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THE LARGEST CLASS OF ORDINANDS FOR DIOCESAN SERVICE IN 25 YEARS WAS ORDAINED SATURDAY BY BISHOP CONNOLLY _ Father D. F. Father J. V.. Father B. J. Bishop Father R.W.' Father R. J. . Father J. J. . Father T. C. , Moriarty' Magnani Lavoie Connolly Dowling 'Levesque Smith Mayhew



Diocesan Cathol,ic 'Charities _Appeal in Full Operation In All Parishes Sunday

The 1959 Catholic Charities Appeal swings into full ,operation on Sunday when the parish committees commence their work as the special gifts solicitors complete their assignments. , A new strength is' clearly evident in the special gifts section. Solicitors have entered upon their assignment of "selling Catholic Charities" An Anchor of the Soul, S~re and Firm-ST. PAUL with apparent enthusiasm. There are no perfunctory Fall River, Mass. Thursday, April 30,-1959 calls. Knowledge, interest and - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - zeal have been the guides. PRICE iOe SeeonCl Clu. Mail Privilecea Much interested dIscussion is $4,00 pe, 'ea, Ilathorlzed .t F.II River. M.... centered about 'the introduction Tomorrow starts Our Lady's season, the fragrant month --------------~---'-.,.... of the pledge system of contrib- of May. In a country consecrated to ,her Immaculate Conuting, The most general reaction ception, our D,iocese is still more closely hers'by virtue of the is very favorable. The feeling is that: to be able to spread' a con- ,dedication .of its Cathedral to St. Mary of the Assumption. tribution over a period of time, . : "But that is only'the beginStanding miles 'to sea we 'find monthly, quarterly' semi- ning of : the story· of our Our Lady of the Isle claiJriirlg annually, wil~ i~rease" the, devotion. From one end to queenship of Nantucket, while " .' h"e d .her- sl's'ter I'sland ,, ' am."ou, , ' nt, of c,o,,ntr,ibu,t,io,ns',c,on,sid,, , theoth"er 0'f".oursea...was , ' , Martha's , VI'n'e ., erably: This is quite obvious ~n " "," , yard, welcomes' summer visiton :His Excellency, the Most , . th~ early' special giftretums. Diocese her name imd attributes :. to Our Lady ,Star of the Sea;" Reverend JamesL. Connolly; , . Par'I'shes' w"I'll b'e gl'ven credl"t are held if)., venEmltiori.' The, . ch'urches 'and' missions called '" Our Lady Star of the Sea .. D.D., Bishop of Fall River, ' d at O t t' for' the" total of the cas'h co'ntri~ after ner }orm. a lovely litany.' .'h onore nse, 00.. B'ass ROO Iver will pontificate at 10' tomor- butions plus the' pledges. Chair-, ' '. ' " : ' , asks her protection in' a mission row morning at a Pontificat . '~an Daniel ·F. Sullivan ,of Forages Mary ,has been 'the . dedicated 'to Our Lady of·'the Requiem Mass for the repose of . Hyannis said.; "Pledges are i1\- patron of those who go to'sea. Highway, while West Barnstable the . soul of Rev. Stanislaus J,. troduced to: increase the possi- Her veryna.me in Latin, Maria, chooses Our Lady of· Hope:" Goyette, pastor of St. Louis of bility of 'giving; to spread the means seas. So it ,is appropriate At least one title' of Our Lad)" France Church, Swansea" who 'Turn to Page Eighteen that the ,Cape and Islands honor honored in the Diocese is hedied Tuesday morning. Father her especially under her mari- lieved, unique in" t,p,e' United Goyette's body will repose in time titles.· ' Turn to Page Eighteen '.', the rectory until 4 this afternoon, when it will be transferred to the church to lie in state, following recitation of the Office Solemn Masses for Vocafor the Dead. Rev. cArthur C. tions 'will be offered Monday, Reis and Rev. Joseph K. Welsh 'Tuesday and Wednesday will be chanters. The Most Revmornings at 10 o'clock. Two children from this Diocese are among 63 who have erend Bishop will chant the 5 t u den t,s from the High just returned from an, airborne pilgrimage to Lourdes third lesson ' Schools and Academies in the personally led by Richard Cardinal Cushing, Archbishop Officers of the Mass will be various district~ will attend as follows: ' these Masses. Notre Dame, Fall of Boston. , Turn to Page Eighteen REV. S. J. GOYETTE They are Robert Auclair, ' throughout the pilgrimage, inRiver will be the ~ite of Mon~ day's Mass, 81. Lawrence, New 10, '~on of Mr. and Mrs. Fer-' sistiilg on takirtg personal care Bedford, has been assigned as nand Auclair, 3587 Riverside of the children and refusing Tuesday's place and Wednesday's Avenue, Somerset and Chris- invitations to stay ,at episcopal , residences or attend receptions Mass will be offered in St. tine D'Errico, .11, daughter of in his honor. Mary's Church, Taunton. Dr. and Mrs. Francis J. D'Errico, He says the trip will become 1846 Robeson :Street, Fall River. Both are students at ,St. Col.;, an annual event and that thousetta's School, Hanover. The ands of applications have been ,Pope John ,xxm has disThe seven priests ordained for' the Diocese last Saturday . week-long trip. included a ~our rece,ived for future pilgrimages. all. Cat~olics from the pensed· at St. Mary!s Cathedral 'constitute ·thelargest .group of LalV of Abstinence on Friday, day stay at r.,ourdes allda rest 'One parent will be asked to c:Wdinands for Fall Rivet since 1934. They· also" form thEf stop in Ireland. Cardin!!l Cush- . accompany ,ea"th 'child inuie May :1, The :'Co~gregation ' , largest single group ordained ,by His Excellency, the Most' the Council formulated' ' tile ing. went virtually sleep11ss future. Reverend james ConnollY,- . Ji,me, 12 have been ordained'for ' 'dispensation and· Pope John. . at one time. . the Diocese, including Rev. John signed it. . R. FoIster, ordained last DecemFor the w h ole sch 0 Iasbe beI: in ROIne;Rev. Robert F. year from ~ptember to Turn to Page Eighteen

,May Devotions'Honor 'Our, Blessed Mother

Vol. 3, No. 18

Rites Tomf)rrow For Fr.····Goyette


Vocation.' Masses, In Three Cities

Class of Ordinands Largest S'~nce',1934

Two Children From Dioces~ Make Lourdes ,Pilgrimage




New Bedford Area Serra Club Receives Charte:r

Bishop Connolly to,Address Stonehill Liturgic'al'Meeting By Marion Unsworth ' A Liturgical Workshop of Congregational Participation in the Mass will be held for clergy, religious and laity of the area Ascension Thursday, May 7, at Stonehill College, North, Easton. . , His Excellency, the Most conducted' by the college to present views I;>y, experts in the Reverend James L. Connolly field of, the liturgy. The experts will be among guests at the will discuss the praCticalities of ,TUrD it' .;wre Twelve . w~kshop which is being

MAY 3-13 Lister to WPRO·TV , At 12:30 Sunday

Serra Club of Greater New. Bedford was preseJ:lted its charter last night by Elmer Philbin of Leominster, district governor of Serr~ International. Rev. John F. Hogan, chaplain of the newly formed club, celebrated Mass attended by members in St; Mary's Home club are Dr. William 8. Downey. prior to the presentation in p~esidenti Daniel,' ~wyer, first New Bedford Hotel.' vice-preSl?ent; ~Ilham D~clos, . second VICe-preSIdent; GIlbert Bishop Connolly was prm.;. Costa' secretary' Anthony John. eipal speake.tr. Joseph Cunning- treas~rer.' . ham, Knight of 51. Gregory and Trustees are Dr. Arthur F. past president of Serra Inter- Buckley, John L. Harrison and national, represented the inter- J. Clinton Rimmer. national boar" of trustees. New Bedford is the third area Officers of ,the New Bedford Turn to Page Eig-hteen






-··'~"i~t· ,~~;I.'.,




",:1",;,2 :' '·li'~;~.~::~·;:t~Cl~C:·i

. ',·'MassOrdo ... FRiDAY-St. Joseph the Worl.er,' Spo~se of .the·. Blessed Virgin Mary, Corlfessor. Dou, :" ble' .Of 'I class. White. :M8SI Proper; Gloria; Creed; •.:Preface of St. Joseph. Tomorrow ilt the First . Saturday . Of·tbe Month.' .. ' . SATUlIDAY - St. AthanaSi-. - Bishop, ConfeSsor and Doctor of the Church. Double of. D ./ Class. Red. Mass ProPer; Glo. ria; Creed; Preface· of Easter. SUNDAY-Finding 'of the Holy, .Cross. and' V Sunday ,a:f~ Easter. Double of II Class. . Red. Mass Proper; 'Gloria; Second Collect of Sunday; Creed; Preface of the Holy .




Rev. James A. Dury oo'sick leave., ',' I Rev. Ambrose E. Bowen' from St.~ Francis' Xavier Parish, , . Hyannis, to. Administrator Of,Corpus Christi Parish, Sandwich. ' ' Rev. J.Nonnan Hardy on leave of ab!i;ence. , Rev. Roger J. Levesque to St. Ann's Parish, New Bedford. Rev. Robert W. Dowling to St. Stephen's Parish, Dodgeville. Rev. Bernard J. A. Lavoie to St. Michael's Parish, Ocean Grove Rev. John V. Magnani to St. Mary's Parish, South Dartmouth. Rev. Thomas C. Mayhew to St. Peter's Parish, Provincetown. Rev. Daniel F. Moriarty' to' St. Francis Xavier' Parish, Hyannis. Rev...Johil,J. Smith to St. Patrick's Parish, War~ham. '

~~ ;/J6:-;;!!j-:Bishop of

F~ll 'River

Two O h i o ' Lawyers' . On






- MONDAY-Rogation MondaySt. Monica, Widow. Double. White. Mass Proper; Gloria; Sec 0 n d ,Collect .Rogations. Preface of Easter. TUESDAY-St.· Pius V, r-pope




Legality o f School' Bus



~~~:~~ .R?gations,


Preface of

CLEVELAND (NC) . ..,... City ,Four months. ago, Cuyahoga WEDNESDAY-Vigil of Asce:nSolicitor LesterC. Yoder of County Prosecutqr'John T.,Corsion; St. John, Apostle .and nearby Bedford ,has ruled it is ril~aiI, told the Strongv~lle school Evangelist, Before the Latin illegal for the· Bedford school board such transpoftation is Gate. Greater Double. Red. , board to transport students to leg~L Mr.. Corrigan. citeddeei. MaSs Proper;: Gloria; ~~()nd a private schooL sions of the U. S. Supreme Court .' Coll~t Vigil. of AscenSion; ·;'.The,bo~tdasked..for'a·ruling . ~nd the ~arYhiIid and'California ." BOARI)ING BUS FOR RETREA'r:'Leaving St. Anne~8 nird Collect RogCiti<:)Ds;,p:re1after parents" of four boys re';' ~upreme Cou~~. ' . . . . . , .. R .os.pI.·tal,. F,al.J,. ',R.i\Te.r.,',,',~or. .the.·' •Ret.'r.ea•..t.• H.ousi.atcat~edr.'.al '~, ,aceof"Easter. . . '-. ' "'.<'. 'quested,transportation' toChanel'" ,~?-se . d~clslo~s yphold"the Il, ,', . ,nrulisDAY':::"'Ascension of OUr ,Catholic. High 'School, oper8~ . }e~liHtyQf. bus nd~~all.",~ll;a9. ,~C~mp are studeIlt nl¥l'\e~, l~ft, to nght; Sandra :Souza of .' Lord:.i~ros.. chiist. DOub~~of : by. the Marist: 'Fathers;i"Mr;!r~~e,lft~k~ an~ ,m~d.lcal and.'Ta!Jnton;:Rita:ar.aunreutcher,o~ T rumbull, C,OJU). and :Je~nJ.1~ I: cia~. Witite: ..Mass. ;Pro~r; Yod . oted th Oh' Cod dental'Care for non-public school Plarit ofFiill River. ' '. ' j .. , ' , ' , . ' Gloria;,: creed; ,"reia~~.·,and . the!e:l:;eCilC~~ld~oPi~~~n:fa:n • 9tUderit&-a~ being for th~',safetr ' ": '::~o~mulli<;a,nt~sof .~.n~~~ ~ttorneygeneral' .who. called, and hProtectIO.n of the~chl~ii; 110 t Stu"dentNurse* T a k e..Palt:·iliFirst··'HOLY DAY, OF.,OBLlgA.such transportation illegal.. for. t e· benefIt of the school. N o T i O N ' . " . " ....


~:~~:;o~t J:: /~~edri::S"'~~:'

pil"G' ' . d '


.... Ci· • . Retreat Given o-utside Hospital: "", an, ulance .Inlc,.. c_hi1c1r~n '~attending. non7'P~~1ic .. ' Nearly~O studentnllrsesfromsodality. Under the direction· of " Tl,l~Leglon' of. Mary. of New BROOKLyN" (NC)-A te~ch- .schools; '. " "': St. Anne's hospital, Fall lUver, . faculty members andSisterli~.9rd,will. sponsor a RQ8llJy ers' clinic on "Guidance in Cath: V'· 'Sh . are. taking part in' the'first re- Ascension of. the hospitaL staff, ,P.rogr.am MQnday ,through Fri.olic' Secondary Schools" will be ' o c a t i o n s o w Listsb:eat'tobe held outSidEdh~hos- . sodality moderator, 48 girls at':" day evening at 6:45. Rev. Albert 'sponsored by St. Francis Col- 22 Cornm'unii:ie'S pital.Div'ided .into ,groups, te,nded ~efirst session, starting Shovelton, chaplain of St, lege·here on May 7. 'The college they' 'have participated .in ' tWo Tuesday, and 19 the second. They jiunei,' Par'ish raesidium, will . Twenty-two religious' com- ~'.' " d a' h a 1£ d ay . seSSIOns '. . a t comprIse "'d near'1'yth will offer the C'll'nl'c 'I'n cooper. one an e w h 0 1e· en-be moderator of the program mundies·. will be represented' by 'C'''''-th' d'ra..l' ·camp, . Lak'"eVI'll' 'd.- . rolIm en t' 0 f th'e sc ho'l f nurs' ,. 8tl'on WI'th the' Catholl'c Guidan'ce . ",e e,. en 0 0 ov.er sta. '. tion ,W.NBH... Council of ·the DI'oceses of mem b, ersor ..displays.. of their ing" today..., . . .. . . , iog,with the exception of girls ·Br'ook.lyn and RockvI'lle Centre, literature at a:Vocation Exhibit , "is.being.giv:en ." . , hospitalB. The . retreat by Oft affiliation at other .. N. ··Y. . ' ,to be sponsored by the CYO of BEFORE YOU Blessed ,Sacrament parWl;Fall Rev.· Robert Stanton, ImmacuTC.urito.. of .C , ..' '. . ..', River, Saturday and Sunday late" Conception Church, F a l l , . B U Y - TRY afternoons, .May 2· and 3;' from' River, chapu:in of the stu~ent .'Taunton 'Knights of Columbus' ' PA Confirmations' 1 ~ 5d in t~~,~~~;;:~}~~ll'ili'") of' ". New.Bedfol1d Contest . ::w~=~~ ~~r~:~~~;;n~:; . May 3 , 2:00 P.M. Sacred Heart,' New 17 and 18- at Taunton'· H i g h . M Q T , O R S . Bedford. open to thE!_,: p,.ubl~c;~ ~roun,g : " ! - i . " ... , " ' , , School auditorium. The program OLDSMOBILE' 2:00 P.M: St. Hyacinth, New' people are,espe~i!fJ,IY;\~.r:ged..:to <;' . FInals, ~r,~h~,,'~~~d:; anm~alwill' include selections from '. " .. Bedford. attend. "' ...' .. ";" , .., ,;,gre~t~r~N:.~wBegr()r:4jparochlal' musicals, comedy songs' and ·'en.,."I'- Peugeot. S;mca '4:00 P.M. st. Theresa, New, Communities: .M"be~'iepr~';;'sc~ool~,speilingbee'~¥1be held . barbershop harmony. Bernard F.tr1 Middle' Street. Fairhaven Bedford. , sented include' Maryknoll, . the :. S~turd~~.after:noo~ at ;2.&t. Ken- .::C::l~:a::ry~..:is:·.:d:ir~ec:·:to:r~._..:.....:-_.....::::.-~====================== 4:00 P.M. Our Lady of, Mt. Society O£,J'eS\lS, the Sal~sians, ne.d¥.Y(),!*.. <::enter;·,'.·· ... ' ", ' Carmel, New Bedf6rd. Divine Word~ Fatpers,La' f)Po~~,r~d;'Qy.•;.th~: C~ltur~ 7:30 P.M.St. Francis Xavier, . ;,. Salette, Fath.erS;'Columban Fath_.C:°ll1ml~t~:,of·th.~:,,~~~~, se.ml. A,cushnet. ers,~acred Hearts Fathers,Afri- :fmals.a,t~n:l.cte.d~~J}re:sent.atIves 7:30 P.M. St. Hedwig, New can Mi~sioriary FathE~.rs.:,:;,.of15.. at:~~:~<:~0<>IsyTh~ ,WInners Bedford. ' Do min ic an.S, FrancisCanS; . ~1l :!Jt~~~~~e~~,.;:W!l~ . ~eet Sat, May 10 I I Brothers of' ChrIstian Instl'uc':' 'urday.." ':, ". , .. " ";' i•• ' tion, Brothers of Charity, S~cred ,-~~~~!;~;~~r_~es~JnI;.~mals i,D2:00 P.M. Immaculate ConHeart Brothers Br ther f th cll... ,!,",.. .1 D,o~le. of Roose.... ; .. ception·' North Easton. Companionship' of ~ary~ ~istei~~eUJU~iOr~ighSc!l()ol faculty, 4:00 P.M. St. Mary, Taunton. of 'Mercy, Sisters of the Presen- ~n~ Mrs. Mal'y.. Brow n :,.: ' 7:30 P.M. Our Lady ,0 f··t Ii e tation, Sisters. of St.' Joseph, ~..'_~_....' - -...... Holy Rosary, ~aunton. May 17 Daughters of' the 'Holy Ghost, ".' CAR"D'S' 'Franciscan ,Sisters, '. Dominican' .: . ' . : .' " ' . ' . -11:00 A.M:. St. Mary' CatheSisters, - Felician ·Sisters; anct' " .... ':" _. dral, Fall River. Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual " 3:30 P.M. St. Vi nee nt's -t\doratio!1. "."',' .."., . ",:. :·':CENTER Q Home, Fall River." . 299 ASHLEY BLVD. May is WATER HEATERS. Paint and Waltpop.t Legion: of Detency ~p. St. Kilian Ch~rch' 7:30 P.M. 'Santo C h r i 51 0 , 20 gallon capacity .' Dupont Paint The following films are to be . , . ' Fall River. . added to the lists in their re':' .'Free Parking Free Delivery ~.. PARKING _.... . Rear of Store spective ·classifications: ~ew Bedford' WY 7-8281 ~ -. 'Unobjectionable for adults" - ......_..6 q,~ .. 1Jiti . 422 Acush.. Ave. N.· H~ SOUCY FORTY HOURS· and 'adolescents: , Last 'Train. PIPING AND HEATING cor. Middle St. ·from ,Gun Hill, Man' in. the Net. WHAT o~r Nation DEVOTION. II So. MaiD .St.. WY 3-0096 . New Bedford Unobjectiondble for adults: Needs is a: PEACE May 3-0~; Lady of the ImCrime andPimishment, USA; CONFERENCE with" maculate Conception, This Earth is Mine; Young PhilTHE PRINCE OF PEA'CE adelphiaps.. North ~aston. Sturtevant' _ Objectionable in 'part for' all: ..... &' CORREIA SONS St. Vincent's Home, Fall H Man (suggestive costuming); River. ' . ,,:", ONE STOP Hoo'k. Horrors of the Black' Museum REYNOLDS-DEWALT St. Mary, Hebronville. . '.-SHOPPING Cc:NTEI (Sadistic ..sequences); Riot '. in Est. 1897 . )¥:iltiam and Second Streets :,May 7-Convent' of the Holy Juvenile Prison (excessive bru- . ·New Bedford • TeIflrIsiOll' • Fur"',,, WY; 6-8234 ·UnionOf the SaCred 8~iiders .$upplies . taUty; ~~g~tivtl,~uence8j'i • AppliaBeeti .GrOClel7' Hearts,' Fall River. 2343 P"rchase Street ,6>nve~t 01. the sacrect -:-. . . . .leD St.. New DedI. . New Bedford . Hearts, Fa i r h a v.e B. " . CO,nception.· Church wy' 1f-5641 '," . WYIIWI7':'U. ~ount St: Mary'i' Con- . . ,.:.' FALL· RJVER;·~MASSAcH.uSmS ' vent, Fall Riv.er;"'· . , .










""!'"..;..-----.. .


r-------:-------.. .


'$1,39.00 ...





,·.MISS/O:,.r~ "MAY. 3 to 16.

.Ma7 lc)"';-st. Casimir,H e w' .

Bedford. St. Pa~ick, FalmoUth. . Villa Fatima, Taunton~

.Wo,,"",'. MilSion: May 3 to t. Men'. Minion: Miay ,10, to.:"" , . ~n~ng ..•. ~ s; 7:30 p.~ . ~ Ope';ing ••• May, 10,: ?;~ ~M. Daily Mall..: '6:30. 7:15, 8.00. Doily Mo : 6.00;'.... 7130,1:00. . : 6:00·'a.:d'·"",. Million Mcnses: 6:30 and 9.00.' .'~iuiOll Ma Devotioti" 7:301»..... " ~ 'Nightly O."otio';" 7:30' p.~. (1 how)


THE .\NeBp_ , geeoDd...,.·...u privU. ..,. ."tboriMll .. PaU Rinr,' II..... PubJiabed nu, l'IauredaJ .t &10 Bisbland ""enue. PaU lUYft', 11M.;' by'the Catholie .P...... of the DiOeese of' Fan River. Sub.eriptioll ....... ., maIl,' . .~ ",oe . . . . . .


.. C1o.i;'g ~cIay 1 I i g h t . <


'ClotlngSotvrclay night.

Children~s'~i.~ion Mon. through Fri... p.~. Grades 5-6-7-1 .:hv. Jo_. Ii. McBr....; ·C.Le. '





·'~OLIVIER· ~,,'umbing~H.~ting



915 Adlihn.. WelcfSquare ' . NeW ledfonf . . ""'1WltWfre LH..... . Phi","" . .




... Norris

H. Tripp"

.,SHEET .: METAL ok T£SER;, Prop.


",INDUSTRIAL . ·COMMfRCtAl.,. ,HI c..- It. New .......' 'W'(




, ~ Id Catholic ~hi . ten Offer Challenge

·Ot""'AL~· IIIVEII •. MAS"

lThTHuE_rsA.~.~N.;pHrO. ~.O,

To Communism

Schedule Course In Civil Defense, For Clergy."en


PITTSBURGH (NC) ~ American Catholic children in hundreds of schools across tlie country· are launching th~ir annual challenge to com-





four-day religious affairs civil defense course for cler. gymen of all faiths in seven

munism by opening Holy Child-' hood "Adoption Month." Father Augustus O. Reitan, 1l8tional director of the Pontifieal Association of the Holy Childhood, stated that througheut May and the give children will prayers alms' ":foroffer the

mid-Atlantic states will be conducted by the Office of Ciyil and Defense Mobilization at

"adoption" of' pagan babies Harcum Junior College, Bryn whose salvation is threatened. Mawr, beginning June 15, John Under the patronage of Our L, Sullivan, OCDM Region 2 Lady, May is set aside each year director, with headquarters at ' as the children's month to aid, nearby Olney, Md". announced. through prayer .and sacrifice, The course is expected to atthe helpless and abandoned tract some 75 priests,' ministers ehildren of non-Christian,lahds, and rabbis from the Region ~ the priest .explained. area, Mr. SullivH'o "It is the children's spiritual ments and registration are beehallenge to communism," said ing coordinatel. by "lC ,.. , ~ Father Reitan. "Through, our Office' of Training, Education farflung missions, each American' and Public Affairs, of which ehild is given a .chance' ·to help J. N, (Bill) T',-" 'v, is director, bring baptism and a Catholic Mr. Sullivan said.' education. to the most helpless "This is' same. course victims of the communist .terror: ' given at our national staff colthe children. By, contributing lege in Battle Creek but because their 'mites', when a 'nominal . of the wide' interest in civil aum' is' raised by an iridividual \ " '. . ',defense in oUl:, region. ,among or a group" the care a,nd main.MAY',IS'DIOCESA1I! VOCArIONS~MONTH:Here is a rarely photographed scene, clergymen. of various faith , we, tenance of one ch~ld. (n~he mis-;:~,; • the investiture ,of 'a young wom~n 'into,one of the Church's strictest,'orders, the'l?,isc~lced~ 'felt uiatmore of them llfrom · aion field ,is,' assuJ;'ed for:.', ?~~: GarmeliteS·'.\Miss Betty 'Lee WIlite 'ofSt.Ch arIes; Mo., (left). -in bfidaJ. gown andyeil,ahe. Region' :,2.' could. attend. if .we . year' and ,the" donors" have . '.. ', '." .,.. ', .• ,~, '" ". . ' .,' 'b' I'· '., . h"" ' I 't' Ch ' t 'L t . h d . d th b" . ,brought.,the,'staff ,collegefacultT ' 'ad~ted' ih~ir'pagan,babY. "w()I~e ;dU,rIp~"mye~tltUI:e, sym oIzmg e,r espousao rIS. a er S e. onne, ,erown. to',our.own home grounds," 'said Have Pe~naiintere'd .. "'~l1dwhitegarb of,theCarJ;l1elites~thesame garb worn by St. ,Teresa, of AvIla and. St. Mr. Suilivan, a Catholic layman. '''They take a great:,.pet~o~al ::There~ao(; t,he ~ittle',Flower;--both 'Carmelites: Special permission, had·to ~ .. <ibtame.d The religious affairs courSe ' interest in, this partiCUlar. J>a!;>y;· " bef()re ·'these photographs could-be' 'taken' at ,the convent,. NC, P~otO'wmfeature Dr..Fred . W.o ){em, ·and have the ,privilege of chooS". . ""'.' . . '.. .direCtor of. Religious Affair's for lng the Christian name,with . the Office of Civil and Defense which it will' be baptized.", Mobilization. The'role of clergyAmerican children are' more .. ' M'IAMI' {I Ser~aMass , :fieli 'by faithful' assistance iu,' VincenLd~' Paul So.cietiesand men ,in civil defense' will, be eoncerned than ever':, with ,.the. Serv"ers Awards '\v~re', preSented 'Mass."., , Knights of Columbus.' emphasized. , plight of than fro;n . "It is 'to . "Through vocations, 'men ex-, ,In\;-itations to send, parish 1st-infiltrated lands, '·,.explained ,parishes. in. the ,of lI4 iJiriii the priesthood, religious brother- - perience the touch of.' God's '. priests to the: course are being "ather Reitan.' ,., a"tSt: Mary's Oathedral. 'at the hood ,and sisterhood; that·, the mercy. ,and" the embrace" of His sent. out by Mr. Bailey to all "They 'know that"Qnly out" of God and the .work of· ,love. Religious vocatiOI'\s are as . archbishops and bishops 'in Cat h'o Ii c 'missioners;. priests, 'des'ignated' thro·ughout· the south inan's redemption are c'ontinued, necessary to' :r;nankind, as. his Delaware, Kentucky, Maryland, Brothers and Sisters;:, stand ,b'e-. Ii, on this' ear.th," .Bishop Carroll. daily bread'. As 'Christ taught us Ohio Pel'llIsylvania, Virginia, tween these prayer for an increase ,in ieli- .:told,thecongregation which into pray for the one He com- West'Virginia a'nd the Nation'. slavery under atheistIc.concepts. ,gious ·vocations.: ~, , ".cludedmembers of, the National .. manded. us to . pray 'for' the Capital, th~States coinpJ:'ising which offer ,supreme, worship . to . .. th~ p~e~er\(;e of ,mor~:th'ari' Council, of Ca,tholic Nurses, St. other,"Bishop ,Caproll said. Region :t the state, and regard ,God· as an' 1,000 'acoIY,t,es.'and 'high schoo! ~tw&n inY~:,E~h~ Reitan .ude~~ ~~hcip Cokman ~'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Aid. . . , ,Carroll 'of 'Mhlmi officiated' at "Just now" Holy Childhood Sol.eIt;,n Pontifical'Mass'imd the' members in ." the" United States , . awarding of' medals and, certifiare especiiilly concerned about" cates to two altar boys from .each the children in India. The trou.parish "in recognition of loyalty . ,,; ble in Tibet nas'· forc'ed many and dev~tion to. the principles of chiidr.en and' orphans 'to seek Catholic doctrine. as exempli-:....... refuge in India from the .Chinese communists, and our mission-' aries are hard pres~ed to pro-' Rome (NC)'- His-'Eminence vide shelter and care' for the' Alfredo CardinalOttav,iana, little ones who knock,at the dO,or Pro-Secretary' of the Sacred of Christ. . Congregation of the· Holy "But India is only one of the Office, plan'sto sail for the U.S. 'many sad' spots on the globe ,May J8, His 'trip' will take him today where the salvation of to half a dozen American cities. the childden is at stake, and' .. where . the Holy Ch'ildhood is ' . . , helping to save them for Christ." , : , ." The Pontifical' Association' of ' : : the Holy Childhood, founded ', . . CO. " I , more than 100 years ago, oper-; , , ates internationally under the: special protection of the Holy , , Father. Its members include: Catholic children up .to the age : : -of 13, Last year, mor~than : 365 NORTH, FRONT STREET ~ 131,220 young pagans were • "adoPt~d" by American school: NEW BEDFORD : But Sweeney'already knows that you can't bpat children through the' work o f : 'WY~an2-553~: the association in this country, '.:~~~~~~~~~~~.:~~~~~~~~.:.!' , Farms "A Quality" Milk when it comes to farm-fresh good0_






'~Alt.',a.'t,.B..o,·y·'s.;Re'cei.ve, Serra, Mass. Se'rversAwards' Nb),.;,... youngsters'ih'e'ommun~'~to rrio~e 100a!tar;~ys ,th'r~ugh:vocations littl:~'.,onesand

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University to Honor Apostolic Delegate WASHINGTON (NC)-A' reception !lnd special cC\nvocation · in honor of Archbishop Egidio · Vagnozzi, Apostolic Delegate t~ ,the United States, will be held · at the' Catholic University of· ;America here on. l\'Iay 11. The 'university will confer upon hini · all honorary doctor of! laws , degree. ...' . ....... Archbishop Patrick A.O'Boyle of Washington, Chancellor of • the University, will"preside and extend greetings. . An add'ress of welcome will be . delivered by Msgr. William. J. McDonald, Univ~rsity rElctor," 'Greetings will be extended on : behalf of the faculties of the university by Dr.l:1oy ;J. ,Dejer-, rari, secretary. gen,era~.'Speaking ,for the student' body will be the 'Apostolic'belegate's nephew, Mario'Jossa,:who is in his fo'urth . year in the'. univer'sity depart,;: ment 6f architecture... 1

ness and flavor.'

James f. O'Neill



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4 .

St~essesM,orG'1 DOct~infe'

,-i1'HE ~ANOMOR t

Thurs., Apr. 30, 1959 i

Bindi ngo,n 'lnd'ivii,duals'

· ,. .""'}'-'Uu:rse T rCllrl1u,ng', In ~elevtsion'

By 'Father John L. 'tDhomW!!, ;U. A'Ssi!ltant Pirofessor at ~SoclolQg'y Saint Louis University

Fo, C!le:rgy

Is :it poss'ible"tha.t 'some '.catho'Jic'lcouples do Jlo,tr.ecQgnize the,immof.a1ity'of"':sterilization'~ iA-s:a ,nur.se [ :am \Well aware of the modern situation but:aJ1way.s i£e1t'1bb:atOatJhdlics knew what wasrlght. Can you imagine mY's1.hoek!ed''StmPi .ise .the 'other dayvih€n -ane of doctors 'as 'a i'ootine ,p~Oedure my ,ea:thglic mends :cahn1y when ,t~judge:a ffiutuI1e 'plleginf.ormel:l me that :she :had nanc:;y w.o!Jld Ibe'h.aI1IIl!£ul :tp Ithe had ,the 'Operation 'I'lerlormed hea:Ith ,oftheiriJ)atients, ' ,


'LONDON I(NC)-A. tele-

viSion tr.a:inin,g course for clergym~, ,claimed ,to he the fir.stef :its .\kind 'in ±the world,

will :start in :England,.in 1Ma!y. 'IDw:clve (Cafholic .pnies1:s wiD .be ,among .the' ,:rn:i.D.ister.s of Bnita:in's 1thnee lmain 'ChTistian gn~s;sPecially ,picked1for ltbe co:w:se tby 'ecclesiastical :a'utborities :after 'camer;a, ;and voice tests. ','il1he first course, Jfor 13 !Anglicans, dncluding 'Vw.o of dheir bishops, '\Will inaugur.ate -.the school ,at ithe lManchester -:television ,studios' ,m ,IA!BC, lUI:3}or contracting company f-or ;pro. gl:ams (on the mauonal lcornm:ercia! ·netw.o.rJt. ,'lJhe Ca'tholies ' start their '1iv.e-day .course,on

after her third pa'in:£ul deHyery How do ',w,e 'ide.teniniJ;ie 'the because her ,doctor' advised .it. mor.a1i.ty tOf ithis' ;pr.acffi.oe? 'W,ell, Don't you think sterilization, whether ,m,.III1en ,or s.h e ,'S h o,u 1 d women, ,eonstitmtes ,a ,mmtilation , ' know !];Ietter?' ,of ,the ,se~ua'l ,or,gans ,and ',oonseI l' -a :t !h 'e :r quentlY ffirus.tr-a1:es 'the natural think she does, geI;u?rati:ve }pu:r;pose ~ ,o'f ,:these t hoO:u:g.h 'she',s faculties: 'iWihen :used 'for 'el1iher ./ pr.obably tfool-eugen'ic ~rib'ir.th ,coIllt1101 ,pur-' ing her.self' into poses, :such ,diir.ect ,ser.ilizatiion d1; belie:ving it's all a g:r.aMeIY <Immo:r.a1 :act. 'Wlh,y is right in 'her <mise it aga'insttlle 'ilD.oI:a1 ,law? , ' , be.c a use her Ma:ri'lPdomiiriic}D <ower ithe 'memPmDPAmNG" FOR OOCW W(i).R!K'SH(])P:: iPJIleliminaIY doctor 'adyjsed 'bers tOf.':ms !b0dY' tis ·limited ,to Whe IIDjooesan Jmre~. it. :A:syoq :sug-, us~ i1ihem ;aeuoriHng Ito \their' 'WiOl"k ffiOf lone '!por.ti.i&n 'ofthe tOomvenmon d ,<It :as iinti:!nded ·,to irun 'OoUaM ,off \Qa,ifud:q.c ~~omen ,to ibeihe1a ((In 'Mayl1J6 :in iNew .suCh <cours~':for the ,Catholic, gem, ithe pOint natm:ail ·pur.poses as mhe mder ,of that is most . rigbt ;reaSati dht~ets ihiim. iEle Bedfor.d, lis ibeiD;g ,do~ lQY {tletft ,to iliili:h't;)-.'R-ev..iRB,ymond .A!Qglican ;and ,Free -ehLlr.ch shook,iI\g is her calm refusal to dOes cnut!ba~ rtlhe. iPower, to . iMoCa:rtllhy;, tof itlheiF'anf.l,y [jif.e iBUlleaq.. lMir.s. !S'tan1~y ,ff. lKioc(other .i"r.otestant:) ,cleIlgy~ consider ,tbe .mor.aI hn,plicatioWl demqy l()1" mtllliilat~' :them ,m year ito prov;i:de :a ,stead\}' 'Stream 'Zera, iGf !'llew ·lBedID0r.cl :ailS ~: Jidhn ~wliv.an 'of F:a)11 1R:iva:. of .her .act'. 'order ltolhmtdlr.aite [the ,nallur.a'l of dm:gy.men :in -a:ll par,ts <o.f ¢he , .p~ ~ W.eI!e !deSigned to country :.ftilllY ~erJenced Jill By some slJrange:tw:isttOf 1Qgoic, fulfill. ' she :apparen1ily :asswnes iha:t ,her the use of ttelB"ision. ~~ "w.iIl dootor~,; li:n.dgmen:t lin :the matter \ ' P o p e :states 'POsitron • r ...,. ft.: lle itJ:ained :to 'lliink :and write , freesher!liromaI\'YPeT.sonaIWMtber.•thestate or the In- r01' ,~nd ttalk tin «ronfomnitY .with 1M Ispecia'l denanas of 'TV. o,bligation. :Now. :gmnti]tg ±mit' divia~aI~crt.tempts +to :qo this, 1:h~ .A ~rksllQP s~ss1on -on ~LiturB •7 Lectures -cw.ill. .be ~en <OOl the, some <doctors :Can !be q,uii;!:-e - !PE!I'-. usul'p' 11 ~irii0Jl_ whiidh ~and the 'Fannly:wi1l 'be aIDQng 'SaClled. '!Heart IChurCh, '!!'.aunton suasiive, !DO ~,y intelligent· do .not iPossess. Pius XiliI' -,stated morriing:featunes <Of ,tine ,-annual :3!llld ,1V1rs..iToim J. 'Su:Ili-v.an, :5ae- , various ~cts ,of ,television i~ Ibeli~ :that ,members tire .Chureh's lPosition .c1earl~-on' Iconyen1D.on :of tihe 'DiOCesan ned Heart lParish, .Eall 'Ri:ver.. JM:r.s, cJ.udir\g iitsmain techn:jcal.angles and ,practical 'exencises 1W:j.1J.be ' of ,the .medical iPno.fession eQi'OY this 'point: " CoUncil ,of ,Catholic Women, PhnupD~psey:will'record the held 00 i8. dosed. .ciT-owt. speoia'l, faculties enabling .them "Direct sterilization _ that is, ~h'eduled for Saturday, May 16 "session. to, dispense lr.om .the 1I1loral J.aw "sterilization \wnich .aims,at Kennedy Center, New' Bed- '..--: '"-!' ~ the when lthe. health ;(jf their olJients either"'3S -a 'means or as:an end f.ord. . is .imwlved. itself, to ," render childbearing To run from 10:30 to 11:2~, the .lAs y.on pr.obably know, :ster.ilimpos'si'b'le-isa :g:r.ave 'vio'lat'fun /v.'0rk- ",p'v/i'1ll 'have 'as. }leader ization is now being widely !pro:.: of the moral 'law, and therefore' Rev. John P. Driscoll, ·8S. Peter moted.as an .a;I>p,ro:ved method ,of un'lawful..EVE!"' 'Public .<\.uthor,ity .and P.ati~ IChurch, ;F-all 'IRiv.er. "He " ,Gilts ,for 1F.ir.st Communion 'birth ,oomnol. J!n .form1!I' ,times >it has 'DO rrght, whatever 'indica- willibe iint110duced .bytM:rs. :Gilwas r,ecommended .pr.imax.il,y J.o tiffli' it may 'use as 'an ''E!Xcuse, bert ,NOO1ilan ;an!! 'the lin¥ocatiion , and 'Confirmation control >l'EWr,oduction amo~.the to -pt!I'IIlit 1it,~ndmuCh'ress!to begi~:the :sessiou wnl \be . so....cal:led meatal ,defectiv-es.and prescr~~rt'Ol" 'use iit ~ the ,(}ebii-. dtilitv.ered!by fRey. IWdlliam. IMc:Cords for ,all OccasiGns criminals. ment ~':mrlocent ':beings;" Mabon, .\DiOcesan IDireCtor,of ilay !Many !States Jliave :suCh' imIn 'the 'l~ot this. -clearretrea-ts and mader.ator of the mor.a'1 llaw:s :a!ltJh1>,ygh !their ,inef:' teaching 'from 'reason .an~' -au- SIi.ir.i:tual ,de:v-clqpment .c~nrittee fectiveness in reducing .the thority, 'it '~eems 'to me 'that your of:the ,DiO!Je53l1 ICoWlci1.'206 'SOl;th Main S_e~, number of mentally defective frlend;s~ttitude.serves.asa good Speakers -on the .panel will ,persons 'in '1ine 'pqpn1lation ihas· example of a peculiar frame ot, .nelude·~v.EdwantJ. Mitc:!he1J" caused them to fall into considmind perhaps ~ .the ,incr-ease .in er.able disuse in some instances. our society. ~le <dmi~t,~'jf:iet 'Today, steriliziltion is being the ,moral law---,they just deny advocated asa superior, highly that it applies to·:their ,par,tic111~r "safe" method of b'irth control, case, or as the popular literature ' p u t s ''K~ep My 'Comm~en -_.>- ts'.



Name Litur,gical Panel M'em'b,ers C · ,may ...,..ocesClft





F. A. ·fOtlEST CO.

licill :River,Mass.

~~ai~~~ ·p~re::::~~~~.~", I~rz~~~~~~

,to the' clinics established ifor this purpose, your letter '-suggests that it is also employed by a considerable 'number Of.

, Nativity Stamp WASHINGrON (NC) - - .T.he p.ostmaster General ,would be directed', to issue a postage stamp in commemoration, of .,the birth of Christ, under 'a bi'll introduced in Congress by Rep. Melvin R Laird of Wisconsin. 'I1he stamp, bearing "an appropr.iate reproduction of the Nativ'ity 'scene," would be' issued 'between Nov. 26; 1959 and Jan-I, 1960. •


This really' adds .~p .to~ojng that Catholic ,moral 'dectrine is ~an excellent ,general ;ideai, lfor" the' country or mankind ;as "a .whole, b.ut ind~:V;idual couples cannot' be expected to .live .. up to it \yhen doing 'So under ;gl'eat personal sacd'fice, On'ce couples :take this 'v,iew of the moral :law, :they,fin,d it quite easy .to 'con:v,incethem'Selves that their case 'is unique and merits':3 ;special 'solution. After doing pl'etty much 'as 'they please, they :explain,..... "W-e feel that God will understand." 'The, 'only answer :to 'that, 'O'f 'course, is found in Our 'Lor-d's 'Own words, "If yOU' love :Me, :youwi'll keep My commandments,"


' , @ '

How 'Do 'Vo:u Rate' /".-" 'on facts·oIIFaith,.• ~)~r:.



~~i!!iR!Il'!~~!I6&lIIIIII"!',··,,·,~-~~t ~

By BRIAN CRONIN The celebrated shrine of St. Anne de Beaupre 'is,situa'tea in:(a) France'! (b) Belgium? (c) Canada? (d) Mexico? 2. Louis Martin, ,the father of St'. .Therese ·of, Lisieux, has b~ , proposed for canonization as the patron of:,,(a) Mental IllneSs:?", (b) Elorists?' (c) Fathers? Cd) Vocations?' \' 3. The office of the Holy See .that 'deals \with 'induJ:gences lis ;known as the:-(a) Sacred Roman Rota? '(:b~ :Sacred Congl1E:gation (of Rites? (c) Sacred Periitenti~l:1Y'? ,(d) ;Secretariate of State': . 4. St. Clare of Assisi was named lbY PQpe ;Rius XiII ;the patroness of:-(a) Television? (Ib) Radio'? (C,) Motion ,Rictul'es? '(d,) JPhotography? " . 5. The first high priest o"f;the,Jews\was:-(;a'.).~bl'a'ham'.?(:b) ~r,ori'" (c) David? (d) Moses? . 6. Who was, the author o'f"Li~es of 'jjhe ,Saints", a work containIng over 2,500 entries?:-.(.a·) ,Bishop 'F1ulton Sheen?, (b) Cardinal Newman? (c) Alban Butler? (d') Hilaire "Belloc? T. ' The study of earthquakes, seismologW, is one closely as'sociated with what 'religious order?:-~a» lI'he ,Jesuits? '(b) The Dominicans? (c) The Franciscans? (d) 'The Paulists? 8. Who, in'the Old Testament, sold his birthright to his brother Jacob?:- (a) Enos? .(.b,) Esau? ,(c) Eli? (d.) ,Elam? Give yourself 10 marks'for eachcoprect ;answer 'on ,page ]18. Rating: .80-,Exc~lle.n~; 70-Vef)' Good; 6D-:-GoOd,i. 50-F~ir.


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"relate Scores ,Bid to Separate Stote f, rom God SACRAMENTO' (NC) "'The distinction between Church and State may never be- construed ,fu mean separat'iorv ~f the' state' from\ G?c:Jd»", Bishop' J'oseph, T. ~c~ucl(eIl'" of' Se'Cramento, has declared~ speaking at the' second annual Red' Mass' in' €aHf'ornials capit'oli eit3v, Bishop. McG'uc:ken' spoke of' , tw<t, gospels' in; the' world' today, ORe' of lo'Ve, the other of hate, wl'l'ich, he' said> ~re-' preached' incessantly, one, the waY" of'spirit-, uality, a'nd the other tlie'-way of rnateria,\'ism'. . ,Scores, Hypocrley , "Our Founding. Fathers wisely established' a constitutional ban on any 'reli'gious test for Rublic office," sair' the Bishop, "There are, ne"ertheless" among. us some apostles~of, discord. who attempt!. to apply that. test. . "One organization,:' he, continue<I "circularized candidates. fOl' public office with a questionnaire whit:h, implies: that. a, man may> not let. his; religious. convictions influence', his.. public life. This is an ii:lsult. both to the Constitution: and~ the: candi'dates. When tlie' people, elect. a, IRan to' public office;, tliey make lin act of faith. in: his:, integrity> and deY-otion. They' know that. every man acts, accord!ing; t'o' his: Pl'inciples andJ hisi beliefs~, 15 he' ~s; not" he' is a, hypocrite." No, Conflict "A public servant;" declared the Bishop, "has. a:. ri'ght. 1'0 prQlfess his faith. He should be: able to say, 'My religion provi<ks me with the. inspiration and the' support for- the- honesty . and' integrity yoU' expect of me. My 'faHh obliges me' to obey my oatil of office to support our' Constitution and our' laws: My belief binds me with: the' obli~ gation of j,ustice;. to' treat: all alike with eq~al. consideration,. aAd to giv'e neither fa:y:or nOJ:: preference to _an~ individual OF OI'ganiza,tion" . either secular OI! religious. I am proud .as. . an American that our glorious.li:on... lItitution contains nothing. that. I ca'ffilot in, conscience.' supPQrt" . that. it, in· no wai)f,. conflicts witb. religjon.~ "

Three Qi Six New Bedford Considine Sons , Devoting Lives to Serl'ice 0,1 ~od, .

"Considiner' is. &' name famous around the' world-and three tImes as famous ~n. the Fall River Diocese. 'Fha.t~s: because there's one globe-trotting Considine, but he has two _ brothers" both pastors. here.. The baveler' is, Rev: John J.Considine, Maryknoll Missioner; His brothers- are Rev. Raym<;md T: <Considine;. pastor of' St. WiUiam~8' Church, Fall River and Rev·. Ar1!hur G. Considine,' pastO!! of' St.. Mary's, South'Dartmouth. The Considines;. siX boys, grew up' in' St. Kilianril and' 8t. ,Lawrence's: parishes~, New Bedford, sons' lYf the' late Mr. and Mrs. 'John' W~ Congidine. The other brotheI!S' are PranciS, COIllsidine, who heads a public ac'countancY' busi'ness. in New Bedford; ,J;udge: Walter Considine' of New Bedford, First' Judge' o:fi the Bristol €oun~· 'Probate Court and George' C::onsidine, owner of an antique shop~ in ~ortli Dartmouth'" AU Tr8velent , Fa'thel) John €onsl'dine. holds the family record, for worl'd travels. starting, soon, after his ordination in. 1922: when, he was, sent to Rome to prepare' a mission djspol'ay for' Maryknoll. His stay lengthened. to ro~ years, during which he traveled throug_ .'ou!! me' world' and: organized' Fides News Service, the Church's equivalent of" tne .A:ssocia,ted Press; which, using missionary p~iests as foreign correspondents, supplies, newspapers ,throughout the worl'd' 'witht at:curate, information! on, the far-flung activities: of. €atholi-· cism.• As a Ma1lyknoller.;,' Fa·ther John's, deepest interest. is: in the missionaTY' expansion of. the G:hurch. Ixfe has' tra¥eled con-, stantly tQ.·mission· countries; and, many books axe the mit, of, his. obl\enva,tion '()f, pr-esent., condi... tions and future possibilities. , They'include "1\' Window on the World," "Acnoss A Wodd,", "Africa,. World, of, New Men,~

and "New Horizons ill Latin America," to name a few. Teaching and lecturing~have'also'occupied! the' missionary's time: He' is; 00': the faculty of Many~oU Sem\inary. aneil Fordham lJmver-, _'" sitjjy and> is director o~. MallYknoll publ1ca'tionS\ He' holds! membeJlshipi in many' m\ission' 'organizations" is ~ consuatant. to'. the' ad;Y;is()~y. OOa-T'd o;f the' MiSSIon' 5eCJI~tarl?t in Washing.toIl',. "and active' m; WASHINGTON (.Nli:)-"Moral Leadership, for American, YOuth~ United Nations affairs: touchin~ on missionSl. will. be the theme of: the 34th, Home MiSsioDalT' annual convention of the Mili.-· Father Ra·ymond1 and! Father' tary Chaplains Association of &rthur have had! tIlew shar-e' of ttre United States) fa be lield tr.aveling· too, Father Raymond; be'l'e Monday.. .Almong those who' wi~Il addreSs: was also' assoeiilfed1 witlL Fides: News Service, in· R6me;, ooing' !he meeting. will, be Gen.. Car.lOS: there from 1934 1'0. 1935~ His P. Romulo', Philippine Ambas:wol'k in Rome' was. f'oJilowed by sadbr to' the ,United' 8tafesi, a fi'ip. tllr-ough Europe and, €harles H. Keating, Jr.., foundel' Africa on behalf of' the Propaof the Citizens for Decent Liferof the Faith in the Dioature Movement; Father Gilbert. gation cese, a post he still. holds. Hartke', O. P., head, of 'the' speech Returning to Fall River" the andi drama' department at, the young priest' was assigned to (l;atholic 1!Jniversity of America'" super"'isiun of the' work of the and M'sgr. (Rear Adm.,. USN" Propa'gation of' the' Faith'. ret.) Maurice Sheehy" pastor o~ Immaculate Conception church,. Oth~r jobs were soon, added. Since its erection in 1937' Father Cedar Rapids. Father Hartke and Mi:'. Keat- Raymond has oeen fnti'mafely blg will lead' panel. di'scussions- associated with tlie Catholic on entertainment'· and: .y()uth, Memor-ial Home in Fall River,' and literature and' youth respec- and he is also in charge, of Our tively. Gen. Romuli> will address- Lady's Haven in Fairhaven. the convention' banquet. Msgr-. The annual' appeal of: Catholic Sheehy will speak at'll'·memorial Charities started iil f942' and: be ilervice in Arlington NatiOnal has: been executive director since Cemetery, closing the' conven- its inception, a. task that g.rows bigger each year as the scope tion. of Charitie$ actliv:ities widen. Ptan' Since 1951 Father. Raymond , has: been pastor of' Sti. William/s-o PreviouS' assfgnmimtis' included , WORCESTER CN~)-A Sum'- curacies at: 0ak: BluMs. WareIller pilgrimage' to €atholie. ham, (5t. Mary's, Taunton and Ihrines in Scandinavia will' be St. Patrick's, FalJ1 Ri'ver.: directed by Assumptii>nist FaFather Arthur' Considine, who thers of Worcester and conducted under patronage of the Bishop. studied, like Father· Raymon~ ,

Cltciplain. Assoc iotiOn' To' Cortvene- Monday

Assu'm'ptionisfs Scon,dinavian TOur

ef Scamlina¥ia'.

Pilgrims will leave this counor if they prefer, by air on July 26. TheY' will spend 19 days-Jul,. Z7 to' August 14--1n Norway, Sweden, Finland' and, Denmark. They will retUrn to this countl'J' _ August 15, by. air, or ~ 240" b,. ship. A 12'-daY' extension tour 0Ii other Catholic. sbri... lag also been, ~ try by ship. on July 18,


llesidfJnUal - Commerc...· . fuduslrlal

633, IroGdway., FOU' Riv., Of 3- fB"



' THE ANCHOR \: Thurs., Apr. 30, 1959



Father Kenealy Asserts rRacism Is I:ndefensible NEW YORK (NC) Racial discrimination is & "pagan· deseeration of Christian civilization," ~ays a Jesuit teacher. r Father William J. Kenealy, s..J., a member of the- law fac-, uHy of Loy~la University in Chicago and a. former dean of Boston College Law School, called racism "a malignant can,.. cer in the body politic of' America." He said its practice is morally indefensible and added' no Roman Catholic can: be a "racist or a segregationist, or approve or sympathize with any form o~ racial discrimination." Cfiides Northerners The Je~uit declared that "popes, bishops and' theologians" all agreed; that segreg.ation, discrimination and intolerance are, "objectiveiY wrong, morally in'defensiDle' and anti-Christian." He called the practice "a blasphemous attack upon the MyStical Bbdy of Christ." ,Father KenealY chided north~' erners for not pl1acticing their stated beliefs, 'in the matter of discdmi'nation. "The ordinary southerner' practices, what be preaches;" he said. Acknowledging that racial tensions had inCl'eased, the priest said': "That..is. the price' OD prog. ress. As long as the Negro is content to lie d'own and be walked upon" there will be DO' racial,tensi.ons;" he added .


BO'WEN'S Furniture· Store THREE: PRIESmS) IN ONE FAMILY: T-he Fall River Diocese has five families with multiple ~ale vocations. serving this Diocese.. Tne Considine family of New Bedford has, three, sons: devoting. their lives' to the service of God, Th ey _,_ are . 'Rev.. ArthUll' pastor ,of St. Mary's .• "G. ,Considine ,,'. <Ghul'ch, South Dartmouth. (left), and Rev:. Ra~mond T. Considine, pastor' of' S't. Williflm's Church, Fall RIver, who is, also Diocesan Director of the Propagatlion of the Faith Society.. Rev. 'John, Consid4ne (insel't) is-well ,known for h'. k. ,th 'Mar"kn:oll Missioners. 1S: wor among. e "I .

JOSEPM M. F: DONAGHY owner/mgr., . 142 Campbell St. New' Bedford', Mass;




. Se·

Irst lin

nes', ,

In observance of' May., designated as' Vocation Month in this, Diocese, The A:nchor today presentS the first' in a seri'es of articles on ])rothers in ·the Diocese serving' the Ch~rch as priests.. The series starts. wi'tli t1ic Consi'dine family oC'New Bedford, of whom' three members are priest& at St. Bernard's Seminary, Rochester, was' ordained' in 19S0~ and assigned to' St. Joseph's Church, TlmntoI\. War inter-, rupted his Diocesan service' and he served - ~n 'both the Atlantic and Pacific' theaters as a Navy chaplain. , Returning, to, St.. Joseph's, after the war, he was. afterwards. signed to St. Mary's" North At-




. 15 BeIl:viUe A:ve" ~ 3-7661 New ~aedford'

'The Family' That Prays Together. Stays. TogetherTHE·


;IHRS:T W'AT10N'AL B:ANK A&tlebor;"";:South Altlebore Seekonk

tteboro, and was' then, named, pastor of 5t. Mary'sl South Dartmouth. He is. also Diocesan Director of tlie Priests' Eueharistic League. Do. the busy €onsidines eyer get together? Once or .twice yearly Father John is able to visit the Diocese and that's' the occasion for a g.rand reunion and grateful meIllories of a New Bedford home that gave three sons to God. ..


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McWHIRR MONTH It's Our 82n·dBirthday And' All' The Presents Are For You



·Ga~::tyO~t~i~~ister~hO '~e~ intoanyL~r . where there is need of her ministrations and there care,s for the sick and aged with tender h~nds and prayerlul he~rt: Charity is ,the extra effort made 'at Catholic Youth Organizations to provide not only wholesome recreat.ion for, young peopl~ but a deeper spi~it of God's. all-reaching presence. Charity is the knowledge of the older Citizen that in'


..' .


, . ·1jJie¥mni;'gojW~k~... Feast of'St,Joseph the Workman


.A... ·


Weekly Calendar Of 'Feast Days


TODAY _ St. Cathe'rine of' Siena, Virgin. Born in 1347 in Siena, -Tuscany,. she joined the Dominican nuns at the age of 18. She was gifted. with the the home-like surroundings of Our Lady's Haven or Sac~eq stigmata. and was tireless in her' Heart Home 'or the Memorial.Home there is care 'and love work for. the poor. By her visit by Sisters who give their lives for this work. I • to Avignon she was instrumental in bringing about the return Charity is the open .door of the Welfare Bureaus to of Pope Gregory XI to Rome, those in need, those seeking answers to problems; those and served as counsellor to desiring to enriCh their lives through an adoption. Pope Urban. VI. She died in 1380, and was canonized in 1461. . Charity is the child's wonderment turning to delight • TOMORROW _ Feast of Slat the sight of a Health Camp, a place to swim, a counsellor .Joseph the Workman. This Feast who seeks to help. - . was instituted by His Holiness Pope Pius XII to ratify the Charity is'all of these and more. It is that. extra me~s!1re . status of St. Joseph as patron of of giving on the part of dedicated men and women.who make workingmen, and 'tQ offer them their own salvation depend on how well they serve.:Christ as a model the. carpenter of , . Nazareth whose labor, by God's in their fellow men. Charity is utterly wi.th.?ut cal~u1~tion. grace,.was a means for the sancIn the presence of such charity what·.is the measure \ tification of his life. of contribution to the Catholic Charities Appeal~the'Appeal SATURDAY-St. . Athanasius, that makes it possible for these·men andwomeri ~o .continue.· Bishop - Confessor - Doctor. He' their wor.k of. ser.v,in.·g· Christ in H.is pO.or and. ag.e.·da.nd. si.ck was born' at Alexandria, Egypt,· and became Bishop' of Alexanand needy 7 . . ' . dria in 328. He is famous' as the There is only.one gauge of giving to th~s ',A.·ppe~L:;/that .. . bE ",) champion of the Catholic Faith. . , . in' .·.the Blessed Trinity against iflfor· each person to give. what ~e honestly :b:eliev·e~·t~at .· · l a l J E S T , h . , N S . Arius, who denied the Divinity he can afford .•• and then add a )ittle Jnore> The:·ol'iginal. ~ WI ~.. . of Christ and was backed by 'sum of gift-the little bit JJ:lore··.that.,~urts;ma:~estlie: .~d .~~.".. ..... powerful' partisans. During bis' ...ift ch.ari.ty. . . . . . . ,,, ,::. J'.' "'.: . , . . . AlNSWERS . Episcopate his life was frequent-· eo ",,' ····,,·;·!·,.• ,.,.ni~.: :..... ). ... .t1l 'ly in 'danger. He was, forced to. • ..' Charity' does not ex~st.apa,~t from, :s~c:t.ijfi.:~e•. '·9h~ity,; .' .flee . from pla~ to' place,- but 'does not exist' apart from. the giftof;'one~s 'S':M;-:l :::i"t·,;.\ BY REV. JAMES A. McCARTHY eventu!llly he· returned in tri. ' . ." . ' . ',. . i:,,""""'; .... ' j ' , .. , '. i'. . 'H'olY'Name Church-Fidi River umph to.Ai~xandria,.where be: :~ Christ does' not ask 19r one:s ,.i~o09.s\~dpn~,;~·:g~,M¥~,~·'P! Are Irois' 'legslishot meat! . ailowE;<i' for' sU:fficientrea~ri;die~ in3~..: .:· . ,one's ·heart~f.or part of o!,e~e1f~foli~.SOJ.!l~th!#jf~t.!t~~~,,~,9St8.<'Can they be .eatenon:Friday!.v..g;,:, if':plii~ue ' ~r .pesti1~nce· :SUNDAY"-'- Finding of ~: .an' effort that 'hurts a little .' ."'.' .. ! ,.e,-:.:: .• ,; ,.".' ,.;..,:.. . .: Co.old you tell.me what diller'caused IlO :.Jl,UI.ny deaths.;ls .,~' . Holy .. Crpss•. This·feast· was ~. .. '.,... . .'.:. .. .... .. ',.'. .... ;. . ~:, _/.,(i;:;:::·;:,..~ ·:.·~:;:,>:,;;eJitiation' .the .Churc:h, makes ~ake.·burial 01 all. imposs~ble' tablished in. memory of tile find- . :., A' suggested.standard for.glvmg\,~:~c,t.li~/':J.\]?~l;llJ~4pr;'" ht' theseritatters? .' . , ' and the unburied bodies· posed;:· ingot th«i" tiue i"Cross by. St.' . .)-':' ·.very .~·o~ki,!g.··pet:s?n .to .~ive:;flt.1.~~s~~;~~!f.Mn~~~j;:,§~~!1.~~,..' 'C Frog~',·'t~gsihayheeaten. .·on. .. threat. of ~eorit~minlition·ap'd.. ·;' Jtelenairi 3b6 lifter it ·had·..b«ieil· . :aIjlount w6u1d··un~oubtedly.·'JQe~n'a§:l~r~~~q~ ....~!lfW~>,p,!,r.t~"·.,,, Frfday:::The¢9DE OF .. CANON;, . ~n~g~on:,~·th.e .. ~0!D~.UilitY'~t:·:.:· :·hj.dd~n::·:~nd~ ·6ur,ieii. .by; i~iidel'; . . 'm~ny a donor; 'J;hat8acrific~::meari~;c~afity• <·f'( <;~;<;: (,." .~'~'. ':LA.W .r.e.iardJ~~.ao.stihen..ce:(can~ ". " . • •.•,'. . ". .': : f9~r 18~ xear~.. : <'. : " . ,. '" ..' . . .,.:·..,.:v.:" ~.-' -:.....·.:"t,j"·'·.'i';.:: ~·':··i,· .. ·" i""", ..9f i '1250) ,10rblds the.: ta.kmg· as.... ".. ~at:. "is::" tile' .P~~p~J.~ ..-: ....:.·:MON,~AY~t;'.1fI?n~.~a,,!~~-: .. . '. ,. ...." .,' :·>:.<,.. :i.' ' .•. ; , : "",,··'··nourishment ·flesh . m'eat 'and . ow She was born m Carthage' c".' ' . J' u'I'e'e'S,' but does· not ·e.xcl.u'de aDnounelna- - &be ,kDDli:" '.", . . :of . Chrisban: ;...... " ·c·but· .. 111 )132' parents ~ ".e.g.gs;'.inilk,..prod.ucts :nor .ccmd.i-.. _mace. '. """.",. , . Th·ey. h'ad three~ .. . . .': . . '.' . ... ····marrlcu....'pagan.· . • . ".. :, c' .'" " '",·,h,. ":,,,.,1\", ; ' ' ' - , . ' .~, ::".'''; ~~ents·.of any ,kmd,. eyen though· "Balins '~ot marriage 'are :,to ··be;. chil.dren.'Her'·llusband!s example , .....;A ·conference· of· EaptiSt .. c1el'gy'·~,,~~~q.~,1~Y~/lead,e~s:' hi.; 'made"frQm' anIinal fa.tS.,. . .. . . . ·annotineed.•In",the :hoJile' p'arish . '.led :~r ~ldest;'BOn)6 I:apse from': '. . W ~tee8te~: ~meup ~ith the statement.that lithe pereerttake::"" ,The.CpD~,~~f }'l~~... d~f~n.e.;, . 01 each . paf.ty·to' ,the: marriage. ': t!le F~ith;Througl}' her. patience' . .... .' ....,... ,'" " .' ',i, •• · , ". ..flesh meat speCifically' It IS to "'1 h . ts· . 'd ·U· 'St M' . .... of ehurch members in the center of Mr~e .. e-ities:is;:dediDihg;~. ::' -". ..... " . ' , . ., ,n: so,. suc ,.,an~o~ncemen ..~su: .... 8J,1 ,ge~,. ~~!lS, .. , •.. om~a·. eon. . ••.. :" ". ,;; ..J". '.,,' .•;.. ; ,"" ~"~ '.". '''. ,be determ.n~ed. ac<;ordmg t~ co~-: . ally ar.e ~ade" in ,~ny parish ill;.1 :,,:er~~ .. her ~usb,a'n~" before' ~i.~ . One BllTIlster stated that. The cultlJl'~ '~!'" tn~i .~,~. ~~~~y. mon esbmatloQ and custom 'which either ,party, has resided. death. ~ Later '{her . prayers were' . :,.:.. . Fesist;s, Christianity .... ,", . ' ...~ .~:.~\~.; .1. j,,:O/~i""'!Y::',: >t,.~: (~.v«:n ~ IOf~l. ~u~t?m) rather th.~,n for' more .than six months ait~r ,;answer.ed .~~~~ h~r 89n" retur~i!d: . . . ~"... '" " -. . ... in SCientifiC bIOlogical terms.. h' . bl Th to th t' f th F "th' ft . . ". '.. At. times Catholic s~akers. ·and ,wr~ter,$ ;w}ll, put,·{or,th .. The' enera'l ;ule is: 'anImals that. ' reac mg. marrJ.age!l e .age. ".. ~. . ... ~,:J?r~c; l~ 0·. ~ . al :.a er 1 ......... h: ' "'d Th . th" ;·t '~""Ui"tS~h'''~'tl''''''d < • • • ' g. . " purpose.·oJ.. ·these, prOCI~ma~II?,"". ,.slJech~p.,ac.col,!1flamed· him." ., .:t ....ft I.'!ame I ~a... ey. se~. e. Cl y "W,I.,. lq,~,:.~.-~:~n .,,~~.P- }I.v~.' on.l~~d an~ ~avewarm; i. not-to advise:ffiends to'send <:.'Rome;, She,' died . bf Ostia, I.near· : .... "eriiences :and'scientific advantages as .hpstUe;tb Christj~.nity. 'c'. b.le>o,d ..... ar~. cp'nsl<1~I:e<.l .' .~ellt.,. .."'giftibut· to establish that : the' . J:{ome, the. same' .year-that.· her .. ' ,.ChrIstIamty . . . . at h " o~Y·OJl;· '1' . ~ 't"" . th e 'A.. ,.' I 'Hence . t"Ive... "- 1'd ean.,groom,are!!On d · · · . . '. . .. ~am.e ... ·..·b . t'Iar,u_y, 't' . :. .·They see orne ,ne. f"""" .~r-m; m· rum:. ; , ..under , ..'the name meat and <.. ftee. prospec "ack .to' ". Ch' , r1~ .,;.. ...• . .• • .. ;1 ,.. .. ..• :.~,;",. . ' ·.c·, .' 1'"Jtsbr9ths ar~. mcluded J.Da~, . . .t o·,marry. Anyone hearing~ ,He.·became· St.··Augustine· of· c 'eommumty, In all·Its , scope.agamst .·mals andbirds-,:..the . :. . - t"": ··· . . ·······r. .H····· ·'d·.. '·'.···· ,.... . . . practIsed .. . '. .' '. '".' a " b.ackgrmmd .".'."" ,.,. ..'..... . .... ". flesh;mar-· .... '. .., .t"h'ese " announcemen s an'd' ·k'..'now-. IPPO an .was .rna d···n_~t'··· e a .uv<: OJ' 'of work with the soil, newly~baked bre~d:arid the.{(M:~~sh-. ro~, b~ood;'bra~l!'s,_~xtracts,· ing:ofany rea'son 'why :the·ma.r,;,,' of the .Churc:h:· . '; .': e ioned way 'of dping things. ' . .".. . I".'.'.'; n... ~c~: pie (rel;ll ~mce P.1 . made' 'riage: should not :'~ke: place; . . : . . . •.' .' \, .. .:.. " .... ,. i.':'<-"<'·~" , o~m.mce.meat~ Deef tea ~~c..... v;g".'previousand.Still,existing· TUESDAY~i.·PiusV, Pope-.'... Here IS a case that calls.for th~ .'!Ht.~mg;.p~·~.lstmctI?Jl~;,":::'Ther~fore,. fish .~d ammals marriage,.is bound in conscience CoD1essor.'He was Michael Ghis-: :. The "agricultural CathoJic,f":.:·;~9i:':'·\Y~ri·t"~f;·3':~tter· Utat have cold. blood. may. be . to make .thefact. ~nown.· .. lieri, sci().n :.~f· a :noble farhily, .. . . .':",. ",, ... : . ."." .... .. eaten on·days of abs~mence, so Similarly banns are published who was born.in 1504. He joined' e:cpre~...~lOn-no do~bt/~e~.:r~rat'~I~l~~:,~, .. :f?ste!l~g.t~o:l:'e:· .. frogs, t~rtl.e's,. snak~s, . snails, for a youni ma~to be raised tc! the, Doininican!l'at the age 'of 14. VIrtues that the City te.n~.s.~~:~~~!e" se1(:r.e}}ance, <:on~act " o~sters, ~.lams, crabs and Ipbster Major Orders, i. e. subdiaconate, .. ~ and achieved a wide reputation: ' with God il1 nat~re,silence :which .~urns to .:c6Iitemp1at~on,-. 'are permItted to thos~ w~o hav.e diaconate and priesthood.' . as' a preacher.' He bec~n'ie'a . 't· f . "'fi .... t'" .- b' ,: . f' ' t " f' 't ' . a taste for ·these dellcacles a n d , ' Bishop, then a Cardinal arid,' SpIrl 0 Sa~rl ~~, In 'lie a sence 0 . Cl y. com or s. .' can afford them. In some places, .• • • succe'eded Pqpe 'Pius in '1566.But it'w()uldnever do to irisistthat the rural cOJT!.tnun·itY· where cu~t~m sanctions.it, otters, What Is the meaDing of the The great naval victory: 'over: is the natural setting for Christianity. Franci!;! .Thompson. ~eavers, seals, coots, water h~ns, word "brandea"? . the Turks at Lepanto in 1571 is , '" . , .. , . . . . . . .., '" : ducks, .etc., also may be eaten "Brandea" are objects which' attributed to his endeav.o~s and· "rl'0te of Chnst wa1kmg: on the ,waters Not of· Genesareth, on days of abstinence. have been touched to the bodies praye~s. He died in 1572 and his but Thames." /' '. '. . • • • of s'aints' or any genuine relics. shrine 'is in St. Mary Major in Christ is at home in every setting, although it is true . I have been taught to believe Originally tl).ey. were pieces of J.,lome. ,~that some situations are 'better calculat~d turn rrien!s' . that it is·agalnst the. teaching' . clot~low~re.d into the shrin~ or WEDNESDAY-St. John the minds to God. " .. 01' the' Caih~lic Cliurcll· to crypt of saint:. * * Apostle before the Latin Gate. .. . '" have a body cremated. Is that Couid' y'ou 'tell ~e The feast commemorates. the .. But it can never be said that the city resists Christian-'correct? If so, why? ,\, what a Incident in the life of the Saint, simar it? . . , ity. That is to underplay the strength of grace. And it'-is.to. You are' correctly informed. called the Evangelist, when he underestimate the good will of men who bring Christ 'in . The' Catholic Church does forA simar is the. black cassock .was brought in bonds to Rome .'. b'd t' . C t' n has with purple sash, buttons and from Ephesus by order of Emtheir lives in.to factories and stores and 'along city streets.' been'condeinned I crema IOn. byrema three10Roman piping worn in the' house by a peror Domitian and was send' . C ·· th R S ena te to " 0 not reSIst hristianity-only men can resist decrees; . and canon 1240 of.. the bishop: I t is also k.nown as a tence d byeoman C Ihes Christ. And men can open their lives to Him: too. . CODE OF CANON LAW de- zimarra. be boiled in a caldron of oil at nies Christian bu~ial 'to o n e ' the .city's Latin Gate.· He who has ordered (and never Prelate to Receive emerged from the torture mirretracted) that his remains be. Union Label Award' aculously unharmed and was cremated, even though the order . NEW YORK (NC) _- Msgr.. banished 'to Patmos, where he , has 'not been catried out. John p:'Boland of Buffalo has wrote the Apocalypse. He even, Cremation is not intrinsically been named the recipient of the . tually returned to Ephesus and evil. The Catholic Church for- 1959 Uni.onLabel,Award of Mer~ lived to an old age, surviving 'bids .it because it is out of it, presented by the merged labor his fellow Apostles. E O ' keeping .with .. the ·reverence federation in New York State. O FFICIAL NEWS . PAP R F THE DIOCESE OF .FALL RIVE~ .. whi.ch has always been accorded " Msgr·. Bol'and,a member of the . Bishop to Speak Published weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of. Fall River ·the human body by Christian State Mediation Board, was cited WINOOSKI PARK (NC)- Dr. 410 Highlc;md Avenue . ,.... " . . and Jewish tradition. The his- fOr 39 years of "outstanding con- Char!ns M"lik, pr€~"" of the Fall- Ri'ver; Mass: . " :... bSbori·u~5.7'151 toric' 'origin of cremation, also tributions toward effective . la- United· Nations General' Assem. ' .. , . '. supplies a reason for Uie Church bOr-mariagement relations."! ' .. "bly,'an'dBishop Vincent S. WatPU,BLlSHER . t() "'pr6hihit :.this 'prlictice: . its· .. The award .was a'nnounced byers of Raleigh, N: C., will be . L Canna II y• . 0 .D., PhD' principal promoters are anti- Samu.el J. Talar.ico, .president of .p·rincipal spea.kers at graduation .. . .. Mos t Rev. J om~s.· . Christian societies whose: aim the Union· Label and Service .exerCises of St.· Michael's Col. GENERAL 'MANAGER .ASST.. GENERAL MANAGER . ~ is to destroy belief in the im~· Trades Department of Industrial ·lege. here. Bishop Waters will Rev. Daniel F. Sholioo.>M,A.~,.:: ;R'~'v. :Joh~':p:';Dri'scc)11i' ,. mortality of and the, resJrrec~ organfzlltions. It will be pre- ,.speak· at the June .7·bacculalite. . -. :: ... , ' ," .J..: .... '. . " : tion' of the·'body. ' ".; ." sented at the"department's an- ate service, while Dr.. Malik will MANAGING EDITOR ' .. " ,.. .since ·it is not morally w'rong' nual convention in Utica; N. Y., :giv'e the 'address 'at commence.: '. Hug~J.Golde!l . . . . . . ' ·.in i~~,. cremation .~ulc,l.·~ ,~.:t4~¥ ~~•.. ; :, " • mentceremonies·.the· next da¥~




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.@rhe ANCHOR





Plan· Fiesta



THE ANCHORThurs., Apr. 30, 1959

The Parish Parade



Arrest Priest For Sermon

SACRED HEART, Communion Sunday for gu~ld PALL RIVER . . memberS. . Plans are formulated for. the Plans for the Fatima Fair, eoFiesta and Penny Sale to be sponsored by the guild and Holy. . NEW YORI' (NC)-Provinsponsored Wednesday; May 27, Name Society, are complete. To cial authorities in northern by the Women's Guild in Sacred be held Thursday, Friday and Poland have arrested a priest Heart School·hall. A children's Saturday, May 28,'29 and 30, cofor "anti-state activity" in con'penny sale from 2 to 3 in the chairmen will be Mrs. John Des'nection with a sermon in which afternoon will open' the aHa'll'. mond~of the guild and v. James he presented the Catholic.. stand Food and cake booths and' a Campagna of the Holy Name on birth control and abortion, it tearooin 'will open at 3. The Society." was reported here. adult penny sale will start at8 in the evening. . NOTRE' DAME, The Inter - Catholic Pre s • Agency, which specializes in Pol.' Committee heads and chair- FALL. RIVER men include Mrs. Peter Gibney. Rev. Gerard' Boisvert, moderish news, said here Father Jozef general chairman and Mrs. Hen- ator of the Women's Guild, will Mad~lDowski, C.SS.R.., was arry Boulds, her co-chairman.' officiate at .the group's'meeting rested for a sermon he gave Monday, . May 25. Mrs. Albert during a parish mission in ST. MARY'S, Lachance' . and Miss ..Blanche Broniewo, in the province of NORTH ATTLEBOR9 L b t '11 b h . Olsrlyn. Mrs, George Whalen, .newly am,)i~r WI. e co-c alr~en.. Other M.ay events include a cake The New York agen y fd re-elected president of the 'Par- sale to benefit the bowling team the Redemptorl'st pr'ect sa .ish Guild, will represent it 'at . I S w .... ·the Diocesan Convention. of anq' a l'l,Immage sale scheduled arrested following an editorial for 'Thursday and. Friday,· .May tta k' th P l' h' d' 'I GI Catholic W. omen in 'New .Beda c 10 e 0 IS al y, os 28 and' ..rs.: Eugene p. oitras Pracy , stat' "the ford Saturday., May 16. . .29.- M . 10g' th a t w h'l 1 e Church ha s a. r'ght to h av e 1... .• ~ The.guild will receive corpor- and·.Mrs; ' Anria . Lafrance are co1 own vl'ewpo'nt on C e' rnm . g conat communion at 9 o'clock Mass . cha.ifmen. ··of.·tn,e. r.ummage. 1. C Sunday morning, May 17..The The' April meeting fe'atured traceptives and abortio'n," Father . . , the introduction of ReV:. Robert Madanowski's public' sermon next meeting scheduled f()r A ... Dowlirig·· . . and Rev. .. .Roger TRAPP.IST' FARME'R IN ISRAELI·. 'Father Thomas. was against "the vital interest. Tuesday, May is 19, 'with Mrs. Richard Paquin 'as chairman. Levesque" .ne w I Y. ordain~d .Snyders,.O.C.S:O.,a Trappist monk from Holland, is one.. and ~he policy of our S~te.". , Plans will be made for a June priests who • said their,' first· .:of3'OO :farmers .from .3'1 countries .attending a two-week .The Inter -Catholic 'P res. Festival on the s~h061 grounds. Masses at Notre .pame church, agricultural convention in Israeli, Jerusalem. He is shown Agency said' that the public To'be 'open to the public, it. will "and a musical program by Miss '. herevisit.ing the Sde Ya'acov settlement'ssynag'oigu"e wI.th·· prosecutqr Of Rariew.o countT inchi'de booths, ga'mes, refresh- I,Clare Martinville, vocalists, and . . in northern Poland 'is"investi'ments and contes.ts,'·;witl). tile'Jea-f LuSsier, pianiB1. . '. ~is host,:EF~z,~r:·~ti~~.l(~h •. N:C Photo. " . . ' . g~ting'" the priest's case: . day's highlight to ibe the.award. . , ," . lrig of a bicycle to'a yourigs~r ; . , 1 . " , · .inattendance.' ,'.. ', " ". , ;,. ';:' . . . : ~ , ' Q


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ing" ."scheduled,·,,for:rMonday r;,,"" "j:\ -,;{". evening; May 4·.at·7:30: .,,,,' ,...: ."... >,!, " " " ' , ' ,.,,,' ..11:, ... ,' .,,,, '" j,,:'. "";...' ,"'" ,.'., " V " ' ..' \ " ' ,. ,·.n. ''''''''';';'..<'1' " , ..Also,highlighting'.othe meeting J .. ,;" ,r, ...". ""'~' ';'il. '."" "",.. ,.,i.;, 1"""'" "''; ,,;',; c, ,I. ; '.·'·r .-1 .:.., ~,. ·will> be an address of.,particular ...;, . ";'.....''."'~'.';_ .. ~_i'.·iiii'i,.. " .... '.,..iO'.,o!i". . . . . . . . ._~ ...."!""' ~_~_.• ' "~~...._~...._ _~_ _. . . . . . . , '. f...".: • interest. to parents' of ",.school ' . '. ' ~ ; .,' ./ children by' Miss Mary E. 'C. FORO SiXES:.:::1'25~2'NiILE~s' .' . ~ ,'" , Sh~a lirirelti:lini~'tead1e\r¥:lt{"the ",', ".., ~;-:.•:":'.,.~~~:"""~~...,.....;,.,;.. . -"..' -.;.::"~;:,-"'-' : ;;-,:.-"..: -,-:.,,,::,~,~.;.·l',-·...:.·..·'---,Ir--_; FalrRi~er:'Public' scIiool'~Yst~ih. ",. ..: ,., ··,MAI<E,.,'''G~I";,~.114.t,,MJLE$,o "1" ".J": "'''',.iH '1'; · 'slie '\VitI· d'iscusineJts" gf'Veihir~a ..,,~,;. . " " ' , , . " . :'11 : : " ." • ".!'",': ., , ........ " , 'ClHidreri' 'wIth '3, ':'de'vfdi':;'wliich .. . All tests' .. 'det'ects' h~ii'rfng"defi'dencle~::AU ;.-i I: : ,I" " ..,', I\A.AK;F·:,~':.i7"102~5MILES, .. ,,:.,;.' j , ' , i ! "'! • ,cond"cted':~nd rel.uh,.p., : "'., ,..;, 1":'1;" , '.': '. M..A.···.•". .K' E,',. ,·I·.·.e .· . ,:.'.:00 :0' . ' .. .';..:;.'. ': ,.;, ·.r. ·'! ."'.'.:'i;,:., :.:'.;:'.:".' ,'.",' ·GERT'IFIED·;·, ;"A bi-i'dge arid Vihi'st'·1$:sclled- : ""..,.,., . . l . "bfAm~ricql'~ :foremolt"'" :'\ i.i·;::'1 ·"uied' for' Wedn'ei'sday;(' Mii h , '20 .. , "',' ,.;·.,,·,,':M'*:K~~~i~n~';;$5:5,tv1:ILeS,r"j".",.',\.;.':,,',,,,. ,!Sti"I.':'~ e:ye'~aQ~ ~f.·. I..,,:indepe"dimi.. a~'~moti¥e!'.': ';with Mts; Charles·'Foftiii: [eatl- '~,''''I' !., ":."''', :"i'::" ';;-.~"., '..... ".... " : 1 ... ;.0' . . .:·.. otherth:"cks' researl:h ol'gani:z:atio... ~· ...,'.• :'mit 'the re'£reshrtierit' cOhlffiHt'i!e. ,':' '.! '.;·f' ,"·;,~AKE"~~D·~.~187.'a'.'Mit-e's:·;,,:'f"""""1 . . . ' I 100 6 '11 . ~E AVAIlABLE ON I!EQ~,"" ,'Tlibles':\i"m';'b-e."3vldiahlt('{rlr "'''.''. ';;';,: ,:.;.":";"... ~,,,, .... ~.,.. ,..:'"'' ' . I . , , , . , " ' f " ; " . 1 ~ . :"1:;'''!:'';''!' ".. ~~ e.~,: "',.~;.~'. ," I~', :":~'1.,,: ".~ ;.~; "i'. !. ~ ~:,



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.May4.:His'topicwill be'religious vocati()ns.: . Sunday" May. 3,,'is



%' .' ". ',m ...•• ore miles pergalloh ...





. , MINNEAPOLIS. (NC)' - Bernard Casserly, editor of the ,Catholic: Bulletin, st. Paul arch· diocese newspaper, and Father Donald Conroy ·of St. Olar.s church here received Newman C;:lub awards at ceremonies here.. ': Auxiliary Bishop Leonard P; 'Crowley of St.Paul was the p~in~ipal speaker at thebanqJet 'sponsored by the Newman elub of 'the University, of Minnesota. ,Eleven students at the Uni,versity of Minnesota, all. mem. b ers of the Newman Club, re"cei~ed the National Honor Sqciety Key; nine students receiv~d the Newman Coat of Arms ,award, and .eight special awards · were. made for Catholic contributions in &i:>ecial fields:'




.. . .

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.. ,



1hf:ln ,ave,rag.,ot ... oth.r)e~dlng 'B9 V2-ton pickUp trucks I Want every fifth 'tank of 'gas "on th~ 'house"T ' That's the certified bonus you can get in a '69 Fordl . Tests of '59 pickups. by America's leading inde-: pendent automot.ive testing}irm. showed that Ford Sixes delivered higher gas mileage at 30 mph,.at 46, at 60, in traffic, in door-to-door delivery. ThiS is an over-all advantage of 25.2% more than the average of all others!. Come in and examine the certified records .. see what a '59 Ford can save for youl . . ,~'

GoIMD~ for savings'

'Pope John' ,I ncreases Eastern Rites Body .

u.e .


' ! ..

Pastor and Editor.

VATICAN CTIY (NC)-Their Eminences Ernesto Cardinal Ruf·',fini and GUiseppe . Garq(r,ial ~i-: etta /lave t>een nam'ed members 'of the Sacred COngregation' for 'the Oriental Chiii-ch. . .. ,,'.' '.. The "ongy:egatio~ is .one, :011. :tbe three .ruling bodies Otf··the ", · i Church. .Pope' ·Jobn~lI .appqill~ ments brings .to ,20. cardinalate :! me~bersbip· the ,conpe. eation concerned, ,with·.the EAstem Rites oUbe :Cb~ch. . . .,.




Ford:s25.2%.';better g~ mii~a~ ~~~8,thatfor everY, . 100 miles the average. '59· pickup goes. a modem Ford . . Six 'goea·25.~extra pUles c>n ~esame amount of pil •






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" .', D,~a';i eP' .,

T·o·~.orr~w F:~'rs'i Day~"ol:M'~:Y-­ Honor Mary ~ith <Home Altar

On the home front - at .your house and ours -what can we do to impress .on the present and oncoming generations what May real.,





I':m.. ,

The Somerset Catholic Woma:n's Club' will hold its annual Cor p 0 rat e Communion and · b~eakfast next Sunday. . The membesrs will attend' the 7 o'clock mass at St. Thomas More church and receive Com-. munion in a body. Breakfast will be served at Magorii's Ferry Landing immediately following mass. Judge Beatrice Hancock Mullaney will be the guest speaker. Mrs. John Clorite is the chairman of arrangements.

~ small. table, cove.re.d with Uie . fmest lmen cloth m the house' ·(preferably handmade and one with family sentiment behind it) is ~eal.. Then, a statue of the Blessed Mother-the mQSt beautiful you can afford, and the. -lo.veliest are not necessarqy the most expensive. It is. well to remember that. tradition has a great 'part to play here, since children love to see the same statue in.8 p~ace ot honor year after year. -' Children Help Children, even quite small ones, can spread' the cloth, older


Irish . Cardinal

" .


Dominican Debaters Set .Record·




IIOme too elaborat~ (JUS~ plair. Sensibly and.devotionallysetMinnesota Native Joins junky), .some t~o publIc ~nr up, that May altar in your.house . Inconvement (tnp-'over balt)I' and' in ours can bea true family National Women's Staff others so out-of-the-way. th~t shrine. . WASHINGTON (NC)-Mary1. we'd. forget to water the flowers, 'lyn Dolan, a native of St. Paul 'remembering the daily praye1s Sucordium Club Plans and an alumna of the College of only by a special effort. . St. Catherine there, has .joined Out of these experiences, I Installation Banquet the headquarters staff- .of the ?enture to give a few tips that The Sucordium Club of the '. National Council "of Catholi~ L may make your. altar an inte Academy of t1).e Sacred Hearts, Woman as foreign relief secrelI"al part of family life.' I Fall ·River, will hold its annual tary. . Above all, it should be devolbanquet and instal,lation of ofMrs. Mark A. Theissen, NCCW tlonaI, not "churchy" but a place ficers at 6:30 Thursday evening, .president, announced Miss Dolan for family veneration. May 7 in the school hall on Pros- will be responsible for promoTo this end, it Should be in f pect Street. tion of the NCCW's foreign reeentral spot, one where every . Mrs, John F. Coyle is chair- lief program which includes member of the 'family normally' man 0 f the· b anque t"comml'ttee. . Feed _ A -'Family, Uie Madonna pasSes each morning and nigh'. Her SUb-committees and their Plan, the China Doll' project, If you have space ';;tt the ben~ heads include Mrs. Elmer R. Children in Need and supplying of the stairs, such ,as an old r Stafford, Jr., and Mrs. Henry V. 'the Holy 'Father's storerooms. fashioned "landing"; that would Miller, tickets; Mrs. Francis V. She also will be responsible for .be excellent. Otherwise, it migh~ Carey and. Mrs..J. Joseph Welch, participation' of the NCCW in be in the upstairs h~ll, or. eve? decorators'; Mrs. Thomas F, Di- foreign exchange programs. in' an often-frequented famil~ Nucci, hospitality.' room or den-whereyer th~re if Monday, May 4 hase been set J'Oom enough for the family ,t? as closing date for reseryationa ,ather and say the: rosary, or . Fellowship Award NEW: YORK (NC) ...:- Father Joseph M; Snee, S.J., 'pro~essor at 'Georg~tow:: University Law School in Washington, has been awarded a fellowship by the John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation. He will study military. justice: This year lie . was the sole' recipient of a Gug:' genheim fellowship associated with a Catholic institution. .


the special Novena of-

Ma.sses that will be offered. by-the Franciscan

Fat~ers beginning 'Mother's, Day Mother's"

MARIAN MEDALIST: Thel first lay person to receive the Pope Pius XU Marian Award is Miss Marie Delida Unson of Lucena, Quezon, Philippine Islands, where the award will be uJ:'es!')nted 'by Bishop Obviar, May 91. _NC Photo.

May 19th


~am• .,.;_._......•_._._..•.•'...~.: ...:.... 0

Requested by: Nam•.."

~ ..:




Send' Mother's 'Day Card


Deceased ,











_ _.



Pleasant Street .

Hospit.al Day Buffe.t Set For St. Anne'sSta'ff Tue~day, May 12 is scheduled as Hospital Day atSt. Anne's Hospital, Fall, River, .wi~h the Friends of ·St. Anne's entertain- '. ing all hospi~l personnel at ~ buffet from 2. to 4 in the· hospital cafeteria. '. Mrs.. Carroll Gettings heads the hospitality committee of the alixiliary group; composed..of. wives of doctors' and .dentists associated with the institution. She is· making arrangements for the event. .' Other forthcoming /activities at the hospital include the arinuaI·me·eting. of . the Diocesan Council of Catholic Nurses, slated' for Saturday, May' 9 and a communion breakfast for the Catholic Physicians' ·Guild of the' Diocese, Sunday, May 24. A communion. breakfast for the Fall River Guild of Catholic Nurses will take place Sunday, June 7.


DROGHEDA . (NC) -'- Despite thefilCt th;tCaih~lics are sometimes accused uof'showing .cessive .devotion to 'Our Lady,·. · they ~'.never .forget that she, is • ere~ture )ike them.selyes,~~.. His· Eminence . John . Cardinal' D'Alton, Archbishop of Armagh and. Primate of' All 'Ireland; said a.t.a luncheon' following the con~craiion,of the new Church Of Our: Lady· of Lourdes .he.re. . . The prelate. sa,id that Catholic veneration and IQve for Mary. stems from the fac~· that. she. ia "a cr~ature' chosen by God for the .highest and holiest· office that could be entrusted to' .: human being.~' In.the .past . ce~tury in' par~ ticular,.. the.. Cardinal said, .the. BlessedVirgin has "in a striking way .mat:lifested her presen~ .and :power in the world." ~e added:' "In the apparitions a~ Lourdes and in the striking · ~~ents ai Fatiriia,. she' issi:ted·. challenge to an unbelieving generation"that' h~d cast· off its alle~ giance to the Kingship of Christ and denied, the possibility cJ.f mir~cles."· .




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Devotion·.to Our

it .. J only this physic'al maDlfe~tahon, It· would be silly,. However, with task, At .this' time of year, tiny ·lis ,deeper significance; a M~y.. flowering shrubs .are. easily altar-in' . homes; ,. apartment~, available and stand ·1' _ . up . ·well. rented r09ms,.old . people's hom~,s, ~.a t'p e r ·than great globby Debaters· from' Dominican' hospitals, institutionsof'all SOl'Js. bunchi;!s of flowers, one or two Acad~my, Fall River, have piled · -ttle multiplicity of May altars blooms tastefully arranged fit Inspiring"p'rayers' 'invoking the· the simple decor: up an impressive record in the '.' . " I·· ' '. 'current debating season. They · aid of Our. Lady can have a ter.. . 09- our ow;n May .altar 'for. were undefeated at tournaments . rific impact. . " . '. . yearswe have used, tiny; decan-. held at Stonehiil College and · Sourc:e of IlUlPir:ation: ters (such.as ~~e served' m d';lb.. Providence College, winning siX . Inherent is an .urge to attenlQand. ,hotels) to. hoI~ .the ~~sles..' at each' event, the only school },fass and receiv~ Holy Co~":, Th.elr. proportlO~ IS deflmtely. .with such a record., munion each day: ..The presence / adJusted .to .the size of the table Awards won by the team and . of the home. altar often provid~s and th~. s!a.tue. . ' ." individuals include a, silver the needed budge. . j . Earl~er m thiS column, we '. trophy at Stonehill College; and · For childr~n'; ·that pe're·nr~ia1. spoke of the "churchy". atmos- a gold medal f9r hight;st ranking 'I :t' 1 phere. Here we speak of candl.es. 'nc··· live dC"n -r won by Anne ~mb 0 I 0 f f ami y um y In praYIWhh'ld' ld '. t"". ".~ ft.. will probably: carry over into en c I re ll are. 0 ~r-a . Marie Levesque at Providence . h t' b ' 1 least ·ten 'years of age, we d say . 'Colle""ge .h omes w ose 1m ers are nOf '. '. .. . h Hf" . anall saplings,and. whose pe111- thl~'lsds:~e'tt~use: e~ ~ ore " Miss L'evesque .als9 won a .annel are yet unborn. a.~. e 1m e Y no." ere are· summa cum laude ce..-tificate for' .' ". too many hazards-cases of re- particip'tltion iri the Providence .After . more a 'quartel1 . 'fervo~' causlfl . g'. l"ght' g . . , . . .than. . . l-· . I'" 19lOUS. 1 mCollege tour,nament..Her schoolJ!f such of candles .Without adult super-· "t" ,d U na . eentury '. .. . .fam, . lly shnn~s .' . . ma es" 'CI au d e tt e M'lC h au· durmg the month of Our Lfld, vision· No· burnt offerings . R 'd d B b'· A'.' 'd .... '. .. ' aymon ' an , ar ara ...IS 01·, h ouse. h"as seen. a II k"m dl' · please!! .rru a,

En.roll your


Somerset Women Plan 'Communion

VICTORIOUS DEBATERS: Top :Narragansett League debaters are these girls from. Domini~an Academy" Fan River. Front (left to right) negative team member:tBal'bara' Arruda· and Anne Marie. Levesque, :Rear" (idt' tQ17ight) '~~~i~n f;~htofl~~:;Sun;:ri~~ affirmative'". team members Claudette Michaud and\ Una. . . ' " .. altar provides' a dally, JOyous' Raymond. ". . .' ." . ' .... .

At first read': • t;iig, . this: ' Jilay , · seem sillY:o.- an<....


Thurs., Apr. 30, 1959

. _. By Mar~ Tinley' Daly ,. _ ,'May Day seems by its fery nature attuned to Our Lady; as are all the days following. The month is named for her. The season itself embodies ~ll she means to mankind: a richness of hope, spirit of rec~udescence,·link between human and' Divine. . ' J" . fora person to kneel in' private The connection of M' y prayer.' . D.ay with. athe~!?tic cornm?Als?, it should. be ~implY illsm - with Its parades, beautiful and beautifully ~lmpl~. demonstrations' and the like lis


..8- ." '- THE ANCHOR


so repugnent as to evoke, on t~e natural le"el it. shudder. Lefs turn that sh~dder into prayer..

'·"'.._ A1.I>..".....! RIVER." M;!i.·:

New Dedford,.·Mass~··.

LOW WtfOLESALE MILL'PRICES You may now buy, DIRECT: FROM THE MTI"L. the very ,l&J1le fine Cloth YQU have bought for years through hi'okers .. we have "previously lupplied, and AT THE SAME LOW - PRICES. :-...... .. Write or phone us If you wish' our I~lesman to call :to see you at the convent, 'or you· may come to the· Mill. . "OR INFORMATION CALL COLLECT

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4IU8litT. III. furnishing a room which is to have the combination purpose ei two different rooms, it is

aeceSsary to have the qualities el. each room in the one. Theretore a combination living-dintag room must have the quali~ of a living room-liv~le­ aess, comfort, w'armth, sunshine, • fireplace, books and easy chairs. But since this combination room will be used for dining, you'll need a table suitable for the service of meals, with comfortable straight chairs to use for dining. An open hutch . .binet with drawer space can Ilold china, glass and linen. Choice of the table and chairs is most important. Maybe 70U will invest in a table that is not a regulation dining table. If

Diocesan Council -Meets Sunday in Falmouth The final quarterly meeting of District 5, Diocesan Council of Catholic Women, will be held Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock in the Knights of Columbus Hall, Brick Kiln Road, Falmouth. The business meeting will include annual reports and the election of officers. The guest speaker, Rev. Francis A. McCarthy, Diocesan moderator of Discussion Groups, will be introduced by Mrs. William C. Welch of West Harwich, District Chairman. Members of 51. Anthony's League of Catholic Wome~ will be hostesses for the social hour. Benediction 0:.. the Blessed Sacrament and installation of new officers will take place at St. Anthony's Church, East Falmouth, at 4:15.

Third MC}rriage Forum 1ft Mansfield Sunday - The third in a series of Cana ~erences for

married couples ill the Mansfield area will be held Sunday evening, May 3 at 7:30 in St. Mary's Church hall. ReT. John F. Hogan, director of St. 'Mary's Home, New Bedford, and Rev. RafIllond W. McCart~, Diocesan Director of the Family Life Bureau, which .ponsors all Cana Conferences, will conduct the session, open ~ all married couples. The young adolescent and his relationship to his parents is ~ topic for the evening. A question period will conclude title conference.




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HONOR NEW BISHOP: Most .Rev. James J. Gerrard, V.G., is honored at a reception given by the Catholic Women's Club of New Bedford, of which he is moderator. Left to right with His Excellency are Mrs. 'Charles Reckords, preside~t, and Mrs. Anthony E: Rose, vice president.

Editor Must Answer for Cartoc>n ROME (NC) -

The Italian Parliament has authorized proceedings against an official of the Italian Communist party for offending the late Pope Pius XII in a magazine cartoon. '

frustrated because of his immunity as a member of Parliament.


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MITCHELL (NC)-Msgr. John M. Br~dy, 90, will observe two anniversaries on May 11. Ordained at 40, he will mark his golden jubilee in the priesthood and the 40th anniversary of his pastorate at Holy Family church here. Born March 4, 1869, in Houston County, Minn., he came to South Dakota with his parents in boyhood. He was a school teacher and a farmer before he decided to study for the priesthood. After graduation from Creighton University, he made his studies for the priesthood at St. John's University, Collegeville and S1. Paul's Seminary. He was ordained in Sioux Falls, S. D., on June 16, 1909, and came here as pastor in 1919. His parish here grew from the original 250 members to three times that number, so he built a new parish plant which is free of indebtedness. Through his classes, more than 500 converts have-been received into'" the Church. During World War I, he served as an Army chaplain in France.

Lugigi Lungo was editor of the Communist party magazine, Vie Nuove (New Roads) when the magazine published the cartoon 11 years ago. It pictured Pius XII riding in a tank with a dollar sign hung around his neck, imparting his blessing to various kneeling people who were offering an assortment of weapons. The Lateran Treaty makes it unlawful to offend the Supreme Pontiff. The Attorney General's offic. ruled that the cartoon constituted an offense. Meanwhile, attempts to bring Mr. Lungo to trial have been

First Federal



9 --Prelate to Mark Golden Jubilee

By -Aliee Bough Cahill Last week we considered the home which provided ~e for the traditional dining room (not necessarily furJlished in the traditional manner, however), but there are many new homes being built with a combination Iivingdining room and we must you select the right kind of agree such an arrangement chairs, they can be used as living Jaag its merits, too. room' pieces too, an important In many homes the space consideration, since the room

will be used more as a living than a dining room. Small Tables Handy Every woman wants to make her home livable and one thing that adds greatly to comfort is the use of a number of small tables. Today there are many different types of occasional tables. There are step-up tables that can be placed by an easy chair, there are tip-top tables for lamps, or there are tables that have a leaf resting against the wall (so-called card tables) ~ well as ve~ convenient nests of tables: These are in addition to end tables to be placed at each end of a sofa. , We mentioned that the dining area llhould be arranged near the kitchen so it follows that the table which is to serve as a living room table between meals and as a' dining room table at meal time should be near the kitchen door. Of course this is not always possible but try to place this table where it can be convenientl:· reached from the kitchen without passing around too much furniture. The table may have a bowl of flowers and a lamp on it between meals. The flowers remain on the table at meal time, and only the lamp has to be removed. A good housekeeper will always make certain that everything pertaining to dining is' removed between meals.


THE ANCHOR Thurs., Apr. 30, 1959

Presents Decoration Problems

which would have been allotted to two rooms is being made _to one so that a room 16'x22' is Dot unusuaL In arranging the furnishings . el. the living4lining room, it is well to group the pieces used tor dining at the end nearest tile kitchen or kitehenette.to tacilitate easy .Nice, and also to permit the larger articles of furniture, like tile sofa, to be grouped at the _her end of the room. Neutral Walls The fireplace side of the room fit you have a fireplace) and the end with the windows is the Iivrng room end. We'd suggest " ' t you consider a neutral tone for the walls. The drapes eo'Uld be patterned with a cream lI'Ound. The glass curtains might Ite of a two-toned silk net of a ather deeper cream or tan with • metaliic thread in it. Two of tile overstuffed chairs could UTe slip coverS of the same aaterial as your drapes. Chairs placed near the flowered drapes 1Ih0uId be in a plain color, Ilowever. Let the lamp bases in the room ~ t the colors in drapes. Hang ene or two of your favorite ttictures on the wall, but as we'Te said before, Use restraint ... the hanging. We maintain it's _tter to have one good picture tIaan half a dozen poor ones of awkward sizes and inferior






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Gifts \ Provide Tender

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Church in Today's World Subject of New. Books .







Thurs., Apr. 3D, 1959



By Rt. Rev. Msgr. John S. Kennedy



Ci.a.uce AtreetB CaUl....e11 But why should the Catholic be required to know the pariiculan of Protestant theology! Because he lives in aBOCiety wltich, religiously, is pluralistic. "'!be change of Protestantism produces a change in the environment in which the American Catholic lives." It is of serious consequence to Catholics when, for eJUlIDP1e, Protestants conceive of God not as a transcendent and -..,eme Being but as something in man. reject the divinity of Christ, think of the Holy Spirit as a poetic figure abaDdon real faith ill eternal life. TIle Catholie must be __ cenaed aboRt '. religioa which calliDg itself Christian, iet~ aU that is essentialJ,y an4 tndltioDaUy Christian and whida a _ t s to _ _ore lllaaa romanticethieal ealture aoveMeIlt. Be be caacente4,- well., _ _ the doetrinetI of } I f _ U l


Moye Into Canada HUNTINGTON {HC - Diskibution of. a Canadian natioaai edition of Our Sunday Yiaitor. clftu1ating at the outset more . . . . . .,000 eopia weekly. will -...t May 17,


Communists arrange for the Consecration of Bishops, but without the authority to consecrate from the Holy Father. m this negative way they indicate that the Holy Father is the bond that keeps the Episcopacy together. So, by having a consecration of Bishops, without the authorization of the Pontiff, they hope eventually to destroy the Episcopacy! BIlt they are wise, they know that the Pope ~nnot be done awa,. with 110 now the,. propose te ''Dationalize'' or communise the Hob Father. ,In a recent stud,. circle, the question of a "Pope for China" was discussed, namely, one whose devotion to the Commanist cause is beyond question. If the Communists center so much thought on the Holy Father, why do not we? Why is it that we Catholics in the United States gave only 30c each, in one year, to the Holy . Father for all the Missions of the world? :itl JtEV. JOHN H. HACKE'lT

In his book Father Tavard cle.; Yotes a chapter to this same sabject. But he .goes beyond Father Weigel and emphasizes what the ordinary Catholic can do to bring about the reunion of Christendom. That reunion. he says, will be God's work, in God's way and in God's own time. It will also be "the work of thousands of bumble souls who, throughout the Christian world. will have prayed and suffe!'ed in their longing after a reunion that they could not themselves see. The key that will open the gate leading all Christians into the one fold win be forged in saerilice." Such sacrifice is but one of the things demanded of the Catholic layman in the present American context. Father TaTaref loo~ .earchingly at the role of the layman. He declares the current stress on this 10 be nothing new, but rather the recognition of an old truth; that the laity is DOt a passive mass but "an adh,e membership in the Mystical Body of Christ, iu the People of God. announcing the coming of the City of God. I.A7 ......e_at He draws attention to the dif£.erence between the lay movement as it has developed in Eucope and as it has developed in this country. That it should be identical in both is an unreal expectation, he contends for the backgrounds and surroundings are not the same. Typical of the American movement, he says, is the primacy of a "strong desire for • deeper, more vital. more ex:istential grasp of the Catholic faith." Action will follow upon that.. The action must be directed to the world as it is. Father Tavard insists that We face up to modern realities, to the changed conditions of BOCiety, such as the reign of technology and the facts of totalitarianism. A g a i n and again Father Tavard underscores the need of telling Christian witness. He says, for example, -that "we do not witness OUr Lord. as we should as long as we do not appear collectively consecrated to Him:' as in • liturgy which is llOt c'a private service at the altar and pl'ivatellevotions in the pews," but "truly the visible continuous rebirth of our fellowship in the Saviour." Father Tavard's book abounds in lively opinions, some of which may well be challenged. as for instance, that on the words of eonvert classes. But DO matter what he is taIltiDg about. rrcfreedom and authority to tIae CJuistiaa attitude toward the· Jew... he ill emiDently 1POriIl

attendioc tilt.


L.iturgy Mee!ing C.uUDaed k _ Pace Oae gational participation, as was recommended by the Congregation of Sacred Rites last fall. Rev. John H. Hackett, secretary to the Bishop, will be chairman of the panel, which will include representatives of the various areas a f f e ct e d by conp-egational participation: pastors, school teachers, and instructors in music and the liturgy. PaIleI Members Members of the panel, to begin at 1:30 Thursday afternlton, will be: Rev. Shawn Sheehan, professor of Church History at st. John's Seminary, Brighton, and National President of the Liturgical Conference; Sister II. Francille, C.S.J., Regis College, Weston, who has been active throughout the area in introducing the teaching of liturgical music in schools; Theodore Marier, choir director and organist at 81. Paul's Church, Harvard Square, Cambridge, and director of the Cecilia Society of Boston, an organization of perlIOns interested in Church music. Mrs. Mary Perkins Ryan, Goffstown, N. H., a member of the Board of Directors of the Liturgical Conference and distinguished author and lecturer on Family Life and the Liturgy; and Rev. Edward W. Desmond, pastor of Pius X Church, Milton. Father Desmond's parish has recently been the subject of an article in the Boston Pilot, as a model of congregational participation. The intention of the panel is to present different aspects of problems and methods of increasing the activity of the laity in the Mass as ex:perience4 in this area. Following short talks by panel members, the assembly will divide into smaller ,groups for discussions led by the panelists with persoas attending the workshop. A dialogue Mass, celebrated by .Rev. Joseph P. Keena, C.S.C., 01 Stonehill College, will be held after the meetings in the college gymnasium. The day will be opened with greetings from Rev. Richard R. Sullivan. C.s.C., College pI'eSIdent and from the Mest ReYerend Bishop. All priests, sisters. seminarians and lay men and womell of the area are invited to attend. Several hundred penooa are ex:pected.


. ., .u'lle) BlYL, eoI'. Tarkila

Gilbed I.


Costa. Prop.

WT 6-9276



u iI7# u..,.

... ~ iiAiFcv-VJC);:


The Holy Father knows more about the Missions than any of us and therefore he rightly said that he must be "first and principally aided". Let not the Communists in their evil intent to destroy the Holy Father, outdo us in our sacrificial love to aid him ill his work. Remember that every cent given to the Society for the Propagation of the Faith goes to the Holy Father. Can you think of anyone better? The Communists cannot in a negative way; neither ean we iD. a loving way!'


GOD LOVE YOU to M & S. G. for 70c "My sister ahd r want to .end you this m~mey because we want to make a' sacrifice and we are sorry for the people who have leprosy. Also we are sending it for the love of God." . . . to M.A.B. for $5 "Tlus was abirthda7 present from a non-Catholic friend;· include ber in the prayers of those converted by the Missionaries." . . . to G.L.F. for $20 "We live very modestly but compared to the poor of the Missions we are multi-billionaires." . . . to S. S. for 25c "I hope it helps." Send . . y _ oG'ering of $% and. y..,. reqaest fer • W......-.si0!l B.osar,. and we wiD seud to ,.Oll. As y_ ree.He tile ~ remember that the wlUte decade Is otrered for . . IIeI7 Father. Thiak of him often, IdJIl ill deepe5 &fIeeUoa as tile Vicar of Christ. thea send _ yetii' ace1lDlIllaW lIaiIy .ai&eee



,.. Ilis MissieIIs. Please!



Cut out thia column, pin your sacl1fice to it and mall it to the lIost Rev. Fulton J. Sheen, National Director of The. Society faI' the Pr:opagation of the Faith, 366 Fifth Avenue, New York I, N. Y.. or your DIOCESAN DffiECTOR REV. RAYMOND T. CONSIDINE; 188 North Main Street, Fall River, Mass. .


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Kemember that the Roly Father baa one Socieb in the United States .to eoUEet alms I . his ~ iD. all the :MJssions, and that is the Society I . the Pnpacatioa ." the Faith. The Society is not for Alnerica.as exclwdYely. bec&_ the Chnreh is Catholic; it is not the collector of alms· to be dilltributed by a Bishop or by • Co_ell in the Uni1;e4 States, tile distribntion belones exclusively and solely to the Vicar of ChrIst. ~7




God Love You Do yoa ever wonder whether Catholics. -...e.. about tile Pope than do the Chinese eommilaifds!

important, prayer is auto-suggestion or "verbalized. recollecHon of the limiUess energy at our disposal:' and Christianity is "a practical scheme for the successful utilization of the powers of nature." 8uUesls Se~ It is in such an environment that the Catholic must live. But he must do more than merely subsist. He mus~ communicate, hold converse with those about him. This pr-esents difficulties whicb Father Weigel considers and for which he SUggests ~lutions.


By Most Rev. Fulton J. Sheen, D.D.

Th.e CathoJi,: Church in the world of today, and specificaUy III the Umted States, is the general subject of two provocative, but by no means easy, new books, both published ~y M~cminan. The first is Faith and Understanding in Amenca by Father Gustave v. We4;"el,8.J. ($3.75); the sec- ~=~ ~:te:.eall~~:r~i:: ond IS The Church, the Lay- Examining these, Father Weigel man and the Modern World shows that in them God is imby Father George H.Tavard ($2.50). They are the worit of lea r ned and thoughtful men, neither of whom wri t e s in a manner exactly pop u 1 a 1', although Father Tavard is dee ide d 1 y the more graceful stylist. Both are concerned abo u t the relations of Catholics with non-Catholics, and their role in a society changing radically. They strmtgly maintain that Catholics eannot live in isolation, indifferent to what is going on around them, but must be in constant and vital communication with others. Father Weigel addresses him!elf principally to Catholic-Prot:estant relations. He considers these .not so much on the level W day-by-day personal contacts M' in community affairs, IUch as 011. that 04' fundamentals, such as concepts of religion, of faith, M theology. Basic Diftereltees 'I'he author's principal preoc:cupation is the delineation' of basic differences in crucial particulars between Catholic and Protestant views. Here his imlReose erudition and incisive yet 3Ubtle critical powers are YeIT effectively put to work. A key difference, he estab1i8bes is between Catholic and Protestant eonceptiolUl OIl reli1JioU. truth. For the fonner the Church comes before the Bible; for the latter the reverse is ne. For the former, God must be aooepted on God's 0'Wft temls; lor the latter his own postWates, 8IKpel'ience, and interpretation f1I. the Scriptures determine what God should be and say. The Catholic receives religiow 1r'uth; the Protestant constructs it in terms of personal experience and needs. That this reading of the Protestant position is not arbitrary ()l' unjust is demonstrated in the scrutiny which Father Weigel gives Protestant theology in two lengthy and richly detailed cMpters. Here he not only presents the essentials of ....arious schools of Protestant thought, but states side by side with them the Catholic position. The reader is thus enabled to grasp the radical con-

Bond of. the

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Opp. St. lawTence Chvrdt

Special Att.n.ion Giv... To Emergenc:y PrescriptiON

TOUHEY'S PHARMACY Arthur J. Shea, Prop. 202-206 Itock 5Ireet

NO DULL MOMENTS: Mr. and Mrs~ Richar& W. Peckham, Hyannis; Jeanne, 7; sitting on arm Of chair, Rosemary, 6; next to her, David, 2; may find that life has its difficult moments, but it's never dull, and there ,Richard, .4'; seated in front, Barbara, 5. In center picture, Mrs. Peckham are eight reasons why it isn't. -Here they ·are (left to' right) .standing; is shown with her 'pastor, Very Rev. Leonard J. Daley,' St. Francis Xavier Stephen,,8; Daniel, 3 months, held by MommiEi; Cheryl ~, 'held by.Daddy;· . Church. At rigHt youngsters frolic 'on their -private playground equipment. , . . . ' - . "

Cardinal Issues Plea for Safety Of 'Motorists TORONTO '(NC)-Every dtizen has a moral obligation, in addition to' the law of the land, to protect the life of his fellowmen," His Eminence James Charles McGuigan, Archbishop of Toronto, declared in a message to Ontario motorists. A public highway safety campaign has been given full support of all Catholic Bishops of Canada and "Safety, Sunday" will be observed in most Canacijan dioceses on May 10. "Those who drive without a license, those who drive at excessive speeds, those who drive under the influence, of alcohol or drugs, expose themselves to doing things which normally 'they would not do, yet they cannot excuse themselves from negligence in a very grave matter," Cardinal McGuigan said. "One is never justified in placing oneself in a situation like that, even though in a particular case we escape unscathed," he said. Cardinal McGuigan suggested the following prayer for motorists: "Lord, lead us today in safety through the patm; of this busy, world. Help me to keep my' mind and eyes on the road while my heart rests in Thee. Let me see in each of those who walk or ride an image of Thee, dear Lord. Keep me in your gracious care so that all my journeyings may lead at las~ to Thee. Amen."

Conver~ M otheriJf Eight J sHyunnis Club'

Plan Tf;)ur of hajy 'For Fatima Statue

Selection, for Ideal Homemaker Award ,, By Russell Collinge "'Enter a 'contest? Not me.. I just haven',t'got time·... .. Ever said something like that and meant it? Because, certainly, your work around th~ house takes up every single minute., , Well, now; how would you 'like to start the day about 6 o'clpck-feeding time for the baby-and then get the other selected for the Ideal American Rosemary gets special attention seven, yes, that's right, sev- Homemaker's ,award by, Hyan- because' she is about to make en children and your hm;hand', 'nis Junior Woman's Club. A her First Communion. Mr. and up and out of bed-start choice that would seem to be Mrs. Peckham' take a serious

. NAPLES. CNC) - A pilgrim' statue of Our Lady of Fatima which has already traveled throug.h Africa, Europe; Asia and North and' South Ame'rica;, will be taken to 92 Italian cities to prepare the Catholics of Italy ,for the consecration of the Italian nation to the Immaculate, Heart of 'Mary" which is to take place Sept. 13 'at the close, of the national Eucharistic congress at Catania, Sicily. The 'Madonna statue is to be moved from town to town by helicopter 1'0 insure maximum speed and ease. From Naples it , will travel up the west coast, ultimately going as far north as, Turin. Then, it will be flown down the Aqriatic" coast and across to' Catania for, the congress. ,,::' On Sept. 14, it is to be brou'ght to Rome 'and later taken to Trieste, where the foundation stone' will be laid for the first church to be dedicated to Mary, , Queen of Italy. '

breakfast-make sure everyone obvious.' view of. the catechetical work. is up-- make and pack thr~e Remember way back when The only time that someone lunches for the' older kids to supper was over and the Peck- . failed a test-':'no, one went to take to school-:-check on eyery,. hams were about to I'elax? That bed until the Ten' Commandbody up - get your ,husband was about 10 o'clock and Mr, ments could be- said backwards, out to eaflYMass~get breakfast Peckham usually heads for bed. forwards, or in any other order. into seven' sleepy, b'usy, happy,' But,Mrs. Peckham sits up until All Help g r 0 u c h y and' uncoope'rative' 12 or 1. Gives her a chance to, ' The house at' 20 Louis Street chiidren-shoo' those ,-that' go ,sew.or read. But mostly she stays i~ big-eight' ,large rooms. So up' because it gets to: be q'uiel: ' off to S'chool'--say hello to yo'u'r everyone ,has to help in keeping husband as he gets back from Almost no emergen,cies and no • things tidy. On Saturdays, Ste:' d t Mass--ma' ke s'ure he' eats 'a good' telephone. phen vacuums 'an pu s everybr.eakfast-fix 'up the damage Sunday Problemlil body else to work dusting'. And, from the first fall of the daySunday, of course, has its own when willing, he dresses the two find the papers which your hus- special problems. Most of the . h .' hand must have and which he - time the family splits up and ye:rs~ldp~:k~:mmo:;~~:. that put down, right here, a second goes to Mass half and half. But days have to be planned-but ago-get him off to work-start some Sundays everybody piles. adds that plans never seem to doing dishes--keep track of five in the car and they head for work out. For instance, she sets of assorted trouble-feed New Bedford where they leave planned to wash the woodwork ' baby-finish dishes-start washthe younger fry with Mrs. Peck- and arranged all schedules to ing-bake a cake-start' lunches ham's mother and take the rest I .... , that end~onl:', t lere was an -find and get back. into orbit .to Mass at St, Lawrence's--the unexpected puppet show. So no four wild bundles of energy- parish where Mrs. Peckham was woodwork. clean 'em up and stuff them. rec~~ed into the Church and She has no advice about runCITIES SERVICE 0 with lunch - become a tyrant wher, she was confirmed by ning a large family-except to DISTRIBUTORS and heartless dictator about Bishop Connolly about two take one thin;, at a time., She naps - finish washing - feed years ago. says if you really want to do baby-tidy up--start ironingMrs. Peckham also belongs to something, you'll find the time. Gasoline add a pie to the cake you made the St. Francis Xavier Guild in Like wanting her kit c hen -welcome home three scholars Hyannis and is ready and will- p~inted: Somehow she has found Fuel and Range from their studies--finish. iron- ing to help in any way she can. time to sand the walls and has ing - welcome husband - put "Any kind of parish work, but bought the paint. The rest is papers he must have where he I don't like to volunteer be- up to Mr. Peckham. can find them when he wants cause I can't be too sure of my OIL BURNERS Surely Mrs. Peckham is well, them - preside at sup,per _ do' f ree t ·Ime. .. WhoIC h' 'IS pro b a bly qualified for the ti~le of Id"e,al f th year d t t th t e un, ers a emen 0 e . dl' shes--feed bab'y-:'get every'one' G. E. BOILER BURNER UNITS , . " t' t Homemaker ... and that' so f t Mr. Peckham IS an es Ima or to bed-all slightly complicated 1 t t t pattering is not lig,ht but . , rain, ' by bathroom, fa ll's, telephone, ,for an e I ectrlCa con rac or, mus For prompt delivery , 'd f requen ' t ly 8t. Arnie applauding. ' breakings, tear,s, bathroom, tele- be away all day, an & D~y & Night Service l w'ou',nd's, bathroo""', works at home in the' ,evening. Just' for the record, here are phone, smal ". b b the eight' of a kind: Daniel-3 a nd diapers, diapers," diape', rs .., • So he has no objection to a yRural Bottled Gas Service ,sitting on mg . hts th a t M rs. P ec k months, Cheryl-l year, David , No, That 's bei,ng busy! years, Richard 4 years, . 2 But l·t'S a p'retty typical, day ,ham goes to meetmgs. 61 COHANNET ST. . h eavy sch e d u 1e 'Barbara-5 years, Rosemary-6 Despite their . for Mrs. R ichard V. Peckham, of TAUNTON Jeanne-7 years, Stephen , 1 h t· y,ears, 20 Louis Street, Hyannis--if you the Peckhams a ways ave n~e Attleboro - No. Attleboro ' n tl·me.for helping Stephen for missions at St. Francis -:-8 years. add l Taunton And they sure do make a full with his stamp collection, and 'Xavier, for th.e rosary, an d , house! , , . f or a reView, . for checking on catechism. every evenmg, , Triple Winner hearing and explanation of the 'ofh.,T,IIh,T,IIh,T,IIh,T,IIh,T,IIh,T,IIh,T,IIh,T,IIh,T,IIh,TAT,IIh,T,IIh,T,IIh,T,IIh,T~" .lessons which Stephen, Jeanl)e ~u IlWl IlWl IlWl IlWl IlWl IlWl WlU IlWl IlWl IlWl IlWl IlWl WIll IlWl alaOh, yes. The contest ... Well, and Rosemary must have ready..: Mrs. Peckham is a member of for the Sisters at the catechetical ~ . ~ Hyannis Junior Woman's Club, school they attend. Right now ~ SHARON, MASSACHUSETTS ,. ~ , which had a fashion-sewing c o n - , ~ ~ test. Mrs. Peckham likes to sew, To Lead Pilgrimage ..: For B~s 7 to '13 years old ~ and she entered the contest. She NEW YORK (NC) - Bishop ~ k J 28 A t 9 ~ does, not design her clothes but Vincent S. Waters of. Raleigh,": Six wee -season:. une to ugus :-, alters any pattern she selects to N. C., will lead, a pilgrimage for ~ Register for 'o.r 4, ~r 6 weeks ~ give the finished job 'her own_ ,Europe that will leave here by ..: Tutoring If: deSired ~ personal touch, The pattern for - ship on July 31. ~ THE BROTHERS OF THE SACRED HEART this, particular dress did not . . . . - . : ~








RARE HONOR: Brother :asU::, Cajetan Baumann, - O.F.M., the hospital with the whooping of St. Bonaventure Univer- cough Mrs. Peckham had a sity, has been eiected to the little extra time for sewing-and rank of Fellow in the Ameri- ,used it right up to the evening can Institute of Architects of the judging. . won the First contest. And for his noble achievement In sheYes, alsoshe won in the District architectural des ign. NC,. of the General Federation of Photo. ' Wom~n'l Clubs, and she'll been

r"''''M~d~''';~i~ti~''''''''': Sh _ ~~

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1875 Acus hnet A venue ,~ : New Bedford WY 3-2684: "' .........."' .. "' ........"''''..................









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M$s"im'~s"~~n1seti'cai1'$~';:Todi1y" ~eep 'St~ ·Pe"~g'rine·:Bu$Y·






DIOC;..... ;Df' .P~~.;~ ...M~S~


. ' ...

Appoint Welfare Official'Pas'tor'

Rev. Robert J.'Dwyer, D.D•.

2 Mother

Church celebrates the feast of St.

cmCAGO (NC) Msgr. AloysilJs J. Wycislo. has relinquished the post of assistant executive director of Catholic Relief Services-National Catholic Welfare \ Conference, and has been named pastor of Immaculate' Heart of Mary parish here. . Cincinnati's Archbishop Karl J. Alter, chairman of the N.C.W.C administrativ'e board, paid a warm tribute to the services rendered by Msgr. Wycislo to the worldwide relief and rehabilitation agency conducted by the U. S. Bishops.

Per~grine. Half-forgotten for centuries, this little Seniite . laybrother has come into his own of recent years as the patron of those afflicted or threatened with cancer. We

, "


' .

Bishop of Reno

i ·.On May


Thurs., Apr. 30; 1959 .

think of him as looking down power.ing him .his ,remedy was from heaven's' battlements to bang his head against a stone upon: .the modern victims of·. wall. ' . this, dread disease, and, This heroic therapy failed to · remembering his own sufferings, . shorten his life;' however, for making powerful intercession for he lived that way more than 60 .years, until· he died at the ripe th~m.· He might age of "SO. He. never went to bed even give a helpful hint' to becau~ he siInply did not those 'who are poSsess that' article o~ furniture. engaged in sciNow about the cancer. It deentific research veloped late in life, not on his to con'quer the head, as might be. expected from In a message of commendation, · killer of the his abuse of that member, but .Archbishop Alter said: "I wish 20th century. on his leg. Whatever the sore to express the gratitude and But the dewas, it caused him excruciating appreciation of Catholic Relief .' tails of St..Perepain and was' so 'exceedingly 'Services-NCWC for your serv'" grjne;s life are noi.s<!me that he had the double ices in asso'Ciation with Msgr. " actually very affliction of suffering himself Swanstrom to the homeless and meagre and it is 'far from cer_andforcing .his brethren living'NEW BEDFORD EXPLORER SCOUTS: Start of 100 needy· throughout . the world tain ,that he was stricken with with him to endure the fetor. mile' hike by scouts. Left to right: Edward Mello, St. Mary's during your 16 yeats with~ CRS" 'The ·good. folk of 'Forli, who . haven; N. ed Tig . h e, H 0 I C hure, h what we would call tJ cancer NCWC;." Church, North F arr yN . arne < tod.ay: Something li~'e' it,' 'p'er- seem to hav"calmed down con, Msgr. Edward E. Swanstrom · New Bedford', Robert Lopes, St. Joseph's Church,· Fairhaps, but he never had the siderably, called' h im .th elr ~ .. ~dvantage (if it is one) .. of Second Job," scraping' his sore ;haven; and Julio Cruz, Our LadY. of Assumption Church, . is the Q executive director of CRS-NCWC. clin,ical observation. He is not one with a .potsherd, but the bibliNew. Bedford.. . . '",.' ~£ . the' saints upon whom 'the cal reference probably' did 'not . '. . . ,'" · Bollandists . have lavished their make the misery any ~ore . Gary Cooper Convert · ~ai~staking historicalresearc'~ glamorous. Catholic .·.Faith:. ':'. .. ...• • • " 'other than to establish the'leac:l- - . Sound·as a Bell. : " is the ~~~y'of the parish'Church in : fug fkcts.. ' . . "'.": The surgeons consulted finally 'HOLLYW00D (NC) - F i l m , ' st· .I'h'~i . ;'PuraD~ttukk~a·.~di~eese oi'i't1cliur) . · Truth to tell, he is a somewhat decided' that" Peregrine's' " leg star" Gary Cooper has been ' r e : : ' · · '~"¢... ''J~d' ,;' . . S: "Ind.l.'L.,·The Ca~o~csof.: this smaU ordInary, run-of-the-mine sort would have ,to 'be ·amputated. ceived into the Church'a.t Good . ...•j,;..... \1'"': VIllage' needed a larger parIsh Church of,saint,for whom the biography The ,saint fought against·this Sheph~rdparrsh;Bever1yHillS, 1'1:. ~O· . and they ~were' determhiedthat'tlie,' · of h a.-a':' If' d ozen'others.might'be. decision ,on, the ground·' that·· 'h'.... t'h e"····Cooper, . 'fa'. ml'1' ell . if. were Y 'li've" .8. :~. i~. ,:::would .~Q II.d,.th~ ,~~QSe'9'.'!h.e.LO~d". ~ substituted>andAew' . ,would .,be God sent suffering: He· had·,..H<is '. Msgf. Daniel Sulli"iiri' ispa'stor ': ., ' C"". fA,., ,WI.: their OWII. 1lUld.<,. ,',,'. ,lv.!!J1, thetr: "" ·,the .:wiser whicl( is··not .to. ;say / purpose in mind.' But.· at. the' of'the ·church:'··"····, '. " " . . . ',$ to:, OW.n hands ... , ~ with."tJ;!el! Q,'Y~. m9neY"., ..,= · that in, the eyes of. God he, might wdid'of his shpeii&r,'he .' sj.l b-·. ..... I. t' ~. a.S.. r.e.";.'. 6r..·t.·;q·fua.·.t.·.Mr.'" j.C.··~. . ~,;,...·. . ". "'. :' '; .. "j" And they .aim .. os~ .sy, cc~e. . ~~.d.! I.t h~ .. ,.;. . ~ riot occupy' the most enviable mitled'; 'andti{E!dl1te' 'fO'r-··"th~ .er,·best'· k;~~il" 'fornis "cOw.·br.Y : , . < j . , ' ,~en. ~~e.ma:.. litt,I~I.Q~ger ..,,:b.ut .th,ll1.·, .. : operation was fixed;" ",.!.' nn'" portrayals, had been considering .... :'",.:...... . . ." .1Ir.e happy th/lt iii. eVery, respect this..;... : place.of ·all. : ,'" ,,:..: ,~", ,,:..,.... • :"'" Violent E~hibitioliis("'"',;, .·,.,.The night"'before' be;idragged "this'step'fof sOmetime':·Hiswife;:,. ':"i'.n ':. ,: •.;,': "'1' '," ,:: ..,,:.'.,. lii")heir ollering' to·.6'0If fclf"the 'cih,'" I .. '.~ "R' f elI' ': " ,j' .. \ ·-'1':-'" .... ~'.:.": 'himsell~ to'-;1.the~,.ch9il''';;''I,sa,ng'., ·the '. :Sartd-ra, . and"',.ldat(ghter a,re '~bOth :' ·.:.r,h,~#fly E.titJxrfMissiPtJ..Ai4 .. ~.~;. f~th. "~owev~r." :there.·~·'·ue: 'som.~ :.;~. I~. ~ and.. . -9an;l,e 1N'~re :change ,fell.. .Catholics;-. .".', '. ' •. "'.. :'<:... ' .... ': ' ....•' ,. ,.J.'&,;'. mr ~L vnen.... h.:-'AI~'Ch'..-.L .'. "" ,.f..,ew, . · Laz,io,si, he.. was',P~.regl.."ine born. ,·in . office, andfr.r"a '" 1ITW hi thing h..11...•..•th. el .:mus.t·,. h . bUli·.'. and. ,·.for.' . . . .., .. " '" . sound asleep; :.Then itL was ;that . Initial "mstructions 'm . ·,·th'e'" . ' ."... w ch·" t e;y. must, ave,,·some. ·.. ~elp .. " F' .. orli,t". Italy, 1265. or . ~",r,r.ourii,s. "'Thew"ne'ed' ~\[~ciiw $1,500.Wo.uld IOU like..,to ......, "a.ve' a.. ', ' · '''bo'' Vi . : in . .,., '" there,.. . .... .. . Our/Lord..came,.,to him.".,touche.d .Faith·were.:giv!ln'lhim·bY'·paulist·" 'l ',a~, p" ~ .. :'. e. ~.~~: tql~ t~l.lt as,;. his·leg'andmade ibwhole•. When '. ", ·.·cA·, . ".,·p..art,·IiI· :the !~personaI",.gHt of thes~.pe~P.1e· ".~tJngbt~ Go.d~,~. th h . I l' . .. Fathe.l's, it· was reP9rted.,:, . > " -.' .-, you e was srngu ar .y., , ~~- ,dawn ,came·:'there:.. he.. was :'sound Mr: Cooper' . was 'bOrn .. Fraitk >'.' ·'·. ".·M"·A·S··.'"'.'.' '::Q""F' iFELR''1' iJG ·s':.·.· A~i.. ·N··. ECES'SARY FOR ""YOUR .""'P'lRlT- '., .' , cb~idled in. te~~';!r ~nd'g~ven' ~-'. asa bell' while the: ,chirurgeons . . '" tl ~\'A" '" ~Iolent· ,exi:U.bIbODlsm.:·r"When:- . marveled and a1l1ForlHieclare.d . Jam.e~_ ~n _Helena.. ,I\;lo!;h,¥aY~.7, '. .~"! UALiLIFE.'·:·;' THEy'AIUf ESSEN'TIAC' FOR''rHE 'SUPPORT"':", 90 ..er a .. tumlilt.aro.s.e in.his'. nat ho.liday'" . .. la 11,la:n' ~ . e., .Wa's r.,a.rse. d. ·:a,n.:,',. ~,:.p.r.sc~-. " j '::OF"'YOUR' MIS::HoNARy"PIUESTS tN'THE NEAR "EAST ;". '." ,'. iv.e.··8 .'. . , :.·.. ev: ttl :.. ,.~:":.,, p .::.' . ,.' "'''''H'ELP'YOURSELF AND THEMI' ""'"';'.''.',;''''' · cny I. c~u d be·'assumed th~t " .. He final~r.· die<i..:.,o~.,,!l. ~~ver.' .,' . .' . :'.. ", • ::,;, . "':. "::'...,':, " ,c."" .,;..;, ,.,,; j' .' . • ~,'''''' ,,:.; '" ,-,,; .,,, .. , :',Peregr..m~::.~oUld ~e~~up "to~:liIS ~~a:~ ~0D:d.~~>\iv!t~· :~.1~jhat ,~hpp,l.~~~.S ~ ~~tr~qf~ . , .. AQ~Y :~d .,.~~~ ..~ ...wllling ,io .._,·, · :ec~t:l ~t,r sh~Ub~~ and· . un-. . Da.ngmg:"Of,:·~~s· '~~~(f).~n'· .1,3,~5, ..W:ASI:lI.N'¢TON. XNC)~ArC,h,.. . ..' ~eilve .4,o~e, !r.j~n~\Ul~.v~~.e onll' ,~!! .'.' " : ,~;'orfi :~as;~ar;:;al' "ci~:~:~~~ l~r:,d Vih~~I'~tiln7e2a6·~.~·th;eB,o~~riV'd··.~~~t . ·~ts~OP . .wilU~m ,.Q.:' ~.J:ad.Y, Q£::st.' • , ,,'.' .thMe.~t,•.kPl!lWB:~.,0..,...thlJla..t t ·· e~ ..~41....hsery:e '~ihhe" ~_~~ , . .. - .' , ' . .':'-uurc·; lI' , . '·r.ope.· ",ue I~ Paul' :"will '.' cone,hi.ct' retre<rtS·: for: ". y"s }C(a.. .~" '. Egyp,:,., ,- elW s iI. .~. 'i . the, Popes of.. those"days (andXIIIcli1l'ort'iiM hibl'I;.',",·,'i."": ~ ;.' ;, ' ; ' ., . ' . . . 'tobli:'j)rItjsts ~":;:'Uiey' are' willing to ..•. :tong";,tj':tereaf~e~)"had;;th~r~tri)U ..;.':· No 'one'.th~n'thougbtM deCla"t~ . CV'3:ts,bQ:l~c ,c~ap'l.!e\ms. ~.~~ymg ~lth.· ,'.~:·."~.:.t\;t u·p.. t~tl'l{l.!ves.~·::<;;. :')~eir families.,; bles In. keepltlg 'the .. .' ',of' ... ,., .....:, "', ... aJ:!'J:I~., ,.... WI "IIi"Dg; .. ··:0.· .. 1 t: ~oll'" ,..... Ith h .... ' . ' 'unruly"ele'i' '. - 'mg him the patron cancer M~'1' t Ii< ~~es .. d' M... In.,Eurqpe is to· 22 . ".,,'" .... are .... e ·'Dem go a. oug. ments· of' the population in' . t· .. ih t h .' '. . .". ·Y.,,:. 0.." ".,.a.q .... ,ay', .'. . ;" 'li·'tDvolve'tFlfli'at"'h8'tii'ship;'" YeW tbey""; "proper' subjection. .. . .' .•. . VIC. Im~,.: a, •.as."cQm~ ~sa '!I:~, tb~,:~e,n:btsga~en,'l,{etreat . ,,;,' ;":~dt 'e'nter ::Ui-e.:~enil:iiari' we " '. So:'j{ :ha'"Pp. ehed : at' Oh '.th~· ".ffin?d. erhJ1./thaf~~r:-... thl·to.~gf~~" ,,}.}k.e~y . p:~us.e ,~n)he.I3.avar~an·,:Alps.,·,..· . 'fl·riif. ~"b~nefaaortor ;'.' eii'CIJ . who ,:\ioill.. ,. U ".e .0,1.15 ." .~ .r:ell 0,., ..so~eone ." .. . . . ··i: · occasIOn. of. a . partIcUlarlyou~-le,a!tn~th~b,ugh the'Lives p'f U~e , ,.:;..pay $l;OQ·,a~1f,lar.:.'for~a.,b bo;y. ,d~riJ,'t ....,. ''', .:~o", .. :.' .,ragequs:: ?'tt~~ea*.;, the,: .1Jpl,f ).,Sa'irits:.lind.. r~f.lei:ting .J1POR hu . 0 ' ROURKE' '.. ' : . > o.!ils .s~x:.,y~~r,.~ouJSe .. :wo~ld you Uk.eto. a_~opt a. ~on, l~ ~lu'is~~ .' · FatherW.spatc:hed,., Sh ,,;P~il.il?,/f.d.relld....·dise·.if~e.'aii(f::·iiS"w.oridrous ".,:,,:;;, "" ...,. . '." P~rha~lqo~ are_,~b" IlWlwer.to th:~" pra~erll o.f. ~h'es.' e young meL' , · Beniti' the 'patrician f d f" . " ...' 'f, " " ' ) . : ' . FuneraL, Home"" . ~ "·d.·', . ' . . . '.",. : '. ou',l er °iL,?l;.t,i.i,e, "-' :;~' :';"\' .j;';":~:~(, . \, . " . , " YOU ,:WILI>GAIN,GRATITUDE.AND THE PRAYERS' OF .THE' ;' the§~l;\vIte!l,. to .deal.,'II'I~ththe!.":.·r-,So for Q1,Ir;~co~s()lation, "'5.7'1' Secbnd' St.'c., . POOR-FOR-YOUR SOUL IF YOU REMEMBER· TH·E NEAR · malcontents' '. ,'r" " now . , '," ...... ' ";',..., Philip's i· t ,'" 't' ":th)' .. !'e h~:ye St.. Pe:·e~r.m~.~,~~a~en"Fqll;~i\jei'.~· Mass... ;. ", EAS:r ,MISSIONS IN YOUR WILL. '. . . ' MAKE: .yOU~, :WILL. , /" ... ·O·S "9-6072": :' GOD'S .WILL·. '.' DO 'IT TODATI.,. . : .' ; ' Irs encou~ er WI ..... J?pymg '.f()r th~se.,,:.-o~.':1.!~, ·who Peregrme was to receive a' re'7' smoke ·too muCli'·iind ..; ai'ein ".."......,...--, .-Wbile all:. nature' begills to erowand' '~unding thwack'·oD.'lhe 'face;' "danger of c'a~cerot'tiie throat . MICHAEL J:McMAHON 'blossom again ill 'the· Springtime,. , the, '; · hIS second. was' 'to' comfort . a:> for those·.6fus·who~ea(too·'much . licensedFuneral.D·irect~ llpeeial &"raee of, God has 'beeD 1rl'0wiDJ' su~d~n, e~,n~.te.?t. NQthing.'Yould' and' are ,in danger of- 'ca~~er of Registered. Einbc:il~er . and fklweriDg ill the ,hearts ,of' SISTEK .. ,do but Pereg~me would go .back. the stoma'ch,'arid'f~r'those'of u s " " ' · · ..' .. ,MARY INNOCENT and SISTER MARY,., · to Rome to become'a, Servite•..' who -simply' imaghie they" have ' .; , LITTLE FLQWER. The;y wish to ,become,. · The Order, devoted.to the sor:cancer and worry themselves , 'SiSter- o( the.Visitatl.!,D. ill india.· WiD ,,?ws of Our Lady, practiCed' a ' hito it.' ' '. . . - . ' . " .. ' yoa. help the &"rowlJl ,of &heir yocationT He must be kept very busy p,enit';!ntial .disci(>line of such Each DOD nuist have a .lJ)OnBor who will severity that several .Pontiffs with modern Americaiis!' " . .'. '. PB1' the $.i50 annuali, which is nec" of the period:were on the point ' '.> • FUNERAL HOME lIlU'l todefni~;'aler ..expensell during the .two . lear period, of dissolving .it, alarmed' by the ~ Wins Schola..rship -aovitiate' tt.ainmg; Y.!iU may pal 'he mone;y In an;y manner COD-' 986 Plymoutb Ave. · numbers of. 'those who::"sickened ,·...enient wIilie 10uJ.. "adopted dagghter" prepares for "life '0" and died .un~er. it.·. '. CHICAGO, (NC)-Sister Mary 'Fall River . ~taY~r·. alid sacrlfice:.< . . . ' . ,'But Iiereii-ine took to lash Therese, chaiJ;man' of the. physics and hair sl;lirt as to the manner department at Mundelein Col-' OS 3-2272 -OUR HOLy"FATHl~:R NEEDS YOUR HELP DURING THESE born, aidedbj.. visior{ 'of Our lege, has been awarded a nine-_ "DAYS .OF' CRISIS' IN THE NEAR EAST .'; . ',WHAT YOU ' d y of So'rrows . . who' . ....a ssured month fellowship by' the 'N-aL·a PLACE: f~. ~i:S"H:ANDS "YOU PLACE IN, THE' HANDS OF ,. h~m that 'this was" the' life for tional.Science Foundation. She CHRIST .. , SEND /Ii. STRINGLESS GIF'F TODAY. '. him. Small wonder that when. will spend the summer' studying .. MAY IS THE MONTH G,IVEN ;1'0 THE MOTHER OF GOD .•• he carrie to receive the habit his Michael Austin it is also the month whe~ we think of· mothers ever1Where. whole body shone with a mystic JEF:FR'EY OD Mothers' Oily we have the opportuni.t;y to show our grat.lg~ow. . .Inc. . tude to our mother on earth. But what have IOU done to show Banish~s Sleep lour love and :gratitude to lour Mother iD Heaven who ill the :. Back to Forli he went, trailing Mother of God? If YOU would like a suggestion.. Whl not joill FUNERAL SERVICE Funeral·· Dome his black Servite robes,' to'" MARY'S BANK .which supports 10ung girls who wish to give spend the rest of his days· as a their lives as nUDS' to the praise of the Mother Of God. TIi. '" '.'550 Locust St. . 549 COUNTY ST. brOther, ~orking' hard, "fasting' Fall-River. Mass. dues are, sllnllly apraler·a dal and $1 a month. Joill duriQ rigorously, praying night and, the month of MIl7• . OS 2-2391 NEW BEDFORD, MASS. day. Sleep he practically banRose E. Sullivan '. Dear Cardinal .spellman: il'lhed frorrl 'his life," for when-. J effr~y E. Sul~ivan : I would like' to show my gratitude to the Mother of God ever he felt. drowsiness over-', , . '" " . . during this month of May by helping to bring an innocent ,NICKERSON heart close t~: Her Divine Son. Encl.ose~ III $10 to purchase a . : .'· The Monthly. Meeting .,-FUNERAL aild . .. ..)fIRST. HOL~ C0!dMVNlON. OUTFIT for a refugee child regular monthly·,meeting •. ~ .',~ of the 'Fall River Particular . . .: '" ."., ¢ouncil, Society of St. Vincent jt . "SERV1CES ., ~ de Paul, will be held next Tues:' 4.69LC>CUST. 'STR~Ei' ,'1..:: '.:' , ,.:. -" .' FIANCtS CARDINAL SPEllMAN. p,uideftt ~ .' day. Benediction of' the Most" ";. BOURNE • ,~~~W,ICH. MASS. . . . . . . .et;er •• Tuehy,Nat1 W,' '. Blessed Sacrament will be given. FAll' RIVER,· .MASS•. .Sead 1II1_"lcot!eM·,.. .. iii St. George's Church, West. . OS ~ 2~33In;" , CAPE COO CATHOlIC NEAR WTWElFAIl! ASSOQAnON port, and the meeting, will Wilfred.C:. . I.; , Ja~~', " __t~;(oCnlll~~~': "; )', 480 Lexm~-A.a.. &!t '46th St.' ~~'.Y. ,'i,~. 'follow in the parish bauiD. &be ;. 'DriSCon" '. WiYan,Ji'~ Of·the·Church.: .':." ":':'~"''''\.'''',''.: '''.::' .' "'''~'i.;:,',' ' ....: ·.c.,._", ,,, . ,...~. -',. ". -: . " : ;'.... ~

·TE'N'. y"E"AB' S' AC· B'O W" IN'"





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00 SULLIVAN &SONS ·:·FU.l'E·RAL HOME. :,:. ;.:"



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Ph otos 0 f P0 IIeSh'

NEW LaSALETTE PRIESTS: Nine young men ordained to the priesthood by Most Rev. James L. Connolly, Bishop of Fall River, at St. Mary's Cathedral last Saturday morning are (left to right) Rev. Laurier Morin of Lewiston, Me.; Rev. Gerald BarlI, Woonsocket, :a.I.; Rev. Richard Delisle, Cohoes, N.Y.; Rev. Edmond Bourque, Manchester, N.H.; Rev. Rene Bisaillon, Cohoes, N.Y.', 'Rev. Alphonse Larochelle, Whitinsville, Mass.', Rev. Real Richard, Central Falls, RI.'; Rev. Alb~rt Bard, West Warwick, R I,., and Rev. Maurice Proulx, Springfield, 'Mass:

Images t o Hang

On V. a



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CRACOW' (N"C) ..:- His Holiness Pope Jolin, XXIII has told· tl1e Cardinal Primate of Poland he has given





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M' k e a


Papal Audience


VATICAN CITY (NC)-H is . Holiness Pop,e John XXIII.< granted an extraordinary geri- ' eral audience on a Saturday and the guards had to close the doors'


~~e S~ro~~:r:iro:Sii~~w~~/~::

F a r r t l M a k e s . Ideal Hom'e,,'for of instructions to' have photographs AUBURN, ('NC)-T li. ere' 'i s' , great iiJside the church., ,,' of ,Polish images of the Blessed ' nothing like' a {arni', whe'n' it' and Nicky, the nine-year-old, Pierres a 5S e·m b Ie about 6:45 , ,,', , Virgin hung on th~ walls of his 'comes to rearing' a 'd6ien child..' ,twins, and Mary. 12, and Kathy. o:clock for :...,the 'family, Rosary., In 'one :'6fth~ most crowded: 8;', bring in the ""o~, feed the On Sundays they att,end Mass at general 'audiences' iQ the ,mem- ' residence. it wasr,e;vealed, here. .ren. , .Catholl'c -'eekly' Tyg'od, , . . . M.r5: , 'chick«ms arid''gather . I s .t h e:'P ope , The ' 'Th.at's wh.a't· .Mr:" a'.nd· '. , ' the eggs.' Holy Family Churc9 in. shifts-' ,ory of Vatican 0 'ff'ICla .. ·S.h.a'r.on.'. who's 15. and. Mary do, usually' at 8'30 and'11 A M , " " . ',Mark. '. , . nik Powszechny' in "in.id":April' Louis J: Pierresaia. ~heii Arch.. '· . ,: " ... : marked, the Feast of< St. :the,d. isi'u~s. in' the .ev.ening'. ", .' ' he' published the text ot' a personal . bishop ,Thomas, A... :Connolly of· ,.iWhen"ti'i'e·bi'gger children are' ,Mr. and' Mrs. Pierre both .feel , who had been .his ·patr0!1 ,w. n letter Pope John sent His Emi- Seattle came .to.. H9ly, .F,ami.,ly , ' a~ home, they . care , .'for, the little.: . 'a farm is the' i.deaI·home for a' , he ~as Patriar<;h ,of Venice.i':" • nence Stefan Cardinal Wyszyn-' church, here 'and, ,.baptized ,r the .o:nes,"· '. ';.' .' large family; . .' :Affioilg the: ~~r~,th~.,n',2·~,00e: " 8ki at the end of· Fe"btuary. ,... . .. Pierres' 12th child, three-week~ " . ,. . , ".. . .' . Mr. Pierre, .who is emp,loyed . :'":BY ilJe timeehildren' have . people in.St. peter',s .was ~!s~~,: In it. the PQni~fi,"~id: ,.-.'. old Teresa,. ~chbishoP~Oon~ony as.'a jig builder 'for an ahcr~ft, . thei,r,chores .do!,!e.on a far,m;" Pietro' Fiordelli o~' P.r~to. a~; '. HI,t,I's w'l·thl'Oeep·gra·tl·tude tb'at has.es~bhsh~d,a,trad,fbO~·!>(1"·" : 'lit's, t"hev :cows " " , ...... ,: Mrs .,"it·s' dinn'er" 5'OOO"members'of' his diocese.. U baptizing the 12th child in fam'- c~mpany, mi. soon . ' Pierre.' said' ,. , " ". ,. ' ." we'have recently, .. re<ieived the 'I" f h h"" " " . " alter he·atrives home. time.. Afterwards; .they.: h~ve . .The,t9w~speople of"Prato"pre-,' lIes 0 IS arc dIOcese. . th . h I k '-If 'th ' . t d' 'th"" Po ····th a eramie ''Yery pleasant letter:whic~ you ,'. ' .', ".::' , ....". ' After dinner the big and 'little elr.s<: 90 wor",... . ~re s', ,sen.~ :'" ",' p'e ,.. I, '. C ':." .""~ llent Us, Our 6eloved'son, and in 'The problems. of belOg,parents" " . ' ; ....•.., .... , ' " , any 'tIme, left before .bedtlme," depIcting- 'the :Seven Works 'fJI ' which you informed Us 'how . to 12-all· thosc' ~no.uthsto fee<!., 'Poll ,·Disprovesthere·s _, bit of TV or other rec-',.· -Mercy. :,""" ", ;', '" affectionately you and ypur 80 many youpgsters, under-fQot, c". " '. .' " .. ' '. reation, " There 'just isn·t·'any' . ': 6ih~r;':~t, the ,audience ~~ . ·.and ,all, the .r~sf--.,dori·t, ine,~'n .' ath,'olic' 'Vote,,' time .fo.r,: them to get ',intO' ., .. " . I I ' , 4 e,1l0w countrymen accepted, the .. h t th P " . tr bl " "'. ;, "c.lud~ 2;POO .J:i:iine't'I(fro!'J 'Ita y .• : , ni~)llstrance which We~f,fered; muc, o. e,.)e~res., "":.:,;,' .:·':BtiFFA.L(J:;(NCj':"::'A:',pres~,;,;" ou .e,,': . ' >" TUIl.can'r~gi'on."Some",of ,~~,;" as a token of the love. WhICh. W,e : .. ' 'Food? TheFe' -are' about.·:-a·. deritiaI" straw'·· poll at" Canisius' No troiJble at all? miners . rode. iiltO· St. .Peter'it~· . " .~. feei deepi!1 .. q~r:' )ie,~rt for: .the dozen chickens, ,thi~e.,d~~ks.; 10: ; CoHege. ~~i~h ,is 'cond.t,lcte.,'Py '. " "WelI;sometimes 12you~g': . sCIua.re ,: ~~,,':bor:sebacK''''ln " 13th' Poles, :.and ~~uch We, pt,lbhcly pigs' and 't"",o" steers.' on "the ;:.the J~S':lit Fathers disclosed that' stersean bt! ". ~eiy~;.wracki,ng." t:~nt':lry" ,c()s,tum¢s:'; 'T4er~' ,~l-" ,tated '.atthev,e.ry'})~ginning,of. , couple's ,'55-~cre .fa rm;' ,-Mrs;;' $ttiient~,did'n()t~ote:as'abloc~ But on' the whole, having' that ,were thous~Dds·of'RbriJ.e'u'il',iVei':'. ~ur, pt)ntificate. "'.,' ,:.. " , Pierre canned 375 'quarts ~f fruit,' . j'~ favor; of 'a Catho~icca·ndidate.:. many. :ehildrtm' around. 'isn;t '. sity 'Iltti~e,nis"~\vea'r'iilg ',"'}on"'·· , ,vfinerated III'CIi~reheSfrom their,' p~u,m.;' .,t;':ln.e.:p'ear" ::,,: In the:;balloting,)~en.'John~'.:· ,;neatly ail: bad as, many, people' PQir.t~<i'·})ats.,.chara,i:te-rist~c';.V: and,' apple tree'l J~st:"year..,A~d" J(e~ne!iY ()f M;~s~~tlUsettsrethink it, is:~' , th~ir: u~j~e~itY"feilt!vat.':-:'''' "Kno";" that ,~ou: Qr~ught Us .her ,garden ·netted ·75 'qu'arts' of'ooived 32' percent 91' the votes .,.,' " i , , , ' ' ,,,' ',. veat joy and 'enlivened, ,Our' beims;30 :qua'rts' of dHl'picklelr~ 'andVice.Presidtmt ,Richard. M: . ! ',' , -, , memory of, Poland even', more•. ,and five sacks of:pptat~!!;""" <N4~on;:29 per 'cent. Sen: ,Ken'A'lOAf Of MONK'S'•• fAD'" by sending a collectiono( . Milk? Thefarm's'tour.niilki~lt."n~dr ;.~s ,'a",G8:t~o~ic , .ail.d:~r.~, .r.~C~f;'OUGH TO .,. A':',. _ , , photographs of Mary images of 'are' the. for cowsthe provide Quaker.. .;' ". ·.S' E"L'. .:.'F',',· , Blessed Virgin which whole Dlore family . We a wanted " 'to 'determme venerated in churches all over .' " .,' . whether, at a Catholic school, Pol and. "..:-. churches where Housekeeping? 'J;lie. children there 'would be a .bloc votedor The Trappilt'moDkl ';';0, dcvclopc~ 'novenas 'of' holy Masses were .do the bigger share of the chor,es: a Catholic' candidate· j said' Ibia dcli~iOUl Soat" eat DO meat, .fish, ~ .. .~ offered for Our intention, in Hie· around the' house. as well, Ilson' Michael D. Zeik, a meinber 'of .rIlSI.: Br~ad 1,1 \lir backbone of ,hrl' hope of a better f!Jture. the farm." said Mrs, Pierre, '. the Cariisius faculiy: "We 'were : .~J;Qplt .diet.· Only .the finest iogrc:d,icng . "We have directed that the "When they c~m~ home froni impre'ssed that' there' was no' arc used: Trapp!'u have. be:cn f.lnoua for r!'dr ~Ome.m:adc bread (or 300 yean. pictures you sent~s to be hung school' Michael' 13 and LeMoine such bloc." on the walls of Our residence. 17, th~iwo old~st boys, feed th~ The 'ba'lloting was conducted so that Our thoughts":""whenever pigs, clean the barn, put in fresh among several hundred students,. We look into the gentle face of hay and bring in the cows, Ricky their families and friends during the illustrious Queen of Poland . , 'an ?n;",,,,' nn"" 1'>n".~ ,,,.,,,lr-end. , -might turn more often toward you with ardent prayers and wishes that the Dispenser of all j graces surround the most noble Polish nation with constant protection; grant it strength and aid. sanctify it on the road of / Chrjstian life and fortify its prudence full of wisdom and hope. Through hardships and toil, God prepares for you wh'at will turn to your greater good." AFTER:--+~ <'







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16.lihut:s:..,-,liME ANCHOR: l Apr:.. 30~ 1:9'59' MAUL.

SaY$ Reyolutions T urn~ng Points In Red Fight '

Newspaper Panel, "Space Ag~:, New 'Flights ,for Catholic High c School Journalism" will be pre':' sented by the Mercian staff with Joanne Medeiros, chairm~. and Hl A l' It N POrN'F' the following student speakcl-s: (NC) -nte Tibetan' and\ Marilyn Kennedy,' Judy McKnight, Margaret Griffin Judith H Ui I1i g a 'r ~ a, n revol'utiollS\ Pereira, Kathryn Magri~, and _ ag:$Ist communiSm, were~ Patricia Medeiros. . , "tw;ning point.S~ in the "great Five SodaliSts from St. Mary sbTugg1'e among men for the se-, High School for BoyS, Lynn will c:urity of the future/" Bishop' present a panel discussio~ for JlOhn: King Mussi~ of Steuben...· Academy students tomorrow. Its vi:l1e. Ohio.. 'has: said. ,theme will be "Sodality: Way "In both cases~1> be explaine~, of Life and a Spirit ,of 'Honor". "it is the spiritua:!1 and; religious: Sodality Prefect Judy McKnight aspect of the uprising that gives: is planning the assembly, assisted si'gnificance to the' action." He: 'by vice-prefect Maureen' Sheedescribed! the Tibetan, revolt as, han, Secretary Marguerite Wil- , "a' flaming reaf£itnlation out of' Hamson, and Treasurer Teresa. the East by a united: people; that Silva. there are some things more' Faculty and students welprecious: than life." corned SIster Mary Michele, By Ireaffitnling man's: spirit-, RS.M., who will replace Sister ua! nature, Bishop d'ecrare~ the' Mary Verona,' RS.M., recently two revolutions' unmasked. the' NEW. BEDFORD appointed Provincial Procurator true menace of communism they On Sunday afternoor. the," of the Sisters of Mercy. opposedl" FRIENDS OF ST. ANNE'S: One of the units o:fi the members of the Sodality of Our The Bishop, warned' the United, newly formed orgaDization, Friend's 6f St. Anne's Hospitall" Lady of Good Counsel and Saint JESUS-MARY ACADEMY. shOUld' beware of adopting" is the' Bookmobile. Mrs. Francis B. Mooney s.tops' before "aStates 'Maria Goretti attended serviCes" FALL RIVER secul~ristic" attitud'e do. opposat S1. Lawrence Church. EightParticipants in the preliminary Mother Pierre, director of the hospiital,. as she starts on her ing, communism,. he' said·. een members· o~ the Sodality._ science fair held yesterday and rounds of the rooms and wards. . Religion and' communIsm canmade the Temporary Act 'of today are Claire Delisle J ocelnot live together," 'the Bishop Consecration, apd· two renewed yne"'Cyr, Yvette BOJ.ldri~, Marobserved. "Spiritual: truths, in, their promises for ?ne year. The guerite P,icard, E~izabeth <Lee, man are his salvation from the Act of ConsecratIon was re- Therese Michaud, Jacqueline: cunnfug or' communist, logic. eeived. by Bishop Gerrard, Plante, Cecile Ducha'rme, JacSpiritual Di!:ector of the sodal- 9ueliHe Boutin and Collette Patients at'St.·Anne;s Hospibl, Mrs. Kenneth Compton. Mrs. Ity, who also offered Ben~dic- Dusseault, seniors. ' e•• Fall River, will. enjoy bedside Raymond Connors. tion. " Pauline Roy, Claire Durand,! library service through'the facil... Mrs.. Adelard Demers, J11., . On Tuesday fortY-seven mem- Georgette Nunes,. Claudette La- . . ities of an' aluminum ,book cart Mrs. Maurice Demers" Mrs. bers of. the Junior Class took the : ,pointe, Patricia LaFleur, Pauline Frank E)'Errico, Mrs.. Joh~ Dunn, d'onated to the insfitution by Merit Scholarship examil)ation.') Beaulieu, ,Annette 'Cousineau, Mrs. Francis B. Mooney. in Mrs. Eugene Dionne,. Mrs. Louis Tomorrow 'the entire ,stud,ent ! Therese S1. ~aurent, Jacqueline BOYS WANTED. fOr the Kroger,. Mrs. Daniel. Mooney;, melTlory of her late husband. To body will attend the 11:30 Mass. Le ComtePaulette Lussier P~iestbood and, B~other.hood,. !>e stocke¥ and .operated by Mrs. Edmund Neves. The Missa Recitata will be. foljuniors. ' , Lock. of funds 11'40 impedi, members of the Friends' of St. Mrs. Anthony Perry, Mrs, Frank , lowed by the crowning of ,.our Also Patricia Parker; sophoAnne's, hospital auxiliary, the ment. Perron,.~ Mrs. Manuel Soares" . Lady's statue by Elaine Cormier, 'more; and, freShmen Anne Marie book cart' will visit all patients ' Mrs., Edward Steinhof, Mrs. Write to:, a member of the senior" class, Thibault, Claudette Chasse'. we,ekly, with the exception of Fr~derick Sullivan, Mrs, James-: ~nd 'she will b:l assisted by the Denise Dube', Lucille"F.ciu~njer:' thoSe iIi the children's ward; 'p C)." ~x, 5742 Sullivan IIi, Mrs. Gordon Trust, class officers: from each borne ~ri,s Migneault, Joan, Bernil!r Baltimore 8;' Mdl who Jtave a separate' library Mrs. Roger Violette, Mrs; Hilary room.' , and Ger~aine Berube. \ service. "White. : On Wednesd~y, May 6, siJ!teen. Mother Mary MediatEice is Other members of the auxilBook cart ,facilities, which' HQly Fa~ily Debaters'" will coach of ~the volley ball teams' l~ave fro!Jl' Providence by train which hold intr~ura1S ever; will be absolutely free, will in- ,ill17Y have v'olunteeIred 'their to atten~ the, National Catholic Thursday afternoon. Helena Du-' clude an assortment of books ~rvices to read aloud: to: child, Forensic League Debate' TC;lUrn-' '-mont heads'Team A ani:Helene. and. mal'azines. Novels, mys-, patients. 1il'Uck: Body Builders, teries, wl;!sterns, biographies and· af!lent, held t~is year in Wash- Martinville Team. B. ,\ " ' 'MUmiDum, or Steel, ington, D. C., on May 7, 8, and SACRED 'HEA&TS' ACADEMY' nonfiction' volumes are among SPECIAL 9'44\ County' St. ,,9. • FALL RIVER . ' " • the books, and many magazine NEW BEDFORD! MASS•. 'WALLET SIZE PICTURES subscriptions have been 'donated' Ra)'lmond Lagesse, class of ' ' ,WY 2l.66, "Ii " 1960 has -been nominated f o r ' A group of juniors are parto . the' cart in addition. to recent Lom~nat~cf(,SeaI: in,Plastic) tbe'~nnual Achievement Awards,' ticipating m a Pilot. GourSeof iSsue~ of ,the' magazines them,15<: eo'. '2 for' p.p. program, spbnsor:ed by:the Na-" ,tbeHun;aniti~~ for secondarY Selves. ' ' " tiona I Council of Teachers of' School, a televlSlon course which, 24 HOUR, SERVICE English. In its second year, the. ,,~iJl1s to stimu,late' stuaents' crit~ . Committe~ members respOo-, Awards program' which was' lcal' and creative' intelligence, sible for book cart serVice in-" IB'ox initiated last year, in response ,i~prove ,th!ir communication cludeMrs. Jamel Blute, Mrs. NEW BEDFORD, MASS. to President Eisenhower's sl.ate- skills, and gIve' them' a prelim-' Leonard Bolen,Mrs.' .Roger Cadie~x,: Mrs.. John Carvalho, ment that, America needs. its . inary awarenesS of 'the sweep, Emersons as' well al its Einsteins, of Western civilization. Tlie , l is being conducted thro'ughout' course, in which 137 schools of famo~s· !leading: ,Cle~n B'urnmg, COAL I the nation. to grant recognition .the greater :Ooston 'a.rea are parI SHELL 'IPREMIUM", f.fEA'fING OlliS: to ollJstanding' high school sen-, ticipating . will ,continue, until·· iors for excellence in English. May 14. -. Chanters for the annual Voca~DadisonOil Burners ST. MARY'S mGH, tion Mass will include Mary 'TAUNTON' Elizabeth Boland,. Joanne CasNew, England. Coke Oil BVRNERS ,Delegates 'Leona Morin, pre- par, \Phoebe .Champeaux; BevAlsO eomplek Boiler-Burner Aufomatic Coal fecLof the Sodality Cause of erly Corey. Rita Faria, "Pauline or Furnace Onits. Efficient Stoken Our Joy; Irene Dubois, Mary Gallan,d, and Barbara Nogrega. loW cost beating, Burner and ' Margaret Welch, Carol Welch Science fair judges awarded fuel oil sal'es and service. Bag, Wood', Coal , and Diane Buckley will repre- first, second, 'and third prizes sent this school at the Sodality" °resp.eetively·to Evelyn Levesque" and" Cha~coal (7 <180 Mt. Pleaaant Street Convention for 'the Providence Barb,ara Tavares, and Margaret New Bedford WY 3-2661 Diocese. Rev. Edward Stapton, Hogan. Miss Levesque received ., 640 Pleasant St., New Bedford, S.J., 'director of Sodalitie~.. i~ 'first honors for her study of the TeL WY'6-8271 I New, England; will. pre!!ide over - ·brain.' , the meeting. The day will t>egin ' The Shacady News staff 'will with conferences 'followed, by present a, p3nel this Saturday "SPECIAL MILK workshops and concluded !fith at the New England- Catholic·' the Missa Recitata. . Publications' Con fer 'e n c on From Our Own, The. Dramatics Club final "The' Thought-Provoking Poll: ,Tested HercY' presentation includes ~y Othe Springboard for Teen-Age, Cath.." Beautiful Sea and The Flapper, olic Action". Rita, Faria will'be A~ulhnet, Mass. WY 3~57 one act comedies, recalling the chairman. and firjlt:.speaker· '., Special MillC ,days' of the 1920's. The casting Gladys, O'Connell, seconll speak~ . • Homagenfzed, Vit.. D Milk will take place this coming'~k er; and. Susan' Roy, 'third under "the direction of Mr. Davi<i speaker. Agnes, O!Neil 'will be • Buttermilk Sponsored' the Missionor.ies . .. Tropicana Orange 'Juice Connell. ' " first speaker olli the panel .eon-' St. Mary's Soda~ity Cause ot cerning yearbooks. The' confer• Coffee arid! ChOc. Milk 6f Our ~ady of La' Sofette Our Joy _ will be represen~ed ence will be, held at Merrimack',' • E!:J9s - .Butter ' Saturday at Fontbonne, Acad-' College in Andover. :, : " Members will sail from 'eork; July 1,7, 1959~, emy at' which a preliminary . aboard'the S. S. Nieuw J.msterdam of the Holland: ,America, Line. . ' meeting will be. held -SACRjD HEARTS ACADBMY, FAIRHAVEN . Pupils of both grammar school and' high school united their talents to offer Reverend Mother Mary George, sS.ce., Superior, .' varied entertainment. on her feast day. Thirty-eight Latin' students took the annual, National Latin Examination, sponsored by Auxilium Latinum Magazine , Thirty fr~bmen and 20 sophomores will take the National Educational Development 'rest Tuesday. The same day 11 '.juniors, will take the National Merit Scholarship Test, a threehour measure of educational development and college aptitude~ . Sandra Mandeville, senior, is a finalist in' the 1958-1959 contest. HOLY FAMILY mGB.


Friends',.of ·St. Anne's lni,tiate' Book Cart SerY~c:'e t() ,,~atienfs

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August. :' 'MOUNT ST. MARY ACADEMY, FALL R I V E R . Sister Mary Flora, RS.M., adviso,r' of the academy news• paper, The Mercian, and Sister Mary Mercy, R.S.M., adviSor of ' - . the yearbook, The Mercycrest, . 'I . will attend the, Journalism Con"ference being held at Merrimack College on Saturday. , M c» UD i St. Mat)" - Acaclem,. o





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~urs., Apr. 30, 1959

Economic ,Statesm,anship Director NCWC 'Soclal Action Department

Several times in recent months President Eisenhoweras previously noted in ,this column-has exhorted labor and management, irl fairness to the generaL public and for the . . good of 1ihe econ~mY.~. s. a W'~ole, to ex.ercise a grea~er degree , of sta~esma~s~lp m .theI!, lng by ~bjective. standallds of economic ,decision-makmg. wcial morality. The President's recurrent Curiously enough, a rather' emphasis on the duty of off-beat, ~ro-Socialistperiodical,

labor and management ,tomeas- Th~ Reali~t, h.as rece?tly taken ure their performance in terms .8 line w~uc~, In a .weIrd, sort of of the general way, comcides wI~h ~he W.all economic we1-' Street Journal's editorial poh~y fare seems to i on the su?iect of economIc have made little , statesmanshIp. or no impres-: The April issue of The Realist, s ion on .the' in a feature article entitled "The powers - that-be 'N~w' Fascism of American LaPOPE JOHN WILL,MARRYTHEM: Prince Albert of in Am e ri can' bor," ridicules the present writer economic I 'i,f e. . (who, incidentally, is accused of Liege, 24-year-old brother of King Baudoin, and Italian Princess Paola Ruffo Di Calabria, 21, will be married by Possibly on.e being the No. 1 agent of the reason for this i American bishops in their althe Pauline Chapel at the Pope John XXIII July 13 in \ is that up 40 the ' ,legedcampaignto .capture con- Vatican. NC Photo. present time the I ,trolof the American la'bor Administration, i m o v e m e n t > for ,agreeing with for whatever Walter Reuther, Arthur Goldreasons, has been unwilling·even 'berg and,othe.rs·whohave called'. to suggest, much less to endorse for clo8er labor-management coII ' or insist upon,a.pr.acticalmethod operation as a means of promotWASHINGTON (NC)' _ The From this stage, he added, "it of implementing -the President's ing the general economic wel- growth of secularized education is only a short step to the point rather ,vaguely worded ,exhor- fare. poses a definite threat to the at which the Christian way of UitiOM. The author of ,thisarticlEl, survival of religion in the United life is condemned and outlawed In spite 1)f tbeirvagueneml, William D.Yaeger, is very .much States Christopher Dawson, as a deviation from the standard however, thePres'ident'flseveral opposed 10 this emphasis on British historian and· educator, patterns of social behavior." appeals for a grearer measure ·of labor - management cooperation, . warned here in :an. address at a "The Christians, like the ec61'101Dic .statesmanShip ·on the which he rightly says, is in Communion breakfast of the Jews before them," he said, part of labor and 'management hann~ny with 'Catholic soCial John Carroll Socieiy, organiza- "have held tha~ the fear of God were basieally sound from .the teachingasswnmarized in the tion of Catholic professional and is the beginning. of wisdom, so poim of view of S6c'ial ethics-- soCial eneyclicals,ofrecent popes. business men. that. without knowledge of God, the Wall Stree~ Journal· ·tothe . ., . ' " ' T h e more completely secular- there can be no true education. ·th d'ng Why 1S he QPPOsed.'toIt·. Be. bee " tra notw Our modern civilization has' eon ry . I " n 1 '. cause it '''clearly eXipresses the ized public ,education· omes, The .Jour~81, i,n com~entmg ChUllCh's opposition ,to ,the so- Prof. Dawson said, "and the decided otherwise." on the PresIdent s~ost !ecent cialisttheory that Labor and more the state acquires an eduappeal for a non-mfla~lOnary Capitaf :are .in. perpetual conflict· cational monopoly-as it is wage-price settlement 'm the and that democratic government bound to do, considering the steel ind.ustry, respectfully.~ut must .eventually control ,the growing cost of education-the very pomtedly and. eX'p1lcltly economy;" more the 'Christi,an element in said that the PreSIdent was \, . our ,civilization will diminish "barking up the wrong tree--:in 'Curiou 'Parallel and the more. -complete will be faet, a couple of wrong trees:" 'It is interesting to note-and the victory 'of secularization as lndeed the Journal went ~, instructive to ponder the impll- the working reUgion of AmeriDistributed by far as to state that 'labor and cations of~thecw'ioUS'_parallel can people." management .shouldn't ,be ,conbetween Mr. Y:aeger's position ~Now cerned .at all about the im,pact and that of the Wall ,S!reet Beverage Co. of ,their eoonomicdecisions ,on Journal. Each bas a substitute :5t. John's 'College, which was the .rest of the economy. for economic statesmanShip. The founded in 1841 grew into what 331 Nash Rd., New Bedford Wall Street Journars substitute - is .)mown·. tod~y as' Fordham . WYman 7-9937 S ~ lor VU1.1aea is the law of supply and dern;and. lmiyen;ity. '"'In '. 'free 1!eOnomY,b' 'accord- Mr. Yaeger's Substitute is goving to a lead editorial in the emment' coQtrol of economic M8l1Ch :2'7 issue of the ..Journal, life. Hit is not the busincssof either Under either substiture. labor business or labor leaders to' ,be 'statesman'like.' The. business of leaders anc. ·employ.ers would conveniently be relieved of any the one is .to remain .solvent and personal responsibility for. the to return a ,profit on -investment. The business of tlie other is to conscious and deliberate application of the virtues 'of social win higher wages ·01' -other 'benejustice and social char.ity in ,the fits for union members." day to day process of economic The Journal'.s alternative to deCision-making. labor - management '\statesmanship" is the 'so-called 'law of sUllply and demand operating in a d'llee -economy. "'I1heessence of the free economy," we are told, "is the market, 'and when it is Prescriptions called for functionIng nonnally it -imposes, and delivered' in its very freedom, definite :HEADQUARIERSFOR limits" -on- -how much 'either DIETaIC 'SUPPliES labor or management may get. 600 Cottage sf: WY 4-7439 1 mean no offense to the ediINew 'Bedford tars of the Jouroal-which ·is certainly one ~'f the best 'and probably 'one of ,the .most influ,.. ential publications of its ~ind in the United States-when 'I say . and .. that this abso1ute ;and unqualified repudiation of ·the ,I'Jresident's 'repeated ,pleas ·for economic statesmanship ..is, objectively speakiQg, unethical and, and 'Sons. 1n(. from the pract'ical point of view, potentially .r.ather .dangerous.

Dawso., Sa'ys Secu.,Iarized Education 'Th.eate'ns Survival of Religion



SACRAMENTO (NC) It will be a crime in i>acramento County to sell crime comic books to a person under 18 years of age after mid-May. An ordinance making it a misdemeanor to sell or circulate the crime comics to persons under ) 8 has been adopted by the Sacramento County Supervisors· It provides for a $500 fine or six months in jail for violators. Deputy County Counsel J. Francis O'Shea said there is no -q~estion about the legality of the ordinance. He stated the - courts have upheld a similar ordinance in Los Angeles County. '. A crime comic book is defined as any book or magazine or pamphlet containing a series of five or more drawings or photographs accompanied b: narrative concerning virtu~ -ly any major crime.



. . Cf/II






Rodman Club





in effect, that individual labor leaders cmd employers-gIver :a free econoll\Y - sbouldn'.t 'even try to measure their perfor.mance in terms of ethical standardsor >to ~easure their ,economic <decisions against therequirements ,of the common good. In other words, the law of supply and demand 'is substituted for the virtues of socia'! justice and social char..ity.


O. ~=:;_ted__~~.




Ban Crime Book Sales to Minors

.By Msgr. George G. Higgins

It throws the virtue of social justice'out Tthe window and says,


TOOTELL Monument Works

This is 'a far cry, indeed, from the insistence of the churches- . "AL ALBANESE. Prop. non-Catholic as well as Catholic De~igning & kanufaeturing --on the inescapable moral re191 ROBESON ST.: NE~ BEDFORD 1P0nsibility of individuals in Just above Shawmut Ave. every phase .of .economic life to , WY 8-5142 OS 3-4074 be guided in tlleir decision-mak/




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~CHAPt.AiN'r'M'!:YOU oo,;l;t ',Q,Ow'


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:!!!!!.~ -mERE.




Appeal, in.Fu·II,Op·era,tion..·.

May'. Devotions' Honor' Our. Lady' . ' . TH.E ~ANCHOIt . Thurs., Apr. 30,. 1959··Co~tj.nu!ld'(~om Pac-e. One her: . Our.. Lady' of' Victory in,


:1' ,8

. from





Continued Page One . $300 eontribution' over' a. longer pe_ ,Catholic Women's Club; ~ . States:n 'i~ Our .LadY of Purga~ . Centerville. and Our Lady· of :' riod oltime and' to sustain . $200 . . ' , . .... ,. ' : ; . . ' . - .tory Maronite Church in' New Fatima in Swansea.. iRterest in. the'. charIties of' the' 'M~Go~an 'Insurance Agency, . Bed'foid." , ".: Our Lady.of the Holy.Rosar.y Appeal for the entire (calertdar Chester F. Wright. AlA, J,amei . .,,; .,. '. ;.' . Other . titles are 10 beioved' is represent~.d·.by. churches in · year.';' . '. E.FitZgerald. '. .' . . "Con~inued-' froin:'Page ~ne,' '''' ,that many 'churches mu~t share" . Fall RiVe!', "New .. Bedford' and . . ", $150 . '.' KjrbY,.:R ev ...B. e. ~,n. ard. Sullivari, '•. ·"them..'·, Suc,h . ·ls. Our. L.a,dy . of' . ''il'aunton. OUI:. L.ady.,of Mt. Car·:.. Tospur'the .parish" solicitors R J F B kl ' . achiev.e·. lI' new deg~ee' of." William P. Cro~ley &·SOos. and.... ev. ,,' ames. '.' UC, ey,. ··.·Loiirdes. Churches of tha,t name ~.mel is honored in New Bedford '. $100 ' ·ordain.ed at St:'Maty's Cathedral are' located 'in 'Fall River 'Taun-' and Seekonk, ,Our La'dyof PerIIUccess,C hair m'a n' .Sulliy'an Dorothy. Drummond,' Dru'm- . in ~imuary.; 'and' Rev. ,AlJthony':toh .and'Wellfleet. . . . ' petual Help at· North Truro and declared:' . h . . L' bo . , ,. ' , ' m'ond Printing Co.; Camac Co., ·P.· Roc a,: 'ordamed I n . , IS ~, .. "'Most~ popular· name of all is New Bedford.. . "~arish solie,itors will com- Liebman Bre:weries,. Inc:,R~m-,' Portugal II)F~bru~ry.. ' . ::St.·:Marr- s ,· 'recalling ."th'i,. , old. One of a'kirid churches are menci~ their effOJ;ts for. the 1959 for:d' S., teel Products, Inc:',. ~.:) J. "'., .'. Newe~ Or.dlPands . ' '.' ·'tit.le'. • f, 6~.' ,t!le Blessed.. ~oth .. er·, '. ()ur Lady of ~h~ ~nge.ls..and Our Catholic .Charities Appeal,. on. Toomey' Company, . E..Turgeon .' Those ordam(ld las~, Saturda! Our .. Lady St: .·Mary. . EIght Lady of Health, Fall River and Sunday. I 'urge you ail to receiveConsh'uction Co;, Louis Hand '. include Rev. John .V. ~agnanI, .·.. churches·,beat the·.titl~; in :Attle- ',01J'r Lady of 'Grace" North West-· Holy Cominu~ion and to pray Inc. Clover Club of .Fall River Rev. BernardJ.-A, LaVOIe, Rev.. " boro Fairhaven .Mansfield·New port. ' . '.' dai'ly. for the succe~s of our' Ap-. Gol~f Medal ·Bakery. : . . ' 'Robert W. Dowling, Rev..Roger . 'Bedfqrd>North' AttIeboro,"Nor:"S? is completed our 'lovely peal. To' a verylllrge degree,' Edward. v; Lahey, ·C.:J::'I,.eary J . . ~evesque,.. Rev.- Damel F. toni'SOuth Dartmouthand Taun- litany, our own Diocesan naming this Appeal depends orioiir, . & Sons, Inc., Joseph McCormick"" ~orlarty, :Rev; Thomas ,C. ~ay,- . ton., .': .., ,.... '. . . . . , '. of the praises of Mary. During' efforts in our parishes. This .is· .Dawson Brewery;. " . ' , hew, and R~v: JohnJ. S",lth,.. . ·Conh:aty·.tO pOpular' usilge, Ma'y, as we' pass ,and visit the tile backbone' of the Appeal. ' : .. $90 .. Also recelvmg ·the . ~cram~Qt. ,however; -the Cathedral' is .:not churches whic~ '~re specially" , "S.eli Charity ',t~ your co~taets.' H' J D" ff' Ph'" of Holy, Orders were nme Mls- "among ,them .·its· p"rop'er title her own, her Wish IS that reflec-'enry" u y armacy., . . f 0 L d f La . .,. . ' . ' ' .. Help' thein to understand that·. "'. $75' ' ...:., SlOllarles o. ur.,,~ y .0 n bc$ing; St. Mary of the Assump. bon on. the many. words used ·the care of. the. sick, the relief ff" Sal~tte. They w~re Rev· Gerald tion. Sharing the' name areOui" to deSCrIbe, her may lead us to· l n{ M emory F ran k E' .D' u y. B '1' R R B' '11 . R . . ' . ' ofthe·agonizeti,theministrations "'$70' 9 " arI, ev.. ene. Isal on.. ev. ;La'dy of the Assumption in New adorabo?,. of t~e,one' Word to the helpless are .the strict.' . Boi"de~ & Remington Co.. .Edn:lUnd ;Bourque, Rev. Richard Bedford;. only Cape ·Verdian presentm all'their tabernacles; ebligations of each of· us:, ' '.$60' Dehsl~; Rev. A~phonse,' Laroparish. in the United States, arid ' "Make your' contacts at once: A' R B " C .. chelI.e, Rev. Laurier MOrIn, Rev. Our. Lady. of the Assumption in . .' . . ' rals o. .M . Pl' R R 1 . Make your returns Quickly.' . ". . . $50 . .aunce. rou x, ev. ea Osterville:.. .' Pray' and work; w-fth the help' Memorial to Edward '&. Isa-' Richard; R,=v.. Albert Bard, . , Reflecting " the . dedicat~on of of God and His Blessed Mother' bel,e . Murby,. Emco Electric . Flrs~ Masses , .. thet United .States to the·Immacwe shall succeed." "\,' " S I' C '. D . , M'lk L' b . The new DIOcesan prIests all, . ulate', C <> nc e p t io n are five PI,:,mbing- Heating upp yo., evme s I a -, . f' S1 M ' . M ac h'mls . t' s : N'a . sang 0 emn asses that name , in Appeal headqu' arters antiCi- . ora't ory, " Y' ~nc., ' their. Irst I ~.T ' k churches bearing .. Over 35 Years '1 'B an, k O'K ee f e F" unera I "last.Sunday mo, nmg. wo pate' all specI'al gifts cont.acts 't"IOna. ' 'Ch tooh ' Fall. River . , . New Bedford , North . of Satisfi~d Service ' 11 be completed 'and .retu,l'ns ,~, S ' , M B ' C ·Th place at Notre Dame urc,. Easton Taunton and· Megansett. . WI . erVlce, ason ox 0., e 11 R' th f F th .. , made to Area Headquarters 'by . Milistone; .joseph P. Flynn, FaT Iver'd FO:~ . °L' a ..er <And two of the newest parishes 806 NO. MAIN STREET ng this weekend: . Walsh Brothers, Dow lh aSn 'th a er ~~esi.uet in . the Diocese are named for . Fail River. OS 5-7497 Among. the first contributions N O ' 1 C 'O'H .' I . Fat er ml sang, IS Irs .... be d f th' 19"9 A' as()n I. 0., eAarne ns.. Mass at St., La,wrence's, New .... ~nnounce or e" gency, Dr.· Henry ... Alves, B df d h'l S·t J h' "H I R e or, w I e . osep s A ppea I are: A s h wor th B ros., I nc., 0 y oS-, P ' d 'th f' Special Gifts :li'ry Women's ·Guild. . rOVI ence, . was e scene 0 . . .' Father MOrIarty's Mass. $3,000· . . ~'. H,. Leemmg &. Sons, Inc.,' Father Magnani's Mass took Kaler, Carney, Liffler &'Co: .' Wilh,am Stang Assembly, K ..of 1 t St M ' N th Attl $1,000' . .C.,I Precis~on Thread Co., Inc.,'P ace a . ary s.. , or , e( , Are. Ideal For Churches, : Firestone Rubber & Latex Chace Mills Curtain Co., New~ ~roh,Fa,therFL~lvOI~.S was ath~t. , Schools, Convents, Orphan-: Produ,cts Co" F. I,.. Collins & port' Finishi.... ,·· Corp. . . at leu s, a Iver;. w Ie , . . . ~ .. Father Mayhew sang Mass at : ages, and Rectories. . , Sons, Inc" My Bread Baking Co. . Norbut FlnIshmg C~., Inc., In the Cathedral of ·the Holy Cross : REDUCES Service Calls : Creed Rosary. ., Memqry Mrs. Catherme Man- B t' , $500 nion, Wm. List Family. Founda- . os on. : Due To Dirty Strainers : Re~o~ Ba~t:~~facturingCo" . ~~;~t:~~~eIT. Alroy,. Edw!lrd MilLION' DOLl:.AR.





,~MR. '·FORMULA· 7~,

: Fuel Oil Treatments :



:.Serra Charter

L.·· S, Eldridge &. Son, Gross- , , '. Continued from Page One' man's, Gothic Cr:aft.. in the Diocese in which '. Serra has been. established. The . Fall River club was chartered Sacred Heart School, New Bed- in 1952 l;lnd the Attleboro area ford and St. Ann's College" Serra in 1956. Object of Serra Church Point, Nova Scotia. His is the promotion 'of vocations.. seminary studies were' 'undertaken at St. Bernard's Seminary, Rochester, N. Y. . Ordained by the lat~' Most Rev. Daniel F. Feehan' af St. Mary's Cathedral, Fall River," May 30, 192~, Father Goyette;;; ffrst assignment was to· St. Paul's Church, Taunton.

$400 P. A. ·Tracey ·Co.

Diocese Mourns Swansea Pastor

Continued from ?age One, Rev. Arthur W. Tansey, assistant prie'st; Rev.. F. Anatole Desmarais . and Rev. Aurelien Moreau, deacons of honor. f Rev. Lorenzo H. Morais, deacon of the Mass; Rev. Gerard J. Chabot, subdeacon;. Rev. John, G. Carroll and Rev. Anthony M. Gomes acolytes: Rev. Leo M, Curry, thurifer; Rev. Patrick J. O'Neil, book bearer; Rev. Edward J. Mitchell,' candle bearer; Rev. Bento R.. ) 1'fany Curacies ,Fraga, gremialebearer;, Rev.' He ·also served at Holy Fam· John P. CroniI., mitre bearer. ily, Talj.nton; St. Mathieu'li Fa}l .. Rt. Rev. ·Msgr. Huinberto . S,'River; 'Notr~ Diline, Fall River';:' Medeiros and ·Rev. John H. .St. Joseph's Attleboro; amI. St.· Hackett 'wllI be'masters of cere- Anne's, New Bedford.' ;. monies, Eulogist will be' Rev. Arthur G. Dupuis.' .. ' c l Following .' a, second appoint-,::;: Father Goyette, born January ment to NotrePame; Fall River, 3, 1901, in New Bedford, was" Father Goyette 'was named adthe son of the late Antoine "lIld. ministrator of· St: Theresa's . -Emma Goyette. He' attended Church, Sou'th' Attlebbio; 'April"'· 21, '1950. He·_con.tinued in this .. capacity' until April 6; ·1954,'" ANSWEP."': 1 (c); ,2 "(a); 3'(c); when he became pastor of St. D~ WILLIAM S. DOWNEY 4 (a); 5 (b); 6 (c);.7 (a); 3.(b)· Louis de France.

. B'ALlROOM Available for Banquets, 'T~stimon~ls, Etc• .


For Full lrifor~ation Contad ROLAND. GAMACHE WYman 9.-6984

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2' . Howard Ave.. New Bedford


or WY 9-642f)



Scholas·tic ,·BasebaIIT.eams..

Se~~i~9j::Tourriam'ent .Plac~s· .





Thurs., Apr. 30, 1959

i~"'" ,,' " By Jilek KiDeavy . I:, '~'i" ..:.... Bomenet Hi«h 800001 Coaeh:.·



19 I .

Minnesof.a Yout" . Recite Prayer Before Dates'

. ID:iul, ~j)~edented move, with the.sCholasti~ baseball. season stin in itS infancy,-the Eastern Massachusetts Tour-

ney Committee has established the pairings for· the 1959 post season· competition whiSh.is scheduled to get underw:ay on Thursday, June 4. sitiona at Coyle and SomeJ'set. As in paSt years there Each iI.hitting in the power will be four rounds of play. section of the lineup, also. No' The quarter-finals are set traditional 8th spot for them.

MINNEAPOLIS ,(HC) - 'nIe Catholic Youth Center 300 memben; of Contact, a 'citywide high 'school Catholic Action movement, adopted a prayer to be' recited before. going 011 a date.


• Poor Baseball Weather for Monday, June 8, the semu After a ~ of seasonably goOd ~edn~day, June 10 and the weather greeted the launching titles m cla~s of ba,~h-n activity. th-: nor'easThe prayer has the approval of Archbishop William 0, Brady Abe' B da~d C ~~ter early this week 'threw scht:de ermm ules into a tailspin. And it of St. Paul. The prayer reads: on Saturday, doesn't take much to jam up the "0 Mary, Mother of us all, Jun~ 13.. Area abbreviated' school cards. The you have taught us the meaning schools Will ~ _ ( pros playing in the midwest of true friendship by your conrepresented . m were particularly distI:essed. stant concern for helping and alul three cateBoth Chicago and Cleveland pleasing o~ers. primarily your gories. used hot water 'bottles to keep own Divine SOn. Your life is a In Class A the hands of the on-deck hitters P~rfect· example of genuine inj t '11 be .t h e war.m, while Hal Naragon, Interest, generosity, c 0 u :r .t e s y , Bristol County. dian catcher, used a woolen PRO PARVULI DEI AWARDS:' First to be presented warmth and unSelfishness. League versus . glove under his mitt. the Bay State, ·the ch~mplon Out of the 'wonder what has at St. John the Baptist church, New Bedford to cub scouts, Maty, help us to make this playing the run~erup,·WI~ the happened to them department' is pinned t.o the blouse of W.ilIiam Whalen (right) by Rev. '.. date strengthen .true friendship in our hearts. Only then will It winners then paIred off m ~he comes word that Bob Lemon, Geot:ge E .. Amaral, center~ Robe~ Clark, kneeling (lett)"be worthy' to be offered to your Quarterfinal round. Bay State ID- . former Cleveland great, is now also earned the' p,in. Altar boys are Robert Carreiro (left) Son as a pledge of our respect dude,s nch .flight base~ll doing advance scouting for the and Charles Schusner, .extreme right. fOIl Him. and for each othft. s~ .. ;::; l;~ 'k and Frammg-. Indians. Perhaps this accounts Help us to be an OCCasiOil of ham, among others. in part for their fast start. The A number of area 'representapractice of sCouting isn't re«race to each other and to .n , who· share' these .hours with . . tives wil~ co~pe~e f?r .Class B ser"ed .to: the .,majors, however. honors. In thiS groupmgare the Coach Howie Ferguson of New. TENBY (NC) - Th~ Trap'!ist membe~s of the c~wrlty:stOod Pr~t~ • body, and ~. ~e Hockamock"League, of- whic::h . toii'i958 state c:hanipions, em- monks of the Abbey of Our ~s. a,,,,are ¢ thepresence.,~ ~, watch 'on th~. rOcky shore to Oliver Am~ and Mansfield .are pfo~s·it regwat scouting sta#to Lady and St, Samson have- now 'Var;d,9,ff any Wo.uid-be c~ashers. ~J1 ~: aooth~. ·.members, ' the 'eNarragansett look over Suburban League op:. had a wedding on Caldy. Island, ... ,.:.. . AmPhibieus ..... ,,~eep us chaste, 0 Virgin·1DiIIlIt ·.Lc::,;~ue· Ull~ ,,·the Old' Colony ~nent8. Mov~'ov~r; ·foott>all. their 450-acre .home .. off. the After' the ceremony, li'ather . pure. ,League whose standard has been '. ., The Pros . Welsh coast.' . John Grari, O.C.S;O, Norwegian .Make:us wbre; 0 Virgin III08t borne so ·well in recent years Oil'the baSketball scene 'John ;Jerry Cummings, their boatmelIl.ber, of. the . community, prudent, :by Wareham. ,.; -" .. ' ..": Kundla:'ex'Lakers"coacti who man, and Claire Marsden, a hodrOve to the churm in an . ,Brighten our date with la.~ .-No league pairings' as'" Such will JOe LaPehick tel reco.ptionist here oil the aropbibious IaiidiJig ttaft to take tel', 0 Cause of our Joy." ',., :were ~~oun~ed fo~the Clall!!C (Knicks to st -Johri)" from the mainland, crossed to the island t~ ne~.lywed1l asho.re. The bride com~titi~n ~ whlc~ .the Cape pro- 'circuit to the campUll (U. . We win then be richer' ill to be married in the tiny church climbed. aboard in her. white Cod CIrCUlt WIU' partiCipate, but of'Minnesota)' is reportedly makmind, and heart· for havmg of St. David. weddirig dress, the .groom the playing dates are the: same irig .. strong 'overtures to Tom Father Eugene Boylan, O.C. in.l9P hat and morning suit, and shared' each other's comPanY. ·as for A and' B; New Bedford Hoover, 6-10' sensation of Arch- S.O., Prior.ofCaldyAbbey and a yellow tarpaulin was 'hr~WJl Wewill"be iltr~ngUiened, ·trUe High, now an independ~nt bishop' Carroll' High,' Wash~ng­ former .nuclear scientist, offic~- over them to protect them fr~ friendship for you, for your school, is one of four teams bat- . ton, D. C. The Caps, national ated at the' marriage in the pre9the sea spray acrosa mile-wide Son, and for each other. throo'" ed in the· Class A pool. Only one Catholic 'champions, recently anence of 12 other monks. 'Other Caldy Sound. . Christ our Lord. Amen." , . . team. will be selected from the nexed the ESCIT title at New.pool, howe~er. Port for the second straight time.' The Crimson,.. coached· by .Hoover plaCed second to teamCharley, Luchettt, has gotten mate George Lef:,v;ch for ••le Wtrf ••• . -' away to a fine start posting twin .Tourney's'inost valuable player ., no-hit victories. over Nor~ award. The selections were ~ '. r Quincy • and Barnstable. Erme versed in '58. . Torres and- Bob Parker, both Winner of the fabulous Las righthanders are'. New Bedford'!! Vegas Open' Golf Tournament leading moundsmen. The boys over. the weekend was C:hunky ahared the calsomine job (9-0) Mike' SOuch'ak, . former Allat Barnstable, then Park~r threw American football player' at .': a second suc":'.·sive no-hitter Duke University. Mike not only in an easy 27-2 conquest of picked up the $10,000 first place North Quincy. .' 'money but also collected an 'adAlso on the ~hit calendar ditional $12,000 as his share of last week were'a couple of ster- the giant Calcutta pool. Give better • • • electrically to help people to Live' ling performances turned in by . In . expressing 'his thanks to Mike Wallace of· Wareham and 'all concerned Mike singled out better .. , electrically. Nothing iii ioo-re useful, nothing Bill DeCosta, Somerset's stylish Fr. ·Feeney,-' "who", he said; - shows more thoughtfulness than· electrical gifts! lefthander. Wallace shut out "must have worn 'out his rosary Whitman, 1-0, to give Wareham in my behalf." Also, among the Vi~it your electrical dealer. See the wonderful display undisputed possession of first sel.ect mojley~wiilp.ers'was Paul of useful, practical always-welcome gifts. And 101' place in the Old Colony. C.ase Harney, former Holy ~ss golf specific gift suggestions look at these Mother's Day fell victim to DeCosta, 2-0. Both capta~ Harney.- posted a 300:· games were played last Thursfor 20th place in the very select Specials. . ri; y, a pilcher's day judging by field which !lumbered golfdom's these and other scores. ·best.· A trio of All-Diocesan grid selections last Fall. are currentl.y b·B. F. GOODRICH doing bang-up jobs behind the plate· for their school nines'. Bob TIRE Hargraves is Durfee's No. 1 reS.A L· E ceiver and Pete Bartek and Jack Carreiro ho~~ down similar po-


.Trappist' Island Scene of Wedding

. ..:...


'fonow" .





to remember her day

A loye/y


GIVE' BETTER ••• EleCtrical'y

Rock.dqle Jenney Station

Area CYO to Meet \Sunday in Feill River Representatives of the Young Adult group' 'and officers of all parish groups" 'attend a meeting of Fall River area, CYO, at .2:30 Sunday' afternoon in Blessed Sacrament School hall. Each parish group will offer a report of its activities for the year. Preparatiops will be made for September. area el~OOll and for a program of CYO activities for CatholiC Youth Week. Those attending will have ~n opportunity to view the Vocational e:ahibition· arranged .by the .Bleuecl 8acJ'ament· parish poup.





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eyo MEANS FUN: CYO youngsters throughout the Diocese find, ,wholesome recreation at parish and regional meetjng places. In left picture Rev. Leo SullIvan, Diocesan CYO'director, and also in charge of New Bed,:ford areaa~tivities, checks a news bulletin being sent out from Kennedy .eenter by (left to right) Cathleen Morrissey, social ,chairman of the Center, ,and Rita Le Blanc, Center president. In center picture, Father Walter Sul~ ,

Scores Evasion Of Responsibility For Misdeeds

livan, Fall River area CYO director, listensto,a new hi-fi set at the Anawan Street headquarters. With him (left to right) are Elaine Dempsey, Fall River CYO secretary; Stan Kupiec, John Geary and, Bernice' Medeiros. At right, Rev. Francis' Connors, hi charge ,of Taunton area activities, plans basketball strategy with" (left to: right): standing, ,Jsseph Frates, Jack Carvalho, Robert Texceira, Thomas Gallagher' and (seated) Jack Kerrigan.

C,YO, Stands, for Fun, Wholesome Activities To Thousands of Diocesan Youngsters

Kennedy Center Sets Election, May Rite

y~~:~::c~: W~l~whO~e~~o:;

, By Patricia McGowan second annual election at 7:30 CYO-magic letters to thousands of boys and girls throughout the Diocese. They stand Sunday evenin'g, May 3, at KenWORCESTER (N C ) - ' . " nedy Center. Candidates for' president~ vice Modern man has traded the for Catholic Youth Organization, but what that stands for can- be expressed in one word: president, secretary and treas"philosophy of responsiqil- Fun! And it's wholesome' fun, the sort parents and priests are glad to encourage. .'Ideally, CYO is organized on a,parish level, and many Diocesan parishes have their mel' of the Center will be se:' .ity" for the "philosophy' of . lect€d {rom the membership of , excuse" to escape blame f~r his o\Vn flourishing groups, but ter running. They prepare arid on ·Anawan Street, largely de.:. parish CYO units in the New misdeeds, Bishop John J. Wright, ther~ are also three regional mail periodic bulletins ,to the voted to boys' activities and the Bedford area. .. Pittsburgh said here. centers for recreation and 1200 teeriagers registered, plan ,other, 'on Franklin Street, to Election will be by ballot and Speaking at a dinner honoring club activities. and present shows and organize, girls'. Headed by Rev. Walter 'orily those presenting CYO

• wcal banker, Raymond P. Loc'ated'in Taunton, New Bed-' dances. Their elected officers .Sullivan, also in charge of Dioc-' membership cards will be eligiHarold, who re ,eived the annual ford 'and Fall River, they serve have a voice in forming policies. esan Boy' Scouting, the Fall 'bIe to vote. Prior to voting, can'Isaiah Thomas Award for his thousands of young' Catholics In TaUJlton the CYO mecca ,River' unit has developed' its didates will be' introduced to ,eommunity service, B 'i hop high' school age and over, \ " is 'a renovated USO center. ,girls' program, ~xtensively dur-, 'the audience. ," Wright said the' "philosophy of Heading CYO ,activities'in the Youth from '12 parishes use it, ing tpe past year and a half. .A ·May cr~wning ceremony in Reuse" comes into play' in, all Diocese is Rev. Leo' Sullivan of with 800, registered members. ' A model kitchen offers cook- honor of Ou,r Lady, will open the 'et. man;!;' actions, but he singled" Holy Name' parish, N~';"B~dford. Father Francis Connors of Sac- ,ing classes, and sewing, ceramics ,'program. The', crQwning is it "'t respoJ;lsibility for crimes and He is' also in charge of Kenp.edy 'red Heart parish has been in, and'dramatic groups are busy. ,yearly' event spo~sored' by the ~liticalaCtivitY. ' Center, ,New Bedford's"busy charge since' 1951. With the aid Dance's are 'a weekly bighlfght Center's, spiritual :-cominittee. ""There has grown up 'the headquarters. Dedicated" irt"Sep-' of 20 adult counselo~s,he super- here,.too, and,a marriage 'forum' Nor}Ilan4,Bouiet; chai.rman,is ~ , 'theory fhatmisco'nduct is always ,tember, 19'57,' the' Ce.riter is one vises a program including sports, held f6r the past two 'LentS 'hal' ·.charge of. ai-i·lu)ge~ents.,: " .~ 'Ii' sign ,ofisickness, that what ,t'qe of the Diocese's most" modern arts and ,crafts ,"and weekly ·been ~enthus'iasti~allyreceh'eai_. ' Iilw" calls crime arid what con- buildings, planned in'. every dances. Especially d'ances. A, Delici9u's ,. " ,Mii:nce ,calis 'sin, are to be e~­ part,icular for youthful needs., ' "We're the only dance in town ' The' sports program' 'includ~s '" ' . Treat . ht" "'plained ,largely in' terms, of Its heart is a' magnificent, hall, on F 1'1'd ay 'mg "says F a ther ,socc,er,'· 'golf instruction, ',ba'ske't,:' . "eausesbeYOlld 'the control of ,seating 1200 and appropriate for' Connors.' "No' one else would ball' and baseball. A new' inno:. "',ihe' sinner or the, criminal," he use as a oasketball 'court, assem- have a chanCe!" vation is the' opening, Of ';'lIilid.' , ' , ''''-bly' center, and dance floor. Strict rules' of conduct are umpirt:s':,school this spring. , 'To, , He cited a judg~ who protested Small meeting, rooms 'are ,enforced but the youngsters run' ~or fi"e, weeks, it.wi.ll pro-,. ·:'tbis philosophy because he grew, available, 'a stainless s!e.el 'kit- ,love the 'socials., Open; other' vide, the local ;b!lsebaU. leag.Ue, tired of hearing "that the per~on ' chen accommodates communion, weekday nights for various ~ith ,qualified"games official$., :.. the bar was not responsible b~eakfasts and other functions activities" the CYO is, closed CYO:iS doing ~uch for<many tor his' own criminal actions," , involving me'als, and there's a Monday, nights. ' now; but the three priests most tftat the responsibility lay' with very' popular sna!=k bar, a fav-, '''That's catechism night for concerned with- it share one Iris mother who had failed him,' ,orite' teen-age gathering spot. ( high schoolers," explains Father hope: that it will become active , his clergyman who had failed What Goes On? Connors. ,"We' want to make . in every parish' and extend its him, his teachers who had failed , su're they' attend." facilities to every youth in the 'him, and others who had failed What goes on in these ultraThe rambiing headquarters Diocese :wishing to l take, advanmodern surroundings? 0 vel' mc . l tit adjust to him. udes ' music, reading, game , tage of them. 1,000 teen-agel's know the anand writing rooms. A young Rules Require Observance There are dances, sports, "That philosophy must be cut swer. Visi~ re-Cana Conferences, marriage ,adult group has decorated one P lIown to size," Bishop Wright forums, ,panel, discussions~and room for its special use, and the , AMSTERDAM (NC)- Bishop emphasized. "Civilization reConrad Dubbleman O. Praem quires that we state rules and anything else the youngsters' ~:~~~~iti; f~~~~:~:~: :~~ f~~ ~Red Cross blood bank headquar- , of Jabalpur, Indi~, currentI; require the observance, ,rather want to plan',and execute. visiting', in, this country, plans than constantly find reason's ' Of 'course, such a,ctivities don't ters. a two-month U. S. visit before run themselves. Behind the' boys why they do not, apply." " ' Ask ',For Them Today OtherCatholic organizations returning to his homeland. He admitted that the courts,' and girls are a galaxy of devoted are free to -use the CYO and legislators and social and' politi- adults in addition to, Father Sul- it, sp6nsorl;- occasional, tournalivan. There's Acielard Bastar~ eal !heorists should "recognize ache, for instance; better known . ments open to all young people COME 'IN SEE ,-.-' an~ DRIVE , and make allowance for humari , in the 'area. Tennis and bowling inadequacies, " for unfortunate' as, "Frenchy" , and, described by tournaments' were conducted eircumstimces." But, he\insisted, Father ,Sullivan as a '''dedicated last year and a golf tournament "we must. not place the empha- CYO man.'" -' i'i,schedu~ed for this Spring. '~heWorld's 'Most Beautifully ProportiOned Cais. at ' In charge of' eye> btiildings The Fall River CYOorgan- ' • on excuse.' We must always , .eek to' establish responsibility, for 20 .years, he, moved from iza:;nn boasts ~wo 1?uildinl!s. one, former headquarters ,to the 'new" , ~ .... Mcountability." cen'ter' and,' 'not ,content with ,spending his days keeping things NO .lOtI TOO," ship-shape, is on ha'nd 'most, ,HONE TOO SMAU. Br~Clkfast nights as well to'be sure -every-,FORD_DEALERS FOR OVER ,38 YEARS M c M 'a h 0 n Councii', 151, 'thing runs smoothly. " Purchase St. ' Knights of Columbus, New 'Bed'There's William Doyle, coor.ford, 'will hold its first Family dina tor of activities. A junior €:ommunion Breakfast 'on Sun- ' high 'school English teacher; he's PRIN;rERS day, May 10, following the 8:39 Father Sullivan's right' hand J .'. . mass at Mt. 'Carmel Church. Dr. man, and an expert at meshing Main O(fioe and ,~'" Frederick Rosenheim a well center doings into a well-organLOWELL, ,MASS. known convert will be' the prin-' - ized whole.' , eipal speaker: Also of vital importance' is ~epheDe Lowell Grand Knight' Robert L. Pel- 'Attorney Alfred J. Gomes of letierhas urged all members to Our Lady of the Assumption bring' their wives, children· or, parish. The chairman of, adult' ,anyone else who desires to atadvisors t9 the center, he pre~ ~ax"iaIor PIaIaM tend. The breakfast is open to ,sides at 'monthly meeting::; and BOSTON 'the public. Albert' Catelli is helps the youngsters' own offiOCEANPQRT" No J. aeneralchairman; Antone Staneel's. to plan their program" , " ticket'chairman and, Casimir', The CYO,ers thems~lves take, ,PAwt:UCKET, .I..t ," _~_~Iis,ciznll, ,publicity.' ' '. plenty of responsibflity jor:<;:en-





'Made Rite Chips

, 'THE '59 FORDS


New Bedford K of ,C Schedule,S





New Be~ford,Mass.

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