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An Anchor of the

Fall River, Mass.

Vot 2, No. 18

Catholic Charities

Parish Solicitation

To Start Sunday c

Sure and Firm-ST. PAUL

,The two' phases of the Catholic Charities Appeal will be active this week. end. The Special Gifts Committee of the Diocese will be completing its solicit­ ation and the one hundred and five Parish Committees will be launching their parochial Appeal.

Thursday, May 1, 1958

Special Gifts have conti­ nued to indicate a strong community support' of the Appeal. Business and pro­

.. PRICE tOe

S""ond Cia... Mail Privileg.. Authorized at Fall River. M••••

$4.00 por Year

fessional people are once again showing their appreciation for the community services per­ formed through the Appeal agencies. Solicitors were request­ ed by Headquarters this morning to please'make their returns on gifts as they are received and to complete their phase of the" Appeal by this weekend. Represent 'Needy A genuinely enthusiastic spirit prevails as the individual Parish Committees make the last minute preparations. The Parish Chair~ men have the com'mittees well organized into teams that are eager to com.mence their phase. Sunday will signal the begin­ ning of the Parish ~ppeal by , 8,000 solicitors.' They will visit each workin~ person in the T.urn to Page Eighteen

Name Taunton Pupils Science Fair Winners

CHARITY CONTRIBUTION: William Fioretti, left, Catholic Charities Appeal collector of St. Mary's Church, " Mansfield, receives the contribution of Mr. and ·Mrs. Joseph Taunton students swept F. Murphy and their daughter, Barbara. This scene will major awards at the First take' place all over the Diocese on Sunday as the door to Annual DioGesan Science door canvassing begins. Fair, held in connection with

Cites China Pli,ght to Warn Americans of Red Danger.s By Patricia McGowan HIn China the policeman is not a kindly friend as he IB in Massachusetts; instead, he's the feared agent of Com­ nunism, possessor of a complete dossier on every individual in his jurisdiction, ready to report anyone who seems to be falling away from the lay people or priests, was for­ party line." bidden. In 1954 even this ar­ Thus the Most Rev. Ken­ rangement came to an end and .eth R. Turner, S.F.M., the the Bishop was exiled from

t ~.


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exiled Bishop_ of Lishui, China, aummed up the condition of life in that land. He is at present in the Diocese of Fall River ad­ ministering the sacrament of Confirmation.. The first bishop of his diocese, :Bishop Turner had only been in office five months when the Communists entered Lishui in 1949. At first, there was little Interference with Church affairs, hut in 1951 the Bishop, his priests, and Sisters were placed Mnder house arrest. This meant "'at communication of any sort with Chinese Catholics, either


False Rite "I have 1)0 means of commun­ ication with my diocese and can only hope that the native clergy are able to carryon as best they. can," said the Bishop. He ex­ plained that the religious situa­ tion is complicated by the fact that the Communists have or­ ganized a "Patriotic Catholic Church" which acknowledges no allegiance to the 'Pope or to any but Chinese superiors. The ex­ istence of this "church" makes it very difficult for priests who Turn to Page Seventeen

Mons~gnor JameS Coyle High School

Celebrates Silver Jubilee Today In observance of the 25th anniversary of Msgr. Coyle Iig-h School, four of its priest graduates this morning assisted Rt. Rev. Msgr. James J. Dolan in celebrating Solemn High Mass at St. Mary's Church, Taunton. They were Rev. John F. Hogan, th~ school is named. Coming aass of 1935, deacon; Rev. to Taunton in 1896 from New­ James F. Lyons, 1936, sub­ port, he served as pastor of St. 4eacon, and Rev. Joseph L. Mary's Church for 35 years, and Powers, 1939, master of cere­ .onies. A commemorative sermon was 4lelivered by Rev. John P. Dris­ .,11. 1941. Luncheon at Coyle ,.... a;gh School followed the Mass. .' . ;. Special tribute was paid dur­ _~. the observances to Msgr. ........ C€!t'le. ill WAose honor

became a leading .citizen and churchman of, the city. The cornerstone of Coyle' High was laid by Bishop Cassidy in 1932. A noted educator also prom­ inently associated ~ith Coyle was Rev. Raymond Bourgoin, who was ftrst appointed to tile

T-. ..



the diocesan teachers' conven­ tion. . First prize winner was 16­ year-old Lea E. Cyr of Raynham, a junior at St. Mary's High School. She won $100 for her exhibit, "A Genetic Experime~t Using Drospohilia." Lea, a mem­ ber of St. Jacques parish, Taun­ ton, began work on her exhibit in January, crossing fruft flies to prove Mendel's law of domi­ mince. She plans to enter nurs­ ing school after graduation from St. Mary's. Second and third prize win­ ners; both from Msgr. Coyle High School, were Timothy W. Robbins, whose exhibit was titled "Chemical Analysis of Soil," and Frederick J. Fitzsim­ mons, exhibiting "Aspirin' va. Turn to Page Four

Spea.kers Stress Religion Need In Education The Catholic teacher must '''labor to develop all that is uniquely divine in the stu­ dent, and, with equal zeal, foster all that is,uniquely human -trying to' fuse both processes in the imitation of Christ." This statement by Dr. James J. Cribbin, keynote speaker, ex­ pressed the theme of the highly successful third annual conven­ tion of the Catholic Teachers' Association of the Diocese of Fall River, held last week at S1. Anne's School. The teacher, said Dr. Cribbin, a professor at New York Uni­ versity, has the difficult task of giving "the. student a vision of what he can be and do-and translating this into day to day Turn to Page Eighteen

MAY'4-14, ·1958

1920 Regulations Permit Cardinal to Offer Mass

ROME (Nd) - His Eminence Samuel Cardinal Stritch. whose right arm was amputated in an operation here, will celebrate Mass despite his loss. To do so the Archbishop of Chicago, recently named Pro-Prefect of the Sacred vide that the celebrant is to hold Congregation for the Propa­ his hands together in front of gation of the Faith, will his chest, the infirm priest will normally perform this act with avail himself of an instruc­ tion issued here on JanuarY 28, 1920. The instruction, issued by the Sacred Congregation of Rites and approved by Pope Benedict XV, lists the special conditions to be observed by "priests who, deprived of their right arm, have received apostolic dispensation :for the celebration of Mass." It outlin'es in detail all the acts.to be performed both by the celebrant and the priest assist­ ing him. The essential condition is that a priest without a right arm must always be assisted by another priest who will help him in all stages of the Mass. The infirm priest will trace the sigh of the cross with his left hand over himself, the sacred vessels and the people present. Whenever liturgical norms pro­

his left hand alone, unless he can conveniently avail himself of an 'artificial right hand which will enable him to observe the norm· al liturgical requirement. The assistant priest will turn the pages of the missal and will, for precautionary reasons, assure the stability of the chalice with the fingers of his left hand whenever the celebrant covers or uncovers it. The instruction also deals with certain special details for the purpose of ensuring the regular celebration of the Mass with special reference to the Conse· cration and· Communion. The document bears the signa. ture of the Prefect of the Con­ gregation of Rites, Cardinal An· tonio Vice, and its Secretary of that time, Cardinal Alessandro Verde, who died here recently.

Parish Representatives to Plan Diocesan Youth Council Sunday The next step in the organization of the Diocesan Youth Council will be a meeting at 2 :30 Sunday afternoon in the Catholic Youth Community Center" New Bedford. Parish Moderators have been informed to send four young people and two adult advisors as Miss Fandel are well qualified representatives of their par­ to discuss fully the Council Plan with the youth and adults in ishes to this session. Rt. Rev. John P. Carroll, attendance. It is hoped that the results CYO Director of the Archdiocese of Boston, has made available the services of Edmund Madden, a member of Boston CYO Speak­ ers' Bureau. Mr. Madden, a student at Bos­ ton College, is president of the Archdiocesan Council and New England Council of Youth. He will be accompanied by Miss Anne Fandel, former vice presi­ dent of the National Council of Youth. Both MI:. Madden and

of this conference will give the individual parish units an oppor· tunity to elect their own officers and set up their committee. At a later date the presidents of each unit and an elected dele· gate will convene in the differ· ent regions of the Diocese to elect regional officers. The final meeting will be at­ tended by regional officers fFom whom Diocesan officer. will be


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,,: ':Catholic:' Family.' ·,·.. ·In Transition:- '.

-THE ANCHOR Thu'rs., May '1,1958'

Dutch 'Subsidize

Catholic .Sc~ools

PEORIA (NC) - The. Dutch· Socialist Labor Party and the Catholic People's Party ar~' pn opposite sides of the fence. 6n plenty of issues, admits Dr. An-. toon M. Lucas, but when it com.es to the state's duty to give 'finan­ cial support to religious schools, there is only agreement. Dr. ·Lucas, a 12-year veteran of the Dutch parliament, is Cathoiic party spokesman on economic ~atters i'n the lower house..' The attitude of the Catholic pa'rty, Dr. Lucas explained, is: "We don't agree that we should pay taxes for the public schools and, at the same time', pay for our own schools." "The 'result;' he added, was that "Catholics insisted on equalsuh­ sidies. Now taxes are "equally divided --:lIJ'iong the schools." 'The author" or' 10 books' iln eco'nomics and a teach~r at _the College of Economics in Rotter': Dr. LI,I~a!! d~clared' th<1t "the government insists on edu.,. cation, for every child, and we agree in principle, but for 'ours we' w'ant it I to be a Catholic education. The Protestants don't oppose these points. In fact, they agree." . ;­ Government· influence -' Catholic 'SchoQ~, ,he !laid, - i.s limited to" establishing qua,lifica­ - tions' for. teachers and cheCking' to 'see' that facu~ty members ful-:-, fill them: o





YearS i,n 'Asia Prove ~atherhood of God


,·WASHINGTON (NC) - "My Y~a.rs· in Asia hllve proven to me that the brotherhood of man exists as certainly as does the Fatherhood of God." That is the statement of Dr. Thomas A. Dooley, a physician who is directing a team of Americans working in small field hospital& in Laos, along the Red Ch·in.a border. "We are trying to convince our frienil~. hlllf a world away, .of .the'truth and usefulness, not of our forms.of ,government,·eco­ nomics" or - soCiety,. Iiut or'· the eternal spirltuat'principles which ,und.erlie these'forqls," !Je said,. ' ; The' rriost 'basic principle,' he . added, is that there is a brother-, hood of man. ~'To have a brother in our fellow. rriim automatically: )mplies tl'liii 'have it 'commo~ father-as indeed we dO-=-Ah 'mighty God,'\he ,concluded. '\ • 'r " ... . ",'


I, Leg ipn _:of ,Decency


'CHARLOTTE (NC) The. A.mei-ican Catholic family is t~-: day "passi(lg through a strong, deep. transitional stage,", the' director· of ·the. Chicago Cana Conference office said here: ' . 'Msgr. John· Egan ma!Je the statement in an address ,~~ the Southeastern Conference of Catholic Charities at its three:" day meeting ,here. Priests, Reli­ gious :I(!d layme.n fr~m 13 !!tates attended the gathering. Msgr. Egan pointed out that many parishes, "once traditional strongholds of family life," are now coming in contact with different norms of conduct, .es­ pecially in large cities. The result', he. said, is that , Catholic couples "are constantly under pressure to conform to the standards· and practices of their associates." They have become members of a society in which "the two-income family sets 8 , dizzy pace for the one-income CARDINAL S'rRITCR BEFOI{E TRAGE~Y: Bidding bon voyage to Cardi~.uil.Stritch,. f~~ilY." , : . . Archbishop of 'Chicago and newly-named Pro-Prefect of the Sacred Congregation for, the.i ~here relatives once s.tood '. ,behmd 'young newlyweds,' 'he · A hb' h Propagation of the .Faith, are, shaking ihands" the' Apostolic De Iega t e, rc· IS op C'·ICOg-·· added; the situation tOday iri" nani, Cardinal McIntyre of Los Angeles in the background, .and Cardimll Spellman.:()t New' volves a "weak~ming of 'kinship York at the right. NC Photo.· bonds." . . AS. for discipline arid' moral Mass Ordo. Large Fa,nily,$ource guidance,. Msgi'. Egan saic:t. "per: Child.ren Plan Annu,al, missiveness rather than control seems to be the r·ule. He pointed 'Adoption' of Babies FffiDAY-St. Athanasius, Bishop, Of More ' Vocat.·ons Confessor and' Doctor of the MARYKNOLL ,.(NC)__ ,'A ,re- out that "moral guidance muSt PITTSBURGH (NC)-Ameri­ Church. Double. White. Mass' centsurveYJof Maryknol1!sJune, start· with the' cradle~' "Cliildr~n can'Catholic sepool children will 'Proper;·:Gloria; ,~cdn.d Collect.. 1958;' ordination .• class reveals ire 'n~t' adult: . 'Th~y ex~t and' launch tl'ieJ!l.onth of, May. ~it!l·. for Peace; Creed; Preface of that:. more :religious vocations require ~ corie(;ti6n." ,. , their annual mission-aid ,prO,T definitely" do come from large ,,'..' 'H~~e~~r, . 'o~'the, 'phis sid~, grain, 'the' "adoption" of pag~ri' "·Easter.' " babies. • SATURDAY ~ 'Jhridi~g'ot'the' families.. Msgr. Egan called, attention to , 'Holy Ghost Father Augustus , Holy Cross. Doubie of.II Class. The survey shows' that of this "a new depth of spirituality in 0.' Reitan, 'director of. the Pon"­ Red. Mass 'Proper;, ..G~oria; year's class of 48, the avera'ge Catholic family. life, ,more COJ:l­ tifical' 'Association 'oftheHoly Second Collect Ss. Alexander ordinandus comes from a: family cern with the community, with Childhood, said the .final' report I" - Pope, ,and' Companions, of five 'children. desire to associa~ with otheJ:'s." of' adoptions secured throughout Martyrs; .Third Collect for In this class, the third largest 1957' indicates that this' 'year's 'Peace; Creed; Preface of the in Marykrioll Missionary Fath­ family of nine and ten, and. one program will surpass' tbe.· 1957 , .Holy Cross. ers' history, a large percentage young man counted 13 in his on·e. :",' SUNDAY-Fourth Sunday After of the ordinandi come' from '8 family. After sac~ifi~es ~ade' from Easte~. Double. White. Mass movie and candy allowances, Proper; Gloria; Second Collect Catholic children in this coun­ St: Monica, Widow; Creed; try select a Christian name with Preface of Easter.. which some child in a foreign country will be baptized. This MONDAY-St. Pius V, Pope and Confessor. Double. White. name is recorded on the formal Mass Proper; Glorra; Second "adoption certificate" issued by Collect for Peace; Preface of the association to the adopters. Easter. "Through the devoted -and self-sacrificing efforts of the TUESDAY-St. John, Apostle and EVllngelist, Before the \ children,' their teachers arid the 27., PARK. STREEt" . ·.AT,TLEBORQ. 'Latin Gate. Greatei' Double. , association's diocesan directors," ." " , R~d .. Mass Proper; 'Glori~; Father Reitan said concer'ning 292 UNION ~TRE~ NE.W BEDFORD . Second Coill~ct for' Peace;'no 1957, "a t9~al 'o~ IH,~_47. iittle of!Apost,les... , pa'giui 'children thro~ghout th~ " Creed; Preface ., . '• . . . ' ' year received Baptisin,shelte~; WEDNESDAY - St. ,Stanislaus, ~choon-ng 'qAd med~caLca\-~ from ,Bishop and Martyr.' ·Double. 'the Church's far-flung army of i,' ...Red.:, l\!Ias~ Pr,oper; ,Gloria; ~issionar.y, p.riests;'" Si~ters and " I, Seco!1d Colle9t; for ,Peace; Brothers;~"" • 0' ~ :' .,. Freface of Easter. i, Father Reitan said a preliin~. ~: ,Y,le~re ~C)';J~·t.he:mjdd.le ot:t~' ..·b~t of.·~u,r.~' " , :inary, poll' of more"than3,500,OOO THURSDAY-"-Apparition' of' St. . ,.years in,.b~.siness, We 'now h~ye·,ope.nings.for,2.,mcn:e ' ( . -Michae} the Archangel.'Greater Catholic sc,hool. children from ,. Scilesmen whoarew.iUing to.put ,in the ne.Ce5sary time ~oast-to-c(jilst'" indicates "thei~ ," Double. : w~ite: -Mass Proper; "C' ' '.- '.' '.,,~ "and, eHort -,to·:earn ',Gloria;· "Second 'Collect" for determination. to exceed last '. . ·:Peace;'no.· Creed,; Preface' of year's record number' of, adop­ Easter. tions'. . 0









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•..··H.. EL;P'. .'., .


, The following, films are to, be added to the, list in their ,respective classificatio!"!s: '. Unobjectionable for 'General Problem for Church) Discus~ Cooperation ipq~ronage-Fort Massacre. Hong Segregation Remains ~img 'Affair; Quantrill's Raiders. With Broadcasters . . CAPE TOWN (NC)-:-With the " Unobjectionable for Adults NEW YORK (NC)-"Mutual re-election of the Nationalist and Adolescents-Attila, Date­ cooperation" in' program pro­ line Tokyo, Showdown at Boot-, duction between .the radio and party to a third te~m in power television 'industries?' and the 'the Church iril South Africa is" ihill.. , ".. . •. ', Unobjectionable for Adults­ Church was' studied' at a .m'eeting 'faced' w~tl~' .an9ther .five years 'China Doll. . here of top broadcasting execu:" ,under a' government unsym­ : • Objectionable ;in, Part for' All tives with 5'1 diocesan radio and pathetic to its aims and needs. ,Gang War,' Left Haqded , television directors. . The ~ountry's renewed man­ Gun,' .Portrait 'of an' Unknown , Bishop William A. Scully of 'date to continue and extend the Woman. Nationalist party's poli<;ies me.ans Albany said in a statement re­ that the Church will have to leased at the close or me confer­ ence 'that "the mutual exchange contend with increasing diffi~ of ideas between the directors culties arising out of National­ FORTY HOURS'

and. radio and televi!!,ion industry ist policy of apartheid or strict DEVOTION

executives who were present :racial segregation. will contribute to more ,effective May 4 - St. Casimir, New religious programming." Bishop Mural Brings Christ

Bedford Scuily . is chairman of the St.-Mary, ~ebronville To Marketplace

~'~i§hops': Committee for Motion May ll-Our Lady of the Im- . ST~ LOUIS-(NC)-The new Pictures, Radio and Television. maculate Conception, The two-day meeting, held . Warson Village Supermarket North Easton here isn't letting its customers under the- auspices of the Bi!jh­ . St "patrick,. Falmouth , forget wherz all food ultimately ops' Committee, brought togeth­ May 15-Convent .of the Holy er the industry executives and comes' from. . Union of the Sacred It has .commissioned artist diocesan directors for a discus­ Hearts, Fall River sion of His Holiness Pope Pius Marguerite Eard~ey Mitchell to Convent of the Sacred, design a· 14':foot· high ceramic XII's encyclical on radio, tele­ Hearts, Fairhaven ' mural around the phrase from , vision and motion pict-ures.. Mount St. Mary's Con­ Entitled- "Miranda ,Prorsus" ~he Our Father, "Give Us This vent, Fall River (Remarkable Inventions), the Day Our Daily Bread." The mural, ·in contemporary encyclical was issued in Septem­ May 18 - St. Matthew, 'Fall design, has been unveiled in the ber, 1957. It deals with the po­ ,River tential for good or evil in mass supermarket and shows four St. ,Kilian,' New Bedford figures with hands outstretched, communications media. • In November, 1957, the 'Bish­ receiving a variety of.foods from . THE ANCHOR ops' Committee announced that heaven. Objects in the mural in­ Second-clWlll mail privilegcs authorized it would undertake a study of clude fishes, fruits, bread, birds, at Fall River, Mass. Published every the most suitable and acceptable and a ,fishermen's net. The su­ Thursday at 410 Highland Avenue, Fall River. Maaa., by the Catholic Prcss of the / means .of carrying out the aims permarket is operated by Nation­ Diocese of Fall River. Subsorh,tioD price al Food Stores. of the encyclical. b~ mail, postpaid ".00· per year,

·""$100. WEE'Kty'~~~ up.~~rd:"

ContaCt MILTON LEVY - Tilo Roofing


WYman 2-2226 3-2244

715" Washington ·St.

Fairhaven, ,









14 Carat Gold Plated - Gift 'Box MOTHER'S DAY GIFT



33 NY': AVE.





Asserts Better Public Relations

Would Offset Growing Tensions

CINCINNATI (NC) - Protes­ tant-Catholic tensions are grow­ ing in four important areas a priest-editor asserted here.' Jesuit Father Thurston Davis editor of America, a nationai Catholic weekly, listed the four major sources of tensions as: the possibility of a Catholic president, the "parochial school qiJestion" censorship and birth control. ' There is a job of public rela­ tions to be done for the Church, Father Davis said, to interpret the Church's stand on contro­ versial matters to Protestants and others. Moreover, this is a job "primarily for laymen," not only through organizations, but as individuals, too. "In the last analysis," he said, "it will be individuals, solidly trained: intelligent Catholi.cs, who Will h~ve t~ grapple wIth t~ese questions In a thousand. dlC:ere,:,t ~ays on every level of dally life. . .. C~thohc President OccaslOna~ly you hear a Pro­ testant pulpl.t echo the theme that a Cath?hc ca~,not be electe~ to the presidency, Father DavIs said. "You hear that 'allegiance to a foreign potentate' would automatically put him out of the running." . 'I'he" most powerful refutation" of the vicious libel that" loyalty" to oiJr faith subverts loyalty 'to', our nation" is the example of Catholics living their lives ac­ coI'ding to Christian principles, he declared. Parochial Schools Turning to the question of parochial schools, Father Davis said tensions come not so much from attacks by anti-Catholic extremists, as "from the great mass of Protestant people who simply don't know what we're talking about when we say we need religious schools in order to integrate our knowledge of God with secular knowledge."

THE ANCHORThurs., May 1, 1958

Lourdes Theme

Of Radio Series

"We have a real seIling job

to do," he continued, "to explain our reasons-I believe once we talk out with them the true, meaning of our schooU!, half of the battle will be won. "The better we understand our faith, the more we know of constitutional law, and the more reasonable and persuasive we are, the more effective we will be iri relieving these tensions." Need Non-Calholic Help Another area in which Cath­ olic efforts are misunderstood is that of censorship, he said. . "I suspect that the public morality aspect of censorship is seldom 'discussed in Protestant circles" Father Davis remarked. "I~stead they talk of'Catholic pres­ sure' Catholic intolerance." "I~ the battle for public morality, however, we need our Protestant and Jewish friends on our side and at our side," he maintained. "There never will be an aroused public conscience, or a sustained public outcry against filthy movies or damag­ ing books and magazines, until they are with us and we with them" . . Birth Control The C h u r c h 's unaiterable stand against· artificial birth control, 'Father Davis· pointed 'out; also is taken by ·many Pro­ testants ,as "Roman Catholie legislation' formulated by Roman Catholic popes and' priests for Roman Catholic laymen." "The argument that birth con-, trol is against the natural 'law cuts very little· ice with them," he'said. "and the average Pro.,. testant knows v~y little of the theological arguments against the pra<;tice." To explain to Protestants the basis of the Church's position against birth control is "a most neces~ary form of the intellec­ tual apostolate," he declared.

ATTLEBORO PRELATE HONORED: Rt. Rev. John J. Shay, Pasto~ of St. John's Church, Attleboro; is shown. with members of District 4, Fall River Diocesan Council of Catholic Women. Mrs~ Cyril K Brennan, Attleboro, pours as:"Mrs. John Mullaney, Attleboro, General Chairman of the Musical and Tea, and Mrs. Ralph Patunoff, North Attleboro, look o n , ' . . .

Schedule Three' Pre-Cana Talks Pre':Cana conferences for all 25, .at the CYO Center on High engaged couples or couples con­ . Street.' . . templating marriage in the near Sponsored by, the Diocesan future will be' held at 7 P.M. Family Life Bureau, the confer­ Sunday at Sacred Heart Church, ences consist of instructions on Fall River, and at the Kennedy the vocation of marriage, the Youth Center, New Bedford. physical and psychological as­ A similar conference for those pects of marriage, and the sanc­ living in the Taunton area will tity of the married state. They be held at 8 P.M. Sunday, May are conducted by priests, doc­ tors, and married couples.

Holy See to Send,'

Congress Delegate

Alumnae Dance

SAN JOSE (NC)-An official delegate of the Holy See will attend the meetings of the 33rd International Congress of Amer- . iCanists in July. . was presented to his mother at A communication ·from the special exercises May 14, 1944, Apostolic Nunciature here to the at Sacred Heart Church.. A native Ministry of Foreign Affairs an.:. of Salem, Father Lenaghan 'was nounced the Vatican intention to graduated from B. M. C. Durfee send a delegate to the co·i1gress High School and Holy Cross Col­ and make available unpublished lege. He attended St. Mary's. documents concerning' Latin Seminary, Balti~ore, and was, America which aI;e preserved in ordained by. Bishop Cassidy, May the Vatican libraries.' . 30; 1931. The seven-day 'congress, com­ He. served as assistant. at Holy posed of, sCholars in' the fields ,NameChuch and St. Lawrence's· of Latin American 'and U. S. his.:. . Cllurch in ,New ,Bedford, . St. .tory, archeology, sociology; eco­ Mary's Church, Nantucket, and nomics and .allied . fields, win Sacred Hear,t Church, Ta~nto~. open July 20. There will; be • Father tenaghan entered the series of lectures on migration, .Chaplain Corps in April, 1942. politics, demography and" on He served at Fort Monmouth and philosophical currents iii Latin ,For-t. Dix, N. J., prior .to going America' and the. United !itates; .overseas..Befor.e going to Italy, he took.partin the. North Afri­ can and Tunisian. Campaigns. Electrical ~There is no question that Father Lenaghan ,died a hero:s death. Contractors His· eulogist said "the. circum:­ stances of his death, the nature and,locatiQnof his wound, make it highly probable he was kneel­ ing over the p'rostrate form of a fallen s?ldier, administering the last rItes of Hol~ Mot~er Church, when death claimed hIm. 944 ~ounty St, ~ For that reason, and ~hat reason . alone, he placed himself within New Bedford the range of enemy fire. -Learn­ ing that help was needed to car­ ry the dead and dying back to the receiving station, he went forward. He· was ordained for • OFFSET

the dying. Vested with the stole LITHOGRAPHY'

of forgiveness, carrying the con­ secrated oils for the afflicted, • COLOR

he had volunteered to serve his God and coiuitry." PRINTING

A hard-working Scholarship Committee under the Chairman­ • BOOKS and

ship of Probate Judge Beatrice PERIODICALS

H. Mullaney, secr.etary of the Class of 1923, have themselves • WEDDING

contributed the sum of $300, the amount of the first scholarship. INVITATIONS

All funds collected' from the members of the class, from the families of deceased members, WIlliAM and 2ndSTS..

and from the friends of Father NEW BEDFORD, ~ASS

Lenaghan, will be added to the Perm:lnent Fund. Frank L. Hib­ bert of the B. M. C. Durfee Trust Company, also a member of the Class of 1923, is serving as Treas­ urer of the Fund, and Qonations Union ~rinters may be made directly to, him.. ......·5 The Committee will hold a final meeting tonight.

Memorial Scholarship fo be Awarded In Memory of Father Lenaghan A memorial scholarship which will be begun this year with a $300 award !tas been established for a B. M. C. Durfee High School graduate by the Class of 1923. The class, of which Mr. John V. Donnelly is President, will hold its thirty-ninth reunion Saturday, May 24th, at the Fall River Country Club. The schol­ arshlp will serve as a memorial for all the deceased members of the class, and will be named for a distinguished hero ciergy­ man, Father Arthur C. Lenaghan.. Memorial gifts to the perma": nent fund. are invited, and 81­ ready substantial gifts in mem­ ory of deceased members' have been given 'by the· family' "of Rev. Arthur C. Lenaghan;. Dis­ trict Court Clerk George F. Dris-' colI in memory of his wife Hel­ en O'Brien Drillcoll; Attorney Pearl Horvitz Mekelburg in' memory of her sister Sarah Hor­ vitz; and the brothers of Nathan Feldman in his memory. Father Lenaghan served as Captain in the Army Chaplain Corps, and was the first priest from this diocese to lose his life on the battlefield, in the Second World War. He was the son of Mrs. Helen M. Lenaghan, 476 Langley Street and the late Charles J. Lel\aghan. He was awarded the Legion of Merit posthumously. The decoration



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.... The Salve Regina College Alumnae Association will hold its annual informal dance, "The Windmill Ball', next Saturday in the Cliff Walk Manor Newport, R. I. Mrs. Kenneth Kerr will serve as chairman and Pres­ ident Mrs. Peter Walsh is ex­ of~icio chairm"an of all com­ mittees.

1< ....

Hospital Association To Hear Thomas ST. LOUIS (NC)-TV enter­ tainer Danny Thomas will speak at the 43rd annual 'convention of the Catholic Hospital Asso­ ciation of the United States and Canada to be held in Atlantic City starting June 22.. Mr. Thomas, who is spear­ heading a campaign to build the 100-bed ·St. Jude Hospital in Memphis, which would give free care to children of all.races and creeds, will speak at the conven­ tion's dinner for Religious.



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=====Q .,.

WASHINGTON. (NC) - The National Council of Catholic Men has announced a special radio series for the Catholic Hour in May in' observance of the. 100th anniversary of the appearances of Our Lady of Lourdes. The Catholic Hour is heard over the National Broadcasting Company radio network on Sun­ days from 1:30 to 2 P.M., E.D.T. On May 4 Jesuit Father James J. McQuade' will speak on St. Bernadette "Visionary of Lou I' des, Nun of Nevers" (France). Father McQuade is national promoter of the Sodal­ ities of Our Lady and is current­ ly stationed in St. Louis. The May 11 broadcast will feature readings from an authen­ tic source book of the appear­ ances at Lourdes. On May 18 Dominican Father Gilbert V. Hartke, head of the speech and drama department at the Catholic University of America here, will discusa' "Lourdes and its Place in His­ tory." . The series will conclude on' May 25 with' "Lourdes the In­ .credible," . an account of the· shrine as it is today by Redemp­ torist Father J09Cph E. Manton of Boston. . Music for the series will be furnished by the choir of the Shrine, of the Sacred Heart in 'Washington, D. C., under the direction of Everett Kinsman.


-THE ANCHOR Thurs., May 1,' 1958

The Family Clinic

INight Out With -~the- ;Joys' Presents Comple~ .Problem ,

u. S. Infantrymen Aid. Jap Orphans

Dr Rev. John -L. Thomas. S.J.

TOKYO (NC)-Three U. S. serVicemen flew here from Hon­ olulu to visit Holy Family Or­ phanage in Osaka, which the members of their regiment have been helping since' 1945. ,Since ] 949; members of the' Wolfhound Regiment, 27th U. S. Infantry Division, have cOlltrib­ uted about $250,000 to the or­ phanage, which is operated by the Daughters of Charity of 81, Vincent De Paul. At the end of World War n the Sisters gave shelt'er to some of the many children orphaned by the bombing of Osaka. Be­ cause of the lack of food and proper housing facilities, - the Sisters were in great need until the Wolfhound Regiment moved into the city in 1940. Since that time, the G. I.'s have been con-, stant contrjbutors to the or­ phanage.

Assistant Professor of Sociology

St., Louis University

My wife raises a great fuss every time I want a night out with th'e boys. She says she just can't see wh;tt I get out of playing cards in a smoky' room and drinking' beer ' for hours, while she sits horne with the kids. WomeJr"'en­ joy their parties,' too, though gaining start, marriage becomes they generally have them in a type of "cold war." the afternoon when we're Long Range View not at home anyway. Am I How should you solve your


being thoughtless and selfish in wanting to get out'. once' in a w h i I e? She thinks so, According to :~ the comic strips, }Ted, this mari­ :, :.,; t a I argument :::m:m has been going {,~} on for a long time and isn't likely. to stop.' Perhaps it is more acute now that the hus­ band's job sepa­ rates the ma­ <> jority of. couples all during the - day, so that they spend such little time toge'ther. . We might guess that a less highly industrialized society, which permits husbands and wives to be closer together dur­ ing the working day, would also find. them more willing to seek separate entertainment at night. That's probllbly why parish so­ cieties in the past were organ­ ized according t"o sex, 'Jwhereas today only the c'ouple-centered movements te!1d to be accepted. Arguing Is Useless At any rate, Ted, you have a problem, and' it's eVide~tly not being. solved to anybody's satis­ faction. You don't want to be unfair,' yet you think your wife is being a 'little narrow and in­ considerate. She would probably say·the ~me about you, so argu­ ing aboJt it doesn't help matters very much. What's the solution, if any? . It 'will ,help clarify matters if you '. both start out by 'recognizing that. there are, no absolute prin­ ciples or, norms :which clearly specify what is right and wrong in such situattoris. Social cus­ toms, conditions, a'hd individual couples differ. so .greatly that satisfactory solutions' vary' widely. In 'a sense; your. problem is unique.' It can be worked out. 'only 'in term's of your total mar­ riage situation. . This doesn't inean that a good solutjon will be wholly' arbi­ trary. There are guiding norms and ,pertinent .. considerations which: should shape your think­ ing 'if you sincerely want to. reach arl agreement 'that will strengthen your marriage. Let's ;0 "'over the prinCipal ones briefly. . • 'Cold War' Marri~e First, marriage does imply companionship and partnership . as a couple. This involves not 'only c09peration in' childbearing and child rearing but intimate, . , affec!i«?nate ,unity, for only. if • husband and wife are thus closely united can they maintain the Joving, emotionally sccure family climate which children need for normal development. Second, because of personality differences and previous train'" ing, men and women in marriage, fr'equently discover that they do not share each other's likes or dislikes. This may have little to . do w'ith their love or unity, but since they now' form a couple; it limits the things they can share and may lead to misunderstand­ ing. Some people regard all dif-' ferences as marks of inferiority. If you don't like what they like, you must have poor taste! . Third, particularly during the I early child-rearing. stages, the wife's social life may be seri­ ously r.estricted. After spending the day with immature children, she craves adult companionship. Husbands easily tend to forget this. Fourth, all marriages require a degree of give and take. This defies close calculation. The im­ portant point is to pres~rve the ~p,irit of mutual service and sup­ port. •Once bickering a'nd -bar­

problem, T~d? Fir-st, make a check of the number of times you take .your wife out at night. If you can't afford it or simply 'neglect it, are you surprised-she resents your night with the boys'? Second, how often do you want to go out alone? Surely more than once a week would indicate a peculiar attitude to­ ward your wife and family. Indeed, this' would be too often .if you didn't 'take her out an equal number of times. You say, "this would be too expen­ sive," or "she doesn't want to leave the children that often?" Then you had best' reconsider your ow.n reuest....... '

Third, if your wife's only ob­ jection to your night out is that she doesn't approve of what you do, I think she's probably mak­ ing a mistake. She should recall the old Roman saying, "One can't y,?ur own ·request. _ Finally,. in solving your prob­ lem, take a long range view' of your marriage. It is for' life. What YO\l do now will shape its future course for ,better or worse. Remember, in love 'as in war, you may win a battle but lose the campaign.

Admit Seminarians . To High Court Bar WASHINGTON (NC) -Two .lesuit theology students who are lawyers have been admitted to practice before the U. S. Su-, preme Court. They are Thoma. Quinn, S.J., and Charles Whelan. S ..r., both of whom are now studying for the priesthood .t Woodstock (Md.) College, a major seminary of the Society cd .lesus. ' Mr. Quinn, a graduate of Holy Cross College, Worcester, and Harvard Universi.ty, is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Quinn of Bayside, on Lon, Island, New York. Mr. Whelan. a graduate of Georgetown Uni­ versity, is the son of. Mr. and )lfrs. James P. Whelan of Forest Hills, also on Long Island.

58 YEARS IN FIRST 'GRADE: Sister Celsa, a Bene­ dictine Sister, has taught 60 years at' St. Boniface School; Melrose Minn. 58 of these in first grade~ NC:Photo. '

Taunton Pupils' Win Awards

Continued' from Pa~e One" Francis, S.C.N., of the Science Antacids and Buffered Aspirin." department' of Archbishop Wil­ Th~ boys 'received $50 and $25 Iiams High School,Braintree; awards, respectively. . Brother Peter,. F.S.C., of De J:..a Robbins, son of Mr. and Mrs. ,Salle Academy" Newport; and Granville Robbins of 252 West Brother Kerry',~ C.F.X., St. John Mairi Street, Norton, a member Preparatorr School, Worcester, of ,St. John's Episcopal Church, Mass. Geo~getown Mansfield, chose his exhibit sub­ . Every high· school in the di­ jeet to tie in with his interest in ocese was allotted one exhibit forestry 'and his, future plan of for ea~h 50 students of its enroll­ WASHINGTON (NC) - An majoring in forestry at the Uni­ me')t, and most schools' con­ institute for ethnic studfes' on 'versity of Maine. ducted their own fairs prepara­ the hil?tory and cultl!re of Sov." A Delicious c A major in law at Notre Dame -tory to the diocesan exhibit. All iet-dominated nations, and Treat is' the choice of Fitzsimmons' exhibitors !n the diocesan fair peoples emerging from colonial whose exhibit was designed ~ received certificates of merit. status, has been established' at test ,advertising ,claims for as­ Georgetown University here. pirin and buffered products. 'He The institute will" hold its is the son of Mr: and Mrs. Fred first annual rou~d-table,confer­ ence, tomorrow and Saturday. It's Fitzsimmons, 28 Randall Street, Pup Tent 3.99 Taunton and a'St. Mary's parish­ theme will' be: "Nationalism in ioner:" . Ouf divided-World." J . ~:'~; Wall Tent' ,All prizewinners: i~ addition Named the .institute's execu­ to six winners of honorable men­ l- .. , ~x7 - } 1.50 tive director was Dr'-f Tibor Ker­ tion (,:ertificates, ,will. represent ekes, former chairman, of the the Diocese at the Massachusetts ~istory depa~tment cit George­ UMBRELLA; TENTS State Science' Fair, to be held town.' Dr. Kerekes, was sent to 7x7 - $23.84 Eu,:ope last, ye~~ by the Seriate May 2.-4 at Massachusetts Insti­ tute of Technology. '], Judiciary, ,Committee to' 'conduct OVER 50 STYLES IN STOCK' Honorable mention' winners a speciat study of Hungarian 'include John Conforti, Paul Also' FISHING, GOLFING refugees. Donahue, John Kable and Louis 'CAMPING AND-SCOUTING McAdams, all of Msgr. ,Coyle Pop~ EQUIPMENT . High School. Also Ann M·. Mis of Mount St. Mary Academy', WASHINGTON ('NC) -Pope Fall River, and George J. William St. & Acushnet Ave. '

Pius XII was invited some 30 Tho~as Jr'. of Holy Family High. New Bedford

• Ask, For Them Today ,years ago to accept the chair of School, New.Bedford. Roman Law won 'the faculty of Purpose of the fair~ according Cathoiic. University of America. to Rev. Edward J. Gorman, This is recalled in a new diocesan superintendent· of biography of the Pope that re­ schools, was the encouragement ,counts his visit to .the Catholic of science students to extend re~ Unh~ersity campus during his' search beyond curriculum re­ tour of the United states in quirements and, if. possible, to October 1936, when he was a" pI:oduce original achievements. , :'..' . Cardinal and Vatican' Secretary Judges were Sister Catherine G,~n of State. While at Catholic University, edg~woi:Kl R~m

he recalled in a speech to the students ,that.Bishop 'Thomas J. Busineu Breakfasts, Parties

Shahan, the-rector, had extended Availc.ble fOr Social Organi~'ioris

to him the invitation to join the staff nere, but that Pope Pius JOSEPH M. F. DONAGHY' XI had advised him agahlst it.

'Organiz Institute for Ethnic






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THE 'ANCHORThurs., May 1, 1958

Recollection Day:

The Parish



Father Edmund Is Appointed To New Post



Marking the 20th anniversary Miss Sandra Mandeville,

of the Catholic Woman's 'Club daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Homer

the parish installation of officers J. M;,wdeville of 179 Collette The Chancery Office of the took place with Mrs. James Grif- Street, New Bedford, has been Diocese and the Provincial fin inducted as president. chosen by members of the Young Headquarters of the Co·ngrega­ Other officers inducted to :i..adies Sodality to be the bride tion of the Sacred Hearts an­ lICrve the coming year include at the annual coronation' of the nounce that because of illnesa Vice-president Mrs. Ambrose Blessed Virgin at 3 o'clock next Rev. Egbert Steenbeek, SS.Cc., Powers; Secretary Mrs. William Sunday afternoon. , has been replaced as administra­ Mahoney; Treasurer Mrs. Robert Miss Mandeville; a junior at tor of St. Mary's Church, North Thibault; Financial secretary Sacred Heart Academy, Fair­ Fairhaven, by Rev. Edmund Mrs. John DOl}ais. haven, will place a crown of Francis, 5S.CC. ~ , Historian Mrs. Edward Mar- flowers on the statue of Our tin; Guards, Mrs. Le'o Trudelle Lady, Queen of May, and will Father Francis has been serv­ ing as assistant at Our Lady of and Mrs. Leo Briand; Hospital- recite the act of consecration to the Assumption Church, New ity, Mrs. Bernard 'Dion; Pubthe Blessed Virgin.' Bedford.

!icity, Mrs. Charles Viens; ProA procession to the church gram, Mrs. ,Walter Tetlow and will precede the ceremony with

sunshine, Mrs. Henry J. Dion. clergy, altar boys, parochial

Rev. Joseph A. Cournoyer, the school students and members of

pastor, ope,ned the meeting with the Children of Mary and Young

prayer. Other guests in attend- Ladies Sodalities participating. A solemn High Mass of Requi­ ance were Rev. Maurice E. ParAt.tending Miss Mandeville em was Sl,ln'g yesterday morning ent and Rev. Clement Dufour. will Elaine Bobrowiecki and in St. Stanislaus' Church, ChicoDinner was served to approx- Nancy Kiluk. Susan Arabasz will pee for the late Rev. Julius M. imately 130 members and guests be crown bearer. Kozikowski who served as assis­ by Mrs.Edmond Courchaine and Members of the Children of tant pastor from 1947 to 1957 her committee. Mary will recite a living Rosary. in Fall River at Holy CroSi Mrs. Edward Martin and Mrs. • Leading with the "Our Father" Church. , Edmond Pineau, chairman and will be the Misses Janice Szeliga, Before his assignment 1;0 the co-chairman, resllectively, are in . Jan~c~ Hebert, Wanda Poczat~k, . MAY AT YOUTH CENTER: Darnyl Travers, left, Fall River parish, Father Kozi­ cha.rge .of the annual M~!basket . CecIl~a ~:..~o~zatek,.~.:an C~mH'!l :, ( ' n• . " , , - , , - : . '"' . . . . . _ i!ia:hf, ~ "'~-,::,.~~_8""':-. h1e.w-;~~W..§.1sLsB!'veO § ~l ~i'Rd- ~. 1 - - -...------if~m'~~_4a..ot_~~!\I!:"lfue~'.,mr~afi ~;-1ill metiiberil'()r"'ilnii-enmm m~__ o_·v,\J1~ .. ~ •.. _~ v ..... ~ .. vrv:, _.'lord, N. Y., Rockford, 1II., Baltl­ day, May 13, in the parish school the Young Ladies Sodality. Bedford, decorate the statue of the Blessed !'f0ther ~t ~~e more, Md. and Fllirfield, Conn. hall. .'. . Miss Mandeville .is presid~nt . Kennedy Community Center, New Be~f~rd, In pre~aratIon . Father Kozikowski" observed The refreshment committee in of the, Young La~les Sodahty, ,for the May program o{ the CYO SpIrItual CommIttee of his 25th anniversary of his ordi­ charge of the next monthly gath- you.th representat",:e from her the Center of which Mary E. Foley is Adult Adviser. nation in April, 1955 in hill ering scheduled for _Thursday parish to the CYO In New Bednative city of Chicopee and wu night, May 28, to.be conducted.in ford and accompanist for the NOTRE DAME, tendered a testimonial by pa­ the scl.ool hall lOcludes: Chalr:Sacred Heart Academy ,Glee 'FALL' RIVER rishioners of Holy Cross Church, man Mrs. Ernest Theriault, Mrs. Club. " . in this diocese. M F k Mrs. Paul Dumais, Study Club Joseph Hargraves, rs. ran ST. PAUL'S, TORONTO (~ C )_B'IS h oP.J 0Surviving' besides his mother, Rogers, Mrs. Edward Sweeney, TAUNT~ chairman, announces a district seph M. Trocelher, O.M.l., Vlcar Mrs. Stella Kozikowski are two Miss Julie Howard and Mrs. Mrs. Thomas E.' Unsworth meeting slated' for 7:30 Thursday . Apostolic of Mackenzie/ in Can- brothers Rev. Henry KozikowBeatrice Chouinard. president' of the W'omen's Guild; night, May 15, in St. Louis ada's Northwest Territori.es, is ski, O.F:M. of Ellic:;ott City, Md. IMMACULATE CONCEPTION, announces the regular monthly Church hall. Transportation will probably one of the. few bishops and Rev. Paul Kozikowllki, a ]o'ALL RIVER meeting for 7:45 next Thursday be furnished for members. in the world who commands a major in the U. S, Army ChapThe regular monthly meeting, night in the parish hid!. A film During the monthly session squadron of planes' and a fleet lain Corps. A fourth son of the of the Fall River Particular on Hawaii presented by the ·of the Women's Guild which was of ships. . Kozikowski family who served Council, Society of St. Vincent Taunton Travel Bureau will conducted last Monday night in Bishop Trocellier, here to buy in the priesthood was. the late de Paul will be held at 7:45 next highlight the business session. Jesus Mary Academy Auditorithe second plane for his "squad- Rev. Stanley Kozikowski, serv­ Tuesday night, pl'eceded by Co-chairmen Mrs. Francis urn, President Helen Chace ron," said there are about 9,800 ing as' pastor o( St. Hedwig's Benediction of the Most Blessed Tummon and Mrs. Thomas B. urged members to attend May Catholics in. the Mackenzie pop- Church, New Bedford at the Sacrament. Williams, Jr., will be assisted by devotions. Rev. Gerard Boisvert ulation of mor~ than 17,000. time of his death in October, ST. BONIFACE. Mrs. Louis Bartel, Mrs. Robert opened the meeting with prayer. From Fort Smith, where he 1956. NEW BEDFORD Peco, Mrs. Paul Silva, Mrs. RoYouth Chairman Mrs. Wilfrid hopes to bu,nd a new c~t~edral, Burial also took place in ChicTomorrow, First Friday of land Menard, Mrs. Sal SpinellI. Garand submitted a· report on to the .Arctlc: where missionary opce. May, has been set aside as a Day Miss Barbara McMann and Mrs. the success of the teenagers' wor~ IS carned. out am?ng the ;~~~~~~~~~~~~;;j of Recollection for all Night John J. Klein. whist party. Esklmoes, the Journey IS 1,00G Adorers of Greater New Bed- ST. PETER'S, Mrs. Mary Jane Swanson, miles by air and much longer by ford. DIGHTON home economist of the Fall River boat. The Blessed Sacrament will The May-basket' whist party Gas Company, highlighted the be exposed all day for the offer- sponsored by the Women's Guild meeting with a cooking demon­

ing of prayers in reparation for will be held at 8 o'clock tonight stration. Heading a· large com­

sin, especially those which tend in the Dighton Elementary mittee were chairman Mrs. Mau­

HOME SERVICE CO; to break down 'family life. At SchooL Mrs. Mary Pavao, ap- rice Raiche and co-chairman

7:30, Holy Hour will be con- pointed in charge will be assis- Miss Terese Cadrill.

Distributors for ducted by Rev. Francis Regis, ted by all the Guild members.

SS.CC. Members of the Guild are busy ST. JOHN'S,


HOLY NAME. making baskets to be awarded ATrLEBORO

.WORLD FAMOUS New Bedford WY 3-1346

FALL RIVER at the event. Tickets are avail- . An introductory 'tea will be

All· Bundles Insured While

Mrs. Hugh Golden has beeD. able at the'door. held- at 2' P.M. next Sunday in iD Our Possessi'on

appointed in charge of the. an- IMMACULATE CONCEPTION, t~ school cafeteria for the pur­ nual banquet and installation of TAUNTON pose of forming a Sodality of officers of the Women's Guild The 12th annual corporate Our Lady for teenage girls of Home Appliances which is slated for 6:30 next communion of the Women's the parish. Girls in' the 9th Tuesday night in Stone Bridge Guild will take place at the a through 12. grades are invited. 611 PlEASANT STRED . GUARANTEED Inn. o'clock mass, next Sunday morn­ The Bocial is sponsored by a

- Assisting Mrs. Golden are Mrs. ing. Dr. Arthur J. Buckley of NEW BEDFORD David W. Boland as eo-chair- New Bedford will be luest parish' youth committee' under

WY 7-0222 man and Miss Elizabeth L. Pel- speaker at the 'breakfast which the leadership of Mrs. Fred End­ SERVICE - REPAIRS , oquin. will follow immediately in. 1M leI', Jr., youth chairman, and Member R. T. T. G. ACADEMY BUILDING

I j' Miss Shirley Givens. Guest ST. JEAN THE BAPTISTE, schoo aud t!>rlum. speaker will be Rev. Edmund JAMES E. NORTON ,FAll RIVER

FALL IlIVEa ' ST.. MARY'S, Loew.of St. Mary's Church, No. 46 Middle Road . OS 1-711'

Executive officers of the MANSFIELD. , ,At.tleboro. . Acushnet WY 5-75.48 Women's Guild met last MOl'ld~y The .Cathohc· W:ornan II Club, -:=::::==========~ night at the hOme of President the Kmghts of .C?lumbus and ~he ~ Mrs. Thomas Tache to' appoint . C. F .. M. are ]omtly sponsormg WATCH OUR • committee for the installation a 3Cr!~S~ of four. ~ana Confer­ of officers to take place at 7· ences. to be presented by the . ·tIM·E and·' o'clock, Tuesday.night, May 2iO Family: Jt.i~e .Bureau. The first TEMPERA·TURE In White's Restaurant. conference wlll be held at 7:30, . Committee chosen includes: May 11 in the parish hall. SIGN Chairman Mrs. Henry Camara, Couples assisting Rev. Edward ITS FOR YOUR Mrs. Alfred Berube, Mrs. Oscar O'Brien with arrangements in,­ See us for the BEST DEAL in a

Phoenix and Mrs. Adrien Barabe. elude: Mr. and Mrs. Arthur CONVENIENCE

Ford Car 01' Truck

Reservations may be made by ,Remillard, Mr. and Mrs. Leo THE

contacting Mrs. Phoenix. Schleiker, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Members are requested to subSullivan, Mr. and Mrs. Mike FORD DEALERS FOR OVER 38 YEARS mit their reports on tickets at Stelter, Mr. and Mrs. Carl De­ the next monthly gathering, Clemente, Mr. and Mrs. John 1344-~6 Purchase St. New Bedford, Ma-. A.ttleboro--South A.ttleboro slated for 7:30, Monday night, Coyle and Mr. and Mrs. Robert May 12 in the church hall. Green. SACRED HEART ST. JAMES, FALL RIVER ' NEW BEDFORD Mrs. William Slater., presi,dent Many choice articles are still of the Women's Guild requests on sale at 1078 South Water that members be accompanied Street, New ~e~ford. The rum­ by a guest on the occasion of mage sale which IS currently ~on­ their open meeting to be held d~cted by the Msgr. Noon ~Ircle at 8 o'clock, next Monday night Will end tomorro)\'. Chalrm~n in the school hall. Mrs. N?ra Feeley and co-chalrA display of fashions' will men MI~ Margaret 'R?wan and highlight the progl'am with CoMrs. Mary Fagan are 10 charge. chairlll€ n Mrs. T. Arthur Mc!eenagers 1~ years an~, over Cann and Mn. Frank McCann will conduct a record hop f~om in charge of the event. The co7:30 to 11 next Saturday mght PlAINVIllE NORTON chairmen wUl be U8ist~d by a in' ~ Kennedy Youth Center. Jet. 106 & 151 Route 123 conunit~ Admiuion ia ~ cent&.

", __

Served Diocese For Ten Years

Missionary Bishop Is C d Fleet ()mman er

;::====;;.;;=======. SUMMER STREET







MORE FORD in 1958






-_ _---­ ....


.... . ~


.. _

Who, Claims',:Exemption?,,',

.;", ,



..···.....-.-:t.. ;.

,The door to door collecthig for the Catholic Charities Appeal begins Sunday., 'Many people will immediately start to cry ~hat the, economic difficulties of the times, are working against the­ success of the A!ppeal. . The recession could affect 'the Appeal-but it does not , ,

have to.

0 It could affect the Appe~l in that some may: use it as an .excuse, to exempt themselves from the law of charity.~ , These are more than likely the same persons who will light iIp a cigarette or take a drin1,{ or plan on a movie or discuss some purchase and fail to see that they can afford • charity-and they must, or stand ashamed before the words of ,Christ, "By this will all men' know that you are my disciples, if you have lo've for one another." , How much can a person afford to give to the Appeal? 'How clearly, does he see that, charity is a personal obligation to a neighbor ill. need? How clearly does he ' H realize his responsibility to a child in St . M ary s orne,

New. Bedford, an aged person coming up from the Cape

, to Our Lady's Haven in Fairhaven, a young 'troubled girl

seeking and receiving help from the Catholic, Welfare

Bureau, a sick soul turning -to ,the Rose HawtJ10rn Lathrop

Home as a final refuge for a body wracke'd by pain and






',', '6""

Way k> Peace '

,-THE ~NCHOR :" • Thurs., May ,1, J9 5~

Weekly C~Iend'ar Of Feast· Days

Buffering?" It is not a' question .of' how much can he afford to give-it is a question of dare he refuse! For' these works are the works of God, these persons in need are the' fi~ure of Christ asking those with even only a little to share that little ~ith Him. There are twenty-four agencies aided by the Charities _~L "'/4' ~nati()n' of"ten ~tJ~s' means th{l.t,forty-tWQ.~""-ThA,~ ....~ticlt--.::'r-:::-:'''~·

THURSDAY - Feast of St. joseph the Workman. This Feast, -aras instituted by His Holiness, Pope Pius XII to ratify the statu~ " .1 I .. of, S1. Joseph as patron of work- ' I ingmen, and'to offer them as a I model the carpenter of Nazareth whose labor, by God's grace, was a means for the sanctification of his life. ' FRIDAY _ S1. Athanasius,Bishop _ Confessor _ Doctor. He was born at Alexandria, Egypt, and became Bishop of Alexan­ dria in 328. He is famous as the champion of the Catholic Faith ,In the Blessed Trinity against Arius, whQ denied the Divinity of Christ and was backed by powerful partisans. During his Episcopate his life was fre­ quently in danger. He was forced to flee from place, to place, but eventually he re­ turned in triumph to Alexandria, where he died in 373. SATUR'oAY-Finding of the Holy Cross. This feast was estab­ lished in memory of the finding of the True Cross by S1. Helena' in 306, after it had been hidden I -:::"''!":':~-'t--_ --:~,.- ~ buFied 'br infid~Is ·fo~·.~~- _ :


'~its~;~ti~::~~~~'~~~ :~~n~~~ts T:a~o~ta~~ ~~~~ ~~t~h: 'i-~fe;-C~tec-hism Integrates ,~e:~~DAY_S1.Monica,Widow. twenty-four'iJistruments-of charity. • .. ' • • She was 'born in Carthage in

Who could say that he cannot afforn such a gift! Who Liturgy and SOCial Action ~;rr~fd Cahri~~:~n. p~~~;s h':~

can say that he does not waste that much~r,,'that lIttle' B M 'G G U· . three children. Her husband's'

money in the course of a year? , Who cannot ~ake a sacrifice to that extent for the love of God and neIghbor?

Directo~ N~;~ s:c~~f~ction ~!~:r~ment

example led her' eldest son to

the lapse of the Faith. Through

her patience and gentleness, st.

action movement in the United States has tended to over- Monica converted her husband

emphasize purely natural or material measures of social before his death. Later her pray­

More crimes were committed ·in the United States in ,reform, to the neglect of -the spiritual and supernatural. ers were answered when her son'

1957 than ever before, and juveniles-those under 18- The late Father Virgil returned to the practice of the were responsible, for nearly half of them. , MI'chel, O.S.B., "whose bI'ogra­ sistan,ce of.'a team of experts i':l Faith lifter she had accompanied dogmatic theology, biblical stud- him to Rome. She died in 387 , The nation's under 18 youth accounted for 47.2 per- phy was reviewed and high­ ies, the lay apostolate, and Cath- in Ostia, near Rome, the same cent of arrests in major crimes such as murder, man- ly recommended in this olic social action. year that her son came back to slaughter, rape, robbery, aggravated assault, burglary and column on June 24, 1957, was Relies on Scriptures Christianity. He became St. Aularceny. They committed 67.6 per cent of all auto' thefts one of those who felt most The authors .hope that the gustine of Hippo and was made f f f k" d strongly about book will solve a problem which a Doctor of the Church. and 53.1 per cent 0 the ts'o any m. this matter. ' . th' MONDAY-St. PI'US V, Pope­ pI agues many prIes t s In elr . This shows, of course, a decided lack of discipline on Father Michel ,work of instructing converts- Confessor. He was Michael the part of those juveniles contributing to'tho:,!e shocking was, par~i:uthat of providing a text which is Ghislieri, scion of a noble fami­ figures. Responsibility must fall chiefly on the home but I; [hI y: c.rl:lcal acceptable to a person with a ly, who was born in 1504, He -to some lesser de,gree~n the community and the schools. tOI'on emsoovCleameanC-t high school or college education joined the Dominicans at the age '1 d t I h . -one 'vhich is Christo-centric- of 41 and achieved a wide rep­ It is not that these .young people 'have fal e 0 earn t elr for 'failing to one which emphasizes the doc": utation as a preacher. He became lessons-they have unfortunately learned them only too build its pro­ trines of the divine life of grace a Bishop, then a' Cardinal. arid' well but from the wrong teachers..,.-inadequate parents, g ram around and the Mystical Body and gives succeeded Pope Pius· IV in 1566. adults with wrong' values, undisciplined companions, im- It.h, e Chuhr~hh's due prominence to the liturgy The great naval 'Victory .over · ' I uncon t roII e d emot'Ions a,n d' mo"od s" he It urgy w IC'I'S, and the" lay apostolate'the Turks at Le pan t ' 1671'III. proper rea d mg rna tena, I'nsl'sted 0 In r ' ,The new catechism relies attributed to his endeavors and no spirit of sacrifice, pagan attitudes, no pub IC mora.l stan- 't h e indispen­ heavily on the Sacred Scriptures prayers. He died in 1572 and hi. dards. " . liable basis of in its pedagogical method. In, shrine' is in S1. Mary Major But lest '·these statistics give a jaundiced attitude an adequate program of Chris­ fact, a fully effe~tive use of the Rome.

book requires, as theintroductoward today's young people, there is another side of the ~an soci~l reconstr~cti.on.. . TUESDAY _ St.. John 'th~'

-. t " , A s s u m I n g that thIS IS a vahd tionstates, a' certain' amount of' Apostle before the Latin 'Gate.

pIC ure. '" ' .' criticism I would ascribe the S . t ta ·It is a side th~t was seen by those attending the First difficult;, at least in part, to the' w~~:lt~e le~=:~~~gEa~~n~::~n~: The feast commemorates the in­ , ',Annual Science Fa,i,r. held in conJ'unction, wit,h the Annual ,rel.ative scarcity of ,good books, cident in the life of the Saint;' introduced' by a rather extended called the' Evangelist, when he Convention of the, Catholic' Teachers Association of the and pamphlets in' th~ English p~ssage froni Scripture and an 'was brought in' bonds to Rome Diocese. " ~nguage 'on th~ social implica; explanatory paragraph which, from Epl,esus' by order of Em": f' th" e ex hI ' b ' tnesse d ,WI'th prI'de an'd more lationship tions of theology andthe on the re- ,'prepares the reader for the que,s- peror Domitiari and was sen­ ' · V ~ewers 0 I S' t WI between, liturgy than a little humility, 44 young men and women from' eight and social action. tions which follow. tenced by the Roman Sena'te to of our high schools,- showing and' explaining the scientific, Until recently, for example,' 'Unified Whole be boiled in a caldron of oil at At the end of 'each lesson a the city's Latin Gate. He' projects in ,biology ,and chemistry and botany and algebra feven. ourh ca~chisms . an e ff ort emerged from' the torture' un­ ' to ff'(I. am I re­ t prac t"Ice IS sugges t ed In and physics that they had put together on their own time e~rmg er~ uno 1:la ca e­ to engage the will as. well as the harmed and was banished to ' , . 't' t' ""chlsms wrItten espeCIally for an d f rom th elr o~n'I~I Ia l v e . . .' adults) have fallen short of the intellect of the reader in the Patmos, where he wrote the To hear the mtelhgent conyersabons as they dIscussed mark in this regard; Most of, course of the instructions. De- Apocalypse." He eventually re­ their 'exhibits among themselves and' with visitors, to be those with which I am familiar votional practices and prayers turned to Ephesus and lived to received by these young men and women with such courtesy tepd to' present Catholic theology are introduced gradually in con- an old age, surviving his fellow and initiated with such politeness into the mysteries of in, a ratqer piecemeal ~ashion nection with their underlying .Apostles. I • h" and more or less in a vacuum, doctrines, as is the re-living of WEDNESDAY -'- S1. Stanis­ I b ra, or.. -SOl'1 -1ess Pant B.00Iean age growth-t IS IS another with little' or no a"ttempt even to the life of Christ throughout the ,'laus, Bishop-Martyr. One of Po­ suggest, much less develop, its' liturgical.year: One entire chap- .-land's famous Saints, he was 'SIde altogether to the young people of our day. When we consider 'the frightening figures of the inlplicationsin the field of so"', tel' .of the catechism is, devoted born near Cracow .1030. He Hoover report on crime, we receive only part of the picture cial and economic' reform. to a summljty;iniiPractic.al trrm,s, became Craco~'s Archbishop in " of the essentials of Catholic so- 1071 and' e xcommumca . t ed th e of today's young people. The Science Fair exhibited-more 'Life in Christ' 'powerful King Boleslaus II, ~ho , ciaI' teaching; , was leading an evil' life.' The than'the projects,themselves---:..character and initiative and This new catechism by Fath­ ' It is encouraging. to note, how­ many of. the other fine qualities that should ,do much to ev~r, that thi.s defect is gradual~y ers Killgallon and Weber is one King killed the Archbishop with counteract the unfortunate impression given by the undis­ b~mgb remefdledb·l"!Net.now ~ave,a of the best 'works of its kind I 'his own hands in' 1079 in a .. .':,' num er 0 pu Ica IOns In, our have eve"~ ,e " Wh'l' h h ' clphned few., own language-books, pamphlets "com across., Ie c urc near 'Cracow, when he it is intended primarily for tl;1e ,~as upa bIe' t0 · persua d e ' h'18 a.nd periodicals _ which' will, , instruction of prospective ,con­ ,guards to do the deed. The mon­ make it easier for the average verts to the Faith, it can 'also be hb Catholic to understand the rela':' recommended very highly to arc ecame detested by his sub­ jects, fled the country and died tionship between theology and . cradle Catholics. Indeed" if I in, misery.. 'SL' ,Stanislaus' was everyday living and to see the were conducting a labor school canonized in 1253. intimate connection between the ,or any other type of'social action "liturgical movement arid the so:" program;aL-the local :level, I Heroism at Dachau c~al action movement. '; think I w,ouiCl"make it requited OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF F-ALl RIVER ::! One of t!le best qf these publi:" reading fi)l' ll}l.'the Catqalic sty~ On'TV Sunday , cations is a new catechism fo.r dents.'.',;':,:, :~. , ' ,;': NEW YORK (NC)-The dram­ Publis!led Weekly by The' Catholic ~ress ot the: Diocese'~~tFall River a!iults entitled "Life 'In Christ," I don't ,know of any other atic story or a German youth ,410 Highland, Avenue ' , '~ WhiSh will be rE),lldy for distribu-, short book in the Engli:>tt 1an: ,_ ~tl0 was 'ordained a priest while '" Fall River. "/lass. ' " ~ ,. , OSbo(fle ,5-7151. tion on ,June 1 '(Life: In Christ g!1age which so successfully imprisoned in' the infamous con­ j)ublishers,' ,720 North Rush sents Catpolic..theology as'.a;iirij­ . PUBLISHER ' c;e'ntratiori .camp in Dachau, Ger­ Street, Chicago ~1, Ill., $1.00 fied whole and so' effecth,elYde" many,. will- be presented on the . Most 'Rev:., James L: Conn;olly,' 0.0,,, Ph.D.. velops the implications of 'this Catholic .Hour television' pro­ paper-bound). ASST. GENERAL MANAGER GENERAL MANAGER' This new catechism is the theology in terms' of everyday gram on ~ay, 4; work of two Chicago priests; living. Suffice it to say that it is Rev. Damet'F. Sllalloo, M.A. P. DrIScoll "The Victory of Father Karl" . -'.Rev. John : R,ev. James J. Killgallon and the sort of book that undoubt­ ~ells the story of Karl Leisner, . MANAGING EDITOR Rev. Gerard P.' Weber, who had' edly woilld have gladdened the who was imprisoned by the Attorney Hugh J. Golden the professional counsel and heart of the late Virgil Michel. nazis ,at' Dachau The charge is sometimes made that the. Catholic social

Two Sides of Youth









.' .... ~

Asserts 'Hucle~r


German Reds Renew Fight on Religion

Warfare Lawful

Only to Defend


BERLIN (NC)-Radical anti­ were arrested and sentenced to religious trends are becoming jail terms by communist courts ' stronger in communist East Gel';' for upholding their religious con\*ictions aga~nst the atheist many. agitation sponsored by the Com­ This is indicated by the arrest unist party. of 11 Protestants during the past Anyone teaching religion out­ three months on the stereotyped side the schools is subject to the charge of hostility to the state. supervision of school principals, according to a new decree of the Eight Protestant Pastors, two East Gennan department of ed­ Protestant seminarians and one Protestant lay religion teach~r ucation.

LONDON (NC) - Highly powerful nuclear weapons could be used against legi­ timate targets in a purely defensive war, Archbishop Wil­ liam Godfrey of Westminster has declared. Speaking in answer to criti­ cism that the Church does not speak out clearly on the problem of the use of nuclear weapons during a war, the Archbishop said: "There are those who have said that the G:hurch remains silent on a matter which is of deep concern for the welfare of the entire human family. We may answ~r that there are ad­ mittedly certain questions of fact which pass beyond the com­ petence of the theologian and are matters for the scientist." Outlines Position Archbishop Godfrey said that he does not believe it hal; beeh demonstrated that there can be no conceivable circumstances "in which there might be a legiti­ mate target for even the most powerful nuclear weapon. If this be so, a nation would then be . justified in. testing such weapons; unless it be proved that the evil resulting from the te'sts out:" weighs the usefulness of the testing." The Archbishop summarized his position on the war as fol":, lows: I), War is not intrinsically wrong. A war, even a major war, can be justified provided it be a defensive war in which the basic valles of human life are at stake. It cannot be waged, how­ ever, until every possible step has been fried to arrange a peaceful settlement. Moreover, there must be a reasonable chance of its achieving its just end without giving rise to still greater evils. 2) Granted that a war of self­ defense can be just, the state is in duty bound to do all possible to defend its essential life ade­ quately. . • Papal Address "Nobody can subscribe to the morally lawful to use indiscrim­ thesis that it would ever be inate nuclear weapons on centers' of population which are' pre­ dominantly civilian. 'Moreover, one cannot, in theory, exclude the POSllibility 'of ,:1 war with' cOiltrolled nuclear weaponsre':' stricted to military targets~' , 'IHowever, this may be',' 'we must all, pray devoi.Itiy that' the' arMaments race may be brought' to an end and that this may 'be achieved within 'the framework of 'a 'comman agreement 'among nations. If this can be accom· plished with God's grace and aid, these weapons which are so abominated by all of us may be banished from use." Archbishop Godfrey> quoted the address of Pope Pius XII in September 1954, when the Pon­ tiff said that "there can be no question even in 'principle of

THE ANGifOR-, Thurs., May 1, 1~ 58

TESTIMONIAL TO MONSIGNOR: Parishioners of Notre Dame Church, Fall River, honored their pastor, Rt. Rev. Msgr. Alfred J. E. Bonneau, on the occasion of his becoming a Domestic Prelate. The affair was held Sunday evening at Lincoln Park. Pictured here are Rt. Rev. Msgr. Raymond Nolin, superior 'of ,Levis College, Levis, P.Q., ,Canada, Monsignor Bonneau, and Rt. Rev. Albert Berube, pastor of St. Anthony Church, New Bedford.

Germans. Pay Tribute Christian Approach foBishop'-~erch-e-"" '-~'-'Would 'Aid"Asiaris NEW YOR~ (NC)-Wes~ern powers, espeCially the Umted States, should not try solely to tell Asians how evil communism is, but should show them a better philosophy of life instead, an expert on Far Eastern affairs declared here. ,Dr. Paul K. T. Sih, director, of the Institute of Far Eastern Studies, Seton Hall University, South Orange, N.· J., told the Catholic Interracial Forum that the West must propound a "uni­ versa I Christian humanism" to assist the Asian ,peoples. "We must show them" he stated, "how a man can live as more than a man-as a child of God- and we must try to make Asians understand the Christian­ ity and spirituality on which this nation is built." In meeting its ,varied problems, Asia must choose between LANSING (NC)-Pedestrians Christianity and atheism, Dr. Sih and motoris~s did "double takes", said. He observed that Asians in ,tile vicinity of St. Mary'S are often "lecl. to think ;that the Cathedral here at the unusual' communists' have come without. sight Of a Qun running 'after a Christ, but with the cross; West­ motor,cy<;le, cop.: ' ," erners with Christ, but without The ~un, was Mother'Eugenie, the cross" because of the com­ of: the: St. Paul Orphanage in nlliiliilt's' de'dication. Seout K<:)rea. The cop was riding, '''The Soviet works with a kind 'three-\v.heh mo'toreycie,' and: of apostolic spirit without-. God," Mother Eug'ehie: explatned she' Dr; ,Sih said;,. "This calls 'for·, a merelY. wanted :i'nforJriation oh: gl'eatel'. spirit of Christianity on· , wtiere'she could 'obtain' such a our: part.". , vehicle~' ' 'She '~id she warited onefoI"

her trllveIlngcQmpailion,Sister i

Bernadette, so Sister, could' stop'

using a bicycle' she pedals in

Korea to visit the grocer and

conduct other business of the


COLOGNE (NC)-The German government has honored Auxiliary Bishop Josef Ferche of Cologne .on his 70th birthday by awarding him the Great Service Cross of ,the German Republic, one of the nation's highest honors. ' President Theodor Heuss wrote, that Bishop Ferche has won the gratitude of the Germans through his services to the nation in the past as an outspoken critic of nazi tyranny and as an advocate of social justice, and by his present "untiring efforts in behalf of those unhappy people exiled from their homes by political developments, and tti.ose made homeless !?y the ravages of war."







See •••


Mission Nun Chases Motorcycle Cop




the lawfulness of atomic, chem­

ical and bacteriological warfare,

except when it mast. be judged

indispensable. to self defense."


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House ..;



Profession~I' 'Solves Problem Of R~decorating Daly Home ,


:. :·_T_hu_r_s:_t_~_~_;_~_1~_,c....1~_~_·:-,' .T'woMount·"·St.q'.M<-ry:·:- AC'ad.emy Seniors Awai'dedScholarships . Mattimore is editor of MercyTwo Mourit St. M:ary Academy Diocesan Nurses· seniors have been awarded four­ crest and president of the debat­ year scholarships to Catholic ing club. Studying at Mount St. To Visit Shrines colleges. ' . . Mary on a four-year scholarship



By Mary Tiniey Daley So you deCide, to redecorate-as we did..:-and where do you go from there! You go, that's for sure. You may go into a tizzyo,of do-it-yourselves-as we did-and then 'comes the inevitable calling in of experts. Start this business and, beheld the portieres. We could like it or not', you're in for it. almost hear the "Ugh!" which To bring it down to cases, Mr. Brooks was too polite to we're in for it. Tbe success- utter. ,


The Fall River Catholic Nurses Guild will leave at 1 P.M. Mon-· day from Boston by train on a pilgrimage to Canada where they will visit the shrines of St.· Joseph's Ora,tory, Our Lady of Cape Madeleine, Three Rivers and S~. Anne· de Boupre. The Diocesan nurses are also plari­ ning sight-seeing in Quebec. Making the pilgrimage will be

luI unpainting of the fireplace Our own glance instinctively Mrs. Oscar Dube, Mrs. Frederick bricks so exhilarated us that we followed his· and, for. the first Sherry, Mrs. >Thomas Fleming, set "out right 'time, we saw our living room, Mrs. Romeo McCallum, Mrs. ,away to buy a from a purely objective view- Thomas Doyle, Mrs. Mary K.

few long needed point.' Sullivan, Miss Ethel Vieira, Mi~s

furnishings. Mr. Brooks couldn't, of course, Catherine Nash, all of Fall River Tentative visit see all the fun we had there over and Mrs. Ernest Souza 9f New to a furniture the years: The children's birth- Bedford. store with a day parties; the adult evenings The nurses· are scheduled to "We don't quite when friends had clustered return on Friday morning; May know what we about the fireplace' and nobody 9 . ' .'.. want" attitude minded whether or not a spring

resulted. in an or so was broken'in a chair; and

at-home' interwhen the coffee table- to be re-

view with the placed by a cocktail table-was

.tore's interior inadequate, the snacks were put decorator that on the poor; the piano that had The Council of Catholic Wo­ very evening. been the center of such cama­ men of District Four, comprising This, we hadn't quite contem- raderie when everybody clus­ the Attleboro area, will sponsor plated but, since it was for free, tered about. . . , .. a Cana C.onference on Monday, the idea· became intriguing, at One doesn't. speak of such May 12, at St. Joseph Church least for one of us, as we drove things to a Mr. Brooks.... parish hall; Attleboro, at 8 P.M., home. Not 18· word was spoken. We in cooperation with the ·dic:>cesan "But I like the way,>you deco-_ now.know how the siriners of old Family Life Bureau. This con­ rate," the Head of the House felt when they were called on to ference, the s~cond in a series said. "A mighty comfortable make public confession. .. ' . ·of four deals with the parent-, place we have, .mighfy comMr. Brooks'· eyes· regained child relationship with emphasis fortable!" their former width ashe went on .the growth of the child from The loyalty was heartwarm- full circle of the room and and . infancy to puberty. ing. We loved it: "Mighty com- came out of his contemplation. Rev. Raymond W. McCarthy, fortable!" 'Secretly, however,' we We had asked for it. For the Sacred Heart Church, Fall River; looked forward to an opinion at last time we had struggled solo and Rev. Anthony' M. Gomes, this time of one less personally with that room and its· .IDulti:.o Santo Christo· Church,· Fall prejudiced and more ex peri- plichy of openings: River, will conduct theconfer~ enced in the subtle field of irite-' Louvered Doors ence and a question and answer rior decoration. Drawing a deep breath, and. period will conclude the confer-· "Let's just see what the man summoning up courage that. ence which is opened to all mar:' says," we placated. . would have carried us through a ried· couples of the area. ' Depressed Silence 30-minute speech, we uttered a Mr. 'Brooks arrived right brave, "So ...?" , smack on the dot of 7:30; as he "You have some really superb ACCRA '(NC)-Cooperative had said he would.' paintings," Mr. Brooks began. After greetings, Mr. Brooks The Head of the House bright- self-help and freedom go hand . leaned back on the br.oken- ened, for those paintings ,are iii. hand, :prime Minister Kwame springed couch, swinging a slen- .. very dear to- him. We could Nkrumah of Ghana asserted at der, sandal-shod foot as ,he . sense, though, that Mr. Brooks' the opening 0'£ ,the new social center of the Catholic Self-Help

looked appraisingly around the next word would be "but." . .',

room. "But," he went on, "frankly, 'Society here. Silence reigned-a deep,everthis room is the most difficult , Dr. Nkrumah, who -laid the Increasingly depressed silence. . . I have ever attempted. There cornerstone of the building, . The .He:ld of the House, seated.' are '')0 many openings, and said 'he hoped the idea of the In the beat-up ·old Red Chair he: 'you're short of wall space." Catholic Mboa Kuw"":"the self­ has enjoyed for' a quarter-cen. Exactly our problem, Mr. help society-would spread all' tury, reached out once or twice Brooks, but how do you fill up over Ghana. for the evening paper, then with- French doors, windows, door­ . drew his bend, courteously ways? It's your problem now, watching Hie survey.,. . Mr. Brooks. Mentally we handed Mr. Brooks' delicate brows over the problem. rose as he contemplated the The artistic 'Mr. B. did' come' many doors and windows in the up with an answer: IC?uvered room.' We almost cringed as d90rs: Funeral those artistic eyes lighted on the He had other good ideas; too: ruffled curtains at the windows. . carry the hait-.bookshelves to the .. Directors (At tl:le 'time we'd bought them:;· ceiling, have .comices made to. • 69 Locost St., Fall ·River we thought they were mighty follow the line of the stair open­ pretty. Now, they looked pro- ing, iflstay great beams across _ OS 2·3381 \ vincial":-just junky). the 'room, ta~e out the.· center . Obiectiye Viewpoint light fixture and ·the lights by . Mr. Brooks' brown eyes narthe fireplace... Mr. Brooks was rowed' to. slits .as they slowly going full steam ahead by the went from curtains to - book time he said good night. shelves, on to the pictures, thtm So, as Julius Caesar said when to the hit-or-miss furniture And he crossed the Rubicon, "Thedi¢ 'FUNERAL HOME his shoil1ders shuddered· as he is cast." ­ .- .. ;. >;~' I: : 986 Plymoutb 'A~;~' Fall 'River 0

Car 0 I e Anne ,Mattimore, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leon­ ard J. Mattimore, 39 Berkley Street, Fall River, has been' named recipient of a scholarship to Salve Regina C'ollege, New­ port, and Sylvia Lora Houle,. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed:" ward Houle, 91 Osborn Street, Fall River, has been awarded

Catholic :Women S'ponsor eana "

Self-Help Needed

from SS. Peter and Paul School, she is a member of the orches..:' tra, sodality, athletic. associati 9 n· and dramatic club. ':" Miss Houle is vice-prefect of the Immaf;:ulate Heart of Mary' and St. Frances Cabrini Sodality;



a partial scholarship to Colleg~

Misericordia, Dallas, Pa.· A highest honors student and, recipient of the gold' honor pin for scholastic, achi~verrient, 'Miss

Father Hesburgh Reappointed Head NOTRE DAME (NC)-Father Theodore M. Hesburgh; C.S.C., has been reappointed as presi"; dent of Notre Dame University for an indefinite period. The ann6uilcement was made by Father Theodore J. Mehling, C.S.C., provincial superior of the. Holy Cross Fathers, who operate the univ,ersity. . Father Hesburgh has served since 1952 as' the' unversity's president, and as religious su­ perior of the Holy Cross priests and Brothers associated with the university.

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vice-president of the Catholic Student' Council, co-editor of Mercycrest, manager of the academy basketball team, treas­ urer of the bowling team and a member of the dramatic club.


COLLEGE ANNIVE'RSARY: Receiving 'honorary de- . grees at the 150tharmiversary of Mt. St. Mary's College, 'Emmitsburg, Md. were, from left rear, Patrick F. Scanlan,· editor o~ the Brooklyn Tabl,et,;. James P. McGranery, former . U.S. attorney-general; Mother Mary' Leandro, superior general, Sisters of the Third Order ,of St. Francis, and Mother Hilda, president of St. Joseph's College: who re­ ceived the degree for Sister Isabel Toohey, who was ill. Front row, Msgr. John L. Sheridan, college president; Bishop Jerome D. Sebastian, Auxiliary of Baltimore, and Msgr. William J. McDonald, rector of Catholic University, who also received an honorary degree. NC Photo.

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Judge Mullaney Guest Speaker At Meeting

Leather Coats' in All' Len'gths Become' Fabulously Popular' , By Ellen Kelley leather 'c~ats go just

, , . Suddenly about ev.erywhere! T ou'll see them in Italy, Paris, New York,. Boston- and ~all River! These fabulously popular leather coats are Just about perfect for world· travellers, commuters,· co-eds, business gals, .. busy . ,Clubwomen, teachers, mothers, homemakers' and city Ilickers ! Creamy soft, sleeky detailed, ~ese lovely leather coats have become the number one fashion kl all America! Yes indeed, these 110ft, silky, imported Cabretta leather coats go to all lengths--'to please you! Furthermore, CIley're designed to take you to Bummer resorts, to town, to ~untry theatre here or abroad! , ThcY'~e availa'ble in a wonderltd new selection of colors as well as white or black! Here are ~ats' that meet difficult weather -with smiling poise! Why not add one to your smart new fash­ iOn collection? , . Suit DreSses W.omen and young. women who wear sizes 14% to 24% 'look especially smart in youthful de­ tailed, easy-care orIon/rayon boucle mesh. suit-dresses!, De­ signed .to, flatter a woman's lovely figure .. these' smart suit­ dresses boast peplum jackets, handsome pin-tucking on flat­ tering Vee-notched necklines and sleeves. -.. and wand-slim skirts. The beautiful, easy-care 01'100­ and-rayon-blend fabric has the look and feel of-elegance is wrinkle-resistant and handwash­ able. These handsomely detailed lUit-dresses are ideal ,for town or travel, equally fine for busi­ Dess and desk-to-date occasions. Teachers appreciate' their beauty and versatility, too. Have you se~n and admire'll the revolutionary new "dress­ sized" girdle? It assures im­ pecca ble fit . . for perfect figure flattery . . is proportioned to your "drcss:"sized" length .. your "dr'css-sized" waistline .. your "dress-sized" hip-line! The per­ tect fit of this slimming. hi­ waist design makes the beau­ tiful difference, and the dif­ ference is - pure f.lattery. It's styled with easy-on side talon and is available in white nylon power net. A note to· me will disclose the designer's name! Chemise Traveller The chemise coat, streaking over a chemise dress, is 1958's charming approach to "the en­ aemble"! It's featured in tradi­ tional black-and-white Spring checks in a linen-look blend of rayon and cotton! ~he coat is completely lined with red rayon taffeta, and the allover effect iw nothing short of-exquisite! The "Chemise Traveller is a ooat, is a dress, is, virtually, Indispensable to your new ward­ I'Obe! It is knitted of orIon and wool, winds up easily, as just abou't the most talked-about GOat-dress' of the season. Essen­ tia'ly a Paris shape 0,£ beautifully Pelaxed lines, its' low-slung pockets play to the high slung collar-rib-stitched in just the degree of bulk. Incidentally, this lovely coat­ dress (very moderately priced) ill hand-washable, shape-retain­ ing, to belt,. or not-to-belt as you wish! I think it's prettiest in lip­ .tick red, champagne beige or dawn gray. Furthermore, it's available in small, medium and large sizes- goes 'most every­ where of fashion importance! Half Sizes Buck to "The Half-Size FashIon Story" you'll look so much a1inlnler in a strealnlined fashion, coat, dress or suit! T~~e a dress, £Or instance-you'll look slim­ mer, feel younger in a skilfully­ out, slim-line dress with fashion touches in the right places. One perfectly charming dress in wo­ men's half sizes that I admired yester'day, looked like expensive. .lk shantung, was, actually Coupe de Ville, a soft bl6l1d of Cupioni and cotton. It was a de­ lightful.willow green tone, and, although high in fashion, was decidedly low in price! The new and fanciful "top­ weI's" are really aomething,

THE ANCHOR­ Thurs., May 1, 1958

Probate Court Judge Beatrice Hancock Mullaney will be en­ gaged as' guest speaker at the Spring' meeting of the Confra­

ternity of Christian Mothers of


.Sucordium- Club P#ans Banquet. The Sucordium Club of the Sacred Hearts Aeadcmy of Fall

River will hold" its annual ban­

quet and installation of officers next Thursday night in the con­ vent hall, on Prospect Street. Rt. Rev. Msgr. Humberto S. Medeiros, diocesan chancellor', and chaplain of the club, will be the honored guest. The or­ ganization includes mothers of both past and present Academy students. . Mrs; Alvin J. Sullivan, gener­ al chairman of' .the committee in charge will be assisted by the following members: Mrs. Thom­ as A. O'Donnell and Mrs. Francis p. McGuigan, .tickets; Mrs. John F. Coyle and Mrs. Norman F. Hochu, decorations; Mrs. Alfred J. Roy, hospitality; and Mrs. Ar­ thur T. Howard, special awards.' Reservations may be obtained no later than next Saturday.

fashion-wise! They .ave . the sporting little headbands you'll note in a bevy of colors, They could~'t be smarter for motoring, boating, town o~ tr~vel, a-:vay ahead of everythm~ m fa.shlOn. These. cha~mi~g ~Ittle. Circlets are adJustable 10 ~Ize, fit every­ one. O~e lovely IS ~ bow-peak ~and wl!h snap closm~, 9ta~cato . 1Ode~d, m polka dots l~ wlde~y varY10g colors, also available 10 solid-.colo~ straw-.cloth. Anoth~r faVOrIte IS a buckle-band . m solid-colors in leather or black patent! Cotton Frocks .JUnGE MULLANEY Fun-loving Juniors! Grab you partner and. swing into Spring 5t. Louis .Church, Fall River, at

2 o'clock next Sunday afternoon­ in a bright and beautiful wash­ able cotton frock! I examined in the parish hall. a group of new arrivals yester., Actively associated with Cath­ The Hyacinth Circle No.: 71, day-crisp, lightweight cottons olic Social and 'Welfareorgani­ that shed wrinkles, wash in a zations, Judge Mullaney will Daughters of Isabella, New Bed:­ ford received an invitation to wink, need not a smidge of iron­ lecture on "the challenge to mod­ attend the Communion breakfast ing (what.labor-savers)! ", " . ern catholic, women" treating of the Cardinal Gibbons Circle, 'There were popular shirtwaist the subject in the light of the Taunton to be held next Sunday and coat-dresses, whirlaway cot­ . Papal Encyclicals. morning. tons, some slightly boUifant" Taking part in the program Regent' Mr;s. Catherine Le­ some widely bouffant, some with: will be a 20' piece string ensem­ tendre also announced that res­ high-buttoned necklines,. some ble and, vocalists .from the Music ervations are being accepted for Peter Pan collared, SOlI\e with Department of Mount St Mary's the dinner of the Council of Wo­ convertible necklines, some with Academy.. men's Organization to take place

% bloused sleeves, some with Mrs. Frederick O'Neil will be on Monday, May 12 in the New,

cuffed elbow-length sleeves .. responsible for the coffee hour Bedford Hotel. .. in staccato stripes, checks, plaids scheduled to follow. 'Mrs. Loretta Langis an­ and a veritable' Spring rainbow Being an open meeting guests nounced a contest to find a new. of (solid) colors! Furthermore­ from other parishes are cordially name for the i8-35 group. Any they were,' for so much fashion welcome. , member is a1l9wed to take part and practicality, spectacularly low-priced! . Spring Jewelry Exotic Spring jewelry high­ Our Special Mother's Day Novena of Masses lights dramatic Spring fashions! "Catalina" jewelry is feather­ and Mother's Day Card light, it's lucite moonstone jew:­ elry with gold trim, will accent Enroll your mother in the special Novena of Masses that your most bewitching outfits, will be offered by the· Franciscan Fathers beginning

comes in matching sets, in a Mother's Day, - May 11th.

whirl of lovely color, is very'-low priced, indeed! "Tahiti" Jewelry, , WRI·TE TO: a refreshing note to add elegance to your Spring ensembles .is pearlized plastic, gold-set, with rhinestone touches, comes in' FRANCISCAN FATHERS pink, blue or frosty white, is, 572 Pleasant Street New Bedford, Mass. like the popular "Catalina" Jew­ elry, tremendously low-priced, bears an' expensive look! New-styled gloves'lead Spring by the hand, are simply wonder­ ful in double-wov'en cottons and nylons! Some are tailored class': ics! Some are beautifully hand­ sewn and hand-embroidered, . some featured fa"gotting,' crochet, and' novel button touches; all come in varying lengths, in color and white.!

New Bedford D of I

Rec'eives Invitation



GUEST SPEAKER: Mrs. Henry Barkhorn, who served as f.irst accredited official observer at the United Na­ tions for the National Coun­ cil of Catholic Women, will address the annual conven­ tion of the Diocesan Council of Catholic Women Satur­

day, May 17, at Kennedy:

Youth Center; New Bedford. with the contest· ending May 20. A cash prize will be awarded the winner Atty. ,:Maurice F. Downey showed colored movies of his European tour at the last meet­ ing. Mrs, Langis with the help of a committee was in charge of refreshm~nts.


Servin, ­ CAPE COD .d Surroundln, COIIIMunltl..




Plena,y Meeting The Diocesan Council of Cath­ olic Nurses will conduct their Spl'ing plenary meeting next Saturday afternoon in St. Anne's Hospital, Fall River. A complete schedule of activities for the day was announced in last week's publication of 'the Anchor.


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Deficiencies in ~igher Ed~cation




Quality of P'rofessors .Key: T 0 ~cholarshipStandard .

By Donald McDonald

Davenport Catholic Messenger

A recent editorial in Am'eric'a, the Jesuit weekly~ sug- . A'ests that perhaps it is now Fime to, stop the self-analysis and self-criticism that has broken out among Catholic eollege educators in the past few yearll, and begin, instead, to do something about cor­ Mo:signOr Ellis gave his paper recting whatever deficiencies on Catholic intellectual life in' exist in Catholic higher edu­ this' country, time enough for cation. some judgments to be formed The three most elaborate and and remedial action plannea. widely-discullsed examples of The paper on which I' work this self ~ criti­ printed the full texts of the three eism were pa­ major criticisms of our schools pers given by' and we received requests' for M s g r. J 0 h n more than. 1,500 extra copies of Tracy Ellis of the Ellis paper, many of the the Catholic . requests coming from deans and, University' 0 f heads of departments in our America; Father largest Catholic universities for Gustave Wiegel, . use .in their inter-departmental RUSSIAN LANGUAGE STUDENTS: More than 100 children in grades four to eight S.J., of Wood­ . meetings (Father Gannon was . 11 d . . 1 s t 0 c k College, . not quite accurate in estimating and in the upper third of their classes are enro e 10 a lO-week experlmenta course in Maryland; and the caliber 'of' the audience for Russian at St. John Baptist de La Salle. School, Chillum, Md.. Two one-hour sessions each Fat her John Monsignor Ellis).. ~eek, after regular school h<;mr&, plus seven hours homework, is the schedule of these C a van aug h, So, we may assume that some "linguistic pioneers. NC Photo.. --C.S.C., head of serious and weIghty deliberation " ,..". . the Notre Dame foundation ,and, has been 'occurring on Catholic '.'" ~.·c· U former president of Notre ,Dame. campuses. around ·the country.. Monsignor Ellis and Father i: would like to make a few WASHINGTON (NC)-Bishop pitals and one maternity home; After being ordained a priest Cavanaugh, following the adage, suggestions, c~rtainly not as an 'Peter L. Ireton, 75, who admin- arid the opening of St. Mary's on June 20, 1906, he studied at . ,0000y their' fruits 'you shall know expert, but si~ply as inter-' istered the Richmond (Va.) 'di''; ''Infant Home· in Norfolk; .Va.·.. the Catholic University of Amer­ them," questiQPed the intellec­ ested outside observer' of ,the ocese for 23 years, diea'Sunda'y' Bishop Ireton also intr.oduced ica, and served at· the same time tual vitality of' some of, our. educational·scene. at Georgetown JJniver'sity Hos- . into ·the' dioc'ese 11 communities as an assistant' priest at St. Au­ echools by· pointing 'out the. ex- . :Repla~Incompete~ts pitaI' here: . : of· priests 'and 15 sisterhoods. "" ·..'gustine's Church in Washington. ..erne scarcity of inf~uential . .'" . " . .", , " . Catholic. ,c911e ge graduates in 'T~e first suggestion is eleme'n'.::' The Bishop had been a patient:" "An ardent' ch~mpion' of the' 'He was 'appointed Coadjutor' luch areas of.'American life as tary;' but' I sometimes' get the . at the hospitai shice April 18," Cath'olic' PreSs, "he . establisned : .'Bishop and Apostolic Adminis": education, politics, economics,' :]rnpressi~hthatitis orie olth<>s~' fdllowing .11 ,fa~l th,at·daY,ll,t. ,.ti1eCatholic Virginil'ul as' the . tratOr of ihe Richmond diocese' governme,nt, e t c . ' things to' which everyone nods 'Marymou,nt' . Jimio~' College,' diOCesan' weekly paper in '''1946: 'on August 3, 1'935, by Pope Pius assent, but 'not all do ,ariything Arlington,'Va. He'bro'ke a bone' . Born iriBaltimoreori Septem~' XI; and was consecrated in the Two Addresses about. It is that scholarship and in' his pelvic region; and compli-' OOr'21, 1882, Bishop 'Ireton was Baltimore Cathedral.on October While "I agree with America intellectual distinction must be-" cations' from, the injury resulted educated in St. Ann's Parochial 23, 1935, by Archbishop Michael that the critics have done their' 'gin with tile ' professors;' If it in his death. school, Baltimore; St.' Charles J. Curley of Baltimore. He suc­ job well:and that we should now isn't in tlie'professors'lt wilt The.Bishop had a seriou's,ab': College, Ellicott City, Md.; and ceeded to the Richmond See on be entering a more actionable never get' into the studentS. dominal operation 'last 'May, but­ St. Mal'Y's Seminary, ~altimore. AprtI 14, 19'45. phase so far as our .schools are The cofollaioy. of this isVthat 'a recuperated rapidly ,and re­ . -,-~ .. eoncerned, I think it w9uld be.8 college or university that realty 'sliined a full schedule of activmistake to ·imply that the self- wants to' rise to the top must Hies up to· the time of his last critioism has invariably fallen ruthlessly weed out all the in­ 'illness~ on fertile ,or receptive-soil. competent teachers' and repUtce' Bishop' Ireton was the· spiritual I recentl'y read the texts of two them ,with genuine scholars who head of more than 135,670 Cath­ addresses which, though they did love learning and the pursuit of . olics in the. Richmond diocese, not "answer" the argume!J,ts of truth with a burning passion. which includes mO:'!t of Virginia the Ellis's, Weigel's and Cava- This replacement-program may ang eight counties in West Vir­ Baugh's, heaped considerable take 10 or 20 years, but there is .ginia. He had been Bishop of the ridicule on their heads. One of no substitute for it. ' diocese for 13 years. On Novem­ thfil addre~ses was given by My second suggestion is th,at· ber 29, 1956,. he .celebrated his Father Robert Gannon; S.J.,'. the ·climate:or academic at­ 50th an'niversary in .the priest­ ,. former president of' Fordham mosph-:re of.. our Catholic col,; hood. '. University; the other ~y rather; neges!'and;'pn~versities.Jnusthe; . Th ' " . '" ',. c" : til Ii ' ." Hugh Halton, Q;~~;. ctx~plaiil~"it ','l one in;..,whi~i{~~'tutierits;'~~;';;eri,;: e number Of .' Ii 0 lCS In, .' . '" . '.' l ' ,,' ., '. • " • "". the diocese "'had' thim " Prince~(>n. . <.;:~ ,:~ (, '. ':-c ;,k:couraged to "maintain ,an .' 'OpeD. tripled C:luHng tilr 23 y~ars since' '. Father Gann~h said;:;thaf ~¥i?rj,f t,mi~d·o~ioperisubjects: ,.,', ',_ .; . Bishop IhitOn assu'iriedadtriinis': ,,' ..,.'. ,\ lignor Ellis' paper 'seemed 'to \i ·i -,ihirilt'~;'th:it~'~'tO<i: 'c>ftE;n;tihe trationiri"1935 as'Coa~jlitor' Bishop'ljbdA'postoli(; Ad'fninis- " , have the objeetiye: ,;t e;;'c!,>.Hrag-' ""~.Cathoiic;~.:,~~nvjdtron,i~; ~l!e~rea ing more Monsignor Ellfsei: in ofFaith':',ai)~ morali;i:is.: t'ians-, . , """ " . the Church, and!l.e, implied, t!'l!lt ,. fetrM:::p~lI1ii'p~ un~ii'tin:gly,: int~; trator. ,,'" .', ,: ". .' , ' . .' ", the monsignor's, analysis .·:or· the areas 'of philosophy, science;' Among, . " h i s · outstanpi~g '., . ." achievemen.ts .as ninth bishop 'Qf . Cath olic h igher·.education could- . psycholo,gy; literature"aild'sO-" ", ... Richmol)d. were:, the establish-. give aid and, comfort only to eiology,' so that the stJ,ldent walks men;t or:'the Rislim.,ond Dioc~saii",. frustra~ed an,d. disgruntled lls- . into a philosophy ciassroom cori,. . Mis~ionar.'y Fathers, whointheii' . . slstant : professors who needed vinced; that all philosQphica,I · .. . . . trailer c,.h,ap'els . ·.p,·r,'e, aet~yea. r 'in. ' ammun~tlOn for, t!leir.~aily cQf:­ questions have been settled 'and fee-break gripes about "the ad­ all he tlas to do is, memorize, the sect~ons <jf .tp.e ·di?,ce.s~whe~~, ministration" at their school. answers arid' hand them b~ck to there are few Catholics; ,the Father Halton suggested that the professor at exa'mination founding of Marymount Junior the Catholic Committee on CuI..; time. College, Ariington, Va., the first tural and Intellectual Affairs, 'at Catholic college in' the' state; the whose meetings the Ellis and . Looking lor. 'Answers opening of three additional hos­ Weigel papers were originally The fact is that good mahy est, schola'rship cannot help 'but given, was a group of Catholics areas in philosophy, psychology, establish the kind, of 'academic whose only claim to intellectual science, etc., are "open areas" distinction was the fact that they and 'even demonstrable truths in atmosphere conducive to. the same scholaiship among the stu':' . , had' given themselves the name' these disciplines need vital, dents.. ··'··".. '.' '. ',' ,, 01. "Catholic intellectuals." " . ' 'imagina'tive, 'scholarly minds if , . :. Real Problems . applications are to. be ,made· to I recite' the~<dreary. fadt~;' changing circl,lmstances and' sit-." Rot because I believe' either' at-. uations: " .. ,. ' ,,' .. ,. , ...." ,Whit~'~Fa'rm D~i"y, tack hl\s, on ifsowri merits, But the Catholic 'who takes' an ", "SPECIAL MILK ' legitimate demand on our' atten­ exdusi~ely''repository .approach Own"

tion or : serious ,-consideration. to. truth will never. be able, to.: The problems of Catholic educa­ take his phice in a dialogue With' Tested Herd'~

.tion will not· be solved by scorn, the secular' ~cholars, 'nor is it' . Acushnet; Mass. WY 3-4457

ridicule or personal vendettas. likely that he will ever,recognize $9.95 But the fact that both of these new trl\ths or new applications • Special Milk attacks were made and were of old truths. . sq. yd. • Homo'genized Vito D Milk, welcomed in some, Catholic It is simply that he is psycho": •. Buttermilk circles where intelle'ctuals and logically -unfitted for learning, • Tropicana Orange Juice intellectual life have been tra-' his sensitivity to truth,and schol:. • . Coffee and ·Choc. Milk ditionally the object of con­ arship is at a low level, he is not tempt, indicates. to me that ob­ looking for truth, just for "an­ • Eggs - Butter viously all American Catholics. swers." are not yet convinced that prob. Perhaps my first of. these two. lems do' exist in Catholic higher. suggestions is the key .¢ne, be­ FIRST

education, or even that""':assum­ cause a college staffed by pro:" HOLY COMMUNION

ing the're are problems-there is' fessors of. the highest, and deep.., ~any compeJJin~ .rec:llon "',vhv -'\;~ "" .·.';--~ _ _ n _ I _ I , _ n _ n _ Q _ I I_ _ .;. and

should be c9ncernea about them.. ~ CONfiRMATION

~ But America is right: ~l1o"gn of the intelligen~; conscientious'. , . ON STO'P GIFTS

people are convmced that the .1 EXC'ELLENT SELECTION' . ,'. criticshav~ put- theiJ," fiJ~ger .. on. SHOPPING C::NT~R ' . , a sensitive nerve in Catholic T I ,. education so 'that 'we may, and . e e~lsloD • urDl~ure ...·EW Emily C. Perry. should! mov~ from critical APPhance.s .• Gr.ocery '., ' 562 County Street BEDFORD analys~s to achon. 104 Allen St New Bedlord • Opposite'St. Lawrence Church Given Serious Consideration.' . W·.Y man ~ .. ',' - 935'4 . ,, . New Bedford. MaSs. I . ' . ~ . ' . ," It hilS been three years" smce ...__.-.;__ ~...__~ ..........;~.

hm'ond' '8.·sho·.p',: 1r'et'o'n'. D.·es',·'

A' f·te' r .'p'ely'·.•·c "1 nJ·



", . '" ,May'-



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$6· 9 5

Debaters Victorious

Spotlighting Our Schools ST. MARY'S HIGH, gional sodalities from Taunton, TAUNTON New Bedford, Lynn and Fall The '58 :yearbooks have finally River schools was held recently arrived. ':['he "Corona" is dediat Jesus-Mary Aeademy. Special cated to the Sisters of the Holy symposium was conducted by Union of the Sacred Hearts on the sodalists of St. Mary's High the 50th anniversary of the School of Lynn. on "What the establishment of the school. This Sodality Personally Means to theme also coincides with the Me." A round-table' discussion Golden Jubilee of Rev. Mother . on various phases of the sodality Gabriel Clare S.U.S.C.,· the concluded the meeting. Mother Provincial, who was a SACRED HEARTS ACADEMY. teacher in the high school and FALL RIVER also a supervisor. of Saint Mary's The Academy scored five Convent for many years. . wins out of six at the first annual The school winners who were Southeastern Debate Tourna­ present at the Science' Fair at ment held at Providence Col­ Dominican Academy in conjunc-· lege reeently. The Debaters de­ tion with the Fall River Catholic feated Holy Family High, Woon­ Teachers Convention were Kathsocket High, La· Salle High, leen Corrigan, Shirley Custer, Bristol High, and St. Raphael's Lea Cyr, imd Jane O'Hearne. High. They were defeated only The exhibits were judge';! with by St. Charles High. Barbara ELECTED BY CLASSMATES: Sophomore commercial class officers at St.. Anthony the assistance of Doctor Mary Levesque', Mary Jane Collins, High, New Bedford, are, left to right, Secretary Roberta Regan, 'Treasurer Simone Sain­ Cirino, a'teacher of Science at Nancy LeFleur, and Mary Lou Bridgewater State Teachers Col-' I Simcoe comprised S.H.A.'s neg- .don, President Laurette Benoit and Vice-president Phyllis Chevalier. lege. ative and affirmative teams. , THE ANCHOR- ' Kathleen Corrigan, through Students from the Holy Union Th urs.,. M ay 1, 1958' numerous experiments with pop- J'uniorates entertained at an as:" "People Say that if the ·schools ular brand-name detergents, de- sembly held the last week of CINCINNATI (NC)-A warntermined the' effect of the s~ap April, when BolJt.h Tarkington's Elaine Maltais and Jeannine . ing against 'the "tendency of the won't do ·it, nobody will do it," he remarked. "I say then let powders on the modern house- The TrySting Place was inter­ Barrette made up the negative schools ~ take o,::"er subjects" nobody do it. H's high time the wives' hands, the cleaning power preted by the Juniorate Dramatic team; Rochelle Olivier and of the products on hE~r wash, and. Club. Members of the Juniorate Claire Reilly took the .affirmat~at belong to other agencies has sC,hools made it known that· they the percental .amounts of· the'. Glee Club' gave a .,number of .ti~e.; The de9aters', clo!>ed. their. ,?een voic.ed by Msgr. Tho~a.s have their work to do and quit taking on, all these extra jobs." elements used in each washday. selections· including "No Man Is season by defeating Sacred Quigley, president of the Nation­ product.·. . \' I" ,.'an Island" and ,~·£ternal Life'!." :FIea~ts Academy 2-1, with Elain~, . al ,'Catholic .Music. Ed':lcl\lt~rs "Otherwise," he added, "the, The ~ervous Syst~m, wi\h Il'" ·.. !5.H.A.:"bow.~d ;,to; ,Ppminican,. Maltais and .Claire Rei.lly up- Association. &<:oools won't have the time '1'0 '3pecial eJ:l1phasize on .refll\x ,ac­ . Academy: i~.~he .,April,20 ciebate .. !iolding th'e ·:negative. 'on the' ----..:.,.;:."..;.--:-----...:.....-­ 'd~ the 'job that traditionally tions, wl\8. worked out in 1\ cC;>~9r.,.., he~d., at ~.}f.A: Rep,resenting,the foreign aid topic.' , '.' Membets oCthe jUnior class . bei~ngs to them." . ful display by ShirleY:CUl,ter. . .Deb.J;abants wi\h. the,ir . negative. Hostesses at . the Diocesan' participa'ted in the' National Lea Cyr .bred two generation!> .of, views of ,to!,! foreig~' Aid topic 'S~ience Fair included .Jacquel-' Merit Scholarship' Qualifying pare for this nursing program' the Drospohilia and Melanogas­ were B,arbara' Levesque ·and jrie Cha'rest, Louise Levesque, Test given last Tuesday, in the this summer at Salve Regina tel' fruit .flies and also explained Winifred' Weish. Elaine Maltais and Pauline Forcier. academy. Coliege, ,and in the Fall at the and Claire Reilly upheld the af-MOUNT ST. MARY Sister. M, Jamesine, R.S.M., Western' Reserve Univei'sity. the changes which occuned in each gel~eration. ,. fifl;native, tor the visiting team. ACADEMY. FALL RIVER B.S., in Nursing Education, memMembers of ihe Immaculate Jane O'Hearne, with sp'ec;iCarolyn McNally of S.H.A. was The Annual Glee Club Con- - bel' of the first graduating class Heart of Mary Sodality who at­ mens of a chicken, bird, fish,and chairman'. . (1950), will .be. one of the S1'S­ tended the Sodality Union Re­ cert featured the La Salle Acadfrog and with numerous charts, The National Merit Scholar­ te~!> of Mercy to initiate the treat at the Diocesan Retreat emy Orchestra as the guest explained the adaptations of vaship program was administered artists. A capacity audience ennursing. program in La Ceiba, House include Eleanor Black, rious animals. at Sacred Hearts Academy to 67 joyed the varied program preRepublic of Honduras, in Jan-' Georgia Joseph, Claire Gleeson, Honorable Mentions were juniors. High raters compete for sented by both groups. Sister uary, 1959. This School of Nurs]\'[arY Lomax, Maureen Sheahan, awal'ded to Geraldine Bouchard, four-year .scholarship!>. The G R S M FTC L i n g will be in connection with Nona Coyne, Judith McKni:;ht, ·t S h ' M. abdella, . . . , . . . . , . C ons t ance L a PI an t e, M argare t M en c olars also select the acthe Vincente D'Antoni Hospital. Louise Perry, Cecile Perry. Ei­ trains and directs the Academy Spillane and Mary Margaret credited colleges of their choice. Glee Club, and Sister M. Fidelis, Sister Jamesine and her Sisters leen McCormick, Kathleen Don- . R .SMA Welch, contestants the This project is the largest pri­ B 1S . th e mo d era t or. of Mercy. companions will preovan and Marilyn Wrobleski. h I Sother . F .in . . ., .., sc 00 clence all'. vate scholarship activity in the Arthur Paquette, B.S., directs The Sodality Retreat held rehistory of United States educa-"' the La Salle group, with Brother cently at Cathedral Camp was tion. Because of their high schol­ James as the moderator. . attended by 10 members of the astie standing Carol Regan and The National High School High School Sodality with So- . Elizabeth Cetola were privil­ Poetry Association of Los An.. '.. dalists from the Fall River So­ eged to take the examination ' .. .. " gele~, CaL, ..has i.ssued c~rtj,fi- ,,!. dality Uni~n.

free c;>f charge. cates o(A,c~ePtanc~ for~e.A'n::, "\'!

TwentY,-thre~' sodalists made nua~. An:t~~~ogy: ,0'£ J:;Ii~~. ~~h~,o\


. the Sodality 0(' Our Lady re­ Poetry 19 .,the followingA~a4- "". FALL RIVER treat at the' Diocesan Retreat emy' students': '.' MarY Margaret ",. The annual oratorical contest House, Cathedral, Camp, last Loinax, '~~; ~qr .her "poem "'f.h~ will be held before the entire weekend..Vp to date 53 upper­ Voi¢es" which received Special 1 '.: student body this week: Instruc- \ classmen made the. closed re-: Men'tion; Sandra Brickhill, '58, .' '", tors are Brother Ig'nathis, F.I.C., treats during the mo;'th of April. for herj)oem, '''A'Slice Medi'o: . Brother Robert and Br:other ~oocre: Life"; whhSpecial 'Men-' ;', land. . DOMINICAN ACADEMY, FALL RIVER tion; Marie Crudele, '58,' fo'r h~i'. Only one league debate is Studenis of elementary grades poe~ "OdE!' to an Idiot", with" '. ; scheduled for the remainder of and high school joined in a Special Menti'on; Virginia How';'" " the season and that is with PLATE GLASS, special assembly to honor Moth­ arth, '58, for' her poen', '''The Durfee High School. . Painting and . 1 CONTRACT' A total of 20 boys have been' . er M. Dominic, O.P.; Prioress of Sea". These 'winning poem!i will' the Academy, on the occasion of be published In the forthcoming accepted for college thus far. Decorqting GLAZI~G her Golden Jubilee of religious Anthology of High School They are as follows: BATHROOMS-KITCHENS professiol1. Following the oi>en­ Poetry. '344 Court St. New Bedford Durfee Tech-Armand Au­ ing selections by the orchestra, The academy Glee Club and 686 Cottage S~. New Bedford but, Ernest Caron, Victor Del­ WY 2-317'7 the gleE<. club sang "I Believe," the academy orchestra will par­ WY 5-7388 isle, Joseph Drapeau, Peter Lus­ by Drake, Graham, arranged by ticipate in the Southeastern sier, Paul Michaud, Richard Fred Waring. Massachusetts Music Festival Pouliot. A violin. ensemble offered to be held Saturday, May 10 in Providence College, - Jean special selections, the following A~tlebor~.. ,M~. Paquett~, B. Mus., Boule, Paul Briere, Roland Gag­ w111 be. the guest d1rector of non, Edward Lapointe, Raymond. students taking part: Olivia Paint and Wallpaper both groups. Ouelette, Normand Phenix Roger Paiva, Carolyn Borges, Eliza­ .'Dupont Paint beth Paiva, Patricia Crane, Diane Members of the· journalism Raymond, Paul Canuel. St~inless Steel Track Window

. PARKING Desjardins, Madeleine Chau­ clul;> will participate in the press U. of Mass.-Normand La­ Ornamental Iron

:vette, ,Charlotte Pelland,. and conference· on May 10, to 'be --Rear of Store vigne; Cardinal O'Connell Sem­ Chain Link Fences

~ , Bernadette Paiva.' held at Merrimack . College; inary ~ Raymond Robillard; Q,,~.'~' .422 Acush. Ave. 1533 Acushnet Ave.

An action .song, "Playmates/, North Andover. Sister Mary Bates-Richard Valcourt; Stone­ New Bedford WY 4-1332

was offered by Claudette Clou­ Flora, R.S.M., A.M., director and cor. Middle St. hill-Ronald Valcourt; Carnegie tier, Jo Ann Cordeiro, Jennie moderator of the group, will ac­ . , .' New Bedford Home Tel. WY· 9-6505

Tech-Roger Debrosse. Governo, and Sandra Thibou­ company the girls. . Brother Augustus, F.I.C. phys­ The . Mount scored another· ics and chemistry instructor, has' tot. Olivia Paiva played a violin victory when it defeated a nega­ been chosen to be one of the solo. Congratulating Mother. Dom­ tive team from Rogers High judges at the Massachusetts inic on her half-century of de­ School, NewJort, R. I., on the Science Fair. The contest will be voted service, Claire Sinotte and Narragansett League topic of PLUMBING & HEATING held at the Massachusetts Insti­ Elaine Maltais offered the good foreign aid. Comprising the win­ ALL WORK tute of Technology. 266 NORTH FRONT S1.

wishes of the students and ex­ ning team were Ami Mis and CUSTOM MADE JESUS MARY' ACADEMY. pressed their gratification at Margaret Griffin of the academy. NEW BEDFORD

DAY - WY 2-2891 FALL RIVER, knowing that a graduate of our The judges were: Rev. William WYman 2·5400

NIGHT WY 4-6812 The Cecilian Glee Club di­ school has had the honor of 50. O'Connell, Samuel P. Attar; 2~ North Front St•. Electric Drain & Sewer

rected by Mother Mary Nathalie years spent following Christ. Thomas McCloskey. Atty. Wil· Service New Bedford will sing at the Diocesan Voca­ "the Dominican Way." Mary liam B. Sullivan directs the tional Mass on May 19 at Notre LOl!ise Eaton offered flowers academy girls; Sister M. Flora, Dame of Lourdes Church. and a gi'ft :01\ the part of t~e R.S.M., A.M. is the moderator A Mary Hour sponsored by students. The'. program closed of the club. ' ROBER T5 Hardware the Federation of Sodalists of with orchestra selections. . Ann Mis, merited Honorable GARDEN SUPPLIES Fall River and its surrounding \ The Barristers of Providence Mention for her entry at the area will be conducted 'from College ranked Dominican De': first Diocesan Science Fair.."Hy­ - RENTALS 7:30 to 8:30 tonight in Notre baters negative team third and droponics (Using Chemicals)" Lawn Rollers Lawn Mowers 915 Acushnet Ave. Dame Church. . .affirmative 'team fifth place at was Ann's experiment and ex­ Power Tools Floor Sander. At Weld Square Dialogued prayers followed by the First Annual Southeastern hibit. She will accompany the 1872 Acushnet Ave. solemn benediction of the Blessed New England Debate Tourna­ other winners at the Science New Bedford Sacrament will form part of the . ment at ProyidenceCollege, in Fair to the Massachusetts State Near Brooklawn Park New Bedford's Leading

religious program. which 19 schools entered a total Science Fair in Bost<)IJ in the NEW BEDFORD Plum be.,.

A ,~neral meetin, of. *be M- Gi 38 teama. Deal futu.re.


:School Should Stick'to Education

• •



.. J










Plumbing - Heating

..Aoio. •...





;.i .~ I ,'I


e and. S~~'.~''''i'": '::,.:...... ';'cR···' .'~-."i' ' ";;':'<"'0.'.;"~ 't·,urer>,::' .·.· ";· ~ '.".;, ,~.,~.:~"';:'i.'-'.J.2:~:~'.·.(.'h~,!.: . . . •' ·'~A'::::' :r ~~~.~N C1H9.~:" f Brea k Into Your TreasureS "ort'" . ·t o·j·ecap, C. I·tes,',··Ef·f'·'· You Vanished .Elem~nt . ofH~pe~~~"s!trl':;s~;:s ··God .Love. J. Wl111al~ J. .





.. /','· ..

h.. '.5 -, . .,.,.. .. ·'·\ . . .' ..O<,;!·: .' u.


By Most Rev\ Robert Dwyer, D . n . ' , M. Purdy, lVIonslgnor Bishop of Reno'.' Coyle HIgh. School senior! ~nd , . , .' . ' ;- , . ' , ' . " s o n of lVIr.. and Mrs. 'Wl1l1am 'Tl!e longer we lIve m 1958 the better we. lIke 1908. Hold Purdy, 37 Bush St. Fall' River your hands in horror, 0 unkind and critical reader, at has been notifh~d that he is th~ this blushing co~fession Qfreactionism. Cry out upon. this winner of· two full scholarships.


1:~ ~"

,r "





By Most Rev. Fulton Sheen, D.D. The recession in the United States has, had a, vemendous .. effect on Asia and Africa. Because fewer automobiles are made" in Detroit there is less sulfone for Lepers in Manchuria; because less molten steel is poured in Gary. there 'is little food' for empty stomachs in Korea. . ,

"laudator temporis acti" and empty over hIS head the vials The poor and those who live on ~eagre the' tivity at the charge. There was

. incomes are the principal support· of the . Missions. When the monthly pay checks of thundering avalanche of con­ hope unbounded in the air, and

the devout are withdrawn, there is less in' the lengthening perspective of

1JUmely 'still is' heard our material' for, sacrifice. our'national history 1908 is suf­ :ready protest; still do we fused with a happy glow. . proclaim our unavailing' preju­ With a decrease of sacrifice there is

There were plenty of thunder dice. less available for the Holy Father to dis­

heads and storm-clouds just over. Th e precise tribute. The only Mission aid he distributes

- th'e horizon, but they were out of. date, a dm i t­ to al( the Missions comes from his Pon­

. sight and far from mind. The tedly, is chosen tifical SOciety for the Propagation' of the

national symphony was fiddlipg lor private and Faith. The less the good Christian people

that innocent and cheerful pass­ "en arbitrary have to give the less the Vicar of Christ

age of Beethoven's "Pastoral'" re~sons, ina s­ bas to distribute. Each missionary society

which immediately precedes the much as it was aids only its own members; it does not

mighty outbreak of thectempest. o,bscuridy aid any other society,. That is why the

Famil;r Still miad

ma r ked, .one, Holy Father, as head 01 all the Missions, bas to have his own· 'We lived then in square and

blistering Au,­

society to equalize distr_lbutlon. solid houses, devoid of artistry.

lUSt day,., by

The parlors w.ere. furnished in

o,u r' . ,entrance

Now that he receives h~ss wbat are the Directors of bls red mahogany and papered in

into thisva.le

Society ior the Propagation of the. Faith to do? For the moment. heavy brown patterns. Pictures M tears. . J

we muSt turn to the rich 'who have 'money ·in the bank. stocks. on 'the walls ran to copies of It was also : property, income .fr.om investm~nts-in a. word. those who have marked,: 'less .obscurely, by the. Edwin L~lI1,dseer and Rosa BOI)­ anything more ~an a paycheck. In your charity you have given heur, specializing in' dogs and -Photo by Calvey, TUIl.ntOn election of William Howard Taft, generously. but'-1tave you ever g~ven any~hlng directly ~ tt~e horses. . WILLIAM M.I"URDY the signing of the Root-Takahira Hoh' Father? The sergeant'S, lieutenants and colonels lD hIS Henry Richardllon still domiThe Firestone Scholarship en­ agreement, the annexation of army you have supported. but have you ever given to the nated our architecture, though titles' him to .fout years of tuitIon' ,Commander-in-Chief? Whatever you .glve to the Society for Bosnia-HerzegQvina, the Casa­ the neo-gothic of 'Ralph Adams fees; books, supplies alld a major Ute Propagationof"the F'aith' you give to him. No Bishop, no bl~nca in,ci!ient';·, and. a ,host. of. part of living expenses. The N. other .events which' may be Cram was making headway and Db'ector. no on: may touch that money. We are only the trus~ RO.T.C. Scholarship extends the checked in Tillinghast's edition. a few extremists were kn'own to tees until it is into his hands.: of ."'Ploetz', Epitoine of History" think well of Louis' Sullivan.' . same ':coverage plus trilVeling' There'was not -much music 'in' .expenses: . . ' . (6 mo'st usefili mlimial). It was By, making him the Obj~C~.of y.our charity you .will not only' The Coyle senior plans to· con~ss faith in him as the Vicar of Christ, you WIll be assured not a r1llrtictil~rly exciting year, America, though the airs of Vic• fact which may account in tor Herbert had an irresistible study Mathematics and Physics that every cent 'of it will go to the Missions in Africa, Oceania some measure· for our pref~r­ lilt, even 'if some of his lyric~/ af either Massachusetts Institute and Asia. You will be making converts in these lands and thus were considered to be just a . of Technology or California In­ ence. assuring th~ conversion of your own soul. shade i m p r o p e r ' s t i t u t e of Technology. Golde!1 'Age, But the American 'family was

By rich we do not mean millionaires;'we mean anyone with Consider at some further still' intact. Divorce was' re- . a surplus that has become "untouchable" and soml?thing of a length that placid year of 1908. garded with mingled horror and· "sacred cow". Break into your treasures. Give your soul a treat! Prosperity, as the victori9us Re­ contempt, and its stigma waS Tide the Holy Father, over the receSsion by making a sacrifice publicans boasted, bad beaten strong enough to put a man out" BpME (NC)~A Day of Chris­ Taft in. The Full Dinner Pail of business or to banish a woman tian Women was celebrated , of what God Himself gave you. Then when the bad times are over we will gO' back to the' poor. many 01 whom sacrifice even was the symbol of satisfied labor, from good so<;iety. . . throughout Italy to demonstrate in their poverty. By that time you will be "poor in spirit" and though close scrutiny of the Ladies never smoked in public their importance in social and sO.. .happy that yOU will never cease to sacrlfi"e that Jesus and wage-s~ale and analysis of actual and blushed to be caught at it in public life. Mary may be known and loved in pagan lands. living standards might .have private, and there were precious The annual observance of the thrown some doubt on the few of them who really cared day was sponsored by the Ital­ GOD LOVE YOU 'to Mrs. T. S. for $5 "In thanksgiving to St. amount of satisfaction enjoyed. two straws about the ballot.' ian' Women's Center (CIF), • The trusts had all been busted ,Juvenile delinquency was dis- 'Catholic women's organization Anthony for a favor granted." ... to B. M. for "A small sacrifice" bv the doughty Teddy Roosevelt, cussed (if at all) in terms of dedicated'to encouraging Italian ... to Miss A. D. for $100 "On my 21st Birthday, I received a large women to take an active part in sum of money from a Trust Fund.. I would like to Illake this and malefactors. of great wealth what to do with Peck's. Bad Boy, donation to the Missions." . . . to. W.B.E. "Like all weak humans social and political activities. were weeping antiphonally at who always grew up to be a I keep thinking 'my first extra five is going to the foreign missi?ns! the mourners' bench. Many of pjUar of the Methodist Church. But when you live from one pay chec~ to'another th?se extra fIV~S them went to Europe that sum­ The corner drugstore. ",as 'a

just don't happen. Then a brainstorm, Why $5?- Shp a dollar III His Eminence Francis Cardin­ mer to marry off their daug'hters plaee where one' went, oddly; to to impoverished but ':authentic get prescriptions filled,not· to. '. . al Spellman has:been honored right now, then every couple of pays another dollar . • . so here' goes and I.promise the, dollars,' will. keep. coming." nobility. . buy hardware or salacious mag- . .'. by the Military Chaplains Asso­ . , War, after that trifling affair azines. Fraternal organizatioris . ciation by receiving ·the annual unhampered by competitio~ award for distinguished service. By reason of the fact that you read this column you must with Spain, was praeticapy un­ thinkable. It was the 20th cen­ from automobiles, movies,' or ciologists, world-weary existen­ have an interest in the Missions. If you write to- us and request our-annuity plan pamphlet we will send it to you and show our tury, it was the Golden Age. television, :flourished' mightily,' tialists, ·and Post-Post-Impres­

White peacocks' preened their' all(~ he was a poor stick who sionists.

interes,t in you. feathers on the lawn. ' could not dress up in feathers' ·The difference is that in 1908

Crops, by a special ,arrange­ and baldric and be saluted by his we may have been blandly ig­ Cutout this column, pin ,your sacrifice to it and mail i~ to the mel1t between a benign' Provi- . peers as Most Worshipful. . . ' 'norant but we were. profoundly Most Rev. Fulton .J. Sheen, National Director of The SocIety for dence and the Grand Old Party, Prof~)Undly Hopeful ,hopeful. We have grown much the Propagation of the Faith, 366 Fifth .t\venue, New York 1. N. Y., we~e better than average in Truth to tell, we were ·all a· wiser, far more sophisticated, . or your DIOCESAN DIRECTOR REV. RAYMOND T. CONSIDINE, 1908, and in the West tlie mining little stuffy back in 1908. Our .but hope has almost 'disappeared 368 Nort,h Main Street, 'Fall River.. Mass... . industry was booming. The Rule. politics were naive and nativist ' "fro~ the ambient of our thought. of Reasoil,. if not yet formulated our theology mostly sentimental:' , We have substituted security, bv genial Chief Justice Edward our social conscience undis- but right ,now we are not too Douglass White, was well on its turbed, ,and our artistic develop- certain even of that, not since way to acceptance not only as a ment ,considerably below the the Russians launched the satel- . APPRAISER legal maxim but as a solvent for level of the primitives. lite. REAL ESTATE every difficulty under the sun. For all thl!t,nevertheless, we So we hold out for 1908. Like 'If Americans were thought by. were happier than we are today, Tune-ups and Brake Wo,k

Proust we are in search of a IIOme to be excessively smug as in 1958; in spite of the fact that ~'I' AS'lley Blvd.. cor. Tarkiln

vanished time. Or would it be INSURANCE well as intolerably rich, ,~hey ...in ·,this. year of· grace we are' all'. ~ruer to say that w~ are strug­ Hill Rd.. New Bedford WY 3-5762 were not inclined to. oversensi- .seasoned globalists. worried so- :gling to recapture that element Gilbert J. Cost~. Prot>. 136 Cornell St. of. hope which we have "loved WY· 6-9276 New Bedford. long since and lost awhile?" ....

of ·vituperation.Beneath

Day of Christian

.Women H.eld in Ita'ly

Chaplains' Award





. Cathedr~1 Camp, E.Freetown


r,pop 'SM'ITH/S"~

JUNE 30 to AUGUST 2, 1958

Mount Saint Mary Aci:rdemy



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:- Baseball ' Softball:­ : Fishing Tennis' : : '" EQUIPMENT / :







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James f. OINe;"

Elementary Grades: I Arithmetic, Reading,' English Pre-High School: Intensive. Arithmetic and English 'Review High School: Introductory COUJ'!!es and Refresher Courses in all High School Subjects. including Commercial Course.


~~:~~!!~ t:!~'!!

Additional be b! writing or telephoning to Mount Saint Mary Academy-OSborne 3-3190


Freedom to Know Is Most Essenti~1


Thurs., May 1, 1958

·MUNICH (NC)- A leading German Catholic educator has appealed to all teachers to work together to' preserve freedom· of knowledge. "Freedom essential to 'hu­ manity/,'Dr. Paul 'Fleig, presi­ dent of the German Catholic Education Association said at the opening of the a'nnual associa­ tion meeting. "All teachers, re­ gardless of their religious affili­ ations, .should work together in the realization that the freedom to know, to search for and dis­ cover truth, is the crown of all freedoms," he added. Dr. Fleig said that those who would deny parents the Iright to educate their children according to their religious convictions are abridging freedom. Education for truth involves the right to know the foundation of all truth, which is ,God, he said. "U religion is ignored, trutQ cannot be known in its entirety," he concluded.

22 Negro Catholic Bishops in Africa


Dr. Sullivan Summ'er Lecturer at Halifax

SPACE FLIGHT' UNDER STUDY: An e~rth satellite gets a close inspection from four enrollees to the Plattsburg Aviation Education Workshop. Kurt' Stehling, Vanguard's propulsion. chief, explains the earth satellite to Sr. Mary Victorine, S.S.J., Sacred Heart NORTH EASTON (NC)-Dr. School, Watertown, N. Y.; Sr. Pauline, a.p., chemistry teacher and Principal, St. Peter's John P. Sullivan, assistant pro­ fessor of education and guidance Academy, Plattsburg, N. Y.; Mrs. Alice Giebel, teacher, P.S. 60, Queens, N. Y.; and director at Stonehill College, will Thomas Reese, teacher, School'l, Troy, N. Y. NCPhoto. llCrve as visiting lecturer this summer at St. Mary's Universi­ ty, Halifax, Nova Scotia. Dr. ·Sullivan will also conduct sem­ inars at other universities' in


Nova Scotia during the s~mmer. Dr. Sullivan, who lives in North Easton, had 30 years of teaching and administration work in

the Boston public school system before joining Stonehill College. He has been active in many civic ventures and in 1954 was honored

BAY ST. LOUIS (NC)-There are 23 living Negro Catholic Bishops, according to a new booklet published by the Divine Word Publication, Office here.Entitled "Catholic Negro Bishops," and written by Fathe~ Carlos A. Lewis, S.V.D., the, booklet contains a short bio­ graphical sketch and photograph of each Bishop. It states that all of the Negro ·prelates have been appointed by His Holiness Pope· Pius XII and that all except one are stationed in Africa. The ex­ ception is Auxiliary Bishop Remy Augustin of the Archpi­ ocese of Port-au-Prince, Haiti, West Indies. • Four Negro Bishops are listed" in the booklet as deceased. One­ was" a native of the Congo; Prince Henry, who was named Bishop in 1518 by Pope Leo 'X.:, The longest sketch in the booklet' deals with the life' of one of'· 'the greatest prelates of Brazil, Archbishop Silverio Gomes Pi­ t menta, who died- as Archbishop of Mariana in 1922.

by the Freedom Foundation of Valley Forge for his contribu­ tion to public education and the American Way of Life.

Changes Name TORGNTO(NC)-St. Mich­

ael's College, the Catholic Col­

lege at the University of Toron­

to, has changed its name for

legal reasons to the University

of St. Michael's College.

FLINT BRANCH 1219 Pleasant Street


SOMERSET BRANCH '1045 County Street


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Jesuit ·Clarifies ~Ca,th:olic'. '< Viewpoint 9", Censorship

.:.:' .'




. .., .,


. I

• ".:, •




•• '

• I"

/14' ."' -THE ANCHoa' . Thura., .May ,1,.1958.

"f 1.



Ignatius Story On ·Marian Theahe'



. By Rt. Rev. Msgt:, John ~. Kennedy The Legion of Decency, and the National Office for Decent Literature are com~only misrepresented and .mis­ understood as pressure groups attempting to exert censor­ ship. over what Americans may see on the sct:'OOn 'or read in

HOLLYWOOD (NC) -- ''The Seventh Son," a' drama about 8t. Ignatius of Loyola, will be pre­ sented on the Marian Theater broadcast of ~ay 11. Ricardo . Montalban will ap­ pear in the role of St. I!tnatiua on the program, which will be broadcast at 10 P. M., E.S.T.. and 7 P. M., P.S,T.

the, way of books or maga-' ~le~ 'what the actual relation is zin·es. Moreover, they are between those Democratic be­ falsely declared to be but liefs and principles which I sub­ two instruments employed scribe to and the teachings of .in a scheme to' impose Catholic,. the Church of Rome. This is my controls over the liberties of all mission in the book." Americans, i n . , "What I mean by Democracy," contravention he Says, "is a process of making The Seifert quadruplets of of the Consti­ decisions about the exercise of Sleepy Eye, Minn., are confus­ .tution. This is authority according' to the prin­ ing Sister Mary Dale who is preparing them for their' First­ a'hot issue, and ciples of popular sovereignty, Holy Communion. Father Harold political equality, 'and majority C. Gardiner, rule, as American thinkers have S.J., comes di­ understood those principles." SPELLING BEE WINNERS: The winners of the rectly to grips' On th,e one hand, there are 'with it in Cath­ those, like Blanshard, who main­ spelling' bee in w.hich 18 grea'ter New Bedford Parochial olic Viewpoint '1 tain, that democracy and Cath­ Schools participated are, left to right, Elaine Blanchard, on Censorship olicism are incompatible; indeed, Sacred Hearts School, first prize, Rosalie Ferreira, St. John (H.·a nov e r . ',thaLCatholicism is intrinsically House.. $2.95). and 'intransigently the enemy of the Baptist School, second prize, and Cheryl Bessette, Holy BOYS WANTED for the - , . . His, book is . democracy. On the other hand, . Fam'ily School, third prize. Priesthood and Brotherhood.. dividel:l into two parts. The first, there are those who ho1do that

lack of funds NO imi)e~i­ discusses "The Position of the dem'ocracy has its roots in Chris-

Co~verts ment. Church" . conc'erning authority tian doctrine. Mr. Shields denies'

I Write ~: i and coercion, freedom's proper both contentions.

~ONG K?NG (NC)-A total

I limits, law and liberty, and.'

'UNITED NATIONS (NC) _ of· 2~552 <?hmt;se converts were

. P. O. Box 5742 . I­ obscenity.' 'Denies Conflict ' .. Charges that•.venezuela had vio-<~' r,e~v;ed '..lPtQ,.,.thlt.:Cpur.<;!l.h.~~~

;--: ~~iti-;';ore-8,'M~~. """'The sec~'nd'~onsiders ':Th~" '''Af great" 'le'ngth, and '-with: lat.ed trade union rights have durmg'!I0ly Week. " Censorship' Controversy in ~he much citation of historical and been withdrawn by two labor _-'-_:......._ _'-_'-_~_'-_~~~~~~~~::::::~~~~~~~

"ti ons w h'IC h m . t ro d uce d Unit.ed" States," giving "its back-, . ~ontemporary fact,' he. argues orgamza grou~4' and examining its ele- that there is no contradiction or the allegations before the United ments. There are five appen':" conflict between democracy and . N~t~ons. , I I ."

dices, invaluable for their pro:-' Catholicism. He finds the,mboth Ul\T. Secretary General Dag Is the story of St. Mary's in Ernakulam (South India). "These bave

been years of great progress,'~ reports Archbishop- Mar Gregol'ios.

vision ·of 'the full texts of releat odds with so.mething called Hammarskjold has announced va~i'.d~cuments which..have not' Liberalism, which insists that that both the InternationalFed­ "We bave here now," be wrote us recent­ '. . ~'().st prc;'.iously been gathered in one, ,political authority. be wielded eration of Christian Trade Unions ly, "abigh school for 1,300 pupils; two d' bouses for 80 working girls; an orphanage place.'. . n~t by the people but by .an -largely a Catholic organiza­ I... .d' ttl' ~. to care for 52 cbildren. And all this has been The first section performs an '" elIte. tion-and the International Con­ Q.I 0 made possible by the sacrifices of more invaluable work of clarification. Liberalism in· America be federation of Free Trade Unions ~ .~ &ban 50 devoted nuns who live and .work It supplies intellectual and his­ traces to the New England col­ formally withdrew their con­ here." This is indeed an Impressive reo­ torical context, as wei! as defi­ onies, where the elite consisted demnation of the government of + + ord. _ We are proud to salute the Archbishop nitioris without which contro­ of· the church' elders, "the elect Venezuela, and the Sisters on this' magnificen& versy 'is hardly· better' 'than of· God" :with a divine Tight to The condemnation was made acbievement. At the present moment, bow­ name-calling and the fO!Tlenting rule" the civil community. The when that Latin American na­ ever, there Is a pressing need for a chapel of ugly feelings. . Federalists,he points out, sought tion was under the heel of dic-' Tht Holy Fa~hrrj MiJrion Aid so that Our Lord may live among these A I Ob' t· to obviate popular rule by put­ tator Marcos Perez' Jimenez.' . na yzes Jec Ions ting political authority in the souls who are so dear to him. Tbe total for tht Grimtal ChurriJ It is shown, for example, that hands of an elite of'wealth edu-' That regime was overthrown in cost will be $3,000. Can ,you belp us raise the State has a real, if narrowly cation, and position. T~day's January. this amount to help &bese zealous women wbo bave labored so long for &he Church ·of Christ and witb sucb success! limited, right and duty to cen-' Liberalism would make a "scien­ SOl', oa fact recognized by °the tific elite" .of experts the~ rulers. THE HA VE YOU THOUGHT ,OF JOINING A MISSION CLUB Supreme Court even very lately. of the commonwealth. DUES ARE PRAYERS FOR THE MISSIONS' AND ONE DOLLJ\R It is well B u t d emocracy . . g' t 1S a alns con­ . known . that within . . the . . A MONTH Churcli but t ro, lb . e lOt . . , . there IS censorshIp, d I 1 y,an I e, A'd" n. no thO . mg m Its baSIS, nature, an ega norms· CathoI'c tea h 'ng' t'. . THE' FAMILIES OF'EFREM "ND MICHAEL are virtually unknown. This' ,." 1 C.:1 JS a.v.ana.n~ ARE VERY PO·OR!. but' .they ar~ willing to give . b OO . Ie '1 rl e tablishes what wlth·the postulates·and:prach~~s . "firi~st ~ince. 1871"' ! their sons .to tJie Churcb'" to' follow tbe vocation" c ea. y s of ,dern.ocracy. To elltablish .this ." ey are. . . . . . . . . th God 'bas given tbem, Tbey can give their sons .., f D as true, Mr. ShIelds goes to .St."" s~~~ day serVice' I· n t rea t'mg' th e: L eglOn 0 . e­ Th' 'A' . 1 k"" " . ' . and notbing more:, Ea.cbboywitr need a spon.... cency and the NODLFather . omas, . qUlllas, 0,0 ~ at.ehr!!;:: .if.. ,desired! . lIOr Wbo. ,Will pay $100 a year lor six years &0 , , . ., .,.. hail DeillOcracy:as'It" operates in Gardll1er mamtams that they are E .. · '.' d" "... ..;.. ""'C 't'h I'··' . . . .. ' .. oover necessary seminary expenses. Tbeselaml.' . ,., " " . " .... b"t·:,· OIC 'W"' e~gaged not m censormg u In t urope, ,', h" an . "d exa",Ines· ,,,,,. . · ..a· h ··· ...•. , Y" ,... 3 _.5528 ';.' . Ues are anx~ous to bave; their sons .ordalned "d' . hI' . . . "...., . eac Ing an pelLormance w ere gUI mg pu IC opmlOn· I.n an. ... " 1 . '. , . ' t : . ,. I't' .. T ',.. . ,,'.' priests ~ tbe JjoyS are" wallin&, to enter. tbe' entirely legitimate way ':He anapOP.u· ~r s~ve.reI~~ ~\. p,o Ilca , .,(),;CA"MPBELL . ST. ,,;. I' Cbaldea:n:·Patl'laI.:chal Semiiiarj 'in Ira~are',you' willing to matcb l . .,. .ac<;usa-' " . eqlia and'..majority are. ..

.... NEW'. BEDFORD .. '., ly,zesdhe obJectIons and . ".Ity "d'" , .".'rule '1-:. their" desire to"serv~. GIHn~O~.'·~ay' adopt) one, of &hese. boys. and tions of their, critics, ,ta~ing, con.cern~ . . ;", '.) ....,., . ",.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

pay the' ,money In 'any mannerc~nv.enlen& while: your .'~adopted' lIOlll"" cognizance 'of whatever ..II\O<1i..::· He has given us a~ Un~lIl;k, '. preparesblmself for· the "altar;" ..: . '. . , , .' ..'( cum of validity these'inay have; :, neyed a~d very" shmulat~ng... ,-.. but demonstrating that the sem"­ essay. It IS· not WIthout dubiOUS .blances of a'buses are no part of statements and questionable, ar­ principle or policy and are not' gume~ts. But·it does. ge~ behind. countenanced when in practice the tricky .surface· agItatIon of a they occur in the actions of over~ ,Blanshard to grapple with. fun.;. zealous indi.viduals. damentals. ' . Very neatly, he turns back to the American Civil Liberties ,Union its reckiess charges that the two organizations are cen-' inc. . soring pressure groups. But, al­ though he rigorously scrutinizes Fabricators of and rebuts the thinking and p'ropaganda of ACLU concerning the. Catholic groups, he scrupu­ 'and . lously gives the ACLU credit for effective vigilance in other mat­ ~DEAL · tel's;::: He ends on an excellent" con,,: . Fall River 8-5677 753 ~Yol St., Fatt River 'structive note: the suggestion 5-7471 ' that all parties. to the contra­ 373 New Boston Road . versy should .regularly get to­ gether for factual, 'face-tO':face . discussion. . , .. I


Trinitarian Fathers

Unionists Withdraw '1' C I· Venezu an . omp aln










JOHN E. COX CO. StructuraLSteel

Miscellaneous' Iron



. . OS

" Democracy and Catholicism · Currin V. Shields, a specialist, ·in political theory, has written 'it book called Democracy and Catholicism in America (Mc­ Graw-Hill, ;$5), which is .acave~:" tised as the complete answer to .t~e charges of Paul Blanshard. Actually, Blanshard is mentioned .~nly twice in 272 pages of text, and there is nothing even re­ motely like specific, piecemeal . consideration and refutation of' his accusations. ' ,..) 'Mr. Shields, who is not a Catholic, has, it proves, produced . quite. a different sort of work. 'Its aim he states as follows: "Throll~hout this book I shall present and advocate the Demo­ cra ,__ .::a3(;:S as lund _,__and it. But my main purpose is to make



. I







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Msgr. '.ter P. Tuohy, Nat" . send communications to:




480 Lexin~ton Ave. at 46th St.

New' York ,17, N~\ Y.



H n ood • F o yw In ocus


15 Coyle Jubilee

THE ANCHORThur~.,. May 1,


ICinemiracie Recaptures Lost Ma,gic of Cinema


Continued from Page One school as its spiritual director in 1939. and He later became 1940 wasprincipal named in a director of the school. Rev. Edward J. Gorman, super­ intendent of diocesan schools, and the Rt. Rev. James J. Dolan, , present pastorare of St. P.R., Parish, Taunton, theMary onlys members of the clergy who have been associated with the school Cinerama, you can see' where tip off their lurid content.' since its founding. Father Gor­ the three segments of the film This type of film comes from man was also in immediate are j 0 i ned, independent peddlers and imcharge for eight years. Coach there is scarcely porters; not from the big HollyJames Burns is the only layman any jiggling. wood studios. Geoffrey Shurwho has been at Coyle High To introdu'ce lock, head of the Hollywood School since -1933. his Cinemiracle, Movie ~ode, was present. He'd The 49 priests and 19 brothers promoter Elmer just heard from J. Edg~r Hoover· who have graduated from Coyle C. Rhoden of of the FBI, who begs movie proin the past 25 years were speciNational Theaducers to soft-pedal films about ally invited to today's cere­ ters has chosen youthful, gang violence because monies. a stirring, fas" as a sustained movie theme it They include 28 priests of the cinating and most bea!Jtiful sub- triggers juvenile crime. Fall River diocese, 6 of other ject. Louis de Rochemont's Delinquent Parents dioceses, and 15 members of "Windjammer" takes us along Both Shurlock and the studio religious orders. All the Brother on the Windjammer Christian executive agreed with .me that graduates from Coyle have Radich, "manned" by clean, the two biggest film successes of joined the Congregation of t.he strong-limbed, fuzzy-faced Nor- the. past year, "Around the Holy Cross, whose members wegian youths who, on a sort of World in 80 Days" and "The Ten compose the school's faculty. . voyage "around - the - world-in- Commandments," showing at In 1933 Coyle opened its doors : 330-days," . are to become fullyhigh prices, attracted a remarkto 164 students and a faculty of fledged sailors. able percentage' of young people .-::courtesy of Ta1tnton Gazette "I Holy Cross brothers and 1 lay­ ' yO Br~am·~~TI~~lV~n:.-~~~~~s~ . .!\~elli!l!_ ho.~*,._of,~~_~~!...._., man. Now in its 25th year, the ~ they ~. ~~ seen a.~QNSlq~ ..l1~S.,,-~,-qJ.!'~._ ...__ =-.. ~, ..._. :>L:JdoLJ __.. _-.' I Ia~, ~ ~~...on .. -l1_--t of .... "''''l.~. I ou ca - ... "... ~ ......n: W 0 said hadn't. . , ' , ~""""4OI.U and sense the spray as the roll- movie for years The answer' boys and a faculty of 14 brothers lng, tossing sail ship tak~s them seems to be that ~nly a moronic 0 . and {i laymen. --and' you-across the hl~h seas type of youth falls for the trash. Other observances of the anni­ to Madeira, with a landmg for Still some Hollywood producers versary included a Silver Anni­ the Feast of St. Sylvester; thence think of so-called juvenile deSTEPHENVILLE (NC) _ A versary Concert presented last by the Columbus route ~o. San linquency as a ticket-selling Canadian college professor main"One has but to read the week in' the Coyle Auditorium, Juan, on to Cur~cao, Tnmdad, theme. tains that "no religiQus princi- newspapers to perceive that no at which Glee Club and band New York and fmally back to It is coincidental, of course,' pIes of any kind inspire the religious principles of any kind selections were featured. The Norway.. . that as the headlines blaze all pronouncements, policies or pro- inspire 1. he pronouncements, program concluded with a triThe. No.rweglan .boys nde bas- the dirty details of a celebrity- posals of eitheI; the communist policies or proposals of either bute to the school's history, par­ ket shdes. (~ost hke the rol.ler- lighted, Hollywood crime, Joshua nations or the western democra- the communist nations or the ticipated in by both band and coaster ~lt.In t.he fi.rst Cme- Logan's play, "Blue Denim" is cies." western democracies," he asser- Glee Club members. ~ama); plcm~ w~th picturesque bought for filming by 20th CenBecause of this, Father Gerald ted. Islanders; sk~n.-dlve for under- tury-Fox. This story of misun- B. Phelan declared, "Catholic Religion, he contended, is y water ~lora; Jom the U. S'"Nav derstood youth, probably star- education must * •• bend its relegated to a minor role and i~ C,~rlbbean maneuvers, frog- ring Diane Varsi or Hope Lange best efforts to',restore to our "as a consequence, the tacitly gmg for. unexploded ftforPtedo:s of "Peyton Place," will not be culture the spiritual values and accepted methods of political and helpmg blast 0 a omlC trashily produced. the moral convictions which it negotiation and international rockets. They have themselves . . " I ' diplomacy' spring, not from any. 't t' e Still, If the maJor Hollywood has lost. Father Phe an IS pro- definite moral or religious out­ d . -alfn y gl~e us-quI et a dim . th studios are proposing a cycle' of fessor of philosophy at St. ou ve· ·never. bs 00 . on ( de J'uvenile 'crime dramas it might Michael's College, the Cath.olic look but from a veiled, or even deck 0 f a d lVlng su marme a n , 'II d '1.' C' be well to show that the blame college of the University 0 f avowed, acceptance of the Ma­ h h w 0 as.?) you Olin me.. ft T to' chiavellian principles of power miracle. You will not drown but for teen.-age d:lmquency 0 en oron. politics, opportunism and expe­ it surely will take your breath rests With dehnquent parents, Threatens Culture diency:' away, as do many under-water who by shocking, ~oral example Father Phelan said Christian Accept Challenge BOWLING -qSKATING scenes, the like of which have and p~rental neghgence, crea~e culture today is threatened by Both sides in the struggle, Special Arran&,emenls For never been screened before. ~ .thelr ow~ homes. the con.dl- two movements which,' though Father Phelan added, "are sub'BANQUETS f R I't tions and chmate of lmmorahty, hostile to each other "are apt by h h Ill ' . .uslOn 0 ea I Y violence arip. crime. The·truth their very nature to lay low the stantially agreed that t e ope Cmemuacle sound effects a.re of this can hardly any longer structure of our traditional ·of the world lies in the triumph no less remarltable than Its escape the Hollywood mind. civilization." of technology:' R. A. WILCOX CO.

~:erb . color a~~ ca~er~-wor~. He identified the two as "the HIn such a conflict, the Chris­ OFFICE FURNITURE

ere IS some m~ smgl?g an Miami University avowed anti-Christian and athe- tian conscience cannot give .. Sloell for Immediate Deli...~ the Boston. Pops, With which one istic totalitarianism of Marxist wholehearted allegiance and of th: s~1.l10r. boys ,appears ~s 0 Honor Pre ate communism,". and "the seculari~ support either to the totalitarian • DESKS • CHAIRS solo pla.mst, is sh.eer, h~~, mUSlOXFORD (NC) -Archbishop corruption of Christian freed'om, pretensions of communism or to FILING CABINETS cal dehght, ~urmg w lch the Karl J. Alter of Cincinnati will which usurps the name of liber- the fallacious liberalism of con­ • FIRE FILES. SAFES cameras cunnmgly transport us give the baccalaureate address alism, and ,.,hich by its practical temporary democracy" he de­ FOLDING TABLES to the multi-colored ~randeurs to the graduating class of Miami rejection and, neglect of moral elared. AND CHAIRS o! Norways mountams and University June 8, • , and religious considerations in fjords. .. The state supported univer- the conduct of human affairs, may" describe thiS as a aity, which has 2,900 men stu­ constitutes denial of the basic "trSome I 1. to b ave og.ue, .no . . e com- dents and 2,100 women, will principles upon which Western 22 BEDFORD ST.

I WI d.e-screen pared Wit h fi c ti ona, culture rests." ' INSURANCE


dramas. Actually it IS much give the Archbishop an horiorP iii Mi I more. "Windjammer" has about ary doctor of laws degree the . r n~ p ~s ss ng . APPRAISER it the look of a, long-running, next day at commencement The conflict 10 the world t~REALTOR box-office bonanza. If nothing exercises. day, asserted Father Phelan, 18 better, nor for that matter difAnnouncement of the dual .no longer clear-c?t betwe~n

OS 2-2000 ferent, is ever offered us on the honor was made by John D.Mil- defenders and enemIes of Chrls­

mammoth Cinemiracle screen lett, university president and a tlan culture, but rather between

1320 No. Main St. the name will likely stay to re~ Methodist, who added that Arch- "two forms of purely secular

Third Order Regular of,

FALL RIVER mind Hollywood's movie-makers bishop Alter would be the first culture."

St. Francis

that millions of happy, healthy Catholic Bishop either to give a p;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;.~;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;..;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~

Offer to Young Men and Boys people, prefer to meet other' major address or to receive an' special oppor~unities to happy, healthy people in farhonorary degree at the Ohio •• • ml O. study for the PriesthOOd. Lack off places, without being dragged institution. of fu.nds no. obstacle. into their, moral and emotional ~;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;~ For further information. write crises. ~~ to Plumbing - Heating

Unfortunately, CinemiracIe, FATHER STEPHEN, T.O.R•

like Cinerama, calls for specially . Over 35 Years'


equipped theaters. ThiS means of Satisfied Ser~ice


Fall River's largest


key theaters in key cities at spe­ CONTRACTORS'

Printers and Lithog~aphers


P O. BOX 289

cially keyed prices. There are Fall River .. OS 5'·7497

Residential ....:. Commercial


likely soon to be many more of School Year Books industrial

them because Cinemirade re­ stores to the movie screen, the 633 Broadway, Fan River' "62 County St., Fall River I) long lost ma~ic through which OS 3·1691 Tel. OS 4-3525 the cinema first cast its spell. It achieves an illusion of rel,llity ;. : ~~~~~~~. ~'~~~~~~~~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~;:;;'~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ and the reality with which it is concerned has to do with the beauty, of this earth, the dignity of hu~an labor; the quest of .the human mind and spirit for mas­ tery over the natural elements. , Teen-age··:Ttash ." .' • BANQUETS • WEDDINGS • 'PARTIES At a recent Hollywood dinner party, a prominent film and TV . DOMESTIC & HEA':IY DUTY Olk'.BURNERS .• COMMUNION BREAKFASTS . . executive was telling me that neighborhood theaters and drive­ Service - , ins which used to cater to fam­ FALL RIVER 1343 PLEASANT ST. MAIN OFFiCE - 10 DURFEE ST., FALL RIVER ilies, now make money when .OSborne 3-7780 they show teen-age trash. He meant films such as "Girls OD the Loose," "Teen-age Wol1-

, By William H. Mooring HCinemiracle", just unveiled in New York and Hony. wood, is, of course, no miracle at all, although it is .a technical and theatrical wonder. It is done with mirrors, plus a triple camera hitch-up which in some ways gives the · ' same eff ect s as Cmerama on pack," "Dragstrl'p Riot" "Cat a less concave screen. From a Girl," "Cool and Crazy," "I Was side seat you get no distor- a Teen-age Frankenstein" and tion and although, as in others, the very titles of which •







_ ' _ _ 00

Ca IIs f or Return f Splrltua •• I V a I ues an . d Mora I e ·· onvlctlons


Gilbert C. 'Oliveira


The Franciscan Fathers

RES" ·th C





.-WEBB"OIL (0.


Sales -


Pho'ne OS, 5-7484·






New Bedford Pupils. Win Spelling .Contest for Eighth Graders

Five Teachers i

Elaine Blanchard of Sacred Julie E: 'Barry, member of the Hearts School, New Bedford, wOIJ.'faculty of New Bedford High first prize in the fii1als of the . School, and Mrs. William Quin- I A spelling contest for eighth grade Ian: Jr.,. member of the faculty

NEW YORK (NC) ,our pupils of the parochial schools of Dartmouth High.

teachers in Catholic universi*ies, in the New Bedford area held Miss Ferriera missed on the

an instructor ato'a Catholic ijigh at' the' Kennedy Youth Center word "Alfalfa'" which was picked

school and a well known Cll.th­ 'under ihe sponsorship-of the Cul- up by Miss Blanchard who, then

olic historian are among the'j322 tural Committee of the CYO~ correcfly spelled "prevaricator",

recipients of 1958 Guggenheim Second and third prizes were .,' and was declared' the champion.

Fellowships named by the G'Ug­ won by Rosalie 'Ferreira of St: George Thomas;' Jr., youth

genheim Memorial Foundjion John the Baptist School and. '.. chairman of the Cultural Com-

which has headquarters her. Cheryl Bessette of Holy Family mittee, was mast.er of ceremonies.

Grants totaling $1,4.12,000 ere Grammar School,. respectively. Participating ,schoois. with

awarded in the 34th an 1ual Acting as mOderator' was Jo- .representatives and alternates series of fellowship awa ds, , seph Souza, assistant probation" were as follows:

which are given by the founda­ officer -of the Third District -Our lady of Mt.. Carmel, Mar-

t10n to scholars and artists! to Court. The judges were' Miss garet Mary Souza, Elaine Moniz;

asSist them in carrying out Ire­ St. Marys School, Su~all Aicock,

search and creative activity. 1Maureen Mitchell; St. Anile,

Among the 322 fellowship Sandra Skamorsk, Germaine wil:lI1ers for 1958 are: Dr. RU40lf Caron, St. Marys Home, John Allers, professor of philoso~hy. I Upham, Albert Pike. and Dr. John Francis Calla~an, Sacred Heart (N.B.), Elaine

professor of classics and phil<1so­ VATICAN CITY (NC) Blanchard, Therese Cote; Sacred

0 phy, both of Georg.~town Uni­ Hearts (Fairhaven), Arthur Par­ versity, Washington, D.C,.; Ptof. S.cientific research must aim ent, Elaine Fafard; Sacred Heart

Svend Fr~deriksen, research as­ at "iricreasing 'the spiritual Academy, Wendy Tyson, Rose­ sociate of the Arctic Instit~te, energies of the human being mary Horrocks.

Catholic University of Amerlca. and freeing him from bodily St. Kilian, Susan Aquiar, MarWashington, D.C,; Dr. Stephen 'and material labor," Pope Pius ilyn Tavano; O. L, Of Perpetual IS 0 Denis Kertesz, professor of p~liXII has told medical scientists Help, Carolyn Przabzszewski,. tical science, University of Notre in the field of radiation research,' Helen Kurowski; St. Francis Dame, Notre Dame, Ind.; Be~eAddressing participants in an of Xavier, Gerard Charest, DenReverend Mother Marie Ful,. , dictine Father Henry' Dayid dY : international symposium on ranis Coutinho. bert, Superior General .of the d~p;ctmg sce~es ~~m ~ur Hurst,.of the department of cl~asdiological and nuclear medicine, Holy Name, Margaret Finnell, 'S' t f St J 'h f Le P a 0 escence In , e emp eo sics, Portsmouth Pri.ory Sch 1. IS ers 0 . osep 0 uy, Jerusalem nrQvlde!t the' rna' ~ ~.' . ., ."" ~ ...:-..!~e P~n~iff ::re~~~':.h~~need~ . Marg.~':"~i~~:rj_J5t, !!L~i~t,!l.l':" ....--- -'" ii:iibner-"" '. . iav-·."·~--·'''*'".'J _K-:.:->./iw.~· ~- -:.... _l!\ ~~-~ ~ 'r---ifui Dr ~jlUI --'pInpb1l11 ihe elreets of radiation ~meS' :Palmer, 1aeIelell~e;:;~~·';;roth~rM:;~ti:t;t~abeth~ feature of ,the IProgram ' and wbas Ho~gan, P~liber" prize-wlnnfrig , 011\ the body. Praising the· reRheume,' St. John the Baptist. i . tb . D' f or th" very graclo'!s y perf orme d ., historian. are ? ~. I?cese ell' several members of the Noviti­ . . search work being conducted. Rosalie Ferreira, Mary Ann San- ca non Ica I v I sltatlon ~;;"~~"~"~*H~~" '. ate under the leadership ~ ••••••••••••••.••••• he asked: '. , t o s . A hearty: welcome wa.soffici- their Reverend Mistress Mother Notes Dancers Holy Fam'ily, Cneryl ~Bessette,', . ally 'extended to the 'distin- St. George. ' "Where ·would this patient ;rune .Theberge; ~~. Jp~ph (!'i.~.) g' hed guests t a rece t'on . t·· lb·' .... 'fi . Bermce Ly,onnalse, Diane YlgUIS. a. . . p I ReVerend Mother Marie Ful­ . d an mos tarmg a or m sCient! c " " t St J h' (F ' h ) held mthe Provmclal House, bert and He d M th M . centers lead 'if (it were) not· ean ~. ' osep.. aIr aven , 2501 South Main' Street F a l l . veren 0 er ane Patncla ChadWick 'Sharon ,. ' Elisabeth were deeply touched HOMOGENIZED and

<,dbireCtt~d) tof .g;iin tthhe gradual 'Baumgarner. '.' R:lver. Sisters from each .of·, the by_these remarks of filial bom­ I era IOn 0 man, e suppresSt' Th EI' . FI . eight CQnvents' under their Jur- age d r e p t PASTEURIZED

sion of .physical and moral 'ob- , ' . ~resa, allle, eury, isdiction in the area contributed 'Oan M s ec , th R . d 28 '. , e . se' f· I:'al\l Dalbec; St. Anthony" Janet t th f" n ay everen d th e JU d'ICIOUS s t,ac I es, an. U. o· Florent, Pauline Langlois. 0 e. program 0 e~tertall1ment Mothers will travel .by plane to hiS g c~~served or regal,ned . Assisting Mr. Thomas .on the for thiS happy 'occasIOn. . Vinton, La., the farthest outpost Dial OLdfield 4-8711 ener y. . ·tt· Wan d a, P. oczaThe opt!ningaddress, eompo~ of their American Province. The Pope's talk recalled his comml ee were . d d l' d b S' t St V 651 MAIN RD. i955 Easter message, in which he tek, Robert L~wler, San~ra L~an e Ivere y IS er, . er- 'rhey plan to return here for a warned of "the horrors o'f mOll- mos, I'eggy Ryan, Georgiana PI.,onique, emphasized the historic, few days 'before their return to TIVERTON, R. I. ff' d t'll mental. assoc!ation of Lourdes with Le France o~ Jun'e 6. s t rous.o sprmg, an worse s I , The' trophy and the other Puy as picturesque places of pil­ the hidden shocks caused to awar d s were f rom th e D'locesan grimage dedicated to Our Lady. " parental genes that can result S h I ff' e . "Marie Adolescente", a play' from increased radioacti vi ty. _c~o:O=:O=I:C:.===~=::::=:;;;;;;;;;;:::::;;~;;;;;:::::::::::::;-_ Triumph 01 Christ

The Pope concluded his cur­

St. Rose Of Lima

rent message, however, by invit­

ing the scientists to share in the

OIL BURNERS triumph of Christ's Resurrec­

Also complete Boiler-BurDer tion. . Reminding them of St. Henry Mlchael------..I or Furnace' Units: Efficient Paul's words in his letter to ,the' low cost heatin~. Burner and Romans that "he who raised, rue I oil sales and service.' 1\ 13 Jesus Christ from the .dead. will

also bring to life ,y.our mortal

bodies because of:His Spirit, who

. 480 Mt. Pleasant Street dwells in you," the Pope told,the

New Bedford WY 3-2667 " researchers they would "find

comfort" in the "clear certainty"

- of the triumph. of Christ, at

Easter.' ~ In his address, given in

French, the Pope noted the great

CO~OPERATIVEBANK development of radiology in

medicine and industry in' recent

NORTH EASTON. MASS. years. He cited the need for

ORGANIZED 1889 measuring "with exact intensity"

the biological effects .'. • and

Paid-Up Shares Availabt. Current Dividend 3%% above all the spectacular effects

Series Shores 41~% Savings Shares 3~ % of the nuclear weapons which

are 'constantly before men'.

minds today."

Spiritual Ener~les,'

The research now being. cOn­

ducted, the'Popesaid, "is fuil,.

justified by the importance if its .

The Onl1l Cath.olic College the "Diocese of Fall ·goal, namely • ,. • human life ,:'

which depends on the adequate

utilization of radiotherapy.....

"It is no small or insignifica'nt ..

\' thing when .one concerns liim­

self with the in terests ,of human

life," he continued. "We must

S Color " HoJi.... • IHillzed _ 46 ~lo8t netlaer always recognize' where the true greatness (of research) lies and ~ ~ii·~t~"'::iJl 48 ~~:t'::'P&' . GR AT 51 Man's n _ only . apply, the immense re­ t Eqaal (e"mb. III Ji'rtlneh sources of modern technology. 8 ~.(::~ chaptew 51 ~~rllnoe for the purpose of increasing tIie 9 Yonngsters 51 SHE W ....S spiritual energies of the human 10 SO E WORK ..... FI RRT WR"~ATH OF NAMt;o being and freeing him from ~ ...:,.......,.... ISABEl" FOR

bodily ad'd material labor." ,11 t:,.;s& HER .......:......_

W"·A n wa rds oJ.





Urges esearc Efforts 'to He I p - W If Man s e are


S" t ers f St "osep" .J h We I come

Reverend. Mother Mar."e Fulbert







Milk. Cream


Sa,ints 'In Crosswords


Stanley Oil Co., Inc.





12 13 14 15 18

Diocesan Sodalists To Hold "MaryHour"


"Communist May Day" which has been set aside today by the Diocesan Sodality Union will be observed tonight during the Mary Hour from 7:30 to 8:30 in Notre Dame Church, Fall River with Rev. Gerard Boisvert, Di­ ocesan Sodality Director presid­ ing. Diocesan Sodalists extend an invitation to all youth, their teachers, and' youth organization directors to honor Our Blessed .I...acV ill Ulia bOW' Qf ad'?l'aUQUo


.Persian pOet . 59 Herman river Aeqnires 61 Saint, feminine Com"...ss poln& (abbr.) Haze 60 l~lltmmber.. Uedine 67. Hind a wound



25 'Mend "'ith

. thread 28 ""ull of heavenIy bodies 81 Oven 32 SH 1'; WAS NOT A.............. 38 (;reek god of love 85 Kind of bird 86 SH 1': WAS 'SIHI.T,"'IJL . ," WITH THR

.. "

74 Aver , 75 S'II': WAS KNIIWN "'OR


76 :;(.reuds for dryin/; 78 Clut<:hcs 81 Son of "...,ob






. . JI:....II..b ..bl,.

(comb, teo.... II VoalUc•.




Administr'ation Building


'ii2 1·:Uil.soidal 88 84 86 81' 88

s';i~~"cit:r 39 For , 41 ....gU te .3 More ..hlte


72 Voh,ed loudl:r


A"istant A f1ut blow CUy In Ual:r


Rev. THOMAS C. DUFFY, C.S.C. D'lrector oj Bu.ildmg Fund StonehiU Colle". PHONE CEdar 8-2221 NORTH EASTON. MASSACHUSETTS


__ I

Nathan, Mencken, Education

THE ANCHOR­ Thurs., May 1, 1958

Religious Illiteracy Results In Preposterous tragedy


. Hollywood Trend

By Joseph A. Rreig

SEATTLE, '(NC)-The cur­ reht Hollywood t.rend is to make a hero out of the rebellious no­ conformist at t.he expense of the good and happy man, William H. Mooring, Holl)'wood column­ ist for The Anchor, said here. Mr. Mooring explained that from ·the movie maker's point of view "it is so difficult to be attractive when you're good and happy-but when you become wild and foam at the mouth, then you become a likely Hol­ lywood character." The fad in today's films, he declared in a lecture at Seattlf University, is to glorify non­ conformity lor nonconformitY'f sake. As a case in point, Mr. Moor­ ing offered tl)e film version 01 the controversial book "The Nun's Story." He said the signf are that the movie will depict the' principal charaCter as a rebel and outcast, rather than as Oil(' who recognizes she made a mis­ take j in entering religious life.

Cleveland Universe Bulletin

Despite the exceptional qualities of his mind, and his university education in America and Europe, George Jean Nathan lived most of his long life knowing less than nothing about the religion that formed our civilization-whether in its roots in Israel or its ful­ And yet Mencken, too, lived­ fillment in Christianity. and died-ignorant of theology. Only in his last years did Less Than NothillK this internationally respected ' Cannot educators somehow be drama critic and' author dis­ cover what the Catholic C h u r c h be"":",tY~~. lie v e s a n d '>,., teaches~" whereupon h e t ;j became a Cath.). . . olic and soon x· I after was fol. f '. lowed into the Church by his wile, the dis­ tinguished actress, Julie Haydon. Nathan's partner in the rol­ licking and debunking days of the old American Mercury mag­ azine was that lovable bad boy of American letters, Henry L. Menckcn. Where Nathan's intel­ ligence was complex, fastidious and in a real sense shy, Menck­ en's was essentially simple, rQ­ bust and direct. Mencken .went at things hammer - and - tongs.


Religion Class Plan Causes Ohio Debate SPRINGFIELD (NC)-A spirited debate on religion in public schools-with Catho­ lics keeping a discreet silence

i I


-has broken out here in Ohio. The discussion was touched off with an announcement that the third and fourth grade elemen­ tary school pupils in the North-. western School District will be offered a "non-sectarian stand­ ard religious education program" next year. The program, in coopera­ tion with school officials, will be sponsored by Protestant churches and by church-related organizations and individuals. Paper Objecis Classes will be held on school premises on a voluntary basis during school hours. Chjldren who attend must have the writ­ ten consent ol their parents.. The Springfield Sun, a daily newspaper, has ·editorially ob­ jected to the proposal as "dis­ criminatory, divisive, and 'un­ democratic" and an "open viola­ tion of the law.~ According to the editorial, Catholics "have grounds lor obj~cting" to .the program. . A released time program has' been in effect in Springfield pub­ lic schools for scveral years. At first classes werc held ofI school premises, but the trend recently has been toward holding them on school propcrty. A Little Confused The U. S. Supreme Court 10

years ago in the McCollum case

ruled' that released lime classes

for religious instruction of pub- ' lic School students may not be conducted on public school prop­ erty. In a subsequent ruling in the Zorach case, the Supreme Court uphcld the validity of the released time system and the conduct of such ctasses off. of public school premises. In letters to local newspapers, Protestant ministers have taken opposing views on the question. One Protestant layman, in the apparent conviction that public schools are Protestant institu­ tions, wrote: "The Ca tholics have religious training every day in their lIChools. Why can't we have it once a week?, Perhaps we Prot­ estants are so ashamed of our religion that we don't want it spread around outside our homes, in public."

To Ordain Natives



PONCE (NG)-Bishop James E. McManus, C.SS.R., of Ponce will ordain the first three native Puerto Ricans to become Re­ demptorist priests, in the Church

of St. Mary the Queen he're on

June 22, it has been announced.

17 I

persuaded to face up to, and to do something about, the religious illiteracy which results in such sad and preposterous tragedies? Tragedy it is when schools which owe their very existence to our religious inheritance turn out graduates who, although other­ wise erudite and mature, go through the years thinking, talk­ ing and writing juvenile non­ sense about religion. Literally, Nathan until the last year or two of his life, and Mencken until death, knew less' BISHOP TURNER CONI"IRMS: Most Rev. Kenneth than nothing about religion. Not nothing-less than nothing, R. Turner, S.F.M., Bishop of Lishui, China, is shown con­ because what they thought they firming 117 boys and girls at St. John the Baptist Church, knew was ludicrously erroneous. New Bedford, last Friday. The Bishop is shown confirm­ They talked luminous good sense of soul~ she must be vigilant." about many other things, but ing Lillian Maria Medeirosas her sponsor, Miss Linda Mob­ Bahamas Assignment when' they talked about religion, tiga, places her hand on the girl's shoulder. Assisting the Commenting on his impres­ they talked through their hats; , Bishop ·are· Rt. Rev.. Msgr. John A. Silvia, pastor, and Rev. sions of Fall River Blshop Tur­ they made spectacles of them­ ner'said that he was amazed at John Godelaer, SS.CC., pastor of Our Lady of the Assump­ .elves. the number of French speakinJl ~edford. . tion, New Fundamentally SouDd people in the city. He hadn't Mencken almost unquestion­ realized that. there would be ably would have been irJ:esist­ such a large French colony 110 ibly attracted by the Calholic far from the Canadian border. Continued from Pa~e One Walsh,"'former superior' general faith had he known what it is­ have remained in good faith to' of Maryknoll. He still possesses He commented too on the beau­ especially in its wonderful de­ ,administer the Sacraments or his freedom, but only because ty of Fall River's churches and velopment of doctrine pointing say Mass, for it becomes easy to' his post as' director of mission its predominantly Catnolic popu­ the way to a social, political and trap thcm into seeming partici­ activities for China did not put laiion. And he was pleased that economic order fit for human pation in the false rite. his trip north afforded him the him in direct contact with Chi­ dignity. Mencken, detesting in­ ';If one could be a straight­ nese Catholics, therefore' gave opportunity of a flying visit W. justice and sham, instinctively forward martyr it would bea the Communists no opportunity Montreal and his family. He sensed the elements of much of. simple matter," said Bishop Tur­ to accuse him of acts against the :will return to his Bahamas 'poet May 6. what Christianity explicitly ner, "but the brainwashing state. . teaches with scholarly precision. techniques of the Communists Bishop Turner a'lso commented But Mencken apparently never permit nothing so u(lcomplica­ on a shil?board meeting with discovered that the Bible-belt ted." B ish 0 p Frederick Donaghy" NO JOB TOO BIG emotionalism and the cold puri­ .Jail Legionnaires M.M., of New Bedford. ';He had NONE TOO SMALL tanism which roused his fury Asked about the activities of just ,been consecrated and was were not Christian theology. He the Legion of Mary, he said that en route to his diocese when I never realized that theology re­ it· was one of the first groups was going· to China for the first jects such excesses as distortions. labeled subversive by the Com­ time." ;a> Mencken, however, was fun­ munists. Legion, memberstJ.ip Issues Warnin" damentally sound. Although he was almost a sure ticket to pri-. On~e more he' emphasized the hated what he blindly felt to'be son; in fact,'some known Legion­ Mel.. OHic. and ftl.nt religiously ridiculous, he did not naires simplified lJlatters by need of the persecuted Church make the mistake of erecting an keeping their bedrolls packed' for prayer and sacrifice. He LOWELL, MASS•. noted too that Americans should error into a way of life. At heart, and ready lor departure.· T.I...hone Low.II be on their guard against insi­ Mencken was always a roister­ When the expected knock of dious propaganda in lavor ol GL 8-6333 a.." GL 7·7500 ing, argumentative boy, with a . the policema-n came to the door', mo\~es .such as trading with Red boy's simplicity and innocence. the. victim merely said, 'Tm China. Auxiliary Plant,' Nathan a Hedonist ready, I'll go now." As a re­ • "It 'boils down to this-the Nathan, in contrast, embraced sult, the most zealo,us Legion­ BOSTON a dangerous philosopby. Until naires are in prison, and very kingdom of God is at war with C;>CEANPORT, N. J. the kingdom of the devil. Amer­ he discovered Christian truth, little can be done by' them to he was a hedonist; that. is, he keep the faith alive in their fel-, ica presents the only real chal­ PAWTUCKET, R. L lenge to· Communism in the . saw pleasure as the highest good, low coun·trymen. world today, and for th~ sake and the pursuit of it as the "Cafl't Happen Here" proper business .of human beings. Prayers 'are greatly needed by Contemptuously, he dismi'ssed this part of the "Church of Si­ those who believe in the here­ lence" emphasized. Bishop Tur:­ after as "aboriginals." nero He deplored the apath~ of Because he knew less than the free world towards the nothing about theology, Nathan n,enace of Communism. "Peo­ ~_.,~ . attributed to believers beliefs . pIe simply don't inform them­ which they do not hold. He selves as to the, facts of the never really attacked Chri'stian­ WJ.lER,E case," he said. "But it was the ity. He could not do that, be­ same way in China. The Chi-­ IS THE cause he did n'ot know what nese felt 'it can't happen here,' GREATE~T, Christianity is. What he rejected but one' day th,cy 'woke up to' EXAMPLE OF and ~idiculed wa~ a caricature . find, their villages and towns .EROSION of the Christian faith. infiltrated and finally taken over IN TJ.-IE He spurned "the aWlbrosia of by the Reds. .. ' the gods, the Jovely angels, eter­ There is a common mlsco'n­ WORLD nal blue skies and peace, the ception that ail Chinese are' music of golden harps." He pre­ Communists, but actqally most ferred to trust in "pretty girls, of the people hate the regime Mediterranean coast !Ind sym­ \lIld live in dread of it. But the phony orchestras." organization of the party is so Blames Education complete that no one dares to Nathan did not know that admit disillusion, Should \l party ambrosia, golden harps, eternal member backslide, his fellows, blue skies, and even lovely who may really feel exactly as Grand Canyon, Arizona, a National .Park, angels as he understood them, he does, join in attacking him, is the greatest example of erosion. constitute an inlantile misrepre­ lest they should be attacked sentation of theology. He did not themselves," understand that true religion Exile .80 Bishops teaches that pretty girls and The tall, greyhaired Bishop is symphony orchestras are gifts a member of the Scat'boro of God, but must not be put in Foreign Mission Society of Can'a­ place of God. da. After his exile from China What Mencken seems to have he spoke on his experiences realized instinctively that throughout Canada, and was pleasure may be enjo~'ed but then assigned to work in the must not be idolized - Nathan Bahama Islands. He is one of came to see only in the last years 80 bishops forced to leilVe China, of his life. who are scattered throughout the ~s 8-52$6 Surely education can do bet­ world awaiting the' opportunity ter than to leave the minds of to return to their dioceses, He otherwise brilliant graduates noted that at last report three sunk in grossest religious ignor­ Americans were still in the ance, thus giving spurious sub­ country. stance to communist taunts Meets Bishop Donaghy about religion being superstition Two are imm:isoned'priests and the opium of the peopl~ and the third is Bishop Jam'es E.

Bishop Warns. of Red








-' ~~-.-,.- <~-:.,' . ­ ,.--------.. .



.A Qualm;.Atdk




'k~~D~O~Ji~', HAVE' AN UN E'Af:Y


MAl l.Fe ~ !!:PIll.rrEO H€I? 114T}/€1i!. FfU)M THE HOJ{~E FEELING. f:TAY WHEIU He WA~ H€l.O PK~ONEI? By::mE ~Ef)~. WH/{,£ HERE WHll£ I 71ft: REf)~ EELIEVE' -nlEU 5:TILl. IN~08 THE HOt$.E, I.OOK AgQUr., WITH >CliNt;. 1I.!1., tHAPtAlN nM AHEA/Zf{ THEY REACH 'I'LL ~TIARN IN A FIt;HIN,(;;' YlL[;A(;e. WHIlE He AND 'M4f WAIT, 5:1;1N LEE TIMe, DON'T HII£Il.I£5!. 70 A 1I0J,(~ WH8Rl: HE KNOW~' -;;,,-:;-~"-.,;.;F£;'A.;,:R:;.:...--(. THE OCCIlPANTt; "'~~ ' ....




·---..... . .v Neff WEEK.:

Speakers Stre.ss Need of Religio"

,Cross Word Solution




Parish Solicitations Start, Sunday'

" Continued from .Page On.,.. Gemma, S.U.S.C., principal' of :Continued from Pac-e One lishment. He must be told that' ,,' rea~itY.~' The educator listed the Sacred Heart School North· At,Diocese. On their visitation 'arid the work being done by Catholic: , following' aims for, his listeners, tleboro, with M'othe~ ?d. Boni. solicitation' they 'will Pc repre-" Charities AppealagenCie!1 is vital ~ n~arly, 1,0,00 teaching ,priests, face" I.H.M.; ,direCtor' of St. senting the needy of the 24 in- to ourcorrimunities and4s a ma-, I,trothers,' il[ld sisters from all Francis, de Sales Model School, . stitutions, of mercy dependent jor factor in'keeping down taxes. I ·part!i oft~e, Dipcese: ,Philadelphia, as .'speaker; upon the Catholic Charities Ap- The choice" is' between' Charity' 1. Tq, create a friendly and' Also a similar consideration of peal. .' ' a n d Taxes, and Charity is a' understanding climate in, the "Words in' Action" spellers, with Lay-Chairman's Statement . - much better buy. elassroom. .' Sister Mary of St. Flora, C.S.C.,' , M~. JarI1es E. Bullock, Dioces"The Pari~h Com~ittee~an is 2. To communicate what is to A,B., principal of St. Ann School, L an' Lay-Chairman issued this a key figure 10 reach 109 the go.a~ be learned 'in a manner both New Bedford, chairing 'the exhortation to his fellow workwe have set. Yo.ur past .SpI~lt I meaningful and challenging. group; and Sister Francis Lo.f " r, );; s ers in'the Parish Campaign: of ready coo~e~atIon hall mdlc- , 3. ,'To establish a'relationship retto, S,S,J., author of the spell' " . ated your wl1hngness to "sell with each student that will moing books of Mount St. Joseph -THE ANCHOR T~~ success of our C?thohc Catholic Charities." I ask each tivate him to utilize his energies, Convent ' Philadelpliia" the Thurs., May 1, 19~8 Cha.rltIes Appe~l ~~sts 10 the of you with your personal con- ' diligently in learning. speaker.' . , Parishes. of th~ DIocese. . The tacts to n"~ " l ' H l n ~-n1:~ efl'''rt I 4.', To relate what is learned to "New Trends in Mathematics" man~~r 10 WhICh the Par~shes and a little more salesm'anship the daily problems of being both was the subject discussed by or.gamze. and !he enth~slas".' into your approach. The cause realistically and practically. high school teachers on Friday with WhICh they make theIr c~n- in which we are working is a ' Opening convel}tion proceedwith Sister John Elizabeth' ~cts has ~l.ways been the decI~- noble and dignified cause. I ask' lngs, ,Rev. Edward J. Gorliian. . S.U.S,C., A.M" princ'ipal of th~ PHILADELPHIA (NC)-Db- 109 f~ctor. 10 our success. ThIS' God to bless your efforts." diocesan superintendent of Academy of the Sacred Hearts, ~ scene material is "an important year It w111 be the same.' schools, and general convention Fall River acting as 'chairman' contributing factor in' juvenile "On~ Sunday you will be com~ ROME (NC) - Freneh-born chairman, traced the increase of, and Rev.<>Stanley Bezuska S.J.' ,delinquency," a well known ,mencing very important work­ Jesuit Father Rene Arnou, dean : juvenite delinque!lcy' in the chairman of the mathemati~s de~ '. psychologist said,her'e. mak,ing your contacts for the of the philosophkal faculty of United States to the Godless partment 'of Boston .College t'he Dr. A M. Ornsteen of Phila- Appeal. You will be offering Hie 'Gregorian, University here, education offered many Amer- speaker.' '.' delphia warned that pornograph- your-fellow diocesans an oppor-­ has been placed in charge of the iC,an children. He quoted reThis session was follow~d by ic materials "expose young minds tunity to participate in the work cently released stati~tics show- departmental discussion groJps to 'iemptation, stimulate' 'the of Charity that is an ,obligation' administration of all Jesuit­ operated institutions in Rome. ing,that more crimes were com-. ,for 'high school teachers at most primitive feelings and im-, for each of us. Each contact ,'mitte(J, in the United States,dur'" which teachers of the same'subpulses and lead astray in thought must ,'be told that the private, ing 195.7 than': in anypreyious jects ill different high schools' and behavior.", ' " ," charity, dollar is far mOI:r, effec­ year, pearly.hall of ther'nby, boys met to corder' on' the course of : He made the statement in tes- .{i~ethan,the 'public welfare . I d 18 I 't" 'be'f' F d I' . d dollar. He must be, told that and glr s un er . study for each, department.' Sublmony' ?re a: e era, gran . Catholic Charities stretches its ',These _statistics' are "the .fruit I jects cover:ed included Engiisn' jury" investiga:ting: obscene' let- , ..do.llarto th'e top' li.mit' of ,aceom.p';' ,, of 'some of the laisSez-faire'theo- "history, science ,mathemati~s'" ,ter§ alld photographs which have , ,,. ries :'of' education with.,', their. foreign, :language~ 'and comme'r~ ,.' been ,mail,ed into ,this area ,in ., . . <-.'. " ",Ignoring of ,the effect~ of original .. , cial courses.' ' increasing nUrI1bers ,in recent ". aiR~' a~d ~ the . weakeni.n~, ~{ the.:'. "Other ".convention $peaken ~ihm~n~hs, ,c~i~~ly ,by. distribut~r:s "-, .' will;" 'charged !he, superinten-. ' cludedRev.. Raymond T. Con~i- located in' California. , ' ". CHAiuES 'F • ,VARGAS

",'dent. .. ' , ' d i n e and Rev.' William J. M'cDr. 'Ornsteen told !he grand , ' Speaking..'at the opening ses- Mahon. 'Father Considine's topic jury ,that, the ·letters and photo­ , '254 ROCKDALE 'AVENUE

:lIion of the ,second day of the was" "The Missions: 'and' the. graphs under investigation "are" NEW 'BEDfORD,' MASS.'

'convention; Rev: George Walter, I Schools,".wh'ile Father McMahon s,:,ch' ,strong-, fare ,that' chi~dren' .,.. C.SS.R, of the Ro~buryMission discussed "Tthe CathedralCarri p may well',lose the sensitivities ,(::hurch, also eJ;Ilphasi1;ed the i!D- and the Lay Retreat Movement:" ,necessary for any 'appreciatioll ,For GREATER portance of religion' in the; CathAttentiants, at' the convention of the finer things in life." He olice school curriculum.' ' , ,. also heard'the Msgr.Coyle High added that there' are "numerous , ,NEW' BEDFORD . Sputnik,he said,is not the'real School Band under the direction .cases" of' children ,requiring ,.THE· problem facing educators. "The of Brother Eldred'C,S.C., and 'psychiatric treatment after ex­ ,onl~, crisis is the urgent need for witnessed, the "pr~sentati~n of posure to such material.' , l religious training in the curricu­ awards to winners of the Fir~t lum," he declared, and con­ Annual Diocesan Science Fair: tinued, referring to the current . emphasis on science teaching: of New> Bedford, Mass. "What about the science of sci­ . . ences-religion?" Main Office Discussion groups formed an The annual convention and Union and Pleasant Sts. important part of both days of ~ishop's Day, usually held in WET WASH the convention program, afford­ May by the Diocesan Guild for North End Branch ing teachers an 'opportunity to the Blind, will be conducted in DRY CLEANING , 1200' Acushnet ,Ave. present their own classroom September, Rt. Rev. Msgr. J6­ Member Federal Deposit FLAT WORK problems. Among groups and seph Sullivan, Diocesan director, Insurance Corporation their leaders were: announced at the monthly'meet­ 1066 ~OUNTY STREET Sister Mary Grace, R.S.M., ing of the Fall River Guild In NEW 8EDFORD B.Ed" principal of SS. Peter and Sacred Heart School Sunday. Paul School, Fall River, chair­ Monsignor Sullivan conducted WY 7-9798 man of a discussion of "Reading" Rosary and Benediction in the with Miss Mary Ellen Heffernan., church prior to the meeting, ~t which member's .were greeted A.M" reading consultant with INCORPORATED 1937 Scott, Foresman & Co. as by Rev.'GeOl:ge E, Sullivan, pas­ speaker. tor of St. Dominic's -Church, Mother St. Vincent de Paul,' Swansea, regional director. and R.J,M" principal of Jesus-Mary Entertainment was presented -Academy, Fall River, 'chairman by the Firesicters,' member o~­ of a group of high school teach­ ganization of the Society for the 'ers who considered "Catholic Preservation arid Encourage'­ ,Literature in the Catholic High ment of Barbe{S!'top Quartet " John B. , , •.School" with BrassiI, FitzGerald, Singing in America, The quartet JAMES H. COLLINS, ~.E., Pres. :A,M" .Department of English, included Ed Berube; tenor; Bill Registered' Civil and Structural Engineer

:Stonehill College, as speaker. Vibberts,: 'lead; Jim Harrington, Member National Society Professional Engineers

Friday's ,discussion groups .in­ baritone, and Ernie Mellor,' eluded two sessions fol' elemen­ bass, and Sons, Inc. FRANCIS L. COLLINS, JR., Treas.

tary school teachers: a study of Hostesses were members of THOMAS oK. COLLINS, Sec'y.

the values to' be derived from Notre Dame de Lourdes' Parish OSTERVILLE use of the "Progress in Arith­ Women's Guild, with Miss Helen ACADEMY BUILDING FALL RIVER, MASS. . GArden 8-6509 S metic': series of textbooks, under Chace and Mrs. Antonio Lagasse, .~ ,the chairmanship o~ Sister ,Marie co-chairmen. ,


Asserts Obscenity 'Delinquency Factor

Nam'ed Head










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:'First Safe' Deposit " National Bank '

Guild for Blin'd' Plans Convention in Fall '<>,

North End' LAUNDRY'





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THE ANCHOR. . Thurs., May 1, 1958

Four CVO Junior Soccer ~eague T eams'.'in ITourney .

,Oi ~alley.










.:Time Maga~ine Misstatement

'. By Jack Kmeavy :. Fall 'River District Junior Soccer League is no' more. }Iowever, the 'circuit will continue to function under the aegis of the CYO banner. The Rev. Walter Sullivan ' CYO director in Fall River, announced plans for an ope~ tournament to commence on career at Coyle where he assis­ May 11 in which the four ted Jim Burns in football and teams of the Southern New directed freshmen baseball. A four letter man in baseball England CYO Junior Soccer



. \'



League will participate. Manuel Freitas, second vice­ president of the r ... Southern New England Soccer Football Asso­ ciation and act­ ing president of the junior cir­ cuit, will direct the tournament with the assist­ ance of Jose Costa and Wil­ liam Mol' r i s­ sette, first vice-president and secretary, respectively, of SNE­ SFA. It is anticipated that a New Bedford team' will" enter the tournament within the next week and an additional Tiverton eleven. may also join ranks. The League as presently C<)n­ stituted comprises" undefeated Espirito Santos of Fall ,River; the Portuguese-American Juni~ ors, . Attleboro; the·, Odoles from Tiverton, and the .. Cran­ ston Juniors, Cranst<;m,. R. I. A fifth team that has tentatively accepted an invitation to 'compete in tournament play is the .highly regarded Ludlow Boys' Club, Freitas Active in CYO Director Freitas is a well known sports figure in this area. He has been active in CYO cir­

cles for a number of years dur­ ing which time his St. Anthony of Padua teams have annexed Diocesan titles in basketball and baseball. For the past six years Mr . Freitas has coached the Junior Varsity soccer squad at Portsmouth Priory where his teams have met with notable success. The response to the establish­ ment of the CYO Soccer League has been most favorable. Indic­ ations are that a' strong and well organized CYO circuit Will func­ tion next season. At the moment. interest is high in the impending tournament and Fr, Sulliv.an has donated, in behalf of the CYO organization, a 19-inch .cup. to be awarded the winning team. . The interscholastic ba'seball season is still young, y~t.Ware" ham's outstanding .Tom' .Eccles­ 'ton has already hung ;"p .two no-hit, no::'ruh games:'. 'The Iastt balling. righthander, .: an. < All.. .Dioc~san halfback· cholc.e, last Fall, is one of the classiest mound men to come out of the Old Colony League In some time. War e ham, defending league champion, also boasts a clever portslder in Ken Borsari. Both boys are rumored heading ,for Holy Cross. , Playing the .outfield, and hit­ ting in the fourth spotIor North~ -eastern is Dartmouth's pride; John Erikson. John hit one downtown in a losing cause at Boston University Field last week. At second,base for the Providence College Frosh is Bob Souza, ex-Somerset. captain and four year luminary. "Sweet" carries a four game .461 average into competition this week. The top notch scholastic tilt in the area this week finds Dur­ fee at New Bedford today. Both teams at this writing are 3-0 on the season. Durfee,1957 State Champion, is again a formidable unit with experienced personnel studding the lineup. The Hill­ toppers posted the season's high against Taunton last Thursday, taking the Herrings into camp, 19-1. The possible return of Joe Sylvia, New Bedford's classy shortstop, should bolster the Crimson's morale for the Durfee invasion. McCarthy Coach at Case Case, defending Narry cham­ pion with a 3-0 record, is the only undefeated nine in the smaller school circuit. The Cardinals have gotten off the ..ark fast under the direction of new coach, Jack McCarthy. Jack, a Providence College grad­ ute, launched hili' coaching


LOS ANGELES (NC)- Wal­ ter F. O'Malley, president of the Los An'gelesDodgers baseball club, has flatly denied a state­ . ment attributed to him by a national newsmagazine that he knows daily communicants who spend the rest of the day after and football at St. Raphael Mass "thieving." Academy; Pawtucket, R. 10' Mc­ A feature article.in the news­ Carthy now teaches history and magazine (Time), referring to also coaches junior varsity foot­ the Dodgers president's business ball at Case. As a youth he was associations with "teetotaling, active in CYO sports in Provi­ profanity-hating" Branch Rick­ dence, playing with teams rep­ ey, one time Dodger general resenting St. Michael's parish. manager, said "the two never got Jack currently resides in Provi-'" a~ong," identified Mr. O'Malley dence with his wife, Barbara, asa Roman Catholic and quoted. and their three children. . . Baumann Looks Good . '..him as saying: "I'm no psalm­ .singing Methodist, but I don't The future may not be at all dark for the Red Sox if and k l10w as I ever did anybody any when .their hitting c'omes around. real harm. I'm not knocking The lefthander they've,' sought .. }~rlmcl:\ for his 'beliefs; h;1 fact, since the departure of Mel Par­ I'ye known plenty of daily com­ nell could well be :young .F.ra,n~ ml,lnicants in. my religiol'l who Baumann. We witnessed Frank's spent the rest of the day thiev­ seven inning stint against Ramos' ing." and the Senators on Friday and Mr. O'Malley said il'l an inter­ I want to tell you h'e was quick. view here "I regret having to Ironically; it was diminutive dignify the Time cover article Albie Pe~rson,. erstwhiie Sox' with a denial. But I unequivo­ chattel, .~ho. .Spen~d Baumann'" cally deny the direct quote about do.w'n~all., Albie. sil,lgl~d in):d": ~daily" communicants' who 'spend ..... :.WlfEF;LC~ilt'WEbJ;>ING:.Jani~e·4 Brado becomes the rest of ·the day' 'thieving"'atlJ die. y'ost wh~ ~a~ lofted.. a'harig­ ing Bil~m~nn c\,U"~e ~igh,~gain.s~ t~e.:'9.rid.e·QfAlexa~~¢r! '::A~~,Auadrozzi at St. .Anne's ChQr~h, tl'ibuted to me 'in Time." .' '''',1 the left centerfield wall for two' R,~nest¢I'; 'N.: .Y.,~~:F~ther John Merklinger witnesses .the .: 'Charhis·. G..: Johnson, spc;>rt8 bases.. Notm Zauchin, another editor; reports· on an intervit;~' Boston ex, rescued: Pearson 'with cer~ll).~:nY. Thene~lywe91:l'are"both sufferers of, muscular an' insurance run to ~lose out the dYstl.'opPY, and ~still: co~tfnue treat.mEmts wregain their 'with Mr. O'Malley in the curl'eht Il18u'e of The Tidings, newspaper Scoring. ., health. NC Photo." ,.' I, . . , , .. Of the Archdiocese of Los An~ Baumann set ten Senators geles Mr. Johnson says ~r. down'on strikes and looked par;' O'Malley did not object to some ticularly effective against big of teferences made to him in the

Ray Sievers and bigger Jim Time article, but that "he did Lemon. His control was not Peter Drott, a junior· m~jori'ng VATICAN CITY (NC) -The object to its putting in direCt what lit might have been, witness in chemistry at St. Francis Col­ beatification cause of Brother quotes 'statements I never have the five walks issued. Frank Andre of the Congregation of lege, Loretto, Pa.,· has been Inade in my life.' " couldn't mak!! his curve behave Holy Cross has been introduced elected vice-president of the Stuand this eventually hurt him. before the Sacred Congregation dent Council for the 1958-59 But his fast ball. was real live school year. of Rites. and he appear.ed quite strong. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Brother Andre was born Al­ Look for better things for Frank fred Bassette in Iberville near Ernest L. Drott of Main Street, if manager Higgins gives him a Montreal, Canada, in 1845. In Barnstable. regular t':lrn. 'Drc>tt is also an active member 1870, at 25, he entered the Con­ gregation of Holy Cross and was of Tau Kappa Epsilon Fratern­ assigned to Notre Dame College ity, the Science Club, the Glee a whale 01 a drink'" in Montreal. In 1904 he founded Club, the Dramatics Club, and is . ,Stoneh,111 College Speecl1,..Arts t~eOratory . of S~. ,roseph. in .the student· affiliate to the Amer­ ,." 17 DELICIOUS FLAVORS ican Chemical Society. I Soci~ty will prt!sentim .original l\{~>ntreaJin a small ,chap~l, nex.t musical cOlpli!dy. at Oliy,er Ames to which a vast shrine was 'sub­ B,EST SINCE 1853 High Sch091;next Sunday and SC9uent,ly buil,t. If~ .died i.fi .1937. .' '~WE DELIVER l\1onday. Entitleq. "My Squart;i ,,{Jroth~r ~ndr~'s writingS,werf;l , "", ~addie", .the pl/lY ,is .the result CALL ~l?prov:ed by th~ ~ongrega,tion of .I ~. ' J . . . of; ~e combined writing,. talents 'WY 9-6264 Ri~~s ill.19~5: ··Propot\ent Qf his : .. ~aintenance Suppli~ ...: " ~f Larry Bottari, a junior,. and <;au~e.is ~is. Eminen<:e C~emente .. 9-6265 , SWEEPERS .~ 1 SOAPS Kenneth Burke, a senior." "; Cardinal. Mi<;af~, V,ical,' ~neJ:'~1 , Carol Braga;'/lenior, ~all Rive~1 pt ~~s ,Jlolinc13s .:pope, Pil,ls DISINFECTANTS" . JI.",.. ',: iPresident of Speech-Arts is for Rome, ~md . th~ postulator. is . .fiRE ",EX-':I~CUI$HE~S ," l :choreographer;. Beth .; QuigleYl, rl,lther . ,~~w~rd,ae!!tc;m, .pro­ !:freshman, .C/lnton, is:'mush:lil dio. <;,ufatpr ~~nera,l o~ th~ ,F{Qly' Cro.sa ! ,rector. .. . . Fathers 1' ••• • ••.••• '., '45:SCHOOl'ST.· "

: "My Square Laddie;' revolves 18196 PURCHASE ST. .' ". around the problems of a woman­ 'At So. First St.

"~'-"'~""""""'~ . ~EW BEDFORD hating professor who' finds his . NEW BEDFORD

WY 3-3786 campus over-run with co-eds much to the delight of the ~al~ . students. The musical numbers include: "In a Class With a GirI'" ~ You .~ "I'm Going to College in th~ ~ -" Morning";, "I Could" Have Crammed All Night"; "The Rain KING , Extra Lge•. 'in Spain',~; "Wouldn't It'Be Love­ SIZE King Size Jy"; "I've Grown Accustomed ·to Her Face". ~ 54 PLEASANT 'STREET ~

- - - : ; "1

Broth'er Andre Cause BarnstableStuderit: .Before' Congregation Wins College Office'




Stonehill to Present Orig.inal Musical Play










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Pictorial. Rey'iew of Diocesa~ ,Teachers Convention

, ENTHUSIASM PERVADES CONVENTION: Top row, left to right: ~rother Augustus, F.I.C. of Monsignor Prevost High School, Fall River, ,discussion leader for the Mathematics section; 5cience Fair. win­ ~ers; Frederick- J, Fitzimmons; Coyle High School, Taunton, third prize; Lea E. Cyr, St. Mary's High, Taunton, first prize; Rev. Edward J. Gor­ man, Diocesan" Superiptendent of Schools, and Timothy W. Robbins, Coyle High, second prize. Sister Mary Bonifaee,- I.H.M. of Philadelphia is pic­ tl1",,,r'.gn<>::tk'ng to the Elementary School Principals. Middle-row,' left to , . right: Dr. James J. Cribbin of New York University, keynote speaker; S.. : Mary Virginia, KS.Mo, Principal Of Holy Family High School, New Bedford, and Rt. Rev. James J. Gerrard V.G., who presided at the opening



session. Rev..George Walter, C.SS.R, of the Mission Church, :Roxbury,

. is shown addressing a general session. Rev. Raymond T. Consid.ine, Dio­

cesan Director of the ~pagation of the Faith, reports on the Mission

activities of diocesan natives. Bottom row, left to right: l\fary E. Heffer­ nan, A.M;-, a reading consultant, exp~>unds modern reading methods. Miss Mary J. Murphy, secretar,y on the Propagation of the Faith Office, watches as Gerald and Shirley Pimental, dressed in Brazilian costumes, distribute mission litel4l.ture to Sister Lawrence, St. Theresa's Convent, New Bed­ ford, and Sister Mary Evelyn of St. Stanislaus's Convent, Fall River. Rev. Stanley Bezuska, 8.J., Of BostOn Coll'ege, comments on modern mathe­ maticaltrends. . t

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