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·First oiocesa n SchooI Boa rd

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'Bishop Names .13-Member AdvisoryCom.nittee


MRS. EVA M. DANE East Harwich


Connolly, Bishop of Fall River. The advisory education com­ mittee will function in much the manner .as 'other 'committees being organized in the various dioceses in the United States. The new School Board is de­ signed to further improve the '

Appointment of 13 mem­ bers-seven Jaity and six priests-to the first Diocesan ,School Board in the 62-year history of this Southeastern Mas­ sachusetts S'ee is announced to­ day, by the Most Rev. James L.




, Bisho» Corin?ily will I>res~~e. .. The. :(ourpreIates, arel' Rt. Rev. Albert BerUbe, pastor, ' of sf;; .Nnthony of Padua ChUrch, ,. New Bedford, and, a' diocesan , cOnsultor. '

,'~:Rt. ~,e\T. R.ay,m6~dr,¢onsi­

Charity has been the word throughout the' Diocese .wince SUl,1day noon. The start of the 1966 Charities Appeal ~ strong and all indications ar.e that this' strength is ~ntinuing. Up to pres!,! time today the total raised was f270,864.07. The traditional strength of the Appeal Qmong the peoples and in­ dustry of the Diocese was

.'LFRED j; GOMES New Beford

Bishop Connolly has chosen individuals from various walks of life t9 serve on the newly created board, hoping that their experience, garnered in several professions, will improve the ad­ ministration as well as the cul­ Turn to Page Six

Diocesan Education Board Lay Members John Antaya, Attleboro, businessman. Francois Bouchard, New Bedford, engineer. Mrs. Eva Maria Dane, East Harwich, writer, educator. Alfred J. Gomes, New Bedford, attorney. Dr. Clement C. Maxwell, Taunton, educator. Mrs. B"eatri~ce Hancock Mullaney, Probate Court Ju4ge. James F. Nicoletti, Somerset, educator. .' Clergy', R,ev. ,Leo J. Duart, Provincetown . .R t: '.RtW'. ,Alfred J. Gendreau, Fall River. ,VelJ" l~ev. Patrick :fl. Hurley, Taunton. Rt. Rev. John A .. Silvia, New Bedford. "Rev, George E. Sullivan, Fan River. R~t. Rev. Tllomas, ;F. WallJh, Attleboro~



·Meet.in'· Attleboro

re~tor of ~he I!J:~pagation,of the . " , . . . • F~ith, .and ... . .' -a diocesan .. 'col1s,ultor. . ... ,. Rt,. Rev.' James 'Dolan;' pastor , of St. Mary's ,Church~ Taunton, and a diocesan, consultor. , Catholic Teachers AssoCiation of the Diocese ia Rt. 'Rev. Hugh' A. Gallagher, pastor of St. James Church, New, holding'.', ,its Eleventh Annual' Convention today and to­ , ,Bedford, and dean' of the, New' morrow at Bishop Feehan High, School in 'Attleboro. Ap­ Bedford area. , proximately 1000 religious and Jay teachers as well as . They' are the fir~t ever ele'­ priests associated with. school :vated to the .rank in the hfstory work' heard the announcement lay members and six clerics to of'this diocese. of the appointment of a Dio­ advise the Superindendent of cesan School Board with seven Schools on all phases of educa­ tion in the Diocese. .This morning's keynote ad­ dress by Massachusetts Commis­ sioner of Education Dr. Owen B. Kiernan was followed by sessions of general interest as well as those of special interest for elementary and secondary teachers. Most'Rev. James J. Ger­ .

'First ·Heart' Appeal:';~'> ,Returns .'Gratify·ing Bi~hop


. Fall River at 8 Wednesd"y night, May 25..

$.(.00 per' Y_ '" !line, pastor o~' St. "Wil1j~m.'~ .

PRICE lOc' C,huJ:cJt, ~all Ri~er, ~H9cesail,di­

@]966 1he Anchor,

paced by the traditional' first Honor Roll Parish, Our Lady of flhe Angels parish was joined 1\>y Nantucket's Our Lady of the lIslie. They became numbers one lm.d two on the list of Honor

Jl)arishes. . Chairman William H. Carey l!laid today: "What we have seen Ilnappening for charity these past 1llew days is heartening. It is suf­ IUcient to make one optimistic lMld pleased. "But the degree of success is iJIOt such that anyone can rest /IIIld consider success as having

l1Jeen achieved. There are still etlousands of contacts to be com­ pleted. The success 'of our Com­ llIl\itteemen in completing these ~U determine a great degree @i our 1966 achievement. This rs a period in which each mem­ l\)er of the Committee must apply lIaimself to completing quickly IilI1Mil successfully 'all centacts 1urn.,to Page Two

educational system which today rates among the best church­ operated in the entire country. The 13 members 'will advise and counsel Superintendent Patrick , J. O'Neill who is now in the final stage of acquiring his doctorate de¢ree. '

Investiture' of the'four new I y appointed Protono­ taries Apostolic will' be held at St. Mary's Gathedral in

':'0,11 '~iYer~ Mass." 'thursday,¥ayS, 1.966

.Vol'. U),No. 18


Investitu reo Scheduled' May 25

The ANCHOR . .;.




. .' The

Medeiros' Co-Consecrators Two Auxiliaries Are Chosen

The Convention, under the direction of Diocesan Superin­ tendent of Schools Rev. Patrick J. O'Neill, is also host to over ~() companies which produce textbooks and other educational materials and these have dis­ plays and advisors on hand to assist with school problems and to provide information.

'rard, D.D., V.G. Auxiliary Bishop of the Fall River Dio­ cese, and Most Rev. Gerald v. Mc Devitt, D.D.,J.C.D., Aux­ Biry Bishop of,the Archdiocese Turn to Page Twenty-four lUlIlIlIlIIlI IIJIIIIIII11111111111111111111111111 IIII11JII!1I111t11t

MAY 1 ~10, 1.966 BISHOP, McDEVITT



, Other sessions will hear Vati­ can Council" II theologian Rev. Bernard Haering, C.SS.R., the eagerly-awaited New England Catholic Education Center Pro­ , gress Report, and such oppor­ tunities ·for self-examination and evaluation as Criteria for Eval­ uating Catholic Schools, School Library; Linguistics, Creative Writing, Math for Tomorrow.

:" Ymcentia:ns,;Plo:n r 'Reg'iona.D i~eet ' ,.

·THE ANCH,OR~Pi~~rof FQ,H ~!~~r~T~~J~~/~~O)!,,~~,.J?6.6 ""~ .'




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Tefrclll! . Continued from Page O~e confided to, him. I feer sure. that with the present taste of suc­ cess they will :give themselves. to do the job and realize a great, final ,success in the ,Appeal Qf 1966." IF.AI.JL


St. 'Mary 4;795:00 Blessed Sacrament 800.00 EspiritoSantos '722:00 Holy Cross 930:00 Holy Name '4,921.00 Notre ,Dame 550.00 Our Lady -of i:he ,AngelB6;n1.80 Ho~y ltosary 1,3!19:OD Immaculate ,Conception 1,;884.40 5,196;00 Saered.Heart S~>AnDe' S( Anthony of 'Padua'

1,788.00 ' 1,591.50 "'I!WlD

St.: 'Elizabeth SL.Jobiltbe Baptist ;565m' S( Joseph '11/038;00 St. Lo~s 3,235;00', St., Ma:t:bhew 1,709..00 St. Michae13,904.00 St. Patrick 1,303,00 2,1:"79:00 SS. Peter and Paul St. Roch 1,200.00 St. Stanislaus 1,'71"7:50 St. William 3,329.00 SantoChrlsto , 1;051.25 NEWBEDFOB:D Holy Name '5,1'58.0.0 Assumption 155.00 Immaculate ',conception .525.00' Sacred :Heart' 2!67.5.40' Sf:' Anne' 2,016.00 St. Anthony of Padua 500.00' St:'Fi'aiJ.cis of Assisi . '500;00 St:"Hyacirith, < 1,,257.00 St."'James ';',' "850.00'; St:"John .the· Baptist

4;320:60" -2,653:00' St: Ji'oseph'

Sf' Kilian

2;030.00' St."Lawrenee .

i;7.30.():I) SCMary, '. "..

'-4,398.2ir S( ",theresa" ....­ 3,lD6..2S'

St. Mary St. Paul




i' :-:' .~ "!.,.




. '.: ,:



miIcentians from' the, Fall' River, Diocese will attend- ~ first Northeastern Regiona:!!. .'1\ieetin,gof ,the Society ot st.. Vincent:de Patil, to be held ~ weekend of, May 20 in Alba~ N.:Y. : , . . B~ginning 'with a session .~ spiritual ,directors on Friday, tbG program will continue on Sa~ daymorn:ingwith a .generall meeting. A ,panel on public and! 'private welfare' agencies, li youth meeting ;and :group :ses­ sions'are :scheduledfor SatuniBlll ,

1;540.00 2 t808.00

PA'lI.'TlLlEISOlltO St. 30hn 10,1;59.50 St. Joseph 2,693.50 St. Mary 4,'813:00 St. ~tephen~,848:50 St" 'Theresa 3;337.00 NOJR.'ll':lH[ ,&nlliIE:BOllUll sacred 'Heart 1~IS0.00 ,st.iMary '6,'529.24 'll'OWNS Acushnet­ 51. ,Francis Xavier .2,~7.'55 ,Buzzards Bay­ REV. JOlEINM.BREEN,M;M. st.Margaret Centerville­ iOarLady ,of VietoJ:'.)" 1,;0'15.00 'Central 'Village­ .81. John Baptist 1,22fUIO :Chatham- , .: \' Ho~y ,'Redeemer ,~,OO. Fairhaven-5t~ JOSeph '7,122;81 . ,st. .Mary 808.25 Sacred Hearts Two niissionau ,priests, natives arChdiocese of Lima, :Peni'1l Cap­ '735.00 'Falmouth-5t. Patrick 5,'709:50 of the Fall River Diocese, have itai City.

,Hyannis-- ' beel1l elected to serve as "delegates .Schoo~ ,clinics, socia) services.,

St. .Francis Xavier -6,,168-00 to the fifth General Cha,pterrelief ,wotkand youth projeds

MatU!-poisett- ' , 'meelllilg"ofthe Catholic Foreign are,.I1mong .Maryknoll prograDl2l 2,572.~ Mission 'Society of America tq :improve :livlng CQ:riditions :m, ,St. Anthony Nantucket--: whkh, will,be convened Aug'.:1 :Peru.Radio sChools conducted OuiLady of the Isle ~673JOO at Mary:knoU. " ' b y 1\i:ari.kn:oners 'broadcast ,pro­ North :Dighton~

.RE,v. Jo~ J. Lawler., M.:M., ,of grams in ,S,pariiSh and the Indian St. Joseph'

-1,211.00 .N,ew Bedford is one of two dialects, ,making,educEltion avaU­ ' North Westport­ Ma~,knollers who will represent able,to ~op1ein suulll, reD10te Oli,r Lady <if Grace' '1,875.00 the society's': missionaries' i!ivillage!l. ' ", " ' " Norton-:-:-SLMa ry',' ' J.,6M;50 Peru~Rev . ..J;,ohri M. Bre~,M.M. ' 'Father ~n Ocean Grove­ is 'one' of ,twor.epresentativell Father: ,Breen;. ordained' m' St. Michael 1,564.QO from--the'EISalvador-Guatemala June .1951, ''WaS assigned. to,: :Qtleans'' . regi6n. ' :Guatemala·'wllere,he ilerved un­ ·:;;t. Joan of 'ArC, ' 1,,4Sfoo The Chapter'meeting :iscal1ed til the3ater ';lm,of 1965wheJll' 'OSter'ville-A:ssuri'lptio'n ~06.(l0, eve~, 10 year. to elect a Supe.;' 'he 'was :asSi,gned ·to 'E], Salvador., PrOvincetowncSt. Peter 325;00 rior" general' 'and' govemirig The 43-year-old missiOner, the~ Raynham-:St.'ADn' ,. ~656.00 co'uiidl, and, to discuss society' first Mary)kncill)priest to 'be ml­ ,Sandwich--COll>us Christi 12500plam:and,policies. Fifty-five signed --:to ",El SB1vador's~pital ,Seekonk~.Mt: c&-zp;ef: '3;414;00 Dlf,iIibers.from'xmssion areas arid,of San:sa'lv.ador, ,:is the 8ml 'c:f 'Somerset-'- " . ,. ' ... " ' . fro~the'; United 'States ww -the late Mr. and Mrs. Michael J;. ~St:Jo~ -of.'GQCi . ~,'574.50 a t t e n d / B r e e n ·of·Fall River.'" .~'

'De:Oegates to Clla,pte!r.

:afternoon. . A ':banquet :at :8 'w:ill have . '

~er. ~" ,JobnG. ND~' national seeI'etaJ::yof :the Oath­ olic,:N$ :EaEtW~ ~ .


.:F,•. LawJe'i',fJ'~ INeID., tMoryknoUe'ri " To Attend Socie'ty's Meefing'-




'~s sChedule"will~'

at 8 with Mass in Alban)"M uCathedraI ,of~ 'lthe iininllculate Conception. BiShQp .Edward JI.' Maginn of Albany Will 'celebra. ibeiMass .and lPl'eaeh. ~'wi11be :followed ~ lilpa,nel.on the Y-atican, Councill ana Its.be~',on ~e work . cUi., £be Vincentiimll, ':and, the wee1&» ena, 'willclose With a,geiuirat" 'meeting frOm :1'2:~Oto ~ :30.. API'9gram,fo~'Wi~ of deleo:. gl;\~ba~ been liIrranged and bUll tI'ansportatipn, 'Will ibeav.aibililtl, for. those no~ will!ling to dl'ha.. to Albany. ' . ­

~h;ristianity 'Sas.,!

for "Integr-ation" ',~~m:j' (~C)':',:~rist!ani',i

can be the \)as~,.for ,racial in~' gation 'm¢he iI!1. S./SaidTh'oma.'­ '~ff! St. Thrimas'More' '4 i94·"O·O'· Fa1her'Lawler'~,ordaihed:iI{ Mary'knoll 'work.in '£1 '881.a-'-:· PatriCk, MeIadj, :pt~ent of, tbiD '. ,~" ,.",;, 'TAUNTON . . I . 'i· sOuth Dartmotith- .. ' ,-" Juiie"'Ii:942.~' -first ,assignmlmt Oor., began ,orily" ,in, 196Dand in Attica !s&vice :IilStrtUte of· NeW , Holy Farp,ily 2,201.50-·st Mary '" ,. , ., >62~.00: after ordination"W'as to BOlivla. San, Salvador'only:w~:th,',theu-', Ybrk'aild ~e.nt'Tepresen-S H<>}y. Rosary fi7.5,:OO 'South Easton':'::' . , . In.i1950 he, was asSigned to ,Peril .rivalof :F.ather·,Bmen..,At iJr.eS- tive 'Of' P.aX 'lRoD:iBn8 at· tbiI· '., Im~l:Icu~at~,_qpnt;eptioIl-4".6'74;.QP Holycross ..' -2,2~3.!X';, wher.e, 'except fotbrief periotk ent ,the MaryJm6H :eoritingea:it :iii United" Nations.. ",;. ' Our Lady of Lourdes, '350.00 South' YarniOli th-' in :thelLS.he '-:hasllerVed Sti~ the country ,'llumbers.orily se'Ven; :~'~ti"~~e~. t.~ iDiPortllOce, _;' sacfed :Heart , . ,,', 3,1l68J){) S sCPiiiSx·· ,.-: -:-", s;i40,5[ :SequeriUy.', . ,' ' ., ( !'or ~ssi0n..I>\irposes El Salva"-'i a "dial;C?,gue ,w,j,~'" Afr07l\s11a:' 8t:--' Anthony' ',; .. 1,;9113~?5 . w a n - s e a - " I ' t i : e ' ; s i ' , h i " ' : ....orls coDSldereil,'8',p;art of,-ttie: peo'p~ell" anjl,s~d that we Diud' Sf,.r, Jahie's' .. ,'.,' ~;"""'._' Our'Lad ... ~._- '~;150.00 , . . 'currently ., , ,-:year-o: ,nusslOner, ' ,Guatemala ar b M 3lYALLO ._- n. "',"'00.... ' y 0 f Z:a1oUUi1 'stationed -m':LiIria,waa" . e a "Y '=~ ;aD'tmtl, 1o'1h~,~tj:JOle ..trl~"'.;"", __ .~~, .I,gn<?ranoo, ,~, St:' .Joseph " 7;70:00 St;Dominic' ~45I:00 born in Preston, England" t h e ' : · . ~,~ 1h~t. afflids 'thtim. :',,: ,,':. St. Louis of' France 3,023:50' .soIi, son of'the' late .Mr. and Mrs.'O,",:p' r , .',ft', 'Ol-do· Wareham-5t. PatriCK '1;200'.00' RobeJ't ,Lawler, who later moved·· C Westport-St. George 625;00 ~~Na'~W'YOUBthed.fo,r,d when 'Father iA·t."EV:~,!Il~, ,tS" FRIDAY -'Mass of III Sunday Woods HOle--;St. JosePh 250.00 ~~ A T~:II'II After Easter. IV Class. White. 'Foundea ,school Bishop 'C~nn~IlY~Il be~est' Funeral' Home Mass Proper; Glory; no Creed; Necrolog~ Fl,ltl:1er Lawler founded Peru's:, of bonQr 'J;'uesday evening, -May, Preface of Easter.. 'Two V()tive ., first parochial school which 10-' 10 at a dinner meeting of the 571 Second Str-eet i." Masses in honor of the sacred MAY 13 day It;asmore ·than 11{)0 students. DiocesllnBo~rd ,of .:th.~· iConfra­ !Fa'll 'River,'M~ss.

: .8.t. Rev., OsiasBouche.r, 1955, Heart of Jesus permitted. In Peru '8{)Marylmoll priests ternity, of 'Christian, Doctrine, to Glory", -no 'Creed', Preface of Pastor 'S t F all and Brothers :are w:orking;among be , held a t B'I Sh op C asm'dy Hi.~ , , .C'Olessed D. ,acramen OS 9-6012

Sacred Heart. Tomorrow.is the . River. -, "'he,0 rdi.nary.·, nearl,':700jOOO '.per.sonsinfour School " T aun t on., ....' ·MlCHAEL ,li. McMAHON 00, !irst,Saturd~_of. the ,month.' 'MAY 16 3l'eas: ,the ,diocese ofPuno and will celebrate :M;ass ~or board ILicensed Funeral ,Director the,Juli Prelature, Iboth high:in members at 7:'80, immediately SATTiiRDAY' _ St. Staru.slaus 'Rev. William McDonald S S , Reaister-Embalmer Bishop and Martyr. III ClasS: 1941, St. PatriCk, Falmouth... " the.&tldesMountalns; 'thf'arclI­ pr-ecedin,gthe dinner. ' Red. Mass. Proper; Glory; n~ R't. Rev.' 'J. Joseph 'Sullivan diocese ,of .Arequipa, and 'the' :I'he.Bishopwi¥alsoJ?reside at Creed, .Preface of Easter. ,P.R.~ 196Q; Paster, Sacred Hean: a commenceD1eIlt ceremony ,lor . , ' . Fan River. " r' on graduates of aCCD tra~ SUNDAY-:IV l:?unday after.EaS­ ~cel.lmengeau. couts ~urse 'now 1p 'progress atvari­ AUi~EiRT:I'NiE ter. II '::lass. 'White. MaSli MAY 1'1- ' Ecumenism begins young 'illS ous locations, 'the , Diocese. " 'Proper; 'Glory;' Creed; Pre:Caee Most Rev. James . :(!:.Cassidy, Girl Scouts,· of St. JOhn Ba;tist',Over 60 :teachers in ·:the· CCD' . 'Helen Aube7tine :Brough of Easter. D.O., 1951, 3rd Bishop of Fall . parish, 'New Bedford, proved' tramingprogram will Teceive' "wO' NDA River. 1934-51. ' when they invited sister Scouts certificatel!at 8 ,Tuesday night" WiUiarn 'K, ~ubertine "i" ....~ , Y-5t. GregolY Nanan;' MIU' ,,24 .atSt. MCllY's C!athedrai,' IBTian ,I. .Aubertine, zen, Bishop and Confessor and MAY JiD . of THElreth :iIsrael Synagogue 'to' ~ Biver. ,', ' .' " ..,; . of +he Church. ,m Class. 'White.. B e ' attend SundlU' Mass 'with·them. S,pacious 'Area,; ;, , v.AmbrDseLamar~ 'OoP;, R Iv.[ el . . Mass Proper; GloJ;'Y; no Cre~; ,~MO~,)Dom'iJUcall1Pnory,Fan elvb· ' ·tanduM·p.·Ferreira, ,curate,:.' ce e nl e' Preface of ~aster: _ Ri' ass :andexplained .IWY"2·2957 ver. . ceremonies to ,tne visitors. Pre­ 129 .~Jeoo :St. ' .tHew ,Betlfilrtl ; TUESDAY"':'-St. AntoniD:uS, Bisb_,Rev.'Thomas, 'Trainm.:, 1941" viousl;r the St.John's Scouts hacl l~lUI.NERAl :H()M~, iiNe. Qpe and Confessor. III 'Class.. P~r" :~.•!LcJw-s.FallRiver. aftendedsernces at . the gyna­ ;f1. ;Man:el.iR~~ G..t.orra!JIe ._

,White. Mass Proper; ,Glory; -gogue. 'The ,event ·made 'SuChan IAllger ,LllfranCll

2nd ,Prayer S8. Gordian and iIripression ,on Mrs. 'William se­ :ImJNEliA1' !DIREor(~R5

lj:pimachus, Ma!tYrs; ,no Creed; . quin, vj.si.tin,g, New .Bedford.:from ~", "5 lirv.i~gton ,cli., . Preface r-:':Eastel'.. :/FO:RTY,lHO'I,WiRS Santa' ,CIani; calif., 'that' ;she" , , ',", wrote, ,a' letter ,of:'commendatioo' " ' '995..'5,1'66 ' '. WEDNESDAY-5S. Philip "and:"- ,",",' 1D,:E'K:,~""'.!,,:m~,..,n, to the New Bedford' ,Standard IlBedfcrcll"',' ,James, Apostles. n·'Class. ·Red. " V'V'lJ n . : l l u " l ! ! , ~imes. ' ": , , , Mass Proper; 'Glory;C~"':" '.',.', ! -Preface 'Of :Apostles. : ' '},;: ''1Il4ay' . , ' 16-'St. " ' " , '..' .' . .. ,V:ineen-esH~, ~,~"""",,=,;,,;,,:=oz,;,,,,;===c~=-. ,,', '. .-', , '~'~ 'li'JruRSDAY-SS.Nereu!!, A.cbU,;"iF.iill'River '~~ff:~~m'~o$'muw£~, , :D0AM6.aE:AL·AMt:s ;!n,es,1 W:artyrs. p'"a't:rl'i:c k ,"""', ". '," ,',.' . iD,.",,,,.,S,; .,.,.. :' 'ass. ned. Mass. ,Proper; -.o.J .' ' " , ,,, .... . , . . - ' ... ','" " ' , . '. ~ ~\i!-'~lJiil" , ')NCOA.POR.AT.£O Glory; no Creed; Preface:'of mouth.., ',"' ., ,', 'llfj@flOO6il" ' .. " . . ' . ' Mt.'St. .JostiiP!i.Sbhool, , 55I1Locust,;S;tI":-\~"" ,~9 (LOCt!l$1.:.,~ill;9(~~' : Easter; ; '. ':f>.~~~,A~H~S "'. ';'.::' . ' '!Fall :Riverl <'c" r:;,- • '. ,," ~:z1J ;iive~."niia~l3.;';' ",':-0: ,..... ' ,lI'-'<,', ~ "-'''!.'








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.Chicago Bishop Says Poland Again in Hands of Enemy



Thurs., May 5,'f966'



Prelate Suggests Priests Organize Study Days

CHICAGO (NC)-Poland with its Christian heritage ~ once more in enemy hands, a Oatholic bishop said here at a celebration of Poland's 1,OOOth anniversarY as a Chris­ tian nation. Speaking before 1,500 Chicago leaders of Polish MONTREAL (NC)-Paul

ancestry at a banquet, Aux­ wholly abandon a faithful peo­ Emile Cardinal Leger of

iliary Bishop Aloysius' J. pIe, who for all their faults have Montreal told 150 archdiOoo

Wycislo of Chicago declared never abandoned Him," the cesan priests here they must

that Poland is "in the hands bishop emphasized. be "permanent" stu4ents"like aD.

m: people who are afraid to let "We' must celebrate this professional persons, and organ­

bishops go to Czestochowa to 1,000th birthday of Poland's bap.;. ize study days to keep pace witll

kneel and pray." The millennium tism," BiShop Wycislo said. "We the Church to fulfill their mis<­

banquet opened a year-long must do this because of the her­ sion.

Ileries of events marking the itage that is ours; for what our The cardinal listed four con­

Christian baptism of Poland in fathers have planted, we must ditions a priest should fulfill­

the year 966. now r~ap and when we reap. retain his confidence despite

The communist authorities of not only will America and the changes which may have upset

:Warsaw have refused visas to 15 world, know what Poles lfave many of the faithful and the.

United states archbishops and done for her, but the land of our clergy of the older generation;

b ish 0 p s, includil)g Chicago's fathers will boast of our fidelity, B!SHOP~ELECT AND NIECES: Bishop Medeiros pre­ understand the real values, the'

Archbishop John P. Cody, to our love and of our understand­ sented class rings at thE;. annual ring ceremony at Sacred permanent realities such as the

lead pilgrimages .to the Polish mg." Hearts Academy, Fall River, and among the members of Gospel itself instead of engaging.

Shrine of Our Lady of Czesto­ the junior class being ringed were his three nieces; Patricia in interminable discussions OIl

ehowa for the religious celebra­ peripheric problems; be a guide

tion of the millenninm.. Souza, Kathleen Medeiros, the Bishop, and Diane Medeiros. for the faith of others, through

. Want io Pray profound personal conviction

Bishop Wycislo,'general chair­ and an intense living in keeping

l!nan of the millennium observ­ with the requirements of the

·Rev. James E. Murphy, a mem­ ance· here, said the bishops ber of St. James Misionary So­ faith; and give a real teaching.

"wanted to go to Poland on May ciety, stationed in Peru, and which requires a deep under­

as to pray, not to fan flames of former assistant at St. Patrick's standing and an absolute respect .

Oppose New York City's Plan

kidignation." of the persons to whom the

Parish, Fall River, was celebrant The bishop said Poles through­ . of a Solemn High Mass of Re­ priest is presenting his teaching.

For Spending Federai Aid·

out the world will celebrate th~ quiem this morning at 10 o'Clock Recalling the advice of Pope

1.000th birthday of Christianity. in St. Lawrence's Church, New Pius XII, Cardinal Leger said •.

.NEW YORK (NC)-The pro- groups, voted .to reject 11 plan ''The Polish people are not Bedford, for the repose of the sane public opinion which exera

despairing, for above all else the soul of his mother, Mrs. Anna tests of private educators over prepared by the superintendent cises itself through constructive

~les realize that God will not Eo (Flynn) Murphy, who died · New York City's plan for spend- of schools for wide-scale services criticism is good for the .life 01.

. ing federal education aid have tv needy children in their pd­ unexpectedly Sunday. the Church. . . Assisting Father Murphy were: been carried to James E. Allen,. vate schools. It accepted instead B~fore making such criticism, New York State'Education Coni- a limited substitute spending less Rt, Rev. Raymond T. Considine, . the cardinal said a priest should than three per cent of the funds be certain his .criticism is aCtuq deacon, Rev. Paul E. Doyle, OoP., missioner. .The Committee. of Nonpublic . available from the federal gov­ . . IlUb-:deacon. '. ated ... by ,a real love of. the ATLANTA (HC)':"'A revised Most Rev. James J. Gerrard, Schooi Represeniativ~s,ll~resent· ·emment ~or such aid. Churcli;' make a 'criticism whicia ' iPiritual . program. for Catholic ~.D., V.G.; AUxiliary Bishop of a telegra~ to ~llen .·charging· '1'he. telegrain sent to' Allen . would be useful;' if uncertain Of ' Boy Scouts was formulated at the ,Diocese of Fall River and · that the board's.plaids a "patent·" »aid the board's substitute "upset his ground, corisultwith the~ , "e 19th National Conference of pastor of St.. Lawrence'sChurch, . injustice' to •dilladva!ltaged ~hil-' nine months of consultation be­ logians or his' superiors, 'and.;., Diocesan Scout Chaplains' and ~e~Bedford, ,..as seated jn the · ~rel1 .and .cl~l;Il' v~olationof the'" twee9·pul,>lica~d., nonpublie tone the cri ticism. to reflect ~ . intent of the law." . school representatives and rlln love for the' Church arid the . ioay Leaders here April 11 to 14. aanctuary.. . . : Some 150 ... prieSts . and lay In addition to Father Murphy, . Th'e ',to~P, he~d~d 'by',' MslP:. co'unter to. ~~t(r~comll}e'ndatio!l cl1aracteristicil . Of a' Chiisti_ .' leaderS from 'cUoceses' .around me is "survived by her hUsband, Eugene .J. Molloy;' Brooklyn .of. t~e.su~ermtendent of schools, . eoUNle. tile coimtrY attended the meet­ . J.obn J. Murphy; and tWo daugQ-. Catholic dlocesan school super:" . lB. educatIOnally unsound, con,­ iDg to 'review and update spirit­ ters, Mrs. Mary Hill of New Be4­ intendent, ,asked Allen' "to take' . trary .to: : le!fislative ~ntent, $ *.•. U1 programS Of the· scouting ford and Miss Anne" E. Murphy . immediate and· effective action" and dIscnmmates agamst dlsad­ Sucordi'um', Banquet : Movement in' accOrd with the with the Papal'Vahmte'ers in. to upset the board's ·decision.· van~ge~ c hH d,~,e n atte~ding .The annUlil banquet of the' 'Su-­

. _cumentS of Vatican Council U. British Honduraa. At issue is ,the way 'in ·whic~. nonpub,bc schools.. , .eordium Club. of Sacred Hearie

. A major part of the revisions '. public schools will offe'rshared . T,he telegram was· lrigri~d by Academy; Fall RIver, will b4t

Made involved the program -lead­ held at 6:30 'J;'uesday night, Mal' '

· and .special services to disadvan­ Catholic, Jewish; Greek' Ortho­ Parishioners Bake Ing to the Ad Altare Dei emblem, t~ged 'c~ldi:en enroiied in pri-' dox, Ep~scopalian and L~theran 17 at the academy. A· smorgaa.

awarded to Catholic Boy Scouts vate ~chools. . .. liChool. educators. . bord will be ilerved. '

lor knowledge of and service to Homemade HostsReject Plan ANACONDA' (NC)-Nineteen tile Church. The revised program puts new emphasis on "the boy's .women· of St. Paul's parish here On April 6; the· board, heeding' .knowledge of religion, liturgy in . Montana bake s.ome 50,000 objections .' on: Church - State and Scripture as well as social' hosts each year for parish Holy grounds from militant separatist . . . . ~ Msponsibility.· Similar changes Communions. St. Paul's hl the only known were made in the program lead­ Cape, Islands ing to the Parvuli Dei medal for parish in the Helena diocese which makes its own hosts in­ Cub Scouts. Mrs. James Quirk, St. Pius X Also reviewed a II, d updated stead of purchasing them. But it Guild, South Yarmouth, . was is not done .to . save money, was the Catholic scouter devel­ named president· of Cape and oPment program aimed at the' Father Raymond Gilmore, assist­ Islands District Five ot'the Di­ lPiritual formation of lay leaders. ant pastor, said. "Making the ocesan Council of Catholic' ~osts brings the .women into Women at the annual district StonehiU Glee Club closer contact with the Mass," he meeting. Serving with her will gtated. be Mrs. Robert O'Neill, St. . To Sing. Sunday" Sisters working in the parish Francis Xavier Guild, Hyannis; . The 'Stonehill College Glee' ~ed to .do the job; but when" vice-president; Mrs. George etub will present.its annual theiraown chores became extra- . T'owers,' St, John Guild, Pocas­ Spring Program at' 8:30 Sunday'. ordinarily: heavy, the lay women set, secJ;'etary; Mrs. Richard G. evening, May 8, in the gymna- volunteered, to 'make the hosts. Pratt,St. Patrick's. Guild, Fal­ r. lium on' the' upper campUs. Every. two month's they put hi mouth; treasl,lrer; ,Mrs. Nestor ~irectt~d by Georg~ G. Pelletier, four days work,' baki~g imd cut­ Robideau, St. J-ohn's Guild, Po­ tile club will off~r a programiin,g the hoats: .. , ' . e~set,,Di~cesan vice~presidenk of 19th-century' music, . "The .May God· Bless you :with the'love~ Romantic Ideal." Four sOloists thoughtfulness and gratitude. of

:Win be featured. Presenting the works of.. com­

yo':', iove'd ~ on_ this .da~ -:: a~d . ~rs Brahm, Greig 'imd Wag­ . . .,: .. ".' .. ' . every Cloy I '

aer, and the <;ontemporary com­ poser, Randall Thompson, will

Have you ever'thought that th~Priest .be Eleanor Edwards,' ~oprano; ',' : . might need. yOllf help, y~ur prayers, your the husband. and wife team. of . Ruth· "Sullivan; ~ontralto, and services, and your life?'.. .'

J)a~d Sl,lllivan, tenor; and Mark

Find this idea.1 with the

Pearson, bass. All are from Bos- .

SiStERS OF STe JEANNE' ARC ton. The Ston'ehill male chorua

also be featured. The .' .itSHOP:S R£SIDENC'E _ is open to. ~ public.·

Offers Requiem For Mother

Educo.tors Protest

Catholic Scouts

Revise Program










3t4 .1IigJIfatIfC.. AveRDe, .Fat,· River, Mass. ai21"" '.. ,".,.._~or~" '. ", . .;; • $T~ ",ARY'SREC.tORY. ,.; ,. 327 Stcolel Street, Fall~jv.r, Mm. . . 0272(

'. FaU River Council Monthly ,meeting of Fall Rivei:'. , " Particular 'Council, S'ociety .,oi. . jIt. V.incent de Paul will be held

.ext.. Tuesday, night ' in . St.. ~ch8el's SchoOl hall, :following '. " lI&nedlctiori;.of .~he Most Blessed' . •, '" fIloI'ament ill the elaurcll at-7:4i.




..... .-:' .. fasten. ·.A,....., Fall .. ,








,";; .

.' ' .....:


Iivti; ••, . .U:m ..;~ ,­ .'.

~•• '., ..... ·1



',; _~.. ,





• '.',1





':;itizeiis:i~~; :"'OOWN-TOWN


. ~ '".1: I

' • • . . . . •".

Holy Name 'SocJe1~y Sacred . >/,.. Heart Mrs. Eliza Houghton St. Anne Sodalit~( - Sacr~d Heart., CYO - .Sacred .Hllart C\Jrch". Donley Mfg. Co. Interboro Laundr3', Inc. A. T. Parker & Co.


Bergh Bros.

. $35 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Levis Dr. Robert J. Welch $30

Raymond'll'ousign,ant •.•

A. Lacasse & Soml

Albert Morawski

$25 Parish Guild - St~ Mary's Bernier Drug Walter McCann Frenchie's Service Station .The Rome 'MIchael A. Vigorito .Albert. Desilets, Builder-Con­ tractor Ethel Rounds

THE ANCHORThurs., ,May 5, 1966




$'750 Fathers of the Sacred HeartB $600 A Friend $125 Rt. Rev. John H. Hackett $100 Holy Cross Fathers, St. Joseph Ball $50 R. J. Toomey Co.

Rumford Steel Products

Rev. Edmond Tremblay


Swift & Company

$25 Sisters of the Sacred' HeartB A Friend Agostini Construction Co., Inc. A Friend . Jolicoeur & Resmini Co., Inc. Sacred Heart Novitiate $15 ,

Kirkpatrick Co.



BRAGA· BRIDGE: Ayearpookfeaturing. Fall River's new Braga ~ridge won.first prize for Mt. St. Mary Acad­ emy 'at a publications conferencle at Merrimack Cbllege~ From left, holding book and aw.ard,patricia Selleck,' in­ coming editor ;" and Janis Biszko, this year's edi tor;

Slades Ferry Trust Co. . . $440 Mr. & Mrs. James E. BulJocll: . $200 Brow'spharm~CY. Donnelly PaintingComp3ny Dixon Burial Vault Co. A Friend . . ,. C;orrigan Apothecary $135 · . Bricklayers, .Masoils, Plaster-:'Mr. & Mrs Michael J. 1\11«:­ ers Int'l. Uni6n'No;'11 . ., Dlahon 'Spindle City' Dye"Wo'rkli . $100 . Albert Petit

,Colonial Wholesale Beverage · Michaud & Poirier Corp.:. . ' . . :' . Green's Storage 'Warehouse'

l) &. D Sales &; Ser.vice Cororiet Print;' Inc,· , Fall River Glass .Co. John W. Ca.D & Son . Midland ·P.rint .Works '. Travis .Fur.niture ·C~., .Inc.. ..Chace Mills··Curtain Co., Ine., . · Frank N. Wheelock.& Sons., Arkwright. Warehouse ,Corp. . 'Alien's Cut Rate .. . " Arkwright, FiT\ishing Division , Iiampoi't· Company Uni~edMerc.hants cl!t Mfgrs., Ip~. .. 'Staples Coal Co. ' . I3.rady Ele.ctr~c CQmp~riy ,. 'Wilbur's" .. ' Harold C. Nagle' .lnsurance .' Darwood' Mfg;Co. Agency, Inc. .. . . , Poirier RarilblElr' Fall. River'& New Bedfo~ Motor Truck 'Bales' !.: ~press' ." '. .. :. '~, · Ray's Aitto"Radiator Wo'rks , Lirrfcar ConstJ;'~ction Co., Inc Engine Service &'-stpply,' Ih~. Henry J. Duffy.Pharmacy; Inc. Josep~. Borge & Sons, Inc. ,., . $75

Booth & Durfee, Inc. Sears Roebuck Company

Albert G. Pierce $60' .

John P. Slade & Son John. F. McMahon '& Sons,

Fall River Florists Supply Co.

Inc. '. ..... Fall River Luggage & Novelty

$50 Workers Locat"No, 65 . ",

Kidd Construction. Corp. Catholic Pharmacists' .'GuiltJ cit

Eugene Pontiff St. James' A. H. Leemirig & Sons, Inc. David J.Friar Aluminun Processing Corp.. $20 Fall River Sheet Metal' Worka John's Shoe Store ·Morris Levin Quequechan Products Corp. Corcoran Supply Co.. Nelson's Dairy" .

O'Neil Fisk Tire Se'rvice, ]me. Don's Appliance Co.

LeComte's Dairy . Hathaway Funeral Service ,Advance Fx:ocks Corp. "

. Santos Trucking Co. Atty. Francis Meagher

Venturini Brothers · Cathedral Mens Club Simon's Supply Co., Inc. . . $1;; '" 0 John F. Stafford Ins. AgellC7 . Ada~ BooY. Store,:: Carnival Frank X. Perron Drive In, Luso. American Macar­

·Durfee Buffihton Ins. Agenq, :.roni Mfg. C:o., 'Joseph::A. Cohen, k. '. ..: Modem Furniture' Co.': Espirito. SantOs' ConfirmaticlE Sherry Construction, Inc., Fall . .Oass~1966 River Tool £;. Die Co., Down$40

flown Parking Lots.: , Regal Floor Covering

American Wallpaper Company, $35

Dr. Joseph V. Medeiros

Bernard A. G. Taradash .

$30 Thomas J. Ashton & SoIl Color Process $25 Fall :River Steam & Gas Pipe


Congdon & Carpenter Co. Auerbach Bathrobe Corp. A. Soioff & Sonl Inc.

Lewis Gray Sons Co.

Laura Curtain & Drapery Co.,

Inc.' '. . Troy Sheet Metal Works, Ioe. ·SmitrElectrical Supply Co. Chace Electric Co. Dr. Benjamin Leavitt Norman F. 'Thompson J. C. Roofing





Ani .' e b'"oro:..



Na'tional Bank

. . ",.

. $ioo'

. '

Sadler Brothers· Inc." . ·M::r'. & ·:Mrs. Patrick J. DuffY" , Stl~phen :8:.: Foley" Funt;lr'~

Ho-me .: , "'" .' .... ,.' ~ ~'S~laJik_, inc."'"





: ,'.".; .... "', '$25 ..... :', :: .·Attlebt5ro 'Sun Puplishing Co~









SoCialities SchO<II

Sacred H.

II Jr •


, Deblois Oil Company Manufacturers National Bank of Bristol County . Pete's Barber Shop'



American OFF S Ie v· -


. j• .



'-17_COFFN AVENUE I'hone WYman 7-9.421 New Bedford, Mlaas. "

,. ~.;..: -', $1500-Part of the costs for one more:woJ'loo .... "., shop . ':1:' ,', . $lOOo-Part of the costs.q~ one moreiclas... ··: room, .... $30Q -Overall cost per.child_ for ,one year ' , $100 -P.art of the equipment 110r a class­ room. ' $11 -Buy lunch for ope year for a yo·un,. ./ ., . liter under 12 $S -Buy clothes for a blind ~oy .. . $4 -ProvIde books In Braille. the finler ~ngu8ge .

lunch for two months.m a blInd

$2 .. -'Buy ch1ld. ..

WHAT> tf$240o-:.:.-auy 8:new,school bus







tl 1:1 tl

tIIMORlES RlIfllember What- yOU'. wore on your firat Com­ 'IN munlon Day? For thefr Flm Comrmmton, In the WHrTI D1b8YI (lebanon). ,refl:IBe8' camp, 18 little ·Slrla , wl":bett\rlJ~ to have'whfte shoes,edress arwl V«~t~ .OUtflt a '~rltGr $1'07


Tel Nmeritb~ the mfuloM 1n'yourwfll,l8n yOV' GOOD, "'NY~ our legel title .. CltIIoIIc.HMr Int A

WILL 1111'. AaoCIetIon.


----------~~-----_. 'PlND $ _

. Dea, IHCLOHD, IIoDsIpor Nolana fORJ Please

. Year Books



1:1 $1000

John F. Smith Estate

$500 " :Mr. & Jl4rs. Joseph Miconi, Sr. $150 Nelson. Gulski " $100 . . :Mrs. Elizabeth Croke' Doll'aft & Joimsori. Corp. ''-' $'75 . Ca1:holie Women'. Club $60 Ca])odanno's Ine.

ROME (NC) - One hundr~ and twenty participants in UJe general chapter of the Christian Brothers of the Christian schoow are in Rome for a five-day re­ treat before getting down to the business of the general chapter.. On the agenda of the meeting are the adoption of revised rulee and constitution, the election. eli a new superior general and bq councillors, and an examinatioa of the problems facing the __ ganization.

...GIVING l1tti8ppt.~d .In Gaze centuries before Christ. ••• :.:. .,SIGHT ~amson, a leader of ~trengthand.courage, we•.. TO . deceived, ~ Delilah and captured by the. Ph ill.. .: ...THE -1:ln~s. Th~Y.:louged out his ey~ 'ea~inghlnf' lUND helplesaly blind•••• 'nGam today, notfadrom' IN ~5amson'~ tomb, 76 blind boys end girls' (~II of· .THE them Moilems) are conquering blindness In·th. GAZA Holy Father's Pontifical Mlasion Center for the:· '. STRIP nllnd~'Theylearn how to read and write (through 15rall/e), 'pIey bell· together fit 8 sun-baked-plaY" ...f'. s:round (tlil! ball has a: bell InsIde), and they'll 'e,upport themselves tomorrow as teachers, ruS-. rrl'aker&, basket-weavers. ••• The PontIfICal MIs­ ·slon Center "'the first (a,!d. only) s!=hool for the' : , blind In ,thIs.part oftheAmb world. To Moslem... .; "" itt'S a.beacon of Christian wltness., ••• 'Adapt'.. 'lIa Illghtless boy (or Slrl) forthe.n!!xU2 month.,.: :! "',;\ ",: ... ($120)7 :Only $10 a montn.($2.50 ,a wejlk).;, . \.lluaran.tee.s.lln education for hl~.(o.r lJ~r)I'Please.,' :' ..,., ..... , .. .. ;.vr!~ll,.to us, In thanks ~ God that you can seel . "." ,'" '., . :,' ',i::· . . CI.. :·.·· , " .'. .


Reardon & Lynch::'Co:" ',. State Line General Scrap Co., Inc. ,~ . Connelly Gold Stamping Co. An.son Motors, Inc , $15 •

Saltzman's Men's Store

Christian Brothers Meeting in Rome


Muriel. Frocks, R. E. Smi~)l9o.. Mullen Brothers Jewelers, The Spe<:lator, AP Construction' Gorp. 'Liberty Loan & Realty Co Inc; Wilfred J.' Gingras .'" . Allpert Brothers, Inc. : I '

Fuller Box Co., Inc. Monarch Machine Works, IRe. Altar Boys Sacred Head Parish , Franklin Hardware Co. R. S. Gilmore, Inc. Bliss Insurance Co., Pasqua)r) Cavaloeiri & Sons, Mrs. Rutb Lyons


Fall River $1500

Fall River Herald NeW3

A Friend


A Friend

$15 . Al's Radio & TV Service

return coupon with your offerlns

NAM'LI 8TllEl1:~





_ _ aTATE_ _ zlP ooD,... F_"" . .._


NEAR EAST MISSIONS FRANCIS CARDINAL SPELLMAN, President MSGR. JOHN G. NOLAN, National Secretary Write: CATHOLIC NEAR EAST WELFARE Assoc. 330 Madison Avenue -New York, N.Y. 10017 Telephone: 212/YUkon 6·5840.

Special Gifts

THE ANCHORThurs., May. 5, 1966



$500 Reed and. Barton Foundatioa

$100 A Friend Drummond Printing CompaJlS? James E. Miles Insurance Co. New Process Twist Drill Joseph McCormick

fOlf c@n~g)O~ [)'jJ~ RUTHERFORD (NC)-A private university president believes the state must sub­ sidize students attending

$50 John Bright Shoe Store Turin's Market . Emco Electrical Supply Co. Nason Oil Company Society of St. Vincent de PaW, ~t. Jacques Parish Orsi Brothers J. R. Tallman Insurance

Taunton News Co.

Talbot Tweedy, Esq.•

$35 St. Anne's Society, St. Jae­ q;.ues Parish

HYANNXS PAST PRESIDENTS: The W)men's Guild of the Cape~ Cod parish honored their past presidents at a special night and present were, seated: Mrs. William Suzan, Mrs. Alice Richards, Miss Ursula Wing, Mrs. William Fitzgerald, arid Mrs. Eugene Tripp. Stand­ ing: Mrs. John Barrows, Mrs. Frank Dolan, Mrs. Leo Gregoire and Mrs. Richard Slavin.

$30 Frank J. Smith A Friend League of Sacred .Heart, ~cq ues Parish



Aided Break With Bigotry in Education

Poole Silver Company· William P. Crowley & Sons Memorial to. Edward & Isabet lWurby Tremblay Moving & Storage. Frank R. Pero Ins. B.P.O.E. No. 150, Elks

Leahey's Liquor Store, Inc.

Taunton Stove Co.

Richmond Granite & Marble

Works Dr. Samuel L. Poplack William Hurley Boyden Plastics Co. Hanson &; Co.. Inc. Taunton ~ason Supply Co. Eagan's Paekage store Mas~m Box Co. Bacon Felt Co. . $20 DonIe's Tire and Appliance Manny's News . Staples (!loal Company

Congressman Lauds Encyclical, Former President CHICAGO (NC)-Rep. Roman lEl. Puciriski .of Illinois said here that two men named John helped this nation break with its bigoted past in education. ,'Pope John XXIII's encyclical Pacem in Terris had a profound effect in helping "still the voices of those in our own Congress who traditionally have fought \'Iainst aiding parochial schools," be said. "P~esident John F. Kennedy, ill his message to Congress in 1961, emphasized that education' must be available 'tei all.who Willing and able to pursue it~';' "It was within· this inspiring 8etting that President Johnson, schoolteacher himself-reemphasized America's educailonal gQals. by stating that Zd~eati~ is, the first work .of our times and the first work of our 8itciety,''' PUcinski declared. . . Offieial ReeOg'DitioB ) .The Illinois eongreessman, ill ~ keynote address 10 the &ard


. $15 Taunton Beverage Co" WilfM· • int, Colonial Donut Shop

Dagen Funeral Home

Edgar ~hamplain

Ar~hul' PeChamplaiA

- ;powers Pontiac InC.

New Bedford $1000

Merchants National Bank el

;JJew Bedford



A Friend

Blue Ribbon Laundry

Continental Screw Co:

Aerovox Corporation

$75 ",

A Friend A Friend


A Friend

Coater's, Ine.

Olson & Appleby, Ine.

EJ«:hange Club of New Bedfo~


Jrdeal Dairy

$35 Harry Silverstein



Browne Pharmacy, IDe.



People's Super Market Atty. Raymond McK. MitcheD Fibre Leather Mfg.. Co.. Plumbers Supply Co. Central Pharmacy Bettencourt Pharmacy' Beneficial Finance Co.

Pat McKenna

Knights of Columbus, Bishop'

Gassidy' General Assembly

Hubert S. Kelleher

Dr. H. F. Riley


Purity Diaper

: $1l.5 Dr. John C. Bullard" Dr. Max Blum Desmond & Lay Ins... & Real Estate, Masse's C. F. Cushing & Son'

Oliver Pharmacy

Novick Jewelers'

Gold Bond Sterilizing Powder



"Because we can rio longer ignore the monumental contri­ bution being made by the p'~rei­ chial .school system - including the $5.5 billion annually which parochial schools save local taxpayers-it is safe to predict that parochial schools will partici­ pate more and more fully in that aid." This will be accomplished "within the constitutional fabric of our nation," Pucinski stated. ''The ecumenical spirit generated by Pope John and perpetuated by Paul VI deserves nothing less," he said: "There is. a growing mood in Congress to help even more than already have," he added. Among the .benefits "which have accrued to children, in parochial schools,' Pucinski. listed' educational radIo·and television, the loan of equipment and materials, and· sending . public school te'achersto private schools for share~ ·services.


Pr~late Urges Women Approach Needy

With Respect, Devotion

Catholic Women's Club


annual convention of the National Catholic Educational Association at McCormick Place here, said President Johnson's Great Society may be contemporaneous with the "most exciting era in American education." "I know there are those among you who have not yet felt the full impact of the help we have voted for church-related schools. But tl1e programs are there," he stated. Pucinski was referring primadly to the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965. He said this legislation "gave -for the first time in our his~ tory _ 'official recognition not only to the needs of our public school pupils, but to oui:' parochialshool pupils as well." . He also pointed out that in the past six years the federal gov':' ernn:tent. has gone from $400 . million a year in aid to educa. tion.to a "staggering" 13 billioD for .fiscal 1967.

private colleges and universities. Peter Sammartino, president of Fairleigh Dickinson Univer­ sity, at a colloquium on private and public universities said: "Since many states are subsi­ dizing their citizens in public institutions to a far greater ex­ tent and in far greater propor­ tion than they did 20 years ago, the time has come- for states to subsidize, at le3st partially, the student who elects to go to a pri­ vate college." He also declared the state ought to subsidize certain areas of graduate and professional education. "Necessary commun­ ity services, such as medicine, social service, nursing and engi­ neering are heavy-deficit curri­ cula which the private university can no longer subsidize" without large endowments, which very few have, he asserted.

Names Laymen Vi"ce Presidents CINCINNATI (NC)-Two lay­ men are among four new vice presidents at Xavier· University here. They are the first non­ Jesuits to hold such high posts at the 135-year-old institution; . Named vice-president-for bus­ iness affairs was Irvin F. Beumer, who has been serving as bus­ iness ·manager. New vice pres!­ . dent· for relations and develop­ ment is Edward P. VonderHaar, public relations director. The other new vice presidents are Father Jeremiah J. O'Calla­ . ghan, S.J., dean. of faculties, who becomes vice president for aca­ demic . affairs, .and Father Pat­ rick H; Ratterman, S.J., dean of men, who becomes vice president for student services.

.Charity With Humility


American Press, In•.



Urrges Sulh!5acdJ Be~ .




WOLFHURST (NC)-A bishop =alculated here that the inability Of the' "haves" to reach the "have-nots" results simply from seeing "them as a bunch and not as persons who feel, think, and need as does every~ne else." . Steubenville's Bishop John King Mussio advised some 400 women here at the Catholic

Woman's Club annual Commumon dinner: "When in Christ

we see in every person our

neighbor, our brother, our equal before God and in many cases more worthy of God's favor' than

ou.rselves, then in such humility

we approach our fellowmen in : respect and devotion, on' an equal level, as the same among the same." . Value lIs PriceHess The bishop prescribed two' atti':' tudes toward the world. that must prevail to make the social apostolate effective. . "We don't have to worry about converting the world~ Just keep it the way God made it," he said. "When we· find things in the world that shock and terrify us, we must not put the blame on the world· as though it planned and executed this evil." He said running. away from the . world's moral evil- is only "bringing it closer to ourseives." Face the truth that man is a good person," he advised. "He is a person whose value is price­

less * * * (who) has dignity be-'

cause he holds the image of God

c * * (who) h as lmpor . t ance b e­ cause he has a purpose linking

it with e'verything a man hopes

for and seeks,". he said. Bishop Mussio said it is only

love of God that· can see this


. worth in every man.




GONDOLA RESTAURANT and LOUNGE Lake SabbatiOl I 14))94 'Bay Street t




VA 4-8754


. Thank Mom now for the 'many thankless tasks she's done IfCG'II' YCG~ (and maybe you took for granted)-ancll for .ol11l~JPliratioll'il


AND perspiratioD1l. ~at got things doner

'iThe Greater New I!&ed~ordl. IF!anlk $CG Mal'llY Moms 3ank 01111 - And· Wi~1ln Y

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11111&$[( •.....


.-JriJIiE.'tifJi1,1'fd.L..:OF NEW BEDFORD





THEANCHOR~Dioceseof'Fall 'River"-Thurs.,.Ma¥, 5,19~


Blake)' and~

Declares; Church



It' woum~ be difficult: to exaggenadie! the' iinponmIme: e'.f~ anI anticle' ire the~ .symng; iS9Ue, on: 'IDiouglit;, al'q-,ua:n1ie»l~


0. So. Ameri'cG

WICHITA (INC) - 'I'M success or failuJ!e' of the published, by Fordham' tIni:veI!Si~;, 'IDie~ ~ille~ ~~ Re:v:: Chum: in" :L3Itful ,Amer~ ... Dr.. lDiIgane, @a£l'!Ofu BlaKe), chie:rr exeeuiJi~~ o:fifiihelr>on' We' .. t wiUJ mean mucJ:'ii for the ac.­ ' \ ; United: PnesbMteniam € h urch- j andl Genenal! S'ec~r-eleGt " cess or' failure of' the univepsall. efdiOO' Wonld. Counail. o:£:'(jjhurc}\esl, calls; fuIr. tliel:at1Uep.tlanoo' ~ € h ulICh in the coming- years, ae­ «{,bishops) as; aUI integ:iml( element iill aDM' liUmslf-on' tfie' OOliaing; to a, Wicllita: dioeesaa e.v.en.tua:l, unity; oft Amenican ~tiSnn. Fe: wmJte~K .priest: who is' serlling: as a mis­ sioo~ in Venezuel'a., , H'(jJltirnate: unity.; canl be· ~ontfemn:lat:edf and! -ppaGtlitJaily; . I, And' "many thihk time is rap­ achie\l!e<loIDM ~i1ili.1a~ il.onstitufiii>naJl _and! cliastenadl eni8~ idlM working; against us;" add!! oopac¥.'~ li1ie'runthell' peihtsl out tJiaft DonH!j1iscopall anuilJclies; Father Colin J.. Roor. "0u:r "eitlier' already Have officials w:nO) aIDe' somltwines; \\lonse: neighbor ,south of· our border is than bisHops,. . . or are: oomingroo) tlie: concrliS-f61l,1 tlfia1i the~ j' a sleeping giant,"' he asserted. "One-third of.· th world's Cath­ need. the kind! of" pastoua}) ands-~~m1:)olic' o:fiflii::e~ b}ia~ ois:fiops;. t, I olics are there today; in 30 yean at, their' bes,t, ane; and! ahv.ays Haiv.e~ oeen.~'· . '"' one-half will be there!' Dr: BlaKe' was the originator in: -t96iIJ oir'a. phm. to One for 11,000 "One day this giant will unite eigHt Protestant denominations:-.-the United', P..res,:, awaken and we shan find OUi'­ by.ter-ian, Qhullch, the Souther-m l?r.esbyter-i~m€hm.'ch( the' se'ves standing, in. its shadow. Methodist <GhUil:lch,. the ffipisGopal 1ChullGH, the' United· <Dnul;cH­ How we shall fare then depends ~ of Christ" the DiscipH~s of CHris-t;, the Evangelical' and l on how willing we are to make Nnited~ BretHEElU. ChuEcJ;es, andj tHe- A\f.r.iaanl Metnodist sacrifices now."' Named pastor of Cristo Hey Eyiscopal. CIi'urch. Delegates· of these groups are now meet· parishin Barquisimeto in Velle­ ing! in, Dallas" t: zuela in June' 1964'" Father :Boor For' tHe' M~tfiodists; the E'piscopalhms' and l the E\Tan­ o@ted' the- need' fer more unde!'­ g~lical: United: Bretlirel);. tHe idea, of bishops is-. q.uite ac­ standing" of' Latin. America problems by, people in the ceptable: since: aU, ha¥e~, bishops and; alii g:l1ew~out ofl·the> . lInited' States" saymg; h€ uJ:lah- oft' England! 'Dhe> episcopacy, may'; be,' a stumbling "All Catholics worthy of the l)lbck;: ror' the' otHers;, but it is; of,; utmost- iinHovtimce: that name- must recognize' the' 0iHe a man ,0f':rJr: BlhRe'sst'ature amh pasimoDl aSi,a\ PlJesby-teJiian needS' of' our neighbors' in Latin ,A'lBeriea. With, few exeeptione leader should be the one, making;' tne! suggestion! siime' tine' (~Dntdnuedi brom) Rage' One' where' she' was: iDl. charge, ot the , aP,' aliDost insurmountable po.. bmOO:: g9venning unit oft Rr-esb~'1ferianism:' is: tire' lboal~ nres"­ .uroU phase· 'of·-, the· diooesan eultluall exabange- pI'ogl'am ;md el'·ty is, the life of. the , people bytery- or gi"oup of congregations,. Sohooll ~DD whiCh\ today, ex- scholamhiPSi: there, poverty. in' spirit: alld' Ma­ New: BecllfoJ:di, J:.:l.wyer:­ Dr: Blhke further" ihsistedf thatl nOl compnomme' S6lu,. tends> ·o~1\' a. 125,-mile -strefch: terial goods." Attorney, Gomes, who,ILves at "Here in the' Wiehita dioeese tion' W~lS aC(leptaole~' tlia:tl the' episcopacy' must be' an: in'­ fi:OImk.ttlebol1O,to,Rrovinceto:w:m 'JJhe' following: is' a. thumb;..nail' -450>COt1ag!'!, Street. fu. New Bed:" t.he ratio is one' priest for every tegral: part' of' the' unit'etr,c;Hurch~ . sltet.Jlil '0£ tbe~' indi:v.iduals ~\ho; ford; is a' ..;raduate'of' the. New; 5001 € a tholics;' In Cristo Rfl7 Catholics wouldi do welt to,plJay, tHa·b., tJhe: mOOUiI1,gfJl fon willi comP.rise: the' new:l(\[ 'lp;" Bedford public shoo:ls and: tl\e parish, with its; 35';000· members, it is one priest ,for.' every 11,800 Bbst'on' UniversitY Eaw Scl100L oonsidel1atiom OD' unity· taking place~among!Pho.testanun .oe· pointed board: lie: lias, served', as a membe!' Catholics. And, this' latter' figure A\ttleDorOl J'AlWclen' , wsitedl })yr an' outPouring- of- the, wace~ on the~ H-oliW Spirit, Mlr. .A\ntayca\, who' lives at: 1'1' ·of·the;-Boardof:T.rusteeli of New is the usual patt-em throughout smoo'l1he'movement o:f any, churchl closer to' Cnnist mea1l8' E·ast1 Street. in' Nttleboro; is' a' Bedfbrd. Iilstitut'e- of' Technel~ SQuth America',''' Uie", movement' o£' all' t-oward one- another. 'graduate. of'tfte'Attleboro puJ)!icon;, now:· par~' of; S'outheastern Renewedl CbJuch

; ~;






scfiO<ClI' s~stem- and' Pro\,idlmce Massachusetts. 'Technology rRsti,.. Commenting; on the WOI')[ (l:Qm~ge.l A member' of' St.. John tute. ' which he and two Qther Wichita _ tile' :I!:vangeliil~ parish' where' he The New, Bedford' attorney is priests serving at Cristo. Rey ar.e resides' with 'his' wife; three' a past chairman of the· ad'ult doing; be noted·: "We are dio­ , THe Constitution, of the Uni,ted, States. makes no, pL'O~'i­ daughters' andl a', son; Mr: Antaya committee-at,the. Kennedy Youth cesan priests' doing, somethfug sions,fon a.Feder.al: s,)\stem. of education:. 'Dhe Founding; WID­ is; engaged: inl. the' jew:eliw man- € e nter in New Bedford. He is. wl:lich is relative~ new for active' in Cape: Verd'ean activi-:" United States' parish priests,­ thers- saw. educati0.11. as> the: primal1Y;l1ighiJ and'l1esponsibili,ty ufacturJng, business; H'e is; al pastt presidimt off the' ties' and' is' ~: member of Our working in a'mission country!' Oft'the' panent&. Alnd! SQ' tine first systems' of education in k>ttleboro: lDistnict! Sel'ra Club Lady of' the' Assumpt:lon parish. "ThiS; means;''' he, t;ontinued, theo nat-lOW were' priv.ate' and cnurcHcrelated~ schools. 'then; and: is active- inl the (!;hristhm "we must recognize the limita­ Taunton 'Educatorsince' many, families were' unable On ev,en, umViilling~ to e*en" Family Movement" tions, of our own commitment Former- President of Bridgecise their nights., to, educate their childr.en~, the job) was: Construction Engineer water State' College wher.e' he and approach the wOllk not en­ passed on the body closest to the famil~\-the local. ch~ic A constnuctioo, engineer and. _ also headedi the Eng).isfu Depart­ , t.irely in the manner of a reli­ gious order which w:ill work in superintendent> fon' the' past ment.foT' r4\ ~eans; be£.on~· he was community-. a ,mission territollY for several .quarter century, Mr. Bouchard named, tol the top-rankmg .col­ the nation today these three school systems-pri­ lives., at. 1051 Dawson StJ:eet in. leg~' berth. Dr:, Maxw.ell IS a decades:, "Our mission~ methods must vate, parochial!. andi.public-are not rivals but partners, New: Bedford where he is active graduate' of' Holy 1€ 'O:3S' College and each and. aIll are· rightly being assistedt in: v,ary,ing{ £Ie" in the affairs off St. Joseph:s i~, -w,orcestell.- wl\ere he earned be in keeping with our'own call­ ing as dioi:esaJl! pJ;iests~ And our his Bachelor of ~rts Degree, He grees by the FedEU~al Government to fulfillI' the: public parish. primary task as' missionaries is PI.gr:aduate~ of the N€ w ' Bed;.. g;lmed' his;. Masten's' J?eg/=ee'. at function that aliI perform.

ford: \{ocationall Schooll Mr.. Eondham, m', .N.ewl .Yonk. 81tY, to serve as, :;r; catal~t'. fol" a people THe scHool' s~s-tem of the: E>iooese~ of, Fan' Rif\lerc is· Bouchar.dl is, al memben' of vhe w.here: he, re.celvedJ his; doc.torate~ emerging into a'mmewed Church that is both universalJ and Laull presently,' Holl:ling- its;Annual Convention'so,tHat' all'may' see Board.: of, Tr.ustees. of Bishop in. I:924:t . A me~ben' 'lf~ the,. Lrl1l1D8culate, American. andlevalhate its ,v.011lt, and, so that self-examination ·,mal\!­ Stang,. Higli' Seliool in. North. Role of, Layman Di:ll1tinoutli\He- is' married' and' <i:onception, ,Pansh, ill 'Faunton;, spun" it to anl even Higper degree of proficiency.

"It would be unrealistic for _ the father.' of' thnee' sons and, he' holdS; ant honorally, law de,­ to· attempt to re-clirect estab­ ' a n d . a Peel.. Degree :£rom, Rhode A'-nnouncedl at. Wis ConventiQn is the newly-created three daughters.. lished cultural! patterns in the E(f t J J' t< Island. Colleg!'!.. D:ihcesan' SaHool Bbard-seleeted members of the lay and

uca or.- cOUJlD8' IS . President, Maxwell,. who. was, fe.w, y,ears, at: owr: disposal. Such clerical community; men and women whose rich and, varied

Mrs. Dane;. who., liMes at I!.ake, named: a, Kiligbt of St, GIego~' as this will come about froJa experiences in education" in, the professions, in the' '''"orld View Roa~ i.n East- Har,,:ich, has in. 1961" ser,v:ed, for three, years, . within the Church" from the of business and.industr.y and1p'eople;. wjJLpr.ov.ide~added wis­ serv:d as a f~ature, whiter and as an assistant: 1?.I:Ofes~'r at Ho.l¥, people who make it up. This­ d~m and ad\yjce' to) t1liose' x € 'l}ressly; andi exclusiMelydedi­ staff ,news,_w~t,ero,fon the Sape: C;;i:ossColleg~.. He.was,head~of.tbe: requires sevel'alt ~neuations fJ4 € o d ,Standard TImes' and, the EngJislL Department at Ne\\(malll change from within rather thall cated to tHe~ Viocat:Uom on' edhoat:Uom,

Onleans NewS' Btll1eaUl since' School. ilL r::akew:ood,. N,.. J" then, pressure: from without if it is, • Both thee (!;bmv.entiom and: tHis: newy lDai.lCation Board 1~59. dean. of: the, Q,raduate School;, be genuine and< lasting. Edlicatedl at. sacredl Heart head' of: tbe: EhgJ..i$ru De:partmen.t , "Nonetheless,'" Father &01' 'aresiglls of' tHe vit'ality of"our CatHolic school' system and ~onvent, iii 'Florence" Dame.' 1m· ·andc President, 'of Bdd'gew.ater con.cluded~, "il!' we- can establish the cqncerl) of all for its continued, and ever gEeaterpro­ glesi; Rome', and ,IThme' Orsoline: State College from. which' he re­ a strong~r' b.ase for' the: Church fioiency. in Rapallol. ,.Ital~ 'she, received ti'red' in 1963.' of the next centwl» through ihe training, of cate.chetlcal! perso.n­ ",er Bachel~r.· o~ &ts; De~ree: Fall. IUiV.eJl J.ud1:le: ' fiel, introducing; new; parish tech­ fto~: th~ Un.lverslty of W:as~B1g~, The onlY woman 12.Yer a~­ niques and! gj.."'~ the., layman all ~on\lmSeattle v:~ere ~h~ ma]()redi I?oihted~ a' Prooate Court Jucfge awareness' of his; role· in the 111 Ulllg~ages: In' additIon" Mrs. ir.. Massachusetts, ,f,udge MiJl~ 8b.urch, we, shall bav:e b.een suc­ D_ane~a.~ als, atten.ded Willard Hllley'serves' as' one of the' two;.. School, m TrOY, .N, Y, ·and St.. member' judici'ary for that court cessful.:' JOSelPh,s College In West Hart-- inl Bnistol\ CountY. fond" (~onn... .. . . .' MOther.' of Rev.'. I.eonard: M. Bishops; Barred Ner-. son; Fabl'lz~o Bane,' IS a. Mfullaney., assistant at St. Pat­ '''',FFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE: O:F.. F.ALL RIVER Seve?t!li grade, .I?~pJlat S~. Joall1 I;ickl's, € h urch' in' Wareham, the' BONN (NC)-East Germany's °Qblished weekly b'y The <i:athalic.pr,ess, oftHe=i:>iocese~offF.alll River oft .Kr.<: parochIal. school' Ill· 01'-- Rl1ooate' Judge' is, a' g·rad'Uate of' communist gove,l!oment has ruled ,{ 10 ""ighland l A-v,enue: leans. , ~ St. J'oseph1s' gnammar' school' and; that Catholic- bisbopS; in that The Cape Cod' board memben' Bt Ml. € : Durfee FI'i'gh. School j:n country will no.t: be' allowed' 18 Fall, River, Mass.. 02~22' . {iV'5·7,'li,5;1. has w:orkedl. fon- Nouse andl attend, the, na.tional Germall , PtlBl:ISHER , Gar- F' a In . R"I,ver, aN dr· 1'" ,"e·B'os t on- T,T" >lJnl-­ den . m~gazme. The _ Rhmehart versi,tyl BaWl School; where' she' Catholic Convention in July in Most· ReY,. James- u. <ronnolly"" OlD'.• IHiD,!, Bamberg, West Germany,. East Pubhshmg( Company.;. and the- l1ece'ved; both- '" r' Ba hI'" .. R'" t d' T' 'b ,I , He ceoI' s GE~flR~l!. MA'hlt(GIiR .A:SS:Tt:.GE~ERI*li. M'~N~GER D es M -omes German bishop!:: weue, also un­ egis er an n and. Master's' Degr.ees; She' holds ~. !fev. Daniell F; Sliallbo: M:A.. Rey/. Johl" P:,D:r,iscotl une. She servedl fo\' two years' / . . able to attend the' 1962 and 1964 'th tj.,,,,,, . '- Ou"Ed'ucatlOl1! , an. honorary! lav~s' degree' from MANAGING EDITOR WI ·1e, .lVUnlSW.iy, Catholic conv.ell:tiol1s" beld every Hugh J. Golden of Colombia in South America., Tw:n. to Pagj:: Tw.enty-Four tw.? years. (,1'fe;



.It: 1:'l'':;': T:'~ Ofj - f, ,Itfia~UiIiYJ




.$eekonk i\1T.



Mr. & Mrs. William CUddigan Mr. & Mrs. Leo William Tasca Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Weyker

$5l! lVIr. & lVII's. Edward McCrvstal ~


Mr. & Mrs. Fritz Ulmschneider Mr. & Mrs. Stanley F. Young $2g M & lVIi-so Anthony Leiter. $25 . Mr. & Mrs. Edwin W. Arnold Mr. & Mrs. Salvatore Barchi Mr. & lVII's. William Bishop Mr. & Mrs. Fredrick Blythe Mr. & lVII'S. Thomas Bradv . Mr. & Mrs. Edward Dellefem-



Mrs. Louise Fallon Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Medeiros Mr. & Mrs. James F. Mitchell Mrli. Louise Oakland Mr. & Mrs. Philip B. Toole Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Turner'

Mr. & MrS. John Unsworth

Dr. & Mrs. B. Edwin Zawacki $20 Mr. & Mrs. Edward Bowen, Mr. & Mrs:Thomas J. Byrne, Mr. Be Mrs. Robert L. 'Carvalho, Mr. &. Mrs. Henry Harris, Mr. & Mrs. Paul Lusignan Mr. & Mrs. Myron Perry.. MI'. &: Mrs. James H. Roberts, Mr.&: <Mrs. John P. Searles

. $15 Palmeda Amaral, Mr. ,& Mrs. ··Gerald Archard, Mr. & .Mrs. Donald Bain, Mr. & Mrs. Roscoe ,Balducci, Jane Barker Mr. & Mrs. Harry Bilodeau, Mr. & Mrs. Wilfred Blanchette, ,.]Irene Connors, Mrs. Mary A. CraHord, Mr. & Mrs. Alfred E. erowley Mary DeSilva, Mr. & Mrs. i-ames J. Drapeau, Mr. & Mrs. Louis Dupere, William .Elliott, Mr. & Mrs. Francis Farrell Mr. & Mrs. Walter Gerula, Mr. &. Mis. Paul Given, Mr. & Mrs. J'oseph Hannon, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Keough, Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Korkuc .J Mr. & Mrs. John W. Korkuc, . Mr. & Mrs. Walter Maykisk, .John McAloon, Mr. & Mrs. Ken­ ·neth McCloskey, Mr. & Mrs. James A. McDonald . Mr. & Mrs. Leonard McPhil­ liips, Angela Medeiros, Emily Medeiros, Manuel Motta, Mrs. W. (i;ordon Partington Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Pimental, Mrs. Anna Propatier, ·Mr. &. Freeman'Treacy, Jane p'nsworth, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Ventura Mr. & Mrs, A. .Ronald Vincent, Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Voll,Mr. &. Mrs. Wallace Whitelaw Jr., Mil­ dred Wright

'Wareham S'll.'. ll"A.'ll'RICK

$'75. Rev. John J. Smith Rev. Leonard M. Mulianey $50 Mr. & Mrs. JamesE. ConroV' Mr. & Mrs. llired Pappi .. $40 Mrs. Mary Stott

$35 Mr. & Mrs. Frank Krystofol­ .. -tIki $30 The John English Fuel & Gil



Mr. & Mrs. Clinton Vose . Dr. & Mrs. Joseph Moore $25 Mrs. Esther Kierna.ra. Mr. & Mrs. George St. John John Galligan Mr. & Mrs. Charles Ernest 'Precourt Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Francis Desmond Murphy Mr..& Mrs. Chester Skinder Mr. & Mrs. 'Thomas Connor Mr. & Mrs. Fred Kuppens Mr. & Mrs. William Henry Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Claude Ellis $20 Mr. & Mrs. Harry Rhodes" Anna & Mary Gaffney, James Mor~, Mr. & Mrs. Francis FaJr­ reB Jr., Mr. '& Mrs. William Me­ ll.l!an

Mrs. Frank Meaitt, Mr. &; Mrs. E81rtlett Cushing, ,Mr. & 'Mr!>. Harry Hincltley


lVIr..& Mrs. Herman Pr.adlil .$15 lVIr. & Mrs. Nelson Stephens, ~r. & Mrs. Joseph Yeager, Phil­

Ip Yeager,FrancesMurphy, Mr.

& Mrs. Geo:r:ge Conroy Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Rose.

Achille Govoni, Mr. & Mrs. Johri

Piepiora,Mr. .& Mrs. Stephen

Yurkus, Mr. & lVII's. George Bar­ rett

Mr. &. Mrs. Raymond Nault, Mr. & Mrs. Edmond McCarthy,

Mr. & .Mrs. Antone Fernandes

Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Frank Pezzoli,

Mr. & Mrs..John Bell . Mr. & Mrs. William Rogers

Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Louis Galovotti

Anthony Bacchieri, ·Mr. & Mrs:

James Brogioli, Mr. & Mrs. 'Her­

bert Barrett . Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas. Kanav:o~,

John Lowney, Mr. & Mrs. Wil­

liam LeFBvor

THE ANCHOR·Thurs., May 5, ·1-966



Mr. & Mrs'. 'Emile Ollivier .$liO

George S. D.uffy, Jr. A Friend


Edward Smith

$25 Agnes V. Rohmer

Leon~rd E. Curran

Robert C. Clark


Kathryn & Anna Hennessy Emilien Perreault

George Thompson

J'ohn D.Leary

James .Rawl

Keith Staples

Frank 'Popoli

$l'5 Theodore 'Young, Armand L~­ jo~e,. Joseph L. Silansky, Dr WIlham Whitelaw, Walter 'J. Flavin. Harry' A. MacDonald, Eleanor M. Nevin, John B. (Weidler, 'Wil­ fred Trahan, Geol'ge S. Duffy Sr. Richard B. Holmes, Edwarc' Benz, Sr., Maurice D. Gauthier. Leroy· A. Babbitt, David Bessom.



$15 Mr. e & Mrs. Robert 'A. McClus­ key, Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Azevedo, Mr..& Mrs..J. Lawrence .Phalen, Mrs. Warren Stedman, -Raymond Daly ·Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Webber, Mr. & Mrs..Frank Panciocco, Mr. & Mrs. Leo Savard, Mr. & Mrs. Leo LaRo~,Marie LaRock Joan LaRock, Mr. & Mrs. Da­ vid Magn·er,Mr. ,& Mrs. Roy W. Owens, 'Warren, Daniels, Mr. &. Mrs. Adolf 'Gelson Mr. & Mrs. John Sullivan, Mr. & Mrs. 'Thomas Gentile, Mrs. John Toomey, IyIr. & Mrs. Thom­ as Dencsha, Mr. & Mrs. Joaquin Pereiro Mr. & Mrs. James Jones, Mr. & Mrs. Carl Kempf III, 'Mr. & Mrs.. M. Alvin Caswell, Mrs. Margaret Hayward, Mr. &. Mrs. J. VincentH.ickey . Mr. & Mrs. James Fitzgibbons, Margaret Brophy, Mr. & Mrs. John DePaul, Mr. &. Mrs. Joseph Macrina, Francis Welch Mr..& Mrs. Harold Nelson, Mr. & Mrs. George BuckleY,IMr. & Mrs. Robert Hegarty, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond :Richard, Mr. & Mrs. James Hayes Louis A. Lyne, Mr. & Mrs. Emil J.Osieeki, Mr. &. Mrs. Ber­ nard Pletrouski,Mr. & Mrs. S. George Lowndes, Mr. &. Mrs. S. Louis Silva Mr. & Mrs"J. Donald Amirault, Barbara Schleicher, Mr. & Mrs. S. Joseph Stone, Lawrence Hur­ ley, Mr. & Mrs. Keneth Gorham

A-l Rating ,SENIOR CITIZENS PARTIOlPATE-: P.rocession for Su.nday Mass :at Catholic Memorial Home, FalIlRiver, com­ prIses Alphonse Legendre, "89 years old, cross-'beal'er; Ben­ jamin Ridge, 78 'years old, book~bearer.; Rev;. Anthony Rocha, chaplain and celebrant.


'Council ,Plans 'Service To Get .F,acts on Catholics KAi'lSAS CITY (NC)~A new service designed to find out .facts about American ,c<:tholics and' .determine theh ,attitudes is being pr~ared 1:!y National Council of Catholic Men. It will be .a -,parish and dioc­ esan survey and census .service 10 help pastors .and bishops in carJ:y.ingout sociological studies of the areas under their .juris­ diction. The service, .now in the devel­ opmentstag~, w.illprovide ex- . pert personnel, .questionnaires, computer ;work and data inter­ pretation. Complete details of the plan .are expected 'to be reaciy. in se:veral.months. The outlines of the new ser­ vice were ·sketched at the' NOCM's presidents' conference here which was attended by presidents, .executive .secretaries and priest moderators of dioc­ esan Councils of ,Catholic Men. Pilot Study . Also participating were mem­ bers of .the Committee on the Ministry of Parish 'Priests of the national LituJ;gical Conference. About 225 people .attended. Theme of the meeting was "The American Parish After Vatican II." Its focal point was a pilot study .o'fparishioner atti­ tudes. 'in St. James .parish,Kan­ sas.Clty, conducte.Ci under NCCM

auspices. The ,St. James study was de­ signed ,as a preliminary effort toward the development of an eff~ctive parish survey program. Sociological Studies of this sort were recommended by the Wat­ iean Council m itl: documents on the pastoral office of bishops and the Church in the modern wotld.


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1ST. JOAN OF ARC $300' Rev. W,lliam J. McMahon::, . $100 Mr. & Mrs.,james T. Clancy


Mr. & Mrs. Donald L.Ber­ geron $5@ Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Hegarty 111I1': & Mrs. JohnPilz $30 Mrs. Herbert L. Everett Mr: & Mrs. Harold Bergeron $25 Mr. & Mrs. Edward Loveday Mrs, Samuel Lombardi . Dr. & Mrs. Walter Judge 'Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Kairys 'Paul Brophy ChrlstopherBrophy Mr. & Mrs. Leo F. Sullivan Mr. & Mrs. Leo Schleicher' Mr. & Mrs. Frank Reddy $20 Hugh J. O'Brien, Mr. & ';Mrs. Josep.h Nievera, Mr. &. 'Mrs. David Gomes, 'Mr. &. Mrs. Ed­ ward McParland, Mr. & Mrs. John J. Smith Mr. & Mrs. James L. Brown, lIiIr. &1\'1rs..Lester Delaney, Mr. & Mrs. Francis A. Madden ­



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Sees Ec'umenis.

THEANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs.-, May 5, 1966

Making, ProgresS

hnperial Courts 'Housing Project Gives Hope t~ 500 Families

BUCK HilL FALLS (N~ Ecumenism is making "sub~ tia'! but not dramatic progreS; in the Roman Catholic Church. the United States, a priest ~ the annual m.eeting here . . Pennsylvania of the U. S: CODoo terence for the World COUDdD of Churches.

I "Small pockets of iesist~ but large scale opposition" .. the ecumenical movement _ Seen by Father John', Shee~ C.S.P., editor of the' nion~ magazine the Catholic World. While some dioceses ha!!II ,made "haste slowly,'? :rau. Sheerin maintained, others "h~ taken bold steps forward, 10olD­ ing upon .the ecumenism decree as an open charter for, ecum.., ica'! initiative." Father Sheerin credited, C81~ oUc support of the ecumenkllt! 'movement to the leadership ~ American bishops in creating ~ U. S. Bishops' ,Commission full!! Ecumenical Affairs. He decried, however, hesita&o ey to permit Catholic participa­ tion in joint prayer services, ~ Catholic or Protestant churches, Participation by the CathoDe laity in the ecumenical mo'lJeo>

ment is increasing, the PauHsa said. He cited the recent laun«:boo ing by the National Council o.t Catholic Men and the National Council of Catholic Women cB. m nationwide "grass roots" eeu­ menical campaign.

LOS ANGELES (NC)-Impe- aides who are residents of the, rial Courts in Watts is a sunny, project. Their equipment is green; well-kept city housing' mainly head, heart and well di­ project. It sparkles with life and rected professionally planned the cheer of 1,500 children. And ,activity. They work person-to­ it also broods with the deadening person in a locale where people weight of life's problems. It is a hesitate to get involved because

place of easy smiles and heavy they are tired and skeptical. hearts. Most families have no religious Almost 500 Negro families live affiliation. Only three are Cath­ here, most of them arrivals from olfc, according to Mrs. Williams': the South. Seventy per cent are 'The CYO-CWB's purpose is to receiving some form of welfare develop in the ,communit~ the aid. ability to use its"own',huma~ po­ Yet, more than bread, is tential and outside resources to heeded. upgrade itself; to meet 'its own . To seed the 'virtue and tne problems, to help its members; dynamic of hope in human to overcome pessimism and de­ hearts is a' delicate and fragile feat, to build confidence, dignity , thing - especially when hearts and competence. are bruised and arid with the alkali of deprivation, disappoint­ ment, rejection,frustration and perhaps bitterness. , This delicate task is the every­ day work of a handful of people in Imperial Courts. Their leader PORTLAND (NG:) - Catholic is Mrs. Annabelle Williams, a education is currently forging a. WO~EN OBSERVE: Invited as observers at' 13th self-possessed, thoughtful woman "new vision'" but is no~ in the annual oonvention of Diocesan Council of Catholic women whose ,bearing conve~'s compe- throws of a crisis, the ,superior are, from left, Mrs. Charles H. Martin of the First Congre­ tence, confidence and above all, general of ·the Holy' € r oss

gational Church of Fall River; Miss Marion B. Wareham, compassion. Fathers said here. . Her job, stripped of the proFather Germain M.' Lalande, Central' Congregational Church, Fall River; Mrs. Allen Hol­ fessionallanguage of.social work, C.S.C., cited the Second Vatican lis, president of the United Church Women of Greater Fall is simply to seed hope-to root Council's pastoral approach and River. Right, Mrs. Patrick J. Hurley of the DCCW. it in the hearts of people who tbe importance' of the Church's' ,6 no longer dream dreams. adapting itself to changing

Mrs. Williams coor<:1inates the

work there of the Catholic Youth structures, in an interview at the University of Portland here in Organization and the Catholic Oregon.'

Welfare Bureau. "Primarily, my Special Institute'

I~efusal Iby Reds to issue, Visa Di~sapP'oints office is the homes of the 'fam:': Referring to an "evolution" in NEWBURGH (NC)-Some _ ilies."., education, he said changes will teachers of t!.e mentally reta~ Archbishop Cody, of Chicago The work in Imperial Courts, not come from, Rome, but will be o ed participated iri tJ,~ i'econd is funded by the Economic Youth ,brought about by educatorS of CHICAGO (NC)-Archbishop 'will certainly join the" good. annual Mid-Hudson Institute «!II ,Opportunity Agency. 'various countries. "Rome will be people 'of Poland in spirit ill the 'Special Education 'DepaJ1,. Head and Heart more prudent and not give or-', J,ohn P'" Cody m Chicago is "){eenly disappointed" at the these historic days of the Polish ment of Mount St. Mary Co)Je~ , Mrs. Williams' staff consists of 'ders, but encourage people to a William A. Fraenkel, executiw refusal of the Polish government , nation; 'the bulwark 'of Christi­ two caseworkers, two group study of their probllmis," he director of the New York State teo grant him a visa for a pH:" anity.''' : workers, and many indigenous sa,id. ' Association for Retarded Cba­ ' ' ,Archbishop Cody', ~ill partici­ "A principal idea of the grimage to Poland. , The Archbishop said: . 'council was that the Church has pate in ceremonies in Rome May dren and a member of l"c Pres­ ident's Committee on the E... "Many times recently I have tL be adapted to, different situa­ :Sees Golden Gate 12 to 15, climaxing the pilgrim­ pl!>yinent of the Handicap~ tions," he added. "That is' why been asked about my reaction age. was keynote speaker. Door To Future the council gave more power to to the denial of my request for

,a visa to Poland for the 1,00Qth SAN FRANCISCO (NC)-The the bishops." : Golden Gate "might very well be The French-Canadian superior anniversary observance of Chris­ the door to the world's future" general said his order 'will hold tianity'in Poland. I can sum it and Americans should use it ,to a general' chapter, in 1968 that up in a few words-I am keenly ' counteract "the massive gravita­ will be "completely' concerned , disappointed. 8 Million Families Are Now Equipped "I ,know when I sa'y this I am ' t,ional pull of communism" in the with renewal of our constitution WitllThis, Time Saving Appliance , Far East," Father Pedro Arrupe, with 'a view to adapting to the expressing the disappointment S,J., told a banquet sponsored by requests of the Vatican co'uncil." of many other pilgrims who wished to make ,this spiritual

University of San 'Francisco"

journey, as well as that of mil';'

alumni here.

lions of people of Polish ances- '

"Since the beginning of man- ,Par,entaD Program tr~r," he added.

kind the' drift west across history Rat,ed!" Successful , '''Despite our deep regret at has gone on;" the head of the' . Society of. Jesus said. "And now ST. HENRY . (l'iJC) ~Parents ,not being able to attend the re-' San Francisco' is the gateway to joined ·the 'faculty' at the' St. ligious celebrations at the shrine

the billions of peoples beyond. ,', Henry Catechetical Center ,here of Our Lady of Czestachow3, we

My years, in the' Orient' have ' 'in Ohio this year and rated their

given me great hope in the own effottS 'high, on a survey Tl~chnicolor Gives emergingcbtintries and' in their designed to 'evalmi,te'the prO­ John's role as world leaders; , ,gram.' ' ~rAMAICA (NC)-Technicolo~

"The task'is imm'ense and y6U Parents of 59chHdren who rehave a job to do. You Americans ceived their, first' 'Communion Corporation has contributed

are bound to: have.in·creasing re- with theirfamllies G)n Laetare' $2~i,OOO to St. John's University

here in New York on the first

sponsibility to"show Christian 'Sunday participated in, the pro:­ love and understanding by, rec- 'gram. 'The parenis theinselv.es anniversary of the beginning of

,ognizing the' dign~ty ,of ,other received special instrilctions the 'school's restructuring pro­ , mitions, arid, counteracting the from Father Joseph Hoying, gram., Among accomplishments of the massive gravitational pull of C.PP,S., 'and the Franciscan' Sis­ communism in the Fat East." ters of the Poor who sta,ff the program, the university said, are revision of tenure procedures, a center. raise in faculty salaries and cre­ With this guidance on the SchoUarsh.ip teaching of the sacraments of ation of a university senate. Thomas J. Welsh, chairman of Penance and Holy Eucharist, and Polish Millennium Technicolor Corporation and a a specially prepared instruction .: PHILADELPHIA (NC)-Com­ St, John's alumnus, described manual, the parents supple­ memorating , Poland's' millen­ the program as, "excellent", and , mented and coordinated the reli­ nium of Chdstianity, Holy Fam­ gious lessons their children were added, "It· is truly amazing to ily College for girls here will of­ taught at the center, in preparing see just' how much has' been ae~ fer a four-year tuition scholar­ them for reception of the sacra­ complished in the past 12 ship valued at $3,600 to t!le 'win­ months." ments. ' ner of an original essey contest.

The' subject is, "Polish Contri­ , ~utions. to, ,Christii'm ' (World) ,New Degree'

LEM~EUX .'~ult\lre inthe Perspective of the NOTRE DAME (NC)-A mas':'PUiMBING'& HEATDNG, INC. Polish Millennium';" 'te= of busineSs" administration ,fOJ oomestie The competition is open to 'program' will be' inaugurated at , and Industrial ' , , ~uiifto harmonize', with kitchen decor, electric djshwas~ ,nth and, 12th ,grade girls aca- '. the Universi~y,'of Notre Dame , ,demicaily qualified in any pub- in thp.· Fall of '1967:, The College : , ' ,Sales and Service . ean be built-in or ])Ortable. :Many portables have )ic, ,private or parochial, high of Business' Administration win Oil Burners "' board tops. ' , . . '. IIChool, regardless or race, creed then ~nroll, i18,· first· "full time WY 5-163L or nationality. Deadline for "graduate students for a ,two-y'~ar' , 2:l83 ACUSHNET AVENUE tries is l\of,="v ':>"r' n, ~ '''inner course"leading to a.-Master" ClI! , " NEW BEDFORD' '" .' 'Will'be announced June U. Business Admini;stration,degree., . . .


Sees New Vision For Education




Automatic Dishwasher Trend Grows




, ,' +4







, 4_.



Fall :RiYerElecirit~Light ,C.inpan,




, \



.. '"


THE ANCHOR­ Thurs., May 5, 1966


,.$100 .

Mr. & Mrs. Clarence G. Verdi

Mr.. & Mrs. David N. Haley

Mr. & Mrs. Frank F. Sylvia

E1lgene F. Phelan


Misses Rogers & Hartnett Mrs. Rita Swenson Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Trinque Mr. & Mrs. Paul T. Webber $17 .


Mr. & Mrs. Osmond Gingras

" $'75 -

Louise Dupre

, . $50


Mr. & Mrs. Joseph L. Collins

William Keane


Mr. & Mrs. Charles Tourjee $15

'Mr. & Mrs. Norman BabIneau. Mr. & Mrs. Lewis Benn, Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Boudreau, Mr. & Mrs. Howard Branagan, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Campbell Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Chaisson, Mr. & Mrs. William Chalmers, Mr. & Mrs. 'Robert Colleton, Mr. & Mrs. J. Czyoski, Mr. & Mrs. Francis Daley Mr. &. M;rs. James Deering, Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Donlan, Mr. & Mrs. James Dooley, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Duffy, Mr. & ¥rs. Thomas Eaton Mr. & Mrs Joseph G. Flynn, Mr. & Mrs, Lorin Geoffrion, 'Mr. & ¥rs. Albert Gioiosa, Mrs. Franklin Greene, Mr. & Mrs. John Grimes, Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Hague, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Hennessy, Mrs. W.H. Heptonstall, Mr. & Mrs. Francis Kirwan, Mr. & Mrs. Alpha Lagacy Mr. Mrs. Donald Lake, Mrs. Marie Larkin, Mr. & Mrs. John Lascha, Mr. & Mrs,. John Le~hy, Mrs. Lawrence Lippard Mr. & Mrs. William Lopez, . CELEBRATE JUBILE.~:· .-4.lurpwie 'of .Dominican Mr. & Mrs. William F. Mackin, Academy, Fall River, mark their 50th anniversary at gala Mr. &' Mrs. William Marnell, Commu.nion Breakfast. Sister,·IJouis Bertrand, a.p., alumnae Mrs. EleanQr McClaskey, Rich­ moder<ltor, standing, chats with Sister,Mary Thomas, a.p., ard McCormack , 1941aTumna' who' is pupil personnel services' director for Mr. & Mrs. Thomas McGarry, ,Diocese of Brooklyn, and Miss Claire Desrosiers, .alumnae Lawrence McGrath, Mary J. Moriarty, Mrs. Joseph Mullan, president; Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Murphy Mr. &. Mrs. Ronald M~rphy. $40 Wheeler, Don'ald Smith, .Joseph. Mr. & Mrs. Walter Murphy, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Kenney Sa' & Mrs. Frank O'Neill, Mr. & Bernice Fountain, Adolph F. Mrs. William O'Reilly . $~O. Rozenas,JameS S: Moura, Her­

Beatrice M, Mollica Mr. & Mrs. Candido Pinto,

bert A.: Lee, Mrs. Joseph C. Mrs. Bernard Shea / Mis. Arthur Ristau, Mr. & Mrs. Murray . Richard Sullivan, Mr. & Mrs . Mz·s. Emil T. 'Cobb, William A. $25. Leslie Ryder, Mr. & Mrs. Donald 'Kelley; James Coleman,' John Cynthia Baker Sheehan R. Manriihg, Edward J. Doheney , William P. Judge, Francis L .. .Joan Baker Mr. & Mrs. John Simpson, Ring, "Roberi Montana,' Joseph . Mrs. Harry Black Mrs. Adeline Stockwell, Mr. & Mr. &··Mrs. .1ohnCunniff R. Mason, George M. Powers III, Mrs. Edward A. Streile A Friend' Joseph, Bettencourt, Car e y The Misses Griffin Family' Mrs. Margaret A. Haley

'Mr: & Mrs. Reginald Harron

Yarmouth. NO JOB TOO BIG Mrs. Frederick Hatch ,. ST.:PIUS X NONIE TOO SMALL Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Howland $400 Mr. & Mrs. James Kelleher A Friend of St. Pius X Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Ludden $200 Ann Moore 'Mr:& ,Mrs. Frederick King lVIr. & Mrs. Joseph Panek PRINtERS . $100 Mr.. & Mrs. Michael Patkoske Rev'.. Philip A. Davignon Main Office an.d. Plant Mr. & Mrs.. Vincent Roberts A Friend !\fr. & ,Mrs ,Francis Sheehy 95 Bridge St., lowell, Mass. Margaret Haley MI'. &. Mrs. Joseph Slattel'Y Mrs. Artl)ur Morawski Tei. 458·6333 Mr. & Mrs. Charles Still 'Mrs. Gertrude Santry

.. M~s. DQnald . Thompson . $'75

Auxiliary Plants

John' Coyle'

$20 .. BOSTON Mrs. Lura 'Leddy MI'. &: Mrs. Vincent Fowler CAMDEN, N. J. , $50' '" Mr. Be Mrs. Norris Gladding Mr. & .Mrs. Frederick Bogar OCIEANPORT, N. J. Mr. & Mrs. Robert Glydon Mr: & Mrs. Francis Conroy MIAMI Mr. & Mrs. James Kennedy Thomas Hague Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Lynch PAWTUCKET, R.1. Mrs. Ernest Eastman Mr. & Mrs. George Magurn PHILADELPHIA A Friend Mr. & Mrs. Frank McGuerty A Friend






Rev. Daniel E. CareY


,,'. . . Raynh'am '$75 ST•. ANN:

. . Rev. Robert F. Kirb)" $90" ,.

_.' $50 . Thomas 'F;' Neilan.­ - .A ,Friend' , , ,'., . ''- ,," $50 "

:Mr:'& Mrs. Charles Yarbrough . i'hoinas¥;Ross " '-" ., , . $30 - .. Almon·I... Tii~her .-,' A Friend , George:fi: Gornes';;'-;:­ , Mrs ..Paul Klingelfuss - , . St. 'Ann's Womim"s'Gliild

k~"': Mr.~& Mrs. ~~obert McGtath. ', ..:..". .... ~ '.- " $45. . .

Mr. & Mrs: Edmund Pollard :,",Dominici:>: Cirino'_ -,

" $25 ' .- " . "$30 .

,', 'Pacific National Bank' . :RoberfE: E'astman

_0" Marine Lumber ·Co. . ' . ' . " ,< $28

Helen Hull Edward,R. Barry

Mr. & Mrs. Maxwell Deacon . $25

Mr. & Mrs. Charles P. Flana:O Albert' P. Ribeiro

san Mrs. DOrothy 'Walford

Albert Lavoie 'Louis R: Cab~na '

james E. Worth Mary' McGrath

Eunice Sjoll,md Robert Gilmore

Mr. & Mrs. AlDert G. Brock Paul Fountain'

Mr. & Mrs. Charles Annis l'Wbert L. Smitb­ $20 . ~ '$20 Mr. & Mrs. 'Augustus Roche, Arthur' E. Rohl Jr., Leo F. Mr. & Mrs. 'Michael Moran, Mrs.' Poirier, JerryM. Dowmng, John .;:JohIl.G.:'MacD'onald, Albert 51'1-. L. "Dooley, Gerai'd Bonenfant I :Via"l\iJ~·. &: Mrs. Clifford RydeI' " ~e~ J?:.. ,:J;.o'ng, frank; A. Becfford :,!;':·Mr.&· MI's. Jeremiah TowhiU, ... :: .... -, $15, " . L.:A'Fritihdi'Annette Gardner, ~.::.Joh!\i;'isPJl-Ii,ldiiiii;>·Jall)es J .. ,jt:Mts: i 'Patrick . Harris, Mr.' & .'o·,iiaiidt;-Willil'iin M.·Russell, John" M~.Jo~el?h 1-. Dooley, Mr.. & ,~~ Q}1igler, James R.usse~l Mrs:' Kenneth Pease '. " ". George "Braga, 'MIchael Nor­ t. . , ' , ." $1'7.50, ,., ·.iwn\'Henry R. Costa,'Robert J.' Mr. & Mrs. Abraham Niles Driscoll, David Perry $15 Edward Kaloust, John Mc-' Island Service & Fuel Co., . Mahon~ Joseph E. Downing, Wil-, Sh'e=t-burne .&sociates,. Mr.' &: i liam H.' . Tobin, !3;lrbara R.' Mrs. Lester Simmons, A Friend, O'Brien . , =·IIIIt: ·"--Mrs. :A1l>eriEagiullt. . Edward J. LecuTet,' Duane _.... Martin








••• ~ ••••••••••••••••• aEa •••••••••• Q




iii E



s; • .

\;313.--,New'80ston Roael

JAMES H. COLLINS, C.IE., Pres. .• . . • : ''', ,. ,~eg!ste:r:ed "Civil and Structural, Engineer • :,. ·,iMember No·' '1al Society, Professional Enginerrs".: .• FRANCIS L COLLINS, JR., T r e a s . ' · ' • . . ". . ' '",. THOMA,S.. K. C()LLI~S, S~:y. ;.

· '





. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ..

. '

" ' "

BUILDING ,. .. .FalrRive~' os a-5677 ..... :' ACADEMy ""'"''


F~LL ~1\iE", MASS; ':


THE AN~HOR~Dioceseof Fan May 5, ,1966 . , . ' River..;"Thurs., .


Mrs. Milton'Mann, Mr. & M,. Richard Parkinson, Mr. & MIa; Joseph Coelho, Mr. & Mrs: R()boo ert Hebert, Mr. & Mrs. John S~ via Arthur Milot, Emma Milot, Milo & Mrs. Harold'Sherington, Jobll Keane, Mr. & Mrs. Levite CaI\oI rier Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Borden. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Marsden, M:r. & Mrs. John Egan, Mr. & Mrs., William Bliss

Mr. & Mrs. Francis Carmody, Mr. & Mrs. Augustine Carriuolo, John Ciummei, Mr. & Mrs. Ar­ ST. MARY thur Corey, Mr. & ,Mrs. Joseph Frangione $30· Mrs. Belltram K .• Haddon, Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Mathew Hart John R. Hughes, Mr. & Mrs. Lu­ $25 , cien G. Jeglinski, Mr.' & ,Mrs.' Mr. & Mrs. Charles Ehman Edward F. Kempton, Mr: & Mrs. Dr. & Mrs. Robert Goudreau Herve H. Lajoie Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Horrocks Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Lawrence, $20 Mr: & Mrs. Vincent Luckraft, Mr. & Mrs. Roland Bourgault Mr. & Mrs. William J. Lynch, $15 Mr. & Mrs. John Malone" Mr. ,& Mr. & Mrs. Weber ,Torres Jr., Mrs. Harold McCormick . ' , :Mr. & Mrs. Donald Brazil, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. G. William MeDon': & Mrs. John Vieira, Fernando aId, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Mello, Couto, Mr. & Mrs.' Alexander Mrs. James H. Miskell, Mary Gonsalves O'Beirne, Mrs. Edward F. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Andrade, O'Brien Mr. & Mrs. Orient Benoit, Mrs. John T.' O'Meara, John Os­ Anna Mello, Mr. & Mrs. Edward borne, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Pat­ Bouley, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Cat­ rick, Mr. & Mrs. J. Arthur Pow­ aldo ers, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Robi-, Mr. & Mrs. Paul Sirois, Mr., & chaud Mrs. Manuel Sylvia, Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. Charles Rogers, Mr.' elk Manuel Mello Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. Kenneth Smith, Mr. & Mrs. Americo Cabral, Mr. & Mrs. Leo Edward 'Stud~ey,Mr. & Mrs. Grenon Stanley ,Wamboldt





$250 m Memory of Timothy Shea $200

Anonymous $150

, Atty. & Mrs. James H. Smith $125 in Memory of Mary Ennis $100

~@fi'th WeSlfffJ!@[]'fr OUR !LADY OlF GRACIE

$200 Rev. Maurice H. Lamontagne $50

Adrien D. Picard $35 Parish Council of Women $25

William Costa Vincent Nanni Roger Plamondon Lena St. Pierre Alexander Walsh , $20

Donald Maynard, The Geor~ Morin Family, Normand 'Sasse­ ville

$15 Ranald Arntz, Mr. & Charles K. Bradbury, William F. King, John MacDonald, Henry.t. Sampson '

Hyannis, , ST. FRANplS XAVIER $300 "A 'Friend" $100 Rev'. Thomas J. Harrington Mr. & Mrs. Hugh J. Keane , Mr. & Mrs. James Hobert Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Martin Mr. & Mrs. Adolphe'Richards Mary Gregg' & Bridget Gregg" A Friend' $'75 Atty. & Mrs. John P. Curley Jr., $50 .. A Friend Atty. & Mrs. Joseph Beecher ' Edward Bennett Sr. 'A Friend, Irene E. Shea 'Mary 'G. Shea Lillian 'E. Shea A Friend ' Mr. & Mrs.'David Stevens BishoP ,William Tyler Gen~' Ass'mbly, 4th Degree K. of C. ' $40 ' E. Thomas, Murphy, ' John R. Reyburn Mr. &: Mrs.· Harry A. Varnum' $35 , Mr. & Mrs;,James Towey


, "



EXPERIMENTAL, FARM; Father Jerome, Ziliak, S. V.D., and an indian assistant examine a winnowing fan for cleaning chaff ~romgrain at a 350-acre experimental farm he opened at the village of Karpur in the diocese of Indore, central India. NC Photo.

Rev. John J.Regan ' 'Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert J.,Noonan Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Antoile}c. Mr. & Mrs. Francis Dolan, Mr. Jis ,& - Mrs.' John' Flaherty, Mrs. St. Vincent DePaul Society :Emile Grenier; Mr. & Mrs; John Irene. & Ann Vieira :H. Hargrove,Mr. & Mrs. Alfred ,;iri Thanksgiving '. :Houle S1': ".', ,A Non-Catholic' Friend ,Mr. & Mrs. George Igo, The ,$50 .Junior Family, Mr. & Mrs. Au­ .. ' Herbert A. Barrow brey Ke~ly" Mrs. Leo B. Lewis, 'Mrs. Eileene Finnell Mr. & Mrs. John Lycett ' Mr. & Mrs. ,Paul ,Champagne :Mr. & Mrs. Terrence Dineen Mrs. Kenneth Marshall, John Mrs. Frederick E., English ' :.. Medeiros, Mr.' & Mrs. Cosmo Mr. & Mrs. Edward Hazelton l~ontagna, Mr. & Mrs. Edmund Atty. & Mrs'.. John P. Sylvia Jr. C. Mossey, William Murphy , $30 Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Paine" Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert Arruda Mr; & Mrs. Gerard Richard, Mr. $25 & Mrs. Joseph Santos Jr., M1'.'-& Mr. & Mrs.,John Doyle Mrs. John D:' Sheehan, Mr. & Mr. & ~rs. Anthony Glista Mrs. WilliamF. Suilivan Jr.; John T. Jones Mrs. John E. Vetorino ' Lawrence Kavanaugh $30 Mr. & Mrs. Paui Kelleher yirgil Casey, :Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Knispel , Mr. & Mrs. W. R. Coyle' Mrs. H. J. Lefreve Mr. & Mrs. Robert Flinn Mr. & Mrs. Paul Antil, Mr. at James Q. Lyons Mr. & Mrs. Earl Fratus ' Mrs. Ij.oland Auger, Mr. & Mrs. Ortins Photo Supply Mr. & Mrs. Irving Morrissey John Baldasaro, The Bednark

Family, Marion Bemlett EI R esmini Mr. &'Mrs. Wallace T. Pierce ,eanor A Summer Visitor $25 Mrs. Albert Bourgeois, Mr. & A Summer Visitor Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Ames Mrs. Roger E. Brown, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Carlson Joseph C. Arnold Donald Chase, Mrs.' Francis Mr. & Mrs. R. A. Costa Mrs. Elsie Archer Cobb, Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Con­ 'Mr. & Mrs. John DeMello Jr; 'A Friend stant Bernard O'H'lyre Mr. & Mrs. John J. Barrows :Mr. & Mrs. Edmund J. Daly, " , , $20' ~r.& Mrs. Raymond Bednark 'Mr. & Mrs. Edward Doudican, Mr. & Mrs. Ivan' P. Amaral, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Bonney Mr. &, Mrs. Paul Dumont, Mr. & Mrs. Vera Brabrook, Dr. & Mrs. "Mr., & Mrs; Henry Bouchard Mrs. Arthur'Fisher, M.'Constance

Gerald L. Doherty, Michael Mr. & Mrs. Henry Burns Fortune Grady, James Higgins A Friend Mr. &', Mrs. Louis Frangione,

Cmdr. & Mrs. John'M. Joseph, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Coute Mr. -? & Mrs. Anthony George,

Mr. & Mrs.' Adam A. Kaspar, Mr.'& Mrs. Daniel Francisco Ailice Godin, Mr. & Mrs. Leo

. Mrs. Donald Panaccione, Mrs. A Friend ' Glregoire, Philip J. Hailein John McGilvraY,Mr. & Mrs. lI/lr.& Mrs. Antonio Dias Mrs. Margaret Hallett, Mr. &: Charles E. Morrison ' M r . & Mrs. Richard Gleason Mrs. Gerald Hayes, Mr. & Mrs. , Mr. & 'Mrs: Elmer Ross, Roben 'Mr. '& Mis. Frederick Golenski LE~ Hogan, Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence ,Campbell SwansoJ.1; Mrs.:France8 'Mv& Mrs; Emile 'Guertin' B. Holmes, Mr. &: Mrs: Theodore 'Cleveland; Mrs; Doris' Franklin, ': Mr.: & Mrs. Charles HarringtClll ' Holmes " , , , , ,Mrs. George sear " 'Mr.&,P4rs'; Paul Kelly ':Robert Jameson, Mrs. Dorothy ,& Mrs, 'George Staraucb. Mr. & Mrs. ilObert Klimm H. Jones, Mrs; MarY B. Keane, MJ': & Mrs. Francis A;'VanAllen J,ohn A. LaFrance Sr. MJ~. & Mrs. , Thonuur KeiuieaIly, $15" ", Mr. & Mrs. George Lanipert Dr. & Mrs. Walter M. Kennedy', ,','Mr., & Mrs.' Walter, Buguey,' A 'Friend'" ' ' Mr. &'Mrs. Ed\vard Kelly, Pat- .' .,{-: ... Iii's.' William' E. 'Burtis, William Mr~ &·Mts.W. 'P,Morile nckK«Hly, Mrs.M; C;Killen, Mr. 'Callahan, Capt. &' Mrs.' H; , A. Mr. & Mrs. John McConnell & Mrs. Thomas S. Loughlin; Mr. Campbell 'Jr:,.,Mr."'& Mrs. Wi!Mr. &:. Mrs; ,Edward J. 'Me- & Mrs. Marshall Lovelette ',' )iam Gage' , Carthy " , Mr. :& ~rs. Frank Mather, Mr. - " Mrs. SheilaHendti~kson; Mr.' , Mr. &:·Mrs: Roger Paron , &: Mni:SimonMiller, Mrs. Har­ . & 'Mrs. Romeo LaFond Jr.,'Mr. & "Mr. & MtS,FelixPoire', ,riet Montcalm,'Mr.&,Mrs. Jainefl .' Mrs. Paul Maguire,,:Mr.&"Mrs., ' Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Rioux ' Mtlrray;Mr; &:Mrs. David'Mc­ :;, . ~. ' Jack' Marshall, Mr. & Mrs. Ed-" Mr. & ,Mrs. Robert Ryan ' Carthy" ' , .. ' ...: ward T. McClung;'.'~ , ' M r . &Mrs;GeorgeSoutiere ',' Mr. & Mrs. Alfred McKenna, , " Mr. '&: Mrs: Robert:'Metell, Mr.' ',Mr.. &Mrs.HarrySylvestelr" Mr;' & Mrs. George McNulty; Mr; &,Mrs.'Ellsworth',·Nightingale. JohnF. -Vetorino' ' &, Mrs; 'Normand' Nault; Mr. &: : Jamce A. 'Reis, :Sgt{& 'Mrs. Leo Vetorino' Brothers'ContractorB' 'Mr;s. Robert 0lkkola, Anna C, " :WeQber; Mr. & Mts;'J9hn' AdamS -. , : " , $20, , ,Pe(:k , Mr., & Mrs. William; Armstrong, ,Mr. &:. Mrs. 'Francis Aylmer~ 1I!lr.'&'Mrs. Walter'Piknik,,:Mr. ;'," ','" :'; Mr; ,& Mrs. Daniel :I;3artolomei,,:Mr . &:"Mrs;,Edward Benilett·'jr.~, ' & Mrs; VernonB,'Powers,:Mr. Ii" , " , 'Mr: 8i Mrs'; John To' BradY,Fred- Mr. ~ :Mrs: Joseph\,Caims' Jr.. 'Mm; ,John 'Rimsa, Mr. &: Mrs. " ' erick " Cameron, 'Mr;' &. ,'lI4rs. Mr. & Mrs.. Louis Clement,' MJ'; Aniold, Rogean, ,Mr.', & Hi'll. '" " ReginaldCampbell :" & Mrs. Edmund \De'ry" " , ' ',' " Georse' W.' lRowth ,';~' ,:" ..... "ii',. :

, , •Mr.


Mr. & Mrs. LOllis santos, Mrs. Mary'Santry, Eileen Santry, In Memory: of Thomas S. Howes, The S'ouza Famil~' , David H. Sullivan, Mrs. Edith Terry, Mr.·~& Mrs. Frederick Thome, Mr. & Mrs. Albert, Trocchi, Mr. & Mrs. Louis Van" derloop, Mrs. Winnifred Walsh,' Mr. & MrS; Victor Woodruff .

,No~th Digh~on, ST. JOSEPH "

ST. MARY $200 Mrs. Thomas Manning $35 ' Mrs. Gertrude Valentine . ~30 John H. Drane ,, $28 Mrs. JoSeph Russell , $25

Mr. &. Mrs. William Fhlherty Mr. & Mrs. Homer L. Simmon. Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Precourt Mr. & Mrs. Chester Vota Mr. & Mrs. Anthony MedeirOill $20 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Houde, . . & Mrs. Charles Wichland Sr.; MJo. & 'Mrs. Charles Blomer,' Mr. .. , Mrs. Charles Drane ,~5



Rev. Leo M. Curry

$100 Mr. & Mrs. James E. Williams $90 Rev. Terrence Keenan

$60 Mr. & Mrs. Henry Wareing , $25 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Dutra Mr. & Mrs. Henry Conaty Walter Scanlon' $20 . Mr. & Mrs. Franklyn Weeks, Mr. & Mrs. Russell McDermott, Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Murphy, Mrr & Mrs. Theodore J'. Devine, Mr. . & Mrs. Roger TurnElr Robert Turner, Thomas Col­ lard, Mr. & Mrs. Oliver Collard, Mr. & Mrs. William Fleming, George Milot ','

Montie Plun1b.~~g' & ,

H"tilllg' Cal.~ 'Inc.


Mr. & Mrs. James Fitzgibbone., Mr. & Mrs. Robert Devlin, Mr. Be Mrs. Frank J. Teixeira Jr., Mr. Be 'Mrs. Henri Yelle, Mr. & Mlrs. James Pontolilo ,Mr. & ~rs. George Bauza; MJ'. & Mrs. Vincent D'Angelo, Mrs. Raymond Shea, Mr. & Mrs. Don­ ald F. Dion, Mr. & Mrs. Victoll' Waz

Rodney D. Berube, Mr. & Mn. Manuel Vital, Mr. & Mrs. Charlec Post ,



TOKYO (NC)-A FranciSCalli priest has been appointed pro­ fessor of moral theology at the Central Theological College ci the Episcopal Church in 'Japan. He is American-born Fathell' Campion Lally, O.F.M.





Reg. Master Plumber 2930

'Banquets .. 'Testimonials

Fashion Shows


Special Parties



. Over 35 Yeats " ,'of Satisfied Service ,806 -NO,. MAINI'STREET' Fall River ' OS '5-7497


'! 'c>_




WY~an '-698"

or MErcury' 6-2744,









• l'

I ~~..



653 ',WcIshington,:Str.ee.i



, " , l

.. •

Nortll Attleboro

': Mr. &

ST. MARY" .. '


I "I.

ThVrs., May 5,'~l966.




Mr.. &: Mrs. William. Cotielr

Mrc; 8£ Mrs.. OricIt: Y.<nmg

ReV'. Edward~ B~ Ji!oot!ll' $100: Mr. &: Mm. James C'oag/m flit,. friend' $50.

~. & Mrs; John. Ia~

Joseph Pe1:rone

lIM: &: Mrs. .Alme: Grenter Mr. 8$ Mrs. Georg~ Roacb

Mr. & Mrs. 'J1Ii0mas: Ri~. Arlene Rbderick, Mr. &: Mrn. Bernard Roderi~k" Mrs. Henry Rooerick,. Mr. & Mrs. W. Rod­ ericl'l;, . Mr. & Mrs. George Rump, ME': & Mrs. Russell santos, M:m. Mary' Silveua, Mr. & Mrs. W&l~ fer SilVeb1a,' Mr~ &: Mrs, WaIte;? ~ra· 1'1'. MrS'. Evelyn Smith. Ed'w'ard N. SOares; Edwin Stiles, Gertrutfu Stiles. Mr; & Mmr. Geonge Supre­


mice Dobbyn



Mt>. 8& :lIiI1'lt. Francis; Murpb:\f $3$

Mr. & Mrs.. Charles; SWllV'afi .


:Mrs. Midtael Nolan,

. ' $25: Mr. &: Mrs. Thomas Kem:ne~

Mr.. & Mrs. William. Rowe

llJho: & Mrs. Walter ROwe.

Mr. &: Mrs. Arthur' Gilcc~

Mir.. 8£ Mrs. .Tohn: M~

Mr. &: Mni. Ge~Id DO~

Mr. &: Mrs~. Wilford: FiIlm:m

Mrs. Hemert NeISon

Mr. &; Mrs. Georg~'McGee

Mi'~ & Mrs. Williani Boddelro. Mi!; &- Mm. Leo' Concanno1lll J?atia CrowellMi,-:. &: Mrs~ Eeo: Eldridge ~. &: Mrs. Thomas; HaJ.esr M1:•. &: Mrs. Frank Keyes. Mr. &: Mrs. Albert. KoIOdZik: :Mr:. &; Mi:s~ R.R.. Eally' Mrs•. Ge<mge: Sin.itlL Mr; c!:i:: ~ Patricli: S'\JJfur.m


.rob. Moran.. Mally' O'Grady:


Mr~ &. Mrlr.. .lames; Andrews.>. Lillian &: Thomas: McCillmn" DJr. &:. Mrs, Jacqnes May;, Mr. & Mrs. .Term Moye;, Mrs~ Isabel Ring;­ helm, Thomson: Oil. Ca. n6i


0. &: Mrs. Anthony. SyL\7.ia J);'.. Mr. &. Mrs. Hell'bert Sylvia, Mr~ &. Mrs. Eljrk. Szateck, Mr. &. Mrs. Boleslaw Szelig~ :J.\1f..r. &. Mrs. Nicholas F. Tangney Mr: &. Mrs~ Ronald Ticli.on, Mr. &. Mrs. Albert Tomke. Mr. &. IVfrs. WiILiam Towers,. Mr. &. Mrs. Claude.'I:Ucker, Mr. &. Mrs. Don­ ald Tucker M];s. Edward Tucker; Mr. & Mrs. Ricli:ard. d. Turner. Mr. & Mrs.. Roland, T'ripp, Mr. & Mrs. MAIN SPEAKER. AT' CONVENTEON: Leaders chat with John Viera,. Margaret Virgin maJu speakel'" at Diocesan Comrcil of: CatholiCa.Jre•. David Wade, Mr-. & l1frs~ Her­ feft. to, rigllt: Mli'S. Anthony J. Geary, Fall RiveI'; publicity bert Wall.. Neal' F. Wall.. Mr. &. chairman; :Mrs.. Michael J. McMahon; Fall River, convention Mrs. William.Al. Wallbank, Mr. .& lV'as.. Edward, WeI:::h cO>-<thairman; R1;;' Rev. John. C. Knott, Washington, mam Mr. &; Mrs. StanIey "Wo-icil; &peakel';: Mrs. .rohn J. Maloney~ Wareham, convention co.­ llI1rs. Mary Wordcll, l\A'..r. &: Mrs• .. Harry Young;, Mr: & Mrs. Pemi' chairman. Zubrisky

$26] '. . Mr. & Mrs. .Ibseph\ O:clamo Mr. & Mrs. WaIteJr Szewezy­ $15i kowsltf,. Mr: &;: Mrs. AThert. E.. Mi:. &. Mrs.. Robert..Atwood.,. Mr O'Heir" Mrs', JOM 'MUsh.ey,. Mr. & &. Mrs Azrthony; Capriccio,. Lewis Mrs.. William. Spadoni, Mr. &I Cta:clt,. Mr. &; Mrs. James Croni'n, Mrs. Stephen. CinqrMars. Ml:~ &: Mrs. LouiS' DJEnt!remont: . . ~5. . Mr. &: Mrs. Canl. Doe1ger~ Mr. . Mn·. &; Mrs. ,~en;~y~Mr. 85 . 2l: It'I'..rs. "Arthur ElliS; . Fran1lJ . Mrs. Charles' MCLl\-ughli,n, Mr. &. , Chowder Bar, Mr &: Mrs. John: Mrs. James~ee~n, Mr.' &. Mrs. Gilrein; Mr;' &: ":Mrs, Joseph, DonaIdl GuthrIe;, Robert Healey; Grise . Mr~ &- Mrs. RUSsell J. :Dennen. Mrs; James Jackson, Mr. 21: Mr. & Mrs: Lester Smith, Mrs. Anne' E. Murp!:l;Y' 8i;: Mr. Mm. MrS'. Vincent LeBlanc, Mr. & Lucy.- Stevenson, Mr. &; Mrs. lI?ouglas.Cummings,..Mazie· CoL­ Mrs; Daniel Marini:, Mr. &; D!!':r&.• Michael Sylvia" Mr.. & Mrs. Willins; ~. Edmund WeIch . John Orr, Mr. & Mrs. Kennetrlt Ham: Wolfgang, Mr.. & Mrs. Douglas) Gaudette.. Proctor,. Andrew Regan' . $18. JIbr. &; Mrs: Roberl:. C?ro~eau, Mr. Florence Reilly" Mr. & Mrs. MI:'. &: Mrs. Charles' Joseph & Mrs. George SClirmdt, Mrs. William R b' 'Mr &; ~ Blanche' Goodill, Ml!;&; Mrs. ... Eli BJ.· , ~ $15 Tliomas. Wallace· ogers,. . a een. .an, ., . .' . '" l!.fr.. 8': Mrs.. Boland:' C1outieF~. .' &. Mrs. Thomas. Sparks: Mr.. &;..Mrs.·, .Manuel Almeida, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Dalton, Mt~ ,. . " Mr. & Mrs.' Louise Almond~ J'osepb:. Andrade, Mr... &-' Mrs. &1 Mrs. Edwin OrLeary, Mir. &: . ..~--: .Io·sep". "'''rreto', "''''''' .. & 1U:-.' "'.'. ...' JOS·EPB,,· Joseph' Andrade, M1:. Be . Mrs.' .......... u ..... ","U'. Dll">Oi. .' ""A> V' _ . , _ A George Vandal ·. . $500' .~; udette Mr.. &- Mrs. ~dward McCue, Mr. & Mrs. Joaqwm August lames McGrath, Mr. & Mnt. Mr. & Mrs. $300 William H. Carey Jr" Mr. Be Mrs. David' Barboza, Francis Perry Jr., Mr. & MrS.. Z~:re BlS'":'llon Mr. & Mrs..Leslie W. Baker, Mr. -..._-~",", UU<U""I ".::...._d', 1tAl-.: ...... M­ ""V'~' ...' : . & Mrs.. Everett: Barnow.. Mrs. ......",.="", JJ<U'_ "" ............h .....·...&a.r..

$100 .rOM Bmlett: . . ......~ .. r u n u", Mr. &. Mrs. James' Bucldey. MF. & Mm.. Willis: G'unnin& Mr. & Mrs. Lionel Dulude Mr. & Mrs. George BeI).ac, Mr. Jo1m P: Sullivan, :Mnr. "SUsan &: Mrs.. Eliot Bennett,. ;Mrs. Rose. Binehcliff'e,.·. sandra'. CaIcIwe'" Mr. &. M:rir• .Iaines1 Dunn Benton M rtha BiSaillo M .~ ... Mr, &: Mrs: Domenick Nicolac:i. .. ;. a . n, 1". GO Itr.. &i: Mrs... H'imry CaI.lins • M.rs. Antony Blanchard Mr. & Mrs: G. Garrett, Schulei' . ' Mr:. & Mrs.. Pred:.Buttei<wortbo, . '. . .$50" ., :B!h;. &: Mm.. EarJ.'e B~chard.


0:-= .R'y '.





., MJr.. &I Mrs.. ~ondl Stdli~ Margarita Mmer


S'AcnED JlIEARTS Mrs. Constance Greenway, Mr. $45 Mrs. Edward Griffin;. Mr. &:.' Mr. & Mrs. David W. Sibol?' Mrs. Andrew Griffiths, MrS". Wil~ liam Grindrod,. . Mr. &; Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Lussier Joseph. Hampson . . $%1). . Mr. &- Mrs. Pliilip, Harding, Mi.". & Mrs. George LeBlanc MJr.·&; Mrs. John' HaI!rison, Mrs.. . Dorothy L. Hart:Mn. & Mz:se., ... R~ 'Hax6eck Joseph. :EIolubesko,. Mr. &- Mrs. $15Francfu Holstuis Mr. & Mrs. Armand Beeotte & Mr.. &. Mri Elphege Desroches Mrs. Emily Hanohan, Mr. . Mrs. Jean Paul Hudon, Mr; & Mr. & Mrs. Antonio Pepin Mr. &: l\IIirs. Ronald Richard Mm. Louis .racquel" Mr., & Ml's, G'rover' .Io....lo1OUn, "---- M;r; & 1-.."" \ 6 _ Ed Mrs.. Ii'lolli.Q'a Ward! wam Kalisz . . Mr. & Mrs, Arthur Kane, Mr. & Mrs. Albert Kenney, M:t. &. ST. CLOUD {NC)-'-A Shortage Mrs.. Joseph! Kobak, Mr~ & :afi-s• of teachers- will' force from 18 . ,...~- Kozaczka Mr & '106m ~S" , ; ,. . . . . to 24 schOol$ in the st.. Cloud Mitchell Koczera diocese here ift' Minnesota to Mr. &. Mrs.. Henry Lague,. drop then" seventh and ~th T_~",- A. ,,~;r_ 1Ur_ & M o&~ ............. .1'. .DW/;. rs. grades for the 1966-67 school Normand· LangeuI'n Mr· & Mrs year. . , . . Curlis. Lopes,. Mr.: &. Mrs. Liz-. &;

Drop Two Grades

Charles. S t i l e s : 1 \ ! r s . · C e c i l Bolton. ltIrs.., Roberla. andre: Lopes . ,,,,,"'- M"' 'ft&.. &"_ M-' T':ames. R. W ~ Brale"', .. '''E.. 'u &, Mrs. G·eorr:""' B'ril'.......... go; rs. p'au!'. L opes, Mr. &. _D; .....,. ::-. . .-, '}inn' Alice' Bo'"--.'. ~a<>.... Mrs. Aldei. R. Manny•. Mr. & Mrs. Where Itt Mr. .& Mrs. Arthur Boudreaa Laurier Boumer; Mr; &i: Mrs. William Machado,. MI". &- :Mrs.. sm;, JOHN B.A!PTJS,T' :Mr. & Mrs. Henry Fortin. George Bourassa, Mr. & Mrs. Josepb Marshall & Son. Mr; &: NAME . $:wJ1 . Mr. &; Mrs. l!)onald' LeBlanc. .:Donald BrQob~, Mr:.. &; Mn. :Mrs. Arthur McCormiek. Mtr; &: Mrs-. Charles YoCUm Ml'; & Mrs. Manuel Olivera, .Ioseph Brown. J.1'·... Mr•. &. Mrs. Mrs. Clementine ~er, :Mr. &; Means A Mr. &: Mrs. Albert Sequefra Victo:r: .BrunetteMrs. Thomas McGreevy Jr.,. Ml!~ '101): The.Forr~FanU1~ Mr. & Mi's; Do"ald' SUlliValll Victor L. Brunette; Mrs. Made-· & Mrs. \...'Iementino Medeiros, Mr. . $50 MIt. & Mrs. Alfred V:incentline BUrns, Mr. &: MBs•. Leonard &; Mrs. .Iaryis Medeiros, Mr. & Mr. &; Mrs. John Costa' Mr. &. Mrs. Earl J: Dias: Calderbank, Marguerite Carron, Mrs. Leonard Medeiros ,DY~ Peter F. Piccinini $25 Mrs. Marjorie, Carey Odelia A. Medeiros, Mr. & Mrs. $25 Mr. &. Mrs. John d. Aieno Mr: & Mrs. Roger' Christensen, Stephen Medeiros, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. David L. Buckley Mr: & Mrs. Ernest Bouley' dohn Conley, Mr: Be Mrs. Joseph James 'Meehan" Mr; &. Mrs. Dan­ Jr. . E.va Bisaillon' . Conlon, Mr.. &; Mrs; Maurice . iel Mello, Mr. & Mrs. John Mello' Mr. & Mrs. Frederick W. Best Mr. & Mrs. Manuel"M. Borges Constant, . Mr. & Mrs. Michele . . Mrs. Abbie Minezzi. Mr. & Mrs. Isabelle. Sandberg Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Collins Costa Mrs. Alfred Moroz" Mr.. & Mrs. $2(1 Mr. & Mrs. Edward W. FitzMr. & Mrs~ Robert Costa, Mrs. ,,rames Murphy, Mr.. &. Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Robert Albanese , lrimmons , E l e a n o r Cyr, Mr. & Mrs. Alfred James Murphy Jr.,. Mr.~ &; Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Bernard T. KellY' Mr & Mrs- Arthur M. Frates JY. 'Cyr, Robert D'Ailj'ou, Mrs. Doris Frank, R. Nunes $15 ,. . A Friend Dawes "Mr. & Mrs. Charles Oliveira. , Yvonne Samson, Mr. & Mrs. Casimir Jarosik: . Mr.·& Mrs. 'Joseph DeFelice, .,LouiS" Pacheco Jr:, Mr..' & Mrs. Manu,el Couto, Mr. & Mrs. R0­ JOt)OKings Hwy.

Mt: & Mrs. Ralph Labbe Anne & Irene' Desmarais, Mr. &: Manuel Pacheco, Mr.' &; Mrs.'. land Fauteaux; Mr' & Mrs' Tobia;;: Mr.. & Mrs. Raymond LeclalE 'Mrs. 'Eugene "Desrosiers; Mrs. Anson W. Paine, Mr.-·& Mrs•. Ji!leming, Charlotte Madeiras. Mr .&Mrstdw.atd.B.:,:..o~gh1iIll.-· Irene DilliD'gnam, Mr. 'Bi Mrs.·' Aaron Parr NEW BEDFORD

Mrs: Gerlnlde ¥essier, Mr: &' Mr. & Mrs. Albert Moqum . ' Roger Dion Mr.c& Mrs.: EdWard Patenaude, Mrs. Ernest Martin, Mr; & Mrs. · . M'. ePasquale Ni·colae!i· . Mr.'& Mrs. Matthew bcihovan, Mr. & Mrs. John F': Pendergast,· Clarence Kirby',' Mr. & Mrs. . MRO·r·b e8i:rt p ()penEvenings Mr & ...",- Pa+-: n " D'Off.-' "Mr '1>- ·Alexander R .. Pe~, Mrs. Mary, . l>C ·M'.rs·. ·..·....ll'u·r'Ric·ha··rds '. . ...u:....~_ David· 8". CaswelL Ml'; &: Ml"S.'Mr. Of; ..n.L·LI1 ""'rs' ""hi'lip D'1" . 'a'dd .;..., E lia Rebello, 'Mr: &. Mrs.' Cl:ifiord . ~- Mrs. ....o·.... ~,. 'W"'-",' ,.... . r . .: e y;~ J.J.... me· Joseph P. Halloran : Mr. 0<; '" JUl........ DUlude, GirardM: D'utnoli'n Rockwood Mr. & Mrs: Thomas K. Portei' Mr: & M~. Sta~ey Walsh, I . ' . , '. . '.' , . , . $2~, .' . . .lIiIi'. &'1,frs" John F~ Dwyer, 31:., Mr. & Mrs. Charles CoSta. Mantii'll' Martin, ·'.'Mr. & Mrs. : Gabriel' Barboza, ·.Dr. Chest4m·W: '&Mrs: Fred~}ick A. Elliott, Maurice Cullen, .Mr. &. Mrs. Baron,Mt. &. Mrs,-41beI1: :Ben~' .¥r. &: Mts. El!r1 Fa/.lrice, .Mr. &

B' k ........MrS. George E~nei:~ lIiIr. 4t Mrs..

Richard Trecida' M ..- Mrs "'R''' i &;rM~. Be~n:.du~:~erur ;e, .....lr. AnthOny Ferri~~ ':\.> ..,,'

Mr. & Mrs. Earl Cliand~er, Mr;' . ~ .lll!r. & .l\irs. Joseph Fernandez, HO~Y REDEEMEllt Be Mrs. Joseph DiDomeni~o, MJi.? Ml"'i&Mr.!.. Jo~,FerI!apd~s, Mr. . "'400' ;,. Mrs F de' Db' M "'" &: Mrs. Anibal 'erro, Mr. & Mrs. '. .. • . . : '. . . w;., re nc u e;... r ..,~ Steph.en .r"•. Fost.er,. D. Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. RiI.1ph Guida Mrs. George Fortin, Mr,>& ll/1rn:' Q£ $100: Manuel' Goulart .> Frank Folger ." ·IIANUFA(;Tlrnl~RS, Mrs. Frederick' ,Byrne·: . . : " :. Mr. & Mrs. James F. :Honahlm:>' .,: ··Mrs, Albertine>Fouquette, Mrs... Holy Name Society :Mr. & M'rs. Vincent Ke~ghle~: . Arthur'Frates;·Mrs;·Anna Gaide,' , ." :.' :$50.. . , " . Mr. & Mrs. Ar.inand Marien Jots- ",Mr.' & Mrs, Normand' Gaudreau, . ';, ofBRISTOI.£O.!UN.Tlf ".: Mr.. &. -Mrs;. FranHs: ArCMbaOO epa MizGannj:Mr: & Mrs Ri~hal'll1l.·Mr. & Mrs. Anvar GemalY" Mr. & Mrs. James Gormley W. Narbonne' ": Mr. & MJ:s. Jean Gobeil,-Mr; &: lH~. AREP.'S-MOSir ACCOMMODATING:BANK.,; . ; " . .... '. Mr.. & Mrs. B~oId J. M~ MY. &)\4r~. ~J.'Dest J. pilre, Ml:iSi'Mrs.LbuiS' Gold,. Mt;·· & MrS;" 'NORTH .'ATTLEBORO . • ' MANSFiEL.:D·· Col.' &' Mrs. .fohn McC'arthy' . Beatrice: QuiDri.;' Carol A. &y.... Johu'Gonsa1ves, . Mi'..... &: Mrs'.

. '. 'ATTLEBORO FALLS ,.' Mrs. Veronica SJieijey " ;. ,_ '... mpnd,. Gladys. Ray,mollllt<llk. III' Joseph: GOvonI, Mr.'&: Mhi: Loms

St.. Vincent-de: Paul Sode(y Mm, 'Paul ~ v' :I."', GOvoni" : '. '.', . .:.', "'1" •..•


Cen.tral· \linage







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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., May 5, .1966

. AT A WA~DSNIGIJ[T: St. George Medal winners are congratulated at tleventh annual ~wards b!tnquet of Catholic Committee on Scouting and Marian Committee. Left picture, from 'left, Alphonse' Braga, Frank Jason, Bis'hop Connolly, James Mayo, William N. Guilmette. Right, Bishop =Con­




nolly with St. Anne Medal win'llel:s ·Mrs. Gerard Shepherdson and Mrs..' David Bishop; In wheelchair, Michael Ramos, who received Pelican medall.; In all, 27 youth workers received awilrds.

Men, 'Women ,.Ouj~standing in Youth Work Receive HonorS' from Bishop Conno""y

Says Holy Name: Society Needed

Rev. John G. Carroll, PHILADELPHIA (NC)-Arcb­ $100 ' bishop John J. Krol of Philadel­ Rev. Francis L Mahoney Men and women outstanding in youth activities were honored at the seventh' annual phia saido that reports of the St~ Margaret's 'Conference of demise of the HQly Name Society awards banquet of tl,le Catholic Committee on Scouting and the Marian Committee of the were premature.' St., Vincent de Paul . . $50 Fall River Diocese. Presenting awai'ds was Most Rev. James L. Connolly, D.D. The Pelican "Perhaps you haven't heard Bishop Daniel Feehan Council Medal for Cub Scout and Boy Scout leaders was conferred on James Cox, and Edmund A. t.hat Some self-appointe,d experts K of C Perrault, St. Patrick's parish, are saying your organization is SS Margaret & Mary Guild' Fall River; Mrs. John J. Mrs. Bernard LaFrancois, Sacred has for 20 years led a troop ia dead," the archbishop told more Mr. & Mrs. William Brady Our Lady of the Assumption than 1,200 persons at the Phila­ , $30 Wilding and Mrs. Arthur L. Heart, New Bedford; Miss Fran­ ces Silveira, Junior Daughters of p8rish, under sponsorship of the delphia archdiocesan Holy Name Mrs. Charles Fuller Pereira, SS. Peter and Paul, Isabella, New Bedford. Sacred Hearts Fathel:S. , $25 Union's 18th annual banquet. .Fall River; Miss Jean Travis, St. Receiving the St. George' Wareham Lodge of Elks 1548 Peter, Provincetown; Joseph V. Rev. Walter A. Sullivan, "You have been too busy show­ Mr. & Mrs. :'::avid Fannon' Zlogar and' Arthur E. Wills, St. Medal, the highest Catholic Diocesan director of youth, an­ ing that it is very much alive,'" award to Boy Scout leaders, nounced the retirement of Rob-' Mr. & Mrs. John Bosnengo Margaret, Buzzards Bay. he told them. were William N. Guilmette, 1m,. Robert McDonald ert V. McGowan, St. Mary's,

Also Raymond Duclos, Sj;. The­ maculate Conception, Fall River; North Attleboro, as Diocesan Lay

Mr. & Mrs. James Ree'n resa, South Attleboro; Mrs. Rich­ Chairman for Scouting. His suc­ Redwood Motel, Inc. ard Silvia, St. Joseph, Taunton; James M. Mayo, Our Lady of the Tiny Jim's Town Club Michael Ramos" Our Lady· of Isle, Nantucket; Alph.onse Braga,. cessor will be 'Joseph F. Murphy, Immaculate' Conception, Taun-. St. Mar~'s; Mansfield.

Mr. & Mrs. Louis Facchetti Assumption, New Bedford;. Ste­ ,In Memory of Margaret C. ven Macedo, Our Lady of Mt. ton; Frank Jason, St. John Bap": Cook ._~-_ ~-~--~ Carmel, . New Bedford; John tist, New Bedford... ~ The St.. Anne Medal, highest $22 Carey, st. Joseph, Fairhaven. FranCIS " award, to Girl Scout leaders,.· The Mills .Family Good Counsel went to Mrs. David Bishop, Holy, ,Residence,' . $20 , ~ The Our Lady of Good· Coun­ Name, :E'all River; Mrs. Gerard, Cranberry Highway Realty fOR YOUNG WOMEN sel Medal, for Girl Scout, Camp ~ ~ Shepherdson, .~'1oly Ghost, -Attle­ ·Mary & Donald Burchill, Canal Fire' or Junior Daughter of Isa­ 196 'Vhipple St., Fair IRiver boro; and Mrs. Edward R. Sousa" Electric Inc., Mr. & Mrs. Leo bella leaders went to Miss Hon­ Con.ducted, by Franc.iscon 365 NORTH FRONT STREET ( Hoffer, Mr. & Mrs Thomas Joyce: ora Coyne, 'St. MarY'sCat~dral, St. James,' New Bedford, who' Missionaries of Malry Mr. & ,Mrs. Richard Rogers . ~ NEW BEDFORD C' Fall River; l\!.[iss Alice Cote, St.' , . ROOMS - MEALS $15 Jean 'Baptiste Church,' Fall, Se."inqrr . Set: OVERNIGHT HOSPITALIn , \ WYman 2-5534 . ...... & ,Mrs. WilHam McCuskeJ:, River; Mrs. Albert Rochefort, .',inquire. OS 3-2891 . Mr.:01; :r.fl·~. Daniel McConegh3', ·ST. BONAVENTURE· (NC)-' .. -......

Blessed Sacrament; Fall River; Mr. & Mrs. C,,"rl')s Tucy Jr., .Mr. ,Mrs. JO,hn Unger, St;Mary's , More.thuD 250,uni6n and man-. ~ ¥rs. Fre.dA,lde,l1, T:" ~ 1\o1:rs. Mansfield;.¥rs. Norman Sprague; agement.. o.fficials were expected '

FrederIck Besse .. attend,a seminar on' collective'

St. Jacques, Taan,tcm; Mrs. Edgar , Mr. & Mrs. DennisE. Becker, 1," '''ya,: St. Kilian, New Bedford; , bargai~ingat ,St., Bonaventure.

. University here Saturday;:Theme

. Mr. & Mrs. Raymon'il Pinault, 6f the seminar is: "Rights arid . ' :Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Burns, Mr. 0 <;ollege. G.... ~s Obligations 'of ·Parties Under & Mrs. Joseph Goryl; Margaret INC. ,COLLEGEVILLE (N\,;) - l;'r. Shay . Collectivll Agreements.': j. Barry, O.S.B., presi­ <;:olman Mr. & Mrs. William Bennett, . Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Oliosi, Mr. &; dent, said St. John's Uriiversity's physics department here in Mrs. Harry ::l.obbins, Annie El­ Minn.esota ha~ received a $14,575 drIdge, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Wenz~l ' grant from the U.S Atomic En­ ONE STOP

ergy Commission.' The money Mr. & Mrs. John Delsie, Mr. & S!i()PPING CENTER

Mrs. Philip Ferren, Herbert Dam will be used to purchase needed ~ pieces of equipment, such as a Mr. &' Mrs. Thiro Zanis, Mr. & • Television • Furniture

neutron generator, a 100-channel Mrs. Norman Lehner: . ., Appliances • Grocery

pulse height analyzer, a lithium McDono'ugh's Package store, 104 AIIE,n St., New Bedford

drift solid state detector, two Mr. & Mrs. Del Poirier, Louis Geiger counters, an oscilloscope, Facchetti Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Law­ ,WYman 7-9354

rence ElIi.~ and many radioactive sources.





.._..... St.


I ,.

co. ~ ,Heating Oils ~ and Burners

, ~
















THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Foil River-Thurs., May 5, 1966


J .

"~. ..»C~'e-. · .











ID!OCESAN WOMEN MEET: Over 500 women from all parts of the Diocese meet for ·13th annual convention of Diocesan Council of Catholic' Women. Left, Miss Kathleen C. Roche, Diocesan first vice-president; Mrs. John J. Mullaney, parliamentarian and past president; Miss Mary E. Sullivan, speaker at morning. session. Center, Bishop Connolly; Msgr.

Thomas F. Walsh, Diocesan moderator; and Mrs; James A. O'Brien, Jr'f) re-elected as council president. Right, Miss Helen McCoy, registrar, aids, front to back, Mrs. AnnieC. Keenan, Mrs. Josephine Talford, Mrs. Anne Ryan and Miss Mary E. Foley, aM of New Bedford. .

, Arthur Boisse, Dorothy Boisse, Mr. & Mrs. Horace' Courcy Attleboro Linus Gignac Mr. & Mrs. Paul Tremblay, 'Mr: ST. STEPHEN &: Mrs. Gerard Daneau, Mr. & Thomas Forest $300 Mr. & Mrs. JohnPiat'h Mrs. Armand Tougas Family Leo Roy Mr. & Mrs. Wilfrid Hempnd;

Mrs. Manlio Frova ' $200 Mr. & Mrs. Norman, Le Mere,

Mr. & Mrs. Louis McBride Rev. J. Omer Lussier Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Nadeau, Mr.

$20 & Mrs. Charles Landry, Mr. &: $100 Mr. & Hrs. Lee Casper, Mr. &; Mrs. John Rogers Mr. & Mrs. Felicien Brochu Mrs. Roger Benoit, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Donald Levesque, Clifford Duclos, Mr. & Mrs. Nor­ Dodgeville Finishing Co. Mr. & Mrs. Charles Levesque, mand Carrier Morse Sand & Gravel Co. Joseph Ratte, Mr. & Mrs. Raoul I> $50 $15 Lacasse, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Jeannette Tremblay , Gaudet Francis Bouchard & daughter, Holy Name Sodality Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Charron, Mr. & Mrs. George Busby, Mr. & Ladies of St. Ann's Sodality Mr. & Mrs. Delphis Ringuette, Mrs. George Savoy, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Norman Turgeon -"Mr. & Mrs. Albert,Gingras, Mr. & George Duquette, Mr. & Mrs. $40 Mrs. Joseph Boilard, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Bieniecki Mr. & Mrs. Francis Pariseau Joseph Lavallee Mr. & Mrs. James Ney, Mr. & Mr. &; Mrs. Alfred Ladebauche Mrs. Joseph Rutana, Mr. & Mrs. Family Paul Gendron, Mr. & Family Joseph Lavergne Mrs. Raymond Pelletier Sr., Mr. Charles Balser, Ida Gavlick, Ann $35 Gavlick & Mrs. Donald Gorman, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Albert Bessette Mr. & Mrs. Sigmond Kaczowka, Mrs. Herbert st. George, Mr. & $30 Mrs. Peter F. Gagne, Ernest Mr. & Mrs. Oscar Bourgette, Mr. Anita Guimond & Mrs. John Casserly, Mr. & Mrs. Doucette, Beatrice Sherbert 'Better Home Products Jeffrey Hunter, Mr. & Mrs. Ed­ ST. THERESA Mr. & Mrs. Edward Britton ward Migneault $600 Mr. & Mrs. Francis O'Connell, $25 Rev. Gerard J. Chabot Mr. & Mrs. Norman St. Germain, Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Laferriere Mr. & Mrs. Robert Laliberte, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Karol $200 & Mrs. Raymond Foisy, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Robert Cloutier St. Vincent de Paul Society Mrs. William Ca.uley Mr. & Mrs. Donald Charron $100 Mr. & Mrs. Armand Moreau, Children of Mary Sodality Rev; Roger L. Gagne Mr. &' Mrs. Thomas McLoughlin, C.Y.O. of St. Stephen Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Gravel Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Brillon, Mr. &: Mr. & Mrs. Wilfrid Lefebvre $50 Mrs. Donald Harkins, Mr. & Mrs. Mi'. & Mrs. Charles Dlimont Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Vachon Lawrence Guisti $20 Mrs. Mary Grady, '

Mrs. Marilyn Bazinet, Mr.' &: Mr. & Mrs. Eric Maslen, Mr. &

$35 Mrs. Rene' Gingras, Mr.' & MrS. Mrs. Leo Denis, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Iwuc Alfred Strack, Mr~. Mary La­ Joseph Paquin, Mr. & Mrs. liberte, Mrs. William Wall $30 Arthur Boudreau, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Vincent' Girard; Confraternity of Chl"istlan Archie Hebert, Anderson Motors, Mr. &' Mrs. Emerald Levesque, Mothers Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Theriault Mr. & Mrs .. Anthony Moskalski Mr. & ·Mrs. Anthony Quaglia; $15 Mrs. Jack Hagopian, Mr. & Mrs. $25 Donald St. George, Al'thur St. , ;Roland Lucier Mr. &: Mrs. William Lynch George, Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Mr. '& Mrs. Edward Duclos; Mr. & Mrs. Louis LaCivita Maynard, Mary Charron, Mr. &: Mr. &: Mrs. Robert Laliberte, ,Mr. Mrs. Mary 'Blythe Mrs. Richard Belmore, &: Mrs. William Niquette, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs: Robert Cournoyer Mr. & Mrs. Harvey Dumont, 'Mrs. Peter McAweeneY, Mr. &: ' Mr. & Mrs. Emile Boivin '" . Patricia Gliumond;Mr. & Mrs. Mr. &: Mrs. Vincent Andrews :Mrs. Gerard Gelinas, Mr. & Mrs. Harold Pederson, Mr. & Mrs. James Henry" Mr. & Mrs. WaIter Delude Donald Nicholson, Mr. &: Mrs.

Leon Cayer '

Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Aussant, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Almeida, Mr; & 'Mrs. Albert Richard, Mr: & Mrs. Roland Trahan, Mr. & Mrs.. Leopold 'Marquis Mr. & Mrs. Philip Dean, Mr. &: Mrs. Armand Frechette, Mr. &: Mrs. Alexandre Goudreau Jr., DOMESTIC & HEAVY DUTY OIL -BURNERS

Mr. & Mrs. Emile Baker, Mr. & Mrs. Donald Lamoureux Sales - Service-Installation

Mr. & Mrs. Wilfrid Thomson, Mr. & Mrs. Alexandre Poirier" MAIN OFFICE - 10 DURFEIE STREET, FALL RIVER Mr. & Mrs. Francis Fonteneau, Mr. & Mrs. Edouard Goudreau, Mr. & Mrs. Donat Raymond



Phone OS 5-7484'

Acushnet ST. FRANCIS ,XAVIER $25 The Pierre Boucher Family. Mr. & Mrs. Leo N. Coons "


Mr. & Mrs. George Beaulieu, Mr. & Mrs. James' M. Haworth, Mrs. Stella Lanzoni, Mr. & Mrs. Leo Olivier, Mr. & Mrs. George Pimental, Mr. & Mrs. Leo Ricard $17 Mr. & Mrs. Richard Silveira $16 "Mr. & Mrs. Paul Szwaja $15 Mr. & Mrs. Rodolphe Arcouette Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Richard H., Barry, Mr. & Mrs. Roland Benoit, Mr. & Mrs. Andre J. Brodeur, Mr. & Mrs. David F. Considine

Mr. &- Mrs. Leo E. Cormiev. Mr. & Mrs. Ovila Frechette, Mr. & Mrs,' Nelson Girard, Mr. & Mrs. Henry Guilbeault, Mr. .& Mrs. John Gwozdz Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Lang:. ]ais, Mr. & vlrs. Normand LapoJ:te, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Jr. LeBlanc, Mr. & Mrs. Conrad Leo- • doux, Bella LePage Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. L'Heu­ reux, Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Mc­ Menamy, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel it.., Medeiros Jr., Mr. & Mrs. John J. O'Toole, Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Pimental Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence lH[. Power, Mrs. Catherine Raymond. Mr. & Mrs. George T. Soumn. . Mr. & Mrs. William F. TayloE, Mr. & Mrs. James R. White


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,'a "NEW CAR?

Our, new car auto loans are STILL the Lowest in Town only $4.50 annual service charge for every $100 bore rowed. Stop in at our N.lain Bank or at any of our cohvenient neighborhood branches.

FALL RIVERA TRUST CO. &t 1#14 ~ ~ ~ FaN:e­



114 .. TIllE ANCHOR~Di~..~~ fcd~Rh(e!~Jh~~,:~'

.' Dr. & MrS. Robert o'DoniJ.ell' M1!~·.&.~JOl'1mPi'l:Cfrl'.

N:e:w .Bedforell : S>F.: 'I!ID1~A.,. $Salt . Rev'. William E:" COUimli.



Mi'm. Anton:fu> Mm.. Elizm Roiiwert:' 'tberese RoiSvellt: $6ft: LaiJiS; Fleury.' ­




WilliiDn Blake &: Mrit•. Bi'cb:ard Blake Mr;. &: Mrs;. George, ~ Mr; 8i: l\IIrs; .Avila>. G~ Mit. & ~. Lewis. C•. .rac1b1OJlt Mr. &; Mils. Nicholas; LOIDllad Mr. &: Mm. Fr.mk: Padyltula Mit: 8i;: Mrs-... Paw Shannon $201 MrS'.. WaIter ~. Mr. & ~. Ralph. Baumgart'e!F Mr:. &: 'IrR'_ "'" ......: ­ Mi's"., Gaetan B'ro'Chu;" ......... 0I0• .lY.U'l>.

Geol1ge' C~. COte;. Mi!~ &: MrD. . CllarIes: Dauray' Mlr. &: 1IIfrs: EUgene Ferland, Ml";. &: Mrs; John Harm'IIgton" MB'. . &: Mrst.. Roland! Siniihl. Mr. &: Mi'9. George' Sti;. Germam. .. . $~g, . . .

Mr:. &: MM. Robert Birtml

. $'150 . ..:

Mr.. & :Mrs:.. Frede Barlelt;. m. ' . &: Mils.. El, S;. :B1afr;. .Tom Blake• 'F.llel Me:t"ef~~ BenDall paper' a.it Mt~ gt~ Mr; &: Mi:s:. Kenneth, BliSs,. :M'r:: &



Mr. &: Mrs., Robed: BbWtei-;. Mi1;.



&Mrs. M:'e:ei-Ferland

Mr. & Mrs. Clement Lesage St.M8ry!iwomews:GuiM . :$S Mr; c!li:: MJ:B.. Linus: U~, . . , $2Il' .' ". :Mr.. &: Mm. .Art.nur lieni'malu, Agnes. Blake .

""'"' "'• ..-.r_. ". ..".... ~, WaIstn JJir: . ~


& Mi:!s:.



.IIWo' •. .,.; ~• .u:.........

F!ooren<re: B'afsvert:



ll/frs\.ISmaWSl'l.aI!Key. . E':'-~ """--"-,

..".,.,.... "'". "'a;-,.. .•. ;;;'.;;;;ciS;


:MB~ &:


&. l'lfrs-... Charles- Brys~, Mr.. Sir· Mr.r~ RiC:fIanil Bascli\, Mr.. &: Mm.. NeIson ll)upl:iliIey.';, Mi'si.. EImer'

l1ffi'Mr.on &; Mrs:. Da...nro Z.. lThtey.

Beat'riee Jans~, Mr;.. &; Mi:s~ Francis: Kelley;, Ani'fm H.. Kmg. Mt... &: Mlrst Dona1'd!. Lange J: Ettg)me: l1emfeuJli· Mr.'.. &; Mi's'... .AntfumW M'ag1'na" $301 Fred! McCracli:enI, :MiriIl. ~brneUus; Lami'el!' R.. Dumas: 'Il'...._ . "",_,"_-" ~. M"lIllPl'Iy,;. Mr;. Biz: JY.u.... DlUU=.. $25; NiJfuru" Mir. &: Mrs: Rowem P~ Mr. &: MWl. eIiarles;~. Mjr.. 8/;' Mrs:. Jol:'In'. POrter;. E'dmt;, Mt-. &: Mils:. Jilsepfu Go. ~­ sallhy" Ollit. S'al1e~r bmm.eaui $1'~ . Mr. 81: Mirsi. Raga:' Renwdi Mr: &: Mrs.. ECfwanl S'eotll: $20, Mr. 8/; Mils:. ll.aurent, Pa!J:ent,. . . $liS> • .Am1ie-. Ade1,. Mi:;, &: ~ Donal(1l. Mit..&: l\Tils: Roga:' Lamoniagne,. GerardI Rlcllardl" Mr.. &: :M:i's•. Wlil..· AIi:fiaya" Bernardi B'ellttY" Mir. &:: fcidl BotEe" Mi::. &: Mi:!s:. Romeo, Mlm. .racob· Belt;, ~;. &; ~. . .Fomn,. !lift; &: Mhr..G'a:S'f.pJ:1l ~-: G'e<m~: BOnner' . .Tolin: R. RoweD!,. m: &: Mmr. W]!NS; HON4IHf:: anger $llf; .rob B:mun,. RobErt CaITahan'" Mm:y, Academy,.. FaIIl Ri'v;er;, took second) I'riZe' fill newspapeJr Mi:m~.TanieS'Bracltett.Jr:~. JOhn Cofen' . :Mi:~. &:; ~ Ri'chaxd1 ~mgnan;. dlivii~ioD\ at New E'ng!andi PublIcations <OOn;feren'C'I~: heldi. at; . .M.ir. . &: Mrs;. 'IDavii:l" carr. $II). ltfr.. &: :Mli'lf•. F~.C'anpenfer.· Jt:. ..." ]j)" , .. .. , Clial"Ies Connol]y" Mrs; JOM Mr:. &: Mrs: zep~· Paquin. :Mr... 8l;; Mrs.:. DaYi'dl carretto) . Me.rrltlIIla:ck. nffOIIeg~~ ~rane 'i~~ l~" mc'(}~~.itieditor;. .cOnnoll¥. Mi1:. &. M:i:lr. J'01m De-­ . $15 . :M'r; &- Mrs: Mimu;eJ!. Can:ei'roj;. df8c1iIsses: S' ·eet. WI '. 'ynne : rnpca; , eurI1en e: l! or. YOung;, Mr; &: Mrs. Roger-' F'er Ronald Dumas" Mr..& Mrs.' Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Castro, Mr. & . land . Wilfiid llieclain; B'ertr,ancilA~ Mrs. Maxceli' J'.. tth:m:on,. Mr.. '8/;, MeLine $20. . . . . .' Cat1ierihe: Fisk,. Maril~ Fisk, Normandl Mathieu;, RolandlDube Mrs.·Herben.Clegg,'·· . . MIl.. &: Mrs•.' Alfred:' McNally" MD. & Mrs. Robert. Demerso' Mrs. Edward Fisk Sl:.,.MD.:&M~ Antoine Racine;, Paul Frey,' William Clinfon"Naoby Coffey;, MJ:.:&:Mrs;.Gerald McNallY,.M'rs. Mr. &. Mrs. George J.uafre. Mr. Armand: Gibeault;, Mr.&.' Mrs. Charles Gaudette, Jorge: Corela,.. La'\\o'Tence' Coffey; .William Co...· . Fran,:es Miller; 'Dr; 8/; Mrs.. Ray- & Mrs. Arthur Mullins (rl:ra1Cl Gravel .' Joseph Rousseau' ' . 10m!); Mr: & Mrs~ .ToliniconroY" mondMilIi'an, Mr. &-M~~ ~rthur' i, $f5; Mr: &-Mrs',F"rlmCisIGiblin,.Mr. Therese' Bormeau, Paul LangRay Cooney, Mr. & Mrs: J. J. J. Mondor . .Mr... &: Mrs. Norman Tliiba~, .. &.'Mrs. Thomas:P: Gibllri;J~:"Mr• .lois, Dominic ..lmbriglio, Mr. & Corcoran, Mr. & Mrs. Allen Mr. & 1V£rs. Arthur J. Mondor Mr. & Mrs. Roland Proulx, Mr:' & Mrs: Bart Hunt, Koski Famtly. Mmlt. Normand: Parent,. Rollmd Corkum, Mi'.· & Mrs. Henry Jr., l\1Ur,&;,Mns;.Euge~~Mondor;:" &. Mrs. Robert.Dube~~; Mr.. &i' Mr. & Mrs. Georg~ L~elli:l Therien,. Mr.:, &: Mrs.. Viii1lmoR Creeden, Mrs: June liJeMayo Mr. & Mrs. Nt)rman:; Morin" Mr. Mrs. Richard: Castro, lUI'.. & Mrs; Mr.. & Mrs:. Geralli\ Lanoue. GOmJ"eviUe: MM & Mi:;s.:ID'ona1dl ~es>Verg-& M~s. Thoiiuis;MulleadYi" E'd- ReneIDubuc . Mr. & M~.Ja~ueS·ll.edi,ll;,. Vin­ .......... "b' . ~s, ;. ~Mr~~<;:;~hmon: .hY• ward MutP~~ .... : ' , ' :Eva Bou.cfreau"Lei1a:Boudreau, . cent Lynch, Mr:. & Mrs:'Joseph, H>I!TIe; 0"0 ; . r. '; 'S:. .' '., 1 on ae. Mr::i.. Helen Mm:phy;, Mr.. & Mr.. &- Mr&. Cy,ril Cote., Mr. &; . Marcinkwiez, M1l; &. Mrsi Hugh . Ernest W_ I!)·oYle;. ~. &: Mrs. Mrs.. James, MUI!I'ai"Sha-w St.; :Mrs.; Lea· FOnrcuge, Mrs( ArthUr. F. McDade . ·BT;. JOHN, THE: EVA.,NC;;~iS'lt· Lorenzo Dupont: Mr. & Mrs. James Murray, DUbuc '. Mr. &. Mrs.. Fred. McGarrity, . . $11,000;. 'Mi!s:. John! Dw;yer;. Rocca Ean- BeneJat St:; Helen, NQlan;, Mr:. '& Mr.... &:. Mrs.. Albert Mousseag. Mr. & Mrs. EUgene McG9ve~ . . Rev: Thomasl F:.. Warls2~ tm:cfone;. MJ!: &::M!i:s.. Yif,.'MrS;. :PIiHfp"N'~'" MT; &: 1'!Irs. Conrad Miltigret, m .. ·)lr.·& Mrs. J.:f'.. McNallY" M~. Ie . . $6401 . ; . . fen). Mi:. &:Mrs~.l1a:wrenceJilltton;. . ·Mr.· &;' M:i'!s'... Andrew' Nyzic;: . &!drs.:~amPee1t;:~rt:.&:.~· MntWdIiam Q'Bnen Jr:,.lfr:. Be Mr. & MI:S.. liEa1!rYi Condon. :M1llh. 'Agries: FoleY- Wiffr,ed' H.'l'aI1·Te; :i!rcfward' Plrt'e- EdWard, Legere" m.. It 1Ii'&, Mrs. Wlllfum O1Brien- Si-: $150> . ·M:tr..&<Mr&.James'rJ.!O!el'"Mz: It. Baude; Mr.' Be' M~. RobeEft' V; Bollmd'Brocliu' . 'Mr; &. ~ JOseplt·Perry;. Mrs• ...... & M'· To fut LoDe Mrs. James "Ftazer, .Mr. &' Mrs, Pedrcl,' MrS.·M~·Pelissey· . G'aetan eonett:e. Mi'.' &; Mi'& Mary Poirier. Mr. & .:Mrs. J. AI".' '. rs.. ..~.· I'~ . EdWli:d1 Galli~.Mallt:GBUfmm. Mn.. '.§t. MrS.. .AdciaD; Peiletie'l'.· B'enrt' Paradis. . Pugliese, Mi'St. llbliert: Piit'cfuud, Dr. ·Anthon;, 'lTe~~ Mr. & ·Mrs. Matliias Galligan & Bel:tna Penetiez;,.MaI~~ne- .' ... Sor., ~ . 'Mr. & Mrsl..A11iel't .n. Ri~ . . $120 " .' , . '. AngeIa . Uer.;, ·1K'r.· ~. Mrs:. N'Omuln. PeRe-· , M:1!; &- M'L'& .fames: ROsa" Mi!;, & . 31" Mr. & Mrs. Paul Garon;..Mr. & . . '.. Pi ......... Mrlh Cl.l3car St;,. ioDD; 16: &. Mrs. · Mr; &; Mrs:. F. stelter.r:. ~ :Wuis<.. C!tIIzzoIS,; MiL: &. Mrs: ti~~~~~~~~=~ &" '".~ .•.. ' O;::Dy.. ~ ck ~ . rdshin.' BertrandSulli'van.• :r.Irs. Eva . . $1001. '. . ' . . Rooco) GfanmtHllii" Milst MallpreIt. . . .WhaIi . --v . . . ~.nc:·.~.kl"~~~!..~:~nd'.$teml- GmQ])d~. ~ .. 88. ~. I!)anful E:. Bll'rs.. N;.]i).... " Mir..& lIDs. . . $3501, v • Sweeney'" 'Mr.~" & Mm. '1'homaIJ ""'w.:.r........ Gexaldi PineauIt" Mr.. Ii: Mie,... ,~Pierre,;J1o~.J': . T'a~ Mr.- !fs. MWi. Joseph.

E'dinundi H'enry . GiJi:~ . ." . '. . Allied: Pibn"J"ofui A.,·PGwenfD; ., $10& TrojaD; " George- Jans()Jl' . .' .,.' Mr. &; Mrs:. .Mbel't:GfugJl~ Mr. 8i Mrs. Rooen PubJ' ". ~t. de ~uf. ~~., A Friend . '. M&r'M&rsMrsL'yfHoerrmdanGoGrmormanan;MrMl"s' Paul:Reag;m" Mt.: &: Mm~ ", $10' ."

Form'er' Synagogue'

John Mahon' lIt familY . '. . . . . . ..., . Glenn: Reynolds;. AIiCeRQDi.Dsoai. MJ!.\ & Mrs. HenJl)T ME~~ Mr. & Mrs. James K...~' J"olin:, Gourlay, Mr. & Mrs. Ed- Etean"r. Rolifuson" Mi1~;' &. ~. . . . . . . $65, _ .. LONDON (NC)o,-AD> interna.­

Dr. & Mrs. Vincent. O~: waxdl CG'.reve .&lbeJ:t Rooistow .. . Dr. & Mrs.: John BelSky tional center of: religlclus. educao­

Mlr.. 8':· Mi!s....Peter. Guimond, . &'M .•1. . '. . Mrs. WI'IlI'am Wal"...... tlon wil1 oCcupJr a: former. sy;na­

""'-" SI.·,.· A' 1 Mr. rs. PalLLl·Rockett;. 1lltl!. . . $50' 75. ....... 'm,w; &: Mrs;. ciJ.vatore. Gu ino.· . . $ gogue here in..Ontario when :Mi:;. & Mrs, OScar Houde, Alice & &: l\'lrs: Robert. RplImap." Ml::.~ HoJ.y Name Society when classes began Sept. 1'9. The Mr. &: Mrs. Russell Brennan, Milly H'un( Lillian Imhoff Mi1S1. Rudolph, Romagnon~. Mr. lIt Mr. &::Mrs. JolireMarllhail $60l ,,"'- !i.....- T: J'" . "c t :&iks, l[er,bertRounds; M1l:;:&;~ '. Mr. & Mrs.. John Murpl.- Be diocese of. London oought· the Mr. & Mrs. LucalFantaccione: ~......",. ua' ..... anson,' lemen "Y B'nai Moses. Ben. Judah: SYna­ .feU rs' Mr' &: Mils' Eimest Jew Philip' E •. Rounds· '. Mrs•. Leland, B.. Sinith ' . . $50' . , . e "..', Mr. & Mrs,. Joseph, Rushlow;., $40. '. gogue here recently' .and will Mr. & Mrs:. Charles Bowen ett, Mrs. Saran. Jonanson, 'Mr. & renovate it for use. by' toe' cenMrs. Ernest Jos1!'Si':' . Mr.. &· Mrs•. MattheW' Savastano, Mr. &: Mrs. David Blake' . ter, which' has oeen. nam«i.d· The Mr. & Mrs•. George Carey.> . M r.. & : M'rs. 'rnes E' t J os, t K ' Maxy' Sheeha~ Mrs.·William Miss Helen :..-teiuy· eVln LOUI'S GallI·gan.··· . Divine Word. T' Ji cr T hn F . K 11 Sheehan,. Mrs; Eileen Skelley $35 Mr. &: Mrs: Edward! Kelley. .... U ge;. ·.. 0 :. ranClS e ey. 4"'; A\. Sl';I"" a"":K'-'ly Sandra Kelly Mr: lIt M.·1's-: 'Jam..... '. Mr. 8/; Mrs. B': A. DziJ'll

. "..'-....... ' & Mrs. ·Francis· F'~ LaPlante. ....u." •. ~.~ ~,,,= , "'" ~ .. Mr. Mr. & Mrs: George: Smith;. Mr; 8t Omer' Ferland ~orn~~~~5m~~a~~~u~ Mr:. & Mrs. J'ohn:P.; Lee, : Mt: &: Mrs. Robert J;; Kenney. Mrs:I!.,oulS. SOUsajM'eribah Stan- . Mr.. &: Mrs. Joseph Hodge n . . 0 Mr: & Mrs.~liur, I;. Mulligan &'Pamcfa, Mr. & Mrs. ueqrgeI,... Mr. & Mrs. A1:·thurc;.Mnrphy·' ;. ·Kohler;. Jolin Kupst~s, :\\ir ..& fon,'Mn; &:Mrs:Francis:'Stelter Mr. & Mrs. Vict'or.v:au-~D: Mrs. COleman Lee·. '. ~ .Mr;·:&;,Mis;. Chatres: Taylor, Mr. 'iJl . . .. L I 9 : ,': . 6...... & Mrs: ~har' 'l'hompSon~.Mr; & "Mr. & Mrs. JohnG:WaISh' Tne, Han. &.Mrs':' ~dward Lee, Mrs;, Ricl1aid'Wagle,. Mm. HarOld' ". .~,. \. I . ~' \ r. $41V Mr: 8/; Mrs~·Elmer· Lee, Mr. &, E' W: 'h": . "nit:· "'. ... ~ ~'--_ . , ' ..

II! . ".: • John Judge"" . MJ:s. R'obertl1ehane, Mr. &; Mrs. . ,. Iml uurn\.·~""r: co ~•.m ... U=Jr$! Just· Across Thlf)'

.'; .... $35~·. . .Tosepfu· W.' Lewis, Mr. & Mrs... W;:~~'MrSr' Jj1\r~ ~~lock; :' eogg~.sllciil:· St: iri:dg. II SO. Datt.mouth': • . II. ., . ' . '''.:.; • Denriis 'Family .:-.' Bll1ll1Y:'Loew/ Mr/& MrS.Fre(:el\iCli;'W~mr. F~drhave~~., MOS$. . III and!. HUCllni1i5'.. ~. -•. II! , . .. Mr. ~ Mrs. Arthur' .Fole~ Mr; &:. M~s. Robert O'Brien, &: Mrs;. WalteI':' Young: 'mnest,; . V.fO.. rie~·.· of,: ·A FrIend .".. Mr. & Mrs: Edward .T. O'Donnell ' '" . .. . "J: DllIrt-mouth.··WV·j:'9384: . ' A Friend' .. , ". . Mr. &. Mrs~ Joseph 'O'Donnell: ."ST.JOSF.1Eu:.,. ", ":' .. Ill. .' _, •. . ; ncr" . .::roEr.. &; Mrs:. S'fuart O'Hara J·r., $«00· ;.". ..5er.ved: Alliphere,:"".AISol Ill' Hy~~nis ,471.0 " • 'Mr:' & Mrs. LaWrence Dliffailey Mr. & Mrs: Alvaro OliveiraRev'; U'b~lde,Denea~.§TEAKS-..:.QtOPS,.;..Qt)CKEH: .'. '. . III Mr: &'~rs.N?rtn,a'iI:ElLegg ···j-ennie' MiliD6hald"Raymond" $10C) .".~: .!.i. :..........;...._

"'• • 9 • • • • • • .r~._._.! The MIsses BlggtC L M . . b'· HI .M'. d'd" M' .. ,..... ." . . acorn er, e en a. en, r. ., .. Mr'. & Mril.·R.o....ge.·r" I)e.s.'.V."e.rgn'ea ..' ~ ,. -m""""'__"'!'\"''!'''''''''''!'!'''""'_''''..'!'!''"_ _''''''''....._'''''!'~_ _~. . .~'!''''I''_ _~ M & Mr J h C r t · r. s. 0 n . a y. . & .. Mrs, Edward Maher, Mr. & . tr: " ... ' . , ,=}," . ' $2'5- . MTs\. .Trones-. Maller.-' ' $.75·;,...· ': . .. ::. , : .Mr. & Mrs.. Paul. Bellavance ... '. .' '. ., "....... 0_ "....-..., ·H4..be T.Avi...."..;~ ~ ;"; Mr. & Mrs. RODen F; Bon.. Qsca.r-Mal'Ier; Mr. & Mt$. John,' ."YL~"'" .,.·...,a."...... => " ~_ .... ' , ....., . , . ,.' '. '. . 1;'; /!porno '. . '''; . !VlansfieUf:,).Vfr. & ·Mrs.·'Eugene . '$6(11' .,', ,.' . ", ..' :!:. 'Ma~tin'Mr"&Mrs John;"'Ka'rtI'n, 'M·r·".··M···rs···J '·· ..·h·D· .,: ',; .....,.' ,.: ..... ','.Ilr$.: .. .~ .S~· Mr. & Mrs; Filancis:Bowen;· ~"'." .:tr.L . . ' ,... . osep .. es'v'"ergneg ~: !~ Mr. & lYlrs. Norman Cloutier. Mr. & Mrs.. JamesMartiqs;'·.~; . , :;"··'·'·,.'50'.·',.·~'::... ". . ....,..... . -. .. " .Mr.. &Mrs.F:rancis;.Flalierty:" . . ,.Mr:"&i;.,~J'~:-l,l:\lgl1.~cB(ien,.¥r<.:.. Rev;,'.Rene 8:.: Le,vesQtt:e.· -:.\ AMJ»''''tOAN ASsoaiATIO!t ':01'" ATTLEBoRO . ~~o Galligan .. ' . ' '~".o, M~.l\oIrs. DaJt1er M'<;CCarth~!:'Mr .. <%, LaUJ,11!: J;i)eD~t".".., , ' " . ,., " , . . . ':", , : ' . . ....... , o, •.." ' , ' ··Mr. 0< Mrs. WmiT.Galligan rS .. Kenneth' Mc arthy,: :Mr. 8i ' . . . .Mr. Mrs.;B~a1;.diGamaclle;', ~r~. ;Jamrm.Mc~rp.ckeJ,1~) El~ie. $30 ., :'1'.,' " .,. v: ~ .. ~ . ,. .~~ ~ ~I.: aI" Sav .... in'9~ ,"A ...'¢c,·O~~.:.tS.,. · Mr. & MllS'•. Ray G'azzol<l'. . . McIDonal~'. " . . . . '.; - -, .. " Mr. '& Mrs;' I i ' r a n c i S ' · l P . ' a u i · Mr. & Mrs,. Josepn' A"Kili~'" ·sUsan~"McGmn,:'Mr.·il/;·Mrs.,: '.:, ',.:·,;;;}Z5.':.:' ':~··::.····,;"'i~,:'bt~Q;.·~igSv~tie' B~: .SaviftnSI ·1:' . Mr. & Mrs. Jo~A...M~tif}s. .. r' K.ftnnetli, .WI • MCGrath. i1~illikiUi' Mr. 4~.Mf.s,;~~m~1.\t. €Il~" , ,; '., .. ( . d , U ,.....?, •• ~ .i . '. .Mr. &~rs..Jolin~MtillillleY'.· R. McKay, Mr. &. Mrs,;~ge~,. ',~: ~~. ,~rB~:"':~"{~'. :: Mr. ~. ~.~ Edw~r~ MUl:l:ow:u€i~.. _~~augh1in;:~.. ,k ~\Alberi . ~"") •. ·.}.tf . ',,!f'~~,':'J" . l-----IIIIIIIii_~,J $50>












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, $25 THE ANCHOR­ A Friend Thurs., MaY 5, 1966: St. John c.Y.a. SACRED HEART Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert Ferreira $15 $60 " Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Medeiros Mr. & Mrs. Richard Burke, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Normand Seguin Mesquita Pharmacy & Mrs. Emery Cusson, 'Mr. & $35 Mr. & Mrs. William J. 'Wallace Mrs. Gordon Goodfellow, Cath­ ,Margaret Babineau $20 erine Foye, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas $28 Mr. & Mrs. Jayme Cardoza, Foye Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Deschenes Mrs. Arthur Carreiro, George Mr. & 1\1rs. William Harding, $25 and Lucille King, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Alan Houghton, Mrs. Mrs. J. Herve Bedard Americo Ramalho, Mr. & Mrs. Margaret Johnson, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Lionel Bouchard Gilbert Tavares, Mr. & Mrs. William Kasper, Mr. & Mrs. Dr. & Mrs. Philip Chartier Adolph Waleka -Thomas Keeping Dr. & Mrs. Albana H. Collette $15 Mr. & Mrs. Odee L. Landry, Dr. & Mrs. Jean Paul Grenon Mr. & Mrs. James :Boyle, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Frank W. Mahon, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Frank Kutis & Mrs. Gilbert Brazil, Mr. & & Mrs. William Maley, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Hervey Levesque Mrs. Ernest Correia, Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. Paul Malone, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Rodolphe Paradis Walter J. Costa, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Morse $20 Charles W. Duponte Helen Nelson, Mr. & Mrs Dr. & Mrs. John T. Barrows,

Mr, Bernard Dutra, Mr. & Mrs. Charles' Oliver, Mr. & Mrs. Clar: Mr. & Mrs. Norman Boulay, Walter Espinola, Mr. & Mrs. ence Oliver, Mr. & Mrs. George Cyprien Grenier & family, Mrs. John Fernandes, Mr, & Mrs. Oliver, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Rec­ Leo LaBrode, Mr. & Mrs. Paul George Fish, Mr. & Mrs. John A. kords Letourneau, Mr. & Mrs. Elie Gonsalves Daniel & John Sullivan, Mar­ Pothier

Mr. & Mrs. Edmund L. Grace, garet E. Sullivan Mr. & Mrs. Antone F.' Gracia, $15 Mr. & Mrs. SYlvain Bisson, Mr Mr. & Mrs. Laurent Guilette, Mr. ST. HYACINTH & Mrs. John ,Henriques, Mr. & & Mrs. Manuel Botelho, Mr. & $150 Mrs. Manuel Homen Mrs. Leo Boucher, Ruth & Ger­ Rev. Herve Jalbe~ A Friend, Mrs. Antonio Lomba, ard Boudreau, Mr. & Mrs. John $50 -Mr. & Mrs. Richard Lopes, Mr. & Cabral Mr. & Mrs. Donald Payette Gelose F. Brault & family, Mrs. Joseph C. Martins; Mr. & Anonymous Jeannette Canuel, Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. Lewis McDonald SOCIAL ACTION: Leon Cardinal Duval, Archbishop of $30 Lydia & Mary Pacheco, Mr. -& Antonio Champagne, Mr. & Mrs. Donald Lafleur Algiers, has lost many of his Catholic people since the return Mrs. Joseph Pedroso, Mr. & Mrs. Walter Fichtenmayer, Delia- M. $28 to France of large numbers of the faithful, duri1J.gand after Henry Pimenttal, Milton Rich­ Green Mr. & Mrs. Wilfrid Roussea. the Algerian war. The Cardinal has said that "the Church Mr. & Mrs. Joseph F,orgue, mond, Mrs. Mary Schusner $25 Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Souza, Mi'. in Algeria looks with faith to the future," and social action Romeo Gagne, Mr. & Mrs. O'Neil Mr. & Mrs. Albert J. Lam~ur. & Mrs. Richard Sylvia' ' Lemire, Mr. & Mrs. Albert Le­ programs are being developed, such as this evening school eux, Mr. & Mrs. Leo Fournier vesque, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Liz­ $20 ST. JOSEPH in a former church in Belcourt, a thronged section of down­ otte Mr. & Mrs. Normand Brassar. $250 Fathers study reading and writing, sometimes town Algiers. Mr. & Mrs. Roger Menard, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Colwell Dr. & Mrs. Albert Hamel 'with tbeir sons. NO Photo. ,Mty. Pierre Paradis, Jean M., Marie E. Fenawe ' Mr. & 'Mrs. Marcel Roy' Sevigny & family, Mr. & Mrs. , $16 $200 ' Paul Soucy, Mr., & Mrs. Arthur ST. LAWRENCE Mr. & Mrs. Paul Hampson & $15 Mr. & Mrs. Francois SulliV8lll Trahan " family Mr. & Mrs. Albert Pepin, Mr. ' $150 $105

Mr. & Mrs. Louis Vaudry Jr.. & Mrs. Tadeusz Swiczcz, Mr. & " $15 Mr. & Mrs. Conrad Seguin Wil~iam E. King

Mr. & Mrs. John Sullivan Jr. Mrs. John DeTerra, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Valmore Barabe, Mr. Conrad Seguin Body Co. $60 &: Mrs. :Walter Cabral, Mr. & Antonio Silva, Mr & Mrs Donald $7S ~T.ANNE Ruth B. & Hope F., McFaddell Mrs. Napoleon Cournoyer, Jos­ Arsenault Rev. Louis R. Boivin, $100 Joseph Quail, Mr. & Mrs: eph Dutilly, Mr. & Mrs. George $65 ' $55

Society of St., Vincent de James Penler, Mr. & Mrs. John Furtado Mr. '& Mrs. Mauric~ Danser­ The Misses Downey

Paul-5t. Anne's Conference Sylvia, Mr. & Mrs: Louis Rich­ Cora Guillemette, Mrs. Alice 'eau , Sodalities, of St. Anne's ,Parish $50 Perry, Rita .Powers, Edward Mr. & Mrs. Francois Bouchard ard, Mr. & MrS. Daniel Sullivan· '$75 Rev. Justin J. Quinn , $50 Edward Sullivan, Mr. & Mrs. Saulnier, Mrs. Bernadette Stulll 'Rev. Roger J. Levesque" The Jos. A. Burke Faroil)' ",William Constant, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. G;'Albert Roy $5~ Loretta Lamarre John lIughes,Mr. & Mrs Charles ' Mr. & Mrs. Marcel Trahan Rev,. Arthur Levesque ' , College' Library, James J. O'Brien Jr." Mr. & Mrs. Henri Brouillette McKinnon, Mr; & Mrs. Albert Mr. & Mrs. Adrien Desrosien Couccl , Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Denault 'NORTH ANDOVER (NC)"':" $45 $30, Mr. & Mrs. Leon Hebert, Mr. $25 Margaret, Ann & Helen Glea­ Construction has been started , Marie' Lebeau Henri Phaneuf & Mrs. Joseph Costa, Henri Gurl lIOn on a$2 million library at Merri­ , $25 , Mr. & Mrs., Austin Manning & The Hogan Family , , .Mr. & Mrs. Leopold Mathieu. mack College operated by the Mr. & Mrs. Umberto, CrU% Mrs. Louis Vaudry Sr. Augustinian Fathers here; It it! family, Mr. & Mrs. :John D. Syl­ $30 Claire Dumont' ' via ' Mr. & Mrs. Arcade Marcoux 'expected to be ready for 'use ia Mary & Ann Downey Mr. & Mrs. Aruthur Fontaine Mr. & Mrs. George Cote early 1968. Father Vincent A. Mr. & Mrs. Richard Rebone, , Margaret M. Goggin Mr. & Mrs. Aldei LaFrance McQuade, O.S...'\., 'preSident, said Mrs. Clara 'Robida &' SoIl1, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Lally, Ed­ Mr. & Mrs. Charles Pelczar St. Anne's Federal Credit Ernest " the three-story library is de­ ward MacLean, Mr. & Mrs Byron $25 Union '

$20 signed to bouse 250,000 volumeS. Doyle, Mr & Mrs Antone Quintal' Helen Driscoll $20

Mr. & Mrs. Philippe Methe, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Ponte, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Albert Fisher Att. &, Mrs. Ulysse Auger, Mr. & Mrs. E. Melanson, -& Mrs. Paul Gelinas, Mrs. Mabel Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Louro Lemlin ,Hardware Co., Mr. & $15 Whitaker, Mr. & Mrs. Paul Thi­ Mrs. Pemberton Nye Mrs. Arthur E. Powell, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Leonce Methot & beault, Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Walsh Mr. & Mrs. John Tierney Mrs. John R. Sylvia Paul, Mr. & Mrs. P. Jodoin, Mrs. Mrs. Winifred Nangle, Mr. & $17.50 $20 Philippe Mathieu, Mr. & Mm. Mrs. Alfred DeFreitas FALL RIVER Lil's Coney .1s1and Mr. & Mrs. Harry Hunt, Mr. & Reginald Chandler, Mr. & Mrs. $15 Mrs. Edward Hurley, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Brag~, M. & Mrs. l&. ST. KILIAN Mr. & Mrs. Armand BoldUc, L'Heureux Paul E. Marshall, Mr. & Mrs. $50 Mr. & Mrs. Lucien Brunette, Mr. , William Winsper ST. MARY Rev. William E. Farland & Mrs. Philippe Carignan & $16 , $100 , Rev. George Coleman Felixina Carignan, Gabrielle & Mr. & Mrs. George O'Neil Mr. & Mrs. John Nicolacl The Finnell Family Bernadette Cayer, A Friend $75 $20 Mr. & Mrs. Henri Constant, Mr. & Mrs. William Toolen' Mr & Mrs Alfred Veer & Carol" Mrs. Hubert Fournier, The Gau'; ELECTRICAL $45 Allen Bentley,' Raymond Ma­ dreau Family, Mi. & Mrs. Harry Contradors , The McKenna Family honey, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Dias, Grimley,. Mrs. Adelard Langlois 31ST , , $35 Mary Augeri' Mr. & Mrs. Jos,eph Moniz, Mr. RECORD BREAKING i Mr. & Mrs. Clement DamiCOD4l '$15 & Mrs. Roger Ouimet, St. Anne's , $30, :Mr. & Mrs. William ,Donlan" Sodality, In memory, of Alexis WEEK .~ Mr. &. Mrs. Robert Hali :M a r g Ii l' e t ,Boucher;, Alfred &; Louisana Savar-i'a, Mr. & Mrs. , $25 Languirand, Mr., &, Mrs: Robert EVES,-M~II. thru Thurs. at 8:00, - Harry Sears; Mr. & Mrs. 'Alfred Fri.. Sat. Eves at 8:30 :Sicard ' , Mrs. MarY, Penler Clark, Mr. &; Mrs. Frank Silva Sun. Eve. at 7:30 The Shea Family Allen Stringer, Mr. ,& Mrs. Al- , si','J,OHNTHE BAPTIsT " . Mr. & Mrs. F,rancls LawlOll' Matinee at 2 ." ... ~ Gibbs, Benuce Gibl;ls, Mr• Yhurs., Fri., Sat., Sun. & Wed. Mr. & Mr~.,Gerard GUillotte & :Mrs John Gilmore; St. Kilian'. , " $600 Air. c1!I; Mrs. Marcel Loranger Ladies Guild , Phone t, ft, 1·677·9357 Rt. Rev. John ,A, Silvia , , WINNER OF FIVE ACADEMY AWARI!$ , ~r~ & M~s. Sylvester, Maloney" 'Mi', ,&: 'Mrs; Henry 'Lyonnaise, ' 944 County St. $120 , illClud'llI1 Best Picture of the Year ' New Bedford,' Mr; ,& Mrs. D~vidCosta; ¥r.& ,Mr.. & Mrs: Joseph,Mello, Janet ' ......'.. ," '. .'".", 'JRev. Manuel'P. Ferreira , ' $100 MJ:s. Theodore Ziemba, Mr..,& Har4man, Evelyn Chieppa,' Pa- , Rev. Louis Cardoso ' ~rs; Milton "aylor, Mr. &;,MriI. iricia Mello' ,: , ~;§§§§§§~g~~§§§~g§§§§§~gg§~~mI ':rhomas Bancroft JI'., Mr. & Mm. . :Mr. & Mni.Robert CheValier, ' 1Irr: :;IN' St. John's Vincent "de Paul .;roseph S o u z a ' Norman Berube; Mr, & Mrs Don-' '$60 " Mr..& Mrs. 'Joseph'S. Vera' . ,,'U " aId Matthew, Fran~isFilipek, ,$50, ", , Mr. &<Mrs. .:!'oseph Rezendes & . ,Mr. & Mrs. Robert Gilmar , f~i1y ,., 'Raymond Riviere,' Mrs." John A Friend ' ',' ,,''', $20, Maguire, Mr., &; ,Mrs. Simon, Aubertine Funeral: Home" . .. ,Mr., & Mrs. Gilbert 'Ferre ' "",James.Daws,on,' Mr.' I: :Mnl. ,:,Palmieri, ,Mr. :& Mrs. Adelar4 Former: teache~ !K>ught. as fuli,time Boston: area A Friend, ",l'homas ,Le(lvei', Henry Fortier, : Belanger, lllr.& ,Mrs.' Edward l7epresentatlveby' Publisher 'of Catholic,' Textbooks. ' " , ,,', .. ' , . '," ,' ", " Mr. &: Mrs. Richard· Gonsalves Francis, & 'Stephen'O'Grady, Mit. : Blouin' ,.Ii!: Mrs. Gaston DeBrosse , "Rosa, Myers, Mr; & Mrs George lop ,salary, liberal bonus, g«meroul profit-sharing Mr. &: Mrs. Joseph,1\(. Sowii! '; , ,$30: , Alice. ,& Bazel Davis, is" e&ouette, -Mr. ~'Mrs; Dino Pra.,. end retirement plans, 'and' car. :Mr, -& Mrs. 'Arthur Fredette "Mrs;,:John 'Barryi Mr. Ir: MlI1l,'tesi,' Mrs. Judith' Fr!lte.s, ,MI'. & ' " ",' , ,',,', ," , ,,' Mr;,&:,Mn. Frank Parsons' ' Paul Boutin ,'" , ,"', '" . Mrs. Arthur Lemos ' Write:' P.O. Box " Berea, OH 44017 ""': ",:$28, ,1" " ... , . ,~, ," " Richard Rose, Mr. & ¥rll. Nor.," m~~L~~§§§§5§§§~§g§§§§' §'§§§g§§§§§g"~".' . Mr•• MnJ.J'rank~wa. ' , Mr. Ii ,,)1m:: Howard, LoKI 1!I!iaJlG Adams,i Mary i:.onlC • ~

;':': :'New Bedford







Pre~tigE'.' Position



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., '16

Busy in . the j~issions





lo,ve .YOM

;.' ~:':'Mary Murphy, Mr. & Mrs. Wil­ i' 'Uam F." Murphy. Jr., .William 1V{cCaffrey, Mr. & Mrs.. Arthur HOLY FAMIlLY , . By Most Rev. Fuli.on J.Sheen, ,I).D.' ,McDermott, Mrs. B. Lewis Mc­ How often during the day do we say" or bear someone else $50() 'Dermott say "J[ can't help YOU; I am too busy?" Busy? Yes! But busy doing Rt. Rev. William Dolan.. Mr. & Mrs. John McMorrow, what? Being busy takes on a different meaning in the. Missibns. $100 , , ' " :Mr. & Mrs. Lafayette Nolet, Mr. The following' are n few of. the stories a Belgian priest who Rev.. James F. Kenney & Mrs: Francis O'Neill, Mr. & recently. visited, this office brought back from' the "Missions._ One Rev. William Blottman Mrs.. Frederick Pagnini, Mr.. & lay 'missionary, a wo:man ~ Africa, teaches 2,100.-children a day. Holy Name Society '; . Mrs. Richard Peyton The scbo';l ,h~s only one classroom. She teaches, 200 .pupils an St. Vincent de Paul Society .' Mr. & Mrs; Ernest Prairie, Mr. hour, tbe~' clears the room and another 200 come in u"til aQ have . $50 " & Mrs. Roger Prairi~, Helena bad their lessons every day'.• ~ We priests ill the United States Mr: & Mrs. Joseph Mozione . Raggett, Mr. &l\!Irs. Manuel are buSy. Manyar~ overworked. But, one priest in Africa has $30 .. , ) ' Rebello Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Robert 230 missions, 'each of 'which is as large as some of the big parishes. Mr. & Mrs. Russell Chamber-: RO#lS Why must we have 20 or 30 priests in some of our large city .oland Rusconi-Varden Family, Mr. & rectories and' chance.ries--priests working on .insnra.nce, invest­ Mr. & Mrs. Charles ~r " Mrs. Joseph Quigley-Jr., Mr.,& ments· and real estatl~ when. the Miss!ons need priests so badly! Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Rapo,sa :: ·Mrs.. Frederick 'Reams, Mr. &. . .!l o $%5 ;(. Mrs. Stanley RobertS, Mrs. Paul Mr. & Mrs. Camille Dietlin . Sa ben Another priest, in one mission country recently under persecu­ Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Peavler '. Mr. & Mrs. ,Ralph' Saben; Mr., tion, received 18 machete wounds from Commuilist-inspired ·rebels. $22 ., & Mrs. Charles Seipold, Mr. & After a year of recuperation, he returned Mr. & Mrs. Edward Cameron Mrs.' ·Kenneth. Shepard,· Mr. & again ,to his people who constantly sur-. $20 Mrs. George Silva, Mr. & Mrs. round their' "saint" with guards, so, dearly ' Mr. & Mrs. Charles Kenyon, ,Wallace Smith

EXARCH: do they love him. Is not 'the Christ with . M'j'RONIT'E . Joseph Perry. , Mr. & Mrs. Francis Soitos, Mr.

'" wounds loved for the same reason? Thomas $15 " &. Mrs. Joseph Tavares, .Irene Bishop Francis M. Zayek was right: No adoration except for a . . Mr. & Mrs. Theodore BraSsard, .Torres, Mr. & Mrs ~dward Truc­ who was recently appointed wounded Savior. The Christ with scars , Daniel Cabral, Mr. & Mrs. ,H.a~-. 'chi, Mr. & Mrs. Francis Uns­ by Pope Paul VI to be the' is the Christ we love . . . In a boarding " • 'mond Cooke, Mr. & Mrs. JoaqUIn .. '.worth . ' SI)iritual head, of the Maro­ school of 1,300 children, t~e poverty is , <;:orreia, Edwin Davis ' : .. :. Virginia 'Wade, Mr.' & Mrs. so great that each prepares his one poor Mr. & Mrs. John Furtado" Mr. 'Clinton Westgate Jr. nite people of the· United meal in ,the, crudest possible bowl with no & Mrs. Alfred Mattos, John Mc-;,·. .

States, wi.ll be a suffragan fires.· . Their dormitory is the kitchen. '~'Carthy, Mr. ,& Mrs. Frank Men-~:"

ST. ANTlIllONV bisl:lOP. of the ecclesiastical Could not our boarders in colleges give

'des Mr. & Mrs. Antone Pereira "'". $50 province of .Detroit.. Bishop up something for the poor by sacrificing t:~L'",,","""''''-'''__

Anne Derry, Francis Perry, ;~., . h S at least "$1 ·a month for the' Holy Father .

.'Blanche Picard, Mr. &. Mrs.,.'. Manuel Fontinha Zayekcomes. to' t. ~ .: .. to aid such 'need? . . . One village of 30,000 people promlse~ to

..., William Powers, Theresa Rogers,:,

James ·from a.similar post in· Rio , become Christian if a priest would come to teach them catechism. Mr. & Mrs. Charles Simas, Mr. & . ' James Thomas de Janeiro, B.t,:aziI. .NGPhotoHe asked each to carry a stone to the place where he taught all day '. Mrs. John Quinn ' . $18 ' , long; They....will use' them'· to bUild a church and 'school. . , " Ftank Rico . J~hn (iOrd~n Jr., Leo H~rrington .. " SACRED 'HEART . ," One nun 'had served the ·Iepers for.l'r y~~rs~~er :.mot~er ". $15 Mr. & Mrs., John Hughes " ,Antone ,Abreau, Candida A-Mrs.' Rose Jones, Edmund F. superior' thoU~ht that at 90 she;s,hould 'bebrought ba.ck ~ our ·h:,. $'75 breau, George Abreau, John & John Kennedy, Mr; & Mrs. "ci"i1iiation" where she could die in cJid, notca!ry Rev. Joseph '1". Delane,. Ab.reau, Joseph Abreau . ". , .' " " " . UD ' . "h 8U riors" Stephen Ledwell, Mr. & Mrs. . a. placard' about the leper camp', ~ymg,. . own W~., "pe., .. " '., ' ' ' $ 5 0 , _,' Louise, Agrella, Joseph Amaral '. , James W.. Leith, HelendMclntyre "'Init her',he'art \vas brollen just the ,same. obeyed .... . ,. . Mr. & M;rs.,~e3alO Sa~o:n..... , '\·;· ... s'e'p"h :'R. 'A'm"aral, J'os'~ph Bu'too ... ',M,.r.,,&' M.rs.' Ho·ward. Menden­ , , ' :' . t' " t Th ' t d ' h ' the car came ... oJ her bags to go :into re Ire~en . e nex, a.y w en '. ' : D " ' ler. George Carvalho , hal\, 1\'[1'.&, Mrs. William f'en­ to take' her "back home" they found her dead. beside '.'.....Mr.. & Mrs .• Robert, ra., "Perry De' 'Thomas, Charles ., .' . " . her pac~ed. c:l~rgrast, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph.Rita Misses Rel1I y . , '. 'c' 'Ferreira, c Robert Hartung,. Al­ M & ·th M . bag,s. Sh~, waS buried ·wUh. the lepers. r. Mrs. Francis S. Sml " r. M t & Mal'V McCarthu . argare ." i f " , :fred" Jacinto Jesse Linhares &: . Mrs. George E. Swansey Jr. Mr. & Mrs,I,tobert McClellan,:, 'Joseph M~cedo, Andrew1dar, MiSsionaries in their discomforts are happier than, we are 'in Mr. & Mrs. ,~Imothy TayJo.r shall Jr., Louis Martin, Mariano w::~ Knut Vikre, Mrs. Mary our comforts. Missionaries with ,their super-human schedules are .$25 ' 'Nastri, Manuel Pelty -accomplishing more than we with all our frantic "busyness," Priests Mr. & Mrs. Francis Andrews "Leonildo Rodrigues,'George '$15 ,in the Missions have more work, yet there are over 100 conver­ Mr. & Mrs. George Duchanne.,·· Silva Manuel Smith' Filomena Mr. & Mrs. Eric Erickson, sio'nsper, year per' priest in many mission' lands.. Priests' here ".. & M rs. F re d en'ck H' • Joseph Souza , Clarence 'Adshead, average only a little oVI~r two a year. We spend .. _1'. . ~nna "'Souza, E" d St Mr; I &B Mrs. d too. mu.ch m.oney th " J,1r. & Mrs..'WilliamP. McLean. " LeopOldina Souza, Joseph Vic­ " mar ""n erson, an ey aron on our motherhouses(:hurches, rectories an semmanes m e Anna Maguire torino , J r . , Jeremiah D. Barry United States 'and too'little.on the Missions where there are souls 1_:~ Mrs. L. William Bou- : . and bodies iIi real need. We are religi~us, but do we have ' .,Mr. & Mrs.. JQ.hn T. Ma ......ey hMr;'& d b t faith? f 'th '. Mary K. Nichols ' . car, Mr. & Mrs.' Edward J. Being religious is doinlg a certain' act now and .then u al ~r. & Mrs. Clifton Pie~ ,New' Bedford Bruce; Ml'.'& M~s. Walter Carter: ;penetrates ,the core of olllr being. 'Think about'it and write to me. The' Welch Family Mr. & Mrs. Joseph·Cazemiro, 'Mr God Love You! ' . 'aOLYNAME & Mrs. M.Francis Considine . $100 Mrs. Jeannette Whittle. Mr. &, Mrs. Arthur Cormier, "lo . , l .Gon" LOVE' YOU i;o S.C:M. for $200 •••.~ :an anonymous '$20 Gertrude & Loretta M... Daley Mr. & Mrs. Charles Couzaj Alice Mr.-& Mrs. Armand A. Audet, ' ." $60' Donovan,. Mary ]:. Downey, Gen- : 86-year~oid lady for ,hl~r. gift of ~$50' . . . ' to Mrs. A.F. for $10. 'Li'uiim or,' Cole :.: Edward Boudreau, Mr. & Mrs. evieve :Foley, Stephen Francis, "Having rec'eived 'an unexpected increase in' .my Widow's pension" :",William Emsley, Mr. & Mrs. ',' 'Mary A. Cole. Mr. &,Mrs. William J. Francis, I want to. share my good fortune with. the less fortunate." . '.'. . . .,. Raymond Harrison,. Mr. & Mrs. $50 Mr, &.Mrs. Joseph Gerrard' ... ,.Joseph Torres' . Mr. &'Mrs. Thomas F. Cawley·, Mr:& Mrs. Stanley Gorczyca, I~ ~n~er',~ innum~rable demands, the recorded .t~lkSof $15 Dr. &. Mrs. -Ambrose Finnell .' Mi'. '& Mrs. Edward Hamer, Mr. B'ishop: FJ.lltonJ. Sheen, which he has used privately for ov~r, 40 ,Carol Andrews, Mary' An­ . George Rogers & Mrs. Francis Harding, Mr. &

years ,tQ Qelp people of alll faiths find meaning and deeper happmess drews, Mr. & ·Mrs. Amato Biondi $35 Mrs. Lawrence Harney Sr., Mr..

in life~ .'are now, :available to the general, public on 25 records­ & family, Mrs. John BOudreau, Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Derby . & MrS.J@hn 'Harrington ' ..

THE LIFE IS WORTH LIVING SERIES. In 50 tlllks of about 30 Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Brady Mrs. Alexander Maino Mauriee Harrington, In Mem­ minutes each,His Excellency offers wise and inspiring guidance • . Elizabeth' Brady, Helen .Brady, $33. ory of. Catherine & John Daley, . on' problems effeCting all age groups,such as love,.marria~e .and ~' Mr. &' Mrs. Stanle;, Brezenski,:. ~,Mr. &. Mrs. Joseph Marshall Mr.. & Mrs. Francis Kwiatkowski raising' children; '8ufferinl~, anxiety and loneliness, alcoholism .and Mr. & Mrs. Donald Briggs,"'Mr. $30 :Mr. & Mrs. Alban Lancaster, Mr. . de'ath .as well 'as the pr~ndples of a Cl1ristian faith. Priced, ,at $57.50 1: &: Mrs. JOhIlBriody Mr. &,Mrs. Frank Correia & Mrs. ,Joseph Logan and s~i'd 'only as a compl,ete set, the RCA custom LPhigh-fidelity Mr. & Mrs. William Campbell, Mr. & Mrs. ,Francis Kermedy Mr,. & Mrs.' Romeo J.B..Mag­ ~ aibuin c~n be Qrdered :from Bishop Fulton J. Sheen at his office, Alice CareY,Gertrude Carey, Mrs. John O'Neil ,nartt, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Marti­ 366 Fiftb:'Avenue,Ne~ York, N.Y. 10001. Mr. & Mrs. RiChard' Cayer, Mrs.,' $25 nez, Mr: & Mrs. John Mills; 'Mr. Marion Chadwick Mr. & Mrs. 'Omer Bellenoit & Mrs: Thomas McEntee, Mr. &, Cut :'outtbis eolumn,. pin your sacrifi~eto it and mail it' to Mr. & Mrs. James Corliss, Mr. Mrs. Catherine Carney , Mrs; Roderick Murray. Most ·Rev.'lFulton J. Sheen, National Director of The Soc.iety &: Mrs. Charles Correia, Mr. &" Mr. & Mrs. Riehard·A. Cole Mr. & Mrs. Fred' Osuch, Mr. & for the Propagation of· tl'le Faith, 366 Fifth AveJ,lue, N. Y: 10001, ~rs. Josep~ Correira, Mary ,~. ;', . Mr. & Mrs. Joseph S. Finnerty· Mrs. Henry 'Openshaw, Joseph or to your Dioces:m Director, Rt. Rev. Magr. Raymond T. Consi­ Alice Corrigan, Mr. & Mrl!. Edward Duggan 'Paul, 'Mr & Mrs Daniel Sheehan, dine, 36lJ North l\lain Street, Fali River, Massachusetts.. Thomas B. Cunniff Mr. & Mrs. Michael' Griffiths Mrs. Albert Strong Mr. & Mrs. Robert ,DEmnen, .: Joseph & Julia Foley Mr. &. Mrs. Eugene Sullivan, Mrs. Mym;tte DeWhurst, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. John Halloran Mr: & Mrs. Francis Sullivan, Mr. Mrs. Gerald Doiron, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. James Harrington & Mrs. John SYlvia, Mr. &, Mrs. Arthur Duarte, Mrs. Mary Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Livingstone Herbert Thornton, Dr.. &' Mrs. Duarte Sr. Edward "Welch, Mrs. Margaret. Mr. & Mrs'. Edward Feeney, Mrs John p'. O'Leary & family, Whitmer WiTHOUT TRAIFFIC " PARKING rROBLEMS : Alan Fitzgerald, Mr. & MrS John Mr. & Mrs. John O'Neil ·Mr. & Mrs.' James Flanagan at the ' T ..Flannery, Mr. & Mrs. Coy Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Ruen "Mr. & Mrs. John F. Flanagan . Folcik, Mr.' & Mrs. Maurice Joan Sheehan .. .. , . . Garceau . I ~r. & Mrs. Michael Wilson . ASSUMPTION Mr. & Mrs: Eugene Gorey, Mr, $20 SOMERSET, MASS. : & Mrs. William Gorman, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Arthur D. Ban~roft $40' ;,: Mrs. Peter Guresh, Mary ':Ken-' Sr., Mr. & ~rs. Martin P. B~rry, , Holy Nllme Society jhe ",1Ost. ~riE!n~'y, ,.democrgt~c BAN.~~ff~~j:ng·, ;: ;'lIledy, James Kevican. ..' .. ',I Mr. & l'4rs. Charles Bramw.ell, _ $25 ; '. Mr. & Mrs. Leo Landgraf, Mr. Mrs. George Brightman, Mr: & , .. ~,Our Lady· of .the' Assumption .. " ,'c, :'; &: Mrs. Maurice Le:v.asseIJC, Ei~,I"'IVlrs"'Leo:Cole" :, Club··· '..... :! :·leen. MacCarthy, Mr. ·it· Mrs.. Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Ghoqu~tte, .... ciub' Accounts' .~ ... ,·Auto, loans·. ' Mrs" 'Pa]mira Silva :.: Ilm.est J.' Mador, Mrs. Joseph J Frailcis"Crowley, Mr. .& ~. " ,. . $20 .,. C::hecking Accounts;' Business: "cans .' l ;·l4aguire ' , . Charles Deasy, Mr &: Mrs. ,An­ . ,J)'I,,-, & Mrs. ,Antonio. Gomes, . Savin'S!; 'Accourt's . " , 'Re<:Jl: E5t~1,.~n!l ",»,. '. !, . Arthur Marron, Edw~rci '.,Mat::" ,"'tflohy Edwards, Mr: & MrS. Dttn­ .Mr.;&. Me!l. ~veroG. AlJa~ • S9me"Sl1oppi:ng A~~a.~a.Ti9hhr~M:'''St,·.'e;ide.e~'~~:;;':; t'i·teson, . William Meehan, Fred. iel Flanagan , ,., ,.:' ,", ,.$15 " , : .. Miles, 'Mr. &. !A'rg.. George,..A. Mr. & Mrs. Theodore,F-recfette -::; Mr•. ,&.ld~s, The,\)dore. .~• .t\1­ ·~;mb~'r.' f~der~'l)ep~sit :'lnwr~r;cEf '\~Qr"'or¢'9~ ;i"~i.!.r ~-lIoitoza-' '. . ~."-& Mrs; 'Peter 4. Gi~vQ, meida




comfor~. S,h~ ~l1e a~d p~cked

7 ,: "






',~omp'~te One~St.op '''qii.I.c:~''9 :'





Honors, Awards Go to Students Schools in Fields of- English,

Journalism, Busin'ess Science

, Honors abound at Diocesan high schools these d-ays. At Coyle in Taunton Michael Felong came in first in a junior­ senior declamation contest, while Francis Mooney took sec­ ond place and Robert Lakey third. Fall River's Jesus­ Mary Academy is experien- ing in the test was New Bed­ ,cing a warm glow ov~r the ford's St. Anthony's. fact that its school paper, Memorial Scholarship

Jem received a first place At Mt. St. Mary Academy the

THE ANCHORThurs., May 5, 1966

Cathedral Rites Make History

LONDON (NC) - The Sal\>&­ tion Army provided the highlight for one of the most significant and historic religious services m London in modern times.

A big Salvation Army ~and ill traditional uniform, drummer at its head and trumpets blaring, award from the Columbian Press Anne Brownell Memorial Schol­ led several thousand people Olf Association, scoring 930 points arship has gone to Juanita Gou­ all' denominations in procession of a possible 1000. This, point lar! of the Josephine C. Wilbur through central London to the out reporters, is the second dis- School' in Little Compton. The first interdenominational service tinction' won this year by the announcement was made on the ever held in the 63-year-old paper. In September it received first anniversary of Anne's death Catholic cathedral of Westmin­ a; All American award from and coincidentally, Juanita as a ster. At the rear of the quarter­ the National Press Association. little girl was taught catechism mile-long procession came six AwardS have also gone to the by Anne. men carrying a heavy 12-foot yearbook and school paper at Majorettes at Attleboro's Fee­ cross. Mt. St. Mary Academy, these han 'High will wear new uni­ . from the,New England puplica- forms for the first time at two As the band and the crowd tions Conference at Merrimack Memorial Day parades. Styles of poured into the great cathedral John Cardinal Heenan of West­ College. the uniforms is being kept secret At Holy Family in New' Bed- until that date. minster stood at the entrance ford, Margaret Sciscento has re'The girls rank as one of with Anglican Bishop Robert ceived an $1100 schoiarship from Feehan's m 0 st industrious Stopford of London and Dr. UMass, while back at JMA Rita group-s, meeting twice weekly Maurice Barnett, London's senior­ Laflamme, National Honor 80-, throughout the school year for Methodist minister, to welcome ciety president, has received a practice. Drum major' for the the cross and walk together slowly in front of it to the sane­ $700 renewable scholarship from corps is Mary Ellen Lewis, who tuary where it was laid before the same institution. Also at will be replaced next year by the high altar.

JMA, Suzanne Lagarde heads the Kathleen Creegan. Solo twirl­ newly-issued honor roll with 90 ers are Maureen Bolger and

The crowd had earlier gat))... or better in every subject. She Patricia McKeon ,ered in Trafalgar Square, Lon­ merits highest honors, while just And at Jesus-Mary, Spring has don's great open-air forum a behind her with high honors meant renewal inside the school mile away, for an interdenomi­ are Rita Laflamme, Anne Marie as well as outside. The office national "service of witness", DEBRABANT DEBATERS: Debaters at Sacred Hearts now Grillo, Paulette Nadeau, Lucille practice room ,and typing room an annual event. In the past Academy, Fall River, are,named in honor of founder of Holy participants had dispersed after­ Rousseau, Janet Roy, Pauline have been painted and tile Dumas and Diane Dugal. floors have been installed. Union Sisters. From left, Leslie Bishop, Margaret Pruitt, wards to their own nearby In a recent spelling and arithSchool's out today and tomorchurches. This year they aU Suzanne Guay. , metic test taken by JMA's bus- row for Diocesan highs as teacb­ walked to Westminster cathedral iness students '1 perfect score iil ers attend the annual convenwhere Dr. Barnett read the Pas­ and pI:'esentation of a spiritual both departments was made by tion at Feehan High. Many marked by commercial students. sion according to St. Luke from Lorraine Talbot; while at, Do- teachers and principals are par- Among projects was attendance bouquet. t~e, sanctuary. Bishop Stopford At Coyle High, tennis team lead the prayers. minican Academy, Fall, River, ticipating in the convention pro- at school in clothes appropriate Cardinal Cynthia Ladeira and Suzanne gram as panel moderators and for office wear. And memory members won their opening Heenan preached. Croteau received gold pins from discussion chairmen. book staffers will sponsor a match against Taunton and the

the Order of Gregg Artists for ,At Holy Family, Rev. James hootenanny Thursday, May 12 frosh baseball team evened its

. their excellence in shorthand. Clark addressed students on the with proceeds goiJlg to the Do- season's record at 3-3 with a vic­ Ap'plications Availab tory 0 vel' Dighton-Rehoboth

Honorable mention certificates work of PAVLA. His lecture was minilog fund. ' For Nursing Grand

were also awarded. sponsored~y the Serra Club. Jesus-Mary senior prom will ~rosh. And on the Prevost sports And at Mt. St. Mary Academy, Also at the New Bedford school, 'be held Wednesday night, June scene, Ron Costa hurled the first

The Nursing Scholarship Comno-hitter in the Narry League , mittee of the Fall River Council Fall River, Veronica Plaziak has 50 sophomore girls are enrolled 8, with dinner, at the Hotel Vik­ been nominated for the annual in a voluntary first aid course, ing in Newport to be followed this season as he led Prevost "' of Catholic Nurses announces a 4-0 victory over Somerset. Achievement Awards program sponsored by the civil defenSe by the dance in the school audi­ that applications are available sponsored by the National Coun- program. Already offered at torium. Theme will be Summer­ Jesus-Mary g i r 1 s celebrated for the annual Mary E, McCabe cil of Teachers of English. Win- many Diocesan schools" the time. French Week under the direc­ Nursing Scholarship. They may ners,in this "excellence in En- course will include instruction Bishop-elect Humberto S. Me­ tion of the French Club and be requested from Alice Moran. glish" competition receive spe- in rescue breathing; application deiros, spoke to SHA Fall River events included speaking of R.N., 187 Whipple Street,' FaD cial consideration from colleges of bandages, and the treatment students at the annual ring cer- French as much as possible, per­ River; Sheila Mahoney, R.N" 85 and, universities. of shock and severe' bleeding. emony when juniors received formance of songs and skits, de­ Bay Street, New Bedford; Col-, M~re Honor Students Music Festival ' school rings. Also participating livery of French speeches and a lotta Robinson, R.N., 7 Perry , , i n the ceremony: newly-appoint­ Avenue, 'Attleboro; or Mary E. More honor students: at PreDominican Academy has chos- cd Diocesan chancellor" Msgr. cliinactic French hootenanny. Mount girls heard a discussion McCabe, R.N., 110 Broadway" vost High in Fall River, highest en its participants for the an.. John Hackett. Among 95 juniors Taunton. honors for this marking period nual Diocesan ,Music Festival receiving rings were three nieces of Africa by a veteran mission­ The annual Summer party fO'l' go to Robert Lacourse, Roger and they, together with repre:' of the new ,Bishop: Kathleen er as Rev. James D, Manning of Lizotte, Leo Talbot, Normand sentatives from other participat'- ,:!vIedeiros, Diane' 'Medeiros, and St. C<\therine's Church,. Little the' 'benefit of the' council's Compton, spoke on his 23 y'ears scholarship fund will be held Berger, Paul Carrier, 'Philip ing schools, have started i'ehears- Patricia Souza. -Saturday, July 23. Sabra, Edmond ,Tremblay, Rob- also The first session took, place Sodalistt of Diocesan schools of work there. ert Lambalot, Paul Dextraz~. at North Dartmouth's Bishop Also Nelson Charest; Paul Stang. held their annual meeting Sun­ , " day at ':Bishop Feehan. Titled A Lizotte, Jean Poisson, Gilbert Retreats' are still on school, FIVE CONVENIENT OFFICES TO'SIERVE YOU ' P 'Day of Christian Renewal, the L 'lta l'len, R 0 b ert Rh eaume, au schedules and I DA seniors will tt D' ld ,'program 'included conferences, " M art e1, M arce1 L IZO e, ona make a cursillo at La Salette · P au 1 St" L auren, t R0 bH arnson, Shrine this month, . while girls at discussions, supper and, a h,ootert Thibault, Alan White, Roland Sacred Hearts, Fairhaven, hav'e enanny. " Some 200 students representF razier. · h d J'ust ,completed their annual ing 30 schools, met at Bishop A n d Th omas B arnes, R Ie three-day program. Mt. St. Mary Stang , · ar last week ,for the annual L evesque, ,Donald P~lselh, Paul seniors completed a closed re- Spring, convention . of the South, M B erube, Paul C abra I, ark trear at La Salette yesterday, ·L • eastern M&ss. Association of Of 11'A UNTON ynch. while other students had a lFe­ , · 1t was treat National Honor, Society chapters. . 11y spea k A ca d emlca mg, at' school. Norton, W. Main St.-Raynham, Rte. 44-Taunton, Main St.

· k f B' h St They were welcomed by Myles a b 19 wee ' or IS op ang Mothers' Guild scholars, too. Senior class presiTillotson 'of Stang, outgoing" North Dighton, Spring St.-North Easton, Main St.

dent Terrance Hamilton received New 'officers of the Prevost president of the unit, and by' Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation

the Father Donovan Scholarship Mothers' Guild are Mrs. Ray- Rev. Patrick J. O'Neill, superin­ Award of full tuition to Boston mond Poisson, p'resident; Mrs. tendent of Diocesan schools. College; while juniors Patricia Normand Berube and Mrs. Jean ',At Feehan's junior prom Bar­ Manning, John Fitzgerald and Demers, vice-presidents; Mrs. bara Morrisey was chosen Claudia Lucetti were singled out Rene Tremblay and Mrs. Mary ,queen, ruling ~ver a four-girl as top three scorers on the Na- L. Sabra, secretaries; Mrs. Albert court; and also at Feehan the' tional Merit Scholarship Exami- Berger, treasurer. golf team started hs season by nation. The three are newlySacred Hearts, Fall River, will defeating Nor t h Attleboro. inducted members of the Stang hold its, annual glee. club and Stang's golfers also swept to vic­ NHS chapter and Patricia and orchestra :concert at 8 Sunday, tory over Old R,ochester High in Claudia have also been ilomi-' night, May '22, also' the date for their first game of the season. nated for the Achievemlmt a 'Prevost-JM:A concert'. And in intramural basketball at Awards program of the Nationai And - Prevost, sodalists 'will ", Mt. sf. "Mary" 'Betty Mi,sek's • BANQUETS • WEDDINGS Council of Teachers of English. hr-nor ,Mary during May with·a· "Bumpers" captured the school • PARTIES And in the same Administra.... · living rosary and will also visit championship, defeating Dorothy • COMMUNION BREAKFASTS tive Managament SoCiety sPon- the' Rose Hawthorne Lathrop - Morton's "Pistons" 21-17. fiOred~ arithmetic and -'spelling HOtJle. A committee is working Honor Provincial i 343 P.lEASANT S1. FAll RIVER test taken at Jesus-Mary Acad:" on posters that: will interpret Students at St, Joseph's Prep emy, Stang I'an~ed 'first among. sodalitl' activities ""the student School, Fall River" honored 'OSborne ~:"7780 participating ~hools, having]4I body. ' , , Mother Provincial' 'Mathilde Jo­ Rudents with perfect sCores. An:' . : ,At _Dominican Academy,: :Na- seph on her' feastday with a Mhel' Dieeesan mIll Par~icip~t- una!' Secret..ry Week·' was program' including' songs, akits,







~ll'\J'ilceli'$®{l' . ST. JlOl8lN OF GOIlll

$250 Itt. Rev. Augusto L. Furlado $100 • ' Rev. Bento R. Fraga Dr. &: Mrs. Americo B. Al­ meida $50 Atty. F .. J. Carreiro

$25 Mr. & Mrs. George Correia Mr. & Mrs. John Velozo Jr.

$20 Mr. "'& Mrs. james Rebello, Anne & Alfred Monteir(), Mr. & , Mrs. John O. Soares $15 Ernest Teves, Mr.•,& Mrs. James Costa, Mr. & Mrs. Zyg-' munt Ziobro, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph C. Borge, Mr. & Mrs., George


Guilhermina Aguiar & Mary E. Nuries; Mr. & Mrs. Leone} S. Me­ deiros, Mr; & Mrs. Alfred J. Souza, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel L. Sousa, Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Wetzel Mr. & Mrs. Roland 'Bernardo, Mr. & Mrs. Antonio Sardinha, Blr. & :,frs. Daniel VieIra, Mr. &

Mrs. Edward Machado, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond ,Machado , Mr. & Mrs.' Joseph Flores, Mr. ,& ,Mrs. ManueL Moniz,.' MI'. & .:Mrs. Antone S. Feno, Laura .,C. :;Saraiva" Mr. & Mrs. Antonio ,J!lenevid'es Jr. . Mr. & Mrs. Daniel· Tavaras, Jldlr; & Mrs. Manuel Michael


Albert Bedard & Son, &. Leo Bedard $3@ Mr. & Mrs. Paul Hastings' Mr: & Mrs. Edouard Larcoix Mr: & Mrs:. Thomas. J. Lawlor Leroy F. Perry $25 Mr. & Mrs.. Norman E. Ashley Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Cavanau&,h Mr. & Mrs. Frank Denis Mr. & MrS'.. Lawrence Ferreira Mr. & Mrs. Philip.Grillin Mr: & Mrs. Charles' Kinnane Mr. & Mrs. R,oIand J,VIartelIy Mr: & Mrs. John 'Mello, Mr. & Mrs. Craig Mulligan Mr. & Mrs. Rene Pelletier Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Perry Dr. & Mrs. Gerald Phaneuf Mr. & Mrs. :L..ouis Travers $20


'. SWClnSea ~tJR LADY OF FA'll'IM,\..

$250 Very Rev. William A. Galvin $125

" Dr. & Mrs. William Freeman , . $60 Mr. & Mrs. Wilson W. Curtis Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Swale'J $50 ••

Mr. &: Mrs. Robert P. La­ "lriamme In loving memory of Mr. &; Mrs. Napoleon Gendreau &; .Blanche Gendreau Mr. & Mrs. Hugh J. Maguire $30 Me; &: Mrs. James' Ji. Johnson' Mr. & Mrs; Donald F. McCaf:' frey

$25 . ,." Mr. & Mrs. Chestler Jackman Mrs Francis J. TUllIlJIlon Joh~ Cunningham $20 Mr. '& Mrs. Alyre Cormier, Walter Ladebauche, Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Machnik, Manuel Martin, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Oliver " Mr. & Mrs. Charles Reed & family, Mr. & Mrs. Robert ~trat~ ton, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Tremblay

'lI'HE ANCHOR-Diocese of FaH R:i.ve~-1rl!lurs., May 5, 1:966


Mrs. Maria Clement & family; MI:': & Mrs. 'Thomas Coffey, Mr. & Mrs. Alibert T. Estes, Mr. & Mus. Nicholas Frizen, Mr. & Mrs. WilHam F. Johannis . MI': & Mrs. Francis Mcl1lmann, lltIr. & Mrs., Mario Paradiso, Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Rego


, $15 ME. & Mrs.' Daniel Almeda,

Edward & Ellen M. Barry,. Nor­

bert Berard, Mr. & Mrs. Leonard 'B¢rlo, Jane Borden William & Rita Butler,. Mr. & Mrs. Alban Clairmont, Mr. & Mrs. John Coone'Yi Mr:- & Mrs. Wilfred Courville, Mr~ & Mrs. Albert Couto Mr. & Mrs. Benedict DePietro, ' Ernest Gendreau, Mrs. Catherine

Healt, Mr. & :\1:rs. Robert Kelli­

her, Mf. & Mrs. Louis LaChapelle

Mr. & Mrs. John Liebl, Mr. &

Mrs. Joseph Marum, Mr. & Mrs.

John McCarthy, Mr. & Mrs.

James McKay, Francis McLeod Mrs. Malcolm McLeod, Mrs. Louise Peck, Julia Rose, Evelyn Ryan &. Anne Driscoll, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Ryan Mr. & Mrs'. Arthur Schneider, Mr. & Mrs. :Raymond Silva, Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Skelly, Donald ,,souza, Mrs. Gladys, Urban,Mrs. Lorraine Vaudreuil 'ST. L011IS OF FRANCE . $500 Mr. & Mrs. Normand LeComte


Mr. & Mrs. Herve S. Robert $26


Rev. Arthur G. Dupuis $150'

Leonard EO' Boa'Fdman Family

In memory of Joseph F. . Dufour by his wife and son Mr. & Mrs. Edward' J~ Bryda Mr. & Mrs. Charles· J .. Charlton Richard

$75 Mr. &: Mrs·. Russell B. Cocn·­ Rev.. Ernest. E. Blais. Ilane $50 Mr. & Mrs. Louis Doucette Mr. & Mrs. Andre Carrier Harold F. Dusoe & family Mr. & Mrs, Omer Trudeau Mr. & Mrs. Arthur J. McLear Society of the Ladies of Ste. Mr. & Mrs. John M. Powers ' Mr. & Mrs. Raymond F. Swee- 'Anne, Society, of the Holy Name Illey $30 Dr. & Mrs. Euclide H. Ver­ In memory of Henry E. Thi­ mette . bault Mr. & Mrs. James J. Vicker.s $25,



Mr. & Mrs. Robert Burrows, Kathleen. A. Kennedy, Mona C. Kennedy, Mrs. Edwai.'d' F. Kret, Mrs. Donald L. MacDonald Mr: & Mrs. Christian Ramstedt Ie' Nancy Ramstedt, Mr. & Mrs. Au&"Ustus J. Simcoe, Mr. & Mrs. Edmour' Thibault

Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr.

&' Mrs: Arthur Beaulieu & Mrs. Emile Boilard

& Mrs. Emile 'Cote

& Mrs. Henri Fortier


Mr. & Mrs. Herman W. La­ pointe Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Albert l\1ichaud, Mr. &, Mrs. Edward Plante; Mr: & Mrs: LeoneJ: Pa­ $15 . Mr. & Mrs. 'Joseph Correa, quette· $1$ Mi.'. & Mrs. Henry A. Harrison,' Mr. & Mrs. Leandre Berard, Mr. & Mrs. Edward S. McNer­ Mr. & Mrs: Den~: Cardinal, Mr. ney,Me: & Mrs. Paul J. V. Pa­ rente, Mr. & Mrs. Ambrose A. & Mrs. Julien Desjardins,. Nor­ mand Hill, Mr. & Mrs., Paul Powers Mr. & Mrs. William T. Rogers, Lapointe Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Le­ Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Silvia Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Oliver S. Souza, ltIlr. vesque" Mr. & Mrs. Francois Tremblay & Mrs. Bernard Swales Jr. ST.. DOMINIC $100,

. Mr. & Mrs..Nelson Doyle R. B. Negus Lumber Co., Inc. st; Dominic's Woman's Guild St. Dominic's Conference; St. Vincent de Paul $50 St. Dominic's C.Y.O_ .James McMahan

l'auli'Ilfcn IlIOI.Y ROSARY

$2~ ,

Franciscanl Conv.



$25 Children of Mary Sodality St. Vincent de Paul Society Mrs'. Mary' Guzewiez & Ralph





Mr. & Mrs. GeorgeDool~y '" Edward $30 The Keliher Fami.ly, $2$ o James Cunningham Mr." & Mrs. Louis Desrosiers Mr & Mrs Raymond Desrostern, Mr. & Mrs. William Fagan The Fiary Family M:~. & Mrs. William Jones Cornelius Kelly I Mr. & Mrs. Charles Kingsbury Mr. & Mrs. Charles Piesco Mrs. Cecelia Reilly Leo W. & ·Mary Walsh $20 . Mr. & Mrs. Desmond· Bagge, Allan Curley, Mr. & Mrs. Thom­ as Curry, Mary Dinneen, Wil­ liam Dinneen Mr. & Mrs. Walter J. Koss, ·Mr. & Mrs. Edward Ladebauche, Mr. & Mrs. James McGrath, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Mador, Mr. & ,Mrs. James Mahoney. . Mr. & Mrs. Everett' Parlow, Mary Power, MI" & Mrs. Richard Rebeilo.

$15 Mr. & Mrs. William Acheson, Mr. & Mrs. James Almeida, Mr. & Mrs. George Bati:sta, Mr. &. Mrs . Manuel Braga, Mildred , Braga , Richard Bresnahan, Kathleen Carroll, Rita, Carroll, Anna (Ca­ /sella, Caroline Casella ' . Dominic Casella, F'rank Cas­ ella, Timothy Casella, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Castle, Mr. at Mrs. Lu­ . cien Cazeault Mr. &Mrs. Dennis Craven,.Mr, PSYCHJIATRY: Rev. Ar­ & Mrs. Joseph DemE!rs, M:r. & thur F. Le Blanc, C.S.P., has Mrs. Arthur Donovan, Mr. & joined the staff of the Arner­ Mrs. Eli Ducharme, Mr. & Mrs. i~nFoundation of Religion 'James D"uffyJr. Mr. & Mrs. PhiUip Farley, and Psychiatry ill New York, $16

where he will participate in Joseph M. Gianini, Olivia Gi­ Mr.. & Mrs. Walter Lavoie

anini, ,Leonard Goslin, Wesley training clergymen of all , Grandmont $15

faiths in pastoral counsel­ Mrs. WesleY' Grandmont, F. Mr. & Mrs. William Alger, Mr. ling. NG Photo. ..Vernon Hardca, Mr. & Mrs. Rus­ & Mrs. Frederick Beacienski. sell Kelley, Mr. & Mrs. Matthew lVIr. & Mrs. George Beaulieu, A Kelliher, Mr.' & Mrs. Joseph Friend, Mr. & Mrs. HeJl,ry Bis­ ST. JAMJE;S McCarty' . sonnette & Family. $100 In, Memory of Elizabeth A. Mr. & Mrs. James Blount, Mr. Rei'. Daniel A. Gamache McMann, Mr. &: Mrs. John G. & Mrs. Robert Briand, Mr. '& $50 Medas Jr., Mr. &, Mrs. Paul Mrs. John Carlow, Mr. & 'Mrs. Matthew Bury .Michney; Mr. & Mrs. L,eo Mogan, Francis Connors, Mati~da Cu.t­ Francis Guay '. Mr. & Mrs. Richard Neville. nero $30 Thomas Noonan, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Richard Enos, 'Anonymous Albert E. Nunes Jr., Mildred Mary Fenton, Mr. & Mrs. Wil­ . $Z5 O'Connor, Mr. &"·Mrs. Harold J. liam Fitzpatrick, Sr., Mary F~­ Gerard Bonenfant OlSOli,. Alfred Patnaude ley, Mr. & Mrs. Jean Gamache. Felix Girard Mr. & Mrs. George'Perry, Mr. Mr. '& Mrs. Donald Greene, Ciairina. Hamel , & Mrs. James Ramsey, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. John Gubala, Mr. Malllrice Larocque Mrs. Raymond Rogers, Mr. & & Mrs: Leon GUillemette, Mr. Luclger Lenney Mrs. Aime St. Pierre, Mr. & Mrs. & Mrs. Andrew Isaacsen, Mr. & Georges Mador Richard Silva ' Mrs. Stanley Gobala Raymond Nolin Mr. & Mrs. Manuel O. Souza, Mr. & Mrs qeorge Isaac!)en, Paul.Ouellette Mr. & Mrs. John Sullivan, l\{r. The 1$:errigan Family,'- Mr. & Roland' Pelletih & Mrs. Roger Taylor, J.It[r. & Mrs. Mrs. Leon Landry, Mr. & Mrs. Agnes Edna Riley Antonio Tosti, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Francis J. Lucey, Mr. & Mrs. . $20 Charlell F. McCarthy. Roland Auclair, Euclid Boivin Tosti Mr. & _ Mrs, Cleme:nt Wade, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph McManus, Jr., Rudolphe Dusseault, Made­ Lillian White, Mrs. LeRoy Whit­ MI", & Mrs. Walter McCloud, l~ine Nadeau, Henri Perra ChaIres & Mary Masterson, Mr. Henry A. Perra Jr., Lazare tle & Mrs. Armand Mello, Mrs. John Tremblay 1 IMMACULATE CON{lEPTION O'Boy & Family. $15 . Mrs. Richard Paulson Mr. &: Anonymous,Joseph Anctil, $2:00 Mrs. George Sherry, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph E. Anctil, Rhea Bilodeau, Rev. Tho~as H. Taylor Stephen Stepanaitis, Mr. & Mrs. ,Francois Boivtn $100 Lyman Taylor, Mr. & Mrs. J. Helene Boivin, Mrs. Mathilda The Wojtkunski Family Arnold Tetlow. Boivin:, Bourgeois Family, Stan­ Mrs. James Wallace, Mr. & $75 ley Brezinski, Gilbert R. Brouil­ Mrs. Adolph Ulak, Mr. & Mrs. lette . The Hon. & Mrs. lloger G. Edward White Theolinde Champagne, Roland Champagne Cote, Rene Dagenais, Arthul' $50 Dowd, Mrs. James B; Dwyer The Flangheddy Family . Raymond Gamelin, Normand A Friend BIG DIVIDEND NEWS I Gaoue1:te, Edward Goguen, Ann-. A Friend ette Guillette, Dr. Fernand I Dr. Clement Maxwell a SYSTEMATIC Hamel Marie and Richard Power year SAVINGS Normand' Hamel, Regina He­ bert, Gloria Hudson, John Keene a INVESTMENT Jr., Vincent Kelly year SAVINGS N:orinand Lebrun, George Lem­ REGULAR a ieux, Paul Machnik, William year SAVINGS McMahon, Leo Murphy Eva Nolin, Joseph Ouellette, Raymond Pelletier, Maurice Ri­ CH~IRCH

endeau, Charles Rocheleau, Wal­ ter Talrlor, Agnes Tremblay

5.25% 4.50.% 4.25%





'Mr. lit: Mrs. Henry Ryaa

$50 Dr. <'Ii; Mrs: Walter Campbell Dr. c!I, Mrs~ William Fountaia Mr. & Mrs. Edward Roster $30 Mr. & Mrs: Raymond DiResto Mr. & Mrs. Waldo Witherell _ _l

Write or Phone 672..1322

234 Second Street - Fern River

Bass River

Savings Bank



Mother's Day



SociElfy' of Brothers of


For information write to:

IFATHER MASTER St. Joseph the Worker Novitiate; Warwick Neck, I. m.


Live, Nativo Chicken •••



87e lb., UNiON'


~~~~~:'::. Sea FO~~S997.93581



8T•. WlLLIA~

$100 Mrs. John E. Connony~ $90 Rev. Edmund A. Connors $75 Rev. James A. McCarthy $50 Helen L. Donovan It Mary 16:. Donovan, James Fitzgerald

$45 MT-. & Mrs. Horace Hall $30 Mr. & Mrs. Harry Wood Margaret O'Grady

$25 Mae Riley Mr. & Mrs. John Maitoza Mr. & Mrs. Roland Talbot Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Dooley 'Mr. & Mrs. John Kane Mr. & Mrs. Francis Gauthier John J. Honan James Doucet Mrs. Theresa Haggarty Mr. & Mrs. Arthur P. Correira Mrs. Margaret Borden Christopher Lake Jr.

$20 William Lake, Henry Raposa, Mr. & Mrs. Roland Thibault

$15 , Mr. & Mrs. William McPart­ 'land, Mr. & Mrs. Wilfred Pel­ ehat, Mr. & Mrs. David La­ France,.Mr. at Mrs. John Powero, Mrs; Mary Sitnmons Rose Lopes, Mr. It M.;s. Roger Perrault, Mrs. John Potts, Mr. It Mrs. Leo Caine, Jo-Ann Powers Mrs. Ernest L. Wood Jr., Mr. &: Mrs. Bert Galford, Mr. & Mr~. Daniel Pingley, Mr. & Mrs. LoUIs Viveiros Jeanette McNally Mr. Mrs. Albert Williams, Mr. & Mrs. Fred Chlebek, Anna May Kenyon, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Sullivan, Thomas Eccles Mr. & Mrs. Paul Ridge, Mr. It Mrs. Walter Janick. Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Doucet, Stanley Cote, Mrs. Lillian Reardon Mr. & Mrs. James Stevens, William D. Crowley, Alice F. Crowley, Mrs. Louis Greenberg, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph B. Belanger , Mr. & Mrs. Charles Cafferty, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Moore, The Gottwald Family, Mr. & Mrs. Clement Paquette, Genevieve Connelly Mr. & Mrs. John Murphy. Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Demers, Mr. & Mrs. Franklin Raposa, Mary M. Quinn, Mr. &, Mrs. Frank Rego . Francis Delahanty, Mrs. Helen Cory & Catherine Reddy, Mr. & Mrs. George NeviUe, Mr. & Mrs. Alcide Talbot, Mr. & Mrs. James Finglas Martha Hobbs, Mr. & Mrs. AI-' 'reo. Gabois, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Sullivan, John A. Diskin, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Barabe Mr. & Mrs. Louis Smialek, Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Michalewich, Elizabeth Fitzgerald, Susan Fitz­ gerald; Mr. & Mrs. James Camp­ llell Mr. & Mrs. Michael Biszko, Mr. & Mrs. William Butler



$50 Mr & Mrs. Manuel H. Camara



Franco Family Singel's Angie's Manuel Medeiros $20 In Memory of Victor Ferreira $15 Mr. & Mrs. Christian Silva, Mr. & Mrs. John Bdtto, Manuel B & Joseph Vieira, Manuel A. Silvia Jr. SANTO CHRISTO

$50 St. Vincent de Paul Society

. $35 John Brilhante Jr. $15 Patricia Cabral, Joseph Pache­ ~o, Antonio F. Sousa Jr, Antonio lBenevides, Alfred Carreiro John F. Vietor, Louis S. Ma­ chado, Manuel Fidalgo, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Lou'renco


$ZS .

Rev. Balpb D. Tetreault

, $5.6 Mr. & Mrs, Thomas J. Flem­



$50 Mrs. Henry J. Duffy Mrs. Genevieve Hennessey $30 . Mnl. Clarence P. Sullivan $25 A Friend llenry J. Kitchen Plorence L)'Ilch :Mr. & Mrs. Fred J. McNally . Clare Sullivan Wright Turner & family



$500 .Rev. George E. Sullivan $100 Capt. & Mrs. Joseph O'Connell $52 In Memory of William S. & Maude A. Conroy

$50 Mr. & Mrs. The Misses Mary L. & rington Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. Mary

Leroy Borden Foley Catherine T. Har­ William F. Hurl Walker

$35 Thomas, GertrUde & Margaret Sullivan $30 Mrs. Franklin Fairhurst The Misses McArdle Joseph O'Connell $28 Mrs. Peter Collias $25 Mr. & Mrs. Cabeceiras Mrs. Margaret-Casey The Dwyer Family Mrs. Wallace Fairbanks In Memory of R.R. Fletcher Jane Haran Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Higginson Sr. Mrs. Mary & Mary Lennon Douglas Law Julia Mahoney Joseph Payton & Family James D. Salvo $21 Hillard Nagle $20 Mr: & Mrs. Jose Borges, Mrs. Frank Brady & Eleanor, Anne & Catherine Coughlin, Mrs Thomas H. Duffy Mr. & Mrs. Bradford Durfee, Elizabeth Flaherty, Mr. & Mrs. Cyril Marcille, Mrs. GertrUde & Heloise McMUllen, Mr.' & Mrs. John Moloney, Clare Nagle Mildred Powers, John Shea Family, Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Sherry, Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Sul-, livan, Mary D. Sullivan Mr. & Mrs. Richard T. Synott, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph S. Thomas, Charles Trainer $15 'Henry Bernardo, Paul Boulay, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Boyd, Francis Brough, James Considine Jr. Thomas Corey, Mrs. Howard lI;>avol, Eunice Dion, Mr. &. Mrs. Marcellus Feeney, John Fitz­ gerald . Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Foley, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Gagnon, Mr. & Mrs. Carlton Gagnon, William

Thurs., May 5,


IF relJ1«:!hJ Student StudW Object Mother Denise, R.J.M., has been chosen as a participant for an NDEA Summer language lIistitute to be heW in Angers, France. This institute, sponsored by the' University of Notre Dame will' extend for nine week~, and "s organized for' teachers of French on the ele­ mentary leveL Its main objeetive is to ae­ quaint the participants with the world of the French child. Mother Denise was a gradu­ ate ,of Jesus Mary Academy pri­ o'r to entering the Novitiate of the Religious of Jesus and Mary in Hyattsville, Md. She received her B.A. from the Catholic Uni­ versity of Americ;l, and has been teachnig at St. Charles School, Providence, R. I., for the past three' years, specializing in French and music. Mother Denise is the daughter of Mr. & Mrs. L. Alfred Renaud of 86 Irving Street, Fall River, Mass. Gaudreau, Mrs. Alma Burill & Mrs. Yvonne Giffin John Gray, William Guilmette Cornelius Harrington, Julia Har­ rington, Charles Hemingway Peter Hodnett, James Lene­ , ghan, Mrs. Richard Lowne, John Lynch, Paul Lyons . Mr. & Mrs. James Mendonca, Margaret McClosky, Donald Mc­ Govern, Mr. &, Mrs. John Mc­ Govern, Mrs. Thomas F. Mona­ ghan James Murray, Walter Nichi­ por, Joseph Niejadlik, Mr. & Mrs William Nugent, William O'Brien . Jane O'Brien, James Perkins, Arthur Shea, William Steele, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Sullivan Mrs Leverett Teague, Timothy' Thompson, Mrs. Bernard Tom­ linson, Bernard Tomlinson Margaret Turner, Daniel O'­ Connell, James Saunders ST. LOUIS

$600 Rt. Rev. Daniel F. Shalloo $100 In Memory ot Peter A. Lee Jr. Mr. & Mrs. William F. Whalen



Rev. William if.

Mr..& Mrs. Vincent A. 'Coady Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. LathaM $4.5

lIlIr. .& MTs. Edward J .. lMeCamD '$t5 George W. Hopkins v$atl


In Memory Michael Tobin A Friend

Mr. &



John's Shoe Store 43 FOURTH STREET

fall ~i,!e~

OS ~-5l'3UU

$20 Mr. & Mrs. JQSepb Burrows, Mrs. Frank H. Johnson, Mr. k ltIlm. Hobert D. Michaud, Mr. II Mrs. Vabnore J. ,A.llCbambawt, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Burns Mr. & Mrs. \Yilliam.F. Cr4>ke, Mr. .& Mrs. H. Earl.Ber()D., Mr. a: Mrs. John A. Kearns, Mr. & MB. J'ohn F. KitleavY,Mr. & Mrs. J'oseph Langfield Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Me­ Millan, Mrs. H-enry T. Munr.oe, Mr. & Mrs. Peter Paskowski, Dr. & Mrs. Donald Peters, Mr. o1rl Mrs. Samuel Santor4, Mr. It MFS. WiJ1iam E. White Sr. $15 Sally A. Benson, 'Mr. & Mrs. Alphonse E. Berube Jr., Mr. Mo Mrs. William T. Cameron, Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Driscoll, Mrs. Dun­ ("an Fadden Mr, & Mrs. Louis F. Fayan, Mr. & Mrs. .Joseph R. Gagn()D, Mr. & Mrs. Rubert Gunn, Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Hatton, Mr. I.z Mrs, William Kirkman Jr. Mr. & .Ml's. Robert Lopes, Mr. & Mrs. William R. McDermott, Mr. & Mrs. John A. Mitchell, Atty. & Mrs. Frank A. Rodri­ gues, Mrs. William Ryding Mr. & Mil'S. Shirley M. Smith, Mr.. & Mrs. Leo C'. Sullivan, MI'. & Mrs. Paul Sullivan, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Tie~y, 'Sarah B. White Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Jette,

Mr. & Mrs. Francis J. Gardella,

Me. & Mrs. Pntillp .Collins, Mr. &:

Mrs. James Crivaro



Rev. John P. Driscoll $30

Mrs. Thomas H. Cahill & Thomas H. CahiU Jr. Marion & Anne O'Hearn $25 Mrs. Helen Burke Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Farren Mr. & Mrs. Jerome D. Foley

Sr. ,

Mrs. Ernest A. Hasprey Mr. & Mrs. Laurence E. Lynch The Mahoney Family Mr. & Mrs. George A. Morgan Mrs. James E. Rogers & James E. Jr. ' $18

Mr. & Mrs. Edward Kelly

$16 Mr. & Mrs. Etanley Chrupcala The Kowalczyk Family

$15 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Camara, Ml·. & Mrs. Norman Corneau, Mrs. William F. Cummings, Mr. & Mrs. Americo DeMarco, Mr. &

Mrs. James Donnelly

The Farren Family, Anne

Ford, Elizabeth Grace, The Fre­

chette Family, Mrs, Rita Griffin

Mr. & Mrs. William Lambert

Sr., Mr. & Mrs. Joseph McGuill,

Mr. & Mrs. William Murphy,

Lillian M. Roberts, Alice Stanton,

Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Zygiel



Rev. Thomas C. Lopes

·r~~~·Y .......

~ ~

WEAR Shoes That Fit


JGbn J. Barr-ett

In memory of Msgr. Francis P. Connelly, P.A., Brooklyn, N.Y.




Edwin Doolan

Thomas McCann

Mr. & Mrs. Cosmo Davi

Mr. & Mrs'. James Mullins William Arc~ard & Son

Mr. & Mrs. Paul D.aley

Mr. & Mrs. ,John Flanagan Mr. & Mrs..Joseph D. Hopkins Mr. & Mrs. James W. Killoran Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Marchand Mary Marcille Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert J. Nadeau Frederick J. Wilding


Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Borges"

Mr. & Mrs. William P. Lynch

Mr. & Mrs. Terrance J. Lomax Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Janres F. Nicoletti

Rev. David A. O'Brien

Rev. Edward -T. Burns "

tt ,~ 1





, $75


S'iI'. Il'HOl\lAS MOBJ:

$100 Mr. & Mrs. William J. Gibne'1 A Friend.

Alice Bailey, Mrs. James Ben­

SOll. Mr. & Mrs. Charl~s Bevi­ lacqua, Mr. & MTB. John Black­ burn, Mr. & Mrs. Elton Borden Mrs. Elmer Broadbent, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Bushell, Mrs. Mary

Cantwell, Peter Cantwell, Mr. &

Mrs. Edmund Couto

Mr. & Mrs. IVIanuel Cordeiro . Jr., Mr. & MI's. John Cronin, Mr.

,'& Mrs. Andre DesJ'osiers Jr.,

Mrs. John Doran,' Margaret Doran Rita Doran,Thomas Doran, David Grace, Alice Fahey, Marion Fahey , ' Catherine Horan, Mr. & Mrs. Tito Jacomino, Margaret John­ son, Raymond Linney, Edward McAndrew

Edward Medeiros, Mr. ~ Mrs. Joseph O'Brien, Mr, & Mrs. Wil­ liam O'Neil, Mr. & Mrs. .foseph Raymond, Mr. &: Mrs. Antholly Ruggiero, Mrs. .Tohn Shea





$2G Mrs. Dolores Cangello, Edward Gazarro, Teresa Hetu, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Iwanski, Roger J. Lafrance ' Alice Sullivan, Mr. & Mrs. Peter Sullivan, Mrs. Clara Whitehead, Mary Whitehead $15 John' Albernaz, Ely Barnaby, Mr. & Mrs. Louis T. Bouchard, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Campbell, James Carey, Jr. Mr. & Mrll. Raymond Brogan, Charles Devaney, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Fournier, Carl Gizzi, William Guilmette Edward Harrington, Edward Hennessey, Arthur Kelsall, Ray­ mond Lafleur, Henry Lajeunesse John J. Manning, Charlotte Nicholson, William Mitchell, Mr. & Mrs. John Mooney, Leonel Paiva . Mr. & Mrs. Manuel P4lntes, Donald Ralph, Mr. & Mrs. Ovila Rousseau, Florance Sullivan


Hanrahan Family Dr. & Mrs. George Horan ~1!'. & Mrs. J.ohnLeary

Mr. &.:,Mrs. J.ohn Maher Susan MciVIahon GertI'11de O'Neill In Memory of Nellie H. Tobin Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Vincent $28 Mr. & Mrs. Victor Auclair, Mr.

&; Mrs. Frank Blaclt, Mr. &: Mrs.

Thomas Britland, The Connerloll ,F:.llm.ily, Thomas Conroy Mr. &; Mrs. James Crossl~, Mr. & Mrs. Orient Laplanie, Irene Reynolds



•• •• ~



~ ~

Spacious Fireproof Sleeping Quarters--Boys 7 to 14 Yi'S. ~ld ~ Six-week season: June 26 to August 6 Register for 2, or 4, or G weeks Free Tutoring if desired. THE BROTHERS OF THE SACRED HEART

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CAMP OR SCHOOL, Tel. 617-'784-5'762'

. . . . . - A ....


~ ~


A . . . . A.~M


20 . THE AiNCHOR-Oiocese of Fall River-Thurs., May 5, .1966


< .

SACRlED IHllEAR'll' $100 Quinlan F. Leary Mr. & Mrs. John B. Cummings Thomas A. Synnott Charles E. Si;v(gny St. Vincent ,- de Paul Salvage Bureau. St. Vincent de Paul Society Deceased Benefactors - St. . Vincent de Paul Society

$75 Mr.' & Mrs. William R. Har­ l5!aves . $60 Misses Margaret, Frances & Mary C. Cummings



Walter :Furman Annie E. & Mary E. Quirk Mr. & Mrs. Daniel F. Murphy, Jr, Mr. & Mrs. John Tuite. Frances C. Shaughnessy Patrick Callahan $45 James V. Kennedy

& Margaret Springer, Laura M. Sullivan, John Malloy (\ Thomas J. Loftus, John Franey, Dorothy McLachlan, Mrs. Joseph Akers, Catherine O'Neill . John O'Neill, Edward F. Daley, E. F. Reilly, Joseph M. Reilly, Donald Black , Joseph T. Donnelly, Catherine Murphy, .Mr. & Mrs. James de­ Melo, Mr. &. Mrs. Raymond Nestor, Mr. &. Mrs. Patrick F. Murphy . Richard E. Hennessey, Jacob Janus, Jennie V. Griffin, Wil­ liam J. Desmond, ·Mr. & Mrs. Louis P. Lopes . In memory of Mary A. Lyons & Staff Sgt. William F. Lyons, Mrs, Mary Kantz, Lawrence E. Hayden Jr., John T. Hunt, Mr. & Mrs. Ovila Fortin Mr. & Mrs. William Heaney, Milford Mitchell, William 'Ken­ ney, Edward. .,McGuinness ..." . NOTRE DAME




Rev.= Robert S. Kaszynskl

St. Vincent de PauL Societsc.

St. Stanislaus .Conference .

A Friend

Mr. & Mrs. Napoleon DuFaul't


In memory of Chester S; &

Genevieve Kaszynski .

St. Stanislaus Women's Guild

Holy Rosary Sodality


Sophie & Mary Zmuda


Mr. & Mrs. Walter Deda


A Friend, Mr. & Mrs. WalteII'



Aniela Kruczek, Janet Kaszy.....·'

ski Mx:. & Mrs'. Walter Pudlo,

Mrs. Helena & Irene Sokolowski,

Mr. & Mrs. George Wrobel

4lice Weglowski, Helen Weg­

lowski, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Gro- .

mada, Mr. & Mrs. John DeveneJto

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Cichon

Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Kulpa,

Stanley Zmuda, Mr. & Mrs.

Roland' Charron, Jean Drzal, Mr.

& Mrs. Joseph Kosinski

Mr. & Mrs. Paul Klaege; Mr. &

Mrs. Dennis Cunriingham, Mr. &

Mrs. Henry Paruch, Mr. & Mrs.

Stl,Jsiowski, Mr. & Mrs.

HONOR SOCIETY CONFERENCE: Left to right: Thaddeus Joseph Petres

Paige Thayer, Bourne High School, Bourne; Charl~. Adl~r, Walter & Kunegunda Sanocki, Bridgewater-Raynham High; Myles Tillostson, Stang High, . Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Minior, Mr. '" Mrs. Louis Angelini No. Dartmouth. .

Dr. William Boudreau , $40 $40 ,Henry O. Ouellette Grace Family $35 $25 .', Catherine Furze Octave 0. Desmarais Thomas D. & Margaret F. Hormidas .Dupuis Tolan Dr. Joseph A. Fournier $30 Milton D. Fuller Mary Flynn Eugene Heon Mildred & Gerald HarringtoA Ro'meQ Levesque Mr. & Mrs. George E. SI.Hli­ Mathilda Lussier "an, Jr. . Robert Phenix Jane G. Broderick . " $ 2 0 ' '.' Mr. & :Mrs; Francis E. SuIit­ The Chretien - Longchamps, 'Ian Antonio H. Lagasse, Albert Par­ Francis.:T. Waring

eM, '. Yvonne' Vallee . Patrick J. Hurley

$1'7.50 DISPENSING $25 . . B .. Patry Family· ' OPTICIAN Mary Louise O'Sullivan PrescriptioN $15 Margaret' Desmond fOl' Eyeglas_ Nor~ J.A. Belanger, Armand Mabel M. Smith Filled Brodeur, Paul Courch~ipe, Roger Dr. Francis Dwyer " Office tto­ Fournier,' Raymond Gibeau. .,. Clarence Banks 9:00-5.00 • Thelre was a ~onve~tlon of . deal of inspiration e. e '~and a A~mand Lussier, .Edmour R~ except Wed. Grace ·L. Martin chailenge" to the adult "I'orld. "braing last week at Stang Poirier, Edgar St-Martbl' Sr.,' .Fri. Eft. Margaret McNerney . If tc>day's youth meets· the . 6:30~ i;. Raymond J. Thibault . HighSchool. Occasion W'aB challenges facing them,be. said,. Margaret Morriss ....... ...

Room 1 · the fou:rth aimual Spring'con.. . "there is The' Coughlin family limit to wl~at you HOLY ROSARY' . ' ' .. , . 7 No. Mom St.'-FaR Ri¥8I' Os 8·~,nt T.· Arthur' McCann ference of Southeastern Massa";' may ach~eve. William .BlaCk . ' $300. "chusetts 'Association of National ,·,·You . can 'make the natioil Honor Society 'chapters.', . . ireat; help aciiieve peaCE! in , Mr. &. Mrs~ John H .. Sprin~ Rt. Rev. Msgr. Joseph R. Pan­ ~ Mrs.' Mary Larrabee J,lOIi.i . More' than 152 delegateS' from world and contribute to the ben­ : Mr. & Mrs. :T. Joseph Welch $100 ·30 area high schools attended the' efitof mankind," he said. ~. John T. Haggerty Seneral eIear~ing Company' . . .Outlining key proble'mil in the convent:ioii and ·heard CongresS­ Charles Eo' Curtis . $15 world today, ranging 'from' Viet man Hastings Keith (R.':MasS.) . Frederick J. Harrington· Jltev. Vincent F. Diaferio warn them the world needs Nam to NATO to the h)'drogen $~ . . $~ bomb, Mr. Keith asked tht~ honor time ',.... ,~ ... not tomorrow, but to­ , Mr. & Mrs. Robert Nedderman Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Toomey students: "What are you: going day." &; Mrs. Julie Beattie, Cecilia M. $30' viYm~. Congr,essman Keith, principal to do about them? poran, Mr. &. ~rs.. Thomas Delia's Auto f1riving SChool . "How open' is your· mind? speaker at the, opening session, 3.;6592 ~urke,Vincent D'Andrea, Mr. $25 l.Iave you 'come to. realize ~e was introduced by the Rev. Pat­ lit Mrs. William Mercier Holy Rosary C.Y.0. . CHARLESF.VARGAS rick j.. O'Neill, superintendent world is not interested in mak­ , George . C: Harnett, Charles Mr. & Mrs. Angelo Ricci ing a living for you or in solv­ of sc~ool.s of the Fall Rivei' Dio­ A. Duffy, James L. Connor, Mr. ,Mr. & Mrs. Louis A. Sisca Sr. ing your problems, that that is 254 ROCKDALE A\'ENUE cese. & Mrs. Alvan J. Hoar, Mr. & $20 your problem? ' NEW BEDFORD, M~SS. Father O'Neill told the group Mrs. JohnF. Lyons Ralph Sasso & family "You are free now, but you. it was :in honor for Stang to caimot be carefree. 1~oday's Thomas F. Connors, Mr. & Mrs~ $15 Joseph R. Delaney, Charles F. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Andrews playhosl; to yo'mg people " ... 010 * headlines cannot be something who represent the. high ideals you skip over on your way to _< Curtis, Kathryn· V. & Margaret . Sr., Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Da­ we are trying to achieve in the the comics or the sport page. M: Whalen, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur' gata, Mr.&· Mx:s. Acquilino Di­ Beland . Spirito, Edith S. Flanagan, Italo . educational world." Today's headlines mean y04, Mr. & Mrs. JohnS. Burns, M;r. Giannotti He told the delegates that You· can't pass them off any &: Mrs. William J. Pelton, EI­ Mr. & Mrs. Omer Joubert, Mr. modern educators "want' to en-' more."

eanor Mullaney, William H ... & Mrs. Mario Lucciola,. Mr. & . Observing the adult world courage you . so that nothing

Kirkman, George O'Brien ' Mrs. Anthony Pannoni, Mr. & ever dims your ideals or damp-. looks today at teEm-age:rs as' $15. . Mrs. Raymond E. Parise, Mr; &' ens your enthusiasm." , "adults, to()," Mr. Keith asked: Misses Ann 8- Elizabeth' Dow­ Mrs. Alphonse F. Saulino' "What will you say' when it is Tile delegates, top students your turn to be adviser and. J:ley, In. memory ofThomas H. & Mr. & Mrs. Frank Stetkiewiez, Thomas L. Flynn by Mrs. Cath-: Mrs. Pileria Ventura . in their respective schools, counselor and answer !~iver? elected regional officers,. con­ erine Flynn, In memory of Dim­ ST. MATTHEW

Will your children face a better ducted a' "College Bowi" and rei J. ~artin by Mrs. Mary Mar­ $200

world-or any world at all? held discussion sessions during . That, my ,friends, is up to you." tin, Mi'. & Mrs. Daniel F. Duff3tt; , Rev. Henry J. Charest the afternoon program. Thomas E. McVey . $100 , I The congressman was greeted .A ,buffl~t dinner was served o~ arrival. by Sister Helen Rich... Edward F. McGrady, Joseph Dr. & Mrs. Omer Boivin , in the school cafeteria. E. Caouette, Mary C. Daley, . $90. ard,' S.N,D., National Honor So­ Grace A. Daley, Mr. & Mrs. Ed­ Rev. Donald E. Belanger : • Myles Tillotson, a Stang Sen- ciety adviser at Stang; F'ather ward F. Hughes & Margaret $35 ior Wh9 served this year .as O'Neill and Mr. Tillotson. John J. Patota, Mrs. Charles J. Dr. & Mrs. Eugene Dionne president of the regional asso­ ·Legry, Chester Gosciminski, Mrs. $30 ciation and the..Stang chapter of Catherine M. Trainor,: George Edgar. Poisson' the National Honor Society, was ICeavy $25 succeeded in the regional post Margaret M. W. Donovan; Dr. & Mrs. Roland Chouinard by Stephen Smith of Dartmouth C~m/fr ~e~fr MD~~ ~'~ Loretta Norton, Margaret F. Mr. & Mrs. John' C. Cabaceiras High' School. . Lowney, Sarah C. Halligan, Mrs. $20

Others elected by the students. Carlton T. Reynolds Mrs. Dora Fiola

V@(J.{]£?'. ~(J.{]UU IHJ oUO m?,@(J.{]lt® MffJJfru D~. ,were Valerie Crowley of Fox­ Mrs. Mary McCarthy, Joseph . $15

R. Hathaway, Anna J.Hathaway, Mi'. &,Mrs. Octave' Berube, Mr. boro High School; vice-president; AOWffJJ'1$ (wit @1YJfi' ~(fH!WO~® Elaine Banks, Donald T. Corri­ & Mrs. Raymond Poisson, Mr. &. Kathleen Fowler of Brockton· FOR· HOME OHiVERY CAll WY 8-5691 gan Mrs.· Jos~ph Rivard, Miss Ida' High School~ secretary, and Lucy. Lavimoniere .6f New Bed~ord John' M. Corrigan, Catherine Lebouef, Valeda Leboeuf. O'Hare, Harvey LaBrie, Helen ··Mr. '& Mrs..:Maurille L. Ar-' Vocational High School, treasu­ F. Leary, Leo Fogarty,' chamhault, Mr. & Mrs. Michael rer. Mr. & Mrs. Matthew' A. Shea, Cacciabeve; Mr. & Mrs. Roger ~Congressman Keith said the Ii)AIRYMOUlYIHI, MASS. youth of today ia "giving a great .' M., E. ~oi.lise Beat~ie, Herman Dufour

Honor Society.


Convention of'Brains'Assemblesat Stang liigh School 'for· A~n~al Conference'











"Y(Q)l!lJ CaHill W~D[p) (Q)l!lJ tr Ctrealm, lbl!lJfr V«)l!lJ (Q)l!lJ[i" V


~HH [LJL[D)A ~.~ V






$200 Margaret G. Dillon $150 Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Golden Patrick Phelan $125 Dr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Higgins $100 Mrs. Michael E. O'Rourke ,Maureen O'Rourke May A. Leary Mr. & Mrs. William Torphy Dr. & Mrs. John Delaney Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Phelan $50 Mrs. W. Arthur Leary & Ruth Leary . Dr. & Mrs. Eugene F. O'Rior­ dan Dr. Margaret S. Doherty Women's Guild of Holy Name Parish Mr. & Mrs.. John Burke $40 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas McGuire Mr. & Mrs. Everett Crowley Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Pinson­ neault $30 Kenny Family Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Burke $25 The Nash Family' Genevieve A. Harrington .Catherine P. Harrington The Madden Family Eileen Higgins Mr. & Mrs. Emilio Dispirito Francis Devine' ., Mr. &' Mrs. Joseph W. Cum'­ mings' . Elizabeth A. Neilan Mr. & Mrs. Cornelius Lyneh Mrs. John Hoga~ & Katherine' . Mr. & Mrs. Chester Nuttall' Mary' Harl . Lillian' Hart' , Mr. & Mrs. John' Johnston Mr. 8; Mrs. Henq J. ~meriSe Elinore Kennedy" , Mr. & Mrs. Will~ain Long 3r. Mahoney Family- ':'. . ',' , Elizabeth & Emma Connors , Mr'. & ·Mrs. Frecf,Cz~rwonka ' Mr.&: Mrs. Anto'nio Luongo 'Mr. &: Mrs. LeonarlI Phelan , $20 ' Mr. & Mrs. John J. Harrington ;Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Phelan, Mr., ~ ,Mrs. Willi~m Hemry, Mr. &, Mrs Raymond, J.. McMullen, Crotty Family , 'Mr. &' Mrs. ,Gerard ,Fortin &' Collette, 'Mr. & Mrs. 'Henry' Ar-, chambault, Mr. & Mrs. John Kirkman,Clarence Bonner, Mr.: & Mrs. William'Ren'aud '\ $15 I Mr. &' Mrs. Milton, Read, Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Harrington, Loreto Da1ey,Lawrerice J. Hus­ sey Jr., Mary A. Dolan Mrs. James & Catherine O'­ Connell, Julia T. -' Harrington, Mrs. Edgar Stanton' & Mrs:' J. T. C. McGui·re, Mr. & Mrs.-George Nugent, Mr. & Mrs. Walker Warrener '& family, Mr. & Mrs. J.. J. Drislan, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Whalen, Mr. & Mrs Frank Andrade, Gertrude L. Mercier, Marie A. & 'Michael A. Murphy , Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Leite, Yo­ lande Laliberte, Margaret Ske­ han, ,pevine, Lena Doran Marion Foley, Mrs. Walter Fallon, Richard B. O'Connor & ~amily, William F. O'Neil, T. Gertrude Flanagan John W. Cummings, Mr & M1'll William C. Furze, Mrs. John Neilan, The Byrne Family" Mr. & Mrs. George Duffy Mabel & Sally Moran, Mr. & Mrs. John J. Donnelly Jr., Ray­ mond Beausoleil, Mr. & Mrs. Frank McGuigan, Mr. & Mrs. David A. J. Burns Mr. & Mrs. Martin J. McDon­ ald, Anna Malone, Bernadette Walsh, Mary C. Connors, Mar­ garet E. Shea Mr. & Mrs. John F. McMahon, Ella Dempsey, Mr. & Mrs. Ed­ ward F. Grace & Carole, Mr. & Mrs. William Cleare, Mr. & Mrs. Henry Leary • Claire Mullins, Mrs. James E. MulliD8, Mrs. Edmund 'c. Sun,;.



derland, Mrs. Theresa Sullivan, Mr. & Mrs. Bernard R)'8D Mr. & Mrs. Rene Beaulieu, Mr. & Mrs. Francis McHenry, Mr. & Mrs. John J. Sullivan, Mr. & Mrs Robert F. Smith, Mr. & MIlL Paul Thibault, Mr. & Mrs. Her­ bert Reid

'fH£ ANCKOR-Diocese of Fon Rhler-Thurs., May 5, 1966



Rev. Robert L. Stanton

$100 Rev. Paul F. McCarrick Margaret Lahey Cathedral Women's Guild St. Vincent de Paul Societ) $80 Thomas & Edward Ryan $75 George P. & Mary E. Burle)' $50. James F. Diskin Mary Hurley $40 Michael Hayes & Family SUPERIOR GENERAL: $30 Brother Arthur A. Loftus, Helen Joy 61, is the first American Michaeline' Russell Catherine Lynch elected superior of the world­ $25 wide Christian Brothers of Mr. & Mrs. Wm. J. Blythe as Ireland. A native of New Son York, Brother Loftus will Mr. & Mrs. Wilfred Callaghan direct the ,work of 4,000 Nellie & Lillian O'Hearn Brothers throughout the ,Gerald Holleran , Leo O'Brien world, including 700 in the Mr. & Mrs. Frank Duffy U.S. NC Photo. Mr. & Mrs. Raymond ~eynolds Mary T. Hurley'" ' , ESpmITO SANTO, ,Robert F. Coggeshall Mrs. Josephine Hurley $50 $20 Rev. Manuel Andrade Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hargraves, MI'. & Mrs Antonio T. OUvelftl Eileen A. Sulliva'n, Mr. & Mrs. $15 George Sutherland, Mrs. Angelz Mr. & Mrs. Steven Praneo Wingate, A Friend. :Mr. & Mrs. James A.Robin­ ST. ANNE son, Jr., Mr. & :Mrs. Frank Mori­ . $200 arty, Mrs. William 'Gorman, Dan­ iel Shea, Mr. & Mrs. GeOrge Dominican Fathers

Boitano" ' $125: '

. '$15' ,. . Dr: Paul DeVillers

.Claire O'Toole,' Mrs." StepheJ:l $100

O'TOOle, Irene 'M\irphY; 'Mr. ,& St. ViIicent de Paul Societj,

M~, Ed~'ard dahan,'Mr. & Mrs. St. 'Allne's Parish' , .

Edward Betty & Fa~i(Y'. ,." ",' ',' '$30 &' ·l\irs ." ~an;ies,. ~elYi,n" Wilson. Tavares Robert & Mary. Gr.al1dfi,el~~ G~r~ \.,.; trude Sulliv.an, John Sullivan, ',. " '. $~. Ric:hardSullivan.' . , " ' ,Mr. & Mrs. ,Rosario ',Martel.',. 'Mr~ &. Mrs. John' Nolan, John , $20 ." L & Ros~Rogan, '1.\1:rs. LoJiis~ ~on:," ,'-Hector Lachance ,; , ,," . ' . ton, Nancy sumvan; Helen Go,ff. , "" , Adelard Gauthier' ,Doro~hy Kirby, ~r. & Mrs, .. $15 , G'eorge Booth, Mr., &.Mr!l. ~at~ ,Mrs. Rose Bernier, No:rmand rick Kelly, Mr. & . ,Mrs. veorge Chapdelaine, Dr Adelard Demers· Ra,chel, Dennis Lyvch." ,. Mrs. Frank Hanley" Nellie Sr., Joseph Duquette, Paul Sullivan, Mr, &.' Mrs., H~nrY . Hamel, Philip Thibault Messier, Ruth Hur~ey, Patricia ST.MICHAEIL Whelly. . William Bradbury, Jr., Mr. & $'750 Mrs. William Sewell,' Eleanor Most: Rev. HumbertoS. :Medel­ Shea,' Mrs. Daniel F Shea, Fran­ ros,'D.D. $100

cis & Lena Moran. , " Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Desrosiers, ,Gilbert Oliveira '

Mr. & Mrs. Francis Fennessey, Dr. Gilbert Vincent

Mrs. William Ellen"Helen Shea, $'75 Margaret Diskin. ' Evar~ Tavares'

Richard Grace, Joseph IlIa­ $60

griby ,', Jiteatrice Capeto



Joseph Carvalho

$35 $40

Richard Hamel Belmir.a Tavares

$25 $25

A & W Root Beer' Drive-In Albert Capeto

(George Medeiros, Prop.) , Gilbert Corte

$20 Antone Franco

Rose Tonelli, Roland Lavoie, Baltazar Machado

Roger Lauzon Cecilia Oliveira

Albert J. Beaudoin, Edward J. Manuel Silva

$15 Gerald Silva

Langlais, Maurice Poirier, Fred­ Antone Souza

erick Poirier, Emile Auger $20 John Castanho, Francis Len­ HOLY CROSS non, Manuel C. Medeiros, MaD­ $200 uel S. Medeiros, Lawrence Mello Franciscan Fathers, O.F.M. $15 Conv. Joao Aguiar, Manuel Almeida, $25 John H.' Camara, Joao Estrella, Holy Rosary Sodality Theresa M. Fonseca Charles & Evelyn Szulewski Antone Joaquim, Antone NoN•. Lindo, Americo MoniZ, Dian;) Motta, Gerald Mulroonet . . $20 Mr. & Mrs. Stanley W. Nowah Henry Silvia, Alice Weems, $15 Manuel Arruda, Albert Domin­ Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Canu011, gos, Allvin Regn.' :Manuel! 5., Celie & Helen Plichta &mcl1a,Jo~'B




$1,000 WINNER Jos..-h Maslerson 23 Maple Street Cumberland, i.l.



'R(A' COLOR T~" .


• !'



. . j,­


. 'NEWPORT:'R:'l '.... ,





'\ S100 WmNNER ·'Mrs~:·M"ry

,. Culler

. 576:.0ak Hfill ·Ave. Attleboro, Mass.


T~ip for 2.






L. C,omenitz ,M. P. Salamon. lelmont, Mass.



SI,OOO WINNER C. George Bernier 945 Central Ave. Pawtucket, R. I.


". .N ATID NAi~l 'S TOR ES "

Prices effective ill fall liver and. Somerset

", '1

. ''1



Rive;:'~' ./'.'::'~ ANG~



OF. TaE $IZ00'

The Parish Parade

Bt. Rev. Anthony :M. Gom.

$100 George Tonelli $'75

Rev. Jorge de' J. Sousa . . $50 Holy' Rosary Sodality Council of Catholic WomeD. Manuel C. Hilario Maria Mello & family . ' $30

Manuel Correia 0 $25 Joseph Theodore Alfred F. Almeida Robert Correia Holy Name Society Mary Simas Manuel R. Macedo

St; Vincent d.e Paul


A ham lind bean supper open

to the public will be served on Saturday night, May 14, starting at 5 o'clock. Mrs. Albert Bour­ geais, chairlady has announced

that tickets may be obtained from any member of the Wom­ en's Guild. A closed retreat is scheduled for the week-end of May 21-23 at Our Lady of the Good Coun­ sel Retreat House, Lakeville. ST. pros X, SOUTH ·YARMOU'l'H Holy Name Society members met last night .I'n the church baBement. ·John·T.Lascha, presi­ dent, recently directed a corrf­ munion breakfast at which mem­

bers heard Boston Mayor John F. ~-·Collins. His topic was city im­ provement.

ST. MlICHAJEL, . OCE!\N GROVE New officers of the Women's Club are Miss Rita Martin, president; Mrs. Harold Hodkill- 80n, vice-president; Mrs. Robert Peloquin, financial secretary; Mrs. Robert Thibault, recording Secretary; Mr;;. Richard Duinaine, treasurer. The unit's n~xt meeti~g will \be held at 8 Wednesday night,




Ernest Barreira,' Tobias 'J. r Morite .. . $16. Manuel Mendes' . . $15 .Antone Medeiros, Michael

Martin, Emelia Correia, Mary. Genevieve .& Patricia Fernandes, . Arthur Silva . . lv,Ianuel Raymond, Alfred·Mel.>. . LEADERSHIP DAY: Brother Thomas Mulryan,C.S;C. and Sister Rose Angela, S . U.S.C~ 10, Raymond Paiva, Manuel Mel.. of the Teaching Sisters and Brothers Committee of the CCD, ,which sponsored Leadership' 10, Carl Dionizio Day for public' high school stitdentsat Bishop .Oassidy' High School, Taunto:t:\, welcome' Manuel Medeiros, Manuel h t II Braga, Manuel Rego, Arthur Carolyn Pina, Buzzards Bay, and David Gendron ·and Frank Harrington, Ware am, 0 a.., Rego, John M. Arruda day progr~m. . John Correia, Joaquim Costa, Jessie .Pimental; Raymond Hrych'l, John Souza' . Furtado Family, Maria Cabral. . JqseM: Lindo, Mary Thomas" . . . Mariano Thomas

T een- A.gers . '. Spe,n'd 14 H · SCh.00l . oUrStn

On .Spring,' Sllturday ~ ~ and: :. LOve',Jt..

.~~':el :f:t~;'f~:~::~h~~~O:

. . . . - ' . ' . ' a J··ol·nt· on'e," ap'prop.riat·eI9 Cardelli, M~nuel Mello " . VlSI'lI.'ATIONGUILD, . . ~y ··Dorothy.Eastmail .. '. . ·Bod)' ancl that '!only you can do . , . Gera~c:I~ . Antone Michael; .Henry: Agui if.·ORTH E~ST~AM '. . '. God's twotk . today": She told. enough, sin~ it waS on feader'. . ". . . t f '.' % keep' .·.22 . .. 5 te . . en-a.ger. s -in.',. ' . . ' . . . . . .. . ., Th' k" ar, MarY ;. A progressive. supper. lie Or. . them that "right· now ··is the time' shIp ili mar,rlage~ ...e :,p~a e,~ .johIiEnosRaposa, ". .' ·Maria. . ,Ar'pia, :: .:30:tomo1TQw 'night by gUildlChool fo~. 14' hours on a' for you to accept yourselves'justwere and!'l~s ..C?wel~ Me;' . ,.M.:!Wuel Magano, Mary. T.eie'ira, .embers will·. have as" first· lovely'" Spring. Saturday' is as God ll1'ade' you'-,- 'withso1ile' Gowan, of ~allRIver. ML~e: .. Ke~Qeth Burton, ,Joseph Silya, ~Urse.hoste~ Mrs.. ~r~ Lao:" quite· a;' trick:' even" .linuJatiolls; some' imperfections, .Gowan spoke. of the.leadership a .Leonora Mello. .' . Piana, SchoolhOUSe .Road; for', bettertrfck'jf you have them' and·so~t:dalenis"":.··'. ".hu~band.liives~i~,wife.~riclMrs. ":'., 'Julius RocJrigues ~tonio Ri­ 8econdcourSe Mrs. 'ArthuI' Ces,.. .. JoYing every Jriinu.te 'of'i~ . 'But'· 'ReUgio1lS i Life ,·.:McGowa.n~:.t:a.J;k.ed.aoou\ ~ ~iro !r.,'·.Leonel: Ro~rigues, 4 taro;SUrreY'Drive;and,fort~~tftat'sexa~(IY what a 'grQup'of ......Aftel....lurich~'the.rrtuderits re-·· .le:!l~ershIp.a. ~(~. ~vt}s:h,~I .. hU~::,. Fr~end,: Antone. Isidore.. .' eourse·. Mrs.' ~and· .I,;aJoie, , Religious arid··llit. ·people. ma!i':' turned to the aud"uorium to.hear· .b~~d~l,l~.~IY,. of. cou~.T,h~y . John .Roderick, Earl Biei. :::~~~oa~~~~~~..~~laddres~s " aged' to ..dC!. '. S~turda~ :, ~ . teen. . lte,v. Fra.n~~ '·.Conl).ors . iall~ . o~ ..also.. d.ls~~:ed;.:~ .le,a:~~X~llP.. Leori~rd Cabral, Christiario 'Pa­ : Members will hold.' a ,social .Leade~hlp D!lY at. BIS;hop ells,.. 'le~d~rsJ:lil,in religioUs life. He' both p,ar~~.mv~. ~~r: c 11: re~ : e~eco, Alfred Coray ..' ev.iming Friday, May .13.. at .the. 9jdy High School in TauntoiI;,,· .. told the ~~oung people that they apd *~e ~~ader~hiP.t~r.•. ~a~ily. Mario ,Fernandes Jr., L_' ': The boys, ~dgirls:-all .Imblie must not say' ~othemseives "I' ~ves..In t e .cpmmun y. . ' Burns; Francis RelIly ok faMil,.. _ home of·' Mrs. John Connors," high school students-came fro~ "couldn't have a vocation. I'm '.The· theme';of leadership' in. the John Martin'; ·Lillian Laforce. Ground. R?ad.' North 'Eas~- all 'Parts of the Dloces~ to par- just not tIle kirid of person that' . cOmmunity waS-:ca'rried, through'.. ;Henry'· Camara, Marcelino De ticipate· in the program.' The God 'would pick" or "I 'don't ·go the whole day's ·talks, and the Mello, Joseph' Duarte, Virgin.. 8ACRED HEART., '. program was ap ambitious one, .to aCath,olic school. I'm safe.'" first proof 'of the success of the' Camara, Charles Car!loza 'ALL RIVER . ~nd it was the first project of "You're not!" he told· them. program is' that students. are al·Arthur Souza, John Silvia, ~ . f'dembers of. the .' W:9,men's the T.S.B.C.-the Teachirtg. SisAtt6rnEW Francis. O'Boy of' ready talking .of arran~ing ,si~i- . tone Mello..:: .,

_.uild will hold a, C()~munion . ~r~ an4· .Brot~ers COIrnuttee,. Taunton was he next speaker lar. 'programs· . ')Jl' thelr . papsh ; 'Raymond Paiva

8Upp~r, foll0':'Ving l,i .o'clock Mass '1"hICI,1 ~as .forme~, a ye~r an~.·. and his subject was leadership in levels;: .'

Sunday evening, May .8.. The a l1al£ ago to se~ve as advIs?r~ to the profesf:ions. He toid the stu';' At five o'cloCk there· was'. a '

menu will .featur~. chicken pie.· the ~onfr~termt~ of Chnstian dents that the .four' marks .of a Bible vigil service with a homily . ~iss M.adelin~ McDermott is in . Doctrme. Th~re IS actually ?nly leilder weJre: a' high degree en by Rev. ·Joseph Powers; 'CCD ~arge of arrange~ents. .one . bro~he! on the ~ommittee: personal lind moial integrity; .director for . the diocese. James. INSURANCE AGENCY, INC. and he IS Brothe~,Thomas·M.ulexcellence in practice;' intense. Lamb of TilUnton was the lector. . .' Father Walsh Heads ryan, of. Ml!gr: Coyle lIIgh pride in your profession and a The day was rounded of with .96 WilLIAM STREET .

, School. J:Ie was In charge of the desire to -excel in it·· and a will:' II . supper of 'ham, baked btlans,

Department LeadersplP.Day program.. ingness i<lJta'ldup' and be: potato .saladand ice'cream and NEW B'=DFORD, MASS•.

"'::.! BOSTON (NC) Fat her . Le~ders~lP Day began WIth. a counted, t(ll defend' a .cause you brownies. After that a danc~ 8-5.153 .WY 7-9167 Michael P. Walsh, S.J., president greet~n~ b~: Jame~ Murphy; stu~'believe is' right even tholigh it with a: :live band - the Rhythmn . ef -Boston College, has been'· dent. c~lUnCl.I pres~~entatCoyle. be·Unpopular. . . Kings.·What more could a teenPERSONAL SERVICE elected 'president of the college Then c~e a serIes o~ talkS by:, ,.:irhe last llpeech of the day ;;as;..:a~g~e;·r~a:s;k~?.IIi • • III• • i~.~~':iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiir--" commumty leaders. After .each, . " :' and university department. of talk 'the students broke up :into '.

the Nati.onal Catholic Education':' '. small groupsfo~: in~ormal Clis~

aI.Association. . cussioiis.. ' " , . .

The department's members .. "'Helping as .grciup leaders of. F·~OR wepr~sent . some 250 institutions the 'i:liscussIons were members of , . , . '. . . . '. '

higher learning under Catho-: the' "TSBC, Serra' lind CFM:. .

. irc auspices withanenrollmentgrouPs'fiom Taunton and Attle. Your investm~nt i~ the Society ofttMt DiVI~ Word Annuity.

8f. more than' 35'0,000. students. in' boro; . .. . Ptan will provide genero.us intere8t·paY~ents. for .life,.wlt~

.the·Unitedsta~{ . '. , . ' .' The first.talk of th.~·gay; was.·~ula":c~ks.co!"ing.toy'OI.i8ve!i'.8Ix,!,~nth!.YouW"I.

, F~ther Walsh. m ~958 ,beca~e, give~ by .Rep.. CharlesFlann~ry also share'ln spiritual benefits lind gain. personal.' ....

~e: 22n,ct. preSident of.' ~esUl~- • \'Vho:sPQk;e on the .nfiled ~or,.m.oral, aatisfaetion. the knowledge tfJist.your mo.n.ey.'is helping the

~erat~~ B~ston eollE;!ge; He .Is. 'leadership in: youth.. Rep. FlilD- . . . cause' of.Chrlst.all over the world.: Certain tax 'advantages :

• ~ .0ff1CIal .of a. n,urnber of edu- .. nery sltii:lthe need fof moral !'8~lOnal.. and. SIVlC W,'0up~ a~d leadership was.: "as' old 'as . the~ col)l.,lne to improvo.the finan,cial return Of '. has recelved el~ht honorary: de-· race 'itself" but "needed now .. .' .

,rees from co~leges and,\1niver,... mOrEl ever'witli hate burn'" .,. . "(1 'X' . '. . ... . !!ties. :fJe,is ap. a!~~ :~fBo~-: .·ingacfoss··ihe··,globe.": ' . : . . . . . .' 1~i9~c.·.:OIl.·.:.4·::...... ...• C.', .' .~

.~. Co~lege', a~~ 0:". Fordh~m. ; Patricia . Makiil., co-chairipan t!'~yersIty.He JOl.Jle~ tJJ,e J~s~uts. high scho~ls·on.:the Dioce.: . . - . ',,j,i-' ;';'8';'''' i..i .; ' , . , '..." ",ail coupon today for . illlditloiitilinfOrmation· tn: 1929 and was ordame!i ~ prIest ·.CCD'· executive board; was' :the .. . ~ .~_ ~ ~ ~ _~~.. ,., ~ 1941.. ..., .' ' ; ' . . D~xt ·sPel;\'k.er.. She told th.e. stu'" '. ·~~i.,i.;~"7 SO.clety Of the DiVine. WOrd I'\a-t" L. . '.' '.: <. ~i': . : ", Se'ii!'d:: '.', . "T'".e:ache~s dentstb'atthe"o.;were avery spe · .·., -,., i - ;.'." .ill''''·..1 ·p.·;"n.·u'van·fa' .. "'-.~'.. ~ .' . ." ," ." ;.'':eia("piirt ·.of~ Chris,i's' ·}4ystica(." .,.., ,,:. ~.' .., . ~:" . . :..~.~~: ST.. -toti:is ·(NC):+S.t.. :L~t.i$·:;' .. ·;·'."·'·::- ,.' ." .,'::'. ":'" .., ·""V; • Please InformatlOfll Oft._ ~VD .A~ :.~' Co ' , ..'!?i~ers~rh.~·.~;he~j~'$~?'~f:.·;::;~XT ... Co.nnot '" .... aMOu~.of.~" . " .'" "~',.~ .: . '. • .:' ," .. ".' G


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Unbeot,nJ'rtlclcmen to Meet: - "

Tai.II'ton, .Moves 1.1






.. :".:.~::',



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Ou't Front~ 'Frank

~n IClBasebal~

Sul/iyan 01



JEy '1!iTed Bartek There'B an oRd saying lin the big leagues r that if you want tn win the pennant the way tn do .it is on your own, and, not rely upon someone elsero help you back in. And,

that's precisely the attitude of Taunton High's ~crappy baseball e Ililb which haf:l squeezed its way into first head-on clash 'this week. But place lin the Bristol County they .must continue to win in order to stay in the 'pennant e ill' cui t. Meanwhile, Case battle. .Diman will be ~t 'Old


Ma]@f Ponillleirnrmg IL~w (Car®®f

By Joe Mira1Ill:dla Frank A. Sullivan Jr., for­ mer All Narry Leaguesho:rt- . :stop at Case' High School in Swansea, is doing a credit­ able job in the 'sameposition this season for ·TuftsUniversity in the tough Gredte:'Boston Inter­ :collegiate League. He is a history major but is. ,giving serious consider.ation 1;0 law school' after he getBhis

Bachelor's Degree. He has one more -,year of varsity p~y left Wtiththe Jumbos. ,Sullivan WC\$ sub-:par in the early games 'pb1y~ :by Tufts. His :batting andfieldlng were af­ fected by' a ,nand injury that made rom mlSS most -of Spring practice. He played four years ·of var­ sity ~all at 'Case, 'Starting as 2 'third baseman in his Freshman season. He hit ,289 in 1960. Aw.ay ,Oat Front Case w.as· iCo-champion with· Broly Family of .New Bedford in leGI, wheiI Sullivan boosted his .av~:r:age to _'321 and led .the team with 12 runs baited 'in. ' Nobody telse lin the league ,~ close to \m:atchinghit; in­ field .play 'in '.il9B2and 1963, 'when he was the ;unanimous choice of coaches for., the shortstop' berth· mtthe· all 'star team. Sullivan batted .355. in ·1.962, l1elping Case clinch, the nmnerup spot in ,the ~ :standing.·

HlghGfSwansen ·wntinues 10'> Roohester·tomor.row while Digh­ roU along at the top of thil ,NU!7ton:.Reboboth 'will be at 'Somer10.0 p. Tho s e set High's field. sportB 'erithusl- ' 'Ninth )place Seekonk and !Sevasts who ,prefer enth-place Westport clash at ,the !1 good track' latter's Central Village diamond and field meet : ,tomorrow w hi:! eeighth-place will be treated :Ho1yF.an:iily .iirwades¥.all :Biver to one ne ][ t· for its tilt. With fifth-place Pre'.r.uesiiny:when vast. A!tt1ebmo High Next "TuesdaY,Prevost will be 8D'd Bii s!h.op fat Seekorik, !Old 'Rocbester at Feeban H1 gh. Somerset, Case at 'HOly Family, lboth'un:defeate~ Apponequet at Diman 'and WestVJY .agalnsteach port at :Dighton..,Behoboth. otherm' an in:' " Harilt,Leads 'Way tra-eity ;match 'ihat .oo1ilUld he Dave Hardt, :anexcellent a11­ one of ,the .season's highlighUl. lUIOUI1d 'athletewho 'performs as . stella!' Kostka Job Yielding .only .tbreehits, .Anwell 'On :tlle 'basketball -court as Kostka ;pitched. the Herr.ingtt)wn onlthefootball <gridiron, hopes club' mtofirst 'Place :in theBCL W lead his .AttleboroHigh mates to Victory over Feehan in the diamond competition when be county's top track and 'field at­ bested ,Durfee High's two top . trac1ionnext ''lfue5day~ ihW'lel'Zl, 6-1. last .MQDday .afterHardt 'is:proba:bly the best $hot 1 .lllOml. 'put'ter'theBCL 'has ,seen. :He .'has The second· straight Be8lron" 'been tosSing .thP. :h:onpe1le:t more. ioss toppled the FallRiv:er ·dub than 55 .feet :regulaz;ly' ,and it· into,·. Second 111ace .tie with, would :not be tlur.prising <to 'See Bishop Stang· H.l,ghof .North . mOl. come .',up 'With a 60 foot Dartmouth. Durfee drQPped 'its llbro".vany,,,oile ,of these day.s. 1first gameo! the half..compIeted At1Jleboro will·.be . depending,: 1'leaB0Yl last week when it bowed . to <nn.,.,.;-. """':.A. of W"'-''';-''' b'" upon, its ·strength. ;in, ·the field ..... ~.... ~- ~&U cu .. ~..... " eventS ~to eorral 'a w.in over the, a lop.,sided score in.8 :ntm~l~. . Diocesan ...outfit;. 71he latter,. is, '. 'C'&riIlle'teDi 'Gridder' . eontes't 'which .saw:' Coach ~oe !Lew!&' .duo.make fiv.etimesllfJ .better· ,equipped, m,' .thetield , Ana :in 1963, Suilivan's' ~ve~~1 mnnyerrors'as it did 'hits. events. ":,' '. . .... Ii\£e zoomed' to .45:7. It #as a title Durfee hopes m "clmibback . . '. ~er:vaJit :imcl :DoDneUy -. ., wear for 'the .cardinals, who end­ into ;the win column today when 1Both aresti1d~ed With·· some' ed the'season with a ·'14 . anel 2' U :entertains New ~edford.Voca- 'fine performers; It appearsehat·: lm8!'k. tionaLTheLe:Wismen 'are' .bent .. · secGiid' 'and:·third "p1aees:',willbe:" A!ltho~gh 'baSeball ·is the' ~rt . ,.' . upon .atr:ip to the-state scholti- .as '~p'ottaJit:B1l""m~ries "W'h~n'" tle.,'dmmpionship . tournamentC 1be 'final~re is ttallie&. It- wIll":: !.,.,. and must wind up in either one' be, ·thelle 'poirits ·:that.~ll '~l,U'i'1 ~hl$hvi!lIe. of the 'firSt two league spots to the tide. ..;_ '. '.'" ii-y gain an, invitation. J\,ttleboro. B cSteve. Payette.. IS· ,Stang 'in Running ..~eaping, 'f.i~~.t~ .jn ,the high., !MEMPHIS '(NC)- The Nash­ ,g"-'-g' -hich'is·In ·the runner-..... . Jumpan~, ..like.]iardt, .he hopes . ..••u , .. d ....-... 1 . ts ville diocese 'wiLparticipate in· up spot deadlock with Durfee'" lOU iPI;~ uee ..LU...... ,p acepom . . "P.ruject 'EqUality,"· a National lIDustovercome its diocesan that ';will:lead :to ~ct()I'iYov.er ~he CatholicConieremre for Inter­ Coyle High ,of Taunton, today if ShamxChri~cksS\WbOt'willd~milco~~nkg racial ~ustice clJrogramdesigned dt ts to sta i th' runnin ' on . . s·· ervan .an .' er ..."'" e ito foster 1lqualemployment ,op­ ;portunities, Bishop .Joseph' A. '. shoufd· '1hem hi Durick, apostolic admini~trator, have the eaSIest time of the front D Th' h'l1 'f Attl b . . ave . om 1 O. ,e. oro IS announced here. ll'Unners when .it travels to meet win-less Attleboro High. North . an all-wm~n~quarter~ler for Bishop Durick told the 30th . Attleboro,. too, is out of the run- the Jewelry CIty. ~lub whIch has annual convention of the Dioc­ ning in the title race,having' a trio of .20-foot Jumpers in the esan Council of CathoJ.ic Women that all d·i 0 c. e san schools, scored onl:' Olle win this season. broad event. churches, hospitals and other in­ Every remaining aCL eJ;lcounNarry League Tracksters ter is important to the three In the. smaller school circuit, stitutions .will take part in the ~eague leaders. Durfee tackles the Dighton-Reh,oboth cQlor program to fight discrimination Feehan at .the latter's field next bearers' have been 'running in~mployment.:. Monday while Taunton will be away' from the opposition. The He .·also announced plans for at home to its' intracity foe, Falcons are strong in the field increased diocesan cooperation Coyle. North Attleboro, which events. Jeff Swindells has been with' tl1e .YMCA and YWCA··w .will be at Dartmouth on Mon- the team's stand-out· perforntei', tbeir: work ·t~r.aughout1Jlemate. . d: day next to face Stang, will op- scoring several·triples in pole

pose Taunton, at home, next vault, high jump and half-mile.

Wednesday. ;., .. ,. ,Phil· Grimagives.·D-:Reven. 'and ,more' ·po~ts.·Un­ ·paseS.ets ,Patte ,mQ~e power, in the:.sbO t .PJ.#.tll1d . defeated .C~afl.eY .Briggs, iii tbe , Case, in the Narry, leagj1e, ~ diSCUfl. ~hrows .. ,P.~lho.l~tm:, top O:-~'IWler.,. , . m game and one-half aqvan(age Narry .Leagu~ ·ret;':lrd m ,b,otti.Next~:We,~~e~daY' will .~nd over Dighton-R~hob()th~d01d .e~en~ and . last we:k he '«lame . Dighton:-Rehob()th ,at 'Ap~ne­ Rochester of Mattapoisett. The 'WIthm six inches of bre3k:blg' . (jjuet..in Lakeville Case ·~t Som­ latter two are tied for- the' iuin_'his own 18~-foot mark., . . ' . erset" arid"'Seekonit' at Old ners-up league position;·" - - _:. O~d, Rochester·depe1ads tlPOlll,' . Rochester in Mattapoisett. ' The Swansea club, which J;)oint scorers, It does not have . , meets. win-less Apponequet of the same strong array of first Lakeville at home;' tbmorrow ;: plac~ winners· but its an'..a:round. • .' . \ . , I ., . ...>.,.} . chalked up its eighth lelJ,gue trl­ depth andbalarice are·enough to umph in nine starts· on· Monch!y cause. Dighton"Rehoboth some when it routed Diman Vocation­ concern. aI, 8-1. . .' .... ' . 'Co.mpetiti~lllE<lren Dighton-Rehoboth a'n.d Old 1<1:,,·.Ke~··· ·whit~. "has.·'~~~a~k:ea uP~' Rochester, hOw'ever, are making several double'wfns' tID} sel:lson' a fight to o,V¢Tha'lil the pace:·'Ilet.., ;;in ;·the.· shot,,:put'.·.and· diseus"fot··" i ::.tc~~t,t~~:.,Umle· &eE1il. The fQrmer'trol,l.'(lced Holy O-R while .Jizu",Pina, and. ,Dail·. .:.B~'i.f()·i~S~,M~frerifliis Family of New Bedford; 7-1, and Cabral have been capable, steady. the Mattapoisett t:9mbine over- ,performers in the 100, and "'!OO­ ~~ ;>'.:: "/'.-:.';-:" ?::>....: ...:":. ~~.~.:'.:. ..;~~ ...... : ~helined' Prevost Of 'Fall Rive~; yard sprints..T.he,latter t~.<? .~~~._ e! S~R'iNG;·s:r:i~;·~4'rRiibEN­ '1'-1 in last Monday's action. SWapped. places in breasting .the . Race. R~inains·Close· .... ~··<-,.·:tape this' season, a factor ,whi. . . ·· .The, t(lr¢'E!:lEiader/l'. '.avo~,~ ~.:. U!.ak,~l?>' :fQ!'.:,....~tter"~etitdoml'-,'

to .!loin



;;'~:ton, m~an~hil:,

~~~~e~~Yth~ b~~tie.









for Tgits


at which he excels, Sullivan ,got All Tri-County rating as a half­ back 'in the 1962 football sea­ ,'Son, handling a varlety of back­ field assignments-.a1'half, full­ bac~, end:, linebacker 'and :safety. 1iis 'height,Sullivan is 6 feet tall, made the .safety job easier, ef!Pe­ chilly on .Pass de~enSe. 'The21-year-old Tufts junior's

Weekday. Masses in .Scotish Homes':: "EDiNBURGH {NC~-'CatboliCli' are inviting nelghbors' to ·attend' Mass·Jn·.their,bomes in :an eX"; . Peri'lIl1!nt b~gun by t\:rehbiShop" Gordon·J'·. Gray' 'Of st. Andrews:' and,Edinb~.• . 'The :Masses celebrated in' It.'he<hommNlnweekday evenings

mld are:aimed lilt intensifyjng

!the 'community . aspect <Of 'ij;he iMass" reminding laymen that·

l1beiractive 1participation is one . :function.of :theprtesthood dfthe .

laity, .and- at unifying ,the :many parish :actiivitiesthat tak>e' place iln .the homes. In ·the ·.program, til parishioner is .«:ontactedabotithaving Mass celebmted in his home. He 'then invites' lrlsneighbors to· attend. A portable altar is set up and the priest gives an explanatory talk on the vestments and other items to be used in the Mass. After the celebration, the priest explains the main points in the Gospel and Epistle, and a discus­ sion ends ,the service.

fondness for baseball is a nat,

ural development. His :father wh" isa postal clerk, was al' outfielder with the Sacred Hear: team in Fall LUver's old Catholic L~gue,fOJ;erunner of the are.. eyO program. The Swansea "Shortstop is lead­ ing :the Tufts varsity in ·stole}: .base$ with fiv'O! and he isthireJ in runs-batted-in with six. Sullivan, who led the Fresh­

men with the 'Stick when be compiled a .419 average, will bt at the middle infield POSitiOll today when 'Tufts takes on the' Holy Cross Crusaders. Then, OJ' SatU~, the Medford .aggregn­ .tion will meet :another Jesu; 1 ,op,POnenton Saturd~ when j; faces Boston College. Tom Eyes Coll~e Th&e is another iSulli:v:an at Case this year. Frank's Dr.cther. Thomas, is the varsity first base­ man. They are the .sons ·of Mr. anr" Mrs. Frank A. Sullivan Sr. of 25 Sbore Ave., Swansea.

,Honors PEeJate WlLLlAIMSPORT (NC) - A !Methodist college here in ~­ sylvaD1aeonfen-edan huneran degree ~ a ~"tholic arc.hbishor:· at a .F.ounders' 'Day 'Oon~ocatimj.· LycolIli:t\gColle,ge, 10unded liJ ~ '" U112, -honored Archbisho-p.Jool· " J. ,.Kr.ol..;t>.f Philp delphia with aJ: oonorary, dQctorate .,of law.' .

--------,-, .,'.'....


are .

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·Address .. ~ .•••••••••••. ~






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THE ANCHOR-D>ioc.... 1Jf I;Qn,Rlver-Thun., May·s.,. 196~

FR. l. J. DUART Provincetown


Fall River

FR. p, H, HURLEY , Taunton

IBg$~Op ',ConnoUy Appoints FOlrsH'

MSGR. 1. A" SILVIA New Bedford

. :.:




Fall River


B@«iH?d of lE~dh.8<c'aitic.;rtl' in liistory' o,f ,Daocese

Continued from Page Six Father Hurley of the Bishop Stang High School Foreign Wars in Fall Ri\ler, He returned to the Diocese 'as Father Hurley, son of the late Corporation. The h,onor of Dochaplain of the Cape Cod assistant at the Cathedral Stonehill College, where she ' , d d . . im , wrrently serves as a member Jereml'ah and Mary Shea Hurley, mestic Prelate was conferred on Knights of Columbus and Faith- 1954 and was name a mlnIS­ rn in Fall River. He 'stud- him by t,he late Pope Pius XII ful Friar of the Fourth Degree 'trator' at St. Peter's, Dighton in I!»f the Board of Advisors, and was bo from the Bradford Durfee Col- ied at Durfee High School and in September, 1952. K of C on Cope Cod. 1959. He was appointed pastor ' Father Sullivan Father Duart of Blessed Sacrament in Feb­ lege of Technology, ,I).ow phased St. Charles College,' Catonsville, , Md. ,and completed his, studies l'ather Sullivan, a Fall River Father Duart was born in Tis- ruary,' 1961. ' SMTI. , intG A member of the Diocesan at st. Mary's Seminary, Balti- native, '.is 'the son of the late bury, Marth&'s Vine;Y'ard'. Son of, Monsignor' Gendreau was (Commission for ,Christian Unity, more, where he was ordained John P. and the late Mary E, the late Antone F.' Duart Jr. and ,named a Domestic 'Prelate illl Judge Mullan'ey 'is also a inem- May 21, 1!J20 by the l~t~ James Kenney Sullivan. A graduate of the 'late Delia Brennan ,Duart, April, 1964. Diocesan appoint­ Iter of the National' Council 'Cardinal Gibbons. Durfee High School and Holy ,he ;lttended St. Anselm's College, ments include Vicar for, Reli­ Alumni of BU, and, a member He served ~,assistant at $t. ,Cross College, he studied theol- Manchester, N. H., following gious; Pro-Synodal Judge, an~ of the' ~BU Alumni 'Association Francis Xavier, Hyannis;, St. ogy at St. Bernard's Seminary, graduation fr<~m Tisbury High, secretary, of' Examiners of the Executive.Committee. Mary, Attleboro; SS. Peter and Roch!lster, N. Y. and was 01'- School. Clergy. Judge Mullane'y is also a for-' Paul, Fall, River; .and Holy daiIied June 6, 1925 by the late He completed his studies at' Monsignor Walsh nner member of the ,Advisory" Name, New Bedford. He has Bishop Feehan., St. Mary's Seminarlf and was'A' Fall River native, MonsiBoard of 'the Mass. Public Wel-' served as pastor of St. John the ' 'His assignments as assistant ordained by the late Most Rev. gnor Walsh is the son of the late lEare Department, a foriner coaCh' 'Baptist, Central Village'; St, include St. Mary, Nantucket; St. James E. Cassidy, D,D. on' May, James W. and, the late Catherine ~nd, spe~ch instructor at Em-:, Mary, South Dartmouth; Sacred Joseph, Fall River; 'Holy Name, 30, 1931. He served at St. Peter's,' 'McDonald' Walsh. 'He is a grad,­ manuel College and also a ,for- Heart, Oak ,Bluffs, and St, Wil- Fall River,-and St. Mary's Cath-' Provincetown, St. John the Bap.:.' "uate of Durfee High' School and, mer debating coach at the Sacred liam, 'Fall River, prior to his edral. ' t i s t , New Bedford and St. An,-' , Holy C~o3S College. 'Hearts Academy in Fall River. appointment to 'St. Joseph in, Following service as an Army ,thony's' Taunt.on before return-:~ 'Monsignor Walsn was ordained Educ!ltor from Somerset', June, 1951. ,chaplain in both the European i~g to', St. Peter's' as pastor in. 'May 26, 1927 by Bishop Feehan Principal of the James M'-Ald': Monsignor Silvia and Pacific' Theatres' during October; '1951. and served as assistant at St. ll'ich elementary school in Fall Monsignor Silvia, son of the World, War II, he returned to Monsignor Genc1lreau Mary's, New' Beaford; Iinmac~ "',River, Mr., Nicoletti lives at 701, ,late Frank·M.·and the' late ,Marie the Cathedral until his appoint-' ." An Army chaplain in the Eu-' ulate Conception and St. Mary's, Brayton Avenu~, in St. Tho!llas .. A, ,Dutra 'Silvia, was borfl" in ,men1. as pastor of Corpus Christi, ropean Theatre during World' Taunton, and Holy Name" Fall More parish in Somerset. Eall, River 'and ·studied for ,.the: Sandwich,' in ,November, 1946.' War II,' Monsignor' Gendread River. He was appointed pastor He' is,.a graduate, of ,Msgr., pl'iesthood at St.. 'Gharles Co1-: He, ,was named pastor of St, was born in Fall River and is, of 'St. DOnUnic's,', Swansea,' in James Coyle 'High, School in. lege, Seminary of Angra, Azores,", Dominic, Swansea, and Fall ,tl,le son of the late Nllpoleon A. October~ 1951;, St;' Joseph's, Taunton. He 'attended ,P,rovi-' , and St. ,Mary's Seminary; ) 'Rivel~ Regional Director of the' and the' late Margullrite Cote North, big~ton;, .in November, dence' College for two years and :, Following ordination' on' Dec." ,Catholic Guild for the Blind- in Gendreau. He' studied: at' Mon-' 1954 and St. Louis, Fall River­ tAten received his A.B. in Phil- 20 ,1919:by:the late Most 'Rev. •195,7,..and',has., served 'as pas~or>, ,treal CO,llege'~n!i t~~ ~minary in. FebruarY;·1956. He 'has b,ee~ , ',!iOPhY' 'frt?m ~,t. )\'Iary's, Seini-, 'D~niel, F;':f;~~~n, 'D.D:;, he 'wa,s ,. of ~t; ~oseph lln~ Dio~esan Di-, ot Phil~ophy ,in that city, com-" pastor ~f St.- John th~ Evangel~ ~~y hi. ,1950. .~r., ,.Nicp!eV~~ '!!ssiglle~'40' S~:, .rohn, the':'Baptist,' ,rector :of ~he ,Gmld smce, Sep-:, pleting his studies at ,St, Mary'i' is~ since April, 1961. ' gamed hIS Masters Degree m ·New Bedford and in November tember, 1961. , ' S e m i n a r y " , ' Diocesan appointments ,.re·, ~~uc.atio-,~ from ,Catp.olic 'Un,i~ef'- ~ , 1~4. to.- s't";:Peter' the" ApOstle;', WhilEf stati~nE;d at,the Catbe-, " Following ordinatioiu on' jUne': Fall River DiStrict Moderator Of ' ...tY,m 1951 and ,a, Doctorat~ 1I~'., :,Piovincetown."He returned to' St..',' dral· :Father' Sullivan served as', 15, ,1935: iii St. Mary's 'Cathedral the Diocesan Council of CathG­ 1J:~ucatio;n,~r~ni <;~J.vi~ Cop1ilig~:': '.-roh~ as p3l!tor in October, 1951,.. : model:ator of the St. 'John Berch-:', by',· Bishop CaSsidy, tie: 'taught lic Womeh. Diocesan '~oderatol' ~ol~ege Ip, ~956!, ,. ." . , .. , '. '."cHis Diocesan appointments 1n-' manm; and Epsilon clubs, organ-' with : the· Sulpicilul Fathers' ,in- "of ·the Council,' and Dean' of ,the' , Married,,.t9 the ·former· L~r-, clude Board ,of Examiners of the, ' izatiolls for Catholic high school' " seminaries 'in 'Baltimore, Seat-' , Attleboro Deanery; Pope Patd.

faine Cote! the~ a,~~ th~ .p_a~~rtOi.," ~Iel'gy; Diocesan Consultor, and, boys :md girls,. respectively. ,lie" tIe and Detroit. He was awarded', ,VI e1evated'hiln·to the rank",ef

, ~ two son;;. !\Jr, ~1.C91~ttl ta\!ght . tbe ',Commission of ,Sacred ,Lit-" ,has"b(!en- chaplain, of,the Amer-' the ,degree: of Doctor 'of Theol". Domestic 'Prelate in '. Mari:h;'

,~ , New,. ,J;le,df~rd ',and af the' ~'\l'rgy.: He, is, a' charter .member ican L,egion and. the Veterans O>f ' og; in 1938: 1964. . . ' ' , ' , ..

.James Madison Morton Junior', ' , , " " ,

High and Slade School in Fan

'River ,where he was vice prino

<8ipal. '" ., <0


Co-conse'crators '


Conti~ued' from ,Page One .,. Philadelphia;' will' be co-con­

iecl'ators at the Episcopal Con­

rJecration of Most Rev. Humberto

~. Medeiros, D.D., present pastor

'(j)f St. Michael's Church, Fall

River, and Bishop-Elect' of the

Diocese of Brownsville, Texas.

Bishop McDevitt is a semi­

mary' friend of Bishop Medeiros

at the Theological College of the

Catholic Universi,ty in Washing­ tlon.

, "Most Rev. 'James L. Connolly,

D,D., Bishop oiFall River, whom

Bishop, Medeiros, served for al­

most sixteen years as secretary,

,:vice: chancellor. and.. chancellor,

wiV consecrate the new bishop

in St. Mary's Cathedral, raIl River, on June 9, the Feast of

~orpus Christi.

Bishop Medeiros has been ~osely associated' with Bishop ~rrard who was himself 'a ch8lll­

celIoI' of the Diocese and is now

, the Vicar General. Bishop McDevitt studied alt the Lateran Pontifical,Seminary .in. Rome and at the Theological

College. He was secret~ry to the

Apostolic Delegate to the United

States'from 1952, to 1962 and was

eonsecrated a Bishop on Aug. 1,







f• • '

. . .; ';



t.ve you,

M'DID. •• DID-ID ••



Motherls . ,

D. M.


,Durfee Trust Co. (J

11',.11 River Member IF.OJ.C•



..... -""

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