t eanc 0 VOL. 28,
$8 Per Year
43rd Appeal
kickoff held
Addressing the annua'l kickoff meeting of the Catholic Chari ties Appeal at Bishop Connolly High School, Bishop Daniel A. Cronin quoted from the Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modem World, one of the outstanding documents to emerge from the Second Vatican Coun cil: "The joy and hope, the grief and anguish of the men and women of our time, especially of those who are poor or afflict· ed in any way, are the joy and hope, the grief and anguish of the followers of Christ as welt Nothing that is genuinely hu man fails to find an echo in their hearts." The bishop noted that "while· it is true that the kingdom of God is essentially spiritual, and while the Good News addresses the spiritual welfare of mankind, nonetheless, the material, phys ical well being of those who are poor and afflicted does concern the disciple, as, ,indeed, it con cerned Jesus, our Savior, who, along with His sublime teaching about the kingdom, consoled those who were troubled, healed those who were sick, sharing in the joy and hope, the grief and anguish of those whose. privi lege 'it was to enoounter Him during His public ministry." Quoting again from the con ciliar document, the bishop said "At all times, the church carries the responsibility of reading the signs of the times and of ointer preting them in the light of the Gospel." He added: "I cannot help but think of this insight on this, the 43rd time when' a diocesan-wide appeal is launohed to seek suppor.t for worthy apos tolic works. Today, as I invite your generous support of the Appeal" the signs of the times differ somewhat from those which my predecessors recog nized. "Let me cite one specific area of concern. Greater disruptions in family life are noted today than in decades past, and thus, to ,reswnd to the distress and anguish provoked by more f~
quent divorce, by the rising number of single~parent family units and by the erosion of re~ spect for Sacred Matrimony, we are constrained, in our apos tolic endeavors, to focus greater energy upon family ministry programs, upon the marriage preparation endeavors and upon services for unwed mothers." Turning to the annual report 'on disbursement of the previous year's Appeal procee~s (see page 2 of this issue of The Anchor), the bishop noted that the entire amount had been spent. "We have spent ALL this money," he said. "With very lit tle overhead, w-ith no exaggera tion in our activities (and with Httle publicity, I might add) we have channeled virtually every penny of every dollar contrib uted to our works of social ser vice and child care, to our pas toral ministry to the sick, to educational endeavors and to pastoral activities." The bishop reported that neal'1y half the 1983 appea:l pro ceeds went to support social sere vice and child care programs, while the balance, in roughly equivalent portions, was allo cated to pastoral care of the sick, education of youth and other pastoral concerns. "This evening," ,he continued, "we look forward to the future. I assure you, the needs have not diminished . . . and the cost of care continues· to grow. With this in mind, I would Hke to challenge you and those whom you represent to show once again that same generous spirit which has characterized this Appeal since its inception in 1941. "My hope is that your gene rosity, will, in fact, exceed by a truiy significant amount the re sults of last year's Appeal. We have had the wonderful tradi tion of recording an increase in our Catholic Charities Appeal proceeds year after year. I.must plead for an exceptional increTum to Page Two
THE SACRAMENTS of baptism, Holy Eucharist and confirmation were received in Easter Vigil services at St. Patrick's Church, Fall River, byJrom left, Samantha McBee, Tina Marie McBee and Carolyn Cashman, shown with Father William W. Norton. (Pol lard Photo courtesy of Fall River Herald News)
! :~
'MEMBERS OF TWO FAMIUES were received into the church by Father Thomas E. Morrissey, pastor of Sacred Heart Church, New Bedford, at the Easter vigil. Front, Rob ert Snell; from left, first row, Stephen, Cherie and Edward Snell (junior); second row Mr. and Mrs. Edward Snell, Ada Simpson, Pete Wilde. Edward Snell Sr. was baptized, all others were previously validly baptized. The adults received first communion and confirmation; the children will receive those sacraments at the appropriate ages. (Rosa Photo)
THE ANCHOR -, Friday, April 27, 1984
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DCCW parley tomorrow' Speaking on "Women: The Most Significant Other," TV pro ducer and newspaper writer Ruth Ann Fowler will be the keynote speaker at tomorrow's 31st annual convention of the Diocesan Council' of Catholic Women. The all-day meeting will be gin at 8:30 a.m. at Bishop Fee han High School, Attleboro, and will 'be hosted by Attleboro Taunton District 4 of the DCCW. Some 400 women from aU parts of the diocese are expected to attend.. The convention will open with a business session, followed by "A Little Bit of Heaven on Earth," 'a presentation of the activities of council commissions. Mass, with Bishop Daniel A. Cronin as principal concelebrant, assisted by DCCW priest mod o. erators, will close the morning. Music will be by the senior folk group of St. Mary's parish, Mansfield. Following a luncheon featur ing an international menu, the afternoon session will begin with a registrar's report and a mess age from Mrs. David Sellmayer, diocesan president. Mrs. Fowler's address will, follow. A resident' of Tampa, Florida, she was also keynote speaker for the 1981 convention of the Na tional Council of Catholic Wo men in .Kansas City. She has traveled and lectured extensive ly and her background also in· . eludes membership' on the fac ulties of Utah Slate University ancJ Ball State University, Mun cie, Ind. Mrs. Edmond Messier'is chair-' man .for tomorrow's convention, at which Mrs. Sellmayer will preside. Mrs. Normand Jette is in charge of luncheon arrange ments and Mrs. George ~auza is handling ijle morning coffee hour.
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Correction The telephone nwnber for Sacred Heart parish, Taunton, was incorrectly listed in last week's Diocesan Directory. It shOuld be 823-2521. Subscribers are asked to in form us of any other corrections. Tmly will be incorporated in a revised edition of the directory to 'be issued shortly OR better grade paper for permanent refer ence.
Catholic Charitie:s
1983 :Appeal Report
I. Total Received, Net Proceeds 1983 Appeal II. Disbursements Made or Allocated
Fiscal Year Beginning July 1, 1983
A. Social Service and Child Care i. Catholic Social Services ii. Saint Vincent's Home (debt service) iii. Diocesan Special Apostolates 'iv. Saint Vincent de Paul Camp v. Catholic Youth Organization B. Health Care i. Pastoral Ministry for Sick ii. Saint Anne's Hospital (gift)
$296,000.00 150,000.00 $62,500.00 82,000.00 76,000.00 666,500.00
$176,000.00 50,000.00 226,000.00
C. Education i. Diocesan Education Center ii. Nazareth Apostolate iii. Scholarship Aid Program iv. Coyle-Cassidy Construction D. Pastoral Endeavors i. Catholic Charities OffiCe ii.. Family Life Ministry iii. Membership -.:.. National & State Conferences and Associations iv. Permanent Diaconate v. SMU ,Campus Ministry vi. Miscellany: ecumenics, vocations, communications, ,etc.
.$132,000.00 55,000.00 50,000.90 50,000.00 287,000.00
$60,000.00 60,000.00
DISBURSEMENTS, Made or Allocated ,
. '
50,140.00 44,000.00 20,000.00 39,687.49 273,827.49 $1,453,327.49
Excess of Disbursements over Revenues $1,433,365.51 - Revenues from 1983 Appeal 1,453,327.49 - Disbursements ma<!e or allocated
chestra and. Kenneth Leger led singing of the Nationa-l Anthem. Msgr. Anthony M. Gomes, di ocesan Appeal director, ex plained campaign procedures. and opening and closing pray ers were led by Msgr. Thomas J. Harrington and Msgr. Luiz G. Mendonca respectively.
"What we do through our Continued from page on~ efforts for the Catholic Charities mentl in our results this year" for needs are greater :than ever." Appeal when we work for t:he In ibis remarks .to the nearly .benefit of others, is an act of 1,000 i Appeal workers, 1984 -lay authentic worship. We are 'livchairman Atty. James H. Quirk ing our faith, not simply going Jr. pointed out that the Appeal through the motions. We are r~ "is a: demonstration of love, a shaping and reinforcing the ,love ihat is the faith that each sense of community. . . . of us i has in one another." "While soliciting for the dio , He reminded the audience cese, we be >listening to our that :Christ "instructed us to feHow man, understanding his make :justice our aim, to redress views, respecting his rights, and the wronged, hear the orphan's allowing him. to participate in plea :and defend· the widow. the enhancement of the com This has always been the aim of munity. Our purpose in this ap our bishop. It was the reason peal is to strive to excel for the for th~ creation of the Catholic benefit of our fellow man, and Chari~ies Appeal and the need God will bless y04 for your ef-' for· its continuation. The func· forts and achievements. My tion of the laity is to go among prayers will be with you during our b~thers and sisters to raise ,the ,course of this' appeal." the necessary funds to carry out M4Sic at the kickoff meeting this missi{)n and continue the was by the Buddy Braga Or· proces~ of unification.
19,961.98 -
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., April 27, 1984
Pope readies
for far East
It pays to advertise in The Anchor, the largest
After a busy round of Holy Week ceremonies which includ ed the closing of the Holy Door of St. Pilter's Basilica, signaling the end of the Holy Year of Re demption, Pope John Paul II spent a day and a half of rest at his summer residence in Castel gandolfo.
weekly newspaper in Southeastern Massachus~"sl reaching 27,000 subscribers and all1 estimated 100,000 actual readers.
He asked crowds there to pray for the sucx:ess of his pastoral' visit May 2 to 12 to South Korea, Papua New Guinea, the Solomon Islands and Thailand. The trip win include a technical stop May 2 in Fairbanks, Alaska, where the pontiff will meet briefly with President Ronald Reagan.
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Also in Fairbanks, Cardinal Timothy Manning of Los Angeles will join the pope, accompanying him to the Far East because of strong links between the church of Los Angeles and those in the areas on the papal itinerary. Lay Mission Helpers from the arch diocese are active in Papua New Guinea and Thailand and there are some quarter million Korean immigrants in .the Los Angeles area. Before leav·jng Rome, the pope had met April 21 with Imelda Marcos, wife of President Fer dinand Marcos of the Philippines. While in Rome Mrs. Marcos received messages from men and women religiou~ asking the re lease of Columban Father NiaIl O'Brien a missionary from Ire Jand; Columban Father Brian Gore, a missionary from Austra Ua; Filipino Father Vicente Dan gan; and six lay workers. The nine are 0r:t trial for the March 10, 1982 murder of Mayor Pab lo Sola of Kabankalan, Philip pines. They were arrested Feb. 25, 1983. An affidavit signed by the ac cused called the charges against them "faIse, fabricated and ,con cocted." They said the'trial is an effort to intimidate church peo ple "who are working for the poor."
New bishop for, Scranton WASHINGTON (NC) - Pope John Paul II has named Auxili ary Bishop James C. Timlin of Scranton; ,Pa., bishop of that see. He" succeeds Archbishop John J. O'Connor, installed last month as ordinary of the New York archdiocese. Bishop Timlin, 56, is a native of Scranton and has been a bish op since 1976. He' was ordained a priest of the Scranton diocese Dec. 16, 1951, after. studies at St. Charles College, Catonsville, Md., St. Mary's Seminary, Balti more, and the North American College in Rome. He was an associate pastor in two parishes hefqre being named assistant chanceilor and episco pal seCJ1ltary in 1966. He was diocesan chancellor when he was named an auxiliary bishop.
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HARD HAT at the ready, Sister Dorothy Ruggiero, OP, president of St. Anne's Hospital, Fall River, watches as Bishop Daniel A. Cronin officiates at April 24 ground breaking ceremonies for the hospitals $3 million OncologyI Radiation Therapy Center. (Gaudette Photo)
President, bishops
go round on· issues
WASHINGTON (NC) - Lead ers of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops .told Presi dent Reagan April 18 that while they commend his backing for tuition tax credits and anti abortion efforts, they. disagree with administration policies in regard to Central America and the poor. They also urged greater ini tiatives toward resumption of arms control talks and expressed strong reservations about de ployment of the IMX miss~le, the bishops said after a lunch with Reagan and briefing by top of-' ficials. While praising Reagan for his pro~life and tuition tax credit stances, "we expressed strong concern about the budget cuts, especially as they affect the poor." Bishop James W. Malone of Youngstown, Ohio, NCCB president, told reporters outside the White House after a four hour luncheon and briefing. Bishop Malone, said that on EI Salvador the bishops reiter ated that ''the only solution to war is a political solution." "Although we admit that un· der the present situation some military aid is needed," the bish ops fear dispropomonate em phasis on military options, added Cardinal Joseph L. Ber· nardin of Chicago. Concerning covert actions in
Nicaragua, where the United States is blamed far mining har bors, New York Archbishop John J. O'Connor said he made it clear that we, the bishops, do not approve of covert opera tions." , Despite criticism of some ad ministration actions, the church leaders stressed that they also agree with som~ Reagan poli. cies and that the talks were not argumentative. Archbishop O'Connor said he found Reagan's anti·abortion be i1efs to be particularly strong. ' "I don't know how much more he could do" on that issue, the New York archbishop said. Asked if he thought the bish ops were being' used politicaHy, Cardinal Bernardin responded, "Sure I'm aware of the fact that this is an election year, but life doesn't stop because we're going to have an election in Novem ber." Others at the' meeting were Archbishop John 'L. May of St. Louis, NCCB vice president; Archbishop Thomas Kelly of Louisville, Ky., iNCCB secretary; Archbishop Edmund C. Szoka of Detroit, NCCB treasurer; Arch bishop Bernard F. Law of Bos ton, at-large members of the NCCB executive committee; Cardinal John Krol of Philadel phia; and Msgr. Daniel F. Hoye, NOOB-USCC general secretary.
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., April 27, 1984
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living wo·rd·
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the moorin~· Vocations: Part III Parental Priority The last of these editorial reflections on concern for priestly vocations in today's church has reference to par entS. . In our mercurial social order, parents are caught up in a whirlwind of change with ideas and ideals cons41ntly in process. , , It is true that in some areas of family living, there haye been positive benefits from more knowle4geable and per sonalized concepts of parenting. When oJ;1e considers the, tremendous forces of stress,- division and dissolution that face family life in this country, one certainly must be sup-. portive of those many good things that are developing to help parents in their very .important vocation. One can·, not but praise the opportunities that are aVailable in this regard, many offered by oUr own Diocesan Fami~y Life Center. , Yet the sense of vocation that once permeated parent ing has diminished as evideJ;1ced by the growing divorce' rate and the consequent, increasing numbers of splintered families. The' seeming inability to sense parenting as a vocation has affected religious vocations too. The correla tion between dissolution of the family and diminution of religious vocations in America is a more. than glaring prob lem in our church. Our society places great emphasis on positions recog nized not only as prestigious but as financially secure. There are many Catholic parents who would much prefer to see a son become a doctor, lawyer or stockbroker rather than a priest. Too often parents convey negative attitudes about .what a child who enters religion has to giv'e up. If v~ca tions are once more to be nurtured within the' family, a child must be reassured by his or her parents that it is all right to consider the religious life. Another area where parents can offer an affirmative impetus to vocations is in their attitude to the priests with whom the'y come in contact.· Parentat attitudes toward a pari~h priest convey powerful messages to children. Do they see support, understanding of his humanity, respect and affection or do they hear censure, intolerant remarks and detraction? Kitchen table conversations are often the occasion for the planting of the seeds ,of a religious, vocation or, conversely, '!lay destroy any such leanings. One wonders how many parents today ask a son if he has ever thought of becoming a priest. In the providence of God, the church in this land will continue to flourish, but that flourishing demands that its members work together to nurture, foster and encourage· vocations. Never before, however, has tl\is .challenge been so critical .as in the area of parenting. The overwhelming majority· of bishops and priests are sincerely and valia~t1y working to make vocation 'awareness a priority in American Catholic life. But much of their effort will be vain if it is not' endorsed and supported by Catholic mothers and fathers. It is imperative that all of us in the' church not merely be aware of our role in the vocation process .but also that as a .community of God's people we renew our dedication to the encouragement of unhesitating response to the Lord's invitation to his vineyard.
Fall River Mass. 02722 PUBLISHER
Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin, D.O., S.T.D.
EDITOR Rev. John F. Moore
(The continual prayer of a iust man availeth much.' James 5:16
True discipline
trust. revealed to us through the de Ultimately, our ability to dis· mands of love. Discipline is now in vogue. Its Fortunately, we are not with cern is proportional" to our will lack is blamed for everything out 'models. Mary provides an ingness to be humble. Unfor that goes: wrong in the family or example of patient listening and tunately, too many people equate school. : . faithful answering in her resound humility with timidity. Nothing could be further from There 'is, of cours~, nothing ing "yes" to the will of God. wrong wi:th discipline as long as Every "yes" involves many the truth. When Mary said yes' to God, she had no idea of what its' limitsl are fully understood. "noes" to other choices. Some people are naturally fond And discipline is most needed lay ahead of her. When we in during discernment and Jeast our turn walk unchartered paths, of ~les. They dread the ambigui ties of li.fe and like others to needed dUl'ing a free response of we need to look to those faithful make their decisions. Other peo love. This perhaps explains why disciples who have walked be pIe are fond of ruling. Their the lives of the saints are rarely fore us for strength, under standing and courage. frequent lack of<control of their examples of orderliness. God writes straight with own Iive~ may be somewhat For life to be more than just masked by their ability to con a succession of days, we need a crooked lines. I am reminded of trol the lIves of others. cause worthy of our devotion. the immortal words of Herman But em~hasis on discipline is Most 'peop!e find their cause .Melville in "Moby Dick": "There far from the gospel spirit. When ~ ~hrough trIal. and error, not are some enterprises in which a discipline !is divorced from dis throu?h followmg a metho~ or careful disorderliness is the true cipleship, [people can rightly ~e techmque. One ~oes .not a~hle.ve method." Those who try to accused of straightening the a 'sense of meanmg 10 one s h~e achieve sanctity as if it were a through rote prayer or herOIC skill to be mastered by arduous deck chaifs of the Titanic I • exercise of self-will but through training, years of study and care . Yet 'w~ile there is nothing a .willingness to surrender that ful supervision see only part of noble about Ii fetish for order, will to a power worthy of all the picture. In her Magnificat, Mary there is al~ays a need for some order. Pope Paul VI brilliantly warned of charity without humil ity. She knew better than any focused on the relationship of discipline with discipleship in his one that as we walk an un charted way we are never as encyclical' "Ecclesian S'uam:' sured that we will. not become In it refers to the "demands of love" (domanda di amore) igni lost. But two signs along every ting an inner response of faith way provide all the d,irections and Jove. Far from the legalistic that we need: charity and hu requiremerits associated with a' mility. list of rule~, these requirements, We cannot respond to the de these demands vary and allow mands of love without these for a diverSity of response. Those twin virtues. Without humility called to apswer these demands we will be forever deaf to the. need\ as much freedom and as cry of the poor and without few restrictions as possible. True charity we will be forever im discipline ihvolves a patient lis ,in our resp.onse to their potent ")OJ lU'ofT HAVE 10 PRAY IN 5CHOQ... 6UT tening to the voice of God as THIS IS 5lJ~Y .w;RNING, AND GUE5S needs. I WHERE )OU HAVE 10 PO IT. By Fath:er Kevin J. Harrington I
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., April 27, 1984
Family Night
A weekly at-hoDie progr8DI for families
sponsored by the Diocesan Office o~ FaJDlly Ministry
OPENING PRAYER Friends are treasures, Lord, and we thank you for all of them. A friend, Lord, helps reveal your goodness and beauty to us. Bless all our fri,ends, dear God, and fill them with your love. Help us to be loving and faithful friends in return. Amen. .
ACTIVITY TIME Young Family My best Friends: Materials: paper plates, crayons, tape. Each person think of one person (not in the family) who was or is his very best friend ever. Each share who he chose and why. Then share the most fun time each shared with ihs friend. Each per son, using about four paper plates, cJ:,eate· a likeness of his best friend - hair, eyes, clothes, shoes. After all have finished, hang them in the eating area with a sign above them, "Thank you, God, for our good friends."
Middle Years Family Qualities. Materials: paper, tape, aluminum foil, crayons,
small boxes or blocks. Brain storm together on what qualities make a friendship a. great one. Narrow the list to around ~ix to ten key qualities (example: mu tual respect, faithfulness). Cover the boxes or blocks with foil and tape on pieces of paper marking a quality. Build the blocks into a pyramid with the most important quality at the top. Use the creation for a centerpiece at dinner this week. Each family member write a short paragraph to share with the family on why friends are important.
lighter side of family conflict resolution. This is the side that defines little fighters according to type and appropriate parental response. For parents who are referees, this list of conflict participants may bring a few nods of recogni tion and the realization that no body is alone in the dramatis personae we deal with when family conflict erupts. First, and probably most fami liar, is the Who, Me? child. This one assumes an immediate pos ture of ,injured innocence, broad casting by look and manner the message, "How could you think that of me? You know I wouldn't do anything like that. If you loved me you wouldn't suspect me." The best way of dealing with the Who, Me child is to stare him straight in his inno cent eyes and pronounce, "Yes, you." And never, repeat, never waver. The Archivist is the child who dredges up every past trans-' gression of every member of the family, complete with dates, of fenses and offenders, and pre pares to recite them in an argu ment that has 'nothing to do with the present conflict. He's usually trying to get the heat off the present because of culpability. Put him on hold until you check out the following. The Bystander removes himself from the area psychologically by pretending. he isn't there. "It
ENTERTAINMENT See how many words the fam ily can come up with that start with the letters in the word, "friendship," or call long dis tance a family friend who is. out of town.
.• .,. ...
-r. . __·r
.,.. •
Christianity is a very self ish' religion. No wonder I love it so much. In a letter their surpluses and praised God to bolster, struggling early' together daily, most of us don't
Christians, St. Peter told them: "You are receiving the salva tion of your soUls, which is the purpose of your faith" in Jesus Christ. That's why I'm a Christian: SHARING To save my soul. No other rea 1. Mom and Dad share about their favorite childhood 'son. I'm in the church strictly for the payoff. I want my soul friend. Tell a funny story saved. about an, adventure each Christianity is also a very self shared with his or her less religion. That's why I fail friend. Adult Family at it even though I love it. Early 2. Each share' a high or low Scripture Time. Materials: church life is described in the point from the past week. Bible. Proverbs 18:24, Proverbs A<;:ts of the Apostles: 22:24-25 and John 15:12-17. Share "Many miracles and wonders CLOSING PRAYER thoughts. were being done through the -Suggested Prayer: Dear apostles, and everyone was fill Lord, how grateful we are for ed with awe, A:ll the believers all the, friends our family shares. continued together in close fel Lord, we pray for those people lowship and shared their be who are alone with a few or no longings with one another. They friends. Comfort them, Lord~ Help would sell their property and our family to reach out in kind possessions; and distribute the ness this week to such people. money among all, according to Amen. what each one needed. Day after day they met as a group in the temple, and they.had their meals together in their homes, eating with glad and humble hearts, praising God, and enjoying the By good will of all the people. And isn't my fight," he implies, every day the Lord added to - studying his fingernails, sneak DOLORES their group those who were be ers, or the blank space over your ing saved." shoulder. He's also known as Christianty is a very selfish CURRAN the Space Case in families. religion, and Chrisianity is a Watch him. He's probably guilty.very selfless religion. The Blamer passes over the When I first began to take evidence at hand and goes for faith seriously in my life, I didn't the gallows. "He did it. I lmow Are you going to get mad if not as much to save my soul as he did. He was down there when someone confesses? That isn't to save my neck. I had lived a it happened. And he likes frost fair." Remember, the negotiator very hedonistic, materialistic, ing, you know he does. Why are isn't always guilty but he's al self-indulgent life for years, and you blaming us when he did it?" ways fair and makes use of a it was .killing me. I had a Nurture the Blamer. When he good counterproductive memory. choice: God or an early grave. I isn't an accessory, he's an excel The Manipulator, on the other chose God. By the way, I wasn't lent snitch. hand, ·is usually guilty. He's the a sinner on a grand scale. I The Prosecutor asks endless one who adroitly turns the con wasn't a fighter and I wasn't a questions like, "How did you flict at -hand into a conflict be lover. I was basically a bum find the broken window? How tween others, preferably Mom who wore a suit and tie and had many pieces of glass were there? and Dad. It takes the heat off a job. I kept up a pretty good How much will it cost to get a him if he, can initiate an argu front, but I was dying inside. new one? Did you slam the door ment between parents on the Faith was my last resort. hard before it broke?" He'll severity of the offense or ap That's -the way God gets some make a great attorney someday. propriateness of the punishment of us. He lets us beat ourselves
Take solace in that before you The instant he starts, pronounce , up with willful living, and then
strangle him. him guilty and get on with sup He welcomes us -like the prodi
The Confessor will confess to per. If he isn't guilty, he should gal sons that we are. . anything to alleviate the tension. be. So faith was strictly selfish Sometime he's culpable but more, for me at first. But it became often not. Pair him with the selfless right away because I Prosecutor to get the truth. The was told I could only keep it if Confessor needs protection. I .was willing to give it away. He'll grow 'up to take people's I found this relatively painless. sins upon his shoulders if you I talk easily, and I was never don't step in and make it more reluctant to tell others what uncomfortable to avoid tension God had done for me. than to face it. The Negotiator - before he But that's only scratching the allows a discussion of the crime, surface of selfishness, really. he turns to plea bargaining, No real sacrifice is involved. If guilty or otherwise. "What are true Christianity is life as it was you going to do to the one who -lived by the early Christians, did it?" Like a good defense as described in the Acts of 'the lawyer, he dredges up past cases Apostles, then I'm a fair-weather to mitigate the sentence. "The believer indeed. Compared to the last time it happened, you didn't early Christians, who shared get mad. Why are you mad now? their possessions and gave away
Sibli,ng fighters
When I wrote an earlier column on sibling fighting, space and decorum prevent ed me from looking at the
SNACK Brownies with milk.
Selfish and selfless'
measure up. But we're human, and pro gress, not perfection, is our goal, and I think we're doing better than we were a few years ago at being selfless. I k~p meet ing .people, for Jnstance, who tell me that they send a few bucks to Father Bruce' Ritter regularly. Father 'Ritter heads Covenant House, a haven for homeless kids. A decade ago, Father Ritter received help from several hundred donors. Last year, he received help from sev eral hundred thousand donors. Of course, his apostolate is ex panding rapidly, so he never has ,enough. But my point is that here is a tremendous Christian work that didn't even exist not so long ago but that has grown like early Christianity thanks to many smaH acts of ~elfishness. So we're not doing too badly this Easter season. We just have to get a little more selfish and a little more selfle~s, in the best sense of both words.
Peace mission MOSCOW (NC) - Two Fran ciscan priests from A:ssisi, Italy, who visited U.S. President Rea gan on a peace mission in Feb ruary failed in a later attempt to see Soviet Communist Party chief Konstantin Chernenko, but received a' written statement from Chernenko offering to work for peace and saying that Cath olics and communists should work together for peace despite philosophical differences.
April 28 Rev. Stanislaus J. Goyette, Pastor, 1959, St. Louis de France April 30 Rev. David F. Sheedy, Pastor, 1930, St. John Evangelist, Attle boro Rev. John A.' Hurley, Pastor, 1900, St. Mary, North A:ttleboro May 1 Rev. Francis J. Quinn, Foun der, 1882, Immaculate Concep tion, North Easton, Founder, Sacred Heart, Fall River May 2 - Rt. Rev. M.P. Leonidas Lari viere, Pastor, 1963, St. Jean Baptist, Fall River
T!fE ANCHOR (USPS·54S·020). Second Class Postage Paid at Fall River, MBSs. Published weekly except the week of July 4 and the week after Christmas at 410 HIghland Aven ue, Fall River, Mass. 02720 by the Cath. olic Press of the Diocese of Fall River. Subscription price by mall. postpaid $8.00 per year. Postmasters send address changes to The Anchor, P.O. Box 7, Fall River, MA 02722.
'.~ ... :",
'Historical event'
THE ANCHOR""," Friday, April 27, 1984
WASHINGTON ~C) ..:.. Arch bishop Pio Laghi, Vatican pro nuncio to the United States, pre sented his diplomatic credentials to President Reagan earlier this month and later told the press how happy he was to do so.
Churches beacon in murder area NEW YORK (NC) - The re cent murder of 10 people in a Brooklyn home was a symptom of "the powerlessness of the' people," said Capuchin Father Philip Fabiano, pastor of St. Michael Church, the parish I in which the kill~ngs occurred. Father 'Fabiano said parish ioners were in a state of shock over the murders, said to be the largest mass killing' in the mem ory of New York police. He said members of the parish Legion of Mary ,had put- themselves at the disposal of the victims' rela tives, several ~f whom are ac-, tive in the parish. . ''The churches are the only source of hope here," Father Fabiano said. "If it weren't for the churches, there' would be nothing here." The murder victims included seven children, ages 3 to 14, and three adults, one a pregnant wo man. Some of the children were baptized and received confirma tion and communion at St. Mi chael's, Father Fabiano said. The priest said he had work ed in the inner city since he was ordained in 1984. His current parish. is an area of "extreme poverty" and has a primarily Hispanic population, he s~id. Police speculated that the murders might have been an act of revenge for some grievance in connection with drug deals. Father Fabiano agreed that 'the drug situation was severe in the area, with a number of "smoke shops" operating under the guise of selling candy or household articles.
Chaplains.' patron VATICAN CIlY (NC) - Pope John Paul II has named St. John Capistrano as patron saint of military chaplains. The Franciscan saint was born in Italy in 1386 and was a well known preacher who often rep resented the church on diplo matic missions. In 1456 he led part of the Christian army at the Battle of Belgrade, helping to defend the city from invading Turks.
The Vatican diplomat's visit w.ith Reagan was private, and netiher party had formal com ments afterwar(l. U.S. Ambassador William A. Wilson presented his credentials to Pope John Paul II at the Vatican April 9. Emerging from the White House as rain spattered the ground, Archbishop Laghi paused before entering h!~ limou sine, which had the U.S. and Vatican flags flying from its hood, to speak briefly with the news media.
ENJOYING THE ANNUAL Bishop's Night of the New Bedford Catholic WOl:nan's . "I am so pleased to be here Club are, from left, Eileen Cyr, first' vice-president, Bishop Daniel A. Cronin, Mary Eliza with you ... and to present my beth LaRoche, president. (Rosa Photo) self as the first ambassador of :'
Mother Teresa! objects to _fundraising NEW YORK (NC) - U.S. rep resentatives of Mother Teresa, have filed a complaint in New York to stop a group known as the Foundation of Tribute to: Mother Teresa from using her name without authorization.' ' The complaint was filed With the New York state attorney general April 9 by Sister Pris cilla Lewis, America.n superior o( Mother Teresa's Missionaries of Charity. Sister Lewis said she hail spoken personally with, Mother Teresa before making the complaint. Lawrence X. Cusack, an at, torney for the nun's, said a foun dation director·who had written to Mother Teresa, had received a handwritten note asking the group not to use her name. A copy of her reply, four hand written pages from Calcutta, India, dated March 17, was in cluded with the. complaint papers. ' "I have come to the conclus ion that "Tribute to Mother Te resa' is one more way of the rich using the poor to make money," Mother' Teresa wrote. After talking, about her work for the poor and dying, she con cluded, "Please I beg of you, stop any kind of fundraising in my name. If the people want to learn to love, how to put their love into a living action, let them come and see. Let them share the joy of loving with the Sis ters and the poor and this' will be the greatest tribute of love you can give me and our poor." . Transmitting that letter on March 27, Cusack told the Foun dation's attorney. Robert Solo mon, that' Mother Teresa iIi a separate letter to him had asked that the matter be handled "with forgiveness and compassion" in keeping with the spirit of the Holy Year of Redemption. Be cause of' that Cusack said he would give the foundation until April, 6 to indicate it would comply with her request. " A:ccording to papers filed with the April 9 complaint, the foun dation,'s'~ certificate of inco~ra-
tion w~s issued last June 23 and listed as directors Robert Pearl man ahd Charles F. Brush of and Michael Lannon New .y6rk I of Greenwich, Conn. .A we:e~ iater, according to the complaint, Sister Lewis con tacted Cusack and asked him to discourage the foundation from using '~other Teresa's name. Cu sack wrote Solomon that day, July 1" 1983, a'nd on July 15 had a: telephone conversation with Solomon, according to the complaint. then discussed the Sister I'-ewis I' matter with Mother Teresa, the complai~t said, and Cus~ck re iterated ': the request not to uSe her name in an Aug. 12 letter to Solomonl• I
In a I telephone call to the . foundati~n, a man who would not give Ihis name said he would be going, to India to see Mother Teresa ~nd clear up the issue. He said :.that if after' discussing the mat~er she says she wants the foundation not to use her name, iti will stop.' I
MRS. HELENA A. BOyKO, St.1 Stanislaus parish, Fall Riv~r, is 'chairman of a Polish Arts concert to be -held at i BMC Durfee High School auditorium Oct. 21 to benef,t St Anpe's Hospi ,pncologyI Radiation tal Therapy Center, also in Fall River. . I
He said he would be taking money from the foundation to Mother Teresa. Cusack said a foundaton law yer had told him the foundation would not necessarily tum over all the funds it raised to Mother Teresa. But even if it did, Cu sack said, Mother Teresa would still object to its fund raising be cause she does not want any body carrying on a campaign, Qn her behalf. Cusack said there has beena "quit'e Ii few" other instances of . people across the country using Mother Teresa's name in fund raising, some apparently with good will and others not. But all are objectionabl~ to the Mission aries !If Charity, Cusack said.
- ,~
.. " ...
In order to clarify the situa tion for readers who have in the past contributed to Mothe!' Teresa's work, The Anchor c0n tacted the Bronx, N.Y. convent of the Missionaries of Charity. A sPokeswoman said that since the sisters now have con· vents in the United Sta~ all communications should be ell reetly with them. She reiterated that the community does no fundraising, preferring to ~ divine providence for its needs. The address for the sisters In this area of the United States Is Missionaries of Ch8rlty, 335 E. 145 St., Bronx, NY 10451.
the Holy See" and the represen tative of Pope John. Paul, he said: "This lis a historical event for me. I'm so very moved."
For homosexuals WASHINGTON (NC) - To ,meet the spiritual needs of homo sexual Catholics" Archbishop James Hickey of Washington plans to establish a special edu cational program for pastoral ministers. Auxiliary Bishop Thomas W. Lyons of Washing ton, a member of a special task force on homosexual ministry. said the archbishop had appoint ed the task force with the idea of establishing a specialized min istry but found' that additional education was needed first for priests and others who counsel homosexuals. No starting date for the program has been set. Archbishop' Hickey had been criticized by the National Coali tion of American Nuns and Na tional Assembly of Relgious Women because of his disap proval of the, Washington-based New Ways Ministry, a Catholic oriented group ministering to homosexuals.
Man agrees with posters
(UNDATED) - Tony Alamo, leader of the fundamentalist Tony and Susan Alamo Chris tian Foundation, said March 14 that he agrees with anti-Xatican accusations on posters recently Ozan~m . Sunday will be observed by seen in more than a dozen U.S. cities. But he would riot say Vincentians as Ozafiam Sunday, . whether he put them up. with special prayers by all con ferences and councils. In a telephone interview with Pastors of conferences have NC News, Alamo also' said, "I been invited' to participate in . do believe that that church (the .this annual celebration to mem Catholic Church) is without a orialize Frederic Ozanam, Vin doubt an anti-Christ and that centian founder. the pope is the Antichrist." The The 'Society's committed to posters, which began appearing Christian service to the poor and in February, warn of "Vatican suffering is weH established ownership and manipulation" of among the 70 conferences in the major U.S. media which the Fall River diocese; Vatican uses "to exalt and ex Prayers said on Sunday will onerate themselves (sic) from include peti.tions for the beati crimes -that they have done and ficationof Frederic Ozanam. ,,are currently doing'...
Taking- advantage
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By Dr. S _ aad MM'J Ke,ny Dear Mur. I IeeI .... -.y for old peopIe wheD t1leIr cld1dreD take llCIvaDIap of them. My frI"""ls 1O.1dDd .... ber elderly motber. but . . 1Intbl!I' Is .the oppooI~ 'lie bad the pI1 to IJomM' JDIOD!f fnm bIa
_tnOOte to the Problem. - On tbe other Iuuid, yoil might be able to play a constructive role. AJ; an outsicIer you may find solutions your friend did not no1ic:e. If you"f!le11t is appropriate, yOIl might ,offer Yl'ur friend some of the following sug.
Aijtbree" famI!y .... l:Ienefit b4!catJSli the"ma 1,s (ld to rest. Your friend may .... that she as wen as her motber is being treated unfairly by tile ,. , brother. She may feel that ba' brother will botrow whilethtlk mother is alive, then ,still cIaiI!I
motber ..... a IepI ....- - .
and I IIDIIentand he baa DOt.....
Since--you say there is a legal ligIeaDent; your friimd'lr'molher can proj,lably enfOrce it. She may not want to, since few elderly parents would want to take legal action against their children. A second possibility is 'that mom can give her son a direct
his full inheritance should 8Ile die.
liiii:I<a:-cJinlIe Iiiiee ItIIZO NOW iIIJ' frIead'. . . - Is "'Implas. 011 buJlac _ I and dot1Ms. ,My frIeDd wam. tIult her iuom wOll't ~ tie llbIe 10 oftoid her
.........imeat where _
423 Highland AVHue - Fall RIver
of'~Mom ,
lIwd,tor may yean aad whIcIl _IOftL,-W1sc ...... Apparerlt1y you are an outsider in this situation, getting your information' through your frIeJilI. You can use your p0sition in a destructive or wosti"'~ tIve fl'"hion. . , Gossip, can be destNct:i'lJe. Since you are getting all your iaformatilm from OIIe.puty, yoo may not knOw the full story. Realize the HmIts of your iofor-
. Se!:omI, U your friend unloads her proble!ns, on you, lIbe_y be bardenIng her position against her brother.'Tbe !DOre shit talks about him, the ' . e r IIbe bec:omes.' 'Re.""cillatioll within the family becomes more and more diftIc;uIt. If yoll' partlc:ipate In such a pro [,I • 'JOU" con-
I-message. "I need the money you owe me. I want you to pay me x number of dollars eiteh week starting now." She does not play on gnllt ("Please be a goOd son") nor does IIbe beg
("Please pay me back"). She simply' states wluit she wants and needs, Iasisting Oil wbat is rightfully bell. . ,F'mallY,H she does allllbe ~ to colleet the debt and the son refuses 10 pay, the molher can write her wiI1 in such a _y tbat the loan is taken from his sbare of her estate. Such an actioII does DDt 1G1\'ll her ,need for lDDDey DOW. However, JIlOther is IlO worse off. She simply acknowledges that the loan will never be repaid, and treats 'It as all
advance ilberit&llce. .
Such concerns are, alleviated If her mother resolves theJs. sue. Neither the mother nor your friend, the daughter, iIeed _ in im,ger about an ungratetuI ~ and brother. The matter IS and tbl> family can coJM;eDtrate on reneWing ties 'and estal>1lSIaiDg
good relationsb!ps.
It Is uPsewng when tAmiI)' members wrong one another. PethsPs even sadder Is the fact that differences 'Over IIl<IDey destroy relationships and ell-
trange parenlts and eh1ldren. tii~,
stead 'of love and .support, the parent experiences anger and r8" sentment in the' last 'years Of life. ' If you do play a part in this famlly relationsb1p, seek ways to e9tabBsb peace ,rather than to feed your friend's imger. ..........stI....... ,....,
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Jte! 11'_.
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SHERRY PAVES THE WAY "REENACTING an ancient custom of the island of 5&0 MigUeI.~. ~j:~~ men and boys participated in a Good FJiday pilgrimage to SL Mary'I C~tahn4~ seven Portuguese parishes of Fall River. Here they are at the ~~.(TInc;bia ~) -Any neW court -looks gooc1 on the sur- _~_Y-!?.i\V8ways are especially 'ace but ~-" aspfu;,tt- uncktrtieath - enQineerea. to eOOute heavy useage. !'>Pas a dIIl-.ce 11" _ faet, !II .. Aller _ 01 ""fJ8fItln<le ~ your Rlaylr)9, and in how the' court everything from interstate hfOhways - . .Shoffl All WeaU>c, Court. ' 10 aiislripe,' Shany stand up to ,hard U88 and hard Nevt ttJChnique~ materiWs to use-in your
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INTERNATIONAL SUPERIORS ci the Missioniu'ies of La Salettte.withprovincial superior Very Rev. Norman Lemoine vist Bishop Daniel A. Cronin~ FI'OIm left, Rev. Fran, cizek Daniol, general councilor; Very Re.. Efren Musngi, vicar general;; the bishop;' Very ~.. Rev. Eugene ~te. superior general; Father Lemoine: (Rosa Photo)
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., April 27, 1984
uestion corner
~ ~
, '
By Father John Dietzen Q. Not long ago you respond-
many the finest moral theologian in the history of the church. In the first book of his "Theologia MoraUs," he, summarizes the conscientious way to reach " a decision.
ed to a question about birth con.trol and referred to statements of national bishops' conferences about reaching a conscious de-Very simply, it is that if one _clsioDl. I frankly admit to being III at ease about the whole thing. choice is dearly less evil than 'later theologians As a pastor I know where my another good instincts are, but I'm not might put it: If one of the several sure how to put some things to- serious values involved is clear'ly more threatened than others gether the way I would like.
Would you answer two questions? Do you agree with Pope Paul's position on birth control In "Humanae Vitae?'.' And If you do, do you believe that contraception Is always. In every case, sinful for married couples? (LouIsiana)
A. Well, Father, you may be ill at ease about some things, but you have a knack for laying things on the -line. To respond to your first question. I agree absolutely with the Holy Father's statements concerning birth control In "Humanae Vitae," and the serious obligations of married people in this regard. Without going into detail here, I believe it is the only position the church could or should take in light of our Christian and Catholic moral tradition and of the experience of the human race in what contributes to the health and goodness of marriages and individuals. Whether contraception is always sinful for married couples is, however, an entirely different question. And it is not simply, as often suggested, a question of' "invincible ignorance." It goes to the heart of how we are to reach moral decisions in our lives with an honest conscience. One way or the other, statements of bishops and bishops' conferences responding to "Humanae Vitae" place such decisions in the context of what moral theology calls a "conscientia perplexia" - a complicated or, we might say, stymied conscience - in which an individual confronts two or more serious but conflicting obligations, one of which must be chosen. The bishops of Canada, for example, In their first statement after "Humanae Vitae," indicate four converging obligations that might occur in a decision about birth control: the duty of responsible concern for the children already born; the duties of conjugal relationships appropriate for the spiritual and emotional health of spouses and children; the health of the mother, and the duty to preserve the integrity of sexual relationships as they involve openness to new life or, if you will, not to use contraceptives. Note: All these obligations are extremely serious and all are "natural law" obligations, not simply laws of the church. One of the first modem theologians to deal with this dilemma was St. Alphonsus liguor; (d. 1787), still considered by
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- then the decision' must favor that better course. If it is impossible to discern which choice is less evil or more good, then whatever choice is made is not sinful; ,in effect, the individual in that situation lacks the necessary freedom for any, formal sin.
MSGR. FREDERICK 'R. McMANUS, a priest of the archdiocese of Boston and academic vice-president and professor of canon law at (If you're interested in referthe ,Catholic' University of ences, see St. Alphonsus 1:1:10; America, has been awarded and Noldin-Schmidt-Heinzel, "De Principilis," No. 214. More re- the Benemerenti Medal by. cent authors treat the same Pope John Paid II in recogthing, of course. I use these to nition of distinguished sershow that the principles the vice to the church. bishops and others use are not A widely-known canoninnovative, but are based on ist and liturgist, Msgr. Mc,:' solid theological tradition.) Manus was a consultant to Following St. Alphansus, the German bishops, for example, the pontifical commission commenting on "Humanae V,i- responsible for the new Code tae,", urged pastors to respect, of Canon Law and was a especially in the administration Vatican II peritus on litof the sacraments, the decisions urgy. of conscience of the faithful, made in the awareness. of their responsibility." The Canadians said: "Whoever honestly chooses the' course which seems right to him does so in good conscience." And the U.S. bishops urge those who have resorted to birth control to "continue to take full advantage of the strength which comes from the sacrament of penance, and the grace, healing and strength of the Eucharist." Some of these bishops, and others, incidentally, spoke also of the difficu.lties knowledgeable people might hav~ accepting the teaching of "Humanae Vitae," and how this also could diminish culpability. 1 will be happy to send some further specific references if you feel they would be helpful for study. If it sounds complicated, it is. And it should be. We're dealing here with some of the most precious values in human life. But if we look carefully at our other serious decisions, we will discover' we're going through this same process for all of them. What bishops have said is that decisions relating to family planning and marriage are to be reached, with prayer, faith and confidence in God's help, in the same way.
PATRICK 'c. McCARTHY, Clinir:al Social Worker announces his Full Time Practice
of I ndilJidual, Marriage
and Family Counseling in association with INEZ L. BUSCH, M.D. 19 County Road J\.1attapoisett, MA 02739 758-3754
laf&:::Sed ~O CathoDe I'
Questions for this column should be sent to Father Dieten, Holy TrinIty Parish. 704 N. MaIn St., Bloomington, fiL 61701.
This Message Sponsored by the Following Business Concerns
Worthless Bread
in the Diocese of Fall River
"Ill-gotten wealth is bread most appetizing that will yet tum to grit in the mouth." Provo 20:17
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CATHEDRAL. FR Applications available at rectory for Women's Guild scholarship grants. EHgible area students entering or at present in Catholic high schools or students in Catholic or public high schools planning to enter college.
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., April 27, 1984
'~eering. pOint,
are asked to submit news Items for this column to The Anchor, P.O, Box 7, Fall River, 02722. Name of city or town should be included as well as full dates of all activities.' please send news of future rather than past events. Note: We ~o not carry news of, fundralslng activities such as bingos, whists, dances, suppers and bazaars. . We are liappy to carry notices of spiritual programs" club meetln~s, youth projects and . similar nonprofit actiVIties. Fundralslng projects may'be advertised at our regular rates, obtainable from The Anchor business office, telephone i 675·7151. . On Steering Points Items FR Indicates Fall River,' NB Indicates New Bedford. i
ST. MARY, SEEKONK CCD : teacher information night: 7 p,m. April 20. All welcome. : Intercessory prayer group: following 9 'S.m. Mass each Wednesday. Prayer requests may be: placed in prayer 'basket near tabernacle. Inner' healing study course: .begins 7 p.m. May 4, church hall. ' Infor-mation: Pauline L'Heur~ux, 336-6~49.
HOLY 'NAME, FR . Paris~io~ers wishing to serve, on the parIsh school board may put their names in nomination by calling Sr. Lina Nadeau, principal, a present boa.rd member or the ,rectory. Women's Guild: installation banquet; 1"n school hall May 1, following installation Mass at 6· p.m.! . Charities Appeal collectors needed. I Contact cards will be •distributed following Masses Uiis weekend. .. . • ,.
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ST. JOHN-;: OF GOD, SOMERSET Se~ond bominga:' home of Idalina Ferreira, 1036 Read St., w,eek"of~Apr-il 29. Rosary 8 p.m. nightly, ,with priests presiding May .4., Second crowning: 11 a.m. Mass May 6. . 'CharHies APPeal" workers' meeting: 8 ·,p.m.. April 30, ,parish cen*r. . . ., Prayer meeting: 7 p.m.· May 3. i
ST. JAMES, NB Additipnal Charities Appeal collectors needed; volunteers may cal~ rectory." SACRED HlEART, FR May .procession and crowning: 8:45 a.m. May 6, church. Women's Guild 35th anniversary banquet and installation· of officers: :6:30 p.m. May 7, school hall. Parishioners are asked to pray for two other Sacred Heart parishes as they begin renewal progr:ams': Sacred Heart, Glendive, Mont., and Sacred Heart, Konawa, Ok~a. ,
ST. FRANCIS XAVIER, HYANNIS Prayers for :peace will be said April 28 through May 6 as the Cape Cod Pilgrim Vir-gin statue is enshr-ined at the church. A candlelight living rosary ceremony followed by Benediction will take place May '1 .and the rosary will be said daily before 12:10 p.m. Mass. ST. JOHN BAPTIST, NB Holy hour: 7 ·p.m. May 3 for men's Cursillo candidates. CATHOLIC WOMAN'S CLUB. NB ' Meeting: 7:30 p.m. May 9, Wamsutta Club; musical enter,tainnment by Gene Demers.
IMMACULATE CONCEPTION, FR Charities Appeal collectors' meeting: 7:30 p.m. April 30, • church hall. . ST. MARY, NORTON Women's Guild installation banquet: 7 p.m. May 10, Theodore's Landirig, Plainville. O.L. VICTORY, CENTERVILLE The Pilgrim Virgin statue will be in the parish the week of May 6, with opening devotions at 10:45 a.m. Mass May 6. NOTRE DAME, FR .Women's Guild: meeting and calendar party, 7:30 p.m. April 30, Cottell Apts. Sicl,(beds are available at' no charge at the parish St. Vincent de Paul store on Pleasant Street. BL. SACRAMENT ADORERS Exposition of Blessed Sacrament and 5-hour vigil: exposition, 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.;. vigil 7 p.m. to midnight, beginning and ending with .Mass, both on May 4 at Sacred Hearts Church, Fairhaven. SS. PETER & PAUL, FR CYO calendar: Mass, May 6; council meeting, May 15; general meeting, May 20; family picnic~ May 27. Vestments have been donated to the parish by Mrs. Dorothy Hathaway in memory -of her husband Norman. ST. RITA, MARION An ecumenical service will be held at 11 :15 a.m. April 29. All welcome. ST. JOSEPH, FAIRHAVEN Kindergarten registration for September now open. Informa.tion at rectory.
LaSALETTE SHRINE, ATTLEBORO ' Life in Sprit seminar: eight weeks, beginning 7 p.m. May 4, shrine monastery. Inf.ormation: Bob Sanford: 222-8126. "Adoption Party": 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. May 5. Sponsored by Project Impact, the day will include mime, music, games and a potluck lunch. Its purpose is bringing together older and handicapped children and prospective and experienced ,adoptive families. Information: 4511472 or 1-800-882-1177. Rosary service stressing .glorious mysteries in poetry and song: 3 p.m. May 6, People's Chapel, led by Rev. Andre Patenaude, MS, with music by the Reconcilers and the Shrine Chorale. Program will be in junction with the 16th international Rosary March, during which partiCipants will pray the rosary ~ith thousands of people 1n 20 nations. All welcome. Family liturgy: 7:30 p.m. May 10, with Rev. Joseph Ross, MS, celebrant, and music by Shrine Youth Group. All welcome. ST. JULIE, N. DARTMOUTH Families' interested in hosting Irish children' this summer are . asked to call Helen McGowan, 758-4640 or Father Phil Jacobs, 996-4228. Women's Guild scholarship award· recipients: Kevin Costa• John Bennett, Kim Estrella, Lynn Medeiros. Recipes needed for a Women's Guild cookbook; Information 993-7621; 992-2291. Guild annual banquet: May 2, Century House. Information: 996-8077; 992-2291. ST. DOMINIC, 'SWANSEA Family prayer booklets are available at no charge at church and center entrances as an Easter gift to parishioners. Other pamphlets and from time to time free rosaries are also available. ALHAMBRA ORDER Meeting: . 8:30 p.m. May 4, O.L. Mercy Center, Worcester, with Regional Director Roger Ouellette of Leon Caravan, Fall River, presiding. ST. STANISLAUS, FR Parents of parochial school students and teachers will meet with Father Robe'rt Kaczynski, pastor, at 6~0 p.m. May 6 in the school hall. FAMILY LIFE CENTER, N.DARTMOUTH TEC weekend .begins tonight; Lamaze Childbirth class, May 1.
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CAPE, ISLANDS Divorced/Separated Catholics Support Group: meeting 7 p.m. April 29, St. Francis Xavier par·ish center, Hyannis. Topic: How Divorce Affects Children. Information: Janet Farrell; 7758168. ST•. LOUIS de FRANCE, SWANSEA Vincentians: members will attend 9:30 a.m. Mass April 29 in observance of Ozanam Sunday. Ladies of St. Anne: a "Luncheon Is Served" meeting will follow installation .ceremonies May 16. SAMARITANS, FR Volunteers needed for this suicide prevention service. Information: 636-6111. BLUE ARMY Five-hour vigil:. 7 p.m. to midnight May 4, Sacred Hearts Church, Fairhaven. Marian Day: May 19, St. Joseph's Hall, 800 Tucker Rd., N. Dartmouth, 9 a.m. to 4 p,m. Information: Lucille Pimentel, 992-5402; Ann Leveasseur, 8226866. Turn to Page· Sixteen
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., April 27, 1984
32 MiD Street (Route 79) Assonet. MA 02702
ROUTE 6-between Fall River and New Bedford
One of Southern New England's Finest Facilities
Now Available lor THE POPE WITH foreign members of Italian soccer teams during a 'celebration for athletes that was part of a Holy Year gathering of youth in Rome. (NC/UPI Photo)
Size, ,impact of Holy Year fe~tival
• • surprIse even orgamzers
By Sister Mary Ann Walsh
ROME (NC) - Everyone from Pope John Paul II, who invited young people to celebrate the Holy Year with him, to the 250,000 young people who re sponded felt the impact of the recent Holy Year events for young people. Cardinal Agostino Casaroli, Vatican Secretary of State, told 'English-speaking young people gathered for a catechesis session on love that the pope was en joying the events more and more as they unfolded. "He looks younger and young er every day you're here," said Cardinal CasarolL "If you stay here much longer, we'll have a pope who looks like a young Christian." Among highlights of the four day Aprll event was a march by 250,000 youths to the Vatican. It was the largest single Holy Year gathering.. Carrying palms, some more than six feet high, the young people walked to St. Peter's Square to meet with the pope. Visibly moved by the crowd, one of the largest since the funeral of ,Paul VI and the inaugurations of the two pontiffs in 1978, the pope praised the young people and told them, that they were important for the future of the church. He called on them to oppose "systemic volations" of life, in cluding artificial birth control, war, exclusion of the elderly and mentally deficient from society and euthanasia. During the meeting, Idei Masa· yukia, a representative of 26 Buddhists from Japan, told the pope of the importance of the event to the Buddhists. "Through our attendance at the youth program of the Holy Year, we can feel and reaffirm from the bottom of our hearts that all human beings are child
"open your hearts to God and ren of God and children of Bud dha, transcending all superficial ask for the courage to give and differences, incl,uding those of to give until it hurts." ideology and belief," said Masa The previous evening Mother yukia. Teresa and Brother Roger Shutz, During the event Mother Te founder of an ecumenical religi resa of Calcutta, Nobel Peace ous community in Taize, France; Prize winner for her work among had led young people in medi~ the poor in India, sat beside the tations on the Way of the Cross pope. Earlier in the day, she had at the ancient Roman Coliseum addressed more than 3,000 Eng where a huge metal-work cross lish-speaking youths in the Basi had been erected. lica of Santa Sabina, during one The size of the Holy Year of five catechesis sessions held' crowd and the impact of the for the youths on the theme of youth events were a surprise even love. to organizers. On April 11, de The occasion could have been spite torrential rains, the first an organizer's nightmare but be meeting of youths with the pope came especially memorable for had to be moved from the smaller all involved. Belvedere Courtyard in the Vati I The wedding of an Italian can to St. Peter's Square to ac couple and Mother Teresa's aq commodate 50,000 young peo dress had been scheduled for ple who marched in a candle the same time at Santa Sabina. light procession to the, Vatican. The conflict was discovered only On April 12 about 80,000 two days before the events. young people attended the cele "We couldn't believe it," said bration for athletes at Rome's one of the organizers of the Olympic Stadium where the pope youth event. "We thought every celebrated Mass and viewed an thing has been cleared, but the exhibition by sports stars, some wedding had been scheduled handicapped. Among players months before. We couldn't do who perform'ed and received anything because all the. an medals from the pope were Keith nouncements for the talk already Miles, a U.S. gymnast, and Ar had been sent out." nie Boldt, a Canadian, with one So organizers and bride agreed leg who high jumped six feet, to hold the events simultaneous· seven inches. Iy. By Saturday, April' 14, the At 10 a.m. Mother Teresa en· crowd had swelled to' 250,000 tered the basilica. She asked when young people from all over that the young people pray a Italy came to Rome. decade of the rosary. The crowd reached an esti Sitting on the floor in the pewless church, the 3,000 young mated 300,000 by A:pril 15, ~alm people prayed, then stood for the Sunday, when tourists joined the entrance of' the bride and her young people in St. Peter's father, ,who followed about 50 Square for the beginning of Holy Week. wedding guests into the sanc During his Angelus address, tuary. After the nuptial Mass, the the pope offered a 1st thought to newlyweds left the altar and the young people. "Always remember that Jesus were greeted by Mother Teresa and the loud applause of the Christ is the reason you came to Rome" he said. "He is the reason youths. Mother Teresa then gave her for this jubilee of 'our Redemp talk, telling the young people to tion."
Third Annual Spring Festival
SACRED HEART CHURCH HALL Church St., North Attleboro 6:00 • 'I 0:00 P.M.
10:00 A.M•• 9:00 P.M.
12 Noon • 9:00 P.M.
Member FDIC
. ",'
What's' on· y·our .mind?, Q. I wonder .why it is so hard for mothers to realize that teens are growii1g up and feel we are ready to: date and begin a more serious relationship with' a yOung man.. .(Co,nnecticut) .,
, A. Last-' summer I): tCiO.k.. ~: my nephew, who is 30, on'a :vacation in Canada; 'We had not vaca~' tioned together since Mike ~as 16 and -I had not' seen great. deal of him since then. , .' He lives in another' city, two, hours away. As I drove over' to pick him up, thoughts such as ~ese were flitting' through" ,my'; ~nd: .:",', : : ., , "Milke .'sure Mike' brings 'some dress up clothes so we can eat at some far:t~y plac~s.", , "Be sure to tell Mike to watch' that second interchange in.down· town Detroit" · ,"You'U have to tell Mike ..." And so on and so on. · Then suddenly a sensible thought, e~tered my head: "Stop it! Mike is 30 now, not 16. He can take care ot himself. So don't be issuing bulletins' every two. minutes.'" Old habits die hard. Fortunate ly I caught myself and became aware of myoid habit. I didn't, issue any instructions and we' bad a successful vacation. ' But you are not 30 and your mother cannot' make a' swift, dramatic change in how she treats you. Fot years you have been a child and she has issued many instructions to help you grow. Now the relationship between the two of you must begin to change into something new. But it will happen only gradually and
,s' .
: 1
'. Bishop Connolly,. Fall' River's . Bishop Comiolly
.~ will
Bi:shop' Stang
Fr. in Westport
:' ,'·lntmaturity
our schools
adults. We were discussing faith couldn't pick a hero. I agreed the other night. My uncle was with one who said that the real Stang teachers and students there and when I· began to set heroes were not in the limelight, will present an' original r.evue, forth some ideas of my own he or on the' front pages. .... How many critics of, youth "The Best of the Best," at 7:30 was shocked. Yet I said nothing p:m. May 4 and 5 in the Stang shocking. They're all spoon·fed keep themselves underfiled be fore God? auditorium at 500 Slocum Road, . and I don't like that." By Maturity, in the eyes of these North ~artmouth. youth has nothing to do with TOM To include music from such years, or wrinkles. McDo~ough hits/as "Fiddler on the Roof" and .I did suggest that maybe they LENNON "Fame" ~nd dancing from ballet would change their minds if .to breakdancing, the show's ac they met 'more people, th!lt as of ' .Some 400 persons attended a tion' takes place behind the now their horizons are limited. recent Holy Spirit breakfast at scenes and on the. air at Station To which the young girl an White's restaurant, Westport. WBOB, 193 on a fictional FM you and your 'mother both will swered: "I watch news programs, The speaker was, Father Edward dial..' : have to work at making it a I listen to debates. Even among "The Best of the Best" will be these people ~ find immaturity." J. McDonough, <:SSR, of Boston, s.uccessfulrelationsbip. well known for his healing min presente~ cabaret style with des-. Likely there will be some con. our young No one can say istry. serts serVed during, the. perform flicts. To resolve them and even people are not thinking and talk·' Discussing' charismatic use ce at:l . : make them beneficial, try to con·, ing. This is growing. Their par the gifts of the Holy Spirit, he i
verse with your,' ~other in a ents should be proud of them. ,said ~at it is not a new de caim way. If the emotioIllll. tem· On ano~r occasion I had a velopment but a return to the perature is 'high,' the conflict is telephone talk with' a young days of the apostles when use less likely to be resolved, of the gifts was common, par girl who said she finds it diffi , 'B~ Iceema Belanger ,.Indeed 'heated remarks' may , cult to communicate with adults t:ic~larly that of ~ealing·. It's aniazin'g how many .young be.cause t~ey think young peo lead to hard feelings, more con The power .of .the Spirit is as flicts and much unhappine,ss fQr people think adults' are more im ple's minds are' all alike. "They available today as 2,000 years mature' than they: . ' . both of you. , " think we are all -interested in ago, said Fathel' McDQnough, 'Keep in, mind that your rock 'performers on TV and in noting that "it is the answer to "Matu~ty has nothing to do I mother is surely aware of the with age/.' said on~, "I'm 18' and the movies, drugs, \ boyfriends, the problem of evil in .today's . many. sexual stimuli that ,teen· I feel th'at I am .more 'mature and doing our own thing which, world, able to draw people to agers are affected by' in our gether in unity and -love." in some ~reas' than, say, my own in their minds usually means ir erotic culture.'She likely remem responsible behavior." Speaking of his own ministry, mother. I have relatives so im bers also the de~ire. of m!lny the pri~st said "I'm not a better ' mature, lit's. un.believable. You Another spoke of ridiculous teens for instant gratificatoin. can make them follow just about and irrational putting down of person than I was before I be ..' And so she' worries :- not gan this~ it's just that I see God any fad ithai comes, out. They one class, praising another, ar 'Yithout some good reasons'.'-, foil.ow f~~hions, diets, foods, ex better and I've come to realize raying of one group 'against an about what might happen 'when ercise programs' you name it, other, stirring up party hatreds, that God will use' even me." you begin a more serious rela· they'll fohow it; -I,. on the other disguising the hate as something He asked his hearers "to pray .tionship. What will it involve? hand,f~l I am 'an individual else. How can one hate and talk and believe that God will heal What limits will you, or should and I dress the way I wish, make peace? - to be open, to say 'Yes, God you, set in this relationship? up my' o~n hairstyle, eat what I can use even me.' Few people today are reaching Where do you think it will lead? , want, dorh read diet boks. You standards youth can esteem. I Consider too imd discuss with see what I, mean?" noticed that on a program in your mother the advantages of ~ - . CATHOLIC CHARITIES which Walter Cronkite inter A young.·man said, "I find im dating a number of young men i in religion among viewed some students. They maturity and getting to know a greater ~ ! variety of personalities. 'That is ~ . a sound way of learning more larities have a ·better chance to about life and people. endure. Try also to give fair considera-: People may be attracted ini tion to your mother's viewpoints. tially by someone very different Even though she may tend to be from themselves. But if a rela cautious, she does have know tionship is to endure and especi ledge and. experience on her ally if it may lead to marriage, side. She has been where you are people must look honestly at I !low. whether they can live with such Send questions and comments differences. to Tom Lennon, 1312 Mass. Ave. Similarities in lifestyle, values By Charlie Martin I, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20005. I and' faith help individuals build commitment to each other. Each ]1 ,THAT'S.ALB. recognizes in the other qualities Just ~ I thought it was going all right he or she values. This builds I fo~ that I was wrong when I thought I was right security within the relationship. It's ~ways the same, it's just a shame, that's all. Some 'differences are inevi 'I co~d- say "day" and you would say' "night"
table and helpful. They can al Tell me it's ''black'' when I know that it's ''white''
low personalities to complement . It's always the same, it's just a shame, that's all.
each other and give ,the relation I co1,l1d leave but I won't go
ship added strength. Whether a by a teenage alcoholic and a Though my heart might ten me so
particular difference will bring play, "Eddie Was Here," staged' I canit fe','!. a thing from 'J.lly head down to my toes
zest and new life or division may byConnoUy students. .
But ~hy does it always seem to be depend' on how many differences . A 7 o'clock evening"lle:Bsion Me I~oking at you and y~ looking at me '
are present and how well each will be ~ at DO charge to It's always the same, it's just a shame, thafs all.
individual ~cepts differences in parents aDd friends· of the Con .Tuinfug me off, turning me on the other. 'noliy community .' and thelf .Making me fool like I want too much . guests. _. Trying to change or to mold Living with you is just putting'me through it all the time another.in one's own image is a Running around staying out all night· Connolly officlals. expressed certain way to hurt a relation Takinig it all instead of taking one'bite ,the hope that the program ship. But I love yOu more than I wanted to "open the eyes of teenagers and There1sno 'pOint' in tryhlg to pretend Every relationship 'faces times parents who have alreadY been when onepersoJi says, "day" and There's: been no one who makes me feel like you do· .placed in sit~llltiODS .iJlv~ving .'Say ~t we will be together to the enit . . .' "black" when the other sees 'drui and alcohol abuse." i. '. ,-. ". "night" and "whi~e." Finding ...... ,., . Writtr' and ~ by Genesis, (c) 1983, Phil Collins Ltd., things in common builds love : Mike Rutherford ..Ltd., Tony Bank ·lLtd. and can' help us tolerate differ . j 'THIS SONG descn'bes a rela- ways 'the 'same, it's just a shame, ences,. sustaining.' the re'lation ship for the futu~. . tionship . appearing to break that's all." , " I .' apart. The; people are opposites. The song questions how much Your ,comments are always GENERA( CONJ:RACTORS' - Nothing isipulliilg them together. difference can be tolerated in a welcomed. Please addreSs Char-' The frustration of the situation relationship. Experience teaches lie Martin, 1218 S. 'Rotherwood 483 M~p!e Street'
that relationships built on simi- Ave., Evansvllie, Incl. 47714• is evident lin ~e words: "It:s ,al Fall River, MA 02720
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of FaU'Rivet..:..Fri.; April 27, 1984
'present' a Drug· and
AlcobOl Awareness Day for stu dents'on.- Thursday, ,May 3. . · Intended' to
tunity for reflection ··on the.'ie sUIts of ~ and alcohol abUSe by ':YOliDg,;ilClul~ 'thed8y'will Include lectures -by physicians 4eaUng with drug and 'drInking ~robl~ a film, a presentation
'295·18-10 . . . -
By Bill Morrisse"e
portswQtch New Bedford, CYO Hoopsters Honored Presentation of the diocesan CYO girls' basketball league championship trophy to the St. James team was the highlight of the annual league awards banquet. The St. James team swept the best-of-three diocesan final against Notre Dame of Fall River and clinched the diocesan crown with a 33-41 victory over Notre Dame in the Kennedy CYO Youth Center, New Bedford, in the second game of the final after pinning a setback on the
Fall Riverites in the series opener. Amy Ferreira, with 13 points. sparked the St. James offense to which Kim Morgan and Shannon Souza contributed six and five points, respectively. Debbie Lambert was top scorer for Notre Dame with seven points. Individual trophies were presented to St. James players Tracy Gomes, Kathy Kelly, cocaptains Sally Harney and Molly Fontaine, Lynne Berard, Shayne Gomes, Shannon Souza, Kim Morgan, Amy Ferreira, Beth Newby, Paula Demers. The
team was coached by Judith Belli and Paul Pelletier. Trophies were also presented to St. Mary's, runnerup to St. James lin the regular season, and to St. Joseph for a third-place finish. Recipients of individual awards, were Jill Simas, St. Mary's, out standing sportsmanship; Shan non Souza, most valuable player; Cathy Silva, St. Mary's, best defensive player; Sue Har
rington, St. Lawrence, rookie of
the year.
Receiving trophies as mem-
bers of the league's all-star team were Ferreira, Souza and Shan non, St. James; Silva, Simas and . Gail Rousseau, St. Mary's; Har rington and Lisa Bourgeois, St. Lawrence; Sharon Lavoie, St. Joseph's; Josette Ortega, Mt. Carmel. Coach awards went to Rous seau, for St. Mary's; Elizabeth deMedeiros for St. Joseph, Shannon Doherty for st. Law renee, Ana Arruda for Mt. Car mel and to the entire St. James team.
Doomsday For Conference? Long simmering, the breakup decimation is pro~ably a better word - of the South eastern Massachusetts Confer ence appears dmminent and may become fact at a meeting to be held in New Bedford on May 4. Seekonk, Case, Fairhaven, Wareham and Old Rochester Re gional high schools reportedly, have received permission from their respective school commit tees to leave the conference and form a new league in which they would be joined by Apponequet Regional High School, "ong a power in Mayflower League sports. , Other possible departees from the conference to the new league are Greater New Bedford Voke Tech, Dighton-R'ehoboth Region al and Bourne: Other conference teams are said to be looking to join other leagues.
tv, movie news
Friday, April 27, 1984
Symbols following film reviews indicate both general and Catholic Film Office ratings, which do not always coincide. General ratings: G-suitable for gen· eral viewing; PG-parental guidance sug· gested; R-restricted, unsuitable for children or younger teens. Catholic ratings: AI-approved for children and adults; A2-approved for adults and adolescents; A3-approved for adults only; A4-separate classification (given to films not morally offensive which, however, require, some analysis and explanation); O-morally offensive.
NOTE Please check dates ,and times of television and radio programs against local list ings, which may differ from the New York network sched ules supplied to The Anchor. New Films "Friday the' 13th: The ,Final Chapte,r" (paramount) A maniac on the loose again, with the us ual gore and violence mixed with crude language and much nudity. One hopes that the subtitle is ac curate. 0, R "Iceman" (Universal) Talented Australian director Fred Schep isi has too little to work with in a script about an Arctic expedi tion revivifying, a frozen Nean derthal man. There is a running argument between a scientist-as humanist (Timothy Hutton) and a more clinical type (Lindsay Crouse) as to what to do with him, but it fails to generate enoup,h heat to thaw out any thing. The movie slows down after initial excitement, despite a good p~rformance by John Lone as the Neanderthal. Some wild vul garities. A2, PG
Where does that leave the diocesan high schools? Report edly Bishop Stang and Coyle Cassidy were interested in join ing the new league but their ap plications were tabied at a meet ing of the proposed new group "Swing Shift" (Warners) A and both have withdrawn them. Bishop Feehan is said to lean to young wife (Goldie Hawn) is de vastated when her husband (Ed the Ho'ckomock League but be cause it is a private school that Harris) joins the Navy the day draws ,its students from towns after Pearl Harbor. Working in a Santa Monica aircraft factory, represent~d in the Hockomock League, the move is doubtful. she makes friends with an in Bishop Connolly and Holy Fam- ' dependent young woman (Chris ily are likely to remain in the tine Lahti) and falls into an af fair' with a personable young conference. The changes, if any do occur, man (Kurt Russell) exempt from would be for the 1984-85 school military service because of a year. Schools wishing to leave bad heart. This is a flawed but the conference must do so by superbly acted and ofte~ quite May 14. Therefore, the May 4 moving film, which recaptures meeting in New Bedford should the aspirations and idealism of clear the situation . . . maybe! a vanished era. It is sympa thetic' in its depiction of adult erous conduct, but clearly shows that adultery itself' is wrong. , Sports This Weekend Good entertainment for mature Bishop Stang woill host Fair 2-1, ,were tied for third place. audiences. Besides the adultery, haven in boys' tennis this after Today's game have Sharon at there is occasional viulgar dia noon and the Spartans' baseball Stoughton, North Attleboro at logue. A3, PG team will visit Westport at 10:30 Franklin, ~ing Philip at Mans TV Programs tomorrow morning when the field and Foxboro at ,Oliver school's softball team visits New Ames. The schedule is the same The continuing decline of the Bedford High. for varsity softball but the home nation's industrial base is ex 'team reversed. Mansfield, North amined in "The Business of Am Also set for 10:30 tomorrow Attleboro and Stoughton were erica," 'Friday, May 4,10-11 morning is Stang at Connolly in tied for first place with 2-0 p.m. EDT on PBS. boys' track. The State Coaches' records. Canton and King Philip, Steel, once considered the ba- ' Relays and the Ashland Invita 2-1, were tied for fourth place. sic industry underlying the rest tional are scheduled for 10 of the economy, is the program's o'clock ~omorrow morning. focal ,point. It blames the pres From the Lord ent crisis in the industry on Entering this week King Philip "Well armed thy horse may management's unwillingness to and Sharon were tied for first be on the eve of battle, but the reinvest profits into modernizing place in Hockomock League var sity baseball with 3-1 records. Lord sends victory." - Provo facilities so that Amercan steel could! compete with the lower Foxboro' and Oliver Ames, each 21:31
costs of more efficient foreign producers. The narrative is told in terms of individuals whose lives have been affeCted by steel cutbacks. Unusual is the documentary's insistence on examining the, moral dimension of economic policy. In dealing with the ques tion of ,corporate responsibility, excellent use is made of local clergy. In particular, Msgrl Charles Owen Rice of St. A:nne's Church in Castle Shannon, Pa., places ',t1)e justice issue in the broader context of the economic system. Reltgious Broadcasting Sunday, April 29 (CBS) "For Our Times" - CBS presents an interview with Jesuit Father Peter-Hans Kolvenbach, supel'ior general of the Society of Jesus. On Radio
Sunday, April 29 (NBC) "Guideline" - David and lola Brubeck are interviewed about I their musical careers.
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THE ANCH9R-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., April 27, 1984
Rainbow 'Blit~ coming
to l'aunto,n parish
James C. Kolar, Ph. D., former president of the Young Adult Working Board of the US Cath olic Conference and currently as sociate director of St. faul's Catholic Youth Center, St. Paul, Minn., is among members of the Rainbow Blitz, an ecumenical national youth ministry leader ship training team that will pre sent a day and a half workshop May 18 and 19 at Sacred Heart parish center, Taunton. Coordinated in the New Eng land area by Sister Peggy Fromm, SUSC, Sacred Heart di rector of religious education, the program is open to Catholic and Protestant adult and youth leaders. It 'offers training in oJeadership, counseling and spirit- . uality as well as practical tips' on video techniques, slidemaking, youth ,aerobics and how to in volve parents and other adults in youth ministry. Explaining her participation
in the Rainbow Blitz, Sister Fromm said in a letter to youth leaders: "Let me put in a per
sonal plug for the Blitz. Last spring I attended Catching the .Rainbow, a longer version of the Rainbow Blitz, held in Mary land. It was one of the most· practical and personally reward-
[ ~(Ing p(}lntJ ]
Contim,led from Page Twelve I
, The pilgrim Virgin statue will be in tile church the week of May 13; wit-h special tribute taking .placeat the first com munion Mass 9 a.m. May 13.
ing workshops I've ever attend ed, and because it was such a . wonderful expeiience. I volun ! teered,to be one of the coordina S~. THQMAS MORE. tors for their 1983-84 endeavor. . SOMERSET I Out of the 31 workshops sched ,Volun~eers, willing. to collect
uled throughout the country this for the ,Charities Appeal are
year, ours in Taunton is the only asked ,to\ contact the rectory.
one in the ~ew England area." ST. ANNE, FR the Blessed Sac_
Exposition of Sister Fromm noted that it is ,rament: I following 11:30 a.m. hoped th~ Blitz program will Mass; il:<>ur of adoration 2 to 3 lead to formation of an area p.m. today. ' youth ministry network that "Welcozhe Home Mass for re
would share resources, ideas and treatants:I 6:30 p,m. April 29.
events. She said ,that group rates ST. ANT~ONY OF DESERT. FR
are available and that she can
Adoration of Blessed Sacra
be reached at either 824-6791 or ment: norn to 6 p.m. May 6.
823-362t" for furtherinforma ST. ANNE'S ,1lI0SPITAL, FR tion. Spring Iseries, Center for N~t ural Family Planning: Ibeginning'
May 5, 12 and 19. Information: Mariette! Eaton RN, 674-5741, ext. 326, I I
Support group 'meeting: 7:30 p,m. Mayi 4, program On "Herbs·
and History," St, Theresa par ish center. S. Attleboro, ST. PATRICK, FALMOUTH
Day of! recollection: 1 to 8:30 p.. m. April 29, Otis Air National
ALUMNAE AND FRIENDS of Dominican Academy, Fall River, are invited to an Evening Prayer service at 3 p.m. Sunday marking completion of renovations to the con I' ' vent chapel, shown above. The altar and the lectern at left VINCENTIANS, 'FR . are the work of Sister Gertrude Gaudette, Anchor.photo Meeting: 7 p.m. May 1. St. grapher. Patrick's Church, Somerset,
Guard Chapel. Information: Father Joseph Magilire at rec tory. DR. KOLAR
I .
Father Bruce Bitter
WANDERERS AND SEEKERS The dull highway miles were unwinding- monot onously at exactly 61 miles per hour. The song pouring out of the speakers and fill .ing the car-I had the " volume way up-was a . hauntingly beautiful ballad by Carole King: "You're so far away..... It's a great song. I've been on the road a lot these days. Spring is very busy time for talks, and we're also busy setting up crisis centers for kids in other cities. I get pretty tired sometimes. Like last Friday, driving at 6 a.m. to gi,ve a bunch of talks at four high schools and two. colleges and preach at all the masses that weekend. I was "vegging out," as the kids say, (Le., assuming the relaxed, unconscious, vegetable-like state of a turnip) no thought .or feeling. letting the music from the car radio 'Nash over me. I ,was really getting into the song: "Doesn't anybody stay in one place anymore..... The next verse snapped me out of my reverie: "I sure hope the road don't come to own me..... Vivid memories of aconversation I had with abunch 'of my kids just before I left jarred me awake. We had opened our beautiful new crisis center for kids in Houston June Of last year, and I was visiting there acouple of weeks ago-our cente~ was Jammed, naturally, with over 70 kids-making sure that things were going well and checking out new staf]. It was about midnight and I was sitting in our main lounge talking with a half dozen really great kids ranging anywhere from 16 to 19. It was a very . quiet. lOW-keyed conversation (the other kids had gone up to bed). What happened was v.ery moving. Each kid talked directly to me, each in turn shutting out everybody else in the group. Nobody interrupted or commented on anything somebody else said. We just listened-I mean, really listened-to each other. .Lance was the last kid to talk. Atall, quiet', good-looking boy. He spoke with the confident self-assurance of an
Father Bruce Ritter. OFM Conv., is the founder and President of Covenant House. which operates crisis centers for homeless and runaway boys and girls afl over the country.
. i said. Pray for me, I said. Sure, he said, lance reached out eighteen-year-old that knew his own name. I like to move around a lot, Bruce, tie said. You're a traveller? I said, a ' and touched my arm. Good night, he said. Pray for me. too. wanderer? Yeah, Bruce, he said. A seeker, maybe? I said. Back in the car, on that highway, I thought of Lance. The Lance nodded a bit uncertainly, his face suddenly wary car purred along almost on automatic pilot at exactly 61 and closing... You're a drifter, I said it quietly, kindly, with miles per hour. I passed a state trooper parked behind a a question at the end pf my voice, The other kids got real clump of trees with his radar gun aimed squarely at me. I quiet and our conversation ended pretty soon after that. wasn't going fast enough for him to stop me, but I still One by one each kid] said some final. terminating thing slowed it down a bit. before they said good night and went upstairs to bed. I I thought of the next six days and fourteen talks. I sure shook hands with each kid-I wanted to touch them. I 'hope the road don't come to own me, I said back to the music. i ddon ' t come to own me... .. '" sure hope the roa Thanks for helping me take care of all these-our-k!ds. I . Most of them are really great kids. Lance stayed arouhd. We sat there looking at each Pray for me, please, and them. We never forget you. I other. I ain't no drifter,lBruce, he said. His lips twisted and hope most especially that you experience the hope and again that look of uncertainty, and a brief touch of panic comfort and joy of Easter. crossed his face. I'm jilist... his voice trailed off, It's better to settle down, I said. It's better to stay around, I said. It's Here's my contribution to help our kids survive their better to find what you're looking for-at least once in a crucifixions and celebrate their Easters. My gift is $_ _ while. . . . Please print: Jesus, too, was a w:anderer, a seeker, with no place to NAME: _ lay His head-like my! kids. I hope they meet each other sometime, someplace: on that road my kids call home. Jesus' own journey to ~he Father ended abruptly on aroad ADDRESS: _
on a hill overlooking Jerusalem: He ended His life as He
began it-homeless, on the run, pursued by His enemies, CITY: -...:lSTATE: _
no stranger to abandohment'and loneliness. stripped and
indignified, and finally .. killed. I don't think the Lord has
ZIP: F I (VGI) any trouble loving street kids, they've suffered so many of the same things-together. q Please send this coupon with your donation to: .
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _1
Lance doesn't see it .that way yet. He doesn't know that yet. His Easter has,ft happened yet. He's still in the middle of his own crucifixion; and he's afraid of dying, and his fa.ith i~n't strong enough to cry out to the Father... Lance, too, got up, and stood for a moment indecisively, as if he
wanted to say something else, something final. something that would sum u'p thi~gs, or maybe he couldn't shake the vision of what lay down that road (like Jesus couldn't. and
was afraid). I I sure hope the roa~ don't cometo own me, Bruce. he
COVENANT HOUSE Father Bruce Ritter P.O. Box 2121 Times Square Station
New York, NY 10108
The- street is NO PLACE FOR ACHILD