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VOL. 39, NO. 17


Friday, April 28, 1995


Bishop announc:es retirements, pastorates Bishop Sean O'Malley has announced two retirements and four changes of pastors from one parish to another. Rev. Joseph L. Powers, pastor ofSt. Elizabeth Setoll parish, North Falmouth, and Rev. Rene R. Levesque, pastor of Blessed Sacrament parish, Fall River, will retire as of June 28. Rev. Gerald P. Barnwell, now pastor of Immaculate Conception parish, Taunton, will be pastor of Blessed Sacrament parish, Fall River; Rev. William P. Blottman, now pastor of St. Peter the Apostle parish, Provincc~town, will be pastor of Immaculate Conception parish, Taunton. Rev. Msgr. Thomas J. Harrington, now pastor of St. Joseph parish, Taunton, will be pastor of Holy Name parish, New Bedford; Rev. John F. Moore, now pastor of St. Mary parish, New Bedford, will be pastor of St. Elizabeth Seton parish, North Falmouth. All the appointments will be effective as of June 28. Father Powers Born in 'Providence May 21, 1922, Father Powers is the son of the late James E. Powers and the late Elizabeth (Halliwell)" Powers and the foster son of the late Mrs. Rose Hurll. A sister. EIi-

Southeastern Massachusetts' Largest Weekly


$11 Per Year

Charities Appeal kicks off 54th campaign

F ATHER JOSEPH L. POWERS zabeth Eldredge, is a resident of Rhode Island. He graduated from then Msgr. Coyle High School in Taunton and attended Providence College before entering St. Mary's Seminary, Baltimore, to prepare for the priesthood. He was ordai~ed by Bishop James E. Cassidy June 15, 1946, and thereafter seryed at St. Patrick parish, Falmouth, and St. Joseph's, Taunton, before being named diocesan director of tne Confraternity

of Christian Doctrine in February, 1957. He remained in the post until June, 1970, at various times during the same period also serving as chaplain at Bishop Stang and Bishop Feehan high schools, and administrator at St. Mark's parish, Attleboro Falls. In 1975 Father Powers was named pastor at St. Joseph's parish, Woods Hole, and in 1977 was appointed to St. Elizabeth Seton. Turn to Page Three

At Cathedral Camp

Stewardship parley to be May 23 Rev. Marcel H. Bouchard, chairperson of the Diocesan Stewardship Committee, has announced that Rev. Thomas McGread, pastor of St. Francis of Assisi parish in Wichita, Kansas, will visit the Fall River diocesl: Tuesday, May 23, to make presentations on stewardship to clergy and laity. His program, to be held at Neumann Hall, Cathedral Camp, East Freetown, will begin at 4:30 p.m. with a presentation to priests of the diocese and will be followed by a social hour and supper to which laypersons involvl:d in stewardship on the parish level will be invited. After the meal, Father McGread will speak at 7 p.m. to both clergy and laity, then he and diocesan


representatives of the stewardship program will answer questions on the process. Materials describing various approaches to stewardship will also be available for review. Father McGread has led his parish for over 20 years. Duri'1g that time it has growl1 to include over 2,200 families and a new parish of over 1,000 families has been formed from it. Eighty-five percent of parishioners attend weekly Mass and 300 are at daily Mass, while the sacrament of reconciliation is offered six days a week and 800

Stewardship, , , ,


people participate in perpetual adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. There are 750 students in the parish school and weekly collections total over $60,000. On May 23, as he has in many other dioceses and as he did at last November's National Stewardship Conference in Boston, attended by more delegates from the Fall River diocese than from any other in the nation, Father McGread will explain the theology and spirituality of stewardship. He will also discuss practical methods of inviting people to adopt it as a way of life and as a means of responding more fully to the discipleship to which each baptized person is called.

The 54th annual Catholic Charities Appeal, themed "Sharing is the Measure of Love," was launched April 19 with a Mass at St. Mary's Cathedral concelebrated by Bishop Sean O'Malley and priests of the diocese. The Mass will be telecast on WLNE Channel 6at II a.m. Sunday, May7,designated as Catholic Charities Sunday and the opening day of the parish phase of the Appeal, which will continue through June 6. During that period diocesans will contribute to support the various charitable apostolates of the diocese. The Appeal's Special Gifts phase, soliciting support from businesses and organizations, is already, underway and will continue through May 7. In a letter regarding the Appeal, Bishop O'Malley estimated that the upcoming diocesan budget would call for $2.75 million. Noting that meeting this budget relies heavily upon the Catholic Charities Appeal, the bishop made the following requests: - That each family support its parish participation in the Appeal; -That it consider a gift of $100 or $10 a month for 10 months in the form of an initial gift plus a nine month pledge. -That each household consider a pledge of one percent of its annual income, or of one day's wages, whichever its means will allow. The bishop was homilist at the Appeal Mass; Permanent Deacon Thomas J. Souza, Appeal chairman, spoke after the liturgy and a reception followed in the Cathe-

dral school hall. Shown at the reception was a 12-minute video portraying the work of apostolates funded by the Appeal; it will be aired on some local cable stations and is available for parish use from the Catholic Charities Appeal headquarters at telephone 676-8943 or 676-3200. The Measure of Love In his homily, Bishop O'Malley emphasized that the call to charity reflects faith and unity in Christ. Using the image of the Good Shepherd, he said the Gospels recount how, before his crucifixion, Jesus predicted'that his flock would be scattered; then they tell of "the risen Lord returning to gather the scattered." Through members of the church today "the Lord is still gathering his people who have been scattered and broken in so many ways," he continued. In a society showing increased "disregard for human life," said the bishop, "we are called to share in Christ's mission to support and promote the dignity of all people through charity." In caring "for the other person for whom God made us responsible, we have the opportunity to serve Jesus." The Catholic Charities Appeal is "a collective cry on behalf of those in need," said Bishop O'Malley, and our response is "an expression of our faith in Christ living in his church." Citing the many needs filled by Catholic Charities Appeal funds, the bishop emphasized, "We need to be there." Turn to Page II

Knights ask Appeal support Dear Brother Knights, This year during the annual Catholic Charities Appeal we ask you to contact your local parish and request your pastor fo put you to work to help make this the greatest and most successful Appeal. You can volunteer your services to help in the Special Gifts campaign, April 17 through May', along with the final phase taking place May' through June 6. We Brother Knights are bound together as a Fraternal society to support our church through our local pastors. What a great time to prove ourselves! Call your local pastor today! Fraternally yours, District Deputies #43 Walter J. O'Shea #40 Charles Pine #44 Francis T. Affonce #41 George Sequeira #45 Kevin Reilly #42 Robert O. Mathieu

". "".,



















The Anchor Friday, April 28, 1995

OBITUARY Fr. Norman Lord' "My greatest wish is that I could die on a church holiday," said Holy Ghost Father Norman F. Lord. His wish was granted. Father Lord, 76, died on Easter Sunday at Eisenhower Medical Center in Palm Springs, Calif. He had previously had triple bypass SUI gery and had been recuperating at a convalescent home, in Hemet, Calif." where he had been living in his community's retirement house. A Fall River native, a noted FATHER FAHEY schoolboy athlete and an altar boy at Sacred Heart parish as a youngster, he graduated from BMC Durfee High School in 1935. He prepared for the priesthood at St. Four priests ordained in 1970 at Mary's Seminary, Norwalk, Conn., and was ordained June 10, 1948. St. Mary's Cathedral, Fall River, He was a missionary in East- by Bishop James L. Connolly will Africa from 1949 to 1956 and there- celebrate their 25th anniversary of after served in churches in New ordination May I. They are Father York,Arkansas,Pennsylvaniaand James W. Fahey, a U.S. Navy Louisiana and on the staff of the chaplain; Father Joseph D. MaParaclete, a publication of the' guire, pastor of St. Elizabeth's and Holy Ghost community. _ ' Sacred Heart parishes on MarFrom 1965 to 1968 he was assist- tha's Vineyard; Father James R. ant pastor at aparishin Riverside, McLellan. pastor of St. Joseph's Calif., and from 1968 to 1974 and parish, North Dighton; and Father again from 1978 until he retired in Thomas L. Rita, ,pastor of Our 1988 he ministered to Native Amer- Lady of the Assumption parish, icans on the Soboba Reservation Osterville. Also ordained May I, 1970, was , in nearby San Jacinto. He was greatly loved by the reservation the late Father Thomas F. Mcresidents, who had petitioned for Morrow, who served at Sacred his return to them in 1978. Heart parish, Taunton, and Our He helped them in many ways, Lady of Victory parish, Centerdistributing food, clothing, bicy- ville, before his death in 1977.




Four priests celebrate silver jubilees May 1

cle's, giving ca'ndy"to "cliildre'n:'

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Thanksgiving at Our Lady Star of the Sea, Oak Bluffs. The son of Sarah A. (Lynch) Maguire and the late Joseph E. Maguire, the jubilarian is also a native of Taunton. He attended Msgr. Coyle High School there, Sf. Mary's College in Kentucky and St. John's Seminary, Brighton. Following ordination he was parochial vicar at St. James, New Bedford; St. Patrick, Somerset; and St. Patrick, Falmouth. He was named pastor of St. Elizabeth's parish, Edgartown, in 1988 and took on the additional pastorate of Sacred Heart, Oak Bluffs, in 1990. Father McLellan A native of Wayland, Father Mcl,-ellan is the son of the late Frank c.' and Emily (Nelligan) McLellan. After graduating from Wayland High School, he attended Holy Apostles Seminary, Cromwell, Conn., and St. Mary's Seminary, Baltimore.

keeping t'rack~' of 'the>sick it nd" " . Father Fahey "generally kepf everyone together," Father Fahey, the son of G. noted an obituary in the Press- Irene (Walton) Fahey and the late James L. Fahey, is a Taunton Enterprise, the local newspaper. native. He attended St. Columban "He avoided tribal politics and worked to make everyone's life High School, Silver Creek, NY, As parochial vicar at St. Mary's, better," the newspaper quoted a . and St. Mary's Seminary, Baltireservation resident as saying. more. Following ordination. he Taunton, he was chaplain for the was parochial vicar at Our Lady of "Religious Nurture" religious Father Lord was also beloved in the Assumption. Osterville, and education program for exceptional Fall River, where he had "hundreds Immaculate Conception, North .children. He then served as parof friends" said Arthur Donovan, Easton. ochial vicar at St. James, New who noted the priest's "tremendBedford; Our Lady of the AssumpIn July 1977, Father Fahey ous memory" for all that concerned tion, Osterville; Our Lady of VicFall River. "He received the Herald received permission from Bishop tory, Centerville; and St. Pius X, News and knew more about the Daniel A. Cronin to join the U.S. city than many residents," said Navy Chaplain Corps. Cur-rently South Yarmouth. While at the Donovan. he serves at Camp Pendleton, Cape Cod parishes he was Cape Cod Community College chaplain. Calif. He also recalled that when Father He was named pastQr at St. Father Maguire Lord visited Fall River "he would Augustine's, Vineyard Haven, in A celebration for Father Maguire walk through the cemeteries and 1987, and pastor at St. Joseph's, pray at the grave of each person will be held Sunday, April 30, at North Dighton. in 1994. whose name he recognized. He the Atlantic Connection iri Oak was someone you could tell your Bluffs following a I p.m. Mass of He has no formal plans for his anniversary, saying he will have a troubles to." private celebration with his family. Raymond Powers, a member of HIV/AIDS Awareness Sacred Heart parish and a friend Day set for May 13 of Father Lord. said the priest visited Fall River frequently unA day of reflection, prayer and til about four years ago, when education designed to raise awareCOLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. worsening health restricted his ness of needs and problems asso- (CNS) - Americans of all faiths travels. ciated with AIDS and HIV will be Will observe the 44th consecutive "He was a very warm and caring co-facilitated by Rev. George Bren- National Day of Prayer for the priest and will be missed by all nan and Krysten Winter-Green country and its leaders on May 4. who knew him," said Bishop Phil- from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday, Thousands of volunteer state lip F. Straling, administrator of May 13, at LaSalette Shrine Thea- and loc'al coordinators, along with the San Bernardino diocese. ter on Route 118 in Attleboro. clergy and lay leaders in hundreds Father Lord W;lS interred.April , Father Br~ni1an is a Missioner of churches and synagogues. are 21 in his community's cemetery in of'LaSalette stationed at the expected to observe the day with Hemet. He has no survivors. A,ttleboro shrine and Ms. Winterprayer services and rallies in all 50 Green is director of the Fall River states, the District of Columbia, Diocesan Office of HIV/ AIDS 'IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIII!IIIIIIIIIII~III Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. Ministry. THE ANCHOR (USPS"545-020). Second By federal law, the prayer day Those interested in attending Class Postage Paid at" Fall River, Mas'l. Published weekly except.lhe week ofJ uly 4 the day should pre-register by May became an annual.observance in a.nd the week after Christmas at 887 High5. It is noted that participants may 1952, with its designation on the land Avenue, Fall River, Mass, 02720 by purchase lunch at the shrine or first Thursday in May added in th'e Catholic Press of .the Diocese of Fall bring their own. Further informa- 1988. The concept originated with River. Subscription price by mail, postpaid tion is available from the AIDS America's founders when the First $11.00 per year. postmasters send address Ministry office, tel. 674-5600, Ext. Continental Congress declared a changes to The Anchor, P.O. Box 7, Fall national day of prayer in 1775. River,'MA 02722: 2295.

Prayer Day May 4

Father Rita Our Lady of the Assumption parish will celebrate Father Rita's jubilee with a noon Mass of Thanksgiving May 7, followed by a dinner at East Bay Lodge in Osterville. A New Bedford native, Father Rita is the son of the late Louis L. and Veronica (Early) Rita. He graduated from Holy Family High School and studied for the priesthood at St. Mary's College, Kentucky, and St. John's Seminary, Bright6n. , He was parochial vicar at St. Mary's parish. Mansfield, where he served as Knights of Columbus chaplain and assistant director, then director. of the Attleboro area CYO. He was parochial vicar at St. Anthony's, East Falmouth, before

becoming assistant director of Diocesan Catholic Social Services, from 1976 until 1982 and director of pro-life activities. a post'ht: held until 1990. Concurrently, ht: was director of St. Vincent's Home, Fall River, from 1977 to 1984 and director of the former St. Mary's Home, New Bedford, from 1983 until 1986. He was parochial vicar at St. Mary's, South Dartmouth, rrom 1984 to 1986 and at St. Mary's, Taunton, from 1986 to 1987. In 1987 he was named past.:>r of St. Mary's, Seekonk, where he assisted in marriage prepamtion programs of the Attleboro deanery. Named pastor at Our Lady of the Assumption in 1993, Father Rita has alo been a judge fol' the diocesan marriage tribunal since 1980.

• I

Special Gifts NATIONALS


$1000 Auburn Construction Company, Inc.• Whitman The Jaffee Foundation, Providence

$700 St. Vincent De Paul SocietyDiocese Of Fall River

$500 Ancient Order Of Hibernians Eastern Construction Company. Inc., Providence Sacred Hearts Community. Fairhaven

$200 Holy Cross Mission House. No. Dartmouth


$3100 Charlie's Oil Co., Inc.

$1000 Dominican Fathers Leary Press - In Memory Of Mr. & Mrs. John R. McGinn Dr. & Mrs. Francis M. James, Swam:ea Fall River Five Cents Savings Bank

$750 St. Anne's Credit Union

$550 Ashworth Bros.• Inc.

$450 Aberdeen Manufacturing Co.


Peggy Lawton Kitchens, Inc" East Walpole

Dr. & Mrs, Paul P. Dunn . Letendre's Laundry




Montaup Electric Company, SOmerSE!t


St. Bernard Conference. Assonet Mr. & Mrs. Donald T. Corrigan, Somerset


Compass Bank


Feast Of The Blessed Sacrament

TAUNTON $500 Coyle And Cassidy High School

"Long-Life Directions" "Long-Life Directions," a workshop for personal and spiritual growth 'for persons 60 or older, is being offered by Sister Anne Marie Phillips, SUSC, 9:30 a.m. to noon Wednesdays, Sacred Heart parish center, Fall River. To register call the Holy Union Sisters' Office of literacy Education and Adult Development, 673-5383. Sessions began April 26.

$100 Fall River Shopping Center Association Andre Nasser, M.D. Allied Security Consultants, Inc.. Somerset Pediatric Associates of Fall River, Inc, St. John Of God Confirmation Class. Somerset Knights Of Columbus, Msgr. Boyd Council #295 Gustave Mattos Electric Co., Inc. Robert J. Rubano, M.D.

$75 North American Rubber Thread Co., Inc. American~



Travel. Gendreau Movillg Company, Dr. & Mrs. Herbert S. Rub:n, FW. Harrington Insurance Agency, Inc., ,Dr: Charles J. Sasson, John's Shoe Store






Bishop announces two retirements, four pastorates Continued from Page One Over the years he has been outstanding for his pioneer work in religious education in the diocese and for his interest in the fields of liturgy and music, at one ti"me serving on the former Diocesan Commission on Sacred Music. Father Levesque Father Levesque, a New Year's baby of 1928, is a Fall River native and the son of the late Romeo and" Adela (Remy) Levesque. After graduation from St. Jean Baptiste School in Fall River, he continued to Assumption High School in Worcester and attende~ Assump-" tion College in the city before preparing for the priesthood at St. Mary's Seminary, Baltimore. After ordination May 28, 1955 by Bishop James L. Connolly, he served as parochial vicar successively at St. Jean Baptiste parish, . Fall River, Our Lady of Grace, Westport, St. Joseph, Attleboro, and again at Our Lady of Grace. In 1973 he was named administratorand then pastorofSt. George. parish, Westport, and has been pastor at Blessed Sacrament since 1982. While in Attleboro he was chaplain to the city fire department'. Father Levesque's interests include carpentry and sailing. He was introduced to the latter by Msgr. Patrick O'Neill, who instructed him in the art when both were seminarians and counselors

at Cathedral Camp, East Freetown. At Blessed Sacrament he has led a flourishing prayer group and during his tenure saw then-parishioner Jacques Rivard, a noted artist, beautify the parish's sacristy-chapel with a striking eucharistic mural done in bright acrylic paints. Four Pastors Appointed " Father Barnwell A Fall River 'native," Father Barnwell is the son of Lawrence and Doris(Messier) Barnwell. Ordained Jan. 8, 1977, he was parochial vicar at Sacred Heart, Fall River; Immaculate Conception, North Easton; St. Mary's, Norton; St. Anne's, Fall River; and SS. Peter and Paul, Fall River. In 1993, he was a$signed as chaplain at Taunton Catholic Middle SchOOl and Coyle-Cassidy High School, re'siding "at i Sacred Heart parish in Taunton. He was named pastor at Immaculate Conception, Taunton, last June. FatherBlottman Father Blottman, the son of Kathryn Blottman and the late John B. Blottman, is a native of New Rochelle, NY. He was ordained Feb. 13, 1965, and subsequently served as parochial vicar at Holy Family, East Taunton; St. Mary's, North Attleboro; St. Joseph's, Fall River; and St. Mary's, South Dart'"" mouth. He was named pastor of St.

Diocese of Fall River

OFFICIAL His Excellency, the Most Reverend Sean O'Malley, O.F.M., Cap., Bishop of Fall River, has accepted the requests ofthe following pastors to n:tire: Reverend Joseph L. Powers of St. Elizabeth Seton Parish, North Falmouth. Reverend Rene R. Levesque of Blessed Sacrament Parish, Fall River. His Excellency, the Most Reverend Sean O'Malley, O.F.M". Cap., Bishop of Fall River, has announced the following appointments: Reverend Ge:rald P. Barnwell from Pastor, Immaculate Conception Parish, Taunton, to Pastor, Blessed Sacrament Parish, Fall River. Reverend William P. Blottman from Pastor, St. Peter the Apostle Parish, Provincetown, to Pastor, Immaculate Conception Parish, Taunton. Reverend M:;gr. Thomas J. Harrington from Pastor, St. Joseph Parish, Taunton, to Pastor, Holy Name Parish, New Bedford. Reverend John F. Moore from Pastor, St. Mary Parish, New Bedford, to Pastor, St. Elizabeth Seton Parish, North Falmouth. Effective June 28, 1995

Rita's, Marion, in 1983, and pastor of St. Petf:r the Apostle parish in 1991. Msgr. Harrington Born in New Bedford and a native of the parish which he will now serve as pastor, Msgr. Harrington is the son of the late Edward J. and Easther (Yates) Harrington, He was ordained May 30, 1964. He served as parochial vicar at St. Francis Xavier, Hyannis; and Immaculate Conception, Fall River. After graduate studies at the Catholi~ University of America in Washington, DC, he served in the chancery office as vice chancellor, chancellor, and episcopal secretary. He was rector of St. Mary's Cathedral from 1978 to 1986, when he returned for further studies at Catholic University. In 1987 he was named pastor at St. Joseph's. . Msgr. Harrington has served on the diocesan marriage tribunal since 1968 as a notary, then defender of the bond. At various times he has been vicar for finance and administration, chaplain for the diocesan Legion of Mary and spiritual

EDICTAL CITATION DIOCESAN TRIBUNAL FALL RIVE~, MASSACHUSETTS Since the· actual place of residence of ANTONE ALVES is unknown. We cite ANTONE ALVES to appear personally . before the Tribunal of the Diocese of Fall River on Wednesday, May 3, 1995 at 2:30 p.m. at 887 Highland Avenue, Fall River, Massa· chusetts. to give testimony to establish: Whether the nullity of the marriage exists in the BRETON·ALVES case? Ordinaries of the place or other pastors having the knowledge of the residence of the above person, ANTONE ALVES, must see to it that he is properly advised in regard to this edictal citation. Jay T. Maddock Judicial Vicar Given at the Tribunal, Fall River, Massachusetts, on this.19th day of April, 1995.

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director for the Taunton District St. Vincent de Paul Society. He was named a domestic prelate with the title monsignor in 1974 and dean of the Taunton deanery in 1990. In the reorganization of diocesan administration last October, he was appointed Secretary for Spiritual Dev.elopment/ Apostolates. He is also a member of the diocesan College of Consultors and Presbyteral Council. Father Moore A New Bedford native, Father Moore is the son of the late Patrick J. and the late Rose Mary (McCabe) Moore. He was ordained Jan. 30, 1960. He served as parochial vicar at Holy Name, Fall River; St. Joseph's, Taunton; SS. Peter and Paul and Si.William's, Fall River. He -was n-amed' pastor at St. Mary's, New Bedford, in 1980. While there he has supervised the building of a new church and rectory complex as well as modification of the former St. Mary's church to provide additional classrooms for the parish school. Father Moore's editorial column


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in The Anchor, "The Mooring," began as a general column in 1967 and moved to the editorial space when he was named editor of the paper in 1977. He concurrently served as director of the Diocesan Office of Communications and since last October has been Secretary for Communications under the restructuring of diocesan offices then announced by Bishop O'Malley. He has twice received awards for outstanding editorials from the Catholic Press Association. Since 1976 he has directed the' Permanent Diaconate program of the diocese. Today 55 deacons are serving diocesan parishes in many ways and 22 candidates are now in the formation process. While in Taunton, Father Moore was chaplain for the Scouting program, a member of the PreCana Conference Board, district modeIator for the Diocesan Council of Catholic Women and moderator for the Taunton area Catholic Charities Appeal. He has also served as treasurer of the former Priests' Senate and moderator for the Fall River area Catholic Woman's Club.

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Diocese of Fall River -

Fri., April 28, 1995

the living word

the moorin&.-,


The Call of Charity As the Congress continues its warfare on welfare, it becomes more than obvious that the private sector will have to pick up much of the slack. It is true that few would refuse to acknowledge that welfare programs as they currently exist need reform. For too long, we have had a system racked with abuse and even fraud. Welfare has fof the most part lost its real meaning and becomes a political tool used by many simply as a means of gathering votes. Not only have recipients been abusing welfare but opportunistic p~litical candidates have also done so. This deadly duo has led us to our present crisis. Sad to say, proposed "reforms" translate to complete destruction. When we reduce the human condition to a mere budget item, we lose the moral and ethical principles which should guide public welfare reform undertakings. The present debate is breaking and dividing people. It fails to have a vision of the common good or of respect for the human person. We are forgetting that man is the source, focus and end of all economic and social concerns. Welfare reform must therefore respect human life and dignity; uphold the importance of the family and work; and realize that society has a responsibility to help meet the needs' of those who cannot care for themselves, especially children. As the administrative board of the United States Catholic Conference recently stated: "The goal of reform should be to promote decent work ,and reduce dependency, not simply :reduce budgets and programs." This indeed is the heart ofthe matter, but unfortunately that wisdom is not being heeded and the least of our brothers and sisters continue to be targets for budget cutting. In this situation, the Church cannot look the other way. The people of God must join together to fill any vacuum created by bureaucratic reform and to uphold the principle that the target of change '.:should· De·p~veri:y ;.not.lh!e··poo(1;~·,;,,;~,:, :,' .:,-: ,.~. "~'~""C"" ',:\:~ ," Because government is threa;teni-ng:to abandon its role of fighting poverty, private charitable efforts such as our own diocesan Catholic Charities Appeal take on added meaning and importance. Even with our limited resources, we in the church family cannot run from need: the abandoned, the dying, the abused, the neglected, the voiceless and the home. less look to us and we must do everything we can to be there for . them. We have a moral and religious obligation to support the ministry to which we have been called by Jesus Christ, who said "Give to those who ask," and this support should not be mere tokenism or talk. Faith without good works is dead and we have much work at hand. Our Catholic Charities Appeal cannot adequately meet the demands made upon it because its resources are so limited. Let us think of this as committed members of our parishes make their annual door-to-door request for contributions. No institution in American life is more committed to the basic moral values of marriage, family responsibility, work and sacrifice than is our Church. We can affirm this commitment through our generous support of the labors done in our name, giving not only from our surplus but from our want. If every member of the Church did this·, we could respond far more fully to the needs of the poor. Let us all do our honest best! .



eNSI Reuters photo


"The land hath mourned." Is. 33:9

Learning to see the Lord

By Father Kevin J. Harrington hearts burned within them as they The Easter season extends from walked with Jesus and how they Holy Saturday to Pentecost. The later recognized him in the breakchurch thus enables 'us to realize ing of the bread. But Sunday's Gospel (John that Jesus' emergence from the dead and from the tomb, his ascent 21: 1-19) shows how boredom can to God, his glorification, and the slow down the transforming progift of the Spirit are all one mys- cess. The move from belief in the tery. Perhaps this is why Lent is risen Jesus to action based on that only 40 days while the Easter sea- belief cannot be taken for granted. The disciples who came to believe. son is 50 days. in Jesus (including Thomas) are The church is telling us that we now engaged in ordinary activity need to make discovering the preswithout any visible sign of transence of the Risen Lord, despite the formation. ordinariness that cloaks it, a real Perhaps they took Jesus' words priority in our lives. Like the aposto heart and returned, as they were tles before us, this season should told, to Galilee to meet him (Matt. be 'for us a season of transfor28: 10). For them, going back to mation. Every third year the familiar Galilee was going back to all the Easter stories break from their familiar places that were not the The Editor pattern and recall a Resurrection same without Jesus. It was from appearance that stands in marked Galilee that they received their contrast to the rest. This Sunday's first call to follow and doubts must gospel (Third Sunday of Easter have begun to creep into their Cycle C) shows the disciples going minds as they spent the entire about their daily business of fish- night fishing to no avail. Frustrated and hungry, the dising at the Sea of Tiberias, OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER . The other gospel accounts ofthe ciples encounter a person at dawn Published weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River first Easter relate a great rushing whom they do not recognize as about as people hurried to tell one Jesus even though, with the excepP.O. BOX 7 887 Highland Avenue Fall River, MA 02720 Fall River, MA 02722-0007. another about their overwhelming tion of Thomas, they had seen him experiences. The holy women twice before. Just as John, the Telephone 508-675-7151 . hasten back from the empty tomb Beloved Disciple, believed before FAX (508) 675-7048 and their vision of angels; Mary Peter simply on the evidence of the Send address changes to P:O. Box 7 or call telephone number above Magdalene comes with the news of garments in the tomb, John again her encounter with Jesus in the is the first to recognize the stranger GENERAL MANAGER garden; Peter and John run the who facilitates the miraculous EDITOR Rosemary Dussault race of love to the tomb; Cleopas . catch of fish as the Risen Lord. Rev. John F. Moore ~ Leary Pr~ss- Fall RIve; and an unnamed disciple rush back Only hesitantly do the other discifrom Emmaus to tell how their ples recognize Jesus in his words:


"Come and eat your meal" (John 21: 12). Those words, like his words at the beginning of the Gospel, "Come and see" (John I:39}, are an invitation. Jesus' early and later words are remarkable in how ordinary they are. The Easter appea'rancc:s of Jesus tell us that he is present principally in the ordinary cir.;umstances of each day's life. The Risen Lord is really pn:sent whenever we ourselves are heing helped, whenever people care for us in everyday ways such as inviting us to share a meal. If we n:fuse the help and kindness of others, we refuse the Lord himself pn:sent among us in everyday things. Jesus told his disciples that at the banquet in his kingdom he: will be the servant, donning an apron as he did at the Last Suppe:r in .order to wait on us at table. How hard it is for independent people such as Peter and as ourselve:s to learn that valuable lesson! . The Easter season is a time: for us to be grateful for those who make room in their lives for us by enriching us with their stories of everyday sorrows and joys, those who make our lives worth li'ling by extending their friendship to us through their daily kindnesses and those strangers who befriend t:.S in times of need. All prove to us that the Easter mystery can be found in ordinary. people who make us want to declare: "I have seen the Lord!"

Affirmillg faith in the resurrection



Acts 5:27-32.40-41 Rev. 5:11-·]4 John 21:}.·19 This Sunday's readings recount the power of Jesus' resurrection to transform Peter and the other apostles from frightened failures into courageous witnesses to the Gospel and loving pastors for the early Christian community. In the first reading from Acts, Peter and the other apostles give fearless testimony to the resurrection before a hostile Sanhedrin. In an earlier trial this supreme judicial council had ordered Peter not to speak to anyone in Jesus' name (see Acts 4: 1-17), but he has continued to witness to Jesus and has been imprisoned, only to be miraculously delivered by an angel so that he could continue to teach (see 5: 12-26). Now, when reminded of the previous order, Peter and the other apostles courageously proclaim: "Better for us to obey God than men! ... He whom God has exalted at his right hand as ruler and savior is to bring repentance to Israel and forgiveness of sins. We testify to this...... The second reading continues the selections from the Book of Revelation with an account of John's vision of the heavenly throne room and the praise given to Jesus in the form of "the Lamb that was slain." This vision consoles the persecutl~d churches of Asia Minor with the assurance that the crucified and risen Jesus controls the outcome of history. The context for this reading is the dilemma over who is worthy to open and break the seven seals on the scroll in God's right hand (Rev. 5:1-10). The breaking of the seals will unleash the terrifying events which will lead to the triumph of God's kingdom over thl: forces of evil (see Rev. 6-7). At first John weeps that no one is found worthy to open the scroll or l:xamiJ:\e it (Rev. 5: 1-4), but then he is told by one of the elders: "Do not weep. The lion of the tribe of Judah, the root of David, has triumphed, enabling him to open the scroll with its seven seals" (5:5). John then sees the Lamb that was slain and hears the praise given by the angels, the four creatures, the elders, and the

Daily Readings May 1: Acts 6:8-15; Ps 119:23-24,26··27,29-30; In 6:22-29 May 2: Acts 7:51-8:la; Ps 31:3-4,6-8,17,21; In 6:30-35 May 3: 1 Cor 15:1-8; Ps 19:2-5; In 14:6-14 May 4: Acts 8:26-40; Ps 66:8-9,16-17,20; In 6:44-51 May 5: Acts 9: 1-20; Ps 117:1-2; In 6:52-59 May 6: Acts 9:31-42; Ps 116:12-17; In 6:60-69 May 7: Acts 13: 14,43-52; Ps 100:1-2,3,5; Rv 7:9,14b17; In 10:27-30


Summer Session I: May 15 - June 16 for Education, History, MAT in Mathematics and MBA

Summer Session II: June 19 - JUly 28 for Education, History, MAT in Mathematics and Religious Studies

Additional Sessions: June 19 - July 7 and July 10 - July 28 for Religious Studies and July 17 - August 17 for MBA

Courses are offered during the morning, afternoon or evening. By


tens of thousands in the heavenly court: "Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive power and riches, wisdom and strength, honor and glory and praise! ... To thl: One seated on the throne, and to the Lamb, be praise and honor, glory and might, forever alld ever'" John's account of Jesus' appearance to the disciples at the Sea of Tiberias in Galilee has three interwoven parts: the miraculous catch of fish (21:2-8,10-11), the meal (21:9,12-14), and Jesus' dialogue with Peter (21: 15'- 19). Each section makes important affirmations about resurrection faith. In the miraculous catch of fish episode, Simon Peter and the other apostles are transformed from ordinary fishermen who fished all night without catching anything into successful apostles who haul ashore an untorn net with 153 sizable fish, a catch which symbolizes the Church's universal mission. The presence of the risen Jesus makes this transformation possible. When he appears at daybreak on the shore, addresses them as "children" (see I John 2: 13,18; 3:7), and instructs them, "cast your net off the starboard side," they immediately take so many fish they cannot haul the net in. As in last Sunday's Gospel, the beloved disciple is the first to recognize Jesus. The meal scene has eucharistic overtones that recall the multiplication of the loaves and fishes in John 6 and Luke's story of the disciples on the road to Emmaus (Lk 24). Jesus acts as host, inviting thedisciples with the words: "Come and eat your meal." He then comes over to them, takes the bread and gives it to them, and does the same with the fish. In being fed by Jesus, the disciples come to know that "it is the Lord." Finally, Jesu$' dialogue with Peter reverses his triple denial in the trial scene (John 18: 17,25-26) and establishes him as the shepherd and martyr who will carryon Jesus' own role in the church (see John 10). In the farewell discourse, loving Jesus is linked with keeping his commandments (see John 14: 15; 15: 10). Now Peter, who three times professes his love for Jesus, receives the command to feed and tend Jesus' flock. Also, like the good shepherd who lays down his life for the sheet> (see John 10: 1118), Peter will die a martyr's death in fulfilling his pastoral mission. ") tell you solemnly: as a young man you fastened your belt and went about as you pleased; but when you are older you will stretch out your hands, and another will tie you fast and carry you off against your will." (John 21:18)

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Master of Arts in History . Library 112 865-2193 Aprogram offering courses in American, European, and non-Westem fields, and preparing students to appreciate the strains of historical interpretation and to understand the research methods of historians. Courses are: The Progressive Era The Era of Napoleon Masters Programs in Religious Modern Japan Studies Tudor and Stuart England Joseph 105 865-2274 World War \I Four degree programs leading to Masters ofArts degrees in Theology, Biblical Master of Arts in Teaching Studies, Religious Education and PasMathematics toral Ministry. Courses are: Hickey 170C 865-2633 Mary: Woman, Virgin, Mother, A program in Mathematics and MathType of the Church ematics Education. Courses include: The Sacraments of Worship Topics in Mathematics Principles of Moral Decision EduGation I Introductory Hebrew Number Theory The Wisdom Literature Foundations of Mathematics Synoptic Gospels History of Mathematics The Theology of Spirituality The Prophetic Faith Courses are open to those accepted into degree programs as well as nondegree candidates contemplating a degree program or seeking further enrichment. Special rules apply to the MBA Program.... Registration: Registration begins 5 weeks prior to the start of each session with telephone registration stopping 2 weeks prior to the start of each session. New students must register in person. Students may register in person in the program offices or the Graduate Studies Office Mon. - Fri. 9 A.M. to 4 P.M.

For more information and class schedules call the program offices or the Graduate Studies Office.



Dear Dr. Kenny: I have a 17-year-old grandson who lost his father to cancer two years ago. Now his mother (my daughter) has started to date. This is causing a problem. My grandson does not want his mother to date and won't talk to her, even though she has told him she will never do anything to hurt him. Is there some advice you can give us to improve the relationship? - New Jersey

L. SPRING TRAINING: Kaitlin Tyson, 5, practices her swing under tutelage of "Coach Henry" Marcolini, a retired roofing contractor who built a baseball field for children behind S1. Anthony's School in Florida. The school is to be .. completed in August: (CNS photo)

Former Miss Wheelchair America relies on faith·

Men and women were not intended to live alone. Two years is long enough to mourn. If your daughter chooses to date, that should be her right. Many couples have told e'ach other that it is all right to find a new partner should one of them die. In fact, this desire to remarry is a compliment to the first marriage. She valued it and wants to repeat it. Her desire for the companionship of another man does not detract from her affection for her first husband. Each new relationship is different. , Loving one person does not preclude loving another. Parents, for example, love more than one child. They don't love one child more than the other, but love each child differently. Your daughter has every right

and need to date. If this causes a problem with her son, that's not necessarily bad. Problems are something to be dealt with, something to overcome, a chance for growth. Your daught~r should try to explain this to her son, using "I" messages telling how she feels, not how'he ought to feel. She should accept that he may be angry with her or hurt. His feelings are his own, just as hers belong to her.

"My grandson does not want his widowed mother to date" Not all his anger and hurt may be caused by his prolonged loyalty. He may also feel jealous at having to, share his mother's time and affection with a stranger. Facing the fact that his mother has her own life may help him to develop his own 'male and female peer relationships. Teen'rebellion is another obvious factor. Young people of his age often look for something wrong with their parents in order to justify leaving. Your grandson does not own his mother's life. He needs to outgrow his dependence on her as a mother and respect her personal needs. He

MIAMI (CNS) - At21, life she describes herself as an "innowas looking great for Mercy cent, naive" 21-year-old, eagerly Rodriguez. She was working at a anticipating a career, marriage and bank, going to college, and plan- children three years after her graduation from Miami's Lourdes ning to get marrie<!.. I received ~ phone call from l!-,,'f0,ma,t:J.i 9iQn't~n~)\~~,~ho All thal cHHg~d iii an instant; :'A2£He'Jl~,'~r\'lllijgirlsCliltiolic high . '~sked iN .would:-read~a':bookshe'd like to send me. Her name ·one Sunday afternoon in Septem-' school. • was Patricia Kelly and she described herself as a Christian ber 1984 when her fiance, who was "I did everything wrong," Ms. therapist. driving her home from a party, Rodriguez said, noting that she veered off the ro'ad, crossed a didn't even wear her seat belt on When the book, titled "His children suffer. It is his will that median strip and crashed against a the day of the accident. Power Is Among Us; The Story of they be healed." light pole. Her fiance had been drinking at a Healing Ministry" (Queenship -"The words most often used When she woke. up two weeks a party they attended. He hadn't Publishing, Santa Barbara, Calif.) in the ministry of Jesus on earth later at Miami's Jackson Memor- had enough to be falling down ial Hospital, she was told she.would drunk, but enough to worry her. . arrived, I read it from 'cover to a~e 'mercy' and 'forgiveness.''' cover. It felt at' first 'like an old -"We can either become bitter never walk again because her spi- She said she tried to pull the keys friend since it was dedicated to or better." out of his hands, and ended up nal cord had'been severed. Our Lady of LaSalette, "I couldn't move any part of my "very emotional and angry" argu,When I was'a youngster; there body. If my nose itched, someone ing with him instead of "calmly was a LaSalette shrine not far would have to scratch it," she said responding to the situation." It from where I lived, and I had in an interview with The Florida turned into a power struggle, and "Mary's message at always been drawn to the statue of Catholic, Miami archdiocesan he won, she recalled. LaSalette was to Mary sitting, her head down in her newspaper. Her fiance suffered a broken In the living room of her parents ~eg. He was la~er convicted of dri~­ hands, weeping. return to the Cross... The book tells of an extraordi- , home, she projects confidence and ~ng under the mfluence and los~ ~IS There is always a nary healing ministry carried out determination. She makes it easy Job. Altho~~h he was very sohcltby a priest of the LaSalette order, to forget she's in a wheelchair. ous and ~Islted her frequently at presence on earth Father Albert Fredette, Consider Every year on the anniversary of the hOS.pI.t~l, he never accepted of both the sufferher accident she insists on a cake re~ponslblhty ~or what happened, his words: -"It is not God's will that his and candles for a celebration of said Ms.. Rod~lguez. She broke off ing side and the resher "life day," as she calls it. the relatIOnshIp three months after 1IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIillllllllllllllllllili111111111111111111 urrection side" use of her arms, though not her She later met another Bu t d on't ge t her wrong. "I d on ' t the crash. ". I d f I" She needs help for dressing hands. . I " man, a dconsIstent y. won er u II'k e thOIS [b" emg maw hee Ic h aIr, h an t ey marned last year and bathing. 'd "B u t th a t' s th e way I't'IS. It man, s h e sal. f . In 1989 she won the Miss Wheel. . a ter a three-year courtshIp. IS the one aspect of my hfe that I Alth oug h h t th chair Florida contest and the next I received the book during Lent, y can't change. But I can change my 't t. sh e w~sd anghr a e , year won Miss Wheelchair Amerwhich seemed appropriate because f'" Sl ua lon, s e sal , s e never . perceptIOn 0't It.h blarne d G 0 decause b 'm usmg . " my the lesson of Our Lady at LaSalette ica, c1aiming'that her only talent She cre d I s er paren t s' Iove, f '111 d 'b h 0- "was the gift of gab." is bound up with the cross. Let me · f ChI' own ree WI rna e a tern Ie c an d t h e f oun d a t IOn 0, at 0 IC . " Sh I h hd ' . I Today, she continues to spread summarize the story of the visitaf . h h . (II d' h f II Ice. e a so went t roug ema, .alt t eYI~s I e m er, .or~ ow- continually prayed for a miracle the message against drunk driving tion, as retold in this book, mg her to fmd new meamng m her th t Id I t h Ik . H On Sept. 19, 1846 in the,obscure life. ' a wou e er wa ~gau~. er among te,en-agers, stressing especially that accidents don't just hapvillage of LaSalette, nestled in the "I be I'leve th a t I'f I't weren'tfo r ,prayers were answered m an even . pen in the middle of the night to Alps of southeast France, Mary . . . greater mIracle - peace. that foundatIOn and that faIth In "B f Ik 't I h d . people who are "faIling down appeared to two young farm childGod, I wouldn't be where I am e or~, ne~ I '" a peace In drunk," but that just a few drinks ren, Maximin Giraud, II, and 'd " l I d not h ave .my heart, said. I used to look to d ay,"h s e sal. wou ' she an d see Melanie Mathieu-Calvat, 14. The can quickly impair anyone's drivint h e mirror a monster. d I wou Id not h ave N 'persevered ,an' II k' h . ing ability. children first saw a great circle of f d th th t I h ' ow 00 In t e mIrror. and seea hount;" e peace a ave In my beautiful person, wheelchair and Ms. Rodriguez does not claim light, and there in the center was a ear. all." that she does anything special. woman sitting on a stone, her face Throughout her ordeal, she said Ms. Rodriguez now has a bache- "I'm just a person trying to do the down, buried in her hands. She lor's degree in psychology and a she never lost faith. "My :-vhole life best I can with what I have," she was we.eping. , master's in ed ucational counsel- said, "and that's nothing extrarevolves around God, and my whole Then the woman rose and spoke ing. In a specially equipped van being. revolves .around my ~aith. ordinary." to them. She was beautiful, and G?d IS always In my heart, she she drives to her job as a counselor comforting, telling them not to'be at a Miami ,middle school. IntensaId. TIME, TALENT, TREASURE afraid. Like a loving mother talkWhen she recounts the accident sive therapy helped her' regain the ing to wayward children, she




needs to begin to relate to her adult to adult. . He may not be ready, He may still feel loyalty to his fath~r and not want his mother to be affectionate toward another m~,". He may not want another man in "his" home or to call anothf:r man "father." Your daughter can respect these feelings. She can date outside the home, but should not have another man stay overnight in the home, nor should she force her !:on to relate to her male friends(sl if he doesn't wish to, Whatever his emotions, they too are legitimate, just as are his mother's. She may give him courage to express his feelings if she teBs him how she feels, If he remains angry and untalkative, perhaps you, the grandmother, can sound him out. Listen to him. Encourage him to say what his own feelings are, not what he thinks his mother should or should not be doing. Life is full of problems. They are not always something to avoid, but can be seen as an opport unity . for growth,

LaSalette's lesson



warned that people would reap a bad harvest of hunger and pain if they continued to offend her Son. But if people were converted, they would have great blessings. Pilgrims began flocking to the site, and a small community was founded in May 1852 to min.ister to the pilgrims. Today the LaS2.lette Missionaries number about 1,000 priests and brothers worldwide. One of the most startling parts of the apparition was the crucifix worn around Mary's neck, as described by the children. It shows Jesus on the cross, but at his left side is a pair of pincers and on his right a hammer. The hammer represents our sins used to nail Jesus to the cross. The pincers - an instrument to pull nails - represent our forgiveness, ' sorrow and repentance. ,Father Fredette explains that Mary's message at LaSalette was to return to the cross. "The experience of the cross is loneliness, darkness and aban,donment. The experience of the cross is alsopurification through suffering, which leads to spiritual sunshine, joy lind resurrection." Ms. Kelly notes that thi!! is "redemptive suffering." While we are called to share with Chris't in his death, it doesn't end there. As she wrote, "There is always a presence on earth of both the ~,uf­ fering side and the resurrection side of the cross." Because of tbat, we remain always, as Pope John Paul II might express it, "on the threshold of hope."

Marrying in a Protestant church Q. Can you please explain why the bishops are H.llowing some Catholics a dispensation to marry in a Protestant church? Is this another example of where American bishops are acting against our Holy Father? I cannot in conscience attend the wedding I am invited to unless I am sure this is really approved by the Catholic Church. (Iowa) A. The requirement that Catholics be married before a priest, which is the cause of your confusion, is a good example of truths and rules which many people think are essential to our faith, but are not. Christians through the centuries considered marriage of their brothers and sisters in thl~ faith as sacred, and placed high value on those marriages taking place somehow in the context of their Christian community. But no particular "form" of marriage (how and before whom it should take place:) was required for validity of the: marriage until about 400 years ago. At that time (1563) the Council of Trent ruled that a marriage must take place before one's pastor or bishop in order to be valid. However, because of some technicalities of church law, mostly involving promulgation of this rule and another by Pope Benedict XIV about 200 years later, Trent's regulation did not apply to much ofthe world until early in our own century. Among the places where it did not apply were large areas of the United States, including several major centers of Catholic popula-

Advice on advice Men hate unsolicited advice, especially if it's probably good for them; women don't want advice, they want you to listen. Or in the words ofa well-known country-western song, "Know when to hold 'em and know wnen to fold 'em" - words of advice, that is. Example: Husband is standing over "his" lawn mower with a socket wrench in one hand, a dangling mystery piece of lawn mower in the other and a look on his face that makes you think of Anthony Hopkins in "Silence of the Lambs." Wifeshoulcl do none of the following: a) offer to call her father to see if he can come over and help; b) say, "I thought you said you knew what the problem was"; or, c) ask, "Were you using the right oil-tofuel mixture?" It might be bl:tter if she did any of the following, maybe all of them: a) ask if he thinks it's a good idea to take a break for a glass of milk and one of the cookies she just baked for him; b) tell him how handsome he looks; or, c) sympathize about how evil lawn mowers are and how brave he is to approach one with only a socket wrench and a can of WD-40 with a missing spray nozzle. For reference, there are especially vulnerable moments when men prefer not to receive unrequested spousa.l counsel, such as: when lost on an eight-lane freeway in the middle of a large city; just


tion like Chicago and New York, and nearly all the Northwest states. Until 1908, in all those parts of the world, a marriage of Catholics before ajudge or even a minister of another religion could be considered valid by the Catholic Church, with no dispensation needed. Thus, just 87 years ago, a Vatican decree ("Ne Temere") finally extended these provisions to the entire world. This sounds complicated, but it should prove that the church is acting well within its tradition and authority when it gives bishops the power to dispense their people from the Catholic form of marriage which is presently in canon law. It should also encourage us to be sure we know what we're talking about before we accuse bishops or anyone else of "acting against" the church. Q. Can a divorced Catholic woman who has received an annulment become a nun? I realize that discernment is essential for all parties involved. But is it legal under church law? (fit is possiblej how common or acceptable are late vocations to the religious life for women? (Massachusetts) A. Accordi~g to Catholic Church law, it is possible for a woman in the situation you de~ scribe "to enter a religious community.


before attempting a three-foot putt; just after prying his eyes open the morning after a night out with the boys. On the other hand, what should a husband do if his wife hangs up the phone, slumps into a chair and says, "Why do I always tell them I'll organize the, bake sale?" He should not: a) suggest she call back and retract her offer; b) offer to call back for her and retract her offer; c) say, "because you are a sucker." or. d) ask, "Does this mean you are going to be whining about this for the next three weeks'!" Husbands who have responded in any of these ways know that the country-western song I've already mentioned has other ad monitions: "Know when to walk away, and know when to run." Thus, as a more productive alternative, he should consider: a) telling her what a good job she has done on past sales and offer to help on this one; b) asking her how her day has been; or, c) giving her an embrace and letting her talk more if she feels like it. It kind of makes you think of words from yet another countrywestern c1assi<;: "Where seldom is heard a discouraging word," you will both be happy all day.

As you point out, many factors will need to be carefully weighed, probably over a period of years, by herself and the community she wishes to enter. According to members of religious orders or congregations with whom I have talked, a major element in these instances is the fact that "late vocation" women have lived a long time as adults either as single persons, or as wives and perhaps mothers. This can make it extremely difficult for an individual to adapt to community living with a group of religious sisters. It's true that good mothers and fathers have long ago learned the "give and take" of life, often far better than women religious - or priests or men religious for that matter. Obviously, however, living together permanently under the same roof with others in religious vows requires significantly different qualifications. Also, a particular style of community life is a more essential part of life in some religious groups than in others. People wifJ1 even a tentative interest in the religious life should contact a few communities, describe their personal background and feelings, and ask what the next step should be. A free brochure an~wering questions Catholics ask about cremation and other funeral regulations and customs is available by sending a stamped self-addressed envelope to Father John Dietzen, Holy Trinity Church, 704 N. Main St., Bloomington, 111. 61701. Questions for this column should be sent to the same H.ddress.

Knights hold walk The Knights of Columbus Father Callahan Council 4139 of S1. Patrick's parish, Wareham, held a Holy Saturday Way of the Cross Walk raising pledges for Lighthouse Hospice of Wareham. The procession, led by St. Patrick's parochial vicar Father Daniel Lacroix and a Knights of Columbus Fourth Degree Honor Guard, visited 14 stations in downtown Wareham, pausing at each for prayer and reflection. The group carried the Quincentennial Cross, a replica of the cross used by Christopher Columbus, symbolizing more than 500 years of Catholic evangelization in the Americas.

Robert Casey quits presidential race

The Anchor Friday, April 28, 1995

WASHINGTON(CNS)- Former Pennsylvania Gov. Robert P. Casey, a Catholic and a strong opponent of abortion, has dashed hopes of pro-lifers that he would make a run for the Democratic nomination for president. Casey, who underwent a heart and liver transplant in mid-1993, announced his withdrawal because he was not sure he could "sustain the extraordinary energy level required by a national campaign." He said he made the decision April 17 after consulting his doctors about a respiratory problem. The doctors "continue to believe 1 am in good health," Casey said, "and they would have supported a decision to enter the race." Casey, who had established a presidential exploratory committee to begin fundraising, said he had already scheduled fund raisers in 10 cities and received pledges of more than $500,000. But his recent level of activity "has, for the first time, simulated t,he sharply accelerated, protracted and continuous energy level required to mount a national campaign," he said in a statement released in Washington by his Pennsylvania office. As a result, he decided that he

"cannot in good conscience continue to solicit financial and political support," the statement said. But Casey pledged to "continue to fight for the things I believe in." President Clinton, whose policies on abortion have drawn sharp criticism from Casey, said through spokesman Mike McCurry that he had the "utmost respect" for Casey's decision "and wishes him well."

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',.:, L,\J~~a:


April 25, 1995 Medjugorje, Bosnia-Herzegovina

"Dear children, today I call you to love. Little children, without love you cannot live, neither with God nor with brother. Therefore, I call all of you to open your hearts to the love of God that is so great and open to each one of you. God, out of love for man, has sent me among you to show you the path of salvation, the path of love. If you do not first love God, then you will neither be able to love neighbor nor the one you hate. Therefore, little children, pray and through prayer you will discover love. Thank you for having responded to my call."


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IT WAS A Banner Mass and a banner night for Taunton District of the Diocesan Council of Catholic Women as affiliates joined in a liturgy that included a procession of banners representing parish guilds in the Taunton area. Also part of the celebration were members of the Easton Daughters of Isabella. Ban.ner bearers are shown in front of St. Jacques Church, Taunton, where DCCW district moderator Father Thomas Morrissey is pastor. Area priests were Mass concelebrants and Msgr. Thomas Harrington, pastor ofSt. Joseph's parish, Taunton,' was homilist. The parish choir provided music, accompanied by organist Frank Welhelm. (Arikian photo)

There was something for everyone at St. Anne's Hospital health fair There was something for everyone anhe fourth annual Communicate: Health! fair ofSt. Anne's Hospital, Fall River. Held April 20 at White's of Westport, it drew 1200 visitors in the course of the day. They visited 74 booths, collected pamphlets and other literature on health care services ranging from Hospice programs for the terminally ill to support groups for victims of breast cancer and sexual abuse; from tips on recognizing a stroke to advice for people with' high blood pressure or high cho-

lesterol; to help them avoid strokes or heart attacks. Also available were leaflets on attaining good posture, lifting heavy objects and using proper body mechanics when making beds, washing dishes, vacuuming, handling laundry and using a lawn mower. There was information on services for non-English speaking persons, including an English-as-asecond-language course teaching English, medical terminology and job hunting techniques. And the hospital's very active M ulticultu-

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ral Health Committee offered a flyer tracing its history from its beginning in 1984 as a task force dedicated to serving the needs of Portuguese citizens to its present broadening to include the Cambodian and Hispanic communities. The emergency department Jocused on the often deadly problems associated with inhaling secondhand smoke while pulmonary services offered a sturdy fan inscribed ''I'm a no-smoking fan." Then there. were the tests, some, such as a cholesterol check, involving a momentary ouch as technicians took blood samples. Taking blood pressure was no problem, but St. Anne personnel were disappointed that comparatively few women lined up for mammograms. "The procedure embarrasses some people," explained a worker. The many kids in attendance had no trouble sampling snacks and their elders were interested in demonstrations of healthy cookil}g techniques. For people who couldn't get to White's, WSAR Radio broadcast a description of the goings~on, which included an hourly demonstration of sitting aerobics. Don't miss next year's edition!


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7~~.> ... " 7~",_Y.J ~__, FROM TOP, Sister ThomaS More, OP, welcomes visitors to health fair; nutrition department member Anthony Scarpino demonstrates healthful cooking; Robert Houde a'f Somerset checks out Jane King's occupational therapy equipment; laboratory manager Kenneth Burdick prepares to check cholesterol level of Mrs. Phyllis LePage of SS. Peter & Paul parish, Fall River. (McGowan photos) r




Attleboro social worker remembered :for "giving tree" attitude The following tribute to the late Patricia Hogan Staebler is drawn from recollections by Clara Weeks-Routiliier, ACSW, LICSW, former assistant director of the Diocesan Department of Catholic Social Services. The social work community is diminished by the death last March 9 of Patricia Hogan Staebler, 53, after a valiant struggle with ovarian cancer. At the time of her death she was Attleboro area director of Catholic Social Services, where she had worked since 1989. While in this post, she also served on the boards of area social welfare organizations and! as a field supervisor for social work students from Boston College and Boston University. Mrs. Staebler was active in her parish, St. Catherine of Siena in Little Compton, RI, where she led a program for the mentally handicapped, presented rctreats and recollection days on Christian leadership and was a nursing home Eucharistic minister. Prior to diagnosis of her illness, she and her husband had planned to work as Maryknoll lay missioners in Jerusalem. Her particular expertise was in the area of social abuse and formation of support groups to deal with it. While in Attleboro she developed Hidden Mourning, a confidential support group for women who had had abortions. Earlier she had lost a son to cys-

ALVIS ·T. PERRY, MD, has joined the anesthesia department/ pain management service of St. Anne's Hospital, Fall River. After graduation from North Carolina Agricultural and Technical University, he continued to the University of North Carolina School of Medicine and completed anesthesia residency and a clinical training program in chronic pain management at Brooke Army Medical Center, Fort Sam Houston, Tex. He is a diplomate of the American Board of Anesthesiology. Dr. Perry was previously an anesthesiologist at the Medical Center ofSouth Arkansas and is trained in providing care for selected chronic pain patients. He has also assisted in organization of a multidisciplinary pain clinic.


Diocese of Fall River- Fri., April 28, 1995


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PATRICIA STAEBLER, left, with Sister Mary Ann Mcintyre, MSBT. The poster behind them announced the Hidden Mourning support group developed by Mrs. Staebler. (Hickey photo)


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tic fibrosis and on one occasion. in discussing Hidden Mourning at a social workers' conference, she said, '''I know the grief process of losing a child. But for these women there's no physical, tangible evidence of the ,child they've lost. It's a grief that gets stuck. Women who seek help after abortions l!:re looking to be relieved of guilt and to experience forgiveness. Some of the women have been suffering 20 years and never felt that anyone could reach out to them." Mrs. Staebler continued to conduct therapy sessions until six months before her death and a testimony to the quality of her work

was the number of clients who attended her funeral. She is remembered for her Irish wit, humor, spirituality and determination. Her marriage, family and faith were the foundation of her life and an appropriate reading at her committal service was an excerpt read by her son Michael from "The Giving Tree," a book she had given him when he was a child. Her colleagues considered her a "giving tree," offering a resting place, comfort and nourishment to many. She is survived by her son and by her husband. Albert Staebler.


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SOAR' soars'to new height religious how valued they are by WASHINGTON (CNS) - In response to the 1994 Save Our those they served and continue to Aging Religious appeal. American serve through their ministry of prayer. Catholics gave a record-setting Msgr. Dennis M. Schnurr. $26.8 million. The SOAR money will pay for general secretary of the U.S. Cathhealth care and other critical needs olic Conference. said that SOAR of elderly religious; whose retire- is the church's most successful ment funds are estimated to fall fund-raising effort ever, noting that 96 percent of the collection goes $6.3 billion short of current need. "Catholics continue to be gener- directly to the religious and only a ous." said Baltimore Cardinal Wil- small percentage to ad ministration. The collection goes to retireliam H. Keeler. president of the National Conference of Catholic ment funds of religious institutes Bishops. "Whenever they see a according to a formula based on the ages and number of members need with a clear tie-in to our faith. and the level of need. Individual they respond." "Millions of us have been cared grants have ranged from $300 to for by religious in Catholic schools $600,000. In addition to meeting critical and hospitals," he said. "A response financial 'needs. grants fund prolike this shows our gnititude." The seventh annual SOAR col- . jects to cut retirement costs and plan for future needs through Social lection was sponsored late fall by Security, facilities assessment and the U.S. bishops' c¢nference, the intercommunity retirement proLeadership Conference of Women Religious and the Conference of jects. Major Superiors of Men. The annual collection, in which 167 of 188 U.S. di¢ceses participate, began in 1988. The remaining dioceses operate their own fund drives. Sister Janet Roesener. SOAR Coordinator, said the collection not only helps offset the financial crisis but also tells 45,000 retired

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10 THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., April 28, 1995

SHARE provides low-cost food at many sites in diocese Cape' Cod SHARE, a nationwide neighUnitarian Church, Vineyard Haven: borhood program of food distriCeleste Curtis,.696-7465; Joyce Stiles, bution that involves churches, 696-4205 community centers, unions and Council on Aging, Brewster: Ann other groups, is available in many Bressette, 896-2737; Don Westover, P~lftS of the Fall River diocese. A 896-6150 nonprofit, community-building enCanalside Apts., Buzzards Bay: deavor, it offers a package of 17 or Jeanne Fuller-J ones, 888-3608 18 items including frozen meat, Eastwind SHARE, South Chatham: fresh fruits and vegetables and Patty Rodericks, 432-4931 Wesley UMC, Falmouth: Bettylou assorted staples designed to supLong, 548-2912; Jini Williams, 548plement a family's regular food 2308 supply at greatly reduced cost. Federated Church, Hyannis: M/ M Participants are asked to regisTed IIIston, 420-1422 ter once monthly for one or more First Pentecostal Church, Mashpee: packages at a cost of $15 each, Cynthia Green, 477-1505; Linda Wicks, payable in cash or food stamps, 477-7755 and to perform two hours of comMASS A-PEAL, Orleans: St. Joan munity service for each package. of Arc Church, 349-1173 First Baptist Church, Osterville: Ann They return on a designated date German, 428-3749; Daphne Bumpus, to pick up the food. 428-5640 At St. Anne's Church, Fall River, MASS A-PEAL, Provincetown: where Herve Tremblay and Colette 349-1173 Couture are program coordinators, St. John's SHARE, Sandwich: Elaine participants may register in the Emery, 833-0839 rectory basement, using the door Methodist Church, Wellfleet: facing the rectory parking lot, from 349-1173 " 10 a.m. to noon May I through 5' Helping Hands, Yarmouth: Marcy . for package-s;an(l'r"enirn between, . Guyon, 398-7289 ' . Wesley Methodist. Church, WareII a.m. and I p.m. Saturday, May ham: Elaine Loring, 759-2548; Millie 20, having performed their comPerry, 759-4679 .munity service, to St. Anne's school . Church in the Pines, Wareham: cafeteria, at Forest and Middle Elaine Akins, 291-0759 Streets, to pick them up. Various Sites Similar arrangements are in Council on Aging, Acushnet: Bill effect at other sites, but interested Contois, 998-0280; Donald St. Gelais, persons should call before going, 995-5609 to check on locations, times and Second. Congregational Church, dates. A list follows: Attleboro: Lorraine F"rye, 222-4677; Don Haskel, 222-0609 Fall River/Somerset/Swansea Central Congregational Church, St. Anne's Church, Fall River: Herve Attleboro Falls: M/ M Richard ThompTremblay, 673-0533; Colette Couture, son, 699-4737 676-1546 First United Methodist Church, Niagara Neighborhood Assn., Fall North Attleboro: Gloria Jordan, 699River: Lou Bouchard, 324-2717 7126; Amy Caldwell, 695-3650 Lafayette Place, Fall River: Linda Lions Club, Dartmouth: Cynthia Dlugosinski,678-7537 Furtado, 993-1161; 994-9123; john First Baptist Church, Fall River: Motha,992-7532 Jackie Souza, 678-4627; Diane AnderSt. Peter's Church, Dighton, c/o son, 672-7990 Council on Aging: Alice Souza, Somerset UMC: Patricia Hetu, 678823-0095 1282; Lois Irons, 336-8482 Covenant Congregational Church, First Baptist Church, Swanst'a: EliEaston: Betty Verity, 238-2724; Tomzabeth Wilkinson, 379-9728; 675-9894 mie Smith, 238-0255 Centre United Methodist Church, New Bedford/Taunton Grace Share; New Bedford: M/ M Fairhaven: Pat Fernandes, 997-6654; Rev. Ellie Reed, 996-3284 Raymond Roderiques, 994 ..2540; Church of Good Shepherd, FairAlfred Smialek, 994-1939 haven: Donald Purrington, 993-3730; North Baptist Church, Ne,w BedHank Krosschell, 997-8747 . ford: Joyce Heck, 994-9719; Carol Friends of Freetown Seniors, FreeSnow-Asher, 999-5007; 990-0709 town: Beatrice Wilcoxen, 763-2062; PACE Inc., New Bedford: Lorraine Dolores Soucy, 763-4323 Khazan, 999-9920 First Baptist Church, Mansfield: Gail PACE Family Network/Hayden-McFerrugia, 261-7368; R·ev. Steven Gretz, Fadden School, New Bedford: Dennis Winn, 997-4511; 758-2356; Karyl Perry, 339-7047 Community SHARE, Raynham: 979-1971; 995-2351 Cindy Martin, 823-1121; Martha First Parish Church, Taunton: John McGuy,285-7692 Hoey, 823-2923; Jacki Boudreau, 823Seekonk SHARE, Seekonk: Alice 6045 Soule, 761-7885 Baptist Church, Taunton: 822-3454; Our Lady of Grace, Westport: DebMargaret Gonsalves, 880-6192; Kathy bie White, 673-4066; Sheila Sabourin, Cunningham, 823-4761 997-8999 Oak Hill Mobile Park, Taunton: Betty Hill, 823-8391 West Congregational Church, Taunton: Doris Kastanopolous, 822·2936; Barbara Spake, 824-4372 --Winthrop St. Baptist Church, Taunton:· Marjorie [)iII, 822-1976; Carol Rebello, 669-6708



Plant·a row fOf the hungry Sowing a few extra seeds in your garden this year may not seem to be the most significant way to join the fight against hunger, but come harvest time it will make a world of difference to someone without food. A new program aimed at wiping out hunger through the help of home gardeners is gaining support throughout the country. Dubbed "Plant a Row," the idea is to enlist gardeners to go a step further during the planting season by laying down an extra row of seeds, resulting in vegetables and fruits that can be donated to local food pantries after they've been picked. "Plant a Row" organizations have begun springing up around the country thanks to the generosity of gardeners and the encouragement of The Garden Writers Association of America (GW AA), a group of 1,300 journalists inter- . Hungry~ ested in horticulture. Planting 6ne extra row will take up a very small area in the garden. SHARE THE HARVEST: Make a difference this year by The following are some helpful joining the Garden Writers Association of America and Easy tips on getting the most out of the Gardener in supporting Plant a Row for the Hungry. :5imply space you have. . plant an extra row of vegetables and bring the yield to a soup There are a number of ways to go about raising vegetables. Plantkitchen or homeless shelter. For more information contact . ing in wider rows, up to 15 inches Home and Garden Features, 460 Park Avenue South, New across, or in blocks, with seeds York, NY 10016; (212) 684-6300. scattered at random, yields four times as many vegetables than those planted in narrow rows. If throughout the summer for food. "During the summer months your garden is small, planting in Almost all cities and towns have fresh produce and vegetables are blocks will increase your yield. a food program for the hungry. crucial because the gardens can Many are sponsored by churches, help feed children while free school Another way to boost your harsynagogues, the Salvation Army breakfast and lunch programs are vest is to grow vegetables on vertinot available," he said. or similar organizations. If you cal supports. This increases the can't locate a food program where So come August, when the tomayield per square foot. Planting you live, contact the county offi- toes are red and the gree rl beans crops in raised beds, where the soil ces, which will direct you to .a are ready to eat, pick the row is in a raised mound several inches designated for the hungry. You're program: above ground level, allows the bed Lowenfels adds that the hungry likely to find that your garden . to warmup faster and provides for are sometimes forgotten about duronce again has provided an abunbetter drainage. ing the warm summer months, but dance of food even after the doLastly, planter boxes mainly used the need forfresh fruit and vegetanation. Plus, you'll have that extra for herbs and spices may produce bles remains high even at this time, satisfaction that you can only get small yields, but they take up no especially for children. from sharing with others. garden space and can be trimmed


ROW For lne

When a parent has a stroke By Monica and Bill Dodds

Caring for an aging parent who has had a stroke can be especially complicated - confusing, frightening and frustrating - because the resulting symptoms your parent exhibits may be like no other stroke survivor's. Typically a stroke occurs in one side, or hemisphere, of the brain. Usually the most obvious sign is paralysis on ope side of the body. This is called hemiplegia. Each side of the brain controls the opposite side of the body. Left hemiplegia involves damage to the right side of the brain affecting the left side of the body. Right hemiplegia is the opposite. As a caregiver, it's good to remember that your mother or father may have particular problems depending on which side of the brain was damaged. Stroke survivors with left hemiplegia may have: -An extremely short attention span. -A tendency to get lost if left alone. -A tendency to relate to only the immediate environment (which may mean activities such as cooking or handling a wheelchair are impossible): -A habit of non-stop talking. - Poor grooming habits, includ- ' ing putting clothes on in the wrong order and not recognizing the mistake.

- The ignoring of the left side of their body. - The inability to use money or make change. -An insensitivity to other people's tone of voice or facial expressions. In general these stroke survivors may be'impulsive, rambling, inattentive and unaware of their limitations. When helping people with left hemiplegia, try to give immediate, straightforward feedback regarding behavior. If they start to move too quickly, slow them down. Sit next to them and use non-verbal cues (such as placing your hand on their arm) to stop inappropriate behavior. On the other hand, stroke victims with right hemiplegia, may exhibit: -Aphasia, which is the inability to express oneself by speaking, writing or gesturing and/ or the inability to understand written or spoken language. - Inappropriate use of"yes" and "no."


-Speech that is jargon, not coherent or gibberish. -The continuous repetition of a word or phrase. -The exact repetition of a word or sentence just spoken by another (echolalia). -The inability to name objects even though one understands how to use them. -Trouble recognizing things or even familiar faces.

-Inappropriate laugt.ing or crying. People with right hemiplegia may best learn by demom~tration arid imitation. Because of speech and language problems, they may be slow, cautious and di~;organ­ ized in trying to figure out a problem or in answering a question. When helping people with right hemiplegia, don't rush them. They need' time to get those thoughts together. Give them immediate feedback so they know they're on the right track. Keep questions and comments simple. Divide tasks into simple steps. Use a normal speakin,g voice and check comprehension. A person with right hemiplegia may act as if he or she knows what'!, going on to avoid embarrassment. Three other concerns are :.mportant to keep in mind whethe'r your parent has right or left hemi plegia. First, beyond sadness or normal grieving there 'is a potential for clinical depression following a stroke. Second, your parent may have a visual field-cut, the ability to see from only the left or right ~;ide of each eye. Third, it is extremely important that the caregiver of a stroke survivor take care of him- or herself. For more information about support groups and services, call the American Heart Association Stroke Connection: 1-800-553632 I.


THE ANCHOR-Diocese of FaU River-Fri., April 28, 1995


Continued from Page One Apostolates benefilting from the Appeal are Catholic Social Services, St. Vincent's summer camp for special needs and underprivileged children, apostolates to immigrants, the Catholic Youth Organization, pastoral ministry to the sick, fa'mily ministry, pro-life activities, and AIDS ministry. Also funded are campus and youth ministries, services for Ithe disabled, the Office for Religious, the permanent diaconate, educational endeavors and diocesan communications. "The Catholic Charities Appeal is our way as a Catholic community of being there for our brothers and sisters in their moment of need," said Bishop O'Malley. "We have sick who need visiting...children who need to b(: taught...immigrants who need welcoming... people with AIDS who need care. When we help the:m, we help Christ." The bishop told a Japanese tale about a well-to-do man who lived at the top of a mountain from which he could see the ocean. One day, as his neighbors were picnicking on the beach, he spied a huge tidal wave headed t.oward them. He frantically shouted and gestured to them, but was too far away, and finally, in desperation, he set fire to his own house to get their attention. Some of the neighbors climbed the mountain to help him put out the fire; but those who ignored his plight were swept away by the tidal wave. In charity, "we must never feel we are doing the poor a favor," said Bishop O'Malley. "We're actually doing ourselves a favor, climb, irig that mountairl." He concluded, "I alsk you for the love of Christ and the love of the church to be generous" as "Christ the Good Shepherd continues to work through us." Citing the baptismal Obligation to serve those in need, Deacon Souza asserted that "What we do [through the Catholic Charities Appeal] is not optiona\." Because of "the loving outreach

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APPEAL BEGINS: Altar servers and Catholic Charities Appeal chairman Deacon Thomas Souza prepare to lead a procession at the'Aptill9 Appeal Mass. (Hickey photo)

Sister Patricia Heath, provincial of the Fall River Province of the Sisters of the Holy Union, recently attended a three-day regional meeting of the Leadership Conference of Women Religious at Mont Marie Conference Center in Holyoke. , Representing 60 orders of Roman Catholic sisters in Massachusetts with a membership of over 3,000, the sisters in attendance voted to stand together in opposition to the death penalty. They expressed agreement that capital punishment is inhuman, and inequitable and that it is a violent and superficial solution to complex social problems. They said capital punishment encourages violence by signaling that killing is an acceptable solution to violent crime. In place of capital punishment, the sisters support fair and just

Gentleness "One form of gentleness we should picture is toward ourselves. We should never get irritable with ourselves because of our imperfections. It is reasonable to be displeased and sorry when we commit faults, but not fretful or spiteful to ourselves."-St. Francis de Sales

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SOUZA F~MILY: With Bishop S(:an O'Malley are Catholic Charities Appeal chairman Deacon Thomas Souza arief, from left; his sori. Thomas~ daughter ~~lthiyn,wife' Carol, mother Rita and father Thomas. (Hickey photo) 'of so many throughout the diocese," he said, "many will suffer less... many will not be alone in their time of need; .. many will be educated... many Will understand the compassion that God through the Lord Jesus has for all of us. "If we truly believe in all we pro-

fess, we must follow Jesus' lead and reach out and share with all our brothenl and sisters. It is because of our caring for each other that Jesus is alive in all of us. "That message must be communicated not only by what we say, but by what we do."

Gypsies suffer in Eastern Europe WARSAW, Poland (CNS) When Sister Atanazja Holubova became one of Slovakia's two Gypsy nuns in the 1970s, she had to rely on fellow Gypsies to keep her religious activities secret. Now that communist rule has collapsed, she is helping her downtrodden people by preparing more than 100 children forconfirmation. She is one of a growing number of East European church workers dedicating themsclves to work with • Gypsies. Estimated at 4.8 million, Eastern Europe's Gypsies make up half the world's total. Thcy are the region's largest minority but are poorly organized and detested by many. In the past, thcir spiritual needs wcre neglcctcd, Sister Holubova said. "Even now, therc's still nowherc ncar enough priests working among them. Most lack timc or are too nervous" about dealing with Gypsies, she said. "Others are just indifferent." The Slavic word for Gypsy is "tsigani," meaning"untouchable." It dates from the 13th century, when the nomads reached Europe, probably from India. Slovakia's Gypsy minority is

sentencing and also affirm restitution, reconciliation, nonviolence, aid to victims, and improvement of economic and social ~onditions.

Holy Unions oppose death penalty

officially 253,000, but Gypsy organizations say the real number is twice as large, comprising a fifth of the inhabitants in the republic's eastern districts. Half the Gypsies of Bardejov, where Sister Holubova works,live in a slum at the edge of town. "Most were baptized Catholics, but had given up practicing," said Sister Holubova. "Today, most parents want their children to attend church. They think it's good for them." Gypsies have lived in Poland for six centuries, but today's 50,000 Gypsies are not recognized as a minority. Since the mid-1980s a Jesuit-run pastoral service has worked to integrate them into the church, while a Marian shrine at Litmanova, in the southern Tatra Mountains, has hosted Gypsy pilgrimages. "Many people still dislike Gypsies because of past experiences," said veteran pastoral worker Father Stanislaw Opocki. They "could contribute to Catholic life if the church responde~. Although their faith contains magical, ritualistic elements, they inherit a powerful sense of good and evil and take the sacraments very seriously," he said.

In April 1993, Polish church and state leaders commemorated Gypsy'deportations to the Auschwitz concentration camp. It was the first such official remembrance of the 500,000 Gypsies killed by the Nazis in World War II. In a 1993 message, Pope John Paul II pledged "Christian solidarity," acknowledging that Gypsies remain "even today, victims of prejudice, intolerance and discrimination." The pope has since made similar stat(:ments. "The sympathy and warmth shown by the pope have been very important," said Andrzej Mirga, head of Poland's Gypsy organization. "Nt:W EngIanJ hospitality with a European FiIIir"









YOUTH MINISTER St. Lucy Parish an active 1600 family parish in Middletown, RI, is seeking a part-time youth minister to coordinate a well established Youth Community who work for, by and with their peers in ministering to each other and the parish community. The minister will work primarily with Junior/Senior high youth. There is some involvement with elementary grades and college level students. The Youth Minister works in collaboration with the pastoral team. Related college degree and/or Youth Ministry experience determines salary. Diocesan benefits available.

Send resume and three letters of reference to

St. Lucy Church Bed & Breakfast 495 West Falmouth Highway (Route 28A) PO Bo% 895 West Falmouth, Ma 02574 Open 'YeaT round (5OB) 540-nJ2

Attn: Youth Minister Search Committee 909 West Main Road, Middletown, RI 02842 or Fax to: (401) 847-1385 by May 19. There is a potential of combining this part-time Youth Minister position with a part-time Youth Minister position in a neighboring parish. A part-time position as Music Director is also opening at St. Lucy Parish.


'. .'

10,000 celebrate Catholic education at convention CINCINNATI (CNS) - Ten thousand Catholic educators from across the United States gathered in Cincinnati April 18-21 to learn and to celebrate the revived interest in Catholic schools. Among diocesans in attendance was James McNamee, superintendent of schools at the Diocesan Department of Education. The participants cheered as Sistel' Catherine McNamee, president of the National Catholic Educational Association, announced that Catholic school enrollment was up by 41,000 in the 1994-95 school year, for a third consecutive year of growth. "One year might be luck, the second a small miracle, but now we're on to a trend," said Sister McNamee, a Sister of St. Joseph of Carondelet. Speaking at the NCEA's 92nd annual convention, she said the enrollment turnaround is partly 'due to a nationwide four-year marketing campaign to promoting Catholic schools.· "I also believe the country's concern about a decline in morals has given a boost to the values-added education we provide," she said. Former U.S. Education Secretary William Bennett echoed that view in a keynote speech. Americans are looking for moorings amid the "march to decadenee" they see in the culture around them, said Bennett. "We have become a societ~ that any dednh 9th-centur{Chri'stian. denomination would send missionaries to," Bennett said. Richard Riley, current secretary of education, also asserted the value of Catholic education as he called for a new emphasis on family values.


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Archbishop Sheen began preachNEW YORK (CNS) - A coning regularly on radio in 1930, and viction that the message of the late . Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen re- was well known as a "Catholic "The public school sector can Hour" speaker. mains of continuing interest and learn much from the Catholic value came 'out of a rereading of In 1940, he pioneered in religschool experience," Riley said, cit.his works, said the literary repre- ious television. His famous proing Catholic schools' emphasis on sentative of his estate. gram, "Life Is Worth Living," .was a core curriculum, high academic Patricia A. Kossmann, execu- telecast on ABC Tuesday evemngs standards, family involvement and tive editor of Triumph Books for in prime time from 1951 to 1957. community service by students. Liguori Publications, chose 53 exAt the same time he direc:ted the Thomas Lickona, adevelopment cerpts from the archbishop's writ- Society for the Propagation of the psychologist and author, called ings for publication this year as "a Faith," wrote newspaper columns 'character education an increasingly centennial celebration." and conducted a successful conimportant task in schools today. The book title, "From the Angel's vert ministry. . ."We need to look at the school Blackboard: The Best of Fulton J. New York Auxiliary Bishop Wilthrough a moral lens and to see the Sheen," refers to a famous prop liam J. McCormack welcomed pubmoral dimension of everything that the archbishop used on his televi- lication of"From the Angel'i; Blackd happens in the classroo~ an sion program. He used only a board." The bishop was Propagaeverything that happens In the blackboard as a visual aid and tion of the Faith director for the school.... Everything is a form of when the camera was turned away New York archidiocese whe:l Archcharacter education, whether we from it, an assistant erased it. bishop Sheen was national direcintend it to be or not," said the THE FATHER and broth- Archbishop Sheen joked that an tor and now as national d:irector State University of New York edu-. er of a boy shot through the angel had' cleaned it. occupies what was the archbishop's cation professor. Ms. Kossmann said her parents office. At the convention's opening head by a Tutsi gunman try watched the program when she "People do still remember Archto feed him. (CNS/ Reuters Mass, Archbishop Daniel E. Piwas growing up, and even as a bishop Sheen," he said·. "Our work larczyk of Cincinnati focused on photo) child she joined them. still benefits from the attention he the specifically Christian mission Later employed at Archbishop drew to it." of Catholic schools. Sheen's publisher, Doubleday, she Bishop McCormack said the exCatholic education "is about the worked with him professionally. cerpts from the centennial book identity of Christ at every level in After serving as national direc- would fit people's attention span, every sort of program," he said.. tor ofthe Propagation of the Faith now "more attenuated than when In a homily the next day AuxllVATICAN CITY (CNS) - Pope iary Bishop John H. Ricard of John Paul II urged ,nations torn by from 1950 to 1966, he became he was speaking." The excerpts, Baltimore urged teachers to reflect internal conflict to renew efforts at bishop of Rochester. On his retire- with a number of even !,horter ment in 1969, he returned to New filler items, could serve as material on how they bring a sense of voca- dialogue and reconciliation. York and lived there until his for meditation, he said. tion and witness to their teaching. Th~ pope's remarks during a New York Cardinal John J. "The resurrection of Jesus is the Sunday blessing April 23 followed death 10 years later. "When he was writing his auto- O'Connor is scheduled to ce:\ebrate basic truth of our learning," he reports of a massacre of thousands said. "It is the central theme Of our of civilian refugees in Rwanda the biography, I would visit his apart- a Mass honoring Archbishop teaching; it is the compelling mes- previous day. The pope has made ment on the Upper East Side, and Sheen's centennial at 5t. Patrick's sage which brings us to the class- many appeals for an end to ethnic he would give me the latest pages," Cathedral May 14. room.... It is the core witness and rivalry in the central Afr.ic~n Ms. Kossmann recalled. The result, "Treasure in Clay," was published meaning of our lives." , nation. posthumously in 1982. ,.T,he p,ro;bing heartsrand.restless U.N. offi,cials.it.litially' said they "While I was at his apartment, CHICAGO (CNS) - In a talk -souls of students challenge teachers had already counted 4,000 bodies we would always 'spend some time to Chicago business leaders, Carto provide teaching that is "awe- just halfway through a survey of inspiring, filled with wonder and Rwanda's Kibeho refugee camp in his chapel, and that was very dinal Joseph L. Bernardin warned that "our health care delivery sys-' delight and a source of joy and after the incident in which govern- meaningful to me." Ms. Kossmann said, Even today, tern is rapidly commercializing itself contentment," Bishop Ricard said. ment soldiers opened fire on the He described the teacher's voca- packed refugees. The camp initially she thought the archbishop would and ... abandoning core -values tion as a celebration of a mystery held 80,000 to 100,000 people but interest a general audience. But that should always be at the heart she said she could not think of of health care." Those developthat is constantly unfolding. on April 24 only an estimated 500 anyone now living with the necesor so were determined still to be sary intellectual capacity and ments have created an "extremely turbulent competitive environment alive. dramatic flair to succeed with a While the government said only regular religious program on net- in health care" in which the: very existence of not-for-profit institu300 had been killed, the United work television. tions is threatened, he said. He Nations released an unsigned stateShe noted that Archbishop argued that business and comment estimating the number dead Sheen's approach differed from munity leaders "have an u.rgent across the country have offered at 2,000. that of most of today's televange- civic responsibility to preserve and support to the children of OklaThe Rwandan Patriotic Army lists. One specific difference, she strengthen our nation's predomihoma City. controls the camp, which houses noted, was that he did not ask for nantly not-for-profit and health "We have had grade school kids Hutu refugees. Many victims were money. care delivery system." from out of state both in parish believed crushed in the panicked education programs and in schools flight of refugees from the comwho want to send cards and let- pound during the shooting. ters," said D'Esta Verdicchio, archMost soldiers in the Rwandan diocesan director of religious edu-' Patriotic Army are from the Tutsi cation in Oklahoma City. ethnic group. Disaster assistance funds for Ethnic warfare in Rwanda last Oklahoma City have been estab- year left a~' estimated I million lished by several church-related people dead. organizations. The Vatican newspaper called Catholic Charities USA, the na- the latest Rwandan killings a "mastion's largest private social service sacre of immense and terrifying agency, has established a disaster proportions." fund to provide medicine, trauma "The hatred that disturbs the counseling and mental health serv- mind, the ferocity that cancels ices, and funeral expenses to the humanity in the heart, the cruel families of victims. madness that makes one person Michael Cochis, of the organiforget another, all came together zation's Disaster Response Office, against thousands of defenseless told Catholic News Service that children, women and elderly," said Catholic Charities USA already a commentary in the newspaper, had wired $10,000 in emergency L'Osservatore Romano. assistance to Associated Catholic 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111Ilflllllllllllllll Charities of Oklahoma City. ~ The Salvation Army, through ization's disaster relieffund is proits Arkansas/ Oklahoma division, viding lodging, transportation and NOMINEE NAMED: Mary Mikita (left), National Counhas distributed thousands of sand- funeral assistance as well as coun- cil of Catholic Women Nominating Committee member, and wiches, hot meals, snacks and seling to victims' families. Bella Nogueira (center), president of the Diocesan Counci.l of drinks to rescue workers and Contributions may be sent to: Catholic Women, announce the candidacy of Joanne Quuk, volunteers at the bombing site. Catholic Charities USA - Oklapast Boston province director, f?r a p~sition on the NOCW "We're here for the long haul.," homa Explosion, Disaster Resaid Maj. John R. Jones, divisional sponse Office, 1731 King St" Nominating Committee. ElectIOn Will take place at the sec~e~~%.i~ stati!1g that his organ- Alexandria, VA 22314. NCCW's biennial convention in October in San Francisco.

Blast victims mourned across nation WASHINGTON (CNS) Americans have responded to the April 19 bombing in Oklahoma City and the staggering human needs it created with prayer and generosity. From cathedrals in Seattle and New York to individual parishes and schools across the country, Catholics and others have offered prayers and support for the, ~ic­ tims of the Murrah federal bUIlding bombing. The victim count stood at 100 known dead, including 13 children, hundreds injured, approxi. mately 150 still missing, and countless family members and friends who have begun mourning or are still awaiting word about their loved ones. At Mass April 23 at St. Patrick's Cathedral in New York, Cardinal John J. O'Connor began a Sunday homily series on Pope John Paul II's new encyclical, "Evangelium , Vitae" ("The Gospel of Life"), by asking worshipers to pray for bombing victims. He said the pope's proclamation of the Gospel of life is important today because there are so many new threats to life that "poison human society." The Oklahoma bombing is an example of such a . poison, the cardinal said. Children from Catholic schools


Book honors centenar:r of Abp. Sheen's birth

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Hi., April 28, 1995

Rwanda victims number thousands

Care for pro1it

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., April 28, 1995

New French cathedral joins modern, ancient elements

A thank you Dear Editor: I wish to thank you for putting in the pictures I have sent to you of our students involved in various activities. It is nice to know that our work in Catholic education is appreciated, and the children's activities valued. I wish our local paper were as generous with space devoted to our students' work. Arleen M. Booker Our Lady of Lourdes School Taunton

High Court won't OK assisted suicide WASHINGTON (CNS)-Without comment, the U.S. Supreme Court April 24 declined to hear an appeal by Dr. Jack Kevorkian, who challenged Michigan's law banning physician-assisted suicide. Kevorkian had asked the court to overturn a Michigan Supreme Court ruling that there is no constitutional right to assisted suicide and thus block his prosecution for helping five people to die. Michigan prosecutors said they would proceed with the prosecution. It was the first time the Supreme Court had addressl~d the debate over whether there is a constitutionally protected right to commit suicide. About 30 states have made assisted suicide a crilminal offense and an Oregon law allowing doctors to prescribe lethal doses to patients who request them is on hold pending federal court review. . "The denial of, n:view 'without dissent by any of the justices should send a clear message to lower courts that the Michigan Supreme Court was correct .- there is no constitutional right to suicide," said a statement from Paige Cunningham, president of Americans United for Life.

April 1:9 1987, Rev. James Leo Maguire" Pastor, Monterey Diocese, California 1989, Rev. Adolph Szelagowski, OFM Conv, Parochial Vicar, O.L. Perpetual Help, New Bedford April 30 1900, Rev. John A. Hurley, Pastor, St. Mary, North Attleboro 1930, Rev. David F. Sheedy, Pastor, St. John Evangelist, Attleboro May:1 1882, Rev. Francis J. Quinn, Founder, Immaculate Conception, North Easton; Founder, Sacred Heart, Fall River May:! 1963, Rt. Rev. Msgr. M.P. Leonidas Lariviere, Pastor, St. Jean Baptiste, Fall River May 5 1973, Rev. Leo M. Curry, Chaplain, Catholic Memorial Home 1985, Rev. Albert Rowley, SS.Cc., in residence, St. Francis Xavier, Acushnet


STATE REPRESENTATIVE James H. Fagan (D-Taunton) meets with Archbishop John P. Foley, president of the Pontifical Council for Social Communications, at the Boston State House. The archbishop was in Boston to speak on Evangelium Vitae, Pope John Paul II's most recent encyclical, in connection with various social issues. Representative Fagan, a member of St. Paul's parish, Taunton, and a pro-life advocate, said that meeting with the prelate was a moving experience. (Kasianowicz photo)

Clinton stands firm on post for Foster WASHINGTON (CN'S) President Clinton said he is "going to the wall" in support of Dr. 'Henry Foster's nomination to be surgeon general, despite a suggestion by Senate Majority Leader Robert Dole, R-Kan., that he might block a vote. At a White House press conference April 18, Clinton said Foster "has supported policies that are pro-family and pro-child. He is qualified; he shoulQ be confirmed. He should not be caught up in any kind of politics, presidential or otherwise." , Foster's nomination has been opposed most vocally by abortion opponents. An obstetrician-gynecologist, he has acknowledged per~ forming abortions, but offered varying estimates of how many, initially saying fewer than a dozen, but after checking records put the number at 39. Opponents of Foster's nomination, including the National Right to Life Committee, the American Life League, the Catholic Campaign for AmeriCa, the Christian Coalition and the Family Research Council, also object to Foster's longstanding ties to Planned Parenthood and his participation in tests of an abortion-inducing drug and of a long-abandoned project to sterilize mentally retarded. women. Dole has indicated that Foster has a "credibility problem" not related to presidential politics or the abortion issue.. Even if the Labor and Human Resources Committee passes the nomination on to the full Senate, "I'm not certain. we'll call it up," Dole said. Foster is due to appear before the committee May 2 for a confirmation hearing. ' . Clinton acknowledged that Foster's nomination would be diffi-

cult, saying "I think he has been warned repeatedly, not by me but by reading it in the press or seeing it;that presidentiatpolitics 'seems to have found its way into his nomination."

Church in Japan seen responding to Vatican II TOKYO (CNS) - A strong bishops' conference and growing awareness of social issues are among significant changes in the Japanese church as it implements the mandate of the Second Vatican Council, said Japan's Jesuit provincial, Father Adolpho Nicolas. In an interview in the Japan Mission Journal, Father Nicolas said "The creation and growth of the bishops' conference has brought about a change from a mosaic of different pastoral styles, devotions and traditions to a more coordinated pastoral leadership for the whole country." "In addition, there is evolving a greater awareness of and involvement in social questions 'through justice and peace efforts," he said, but added that those who consider religion a "purely spiritual" activity have strongly resisted evolution of a social ministry. He also said efforts at 'renewing liturgy have been ongoing, but a truly Japanese liturgy ~hat would adequately express the bt:auty, culture and religious spirit of the people has not yet emerged. The best hope for the future, he said, is the ongoing National Incentives Convention for Evangelization process, which the Japanese church began in the 1980s. "There is stress on real community, integration of the Scriptures and life, and involvement, formation and empowerment of the laity," he explained.

EVRY, France (CNS) - France's first new cathedral this century soars like the conning tower of a submarine above the surrounding geometric cityscape. The Cathedral of the Resurrection is a monumental cylinder cut on the bias at the top and rising to a height of 105 feet. It is located in Evry, a city of 100,000 people and the headquarters of the Diocese of Evry-CorbeilEssonnes. The cathedral will replace the small country church the bishop now uses. In 30 years, his rapidly ,growing diocese has gone from a population of 400,000 to 1.3 million, including 921,000 Catholics. Still unfinished inside, the cathedral will open to the public in May 1996. Designed by Swiss architect Mario Botta, it is strikingly modern, yet has classical allusions. In form and in its use of brick and concrete, it recalls ancient Roman circular structures such as the Colosseum, and the Pantheon. Its design derives from the classically inspired and centrally planned churches of the High Renaissance by Italian architects Bramante and Sangallo, while the setting, with a long esplanade in front and civic buildings on either side, evokes the ideal town envisaged by 15thcentury Italian painter Piero della Francesca. Bishop Guy Herbulot hopes the I $13 million cathedral will become not just a liturgical center of a ,thriving/new city, but also,a 'cu,ltu-

ral and civic building. The state is paying part of its cost and plans a national center for religious art in the building. Bishop Herbulot wants it to evoke the sentiments of pride and piety aroused by sublime medieval cathedrals such as the one at Chartres, France. Not without criticism, the diocese used modern publicity and marketing techniques to raise money for the cathedral from the public and local businesses. To create space for both the religious art center and a cathedral seating 1,400 people, Botta designed a "house within a house," building a double circle of brick walls crowned by a walkway and planted with linden trees, in effect forming a park in the sky symbolizing the crown of thorns. The church proper is in the middle of the circle, under a triangular roof. The center for religious art will be between the double walls. The cathedral brings together large geometric masses in an interplay of light, a French tradition. Its severity is tempered by the use of pink brick, giving a feeling of warmth. Its large plain glass windows will eventually be replaced by stained glass.


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Dominican Academy

ARTISTS: Our Lady "of Lourdes art fair winners (front row, from left) .stacy Pacheco, grade I; Jillian Lo Dico, grade 2; Ashley Arruda, grade 3; Stephen Lima, kindergarten; (back, from left) Nicole Pereira, grade 5; Alison Rice, grade 4.

Our Lady,of Lourdes 'TAUNTON - Students in kin-, dergart,en throug~ grade 5 recently held anart show. First place win- . n~rs are pictured a~ove., , Second place win,ners were: ' kindergarten: Melissa Wade, Glenn Rogers. Grade I: Joseptt Sousa, Cassandra Frias. Grade 2: Edward Pimental, Randa Zaiter. Grade 3: Ana Andrade, Amanda Lindberg. Grade 4: Isabelie De' Barros, Christina De Sormier. Grade 5: ,Andrea Caetano, Sean

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Third place winners, kindergarten:' Faith Havens, Kera Cronan, Matthew' Costa. Grade I: Melanie De Matos, Courtney Titus, Kyle Caetano. Grade 2:', Bri~na, Balboni, Sara Ventura; Brittany Da Rosa. Grade 3: Allysse B'aptista, Nelia Camara, Kimberly Slavick. Grade 4: Kenneth ,Pereira, Lynne Vas,concellos, Fay Boivin. Gra,de 5: David Monty, Sara Almeida, Dawn Shepley. ,


' ! ';






Bishop'Stang High School NORTH DARTMOUTH - The newly-refurbished baseball field will be formally dedicated as a memorial to the late Stanley Stankiewicz, Class of 1969, on April 29, beginning with a Mass at 10:30 a.m. A dedication ceremony, shortened baseball game and lunch will follow. Mr. Stang The Bishop Stang Chapter of Habitat for Humanity International is staging a search for "Mr. Stang." The competition will be held 7:30 p.m. May 4 in the John C. O'Brien Gymnasium. Juniors Kathryn Barrett and Kristen Donovan, members of Habitat's steering committee, and faculty advisor Doug Rodrigues based the competition on New Bedford High School's similar"Mr. Whaler" pageant. Co-hosted by Rodrigues and Keith Holbrook, the Mr. Stang program will open with a song and dance routine choreographed by , senior Michelle Neyes and faculty member Julie NiewoIa. Judges Mrs. Sandra Charves, Eric, LeVie, Charles Murray and Ms. Niewola will evaluate the contestants in five categories: autobiographical pieces , supplemented by childhood photos; sleepwear and formal wear; individual talent; and an impromptu question-and-answer session. The competitors, all seniors, are ,Scott LeBrun, Jason Mendes, Matt Costa, Phil Pendergrass, Mark Oliveira, Seth Correia, Bryan Desmaris, Nick Furtado, Glen Homer, Bryan Lemieux and Neil Oliveira. Habitat for Humanity is an international project which builds and repairs h.ousing for. low, income families. L~st year, the Stang

chapter helped ~omplete' its first house and this year has started work on a second, Other steering committee members are Dan Hay· den, Jacob McGuigan and Dan Osuch. A wareness D ay The school's Drug/ Alcohol Awareness and SADD chapters are sponsors of Awareness Day, to be held Ma I under leadership of ~ faculty adVisor Sandra Charves; " f pnnclpalo students'R obert Zukowski, and dean of students Michael O'Brien. The full day program will offer a variety of presentations with guest speakers on such topics as ~ffects of drugs on academic performance, depression, dealing with grief, eating disorders, AIDS, violence, steroids, harassment, and ENCARE: Emergency Nurses Cancel Alcohol Related Emergencies. "We are trying to educate the students to make them responsible young men and women," Mrs. Charves explained. "When they have to deal with critical situations, it is imperative they make informed decisions. We're trying to offer i,nformation and systems of support."

Catholic University WASHINGTON, DC -Joseph F. Lusardi of Immaculate Conception parish, North Easton, received dean's list honors for the fall semester at The Catholic University of America. A graduate of Coyle-Cassidy High School, Taun: ton, he is a junior majoring in business and will spend the summer interning at Smith & Barney brokerage house in Washington, DC.


FALL RIVER - On Sunday, April 30, the Dominican Academy family will be observing the main event of DA's Centennial Year when students, faculty, parents, alumnae and the Dominican Sisters and friends will join together for a 2 p.m. liturgy celebrated by Bishop Sean P. O'Malley at St. Anne's Church in Fall River. Among those invited to concelebrate this liturgy are the pastors from the students' parishes. The DA chorus will sing and students, alumnae and the Dominican Sisters will participate in the various parts of the liturgy, DA, the only all-girl Catholic elementary school in the diocese of Fall River, was founded in 1895 by the Dominican Sisters ofSt. Cath· erine of Siena as a day and resident Catholic grammar and high school. From the beginning high standards were set for the students. Throughout the years DA has been wellknown for academic excellence and its active drama and ',music programs; as 'well as. its, debate teams and athletic programs. .Generations have come and gone in DA's history, yet the academy' still carries out a tradition of academic excellence and the pursuit of truth which, have been its hall-' mark since its founding. The DA student participates in a nurturing environment in which creative teaching and learning thrive. An environment in which each studentiscalle<'f'fort'hto'develop'her" fullest potential in a spirit of trust, respect and loving support. The DA family is very proud of the academy and its past and is actively involved in planning for the future. Several commemorative events were held during the Centennial , Year and were attended by many members of the Dominican Acad'emy family which includes faculty, . D " S' d .. a ministratIOn, omlnlcan Isters, st~dents, parents, alumnae ~nd fnends. It was, truly a year whl~h placed em~?asls ~n. the .centennial theme Dominican Academy C' / b Th F' H d d e e rates e Irst /un Y J 'fi // P ' re , Tearhs,,-:- oy,u y roc a,lmmg 1 rut ,

Celebrating. education DENVER (CNS) - Catholic education fills a "pressing public need" and provides an "invaluable public service" today more than ever, said Denver Archbishop J. Francis Staffortl in a pastoralletter to 'a'll Catholics in northern Colorado. Titled "In the Beginning, the Word," the letter is the first ofa three-part reflection from the archbishop on Catholic education for the Denver archdiocese. Designating 1995 a "Year of Celebrating Catholic Education," the archbishop said he planned a second letter on Catholic schools in May and a third, on religious education, in August.

Three Ways "There are three ways, as I see it, by which all souls come to heaven: Repentance makes us clean; compassion makes us ready; arid' yearning for God makes us worthy."-Julian of Norwich


BUTTERING UP: First and fourth grade participants in the Big/ Little Sister program at Dominican Academy, with teachers Kristen Roussel and Marianne Rego, try churning butter as part of a month-long unit studying Laura Ingalls Wilder's Little House series.


Hi~h .School

T AUNTON-12 former student- treasurer; Bill Breen, faculty moathletes and members of the 1939 derato'r. undefeated Coyle football team Juniors: Melissa Chaves, :presiwill be inducted into Coyle-Cassidy dent; Nathaniel Howe, vice-presiHigh School's Athletic Hall of dent; Kerrie-Jean Angeley, ~:ecre­ Fame in ceremonies April29 at the tary; Maur~en Hamel, trea!iurer; Roseland Ballroom. Festivities Virginia O'Brien, advisor. begin with a social at 6 p.m., folSophomore: Timothy Barney, lowed by dinner at 7 and a propresident; Shaina Zamaitis, vicegram at 8. president; M~tthew Tokson, !,ecreThese are the fourth induction tary; Scott Wenson, treasurer; Sr. ceremonies for the Warrior Sports Ellen McCarthy, moderator. Hall of Fame. To be honored are, from St. Mary's School, Arthur , ' School honor societies inducted new members in the 36th' such Mahoney, Class of 1928; Joseph Megan, '29; and James McGov- annual ceremony. Featured sp~aker was Sister Ann Dominic Roach, ern, '30; and, from Msgr. Coyle OP, Boston archdiocesan superinHigh School, Walter Scanlon and Edward Quegan, '38; John Man- tendent of schools. The National Honor Society received 31 new ning, '39; Herbert O'Connell, '46; members. With a total memberDavid Sheehan, '51; James Crowley, '68; and the 1939 team. Induc- ship of 70, it is the largest such tees from Coyle-Cassidy will be group in school history. Its new officers, inducted at a candlelight Eugene Wade, '}5; Joseph MacClean, '78; and Kenneth Oliveiri, ceremony, are Carrie Ann Camp'89. bell, president; Thomas McGarry, For information contact athletic vice-president; Sarah Bowen, secretary,; J. Elizabeth McGarr, treadirector Bill Tranter, 823'-6164. s,urer. During his annual visit to CoyleAlso inducted were new members Cassidy, Bishop ~ean O'Malley celebrated Mass with 25 concele- of four foreign language societies. brating priests. Following the In other Coyle-Cassidy news, liturgy the bishop was named an Easter vacation was preceded by honorary captain of the school's an interpretative Stations of the champion hockey team and re- Cross presented by drama students; ceived a photo memento of the the Drama Club is preparing its Spanish Honor Society's attend- annual spring production, "Who ance at a recent Spanish Mass in Dunit?", to be presented May 6 St. Mary's Cathedral in memory and 7; and Anthony Nunes, dean ,of slain Archbishop Oscar Romero of students, has been named Porof EI Salvador. tuguese-American of the Yeu by Also the school's leadership the Taunton chapter of the Prince Henry Society. Nunes teaches Porassembly presented the bishop with cake as an advance celebration of tuguese and Spanish in addition to his silver anniversary of ordina- his duties as dean. He is a member of Sacred Heart parish, Taunton, , tion next August 29. and is active in both parish and Six students served the Easter community affairs. Sunday morning Mass at St. Mary's Cathedral, later telecast on TV Channel 6. New student body officers ·for the 1995-96 school year are ChrisNEWPORT, RI - Among 150 topher Wenson, president; Vanessa Salve Regina University stud'ents DeMarco, vice-president; Melissa receiving awards at the annual Simas, secretary; Jennifer Taylor, Honors Convocation held March Leadership Assembly treasurer; 25 at the Naval War College were Kate Brennan and Donald PelleMark Cardelli, Information Systier, Assembly co-moderators. tems Science Department Award,. Class officers: Seniors, Michael and Sheryl' Lynn Grant, Sarah Previti, president; Catherine Cou- Brown Sullivan Memorial A\vard ,ture, vice-president; Christy Clem~ for excellence, in' English Literamey, secretary; Nicol~. Saccone, ture. BO,th are from Fall River.

Salve Regina

By Charlie Martin

IF I WANTED TO If I wllinted to I could do everything right I could dance with the devil On a Snturday night If I wanted I could Turn matches to gold I could smoke, drink, swear And I would never grow old I woulldn't have to be In love with you If I only wanted to If I only wanted to. If I wllnted to I could run fast as a train Be as :sharp as a needle That's twisting your brain If I wllnted to I could Turn mountains to sand Have political leaders In the palm of my hand I wouldn't have to be In love with you If I only wanted to If I only wanted to. I could leave tonight And I would be all right Stop homing on If I wllnted to If I only wanted to. If I wlmted to I could be . As patient as death Fix tlnis hole in my heart Leaking into my flesh If I wanted to I could T~lfn sparks into ice There'd never be another woman Who'd make you think twice I wouldn't have to be In love with you If I only wanted to If I only wanted to. Written and Sung by Melissa Etheridge (c) 1993 by MI_E Music, Admin. by Almo Music (ASCAP) (c) 1993 by Island Records Inc.

MELISSA ETHERIDGE has a reputation for pleasing her fans. Her concerts are long, and when she sings in clubs she has been known to keep performing until the last customer leaves.

Clearly, fans are well pleased with her "Yes I Am" CD. "If I Wanted To" is the third chart hit off the disc. The song talks about the ways we try 'to fool o~rselves. The character in the song says: "I

could ... turn matches to gold ... run fast as a train ... if 1 only wanted to." Of course these exaggerations are only used to disguise the real issue in her life: "I wouldn't have to be in love with you, if I only wanted to." We aren't tole much about this relationship. But we hear the woman's wish that "there'd never be another woman who could make you think twice." Apparently, she wouldn't mind having the power to control another person's thoughts and desires. This woman could benefit from a change offocus. Instead of fantasizing about power, she needs to face reality. The deeper problem seems to be her own anxiety and jealousy. She could use these feelings as a pathway to address the fear within herself. Facing the truth is rarely easy. Society has a way of proposing a couple of approaches to problems: - Avoidance, usually by losing oneself in some form of addiction. - Or some quick solution, often involving violence. Neither is an avenue to personal growth and healing. When you have a problem in a relationship or in any other area of your life, don't try to fool yourself. Instead, name the problem for what it is. Speak truthfully to someone who cares about the pain that you feel. Ask that person to support you as you go through what might be a lengthy process to resolve a difficult situation. Also, talk with God about the pain you experience. If you've already tried to take the paths of avoidance or some quick solution, ask God to guide you to peoplt: who will be able to help you discover the inner resources you have for overcoming your pain. Little is gained by denying the truth. Rt:maining stuck in fantasy is the pathway to nowhere. Start today with a new plan that allows you to grow. Your comments are welcomed by Charlie Martin, RR 3, Box 182, Rockport, IN 47635.

THE ANCHOR-Di?cese of Fall River-Fri., April 28, 1995

By Amy Welborn When I was in grammar school, I was an angel. In high school, too, I was a good kid - opinionated, but well-behaved. But seventh grade was anoth~r' story. I still feel guilty about it, and whenever a kid misbehaves in my class 1 feel that someone is getting back at me for the past. There was this older gentleman who was our math teacher, and as he blustered and blundered through class, we did our best to make it even more difficult for him. And I was one of the ringleaders. I feel sick when I think about it now, 20 years later. Why do kids do it? Why do they misbehave in class? "I get bored." "I just feel like it." "That teacher is really mean. I don't like her." "This class needs some life in it." But most of all, kids say they act up for one simple reason: They can get away with it. If the .teacher dra ws a strong line of what's acceptable behavior and what's not, and if there are clear, consistent consequences for crossing that line, most kids settle down and learn. So it's mostly a teacher's job to create an orderly, interesting classroom environment, but students have a role to play too. Most students could recite the responsibilities of that role by heart. The one thing they tend to forget is a simple truth: Teachers are human beings. Kids sometimes find this hard to believe because they see teachers more as symbols than real people. They're symbols of authority, as well as of a society that kids feel is trying to push and mold them in ways they're not sure they want to go.


I can't tell you how many times I've listened to other teachers who really want to do more interesting things with their classes, but can't because the students won't settle down. Then there is the devastation in teachers' eyes when their hard work and care are met with indifference, or worse, a cutting hostility. Teachers are people, too. I was once teaching a difficllit group of sophomores. We had finally, after some months, reached an equilibrium. They understood that 1 cared about them and that I was also not going to be distracted from doing my job. Most of them had accepted the situation and were opening up to learning. Except for Adam. Six days out of seven, Adam was fine. But on that odd day every week or so, Adam would get restless. This was his day, I suppose, for in the middle of a calm, quiet review session, Adam leaned back in his chair, cocked his eyebrow and asked me a question. "Do your own kids like you?" As if I was so repulsive even my own flesh and blood probably despised me. The consequences were swift. The principal took care of Adam that day. Adam never apologized, though. It's not an eternal wound, but kids need to know that things like that hurt. All human beings, even teachers, deserve a little bit of respect for their feelings. Before the school year ends, look up at the front of the classroom. If you've grown up this year, maybe the person up there, tired and cranky as she can be, is beginning to look a little less like a lifeless object of mockery or fun and a little more like a human being who has a heart not much different from yours.

Salve Regina names new trustees'

HONORARY CAPTAIN: On his annual pastoral visit to Coyle-Cassidy High School, Bishop Sean O'Malley was made an honorary captain of the 1995 Eastern Massachusetts Division III Champion Warriors hockey team. Team members presented him with an autographed championship banner and a team jersey as well as a cake for his 25th anniversary of priestly ordination, which the bishop will observe in August.

Sister Frances Lynch, RSM, formerly religious education director at Immaculate Conception parish, North Easton, and St. Mary's, Taunton, and former guidance director at Bishop Feehan High School, Attleboro, is among new trustees of Salve Regina University, Newport, RI. Sister Lynch is currently on sabbatical leave from her position as guidance director of St. Mary's Academy-Bay View in Riverside, RI. During this interim, she has served at the Mercy International Center in Dublin, Ireland, and participated in a spirituality program in Orange, Calif. A Sister of Mercy for 50 years, previously she has been principal of Mercymount Country Day School, interim principal and associate principal at Bay View, and an administrator in the Sisters of Mercy Regional Community' of Providence.

The two other new trustees named by Joseph DiStefano, chairman of the Salve Regina University Board of Trustees, are Judith Fouhy Sullivan and Anthony P. Marandola. Mrs. Sullivan, a resident of Newtown. Conn., works with University Regional Hospice of Western Connecticut. She holds a nursing degree from Salve Regina and is on the university's Presidential Nursing Commission. With her husband, Frank, she helped lead alumni efforts towards building the university's new library. Marandola, a Providence College graduate and president of John Marandola Plumbing and Heating Company, has been actively involved with Salve Regina for more than 15 years, serving with his wife Helen on the Governor's Ball committee, as well as on seVeral planning and institutional advancement committees.

T'IIE'ANCHOR :--Diocese of Fall River-Fri'., April 28,1995 .. 'VINCENTIANS, TAUNTON . ' . Monthly Mass 7:30 p.m.' May I., .: Sacred Heart Church, Taunton; meeting will follow in church hall. XAVIER SOCIETY FOR THE BLIND Free services are offered for the visually-impaired in braille and large print and on tape: lending library. periodicals. Sunday Mass readings. Rite of the Mass. manual of prayers. HOSPICE OF COMMUNITY PUBLICITY CHAIRMEN Holy Scripture. CCD texts. For inare asked to submit news Items lor this NURSE ASSOCIATION, formation contact Xavier Society column to The Anchor, P.O. Box 7, Fall FAIRHAVEN for the Blind. 154 East 23rd St.. New River, 02722. Name 01 city or town should Psychoeducational support group York. NY 10010; (212) 473-7800. be Included, as well as lull dates 01 all activfor children ages 5 to 7 who have lost ities. Please send news' 01 luture rather CAPE, BREWSTER O.L. . a family member through death in than past events. Free organ recital presented by the past three years will meet 3:30 to Due to limited space and also because Becket Senchur, parish director of 4:30 p.m. Tuesdays May 2 through notices 01 strictly parish allalrs normally liturgy and music, 4 p.m. April 30. June 6, Bradford Russell Bldg., 62 appear In a parish's own bulletin, we are forced to limit Items to events of general Centre St., Fairhaven. Information: Program on "Patriotism and Conscience" presented by Janet and Interest. Also, we do not normally carry Sue Vincent, LICSW, 999-3400. Alden Poole of the Agape communnotices of fundralslng activities, which may YOUTH 2000 PRAYER FESTIV AL ity, a lay minis"try that spreads be ad.vertlsed at our regular rates, obtalnYouth in junior high to college age Christ's message of nonviolence, 3 to abie from The Anchor business offlce,telephone (508) 675-7151. and young adults are invited to week- 5 p.m. May 7, followed by a parish On Steering Points Items, FR Indicates end of fellowship, prayer and re- potluck supper. Fall River; NB Indicates New Bedford. newal beginning 6 tonight and continuing through 2 p.m.' Sunday at SACRED HEART, FR ST. ANN, RAYNHAM "Long-'Life Directions," a program Kennedy Center, County St., NO. Women's guild annual living rofor persons 60 and older 9:30 a.m. Sleeping bags may be brought for saryand Benediction in honor of the overnight stay. Bishop O'Malley will Wednesdays May 3, 10, 17, in the Blessed Mother 7 p.m. May 3. Rebe present at tomorrow's session. parish hall, directed by Sister Ann freshments will be served in parish Registration is free; meals provided. Marie Phillips, SUSc. Those intercenter. Julie Phillips and Helene ested may call her at 673-5383. SECULAR FRANCISCANS Telesmanick are co-hostesses. St. Francis of Peace Fraternity of OFFICE FOR RELIGIOUS The Diocesan Office for Religious ST. PATRICK, FALMOUTH W. Harwich will hold its annual Women's guild living rosary 7 communion breakfast May 7 follow- and Inter-Diocesan Ongoing Develp.m. May I" led by Msgr. John 'J. ing 10:30 a.m. Mass celebrated by opment Committee of· Fall River Regan, Father Gerared A. Hebert, Father Cornelius Kelly, OFM, at St. and Providence dioceses will sponDeacon Patrick J. Mahoney. Pius X Church, S. Yarmouth. Father sor "Paving the Way for the Future Philip O'Shea, OFM, director of .of Consecrated Life" 9 a.m. to 1:30 Franciscan Ministry of the Word in p.m. June 3, St Mary Academy-Bay New England, will speak at break- View, Riverside, RI. Presenter will be Missionary of the Sacred Heart fast in parish center. Information: Father Diarmuid O'Murchu, who 394-4094. has worked internationally as a conIMMACULATE CONCEPTION, sultant to religious orders. To preE. BREWSTER register by May 24 contact Sister Parish youth ministry members Mary Noel Blute, RSM, Office for will offerfun and games for children Religious, 992-9921. I to 3 p.m. April 29 on the church grounds as part of Brewster in Bloom ST. MARY, N. ATTLEBORO Adoration of Blessed Sacrament Week. in chapel following 7 a.m. Mass May 5 until 9 a.m. Mass May 6; prayer at 7 p.m. and 8 a.m. Information: Joan ·LIGHTHOUSE. Provost, 699-2430. CHRISTIAN BOOKSTORE Healing service and Sunday Mass with Father William Babbitt 2:30 p.m. May 7.

FIRST FRIDAY CLUB;'FR-' ST. PATRICK, FR Father William G. Campbell, pasFather John C. Ozug will cele- . brate Mass 6 p.m. May 5, Sacred ·tor, will conduct a Mass for Peace, healing service and recitation of the Heart Church, FR; a meal will folrosary 7 tonight, lower church. low in chur~h hall with guest speaker Patricia Pasternak, religious educaHOLY TRIN.TY, W. HAI1:WICH tion director at St. Thomas More 24-hour First Friday Ex:?osition Parish, Somerset, who will discuss of Blessed Sacrament following 9 "Passing on the Faith." a.m. Mass May 5 until Ben,~diction 8:15 a.m. May 6. D. of I. Daughters of Isabella Alcazaba ST. JOHN NEUMANN, Circle 65, Attleboro, will meet 7 E. FREETOWN Women's guild living rosary 6:30 p.m. May 4, K. of C. hall, Hodges p.m. May I, Neumann Hall. St.

Paralympian runner breaks stereotypes on and off track

MOUNTLAKE TERRACE, Wash. (CNS) - On Oct. 3, 1972, Bill and Betty Volpentest's sixth child was born without feet or hands, a condition that occurs once in 500,000 births. Today Tony Volpentest is an internationally recognized athlete holding world track records in the Paralympic Games, held every four years for athletes with physical disabilities. In a recent Our Sunday Visitor interview, Bill Volpentest recalled ,his wife's first words after they learned of their newborn's condition. "Hey, if we had any doubt about our mission. in life," she had said, "there's no doubt now." Doctors warned the Volpentests that Tony might never walk without prosthetic devices but home movies show him as a toddle~, trotting across· the living room. While still a baby, Tony had surgery to create fingers, and he wore prosthetic devices on his legs through childhood. He credits his parents for helping him dream big. "My brother Art is one year older than I am," he said. "There was no difference in the way Mom and Dad treated us." . At the local Catholic grade school, Volpentest said teachers ST, ANTHONY of the "gave special attention to every• Music DESERT, FR one .... If you screwed up, you got • Rosaries I I I Esposition of Blessed Sacrament in trouble, no matter who you • Gifts May 7 following II a.m. Mass and were." May crowning and continuing until TEL. (508) 997-1165 "Having that base of knowing 6 p.m. with holy hour 5 to 6 p.m., St. Open-Mon. - Sat. people who didn't think of me difSharbel Chapel, 300 North Eastern 9:30 AM - 5:00 PM Ave. Exposition also 9 a.m. to mid-' ferently" made the transition to public high school easier, he said. night Mondays, Tuesdays and Wed282 Union Street· New Bedford "Freshman year... there were a . nesdays. lot of stares," he. recalled. "But l . knew it was not my problem. It was their problem." As a sophoFIFTY-FOUR YEARS OF' SERVICE TO, THE COMMUNITY more, he said, "I got into track and YOUR GENEROUS GIFT HELPS: MEET THE NEEDS. OF MANY' PEOPLE other activities. From there, things just took off." Volpentest ran 100-meter races in modified shoes, but the prosthetics "didn't give any. energy back. After 50 meters," he said, "it felt like forever." Track meets provided information as well as victories. Volpentest learned about Paralympics and met a representative of the company that manufactures the "FlexFoot." Later, the company worked with Shriners Hospital in Portland, Appeal funds aid women with unplanned pregnancies, youth, handicappedpersons, engaged Ore., to develop a prosthesis for couples, those with marriage problems, the sick, poor and elderly, and HIVIAIDS victims. Volpentest that "returns" 90 perThey also provide family life enrichment programs, continuing formation for clergy and laity .. cent of the energy a human foot does. and serve variety ofother needs. After twice beating the top ranked American 100-meter runner, Volpentest competed at the 1992 Paralympicsin Barcelona, Spain. He set world records in the 100and 200-meter races with times of 11.63 and 23.07 seconds, respecMost Rev. Sean P. O'Malley, OFM,Cap.· Honorary Chairman tively.

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Volpentest is now training full time for the '96 Atlanta 'Paralympic Games, is engaged to Alison LaMarsh and plans to return to ·college. In the motivational speeches he gives to earn :noney, Volpentest said his message is: Don't put limits on anyone, including yourself. "You'll 'be surprised and shocked' at wh.at you can do." Not long ago, Bill VoIpentest was at an event in which :his son competed, He overheard someone say about Tony that "he sh'Duldn't have been allowed to live." "If I had known in a,dvance about my son, would' 1 have suggested my wife have an abortion?" BillVolpentest asked himself. "No way," he said. "No abortion. No way." For fellow parents of children with special needs, he advises, "Seek out whatever help you may need. Don't hide the kid. Don't feel guilty or ashamed. You don't have to. Have faith. Faith sustained us."




Rev. Danie.I.L Freitas· Diocesan Director Permanent Deacon ThomasJ. Souza • Diocesan Chairman Thls'Me~ge'




trains for' the 1996 Atlanta Paralympic Games. (eNS photo)

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