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Friday, May 3, 1991


~v.... DOMINICAN SISTERS of St. Catherine of Siena process into St. Anne's Church, Fall River, for last Sunday's centennial liturgy of thanksgiving, left; center, Bishop Daniel A. Cronin celebrates ~ass; right, Sister Gertrude

Southeastern Massachusetts' Largest Weekly

SII Per Year

. G~udette, OP, with her nephew, Corporal Michael Charest, just returned from the Persian Gulf, who made a surprise appearance at the festivity. (Studio D photos)

Park Stre'et Dominicans mark 100 years in Fall River. By Pat McGowan A century ago, Mother Mary Bertrand Sheridan could not have dreamed that the master general of the Dominican Order would be present at the 100th anniversary celebration of her· then tiny fivemember community. BUt last Sunday, at sun-filled St. Anne's Church, Fall River, there

was Most Rev. Damian A. Byrne addressing a congregation that filled the huge 1,500-person capacity building at.a Mass marking the centenary of the Dominican Sisters of St. Catherine of Siena. Fall River's beloved "Park Street Dominicans'~ staff Dominican Academy and the Dominican Creativity Center in the city and are at St. Francis Xavier School, Acushnet;

Catholic aid reaches Iraq WASHINGTON (CNS)-CathPalestine, the Franciscan Missionolic aid organizations are trucking aries of the Divine Motherhood, food and medicine to health clinics and Iraqi religious. Prior to the Persian Gulf War, in Iraq to help alleviate what are described as "deteriorating" conIraq imported 70 percent of its ditions in the war-battered Middle food. After the United Nations Eastern country. imposed sanctions last August the The first convoy of three trucks government rationeo food, allowwent into Iraq April 25, according ing each person 1',000 calories per to Joe Donnelly, spokesman for day. Catholic Near East Welfare AssoPrices have skyrocketed, CRS ciation, a pontifical aid agency. said. A bag of flour weighing about The association and Catholic two pounds costs about two-andRelief Services are providing one-half the average monthly inmatching funds of $100,000 each come. for the relief effort. Donnelly said reports from :atholic sources in Iraq say water The trucks bearing 55 tons of food and three tons of medicines systems and water purification faleft Amman, Jordan, for neigh- cilities have been destroyed and boring Iraq. The goods were to be epidemics are imminent. distributed at 24 clinics by Catholic . Hospitals are unable to treat nuns. The sisters ·said that using patients because they lack the most the clinics will allow them to reach basic supplies, he said. I million people, according to CRS. The aim of the relief project "is One shipment costs $100,000, to alleviate and reduce the daily according to CRS. That includes struggle of thousands of Iraqis for $57,000 for food, $37,500 for med- survival through the provision of icine and $5,000 for truck rental food, water, medicine and other basic, life sustaining commodities," and fuel. The relief program is being run Donnelly said. The relief is being distributed by a partnership of CRS, Catholic Near East Welfare Association, "regardless of religious or ethnic the Pontifical Commission for affiliation," he said.

Holy Ghost parish, Attleboro; and the Catherinian Center and Southeastern Massachusetts University, both in North Dartmouth. Dominicans, Father Byrne told

his hearers, were among the first missionary communities to come to the New World. With them they brought thei~ founder's devotion to education and his missionary

spirit. Both, said the master general, . characterized the founders of the Dominicans of St. Catherine of Siena, whose community grew to Turn to Page II

CCA p,arish phase begins"Sunday Thousands of volunteer Catholic ary Appeal chairman, enumerated Charities Appeal solicitors of the among beneficiaries of the effort Fall River diocese will make house- Catholic Social Services, apostoto-house calls to parishioners this lates of education in diocesan Sunday, May 5, for donations and schools, pastoral care for the sick, pledges to the 50th annual Appeal. campus ministry, assistance proApproximately 325,0,00 parishion- , grams for the disabled, summer ers of the diocese's 'II parishes recreation for the disadvantaged will be visited. Paris~ioners have at St. Vincent's Camp, family serreceived their contributions cards, vices and marriage preparation. and it is hoped that they will be at Father Daniel L. Freitas, diocehome during thul.esignated hours san director of the Appeal, sugto receive the solicitors and make gests use of the pledge system, their contribution. which enables parishioners to make This year's Appeal theme is a substantial offering over a period "Caring, Giving, Time, Sacrifice." time. Bishop Daniel A. Cronin, honorSolicitors are asked to report to nHY HAR$,tlr SfllV1Cf r~~,l.,!' (J r~~H

their parish headquarters any money received during home visits May 5. Each parish will be contacted about 8 p.m. Sunday by the area Appeal director to report donations and pledges received. Parishes will continue to call on parishioners during the house-tohouse campaign, which ends May 15. Books close for the Appeal parish and special gift phases at 10 a.m. May 28. Donations' may be sent to the Catholic Charities Appeal Headquarters, P.O. Box 1470, Fall River' 02722. Special Gifts Listing Page 7 flftV VUftS .ll. SUIV'Cf ,,'9~~0



~illIi1I-e". - ~:'"" f1

CCA HEADS: from left, chairman Deacon and Mrs. Claude A. LeBlanc; Bishop Daniel . A. Cronin; dioces~n director Father Daniel L. Freitas. (Hickey photo)




Diocese of Fall River -



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Fri., May 3, 1991


Family, ·medicalleave bill gets boost WASHINGTON (CNS) - Costs to employers are significantly




\\lTIl CO\\E,\IE,\T OFFlll.'i mROl'GHOl T SOl THEA"'JU\ ,t\ss

higher toreplace workers than to give them a leave of absence for family or medical emergencies, the Small Business Administration has found. A nationwide study of business executiv'es for the federal agency showed the net cost of giving time off to employees for illness, disability, pregnancy or childbirth is "always substantially smaller than the cost of terminating an employee." It concluded that the expense of following a proposed federal policy mandating time off would be relatively small compared to the cost of firing an employee who requests leave.

Sister Proulx

MEMBERS of New Bedford Catholic Woman's Club honor Bishop Daniel A. Cronin at annual Bishop's Night program. From left, Rose Dias,. first vice president; Ethel Cataldo, president; the bishop; Rev. John P. Driscoll, spiritual director; Lillian Motta, second vice president. (Rosa photo)

The Homeless, Destitute and Driven-

Plead For Your Help!

The Mass of Christian burial was offered Saturday at Sacred Heart Church, Fall River, for Sister Maurice L. Proulx, S USC, 83, who died April24 at Sacred Heart Convent, Fall River, where she resided. A native of Pawtucket, RI, she was born Anna A. Proulx, the daughter ofthe late Esdras and the late Marie Louise (Bissonette) Proulx. She attended the Holy Union Novitiate School and the Sacred Hearts School of Education, both in Fall River; Sacred Heart Col- ' lege, New York, NY; and the New England Conservatory of Music in Boston. She entered the Holy Union . congregation in 1926 and professed perpetual vows in 1933. J She taught music at the former St. Jacques School, Taunton, for 12 years, and in 1940 joined the faculty of St.' Mary's School, Taunton, also serving ill St. Mary's Church. During her long association with the parish she was well-known for 'her concerts. Upon retirement she continued to 'work as a Eu<;haristic minister and was secretary of the parish 20Week Club. Survivors are three sisters, Bernadette Proulx and Jeannette Governo, both of Attleboro, Rose Raposa of Lakeside, Calif., and nieces and nephews.


The Kurdish refugee tragedy - already critical -grows worse each day. Children are dying at four times the normal rate. These refugees are , victims of violenceforced to live without basic necessities of life. THEY CAN'T GO FORWARD AND THEY CAN'T GO

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CRS is the Overseas Relief and Development Agency of the United States Catholic Conference. '

. A Mass-~f CIi;isda~'Buri~1 ~as celebrated Tuesday at Sacred Hearts Convent, 47 Prospect Place, Fall River, for Sister Bernard Francis Unsworth, SUSC, 89, who died April 27 at the convent. Born Nora Unsworth in Manchester, England, she was the daughter of the late John J. and the late Mary G. (Ethrington) Unsworth and the sister of the late Sister Mary Bernard Unsworth, SUSC, and late Rev. Bernard H. Unsworth, formerly pastor of St. Mary's Church, New Bedford. She came to Massachusetts as a young girl and attended St. Mary's High School, Taunton, and the former Bridgewater Normal School, graduating in 1922. She taught seventh and eighth grades in the Taunton school system from 1922 to 1932, then entered the Holy Union congregation in 1933. She professed perpetual vows in September 1940. She taught for 55 years, serving at the former Sacred Hearts AcademY,and Sacred Heart School in FilII River and at Immaculate Conception,St. Anthony and St. Mary's schools: in Taunton. She also taught in Astoria, NY, and Lewiston, Pa. In retirement she lived at St. Anthony's Convent in 'Taunton, then at Sacred Hearts Convent. Survivors are a niece and a nephew.



IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIJIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII111111111111111111 THE ANCHOR (USPS-545-o20). Second Class Postage Paid at Fall River, Mass. Published weekly except the week of July 4 and the week after Christmas at 887 Highland Avenue, Fall River, Mass. 02720 by the Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River. Subscription price by mail, postpaid $11.00 per year. Postmasters send address changes to The Anchor, P.O. Box 7. Fall River, MA 02722.

Prelate foresees long road home LONDON (CNS) ~ Anglicanism's new spiritual leader still hopes for unity between the Church of England and the Vatican, although real progress might not be made until the next century. "We are now tackling the very big questions," said Archbishop George Cary in a tel~vision interview. "I have high hopes that if not in the next 10 years then as we move into the ne,Kt century we shall see further progress." Points at issue include the question of papal authority, the role of the scriptures and the ordination


of women in the Anglican CommUllion. Cary, spiritual leader of the world's 70 million Anglicans, outraged conservative opinion in the

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Pope John Paul II's latest encyclical, a major treatise on social and economic issues, was published yesterday. Next week's Anchor will carry full information on the document, titled "Centesimus Annus" ("The Hundredth Year"). It commemorates th,e centenary of "Rerum Novarum" a landmark social',encyclical on capital and labor by, Pope Leo XIII. In Janua~y P,ope John PaJll ~~~ c1ared 1991 as "the year of the social teac,hing oCthe church." J-Ie has asked Catholics to study, develop and spread the church's soCial doctrine. "Rerum Novarum," considered the starting point of modern social teaching by the popes, responded , to the challenge of economic justice, especially in labor-management relations, in the late 19th century, and also to the rising influence of socialism.

church early this year when he said opposition to the ordination of women would bea "serious heresy." He later toned that down by substituting the word "error."

TransportatIon provIded at designated bus stops.

WASHINGTON (CNS) 'Joseph Theological Seminary in Bishop James P. Lyke, who has Teutopolis, III. He was ordained been apostolic administrator of on June 24, 1966. CLADDAGH the archdiocese of Atlanta since Upon ordination, his first assignBANGLE BRACELET hist July, has been named arch- ment was as a teacher at Padua Gaelic Script bishop of Atlanta by ~ope ,John High School in Cleveland before GRA DiLSEAGHT CAIRDEAS Paul II. he moved on to parish work in (GRAW) (DEAL·SHOCKED) (COR,DISS) Archbishop Agostino Cacciavil- Memphis, Tenn., and Grambling, LOVE LOYALTY FRIENDSHIP lan, apostolic pronuncio to the La. ' STERLING SILVER 1125.00 United States, announced the apGrowing up in an inner-city 9CT GOLD 1645.00 pointment April 30 in Washington. 14CT GOLD 1975.00 Archbishop Lyke, 52, was named area, he was the youngest of seven GOLD PLATED 1160.00 a P.Q§ t 91,ic~'IlQrmn i.s t ra t.P.f.:'W h¢ n children; raised by :h!~' :ljI;Qt:h~.ti ....: :;, alone. Archbishop Ly'~~, h~s.,tes'ti':· Arcl1bish~p E,ugem:. A. Mar}no resig'nedafter"I1is' affair ~with a fied before Congress severaltimes woman iii the archdiocese was in support of legislation to help the "Let Love & Friendship Reign" poor and homeless. He also has revealed. criticized the church as being "too A native of Chicago, Archbishop STERLING SILVER Lyke was auxiliary bishop of oppressively white" and worked Cleveland from 1979 until his ap- toward improved awareness ofthe S28 50 black cultures and traditions in the pointment to Atlanta last year. He becomes the second black church's prayers, music and liturgy. 9CT GOLO Archbishop Lyke has written Catholic archbishop in U.S. his% WITH OIA,MONO SETTING tory; Archbishop Marino was the frequently on black experience in ,. ~ '215 I first. the church on topics as diverse as 9CT GOLO catechesis in the black communArchbishop Lyke attended local WITH EMERALO SETTING Chicago elementary schools and ity, overcoming racism and "the S185 St. Joseph Seminary in Oak Brook, Message of Lincoln and King." He III., from 1957 to 1959, when he also was a columnist for two .The Claddag~ Ring joined the Franciscans. He studied African-American newspapers in From size 2 up to size 13 at Our Lady of Angels House of Cleveland and Memphis from 1985 Philosophy in Cleveland and St. to 1987. For Men and Women



Enjoy It At


Bishop Lyke is named archbishop of Atlanta

New encyclical published yesterday

Fri., May 3, 1991


MOTHER AREA PRO-LIFERS recently stood outside Swansea Mall in freezing rain for one and a half hours, forming a "life chain" which drew mixed reactions from motorists, with many stopping to ask if other chains were planned. Organizers have announced two life chains for May II, one in North Providence, the other in the Middletown-Newport area. For fu'rther information, call (401) 726-4975. (Courchaine photo)

Diocese of Fall River -



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Diocese of Fall River --:- Fri., May 3, 1991

themoorin~ The Twilight Troika Some may feel that President Bush's latest education proposal is doing nothing more than providing an opening for political opportunists. Others may think that he is at last attempting to keep one of his important campaign promises. Whichever the case, one should view the proposal objectively, not from the standpoint of party politics. The current state of education across the nation is as bankrupt as are most of the states in the union. Urban schools· are for the most part far beyond the point of disaster. In many cities they are mere holding tanks where more time is spent in controlling crime than in teaching. Nor is the picture much more promising in suburbs where the upwardly mobile living in their isolated splendor have little concern for education unless it translates to ascending another rung on the social ladder. Too much, too soon, too fast has destroyed many a student in a milieu where fast cars, fast parties and fast living have priority over the quality and content of education. Despite expensive facades, many suburban schools are not far removed from the horrors of their urban cousins. Education in America has lost its souL Once it was believed that a teacher touches eternity but such concepts have been driven from the arena of public education by the determined actions of the American Civil Liberties Union, NOW and Planned Parenthood. Such organizations have legislated our schools into their present muddled state, de facto destroying the classroom as a viable entity. But one simply cannot separate God and goodness. Attempts to do so in our schools are destroying the very fibre of moral and ethical conduct. . The president's proposal to give parents a wider selection of schools and to grant federal assistance to those needing help in paying for private or parochial schools has enraged the ACLU, NOW and Planned Parenthood. The spokesperson for this twilight troika is unfortun~tely Mr. Kennedy, our o*n; senator from Massachusetts. Only. days after the announcement of the Bush plan, Kennedy was on hand with the usual cliches and trite phrases, commenting in his own unique style that "by offering public dollars to private schools, including religious schools, the administration is reopening the bitter and divisive policy and constitutional debates of the past about public aid to private schools." Kennedy's knowledge of private schools cannot be questioned. He certainly cannot claim any benefit from religious schools. In his attempt to follow the liberal agenda, he clearly demonstrated the mindset which already has reduced much of public education to mere babysitting. Indeed, parochial inner-city schools have done more to truly educate the poor than have most of the programs he has introduced to fight poverty. Parenthetically, it may be observed that too often people in Kennedy's position forget that many of the affluent are themselves poor, suffering from a lack of morals and ethics. . Regardless of all that, debate on the president's educational proposal is 'bound to be bitter, characterized by divisive and destructive tactics that Kennedy and his friends can be expected to use and abuse in their attempts to promulgate their bogus notions on the church-state issue. . But let it be noted that only sincerely motivated people will be able to restore to our nation the vision of a truly educated society. . The Editor


OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER Published weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River 887 Highland Avenue P.O. BOX 7 Fall River, MA 02720 Fall River, MA 02722-0007 Telephone (508) 675-7151 FAX (508) 675-7048 PUBLISHER Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin, D.o., STD. EDITOR GENERAL MANAGER Rev. John F. Moore Rosemary Dussault ~ Leary Press-Fall River

eNS photo

"How shall I make a return to the Lord for all the good he has done for me?" Ps. 116:12

Injury teaches needed lesson By Father Eugene Hemrick Three months ago I ripped a muscle that curtailed my mobility greatly. Just to be able to move each morning was a major conquest. Having enjoyed continuous good health, I found it difficult to accept being truly handicapped. I had gone from a world of health to a totally unfamiliar world. But that unfamiliar world quickly became familiar during a ride on the Boston transit system. While visiting the city, I decided to chance going downtown and, took the tram because the seats actually helped alleviate my pain. As I sat looking out the window I began to notice how many handicapped people there really are. I saw a man with no legs in a wheelchair, pushing· himself along the side of a busy street. He weaved in and out, causing cars to slow down and give him the right of way. To be in t.he wheelchair was one thing, but to brave that traffic was truly courageous. . I watched an elderly gentleman get on the tram and maneuver himself into his seat. Every muscle in his body was feverishly working to position him just right. Once seated, you could see a sigh of relief in his face. . I noticed elderly people with canes and how they anticipated their stop. The cane was positioned

just so, one arm grabbing a railand then the sudden lurch as the tram stopped. Like a baby learning to stand, there was a moment of tottering until steadiness was established. Unlike the baby, however, if that balance were lost brittle bones would be broken. Often we take for granted the rails people hold onto while riding a bus or train. For a handicapped .person they are crucial. That day I saw Boston as I never had seen it before. I looked more

praYe~BOX Prayer to the Trinity I rest with Thee, 0 Jesus, And do thou rest with me; The oil of Christ on my poor soul, The creed of the Twelve to make me whole. Above my head I see, o Father, who created me, o Son, who purchased me, o Spirit Blest, who blessest me, Rest ye with me. Amen.

closely at crippled panhandlers, people with braces on their legs, people on crutches. I noticed people who limped and how some would tilt to one side to avoid pain. Into the faces of many, lines had been carved, witnessing to untold hours of grimacing. Knowing how difficult it was for me to get' inoving each morning, I wondered how the permanently disabled get started day after day.. No doubt they must take each day as if it were the only day. To look ahead and realize every day will be just as difficult could be demoralizing to the point of giving up on .walking. The thought struck me of many homilies I have given with a gusto that took for granted that everyone is healthy. Homilies tend to move in this direction when one is healthy, the homilist presuming that the listeners possess the vigor to put his lesson into practice. Seldom, if ever, have I given a homily or heard one that specifically was sensitive to the courage that only the handicapped can practice, and by which they live. Injuries are no fun, but they can be a blessing if they help us to better understand the plight of one less fortunate than ourselves. And to be sensitive to another's suffering is one of the best ways to gain an understanding of what real courage is.

us and has sent his Son as an offering for our sins." We cannot love correctly until we acknowledge that God has loved us first. John is not the first Christian author to teach' about God's love of us and our love of others. This same concept is behind our first reading. Luke frames Acts around Jesus' command to "... be my witnesses in Jerusalem, throughout Judea and Samaria, yes, even to the ends of the earth." Eventually the faith must be passed from Jews to Gentiles. Since a vision precedes his meeting with Cornelius, Peter knows the Lord is behind whatever happens. "I begin to see How true it is that God shows no partiality," he declares. "Rather, the 'person of any nation who fears God and acts uprightly is acceptable to him." Then, after the Holy Spirit comes upon Cornelius and his family, Peter asks, "Who can stop these people who have received the Holy

Imitation of Christ is key Sunday's readings: Acts 10:25-26, 34-35,44·48, I John 4:7-10, John 15:9-17


Diocese of Fall ,River -

Spirit, even as we have, from being baptized with water?" Christianity has never been the same since. Now anyone can be a follower of Jesus without first becoming a Jew. But remember, this great leap forward is only taken after God reveals that he "accepts" everyone. , Does God still expect us to take great leaps forward? Or have we already reached "the ends of the earth"? Perhaps our faith has


become stodgy because our institutions and structures have put limits on the Lord's love. If we return to imitating his total love for men and women, Christians and Jews, laity and clergy, Muslims and atheists, we might experience again the results he originally had in mind for his followers.

We often forget that Jesus simply OUR LADY'S wants us to imitate him. We spend By FATHER ROGER RELIGIOUS STORE so much time and effort working KARBAN Mon. - Sat. 10:00 - 5:30 P,M. on our institutions and structures Montie Plumbing - ignoring the essentials of our GIFTS Our second reading, from the Heating Co. faith - that we rarely experience first of these letters, shows how the results Jesus anticipated for his Over 35 Years CARDS easily we can misconstrue love. community. Faith only works of Satisfied Service We naively believe everything rewhen we live it his way. Reg. Master Plumber 7023 John's Gospel and letters are volves around our actions. But it JOSEPH RAPOSA, JR. not happen that way chronodoes 673-4262 some of the last biblical writings logically. "Love," John writes, 432 JEFFERSON STREET composed by the early Church. 936 So"rtbin St.. Fall River "consists in this: not that we have Fall River 675·7496 More than 60 years had passed loved God, but that he has loved since Jesus' death and resurrection, years of reflecting on how thecommunity has continued the Lord's ministry. This reflection is the basis of these four writings. When the Gospel author speaks about love, he is not giving us a video of Jesus' life and ministry. Rather, he constructs those wellknown love pericopes in his own unique way to chide those in his community who have strayed from the indispensable path which the Lord pioneered. This is why he inserts most of these passages in the Lord's allimportant Last Supper discourse. This section is similar to a last will and testament; the Teacher's final words before he undergoes his "hour." It is with the deepest solemnity that Jesus begins: "As the Father has loved me, so I have , loved you. Live ordn'my love'!' Then John's Jesus'prodaims'why .. " ", love is so essential; "All this I tell you that my joy may be yours and your joy may be complete." Those who opt for love live much more meaningful lives than those who refuse to make this virtue the center of their existence. God wants us to be a joyful people. And he shows us how to do it. "This is my commandment: love one another as I have loved you. Our exclusive Mother & Child pendant i~~ perfect There is no greater love than this: for Mother's Day. Available in Sterling and 14K to lay down one's life for one's Gold with and without chain. Add diamond or friends." We do not study an idea birthstones, too. Priced from $40. of love, we imitate a person who loves. . Yet John's Gospel is not the last word. Since the community misunderstands several key concepts, .Complete the entry blank below. Then, bring it to Plante Jewelers. The best entry will win a 14K Gold John must eventually send thr:ee and Diamond Mother & Child Pendant. $150 Value. Entry blanks are available at the store. Entries clarifying letters.





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DAILY READINGS May 6: Acts 16:11-15; Ps 149:1-6,9; In 15:26-16:4 May 7: Acts 16:22-34; Ps 138:1-3,7-8; In 16:5-11 May8: Acts 17:15,22-18:1; Ps 148:1-2,11-14; In 16: 12-15 May 9: A.cts 1:1-11; Ps 47:2-3,6-9; Eph 1:17-23; Mk 16:15-20 May 10: Acts 18:9-18; Ps 47:2-7; In 16:20-23 May 11: Acts 18:23-28; Ps 47:2-3,8-10; In 16:23-28 May 12: Acts 1:15-17,2026; Ps 103:1-2,11-12,19-20; 1 In 4:11-16; In 17:11-19

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Fri., May 3, 1991


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The Anchor Friday, May 3, 1991 I have tried shouting for quiet, making them sit still, punishing them, separating them, but nothing works. I don't think they are inten"tionally misbehaving, but it sure keeps us on edge. Help! - Indiana

By Dr. JAMES & , MARY KENNY De,ar Dr. Kenny: We have three children and have just adopted fourth. They range'in age from 6 to 11. Since our new son came home, he seems to have,' triggered an energy explosion. One of them gets things going, and soon they are all running and jumping and making noise.


Congratulations on the love that led to your adopting another child. . You are doing something very worthwhile. You are dealing with what is pr,obably tempqrary turmoil. . Stress and disruption ensue whenever you add or subtract a mem b~r from a family. Remember, the f~mily is a small personal unit with intense relationships. Even good additions, like another child, require that all these relationships be readjusted.

In your home, the adjustment - Do 10 push-ups. has taken the form of a nearly non- Time yourself running around stop "celebration" which is getting the outside of the house. out of bounds. EachofyourchiW- Run up and downstairs five ren contributes to the excitement times while playing your favorite of the others, ,song.,.:., I recommend an "energy jar." - Sing a special song(listed)ilt Write some brief high-energy tasks the top of yOl!f lllngs. on slips of paper, fold them and Let your children maI(e,up some place them in ajar. Whenever you of the slips. Thafwill help achie.ve note that one of your children is their cooperation. I think they will beginning to get "hyper," point to npt perceive like the plan and him or her and say "EJ" or some it as ·punishment. . .' .:", , other code word, The energyjar ma:y'not'be pifbYour child must then select a ishment, but if it works it is good slip and do the action. Examples discipline. It is a ganiedesi:gned to might be: collect, capture and take charge·of - Run to the end of the drive- all that energy~· From what you way and kick the rock that is there , wr'otein your letter, it is'probably twice and then come back. a better strategy to 'use';some '·of





that high energy rather than attempt to suppress it. What happens when one of your children gets "EJ'd" is that the others will stop what they are doing to watch'the performance. If that happen~, ~0J.l have accomplished' our obje~'ti~e.: It, not., you may have to,"EJ': another of the roustabouts. ' ' . . \. , , Explain theiiiea to your youngsters ilnd the'reas:ons for the game. Solicit their. he.1p in writing out active fun tasks. " Reader questi?~~'oQ family living or child car.e, to be answered in print are invited by The Ken~ys; 219 W. Harrison St.; Rensselaer, Ind. 47978. ',.': I';




Q. We are members ofan almost brand new parish. We're all too young to remember the Mass in anything but English, so we were surprised to hear an older person almost angry'that the Mass was no longer in Latin. Can you fill ,us in on why the Mass was in Latin, when it was changed into English and why?


"Our son has informed us that he is gay. My husband and I are having a problem handling this. He does not live at home. I would appreciate it if you could recommend some literature that might help us. We love him very much." I have received several letters like the above from parents with . homos'exual sons and daughters. I

1 "

Why we changed from the Latin to English Mass, We wouldn't want it otherwise, but apparently some people have big problems with it. (Pennsylvania) , A. Among the major obstacles to understand change is frequently a lack of awareness of history, One woman said to me years back, "If Latin was good enough for Jesus, why isn't it good enough for us?" The fact that Jesus and most of the early members of our faith 'quite possibly didn't everi know Latin hadn't occurred· to her. In the beginning, the language of the liturgy was almost certainly Aramaic, used by Jesus, disciples and the early Christian converts in Palestine.

Before long, however, the most common liturgical language became Greek, the tongue most common in the world in which Christianity first spread. Numerous other languages such as Syriac, Arabic and Coptic have been and still are used in the Eastern Catholic churches. ' Somewhere in the fourth century the Roman church began to adopt Latin as its quasi-official language. At that time and for nearly the next 1,000 years, nearly every literate person in the Western world understood Latin. It was therefore natural that the liturgy should be in that language. At the time of the Council of Trent indeed, in the mid-I,6th cen-

tury and for years after, any use of local languages such as English during the liturgy was considered "Protestant." During the following centuries, however, many languages (Armenian, Greek, German, Chinese, some Indian languages in the United States, and others) were officially approved from time to time. In the Vatican II Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, the bishops expressed their desire to change those features of the liturgy, especially in the Eucharist, which had "crept in which are less harmonious with the intimate nature of the liturgy," or which had grown less functional. . Among these features was the

ianguag~ of the Mass itself. Texts and rites should be restored in the local languages, they said, "so that they express more clearly the holy things which they signify." The experience of the past 2,000 years proves that this can be accomplished with careful and dignified use of the language of the people. A free brochure answering questions about holy communion and' preparation for communion is available by sending a stamped, seIfaddressed envelope to Father John Dietzen, Holy Trinity Parish, 704 N. Main St., Bloomington, III. 61701. Questions for this column should be sent to Father Dietzen at the same address.

Readings to help parents dea'l with h'omosexuallty; am also hearing from Catholic parents whose sons have AIDS. Both issues, while not synonymous, cry out for ministry in our church. Recently, our diocesan paper published letters from parents of gay and lesbian children - a courageous thing to do when the usual stance is that of avoidance. Not many years ago we refused to print letters from the divorced crying out for ministry for fear that ministry might be taken as approval. I suspect the case is similar for homosexuality. Unfortunately,love among Christians often has conditions. One professor of sexuality commented,

"As Christians, we are called to reflect on how Jesus would respond to a homosexual person. I suspect it would be with gentleness, compassion, and support." Can we do less? , One mother gives a clue as to how we can minister to families of homosexuals. "I am a Catholic mother of a 26-year-old homosexual," she wrote. "When we first learned of our son's homosexuality, we experienced deep emotional agony and feelings ofextreme guilt. After all, hadn't we learned that this was a 'condition' caused, by 'faulty parenting'?" Yes, and we also learned that everything from grown children

who leave the church to anorexia' are somehow due to faul~y parenting. Who would guess parents have so much power over their children for life? For parents who are struggling with accepting and supporting their homosexual or AIDS infected children, I suggest you contact Parents FLAG (Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays), a group with support literature and groups all over the country. To find out the closest regional center, write to Federation Parents FLAG, P.O. Box 27605, Washington,D.C. 20038-7605. Suggested general reading from FLAG: A Family Matter, Dr.

Charles Silberstein; Beyond Acceptance, Carolyn Griffin; Coming Out to Parents, Mary Borhek; Consenting Adult, Laura Hobson; Different Daughters, Louise Rafkin. Now That You Know, Betty Fairchild & Nancy Hayward; Parents Matter, Ann Muller; Sexual Preference. Weinberg, Bell, & Hammersmith. Religious Books: A Disturbed Peace. Brian McNaught; But Lord They're Gay. Sylvia Pennington; Embodiment. James B. Nelson; Embracing the Exile. John E. Fortunato;, Is the Homosexual My Neighbor? Virginia Mollencott and Letha Scanzoni.

The anticipation of glory and the reality of gloom Then two of my grandchildren, ages 2 and 4, were in a near-fatal a'uto crash. My adopted son sufANTOINETTE fered three heart attacks. And my youngest,- Peter, at age 27 left this world. ,BOSCO Still, along with the dark side there were the bright moments. My grandchildren survived and are doing well; my son. John marl have been meditating, lately, ried a beautiful woman; my daughtrying to un~erstand life, feeling ter Mary'gave birth to a gorgeous .sometimes like Job, burdened with baby girl; Peter's books --: three pain. ,,," ' ,written"in the last year, and a half I ask, as many have of God:,. of, his life - ar-e l)eingpublisl1ed 'What is it you want of me? Where ,this year. . (are youtakiilg me? ~hen is enough ,. Events of the y'ear have plunged ,enough? ' m e into the parado'x all Christians In the past year, my oldest'''son ' "face: Is'it this, Lord, tIlat forces us ,experienced a burst blood vessel in to stay on the right path, the one, ·the retina ,of his, left ,eye, leav- that leads to the destiny you setJor ing him effectively' blind in.,that us, that phlce where'our'hearts'and eye. Now he, is at risk of the same· 'souls an; merged,~ith the source ,,' , thing happening to his remaining of our being? eye. I think that I was given a glimpse By

She handed the child to me and ness, not in a dream - the joy of of a pattern for God's children to this day I remember the over-' being one "Yith the Child. when I was 16. In a dream, I was at the base of whelming sense of the blending of myself with the Child Jesus, and a mountain and had the sudden the ecstacy of joy I felt in that urge to climb to the top. I sensed moment. ' I would find unspeakable beauty CHICAGO (CNS) - Five years In later years it struck me that in there - and the meaning of life. !r1y dream I had found the fullness after a fire des,tr9yed the 90-yearAnd s'o I climbed. B,ut when I got to the top; all I saw was· yet 'of my life not at the top ofthe QI4 Holy Angels Churc,h in Chicago, the parish celebrated Easter another mountain. And to get to , 'mountain, but in the valley. Was that to be a metaphor for ,,,~asses in~.!>ran~, pew "church of the top of that one, I had to climb dowp into a Yalley before I could ' my life? Life has been that dream 'the 2Isl'century;" i\.-massive mural - the mountains and the valleys, depicti",g the various roles of ,ascend.. " ,Repeatedly'I ¢limbed and des-; the anticipation of glory and ~he a'ngels Lafpl'otectors, guardians, cended'untili was' exhaust:ed: But " reality of gloom. Yet, when I have messengers ~. is' on one wall and "still I wouldn't stop.' Something ,', been closest to God are the times the I,OOO~seat building is heated and air conditioned by 8'olar power, urged me forward.' .,,! when I have been immersed in the ~~ explained Holy Angels pastor ,Fi:nally, after cnmbing innurner- , gloom and asking why. For it is then that my heart, Father G~or~e; ,R. Clements'., "It's able mountains, I descende(i to a . valley and before me, in the base of ' pummelle~ in pain, softens - ~~d totallY:,,,dtf~~rent from, the old I am lost m the myst«ry that tpr- .. church" s~td, F.a~her.,Clements, yefal1oth'er mountain; was'a cave. ments and consoles me at the same ' famous 'for adoptmg three boys "Abright'light illuminated it. I ran to the entrance, and there, in rad- 'time. The belief still' comes-'from and starting the "One 'Church, :ance, was the Blessed Mary with , my melted heart that I will one day ,One Child". program for adoption again know - but this time in fUIl~ of blackchtldren. her babe.

Out 'of the ashes

THE ANCHOR - Diocese of Fall River -Fri., May 3, 1991

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t JOINING THE department of medicine at St. Anne's Hospital, Fan River, are Dr. Charles Eil, top, and Dr. Ronald T. Bogusky, center. Dr. Eil, a graduate of the University of Chicago specializing in internal medicine and endocrinology, completed reSidency at the University of Michigan Hospital and a fellowship at the National Institute of Health in Bethesda, Md. Dr. Bogusky,a graduate of the Universty of Miami School of Medicine vspeeializing in internal medicine and nephrology, completed residencies at Jackson Memorial Hospital in Miami and Brandeis University in Waltham. He supervisedftllowships in nephrololY a1 the ,Joslin Diabetes F mindation" .and the Peter Bent Brigham Hospital ··-iII ·Boston, where lie -.as also

'. oiDstructOl'm mecIiciae~ Joining the departmeilfof . saraery at St." Aue·s. is Dr. Michael luccia•• bottOm. whose f.eld ilteJuclesmaxillo. facial surgery and pediatric dentistry. A gradU!8te ofNorthwestern Univenity, Evanston, m., he completed residency at the Riley Hospital for Children in Indianapolis.

Sr. Marie Edward,O.P.! Vocation Directress Dominican Sisters of Hawthome 600 Linda Avenue, Hawthorne, NY 10532 (914) 769·4794 Dear Sr. Edward' Please contact me with additional information aboutplann,ng a visrt to your Community. A2 5/3/91 I would like to know more about Community.



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The Dominican Sisters OfHawthorne. We nurse incurable .'i cancer patients in our seven free. modem nursing homes, located in New Pennsylvania. Ohio, Massachusetts, Georgia and Mnne$ota • Many who'• . our comrntr1ity have no prior nursing experience, but we II share a great CGrflP88Sion for the sutrering poor and delight at being able to he/p them. we seek women who are fuI of love for Christ, and desire 10 join a congregation with a strong spiritual and community life. If you are exploring your religious vocation. why not plan to visit with us at our IilIherhouse or one of our homes, in order to gain a full appreciation d our life and work. Come during one of our Vocation Weeks, for afew days or the entire week. Of come at some other time more convenient to you. YOU ARE INVITED TO VISiT· JUNE 3-9.1991· JULY 3-9.1991

Basic steps to register as a conscientious objector WASHINGTON (CNS) -

Its first advice to young men women currently are not required organizations around the United to register with the Selective ServStates have developed some stan- ice - is to speak to a qualified dardprocedures for Selective SerV- draft counselor or attorney before ice registrants to use ifthey wish to registering. Men are required to be classified as conscientious ob- register within 30 days of their jectors in case military conscrip- 18th birthday. tion is revived. The board advises those who The National Interreligious regard themselves as conscientious Service Board for Conscientious objectors that when they prepare Objectors, a national organization to register, they should: wo.rking ~o .protect conscientious __-= Find a~st OffiClLfoc1heiL_ objectors ~s-for--the-past--j6- registration that has an accessible ye.ars, says It starts from the. ~re.,. photocopier. mise that "the process for decld10g ... .. conscientious objector claims has . - Pr10t 10 legtble bla~k lD~ 10 a bias against COS , .. [and] most any fr~e space on t~e r~gtstrat~on' Claims are rejected because COs form: la~ a consclent!,ous objecare not properly prepared." tor to war l~ a';1y ~orm. NIS~CO The board's consultative coun- ~otes tha~ thiS IS not Classlfi~acil is composed of 36 U.S. church hon, but It may help you later. bodies or church-related organiza- Make a photocopy of the regtions, inetuding four Catholic istration form for their own records organizations. before submitting it to the postal Peac~ and conscientious objection

workerfordatestamp'and initials. - Put a complete statement of their convictions of conscientious objection on file with their religious body, NISBCO, or other draft counseling agency. NISBCO notes that the government will not actually classify conscientious objectors until they have been given induction notices -but then they will have only 10 days to apply for an exemption from military' service or from combatant duties. It says COs should prepare in advance "a file of evidence oftheir beliefs" which inCludes "at least' the photocopy of the registration card, a comprehensive statement of beliefs and letters of support for this statement." Copies of excerpts from church statements or articles by religious or ethical thinkers that influenced one's beliefs about war should be inCluded.

All statementsand testimoni'als should be signed and dated. Someone who comes to the conviction that he could riot participate in any war after he has registered should discuss it with a COUnselor and prepare a similar written



Many Catholic dioceses anq state or regional offices of ('ther religious bodies offer draft counseling services or can. refer a person to a . counseling agency. _


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WASHINGTON(CNS)-Three Service law a violation of his but only fornon-combatant duties, registe~ as ~ co.nscientious ob~ecyoung Americanl\ -let's caU them beliefs, has broken the law because such a~ th.ose ~f a !De~ic. . tor. Hl~ objectiOns are selectIve, Tom, Dick and Harry - turn 18. all U.S. males must sign up within .~om s sltuatlOn IS d~f~erent .. He n~t umv~r~al, and ,the law proThey have 30 days to register with 30 days of their 18th birthday, believes he could ~artlclpate 10 a vldes a ~J1lhtary service .or combat the Selective Service System. All regardless of their beliefs. "just" war, but not m a war that he exemptlOn only for umversal obIn a worst-case scenario, Harry believes to be "unjust." . jectors. ., . three oppose war because of deeply .' held religious or ethical convic- could be fined up to $250,000 and He may, for example, conSider ~he U.S. Cat~oh~ bishops hav.e tions. serve up to five years in prison. nuclear war so morallY.8:bhorrent p.ralsed the !1atlon s lega! pr.ovlTom and Dick register, and both Even if he is not· prosecuted, he that he could not participate. ~r slO.ns for uDlversal conSClentlOus make the extra effort to declare loses his eligibility for certain fed- he may think he could have partlc- objectors. They have repeatedly their objections to war. Dick ob- eral education and training assis- ipat~d i~ the Persi~n GUI~ War. but but unsuccessfun~u~ged the govjects to all war; Tom objects to tance and for employm~lit in J!lost_ not_In V~etnam or l!1 the lDvaSlons --.-.e~~ment to make.slmllar le.gal pro---.I. .HII......~iWfWW-.W1~.---=-1r----:-::some. Both are wtthm the law.-----reaeraIJoos;-mGrenada or Panama. VISions for selective coASClentlous But later war breaks out and Dick's conscience prohibits him Under current law Tom cannot objection as well. : Congress restores the' draft. from taking any part in warfare,or Tom is drafted. Dick is not. The at least in combat. The law recoglaw provided for Dick's conscien- nizes his conscientious objection tious objections, but Tom's did and gives him two alternatives: not count. -' - If he declares himself as a Harry refuses to register. He is matter of conviction "conscienso convinced of the evil of war that tiously opposed to participation in he believes he must resist anything war in any form," he can be classithat even hints of cooperation in fied "1-0" - exempt from all trainit. ing and service in the armed forHarry has broken the law. He ces.ln case of a draft he may be Falmouth could face large fines and a jail required to perform aHernate civNational~ term. ilian service. Tom, Dick and Harry illustrate -' If his beliefs prevent him only the complexity of America's Selec- from participating in war in a MemMrs Federal Deposil Insurance Corporation. tive Service law. combatant role, he can be classiHarry, who considered even fied"I-A-o."Heiseligibleformilsigning up under the Selective itary draft, training and service,


NISBCO distributes a regular newsletter and a variety of pamphlets, books and, other materials on conscientious objection. Further infonnation on all materials and prices can be obtained from: National Interreligious Service Board for Conscientious Objectors, Suite 750,1601 ConnecticutAve.N.W., Washington, D.C. 20009. Phone (202) 483-4510.

as J. Gumbleton of Detroit said, "By not recognizing selective conscientious objection, the government refuses to give the Catholic Church's just war teachings the same legal protection it gives to the peace churches' pacifist teachings." U.S. civil law and the Uniform Code of Military Justice recognize and protect the rights of military personnel claim general con~ scientiou$ objector status. However, the review policy for conscientious objector. applications changed after the Persian Gulf crisis broke. Pax Christi maintains that while those who filed for the status prior to the Gulf war received honorable discharges, procedures changed in September without announcement, with conscientious objector claims going unprocessed until after applicants had been sent to the Gulf, where access to lawyers, counselors and witnesses was limited.






Together -rrI

33 bishops ask amnesty for COs ERIE, Pa. (CNS) - In a letter to President Bush, 33 Catholic bishops .have asked amnesty for service men and women who refused to participate in the Persian Gulf War based on reasons of conscience. Released by Pax Christi USA, a , national Catholic peace group, the letter asks the president to: - Stop military prosecution of conscientious objectors who refused to fight in the Persian Gulf. - Allow "selective" conscientious objectors - those who believed the Gulf war in particular was unjust - to finish their enlistments orbe honorably discharged. - Provide legal recognition for se~ctive conscientious objection based on the church's just war teachings. In an April 15' visit to conscientious objectors awaiting trial at Camp Lejeune Marine Corps Base in North Carolina, Pax Christi president Auxiliary Bishop Thom-

Legal treatment varies for conscientious objectors '.


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They're bQth moral WASHINGTON (CNS) - Both military service and conscientious objection are legitimate moral options in Catholic teachil g. Catholic att~ntion to conscientious obj :ction as a positive form of moral witness has grown markedly since 1965, when tile world's bishops gathered at the Second Vatican Council decried the growing savage y of modern war technology and called for "a COmpletely fresh reappraisaj of war." Vatican II's Constitution on the Chure in the Modern World acknowledged that in the absence of an effective international a :horityto prevent all war, nations could at times be forced to defend themselves. "All those who enter·.the military sen- e in loyalty to their country should look upon themselves as the custodians of the se lrity and freedom of their fellow countrymen; and when they carry out their duty p perly, they are contributing to the maintenance of peace," the council said. At the same ti~e it urged legal recop )0 of conscientious objection, saying, "It seems just that laws should make huDIU provision' for the case of conscientious obj~tors who refuse to carry.arms, provide they accept some other form ofcommunity service." The U.S.,bisbops in their 1983 nationa J8Storalletter, ':'The Challenge of Peace," said of military; service: "Catholic teachin., .. not question the right in·principle.cfa. government to require military setVice of it! :itizens provided the government shows"it is necessary. A citizen may not casually dis. I1'd his country's conseientious decisionto call its citizens to acts of 'legitimate defe. . "Moreover, the role of Christian cit• • in the armed forces is a service to the common good and an exercise ofthe virtue I 'patriotism, so long as they fulfill this role within the defined moral norms." On conscientious objection they said: At the same time, no state may demand blind obedience. "Our 1980 statement ('Statement on M :sistration and Conscription for Military Service') urged the government to present C( lvincing reasons for draft registration and opposed reinstitution of conscription itsdl except in the case of a national defense emergency. Moreover, it reiterated our sup ort for conscientious objection in general and for selective'conscientious objection tt participation in a particular war, either because of the ends being pursued or th means being used. We called selective conscientious objection a moral conclusi() which can be validly derived from the classical teaching of just'war principles. "We continue to insist upon respect for all legislative protection of the rights of both classes ofconscientious objectors. We also i )prove requiring alternative service to the community - not related to military needs - by such persons."

~.. ~







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THE ANCHOa-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., t1ay 3, 1991


the ancho


Nun named "Point of Light" PENDLETON, Ore. (CNS) An 81-year-old Oregon nun was honored as President Bush's 394th "Point of Light" for her work with the bomebound elderly at the Umatilla Indian Mission in the OWc:eseof Baker, Ore. Sister Mary Florita Springer, a Sister of St. Francis of Philadelphia, makes daily visits to 30 seniors on the reservation, doing chores for them and seeing to their needs. She goes on her rounds after teach~ ing at St. Andrew Indian School on the reservation. "I'm not used to being a celebrity," SisterSpnnger, who entered religious life in 1924, said with a laugh. "I love working with these elderly people. They're precious," Sister Springer told the Catholic Sentinel, newspaper of the diocese of Baker and the archdiocese,of Portland, both in Oregon. The White House announcement of her award said, "Despite recently having a heart attack and two surgeries, Sister Springer has not let her health deter her from servinI' others." She was nominated by Pendleton's Foster Grandparents organization, whose Senior Companion Volunteer Program makes her work possible. Father Timothy Collins, pastor of St. Mary Parish in Pendleton, submitted references to the White House to support the nomination. "She picks up hot meltls· at the senior center and takes them to people who are unable to prepare their own meals," Father Collins said. ' Sister Springer's service on the reservation requires her to travel each day from Pendleton.

The last 15 of her 4S years of teaching were spent on the Umatilla reservation. She also spent some~ime teaching on a Wyoming reservation. After a heart attack in 1971, Sister Springer followed doctors' advice and retired from teaching. She worked in a nursing home in Baker for 16 years and was transferred back. to Pendleton to be semi-retired. . "I stood my retirement for one week," Sister Springer said, "and asked fora job on the reservation. I couldn't stand it any longer." The "Point of Light" awards came out of a pledge by Bush at his inauguration to acknowledge "a thousand points of light" in private citizens' volunteer efforts.

Laetare medalist NOTRE DAME, Ind. (CNS)Former U.S. Rep. Corrine C. "Lindy" Boggs of New Orleans will receive the University of Notre Dame's 1991 Laetare Medal. Mrs. Boggs will receive the medal at Notre Dame commencement ceremonies May 19. It is given annually to a U.S. Catholic "whose genius has ennobled the arts and sciences, illustrated the ideas of the'church and enriched the heritage of humanity." Mrs. Boggs serv~d nine terms in Congress as representative of Louisiana's Second, District, succeeding her husband, House Majority Leader Hale Boggs, who was a passenger on a plane that disappeared over Alaska in October 1972. She is cochair of the board of directors of the National Catholic Conference for InterracialJustice.


............ ....-





........ .

/Welcoming May ., Memories of M.y Oay depend a tian practice. They converted May lot on hoW old you are. The first OilY into a worldwide labor day in day of May has been appropriated 1889 when the International Socialby so many groups for their cele- ist Congress decreed the day be set brations that you can take your aside for political demonstrations. pick. To steal soritethunder from the The earliest May Day festivities Red MayDay marehes, Pope Pius are considered pre-Christian in , XII proclaimed May I as the Feast origin. Celebrants waving green or St. Joseph the Workerin 1955. garlands, dancing round a· may- It was a stroke of genius. Pius XI pole and picking a May queen and bad named St. Joseph as the heavenly patron of the struggle against king go back to medieval times. The festivities must have picked atheistic communism in 1937. These 'actions seem quaint and up religious values in the 16th century. The Puritans condemned may- unreal a half century later, but poles as "stincking idols" around they were important steps in the which the people "leape and struggleJor the minds of individuals as communism seemed to be daunce, ,as the heathen did." engulfing the world. Weaving May baskets, filling Still vivid in my mind today is them with spring flowers and hanging them on neighbors' doorknobs the sight of a workman putting up were popular activities in my youth. an anti-communist poster in the The practice continues in the prim- glare of a streetlight on a dark ary grades today, but without any Roman night in 1950. So whafs unusual? He was guarded by a religious significance. The strangest use of May Day is rifle-bearing Rpman policeman! Turning May Oay into a second as a distress signal for ships or aircraft with radio-telephone capa- ,feast day for St. Joseph was not bility. May Day is the phonetic only a propaganda triumph. It pronunciation of the French gave a second opportunity to cele"M'aidez," which means "help me." brate the life of the spouse of Mary Remember newsreels showing and the head of the Holy Family May Day rallies around the world? after his primary feast day on March 1-.2." The flickering black and white picThe J50wer and influence of St. tures revealed thousands of workers, soldiers, tanks, troop carriers, Joseph have not been sufficiently recognized, I believe, although artillery and youth in uniform marchPope Leo XIII clarified his role a ing through Red Square and other century ago in his encyclical, world centers of communism. What had happened? Commu- "Quamquam Pluries." "Aft.er the Virgin Mary," it said, nists had taken a page from Chris-

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CASSERLY "St. Joseph ranks first in veneration above aU tlIe saints.•. more than any other person, St. Joseph approached that'supereminent'dignity by which the Mother ofOod is raised far above all created natures, and tbat St. Joseph is venerated as second in holiness and di8ni~y only to Mary." : .' ..;.:. He bas been desigmltedQrcfa9scn by many different groups as their patron, however. ,He is}~~gnized· first as the patroli oettle universal Church, then as the special friend of fathers, 'the family, the sick and dying, priests, religions, travelers and others. How he became the patron of the elderly is unknown. Perhaps it reflects the fact that paintings of Itim indicate amuch older person than the Blessed Virgin. Today St. Joseph is finding new popularity as a realtor! Noone knows .how it started, but it is becoming increasingly popular to bury statues of'St. Joseph near a house for sale. It sounds more like superstition than veneration. 51. Joseph the Worker may get lost in the secular celebrations of May Day, but I think his popularity will grow as Communist May bay marchers fade into history.

The'story of a scam By Anteinette Bosco My sister 'Rosemary called me recently. ,:ery upset. Her news was not good. Mom - about to turn 82 -- had been robbed in a scam and was having a severe emotional reaction. When I heard what had happened.1 was actually relieved. Mom had made the mistake of letting strange men into her home. Thank God she was not physically harmed. The incident began when a man rang her bell and told her that the gutters on her house were in ·bad shape. She-did not question that at all. In fact. she fed him informa-, tion, telling him that her son-intaw was supposed to have fixed

those guttersbut>had not gotten' : arOl:md to it ye~. . . 'flieman;'a:decided Pro. picked up on that immediately.· saying that indeed it was her son-in-law who had sent him: He said he had to get into the basement to check the source of the trouble. My mother let him come around the back of the house to get to tlie basemerlt. Meanwl1ile. he had to give his helper some information about the job. which was only going to cost her $8, he said. Once in the basement, he kept. noticing other problems and kept her talking, After awhile his helper called. to him through the basement window. saying he had to get a ladder.

Profile of Older' Americans

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. In 1989 -Persons aged 65 or older numbered 31 million, repreSenting 12.5 perCent of the U.S. pbpulation. arl outbfevery 8 Americans. ~There were 18.3 million older women and 12.6 million older men, a'ratio of 145 women for every 100 men. -The older population is itself gettina older. in 1989,tbe 6S to 74 age group (18.2 million) was 'eight times larger than in 1900, wbile the 75 to 84 group (9.8 million) was 13 times larger, and the - 85"plus group 0 million) was 24.times larger. -A:ebild born in 1988 could expect to live foc74:.9 years, aboDt 28 lOnger thaD a person born in 1900. . , -About 2.2 million persons celebrated their 65th birthday in 1989, wbilCthat same·year.kat 1.5 million persons 65 or older 'diecI. matiftg tbe Det increuein tbe over~ population mere than 610.000 persons. ' . . . . ,F..... ~ .'. . . .c.:..ay..... year 2038. tbete wiD _about66 million oldetpersons, two and. half times thO ......·tbcR were ja 1190. : . -By the year 2000. petSoMaaeelfS_ ~ are expected to rcpracnt t3 peteeDt Of the pop~_.aiIdtIais pac:cntqe may cHmlHo 21.8 pmient by-2030. ~ . .




G.......rOilCr. . . . .

In 1989. 52 percent of penons 65 and older lived in nine states: California (over 3 million); New Yoct and Florida (over 2 million each);' and Pennsylvania. Texas, minois. Obio. Michigan, and New Jersey (over I million each). ",', .. ', .', ..·..v.v.,· v.,.· . .1

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The man totd my'mother he had to have some very hqt water. and she \vint, obedienily. to get it. Wlle'n she returned. he was gone. She thought tbat stran~, but expected he would be back to do the work. It was an hour or two later before she realized, wben she went into her be.droom, that 11__ safe was missing. She and; my flither always have kept their important papers and some cash in ~ portable safe. The money lost was only ab()ut $300, but the experience was devastating for her. It happens all thj: time: Old people are victimized by unscupulous people. Sometimes tbe aged are the victims of others'_greed. Often, too, theagedbeeome victims because they are vulnerable, They are frail. Or they,are lallely andthe,c:hance to talk to someone is appealing. I think my mother was hapPJ to have a visitor. Sbe thought the man looked kind. The old already have~suf(ereclso much loss ---.:. kiss of their YOlJlh, often of their health and mucl10f ·their income, their friends and spouses. A robbery adds a IlCW loss: the-loss ofproperty that tIley can still hold on to. something dat is theirs. All we caD do, J s..,pose, is Iry to pUblicize t~ scams aDd t..,to Jet tile- messa., through to oI4er . people. . I bave been house-rdblJed fdr times and OlUJlCdtwiee. I can 1eU you a robbery is a terrible violation: all invuion of your priV8lCY, But I was always grateful to Gki that I was young enough .Rd vigo-rous enough to bounce bat from these miserable experiences. - To steal from an old perun. however. is a heinous crime.


The Anchor Friday, May 3, 1991


the Fall River diocese, to Mother Mary Bertrand. Dated Dec. 8, 1904, it reads: My dear Mother Bertrand, , I shall can in person to offer you my sinc~rest thanks for your royal gifts. We used the white gremiale today at Our Lady's·goldenjubilee. It is a work of art and beauty; May God bless and reward you for what you have done for your poor father in God . ..,.. William Stang Bishop of Fall River




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AT DOMINICAN centennial celebration, above, Sisters Elizabeth Menard, prioress, and Ann Mildred Brown, archivist, display treasured bobbin lace tablecloth made by early members of the congregation; at right, ice sculpture of St. Catherine of Siena created by Jeffrey DeMarco. (Hickey/ Studio D photos)

MayS 1973, Rev. Leo M. Curry, Chaplain, Catholic Memorial Home 1985, Rev. Albert Rowley, SS.Cc., in residence, St. Francis Xavier, Acushnet May 6 1905, Rev. Thomas P. Elliott, Founder, St. Mary, Mansfield 1980, Rev. Asdrubal Castelo Branco, Retired Pastor, Immaculate Conception, New Bedford May' 1958, Rev. Raymond P. Levell, S.J., Professor, Spring Hill College, Mobile, Ala. May 9 1940, Rev. J.E. Theodule Giguere, Pastor, St. Anne, New Bedford 1941, Rev. John P. Clarke, Pastor, St. Mary, Hebronville

Park Street Dominicans Continued from Page One see members serving tOday in five dioceses and the archdiocese of Washington, D.C. "The future is unknown today as it was 100 years ago," said the' master general, noting that a community may lessen in numbers, "but that's not the point. It need not die. Today we seek to carryon the faith of those who came 100

years ago to serve the church in Fall River." Bishop Daniel A. Cronin, principal celebrant of the centennial Mass, saluted Dominican prioress Sister Elizabeth Menard and through her all members of the congregation. "I consider myself privileged to be the bishop celebrating the 100 years of the sisters," he said. The

Area Religious Broadcasting The' 'foilo~i~g televisiori' imd radio programs originate in' the' diocesan viewing and listening area. Their listings normally do not vary from week to week. They will be presented in the Anchor periodically and will reflect any changes that may be made. Please clip and retain for reference. On TV "Spirit and the Bride," a talk Each Sunday, 8:00a.m WLNE,show with William Larkin, 6 p.m. Channel 6. Diocesan Television Monday, cable channel 35. Mass. Those in the Greater New On Radio Bedford area who do not have "Be Not Afraid," 15 minutes of cable TV see a rebroadcast of the music and Gospel message coorMass at 11 a.m. on UHF Channel dinated by Father Craig A. Pre20 gana, parochial vicar at St. John Portuguese Masses from Our the Evangelist parish, Attleboro, Lady of Mt. Carmel Church, is heard at 8 a.m. Sundays on New Bedford: 12:15 p.m. each station WARA, 1320 AM. The CathSunday on radio station WJFD- olic clergy of the Attleboro area FM, , p.m. each Sunday on tele- sponsor the program. vision Channel 20. "The Beat," Christian rock "Confluence," 10:30 a.m. each music and information produced Sunday on Channel 6, is a panel by Building Block Ministries of program moderated by Truman Taunton, is broadcast at , a.m. Taylor and having as permanent Sundays on station WVBF Bosparticipants Father Peter N. Gra- ton, 105.' FM,and may be heard ziano, diocesan director ofsocial in the Attleboro, Fall River, services; Right Rev: George Hunt, New Bedford and Taunton deanEpiscopal Bishop ofRhode Island, eries. and Rabbi Baruch Korff. Charismatic programs with "The Beat," produced by Build- Father John, Randall are aired ing Block Ministries of Taunton from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m: Monday and aired on many cable systellls through Friday on station WRIB, in the Fall River diocese features 1220 AM; Mass is broadcast at I videos from and in'ormation .on p.m. each Sunday. contemporary Christia.n rock art-' "Topic Religion," presented by ists. Check local listings f~r times two priests, a rabbi and a Protand dates. ! _ .' estant minister, isbroad'cast at Mass.9:JO"a.m. Mopday to, 6:06 a.m. and 11:06 p.m. each Friday, Wf.XT; Chanp~1 ~5. ~ _ Sunday on station WEEI Bos-· "Breakthrough" 6:30 a.m/.each '. ton, 590 AM. Programs of Catholic interest Sunday, <;hannel)p, a program., .on !he power of. God to;Jo~~h ;. are broadcast at the following lives,: produced by tbe Pastoral ~ times on'station WROL Boston, Theologica!.In,stit~te·Rqfa~den, ~: 950 AM: Monday through FriConn.; ::. ,: j . • c' .' day 9, 9:15, 11:45 a.m.; 12:15, "Maryson,": a family. puppet 12:30,'1 p.m.. A Polish-language Mass is show., with .moral and spiritual perspective 6 p.m, each 1;hu.rs- heard from 7:30 to 8:30 a.m. day, f.all River and N~w. ~edford every Sunday on station WICE, Cable Channei 13. 550 a.m.

bishop reminded the congregation of the outstanding accomplishments of the community patroness, St. Catherine of Siena, a 14th-century mystic and doctor of the church who was influential in persuading Pope Gregory XI to return the papacy to Rome after a period of some 70 years when popes resided in Avignon, France, due to continuing unre~t in the nations of Europe. CallingCatherine-a: "truewoman of the church," the bishop congratulated her present-day successors "who have bound themselves by religious vows:" Also speaking briefly was Very Rev. Richard Guimond, OP, provincial of St. Dominic Province in Canada, to which Dominican priests at St. Anne's Church belong. He accompanied Father Byrne on the master general's visit to Fall River. Greeting the congregation, Sister Menard said the sisters "rejoice in recalling the favors our God has done for us, rejoice in our history and our ability to touch so many of the people of God; r~joice inour membership and their gifts to one another." She expressed gratitude to the many.whose "presence speaks of your love for us" and declared that in this "graced moment for us, we renew our commitment to love and serve." Alluding to proposed. collaboration with Dominican communities in Newburgh and Ossining, N.Y., Sister Menard said that at a time oftransition God's call is seen as "constant but changing." She noted that for their centennial year community members had chosen the theme "~ejoicf' Renew, Respond" as their theme. She explained that it signified rejoicing in the past, renewing commitment to God's people and responding to the needs of a new millennium.' Offertory gifts at the centennial Mass included a portrait of Moth.er Bertrand, a rosary anp theconstitution and mission statement of the community. ' ., At the conclusion of the' Mass, following a renewal of their vows, the sisters, in a moving Dominican tradition, sang the "Salve Regina," an ancient Latin hymn that is part of the Divine· Office of the church. A Simpler Ti",e A reception at Dominican Acad-

emy, adjoining St. Anne's Church, followed the Mass. Hundreds milled through the spacious halls, viewed a slide presentation of highlights in the congregation's history, visited Sister Gertrude Gaudette's Creativity Center and admired a full-size ice sculpture of St. Catherine of Siena centering a buffet table. The sculptor was Jeffrey DeMarco, a faculty member at Massasoit Community College, Brockton, and the father of a Dominican Academy student. For Sister Gaudette, the day was especially joyous, marked by Sustenance the surprise appearance of her "God it is who gave you being, nephew, Marine Corps Corporal and~who still continued the same Michael Charest, who had returned to you. So that you depend now as that morning from the Persian much upon God's power for the Gulf. preserving of it, as you did before Of special interest was a newly it was given to you." - Luis de developed Heritage Room, display- Granada ing mementos of the community'S , . hundred years. Reflecting a simpler, ~~,-,---,-------------_ .. less hurried time, it included a . ~. CATHOLIC CHARITIES handwritten note from Bishop William Stang, the first bishop of






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Can a Lutheran boy find happiness at the Vatican? VATI CAN CITY (CNS) - Can fi'rst person to play Romeo to her the son of an upper middle class Juliet." The shock of his parents' divorce, family in the Lutheran stronghold of Sweden find happiness as a a probing for life's deeper meaning Catholic priest, pledged to pov- and a love of classical music eventually led Father Rooth to Caerty, working at the Vatican? A firm "yes" followed by a hearty tholicism. _ laugh gives you Father Lars As a clerk in the Bank of Sweden exchange control office in New Rooth's answer. But the 70-year-old Jesuit is York in 1941-43, the young Lars quick to add that the decision was was always on the lookout for free not easy. This is mirrored in the concerts. Thus he spent many Suntitle of his autobiography, "More day mornings in Catholic Churches Joy than Pain," published by Vat- listening to the Mass music of clasican Radio, where he is director of sical composers. Scandinavian programming. Father Rooth is one of the few Weaving in and out of his tale Catholics in his native Sweden, . like bit players in a movie are where Lutheranism is the ,state famous figures of the sacred and religion. Less than 2 percent ofthe secular worlds, from Mother Teresa 8.4 million population is Catholic. Like many Swedish Catholics, of Calcutta to a well-known actress who played a love scene with the he had to overcome family opposi18-year-old Lars on his ski lodge tion to this decision to convert. ' 4 & . ~ , "God stole my son," hi's mother bunk bed. INNOCENT .vICTIMS: A Kurdish mother waits with her crying child outside a medical His father, Ivar; was himself an once lamented. tent at a refugee camp in Turkey. (CNS/UPI-Reuters photo) Father Rooth was the first important Swede and for decades was the state banker. Ivar'Rooth, Swedish-born Jesuit to be ordained at age 40, was appointed governor and allowed to function as a priest of the Bank of Sweden and his in Sweden. At the time of his ordipersonal secretary in the 1930s was nation in 1954, there were 8,000 a rising star named Dag Ham- Catholics in the country and beiJ;lg, marskjold, elected U.N. secretary . a non- Lutheran was tantamount to social heresy. VATICAN CITY (CNS) - A treaty called for establishment of a building intact on the outside, and ' '.general in the 1950s. Kurdish state. . , empty inside. It was terrible, dev"Dag had been recommended to "To embrace the Catholic faith just solution for Kurds must be The archbishop was asked wheth- astating. The psychological dam- my father as 'a 'promising young had been considered almost the part of a Middle East peace plan, said the Vatican newspaper, L'Os- er, in his view, the U.N. role au- age cannot be measured. It will man and Dag became his personal same as becoming a renegade," he 'assistant. I remember him turning recalls. thorizing the war was to its credit, last a lifetime," he said. , servatore Romano. Despite the bombardment, Iraq- up for Sunday breakfast with a But as the only Swedish Jesuit, "No one must be forgotten by or whether it indicated a failure of is hold the "least malice possible" shorthand pad in his pocket," re- Father Rooth was an easy pick to freedom," said an April 21 front- the U.N.'s mission. develop Swedish programming for, "As a diplomat, I have to say toward the United States and the counts Father Rooth. page editOJ:ial. "The martyred The young Lars was given relig- Jesuit-run Vatican Radio. He Kurdish people cannot and must that they did what they could. As a allied forces, he said. "There is no hatred here," he said. ious instruction for his Lutheran began working for Vatican Radio private person, I am of the second not be forgotten." Partly through the efforts of confirmation by the Rev. Erik in 1957 and from Sweden preThe editorial appeared as the opinion. Even the'Security CounPope John Paul II, he said, a Bergman, father of the famous' pared 15-minute taped programs. United States and other Western cil gave up iis authority. They potential Christian-Muslim con- film director Ingmar Bergman. He moved to Rome in 1981 to nations began establishing safe allowed the United States and the mct was defused in the region. The woman involved in the bunk work fulltime for the organization. haven zones in northern Iraq to allied forces to operate militarily, His job -involved instructing bed love scene'路was the young Viprotect Kurds fleeing from Iraqi without asking them to make an veca Lindfors, famous as a theater Pope John Paul II in Swedish, accounting of their operations," troops. and screen actress in Sweden and Danish, Norwegian, Finnish and Meanwhile, the Vatican's nun- he said. the United States during the 1940s. Icelandic for the pope's 1989 trip The archbishop estimated that cio in Iraq said the Kurdish people But during Christmas vacation in to Scandinavia. are "a nation that has the right to some 85,000 people died in the "I have never had a pupil who 1939, she was an aspiring drama respect," but would probably have war, most of them Iraqi soldiers. student at a ski lodge and met the was so highly motivated and who to be satisfied with limited au- While civilian casualties in Bagh18-year-old . Lars Rooth, whose managed to learn so much in a dad were light, he said, the 42 days tonomy inside Iraq. boyhood dream was to be an actor, short time," says Father Rooth. Archbishop Marian Dies said of bombing seemed "endless." as he was reading Shakespeare in The front cover of "More Joy "Modern bombing leaves a the Kurds have historically been Than Pain" carries a photograph English. "used by everybody." This time, he She remarked that she had never of Father Rooth kneeling on one said, they deluded themselves after read Shakespeare's plays in the k-nee talking to the seated Mother they were indirectly encouraged in Teresa of Calcutta, whom he has VATICAN CITY (CNS) "The papacy, thanks to a force original. their struggle by the United States. "So we repaired to my lodg- interviewed several times. Papal primacy is a "stumbling which it does not generate, remains The archbishop spoke in an inThe pope, after receiving a copy block" for many Christians, but it the foundation of the church" even ings," retells Father Rooth. "I knew terview published in the Italian is firmly rooted in the New Testa- though "individual popes, because the whole balcony scene from of the book, asked Father Rooth: Catholic weekly II Sabato. ment, 'said Cardinal Joseph Rat- of characteristics typical of their 'Romeo and Juliet' by heart, so I "Are you confessing to Mother Archbishop Oles, who remained zinger, head of the Vatican Con- humanity, are always causing new let her climb up onto the top bed, Teresa?" in Baghdad during the U.S.-led "No," answered Father Rooth. ,with book in hand, while I stayed gregation for the Doctrine of the scandals," he said. bombardment of the country, The church "is not the commun- down below. And thus I was the "Most people th.ink I'm proposing.'.' . Faith. questioned the role of the United Affirming it "is not treating of ity of the perfect ones, but the Nations in the war. He said the triumphalism, but of humility" be- community of sinners, who need U.N. Security Council had never asked for a proper accounting of cause it' accepts God's will, he forgiveness and look for it," he added in a recent speech at the added. military actions. The war, he said, Cardinal Ratzinger said that the caused "devastating" damage in ,Vatican's Urbanian University. "Roman primacy is not an inven- New Testament clearly establishes Iraq - though relatively few civtion of the popes but an essential the primacy of Peter among the ilian deaths. The archbishop was interviewed element of the unity of the church apostles and the special powers in mid-April in Baghdad, as thou- which comes from the Lord him- given to him by Christ, but it is not so explicit in establishing the sands of Kurds were fleeing Iraq self," he said. following a failed uprising against The Vatican's monitor of theo- bishops of Rome as the inheritors the regime of Saddam Hussein. logical doctrine, said that papal of this primacy. "In, the New Testameni there is primacy is "the hottest issue in the Historically, Kurds have inhabited a region that includes parts of ecumenical debate" and also causes not an explicit affirmation of the northern Iraq and southern Tur- controversies within-the Catholic succession of Peter," he said. The succession is found "in an key, as well as territory in Syria Church. But the tide is turning and "even indirect way" in the Gospels and and Iran. Archbishop Dies said the Kurd- among many non-Catholics the further developed in other New ish problem was "a human ques- necessity of a common center of Testament writings reflecting the thoughts of second generation tion, a question of a nation that Christianity is becoming affirmed," church leaders, he explained. has the right to respect." For Iraq, he said. "In New Testament writings ocThe papacy has been "the rock he said, this principle means the curring at the moment of passage Kurds would have "a certain au- against ideologies," he said. It must be affirmed "with the to the second generation or which tonomy, but it will not be comsame realism with which today we belong to this generation - espeplete." Other nations where Kurds live admit the sins of the popes and cially the Acts of the Apostles and today will not easily accept the their disproportion in respect to the pastoral letters - the principle , FATHER LARS ROOTH shows his autobiography to idea of Kurdish autonomy, he said, the greatest of their ministry," said of succession, in fact, assumes a Pope John Paul II. (CNS/ L'Osservatore Romano photo) concrete form," he said. even though a 1920 international the cardinal. '

Martyred Kurds must not be forgotten, says Vatican newspaper

Papal primacy tough issue, he admits



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Cross 'chronicles-parish's Lenten journey It is seven feet tall, neither polished nor .symmetrical, made of driftwood. Rising from a bed of sand and rocks and illuminated by a soft spotlight, the cross erected in the sanctuary of St. Peter the Apostle Church in Provincetown reflected a symbolic Lenten journey this year for parishioners. The sculpture was created by Dale Szczech, who got the idea after seeing a cross made of railroad ties in a railroad town. Using materials symbolic of. his own home' area, he collected wood and sand from beaches at Race Point, Herr.ing Cove and Provi~etown Harbor. The inclusion of rocks recalled the founding of the church on the "rock," St. Peter, and the addition of withered plants reflected the Lenten season. At the base of the cross was a basket which held written goals and commitments of parishioners. These slips of papers were burned in the new fire at the Easter Vigil. The sculpture was gradually transformed over the weeks leading up to the feast of Christ's resurrection. Seeds were planted, and cactuses placed around the altar and on the sand at the base of the cross represented a correlation between Christ's journey through the desert and the ordeal of those serving in Operation Desert Storm. Nearby, on the altar of the Blessed Virgin, were photos of local men and women serving in the Middle East and a vigil candle that burned as a symbol of prayer for their safe return. On Good Friday, all greenery was removed from the cross, which was then draped in purple. A crown

of thorns was placed on it along with a representation of the sign which mocked Jesus. For the Easter Vigil, the cross was draped in white and adorned with spring flowers. The first light to come on in the church was a



sp'otlight focusing on it as bells, lights, and music signified the resurrection of the Lord and the end of the Lenten journey. The display will remain in t.he church until May 9, Ascension Thursday.

51. Peter's Church as it appeared on

Youth ministry office announces activities The Diocesan Office for Catholic Youth Ministry will offer a youth ministers' overnight retreat, themed "Come to the Water," June 14 and 15 at Sacred Hearts Retreat Center, Wareham. Facilitated by Sister Mary Golden, 'MSBT, and Father David Costa, the retreat ·invites adult youth ministers to "share your story of God and ministry and be refreshed by God's water of love and mercy." Time will be available for communal and personal prayer, group sharing and relaxation. CLI '91 The 1991 session of the Christian Leadership Institute for students ages 15 to 18 who hold parish leadership roles will be held at Cathedral Camp, East Freetown, June 23 to 28. F or the past three years, CLI has provided an opportunity for the growth and affirmation of diocesan young people. Application forms have been sent to all pastors and a youth minister or religious education coordinator at each diocesan parish. Since space is limited to 60 participants, it is recommended that parishes send no more than two youth. Application deadline is May IS. For information on CLI or the youth ministers' retreat, contact the Office for Catholic Youth Ministry, 763-3137. The office, located in Seton Hall at Cathedral Camp, is open 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. weekdays. Staff members are also available to meet during evening hours by appointment. "Yes" Retreat 30 young diocesans recently participated in a "Yes" retreat

weekend at Our Lady of Good ther Costa, the daylong retreats Counsel Retreat House at Cathed- include presentations, small group ral Camp. activities and time for personal The program, facilitated by Sister journaling, and friendship with Golden, featured witness talks by Jesus. Seven schools have registered adults and youth and reenactment for retreat days to be held this of the sacraments of baptism, month: St. Mary and St. Joseph's reconciliation, Eucharist and conschools, New Bedford; Notre Dame firmation. "During this retreat," said par- and St. Michael's schools and Dominican Academy, Fall River; ticipant Kevin Christopher, "the spirituality in each of us was en- St. Mary Sacred Heart School, North Attleboro; and St. Franci~ lightened and our bond with Jesus Xavier School, Acushnet. strengthened ... "On the weekend a priest said, . 'Imagine your doubts as an ice LOUISVILLE, Ky. (CNS) cube in a glass of soda. Now imagine it melting in that glass. Calling catechists "the heart and And, though the process is slow, soul of our teaching effprt," the you know that it will eventually chairman of the U.S. bishops' Committee on Education says teaching diminish and disperse. This is what will happen over the course of the the faith is "much more a shared weekend and throughout your life- effort in the church now" than in .time.' . the past. Bishop John J. I.:eibrecht "He was exactly right. With the of Springfield-Cape Girardeau, help of friends and the leaders of Mo., made the comment in an interview with The Record,' Louthis retreat, it happened." isville archdiocesan newspaper, Program Completed during a recent convention of the Nearly 100 youth ministers, National Conference of Diocesan . clergy and religious educators have Directors of Religious Education. completed Phase II of the Youth He said every bishop needs profesMinistry Training Program. sional catechists and volunteer The January through March pro- teachers to help him achieve "the gram marked the end of a two~part' teaching mission of the church." training program for adult volunteers who minister to youth. A new format for ongoing formation of adults who work with youth will. be offered in the 1991· J. TESER, Prop. 92 seasofl. I RESIDENTIAL Junior High Retreats INDUSTRIAL . The youth ministry office is COMMERCIAL sponsoringjunior high retreat days 253 Cedar St., New Bedford for Catholic school eighth graders. 993·3222 Led by Sister Golden and Fa-

CCD a shared task

Norris H. Tripp '. SHEET METAL

THE ANtHOR-Diocese

. . ~

of Fall·River-.Fri., May 3,1'991


Iteering pOintl SEPARATED/DIVORCED CATHOLICS The North American Conference of Separated and Divorced Catholics (NACSDC) will hold its 20th annual international conference July 25 to 28 at the University of Dayton, Ohio. Themed "Male and Female: One in Christ," it will offer over 60 . workshops. Keynote presenters will be Ft. Lauderdale, Fla., therapist and marriage and family specialist Mary Ann Massey and New York divorce and family mediator Ronald Heilmann. A workshop for divorce ministry leaders, "Breaking the Cycle of Intense Loss: Grieving Well and Making New Commitments," wil~ precede the conference July 23 to 25. Further information: Kathleen L. Kircher, NACSDC Central Office, 1100 S. Goodman St., Rochester, NY 14620; tel. (716) 271-1320. HOLY GHOST, ATTLEBORO Liturgy board meeting 7 p.m. May 7. Mystagogia, period of postbapti.sal catechesis for new convert Miy. oko Perry, will be held May 5, 19 and June 2. CATHOLIC WOMAN'S CLUB, NB Meeting 7 p.m. May 8, Wamsutta Club, County St., N B; activity: Italian Night. ST.GEORGE,WESTPORT Youth dance 7:30 tonight. school. Youth mass9:30a.m. Sunday. Youth ministry board meeting 7 p.m. Sunday, center. ST. JULIE BILLIART, N. DARTMOUTH Pastoral Council year-end buffet 7 p.m. Sunday, rectory; new members will be elected.

ST. MARY, FAIRHAVEN Baptism preparation meeting 7 p.m. May 7. Mother's Day cards and spiritual bouquets at church entrances; mothers will be remembered at all Masses in May. WIDOWED SUPPORT, NB NBwidowed support group monthly meeting 7:30 p.m. May 13. St. Kilian rectory basement. Information: 9983269.992-7587. Turn to Page 16

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THE AN~H~R-Dioceseof Fall River-:-Fr!:, May 3, 199,1

By Charlie Martin



By Tom Lennon So, your girlfriend has issued an ultimatum. She wants to have sex with you, and if you won't cooperate, well, you'd better look for another girlfriend. She means business, and all sorts of thoughts' are churning in your head. ' Not the least of these is: "Well, yes, I'd like very much to cooperate." You've already talked with guys who have done it, or at least claim they have done it, and this has aroused in you both curiosity and desire. There are times when you think, ,"The next time we're together - that's gonna be it." You've been hearing a voice that asks, "If I don't do it pretty soon, will the guys think I'm gay?" But this is no siiriple matter. You remem ber those conversations you've had with your mom' and dad. They were 'teen-agers in the wild-and-crazy '60s, the' time' of the so-called' sex,ual revolution.' when all the barriers came'tumbling down. ," Your mom 'ahd dad hav'e ihdicate'd. they haq sex'with otl:!h per-. sons before theY' were m'lhI'ied: And after they were married, 'both of them deeply regretted it. B'oth say ~hat every now and then ghosts appear in their marriage, ghosts of previous sexual partners. And they wish this were not so. Both say tha~ although they truly love one another, a shadow now and then clouds their relationship. But they know that nothing can ever change the past. They must live with what they did before marriage. Another voice in your head raises

Recent box office hits 1. 2.

Out for Justice, 0 (R) Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II, A-J1(PG) 3. The Silence of the Lambs, A-IV(R) \ 4. Dances With Wolves, A-III (PG-13j 5. Defending Your Llle.,A-J1 (PG) 6. The Marrying Man, A-III (R) 7. ' Sleeping with the Enemy, A-III(R) 8. ' New Jack 'City', 0 (R) '9. H'ome Alone, A-il (PG) , 10. Class Action, A-III (R)

serious q'uestions about your girlfriend. Isn't she trying to manipulate you? Isn't she really trying to force you to love her, and what路 kind of love is that? In occasional moments of sear.ing honesty, you admit, "Anybody who'd try to manipulate someone in this way doesn't know the first thing about love. Or for that matter, about sex." But what if the guys do think you are gay? Aga,in, in moments of honesty, you, realize you can tell them, and tell them forcefully, that "I'll prove my manhood, not by being'promiscuous, but by being responsible." Sometimes when you're alone another issue enters your mind. You've been taught that sexual intercourse outside of marriage is deeply wrong, a sin. That bothers you more than you may care to admit. Too, you've seen how som'e'of the' kids at school ended up i'n bitter 'circumstances and really had the whole course ,of their lives changed because of some brief moments of sex, ' Arid you'can't- geti outofi your: ' head what the" teacher ,stressed. "N 0 'contraceptive路 is 100 percent safe. Not one." And you think,' "There's always the 'possibility." Your mind and heart are troubled. The hours go by slowly. Finally it da wns on you: "If this is causing me so much trouble and conflict and sweat, something's awfully wrong." And at last you decide, "The hell with it. The answer's no." It's as though a great burden has been lifted.

Recent top rentals 1. Ghost, A-III (PG-13) 2. Presumecllnnocent.

A-IV (R) 3. Pacific Heights. A-III (R) 4. Memphis Belle, A-II (PG-13) 5. Wild at Heart. 0 (R) 6. Narrow Margin, A-III (R) 7. Child's Play 2, 0 (R) 8. 'Sibllng Rivalry, A-III (PG-13) 9. Arachnophobia, A-II (PG-13L . 10. White Palace, MV (R)

, .






1991 CNS Gt'apl'i,cs

'General ratings: C':":'suitable for general viewing; PG13--parental guidance strongly suggested for children under 13; p~":'parental' guidance suggested; Jt~restricted, unsuitable for children or young teens.

list COIItesY of Variety"


1991 CNS Q'alticS

Catholic ratings: At-approved for ~hildten ~~d:a'duhs; A~~approve~Uor adults and adolescents; A3-apllroved for adults only; A4....separate classification (given films not in~rally .offensive. wh,ich, require some expla:~atio:n); O~ ~orally offensive. ,

Open the door and come in I'm so glad to see you my friend Don't know how long it has been Having these feelings again And now I see that you're so happy It just sets me free And I would like to see us as good a friends As we used to be You're in love That's the way it should be 'Cause I want you to be happy You're in love and I know That you're not in love with me It's enough for me to know That you're in love Now 111 let you go 'Cause I know that you're in love Sometimes it's hard to believe That you're never coming back for me I've had this dream that you'd always be by my side But now I see that you're so happy It just sets me free And I'd like to see us as good a friend as As we used to be I was trying to find you but you were so far away I ~as praying that faith would bring you back to me Someday, someday; someday , Written by Wilson Phillips,' G. Ballard, sung by Wilson , Phillips, (c) 1991 by SB'K Records. FOR US Wilson Phillips fans, 'or their ideas on relationships, there's a new cassingle out that ,this trio represents a definite features their current hit "Y ou're ' class act. .' in I,.ove," plus tracks Qf the "Yo\l're in Love" raises the other hits off their debut album. issue of whether past lovers can , As Ii spl:cial,adqition, the tape' stilrbdtierids'. 'In the song, two , e!1d~ '~i,th a. conversati,on with: people meet again ll;nd" apparthe tlireeyoung women, recordently' are 'happy, to', see each ,ed during their recent tQur of other., 'One has been "praying Japa,n. Whether it be their music that faith would bring you back

to me someday." She can now see "that you are so happy." And "you're in love and I know that 'you're not in love with me." Still, she wonders if they could be "as good a friend as we used to be." This question is a very good one. Most people will date several individuals during their teen and young adult years. Can genuine caring between two people be sustained, even though the rom,antic sparks have faded? No matter where we find it, or how it may evolve, love uplifts our lives. It takes maturity, openness and a new type of commitment to turn a relationship into a lasting friendship if' romance cools. , Obviously, both individuals have to want the friendship, for no style of relationship can surto the song, the individual that feels the loss of the romance must move beyond his or her grief, supporting the other person in his current romance. In turn, this other must show some sensitivity to the feelings of love loss in the other, while reaffirming the value of their friendship. , Another important concern is how they will set new boundaries for physical affection. Acts of affection can easily become sexual in nature. When this occurs our feelings get confused. However, if we keep our manifesta'tio'ns of physical affection limited to what is appropriate toJriendship, we, keep this new relationship in the light of truth. We will choose only orie lifelong partner; but the richness of loving friendships brings a real trea,sure into, our )iyes: Open your heart to all the love that it can give路and-receive. Your comments are welcomed by Charlie Martin, RR 3, Box 182, Rockport, Ind. 47635.

Ho~~ to screen~andldatesfor celibacy By Hilda Young , . w.orld is that noise?" my COUSin the pnest asked over the phone. I turned around. . "Oh, th~t'sjust li.ttle Maii~ huntIng ants In the kitchen WIth the frying pan," I told' him. "Be caref ul, h oney" don t go too near . L uc ky' s water d'IS h" There was a silence. "Father Kevin," I said, "I was talking to Marie.'" "Yea, I kinda thought so," he said, then added, "I don't know how you can handle that racket at your place." "What racket?" I asked. "For starters, motocycles in the garage, doors slamming, the dog barking, the piano lessons, the cap guns, the rap music, the mother of all shouting at the bathroom door, the ..." "Kevin," I interjected, mildly perturbed' at his tone;' "those are just normal ho~seholdsounds. I wouldn't ca'll it racket." He chuckled his smirky chuckle. "Oh" fo'r racket l suppose.you go to the airport and listen'to the jets warm up,or ,maybe take in the demolition derby." " " "Cute," lsaid. "Listen, there are some of us who wonder about someone who complains on camping trips about the possums whispering in the distance." It has long been one of my personal theories that you can screen' a potential candidate. for.celibacy', by his or her tolerance for sound. "Wha~ in the

(Note: I said "sound," not r~cket, noise, 'conflagration, clamor or cacophony, a,ll nouns used frequently by cehbates..) We all sense this., For example, when was the last tIme you heard someone yell at a. religious? Some. how you know It WIll hurt them. BeSI'd es, there IS . a Iways the c hance the clouds will part and you will be flattened by the awesome "shussshhh" from above. Anyway, I have no doubt seminaries and convents could save candidates a lot of soul-searching if applicants were sound tested. Sneak up behind one in the library and tap two feather dusters together. If he or she whirls around,

index finger to lips, score him or her high on the celibacy scale. Ditto if they wince when carrot sticks are served whine when the radio is turned u~ or wiggle when someone cracks their knuckles. "So what's up b'd eSI es th e d eCI'be I level?" I asked F th K ' . a er" eVIn. . He cleared hiS thr~at. Ac~ually, I .called to see If the kl~~ would like to take over my pets. ~'What.pets? Did yo~ ge,~ somethtng beSIdes the goldfIsh? "Well, you see, they make this terrible cacophony at night, blowing little bubbles at the surface of the water, and ..." This man's vocation is rock solid.

Bishop Feehan Michael La~ocque, Emily Petrillo Sister Mary Enda Costello, RSM, faculty' member at Bishop and 'Erika Rothem,ich.. 33 freshFeehan High School, Attleboro, , ml;n received high honors ~nd 19 ', has been awarded a fellowship at received honors. " ,Sopho,mores, ,highest honors: the University of Vermont in the 1991 program ofsummer seminars, Dana Ale~ander, Timothy Famu-' for ,school teachers sponsored by lare, Eli~abeth Favata, Karen Hillthe National. End'owment for the' man, Erinn Hoagg"Nita Patel. 14 Humanities (N E H). She will,study sophomores achieved high honors a~dlO, h o n o r s . . Italian poet DanteAlighieri. Juniors, . highest honors: Ami Stucie~tP8:uIFI~n.ag!mhasbeen Dubois, Elaine Dwyer, Lisa Rowe, nliin~~ 'one of. tw~ al,ternate~ for Kathleen Sheridan: 23 ,juniors fol,\( travel sch'olarshi'ps to Spain received'high honors and 8, honors. offered by th'e Spanish, National Seniors, highest honors: Keith Honor Society. Collins, Matthew Freeman, Lisa , On the third quarter honor roll: Houghton, Michelle Peluso, GabFreshmen, highest honors: Jason' riel Pequeneza. 45 seniors received Cherry, Amy.Dwyer, Robert ~iem.' honors'and 23, honors.

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: in o'ur schools' I


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'~':' .,",

ANCHOR...:....D"i~~e~eof F~il'River.:...-Fri., May 3,1991



Bishop Conn"olly


The second annual Bishop Con- culty attended "Choices," a daynony High School Art Show win long drug and alcohol awareness open Sunday with a: I to 4 p.m. program coordinated by the Conreception open to the public. nolly Drug and Alcohol AwareThe exhibit, featuring works by ness Team (CAAT) Connolly students as well as subDrug education advisor George missions from area public, private Angelo opened the assembly by and, parochial middle school pu- reading a message from Governor. pils, will be open in the Connolly William Weld, who exhorted sturesource room from 7:30 a.m. to dents to make drug~free choices. 3:30 p.m. May 6 through 8., Speakers included two ilurses Bishop Daniel A. Cronin pre- representing the Charlton Memorsided recently at a Mass at the Fan ial Hospital, Fall River, chapter of River school observing the 450th CARE (Cancel Alcohol Related anniversary of the founding of the Emergencies). Society of Jesus. He was joined at Noting that one in three 17the service by Rev. Thomas Gib- , year-old males will be involved in bons, SJ, representing the New an alcohol-related incident requirEngland Jesuit provincial, and area ing emergency room treatment, priests. ' they said that prom time is the Bishop Cronin told the students worst season for emergency room that while Connolly is yet a young staffers. One said. "You can feel institution, the Jesuits have had a the tension in the emergency room strong spiritual influence on many if we know there is a prom in the area clergy - himself among them, area. If we make it through the having .attended Boston College night without serious injury, we High School and later pursued are really grateful." graduate studies at Rome's GregoA representative of Mothers rian University, both Jesuit-run. Against Drunk Driving outlined Bishop Cronin said that if St. the 10-year history of MADD and Ignatius were speaking to students its advocacy for rights of victims today, the Jesuit founder "would of drunk drivers. not talk about his own life or even Bristol County Sheriff David RECENT VISITORS to S1. Jean Baptiste School, Fall River, were Major George Phelan, the influence of the Jesuit educa- Nelson closed the first portion of in left photos, and seminarian Jim Medeiros of S1. John of God parish, Somerset, right photos. tional system through four and a the program by telling students Major Phelan spent two days at St. Jean's speaking to upper and lower grades about his half centuries. He would...urge that millions of dollars that could better be spent on education' or experiences in Saudi Arabia and showing them pictures" patches, foreign money and samples of us to lead holy lives." finding a cure for cancer must be In closing, the bishop, encour"MREs," ready-to-eat meals given the soldiers in Operation Desert Storm. spent on prison expansion. 80 perJim Medeiros spoke to 6th through 8th graders about vocations and life at St. John's aged students to make sacrifices to cent of the prison population is lead holy lives. Seminary. "Father Jim," as he was dubbed by students, later enjoyed a lunch break with some composed of persons convicted of "If you were to leave Bishop kindergarteners. drug or alcohol related offenses, Connolly and go on to good jobs and fine salaries and not be strivhe added. At small group presentations on ing to be good and holy people, have been taken and registrations Stang students receiving honorsuch topics as steroid use in athletfaithful to God's law, then someat the recent Region able mention acc~p~e.d~or co~pute~ classes. ics, videos on "Sports and Drugs" thing' would be seriously missing In sdencefair' at Bristol ComStudents at St. Anne's School, and.a self-assessment of drug and munity College were so,phomores in your lives," he said. alco'hol involvement were shown. Fall River, have participated in a ,Following the Mass, student Erica Lopes, Erin Prior and Nicole number of special programs recentThe program closed with "We'll Seventh grader Christopher FerPoisson and junior Arriinah Pil- body president Phil Nadeau preTry," a musical depicting two ly. on reira was grand prize winner at a sented the bishop with a gift grim, Ms. Prior received a Food Third grade classes are involved recent science fair at St. Francis brothers' struggle with choices Technologies award;junior Brenda behalf of the school community. in a five-week program focusing Xavier School, Acushnet. Representabout drugs, written by Dr. Don Nadeau, a senior, lias been Eustace earned a Medical Techon increasing children's sensitivity ing the school at the Region III Corriveau and directed by Ray named one of 500 finalists nationnology Award; and junior Eric' to persons with disabilities. Kids science fair at Bristol Community Berube. Connolly junior Aaron wide in the Presidential Scholars Wilbur was awarded a third place on the Block puppeteers emphas- College, he won an environmental Gendreau and alumna Tracy Leigh Program. Navy Science Award. Rebello were among student perSelection was based upon stuize that they are regular people. science a ward and a $100 bond for Leading actors in performances Third graders also held a Prime his project on "Water Quality in dents' essays, self-assessments, acformers. of "Cinderella" tonight and this At the end of the program, Time Reading evening and sleep- tile Mattapoisett River." tivities, and school recommenda, weekend are Katie Lacoste as CinConnolly junior Michael Iacovelli, over on April 26 with guest speakOther 7th grade science fair win- derella- and Kevin Grant as the tions and transcripts. This month, ers and nighttime snacks and break- ners were, in first place: Lisa Reale 141 high school seniors will be director of the 1991 Post~Prom, Prince. urged fellow students to continue fast provided by the Home and and Caitlin McKenna, Jocelyn Ka1991 Presidential Scholars. named Other cast members are' Luke School Association. Junior Jonathan Whittenhall to "think beyond today of the. gen; second place: Christopher ForWrobel, Kim Sutcliff~, Cristina choices each of us makes and the Students in grades I, 3 and 5 tier; third place: Lisa Sorelle. will represent Connolly at the 1991 Nunes, Jennifer Belair, Judy Alden participated in the Fall River Fire Massachusetts Boys' State program result of those choices. One choice 8th grade, first place: Thomas and Alison Gorman. Museum's Learn Not to Burn pro- Lovett and Thomas McNeil; second to be held June 15 to 21 at Bentley 1 call you to make is to choose to· Directing the play is Beth Cabral support and attend this year's gram, and a representative from place: Joshua Bruno;' third place: College, Waltham. Lecuyer, '77; Rebecca Babineau is Post-Prom celebration on May the Mr. Wizard television show David Malagutt aop John Mullin. The American Legion-sponsored stage manager. 17." entertained students in grades 3 Robert Machado. program win offer classes in law, Bishop Stang is hosting an intro- government economics and adoFaculty advisors of CAAT are through 8 with an informative . Teacher training and curriculum ductory weight training program lescent concerns; instruction in Colleen Smith and Roland Lacroix. demonstration on energy. materials have been provided for. for 7th and 8th grade students with The Bear Down on Drugs pro- addition of the Learn Not to Burn operation ,of municipal and state remaining sessions from 6:30 to 8 governments; and recreational acgram began this week for fifth fire prevention program to the p.m. May 8, 14 and 22. graders. curriculum 'for grades I and 2. J opics to be covered by football tivities. Grade I students attended a per- Piloted last year in the kinderJunior Heather Hague, a figure Jim Lanagan and the c'oach- skater for four,years, has earned coach formance of Paddington Bear at garten, the program is sponsored ing staff are foundations in weight the Zeiterion theatre in New Bed- by the Acushnet fire department. six second place finishes and four training, safety, speed development third place finishes in recent reStonehill College, North Easton, ford. and nutrition.. has received a $50,000 grant from Preschool and kindergarten classgional compl=titions. Both parents and students may es recently celebrated the Week of On April 26, 80 biology students the Charles A. Frueauff Foundaattend the program, which does tion, a Florida-based organization the Young Child with the theme Adam Braillard, a senior at • r.. pafiicip~ted in a whale watch exwith a long-standing commitment "Quality Care-Good Beginnings Bishop Stang High School, North not req Ulre 'preregistratIOn. pedit~.on,headed by David Wiley, a Student Anabela Vasconcelos n\lted wh'ale expert. to higher education. The board of Dartmouth, received honorable Never End." A popcorn party and . movie showings' were among activi- ,mention in an Asthma and Allergy has been named a national award . trip coordinator Pa!,Ponzer of ditectors of the foundation voted . ties of the week. Foundation scholarship competi-. winner in foreign language by the the Connolly science 'department at a recent mc;eting ,to increase its Staff members Sisters Mary Du- tion sponsored by the organiz~­ United States Achievement Acad- n'oted that the expedition demon- gift to,the college, which ~ad been mond and Christopher O'Rourke tion's New England chapter. The emy. She will appear in the official strated principles of marine biol- $30~000 for each of the past ~wo were guest speakers at last month's award recognizes students for yearbook, of the organization, ogy and 'co~plemented work pre- years. Through the grant, over 100 National Catholic Education Asso- achieving their personal best des- which recognizes less than 10 per- sented 'by juniors and seniors at a promising Stonehill students of ciation convention with respective pite significant asthma or allergies:' cent of American high school stu- recent Environrriental Expo. .topics "Get a Firm Grip on their Braillard was orie 'Of 24 finalists dents for outstanding accomplish,Language club members visited financial need, designated as Future-A Journey into Reading among 200 New England appli- ments. New York City April 27 for tours Fnieauff Scholars, 'have been Criteria for selection include of the Statue of Liberty, World assisted in pursuing a Stonehill and Social Studies" and' "Single cants whose essays described medParenting." The entire school staff ical, social, athletic and academic academic performance, leadership, Trade Center, the United Nations College degree in the liberal arts, the' sciences or in business adattended the conven tion. ' challenges they met, thus demon- responsibility, citizenship, attitude and the Ellis Island Museum. , In preparation fOr the 1991-92 strating that asthma and allergies and recommendation by a teacher ministration. Last Monday students and faor other school sponsor. school year, uniform measurements need not limit one's activities.

St. Anne's School

St. Francis Xavier

Stonehill College, announces grant

Bishop Stang,


APOSTOLATE FOR PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES May Mass and social May 19, St. Vincent's Home chapel, FR. PerST. JOSEPH, NB sons interested in teaching religion Prayer meetings 7 p.m. May 15.' to deaf children may call 679-8373 22, 29; Bible study 7 p.m. May 8. (voice) or 679-4277 (TTY); deaf perVincentians meet 9:30 a.m. Sunday. son preferred, sign language expeContinued from Page 13 Cub Scout committe,e meeting 9:30 rience necessary. International Cath- ' a.m. tomorrow. ' HEALTH INSTITUTE FOR olic Deaf Association 42nd anniverPROMOTING PREVENTION K. of C. PRO-LIFE ROSARY sary Mass II a.m. and banquet 2 "Promoting Prevention: the Mind, Southeastern Massachusetts p.m. M~y 19, DeafCommunity CenBody, Spiritual Connection" is the ter, Framingham; chairperson: LouKnights of Columbus will sponsor topic of the 10th annual Health ise Horrigan. Information: Martha fourth annual pro-life living rosary 2 Institute for Promoting Pre'vention p.m. May II, LaSalette Shrine, AttleMorris, 125 Granite St. # 130, Quincy to be held June 4, Bristol Communboro. 4 p.m. Mass celebrated by 02169; deadline May 6. ity College arts center, FR. At 7 p.m. retired Boston Auxiliary Bishop Law- ST. DOMINIC, SWANSEA Dr. Deepak Chopra, medical direcrence Riley. Prayer groups encourHoly hour 7 tonight. New statue tor at Maharishi Ayurveda Health aged to attend; contact Brother Robof Our Lady of Peace given by Center, Lancaster, will speak on ert L. Nichols, MS, LaSalette Shrine, Sousa-Furtado family will be blessed "Quantum Health," exploring rela947 Park St., Attleboro 02703 by on Mother's Day. Women's Guild tionship of mind-body connection 'May 4 to be publicly acknowledged communion breakfast following 8:30 and natural medicine to food, behaat the service. Donations of items for a.m. Mass Sunday, Brass Rail restauvior, biological rhythms, environnewborns to be distributed-by pro- rant. ment and thought. 8 concurrent worklife organizations are asked. ST. THOMAS MORE, shops beginning at 6 p. m. will precede SOMERSET CATHEDRAL CAMP, the lecture. CEUs provided by St. Rosary will be prayed 8:45 a.m. E. FREETOWN Anne's Hospital, FR, education deweekday mornings in May. Father Tres Dias Women's retreat May 2 partment. Registration required; through 5. St. Mary's, NB, gradua- Howard A. Waldron Memorial schoinformation: 678-2811. tion retreat 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. today. larship applications available at LaSALETTE SHRINE, St. John Neumann, E. Freetown, church entrances; deadline May 31. ATTLEBORO confirmation retreat, 9:30 a.m. to 5 O.L. FATIMA, SWANSEA , Retreat for single parent families, . p.m. tomorrow. Cardinal Spellman Women's Guild communion'break"Dare to be Different," June 7 to 9; fast following 8 a.m. Mass Sunday. High School faculty day 9 a.m. to these families are invited to explore The parish CYO basketball team, 12:30 p.m. May 9. what makes them unique as a family Junior B division champions, will be ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI, NB and what qualities make them difhonored at awards banquet 6 p.m. Altar boys' outing to circus at ferent. Information: 222-8530. May 7, McGovern's Restaurant, FR; Providence Civic Center tomorrow; reservation deadline May 4. leaving church 10 a.m. and returning 4 p. m. Vincentians meet following 6 SECULAR FRANCISCANS ,• 234 Second Street St. Francis of Peace Prefraternity p.m. Mass tomorrow; all parishion• • Fall River. MA.02721 of West Harwich and St. Francis of ers invited to join. • • Web Offset Cape Fraternity of Pocasset Mass 10 Newspapers BREAD OF LIFE a.m. Sunday, St. Francis Xavier Printing &Mailing PRA YER COMi\fUNITY Church, Hyannis. Joint communion' , . • (508) 679-5262 Catholic Charismatic prayer meetbreakfast 12:30 p.m., Cape Cod Plaza ing 7:30 p.m. Fridays, Blessed SacHotel; Father Stephen Doyle, OFM, rament Church. will speak. Information: Dorothy Williams, 394-4094, or Mildred BaiCATHEDRAL, FR ley, 563-2842. ' Women's Guild meeting 7:30 p.m. First Class Second Class May 6 for election of officers. InstalST. LOUIS de FRANCE, First Class Presort Carrier Route Coding lation Mass 5:30 p.m. May 9; ban-' SWANSEA quet will follow at Leone's RestauBaptismal preparation class 7:30 Third Class Bulk Rate Zip Code Sorting rant. Youth group meeting Sunday, tonight; information: Deacon Bob Third Class Non Profit List Maintenance school; students in grades 7 through Normandin, 676-0029. ALL TO USPS SPECIFICATIONS 12 welcome to join. Adult advisors ."'. CHRIST THE KING, MASHPEE needed. Cheshire labeling on Kirk·Rudy 4·up RCIA catechists meet 8 p.m. May labeler. And Pressure Sensitive Lalieling , ECHO RETREAT PROGRAM 13. Adoration of Blessed Sacrament 20th anniversary celebration begintoday through 8:30 a.m. tomorrow. ning with 7 p.m. Mass tonight, St. Inserting. collating, folding, Adults wishing to be involved in parJohn Evangelist Church, Pocasset; metering, sealing. sorting. addressing, ish summer school of religion may reception follows in parish center. sacking. completing USPS forms. call CCD office, 477-6565. "Imprompdirect delivery to Post Office tu" will present a Mother's Day ST. MARY, SEEKONK .. '. Printing. , . We Do It All! Life in the Spirit seminar explana- chamber music concert 7 p.m. May 12, chapel; information: Diane tion session 7:30 p.m. Sunday, parCall for Details (508) 679-5262 Booth, 477-3200. ish center.



Fall River-Fri., May 3, 1991

Itee,ring pO,intl


PARISH PHASE· MAY 5 TO MAY 15 SUNDAY, MAY 5 UNTIL 3 P.M. 20,500 volunteer solicitors will visit 114,000 homes in the areas of Fall River, New Bedford, Taunton, Attleboro and Cape Cod and The Islands. The appeal provides care for the unplanned pregnancy, the youth, the handicapped, the engaged couples, marriage counseling, the'sick, the poor, the elderly, family life, education and the needs of many other people.


this Message Sponsored by the Following Business Concerns in the Diocese of Fall River'




WIDOWED SUPPORT; ATTLEBORO Attleboro area widowed- support group meets 7 tonight, St. Mary's parish center, N. Attleboro. Mass will be celebrated by Father William Babbitt; a silent auction will follow. Communion breakfast following 10 a.rri. Mass at St. Mary's June 2; information: 695-7989. HOLY NAME, NB Roses for Life at all Masses Mother's Day weekend.

FATHER RAY Bourque of The Truth Will Set You Free EWTN cable and radio ministry will speak at a 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Day of Renewal May 11 at St. Ann's parish, Raynham. Father Bourque, a Scripture Scholar and host of the EWTN programs "Father Ray Shares His Love" and "In Search of Jesus," will discuss Jesus' many titles and ways offollowing him. Preregistration requested by May 4. For information contact Ann Levasseur, 822-6866, or Mary Leite, 822-2219. A Pentecostal celebration and healing Mass will be conducted at St. Ann's at 7 p.m. May 20. Mass celebrant and homilist will be Father Raul Lagoa, chaplain at Morton Hospital, Taunton. The service, sponsored by the Taunton Attleboro regional coordinating committee for the Charismatic Renewal, will include the old world tradition of the Crowning of the Holy Spirit. Both programs are open to all.

ST. ANTHONY of the DESERT, FR May crowning following II a.m. Mass Sunday; exposition of Blessed Sacrament until 6 p.m.; holy hour 5 to 6 p.m., St. Sharbel Chapel, 300 North Eastern Ave. HOLY ROSARY, TAUNTON May devotions-rosary, litany, benediction-7 p.m. Wednesdays. May crowning at 10:30 a.m. Mass Sunday; first communion class and altar boys will participate. ST. JAMES, NB CCD prayer service 7 p.m. May6; parents, friends and parishioners invited. Mark Lewis has completed blankets for homeless drive and plans a winter coat drive for the fall. St. James-St. John School family dance 5:30 to 9 p.m. tomorrow, parish hall; information: school, 996-0534. Roses for Life at all Masses Mother's Day wee,kend. ' CATHOLIC NURSES, CAPE-ISLANDS Cape and Islands chapter of Cath, olic Nurses year-end Mass and buffet 6 p.m. May 8, St. Pius X parish family life center, S. Yarmouth. Information: 775-3371. O.L. CAPE, BREWSTER Vincentian Harvest Sunday May 5. Men's Club communion breakfast following 10 a.m. Mass Sunday, parish center; speaker will be Father Sean McGillicuddy of the Baltimore archdiocese. Information: Jim Woods, 385-5223. CORPUS CHRISTI, SANDWICH Parish scripture study will soon offer Gospel of Matthew 9:45 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Thursdays; Young Mothers' group will continue study of Gospel of Mark 9:30 a.m. Thursdays. Information: Sharon Fitzpatrick: 888-8693. Life in the Spirit Seminar begins 7:30 p.m. May 13, parish center, and continues for seven Mondays; information: Dick Murphy, 775-7218, or Bill Mulcahy, 4201889. Women's Guild living rosary 7 p.m. May 8, parish center; guest speaker George Willenborg. ST. MARY, NORTON Mother's Day "Remembrance List" will include both living and deceased mothers; names may be dropped in collection basket before May 6. ST. ANNE, FR Cub Scout Olympics noon to 2:30 p.m. tomorrow, Heritage Park. ST. JOSEPH, TAUNTON May devotions 7:30 p.m. Mondays, preceded by rosary at 7: 10 p.m. SS. PETER AND PAUL Women's Club meeting 7 p.m. May 6; May baskets for Rose Hawthorne patients will be made. Vincentians meet 7 p.m. May 9, rectory. Gary Crowell, representative of the Bristol County House .of Correction, will speak to Cya students at 7 p.m. meeting May 7. VINCENTIANS Attleboro District Council meeting 7 p.m. May 13, St. Mary's parish, Seekonk. FR District Council meeting 7 p.m. May 7, Notre Dame parish, FR. SACRED HEART, FR Women's Guild banquet 6:30 p.m. May 6, Venus de Milo, Swansea; new officers Amelia Soares, president; Marge Brown, vice president; Rita Caouette, secretary; and Joan McDonald, treasurer, will be installed by Rev. Edward Byington, pastor. Chairperson for the event is past president Peg O'Shaughnessey. Scriptural rosary and Latin Benediction 7 p.m. Tuesdays in May. May crowning at 9 a.m. Mass Sunday; all CCD students should be present. First Friday Club Mass and supper 6 tonight.

ST. ANTHONY, MATTAPOISETT May crowning at 9:30 a.!!l. Mass Sunday by Children of Mary; rehearsal II a.m. tomorrow. Information: rectory. SACRED HEART, TAUNTON Choir director/organist Joan Alden se,eks new choir members to sing at II a.m. Sunday Masses; she may be reached at the church at 4 p.m. Saturday and II a.m. Sunday Masses or at her Raynham home. NATIONAL CHARISMATIC CONFERENCE National Charismatic Conference June 7 to 9, Providence Civic Center. Bustransporation available with prayer dialogue group of Dartmouth; information: Lucille Pimentel, 992MASS. CITIZENS FOR LIFE 5402. Mother's Day eve candlelight vigil ST. JOHN OF GOD, SOMERSET in meinory of unborn children who Holy Rosary Sodality meets May have died in NB, 7:30 p.m. May II, 7 to prepare for parish feast Mass and corporate communion May 12; ,12 Brigham St., NB. calendar for next year will be, ST. THERESA,.S. ATTLEBORO Confraternity of Christian Mothplanned. Members 'asked to arrive ers May breakfast after 7:30 a.m.by 9:30 a.m. May 12 for recitation of Mass; information: Betty Enright, rosary preceding Mass. New mem761-7441. bers will receive medals at this service.

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