Bishop Says 'The Fruits, 'of Your G,iving'.
Provide Monuments to Charity
Of Understanding, .Companionship, Security . "How eloquently. the. two Nazareth Hallll he emphasized, "it is a more blessed thing' t9 8ehools for Exceptional Children speak of the give than to receive." .' fruits of your'giving," the Most Rev. James L. l'he Bishop's Appear statement follows: t:onnolly, Bishop of Fall River, observed in his "Once again, I address you in the interest .~ annua],' Catholie Charities Appeal statement of our Diocesall· works of -mercy. There are the' - 'which :was read at aU masses in the diocesan ,spi'ritual wol'l(S which, everyone. of. us' should, / .tlurches' last Sunday.',' " show in , his Hfe. Then there are the corporal ",What monuments to Charity, and indeed works: of mency; carried out to ~Jf)me; extent by el)mnumity spirit, are ,our five Homes for the all of us;. but, sinae they are so many and v.aried,
Aaed and Chronically III 1" the Bishop said as administered by, Religiouf3, sisters, nurses" ·Dioc- '.
esan priests 'supported, by hundreds of.. paid UlY -ass-istants.
The image of Catholic Charity looms large in the Fall River DiQCese. We have a considerable heritage in our nurseries, and homes for children. . Youth' activity-. welfare-bureaus,' free health:" c'amps and pay-camps have been conducted for many ve~l's. So" too, in our provisioll Turn to Page Six
!(.,:r Z;,'-)-
'. "' .1". •.. :'
.J'- ,
Christian Renewai For . Over 1,100 Diocesan Adults Over a thousand adults of the Diocese of Fall, RiveJr mad e Wednesday night" April 26, a busy one. In five areas of the diocese they' con werged to pray, listen, discuss lMld pray again. Diocesan schools .pened their doors to "old" stu litudents that night. In :Fall River S'l3 camc to Mt. S. Mary Acad ~y; Ncw Berford sent 357 te. Bishop Stang High School; Taun ton, 85 at Bishop Cassidy High; Attlcboro, 110 at Bishop Fcehalll High and Cape Cod, 260 at Holy 'l'lI'inity School. In each area, the sessiolIll
opened with a very brief Bible Vigil. The biblical lesson - St. Peter's' Epistle - reminded the audicllces that they were part • a Pcople of God, valued and redeemed at a high price bY' Christ; each ox whom had in diSTurn to Page Eleven
So Lovable, 'Appreciative For. Anything You Do ,By Eva E. Dane ' All of us have a contribution of our' own to make to the world we live 'in. Those whose intellectual grasp is narrower haves sunnier disposition aI1da much greater capacity for patience and love than average. people. Just step into the bright rooms of Nazareth Hail around the cornel' from St. Francis Xavier Church in Hyannis and see' the warm welcome you will tel' games from which to derive "They are so lovable and apreCeive from Bishop James basic skills. pre'ciate anything that is done L. Connolly's speCial child-: The older ,gl'0up learns to buy for them and with' them. Often reno 'l'hen watch their eager groceries, plan meals from you learn much more from these response to class room instruc tion geared for the below 50 per cent I.Q. Some catch on faster and will help a companion who needs more time to ·assimilate the task at hand. .- ' For the younger ones there are picture puzzles, number and let-'
Teachers Meet in Attleboro The Catholic Teachers Association of the Diocese :Us holding its twelfth annual convention today and tomorrow at Bishop Feehan High school illl Attleboro. Approximately 1,000 religious and lay teachers as well aa priests associated with school work are attend. ing sessions and panels deal- tute teachers from the first three IiDg with every phase of moo- gl\"ades, while at 3:30. the teach ... edueation.. ell'S flI'om grades 4 to 8 wm helllr '!'his afternoon, Miss Therese M. Bluhm, senior editor at Ginll\ ~d Co., will address elementary IIChool teachers in two sections. .& 2 , her audience will CO!lSU-
her address on Essentials Readbg Instructions. .
Bluhm has worked! ilim dAoceses throughout the countG' TurD to Page Seveg Miss
graphic cards, to express their
.feelings in drawings - all pre dominantly happy ones-about school, home" people around them. Both classes avidly listen to bible stories told by the two sisters of Mercy in charge. Principal Sister Mary Jameeita, a diminutive spark of fire, in troduces you to everyone of her little pupils, with a word or rec ommendation for each as if it was her very own.
Vol. 11, No. 18 May 4, 1967 lFall River. Massachusel\1s ® 1967 PRICi: lOe $4.00 per
special children, termed mentally retarded, than you can give them." , Sister Mary Jamecita has cared for the 25 students aged
6 to 16 ever since Nazareth Hall
was established in Hyannis 8 years ago.
Sister Mary Howard instructs the older children. A student from Cape Cod Community Col lege near by and another lay volunteer. assist the two sistel's in their work. It takes an enormOUi amount of patience and a SeLJe of humor to be in Special Education, but the ultimate satisfaction is in finite. Many people don't realize the latent capacities in these youngsters. They are very good at crafts and will excel at many jobs that most people find dreary and routine." Sister ,Mary Jamecita, like her predecessor Sister Mary Joel, hopes some day there will be a workshop center for those be- • Turn to Page Six
Diocesan Board
Aga,i~ Outlaws
School Sales 'l'he Diocesan School De
partment has again voiced
its disapproval of the distri
bution of promotional liter ature and door-to·door !!und
raising campaigns.
'Thc diocesan policy states that
schools may not distribute to !ltudents or parents advcrtise ments, coupons and other pro motional literature of a commer
cial nature. Schools may not rc lease lists of students to com panies for direct mailing or lit erature. It was also voted that schools
,may not make use of fund rais- , ing activities which involve the
door-to-door selling of merchan dise by school children.
Women Convene Next Saturday
Scores of workers are nec essary for the success of a major undertaking such as the annual convention of the Diocesan Council of Catholic Women, to be held Saturday at Mt. St. Mary Academy, Fall River. ' Under ,direction of' Mrs. Mi chael J. McMahon, convention chairman, . cOmmittees are in charge of al: facets of the day long program, to which repre -sentatives of all Protestant and Jewish churches and synagogues in Fall, River have been inviteo1. Convention advisors are Msgr. Thomas F. Walsh, Rev. Raymoniil Turn to Page Eleven
THE A.~C.HOR-~iocese of Fall River-Thurs:,
f;Aoy 4, 1.967
Diocesan ", \.,
InitiaiSp~cw(d Girt~
faU River
$1500 Fall River Herald News $1200 Fall River Electric Light Co. $1000 Gold Medal Bakery $600
Knights of Columbus-Bishop Cassidy Council 'J3fi69, Swansea ". $550,,'. ' . Duro F,iili~~.. Corp. .., ' $500,., . " ~, '. ,Atty, & Mrs. Hah>ld .E: Clarkin .' . 'Mr. & Mrs. John R. McGinn (Leary .Press) . $150 Confirmation Class .:- Santo 'Christo Parish A Friend Amy Lynn Draperies, Inc. D & D Sales and Service Colonial Wholesale Beverage Corp. A Friend Radio Station WSAR
New Bedford $1000 , Merchants National' Bank' of New B~ford , ' ..,
A Friend
$100" ',' ,
$100 Rev. F. Anatole Desmarais Rev, Patrick O'N~iII1 ' Rev. Ja";1es A., CJar~
Rev. Joseph L. Powers Rev. Albert F.' Shov~lton La Salette 'Shri~e-Attleboro Walsh Brothers
,To M'eet MGlY,]3
C.hqri.ti~·~,:, App~g~ ~elP@rts The first returns in the Special Gifts phase of the Silver Jubilee Catholic Charities Appeal have been released by the general headquarters today. Commemorating 25 years of '"Love of Neighbor", the theme lIor this year is "A contribution of $25 as an Act of ~rhanksgiving for 25 Years of Blessings throughout the Diocese". The initial contrl',butions are:
~ ~ut$es .', '.,
ECUMENISM:. IN NORTH EASTON: Very Rev; John T. Cor~, C.S.C., president 'of Sto~ehill College,' preached Sunday i'n t'he Unity Church of North' Easton at the' usual service of the Church and initiated an experienCe 'the. life of the Unity 9hurch. "
A,tten" d.
ContiIiental Screw, Company Aerovox Corp.
Blue Ribbon L,lUl'\dfY ,
I" _,' ;
Fall River Dio~san' CouncJ:i d .. Catholic Nurses wip, hold DUi Spring plenary meeting Saturd~ afternoon and evenIng,' May ~ at St. Anne's Hospital, Fall Rivli!1Je. A business meeting at 4 will btl followed by an address bY. Sister Mary Patricia of si Anne's Hospital Her topic wiJ:!!l be "A Christian Hospital in Q Non-Christian Country," and sh© will also show a film of t1lw hospital operated in Baghda~ Iraq by her community. Benediction at 6 will i;>e oQ.. fered. by Rev. Comelim, J. ,Kell\.o her, Diocesan Council mo~erato~ an.d ~ishop Connolly w,ill speoo at " t,b~ ,dinner concl~d,ng, tm:l ~eeting. ',' • , ~ist.~r Mary Patri~a is a \latiw of SS. Peter and Paul parish, FaJl!l ,:River, and a graduate ·pt Sa., Anmfs Hospital SChool of Nun> ing. She entered the Dominicam Sisters of the Presentation bm 1953 and in 1955 volunteered fOO' mission work. She is in the United States k1l observe new methods and equip.. ment, and has visited hospitaifJ in W!lShington, D. C., and tbtl New England area on· inspcctiofil tours. The religious is also hop. iDg to interest lay people in gi...... ing two years of apostplic wor): to the Baghdad hospital. She notes that a diploma nuf'ltoo ing school was conneo tion '. with the institution, Ii. .years ago and that a nevy ~o. beGl wing is scheduled for COD.lple- lion in Sept~mber. She will, .... rn .to Iraq the Fall.. ,
211 Catholic' Pries'ts Among 771 Now .Ser· ,\ng, I "t.u 1D , r." " " " . :', " . As Chaplains ,in Nation"s"VA Hospitals ". Stonehill Campaign
FRlDA y:-,st.Piusv," Po~ arid Confessor. lII' ClaSs.. White.
Seniors at Stonehill College Mass Proper; Two Votive
Masses in honor of the Sacred
WASHINGTON (NC)-There BObber, Catholic, are co~direc are undertaking a three-yeaw 1000 Heart· of 'Jesus permitted: are 271 Catholic priests among tors of the school which has al eampaign to raise a class gift of $ ready graduated 30 chaplain 'ory' 2nd Pra r St Pi V the 771 chaplains serving full or G $19,900, $1,000 for each year Gf John F. Smith00 Estate • " y e . us ; students of all faiths. , No Creed; Preface" of the part time in the Veterans Admin':' the college's existence. First in $2 Numbered among the Catholic · . th istration's coast-to-coast hospi':' Sacred Heart . T 0 m stallment on pledges will be paiC\ Mrs. Leon Pini orrow IS e graduates are Father Roger P. . in September. first Saturday of tl'e month. tal system. $150 St. Vincent de Paul S OC1e . t SATURDAY - Mass - of the Seven, including a Benedictine Quilty, C.S.C., Boston native who Sacred Heart Conference yBlessed Virgi.n for Saturday. abbot, are graduates of one of hr..: taught at the Holy Cross '. ,, $100,', ' ,. ' . . ,IV ,Cla~s. W~lte,.f'f~ss.,P,r~l'; ,the 'Post ,unusual scl)pol~.'Jn the. 'Fathers serillnary in North' Eas ton. :Fr. Quilty, a fortner' fibtlcher ' ' Duvernay Council' jf~2 L'Uilion G1~ry; no, .C:rli!.l\!d; ,~fe~ of. n:;>tio,~._ . . ' ;,. '." :" . at Kings;: College ' in' Wilkes';;' . " " : 'F.... 80 ~ , ~ .. ' . . St~ jean tile' Baptist dll~nieriqueBlessedYlrgm Mary. , ,The .vA ,Chaplain Schoo~ at Batre; 'Pi.; 'Notre' DiI'me "'Uni- .' 550 Loe~ street . yr.. Thom~s p, Mcb6riou'ii:h' Coui:-!cil' • ~l:1Nlt)~.y~Sunda~ afte~ the: As- '. ,Jeffe~son 'Barracks (Mo"},, VA , · -versity; "is 'how a chaplaih" ~t' the t=?OO K. of C. cel~SIO~. II CI~ss. Wh.lte, Mass, ~ospital. has no ,pl'ob~em, ,w.itlb.. Boston IVA Hospital. "'I' ,J il.· . . 'fall River, Mass: ~. PrOper,. ql0TJ;." C~~,: P~face, , Jammed classrooms. The,teachmg 672.2391'·~·"·· 'J Anbther' 'graduate; is""F':rther : :'\',,';." flf the A·~enslon. . ~' >,staff~utnumbers the, ,studentll. ~ ~ ~. " Joseph' 'M,' Caplice, a 'native of MONDAY - ¥ass .of Ascension. ] 5 t o , ! . " , i'" I . .' ~)Rose E. SldilvaD~ • I ," Rockland, "Mass,; aha "fo'i'mer . l\-lay, ,12 IV Class,· White: 'Mass Prilper; ,'. " . , ," '. .
f, J.e~fre7 E. SaUiyan
Rev. John F. da Valles,-192(), Glory; no Creed; Preface of Al!hough the ~A c.~a~lalDs Navy cI-.aplain at the'Provitllbnee , (RI) -VA Hospital. . "" : I
Chaplain, United States Army. Ascension. . ServIce was establIshed In 1945, ~I ~Iay 13 TUESDAY-St. Gre'gory N~zian- it was only ~three years :ago that
Rt. ,Rev, Osias ;Bou~her, 1955, . . zen, . ,Bish.op; . Confessor, .. ,and the. school was opened after
Pastor, Blessed Sacrament, Fall . Doctor of the Church . III studIes proved clerygmell,needed
River. 1 Class. Whit~. Mass P;oPer; special training in .institutional
May 16 Glory' no Creed' Preface of procedure and techmques to suc Rev. William McDonald, SS., Ascen~ion.' ceed in their work in hospital
1941, St. Patrick, Falmouth.' WEDNESDAY-St. Antoninus, surro·mdings.
Rt. Rev. J. Joseph lSullivan, Bishop and Confessor.' III Chaplain Roy. F. Reynolds,
P.R., 1960, Pastor, Sacred Heart, Class. White. Mass Pr~r; Baptist and Father Raymar E.
Fall River. Glory; 2:-.d Prayer SS. Gordian May 17 and Epimachus, Martyrs; no Most Rev. James E, Cassidy, Creed; Preface·of Ascension. D.D., 1951, 3rd Bishop of Fall THURSDAY- SS. PhiliP.and .) ". '" . , -/ BR,ISTOL; .(:Ol:1NTw. , ,,' ., River, 1934-51. . .' " James, Apostles. II Class. Red. ' ',' ". FUNERAL I-fOM':·" " 0' " "', ',' , ' , ' '. '-~'.' • • { • I '., ; ~ Mas!;'(Pro'p~r; Glory' Creoo' " .'.,,'6" ,:.~~~R~'S Mp'ST ACCOMMOD:4T1NG BANK'. '.'f· J~/O$ts(' ('. Prefa~ ~f,ApostIes.' . , . 469 'LOCUST' STREET .' .:.' ,.,'c.,,,' ., ," ATrti.:.:EBOR(),i FA'LlJ3" , '''''J,'''''-, ,;{. SAGINAW': '(NC): ~ Bishop 'j ( • I { fALL RIVER, MASS• , "1 • \ I ".' ., ~l' t I ' ~.\. 1'1 it, : J' t< .: .' I 'll ~. • ,":' J: .(~ James A. :ij:icke,y, newly conse~ ~ ,;~t 672.3381 ~ ~~(, ~( 'L .:" 'I '...... 9 R JH ,~:rr!r;~BORO,.:~ ~~NSFIELI)., .'...., ~( crated auxili:h·Y','~o'r··th~,Sa'glnaw;'\: ". iO~ROURKE ', .•~ :,1 ¥ ii; ,;,:Ii'::.'~' ~.;il :" ,nt'''',1!:.. , q , .... l' "/"" .,. Wilfred C. James. E~ 't.. Diocese in Michigan, has been • Driscoll' " "!i'um~cin: Jr. .: \ F~fJ!rf:'I.I:i'T'ome appoin~e~.,a 'Vi<:3f geherall ~nd ~:!E ~'. ~ ~.~".~'.·illll .(' diocesllD,'corl'st'Iltdr.' i I I ~ • r '1.
'I.• •' ,
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North Attleboro
,.... e.-a. ".
D. D. Sullivan·& ,Sons
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:sif S~~6nd
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May.. May ;J
. . ", St., Mary,. H'ebronville TME ANCHOR ' :lecond Class Postage Paid at Fall'.llWer, Mass. Published every Thursday, at 410 HighlanCl Avenue.. Fall Rivel. Mass.. 02722 by the cathOlic t'ress' Ol"the Diocesf) .of ,fall River. SUDscriplion prioe ·Ily mall. pestpalCl
$4.00 per_
R. ,Marcel Roy '- G, LOJrslne:.80J·" Roger laFrance .
,FUr,lErtA: , DI~ECTPfl$ :"_
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"5';5l66:" ':, . New Bedford .
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Licensed Funeral DirectOr Registered Embalmer ','
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"5:",r"'f~' ~ [~"'('OllINS "::C\.
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MASS : .,
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Prelate ,Stresses "Progress Following Vatican Council
THE ANCHORThurs., May 4, 1967
PIDLADELPHIA (NC)-The incredible thrust forward ~.f the Second Vatican Council will not be impeded, Phila <delphia's Archbishop John. J~ Kl"Ol declared here. In an address to the men' of the Catholic Philopatrian Literary Institute, which awarded the gard 'authority' as a naughty archbishop its 1967 Father word, as something incompatible Sourin Medal, he said that with full personal responsibility. "'extremists-both the apa
"'In reality, the exercise of
thetic and the overzealous-are
m-eating disturbances that retard
the progress of genuine renewal
and reform, but the progress will
not be impeded, much .less re
"It is our task, .not always
pleasant, to jar the apatlietic who
resist change, and to restrain the
.ver-eager "tho would displace
mI that is traditional and ignore
the precise lines and directives
of the Council for renewal." ,
The Sourin Medal is named for
Father Edward J. Sourin, S.J.,
who was instrumental in found
mg the Philopatrian Institute in
],850. The 1967 presentation
marked the first time in the or
ganization's 117-year history that
the award was made to' a clergy
man-ordinarily it is' giVen 'to a
Catholic layman. The archbishop
was cited for "his confident and
courageous leadership." .
The' atchbishop admitted these
moe trOubled times, "but' he re
minded that "the Prihce' of. Peace
and 'the source of the 'twin com
mandment of love, tol'd His disci
ples: 'I have come tn cast" fire
lIPon the earth.'''. '
"By nature and by ·vocation I. am a confirmed optimist," he continued. "I desire peace, but DOt at any price. Jr dislike and ky to avoid turmoil and contro versy, but cannot abdicate the llesponsibility of my office. ][ must face issues and make deci sions, and sometimes a decision must be a 'No.' Nevertheless, re viewing the past" century, I find much reason for optimism." , "Leadership may be considered the pl10per and successful exer else of authority," the archbishop lltated: 'There is a terietency to re-
VATICAN CITY (NC) Publication· of once - secret reports to Pope Paul VI of the majority and minority
VATICAN CITY (NC) - Four Americans, including a layman, have been named consultors for the Commission for the Revision of the Code of Canon Law. The four include Msgr. Ste phen Kelleher of New York, Rev. Frederick R. McManus of the Catholic University of Amer i~a, Msgr. John Quinn of Chi cago. The layman, Stephen Kutt'1er is a professor of history of canon law at Yale University.. Two other laymen were ap pointed, one from a Roman uni versity ano. the other from Fri bourg, Switz. They are now in cluded among the lOr consultors hom all over the world working in 12 groups preparing studies and reports for the commission.
Duch responsibility, as well as the exercise of freedom of conscience m external acts, demands the existence and the protection of authority. No institution can sur vive without authority." Today's talk about "the crisis of authority in the Church," said . the archbishop, points up "an ex aggeration of a very normal and human urge for full responsibil ity .... l!l at times accompanied by impatience with the ·training, training, preparation and khowl edge which is necessary for the full exercise of personal respon sibility. It may be accompanied by a resentment of dependence and subordination and of obedi ence to higher authority." Archbishop Krol said Vatican Council II "unleashed a tremen dous ferment." He s~id it is ".a joy and a comfort to see so many interested, so many eager to learn and to live in the council's program of renewal."
Hits PulblO<eation Of Statements On Birth Control
SI(JiMJERSET JUBILARIAN: Most Rev. Jose V. Alver narz,. l?atriarch of the East Indies .a~d Archbishop of CQa and a seminary' classmate of'Rt. Rev. Msgr. Augusto L. Furtado who celebrated 50 years in the priesthood on Sun day, was the guest speaker at the testimonial banquet for the Somerset prelate.
Immoral Means
NEW YORK (NC)-The Cath~ olic Actors Guild' will salute Horace McMahon, television and stage actor, as "Man of the. Year" at its Spring supper tlance here tbmorrow night. The award will be presented "in recognition of the Catholic principles exemplified tl;lrough him in his professional life, his family, and his free and' wide spread giving of time and talent to .many and varied activities of faith and charity."
Shoes That Fit
views of the commission on birth control by an American publica tion has been criticized here as "displeasing." Msgr. Fausto VanIainc said in 43 R)URTH STREET
reply to a question on the reportS ' 'MIAMI (NC)~As proponents Violatell the sacrl~d right to life, Fall River OS 8-5811
of liberalized abortion laws pre- l and therefore i,s.a c,ime~ pU~lished in the NatipI)aJ Catho Be Reporter tha\ hit could. ~mly pared to· present a bill in the reply personally. MW.,Vallainc,·· current session of'Florida's legis ) head of the Vatican press office, lature, Bishop Coleman F. Car-' roll of Miami has urged "legisla stressed that he was only speak Year Books Color' Process. I tors to perpetuate our traditiopal ~g from .a p~rson:al. point of , view and was not sp.eaking for American respect for human life Booklets· Br ochures and to safeguard the ~ghts of the Holy' See. Ai week-long MiSSion will be ; ,the unborn." However, Msgr. Vallainc's com held in, observance of the Golden Bishop Carroll said: ment reflected and echoed nu Jubilee, of Our LadY"of Purga merous comments'. various "We must be irrevocably con-. torY,'P.arish, New Bedford, start areas. ~. . , cerned about Safeguarding hu-: ing .Sunday May 7 and .will last Vaticim lie began by notiQg that "the man life, whether it be the new to Mother's Day, May >14. Rev. LlEnlERPRESS OFF S ET - : PRINTERS life of an unborn baby or the John' Foley, C.S.C. will co~duct paper which published the indis teretians, although it has the ebbing life of the incurable aged. the Mission at both Sunday name of Catholic, does not de Phone 997-942~ 1-17 COflFlN AVENUE "We cannot in any way sup morning Masses and every wee,k port the movement which seeks day evening at 7. The public is pend on ecclesiastic authority." New Bedford, Mass. hlvited. Magr. Vallainc said that if the legal approval for directly as Most Rev. Francis M. Zayek, two reports in question had been saulting the innocent life of the Maronite Apostolic Exarcb of turned over to the newspaper by unborn, whatever' the motives. Uae United States will arrive ia • member or consultor of the Such, an attack, whether based )lew Bedford Friday, May 12, Papal commission on family reg on, ~ugenic or social grounds, to help celebrate Our Lady of ulation, as it is sllid, "it is cer Purgatory Parish's golden jubi tainly displeasing." 'ee. . Magr. Vallainc said that if the During a Maronite POl)tif~cal report w~re true, then "someone Mass in the parish, the bishop failed in the grave obligation of H will administer First Commun-:. ~cy and this is on the con of ion and Confirmation. Then he acieillce of the person involved." will go to dedicate the parish's' He added that the calm exami "'Lebanese Center," the. former . nation of the problem under Merrimac Street School. The stUdy is not aided by "indirect -.others of the First CommnniOil' PREACHER-~. AGNELLUS f. McCABE, O.F.M. which only "provokes 454 MAIN· STREET lind Confirmation classes wiiI . Pressure" the.'agitation of public opinion." • en serve II buffet iii honor of SOMERSET~.' MASS• .'. .... . ., .... J/lsgr. Vallaine 'concluded tbat ...,,,,, ,"',:",-- " , tiaeir 'bishop. moral norms do Ji~ obey caprice On Saturday also the lltfaroni~ JIl'elate will pay a formal call IX' the pressures of haste or pub Devotioll~: . eo 'Most Rev. James L. Connolly, lie opinon, bUt must 'answer .. TELEPHONE 675-7992 10:00 A.M. 12:10 Noon -:- 5:10, 7 and • P.M. Bishop of the Fall River Diocese.' divine law. Sunday, May 14, will be the 'of;' ficial jubilee day with a P~ntifi':' YOURS VO LOVE AND TO GIVE! ealMass in the Syriac Lituru . (St. James, the Apostle) at S tile life of a DAUGHTER OF S1. PAUL Love God WSAR - fall River ,1480 on Dial - 6:45 P.M.
.'clock in the afternoon in New more and give ttl souls knowledge and' love ot WPLM - Plymouth 1390 on Dial- 9:15 P.M.
Gad .by serving Him In. a Mission which uses the Bedford's St. James Church, Press, Radio, Motion Pictures 9nd TV. to bring County Street. His Word to souls everywhere. ZealoiJs young The jubilee banquet will be Write !for Booklet and Medal: FRANCISCAN fATHERS girls 14-23 years Interested In this unique held at Lincoln Park with a Ajlostolate may write to: 600 Pleasant Street '"Golden Table" reserved for the REVIEREND MOTHER SUPERIOR New Bedford, Mass. '"First Lebanese Settlers"-those , DAUGHTIERS Of ST. PAUL who came to New Bedford before 50 ST. PAUL'S AVE, . BOSTON 30. MASS. 181'1
Mmami Bishop Carroll Strongly Protests Bill To Ease p'resent Florida Abortion Law
Maronite' Parish Holds Jubilee .
Shoe, Store
American Press, Inc.
GERALD E. McNALLY Construction Co., Inc.
the l.mpossible
No"ena of Nine Thursdays'
Radio Novena-Every Thursday
.Our, Ladys Chapel'
4 [
THE. ANCHQr Mo)! 4,
""'....-.....;..:-......;....::.....;;....-.,-"-:... ..::.._.:,..-.,------.,
:The " P alJr]i§h. P·GtlJI'.ade -
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~ '.It. .v i(J)SllWI}i, 1F&lI.lI. lRll'ITlElR
Directors Urge National ,
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'of ReEigious
LOS ANGELES CNC,':"":Nine: Agitation for cat~cheticai'~ ty-seven diocesan directors. of newaL .' the Confraternity of 'Ci)Ji~tiari Present efforts at religious eel!-Doctrine (CCD) have called for ucation which are often uneooli' the creation' of a national office' dinated, ill-defined and underr of religious education as -a top- financed. priority need of the Roman IP'lI2.n Conference Catholic Church, The national office is needed Father J,ohn S, Russell of S~ . to fill the huge gap which is aeuse, N.Y., national chairman G!I the CCD directors, said that lIB causing a crisis in religious edu cation, the directors declared at a prerequisite for the creation oJI the conclusion of the 31st nation a national office of religious ed al CCD conference here. ucation, the directors plan a spe. The crisis exists, the directors cial conference next Fall involv ing the hea '\s of nationa~. Catho said, because of: , lic agencies concerned witlJ,re Difficulties in the implementa ligious education. .: :,', tion of Vatican Council II, The 'growing percentage: of The directors also to Catholic students in. public work for establishment 'of ~ schools and u,niversities, -greater community among :Catb The urgent necessity 'of' con ()lic religious edl1cators, and:, te tinuing adtllt education .;among establish a structure for .i~se¥eb Catholics. ' ; . and professional studies:' I
. ".
-':!.'he pat'ish count!i"f 'W)"1I1if6et at 8 tonight. in the school hall. S'Il'•. .lli(J)l8IN BAJ!>'Il'llS'Il', CIEN'II'R&lI. VllJLlLAGIE
The Ladies Guild wdl hold its monthly meeting at 7 30 Thurs- . day night, May 11 in the parish hall. Election of officers will be followed by a potluck supper to which members may invite guests, Mrs. Loretta PotteI:, Mrs. Agnes Potter and Mrs.. Estl:!~r , Perry are hostesses.
A public Maybasket whist will be held at 8 Saturday night, May 6 in the school hall.
SIST~~~ . J
The Council of Catholic Women will hold its regular monthly meeting on Monday evening, May 8, at 7:30 in the church hall.
Mrs. Remi Rinfret, chairman,
and Mrs. Alfrcd Berube, co-. chairman, have announced !hat all members are encouraged to
bring theil' mothers for the spe-. ,cial old fashioned, Mother's Night .';;lndSocial prOgr'lm .. ST. FRANCIS XAVIER, · HYANNIS
The new slate of officers. for i'ihe Wome'n's Guiid is 'as 'foli'ows:' Mrs. ,Mary Mur!isScy,pl:esid~nt; '. Mrs. Barbara Cannon, vlce· president; Mrs. Pauline Antil, re e<>rding seeretary; Mn;, Flor.a
Bisbee, treasurer. The sehedule 'of futum events was annoullced by Mrs. Leo Gregoire, pl'csident. The annual Guild blll.](luet i::; scheduled for Friday, June 2, and will be under the supervision of co-chairmen, Mrs, JUl1iee l\:IcCart'hy and Mrs, Betty Burke::' . lVII'S, :Kay Lycett' :wili he~d.a large committee fora rummage sale planned 'for Mhy 22 in' the Masonic' Building, l\-Iain Street. Articles m:Jy Ijy left,in the lower Church '})ctwi'cn 1\1;:13" J5- 20 and at the 'l\I"sonic If:]]] On $Uilday evening, May 21.. befween "7 and D. . '. . A. h:ml and bean SUPP'llr. wBl bE' sel'v('d from ,3 to·~ on S;:ltur · day evci1ing, l\r.. y 27 in'thf~' lower church hall. ' Mrs, Trudy Sylvestcr will head the committee for the annual Summer Fair set for Saturday, July 29.
. . . REQUIEM FOR'A:DENAUER:Pontifical Requiem Mass ~
- .'
for"the late Dr. Konral;l Adenauer,<!hbishop.
.Patrick A. O',J30yle in St, Matthew's-Cath~dral,Washington; '-was' attended 'bv members of ,the .diplomatic corps"Chief Justice Earl Wa~ren, Speaker of thl;l,HQuse John McCormack and other. dignitaries ,of church and state. German Minister Gli!qrg ,von .LiU~n;fl?ld h.e.r~ gTe~~§I. t}1~_ ,Al'~hbishop,. NC ..P':h9tO. ,-
t .
,~. I ' " ' , ; ) ' .
WASHINGTON (NC) -- Th~ U, S, Supreme Court ha;' be.en · asked tc rule once again on' the : col1stitHtionality of t,ranspQrling ; student~ to priv',t~ schonls at llubHc expense, The i. :st time the court ruled in the matter-- in a · 1947 New Jersey case-it upheld the practice. This time, the American Civi'l Libertie~ Union and the Amer ican Jewish Congress, on behalf Gf' scvcl'al 'I~nsylvania eii:izens, are challenging a 1965 Pennsyl vania law which r-luires public transportation of pupils to non ·profit priv..te scho'ols within cer tain distance limits. The law was uphelc' Jan, 17 by the state Supreme Court in a 5-2 decisi~ which relied heavily on , the U. S. Suprem~ COUl't'S 1947 opinion, The app' -1 charges, · -however, that "many Amel'icans are alarmed at what seems to be ::n ever-widening breach h~ the wall of separation of church and state, , ' an'd only this court can clarify the law on this vital issue." .
,; 'y
Appe~1 Bus Ruling To.. Supreme Court
, '-,'
Federal Equality' Opportunity !Board Re.ports F'ew Religious Bias· Compl:a:ints WASHINGTON (NC) -Only two per cent of the diserimination charges filed with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, during its first year of opei'atjon. alleged unequal treatmeilt beQause .of religion. Raci'al" discrimination was charged:. in 59 per cent of the 5,525 cases. consi,dered ,by the. commission. Discrimination because of sex was cited in 37 per cent and discdn'mination because 'of religion ,!nd naf.?!lal origin eacl-) accounted for two per cent. , , , The.fl~ur.~S, ~ade publIc 111 the commISSIOn s fIrst ·annual repol·t
to Congress, covered the fiscal year ending June '30, last. Exceed Expectation Major point made ·by the re-
port is that the comlT!issio~ re ,ceived 8,854 complaints in its first year, .whereas budget and ~taffing .was predicated on estimates that som~ 2,0,00 comp,laints . woule be made'l The actlJ~1 num -,. ber was more th,an tWIce the number all state fall' employment ' practice agencies receive in a year.. .' ,..,. The commISSIon repol ted ThIS ,dramatic response to the new law (Civil Rights Act of 1964) re flected the confidence of civil rights organizations a:ld minority persons in this new ·avenue ·to relief from discrimination," It "almost swamped ·the small
·commission staff" .and ·as.;a result CINCINNATI (NC) - Efforts the commission's "first year tf! raise welfare payments fur -ended with many ·hundred ·Uft Ohio's dependent children frQRl . reached cases." '78 per cent to 100 ·per cent mini mum needs has ·draw-n strong support from Archbishop Kad J. Alter of Cincinati. . Where A In ·a 'letter to pl'iests, Religious GOOD. NAME and lait~ of the .archdiocese. ·he declared:' , "As concerned Christiails and Means A as citizens, we shoul-" take ·an ·ac tive personal interest i·n the pro GREAT DEAL gJ'ams of the government, and ·of the community ·and ()f the Church, to aid the poor, "Worthy of particular attention at this time is the efforl t{) se cure adequate welfare benefits for the some 140,00Ppoor chil dren . of our state. Under the present Aid to Dependent Chil dren program, these children re ceive only 78 per cent of the cost of living by the very minimum standards of health and·decency. 1001 Hwy. "Must of us have never expe rienced the pain of poverty, ·We live comfortably in areas where NEW BEDfORD we are spared the distasteful sign of human beings il' misery. Yet .' .e poor· are our neighbors Open Evenongs and we must not shut them out ·of our Ii ves." '
Prelate Supports Welfare Hike
' . '
frl Nfilif~sl'the H~1y La'nd; our 13 Sister~ 0,.8\.'1 Jose'ph ,have -been asked teach Englisli tb ttl.';: taxi ·drivers who care for American pilgrim.. r ."It- r'~fleQ,ts the esteem tt-Je Sisters eilJoY,in. thi,' 'Muslim toWR,~' Carol Hunnybun reports. "Two-. thirds ,oPthe children In the Sisters' school Muslim, not to mention most of the 70,000 .people the Sisters treated last year In thelrYr
'nose·an(Hhroat, -dispensary," . • • You do Ifv.
nearefKlugh tobelp. SImply walk to'your corner
maitOOx &fId'send'something ($100, $75, _ $25, '$100, $5~ $2) to help complete the chapel ("simple, functional, devotional") the Slst.... 'liFe building evenings with their own hand.. (Look lor it if you visit the Holy Land.) To finlill 'this desperately·needed chapel, they' need
$3;800 for materials and furnishings. Give them
In memory of your loved 'ones? A plaque at the ' entrance will ask the boys 'and girls (and riotto', Christians, too) to pray for you and yours for61181\ "
UNRWA Comm1ssloner-Ge!1eral Laurence MI,chelo •. ·more oCClbles urgently that $75 Is needed now.: ,WORRIED for ~h ofot,lr 67 blind boys and girls to. com plete ,this year's training at the Pontifical MI.. ·, 'siOfl-centel' f('J(. the Blind, Gaza's only. Mona!snor -Gartland In Beirut requests the total Imnledlo " 1ltety: $5;925; ••• Every' gift will help. Take 08... 'f ~f tmebl~· ,chlf4 ($75) or twol
~. " ·""WE'RE
•• ••
a, fr_ 'CQJlY of Monsignor Noran's ree.n\
aFtiele 1orprldta" "Holy Land, Torment" bmd:' 8~H1d ua, ysur address. It cOnllllHf. . ~ . to the tfoJy Land, pilgrIm. Sot ...... flI'etJ8fed. Vome 'PJePltAld to cry." "-01'
,.PHONE Have ~ 1000ked:at- your will -reeently? YOURw«*.,..()eRll11un1st'·newspaper,~ot
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LAWYER -last fl1()I'){hfrom •. $1 million bequest frem _ 8fOOII.lyn RaJ estate executive•••• 'Yeur lie. ' flume lo 1115' (IepI title: CATHOLIC NUll lAw Wn't'AH ASSOCIATIOII) wtll fight Communl.m an4 _useEl~yotHtirec:t.lnthe l:Ioly Father'alNlme.
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return coupon .with your alMl't 'offerin, 4IITY'
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.330 Madi5()n Avenue· New York, N.Y.laol, Telephone: 212/yukon 6-5840
SCOUTHNG AWARDS: As the scouting year comes to an end, all usociated with this' youth work meet for the ~JlIlluai awards night. Left: HIm Medas Jr., St. Paul's Taunton, ,and Miss Joan Corrigan, St. Theresa's, . : A- ttleooro. Center: Rudolph, Blanchard, St. Anne's, New Bedford; Mrs.
Lawrence Harney, St. Lawrence's, New Bedford; Bi~hop Connolly; Edgar J. Bowen, Our Lad~ of the Isle, Nantucket. Right: Arthur L. Bergeron~ Immaculate CooceptitlR, Fall River; Miss Mary Carreiro, Our Lady of the Angels, Fall River.
Department of Education Survey
Shows Catholic Schools Increase
WASHINGTON (NC) - The aumber of Catholic schools of lID elassifications in the United states increased by 110 or 0.-3 per eent between 1963 and 1965, ac eording to the latest national Mlmmary of Catholic education published ~re by the Depart ment of Education of the United States Catholic Conference. The number of instructors in creased 13,759 or 6,9 per cent, whHe the number of students jn er~ased 34,785, or 0.6 per cent, the survey found. But- for the first time since the Catholic education surveys were" begun by the department lin 1920, the practice in certain' dioceses of dropping elementary 5Chool grades has been reflected, ' 10 I October, 1965, Catholic, ele mentary schools enrolled 4,492,- . 1107 pupils, a decrease of 41,664 pupils, or 0.9 per cent under the pl'evious survey of 1964. The statistical data in the cur lre1\t summary is based on infor mation as of Oct. 31, 1964, and Oct. 31, 1965. It gives a state by state breakdown of Catholic lieminaries and religious houses ef . formation. universities ,and,,' collegell, diocesan teacneil"s' 001 Aeges,JUld teacher trflining insti., ~.!tipflS, secondary schools anti.. ele,~entllry schools. , Lay TelMlhcl1"S Ihncll'case Tjte survey notes that Catholic elementary schools con d\Qcted in each of the 144 arch dioceses and dioceses and in all etf the 50 states. The number ?aries from three schools in th~ diocese of Juneau, Alaska, to 442 in the Chicago archdiocese. New York, with 1,158, has more Catholic elemen!ary schools than MY other state. The 1965 survey showed a ~tal of 120,2GS teachers staffing llO,879 elementary schools. This number which includes 76,195 llleligious teacheZ's and 44,011 lay reachers, is an incz:o:aaSJl ,of 13,373 ' tbeachers over the lS53-54 total.' Th-e' 'greates~ incrCiase' was irouna in the number of lay ~acheI"s: in 1954 there were e,356 , lay teachers, Of 12.2 Per' (OOnt of the tota~; in 1e65 there 4<:1,,011 lay teaclleJrs in Catholic
elementary schools, or 36.6 per rent oi the total. A total of 4,492,107 elemen tai"Y" school pupils in 1965 muked· an- iRcrease of 38:8 per cent ia the.H-year period. since 1953-~, but It decline of .9 per cent from. 19M.
On the seeondary' school level, the stH'vey found..a marked in.
in the past decade in cen tral or diocesan high schools. NMing, that the advantages which accompany the consolida tion of smalll schools into larger units has led to the closing 0f sORle schools formerly serving 1Il !llllgie parislln, the report predicts that this trend will continu.e. The percentage of private see ondiilry schools - schools owned and controlled by religious CGIl 'gregations more or less inde pendently oi parish and diocese -remained constant. eTeQSe
The Best
J •
5001 a 10 vear
9S monthly deposits required
5 • 0 0 01 10 so day
4 .. 5 0 01 10
a aNVESTMOO veal SAVI~~SS f1J7 wltllllTllWlll
a veal
less RiveO'
Electric Dishwasher
I8C1l!l11c lJy- ,Maol We fey iT&u~ ))~S~ClI~ ... .. ,. " iP
the Greatest
No, the dishes won't wash themselves, .. but an automatic electric dishwasher will! That's just one re...son why more and more families choose total-' electric Gold Medallion Homes. Many have electric dishwashers f1lready installed. Those with out dishwashers have ample electrical capacity to permit easy, economical installation of this popular work-saving appli ance,
Whether you choose a builtin 01" portable model, you'll find an electric dishwasher is-I just a work-saver. Dishes come out cleaner and more sanitary than is possible w)th hand ~ashing '. ... -tl\anks to the use of super-hot water. Also, a dishwasher ~l1inimizes breakage, because there's less handling of fragile china and, ~lassware. New models offer a variety of washing cycles, including 11 "soft wash" for delicate china 'and crystal. At the other end Electric dishwashers take the of the scale, there's a vigorous wash for pots and pans and the dishwasher is a real bless ing after a dinner-party. Just heavily soiled utensils. scrape, load the machine and SmaU families find they can push a button! The electric dishwasher has do all of a day's dirty-dish accumulation at one time. And, so much to offer • • • it's no
drudgery out of dishwasbing.
wonder so many home builders select this wonderful unit as one of the four major electric appliances 'hich must be in stalled in every Golu Medallion Homel
See them orJ display at yout
EOe«:ftrocCJI ApplDQl1Jce ,Deale, OIT The
\)aIIllJlr Ylll'iMl!1i.m • ;Rlffi~NIl) "
How often have you heard Mom say, with, a resigned smile "Well, the dishes woo't do themselves ... so, I'd better get busy!" She can't bear those piles of dirty dishes, staring her in· the face, so she goes at them w,ith as much vigor as she can muster. But, she doesn't have to Hke it!
:Scvill1S]s, BOlfik .
' THE ANCHor ,-Diocese of Fan, May 4" 1967
Cape Nasareth
.We Need Help'. • •
There is geperal agre.ement~'that the Vatican f CotmcD. Declaratiorion Communications is not an outstanding doe ..' ,ument when viewed in' the,light of the other,dOel).I:pents coming from that momentous meeting. But the fact that the Fathers of the Council wanted to deal with the matter of communications testifies to their awareness that men are indeed living in one world and that communications has made it a small world indeed. Television, communication satellites, radio, newspapers, movies, air and rail and road travel-all these have opened up the world, so that news travels around the earth as soon as it happenB; opinions and v~ewsare projected into the ears of million:! of persons; ideas which; in decades past were suggested to as many persons as could hear the ~ound of a voice in a hall are now flung literally throughout the world. The very proliferation of communications media has both its advantages and its dangers. Ideas get around both good and bad. Values are broadcast-noble ones and others. News and opinions and propaganda are grouno out into ears that are discriminating 'and sophisticated and quite the opposite. This, then, is the challenge of communications to man _ -and the Church is not afraid to meet this challenge. There is no question of censorship, of manipulating, the news and opinions. To begin with, that does not work. And where it has worked it has worked perhaps more for evil than. for good ideas. The chs\llenge is one of education-of convey ~@fr®~ [Q)D@~®ill@LfO QUTI~frDB'OlJtl"D@ns ing the values of Christ so persuasively and convincingly to people by both educative processes and by the witlHSS' o~[}u@w [PD®~®~ A[f~~8 of personal lives, that people will develop a taste for what is right. There mUllt also be the honest realization that adults are adults and children are children and what might Con~inued from Page One be acceptable for the one group could be hannful to the for the aged, ,we have Sacred Heart Home, New Bedford, developing characters of the other. long antedating our Chariti(;!s' Appeals. And we have four Thing!'! are th(~re to be used ""7 newspapers, radio, new Homes with accommodations for upwards of 640, as movies, tele\,'ision. And, as the hite Atomic ~nergy Com a result, of past appeals. mission chainnan Thomas Murray once said, "Our only To any curious visitor, or prospective manufacturer fear, and our great ll'esponsibility, is not what we do with ,wanting to know the type of community he moves into, things but what we do with ourselves." How will man use our institutions appear to be quite important. III :faet, the means of communication? ' " we are told, they are the show pieces of the area. ,.ADd . there's quite a bit of truth in. that. What monuments . The Giver Recei'iJeB . Charity, and indeed community spirit, are our five Homes When Buddhists give in the name of religion, ,they for, the Aged and Chronically Ill! How, eloquently the profer their gift with an expressi~n of thanks; reasoning two .. Nazareth Hall Schools for Exceptional ChildreJl that, they themselves should be grateful for this opportu:. ' speak of ~hefruits of your giving,! And.the Youth activity, Dity of gaining merit through a work of charity and religion. emphasizing not alone social,. but whatever makes 1M self-improvement; our summer camps, for which we,.ue, Such-an attitude does little to feed one's ego but cer planning programmes of st~dy for ambitious youngsters, tainly enlarges the soul and puts the emphasis where it combining work and play. ,All these have their appeal to belongs. In the words of St. AUgl,lstine, whom Pope Paul people outside the diocese. They certainly speak weD for 'quoted in his recent encyclical, "You are not making a gift those who are directing services set up and financed by of your possessions to the poor person. You are han!ling Catholic Charities. over to him what is his. For what has been given in common More important than a passing impression made 011 for the use of all, you have arrogated to yourself. The world' someone who is witness to the ever widening activity is given to all, and not only, to the rich:' of our: Charities, is the judgment of ,those who benefit It is quite difficult for one who has to give to, one by them. Who can measure. the contentment of rejected who has not and not to feel that he is giving and therefore children who experience love and understanding they virtuous, generous, deserving of fawJiing thanks and deep ought to have from their parents. Who can say what it gratitude. But for the Christjan, giving is sharing with a means to a parent or grandparent to find understanding brother in Christ who has not some of the world which one and companionship and security. Who can tell the joy has. It is an act that brings God's blessing down upon the - of a dedicated servant of Christ who finds an outlet for giver. It helps the recipient, yes, but it also helps the giver love in what they do for a neighbor in need. And this is to heed the words that the' Apostle St. John was said to but a partial glimpse of what Catholic' Charit~ entails. Years ago, they talked and sang about "counting repeat over and over again - Little children, love one your blessings." Let me ask you: do we, or: do we DOt' another. have a whole litany of blessings serving our needs aDd Giving to the Catholic Charities Appeal should be con 'd' 't' . th e f orm 0 f the amos I t th'rty 1 sidered not only a tax write-off, not merely a tedious al mg our commum lea m separate services~ applying what we contribute to help, duty, not just a yearly affair. It should be seen as an op solve meeds of men, women and children in our four
portunity to gain within oneself by helping a brother or counties? sister in need-the poor, the young, the bewildered, the Admittedly, we take care of our own. Who doesntU' aged, the sick, the dying, the underprivileged, the excep tional. Christ is in eaA::h of these. In giving to Christ we But we have never drawn 'a line of discrimination on a basis of color or creed, in Cancer H,ome, or any of our 'do not expect thanks but we are grateful to Him for the , 'public services. Our rule, and law is that of Christ, to privilege of serving him. ' whom all men are brethren and children of the Father Who is in heaven. In our best tradition, we love our neighbor as ourselves. We want to do for our neighbor what we would have him do for us were we in need. So we thank God for the sick, the homeless, the aged and 1;l1e ones lacking friends. It may sound strange, but were it riot for them we could not put into practice the charity of Christ. It OFFIC!AL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVIER is for us to reach out the love of God to those that yearn for it. We are His instruments. What we give in money 410 Highland Avenue to support Catholic social services is important to ourFall River, Mass. 02722· 675-7151 selves; as well as to the needy. For, "it is a more blessed PUBLISHER thing to give than to receive.", ' Most Rev. James L. Connolly, D.O., PhD.
"May 7 ~ 17
Rt. Rev. Daniel F. Shalloo, M.A.
Caatinued from Page D~
3'ODd :II, .0 that ell tbat ~~'b..
aecompllsbecl ill the 10 , . . . period a ebDd caD study,·heJe"
DOt lost.
Some CIi the students" fnIIII Nazareth Han have been brought to 100 public junior high schoOl level and are able to enter classtW and later find employment. Others will simply have beet! given the aesthetic surroundinl:lJ they crave and the sympathetkl insight that enables them tilt overcome many of the obstaclel!J that have and all too often still are deemed unsurmountable. The school year and v3catioDl run parallel with the pubIkl school schedule. In recent 'years transportation from Cape' Cod towns, as far down as Eastham: and as far up as Onset, is being provided by the towns. The curriculum includes ru6 mentary courses in r~aliin/ll, writing and arithmetic as weD as art and music for which th9 children have a special incl!= nation. ' Religious instruction is offereQ! if parents desire it. Many of tha children are non Catholic. kill have wanted to avail themselvefJ of it for religion is deeply rooted in these little ones. To teach at Nazareth Hall re. quires Massachusetts educatiOiiil certificates and special educatiom certification. The Sisters stud~ ,at Cardinal StritcH College iLl Wisconsin and obtain additional training at St. Coletta's in Han. over. Teaching here is a long, patienfi process. Repetition is needed bufj must be of different nature eacti time, or the children get bored and lose attention. There a. many audio-visual aids available arid pauses for brief music peri ods to relax tension. The moJIfj active the teacher, the grea1elir is the attention paid her. . What happens beyond the sta., at Nazareth Hall is up to parente ~d soc;ety. The sisters presenil the children with the tools for • useful and happy existence, iJa,. buing them with basic academJie studies,' self confidence 'and. strong mental attitude. They are aware of their li~ tations but also that they, haWl a purpose in life no matter how small it might look statistica~ Their guileless friendly atti tude, earnest application to the skills acquired, help all those they come in contact with 110 carry their burdens easier.
University Board Has 18 Laymen
ST. LOUIS (NC) _ Eighteoo Catholic and non-Catholic 1. persons-including Eunice Ken nedy Shriver and Roy Wi.lkin~ have been named members of the St. Louis University board Cll£ trustees.
Mrs. Shriver, executive viee , president of the Joseph P. Ken' nedy, Jr., Foundation, is wife CIl federal anti-poverty director., Sargent Shriver, and a sister at the late President John F. KeDoo nedy. Wilkins is executive direo tor of the National AssociatiOli for the Advancement of Colored, People. St. Louis University was tile first major school in the country to Catholic announce plans _ shared lay-clergy control. Thirteen members of the So ciety of Jesus, which condudll the university, made up the fOl" mer board of trustees. Five wiD remain as trustees. All are 0i6 ficials of the university. Among them is Father Paul C. ~ S.J., university president. Invoking God's Blessing on all men and women who Five other Jesuits from ins60 present our cause this year to parish and, public, and tutions outside St. Louis haWi with cordial gratitude to those who come generously to been appointed to the new . . our support, member board,
.'Disc:uss "~I~·e~i'IJ.I'~' i··.fflil"~vleloping ..... ati>o·;~_ . : \..,·. \';:"\>\'\'~' 1:""I~~l"".".,~~ !"~J IJ':""", ,I~ .. \ J'.,.. "'~ . IIIIBishops'
SOWDH ORANGE~(NC~""'Pop,.;, '·'a1l'lti6n· i probleIrfsi'llJid ' 'mom issues incident to war"j will be I • 'sm:ol\g' " topics: ~clded, 'lliy the newly established U. S. Bishops' Committee on World Justice and Peace. "Part of our work will be to provide moral guidance" in such matters, said Auxiliary Bishop .Jolln J. Dougherty of Newark, head of the committee. . The committee will be a U. S. <oounterpart to the Pontifical Commission for Justice and :felice, he said. He predicted: "'l'he Vatican com~sion. will :welcome studies and suggestions frQm national conferillnces of ,l3i/i!IlOps on population.". " . TrlWl<a Regt!llatiiolllS In an interview here Qn his return from the Spring meeting of the U. S. hierarchy in Chicago, :Bishop Dougherty spoke forcefully of the needs of developing Iilati ns and the role his commisDion will play in hel~ing to meet them.
FaR, Riv..-T--hurs., May 4, 1967
Ecumenical Com:mi$$ion\:~t.o.~ ~lnY.ite t,: 'Consultors'. ··of.' 'i,Ot"er·..;~Re:1 jgions
"What the l<aasl favored M tions of the world need more than a soup kitchen ·ot: a rice kitchen is' an JmPlrovet! econ amy," said the bishop; who is president of Seton Hall Univer sity here. "The rich nations need to help the J!)OOr nations-mull the way to do it is by governmental poli des on tariff regulation and banldng that give preference to the least favored nations. COlI don't mean to denigrat<a measures like sending food and clothing to underdeveloped coun tries," the bishop said. "These things are goon, but it has got to be bigger than that. We have to get our governments to endo~ certaiJ;l trade regulations."
meim'dN'O (N'Cj:-"The RIch: " ,'t~- g;nd~ Cathollci: in parli~fpat '" mond 1' liiocekan commission' .for ' ing in the' offtcial worship of
ecumenical affairs. will . invite persons, 01 other religions to serve as official consultors to the the commission.' Msgr. Harold Nott of Lynchburg, Va., commission chairman, said the commission will recom- .mend the consultors, with the approval of, Bishop John J. Russell, ~f .Richmond,. 3;fter they have ~dlCated a WIllingness to -serve. ·Meanwhile Bisbop Russen has aPPrQved,a commission statement
C~,'~ ~~imta
sall'~ss<as E~i!lcmMoI:ll
other churches. The statement' said that Cath olics may join others in their official worship "out of respect for them and their faith, and for the purpose of acquiring a deep er knowledge of and respect for their belief and practices." "However," the statement con tinued, "it is against the Cath olic conscience to participate actively in the official worship of another church in such a man ner ·or· with such frequency as would constitute a sign of de nial of one's faith. "Hence, Catholics, minful that the Eucharist is the sign of unity yet to be achieved, may not par take of the Eucharist at the worship services of other Chris tian churches; nor may they lllC cept roles of leadership in these services. "They may, however, partici pate by joining the worshipping group in various elements of the worship service-such as stand ing, sitting, kneeling, praying and singing hymns - provided these be in harmony with Cath olic beliefs and practices." The statement reminded Cath olics that' attendance at other Christian services on Sunday lllIld holy days of obligation "does not substitute for their participation in the celebration of Mass" 00 required on these days,
The main contributions ~hat ~ ..JI IL the committee can make is an ~[lI'~cJje et'u:lruel1~ educational one, he said. SOUTH' ORANGE (NC) - At "We will service existing agenSeton Hall University, the studes within the Church in the dents are in the process of gradU.S. with information on the ing the teachers. And the teachsituation of the poor nations," he ers don't like it. said. "Our scope will range from Undergraduates have been kindergarten through the unigiven evaluation sheets for all versfity and beyond, to adult edof their instructors and are to W3~M:onsin ucation pro g ram s presented turn them in 1:0 a 40-member student commUtee on faculty P~an thlZ'ough such groups as the NCCM, NCCW, CFM (National evaluation. KENOSHA (NC) -A tuition Councils of Catholic Men and The committee intends to pubplan to provide funds fOIr in Women and the Christian Family Ush the results in a booklet enereased operating expenses win Movement). titled "Student Guide to Faculty be inaugurated at St. Mark's plllr We plan to utilize all existing and Courses" and make it avail!sh school here next Fan. institutions to educate our peo- able to students next year. . The plan, approved by parish pIe, to stimulate and inspire tOners at a recent general meet7' " tQeIl).," he said. "And while the The students had asked the mg, was proposed because; volun- program is geared primarily tofacultY senate to approve the tfl~ ~ontributions.were not suf>.;· '~~. Catholic community, the' I evaluation, but the senate voted ~cient, to maintam the, ,sc;:pooi., .W6tk will also be ecumenical-' , a g a i n s t it· 11 to 4 with 4 absten ,Ufl~il now, any parishioner ,with collaborating with the non-Cath' .. 'lions.'. However, no attempt to
. ,#t~ldren in the school wM re- olic groups, agencies and insti- . I,preVi£!nt· the ,students,.from under- ,
quested to contribute $150 a,nnu- tutions." ' ' , :1" '1': talgng tl:\e SUr\!eY was made.
ally in Sunday collection envel-. . ., . ~.E;'.''plaining 'the purpose of the
opes, Approximately two-thirds . ,. . proJect, student senate president
0f the parishioners corp.plied ">', Thomas Hein said, "Weare in voluntarily. ' ,. terested in providing 'coiistruc-
lVlsgr. Ralph 'Altstadt, 'p'astor~ Cortinu'ed fro~ Page One ' I"" tive criticism."
~id the iwti~n. system will 'pr~ . in directing teadu~rs in reading' ", q . . 1 Stating; the. faculty view was
BUD€;~l ~~V~lO'ES VIde for addItional salanes for 4nprovement.. " Prot. Ftahcis lVicQuade, wh'o sa'id lay teachers, and also enable the. The importane<! of sciene<! in . evaluation '··should be'on'a volPRINTIi:C' AND MAILED ., 8Ch~?1 to. off~r a;'re a.ttr~'Ctiv~, ~ th~.~~esent day curricuI~ni is 'i,n-: ,,:, :.:W,R):Il ..SCHOLARSHIPS: unta~ basis: No professo~, when • · Salary .s~hedule. ~ '.' I. . creilSmg every dRY.'J;'o. meet this'.' . . . . • . 1"·,,.~e' Signed biscontract:.,Wltb the. Write' or 'hone 672-1322 -,''' . 'Beginning next-"Septembei'-"n gtbtvtl't . Rev. patrick".'t;,' O'Neill';I,'tultIon .scholarshIp' wm-i!",~~vl\lr.;~y ElxPIl~ted,.to ~·PU~i"' ". ,'I". " '. •'j~~, r~tes at the./ici\p~l':~nbe'. ":~Ci:1):;' :Dio<:'esan 'sutierihtend,e'fit l : ~er~"to: ~ottlinican Academy:~ "lf~~y.\ y;v~~It,i,~t,17? .. \ ~t. C;:?';ll~ ?\Tstrlil~, ~ ~~' S~~~n~·..s!reet ,.- Fall River
Par;sh Has Tuition
r eachelrs
Meet·· ':.,
t· ','
·,~o:~ ~:: ~hr:t ~~~~"nclt:~;i, '~:~~O:'IS·e~~:o:s.s~r~tw~~~
., " ; I
,I::~; ~~~~;~at~~~k,~oP~~ii~:I~',.: ~ ~4 .~~~~" li~~1i~,~~~~ 'wt·· Notre· .
i' :: of . , I!!jIIIII! · "'SChool, and $50 for' the third;.: I, tilorernan Science' program which'" S":;! ,'..,! :"'C D " ' ? ; "~~lttJ' ro~" rn~'oo''llJfllfllIlI:lt~lfl1lrommmrnmmrnm~g "'There' be no charge for dddi- is used in the Diocesan elemen- usan ":: , qs.. , onun.IC?~ "I~ '." . ," I" . '."'tionai clllidren who might attend tary schools, to speak on "Get- Academy elementary dlVi8:-;"i1:' I.':' .:. ' IIf'rl)rhone family. . , . .. " tirlg the' Best from Our Sciene<!'i6n, ~wi:nner of the Alumnae ... ':11 Comparing the rates wlti!- the'I·'C]asses':'.' . 'A8~()ciation scholarship; Su~' ;}":'St~"Vincentde , ~itrillted $546 requited to edu~ i ,-,. Mr. ·Deering Ialso address z~hne Caron St.' Anne's .,'., '. '7,99 fLEASANT STREET 7' FALL ~IVER, 'MASS• . .,.. 'ea~ 'a child in the public cshool , ;. high· school teachers on coordi... ; ISdlO<>C . , l . ' . : elementary grades, Msgr: Alt...;ilatiog, the elementary' and high '. , ·.T~I.:~72-9129 - Call any clay 1:00 - 4:30 P.M. stadt noted that "these' figurea :scf!lO,ol ,programs.I " ,.' : ' ,. ue a .bargain ~or anyo~e i::ter" 1",Also listed on thetwo-dayo' I" New-Editor I, , "j' e'r,p s· 0 ers ested in Catholic educatlOn. program is special recognition ORLANDO (NC) _ Paul G. . We need IlIseable used furniture. Especially appliances of community involvement in Licameli, veteran of more than Refrigerators, Gas Stoves, Used Furniture of any type post counciliar age. n years in the Catholic and seePICK:.uP SERVICE EVERY MORNING .B.ister Mary Christopher, R.S.M.. ular press, on May 1 will be of Newport's Salve Regina Col-
I~ge is present~y en~aged in so- , com~ ~he mana~ing editor of the.
, NEW YORK (NC)-The New ,. Cial ,work proJects In Newport, ~",nd~. Caiho~Ic, n~wspapell' of
York archdiocese has annoUnced •.. p a r1 icl,llarly the ~ead Start, tllt: St. ,Augustme DIocese. ..... , " .' "; . ,i" ~·improvedsalary!lcale·ran'ging; .. I~r.o~m. Her,top~er tQ the sec- ,I : " , . , 1" ., ' " : , , . ~.: ., 'uP' to $8,000 a year f6~'Hl~ teach;:I' 1 on4rry, school. IP"0~P will;, b"e., , 1 ~:"'l"!,~~'!",::-'"""!''"''!'''---'"''''!'-''''''-I ers in parish elementary schOOI!i':I'I'b~~~n~gers in ~l;Je9,om~~nItr"".~,; ~ Ii ... , ~' 'J:' ,. "d ,. Mh'" I ., ':t., ,. 't ihng her personal expenence In , ., i ' , I . ~ e new s~a e ",_aran ees a k' 'th th' I I , ~~'innirig salary,"of-$5;O!>O"J1or. wor ~nge::S IS age eve in ,ONSIUlRANCE AGENCY, INC. I' I':, I·!, 'teachers with baC:l1elot's.deg'i'ees," I,~Q'" • n'< 0 ."e.". ' ".,:.' :1.,.1, ',1," 'I," . ., I, .. ",'.
"I iltiii-I?reaS~ o~ almost ~O per~nt. l1"ll'4ryl· Rbea,Barn~y,)?Irec;:tpr .Of ,...,: .l, 96WILUAM. STREET· ,., ," "
r ' $al!lnes.wIlI Increase .at a r'a,~ oil:" tItf. H~~d. S~artJ?rogram In .F~;. ,t·, NEW 'BEDFORD, MASS. : ".'
· . $200 per year, over 12 years to,. WIll to ele~ent~ry ., 'r', ' , . , .1 . "$1400. ' " " '. ~e~chers on the teaching· the "998~5153 997-9161
, . . Disadvantaged Child. Mrs. Bar' PERSONAL SERVICE
. :reachers with mastet's degr~es ney will use films and slides !@ wIll star,t at $5,600 and receave demonstrate her lecture. annual Increases up to $8,000'
based on 12 years of teaching
experience. '
CD The announcement helped to
avert a threatened strike by 16
Catholic lay teachers in Harlem.
But Msgr. Raymond P. Rigney,
archdiocesan superintendent of
our Gulf Hill Man ;s lfChools, said that the salary in
er~ases were under consideration'
at You; before the Harlem teachers took
I=OR HOME IDlEn.lVIERV CAi1.L' 998-5691 actiq,n.
'. Th~ ,improved scale, to be m- :.
traduced in September, affects
l' , . 1,500 lay teachers in th~ parish. ,,. I , t5chools of the 10 counties of flbe
$0. IDA~1J'MOIlmH, MAS$. aEChdiocese. ' .
"Il l
11l t
ne 10th p.
Seek to Increase lp T eac hers oy .
,: I
\ I
. "You Can Whip. Our.. Cream, but YOlW Can't Beat Our Milk !"
on the energy you, get from 3 s.lices of Sunb.eam Bread
,Play an extra set of ,tennis
r ta
Prelate Orders "; Sa 10 ry 1nc reas~s" ,
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fan River-Thurs., May 4,1967
Makin,Q ~i,st. of Worries Helps' Ease AnxielY
RICHMOND (NC) - Bishop ,John J. Bussen has announcecl sala,ry', increases for lay and Be-. ligious teachers in Catholic ele mentary schools in the diocese ClII Richmond. ' : The Dew salary schedule calIII for lay teachers to be paid . . leSs than 75% of the salary I'e caived by equally qualified teachers in public schools. Teacb.. mg Sisters with bachelor degrees will receive $1,200 per year, aDd those with masters degrees.
::s~~~ ~:~e~:~y
,As 0lle who with an incurable , optimist, I've learned the only way to worry, and get the utmost feminine satisfaction out of the procedure, is 1(0 do !it in silence. Oh, when there is a matter, of deep mutual eoncern, "the Head of, the ter washing them and before
. House goes along lOOper storing them? In the heat of a
cent. Even then, though, his July day, we undid the ,blankets
approach: is different; like -and found we'd put the moth
the good reporter he is, he first flakes in.
"gets the whole story," seeks "Unpaid shoe bill." For some
every possible' unaccountable, reason, we 'paid
I uti 0 n and that bill three times, finally re eonscientiously _ ceiving the rather embarrassing
tries to solve the notation: "Overpayment. Credit.
problem. But he Do not pay." Well; no barefoot
doesn't worry in the park for this family!
the way I do, "Craz.- Cake Recipe" was an "stewing" he other 1966 worry: A reader had
calls it, with all asked for our Crazy Cake Recipe,
the accompanywe sent it to her, then came t '
ing "What ifs?", uneasy panic that we migl:l- the "Just supleft out an essentiiii 'mgre
posings" and and ruined the poor woman's
'''~ouldn't it be awfuls?" cookery. If regular readers won lLittle lLists dered why the .recipe was reLong ago and probably forgot- printed in a following column, ten by himself, he gave me a' that's why. clue to a compromise in our Forgotten Worries worry department by pointing Most of the rest of our '66 wor .OLD FJRIEN])S MEET: The'Very R~v. James A. Kielt, out a passage in Lewis Carroll's ries didn't come through at .all , "Alice Adventures in Wonder- on the 1967 re-reading. right, superior general of the Columbail Fathers, presents land": "Magazine article": What mag- Richard Cardinal Cushing of Bo'ston )Vith a copy of "The "The horror of that moment," azine article? We were to have Red Lacquered Gate," William E. Barrett's life of Bishop, the King went on, "I shall never, written: orie? Read one and paSs Edward J. Galvin, founder ,of the Columban Fathers. NC Dever forget!" it on.? :We~ll never know. ,
"You will, though," the QueeD "ReI. Aff." A relative's afflic- Photo.
said, "if you don't 'make a mem- tion? We'd hardly forget that; f~AAAAAAAA":' orandum of it." , a religious affair? We were suP-
And that, my dears, is how my posed to bring a cake to a church
Little Lists began, a practice s~pper? Join in a rosary? Make
that brings momentary relief by a novena?
recognizing in writing, eurrent "Michael's Birthday"; What
problems. The list also contains about it? Well, Michael is due for
OUTf~TS some of the problems too trivial another one and we'll make up
for fretting aloud, but worrisome to him for whatever we were all the same. worrying about last year! At this time of year the beauty ing to be stared at, many of the Clearing out the bottom iimreau Thus, ,the 1966 Little List is magazines advocate either diet- really exciting ones come in drawer recently, the catch-all supplanted by its 1967 successor. ing or exercise to enable us to jungle print,;, alive with color, that is in itself a cause for worry Now we can go ahead and worry squeeze into last· year's bathing that have their hemlines just "if something should happen" to our heart's content. ' suit. Even if you've already de- above your ankle bone. and my h~irs were to try to disWell, "stew""if you will! cided that last year's model has Sew-it-Yourself ' entangle the hodge..podge, 1I ca'me had it and feel If you are at all handy in the across last year's list, dutifUlly afflw,mtenough sewing_ department, there are a titled "1966 Worries." . . $, to indulge in large number of beautiful, sim "Matthew's fingers": Now that TO a new one, the pIe patterns available: Vogue has was a real cause for alarm, when Ul i n c h e s 'a n d one smashing number in its pat-' one of the twins had dropped a NOTRE DAME, (NC), _ The po u n d s that tern collection for Summer: a heavy barbell on his hand and University of Notre Dame has have piled up poncho with wide bat-like there was fear he might Imie two established an interdisciplinary during tho s e , sleeves, ,that cover 'a two-piece fingers, a. calamity merdfully Program for Research in Cath- Ion g Winter sporty bathing suit. e v:e n i ng sin averted. ,A prayer of thanlcsgiv- 'olic Education. The beauty of being able to ing as we re-readthatmemo. , Father.Theodore M. Hesburgh, .: fron~ of the T.V. sew- this season is that most of Down the list. ',"Income Tax": C.S.C" univerl!ity president, said won t l~ok... an.y the look for sportswear calls for .lust this time last year; after the pz:ogram will carry' forWard better, lo t~IS, simple uncluttered lines with the return' had, been 'mailed,.I'd Notre Dame's. three.-year study of seaso~1S s U.l t .: design emphasis oil the fabric. ' ,a, fuil'head of. steam Catholic' education in, the .Unite~ Now IS th~ tlmeto,evaluate what Therefore even a novice sea~ eo'niureci over'those #gur,~s; . Supposing; " States? whic~ ·~~'s supp.0ited by your Summer figure is going to stress·caiJ. tu.'rn out an eyec~tch , ' . . , th C . F d t' d ... look like and what ,you, can do" ' tf·t 'f h . , after all: our ;cilre;' ~e'd Villd~ Ii, , .,' e "a,n:egl~, ouna 1.9n an ~~ .. 'to improve it." ', " ." .lOg ou, lIS e chooses the right jnilltakeiri' aritfuetlc". 'i'n our"sulte.d':·I~ .. a .. t:eport; ',"qath,o'lc ., , fabri~ <,Iesigh" ,:', ' .:. ~ favor 'not UncleSaln;S \'rtd some' Scl:io()~~, i~ ,ActiQn," issu~d iD' O~e, COh~()l~tion 'for those of J:l!o matter ~hat typeof ~over far'::oH . computer':·W6hiiI· :reach' bpo,kf.orm last, Fall. . ... ,,; , us ".who, ha~e, left the slimness of upyoJl ~h60se,or wh,eth,er you out· its mechanical tentaclen' 'and .' The 'study involved, 92 per ceDt' oui young :r.ears'cari befourid in ,buy or paste it" eventually you'll lIummon:us?'We ,kepf tha~ "ilix of. the.. Catholic elementary the new beach outfits that come h!lve'to reveal, the bathing 'suit file within easy reach 'all Suin:" schools 1D the U. S., 84 per cent with attractive, colorful, figure- underneath~ so' choose this, arti mer, jlist' in' case. ' of the nation's Catholic Secon- hiding cover-ups. They are to be ,cle of apparel with as much dis- ' Next item, "Blankets": Now da!?'" analysis of 170,000 used over bathing suits, walking, cretion (and good taste) as you what in the world was a blanket' questumn31res, completed by to and from the beaches and in did the topper. worry? Oh yes. Had we put moth teac?ers" and ,parents, 'and c;Iepth this area are marvelous for wear:' !toften:' seems, to the casual flakes ir. the Winter blankets af- studIes of. schoo! systems 1D 13 'ing while driving to your favQr-. observer that some women leave of the natIon's dIOceses. ite sun and .surf spot. , ' a l l cOnvention:·" and' decorum "The program will not ,only If you plan to spend a~y. of, back in-the city'and confuse cas- ' utilize the immense quantity of your vacation at a resort hotel, ualness with ,sloppiness. What Apostolate of Sisters untapped data whicl~ were gath- they are a must because most you're going t6 be 'doing at the To Aid Underpriviledged ered during ''Ie progress of the hotels ban bathing suits any- beach should decide what type Carnegie Foundation supported where other than the pool or of suit you will need. The young ALBANY (NC)-An Aposto late of Sisters is being formed' study, but expects to enter new beach. Some of these toppers mother wno is constantly chasing by Bishop Edward J. Maginn, fields," -said Father John E. have the look' of bright mini- a toddler needs something in apostolic administrator of the Walsh, C.S.C., vice president for dressel!, while others are de- the cotton boxer short line more signed like little boys' rompers. than does a bathing beauty who Albany diocese, to expand the academic affairs. Sunny colors and easy care ma- can' recline gracefully on her diocese's programs to aid the poor and underprivileged. Louisiana Nuns Request terials highlight many of these blanket; exotic in lame. In the beach dresses and if you're will- same vein, the gal who is" a Bishop Maginn has asked an Choice of Confessors serious' swimmer wants a suit religious communities in the di .that is unfussy and carefree, «lcese to cooperate with the new BATON ROUGE (NC) - The while the' ~'toes only" dipper can On 'Dean's lUst" program by. assigning Sister,~ to nuns of the diocese of BatoD :work among the poor in tutoll'ial, Rouge have asked Bishop Rob Named to the 'dean's list' at get, away with the more frilly
recreational, homemaking and ert E. Tracy to present a proposal T r in i t y College, Washington, 'attire.
home-visiting activities. to the National Conference of D. C., for the first half of the Stra~ge'asit may seem to ~
An orientation program for 'Catholic Bishops which would academic' 'year" is Miss Mary talking about' the carefree Sum-, ' . Sisters who will work in the allow nuns to select their' own' Anne Kelly of 'Taunton, 'a' grad mer at ~his frigid'Spririg time, apostolate will be held on four confess01:s., Gup.:ent~y a priest is uate of Sacred Hearts Academy, ' ,July 'will come, the, beacb will Saturday afternoons-May 6, 13, assigned by the bishop to hear Fall River. She is a"sophomore, beckon'and now is the time to" 27 and June 3. ' ,: conf"ssions .n convents. majoring in history. get the pick of the faShion crop. '
----_._-"'--------- \
Education. Stu..d,\!,"',, " Conto! nue
Msgr.. Richard J. Burke, ,.., ocesan director of education, sald tha~, the .new schedule should be considered "a floor, not a ceil ing." He expressed the hope that! some schools would be able to pay, teachers more than 75 per cent of the public school salary.. Public : school teachers with bachelor lIegrees receive a start ing salary of $5,000 here, with increases to $7,100 in 12 years. Those with an M.A. degree get $5,500 to start, and $7,600 in 13 years. Catholic high school teacherD in the Richmond diocese receive a salary comparable to that otIl their public school counterpariD.
Montie Plumbing & ,Heating COOl Inc. Reg. Master Plumber 2930
Oyer 35 Years
of Satisfied Service
Fall R,iver 675~7497
~talian Beans'Ea,sy ,to -Grow,
Yie,ld· Plenteous Harvest lj; ' l ' : '
'"'''' p,
Thurs., May 4, 1961
Catholic Women Plan Meeting
By Joe ami MariBY,n Roderick of Marilyn's fa"oti~ vekc.tables is the wide Italian
~en bean which has beOOrD.e popular of late because it takes well to freezing. This type of bean is very easy to grow and produces a good harvest from seed. Marilyn picked up a packet of seed last year and nca, ranking right beside apple we tried growing some over pie and hot dogs as a national .. fence. Actually, these are food. Children from coast to· coast pole beans and should be
Members of Fall River's Cat~ oUc Woman's Club will receive corporate Communion at li o'clock Mass Sunday evening. May 7 at St. Patrick's Church. Dinner and the annual meeting will follow at 6:30 at White'!il restaurant. Guests of honor will be Rev. John E. Boyd, club moderator; past presidents anell charter club members; and recip ients, of club scholarships ,and", their mothers. The business of the meeting will include announcement 02 scholarship winners, reading ~ annual reports and introductio;;i Qf new club officers. Fun with Musie Entertainment for the eve ning will be a program entitled "Fun with Music," presented by Miss Phyllis Howes, soprano, anell Bob Phillips, organist, lVIisa Howes will appear in costumeo appropriate to her musical selec tion. Dinner co-chairmen are Mrn. Raymond Barrette and Mro. Thomas Lawlor, aided by a com mittee of executive board mem bers.
probably eat more of it than any other me~ and to attest to its popularity the thdny jiffy ham blferg stand has sprung up sucess fuliy aU over our land. ' This innovation in short order cooking has given birth to the flattest hamburg patties, the thinnest french fries and the thickest milkshakes imaginable, but the price is rigM and the American iamily is buying. The trend toward outdool!'· cooking and backyard barbecuing has also elevated the popularity of ground beef and every male Chef Boyardee has his own fav eat. orite recipe for hamburg ala Like many of the annual veg ' etables, Italian beans cannot ~ suburbia. When buying ground beef, it is put out until after the danger Qrom frost has passed. In this best to have it freshly ground area tender plants may be lret s@ you're certain of both its gut any time after May 15. We contents and freshness. The rea plan to use Il few old Christmall soning"behind this was empha trees for, poles. The trees were sized for me recently when one llllsed to protect our climbing Thursday I was shopping in a Dean of Studie$ large supermarket that has all its lPeace rose and now we will re rnoveall the side br~nches and mt'at packaged and marked Mary Alban KerwlclX., rret them up in~ row. We wiU with, the day it was cut or R.S.M. will be the new dean oil dig the'soil first, set up a pole, groU'ld. 'J was quite amazed studies at Salve Regina CoX add fertilizer and then plant I when I noticed that all the lege, effective 3ept. 1. She su~ beef packets were about six seeds around the base ground COMPASSION: Help for the injured worker, hurt in ICeeds Sister Mary Rosalia lPna of the pole. We plan to use foul' marked with a fresh Friday a street accident in erowded Madras, is shared by the herty, R.S.M., who hM been !\)Oles so we • 'ill be using about sticker! German Sister and the Indian ladies drawn to the scene. appointed director of an evalua Hamburg responds best whelll III third 9f. • box of seed, which tion program for the Sistero of mould give tl9 more than enoUlgfJl handled' very lightly; When. The nun was there through hel!" assignment to medical work Mercy. The new dean was as forming patties, the meat should sponsored by Miserior, German Catholic relief and develop. sistant provincial for the Sistero beans. be patted into shape rather thlll& of Mercy from 1960 to 1966 and ment agency. NC Photo. Amulmr Growtb pushed or pressed. Even tbe eotnell to Salve Regina from St. These little seeds make amaz highest grade ground beef needlll Xavier's Convent, Providence" mg growth before they start ~ some seasoning to give it flavor where she is superior. produce fruit, so the:' need am ' and along with the standard ~ ll'le fertilizer, water and sun and pel-per, rosemary, oregano, ahine. Once genninated, the,. finely chopped garlic, minc~ Religious Heritage· of America Names Former meed approximately two months to mature, which means we onion or chopped chives helt» Catholic Women's Council President should have beans by the middle season your patties. Meat loaf is without a doub~ WASHINGTON (NC) - Mm. 'pI"aJIlO. who won the award last of July. Once the beans begin to Marcus KiIch, former president "ear, at the annual RHA awardM appear, they should be picked one of the best ways to use ham @iten, since the more beans that burg to stretch your budget and l'Jf the National Council of Cath-' ltiID!ner here. are piCked, the marc the planta still get a flavorful dish. rm olic Women, has been namecll Tnbe Rev. Eu.gene Carson always looking for new mea~ Ch~rch Wom~n of the Ye~ b;r Blake, general secretary of the will produce. If you haven't tried growing loaf recipes and the following ~ RelIgious Hentage of Amenca. World Counci.i. of Churches, has .10ur own vegetables, this is a one ·of the tastiest I have found. Mrs. Kilch, a widow, W83 beelm named Churchman of t~ This, ill n very adventuroU!'J elected NCCW president in 1964 Year, and Max M. Fisher, Detroit good place to start, because they hamburg recipe that brought after serving in variow officeS indUJlStrialist and philanthropist, llr~ very easily grown and each \?lant igi ves such an abundance of rav,es my husband who ro 1m the Youngstown, Ohio, dioceoo ftBll been designated Layman cxr wcgetiibles that' everY ~arderwll' ordinarily not lit ml~at loaf ,faa and Ofll the hational board of di- ,the 'YeQr. ' Meat Loaf,· Company Style tfeels~e has a green thWllb.. But· rectors. When. she stepped do~ ~llgiQ~ 'Heritage of Ameriro, mdr\' :than that, the fresh v~g~t 1% pounds round steak, groU11llJll from the preSidency she became is Q national nonprofit non see fules are deliciom Just put the 1 egg" slightly beaten " presl'dent .of Women iJn Commlll. {tariaJll organization founded iml water on, go out into the garden, 1 Tablespoon minced onion oollfl lIllit,: S:l'V1ce, an interf?;:h J!IOOl ~ combat lhe decline 0& lllick and wash the beans and have ~ teaspoon' ground pepper 373 New Iioston 1il:0000Ql gaffizatiolll. that rCC!'W ,religious values and increaml flfrtem on the table 10 minuOO9 1 can condensed Cheddar eheel:<:l screens gu1ll for the Women 0 general knowledge of the 1lIDsoup fan liver 67$-56" TI2ter. But before we get to thG Job Corps. I>! , 11' h' ·t Mnl. Kilch attended 'Youngs- ""oro.13 1'0 glow en age.,
eating, let's get them into' Mhe 3 Tablespoons milk [iround! ' ~ cups fresh bread erumbs i:own University and studied!"
used day old hamburgen' ,ballet and drama. FOO' sever.nll·
In the Kitchellll , buns put through my blenlll\ years she has conllllllctedl III weekly
Filet mignons almom ~~ ell} television program 001 Catholie
ilheinselves, lobster can ~ pre-o , 1Ik cup chopped celery Mter:Jlture.
IJ)a~C'd by ('ven the most inexpe '% cup chopped dill pickle The seIectiOill Of MEa. ,Kne~
rienced, but hamburg-no'lP' that I} In a mixing bowl combinte wam announced b,. the Re..,. lOll'.
takjes inventiveness and sfdUl ~ the ground beef, the egg, croom, Norman, Vincent Peale, ebairJWWI
become . anything other than dash of salt and pepper. ,«llf tlhle RHA awarciv committee. plaIn old hamburg. Nevertheless, 2) Dilute the soup with ~ $ ne honor win be eonferred _ )[ enjoy having nothing but ham 'Tablespoons milk and add 'il ~ Tlile:l' b:r Mari8ll Andeli'$OD, tllle lIOburg in my freezer, because Hi of this milk, soup mixtuli'C to ~ represents something of a chal meat mixture. Mix well. lenge, and 11 nice inexpensive 3} On a lar~ pieCe Cllf lnX~ Ask Uniform Payment
!!me at that. Of course, in Jn1' paper, lightly pat meat loaf mm bousehold the children would be hire into II rectangle, aoom l~ Pion for Indigents
oontent with this ground beef, by 9". ASBURY PAl1tK (He) - A "iain, in patty form, five Jlligb~ 4) Im!. another bowl mAx ~ Wfurm payment plan • hosp! III week but Joe and I enjoy it esrumbs, eele:ry, pickle ami ¥ll ~ 101' the eare G6! indigents better dressed up and disguised. teaspoon of smt. Spread t.b!3 ..... was advocated here at the Sprina Chopped beef, as we know rt the meat rectangle, leaving ~ ~erenee ol the New Jer!A!lY \began originally as a Gel'lllUW. l.l ome inch border. Conference of Catholic HospitaP2. Plumper, rounder,
iiI.Ish, but it has become OOle ~ ~) Now, starting' at narrow U1d .Jack W. Owen, dArectoll' of the fuller muffins ~
the: mOll~' popular foods ilJl Am.~ of m~at. rcIl up ~ight!y, ~ ·l!few Jersey Hospital AsscciatiOl1l, w~.paper with one handwB:!lJn0 ,.lmid tlhlat. New Jersey hospital!s pftcllftnt;; mel;\t with other, ganalW me being sbort-cbanged$HI m.AJ\-., P~ai~es Encydi~ , llift m·;,ear In the eeEe at. m~' ]ll>rress end ~ roll to seal. @) Put seam side 00WD. Alfl III lllM~; WASHINGTON (Ne) - 'ftlil , board of governors of iht'" m~ lIill~ow b8king dish aJll@l !ll>llll:lm l& ~ IlIIdd that il'lwI'e Me· ~ow
~ tinma W9,J'li _ whi~
America!!. Developm~n~ BaH II 3'75·· owen 50 min. ~ha~ _ the IJ&atJlI Me re~
have sent Pope Paul Vi • meli» T} i?Wr ll'eIlDaiming ~ /IIllII!fj) l'ilGrsed. _ ~ to , w ~ ,Baked by,your Sunbeam Baker 1iIa~ praising his recent encycJii ~e-z lloaf and!. C(mtinue ~ rtimk ' eal, tbc Development of. ~b.. cmtlilll OO~ w !liot aM ~
grown where they can reacln II height of from four to five feet, but we tried them 011 a three foot ~ntt', and in partial shade. Birt even under adverse conditions' the; beans grew well, we, got oorhe ' for 'the dinner tableoand' theY','were delicious. This 'year we plan to gmw ~em under proper cOlllditiona; flbllt' is, with sufficIent sunlight, In good soll and on poles so tba~ tlhey can grow to their proper height. If last year's crop. was any indication, this Summer we Ghould have all the beans we cam.
Church Woman of Year
From an OIde Englishrecipe!
Sunbeam English Muffins
PC, Announce'S,l'
Thurs., Mat- 4,
Nlew,CourSe$,i',',', '
Dutch Plre,I!Cite," Denies Sehiism' In Holland
PROVIDENCE (NC) ......,A''D'fP vamping of the theology cUl'lJic1lo<' lum at Providence College', ,here is announced by the school'V vice-president for academic af fairs. The college is operated by the Dominican' Fathers. . Dr. Paul van K. Thomson saUl "the curriculum changes are ~ response to Vatican Council U. Various new elective courses af ford the student opportunities. become acquainted with prob lems brought to the attention oft Catholic thought by the recent council." At least a dozen new courses dealing with specific "religious problems" will be offered, such as the religion of the Jews" com parative religion, human rights, the nature and difficulties oil human love, the theology of CCll! menism and contempOl1ary ideoo of God. Students will be given greateli' opportunity to choose electives, and the teaching staff will be en larged to help implement the . changes, Dr. Thomson said. He added that for the first time, lay professors would', be added to the theology faculty.
LONDON (NC)-The Cath olic Church in the Nether lands is very much alive, but sensationci.l new:;, reports
about its activities arl) distorted, according to a Dutch bishop. Bishop Theodore Zwartkruis of Haarlem said, "Nobody in Hol land even thinks of sehism. The plain fact is that we hdve an ex cellent press and television net work and therefore all our ac tivities get maximum publicity. Everything that happens gets into the news-especially the un usual things." "But the Church in Holland, is alive. Our churches are packed am StindaYs. We have between 13,000 and 15,000 discussion groups which are studyi)lg the decrees of the Second Vatican 'CLAPTRAP', SAYS FATHER GEIB: Father Joseph'M. Geib, S.J., dean of men at Council. This means that a quar ter of a milliol) people are con St. Joseph's College in Philadelphia, studies a 40-foot-Iong "pop" painting hanging in the cerned in finding out what 'is the students' lounge at the college. The work was painted by Sister Corita in California and job of the Cr,urch in our day. , has caused, a split at the college between those who think it is art and others, Father Geib New Plans .. :When you get that amount of included, who think It IS "claptrap." NC Photo. JJltIlvots' Interest, you are bound[ to have Hailed by Catholics some people running faster: than others. That is not beC:luse, they' WASHINGTON (NC) - U. S, want to leave the Church. They Senator Jacob K. Javits of New just want to push ahe,Hi '" * * York has received thanks from ,,' "In Holland even b('fore" the students' in New York a'rchdioce fP'wafl~®$ fP@~~$ COllllCil we had readIed the point san Catholic schools for his sup which others ,countries have now NEW YORK (NC) -The only capacity, readiness and effective matism is beginning to lose its port of th~ move t6 repeal arrived. Mass facing: the people alternative to co-existence in ness of the United Nations in 'the sharp edge," he stated. the Blaine amendment, state con is nothing new to us. today's world is no ,existence, whole field of peace-keeping He forecast that "before long stitutional bar to aid for childreE "Very soon we hope: to get says U.N. Secretary, General U op'erations." the various ideologies, all of in non-public schools. appl'Oval for the Canon in Thant, Calling for an end to "ideo which seem to \TIe, in one way or The senator's office reported Dutch. We usc all sorts of music "It has, therefore" become im logical intolerance" among na another, to subscribe basically to that on two consecutive days the from the more tradition,)l to our perative;" he said, "that we make tions, U Thant noted that the the concept of the greatest hap number of "thank you" letters Youth Masses which include the world safe for diversity: di ecumenical movement "has reg piness for the greatest number, received amounted to some Negro spirituals a'nd I'hythmic' versity of ideology, of race, of, istered cOl)siderable gains" in will reach a consensus not only 10,00(). 'c which young people some religion; and of national interest." eliminatnig religious intolerance. in regard to 'ends but also in times accompany with clapping." "That is why I regard it as so "I believe similarly til at, in regard ,to means. When this Bishop Zwartkruis said he is significant that Pope John the realm of ideology too, dog great human syntliesis has been planning a "completely demo pointed'to the over":riding impor achieved we would have irideed cratic" pastoral council of 100 tance of the universal common progressed far on the road to' members for his diocese "There. good i'n hi's encyclical (Pacem"in pea~e.." , :will, pI:: reaJ CPf,lsUlt'!,tion.:'" Hti Terris); and t,hat Pope P<lul ~OMPANY, ' iintends to pU,t to, them as' firs.t 's t re's 5 ed' "Dcvel'opment'.'" "of t,l .• H,¢ad~B,oq ~d"',' items of di~(:ilssi'oil'th'~ ,age ot Peoples)' the one'ness of lhe'hu:' The Friends of the Presenhition '€ o nfirmation and the ,elCtensioD' ma'n 'family.'" . ,'" , "'. r, ' Complete line:" of Mary' Novitiate will Spollsor a ' , NORTH MIAMI (NC)-"-'Fatiler '.' , ' · f · , , ...., ' Csf th'e'new"idea"()f MaSf~rn··,thc! ' 'Must Im'p;~~e >," , ' J " nlay basket whist pai:ty on· 5atl1r:': J'ohn Joseph' Lynch, 'S:;J.,'sciehtist , Building Materi(lls i~ome; L- " " ,;;:, ,,', 'h ~ u -'thim( CJ,uote~ {ro'm both' en": day ¢venilig, May 20' at 8 in t,he of, FordhaM' University;' has been ,I .ove lI,n,! C ;trl Y, '" cyclical's' arid i1uded.,the,,:peace~ audito'riuri'i of St. Anile's'Hospital , named 'chairman Of the' board of , The l:lIsIH)P 'H)S!,',I~.!~~}~ to br~~~", eflorts:oi the Popes in his talk: SchOOl of Ntii'siiig', Forest Street, " the', North, Miami :Gerieral :Hos 8 'SPR.lNG' ST., FAIRHAVEN I pital; .. a 432-bed non:"prOfit 'com-' Jhl"O~gh ~he ~1~,p~?,~lh ~~.:;t~~ by. >on,'.'~'!>a9~ to. P,eace" at the in-~ F'all River." '," , , "9.93-2611 .... t'lral unl~s . of seven i!ugural convocation' of the:
:'" ' General chai dnan' of the eve,lf munity' i n s t i t u t i .o n \': " . '.' ' , ' I~r PII?sts wOlkln~ as ar,acem '.in Terris Instit,ute 'atl i~ Mrs.' Leodore' Salois. Assisting iteam, hVll1g 1[1 a Ib~ock of apart-~anhattan" Col~ege~ i )'f ' I: Mrs. 'Salois are' Mrs: Roger Vio , I :~ents and ~ov<rnn,g a lYl u Fh, ii, He s!lici<that: the ''Untted Na lette,'prizes; Mrs. He'nry Berthi !wid~r . arC'~. They 'Will. ind'ude !ions provides' the :best:::means~ aume, tickets. RESIDENTIAL
.. ' , specialIsts m ~'o~th, sOflal,. wel of turning mankind away from SCHOOLS. CHURCHES fa:: a~d othe,r fle~,ds. '. '.' the 'road to war' and 'emphasized' Flymg cUlates, eccleSiastIcal "it is imperative that all nations Cleveland-'ll'"eachers INDUSTRIAL • BUNKER , troubleshooters to be shared ?e 'should join in a 'fresh and com twe.en th:ee or four one-Pl:lest mon effort to, strengthe!1, the To Get Increase parishes, IS another of the blsfl-' United Nations as a force for D ADSON OIL BURNERS CLEVELAND (NC) - Msgr. , op's ideas. If the resident peace." Richard E. McHale, superinten Complete Heating Installations does not feel he can do a certam U Thant conceded that the dent of schools for the Cleveland 24 ,Hour Oil Burner Service job, he will be able to ca~1 upon United Nations' record in peace diocese, has announced a recom one. of these younger pn(~sts to keeping efforts "has not been mehdation to pastors and school do It. . wholly satisfactory," and said principals that teachers receive The BIshop was not bothered that "we must improve the a raise this year. ,apparently by the so..called The increase, which is not, to :Sjaloom groups oft~n criticized exceed $300, would be based' on New Bedford Tel. 996-8271 640. Pleasant' Street 'for their Jitl,irgicaJexpel;il1:ienta~', Con,$oJidate .Schools the teacher's preparation ,and i~ion. "The,ir i~e:l 'ls\quite l'ight,", ' FR:AN~~IN, (N:Ci,'c' Hanson years of experience., Ihe said. "They aim to spi'ead love ,The recommendation ,came High School for bo9's and St. [and charity' among all Chris from the finance committee of John's Academy for girls, here itians." in Louisiana will be consolidated the Catholic board of education, into one scho,ol with grades from which is studying teachers' sal One to 12 in September, Msgr. aries in an attempt to establish Holy Spirit Subject WITHOUT TRAFFIC & PARKING PROBLEMS John',H. Disch, pa'stor, disclosed. a uniform pay scale.
School Stand
u Th~nt Cormm~DlJd$ ~(i1]P@~ ~eOlee Efforts UN O§fi(;ial
.J]@hM and Paul
Be,nefitWhist, F,orNovie'es',
:t .- - -,
l o f t '
Of Catholic Hour
NEW YORK (NC)-The role
~il\?~e~~~s~~~:~\i~f ~h~o~~~~cr~ sel"ies to be broadcast On the Sundays of May by, the Catholi~ "
i r'"
: '.' ,
GAR'A'GE <', ,.'
Hour. ' " ' ': Speakers will inc,Iude' .Fath~r ,~: " , ;lValter. ;;Lo_Qng, 8.So,""81: Lo~is' .'> ;-'~ " . . ,UniversitY;l Thol1111!i!l{lise" Ptl°-.,' ," :;~" ,ria",Il!.; and Father Eugene : "'.. OU:t , . .~e: 'Burkej"y,S:i=>., :St, .Pr~]]SiC6h',~:." . t ,,: ,':;' ,!i ... " ... :lege, Was,hing ton , I?:,C.1 ~ • '; ..,,11: ',. .t!·' , , ',....' "". :.-" :. The, Cat..~~)lic HOjJr prOd~ICl';1, : /,' ' -653 :~,q,slh~ngton S!reet, fairhaven by th!'lNatlOnal CounCIl,of Cath- '~' , , ", ':' '::!-•.;: ," 994 '5058 'olic Men and bro~dc:;Jst, ,by. tpe, " .." . ,. ,,'
2'4 H'
Nation~l ~ro dcaa'tii&g COrriP311Y. '. ~
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at the
I i'
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frien~ly" d~mocratic BANK; offering. ' .
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Ir,ide. ' .. , Me~b~~ 'Fede'i'al"'Deposir"fnsoronce Corporation ,', "
If There's a Hot Time in T o'UUn Tonight This 24Year Old Chief Will Be There
Women Convene ContiJlued from P;Jge One W. McCllrthy, Rev. Walter A. Sullivan llInd Rev. James : F. Lyons. Mrs. Anthony J. Geary is con vention secretary and pu'blicity chairman and she and Mrs. Vin cent A. Coady are in charge of luncheon arrangements. Other convention officers are Mrs. James Leith, treasurer, and Mrs. John J. Mullaney, parlia mentarian. N~me Committee Chairmen Committees and their chair men include Mrs. Emile Auger, coffee hour; Mrs. John Lauzonis, Mass; Mrs. Herve Cummings, ~lection; Mrs. Thomas Burke, nomination; Miss Margaret M. Lahey, guests. Members of the Fall River Council of Catholic Nurses will provide first aid care, and hospi tality will be the responsibility of members of the Diocesan Board. Mrs. Herve R. Cummings, Mrs. Herman Mello and Mrs. John Silvia head a registration com mittee including representatives f'rom each of the five DCCW districts. A literature display will be lJrranged by Mrs. Stanley Janick and Mrs. Patrick Murphy and convention aides will be stu dents of Mt. St. Mary Academy and Fall River Area CYO mem bers. Organizations repre "pnting other faiths who have been invited to the convention include the Greater' Fall River Council of United Church Wom en; Women of the Blessed Virgin Polish National Catholic Church; St. John's Ukrainian Catholic Church Guild; Ladies Philoptohos Society of St. Demetrius Greek Orthodox Church; Sisterhood of Temple Beth EI; Adas Israel Sisterhood; Sisters of Israel of the Union Street Synagogue.
Adult 'Renewal
By Patricia Francis
When the fire alarm clangs at Fire Department Headquarters in Acushnet Town Hall on a Sunday morning, two men at St. Francis Xavier Church - . across the street-p.ay more than. passing attention to it. One is Robert St. Jean, 24 chIef of the A:cu~hn~t FIre Department. The other is the Rev. Aurele Pepin, SS.CC., pastor of St. FranCIS XaVIer. He is Fire Department chaplain. ..... Chief St. Jean, the young est fire chief in New En gland, is a third generation member of the Acushnet Fire Department. He became a volun te· when he was 18 --like his father and grandfather before him-and continued his affilia tion through four years of duty in. the Coast Guard. '''I've been called out of Mass a coup:~ of times," the young chief-5 feet 10 and 184 pounds -says. "Father finishes. Mass, then he comes to the fire." Despite his youth, which causes frequent upswung eye brows when he attends Fire Chi e f Association meetings, Chief St. Jean knows what he is doing. He left New Bedford Voca tional High School after two years to join the. Coast Guard and finished high school while in the service. He also attended firefighter schools conducted by the Coast Guard. Wilen he came home, Robert St. Jean picked up where he had left off, as a volunteer. Then he took exams to become a call fireman. When Ch;ef Everett Booker resigned a little over two years ago, the young Coast Guard vet eran was asked to take over as chief for a month. "Then it was made permanent." Today, he is boss man of n town fire department that has 42 volunteers and five pieces of firefighting equipment - four tank trucks and pumpers and one bl'and new fir{~and rescue truck~and two fire stations. "Usually I 'get in about· 8:15 .in the morning and leave about 4, U he says. But Chief. Jean's. hours are iongel' than they seem. As the only 'fulltime ,member of .the aep~rtrilent, he,.ison ,call 2,4 hours a day,: "except,Sunday's; . wIlen a deputy takes ove)\. I'm clear~ng some land' 1, bought,· thQugh, so I'm always available.~ .Hi: engrossn'lent· with the fire department is not new, how ever. As a YOlll1gster, when his . grandfather, the late August St. Jean, was chief; Robert was con stantly underfoot. Now, even his wife of a year the former Barbara Borges of North Dartmouth--is used to the fact that if sil'en sounds, her husband disappears. Mrs. St. Jean got a sudden in troduction to the ways of a fire fighter husband. , her wedding day, Oct. 16, 1965, she and her bridegroom left St.· George's Church, Westport, in an ordinary car'. When they reached the Acush net town line, on their way to their wedding reception at Gau dette's Pavilion, Mrs. St. Jean white' gown and bouffant veil and all-found she was to change mode of traansportation. P
,I· .' I,~,
iHE ANCHOR~ lhurs" May 4,
rFac~dty O~
c. Uo
Seek Ch@wuges WASHINGTON (NC) --Fo] lowing the reinstatement of? Father Charles Curran to the school of theology, the faculty oil the Catholic University of Amer ica will now work for sweeping reforms in its relationship with the university's board of trustees. No sooner had ArchbishoB') Patrick A. O'Boyle of Washing ton, university chancellor, an nounced that the trustees votefll to abrogate their decision om Father Curran, than a faculty spokesman said that an assembly of the faculty will be called to ask four major changes in the university's by-laws. The uni versity will be asked to: Add six faculty members U:> the board of trustees. Many fac ulty members and students have complained about the lack of an effective liaison with the board Repeal a regulation which lim its the rectorship of the univer sity to priests, and also provide for more faculty participation iJm the naming of the rector. Overhaul the makeup of the university senate to insure thall each school of the university iD allowed to elect one representa tive for every 25 or fewer fac ulty members. Ensure faculty representatiorm on the survey and objectiVe£) committee, recently appointed to study the needs of the univclJ' sity. ~ ••••••••••••
ROBERT ST. JEAN Waiting for them at the line was Engine 2-on which they rode through Acushnet to the reception.' Today, Mrs. St. Jean listens as attentively as her husband io the aIWRYS-turiled-on radio- at home and in the' family car, which the chief also useS.: fot ~usiness. . . ' . ' '" In December, 'Chief .St. Jean; will be 25. He is looking forw;ud tp' it for, a, most uriu~ual re~s~n.. As chief, he drives' any of the F'ire Department equipment. As' an individual- under :2~ ~ he, drives his own car. C.;.me .De'cember, when he. is. 25, Chief St. Jean will hit a financial bonaJlza~his automo bile insurance will drop cOl)sld':' erably. "I'm looking forward to it," the chief admits, a grin creasing his face. "Right now I pay nearly $500. I don't know how much it wil: drop, but it will be a lot." Currently, the chief and his wife live at 233 Main Street, Acushnet, the same house in which his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond A. St. Jean also live. Once his "piece of land" is cleared, Robert St. Jean hopes u. build a home of his own. Until then, however, his wife is getting a full .dose of life with two firefighters who take Off when they hear a fire alarm clang.
How did she meet the chief? He grins again. "Her brother was a police of ficer hi town, before he moved to Fairhaven. She was a blind date;" , ' , '
·· •
B •• ~
So. Dartmouth
• and Hyannis. E Conthmed fl'Om Page One tinct and .iinportant job to do for. III . The • . So. Dlortmo,:,th 997-9384 E the whole btiilding up and health' ' . III n'i'g~t haY~ri't. b~en ,squelc!led-, • of the Mystical Body of Christ., .' Hyonn~ 2921 • e :en by a fire chief,' whos.e i/?b, III . ,Ill The leatul·ed. spealw~ in eacl1 is putting out fires. ~ ~ ~ ease was a layman or'laywomani . ~ ': .t • prominent in CCD 'affairs :on a' dioeesan' level. The speakers' wer~:, fall .R.iver, Jam<;s, ~ell,e-! her of Taunton; New Bedford,' Rt. 6 at Westport Mary Fuller of Bu~zards Bay;. Taunton, Edward McDonagh ol\ ]'T 0 I' fhAttleboro;' Attleboro; Where The
ThomasFlangheddy of Ta'unton; Entire Family
Cape Cod, Patricia M;ll\in, of Can Dine
Westport. In each case, the ch;lnges since Economically
the Vatican Council II were mentioned with stress on the FOR
changes to come. The adults were, asked to judge how they received RESERVATIONS
such changes. Were they chaotic PHONE or were they, in the spil"it of the 675-7185 Council and the needs of the Church today, a challeLlge for . them? The realization that we .form part of a community (Church, locality, pal"ish) was explained in the light of the Bible reading and further adult education was .~~ PJtrongly recommended. Then the assembled adults formed little groups of 6 to 8 and discussed the talk with can dor. Most wel'e suddenly sur prised to find that they had MEMORIAL CARDS something to say and much more Catholic ijJnionists
These cards are made on Ihe finest salin
io shm'e with their neighbors. finish, double weight portrait paper wilh
Among the recommendations Honor Jennings
the photograph of Ihe deceased on Ihe fronl
SOLD - RENTED - EXCHANGED side and name date of death and prayer O>l
that carne for the pal'ticipants NEW YORK (NC)-The Asso the back side and just Ihe right size to fit
i was not a gripe session-were HI missal or wallet.
ciation of Catholic Trade Union STEEL AND WOOD DESKS We can use most any kind of a photograph
pel'sonal reading progl'ams, for D ists at its 30th anniversary 'eel or snapshot of your loved one 10 print 00
CHAIRS • 'FIUNG CABINETS mation' of religious libraries, dis • .e these cards.
ebration here' Monday presented TABLES • SAFES • STEEL SHELV· f:ussion clubs, formal coUrses in i'ts Msgr. John P.M6naghanSo-, PRICE OF CARDS WITH PHOTO , INI • BOOK t~SES, ETC. Scripture, Lilul'gy and film cialActiQn .Award to Paul Jen- .. . 25 for : $10.50
studies. I '" . Jiings, labor 'oniCial:" : I!' 50 for : :..... 14.50
-LIS.• Our : Easy' Budget. Plan . Mass. Resideht'·Add. 3%" Sales Tax "
The award, nlllmed fbi the late ..' A SAMPLE OF THESE CARDS WILL IE
Family Msgr..·John· P. 'Monaghan, ACTU .' .• SENT ON REQUEST BALTIMORE. (NO) ,-:The nationa~.~h,aplail;l, is .given each Catholic Review, Baltimore arch year io a .Catholic who .has dis . 126A Frederick. St. OFFI'CE EQUIPMENT SALES ,diocesiin' hewspaper, '"wilt'begin . tiDlguished himself 'in the appli New Bedford, Moss. 02744 ~ complete "parish, c(lverage ~lIltion of Catholic llOCial princi 101 Ji'mes ·St., fftar IInrf'" Sf. AI~ Complele line of Wedd.inglnvilallOllS plan" next Fall. p1e8.
,Mic.higan ReligiousLeaders Form ,Int~~~'atio'nal' ~Affairs \~CouncU
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., May 4,1967
Finds;.;Manchester's:",B,ook "Fascinating;f ,f.;Repulsive
. ".... slaverY. industrial exploita8:iEllil and probi~ ition were dted _ examples 'of ttill; influertce. The plan noted that in the past American religious institUtiOlUl have ·provided "overwhelming support for governmental poH dea in the field of foreign af fairs." This :s not as true of the' present, it remarked, beeause &I, the face of nuclear weapons, '''re ligious leaders are beginning tID probe and speak out OD the moral~ 'iiirnensiorul of 'Americaa fcreign'<.policy." • 2.
, :':
By Rt. Rev. Msgr. John S. Kennedy \ William Manchester's The Death of a President (Harper smd,Row.$l~; 49 E. 33rd St., New York, N.Y. 1001'6) is a , book hard to categorize. ,It purports to be. history, but it !reads sometimes like a sentimental novel, sometimes like a
drama of the absurd, s()me
• ADBION:, (NC) - Protestant, Catliolic r, ,d Jewish leaders here have' formed the first state-wide interlaith gr6~p in the United Stlitesaimed at studying lind makinf; recommendations OD problems' of peace and U. S. for eign' policy." , . The Michigan Interfaith Con 'ference en International AHain will assist clergymen in formu lating positions' on the' moralitT ,of various foreign policy ques: ,tions and in educating the pub ',lie on such ,issues. 'Orga'niz!ition of the council followed a' two-day seminar at Albion '.College here on forma tion of U. S. foreign policy. The religious leaders named Episco pal Suffragan Bishop Archie H. Crowley'. of Michigan acting chairman of th~ group. Provide Goidanc~ The Michigar. Catholic Confer ence, the Michigan Council of Churches and the Jewish Com munity C(mncil of Metropolitan Detroit jointly sponsored the, As of January hft seminar. Staff represent::Jtives from the three organizations will work with Bishop Crowley f~r th~ next 14 months '0 refine the structure Of the new organiza tion and to prepare an igenda for a second seminar in ,April, " 1~68. i In introducing the plah bf or ganization, Catholic Bishop Al exander. M. Zaleski of Lansing, cl1airman of the theological' com miSsion of hie National Confer ence of' Catholic Bishops; said churchmen are-increasingly eaU ed upon to provide guidance OD the moral implications of Amer lea's worldwide role. ·Unless we as church leadel!'lJ are cognizant of what motivates foreign policy decisions," he said, '"it is difficult for us to give an,. oovice or guidance. We ought to get together regularly to studT the subject with the help of ex • $1000 Multiples, hefd pe:"ts." Six Months or Longer Examples Oil Innuen~
tail; Mr. Manchester has ds<;ov ered arid recorded much that is invaluable. He has also put down ~arti~ulars a~e .interestin.g again as a dust heap of details:" if hardly IndlSpenable to bls lit is by turns fascinati<r\g and re-" ,ac~d~nt.,. ' ' ' , " pulsive mawk ' Questionable Taste llsh and brutal. This latter heading would in If the assassina elude, for exainple, the -fact tl)at t!on .. of Presi all transportation in the country dent, ,,-Kennedy stopped as the President's funBISHOP HAYDEN eral Mass was scheduled to be waS a traumatic experience for " gin; the. fact that the rotu?da ~f _ 1Ih.12 A 0 ~ 0 the country, the' the CapItol. where the Pr~slde~t s .~a m~s ~ preparation of' body lay, 18 und!,!r the Jurisdlc this book was tion of the House of Represen (j) Arclk1~i~hon evidently such tatives; the fact that during the IF an ' experience lying in state at the White House WASHIN<;7TON (NC) - Pope for the author a picket walked outside carrying Paul VI has named Msgr. Amand go in a sign "GOD PUNISHED JFK." brose Hayden, rector of the Cathrough the book can well be ,~ut ther~ ~re. ~ountless bits thedral of St. Paul, to be titular the same fQr the reader. whIch are InSIgnificant: for ex bishop of Lamsorti and auxiliary The book does cast a spell. ample, the fact that, at III certain to Archbishop Leo Binz of St. After one lias launched into the point, Jean 'Kennedy Smith :;JP-' Paul-Minneapolis. first paragraph, one is led on anell plied lipstick while Toni Bradlee Bishop-elect Hayde~ ' n en for almost 650 large pages, ,and ,Nancy Tuckerman debated in Le'Sueur, Minn., Sept. 1, 1918. and the events of four days in whether they' should do the He attended Le Sueur ;Public November (1963 become, for the sam,e.,', ' , . '"",.,'", '"High School, ,the College of St.' time that lit takes one to get other details are' in q'uestion Thomas, St. Paul, and St. Paul through the book, the relll world. able taste. To my mind, at least, Seminary. He was ordained illl The doings of everyday life, 196'7, this' estimate would apply to st. Paul Jan. 29, 1944, by Arcb llSsume a dream-like quality and Mr. Manchester's inching inven bishop John Gregory Murray. are annoyingly irrelevant: ' tory of the autopsy room at • Following ordination he made Emotional Involvement Bethesda Naval Hospital'and his ,studies in library scien:ce at the This is in part because of the description of the casket displaT University of Minnes,ota and the gtOwer of those now increasingly room in an undertaker's estab- University of Michigan, taking remote events to monopolize IIlt Iishment. bachelor of arts, bachelor of sci tention and arouse curio~ity. The Evidence Refutes ence and master of arts in library book revives: but does not re How accurate bas Mr. Man science degrees. solve. their mystery. It is: also iDI chester been! Some actual parti Bishop Hayden was a student part because of the authol"s emo cipants in happenings which he and a professor at the St. Paw tional involvement with the late depicts minutely, have flatly Seminary. under the rectorship President and with eVNything denied his version of these hap of Bishop Connolly, Ordinary GI. having to do with the <l:ircum penings. Photographic evidence the Diocese of Fall River. has been produced to refute his He was librarian and professol1' lItances of his death. Mr. Manchester can, to a de assertion that Kenneth O'Donnell 01. homiletics at St. Paul Sem and Lawrence O'Brien were not lnaly from 1944 to 1948; spiritual lJree communicate his own feel lngs to the reader, but lt must present at President, Johnson's director' and librarian at Naza be admitted that there is 11 cer oath-taking. reth Hall Preparatory Seminary The plan of organization for, tain morbidity both in MI'. Man It is patent that Mr. MaJ:1ches from '1948 .19 1962; director of the foreign policy group noted d. .Itn . many, part'leuI a1"8 vocations for the archdiocese 01. th8lt relimous bodies have tradi e h es t er ' s att·t I ud ean . . ... .. t er·IS wrong' m ... reader's response to Mr. Man having to. do with Catholic prac St. Paul from 1962 to 1967, and Uonally exercised "considerabl\e ·tal t·Ice. F or examp,I e, h e repeat'e d Anfluence'" in American p'ublice was named pastor of the Catbe e h es t er 's re1en tl ess r e.CI, Detachment is seldom, if e.ver, ly refers to the.niemo.rial'card dral of St. Paul, Episcopal'ViCSl!' opinion'and policy. Th~issues of to be encountered in this ,book., distributed at the funeral' as a" ~or Material Minis~rations lm4ll . Dispassiona,te; judgment ir; con- ,Ma;;s" c~rd, ,which, is 'somethirti " ,diocesan consultor tJ::is year. Rebuild Church apicuously :.lacking. Mr. Man- 'altogether differe,nt. He has,Car~ ,:". chester is, primarily, a' mll>urner, ,'dinal Cushing wearing a'scarlet ":,, ; ,:' B~~;,~LS·(NC.),·ji'o~tin~ have been 'poured f~l(the Ifoun and like a imo,urner, he tendsto.;~ifer,.""hichis Mi.. ~ancheSter'iJ·<COuntil of ,Pried!!f dation of 'the new St:CatheHne'D -romanticize; eve~ything about the," ,0wlI;' original c:rea,tioli,',poi;Sibl;;:;~'~'T~'" . S 'd' ':p' no ChUrch"ii~re'hi'Michigan to re departed, to disparage anyone, patentable. .' ,.", : '" 0 'tuy OdCI(!$ • place 'ohe which burned doWlill who does not fully shaJ'e his "Raises Doubts, ,~'., ST. LOUS (NC~-,The neW" Sl TOO moumer's poiI\t Of view, t(Jl'clin~ . He says that four churches Louis' Arch'diocesan Coun81 (l:(/ juDt' : ',:before 'Christmas. cllureh :Iii this Chippe;jva Indiam desperately to, what· is il'!evo- 'were under consideration as' the, Priests has formed 'two coiiunit ccably past and gone,: and tall.' scene of the- funeral MaSs! ',"St. ' tees to study archdiocesan peJ!'~: ooriuxiunitY Was' full; Of donated! strive fanatic~lly_t!> propagate Matihew's, St. Stev,en'S;" thEi. ·~nI\el policies" and priests' :rm-. Chiistinas' 'giftS' for the IDdiana whell1 it ',bUrned. Efforts te re legend. . Shrine at, Catholic University,' ,nances.: .: Preternatural Being, and.'the Shrine of th,e Immacu..; 'The"coUDen, met to 'consideR', plilc0'tbe gifts brought donliltiOllt:il m~:;P8its, of ,the Mil;lwefBt. Was ~ny' fault at.~u, in ,.lJl!e, 9o~c7,Ption.':,.~'St.: Steven's'" 'sugg:estio~s on a questio~I..aire • ',-;.- ' . ',.. • j Johl., ~enned~ . ' ~o ",.. ~hoUltl: 1)e ·spelle~,"St ..'!3tepher~s,": :t;~nt two.w,eeks ago to all priesw'; hint of an! occ1!rs m thl.s'~lgant.. ~', "a~d :.W!~, Shrin~at, Ca~holic' U~~~"A9.out 28, p~r cent of the qu~ wak" whIch outdoes Fmnel'~an S, 'versIfy" and· the' Shrme of, the, tionnaires were returned lIlDd too if not in th~ artistry of its pres- ','lmma~ulate Conception are one " doininant.inte1"estwlIlS in' tll!le' entation, at,least,in its ma~sive- ,'and the" same. ~' . " ':arem of perSonnel poliCIes imdI ONE stOP ness and intricacy. Hewa> in These remarks may be dis- finances, Father Thomas F. All SHOPPING CENTER:,' eredibly handsome, with the missed as mean nitpicking. But, ' brecht,chairman Of the COIlllnCllll. physique of'a Greek god. H,1! ra they are 'orne' points on which sa',l • 1'elevisioa • Groceiy diated not only glamor but glorY. the reviewer, remote from the "We want to make clear tblJli • AppflGnces • Furniture He was '·naster of everything per event, knows that Mr. Manches this Ul not intended as a eriticiOlllil 101 AiIen St., New IecIfOI'd taining to the office and v,uie ter is mistaken. They under of policies and that we are IllG4 gated responsibility of the P~s- standably raise doubts as to the a gri~vance committee ail stnda," 997-9354 idency, reliability of other, and far more Father Albrecht said. i Thus Lewellyn Thompson, who important, particulars. ' had beer. U. S. .c\mbassado:r to It seems to me that the experi ,.. ..... ....
times like a telephone book. Now it strikes one as a ~ markably intricate tapestry,
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Russia, is quoted as sayin(! of en-:e of J,'eading this book while, Kennedy. ':'He had drained me as was said at the outset, trau dry of all I knew, and on the matic does produce III catharsis rare occasions when there was a which Mr. 'Manchester may not difference .of opinion between have anticipated. It does not us, he w3;s right and I was make one put those terrible da)ro wrong." The total impression is forev;lr behind one. that of a pteternatural J>eing. , \ .:B'uqtldoes make one feel'quit In hi;, tiI1eless passi~>n 'f~r de ) of;· them 'iD- the sense", that thet , are definitely of the past and thm , Jesuit Provindl1:Dfi life, the'riation,the workirig't)Qtil' OAK pARK (NC) - :father \ 9f o\lr,destin~' do_go On, aJldpot, Robert F., Harvan~k, _S.o!., _h l18 nec~s~airily Qn tae Wrong ,traclt _.. been appointed provincial of the' or- without"' requisIte -personriell Chicago Province of the Society and resources. .. "
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., May 4, 19tH
Polish.Americans Resent Survey At Notre Dame
Education Institute Eight New York State Dioceses Organize Catholic School Research' Program
A questionnaire circulated by students of the University of :Notre Dame in this city bas been characterized as an insult to Polish-Americans. The nine-page questionnaire sought answers to a series of questions, which included: "I would keep my children from as sociating with a Polish person; I would avoid shopping at the same neighborhoo(~ with a Polish person; I would exclude a Polish person from my country; I would not live in the same apart ment house as a Polish person; I would prevent a Polish person from participating in organiza tions and clubs to which ! be long." Persons were asked to answer the' questions in these catego ries-strongly agree; disagree; strongly disagree. IInsunting Questions The Polish American Journal, published in Scranton, Pa., and distributed to Americans of Polish descent, called the ques tions "insulting" and underscored that no other ethnic group was included in the questions. Father Walter Higgins, C.S.C.. pastor of Holy Cross parish here, denounced the questionnaire from the pulpit. He said it was "done in poor taste" and to "single out the Polish group" was "insulting, stupid and dan gerous in implications." The pastor, a priest of the Holy Cross community which conducts the university, asserted: "As an Irish-American pastor of a par ish where 70 per cent of my parishioners are Polish-Ameri cans, I resent the entire spirit of this questionnaire." Newspaper Shocked The weekly Polish American, a newspaper published in Chi cago, said it was "shocked" by the survey, which "creates the distinct implication that Polish Americans are somehow differ ent' in an unpleasant sense from the rest of· South Bend society." A spokesman for the university said the survey was undertaken to determine the religious atti tudes of various groups in the South Bend area. The poll was conducted by Professor Donald Barrett, au thority on demography, 'and II group of graduate school stu dents. Barrett teaches sociology in the graduate school. The questionnaire, the univer sity spokes~an said; contained a number 'of gen~ral questions plicable to many 'nationalitY groups. It also coniained specific questions concerning attitude!) toward Jews, Negroes and athe
'SIGN OF THE TIMES': King Olav Y of Norway was welcomed to the Vatican by Pope Paul VI, who called the King's visit a "sign of the times," as he spoke of the new climate of ecumenical thought and activities. NC Photo.
NEW YORK (NC) - New York's eight Catholic dioceses have joined to sponsor a Research Institute for Catholic Education. Msgr. Edward P. McCarren, secretary for education in the Rockville Centre diocese, has been appointed director. .., T~e ~nstItute .wIlI asse~s the contm~mg role m educatIon of Cathohc efforts throughout the state. Expla~ning the function of the institute, Msgr. McCan'en said: "An effort will be made to col late all existing scientific and sociological information about Catholic education in one central source. At present, there is no focal point for the collection, evaluation and dissemination to
the public of information regard ing Catholic schools in the state. "Public school administrators on the state and -local levels should find this informatiOJl helpful." . New York Cathohc school sys terns educate over 800,000 ele m~ntary ~nd secondary sc~ool chIldren 10 New York State. There are more than 60,000 stu dents in Catholic colleges.
School to Close OAKLAND (NC) - The 43 year-old St. Peter's grade schoo]. only Catholic school in Garrett County, here in Maryland, will close in June. Father Regis Jli'. Larkin, pastor, said high opera tion costs and decreased enrolll~ ment brought on the decision.
of Pope Paul'8 new enoyeUcal Populorum Progrfi881o?
"We musl make hasle: Too many are suBerlng:'
It was explained that the ques
tions concerning the Polish group was included because the South Bend area is populated predominantly by Polish-Amer icans. The spokesman said that Bar :r<:tt has defended the question naire and its value to the stu denb in response to criticisms from various sources.
Ask.s Prmests' Views
On Clergy Senate
SAGINAW (NC) - Priests ai the Saginaw diocese have beeD invited to submit their ideas 0Ii. • senate of priests. Bishop Stephen S. Woznickll of the Michigan See has ap proved establishement of D sen ate and indicated his willingnesu to work a group to be dem ocratically elected. Diocesan consultors, given the task of ascertaining clergy viewfl" have sent a questionnaire SIC tile pries*,,-
AndI, abe otbem starving who
homes, dispensaries, orphanages, flchool~, especially for' the world.'.
'O@re8¢ peopRe. It foods those Oft • brreadl Ones, edu~ates men, gives all .Daly llMlg for enough to live from many os possible 8 decent life. emf ml~aooorles? 10,000 WILL STARVE TODA\\ 1MVB YOU IDENTIFIED 'MORE TOMORROW IT WITH U8? AND MORE LATER. 1'h1ltm4 oftbe Holy Fathe"'. helpl _ . .4 malntalnhospltall, leper WIU IOU not put a dent In this .... CORa
DesS In the world by not only read Ing this papal plea but tearing out these chtidren and sending a gUt? Dear Monsi~orl When you go to , Rome to see the Holy Father In May, please take 810na this gift of $_Ior his ,001\ RiAMJU
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:THE ANCHOR-DiocesefofFaIUlver-Thun;, May4,.19~7
Ch urch l\e~~~r"S,~ '. JI~~~Jogy~»\ ,~. '1\. Of Progre~~.~~\?Cha~,9~:. :<~/: \ .,.
'>.,. "
From "SO(lial Re'vonadion in the New Latin' America"
Edited by 3oim-:l. Considine, M.M.
Many Catholics, wedded to an exaggerated fixity in all
matters concerning the teaching and the practice of the
,Church, unconsciously project this attitude into an opposi;.
tion towards or at least a suspicion of all change in the
social realm. This is ironical soclalliving together during the
. in our age of such rapid space of time allotted'each of us
~hange in all orders of in the progress toward eternity.
science, technology and, huGod, who redeems us through
man relations. It is ironical most hisWprd, also cr~ated us aIi~ ~ll
<&f all in an age in which the that· exists through that saine
search for a meaning in progress, Word-for, says St. John (1:), "It
for the sense and WClS through him ,that. all things
interpretation of came into being, and without
his tor y is so him came nothing that has come
fundamental to to be."
modern thought. From the beginning, as is so
To say that we graphically stated in the first
Cat hoi i c s chapters of the book of Genesis,
require a t h e o l - ' man was charged with all of ma ogy of progresterial creation in the name of
sive c han g e God: to people the earth and
means also and bring it into subjection (Gen
perhaps above 1:28).
all that we must Nothing fits more into· the ,
a c qui r e once biblical concept of things than
more a theology of history, a the tremendous progress which
dynamic sense of history which man is making in our times
lis our fundamental birthright toward a more complete' domi 11Ild which we have too often and nation of God's creation.
'Wo unconsciously r.enounced. "God's glory," said Pascal, "is It is the biblical revela~ion. . the glorification of man." This w <\:entered in the fact of the rE;sur~_ true within the context of cre rection of Christ, which intro- ation. Cliucea into the world the dynamIt does not imply an anthropolie arid progressive sense of hi~ . -ee~tric view of life-:interpreting tory, of a march forward toa.,~d in human. ~erms. It ~ther ~nsummate,·pappiness. for . all', ~an,s that, it is In fact God s re- . , which dominates our westerft' -:·.Jvealed will that all ·the universe--- world and which has projected be subjected to man, for his the "doctrine of pro!!fess" across glory, for his life, for he is made the entire world. Yet we have in the image and likeness of God 0ften in our own D'lodem cEm- Olin praise of his glory." fmries retreated to n quiet and Christian Hope lirtatic effort to construct our These are not or should not Christian life upon this earth be merely abstract theological and in our own timeS', with little theses. Douglas Hyde has re-:..,. , or no real reference to what has marked frequently how' impor
happened in the p~ or to the tant It is for the communists to ,. future which our lives and ae- get across to even the most ig-
Uons must prepare. norant of those they cate¢~~~(.i J;;: J
Salvation IlistOI'7 the marxist sense of history: the
Fortunately for us the'modem~ . neceSsary struggle.of the,e!asses
c b '{"ill. ~~xo~~blY ~~na~",
!, ~iblical, patris~ic anell liwrgi~ ., '::moveinents in the Church have iii; -,-" elassless -socIety of. Justice : (i)nce more centered our faith and ,~d equality for all.. Its theological expressioil1wtthin \ ;' :i "If, 'this truncated, material the context of the history of sal": ized version of Christian hope 'l7ation. ., '-. : I . ' \' b~' ,',so,' successfuly. stirred to Revelation is once more for us,. startling heights of sacrifice and
as it is in the Bible and as it WaB' devotion indigenous' communist
for the early Fatherrs of the leaders in every corner of the
Chut'ch, the histol): of God's globe, how much more the entire
dealings with man: from creati~o. .' m~S!Jage of hope.
tlO the promised parousi&. - the ' 'There is nothing good and ho17
return of the Lord, when new in the marxist promises which ~
heavens and a new earth will not better set forth in that Chris
eonsummate the work <l)f God in tian attitude toward the world
mankind developed thlC'ough the which the. Second Vatican Coun
<Centuries of time. . clI outlined in its Constitution
The Word of God, made man, on the Church in the Modem Who died and rose agaiu that·we World. ...
might rise with him, 1ll0W from _ " We too desire and work for
sin ~~d finally into glory, Is ,the \ an~ 'e~pa';sion of' all material "':1\:.~ .:' key to a Christian se~se o~~; means of production and welfare,
tory. . . ' . " . so that in our century, for the
All. of .hlstory IS .now the pro- first time in recor!led history, all
gressive mco.r~orati~no:f,~~)men men may have access to a,:w,ate-,,:, ',.I ";"',-.
into the divme hfe through rial standard and an education
Christ· w hohas taken o~' our, :which will. free them from the
,nature, washed it of its sin, and·.. ·· '::slav(ity to 'bodily want and the' . thusbrou~1l,t- ~it about that ':"aU,,:..sad, ., almost animal dimness of
-'/,; who welcom«:d him, he empow:,,: life without knowledge, without
ered to become the c.hildr;n ~f culture, without joy, withom
God, all t40se who believe m'his ,; beauty, without love.
name" (John 1:12).
This redemption is not realizltd
In the abstract, but ill to be
ElIECTIllUCAL worked out in the condiltions of
ContrClldors (i)W' terrestrial existence and our.
~ CD'~ another
BUFF ALO (N() - Robert H.
Chambers, 35, has be:en ap
pointed principal of Bishop
Timon High School herE' - the
first layman to -head a Catholic
high school hi the 113uffalo di
ocese The school is conducted
for the diocese by the Francis
~n, Fathers.
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Boston . College - Faculty Sa 10 ries Highest Among' Catholic Schools CLEVELAND (NC)-Faculty members of church-related col leges and universities are getting bigger raises than their better paid colleagues in public and private independent colleges ac cording to a study by a com~it tee of the American Association of University Professors. But while their pay checks may be getting bigger faster, tea c her s at church-related schools are stlII making a lot less than others in the profession, according to the survey. The study, by the AAUP's Committee on the Economic Status of the Academic Profes sion, was presented here at the organization's 53rd annual meet ing.
The committee report covered a two-year period from 1965 to 1067. It revealed that faculty pay at church - related institutions- the worst-paying-had increased 18 per cent, while pay at private independent universities and col leges-the best-paying-had in
creased only 12 per cent. Public institutions fell between those figures. Catholic· colleges, however, ranked well down in at least one respect-the average pay of full time faculty members. Only eight of the 250 institutions paying an average _of more than $10,000 were € a tholic-operated: Boston College, 'Notre Dame, Catholic Universlt~;' Georgetown, Santa Clara; 'Sari Francisco, St~ John's '(Minn.) and Marquette. Lower End Boston College was the high est of tht. Catholic schools, fol lowed eIosely by Notre Dame. Both ($11,083 and $11,012 re spectively) were far behind the leader-Harvard University which pays its teachers an aver age of $15,700. But the report also revealed that while average salaries might be .:Iuite different at chureh related and private independ ent schools, pay at the lower end of the scale was not. < Instructors at church:"related universities and liberal arts col lege!: earned more than those at public institutions, and 'onry slightly less than those at pri vate schools. /Irlorease }'aster Theg,ap was wider' for ,assist ant and associate professors, and became widest for full profes-
Colorado Chaplain Defends Program CANON CITY (NC) - A vet eraR Catholic prison cbaplain disputed charges by an Episce patian priest that Colorado State Penitentiary religious programs ignore the moral reasons why men commit crimes. Father Justin McKeman. Cath olic chaplain at the penitentiary here for 23 years, said religious programs at the institution are on a par with those offered at ether prisons throughout the na tion. "I think we are doing a bang up job," Father McKernan said. "Under the circumstances we ~ive plenty of instruction and we have very line religious pre ~rams, both Protestant and Cath olic." Rev. Richard E. Thrumston, I'ector of Christ Episcopal Church, Canon City, charged the penitentiary's religious program • "" Father Thrumston, wbe has ~rved as volunteer Episcopalian ~haplain at the institution for the past five years, feels the reli aious program is relegated te "second class status" by permit ting it to operate only durin.: off hours rather thaR worl!iin~ Mluoll.
sors. Those at church-related universities earned an average of $14,068; those at private schools, 17,390; and those at public institutions, $15,028. The pay was lower, but the differences, remained proportionally the same same at liberal arts colleges and junior colleges. The committee found, how ever, that the lowest-paying in stitutions were increasing their salaries much faster than the highest-paying, so fast in fact that at thJ present rat~ "in les~ than 20 years even the church related liberal arts colleges will outpay the private universities." The report added, however, that such an extension of the figures would hardly be an ac curate forecast, and suggested in stead that salaries will eventu ally level out among all types of institutions. '
Thurs., May 4, 1967
, I
WASHINGTON (NC)-A bill to establish a nationa! committee to study the problem of obscen ity and recommend solutions was opposed by the American Civil Libe~ties ynion in hearings be fore ,a ~ou!le education subcom- mittee. ' But the bill did receive the cautious' endorsement of ihe Jus tice Department and th~ Natronal Co u n'c iI, of Juvenile. Court Judges. Lawrence Speiser, director of the ACLU Washington office, told the committee that the com mission would not provide scien tific proof that pornography causes anti-social aets.
Ov®tr~v Qlf@~5~rJ'il
PR~SENTS MEDAL: Bishop Fred Pierce Corilon, MethodIst leader and an Official Observer at Vatican II was c~osen b~ the C;:ttholic Philopatrian Literary 1l1stitut~ of PhIladelphIa to present to Archbishop John J.' Krol of Philadelphia its 1967 Father Sourin medal., NC Photo.
Close' Old School St. Mary's Was Setting ,for fro Finn's Famous Stories of T0II'I,Pmqyfair, ~.
MARYS (NC) - They're c)osmg up Tom Playfair's old school after 119 years. But the Jesuits who have run St. Mary's of Kansas since 1848 are closing the doors in grand He said tlie bill runs the dan a gigantic alumni reunion, ler of creating a "runaway" style: Ma 27 and 28 y. commission that would make it "As far as possible," said Fr.. easier to obtain prosecutions and Joseph P. Fisher, S.J., president, "otherwise curtail borderline of "the menu will be that of the old fensive, lllaterials.": days. Jt is hoped, however, that The bill, sponsored by New distance will lend enchantment Jersey's Dominilt Daniels, would Jp the f,are.~' create, a 16-member body to It was while, at St. Mary's that "recommend definitions ot ob ,Fr. Francis J. Finn, S.J., created scenity" and to propose legisla tion to curb "traffic in offensive the, characters ,of Tom PlayfaiJ;, ,Percy, Wynn, and their friends. materials." , " " ,The Catholic school,equiyalent of The commission-made up of Horatio Alger" and Jack Aqn 'e'i g h t 'presidEmtial appoint strong, this. intrepid duo was to ees, four .named by the' House roam through thousands of vol speaker aildfour by the Senat'e 'urnes in 'scotesof languages. ' president-would report to the The boo~s are 8, bit harti to President within III year. Assistant Attorney Gen~ral General Fred M. Vinson, Jr., said the Justice Department "mildly endorses" the bill, but com PHILADELPHlh. (NC) - )Wil plained that the commission's life span would be too short amI that )iam D. Volente, Villanova Uni it would lack subpoena power. versity law schoo'!. professor, is He said, however, that it would the first layman elected presi develop valuable data for pro- 'tient of the Philadelphia arch diocesan board of education. posed legislation. I ,ODe of five laymen named te the 15-member board last De eember, Valente's election bas DETROIT (NC) - Fourteen been announced by Msgr. Ed churches in southeast Detroit, are ,ward, T. Hughes, board secretary and archdiocesan superintendent eooperating in sponsoring a reli ' gious school for laymen. Cou~ses 'of schools. , ' Valente is an alumJlus of the in biblical heritage, the Refor University of Pennsylvania here mation, religious musical tradi tions, and worshi.p customs are and a past president of the Penn being taught by a Protesta~t sylvania Federation of Citizena fer Educational Freedom. minister and a Catholic priest.
Law Professor Heads Phila. School Board
Religious Schoo'
Sales - Se,.yice -Installation
Phone 675-7484
find ,today. A search of the Uni versity of Detroit libraries and even the rooms of the ~lder members of the Jesuit faculty, turned up only one copy of "Tom Playfair," and that in German. The Jesuits fou d d'St M . , n e . alY s as an Indian mission, It was the first educational institution in Kansas.
Consecrate Mission Bishop on '-May 2'5 BOSTOI\ (NC)-Richard Ca~ dinal Cushing of Boston will con secrate' Bishop-designate James 'C. Burke, O.P., in Holy, Cwss Cathedralhere on 1II!ay 25. 'Bishop
John J. Wright of Pittsburgh will deliver the sermon. , Bishop-designate Burke is the apostolic administrator of Chim bote, Peru, an area iT which the priests of the Missionary Society of S1. James the Apostle are serving. Cardinal Cushing founded the society in 1958 tf> help offset the shortage of priests in Latin America.
AMSTERDAM (NC) - T h d Dutch national Catholic dail~ De Tijd (The Time) has strongly criticized the strong Italian ac=> cent on the Vatican's communi= cations with the world. The paper was particulady critical of the appearance of the Vatican yearbook, the Annuari6 Pontificio, in only the ItaliaJ1ll language. It is called this "typn~ cal of the provincialism of Vat-. ican City." "Why are there no editions iln world languages like English, French, Spanish and perhaPB German?" it asked. Concern inn papal encyclicals, the paper also asked why translations are nil:~ made available to the press ilil various languages prior to officii3ill :release. Stm 'Foo Many "The system is known all over? the world, but the Vatican stUn does not know about it. Now the text of an encyclical is throWJlIl like a bomb in the big pond «t publicity and at Rome there ane angry comments when som<2 news agency makes mistakes be cause it had to issue a story Ol:!l the event without proper prepa.. mUon.' ' , '·In the Vatican," the news paper w'ent on, "the center of the Church world, the Italian 'atm~ sphere still dominates the scen~. The riumber of Italians in ii\e College 'of Cardinals and iii.' the Curia 'is ~'till much too big iii if;.. JatiC?h' to other nationaIlth;f,j, though the situation was slightly improved in recent years."
Drops Two Grades CUDAHY (NC)-St. Joseph'. elementary school here in Wis consin will drop its seventh amll eighth grade classes next yeal1'. The decision was made when the ~chool Sisters of St. Francis sahli ·1.hep~rtsh would have one ie~ teachihg Sister In Septembeir :Four Sisters and three lay teacn.: ers nbw 'teach 221 pupils'.' " -'
OPTICIAN ' Proscriptions
fa, Eveglasses· FillecI Office- Ho.".s
9,110·5:00 except Wed. Fri. Ew. ~ Appt. Saturday-5-3 Room 1
7 No. Main St., Fall River 678·0412
New Bedford
•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• FIVE CONVENIENT OFFICES TO
OF TAUNTON Norton, W. Main St.-Raynham, Rte~ 44-Taunton, Main St. North !Dighton, Spring S~.-North Easton, Main St. Member federal Deposit insurance Corporation
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fan River-T'!urs., May 4,1967
-Exp~@Q[Jl)~ ~~~®@f
Cleft@y B[Jl)1remlPJ@r@~ "CO&d®rt By Msgr. GeOll:,ge G. lHIiggiIms (Director, Social ActnoIm Jl»ept., NCWC) Time magazine recently featured a perceptive essay -entitled "The Church's Influence on Secular SocietY." On balance, while pointing to some of the "possible pitfalls" ·involved in church-sponsored 01" church-related programs of social reform; it pointed out our conscience is the conscience ·that "most churchmen would of the whole church" or, as an agree thaf in a free market other member of the panel put it, of ideas, the churches should clergymen have ~obe very care
Catholics; 'Baptists ',to ~e~;gm@us
DE WITT (NC)e..-:Representa tives of the Catholic Church and th~ American Baptist Convention have launched a study into two areas of particular interest to Catholics in the 1960s-the re lationship of religious freedom and' ecclesiastical authority and the role of the laity in the life of the Church. The study was launched at the end of a two-day meeting of delegates from. the American Baptist Convention and the u. s. Bishops', Commission, on, Ecumenical 'Relations. ' , The delegates~ight'Catholics and six Baptists-met ata Fran .ciscan retreat house in this tiny'
In a statement· issue<l! at file
end of the meeting, ~e dele gates said: "It is anticipated that the three topics under discussion will lead to a fruitful probing of the meaning of religious liberty which is of concern to both American Baptists and RomaD Catholics in our day."
VGte to SU bSl°diIze NUlI'seso Training
TRENTON (NC)-By 'a unanl mous' vote the New Jersey As sembly passed and sent to Gov. Richard J. Hughes a bill to sub sidize the education 'of nurses att'ehding nursing schools main
have the same right as any other ful about their .own personal ar ·organ~zation to fight. for their rogance "as if they had a direct . pipeline to God that maybe' the .principles." It
community north of J;..l1,nsing, also noted,. for
President didn't have or the Sec Mich. The formal' discussion .g 0 "d measure,
retary of State or the Secretary opened with the pres~ntition of' tained both by public and private . that those lay of Defense didn't ha:ve. ' hospitals. ' .' position papers outlining' points THe' bill would provide $600 'men who want
The point is well taken even of agreement between distinctive' the churches to.
or especially-if we think, as I 'toward the cost· 'of 'educating Baptist and Catholic practices each student. There are 33 hos "stay out of the
certainly do, that churchmen and doctrines. political, social
have a right and at times a duty It was the first official contact pital-operated nursing schools in and 'economic
to speak out on the life-and the state, but the number has • :"_1 between the two religious bodies, been decreasing because of the op her e s al death issues (the war in Viet although leaders of' the two gether and stick
nam, for example) which haunt groups, Bishop Jos~ph Green of costs. w preaching and
the waking hours of the Presi . Nine such schools have closed RenO, Ney., and Pr·~ Rqber:t. G. in the last 10 years: T·wo Catholic saving souls" are
,dent and his Secretary of state ':l;or~~t, o~Valley For~~, Pa.,. ex hospitals have annourtcedtbe ,:ion the distinct
. ,and' Secretary of Defense. dIrector o.f th~ 4menc~n . closing of nursing schools'in n:e ·lininority. During the same week'
We may and we must, as " ~apb;:;~ .Gonv.en.tlQn's, ~ommIs-, .. cent months. . ',.'", ,
,~at Time's' essay appeared, the ,clergymen, address ourselv:es to .. :SIOo on. Ghnsban Umty, had t... I ,.• 7
;'<oonservative evangelical Protes . these'issues, but we Sh\?u}~' .fDd . }leld pr~v~te.talks for~oJ'e t~18n ' .. I
':;..tant forthnightly, Christianity we must do so with no t$ce of , !l yea.r j ' . ' :''i'oflay, pu1;>lished the transcript arrogance and ~ith ;r;o:-Clylm to
The next meeting .will , be . a panel discussion on the .iri£allibiiity.
',h,eld in a yelir. In-th~ .p:\e~ntime, . ' . 'Barne .general subject ("The .- Commends Jl>ubiic Servarits
. • h~weyer, a. com011ttee. '. Church and Social Concern," . Secoridly, as 'lDother'. :0£. 'the .,wilJ , and assign ·ll].embers , Christiaility Today; April 14). -,panelists· observed, "the'church' , to ilti!,dy 'three areas. of ,future 'Primary Obligation should . not always be ji\ the . conside,ration: ' , '. · The three Protestant ministers "role of judgment ane conde~!i\ "~Concerns Bot~ • , Who took par~ in this panel dis tion.~There are times, he S!1id,
The nature of Christian free 'eussion, while cautiously admit "when the important .role is for
3~592 dom in relationship to ecclesias tmg that the churches' must be' the church to commend those
CHARLES F. VARGAS tical authority. eoncerned about social issues, men of integrity and high pur
The role of the congregation tended to put less emphasis on pose who do good things within
254 ROCKDALE AVENUE in the total life of the church. corporate' church action in the government. In this, sometimes,
The relationship between be temporal order and more empha in my experience and observa
NEW BEDFORD, AlA$L lievers' Baptism (adult Baptism sis on the churches' "primary «on, we've either been belated
practiced by Baptists) and the ()bligation • '" • ~o produce the or totally negligent."
sacrament of Confirmation (ad kind of people who, in the crisis On the basis of my experience ministered to Catholics as tbey moments of history, bearing the in Washington, I would second become adults).' iesponsibilit:r of government, can this complaint and would add. make the highest possible moral tbat the federal service is blessed 'lChoice" -and" on 'the' churches' ." with an abundance of men and,
· ""first. responsibility 0 • ,. to bring 'women" 'whose ii'inlegrity' 'and
Bi.~hopJean Baptiste Lamy'
· People into a vital relationship , 'hi'g'b ,- purpose" 'are oeyond
(1814-1888), born in France,
,,·~th God.", . , ,,'question:' ,",
,', In general" }, got, the 'impres.AS another" 'member 'of the first bishop of Santa Fe, N.
ilion that· the three panelists '. above-nienti'Oned panel pointed M., is commemorated fn this.
.,~ would, much; prefer to have the ' out,· diurchtneri are often prone 'ehurches; as SUCh, say,relatively 'to belittle the eHortsof 'these . stained glass window in the upper sacristy of the Nation;. Dttle about temporal aHairs~and . 'dedicated' public' servants' or, 213' CENTRAL ~,. 'let committed Christians speak worse than that, "to kick them to al Shrine of the Immaculate and act for themselves, as indi death.",I share his :wish that "we . Conception, Washington. NC 992-6216 .viduals, with reference to these cOuld' somehow' overcome this photo. matters. disease." Minority View .Laymen's Role'
NEW BEDFORD In contrast, as Time reports,' . Finally, the three panelists . Asks U. N. to Study "'the most enterprising of today·s who were interviewed by the SOvDet Persecution ehurchmen" believe that the Editor of Christianity Today :!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIHRlIII~ dlurches must run the risk of emphasized the all-important STAMFORD (NC)-Rep. Don getting involved institutionally role of the layman in the aId E. Lukens '(R., Ohio) has In social action for "only thus, church~s' ministI:' tG the world. asked the United Nations to es they feel, can the world relearn "I'm a clergyman," he said, tablisb a commission to study that no aspect of life or death "and I baveto keep thinking of allegations of religious persecu INC. ,Deither love nor money, neither the ministry of the church. and. tion in the U.S.S.R. s ftOvernment nor 'war-is beyond ,~mindi~g the ~ople who' are Lukens saie:: that such persecu : the reach of God's world and the \ politicians and. economists that '. tion exists in an address to the 'Christian faith.'" they" are ~he chuJ;ch if they'rel.1k.rainian· Cathol~c ,SeminMy , By c'onviction' as well as, by' Christians. The church isn't just .~ere in.Connecticu,t and. reported
.' temperament· and also by reason ~mething,~ which people go. '~ehad asked for a U.N. study OIl
'. ,.", my ow~ ~xperience in t.he The church illI 110methirig that the matter in a letter to· United field· of:'rehgIo~sl~":Qt?ented, ~~ . goes witb them wherever they States Ambassador to the U.N. .: dal actI,?D! I am lDclined. ~ "go, .' go •• e".·· .. . Arthur Goldberg. . \~ ~ · aloftg· .the .latter pomt of· Thus to emphasize the role of Lukens .particularly cited perwew.. .' .'. . the layman in the temporal order l!ecu.tion _of the Jews,' whom he ~n the other.hand, I ,,:ould ad- ., is' not to d~my that clergymen: c~arged are subject to "unique, . .~ tilat there IS. som~1hlD~ to. ~ ,also ~aye' ail. important role to' d.l~rimhl~tion." 363 "FALL RIVER, MA$S. aid for the nunority pomt· of I" " th' h . ,.' ' . ' .. ,;j," ' ' ' ' ' d ' ' : ' ' , ·'t.. ti· . "tf' .pay.ln ec. urches...nulustry,to ""-"'" .,.,. '-- ... -.". iiilummmIIRlUllllnIllIIUIIIIIIIIIHNlllHIIIIIRlHIIU",Iua-.mnItlIHIUIIIIHlRlHllllllllllllllllllla_ · ew e?,presse -:-.lD e Igen Y tbe world, nor is it to suggest ..........--.:.;.;;;"'""'''''''''...;;:,.,;..:.~;..;.;..;.....;..;.;....;.;;.; -.d '!VJth m0c!eratlOn-by tb~ that clergymen ~s' a . group are V:atican., il, waS reemppasizecll .. - "ree clerg?,m~~ .wh.o took. pa.~. . ~equately f~lfming. their role· very forcefully' by Pope Paul VI ; .• ! .' f!a the pane~ dl~USSI~ r~ferred at' the present time:" . : ,'. ',' i!J. his' recent encyclical, On·~ to above. . . . ,Cites Encyclieal Development of Peoples. .
· In. tl:I~ eo~rse ,~ ~e~r ~n~r:()n. the other han a,· there is a "If the role of the hierarchy iii
~e~ wlt~ the EdItor ,of ChrIII rea~ need, I think, for the clergy' to teach and to interpret authori;' ~a~uty . Todar~, they m~de tbret! :to· keep, remindiiig themselves-- ti.ltively the norms 0;;: morality to ~mts·J.n particular ';WhIch those and. the iaity-.;..thai layinen:,i'~~' be followed in this matter .(l.e., .AND WAN ·ASSOCIATION. ill. u.s who favor the mvolvement tbe church if they're Christians" the' development of nations)', it .. ' I of. .the churcheli in.: matters of ; and ~tbat,. by reason ,of <their lay ,be~ongs to the laymen, wi,thout \ ' .4V2% on' dll Saving~ Accounts' ,waiting passively for orders and SOCI~ concern wo~~d do well to .state, they can rightly' be ex eoosider very seriously. pected to playa more direct role 'directives, to take the initiative Point Well Taken' .than' the clergy in the temporal freely and to infuse a Christian 4% % 'on Time Certificates First of all, as one of the order. spirit intQ the mentality, laws Attleboro - New Bedford , panelists' noted, "we must be' . This point,. which is made re and structures of the commullity " 'fer~ ca,reful not to.,~r~~~e that peatedly, in ,the documents, of .,in which ti:Ie.y live,", ..
~£W~' MON~Y:'()N
I'~ I i
$EC~ND s,.~
I i~
I i
t.----------------------------. FirstFed~ral S~vings .' or
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall
Feehan High Seeks', Second Bel Title of Schoo~; Year
May 4, 1967
on :Deali's List
Matrieilliatting at :Providenee Sehool
Nortolll Righ Coach
BY r~ MIRANDA John K. Eddy of Swansea 1s completing a most impressive . two-year stay at Johnson and Wales. Business College in P 'd rOVl ence. Eddy, a former athletic stand out Case',High, ,has cQll)piled an outstanding record, both irf the presence felt in the diamond flag unlikely that either' Case or . classroorri)ind 'on' the competi race 'put the fOl'mer Barnstable Somerset will fall apart to 'allow tive SJ;lbrts. fields' for Johnson High mentor did this quartet to mo've any higher and Wales~~ . ., notsbare the in' the standing.' ]/)ellD's List Stu'dent' Diman Vocational of Fall vie w . 0 :f tbe
A Dean's List Student,. Jack many who fig River, Holy Family of New Bed is the .oi<;1est of five children and ured the Sham ford, Msgr. Prevost 'High of the son of ,Mr. and Mrs. Russell rocks for a low Fall River and Westport, are the P. Eddy of 142 Main' Street in er mot in the
rivals keeping Case and Somer Swansea. baseball rae e set "honest." Jack has two brothers at Case than their pres Day for JPuents H:gh, James, a junior and Rob ent front-run Dighton-Rehoboth and Seekonk ert, a sophomore, another, Peter ning spot. Mean appear hopelessly out of the at Brown School and a sister, while, Somerset Peter flag competition. They will, in Judith, who attends the Bark tl n d case of Barlek all probability, settle for the Street School in SWl;lllsea. Swansea are last two places in the final Edd'y first came into the ath hooked-up in a first place dead standing. letic picture in the Swan!!ea Lit lock in the Narragansett loop This coming Saturday is the tie League baseball program 'and while Norton High leads the Trl'" day which has been set aside for his competitive spirit, polite 'Valley Conference. working parents so they can see manner and leadership qualities 'l'hree clubs are battling to their sons in action. The Satur have stayed with him through retain their hold on the top day schedule is: high school and college. berth in the Capeway' Confer Dighton-Rehoboth at Seekonk, Eddy is a Becon!! baseman for ence. TJ1e three hooked up-iD Somerset vs. Case at' Swansea; Johnson and Wales and .the the C~pe' leadership b~~t\~ an Diman at Prevost, F.all Jiiv~rand team's leadoff hitter. He also Barnstable, Dartmoutbahd Den Holy Family at Westport'.' perfornie~ admirably for. the nis-Ya,rmouth. Bouchard and AII~~' the college's 'basketball team. Taunton and {)oy~ Sophom~re 'righthand~r Art A member of Our Lady' of HaiieWJch's pace setting Attie Bouchard and Soplionlore'south Fatima Parisb in Swansea, Jack ooro Sbamrocks open the second paw Ken Allen are two of the is studying 'Business Administra half of their league schedule main reasons why' the Norton tion and Accounting and is II JOHN K. EDDY OF SWANSEA today when they tackle Vocation Lancers are out fl'ont in the Tri- high B student. al at New Bedford. The much Valley competition. Ther have Eddy will continue his edu sought-after Feehan coach ill looked extremely good in their cation at Salem State Teachers AU-League team a second. the All-Narry League team as 1m
confident that bis lads will be triumphs over the rest of the College in September. Jack's baseman, althougb Jack played infielder.
}ust as successful in regulation league whicb comprises schools ambition is to become a teacher shortstop to fill a berth in the Twilight Manager
nille-bming games during the loeated outside the confines·o!. of Business Administration. Cardinals infield. .
in basketball, Eddy scored balance of the campaign as they the diocesan liries: Numerous Awards As a junior at Case, Eddy 244 points as a senior, finishing were in the abbreviated seven Norton will !De at home lookin£ Jack carries 14'5 pounds on his batted .377, scored 20 runs.,and . among the top ten scorers in the IraJJle"contests of We iirln haH for its second win of the season 'lye foot, six inch structure, but : ,reached, qase 70 per, cent Q.f..the· leagl~.and'gained a second team r;eaSQ~. '\ over Millis tomorrow ·afternoon. is a giant iii tlie eyes of' former 1 .ime ,a,s, lea,dof1' ,batter..Hf!,.,t,in- ,bei'tb on·the.All-Narry club.·A:J TauJi\cm.. High and :ifll' .'intra-' The Lancers easily diswsed' of ; ,coaches Howie O'Hare 'find Jack ,shed shi:tll,in the Narry <!v~r.:,lge II ,junior; Jack was astarti!;lg city riv~l" ]~fsgi., ,Coyle' High, ttMi Millill, 8-2, in tJl~'fi!J,'lJt meet- .' McCarthY of .Case" ' race and was awardep, ,ap,' .~n- guard for the Cardinals ,: and loom lIS the. principal threats to ing of the clubs. .. His e~celle'1t eqara,cteJ;", and ,Jeague ber~h at second ,bas~ . . scored just,~der..10 points perr the league le~ding Hanewichmen. Fi're . ,teams are \ a,etually, i~ personality make~ ~t a plea~~re ,Ja4fk lIB,\\', li,mit,ed ,duty. !,,~. a .,contest. . C" .,1 , . . , " Coa~ ~~\t~ Georg~'s surprisJng. contentIon for tht!· title in the . for all that .come III contact 'Ylth Case l''loll).~re, but Showe!I,pis ,Eddy alsol'participated in ·the Oral)p;~~qd, 'Black IS' per.c\Jed in Capeway 'Conference' ~lbeitthree the youthful Our LadY'of'FatIma ,poten~ial. ,w;th a .. ,annual Eastej:·.tournament at,the the runner-up spot in the county momentarily are tangledbi Z l parishioner. ' .anda~ Honorable Mel).tio\'l ...on , ,CYOand was chosen to the ,AJI circuit while 'Coach"'Jim Burns' first place' tie.' , , : ' \ ' : Eddy was' presented. tbe Un" '" ..Star team of 1965 after his oot diocesan/ .aggregation is. firmly Bourne and Lawrence High of sung Hero Award tbis Season for V O • U Of .standing performance with 0\lll!' eJltrenched 'hi third position.' Falmoutp ar'\! deHn.ite possibili- 'his efforts 'on behalf 'the . 1Cfilr1o,t.e· to n.f, y' Lady of Fatima. Both Taunton city clubs can be ties although they are chasing Johnson and Wales basketball Religious Education This Summer, John K. Eddy counted upon to wag~ a strong the three front r4nn~rs, at this team, a tribute richly deserved, will give some of his experienc.e battle for the flag. HeQce,: Fee- wrWng. The Capew:iy' Confer according to hoop coach and atbROCHESTER (NC) - Bishop . tQ young~r boys as manager of han will continue its present cal- ence completes its first half of letic director Jack Yena, who Fulton.J. Sheen of Rochester has the White Sox in the Swansea Jbre of play in order to stay out the season today. The competi also serves as the Dean of Men ereated. Lew episcopal vicariate Twilight League. It is his second ahead of the two challengers. tion in this loop is much tighter' at JW. for religious education and year at the WS helm, last season Eliminated Early than in the Bristoi County and Last year, as a freshman Jack named Father Albert J. Shamon Jack directed his club to a league Durfee High of Fall River ap- Narragansett leagues as indicated was presented the President's of St. Patrick's Church to fill the championship. • pears out of the title fight. Gen- by the standings. . Trophy, the highest awa,rd given post. ' erany, one of the better clubs, Crucial Contests, to a student at Johnson and The new 'icar, according to the Fall River combine is in The time is not far away, how Wales. The award ar;m~ally goes' Bi<;hop Sheen, will' "supervise fourth position with very little ever, when they will start to sep- to a student' who has 'perlormed': and unify religious' educationl in .. " prospect. of ov~rcomIng the .th,re,e .. arat~th~ ~'~rP. from the boys" " .m an"outst:inding capacrty in . the'diocese'ih plirochial' sc11661s, ", ,." '·....0 .. ' ·,';11 teams higher ,r~ . the stan,dmg.", i' iI!- tli;,e pap'ew?-'r rnce. Next Mon- , 'academic" pursuits' arid'ha~"dis-'" catecheti'C;ll 'schools, 'NeWman \J .1: ' The remainder' of the' Bristol. day-"-whEln'tlie first game of the played 'leadership ine'xtraciifric- 'centers; bigH'sch6ois,' i'ld'UW'c!'du- '." '1" " County teams now will be second half of the schedule, is ular' activities' ;i'nd" " has , siloiWn ::cation· -,,; 'w}}erl~ver thl! 'wol"d of ,'~ 1 striving to eke ' .8' winni,rig' '.liste~,..l.. "'i'i. find two ofihe 'puh>osefuI ' ,cooperatibri' '2)1 d 'f God is 'foi'inall:t taught:""'"'''' '" ", .." '" (. '.' 1 '.',' I season, that is, more vi~toties' three-den' first place clubs," "strong' college spirit. ": . ., ..r'. He'" Will" iil'so' coopet'~teh~ith "I " rs -,,:, than defeats. Trailing' Ooach JQe ~eetVt¢ head-on. . '. ·1',' ,r' :1a.cIt l:'atte~' .'2~,:.",,·1.""" .. ·..the·ecumiii'lical coi:rVi).f~s·~6~t)n,," . 1 " " ;,'11' l 'r,r ,. f ...., Lewis' fourth place Fall 'River Barnstable will be seeking·:the The Swansea youth was also making pluralism serve GJ;\flst's ",; 365 'NORTH FRONT" STREet Bine are New Bedford ,VQcation first champlons~ip of the Cai>e- \'gtvelf1"the;Studenf-Athlete'l)£ the '''reconcil'ifig roessa'ge to'tIi~"-i.vorld" . ,... ,' N~.: BEDFORD nI, Attleboro' and' Bishop Stang . way league when it opposes Den- Year Award, which exerrtpli'fies' arid with "'all educatiori81 agEm High of Dartmouth. North Attie nis-Yarmouth at the, regionals' . gdod sI1ortsmanshiI1 on 'and off 'cies who seek to intr6aucif ob~ec- , , .. ', 992-553'4 boro is in the cellar: field. Also next Monday,Fal the playing field' and"who,! by'" tive courses 'on religion ih':ele- ,. '" ", " . " :.,': , '''' ,.,~~""qil,J,ao~.. ,,~~: ,t.<lday's, BeL ,.·mouthl·',wj}l'be"at"'B6tiffie~·':Old Qlutstanding character" is inspira-' menta'ry schools."· schedule will see Durfee at Rochester of Mattapoisett at tional to his teammates.. , '; I: I ,,,,, • • .• , ,'., . , ., Taunton, Attleboro vs. Stang at Dartmouth and Fairhaven; at \ :. All ~h'i~ a~ 'a fre~hm'ah, ~lus a . sUIIIIIIIIIIIIIII\lIl11hllllllilllllllllllll\,,1II1 IlJI!,"lIllI1ll1llIllmIllIIllIlIlIlIllIllIllIlIlNIIIIII1III11IlIlIlIllIlIlIlUlIEIII'~ Dartmouth and Coyle at North Wareham. ' . 4 2 9 battmg average for ,coach, .
Harold (Chet) Hanewich, whose Shamrocks corralled the football croWn last Fan, is making a determined bid . to garner his second sports championship in his final year at the helm of Bishop Feehan High in Attleboro as his ,base ball proteges pace the compe is very much like it is in the tition in the Bristol County bigger-school . BeL. While the scholastic league. Feehan challenging' four are 'within was counted upon to make its striking distance, it app'eliI's most
.. :....,'
:H:eattng .Oils..", Q'ndr,,·B ueone
Attlebor~O_waY Battle Coacb Jack McCarthy's
Case High team' which forced Feehan
5 Joun Council
~\ "I~~u~c~er~a~~~~li:~~t~~g~~ ~oombs.,ofn~gr, Bb0fl'~nt:...,on~,,gre National Junior College A'tliletic'...
PORTLAND (NC)-Five p~r-
Association team.
:iffii:~~:I~~'1?2e~en~;I t>i~il,~~ , j~1~::; t~:rQ~:~t~r'\f.f~~::~~' ", '~d'Y S~~=lti6~~~:~~~~ ~e~-
..' , " ,
I' ,L~:R ~~ L.IY,£:,~::. ~ '; ,.: ~:
home for next Saturday's im por1ant tussle with"Coach Jim Sullivan's 'Biue Raiders' '",itb'
Council of Churches at its 28tb " fonner' for' three" seasbrls with , ~ . , . . anpual ,meetijIg "at Rose Clty :'Case' High; his senior year' Sack =.ZJiIJIIl? Park~ethi>dist' church here in 'cllptainEld the baseballtearii:'In'§
whom they place' are knotted Narry first spot. ' in the Four Narry rivals are. closely bunched behind the leaders but the situation in this competition
Oregon. president, Mrs. Maurice 1965 he hitters was third' council said B. it Hodge, was "a .'lLeague witllarpopg a .368 'Natry 'aver wonderful experience, welcom-age, led the loop in bits with 21 Jng into the council the Catbolic and had three triple, and seven parishes." :RBIs enroute to a berth on the
L' e .
" ' : . "
. ,I·
, '=
Tel. 997.9358
Petitions/ For 'Beatification Of Fr. Damian
. '. I~c::luding Saturdays
, lof. ' the.E~st..
petition for .beatification of
Father Damian De Veuster,
the apostle of the lepers,
'.sighed by 32;864 leprosy 'patlents'
.5i~. 7d, .: ~ ........• tA···· .
.. .
K' R'
' .
il'om 52 'countries, has been' pre-'
· »ented to Pope Paul VI . . Yather Henry. SystermaCls,
SS:CC., superior general of the
Congregation" of the Sacred
Hearts, t6 which Father DaluiaR . . .. ' •" . .~eI9ilged~ '. intrl?~ufed ~'~o .p,o~! '.',',')' \ ~ :1::: · I",a ut \ Ra,o~i. !lfo,lle~ea4', ,presi,dent. . \' ., I • . . , .~ , • '' • 4)f the ~nterna.tion~l Mov~ineilt' .:. " ., ,
for the Glorification of Father .
Damian;'Prof. Jagadisan, secre':' '
ta'ry of .the' ,Indian Association,':' ~", .'. " .. ,';'.' \ . , . ·fql-.the Struggle' Against L~~1;9s'y: i ~ '! ). : . , ' , , ' . , \ . , . . ' n ),)' \" I \ . . d 'c ..... . . :-. 1.'"1),, J \ ' '> ··",' .• ',i.!~'. . - . ," . . ··r'·! ~: .an. . anon J? J~ N. Wal1s.ta\l\uf'-"," ,' •..• \
; ~ .' $34.95. 'Malta, who represented the
Church of England. The three
-!pen presented the petition to the '"
Ope~ 'b~i1y 9 A.M. fro']({) IP.M. . '* ,• '
Th~' Furniture' Wonderland
H" L E"R
. Father Damian, (baptized · Joseph), born in 1840 at Tt'emolo,
Belgi um, made his' profession as
a member <;lithe Congregati6n <if ,
. the Sacred Hearts at Louvain) 'in .
1860, He.was ordained in Hono
'lulu, Hawaii, i111864, Nine years
later, in 1873, he volunteemd:.'to
serve the' leper!> on the islaT\d, 'Qf .
lVIolokai.'He died there of'l~p'c()sy
16 years later. His remains were·
brought·Belgium in 1936..
The cause for his beatfication has I
been introduced. I
The Sacred' Hearts Fathers- I'·
the Congregation of the Sacred""
Hearts of Jesus' and Mal'y and of
the Perpetual Adoration of the
Blessed Sacrament-have their
provincial house for Eastern
United Stat~s in Fllirhave~
(Mass.) and staff numerous
parishes throughout the Cape
·,Co,d. area.
Committee to Study"
School. FinancelS
. ~ V\ PHIVADELI?HI.A (NCi)~Al'dil,.'}'" ,.,')',' . ' \ " ' , '\ bishop John~J. Krollias,·de.oHg,:.',\:.:,:,\' . '.··' " 'I: '. nated a 14-member!=~mmi~tee ?f,\' ..'·.··'·.' •. /
. • t; ~ {. laymfJl,"tp. !>tU(;lyth\! ,', ~ .\. \ " i.· ...• , , effecting. the future· Of the' sec.., .'. " .. .) \ ()ndary scl109l;system' i~~ t11~ Phil':" ;:,: . ,;, , _ '.)., . I • ad'!lphia a:-;:hd~ocese:': .• , .1,1 ... ).· ' .. >,', .' ;'. ~, fl, \ • . L (. q ( T~e:\coIri'mitt.¢~; ~ . ;u,{<I~f \' iil}~" •\' ~'\' ~'}':: "'., . \/ . , , 6 J l •. chaIrmanship of Raympnc;l, ~E. 1. \ , " ,
Df' .... ~~ .. " ! Trainer, president of tlie .Roller . ',: '. '.
Bearing, ComJ?any of Anleril::a, '. ' '
$69.95.·.. has been chargt<d .~it" carrying ..,. .
out a "full and ,complete study'· "
depth" of the financial' iind'
" ' bu~iness structure of the 30 sec:"
oodary schoois in the five-countY:
area within the archdiocese. ..
The group, whose: members
Illlfere drawn .from business;, industry and labor, will
·be expected to carry out a far
reaching ,. ~view on t!l(l .~'fiscal·
struCture and c·om·mitmetlts"·. of' I ; .. , ' ! ' . ' the high:sc~ools and to ~ecoh;-) \. '; \. >/. '. mend what the future of the ed•
, ucationalsystem should be.
Membership .also includes rept'e Think how little it costs to completely furnish your bedroom with famous
. sentatives of large families .with R,:roehler's Cape Cod. Shop·today.and see these expensively detailed designs,
low income:
... ~
aU made of solid Maple with a warm Autumn Brown Maple finish. soalloped
, bases, . heavy oa9tbrass-~inishedpullSJ, dovetailed and dustproof draw:erg
and gently shaped door and drawer fronts. Don't wait! See these out8taDd~
illlg bl.lYs today while our seleotion AIilI o~mplete.
Gov~~~or Prod'aims' Ca'tholic Renewam
nor Paul H. Hoff of Vermont has
pl'Oclaimed the week of June 18
as Catholic Renewal Week in
conjunction with the anrlUal
meeting of superiors of Catholic Convenient Budget terms
religious ~ongregations repre senting some 35,000 pl'icsts and No Banks or lFinano.
Brothers. .... .
'f'M' ,C! . ,.Companlltt To PaJ The Conference o. . aJor ".,u:- ; : \ .. ., , ,: . '. " periors of Men, meeting fo'r 'their' \ " • \ ' ;', 10th .annual assembly from June. 21 to 24, win have "Bishops, Major Religious Superiors: Re --:----- .. newal" as their theme. The con ference represe~t!> 95. 'religi\>us,'. : communities of ·men in the coun-; . '. try • l\ ,'.,' \ I
.: ;
\' ' • '.
i ~.,,, ,'. > \
"!New !England's largest Furnituro' Show......•
, s
, I