Win You Give More Than Yau Ever Gave Before?
~P'i~.~,~t~.) f~:. . ;,~,~~~l~S ,{,~"t;§pe~;'a !': ", ~~ffs -.. :'1lfotes""~ Inle.1'si!e N.®~ CCCEO (;®Ollfrer / Na:;~~~~~';·. Yo~~tra@l11$' Wqrk
~~~r~~~,H~:;2;\~,1,~DfJ ~;,;
Ca. Mtfi@lnl,·$'(;C!rnDi'.01
Fathers of the,s<lqt~d.;He~ W.tlL·~n:': J. .' " , $400;'; '.: '.' .' B!rn F. A. Trac~y Co.' PIDLADELPmA (NC) fL ,...U"lle"I'I5l' 'LI'IlI~t' Avenue, Fall River, Saturday Rev. FrancIs X.' Wallace Ph'} d I h" , hd' _ Uoil.I ll1J""IHI~'iiO morning, May 11. The ceremony $300 1 a e 1>' la 8 are lOces..... NOTRE DAME (NC) , will come at the beginning of J. L. Marshall & Sons, Inc. director of vocations says tm, The Poor Peoples' Campaign an all.-day in-service workshop Rt. Rev. John F. Denehy most intensive vocation :r&> for Fall River l:irea CCD teach$200 cruitment programs in 1hllI in Washington· "may be the ers. Milton Bradley Company Church are centered in Ne~ last great march, our last Renovations to the center, A friend communities. chance to be convinced to do formerly Sacred Hearts Ele$132.
something constructively in mentary School included paint- ' A Friend Referring to ihe remarks ~
h I I ·t t fi d Msgr. Thomas J. Reese, directol1l eae oca commum y o n ing and furnishing classrooms $100 of social services for the Wfll,o realistic solutions to make the and equipping a lounge, bookWalsh Bros. Incorporated promise of America come true store and audio-visual area' for . Sullivan Bros.-Printers mington diocese, that "the CatiP for all Americans," according to the benefit of those aciive in.' 'Rev. ·F. Anatole ~srnarais otic Church is guilty of whib Father. Theodore M. Hesburgh, Confraternity.of Christian .Doc'Rev. 'James A. Dury"", racism due to its lack of NegrQ priests and nuns," Msgr. Ed e.S .' . 'C," pres l'dent 0 f th e U· mver-, trine work. ,Rev; Albert F. Shovelton . sity of Notre Dame. '.' .An open house at the center .... , Rey. ,J;ames A. Clark .~rd J. Thompson said:, .' · ,;H~burgh :S8id tha~ will be held for the public from. "." I,aSalette Shrine-Attleboro "'If there is any organization people "canhrush off; or con'. .. . .. " . ..' .,' ~ which is seeking Negro 'candlFo demn-the rilarch,'but· you cannot' .2 19, 5 Satur~ay .and Sunda! ~\' ,!. • ' ' . ' i' .. ao . ijver" . dates for the priesthood 'and ~ isolate or insulate yourself from" . afternoon~, May 25 . a~d ,26. ,.,': .;:' " ~,. $110~ -:-\ .. ligioUs life, it is the orgaru,zatiOfl ; the pro1;>lerp..tbat tl\e marchpor' , '}Vhite'sFamilyDiiling.;lwom- of Catholic vocation directors.1O trl1YS, because it win continue ~.. IlllJ!'!I . . ~'!l!' ~""'lJ!'~e··I'. White Spa Caterers" to exist in yuur community tQ)Ul9l,1,(J(QJU\9i;!)~ ~v~ti'"' $1000 Brandirig'Msgr. Reese's coma ments "uninformed and rnisin F a,n Ri ver N$at' ional Bank until you have found realistic r,l.1II p..:I,a'l CIllIIIl.e·1I means of eliminating it. Ir \W ll. ~ ~ \9 g 1I'l .... U formed," Msgr. Thompson saicll 75o "We cannot all march," he REV. THOMAS ~. PLUNKETT BUCK HILL FALLS (NC)J. A. Schr.oeder Construction, "'If Msgr. Reese had ever· ... continued, "but each of us can Dr. Eugene Carson Blake Inc. . tended a meeting of Catholid do something even more meanAmerican Presbyterian leade; , '. $508' , .<., , vocatIon directozjl~' he .wouWI · ingful,.....:ereate equality of· opnow serving as general secre- '. 'Mr~ ,& Mrs; ':JOhn',~' ,l'4CGinn know how deeplyrConcerned 1PIl portUIlityi,ned1Jootion, employ" .', , , ; ..... tary of the' World Cotmci!"·of' ;(Leary Press)'. :.', , . .' ...... " . ar¢ in out, aUthentifj ment and housing in our com Churches, told delegateS' to the Mr.~~, MrS. James ,j:; . BullOck . vOcations in 'the Negro'. coma . munity. This is' whatthemareh lon~er wcc's U. S. Confer~nce, conIdeaLLauridry:-:;·",'· . , ., . munity. His, lopsi~ed ernphamr is all about." ..'. .' SANTIAGO (NC)-Twen- vention herein Pennsylvania '~·19." . , i'i"v :·,:.$30cf'. I'~,>; . ';'\ ",dOes no: serVice', te;·,:1he:.' white Fatner 'Hesburgh's :stiltement ty~five years in March. preach the Gospel to a. hungry'" 'Geiier3l Cleaning & Sales Co.. oommunity, to the 'black com. ::' on the' Poor.·Peoples' Campaign' . . . . , " .. ' . ' . . . , . " , man without ·jpving' him food' .IDe. " .·.,e:: ::,t ,:', .. :', munity ,or"to the Church COJlDoo ':, cllme in response· to 8 ,request, .o~ ,1.943,..thefll~t;~~p. o! 'is both futile and cruel.'" ': "0." ; Fjrst:Federal Savings & Loan munity." \ from Notre Dame's· Student' ,12 Milryknoij ,mlsslpn~rs ~rIn. a plea' uriingihe involve- r'lAss()C. :, , , ." " ,"\ Government, which 'is' organiz- . 'rived"in tilfs South, .~~Jican. ment of ·the ,Christian churches", . i , " '258 " , .. ,\,',' iog ac~llec.tiontof c,lothing <mcl.. C?opntI'Y,. , throughout .tlie world in·the'., '. :W~b.~, Oil CompiulY . , ~~n~y ,'~o,~ use by (ca~paign" ,Today...Chile .,.is ho~e $200 r ., 5;1: sOcial, economic and political :', . '.> " ., sp0J.lsors~ ,,¥llry~nolll;!rs including,"after '8 que~tions of o\Jr tirite,Dr. 'Biake ',FilnRiver Gl~ Co. quarter of a century of work said: " . " ···St.' .Anne's Shrine I BHOPAL (NC) Valerimfi here for each, four of ·the origi';n is because I believe the . $~75 Cardinal Gracias of Bombay hall hal group - Maryknoll Fathers ,Christian faith most fully com- . RoQ.ery A .. Wl1cox called for India's rededicatiOli Thomas J. Piunkett, 'James V. prehends .the reality of human, . $150. Manning, Joseph H. Cappel, and life and exis~nce on this planet :rextile Workers Umon of Am- .to the ideal!l of Mahatma Gandh!l during celebrations of the' Gaaa P. Martin ~unqe. ..,. , that I believe the churches have erica, AFL-CIO DES, MOI~ES (NC)-,.The ex d}1i birth centennial next year. Father Plunkett, a Fail River the task and opportunity -" of ;. . . ~10~ ... ecutive director of the National Manu.el C..Hllarlo-Real E~te · Catholic Rural-Life Confererice native, now has as his home .awakening a responsible werld The cardinal, a member 'of the address the residence of his society." Confirmation Class-19G8 O.L. mltional celebration committee, has protested hog killings and burials by members of the Na';' sister-in-law, Mrs. Robert ClifPointing out that the WCC of Angels Parish told a meeting here that it Watl T~ompson Apex Company tional Farmers Organization ford, 23 Bridge Street, North and the Catholic Church are Gandhi who gave India "thcl .. . ' TIOga Sportswear Co. '(NFO) .seeking higher prices for Easton. precious gift of, ~arization.IV pl~d goo·. to. full cooperatIon in . P 'fi Oil Co their animals. . the area of Christian social reaCI c mpany A reunion held at the Mary The state that Gandhi CJI'ooo sponsibility;. Dr. Blake pointed Peerless La~dry "I object vigorously to the knol Center House in Santiago dained, the cardin;al declared" out ,that' the ,major problem to Laura Curtam & Drapery Co.. destruction of meat in a world was not a Godless state but cme suffering from protein deficien marked the 25th anniversary. ,be faced. by the two groups is.' Inc. . in which recognition will,. be D & D Sales & Service cy," Msgr. Edward W. O'Rourke At a luncheon, Very Rev. Ray , the' growing gap, between the In Memory of' Mr.. & Mrs. , given to all religions in spite said. "Particularly while an or mond A. Hill, M.M., Maryknoll rich nations and the poor. of the fact that India has B pre James W. Kearns ganization such as CROP (the . Superior of Chpe, congratulated . . dominantly Hindu and a,larp the men and thanked ,them not ··In· Memory of ,Rev.· Gilorge Christian Rural Overseas Pro-' Moslem population.. McNamee M~ss Orelo gram) is .prepared to deliver the only for their "wo~derfui ser vice to the Chutch and to Mary In Memory of'Rt'. Rev. Ed.,. "Today when moral and spil> meat to those who need it." knoll," but -for their "example FRIDAY - Mass of 'preceding mund J. Ward itual values are at a low ebb, CROP announced shortly after to all Maryknollers." . ~unday: IV Class. White. when 'our hold on the spiritual! the rash of hog. killings began Bed'ford,' or vein of the "ancient civilizatioo . Sin,ce Chile became a ·mission . in' March. that it had made ar.. ' r • $100 5S. Alexander & Companions. is . loosening, when sacredriesv rangements with a large national country, Maryknollers hav'e eS Red. Glory; Preface :ofEaster. Blue Ribhon Laundry of family life and dignity 0:2 meat packer to prOCess hogs tablished 60 churches and chap women is in peril, Gandhi hl donated to the Church World els, and 95 outstations. Credit SATURDAY-St. Monica, Wid Taunton there in memory to tell us Dei Service Organization ·f~r use unions arid .cooperative, schQols, $150 ow. III Class. Wltite.' Mass to forget ourselves." , clinics and dispensaries, .social overseas. Particular Council of Taunton . Proper; Glory; Preface of service centers, and school lunch. ~'No case· has come to my at St. Vincent de Paul Easter. tention of an acceptance by an programs have been some of the $100 NFO group of the CROP offer," many projects formed by Mary SUNDAY.-Third Sunday after Alfred S. O'Keefe knollers for the people here. Msgr. O'Rourke stated. Easter. II Class. White. Mass James E. Miles Insurance Co. JEfltm~V ~. He said an Iowa NFO group Proper; Glory; Creed; Preface .St. Ma.ry's Women's Guild Ordained in 1927 J!li'ooWtEfl'(]/J,n Rome indicated it would donate 2,000 of Easter. Each of the four original N@lI'fI'h AUleboro hogs to charity rather than de 550 !Locust Street stroy the animals if meat pack priests to Chile who are still MONDAY - Mass of preceding $200 !Fain I1Uver. Mass. Sunday. IV Class. White. Mass ers would sign price contracts servjng today saw service in the Society of St. Vincent de Paul Orient first. Proper; Glory; Preface of n by a certain date. The hogs Sacred Heart C0 ference 67~-2391 Easter. were shot later on a farm near Father Plunkett, from North . $100 Rose IE. SullivlUl'
Story City. An estimate of the Easton, Mass., was ordained in TUESDAY-St. Stanislaus, Bish W. H; Riley & Son, Inc: Jellfrey E. Sullivan
value of the destroyed hogs' was 1927 and assigned at that time op, Martyr. III Class. Red. Cape Cod from $75,000 to $85,000. to Korea. He is now stationed Mass Proper; Glory; Preface ,$101 in Santiago, although his first of Easter. . Falmouth Diner, Falmouth Chilean assignment was to Chil $100 . Ian. WEDNESDAY-Mass of preced Mr. .& Mrs. Michael Ames, ~g Sunday. IV Class. White. fORTY HOURS ,Father Manning, from Queens ··Falmouth ViUage, New York, was ordained THURSDAY - St. Gregory Na Mr..& Mrs. L. C. Antonellis, DEVOTHON in 1935 and assigned to Kaying. zillDzen, Bishop, Confessor Falmouth First assigned to Talca, Chile, and Doctor of the' Church. m The Wood Lumber Company, May.3-St. Vincen.t Home, he now serves in Chillan. Class. White. Mass Proper;' Flilmouth Fall River. Glory;' (Epistle, "The just May 5-st. Mary's, Attleboro A Friend, Falmouth Father Cappel, from Cincin man 0 00") St. Joseph, New Bedford. nati, Ohio, was ordained in 1935 May. 12--8t. Patrick, Fal also. His first mission assign DOANr;·8t.AL·AM~S mouth. ment was to Peng Yang.· He - Necrology INCORPORATEO_ Mt. st. Joseph Academy, served in La Serena and. Chil
FUNERAL HOME Fall River. lan, ~hile,· before .his present MAY 12
assignment at Curepto;
469 LOCUST'STREET Rev. John F. cfa Valles, 1920, Father Dunn, from Flushing, Chaplain, United States Army. FALL RIVER, MASS. tHE AllCllOi New York, was ordained in 1938 • HYANNIS MAY 13 Second Class Postage Paid at Fall River,' and originally assigned to Korea. 672-3381 • HARWICHPORT Mass. Published every Thcnda) at 410 . Rt.· Rev. Osias Boucher, 1955, He !irst served at Temuco, Wilfred C. James Eo Highland Avenue,t Fall River. MaSs. 02722 • Sount Y.AAMOU11t Ily tbe Cllt1lollc ",ess of tile Diocese of rail Chile, and· is DOW assiped ... Pastor,Blessecl Sacrament, PaD Driscoll SuIIiva.., Jr. River. Subscrlptiol ,,-Ica IIr _n, .......
Biver. Santiago. ~
. ,BishOp
will, ble~
.~~~ d~~~~;~ t~: ~4: ~iigO~i:~
_I R'
Fall River Native p..... ' In · Ch"·Ie .,,1 ;., ago
'Ca'rdi~al ' P~Qlsel :Ga~dhi~s. Jdeals
Prelate Protests
~Hog·. Killings
D. D. Sullivan & Sons
He~rt" H'ouse-to-House' Appeal, Starts Su'nday
An Anchor of/he Soul, Sure anti Firm-$1. Paul
Fall River, Mass., Vol. 12, No. 18
May 21/ 1968 1968
$4.00 per Year PRICE IOc
M~ns'ignori Mark
Golden Jubil'ees Two monsignori in the Diocese of Fall River will celebrate the golden jubilees of their ordination to the Priesthood on May 18/ lU~ Rev. Msgr. Felix S. Ohilds, pastor Tum 10 Page Four
Annual Contributions Climb,
Purchasing Power Regresses
The first Catholic Charities Appeal in the Fall River Diocese in 1942 realized a total of $150,781. The 25th annual Appeal last year netted $772, ' 709 - five times as much. While this growth may seem impressive at first blush, the diocesan Ohurch's expenses to meet an ever expanding program have skyrocketed even more than the quintuple climb in receipts from the charitable of all faiths within the diocese. Many of the present diocesan social services were not in existence 26 years ago while others were in their formative-infant stage. Back in 1942, some housewives will remember that the bacon they served father with his eggs in the morning cost 19-eents-a-pound as contrasted with today's price of approximately $1. Roasts were selling at 19-cents-a-pound back a quarter century ago. This type of me~t today is just about six times as costly. A leg of lamb was advertised at 15-cents-a pound when the first Catholic Charities Appeal was made 26 year ago. Oranges in 1942 were 19 cents-a-dozen. Hence, while costs have gone up and up for every family, expenses have been climbing steadily in the operation of the diocesan agencies.' So much ~, that the purchasing power of last year's record
breaking total is no greater - if it is as much as " - the ;first realization 26 years ago even though' the dollar total is more. Emphasizing the many dire needs of the di ocese, ,notwithstanding the accomplishments of the past quarter:..century, Most Rev. James L. Connolly, Bishop of Fall River; again called upon an understanding laity for even greater sacrifice
'-in this year's Appeal.
The ecumenical spirit of the post-Conciliar age has
been manifested by the Diocesan Council of Catholic Wo
men in the extension of their inv,itations to the Polish Nat tonal Church, St. George's Greek Orthodox Church, Ahavath Achim Synagogue, Temple Sinai, Tifereth Israel Syna- River, have named the following gogue, the YWCA and the to serve as registrars:
District I-Fall River, Mrs. Churchwomen United to at- Orner Levesque, Miss Jacqueline
Msgr. Higgins Stresses Importance Of Occupational Safety laws WASHINGTON (NC) - Vig Safety and Health Act of 1968. . erous, immediate support is The legislation calls for the needed if Congress is 10 enact esbablishment and enforcement legislation this year to halt the . of federal safety and health mounting toll. of occupational standards for the workplace and . deaths and injuries in the research and training grants-in United States, Msgr. George G. aid to states. Higgins, director, Social Action "Every working day' of the Department, U. S. Catholic Con- year finds 55 killed, 3,500 dis ference, said here. • abled and over 27,000 injured Msgr. Higgins addressed rep on the job," Msgr. Higgins hold resentatives of some three dozen the ,meeting. "Such a sacrifice national groups of an organiza is not necessary. The goods and tional meeting of a joint com services our nation provides in mittee to support the Adminis greater abundance ,than any tration's proposed Occupational Turn to Page Four
One reason for this is found in the fact that problems formerly hidden in the home are now open to the public eye, -some to excite pity in the heart, others to frighten us into action. Such as these may strike at any level, from children, and certainly through youth, into the domestic courts ,to reach fulfillment in the frustration of old age. The Diocese of Fall River has been equipped to deal competently with sueh problems in the
services we staff and support.
Each year, in our Charities Appeal, we give assurance of continuing and expanding works in volving employment for many hundreds in Homes for the Aged, Serviees for youth, social relation ships, care for the mentally retarded and the like. The institutions 'are visible evidence of where the Oharity doll~r goes. But many people fail to realize what Catholic Charity does' for tne local economy. Turn 'to Page Six
17 Marian Awards For Educators
:Women of Diocese Convene Saturday
tend the 15th Annual ConvenMathieu and Mrs. Raymond tion of the DCCW scheduled for Poisson. Saturday at Stang High, No. District 2-New Bedford, Mrs. Dartmouth. Joseph P. Harrington and Miss Everett S. Allen, assistant ed- Frances McCarthy. itoI' of the New Bedford StandDistrict 3 -Taunton, Mrs. cud-Times, will be the principal George E. Lemieux and Mrs. speaker. His topic is, "A Ques- Alfred C. Leonard. lion of Morality." District 4 - AttJ.eboro, Mrs. Three workshops are sched- George Bauza ant!., Mrs. Vincent uled for the convention. They McGinn. will be on Community Mfairs, District 5-Cape Cod and the Confraternity of Christian Doc- Islands, Mrs. Philip Dempsey :trine, and Church Communities. and Mrs. Annie Eldridge. '
The co-chairmen of the regisMrs. Cecile Cummings of Fall tration committee, Miss Adrienne River and Mrs. James Souza of Lemieux of Taunton and Mrs. '" Taunton head the committee for
Michael J. McMahon of Fall Clergy, Religious and guests.
In a letter read at all masses in all churches of the diocese on Sunday last, Bishop Conn~lly said: AI; we prepare our Charities programme for the year ahead, weare especially mindful of the compal;sion of Chris-to After all, Our Lord came into the world to reveal the goodness of God in ways that human eyes and hearts could see and under~tand. We are called Christians. We should be like our Savior. Our Blessed Lord expects that. He says: "I have given you an example, that you may do likewise." Our neighbors in need look to us for the compassion of Christ. And, God knows, the number and variety of crying needs grow from year to year. '
Bishop Connolly announced today' that 17 Marian Medals will be awarded to persons who have been involved in the field of education throughout the Diocese of Fall Riv~r. The awards ceremony will take place on Friday at Feehan High School, Attle
boro during the Diocesan Mathieu's School, Fall River has given 49 years of teaching ser Teacher Association Conven vice to the Diocese. tion. She has 17. years of service as
The following will receive the Medal: Mother Jeanne Theresa Des biens, S.S.J. and Sr. Marie Cecile Clement, S.S.J. Sr. Mary Thomas Holloran, O.P., and Sr. :Mary Pauline Desrochers, O.P. Sr. Virginia Grenier, C.S.C.
Sr. Anne Denise Neylon, S.N.D.
Sr. Mary Aloysia Sullivan, S.U.S.C., and Sr. John Elizabeth Creamer, S.U.S.C. Sister Mary Felicita Heffer
nan, R.S.M., Sr. Miriam O'Neill, RS.M., Sr. Maureen Hanley, R.S.M., Sr. Mary Urban Geddes, RS.M., and Sr. Mary Carmela 'Corbett, RS.M. Sr. Grace de Sales Flanagan, M.S.B.T. Sr. joall Louise Rowney, O.L.V.M. Bro. Albertus Smith, C.S.C. Miss Mary Cabral. Mother Jeanne Theresa, S.S.J. has held administrative posts with the Sisters of St. Joseph for the past 22 years and at present is on the administrative staff. In addition Sister organized and promoted the educational programs for the Sisters of St. Joseph. Sr. Marie Cecile, S.S.J. pri mary grade teaeJ1er at 81. Maria~
Sister Suzanne Breckel, R.S.M.
Tea«:hers to Hear f'$yc~oIOSlY Head At Salve Regnna Sister Suzanne Breckel, RS.M., Ph.D., will discuss "Creativity: Challenge to Conformity" at the after noon session of the diocesan Catholic Teachers' Association convention in Attleboro today. , Sister 'Suzanne is the chair man of the Psychology :Qepart ment and Director of Psycho logical Services at Salve Regina College in Newport. More than 800 religious and laity will hear the Newport nun at the annual two..:day conclave which is being held at Bishop Feehan High School. Sister' Suzanne received both her Master of Arts Degree and her' Doctorate in Philosophy from Boston College.
a superior in various convents of the community and has been active in music and dramatics in the schools staffed by the Sisters of St. Joseph. Sr. Mary' Thomas, O.P. is presently vicaress of the com munity at Dominican Academy, Turn to Page Seventeen"
Criticize Daley's
Order to Shoot Chicago Rioters WASHINGTON (NC)-A white Catholic priest told newspaper editors here that Mayor Richard J. Dale)! will ~'get some return gunfire" if Chicago police carry out his order to shoot arsonists and looters during riots. Father James E. Groppl, whose civil rights activities in Milwaukee have kept him in constant battle with that city's police force, joined Atty. Gen. Ramsey Clark· in criticizing Daley's order during a panel discussion before the American Society of Newspaper Editors. The more oppressive a poli.ce department becomes," Father Groppi said, "the greater is OUI Turn I!lI Page Four
Golden Jubilees
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., May 2,.1968
,DDocesan Students Enter Home Stretc~ of Study Beforre Year End Examinations loom As Diocesan students entered the home stretch of study before year-end exams, "Spring's the Thing" was the theme of a seasonal dance held by Jesus-Mary Academy juniors in Fall River. Donna Lacerda, general chairman, was aided by Diane Trial, Bedford, the debate so.ciety was publicity, and Diane Fro far from idle during the vaca ment decorations. At Mt. St. tion week, reports Michael Cor Mary Academy, also Fall nell. At the Eastern Nazarene River, students were serious de spite the season as they heard an exhibition debate presented by the Anne Brownell Memo rial Debate Society. Kathy Polak and Dawn Hannafin de fended the affirmative and Cynthia O'Connell and Carol Vasconcellos the negative side of the question' whether nar cotics should be legalized. Dou ble purpose of the program was to give students an opportu nity to learn about an important current problem and to demon strate debate techniques. The Prevost Glee Club will hold its annual concert Sunday May 5. at the auditorium of Sacred Hearts Academy, Fall River. Guest performers will include the SHA glee club, the Dominican Academy glee club and the Cathedral Choristers from St. Mary's Cathedral, Fall River. . Among proficiency. certificate winners at the annual educa tional night program of the Southeastern Mass. Chapter of the Administrative Management Society were students from Di ocesan highs. Receiving awards for proficiency in spelling and mathematics were Diane Trem blay, St. Anthony's High, New Bedford; Jeannine Dubois, Mt. St, Mary; Doris Desrosiers, Jesus-Mary Academy; and Pa tricia Murphy, Rose DeSouza, Kathleen Kurowski, Margaret Mary McIntyre and Elizabeth Saulnier from Holy Family, New Bedford. The girls were high scorcrs in a competitive exam open to students in all area high schools. At Holy Family High in New
Safety Laws Continued from Page Three other country need not be stained with the blood of its workers." Nationwide standards are needed, he said, to stop "a tendency to compe'te at. the ex pense of health and safety in the plant, the mine and on the construction site." , This is a false type of compe tion, he said, .noting that the National Safety Council has fig ures to prove that "investment in work safety and health pays off in financial as well as human terms." l\1sgr. Higgins and Dr. Lorin E.,. Kerr, presid~nt of Group Health Associatioll of America, Inc. wel'e named co-chairmen of the joint committee to sup port the safey legislation, William R. Hutton, executive director of the National Council of Senior Citizens, was named executive secretary of the group. Among the organizations rep resented at the meeting were the American Public Health As sociation, Blue Cross - Blue Shield, Group Health Associa tion of America, AFL-CIO, American. Arbitration Associa tIon, National 'Education Asso ciation, General Federation of Women's Clubs, 'YMCA, YWCA, International Brotherhood of Teamsters, United Mine Wark el'S, American Nurses Associa tion, National Federation of Business and Professional Wom . en's Clubs, National Association of Colored Women's Clubs and National Fal'mers Union.
Continued from Page Three .emeritus of the Sacred Heari Parish, Fall River and Rt. Reu. Msgr: Annand Levasseur, pal!tol' of St. Anne's Parish, New Bed ford, were ordained in st. Mary's Cathedral, F'all River, om May HI, 1918 by the late Bishop Feehan. Monsignor Childs was bom .Oct. 23, 1891 in CenterviHe (Barnstable), the son of WHtOIil L. Childs and the late Emma:l McKenney Childs. The Mon signor attended St. Anselm'lIl College, Manchester, N. H., st. Mary's Seminary in Baltimo~ and the Apostolic Mission Home at Catholic University in 1!be nation's capital city. He served as an assistant biI several areas. They included S1; Francis Xavier, Hyannis; m. Joseph's, No. Dighton; SacreCl Heart in Fall' River which ~' later returned to as pastor. The jubilatian headed five parishes before his retiremem in 1966. In addition to the Sa cred Heart, he was also pastor of St. Peter's. Dighton; St, Pat rick's Somerset; St. Louis, Falli River, and the Immaculate Con ception, Fall River. Msgr. Childs was long active in the diocesan. matrimonial! court. He served as defendell' of the bond, promoter of justice, and pro-synodal judge. In ad~ tion, . he was chaplain of the Knights. of Columbus, Councillm 86. B'nd 295, chaplain of the Columbian Squires and taM! Assl1Jl1ption Circle, Daughien of Isabella, Somers~t and also the Assumption Circle, FaD River. In 1964, he was elevated' btJ : Pope Paul to the rank of de mestic prelate with the title of monsignor. Monsignor Cliilds will retum to the Sacred Heart Cl!ureb, Fall River, on the evening cd May 16 for a Mass of Thank& giving· and a reception .in the Sacred Heart School, Pine StreeL Msgr. 'Levasseur was born ilm Fall River, the son of the late 'Napoleon and Georgianna MaF ehand Levasseur. He attended Assumption College, WorcesteKo ·St. Mary's Seminary, Baltimore" and. Catholic University, WeBb in81on. ' As an' assistant, the jubilarlaiill served in St. John the Baptilri, Fall River; St; Hyacinth, New 'Bedford; and St. Anthony, New Bedford. . In 1933, the New Bedfonll ·prelate was named pastor of SL ..Hyacinth's and served there for seven years until his present assignment to St. Anne's W8IIl announced in 1940. His diocesan appointment!! include procurator fiscalis, II member of the administratiYe council and consultor for parisi:! priests. A Mass of Thanksgiving wiD be offered at a date to be aD nounced later.
High School Tournament HF representatives won a third pl~ce trophy. Debaters were Cynthia Rego, Karl Fryzel, Margaret McJnty're and Kevin Harrington. And at the Daniel Webster Tournament at Melrose ,High School the ifF squad won first place in both the cham pionship and novice divisions and. second place over-all for the best total school win-loss record . T.oday, Karl Fryzel and Cindy..........
Rego are debating against Bish op Cassidy High of Taunton in the place-off round for the Narry League championship. Both HF debaters have 10-2 records, and Cindy has recently added to her laurels by receiving complete scholarships including room, board and tuition to both Pembroke and Radcliffe, At Prevost a MoUier's Day whist is planned by the senior class for 8 to 11 Saturday night, STUDENT COUNCILLORS: Student council members May 11, at Jesus-Mary audito at Coyle High School, Tallnton,are from left seated, James rium. And at Jesus~Mary· the high Sherrin, St. Mary's parish, Taunton, and Frank :McGlligan, honors list for the t.hirdquarter Holy Name, Fall River, both senior representatives; rear, has been announced. Seniors on Gary Kingsbury, St. Paul, Taunton, council president; Law the list are Diane Dugal' and Madeleine St. Denis; junior is .rence Costa, Sacred Heart, Taunton, senior representative. Doris Desrosiers; sophomore is Danielle Chouinard;. and fresh man is Lucille Nadeau. Twenty seniors, nine juniors, six soph lawlessness and violence." Continued from Page Three omores, and six freshmen are on Excessive use of violence by desire 'to resist to the point the honor roll and' honarable police, he said, could drive a where we don't care whether mention was merited by three we live or die any longer." larger portion of the black com seniors and three juniors. munity to "terrorist and guer 'Double Standard' Social \\'orker rilla tactics." Miss Eleanor Tarpy, a social In Milwaukee, he maintained, Clark noted that more. than worker from the Bl'Ockton VA: the police through constant 100 cities had outbl;eaks OfV10 Hospital, spoke on social work "harassment and intimidation" lence following the assassinaUon careers recently to interested had "dehumanized" t.he Negro. of Dr. Martin Luther King, "But juniors and. seniors at Mt. St. He said a double standard of police generally acted wiih Mary Academy:- She covered justice exists in the city and balance, and because of that most aspects of social work. and under it harsh penalties are there were fewer deaths and recommended various colleges ,given Negroes and minor pen less property damage in 'aJl of for specialization in this area, · alties given whites for the same these disorders than we had- in The Good News Singers were offenses. ' one riot last year," he said. what was. happening at Domini "These kind of injustices," he can Academy and their concert said, "are now apparent to the was enjoyed by all comers. Also on the DA scene: a Latin ban-' black community." Referring directly to Daley's quet for former Latin students, order (April 15) that Chicago hosted by Sister Helen and her police should use "deadly force" jumor class. Italian food and The' monthly meeting of the against arsonists and '''shoot to grape juice were on the menu Fall River Particular Council of maim or cripple" looters during and Latin games were played. the Society of St. Vincent de urban rioting, Father Groppi Not to be outdone, DA En Paul will be held in Notre Dame said: . glish students presented "The parish -Tuesday night, May 7. "If he 'uses that kind of treat Old Lady Shows Her Medals" Benediction will be gi ven in ment he is going to get some re to the school on Tuesday. Also Notre Dame Church at 7;45 and on Tuesday came an evening turn gunfire and I think it will the meeting will follow ·at the be justified. It is outrageous to of coffee house entertainment parish St. Vincent de Paul Store, shoot down a 12-year-old kid titled "The Looking Glass." 1799 Pleasant Street. Camp ap Rev. William Cullen, S.J. for steaking a six-pack of beer." . plications .will be distr'ibuted Atty. Gen. Clark also warned spoke at a mother-daughter and the new Vincentian rule ~U"'IIF.~Al HOME, INC. 'the newspaper editors that Communion supper held Sun will be discussed. shooting of rioters by police day at Mt. St. Mary, and also R. Marcel Roy - G. LorraIne . .
Members planning to attend ,from the Fall River school sev · could lead to "a very dangerous Roger laFrance
the regional meeting of Vincen escalation" of, racial violence in eral girls, accompanied by ·Sis FUNIERAL DIRECTORS tians May 31 through June 2 are ter Mary Phyllis, attended a · American cities.' asked to send their registration 15 Irvington Ct. National Honor Society conven Exccssi'\'c Use blanks to the Catholic Welfare N~w Bedford tion at Cardinal Spellman High, Bureau, P.O, Box 1565, Fall 995-5166 School. Clark said it was clear from River, as soon as possible. Mounties Elizabeth Perry, recent riots that "only a very Laurie . Sampson and Kerry tiny fraction of America's Ne Mello returned to Rhode Island fiVE CONVENIENT OFFICES TO SERVE YOU groes are prepared to resort to College Sunday to evaluate a ONE-STOP BANKING .' conference' recently held there on the subject of "t.een tensions." O'ROURKE Thirteen Mount juniors cam: paigned f6r office in the stu Funeral Home dent council, with elections tak 571 Second Street
ing place yesterday: The girl ·receiving most votes Fall River, Mass.
OF TAUNTON will be president, with the next three in ,line taking' the 679-6072
N\)rton, W. Main St.-Raynham, Rte. 44-Taunton, Main SI. offices of vice-president. secre MICHAEL J. McMAHON
North Dighton, Spring St..-North Easton, Main St. tary and tI·easurer. This 'method licensed Funeral Director
replaces the previous system of Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Registered Embalmer
separate votes for each office.
Criticize Daley's Order to Shoot
To Discuss New Vincentian Rule
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fan River-Thurs., May 2, 1968 ~'I i;;:7 I i j
FIRST COMMUNION: Youngsters in special education religion classeS !reCeive first Holy Oommunion at Mass celebrated for them at Bishop StanK High School, North Dartmouth. From left, Frank Mendonca, James ~ns'tant, Rachel Ambrose. Kenneth Pereira, Joseph Arruda, Sh~u'on AI-
College Program For Sem~Dlarians . , . ST. PAUL (NC)-Trans k , of the college program for St. Paul and Minneapolis seminaries from St. Paul Seminary to the College of St. 'II1omas was announced here by Coadjutor Archbishop Leo C. Byrne. ,The prelate said Nazareth Ball Preparatory Seminary will lie' continued. Archbishop Leo Binz of St. Paul and Minneapolis issued a ~ree implementing the new I'll'Ogram and canonically erect _g, St. John Vianney Se~inary b accommodate seminarians making collegiate studies" be~nning Sept. 1. _ The decree states canonical ooquirements are to be met for lJl[)pointing officials of the new !Jeffiinary, but that "the academ ()e instruction of the students fJl!ld their academic evaluation are to be handled chiefly el\rough the College of St. Thomas." Archbishop Byrne said the IbOve to St. Thomas will bring llbe seminary college program Qnto conformity with the Amer "ea.n system of education. It will l!mprove the academic and cur riculum resources available to IJeminarians, he said, and en able them to take advantage of • more specialized faculty and IDOre extensive physical facili ,ties. Cited as examples were the IUbrary, science laboratories and physical education facilities. Archbishop Byrne said the St. Paul Seminary faculty will be free to concentrate on the the ologate and to implement plans ~r deeper, more intensive aludy of theology in accordance with the granting of the master ~ arts degree in theology for which preliminary accreditation !!las been obtained. The major seminary will also ~ able to serve those priests who desire advanced work in Cbeology studies, he said:
Hails Example VATICAN CITY (NC)-Pope Paul has told chaplains to Italy's Christian labor unions Qhat their work is a real ex IHnplc of the Church's interest AD the working classes.
meida, Sister Joan Bernadette, S.N.D., instructor, Shelley Lagasse, Ra phe]le Ambrose, Dennis Silvares, Mrs. George F. Gifford, special education -chairman and teacher. At right, Bishop Connolly congratulates Frank Mendonca.
'Warns Catholics of Intercommulnion Damages IEcumenism .Cause, Bishop Sellys
Catholic Colleges To Become Co-ed
KANSAS CITY (NC)-Rock hurst College and A vila College STOCKHOLM (NC)-8wedish mere demonstration of goodwin. throughout the Church." But, here in Missouri will become Catholics wel'e warned against If such an act of' intercom he added, "pressure groups" coeducational in September, pernlilting the ecumenical spirit munion were sufficient for com seeking reforms contrary to the 1969, the pl'esidents of the two to result in an "intercominun plete unity the whole ecumeni views of the Church will institutions have announced. ion" with "separated Christian' cal movement would have no achieve nothing' for reform or Until then, they said, they brethl'en" that would violate the real meaning." ecumenlsm. Catholic concept of eucharistic Bishop Taylor said that inter The bishop questioned whether will make a study of areas of communion is therefore impos-, Catholics and Protestants in this coordination and cooperation sacramentalism. between the two private col Bishop John E. Taylor, O,M,!., sible for Catholics, in principle, country have "sufficiently co leges, each of which will retain of Stockholm said in his newly despite "our grief" over this operated in aU fields where its separate identity. issued "Guidelines on Inter reality, because there are widely there are I\() theological ob Father Maurice E: VanAck communion with Separated divergent ideas over such essen stacles to such collaboration, eren, S.J., Rockhurst president, such as' in communications and Brethl-en" that the practice of tial question as the hierarchical and Sister Olive Louise, C.S.J.. social and educational under intercommunion by Catholics" ministry, the sacrament of Holy individually or collectively, with Orders, sacrifice, and the sacra takings and even in "spiritual Avila president, made the joint Evangelical (Protc!stant) Chris-' ments themselves." ecumenism through common announcem(~nt after approval by the two boards of directors. 'tians 'in this country damages To ignore such considerations, prayer." "Only an ecumenism that or the cause of ecumi'mism, and is the bishop continued, is to re The objective of the change is ganically grows up 'from inside' 'opposed to the will of the Cath sort to sort of magic concep "to broaden and strengthen, our tion of the sacrament, which can bring about concrete results educational programs and our olic Church. would, separate it from the per even though it may be a slow community services and to pro The guidelines have been dis process," 'he said. sonal faith and conviction of tributed to the clergy and Reli vide a richer diversity of op those receiving it." gious of Sweden and some of tions available in the private the'laity. sector of higher education in Pressure Groups . rntercommunion, the bishop Kansas City," the announcement "Actually," Bishop Taylor said. ' said, 'is a matter of concern to said, "we Catholics have some Arrested many Catholics and non-Cath times been accused of such a Rockhurst is one of 28 U. S, NEWARK (NC) Fifteen olic Christians, especially youths mag-ic idea by Protestants." colleges and universities con Newark priests have volunteered and students. In some quarters, Bishop Taylor said he was ducted by the Jesuits. Avila is to participate in a program he noted, it is maintained that sympathetic to what he caned one of five colleges operated by which will find them working intel'communion ill a means of "initi,ati ves and impulses aris the Sisters, of St. Joseph of with the families of men ar Christian unity. ing from inside the Church" and Car6ndelet. J.-eSted by the po]ice for vIolating However, the bishop added, it ro .. a certain impa-tience the law. ' is "in the Eucharist, the sacra Members oj: the Newark ment of unity, that the tragedy Priests' Gro~p, an association of of Christian disunity is most Aid for Unemployed clergy, the priests will collabo evident," rate in a program already inau Theological Realities gurated under Protestant aus "To seek intercommunion by WASHINGTON (NC) - More pices, The invitation to partici a single joint act without regard than 2,500 unemployed persons, pate was extended by Dean to the theological realities mainly Mexican-Americans, will Ledie C. Laughlin of Trinity which are at the, base of the receive job preparation and Episcopal cathedral. So. Dartmouth Euchal'ist," he said, is to reduce placement services in 11 South The priests will be available to the Eucharistic celebration' to a western cities under projects an and Hyannis prisoners in the vario,US precinct
nounced by Labor Secretary stations and courts of the city
Willard Wirtz. So. Dartmouth 997·9384 and will subequently visit the
Approximately $5 million in families of the arrested men ro
Hyannis 2921 Manpower Development and acquaint them with the situa
Form Assodation , ROCHESTER (NC) - Priests Trail1ing Act funds have been tion.
here have joined the growing earmarked for the projects, trend tow a r d independent· which, have been developed by Mexican - Amercian organiza priests' organizations by form ing a Priests' Association of tions. The projects have been de signed by the staff of Operation Roohester. The diocese already has a SER (Service, Employment, Re Priests' Council, formerly called development) with the assistance of the Department of Labor and a senate, Some 115 priests met to vote Health, Education and Welfare. JUNE 24· AUG. 2 6:30 - 9: 15
Operation SER is directed by on a constitution for the new UNDERGRADUATE COURSES
Jobs for Progress, Inc., a non association and elect a 15-mem Math. Liberal Art!l • Bus. Admin. • Science ber coordinating committee. profit organization sponsored by About 230 priests, including major Mexican - American or Write Director of Summer Session about 20 members of religious ganizations ,the League of United 5TONEHILL COLLEGE Latin American Citizens, and communities serving in the dio cese, have signed up for the the American GI Forum of the N. Easton, Mass. 02356 Tel. 238-2052 696-0400 United States. organization.
P'riests Aid Families Of Men
J B,
Rochester Priests
Summer Session Evening Classes •
'.,' ;
.... ~
,rm:,: ....ANCHOR-Diocese of.JloR River...;.Thur•., May 2, 1968 , .. \: :', .'. . . ' :' .' . : . : . ; . _., .• . ..
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,,',.' :('" 'CafttMl'CYBoya.
$tresses' Value: Of~iaIW'~
Shall We' Talk, Money or' Concern?' OceasiQnally the criticism is l€veled against Ohurch leaders that they taik money too often. There may be some truth to this. Perhaips what they should do is talk concern-the/ eoncern that each person has or should have for his brothers and sisters in the family of God. ' Such a talk might well go like this: Here is a child who is mentally retarded, whose parents have neither the ability nor the time to teach him about the things of earth or of heaven - spend several' hours a day with him because he is your ,little brother in the Lord. Here is a person ravaged by an incurable sickness-· . take this person into your home and care for him until God calls him home, because this sick person is your brother in the Lord. Here are a group of young adults, entering into the world of the adult with apprehension and fears and anxieties -spend several hours a day with them to answer questions and to talk over problems and to suggest lines of conduct, because they are y,our brothers and sisters in the LOrd. Here are some people who were good mothers and fathers~ and wonderful grandparents and now they are entering their senior years and their strength is failing · f h and t h ey need carefu I an d patIent care-care or t em because they belong to you, they are your parents and grandparents, they are y,our relatives,and they are also your brothers and sisters in the Lord. Here isa young unmarried mother who needs guidance
WASHINGTON (NO) _ There is no profession other than soci'al work "whieli :keeps its fingea.- so ·oonting,.. ously and sensitively on tile pulse of 'human misery, notr which is more rewarding in tba spiritual enrichment of th~ who labor to alleviate the ,sui.. fering of their fellow man." The tribute to the'social worJr profession was given at the 50tJa 'anniversa,ry convocation of the Catholic University's National. Catholic School of Social Service by Patrick Cardiilld O'Boyle of Washington. In paying the tribute Cardinal . O'Boyle, a graduate of the New: York School of Social Service who had a long social work ea reer before becoming archbish op, confessed to the gathering that he is "still a welfare work er at heart." Founded in 1918 The convocation was the higba light of a weekend celebratiolll of the school's anniversary. The present school developed from the Service School opened by the National Catholic Welfare Conference in 1918 to trail& women for social workwitb. and help, here is a father whose wife has died and who has ,~I-,A~:&\l'U ~~, Ap'p~a'l American military personnel young ·children and no one to care for them, here is an ~tl.kI1vlh'bl ~1llJ1WI If II and their families, and'for-'re engaged couple seeking some basic principles about mar lief and rehabilitation at hOmc!i . riage" here is a married couple who feel a curtain of mis Continued from Page Three and abroad. The National' Catholic School understanding coming between them-all these are your our brothers and sisters in the Lord so you sh,ould take the Our immediate plans for expansion are bigger than any' of Service was founded Y 1921, and NCWC 'entrusted in Social time to educate yourselves about their problems, take the attempted before. There are two important commitments. responsibility for it to the Na-. time and make the effort to listen to them without watching The accommodations at Catholic Memorial Home are to tionat Council of Catholic the clock, give them professional advice, take them into increase through the construction' of an addition to the Women. In 1947, this school was your home for long-range care, give hours of your time in. ' Nursing Wing. This is done with a view to provide for m~rged with the Catholic UM. married couples, and for such others as could benefit in versity School of Social work" counselling them and following up their difficulties. spirit by being closer to rehabilitation facilities, and pro the unified school retaining the fessional care. Do all this. name National Catholic Schooi And then no one would have to talk money. The con of Social Service. eern would be there, the services would be rendered, the A second objective, and it involves a great deal is to. Among seminar speakers was 'works of the Lord would be done. And you would be doing modernize our homes for children, St. Mary's, New Bedford Msgr. George G. Higgins, diree-;. them. and St. Vincent's in Fall River date back a long time. Both tor, social action department" are iJil ,constant need of repair. But money spent on them U. S. catholic Conference, who What, you cannot do these things, you haven't the is practically wasted. So we are about to erect a new St. stressed that although Catholics time or the skill yourselves? Vincent's, designed according to the best of modern ideas, "have justifiably prided OUll Well, someone has to do these things. And someone and for accommodation of 120 boys and girls, up to the. selves on having helped to keep . has to support those who do,the works of the Lord, ~omeone middle-teen years. alive the notion of subsidiaIi~ . in social and economic life" the7 has to give them the means they need to work with" the 'must, "be. equally alive' .-- ...,;".;. 1 d .. d' h I ' I h . For the menta ly retar ed, we would like to provide .... ...... b Ul'ld' d the' facIlitIes ,an, " t e too . s to Imp ement elr overmg '" ht care, Mond ays , th' h indispensabiUw , . ,t ' rough F rl'day, were consl'der-.. importance' and . '. concern. , .' , '. '"" ' . "." ,able distanc.esha,ve to ,be, traveled, thus, relie.ving p'arent. ,of, farin reaching .IJL action the social' governmental and econom. the work s. th If you cam~~t orWI11 ,not d0,.• ' emse1V:~S, ~Jlen . , .and child of straiilari.d daily fatigue. In'this matter; we order." . , Un ~ou ~nd WIll you do.somethIn&: to '~~dthose.W'ho ~re are open to suggestion" and will proceed only when and i f ' . workmg. m your name, for and WIth ,your brot~ers,andtheidea is approved. .The expansion of this field into two ~ee4 Government Aid., .. t . th Lo d f" . l' f 'God d . hOO , . . . ' . , Citing poverty as an. example; . 8IS ers m e ' , r" rom ,ove 0..' 'an ,neIg r.". or three urban area;s, aw'aiF~ alon~ assura~ce that the schools Msgr. Higgins said:" '.' : This'is what the, Catholic Charities ·.A~rme~ns; be staffed by spec.I~ny'tramed,sIsters,aIded by competent,' . ~There is much that'ii:ldivid '/ "ual citizens· and groups. of citi , Either dO the 'workS of :'GOd yourselves, ~helpthose':Who ' members of the,lalty. ,- are ?oing ,w~1"ks, o~ me!Cy an4 ¢!1oation and eh~rity>:Another :~bjectiveabout which we seek advice is the ' zensc;m do· to all~.viate ~. _ and concern m your name.' . '.. .' . .c. ' . . ' . -, ',' . . ' '. problem;, but they cannot ~?l~ L t; 't talk " . ih ':bet' t 'lk' " , " d. settmg up of a Home for the Aged ChrOnIcally-Ill on The tpe 'problem ..alone. The gov~~ .::a..;.::aI'caetI'osn' ?a,On'd 'y'. oc· atmI·o·on',n~arn'd 'g"eI'VnI:ng" o'f~s'e' Jaf • ' "concern ~, , :. Cape. We',.have fQur tracts of land between Harwiehaitd ·tmh~nt. ~~~l hil,:e to do. much ~ m::u ' ' " . " . . . ' .;, .;. . . • . ' an 'It IS domg' at the present Let's ta'k GOO,: and, the: good',c:to b!'l done. This ~,Fa.Jmouth,I~.set,tle~ a:r~~~., WhIle, l~ IS true~a:n~ nurslll~_tim~ and probably more'thiuR 'must',be done, and in the' name'Of God. ,Take".God:.'from",·homesare bemgbU11~;,we,are convlllced the~e:Isroom,for. an! recent Adritinistration. haj, the word "good" ·andwh:at is left>?· Just :an "0." ',And this one sfuffed by ,religious' women, where the near presence' proPQ.s.ed. . stands for nothing ,.., of a 'chapel and the stimulus of prayerful exercises would ",!he p~nciple of subsi~ia~ ' . . .... " . properly understood, does .... It comes down,'to this: 'do the work-s of G6d·yourselves uplIft· mmds and hearts, However, here agam"we would. ·pro~ibit 'the' government' from;' : to the degree that you can; and support those who are like the benefit of your thinking. meeting this. pressing challenge. doing' the WO'l'ks' of' God in your name. .,[ ,,: " .... ' " . ' , , . .,. . . " "Oli 'the' contrary, it"obliges the .; . ." . . : ". ". ". ". Our Youth faCIlItIes are constantly expandmg and Im- .government "to supplement the ...Now, .dges that gIVe .~, lIttle ,dlf1;er~ntattItude ~waNLpr6Ving;' Family'problems·not always' of an extreme'serl ,necessarily limited programs at the A p p e a l ? , ." 'keep'"our Welfare, Family Life, 'and social workers busy. In .' ,,:oluntary o.I'ganizfltions il). the. .'. ..~ ..... " , ." . , , . " . ,' .. ',. " . f~eld of S,Oclal welfare ancl ~ -;...--------:"...,.----:"-...;..~..;...---- .....-;,.:,o......;;.,.o...,.... all fIelds, we are blessed by havmg donated serVIces~ For. cial reform." .'.'
this we are d~eply grateful; since it allows us to visualize, .. : ,
with confidence, projects, such as the .ones Jisted above. P'ublisher to Head
Published weekly,by The Catl:lolic Press of the Diocese of Fall River 410 Highland Avenue . Fall River, Moss. 02722 '675-7151 PUBLISHER Most Rev. James L. Connolly, D.O., PhD. 'ASST. GENERAL MANAGER GENERAL MANAGER Rt. R~v. Daniel,F. Shalloo, M.A. Rev. John P. Driscoll MANAGING EDITOR
Hugh J. Golden
Beginning then, next Su~day, our volunteer wqrkers will make their round of calls to,the homes, and offices, 'of all to whom we turJifor support. Our record in the past .' t h b f d th . t' SIX een years as een one 0 more an 'more en USIas IC response from the business community as well as the individ ual donor. Apart from the satisfaction of seeing their dollar well spent, all who have aided our appeal are beneficiaries of the diocese, remembered most certainly in my prayers and masses, as well as those ministering to heeds and being helped by the thirty separate social, charitable activities that we have. Everyone is happy over what has been done. But a great many who need to be helped are hopefully watch ,ing the results of the 1968 campaign. and I am among tllem.
,:Historical Soc·iety NEW YORK (NC)-Victor ~ Ridder, publisher of New Yorlnl archdiocesan newspaper, TIle Catholic News, has been elected president of' the United States' Catholic Historical Society. The society's main purposes are discuss!onand pUbl~catiOD of documents, books and papers relating to the history 'of toe Catholic Church and the deveJ., opment of Catholic culture III America. The society has pub-. lished some 50 volumes sinc* its founding in 1884. .
r~pe .
:~ ... ~.t I;~·~,"'\.
,t4~ec;l, . ,~,"dOll,l
,~f Vocatio~s!1
, . '" VATICAN CITY (NC) Pope Paul VI stressed .the Church's need fOT priestly and Religious vocations and
. f·
~(l" (Jlj(~ntucky Mounta,iTJ, Missions . ,
By Dorothy Mitch~n Eastman
Appa~achia ie a powerful word. The ve~ name evokes visions of rugged mountain life, isolation, poverty, misery and despair. In this vast area that enc<Ym.passes 11 states
1fhe freedom ~hat should' charac- live 16 mi11~on of the most poverty-striken people in the Uni1Jed States. In every category terize such vocations in a mes- of hUm&n activity Appalachia has fewer of the good things of life than d~s the rest C3ge addressed to the faithful of @:f America. Nowhere in this The latest accomplishment of 'Gte world on the fifth World nat~on do people h~ve less CAP, Inc, is the completion of Blny of Prayer for Vocations, iYWOme 00' live in poorer II Grade A dairy farming comThe need, the Pope said, stems Grom the plan of salvation in the housing; n'Owhere do they pleL :mind of God, ''who wanted have rewer educational: opporSpecial schools are set up ~rist to be the sole S{)urce of tunities or suffer from such I:l during the Summer months to " ed' al th d teach religion, "We had six of G:l1vation and of sanctity, and 1a cit: 0 ... m lC care as ey 0 pho wanteOl His mission to be in Appalachia; nowhere in all these Bible schools going last "'.... ld h ' d Ch ' Summer." Father Beiting said ""'erpetuated and sPread through we wor as organIze . rISI!/ ti ' t " d f dh ts "Over 350 children have been ~ n men, partakers in the am y ...oun so ew a eren , A I h' included in this program. Eighty 17:l'iesthood of Christ, indispen- us In ppa at: lao "l...··",..,'·'ll' """'e Eastern K~ntuc""" area h" ·,il,.,·~ pe.r cent of them have been nonBable ministers of the word a n d " ' u ~.. n.:t "'... 1 _1 h' h th d b' d' Catholics." A ; la as of grace among the rest of mane U 10US lSIIdnd." tindion of being the poorest of CeJl.wll"S foil' Rellilgilll)n This need, arlslng from the the poor in all CIf t'h1lSe cateA8 a follow up to the Bible nature of the Church, is DOW g<)ries. ~ -schools the parish has organized more acute, the Pope continued, Four of the poorest counties three centers fur year round OOoause the numbers of the of Eastern Kentucky comprise religious instruction. ministers of the Gospel are dimthe parish of Father Ralph Bei"We have a very active bome luishing, while the fields open ting; He has a parish roughly visitation program,"Father said tD their work are increasing. tile siire of the state of Rhode "and this year we will visit beThe Second Vatican Council's Island.. tween three and four thousand IMghlighting of, the priesthood On his first speaking tour in homes." of the faithful, the Pope said, New England the tall, rugged Each year about 2,000 people should not lead to a "dimming looking priest came to Bishop give from a few days to a few of the ministerinl, or hierarchiCas.;idy High School in Taunweeks of their spare time, school eal, priesthood. • • • In fact, the ton to talk to the student lx>dY breaks or vacations to work at more the common priesthood is and the senior class from Coyle one of the four centers Father to be improved, the more it has High School. has eStablished in his parish. Deed of the ministry of the hierThe priest's five day tour mPriests, nuns, college students, arehical priesthood, and the eluded addresses at Harvard . wh<lle families go down to the more the function entrusted to University, Regis College, Holy area from all over the country tIhe latter manifests its absoCross College and Newton Colto work for 'the Appalachian lute necessity." lege Gf the Sacred. Heart, as poor. - - - O O - for S I ... weJn as a TV appearance on One of Charlie King's inOO has N "",~.". a VBuOD Bob Kenned""s "Contact" show. . ..... P lid d th ....... :t ' been to find useful work for
&Ue ope e B~ktAD. Aid ;a., ,_. f tha Ch h at d ODe ."'" "" ... all these volunteers, as carpen -=:> ales 0 e urc, an so Aocompanying Father Beiting ters, nurses, farmers, cooks, el the Christian salvation of the - ..... e tour was a ......"'" looking ld t be . ~-.d be- -- '... 6""'" teaching Bible classes or counWOT and personable young man from ded chJU'"6~ ri tias h FATHER BElTING seling at the children'scamps.
............canno --& ...vun on a sma c p e- Brockton, twenty year old CharEvery Sunday of the year DOmena or need movements, which Be King. Charlie has interrupted From the inception of hi8 :rather Beiting and two other themselves the ministry -.d approval of the hierarchical lWloollege days lit John Carroll pastorate Father Beiting has ca,r- priests drive over 200 miles to Driesthood." University to work with Father ried on a dual apostolate. As say Masses for 1~heir parishioners The priesthood's authority Belting as a full time lay vol- well as tending to the needs of in homes, in the three churches Mel the priests' sacramental unteereaming the grand sum crl of the 45,000 who live within af the parish, in a candy store a dollar a day. the boundaries of his parish, be and a pavillion. to " "renew f the bloodless Charlie reflected .,....._.. hi'".. h as worK.,.. 1 --, ito .power 1 b ti o on every leve Non-Catholic attendance at the tie e C ra on are necessary l' ,wo~. in Appalachi" ' lpig ht "'.. ..... Masses ' . ....._ .. has con-'Improve the econOmiC is often three times as 'IoU\: hurch and -ced hl'm that hi's vocatl'hn the A ppaI ach'Ian. poor. F rom," great··as the native Catholic at --'dthe salvation of ..... Vlll ~ h nki d e l:H.U • IDa """"er ea-:ng hi'S deC'N>e distn'b u ti on 0 f f 00 d and cI 0 th'mg,. tendence 'in" these' countries , As n, dditi I in ...... ,.~ ... ~ in the,," ~.!, antha ona I! reason ti .41- -l~<I'n'.:o work o'mong the poor." "'- '-"'d·ressmg. ' Co n g ress1'0n al " where .only one person·in every ed ~ .w.,.. ~ ....... 'OU , . e ne ...or, voca ons, ~." think it's true, that we will 'tt F th h ht :. Ole. Pope cited the secularization.' .n......." what Eug~ne McCarlh'" COmml ees, a er as song 1,000 is Catholic.
~ ~ or to attack the poverty of Eastern . ... ,~, the modern w9rld.whJch ,has" 'CaDs Q'moraJ. revoiution to solve Kentt.eky with every means. . ,. Summer Missions a greater need ~r a "conse-· "the Poverty crisis this cOOn-av.aiiable. . For.·five weeJ~8 every·Summer ~t:~an~:!,eciaf~thZed preseten~e", tij-;" be s a i d . " .'.. ..' New Project Father :Belting and a team of ..... ..~ew< 0 ~ mys neB ~' pilther Beiting haS'been -WOrk'::' As his familiarity with the . priests, . seminari~ and ~y ~ Go~ ~L Cor. 4, 1). . ". :' .jWg hi Eastern Kentucky since 'area'increased and the extent of people .go through the country , .' Wllhngll1ess to Sacrifice :" [OOa .. when' he was assigned.:'&' :work· to be done became more ·side' ona streetpreaching mis ! ~ .... ~. addi~on to the need ,for mission parish under the aus- and more pressing, the need for: sion. Reception is not always , 'WOCations, the Pope in his mes- pices of the Diocese of Coving- a permanent solution to eco-· ..cordial ,in this section where ~ stressW freedom of· ton~ Besides his 1,000 square:: nomie ills became evident. In prejudice against Catholics runs fions, by which, he said, he mile parish, he bas ·the respon~, mlilw~r, to this need in the Sum- high. Father and his preachers meant "personal! I;U1Q voluntary sibility of all 25 counties in .mer. of 1965 Father' Beiting have at times h~ to proclaim ehlation to the cause of Christ·" Eastern Kentucky .through his founded' the Christian Appala- the 'good news of Christ's mes II:nd. of' His Church." .. .. position as Deail of Kentucky ehian Project, Inc., an independ-. B;1ge ~f broth~rhood and ..·con "'There cannot be any voca- Mountain Missions. In this posi-, ent ~on-I>rofit organization .. cern a~id, ca~ca~ and, hurled .'aons," he said, "unless they :are tion Father directS all the mis-' working to develop the economic tomatoes.. , ~; unless, in other words, they' siooory and soCial endeavorS of" resources' of the' region to 'the' : The 'Word is' not falling OD , "00"e" "offered spontaneously of ,.t1\-e' Church in this" the most, a'dvantage of the ·poor. Now in entirely stony ground, even in "'''themselves, conscr~usly, gener- ,'; ~pera1;e pove,ny.· area,. of,', its fourth' y~ar: of 'setvi~, in ~ .a~e,a· wpel"l~' .for genera-tions '''''!Ciusly, totally." America. Jackson COUl).t~, the CAP, Inc. .Catholics. have been thougbt to ::: ~ 'This, hesa1d; applieS Doth to Per capita income in these.' lias carried out numerous devel- I :'be leagiie 'witb the devil. The ":~\'!stly and Religious vocati6ns, '" :eotJ,nt,ies avera~es bet~.~~.r:t ~50.; ,ClPmental, "training and employ- parish is currently instructing "". male and female' vocations. 'ana $840 a year, Nearly nine ou~ plent programs. Among these',' 25 ,people' in the· faith. " "The expenses of our pro " "'Willingness to sacrifice, the" 'M every' 10 houses is 'lIubstand':' ate' tlie 'lntroduction' and pro,', 'Pope went on, is the cru:* of :the' atil.;. lacli:ing electricity, running, . duction' of- sevetal' itlew "crops are enormous," Father ·"~bleril. The world of religion, water or inside facili.ti~. Tl1ere .. in... the· count4ls agricult~ral sighed "and they're. financed discredited by atheism or hedon- ~ no higher per cent of illiter- economy, and many technical entirely by contributions," On !lEm., he said, is no longer as at- . 'ate"People in the' UnIted SUites innovations iIi the' ag.ricUltural his speaking tour Father' is ~~tive as it OJlC~ was.,. _ thml in Eastern Kentucky. Med-' field. searching for individuals or Bul youth, he said, is stillre- iea.l facilities al'e few and far Complementing the agrj.cul- groups'who:'will sponsor one of eeptive to the call of the Church between. tural prOjects, .several small in- the.. 25 'full time volunteers like to do "difficult things, heroic "We need doctors .desperately": dustrial;ptograms serve to train Charlie King (~t a OOst'of $30 a Cbings." Father Beiting said sadly. and employ natives of the month) Olr'·to· pledge contribu "The Pope urged families to be . Sickness Leads to Apathy county. The woodworking fac- tions for any item on his list -.tiling to make the sacrifices of Malnutrition takes Its toll in tOry turns out high quality Ap-' of "immediate needs" - items • son or daughter to the Church. many ways. "The mountain pal~hian woodcrafts, ranging ranging from tires for their people have often been carica:' from knick-kneeks to Appala- much used cars to a Holstein turedas lazy but Wldernourish- - chian musical instruments. ~ for the d"Liry farm. merrt and sickness are the real' Seasonal employment is proIn concluding his talk to the BERLIN (NC) - The World eauses of their apathy. Most of . vided through the production of students at Cassidy Father asked these people h.ave ·been sick . Christmas wreaths. Plans are if they would like his address Congress of Catholic Youth, on second thought" he lIeP'resenting the International since the day they were born," ~ . on, the drawing board for a palletmaking industry and assorted qUIPPed "would you rather have .Catholic Youth Federation and Father asserted. "They're gooCl people-won- enterprises that will employ Charlie's?" the World Federation of Catho deriul people," he insisted. It's over 100 men in the county For those who would like lie Young Women and Girls have voted to merge the two a shame. There should be many' which has one of the highest Father's it .Is St. Williams erganizations to form the World more 'people working to help unemployment statistics in the Church, 224 :r.exington Street. tib.em.... nation. Lancaster. Kentuclq. Wederation of Catholic Youth. G
: ...
THE ANCHOR Thursday. May:-2. l,9;68 ", '. '...,
DescriiJes 4ppalacll_ia 's,,'Poverty .
Crisis .in Poland Affects Church BERLIN (NC)-The Catholic Ohurch and Catholic members of Poland's Sejm (parliament) have been caught in the cross fire of the current political crisis in that country and the resurgence of anti-Semitism that has a~companied it. For the first time the Church has bean publicly attacked for its support on the students dem onstrations in March fur intel lectual and democratic free doms. Jozef Kepa, first secretary of
the Warsaw Communist party
committee, in m speech released
(April HI) backed party chief
Wladyslaw Gomulka's efforts to
tone down the anti-Jewish state
ments that have been rampant
in the press, on television and
in public speeches, but had hard
words for the Catholic hier
Target of Kepa's criticisms was Stefan Cardinal Wyszynski of Warsaw,. who praised the stu dents i'Or their maturity and moderation. "The voice of the reactionary party of the Church hierarchy" had been heard. Kepa said, among forces united against the people's power. He condemned the support given by Polish Roman Catholic leaders to the student demonstrations. Meanwhile, in the Sejm the five Catholic members known as the Znak group were assailed by Premier Jozef Cyrankiewicz aid Politburo member Zenon· Klisko because the Cath<llic leg islators had asked the govern ment if it approved of a viola tion of civil rights by police ac tion against the demonstrating students. Kliszko called the Catholic deputies "friends of pro-Israel Jews" and "revision ists."
Future Bright ROME (NC) -The religious liberty situation in Czechosiov akia has already changed greatly . for Catholics and hopes for th~ future, ·seem bright, according to Bishop Frantisek Tomesek, a p 0 s t <l) 1 i e administrator' of Prague.
Construction Co., Inc.
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YOU'''' I H
"CIeLI. .'
Two in One
IDEAL LAUNDRY 373 New Boston Road
Urges V.ctory ~ Viet'nom
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of FoR River-Thurs" May 2, 't968
Recipes ,Re1call Memor~es'
ST. !lOUIS (NC)-A oan f:b:ft Victor:y in 'We'tnam and a coo-> demnati'on o:f Communism l.'tB "intrinsleany evil" highlighte<l a series of IOresolutions adopted; bIY the priests and bishops Bel» ving on the Cardinal Mindszen~ Council, governing board ~ the anti-communist CaJ.'$ l\Ilindszenty F~undation.
The resolutions, adopted a.1l the end of the foundation's three.> day celebration of its 10th anni-o versary he1'e, outlined a ,p~ gram based on demands for vioo tory in Vietnam., rigorous pun-o ishment f« riote1'6 and looters., ,and <m e :Fecognition 1baII ''there can be no useful ~ logue wiIth men .of iN win . . of ~ceit." '
Released with the resoluti01d .was a stmement from Lola Beue Holmes, a Negro leader whO joined the Communist party 1ft '1957 as an -informer for the Federal Bureau of Investi~ti~ (FBI). Emphasizing the comJiN Dist role in civil rights aotiw.. ties, Miss Holmes told conte. ence delegates:
"Much of the civil t1rrnlGII you',re seeing right now was 8'Iloo nmged by the Communist p~ when I :was a member.'"
"Of Many Friendly C@oks' By Mar,y 'E!nley Dally, II 'A collection of cookbooks 16 'a good addition to a kitchen. 'Like a dictionary or 'an encyclopedia, a good cookbook is 8'Il authoritative source of information but, like that diction ary or encyclopedia, irt's a cold, impersonal font of lrnow-
ledge. On the other hand,. :there probably is 8Jt your Muse, certainly ~ ours, those h~nd-gasthered recipes, dear and welcome as letters from bome. These receipes :fur goodies )l'ou' have been served at hoones of friends, the band - written ones on yellowing, cracked paper in spidery ecript by hands long stilled; the ones you took ~er the telePhone, haH ill Ilhorthand, the othe'!' half in ebbreviations; the "this-sounds8OOd" kind you jagged out of the evening paper with a bobby pin; meant .to try. and probably didn't. ' Also, there are the puzzlers, bow-to's from experts who cook by in9tinet--"a handful of flour or SCl, just enough so that it looks right," or "enough milk so It'll smooth but not too runny." Pantry Library Such is the collection-if tbis
backs cf enveloPes, on a blank check, on the inside ,of a match folde'!', around the margin of a "seven cents off" coupon-what ever blank Paper is to be found in woman's purse. But they, represent communication ~ith other people OIl a common ground. In the never-never land of
"'things to be done" 'remains the sorting and clasSification of these recipes: type them out on inde~ cards, 'file neatly, divided into "soups," "salads," desserts,"
And yet, though order may be heaven's first law,there is some thing-quite a something---'to be said for our box of recipes. ' In
anticipatwn of company coming, or just a, yen 'to fix something different, we leaf tbrough' the assorted sizes and shapes of our
miscellany. :M brings reminis-
'cences, nostalgia. and, more
often than not,_ an idea of some thing entirely different from the item we were originally seek-
,Conege Functioning Fall' Despite ,Resignations
GOLDEN JUBILEE: Daughters. of Isabella in River mark 50th anniversary. In wheelchair, Miss Mary, R. LADYSMITH (NC) -, ".I:'!bl! acting president of Mount SeD ing. , Dailey, organizer and char·ter member of. Fall River unit;ario College, Sister, Donna For instance, 1I:bere Is fIbe cookie recipe in the delicate standing, from .left, Mrs. Mary Hennessey, ticket chainnan Marie Rudolph, said the Wis-- . for anniversary obser:v-ance; Mrs.' Cath,erine Lee, sUi:te re- 'consin college is functioning script of our late beloved neigh -bor, Mrs. Madeline Kelly, with gent; Rev. James Morse, chapiain; Miss Mary F. Maleady"normally after the recent resig.. l'ag-tag box of this-and-that its addendum: "Patsy, you might ~n,,'+- srtate regent·, Mrs. Mary Lou Silvia, general chairman nation of founder-president Si9 could be called a collection-at pao" ter Ann Mary Gullan, eigbIJ our house in the pantry "li- like to make these as a surprise for observance. . , faculty members and three acJ,., :fur your mother." ("Patsy" wes '
ministration personnel.
brary." tihen 12 years old.) A trained librarian, indeed, a
Sister Donna Marie said the trained anybody in the art· of T-here's Marguerite Culhane'll former president resigned im veal-in-wine we begged from orderly classification, even a ,he'!' after having this at her mediately but the resignatioJUl well-trained cook, woulq. be house; Isabel Donohoe's trick' of of the other members of -the appalled at this motley array. sprinkling chicken with vinegar !",e~BYMAllULYN RODERICK~ 'eollege are not effective until Some recipes are written on the to firm it up resulting in chicken June 1. She said the college is recruiting faculty members at salad par excellence, many a this time and does not anticioo pet reciPe kindly shared with pate any difficultay in acquw.. lIS by readers of this column. Another tip :fur Summer visi ing replacements by the Fall! One Pork Chop rve always read, and heard ' that French women have a flair tors to this home of the 1968 , 'term. Also, tbere is one added:re- for clothes but I never realized "Man And His World", is to The resignations were based eently by a nameless friend we the truth of this statement until plan on wearing bright little on a dispute over the role to be met when she came to a collec- I visited Montreal. Immediately, dresses and suits but please, no played at the college by the _tion center to get food for her it hits you, from the moment bermudas or tight slacks. Do newly appointed lay vice-pres- family afteT her home had'been you step out of -your car in however, take your hemlines, up ident, Gran·t E. Zachary. partially burned 'out quring the front of tbe hotel that this is a an inch or two for the minilook recent rioting, Many, many city of women is the tbing in this land of the Catholic parishes had conti"ib- 'who know and mounties and I think I had the uted food ~d clothing. Any who care about longest hemlines in town with 010, a SYSTEMATIC number cf men and women dressing. Mini /'(; ,ear SAVINGS them just above my knees (-at, came to deliver the donated skirts are ev least they felt' that way)., MONTHLY DEPOSITS supplies and remained to work: erywhere, but Ourls have taken over this 01 a· INVESTMENT sorting clothi~, packaging sup- miniskirts worn town and they look so delightful • 10 year SAVINGS plies for families of ,two, four, with style and that I couldn't resist visiting the NOTICE ACCOUNTS and on up. chicness,' colO'l' talented hair stylist in the hotel. a REGULAR Back to the newest recipe: abounds; bright and having my hair cut and~, year SAVINGS This woman had been given a pinks, v i vi d curled a Ie '68, For evening bag of mushrooms by a friendly 0 ran g e s and these curls (with the aid of falls grocer on her block. "If I could citrus yellows, and hairpieces of course) cascade have a pork chop-just one pork f rill s a n d down the neckline giving these chop," she said, ""I could fix flounces float forth and a walk I Canadian women a fragile fem- , my family's favorite dinner." down a street is like watching inine appearance that is hard to Bank By Mail compete with. In fact if you One pork chop for a family an everchanging fashion show. of four? We couldn't believe it What astonished me as much feel like getting an inferiority We Pay The Postage complex about your looks this until we tried it at our house, as the sense of style that per • YARMOUTH SHOPPING PLAZA ' and were asked for a repeat vades the city was the aura cf is th,e place to go. I guarantee performance. Here's how: good g-rooming. Nowhere do you' when you return you'll want ;;}' • SOUTH YARMOUTH • HYANNIS Use large-capped mushrooms, 'see a sloppy, woman, no one is new hair style, a new sense of • DENNIS PORT ,• OSTfRVlll£ Fry the pork chop cool. Beseen walking the streets' with make-up and a oomplete new move meat and grind' it. Add curlers in their hair or ,runs in wardrobe. seasoned bread crumbs and a' - their stockings. Obviously the bit of grated. onion, both sauteed - women ~ Morit~eal are con- , in melted margarine or fat from 'cerned WIth theIr appearance J UBI L A R I A:N: Sister - the chop. Pile on top' of in- and work hard to keep it up. Color Process Year Books verted mushroom capS, Make a One thing in their favor is the' :Mary Marciann 'of, the .Feli- er~am ~uee (dr:ied or. canned, price 01 the clothes. One can, Booklets Brochures cian Sisters 'marked her sil- nulk Wl~ do) into, which you - pick up a lovely summer dress' vel" ju:bilee of reJi~iou8 prohave added ithe, chopped and, :fur about twenty-two dollars ill, fession at St. :Stanislaus sauteed mushroom stems, ~our Cenadian money or a smashing- Convent, Fall River, on' Sun- 'sauce into bottom of a shallow - slack sUit for around thirty-· " pan, top with'the stufted mush-' , eight. High fashion for a small oay~ Observance ~p~luded a, rooms' ~bake until tender, 'price seems to be the m'otto of :Mass of thanksgIvmg cele-, 20-30 nunutes. the 'little boutiques tbat· are 'OFFSET''';'' PRII~ITERS~.~ LEnERPRESS'" brated by Rev., I.tobert S.,.. So now,: into our heterogene-- ~ound everywhere, and if you're
Kaszynski, 'St:'S~n!slau8,'?us,collection !J0~' this, ~ded ·plannin~ a tri~ to this SOPhis~-' , 1-~7J::OFFI~ !,VENUE, 'hone 997~.942t, pastor and -reception for' lte~ - communIcation' agam - , eate~ CIty thiS.' Summer 'don t~
-, , '. ' . ' . ' -";' _..' remJnder of someone -who was . ,outfit 'YOU1'6elf . before 'You 'go, '
New Bedford, Mass. friepds m the, ;parochial. -willil'lg to share her houSewife.: -- save a .. few 'pennies :fur, some .school, -ha,U,'_ , ",'," delightful buys up there. '
5.50 5 00
Bass River Savings Bank
. .. ~
THE ANCHORThursday, May 2, 1968
New Insecticide Promises
To End Dang·er of ,Sprays
Teaching Sisters To Get Raise
By Joseph and Manlyn Roderick
DALLAS (NC) Bishop Thomas K. Gorman of Dallas Fort Worth has approved a sal ary raise for Sisters teaching in parochial schools which was recommended by the diocesan board of education. In a letter to all pastors Bish op Gorman stated: "As of Sep tember, the base minimum sal ary for each Sister in regular service to the local parish will be $1,500 per year." Enclosed with -the letter was an agreement, signed by Bishop, ' Gorman, fM the signature of each pastor and the major supe rior of the religious order of Sisters serving his school.. , The agreement provides thll>t the parish pay the ,stated, base " minimum salary. to eac~ ,Sister; provide a convent and its up keep, along with utilities, in cluding a telephone; an automo bile and its maintenance, and health insurance. ' Sister Caroleen of the Schooi Sisters of Notre Dame, diocesan superintendent of schools, said the increase in the 'minimUm base salary Is f:be first such' since 1959, when 'it was' set ' at . $960. .
I doni;"' lmow how other prdeners fared over the Winter, but my roses were hit pretty hard.. Most of my pruning is done now and very ~itble remains of 1ast year's I!I"Owth. Luckily the roses surrived wt ground level but I Gidn't have much of a job ..a~" h . Nader knew which ones the ~ldmg w at to prune Slnce children would enjoy, the hours most of what I could see '!ihey were open and how much . v e the root crown is dead. they cost.
This year I am going to try • We found our hotel through .,stematic approach to ridding this tiny book that described it ID,Y plants of insects rather than in glowing tenns and it tlllmed IPr~ying simply their upper surout to be all that the autho1'8 IIaces. ' A systematic insecticide had said and then some. II taken in through a plant's Dining SJl)Ob fIlIOots a'nd passes through its syaHowever, every bit as ,impor tern. The one I purchased is in taut as our place oli lodging was granular' form 'and contains a the places where we dined and ferti'l"izer.' , A measured amount :Mr. Frommer and Mr. Godwin III Spread around the base of the 'couldn't have given us better m:ose .bush, worked into the sou. tips on dining if they had been ifhen given a thorough watering. with us personally. One evening The roots then absorb the ferJoe and I (thanks to 11 kind tilizer and insecticide and sup- 'hearted Nana) ate alone at a lit posedly keep the plant free from tIe bit of Portugal transplanted IIU chewing and sucking insects to this continent, called the k six weeks. Fado. ComP1ete with melan '. : S!Lfer~ Quicker moly guitars and Spanish-PorI would be parUcularly grate- . tuguese cooking, it was a delight ful' ii the systamic program to the eye, ear and palate. worked beacuse it would elim- ' Equally as good, though, were 'EVERYBODY'S GOTTA EAT': Pfc~'Charles Richards Snate spraying. No matter how inexpensive luncheon places of Pittson, Pa., s-hares his C-ratio~~ w~th fatigue-hatted cautious 'one is, there is alwaYs such;.lS A La Crepe Bretonne Gte possibility that children and the Pam Pam. The former Httle Vietnamese boy in a villag~, near Saigon, where Withdraw Missionaries' ", .I ' '"th th has an upstairs constructed !Uldd Richard's outfit, the 1st Battalion;, 27th Infantry, 25th In eome in' contact WI e spray ..1_,;, at d lik ' . te hi end harm themselves. ~",r e e a pIra span . fan try Division, was on a sweeping oPeration Jleoar' the From Angola Territory,' Aside from the safety factor, .8 bill .of fare thart ~onsists of NEW YORK (NC) - The Vietnamese capital. ~C Photo. this method Js also much quicker . ~late-SI~, paper-thin crepes United Church 'of Christ 'and l'lIld 'easier ttuui spraying. No' filled .WIth. ,any of 81 different the United Church of Canada messy ,spray cans and no lost . fillings. One. cO?ld spend a are w~thdrawingthe majoritr., energy in pumping and unblock-, whole afternoon. Just watchi~g of theIr missionaries :from the Ing nozzles, just a third of a tJ:'eCOOks cr~ating these deli Portuguese West African ter-" cmpful of an odorless material ClOUS concoctIOns, but Montreal ritory of Angola. ' Milwaukee Neighborhood Committee Works
applied around a plant every six hol~ so. many wonders that one Dr. Alford Carleton, execu weeks with no danger that, it ham t .time to linger over any tive vice-president of the To Prevent Panic Selling-
will rain ~e day after you one thIng. United Church's Board for ra ed and wash off the ra The. Pa.m Pam. too was a area stabilization committee for World Ministries, whose head MILWAUKEE (NC) - Some 8P t y. 1 sP Y charmIng IneXpenSIve restaurant distribution in homes in an area quarters are hel'e, said the ac strange signs are beginning to ala erla . fo f '1 H g ' . d I am more than willing to try I" a .anu y.. un anan In ecor appear in the windows of homes populated by about 40,000 per tion was being taken because IIOmething new, but being a pes- and dIshes, It featured flourless sons, about one-third Negroes. around St; Agnes parish on the the Portuguese government is simist at heart, I cannot conceive cakes. Both my mother and I had. city's North Side. apparently seeking to· extin The signs are one of the of something which is so easy some for desse~, but before I They're being displayed by means "by which we hope to guish Protestant missionary ac actually ,working. Lurking An : could ask the w81tre~s what they persons interested in stabilizing tivity in Angola. dis~ourage unethical real estate the back of J,Dy mind is the feel- . did make them WIth if. ~ey the area. They call attention to The two churches have with salesmen," . according to An mg . that someone devised a ,omi~~d flo~r, Jason wa~ dIPPIng a program that aims to reduce drawn all missionaries, III total thony L. Silva, acting commit method of satisfying lazy gar-, his, hands In ~veryone s plates house turnover so that home ·tee chairman 'and a' member of of 12 whose terms of service &mers that the were doing and I thoug,h,t It best, to pay our and area values can be main , St. Agnes parish. had already been extended for . y. ' bill and depart. tained. more than a year beyond the oomethmg about theIr roses to B tt. J d I f lt th t h t Fear Tactics try without having to go to 0 oean . e ,a ": a In the eyes of the organizers, normal term. The missionaries rt f a s gar 'we s~mpled of thIS cosmopolItan the pr?gram is designed to pre He explained at rl~ent meet m uch ' t rou bl' wi.J.I apply for readmission. e, so 0 u _...' b t ti d pill for'roses. We will give it Il ..-c.y was u an .appe zer an ings that the program is not vent panic selling. Portuguese administrators ould like to ret~m try though, and hope that the that. ,we The signs read: "We're Not sponsored by a religious group. have in the past given assur RSults live up to the message ag81~ for an entree-but WIth Moving to SUburbia-We Like Nor are the committee ap ances that re-entry permits out a two year older! would be given, but, Dr. Carle on the label of the product. Now that we're all back in a It Here," and "This House Is. proaching the problem on a NOT For Sale." color basis but 1"8ther as a mat ton said, there have been in l!Jm the llUtchem, routine, at least until Summer They've been prepared by an ter of economics. stances of denials of re-entry l have come to the conclusion vacation, here's a tasty little "Our aim is to restore confi permits to missionaries. tfhat any family that attempts vegetable recipe to add interest dence in the area and counter NUli'"ses Cound~ Mee~ to take a vacation trip with a ta everyday menus. act unethical salesmen since toddler has to be either courage lEGGS l1l>JIV'AN M.OlY ]] at St. Anne's they tend to operate on fear :€ lUS or stupid; and I'm afraid we (Il) 'I d I E ) tactics," said Silva. The Diocesan Council of Cath tfull into the latter category. eVl e g g s The immediate ,goal of the olic Nurses will hold their :When our plans to visit WashG hard-cooked eg~s group is to make its efforts Spring Plenary Meeting on Sat :lngton over the Spring vacation 1 2~ oz. can deVIled ham known to all residents of the urday, May 11 at st. Anne's failed because it was impossible % teaspoon Worcestershire area by establishing a network School of Nursing, Fall River. to obtain reservations (evi sauce of block contacts. The business meeting and dently everyone else in the U. S. % teaspoon grated onion Persons who have expressed election of officers scheduled 273 CENTRAL AVE. bad the same plans, only sooner :Ik teaspoon salt interest in the program repre for 4 o'clock will be followed at titan we did) we set our sights ¥.!teaspoon d·ry mustard sent St. Agnes, Roosevelt Drive 5 by an address by Rev. Donald aorthwaTd. Montreal was our Dash' pepper 992-6216 J. Bowen, assistant at St. Mary's. Presbyterian, Garden Homes go~l and with our terrible two Z Tablespoons cream or milk Evangelical Lutheran, Augus Norton. in ,tow, along with some genial (Broccoli and Sa.aee) tana Evangelical Luthe.ran,· Benediction of the Most NEW BEDFORD smndparents and two young 1 pkg frozen or 1 bunch fresh Blessed Sacrament. will be given .. Siloah Lutheran amI Elim Tab ladies of seven and nine we set . broccoli' at 6:30 and the banquet will. :ernacle churches. , , Iotth ona rainy Mond~ mom I'm Tablespoons butter or follow at 7:15. Ing. margarine Reservations must, be made fFr~~§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§~ Fortunately I had come with 1 ~ Tablespoons flour with Mrs. Ann Fleming, 228 Oak llli= :;111 -.e a pocket book guide of Mont ~ teaspoon dry mustard Grove Ave., Fall River, no later, Ileal and'Quebec 'written by Ar %' teaspoon. salt tl:ban Sunday, May 5. thU1\ Frommer and John God- Dash pepper win: in ~peration with ttIe % cup milk melting the butter in a saucepan Bank of 'Nova SCOtia. n was Jk cup grated sharp cheese and stirring in flour, mustard, absolutely priceless. The 8U 1) Prepare the deviled eggs salt,and pepper. Remove from, thor'S described in expllcit detai\ by cutting I/.( inch slice from one heat and stir in the, milk. Re-,. botel, motel and rooming house end of shelled egg, remove yolk tum to heat and cook ,until , eccQmmodations; different types and mash yolks and end slices . thickened", stirring constantly. ,
., ,BANQUETS • WEDDINGS • PARtiES' eft:estaurants, from ones where with the ham, Worcestershire, Add the. grated cheese and stir
~ can get eggs, toast and cof oniori,salt, mustard, pepper and -tmtil smooth.:
Iee-,:tor 65c io the elite gounnet cream, mill: well and then use In a,· cassetrGle .dish arrange," > ',,,: ' •. COMMUNION BREAKFASTS ,', laavens that lure 1be patrons flo ,fill hollows of egg whites. the cooked broccoli., ,Stand .the, .. with theIr haute .cuisine; and I) COOk broccoli as label df FAU'RIVEI deviled· eggs with stuffed ends, 1343 PLEASANT STREET .~Hy the bighllghts of the city recls (if f~n) or in a small "up between and on. broccoli., , 993-l780' '. &at .' tourist shbUldn't misa.' am9unt of ' ,wBtell' Until tender pieces. Pour., the sauce over aU-, , ISal.d' highUght. were even catoe ,if ,yf;' " andminutes bake·,in a 400· oVeft"about"""I~§~gg§§~~§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§~§§:!I~J 30 ,01" until.bubblT'·1! tba* JastantlJ" tile I)
'We Like It Here'
..mzed 'J
10. .~H.~ ,ANCHOR
. ...,
,:,)'hu.r.sday;. May.,.2•. 1,9~8 ... ( . ... .•. . .,. ,
Sup.,,~me C~u.l't
MADRID' (NC)--..;.A· group t1ti youth leaders who spent a nig~ ·.in a church to avoid a I~est ~ police was released la~ through the help of Auxilia~ Bishop Angel Mort'll Figuls ~ Madrid. ' The youths had taken refu® in the church of Our Lady ~ Montana in suburban MorataJaiJ after police raided a mccting bll a parish building which th0 youths said was "a house. of thQ people of God.'" 'Q The meeting which had b~ announced in the padsh tIbQ previous Sunday as a conferen<cO on Ohristian doctrine, was SUib rounded by police on suspiciolQf that it was an "illegal meetin~ of workers' oommi·ttees-inde-o pendent labor organizations. Tb() police arrested a Catholic wor&. ers' leader, Dannen Ruiz Abo-1 gado; Juan Canet, a lawyer, a~ Father Juan Jose Maria B<llles:a teros' as they left the meetin-.. The three. were late!: releasecA, However, ·the, Y9uths atten+ ing the conference, fled to ~ church to avoid arrest' and ve,., ,mained . there until BishOJll Morta arrived and, .obt.ainecll . their .freedom after ,negotia~ with the police. .
Qars Obsceni.ty ''''For Youth WASHINGTON (NC)
For more than two years the Supreme Court has made it clear that'in the eyes of the law obscenity· is a sometime thing, its distribution ~o adults nearly impossible to regulate without endangering the Con stitution's guarantees of free speech and opinion. But over the same two years, the Court has indicated thai it might be possible to control the ,. availability of obscene books " and films to the young, and in " 1967 it issued an op~n ,invita c·· tion to the nation's ~a~yers to .. find the right cases "an4, the ", ,right . arguments tot~st .·this '··'view. _. . . This year, the cases' were found and the Supreme Court did what most obse.rvers thought it would do: it permitted states and cities':to control distribution of obscene material to' young lIJters - ' providect It 'dr;lws "the lines finely and tightly. , .. It re'turrled from a·Jtwo-week ", recess to rule that·· NeW York ·; ..State's law barring phs'ons 'un. Organization Starts , '~er 17 'from buying '. smut 'met . '. .. ~ ·the ~e~t,~.nd tpatr.>,alIas1s ·~.lm .' ,.. "CLEANUP: Fathe'r"Detm6d' P: 'McDermott of' New York's" lo:wer East '~ide St." Housing· Program elasslflcatlOn law undet whIch.,.·.·;·. , ... ' .. .' .. .' .•.. '., .1 ." . " • • .......,. 'WASHINGTON (NC) ~
.. " minors are.prevented from see- BrIgId,nsn. p.as8~s. o~t pamt ~nd prusJ:1e~ to sl1rpl1r~a~ .volunteers who particIpated m Church-sponsored nonprofit 0IJ)00 .<' ,ingsome movies, didnot ... :i;h.~ AprIl Z.O ()peratJ,oA Cleanup. It was estImated ,that 50,000 urban. people of all baek- .. ganization here haS launched II ;.. ·.T.he·opinions sh'oUld' go 'li-long .. grounds w~re joined .in the WOllk by 5,000 suburbanites in cleaning 'andpa:intin~ 'aJong"~ousing program Wider whiClli :'''way toward clearing 'up a' con- .; 46 S'treets. NC Photo. , . : ' " .... ., ' I t hopes to purchase 322 sl~ :.. lrti-tutional 'atmosphe'fe" whic'h' 'at , . . homes,' rehabilitate' them, aDCil :'·times has"been no Clearer than·. .' . resell·them 'to poor families DiP e J,.. air around the. Supreme.' 'del' federal financing. . Court's building on a 'PilrticuThe organization-:Urban Be larly still s':lml.n.e~ day.. ., ...... 1 lo"··n~Se"ct· habilitation Corp.~will begiul While' the Court in an 8-1 de1"lIIII 1"lIIII . the program with therehabi.... eision written by Justice Thur-, tation of nine row houses whiob *000 'Marshall-:his first major ~ N'EW YORK (NC)......,.,Jt- Wall z At' the' end of tbe da~ they; ~teas . 'of densest poverty .~Jl it will purchase' from' the .~ epii'iion-tlirewout the Dallal! .great':day for New York-one ~ Bat down together· at . tables' .andthe Bronx. ._ development Lan·d· 'Agen~ film'· clasSification law because hard: work, 'oonstructiye dia-' tile length of streets to . Last SumJ:l1er, in its thitd year Washi~gton'urban ref\ewal . . .tfwas unduly vague, even there' logueand .happy. celebration. . eat a' meal of celebraHon, pro'- of successful operation,: the' thorny agency. ,The RIA apo K' upheld the right of go\'er~- .-.Along 45 streets in the Man-' vided and prepared' by people ~rojec( wastlIreatenea b~' .out- proved sale of the houses to ~ , Jnen~ to prote~t the Y0l;lng 1~?m hattan. and . Bronx ..ooroughs of the block. . '1:>reak, 'of violence in East Har- .. group at a purchase· price' ~ ..~slble bad mfluenc~; .. ' '. some' 50,000 Negroes, .Puerto Many in~olved said they felt lem, ,. . '$26,100. Different Directions Ricans Italians Jews Slavs. the most important aspect of the To .. counteract riot .threats "Purchase and rehabilitatiOl:l ·It did so without p~ssing on Orit~nt~ls and ;eople~f ot·he;, whole projeot was not renova- . Msgr. Fox organized East Har- 'work,' which will be done' bIT. . the· meri~~or lack'of merits""': nationalities were joined by ·tion, but relationship. It gave lem peace processions: For five Negro contractors and involVG ':. of the film involved, but hinted some 5,000 guest volunteers _ an opportunity at a time ·of n\ghts more than 1,000 old and young Negroes as apprentice6\ ., ·1.11at had the law been suffifrom suburbia and other middle alienation and' fear,. between . YQung Puerto. Ricans walked will be carried out under ~ eielitly explicit about' what conclass areas. black and white, rich 'and poor, through thei,r streets with ban- '$]37,000 mortgage provided ~ .stihites proper or imp'roper conThey spent the day c1e.ani/1g, inner city and suburbia, ,"oung ners·,.. flow!!rs, singing songs, the International Brothel'hooCl ,. duct, the Dallas censors 'would renovating and decorating the and old, for people to meet one. carrying candles and s.tanding of Electri,cal Workers and guall :.. have had no trouble iicei1sing inner city streets and alleys, another as persons in .an. at- . up for peace, hope and love. . anteed by the Federal Housins '·'the film. ... buildings and residences. 1'0- mosphere of work, play and La~gely through their efforts Administration under its 221£( Instead, thc Court said, they gether the men, women and accomplishment. p'eace was restored to the area. program.
were set "adrift in a boundless .. children residents wOl'ked shoulIt's one. way to' make real
sea," and arrived at their conder to shoulder . with priests, what Dr. Martin Luther Ki'ng
elusion--':that the film should be nuns, laymen and women volenvisioned when he said "I Archbishop Greets
shown. to adults only - from unteers. They cleaned backhave a dream," as East Harlem
many different directions, yal'ds and basements, did car- ite Valentine Haddock described Armenian Patriarch
~uch a situation is wide open pen try work, made plumbing all the people helping one an NEW YORK (NC) ~Arch
te abuses, not the least of which repairs, painted doors, windows other to become "not even just bishop Terence J. Cooke of'New would be a drift among filmand building facades. friends-relatives." York welcomed His Holiness Vasken . I, Supreme Pat.I'iarch makers toward the most innocuAt the end of each block, a ' Peace Processing ous and the totally inane. The large and, colorful mural was Cleaned "out basements and andCatholicos of all Armenians, result: "The vast wasteland that painted on a' wall, depicting the backyards on streets are to be . at an ecumenical service in St. Patrick's cathedral. . some have described in refer- good things happening. transformed later again by 365. NORTH FRONT STREET It marked the first time the ence to anot.her medium might street residents and guest volNEW BEDFORD supreme spiritual leader of the
be a verdant paradise in com- ..Award Ecumenical unteers working in partnel'ship Armenian church had been re
parison," into vest pocket parks, basket992-5534 ceived 'in a Catholic cathedral in
But because the: law was Theology Diploma ball courts, little theaters, remevague, said Marshall, "it does KAMPALA (NC)-A theolodial schools and teenage neigh- the United States. JIlot follow that the Constitution gical diploma of the University borhood clubs. requires absolute fl'eedom to of East Africa jointly recognized This non-sectarian project exhibit every motion picture of by 'the Catholic and Anglican was instituted by Msgr. Robert every kind at all times and all Churches in East Africa has been J. Fox, New York archdiocesan places." . awarded for the first time. coordinator for Spanish comWITHOUT TRAFFDC ll. PARKING PROBLEMS The first four Uganda students munity action, who four years to rece'ive the diploma fare Anago originated a creative com at the Schedule Unveiling glicans. munity action program, 'SumThe theological diploma repremer in the City," now operating Of Pope1s Statue sents an agreement between out of 26 store fronts in eight . FATIMA (NC) -A 12-foot Catholics and Anglicans over the SOMERSET, MASS. high statue of Pope P~lUl VI syllabus and subjects of the the \ 'wili be unveiled Monday, May ological course. However, such TRI CITY 13 at the Marian shrine here on an agreement does not iriclude, The most friendly, democratic BANK offering . the fi.rst anniversal'y' of the any changes in doctrinal teachJ;'ontiff'l? visit to :the shril)e" ~ompleteOne-Stop ing. by the' churches. Each stuSLAB BRIDGE ROAD " 'I:he st~tue depicts Pope. Paul .dent ~oJl~ws th~. course..'d, Club Accounts'~, .:_-~ .'. ,Auto .Loans· . "-' i . ASSONET; MASS. '02702 '. . '-.:.:" ~ri~ellng:· .in .pray!!,c 1?eiore ~ ..a~ ing. to . th~ doctrines ·of his· re:":,.· .' ..... Tel. 64.4·55~6 ..., :'. ,,'Checking.·Accounts '.: . ' -Business· loans:' . image of Our Lady FaJima: ' ..... _ .. BOILERS RE-TUBED .' - .... :Savings ,Accounts ' ..leal Estate LoonS . ~ Ali . tlh;"e~ ··b·i~~ps· of' P'~rtugal, ~pectiY.e·ch.u'r£h,... ,The, churches .also:agreed tJ:1at' . . S' EP' A . .' " ';AtSomerset Shop:pi",Area-.r'·9~tn1Cili St., Irid'ge, t.he· ina. in!>"I'S .-I"n·' th:". tli_e:'.' . . . TUBE', R teED .. " "" . , : .. , I.;. are 'expected ·.to' attend· 'the un" .:} . I • ., .:. \ . . . . , ~, • t. . r" <; • . • ··t4.HOUR SERVlCE" ", .. .•..:,., '\:'.: .. ,:::,,~ei}il)g.-;tqdth~. May'pri'grl~~ge i,.,'" ""'. M·embe.r- Fede~lil. :i>~~~it, ,t,suro;lce"Corpordtio'n ol~gical 'course"~oUld'-be" Blibli",;, , .. '."Ult INSURANCE :'C'OVtRAIE'" .n ... . _eat studies; 'w ~hQ shrine~ . ••.' • ; , ' \..- ·-t .\ .. ,:"
0 000 . . ' .,":." ." 'p" " ·M.·ore. T. han,·"S'.1 '. . ·in'G.· reo CIt. .Day . rOJ ect
'e' w.... "YO''',k' .·Pr·ela·te :H''eo'·ds . . .
o··r"·.-a· n' Effo' rt' .
DEBROSS OIL co. Heating Oils and ,.Burners
'; . . . .
.. Portla,nd Prelote Stresses Crisis, ;;' In Education,'" ,
THE ANCHOR Thursday, May 2, 1968
PORTLAND (NC) :..-' Co-: adjutor Bishop Peter·L. Gerety, apostolic administrator of the Portland diocese, des-
Aid to
cribed the "grave and serious 1 crisis in regard tQ finances and personnel in the field of Cath~H, oUc education" a't a press conference here. While affirming the desirability of Ca.tholic education, the Maine bishop pointed to the serious problems in financing and staffing a system of schools which aims at providing a Catholic education for all children whose parents desire it. He ·noted both the rising costs' of education and the dl"Op in voca.tions and in the number of Reli'gious available for teaching. ' .. ,. Bishop Gerety n~ted: "During the past ten rears, six' Catholic schools in this state alld 11' ,. Catholic elemental'y schools .CARDINAL J~EGER IN AFRICA: 'The have closed their doors. During Cardmal Leger, who has dedicated his Iif e the same period, we have scen II t' 'th h" fl k f d' . f the enrollment in our Catholic ..a y mee mg WI IS oc or ISCUSSIons 0 schools decrease by 25 per cent." ' eroun. NC Photo.
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retired ~rchbishop of Montreal, Paul-Emile to work with the poor in Africa, is continu. '" conditIons m the DIocese of Yaounde, Cam-
Leger Wor.ks for Af·r.-ca Lepers
II .
BATON ROUGE (N2)-':'Tho Louisiana AFL-CIO app: Dved tl resolution calling for s. : ~ sup port to children attendi" 3 non public schools at its COil " ~ntion here. The resolution endar 'd the proposal "that tuition supplements for the teaching oj' nOiF religious subjects bc' paid toward the education of chill-> dren regardless of race, creed, or religion in state a;lproved non-public schools which me~ all the requirements of law." Emile Comar, executive ~ rector of the Louisiana reder2l tion, Citizens for EducHtionlll\l Freedom, said: "It is gmtifyin(l that the state AFL-CIO in tho adopted resolution recognizecll the need of 'parents with c't~ dren in non-public schools. . "Tuitions continue to dse ant1 taxes are becoming increasingJy41 higher and the combination ei the two has placed a lremeiF dous financial burden on thill
"::-:n~~nt of ,the
state's popula .Tbe labor organization's resaExpand Quality lut.ion noted: "The contributioJ)fl The ·system cannot be .ex. "which these schools have made panded beeause of s t ' a f f i n g , ' .to the state have long been ree': problems, financi~l d€ m ands" YAOUNDE (NC)-lt is said The fact that he left behipd ! COmmodate himself to the new" ognized by the public and;~· .. and the.increasing costs of, pres- "that; when Paul Emile Cardinal' 'one of the most important' dJ-' environment and to be ready public officials." "ent day education; , . ". Leger, former arehbishop of' oceses in the world does n'ot fig;.) I work effeetivelr. . It added that the "parents' b:l Schools must be consoUdated 'Montreal, arrived. at the lepro-: ure in their thinking, but they· The eardinal is already familt.hese tuition supported schooJ!J , ,wherever hldicated for maxi-. s~r.ium of Nianing in Sen.ega!. appreciate the sacrifice that ,is . iar with the specific pl'Oblcms of have repeatedly demonstrateflJ , ' ,mum use of, the available Reli- . last Dec. IS, the lepers looked involved· in leaving his nfltive the lepers' villages. He: thinks their support of both public ani! I "gious persoJ.mel; at their :fingers to see if a mircountry and adapting to a Dew that they need good pharmacies . non-public education to ,the "We must· concentrate' on ex- acle. was going to happen and environment. and is concerned with CHing for' benefit of .all Louisiana eh~ cellence in the schools we have." they were going w be instanCardinal Leger has put himall types of sicknesses. He sees dren." Where this is not possible, the taneously cured. It was in fact self at the service of Archbishop a need for wells, powel'houses, bishop said, "the schools inthe :first time that the lepers JeanZoa of Yaounde. He is food suppliers and medicines· of volved will have to be closed." .. had seen a cardinal. learning one of the languages various kinds.
"We must greatly evpand the' 'ri1l~ cardinal, however, through of Menace Peace
.~ , Cameroun, the one that is Men, Not Outcasts S(l()pe and quality of our reli- ·works of. chari1.y, has. for a long most widely spoken in the re . VATICAN CITY (NC.)-Pe~ gious education progl'ams reachtime been concerned with· the ·gion.. He thinks that j¢ wiJl What makes the cardinal par is still menaced by questions «f ing out to all age groups." lepers. M~~y of the houses in take two years for him l& aletkularly 'admired is, that he re prestige and an insufficient senstl Bishop Gerety announced the leprosanum h.ere at Yaoul)de. gards the lepers as men and not of human brotherhood, PQ~ that he is creating a t.ask force have been built through' 'his - as outcasts. knows that many Paul VI told thousands of \'isi~ to study. religious education . gifts. The same is t>rue of sevlepers are severely mutilated tors gathered in St. Pete!'"" pl'ograms in the diocese. . He "eral leprosaria of the' Ivory ,Human Rights' and Cfln no longer take their SQuare for a Sunday noon blesv will ask the group, he said to Coast, Dahomey and Camerouf\. ,. place in society. It is because of ing. 'make reco~mendations ~on-" The cardin!"l i6 still in ,the 'VATICAN CITY (NC)--:Jt' is . ·this that he seeks to bring them Speaking from a window ovei' eerning 'how the limitedre- stage' of making contacts in the . vain to proclai.m h~man rights 'material and spiritual aid. sources of the diocese can best" three leprosaria here. . unless everythlllg IS done' "~o He also gives thought to the looking the square, Popc P~u1 be used "to ploovide an effec- .. ,', Cardinal Leger does not want 'en'sure the duty of respecting prevention of the disease. If cleclared: "We must support willi tive religious education for' the ' 'to impose either his aid or him- them by all people everywhere leprosaria are well organized, it our hopes that cause (of peace) which so many desire and pro total community of adults' lind "self on anyone. He has said re- :l1'ld for all .people," Pope Paul will perhaps be possible to wage mote with a sense of impartiality children." peatedly that he does not want VI declared In a letter to the Ina campaign to eradicate the and justice, with true love ofi He said he will also ask for to be a burden and tl1at 'he ternational Conferenee on' Hu- 'disease completey. reeommen<;lations on th'e best wa'nts to be regarded as a simple man' Rights meeting. in Tehran, The cardinal's realism aston- freedom and of respect for su1i use of the diocese's Religious' priest. . Iran. ishes many Africans who like fering peoples." personnel. Disinterested Help" The lettel' signed by the Pope to live from day to day and who. • That is why the Africans ad- 'was' sent to Father Theodore do not like their customs to be ~------------... mire him. Moslems and Chris- Hesburgh, C.S.C., president of upset. The cardinal understands tians agree that his is an exam- Notre Dame University and head that the Africans must be shoWn pIc of disinterested help that is of the papal delegation to the that aid is not directed at de not often seen in Africa. ,?ongress. The meeting is being stroying their customs but at . held on the 20th 'anniversary of bringing them a better standard the United Natio)ls' Declaration of living. of Human Rights and in con Workers' Charges junction with the International Reject Celibacy Denied in Germany Human Rights Year. , . ROERMOND (NC)-Twc,ll.y BONN (NC)-Charges by the The papal letter dec111red: one young Dutch priests have women's branch of the Indian "With all men of goodwill we told Bishop Petrus Moors of Young Christian Workers shall follow with great interest this Netherlands See that they (YCW) that living and working . ~his conference in Tehran, which can no longer accept the pl'icstly conditions for Indian girls means to formulate and prepare a celibacy obligati.on. training as nurses in West Ger program of measures to be taken many were unsatisfactory were on the prolongation of this Hu denied here.. man Rights Year." The Rev. Hubert Debatin, Racial discrimination raises so Protestant minister who initi ated a program of' nursing many troubles, social injustice, training for girls from India's economic misery and ideological oppression, so many revolts that INCORPORATED 1937 Kerala state, saId that the Indi an government had ordered an 'recourse to violence as a means investigation of the complaints. to right these wrongs to human dignity is a grave temptation' The Indian embassy here, how (The Development of Peoples)." ever, refused to comment. Rev. Mr. Debatin said he vis Ited the embassy and told offi ON CD HOARD: Alexand er P. Tureaud, Sr., chief .cials that the charges wer~ completely false. Despite the JAMES H. COLLINS, C. E., Pres. counsel for the Louisiana "no PLUMBiNG & HEATING, INC. comment" by the embassy Registered Civil and Structural Engineer branch of the National Asso , it is reliably' repOrted that em . '. ' " ana S~rvIce . Member Nationo. Soci~'y Professional ·Engineers ciation for theAd~ancement bassy officials did visit several .. lor Jomestic of Colore<i People tNAACP), hospitals and questioned Indian , . .' =-" an.d 'IOlluslriaf , fl,tANCIS L. CO'LUIlfS, JR., Treas. girlS ,about:' th~ir living and vii Burners . , beeame the first Negro elec THOMAS .K. COLlINS, Seey. conditions. . . ~95·1631 ted. to the Catholic tJniver~ . working 'The' niinist~r iJaid"the Indian , 2283 AClJ~HNET AVEHU~. '. AtADEMY BUILDING· . FALL RVER, MASS. sity board of tr:ustoos. NC yew will be "asked to Withdraw NEW ,.BEDFO~D, Photo .. , " . . '.. ' ~ alle&latioNi~' .' . mg statements:
. , ",
Seeks to Bring SpirituQ I; Material Aid to
Brotherhood Lack to
Pope Asks Respect For
famous fo·
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fan River-Thurs., May 2, 1968
C~:~e$ ~~@Ergy Role in S®~Hrch F9f ~@~@' Crisis Sc~~tm(!ln By Msgr. George G. Higgins The big.hop of a middle-siood eastern diocese recently g;nnounced, at ceremonies memorializing Martin Luther King, Jr., that the diocese will spend a substantial portion of its annual Development Fund "to improve the condition ef the Negro •••" The money, posl!.ible that even those Ca;ho he was at pains to empha- lies (and Protestants) who are size, will not be g.pent pater- most vigorously opposeq to .wilistically, but in close 00- clerical involvement in social
The Servant Queen
operation with local Negro and economic issues are never leaders. He said that his com- theless in fevor of using church mitffiimt wi 11 ' .. funds as seed money to devel lTec'ei'Ve the op projects for the benefit of bacJ.cing of the the poor .in general and for area's' Catholics. poor Negroes in partiC'Ular. "'I make t b i s D i s c o n c e r t i n g Fact ~ o' 'm mit, ' I would hope, of course, that ment,"" he asthis' might prove to be the case, aert1!d; "confibut .only 'time will tell. lIIent that .our . Meanwhile the' fact that HEADS NCEA: .Bishop Catholic people such a high percentage of Cath share this love olies 'and protestants are 00: Raymond J. 9all.agher of -m Ii d' concern." record as' being opposed to Lafayette, Ind., was elected That the bishop the ·churches getting involved president general of the Nat felt it necessary in' political 'and soci,al issues is ional Catholic Educational to make the latter statement for rather disconcerting, to, put it Association at the associa-' the record might lead one ~ .. , as mil~ly 'as possible. . ' susp'eet 'that; in point of fact,· be ' I tliisas one who can sym tion's 65th annual conven-' antiCfpated that some of' hi$' pa,thize"with those'Ca'tholicsor tion in' San Francisco. NC . Catholic people would object' to ' Protestants or Jews who object Photo. his decision and was mereIi.' to certain types of clerical in , Wying to neutralize their op~.' . volvement which either ignore mtion, in advance or, to 'put 'it 'the complexities of the political more"'crudely, was' trying . to'. '.~rocess or tend to oversimplify, beat, them to the punc~ sO to. the application of moral prineiBjpeak'. ' ' .' pIes to complex social and eco LISBON (NC)-Manuel Card ! I 'Expert' Opposition ,.. 'pomic problems or, finally tend' inal Goncalves Cerejeira, patri-' Be' that 'as it may, a recent ': to leave the impression that &allup Poll on the attitude of '. Clerics have a monopoly on the arch of Lisbon, imd Bishop Joao Pereira Venancio of Leiria,. Cath.dlics 3lld Protestants with' Virtue of political prudence' or whose diocese includes the Mar :regard' to the involvement of 'have been granted ethical in their churches and their clergy sights' that· have been denied to ian shrine of Fatima, returned . here after participating in three in political and social issues other mortals. day ceremonies in Brazil honor would seem to suggest. that S~rious Obligation ing Our Lady of Fatima. \lIIl.less. his diocese is the. rare It is one thing, however, to They t~ok the statue of the exceptl(~n that proves the rule demand that clerics stay within -Pilgrim Virgin of Fatima with -~he bIShop can exp~t a cer the limits of their o~ compe iau~ amount. of .0PPoSIb~)D from tence in' the political order and them to Brazil. At Sao Paulo they took part in , a .slzable JIllnonty of his Cath quite another thing to try to ooc. p e o p l e . . muzzle them or to deny that they Portuguese .- Brazilian Commun !lftY-Seven. per .cent of Cath have any role at all to play in ity Day celebrations. At Inhang abau and at Rio de Janei1"G clies. res~ndmg m the Gall.u~ ,the field 'of public policy. survey. said .that the churcti:~~ .,' In 'the 'case of civil rights for thous'ands joined them in ven-' statue., should not get in.volved, with 35 exatitple,.. they have· a serious erating ,the . per cent. statmg that. t~e. . Gbligation to teach the truth as The patriarch and Bishop Ven d1~rch~~ . sho~d express SOCIal they see. it; . 'ancio ,were accompanied in, enS' pO~~Ical Vle~s. " To do so in any meaningful Brazil by the rector of the Fat-· ~gn . Icantly, l~ was found woay,., tlley must at times move i m a: shrine, ' Msgr. Antonio ~at,. more. Catholics than Pro~- beyond the realm of general Borges. , 0Stants ..thmk ~hat the ~hur<;~esprinciples into the area of spe-' should n?~ get ~volved ~n soc~al cifies~ even at the risk of a~tag and polItlcal Issues; Fifty-~wo onizing those Catholics who dis lPOerlle'dcefnt of. the Protesta~ts agree ""ith them. . P avored mvolvment, whIle This does not mean that cler 42 ~er cent. disagreed. ies or 'other representatives of, Hadden Study official church' bodies should Contrarirwise, however, a short:,circuit the political proc mudy released during the same. ess by trying to force their own week in which ·the Gallup find solutions on the body politic by mgs were made public found means of heavy-handed, author .,ntat in all caSes Protestants· itarian edicts. were more vigorous in their op If they were to shirk this re position to social action by sponsibility or run awoay frOm clergymen thaI). either Roman this challenge for fear of antag Catholics or Jews. onizing a minority (or, for that The latter study, directed by matter, eyen a majority) of ~effrey K. Hadden, a sociologist their .people, they would be un at ;Western Reserve University worthy of their calling. in 'Cleveland, was summarized -This having been said, how In ~onsiderable detail by Edwaro ever, it'should be noted that R. iFiske in an article entitled clericS and other representatives -Cl~rgy and Civil Rights" in the of offlCiilI church bodies alSo editorial section of the Sunday, . have. an obllgation to keep their. Ap~il 21, issue of the New York methods of teaching under con 'l' stant review. . Since the Gallup and HadGen Wo~' CUt Out Alrveys dealt specifically with We cannot automatically as-· the right of the clergy and the Sume, in other words, that all ehurches to speak o~t on social of those who object to clerical and ,political issues (civil rights. involvement in political and tor . example) and not on the soc~l.issues .are necessarily in role: of the churches in financing bad .faith.. programs aimed at' improving It may be,' in.the case of some U1t: ;~ot of Negroes, their find r of. tb~m at le9st, we are at fault TRUSTEE: .BenJ'am T. ~ . ings. do not necessarily m~ of. 'in the' sense that we haven't : .
oou~E!, that the bishop referrect. Iearned how to communicate the '!' Rome, president of aWaah..:,.
to a~ove will. encounter oppe-, _ Go~l .meSsage 'to them in'; i n g ton construction oom-','
" sitiO:Ji.from any slgnificantnuili.. · te~. ,which' 'they caiiu.nder- ';:pany, a m'ernber of the 'Jew.::-· ber :~f his people for usin~ cii- stand and absorb. ' j. ish 'fAith,' .has neen elected; GCeSa Il f~nds for the econom.ic .. -Ifthis sho~d prove to be the' to bOard'of +-~. t - ' and.~ ;~OCIal bettel1nent. 01. the' :case,' we' have' our work cut out .. ' .~; "'. ' . • wu~ ~, W. " Wack; .citizens of his communitlT. . ~r.~ :in the montha ftbat lie ' . the CaU..~hc Vnlver&liy .,Ne: ~~ '; other words, it is quite' . aheiid. ' ·,," .".
Venerate Fatima Statue in Brazil
I:iJ. the Constitution on the Church, we find the testimony of Sacred Scripture and the Church Fathers combined with more recent pronouncements by the popes. Mary, the "Mother. of God an4 of the Redeemer," was united to Him, "by a close inen.. soluble bond," .and waS accorded a special. role, "in the mystery Qf the ·Inca·rnate Word, that is, in the economy of salvation." .
'.' When· .Mary uttered the words of ,her Fiat; she made a
eommitment to God so that He' could carry' out His de-"
slgus' in ·her.· Mary 'never took' back hell" ad of total' surrender,
Dot even on the road to CalvarY. lFrom, that ..first· moment, she '
devoted herself wholly to serving DM only her heavenly Fa
ther and the Incarnate Word, but also the whole human race.
lin the llncarnation, Our' Blessed :Mother first brought Christ
to the world. Anell tha.t is precisely what she would have 70U
do aU· your life-bring Christ to the world.
Ev~n after the AScenslon, she loyally and steadfastly ca·rried out.~~r role, ,aCting as' spi,rit1!/lI ..mother to' the beloved' disciple' anli ~~. ne~rn . Cl1urch~ With. good . reason, then, we can say ., tha~,.~e .w/:J.ole life of the Lord's humble hand:tnaid~from the moment: IIhe.was porn to the ,present':'-'is one of loVing seZ;vice to' her. cltildren. :what gz;eater example 'and 'what ~tei" model ' could, y~ .c:hqose to imitate in Oil'der to. fulfill your ta~k as a Christian called. to~ove and -to. serVe your poor 8iKl sUffering bro~ers ,arqupd the world? . '.' ',' "". . .
'" You' .must DOW take over Mar,.'s task~ You the door
through, which Christ enters the world.' You muSt' 'receive the
Lon! and bear Him in '70ur :heart sO tha& He 'rnA7 be'eo~e the
heart· of· your life. Then His love, Ji'is goodne~ Dis pity for
the multitude ·will shine through you into the world. Then He
will smile through your eyes. Then He will help with your.
hanels. Then He will comfort with your goodness. Then He
will relive in your pers~n His life of long ago for the sake of
today'S desperate humanity.
In this, the month dedicated to the Mother of the church, show your love for her by making her task your task, by sacrificing , to The Society for the Propagation of 'the Faith-to help those of her children w.ho are in such need.
Nationll-ll Director, 366, Avenue; New York, .N.Y. 1000'1, Or directly, to your local Diocesan Director, BU. Rev. Msgr. Raymond T.. Consid~e, .3611 North Main Street,' Fall River, Massachusetts
, .
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New Jersey Grand Jury Absolves Police of Deaths During Rioft'ong NEWARK (NC) - A special Essex Cotmty grand jury investigating the deaths of 28 people during rioting in this city last Summer 'absolved po1dce «l blame i/O!" the deatbs in a presentment which rebuked an anti-poverty agency for failure to cooperate willi law enforcement agencies. The presentment was issued after the jury had heard more than 100 witnesses over an eight-week period. It said there was insufficient evidence to warrant indictment in any of the cases presented to it, although an earlier trial resulted hi the conviction of a man for fatally shooting a woman. "In the final analysis," the ~ury concluded, "the responsibility for the loss of life and property that is the inevitable product of rioting and mass lawlessness cannot be placed upon those whose duty it is to enforce and protect the freedom of our society. Courage, Restraint '".It rests squarely upon the "houlders of those who, for whatever purpose, incite and participate in riots and the flouting of law and order in complete disregard of the rights and well-being of the vast ma jority of our citizens." Although the presentment leveled some small criticisms at police actions, it generally up held the work of law enforce ment officers and this was in contrast to the report of the New Jersey (;()vernor's Com mission on Civil Disorder, which was highly critical of the police. "With some exceptions," the jury said, "police, both local and state, together with National Guardsmen acquitted themselves with courage and restraint in the early stages of the riot." Poor Judgment The grand jury said the po lice "were handicapped by lack of training, appropriate equip ment, effective direction and experience in dealing with the type of situation in which they were involved." The jury did say that "in the later stages of the disturbances, there were examples of poor judgment, excessive use of fire arms and D manifestation of vindictiveness that eannot be tolerated in law enforceD1ent personnel." AD10ng the recommendations it made was one that looting "be effectively controlled at its earliest manifestations." It also called for the improveD1ent and updating of equipment and said "the use of chemicals and non lethal gases should be explored and considered." The jury called for improve ment in police-community rela tions and said "there is no place for abusive language or ill treatment of any group of citi zens." Like the governor's COD1 mission, it deplored the use of personally-owned weapons by police. The anti-poverty agency crit icized was Newark Legal Serv ices Project, a branch of the United Community Corp., which helps ghetto residents with legal problems. ' Charges Laxity The jury accused it of failing to cooperate in post-riot inves tigations, said the character of statements it had taken were inadequate and unprofesSional,
Receives Admiral VATICAN CITY (NC)-Pope Paul VI received in audience Adm. Joseph Edet Akinwale Wey of the Nigerian Navy, who had told a press conference that he hoped to present a message from the, Nigerian government on the Biafra si'iuatiolL
THE ANCHOR Thursday, May 2, 1968
r I
and charged it with lc'Hrity m permitting some of lots material to i1all into private hands which misused il Reporting on the deaths, it found that three were not con nected with the rioting, that eight resulted from wounds in curred while participating in criminal acts, that nine of those killed were apparently innocent bystanders, that two apparently resulted from sniper fire, that two were from accidental shooting and that one could not be classified. Another special grand jury is now being paneled to carry out an investigation of Newark's municipal government. This in vestigation was recommended by the governor's commission which reported a "pervasive feeling of corruption" .in New ark.
Convention lliead N. E. Monsignor MANCHESTER (NC)-Msgr. € o lin A. MacDonald, president of the Manchester diocese senate of priests, has been selected as chairman of the national con-' stiiutional convention of the proposed U. S. priests' councils organization 110 be held May 20 and 21 in Chicago. . 'I1he' monsignor earlier had been elected as the Boston province delegate to a 29-mem ber ad hoc steering committee for the convention, When ill; was decided 110 limi¢ the steering commi·lltee 110 8 members, the JJlQIlsignor was elected to this group, then ohosen as chairman. Msgr. MacDonald said the purposes of the proposed Na tional Federation of Priests Councils are: to promote priestly brotherhood by faciJi.1.a.ting "com munion among priests' councils; to provide a forum for the dis cussion of pastoral matters; to en'able priests' councils to speak with a common, representative voice; to proD101e and collab orate in programs of pastoral research and action; to imple ment the reriewal of priestly life; to provide the means for priests' councils, united nation ally, to cooperate with the ':tity, the ~eligious, the bishops, and with others in addressing the needs of the Church in the mod ern World, and to do whatever is necessary to carry out these purposes. Members of the Priests' Sen ate of the Diocese of Fall River have sent suggestions regarding the proposed organization to Monsignor MacDonald.
NEWMAN CLUBS MEET: At oonferenee of Newman Clubs from area colleges, representatives of Fall River Di reese included, from left, Walter La Rosa, Our Lady ill Mt. Carmel parish, Seekonk, a student at Bristol Community College; Lydia Rocha, St. Michael's, Fall River, BCC; Rev. Harold J. Wilson, BOC Newman Club chaplain; Morgan Childs, St. Patrick's, Falmouth, SMTL
Returns to Moscow Fr. Dion, Assumption College President, Named Apostolic Administrator WORCESTER (NC) - Father Louis F. Dion, A.A., president of AssuD1ption College here, will resign his post June 30 to beCOD1e apostolic "administrator in" the Soviet Union and chaplain to American Roman Catholics in Moscow. Father Dion held the same posts in Russia from 1959 to 1961. He served as assistant to the president and registrar of Assumption College from 1962 until his appointment as president ill June, 1964. He replaces Father Eugene LaPlante, A.A., who returns to the Assumptionist Fathers' AD1erican province for reassignment after a three-year term. Seventh to Serve Father Dion is the seventh American priest-all Assump- tionists-to serve in Moscow un- der the terms of the 1933 Roosevelt-Litvinov agreement establishing diploD1atic relations be-
LOUISVILLE (NC)-Catholie school officials here are trying to work out dual enrollment agreeD1entS with public schoo! officials in two locations. If agreement is reached, stu dents at Flaget High School here and at Bethlehem Academy may benefit next Fall from the pro gram. Moves toward the dual enrQll ment concept were made possi ble when the Kentucky attorney general issued an opinion which said, in effect, that . public schools might get state financial assistance for students enrolled part-time in public schools. Under the plan, students in private schools could take some subjects in public schools and others in their own schools. Fa·ther Thomas P. Casper" Louisville diocesan superintend ent of schools, said he is submit ting dual enrollment proposal£! to the Louisville, Bardstown and Nelson County boards of educa~ tion. While action on the .\?roposaw is up U\ the public boards-the attorney general's opinion grantv permission but does not force ootion-Father Casper said he if! "very pleased that there are possibilities open now for de veloping dual enrollD1ent." , Final form of any dual enroll ment effort is still to be decided. But one such method treated in ' the attorney general's opinion is the leasing of space in Cath olic schools by public schoom and the operation of this space as public school classrooms.
a visiting Russian churchman here.' Father Bissonnette is now academic dean at Assumption College. Father Dion had to wait more New Jersey Bishop than three years after Father Asks United Action Bissonnette's expulsion before obtaining a Soviet visa enabling ATLANTIC CITY (NC) him to go to Moscow, via Paris, Bishop George H. Guilfoyle of in January, 1959. , Camden issued a call for "united Father Dion said he is looking action on the part of all of WJ forward to his return to the to 36Sist our fellow man," as Moscow post. He bad not specif he helped dedicate a HUD1aJ:.\ ically requested the assignment, Resources Center aiD1ed at job he said, but it was offered to develpoment for some of this him and he accepted it willingly. resort area's 50,000 poor. "This nation has made tre Powers of Bishop The duties of chaplain, Father mendous strides in the fields o£ Dion explained, are not con- science, industry, business and fined to American Catholics medicine," he said. "It is shame living in Moscow. They include, ful that in view of all this pro gress we still have millions of he said, the entire foreign col ony - the diplomatic corps, people who live in poverty and newspaper personnel and tour- want." Bishop Guilfoyle said the 'ists. . Since there ar(~ no European Camden diocese will contribute priests-or priests of any other $1,000 to the new center, to be nationality-in Moscow serving used for "whatever program the tween the U. S. and the U.S.S.R. in the capacity of chaplain, he board of directors decides hi He' was replaced in 1961 by said, the American chaplain needed." Father Joseph Richard, A.A.., ministers to the spiritual needs who served four years in the of Catholics attached to the Priests Paid SllEme post. staffs of embassies and legations His iD1D1ediate predecessor accredited to the Soviet govern Salary as !Laborers was Father 'Georges Bissl>nnette, ment.
PARIS (NC) - The a.verage A.A" who was expelled in The post of apostolic adminis
salary of priests in the Paris MaTch, 1955, by the Soviet gov- trator, Father Dion said, in region is about the saD1e as that COMPANY ernment in retaliation for U. S. volves all the powers and func of an unskilled laborer, accord refusal to prolong the visa of tions of a bishop except ordina~ ing to figures contained in the tion and consecration of bishops. Complete line first public budget report of the is assigned to a priest, usually Paris archdiocese. Atlanta Archdiocese It Building Materials in areas where there is DO The archdiocesan operating hierarchy, who is then di·rectly Joins Equal Housing budget, the report showed, is responsible to the Holy See. 8 SPRING ST., FAIRHAVEN ATLANTA (NC)-The ll'l'Ch $440,000 a year, most of which Fath"er Dion expects to arrive. diocese of 'Atl~lnta has joined is for the salaries of 384 non in Moscow in early August, he 993-2611 parish priests, more than a third more than 50 metropolitan At-. said. lan-ta . organizations and indi:-" of whoD1 are retired. This indi cates an average of less than $1,- viduals as co-spo~sors of the Atlanta Metropoli tan: COmmit-' 000 a year. . ~ Parishes pay direclly the 600 tee on Equal 'Opporunity ill Housing. , parish priests, but their base sal , HThe objective of the confer-" ary is only about, $50 a month. ence ,will be primarily 'educa Honorariums ,for baptisms, mar riages and special Masses add tional," Father Noel C. Burten about an equal amount to this, shaw, ehancellor of the arch-" sum, but pcr'ivate requests for" diocese and member of the Masses . are declining. Parish execu-tive committee, said. priests, send to the archdiocese He, added: "We expect this, the honorari~s of Masses they dialogue' and interChange will 653 Washington Street, Fairhaven coannot celebrate. In 1964, this establish ·necessary communica amounted to about 22,000 Masses tion and provide Some answers 994-5058, a year; now it is only about three ~ the housing problems facing ,~·four· thousand~ ,reater Atlanta."
24-Hour Wrecker .
...•............................................ ,
Thanks Catholics For Refugee Aid
Msgr..Ellis: Relates Hist~ry 0+ Training' for 'Priesthood
.VATICAN - CITY (NC)-Near ··East·welfare work of U. S. Cath olics has been praised by Pope Paul VL Such a message in the Pope's name has been sent to l\I1sgr. By Rt. Rev. Msgr. Jobs S. Kennedy John G. Nolan, president of the The publication of a book by Monsignor John Tracy Pontifical lVlission for Palestine, whose headquarters are in New Ellis, founder and dean of a new school of American Cath~ 'Vork. Written by Amleto Car <i)lic church:his'tory, is always a weloome event. This is true dinal Cicogilani, Papal Secre even when the book is among his minor works. SuC'h. is tary of State, it referred to the Essays in Seminary Educo/ 1: Mission's 19 years service to tion (Fides, Notre Dame, In ticularly the institutions founded .~ "Palestinian refugees, particu by St. Vincent de Paul and larly victims of the recent 'diana 46556. $5.95), a· 001 Jean-Jacques Olier. Arab-Israeli conflict. to lection of papers and addressThese men, win the author's It singled out as "particularly C2S. There is some repetition in praise for their effective re praiseworthy" the contribution Chese essays, which were pre gponseto a vital need. But he of the Catholic Near East 'Wel @ared for vari does IlQt hesitate to lay to them fare Association, saying that eus occasions. ~e responsibility for some of ·through the unflagging gener But it does not the anti-intellectual bias which osi ty of the catholics of the illessen the im chamcterizea. too many semina _. United States of America," it ",act of a book l.i1!3 in subsequent centuries. provided :qlost of the means for :which shows us . incredible NWI!Ilber the Mission's work following :n keen critical In the United States, some LlIFE MEMBERS: Msgr. John. E. Boyd, chaplain, left, the recent conflict. in tell i g ence quite ancient history was re and Dominick Maxwell Jr., right, Grand' Knight of Fall brought to beal." lived, as the bishops of new The papal letter declared: OIl a subject of dioceses had cleriea! schools of River Council 86 of the Knights of Columbus, i~vest Je,rome' "No other agency surpasses the bas i c impor sorts in their own homes. But D. Foley and Dr. Joseph Carvalho as life members. Pontifical Mission in length of lance. The hand in the' days of the very first · actual· serviCe, and its identifl rDf the historian bishop, John Oarroll, a real capon' with the' paternal inter iIs seen through . had b - ....-bli hed, ~ and concern of the Holy ~t the book. The first three semmary . een """9 ..... when the Sulpichms came to Father merits 'his encourage essays are specifically historical. Baltimore in 1791 and founded ment, his· blessing and his The, fi,rsi deals with the train St. Mary's. . prayerful good wishes.'" Charge Farmers Lack Formal Training
log or preparation of priests Later developmen1s are sum Cardi;nal ·Ci.cOgnanl that from the apostolic age to t'he marized by Monsignor. Ellis, In Agriculture
Pope Paul "out of paternal af ~ncil of T,rent; the second, with attention to the various :with the same subject from the types of seminaries and the ROSSLARE (NC)"":"'The need "Wbat chance had the boy who fection for the homeless and of time of Trent to ~ 1960s. The growth m numbers from 50 in for priests' to be more involved left school at 14 of making the grateful esteem 'for the Pontifi cal .Mission bids me· send yOIll tird is to 1668 to 571 . iIn 1964. Thi6 last in social problems was stressed grade at farming? ~he excep tional lads made it. The rest are the enclosed check for $5,000." theological seminaries in the incredible number is indicative by 9peakers at the annual meet American Middle West, 1811 0If tile regre~le proliferation ing of the Christu!; Rex Society, now fading away with thei~ Added to this was a furthell' amount of money contributed 1889: Which led to 'needless duplica an Irish organization for priestD· farms." Father Eamonn Casey, na · by the Congregation for the A survey such 00 the author tiOD, inadequacy in quality, and engaged in pastoml work. ijonal director of the catholic' Oriental Churches. Makes in the two opening chap... waste of resources. Over 250 priests and repre $ers is of especial interest be A test of ·the exeellence of sentatives of agriculturalorgan-: Housing Aid Society in London. Msgr. Nolan was asked that 'eause it brings out tile implaus American seminaries is pro izations attended the cOngress stressed the necessity f.or the during his Easter visit to the priest to work with underprivi ible but incontestable fact that posed by the atrtbor: how many here on the theme "Rural Ire refugee campS he "kindly dis leged 'members of -society. ''Too tribute the total sum in the b about the fi·I'9t 1500 years of men of enduring reputation land." its existence the Church did ba~ flhey produced! The an Father Jerome Dennehy, C.C.. often," he said, "the theologians Pope's Dame to all the need¥." DOt have anything even' regem-. swerJs that tIhe fteonl is not of Kenm2lre criticized the fail- . are on the periphery - they should come doWn to earth and bling a standard ~m of edu distinguished. And much of the ure of the Iri9h educational sys _tion for the priesfil100d. l'elIlainder of the book is given tem to provide the farmer with mix with the people-who really Monastie Schools 110 probing for' reasons m ex the basic knowledge necessarY 'fttere were no special schoobl planation Of this. to enable him to profi·t from omy of man, saying here is ·.the
lor the clergy before the time Of . Routine Teaeldll&' advice from government agen at. Augustine, who·.became. : "I'hi!. Anieri.can' ~mi~ry of des onfurming methods. body, is the soul-I:am • -'ilJhop of Hippo in 396. : His 1be ..ft.... refleCted: ..... _ national' !'No real progress can be made conCerned': only with the soul ~ e9tablished and mairitaineCi~' .-: '. 'In the:: future," he said. "until • • • T·he love of Christ is for
4'.' disregard cif inteli~tualqua1itY. '. this is, rectified. Ninety-five nAr. the whole person and anything ~ - ' , 4~ WYman
~ his own household.' and : had. In ~y. instances:' ~ty mem".. ... ~ that concerns 1llie'person is of ~ US92
, . imitators. . . '. ':. ~.:> bera . '""ere apPOint~'~ t~eir ~t' of !:?!'e5ent-day farmers concern to ·Christ.".. . ' . . . Thereafter came the mona~f)le positi - . ·th m'" rd i\o :. ,~v~. had 'IlQ' post-primary edu He said th,at· the. priest ·should. '.' ." CHARLES F. VARGAS Schools' initiated: by St; BenediCt. . ons' WIlif.'o .' ~ga " . r .. cation.' NinetY;ofive per cent of in th· . th' . " '. . proper. ql,la Ications. MuCh ,of farmers,. 'have had. ·'no formal se'lk' to·· develop ~ature ,Ght-ls-"" ,e:snr ;cent~; t;he.~.., fllie. teaching was rolltine: 'and"~rting in ·ligrlcultl,lre." tiMlS among::!ds·flock.::iuidcpre-' ,."'54 ROCKDALE AvENUE dr~ and-· eP1scqp~ 'Scboo~, an~ ;." ;,dun. . Collateral reading _n6t .. ' ::', .... ·:~:JF.lWle A,way pare them· Th~' role of . :'1: .'. &nally, the· medieval UDlvenu- .......... ·'~'~"d lib . . : .. , . ' .
ties.. ·.; ... ,..... ' . . . . '. .':- .~&'t~W1"~ .an nu:'-~ .wer~ " Fcaither ":qerinehy .~ncluded: the ~~.est,.he~d;·iftcl~des.·th~· ; }~E~ BEDFORD, MASS. proVISIon. ' Qf·.· mformatlOn:.. ''oo'' , . ~e ):mp'eror..Pbariemaible, ~~~ £reed . '~:tho'~~;:';","«~ sexual and.:~'ari~itLp'l·obiehis.. .:' .1.'. m the eigh~h' .~tury...decr~ miD not aencourn::t .. ~e~ch~',;Gt.~~n6~@ll'II;""r~,Wat@"'· He'" stlgg¢st'Jd . ··:·:·'Pri~:·\ ilhat alLclencs m~be ;l.ble to ·was virtuall . uilkn ," ; l j . , .' ': .....~. . main~in' :cQJj.t$C~: :'wjth~ :those: . ,. ifead im~~ri~ J~d;~ve. ~m:-, .'faculties PU~Shed v~':il:li~~e: "iT@ :~~~{t. ~~t~@B;<cs petence In ~h~~. })~1e.sslC?~~I'du- ... Monsignor ....Ellis points. tJ01 .the BOGOTA (NC) _ Anglican wh<?' emj.gra~:~m.·their_ par-: . ish~ and. follo~'·up' ·the ·careers( ti:ai"f'~king.. ~ .. DllIllmum timidity which prevailed after' . Bishop David Benson Reed of . of boys who are released·.. from . .q I I~~ ons, t:he.y ~ere to be the eJ!:cesses perpetrated in '1:l1e . BogOta offered accommodations refprm schools' .. , '. t: ; '1 • •• _.. .'.... ::;e~ ~~ deprIved o f : ; repression of Modernism in the .. for~fi:v:e Catholic bishops during . ':. .... . ~. . : ......, me iectr~~ IS we can see w, a fim part of the present centurY.;' .theforthcoming International g ere had been. . He sees a change in the era of Eucharistic Congresss' in August, The medieval universitieQ Vatican II, and happily notes and five Ecuadorian prelates ae were founded· by the Church, the improvements already made cepted his invitation. amd the cler?y. p~yed ~ im.. 'lUl:d: those-in prosPect.·· He 'h:J They are Bishops Bernardo ~rtant part m them. But they hopeful for the future. .. . Ec h ' R' f Amb a to an d 'Wei'e b 'd . al ~. ed'" evern~ wz 0. y no means. I e J.or·. u . 'ti lIJiteUktlllal A~lieDt';··'··'·-·'Ca:ndiiio:·Rada Cenosian of Gua (!l3, on for the pnesthood, SInce. . . . • ,' , . . . .,' .. , ... , "-,"'.' d" . ··d A '1' B' h' . '2he the I g' I' .. .' in'8 ConclUding '~y;,'~ .ran a liln UXIlary IS ops kemely q 1~;~~y~·ou~e·~~U:: . Priest· as rntelleCtllal;~ ~ :\v~rl.l9:·:·'GabrieI:'1?iaz. Cueva,. Ernesto '\Iersi~" of P . ...·..:.....k·"l·5""'·"'6' that a"better"educated and mueh" Alvarez ~l:'ia.Vlcente CIsneros of -;Y, arlS, n o.vv or .~ and . 'ea!" Gua a l l ' (fears to complete the'd'oCtOriite .more"aware ' enti 'laitr·..·r . .y qu ';' . . . . '< : , , . ,. ill.' theology. Hence few priests' demands a certain·levelof'lD-· ;,,' B~Sbt:P,An'Beedli has .JurCls~lctib~n benefited f-rom . .4--' ·f.ellectual attainment and alive....· ·~v~r. eo,. g cans In 0 om la . . ~ UDlversI.,. . its cl and Ecuador and has been an Effective Response ~~ ooes that the ecumenical leader in these ~III1I11I11I11I11I1UIIIIII"lIl1mlllll,"III1I1I1I11I1I1I1I11II11I1I11I11I11,"IIIII11I1I11IIllIUIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII~ ~
Rural Ireland
adicbot-SAVE MONEY ON'
::<," "::" .. , '. .
~= = =~_
priest has to be a .. :," .' _, ,". intellectual; such is not his _ . Over 200 bis~ops a~ 1~ ~r-:.'Et·· .'. cation. <R does mean that he has dinals have saId they Wlll at-.§ ... " "'" .. . . . ' 'c, Bef~rmation, and this ·is prj to maintain a genui.De. hif.ei-est .. '!end the EUcharisti.e Congress. to - . §' . , ' ..' .' ' INC. .' .manly lltt??utablello educa ill things .intellectUal,. anq, m;: Mbeid be~ : §. .__ =====§= tional defiCiency. And evea public questions;' §. '
..hen the reforming Council of
Monsignor Ellis· chides" sUPe-.' § . .
lI'rent was launched, it took 1~ . riors fo'r their failure to eneour- .p~iori ~ ,the minisky. in' § '.' . ~rs ~efore a dec~ on clerical age priests 110 use their ~cial' teD-dayretreatS preceding or-' § educa~on was achieved, and a talents, skills, and aptitudes. dination. Better than nothing, § . ~ long. t.lme thereafter. before its And he urgeS priests 110 acquire one s u P P o s e s . . §.,( , .~ proVISIonS were carned out in and retain habits of 9tudy. It is In. . the lnte,rvaJ. there has § practice.
to be hoped that both these cau- ~ great improvement.. But § , . ' . ~~ . Monsignor Ellis's treatmen.t of tionary words win. 'be wideiy~ OW'. measure c;anOOt be' the poor: § I·T·IO~II·"" ~ post-Tridentine· seminaries •.. and responsibly' beard. . . . P.erformance of the past. It, § , ' . I~ I~ I~ lis remarkably extensive but the It is hard 110' believe tb1Ilt as' must be the imperious demands' §. .. . . . main focus is on those ofF~Ce' .~ as the seventee~th centu~< . ~ the p~sent an4 ~~ fU,ture. . ~ 363 .SECOND FALL RIVER, MASS• • 'the seventeenth century, Pal'- fa France, some clena lOt their ~IWIIIUIUIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIUUlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIWIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUUIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIUIiIUWlimllllli5 'l'he PO?r estate of the clergy glarmgly a~parent .in the
ens of the Renalsance and the
REFRIGERAT'I·O' ..... APPLIA.....CES 'A'IR" C'O·....ID· •.G· ST. .
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'HE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., May 2, 1968
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16 THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Foil River-Thurs., May 2, J®~MO~ ~~~lliJO[[®(gJ ~rn:tilO1fi)@[[fr@~ofr~r ~~, ~@~®r&@~~
The record, compiled 56 years ago, still stands in big league baseball annals-most runs al ];owed, one' game, 24, Travers, fA. J. (Joe), Detroit. Father Aloysius J. Travers, g.J., 75, .who achieved the dubi ous pitching distinction, died last week in Misericordia Hos pital, Philadelphia. He acqui!:ed baseball immortality on May 112, 1912, as pitcher for the "One lDay Wonders." . Detroit's brawling Tigers were glated to play Connie Mack's pOwerful Philadelphia A's that _ day·in old Shibe Park. Detroit's Btar, Ty Cobb, had drawn a fine
and two-day suspension for belting a heckling fan a, few days earlier in New York~ ~he 'll'igers decided if Cobb couldn't play, they wouldn't either,' so ¢hey went on strike. Famous llnfield With the aid of Connie Mack, ~e Detroit management round ed up a collection of Philadel phia sandlot players, signed them to Detroit contracts and fielded the "One Day Wonders" as the Tigers. Al Travers, 19, fresh out of at. Joseph's Prep School,' "rho helped recruit the sandlotters, oppointed himself pitcher. He ctftein .'recalled: "I learned, that . e pitcher would collect''-50 eX-tra', so I volunteered." .. : That day' the A's scored 24 INns on 25 hits, with io nuts cmearned against young Tra'v erG. The wonder is the' scor.e wasn't higher for young Tra~~r:s was pitching against the best balt team ,of the era-against Philadelphia'S famous $100,000 infield of John Phelan (Stuffy) McInni6 at first; Eddie Collins, lJeCOnd; Jack Barry, short, and. IP'rank (Home Run) Baker, third. Saves Franchise But young Travers and the "'ORe Day Wonders," who had I2ever seen Detroit, saved the baseball franchise for the Tiger:s ttlat day. If they hadn't pl~yed tile A's chances are the' Amer bean L~ague would have' lifted !Detroit's franchise because of ,the players' strike. Despite the lopsided score, lP'atJher Travers got several big lleague offers as a result of his i pitching. He turned them down, ,went to 'St. Joseph's College, 'then joined the Jesuits. The lesson he learned fmln the unorthodox recruiting as a "one-day big leaguer stood him ., in good stead a half-dozen years later when he was teaching at GQnzaga High School in Wash ington, D. C. Recruits 'Ringers' Father Travers was in charge of the school b~llld, which used to master only about two or three tunes a year. In those days, the school had a cadet eorps and one of its big annual events was marching in the an nual parish-May procession. For years, residents of color-
Plan to Help ~eed Capital MCIl(l'c61ers PHILADELPHIA (NC) A pledge of cooperation in feeding the poor who will' gather in. the nation's capital in May has beell given to the Washington arch':' diocese by Church spokesmen here in Pennsylvania. . . Msgr. Philip J. Dowling, exec utive secretary of John Cardinal Krol's Commission on Human Relations, noted that the Wash ington Archdiocesan' Office of' Urban Affairs has asked assist ance from Philadelphia and other dioceses In providing foOd, es': pecially for those po\)r who will ' receive temporary housing in the f8cilities of the Washington ,archdiocese.
Back Presidenil,l/s ~®@~® ~~~@1r{f~ CHICAGO (NC)-The Asso ciation of Chicago Priests, an unofficial group of some 1,500 priests in' the archdiocese of Chioago, has endorsed President Johnson's current efforts to negotiate a Settlement of the Vietnam war. The ACP, in its fifth plenary session here, turned down a resolution prepared by .its so cial action subcommittee on peace, calling for complete ces sation of U. S. bombing in Viet nam, to support the President's limited decrease in bombing and negotiation moves. Two other peace resolutions recommended by the subcom mittee were approved: They put the ACP on record as favor ing d'raft law revisions "so that a person might be exempt as a conscientious objector to a par ticular war ,without necessarily being a conscientious objector to all war' and "so that a per son could be exempt as a con scientious objector on humani tarian 'as well as religioUll grounds." The ACP also approved three recommendations of its liturgy committee. As a result, the priests' group has urged the National Confer ence 'of Catholic Bishops to re submit two liturgical petitioJUl to the Congl"egation of Rites in Rome. The petitions, which had ~en turned down by, the Vati can congregation, would allow the establishment of, experimen tal centers for the liturgy throughout the country and lim ited experimentation with the liturgy without prior approval of the Vatican. 'nte third resolution called on 'the NCCB to take concrete steps to implement proposals of its liturgy committee for adapta tion of the Mass to smaIl anel special age groups.
ful Swamppodle, a neighbor hood within sight of the U. S. Capitol, talked about Father Travers' band. Never before had the bands men performed like they did in the 1919 May procession-never had such old favorites as "'Tis the Month of Our Mother" and "0 Mary, We C~own Thee With Blossoms Today" been so spir' itedly played by Gonzaga bands men as the procession winded through Swampoodle streets. After the procession was over, the school rector called in Father Travers, and congratu
lated him' on the band's per formance .. The rector added: "But high school musicians with mustaches! Don"t you think that was going a bit too far?" Father T~avers had recruited a dozen or so members of the crack Fort Myer' Army Band f\'Om nearby Arlington, Va., dressed them in cadet uniforms and put them in the school band. Besides teaching at St. CHURCHES UNITED: Bishop Reuben H. Mueller, Joseph's Prep and Gonzaga, left, of the Evangeli~al United Brethren Church and Metho Father Travers also, taught at sf Francis Xavier High in New dist Bishop Lloyd C. Wicke led representatives of their respective bodies at ceremonies in Dallas proclaiming the York. union of the two churches. The new body is to be known Disbands Hawks , as' the 'United Methodist Chur<;:h. NC Photo. One of his moSt heartbreaking assignments was given him some '25 years ago, He was sent back to St. Joseph's College, where' the battIe cry is "The Hawk will never die,"', as moderator of athletics. Priest Urges F~ir labor Practices "His jOb-disband the Hawks For Catholic,School Faculties football team, with a minimum of 'uproar from students and SAN FRANCISCO (NC)-For betweell the school and the alumni, since football had be religious community. as long as anyone can remem come a money· losing sport at ber, the Religious and lay peo Some experts says that the St. Joseph's and a number of -pie who serve on the faculties best solution to this problem is other Catholic colleges in ~those of Catholic grammar and high to bar Religious from partici days.' schools have been the type of pating in labor organizations. He did his job well, directing people who would never think But, Father Reicher indicated, attention to St. Joe's basketball of going out on strike against this would only divide the Re team, which has grown into one unfair labor practices, since ligious.and lay faculty of schools of the nation's powerhouses. this would 'imply some sort of even more than they are divided For the last 25 years, Father guilt on the part of p~ors and now. India to Reconsider Tl'avers had been stationed at bishops. Urging a period of experi St. Joseph's Prep, in semi Deporting Priest meritation to work out new Well, those days are gone for retirement during recent years. ever, according to Chicago's forms of collective bargaining, NEW DELHI (NC) - Indian Requiem Mass for the colorful Father Robert Reicher, and the Father Reicher concluded: "It ill Prime Minister Indira GandbJ1 one-day big leaguer was of job now is to set up standards obvious that the right to bar has promised reconsideration ,of fered Thursday at' Ge!!uChurch of fair labor practice and guid gain 'collectively is a natural the order expelling Jesuit in Philadelphia. ' 'ance for faculty members; griev tight, clearly defended time and Father Vincent Ferr r of the agaiil' ethically and morally. Poona diocese from India. ance procedures against Catho But this right also implies an lic school administrators. The pmmise was made when Canonist .Cates' Need Speaking to participants at 8 obligation to know what colleC tlhree members of the Indian tive bargaining involves." . secondary school department For Negro Prieds' parliament met with Mrs. Gan meeting during the National dhi here and asked her to get ATLANTIC CITY (Nch - A Natio'nal Catholic Educational the order cancelled and grant plea for more Negro ,Catholic Association Bishops Ask Pope convention here, Indian citizemihip to the priest. priests has been made at the Father Reicher outlined some of Visit Canada , Father Ferrer, founder of, the annual Easterri 'regional meeting the problems facing Catholic of the Canon Law Society of labor - management OTTAWA (NC) -Pope Paul Maharashtra Farmers' Service relations. Society, was scheduled for de America here in New Jersey. The pl'iest is chairman of the VI may visit Canada next month portation last year but was Msgr. Thomas J. Reese of Wil Chicago archdiocesan Catholic to attend the National Confer mington in the neighboring State Council on Working Life and a ence on Poverty sponsored' by granted several extensions of his stay. He was accused by of Delawar.e, speaking on experi Christian Churches in Canada. 'jV'ell-known labor expert. Hindu groupS of,anti-Indian ac mental parishes, accused the Religious who teach in CatB Bishop Alexander Carter, pres tivities and by the Maharashtra . Church of racism and said that olic schools pose a special diffi ident of the Canadian Catholic Negro Catholics prefer ,to - be culty hi. labor relations because Conference.' has acknowledged state government of "anti national activities." sel'ved by black priests, of whom of their obligation of obedience, that "feelers have been sent out" there are 'few. Father Reicher pointed out. to have the Pope corne to Mon "If any institution can stand ,What this means, he added, is t!:eal 'for th~ May 26'-29 meeting. oondemned on the basis of the that occasionally Religious mllY It would be the first papal 'recent Kerner Report on Civil be used to break a strike called visit to Canada. Pope Paul visited Disorders, it is the Catholic by lay faculty members. ONE STOP
this country as a Cardinal in the Church, among others, that is But more likely is the conflict early 19508. CENTER
SHOPPING guilty of . white racism," he trapping the individual Reli Bishop Carter said if a favor opined. • Television • Grocery gious whose loyalty is divided able reply is reCeived from Rome Asserting that the number of • Appliances • Furniture the Canadian government would Negro clergy ·does not nearly extend an official invitation. 104 Allen St., New Bedford meet the needs of Negro Catho- . Australia to Have lies, Msgr. Reese said: Pope. Paul visited the United 997-9354 Better Preaching "If the Church is going to be Nations in'New York in 1965. relevant to the black community, SYDNEY (NC)-A concerted :!IIlfllllllllllllllllllllllllllllHIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIUIIIlIDutuUliUllllUiHlllllllllilllllllllllllllllilllUIIIIIIIIIIIIUII~ we need black priests and we bid to raise the standards of need them fast." preaching in Australia and New Zealand will be made shortly, !Lobster Boats it was resolved at a meeting here Capital City of leaders of religious orders.
VATICAN CITY (NC)-Qn The effort will inchide a fully
the eighth anniversary of the ot'ganized Pastoral Year obser
• foundation of Brazil's new capi vance; seminars for priests of all tal of Brasilia, ,Pope Paul VI ages on updating preaching tech sent a radio. message of best . niques; the establishment of II • • 'wishes in Portuguese and press preaching center, and the use ed a button that illumined a of a recorded service on tech cross on the cathedral of that niques of 'oral communicatiOil
Tel. 997.9351 §
city. The Pope performed the directed'by the ObJates of MalT § 'UNION WHARF, FAIRHAYBt .
ocl'emony in his' private library. Immaculate.
New Problem
• •
s i'z e s •
Marian Awards to Educators;
Continued from Page Three Fall River, and has spent her entire religious life within the Diocese of Fall River. Sister has served as consult ant with various education com mittees in the diocese and bas promoted the educational pro gram of the Dominican Sisters. Sr. Mary Pauline, O.P. bead' . of the Science Department of the Dominican Academy, Fall River, was one of the originatol'll of the Region III Science Fair and has served as president of the region's Fair for two years. She is presently ooordinator of the Massachusetts state Sci ence Fair. Sr. Virginia, C.S.C. is pres ently chairman of the Th~logy Department, Notre Dame Col lege, Manchester, N. H. and served" from 1941 to ]958 as principal of St. Anthony's, New Bedford. She has always been a leader in new an innovative ideas in education. Sister Anne Denise, S.N.D. presently principal of St. Mary's High School, Lynn, is well remembered as the first princi pal of Bishop Stang High School in North Dartmouth and has served in many administrative posts for the Sisters of Notre Dame. Sr. Mary Aloysia, S.U.S.C. is dean of the College of the Sa cred Hearts, Fall River and has given outstanding service in co operation with the Catholic School Department in planning in-service courses for the teach ers of' the diocesan schools. She also serves as· coordinator of the educational program of the Sisters of the Holy Union. Sr. John Elizabeth, S.U.S.C. is Guidance Director at the Acad emy of the Sacred Hearts, Fall River and has served in numer ous administrative positions at Fall River school. She was the first principal of Bishop Cassidy High School, Taunton and has served on committees of local and state educational organizations. Sr. Mary Felicita, R.S.M. is now involved in the tutorial program at Mt. St. Mary'S Acad emy, Fall River and has served in the various sclIools of the diocese. For 26 years, Sister served as Diocesan School Supervisor iD. the Catholic School Office. Sr. Miriam, R.S.M. is also in the tutorial program at the Sis ters of Mercy Academy in Fall River. A former teacher and' principal in schools of the dio cese, Sister served for 26 yean
IN NEW POST: Father Charles F. Sheedy, C.S.C.. former dean of arts and let terS, has been appointed to the new post of dean of theo logical studies and institutes at the University of Nob'e Dame. NC Photo.
tiS Diocesan Supervisor in the Catholic School Department. This year completes 50 years of service in the field of educa to the Diocese of Fall River. Sister Maureen, R.S.M. is principal of Nazareth Hall, Fall River. She organized the pro gram and was the first principal of the Fall River school lor ex ceptional children, a position she still holds. She is a consult.ant, lind D member of city and state com mittees for the mentlllly l1'e tarded. Sr. Mary Urban, R.S.M. is Diocesan supervisor of schools and was the first principal at Bishop Feehan High School, Attleboro. She is a member of state and city educational committees. Sr. Mary, Carmela, R.S.M. is a member of the English Depart ment of St. Xavier's Academy, Providence and was t.he first principal of Mt. St. Mary's Academy, Fall River. She is a consultant on second ary school curriculum planning. Sr. Grace de Sales, M.S.B.T. is presently superior of the Cen acle of Our Lady of the Assump tion, Osterville, a position she also held at the Cenac1e of St. Patrick's Parish, Wareham. Sister founded the kindergar tens at Osterville and Wareham and has taught Chfistian Doc trine classes on the elementary and secondary levels during her many years of sel'vice in the diocese. Sr. Joan Louise, O.L.V.M. is suPerior of the' Victory Noll Convent in the Immaculate Conception Parish, No. Easton. She has served as catechetical specialist in dioceses in Iowa and California and her present assignment is CCD supervisor for the Diocese of Fall River. Brother Albertus, C.S.C. is supervisor of Education for the Eastern Province of the Holy Cross Brothers and is professor of mathematics at Stonehill College, No. Easton. He also ~ught mathematics and physics at Monsignor Coyle High School, Taunton. Miss Mary Cabral of 1)69 Cam bridge Street" Fall River, is presently teaching at Espirito Santo School, Fall River wher,e she is completing 43 years. of service as a lay teacher in ~e Diocese of Fall Ri vcr.
Whites to Solve' White Problem TOLEDO (NC)-Bishop Joon A. Donovan has made a public request to whites to take up the "white problem." He urged it for those "look ing for a modern, up-Io-date apostolate for down-to-earth Christians who are at the same time dedicated Americans." ·Speaking at a dinner of the northwestern Ohio district Fourth 'Degree Knights of Co' lumbus, the Toledo bishop said: "This ugly situation was fathered by injustice and is nourished by that subtle and insidious vice called prejudiCe. Need "In this deplorable situation in which the world ffinds itself today, the pressing need is for those who call themselves Christians to think as Christians, to form Christian attitudes and to live as Christians. "Just as we cannot separate Christ from His Gospel, so too we cannot separate love of GOO from love of our fellowmen without exception." "The real Christian, mlid the bishop, does not live "alongside" but "with" others. He constantly interprets another's actions in the best possible light, b"ying to remember always the way in which the Lord met, loved and drew people to Himsel!.
Thursday, May 2, 1968
Cufr ~t@~'1 Days 1
orw~~~@!1'ion C@[[i}~da
mas and New Year's Day
now are the only holy days of obligation for Canada'v estimated 8,000,000 Catholics. The Canadian Catholic Con ference, comprising Canada'fl Bishops, has announced th&a other holy days will be cell ebrated on the Sunday nearem the holy day. The holy days affected aye: Epiphany, usually celebrat~ Jan. 6; Ascension, now falling on the 40th day after East~Ilp All Saints, now celebrated Nou. I, and the Immaculate ConcejilP tion, now celebrated Dec. 8. The Bishops said observance
of the feast days on Sundayu
means they will be celebratecll
"by a larger, more relaxed anell
accessible congregation of the
faithful, rather than a congre
'gaUon of people constrained by
the obligation of attending Maw
in addition to their work."
Canada's Bishops postwn~ until next Fall a decision' Gil PRAYER CRUSADE: _Danny Thomas has filmed .n w!lether to restore· the ancie,.j~ 10-minute color documentary on the value of family pray~r office of permanent deacon m to be used by Father Patrick Peyton, C.S.C., in his Cam 'the Church. The Bishops of the States meeting simulta paign for Family Prayer. Father Peyton said he expects , United neously in St. Louis hlst week 200,000 people at a Milwailkee rally to be held Sunday, '!"~ted to petition Pope Paul VJ! May 12. for permission to restore ~ 'perinanent diaconate ror mar ried and unmarried men of l ture years. . '.
IEverybody Wept
Nun Describes Relief Team's Departure
From Stricken Hue
SAIGON (NC) - "The people dhims and Good Friday for the wept and we wept, everybody Catholics. wept," Sister Nicole said, de The Asia Foundation here scribing her team's departure gave a grant to pay for the after 16 days of relief work in meals of the Sisters' team dur..: Hue. ing their stay. She and two other Viet.nam - Before leaving Saigon, the -ese Sisters, Daughters of Char Sisters had collected medicines, ity of St. Vincent de Paul, with food, soap and clothing from 17 girl students, had gone to welfare agencies, including stricken Hue on a mission of Catholic Relief Services and mercy. Vietnam Christian Service The communI·s1s' T .... "truce" .,.. (Protestant). The United Na offensive had left families in tions Childrens Fund (UNICEF) mourning, houses in ruins ~nd provided milk powder, which people hungry and sick. The enabled the team to give milk government of Vietnam had in to 450 children every day. vited volunteers to bring help to the city's thousands of suf ferers. . Warn* Medics The .plane that broug,ht tile LONDON (NC)-The day be Sisters and their students also brought 85 youths from Saigon~ fore Britain's new abortion law went into effect, the nation's The boys did manual work such 5,500 CMholic doctors were as cleaning up the damaged hos warned by John Cardinal pital in Hues. The Sisters' team Heenan of WeBtminister that was divided into three groups, they should DOt perfo,'m any one to give medical care, an other to visit homes, a third to abortions. l{)ok after children. The 17 girls are some of those WEAR 'being trained by the Sisters as social workers for family assist Shoes That Fit ance, under a plan sponsored by "THE FAMILY SHOE STORE"' a Vietnamese women's associa tion. Five of the 17 are Cath 'olics. The others 'are mostly Buddhists. On April 12 all were fasting, since it was the 15th day 43 FOURTH STREET
of the lunar month for the lBudFan River OS 8-5811
Shoe Store
Catholic Boy Scout Officials to Meet WASHINGTON (NC)-About 150 leaders of CQtholic Boy Scout organizations will meet here to attend the 20th biennial oonference of the National Cath olic Committee OIl! Scouting. The meeting will be a :Iow day work session :tor chairmen, chaplains and other officioals cd the nations diocesan I seouiing ~ommittees. The meeting will end with a banquet in honO! Gl! Patrick Cardinal O'Boyle ol Washington.
Fish Sales Up SYDNEY '(NC)-"Best tilini) that ever happened to the fisb industry," said Mark J06eph" chairman of the New SouU:l -l\'ales Fish Authority, of the Church's lifting of the ban CJ:[l Friday meat eating. He has tb~ ligures to back up his verdict a 25 per cent rise in fish e4)D slImption here since the ehl\nge,
Where A
1001 lOngs Hwy. Open Evenings
"You Can Whip Our Cream, but
You Can't Beat Our J\4ilk!"
Your Gull Hill Route Man is Always of Your" Service t FOR HOME DELIVERY CALL 998-5691
',,' '·Sporlta.,eO·us,·:: '~~s'po;n,se'" . ,The Parish Parade '
Contemporary music will ac company the 11 o'clock Mass Sunday morning,' May 5. First communicants will re eeive at a special Mass at 9 Saturday morning, May 25. May crowning ceremonies, will be held Sund'ay, May 26. , The Women's Guild announces fts installation banquet for Tuesday night, May 7. Tickets are available from all members. Catholic Charities collectors' are asked to meet in the parish school at 7:30 tonight for dist~ OOtion of contact cards.
The Altar Boys will sponSor a cake sale Sunday, May 26: The Council of Catholic Women will hold a Communion break fast following 8 o'clock Mass this Sunday morning. Installa tion of officers will be 'held at a banquet following 5 o'clock Mass Sunday afternoon, May 26. Children of Mary will attend, a Communion breakf,ast follow ing 8 o'clock Mass Sunday morn ing, May 12. The' annual blessing of auto mobiles will take place at 1:30 Sunday afternoon,' May' 26 in the church parking lot.
lIT. MARGARET, BUZZARDS BAY SS. 'Marg'<lret-Mar'y Guild of
New Jersey Suburbanites of All Faiths Aid Ghetto Arson Victims the city's anti-poverty agenCll'. NEWARK (NC) Priest~. ministers, nuns and lay people Over Holy Thursday, Good of all denominations pitched in ' Friday and Holy Saturday, here to, try and make Easter a more than 10 tons of food and d<ty of joy for the more than 600 clothing were donated and the people burned out of their UCC staff was swamped with homes in a wave'of arson which the task of sorting the materiaL erupted in this city" following With schools and church of the funeral of Dr. Martin Luther fices closed, priests and nuns King. made their way individually Concerned citizens of sur and in groups to ,UCC head rounding suburban communi ties, who only a week before , quarters to help with the task had participated in a massive of / unloading cars and station "Wa 1 k for Understanding" wagons, and sorting and distrib uting the clothing. through ghetto streets, respond edspontaneously to the need. At least 50 offers of assistance Without any· special appeal came in to Queen of Angels going out, people of, all denom pariSh in the heart of the ghettc inations call e 11 inner-city and the callers were asked to churches to ask what' they' could organize relief efforts in their do and they were directed to own communities and then gd the United Community. Corp.,' the material 110 the UCC•
Buzzards Bay and Onset will A Maybasket whist is planned Sponsor' a rummage sale from 9 1lo 1 Saturday, May 18 at St. . for 8 Saturday night, May 4 hi Margaret's 'kindergarten hall, the school hall on Route 177. Main Street, Buzzards Bay. Do:" PrOCeeds will benefit the school iaations may be left at the, hall fund and table and attendance prizes will be awarded. 'd.uring mornings of the preced ,ing', week. ,Chairman for t,he ST:MARY. ~vent is Mrs. William Brady. NORTH' ATTLEBORO
NEW LEADER: Sister . Rosemary Markham, S.S.S. is the new ,Superior General " of the Sisters of Social Ser-, vice,' a Los Angeles based community engaged in social and, catechetical work with missions in Formosa and Mexico. NCPhoto.,
, Parishioners ,are' planning a testimonial honoring Msgr., Ed-, The 'Women's ,Guild will re 'ward B. Booth,' Pastor, at '7 'ieive Holy CommuniOn in a Sunday night, May, 26. Tickets are now available'.', " body'af the,8:15 Mass ,00' Sun dity 'morning.' A ,breakfast' will . follow' in the school hall. The, icuest speaker will beRt.' Rev. Anthony M. Gomes. " , Mrs. Arthur Belanger, gpiI' ftual 'chairman of the Guild, is NEW YORK (NC)""':'The Na _ charge 'of the breakfast. tional Confeferice 'of Christians and Jews' has: launched a nation';; SOUTH ORANGE (NC)-:"'The
wide educational 'effort to con 8'1'. JOSEPH, front the problem of white question of whether Jewish
"AIRHAVEN , Nomina'tions and elections of racism .,: in ,·America,' agency Christian dialogue should be by
speech ,or by action was the
officers for the Association of headquarters here announced. file Sacred ·Hearts will be held The NCeJ has given' 'top prl~ theme that ran through the talks
and discussions' at a Conference
at 6:30 on Sunday evening' in ority to finding ways toimple on Interfaith Dialogue sponsored
the rectory. ment the recommendations of by Catholic, Protestant and Jew
~ Dues are now payable to the the National Advisory Commis tl'easurer, Mrs. Jeannette Du sion on Civil Disorders. The ish organizations at Seton Hall
University here. '
lude. ' commission blamed white rac Rabbi Ma.rc H. Tanenbaum,
ism as the underlying cause of, !!IACRED HEART, director of interreligious affairs
urban unrest. NORTH ATTLEBORO for the American Jewish Com
In a progress re-port to the mittee, was generally in favor
Preprimary registration will be held from 2 to 4 Sunday NCCJ board of trustees meeting of the action approach, saying
afternoon, May 5 in 1he school here, Dr. Samuel L. Gandy, dean that the dialogue must avoid be
office. Some openings also exist of the Ho~ard University school coming a convenient conspiracy
of religion, Washington, D. C.. on the part of middle-class.
in first, sixth and eighth grades. and chairman of the NCCJ na whites to buffer themselves
The CCD adult discussion aga'inst the realities of the inner
group will meet at 8 Sunday tional program ad\7isory com mittee, stated: city.
night in the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. G. N. Bonneau. ' Father Edward H. Flannery;
"NCCJ's 130 professional staff executive secretary of the U. S.
members in 70 cities are cur ~ntly engaged in developing' Catholic Bishops' Secretariat for
programs with police, business Catholic-Jewish Relations, said
\ and 'labor leaders" parents and that while he would be the last
teachers, clergy and with youth, to cut off action in the realm of
and all of the various institutes, social justice and charity, he also
The newly formed Women's workshops and dialogues which felt that. Jews and Christians
Club, of Holy Cross Parish, So. are being conducted are empha could not effectively present a
Easton, has pledged, $5000 sizing the findings of this re common ftont to society until
toward the building fund ac port." they have straightened out their
cording. to an announcement Dr. Gandy quoted to the own affairs.
made today by ,Mrs. Arthur J. L. Father Flannery referred to
board a letter to President Lyn Peterson, the organization's first statements that the -Christian
president. The pledge will be, don B. Johnson from Dr. Ster Jewish dialogue had died in the
paid at the rate of $1000 per ling W. Brown, NCCJ presi wake of last June's six-day wa,r
dent, in which the agency hea,d year. said that NCCJ embraced the between Israel and Arab nations.
This pledge has been added commission report as' "a sanc He said that 'it was not so much
to "The Second Mile" Building tion and guideline for our ef a matter of its dying, 'but of its
Fund campaign now in progress forts in the private sectol." not having been tried yet.
under the chairmanship of Rob ert Dray and Louis A. Lyne 111I1111I11111111111111I1111I11I1111I1111111111I111111I111111I11I11I11I11I1111I111111111111I11111111I1111I111111I11I11I111111I111II11111111111D serving as director. Te date, this second phase bas listed 35 gifts 'totaling . . $12,000, Combined with the initial campaign, the Building, Fund now lists 233 donors who . , BRISTOL COUNTY haVe pledged a total of $117,()00: ' . The Women's Club 'that was 9G-OAY NOTIC~ founded less than six months ago has initiated a long range TIME program for the spiritual, cl,l1 OPEN tural and financial efforts of the ACCOUNT parish. ' o • • Interest Compounded In addition to the regular Quarterly 'methods of aiding the parish " Offices in: finandally, the women have conducted teen-age projects and MAINSIFDIEILlD> , NORTH, ATTLEBORO A nU!BORO !FAUS have assisted the Men's' Club 'fu " i", • variou,s ,progr;:lms. . ' 1111I111111111111I11I11I11I11I11I11111111I11I11I11I11I11I1II1111111111111111illlllllllllllllllllllllllllll1111111111I111I11I11I11I11111111I11I11 SACRED HEART, FALL RIVER:
Christian's,' Jews' 'Co'mbat ;,Racism 'Christians, Jews Discuss Dia·logue
So. Easton Club Pledges $5,000
, Thlsoolumn's ,happiest readers are the men, women and children who know they~r. needed. The days we're' busiest helping others are the happiest days of our lives.••• Who needs you most? Surprisingly, God needs you - for in· stance,' 'to help ar:t abandoned orphan become e God,loving, responsible adult. Lepers need you (there are still 15·million lepers In the world), blind children need y~,u, ~nd!lo do we. • •• Here In New York we are your agents, tellin, DO you where the Holy Father says your help Is SOMETHING needed, and channeling your help promptly'and MEANINGf:UL !Oafely to the people iii need.••• Want to feel WHILE good right now? Do without something you want YOU'RE but do not need. and send the money instead STILL for one of the needs below. You'll feel good, ALIVE especialiy if your gift is big enough to mean a sacrifice to you. This is your chance to do something meaningful for the world - it's God's world - while you're still alive.
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HELP D Only $8.50 gives our priests and SIsters i" LEPERS south India enough Dapsone 'miracle' tableb& for 43 lepers for a yearl
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D Your stringless gifts in any amount ($5,000, MEET, $1,000, $500. $100, $50, $25, $10. $5, $2) MISSION will help the neediest wherever they are - in EMERGENCIES india and \he Hol~ Land, for instance. D Only you can make your will-and do It this THINK , OF YOURSELF, , TOO Dear I\ MonsIgnor Nolan': Please
week to be sure the poor will have your help even after you're gone: Our legal title: CATHOLIO NEAR EAST WELFARE ASSOCIATION. Also, our priests will offer promptly the Masses you provide for.
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MISSIONS MSGR. JOHN G. NOLAN, National Secretary Write:: CATHOLIC NEAR EAST WELFARE Assoo. 330 Madison Avenue' New York, N~Y. 10017 Te!ephone: 212/YUkon 6·5840 1 ":"'-"'
Base~C!"~~~p!titfonKe~n:,,< i~"t.: ,,\," ~
• •:.:' , . '
•• '
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~ ~~ <>
Lawrence High of Falmouth. Seeks· State Track Tut~e
;cone~~ 'lb~aders
Concll®rnmO'B War
Norton High Coach
NEW YORK (NC)-Stu dent government presidents and editors of campus news papers at more than 500 colleges in 49 states have con demned the war in Vietnam as "immoral and unjust" and said they believe they "should not
The Ca!peway Conference track season has already begun but the handwriting is already on the wall. This campaign, like last year's will be a battle for second place. Admittedly, notbing S'hort of a miracle can or will prevent Lawrence High of Falmouth '.~"""'~ from winning its second not come easily to the Falmouth tracksters. They; like all accom straight conference t rae k plished 'athletes, have' 'labored' championship. But fol!' Coach long and diligently to aChieve " -'''-"..,_. ~"" ..",:':. and Laymen Convinced About Jim Kalperis and his tracksters· the measure of sUccess" they. -"-"."..... ~"""-,,,,;_ _.; .. "'Vietnnm, Was coordirlated' by the league championship. is only now enjot. ' ... <. ', . ._, ";'-- ~ Rev. RObert lVi. Hundley', lHul:lent a Gtepping stone,.' . .. N1)t too· many yearsato Law ",......",,:,--.<,;--1 at Union Th~ological S:np,pary to the State, 'rence High was just' ~n.other " -'-.:.........J here and an. associa.te p<I;S\or at C ham p i,o n -. ' sChool Participating in' track.. ~.I,. ,th~ Congn~ga.tional.Chl,lrch h:n ship. .The goal But, the efforts of many' the ~"''''''_ .... 'Scarsdale, N:-Y. He saiQ most of every athletic dedication, of one IJ'1im in par ;, --·1 students who signed the state team in the state ~-_._""-".~ .. ; . . ~.. . . ~.~." . . ; . _.__. . . . : .... _._~._~.J ment "havenot been active in ticular has 'brought immeasur hi to earn the able success to the Falmouth anti-war activities heretofore..· title 'of "State track scene. That man is Jim FINE ARTS FESTIVAL: Making preparation's for Champion". Kalperis. . Fine Arts Festival .at Bishop Stang High School, North Solicits, Support This is not be Coach Kalperis haseombined Dartmouth, 'are Paul Leahy and Margaret Polycarpo. He added: yond the grasp of the Falmouth Peier his knowledge af 'track, his' "Many of' the student Itl~'ders Clippers. If hard Bartek coaching 'ta1E;ntS, :aiiCl tireless ~ "who have signed this sbt'cment. work and dedication are' the energies ·to build a. virtual track dynasty. The latest noteworthy . : ' .'. .' recognize that they may be. plae means to this end, then Fal P .' W I I. E' ' ° I ° ing their future caJ:eers ill·jeop mouth will reign as 'State track feat 'of '·liliitnickm'en . came in '. the forin.:of 'anotheriState title. ,ontl. e comes cumenlca I grlmage ~r.dy, and conceivably are risk champions. . ing punitive action being taken Success does not come easily Thisti~e·iS. th~:nivision IIi '. From Uni'ted Kingdom to"Holy' Lar-d" . against them by the capi:icioWJ em' any endeavor and success£. ~te'Relay,.Cha-D1P~~pshjp. ., V~TICAN ~ITY (NC)~TO an Fathers Arthur' Payton, an:":'Sel~c~ve 'Sfdtvice Systerh:~'~~' ecumenical. ,pilgrimage 'oQ its Anglican who is director 01 ~ev. 'Yi~am Sloan Cot~~1\ Jr-;) , ',j ' • • • ' .::' ". : •• " • 'J.,' • . ;. " way to : the Holy Land;' 'Pope .. interchurCh' travel' in . LOndon." .• aclive, memj:>er of Clergy,· ~nd - BC~ and ,Norry., Races Are Close Paul VI recalled the words he Among its members were An- Laymen Concerned About• .'VI~t :'1 spoke on his. own. pilgrimage . glieans, CatholiCs, 'Oithodox and ....nam ~!1d·.a ,Yal~ U~I.verslt7 ".l'be format for· the St~te reo. , Mike Rainnie tossed & no-hittel: . there" in 1964:' that 'unity is "the Protestants, not only from Great ch~p'laJD,. saId:. ,. ,. lays has been altered this ;'ear at Barnstable to gain a 1-0 ver will of Christ." Britain but from France and "The stand taken. by, these with competition being held at dict. He said that it was with "par .Germany as well. y~ung men should serve to re four separate locations in East-' Msgi. Gianfrancesco Arrighi, mmd Americans everywhere It's still much too early ticular pleasure that we wel em Massachusetts. Weymouth . predict, with any accuracy, come this' ecumenical pilgrim undersecretary of the Secreta that the war in Vietnam: 1s not captured the Division I crown, what will happen in the Cape.., age from the United Kingdom riat for Promoting Christian over, that American and 'Viet the DiviSion n title went' to 'wai baseball race. But, it ap-. to the Holy LaRd. You are aboUt Unity', and Canon John Findlow, .. namese boys are still·dying." "Andover and Williams 'corralled . pears no·club will dominate th~t . to follow in the fOQtSteps af representative of Anglican He. continued: the laurels in Division IV. 'sport like Falmouth controIa God made man in' the' country Archbishop Michael Ramsey of "These ·men of conscience The meet drew ll5 schools in track. Falmouth, Dartmouth, of His birth, Hill mission and Canterbury at the Holy See, each of the four diviSions with Fairhaven and Barnstable are. His blessed death 'for us men accompanied ·the pilgrims to the should be supported by eveQY priest, minister and rabbi who over 2,000 youngsters partici expected to fight it out through and for our salvation' (Nicene Vatican. " . cares about the sanctity of con pating in all classes.. the entire season. One close to Creed). science." Enroute to its victory Fal "Your visit caUsto mind our . Votes Moratorium the scene summed it up best mouth collected 51 points com when he said "anyone in the own unforgettable pilgrimage to pared to runner-up Barnstable league could win this thing." the Holy Places. From the On ChuD'ch Building' ELECTR',CAL with 22Jh. grotto of Bethlehem, we then, CHICAGO (NC)-The Chicago Close races are also develop Falmouth took first place in declared: 'It npw appears clearly Conference of Laymen is urging Contractors ing in the Bristol County and the discus, high jump, 'pole to all that the problem of unity Church authorities at both the Narragansett Leagues. vault, 440 yard run, shuttle cannot be eluded. Today,' this archdiocesan and parish levels hurdles, two mile run and the In the BCL, both Bishop Fee:" will cif Christ is imposed 'upon "to declare a moratorium on 10- . 880. -.. . han of Attleboro and Durfee our minds and demands th~t we cal construction projects' so that ,With tbis type of success in High of Fall River encountered undertake, with wisdom' and funds can be channeled to proj state competition it is easy to a few difficulties in early season love, . every possible way of ects in the ghetto areas." see why the Capeway Confer play but seem to have found the bringing all Christi~ns t6' enjoy The action was taken at the ence title has been practically range of late. The clubs will the great benefit and supreme . second annual meeting of the meet in an important contest honor of the unity of' the ll,200-member organization. conceded to Falmouth. Sharing the spotlight with the today in Fall River. Late inning ·Church.' " The 300 in attendance passed trackmen at Falmouth are the rallies have brought both clubS He also recalled his plea from some 50 resolutions, half of them 944 County St.
diamondmen. The Clippers who from the brink of defeat to vic Bethlehem that "love of Christ dealing with urban problems New Bedford
are in the thick of the loop tory in previous outings. The and of the Church should in The membership said it will seek baseball picture were given a victor will have to be dubbed spire. that every future move ways to alleviate white racism ment to.ward meeting and re shot in the arm last week as. the team to beat. "especially within the Catholic conciliation." Church." The pilgrimage was led by
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U'n·.-ty. ·.. Is Chr.-stlTs ·W.-II Off
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Brennan of Feehan Coach Tom Maccarone of Fee han has had outstanding per fonnances from his pitching staff but the key to the Sham rock's success has been short stop Ty Blrennan. Maccarone stated before the season that Brennan was his best player and "perhaps the best in the whole Bristol County." J.udging from Brennan's perfonnance to date, one of the keys to stopping Feehan is stopping the classy shortstop. Coach Joe Lewis' Hilltoppers play a brand of ball similar to his counterpart TOIJ;l Karam's basketball club. Make a mistake and the Fall Riverites will cap italize on it. Durfee's first two league victories came about be cause of opponent miscues. The Hilltoppers have been playing steady ball throughout the early part of the campaign and are improving with every game. Their ability 10 avoid costly mistakes. eI. tbeir .-n
making and timely hitting has proven a winning combination. Come what may in today's contest the BCL ll'ace has just begun. Not to be outdone by tile larger BCL and Capeway Con ference, the Narry loop is con ducting a torrid race of its own. At the end of the first week of. action Seekonk and Dighton Rehoboth were tied for the top spot. Following two weeks' of play Gase of Swansea, Dighton and Somerset were lodged In ' the first position. The hectic lCampaign will probably find another change in the top spot at the conclusion of this week's activity. . From Cape Cod to Attleboro competition is keener this year than it bas been in many sea sons. The road to the league championship is always' diffJ cult to Davigate but this year it appears as though the road win be duttered wiill meR obstacles than ill quite . . . . . .
for Eyoglasses
Office Houri
except Wad.
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WEBB Olt DIOCESAN DIREC1'OR: First woman to serve' as a diocesan director of radio-TV is Miss Patricia Smith of Pueblo, Colo., who is also a photo-journalist on the staff
gf "Dateline Colorado," m. cesan weekly newspaper'.
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Jesuit 'Comments
Amon.9 Catholics RIO DE JANEIRO (NC) lD i SC 0 r d among Catholics' after the 'Second Vati'can Council is perfectly, normal,
"but It is not normal for pro gressive or conservative Catho lics to refuse to accept the di rectives of the council and the pope," Jesuit superior general said here.' Father Arrupe is in Brazil for 30 days to visit Jesuit houses in the country and to preside at the May 6 to 14 meeting here of all South Amer ican Jesuit provincials. He said that his visit is in tended to adapt the order here GUIDING CHURCH IN UNITED STATES: More than of Catholic Bishops in St. Louis last week. An enormoUis flo the requirements of the "ag 200 members of the hierarchy participated in the decisions amount of homework on position papers was approve'd ~ gi?rnameJ.1to" or up-dating. of the annual Spring meeting of the National .Conference the Bishops. NC Photo., "The most important 'aggior . . namento' in our day," he said, "is that of the mind. We have to ~nsider and respect human val ues as such. This was always the Church's doctrine, but now the Church is insisting on it more. We ought not to consider the Church's interest in human values, as opportunism. Our in:" WASHINGTON (NC)-Three' members,' but to the world in "I see the parish' councils,' and , 'Lyons, author of th~ book, t.Emtion is only to se'rve mankin~ authorities on ,parish life have which it exists, Father John their recognition of' freedom; ·"Parish Councils - ' Renewin, better)' . ' agreed here that' the parish, 'Corriga~ ,of this city, a directoz< asneceSsai-y to do this," he the Parish .Community," said be Press Uses Images basic organiz~tion iil" the of the National· Liturgical Con': added. " ' . ' ·was somewhat more optiniistici Dudng his stay here, Father.' Church,.' will have to undergo ference, asserted. Worth Risk "I donit think we are going to ch,anges if .the Wh,ateve,r, it' doe's,: the' parish , They' . agreed they sh' a~e a solve these problems by 10~~1 Arrupe will· visit 20 local(ties some l'mpo'rtant " • Where Jesuits are, woi:ki;lg, ChUl'ch is going'to meet th~ must become· a vital force in feiling o£.,ss _..·.aboti~ ' at the 'dangers exclusively," hie '1 'needs' of society in the 20th cen the' . cOlJlrn.unity . ' around, it, these' cO,unc'I'ls, relatively ne,w 'Il',hel'e are. 1,000 J.esUl'ts'm B r.azl.~ . . . " .. commented. . • tury.. ' ',. " . Father Geno Baroill, execu~ive' amQJ:1g. Cathol~cs" " pa~icula~lY. He said that he regarded as" .But just how the parislt is secretary,' Washington archdi': their. attitude' t~war:d , SOCI~ • joke the Brazilian press's, ref-', ,goi'ng to change ~s far from se,t . ocesan Office' ~f Urpan Affairs; issues. Diocese to Discuss " el'ences to him as '~the black tied, they ~onceqed in a .dis..,.. declared. .'. ' 'd' . 'T Ch angmg ' P 'a1'..,· .' RI'ot Co"mparl·soD· .Father Ba.roni, he.. has ~ ' " l? ope, " . cussion of 'he . ' {'leery feeling" about parish LANSING (NC) - Catholics "Because of my 'cassock/' he· ish," a ,panel a~ the lQ68Presi.., Father ',Baroni, whose work:' councils. He declared there ''is tlaid "I am' black but I am' not dents' Conference of' the' Na bl'in'gs hini into 'constant contact· 'the danger' that .conservative thoughout . t~e Lansing' diocese the Pope, ~ understand that the tional Council of c;:at~olic ¥e~l: with Negro' problems' in WaSh-' "laymen 'will inhibit soCial' ac- . will participate in forums. an.d press has to use images to ex Role of C.ouDcil ington, saw~ ast'riking par~illel tion," but added later this is a home discussion groups 1?as~ on the report of the National Acf:.: lI)lain. concepts more effectively.", The parish will retairi its role' between the Church's needs and' risk w<irth taking. . , . as' a ."community ; of: worship,". -those of the,biack ghetto: ' .. , . ' .. ', "
visory Commission on Civil Dis orders.' ". ' , .. whose members 'go out' ihto' the ..: .
. "Right' now;~' he observed,.." Honor Editor world and bring it the€ h ristjan :'o'ne of. the mos~ urgent prob..,' . Society to Consider
. The' program which' begaa NEW' YORK (NC)' ~ 'Robert . message, Bernat:d. Lyons, .. Ghi lems in the. ghetto is that Of: ., . Sh .f·
with public forums in six citie. ' cago public relations ~onsultant .community organization., We 5 . em,nary I t 6lmstead, news editor· of the on April. 29, planned ~ National ; Catholic Reporter, said,· .' . . . arl;l lear.l1ing that pe~ple ri~t be.., ... :CARTHAGENA CNC) _ The · three diocesan· agencies-the Of weekly newspaper published in The pa~ish, on the other hand, cause they have .beel?- cut o~t ofSocieiy of the Precious Blood' fice of Social and Community !Kansas City, Mo., received hon must· become part of ',the world, meaningful participation in so-, will 'study the "possibilities .and Service, the. Office of Renewal el'able mention in the 1968 Paul .al'ound it, a "wHr1e$S', to" the ciety.", , " implications" 'of moving the' or':' Through Vatican' II, and, the Tobenkin Memol'ial Award whole community" and fake on "In. the ~hurch" laymen have der's main theological school adult education division of tne Competition here. roles not in ,relation only to. -its been cut out of. this participa;. fl'Om St. Charles Seminary here Education Department, , tion also. 'They don't riot, but' in Ohio, to a university campus , It was initiated in response to they don't really, concern them": or urban center and of "building· selves with the concerns of 'the an adequate' program at: St, an appeal made by Bishop Alex ander Zaleski. The day following Church unle~s. th:y ~ave .t.~i~ QJ:1arles'," The Carthagena SCh?Ot , the death of Dr. Martin Luther sense of partlclpatlc;m, . he saId:. ' has been, the society's maJor King, Bishop, Zaleski asked di . 'seminary for 'over 100 years. ocesan directors to plan an im Major .superiors and ·'elected mediate prog,ram designed to New Resndemlce delegates representing the' so contribute 'to increased' racial For U.S. PIi'Dests ciety's Cincinnati province voted . understanding and involvement ROME (NC)-A new resident to fOl'm a committee to carry out fur the people of the diOcese. house for American priests' the s,tudy during a provincial working In the offices of. the chapter meeting held at St. Charles' at which modernizing Roman Curia (the Church's cen tral administrative offices), or the training of candidates for the on assignment in R'ome for the priesthood in the society 'Vas tqe U.S. bishops has been opened to chief subject of discussion. provide adequate, economical Over 35 Years
·A report of the meeting in-, lodgings and community sur dicated that the' delegates were of Satisfied Service
roundings, "aware' of trends in the Church Reg. Master Plumber 7023
The residence, called Villa' 1!-way from comparative isloation· JOSEPH RAPOSA, JR.
Stritch after the late Samuel of seminary establishments to, 806 NO. MAIN SYREIET
Cardinal Stritch of Chicago, is university campuses and urban Fall River 675-7497
centers," composed of two apartment com plexes and is designed to meet" the immediate needs of U.S.. priests" already at work in Rome and to anticipate future housing' needs as internationalization of the Roman' Curia continues. ' In addition to American$ res ident in Rome, the villa is also expected to house priests on special assignments for the bish ops in Rome, bi,shops who come' to Rome for work on var~ous Church commissions or other. . Vatican offices or :for such events .. , . . MEET IN ST. LOUIS: Bishop-elect Timothy J~ Harring as the synod of bishops and ma' th d f th S ' Jor' congresses, In sho'rt, it is' 0 . ton ~f W orcester,. 1eft ' d leoscllfses ~ a?tn ;. ~ l~mg, hoped that the new villa wilL' B h n erence WIt " ISo.p ,e e~ros: . 'be a .center of comm'uni~y life. meetmg of !he' IS ops CONTACT MANAGE,R' - LINCOLN PARK of BrowI)svIlle, Texas, and fOt·mer chancellor of. the Fall. for bishops arid priests with spe-' 999.6984, .. : 636-2744 ~iver ,Di~~;;~~.<:, ;", . , ' , . "_;,.."..",,,:,_.~,>.::' -:,cil!l.a~~gnrn~iitS}~~o~~~ . "'" ~. Oc)QI~OC~)OQCIOC)oOOOC>oc)OQ<jIOcXllOOOC>OC)oOC~)OIL)QOC>OCPOoO
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