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t eanc 0 VOL. 2.4, NO. 18


20c, $6 Per Year

CCA parish phase Sunday Over 19,000 volunteer Catholic Charities Appeal parish solicitors will make house-to-house calls to parishioners this Sunday, May 4, for donations and pledges to the 39th annual Catholic Charities Appeal. . Some 106,000 homes, representing more than 325,000 people, will be visited between the hours of noon and 3 p.m. in the diocese's 113 parishes. Each parish decides whether its campaign will be from noon to 2 p.m. or 1 to 3 p.m. The Appeal funds maintenance and expansion of the many diocesan apostolates of charity, mercy, education, social services and health care. Bishop Daniel A. Cronin has set a 1980 goal of $1,250,000.00 to meet expanded needs of the apostolates due to increasing costs and inflation. The prelate wrote this week to every family in the diocese. He said: "Please be assured that I am keenly aware of the tre-

mendous financial strain which these days impose at every level of our society. However, I am also well aware that the many human needs to which our Annual Catholic Charities Appeal responds in Christ's Name continue to increase. "Last year, through the kind generosity of good people like y<?urselves, the Appeal realized a record-setting sum of $1,119, 483.48. Such an amount was ind~ed unprecedented and extremely gratifying. Yet, as you can well understand, expenses have continued to escalate at an alarming rate. "Thus, the funding needed for the various apostolates and programs of charity is, quite literally, greater this year than ever before. This year, we are setting a goal of $1,250,000 to meet rising costs and inflation." Rev. Msgr. Anthony M. Gomes, diocesan director of the Appeal, has suggested serious

consideration of the pledge system as a way of making a substantial offering over an extended period of time. The generosity of parishioners is indispensable to the ultimate success of the Appeal, he emphasized. All parishioners have received contribution cards in the mail. Solicitors have been given their assignments of parishioners to be contacted and are urged to make returns to parish centers immediately on Sunday. Each parish will be contacted Sunday between 8 and 9 p.m. by area Appeal headquarters. Each area center will then be contacted Sunday by diocesan Appeal headquarters for the total amount of funds received and a final tabulation will be made for all parishes. Officially, the parish phase ends on May 14 and the books of the 1980 Appeal will be closed on Friday, May 23.

Church playing world role From NC News sources On the eve of Pope John Paul II's II-day, six-nation tour of Africa, itself a major news story, the Catholic church is deeply involved in events in Iran, Colombia and Cuba. Archbishop John R. Quinn of San Francisco, president of the National ·Conference of Catholic Bishops, called for "a continued policy of patience and restraint" in a statement issued after the aborted u.S. attempt to rescue the 50 hostages held since last November in Iran. The archbishop said he prayed that the U.S. government would continue to pursue possibilities in the international forum, "frustrating as such an approach may be." He said he prayed also for the hostages and for the eight Americans who died in the collision of two U.S. aircraft during the attempt to withdraw the failed mission from Iran. Meanwhile, Father Romeo Panciroli, director of the Vatican press office, refused to comment on reports from Iran that the

Holy See may be asked to be an intermediary in return to the U.S. of the bodies of the eight Americans. The Ayatollah Sadegh Khalkhali, president of Iran's Revolutionary Court, had said in Teheran, Iran, that the bodies would not be released to anyone acting for the U.S. government, but might be released to a third party such as a delegation from the Vatican. l;Ie specifically mentioned Archbishop Hilarion Capucci, former Melkite-Rite patriarchal vicar of Jerusalem, as a possible Vatican-appointed intermediary. The archbishop, who was ·convicted by an Israeli court in 1974 of gun-running for Palestinian guerrillas and freed in 1977, left Rome for Teheran on April 28 on what he called a humanitarian mission.· It was not immediately known whether he was acting on behalf of the Vatican. Archbishop Annibale Bugnini, apostolic nuncio in Iran, has been asked to keep the Vatican constantly up-to-date on devel-

opments and other Vatican diplomats were requested to transmit world reaction to the situation, the sources said. Cuban Exodus As small boats continue to brave the turbulent 90 miles of ocean between Key West, Fla. and Cuba in the attempt to rescue Cuban refugees, Archbishop Edward McCarthy of Miami urged the U.S. government to seek a Solution to the worsening problem. "We recognize the seriousness of such unregulated and unorganized an exodus," he said. The flight has taken place without approval from either the U.S. or Cuban government. U.S. Catholic Conference's Migration and Refugees Services representatives in Miami are helping refugees who have already fled Cuba. Refugees are met at Key West by the U.S. Coast Guard, immigration officials and the FBI. "They are being screened, being brought to Miami, to a large fairgrounds" for processing, Don Turn to Page Six

BRING FLOWERS OF THE FAIREST? This reluctant participant in a May crowning ceremony isn't sure about the whole thing despite a little friendly backup. (NC Photo)

Bishop ,to Azores His Excellency, the Most Reverend Daniel A. Cronin, Bishop of Fall River, has released the itinerary for his trip to the Azores to participate in the Feast of Santo Christo. The feast is the focal point of devotion to our Lord at this time of the year on the island of S1. Michael. Over the centuries the feast has grown to its present proportions in thanksgiving for many favors obtained through devotion to Santo Christo. Bishop Cronin noted: "I am looking forward with great anticipation to visiting the Azores once again. It will be my privilege to extend in my own name and in the name of so many from our diocese, to Bishop Aurelio Granada of the Azores and his flock our fraternal unity through prayer and sacrifice." Bishop Cronin observed that it was a great honor for him to

preside at the feast of Santo Christo: "Since coming to the diocese of Fall River, I have been very much aware of the great devotion many in our diocese have for Santo Christo. I look forward to experiencing first hand the great manifestation of faith and love of our I,.ord demonstrated through this magnificent feast." In addition to presiding at a variety of liturgical ceremonies, Bishop Cronin will view· the devastation left by the earthquake which struck some of the· Azorean islands on last New Year's Day. In particular, the bishop will visit the islands of Terceira and St. George. .Bishop Cronin has already forwarded $90,000, proceeds of a special collection taken in the Fall River diocese, to assist the Bishop of the Azores in caring for earthquake-connected needs. Turn to page thirteen


THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., May 1, 1980

Special gifts •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• + ••••••••••••••••• ••

Cape Cod $5000 Xavier

St. Francis Hyannis


$1500 Sons Electrical,

Peckham & Inc., Hyannis

$1000 Our Lady of the Assumption Conference, Osterville

$250 St. Elizabeth Seton Conference, No. Falmouth

$200 Our Lady of the Assumption Guild, Osterville

$100 St. Elizabeth Seton Guild, No. Falmouth

Fall River $2700 ,Bank of New 'England, Bristol County $1200 Eastern Edison Company $700 rFall River Particular Council

$600 Mr. and Mrs. John R. McGinn - Leary Press

$500 Dr. and Mrs. :Francis M. James Montie Plumbing & Heating Co., Inc:.

$225 St. Anne's Credit Union $200

Jornal de Fall River Edgar's, Fall River

$150 Jay Vee's, Inc.

$100 Trends, 'Inc. International Ladies Garment Workers Union LeComte's Dairy Nira Warehouse, Inc. Fall River !Fireplace, Inc. St. Vincent de Paul Salvage Bureau-East Main St. SacrE!d Heart Conference In memory of deceased benefactors of Sacred Heart Conference Knights of Columbus, South End Council # 296 Eastern TV Sales & Service, Inc. Globe Assembly Co.

Fall River Shopping Center Associates The Ski House St. Joseph Women's Guild FaIl River Sheet Metal Co., Inc.

$75 Dr. & Mrs. Joseph V. Medeiros John B. Cummings, Jr. Fall River Knitting Mills. Inc.

$60 John F. McMahon & Son

$50 Edward Brayton Attys. O'Donoghue & O'Neil Dr. Richard H. Fitton, Jr. $40

Poirier Lincoln Mercury Buick

$39 Desmarais & Desmarais, Inc.

$35 F. W. Woolworth Co.

$30 John's Shoe Store

$25 River Textile Printers Henry Jacobson Mrs. Harold S. R. Buffinton Wm. Stang Assembly-Fourth Degree K of C Main Shell Service Station Carousel Mfg. Corp. Wolfson Zalkind & Co. American Wallpaper Co. J. Fred Beckett & Son -Catholic Order of 'ForestersOur Lady of Victory Court Catholic Order of ForestersOur Lady of Fatima Court 'Fall River Sales & Supply, Inc. Our Lady of Angels Credit Union Cypress Tool & Die Co., Inc. Granp Central Market Fall River News Co., Inc. Apex Shade Company Sterlingwale Corporation Jet Gas Corp. Mr. & Mrs. Leo Cyr A. Soloff & Son, Inc. National Glass Co. Laborers Local No. 610 Somerset Lodge

National $100 Holy Cross Mission House, No. Dartmouth Stonehill College, No. Easton SuIlivan Bros., Printers, Lowell

$25 Rumford Steel tIndustries, Inc., Providence

39 Years of Service A BISHOP'S BUSY UFE: In top picture Bishop Daniel A. Cronin meets with Miss Adrienpe Lemieux, Diocesan Council of Catholic Women president (left), Father Adrian van Kaam, C.S.Sp., DCCW convention speaker, and Mrs. Richard Paulson, luncheon chairman. Story on page 7. Center, he greets Miss Mary Elizabeth LaRoche president, and Mrs. George J. Saba, vice-president of New Bedford Catholic Woman's Club; and bottom, he joins participants in Catholic Charities Appeal, from left, Joseph B. McCarty, lay chairman; Mrs. and Mr. John H. Gray, Buzzards Bay; and Msgr. Thomas J. Harrington, diocesan chancellor.


THE ANCHORThurs., May 1, 1980

Permanent Deacons II The survey indicated that, conNational report trary to the bishops' 1971 guideBy NC News Service

Episcopal Mass for Vincentians

lines on the permanent diacon: ate, the ministry at times places unfair financial burdens on the deacon and his family.

At KANSAS CITY, Mo. their annual meeting here, members of the National Association of Permanent Diaconate Directors heard a report from Faher John Hedderman, director of the by Father JOM F. Moore permanent diaconate program in the Salt Lake City diocese and A national convention, especiassociation president. ally if it is one that does its He told delegates he had been homework and is attended. by frustrated.by "indifference by the people who possess a strong and Holy See" to the pastoral con- dedicated love of the church, cerns of deacons and diaconate can be not only a catalyst for program directors. The lack of the enthusiastic sharing of ideas recognition of deacons. by the but also an opportunity for parHoly See, he said, was exempli- ticipants to gain a greater vision fied "to a large measure by the of what church truly means in visit of Pope John Paul II to the this country. United States last fall. Deacons, Such was the case at the Kanhe said, were snubbed in salu- sas City meeting of the National tations, in omitted invitations, A'ssociation of Permanent Diain absence from certaih cere- conate Directors. At the outset, monies and gatherings, and by it is interesting to note that at not being singled out for a speci- present about 130 U.S. dioceses fic papal address, as were sem- have ordained almost 5,000 deainarians and Sisters. cons. Association 'members resolved There is no doubt that this that the Holy See be petitioned pattern will grow and accelerate. to permit permanent deacons to In 'Fall River, for example, the administer the Sacrament of the first ordination of permanent Sick and be empowered to bless deacons will be held for 13 men sacramentals such as rosaries. on June 7. rIt was recommended that diIt must be noted that the peroceses should institute ministerial training programs for lay manent diaconate has developed men and women which would be within the past decade. Thus this separate from diaconal pro- very young family in the postVatican II church has all the grams. In keeping with the convention problems of youth. theme, "Emerging Profile," asWhat was most evident at sociation members examined the Kansas City was the attempt to development of the diaconate take a hard deep' look at the throughout the country to deter- emerging profile of the deacon mine how it is fitting in with in the church. During the many the total ministry of the church. discussions it became clear that . Among the questions discuss- . growing pains have brought ed were the proper screening of problems but also that there is a candidates, improving support new sense of maturity. for the diaconate and how to More and needed work is beclarify the place of the diaconate ing done towards developing a in the church. better understanding of how the Msgr. Ernest Fiedler, director deacon's ministry of service of the bishops' Committee on the takes its theological dimension Permanent Diaconate, presented from his liturgical ministry. This information on preliminary findconcept, allied with the need for ings of a study of deacons comstructure repeatedly expressed missioned three years ago by at the meeting, brings a deeper the bishops' committee. Among awareness that growing pains the findings: _ must be faced patiently and - The average deacon is not honestly. an e1\;-seminarian, but was inOnly in this way can accepvolved with such groups as the Holy Name Society or the tance of the diaconal ministry be achieved. It was repeatedly inKnights of Columbus; - The deacon's greatest sup- dicated that diaconal programs must shun the trite and mediport in ministry is his wife; ocre, strengthen admission poli- The deacon's greatest satisfaction in ministry is cies and mandate if necessary, challenging and worthwhile postcharity; ordination concerns. - The deacon's greatest frusAs director of the diocesan tration is non-acceptance by diaconal program, I found it priests. more than rewarding to share The survey also found that the typical wife of a deacon has in this national meeting, given participated in her husband's the present position of our own program. It was ·indeed a condiaconal formation. that we as a diocesan firmation Two-thirds of the wives of are on the right community deacons are much involved in track. their husbands' ministry. Our dedication to the approved national program, participation of the ordinary in our local proTIlE ANCHOR gram, our emphasis on a deep (USPS·S4,-o20) Second Clns PostaIe Paid at Fall River, spiritual and theological foundaMass. Published every Thursday at 410 tion and our ongoing review of Hllhland Avenue, Fall River, Mass. 02722 our activities in the light of their by the Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall own growth - . all are validaRiver. Subscription price by mall, postpaid $6.00 per year. Postmasters send addre.. ted by the national standards ;hanle. to The Anchor, P.O. Box 7, Fall as explicated at the convention. River, MA 02722


Bishop. Daniel A. Cronin will' celebrate 8 a.m. Mass Sunday at Our Lady of Lourdes Church, Taunton, for members of the Taunton area Society of St. Vincent de Paul. A breakfast will follow in the school auditorium.'

Diocesan reaction

Julia Driscoll Very Rev. John P. Driscoll, Vr, pastor of St. Lawrence Church, New Bedford, celebrated a funeral Mass for his mother Julia (Curley) Driscoll Monday at SS. Peter and Paul Church, Fall River. Some 50 priests concelebrated the Mass and the homily was preached by Msgr. Daniel F. Shalloo, pastor of Holy Name Church, Fall River. Delegations represented many diocesan' off· ices and religious communities, and students were in attendance from SS. Peter and Paul school and Holy Family High School.


Silver jubilarian Father John C. Martins, pastor of Our Lady of Health parish, Fall River,. marked his silver jubilee of ordination on April 13 at a concelebrated Mass where he was joined by Msgr. Luiz G. Mendonca, vicar general; ·Msgr. Henrique Rocha, a retired priest of the Providence diocese; Father Valentin Freitas of Sacramento, Calif.; Father Daniel Freitas, ,Father Joseph Costa and Father Luciano Pereira. Among guests of honor were the jubilarian's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jose Martins of St. Anthony of Padua parish, Fall River. . Our Lady of Health parishioners greeted Father Martins following each Mass on April 13 and special presentations were made by the Holy Name Society and the Council of Catholic Women. Born in San Sebastian, Ter-

ceira, Azores, Father Martins attended public school there before entering the seminary of Angra in Terceira. He was ordained for the Fall River diocese April 10, 1955 in the Cathedral of Jesus the Saviour, Angra. His first appointment was as associate pastor in St. Anthony of Padua parish, Fall River. Subsequently he served as associate at St. Anthony, East Falmouth, St. Elizabeth and. Santo Christo, Fall River, and St. Anthony, Taunton. In 1975 the jubilarian was named to administer St. Peter the Apostle parish, Provincetown and in February, 1979 was assigned to his present position. While in Provincetown Father Martins was chaplain to Third Degree and Faithful Friar to' Fourth Degree Knights of Columbus.

Mrs. Driscoll was a member of SS. 'Peter and Paul parish for 70 years and a charter member of its Womans Club. In addition to her son, she is survived by two daughters, Mrs. James Bentley of Fall River and Mrs. Charles O'Boyle of Denver, Colo.'

DCCW meeting The Diocesal1 Council of Catholic Women will hold an open meeting at 7:30 p.m. Monday at Our Lady of the Assumption parish hall, New Bedford. An international theme will be featured and all area women are invited.

Giver is Rich "The rich man is not one who is in possession of much, but one who gives much." - St. John Chrysostom


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maJ-or Programs













398 COUNTY ST. 997-7337

783 SLADE ST. P.O. Box M ~ So. Sta. 674-4681

32-34 SLADE ST. P.O. BOX 971 226-4780

1441 RTE. 132 CENTERVILLE 771-6771



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~ REV. PETER N. GRAZIANO, M.S.W., Diocesan Director ~ ,~qw·qw·qw·qw·qw.qw.qw.qw.qw.qw.qw.~.qw.qw.qw.qw.qw.qw.qw.qw.qw~qw.qwl~


THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., May 1, 1980


the living word

Encouraging Lay Ministry The heartbeat of any diocese is the life that stems from its people and their local parishes. As we move rapidly into this new decade there can be little doubt that the portents are more than numerous in informing -those who truly care about parochial life ,that the laity is beginning to playa greater role in the ministry of the church. For the American church this will be somewhat of a culture shock. Despite the fact that the church is 99 per-. cent lay and only one percent clerical, most men and women, practically speaking; have had no ministerial role whatsoever in parish life. Their so-called proper place was viewed as that of faithful and docile workers who did everything they were toid to do in order to keep "father" happy. Admitting few exceptions, lay men and women were never considered to be more than bodies who could keep guilds and societies on the move, aid in raising funds and running parish affairs and be on call for special works when it was predetermined that their gratuitous expertise was needed. Many wonderful people served the church in this manner and many wonderful projects were accomplished. However, this mentality was fundamentally limiting and in many ways was used to keep many people as it were in "their place." It was an attitude of clerical condescension: "You stay on your side of the rail." Well, the rail has gone. With the decrees of Vatican II and their evolution under the present pontiff, there are changes and adjustments to be made in every parish and diocese in the land. The days of the bickering extremes, the ecclesiastical hippies versus the pre-Trent inquisitors, are fast becoming a fading memory. To be sure, these factions are still represented in the church but this merely reminds us of the dangers that lie in extremes. Lay ministry in the church will be flourishing by the end of this decade not only because of ecclesiastical encouragement but also due to necessity, Just the fact that there will be fewer priests and religious women to serve more people and n~eds should be considered. However, that is not the sole reason for expanded lay ministries. The fact that' the church in this country has dedicated itself to the education of the laity to assume their proper role in the civic sryhere amt h(l.~ failed correspondingly to encourage their abilities and expertise in the basic work of salvation is an appalling reality that has resulted in many empty pews and many wasted energies. Dioceses must encourage the implementation of programs that will teach and form the men and women who are more than eager to dedicate some of their time to the apostolate. Efforts should be coordinated on the parish level to foster and develop the talents of people who be lieve that the missionary work of the church must begin in the neighborhood. Priests should be the energizing force, the spiritual catalyst, to implement and fulfill such desires. They should not hide from this task as something to fear. As the fathers of the Council so rightly stated, "Bishops, pastors of parishes and other priests of both branches of the clergy should keep in mind that the right and duty to exercise the apostolate is common to .all the faithful, both clergy and laity, and that the laity also have their own proper roles in building up the church."


OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER 410 Highland Avenue Fall River, Mass. 02722 675-7151 PUBLISHER Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin, D.O., S.T.D.



Rev. John F. Moore ~

Leary Press-Fall River

'Thou art all路fair, 0 my love, and there


not a spot in thee/ Cant. 4:7

All his money went to poor Archdiocesan officials in SAN SALVADOR, El Salvador (NC) - The bishop whom ,charge of finances, said Msgr. slain Archbishop Oscar Romero Urioste, reported that two bank of San Salvador caned in times accounts in the archbishop's of crisis "my loyal friend" has name held contributions sent to been named apostolic adminis- him "by individuals and organtrator of San Salvador by Pope izations in Europe and North America in support, of his work." John Paul II. Bishop Arturo Rivera Damas Every cent went to the poor, he of Santiago de Maria, a 56-year added. "His wallet had a sman card old Salesian priest, who was for a time auxiliary to the archbish- with the prayer for the daily op, has路 an interim appointment, consecration to the - Sacred but enjoys full powers to run Heart, another card showing his San Salvador, a violence-ridden blood type, an identification card, and driver's license, and See of 1.5 million Catholics. He pledged to continue "the some $115 for his rounds. The pastoral work of preferential op- car he used to visit parishes in tion for the poor" that the arch- the city and the rural areas bebishop was implementing at the .longed to his family," the vicar time of his assassination March added. 24. "We have not found a will, Meantime Msgr. Richardo and chances are there is none. Urioste, archdiocesan vicar, has He had little of his own," he given details on disposition of said. . Msgr. Urioste said he and a the estate of Archbishop Rosman group including a nun, a mero. He said the prelate had given lawyer and one of the archcancer patients the $10,000 he bishop's brothers were most imwon as a peace prize and had pressed by "the spiritual aspects" distributed other funds from of the aI'c~bishop's sman apartabroad to ,the needy of the ment. archdiocese. "The impressive library of

about 1,200 books showed heavy use of works of theology, church social doctrine, economic and social studies of the country. There were five filing boxes with about 1,000 cards with notes of his own hand, and drafts of his homilies," said Msgr. Urioste.

(necroloQii) May 16 Rev. William McDonald, SS, 1941, St. Patrick, Falmouth Rt. Rev. J. Joseph Sullivan, P.R., 1960, Pastor, Sacred Heart, Fan River . May 17 Most Rev. James E. Cassidy, D.D., 1951, 3rd Bishop of Fall River 1934--51 May 19 Rev. Ambrose Lamarre, O.P., 1940, Dominican Priory, Fall River Rev. Thomas Trainor, 1941, Pastor, St. Louis, Fall River May 20 Rev. Antonio L. daSilvia, 1952, Pastor, Our Lady of Health, Fall River

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., May 1, 1980

Parish community a

Parishes are lot like families. Some families are made up of people who share a history, live a present, hope for a future, and live, laugh, and argue together. Others are made up of individuals who go their own way, politely deferential to others, and grow up and away without really knowing each other. Some parishes offer a feeling of family that you sense the minute you walk in. It's not that definable - feelings rarely are - but there's a degree of relationship and comfort there that enables people to interact like a parish family with all the closeness and disharmony that implies. Other parishes - sad, sterile parishes - - never generate a feeling of togetherness and family. Parishioners don't see themselves as a responsible part of the parish family. They come to Mass, pray privately, leave without relating to anyone else, and go home to complain that they aren't getting anything out of the parish. What we're talking about here is community, that elusive underpinning that makes a parish not a place but a caring faith community. A sense of community isn't a gift but the result of lots of hard work on the part of its parish family. It constantly reflects on its relationship: how is this going to bring us closer to becoming a caring faith community? How might it separate us?

Certain traits stand out in parishes that have become com- DOLORES munities. Probably the most significant is that of making CURRAN newcomers feel welcome. It's no great achievement, after all, to have a fine degree of community in a static parish. But if there has been great movement gies if it means less money for ,in and out, people in some par- upkeep of the grounds and ishes begin to feel. like owners flowers?" It prints answers from and treat newcomers like aliens. parishioners culled from parish Hospitality is the key here, mak- Hsts, not just the parish regulars. ing people feel welcome by set- It's a very popular feature and ting up parish visitor programs, engenders some mature discussspecifically inviting newcomers ion on leadership and responsias well as oldtimers to activities, bilities. A bulletin can't serve the and introducing them to the same purpose it announces. The larger parish family via the newsletter is like a family letter. newsletter. It keeps up-to-date on each That brings me to one of the other so that we care about most hopeful ways of fostering each other. Some newsletters parish community: implement- tend to be bulletins or pastoral ing a really good newsletter that propaganda vehicles and that's goes out to each home monthly, bad. Far better when the comcomplete with parish calendar, munity invites volunteers with vignettes about parishioners, an interest in writing to come up recognitions of birth, deaths, with a newsy letter every month, and anniversaries of deaths, feaintroducing us to one another tures of parishioners who have and letting us know a little more moved, stories of the past in the about the person next to us in parish, hope~ for the future, pic- the, pews. tures and features of young One sad phrase we hear over people who have graduated and and over again in parishes withleft the parish, and even a sec- out a sense of community is, "I tion for frank letters from parish- don't know what's going on." ioners who don't feel heard We can help overcome that quesaround the family table on Sun- tion by answering it. There are days. many ways to develop parish I know of one that offers a community, I realize, but these monthly question on some area two - hospitality and newsof parish family, Le. "Should the letter - are evident in most parish hire a professional musi- parishes that seem like families cian to direct the choir and litur- today. Why not try them?

Electronic gospel The electric - or electronic - church is the term used to describe the phenomenon of spreading the Christian message, largely of the- fundamentalist variety, by way of radio and television. Specifically, however, I take it to mean such television programs as Robert Schuller's "Hour of Power," Pat Robertson's "The'700 Club," Jim Bakker's "The PTL Club," JerJ:y Falwell's "Old Time Gospel Hour," plus those of the huckster Rex Humbard and, in my view, the charlatan Oral Roberts. There are many others, but these are enough to give you some idea of what is generally referred to as the electronic church. As a matter of fact, there was ,a conference at New York University recently that had to do with a critical examination of the electronic church by more than 200 Christian communicators - whatever these Christian communicators may be, incidentally, in the jargon of the seminars. It could be, for all I know, that Christian communicators are nuns and priest-editors with walkie-talkies going from one grim seminar to the next. Actually, of course, the NYU conference was compromised of people - journalists, theologians, mor-


alists, broadcasters, clergy, and Religious - who are no doubt sincerely interested in the name and nature of the electronic church and what it may mean to us in the acceleration of the Eighties. 路Perhaps the most interesting remarks at the New York conference were made by Richard P. McBrien of Boston College, a priest-theologian and church press columnist, whose general slant of mind happens to tend slightly counter to my own in such broadly philosophical areas as the self-presumed elitism of the liberal left and in what appears to be a compulsive need to 'modernize,' if not secularize, the Church itself. I mean by this, simply, that Father McBrien's remaking of the Church seems based on largely secularist models. That side, however, I find myself in the amazing grace of agreeing with most of what Father MoBrien had to say about the electronic church. We all know, despite the visual comfort the occasion may provide, that watching a TV Mass is not the same as taking part in the corporate act of worship itself. Father McBrien is necessarily clear on this point, I think, though he may untowardly slight the great spiritual yearning of those unable to re-



spond to the Mass in any other way. Beyond this, he sees the electronic church as failing to relate the Gospel in ways that are not exclusively centered on the personal needs and satisfactions of the individual. Father McBrien further points out that whenever an extension of the electronically oriented Gospel does occur, it is "almost always in pursuit of right-wing causes" the pursuit of left-wing causes apparently, remaining pure and inviolate - "and so rarely in common cause against racism, sexism, militarism and consumerism." I think you can leave practically all else aside and catch the dominant tone of the electronic church in that last term of Father McBrien's - consumerism. The Christianity of the electronic church is a packaged product; and, like all TV commercials, it is geared to stimulate quick consumption, immediate success, and a profitable return on your spiritual investment - having it both ways, indeed, in the buying and selling of the prodUCt.

'Data iand

counsel needed WASHINGTON - Basically, what the two frontrunning presidential candidates told. the American Society of Newspaper Editors, which fortunately took up the temporary slack in the primaries, is that it is all over. J'immy Carter informed us that he has been a strong, resolute, tough, decisive chief ex~cutive, who has taken firm actions against Iran with more to come. In the question period, he revealed a ferocious resentment of having his conduct of foreign policy questioned - especially by Ronald Reagan. Ronald Reagan announced that he is home free because he has forged a "new coalition" of Americans of both parties who haven't lost their confidence, "but their shirts." If their appearances, two days apart, are indeed a preview of the fall campaign, the country is in for a heated, but not too enlightening episode in its political history. For those who groan at a choice between a Democrat who can't govern and a Republican who won't, the editors' convention did not provide any respite. 'Reagan, the foe of government interference, seemed to have no views about the federal programs instituted to prevent a recurrence of the Great Depress路ion, a catastrophe from which he and his family suffered. He either did' not hear or did not understand a question about the Securities and Exchange Commission, founded by Franklin D. Roosevelt to prevent the stock market from collapsing and presumably, at least, one of those regulatory agencies Reagan has vowed to root out so today's youth can enjoy the freedoms he knew as a lad. He also had no comment about other federal programs that deprive the citizenry, in the event of economic catastrophe, of the liberty of going on breadlines: the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, for instance, unemployment compensation and food stamps. Reagan said nervously that he would not abolish any of those federal programs, even though his .campaign thesis is that if Americans could get the bureaucracy off their backs, they would go back to路 the glorious yesterdays. Reagan is not accustomed to being pinned down on details. That is the result of 15 years of uncritical adulation from the right wing of his party. Reagan knows that his constituency loves the music, not the words. They applaud his philosophy, his policies are more or less taken on faith. At the editors' meeting, Reagan made one of those errors of




fact that cause all but the most fanatic of his followers grave consternation. He said that Carter's economic policies would cause the unemployment rolls to rise by two million - meaning that there would be more jobless Americans "than at any time during the Great Depression." According to Labor Department figures, there were 12.6 million unemployed in 1933; that is, half again as many at Reagan's worst projections about Carter. It is the feeling inside the Reagan camp and it has been given free rein since the cashiering of John Sears, a campaign manager who believed that the candidate should be fully briefed on current events - that the Reagan appeal is so strong that he should not clutter his mind with facts. But in a general election, Reagan would be playing to a much wider audience than Republicans who vote in primaries. Some Democrates have been psyching themselves to desert Jimmy Carter with the thought that as governor of California, Reagan did not dismantle government programs or change radically the smiling face of the state. Frequent gaffes could shake the allegiance of his new coalition, many Americans being of the opinion that their leaders should be better'" informed than themselves. Reagan aggravated the problem the next day by telling a Nebraska audience that Vietnam veterans have been denied the benefits of veterans of other wars. He later explained that he had relied on information supplied to him by an admiral and a general - hardly the best sources on the GI bill. If Reagan can't get it straight, Carter can't seem to do it right. He was scarcely out of the hall, where he excoriated Reagan for saying that the disasters were caused by White House weakness, when a fresh emarrassment occurred. Among his new "tough" policies against Iran, which he defended before the editors, he had ordered the expulsion of Iranian cadets studying in this country. Someone in his administration had neglected to notice that certain due processes of law h~d to be observed. What Reagan and Carter seem to share is a measure of arrogance. They have an aversion to expert advice. Carter still needs to admit that he needs help outside his White House circle to solve the crises Reagan says his vacillation has brought on. His tendency to leap before he looks could be as expensive to his candidacy as Reagan's 'reluctance to look at all.


Mercy federation meets


Thurs., May 1, 1980

Sister Mary Noel Blute, Sister Mary Geraldyn McGreevy and Sister Frances Lynch represented the Providence Province of the Sisters of Mercy at the community's annual meeting, held earlier this month at Mont Marie, Holyoke. With some 100 other major superiors and directors of min· istry for Mercy communities in the United. States and Canada, they heard speakers from the Washington-based Center of Concern discuss international questions for development strategy in the 1980s. The program of social justice and analysis culminated in sese sions entitled "Directions for Putting It All Together for God and Others" and "Charting Directions for Mercy,"

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Novena To St. Jude o Holy S1. JUde, Apostle, and Martyr,

great in virtue and rich in mi-~cles. near kinsman of Jesus Christ, faithful intercessor of all who invoke your special patronage in time of need, to you I have recourse from the depth of my heart and humbly beg to whom God has given such great power to come to my assistance. Help me in my present and urgent petition. In return, I promise to make your name known, and cause you to· be invoked. Say three Our Fathers, three Hail Marys and Glorias. Publication must be promised. St. Jude pray for us all who invoke your aid, Amen. This Novena has never been known to fail. I have had my request granted. Publication promised. A reader. lAdvt.l G.D.

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SISTER M. THOl\fAS MORE, assistant director of St. . Anne's Hospital, Fall River, receives citation from Gregory Karr, state president of the American College of Nursing Home Administrators. The award recognized Sister Thomas More's achievements as director 'of Madonna Manor, North Attleboro, where she served seven years before accepting. her present appointment.

Convention marl{s 25th year Th~ following

release from the Diocesan Department of Education describes plans for the annual CatholIc Education Convention, to be held Friday, May 9 at Bishop Connolly High School, Fall River: Twenty-five years of beautiful liturgies! 25 years of public affirmation and praise by the Bishop of the Diocese for the work of teachers and administrators! 25 years of high level educational programs! 25 years of challenging addresses by outstanding speakers! 25 years of art exhibits, textbook displays and equipment demonstrations by loyal consultants! It is the Silver Jubilee Year of the Catholic Education Convention and Dr. Elinor Ford will be on hand to celebrate with us. In 1956, Rev. Edward J. Gorman, the first Diocesan Superintendent of Schools (1932.1961), planned the first educational convention for the administrators and teachers of the diocesan schools. Elementary schools numbered 55 at that time and there were 10 secondary schools. At that time there were 501 religious teachers and 19 lay teach· ers on the elementary level; in· secondary schools there were .116 religious and 19 lay teachers. St. Anne's School in Fall River was the site selected for' that first convention and Dr. Francis M. Crowley of Fordham University was the keynote speaker. In 1960 and '61 the newly opened Bishop Stang High School hosted the educators of the Diocese. In 1963 the entire operation was moved to Bishop Feehan High School in Attleboro where facilities proved to be most adequate for a meeting of this type. For 18 years Feehan has held a high record of hospitality and accessibility. This year, the 25th,

the Catholic Education Convention returns to Fall River, to Bishop Connolly High School. Through the years, .with Rev. Monsignor Patrick J. O'Neill and then Sister Marion C. Geddes at the helm the education meeting has provided the best among national speakers and local educators to alert and challenge teachers in Catholic schools with a stropg sense of moral values, interest in--innovative practices and opportunities to do some "hands on" projects. In addition to speakers and workshops, t~e conventions hav.e offered the opportunity for educators to see exhibits of many book and equipment companies and fund raising organizations These occasions have provided profitable experiences for diocesan teachers. On May 9 the convention will open with a concelebrated Liturgy. Dr. Elinor Ford, newly appointed vice president of Sadler, Inc., will then address convention participants on "The School and the~arents: Partners in Parenting," Dr. Ford is a renowned lecturer, a former professor at Fordham University and a past executive director of the National Forum of Catholic Parent Organizations, an affiliate of the National Catholic Educational Association. . She is expected to challenge her bearers to be "creators and supporters" in their work with diocesan youth, to heighten their awareness of their magnificent responsibility as educators and to renew in them the desire to "teach as Jesus did," Convention time has been allotted for visiting exhibits and viewing a computer demonstration directed by Father Edmund Kelly, SJ of the Connolly High School faculty.

In other convention business, delegates honored Sister Mary Silverius Shields, retiring executive director of the Federation of Sisters of Mercy of the Americas and discussed adoption of a community core statement. Plans were made for observance of the 150th anniversary of the community, to be held in Ireland in 1981 and for the fed· eration's next annual meeting, which will be in Pittsburgh. The new federation president will be Sister Margaret Crowley, Hartford, Conn., supported by Sister Marie John Kelly, Dobbs Ferry, N.Y., secretary-treasurer. Sister M. Michael. Lappetito, Rochester, N.Y. will succeed Sister Mary Silverius as executive secretary.

. Church playing world role Continued from page one Hohl, associate director of MRS, said. The refugees are then turned over to relatives or voluntary agencies. Colombia Nuncio On another Latin American front, Archbishop Angelo Acerbi, papal nuncio to Colombia, is in fine shape after spending 61 days ,as hostage in the Domini-' can Republic's embassy in Bogota, Colombia, said a spo~es· man at the apostolic delegation in Washington. The 54-year-old archbishop and U.S.·Ambassador Diego Asencio were among 16 hostage diplomats freed in Havana, Cuba, April 27. The archbishop then stayed briefly in Washington before departing for Rome. During the 61·day period, Archbishop Acerbi was a gobetween for receiving messages and supplies. The papal envoy received llnd gave messages at the door of the embassy and

greeted those allowed to enter' on mercy missions. Pope in Africa Pope John Paul's crowded African schedule will include two visits to leprosariums, the ordination of several bishops, baptism and confirmation ceremonies and the laying of a cornerstone for a new cathedral. The tour will also feature a boat trip across the Congo River, at least 11,500 air miles and more than 50 speecht:s, mostly in French. In terms of days, it is the longest scheduled papal visit abroad in modern history. On May 9 the pontiff will meet for the first time the pri. mate of the Anglican church, Archbishop Robert Runcie of Canterbury, England. Their meeting will come in Accra, Ghana. "It is good that we meet, not in Rome or London, but far from the old rivalries of Europe, in Africa, a continent full of new life and energy," commented ·Archbishop Runcie.

REID LEWIS as LaSalle and Father Loran Fuchs, OFM as Pere Zenobe Membre reenact the explorer's historic 1682 voyage down the Mississippi River. A film showing' a Bicentennial reenactment of the 3,300 mile journey by a crew including 17 high school students will be shown at 8 p.m. at Durfee High School, Fall River, under auspices of l'Associatiol1l Francophone.




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Scouting p~ley, retreat


seout Retreat


On the diocesan scene, some 350 Boy Scouts and adult Scouters participated in a recent week.' end retreat at St. Vincent de Paul Camp, Westport. With the theme "The Spirit Is A-Movin'" and with Father Edmond Rego as retreat master, participants followed a schedule including slide shows, indoor and outdoor Mass~s, a candlelight procession arid camperaft activities. Troops in attendance, the majority from the Mohy Dick Scout Council, included, a group from Crystal Springs School, Assonet, and a guest contingent from Boston. The spiritual ,event was organ- , ized by a committee headed by Paul Parente, with Father Stephen B; Salvador as chaplain. Cooking throughout the weekend was handled by committee members.



be "the most powerful evangelization tool available to the church" and a potent force in returning young adults to active church membership. The bishop challenged DCCW members to "take on the duty of helping young people prepare for marriage" and to cooperate in the work of the new 'diocesan Offic,e of Family Ministry. In a morning session, convention delegates gave a standing ovation to "Women in the Bible," a visual narration of women" who made Bible history. Narrated and directed by Mrs. Aubrey Armstrong, who also researched, designed and made the costumes for its participants, it will be ,presented in various localities, including St. Louis de France Church, Swansea, where it will be seen at 8 p.m. Wednesday, May 21. Mrs, William Grover was convention chairman and Miss Adrienne C. Lemieux, DCCW president, presided at the moming business session and delivered the President's Message in the afternoon.

Think of the days ahead. Mother's Day is May 11th, Father'$Day, June 15th. Why IlOtsend us your Mass requests right now? Simply list the intentions, and then you can rest assured the Masses will be offered by priests in India, the Holy Land and Ethiopia, who receiv~ noottier income... Remind us to send you information about Gregorian Masses, too. You can arrange now to have . Gregorian Masses offered for yourself, or for another, after death.

... a



that we must get close to each other, we must be instruments of love in our families," averred Father van Kaam. He said that the "mystery of formation" is out.'Ward as well as inward and that "the flow of fonnative love" surroun(ls us, coming into play in each encounter with another person. "This is seen most deeply in the family, the image of the Holy Trinity," he explained. "Why is it so hard to experience faith, hope and love in daily life," he Q1Jeried, answering ~self by declaring "We don't relax, we don't let go. We're .aggressive, organizers, not receiVing and open. We try to do everything by ourselves, then say, 'We can't pray.' " "~nt1e down," said the priest. "Do formative spiritual reading, not speed reading. Go slowly and dwell on whatever speaks to your heart." Bishop Daniel A. Cronin also spoke to convention delegates on the family theme, discussing a recent Knights of Columbus study that showed marriage to



.Iife' -'Gentle down your ..

"Gentle down your life" Father Adrian van Kaam, C.S. Sp. advised members of the Diocesan Council of Catholic Women, holding their annual convention last Saturday at Coyle and Cassidy High School, Taunton. The Holy Ghost priest, director of the Institute of Formative Spirituality at Duquesne University, Pittsburgh, and the author of many books and magazine articles; took note of the convention's theme, "We i\re Family;" . He said the role of the family .is to help the hum~ being to unfold and flower. He said that the time has come for a Christian and CathOlic theology of the human person and the family in contradistinction to the purely humanistic tradition now prevalent in the Western world and the Marxist philosophy that has infiltrated the universities of Eastern Europe. "We are called by God to open up to the mystery of the core of our being, to the family life of the church as well as of ~our own families but to do



BOY SCOUTS pause at woodland shrine during recent retreat at 51. Vincent de Paul camp. (Torchia Photo)

Father Martin Buote, diocesan non-Catholic units. director of Catholic Scouting, . RepreJsentatives of the Knights and Father Stephen Salvador, of C91umbus, Serra International chaplain for Moby Dick Coun- and the' Catholic Knights of St. cil, Fall River area Boy Scouts, George were 'among conference represented the Fall River dio- speakers. cese at the 26th biennial conJames L. Tarr, Chief Execuference of the National Catholic tive of the BOy Scouts, spoke on Committee on Scouting, held in the relationship between ScoutSL Paul. ing and Catholicism, suggesting The interdependence of fami- that efforts be made to integrate lies and Scouting was the meet- Scout units mol'!! firinly within ing theme, chosen to correlate parish structures and to involve with the American bishops' Year more parents in the ~ut of the Family. movement. Henry lB. Murphy of Trenton, Father Buote said' that the N.J. was 'elected national committee ch&irman and Father diocesan Catholic Committee on RiChard: LaROcque, Putnam, Scouting provides training for Conn.,remained in office as na- Catholic laymen, works with Scout 'councils, promotes the tional chaplain. Conference workshops in- spiritual phase' - of Scouting cluded sessions on leadership, through a religious emblems prourban .Scouting, religious em- gram, retreats and oiher activiblems programs, religious voca- ties, provides chaplain services, tions, women ·in Scouting, Scout- and works for a better undering for the handicapped and· standing of Scouting by clergy service to Catholic members in ;and laity;


of Fall River-Thurs., May 1, 1'980

priest? Have you ever ,wished you. had a son N<lw you can have a 'priest of your own'-and share forever in all the good he. dOes. '. • • Throughout the Near East each year, grateful Bishops ordain hundreds of new priesb trained by people like yoo...• Their own families al1f too poor to support them in training, but good Catholics in America 'adopted' these seminar· ians, encouraged them all the way to ordina· tion.... In some inspiring cases, this support was given at persona' sacrifice. • . . -How can you begin? Write to us now. We'll send you the name of a young seminarian who needs you, and he will write to you. Make the payments for his training to suit your convenience ($15.00 a month, or $-180 a year, or the total $1,080 all at once). Join your sacrifices to his, and at every Sacrifice of the Mass, he will always remember who madJ! it possible.


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THE ANCHOR-Dioc;csc of fgfl Rivcr-Thurs., Mgy 1, 1980





THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River- Th,:,rs., May.1, 19SP



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As part of the first phase of We Care/We Share, trained Home Visitors will distribute two types of printed material. Residents who identify themselves as bapti~ed Catholics will receive an instructional envelope containing a confidential report form or census ~ard and a flyer listing Advent events in the immediate area.

Bishop Daniel A. Cronin' has annouI)ced appointment of deanery directorS of the diocesan-wide "We Carel We Share" program of evangel· ization. 'They are Father Mau.. rice Jeffrey, FaU' _Rl-ver; Father Armando Annunziato, New Bed, ford; Father John Ozug, Cape and Islands; F-ather John Magnani, Attleboro; Very ~ev. Walter A, Sullivan, Taunton. They will serve on the central We Care/We Share committee with Msgr.· Thomas J. Harring-' ton, Father Daniel L. .Freltali and Father Timothy Goldrick,. and will work with a group' of area coordinator~ fl'()m their r~spec­ tive deaneries., Each area .coordinator will 'be responsible for a geographic moC:tUleof from one to eight parishes. UtiUziJig these modules, ethnic and terr~torial papshes in the diocese will be able to combine efforts to accomplish the goals of the We Care/We Share Program, superseding particular parish bounderies.

The flyer will also present a message to both active and inactive Catholics from the bishop. The completed confidential reports will be retrieved by the Home Visitor on a return visit.


vertised in 'public aqd church

Through this system, a' representative of the diocesan church family will call on every household in Southeastern Massachuchusetts and extend a cordial invitation to celebrate Advent and - Christmas with us. The completed confidential reports will provide the diocese and the parish data with which to plan future ministries.


The diocesan We Care/We Share, 'Program is planned' to take place in three major parts. The first phase is person-to-person visitation of theapproxi.mately one-quarter mil!ion Catholic and non-Catholic residences in the diocese of Fall River. This will occur on the Feast of Christ the King, November 23, 1980. The second phase of the program is the· conducting of 107 Advent programs planned and executed by the parishes of the diocese. The third phase will be parish celebration of Christmas . Mass with a special effort· to welcome inactive Catholics on those interested in the chur~h.



The final purpose of We Care /We Share is not new to the church. Simply stated, the goal is evangelization, the very reason for the church's existence. It is the mission. to proclaim that in Jesus Christ salvation is offered to every human being. We are familiar with Catholic evangelization in the form o~ preaching and catechetics,' but' the term' itself might sound odd to our ears. A ca~tiOn is in order. Evangelization is not proselytizing.. Catholic' 'evangelists act only with respect for their neighbors in the name of' .the Lord;

Residents who are not Catholic 'will receive the second type pf printed material. This will take the form of prayer card listing Advent programs ,designed for members of other faiths an,l, for the unchurched. All local Advent programs will also be ad-


The diocesan We Care/We Share Program has been in the planning for about three years. During the Jubilee Year, a steering committee reflecting various aspects of evangelization was chosen to study the feasibility' of such a project. Having carefully reviewed the concept, the committee concluded that the We Care/We Share Program was both possible and desirable. . The next step was the designation of a pilot area in which the program could be tested. The 10,000 residences of .Somerset and Swansea were chose.n because this area presented a mix of both territorial and ethnic parishes consistent with the composition of the diocese in general. During the summer of 1979, clergy and lay leaders from the towns, seven parishes met. to reflect on the proposed program. Again, reaction was favorable and the decision was made to proceed. One of the seven parishes in


the pilot area determined more effective results would be obtained if it waited until 1980 and took part in the diocesan program instead of thE!' pilot program.

ish level. Besides the parish coordinator, each of the six parish committees was to include a home visitorS' chairperson, a program chairpersori,' a clerical chairperson; a prayer committee. chairperson, and a hospitality chairperson.

_ An area committee was selected to begin the impleinentation of the pilot program. Headed by a local pastor, the committee was compOsed of a coordinator from each of the six parishes, an ecumenical liai§on, and a publicity liaison. Each parish coordinator was to work closely with his or her own pa'rish staff, parish council, and various parish committee heads. Participation with -the area committee· also gave the coordinators the opportunity to partici,pate -in. pol~ . formation•.

The home visitors' chairperson and the clerical chairperson divided the assigned territory into manageable neighborhood sections. Most of the parishes adapted the visitation system .of the annual door-to-door charities collection by appointing "captains" to oversee particular neighborhoods.

, .;, 'f'JttHElt MAGNANI

/ The ecumenical liaison was to keep area ministers informed of the program and tlte pubilcity liaison was to issue all press releases. In discussing the Catholic theology of ~vangelizatlon, the area committee soon realized that effectIve evangelization must address perceived local needs and that any evangelization program must be flexible. The committee reviewed two • models - the efforts of Father Alvin Illig, director of the Bishops' Ad Hoc Committee on Evangelization, to reach. out to the unchurched; and the diocesan census project of BUff~lo, N.Y. By creatively reacting to these

precedents, a distinctive methodology tailoreq to local needs began to emerge. , The theme came into focus: To .care for our own parishioners, we Deed information. To be faithful to the mandate of Jesus, we should be willing to share our faith respectfully with our non-Catholic neighbors and with our friends who have no church family to call their own. The geographic territory of the pilot area was divided so that each parish would be charged with the visitation of equal numbers of residences. To avoid confusion, when the actual visitation took place. workers identified themselves as being from the. diocese of Fall River rather than from ~ particular parish. The month of October 1979 was devoted. to recruitment and training of leadpr,hip on a par,



Each captain worked with several home visitors. Each home visitor was given a list with the app1'9xi~ltely 10 residences which were their own responsibility. The town directories were most useful in composing the lists.. The prayer committee ch~ir­ person had the task of encouraging intercessory prayer for the success of the effort. Various parish groups, consisting of both young and old, used prayer styles with which they were most comfortable. / The pilot parishes refined the concept further' by. each taking one day each week to pray as a parish. On the seventh day, Sunday, all parishes prayed'at their Eucharistic celebrations that the Holy Spirit might guide them in their missionary work. Prayer in this manner· began in October and continued through Christmas. .The second phase of the We Cine/We Share program, that of the Advent functions, was primarily the responsibility of the program chairperson. . The sixth member of the parish W~ Care/We Share team was the hospitality chairperson. The function of this individual or couple was to assure that all who responded to the program were greeted with individual at· tention and warmth. The program chairpersons from each parish met to coordin- . ate _themes, times, and dates. Care was taken that the Advent events, 'taken as a whole, offered something of interest to active and inactive Catholics, nonCatholics, and those with no religious affiliation. To be continued , next week

OFF 5 E T -



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By Dr. James and Mary Kemty

who is arguin$. . The 12-year-old argues about anything and everything. But the main complaints fall into tl,1ree categories: 1. ·Parents are always wrong. Their decisions about how late a child can stay out, where a child. may go arid with whom, are particularly good targets to' challenge. A statement is never taken at face value. Always the question is "Why?" or "Why not?'" . 2: The child's own parents fall short compared to others. The parents are not fail'. They don't allow what other parents allow Parents are unaware of this s~ it needs to be pointed out 'frequently. 3. Parents do -not understand how much money it takes to get along and need to be reminded of this. They do not recognize how frequently another new pair of jeans is needed. They don't even realize the cost of a movie or a pizza. Twelve-year-olds . are taking the first steps toward independence. Almost all p~rents •. say that they want chiIdlen to be independent. IBut, children learn independence by practicing independence from someone, and that someone is precisely the parent and the family. Independence is learned in small steps. Often the· learning years; beginning at age 12, are. stormy both for parent and child. Here are some suggested ways


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ways defend. themselves. When a child criticizes, the parent's first impulse is to present his own side. Howevd, the child is not' Usually asking for an exPlanation. The 12-year..old wants to play "You're Not Fair" OJ' perhaps "Getting Mother's Goat." When mother answers, she adds to the game. I\. noncommittal answer, "I'll have to think about that" or "You may be right" ends the game and . the argument. Mother has refused to play along. 4. Finally, arguing is not the only sign of growing .independ~ ence. Parents can encourage the positive aspects of independence. A ~2-year-old can clean a room or cook a meal alone and do it well. Often, both boys and girls can handle a paper route alone or do an excellent job of babysitting. Twelve-year-olds can help others with little direction from adults. They can' shovel snow or cut grass for an elderly or handicapped neighbor. In short, they can work, help and serve in aault ways. Parents can recognize and ap:plaud the arrival at'a new stage of' growth. The~ can consider reasonable complaints and minimize useless arguments. They can encourage and applaud their children's growing capabilities to work and to serve. They are-.the right people to have around. Questions on family Uvlng and child care are invited. Address to The Kenaya e/oTbeADcbGl', p.o. 'Box 7, FaD Itiver, Mass. 02~2.

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2. Many of' the 12-year-old's argume?ts come in -th~ form 61 c?~plamts. a~ut parental declslons. AntiCipate arguments by settin~ s~me reasonable poliCies and stlckm~ to them. How ~fte~ can the chIld go out at mght. How late can he. or she stay o~t? How oft~n ~an she have fri~nds overnight.. How. many paIrS of shoes or Jeans wIll you provide? It might take some adjustments to arrive at policies the parent and child can live with.. At ti~. ~arents might feel like constitutional lawyers drawing up "rights to live b}i'." Neve~eless. the ~arent who can pomt to ~ ?O.licy already set down can DUnmuze the number of arguments. 3. Despite forethqught, arguments and criticisms will arise. It is impossible to set a policy that covers every situation in life. And 12-year-olds are masters at pointing out inconsi~ten­ cies in parental behavior. When arguments arise, partints $bouId try fll'st to consider the complaint. Perhaps the child has a reasonable request. If ·the child ~ band or ~thletic practice at a certain hour, he may request ,dinner for~same hour every night. That's reasonable. Second, parents need not al-




to live successfully with lZ·yearolds: 1. Recognize that striVing for independence is a step towiml maturity, a new capability in the child. It helps you take a more positive view of the 12year-old's criti~ism and challenges.

You can always recognize a 12-year-old child. That's the one

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patronizing neighborhood stores. Certainly, the. meats- are not cheaper· but they often appear fresher, you can really look at the meat when it's not prepackaged and you can talk to the meat cutter and maybe develop • a rapport so that you can possibly even ask for the cuts of meat you want. In order to save our sanity, we must think of ways to make shopping at least more palatable if not less expensive! Everyone needs a great but easy fish recipe and here's one. It was given to me by Pam Wilkinson, of Fall River and I guarantee it will become olle of your family's favorites. Favotlte Fish 2 lbs. fish fillets . 1,4 cup butter or margerine 1 cup sour cream 4 ounces parmesan cheese % bag of herb-seasoned stuffing pepper to season dash of onion salt or grated onion 1. Melt the butter. Add 'the sour cream, cheese, and se8$Ol1ings. Pour over the fillets that . have been placed in a baking dish. 2. Sprinkle with the stuffing. Bake .in a 400 degree oven for . .. 30 minutes.

THE ANCHORThurs., May 1,' 1980

'Be a Song' With the upbeat theme, "Be a Song in 'Providence," over 1000 laypersons, sisters and priests involved in music ministry gathered last week in Rhode Island's capital for 'a regional convention of the National Association of Pastoral Musicians. They attended a dazzling assortment of workshops and spe. cial sessions, including a presentation by Glenn Giuttari, director of music for St. Mary's Cathedral,Fall River, on music for the iimer city parish. 'By diocese, they attended meetings on the problems and dreams of each area. Some 60 pastoral musicians from the Fall River diocese, many taking time from work or home responsibilities, showed up for their session. And all together, they enioyed a convention concert presented by C. Alexander Peloquin and Dave Brubeck, with Peloquin directing a selection ·of his own works, then a performance of Brubeck's "To Hope--A Mass for a New 'Decade," with ,BruJbeck at the piano., -In between there were impromptu jam sessions, music shoptalk and such extras as 'concerts by the Rays of Sunshine, St. Michael's College Liturgical Choir and various instrumental ensembles. A convention choir formed on the spot was heard at the closing -liturgy, having put itself together in three one-hour rehearsals. At the Fall River diocesan meeting Bishop Daniel A. Cronin presided, introduced by Father James F. Lyons, chairman of the diocesan Divine Worship Commission. The bishop noted ,that Vatican II had invited Catholics "to immerse ourselves in the liturgy as the believing people of God," adding that "today's meeting gives us the opportunity to coordinate our efforts for beautiful liturgy in the diocese." In discussion following the bishop's comments, several parish organists and choir directors recalled that a choir guild was

formerly active iIi the diocese and expressed the wish that it be reactivated. Also suggested were regional workshops at which parishes could exchange programs and suggestions for improving liturgical services. "I wish to speak in defense of the bad musician," said Ronald Allison of St. Lawrence parish, New Bedford, who explained that many organists and directors with little experience or training are pressed into parish service: for want of more qualified volunteers. Also mentioned was the problem of balancing the time required for presentation of good music with tightly scheduled Sunday Masses, to which a representative of Our Lady of the Cape parish, ,Brewster, rejoined that it takes "only 22 seconds to sing an extra verse of a hymn." Inner City Parishes tIn his presentation, Glenn Giuttari emphasized the importance of tradition, personal training and timing to a pastoral musician. He suggested'that musicians visit parishes or other institutions with exciting programs and pick up hints for their own use, and that a careful study be made of the 1972 publication of the U.S. bishops, "Music in Catholic Worship." The music director outlined the problems and challenges pre- . sented by the cathedral and described his five-step approach to its musical program: jot down all ideas for the year's programs; select the most feasible; discuss them with the parish priests; evaluate them in terms of cost; select again, considering budget restrictions; discuss the possibilities with choir members; implement the' program finally. agreed upon. .He also discussed the part played in parish music by the celebrant, choir members,' cantors, song leaders and the congregation and explained the importance of a well-maintained organ and 9,n adequate music library.



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POCASSET GOLF CLUB FATHER STEPHEN FERNANDES, Bishop Daniel A. Cronin and,Msgr. Patrick O'Neill join in the happy task of burning the mortgage of the five-year-old SS. Peter and Paul church, school and parish center in Fall River.

Paul Members of SS. 'Peter and Paul parish, Fall River, rejoiced last Saturday as they witnessed a mortgage-burning ceremony which came five years after the dedication of their churchschool-parish center complex. At a Mass of thanksgiving, followed by the mortgage-burning, Bishop Daniel A. Cronin recalled the 1973 fire that destroyed the former SS. Peter and Paul Church and led to plans to remodel the existing school to accommodate a permanent church. "We gather today to commemorate fittingly the terminatiQn of the parish debt by the formal burning of the parish mortgage," said the bishop. He commended the parish leadership and members, noting that "although the church building perished, the church here in S5. Peter and 'Paul parish remained alive, fully alive in Christ."

. l'4usic for the Mass was by an anniversary choir, rehearsed by Father Stephen A. Fernandes and directed. at the Mass by Glenn Giuttari, director of music at St. Mary's Cathedral. The anniversary celebration, including a banquet which followed the Mass was planned by a committee including James ,Benevides, parish council president; Robert Latinville, Edmond Machado, Helen Ozug, Father Fernandes and Fred R. Dolan.

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and technical advice. For a preliminary consultation including a slide presentatIOn of a variety. of flowe'ring shrubs and perennials Call (617) 678-8277. I will design a garden to meet YOl;lr financial and horti.cultural needs. RODERICK LILIES AND PERENNIALS BISHOP CRONIN greets diocesan participants in pastoral musicians' convention. (Sister Gertrude Photo)



THE ANCHORThurs., May 1, 1980

II Neighbor

II F~r children

By Father John J. Castelot

By Janaan Manternach



One day Jesus was teaching a group of people., One of them was a learned man, an expert in ,the law of God's people. He decided to put a legal question to Jesus, to test him. So he solemnly asked, "Teacher, what must I do to have unending life?" Instead of answering, Jesus asked the man a question in return: "What does the law say?" The man was sure of the right answer. He said rather smugly, "The law says, 'You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength, and with all your mind; and your neighbor as yourself,''' Jesus smiled at the man. "That's right," he said. "Your answer is correct. Do that and you shall live," The expert was embarrassed. He felt that he looked bad in front of the crowd. Jesus came across knowing more about God's law than he, a learned lawyer knew. So he asked another question. "But who is my neighbor?" he asked Jesus with a smirk. Jesus answered not with, a definition, but with a story. "One day a man took a trip from Jersusalem to Jericho. Outside Jericho a group of bandits robbed him and beat him. They left him to die alongside the road. "A priest came along a few minutes later. He saw the mnn lying beside the road. But he walked right past him. "Not long afterwards aLe路 vite came down the same road. He was a religious marl who helped the priests in the temple. He too saw the beaten man lying beside the road. But he too hurried by. "A little later another man came along. He was a Samaritan. He was uncomfortable traveling in Israel. He knew how much the Jews and Samaritans disliked each other. "The Samaritan noticed the bleeding man. He went quickly to him, bandaged his wounds and lifted the man's bruised body onto his donkey. He took him to an inn close to Jericho and cared for him. "The Samaritan paid for his room and meals. The next day he had to leave, but he gave the innkeeper m,oney to care for the traveler until he recovered," Jesus ended his story, turned to the legal expert and asked, "in your opinion, which of these three was the neighbor to the man who had been robbed?" The man had no choice but to answer, "The one who treated him with compassion." The learned lawyer could not deny that only the foreigner acted like a neighbor to the man who was beaten and robbed. Jesus smiled again at the lawyer. "Go now," Jesus said to him, "and act in the same way:"

know your faith What parishes can do . By Cecilia M. Bennett "You're just going to have to return those jeans. I don't care if your father did let you buy them. They're too tight! I'm your mother and I wiIl not let you dress like that . . . I don't care what Daddy says, he doesn't have to live with you day in and day out," Such scenes are familiar in many one-parent homes. Many couples, no longer spouses, must continue their relationship as parents. Acceptance of this changed relationship is difficult and the couple often direct their

anger and frustration, at their children. This is unfair to such children. already suffering a whole range of confused feelings, ranging from guilt to lack of selfesteem. and frequently torn apart by parents vying for their affections. A parish community can help families in these circumstances. Parishioners can help parents to assure their children that both parents stiIl love them and that the children are not responsible for the divorce. They can help both parents be available to the

children in a healthy and noncompetitive atmosphere. The parish can encourage support group:; for the separated and divorced, for children of divorce and for one-parent families. But often the problems of separated or divorced parents are too great for a support group to hancUe. In such situations pastoral counseling can help parents and children achieve more satisfying, healthy relationships and can provide legal aid referrals where necessary. Turn to Page Thirteen

Whose children are they? accordance with the court's . the children it is an undeserved view of adult parental rights. traumatic time. Two adults, once promised to When parents contest the divThe children have suffered a each other. end their comorce, they frequently fight divorce too, a splitting, the end mon life and go their separate through the children. Each parways, each to new hopes and of the way it was. They no long- ent insists on his or her rights er relate to a parental team. Innew problems. They divide the for custody. artifacts of their marriage: the stead they must relate to each Unfortunately, the non-cusparent separately. Usually the furniture, the house, the bank todial parent may use the freare too concernadults involved account, . the salary yet to be' qUt;lnt visitation to harass the earned and even the children. ed with their own situation to be custodial parent. Showing up irsensitive to the upsets and helpThe children with little to say lessness of the children. The regularly, demanding extra prilifor their own desires, are award- adults may be more in need of 'leges, over-indulging the childTurn to Page Thirteen ed to one or the other parent in support than supportive. Yet for By James and Mary Kenny

"FREQUENT VISITATION RIGHTS mean that the children must adjust regularly to two different households." (NC Photo)

The mental processes of people in Jesus' culture were quite different from ours. We "like clear, crisp definitions. Jesus' mind did not work that way; he was the product of a culture which cared little for definitions, and the books of the Bible contain hardly any. What they do contain is an amazing variety of stories, analogies, figures of speech of all kinds, approximations rather than precise statements, parables rather than propositions. It is hardly surprising, then, that when Jesus was asked on one occasion: "And who is my neighbor?" he did not answer by saying: "Your neighbor is ... " but rather by telling a s'tory: "There was a man going down from Jerusalem to Jericho who fell prey to robbers" (Luke 10:30). What folIows is the welI known parable of the Good Samaritan. rather Samaritans figure prominently in Luke's Gospel, for Samaritans were thoroughly despised by the "better people, and Luke was quite evidently fascinated by Jesus' concern for the outcast, the disadvantaged, the oppressed, the despised. Like Jesus, he turns the tables and makes them the real heroes and heroines, the special objects of the Savior's loving care. To iIlustrate the concept of neighbor Jesus could have had either the priest or the Levite stop to help the battered mugging victim. Either case would have been an excelIent example of neighborliness. But it would not have sufficed for his purpose. The poor felIow lying by the roadside was presumably a Jew, and for a fellow-Jew to come to his assistance would have been neighborly enough. But for two felIow-Jews to pass by and then for a Samaritan to lavish such generous attention on him - that left no doubt as to the meaning of "neighbor" in Jesus' mind. One has to recalI that Jesus told this story not just to an ordinary Jew, but to an expert in the law. One has to recall, further, the intensity of the hatred between Jews and Samaritans. Making one of these despised creatures the hero of the story was a real shocker. But there was no mistaking the point of the story: if we cannot be neighbors to all indiscriminately, we cannot realIy be neigh~ bors to anyone. An exclusively comfortable - and exclusive neighborliness is a cop-out. Jesus offered no pat definitions. He forced people to formulate their own: "Which of these three, in your opinion, was neighbor to the man who fell in with the robbers?" (Luke 10:36). Of course there was only one answer. And he makes us formulate our own definitions and decisons, too. We do not happen upon mugging victims very often. But in every parish there are families bruised and battered by divorce and left by the roadside to die as families and often as inTurn to Page Thirteen

A Verdade E A Vida Dirigida pelo Rev. Edmond Rego

Uma Vida Que Compromete Maria, Mae: 0 sim a mensagem proposta. A importancia que Maria atingiu no Cristianismo provem da sua maternidade. Ela e mae de· Jesus" do Messias. Maria teve 0 maximo de participaQao na hurnanidade de Cristo. Esta participaQao deu-se nao apenas de forma fisici-sobrenatural, mas tambem de uma maneira fisico-natural. Assim Maria teve como missao ser a Mao fisica da hurnanidade individual e historica de Cristo que e a perfeita epifania de Deus. o assentimento de Maria, a sua resposta a mensagem do Anjo e urn acto de fe pleno e total. Na perspectiva de paralelismo Eva-Maria, comummente admitido, a Maternidade de Maria foi decisiva para a salvaQao da hurnanidade, como 0 pecado de Eva 0 foi para a sua perdiQao. Ora, porque Maria gerou Cristo redentor e disse 0 seu sim em representaQao de toda, a natureza humana, tern urna funQao previlegiada na obra da salvaQao. Este papel de representatividade, assurnido por Maria, e concre~ tizaQao de uma lei que de algurn modo perpassa por toda a historia da SalvaQao. Urn acto individual tern, muitas vezes, urn significado solidario: FDr causa de Adao, toda a hurnanidade foi expulsa do paraiso; GraQas a Noe, a humanidade salvouse da destruiQao; "Como em Adao todos morreram, tambern ern Cristo todos chegaram a vida"; Assim, 0 primeiro encontro da humanidade ~om Cristo, 0 mais decisive efundamental, efectuou-se no primeiro sim de Maria. A resposta de Maria e 0 prototipo de toda a redenQao individual. 0 seu sim a mensagem-proposta e ainda urn acto no sentido eclesial. Em Maria todos os futuros membros qa Igreja, povo de Deus, dizem 0 seu sim, pela lei da solidariedade da graQa que reina entre os mernbros de Cristo. Por isso, Maria pronuncia 0 seu sim ern representaQao da toda a Igreja, sendo simultaneamente Igreja e mae da Igreja. o sim de Maria nan e apenas espelho ern que nos podemos mirar.Ele e a raiz do nosso sim, cuja· existencia depende do alimertto dessa raiz. o sim nao se deve reduzir,a momentos ou instantes inspirados: urna peregrinaQao, tima festa, urna confissao. Esses momentos fortes devem mexer com toda a vida. As mensagens de amor penitencia e oraQao das apariQoes so tern sentido inseridas nurna verdadeira relaQao de alteridade ou dualidade, mas numa relaQao de unidade. A nossa consciencia de crentes revela-nos 0 significado integral de toda a nossa vida. Embora pareQa sentirse 0 dualismo religioso profane nao so na propria pessoa como entre 0 que se . diz crente e 0 que nao se confessa como tal, 0 crente pode viver como pessoa unificada, pois a fe, com a sua luz"lhe descobre a profunda unidade da sua existencia humana.

Whose children? Continued from Page Twelve ren with treats, the non-custodial parent makes life unpleasant for his or her eX-Stlouse. Meanwhile, the custodial parent may fight back through the children by telling them unpleasant things about the other parent. Both parents are battling for the children's affection. The situation is only slightly improved if the parents have remained friends. Even when they behave rationally, the children suffer. First, frequent visitation rights mean that the children must adjust regularly to the two different households and sets of rules. This is difficult for unformed personalities. Children deserve a more consistent and stable life. , Second, the non-custodial parent is typically indulgent. After all, the children are only here for a short time. Why can't they stay up late? Why not have dinner at McDonald's? When the children return to the more regulated household of the custodial parent, they complain, "Why can't we live with Daddy? He's not mean to us like you."

The children are the most critical issue in any divorce. The adults must act objectively and unselfishly with regard to the children. What is good for the parents is not always good for the children. What the children want is not always good for the children. What is most likely to be. good for the children is a single and stable home. Stability may' well demand that the non-custodial parent limit visits at the discretion of the custodial parent. For the non-custodial parent such an arrangement may appear unfair and may well be painful. However, the custodial parent is usually in the best position to judge what is in the children's best interest. Painful and unselfish decisions are demanded of parents who divorce. The most painful decision may be a custody agreement in the best interest, not of the, parents, but of the children.

THE ANCHORThurs., May 1, 1980


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Continued from page twelve tegral human beings. This is true under the neatest of, arrangements, but when both estranged parties continue to vie for the Continued from page twelve children's' attention, pulling their Religious education programs little hearts apart, then they are can' help children of divorce or truly "half-dead" (Luke 10:30) separation. Often such a child and writhing in agony. will manifest his unhappiness by Who is neighbor to them? withdrawal from the group or in' Fellow-parishioners who condisruptive behavior. This is a call sider ,them somehow beneath for help, signaling that it is time them because of the divorce to listen, affirm and support the and go on their smug way? One child. The teacher might also dis- is understandably reluctant to cuss such problems with ,the meddle, of course, but surely parents. Inviting both parents to love can find a way to dress the programs sponsored by the par- wounds, to counterbalance the ish school or religious education hurt, 'the tension, the heartprogram can provide an oppor- break. Jesus was talking to us tunity for a non-custodial par- when he said to hIS interlocutor, ent to participate more fully in "Then go and do the same" his or her child's life. (Luke 10:37).





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Bishop' to Azores Continued from page one quake damage. Bishop Granada, bishop of On Thursday, May 8, Bishop Angra, expressed his gratitude to Cronin will travel to the island Bishop Cronin for the very gen- of St. Michael. for the feast of erous gift "representing the Santo Christo. friendship on the part of Your On Friday, May 9, Bishop Excellency and the people of the Cronin will celebrate Mass and Fall River Diocese for the people offer the homily at the inaugura. of the Azores. tion of the Convent of the SisBishop Granada also expressed ters of St. Claire. Following the his gratitude "to all those who Mass, a banquet honoring the contributed to that offering and Fall River Ordinary will be held therefore wish to associate them- at the diocesan semin~y of selves with us in these hours of Santo Christo in St. Michael. Calvary which we are now experiencing." On Saturday afternoon, May Acc:;ompanied by Monsignor 10, the bishop will preside at Luiz G. Mendonca, vicar general the first part of the celebration and pastor of Mount Carmel of the feast of Santo Christo, parish in. New Bedford, and the moving of the statue of Msgr. John J. Oliveira, Vice Santo Christo from the chapel, Chancellor and Episcopal Secre- in the Convent of the Esperanca tary, Bishop Cronin will leave to the adjoining church. Boston on Monday evening via At 2 p.m. Sunday, May 11, TAP Airlines. He is scheduled to the feast of Santo Christo, the arrive in Terceira on Tuesday bishop will celebrate and preach morning. the homily at the Mass of the Tuesday will be spent in visit- Feast. At 4 p.m. he will particiing the island of Terceira to pate in the solemn Santo Christo view firsthand the results of the procession through the streets of New Year's earthquake. the city of Pont~ Delgada. On Wednesday Bishop Cronin On Monday, May 12, Bishop will accompany Bishop Granada Cronin will depart from the isto the island of St. George, land of Terceira, returning to which also suffered major earth- Boston via TAP Airlines.

'IDEAL LAUNDRY 373 New Boston Road Fall River 678-5677


1150 JEFFERSON BLVD. WARWICK, R.I•. (It. .5 Solltll· AIrport ExIt)


THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., May 1, 1980


路on youth

Mike Shea is All Star player By Larry Lotz "All of the teams had good big men up front, but we had the edge as far as the guards were concerned," stated coach Chris Dubose. "It made the difference." The comment was made by Dubose (the coach of the DoverSherborne varsity basketball team) after his Southeastern team had defeated the Northeast to win the seventh annual Coaches All Star Basketball Tournament held recently at Worcester Vocational High School.

cannot shoot. In fact, he led Division One of the Southeastern Massachusetts Conference in scoring this: past season with a 21.5 average. Dartmouth center . Marlon Burns had the same average, but Shea edged him by a point,路 430 to 429, in the final point totals. Going into the game Shea had decided that he could do his best job by just playing point guard and set up the plays.. "!All of the guys out there were good shooters."

Shea ended his high school One of the players Dubose hoop career as the second leadwas referring to (and many ing scorer in the school's history. thought THE player he was re- His cousin, Bill Shea (now playferring to) was Bishop Connolly ing at Walsh College in Ohio), High's Mike Shea. Shea, a star set the school's single game, guard on the Cougar's past sea- single season, and career marks son basketball team, was not the last season. Mike did break his game's big scorer (he hit four of cousin's single game total of 42 .five shots from the floor) but he points with a 44 point effort did control the tempo of the against Holy Family. game through his sterling passes. In recognition of his talent, he He accounted for almost as many . was named to the coaches' Allassists as the rest of the team team and to all-scholastic SEMC put together. teams in Fall River, .New BedIt's not that the 6' 2" senior ford, aIJd Taunton.

BISHOP CRONIN greets Jay Quinn during recent visit to Bishop Connolly High School, Fall River (top) and Nobel laureate Dr. George Wald of Harvard University addresses students during World Peace Day program.

Bishop Gerrard The Bishop Gerrard ,chorus, in director and Pauline M. Dufour cooperation with the drama and is accompanist. In addition to the operetta, art departments of the Fall River girls' high school, will present various choral works will be prethe Gilbert and Sullivan operetta sented and student art work "Trial by Jury" at 7:30 p.m. will be on display. Sunday, May. 4. To be staged in the school auditorium, the play will have Kevin Depin as the Learned Winners in the recent Holy Judge, Diane Cloutier as the Family Olympics included JeanPlaintiff, Robert Raymond as ne Bedard, best female athlete; the Defendant, Ron Rathier as Joseph Cordeiro, best male. the Counsel for the Plaintiff, . Overall, seniors placed first for Vicki DaPonte as the Usher, and the day, juniors second, sophoMaurice Ouellette as the Fore- mores third and freshmen fourth. man of the Jury. MVPs were Paul Yergeau, waterBridesmaids, Gentlemen of the melon eating; Judy Barboza and Jury, B~rristers, Attorneys and Pat Tetreault, egg-throwing; Public -a~e played by members of Colleen Taylor, Simon Says; the chorus. Elaine Nadeau is Tetreault twins, volleyball; Kevmusic director, Ron Rathier is in Gallagher, tug-o'-war.

Holy Family

CI5 . By Charlie Martin

I CAN'T TELL YOU WHY Look at us baby, up all night Tearing our love apart Aren't we the two same people who lived through years in the dark Every time I try to walk away Something makes me turn around and stay And I can't tell you why The way we get crazy just ain't right Girl I get lonely too You don't have to worry, just hold on tight Because I love you Nothing's wrong as far as I can see We make it harder than it has to be And I can't tell you why, no baby I can't tell you why Itvery time I try to walk away Something makes me tum around and stay And I can't tell you why, no no baby I can't tell you why Written by Timothy Schmidt, Don Henley, Glen Frey; sung by The Eagles, (c) 1979, Asylum Records

A lifetime member of Holy Name Parish in Fall River, Mike is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Shea of 47 Greenlawn Street. Louis Shea is the city's fire chief. His older brother Timmy (a 1979 graduate of Bishop Connolly) is a freshman at Boston College. His younger' brother Tom (a sophomore at Connolly) was a member of the eyO Diocesan Prep champion basketball team, Holy Family: He is also a member of the jayvee basketball team a_t Connolly. His sister Cathy will be a senior at 路Connolly next year. Mike is also considered to be one of the school's best baseball players. Last summer while playing CYO ball (high school division) he batted .468. This season he has decided to forego haseball in order to get a job to help pay for his colleg.e expenses. A member of the school's national honor society, Mike has been accepted at Boston College but would like to play ball at a division two college if the right offer should come along.

THE LATEST HIT by, the Eagles; "I Can't Tell You Why," is the third from their best-selling album, "The Long Run." It concerns two lovers trying to preserve their relationship. One has tried to "walk away," but he keeps choosing the relationship, hoping the problems can be solved. The song reminds people that every love relationship must be nurtured. This does not mean conflicts sho.uld be avoided or ignored. Only people living in some romantic fantasy fail to meet conflicts. Each person should -be assertive about feelings, but should do so in "good style," with honesty and sensitivity. It does little good to assert one's 路own feelings while failing to listen to the other's response. 'People often have to live with conflicts as they work on ways to meet each other's needs. At this point, process is more important than resolution. Such an investment of feelings and energy can be painful. But the resulting -closeness shows both people that they really want to be part of each other's lives. This drive for intimacy is the power behind the "I can't tell you why's" of the person in the song. He chooses not to walk away because he values closeness and believes that conflicts can be resolved.

By Bill Morrissette

tv, mOVIe news

THE ANCHORThurs., May 1,




ports watch Stang Girls Place in Relays The Bishop Stang High School girls took a fifth and a pair of sixth places in the state Class D relays at Ashland last week. In the shuttle hurdles Spartanettes Martha Demeo, Colleen Rafferty, Karen Lees and Chris Arthur took fifth place in 71.3 seconds. The Stang girls took sixth place in sprint alley and javelin. The sprint team was made up of Cathy Curry, Jean Saulnier, Chris Arthur and Ellen Vera. The javelin team was Hope Halleck, Jean Laughlin and AnnMarie Briere. With 20 points in Division I, the New Bedford High School girls track team tied for sixth place in the state coaches re-

lays in Andover last Saturday. The team of Nicole and Michelfe St. Pierre, Joan Smith and Marrithia Jacobs ran the 4x220 in 1:48.9 for a second place finish. The St. Pierre girls, Miss Smith and Leslie Lewis -took second place in the 4x110 in 51.8 seconds. New Bedford, with 4:15.6, was fourth in the 4x440 with Robin Michaels, Dawn Gomes, Miss Jacobs and Donna Fields making up the team. In the Class C relays in Westwood the Old Rochester girls finished second while in the Class A relays at Andover, New Bedford High's boy's team took fourth place.

McDonald, Gauvin Continue Apace Chris McDonald of Tiverton and Dave Gauvin of Fall River both fighting out of the Fall River CYO under the tutelage of Ron Comeau, continue to add to their laurels. Already having won the New England AAU crowns, both won Northeast Region AAU titles in Walter Brown Arena, Boston University, last Saturday night. Competing in the heavyweight class, McDonald, who has won four New England AAU championships in a row, won the regional crown with a second-. round knockout of Carl Tillery, of Albany, N.Y. Tillery, the New York State Golden Gloves and AAU titleholfler entered the ring against McDonald undefeated in 28 fights, including 22 knock-

outs. Tillery is coached by Floyd Patterson, former heavyweight champion. Gauvin won the 112-pound regional crown on a secondround TKO over Bill Berthwaite, the Vermont-Maine champion. McDonald decisioned Darnell Vereen, of Bridgeport, Conn., and Gauvin TKO'd Rodereick Starck, of Hartford, in the semi-finals Friday night. ,Both fighters will leave Sunday for Las Vegas, Nevada, where the National AAU tournament will be held from Sunday, through May 10. They will represent the Northeast region. Their showing in Boston earned them all-expenses paid trips to the nationals.

Feehan, Connolly Meet Tomorrow The Bishop Feehan High Shamrocks will entertain Bishop Connolly High's Cougars tomorrow afternoon in a Division Two West Southeastern Mass. Conference baseball game. The Cougars have a non-league game at Bourne at 10:30 a.m. Saturday. Meanwhile, Holy Family visits Old Rochester Regional this afternoon .in a Division Two East contest. Other conference games today are Dartmouth at Bourne, Falmouth at New 'Bedford VokeTech, Case at Westport, Wareham at Fairhaven, New Bedford

at Barnstable, Durfee at Taunton, Dighton-Rehoboth at Diman Voke, Somerset at Attleboro. Connolly is home to Westport on Monday and to Coyle-Cassidy on Wednesday next week. Still playing all its games away, Durfee has four games in seven days. In addition to today's game at Taunton, the Hilltoppers visit Bishop Hendricken in Warwick Saturday morning, Barnstable Monday and New Bedford High Wednesday. Feehan is down for an away game at Case next Monday.

Hockomock Race Tight Canton, Franklin and King Philip appear at this time to be the strongest contenders for the Hockomock 'League varsity baseball championship. The league concluded its firsthalf schedule yesterday and for the remainder of the season league games will be over the nine-inning route. Tomorrow's schedule lists No. Attleboro at C'anton, Sharon at King Philip, Mansfield at Foxboro, Stoughton at Franklin. Next week's games are No.

Attleboro at Sharon, Franklin at Foxboro, King Philip at Oliver Ames, Canton at Mansfield on Monday, No. Attleboro at Franklin, Stoughton at King Philip, Oliver Ames at Foxboro, Sharon at Canton.

First Things First "We can't talk sensibly about our national purpose until we first understand our supernatural purpose." - Justin Ryska, CSM

Symbols following film reviews indicate both general and Catholic Film Office ratings, which do not always coincide. General ratings: G-suitable for gen· eral viewing; PG-parental guidance sug· gested; R-restricted, unsuitable for children or younger teens. Catholic ratings: AI-approved for children and adults; A2-approved - for adults and adolescents; A3-approved for adults only; B-objectionable in part for everyone; A4-separate classification (given to films not morally offensive which, however, require some analysis and explanation); C-condemned.

New Films "Gilda Live" (Warners): This filmed record of commedienne Gilda Radner's stage show should appeal to her "Saturday Night Live" fans but others are likely to find it only intermittenly funny. Because of roiJgh la!1guage and occasional ventures into theology, this is mature viewing fare. R, A3 "When TIme Ran Out" (Warners): Paul Newman, Jacqueline Bisset and others are trapped on a Pacific Island when a volcano lets go. This film is so dreadful it might end disaster epics once and for all. PG, A2 "Folkes" (Universal): Roger Moore is an eccentric soldier of fortune named Rufus Excalibur folkes (spelled in lower case) whose crack team of underwater commandos are recruited to 'foil the hijacking of a huge oil-drilling platform in the North Sea. Breezy and well acted, this is very good entertainment but -its violence rules out younger viewers. R, A3 "Penitentiary" (Jerry Gross): A young black man, wrongly convicted and sent to prison, takes up boxing and battles his way to vindication. This uninspired melodrama is rather heavy on sex and violence. R,B "Sitting Ducks" (United Film Distribution): Two amateur con men steal some mob gambling receipts, then flee down the East Coast with the hope of getting a plane to Central America. The rough language and treatment of sex are objectionable. R,B "Nothing Personal" (AlP): A college professor (Donald Sutherland) goes to Washington to halt the slaughter of baby seals and acquires a beautiful lawyer (Suzanne Somers) to help him. The film is unfunny and inept and its sexual implications make it adult fare. PG, A3 "The Watcher in the Woods" Disney B.V.): This suspensethriller from Disney Studios has to do with the mysterious disappearance of a teen-age girl 30 years before and the efforts of a present-day teen-ager (Lynn-Holly Johnson) to solve the mystery. The plot doesn't hold together very well and the talents of Bette Davis as the mother of the missing girl are wasted. Though the picture is too scary for very young children, teen-agers may find it moderately entertaining. PG, A2 "Where the Buffalo Roam" (Univ.ersal): This attempt to capture the career of a controversial

journalist, Hunter S. Thompson, "On The Cape" tries to' be both serious and "WE BEAUTIFY OUTDOORS" Evergreens, Flowering Shrubs, Trees funny in its depiction of this lawn Fertilizer· loam • Annuals legend of the underground press landscape Design but is only intermittently funny 442 MAIN ST., EAST FALMOUTH and its serious moments mis548-4842 carry. Extravagant use of drugs and abundant rough language make this mature fare. a, A3 Films on TV OUR LADY'S Friday, May 2, 9 p.m. (ABC) RELIGIOUS STORE - "Blum in Love" (1973): A 936 So. Main St., Fall River Beverly Hills divorce lawyer, (Corner Osborn St.) who loses his wife when she Full Selection Of catches him committing adultCOMMUNION AND ery, tries desperately to win her CONFIRMATION GIFTS back in this uneven, sometimes 11 :00 To 5:30 amusing, romantic comedy. Some Sunday Thru Saturday harsh language and the adult Tel. 673-4262 nature of the theme make this mature viewing fare. A3 Friday and Saturday, May 2 FALMOUTH and' 3, 9 p.m. (NBC) - "Towering Inferno" (1974): A 135-story COUNTRY CLUB office-residential tower goes up 630 CARRIAGE SHOP ROAD in smoke in a disaster movie EAST FALMOUTH ~ weak in plot and characterizaMASS. ~ 'v,.)o, tion, but stunningly realistic in its special effects. A3 -Sunday, May 4, 9 p.rn. (NBC) "Oh God!"" (1977): God chooses a California superGAS & PULL CARTS market manager to tell the world . SNACK tsAR & COCKTAILS that he is alive and well. As Tel. 548-3211 might be expected, no one believes him and complications arise. This gentle comedy has its heart in the right place but a problem occurs for younger "f![~ viewers, since a God who denies WALL-TO-WALL original sin, does not know the A COllECTION OF HELPFUL FLOOR future, says that Jesus is his HINTS BY 'AL' CARANT son only in the sense that everyGARANT one is his son, and pronounces FLOOR COVERING morality to be entirely subjec30 CRAWFORD ST. tive is not one that most Chris(Runs parallel to South Main tian parents would like to have behind Ray's Flowers) FALL RIVER their children exposed to. The • CARPETING • CONGOLEUM film, moreover, makes a Billy • CERAMIC TILE • AlMTRONG Graham-style evangelist into a 674-5410 gross caricature. PG, A3 Monday, May 5,9 p.m. (NBC) --------------------, - "Breaking Away" (1979): This 1 warm comedy chronicles a summer in the lives of four 18-yearold Indiana boys, one an avid bike racer, who are determined to hold off from taking on adult responsibilities and doing something significant with their lives. Amusing, heart-warming and topnotch entertainment. A few minor expletives account for the PG rating. PG, A2 Thursday and Friday, May 8 i and 9, 8 p.m. (NBC) - "King If your plans call for a new building soon. think about a different kind a preKong" (1977): This uninspired engineered metal building: remake of the 1933 classic is The Mitchell building. never more than moderately en- II's different because iI's engineered and constructed to your specs. It has all the tertaining but neither its beauty durability, beauty and economy you from a metal building_ But iI's not nor its beast have any of the expect just any building - iI's yours_ Specially class of the original. Some semi- made for you. nudity and graphic violence. When you plan your future, give us a call. We'd like to put it in a Mitchell building. A3 THE KEOHANE CORP. Saturday, May 10, 9 p.m. 41 WINTHROP- ST. (CBS) - "Billy Jack" (1971): Tom Laughlin is Billy Jack, a TAUNTON master of karate who is the 823-1702 scourge of anyone attempting An Authorized Mitchell Dealer to harass a school for runaway children set up on an Arizona Indian Reservation. Along with the film's treatment and situaMetal Building Systems tions - which include rape, freMITCHEU ENGINEERING quent sadistic violence, rough COMPANY DlvlIIon of The Ceco language, nudity and quite a bit Corporation else the entire production looks as though it had been im- . - _




Put YOW' futwe ina Mitchell bulding

provised on the spot. B


r 16

,.leer·lng· _... PUBLICITY CHAIRMEN

K OF C COUNCn. 86, FALL RIVER The council will hold its Awards Night Saturday, June 21. Nominations for Knight of the Year may be submitted to Grand Knight Armand Raiche.

ST. BERNARD'S SEMINARY, ROCHESTER, N.Y. A pre-theology program for college graduates interested in the priesthood who lack courses in theology, philosophy and . spiritual formation will be offered in September. Information is available from the seminary at 2260 Lake Ave., Rochester, N.Y. 14612. XAVIER SOCIETY, NEW YORK The society offers tape recordings and large print editions of the Jerusalem Bible at no cost for the use of the visually handicapped. Information about these and other services is available from the Xavier Society at 154 E. 23 St., New York, N.Y. 10010.

ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI, NEW BEDFORD The Women's ,League will sponsor a mystery ride on Tuesday, May 6. Reservations may be made with Mrs. Edith Ventura, 997-3919. FALL RIVER DIOCESE, SIX HOUR VIGIL A vigil held monthly in churches· of the diocese will be held from 7 p.m. to 1 a.m. tomorrow at Our Lady of Lourdes Church, First Street, Taunton. The service, to which all are welcome, will begin and end with Mass and will include a holy hour, recitation of the rosary and a mid-evening coffee break. BLESSED SACRAMENT, ADORERS, FAIRHAVEN The Adorers group announces that exposition of the Blessed Sacrament will take place at Sacred Hearts Church, 'Fairhaven from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. Ascension Thursday, May 15. Adoration is held daily from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m.




II low ID the church hall. I.·


The annual blessing of cars 1 p.m. Sunday, June 1 in the church parking. lot. Members of the Council of Catholic Women will receive corporate communion at 8 a.m. Mass Sunday, May 11. Confirmation of adults is scheduled for 5 p.m. Sunday, May 25 at St. Mary's Cathedral. Also on that date, the Holy Name Society will hold a com. munion breakfast in 'the parish hall following 8 a.m. Mass. The summer Mass schedule . will begin Sunday, June 8. There will be no 5 p.m. Sunday Mass until Sept. 7. Holy Rosary Sodalists will a'" tend a meeting following .recep. tion of corporate communion at 8 a.m. Mass Sunday, June 22.

-'-.__---.J will take place at

are asked to submit news Items for this column to The Anchor, P. O. Box 7, Fall River. 02722. Nlme of city or town should be Included. as well IS full dates of all !ctlvltles. Please send news of future IlIther than past events. Note: We do not Clrry news of fundllllsing activities such IS bingos, whlsts, dances, suppers and bazaars. We are happy to carry notices of spiritual programs, club meetings, youth projects Ind similar nonprofit activities. Fundllllsing projects may be advertised at our regular IlItes, obtainable from The Anchor business office, telephone 675·7151.



ST. JOHN OF GOD, SOMERSET ·Parents of first communicants will meet at 7 p.m. Sunday in the parish center. The fifth domingo of the Holy Ghost observance will be held Sunday, May 11 at 63 Eschol St. The rosary will be recited at 8 p.m. Friday, May 16. Holy Rosary sodalists will meet at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday in the rectory.

OUR LADY OF ANGELS, FALL RIVER Children of Mary Sodalists will

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., May 1, 1980

SS.· PETER AND PAUL, FALL RIVER May .devotions will be held at 11 a.m. Saturday. The religious education program for grades 1 to 8 will close Sunday at 9:30 a.m. Mass. Attendance awards will be given and an appreciation breakfast for teachers and helpers will follow the Mass. The parish council will meet at 7:30 p.m. Sunday. Children in grade two preparing for first communion will receive first penance Monday at 6:30 p.m. in the church.

ST. FRANCIS XAVIER, HYANNIS Frank Dolan is general chairman of the 12th annual communion breakfast of the Holy Name Society, to be held at 10 a.m. Sunday, May 18 in the parish center. Entertainment will be offered Barnstable High School speech team members who are preparing to compete in a statewide CYO speech contest to be held at Boston College May 23 and 24. Breakfast guests will include wives of Holy Name men, parish CYO members, parents and friends. ST. ANNE, FALL RIVER A retreat Mass will be celebrated at noon Sunday to welcome back participants and team members from last weekend's retreat. St. ~nne's Fraternity will sponsor a Mother's Day communion ,breakfast following 10 a.m. Mass Sunday, May 11. Children will receive first communion at 2 p.m. the same day. ST. JOSEPH, NEW BEDFORD The Pilgrim Virgin statue of Our Lady of Fatima will be brought to the church following 4:30 p.m. Mass Saturday, remain- , ing through Saturday, May 10. During the statue's stay, Marian devotions will be held nightly following 7 p.m. Mass.


ST. JOSEPH, FAIRHAVEN Pat Cerundola, a fourth grader in the parochial school, is a finalist in an ecology poem and poster contest sponsored by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. One of 200 finalists out of 7000 competitors, he will receive a certificate at a Saturday ceremony in Boston. OUR LADY OF THE CAPE, BREWSTER Women's Guild members and their guests will attend a communion brunch following 11 a.m. Mass Sunday.




of Christianity, which supplies the earth with faithful souls, to complete the number of the elect in heaven."-St. Francis of Sales.

Montie Plumbing & Heating Co. Over 35 Years of Satisfied Service Reg. Master Plumber 7023 JOSEPH RAPOSA, JR. 432 JEFFERSON STREET Fall River 675-7496

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ST. STANISLAUS, . FALL RIVER Special services honoring the feast of Our Lady of Czestochowa will take place preceding 8:30 a.m. Mass Saturday. Those wishing to join the Czestochowa monfraternity will meet in the parish hall Sunday following 10:30 ·a.m. Mass, and will be inducted at 7 p.m. Thursday, May 8. Our Lady's'icon is at the home of Mrs. Helen Conrad this week, during which special prayers for the family will be offered by parish intercessors.







ST. MARY'S CATHEDRAL, FALL RIVER" The Women's Guild will mark its 40th anniversary on Ascension Thursday, May 15. Following 5:45 p.m. Mass a banquet will be held at Hawthorne Country Club, North Dartmouth.

. Archbishop of Boston -

August 24 - September 2, ,1980 PRICE

BLUE ARMY, FALL RIVER DIOCESE The Blue Army of Our Lady of Fatima will meet at 2 p.m. Sunday, May 11 at Our Lady of Fatima Church, 4254 Acushnet Ave., New Bedford.

ST. VINCENT DE PAUL, GREATER FALL RIVER Vincentians will meet Tues-. day, May 6 for 7 p.m. Mass at Notre Dame Church, Fall River. A business .session will follow in the church hall, during which Father Edmond Levesque will discuss plans for St. Vincent de Paul Camp.

SACRED HEART, FALL RIVER Confirmation candidates will participate in a retreat from 8:30 a.m. to 7 p.m.. Saturday at St. Louis de France church, Swansea. Boys and girls in grade four and· above are invited to join a children's choir to be heard at 11 :30 a.m. Mass during the summer months.

DOMINICAN THIRD ORDER, FALL RIVER Third Order members will meet at 7:30 p.m. Friday, May 9 at Rose Hawthorne Lathrop Home, 1600 Bay St. Hh

Parishioners are invited to attend a community forum program, "I'm OK., I'm a Parent," to be sponsored by area clergy at 7:15 tonight in the Congregational Church auditorium. The Light of Christ prayer group will meet at 7:30 p.m. tomorrow.

"It (marriage) is the nursery

1'IRST FRIDAY CLUB, FALL RIVER Retired American diplomat William Porter will speak for the club tomorrow night. Members will attend 6 p.m. Mass •in Sacred Heart Church and a supper-meeting will follo~ in the parish hall. Reservations may be made with William F. Lynch, president.




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