
Page 1

Bishop Urges CCAParish Success Enthusiastic support of the

1975 Catholic Chanties Appeal was made in a ~etter from t~e

The ANCHOR An Anchor 01 the Soul, Sure and Flrm-St. Paul

Fall River, Mass., Thursday, May 1, 1975 PRICE 15c Vol. 19, No~ 18 © 1975 The Anchor $5.00 lIer year

Most Rev. Damel A Cronm, S.T.D.,. Bi~hop of the Ro~an CatholIc DIocese of Fall RIver. The letter was read at all ~asses on Satu~day and Sunda~ m the 113 pa~lshes of .the (It· ocese. Th~ parIsh phase of the Appeal wIll be made next Sun?ay w~e? 16,80? vo~u~teer parIsh solIcItors WIll VIsIt 104,500 homes of fellow parishioners between the hours of 12 noon to 2 p.m. or 1. p.m. to 3 p.m. . The Ordmary of the DIocese in his fifth year as honorary chairman of the Appeal, wrote in a lette~. to all 'paris~ioners this week: Our regIon, hke t~e rest of the nation and much of the world, is presently experiencing a good deal of economic '1;~'rprc; What this means of course is that the needs to' which our'annual Appeal responds are going to be all the greater this year.

Consequently, I must ask you to make a special effort to help. w.e can ~aintain and expand the wIde varIety of programs sup• ••••••• •

Door· to - Door May 4 - 14 ••••••••• ported by the Appeal only if thousands of good people like you in all parts of the diocese of Fall River unite in support of our social, educational and char-

itable endeavors. I ask you to be as generous as possible." Bishop Cronin stated: "This year as never before we feel the 'need of your wh~lehearted and generous cooperation. We anticipate an even greater need during 1975 and hence we turn to you for enthusiastic support. I am both hopeful and confident ;hat the response to our Appeal from parishioners all across the DIocese will be commensurate with the needs we confront. People require assistance and we want to be able to carry on our programs in spite of increased costs. We want to be able to improve existing apostolates and to encourage new endeavors where possible." Each parish in the diocese will be contacted n 7xt Sunday ~t 8 pm. for the parish total received that day. It is hoped that ninety pe:, cent of the parish cal!s wi!! Tum to Page Two


Repels Attack on Diocese; Praises Fire-Tried Faith

DEDICATION: Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin, S.T.D., Bishop of Fall River, blesses the new SS. Peter and Paul Church in Fall River, assisted by, left to right, Rev. Ronald. A. Tosti, Associate Pastor, Rev. Francis M. Coady, Pastor, and Rev. John J. Oliveira, Secretary to the Bishop.

A new SS. Peter and Paul Church, School and Parish Center stands in Fall River, dedicated to the glory of God and the service of man. Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin, S.T.D., Bishop of Fall River, dedicated the imposing structure on Sunday afternoon with some forty concelebrants aiding him and every seat in the new church. occupied. The Bishop had to use the joyful occasion of acknowledging contributions made by the Church to society to also ex-. press the resentment of the People of God. Earlier in the week, a public official in "ilI-conceived" and "intemperate" remarks, had grasped newspaper headlines

Five to be Ordained Priests, May 10 Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin, S.T.D., Bishop of the Diocese of Fall River, will ordain five deacons to the priesthood at 11 o'clock on Saturday morning, May 10 in St. Mary's Cathedral, Fall River. The five de~cons are: Rev. Mr. William L. Boffa of Allston, Rev. Mr. Kevin J. Harrington of New Bedford, Rev. Mr. Arnold R. Medeiros of Fall River, Rev. Mr. Bruce M. Neylon of Fall River and Rev. Mr. Richard M. Roy of New Bedford.


Rev. Mr. Boffa of 109 Brainard Rd., Allston, is the son of Mrs. Suzanne Roberts Boffa and the late William F. Boffa, Sr. A graduate of Christ the King Prep School, Southport, Conn., he attended St. Mary's College in Kentucky and St. Mary's Seminary, Baltimore. He received an M.. Div. degree from St. Mary's. At 11 o'clock on Sunday morning, May 11 the newly ordained priest will be the principal celebrant of a concelebrated Mass in St. Joseph's Church, Fall River



where he served as a deacon since Sept. 1974 and prior to that date was a aeacon for three months at St. Louis Parish, also in Fall River. Rev. John R. FoIster will be the homilist. Following the Mass, a reception will be held from 12:30 to 3 o'clock in the Carroll School, Hood St., Fall River. Rev. Mr. Harrington of St. Lawrence Parish,· New Bedford is the son of Edmund A. and Tum to Page Four



likening the Diocese to Jesse James, Train Robbers. The Bishop responded: "Let the chroniclers of tb2 news and their publishers take note of the wonderful accomplishments of the priests, religious and laity of the parishes of the Diocese. "Let them also take note of the pride that these good people of God have in tr..eir Church and how much they resent attempts made from time to time, the apparent effort, to ferret out the unusual situation, the iII-conceived complaint or the intemperate remark of a public official or a disappointed youngster or adult, or the inflammatory headlines, such as, "Swansea Oficial Likens Diocese to Jesse James, Train Robbers," all of which ~o not edify the good peo- . pIe of the community. "The Catholic Community, which feels it is making a valuable contribution to society, wants to support only those enterprises which it feels sure will strengthen the community, not divide it. "The Catholic Community never permits its Church to be unjustly attacked for long. The reason is that the Catholic Community is conscious of its' con·

1,500 Educators In Attleboro Convention The annual Catholic Education Convention is in progress today and tomorrow at Bishop Feehan High School, Attleboro. The program, attended by some 1,500 educator-s from diocesan schools 3.nd parishes, began this morning wIth a liturgy concelebrated by Bishop Cronin with diocesan priests. Dr. Eleanor M. McMahon, dean of educational studies at Turn to Page Two

tribution to the political, economic, educational and societal well-being of all in ·the community. "It is, above all, conscious of its contribution to the spiritual well-being of the community, and it does all this on its own, without any infringement of the Constitutional rights of others, and without any excessive entanglement with government, whether on the city, state or federal levels." Later in the week, the Chancery Office announced that in response to inflammatory charges by the Swansea School Committee, the Diocese of Fall River was withdrawing its offer to lease two schools to the Town-St. Michael and St. Louis de France. At press time, no formal communication had been received from the Swansea School Committee. The Bishop of the Diocese Turn to Page Nine

DCCW to Meet On Saturday In Taunton Plans have been completed for the Fall River Diocesan council of Catholic Women Convention to be held this Saturday at the Taunton Catholic Middle School, Summer St., Taunton. Registration will begin at 9:00 A.M. with the official convention opening at 10:00. Two workshops will follow entitled, "When Did You See Me in Prison?" presented by Miss Pauline Orsi of Taunton, who is' well informed on prison situations and has done a great deal of work with prisoners. The other workshop under the Family Affairs Commission, chaired by Mrs. James A. O'Brien of Fall River, is entitled, "Come Take My Hand" with Turn to Page Three


Reparation Vigil In Fairhaven

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., May 1, 197.5

Bids Enthusiastic Support

A five-hour vigil in honor of the S:H:red Hearts of Jesus and Mary will be held from 8 to 1 on May 2 at Sacred Heart Church, Main Street, Fairhaven. Purpose of the vigils, held at a different church each month, is to make repilntion for sin an,! to ful!'i11 the request of OUf Lad\' of F:ltima, to pray for peac~, S:lY organizers. Tomorrow night's program will begin with Mass,. followed by recitation of the rosary, a meditation, a holy hour Bep.ediction and, at midnight, a second Mass. Refreshments will be &erved in the' course of the evening.

DearlY beloved in Christ, Next Sunday, the parish phase of the Catholic Charities Appeal will begin. Representatives of your parish will be calling at your home to solicit your contribution to this yearly campaign. This year, as never before, we feel the need of your wholehearted and generous cooperation. A year ago, the Cath:llic Charities Appeal realized the sum of $953,000. With these funds, we have been able to support the many apos':olates under our pastoral care and the many works of cl:,arity and social service which benefit the Diocese and the community at large. No doubt you have seen the report which was recently published describing activities funded during 1974. We anticipate an even greater need during 1975, and hence we turn to you for entbusiastic support. Experience tells us that ninety percent of the appeal funds come from offerings channeled through our parishes. I am both hopeful and :onfident that the response to our appeal from parishioners all across the Diocese will be commensurate with the needs we confront. People require assistance, and we want to be able to meet the needs. We want to be able to carryon our programs in spite of increased costs. We want to be able to improve existing apostolates and to encourage new endeavors where possible. I cherish the confidence that, despite the economic diffieulties that exist and the financial strain that many experience, our good people will give generously to the 1975 Catholic Charities Appeal. I ~m grateful for your cooperation in this vitaf annual Diocesan program,and, as I thank you, I send the assurance of I:1y prayerful good wish that Almighty God shower choi:e blessil}gs upon you in rich abundance. Devotedly yours in Christ,

Bishop of Fall River '""·"",,,,,,,"" .... '.11'.,""" •• 1".·.,,',''''','1111''''''"t1""""""'l"'UlU,'1'1,lllt'UU""UllU1WU.,,,u""'Wl1.11UlUll1lIIJIIIIIIIlIIIIIIll"IIII'111111111111111l1111111111J11111"'11"""","'.,.... "".,,,

IHouse • to • House Phase Sunday Continued from Page One be made between the hours of 12 noon and 3 p.m. The parish phas::l of the Appeal ends ofEcially on Wednesday, May 14. Strellgth of Appeal in Parishes Bi:;hop Cronin said: "Year in and year out, it is apparent that the great strength of our Ap-

Necrology MAY 9 Rt~v. J.E. Theodule Giguere, 1940, Pastor, St. Anne, New Bedford Rev. John 'P. Clark, 1941, Pastor, St. Mary, Hebronville MAY 12 Ri:V. John F. da Valles, 1920, Chaplain, United States Army. MAY 13 Rt. Rev. Osias Boucher, 1955 Pastor, Blessed Sacrament, Fall Rivtr



THE ANCHOR Second Class Postage Paid at .111 River. Mass. Published every Thulsday at 410 Hlghll nd Avenue, Fall Rliver, Mass. 02722 by th! Catholic Prets of the Diocese of Fall River. Subscription price by ,mail. po~tp~:d ,~,?O 'per year. '

SPEAKING TODAY, TOMORROW: Rev. William G. Campbell, music consultant for the Fall River diocese, will Six Hundred Attend speak on "The Catechesis of Music in the Eucharist and Some 600 Cursillistas attended Confirmation" at the annual Catholic Education Convention a celebration held at Bishop in session today and tormorrow at Bishop Feehan High Stang High School, North Dartto mark the 10th anniverSchool, Attleboro. Also on today's program is Sister Felicita mouth sary of the Cursillo movement Zdrojewski, CSSF, art teacher at St. Stanislaus School, in the Fall River diocese and of Fall River, whose topic will be "The Excitement of Creat- the La Salette Center for Chrising." Sister Mary Bernard McCann, RSM, developer of a tian Living in Attleboro. A fivecareer education program at St. Mary Academy, Bay View hour program relived highlights of the past decade. A special atwill discuss "Community Classroom: Career Exploration ·traction was a chorus of La Program." Salette priests and brothers who

Educators Convene in Attleboro Continued from Page One Rhode Island College, addressed delegates on' "Religious Education and Moral Development" at this morning's general session. This afternoon's program will include a continuous showing of new films for all levels of Catholic education, presented in the -Nazareth Building on the Feehan campus by Mark IV Films of Attleboro. Six afternoon sessions will be· gin at 1:30 and eight at 2:20. They will consider a wide range of topics, including music, television for children, ethnic education, ,adult programs, art, courses for the handicapped and techniques for religious educators. Concurrently, an "elementary pot pourri" and a "high school swap shop" will provide opportunities for teachers to exchange ideas and view learning materials.

peal is in the parishes. We receive some few exceptional contributions, but the true success Tomorrow's Session of the Appeal lies in the generous response of many, many inTomorrow's general session dividuals and families, and to will have as speaker Sister Gwen this source we must turn in this 'McMahon, S.C-N., superintendyear of extraordinary need." Bishop Grateful to Supporters Bishop Cronin concluded his COUGHLIN letter with the following words: "I cherish the confidence that, Funeral Home Inc. cespite the economic difficulties 308 Locust Street that exist and the financial Fall River, Mass. strain that many experience, our good people will give generously John J. Coughlin to the Appeal. I am grateful for Michael J. Coughlin your cooperation in this vital 675·7055 Turn to Page Three

ent of education for the Memphis diocese. She wiH have as her topic "Education for Peace and Justice." Sister Gwen will offer suggestions for implementing justice in education at a workshop following her talk. Participants in other morning workshops will discuss religious topics, bicentennial projects and career exploration programs. The Mark IV film presentation will continue tomorrow and an afternoon general session will be addressed by Rev. Michael F. Groden, chairman of the Massachusetts Catholic Conference, on "Justice Is Everyone's Responsibility." . A concelebrated liturgy will close the two-day meeting.

serenaded the audience with songs in French, Latin and English. Co-hosts for the program were Rev Giles Genest, M.S., Cursillo spiritual diector, and Rev. Roland Nadeau, M.S. Center for Christian Living director.

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Peoples' Concert The Boosters' Club of St. Anthony High School, New Bedford, will present an "All Peoples' Concert" at 8 p.m. Saturday, May 10 in the school auditorium. Featured groups will be the Stetsonaires, the Harpoon Harmonizers, the St. Joseph Chorale, with Michael Labens at the piano l;lnd a surprise folk group. Tickets will be available at the door or may be reserved 'by calling' 995-54~7 ~r.._.,~95-9249 .. - .

Manuel Rogers & Sons FUNERAL HOME 1521 North Main Street Fall River, Mass. Raymond R. Machado Arthur R. Machado Tel. Office 672-3101 Res. 673-3li96 - 673-0.4.47 ! !




FUNERAL HOMES Serving All Faiths Regardless of Financial Circumstances For Over 102 Years CITY LOCATION 178 Winter Street Between Cherry & Locust Sts. FALL RIVER

SUBlJRBAN ,LOCATION 189 Gardners Neck Road North of Ri. 6 Intersection SWANSEA

THE ANCHORThurs., May 1, 1975

Appeal Continued from Page Two annual diocesan program, and, as I thank you, I send the as· surance of my prayerful good wIsh that Almighty God shower choice blessings upon you in rich abundance." All parishioners received their contribution cards in the mail this week. Solicitors have been given their assignments of the parishioners to be' contacted. Solicitors are asked to make their returns to their parish report centers on Sunday. Each parish will be contacted Sunday evening between the hours of 8 p m. and 9 p.m. Each area center will transmit these total~ to diocesan headquarters in Fall River. A final summary will then be made for the entire 113 parishes of the diocese. The Appeal provides funds for the maintenance and expansion of the works of charity, mercy, education, social service and other works of the apostolic mission of the diocese to all peoples in ·the southeastern. area of Massachusetts of every race, creed and color. Edward F. Kennedy of Tuun~ lon, this year's diocesan lay chairman of the Appeal, "ppealed to all special gift solicitors for completion of final returns in the special gift phase. Thes~ returns are to be made to the five area headquarters in lhe diocese as soon as possible.

Special Gifts National $1,000 A Friend Rev. Francis X. Wallace $500 Rev. Msgr. John A~ Chippen· dale Rev. Msgr. Thomas J. Harrington Rev. Msgr. Francis McKeon $400

Rev. Ambrose E. Bowen Rev. Msgr. John F. Denehy $300 Rev. Msgr. Hugh A. Gallagher $250 Rev. Msgr. Arthur G. Dupuis Rev. William A. Galvin, J.C.D. Rev. David A. O'Brien Rev. Msgr. George E. Sullivan Rev. William F. O'Neill $200 Rev. Msgr. Joseph R. Pannoni Rev. James F. Kelley $100 Rev. Joao de Medeiros Rev. Stephen J. Downey Rev. Msgr. Patrick O'Neill Sullivan Bros., Printers, Lowell $50 Walsh Brothers, Cambridge Rev. Edmond Tremblay $35 Rumford Steel Industries Inc., Providence $25 Matthew F. Sheehan Co., Boston Farley Harvey Co., Boston Jolicoeur & Resmini Co., Inc., Providence

New Bedford $1,350 New Bedford Institution for Savings $130 National Bank of Fairhaven $50 Calvin Clothing Co. $25 Guba's Pharmacy, Plumbers Supply, TQ'ny's.Bakery .


Cathedral Organ Recital.May 4 On Sunday afternoon, May 4lh, at 3 o'clock, there will be an organ recital at St. Mary's Cathedral, Fall River. Given by the Cathedral organist, David R. Carrier, the program will include music of Walther, Sweelinck, Buxtehude, Marchand, Vivaldi and Bach. A former organ student of Normand Gingras. crganist and choirmaster. at Saint Anne's Church Fall River, he went on to further .study with Yuko Hayashi at the New England Conservatory of Music where he received his Bachelor's degree in organ in 1972. As director of the Cathedral Choristers, he has presented many choral and organ programs throughout the New England area. .The recital is open to the general public. There is no charge for admission.

CONCELEBRATED MASS OF DEDICATION AND BLESSING: Most Rev..Daniel A. Cronin, S.T.D, Bishop of the Diocese of Fall River is the principal celebrant of Concelebrated Mass offered in the new SS. Peter and Paul Church, Fall River.

Cape Cod $1,000 St. Francis Xavier Bingo, Hyannis St. Pius X Bingo, So. Yarmouth $600 St. Francis Xavier Conference, Hyannis $500 St. Margaret Conference, Buzzards Bay $150 Corpus Christi and St. Theresa Conferences, Sandwich Bishop ·Feehan Council No. 2911 K of C, Buzzards Bay St. Pius X Guild, So. Yarmouth $100 St. Francis Xavier Guild, Hyannis Sts. Margaret &' M:uy Guild, Buzzards Bay $25 Catholic Daughters of America, Court No. 851, Provincetown

$2,000 B.M.C. Durfee Trust Co. $600 A Friend

$500 Charlie's Oil Co. Inc. Mr. & Mrs. John R. McGinnLeary Press $300 Newport Finishing Corp. $250 A Friend

$209 Waring-As.hton Funeral Directors $200 Confirmation Class 1975, Our Lady of Angels Pa:-ish Robert A. Wilcox Co. Al Berube & Sons, Inc., Contractor and builder $150 Edgar's Dept. Store Midland Print Works Chace Mills Curtain Co. Arkwright Finishing Div. United Merchants & Manufacturers, Inc.

$125 St. Anne Credit Union $100 Atty. Charles I. Tucker Katherhine A. Harrington Dr. & Mrs. John Malloy Paroma Draperies Nira Warehouse Mart, Inc. Valcourt Industrial Supply Fall River Shopping Center Assoc. In Memory of Rev. George B. McNamee Thomas Walsh Moving Co. Riveredge Printers, Inc. A C Lumber Co. Beacon Garment, Inc. In Memory of John M. and Phyllis Corrigan $75 Roma Chemical Div. of United Merchants and Manufacturers, Inc. Lecomte's Dairy $60 John F. McMahon & Son O'Neil's Tire Service, Inc.

Our Lady of Angels Credit Union, National Glass Co., Joseph A. Los Insurance, Sterling Package St9re, Inc., Henry J. Duffy Pharmacy. Towne Heating Co., Inc., Ideal Bias Binding Co., Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Morley, Attys. Thompson & Reed, Jodi Sue Mfg. Corp. Darwood Mfg. Co., Carousel Mfg. Corp., Fall River Fireplace, Inc., American Wallpaper Co., F. W. Woolworth Co. R. S. Rental & Equipment, Magoni's Ferry Landing.

Taunton $550 Reed & Bart<>n Foundation, Inc. $500 St. Vincent de Paul Society Particular Council $200 Mr. & Mrs. Edward Kennedy $75 St. Jacques Conference $50 John Bright Shoe Store

$50 Atty. and Mrs. William P. Grant J. B. Travers Lumber Co. Norbut Manufac.turing Co., Inc. Attys. O'Donoghue & O'Neil

$25 Sacred Heart Men's Club Dr. Fernand B. Hamel

Continued from Page One guest . speakers Sister Mary Christopher, O.P., superior at the Rose Hawthorne Lathrop Home, Fall River, and Sister Mary Edwin O.P. also of the home for the terminally ill persons. Both have devotedly worked with tht: terminal cancer patients f<>r several yt'ars and will share their understanding, comforting, consoling ~nd rewarding experiences in this dedicated work. A question and answer period will preclude the workshops. A large d~legation of priests is expected at the JlI1ner which is a complete s~1l out. . Afternoon guest speakers w!JI be His Excellency, Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin, and Rev. Richard H. Sullivan C.S.C., former president of Stonehill College. Bishop Cronin will also be the princ;pal con-celebrant of the 4 o'clock Mass assisted l1y Msgr. Gerard Chcibo[, c'iocesan moder· ator and a number of priests, representing ~ach dlstr;ct of the diocese. The installation of new officers will conclude the 22nd Annual Convention of The ~a­ tional Council of Catholic Women of the Fa!1 'River Diocese.


$40 Poirier Rambler Atty. and Mrs. Peter Collias


$35 . Mr. Robert A. Clark $25 Dr. Frank L. Collins Dr. Ben1amin Leavitt Fall River CathoHc Nurses Guild William Stang Assembly 'Fall River Paper & Supply Co. Atty. Francis Meagher J. Fred Beckett & Son Dr. Albert Weiser Irven F. Goodman, Archt. Atty. James Seligmen David J. Friar Andrews Fruit Co. Frank N. Wheelock & Sons A. Soloff & Son, Inc. B & S Fisheries of Fall River Wolf Jewelry Co. Danfred Jewelers Corrigan Ap()thecary . H. Schwartz &·50ns, Inc,

DCCW to Meet

- UNDERGRADUATE COURSES Liberal Arts - Business Administration

Write: Director of Summer Session


TEL. 238·2052 or 696-0400





.. .. .

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New Bedford .,





THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., May 1, 1975


Sisters' Senate Will S~onsor Ju·stice Day

and Faith

Th,~ door-to-door phase of the Catholic Charities Appeal begins Sunday. It is an act of charity and an act of faith. The charity is the motive, the love of God residing in people that 'Jrges them to serve God and to serve -God's children and especially those in need. In the act of faith lies the confidence that the work of God will not be downgraded or overlooked even in the midst of difficult economic times. Fortunately, the Appeal does not ask a great deal 6f~ money from a few people but rather a little support from many people. This has been and is the strength of the Appeal. It will prove to be the Appeal's strength this year. And the measure of giving still remains the one given long ago: the measure of God's giving to you must be the measure of your giving to others. Or, as has been said as a practical guide, give a little more than you think you can afford and you will probably be giving what you should.

The Sisters' Senate of the Fall River Diocese will sponsor an all-day program Saturday, May 10 at Sacred Hearts Academy, 466 Prospect St., Fall River. Purpose of the day will be to examine the Reconciliation theme of the Holy Year in the light of the ministry to the oppressed~ Beginning at 9:30 a.m. with registration, the schedule will continue at 9:45 with an address by Rev. Peter N. Graziano, diocesan director of the Department of Social Services and Special Apostolates. His topic will be "Social Justice in the Church in Fall River." He will be followed at 11 o'clock by a discussion of migrant farm workers hy Bob Clark of the Boston unit of the United Farm Workers.

Reconciliation The President's address at North Church in Boston and his talk at Tulane University and his remarks ever since have been centered around a theme of reconciliation. It is interE~sting that this is the theme of the Church's Holy Year as w<~ll. The basic and universal thrust of a person's life must be reconciliation and it is a great yearning of the human heart. There is the need of reconciliation on many levels. First, and above all, there must be reconciliation of man with God. To overlook this most basic reconciliation is to bypaHs man's greatest need and is to ignore the Founding Fathers' great stress on the new nation's beginnings from God and dependence upon Him. ~~here is need of reconciliation of man to man. Certainly the events of the last decade, both at home and abroad, have rent American society and now is the time to call for and strive to achieve reconciliation on a day to day basis. The histo:ians; as the President said, are the ones who can start to w.rite and assign blame from the calm and unhurried positi on of hindsight and the passing of time. There is need of reconciliation of man and his environment. The ecology efforts of a few years ago must not be forgotten, now that consciousness has been awakened and good beginnings made. And all this reconciliation is bound to help as man tries to be reconciled within himself, living a life of internal harmony and serenity. Reconciliation is the call of the Church and the call of the 'nation. It is a call that should meet with response, genuine and sincere and effective.

Same Cloth Executives·of a national television network are asking questions and trying to come up with answers these days. It set!ms that the network advertised that it was going to put on a television program concerned with guns. Letters began to come in to the network, both praising and condemning the program. The surprising element in the picture, however, and the one that gives cause fo~ questioning, is that ·the program was never shown. It shows that people are quick to shoot from the hip. It also shows that the topic summons up strong feelings on both sides. But there is also the sad thought that there is an aspect of hypocrisy in too many people, that they would write in support or in protest and base their views on a lie. This is not in the Watergate category, of course, but it is reprehensible since of the same cloth.


PubliHhed weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River 410 Highland Avenue Fall River Mass. 02722 675-7151 PUBLISHER Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin, D.O., S.T.D. GENERAL MANAGER FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATOR Rev. Msgr. Daniel F. Shalloo, M.A. Rev. Msgr. John 1. Regan ASSISTANT MANAGERS Rev. John R. Foister Rell. John P. Driscoll .'

""Food for the spirit of a nation."

Five New Priests, May 10' Continued from Page One Isabelle Gomes Harrington. A graduate of Holy Family High School, New Bedford, he received a B.S. degree in Physics from Providence College in 1971. His theological studies were made at St. Mary's Seminary, Baltimore where he was awarded an S.T.M. in Moral Theology. On Saturday night, May 10 at 7 o'clock, Rev. Mr. Harrington will ,be principal celebrant of a concelebrated Mass in St. Lawrence's Church, New Bedford. Following the Mass, a reception will be held at the Kennedy Center, County St., New Bedford. The newly ordained will preach the homily at his first Mass. During the past, Rev. Mr. Harrington served his diaconate internship at Holy Ghost Parish, Attleboro. Rev. Mr. Medeiros, the son of Albert B. and Odilia Chaves Medeiros, graduated from BishOp Stang High School, No. Dartmouth and received his classical and philosophical education at St. John's Seminary Colle~e, Brighton. He has heen granted an M. Div. degree this year on the completion of his theological studies at St. John's Seminary. On Sunday afternoon, May 11 at 1:30, the newly ordained will be the principal celebrant at a

Astronaut Cernan Visits Pope P'aul VATICAN CITY (NC) - ' Pope Paul VI received Capt. Eugene A. Cernan, U.S. moon-walking astronaut, in private audience here recently. Capt. Cernan was accompanied by his wife. A Vatican source said that the Pope and Capt. Cernan had chatted for a short while and exchanged gifts, but he refused to say ~hat the gifts were. Capt. Cernan, a naval aviator, was a member of the crews of Gemini Nine in 1966 and Apollo Ten in 1969. He vyalked on the mo~n during the Apollo 17 astroflight 'iii December' 1972.

concelebratd Mass in Santo Christo Church, Fall River. Hev. Manuel Andrade, pastor of Our Lady of Health Church, Fall River 'and the godfather of Rev. Mr. Medeiros will be the homilist. Following the Mass, a reception from 2:30 to 4:30 will be held in San~o Christo Parish Hall. As a deacon, Rev. Mr. Medeiros served in St. John of God Parish, Somerset. Rev. Mr. Neylon, the son of Edward F. and Jennie A. Holewiak Neylon, is a graduate of B.M.C. Durfee High School, Fall River. On completion of his college courses in St. Mary's in Kentucky, the newly ordained underwent his theological training at St. Mary:s Seminary, Baltimore, from where he received an M. Div. degree.. His diaconate was spent in service at St. Mary's Parish, Mansfield.. Principal celebrant at a concelebrated Mass in St. Patrick's Church, Fall River at 11 :30 on Sunday morning, May 11, Rev. Mr. Neylon will have Rev. Kevin F. Tripp, chaplain at St. Luke's Hospital, New Bedford as homilist. A reception will be held in St. Patrick's School Hall immediately after the Mass. Rev. Mr. Roy, the son of G. Albert and Claire LeComte Roy, graduated from Bishop Stang High School, No. Dartmouth and St;. Mary's College in Kentucky. He attended St. John's School of Theology, Brighton and received an M. Div. degree this year. . The newly ordained served his deacon internship program in St. John the Evangelist Parish, Attleboro. At 2 o'clock on Sunday afternoon, May 11, Rev. Mr. Roy will be principal concelebrant at a Mass in St. Joseph's Church, New Bedford. Rev. Mr. Roy will be the homilist at his First Mass. A reception 'will be held immediately after the Mass in St.J'Oseph's Parisj). Hall, New Bedford. -,'J' ,JI~, 'J':' ii,"LJ • .

Following a lunch break, Sam Davis, legislative liaison for the Office for Cllildren and a board member of the Boston-based Committee for the Advancement of Criminal Justice, will speak on "Juvenile Justice: Chapter 766 and Chapter 1073." The day's closing speaker will be Rev. Kevin Tripp, chaplain at St. Luke's Hospital, New Bedford, who will consider the Church's responsibility in health care. A general session summary and celebration of the liturgy will conclude the program. Further information on the day is available from Sister Mary Jean, P.O. Box 1790, Fall River 02722.

Long Friendship Cel'ebrated Again In Sister Cities The city of Taunton, Mass. has presented a paten to the Catholic parish of Taunton, Eagland. TJ:te two cities have a longstanding "sister" relationship, said Mrs. Emma Andrade of the Massachusetts city, and various gifts have been exchanged over the years. Never before, however, had the Catholics of the English city been recognized, and it waJ especially appreciated, noted Mrs. Andrade, because they are a small minority. The presentation took place last week when a party of 17, led by Mayor Theodore J. Aleixo of Taunton, and including Mrs. Andrade, traveled to England, where the paten was accepteJ by Rev. Patrick Lynch of St. George's parish. The English church was also ,the scene of a requiem Mass celebrated by Father Lynch for the repose of the soul of Dr. Charles Hoye of Taunton, Mass., a prominent area physician and father of Rev. Daniel F. Hoye of the Fall River diocese, a student at the School of Canon Law of Ca'tholic University. Dr. Hoye died on the eve of the trip to England.

Solitary Prayer Since it is to him who prays in solitude that God reveals His nature and wiH, every new ere· ation in the sphere of religion has its origin in solitart; prayer. . '-Heiler

THE ANCHORThurs., May 1, 1975

Urge Adoption of U.S. Children As W'ell As Vietnamese CHICAGO (NC) - Catholic Charities directors meeting here approved a policy statement emphasizing that they support the evacuation of orphans from Vietnam but also urge local agencies to promote the adoption of children in this country. The Catholic Charities directors said they "continue to support the concept of strong family life throughout the world and only when it is impossible for the child to be nurtured within the family and his own environment do we seek a solution through adoption. The adoption process is designed to assure the most appropriate placement for the child." The statement stressed three points: -"In March, Catholic Relief Services (CRS) identified several thousand children who cannot remain .in their own country and who do not have extended families to care for them. It is incumbent on us in the United States, as well as those in other countries, to provide the means for these children to develop within a stable family lifestyle, "Through the services of professional adoption agencies, this can be accomplished. It is the position of the national Catholic Charities directors that the NCCC (National Conference of Catholic Charities) encourage and assist the implementation of adoption services, as requested by the United States government, for the orphans of South Vietnam. -"Catholic Charities commends those families who have offered homes to the children of South Vietnam, offers far in excess of the anticipated need. Because the number of children requiring homes is less than the number of families who have responded many offers may not be

accepted in response to this specific need. -"We recommend that a~ part of their continuing commitment to service, NCCC and local 'Cathblic Charities agencies assist those fC',milies who have responded to the Vietnamese emergency, to promote the adoption of children from other countries and children in this country who have special needs. These are the children who are older, members of minority groups, emotionally or physically handicapped." The statement was made after two days of discussion on the Vietnamese refugee situation. Throughout the discussions, the Catholic Cha~ities directors expressed concern over the "sudden interest in adoptions" that has occurred in almost every diocese. Some directors said their local offices have received as many as 200 calls in a single day regarding adoption of Vietnamese orphans.

Stat'e K of C Sets Meeting In Boston

The 80th annual meeting of the Massachusetts State Council Knights of Columbus will be held at the Sheraton-Boston Hotel Friday through Sunday, May 16 to 18. Regtstration of delegates will take place Friday evening and Saturday morning'. The husiness of the convention will be held throughout the day on Saturday, featuring a summary of the year's events and several resolutions to be voted on by delegates. Also on the Saturday program will be a ladies luncheon and the convention ball. The meeting will conclude on . Sunday with the election of state officers and delegates to the supreme convention of th~ organizatIOn. 500 d;:-'egi: 1, 3 and theIr 'NIve" VATICAN CITY (NC) - An authentic religious vocation is a are expecteJ to be in attendance call to immolation and heroism, Pope Paul VI told thousands of pilgrims in S1. Peter's Basilica during Mass on Vocation Sunday. "The call becomes selection, ST. LOUIS (NC) - May has choice, removal, separation, seg- been designated Senior Citizens regation," the Pope said. Month by the Catholic Hospital "He who is called becomes a Association (CHA). candidate for a special office Mercy Sister Mary Maurita, which has this primary charac- CHA president, said that the teristic, today the most painful, association is not only concerned of imposing a view of life di- with the aging within a Catholic verse from the ordinary." health facility but is vitally conHe noted that human life it- cerned with all aging Americans, self constitutes a vocation. especially the more vulnerable Pope Paul added that this di- who have unmet needs. verse way of life constituting a /. She. said that in p~yi"* spereligious vocation is "derived CIal trIbute to older CItizens, all from a dedication to prayer or informational means should be ministry for brother mankind, used to foster an environment with preference shown toward in which older persons can enthose who had most need of joy the opportunity to share love, of aid, of consolation." fully in the social, economic and He continued: spiritual life of the community. "The call, which had been In addition, she pointed out choice, becomes dedication, im- that the CHA is most willing to molation, silent and unasked-for continue to assist Religious conheroism. It becomes ecclesial, gregations and dioceses and their grafted within a body that is health facilities that are willing social, human, organized, jurid- to expand existing services or ical, hierarchical, wonderfully to create new programs to help compact and obedient." meet the health needs of the agPope Paul then appealed to ing and disabled. the huge congregation, in EnCHA represents 870 Catholicgland, French, German and sponsored hospitals and longSpanish, to meditate long on term care facilities throughout vocations. the United States.

Vocation Call To Heroism

Designate Senior Citizens Month


Arrange Ministry Career Program At Stonehill

IRISH STUDIES PROGRAM AT STONEHILL: Principals involved in the three-day program conducted by the Committee for Irish Studies on the North Easton campus were: Rev. Ernest Bartell, CSC, president of Stonehill; Mrs. Carmel Heaney, Consul-General in Boston of the Republic of Ireland and Dr. Conor Cruise O'Brien, Minister for Posts and Telegraphs for Ireland and former member of the Irish Delegation to the United Nations, was .the feature speaker of the program.

Paltry List of Religious Items On American Freedom Train As far as religion's influence on American life is concerned, the American Freedom Train is on the wrong track. The train, just starting a nationwide tour as part of the bi路centennial observance, includes 10 railroad cars full of memorabilia, trivia, models, replicas and reproductions - more than 500 exhibits - but fails to present an accurate picture of the effect of religion on American history and life. Unless you consider a photo of evangelist Aimee Semple McPherson to be an adequate representation of the power of faith in founding and building America. The Freedom Train is a jumble of sights and sounds and the visitor is moved through it all on a conveyor belt, making study or, for that matter, recognition of items almost impossible. Many of the artifacts are not labeled, adding to the confusion. And those that are replicas are not marked, so the viewer does not know whether he or she is seeing or.iginal Americana or something stamped out last week. But it was the religious angle that concerned this reporter. In preparation I called the publicity outfit handling the Freedom Train, in hopes of learning what religious exhibits were included. "I thought I had all the items memorized," the man said. He then shuffled through some lists and came up with these possibilities: Martin Luther King's Bible, pulpit (a replica) and vestments; Charlton Heston's staff from his role as Moses .in "The Ten Commandments;" The first Bi~le printed in the United States. When he realized how paltry the list was, the PR man added, with a laugh: "How about Bing Crosby's gold record for White Christmas?" One contact for the Freedom

Train opined that religion was not represented because of the fear of offending one denomination or faith by omission. Sports, Industry Whatever the reason, the train is full of exhibits for sports (Henry Aaron's 714th homer bat), entertainment (Judy Garland's dress from "The Wizard of Oz"), industry (ancient phones and radios) and, of course, history (a reproduction of the chair Lincoln was seated in when he was shot). But religion, at the center of American experience from the founding to today, mu:;t make do with Aimee's photo (and reputation). What could have been there? How about paintings, documents, artifacts and reproductions relating to the Pilgrims, Roger Williams and religious freedom, Cotton Mather, Mother Seton, private education, the Spanish priests in the West and Junipero Serra, and the diversity of American religion, from the Quakers and Shakers to the Mormons and other uniquely American sects? The American Freedom Train will be journeying across the northern half of the U. S. during 1975, completing its tour with a swath across the South next year. Seventy-six cities will be visited. If you go to see it at one of its future stops, follow this advice: Forget the sound device they give you; it describes no.thing and merely adds to your confusion; Concentrate on picking out one or two items in each exhibit area; you'll be past them so quickly you won't have time to ponder many; Consider buying the souvenir program in order to know ahead. of time what's inside; this wi1I give you a chance to identify many of the items you p'ass. Don't expect more than a gloss of history and a faint impression of America.

A four-day program, entitled "Careers in Ministry" and spon~ sored by the Archdiocese of Boston, the Diocese of Fall River, and the Holy Cross Fathers and Brothers, will be held Saturday through Tuesday, May 1013 at Stonehill College, Easton. The Rev. Leo Polselli, 34-yearold vocation director for the Holy Cross Fathers and an organizer of the four-day program, said, "'Careers in Ministry' is intended to put into focus the ministry as a life's option." "Priests, brothers, sisters and seminarians participating in the program will preach at all the liturgies on campus during the first two days," said Father Polselli, a Fall River native and a former member of the Peace Corps. "The speakers will share their own ministry and life's goals." "On Monday and Tuesdaythe final two days of the program-many of these same people will be seeking the opportunity to talk with anyone interested in the ministry and serving Christ either through summer programs or through a permanent commitment in religious life or priesthood." 路For further information, interested persons should either call the Stonehill Office of Campus Ministry at 238-2052 (Ext. 356 or 220), or write to the Office of Campus Ministry at Stonehill College, Easton 02356. In addition to Father Polselli, other organizers of the progratn are Rev. Wilfred Raymond, vocation director for the Holy Cross Fathers; Rev. Pauf Walsh, vocation director for the archdiocese of Boston; Rev. John Smith, vocation director for the Fall River diocese; and the members of the Office of Campus Ministry at Stonehill College.

Vincentians to Meet Greater Fall River Council of the Society of St. Vincent de ,Paul will meet for Mas!> at Espirito Santo Church on Alden Street at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, May 6. A meeting will follow. Plans will be made for the 10th annual Northeastern Conference of the organization, to be held next month in Newport.


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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., May 1, t 975


Says T·here's No Ea,sy Way To Get Teerns to Mass I feel guilty when I get letters from parents who are distressed because their teen-age children do not go to Mass every Sunday. They write and ask me how I get mine to go. They just presume mine always do. From the time they were toddlers, I have taken my children to tccn-agers are moved to Mass by fear. I know mine wouldn't be. Mass. More by example than A family, gathered together by pr,~aching, I have tried to only because they dread the con-

teach them that Mass is worthwhile. But in the middle to late teens years, the questioning starts.



"Why go?" "If I'm not getting anything out of it, what good is it doing?" Their only reason for going to Mass was to please me. That was enough reason at the tine, and I prayed that an understanding, or faith, or devotion would take over before that fE'ason wore out. It didn't. So I have the same problems most parents have; my teenagers don't always' go to Mass on Sunday. What am I dO'ng about it? For one thing, pra.ying a lot. Another thing I· do is to take every ,)pportunity I get to talk to the kidfo, and tell them why I go to Mass. I derive spiritual, emoti01al, and ,community benefit from it. Surely I can be close to God at other times, whether I'm in Church or not. But I personally find Communion a very pJsitive sign of my union with Christ. Family Unity Ther~ is a parallel between Mass and family unity. My son at college can write, or call on the phone, and the communication is good. But I find greater joy in his coming home and sharing a meal with Ufo'. It's an acknowledgement of the bonds we share. So I go to Mass out of love, acknowledging the bond I share . with Christ and the community. SomE! parents take a different approaeh. They tell their children to go to Mass because they'll go to hell if they don't. To some degree that may work for them. But I think that few Q

Madrid Opens Parish For English-Speaking MADRID (NC) - Cardinal VicentE Enrique Tarancon of Madrid has established a parish in Madrid for some 20,000 English - sj:eaking Catholics, including American, British and Irish familieB. The archdiocese of Madrid has about 4.1 million Catholics in 605 pa~ishes. The new parish church is the chapel of Our Lady of Mercy College in downtown Madrid, where English-language services have bl:en held for some time.

foequences if they don't, would not have a very harmonious,' warm, communicative meeting. So I don't talk to my children of damnation if they don't go to Mass. If I believe that Mass is a sign of love, then demanding would destroy that. Nothing is as destructive as trying to cram love down another's throat. If 1 want them to learn to love Mass, .I cannot force them. I ask them to go out of love. Under thefoe terms, they go ... the girls frequently, the boys occasionally. Difficult Love Teen years are a time when there often is difficulty handling love, particularly love of parents. To do something simply for his mother's sake seems more a sign of weakness, an inability to fotand on his own two feet, than a sign of love. A child's love of his parents goes through' tremendous changes, the most drastic during teen years. Frequently, the only way a teen-agel' can feel he ifo maturing is to break totally from his parents. The difficult part is that to parents it looks like dejection. Some children make the change from dependent love, to no love, before they achieve a mature love. It's sometimes erratic-showing a maturing love at times, and complete disregard at others. But if I can keep all this in mind, then as their love of me, ·and their love of God matures, they will return to Mafos with far deeped devotion than if I force them now. I believe it will happen. They are good kids.

Group to Study Top Jesuit Administration ROME (NC) - Father Pedro Arrupe, superior general of the Society of Jesus, hafo announced the creation of a special study group to analyze the Jesuits' central administration here, with an eye toward possible reorganization. The new study group will be headed by Jesuit Father Cecil McGarry, former Jesui~ provincial of Ireland, who was elected last February by the -Jesuits' 32nd general congregation as a general afosistant to Father Arrupe. The inclusion of an Irish lay expert in the administrative affairs of Religious groups, Eoin. McCarthy, indicated that the study group's emphasis will be on efficiency and economy. A Jesuit spokesman said here that the study might take seven or eight months. At itfo conclu· sion, he said, a report will be made to Father Arrupe fer fur'ther action. , .. ~

EMERGENCY COMMANDMENT: Oblate Father Peter Rogers of New Orleans gets into his car at the rectory where he lives in New Orleans. Father Rogers, chaplain of the city's fire and police departments, gets calls at all hours of the day and night so it is crucial that the driveway be kept clear. To warn away potential parking violators, he has posted his own lIth commandment-"Thou shalt not park ... emergency driveway."

Says Heritage Mixtu:re of Go\od, Evil SAN ANTONIO (NC)-Archbishop Peter L. Gerety of Newark, N.J., told participants at a Catholic bicentennial hearing here that the 200-year heritage of. the United Statefo is "marked by glory and courage, and by dishonor and shame." "In the revolutionary struggle," he said, "the American people made a covenant with one another, an agreement which embodied promises of equality and dignity for all people, but embodied, too, an acceptance of slavery, as it would later embody endor;;ement of social injustice and national violence." Despite the mixture of good and evil in· the country, he said, it is not utopian" to take up the U. S. bishops' bicentennial call "for rededication to th~ principles of liberty and jUfotice for all." Archbishop Gerety, chairman of the subcommittee on justice of the bishops' bicentennial committee, chaired the hearing here April 3-5. It was the second of six such hearings to be held around the country in 1975 as part of a national consultation process aimed at a 1976 conference in Detroit "Liberty and Justice for All." The archbifohop, who is fluent in Spanish, first greeted the largely Chicano audience in Spanish. In his opening talk he also responded to critics who have charged that the bishops' bicentennial program is being controlled by an elitist minority and will not represent the thinking of U. S. Catholics. The chief public criticism has come from Father Andrew Greeley, a widely known sociologifot and newspaper columnist from Chicago. "Unfortunately," Archbishop Gerety said, "some have misunderstood or misinterpreted our intentions in this bicentennial program." He described the nationwide consultation being conducted at the parish level, at the regional level, and with "every national

Catholic organization." "We stand ready and anxious to provide materials and asfoistance to any responsible group which wishes to consider a problem or an area it feels has been neglected in the regional and diocesan programs," he said. "In other words; the consulta-

Boys Town Offers Help For Vietnam Children BOYS TOWN (NC) - Boys Town has offered to provide temporary residence for Vietnamese children until other agencies can arrange for the chilo dren's adoption. Father Robert P. Hupn, director of the famed home for bOYS, said that. he told Cardinal Terence Cooke of New York and Father Robert Charlebois, regional director for East Asia and the Pacific of Catholic Relief Services (CRS): "We'd be happy to act as a holding faciliy for these kids, if they brought some kids over and did not know what to do with them." Father Hupp noted that Boys Town is not an adoption agency and could only assist adoption agencies. The age range of the boys that the 57-year-old institution here usually handles is 9 to 18 or so, the priest explained, but he add- . ed: "We could open a pediatric facili~ if need be."

tion is completely open, the invitation to advise and urge and demand is ifosued without limitations of section, race, class or sex." He added that the bicentennial committee does not expect the program to "produce unanimous agreement" among Catholics or among Americans as a whole. "We do hope," he said, "to clarify some of the questions and set a general direction for the Church in the immediate future. ... We undertake thifo effort in no spirit Of righteousness and with no moralistic criticism of others -that we do not make of ourselves. The process of national examination includes selfexamination." The framework for that examination, he said, is "the tradition of Catholic social teaching articulated ,in the Church from (pope) Leo XIII through (Pope) Paul VI, induding the contributionfo of Vati·can II and the Roman Synod of Bishops in 1971 and 1974." Enjoy Yourself - It's Later TIIan You T11lnk Taunton Sr. CitiZens • Greater F.R•• N.B. FREE S.R. T.A. BUS Sick of loud music - rough crowds? Well, it's back· Dancing· Real live music WINDSOR SENIOR DANCE CLUB Welcomes couples, stag, escorted, over·30 Brush up on favorite - Dances - Sing New and oldies - Socialize - Meet olil and new friends - Nostalgia Atmosphere Every Wed. and Sun. • 1·5 • Lincoln Park Spacious floor Ballroom·line Dances No intermis.• 2 Bands 2 • Contino Music Gus Ie Tony Rapp· Matt Ie Art Perry Orch. Band of a Thousand Melodies 'nternational Dances - Music 30's • 80's Adm. $1.25 - Sr. Citizen Members $1.00


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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., May 1, 1975

R,ho,dode,ndirons Grow OK I,n Sun; Beware ,of Wind J ,

By Joseph and Marilyn Roderick

This week we came across an ad offering rhododendrons in small sizes for $1.50 per plant. We have purchased four plants and are now in the process of planting them. Rhododendrons have been widely misunderstood and their use in the garden has been tion there is little need to ferrestricted to shady spots. Let tilize for several years, since the us make one thing clear: soil contains sufficient nut.nents rhododendrons can be grown an,l the plants can grow at i.l in partial shade,' but they can also be grown in full sun. Two of the small ones I purchased (they are about eight inches high) are being planted in light shade and two will be placed in full sun. The one prohibition I agree with is that rhododendrons should not be grown in areas where they are heavi!:.' exposed to wind. Large Hole Most plants you buy are balld and burlapped, that is, they have been lifted and wrapped in burlap. Mine were small, so we merely lifted them with a spade and placed them on newspaper with the soil clinging to the roots. The important point in transplanting is to have a large hole for the new plant. To the hole, which should be five or six times the depth and width of the plant, I add a good deal of well-rotted manure (the bags they sell in nurseries are and good garden soil is added amount of peat moss. This is mixed thoroughly with a spade and good garden :;oil is added to the height necessary. With this as a b!l~e, the plant can then be planted at a depth equal to that at which it was planted at the nursery. As it grows over the next several years it w:.; push its roots out into thp prepared !>oil and become well established before it must penetrate the heav:er and harder garden soil around it. With this kind of soil prepara-

Diocese, Lay Teachers Agree on Salaries FAIRFIELD -(NC)-The Bridgeport Catholic diocese and the high school lay teachers' association have reached an agreement for the 1975-76 school year that represents a total wage and benefit increase of 7.9 per cent, the diocesan superintendent of schools announced. The terms of the agreement between the Schools Division of the Ministry of Christian Formation of the diocese of Bridgeport and the Diocese of Bridgeport Education Association (DBEA) will be applicable to all lay teachers assigned to diocesan secondary schools. DBEA representatives and representatives of the Schools Division reached the agreement after six weeks of formal negotiations and the DBEA membership ratified the agreement at a March 24 meeting. Bernard D. Helfrich, diocesan superintendent of schools, said the increase in increments, or salary steps, amounted to 4.25 per cent; the cost-of-living increase to 2 per cent; the increase for additional assignments, such as coaching, to one per cent. and tbe increased costs for health and life 'insurance absorbed by the diocese to .65 percent.

normal rate. If you would lik',: t J know where to obtain small rhododendrons like mine write to me in care of Thil An::hor. In -The Kitchen I have a strong feeling that Julia Childs, James Beard and even Bernard do not have to create their dishes for the younger set, who look askance at any attempt to change the appearance of their old standbys, hamburg and chicken. Coming across what looked like a great recipe for string beans and chicken livers I felt my enthusiasm wane when I realized the reaction it would receive at dinner that evening. Jason->"Ugh, I guess I'll eat at Michael's." Meryl-"I already had something to eat at Grandma's." Melissa (our most adventurous offspring) - "I'll TRY it, Ma." Unusual eating does not appeal to the teen-age or pre-teen set. If it doesn't look like pizza or shepherd's pie, forget it. Dishes with such exotic names as potage vert, Ment Blanc au caramel, or pork chops abazia would not be met with shouts of "Great!" at our dinner table. To get a Duncan Hines rating at the Rodericks' the menu would have to read roast chicken, mashed potatoes, peas and chocolate cake or brownies for dessert. While this is an easy menu to prepare, it really isn't much fun. Oh well, I'm sure as they grow older their taste will improve but I don't know whether I will! I had these "neckties" recently in a very elegant Boston restaurant where they were served with a milk chocolate rum sauce as a dip. At $3.50 a plate they were very, very special. This recipe comes from Mrs. Alan Iveson of Fall River. Polish Neckties 5 egg yolks Y4 cup plus 2 Tablespoons sugar Y2 teaspoon salt 2 ~ cups flour 6 Tablespoons cream 1 teaspoon vanilla 1) Beat the egg yo:ks very well until thick. Add the sal t and vanilla. 2) Add the cream, and flour, alternating until well blended. Place the dough on a floured board and cover with a bowl to rest for 10 minutes. 3) Knead the dough until it starts .to blister. 4) Roll very thin and cut into strips about 1 inch wide and 4 inches long. Cut a gash in the center about 1 ~ inches long and twist end ,through hole. 5) Fry in deep fat until lightly browned. Drain on absorbent paper and dust with powdered sugar when cool. If you're adventurous, try dunking them in a chocolate sauce as was done in my Boston restau~. _

DEDICATION CLOSE TO PRIESTS' HEARTS: Among the numerous priests present at Sunday's dedication of the new SS. Peter and Paul Church and Center were: Rev. William F. O'Connell, former assistant and now pastor of Sacred Heart Churcli, Fall River; Rev. John F. Moore, former assistant and presently assistant at St. William's, Fall River; Rev. Msgr. Raymond P. Kelly, retired pastor of St. Jane Frances Parish, Riviera, Md., a native son; Rev. David A. O'Brien, retired pastor of SS. Peter and Paul, Rev. Francis Morgan, SS.CC., of Wellfleet, a native son; Rev. John P. Driscoll, native son and former assistant and now pastor of St. Lawrence's parish, New Bedford.

Archbishop Shee·n's Message the Salm;e WASHINGTON (NC)-Watching Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen preach on "Reconciliation" to priests of the Washington archdiocese was like seeing are-run of bis popular "Life Is Worth Living" TV series of 20 years ago. The erect figure on the stage of Catholic University's Hartke Theater had lost none of its vigor, the rich, cultivated voice none of its capacity for the dramatic. The silver hair, the deepset eyes were the same as was the mes'iage: Recon£iliation is first of aU reconciliation to God. "Every social injustice is preceded by sin, by personal sin," the archbishop said. The style was unchanged, from the preliminary jokes through the ordered, logical body of the talk, interspersed with anecdotes, to the final, dramatic conclusion and whispered "God love you." The archbishop who will be 80 years old on May 8, began by recalling that, in looking through a Gideon Bible in a California hotel recently, he had found a card on which was written: "If happy, Isaiah 52: 14-26; "If sad, Jeremiah 32: 21-28." "At the bottom," he said, "some wag had scribbled: 'If still sad, Margie 636-1342.' " Noting that the theme of the one-day workshop for the priests of the Washington archdiocese was "Preaching Social Justice," Archbishop Sheen said: "About the only sins admitted today are social sins." The contemporary view, he said, is "There are few individual sinners. Guilt is corporate; it is not personal." Referring to the book "What Became of Sin?" by psychiatrist Karl Menninger, the archbishop said Menninger had pointed out that "when the preachers gave up talking about sin, the judges made it a crime and then the psychiatrists made it a complex,

,where it is today." In Scripture, he said, reconciliation is always related to the death of Christ and the first step in the process of reconciliation was identification. "Our Lord identified himself with sinful humanity. He came into the muck and mud of this world, so that we could never say: What does God know of pain, of hunger, of exile, of wounds?" Emphasizing again the personal nature of sin, Archbishop Sheen said: "It is easy to talk about social justice," He added: "I have never talked about racial injustice. It's something you have to do. I built the first maternity hos;>ital for blacks in the United States,"

He went on: "In talking about social justice we have to be careful about individual justice.• Sometimes exaggerated talk about social justice covers up our want of individual justice, especially to God." After identifying with sinful humanity, Jesus transferred its guilt to himself, .the archbishop said. "This was why Our Lord came. Every sin to Him was not social; there were personal sins." The archbishop dramatized the message that Jesus took our sins on Mmself, died and rose again to make us free, and concluded: "Only he who has wounds can speak to our wounds. That is Jesus Christ, not the Superstar, but the Superscar. God love you,"



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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., May 1, 1975

GRATIFYING MOMENT FOR SISTERS OF ST. JOSEPH: Bishop Cronin witnesses the burning of the mortgage for the convent housing retired and teaching sisters of the Sisters of St. Joseph that is located on So Main St. , Fall River. Right, Bishop Cronin, center and Rev. John J.

Asserts World Cannot Ignore Viet Problem

Oliveria, right, secretary to the Bishop, share the joy of the day with Sr. Marie Bernard, Sr. Helen Turcotte and Sr. Estelle Santarpia, area coordinator for the order.

London Times Surveys Church Changes

LONDON '(NC)-The Catholic Church in Britain has changed in HOUSTON (NC)-The world three major ways since the Sec· cannot ignore the refugees of ond Vatican Council concluded Vietnam, 'the general secretary 10 years ago, according to a surof the National Conference of vey published in the Times of Catholic Bishops (NCCB) said in London. They are tbe growth of friendHouston recently. The NCCB official, Bishop ship with other denominations, James S. Rausch, calling the cri- the involvement of laypersons sis in Vietnam a "human disas- and priests in decision-makin.,g, ter,", noted the efforts of the and a radical reform of fue South Vietnamese people to es- li.turgy. This last, the newspaper's sur· cape from the North Vietnamese veyadds, went farther than army. The bishop said that, it is many people expected 10 years tragic "to see innocent children ago, and has been accepted withpiled like wood on refugee boats out much enthusiasm or much and to see men, women, and resentment by parish congregachildren fleeing their homes and tions. The chief success in relations churches--everything sacred to with the Anglican Church has them. "Mankind cannot turn its back come from the work of the joint on those people. We must find Anglican - Catholic theological commission, according to The ways to assist them." He called,fln all international Times. The newspaper observed relief agencies, including Cath· that this official commission, olic agencies, "to very generous- "against heavy historical odds," ly respond, to respond until it has already produced two agreed statements - on the Eucharist hurts." Bishop Rausch was in Hous- and on the ministry. The chief failure has been in ton to speak at Priests' Appreciation Night sponsored by the relations with the British Council of Churches, a'ccording to Serra Club of Houston. In an interview with the Tex- The Times. "Careful preparation and an as Catholic Herald, Houston diocesan weekly, the bishop spoke almost unanimous opinion in about critical issues facing official organizations of the RoCatholics "in their responsibility man Catholic Church was insufto be just." This responsibility ficient to induce the Roman will be emphasized in the Catholic bishops to apply for Church's observance of the U. S. membership," The Times stated. It asserted that this was "possibicentennial, he said. In addition to Vietnam, other bly the second most serious issues on which Bishop Rausch blow" to the cause of Christian commented included women in unity in this country since World the Church and a peace settle-, War II, second only to the failure of a project for union bement in the Middle East. On women in the Church, he tween the Anglicans and the said: "It is unfortunate that the Methodists. At lower levels the cause of discussion becomes predominant-iy one of ordination because ecumenism has made mixed there is a valid question· regard- progress, The Times observed. ing justice in relation to women. New structures which have Tbe Church has an obligation to arisen in the postconciliar decsupport justice claims that ade include the formal constituwomen have in the Church and tion of the hierarchy as a jurid. in society." ical conference of bishops and

the creation of parish councils. Such councils have for the first time in the modern era given the laity an official and effective status in. Church deliberations and there are signs that they are increasingly assertive of their rights. . Although the Catholic Church in the United Kingdom has a larger proportion of workingclass members than any major denomination, lay people involved in the decision·making process have been drawn almost

exclusively from' the middle class, The Times says. Hence the new national commissions that exist to advise the bishops are "far from representative." The parish clergy on the other hand have a truly representative national conference, The Times survey says. But this body after a good beginning is becoming increasingly frustrated by the apparent apathy of many of the clergy themselves and by the difficulty of dealing with the bishops as a body, it adds.

Communic~tors Must Combat

Obstacles to Reconciliation VATICAN CITY (NC)-The Christian communicator, especially during Holy Year, must combat such obstacles to reconciliation as racism, economic inequalities and infringements of the right to life, according to a recommendation of the Pontifical Commission on Social Communications. The recommendation appears i~ a commission document entitled "Social Communications and Reconciliation: Reflections on a Theme." Renewa-i and Reconciliation is. the twin theme of the 1975 Holy Year. The commission's document was written in the ninth World Communications Day, May 11. On that day, according to the document, 'all elements in the Church are asked to pray and reflect on "in what way the Church ... can more effectively use the instruments of social communications in the quest for reconciliation, peace, harmony and brotherhood." Noting that the means of communications can widely diffuse the Holy Year ideal of reconcniation, the pontifical commission called on communicators to fight obstacles to reconciliation, obstacles that "violate and restrict the rights of peoples and of ethnic groups."

The document said that many of those obstacles were identified by the 1974 World Synod of Bishops' statement on the rights of man. The synod statement decried violations of "the right to life, the right to make a living, social and economic rights, political-cultural rights, the right to religious freedom." Other violations noted by the synod that the Christian communioator must fight against are, 'according to the commission's communications day document, the continuing arms race, the use of torture and violence and all forms of discrimination. The document also asked communicators to promote reconciliation among "diverse elements of the people of God."

Religious Education Life-Long Process OMAHA (NC) - Oatechetical renewal in the Uni,ted States can be aided by "the realization that religious education is a life-long process, and that adult religious education must now be a priority in the Church," the apostolic delegate in the United States said here. "Gone must be the notion that religious instruction is exclusively a matter for children and youth," Archbishop Jean Jadot, told the National Conference of Diocesan Directors' of Religious Education. "Given the complexity of life today and the countless problems that we face that have a religious or moral dimension, there ,is .really no time when a person could not benefit from some form of catechetical assistance. This means that religious instruction should extend from cradle to grave, or as some have phased it, from crib to casket."



111 William Street, New Bedford, Massachusetts 02740 Telephone 996-8295

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., May 1, 1975

BLESSINGS AT SS. PETER AND PAUL'CENTER: Left, Bishop Cronin blesses the renovated school section on the second floor with the assistance of Rev. John J. Oliveria, secretary to the Bishop; Rev. Ronald A. Tosti, associate pastor of SS. Peter and Paul, Fall River; Bishop Cronin

Father Drinan Urges Nuclear Energy Study WASHINGTON (NC) - Jesuit Father Robert Drinan (D.-Mass.) has introduced a bill calling for a five-year study of nuclear energy, with emphasis on safety and environmental factors. Citing a variety of opinions both for and against nuclear energy, Father Drinan said the Congress is "up in the air" over the issue. Another congressman, Rep. Hamilton Fish (R.-N.Y.), has sponsored a bill calling for a moratorium on granting licenses for construction of nuclear power plant, but the bill has received little support. "There can be no question that members of Congress would be a 'good deal more receptive to a nuclear moratorium if the present energy crisis did not exist," Father Drinan said in introducing his bill. He said he proposed a fiveyear study because he said, with no moratorium there might be no careful study. There has been a "de facto" moratorium on nuclear plant construction, he said, because many utility companies have been cancelling plans for nuclear plants because of high cost and uncertainties about plant operations, he said . ·Father Drinan has not· yet announced a position on a moratorium. He said the five-year study of nuclear energy should be carried out by the U. S. Office of Technology Assessment. He said the study would cost $2 million a year for five years.

Cell of Society Tbe family, grounded on marriage freely contracted, monogamous and indissoluble, is and must he considered the first and essential cell of human society. -Pope John XXIII

and Rev. Francis M. Coady, pastor of the dedicated Center. Right, the Ordinary of the Diocese blesses the auditorium at the conclusion of the rites on Sunday afternoon.

Praises Parish's Fire-Tried Faith Continued from Page One then listed the rebuilding projects that had contributed to their communities since he had as· sumed office: Six and a half million dollars wortb of new construction: St. Vincent's Home (Fall River), Nazareth (Attleboro), St. Anthony's Church (Mattapoisett), St. Elizabeth's Hall (Fall River), St. Dominic's Parish. Center (Swansea), Blessed Sacrament Church (Fall River), Bishop Gerrard High School (Fall River) and SS. Peter and Paul Church, School and Parish Center. Referring often to the scrip· tural descriptions of purification by fire, the Bishop lauded the renewed vigor of SS. Peter and Paul Parisb following the tragic fire of April 10, 1973. History Reviewed The parish is more than efficiently run buildings Or plants, the prelate pointed out. "Are

Taunton Women To Hear Speech By Fr. Beaulieu Tpe role of women in the Church will be discussed by Rev. Richard A. Beaulieu, curate at St. Jacques Church, Taunton, at a meeting of the Queen's Daughters to be hr;~d at 7:30 p.m. Menday, May 5 at St. Marv's School auditorium, Taunton. Tn.: talk will be preceded by Benediction to be celebrall~d by Msg:. Francis J. McKeon, Queen's Daughters chaplain. Father Beaulieu, born in New Bedford, was ordained in 1971. He holds a master's degree in education and in addition to assisting at the Taunton parish is on the faculty of Coyle an1 Cassidy High School, Taunlo:1, and is director of Pre-Cana Conference:;; for Greater Taunton. Mrs. James L. Gali<.ghe: and Mrs. Robert J. Hill are in charge of arrangements fo~' Monday's program.


you not aware that you are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you. . . . For' the temple of God is hold, and you are that Temple." Bishop Cronin reviewed the 93-year history of SS. Peter and Paul Parish: rich immigrant faith, enormous parochial cooperation. He praised tbe edifices that culminated in "the beautiful edifice that we all came to know --the majestic and familiar SS. Peter and ·Paul Church, which succumbed to the destructive fire of April 10, 1973. The importance of a firm

Fights Ordinance On Fund-Raising PHOENIX (NC)-William Mahoney, former U. S. Ambassador to Ghana and a Catholic attorney, told the Phoenix Planning Commission, as a representative of the Diocese of Phoenix, that a proposed ordinance on fundraising "very well could violate the First Amendment" to the Constitution, which guarantees freedom of religion. Action on the OJlclinance was shelved un.til September by the Commission. The controversial ordinance would make fund-raising events for churches and schools legal in Phoenix,

Christian education was also the glory of the Fall River parish, the Ordinary explained, in the founding and rebuilding of the parish school. Tb::l solid parish church firmly implanted in rock ledge gave the appearance that "nothing could ever be changed and that the glorious past of SS. Peter and Paul Parish would, without question, ,continue on in the present and into the future without any difficulty whatever. Fire-Tried Faith ,Bishop Cronin described as how the 1973 fire had changed all that. But' he also went into detail as to bow that fire had renewed the strong faith of the parish. "We have all come to partici· pate witb great pleasure and happiness in the blessing and dedication of the new SS. Peter and Paul Church and Parish Center," the Bishop joyfully proclaimed. "I need not describe for you this beautiful and dignified place of worship. In addition, we have an attractive, practical eight room parochial scbool and a very functional parish center. All has been in' modern style; all done in a manner to bring about the unity of the parish family and a fitting place of worship for 'the believing community which is the people of God of SS. Peter and Paul Parish."

College To Open New Campus JERSEY CITY (NC) - St Peter's College here this summer will open a Bergen County campus at the former Englewood Cliffs College closed since 1974. Father Victor R. Yanitelli, president of the Jesuit-rull college, and Sister Patricia Aidan, provincial superior of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Peace, the sponsors of Englewood Cliffs College, announced that the St. Peter Jesuits and the Sisters have entered into the eductional venture "to advance our mutual educational apostolate. They said that the faculty and administrators at St. Peter's are working with the Sisters to plan the curriculum and programs tha't will be offered at the Bergen County campus. :Father Yanitelli said the college will Qe known as St. Peter':; College~Englewood Cliffs. The Englewood Cliffs campus will begin full-degree programs in both day an r} evening in September.


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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., May 1, 1975

Lauds Bishops' Hearings on Bicentennial A subcommittee of the U.S. Bishops Committee on the Bicentennial is sponsoring - as one of several projects - a series of six public "hearings" on the theme of "Liberty and Justice for All." These .hearings, all directed at a National Conference on Justice to be held in Detroit in October 1976, are so named because they are patterned after Congressional hearings in which "witnesses" who offer "testimony" are questioned by a panel-a panel made up, in this

Iy MSGR. GEORGE G. HIGGINS case, of a rotating group of bh;hops, priests, Religious, and lay persons from various walks of life. Father Andrew Greeley - a fellow diocesan and a good per· sonal friend of long standinghas been extremely critical of this hearing process and even more critical of a study guide, "Uberty and Justice For All," issued under the auspices of the above-mentioned subcommittee of the Bishops Committee on the Bicentennial. Mr. James Finn, ed,itor of Worldview and a consultant to the subcommittee, summarized Greeley's ferocious attack on the work of the subcommittee as follows: "On the evidence to date he (has) judged the program to be intellectually shallow, politically naive, and foolishly unappreciative of what America is. A new group of Catholic social act'ion types is in charge, he (has) asserted, and they are running in the wrong direction." Father Greeley refers to these new social action types as ·~romantics." He has criticized me on at 'least two occasions because of my alleged failure to repudiate them. I have already told Father Greeley that I would consider it a waste of time to reply to this allegation. Suffice it to say that I am on record as having told the members of the Bishops subcommittee that, in my opinion, Greeley's criticism of their program, as' of the time he published his original blast against it in the National Catholic Reporter, is valid up to a pointbut only up to a point. In other words, I ag,ree with Greeley - and with the very "unromantic" Mr. Finn, writing in his own magazine-that some of the contributors to the subcommittee's study guide .and some of the partic,ipants in the Washington hearing, for fear of indulging in "an orgy of patri· otic self-congratulation" tended to "veer dangerously close to an orgy of self-flageUation." I share the opinion of the British author, Rosemary Haughton,

Adam Adam sinned when he fell from Contemplation. Since then, there had been division in man. -Jacques Maritain

writing in the April 11 issue of Commonweal, that this kind of "radical smugness" is a snare and a de'1usion and ,is not to be equated "with the experience of real humility." Polemical Overkill I hasten to add, however, that, in my opinion, Father Greeley, who has subsequently repeated his criticism of the subcommittee's program in his syndicated column and in other forums, is now beginning to indulge in polemical overkill. The tone of his criticism has become increasingly shrill and abusive and, worse than that, extremely intolerant of other legitimate points of view. Moreover he is' violating his own commendably high professional standards as a social scientist. By that I mean that he is consisten,tly making apodictical statements about a process which he has never personaHy examined and, so far as I can tell, knows about only on the basis of second- or thirdhand informa'tion. In addition, he has made it perfectly clear that he will not deign, under any conceivable circumstances, to engage in dialogue with the so-called "romantics." He has written them off permanently and definitely as utterly hopleless charlatans-and that's the' end of the matter so far as he is concerned. I think that's a serious and highly unprofessional mistake on Greeley's part. If he doesn't know, he could easily find out that the so-called "romantics" are not "in charge" of the program and, in any event, are not as hopelessly romantic as he has made them out to be. While I disagree with some of them in certain respects and have told them so directly, I find them willing to engage in courteous dialogue about our differences of opinion and willing also to revise their opinions in the process of the dialogue. Be that as it may, the socalled "romantics" were certain· Iy not "in charge" of the second set of public hearings which were held in San Antonio, Texas during the week of March 31. Alth.ough I am not a consultant to the subcommittee and have had nothing at all to do with its ongoing activities, I did serve as a .member of ,the hearings panel in San Antonio. As one who .has atten(ted literally hundreds of social action meetings during the past 30 years and has the anatomical and psychological scars to prove it, I was strongly tempted to look for a plausible excuse to get out of going to San Antonio. In the end, however, I accepted the subcommittee's invitation, and I am de,J,ighted that I did so. Cross Section The San Antonio hearings were one· of the best set of meetings I have attended in recent years. I learned a great deal that I never knew before by listening for three solid days (and nights) to a fairly representative cross section of scholars, social activists, and l'ank and file citizens. 'I wish Father Greeley could have been with us in San Antonio. While he undoubtedly knows a lot about conditions in the Southwest, I dare say that, even at that, he would have benefitted from the experience and,

like the rest of us on the panel, would have 'learned certain things that cannot be learned from books or even from' public opinion surveys. If that be heresy from the point of view of the social sc·iences, I am afraid that Father Greeley wiH simply have to make the most of it. I am not suggesting, of course, that the San Antonio hearings could not have been improved upon. Many of the experts and many of the .r,ank and file witnesses were excellent, but, as might have been expected, some were better than others. I was disappointed, by the way, that Professor Robert Coles, the distinguished Harvard social psychologist and a friend of Father Greeley's had to cancel out at the last minue because of the pressure of other commitments. All things considered, however, the hearing process,' in my judgment, proved its usefulness beyond any reasonable doubt. As Mr. Finn observes in his Worldview article on the Washington hearings, "The Bishops decided that the hear,ings should be a time of questioning and learning and that they should be attentive listeners." He was impressed by the way they lived up to this commitment in Washington. For my own part, I can vouch for the fact that they were superbly good listeners at the San Antonio hearings and that, for this reason among others, they made a very favorable impression not only on the rank and file wit· nesses and the rank and file members of the audience, but on the participating scholars and experts as well. Ethrnics Heard I might add that the San An· tonio meetings invalidated Father Greeley's repeated allegation that the subcommittee is not in1terested ·in hearing from the ethnic groups in American society. A.rticulate spokesmen for several ethnic groups made very effective presentations to the panel. In addition, a number of ethnic grouos participated - in their own language and dressed in their n8ltive garb-in the con· cluding Hturgy and subsequently took part ina multi-ethnic fiesta held on the playground of the local parish school. It goes without saying, of course, that procedural and other mis,takes were made at the San Antonio hearings. Subsequent hearings - in St. Paul, Atlanta, Sacramento, and Newark - will undoubtedly benefit f.rom these mistakes and will probably make their own share of mistakes in the process. So. be it. The imporotant thing is that the process, wIth all its HmitationS', has begun. I consider this process an important step in the right direction. Father Greeley obviously doesn't share this opinion. That's fair enough. I do think, however, that he owes it to the subcommittee and to his own extensive reading audience to be as objective in hiS' assessment of the process as he rightly expects the rest of the Catholic community to be in its assessment of his own professional work as a respected social scientist and one of the· nation's most prolific authors. (© 1975 by NC News Service)

CHARITY-MINDED: Matthew Bury of St. Jacques Parish, Taunton and Area Lay Chairman Richard Flannery of Sacred Heart Parish, Taunton, and Bishop Cronin concentrate on the important dates in the life of charity in the Diocese of Fall River.

.Abortion Funds WASHINGTON (NC) - The Senate has killed by a 54-36 vote an amendment to prohibit the use of federal welfare of Medicaid funds for abortions not necessary to save the life of a mother. The Senate agreed to table, or set aside, the amendment to a bill provi.ding funds for nurses' training and health revenue sharing programs. The amendment, sponsored by Sen. Dewey Bartlett (R-Okla.), was a limited version of a Bartlett amendment which passed the Senate but was killed in a conference committee with the House in the last Congress. That amendment would have prohibited the use of all federal funds for 'abortions. Opposition to the new Bartlett amendment was led by Sen. Edward Kennedy (D-Mass.). Kennedy, a Catholic, said he is personally opposed to abortion, but opposed the Bartlett amendment because, he said, the existing Social Security law, whIch covers Medicaid and welf,are funds,


allows abortions that are "medically necessary." Kennedy said the amendment would discriminate against the poor because it would make it harder for them to obtain abortionsand would deny payments for abortions to women who had been raped or were the victims of incest. When the Bartlett amendment was rejected by a House-Senate conference in the last Congress, the conference said the issue was ,too complex to be dealt with by an amendment without study and congressional hearings. A similar Bartlett bill is in committee, but hearings have not yet been held. While defeating the Bartlett amendment, the Senate passed by 90-0 an amendment by Sen. Henry Bellmon (R-Okla.) prohibiting government· officials from coercing welfare recipients into having abortions or being sterilized.

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The Parish Parade Pu~licity

chairmen 01 oarish organizations are asked to submit news items for this column to lhe Anchor, P. O. Box 7, Fall River, 02722. Name 01 city or town should be included, as well as fUll dates 01 all activities. Please send news 01 future rather than past events.

IMMACULATE CONCEPTION FALL RIVER The Women's Guild will participate in a living rosary during novena services scheduled for 7:30 p.m. Monday, May 5. Members are asked to meet in the church hall by 7:15. Following the ceremony the regular guild meeting will feature an address by Mrs. Jean Bancroft. Mrs. Edna Cook is chairman for the I'vening. ST. MARY'S CATHEDRAL, FALL RIVER Following attendance at 6 p.m. Mass Ascension Thursday, May 8, members of the Women's Guild will proceed to the China Royal restaurant for an installalion banquet at which Miss Janice Hurley will be seated for a third term as president. Serving with her will be Mrs. Roger Vezina, vice-pre5ident; Mrs. James Melvin and Miss Eleanor Shea, secretaries: and Miss Claire O'Toole, treasurer. Mem路 bers in need of transporation may contact any officer. HOLY REDEE!"ER, CHATHAM The annual parish dinner will be 5ponsored by the Associatiol' of the Sacred Hcarts tomorrow night at Riverway Lobskr House, South Yarmouth. Rev. John J. Brennan, SS.CC., wiil be the main speaker. The firs~ paster of the Chatham pari~;1 and builder of its church, he will review highlights of Holy Re路 deemer's 20-year history. Entertainment will featur~ "Min and Estelle," who wiil play organ and piano selections 'lnd lead a sing-along. Co-chairmen Mrs. Lawrence J. Frawley and Mr5. Paul C. Toomey reque3~ parishioners to make reserva路 tions as soon as possible. ST. JOSEPH, ATTLEBORO St. Joseph B.E.E. People will deliver May baskets to the elderly today, according to the organization's annual custom. Knights of the Altar will meet from 7 to 8:30 p.m. tonight in the school. The rosary will be recited daily following 9 a.m. Mass during the month of May. The annual bOWling league banquet will be !le!d at Christopher's restaumnt, Raynham 7:30 p.m. tomorrow. Confirmation practice will be held at 1 p.rr. Saturday and a final test will follow in the parish hall. Gowns for the ceremony will also be d!stributed at thj~ time. A confirmation petition service will take place at 7:30 p.m. Sunday, May 4 and the sacrament of confirmation wHl b~ administered Friday, May 9 by Bishop James J. Gerrard. ST. MARY, NORTON The Catholic Women's Club will hold its annual installation banquet Tuesday, May 6 at Fernandes Distribution Center in Norton. A cocktail hour will bt:gin at 6:30 p.m. and a chicken dinner will follow at 7. Guest speaker will be Rev. Richard Beaulieu, curate at S1. Jacques Church, Taunton, and a member of the faculty at Coyle-Cassidy High School.


ST. ANNE, NEW BEDFORD Plans for a bazaar to be held Friday through Sunday, Aug. 22 through 24, will be made by a special committee which will meet in the school hall at 7:30 p.m. Sunday, May 4. The summer event will be highlighted by the raffle of a car. I

ST. JOSEPH, FAIRHAVEN The Association of the Sacred Hearts' will present a square dance, "Parish Spring Swing," with George Gray as caller from 8 to 11 p.m. Saturday, May 3 in the parish school auditorium on Spring Street. Tickets may be reserved by calling telephone number 994-6928 or 992-5237.



THE ANCHORThurs., May 1, 1975

The Women's Guild will sponsor a Maybasket whist at 8 p.m. Saturday, May 3 in the school hall. Door prizes will be awarded and other prizes will include food baskets. Mrs. Roger Forest is chairman.

ST. JOSEPH, NEW BEDFORD Parishioners will sponsor a May Basket Whist at 7:30 pm. Tuesday, May 6 in th~ school hall on Acushnet Avenue. Refreshments will be served.



THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., May 1, 1975

'Trying Out The Dream' Raw, Disturbing Story "In watching five faces in the blur of two hundred million, we may better understand how other ordinary people try to make sense of their lives." So says Paul Wilkes in the foreword to his book Trying Out the Dream: A Year in the Life of an American Family (Lippincott, E. Wash- Ncumeyers were generally happy. They had, they believed, ington Sq., Philadelphia, Pa. achieved the fulfillment of the 19105. 366 pages. $9.95). American dream. But there was


The family ch05en by' Mr. Wilkes for his year-long study was not representative or typical. But it approximated the




average as indicated by the U.S. Census Bureau. :Its members agreed to cooperate. In an afterword, the author explains how he conducted his examination. He gives the family the pseudonym of Neumeyer, and their town, suburban to a metropolis, is disguised as Mariposa. Ob, viously ,the metropolis is New York City, and the suburb may well be on Long Island.路 Family of Five The family consists of husband, wife, and three children. In 1972, when the study was made, the husband, Art Neumeyer, was 43, and his wife, Betty, was 42. They had two daughters: Martha, then aged 20, and Joan, aged 10, and a son, Richard, aged 18. The parents met and married (in 1950) while living in the cit.y. Art had spent nine years in an orphanage, beginning when he was 20 months old, and had had a difficult, deprived childhood and youth. Now he had a $15,000 a year job as a foreman and estimator in a diecutting firm. Betty's early years had been passed in more conventional circumstances, but there was al路, ways insecurity because of h,er father's gambling. Both she and Art wanted their children to have a different and better life. That meant, first of all, leaving the city as soon as possible. In 1959 they made a small investment in a small house in a section of Mariposa named Clinton Park. Later they moved to a larger house in a better part of the same suburban community. They considered that they had come up in the world, fantastically far. In 1972 they had a house, a car, numerous appliances and gadgets. They had many of the indicators of what the ad men refer to as gracious living. Worst Problem The Neumeyers were Methodists, active in the local church. The church. was the key to their social life. In fact, Betty said, "Church is my community; everybody in Mariposa has a community, and mine is the church." One might suppose that the

much discontent, along with many noisy crises, during the year which Mr. Wilkes spent with them. Their financial situation was always tight. They were spend路 ing to the limit of their income, Betty especially was conSCious of the advent of middle age, with no provision made for old age. She often spoke of getting a job, but never did so. The chief trouble was with the children. By far the worst problem was Richard. He had dropped out of the first year of college, had held a job for awhile, but was mostly idle. He was unkempt, surly, and foulmouthed, and associated with young men whom his parents disliked. There was continual battling over his ways, and worry over his future. In the course of the year, he left home, went to California, returned, left again for Pennsylvania and then Florida returned. In all, as Art put it, Richard spent eight months bumming, a cause' of contention when he was on hand, a cause of concern when he was away. Few Comparisons Martha was doing well in a Middle Western college. She was a sure success. But not in her own regard. She was unattractive, and agonized over her relations, or non-relations, with men. Her progressive political views displeased her parents, and they were affronted by her criticism of the church member路 ship for its lack of moral concern for the poor and the victims of war. At her bitterest she secretly labelled her parents hypocrites and confessed her disillusionment with religion. Mold Was Broken Little Joan appeared to be a sunny, busy child. But behind this show were both apathy and nervousness. It was curious that there was no real contact with those of her own age; for them, it was as if she was not there. Betty repeatedly moaned to Art, "Where have we gone wrong?" They had given their children everything which they themselves had never had in youth -"attention, objects, opportunity, encouragement." Both had "vowed that their children would have a better start in life. What Art missed as a boy, he would give to his son; what Betty missed, she would give to her daughter. Together they wanted to create and raise the children they were never allowed to be." But to the older children it became more and more evident that what their parents wanted for them was not what they wanted for themselves. The mold set for them they were determined to break. As this account of the Neu-

PREPARING FOR CONFIRMATION: In a seldom seen ceremony preparatory to reception of the sacrament of confirmation, Rev. Ambrose Forgit, SS.CC., pastor of St. Joseph's Church, Fairhaven, imposes confirmation stole on Paula A. Carey, accompanied by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William H. Carey. Rite, preceding confirmation by several days, includes laying on of hands and special prayers by pastor. Stoles used by 130 confirmands at Fairhaven parish were made by candidates themselves.

Bishop Restates Anti-Abortion Stand SAN DIEGO (NC) - If Catholic members of such groups as the National Organization of Women (NOW) remain totally opposed to abortion, they may still receive Communion in the San Diego diocese, Bishop Leo T. Maher of San Diego told a press conference here. Such persons, he said, are not separated from the Church. He told reporters, however, that Catholics in his diocese who actively and publicly promote abortion "have separated themselves from the Church" and are to be "refused the Eucharist." meyers unfolds, one SE:es that Richard is duplicating some of his father's youthful behavior, and that his willfulness has its prototype in his mother's. She could be quite as capricious and unreasonable as he. False Visions It is also plain that Betty is an overorganizer, and interfering. She once admitted as much, but explained, "When I meddle, it's for people's good, so don't bea smartmouth about it." But for all her faults, one cannot help sympathizing when she says, "I just don't want to be disappointed any more . . . I'm forty-three years old and I have to realize that we have as much as we're 'ever going to have in life, that two of our children 'are gone and that's it." One feels sorry for the Neumeyers. Art and Betty have been betrayed by a false vision of the good life, one which equates the good life with acquisitiveness. Get more, and ever more expensive, things and all will be well. Supply these to your children, and they will turn out well. It doesn't work. This book is not cheerful or reassuring; it is raw and disturbing. But the Neumeyers are not unique, and something practical can be learned from their story.

In addition, he said, it is a pro-abortion stand to support "a woman's right to choose" abortion. His nationally publicized pastoral letter on abortion, he emphasized, still stands. (The letter was read in diocesan churches April 12 and 13, but it was released prematurely about a week earlier.) But the letter's directive denying Communion to pro-abortion Catholics "does not mean ex-communication," the bishop explained. "Those people affected by the order have not been excommunicated because they are still free to attend worship services and otherwise participate in the life of the Church," Bishop Maher told reporters. The abortion letter provoked demonstrations by abortion proponents in front of three San Diego churches at Sunday Masses. More than 30 people who stated their belief that a woman has a right to have an abortion were refused the Eucharist. But there were also counterdemonstrations by abortion opponents, and Bishop Maher said his mail has been running 9-to-l in favor of his stand.

are they to be admitted to the sacraments. "One who admits publicly to be a member of an organization that promotes abortion, such as the National Organization for Women (NOW), must be refused the sacrament of the Eucharist by priests, deacons and extraordinary ministers (of the Eucharist)." Bishop Maher said that Auxiliary Bishop Gilbert Chav:ez of San Diego, in a statement he made April 8, "has correctly clarified that letter (the abortion pastoral) as a condemnation of the pro-abortion stand taken by certain organizations. It was not my purpose to excommunicate, but to teach." He said NOW was singled out in his letter because "its active pro~abortion stand in this diocese has caused a problem of example for' youth. . "Church teachings on abortion is very clear," Bishop Maher said, referring to the Declaration on Abortion issued by the Vatican's Doctrinal Congregation Nov. 18, 1974.

In his letter, the bishop told Catholics throughout the diocese: "No person who proclaims or professes views contrary to Church, teachings can claim to be a practicing Catholic. Nor

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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., May 1,1975


KNOW YOUR FAITH Building Bridges To be a priest means something slightly different to every priest. In fact being a priest probably has a somewhat different meaning to every priest at different times in his life.



There was a time when J thought of the priesthood primarily in terms of offering Mass and administering the other sacraments. I saw myself acting as a priest primarily within the context of the Church's worship. Actually the most satisfying pastoral work I've ever done has been in the confessional. I still believe in my priestly role within the worshipping community. I especially see th~ tremendous opportunity and challenge facing me as a priest to preach in such a way as to l'elp people make sense out of their lives in the light af God's Word. But I do not limit my yiew of priestly work solely to the Church's liturgy. Bridge-Builder Today the image, bridge-builder, best sums up what the

priesthood means to me. In fact, a long tradition has designated the priest as just that, "pontifex," or "bridge-builder." In today's Church at least as I experience and understand it, the bridge-builder im'age suggests to me what being a priest basically means. We live in a changing, pluralistic Church, within :.an even more rapidly changing nnd increasingly complex world. Many good Ca~h­ olics are understandably confused. Many feel they can nn longer make sense either out of the Church or of their own lives. Jijst as understandably some Catholics - people of equally good will and intelligence-find themselves on opposite sides of very serious issues. There is deepfelt polarization on every level of the Church. Within sU$:h a Church the priest has the extremely demanding and delicate task of building bridges. He is called upon to help people build bridges between themselves and God as well as between themselves. As I see it his ministry today is primarily to become a reconciler, a source of unity. Learning Through Sharing To help people build meaningful bridges between themselves and God, the priest needs to know both God and people. His knowledge of both must be rooted in his own personal exTurn to Page Fourteen

Liberty and Justice for the Family "Liberty' and Justice for All." Those familiar words have been adopted by the American bishops as a motto for Catholic participation in next year's Bicentennial celebration throughout the United States.

to aid in the first, 1975 stage of this project ("Liberty and Justice for All," USCC Publications Office, 1312 Massachusetts Ave., N.W., Washington. D.C. 20005). Parish leaders will find it most helpful not only for org!lnizing discussion groups, but also in preparing liturgies on the various issues. I Eight topics are presented for I examination: the Nation, the By Church, Humankind, Ethnicity and Race, the Neighborhood, FR. JOSEPH M. Work, the Family, and the Person. Informative resource papers CHAMPLIN on each subiect appear in Part II of the booklet; Part I contains discussion questions for every isThis phrase, in the view of sue. A sampling from the section many, including our bishops, on "The Family" should illussuggests a goal we must strive trate the initial part's contents. to realize rather than a condition "The focus of this discussion which already exists. Unfortu- is the family itself. Since the nately, even today not all Amer- thrust of all the discussion areas icans are totally free nor do all is their relation to liberty and enjoy perfect justice. justice, you are asked to reflect The program planned by the on the family especially in light Conference of Catholic Bishops of these two values." under this theme includes, among Liberty and Justice other events, parish level, grassFour general questions follow. roots discussion of eight liberty For example: and justice topics in 1975, a na"What are some of the ele-· tional conference in Detroit on ments of justice and injustice the subject in October, 1976, that you can think of that surand, finally, practical followup round 'and pervade family life?" activities for five years from "What are some of the ele1976-1981. ments of freedom and oppression The Bicentennial Committee that you can think of that surhas published an attractive, use- round and pervade family life?" ful, provOllative discussion guide , Turn to Page 'Fourteen:'


New Testament Background of the Priesthocad REV. JOHN J. CASTELOT, S.S. The Catholic priesthood, as we know it today, is the result of a long and complex historical development. Like everything else in the Church, it has its roots in the New Testament, but only its roots. To look for the full tree would be illusory. The fact is that there are no Christian priests mentioned in the Gospels or the apostolic writings. In some translations we find references to priests a'ld bishops, true; hut this is misleading. The Greek words so rendered actually mean something quite different: they refer to elders (presbyteroi) and overseers (episkopoi) in the early communities, groups of men who administered the affairs of the local churches. Furthermore, the' two term's were used interchangeably to denote the same group, without any clear distinction between two. What would later emerge as priests and bishops in all likelihood evolved from these groups, but in the New Testa· ment we are only at the begin· ning of the proc~ss. Today's priesthood is amazingly rich and diverse, including in itself many relationships and function that were originally quite distinct. Perhaps the most basic is that of discipleship. Jesus called and still calls all? people to be His disciples; this is the Christian vocation, and It is a challenge. Special Challenge But the Gospels present Him as calling a certain number to be with him in avery special way, and this presents a special challenge. It is a call to leave everything and follow Jesus, to



Strange as it seems, the priest as a cultic minister, one who presides over the Eucharist, was a long time in emerging. This is the role which comes most readily to mind when we think of a priest today. Eucharistic sacrifice and priesthood are correlative terms. A priest elevates the chalice, symbolic of his role as minister. NC Photo. be singlemindedly attached to Him, with a dedication that puts all other relationships, even the most sacred," in a secondary position. As He put it with typ-

The Priest's Identity

We hear much of an identity CflSIS among priests. Some diagnose the problem as psychological or sociological. For others the problem is regarded as more theological than cultural. Most reports stress the loneliness of the priest and emphasize obligatory celibacy as the contributing factor to the priest's loneliness.


Loneliness in th~ sens~ of living alone or unmarried has never been easy for a priest. It is perhaps more difficult today because many priests are not wholly convinced that they are needed. "A policeman's lot is not a happy one," but policemen stay on the job, whether they are liked or dIsliked, because


they feel that they are needed. Celibacy becomes a problem when a priest, often without conscious . search, finds that there is someone who claims to need him desperately and who can fulfill his need to be needed. In -the past an unquestioned theology of the uniqueness of the priest, of his essentially different consecratIOn from that of the baptized Christian supported the priest in his aloneness and assuaged much of his loneliness. He was convinced that he was "chosen from among men" in a very special way by ordination, and that he alone could "act on behalf of men in relation to God," that he alone could "offer gifts and sacrifices for sins" (Heb. 5:1). Always Involved To celebrate the Eucharist and to forgive sins in the sacrament of Penance was tRught by the Council of Trent to be the specific function of the priest, and many priests felt that they fulfilled their strictly priestly ministry when they said Mass and heard confessions. Turn to Page Fourteen

ical Semitic brusqueness: "If anyone comes to me and does and hate his own father and mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters, yes, and even his own life, he cannot be my disciple" (Lk 14:26). (Ob· viously Jesus was not abolishing the Fourth Commandment; "hate" means "love tne less.") Furthermore, this call implies not an on and off commitment, but a permanent dedication: "No one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for the kingdom of God" (Lk 9:26). And if Jesus said "A disciple is not above his teacher" (Mt 10:25), then the call -to special discipleship is a challenge to be Christlike in every sense of the term. It is not a call to join an elite, to live a life of comfort and special privilege. Jesus belonged Turn to Page Fourteen






Building Bridges

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., May 1, 1975

New Testament and the Priesthood Continued from Page Thirteen to no elitist group, He enjoyed no special privilege. His was a life of hardship, toil, rejection, suffering, persecution, and eventual torture and execution. Surely He must have known times of real joy, and so will His disciple, but the call to special discipleship is addressed to men of courage. Apostle Another New Testament role which would one day be incorporated into that of the priest was that of apostle. Apostleship adds a further dimension to that of discipleship. The disciple is called to be with Christ in a particularly intimate way; the apostle is sent to bring Christ to others. In the New Testament the man who is portrayed the most dramatica1ly in this role is certainly Paul, so much so that he is known in Christian tradition as "The Apostle." In this capacity he considered himself primarily a servant of Jesus Christ,

Liberty, Justice


Continued from Page Thirteen Lest the discussion remain on the lofty, painless, abstract, general level, the text then offers four &Pecific areas for consideration. To illustrate, here are two of them: People have differing opinions on roles in the family. Some think the fa~her and husband should "wear the pants," be "the bread-winner," while the mother and wife should be the "homemaker" or "housewife"; others feel that those roles should be more interchangable. For the sake of trying to understand roles in family life, you are asked to a. identify as many of the traditional roles of man and woman in marriage as possible; then b. try to imagine on a normal day all those roles equally shared by both partners; then c. discuss your feeling about the traditional and shared roles. Or A Couple married for 15 years, with two children, ages 11 and 8, comes to the conclusion that they are no longer compatible nor happy with each oth'er. They argue often, do not s,eak to each other for days, and take it out on the children. They talk about what to do and decide to stay together "for the sake of the kids.". -How do you feel about their decision? -Would their separation help or hurt the children more? -Would it help or hurt the couple more? Feedback Sheet The concluding portion, "Recommendation Question," states: "In light of this discussion, what specific issues concerning the family would you like the 1976 Bicentennial Conference to consider?" A sample feedback sheet is inserted at the back of "Liberty and Justice for All" to be forwarded when completed to the committee. Recommendations growing out of this nation-wide, local-level discussion process will guide those planning the Detroit conference.

carrying out the mission entrusted to him with extraordinary zeal and industry. First and foremost a servant of Christ, he made himself "a servant of all in order to win many over" (1 Cor 9:19). His was a complex, active ministry; he was constantly on the move, traveling, forming communities, preaching, instructiug, working at a trade to support himself, writing when occasion demanded, it, in and out of jail, suffering, praying, and through it all rejoicing in the Good News which he carried "even to the ends of the earth" (Acts 1:8). We still have our missionary priests, patterned after the great Apofttle, but the priest as we know him today is not quite so mobile. His New Testament antecedent would have been the overseer-elder whom we mentioned earlier. These men stayed in one community, governing its affairs, solving its problems, teaching, keeping order. As they are pictured in later 'Pastorals (1-2 Tim; Titus), they are rather bourgeois: above reproach, temperate, sensible, dignified, hospitable, good teachers, gentle and not quarrelsome. They would have furnished the pattern for the later residential clergy. Emergence of Priestly Roles Strange as it may seem, the priest as a cultic, minister, one who presides over the Eucharist, was a long time in emerging. This is the role which comes most readily to mind when we think of a priest today. Eucharistic sacrifice and priesthood are correlative terms. And herein, it would seem, lies the answer. Apparently it took the early Church some time to interpret the Eucharist as, a sacrifice. Until it did, it felt no need for a 'priesthood as such. It is practically impossible to learn from the New Testament just who did preside at the Eucharist meal in the first century. Someone surely did, for the Eucharistwas an intimate part of Christian life, but there is no evidence that the function was tied in with any "order." Other early Christian writings suggest that it was the role of the charismatic "prophets," and these same writings indicate that the privilege gradually passed to the overseer-elder group. At any rate, by the beginning of the second century, lines of distinction became more .clearly drawn. We find one overseer (bishop) in charge of a local church, assisted by a presbyterate (priests) and deacons. Then with the growth of the Church in numbers, the powers of the bishop were shared with his priests. At this point a 'clear image emerges. The priest now incorpora·tes in himself all of those rich realities which we can discern in the Church of the New Testament. He is disciple, apostle, overseer, elder, minis. ter to the faithful, cuItic officer presiding over the Eucharistic sacrifice-almost too much for one man to realize in his own person. But this is the glorious challenge of a call to the priesthood.

ALWAYS INVOLVED: There is scarcely a Catholic hospital, orphanage, home for the aged of other institution for the sick, the hungry, the naked and the poor that is not the beneficiary of a priest's wider ministry. During a blustery day at St. Ann's Home and the Heritage, Rochester, N.Y., Bishop Joseph L. Hogan gives Paolini Sante a hand with his overcoat. NC Photo.

The Priest's Identity

Continued from Page Thirteen and many conclude that their esThis does not mean' that sential ministry must be that of priests of the past were less in- a super-social worker, who is volved in the caritative minis- skilled in guidance, counselling, try of the corporal works of teaching the retarded, helping mercy than priests today. There the handicapped and in meeting is scarcely a Catholic hospital, the multiple needs of the inner orphanage, home for the aged city. or other institution for the sick, Unquestionably, all these minthe hungry, the naked and the istries must be the concern of poor that is not the beneficiary the priest, but the new priest of a priest's wider ministry. soon finds out that others have And yet the priest of yester- been prepared to do these jobs day did not look upon himself better than he: and he may begin as a social worker, a gerontol- to question whether he is real1y ogist nor, despite his hours of _ needed in these ministries. An counselling in the confessional, increasing number have deeided did he see himself as a phychol- that they are not needed. Much ogist or a professional counsel- as they are liked or wanted, lor. He was useful and even they leave the priesthood and wanted in all of these ministries, readily find someone ~ho does but he felt that he was needed need them. only in his strictly cultic minisDirection of Multiple Ministry try of offering the Eucharist But most remained, strengthand preparing his people for ened by their experience and their worthy participation. ready to admit that their multiThis self-image of the priest pie ministry must be directed to as the liturgist of the sacraments the Eucharist as the "source and and the mystagogue who' leads summit of the whole work of his people in the celebration of the preaching of th€. Gospel" the sacred mysteries was re- (No.4), as the "summit towards fleeted in the reverential awe which the activity of the Church in which he was held by most is directed ... the fountain from of his people. Men tipped their which aU her power flows" ("On hats to him as they did to the the Liturgy," No. 10). Church in which he ministered; According to Vatican II the women regarded him as untouch- priest must be above all a leadable as the chalice he carried to er and shepherd of his people. the altar. He must "gather God's family The priest of -the past may together as a brotherhood of have been uncomfortable in the living unity and lead it through niche in which the people en- Christ and in the Spirit to God shrined him; and he must have the Father" ("On the Ministry been tempted often to divest of Priests," No.6). As a leader, himself of his priestly garments he must orchestrate all the girts and clerical attire and mingle and talents possessed by his more freely with his people. But people, he must facilitate or make for him there was no identity it easy for the people to exercrisis. cise their own ministry of serTraining Since Council vice to the community. Younger priests who have But if the priest's ministry is been trained after Vatican II are to have meaning, if he is to be less sure of their identity and truly needed by his people, he their essential ministry. They must lead them to the Father in can quote the directive of the the celebration of the Eucharist, Council that "their primary duty where he alone presides as lituris the proclamation of the Gos- gist of the Word and the sacrapel to all'' (On the Ministry of ment. "For the goal of apostolic Priests, No.4), and ministers of works is that all who are made the Word, rather than ministers sons of God by faith and Bapof the sacraments. tism should come together to Marriage They can cite Vatican II to praise God in the midst of His Between a man and his wife the effect that "the priest has Church, to take part in her sacnothing ought to rule but love. the poor and lowly entrusted to rifice, and-to-eat the Lord's Suphim.'in a special way" (No.6); per" ("On the Liturgy," No. 10). -Willia~ remi

Continued from Page Thirteen perience. People are yearning for insight into God's role in their lives. They search for ways of finding God and being in touch with Him. Book knowledge is not enough. They want a priest who speaks from perbonal experience of God and His ways. They expect their priest to be someone who not only knows all about God, but knows Him personally, face to face. But then the priest, the builder of bridges between God and man, must just as truly know people. Again. not just book learning, but through intimately sharing the joys, sorrows, frustrations, pain, excitement, and pleasure of being human. As, a priest I feel that so much of my training and work has tended to shield me from the day-to-day experiences of the average Cathoic, of the average human being living in the "world." This is the first bridge I think people expect a priest to help them construct-a meaningful bridge between themselves and God that helps them make sense out of life, one that helps them meet life's challenges. Undef'Standlng Heart The second bridge I feel I must help people build is the multifaceted one between themselves and others. We are called - all of us who say we are Christianf.-to work for unity and harmony within the community of faith. However, because of his position, in many parishes the priest bears the chief responsibility of struggling to bring people together, to help them realize that they can be one in Christ when legitimately differing. 1<'or me, then the image that best expresses what I se~ to be the role of today's priest in the Church is t~l!l! of 'a builder of bridges-between God and people, and between people themselves. What I feel I, and other priests, most need in today's Church to build these bridges effectively is not education, eloquence, or management skills -though all of these are vitally important-but what Solomon prayed for when God £et him up as King to unify His people. The Scriptures recall that Solomon prayed first of all for "an understanding heart." (1 Kings 3:9). Or, as one translation has it, "a heart with skill to listen." That is what I pray for as a priest preoccupied with building bridges of uniiy.

IDEAL LAUNDRY 373 New Boston Road

Fedl River 678·5671

. THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., May 1, 1975



Franklin Panthers Set Pace In Hockomock Baseball Race The nine school Hockomock League baseball championship race is developing into a two team battle with the remainder of the loop fighting for third place. Franklin presently leads the circuit with a slim one game margin over Foxboro. The diocesan's three hits while striking out 11 three representatives Mans- and walking n~ one. Giardino . has won 11 straight Hockomock fIeld, North Attleboro and League games over a two year Oliver Ames High of Easton period. fall into the challengers category. At this juncture of the campaign Franklin has been toppled only once, but the Panthers have been severely tested on other occasions. The first place position is anything but secure as second half action commences. The success enjoyed by Franklin thus far can be attributed principally to Mike Giardino. The hard throwing left handed pitchcr has yet to allow a run or yield a walk in three starts. In his last outing against a strong Foxboro nine, he gave up only

Fortunately for league foes Giardino cannot pitch every game. Franklin is not unbeatable especially when the crafty lefty is not on the mound. The circuit is well balanced this Spring as is indicated by the records of all clubs. There is no unbeaten team and all clubs have at least one victory. To date the teams below Franklin and Foxboro have been taking turns beating each other. Consistency is the name of the game for any club that hopes to overtake the leader.

Feehan Answers Cry of Wait Until Next rear In the case of the three diocesan teams, each has been plagued by inconsistency. All, however, are within striking distance of, at least, a second place finish and with it a berth in the Massachusetts Championship baseball tournament. A full slate of league games is on the docket for tomorrow with Franklin at King Philip in Wrentham, Oliver Ames at Stoughton, Sharon at Foxboro and rivals North Attleboro and Mansfield colliding on the latter's diamond. The multi-school Southeastern Massachusetts Conference will conclude first round action this week with all three divisions in action tomorrow. The big news of the season has to be the complete turnaround of the Bishop Feehan High Shamrocks from Attleboro. A year ago the Shamrocks were

out of the running from opening day. What a difference a year makes! In answer to the cry "wait until next year" the Feehanites have put it all together this Spring and appear to be on their way to the divisional crown. This year's team hits, fieklg, pitches' and scratches its way to victory. . A typical example came last week when Feehan edged Msgr. Coyle-Bishop Cassidy High of Taunton 1-0. Coyle outhit FeE:han 6-4 but when the big pitch was needed Feehan's Tom Grimes come through. Likewise when the time came for the big play the Shamrocks made it. A perfect suicide squeeze bunt by Tony Carocca brought home Terry Smulligan in the third inning for the margin of victory.

Durfee Continues Championship Journey Feehan is not home free in the eight team race for divisional honors. Dartmouth, the lone remaining contender, trails by only one game in the loss column. 'Feehan will host Seekonk when divisional action resumes tomorrow. Elsewhere in the bracket Fairhaven is at Dartmouth, Coyle is at DightonRehoboth and Case High of Swansea is in Fall River 00 meet Bishop Connolly High. In the large school Division I pennant chase Durfee High of Fall River who has never been seriously threatened continues on its championship journey. The Hilltoppers will be at Attleboro tomorrow. The Jewelry City nine are dangerous and can not

Mental Prayer Mental prayer is nothing else ... but being on terms of friendship with God, frequently conversing in secret \,Vith Him. -St. Teresa of Avila

be taken lightly. First besemanpitcher Mickey Hanewich, son of the Bombardier coach Chet Hanewich, is attracting the attention of major league scouts. He swings a heavy bat and can turn a game around quickly. Other Division I games sched· uled for Friday include New Bedford at Bishop Stang High in Dartmouth, Falmouth at Taunton and Dennis-Yarmouth at Barnstable. Bourne appears to be back in the driver's seat in Division IV but must watch New Bedford Vocational and Wareham. The Canalmen will have the oppor. tunity of disposing of Wareham themselves when the two 'lleet tomorrow in Viking land. New Bedford will play crosstown rival St. Anthony's, Westport is at N~rton, and Old Rochester Regional of Mattapoisett will host Holy Family High of New BedforG to round out the day';; activit' ps.


TABLES TURNED: On "Student Teachers' Day" at St. Anthony High School, New Bedford, Abel Alves, a freshman, gives a tho roughly modem interpretation to the story of Mercury, messenger of the gods. .

.Liberalize' Rules For Book Publication VATICAN CITY (NC)-The Vatican has called its new regulations on official Church prepublication approval of books of religious nature a "liberalization" of existing Church law i.n that area. The new rules are a "simplif.ication to the utmost extent of present legislation," according to the Vatican. In an article in L'Osservatore Romano, the Vatican daily, and in a news conference called to, release the new rules - contained in a decree by the Vati· can's Doctrinal Congregation the Vatican pointed out that the number and types of writings requiring an Imprimatur and Nihil Obstat have been lessened. The Nihil Obstat (Latin for "Let nothing stand in its way") and Imprimatur (Latin for "Let .it be printed") are' declarations issued by a bishop indicating that a book or pamphlet is considered to be free from doctrinal or moral error. These do not mean, however, that the bishop granting the Nihil Obstat and Imprimatur necessarily agrees with the opinions or contents of the publication. The Vatican explained that the types of books for which Imprimaturs are obligatory have been reduced to three: . -Editions of Sacred Scripture itself, but not exegetical or interpretive works on Scripture; -Liturgical texts, and books of private devotion;

-Catechisms and other works of catechetical instruction, as well as texts used in schools from the elementary to higher levels regarding religious and moral teaching, especially Scripture, theology, canon law (the law of the Church) and Church history. The Vatican pointed out that, previous to the new decree, laymen and priests could not under canon law publish any work that had specific bearing on religion or morality without prior ecclesiastical approval. In addition, techn,ically a priest could not publish anything - even on a wholly secular subject - without his bishop's permission. Religious, the Vatican added, also needed the approval of their Religious superiors to publish. Under the new decree, however, pre-publication approval by a bishop ,is only recommended- not required - for laymen and priests, although in the case of the latter the recommendation is made -"strongly," according to the Vatican. (It added that in cases where a Religious order's constitution still requires approval of a Religious superior for pubHcation, the Religious must still request it.)



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Other new features in the decree, the Vatican said, include permission for bishops' conferences to draw up a list of censors, experts in various fields who are "distinguished in learning, right doctrine and prudence," or to set up a contnission of . censors who would be available to individual bishops in helping him decide whether a work should be given an Imprimatur.

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Speaking of the new liberalization as it regards persons, the Vatican said the new decree is a call to the sense of responsibility of the laity especially, for whom much greater freedom is given. But even for clergy and Religious in general, there is only a recommendation now, even if it is a strong recommendation, for previous censorship - except in the three categories spelled out that require Imprimaturs.


JAMES H. COLLINS, C.E., Pres. Registered Civil and Structural Engineer Member National Society Professional Engineers






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