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Bishop Cassidy School Dedication Ceremon.y Scheduled Tomorrow

First Charities Appeal

Contributions Ipdicate

New Record in Offing

Francis Cardinal Spellman. Archbishop of New York, will bless the new Bishop James E. Cassidy High School for Girls in Taunton tomorrow afternoon at 2:15. The New York member of the College of Cardinals was a close friend of the late Bishop Cassidy for many years. The blessing of the outside of the building will take place first and then the Cardinal will culminate the actual blessing inside when he erects a crucifix in the lobby over the entrance door to the chapel. Following the bless­ ing, a special .dedica­ tory programme is scheduled to start at 2:30 in the new school's auditorium. As the line of priests, monsignori, members of the chaplain corps of the armed services, Bishop Gerrard, Bish­ op Connolly and Card­ 'nal start towards the aUditorium, the Bishop Cassidy Glee Club will sing the processional "Cantate Domino." The Auxiliary Bishop of the Diocese of Fall River will give the invocation. The entire assembly will then sing the National AnTurn to Page CARDINAL SPELLMAN Twenty- three

Special Gift Solicitors are completing their phase of the 1963 Catholic Charities Appeal as eleven thousand Parish Committee Memberg are preparing for a vigorous Appeal. Parish Committee Members have been raised to a new high in enthusiasm by last week's Area Meetings. During the two hour period specified in each Parish the Committee Members will make their initial contacts. In response to the request of Chairman Mooney and the




Fall River, Mass., Thursday, May 2, 1963

Vo I. 7,


18 ©

1963 The Anchor

PRICE 10e ~4.00 per


s u g g est ion of Mr. Robert V. McGowan, Committee personnel will exert special effort to "sell pledges" and to raise the minimum contribution to ten dollars. Monday morning of this week each working person in the Diocese I' e c e i v e d a contribution c a I' d through the mail. It is this card that the P a I' ish Committee Member will request on Sunday's visit. He will fill in the card and return it to his Headquarters. On Sunday evening Parishes will report the total of Sunday's Turn to Page


Barnstable Is to Host Conclave


Educators To Hear Xaverian

The tenth annual Conven­ tion .of the Fall River Dio­ cesan Council of Catholic Women will be held on

"T h e Educational Chat.. lenges of Our Times," with Bro. Bartholomew, C. F. X.. superintendent of Xaverian

Saturday, May 4, at Barnstable Brother Schools, as keynote High School, Hyannis. speaker, will be the theme of The theme of the Convention, the eighth annual convention of "The Apostolate of Women * * • the Catholic Teachers Associa­

tion to be held next Thursday

Know the Way * • • Go the Way

and Friday at Bishop Feehan

• • • Show the Way", was se­

lected by Bishop Connolly in

High School Attleboro. More

order to emphasize the decade's

than 800 Religious and lay

;work carried on by the six com.

teachers will attend. In conjunc­

mittees throughout the Diocese.

tion with the convention the

sixth annual Science exposition

Workshops will be, held cur­

will be held at the school. More rently throughout the morning

than 100 entries, the best in the

'session and will develop the Diocesan schools, will be shown eonvention theme.

and judged. The number of el:­ , Registration will start at 16 hibits has reached a new high o'clock and continue until 10:45. in the history of this phase of :At that time, the regular annual the convention. The exposition business meeting of the DCCW will be open to the general pub­ will take place. lic from 6 to 8 on Thursday ; The workshops will start at night and on Friday from 9 to noon and continue until 1 noon and 1:30 to 4. The presen­ o'clock, They will run concur­ tation of the Science Expositioll CORNERSTONE TO ADDITION TO OCEAN GROVE CHURCH: Bishop Connolly . Awards will be made Frida,.

rently and develop the theme at. the Convention. lays cornerstone to new addition to St. Michael's Church, Ocean Grove, assisted by Rev. ·afternoon at .4:30.

Luncheon win be served at 1 Donald E. Belanger, former St. Michael's curate, now of Fall River. Most Rev:. James L. Connolly,

"clock and the afternoon pro. D.D., D.Sc.-Hist., Bishop of the

gram will start promptly at 2 Diocese will preside at the con­ o·clock. Mr. Larry G. Newman vention opening session fol.. of. Hyannisport will be the' guest lowing the Solemn High Man speaker and his topic will be of the Holy Spirit that will be

"Is Silence Golden!" Bishop celebrated at 9:30, Thursday

Connolly will also address the morning. convention. Four sessions are scheduled Benediction of the Blessed for Thursday afternoon, with the

Sacrament will close the conven· following speakers and topics:

tion day,

Elementary-Renato E. Leon­ The door to door collecting for the Catholic Charities Appel begins Sunday. At once, .. The workshops starting at elli, Ph. D., professor of Physical many will cry out that the economic difficulties of the times will hinder the success of .'n 0 0 n will consider Catholic . Science, Rhode Island College, Charities, Family and Parent the Appeal. It could affect the Appeal in that some may use it as a excuse to exempt "Science in the Elementary Education, Youth, Confraternity themselves from the law of Charity. To some, the Catholic Charities Appeal solicitor Grades", at 2 o'clock.

of Christian Doctrine, and Spir­ Secondary--Curriculum Com­

becomes the object of a lec­ itual Development. thorne Lathrop Home was your your door wide, your heart mittee Open Meetings: English,

ture on the hard times. that Rt. Rev. Raym~)Od T. Consi­ caller Sunday noon, she would wider and your purse even Mathematics, Foreign, Language, dine, Diocesan Director of the now confronts the family. In not be the object of a lecture on wider. and Art, a·t 2 o'clock. Propagation of the Faith will stead of the collector, just economics but the sight of a Elementary, grades 7-8-Hugh

Perhaps shock would fill your W. Blanchard, Ed.M., L.L.B, ed­ head the panel on Cooperating picture one of the sacrificing life dedicated to alleviation of mind if a Dominican sister of with Ca tholic Charities with nuns working in one of the Dioc- . pain would cause you to open ucational consultant, Rand-Me­ the Presentation from Marian esan institutions ringing yo--, Turn to Page Twenty-Three Turn to Page Twenty-Three Manor was standing in your bell on Sunday afternoon. : ' open door on Sunday. The ser· The White Sister in New Bed­ mon on Sunday might im. ford rings many doorbells in her press you with the imporlance The Most Reverend Bishop Bishop Cassidy High School work of caring for the sick and of Charity, but sister's personal will confer the Sacrament of in Taunton is the third of the making comfortaole the suffer­ appearance would convince you Confirmation on adults from five regional Diocesan second­ ing. Suppose it was the White of the necessity of charity. ary - educational institutions all over the Diooese on Sun. Sister in person on Sunday that day, May 12, at 2 P.M. in St. planned by Most Rev. James You listened to the sermon be. came to your door-you 'would L. Connolly, fourth Bishop of Mary's Cathedral, Fall River. cause you were a man of faith see the personification ofChai'­ Adults who have not been the Diocese of Fall River. Pie­ -but "it takes deeds as well as ny and only be too rea~y to confirmed should see their lures of the new Taunton faith, if a man is to be justified." help. pastors to make arrangements ltChool, . honoring the memol'J' for receiving the Sacrameni If perchance, a white garbed of the third Bishop of tho Dio­ Would you refuse little to a 1esCl are iD. ib1l issUAo . with this adult &Toup. aister from from the Rose HawIPster who have aiven allt

A Collector at Your Front Door Represents a Nun Who Cares

Adult Confirmation

Taunton School

May 5-15, 1963 . ,


. I .~

'f}~ . 1 I

I ..,"l

, 2

THE ANCHOR':-'bio~ese 'of Fall River-Thurs.• May




Persons Prove Their Faith By Deeds of Charity "You see, then, that it takes deeds as well as faith, if a man is to be justified." St. James .2:


Beloved in ChristJ Each year at this time, our Catholic Charities Appeal asks us to prove· what sort of faith we have. Our faith could be dead, for want of signs of life. It could be selfish, given to measure .goodness by what is done for us person­ ally. It could be complacent, living on memories of what we once did in :the past. Too bad for the twenty-nine agencies of Charity in the Fall River Diocese, if this were so. Too bad for those that wait for\'attention and care in our homes for the aged, the chronically-ill, our orphans, homeless, the retarded child or grown-up ;~too bad for all afflicted with physical or emotional problems who are helped by our welfare services;-too bad for all who need guidance in some form or other should the work of Catholic Charity falter or fail. We are blessed with our twenty-nine agencies. Hardly a diocese, or archdiocese in the country can compare with the number and variety of services that we afford. We can, indeed, count such blessings. But it would be pre­ sumptuous, not to say unchristian, to say: "We have done enough". In the first place whom do we mean by we? The sisters that staff. our charities? Certainly they are not ready to call it a day. Then, perhaps we mean those that suppm·t the charities. Is it the one who has given accord­ ing to his means, or the one who tries to get off as cheaply as possible, arguing that enough has been done? But who can possibly feel justified in the eyes of God,-not to say in the eyes of men,-if he has no deeds to prove how genuine his' faith is? It is one thing to count blessings. It is quite another to see that they benefit the greatest number possible. So we have to renew our appeal each year. We must man our agencies. In staffing them, such particularly as our Homes for Aged and Infirm, we have to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars in salaries alone. And each one of such services could and should grow. The poor and the sick, the distressed in mind and heart are always with us. This year, we plan the expansion of' Marian Manor in Taunton. Weare to provide a new home for Aged ahd Chronically III in North Attleboro. We have in mind 'expanding our work for exceptional children. These are firm intentions. But there is, an ever expanding need affecting aU our charitable activities. The demand is there to be met. It grows more and more insistent. The Charity ,of Christ urges us to do all we can. . THE EUCHARISTIC PRESENCE INDICATES THE TONE OF CASSIDY HIGH

So I urge you, my dearly beloved in Christ, to take up your fair share of the burden and 'help us carry on, and increase where necessary, the precious work t<> which we have set our hand and our heart. Since we are to build new facilities, we ask for substantial support from The chapel of the new Bish­ March 21, 1963 by the Most The letters accompanying 1he everyone. op Cassidy High School for Rev. James J. Gerrard, V.G.. symbol of the sacrificial animal For you see that it takes deeds as wen as faith. to Girls, Taunton, bas a v.ery uni­ Auxiliary Bishop of the Diocese - "IC XC NII<A" - signifiel que design. It is semi-eUiptieal of Fall River. Assisting Bishop "Jesus Christ-the Victor." make and keep a man justified. in shape and thus, by its contouc The plain oak-panel walls wta Gerrard in the ceremony were .suggests the idea of eternity. Rev. Jernes F. Lyons, assistant be highlighted by the Stati~ Faithfully yours in Christ, . The central figure is a hand­ at the Immaculate Conception of the Cross and set off br

Chapel Suggests Idea of Eternity



.Bishop of Fall River

carved crucifixion group in a gold leaf aureole - a pointed oval, symbolic of glory. The rich marble altar is dig­ nified iIi its simplicity.. A fixed mensa type altar, it was conse­ crated to the Sacred Heart on

Church, Taupton, and campaign director in the 1960 Fund raising campaign, and Rev. Norman Ferris, assistant at St. Mary's Church, Taunton. The frontal piece has a lamb inscribed and inlaid with gold.


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SCOUTING ACTION RECOGNIZED: St. Anne Medals awarded annually for outstanding achievement in pro­ moting scouting for girls were given by Bishop Gerrard, center, to Mrs. Russell, left, of St. Jean Baptist Parish, Fall River, and Mrs. Louise Buckley, right, of St. George's Parish, Westport.




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except Wed.

Fri. Eve.

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stained gl~ windows. The windows that will e.­ circle. the elipsis towards the upper portion of. the chapel wa. will 'depict in liturgical symbo18 the Litanies of Our Lady and tbI .Sacred Heart.




~ ~





4 ~

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For Boys 7 to 14 Years Old Six week season: June 30 to August. 10 Register 'for 2, or 4, or 6 weeks

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Grammar Grades 4-5-6-7 -8 THE BROTHERS OF THE SACRED HEART

~ .....

................................. ~

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fan River-Thurs., May 2, 1963 .

MISSION DAY PARTICIPANTS: Participating in Mission Day ob­ servance at La Salette Seminary,· Attleboro, are, from left, Dom Julian Stead, a.S.B.; Rev. Raymond Bouley, M.S.; Brother Paul'Bergeron, M.S.,

Cha rities Drive Continued kom Page One eDntributions to Area Head­ quarters. Are a Headquarters will, in turn, report to Diocesan Headquarters. Outstanding am 0 n g earIt Special Gifts received were:

Special Gifts New Bedford $2,250

S. Anthony & Sons $600 Cten Coal & Oil Co., Ine. $100

. shown incensing the Holy Bible which was the center of Biblical Vigil held in connection with l~ture program;· Msgr. Francis S. Rossiter; Rev. Joseph V. Gallagher, .C.S.P.

Biblical Vigil H~ghlights Mission Day Program At La Salette Seminary, _A.ttleboro A. Mission Day program with a difference was attended by scores of seminarians, priests and laymen last week at La Salette Seminary, Attleboro. With the aim of bring­ ing out the essentially missionary character of the priesthood, the two day program considered various aspects of the religious vocation. Speakers leCtured at a podium behind which hung a large' cross in the LaSalette Chapel. There aeter of Kerygmatic Preaching" representing Christ. It was it was inc ens e d. Biblical by Rev. Joseph V. Gallagher, sur r 0 u n d:e d by smaller readings passed from the Old C.S.P.; and "An Approa~ to crosses for the ·12 apostles, Testament to the Acts of the the Role of the La Salette Priest ·11 white and one black' ''for

Judas, who rejected his mission­ .ew Bedford.Acushnet Coop­ ary role." ~ve Bank An outstanding feature of the program was a Biblical Vigil held on Wednesday night. A $3.000 feature of parish life in many .James F. Mooney Jr. parts of Europe, the vigil is only $2,000 Montle Plumbing & Heating beginning to come into Catho­ lic life in the United States, ex­ eo., Inc. plained Rev. Roger Plante, M.S., $1,000 director of the seminary bureau Cuimond Farms, Inc. of iniormation. $'750 Bible the Center Swan Finishing Co., Inc. Picking up the theme of the $500 previous lecture on "God's Mis­ Mr. & Mrs. John R. McGinn sionary Initiative in Salvation­ Mrs. Dora L. Montle History" by Msgr. Francis S. Mason Furniture Co. Rossiter, the Vigil included Bib­ $250 lical texts, hymns and pnlyers. Donnelly Painting Company Complete congregational parti­ $100 cipation . was· the order of the A Friend Louis Hand, Inc. " day, with booklets enabling all Oatholic Woman'a Club of to follow the order of the ser­ vice. . Somerset A solemn procession brought a Bible to the center of the altar $100 Drummond Printing Co. Ralph Handren A Friend . Murray's Package Store CLEVELAND (NC) - More Alfred O'Keefe Funeral Home than 600 white persons in two Rennie Manufacturing Co. racially changing or likely to change areas here have signed "good neighbor" pledges to weI. $200 St. Mary's Conference - St. come any responsible person to their community regardless of 'Wncent de Paul race. $150 The move to prevent racial Sacred Heart Conference ­ tension in cl1anging neighbor­ Society of St. Vincent de Paul hoods is being spearheaded by $125 the Greater Cleveland Commit. Mr. & Mrs. Leon Pinl tee for Fair Housing Legislation, which indudes representatives $1,000 0:' religious, labor and civic Massachusetts State Council groups. Jlinights of Columbus ~ $500

hthers of the Sacred Hearts


Fernandes Super Markets Inc. $400 P. A. Tracey Co. $200 La Salette Shrine-Attleboro : AFTERNOON (3-5) $100 Sullivan Brothers Printers R. J. Toomey CO.

Fall River

Apostles, with original prayers interspersed. Forty-two Masses were said at the seminary the following morning by visiting priests. Ad­ ditionally, many came later in the day to attend the Thursday p ir 0 g l' a m, highlighted by a Solemn Pontifical Mass cele­ brated by Bishop Gerrard. Thursday lectures included "Holy Orders: A Missionary Sacrament" by Rev. Paul W. Seaver, O.P.; "Divine Office: The Church's Mis s ion a r y Prayer" by Don Julian Stead, O.S.B.; "The ~ Missionary Char-

Pope Works In New Vatican Apartment . VATICAN CITY (NC)-Pope John is again using his new apartment in the Tower .0£ St. John in the Vatican gardens. The Pope first started using the apartment last Summer. It is located in· a medieval .tower which was remodeled to serve as a retreat.


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THE ANCHOR Second Class Postage Paid at Fall Rlver1 Mass. Published every Thursday at 41u HIghland Avenue Fall River Mass. by the catllollc Press 0# the Diocese of Fall RIver. Subscription price by mall. postpaid $4.00 .., year.

:• .






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ROM E (NC) President Americo Thomaz of Portugal conferred his country's Grand Cross of the Military Order of Chri9t on Amleto Cardinal Cicognani, Papal Secretary of State, in· honor of the Cardinal's 80th year. Members of the diplomatic corps accredited to the Holy See gave a reception for the Cardi. nal in a Rome palace.



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•. ! Pre~Primary Registration ! •: •: SUNDAY, MAY 12th •

in the Church's Missionary Ac­ tivity" by Rev. Raym 0 n d Bouley, M.S. Texts of all lectures will shortly be available trom the seminary.

Portuguese Confer Honor on Prelate

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THE ANCHOR-Dio~seof Fall River-Thurs., May 2, 1963

The Parish P£l~~de I

ST. LAWRENCE, NEWnEDFORD The Couples Club will meet Sunday, May 19 at the Italian Club, with the program in charge of Mr. and Mrs. Edward H. Cloutier.' A slate of new of. ficers will be presented, to be voted on in June. Members of Holy Fall1ily' High School de­ bating club will be guests of honor. . ST. KILIAN, NEW BEDFORD The Women's Guild will at­ tend corporate Comnlunion at 8 o'clock Mass Sunday morning, May 12. Breakfast will follow. A banquet is planned for June at the Skipper restaurant, Fair­

haven. OUR LADY OF ANGELS, FALL RIVER Mr. Edward Ward of the Fall Riv.er Serra, Club will address the Council of Catholic Women on the topic, "The Layman's Role in Vocations",at a corpor­ ate Communion Breakfast fol­ lowing the 7 o'dock Mass this Sunday morning. Children of Mary will have their Mother and Daughter Communion Sunday on May 12 at the 9 ~'clock Mass. Miss Helen Chace, District lIoo. 1 president of the DCCW will be the' speaker. The CCD will meet Monday night, May 6, at 7:30. Plans for graduation will be made. SS. PETER AND PAUL, FALL RIVER The Women~s Club will meet at 8 Monday night, May 6 in the church hall. Mrs. John Mark­ land, chairman, and Mrs. James Quinn, co-chairman, will be in charge of the social hour. Enter­ tainment will feature films of a recent testimonial for Rev. Wil­ liam O'Connell and of the club's Communion breakfast. SS. PETER AND PAUL, FALL RIVER Junior CYO officers for a newly-organized unit include M ic h a e I Franco, president; Elairie Boulay vice-president; Michael Kearns, secretary; The­ resaMiranda, treasurer. The group will hold a dance from 7:30 to 10 tomorrow night in the church hall.

ST. MARY'S CATHEDRAL, FALL RIVER The Women's Guild will hold an open meeting on Monday night at 8 {)'clock in the Catholic Community Center. A musical "Memory Lane" wiU be presented by the members of the sewing group. Mrs. Frank S. Moriarty is in charge of arrangements. ST. MARY, NORTH ATTLEBORO , New Parish Guild officers in­ clude Mrs, Albert Rose, presi­ dent; Mrs.. John Murray, vice­ president; Miss Virginia Wilkin, treasurer; Mrs. Mildr.ed Nolan, $e(:retary. The unit announees a mother - daughter Communion breakfast to follow 8' o'clock Mass this Sunday morning, May 5, at Colston restaurant.

ST. AUGUSTINE, '.'INEYARD HAVEN, Women's Guild members will

entertain guilds of Sacred Heart

Church, Oak Bluffs and St. Eliz­

abeth's Church, Edgartown at their meeting Thursday, May 23.

A Mass followed by dinner at

the Dunes restaurant, Edgar­

town, is planned for early June.

Members of the other Martha's

Vineyard guilds are also invited

to this event. The Holy Name Society is planning a Communion break. fast for guild members on Mother's Day, Sund1;l.y, May 12. The guild will in its turn enter. tain First Communicants at a special breakfast. A May proces­

sion will be held the same after- • noon. SACRED HEART,


CYO members plan their an·

nual awards banquet for Thurs­

day, May 23 at Sandy's restau­

rant following corporate Com­

munionat 7:30 evening Mass. A

CYO show is announced for 8

Saturday night, June 1 in the

parish hall. A fund to erect a

Marian grotto on the parish grounds will benefit. James

Murphy is general (:hairman, and features will include a penny social,- the Chord Jewels and the CYAO Choral Group. Parents' and graduates' night is set for Tuesday, May 7. Par. ents and present and future CYO

members will participate in church services, a regular meet. ing, and viewing of pictures of past activities. Activities planned by individ­ ual CYO members to raise funds for the grotto project include a decal drive, blo~k dance, food sale, whist party, paper .and bot­ tle drive and slave auction. A monthly contest is also held. The May project will beapoetry tourney. BLESSED SACRAMENT, FALL RIVER Mothers and daughters of the Council of Catholic Women will attend' a Communion breakfast Sunday, May 12,:1'01lowing 8:15 Mass. Ticket returns will be made from 7 to 8 Wednesday night, May 8 in the church hall. New council officers will be installed at a banquet Wednes­ day, June 19, of which Mrs. Rita Letendre is chairman. Next regular meeting is set for Wednesday, May 15. Slides of mission activity will be shown by Rev. Robert Sevigny, O.M.I. and members may bring guests. ST. ROCH, FALL RIVER

The Council of Catholic Women announces a potluck supper to precede its regular meeting Mon­ day night, May 6. Mrs. Va1mont Laliberte is in charge of arrange­ ments. Parishioners and friends are invited to attend. ST. JOSEPH, FALL RIVER CYO .Juniors wIll hold a dance from "! to 10 tomorrow night. At 7 tonight 10 boys will be invested as Knights of the Altar and others will receive pins of ad­ vancement.

MOMENT OF REWARD: Stephen J. Biello, scout master at St. Patrick's Church, Somerset, and engaged in scouting for morre than 34 years, receives the St. George Award from Most Rev. James J. Gerrard, Auxilary Bishop of the Diocese. ST. PATRICK, FALL RIVER The Women's Guild will hold

corpor.ate Communion at 9

o'clock Mass Sunday morning,

May 5, followed at 9:45 by breakfast in the school cafeteria.

Co-chairmen Mrs. John A. Sul­ livan and Mrs. Lester Ball an­ nounce that Rev. Raymond W.

McCarthy will be guest speaker. The unit's regular monthly meeting is set for Monday, May 6. New officers will be intro­ duced and games will be fea­ tured following the business session. Mrs. John Cote and Miss Sheila Higgins are co-chairmen. SACRED HEART, FALL RIVER Parish Bluebirds will hold a mother-daughter program Wed­ nesday, May 8. T-heWomen~s Guild will meet at 8 Monday night, May 6 in the lower school hall' to' see a makeup demonstration by Mrs. James L. Doyle. Mrs. Francis Gillespie and Mrs. Louis Cunha Jr. will be chairmen for the evening. OUR LADY OF GRACE, NORTH WESTPORT Final arrangements for the Maybasket whist will be made at the regular meeting of the Council of Catholic Women on Tuesday night, May '1. Refresh­ ments will be served. This whist party will be con­ ducted on Wednesday night, May 8, at 8 o'clock in the ~hurch hall on Sanford Road. Refresb­ mentsare included in the price of the ticket. Mrs. Medora Robil­

lard will be in charge of refresh­ ments. HOLY.NAME, _ NEW BEDFORD The Woman's Guild announces a Cotton Ball for Saturday night, May 25 in the parisp. hall. Miss Frances McCarthy is chairman of a nominating committee to submit- a .slate of new ~fficers to the .membership.


St. Louis: "Some forms of unity will have' to walt upon the consultations of experts, but there isn't a person in the world who is o. qualified to be an expettin mattei'll of mutual respect, trust and tolel'­ Dce. There is neither time nor rea­ !>3n to curse the darkness." • •. SIS­ TER CELINA and her nUDS at the CARMELITE con v e n t of St. Gel'-' maine, in the Indian v i II age 01 CBENGAL,certainly are following fJIIs wise counsel. The disabled,old, 'lAo HoI; FatIxr's Mission Ail 'blind, mentally alDicted find • haven aDd ll'entle care, well U POOl' girls fortht,Orimtaf Chrmh seeking escape from demoralizingcir-. cumstances • • • Those who are able work. All Uve In a dilapI­ dated old buIldinc which serves as living-room, dormitory, workshed, ,dc.••• Fol't7-ftve members of SJSTER CELINA'S­ Jargeand ,ever-ebut:lnc family appeal to us, not to curse the darkness threatening their Uves, but to help dispel U. The)' . need $2.000 for a new ;house ••• Your contributions in all7 amount will.help. Send it DOW.


M is for MARY, M Is for MAY; M II for MOTHER on her SPECIAL DAY. Mis for MISSIONS aodfor ,holy MASS too­

M 11 for MEANING all this has for you. And that meaning is just this! Sunday, May 12, is Mother's

Day and it's not too late for us to send your Mother our beautifui \

GIFT CARD witb pressed flowers from the Holy Land and the t?oughtful message that you have arranged for our missionaries

to say aMass for he.r ... Or perhaps you would prefer enroll­

ing her in our Association. You can do that for $1 annually or

$20 perpetually. Or you can choose one of the follOWing articles

in her name: • Chalice , .•••••••• n $40 Vestments .••••••••• $50

Tabernacle •••••••• ,. $215 Mass Book .•••••••• $25

Pyx .••••••••••••••• $11 Sanctuary Lamp ...• $15

For mllD7 montbschildren of the PALESTINE REFUGEES

baTe studied hard in ilatechlsm classes led b)' our devoted mis­

sion priests and sisters. They know the answers-at least most

01 them! ••• And DOW comes the great day ef FIRST HOLY COMMUNION. Shall the)' go to the altar In ragged hand-me­ dOWDS, the only clothing' their parents can provide? •. : No, not, iI you heipthem. For onb. $10 you can supply a child with a . new outfit. What a lovely gift lor May and Mary! One good way to make Cardinal Ritter's suggestion a reality is to adopt a seminarian' or sister in training. For $100 a year for six years, the expenses of a seminarian will be covered . . . A sister's education costs $150 a year and is for two ·years. We have hundreds of names of poor seminarians and sisters, names like G;ruSEPPE and ALBER­ ICOGHEBRESLLASIE, studying for mission work with the CISTERCIANS; SISTERS AURELIA and SmILINA of the Sisters of the Destitute in Alwaye, India. Think of the happiness of know­ Ing the work of grace being accomplished. Isn't it a lovely day. to be caught in the rain?-so the song says, especially when it is a May shower of graces from such work, and you will know you had a hand In it. Those who wish to ADOPT A SISTER OR SEMINARIAN can send financial help at their convenience during the year. For those who would like to help but are unable to cover the larger expenses, we have our clubs: MARY'S BANK for sister training and CHRYSOSTOM CLUB for seminarians. $1 a month and a prayer are all that Is asked. Kindly remember us in your wiD. Our title Is: THE CATHOLIC NEAR EAST WELFARE ASSOCIATION,

~'l2earfBstOlissions~ -,""",,,

NEW BEDFORD AREA DCCW MEET: Participating in the evening of recollection by District No.2 were, left to right: Rev. John P. Driscoll, guest speaker; Miss Lillian B. Ross; Rev. Hugh A. Gallagher, moderator; Mrs. John Maloney; and Miss Helen Mc­ Carthy.

fRANCIS CARDINAL SPELLMAN, President M.. JOI'" Y. Ria•• ' 'Nat'l Sec·, . 5etlcl all

OOIllIll• •atfOllI tol


480 Lexington Ave, at 46th St.

New York 17; N. Y.

TH! ANCHOR-Diocese of Fan River-Thurs., May 2, 1963


BERNARDINE SISTERS: Students from St. Casimir and Our Lady Mary Karen, teacher of seventh and eighth graders; right, Sister Mary

of Perpetual Help parishes, New Bedford, benefit from expert instruc­ Dorothy takes turn at kitchen detail. Looks as if coleslaw is on menu.

tion of Bernardine Sisters of Third Order of St. Francis. Left, Sister ., The order was founded in the 15th century in Poland.·

Bishops Against Repeal of Birth Control Law HARTFORD (NC) - The Bishops of the three Catho­ lic dioceses in Connecticut oppose repeal of the staJ;e's 84-year-old birth control law. Attorney Joseph P. Cooney of Hartford has told the legislative Committee on Public Health and 'Safety that the artificial birth eontrol issue involves questions of both morality and public policy. Connecticut's anti-birth con­ trollaw bans the practice of arti­ ~ial birth control and the dis­ tr:ibution of contraceptive de­ vices and information. Cooney said the three dioceses believe it "should not be neces­ sary and it may not be advis­ able" for the legislature to act OIl the repeal question while outcome of a. COUl'lt test of the law is still undecided. The Supreme Court of Errors, the state's highest court, has agreed to review the convictions of. two officials of the Planned Pa·renthood League of Connecti­ eut who were fined $100 for opening a planned parenthood clinic in New Haven in Novem­ ber 1961. The state anti-birth control Jaw has also been before the U.S. Supreme Court which refused in June 1961 to rule on the law's eonstitutionality on the grounds that it was not being enforced.

CCD Center Plans Monthly Magazine WASHINGTON (NC) - The Bational center of the Confra­ ternity of Christian Doctrine will begin publication this year of a monthly magazine called Catechetical Digest. Plans for the new magazine were dis c los e d by Bishop Charles P. Greco of Alexandria, La., episcopal chairman of the ecD, who said Catechetical Di-. gest will carry reports by cate­ metical specialists on signifi­ cant new d eve lop ill e n t s in teaching religion in this country and abroad.

$800,000 to Missions SYDNEY (NC) - Australian eatholics gave a record $800,000 110 pontifical mission aid societies during 1962, an increase of· $130,000 over 1961.

Indonesian Students Like Peace Corps

Bernardine Sisters of St. Francis Serve Nett? Bedford Polish Parishes :'J

Students at Our Lady of Perpetual :aelp School, New Bedford, are the proud pos­ ses,sors of the only Bernardine Sisters of the Third Order of St. Francis in the Fall River Diocese. Four Sisters, headed by Sister Mary Juliana, superior, staff the school~ serving Our Lady of Perpetual Help and St. Casimir parishes. Members of the community have been Bernardines are in charge of the For further information, in­ assigned to the New Bedford parish altars and Sacristy as well terested young women may con­ post since 1927. The sister-· as of the school. They conduct tact the New Bedford Sisters or vacation s c h 0 0 1 during the write to Mother Provincial, Mt. hood was founded in Kra­ kow, Poland, in the 15th cen­ tury and came to the United States in 1894, now numbering some 1,000 members here. The parishes served in New Bedford are Polish, but it isn't necessary to be of Polish decent to join the community, the Sisters em­ phasize. Works of the Sisters include conducting retreat houses, and oaring for the sick, homeless and aged, in addition to staffing schools. In New Bedford the four

Colorodo Solons Get New School Bus Bill DENVER (NC) -A bill has been introduced in Colorado's Legislature to permit transpor­ tation of parochial and other private school pupils on tax-paid school buses. Principal sponsor is Rep. Betty Kirk West of Pueblo. She intro­ duced a similar bill two years ago, but it died in committee. In several parts of the state, private school pupils rode on . schools buses for many years up until November, 1961, when Bryon W. Hansford, state com­ missioner of education, issued a ruling which demanded that such practices cease. He threat­ ened to withhold state funds from school districts which failed . to stop. More than 300 children were put of! the buses.

Summer months. Entrance Requirements What does it take to be a Bernardine? Candidates should be under 30 and possess good health. Girls may enter from eighth grade if they wish, and high school courses can be com­ pleted at the community's Juvenate.

New Community SAN JUAN (NC)-A new re­ ligious institute has been estab­ lished here in Puerto Rico to promote Catholic social work, to reestablish liturgical life, to in­ tensify religious instruction and to organize the women's labor movement in Christian syndi­ cates. Named the Sisters of Jesus Mediator, the new com­ munity was founded by univer. sity women and their director, Father Alvaro de Boer, O.P.

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Methodist Pa.rents CRAWLEY (NC)-One of the first acts of Father Gregory Entwistle, O.Cart., on being or­ dained a priest here in England was to give his blessing to his parents, both Methodists.



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JAKARTA (NC)-The Indo­ nesian Catholic Students' Asso­ ciation has issued a public state­

ment supporting the govern­

ment's decision to invite the United States Peace Corps to work in Indonesia. The _Catholic group's state­ ment is in line with one pub­ lished by the Moslem Students' Association. It was issued after the Communist Students' Asso­ ciation branded the Peace Corps a "tool. of American imperial­ ism" and declared that it should be kept out of Indonesia.



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Monfh of Mar"

Religion Leaders To Spur Action On Race Bids

Bishop ,Cassidy High The Dioces.e will be honored by the presence of the distinguished Cardinal Archbishop of New York at tomor­ row's dedication of Bishop Cassidy High School in Taunton. Diocese. ' Cardinal Spelln:ian's willingness to preside over the dedicatory exercises is his thoughtful tribute to the late Third Bishop of Fall River. The High School to be dedicated in Bishop Cassidy's, name is a fitting memorial to the love of youth that characteTized the prelate's life and stewardship over the , Bishop Cassidy demanded excellence-of l1imself and of, others. The Sisters of the Holy Union of the Sacred Hearts who staff the new school have made the same demand upon themselves and those under their charge. The Sisters, bring to the new facility not only this enthusiasm for excellence but the tr.aditions of St. Mary's High School. Bishop Cassidy High is blessed in being the :recipient of such a rich heritage. Many schools must create traditions and wait for the passage of time to hallow them. Bishop Cassidy High School opened its doors several months ag~ with the happy traditions and long memories of St. Mary's whose work it continues. The beginnings thus made by Bishop Cassidy High promise much for the future.

ST. Loms (NC)-Leaders of the three major faiths have called a community­ wide meeting here Sunrlay,

Full Response It is difficult to see how anyone can resist the call of

charity-the' call of Christ.

Perhaps the emphasis in this year's Catholic Charities

Appeal should be not on the call of Christ but on the full response that must be made to it. Too often people think of giving to charity as one action - a solicitor calls, a gift is given, Christ is served. They would do well to ask themselves if their gift can be expanded into a continuing 'One. The devoted workers-religious and lay--who staff the many ,agencies supported by the Appeal do not give once and stop. Their's isa continuous giving of themselves. And so the pledge system-by which a person gives. not once but in installments through the year-is .a constant giving" not of resouroes but of the spirit of sacrifice. U sing the pIedge .system ·a person -can enlarge his gift without hurting himself too much. And he keeps in mind, through the yeM, the call of Christ. It is a continuing call-asking a continuing answer,a full response.

Father Kung :and Freedom

ClhnOl.lC/h the <"Week CWith the Ch.llnch By REV . ROBERT W. HOVDA, 'Catholic University TODAy-st. Athanasins, Bish. op, Confessor, Doctor. "Speak it in the light * * "preach it on the housetops" (Gospel). For 'most of us our work is a, if not THE, principal means of spealOng and preacbing the good news that the life of Jesus is "made mani­ fest in our mortal flesh" (First Reading). Work well done, with love for things and love for the people our work serves, 'because both are images of God.

brou¥ht redemption" (Gradual), "PraIse the Lord" (Offertory) , "After a little while you will see me" (Communion). It is this Christian thanksgiving for God's tremendous gifts (hom which the Mass, the Eucharist, is itself named) that enables the holy and priestly people to lend their hands to the toilsome task of shaping creation.

TUESDAY - St. Stanislaus. Bishop, Martyr. A bishop-martyr TOMORROW - Mass as on symbolizes in his 'Person this Sunday. The trust we express in triumph-defeat pa r ado x of this Mass of the ,Good Shepherd ' Christianity. Bishop, he stands in will, if we "follow in his foot. the ,line of the Apostles, ,pro­ steps" (Fir5t Reading), be claiming the good news of God's echoed by the trust that other saving work in Jesus Christ. men and women have in us and M'artyr, he reminds the Christian in our work. As our relation to assembly of which he is presi­ God is a personal one, so the dent that the Church's existence personal stamp will be unmis. in this "little while" is not ,a triumphal existence but an takable in every Christian re­ lationship and in everything that existence' of.humble witness and' apparent failure.

'Christians do. WEDNESDAY -Mass as on S ATURDA Y-St. Mmtic&, Sunday. "Help an who call them­ Widow. Perhaps the most beau­ tiful hymn to human work in selves Christian to live up 1:0 the Bible is today's First Read. that name and to reject what is ing, a lesson which the liturgy contrary to it." This opening prayer of the Mass is echoed in uses frequently for Masses com­ memorating holy women. The the other ,proper priestly prayers: God of the Old and New Testa.· the prayer over the offerings ments is not a deity who offers (Secret) and the prayer a'fter us escape from the cares of this Communion. It is g<>od to be here in this dangerous "little world. He is rather one who con­ while"-'creators" under and tinually r.eminds man of and re­ with the Creator, "redeemers" calls man to his human task. THiED SUNDAY AFTER under and with the Redeemer.

The Swiss theologian-Fat'l1er 'Hans Kung---'has been lecturing extensively in this country. He has been widely quoted in the pr.ess because what he has to say, while not always new, he says with freshness of eXPl'ession that is enlightening and even, at times, daring. One' of Father Kun;g'.g themes is that of freedom. He

calls upon Catholics to be "not fear-ridden ,and insincere, inhibited and ossified, prim and plaintive, f'amvtical and filled with tresentment, but 'courageous and self-reliant, big in ideas and in hea.d., dy>namic and vital, open and joyful." This Christian freedom is 'the freedom 'of the Childl'enof God. Many press stories have stressed this freedom role of the Christian and l1ave caused some readers to be filled with apprenension.To do justice to Father Kung and his thesis, tme pI'essshould have quoted what he further says about this fmeedom :that he sees as a mark of the Christian: "More freedom in the Church means that the demand on the EASTER. Realism and balance

individual priest, theologian, and laymen is not for less are words which fit the liturgy MassOrdo

but for more sense of order and authority, not for less but of the :Church like a gl<>ve. That

is why people who love the FRIDAY-Mass of previous Sun­ for mope Se.bl.ge of 'genuine, free obedience.'" day. IV Class. White. Mass Church's 'Public worship and live The freedom that Father Kung demands that today's deeply in its spirit rarely become Proper; Gloria; Second Col. Christian have is the matuiI"esense of happy security that "indulgence addicts" or "relic­ leot SS. Alexander, Eventius and Theodulus, Martyrs, and comes fiom tl1e possession of God, from' tbl~ knowledge chasers" or any other kind of Juvenalis, Bishop and Confes­ that the Will of God will not be frustrated by the pettiness spiritual ec,centric. Today's Mass brings this to sor; no Oreed; Pref.ace of . of man, from the fact ,that while the Church of God on mind because, while we are cel­ Easter. Tomorrow is the First earth contains both good ,and bad membe.rs, both weak and ebrating the Easter feast, God's Saturday of the Month. stron.g, both zeaUous and insecure, 'the 'guiding spirit is graoeful gift of triumph over SATURDAY-St. Monica, Wid­ none other than the Eloly Spirit of -God jn V{homall can death, 'and perhaps inclined to ow. II[ Class. White. Mass lose sight of the world and its Proper; Gloria; no CFeed; trust and from Whom ;aH ·can take :peace of 'Soul. .its goods and its evils, the Preface of Easter. The fmeed0m 'that Father Kung insists upon isa kee­ , 'work, liturgy calls our attention to the SUNDAY-III' Sunday AU e r dom tha.t is inextricably bound up with responsibility. Ascension. It will be a "little while" 'before 'Jesus comes in final and full glory (Gospel), ,befor.e we will kIl<>W the full :reaLization of the triumph we possess now in faith. The First Reading reminds WI almost brutally that -during this "little while" even the life of the baptized is full of struggle lO,FFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FAll RIVER and contest, of pain and suffer­ iPublilihed weeKly by The Catholic Press ot the Oioc••• 'of Fall River fering. The Church inthil! "little w:'hile" is a 'Church of free "41:0 'Highland Avenue men in an ,as.~ unconsurrunated fall River, Mass. OSborne 5-7151 creation, hence a 'Church of 'Sin­ ners, to whom vil'tue does not :P.U6LI5HER come easy. Most Rev. James L. Connolly, D.O., PhD. MONDAY-Mass as _ 'SUD­ 'GENERAL 'MANA'Gt:R ASST. GENERAl: MANAOEtt day• Yet the, hymns of the Mass Itev. Daniel F. ShdUOO, M.A. ;Rev. John P. E)rilColI stin ring with Easter praise, MANAGING 'EOllOtt joy, con'fideRce."A'CClaim him" Huoh J. Golden (Entrance). "Tbe 'Lord hal




May 19 to spur action against racial discrimination. The St. Louis Conference on Religion and Race was an­ nouncedina :statement issued .Qy Joseph Cardinal Ritter Arch. bishop of St. Louis; Rabbi Eph­ raim Epstein, president of the St. ljOuis Rabbinical Association' ana Dr. Sherm,an Skin)ler, presi~ dent of the Metropolitan Church Federation of St. Louis. They will act as co-chairmen of the meeting, intended to unite ileople of all faith in combating discrimination.. ''Our consciences compel us to .action," thereUgious leaders' 'statement said, "because our re. li,gious commitments and the :mar,date of Holy Scriptures and ~ur Biblical faiths no longer pel1I1lIt us to passively allow violations of G~'s will' in the love of God and nei,ghbor. Dissipate Fears "We be1iev,e that meeting to­ ,gether 'as persons of good will, we can at this proposed confer. ence oome to conclusions, agree 'on common !plans of action, cre. ate ;a <community-wide mood of understan~g and a<cceptance of the' primary fact that injustices must be removed, wrongs must be .righted and 'deep-seated fears based Upon ignorance must be dissipated in 'Our community." The meeting is a follow-up of the National Conference on Reli_ gionand Race, held the past January in Chicago. Delegates to that meeting selected St. Louis as one of Hl target cities for continuing, local actioa against· removal of racial bar­ riers through int€ r religious co­ -operation.

~egion of Decency The following films are'to ,be :added to the lists in their re­ 'Spectiveclassifications: Unobjectiona;b[€ for Adults and Adolescents - Black Zoo' F~of the Pagans; Lazarillo. ' Unobjectionable .for .Adults _ The Big Risk; Corridors CIt Blood.

Necrology MAY 6

Rev. ThomasP. Elliott, 1905, Founder, St. IVrarv. Mansfield: . MAY~

Rev.:!. E. TheoduJe Giguere, 1940, P.astor, St. Anne, New Bed­ ford. Rev. ,John P. Clarke, 19401, Pastor, St.' Mary, Hebronville.

Confil'mqtions May 5-2:00 P.M.,' Blessed Sae­ rament, Fal'l River; Our Lady of Assumption, New BedfoJ'd. 4:00 P.M., St. Elizabeth Pan River; Our Lady of Mount Carmel, New Bedford. 7:30 P.M., Our Lady of Health, Fall River; Our Lady of Per­ petual Help, New Bedford. May ~7:30 P.M., St. Anth01l5' , of the Desert, Fall Rivei:; Sacred Heart, New Bedford. May 7-7:30 P.M., Santo Christo F.all River; Our Lady of ~ gatory, New Bedford.



Easter. II Class. Whi'te. Mass Proper; Gloria; no CTeed; Preface of Easter. MONDAY-Mass of previous Sunday. IV Class. White. M41'Ss Proper; Gloria; no Creed; Preface of Easter. TUESDAY-St. stanislaus Bish­ op and Martyr. III Cla8~. Red. Mass Proper; Gloria; DO Creed; Preface of Easter. W,EDNESDA Y-Mass of previ­ 'ous'Sunday. IV 'Class. White. Mass 'Proper; Gloria; De -Creed; Preface 01. Easter. THURSDAY-St. Gregory Nazi. anzen, Bishop, COllfessorand Doctor .of ,~ Church. 111

5-Our Lady ·of the Immaculate 'ConceptiOll, North Easton. St. Vincent's Home, I'd , River. St. Mary, Hebronville. lila)' ':2;-St. Pat r iek, ..... mouth. .St. Joseph'sOrp~ F.all River. I ,May 19-5t. Casimir,· . . . Bedford. Vills Fatima, Tauntoa May 23-Mount st. ~ Convent, Fall Bivw. Convent 1)f tile BaIIr -Union of the SMIed

MueProper; ICreed; Pre1a(:e 01.

Convent of 1Ibe S..-I lIear1ls, Fairha....




White. DO


Bearts, Fall Biv...


THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fatl' ~iver.- thUIlS.,. Mo.., 2, 1963

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Most Americans Believe God Exists ;Survey Shows 87 Per Cent Certain W~STMINSTER

(N C) - A major survey of religious beliefs among adult Americans dis­ closes that 87 per cent are "ab­ solutely certain" that God exists. Only one' out of 20 of those wrveyed said that religion is "'not very important" in their lives, Father John L. Thomas, S.J.• reports in a; new book pub.­ lished here in Maryland. However, he concludes from bis study that tne relfgious be­ liefs of many Americans are "inImature" and "superficial." Father Thomas, a sociologist Itt St. Louis (Mo.) University and a columnist for The Anchor, Cliscusses the findings. of inter­ views conducted with 2,987 adult Americans on the. role played in their lives by religion. HiS' book, "Religion and the Amedcan People," is published by the Newman Press and priced' at $4.50.

Honors Priests HONOLULU (l.'OC)-.A\ resolu­ tion adopted by the Hawaii House of Representatives con­ gratulated two priests, honored by Pope John who named' them papal chamberlains with the title of Very Reverend Monsi­ gnor. The priests are Msgrs. Francis Marzen, editor of the Hawaii Catholic Herald, dioc­ esan newspaper, and Daniel Dever, superintendent of dioc­ esan, schools.

Father Thomas says the sur­ vey is "the first large-scale at­ tempt to measure quantitatively some of the religious beliefs, practices and attitudes of Amer­ ican adults." "One impression emerging clearly ...... is that religion still remains highly respectable and extremely popu~ar among all adult Americans. People feel that a man ought to have some religion," he says. Three out of four of those in­ terviewed considered: them­ selves "active membersf' of a

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Church or religious group. More than two out of three had at­ tended some Sunday or sabbath religious service during the pre­ vious three weeks.





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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River~Thurs., May 2', 1963


Roses Are Red, Violets B'lue, Now. the .Car Is Scarlet, Too .


. By Mary Tinley Daly The '''soft sell" has been going on at our house for months, we now realize. So soft and so un-selling has been the approach that until the final "hard sell" descended we scarcely realized the gentle but steady pressure that had been applied. To draw bug by this time. Ginny was a parallel: each evening right. during the Fall and Winter, However * * * "We'll probably the Head of the House and be trading it in anyway, Ginny.

I have' walked to the mailbox, shortcutting through the back yard, out the gate and down the all e y to the corner box. Through the accumu­ lated 1 e a v e s, t hr 0 ugh the snow, the yard never seemed to change much. But the n, w hen Spring came at last and the yard received its first manicuring of the season, there was a distinct path from the back door, diagonally across the yard to the gate. Straws in Wind Back to the "soft sell" that brought this simile to mind. We had noticed with outspoken ad­ miration Ginny's willingness, even eagerness, to keep our little compact car clean. With no particular urging, Saturday after Saturday would find her, barefooted in warm weather, booted in cold, d iIi g e n t 1 y scrubbing away' with brushes and detergents, hosing off the suds, wiping the little green bug dry and applying polish. "Doesn't take the shine she used to," Ginny would sigh. "No ,.matter how hard I rub. Isn't that just too bad?" Yes, we admitted more or less absentmindedly, it was too bad. However, not being status-con­ scious as far as a slick shine on a car was concerned, we sel­ dom gave it a second thought. Dull or shiny, just so the thing ran was all we cared about. . Other straws in the wind: "Look at that car that just passed us. No, not the black Chevy, the red VW. Same year as ours but it looks· new." And again, "Bright colored ears are so much safer. You can spot 'em in the rear view mir­ ror. Bet the people' riding in them even feel safer." Obtuse as we were, such re­ marks seldom even interrupted our train of thought as we rode along - mentally adding to the g·rocery list, planning the week's menus, wondering if we'd short­ ened the new dress too much. Last Saturday came the "hard sell" as Ginny finished her car laundering, emptied the bucket, shut off the hose, hung the cleaning rags up to dry. "It's worn off, worn off com­ pletely in spots," she; said in disgust. "And if you want your car to rust away, to deteriorate utterly, well don't pai~t it." We looked with new eyes a·t the green bug, the' spotty green

Sagamore 0 :~f I Mother Cabrini Circle, Saga­ more Daughters of Isa!::lella, will hold a curiosity sa~e from 10. to 4 Friday, May 24 at the former Jay-Dees, Buzzards Bay. Mrs. Elsie Fraher is chairman. Mem­ bers will be among participants in a state-wide retreat to be held the weekend of May 17 at the Cenade Convent, Brighton. A Neighbors ·Night program is set ior 8 Tuesday night, May 21 at St. Teresa's Hall, Sa~amore. I

You know we have talked about getting a bigger c'ar, more com­ fortable on the road when we drive to see Mary. and Tim, Eileen and Tony,"

Subdued Shade "You'll never get what it's worth that way," insisted our teenager. "It's a mighty good little car, what with all the money you've spent on its in­ nards. Now if you just had a paint job, you'd be in business." Sounded logic<~l. While our heads were still nodding up and down Ginny whipped out a list of names, addresses and prices on paint jobs, estimates she had garnered at uptown, downtown and suburban garages. "This one looks O.K." we de­ cided. "And since you want red, perhaps a subdued shade, may­ be toward the maroon?" "With red 1 eat her uphol­ stery?" Our artist pressed her point. "Ought to be just a· little bit brighter than maroon, don't you think? They can have it done by tomorrow." That score settled, Ginny zipped off in the spotted green bug, returning home by bus. "You're really going to have a nice looking car," she assured us. "Want me to pick it up to­ morrow after school?" The pick up we thought we could do for ourselves, won­ dering vaguely just whose cal' this was becoming; We found out. "Here's your cur, Ma'am," as we' _id the bill. "Isn't she a honey? Your daughter sure knows how to pkk colors!" This? This was our car? This flaming miniature fire engine? All it lacked was a siren. Thoughts must have fJound expression in words. "Yes, Ma'am," the attendant said proudly. "We paint every ambulance and fire engine :fol' the entire county!" So here we are, destined to travel our subdued. circuit in an incongruously youthful, inap­ propriately . brilliant red eel' ­ or transfer title.

Hospital Tea Friends of 81:. A.nne's Hospital, Fall River, will mark Hospital Week at 1:30 Mond·ay. afternoon, May' 13 with their annual tea, at which new members and hospi­ tal personnel will be guests of honor. The event will take place in the hospital conference room. Mrs. Paul Giroux is in charge of arrangements.

Taunton Women Taunton Queen's DaughteTs will meet at 8:15 Monday night, May 6 at the CYO Hall, High Street. Speaker will be John Sullivan, Midd1E~boro teacher, who will speak and show slides on his exPeriences in Russia. Mrs. Herbert Camacho is chair­ man for the evening.






Miami Policemen, Firem·en Form Guild M I A M I (NC) Catholic policemen and firemen, by rea­ son of their spiritual trust; are obligated more than the average laymen to set an example worthy of the authority given them, the chief United States marshal said here. James J. McShane spoke to charter members of the newly organized Diocese of Miami Guild of Police and Firemen during their first Communion breakfast, which followed Pon­ tifical Low Mass offered by Bishop Coleman F. Carroll of Miami in the cathedral. ''Our affiliation with law and government, as policemen and firemen, dedicated to the pres­ ervation of life, the law and private and public property, stanWl us in good stead as Catho­ lies in that our·public trust may • easily be tTanslated 10 our spiritual trust," the former New York police officer said. "Weare in the public ~e. If we fail in our tasks, we are over the public ba·rrel. This is to be de v 0 utI y avoided," McShane told the· more than 200 uni­ formed police and firemen.



.ttdI":!6.:: OlAlLa •• ¥AlGAS


Suggesting that Thomas Jef­ ferson could have been para­ phl'asing St. PauloI' St. Timothy when he .once said, "When a man .assumes a public trust, he should consider himself as pub­ lic property," McShane told guild meplbers, "We are public property. We are public pro­ perty as firemen, as policemen, and as members of the Police and Firemen's Guild." "We must never be caught off base by bias, by criticism, by conflict, or even by the mildest

abuse of the trust placed in • by the public,"· McShane said. "And you must always look be­ fore you leap. You, whose liV'ell are dedicated to law .. enforce­ ment and to public safety haw a consecrated and fearsome task. Beneath the blue and the badge you wear there beats • splendid, selfless spirit," . . marshal said..

Have You Had All Accident Recently.

New Moderator

Whether the damage involved _ auto.mobile or a truck the place Call far price and workmanship ..

FaU River Catholic Woman's Club announces appointment of Rev. John E. Boyd, administra­ tor of St. Patrick's Church, also Fall River, as its new moderator. He succeeds the late Msgr. John J. Kelly. The unit plans a buffet supper for Sunday, May 1% in conjunction with' its annual meeting.

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Marriages' Result From Mutual .Rea~justment By Father John L; Thomas, S. J':'

rHE ANCHOR:-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., May 2, 1963



Asst. Sociology Prot.--";St:Louis University

'How do y~u deal with

a ~oman-~hase~?

My husband' couples until we go to a party or dance. Then if he gets too much to drink, he starts ehasing somebody's wife or -girl frierid. I've come to feel' tl).;:'lt our. jnarried life is .' _ cheap and diity because I'm' tair:.ing. but not, as i~tit'nate, en- . - t· rt" t . 1 t - dUFmg companIons. -. ' n? lrnpO an or speCla ; 0 . He' '~ay be :'ti'ying to "get wm.... ~ow I }lave no. desl~~ even" witli you or to "tell" you: and 1 get aloJ1.g as well as


for hIm, and. ~at makes him' 'something; that is -his actions m,ail" hut I can't help, it. I've' may indicate that b:eo is dissatis-' watched hi ID: fied with the way you 'are' treat- ' wit;h some other fng him-. 'The fact that he mis­ worn a n t 0 0 behaves only 'after he' has been' many times to drinking too much lends strong feel that. '!"e support to this last hypothesis. share anything What is he trying to "tell" me~ningfu,~ or you, Joan? I don't pretend to un 1 que. AIknow the answer but judging though I don't from your remark~, I would sug­ wish to m a k e g e s t that you seem to be cher­ light of your ishing a highly romantic, too problem, Joan, exclusively feminine view of' it did bring to marital companionship and its mind the sage related intimacies. comment of a middle-aged wife As a result you have failed to facing a similar situation, "Oh, develop an adequate understand­ he's like a young puppy barking ing of your husband's affec­ after cars--he enjoys the chase tional needs; you may see your­ but doesn't really want 'to catch self as the one who must be one!" constantly wooed; you may be I suppose most wives would so possessive and demanding of find it difficult to take such a attention that he feels stifled; or benign view of their husbands' you may.. lead him to believe amorous antics, yet her observa- that he is being taken too much . tion may reveal considerable for granted. insight. Shows Resentnlent Interpretation Signifieant In other words, it is possible Since no two marriages are that you have not outgrown the wholly alike, however, let's be. hQneymoon stage, and he is gin by reviewing the facts in the showing his resentment at what case as you present them. I he somewhat confusedly feels is gather that you are a fairly your lack of generous, spontan­ young couple, that you have eous cooperation in displaying been able to work out more or affection and love. He can't tell less successfully most of your you this directly or when he is initial adjustments, and that sober because he may not fully your present problem has devel. understand what's really bother­ oped gradually. ing him. You have been an~ered.and How shonld you deal with this burt by your husband s actIO~s, situation? First, in the light of o~ .course,. though the re~l SIg- the above observations; you niflcance .IS to be found In the should sincerely ask yourself way you Inter~ret.them. whether. your own attitudes and As you see It, hIS tendency to practices may not require a little chase after o~her wor:ren. when- readjusting. ever he has been drinkIng too much indicates that he doesn't Although men and women really regard you as the "one no.rmallY enter. marriage with and only." You rightly feel that f:u rly well defme~ precon~ep. . one of the essential qualities in tI(~ns of what marrIage relatIOn­ s should be, successful mar· marital love is its exclusiveness. and you can't see how he can rIag,:s. re.sult from the ~utual seek the affection of others and modIfIcation and. blendIng. of still protest that he thinks of these preconceptIons ?ccordIng his love for you as something to the· demands of reality. Some unique and special. spouse~ are all for adjustment­ .. on thetr own terms! Nothmg Serious Intended 'R ' L ova bl' . emain e This thought of being regard. . . ed as just one among many Second, yOl,lu ~urre~t r~actIOn ela'shes so sharply with your to your .husban.d s. obJectIonable ( own views that it has seriously conduct IS no~ lIkely to stren?th­ : affected all YOUr feelings toward en y,our marrIage. If he has lIttle " him. You argup. that no wife .can u;derstandin~. or appr~ciati~}D be expected to respond eagerly 0 real m?1"lt?1 compamonshIp, to her husband if she is made to fu.~ther reJectI.on o~ y~ur part feel that another woman could WI I only confIrm him In error. '. serve his purposes just as well. Even though you may not be You r husband evidently able to discov.er the reason for doesn't see things your way his adolescent behavior, your Joan. He probably argues that best approach is to try to be as . he's not doing anything very cooperative and companionable . wrong and that you're trying to as possible. Above all, remem­ , make a mountain out of a mole. ber that if you wish to be loved, ; hill. you must remain lovable. , After a few drinks he just gets 60 feel Sociable--everyone inCapetip CDA , 'Yolved knows that nothing seri­ OUs is intended, so why raise June is the m<mth chosen by such a fuss? If he really planned Provincetown Catholic Daugh­ to be unfaithful, he wouldn't ters of America for installation make his play in public, etc., ceremonies, initiation of new etc. members and a coinmunion May Indicate Dissatisfaction breakfast. Date is to be an­ Granting that your husband's nounced. To be installed are eonduct is not what it should b,e, Mrs. Mary Chapman, grand re­ why does he act this way? Sev. gent; Mrs. Lillian Poyant, trea­ eral possible reasons come to surer; Mrs. Marion Michals!ti.· mind. He may have an exagger­ financial secretary; Mrs. Rita ated view of his talents as a Medeiros, lecturer.

"lady-killer". He may have little

understanding of marital com­ panionship - some men regard

women either as useful or enter­



Fr. Hesburgh States University's Position

'Primary Role of Students Is to Lea:rn' NOTRE DAME (NC) - The president of Notre Dame Uni­ versity .has made clear in a letter to its students the position of the university in the wake of a dispute between the ad­ ministration and former editors of the Scholastic, student pub­ lication. Father Theodore M. Hesburgh, C.S.C., says in the five-page letter that he does not "consider faculty and students equal part­ ners in the educative process." He specifically assesses the performance of the Scholastic under three student editors who left their posts on the Scholastic when the university deleted from the magazine's March 29 issue material it considered "of­ fensive." The deleted matter in­ cluded an article dealing with a student. senate recommendation for more liberal dormitory rules. 'Lack of Integrity' Father Hesburgh says in the letter that during the year "the Scholastic had moments of greatness and the promise of being the best, rather than a mixture of the best and the worst, ever," but "several ten­ dencies marred the greatness:' He says these. included: "An excessively negative atti­ tude that felt called upon to scorn everything under God and to 'pontificate far beyond the limits of its writers'. modest wisdom. . . "Bitter analysis that often missed the point by ignoring or



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misrepresenting the facts of the matter. "Rather crude and unkind personal criticisms." On one occasion, "an open lack of integrity on the part of those in charge - $ $" 'Palm of Martyrdom' "When the plug was finally pulled," Father Hesburgh con­ tinues, ''the editors walked out and seemed to become martyrs, although I have always thought martyrdom required dying on the job, not giving up. So while 1 am not about to confer on them the palm of martyrdom, neither do I overlook their good efforts this year." Father Hesburgh states that "we of the faculty and adminis­ tration can learn some valuable lessons from students," but the

Fall River Nurses New officers of Fall River Catholic Nurses Guild include Mrs. Catherine Connelly, re­ elected president; Miss Claire Sullivan, treasurer.; Miss Amelia Larocque. and Mrs. Ruth Han­ non, secretar.ies; Miss Armande Gauthier, librarian.

''primary role" of students "is

to learn, not to teach." "Students who think other­ wise," he adds, "should get out, . found their own universities, and then take lessons from their students."

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THE ANCHOR­ Thurs., May 2, 1963

Valuable Volumes Are Now Available for 'Use Library Atmosphere Conducive to, Study" The epecial physical feature of the school library is wall-to­

wall carpeting that adds dignity and creates the perfect atmos­ phere for quiet study. The nucleus of a good school library, transferred from St. Mary's High School in Septem­ ber as the school opened, has already been enriched by many valuable volumes. There is an excellent collec­ tion of science reference books including "The Illustrated Li­ bntry of Natural Science" spon-

, I• •


sored by the American Museum History of English Literature" in of Natural History and "The two volumes and Wegenknecht's Harper Encyclopedia of "Cavalcade of the American , Novel" will be in constant use Science." , The Dictionary of American by the members of schooi's Eng­ His tor y by James Truslow lish classes. The Oxford Companion to Adams and the Lincoln Library of Essential Information are English Literature and the Ox­ prized possesions. ford Companion to American The English literature section Literature will be well-fingered includes reference works of the reference volumes as future " first order as well as volumes students move from freshmen to of the great literature of our seniors. language. The Religion classes will pro­ Daiche's classic "A, Critical duce a learned generation of

Catholics when the type of boob available in the Religion stacke are examined. There the student will find such volumes as '"A Catholic Commentary on Ho~ Scripture" and Steinmueller and 'Sullivan's "Catholic Bible Encyclopedia" on both the OM and the New Testament. The magazine rack, considere4 , so important by state educatioll departments, will pass the stridt­ est inspection with itr variet&' of oustanding reading matter.

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4 drawer chest, with a Ufetime of usefulness.

7 drawer chest, converts ' WIth mirror to double ~ dresser.

Nam'e Michigan Mother of Year DETROIT (NC) - The wid­ owed mother of five-including a priest and a seminarian - has been c h 0 sen as Michigan's Mother of the Year. Mrs. Eleanor McManus Tup­ per" 50, of nearby Southgate was the l,manimous choice of the Michigan Mothers" Committee. She will go to' New York next week to compete with other state mothers for the title of American Mother of 'the Year. Mrs. Tupper, who has been a teacher for 29 years and a widow for 20, taught school to support her five children who are an college graduates: Father John, 3~, assistant pas­ tQr a,t Holy Spirit Church in Grand Rapids, Mich:; Gerald, 32, a lawyer; Carolyn, 31 (Mrs. Steve Florescu), who practices law in Detroit; James, 29, a medical doctor now studying at the ,Franciscan Fathers' Semi­ nary in Westmont,' Ill.; and David, 25, an Army lieutenant.





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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fan, River-Thurs.,' May 2",1963




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Catholic PTA Sees Foundation Tax

Plan Aiding' Elementary Schools

OTTAWA (NC)-The Ontario t.hroughout the proviiu:e,.N R0­ Government appears to be giv­ barts told the' legislature. It would give the separate schaab ing "a new deal" t-o Catholic more money, while not givin, elementa:I7 schools. This was the initial reaction the public schools less. of the Ontario Federation of Catl'mlic Parent-Teacher' Asso­ ciation to the Ontario founda­ tion tax plan announced by Premier John Robarts. H. G. Crowley of ottawa, fffii­ New Bedford Curia of the eration president, said accounts Legion of Mary will sponsor an of the plan, "lead us to believe autdoar May Rally at 2:30 SUft;_· that the government· • • is mak­ day ·afternoon, May 19 at Bat­ Ing an all-out effort to settJ,e tonwood Park. Area high schOols once and for all time the corpor­ and the Knights of Columbus ati-on tax question and other re­ will participate and the event lated financial matters of ele. will be highlighted by a pro­ mentary school concern." cession. May crowning, living "It would therefor appear that rosary and an address by Rev. the children and teachers in the John A.. Cantwel4 eurate 'at St­ elementary school system, espe­ Mary's Church, Waltham, and cially in the separate· public Newton Caria Director of the schools of the province, are to Legion of Mary. be gjven. & new deal through Father Cantwell adjustments in the grants system. Spiritual director of' three and that disparity in financial treatment in various parts of the praesidia. of the L~ion in" st. province is to be a thing of the Mary's parish, Father Cantwell !las beeR working with the or­ past;" Crowley said. 'ganization since 1947. His RQ1'­ Equalize Opportuni~ . ticular interest lies in teaching. . "In the Ottawa "area alone,. Legionaries the True Devotion where roughly 50,000 elemeD-­ to the Blessed Virgin Mary u tary school children are eqUIl~ expoanded by St. Louis Marie: divided between the two schooL DeMontfort. . boards, and with an' elementary He received the Marian Award lIChool property assessment Iri! for 195'7' from the Montfort mUl to one in favor of the" Pub­ Fathers Has being the' person lic School B-oard, the work.inc who bad, that year, dOne the out of' the plan will. be anticl­ most. to teacb the True Devo­ paled with great interest,... lie tion," .He. bas spoken on the adtted. dev~ion hundreds of timeS', The plan is "to take new anll visiting 99' cities' in eight dif­ .ery fundamental steps to-eqUal. ferent states. He will be in Tmt1lS ize educational opportuDi~ . this Summer with • se1ectei1 group of Legionaries; «iviDg • series of talks Oft the ~pic.

New Bedfordites Set May Rolly

Schedule Serrans' CarmeJ Pilgrimage


pngJ'image to Carmel, Calif., the

final resting place of Fatbel' Junipero ,Serra, is sc~eduled for '. tile 1963-convention of Sena. In­ ternational here. The pilgrimage is schedu1ed

!Dr Sunday, July '7, and the CIOft­ Yention opens the following m.orning and closes Jult. 10.

Buses will leave San Fraacieco

for the three-hour joUl'lle7 10 the Carmel Mission. Ioc:ate4 .autb of SlID J'raneixo.

R. A. WILCOX CO. OfFICE FURNllURE ......... m liIIaMIIIu .......







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Lutheran Official Urges Support Of Bus Bill

Thurs., May 2, 1963

Plan Ecumenical Witness Evening In San Antonio

DETROIT (NC)-A Luth­ eran school official urged support here of the Fair School Bus bill, which cleared

SAN ANTONIO (NC) A joint Catholic-Protestant fiE v en i n g of Ecumenical Witness" will, be held' Sun­ day, June 2, Pentecost Sunday, in San Antonio's 7,000-seat Mu­ nicipal Auditorium. Leading Catholic and Protes­ tant churchmen will address the meeting, at which choirs from 18 churches will sing both Catholic .__ ._~.~'-- - - iW.Q_PJ:QJ;estant hymns. Plans for t.'1.€l- ~"thering; be­ lieved to be the first of its lima in the United States, were made public by Catholic Auxiliary Bishop Stephen A. Leven of San Antonio and Methodist Bishop Paul V. Galloway. The idea for the meeting originated' with Bishops Galloway and Leven. Episcopal Bishop Everett H. Jones will be chairman. Bishop Leven and Methodist Bishop Fred Pierce Corson of Philadel­ phia will be the principal speakers. Attending the first public planning meeting for the gather­ ing were clerical and lay repre­ sentatives of the Catholic, Meth­ odist, Episcopalian, PreSbyterian, Christian, Disciples of Christ, and Baptist Churches. Also on hand were San Antonio Mayor Walter McAllister and Chamber of Commerce president James M. Gaines. 'Common Enemy' The executive committee 'in marge of arrangements for the meeting will include Bishop .Jones and hi!; Suffra'gan Bishop 1. Earl Dycus, Bishop Galloway and Bishop Corson, Bishop Leven and Msgr. Roy'Rihn, pas­ tor of St. Pius X parish here. Bishop Galloway, addressing the planning meeting, said the need for religious unity today is "based on our sharing a common enemy and on the fact that Christian witness is divided in its efforts." He said the gathering will not be "an effort to bring the vari­ ous Christian churches together." If it simply makes it possible to "know each other better," he said, it will have accomplished "a great deaL"

Clergy Fight' Repeal Of Anti-Bias Law WASHINGTON (NC) - A group of'132 Catholic, Protestant and Jewish clergymen in neigh­ boring Montgomery County, Md., haye, united in a campaign against repeal of the county's public accommodation law. ,The clergymen paid for ad. vertisements in the Washington Post and Washington Star in which they said "the adoption of the county ordinance concern. ing elimination of discrimination in places of public accommoda­ tions was a great step in the right direction and therefore we are opposed to any move to re­ 'peal or weaken the ordinance." The clergymen's campaign was timed when hearings for repeal of the law were scheduled in two locations in the' county. Among the clergymen were 86 Protestant ministers, 34 Catholic priests and 12 rabbis.

Pre-Cana Couples planning marriage are urged to attend a pre-Cana conference at 7 Sunday night, May 5 in' Sacred Heart school auditorium, Fall River.

a major hurdle and is headed for a vote in the state HOUse of Representatives. Rev. John Ohoitz, deputy sup­ erintendent of Lutheran Schools of Michigan, told an audience of some 400 persons: "If we are un­ able to solve the problem of bus rides, how can we approach solutions to other problems such as accreditation and teacher cer­ tification?" The Lutheran minister said that both public and nonpublic school officials must work lUI partners for the common good.


New School Has Modern Science Labs Commemorate Prelate's Intense Interest In an age that is always'being by the term "sci­ entific" and in a school that ia dedicated to. a Bishop who taught science in ,liisyouth, be- ' came 'aftiend of 'scientists such as Aiexis Carrel in 'bis life and was always interested In the physical sciences, it' is only proper that Bishop Cassidy High School be fitted out with the most modern science laboratories possible. The entire tone of the chern., istry tables and cabinets is of light wood, while the table tops and sinks are black soapstone. The student tables, capable of accommodating 40 students, are equipped with sinks, gas jets, electrical outlets and positive and negative terminals. There is also a completely equipped hood built in on one side oj' each table. A portable hood, which can be connected to exhaust pipes at the end of each lab table, supple­ ments the stationary hood. All types of apparatus and chemicals ,needed for experi­ ments are on hand. Different types of balances, centrifuge, and drying, ovens will aid the students in performing experi. ments in modern chemistry. The size of the lab can also serve as a lecture hall and thus ehara~terized


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enabl~ the teacher to switch ,The import~ce played, by over trom lecture to lab period physics in this era of nuclear very. 'easily., 'fissure and Period of adva~ed Situated between the chemis~ Science has been recognized in try and biology labs is a spacious the planning of this new 'girls' prep room for the teachers of High School in Taunton. these subjects. It is equipped Eledrical Units with glass door cases, drawers, ,Theba9lc necessary physics' storage cupboards, and a sink. tables have the required electric To complete the room, you will and gas units so essential to ex­ also find there electrical, gas and periments. exhaust pipe facilities. At the front of the room is a The black soapstone topped "Flexlab". It contains a "Power­ tables will accommodate 42 stu- Flex" Voltage Distributing Panel dents. Before each table there is which takes care df electrical a swivel chair of bright coral units in all three labs-physics, that contrasts in such a way with chemistry and biology.

the light wood and black topped The decor ,of the chemistry

tables that no doubt is left in lab is carried over into the phys­

your mind that this is a girls ics lab in light wood cupboards, high school; showcases, table, drawers and Biology Lab the contrasting black of the The lab supply includes plastic tabletops. models of the ear, eye, brain, and This lab has its own' complete­ human torso. There is also to be ly equipped prep room corre­ found in this room, an animal sponding to' the other science cage" an aquarium, terrarium, labs. microtechnique equipment, sterIn order to perform experi-, Hizer and all items necessary in ments demanding complete making biology the fascinating, darkness or very light light, world of study for the ambitious, there is situated at the rear of students of Cassidy High. :.. 1" the chemistry' room and Set off Black drapes may be drawn from' the chemistry lab the inside the tan dr,apes to darken all-essential "dark room". This, the room whenever the micro- too, is equipped like the prep projector is in use. room.

Same service The bus bill would require public school districts that pro­ vide transportation service to regular public school. students to provide the same service to stu­ dents at ten d i ,n g nonpublic schools. The bill, which cleared the Senate earlier 'by a vote of 31-1, was reported out by the House Education Committee just ahead of a midnight deadline for com­ mittees to report out all bills. 'JIhe House committee tacke4 on three amendments to the bilL If the House passes the amend­ ments and the bill, it will go before a conference, committee of House and Senate appoint~ which would iron, out differ­ ences. ' As amended 1n the Senate, the bill would not take effect unta July 1, 1964. . ..' ,


~ ~



~ ~






~ ~ ~

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Dartmouth ~

WYman 2-1874








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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., May 2, 1963

~ BISHOP CASSIDY HIGH FACULTY: Seated, left to right: Sister John Elizabeth, principal, Mother Anna Gertrude, Sister Stanislaus Joseph. Standing: Sister John Mathilde, Sister Mary Charles, Sister Margaret


Eugene, Mrs. Dorothea McGovern, Sister Eugenia Marie, Sister Paule Agnes, Sister Mary Teresita, Mr. Arthur Murphy, Sister Winifred Marie, Mrs. Patricia Marston.

Holy Union Sisters' Educa'ting Area Youth Since· 1886

'The Congregation of the H9ly Union of the Sacred Hearts was founded in 1826 by Monsignor l'Abbe Jean Baptiste Debrabant at Douai, in the .diocese of Cam­ brai, France. This worthy priest of great piety and profound' humility was chosen by Divine Providence to save- souls at a time when France was beginning to recover from the horrors of the great Revolution. In order to fight against the scourge of reli­ gious ignorance, he resolved to found a society devoted to the teaching of youth. Such was the beginning of the Congregation of the Sisters of the Holy Union of the Sacred Hearts. Sustained by an un­ shaken faith, invincible confi. dence and' a zeal which was proof against the most trying conditions, the small group of three or four with whom the founder began his work have today produced an order which includes more than 2,000 mem­ bers in over 150 conve~ts and schools, teaching. some 1.00,000 children all over the world. On Oct. 19, 1886 the' wooden structure on the present site of . the Academy of the Sacred

Hearts in Fall River became the first convent home in America for these ~eligious, who enjoy a justly-famed reputation in the educational field. In a matter of years the nuns have spread through the Fall. River diocese and now teach at 13 schools and a Sisters' college. Mother Helena The group of ten chosen sis­ ters who left their homeland for the education of children in the United States included a dedi­ cated Religious whose name to this day, 26 years after her c;leath, is very much alive. The Reverend Mother Marie Helena, S.U.S.C., foundress and first Provincial superior of the North Amel'ican Province,' was fre­ quently the object ot'laudatory words from the lips of Bishop Cassidy. At the first graduation ex~r­ cises held at St. Mary's Parochial School, Taunton, in 1911 Father James Coyle, beloved pastor of the parish and staunch advocate of Catholic education, announced plans for the opening of St. Mary's High School, and in Sep­ tember of that year three classes on . the secondary· level were started. Accommodations weI' e in­ creased with" an addition to the grammar school, and a barn at the rear of the school was re­ modeled to provide an additional classroom and a science labora­ tory. Graduation exercises weI' e held in 1913 for students of the commercial department and two years later diplomas weI' e

MEN 17.25

Com:i0rs, curate 'at Sacred Heart, Buckley, pastor. of st. Kilian's, awarded to those who had com­ pleted the general 01' classical Taunton; Rev. Edwin Loew, pas­ New Bedford. . . tor at St. Joseph's, Woods Hole; Other graduates of St. Mary's course.. Rev. Ja~es F. McCarthy, curate are Rev. R. Donald Kiernan of ~chool Renamed the Savannah, Ga., diocese; Rev. st. Mary's High was renamed , at St. William's, Fall River. . Also Rev. James A. McCarthy, James Martin of the Holy Cross St. Mary's Catholic Girls' High School in 1933 when Monsignor curate at St. John's, Attleboro; Fathers; Rev. ~rge Benaglia, C.S.C., president of King's Col­ Coyle High School opened its Rev. William J. McMahon, di­ rector of Cathedral Camp and lege Scrclnton; ·Rev. Gilbert doors to boys in the area. Sherry, O.P.; Rev. Edward F. The girls of the Taunton area curate at St, Kilian's, New Bed­ will henceforth receive diplomas ford; Rev. Cornelius Keliher, O'Keefe, S.J. and Rev. Wm. J. from the Bishop Cassidy High pastor at St. Mary's in Seekonk; .Moore, S.J.; Rev. Henry Nadeau, S.S.E.; Rev. Francis Eagan, Rev. William D. Thomson, pas­ School C.S.G.P.· tor at St. Mary's, Norton. The vineyards of the' Lord Deceased alumni of the Taun­ In Religious Orders have often been replenished ton school include Rev. William with workers who were students Also Rev. Bernard Unsworth, F Donahue and Rev. John J. of the Holy Union when St. pastor at St. Mary's, New Bed­ Donahue, Rev. Edmund J. Neen­ Mary's was co-educational. In.' ford; Rev. Howard Waldron, 'In, Rev. John F. O'Keefe. R'W. eluded are the Rt. Rev. Msgr. pastor of Our Lady of Victory, Francis J. Doherty. Joseph C. Canty and Rt. Rev. Centerville; and Rev. Walter J. Msgr. Bernard J. Fenton, chap­ lains in the U. S. armed forces; Rev. Edward J. Gorman, forme!:' D i 0 c e san superintendent of schools; Rev. John E. Boyd, ad­ ministrator of St. Patrick's, Fall Rivet lind director' of the Cath­ olic Welfare Bureau in Fall River. Commercial • Industrial

Also Rev. John J. Casey, pas­ Institutional

Southealt.rn Maaachu••tts' tor of Immaculate Conception in Painting and Decorating

largest Independent Chain North Easton; Rev. Francis B.




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THe ANCHOR:-:-;Di~.esE! of fal' Riyer:-:-Thurs", Mqy 1:;.,1,963


Council to Have Lay Consu,ltants

See Catholic Failure .Deplore Lack of Effort to Make Church Influence in Modern World BIDDEFORD (NC)--CathoUca have failed to make the Church a meaningful influence in the modern world, two speakers told a symposium on "The Christian in the Modern World." Edward T. Gargan, history professor at Loyola University in Chicago, said the Church "does not decisively affect the destiny of our civilization." Donald Thorman. director of development for the· Spiritual Life Institute of America, ac­ cused Catholics of neglecting social problems out of "a mortal fear of rocking the boat." The two men addressed separ­ ate sessions during a two-daJ'· symposium held at St. Francis College here in Maine and at­ tended by an estimated 2,000 people.

free people bearing witness to the love". at Christ. In Name 01 Prudence "Christians at this moment matter hardly at all in the direction of the world's history. If they are to matter, they must begin to believe" in their capacity to effect the Church's mission to achieve the salvation at the nations," he said. Thorman asked "why are we ClH'istiaos just 90 many faceless members of the crowd, speaking out, if we do, only on birth con­ trQI but maintaining a discreet and sophisticated llilence on the whole gamut of social, political and economic issues on which there exists a clear Catholic position?" "We fear so very otten to Gargan said that whether the speak out -in the name of Christ because of a false human·respect Church begins to influence the or because we have a mortal modern world "depends upoa .fear of rocking the boat. And, the capacity of the Church to God help us, we can always ju&­ til,. our lears and inaction in transcend -its institutional pl'OO­ Iems to become a community CJl. the beautl1ul name of prudence," he said.

Bishop Cassidy KC


'LUMBER CO. So. Dartmouth and Hyannis



ZARAGOZA (NC) - Some 01. the Ecumenical Council's com­ missions wiM have lay consul­ tants during its second session, a council undersecretary said here in Spain. . Archbishop Casimiro Morcillo Gonzalez of Zaragoa, one of the five undersecretaries, said in a broadcast over the Popular Radio station here on his retul'n from the Vatican, where he at­ tended a meeting of the Coun­ cil's Coordinating Commission: "Catholic laymen, who till now lwlve been only attentive spectators at the council, wil.l work as consultant. because the doon 'of some of the commi8­ sions have been opened to

thecn." The Archbishop also said that .n redraltecl council project. can be Rnt to bishops during April for studT prior to the· second eessioa be­ ginning in September, and that ,there will be fewer restrietton. on Cou.ncil news dUl'inc tbe it 18 hoped that

second session.


OI'L~. ,~ DEBROSSE , . Oils ,, , Heating and Bumen , ,) , , CO

Bishop Cassidy Council, SW8D­ L EMI E U X sea-Somerset Knights of Colum­ PWM8ING & HEATING. ·INC. bus, will sponsor a living r.osary , for Domestic Sunday, May 12. A dance, ban­ & Indumial quet and exemplification Oif , Salu·and major degrees are planned for Oil BurBer. service lune. The women's -auxilialT WY 5-1631 will hold a fashion show Sua­ day, May 26- at the Coun.eil 2213 ·ACUSHNEI' AVf.. Home. A planning meeting is aet NEW lEOPORD for MQnday, May 20.




Political Scientist Is Anticipating Danger Exaggerated Nationalism


UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS (lI."C) South America by the Organi­ A priest-political scientist warn­ zation of American States; it waa ed here that exaggerated na­ supplanted in Europe by NATO tionalism threateD.! to make the and the economi(: unions which United Nations as impotent a are now developing into the world ageney as the old League Common Union," Father Woe1:S of Nations. said. Father Paul A. Woelfl, 8.S.. Matter of Time former associate editor of Amer­ "The UN was never in the Far ica magazine who now is prates­ East by reason of America's. re­ lOr of hist:ory and political sci­ ence at John Carron Universit:r fusal to admit Red China. It is here in Obio, told the univer· only a matter of time until the sity'. Institute for SovIet and sub-Sahara African nations de­ East European studkls the UN velop their own regional organ.. ization, which will take the UN haa become a minor force in con­ 'out of Africa,"·he added. temporary world politica. Father Woelfl said that the "The United Nations has been cut out of practically all the UN now seems t& lack an ade­ major problems. It was cut out quate purpose because the East­ of the Middle Eut by the erea­ West conflict is the onl7 ares ia UOIl of the Arab League; out of which it can sWl operate.


lll _ . . .




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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Foil River-Thurs., May 2, 1963


Marxism Incompati·ble

Grants for Research

Comments on Peace Encylcical

ford Foundation Allocates $2,856,200 To Aid Population Studies

Teachers Oppose Vatican Radio Agrees With Red Magazine Longer Day ST. LOUIS (NC) - To get VATICAN CITY (NC)-Vati­ ean Radio voiced total agree­ ment with a Soviet magazine which, on publishing virtually the whole text of the peace en. cyclical of Pope John said that parts of it are "fundamentally incompatible" with Marxism. Vatican Radio said this view has always been held by "the Pope, the hierarchy and by gen­ uinely Catholic thinking." The Vatican station was refer­ ring to the magazine Za Rube­ zhom (Abroad) which in its edi­ tion of April 20 devoted two pages to excerpts from the en­ cyclical. This was - substantially more than the encyclical cover­

'Cargo Cult' Threat To Church Work NEW ORLEANS (NC) - The progress of the Church in parts of Oceania is threatened by a strange new "Cargo Cult," the Superior General of the Marist Fathers said here. This was reported in an inter­ view by Father Joseph W. Buck­ ley, S.M., who heads the world­ wide Marist community, which is active in missionary work in Oceania. Though the work of mission­ aries has resulted in a 100 per cent Catholic population on some islands in Oceania, he said, there has been a strong rever-. sion to paganism in the Solo­ mons Islands, where the "Cult" is influentiaL

Receives Soviet VATICAN CITY (}l,"'C)-Pope J'ohn has received in audience the Soviet composer Aram Kachaturian and presente<:t him with a medal of the fourth year of his pontificate and a Rosary.

the opinions of teachers and principals at the National Cath­ age in Izvestia, the government olic Educational Association's daily in Moscow, pUblished a convention here, nine proposi­ week earlier. tions were presented to the Vatican Radio stated that the nearly 1,380 persons in attend­ commentary in the Za Rubezhom ance - a sea of black habits article accompanying the ency­ sparkling with the contrasting clical excerpts was "unusually bright dresses of hiy teachers. moderate" in tone. After h ear i n g two school (The Soviet publication stated that 'in his new encyclical the superintendents - Msgr. John Pope confirmed his adherence B. McTh>well of Pittsburgh and to the holding of talks-to seek Father James C. Donohue of Baltimore-- debate each of the to solve international disputes.­ The papal encyclical inflicts a propositions, the educators cast their ballots. blow on these worthless theo­ Highlights of their vote was reticians of the cold war who are trying to justify the arms race a conviction that a child seeking admission to the first grade as necessary.") . should be six years old by Sept. From Catholic Creed . 1 of the year he starts school, (A brief note at the end of the that the present school day story stated that "the editorial should not be extended, that board considers it· necessary to modern foreign languages do not emphasize that many statements belong in the elementary school of . the encyclical are derived and that report cards are better from the principles of the Cath­ than individual parent-teacher olic creed, which is incompatible conferences. with the purely scientific Marx­ ist world outlook.") Vatican Radio said of the So­ LONDON' (NC)-The Earl of viet magazine's presentation: "The great space given by this Inchcape, one of Britain's richest industrialists, revealed here that Soviet review to a papal docu­ he has become a Catholic. The ment. and the unusually moder­ ate tone of its commentary, 45-year-old peer told the press concerned with stressing the that he had actually been bap­ tized in the Catholic Church in various points which are partic­ larly pleasing to and shared by infancy. "But because my grand­ the communist world, constitutes father was a strict Presbyterian a new development. But one and would not have Catholics in should not exaggerate its signi. the family business, my side of ficance and draw imaginary and the family changed its religion," gratuitous conclusions • • • .. he said.

Returns to Church

Be Thrifty - Be Wise Ask your Meatman for a DAVIDSON'S (MacGregor Brand)

NEW YORK (NC) - The bulk of $5,296,200 in new Ford Foun­ dation grants for aid to de­ veloping nations will benefit re­ search and training programs in population growth. The foundation disclosed that it has allocated $2,856,200 to projects in the population field. The foundation also announced grants totaling $1,520,000 for agriculture projects and grants of $545,000 in the public admin­ istration field. The foundation said most of the new grants in the area of population problems "are part of a new series to support research and training in reproductive bio­ logy in the United States and abroad; to attract talented young scientists to the field; and to ac­ quaint scientists generally with its challenges." Seek Better Means Oscar Harkavy, associate di­ rector of the foundation's econo­

mic development and adminis­ tration program, said the Ford Foundation "is supporting re­ search to find a better means of fertility limitation and to make the rhythm method of family planning more effective." The grants in the population field go to the Population Coun­ cil, New York; to medical labor­ atories in India; to 16 American medical schools; and to research centers in Australia and the United States.





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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of F~" River:-Thurs.; May 2', 1963


Father McGinley To Step Down

Can Live Together Professor Tells Catholic Men Integrity,

Business Success Are Compatible

ATLANTIC CITY (N C) Honesty and success are far from being the ham-and-eggs of the Industrial world, a specialist in business ethics asserted here. Herbert Johnston, University Df Notre Dame professor, told a lession of the National Council' Df Catholic Men convention here "it may be that, in this job or in that business, you simply cannot luccced and stay honest." Johnston, with Father Ray­ . mond Baumhart, S.J., of Loyola University, Chicago, and Henry Flannery of the AFL-CIO, Wash­ ington, D.C., discussed "Moral Problems in Business Practice" at the session. Combining integrity and busi­ ness success is not impossible, .1ohnston stressed. He added: "I know personally, and so do you, highly successful businessmen on whose absolute honesty we

Sabbath Business'


BOSTON (NC)-The Massa­ ehusetts State Senate has re­ jected two bills to permit Sun. day business operations. One measure would have allowed stores operated' by one or two persons to operate and the other would have permitted' persons who ,observe another Sabbath to open on Sunday.

would stake anything. It can be done, though perhaps not easily." Johnston said he placed "little confidence in elaborate codes of ethics that are framed, hung be­ hind the desk of the chairman of the board, and dusted off and trotted out to impress whatever shareholders turn out for the annual meeting." "If it doesn't have teeth in it, the code doesn't'mean anything," said Johnston, who 'is· author of a book on business ethics. "And even if it does havl~ teeth in it so far as this particular com­ pany goes, the company itself will probably suffer in competi­ tion with those rivals who do not bother about such niceties." Government Control Johnston said he was uncer­ tain whether any code of ethics could be made really effective for a whole industry or for a whole economy. "But what I do know is that it it cannot be, there will be more and more government control of the economy," he said. "'As one example, observe that neither management nor labor wants compulsory arbitration' to settle their wage and other disputes; but a continuation of th~ 'pres­ ent situation in collective bar­ gaining means that both will probably get it."

Plan Mercy Ship

NEW YORK (NC) - Father Laurence J. McGinley, 8.J.. president and rector of Fordham University, has announced that Father Vincent T. O'Keefe, 8.J., will succeed him in these posts at the end of the current acade­ mic year. Father O'Keefe, a native of Jersey City, has served as exe­ cutive vice-president of the un­ iversity since June, 1962. Father McGinley has been president and rector of' Ford­ ham longer than any other man in the university's 122-year his­ tory. He was appointed on: Feb.. 2, 1949. On relinquishing his present posts, he will serve as a con­ sultant in higher education for the Jesuits.

u. S.

Navy Captain Suggests Project To Aid Southeast Asia Missions

LONDON (NC) - A Catholic­ quah, Okla., said: led organization in England is "The immediate aim will be to planning to buy a "mercy ship" stem disease and poverty, but for relief missions to Southeast the long-term role will be teach­ Asia in a project suggested by a ing, especially agriculture and U. S. Navy captain. preventive medicine." The organization, called the The ship will be similar to the United Kingdom White Fleet, is U.8. People to People Founda­ an offshoot of a movement tion's hospital ship, 8,S. HOPE, started by Group Capt. Geoffrey which recently wound up a nine­ Cheshire, British World War II month health mission in Peru. flying ace, who has set up homes This foundation was started by f()r incurables in England, India, another Washington; D. C. man, Malta and Lebanon. Dr. W~lliam :S. Walsh of GeorgeCapt. Fran;Ic Manson, public 'in­ . town Univ~rsity Hospital. formation officer at headquarThe smaller British mercy ters here for U. S. :Naval Forces, ship will carry a staff of eight Europe, suggested the project. doctors, 12 technicians and 20 The Washington, D. C. officer, nurses, plus equipment suited to who originally came from Tahle­ the needs of the ports it visits.

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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., May 2', '.963



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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., May 2, 19(,~


Donald Hayne's 'Batter My Heart' Has Melancholy Interest By Rt. Rev. Msgr. John S. Kennedy Donald Hayne's Batter My Heart is the autobiography of a man ordained a Catholic priest in 1933, not functioning as such since 1942, convinced that· his ordination was in­ valid, and now living as a believing, practising layman (Knopf. $5). His has been a In 1931 he decided to try the far from happy life, and his seminary again, and was prompt­ account of it, flu e n t 1 y ly sent by the Bishop of Daven­ port to Mt. St. Mary's in Em­ written, is of melancholy in­ terest for many reasOnS. One is its demonstration of the impor­ tance of care­ fully ·screening candidates for the priesthood and preventing those with such eharac­ teristics and difficulties fro m entering it. The author was born in Al­ bany, N. Y., in 1908, of a mixed marriage. His mother and father separated when he was very young, came back together later. His mother was, to say the least, dominant in his early life, along with her five maiden sis­ ters, with whom the boy lived for a time and who expressed nothing but disgust for marriage. Secular Clergy 'Humdrum' At 17, he went to a Catholic University, as a lay student in the undergraduate department. He held himself aloof from com­ pany, took no part in the ~cial and athletic life 'of his contem­ poraries. He toyed with the no­ tion of joining the Benedictines, but the community at the uni­ versity gently diverted him. His mind now turned to the secular clergy,' which, he says, he despised as humdrum and mediocre. Why be one of them? Because they had no .vow of poverty, hence he would, 1£ nec­ essary, be able to contribute to the support of his mother. He insisted on being a priest of a diocese where he would be a total strager. The Bishop of Davenport accepted him after a brief interview in a New York hotel and sent him, for his sem­ mary course, to the North ~r­ k:an College in Rome. He lasted there a year.

bishop a letter explaining his views, although not telling him the whole stOry about his situa­ tion. Letter to Bishop The letter, given here in full, has two key passages. One has to do with the infallibility of the Church. The author maintained that a person's "mind must al­ ways remain open to the possibil­ mitsburg, Maryland. This he ity of new evidence which may found more agreeable, although cause him to alter his conclu­ he does not remember his room-. sions. mate's name. He was ordained, Hence, no matter how 'certain' as has been said, in 1933. he may feel at any given time, He spent two years as an as­ some element of tentativeness sistant at the cathedral in the must always be present in his diocese which had adopted him, assent to his conclusions." In and in this period experienced other words, it is on the author­ discontent with the celibate ity o~ individual reason, and that state and began to regard the alont, that- belief is possible, faith as either rationally de­ which, of course, altogether monstrable in all its tenets or eliminates the force and perti­ not to be unconditionally as­ nence of divine faith. sented to. ' The other key passage has to There followed a year of do with the inadequacy of words teaching at Mt. St. Mary's, after to convey divine truth. It is ob­ which he was uneipectedly ~­ vious that the fullness of such called to his diocese, and to his truth cannot be put in words, intense displeasure, assigned as but the author at the very least an assistant in a parish. came close to denying that a Stops Offering Mass definition of dogma is possible. The bishop, on reading the In 1938 the was: chosen for the letter, withdrew the author's Catholic chaplaincy and profes­ sorship of religion at the State faculties. But the bishop did not iJniversity of Iowa. There his know all the reasons for the author's' ambiguous attitude acquaintance with various theo­ toward the priesthood. ries held by his. faculty col­ leagues led him ,to review the The latter had by now devel­ matter on the foundations of his oped a sentimentai attachment faith. (nothing more) to a woman Although he never gave up student. There were to be prayer, he scanted his obligation other such involvements. And as to the Divine Office, then the author was working out a stopped offering Mass except on line of rationalization establish­ the relatively few occasions ing, to' his satisfaction, the in­ when his position required it. validity of his ordination. In 1942 he sought and obtained He convinced himself that he from his superiors a leave of had assumed the obligation of absence. For several months he celibacy in substantial ignorance, was in California. He read Prot­ and that the obligation was therefore not· freely assumed, estant literature, went to Protes­ tant churches ("I was prepared consequently was not binding. to seek the truth even in the And his entering the priesthood m0 st apparently unlikely was, as he now interpreted it, places"). He wondered about the result of unconscious com­ leaving the Church, about going pulsion which,. to him. ir>vali­ dated hi's ordination. over to Anglicanism. Marriage, Divorce But he returned,-very briefly, This .double thesis he argues to his position at the university. When a successor was ready to and reargues throughout the book, not only as if seeking to take over, the author wa·s of­ persuade the reader, 'but also fered a pastorate. He wrote the

as if still seeking to persuade joy in reconciliation wi1h the himself. To thi~ reader, at any Church and in reception of the rate, there apears no cogency to sacraments after a long interval, his contention. In any case, he is movingly expressed. submitted it to Rome almost a One's thought on closing the decade ago, and has had n'o book is that expressed at the reply concerning it. outset of the review: the ante­

For awhile he was out of the cedents, maturity of personality,

Church, his faith shattered. He emotional stability of the as­ worked for a number of years pirant to the priesthood must be for Cecil B. DeMille, and went thoroughly explored. through a marriage ceremony If they are not, trouble may with an associate in the DeMille ensue, not only for him, but for offic~. ·Of this union, eventually' the Church and for an incalcu­ terminated' by divorce, there lable number of people. were two children. Returns to Church .'Apostolate of Sea' The Catholic faith kept pre­ NEW ORLEANS (NC) - The occupying him. Try a's he would ~atholic Hierarchy has to find a way of honestly enter­ U. S. ing another church, he came to designated the first Sunday of the conclusion that for him it May-May 5 of this year-as was Catholicism or nothing, and . National Apostleship of the Sea that believe in it he must. His Sunday, it was announced here. ~.






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_.. _ .._O'-O_._._D_I....


Al«.rtUK-Ulocese or fall JUVer-lhun., May"" tYA



Students, Faculty, Diocese Rejoice At Formal Dedication Ceremonies Of Bishop Cassidy High School Schools of the Diocese join in welcoming to their ranKS Bishop Cassidy High School in Taunton, which will be formally dedicated tomorrow at ceremonies presided over by Francis Cardinal Spellman. Cassidy students will par­ ticipate in the festive occa­ At Prevost High in Fall River sion and fellow teenagers seniors Norman Dumaine and will rejoice with them at Paul Dumais received highest honors. Also receiving highest this happy time. May is the month of Our Lady and students throughout the Di­ ocese are participating in special devotions in her bonoI'. Shrines have been set up in tne various schools and devotions are being held either on a scho01-wide basis or in the individual class­ rooms. On Sunday., .May 5 the annual Holy F~lIlilly Mayorowning will be held in St. Lawrence -Churcl1 in New Bedford with the entire student body attending. Girl class officers 'Will ;present flow­ ers to the Blessed Virgin. Elaine Mathews, '!lenior class secretary,. will be crown bearer and Mary 'Tynan, senior class treasurer, will crown our Lady. After the crowning the student body will recite the act of consecration .and Bishop James Gerrard will !\peak to the students. The cere­ mony win close with benedic­ tion. Meanwhile, .plans are being made by the New Bedford Curia of the Legion of Mary to hold a May :rally at 2:30 Sunday after­ noon, May 19 in Buttonwood park, New Bedford. All high schools in the New Bedford area will participate :in the program. Bishop Stang' High in North Dartmouth will be represented by their high school band. Sacred Hearts Academy in Fairbaven will -send their glee club, the lIoly Family High School sodal­ ity from New Bedford will at­ "tend and St. Anthony High will -send all high school altar boys. lIighlights of the event will be the procession, the crowning of the statue of Our Lady, the living rosary and a sermon by Rev. ,John A Captwell. Honor !loUt! A closed retreat for the boys of St. Anthony High in New Bedford will be held the week­ end of May 10. The retreat, spon­ sored by the Serra Club of New Bedford, will be free of charge and any student wishing to take part may obtaininore inIorma­ tion from the Junipero Club president, Richard Beaulieu. And the Junipero Club at Bishop Stang High heard Dr. Arthur F. Buckley speak about miracles in C'lneral but devoted most of his lecture to (lescribing the documented cures which have been approved by the Lourdes Medical Bureau. Honor Rolls are in the news at three of ·our Diocesan high schools. At Coyle High in Taun­ ton the following seniors re­ ceived high honors: Neil Bowen, John Cabral, David Gay, Joseph Costa, James Smith and Michael Souza. Seven juniors, 15 soph­ onKIres and three freshmen also 'NeeiYecl l1igh 'boners.

honors were five juniors, five sophomores and six freshmen. . And at Bishop Stang High the following received first honors according to an announcement by Sister Anne Denise, S.N.D., principal: Susan Walsh, Thomas Souza, Frances Przybyla and Diane Leblanc. :t.a.lguag~


Scholarships are in the news too :at some of 01U" Diocesan high schools. At Sacred Hearts Acad­ emy in Fall River scholarships hav.e been received by Rita Sul­ livan who plans to attend Em­ =anuel Oollegeand Mary Beth Jette whe plans to attend Stone­ hill College. Both girls have at­ tended the Academy on four­ year scholarships. ~ And six Prevost seniors have been awarded ,scholarships. Rich­ ard L. Jusseaume will enter Walsh College in 'Canton, O. and Marcel R. Chretien will enter Northeastern Univ.ersity to ma­ jor in pharmacY. 'The other four scholarship' recipients will at­ tend Providence College. They are Ronald H. Caisse, Paul N. Morrissette, Henri-Louis Thi­ boutot and Norman J. Dumaine. From Jesus-Mary Academy in FalI River comes the announce­ ment .that Collette Dufault, a junior, has been awarded a medal for winning the Facit typewriti.ng contest. -Collette will now compete in a regional con­ test to be held at Archbishop Cushing Central High School in South Boston. And on Monday, May 6 the language department at Bishop Feehan High' in Attleboro will present an assembly program to the student body. Un'der the di­ rection of Sister Mary Angelica and Sister Maz:y Sheila the stu­ dents have written original plays for the occasion. . The Latin program, "A Day in Old Rome," uses the device of a dream. When Donna Gamache, a Latin student, falls asleep do­ ing Latin homework, historic characters from the Roman past appear and describe' the great­ ness that was Rome's. Members of the French de­ partment offer a sidewalk scene irom present-day France. Cur­ rent figures from literature, sci­ ence and the arts appear in their play entitled "Cafe Parisienne.," 'Spring Concert "':t Dominican Academy ill FalI River the alumnae associa­ tion has invited the senior class to attend the annual Communion breakfast to be held in the cO&­ vent hall on Sunday, May 19.. Also from Dominican Acad­ emy, the juniors 'have announced that the junior-senior banquet wIll be held at .. 'Swansea ~

taurant the evening of Thursday, May 16. All sch1:lols in the Fall River area have been invited to a vol­ ley ball play day to be held at Sacred Hearts Academy in Fall River on Saturday, MaS'" 4. ' And at Stang High the dra­ matics club is busy editing a one-act play. The play, entitled "In the Shadows" will be pre­ sented by the club at a student government assembly in the near future. The Coyle High School music department will present its an­ nual Spring concert Thursday through Saturday, May 23 to May 25. The concert band, swing band and the glee club will com­ bi~ their efforts toward the success of the production. The concert band, under the direction of Brother William Lowney, C.S.C., will. feature music of varioUs styles. Included in the program will be Ander. son's "Serenata." The highlight of the swing band will be the jazz version of "Anvil Chorus." And Brother William Babbitt's glee club will present a series of standard songs, induding "Ken­ tucky Babe," "April Showers" and "Creation." National Honor Society Seniors at Dominican Acad. emy are looking forward to a long weekend which will begin Wednesday, May 8. Fifty-five seniors will go to New York that day for a field trip to the United Nations building. It will be a long weekend be­ cause on the two following days, Thursday and Friday, May 9 and 10, all schools in the Diocese will be closed for the teachers' convention, which will be held this year at Feehan High in At­ tleboro. Feehan students will act as guides and general helpers during the twO-day convention. In conjunction with the meet­ ing, there will be a Diocesan school science fair. Entries in the fair will be the best exhibits from aU schools in the Diocese. The fair will be open to the pub­ lic on Thursday evening, May 9, from 6:30 until 8 o'clock. Members of the National Hon­ or Society at Holy Family High have been invited to attend a -conference which will be held at Attleboro High School for the purpose of establishing a re­ gional organization of honor society chapters, the boundary ·of which willapproxirna,te that of the Southeastern Massachu­ setts Student Council Associa­ tion. Purposes of the organiza­ tion are to give prestige' to the society, to compare standards of election and to discuss mutual problems. The conference will be held on Thursday, May 23 and the following representatives from Holy Family will attend: Mar. ilYR Mulcairns, Edwal'Cl Parr, Richard Pariseau, Irene Grif.. tiths, Bonita Gomez, Mareia Lacala and Theresa Walsh. Sodatit7 EleetioM Seven Stang High studenta will participate in the annual Massachusetts state Science Fair to be held at Massachusetts 1ft­ stitute 01. T-ed1nology :for three days beginning tomorrow. Those who will ~ are Alfred Saulniers,. William Rousseau,

Roy Toulan, Jean Ann Muldoon,' Carolyn Correia, Robert Murray and James Murphy. On Sunday, May 5 sodalists at Jesus-Mary Academy will go to Villa Augustina, N. H., to attend a sodality institute. Sodality elections at the academy were held recently and the following were elected: Denise Gelinal re­ elected prefect; Lea LaFlamme, vice-prefect; Jeanne Robidoux, secretary and Muriel Mongeon, treasurer. Participating in the business skill meet at Johnson and Wales School of Business on Saturday, May 11 will be Pauline Berard, Barbara Silvia and Diane Croteau, all of Jesus-Mary. And the following students from Holy Family Higll scored 100 per cent in the N.O.M.A. arithmetic tests' given there to all students enrolled in the busi­ ness course: Arlene Paiva, James Corrado, Sandra Smith, Louise JUdd and Christine Szeliga. All received proficiency certificates. The Athletics Association at Dominican Academy is sponsor­ ing a freshmen day the after­ noon of Monday, May 6. Dominican Academy's intra-

mural basketball games have been completed. Ten teams, all named for breakfast cereals,

competed for the trophy. Win­

ning team was "Mother's Oats,"

captained by seniOr Josephine Costa. Meanwhile, the girls' gym classes have been bouncing with excitement. During the past few weeks class play-offs for the badminton tournament have been taking place. Within a short time finalists will meet in competi­ tion to which the entire student body has been invited. Tennis Films And the Feehan tennis club will view three instructional films, provided by the United States Lawn Tennis Association, of which Feehan is a member. If you are a student at Stang High, beware of the "Candid Camera." Members of the senior class are busy 'working on se. . eral committees in order to in­ sure the success of Stang's first graduating class ceremonies. One committee is in charge of mem­ ory book, and members warD that a roving photographer III ever present to catch the unwary student.



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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., May 2', 1963

Regrets Catholics' Attitude Toward Father Bouquillon By Most Rev. Robert J. Dwyer, D. D.

Bishop of R!lno


It was hi NO\rember, 1891, that the Reverend Thomas Bouquillon, .profes,Sor of Moral Theology at the young 'and struggling Catholic University of America, Washington, D.C., published his 'now famous pamphlet on "Education, To Whom Does It Belong?" Bouquillon was a Belgian, a only should but indeed must exercise ~ts power to afford ·its Louv.aln scholar, at home subjects reasonable and equal with the democratic liberal­ educational opportunitIes.

ism which flourished in his na· tive land during the latter part of the 19th cen­ tury, compara­ tively unspoiled by the anti­ religious b i a s which vitiated so much of Con­ tinental liberal­ ism (l,uring that same period and long after So it seemed to him a fairly obvious thing to say that the state as an institution has a very positive stake in the edu­ cation of its citizens. In Belgium religious educa­ tion, practically synonymous with the Catholic schools, was on par with secular education, and received from the state-de­ pending somewhat on the min­ istry in office-at least the min­ imum for teaching and operation. Looking over the United States with fresh eyes, he saw no rea­ son why the same happy solu. tion could not be reached here. He wrote the pamphlet' as he later confessed, a bit hurriedly, and while he was careful to stress that the primary and ori­ ginal right in education rests with parenthood itself, and that religion has rights in the matter upon which the state cannot in justice infringe, he scanted the ~evelopment of these ideas in bis haste to emphasize the role of the state. Glorious Fracas His intention, manifestly, was to allay the suspicion that the Catholic Church claimed an alto­ gether exclusive power over, the education of her youth. The substance of Bouquillon's essay, as well as of his further elucidations in reply to his critics, is pretty much common­ place in Catholic educational thinking today, and has been so for a long time. Then, unfortunately, heated tempers and exacerbated person­ ality clashes magnified it into a glorious fracas, involving the Catholic and secular press, all the editors who felt called upon to "view with alarm" or to take up cudgels in defense, together r4ir' with the more vocal members of thf' hierarchy, who thus early gave the lie direct to the canard that American bishops are all bound to think alike on every subject under the sun. Referred to Rome So angry did the debate be­ come between those who saw eye to eye with Bouquillon tha,t the state does have some rights in the educational field and those who regarded such an ad­ mission as a Garrisonian "coven­ ant with death and an agree­ ment with hell", .that the ques­ tion ultimately was referred to the Holy See. There the matter was decently interred, and Bou­ quillon, unrebuked, continued his teaching.

But the intensity of the mood,

the representations and misrep­

resentations made to Rome on

this and kindred subjects of the

day no doubt played their part ill evoking the letter Testem Benevolentiae from Pope Leo XIII to Cardinal Gibbons, on .lan. 22, 1899. The letter, actually, had noth­ ing to say specifically concern­ ing the school controversy, but

offered much sound advice and

. a prudential warning against any incipent American form of ~ . Modernism. State Has Rights American Catholics have long

aareed publicly and privately,

that the stat" has definite rights in the field of education, and not

Parental authorit:ll' must never be minimized or thwarted, but neither should it be misused in such a way as to deny the boon of educa'tion to the young. The rights of religion, and sp~cifi­ cally of the Church, in the intel­ lectual and moral :formation of her children are not to be de­ nied, and from anyone point of view there ought to be no conflict between any or all of these interests and rights. Power of Taxation There is no question but that the decade of the '90s formed a watershed in American educa­ tional thinking and practice. It was then that the state, con. ceived solely as a secular insti­ tution pursuing strictly secular aims, launched a program of public education for the entire body of the nation's youth, using for the purpose its wellnigh lim. itless power of taxation. It was then that the decision was made, consciously or uncon­ sciously, for the state to move massively into a sphere which up to that time had largely been preempted by religion, Protes­ tant or Catholic.

It may not have been foreseen

that in time this massive invasion w 0 u 1 d practically amount to the exclusion of reli­ gion from competition in the field, but the point had actually been made. In the minds of a few key figures it was a delib. erate maneuver. Missed Significance So Father Bouquillon, his de­ fenders and his cri.tics, may, not have grasped,at the time the full significance of what was afoot, but their uneasiness, even the . very bitterness of their deba·te, might well indicate a sense of an impending conflict. True, the Catholic school pro. gram had already been launched by the Councils of Baltimore, es­ pecially those of 1866 and 1884, but it was hardly realized then how titanic the struggle would eventually become between reli. gion and secularism for control of the American mind. And it was even less clearly realized how potent a weapon secularism had appropriated when it assumed, almost with. out question, the power of taxa. tion as its unique prerogative. Lost by Default "The old, unhappy, far-off things, and battles long ago'" '" "'" But perhaps if more of his con­ temporaries in Catholic America had listened to Father Bouquil­ Ion with greater respect, and been less prone to denounce him as a foreign-born troublemaker, we might today be much farther ahead, in our contest with secu­ larism for the American soul. We might have understood the terms of the conflict more clear- ' ly. It might just be hinted that secularism, back in the '90's, won the first round of the fight almost by default.



Unilateral Action on Cuba Dangerous • Hemisphere Reds 'Mean to Stay' In MIAMI BEACH (NC) - A former Prime Minister of Peru warned here that unilateral ac­ tion by the U.S'~ or any other nation of the Americas in re­ gard to Cuba could aid Soviet designs . in the western hemi­ sphere. Pedro Beltran told. the 53I'd annual convention of the Catho­ lic Press Association that the communists "mean to stay" in the hemisphere, and he made a strong plea for American na­ tions to stand united against this common enemy. Beltran, Peru's Prime Minister and Minister. of Finance from 1959 to early 1962, was the main speaker at the convention ban­ quet. Now publisher and editor of La Prensa, a daily in Lima, Peru, Beltran said later in his speech that Catholic journalists are in a key position to help bring about inter-American un­ derstanding. He stressed first that Cuba is the nerve center of operations for communist subversion of Latin America, and that a base so useful to the Soviets "is not going to be easily relinquished." "To understand the real threat of Cuba," he continued, "the first thing to bear in mind '" '" '" is the fact that the communists are in the hemisphere and that they mean to stay." Beltran said that while people in North America look upon Cuba in the light of "immediate danger of acts of war," South Americans see the threat in a different light. 'Ideal Center' "We see Cuba," he said, "as an ideal center of operations for the subversion of Latin America, fal" handier and more effective


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in Khrushchev's plan for this part of the world than Mother Russia. Russia is too far away. A different language is spoken there. Eurasian culture is in­ scrutable. ''Cuba, on the other hand, is on target. Not only is the

language the same but the wa., of life is a replica of what is found in other Latin American countries. Even the climate is f a v 0 r a b I e. Latin American youths who are enticed to Cuba for indoctrination feel at home immediately'"



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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fan River-Thurs., May 1, 1963

" r




Pope Lauds Press Association Service

Security and Immortality

God Love You


By Most Rev. Fulton J. Sheen, D. D. Everyone is Iivin~ longer' in the United states today, and

with increased longevity comes the problem of security. It would

be very interesting to go back into the literature of the

nineteenth century to see how often the word "security" is

found. Very likely, wherever we find "security" today, we would

have found the word "immortality" then. In other words, "se­

curity" is the economic side of "~orlality."

This is precisely the way it appears in the Gospels. Our Lord told the story of the man who added bam to barn in order to give him that final security where he could say to himself: "Come, soul, thou hast goods laid up for many years to come; take thy rest now * * *" It was not eternal rest but temporal rest he sought, not immortality bu·t security, not merit but cash. And it was all thought of in terms of MY bams, MY harvest, MY goods - as if the Lord had given him nothing! Does this mean there Is no place for

security in our lives? Most certainly not.

The Scriptures condemn the ID&D who

makes no provision for the morrow. But

.security must never be purchased at the

cost of eternal salvation; there must be a

.1Ulion of the $woo How is this possible? If you. were to sit down

.and think of a plan this is probably what you would decide: "I

would like two things: 1) to be assured of an incomJ: while 1 Bve, and 2) to have it disposed of at Cleath so there would be no lawsuits, no quarreling among relatives and less tax bite. Most important, 1 would like it to go to the poOrest of God's pOor. And 1 would want the Vicar of Christ to· make the dis­ tribution of my capital, because he knows the needs of the poor better than L" By taking out an annuity with The Society for the Propaga­ tion of the Faith,. you can combine both of these aims. The in­ come is yours during life - you win receive payments and Me protected by the sound insurance laws of .the State of New York. Then, at your death, the Holy Father's own Society transfers the capital to him, and he uses it to aid the poor of the mission world. Write to The Society for the Propagation of the Faith, including the date of your birth, and we will send you our pamphlet on annuities. Remember: "How vain the toils that mortal men do take

To hoard up gold, that time doth turn to dross,

Forgetting Him Who only for their sake

His Precious Blood did shed upon the Cross,

And taught us all in heaven to hoard our treasure,

Where true increase doth grow above all measure."

Grateful for Aid to Church, Divine Mission MIAMI BEACH (NC) - Pope John has expressed his "warm commendation and gratitude for the valuable service which the Catholic P.ress Association and its members are rendering to the Church and her divine mission." His praise is in a letter to the 500 delegates attending the convention here of the CPA ­ association of Catholic news papers, magazines and general publishers in the U.S. and Canada. The complete text of the letter follows: Your Excellency, the Sover­ eign Pontiff Pope John XXIII has graciously instructed me to convey his paternal greetings to the Catholic Press Association of the United States of America on the occasion· of its annual convention. In his discourses and messages His Holiness has repeatedly stressed the obligation of an n~wspapermen to dedicate their work to the cause of truth and justice, and he has frequently reminded representatives of the Catholic press that it is their duty to cooperate in every way in consolidating and spreading the Kingdom of Christ among men. The delegates attending the forthcoming annual conven­ tion of Catholic Press Associa­ tion of the United States will be familiar with those -exhorta­ tions of the Holy Father and of his predecessors in the pon­ tificate, and they will find there­


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in much useful material for their guidance and their discus­ sions. The Holy Father directs me to express his warm commenda­ tion and gratitude for the valu­ able service which the Catholic Press Association and its mem­ bers are rendering to the Church and her divine mission, and he fervently prays that the delib­ ·erations of this convention may be guided by the Holy Spirit so that they may be productive 'of even more copious spiritual fruits. It is in pledge of that heavenly favor, and in token of His pater­ nal interest and benevolence, that ~s Holiness cordially im­ parts to Your Excellency, to the officers and members of the Catholic Press Association and to all the delegates attending the convention, his speciat' apos­ toIle benediction. .

first fridians Members of Fall River Fil'lrt Friday Club will hear Rev. Ger­ ~ld T. Shovelton, curate at St. Mary's Church, Taunton, at their supper meeting, following 5:30 Mass at Sacred Heart Church tomorrow evening. He will dis­ cuss work done on behalf of Puerto .Ricans ip the Taunton

Gladly do I add the expressioa of my own prayerful good wishes for the success of the convention, and, assuring Your Excellency of my high esteem and cordial regard, I remain, yours sincerely in Christ.





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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., May 2', 1963



Prelate Says Encyclical Stresses Traditional S'ocial Theory By Msgr. George G. Higgins Director, NCWC Social Action Department

Pope John xxnrs new encyclical, "Pacem in Terris" fPeace on Earth), has received more favorable comment ill the American press than any other papal document in living memory. Laudatory columns and editorials on the encyclical have appeared in nition," Mr. Hughes pointed 'out. almost every major news­ "And a Catholic tradition paper and magazine in the stubbornly fighting ram pan t United States. Of those that nationalism, through those same


have come to our attention, Emmett Hughes' piece, "The Lively Papacy," (N e wsweek, Ap,ril 22) is one of the best. Iti addition to giving an ade­ quate summary of the contents of the encycli­ w, Mr. Hughes managed, with­ .. the limits of a v e r y brief column, to put the document into some kind of historical perspective. Whereas the writers of many of the other editorials and columns on the encyclical greeted it with a certain air of pleasant and grateful surprise - and even, in !lOme cases, of astonishment ­

Hughes saw it as another logical step forward in the orderly development of Catholic social and political thought. Catholic Traditi9D He was very much impressed, of course, by the "boldness" of the encyclical and by the ''vigor of its thrusts." But even the boldest of its pronouncements, he suggested, "may provoke more astonishment than they de­ serve. In a serious sense, four centuries of modern history stand behind them." "A Catholic tradition rarely distracted, over those centuries, by the premises - or the pro­ mises - of an unbridled 'free economy' can greet a new age, more alert to the commonweal, with a sigh of relief and recog-


centuries, can rejoice, too, in the reriewal of Europl:'s and the world's ancient quest for politi­ cal unity." Similar Essay Mr. Hughes' discerning an­ alysis of the new encyclical against the backg,round of tradi­ tional Catholic social theory brings to mind a similar essay on the same general subject by Reinhold 'N i e b u h r of Union Theological Seminary and Alan Heimert of HarvQl"d University. , In a recent book, "A Nation So Conceived," these two Prot­ estant scholars have analyzed Catholic lJOCial and political theory in much the same way as Hughes has done in his News­ week column. "Catholicism," they point .out,

"never doubts the social and communal substance of human existence." They illustrate this' conclu­ sion by citing the attitJ,lde of the Church with regard to exagger­ ated individualism in the eco­ nomic order and exaggerated nationalism in the political order. Catholic social theory, they indicate, has never been

Fr. Robitaille Is to Install Rev. Eugene Robitaille, SS.CC., novice master at Sacred Hearts Novitiate, Fairhaven; will speak at installation ceremonies for Jesus-Mary Alumnae and Par­ ents' Association to be held at Jesus-Mary Academy auditori­ um, Fall River at 8 Wednesday night, May 8. Father Robitaille will also in­ stall the new officers, including Mrs. George Sevigny, president; Mrs. Wilfred Demers, vice-pres­ ident; Miss Therese Cadrin, cor­ responding secretary; Miss Ce­ cile Gendreau, treasurer; Mrs. Rob e r t Chouinard, recording secretary.


Accordingly - as Hughes haa

pointed out in his Newsweek column - the pronouncements of the new encyclical on these two matters should not have come as a surprise.

"Catholic theory,'! they continue, "'always emphasized the supremacy of political authority over economic institutions, and was therefore prepared for the Theory Praetlce increasing intervention CYl the Obviously, however, there Is state in economic, affairs by a vast difference between Cath­ which the injustices of early in- olic social theory and the every­ dustrialism were eliminated and day practice of .individual Cath­ the modern welfare state was olics. While it is true, in other established." words, that four centuries of Turning from economic theory modern history stand behind the to the subject of political na- pronouncements of the encycli­ tionalism, Niebuhr and Heimert cal, "Pacem in Terris," the prac­ point out that Catholic social tice of Catholics during these theory has traditionally called same four centuries has too for limitations on national sov- often been at odds with the ereignty in the interest of the traditional tea chi n g of the universal common good. Church. The "universalistic overtones" T<lwards the end of the en­ of Catholic theory, they con- cyclical Pope John himself clude, "prevent a parochial na- laments this inconsistency be­ twnal community from re- tween Catholic theory and Cath­ garding its interests as the final otic practice and calls upon the norms of political policy." faithful to reestablish an "in­ .Hughes, Niebuhr and Heimert ternal unity" between their are substantially correct in 'religious convictions and their stating that Catholic social manner of acting in the tem­

theory has traditionally opposed poral order.

the philosophy of exaggerated Let us hope that American

economic individualism and the.. Catholics will be among the first

philosophy of exaggerated na- . to. rise to this challenge.


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OS 2-1838











THE ANCHOR-Diocese'of Fall River-thurs., May 2, 1963 23



Teachers Meet Continued :from Page One l'\"'ally Co., "Geography Turns Spaceward", at 3:30. Secondary-Francis P. Powers, D.Ed. assistant professor, BOB­ ton College, "Curriculum Devel­ opment in Today's School". "The first session on Friday morning will be presided over by Most Rev. James J. Gerrard, V.G., Auxiliary Bishop of the Diocese. William J. Reedy, A.M., member of the editorial staff of William H. Sadlierm Inc., will address this general session on "Kerygmatic Renewal in Reli. gious Education", at 10 o'clock. The first afternoon --session will be for the elementary de. partment. The speaker will be Sister Mary Francille, S.S.J., as­ sociate professor, Regis College, "Witness to the World (Liturgy and Catechetics)", at 2 o'clock. Religion, Science, Soc i a 1 Studies, Business, and Music will be discussed at the second­ arysession'at 2 o'clock at Gui:­ riculum Committee Open Meet­ ings. Grades i-6 of the Elementary section will be topic at the '3:15 meeting. ,The speaker will be- Sr. Mary Owen, R.S.M., St. Mary's Academy" Bayview. Her topic, !'A Physical Education that Works", will be demonstrated by students from St. Mary's Acad. emy, Bayview. A report to the General Meet­ ing will be made by each Cur­ riculum Committee at 3:15 duro ing the secondary session. The convention will close at 4:30 with the presentation of the Science Exposition awards.

Dedication , Continued kom Page One them. _ The chairman of' the day is Rev. T-'l1es F. Lyons, assistant at the Immaculate Conception Church, Taunton, and campaign director of the 1960 fund raising drive. _ The chairman will introduce Dr. Clement Maxwell, area gen­ eral chairman for the drive, and Rev. Patrick J. O'Neill, Dio­ cesan Superintendent of Schools. Both will address the assembly. Most Rev. James E. Connolly, Bishop of the Diocese of Fall River, under whose sponsorship direction this third regional high school of the Diocese was ere c ted, will be the third speaker on the program. T!le presiding prelate, Cardi­ nal Spellman, will close the speaking program. The school's club will sing the recessional.

Fall River Council Fall River Particular Council, Society of St. Vincent de Paul, will meet at 7:45 Tuesday night; May 7 at 51. Jean Baptiste Church for Ben e d i c t ion. A meeting will follow at 8.



Barnstable Host to Diocesan Women's Convention 'Continued from Page One Miss Margaret M. Lahey assist­ ing in the workshop as lay chairman. Others servfng on the panel are: Mother Mary Anthony, Catholic Memorial Home, Fall River; Sister Mary Joel, Naza. reth-on-the-Cape; Rev. John E. Boyd, Director of the Catholic Welfare Bureau;' Rev. John F. Hogan,Director of the New Bed. ford Bureau of Catholic WeI. fare.Mr. Robert V. McGowan of No. Attleboro will serve as the moderator. The panel on Family and Par. ent Education will be beaded by Rev. Raymond W. McCarthy, Diocesan Director of the Family Life Bureau, assisted by Mrs. James A. O'Brien ofFaU River, Diocesan Lay Chairman. ,Mrs. Adrien Piette of So..At­ tleboro and a member of the National Board on Youth and

Rev. Anthony M. Gomes, Fall River, will also participate in this workshop. Also serving as panehsts are: Rev.. Paul F. McCarrick, Fall River; Mrs. Vincent A. Coady of Somerset, DCCW officer; and Mrs. Paul Dumais, Fall River, of the CFM. Participating speakers in the youth discussion will be Rev.. John W. Pegnam, Hyannis, mod­ erator; Rev. Walter A. Sullivcan, Diocesan CYO Director; and Mrs. George Bauza of Norton. John Niedswtcki of Hyannis, Frank $wift of Brewster, arid Diane Purpura of Orleans. The Confraternity of Christian

Benedictine Oblates

Doctrine panel will be under the direction of Rev. Joseph L. Powers, Diocesan Director of the CCD and Mrs. Timothy Neville of Taunton, Lay Director for the Diocese. The Spiritual Development program will be analyzed by Rev. William J. McMahon, Dioc­ esan Director, and Mrs. Russell Collinge of West Harwich, Dioc. esan Lay Chairman. The following items ,will also be discussed: Missals, Mrs. John Maloney of Wareham; Retreats, Mrs. Emmett Almond of Dart­ mouth; Living Rosary, Miss Helen Chace of Fall River; Christ in ChristmpS, Miss Louise Finnell of New Bedford. Mrs. Harold Hayes of So. Yar­

Oblates of St. Benedict will meet at 7:30 Tuesday night, May 7 at St.· Vincent's Home, Fall River.

mouth is general chairman of the, Convention. _ The nominating committee consists of: Mrs. Ralph Patunoff of' Attleboro, chairman; Mrs. Bradley Parker, Centerville; Mrs. Vincent Coady, Somerse\; Mrs. Mabel- Trucchi, Taunton; and Mrs. Joseph G. MrGann, New Bedford.

Ja'mboree Chaplain 'CHICAGO (N C) - Father Maurice F. Meyers, S.J" a Rus­ 'sian teacher and student coun­ selor 'at 81. Ignatius High School here, has been named Catholic chaplain foi' U.S. Boy Scouts attending, the Interna­ tional Scout Jamboree, August 1-11, in Marathon, Greece.


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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., May 2', 1963

Bishop Cassidy's Life Exemplified Dedicated Career


He served in that capacity During his administration the Most Rev. Bishop. James E. until Jan. 1, 1909, when he was Cassidy, D.O., LL.D., imparted Diocese acquired the Anawan named Vicar General by Rt. Rev. an enduring influence on the CYO property and the Rose Daniel F. Feehan, second bishop Lathrop Cancer spiritual and material life of the Hawthorne . of Fall River. Home. entire Southeastern Massachu­ In 1908, the dynamic Father His building program here in­ setts area. He' was known na­ Cassidy was named rector of St. tionally as a great· churchman cludes the Monsignor Prevost Mary's Cathedral. He was ele­ High School, Blessed Sacrament, and patriotic citizen. vated to the rank of Domestic A ppest for nearly 53 years; St. John Baptiste and Sacred Prelate in 1912. bishop of the Fall River Diocese Heart parish schools; St. Mathieu for 17 years; and auxiliary Convent and St. Anthony of the The following year he was ap­ bishop four years prior to his Desert and Holy r-,"ame churches. pointed pastor of St. Patrick's elevation to the episcopal' throne, He acquired and renovated the Church. He served there 21 he wa!l' an inspiring orator and St. Vincent de Paul Camp in years. outspoken critic of social evils. Westport, constructed St. Pat­ He was consecrated as Auxil­ He was an ardent supporter of rick's Church and the Convent iary Bishop of Fall River and civic righteousness and militant of the Missionaries of the titular Bishop of Ibora on May cruSader. His convictions were Blessed Trinity in Wareham; 27, 1930, in St. Mary's Cathedral strong and policies, aggressive. built St. Thomas More Chapel in by Most Rev. Pietro Fumasoni­ His was an era of social re­ Somerset, St. Jude's Chapel in Biondi, D.D., Archbishop of Doc­ form, and his voice, loud and Santuit, St. John's' Chapel in lea, then Apostolic Delegate unmistakingly clear, castigated Pocasset. from RQme to the United States. injustice at all levels. He was During his episcopate the Hundreds of priests and high one of the great figures in this churches of Holy Name and St. church dignitaries from across area, a dedicated church leader, Joseph, as well as Mt. Carmel the United States attended. It a genuine giant of his time. School were ere,cted in New was one of the most magnificent Bedford. Foe of Exploitation ceremonies conducted here. He added churches at Horse~ Bi3hop Cassidy met head on, He was appointed Bishop of the problems of oppression and neck Beach, Attleboro, Assonet ' Fall River on Aug. 1, 1934 by and East Brewster. He pur. exploitation. He spent his early Pope Pius XI. The Vatican's chased and renovated property life as a mill .worker. formal confirmation was given in Fairhaven as an adjunct to It has been said of the late on April 5, 1935. bishop, that he was a good the Catholic Memorial Home Friend of Common People and called the home Our Lady's friend and bad enemy. Bishop Cassidy attended the Death of a baby burned fatally Haven. Noted Patriot coronation of Pope Pius XII, the while its mother was away at Bishop Cassidy evinced a sin. 262nd pope, in Vatican City in work, it is said, first brought March of 1939. In 1937, he at­ home to him the importance of cere interest in the servicemen tended the 33rd Eucharistic con­ day nurseries. His parishioners of our country. He convertep Masonic Hall on }.'ranklin Street ference in Manila. at St. Mary's Cathedral and oth­ Bishop Cassidy was 81 years ers of the diocese presented him into a USO center in World War II. old when he died May 17, 1951. a $3,500 auto upon his assign­ Evidence of his patriotism is During his lifetime he was a ment to St. Patrick. He asked leader who stung complacent permission to cancel the order the George Washington Monu­ government officials and self­ for the car and use the money ment at Highland Avenue and gratiating barons of industry, instead as a nucleus for building New Boston Road. and also called on labor to give The cost of the memorial was St. John's Day Nursery. employers a full day's work. The incident so impressed a defrayed by contdbutions of the Of himself, the late Bishop wealthy Fall River Protestant Catholic children of the Diocese had this to say: "I do not m.Dve that he gave him a check several of Fall River. in so-called select circles. My At the dedicatipn of the monu­ , MOST REVEREND JAMES E. CASSIDY, D.D. times larger, which made pos­ life has been spent largely sible immediate construction of ment, July 4, 1942, Bishop Cas­ working with and for common, sidy said: "The motive behind the order. He was the first the nursery. He t()ok special courses in sci­ everyday, natural, ordinary, de­ the collection of funds for this American bishop so honored. Friend of Children ence at Johns Hopkins Univer­ Beneath his gruffness was a monument was and is purely sityand'later studied in Rome. ' cent God-fearing people who He was honored by the Uni­ earn their bread by poorly paid warmth that was manifest in patriotic. We were anxious that From 1896 to 1899, he taught toil and labor." many ways. He was happy in in the kaleidoscopic changes of versity of Notre Dame in 1932, when that school conferred itS science at Dunwoodie Seminary, Bishop Cassidy denied himself seeing the joy of children at today the founders of our Re­ many comforts, shunning any play, He was known to buy half public, the things for which they honorary Doctorate' of Laws New York. degree upon him. Bishop Cas­ Bishop Cassidy was ordained semblance of luxury or ease. a dozen 'or more baseballs and fought and so many died, their­ Prior to his silver jubilee stand inconspicuously on the individual sterling qualities and sidy delivered the baccalaureate to the priesthood in SS. Peter sermon at the commencement. and Paul Cathedral, Providence anniversary, the then Monsignor principles might not be forgot­ edge of a ball field where chil­ St. Mary Seminary in Baltimore on Sept. 8, 1898, by Rt. Rev. Cassidy told his parishioners in , ten. " dren were playing. had previously bestowed the Matthew Harkins, Bishop of a letter: "I promise you so to From time to time he would Honors Bestowed honorary degree of Doctor of Providence. throw a ball in to replace one stand at the end of 25 years on He was accorded numerous 'batted off the field, scarcely honors during his lifetime. Divinity upon him. the priesthood as I stood on that Pastoral Life Bishop Cassidy was a native of first day, a pauper in the cause noticed by the excited young­ Bishop Cassidy was cited by He served as administrator of of Christ." sters. Pope Pius X~ in 1946 for his Woonsocket, born there Aug. 1, An intimate friend of Bishop He .also worked to have a years of labor :in and for the 1869, son of the late James and St. John's Church in Attleboro in 1899 and was made curate at Cassidy revealed that at the time the late Mary Ann (Burns) waste lot in a mill tenement dis­ church. He was appointed as­ St. Mary's Church, North Attle­ of the jubilee celebration', the ,trict converted into a play­ sistant at the Pontifical throne. Cassidy. then Monsignor's personal wealth ground, Father Kelly Park. It He attended Woonsocket pub-' boro in 1900. In 1939, the government of is a monument t() that' patient Portugal through its minister lic schools and was graduated As Father Cassidy, the late consisted of a $76 bank deposit. effort. ' . The memory of Most Rev. plenipotentiary , to the United from high school there in 1888. bishop was named first chancel­ He sponsored' a Catholic con­ lor and secretary of the Fall Bishop James E. Cassidy, D.D., States, Dr. Joao A. de Bianchi, He studied at St. Charles Col­ LL.D., thir:d bishop of Fall River, ference on industrial problems awarded him the Crimson CroS/t lege, Ellicott City, Md., and was River, Diocese by Rt. Rev. Wil­ in 1932, and in 1935, he twice of the Order 6f ChriSt,' with the graduated from St. Mary's Sem­ liam Stang, first bishop of Fall lives so long as the cause at human rights are advanced. made personal visits t~ Washing­ River. ti tIe of g.rand official, highest in inary, Baltimore, Md., in 1896. ton to plead for aid for the' New ,~_.~._._._._._ _._._._.-.~-• _ _- o __ England textile industry. More than three decades ago, Bishop Cassidy was in the fore­ front of the fight against' Com­ munism. He recognized the Red menace early and scored its in­ filtration of society. He was known as a staunch foe' of intemperance. He was an arch foe of gam­ bling, immoral movies and obscene literature. He was • I fighter of the first rank. ,Diocesan nlonuzoents Monuments to Bishop Cas.. sidy's humanitarianism are scat­ ./ tered throughout the Diocese of Fall River. 2<k. SOUTH. MAIN STREET The Catholic Youth Organiza­ tion was fuunded during his episcopate, ' as well as the Con­ FALL RIVER fraternity of Christian Doctrine, the Catholic Boy Scouts, S0­ ciety for the Propagation of the Faith and the St. Vincent de Paul Society. 14 FIELD STREET He was instrumental in rais­ STATIONS OF THE CROSS ing funds for the convent of the Sisters of the Holy Union of the CRANSTO~ R. I. Sacred Hearts on Prospect AND

Street and for the acquisition of the Church Estate at Nana­ CHAPEL SUPPLIES

quaket, R. I., for the order. Bishop Cassidy was respon­ sible for the construction of Monsignor Coyle High' School in Taunton and the Catholic Me­ morial Home on Highland Ave­ nue, here.




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