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The ANCHOR An Anchor of the Soul. Sure and Firm-St. Paul

Fait River, Mass., Thursday, May 4, 1972 PRICE 10¢ Vol. 16, No. 18 © 1972 The Anchor $4.00 per year

Education Convention Tomorrow, Saturday Approximately 1.300 teachers in the Catholic schools and Religious Education' programs throughout the Diocese will meet 'on Friday, May 5 and Saturday, May 6 at Bishop Feehan High School in Attleboro. Dr. Bernard Gundlach, an outstanding author of mathematics texts' will return to the Diocese to talk on Modern Math - Ten Years Later. Dr. Gundlach was one of the first consultants who came to introduce a change in the math program in ow: schools. Dr. John Savage of Boston College will deal with the subject area of langua~e arts, while Miss Rosalind Mulcahey will discuss Social Studies for the Very ,young.

Rey. John Myers, Executive Secretary for NEEA, will conduct a session for secondary teachers on Building a Community of Faith, and'for elementary teachers on Catholic Education' Is What We Make It. Father Meyers travels extensively throughout the United States bringing the message of a need for change in education. Mrs. Janice Trecker, freelance writer and researcher. wiH address the secondary teachers on Women's Studies in High School. Mrs. Trecker has given talks on the role of the modern woman in cities on the Eastern seaboard. The teaching of religion is a focal point in this year's convenTurn to Page Two

Tax Credits for Parents Would Correct Inequities WASHINGTON - A coalition of non public school leaders of all faiths has been formed to seek the enactment of federal tax credit legislation for parents of children in nonpublic schools. Establishment of the organization-Citizens Relief for Education by Income Tax (C.R.ED.I.T.) was announced by its officers: Rabbi Morris Sherer, Agudath' Israel of America, Chairman; Dr. Al Senske, Lutheran Church-. Missouri-Synod, Vice Chairman; Cary Potter, National Association of Independent Schools, Vice Chairman; Rev. C. Albert Koob, National Cartholic EducationAssociation, Vice Chairman; Dr. Edward R. D'Alessio, United, States Catholic Conference, Treasurer; Ivan Zylstra, National Union of Christian Schools, Secretary.

May' Feature On pages 10, 11 and 13, The Anchor p"esents a special May photo-feature of portrayals of famous paintings of the Madonna. Models are members of Immaculate 'Conception Church, North Easton, where the portrayals were part of a program held in observance of the parish's centennial.

The organizations represented by the officers of C.R.ED.I.T. have a deep commitment to nonpublic education. Their combined constituencies total approximately 5,000,000 children in schools operated under Protestant, Catholic, Jewish and private auspices. The chief objective' of C.R.ED.I.T. is to seek ehactment of legislation at the earliest possible date which will provide a federal income tax credit for a Turn to Page Nineteen


Appeal at Your· Door This Sunday With the Special Gifts Phase of the Catholic Charities Appeal enthusiastically coming to a close, doorbells will ring from nOo11 to 3 o'clock in the afternoon Sunday as the parish door to door phase of the Campaign swings into action. Approximately 102,000 homes representing more than 300,000 people will be visited on Sunday afternoon as the Diocese's 114 parishes and St. Rita's Mission in Marion are called upon by fellow parishioners and friends for the annual donations and pledges to the Appeal.

The Catholic. Charities Appeal provides funds for the mainteJ nance 'arid expansion of the works of charity, mercy and social service in the many agencies and institutions of the diocese to all peoples in the southeastern area of Massachusetts of every race, color and creed. Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin, S.T.D., Bishop of Fall River, in his second year of the Appeal, is honorary chairman. Increased giving is expected of this 31st Appeal due to the construction of the new St. Vincent's Home on Highland Avenue in Fall

River, aCrOSS from the Catholic Memorial Home. Rev. Msgr. Anthony M. Gomes, Diocesan Director of the Catholic Charities Appeal, in releasing first donations from the Special Gifts Phase, said today that early returns have been quick in coming and are encouraging. He pointed to one gift which was raised substantially. The accompanying letter read: "Due to, the exceptional work being done by the Catholic Charities, especially for senior citizens and Turn to Page Three

Bishop to'Award Scouting Medals On Cape Cod, Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin will be the principal celebrant of a Mass at St. Margaret Parish, Buzzards Bay,' marking the 13th Recognition Night. sponsored'. by the Marian' Committee' and the Catholic COJpmittee on Scouting in the Diocese of Fall River. All the priests of the Diocese are invited to cOJic'elebrate the Mass which will be offered' on Friday evening, May 12, at 7:30. During the Mass, the Bishop will honor adults in the Girl Scout, Boy Scout and Camp Fire Girl programs. This is the first time the ceremonies will be held on the Cape for the a'warding of Turn to Page Two





.Bishop to Ordain Four To Priesthood Most 'Rev. Daniel A. Cronin, S.T.D., Bishop of the Diocese of Fall River, will ordain four deacons to the priesthood at 2 o'clock on Saturday afternoon, May 13 in St. Mary's Cathedral, Fall River. The four deacons are: Rev. Mr. George C. Bellenoit of New Bedford, Rev. Mr. Marcel H. Bouchard of New Bedford, Rev. Mr. Timothy J. Goldrick of New Bedford and Rev. Mr. Daniel F. Hoye of Taunton.

Rev. Mr. Bellenoit, a member of Holy Name Parish, New Bedford is the son of Orner G. and Domenica Bollea Bellenoit. A graduate of Bishop Stang High School, No. Dartmouth, he attended St. Thomas Seminary in Bloomfield, Conn. and St. Mary's Seminary in Baltimore. He received a B.A. degree from St. Mary's. . At 12 o'clock noon, Sunday, May 14 the newly ordained priest will be principal celebrant

at a concelebrated Mass in Holy Name Church, New Bedford. Rev. Richard C. Bollea, a cousin, will be the homilist. Following the Mass, a reception will be held at the Kennedy Youth Center in New Bedford. During the Summer of 1971 Rev. Mr. Bellenoit served his deacon internship at Sacred Heart Parish, Fall River. ' Rev. Mr. Bouchard, a member of St. Joseph's Parish, New Bed-' Turn to Page Nineteen


THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thu~s., May 4, .1972


Needs You

My dearly Beloved People of God:, . Last ,year,' I told you that I had, hearq of the highly succe'ssfuf "Catholic. Charitie~, App,eal." ·r.now know this .to' be'~ fact..I thank YO.l~f9( ihakihg~the 'Appeal of last year a,memorable one'~ 1 .asK',you,for: y<?ti'r cooperation, enthus~asmand. gener~sity·,il1.::·this tll(~ thirty-first caU' to ,help the 'w9rks of c~arity.. mercy ar:td s~cial service. The .. ,.': tradition ·of the Appear is long-standing. Since 1942; each . , .'year has been one of irnprove&care for the needy. . The diocese"is, blessed with many 'institutions to care. for the sick, 'the elderly,. the' youth, the needy: and the poor. ,These' are 'the fruits 'qf your 'l,abor and i;acrifice. :. '1 inten.d to. contiI\~e .this· glorious and Chdst- li,ke tradition of' the tremendous, works of Christian Charity accomplisbecL by'~ ,the' Bisiiopsof' the diocese. Howeyer, ,\ 'alone 'r-canrlOt p'rovide 'for the pastoral needs o.f the diocese' , and commuility. I need, and indeed, I, am proud to' ask for your assistance. In a, very '. sp~cial way, the. enthusiastic cooperatic)Jl anel support' of the, whole~ People of God are ATTLEBORO AREA PRINCIPALS IN' CATHOLIC CHAIulflES APP~AL:' Rev. necessary if ar~ to be successful in this year's Appeal.' Msgr. Raymond T. Considine, P,A. of Fall River, former dIocesan .director of the Appeal; The needs are greater now than ever .before. Many . Raymond E. Lambert, Sr., of No. Attleboro, 1972 diocesan lay chairn,tan; Carl Bradshaw, of the,works of charity, mercy and social service must ~e parish chairman of St. Theresa's, So.. Attleboro; Bishop Croriin; Rev. Roger L. -Gagne, expanded and modernized. We are- completing the con- Attleboro Area Appeal Director; Fred Karol of St. Stephen's, Attleboro, parish committee structi.on of the new St. Vincent's Home in Falll River. . mem'ber.· The new Nazareth Hall' School in Attleboro has been in session since last Fall. These pr.ojects and the continued ' rise in expense~·pf all t~<agencie~ of the Appeal.place great demands on the diocese which, must always look .. 'MARION UNSWORTH CURRAN S<:hool and according to his par- ' farnily and" friends, and takes to you,. the generous laity, for .the. means to help the needy An old cliche' states: "If you ents is "the greatest. joy and piano lessons as an 'out' from and poor. We must go forward with these spiritual and want a job done, give it to sorn~- blessing of our home." her regular routine," he contin. corporal works of mercy' which for thirty-one years have' one who is busy," and, as with Of the oldest two' children, ued. been so much associated with the life of the church in most cliches it usually turns out Raymond, 19, previously a stu'Mrs. Lambert herself brushes this diocese ' '. . 'to be true. ,. dent at Bristol Community Col- aside. any riotion that any of this




I Ch· ; I ' C' I 'h GlrmCln I lustra'fes ' ic e

lege, found he preferred to be . In the case of the 1972Cath olic Charities ~ppeal, 'Most Rev: ' outside and is now employed in Daniel A Cronin turned to Ray- heavy construction work, and mond E. Lambert Sr. of North Mary, 21 will be graduated' as a ~ttleboro to. serve as lay chairregistered 'nurse from Faulkner ~an of the Appe~1 for th~ whole Hospital this month. dIOcese of Fall RIver. R 'bU' . Professionally, Mr. Lambert is esponsl lues a partner with his brother Harold "All of the children learn re-, in the Lambert Engineering Co. sponsibility as y'oung as possi.. and treasurer of the Lambert ble," said Mr. Lambert: "We . Faithfully yours m Chnst, Engraving Co., Inc. and Lambert give. them each a moderate Anodizing Co., Inc. of Attleboro, amount olr attention, expect " c;tr~ ~~ In connection with his work, he th,em to he:lp around the house enjoys "fooling with electronics." and to do work around the Bishop of Fall River Essentially self-taught in, his neighborhood and tn part time field, he has just designed and jobs, and they are turning o,ut " ,developed a device for the de- to be very self-sufficient chil. tection of the presence of smoke. dren." "But," added Mr. Lambert, "This device to eliminate' ail' "the wonder of the family is my TW9·D~y pollution will be installed at the wife. She's an excellent houseContinued from Page One. Presentations will be available 'plant as soon as the platform is . keeper and a marvelous cook. installed," 'he explained. Every meal is a masterpiece. tion. Mr~. Eileen Anderson; Mrs,· .forconsultation 'about films. Constance Farley, Mr. Ernest ; ,The Eucharistic . Liturgy will But the maJ'ority of his time There's not much point in going Nedder, Dr; David Crellin' will ,.be offered at the opening of the . away from' the office is spent oul!: to dinn,er because it's better address various groups' of - ele_·convention on Friday at 10 AM. at his hOmes: in North Attleboro at home!" . "Arid besides 'the things which' mentary teachers on new meth- ,and at the close, of th,e ,sessions . and at Cataomet on'the Cape, ods and' technigues ''in ,~eligious .on Satur~ay afternoon at 4. and with his '\vife and family of must be done. in a home, Mrs. 12 children:' ,." Lamberts sews almost all" the Education. Rev, John' McCall, S.J. of Boston CO'I1E~ge' willcon~ $,', ': '~eal1wIiile,ih North ,Attleboro, clotlies for herself and the childuct a session for hi,gh' sch~?1 ' . C,ontin1jed. from PagE' One ,th.e huge task of. caring for a di'en; ,decorates cakes for wedteachers on, Saturd~y a!ternoon. 'the -St. George; St. Ann, Pelican .. famfly of ~4.is in tll~ most cap- , dings and llpecial 'occasions 'for ,,', '. A continuous showing of ,films" and ()ur, Lady of Good Counsel '. able hands of Mrs. Lambert. Her ,. >eia~ed' ~ fo' religious education :.' Medals;' :' :' '.., , 'day begins at 6 AM. and well . (I' Jrl.'OU R'KE , .r '.". -:willlle held throughout the day: Tickets for,. the buffethe,fore eight; o;cl<;lck; everyone , ,~ '. Sister Marie Forcier' of Mark IV " luncheon which ~ will be held in must have breakfast, b'e' ready Func~"al Home.' ., ,. . the, par-ish center following the ~:.'f()r schooL',or 'wQrk~ and., 10 571 Second· Street' Mass may' be obtaineq from the lunche5: must be prepared to go .•~"ecr.ology , Fall'River, Mass.' committee members: 'with them. "'679-6072 ; . Diocesan. chap'lain, Rev.~oger, - • Only one' child, four-year-old ,MAY 6. MICHAEl.. J'•. McMAHON Rev. Thomas' P. EUiott, 1905, 'J., Levesque, Notre Dame, Fall Kathleen, is still at home dur,ing .RegistElred Embalmer. Founder, St. Mary, Mansfield. ' . River; Qiocesan; chairman,:, Jo-. the day and she will be entering .., seph.F:.. Milrphy, Mansfield; Fall St: M.iry's kindergarten next licensed Funeral Director. . MAY' 9 ., 'River Area chaplains: Rev. Ar- Fall. Frances, 7, Christine, 9, . Rev.- J .. E. Theoq~le ,Gigl:lere, .' ::t~ti~'T~ de ~ello and Rev. Martin Paul, II, and .;e~er, 13, .also attend 51.. Mary s In North Attie1940,.Pastor,.,St;,Anne; New Bed-~ .L. Buote. . 'ford.. " .,' , '. : 'New Bedford Area Chaplains:boro. Four Lamberts, John, 14, Rev. John P. Clarke, 1~41, .Pas"· ~ev: Arthur, K. Wingate' a'nd.·Joseph, 15,. PatriCia, ,16,-, and , Funl~"'al'Ho",e'''' , ,tor,. St. Mary, Hebronville:··.~Rev: Roger, D. LeDuc; Taunton- 'Anne 17, travel to Attleboro to 550 lLoc,ust Stree~ . '. Attleboro Area Chaplains: Rev. : Bi,shop Feehan High' School. , Fall River, Mass•. --""."""" ""..""" ";" """";",, . , , ,..n........:--. RobertF. Kirby and RElV, Nor- - Anne in a senior and· will ente.r .

Your homes will be visited on ne~t S~nday~ May 7th, by men and women zealously helpmg m' thiS worthy ,cause." I know that you will be cordial in welcoming them and ~ost generous in coming to the aid. of the needy through the 1972 Catholic Charities Appeal. I havlr visible proo"fs 0 f your h e pi 'm t he past'. The 'hop~s 0 f th l~~ f U t ure depend on your whole-hearted support thiS year. . Begging God's choicest blessings on you all, I remain,

tl, c..,-o-..


Education Convention

5"" . .'. '. . A'" 'd" cou.hn9 . w;a r

is extraordiJ:}ary. "I do like things in the house to be in place, but ' I love to work, I love to clean and 'cook, and I love children, mine and other peoples'" .she exclaimed. "Often 'at the' Cape we have families with several children visiting. It's wonderful to have lots of people around, and everyone helps. 'They hl;lve to." I A visit with the Lamberts is a practical lesson in the joy of living.



FUNERAL tiOME, JNC. R. Marcel Roy:'" G Lom"ne Roy Roger LaFrance

,FUNERAL DIRECTORS 15 Irvington' Ct. , New Bedford 995·5166

WilfredC. Sullivan 'Driscoll




F~LL R,IVER,' MASS. 672-338.1


, THE ANCHOR mand .J.. Boulet. .,.' Second Class Postage ,Paid at Fall' River, Mass; Published every Thursday at 410, ,,;Cape' Cod .Area Chaplains:' , Highland Avenue, Fall River. Mass.' 02722 'R ' " by the Catholic Press of the Diocese .of Fall ev. Terence. F . K eenan an d R ev.· River. Subscription prl~e by. milil, 'postpaid John F: Andrews. .

$4.00 per


Bridgewater State C,ollege in September. , J ames, an ,except'IOna I ch'ld 1 , 10 years old, attends'.Nazareth


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tHE ANCHORThurs. May 4,

Continued from Page One youth and to the monumental task of huUding a new St. Vincent's Home,' we increased our contribution." The Special Gift Phase ends on Saturday, May 6, and solicitors are requested to mak~ their final returns by that date. The House-to-House Phase, which begins on Sunday afternoon, will officially end on May 17. Parish solicitors are asked to make their returns to their parishes on Sunday immediately. Parishioners are requested to be at home at the designated hours on SundEiY to receive solicitors.


Special Gifts National $1000 Rev. Msgr. James J. Dolan $750 Rev. James F. Kenney $600 , La Salette Fathers, AttleboroBrewster $538 Massachusetts 'State Council Knights of Columbus $500 Taunton Greyhound Assn., Inc. Rev. Msgr. Wiliam H. Dolan Rev, Msgr. John F. Denehy Rev. Francis X. Wallace $400 Rev. Ambrose E. Bowen $300 'Rev. Msgr. Hugh A. Gallagher $250 Rev. Msgr. John A. Chippendale Rev. William A. Galvin $200 Rev. Msgr. Joseph R. Pannoni Rev. Leo M. Curry' Rev. Raymond W. McCarthy Rev. James F. Greene Rev. James F. Kelley $175 ~tonehill CoHege $100 Sullivan, Brothers Printers, Lowell Rev. Msgr. Alfred J. E. Bonneau Rev. Msgr. William H. Harrington Rev. Patrick O'Neill $50 H. Carr & Sons, Inc., Providence R.' J. Toomey Co., Worcester Matthew F. Sheehan Co. Rev. MHgr. Arthur 'G. Dupuis Rev. Edmond Tremblay


WORKING FOR THE CCA ON CAPE COD: Meeting with the OrdinarY of the Diocese as the 1972 Special Gift phase of the Appeal is launched are: Very Rev. Thomas J. Harrington, diocesan chancellor; Rev. John F. Andrews ,of Buzzards Bay, Cape Cod and [slands Area CCA Director; Bishop Cronin; Arthur E. Willis, of Buzzards Bay, Special Gift committee member. $25 Jolicoeur & Resmini Co., Inc., Providence Jay Electric Co., Inc:, Prov.idence Rumford Steel Industries, Inc., Providence A. Gross Candle Co., Linden, N.J. ' Grande Bros., Newport, R. I. Rev. F. Anatole Desmarais

Fall River $2000 Globe Manufacturing Co. $1600 a.M.C.Durfee Trust Co. $900 Swan Finisshing Co., Inc. $500 Mooney & Co., Inc. , $350 Charlies Oil Co. $300 Cherry & Webb Co. $250 St. Anne's Shrine $150 A Friend Edgar's Dept. Store

$130 Fall River News Co., Inc. $125 Cliff Nursing Homes 'I. T. Almy Associates $100 Portuguese Vincentian Fathers John Braz Stafford Furniture Co. The Ski House .or. & Mrs. John Malloy Norbut Mfg. Co., Inc. As)1worth Brothers, Inc. Henry J. Duffy Pharmacy Jackson Company, Inc. $75 Mathieu Oil Co.

$55 O'Neil's Tire Service, Inc. $50 Atty. John F. O'Donoghue , Construction & General Laborers Local No. 610 Coca Cola Bottling Co. Beacon Garment Co., Inc. Smith-FaH River Lumber Co. Union St. Jean Baptiste Conseil Cheverus No. 231 , Simon's Supply Co., Inc. .or. & Mrs. Joseph V. Medeiros Holy Name Women's Guild $45 The Spectator



$35 Lion Automotive Stores, Inc. Robert A. Clark $30 Dr. Richard H. Fitton Jr. $25 Norman F~ Thompson Dr~ Alan G.Simpson Aty. James Seligman David J. Friar Towne Heating Co., Inc. .or. Frank L. Collins Mrs. Harold S. R. Buffinton Carpenter's Union No. 1305 A. Soloff & Son, Inc. 路Fall River Tool & Die Co. Feldman Furniture Co. Irven F. Goodman, Archt. Somerset Lodge General Paper & Supply Carousel Mfg., Corp. Dr. Dav,id Prial Brightman Package Store Ideal Bias Binding Co. Miller Pontiac' Co. Leonard Pharmacy Frank N. Wheelock & Sons Roger Dufour Piano & Organ Studio Tom Ellison, Inc. AI's Tire Shop Fall River Sales & Supply Co., Inc. Joseph Nadeau & Sons Laura Curtain & Drapery Co., Inc. Dr. Benjamin Leavitt , J. T. Hughes Corrigan Apothecary H. Schwartz & Sons, Inc.

Attleboro $150 St. Vincent de Paul Conference, Sacred Heart $125 Conlon & Donnelly Co. $100 Swank, Inc. $50 Ladies of St. Anne Sodality, Sacred Heart Pelletier's Automotive, Inc. $25 Foster Metal Products, Inc. Turn to Page Six

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THE ANCHOR...,.,Diocese of Fall River-Thurs~, May 4~' 1972

Tells Pigskin'" Theologians Read '.DeLillols 'lEnd' Z(~nel. Some weeks ago in this column I .:poked fun-perhaps too abras.ively....,..at an article 1:>Y. a .friend of longstanding, Dr. Etig'ene Bianchi, on -the '.'demonic" a,nd "satani~" implications of professional. footb~ll. The real thrust 'Df said article was that foot,~ ~ . ball has become part of the ,to kid around or -to crack a joke. Their motto seems to be 'that nation's civil religion; which life is real, life ,is earnest. Bianchi thinks of as being a Only a Game .0

"dehumanizing" force in AmeriCan life.


It would appear that. for better or worse, Bianchi's article may have started a ~ew' trend in .theological WI'iting in the. United States, for the April 5 issue of The Christian Century -which is devoted in the main to the subject of "Sports in Ethical Perspective" - features a parallel, article by Cornish Rog. ers, an associate editor of The Century, entitled "Sports, Religion and Politics: The Renewal of Alliance." . Mr. Rogers is of one mind with Bianchi on the evils of professional football. He says, ·in summary, that sports (and especially' big-time football). "are rapidly becoming ~he dominant ritualis,tic expression of established re, Iigion in America." Concerning the "alliance", be-_ tween sports, religion and politics, he argues, ponderously and with a perfectly straight face, that "when Richard Nixon award~d the University of Nebraska football team the title as national champions, he was couI'ting for himself the' mystique of a 'divine king'" Wow!No 'Kidding , I thought at first, that Rogers. mig\:1t be kidding or simply pulling the reader's .leg, but appar-, ,ently I was wrong about that, for he then goes on to suggest, that Mayor John Lindsay was also renewing that "alliance" between sports, religion a'nd politics when he threw out the first, baseball at a New York Yankees pre-season game. Reading the Bianchi and Rogers articles back to back was, frankly speaking, a traumatic experience for a Philistine like myself, who, ,though far from being a football addict, must abjectly confess to having a certain fond-. ness' for the game. I began to feel guilty about my lack of theological sophistication and my cul,tural retardation. I q\lickly regained my. composure, however, when I went on to ,read. a companion piece to Rogers' article in the same issue of The Chr.istian Century - a piece by Robert J. Beuter entitled "Sports, Values and Society." If the truth must be told, Beuter's piece is also very ponder" ous. It's a deadly serious exercise in pigskin theology. Apparently the practitione,:s are strictly forbidden by the self-imposed rules of their own fraternit~ .ev~r'


Be that ,as .it !JIay, 'Beuter's '. pie,ce, compared to the' Bian,cl1i and Rogers articles, is alm:ost frivolously Iight-hear,ted in its approach. to' the subject under discussion. It even enter.tains the heterodox notion that ·foot-. .,.,:.' .:c, ball- for some Philistines at )R1NCIPALS AT THE DCCW' CONVENTION: Rev. Msgr. Anthony M. Gomes, Dts~' least-is,believe it or not, only trict Moderator for the Fall River District; Rev. Msgr.. G~rard J. Chabot of St. Therese's a game. . Referring to several recent P~l:[ish, So. Attleboro, Diocesan Moderator of. the DCCW; Mo.st Rev. James, J. Gerrard, books that subscribe to one or AuxiLiary Bishop of the Diocese and principal concelebrant of the noon Mass; Mrs. James other variation, of the Bianchi- .. A. O"Brien; Jr., convention chairman; and Mrs. James H. Quirk of St. Pius X Parish, So. Rogers theme, Mr. Beuter, wh.i1e Yamlouth 'and president of the Diocesan Council of Catholic Women. solemnly leaning over backwards to see all sides of the argument, manfully asserts in the end that "Turning '. such heav),' guns· on sports in general and football in . , / " particular does miss the very 1m-, . Describing the "vocation cri- sLlgguested that it is necessary vide a solution to the problems portant fact that they are still sis" as an ov.erwhelming problem to provide: "a new I image of of the day, because they are based on the principles of love games, played and vieweq most- . in lthe modern Church, the direc- idealism," The concept of the priest as of God and neighbor. '-IY"by people who enjoy them and. tor of vocations for, the Provisolely for the pleasure they bring. dence DioceSe has said that un- "another Christ" is not someThe bishop said that abortion, To say much more <tends to' b!:! less we get back to a theological thing to be discarded, he remind- birth' control -and divorce reprean exercise in intellectual over- {:once:;>t of religious life we can't ed the women as he urged them sent violations of God's law, and win our young." kill." to set an example of prayer and . that those who would criticize Rev. Joseph Hughes, principal love. the Church for trying to, impose Funnies Ever speak,~r at the 19th annual conThe vocation director affirmed .its teachings .ona pluralistic soway of putting it. , That's one vention of the Fall River Dioc- his belief that "The ferment and Another way of saying the saine esan Council of Catholic Women, confusion represent the labor cietyshould realize that "Our thing is that some of the more emphasized: that. while the need pains accompanying anew birth answer is that it is God's law." Pointing' out that most peodoctrinaire theological critics, of for priests and nuns increases, in the Church." But the fear,' he football seem-at' least in this daily, the n~mber of candidates said, is that instead of rena:is'sance ple, incIudingthe young hippies p.articulararea .....;: to" have' lost decrellses. ,To 'do' 's'omething "w'e can fail our Church' and'our and Jesus freaks are looking for peace and .happiness,· he ob.their sense of humor. ".' . about the situation, he said, de- God unless each of us spreads served that St., Augustine found 'This prompts me, in conclu-' mand:; the cooperation of priests, His kingdom."· . . . that quest leads to God. sion, to recommend to all con'- religious and laymeri· as "coTen Commandments cerned (to the theological spoil- labon,rs with Jesus Christ in His Most Rev. Auxiliary Bishop sports as well as the incurable cause·-vocations." James J: Gerrard; who was guest football addicts) on,e of the funAddressing some 300 women , of honor ait: the parley, stressed niest novels I have read in recent at the parley held at Bishop Ger- the theme'that adherence to the years and unquestionably' the rard High School, Fall River, the Ten Commandments could profunniest book eVer written about priest outlined the causes of the football since the game was first current problem, noting that the Complete Line invented. _It's entitled "End old sociological structure of the C:ongressman Urges Building Materials Zone" and is published by immigrant Catholic Church in B'ilingual Education' Houghton Mifflin Co. 118 ALDEN RD. FAfRHAVEN WASHINGTON (NC)~Approv­ Amer:ica-from whose ranks and I have no way of knowing descendants most religious came ing less than the full authoriza993-2611 where its author, Don DeLillo, .....no longer exists. tion of $13;5 million for bilingual stands in the world-shakirig Formerly, he observed, priest.s education "would seriously damtheological debate wnich has and nuns held positions' of influ- age the equal·educational develELECTRICAL been launched with 'SUCh de- ence, "but they no longer hold opment of' hundreds of thou-, pressing solemnity . by Bianchi, Contradon those positions in the Unitec sands of, young people. Rep. Rogers, et al. For all I know, he StateH today." Herman B;adill6 (D.-N. Y.) says. may share their apocalyptic view Trying to 'appeal to the young He testified in favor of exthat the game is fraught with as tho\lgh the same situation ceeding the· Nixon administrademonic and satanic implications. still prevailed. is as unreaHstic as tion's request of $4l million for Whatever of that, he knows the the n :ttionwide nostalgia for the bhlingual education programs. ridiculous (as well as the fatuous, ' past, he declared but "to strap In 1971 a total of 158 proposthe inane, and the, insane) on guitars is to fail in a gaudier als for bilingual education proside of football and of football way." , grams 'were submitted to the players, coaches, trainers, et al , Said Father Hughes, "We've Office of Education-but only 33 as well as a good quarterback got to uplift the im~g,e." To do were funded, and the original re944 County St. New Bedford knows his signals., . that "we have to arrive at the quests of-all 33 were reduced. Laughs Guarant,eed idea :>f the priest as a man of He is, in. short, a master come- God," and that,.' he said, is a dian - and what this: country concept which can be consonant needs, even more than. .it needs with most 'of the aspects of the a shorter footbal seaso!) and evolv:,ng priesthood. fewer articles on' the theology of The shortage of. vocations, the 27 Park Street, Attleboro, Mass. football,' is authentic comedy in priest asserted, is really a shortlarge doses. , age of response. As a way of ap" 278 Union Street, Nttw- Bedford, Mass. "End Zone" has it in, magnifi- pealing to young people in the FIF~ST FEDERAL SAVINGS cent abundance. It's guaranteed light of obstacles of the times, he AND LOAN ASSOCIATION to make even dyspeptic theologians laugh out loud on the avREGULAR SAVINGS 5% erage of once every three games. ,to man: "Keep up your courage 90 DAY NOTICE ACCOUNTS 5~% Moreover, in the case of football and don't forget that patience is addicts, it w.ill h!:!lp .to tide them a virtue' and, almost invariably, . 'I YR. CERTIFICATES MINIMUM $5,000 5%% over the doldrums or the base: its own reward." That is to say, 2 YR. CERTIFICATES MINIMUM $10,000 6% ball season. now that the baseball season has As the late Vince Lombardi' finally started, -the football sea, Dividends 'Paid Quarterly . ~ , might have put it to them, man son can't be far behind.

,Promot.e·· Pri~est··/·as~· IAnother Chri'st'


Charities Leaders Back Renewal Plan INDIANAPOlJIS (NC)-Leaders of Catholic Charities in Indiana, Illinois, Ohio and Michigan unanimously approve of the spirit and the process of renewal within their national organization, and they are close to agreement on the roles and functions envisioned for them. . Many, however, have serious reselvations about where the money is coming from to finance a top-tq-bottom reorganization of the Charities movement. These reactions came at the close of a regional meeting here to respond to an intensive selfstudy of the National Conference of Catholic CJ:tarities. The meeting was 路attended by 88 directors and key Charities personnel from 20 dioceses.

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NINETEENTH ANNUAL DCCW CONVENTION: Top: Rev. Joseph Hughes, Direc.'tor of Vocations for the Providence Diocese and guest speak~r at the convention visits representatives from the Taunton area of the Diocesan Council of Catholic Women. Center: District No.5 of the DCCW was represented by Mrs. M. Lillian Johnson of St. Pius X, So. Yarmouth and District No.5 president; Mrs. Philip Dempsey, also of the So. Yarmouth Parish; Mrs. Robert O'Neil of St. Francis Xavier Parish, Hyannis and chairman of the DCCW's International Affairs Commission; Mrs. James Besso of Our Lady of the Cape Parish,Brewster. Bottom: New Bedford Area women discuss the morning's events prior to the luncheon.


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~peci~~ Gifts

THE- ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Ma)' 4, 1972 '"' : ,~

Appeal Sunday _

. "c..



Continued from Page Three

.. Cape Cod - Islands


Americans -are noted the world over Jor the:1f k~n_d­ ness and charity. It has' been said that a person standing on a street comer with a can will collect handsomely from passers-by willing to give to a -cause' no matter wbat it might be. During the Second Vatican Council the citizens of Rome were delighted by the oft-heard "Please". and "Thank You" of the Americans in attendance. And more than one tourist of another country has growled a.t Amer~ icans for tipping too much. ' Americans are generous because they have much. But sometimes a tip is m;>t enough. Sometimes it is not enough to give something without a second thought. , Christ-like charity asks for more than that. It asks that a person give for the right reason: be~ cause he is aware of someone, in need who is truly his brother or sister bound to him by the fact that God is the Father of all and Christ the Savior of all. A person should give because -he is aware that what he gives will make a difference in the life of another person, will not only ease his hunger, lighten his burden, uncloud his troubled mind, but give him the awareness that someone cares,for him because love of God is spelled out in love of neighbor. The Catholic Charities Appeal asks that this be the rationale behind the' giving. Not just because one has a generous heart and would give to anything. Not as ~ tip given to a servant. Not as an unthinking gesture that has become a habit over the years. But as a conscious act of charity-as the reaching out to a brother and sister in some kind of need, as an aCt of reassurance to one who is troubled, as a giving based on a love, of God and of all God's children. There should be a· thoughtfulness behind the giving. And this kind of thinking will also guide how much is r given. 'When it comes to Christ-like charity, to offering assistance from the motive of love of God and neighbor, then the measure is spelled out: to give a little bit more than one thinks he 'can afford. This makes sure that the .gift is not a tip, is not .a thoughtless gesture, but is a~ act of charity- from 'the heart that touches the g~ve~, as well as the recipient.

Mary and the' Way' - .



$100 Corpus Christi Guild, Sandwich SS. Margaret and Mary Guild, Buzzards Bay St. Francis Xavier Guild, Hy- • ' annis

$75 Sacred Bluffs

."_ ..",





" .... ~




$50 Mother Cabrini Circle No. 722 Daughters of Isabella, Buzzards Bay , Ladies Association of the Sacred Hearts, Holy Redeemer, Chatham St. Vincent de Paul Conference, Sacred Heart. Oak Bluffs Holy Name Society, Sacred Heart, Oak Bluffs



St. Joseph Guild, Woods Hole



was a 'pilker

Catholic Daughters of America Court No. 851, Provincetown

New Bedford $1100

New Bedford Institution for . Savings



Berkshire Hathaway, Inc.



Rev. Johr. :F.Mo~loe, B.A." M.A.~, M.Edc' 55. [Peter, & I~~~I, F"n River

These questions are not raised to merely provoke thought but rathE!r to induce action. As we run around closing school door after school door ,we simply seem to be, just throwing our hands up in the air, crying OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE' DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER "what's the use." Published weekly by The Catholic Pr,ess of the. Dioc'ese of Fall River As old forms pass' into the . , 410 Highland Avenue . archives of history, seemingly . .675-7151 so does the attitude of sincere Fall River, .Mass• .021'22,: . PUBLISHER purpDse of action and motivation -Most Rev. Oaniel A; Cronin, D.O., S.T.D. of spirit. On the surface Of time and events, it looks as if the GENERAL MANAGER ASST. GENERAL -MANAGER Chri:;tianSpirit just does not' Rey. M~gr .. D~niell:"Shalloo;·M:-!'. -,: , Re~. john P. [)'riscoll ' ,take the situation for real. For ~leary Prell-·F.II Iil,var. ,. " ,the most part we have respond.'~


St. Vincent de Paul Conference Corpus Christi, Sandwich St. Theresa Guild, Corpus Christi, Sandwich

One of the purposes of Vatican Council II was to be -sure to plac:e into proper focus 'various aspects of religion. It is' not ,uncommon for people at times to put more stress With' the closing of so many 'parochial schools there on a devotion than on.a dogma of the faith, to become has developed an essential need for new directions and new ,quiteenihusiastic about a novena to a particular saint fomls in religious education. In addition to this factor the and to neglect Christ in the Eucharist, or towax eloquent social developments of our times,· the consistent breakon a medal and to passover with hardJy any thought ~t down of 'family life, the deed to this total materialism with all the impJications of the redemption. mand for abortions, ,and the platitudes that - There is no, question that' the Council reaffirmed the .free·love philosophy of mis- somehow areandnot cliches effective in position, of Mary in the Faith. Attention to her is not guided lib~ralism have com- today's world. me.rely a devotion, it is a fact that' is at the heart of bined to place upon', the con-, One of the most important religion. No one -would 'want to make Mary more than cerned conscience not a mere fieids 'that' should be developed God; but no one calling' himself a Catholic would dare chan~r.geJjut rather a demand' to' the' fuHest· extent is the basic action., : need for an effective program give to Mary less than what' God g~ve her'. Sl\e is the forThe que~tion now arises: Is Cof adult Christian education. The unique one chosen to give a body to the Second Per~on the Christian commitment meet- complete :resources of the Chris,of the Trinity, the one who alone can call Jesus Christ ing this ,n~o paganism. with an tian OhUirches should be em· effective· and efficient program ployed in this great work of "Son" and hear His reply "Mother." Traditionally, May is 'a month dedicated to Mary, of religious education? 'Are we conversion. So many peo'ple who reverting tq the philosophy of a consider ,themselves Christian not that she needs the added attention but we do. self :;atisfied Christianity or are must not only be brought back It is' a time, when Catholics the world over look again we truly committed to -the mis- from the' world of drugs and at the place of Mary in the plan of God for the salvation siOnE,ry gospel? Is all the exper- aJcohol, but, what is more wide" of men. It is a time when men look. to ~ary as, the one tise of the' Church really being spread, the world of ignorance one above all' others who can show the way to Christ, used to the' fullest or is mere a.nd indifferentism. So' many just the official attitude of do not care because they do not ,Who is the "way and the truth and. the tife.",' . tokenism challenge? know. .


$300 .

. St. Vincent de Paul Conference, St. Patrick, FalmouUf

To 'do this modern missionary work every effective tool of l'nodern communications should be employed by competent pers:onnel. 'Just the endeavors of' a man m:e Oral Roberts should indicate the effectiveness of this means' in this work. We should encourage and support the various offices of the Church 'rElSponsible for religious , E!ducation, Again' the techniques ~md practices of modern educational developments should be brought to focus on all aspects of the Chureh's religious educational programs. Adult programs

$100 Continenfal Screw Co.. Atty. Paul J. McCawley·

$50 Daughters of Isabella Hyacinth Circle No. 71 'Coater's, Inc:

$25 'Park Motors, Inc. iDr~ John S. Wolkowicz Sippican Corp. ,Fibre Leather Mfg. Co. Babbit Steam Specialty Co. Brockton Public' Markets . Calvin Clothing Corp.

Taunton $200,

St. Vincent de Paul Conference, St.. Joseph, Taunton

$100 ' B.P.O.E. Elks·

$61 ' ,Mozzone Brothers

$60 ' Nason Oil Co.

$50 Sowiecki Funeral Home

$35 Bristol Athletic Club

$25 Hodgman Mfg. Co. Trembley Moving & Storage Mason Box Co. Leahey's Liquor Store Illllllll"rlllllllll,III"I"I,r'III'lIlrllll11lI111111111ll1111'~IIIII"IIIIII1I'IIIIIIIIIIJIIIIIIUIIIIIIl1l111

of retreats and religious encounters should be used to develbp a motivated laity willing to assume leadership roles in this missionary effort. These are mere suggestions. The field of thought in this direction is limitless. However ideas and suggestions have meaniI!g only if they have been . tried and teste~. In many c~ses" a start has been made by sdme but true progress can only be determined if many receive the message. There are multitudes waiting to hear and live the "Good News". As Christians, we ~ust not be afraid to bring this message to them.·

,c. U.

President Cites Urgency Of School Aid

Mt. 'Carmel' Scoul, Befriends Youngsters At St. Mary's Home, New Bedford

BY MARY ISABEL WASHINGTON (NC) - Whatever is done to aid the nation's One of the great aspects of non public schools "must be unBoy Scouting is the doing of dertaken with a profound sense of urgency," according to the ~ood for others, and Eagle Scout chairman of President Richard Francisco J. Vieira Jr" has certainly done jus tthat in his Nixon's panel on nonpublic eduyoung life. cation. The 17-year-old son of FranIn a {;::>ver,ing letter to Nixon cisco and Veleste Vieira of 1265 included with the panel's 58-page Rodney French Boulevard, New final report, Dr. Clarence Wal- Bedford, a member of'Troo'p 11 ton, president of Catholic Uni- of Mt. Carmel Church, waseleversity of America here, noted vated recently to, the high rank that "the next few years are of Eagle Scout. critical to the future of pluralism His Scoutmaster, Manuel',Souin education." za, a veteran of some 30 Years Also printed w.ith the panel of Scouting, all at Mt. Carmel report was a letter from, Neil H. Church's Troop 11, stated: ' McElroy, chairman of Nixon's "Francisco probably is the school finance commission, of most outstanding boy thatI've which t:'le nonpublic education had in my years of Scouting. Bepanel is a part. lieve me, he had to earn' his Throughout its deliberations, rank. He was only the third in Walton told the President, the my time nominated for路 the panel "has kept uppermost in award. I just don't believe 'in , mind your request for recom- cheap awards," mendations 'that will be in the . ,Young Vieira will be a June interest of our entire education~1 graduate of Bishop Stang High system.' " - School. He plans to attend Stonehill College with the idea Lesser Costs of becoming a dentist. He earned The panel's findings "confirm 21 merit badges prior to his main your initial assessment of the and much-sought award. Plans Barilecue nonpublic school situation," Frank contacted his religion Walton continued, "Enrollments are fallir;g and costs are climb- teacher, Rev. William Norton, also the' director of St. Mary's ing." These trends, however, "are Home for Children in New Bedneither inexorable nor inevitable ford, requesting his approval of if certain initiatives are under- a self;thought-of project. "I supported his idea Of a barbecue at taken," he said. his home for several children of Outlining the panel's recommendations for educational as-' the home plus a full day of sistance ':;0 the urban poor, construction loans, tuition reimbursements and tax credits for parents of nonpublic school children, Walton said the social and CLEVELAND (NC)-Cardinal economic costs of allowing nonpublic schools to continue to. John J. Wright, prefect of the close "are too high to bear when Vatican's Congregation for the compared. to the lesser costs for Clergy, advised a group of men here "to encourage somebody effective public intervention.", now and then to have a baby," "If (enrollment) decline con'After all, he added, "nothing tinues, pluralism in education can change' the world' for the will cease, parental options will better but persons," virtually terminate, and public Cardinal Wright, former bishop schools will have to absorb mil- of Pittsburg, spoke at an invitalions of American students," tion-only evening of recollection Walton said. for men sponsored by the CleveThe greatest impact, he con- land diocesan Vocations Office. tinued, "will be on some seven In his talk he discussed what of our most populous states and he called "modern secular huon. large urban centers, with manism." The old secular huespecially grievous consequences manism left out God and exalted for poor and lower middle-class human dignity, while the: new families in racially changing secular humanism leaves out'God neighborhoods where the nearby and degrades mankind, he said. nonpublic school is an indispenBehind the Iron Curtain, he sable stabilizing factor." said,it does so in the name of Walton noted that the pa'nel communism and in the Western had "given serious attention" to world it is beginning to degrade the constitutional issues involved man in the name of technology. in granting aid to church~related Robot Society institutions, and was "persuaded Cardinal Wright said a human that although direct a,id to nonpublic scr.ools is prohibited, aid being then becomes a number, a to parents and to children will statistic, instead of a person made in the image and likeness pass judicial muster." of God. As a result, we are creating a computerized, robot' Heads Registrars society in which one baby might CLEVELAND (NC)-Henry F. be a happy event, but "a million Rossi, dean of admissions and babies are a statistic with' which registrar at St. John's University to clobber Congress into' putting in Jamaica, N, Y., was chosen the government into the business , president-I~lect of the American of anti-birth and abortion." Association of Collegiate RegisHe added that the old secular trarsand Admissions Officers at humanists would have been horthe organization's annual meet- rified at the ~hought of a doctor ing here. Rossi is the second ad- killing an unborn infant. Now mininstrator from a Catholic uni- the unborn are being killed in versity to head the association in the millions., Meanwhile, people are being its 62-year history.


EAGLE SCOUT: Boy Scout Francisco Vieira of Troop 11, Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Church, New Bedford, shows ,Eagle Scout insignia to young friends fromSt. Mary's Home, also New Bedford. Viveira entertained youngsters as part of service project required for Eagle award.. swimming, volleyball and general enjoyment," Father Norton said. ' And Mrs. Vieira added: "Yes, he's a good student and always was involved in youth activity in some way or other. He filled

Cardinal Wright Asserts Modern Secular' Humanism Degrades Man


"brainwashed by sociological surveys," with the result that if a poll claims 51 per c'ent of women are willing to have an abortion, 'others begin asking themselves whether they should get in line. Yet, said the cardinal, the pollsters with their computers cannot measure great imponderables which change 'the world; such as courage, sacrifice, love, unsel: fishness, prayer and holiness.

'War Against Life' "There isn't a computer made that can't be stopped by a crawling baby pulling out the electrical plug." Cardinal Wright sarcastically referred to a new commemorative postage stamp on "family planning" and called it part of "the war against life,." The stamp shows a couple with two children. The cardinal said he supposed that if the couple wanted a dog they would be expected to get rid of one of the children. "'Neither God nor a human' being is at the center of the new secular humanism, Cardinal Wright said, but a machine "maybe a computer, maybe a bomb." This new secular humanism, the cardinal said, leaves out God's incarnation in Christ, the mystery of the cross and all the implications of the Resurrection with its' affirmation of human dignity "in time and in eternity."



Thurs. ,Mav

Ca lis for End To Violence BUENOS AIRES (NC) - The , chairmen of the Argentine Bishops Conference has 'called for "a people's truce" to end the wave of violence that was climaxed by two political killing~. "Crime has shaken the nation once more. A chain of inhuman events tells us how sophisticated are the onslaughts on life and property," Archbishop Adolfo Tortolo of Parana said in a nationwide appeal for domestic peace. His warning followed the assassination April 10 of Italian industrialist ,Oberdan Sallustro, head of Fiat automobile plants in Argentina, and of the commander of the second army at Rosario, Gen. Juan Carlos Sanchez. Responsibility for the killings was claimed by guerrillas of the People's Rev'olutionary Army and of the Revolutionary Armed Forces, two of the four leftist groups operating underground in Argentina. "What worries us most is the degree in which passion for violence has entered the heart of some Argentinians, and their disdain for human life together with their cold-blooded determination to kill," Archbishop Tortolo said. In behalf of the bishops he appealed for restraint. "Unless there is a people's truce inspired by the love of Christ for men ... the nation will further bleed, its moral reserves in jeopardy, as terror and chaos threaten to prevail."

Spaniards Worried About Abortions

MADRID (NC~Pro-abortion . propaganda from abroad and the resulting flow of Spanish women going for abortions to England, Switzerland and Germany worry Spanish doctors here. One of them, Dr. Jose Sapena, also said abortions at home are on the increase. He cited figures, released by the maternity section of the social security services in Madrid, showing that in the last five years, 138,000 pregnancies were treated there. Of these 110,000 ended in live births,- 20,000 in miscarriages and 8,000 in abortions. ~ God's Gift "During that time the number To act with common sense ac- of pregnancies in young girls has cording to the moment, is the increased enormously, 'and we know a large number end in ilbest wisdom I know. ' -Walpole legal abortions," Dr. Sopena added.

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it costs' you nothing

bass river savings bank 307 MAIN Sr., SOUTH YARMOUTH, MASS. 02664


'.~Ordl~r. Abortion

THEANCHOR-Diocese of Fall Riv~r- Thurs..; May .4, 1972'





If .It Wer1en'.t fo,r Weiig1ht, Lif.e Wo,uld Be·Gre1at . .


With bathing suit weather just around the corner, all the wo~enwho enjoy sunning themselves by' 'the ocean, lakes and pools of New England are starting to be concerned by the pound pile-up that just happened to accumulate over those long winter evenines (complete with· to death,. to the problem of looking lovely on the Summer sands. many TV snacks) and elab- You could, buy the next size orate cold-weather parties. bathing suit (who says you have



to fit in the same size you did last year?) You could rummage through the antique stores until . you find an old amusement house mirror and just use the side that makes the viewer skinny. (This is called self~deception.) I'll Diet Tomorrow Many diet articles remind the reader that the food that is only . a moment in the mouth is going to add pounds to -the figure that will be more than" hard to remove. This rational thinking is great when you're not hungry, but when pangs of hunger at· tack, I for 'one, forget all my gre.at resolutions and indulge in that moment of pleasurable eating. Like ,Scarlett O'Hara, I'll think of dieting tomorrow. In fact, I've gotten so hungry writing this column -that Lthink I'll indulge myself. in a piece of chocolate cake. I'll diet tomorrow.

The laite'r always seem to be the time when hostesses outdo them· selves and every dish tempts us to try one more. What are the solutions n'ow to get us in shape? In my reading I' came across an account of 'how the natives of a' certain village' in Africa have no weight: problems, ·no heart proble~s and circulatory problems to speak of. They're indecently healthy and their lack of ills and obesity is attributed MONTH DEDICATED TO MARY: Louise Rezendes to their diet. They are vegetari· places a d~cade of carnation~ in the hands of the statue ans. of the Blessed Virgin .Mary as Our Lady of Health Parish, Like a Rabbit '\ With this in mind, I at once Catholic Nurses Show Fall River opens the month dedicated to the month of God. resolved to have. nothing but Rev. Arthur T. DeMello, assistant pastor of the Fall River Concern for Patient salads for lunches, .with a small p.arish, who offered the Mass on Sunday for the opening o.f . MADRID (NC)-The European steak thrown in here and there ' .. ;, . . , ' for variety. (If rabbits could Congress of Catholic Nurses· held Mary's month assists.the young la<;ly. .' here showed concern that techlearn to Iik~ lettuce so mucp, why couldn't I?) I haven't weigh· n'ological progress' in hospitals is " I ed myself yet but I certainly taking place 'at the "price of human dimension." hope I've lost a pound or twoA resolutio~ passed by 2,000' Padshioners Join Students ,of School. I mean; really just how healthy 15 countries also ·nurses from do, you need to be? Of Religion in Marian Dedication . , Why is it cottage cheese does· stressed the moral chalJ.enges of The children of the School of tiern and fa;il to see it as murder, n't taste like a hot fudge sundae? 'the nursing profession. Religious Education, their par- that our entire community of Maria de Madariaga, Spanish Why is it I can~t p~ss by a box of' chocolates without nib- delegate to the congrl~ss, said ents, and the entire congrega· Fall River unite in a thirst for bljng, while. I have, absolutely "our patients are not simply mal: . tiorn of Our Lady, of H~alth clean air, pure water, a restorano compulsion to stop at my Ipw- functioning human machines, Church,Fall River joined to- tion of' beauty to our environ· they are persons who need spiro gether to celebrate the Sunday ment; that those who' try to es·, ( calorie fruit bowl? 11 o'clock Eucharist and rededi· cape from life through drugs and Why is .it that, the best things itual as well as medical c~re." catecl themselves to Jesus' akohol 'be restored to recognize Cardinal Jean' Villot, papal . in Iife-:lenion" meringue pies, through the mediation of Mary. the beauty of the real life.!' of state, sent a messecretary whipped cream cakes, cream All these intercessions were 'Mis:, Lucy: Resendes, who repuffs, home-made fudge, etc. are sage praising the "combination chock-full of calories, while the of a nurse's vocation: technical sides at 275 Brayton Ave., as a .pl:iced in the hands of Mary so things I can do without-coffee, competence and generous dedi· representative of the people that through her Son Jesus, all placed a floral decade of the mankind might work with their tea, yogurt, etc. are calorie free? cation." rosary i~ t~e hands of the statue whole being to bring about that Is thereaQY justice? of the VIrgin Mary. world, her son came to give to .hP I R Tliere are a few less drastic 5panls re ate estates Some 300 or more rosaries each of his: sons and daughters. solutions than starving yourself Ban 'on Demonstrations were given to everyone in the SEVILLE (NC)-Cardinal Jose church by the young teachers Con f erence to Open M. Bueno Monreal of Seville has and! teenagers involved in ChrisIn Lutheran Cathedral banned demonstrations at the tian Instruction. STOCKHOLM (NC) - . The site of alleged apparitions of Our During the homily Father The Fall River CatholicWom· United i·rations ·Conference on Lady here and Alcaparrosa farm Artjlu:r De Mello urged that we the Human Environment to be near EI Palmar de' Troya. He all pray the: rosary during this an's Club will .have its 'final held here June 5-16. will open called them "coliective supersti· month. in the family circle for meeting of the season on Tueswith a service in Stockholm's tion." the very serious needs' of our , day, May B at The Coachmen in Tiverton. Dinner will be followed He ~ad warned. in' May 1970/ Church and community. , Lutheran. cathedral to "make· people conscious of the spiritual that the EI Palmar apparitions ' . He said "that through a con- by the annual meeting of the and ethical decisions implied in· could ,not be proveg, and banned' scious reflection on the Sacred club and the presenting of scholthe environment debate." .all. pilgr~mages to the site. Some. Mysteries 'we might :ask our ,arship aw'ards by Miss Marion Lutheran . Bishop Ingmar pe~sons' have als.o claimed they Blessed Mary's mediation .before Fahey; chairman of the scholarStroem ·of Stockholm will con·' sa;w Our' Lady at the cathedral her Son for the su'ccess of the ship comm;ittee The nominating duct the service in English. . door and at other locations in 1972 Catholic Charities Appeal committee will present a slate of Maurice F. Strong, a Canadian Seville. which will benefit the almost new officers for the year 1972-73. who is UN undersecretary gen· Cardinal Bueno said his warn- forgotten members of our sociEntertainment will be pre·, eral with responsibility for en..·. irig!! have been igIlClred and ~ty." sented by David Rinald, profesvironmental affairs and chair~' ('publicity coritinues to. bring ."That through a, powerful sor of music at Bridgewater man of the conference will. large numbers to those sites, yet wave of public indignation we, as State College. speak from the pulpit. ; there is nothing that shows any Christ's people, might bring the Mrs. James A. O'Brien Jr.,. The service and an ecumenical supernatural intervention. There promi ses of new life to those president, or any member of the program to take place during ,the are on' t~e 'contrary strong indi- who are suffering because of executive board may be conconference period are sponsored .cations that this is a case of col- outda':ed penal systems; that a tacted 'for reservations for the by the World Council of ,lective superstition very harmful- change of heart be effected in dinner. Re'servations will close Chur~hes. . · t o the faith,'~ those Who advocate legal abol'- 011 Sunday" May 7.


Mo;nth ,of


VVomen Schedule Final Meeting



'ALBANY (NC)-Twelve women forced their way into the New york state Assembly here, disrupting proceedings for a halfhour to demand repeal of the. state's liberalized abortion law. 'Sweeping past startled legishitors, some of the women shouted "Stop Abortion" 'while attendants tried' to eject them from the Assembly. Eventually the protestors left, but some of them had to be car· ried out of the Assembly floor and into an antechamber. Some legislators favoring the women's stand were nevertheless irritated at the demonstration, saying it hurt legislative efforts to bring a repeal bill of New, York's abortion law to the floor. One of the women who refused to leave the Assembly told the legislators: "We're not going to move until the Donovan·Craw· ford bill is let out of committee," She was referring to a bill that would revive the 1970 abortion law which permitted abortions only when the mother's life was in danger. The current abortion law, considered the most liberal in the nation, allows a woman to have' an abortion on demand up until th'e 24th week of pregnancy. The demonstration was, only part of mounting efforts in pre· vious weeks by other gr;oups who used more orderly mehods in fighting for repeal of the liber· alized law.


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She Heard -Story of Ne,edT,hE~n'Did Somet,hi'ng

THE ANCHORThurs. May 4,




his people. "Some of the children can't get to school in the winter. They have no shoes." There is nothing unusual about this story. We've all heard tragic reports of poverty from mjssion~ aries. The unusual part is that Elaine did something about it. Although she is the mother of six' children, and works, to sup_.. plement the family inco'me, she started collecting used clothing from neighbors. After Father Schaefer had returnM to his flock in West Virginia, Elaine tr.ied shipping the clothing to him. But she could only pack relatively small boxes, and her family finances were such that she really couldn't afford the postage. She . d~in't give up.. , 'She' kept talking to people she met ... at work, friends and her own family. She got in touch with department stores and supermarkets, told them her story, then asked for discontin~ ued merchandise that would be useful to the people she was determIned to help. Not a Joy Ride. Throug~1

the local St. Vincent de Paul Society, she borrowed a truck.' Her husband, Walter, is a professional driver, and he agreed to drive the 400 miles from New York to West Virginia. They. filled the truck with clothing, ,case:; of cannec\ goods ... practical things like vegetables and powdered milk ...and those desperately needed shoes. Some friends, having no clothing to, donate,gave her small contributions of cash .... "You'll need it for tolls and gas."


Sees Male Leo'del-ship Of Church Incomplete

TOLEDO (NC) - The first woman elected to the World Council of Churches' 'policymaking centr~l committee says that women should be'playing' "a much more prophetic role" in Church leadership. Without their top-level participation, Miss Pauline Mary Webb, Lack oi: Health Services a British Methodist lay preacher, told an ecumenical gathering of Threatens Thousands women here, the "man's world" DACCA (NC)-Famine, flood, leadership of organized Chrisseasonal storms and lack of de- tianity is "lopsided" and incomcent shelter may be threatening plete. , . millions ir. this newborn yet warThe British visitor .1J"oi~d, that torn naticn, but the simple lack there are only six women among of health services in the country- the 120 members of the World side is killing thousands every Council's central committee. day. Three of them are on the execuThis brutal fact has been slow tive committee, herself included. to impress itself on relief teams With the other two-Dr. Kiyoko here, and even on the people of Takeda Cho, one of the six presBanglades:3. But it is making it- idents of the council, and Mrs., self plainer day by day. . Janet Wesonga of the Church of Death through lack of ordi- Uganda-she has sought to make nary medical care has so long the men lea:ders of the council been a part of daily life in this realize that, without the femipart of the world that it seems nine viewpoint, what路 they do normal-or at least inevitable- is incomplete in the. light of the to almost everybody. Gospel.


Sign Agre'ement On Baptism

Some months ago, Elaine Jones of West Hempstead, N.Y., went to a K of C bingo with her husband. She started talking to a young man sitting across the table from her. He was a priest, Father Schaefer, home on a visit to his parents. His parIt was by no means a "joy ish'is :in West Virginia-in ride" for Elaine and her husAppalachia. He began telling band. They couldn't ,afford 'a Elaine about the poverty of motel room for themselves, and spent a night in the truck: In talking with Elaine, I wondered how they were received by the poor of Appalachia. Elaine and her husband are black. Those people they were helping were white. "It was a good experience. The people of Appalachia didn't resent that we were black; they simply appreciated the fact we wanted to help them. "They were so destitute, my heart ached. As we were unloading, I passed out a carton of socks. The women and children looked at those socks the' way my kids -look at a new bike. One ,of the women mentioned that they hadn't had any socks in, years. One sock fell out of the carton. The children groveled through the snow till they found it ... 'brushed it of .. and hung it to dry. One sock!" . Redo~bled Efforts When, praised for her work, Elaine said simply, "I didn't. do , anything. All I did was. talk about it. My friends in New York gave all the things .. "and Father Schaefer took care of distributing them through tbe Community Action Program in West Virginia. I .really don't deserve any credit." Doesn't she? All she did was go to bingo. listen to a story, and talk about it. Nothing unusual, but some~ one said that being a saint is doing ordinary things in an extraordinary way. ' Elaine Jones is a living saint. A lot of us talk about poverty ... but her talking, her following through, her lighting a little candle did something to change other people's lives. God will bless' her.


MANILA (NC)-Catholics and. Lutherans in the Philippines recently reached an agreement on Baptism. The accord officially expresses mutual recognition of the baptismal ceremony administered by either church and includes a pledge to "continue working toward unity in all areas of , chutch life and doctrine." _ Both churches pointed out that "no merger of any kind" is implied. The clergy of either church are not authorized to administer the sacrament for the other, and parents will continue to have to have their children baptized in their own faith. The 30 million Catholics of the Philippines outnumber Protestants by about 20 to 1.

HISTORIC' FIRST: Sister Michael, Principal of St. Bartholomew Catholic Elementary School of E. Brunswick, NJ.,' gives the invocation prior to the start of the Assembly session in the New Jersey Capitol. Speaker Thomas Keane, background, listens as for the first time in New Jersey history a nun gives the invocatiori. NC Photo. I



Annual Fall Riv~r Affair Emphasizes Positive l":Iage of Today's Youth .Rev. Francis ,Mahoney and Rev. Thomas Morrissey, codirectors of the Fall River Area CYO~' have :announced that the second annual Miss CYO Pageant wiil be held on May 18 at Bishop Connolly ijigh 'School Audito" rium in Fall River. The 10 CYOers from' Greater Fall ,River" competing for the title and their sponsoring CYO 'units, include: Rochelle Amarantes, St. Mathieu; Cindy Campeau, St. Joseph; Judith Cordeiro, St. John of God; Jeanne Lapointe, Notre Dame; Janine Levesque, St. Louis de France. Sylvia Machado, St. Mary; Renee Martin, Our Lady of the Angels; Claire Poisson, St. Louis de France; Susan Raposa; .Our Lady of the Angels; Karen Suilivan, Holy Name. The winner will receive $500 in cash; trophies wiH be awarded to the four finalists. Gifts, donated by area merchants, will be presented tci ,all the contestants. Judging The girls will be judged on personality, talent, poise and appearance. .The purpose of. the pageant is to stress the positive image of 'today's, youth by 'giving talented teenagers the opportunity to Rerform in public and thus help them .qevelpp' confidence and poise. " The pageant coordinators hope that the young "ladies wiIl, be encouraged, as a result of the event, to further develop the talents that Almighty God has given them and that other young people will be given a similar incentive. Theme The theme chosen for this, year's pageant, scheduled to get underway at 8 P.M., is "Out

O'This World" - an imaginary trip to the surface of planet Mars, complete with spacecraft and Martians. The Marfians on hand ror the event will be played by five of last year's contestants: Simonne Chasse, Renette Durette, Cynthia Freitas, Elaine Letendre 'and Michelle Rheaume. Also acting as Martians will be,two students of St. Mathieu School, Robert and Brian Costa. Production The pageant will include two production numbers, impromptu situations and an evening gown presentation. The latter portion of the program will include taperecorded messages and candid slides of each contestant. Father Morrissey is general chairman of the event. Pageant coordinators include William J. Torpey, Noel Giard, Roger Dufour and Mrs.路 James Cochrane. Russ Whelan is choreograher. Youth coordinators are Robert Foster, Roger Poisson and Raymond Potvin. Tickets are available from the contestants as well as from Sawyer's Campus Shop and the Music Box in Fall River.

Canada Aids Housing Project in Ceylon COLOMBO (NC)-The Canadian government has donated about $4,200 to a Catholic housing project for slum-dweHers. Canada's high c'ommissioner here, R.M. Macdonnell, gave a check for more than $2,500 as partial payment of the donation 'and expressed deep appreciation <;>f tlhe project unl1ertaken by the Socio-Economic Development Center of the Colombo archdio. cese. , ~ather Joseph Fernando of the center said thiat the donation will help start another 20 houses for the poor. Sister Irene Seneviratne of SEDEC, with the help of the Legion of Mary, has been working at the housing project site to organize self-help campaigns in which the poor will build their own homes.

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THE ANCHOR...:...Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., May .4, 1972

depicted by Philomeana' LeBoeuf,Madelyn Blackwell, Elizabeth' Franco. Tableaux took place at Immaculate Conception, No; Easton. "

. CAUSE OF OUR JOY: From left,; "Virgin'in, Adoration"':by Correggio; "Virgin of ,the Grapes," Murillo; "Madonna of the Streets,"Ferruzzi, are

Bishop to Expand .Cathol'icEducation

Wom'en's Council W~shington Presents Award WASHNGTON (NC) - The T,0 Relg I· ·IOUS Washington archdiocese has re-

AUSTIN (NC)-Texas Catholic the.• report is devoted to the Columbia) Catholics opt to use school~; of the archdiocese. The Catholic, schools more than ,schools got a new lease on life NEW YORK (NC) - Sister leased what it called an unprec- summary explained that the mao white Maryland residents, be- here when the Texas C~tholic Ruth powd of the' Sisters of the edented U. S. diocesan :report in jority of clergy and laity wish cause of the quality of the school Conference .agreed to continue and eventually expand ChurchSacred Heart has been voted the establishing goals and priorities , the 'financially troubled schools sy!.tems." 1972 "Woman of Conscience" by for religious education, youth to con':inue in spite of rising exThe Washington archdiocese sponsored education. At its anthe National Council, of Women and social justice. penses and a decline in enroll· is made' up of the District of nual Spring meeting the board Columbia and neighboring Mary- also spoke out once more fqr of the United States. The self-study, taking 18 ment. justice for the farm workers. The report said a change was land counti,es. The awa'rd was presen,ted at months to complete, was dethe council's annual luncheon scribed by the archdiocese as needed. :)ecause schools in poor The board named a task force, The report also stated that here. "the most extensive uilClertaking neighborhoods can no longer non-Catholic enrollment in Cath- headed by Dallas Bishop Thomas Each year, the "Woman of of ,its kind eyer attempted by an support themselves, although olic schools has increased· six- Tschoepe to develop a program Conscience" award is offered for American diocese." there is a continuing demal1d for fold since 1960 and now is about not only to keep. the state's an outstanding individual contri, admis~:ion by, both Catholi.cs and 3,{iOO students, or seven' per· cent ' Catholic schools open but to f-ind bution to the solution of a pressTo implement the recommen- non-Catholics, most of them means to continue to improve of the total enrollment. ing community need. ~n addition dations, the 25-member General black. Cardinal O'Boyle praised the and eventually expand them. to the citation, there is a $1,500 Coordinating Committee which' Pleases Cardinal. report. "OuX', most important task ,cash grant. directed the study called for the "Certainly the fact that the "The Catholic schools' are now is to rnoveinto the contin- legislature failed to act on state In the presentation Sister formation of a perman,ent compreferentially educating blacks," , uing phase of this project and to aid to private elementary and Dowd was described as "a mission for each priority. the report said, "but this is be- implement the study's far-rang- secondary schools last session _ teacher, counselor, administraOf the three prioritie:;, the retor, an innovator whose work in' ligious education study produced cause blac~' D. C. (District~ of ing recommendations," he said. was a blow to us and to aU the other hard pressed private the educational field is pertinent the most voluminous findings.' schools in the state," Callan to the theme of the 1972 award Concern was shown for the Graham, 'executive director of -the volatile world 'of adDles- deepening financial crisis of the the. conference said, "but it is cence." schools, particularly those of the not ,a closed issue at either the Mrs. H~pe' Skillman Schary, inner city, increasingly unable to council president, noted .that.the:·meet 'deficits'caused by acornVA1:,ICAN CITY' (NC) -The The '<editorial said that "the state or the federal level." nun's work with teenagers and. bination .of .declining enrollment comm:mist offensive in Vietnam offensive underway is slowing Repeatedly, 'board members their problems has been 'marked' and' rising costs. may be part of deliberate plan down withdrawal of American also reminded one another· that 'by innovation and solid achieve~' . by Moscow to break up the im- engagement." Alessandrini said an. E;!sssential function of the' ment'.in the black community. Youth Activities proved reliltions between China it may stop the withdrawal or Catholic system was to serve the Ha,rlern Prep The study strongly recom- and! the United States, a Vatican perhaps it may lead to a reversal poor as well as the middle and Sister Dowd was instrumental mended that the archdiocese maga2:ine editorial said. of ~ithdrawa1.". upper classes. in the establishment of the Har- continue to seek every possible , Alessap.dr,ini added "the turn The editorial in tl~e weekly of events can permit us to wonlem Preparatory School in 1967 avenue for public aid for its when she JOIned fqrces with schools and that lay leadership, L'Osservatore ,della. Domenica . del' if the Gurrent offensive may Eugene'. Callender, then director be given greater ,opportunities in was written py Federico Alessan- not be 'aimed precisely at upsetdrini, a long-time student of ting or blocking the Sino-AmerSee Us First of the New York Urban League, making such an, effort. and two other nuns from the The study also recommended Communist strategy and also ican rapprochement by keeping Sacred Heart order to found and the establishment of a Commis- . 'press officer of the Vatican. this wound in 'its side open and See Us Last staff the small private school. sion for Youth in charge of bleeding." "Hanoi, or rather, the Soviet Long concerned about the youth activities and programs. growing dropout rate in. Harle~, The plan calls for one youth and Union, does not want the tragedy But See Us Sister Dowd and her coworkers one' young adult representing , to end," Alessandrini wrote. He felt Harlem Prep was a major each parish council on all broad- pointed out that "all know the step toward relieving this prob- ly representative archdiocesan . United States has lorig expressed the intention-and more than the lem. boards and commissions. In' addition, the Sacred Heart Regarding social justice, the mere intention - to withdraw nun was responsible for' con- study urged a restructuring of from Vietnam and perhaps from all of Southeast Asia as well. . ~~:~~: .tha~OI~::lem a:;:~ss~~~~principal archdiocesan service The withdrawal of U. S. troops agencies to .provide a unified dents have the potential and the, coordinated approach for the has already begun and was being carried out with remarkabl€j drive to further develop their Church's mission in thi.s area. speed." education, in spite of generally unacceptable snowings on aptiSchool Situati<m Alessandrini, who at times has tude tests for college entrance.. 1001 Kings Hwy. She also con'vinced them of the The entire five-volume report been very critical of the U. S. need for full tuition scholarships. was presented to Cardinal Pat- action in Vietnam, expressed the Sister Dowd. recalls this expe- ,rick O'Boyle who must formally fear that the offensive is being rience as "a rewarding experi-' endorse the recommendations be:. staged to make any compromise ence when I think of the great fore they become the policy of impo!isible and that "perhaps in 373 '\lew Boston Road Mosc:>w even more than in Hanoi pulling together of spirit and the archdiocese. Open Evenings work between student body and The major portion of a 59- -the will to drive the Americans Fall River 678"5677 fa<:,ulty." • page summary that aceompanied out prevails."

',Sees Honor Offelnsive .Soviet Move To Break U.S.-China Reilations.






THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River--Thurs., May' 4, 1972


MORNING STAR: From left, "Madonna:of the Grotto'" by Mueller;. ,.soferrato, are portrayed by Lisa Lupica, Susan Ivanoski, Ann Sullivan. "Madonna of the Grand Duke," Raphael; "Mother of Sorrows," II SasClassic Madonna Pa,intings were portrayed.

Catholic. Lawyers Oppose Uniform Abortion Act WASHINGTON (NC)-A convention of diocesan attorneys here unanimously condemned the Uniform Abortion Act approved by the American' Bar As- sociation (ABA) last February. Most of the 117 members attending the national meeting of the Diocesan Attorneys Association (DAA) voted by voice for a resolution calling on the ABA to "reconsider an" reject" the Uniform Abortion Act. The abortion act has been described by the ABA as a "remarkably' simple yet comprehensive piece of legislation" in the April issue of the ABA Journal. The ABA convention in New Orleans last February adopted the Uniform Abortion Act as a means of providing a simple, blueprint for any of the 50 states which seek to modify present criminal statutes dealing with abortion. Those who protected the ABA proposal at that time said- it was a vote to encourage unrestricted abortion, up to the 20th week of pregnancyan<J: that it was a 'danger ,to the constitutional rights of unborn persons. Deplore. Condemn The Diocesan Attorneys meeting here, sponsored by the United States Catholic Conference, took essentiaBy the same opposition to the Uniform Abortion Act. The DAA resolution called on its membership to "deplore and condemn" the ABA proposal, and further criticized the ABA Journal article for containing "nothing to jastify. the (ABA) position." The DAA resolution stated that the ABA ~1as the obligation to its members and to the public to proclaim that it "does not and cannot condone liberalized abor• tion' and', abortion on demand." Using the opportunity to level some criticism of the ABA, several members of the DAA succeeded in changing the wording of the resolution to describe the 'ABA as the "largest" instead of the "greatest" organization of attorneys in the United States.

Challenge Value'of Film' Review Column NEW YORK (NC) - The Church's national film office has charged that a movie column appearing in a Catholic newspaper here is confusing parents instead of enlightening them about what moV'ies are suitable for their children. Father Patrick Sullivan, S.J., director of the Division of Film and Broadcasting (DFB) of the U. S. Catholic Conference, first made the charge in a newsletter to DFB. subscribers and later made further comments in an interview with NC News Service. In his letter, Father Sullivan explained that the Division for Film and Broadcasting does not ordinarily enter concern itself 'witr a local diocese's policies toward film viewing unless asked to do so by the diocese. For this reason, he said, the DFB rema,ined silent when a new movie column entitled movie Facts for Parents' appeared last year in the Ca'tholic News, newspaper in the New York ,archdiocese. 'Damaging Attitudes'

are included in the column. R and X rated films are omitted because they preclude children's attendance. G films, according to the MPAA, are suitable for general

Pope Condemns Barbaric Act

audiences, all ages admitted. PG films call for parental guidance. Some mater,ial in PG-rated films, the MPA,A advises, may not be suitable for pre-teenagers. Comments by Movie Facts on these films "are limited to those scenes which may affect a parent's decision to allow a child to attend the film," says the column'll explanatory note.

Rochester Bishop Backs Crusade ROCHESTER (NC) - Evangelist Leighton Ford, an associate of Billy Graham, has received a strong Catholic endorsement in Bishop Joseph L. Hogan's encouragement to Catholics to attend and participate in the cru~ade here April 28 to May 7. In a recent letter to pastors, Bishop Hogan wrote, "I have approved of the involvement of our clergy, Religious and laity in the crusade which has been endorsed by some of my brother bishops in the United States. It has been, their experience that the Catholic community was blessed with a more active and dedicated membership as a result of God's grace working through this pro· gram. "The primary object of the Leighton l"ord Crusade," the letter continued, "has been to stir up the uncommitted of our family to a deeper sense of vocation as witnesses of Christ in today's world. It seems to have a salutary 'effect on our alienated youth. That alone would be enough to merit my approval."

vA.TICAN CITY (NC)-Pope Parents' Judgment Paul VI expressed, his sorrow over, the "unspeakable barbar"No attempt is made to deism" that took the life of an scribe any movie in terms of Italian industrialist in Argentina plot, artistic merit or actors' during ll; police raid intended to performance, since that informarescue him from his kidnapers. tion is readily available elseOberdan Sallustro, director of where," the note says. "The listthe Fiat automobile company in ing makes no judgment but supArgentina, was abducted by guer- plies critical facts to parents. rillas of a clandestine People's Since this is the only purpose of Revolutionary Army last March the listing it is negative and omits ail other commentary." 21 and held for ransom. Father Jadoff said Movie Following a police raid on the Facts was begun to fill the needs outskirts of Buenos Aire~ April 10, Sallustro was found shot to of concerned parents in the New York area who felt they could death. , It was learned that Pope Paul not trust what he' called "rather ' had interv~ned for the life of dreary" MPAA ratings. Although the explanatory note Sallustro, appealing to the abductors to value a human life . made no direct suggestion that parents should seek information highly. Cardinal Jean Villot, papal outside Movie Facts for Parents, secretary of state, in a message Father Jadoff said they should to Cardinal Corrado Ursi of do this. "Movie Facts for Parents is Naples, where the slain industrialist grew up, said the pope only part of a view,'" Father was profoundly saddened by this Jadoff said. "Parents can seek any other information they wish, murder. "The Holy Father expresses including movie reviews in his firm condemnation of an act Newsweek or Time magazine.", Movie Facts is not saying that of unspeakable barbarism which tramples on every human right pa,rents should not bring their and all Christian feeling," Cardi- children to see these pictures," Father Jadoff said. "The parent nal Villot's message read. must make the final judgment on 'An official communique from FALL RIVER this." \ the Italian government described the murder as "repugnant to civil conscience" and a "negation of a principle of humanity." WE SEll MONEY, BUT OUR BUSINESS IS PEOPLE ,the best 'thingihat ever happened to Cape Cod

"Now, however, Movie Facts for Parents is being offered to the Catholic press on a national scale and DFB is compelled to comment on the column's damaging attitudes and its ultimate disservice to· parents, moviegoing youngsters, and the Church itself by stressing negative values in films," Father" Sullivan said. Associated with producing Movie Facts for Parents are Msgr. Eugene Clarke, director of the Office of Communications of the New York archdiocese, and Father Kenneth Jadoff, a con, sultant to Msgr. Clark. Msgr. Clark declined to comment on Father Sullivan's statement. In an explanatory note appearLeaves School Post ing with each Movie, Facts for NEW ORLEANS (NC)-Father Parents, the column is described Louis F. Generes, New Orleans as "a service for parents about archdiocesan superintendent of movies their children may at- schools for the past four and tend." one-half years, will leave that Only pictures rated G and PG position at the close of the by the Motion Picture Associa- school year. He will retain his tion of America (MPAA) and pQsition of secretary of educaplaying in the New York area .tion for the archdiocese here.



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12 ' THE A~CHOR""DiocTse'

The" ',Parish

of. ;all.Riv.er-Thu.~:~, May 4, .l972

Designer's in l);'eam·",~or·ld ·Says This Real Mot~.er'

PIJblicity chairmen' of parish or·, ganizations are asked to .submit' news items for this column to The... Anchor, P. O. Box .7, ~all River., 02n2. ' OUR LADY OF THE ISLE, NANruCKET The Women's Guild will hold . a baked goods sale ,on Friday at the A and P Store starting at 9 o'cloc:k. Please !:all Mrs. 'Janet Stroyny at 228-9184 ,or Mrs. Carol WaIsh at 228-2242 if you . wish your donation picked up. SANTO CHRISTO" FALL RIVER A potluck supper and silent auction originally planned for Tuesday, May 9 by the Council of Catholic Women have been rescheduled to 6:30 P.M. Wednesqay, May 10. The' supper and auction will be followed by a council meeting:

I still don't believe I read it: But I did, at least thrice. 'What's the. latest in the .female fashion ma'rket? Puff pillows (spelled PWF and meaning pregnanc~, .wit~out fear-also without I babies.) It seems that a 'designer, a Mrs. Otis, was working on.' ' 'down elephant-likl~'on the couch a magazine story on preg-, in the evening; I ,heard TV. coeds nancy' and, having never declare, with martyr(jom,. that been ,pregnant, she decid~d they would give up families to to puff herself up a bit with a pil~

save the world. We didn't have that excuse 15 years·ago. "Carriers of tlw,sp.ecies?'; 'Ah, yes. But of what species? This is it nation that loves: pets and . Byhates kids, remember. Try carrying one of our own' species into DOLORES church or onto a plane without having the non-carrier next to .CURRAN , you move, Mrs. Otis. . ' . "The wearer of an' inscrutable glow." We 'ex-glo'w'~'rs'all know about' that inscrutable glow. It c,overs a variety of discomforts low to get reactions. She got a from morning skkness to leg reaction all right, but a different cramps. Never trust· the 'smile reaation than I got ~hen I was on a pregnant woman.. pregnant at least (thrice). Her, Mrs. Otis goes mi to 'say, "She experience was so delightful she is catered to and, tended by has designed a pillow to' wear 'to simulate pregnancy and it everyone she'meets." Oh,.I cQuld , costs lots less than the maternity cry. Tell that to 'the meatqlan. ward, believe me - about. $20. Tell it to the mario pushirig the You just tie it on and sit back revolving door. Tell it to the and let people adore and' wa~t on la<lies in the ", sUliermarket line whim the' pregnant woman in you. front can't back her cart out of But let's hear it directly from . .'their way becausl! her' stomach , Mrs. 'Otis. "For 'centuries," she' ,won't temporarily deflate: Tell, says, ".thepregnant, woman has been regarded as the epitome of it to the designers' of refrigernascent loveliness, the carriei' of · ators' who haven't come up with the'- species, the wearer of an: 'a door with a removable frontpiece so the blooming' lady . i1).scrutable glOW," doesn't, brand herself everY time That's very poetic ,but -I'd she needs the inarg~ririe. ,nust like to know what past centuries , can.'t buy that one at all, Mrs., she meant. Certainly, not' th~ Otis, but when you go through 20th, whe'n I did my three things: nine months of' real ' pr~g'nancy Instead of being regarded as the and are still being catered to by epitome of nascent, lqveliness, I everyone you meet, let us kpow today's pregnant woman is re- and we'll decl~lre a national ",' garded as the, epitome of in- miracle. consideration by adding to the' Mrs, O.tis continues, "She is a world population. It wasn't too special person." I accept: Isn't bad with my ·first two pregnan- everyone, but w,ait - get this cies because I was still explain- next line. "I really don't intend ing ~way the fact that one could to have any children sol have be, a good Catholic! with. only · enjoyed reaping the wards of two and a half children. the pregnant lool~."· '. ' .. " " Disapproving ~tares 'Extend the'. Joy" ~~H!~

But, by pregna~cy number three, the ecology move was on and I .found disapproving rather than fldmiring stares at my nascent loveliness. When I settled


Mrs..Otis, 'I've misjudged you, Looking pregn~nt might be 'as much 'fun as any other masquerade' if you're not coming out of it with night feedings. But' let's extend the joy, a little. How CampaignFLihas Aid ·about a pillow for men---:not to · get them any special aatention, Registration Drive of coUrse, but to show them DANVILLE (NC)-An organ- how much fun it 1S getting into ization here aims to, put 10,000 a Volkeswagen 8 months. pregblacks on the rolls as new, voter!! nant..To let them share in the by, Fall with the help of $20,000 , "admiring" looks one draws from the U. S. Catholic· bishops' from spectators while trying to . Campaign for Human Develop- climb stadium steps decorously. ment. Let them pear Hi times daily, It's called the 5th Congres- "Haven',t, you had" that baby '... ' .. sional District Voters League yet?" , and' its mainspr,ing is, Ronald K. "Instead, of de~iigning ., a PWF ;Charity, 41-year-old. black public for men~" though, 'Mrs. Otis, I 'relations man. wish you'd do the ,ex-pregnant The league's purpose is to reg- crowd a favor.'Would you work 'ister as many blac::k voters as on some device, that makes, us possible before the' November, look non-pregnant? Something electiQn in the sprawling rural instead of a' die'tthat we could district, and help them under- take off when· peoJ)le eye us and stand why voting is important. ~, drawl, ~'Say;· you are1).'t ... are To do 'what the league wants you ... again?" to do means going door-to-door Because we aren't. We just from Floyd County on the fringe look that way. And we aren't of Southwest Virginia to. the' getting the .attention you did wester~ tip of Chesterfield when you werlen't· and just looked that '. w~y. . County, 'adjac~nt to' Richmond. ~~-....

. . . . . . , ,. . , .,.










ELECTED: Paulist FatheJr John: Geaney, a veteran com· munications specialist and teacher; was elected presi,. ST.AlliNE, dent of the Christian Preach· FALL RIVER ing Conference during its an· Bingo wiH be held at 7 every nual meeting in Detroit. Fa.. " Wednesday night in the school ther Geaney, 35, has long hall. Entrance is by the main been active in radio and tele,· doorway on Forest' Street, or at right hand entrance on Ridge. vision' work. He is currently . the Street:, where there' ar~ few~r' directo.I- of SpeechCommu·· ',stal·rs,. R' ef res h men t s WI'11 be ." nication at St. Paul's Col.. aval'1 a,bl e. . . C'y'0 '11" t· t . TIl lege" Washington, D.C. e JUnIor WI mee . ht' th .. h i ' a'.

~;ay' Faith


Crisis Church,

ATLANTA (NC)-:The decline

o(Chri~tian belief throughout

American society was ,cited here . as "thli! deepest concern" con.. fronting the nati~m's religious Eistablishment. , Theassessmerit came iilthEi episcopal address presented at the opening 'ses'sion of r the United' Methodi~t Church's quad.. lennial' General' CoI'lference. The: ~lddres~ represents' a "state of' the church'" message from the denomination's' 95 bishops. "We live in a time when the, 'Christian faith is on the defen·, sive;" said the message read by HishopF: 'Gerald 'Ensley of Co· ,ltunbus, Ohio., "We find.it harder to believe than o:Ur fathers did.. " '''Probably not· for centuries has the witness of Chr3stian people on, ultimate questions been so hesitant and uncertain." Bishop Ensley '~eclared that there are "hundreqs of wistful skepticS.' in . our churches" who "would -like to have the certainties of our fathers but, in the honesty, of their hearts, they do I1,ot have 'them." These people', th,e, bishop said, "exhibit everyChi'istian virtue ex~ept faith,. and game of them are ministered to by those with on~y a modicum, of faith' to share:" "


ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI, NEW BEDFORD The Ladies League will sponsor a cake sale following 8 A.M. and 10 A.M. Masses this Sunday.. Mrs. Joseph' BoUea is chairman. Children of the parish will receive the sacrament of ConfirI;l1ation at 2 P.M. Sunday, May 21. A spaghetti supper and dance will, be sponsored Saturday night, June 3 at Kennedy Center. Joe Ponte and his orchestra will, supply music; according to announcement made by, Dom ~ata~ano, Chairman. :, A yard ~ale is planned :for Saturday, May 20, from 9:00' A.M• at the Italian-American Club on Parker Street. The public is welcome. Mrs. Mar~aret Barbero is in, charge of arrangements. A whist party is slated, for Friday night, May 26 in the church hall. ST. JOHN OF GOD, SOMERSET New officers of the Women's Guild are Mrs. Manuel Nogueira,

president; Clorinda Ven. "Miss'den; t' M' tura, vice-presI ,rs. ,'Ray. te' an d MAth mon d LapoIn rs. r ur L ' , t ' '. M elte, secre aries, rs.'R't I a P as· 7:OnIg 30 t 10 e sc 00 r~crea- . ' Th '11 b '. h a11. . W eb' e1 '11 kavltch, treasurer. ey WI' e ban 0 S couts ' WI. ' . . meet at., in the S,~out,room.. . ~:~~II~u~~~;~e~~~le: a~:n:~t , Webelos and their .fathers Will WI'11' f0 11 ow a t th e Rama - d.a. Inn', hold a weekend campout from P t th G t "d h'us '. or smou. ues s an mornIng at ban ds are mVI " te d t 0 a tten. d R es: t.omorrow . to Sunday ~'. Camp Noquochoke, Westport; . t' d b' d .' " . 'erva Ions ma e e ma e''WI"th' . .A ,bus .trip ~o a Red .Sox- Mrs. Armand Lebel, '678'-7735' or' Mmneapolis TWInS game Will be M J h' V·· 678 0000 held tomorrow night with prors. osep, Ivelros, ,~ " ce'eds to benefit the parish ':. The Brayton qub ?f the p~r-., school. Departure' time will be Ish presented Rey. LUlz Mend~n- . 6 P.M. from the front' of the ca,. pastorwit,~. a. $.~l~P cq~c~, schoo:!, and reservations may be for the c~urch bUlI~mg fund: A made with Maurice Francoeur few openmgs remam for memtelephone 674.241.1. ' bers~ip in the cll:lb: St. Anne's Fraternity. w:ill HOLY NAME sponsl)r a Mother's Day Com· FALL RIVER' m~nio>n brea~ast for me~bers,' . PL reuninon celebration for 'all wives and chl1dren followmg· 8 families who celebrated. the. bap. A.M. Mass ~un~ay. May 14... tism of a child during the past· St. ,Anne s Little L,eague will yearwH! be held at 2 Sunday open JltS season Sunday, May 14. afterrlOon.. following a special Mass, refre~hments will be ST. MICHAEL, OCEAN ,GROVE served in the school hall. All The Passion Play ~iII be pre- parishioners are invited, with all sente<:l at 8 o'clock on Saturday their children. and Sunday nights" May 6 and 7 : Places are stiB open for a in the church hall by the stu- parish family retreat to be held dents of St. Michael's.School and at La Salette Center the weekend the CCD program.··' of May 19: Bec;ause of limited seating in the hall, all are llrged 'to obtain tickets as soon as possible.. Mis:, Diane Roussel, daughter PLUMBING & HEATING, INC: of Mr. and Mrs. Donat Roussel of 35 Eddy Street, Swansea has Sales and Service ~ been awarded a U. S. Savings for Domestic '= and Industrial. ,,'~' Bond for her winning slogan for Oil Burners the 50th anniversary of' the par995-1631 ish. Her slogan is "Love, Peace 2283 ACUSHNET AVENUE, and Brotherhood make tip St. NEW BEDFORD Mi,chael's."


Elurglar Alarms lro Protect 'Art ROME (NC)-Robbing churches of art works has become such big busin~ss that the Italian government decided to, il1stall burglar alarms in' many of them. The Italian Office. of Antiquities lind Fine Arts reported that ill the first three months of this year there have been 81 art robberies in this country, 46 of them fl~Om churches, Last year virtually priceless paintings of Titian and Paolo Veronese were s,tolen ftom 'churches but later recovered.

Attention School, Groups


PLAN YOUR PICNIC, OUTING .NOW Special Arrangements for School Groups F4:>R DETAILS, CALL MANAGER-636-2744 or 999-6984 ~•






'THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., May 4, 1972 ~



I~I .f. : r._~.

r~!j,~~\ ,~ t". "j,


:\:.,~,.' Ij ft':' (f"'.... , ':'5:1. ., ARK OF THE COVENANT: From left, "Madonna and Child" by Trevisiani; "Madonna of the Veil," Dolci; "Virgin and Child," Botteicelli; "Mary the Mother," a symbolic portrayal of Christian life and belief, are

Orthodox Rabbis Seek Abortion Law Repeal

,enacted by Laetitia Tremblay, Carol Foye, Alice McCarthy, Dorothy COQceison. The program presented living replicas of Mary as depicted by great artists through the centuries.

Faith, Prayer, Belief in God, Man, Remain , " ' ~. .' Prime Reasons/or RelIgIOUS VocatIons

Catholics Forbidden To Visit Germany

ROME (NC)-Polish churchmen in Rome are wondering why Poland's Communist bosses sudNEW YORK (NC)-The larg~ Four young people who have Discussing his work at' Bishop She said that she feels that the denly bolted the door on eight est organization of Orthodox made a commitment to religious Connolly High School, w\1ere he whole thrust of religious life Polish Catholic lay leaders about rabbis, declaring that abortions life recently' explained the, rea- has spent the regency period of life is "to make the people of to visit West Germany. ' have "already assumed epidemic sons for their choices, and an his Jesuit training, Mr. Paul Roy, God aware that Easter is real." All eight are members of the Mr, Roy's personal statement Znak group, a poli~ical and intelproportions," has called for a, audience of their elders learned S,J., pointed out that he, has repeal of New York State's per- that faith, prayer and belief in learned that what people are about his concept of the priest- lectual movement with close missive abortion law, God and man are, as important basically looking for in a priest hood ,was contained in a letter ties to Poland's Catholic bishops. The Rabbinical Council of as ever in' such' decisions. is " a man of God." he read which he had written to The party of eight, led by legis· Amer:ica's 80,member policy. His experience has given him his provincial to explain why he lator Stanslaw Stamma and Two novices in congregatIons the convictlc)n that, a priest must r,equested permission to undermaking executive bO/lrd released, a, 'statem~nt. deploring ,the ,law. for women and 'two young men be dile wh~ loves God- and man taRe theolo'g'y stuclies at the Uni- Jerzy Turowicz, editor of the " preparing for the priesthood . Cracow weekly Tygodnik Pawswhich permits abortion on de~ were panelists discussing relig- and life-, he must, ,be available, versity of California at Berkeley zechny, was to leave Poland for mand in the first 24 weeks ,of ious vocations at the 19th an- selfless and honest; and he must beginning next Fall. West Germany .in mid-April. pregnancy, nual convention of the Fall River be a servant. "U~til we become In the face of all the forces Cardinal Julius Doepfner of "In New York City alone, over Diocesan Council of Catholic that," he opined, "the vocation that militate against life, the Munich, act,ing as president of 200,000 unborn children have Women held at Bishop Gerrard crisis will remain what it is." Jesuit scholastic said, "I see the West Germany's Pax Christi been aborted since the liberalized High School, Fall River. ' The view of the Church in a role of the priest as one who movement, Catholic peace orlaw went into ,effect in July, crisis state was voiced by the helps elevate human life." ganization in continual conflict Sister Teresa Leal, O.P., of the 1970," the council said. Holy Name deacon, who was The Dominican novice de- with ,the Polish hierarchy and ' Dominican Sisters of Charity of f t hese a bortlons are l "Most 0 first in his university clared that as a teenager she the Vatican. The Pax organiza. f the Presentation said that,'graduated essendictated by consideratIOns 0 class as a philosophy maJ·or. He had been "one of the crowd," tion apparently objected to the . Ith an d tially, she views her choice, of told his audience that "the but t h at as sh e began to questIon . convemence, not 0 f h ea", visit to West Germany by, its . life styles as part of "God's h' k h b f h f d Church you once knew:"-the mid- and to t 10 S e ecame aware rivals because of a visit there the mur er 0 t ese etuses IS a. plan." reflection of the hardening of die class, immigrant church, the of herself as an individual. Sister . . 't'les ch arac tens' "I woke up one morning and static church, the church of ben- Teresa sal'd t h at she went to t he by its own leaders last January human sensltlvl ' 0f told my mother I was going to ediction on Sunday night _ is UniverSIty , 0 f Texas to h e1p f'10d stirred an outcry among German tIC our " age, Catholics. The hwitation to lead"No woman is the final arbiter become a sister," said the young out "where I belonp.erl " hll1: 1:""1: ers of the Znak group had been · . . f h bod woman who formerly worked gone. about the dlSposltJon 0 er y "The values and structure she had never neglected the call widely seen as an attempt to . h l'f with Mexican Amerjcans as a f ... h bryomc and teem uman I e are changing _ and people are to the religious li e, "1< I that' pacify German Catholic opinion, h'" h t t 'volunteer at the outpatient clinic . . h' f lourls 109 t erem, t e s a e- , trying to catch up," But on the she never stopped praymg. 'd "I) DC t ors ' t 00 mus t run by the religious congrega- wave of change, he added, there Rev. J 0 hn SmIt, 'h d'locesan d'I- outraged by the Pax visit. men t sal, .. mora 1 d'lI emma tion in Texas. . f ace up to' tl;e is a need for leaders who, will rector 0 f vocatIOns" an d coordi"I believe He made me do , '\ h h 1 whether t ey can p ay avoc neither drown nor try to stop nator of the convention agreed & with the basic worth and dignity , this ... but at 'a certain point events. with the concept of crisis in the of human life when they freely there was' a 'choice," said the church today, but pointed out See Jesus Christ that it may be that older people perform abortions at all stages white habited novice. Over 35 Years of pregnant:y." Her experience was in a sense are more uncertain than the The rabbinical council's state- echoed by Rev. Mr. Timothy After eight years in thesem· young. "You have your doubts of Satisfied Service ,Reg. Master Plumber 7023 ment was basically in line with Goldrick, a deacon at Holy Name inary, Rev. Mr. Goldrick, said about nuns and priests," he told what Catholic spokesmen hav~ Church, Fall River, who will be that he had many questions as the audience, "but now you have JOSEPH RAPOSA, JR. 806 NO. MAIN STREET been saying in arguing against ordained on Saturday, May 13, he approached the work of a heard how they're thinking. It "I can 't t e11 you rIg . ht now why parish deacon. "I h'ad' heard should buoy you up!" Fall River 675·7497 the New York abortion law. According to the New York' I entered the seminary," he ad- about priests who played golf d "b ut I know I't was.-w he r e and ate at the best restaurants," Times, Orthodox Judaism is op· ml'tte, ......... .................. posed to the law, Reform Juda- I belonged." He added that while he observed, but he added that ism'is in favor of it, and Conser- "the priesthood isn't very popu- what he found was "priests livvative Judaism has take,n no "lar and 'some people say it's ing what they believed," He not· stand because of division within crazy to be, a priest, I'm-totally ed, too, that he listened to the. INC. its own ranks. committed," people' and learned that "they The Rabbinical' -Council of think that a good priest is a America represents more than PrimacY,of Faith holy man, not a groovy man' 900 rabbis in the United States A Holy Union novice who is with long hair, but first a man and Canada. .Its statement em- a student at Bridgewater State in whom people can see Jesus · Christ Himself," phasized that it was not seeking College stressed t h e prImacy 0f to impose strict Jewish law upon faith in her vocation. Sister BarSister Barbara has discovered society in general. bara Ventura, SUSC, said that that in growing a person must "As regarC:s members of our as faith depends on growing take a stand for what she is, faith, our' 'own spiritual leaders awareness, so, too, does the com- and that in sustaining' a commitare conducting an avid campaign mitment to religiolls life. "Be- ment, prayer and a deepening of enlightenment," the Orthodox coming, growing and giving" sense of personal relationship statement said. are essential, she believes. with Christ are all important. .".I~~~~

Montie Plumbing Heating Co.







l 363 SECOND ST.



~HE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall -River-Thurs., May 4, 1972


.'. ,1,;-: _" AWARD WINNERS: Top scorers in regional and state ,science fairs are these students at Bishop Gerrard Academy, Fall River. From left, Aima Hrycin, whose project explained the piezoelectric effect; Karen Russell, who studied the, effect of onions on blood clotting; Jeanne Desrosiers, aw~td winner for her work in classiJfying brain tumors in dogs.

Right picture,front to back, Louise Goulet with exhibition of dental plates mad,e by herself; Marie Cabral, who presented results of-research into sickle cell anemia; Mariana Antonio, whose field was cause and classifications of hemophilia. Winners have received approval of their projects from local and national groups.

Student Short~ge Close~ Seminary

Tribunal to Open Gerrar~d,A.cad(~my Proud oJ~ Current 'Crop Pro'be ,ofB'r~zil, ~f Scientce Fair Awal·d ""7inners:, Tqrture Charges .



By Patricia McGowan horses who developed blood HYATTSVILLE (NC) - An dots, She wondered if this "inAmerican-Brazilian 'group 'deJust color Bishop Gerrard 1:ercoagulant" effect would apfending 'political prisoners in Academy scientific. The, new Brazil said the international Fall River girls' :;choolc(msist~ pear, in humans, an:q by rneani; of controlled diet.'experiments Bertrand Russell Tribunal is ently turns out more than' -its with volunteer patients at West , , ready to open its investigation of ,share of fair award winners. , Roxbury VA Hospita-l.She :found torture and repression in that Among the current crop are six that orUons, did. indeed produce nation, top scorers at the Massachusetts The Committee Against Re- Region ,Three Science Fair; held the same effect, significantly de.. pression in, Brazil, headquar- in March at the' DweHy, Street laying Iclotting time of human . tered here, s{lJd, a Tribunal in- Armory in Fall River, 'and a hlood,. ,Doctors who saw her vestigator, Italian pI:ofessor Le: statewide science fair', held in work at the state fair have en.. , lio Basso, '~has gathered abun- April at .Massachusetts Institute c:ouraged her to c()ntinue her E,xperiments and to attempt to dant ,proof of'the crimes of tile of Technology., isolate the anticoagulant sub, 'Brazilian dictatorship" during a; Although a doglover, 'pretty stance in the onion. , rece'ilt tour of Latin America. Jeanne Desrosie~s, a 10th gradAnd last week Karen was one , The Bertrand' Russell Tribunal, er, made a study of spontaneous 20 "future scientists" from 12 of honoring the British philosopher and experimentally in<!uced tu- states invited to attend a threemors in dogs. Her work, earned and, mathematic!an" has been day program at the Goddard asked by \Brazilians at home to . her a first place award at the space' Flight Center in Greenfocus its prope on the recent ar- regional fair and third place hon- belt,Md. There scientists from rest of two sugar cane workers ors on the state iev:ei, in addition all parts of the world examined at Maranhao state, farmworkers' to a $50 bond from the' Bristol her work and she presented a leader Manoel da Coriceicao and South Medical Sdciety' and a s::lOrt 'explanation of her findhis companion Luis do~ Santos. plaque from a veterinarians' aux- ings. She intends to, contin'ue They were arrested by com- iliary association. Jeanne intends to continue her her research this summer. pany guards "last January and Freshman Anna Hrycin meritturned over to mHitary' and se- study of tumors, but from here ed a $e<;orid award in chemistry on she's going to work with cret police, first in Sao Luis and a;: the 'regional fair, plus a cash then in Fortaleza, Ceara, where rats. "I have a dog of my own award from the Taunton Teachand 1 get too attached to them." they are'scheduled to face a miliers' Assn. for her demonstration tary court on charges of "pqliti- She explained that she didn't of the, piezoelectric effect in cal agitation" among farmwork- actually do any experimentation cl'ystals. This effect, she said, on dogs for her prizewinning' ers. project, but. that she developed a fbds practical' applications in the new system of classification for manufacture of sonar and radio Catholic Support equipment. As a freshman, Anna tumors. i. The Division for Latin America , She, is .in' favor of animal ex- wasn't eligible to compete on the of the V. S. Catholic Conference ,perinientation, however. "It's state level, but' she will be a is backing the investigation ef,; b'etter that animals should die so student to wat~h next year. forts. In a letter to Brazil's chief that people can li';re/' Also a. freshman, Marie Cabral of state; Gen; Emilio' G. Medici, earned a second place biology Importan~ Onion the :division -- director, 'Father award for 'her presentation of Frederick McGuire, urged BraziJ.'s The lowly onion has drawn research on the origin and ef'authorities "to assure the full international attention to 15- fe:ts of' sickle cell .anemia, : a protection of the law and a just year-old' Karen Russell, a first blood disease a'imost exclusively trial to Manoel da Conceicao and place regional and second place fOllnd among members of the Luis dos Santos." winner .who also took a medal- black race. Her exhibit featured He also repeated earlier ap- lion and $50 prize in a contest a I:omparision of her own normal peals for 'the government to al-' sponsored by the National Sci- blood 'with that of an anemia low ~'impartial observers to in- ence Teachers" Assn. for "future, vietim. Another student working with vestigate the long-standing, wide'- , scientist~ ap.d engineers." Karen happened', on .: !i'. maga- . blood . was freshman Mariana spread charges 'of systematicrepression, torture and v,iolation of zine article which noted that Antonio, who received honorable French' farm'ers. fed onions to mtm~ion ,for her study of the human rights" in·Braiil.

ALBANY (NC)-The shortage of candidates for the priesthood has caused the closing,' at the " , . causes and types of hemophilia. end of the present academic Her exhibit included a wooden year, of historic Our Lady of model demonstrating how blood Angels seminary here. The semfactol's combine to produce clot- inary, staffed by Vincentian .ting ,in normal subjects, and how priests, has trained Catholic hemophiliacs lack this mechan- priests since before the" Civil ism. One informal conclusion War. According to the announce· draw by the young scientist in studying her work and that of ment by the Very Rev. George Karen was thathemophHilics M. Regan, rector of the interdiwould be well advised to avoid ocesan institutions, the buildings will. continue as a residence for onion:~. A future dent?1 hygienist is Vincentian priests and brothers. sophomore Louise Goulet, whose . 'Twenty seminarians' will comeXhibit traced every 'step of the plete . their studies in May and manufacture of. dentures. With be ordained to the priesthood in the aid of a friendly dental tech- .their own dioceses. Those cur· niciim, she made' the molds need- rently enrolled at the six-year ed in fitting dentures, ac- school will transfer to other compalnying them with a picture Catholic seminaries. The present buildin'gs, opened of a gentleman obviously sorely In need of a dental prosthesis, and equipped in 1961 for a as 'false teeth are more properly capacity of 240 students, have called. Her work earned her an housed 96 seminarians from 17 honorable mention citation on northeast dioceses in the last the state level, plus a $50 bond year, The seminary was previfrom an admiring dental society. ously situated at Niagara Falls, The Bishop ·Gerrard students where the Vincentians opened it joined in expressing appreciation in 1856. From 1883 on it was an of the assistance given them in integral unit of Niagara Univertheir SPecial projects by Sister sity. During the 105 y,ears it was Helene Marie Fortin, R.S.M. of at Niagara Falls, some 1,200 priests were trained there. the academy's'science faculty. ~l • • • ' • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ~' • • • • • • •


GENERAL CONTRACTORS (lnd ENGINEERS JAMES H. COLLINS, C.E., Pres. Registerec:J Ci~i1 an~ Structural Engineer . Member National' Society Profess,ional Engineers \,




..... .



.,. 15

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., May 4, 1972

Industrial Power Has Led To Control of Planet School Integration 'Significant but Slow' We take our world environment and our world economy for granted. It is like the air we breathe or the water we run 'out of the tap. It is there. We use it. We do not ask how it came into existence in the first place. But we live in a very odd and special world economy created out in cockleshell boats to secure for ,us 'lery recently and by the far superior luxuries of the a set of quite unprecedented Orient. As late as the mid-


eighteenth century, European philosophers saw China as the peak of culture and the Chinese emperor as the model "philosopher king." ' But wherever - in Asia, in North and South America and later in Africa -local government was primitive and weak, the thrusting European merchants fought wars to push their rivals out and establish their own economic monopolies. South America came under European control in the sixteenth century. Indonesia followed. India fell to the British in the eighteenth century while the occupation of North America went forward.'

conditions. And this underlying economic situation which we casually take for granted is at the basis of the lack of justice in the world which is the starting point of the Synodal documents first chapter. Rational man, homo sapiens, Incredible Power the_successor to the hominid, the In the nineteenth century, first being endowed with those specifically human gifts which Africa went the same way and the' traditional catechism called the dismantling of China began. "memory, understanding and In 1914, virtually only Japan, mill" has lived on planet Siam and Ethiopia were not conEarth for perhaps 50,000 to trolled by Europeans or men of This com100,000 years. During by far the European descent longest period of this time, he plete harnessing of steam and has lived in small hunting the invention of industry in the groups killing game and picking eighteenth century had given ,Western Europe an incredible fruits and berries. head of power. No other groups Quite recer;tly, probably only could resist their jcontrol or their 10,000 years ago, he invented settlement. All round the world agriculture and turned from de- they began opening up mines pending on nature to the begin- and' plantations under their colonings of controlling and direct- nal or semi-colonial control and ing natural forces. In the millen~ to send raW materials to the innia that followed, most of the dustries of the Atlantic world techniques -- planting seeds, and ship back manufactures in taming anima.ls, weaving, brew- return. ing, pottery, the use of coinage, The whole world became the measurement and mathematicsneeded for "civilization" were supply area for Western indusinvented and the men of the try. The whole, apparatus of 'a economy became Renaissance were not, techno- planetary logically, enormously far ahead geared to the service of the rich of ancient Egyptians or Chinese. developed states. They made up 25 per cent of the world's popuExtraordinary Revolution lation. They controlled 80 per' cent of the world's gross nationBut then comes the sudden extraordinary revolution and ac- al product, 90 per cent of its celeration we call the modern shipping, banking and insurance, scientific, tec:hnical and indus- 100 per cent of its research. They trial revoluti'on. Between 1600 still do. and today - a minute span in I~ the last decade, world gross man's millienal history - every product (the sum of goods and way of"produetion, exchange, ad- services) has grown by $1000 ministration and style of life has billion to reach, in 1970, $2000 been transformed by man's abil- billion. I;:ighty per cent of this ity to measure natural forces fantastic growth went to the 25 with greater and greater accu- per cent of the world's peoples racy and to set energy in all its in developed lands. The rest forms. to work in order to lighten went to the. 75 per cent of the and transform the securing of peoples who have less than $200 a year income per head. man's daily bread. This distribution simply reThis harnessing of energyfirst steam, then electricity, then flects an historical fact. A ceroil and gas and· now nuclear tain group of people, the white, power-began among the· small Christian (or post-Christian) white "tribes" of Western Eu- peoples of Western Europe acrope. They were rather improvis- quired industrial' power first and ing beginners. Compared with then used by power-by settlethe gorgeous and ancient civili- ment or by colonial control-to zations of India and China, they take over virtually all the rest of lacked all the "consumer goods" the planet. Among non-Europeople found most desirable- peans,only Japan has followed silks, damasks, gems, .spices. suit so far. If we continue the Feudal lords clanked about in historical basis, the 80/2& reladrafty castles with filthy rushes tionship will' continue-a quarter on the floor and angry mastiffs of the planet's people enjoying gnawing bones flung from the 80 per cent of its wealth. Thfs 'is both the historical' and the tables. So European merchants set present injustice of our planet.

WASHINGTON (NC) - Catholic schools in Louisiana, enrolling about 112,000 children, "have been making significant but discouragingly slow progress toward racial integration among students and teachers." This is one conclusion of a report submitted to President Richard Nixon's commission on school finance. Donald A. Erickson; an author of 'tl;1e report, told NC News, ' however, tnat compared to other private schools in Louisiana, including many run by other churches, "aU CatHolic schools come through smelling like a rose." There are "virtually no black students" in these other private schools, he said. The 315-page report is called, "The Three R's of Nonpublic Education in Louisiana: Race, Religio~,and Region."

The report cites several factors which probably contributed to the state's schools' "holding power"-a perceived, superiority of nonpublic schools compared to public schools by citizens in the state; a "less pronounced city-to-suburbs migration" of Louisiana Catholics than of Catholics. eleswhere, and religious viewpoints among Catholics in the Southeast "that are somewhat more conservative than the national norm." The, study concludes, however, that racial events in Louisiana are "perhaps the most important" factor. All Black Schools The report shows the percentage of black students was higher than the percentage of black Catholics in 1970-71. In New Orleans, where 10 per cent of the

Most Important Factor


During the 1960s the report says, "Catholic elementary school enrollment dedin~d by 23.1 per cent in the nation as a whole, but only by 12.8 per cent in . Louisiana." '

I early found that when I worked for myself alone, myself alone worked for me; but when I worked for others also, others worked also for me. -Franklin

Catholic population was black, 15.5 per cent of Catholic grade school students were black. Alexandria, with a black Catholic population of 7.5 per cent, had 16.5 per cent black grade school students, according to the report. The Lafayette diocese had a black Catholic population of 25 per cent, the report said, and 25.5 per cent of its grade 'school students were black. With 9.7 per cent of its Catholic population black, the diocese of Baton Rouge had 8.1 per cent black grade school students. The report noted, however, that the number of black students may not be the best indication of integration efforts, since, the students may be going to all black schools. Citing 1970-71 data provided by the National Catholic Educational Association, the report showed New Orleans and Baton Rouge have the .highest percentage of black students attending "mixed" schools-where neither white nor black students constitute more than 80 per cent of the enrollment.



I I . I· I, . I I


Dear Bishop: . Enclosed is my anniversary gift to help our missionaries bring the Good News of Christ to others. Please send me a com· memorative edition of the GOOD NEWS FOR MODERN MAN. Name'-_ (please print)





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The Soeietylortbe Propagation 01 tbe Faitb . Send your gift to: Most Rev. Edward T. O'Meara National Director Dept. C, 366 Fifth Avenue

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The Rev. Monsignor Raymond T. ConsidiM Diocesan Director 368 North Main: Street Fall River, Massachusetts 02720



16 _____________________.

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'THE ANCHOR-Diocese .of Fall. River~Thurs., May 4, 1972

·A 'y.


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,.·Mary: Model of Opennelss

Mary: Model of




In the eyes of many, devotion to Mary in the Church has·.been sadly declining during the past decade. 'Evening devotions to' Mary are much less common, and rosaries are seldom noticed at Sunday Mass anymore. A rich dimension of Catholic devotional life seems to havediminished sharply.

In reviewing the twentieth cenality that can only be called Marian - even th,ough Mary:s tury, the fifties might be regardname is perhaps seldom men: . eel as the golden age of Marian tioned. ". piety. In 1950, the dogma of the The Second Vatican- Council Assumption was proclaimec:; in highlights Mary's impact on I£154, a Marian year, was cele-' . Christian spirituality,' riot .liO bl'ated in the universal church. much in terms ,of practices and Devotion to Our Lady of Fatima devotions,but rather in fllnda- was at a high point, and courses mental Christian attitudes. Inter- in Mariology were standard in .- ....... .... estingly the experience of 'study the theological curriculum. ~:~:m~r;:::k--r:_.r groups and prayer' grbups all ' . I . Then, suddenly, it was gone. over the country seem .to spon- What 'oaused the sudden decline? By taneously give shape and form And where are we now in relato the Council's' ~eaching. Ap- tilm to Mary? proaches in religious ,education' FR. CARL J. translate that teaching' into the P~EIFER, S.J. educational proces~. . . Council's View By The Council contemplates iJ:.1 Mary, "as in a faultless model, SR. MARIE Others view the' scene' differ- that which she h.ers,elf wholly de, ently. They' readily admit that sires aJ;1d hopes to be". (Liturgy, . MARRIS, CSJ many of previously popl\lar de- , 103). Mary' is the model of votions have diminished appeal, Christian spirituality. In so de.and recognize that something scribing Mary's role the Council beautiful may have been lost in Father's draw upon the early What is .not always acknowlthe process. But they' see in the Fathers of the Church. "As St. edged is the influence Vatican Ambrose taught, the Mother of Church healthy signs of areGod is a model of the Church in II had on the changing image of newed Marian spirituality. In fact one might well argue the, matter of faith" charity, and Mary within the Church. With a that there are many implications perfect union with Christ" remarkable sense of history, the Fathers of Vatican II chose not of 'a much more traditional devo- (Church, 63). to issue a separate schema on Characteristic descriptions' of to Mary blossoming in the tion Church. There is evidence that Mary as a model of Christian Our Lady, as had originally be~n modern movements toward spirituality in the Council docu- planned. Instead, the decision prayer and meditation are essen~ ments are primarily port~aits of was made to speak of her within tially. a return to a Christian someone who knows how to, re~ the context of the Church. The eighth chapter of the dog. spirituality that finds it chief ceive. Mary is. po:rtrayed' f'as a model in .Mary. Christians today person who is sensitive to the matic constitution "De Ecclesia" ' is the universal recognition that are discovering forms of spirituTurn to. Page Eighte~n Mary's identity is hot only bound to her unique relationship with Christ. She is, pre-eminently and as well, a woman of the Church.. She is described in the Constitu. MARY'S MONTH: Mary's' identity is not onlyboilnd tion as living in her own life the to her unique relationship with Christ-She is, pre-eminently After all that happened on the keep his promises, but who allove which ought to animate all first Christmas, the Gospel of' ways surprises by the way he and as well,a woman of the Church. NC Photo. those (par. 65) "who cooperate Luke says, "Mary remembered overturns our human standards in the apostolic mission of the all . thes~ things, and thought of value. ' Church on behalf of the rebirth deeply' about them in her heart" Pieta . of men/' (L.k. 2:19). It is the spirit of the We think 'of M~ry as a model of Rebirth of Women contemplative, trying to under- spiritually in the great contem:starid aU t~at' happens in life in . plative '~enes of,our,Lora;s sufAnd the rebirth of women. For 'f cried this afternoon. Filled That Irish-bo~ man of God order icifind out how God's will :' fering and death, "!Ail' ihpse 'who that was and is the central con- up inside when I kissed the flaky' prodded me on to higher things in it. and. his.love·~re expre~sed . ,.. know Jf7sus ,persopally, induding cern with reference to women · forehead' of an 89-year-Old man during uncertain adolescent the 'women.- who had .followed facing the church in the second abou't to die. Wept quietly as I y'ea,rs.~ He once startled this him from Gallilee, ~:tOod,off.ata half of ,this century: the rebirth .held the bony hand of this elder- writer. ,with ,a blunt, ,but effective .' distance wiitching these 'things" of wom~n to a status equal witli 'Iy priest and spoke, very likely and'perceptive question: "When , for the last time,' with one who are 'you going to the seminary, , .(Lk. 43:49).. Jesus' mother" Was though different from men. .~y., standing close to" his 'Cross" . The genius of Vatican II was · greatly' influenced my own de-' Joe?"· I wasn't ready th~n,: but (Jn~ '19:25). We·'tlli~}{ "of, that, to sense that what had to be · cision to enter, the ministry. a . year' or so later ended up ,'FR;, QUENtn·.t favorite' of great' ·artist-s, the' done initially was to place' Mary, where. he knew I belonged all QUESNELL, S.J; Pieta;.where she sits in profound w:h.o has 'always been first among. alo~g:·. silence with the dead body' of e~uals' as woman of the Church, "Without you, Father, I would . her son laid across' her 'lap. She in this position. From that point, not be a priest tOday." I whiswas there when' "the women the Church could then move as a pered those words to my dying The 'same spirit of prayerful who had,followed ~Jesus from wJlOle to t~e place where all FR. JCISEPH· M. priest-friend-guide, hoping .to reflection shows in the' words G~llilee iVent with 'joseph '~and women would be accorded the comfort the' sick man in his final same independenc'e, freedom and CHj!~MPLIN "his mother treasured all these saw the grave 'and hoW- Jesu's's hours. 'They brought, tears inright to personal fulfillment as things in her heart"· (Lk. 2:52). body was laid in it" (Lk.23:55). stead. Why?' Is it tliat persons .. And we feel again .what Mary's Perhaps we understood Mary men of the Chllrch. Then, to.near death ponder the failings spirituality was like in the report most when we consider how gether as partners,' men and lW!i~!!&%£fu1mrtin, they glide over in healthier days of Acts 1:14; "they all joined too. Christian spir'itualityis'~ iife' 'of women could get' on with the " 'F~ther john.: Butler is his ' gether in a group to pray. fre- closeness' to Christ. . Who could bpilding of humari. and partici- , ,'name; and 'he 'served' for some and minimize the noble deeds they made so .much of when qlJently, together with the: wom- be closer than she? /Sb . 'niany, pa.nt commupities in which de- . two'd~,ca'des as':pastor ofa tiny, young and alive and ·active? . en, and Mary, the mother of years of childhood and youth, as cisions are made by equals for , b\lt beautiful church in CleveJesus.'; . / .' . Dedication. Personified land, N.Y., my parish from age he grew tip' at home in' the fam- the freedom and love of all. . Th.e· kinds of thoughts and ily. And what' other closeness Our world is threatened by ac- 12 until ordination, Dedicated to Father Butler had his faults as prayers which actually occurred ever' could equal those first nine tivism :and. a "desperate flight our· Lady's Assumption, the a priest. He usually preached to Mary are r~presented by.her months"which she shared: :-vith from dependence. The exercise building overlooks large, Qneida much ·too long and' often not song of praise in Luke. 1:46ff.: no other person? of power over matter has led to Lake and, beyond its' main en- well; he ,barked occasionally at "My heart praises the Lord, my the tendency to manipulate peo-. tra~ce across a 'main highway, parishioners ·and spent pulpit . Christ's Attitude s01~1 is glad because of God my pIe as 'weI). There is need for a near the water's edge stands, ap- time berating the Roosevelt ad: Yet, better still. perhaps, .we counterpfllance of other attitudes propriately,' a' lovely' Marian ministration; he normally drove Saviour." It is a prayer of thanks and great joy.. 1t shows her. lov- should take our hint of ',Mary's which are somewhat ambiguous- Shrine framed in blue (or white far beyond the legal limit and ing trust in .a God \y,ho always , Turn to ,Page E~ghte~n . Turn ~o Pag.e Seventeen during the icywi~t~r months). Turn to Page Nineteen' ~_



II Mary: The Model of .Spirituality

Peath of· a Priest








Reviews Bizarre History Of East· India Company

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., May 4, 1912

Here's a poser for .you. A little over a century ago, there was a private company of 1,700 shareholders which controlled 2~)0-million foreign people and had the' la(gest army in the world. Can you name it? The answer is in the title of Brian Gardner's Mr. Gardner's subje'ct is fascibook, The East India Com'nating, but' his treatment of it pany (McCall, 230 Park is not. The writing is flat and Ave., New York, N. Y. sometimes almost opa'1ue, Going 10017 $8.95).



The company was founded in 1600, chartered by Queen Elizabeth 1. The following year, its first five ships set out for the Orient, reaching Sumatra after 18 months at sea. In 1608, the Indian mainland was touched on; in 1612 a grant of a right to trade there was achieved; and in 1640, title was acquired. From these small, slow beginnings there developed that grip on the vast subcominent which is hardly to be believed but is, none the less, historical fact. As the East India Company inexorably expanded its hold on India, it coined its 0V'!n money, had its own army and navy, appointed its own men as political rulers, reaped rich profits by such means as assiduously and illegally promoting the opium trade to China. Sovereign Power Gradually it took over the handling of all public revenues in India and excluded Indians from public service in their own country. It was, in truth, a sovereign power, not really answerable to king or parliament until 1772, and then only partially. Its dominance was not peacefully attained. The record of the East India Company is one of almost constant warfare, with the conquest of one section after another supposedly justified by threats to the company's interests. These were of paramount importance, and any kind of force on any kind of pretext was warranted by them. Revolts were severely put down, and atrocities were' repaid b kind. There were always those in England critical of the East India Company's coptrol of India and its conduct. In 1857 there occurred a great revolt in India, widespread, drawn .out, and very violent. It did not succeed, thanks to Draconian, resorts, but it did effect the company's downfall. Fascinating Subject In 1858, the British government took over from the company. This pleased Queen Victoria who, with monumental complacency, was convinced that "India should belong to me." It was not to belong to her and her successor for very long. Less than a century later, it escaped British rule, and the two independent nations of India and Pakistan came into existence.






through it is like the tedious, sweating progress of a BritiSh force acros~ difficult reaches of India. , There ai'~ hardly differentiated masses of names and facts. wj~h only rare touches of the color and spice demanded by so exotic a scent and so dramatic a story. Yet, the book is worth reading, for, however '«Iumsily, it reviews a '.history bizarre in itself and with an unintended outcome. Sa~1Uel Jo,hnson An .Englishman who lived in the heyday of the' East India Company and who drank countCONNOLLY PLAYERS: Seated, Paul Petit; Standing, left to right, Richard K. Hart, less gallons of the tea which the company introduced from the Janet .Tremblay, William' Maney, Paul Biello, Raymond Jusseaume, Paul Dion, John AfEast, is portrayed in Christopher fleck, Paul Costa, Milady Khoury, Paul Affleck, Celin~ Oliveira, Maurice Ouellette. Hibbert's beautifully crafted The Personal History of Samuel Johnson (Harper & Row, 49 E. 33rd St., New York, N. Y, 10016. $8.95). This is a superb example The Connolly Players, the Dra- len, S.J., have chosen a comedy the Connolly Players. Long hours of the art of biography. matic Society of Bishop Connolly to balance off th.e year's first are spent each day in memorizDr. Johnson (1709-1784) is one of the giants of English let- High School,' are well into re- production, the tragedy, Winter- ing, rehearsing, building, paintters, and on~ of their supreme hearsals for their forthcoming set 1;>y Maxwell Anderson. The iilg, printing and in the countarbiters. His Dictionary, his edi- production, Tall Story, a comedy troupe hopes to wind up its less other tasks that are part of tion of Shakespeare's plays, his in three acts by Howard Lindsay season with another successful a theatrical company. Cast and crew work generously to Insure Lives of the Poets are landmarks and Russell Crouse. The dates of production. Connolly students and high a pleasing dramatic experience in the language and the litera- the performances are Friday and school students from other Fall for the audience. ture of all who are English- Saturday, May 12 and 13. The cast and creVlol, under the River schools make up this group speaking. Lind'say and Crouse's Tall . Enormously' gifted, Johnson' direction of Rev., William J. Cul- of fine young amateurs called Story concerns a basketball star was physically enormous, and a and the various conflicts that he great eccentric. For most of his faces on the eve of the "Big life,' making a living was. an Game", conflicts that involve his Continued from Page Sixteen This is not a side issue for love life, academic standing, acute problem. He did all sorts Iy but not without justification Christianity; it is Christianity of writing to avoid debtors' gambling, and a special way of which clearly reveals that de- aiming a basketball. The rathet prison: dashing off journalism, considered feminine. Predominant Traits pendence is at either end of hu- sizable cast is headed by Richard ghosting speeches and sermons, Dependence, sensitiveness and man development: both in the trying his hand.at fiction, drama, Hart, Janet Tremblay, Paul Dion, and verse.' Eventually he was receptivity are certainly not unwilled world of passivity and Milady Khoury, William Maney, granted a royal pension, which found solely among women, but in the peak acceptance of faith. Maurice Ouellette. Paul Comeau made the last 20 years of his they are as yet found predomi- ~his uniquely. human dependence and Celine Oliv·eira. nantly .there. It is by the mani- is manifested in the life, death life far easier. festation of a truly human de- and resurrection of Jesus; it is Publicity Director Gary Chabot , Wit, .Wisdom pendence and a contemplative discovered as well in the total has announced that tickets are He was a brilliant conversaattitude among women that men receptivity of' Mary, "ponder- now on sale from any member of tionalist, and it was this shining ,will be enabled to accept their ing," as Scripture tells us, "all the cast and crew or from the gift which secured for him entree . things in her heart." school office, and will be availto diseinguished social circles own feminine qualities. able at the door. It is possible but unlikely that and brought him the friendship of celebrities like Joshua Reyn- frequently of death, and with ap- men of the Church can discover olds, Edmund Burke, Oliver prehension, because of the meet- the truth in themselves. How-. Goldsmith. ing with his Lord which would ever, for the demonstration that His talk was uncommonly at- follow, and the judgment to be waiting in hope is not cowardice, that contemplation' in quiet is tractive and impressive for more undergone. than' one reason. Johnson had Never 'prosperous, he was not Iaziness, that needing' an. an' extraordinary breadth and charitable even in the worst of other human being is not weakdepth of knowledge. His curios- times. He took into his houshold, ness, the women of 'the church ity was almost limitless, his as permanent guests, people hard are needed. Above all is Mary 273 CENTRAL AVE. stock of information amazing. up. And temporary shelter was needed, for in her one sees this In addition, there was his wit, given any unfortunate on whom humanness perfectly exemplified. 992-6216 instant and scintillant. Also, he chanced. In his walks through She is the woman of love, fidelwisdom glinted in mu.ch that he London's streets he met or was ity and trust who is the model NEW BEDFORD said. These pages are liberally waylaid by the poor, a.nd he for us' all in building a new world. sprinkled with excerpts from never refused them. __ ========.1 Johnson's distinctively flavored John'son was a man of talk. crotchets 'and peculiarities, a figHe was a convinced and prac- ure in many ways grotesque. He ticing Christian, a member of the had weakn'esses which he both Church of England. He prayed indulged and bemoaned, with regularly, often in the midst of' periodic decisions to reform. company. Many 9f his prayers He could be touchy and cutare quoted by Mr. Hibbert; their ting. Yet there was in him an sincerity is as evident as their integrity which Mr. Hibbert DOMESTIC & HEAVY DUTY OIL BURNERS sonority. brings out'very well. And for inSales - Service - I nsfallafion Always Charitable telligence, taste. versatility, and mastery of expression, he was, Johnson fasted more or less MAIN OFFICE - 10 DURFEE STREET, FALL RIVER regularly, always on Good Fri- and remains, one of. the giants. day and this fasting was strict, It is good indeed to meet his 675~7484 not merely token. He thought speaking likeness in this book. • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• "="""

To, Stage ITal1 Storyl At Connolly High

Mary: Model of Christian Spirituality







THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thu;s., May 4, 1972

One 'Carefu'ISc'h-~i~'r~:'~~rth 10 Enthusiast-icRomclntics .









.,- Continued"from Page Sixteen' spiritual worth from the words of her son. Someone praised his mother in his presence: "how happy is-the woman who bore you' and nursed you!" But he answered, "rather; how happy 'are those who hear the Word of God and keep it" (Lk. 1I:27ff.).


Having lived'through a number of computer r~volu­ tions I knoW-enough about ,the mechanical geniuses to be unimpressed by the computer mystique. Computers are basically dumb. They do whatever you tell them to do:with incredible speed, in deed, but. without imagina- about citing the Meadows Report, no indication that most tion or common sense. If I economists were very dubious told our IBM 360 to head 'about it, no hint that many

,: For Mary did hear God's word and keep ,it. "How' happy are you to believe that' God's message will come true" (Lk. 1:45). She had been'given the astonishirigly .impossible me~sage, and she had said: "I am the Lord's servant; may it happen to me as you have said" (Lk. 1:38). This was' 'her most perfect prayer. It' was like the perfect prayer of her son, the night be· fore he died: "Father, not my will, but your will be done" (Lk. 22:42). ·From that prayer and from the perfect union with God that it expressed,everything else came to her and, through her, to us.


thought 'it to be, as reviewers in the New York: Times, Book Review remarked, a cheap pub· licity stunt. (The Times gives and the Times takes away.)


Romantic, Uninformed


for Lake Michigan and tlrov,rn itself, it would calculate with fantastic speed how to most effectively accomplish such an end , anci then do all in its power to make it down the Midway toward' the Lake. I therefore am a little less impressed than are most A'mericans by the announcement that some' wonderful new gimmick or finding or magic answer has been produced by the computer. The machine is no better than 'the people who feed data into it; and if they are incompetent, there is absolutely nothing that the electronic ,wizard can do to compensate Or, as we put it in the trade, "Garbage in, garbage out." Hence, I was not exactly impressed when' the op-ed page of the New York Times' started doing a flip over the so-called "Meadows Report" - ' a study purporting to prove that unless we almost immediately achieved zero economic growth the whole planet would strangle to death in the relatively near future. ~he question was not how sophisticated was either the MIT com· puter or the program that the "Club of Rome" team used, The pertinent question rather was how good were the data that were fed into the computer. Gosh-Awful Data

But this lack of nuance on the Meadows Report was typical of a talk that was astonishingly moralistic,· righteous, romantic and uninformed. The speaker betrayed not the slightest un· derstanding of how American soCiety works (beyond quasiMar~ist cliches), of how social change comes abou.,t, and of what the disastrous consequences would be to 'the causes he supports of uninformed and incompetent clerical intervention in political life. ' Indeed, he almost explicitly rejects competel1ce and nuance. Let others worry about political and economic real.ities, he 'tells us, let the priest take the side of the oppressed (and of course oppressed are the fashionably oppressed groups and certainly not the blue collar white Americans caught in the inflationtaxation-urban decay bin~). All rather like Thomas a'Kempis not worrying about what contrition was so long as he could feel it. If one feels that something is just, it is not necessary to examine all the complex implications of what would happen should society decide to implement that·feeling.




Binge of Enthusiasm What really dismayed me is that the priest in '. question is a highly trained political scientist 'from my own university, He seems to have 'abandon'ed the dispassionate ,resp,ect for, complexity that ought to characterize the' scholar' and gone on a binge of romantic: enthusiasm. Apparently "commitment" ,does not' involve: concern about precision,', nuance', complexity, ambiguity., and the" potentially harmful effects of well-meant reforms.'

The consensus of most of the competent economists who ,have studIed the Mead9ws Report ,seems t6 be: that the data was gosh-awful a'nd that the assumptions of. the authors of the report have -little to do with ac,tual social, economic, scientific I happen ·to ,think, ·that in or 'technological reality. Unquestionably, we have a resources making the world a b~tter place ,problem jn the, world; unques- one' careful, cautious. scholar tionably, we have' a ' population who refuses to cl~me up' with problem, . But zero eco!1omic e~sy '\lnd' simple solutions' is growth, according to, most ob- worth 10 enthusiastic romantics. Unfortunately, in, the present s.eryer~· would, niake the~ problem ,worse, not better, and would be state of 'ihe' church I fear 'that most priests would disagree with ~a disaster for the human race. me. The romantic-islili of the, New "',Like': they',~::s~y, garbage in, Left has been· shejrt-lived everyt 'garbage OUt.;" / ' ',.,' where but itt -the church. ' ~"But I '~as 'di~~~;ed to learn And .in the church-and I fear . that a clerical political -scientist, in certain religious orders espespeaking at th.e Na'tional' Fed" cially-,-if is alive and, 'well. ...-. '. .;:..:. '/ \!ration ·of, Prie'sts Councils re; '.tently,' ~ited ' The "Limits .of 'Growth as:' partial evidence' 'f0r, .... W~rld's Norm ~ the need of an' elaborate progra~ . In the world a man will often of. clerical- politicil1 involvement be reputed to be a man of, sense, ":thathe was advocating.. The]'(~ , only becaus~ he is not a man of -Taylor .was not the slightest hesitancy la!l:lnt. .,~,

'"- v;'.:.:.


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Nun Superintendent Of Catholic Schools

MAY DEVOTION: The traditional aid prayer of the Eosary continues .to aid Catholics the world over as they share the Faith of Christ, the Son ,oj[ Mary who is honored universally this month. NC Photo.

Mary: Model· of Openness


Bishop John J. Russell announced the appointment of Sister Lourdes Sheehan, 37, as superintendent of schools. She has been director of' secondiU'Y education in the diocese since last Fall.

Continued from Page Si:'l:teen quietly allowing God's Word, Edward J. Murray, cha'irman call of God and receptive of his discerned in daily life and the of ,the. diocesan Religious' Educa- . gifts. She is open, to hea,r his Church's living tradition, to pen- tion Commission, will become VTord and receive it as a fruitful ~trate one's heart. An openness director of the Department of seed Of life. This attitude is most marked by respect and wonder is Religious Education and Liturgy simply called "faith," or "trust", encouraged towal'd people and and William E. Hartgen Jr., will For example, some 'of the pas- things. Groups gather to reflect become director of planning for sages that describe her deep in- and pray together, trying to hear ,that office. Hartgenis currently ner attitude of openness and re- God's Word in their lives and ·research coordinator for the diceptivity; "The Virgin Mary reo the Scriptures, and to receive it ocesan Office of Religious cl~ived the Word of God in her fruitfully. Edu<:ation, heart and in her body, and gave Christian spirituality, 7 hile The Office of Religious EduLife to the world" (Church, 53). still' maintaining strong empha"''she stands out among the poor sis on action, on social' involve- cation and the Department of a::Id humble of the Lord, who ment, on creativity and human Edu<:ation (schools) will be "Comconfidently await .and receive development, is increasingly bined July 1 into a new Office salvation from him" (Church,55). m"rl~e.i bv C1wl.lities of re- of Christian Education and For";3elievingand obeying, Mary ceptivity' and openness. People mation headed by Father J. Steb:~ought forth on earth the need 1'0 become like Mary; able phen O'Brien, <:urrently diocesan Father's Son ... She -was the to ponder, to treasure- experi- school superintendent. n,ew Eve, who put her absolute ences, to be open to mystery trust not in the ancient serpent wherever it is encountered; to but in God's messenger" (Church, listen to the Word of God in the 6:l). "vqices of our age," to read the 'Gospel's Attitude "signs of the times," to be still, These' are precisely the atti- and to open one's' heart and tudes found in the Gospel por- mind to the transforming power trait of Mary. When the Word of 'the Holy Spirit. of God is conveyed to her in the Annunciation, she responds with Looked at in this way, Marian trust and acceptance, not :fully ,devoti()~ is actually deepening , t an d'109 w h a t J't '''0 Id in'the Amer.ican Church 'rather unc.ers lv U ... -. . ," bring. ,"I am the' serva.nt of ~h,e than 'lesssening, even th6u'gh, in Lord. Let it b.e._ done to me as the process many be,autiful sign,S 'Food~;Stores! ,of forrnerdevotioll fo' Mary ~are ". . . I,..' you say',' (Lk 1:38).',' . ' Her cousin ~li7.a1;>!!th sums up being lost. - .: tbe. b'ibllcal.'s~etch, of Mary: .~~#~#,;,.#,.",;""~, . ."."",~,~~~#,~,,, .....,~. I . . ' , .. "Biest is she who trusted that tbe Lord's', words." tq~"her 'woul~ be fulf.illed" (Lk ~:45). St. Lu~~ suggests, her, capacity for deep . INDUSTRIAL and' DoMESTIC, rEflection o~, the mystery 'qf.' God's Word: "Mary 'treasured all these things,' and r~f1ected" '(,m th.em in her heart" (Lk 2:19). ' It is just these' characteristics that one notices in religious education and in the current theory 'j and practice of Christian spirituality.1here is an emphasis on 312 Hillman Street 997-9162 , New Bedford meditation or cl;>ntemplatsion, ~ .~,~.~~~~~~~."~~, ,,,~ ,,~~., ~,~

·S.i. Massachusett's ,Finesf





~ ...

RICHMOND (NC)-A nun'will become superintendent, of schools and two laymen will head religious education efforts in a reorganization of educational egencies in the Richmond diocese.







Declines to Back Religious Drive

Thurs. May 4, 1972

ST. LOUIS (NC) - The National Association of Evangelicals has declined to endorse Key 73, a Protestant evangelism campaign that was endorsed earlier by some Catholic bishops. Delegates at the association's convention here turned down a resolution asking its 34 member groups and 38,000 affiliated local churches to participate in Key 73. Key 73 has been described by its founders as the first continent-wide evangelistic campaign to embrace both conservative and liberal Protestants-and perhaps Catholics- in 1973. The purpos,~ is to saturate the United States and Canada with evangelism in such forms as hymn contests, Bible' study groups, prayer meetings, state fair missionary crusades and youth programs. In Washington, NAE's general director Dr. Clyde Taylor, said that the vote was close among about 120 c.elegates who remained when the Key '73 issue was brought up in the closing minutes of th.e convention. Key 73 has the backing of more than 130 Protestant organizations, ranging from large liberal denominations to independent fundamentalist sects. . The Ecume::lical Affairs Committee of the National Catholic Conference of Bishops gave a favorable report on Catholic participation in the Key 73 program at the bishops Atlanta meeting. Bishop Chal'les H. Helmsing of Kansas City, ~VIo., told the bishops that Key '73 will allow Catholics to show that their Church is interested in evangelization.

Continued from Page Sixteen generally on the wrong side of the road. But what were these-sins of weakness, judgment errors, human faults? And how serious? God, to quote my dying pastor, uses potter's clay to form preachers of the word and leaders of worship. I trust a saving Lord makes allowances for the minor and even major imperfections which result from the weak flesh of those he ordains. I remember, rather than these abrasive incidents, other inspiring scenes; a country pastor week after week celebrating three Sunday Masses in three different villages - and this in difficult路driving snow months and with an ugly ulcer when older fasting rules permitted nothing to ease the pain; a man in his fifties, clothed in overalls . and bathed in sweat after an early evening of work on the church lawn, kneeling before the tabernacle praying his rosary and reciting the litany to our Lady; a priest, having resigned at 65 his role as pastor, offering the Eucharist, preaching, hearing confessions, visiting the sick, helping the poor and comforting the sad for two dozen more years, until illness confined him to bed. John Butler resigned as pastor when poor health and advalwing age made it impossible for <him to care for the practical administration of his parish. But in no way did he retire from the active ministry.

Death of a Priest'

HONOR EAGLE STAR: Members of the Boston College Lucien Silva, defensive back on the Boston College eleven, the past three years. Committeemen Dr. John E. Manning Lous Silva, the honored guest; defensive backfield coach Bill from Boston: as guest speaker. '

Club of Fall River honored for his outstanding play for and Anthony J., Abraham; Campbell, who came down

B-ishop to Ordain Four To Priesthood

Continued from Page One be 'the homilist路 in St. Mary's ford -is the son of Henry R. and Church, New Bedford, while Leonie Moreau Bouchard. A Rev. Edmund J. Fitzgerald will graduate of Bishop Stang High be the homilist in Holy Name School, No. Dartmouth, he at- Church, Fall River. tended St. Thomas Seminary, Rev. Mr. Hoye, a: member of Bloomfield and St. John's Sem- St. Mary's' Parish, Taunton is the inary, Brighton. son of Dr. Charles E. and VirWhile studying at St. John's, , ginia Cleary Hoye. A graduate Rev. Mr. Bouchard received an of Msgr. Coyle High School, A.B. degree in philosophy, a B.D. Taunton, he attended St. Thomas degree and is a cand-idcite for a Seminary, Bloomfield and St. John'sSeminary, Brighton. While M.Th. in Biblical Studies.' at the Brighton Seminary, Rev. Black Seminarians On Sunday afternoon, May 14 Mr. Hoye receiv~d an A.B. de-, 'P'ool' Vocations at 5 o'clock, the newly ordained gree in Philosophy, a B.D. degree SILVER SPRING (NC)-More priest will be principal celebrant and is a candidate for a M.Th. in than 75 black seminarians from of a concelebrated Mass offered systematic theology. 25 seminaries at a workshop in St. Joseph's Church, New Bedhere in Maryland decided to de- ford. Rev. Philip J. King, profesvote ,their "eollective vocation sor of Biblical Studies in Old Org~ni%e to the building and developing Testamept in St. John's Semof the black community in order inary will be the homilist. Continued from Page One to restore black people to their part of the nonpublic school tuitraditional greatness." Rev. Mr. Bouchard served his tion assumed by parents of chilMeeting at Holy Spirit sem- deacon internship at St. There- dren in such schools. Numerous inary, the National Black Sem- sa's Parish, So. Attleboro dur- bills for, this purpose are now inal'ians' Association discussed ing the Summer of 1971 and on pending in Congr,ess. the black Church as a commu- weekends at St. Clement's Parish THe 'term Tax Credits refers nity organizer 'and economic in Somerville during the scholas- to the procedure by which taxpower. They also considered the tic year. payers subtract from their fedtension between the ethical eral income tax an-amount' spent teaching of Jesus and the black Rev. Mr. Goldrick, a member during the tax year for the eduof St. Mary's Parish, New Bedman's personal experiences in ford is the son of Everett and cation of their children in nonthe United States. C h' C '. G Id . k F I public schools. Credits are subAnother topic on the agenda.' ,at : ~rIne orre~a 0 rIC. 0- tracted directly in dollars and . covered路 by ,a panel of, experts lowm~ .g~aduatlOn from New cents from the tax owed. included' increasing problems of ,Bedford J:I,lg? ~,chool, h: att~ndTax, Credits are designed to providing a.dequate mental 'ed Res~rrectlonCollegeIn KItch, ener, ' Ont., Canada and St. aid people, the parents of nOlihealth care for the black com- M' , S . ' . B I . public school students, in premunity. ary s e~In~ry In a tlmore. The newly OI:dained priest will serving their historic right to the type of education Communication Day 'b!! principal celebrant of a con- choose celebrated M,ass scheduled for they want" for their children'. Observance Planned Sunday, moriting, May 14 at Credits do not aid schools or inWASHINGTON (NC) - The 11:30 in St. Mary's Church, New stitutions, relig!ous qr otherwise. bishops of the United States , Bedford, and will also be princiAll Americans have ,ample reahave be'en asked to scheduie , pal celebrant of';a concelebrated sori to be "proud of the contrilocal observances marking Mass to be offered at 7:30 at bution w)1ich nonpublic educaWorld Communications Day dur- night of ,the same' day in Holy tion has made to our Nation," ing May. Name Church, Fall' River, where 'Rabbi Sherer stated. "Financial The Vatica'n Commission on , he officiated as 'a deacon in the inequities have interfered with Social Communications has des- newly established deacon intern- the right of parents to educate ignated Sunday, May 14, as the ship. children 'in schools of their sixth annual World ,CommunicaFollQwing the - Mass in New choice.'~ tions Day and chos~ri the theme Bedfordia reception will be held "As, a 'matter of justice and "The Communications Media at at 12:30 in the parish school fairness to all," he said, "it the Service of Truth." , In a letter to the U. S, bishops, ' hall and following the Mass in is time that the government Holy Name Church, Fall River a lived up to its responsibility to Bishop John L. May of Mobile, reception will be held at 8:30 in grant financial 'assistance to Ala., said the theme is related the Holy Name Parish School. realistically allow' parents freeto last year's theme of the media Rev. George E. Harrison will dom,()f choice in education. At as a means oj' pro~.~ti~g unity.

At 2 o'clock on Sunday afternoon, May 14, the newly ordained priest will be principal celebrant of a concelebrated Mass in St. Mary's Church, Taunton. Rev. Mr. G. Thomas 'Ryan will be the deacon. Charles E. Hoye, D.M.D. and Sara-Anne Hoye will be lectors and James Hoye will serve. From June to September of the Summer of 1971, he served as a deacon at St. Patrick's Parish, Wareham and from September to the present, his diaconate internship was carried on weekends at Our Lady of the Rosa'ry Parish, Stoughton.

for Tax Credits the same time C.R.ED.LT. will embark on an educational campaign to demonstrate that federal income tax credits are a constitutional means of, correcting the inequities suffered by nonpublic school pareints," he I stated. Rabbi Sherer said that C.R.ED.LT. program "will strive to reaffirm the value, of nonpublic schools in a pluralistic society arid to stress all pertinent concepts of' parental :righ,ts ,i~, educatioh." , ,' , . d,


A man's got, to believe in something, ,I believe I'll have . another: drink. , -'-W. C. Fields

Priest's Influence In Father Andrew Greeley's recent comments to a special committee of our bishops on the "State of the Priesthood" he made this observation: "One thing can be said on the basis of our ,data: priests are much less likely to recruit young men to the priesthood today than they were five years ago. Given the fact that a priest is the most frequently cited source of vocational influence by our respondents, one can conclude, at least until further research is done, that a lack of vocational recruiting by priests plays a major role in the present vocations shortage." The pastor in Cleveland directIy recruited me, I suppose, but his own life as a servant of the ',people probably was more influ'ential in leading me to the altar. Perhaps our J1ilajor problem today is, 'as Greeley notes, the 'need for additional Father Butlers who by word and example actively encourage young (a,nct old) men to folloW' Christ's call and choose the prtesthood. '


Year Books



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tHE ANCHOR- . Thurs. ,May' 4,' 1972

Report'Decline In Development App'eal Funds " ATLANTA (NC) - The 1971 Campaign for Human Develop, men ,has collected considerably less than the 1970 appeal, ac'cording to partial totals report~d at the U. S. bishops' meeting here. Returns from' 128 of the nation's 162 dioceses have sent a total of $4,622,930 to the national office-a drop of $855,442 from 1970, according to the report. . The report 'compares' the 1970 and 1971 totals from each of the 128 dioceses. With only 75 percent of the fund's collected in the campaign's November appeal going to the national office, the report says that the total collection in the 128 dioceses amounted to

';'Critici~r;es..Knights' of Columbul5 FOil SAVANNAH (NC};-Rejection of a Knights of Columbus candidate by a 10,cal K of C council "solely because his.skin is black" drew strong criticism from the . bishop here and resulted in, the resignation of the K or C council's chaplain. Charges ,of discrilllination were .directed against Savannah Council 631 by Bishop Gerard L. Frey of Savannah, the Savannah Deanery Pastoral Council and the council's chap'lain, Msgr. Daniel J. Bourke. In a letter sent to the bishop and K of C officials,' Msgr. Bourke I denounc1e<1 the council action and declared "the' only .standard for admission to the Knights o~ Coiumbus 'is that a

man be a good, practical Catho-' l:ic." . ' "The man rejected fulfills this c;ualification," he said, adding trrat "he is a highly respected member of 'the community. His pastor, Father Wellmeier, recom· mended him as a good Catholic." Bishop Frey.also resigned from the council. In a letter to the state K, of C deputy, he declared that "as a mat~e'r of conscience : .. i c~ri approve anll endorse new councils only if it is made a.bnndantly clear from the be~:inning that membership is open to all Catholic men and if it can be shown that genuine efforts are being made to recruit members frQm Catholics of the a·rea regardless of racial or national

Rejecting .B'Ic;ack - Candidate

background,' in accord with the national policy of the Supreme Council of the Knights of Columbus." Oppose Segregation The local priests' group dis-. tributed a statement to be read in all churches stating that they SUppOll'ted Msgr. Bourke's resignation and would also resigp ~s chaplains for various K of C coundls they repl'esented if they were '''not integrated as soon as possible." A spokesman for the national K Gl[ C office claimed the cases of disl~rimination by local chapters is "rapidly declining and many states now have blacks holding high offices as· state deputies..

Howecver, they have no statistics available to determine Mw many local councils have integrated their membership since a strong stand against segregation was taken in 1967 by the Knights Supreme Council.

.Guild Award MINNEAPOLIS (NC)-Bernard .Casserly, editor of the Catholic -Bulletin, has received a Page One award from the Twin Cities Newspaper Guild for the best editorial in 1971. Entitled "Open Door Policy Wins" the editorial praised Church officials for their increasing openness with .the press and public. The Bulletin is the paper of the St.':Paul-Minneapolis archdiocese.



The report gives no reason for the sharp decline. It does say that the campagin was crJticized for several reasons, including "the kinds 'of programs" it finanoed.; tne "kinds of people" in charg~ of some programs; Church promotion of "secular causes," and the "watering down . of the Gospel through our participation in matters of social concern." Adult Educators The report does not reply to the crJticism, but it' does quote Pope Paul's message that serves as the theme for the campaign,: "Let all Christians stand in the first rank of those who dare, by every means at their disposal, to break the hellish circle of pov-

erty." The report says that this year the campaign's "educational component" will- concentrate on educating adults to the realities of poverty, "with special emphasis on adult educators;" The recently formed Creative Services Division of the U. S. Catholic Conference will promote the campaign to the general public, and radio and television announcements _will be, released in the Spring and again next Fall in preparation. for the 1972 collection. The campaign has given,a total of $4,678,817 to 2~1 programs _aimed at fighting poverty, according to the report. . It has approved 259 proposals, but 28 were withdrawn or have not been funded. Six of these proj. ects are awaiting action by ~am­ paign officials.

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U. S. Supreme Court has upheld

a state's right to forbid in its copstitution the uSe of state funds to aid nonpublic schools. In another school ,aid case, a three-judge federal. 'panel in Colwhbus, Ohio, has declared unconstitutional a program of ~tategrants to reimburse parents for some-';of the tuition they pay at nonpublic schools.' , The recent high court decision concerned the claim of seven families that a state constitutional prohibition against nonpublic school aid hindered them economically from exercising their right to choose a nonpub· lic education for their children.

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