a rel+g-tetts-etlucat-i~:Hl-than ..this -fabulous career oLchoice. But.. writer. . you? You're still wondering, But ¡aren' t there times when you just don't know. Sometimes those simple lessons of child- everything interests you, somehood are exactly what we need? times nothing at all can grab Most teens, for example, your imagination. You just

-~t~ Coming



can't see yourself as an adult. Yo u jus t don't k now w hat you've been put here to do. God loves you. . Once again, those three little words cut through the pain. You may not know what is right this minute, but with faith in God's personal love and what that means, you know you'll eventually figure it out because he does have a purpose for you, and he has no intention of hiding it from you forever. Finally, think about sin. Your sin. Those habits and patterns that seem to have you helplessly entrapped. You're ashamed, you feel as if you're going down a road you know is the wrong one, but you feel helpless to turn around. "After all," you wonder, "I've done this

THEANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., April 27, 2001


Priest plays role in Boston College athletics BVWALLV CAREW CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE

BOSTON- He has never scored a goal or a touchdown, swished a three-pointer from behind the arc, flung a javelin or taken a mighty swing at a baseball or softball. Yet he plays' an indispensable role in Boston College athletics. , . He isStigmatine Father Anthony Penna of the campus ministry team at the Jesuit-run university. As athletics chaplain he is a confessor, adviser, friend and booster of the Eagles' extended sports family, which ineludes athletes, coaches,administration and employees. One of the perks of the job is a prime viewing spot for Eagles sports events. FIOIT A

ministration, coaches, athletes, secretaries, equipment managers, ground crews, janitors and anyone else who wishes to take part. At the beginning of his ministry, Father Tony said, he was overwhelmed and he asked himself, "How can I possibly have an impact on such a large department of athletes, coaches, staff and even alumni?" He said that he learned to approach his duties day by day and that visibility and accessibility were vital components, the primary place to begin. "More than anything else," he said, "this is a ministry of presence." He cultivates friendships with people who ~ work with the teams, like train. ers, strength

~::~~?~! now. Isn't it too late ho~:~nEag~~~~'l~' ~EAGL ~~i~~:nt;~~

went to the Fro-~\.'~ ..." .... I r . \7",. ..... agers. zen Four in AIr:..~ "They are bany, N.Y., "'e very helpful," was there to said Father Think Prodigal Son. Think watch them beat Tony. 'They are lost sheep. Thi nk of the thief the University of the ones who tell on the cross. Then think of that North Dakota me so and so is phrase and let it happen. Let Fighting Sioux in down, so and so God love you. overtime April 7 is struggling in a Boston BOSTON COLLEGE'S hockey particular class, We may learn a lot of theol- for ogy, and we should, but the College's first team captain, Brian Gionta. holds so and so is havtruth is, in the dark of night, in NCAA hockey up the trophy the team won as na- ing girlfriend or the most isolating circum- championship tional collegiate Division 1 cham- boyfriend probstances the words we scribbled since}949. pions. P~rt of the team's support le~s or so. and ,------. - - --_. Father-Tony -system IS FatherliorllJ Penna a so IS eXnPnenc. 10 crayon so long ago aren't . ' r "r ,. --;-- 1:'' ', .. , as he IS known on campus chaplain assigned to the mg some kind of any lessb true now. They re worth campus has been thl t' d rt t (eNS h t b difficulty at ' d' , .. a e IC epa men. p 00 y " remem e~lOg, an hml.o~e ImGPor- campus rrumster Marilyn Michaels, The Pilof) home.. tant, t h ey re wort IVlOg: 0 d for 10 years and He said he loves you. chaplain for athletics for the past centers his homilies on the Gospel three. message ofChrist and tries to be senThe priest, who grew up in sitive to his audience, young adults Springfield, has been a Stigmatine on their own faith journeys. priest for 25 years. When St. Gaspare "It is very important that I am Bertoni founded the Stiginatines in empathetic to them and sensitive to northern Italy in 1816, their origi- where they are," he said. "I want nal rule was based on that of the them to feel that I am approachable, Jesuits. open-minded, that I am not judgIn an interview with The Pilot, mental and that they can come to Boston's archdiocesan newspaper, me." He said it is helpful to have the FALL RIVER - The curtain has been drawn Francis Xavier Parish of Acushnet, took top hon- Father Tony said the foundation of on another season of CYO basketball ending ors in the Junior A Boys Division. They bes'ted his specialized ministry on campus resources of a major university at with many exciting games in the best two-out- the Council of Churches team from Fall River was established by Jesuit chaplains his fingertips. "If I can't help them," he said, "I in two straight games. Team who preceded him. of-three series. When all 'There is great tradition here," can point them toward the right demembers include: Jonathan the smoke cleared, several DIOCfSl 0' ,1.1.1. IUVfR he said. "So much has been passed partment and the people who can Gree, Brandon Young, Marcel along to me." champions were crowned help them. The administration has Canary, Jonathan Salvail, Paul in the. Greater Fall River SOCIAL One of his tools is a combination been very supportive." Saucier, Matthew and Kyle missal and prayer book that has been Area. He also said that he admires the Leonard, Liam Quinn, passed on from one athletics chap- honesty, the courage and the deterIn the Junior A Girls DiMichael Raposa, Phillip lain to the next. mination of the athletes who convision, St. Julie's of North The missal is somewhat like a fide in him. "So many are willing Adams, Kevin and Michael Dartmouth, representing Cabral and Cory Guenette. relic. "It is a big part of the tradi- to knock on my door and risk exthe New Bedford area Team coaches were Phil tion," said Father Tony. "Inside the arnining their own lives," he said. "I CYO, defeated Fall River Young, Donald Guenette and cover, all the previous Catholic chap- am deeply impressed by that." area representative Our lains have signed it and written Father Tony said he tries to exDaryl Benard. Lady of Grace of Westport. pand the horizonsofstudent athletes. words of encouragement." In the Prep Division, Fall St. Julie's won two straight From the start Father Tony said "Many of them find themselves River area representative St. he was struck by the sense of unity locked into a narrow world," he said. games to capture the diocJohn of God Parish from in the athletic department. esan championship and "I try to help them widen that winSomerset defeated Sacred team members are: Lauren ''Everyone cares for one another;' dow, expand their view and see beHeart Parish, Taunton, in two he said. 'The athletes, the coaches yond the here and now." Goyette, Katie Viera, He said he tries to make them straight games to take the cham- and the administration are good to Nequisha Rivera, Alexandria pionship. Members of the team each other. You can't help but no- more aware of God's presence in Clough, Julie Delano, Kimberly are: Raymond Can talmo, Pat Doyle, tice the spirit. Everyone is encour- everything. "God speaks to us at all Cabral, Ashley Coucci, Elissa times and in every human experiGeoff Bararo, Ryan Caray, Josh Feliciano, aged and lifted up." Roberge, Danyelle Sedgwick and Sara of the ence," he said. "Sometimes it takes The spiritual focal point Danny Coury, Danny Boyce,'Dylan Dunne and Gaspar. They were coached by Arthur Goyette, week is the 11 :30 Mass FatherTony defeat and losses for us to be recepAlec Hall. Coaches were Raymond Cantalmo and Paul Coucci and Ryan Goyette. offers every Wednesday morning. tive to messages that we would not The New Bedford area representative, St. Ron Boisselle. It is attended by members of the ad- hear at other times in our lives." God loves you. To the rescue once again, it's that simple little phrase.

CYO basketball champs crowned



THEANCHOR-DioceseofFaIl River-Fri., April 27, 2001

Study links suicide rates to abortion SPRINGFIELD, ill. (CNS) There is a link between women who have had abortions and sui-, cide, says researcher David Reardon, who works with the Elliot Institute in Springfield, a nonprofit organization that studies post-abortion issues. . Reardon presented results of a study he conducted' with several colleagues on the abortion-suicide connection at the recent World Congress on Women's Mental Health, held in Berlin. In a phone interview with Catholic News Service Reardon said his study differed from other research that has been done on the topic because it focused on a larger population and was based on data of women from the United States. Previous studies iriclude one in England that ,found a higher number of suicide attempts among women who had abortions than among women who delivered babies. A study in Finland examined death certificates from 1987-94 for all women ages 15-49 who had been pregnant a year before their death. The study concluded that women who gave birth had half the death rate of women who had abortions. Reardon told CNS that he and his colleagues wanted to see if the findings from the Finland study would show up in the United States. They also wanted to examine the rate of suicide among women who had had abortions longer ago than a year before their deaths. The Reardon study focused on the medical records and death certificates of more than 173,000 low-


income'women from California who had state"funded deliveries or induced abortions in 1989. From this sample of women,'the average annual suicide rate per 100,000 in the sample was 3.0 for women who delivered babies and ,7.8 for women who had abortions. The national average suicide rate is 5.2 for women ages 15-44. The data was solely "record based," said Reardon, comparing it with other post-abortion studies that have only been able to focus on women's own descriptions ofhaving experienced personal 'struggles after having an abortion. He said this new study also "demonstrates that the negative effects (of abortion) are large enough to show up" in death certificates in one regional area. The study supports a message Reardon has supported for several years. An article he wrote eight years ago fot the Elliot. Institute's Post Abortion Review was called "The Abortion/Suicide Connection." He wrote then that "the abortionsuicide link is well known' among professionals who counsel suicidal persons." He cited a director of a Cincinnati chapter of Suiciders Anonymous who said that during , a 35-month period her group worked with 4,000 women and 1,800 of them had had abortions. He also pointed to a study by University of Minnesota researchers who concluded that a teen-age girl is 1.0 times more likely to attempt suicide if she had an abortion in the previous six months.

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FATHER GERALD Messman of the Diocese of Lincoln, Neb., celebrates Mass at his hqme in Duncan, Neb. He marked the 70th anniversary of his ordination recently at the diocesan chrism Mass. (eNS photo from Southe,rn Nebraska Registef)

Nebraska priest ordained 70 years ago By CATHOLIC


forces, "We laid low in the cellar DUNCAN, Neb. - It's been 83 for a few days," he said. "Our house years since Father Gerald Messman was built of stone so we thought left Belgium as a teen-ager to .come we might have a chance. During the to the United States and study for fighting our house was hit twice with shells." the priesthood. Father Messman said the tragWorld War I was still raging in Europe. Millions, including his old- edy of war in human and material est brother, had been killed in the terms led him to leave Belgium and fighting. . come to the United States. . ,At the chrism Mass in Lincoln, He attributed his vocation to the Father Messman, 96, became the influence of priests during his first priest in the history of the Lin- youth. "All of my teachers in elcoln diocese to celebrate his 70th ementary and secondary school were priests," he said. ''They had a anniversary as a priest. He reflected on those years in , big impact on my life." an interview with the diocesan As he prepared for the priestnewspaper, the Southern Nebraska hood, he returned to Belgium to do his theological studies at the CathoRegister, at his.home in Duncan. He said World War I changed lic University of Louvain. Father his life in several ways. Messman, who is fluent in flemLiving within a few miles of the ish, French, German and English, . front for most of the war, he said said one needed to speak several the roar of the big guns was like a languages in order to study at constant thunderstorm that hung on Louvain. the horizon for fout years. Father Messman said he learned Caught in a no-man's land be- of the Lincoln diocese through tween the German and Allied Bishop. Francis Beckman, its

bishop from 1924 to 1930. Ordained in 1931, he retired from the active ministry in 1975. "The world has changed tremendously since I was first ordained," he said. _"In Europe especially, the two world wars have drastically changed the priorities of the people. "People today are so very materialistic," he added. "On the weekends they would rather go to the beach than they would to church. Religion is not the top priority in many people's lives anymore. ''The same is true of people's morals. People no longer look to the Church as the guide for their consciences," he said. l:ooking back on 70 years of priesthood; Father Messman said he would encourage any young man contemplating a vocation to pursue that dream. "I have found happiness in the priesthood. It has all been worth it. If I had to do it all over again, I would,do it in a minute," he said.

Pop'e says Mideast violence must give way to ,'negotiation VATICAN CITY (CNS) - The ever-increasAfter U.S.' Secretary ofState Colin 'PoweIl criti- , ing cycle of vjolence and reprisal in the Middle cized the Israeli action as excessive, the Israeli govEast must be broken and give way to negotiation, ernment said it would puIl back the troops, but PalPope John Paul II 'said. I estinian shelling of Israeli targets continued. ' "While the 'light of the risen Christ brightens ' In his Easter week appeal for peace, Pope John the whole uniyerse,we cannot help but express Paul said, "The roar of weapons must be substisolidarity wjth' all our brothers/and sisters in the., tuted with the voice of reason and conscience. "Sincere attention to the legitimate aspirations of Middle East who, suffer in a vortex of armed violence' and reprisals," he said\ last week at the end .all the peoples and the scrupulous observance of inof his weekly general audie?ce. ' ' ,'temational law are the only means able to lead the , His comments came aft~r Palestinians in the ' sides back to the negotiating table and to layout a Gaza Strip tired mortars on) an israeli 'settlement path of brotherhood for those peoples," he said. an!J resultantly the Israeli .government began a "May God speak to the hearts of those who kiIl fierce land,.air and sea attack on Palestinian secu- and have pity on those who succumb to so much rity offices. The Israelis theh sealed off the Gaza, violence," the pope said. "Victorious King," he prayed to the risen Christ, Strip, and occupied some of \he land that had been under Palestinian control. .\ "have mercy on us." \






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