dJ The ANCHOR . . .-. : Vol 20, No. I9-Fall River, Mass., Thurs., May 6, 1976
An Anchor
of the Soul, Sure and Firm-St. Paul
Catholic Charities .Appeal-
Helping The Shepherd Care For His Flock Because
You Care
,...---In This I s s u e - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . . Contributors ' To Appeal Special Insert
Wonders Never
Vocation Weekend
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. May 6, 1976
ITEMS FROM NATIONAL CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE~---Jersey City; Father Joseph A. Francis, black provincial of the Divine Word Fathers; and Father Dominic A Marconi~ director of the Family Life Apostolate in the Newark archdiocese.
National Tragic Death ROCHESTER, N.Y.-A 36 year-old Sister of St. Joseph has been charged with second degree murder in the death of a baby boy born to her a few hours earlier in her convent room, according to police. Authorities identified the nun as Sister Maureen Murphy of Our Lady of Lourdes convent in suburban Brighton. She is in Genesee Hospital for medical and psychological examination and is listed in satisfactory condition, they said. According to Brighton police, the ilUn gave birth unattended April 27, and asphyxiated' the newly born infant by stuffing a piece of clothing in his mouth. Lawrence T. Kurlander, district attorney, expressed sympathy for other members of the St. Joseph community, praising their work and saying "to be caught up in this horrible death is so unfair to them. There are a lot of bigots in this world, and I think they'll have a field day with this one." .
New Bishops
WASHINGTON-Bishop Francis T. Hurley of Juneau, Alaska, has been named by Pope Paul VI to be archbishop of Anchorage, Alaska, and apostolic administrator "ad nutum Sanctae Sedis" (at the command of the Holy See) of the diocese of Juneau. . On the acceptance of the resignation of Bishop Walter P. Kellenberg of Rockville Centre, N.Y., because of age, Pope Paul named as his successor Bishop John R. McGann, auxiliary of Rockville Centre. Also named were three new auxiliaries to Archbishop Peter Gerety of Newark, N.J.: Father Robert F. Garner, pastor of Our Lady of Mercy,
Necrology MAY 1"6 Rev. William McDonald, SS., 1941, St. Patrick, Falmouth Rev. Msgr. J. Joseph Sullivan, P.R, 1960 Pastor, Sacred Heart, Fall River
MAY 17 Most Rev. James E. Cassidy, D.O., 1951, 3rd Bishop of Fall River, 1934-51 MAY 19 Rev. Ambrose Lamarre, O.P., Dominican Priory, Fall River Rev. Thomas Trainor, 1941, Pastor, St. Louis, Fall River MAY 20 Rev. Antonio L. daSilvia, 1952, Pastor, Our Lady of Health, Fall River ""ri"""'"I1IIIII"""""""I'OI"","'.IIII"",r""'IIl,Ulllllll""",lu",'I"",,,',,'I""I'f,"
THE ANCHOR Second Class Postage Paid at Fall River, Mass. PUblished every Thursday at 410 Highland Avenue, Fall River, Mass. 02722 by the Catholic Press of the Olocese of Fall IIlver. Subscription price by mall, postpaid U.OO per year.
. At Meeting CHICAGo-"Stand up and be counted on Catholic teaching," Archbishop Joseph L. Bernardin of Cincinnati told his fellow U.S. bishops at the beginning of their spring meeting here Tuesday. Among those in attendance is Bishop Daniel A. Cronin. The Cincinnati archbishop, president of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops, -was introducing a three-day session concluding today whose primary topic was a reexamination of the roles of the bishops' twin national conferences, which could lead to significant changes in the national priorities of the Catholic Church in the United States.
Won't Debate WASHINGTON-The Senate has voted 47-40 against beginning extensive floor debate on proposed constitutional amendments ~o restrict legal abortion. The vote came on a motion to table an amendment introduced by Sen. Jesse Helms (R-N.C.), who said his c'primary purpose" was to spark Senate discussion of the amendments. He offered an amendment which would entitle the unborn to the legal right to life from the moment of fertilization.
World Frequent Confession VATICAN CITY-Pope Paul VI, in beatification ceremonies for Capuchin Francisc~n Father Leopold of Herceg Novi, Yugoslavia, who spent
up to 15 hours a day hearing confessions, condemned the idea that frequent confession is oldfashioned. Today more than ever, said the Pope, "Individual confession is a fount of grace and peace, a school of Christian life and incomparable comfort· for the earthly pilgrimage toward eternal happiness."
To Try Priest .MANILA, The Philippines-A Philippine military tribunal has said it will try LaSalette Father Jose R. Nacu on charges of subversion in May. Father Nacu was arrested Jan. 29, 1973, for the alleged violation of a presidential decree which penalizes the printing, possession, distribution and circulation of subversive literature and materials. Maximum penalty imposed by the decree is from six months to two years imprisonment.
Ask Amnesty SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico-The' bishops of Puerto Rico have asked President Gerald R. Ford to grant amnesty to four Puerto Rican independence activists who are serving federal sentences for their politically motivated acts. Two of the four were sentenced for an attempt on the life of President Harry Truman in 1950, the others for an armed assault on the House of Representatives in 1951.
Vatican, Too VATICAN CITY-The annual Vatican report, "The Activities of the Holy See," has revealed a serious deficit in the Vatican's budget. The report, which covers all the activities of the various Vatican departments and offices attributes the deficit to "vertiginous increases" in operation costs, the grim situation of international finan:ial markets, and a marked decrease in the donations to the Holy See.
• New Washington Cardinal Will Be Youngest In Among the 21 new cardinals named last week by Pope Paul VI is one American, Archbishop William Wakefield Baum of Washington, D. C. At 49, he will be the youngest prelate of his rank in the U. S. A native of Daillas, once described as "the cool Texan" by a national Catholic magazine, Cardinal - elect Baum's rise through the Church hierarchy has been swift. From bishop of Springfield-Cape Girardeau in 1970, to special p&pal delegate to the world Synod of Bishops in Rome in 1971, to archbishop of WashingtOn in 1973, and now to the college of cardinals. He was ordained in 1951 and following two years of study in Rome, was awarded a licentiate and a doctorate in theology from the University of St. Thomas Aquinas there. He served in a number of paso'
torall capacities in Kansas City, Mo., and was chancellor of the
Kansas City-St. Joseph, Mo., diocese at. the time of his appointment as bishop of the Springfield-eape Girardeau, Mo., diocese in 1970. In early 1973 he was named to succeed Cardinal Patrick O'Boyle as head of the Washington archdiocese. Ecumenical Leader Noted primarily for his leadership in the ecumenical movement, Cardinal-elect Baum was the first executive director of the Commission for Ecumenical and Interreligious Affairs of the National Conference of Catholic . Bishops, serving in that post from 1964 to 1967. He is also a member of the NCCB Administrative Committee, chairman of the bishops' Committee for Ecumenical and Interreligious Affairs, an advisor to the Doctrine Committee, and a member of the Committee for
Bishops' Welfare Emergency Relief, Committee for Pastoral Research and Practices, and the National Catechetical Directory Committee. The cardinal-elect, to be one of the nine active and three retired American cardinals, has had ties with the Vatican, serving as a member of the Joint Working Group, consisting of representatives of the Catholic Church and the World Council of Churches, a member of the Mixed Commission of Catholics and the Lutheran World Federations, and as a delegate to the World Synod of Bishops in Rome in 1971. Most recently he was named a member of the Vatican's Congregation for Catholic Education and its Secretariat for Non-Christians. Urged Prison Refc)ftn Cardinal-elect Baum has often Turn to Page Ten
THE ANCHOR-Oiocestr of Fall River-Thurs. May 6, 1976
Diocesan Educators Meet Today, Tomorrow The annual Catholic Education Convention for classroom and religious education teachers of the Fall River diocese is in progress today arid tomorrow at Bishop Feehan High School, Attleboro, beginning at 9:30 this morning with a liturgy at which Bishop Daniel A. Cronin was principal celebrant. Keynote speaker for the morn-
ing session was Rev. Patrick J. Farrell of the Department of Education of the U. S. Catholic Conference, whose topic was "A Declaration of Interdependence: Catholic Education in Our Third Century." From noon to 4 p.m. a continuous showing of new films for 'all levels of Catholic education was presented by Mark IV
Productions, Attleboro. Films will also be shown from 11 a.m. to. 2:20 p.m. tomorrow. Workshop Sessions Today's workshop sessions, many offered twice, include such topics as the interdisciplinary value of the arts, the work of the early childhood educato.r, liturgy for children, teaching of
'Vatican Iss,ues Document On Catec:hetics, Synod WASHINGTON (NC) - The Vatican released a document on catechetics April 29 aimed at paving the way for fruitful discussions of the subject at next year's Synod of Bishops in Rome. National bishops' conferences around the world are being asked for comments. In this country, the Nation8!l Conference of Catholic Bishops (NCCB) will distribute the document and request reactions throu~h its general secretariat. Entitled "Catechetics in Our Time, With Special Reference to Catechetics for Children and Young People," the 24-page document warns of the risks involved in the renewal of catechetics, among them "the risk of breaking with the past and the risk of fearing the future." Next year's synod topic, the document points out, will follow naturally from the theme of the previous one, held in 1974 on evangelization.
It compared the relationship between evangelization and catechetics to that existing between planting and watering, or laying a foundation and erecting a building. The document contains sections dealing with various contemporary factors having a bearing on catechetics. But it does not attempt to narrow the discussions that will take place next year; rather, it seeks to draw information from the national bishops' groups. So the questions asked in the document will shape the discussions, but some hint of the shape of the meeting is in the text. The Vatican intends to place the catechetical emphasis somewhere between the extremes of the day. The document points to "the so-called catechetics of liberation," which it says it "not always without ambiguities or risks." But "others are ~agging behind
Pope Urges Vocations; Emphasizes Ministries VATICAN CITY (NC)-Pope Paul VI has issued a call for religious vocations in which he also emphasized the ministries available to the laity including women and married men. The Pope directed his message to Catholics in general for the World Day of Prayer for Vocations, to be celebrated Sunday, May 9. "You know that in the Church exists a unity of mission," the •••• + ••••••••••••••••••
ORDINATION Bishop Cronin cordiaIny invites the clergy, religious and laity of the Diocese to participate in the priestly ordination in St. Mary's Cathedral, Fall River on Saturday morning, May 8, at 11 o'clock of Rev. Mr. Stephen A. Fernandes and Rev. Mr. Edmund Rego. Priests wishing to concelebrate with Bishop Cronin are asked to bring amice, alb, cincture and stole. All priests present are invited to take part in the laying on of hands in the ordination rite. They are to be vested in cassock and surplice or Mass vestments. •••••••••••• + ••••••••••
78-year-old Pope said, "but its offices, its ministries, its services are diverse." The Pope praised the priestly vocation itself as "a prodigious and perennial adventure of evangelization." But immediately afterward he added that deacons "occupied a special place ... serving the People of God in communion with bishops and priests particularly in the ministry of the divine word, teaching, exhorting, preaching." The Vatican has in recent years reinstated the permanent diaconate, a ministry which, unlike the priesthood, is open to married men. The Pope also asked for a new commitment to missionary orders, "a noble task available to 8!lI, men and women, without distinction." Finally, Pope Paul added, "In this variety of callings we can not forget the laity, who are called to cooperate with their pastors in the service of the ,Church community, carrying out most diverse ministries, according to the grace and charismas that the Lord gives them." Religious \'locations plungedJ steeply in the year immediately
... holding rigidly to pastoral programs mainly concerned with Tum to Page Seven
reading through the arts, adaptation to change, the slow reader in high school, the challenge of high school guidance, Christian family Hfe. Also the place of faith in American culture, parish adult education, development of science skills, recreation, the role of media, planning for the future, Christian political responsibility, family and individual spiritual education and youth ministry. Tomorrow's Program Tomorrow's program will begin at 9:30 a.m. with an address on the right to life by Dr. Mildred F. Jefferson, ,president of the National Right to Life Committee. It will be followed by small group meetings addressing themselves to archeology for children, out-of-school experiencE:s, inte-
grated learning, .middle school acivities, teachers' handling of drug problems, religion for preschoolers, work with retarded persons and adults seen as trustees of mature faith. A multi-media program, "The Living Bread," will .be presented at 1:30 p.m. by Rev. Patrick Mooney of the diocese of Bridgeport, Conn. conclude The convention at 2:30 p.m. with a children's liturgy prepared by pupils of St. Mary-Sacred Heart School, North Attleboro, with the aid of Sister Yvette Dargy, SSA, a convention speaker who has. been holdIng regular meetings at the school this semester. The liturgy will be concelebrated by Rev. George Bellenoit, Rev. Robert Caner, Rev. Richard Chretien and Rev. Albert Ryan.
Appeal at $325,792.63
First Parish Returns Great; Early Enthusiasm High The up-to-now elusive one million dollars in charity seemed very much possible this year as the early parish returns began to be recorded in the diocesan office of the Catholic Charities Appeal. Last Sunday night's initial returns topped last year's returns in every single area. At this time when personal needs are most intimately felt, the Diocese's 113 parishes seemed to be responding in It spirited manner. Spirits were high in the diocesan office as the initial parish returns bounded some $40,000 over last year's first-night report. "What a happy night," commented Richard C. Fontaine of New Bedford. "Parish priests
and laity have heard the Bishop. They will not be unresponsive to the needs that have been so clearly outlined. This year looks like the year-we'll make it-a million for Catholic Charities. What an expression of Christian love!" "The Thirty-Fifth Catholic Charities Appeal is not over by any means. But if the first reports are an indication of t~e appeal, we all should be very proud of this clear expression of love and concern for the apostolates f?f charity, mercy, educaHon, health care, social service and other apostolic endeavors of the diocese," beamed Msgr. Anthony M. Gomes, diocesan director of the Appeal. The first returns from some
of the 113 parishes of the diocese and special gift donations received to date make a total of $325,792.63 in the Appeal. Both Appeal directors hoped that the initial reports would continue enthusiastically and that all parishes would have their first report filed at headquarters by the end of the week. Parish Honor Roll Last year, some 83 parishes joined a 1975 Honor Roll by surTum to Supplement A-I
Europ'ean Hofiaav under 'lie
Reach Disposition In Child Center St. John's Chmd Care and Development Center, Inc. of 783 Slade St.,· Fall River, must, vacate the premises by June 1 and give up use of the center's name, under an assent 'decree filed Thursday in Superior Court, Taunton, with Clerk of Courts William P. Grant, it was reported April 30 in the Fall River Herald News. The Herald News story stated that the decree was entered in Superior Court before Judge Joseph S. Mitchell. The decree states that Most Rev. Bishop Daniel A. Cronin of Fal:l River is and was the rightful owner of the premises at 78~ Slade St. 1I111111111111111111111lllllll111IIllIlUIllIlmIllIllIllIllIllUlllmlllIllIllIllIIIll1ll11ll1ll1IllUIIIl1l1I1I
following the Second Vatican Council. Recently, however, seminaries have received more applications and vocations i,n general have begun to increase.
It also notes that the purported lease of the premises on behalf of St. John's.Day Nursery by Harold J. Wilson on April 7, 1972, was executed without authority of and never has been ratified by Bishop Cronin. The decree also states that Bishop Cronin has the "entire and immediate right" to the possession of the premises "and St. John's Child Care and Development Center Inc. has no right to use or occupy the premises." . St. John's must leave the facilities "in the same condition they were on April 7, 1972, Or in better condition." reasonable wear and tear excepted, the court document states. All improvements and additions to the premises sh8!l1 remain with the premises and be surrendered, it is noted. The decree notes that the activity which had been conducted Turn to Page Eleven
leadership of le••et.
DELANO st. Patrick Parish, Fall River
$1279 pr:~e~~e Aug. 2nd France Germany Switzerland Italy Vatican Paris + Lourdes + Rome Munich
+ Zurich
An audience with His Holine.. , Pope Poul VI, il Icheduled, 01 well 01 a comprehensive tour of YaH· can City. The.. are only a few of the high Ipolol W,ife 0' coli foday r - - for your J.toilMl itineroryl - - , Rev. Kenneth J.
I Ifk9:'J~i~'i~"W'~t IF.II Rive,. M.... 02724
I ~se~~hne;~our colorful
ctO:-1 2302) I I
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. May 6, 1976
Teaching Pope The catholicity-universality-of the Catholic Church was dramatically taught last week when Pope Paul VI appointed twenty-one new cardinals. . These "hinges" of the Ch1,lrch make it possible for the Pope to receive advice from all peoples, cultures and backgrounds at the路 highest and most intimate level. They also bring the message and mission of the Church to every sector of earth's peoples. The Pope is to be hailed for this great implementation of the Vatican Council and his continuation of the great efforts of Popes Pius XII and John XXIII. The Church must be seen as Catholic not only in intent and lasting power but in its day-to-day operation, its mission and its reception of all. A DEAF CIDLD'S
Besieged Cardinal
Humberto Cardinal Medeiros, no stranger to the tensions and anxieties humanity has for its leaders, is again in the midst of strife. His feeling for his people, strengthened by his love of truth-which we of the Fall River Diocese have learned to love and respect - has given him a new share in his Master's Cross. His statement that he is not the leader that can be easily crushed and forgotten has discouraged some. We know of his courage. Every clergyman no matter what the title is only the servant of the Master. Humankind, burning with one passionate issue or another, can apparently always defeat a man no matter what his title, compassion or occupation may be. But the Cardinal reminds us that it is the Master who is our leader, not the servant. Easter has taught us that He is invincible. Boston's problems are not Boston's alone. As Massachusetts taxpayers we too bear the expenses of guaranteeing civil rights. As fellow Christians, we too bear the anxieties and tensions of our capital brethren. The lesson of our universal brotherhood/sisterhood is not all learned in emotional sweetness. Sometimes our trespasses teach us of our faults and the rights of others. Disrespect fC!r one another is not confined to Boston. Only a few years ago it was Boston which was the hero of civil rights as it championed the rights of civil rights workers in the South. "There but for the grace of God go I," is something we can always say no matter what evil we comment on. The Cardinal's forthright pleas for reform in family life, the news media, education, the political and professional arenas and the law pertain to all oj us. There is a lesson for us all in what is being so tragically taught by our fellow citizens. Rights we have and our Bicentennial Spirit rightly teaches that no one should dare tread on them. But rights all have and we must not tread on another's either. Tense issues can divide us and be valid grounds for argument but we must not face such issues off-balanced and blinded by human indignity and racial bias. The Cardinal's emphatic insistence that disrespect for man "the image of the living God" is at the root of Boston's crises is a lesson we must all heed.
Do the angels sing in Heaven, Lord? Will I hear music there? Or must I stand in a comer While others join in prayer? While I wonder what they're saying, Lord, As oft I do down here, . Must I sit in lonely stillness While the bells ring loud and clear? Can I read your lips in Heaven, Lord? Will I be brushed aside, And stick my hands in pockets Because of wounded pride? Will all the saints there praise thee, While I in silence wait? Will someone up in Heaven Help me through the gate? Then God, who loves the humble, Whispered in the poor deaf ear, "My child, has no one told you? There is no silence here. Hold out your hands, my little one, For all of Heaven to. see. We've heard them pray so many' times, Each prayer reached up to me. See all the angels waiting, The gates are open wide, Your crown of life awaits you, And I shall be your guide. I have a song to give you, You'll sing both loud and clear, And the song you sing, my dear one, Will be the sweetest here." -Author unknown (Published in observance of Deaf Awareness Week, May 2-8) 11I11111111I11I11I11I11111111I1111I1111111I1111I11I1111111111I11I111I111111111111I11111I11I1111I1111I11I111111111111I11I11I11I11I1II111111111111111111111111i
Washington Report .~_! By JIM CASTELLI NC News Service
Letters Welcome Letters to the editllr are welcomed. All letters should be brief and the editor reserves the right to condense any letters if deemed necessary. All letters must be signed and contain a home or business address.
Published weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River 410 Highland Avenue Fall River Mass. 02722 675-7151 PUBLISHER Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin, D.O., SJ.D.
Rev. John R. Foister, SJ.L.
Rev. Msgr. John Regan ~
leary Press-Fall River
Bishops at Congress Between Oct. 20, 1975 and April 1, 1976, 10 Catholic bishops appeared persona1lly before congressional committees to discuss their positions on major social issues. This is about as many as appeared in the previous three years. Committee schedules and路 the fact that there is generally greater activity in the second session of a Congress are partly responsible for the bunching together of these appearances, but it is clear that the bishops also intend increased exposure. Before explaining why, it is worth recapping the recent testimony. The following summa-
Miss., testified on food stamps before the Senate Agriculture Committee. They opposed proposals which would restrict entry into the program and backed proposals which would make the program more responsive to the needs of the poor. - On Dec. 17, Archbishop Thomas Donnellan of Atlanta testified on costs of unemployment at a Joint Economic Committee regional hearing in Atlanta. -On Jan. 31, Archbishop Peter L. Gerety of Newark, N. J., appeared before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and said the Church has the right to offer a "moral critique" of foreign pOOicy. -On March IS, Bishop Eugene Marino, auxiliary of Washington, D. C., testified in support of the liumphrey-Hawkins full employment bill. -On March 18, Bishop James Rausch, USCC general secretary, repeated usec support for the Humphrey-Hawkins bill before a congressional conference on full employment. -On March 23, Archbishop Joseph Bernardin of Cincinnati, president of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops, and Caroinal Terence Cooke of New York, chairman of the bishops' pro-life activities committee, supported a constitutional amendment to restrict aegal abortion and argued that they were concerned with human rights, not with imposing Catholic doctrine on society. -On April 1, Archbishop Robert Sanchez of Santa Fe, N. M., supported reforms. in the U. S. immigration system. There are three basic reasons for the increased congressional activity by bishops say sources close to them. The first is obvious-visibility. Testimony presented by a bishop, archbishop or cardinal is more newsworthy than testimony presented by a USCC staffer. Increased congressional appearances are also related to criticism of the bishops for the biggest show of hierarchical force in congressional historythe appearance in 1974 of four cardinals in support of an antiabortion amendment before a Senate subcommittee. Some people charged that the appearance revealed the bishops' overemphasis on abortion. Recent stepped-up activity is in part an effort to show that the bishops do give high priority to other issues, sources have said. The third reason is somewhat more sophisticated, according to observers, involving an effort to take advantage of the influence a local bishop may have on his loca! congressmen.
rizes only testimony presented personally by bishops, not testimony presented on other occasions by U. S. Catholic Conference (USCC) staff. Father Bouvier -On Oct. 20, Bishop Joseph McNicholas of Springfield, Ill., Rev. Wilfrid T. Bouvier, S.J., chairman of the USCC commit- a native of Notre Dame parish, tee for sociad development and Fall River, and pastor of St. world peace, testified before a Mary's Church, Boston, died last Chicago regional hearing of the week at age 65. The son of the Joint Economic Committee of late state Rep. J.A. Bouvier and Congress. He said the bishops the late Clara Bouvier, he was considered the present level of . ordained in 1942, and celebrated unemployment -"unacceptable." one of his first Masses at Notre -In mid-November, Archbish- Dame Church. Prior to becomop Ignatius Strecker of Kansas ing a pastor, Father Bouvier was City, Kan., and Bishop Joseph on the faculties of Boston ColBrunini of Natchez-Jackson, lege and Fairfield University.
THE ANCHORThurs., May 6, 1976
The Parish Parade
Diocesan Sisters At CORT Parley
Publicity chairmen of parish organizations are asked to submit news items for this column to The Anchor, P. O. Box 7, Fall River, 02722. Name of city or town should be Included, as well as full dates of all activities. Please send news of future rather than past events. Note: the same news Item can be used only once. Please do not request that we repeat an announcement severa I times. .
ST. GEORGE, WESTPORT The public is invited to a Bicentennial Dance to be held in the school hall on Route 177 from 8 p.m. to midnight Saturday, May 15 by the Couples' ST. MARGARET, Club. Music will be by the BUZZARDS BAY Roman IV and refreshments will ST. MARY, be available during the evening. ONSET Tickets are available through A parish dance including live music, cocktails and a buffet Mr. and Mrs. Pete Barlow or will take place from 8 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. James Steadman, to midnight Sunday, May 30 in chairpersons. St. Margaret's parish center. ST. JOSEPH, Complimentary tickets to the ATTLEBORO The rosary will be recited folevent, which will wind up major parish functions until the fall, lowing 9 a.m. Mass during May will go to all CCD teachers and and also on Thursday evening, foNowing 6:30 p.m. Mass. their spouses. A special Mother's Day liturgy CCD children are collecting cancelled stamps for mission- will be celebrated at all Masses aries and donations may be given this weekend. The Women's Guild instaillato any child or left at the religious education office in St. tion banquet will take place at 6:30 p.m. Mass Tuesday, May 11, Margaret's center. followed by a banquet and enST. JOSEPH, tertainment in the church hall. TAUNTON The parish council will meet in HOLY NAME, the rectory at 8 p.m. Tuesday,' FALL RIVER Parents of the school will May 11. Plans will be made for a yard sale Saturday, May 29 sponsor a Spring Festival buffet and the annual family picnic, and dance from 7 p.m. to midnight Saturday, May 29, with scheduled for Sunday, June 27. music by the Roman IV. CoOUR LADY OF ANGELS, chairpersons are John Pereira FALL RIVER Children of Mary will hold a and Mrs. Carol Carvalho. giant penny sale at 2 p.m. Sun- ST. ANTHONY, day, May 23 in the church hall. MATTAPOISETT German beer, wine, food and The annual blessing of autos is scheduled for 1 p.m. Sunday, music by the Deutschmeister OrMay 30 in the church parking chestra will highlight the sixth annual Munich Mayfest, to be lot. Parishioners will celebrate the sponsored by the parish from 9 feast of Espirito Santo the week- p.m. to 1 a.m. Saturday, May 15. end of June 4 through 6. ST. DOMINIC, Dr. Clayton King and RusseB Bessette are general chairmen, SWANSEA . All parish women are invited aided by Evelyn Pursley, who to attend a plasticware demon- will provide an authentic Gerstration to be given at 7:30 p.m. man menu, and a large commitMonday, May 17 in the church tee. hall by Mrs. Barbara Pavao, ST. CASIMIR, under sponsorship of the Wom- NEW BEDFORD en's Guild. The guild will also A whist party will be sponhold a mother-daughter com- sored at 8 p.m. Saturday, May munion breakfast this month. 8 in the church hall at 2048 ST. THOMAS MORE, Acushnet Ave. by the Holy SOMERSET Name Society. The CCD program will close ST. KILIAN, for the year at 7 p.m. Monday, NEW BEDFORD May 10 with presentation of the The second in a series of adult film "Gospel Road," with music religious education lectures will by Johnny Cash, John Denver, begin at 7 p.m. Thursday, May Joe South and others. All pa- 13, continuing through Thursday, rishioners are invited and there June 17. The topic will be "Un. will be no admission charge. derstanding the New Testament."
YOUNGEST LECTOR? James Belliveau, 12, who is lector at daily Mass of Rev. Alexander Zichello, St. Francis of Assisi Church, New Bedford, needs a little assistance in height department, but all in reliability. He's probably youngest diocesan lector. Who is the oldest?
Just a Normal Saintly Act IVREA, Italy (NC) The bishop· of this town north of Milan, who offered himself as. a hostage for others, said he considered It a "very normal thing." Bishop Luigi Bettazzi of Ivrea pleaded with robbers here to release a nine-year-old boy and a 16-year-old clerk and to take him as hostage instead. The child had seen his father killed in the robbery of a jewelry store. "As bishop I had to make myself available," Bishop Battazzi explained later. "It seemed to me the most normal thing to do." . The three bandits, who were later apprehended, did not accept the bishop's offer. He made it three times. Questioned later about the robbery and killing, the Bishop commented: "The problem centers around
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the need to reorganize society in a differeirt way. "These youths (the bandits) needed to be given jobs that would . have let them settle down. Young people have to feel that they belong in a positive way in society on the level that makes an effective contribution."
Eight Sisters from the Fall River dIocese were among 80 treasurers or finance board members of New England religious congregations meeting last weekend at Mont Marie, Holyoke for the spring convocation of the Conference of Religious Treasurers (CORT), a national organization seeking to administer religious moneys with justice and concern. Speakers included George E. Reed, discussing legislation and litigation relating to taxation and church-state issues; Rev. Mr. Thomas J. Savage, SJ who offered solutions for religious groups with under-utilized church properties; Sister Barbara A. Metz, SND, whose topic was "Gospel Roots of Religious Poverty"; and Edward McDonagh, controller for the Sisters of Mercy, Cumberland, R. I., who presented a salary update report to the CORT membership. . Area representatives at the meeting were Holy Union Sisters Sister Mary Jean Audette, immediate past chairman of CORT and currently a member of its executive board, Sister Celine Teresa- and Sister Grace Martin. Sister Marie Ascension, Sister Marie Therese and Sister ThereSe Gerard represented the Dominican Sisters of the Presentation; and Sister Joseph Marie and Sister Elizabeth Menard represented the Dominican Sisters of St. Cath~fine of. Siena. .'
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•••••••1 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. May 6, 1976
Hav,e Yo~ a Lucky Dress In Yo:ur Wardrob,e? It's closet cleaning time again and every time I clean I come across a dress or coat I really should throwaway but because there are such fond memories attached to it I hold on to it, only to have it reemerge next cleaning time. For those of the over- thirty-five Dress Quilt set, the thought of certain With the quilt-making rage, dresses revives memories, of one good way to preserve aU dating years, early days of those memories would be t()
marriage and so forth. I'm sure everyone reading this column can vividly remember her graduation dress and of course her first prom dress.
Even today there are dresses I that seem to create a mood, dresses in which we always have a good time. This, for those of you who are not superstitious, could be attributed to the fact that if we know we look well we feel well, consequently everything just seems to fall into place. For those of you, like myself, who were brought up with a grandmother and mother who set great store by Irish superstition, these are just lucky dresses'!
make a quilt out of pieces of dresses one has enjoyed over the years. For most of us the time and talent for such a project are lacking but memories do stay with us and we can vividly remember those very special outfits. I just asked Melissa, my 15year-older, if she had any clothes she remembered with special affection and while she recalled no dresses, she did have fond memories of a sailor type slack outfit she wore for Easter a couple of years ago. Using her as a test, I would deduce that one has to be much older before memories have' so much meaning. So take a mtle test yourself, write down some of the important events in your life and then try remembering what you were wearing when they occurred. I have very strong convictions that you'll have no trouble remembering! Then for an extra bonus, see if you can remember that one outfit you considered very special, or very lucky.
St. Anne's Head To Go To Rome The resignation of Sister Jean Marie Perdriault, for the past six years administrator of St. Anne's Hospital, Fall River, has been 'accepted by the hospital corporation, effective July 1. Sister Jean Marie will be stationed in Rome for the next three years, working with the superior general of her congregation, the Dominican Sisters of Charity of the Presentation, in preparing a final text of new Constitutions for her community, to be submitted to a general chapter in 1979. Pastoral Program An important development of the hospital program during Sister Jean Marie's administration has been an increase in pastoral care available to patients. The religious also devoted much time and study to the preparation of a certificate of need application for hospital construction and modernization. The application was denied in March, but the event throught forth strong expressions of community support for the hospital and emphasized the need for a religiouslyoriented health care f~cility in the Fall River diocese. A search committee formed of members of the hospital corporation is currently seeking a successor to Sister Jean Marie. Bishop Daniel A. Cronin spoke for the diocese in expressing his regret at her resignation.
FARM WORKER WEEK: Eve of National Farm Worker Week, now being observed across country, was appropriate time for retirement fete for longtime agriculturists Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Mello, St. Mary's parish, Seekonk, shown with Rev. Edward C. Duffy, pastor, and their daughter, Sister Mary Margaret, O.P. of Marian Manor, Taunton, who with her eight brothers planned testimonial. Below, Fall River area supporters of United Farm Workers, sponsors of Farm Worker Week, join in sacrificial meal of rice and beans at St. Anthony of Padua church hall. From left, Rev. Thomas Rita, Sister Mary Jean, SUSC, Claudia Schacter, farm workers' organizer, and Rev. R. Gabriel Blain, O.P.
Bedford, Mass.
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FINAL VOWS: Sis t e r B r end a 'Buckley, OSU, daughter of Ralph A. Buckley and the late Grace M. Buckley of St. Mary's parish, Taunton, pronounced final vows as an Ursuline nun in ceremonies at the Chapel of Mt. St. Ursula Convent, Bronx, N.Y. Rev. Walter J. Buckley, an uncle, retired pastor of St. Kilian Church, New Bedford, was principal celebrant of the profession Mass.' Sister Brenda is a graduate of the former Bishop Cassidy High School, Taunton, and a Phi Beta Kappa graduate of Catholic University. She is on the faculty of Our Lady of Mercy School, Bronx.
Which Means You Can Buy A New Ford ~or For Less Than You Ever Thought Possible. In Fad You'll Save Hundreds of Dollars.
395 Mt. Pleasant St., New Bedford, Mass. 996-5611
Grade 7 Homeroom - In Area of Language Arts Teaching Experience Preferred Interviews Beginning May 12 Contact: Sister Barbara MONDAY - FRIDAY 8:00 - 3:00
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. May 6, 1976
Religious Educatio,n Is Gift With Great R,espolnsib,ility
By Sister Loretto Fromm, SUSC (Sister Loretto's response to recent comments of Father Andrew Greeley on 'relevant,' advanced nuns' began in last week's Anchor.)
In the second part of my article I would like to give an explanation of my own ministry as a Sister. To begin this I would like to quote Father James Burtchaell who concludes his first chapter of Philemon's Problem with these words: "There is nothing very astonishing about a God who loves us relentlessly, save that we generally do not believe in one ••. And what difference would such belief, such a God, make for Philemon?" Father Burtchaell then proceeds to examine the "differences such a belief would LEADERSIDP RETREAT-WORKSHOP: Parish council and staff memebers of Our make to our doctrine, our ethic, Lady of the Assumption Church, New Bedford, participate in weekend retreat-workshop and our ritual." The following, led by corporate ministry specialists Sister Carol Datz, SSND and Rev. Martin Gomes, S5. however, will be my own reCC., both stationed in the diocese of Rochester, N. Y. In giving the workshop Father flection on the belief in such a Gomes, born in New Bedford, was returning to his native parish. The weekend sought God makes in my own life. We live very much in a hurtto clarify and instruct in the techniques of parish ministry and included plans for a fouring world. One does. not have to month action program. At a closing liturgy all present were anointed and commissioned to look far or live long in order to respond to their call as leaders. From left, at workshop session, Jeffrey Medina, Manuel see or feel pain. Lives are torn. Andrews, Miss Virginia Lopes, Mrs. Mary Galvin. People are broken. Man aches from loneliness, loss, separation, rejection. Fear and anxiety plague him. Man truly suffers and meeds. Continued from Page Three all Christians always need to into the risk of fashion and demBut, to quote Anthony Padodoctrinal orthoxy but not with listen constantly to the word of agogy, but should respond to vano's Dawn Without Darkness, pedagogical orthodoxy." God, so that each individual can their expectations. "more impressive than the meaning. Only then will man • "It often seems that it is pre- know the faith in a way suited The bishops are queried on broken-ness of our hearts is the experience presence, forgive- cisely in this tension that there to his or her own spiritual needs their own experiences with the fact that we have a heart and ness, healing and peace. Man arises lack. of understanding in and his or her own responsibil- new catechetical situation that that it is tender enough to suf- needs to know another man's the Church," the document says. ities." has prevailed recently. fer." God has created man, and standing by him in order to know But this does not mean that "What steps are you taking to Concerning catechetics and only man, in His image and God's abiding with him. modern cultures, the study of the importance of catechetics prepare catechists, priests, Relilikeness. In other words, God All of what I've said so far the relationship is important, aimed at children can be down- gious and laity?" has given man, and only man has to do with why I've made a "for it enables one to get to the played, the document goes on. "Are there catechetical instithe ability to love and be loved. commitment to the work of the roots of many tensions and ex"Indeed, it is precisely chil- tutes in your country? What has Though suffering abounds around Church: why I've chosen to live pectations . . . in the whole dren that can often be one of the been their experience? What are us and in within us, I do not a celibate life in community Church, and which are linked ... most powerful reminders to the their future prospects?" the docuthink any agony is sufficient with other women who share with her catechizing task, espe- whole community and individual ment asks. to regret the creation of the similar hopes and ideals. I be- cially in regard to children and members of the faithful to be In conclusion, the bishops are human heart. lieve that man is important the young," it goes on. attentive to their own vocation invited to reflect on Pope Paul What hurting man needs most enough for men to spend a life On catechetics and liberty, the and their own educational re- VI's apostolic exhortation Evanis to be loved. Only love trans- and a lifetime in service and Vatican notes "the right of every sponsibilities." gelli Nuntiandi of last December, forms lives. Not power or force, love of him. And I find that my family to arrange freely its own The document also recommends in which the Pope called for not magic or fear, but only love commitment frees men to do religious life and to decide the that attention be paid "to the doctrinaJI unity. makes man more human. Only this. religious education of its chil- opinions and testimonies of the "Indeed, if the Gospel which love frees man, not from pain, I see my ministry as a sharing dren." It asks "what liberty is young people themselves, and in we proclaim is seen to be rent but from the tragedy of the in Christ's own ministry of gos- granted in your country for the particular of the priests 'who by doctrinal disputes, ideological incapacity to receive and give pel-making and a Father's love- Christian education of the rising devote themselves to their Chris- polarizations or mutual condemlove. bearing. Like His, I think mine generation?" and "How does tian education." nations among Christians ... how I do not believe it is possible is largely to be a healing minis- catechetics in your country inBecause the young embody can those to whom we address to really know God's love un- try in a hurting world. I make tend to promote liberation from society's "hopes of continuity our preaching fail to be disless we first know human love. this commitment with the real- social, political, economic and and renewaJI," the Church is con- turbed, disoriented, even scanLikewise, I don't think it is pos- ' ization of my own limitations, moral conditioning?" cerned "that catechetics for the dalized?" the Pope wrote at that sible to love God, which means the limitation of being only one The document points out that rising generation should not faU time. loving our neighbor and our- , human being, and the limitation all Christians need instruction selves also, without 'first being of being a particular human be- throughout their lives. loved by another. Without love 'ing, Loretto Fromm. I too am "For this reason, in recent life doesn't make sense. Bodies a needy person. I too share in decades there has developed iIi are born, but humans 'do not the wounds of society. the Church an awareness that emerge. Our Brother's Keeper Where The To me the message of the Yet I am awed by and grateGospel, Christ's message, is two- ful for my vocation, and I pray demands great responsibility. Entire Family At a period in history when fold, and that is: that God is a each day for the strength to conto a large extent "Church" Father who loves us complete- tinue to live it. To me it is a Can Dine ly and relentlessly, and that we gift and a responsibility. I could seems to be on the outs, and Economically are to love one another. It is not possibly live this life-style "sex" is on the ins, it may seem strange to choose a celthe role of the Church to pro- if I had not known myself. But claim this message. The Church I have been loved, and therefore ibate life in a religious commuFOR nity. However, for me it makes shares in the ministry of Jesus freed to love. This is a gift. much sense and I do believe my RESERVATIONS as the Revealer of this good Along with this gift, however, life has value. I freely make news. PHONE goes a tremendous amount of this commitment of responsibilSharing in Ministry responsibility. I truly am my ity towar-d others. This is the (617) 675-7185 This Revelation, however, isn't brother's keeper. There is a quote difference that such a God going "to take" if it's in words that goes: "We are shaped and makes to me. And, if I had to or alone. The Church has to speak fashioned by those who love us condense my hopes into one to the hearts of men, not simply and those who hate us." The then it would be this: that the (617) 673-0821 into their ears. The Church must longer I" live the more I realize people who come into my life, give man the experience of love, the truth of these words. We the people whose lives I touch not just the formula of love. really do "rub off" on each and care for, the people whom Only then will Incarnation and other. We do in a very real I love, will at least in some Easter make sense. Only then sense have "power" over each small way, come to know and will Eucharist and Penance and other. At times,. this can be believe in a God who loves them the Sacrament of the sicl have frightening, and at all times this very, very much.
Vatican Issues Document On Catechetics
.THE'ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. May- 6, 1976
Diocesan Council
of FALL RIVER: District and diocesan level DCCW ofcers, from left, Mrs. Vincent A. Coady, Mrs. Aubrey M. Armstrong, Miss Margaret A. Lahey, Mrs. Raymond A. Poisson, Mrs. Robert Bernier.
Catholic Women
.DIOCESAN OFFICERS: With Bishop Cronin, from left, Mrs. Anthony J. Geary, corresponding secretary; Mrs. Michael J. McMahon, president; Miss Dorothy Curry,. secretary; Mrs. James W. Leith, first vice-president; Mrs. Edward Franco, treasurer.
Helping the Shepherd NEW BEDFORD: Officers, from left, Mrs. Frank Almeida, Mrs. Theodore J. Calnan, Miss Helen L. Stager, Miss Mary Elizabeth La Roche, Miss Mary P. Lowney.
TAUNTON: Officers, from left, Mrs. William Grover, Mrs. Frederick Andrade, Mrs. Thomas J. McEvoy, Mrs. Francis Frazier; Mrs. Richard Paulson, Mrs. John Travers.
Superb advance planning and a timely bicentennial theme combined to make the 23rd annual convention of the Diocesan Council of Catholic Women (DCCW)., held last Saturday at Bishop Connolly High School, Fall River, a memorable occasion. Carrying out the theme of "Liberty and Justice for All," the morning program presented a fascinating mosaic of customs and cultures of six ethnic groups represented in the Fall River diocese, with presentors ranging from a 75-year-old retired schoolteacher to a young Portuguese immigrant. Reminiscences of Portuguese, Italian, Cape Verdean, Lebanese and Puerto Rican immigrants to the area were offered by John McAvoy, Joao L. DaCosta, Rose Furgiuele and John Monsour, all of Fall River, and Mrs. Frank Almeida and Mrs. Lydia Cormier of New Bedford. NationSll anthems and other music typical of Poland and France were played and sung by Mrs. Wanda Widak and Miss Linda Widak, Taunton, and Raymond DeLisle and David Carrier, Fall River. During a morning business session the 300 women present, representing 15,000 members ·of 96 council affiliates, unanimous-
ly adopted resolutions opposing an equal rights amendment to the Constitution and supportprograms "which generate respect for life." The equal rights resolution opposed such an amendment because it would, it declared, "in reSllity wipe out the many legal safeguards which protect woman's position in the family and because it proposes an idea of woman foreign to the Christian concept of woman's co-equal, but individual, dignity with man." The resolution stated that sufficient safeguards for women's rights already exist, citing the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Equal Employment Act of 1972, "a multitude of Federal and State Laws and Executive Orders in regard to employment," Title IX of the Education Aniendments of 1972 and Health, Education, Welfare regulations. It stated that the DCCW would support House BiM No. 4370, which would rescind the federal Equ~ Rights Amendment passed by the Massachusetts legislature June 21, 1972. Bishop Speaks At the afternoon session of the convention George A. Wells, former Worcester mayor and
former Governor's Council member, spoke on "Have We Lost the Spirit of '76?" In a wideranging survey of American history he extolled the virtues of patriots during the past 200 years and stressed the importance of telling "our young people what is right about America." He said parents should remind children of the many "great caring organizations" such as the American Red Cross that give volunteer service to the needy. The speaker also decried the "capricious changing of national holidays" to dates other than those originally selected and noted that "cheap and cynical use of national heroes for advertising purposes, such as Washington's Birthday sales, contributes to a breakdown of national strength." In his address to the convention Bishop .Daniel A. Cronin expressed gratitude for DCCW cooperation over the years, especially with regard to the annual Bishop's Ball. "You've clapped for everyone else - now give yourselves a hand!" said the prelate. He noted that beginning with the women who accompanied Jesus and played an essential part in his ministry, women of Turn to Page Ten
ATTLEBORO: Officers, from left, Mrs. Harry Loewe, Mrs. Normand Jette, Mrs. Donald Vierra, Mrs. Blanche Cesolini, Mrs. Mildred Nolan.
CAPE AND ISLANDS: Miss Ethel Crowley, Mrs. John Houst, Rev. Francis B. Connors, moderator, Mrs. Rita Lopes, Mrs. Louise Griffin.
GUEST SPEAKER: With guest speaker George A. Wells, far right, are Msgr. Anthony M. Gomes, diocesC!n spiritual director, Mrs. James A. O'Brien Jr., convention chairman, and Msgr. Gerard J. Chabot, diocesan moderator.
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of fall River-Thurs. May 6, 1976
Thirty-Fifth Year
Give to the Appeal
In the
"So let your light shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your Father Who is in Heaven."
$85 Reardon & Lynch Co., Inc.
Parish Totals Attleboro Area Attleboro Holy Ghost St. John St. Joseph St. Mark St. Stephen St. Theresa Mansfield-St. Mary North Attleboro Sacred Heart St. Mary Seekonk Mt. Carmel St. Mary
5,345.00 10,340.50 3,488.00 4,864.00 5,980.00 3,679.00 7,352.00 2,612.00 7,052.60 8,690.00 6,703.00
St. Roch St. Stanislaus St. William Santo Christo Assonet-St. Bernard Central VillageSt. John Baptist North Westport. Our Lady of Grace Somerset St. John of God St. Patrick St. Thomas More Swansea Our Lady of Fatima St. Louis de France
1,630.00 3,330.50 3,571.00 4,047.35 3,453.00 2,556.00 5,606.00 4,478.00 6,076.87 7,392.05
Great Beginning Continued from Page Three passing their contributions of the previous year. This year, Msgr. Gomes anticipates that every single parish will be able to join the proud group. "We are aiming for a 100 percent Honor Roll-113 parishes
Buzzards BaySt. Margaret 4,205.00 ChathamHoly Redeemer 4,937.00 Falmouth-St. Patrick 5,214.00 HyannisSt. Francis Xavier 11,248.00 NantucketOur Lady of the Isle 3,555.00 Oak BluffsSacred Heart 725.00 OrleansSt. Joan of Arc 2,746.00 Osterville-Assumption 7,404.40 PoCasset-St. John 3,380.00 SandwichCorpus Christi 6,417.00 South YarmouthSt. Pius X 10,440.00 Wellfleet Our Lady of Lourdes 1,435.00 West HarwichHoly Trinity 4,897.00 Woods HoleSt. Joseph 4,570.00
Fall River Area Fall River St. Mary's Cathedral 10,798.00 2,351.00 Espirito Santo Holy Name 12,162.00 Notre Dame 4,533.60 Our Lady of the Angels 13,450.60 Our Lady of Health 3,278.25 Holy Rosary 2,300.00 Immaculate Conception 4,133.00 Sacred Heart 4,187.50 St. Anthony of Padua 1,408.00 St. Elizabeth 500.00 St. John the Baptist 3,330.00 St. Joseph 3,620.00 St. Matthew 1,362.50 St. Michael 5,612.00 St. Patrick 4,044.00 SS. Peter and Paul 4,135.50
New Bedford Holy Name 7,648.00 Assumption 560.76 Immaculate Conception 3,485.00 Mt. Carmel 10,498.70 Sacred Heart 2,200.00 St. Anne 1,185.00 St. Anthony of Padua 1,773.00 St. Hedwig 1,198.00 St. Hyacinth 595.00 St. James 7.769.00 St. John the Baptist 4.469.00 St. Joseph 3,231.50 St. Kilian 1.887.00 St. Mary 6,291.00 St. Theresa 1,570.00 AcushnetSt. Francis Xavier 1,094.75 Fairhaven St. Mary 2,979.50 Sacred Hearts 860.00 MattapoisettSt. Anthony 3,195.00 North DartmouthSt. Julie 5,595.00 South DartmouthSt. Mary 3,788.00 Wareham-St. Patrick 2,841.00 Westport-St. George 2,783.00
Taunton Area Taunton Holy Family Holy Rosary Immaculate Conception Sacred Heart St. Jacques St. Joseph St. Mary Dighton-St. Peter North DightonSt. Joseph South EastonHoly Cros~
3,781.00 821.00 3,853.00 3,449.00 2,823.00 3,203.00 4,059.00 1,241.00
surpassing their '75 totals," said $25 Msgr. Gomes. ,Law offices Max Volterra "The first million dollar camThe Mason Box Co. paign is our goal this year. L. H. Cooper Co., Inc. With the cooperation of priests, solicitors and contributors in Cape Cod both phases of the Appeal-par$1200 ishes and special gifts-this goal is attainable," the prelate stated. St. Francis Xavier Bingo, The leading parishes are: • Hyannis Our Lady of Assumption Conference, Osterville
Leading Parishes
4,848.00 6,696.50
New Bedford Area
Foster Metal Products, Inc.
Attleboro Area Cape & Islands Area
Mt. 5:16
St. John, Attleboro Mt. Carmel, Seekonk St. Mary, Marisfield St. Mary, North Attleboro St. Mary, Seekonk
10,340.50 8,690.00 7,352.00 7,052.60 6,703.00
Cape & Islands Area St. Francis Xavier, Hyannis 11,248.00 St. Pius X, . South Yarmouth 10,444.00 Assumption, Osterville 7,404.00 Corpus Christi, Sandwich 6.417.00 St. Patrick, Falmouth 5,214.00
Fall River Area Our Lady of the Angels, Fall River 13,450.60 Holy Name, Fall River 12,162.00 Cathedral, Fall River 10,798.00 St. Thomas More, Somerset 7,392.05
St. Louis de France, Swansea
$350 6,696.50
Mt. Carmel, New Bedford St. James, New Bedford Holy Name, New Bedford St. Mary, New Bedford St. Julie, North Dartmouth
Rev. Msgrs. James J. and William H. Dolan
$1000 Fathers of the Sacred Hearts, Fairhaven
7,648.00 6,291.00 5,595.00
Taunton Area Holy Cross, South Easton 4,632.00 St. Mary, Taunton 4,059.00 Immaculate Conception, Taunton 3,853.00 Holy Family, East Taunton 3,781.00 Sacred Heart, Taunton 3,449.00
$100 F. S. Payne, Cambridge Sullivan Bros., Printers, Lowell La Salette Fathers, Attleboro
$50 Rev. Edmond Tremblay
$25 Rumford Steel Industries, Inc., Providence
Rev. Ambrose E. Bowen
$230 Ston~hill
Rev. Msgr. Joseph A. Cournoyer
Attleboro $200 Particular Council Society of St. Vincent de Paul
$140 Conlon & Donnelly Co., Inc.
$100 Holy Ghost Conference Morin's, Inc. L. G. Balfour Co. DeWitt Animal Hospital
$150 St. John Conference, Pocasset St. Joseph Conference, Woods Hole
$500 Massachusetts State Council Knights of Columbus Rev. Msgr. Thomas J. Harrington
$200 Our Lady of Guild, Osterville
Special Gifts $1500
$300 A Friend, Buzzards Bay
New Bedford Area
.liI National
St. Patrick Conference, Falmouth
$100 .
Atty. Joseph H. Beecher SS. MarRaret & Mary Guild, Buzzards Bay St. Francis Xavier Guild, Hyannis
$75 James F. Pendergast, Hyannis
$35 St. Joseph Guild, Woods Hole
$25 Onset Bay Pharmacy Finley's Y/D Pkg Store, West Dennis Canal Electrical, Inc., Buzzards Bay Catholic Daughters of Amer. ica, Court 851, Provincetown
New Bedford" $500 Bristol Electronics Cliftex Corp.
$350 American Press Lithographer
. $150 First Federal Savings & Loan Assn. Insur~ Grenache/Normandin ance
$75 Calvin Clothing $50
Shuster Co. Morris Glaser Glass Co. Guba's Pharmacy Potter Funeral Home Sunset Cleaners & Dyers U. S. Ring Binder Corp.
THE ANCHOR-DiOcese o~ Fall River-Thurs. May 6, 1976
Special Gifts
Dr. Edward D. Mackler Rodney Printing
Continued from Page One
Fall River
$35 Atty. Raymond McK. Mitchell Debson Mills "
$25 C. E. Backman & Co. Bradley & Halliwell Machine Co. Dr. Max Blum Cornish & Co. Judge Jack London Lum's Restaurant Wholesale Furniture & Carpet ~rockton Public Market Citizen's Credit Union Daco Mfg., Inc. Dahill Co. Fontaine Pharmacy Lions Club of New Bedford
$1200 White's Family Restaurant
$1050 Slade's Ferry Trust Co.
$500 Mr. & Mrs. Henry J. Feitelberg
$295 Gerald Zyde - General Cleaning Co.
$170 Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. McMahon
$125 . $110 D & D Sales & Service, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. J. Harry Condon
$50 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph R. Ambers Raymond Brousseau Mr. & Mrs. Richard Castro Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Castro Jr. Mrs. Merton Churchill Mr. & Mrs. Paul Jutras Mr. & Mrs. Elzear Sicard Mary 路S. Sullivan Mrs. Winifred Nelson Mr. & Mrs. Constant Poholek
$40 Mr. & Mrs. John C. Bergeron Mr. & Mrs." Donald J. Pelletier $35 John Flanagan, Jr. Mrs. Rosalind Martelli Mrs. Madeline Turley
$30 Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. blay
& Mrs. Frederick Ellis & Mrs. Robert W. Geddes & Mrs. Leon O'Brien & Mrs. Roland L. Trem-
$25 Mr. & Mrs. Henry C. Aguiar, Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Barrett, Mrs. Mary Baxendale, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Bishop, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph T. Arruda Mrs. Mary Brogan, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Cartier Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Carvalho, Daniel & Mary Carvalho, Mr. & Mrs. Leo Charette Mr. & Mrs. Robert Erwin, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Desautel, Mr. & Mrs. Guy Detellis, Mr. & Mrs. Clifford Duclos, Mr. & Mrs. Step~en Duquette Mr. & Mrs. William Habershaw, Mr. & Mrs. Merle C. Holmes, Mr. &" Mrs. Jean H. Joyal Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Kelliher, Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Perkoski Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Proulx, Mrs. Maria Medeiros, Mr. & Mrs. Carmine Roca, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph'Rocha, Mrs. V. Veronica Sciolto Mr. & Mrs. Victor Smith, Mrs. Mary Soares, Mr. & Mrs. Stephen H. Sullivan, Mr. & Mrs. Walter Tansey, Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Tinkham Mr. & Mrs. Donald Twedt, Mr. & Mrs. Antonio Raposo, Mr. & Mrs. George E. Ryan
Edmund Henry
$350 Rev. John J. Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Luca Fantaccione
$125 Mr. & Mrs. Murphy, Jr.
$100 Mr. Mr. Mr. Dr. Mr.
& Mrs. Robert Kenny & Mrs. Robert O'Connell & Mrs. Victor Vaughan & Mrs. Robert O'Donnell & Mrs. William Flynn
$75 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph King George & Alma Janson
$60 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. Cuddy, Jr. $50 In "Memory of Myles F. Daly by his sister Margaret O'Keefe Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert Rea Edward J. Kelley Anita King Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Caponigro Mrs. Arthur Leo Mulligan Mr. & Mrs. Robert Sweeney Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Charron Mr. & Mrs. James P. Fitton Mildred Kelley . Mr. & Mrs. James G. Heagney Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Anderson Mr. & Mrs. Robert Edwards $40 Mr. & Mrs. Alfred A. PaiNe Mr. & Mrs. David J. Foley The Dennis Family Mr. & Mrs. Gerrard LaCombe
$35 Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Vital Edward Scott Mary Sheehan Mr. & Mrs. Donald Trainor Helen Bruen
$30 Mr. & Mr. & Mr. & Mr. & Mr. & Mr. &: Mr. & James
$70 The Spectator $60 O'Neil's Tire Service, Inc. The Ski House Fall River Knitting Mills, Inc. Lemieux Engineering, Inc. Holy Name Women's Guild Almeida Electrical, Inc.
White Spa Caterers
$75 Boyer Paper Co., Inc.
$150 Dr. & Mrs. Alceu Pedreira
Attleboro Mr. & Mrs. Arthur J. Lorden $60 Mr. & Mrs. James McAndrews $53 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hoag & Michael
$100 Valcourt Industrial Supply St. Vincent de Paul Salvage Bureau - East Main St.. Colonial Wholesale Beverage Corp. Delta Electric Co. High Point Paper Box Corp. Fall River Sheet Metal Co., Inc. In memory of John M. & Phyllis Corrigan
Mrs. Arrian Pelletier Mrs. Pasquale Lattari Mrs. John Harrington Mrs. Carlton Redding Mrs. Wesley Dudivicz Mrs. William Goff Mrs. Lawrence Fitton Charbonneau
$25 Mr. & Mrs. Harold Sumner, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Pacheco, Mr. & Mrs. Normand Cloutier, Mr. & Mrs. William Martin, Mr. & Mrs. Peter Lynch. Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Plante, Mr. & Mrs. Harry Borden, Mr. & Mrs. Normand Tetreault, Mr." & Mrs. James Sullivan, Mr. & Mrs. Victor O'Clair.
Mr. & Mrs. Evetette Medeiros, Mr. & Mrs.' Charles Galligan, Mr. & Mrs. Reid Braga, Mr. & Mrs. Donald Larocque, Mr. & Mrs. Teuvo Santala. Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Desjardins, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Robichaud, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Casey, Mr. & Mrs. William Stone, Mr. & Mrs. Paul McBrien. Mr. & Mrs. Robert MacDonald, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Bolton, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Gaynor, Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Martin, Mr. & Mrs. Donald Price. Mr. & Mrs. George Gay, Mr. & Mrs. James Martins, Mr. & Mrs. James Murray, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Coughlin, Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Sears. Mr. & Mrs. John Gagne, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Fredette, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Fanning, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Hanlon, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Bono. Mr. & Mrs. Frank Roca, Mr. & Mrs. Albert Pion, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur J. Mondor, Jr., Mr. & Mrs. John Redding, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Doherty. Mr. & Mrs. Wilfred Cardin, Mr. & Mrs. Fontneau Mr. & Mrs. James Foley, Mr. & Mrs. Harry Loew, Mr. & Mrs. William Brennan. Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Creeden, Mr. & Mrs. Michael O'Hara, Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Magina, Mr. & Mrs. John Braun, Mr. & Mrs. Paul Garon. Mr. & Mrs. Malte A. Ebeling, Mr. & Mrs. John Porter, Mr. & Mrs. Ernani Vergano, Mr. & Mrs. Salvatore路A. Gulino. Mr. & Mrs. Paul Elliott, In Memory of Mrs. Mary Hart, In Memory of Vincent M. McGinn, Mrs. Howal'd Razee, Mrs. Elizabeth Holdgate. Mrs. Mildred Bellavance, Mrs. Dolly Byers, Mrs. Catherine Sprigg, Mrs. Mary Kelley, Mrs. Barbara Sheehan. Deborah Sheehan, Anne Carroll, Sandra Kelley, Franklin D. Backman, Wilfred Paille. " David Wagle, Salvatore Salvaggio, Fred McCracken, Bernard Beatty, Helen Sheehan, William Nearney, Rocca Fontaccione. ST. JOSEPH
$100 Mr. & Mrs. Paul Goulet A Parishioner
$50 .
Mr. & Mrs. Harold Madsen Mr. & Mrs. Albert Dumont Mr. & Mrs. Mark Mercier
I. T. A1my Associates Eastern TV Sales & Service Union St. Jean Baptiste Conseil Cheverus #231 Edward Brayton Plante Jewelers Aime Pelletier Electrical Contractor Spindle City Dye Works Fall River News Co., Inc.
$40 J. E. Amiot & Sons $35
Mr. &:. Mrs. Bernard A. G. Taradash
$25 Jay Vee's, Inc. General Paper & Supply American Wallpaper Co. Somerset Lodge Alfred Berube & Sons Dr. N. Kenneth Shand
$40 Mr. & Mrs. Rene Dubuc The Misses Boudreau $35 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph McGee Lucien Paul $30 Mr. & Mrs. Conrad Maigret Mr. & Mrs. Gaetan Collette Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Laferriere . Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Dubuc
$25 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Bellonzi, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Brassard, Mr. & Mrs. Leger Turcotte, Mr. & Mrs. Armand Boucher, Mr. & Mrs. Jean Proulx. Mr. & Mrs. Melvin Smith, Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Briand, Mr. & Mrs. Wilfred Joubert, Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Gelinas, Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Gurn. Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Zito, Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Governo, Mrs. William Weber, Mrs. Ruth Poirier, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Courbron. Mrs. Adwilda Cesolini, Mr. & Mrs. Henri Paradis, Mr. & Mrs. George Stafford, Mrs. Orner Gaudreau, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Boucher. Mr. & Mrs. William Phipps, A " Parishioner. ST. MARK
$200 Robert K. Cunningham
$100 J. Wiliam Connelly James Brennan Ernest Glode . $60 Bernard Gamache Daniel Kiley
$50 Lawrence Duffany Mary Croke Raymond Coogan Mae McDonough Gerald Duquette John J. Johnston James E. Kelley
$40 Rita Haviland Robert Seguin
$35 Robert Dion Thomas Parris
$30 Charles Mauer Raymond Boucher
$25 Robert Keenan, Leona Kerr, Grace Fitton, Wayne Harrison, John E. Rioux Robert Pabl, James Meloni Jr.,
$25 Albert G. Pierce John's Shoe Store Merri-Cards and Gift Shop China Royal :Restaurant Tom Ellison, Inc. Brow's Pharmacy East Main Hardware Apex Shade Co. Fall River Tool & Die Co. Jodi Sue Mfg. Corp. Atty. Philip Goltz Leonard Pharmacy Chace Electric Co. Smith Electrical Supply Co. Economy Body & Radiator Works Harbour Chrysler-Plymouth Craft Corrugated Box, Inc. Bristol Knitting Mills, Inc. Nebel Heating Corp. Fall River Sales & Supply, Inc. Ralph Keyes Jim Rogers Cigar Store Irven F. Goodman, Archt.
Paul Danesi Sr., Roy Haggerty, Eliza Houghton Edward Galasso, Robert Guillette, John A. Fuller, Mrs. Cornelius Lyons, Richard Riccio Francis Gayton, Charles Roland, Robert Haggerty, Norman Coutu, Edmund McCracken George Jung, Manus Arthur Foley, James Furtado, James Zmudsky, Stuart O'Hara Jr. Robert Demers, Joseph Dias, John McCann, Thomas Rush, Robert Boronski John Peterson, George Levis, Midhael Kosinski, Ralph Allen, Evelyn Silva Clifford Olson Jr., Kathleen" Walsh, Arthur Barry, Patricia " Dunn ST. MARY
$400 Mr. & Mrs. Henry Messier
$300 Rev. Edward C. Duffy
$200 St. Vincent de Paul Society
$150 Mr. & Mrs. John S. Francis Mr. & Mrs. John Murphy
$120 Dr. & Mrs. John Belsky
$100 Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Dr.
& Mrs. John Harrington & Mrs. Joseph Hodge
& Mrs. Alex Macisaac & Mrs. E. G. Maher & Mrs. Raymond Riley
$75 Mr. & Mrs. James J. Coogan
$60 Mr. & Mrs. B. A. Dzija
$50 Mr. & Mrs. David Blake Mr. & Mrs. Gaetan N. Brochu Joseph M. Caplice Mr. & Mrs. Gerard CinqMars Mr. & Mrs. James Egan John Lynch Vincent Lynch Mr. & Mrs. John Marshall . Mrs. Ralph Mathieu Mr..& Mrs. Edmund McCann Mr. & Mrs. William J. Sitko
$40 Richard Blake
$35 Catherine Fisk Marilyn Fisk Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Leddy Mr. & Mrs. Donald J. Olivier
路$30 Mr. & Mrs. Frank Barney Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Baumgartel Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Begin Charles Dauray Mr. & Mrs. John Doyle Richard G. Giguere & Mrs. Turn to Page Three
Attleboro Continued from Page Two ST. MARY'S George Giguere Edna Masgay Mr. & Mrs. Harold McCormick
$26 Mr. & Mrs. George LaBelle
$25 Mrs. Edmund Bechtel, Mr. & Mrs. Edmond Bedard, Agnes Blake, William Blake, Mr. & Mrs. Albert Buckley Mr. & Mrs. Martin Carr, Mr. & Mrs. Hector Carufel, Mr. & Mrs. Sterling Dalton, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Dufort, Mr. & Mrs. William Dunn Mr. & Mrs. Robert Erwin, Mr. & Mrs. Roger Ferland, Mr. & Mrs. William Fletcher, Denise Fortin, Manuel Furtado Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence F. Jarvis, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Kulik, Mr. & Mrs. Roger LaFrance, Mr. & Mrs. Norman LeMere, Mr. & Mrs. John Lukasiewicz Mildred Masgay, Mrs. Jeannette Maloney, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Marcinkwicz, Mr. & Mrs. George T. McCarthy, Mr. & Mrs. Francis McMahon Mr. & Mrs. John McNally, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Mello, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Messier, Dorothy Morriseau, Mr. & Mrs. William O'Brien Mrs. Pauline O. Patenaude, Mr. & Mrs. Perrino, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Perry, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Regan, Mr. Mrs. Alderic Richard
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Ring, Mr. & Mrs. J. Donald Robertson, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph N. Sherry, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Sinotte, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Sirois Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Strycharz, Mr. & Mrs. Bert Sullivan, Michael Tansey, Mr. & Mrs. Laurent Thibert, Mr. & Mrs. Leo Tracey Mr. & Mrs.David M. Turinese, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Ventura, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Voccio ST. STEPHEN
$400.00 In Memory of Rev. Donald E. Belanger ' A Friend
$200 Rev. Roland Bousquet $175 St. Stephen's St. Vincent de Paul Conference $100 St. Stephen's Council of Catholic Women Mr. & Mrs. Lionel Paradis George Ringuette A Parishioner $80 Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Laferriere $75 Mr. & Mrs. Edward Lapierre, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Francis Pariseau $60 Mr. & Mrs. Normand P. Beauregard Mr. & Mrs. Edward Goudreau $50 Mr. & Mrs. Felicien Brochu Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Lavergne Mr. & Mrs. Normand Lejeune A Parishioner Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Maynard A Parishioner Mr. & Mrs. Frank Rapoza In Memory of Martin P. Rossiter, Sr. & Martin P. Rossiter, Jr. ter, Jr. $40 Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Ladabauche A Parishioner Mr. & Mrs. Delphis Ringuette
$35 Mr. & Mrs. Albert Goudreau Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Karol Mr. & Mrs. John Lazarz A Parishioner
$30 Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Karaberis Mr.. & Mrs. Charles Landry Mr. & Mrs. Wilfrid Lefebvre Mr. & Mrs. Albert Ousley Mr. & Mrs. John Rogers Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Therriault A Parishioner $25 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Bartlett, Mr. & Mrs. Louis Benoit, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Boudreau, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Cate, Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Charron, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert Cloutier, Mrs. Alma Contois & Doris, Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Daneau, Mr. & Mrs. Leo Denis, Mr. & Mrs. Herve Dumont. Mr. & Mrs. Russell Dugas, Mr. & Mrs. Francis Fontneau, Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Garceau, Mr. Walter Gelinas, Mr. & Mrs. Raoul Gousie. Mr. & Mrs. Francis Gousie, Mr. & Mrs. Raoul Lacasse, A Parishioner, Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Lacourse, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Lapierre, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Leo Lapierre, Mr. & Mrs. Luc Pelletier, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Pelletier, Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Peloquin & Roger, Joseph Ratte. Mr. & Mrs. Geard Raymond, Mr. & Mrs. Armand Roy, Mr. & Mrs. Herbert St. George, A Parishioner. ST. THERESA $400
Rev. Msgr. Gerard J. Chabot
$200 Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Gravel
$105 Catherine Morris and Family Mr. & Mrs. Francis Gillan
$100 Mr. & Mrs. Leo Lachance $50
Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr.
& & & & &
Mrs. George Boyd Mrs. Donald Boardman Mrs. Louis LaCivita Mrs. Joseph Hebert Mrs. Gerald Keane
$45 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Iwuc. $35 Mr. & Mrs. Walter Delude $30 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Cotter $25 Mr. & Mrs. Morris Vieira, Mr. & Mrs. Philip Brady, Mr. & Mrs. Aime Turgeon, Mr. & Mrs. Michael Osienski, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Almeida. Mr. & Mrs. Edmond Proulx, Mr. & Mrs. James Henry, Mr. & Mrs. Rene Therrien, William Standring, Jr., Mr. & Mrs. James Mann. Mrs. Paul Beaisoleil, Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Brillon, Mrs. Irene Pitas, Mr. & Mrs. Michael Arata, Armand Moreau. Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Vachon, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Walsh, Mr. Mrs. Philippe Dubuc, Mr. & Mrs. Edward McGoran, Mr. & Mrs. Harold Hanewich. Marie Arundel, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Welch, Mr. & Mrs. Paul Metilly, Mr. & Mrs. John Kenny, Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Lee. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph McDonald, Mr. & Mrs. Albano Silva, Mr. & Mrs. John Keane, Marguerite Bilodeau, Mr. & Mrs. George Tedino. Mr. & Mrs. Charles Calkins, Mr. & Mrs. Roger Tetreault, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Rozak, Mr. & Mrs. Donald Baker.
North Attleboro SACRED HEART
$100 A friend
$75 Mr. & Mrs. Peter Tatarian
$40 Mr. & Mrs. Norman Achin
$36 Mr. & Mrs. Norman Cloutier $35 .Donald Clow $30
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Guertin Mr. & Mrs. Roger Pinsonnault Mrs. Philippe Rainville Mr. & Mrs. Leo Meunier
$26 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph.. Jette
$25 A Friend, M. Jeannette Achin, Mrs. George Boule, Mr. & Mrs. Aldeas Brais, Mr. & Mrs. Roland Dubuc Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Marchand, Mr. & Mrs. Leo Piette, Mr. & Mrs. Rene Pinsonnault, Florence Rainville, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Ringuette Mrs. Arthur Roy, Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Pearson ST. MARY
$1000 Mr. & Mrs. John Smith
$600 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Wright
$250 Nelson Gulski
$200 Mary & Margaret Kinton Mr. & Mrs. Howard Morse Mrs. Leon Pini St. Vincent de Paul Society
$100 Rev. Cornelius J. Keliher John Bevilaqua Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Byrnes Mr. & Mrs. James Coogan Francis E. & Margaret M. Curtis Mr. & Mrs. Louis Donley Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Linfield Mr. & Mrs. Charles P. O'Malley Robert Wessman
$60 Mr. & Mrs. John J. Brennan
$50 Mr. & Mrs. Austen Butler Mr. & Mrs. Leo Cloutier Mrs. Julie Hammond Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Kelley Mr. & Mrs. Francis Murphy Marjorie Shea
$35 Dr. & Mrs. Domenic Basile Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Burda & Family Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Donnelly
$30 Cecile Brais Joseph Petrone Mr. & Mrs. James Rhilinger Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Thorpe
$25 Mr. & Mrs. Fred But,terworth, Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Cavanaugh, Mr. & Mrs. John Collins, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Feeney, William Fournier Mr. & Mrs. William Flynn, Mr. & Mrs. Paul Hinski, Mr. & Mrs. Edward McCrory, Mr. & Mrs. Francis McNally, Mr. & Mrs. Leo Meomartino Mr. & Mrs. John Mushey, Anthony Nadeem, Mrs. Helen Peezynski, Elmer Ralston, Mr. & zynski, Mrs. Elmer Ralston, Mr. & Mrs. Dorily Sarazin Irene F. Smith, Mr. & Mrj. W. Szewczykowski, Mr. & Mrs. George Vandal, Mr. & Mrs. John Wisniewski
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. May 6, 1976
Mansfield ST. MARY
$350 Rev. John T. Higgins
$200 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Currivan
$150 The Darmedy Family $100 Mary & Alice Donoghue Rev. Philip A. Davignon , $60 Mr. & Mrs. Peter Farnam $50
Dr. & Mrs. Philip Sibilia Arthur Dupree Mr. & Mrs. Clifford Titus Mr. Mrs. Thomas P. Haven
$40 Mr. & Mrs. Edmund Tierney Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Jackson
$35 Mr. & Mrs. Brad. Dauphinee $30 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Murphy Mr. & Mrs. Keneth E. Loerwald Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Poirier Helen Burns $25 Mrs. Margaret Jordan, Mr. & Mrs. James Vaughan Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Driscoll, Mr. & Mrs. Paul Westlund, Mary Lennon Mrs. Irene Barrows, Mr. & Mrs. William Rose, Mr. & Mrs. Bart Jackson, Mr. & Mrs. Harry Downing, Mr. & Mrs. Bernard O'Malley Rose Servais, Gerard Kelley, Mr. & Mrs. P. DeGIrolamo, Clarence Leonard, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Taylor Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Kane, Mr. & Mrs. John Houghton, Mr. & Douglas Titus, Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Sarro, Mr. & Mrs. James Hindman Mr. & Mrs. J. Baroncelli, Mr. & Mrs. A. DelGrosso, Mr. & Mrs. James Roach, Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Conroy, Mr. & Mrs. John King Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Stratton, J. McAllister, Mr. & Mrs. J.S. Kelley, Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Donegan, Mr. & Mrs. P. Genatossio Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Graney, . Mr. & Mrs. Frank Farinella, Mr. & Mrs. William Sullivan, Margaret Mahoney, Mr. & Mrs. M. Placido Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Souza, Mrs. Emma Pascucci, Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert Silva, Mr. & Mrs. Russell Luby, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Sherman
$350 Rev. William J. Shovelton
$200 Mt. Carmel Holy Name Society Mt. Carmel Women's Guild
$150 Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Rose
$125 Mrs. Louise Oakland
$100 Rev. George E. Harrison Teresa C. Quattrucci Mr. & Mrs. Henry Foley Mr. & Mrs. Fritz Ulmschneider Mr. & Mrs. Edward McCrystal $85 John Hendricks $65 Mr. &, Mrs. Ralph Turner $60 . Dr. & Mrs. Dominick Indindoli
$50 Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr.
& Mrs. John T. Kelleher & Mrs. Alfred Quattrucci & Mrs. Raymond Corrigan & Mrs. Jose O. Doro
& Mrs. Cosmo Mirando & Mrs. Louis Dupere
$40 Mr. & Mrs. Frank Gamboa Mr. & Mrs. Robert Shiffman, Jr.
$35 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Kusiak Mr. & Mrs. Philip B. Toole Antonio Ribeiro, Jr. Mrs. Martha Mitchell Mr. & Mrs. Edwin W. Arnold Mr & Mrs Anthony Hendricks
$30 Mr. & Mrs. John Mulvey Mr. & Mrs. Robert Penacho Helen E. Browning
$25 Mr. & Mrs. Leo Rene, Mrs. Dolores Grant, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond F. Silva, Mrs. Robert Eva, Mr. & Mrs. Leslie Kempke. Palmeda Amaral, Mr. & Mrs. James Drapeau, Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Leiter, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Leavitt, David Champagne. Roger Sullivan, Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Lima, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Noelte, Mrs. Marilyn Charest, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Anthony. Irene Anthony, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Hannon, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Walter Gerula, Joseph Medeiros, Jr., Mr. & Mrs. William Quirk. Mr. & Mrs. Maurice Hurley, Mr. & Mrs. Stephen McCarron, Mr. & Mrs. James Lovely, Mrs. Louise Fallon, Emily Medeiros. Angela Medeiros, Mary DeSilva, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Santos, Mary Souza, Mr. & Mrs. Howard J. MacRae. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph L. Rose, Mr. & Mrs. John Petraitis, Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Pindati, Lester Keim, Mr & Mrs George McGee. Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Pestana. Mr. & Mrs. VLctor Couto, Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Frattaruolo, Mr. & Mrs. Michael Durkay, Mr. & Mrs. Harvey A. Mace. Mr. & Mrs. John P. Searles, Mr. & Mrs. Henry Bilodeau, Mr. & Mrs. George Vergilis, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Sloane, Mr. & Mrs. Leroy B. Simmons, Mr. & Mrs. Stanley F. Young, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Kaveny Mr. & Mrs. Robert Stellmack, William B. McAuliffe, Mrs. Alfred Canham. Mrs. Anna Propatier, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond O'Neill, Joseph Amaral, Mr. & Mrs. John Ghiorse, Mr. & Mrs. John B. Carney. Mr. & Mrs. Americus Macedo, Mrs. Samuel Campbell, Mr. & Mrs. Donald Bosworth, Mr. & Mrs. John Raposa, Mr. & Mrs. John F. Melia. Mr. & Mrs. Robert Tobiasz, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Capuano, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Rebola, Mr. & Mrs. Paul Micheletti, Jr.
Cape & Islands Area Oak Bluffs SACRED HEART $50
Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Metell A Friend
$35 Mr. & Mrs. James Cleary
$25 Mrs. Annette Knight, A Friend, A Friend Turn to Page Four
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. May 6, 1976
Cape Cod
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Grady Mr. & Mrs. Albert Leonard
Continued from Page Three
Buzzards Bay ST. MARGARET
$500 Rev. John G. Carroll
Mr. & Mrs. John F. Adams Mrs. Rbt. Brown & Gertrude I. Kelly Mr. & Mrs. Charles Haynes Mr. & Mrs. Ravmond Knispel
Mr. & Mrs. Lee Bourgoin
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Sweeney Mr. & Mrs. John Gray Jr. Mrs. Flora C. Bums Mr. & Mrs. John Riha Mr. & Mrs. John Silva Bretha Lawson
$50 Anonymous Anonymous Mrs. James Cassidy Margaret Cassidy Mr. & Mrs. Anthony M. Ghelfi Eileene M. Finnell Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Inness
$40 Mr. & Mrs. William McCoy
$35 Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Dechene Mr. & Mrs. Fred McComiskey Mr. & Mrs. John J. O'Connell Mrs. Dorothy Pina $30 Mr. & Mrs. August Cristofori . Mr. & Mrs. Frank Lopes Mr. & Mrs. Richard Dobbins Mr. & Mrs. Carl C. Harrington Victor E. Lindblom
$40 Mr. & Mrs. Louis Tessier, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John R. Martin Mr. & Mrs. John Osborne
Mr. Charles Ehman Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Earl Reynolds, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Wenzel, Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Perry, In memory of Thomas A. Dodd Mrs. Romeo Verrier, Mr. & Mrs. Harry McCarthy, Mr. & Mrs. Andrew McGonagle, Mr. & Mrs. John Stowe, Mr. & Mrs. Leo A. Gagnon Mrs. Gerald E. Fodley Sr., Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Mihalovich, Mr. & Mrs. August Lopes, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Ellis, Mr. A. Clayson Tucy Mr. & Mrs. Donald McCormack, Mrs. Georgina Li!"s, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Kolbert, Mrs. Martha Monaghan, Mr. & Mrs. John Bourne Mr. & Mrs. John McNamara, Mr. & Mrs. Francis Samson, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Gaudet, Mr. & Mrs. Louis Houdelette, Mary McDevitt Mrs. Armand Bedard, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas McGovern, Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Bums, Mrs. Anna Shea, Mr. & Mrs. Donald Degan Mr. & Mrs. Henri Coulombe, Mr. & Mrs. Peter Duffy, Mr. & Mrs. John Enos, Mr. & Mrs. Walter Eno, Mr. & Mrs. Keith Songer F. A. Neale, Mr. & Mrs. John McGillicuddy, Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Coughlin, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Ehmann,. Mr. & Mrs. Jack Duff Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Goulart, Mr. & Mrs. John Hickey, Mr. & Mrs. Henry Nickerson, Mr. & Mrs. Fidele Arsenault, Mr. George E. Garceau Mr. & Mrs. James B. McQuade, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Andrews, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph G. Lopes
Falmouth ST. PATRICK
$200 Rev. John V. Magnani
$176 Anonymous
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Lopes In Memory of John P. Sylvia, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Roland Barabe
$30 Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Bazycki Gertrude A. Carroll Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Dorsey Mr. & Mrs. John DeMello Mr. & Mrs. A. Kaspar Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Lopes Philip O'Brien Mrs. J. Arthur Powers Mr. & Mrs. Kp-nneth Smith
$60 Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Riley
$25 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Arnold, Mr, Mrs. Howard Battee, Mrs. Benjamin Bevelander, Mr. & Mrs. Walter Buguey, Howard Campbell Mr. & Mrs. John Conway, Mr. & Mrs. John F. Donovan, Mr. & Mrs. James DiSciullo, Mrs. Gerald Doherty, Mr. & Mrs. Paul Eident Gerald Flynn, Mr. & Mrs. John Fabry, Mr. & Mrs.' Anthony G. Glista, Mr. & Mrs. Myron J. Gaddis, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph F. X. Hill Mr. & Mrs. Paul Kelleher, Norman LaForest, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Maguire, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas L. Matthews, Jr., Dr. & Mrs. John T. O'Connell Mrs. Edward F. O'Brien, Mrs. Carl Paige, Mr. & Mrs. Donald Panaccione, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Paszek, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Perry Kathleen U. Pierce, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Pucci, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Rogers, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Stanton, Mrs.· Robert C. Swanson Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Tavares, Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Weeks, Jr., Mabel L. Waggett
$700 Rev. Msgr. William D. Thomson
$500 In Memory of Mary Rose Farrell
$200 Miss Mary M. Gregg
$125 Mr. & Mrs. Harry A. Varnum
$120 Mrs. John A. Rose
Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Paul A. Champagne Anne and A. E. Clancy Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Kinchla Mrs. Patrick McDonnell Mr. & Mrs. Allan F. Ryan Mr. & Mrs. Edward C. Weil, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. McCarty Mr. & Mrs. Paul Donahue Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Golden Mrs. Arthur Fisher In Memory of John P. & Lillian E. Shea Mr. & Mrs. William Conlon
$80 Mr. & Mrs. Earle C. Fratus
Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Ryan Edward L. Bennett Mrs. Candace W. Flaherty Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Francisco Mrs. Tovio Anderson Mr. & Mrs. Joseph H. Martin Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas P. Karukas Mrs. Margaret McCarthy Miss Helen B. Sullivan Frank Conery Miss Irene E. Shea Miss Mary G. Shea Miss Ella McVay Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Fournier Mr. & Mrs. William Naylor, Jr. Mrs. William L. Fitzgerald Mr. & Mrs. Cosmo Montagna Miss'Margaret Moran
Miss Mary Jacobs, Mr. & Mrs. Adolphe Q. Richards, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Gelinas, Richard Cressy, William H. Madden John R. McGowan, Mr. & Mrs. Archibald J. Hayes, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Rutherford, Mr. & Mrs. Wesley E. Bennett, Mr. & Mrs. Lucien P. Poyant, Jr. Miss Mary G. Marnell, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph F. McManus, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Marshall, Mr. & Mrs. Donald Kane, Mr. & Mrs. Asa Stanley Miss Mabel H. Major, Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Murphy, Mr. & Mrs. James M. Murray, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Gemme, Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Harry Sylvester Mr. & Mrs. Marshall Field, Arthur J. Poirier, Mrs. Bridie O'Keefe, Mr. & Mrs. John Rosario
Mr. & Mrs. Edmund Daly
Mrs. Margaret Raymond Mr. & Mrs. Michael Gilligan Mr. & Mrs. Dennis F. Kane Miss Eleanore Resmini & Mrs. Eva Chace Mr. & Mrs. Edmond W. Dery Robert H. Jameson Mr. & Mrs. Frank J. Dolan
$35 Mr. & Mrs. William R. Tobin In Memory of Anthony Perry Mr. & Mrs. William F. Pillion Mrs. Richard P. Hallett Mr. & Mrs. Bernard E. Lagoy Mr. & Mrs. John J. Barrows Elmer W. Nixon
$33 Mr. & Mrs. John F. Keveney
$30 Mr. & Mrs. Gerald H1wes Mr. & Mrs. John J. Mitchell Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Kenneally Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Holmes Mr. & Mrs. J. Craig Medeiros Mr. & Mrs. John D. Sheehan Mr. & Mrs. John F. Murray Mrs. Marion Lewis Mr. & Mrs. Virgil Casey
$25 Miss Elizabeth Brassil, Mr. & Mrs. Victor Enright, Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Theodore R. Kehoe, Robert L. VanderLoop, Mr. & Mrs. Normand C. Nault William Clarkin, Mr. & Mrs. Roger E. Brown, Mr. & Mrs. John Flaherty, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Cairns, Jr., Miss Marion Bennett Mr. & Mrs. Albert Trocchi, Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Thornton, Mr. & Mrs. Howard F. Sweet, Mrs. Eleanor H. Galligan, Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Cannon Mr. & Mrs. Clifford B. White, Mr. & Mrs. Donald H. Chase, Mr. & Mrs. William Smith, Miss Harriet D. Butler, Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Constant Mrs. Louise Bacon, Mr. & Mrs. Edward D. Lariviere, Mr. & Mrs. Matthew J. McCarthy, Mrs. Bernard Aiken, Mr. & Mrs. T. Nelson Foran Mr. & Mrs. Arthur W. Snow, Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Powers, Mrs. Florence I. Lysaght, Mr. & Mrs. Louis Santos, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel J. Coute Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth T. Daly, Mr. & Mrs. John Kniley, Miss Alice P. Connell, Mrs. Clair O'Riordan, Mr. & Mrs. William E. McTague Mrs. Esther Murchison, Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Kelley, Mr. & Mrs. Zygmund Karolczak, Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. Hurley, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas C. McGarry Mr. & Mrs. Cedric T. Sears, Miss Lillian J. Senteio, Augustine F. Nolan, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur F. Maddison, Mr. & Mrs. William J. Flanagan
$400 Rev. Msgr. Lester L. Hull
$200 In Memory of Helen Hull, Julia Ayers, and Alice Deacon
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Haley
$60 Cdr. John J. Dooley
$50 Mr. & Mrs. John Mendonca Mr. & Mrs. Harold Ryder Jr.
$45 Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Murphy $40 Marwell Deacon
·$35 Mrs. Ralph S.iolund Mr. & Mrs. Jack Ramos
$30 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Cody Mr. & Mrs. Edward Strojny Jr. Kenneth Holdgate Jr. Margaret Pope
$25 Mr. & Mrs. Albert Lavoie, Mrs. Lester Simmons, Mr. & Mrs. Francis Santos, Mr. & Mrs. John Santos, Herman Lehman Mr. & Mrs. Albert Brock, Mr. & Mrs. Howard Laundry, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Flanagan, Earl Mayo, Robert F. Mooney Mr. & Mrs. Charles McAuley, Ethel Dunham, Josephine Deacon, Mr. & Mrs. Albert Fee, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Stackpole
South Yarmouth ST. PIUS TENTH
$500 Rev. Msgr. Henry T. Munroe
$180 Dorothy A. Black
$130 John F. Coyle
$120 Mrs. Malcolm Slayter
$100 Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Martin Geraghty Mr. and Mrs. David Hautanen Mrs. Joseph F. Mitlhell Mr. and Mrs. William J. O'Brien Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Rigby Mrs. William T. Smith'
$75 Mr. and Mrs. Francis Conroy Mr. and Mrs. Rayonmd Ludden . Mrs. L. W. Marchildon
$65 Mr. & Mrs. Jeremiah Herlihy
$60 Edith A. Black
$50 Mr. & Mrs. Leroy Baker Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Cammarano Mr. & Mrs. Francis Cooper Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Cox
Mr. Harry Doherty Mr. & Mrs. Charles Eager
$50 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph D. Evers Mary G. Hamilton Edward Hayes James Healy Mr. & Mrs. Clarence F. King Albert Markens Marjorie E. McCready Anne McGivney Mr. & Mrs. William T. Moynihan Mrs. Dennis O'Connor Mr. & Mrs. Edward F. O'Neil Jr. Mr. & Mrs. F. W. Quinn Mrs. Rita Swenson Alice Gabrielle Thorn
$40 Henry J. Healey Mr. & Mrs. John M. Osterman $36 Mr. & Mrs. Carmen Porazzo
$35 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Grady Oscar Jolly Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Walsh
$30 Cdr. & Mrs. Geo. Flannagan Mr & Mrs. David E. Gallagher Mr. & Mrs. John E. Hines The Lanigan Family Mr. & Mrs. Richard Terrio
$25 Mrs. James F. Brennan, Mr. & Mrs. R. Bronske, Mr. & Mrs. James B. Coffey, Mrs. Joseph E. Colgan, Mr. & Mrs. Raoul Comeau. Ann Conley, Maj. Ret. Mgt. J. Conley, Mr. & Mrs. J. Cunningham, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Curley, Mrs.' Arthur Dahill. Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Donlan, Beatrice Duffy, Marie Duffy, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Eaton, Mr. & Mrs. Donald Fanning. Mrs: Gladys Finley, Mr. & Mrs. John Gallagher, Mr. & Mrs. Norris Gladding, Dr. & Mrs. Arthur J. Gorman, Mr. & Mrs. William Griffith. Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Guarino, Mrs. Joseph Haddad, Mr. Phillip J. Hart, Mrs. Florence Hatch, Mr. & Mrs. Daniel L. Healy. MrS. Thomas Hennessey, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph H. Jasper, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Keeje, Mr. & Mrs. John J. J{elly, Mr. & Mrs. James H. Kennedy. Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Kenney, Mr. & Mrs. Ferdinand F. Killiam, Mrs. Gert M. Kjellberg, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Knox, Mr. & Mrs. Leo MacIver. Mr. & • Mrs. Thomas P. McDonough Mr & Mrs Raymond L. McGrane, Mr. & Mrs. George Magurn, Mr. & Mrs. James Mahon,' Mrs. Debera Maloney. Mr. & Mrs. Sylvester Maloney, Mr. & Mrs. John Manwaring, Mr. & Mrs. William Marnell, Mary J. Moriarty, Mr. & Mrs. A. C. HispeI. Mr. & Mrs. Arthur E. O'Leary, Mr. & Mrs. Richard O'Neill, Mr. & Mrs. Henry Paquin, Mr. & Mrs. David Pearson, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Perry. Mrs. Alvah E. Perterson, Grace Reilly, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Robinson, Mr. & Mrs. William Robinson, Mr. & Mrs. J. Ruban. Mrs. Dorothy Schoonmaker, Mr. & Mrs. Donald Sheehan, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Streile, Barbara Sullivan, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Sullivan. Mrs. Eveline Sullivan, Mr. & Mrs. John Sullivan, Mrs. Lawrence P. Sullivan, Mr. & Mrs. George Talbot, Anne Tighe. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Traverse, Mrs. Paul T. Weber, Gertrude F. Whelan, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Whitehead, Mr. & Mrs. Walter E. Wright.
Cape Cod Continued from Page Four
$500 Rev. William J. McMahon $100 Capt. William J. Norris Friend James Clancy Mrs. John F. Barrett $51,) A friend William Durgin A friend $40 Charles Connors $35 Jane Keenan Roger W. Rioux David Bessom $30
A friend Donald Walwer A friend $27 John F. McWilliams Jr. $25 Helen Carron, Maurice Gauthier, A friend, Theresa Columhan, Charles Kenny Edward Bessom, Dominic Creonte, Wilfred Trahan, Earle Caswell, Henry Wiatrowski Rhinehart Jensen, A friend, Donald Palmer, Vito Civita, Bruce Hammett 路William Crowley, James Jones, Keith E. Staples, Joseph Hertig, A friend Mildred Crowley, .. Michael Kane, James Downing, William Hazelton
$1500 St. Mary's Cathedral Bingo $250 Rev. John J. Oliveira $150 Margaret Lahey $100 Rev. Barry W. Wall Major Kathleen Dean Ruth Hurley Helen Joy $75 Mary T. Hurley Catherine Lynch Gertrude & Eileen A. Sullivan $65 Rose Dowling $55 Jane Haran Mrs. William F. Hurll $50 Mr. & Mrs. Edward Betty & Family In Memory of Charles & Eliza Connors Mr. & Mrs. John McGinn Joseph Magriby $40 Alice K. Bailey Mr. & Mrs. Michael Hayes & Family Mrs. Jane Nodine Mr. & Mrs. James A. Robinson, Jr. $37 Margaret Riley Rose Riley $35 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph O'Connell $33 Anegla Cyr $30 Elizabeth M. Hall Daniel Shea Mr. & Mrs. Leo A. Martin & Family
$25 Mary Arruda, Kathryn Dailey, Diskin, Mrs. Margaret G. Catherine Gauthier, In Memory of Mr. & Mrs. Jeremiah Grondin. Mr & Mrs William A. Johnson, Margaret Kennedy, Mrs. Michael McConnon & Barbara Nikinas, Francis A. Moran. Mr. & Mrs. Francis J. ONeil, Louise V. Ponton, Deborah Quental, Eleanor Shea, Thomas Sullivan. Mr. & Mrs. Roger Vezina, Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert Willette, Richard, Sullivan. ESPIRITO SANTO
$100 A Friend
$50 Mr. & Mrs. Jaime Pavao Mr. & Mrs. Roger Toni $25 Mr. & Mrs. John Raposo NOTRE DAME
$500 Rev. Msgr. Alfred J. Gendreau $177.60 In the Spirit of 1776 A Friend $100 Rev.. Thomas E. Morrissey Rev. Raymond Robida, M. S. Mr. & Mrs. Roger LaBonte Mr. & Mrs. Henry Ouellette $75 Cecile lI4asse $40 Emelia Larocque Mr. & Mrs. Armand Dallaire $35 Mr. &. Mrs. Roger Berard Mr. & Mrs. Roger Berard Mr. & Mrs. Paul Dumais Jeannette & Medora Dupuis Romeo Levesque Mr. & Mrs. Robert Phenix Mr. & Mrs. Armand Raiche $30 Helena Chase $26 Raymond J. Thibault & family $25 . Mr. & Mrs. Leopold Baraby Gerard Berger, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Chouinard, Mrs. Adrien Cote, Remi Couture. Mr. & Mrs. Roger Fournier, Eugene Hubert, Mr. & Mrs. Umberto Latessa, Albert Levesque, Pauline & Gertrude Lussier. Wilfred Menard, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph路 A. Moquin, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond A. Morrissette, Mrs. Normand Ouimet, Mr. & Mrs. Normand Paul. Mrs. Laetitia Petit, Wilfrid Petit, Wilfrid Poirier, Mr. & Mrs. Roger Richard. OUR LADY OF THE ANGELS
$600 Rev. Msgr. Anthony M. Gomes $500 First Holy Communion Class $250 St. Vincent de Paul Society $225 Rev. Joseph M. Ferreira $200 Holy Name Society George Tonelli $100 Council of Catholic Women Holy Rosary Sodality $60 Joseph Mello $50 Mary & Pat Cabral Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Rego Mello Family $45 Tobias Monte
Alfred Coray John Pacheco $36 Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Mello $35 Knights of the Altar John Wheadon Joseph Theodore $30 Richard Couto Virginia Freitas & Son Ms. Mary Raposa David Rogers John M. Arruda Ms. Leonora Mello Gerald Cardelli Furtado Family , $26 Children of Mary Sodality $25 Kenneth Carrier, Herman Botelho, Lionel Botelho, Victor Santos Sr., Carl Frederick Arthur Furtado, Mr. & Mrs. Julius Rodriques, In Memory of Francis J. Candeias, In Memory of Mary Dumont, Manuel Aguiar John Tenchara, Arthur Silvia, The Misses Emma & Adeline Arruda, James Arruda Antone Michaels, John Moniz, Holy Ghost Portuguese Social Club Inc., Ms. Kathleen Medeiros, Manuel Medeiros Joseph Silvia, Alfred Almeida, Americo Miranda, Mary Machado, William Rego Jr. William Rego Sr., Rosalie Burton, Natalie Martin, Manuel Medeiros, Carlos Dionizio ' Antone Medeiros, Manuel Correira, Lionel Rodriques, Manuel T. Silvia Jr., Jesse Barreira Jo~e;Jh Braga Sr., John J. Souza, Robert Correira, James Noone, Manuel Apolinario August Ricardo, Manuel Viveiros, Mr. & Mrs. Francisco A. Maurisso, Augustine, Dagmar & George Pontes, John Correia John Medeiros Jr.
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. May 6, 1976 $65
Harry J. Kitchen $52 A Friend $50 Mr. & Mrs. Lucien Bedard In Memory of Everett Lafleur George Gaspar Mrs. James Hennessy $30 Mr. & Mrs. Leo Conroy Mr. & Mrs. Mario Lacava Mrs. Thomas F. Heaney, Sr. and Thomas F. Heaney, Jr. Mrs. Clarence P. Sullivan Grace Walsh Mary Whitehead $26 Mr. & Mrs. James Bentley $25 John Albernaz, Claire Amiot, Bertha Ashworth, George Charbonneau, Margaret L. Dugan. Mr. & Mrs. Stephen E. Guinen, Thomas King, Fred J. McNally, William Murphy, George Quigley. Mr. & Mrs. William Slater, Clare Sullivan, Jane H. Sullivan. SACRED HEART
$350 Rev. Daniel A. Gamache $150 A friend $100 Rene Jasmed $75 Albert Ouellette $50 St. Jean-Baptiste Women's Guild $35 William N. Guilmette $30 Ovila Caron Eugene Gagnon Anita Guimond Donald Vezina $29 Orner Harrison $~5
Louise R. Bouchard, Manuel Correa, Ronald Cote, Arthur Desbiens, Doris Dubreuil. Lionel Dupont, John Enos, Arthur Gauthier, Donat Lapointe, Lucien Laroche. Maurice Milot, Leonidas Moreau, Philias OUellette, John S. Perry, Norman Perry. Raymond Picard, Herve Armand Thiboutot, Arthur Vidal
$300 Daniel T. Harrington, M.D. ST. JOSEPH $100 . $400 Adelaide C. Trainor Rev. Paul F. McCarrick Elizabeth M. Trainor $225 Mr. & Mrs. Dennis C. Hurley The Misses Alma, Bernadette, Mr. & Mrs. John J. Harrington Valerie Foley Alice C & Mary V Harrington $200 Margaret R. Sullivan In Memory of Mary L. Leonard J. Hughes Harrington Sacred Heart Conference, Judge Beatrice H. Mullaney St. Vincent de Paul $80 In Memory of Deceased Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Cayton Benefactors $70 Sacred Heart Conference Mrs. Leroy Borden St. Vincent de Paul $50 $65 Frances Brough In Memory of Mary C. Dowd Eunice Dion $60 Julia Mahoney Mr. & Mrs. Edmund Mitchell Mary Whittaker $50 OUR LADY OF THE $30 Mr. & Mrs. Arthur McCann HOLY ROSARY Joseph D. Harrington Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Sa $250 Mr. & Mrs. John Kiley David Creamer Rev. Vincent F. Diaferio Helen McAvoy Walter H. White Eileen Murphy Margaret M. Dunn 路$295 Louise Murphy Thomas D & Margaret F. Jerry Zide Mr. & Mrs. William Nugent Tolan $200 James V. Perkins Jane G. Broderick Rev. Msgr. Joseph R. Pannoi Mildred Powers Mildred G & Gerald I $100 $25 Harrington In Memory of Vincenzo Mr. & Mrs. Leo J. Caine, Constance R. Lynch Maddaleno Joseph L. Campbell, Thomas $35 Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Toomey Corey, Edward Daley, Ann G. Catherine I. Trainor $50 Doyle. Dorothy McLachlan Dr. & Mrs. John Gagliardi Mr. & Mrs. Daniel R. Foley, $30 Michael S. Saulino $30 Mr. & Mrs. James R. Mitchell Honora Foley, Robert Gagnon, William Gaudreau, Peter Mr. & Mrs. Charles P. Carey Margaret Maynard Madeleine & Evelynn Curtiss Hodnett. Mr. & Mrs. George Rhoads Alfred Jones, Mr. & Mrs. In Memory of John & Lucy In Memory of Charles and John Lynch, Joseph Macek, Mr. Mary Curtiss and Daughter Sarti . & Mrs. Hugh J. Maguire, John Ethel Mrs. Pileria Ventura Mahoney, Mr. & Mrs. Cyril $25 $25 Holy Rosary CYO, Mr. & Mrs. Williard R. Piper, Letitia A. Marcille. Joseph Boyer, Edith S. Flanagan, Lynch, Mr. & Mrs. Robert . Hillard Nagle, Agnes O'Brien, Margaret O'Gara, Mrs. Delphis Mr. & Mrs. Henry Maddaleno, Partington, Margaret F. Rioux, Mary Rose Sullivan. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. McNally. Lenaghan, Helen Kennedy. Mr. & Mrs. Dale F. Tommer, Mr. & rs. Anthony Pannoni, Ellen Nugent . . . In memory Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Alphonse Saulino & of Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. Family, The Sasso Family, Rose Nugent Sr., Mr. & Mrs. George ST. MICHAEL Sisca. McCoomb, Mrs. John L. Morgan, $700 Chester Gosciminski, Margaret IMMACULATE CONCEPTION Rev. Joseph Oliveira Desmond. $200 Mrs. Anne T. Bishop, Manuel $350 Dr. & Mrs. Gilbert Vincent Rev. Msgr. Arthur W. Tansey S. Crovello, Mrs. Thomas F. $100 McCabe in memory of Thomas $250 Miss Evelyn Almeida Immaculate Conception F. McCabe Sr. & Thomas F. McAnonmous Conference St. Vincent De Paul Cabe Jr., The Grace Family, Miss Mary T. Carvalho Catherine F. & Ellen L. $133 Mr. & Mrs. Richard Roderick Coughlin. William J. Dugan $75 Regina M. Higgins, M. Doris $125 Mr. & Mrs. Manuel S. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas W. Doyle Sullivan, Mr. &. Mrs. Abel Marceline, Robert路 Carey, Mary Medeiros $76 Tum to Page Six Finucane. Mrs. Thomas Fleming
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. May 6, 1976 SS. PETER & PAUL
Fall River
Rev. Msgr. Patrick O'Neill
Continued from Page Five Mr. & Mrs. Joao Aguiar $65 Mr. & Mrs. Antone Souza
$60 Anonymous Miss Beatrice Capeto
$55 Miss Cecilia Oliveira
$50 Miss Belmira Tavares Dr. & Mrs. Joseph Carvalho Mr. & Mrs. Silvino Estrela $40 Mr. & Mrs. Jose Arruda $35 Mr. & Mrs. Angelo Stavros
Mr. & Mrs. Antonio Goncalo & Family Mr. & Mrs. Noel Medeiros Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert Mello
$25 Anonymous, Mr. & Mrs. Belisario A. Almeida, Irene Cabeceiras, Mr. & Mrs. Albert Capeto, Mr. & Mrs. Dennis M. Cardoza. Mrs. Mary Castanho, In memory of Edward R.. Costa, Annonymous, Mrs. Mary Gonsalves & Family, Mr. Manuel Latway. Mr. & Mrs. Francis Lennon, Mr. & Mrs. Antone Mello, Anonymous, Mr. & Mrs. Alvin S. Rego, Mr. & Mrs. Edwin S. Rego. Mr. & Mrs. -Leo Schenck, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Simbro, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Sousa, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Torres, Anonymous In memory of James C. Viveiros.
$125 In memory of Rev. Francis M. Coady
$100 SS. Peter & Paul Women's Club In memory of J. Edward Glynn Mr. & Mrs. John O'Connor Mr. & Mrs. Edward Tyrrell William J. & Helen M. Lowney Mildred Shannon
$107 In memory of Mae Cowell & David Miller, Jr.
$50 Mrs. J. Edward Glynn Helen C. S. Lynch $45 Mr. & Mrs. Edward Kelley
$35 Mr. & Mrs. Frank Sullivan John Tyrrell
$30 Sweeney Family Mary Cuuingham
$27 Mr. & Mrs. Fred Dolan
Mrs. Nicholas Tyrrell, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Farren, Mr. & Mrs. James Donnelly, John Dolan, Mr. & Mrs. William Hvland. Mrs. John Alves, Willistm & Eileen Farren & Mary Cushman, I Catherine A. Lynch, Daniel Lynch, Mrs. Eva Lawlor. Mrs. James E. Rogers, Mr. & Mrs. Pasquale DiMartino, Vincent Di Martino, Kathleen Gagne, In Memorv of Lawrence E. Lynch, Louise Tyrell. Mr. & Mrs. John Wilding, Mr. & Mrs. Edmond Audette, Mrs. Deborah Harding, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Polak, Mr. & Mrs. Edward' Kaminski. ST. PATRICK Mrs. William Heffernan, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Stankiewicz, Mrs. $125 In memory of Rev. Francis M. Jerome Foley, M~. Agnes .Olding, Janet A. Dupont. Coady
$50 '-
In memory of John Bevilacqua Joseph Crofton Alida Hart lVlanuel Sears In memory of James E. Shea Mr. & Mrs. Henry Urban $48
Mr. & Mrs. William Rys
$35 Mary E. Kilroy Mrs. Eugene LeClair Mr. & Mrs. Robert Regan
$30 Mr. & Mrs. Ted Darcy Family Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Moreira Annie & Caroline Wilcox
$27 In memory of Manuel and David Rosa
$380 Anonymous
$300 Rev. Lucien Jusseaume
$100 Rev. Raymond P. Monty Mr. & Mrs. Roger Valcourt
$75 Mr. & Mrs. Romain Saulnier $30
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Levitre Mr. & Mrs. Paul Pineau!t
$25 Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Dupras, Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Oliveira, Mr. & Mrs. William Snyder & Daughter.
$25 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Biszko, Leonard Bolger, Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Cabucio, Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Connors, Mrs. Lawrence Corrigan. Mr. & Mrs. Martin Delahanty, Margaret Donnelly, Mr.. & Mrs. Ralph Fletcher, Ann Gavigan, Mrs. Elizabeth Kennedy. Abbie Kilroy, Mr. & Mrs. Michael Kuszay, Maureen Laforest, Mr. & Mrs. William P. Lynch, Mr. & Mrs. Michael McCarthy. Mr. & Mrs. William McHugh, The Pizio Family, Mr. & Mrs. Francis E. Powell Sr., Mr. & Mrs. John Rodrigues, Sarah Spellman. Woodrow Tracy. Mr. & Mrs. Horace Travassos.
$300 Rev. Robert S. Kaszynski
$125 Joan M. Desrosiers
$IlO Annonymous
$100 The Arch Confraternity of the Holy Rosary Sodality St. Stanislaus, St. Vincent de Paul Society.
$75 Mr. & Mrs. Henry Hawkins
$55 In memory of Paul & Frances Orzar
$52 Mr. & Mrs. Walter Deda
$40 In Memory of Margaret & John Connors Mr. & Mrs. James Hadad Mr. & Mrs. Louis F. Fayan Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert J. Nadeau Mr. & Mrs. Albert E. Mobouck
$400 Rev. Edmond R. Levesque
Mary Niewola
Rev. Ronald A. Tosti
$50 Mr. & Mrs. Adam Polak Aniela Kruczek Mr. & Mrs. Paul Klaege Walter Pypniowski
Giroux & Company Marguerite Picard
$35 Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Kulpa Mr. & Mrs. James Pollard Mr. & Mrs. Leo Lavoie
$35 Mr. & Mrs. Edward T. Sullivan
$50 Dr. & Mrs. Bernard Cronan Gamache Trucking, Inc. Mrs. Harold Ward
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Emond Mr. & Mrs. Edward Nowak
$30 Mr. & Mrs. George Pereira Mr. & Mrs. Henry Paruch Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Smith Mr. & Mrs. William Wolowiec Frederick Kudlacik Mary Kudlacik Mr. & Mrs. Charles Ouellette Mr. & Mrs. Robert Rioux Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Wojnar Mr. & Mrs. Richard Ernst
$27 Josephine Niewola Mr. & Mrs. Edward Paul Niewola
$28 Mr. & Mrs. Walter Stasiowski
$30 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Campbell Mrs. Henry J. Duffy Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Goslin
$25 Mr. & Mrs. Manuel R. Faria, Mr. & Mrs. William King, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Motta, Mr. & Mrs. Adrien D. Picard, Mr. & Mrs. Lionel Paquette Mr. & Mrs. Edward Raposo, Mr. & Mrs. John Tunney, Mr. & Mrs. William Wilson
Somerset ST. JOHN OF GOD
Mr. & Mrs. John Dopart, Mr. Mr. Lawrence Borge & Mrs. Robert Astle, Mrs. Anna .r St. John of God Women's Reid, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Guild Jancarik, St. Stanislaus Men's $100 Club. Judge Milton R. Silva Mr. & Mrs. Ernest" Edwards, $50 Mr. & Mrs. Thaddeus Chrupcala, Mr. F. V. Medeiros, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Amaral, Phoebe's Restaurant Walter J. J3,0ncka, Anonymous Mr. John Velo?,;o, Jr. Anonymous, Mr. & Mrs. Frank $35 Mis. Manuel Sousa
$200 Rev. Antonio C. Tavares
$125. In memory of Mr. and Mrs. Justino Simones
$100 Frank R. Perry
$80 Mr. & Mrs. John N. Brilliant
$50 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph V. Medeiros Mr. & Mrs. John B. Moniz, Jr. Maria Rosario Pacheco Mr. & Mrs. John F. Victor & Family
Joseph Antone Manuel Michael
$25 Dr. Jesse Baptista, Frank R. Borges, Jr., Joseph H. Camara, John Chellel, Louis Cordeiro Joseph O. Gagnon, Joseph Gouveia, Edward Machado, Raymond R. Machado, Manuel Moniz Monteiro Family, Nobrega's Market, Irene Pereira, John K. Perry, Arthur Provost Daniel Rapoza, Louis Rosa, Joseph Sequeira, Laureano Silva, Manuel B. Silvestre Alfred J. Souza, Joseph Souza, Jr., Zygmunt Ziobro
$30 Mr. & Mrs. Donald Hussey Atty & Mrs. Terrance J. lomax Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert Leonard The Shea Family Mr. & Mrs. William P. Malloy Mr. & Mrs. James Harrington Mrs. Gordon Schofield
$26 Mr. Ben J. Paskavitch
$25 Mr. & Mrs. Walter Pierce, Mr. William L. O'Brien, Mr. & Mrs. Ernest A. Mizher, Mr. & Mrs. Leo Langfield, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Kaylor Atty & Mrs. F. A. Rodrigues, Mr. & Mrs. Dale Rothwell, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph W. Duffy, Mrs. Mary Toomey Philipp, Mr. & Mrs. John Mullaly Mr. John J. Clorite, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph D. Iadicola, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. O'Connell, Mr. & Mrs. Edmund .F. Crowell, Miss Mary Skammels Mr. & Mrs. Luke Urban, Miss Jane M. Borden, Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Sieczkowski Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Joseph D. Hopkins, Mr. & Mrs. Cletus J. Monahan Mrs. Patricia Galligan, Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Medeiros, Mrs. James Pappas, Miss Florence M. Sullivan; Mr. & Mrs. Austin J. O'Toole Mr. Joseph M. Quinn, Mr. & Mrs. James McDonald, Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Alves, Sally A. Benson, Mrs. Charles McDermott Mr. Charles Smith, Mr. & Mrs. John J. Moynagh, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Kelley, In Memory of Edward F.' Welch, Mr. & Mrs. John W. King Mr. & Mrs. William E. White Sr., Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert Calara, Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Driscoll, Mr. & Mrs. William Croke, Mr. & Mrs. Francis Reis Mr. & Mrs. Leroy Leamed, Mr. & Mrs. Louis C. Medeiros, Mrs. Frank H. Johnson, Mr. & Mrs. James Crivaro
$35 Mr. & Mrs. Antone Sousa
Mr. & Mrs. Antonio Augusto Mr. & Mrs. George William Rogers Mr. & Mrs. Manuel J. Souza Mr. & Mrs. Irenieu C. Trindade Augustinho J. Viveiros
$25 Mr. & Mrs. Henry Archambault Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Cabral, Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Campos, Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Castanho, Mr. & Mrs. Helder Antonio Ferreira. . Mrs. Gertrude B. Graham, Alexandrina Pacheco, In memory of Mr. & Mrs. Frank Pacheco's Parents, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel P. Paiva, Mr & Mrs Joseph Raposo. Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Raposa, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Rego, Ronnie's Studio, In memory of Antonio L. Sampaio, Santo Christo Holy Name Society. Mrs. Anna Savitch, Alice Simas, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas V. Simmons, Anibal & Beatrice Souza, Mr. & Mrs. Edmund Souza. Mrs. Hilda Zitano, In memory of the Benevides & Resendes families.
In Memory of Joseph F. & Margaret M. Foley The Reverend Coady Trust
$600 Mr. & Mrs. Wilson W. Curtis
$125 Francis
$100 St. Thomas More Conference St. Vincent de Paul In Memory of Ernest E. Grenier Mr. & Mrs. William J. Gibney Mr. & Mrs. Vincent A. Coady A Friend Mr. & Mrs. Francis J. Silvia
$80 Mr. & Mrs. Francis Lussier
$50 Mr. & Mrs. Albert E. Shovelton Miss Mary Hart Miss Lillian C. Hart Atty & Mrs. Charles Hague Frederick J. Wilding Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Gauthier Mr. & Mrs. Henry J. McGowan George W. Hopkins Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Langfield Mr. & Mrs. John F. Kineavy The Daley Family Mr. & Mrs. James F. Nicoletti
$45 Mr. & Mrs. Earl Heron
$350 In Memory of Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Bums
$125 Mr. & Mrs. Harold K. Hudner Mr. & Mrs. Robert Laflamme
$100 M. Dolores Bums
$75 Mr. & Mrs. Russell B. Cochrane
$50 Mr. & Mrs. William R. Flynn Mona C. Kennedy Mrs. Donald L. MacDonald Mr. & Mrs. Andre G. Michaud In Memory of Mrs. Bernard Swales Mr. & Mrs. Raymond G. Thurston $40 Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Bryda
$35 Mr. & Mrs. Leonard E. Boardman Mr. & Mrs. Henry A. Harrison Mr. & Mrs. James J. Johnson Tum to Page Seven
Continued from Page Six
Mr. & Mrs. Edward S. McNerney Mr. & Mrs. John F. Sweeney Mr. & Mrs. Charles West
Rev. Walter A. Sullivan
$100 Katherine McMahon
$75 The Reilly Family
$50 .
Mrs. Ma~ M. Archambault and Mr. & Mrs. Larry Szczesny in Memory of Valmore J. Archambault Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Boisvert Mr. & Mrs. Louis Oste
Helen Brady Mr. & Mrs. Coy Folick Elizabeth Brady Mr, & Mrs. William MacLean
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Harrison
Mr. & Mrs. JosephF. Branco, Mr. & Mrs. John A. Brickhill, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Brilliant, Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Connors, Mr. & Mrs. Frank A. Cusick, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Junior C. Erickson, Mr. & Mrs. William S. Gray, Grace P: Holden, Mr. & Mrs. Normand R. Levesque, Mr. & Mrs. Jeremiah Luongo Mr. & Mrs. Donald F. McCaffrey, Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. McConnell, James J. McDermott Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. McDonald: Mr. & Mrs. Malcolm R. Melvin Mr. & Mrs. Leonard J. O'Neil Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. V. Parente' Mr. & Mrs. Ambrose Powers, Mr: & Mrs. Harold Senay, Mrs. Geor. gia S. Silvia Mrs. Elizabeth and Helen Sullivan, Mr. & Mrs. John J. Sullivan, Mr. & Mrs. Clarence R. Wamboldt, Mrs. Ernest L. Wood ST. LOUIS DE FRANCE
$350 Rev. Louis R. Boivin
$300 In Memory of Joseph F. Dufour In Memory of Lionel O. Paquette Mr. & Mrs. Emile Cote Mr. & Mrs. Armand Francoeur
$50 In Memory of Robert S. Murphy Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Richard Dufour Mr. & Mrs. Pierre Picard
$30 Daniel H. Berthiaume Mr. & Mrs. Armand Gauthier Arthur Cote Mrs. Robert Dufour Mr. & Mrs. George Levesque
$25 In Memory of Rev. Bernard Lavoie, Mr. & Mrs. Donald Levesque, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Hassey, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Casper, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Grimes Mr. & Mrs. William Kenney, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Van Gyzen, Mr. & Mrs. Roland Goddu, Mr. & Mrs. Francois Tremblay, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Plante Mr. & Mrs. Normand Turcotte, Mr. & Mrs. Francis McCurdy, Mr. & Mrs. William Bourassa & Daughter, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Levesque, Mrs. Charles Menard & Robert Paquette Mr. & Mrs. Normand Fortin Mr. & Mrs. Adelard Larue, Mr. Mrs. Omer A. Thibault, Mr. & Mrs. Owen Griffin, Mr. & Mrs. Jean Emond Mr. & Mrs. Elphege Blanchette, Mr. & Mrs. George Boule, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Belanger, Mrs. William Fletcher, Mr. & Mrs" Leo Rochefort Mr. & Mrs. Edgar Trudeau, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Duquette, Mr. & Mrs. Alphonse Mendoza
$35 Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Prairie
$350 Rev. Gerald T. Shovelton
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Dewey Mrs. Chester Dewhurst Mr. & Mrs. Francis Andrews
Dr. & Mrs. Maurice Lagace
$25 Ruth Brady, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Callahan, Mr. & Mrs. William Campbell, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Horgan, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Lane Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Ma?7.oleni, Mr. & Mrs. Robert McClellan, Mr. & Mrs. George A. Moito'?:a, Helen Murray, Mr. & Mrs. Edmond Nadeau Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Rebello, Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Roberts, Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Santos, Mrs. Claude Simmons, Eugene Sullivan r. & Mrs. Clinton Westgate Sr., Mr. & Mrs. Alan Hindle, Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Pigeon, Mr. & Mrs. Galen Rheaume, Mr. & Mrs. Francis Soitos Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Travers, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Whalen ST. MARY
$300 $100 Mr. & Mrs. E. J. Galvin
$75 Ester & Ethel Buckley
Rev. James F. Lyons
O'Hearne, Mr. T. Dorsey, J. Vacca, Armand Yelle Miss M. Fitzgerald, Dorothy & Marguerite McManus, Rita E. Magee, Mrs. Beatrice McCann, Mrs. E. O'Keefe Ruth McKenna, Susan McKenna, Winifred Laughlin, Alice McKenna, In memory of F. J. O'Boy L. Palazesi, Miss M. Murphy, D. B. Sullivan, F. Flynn, Mrs. F. P. McCabe
$60 R. J. Hill, Jr. $50 Miss J. Russell Mr. J. Wade Dennis Sullivan S. Tokarz Alice McCusker Mary McNamara Josephine McNamara E. Rice $40 Miss L. Duffy Mr. E. Duffy Mary Bird
$35 H. H. Galligan J. Reid T. Russell, Jr:
$30 J. Rihbany Mary McManus Mr. & Mrs. Edward Tokarz John Conners
$25 Clifford Lentz, Mrs. Mary Mahon, Mariorie Magee, J. E. McGovern, Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Mosley J. A. Tranter, Harold G. Overton, Ralph Buckley, Mrs. J. Corcoran, J. Corcoran Joseph Butler, Jr., Mrs. R. Drake, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Butler, Mr. & Mrs. Walter Parker, D. McSweeney . Miss P. McSweeney, Mr. & Mrs. James McMorrow, Dr. Howard B. Carroll, Dr. & Mrs. Charles Hoye, C. Caron J. Quinn, Mr. & Mrs. D. A. D~yle, E. O'Gara, Miss M. Hoye, MISS M. Claffy Mrs. W. Rayment, Mr. J.
$100 Dr. & Mrs. Edward D'Andrea In Memory of Dominic P. Cirino
$75 Mrs.Dorothy Walford
$50 Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr.
& Mrs. Thomas M. Ross & Mrs. Frank Bedford & Mrs. James Mulvey & Mrs. Almon Turner & Mrs. Richard Ouimet & Mrs. Rkhard Peotrowski
$40 Mr. & Mrs. James J. Hauck, Sr. Richard Souza
$35 Barbara O'Brien Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Bettencourt
$30 Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Fraga
$25 Mr. & Mrs. William Rod~ers, Mr. & Mrs. Richard White, Mr. & Mrs. Louis R. Cabana, Mr. & Mrs. GeorRe Boucher, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Maloof Mr. & Mrs. Paul Wynn, Mr. & Mrs. John Wenthworth. Reginald Cormier, Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Cutillo, Mr. & Mrs. John G. Manganaro Andrew Galligan, Mr. & Mrs. Edward R. Barry, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Smith, Mr. & Mrs. Elmer Sargent, Mr. & Mrs. Robert McCormack Mr. &: Mrs. Frank Cleary, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Gray, Walter O'Brien
New Bedford HOLY NAME
$1,000 'In Memory of Msgr. Leonard J. Daley
$500 Rev. John J. Murphy
$200 Rev. Thomas L. Rita
$150 Rev. Joseph McGrady, S.J.
$100 In Memory of Rev. James A Dury Lillian T. Cole Mary A. Cole
$55 Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Gunning
. $50 Mrs. Henry Carney Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Earley Mr. & Mrs. Eric Erickson Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Flanagan Mr. & Mrs. James Flanagan Joseph F. Foley Mr. & Mrs. Peter Giammalvo Mr. & Mrs. Salvatore Giammalvo $40 Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Joerres
$35 Mr. & Mrs. Martin P. Barry Mr. & Mrs. Charles Bramwell Mr. & Mrs. James Leith
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. May 6, 1976
$30 Mr. & Mrs. Walter路 Carter Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Cole Mr. & Mrs. John Flood Mr. & Mrs. John T. Mills Mrs. Thomas Poulos
$25 Joan M. Atchison, Mr. & Mrs. Arnold Avellar, Mr. & Mrs. Herman Bruce, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Bures, Mr. & Mrs. Emile Camandona Mr. & Mrs. Leo J. Cole, Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Conlan, John Considine, Michael Considine, Mr. & Mrs. James Dufficy Mr. & Mrs. Roland Dupere, Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Harney, Mr. & Mrs. James Harrington, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Joseph, C. Eileen Marshall Mr. & Mrs. Edward G. McBride, Mr. & Mrs. Paul M. McManus, Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert R. Medeiros, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel C. Mello, Joseph Mullarkey Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Gorczyca, Mrs. Lillian O. Guthrie, Mr. & Mrs. Louis Rose, Mr. & Mrs. Mitchell Seika, Mr. & Mrs. Clifford J. Snell In Memory of Adams and Whitmer Families, Mrs. Mary L. Wilson, Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Wilson MT. CARMEL
$500 Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Fernandes
$200 In Memory of Guilherme M. Luiz in the Spirit of '76
$150 Mr. & Mrs. Noe Ferro
$125 Mr. Manuel A. Gomes Mr. & Mrs. Arthur E. Hendricks
$100 Mrs. Maria C. Ferro Mr. & Mrs. Virgini Macedo In loving memory of Joseph & Agnes Soares Mr. Augustus Silva
$75 Mrs. Beatriz Lopes
$60 Mr. & Mrs. Jose R. Oliveira Mr. & Mrs. Duarte Manuel Raposo
$50 Miss Evelyn Hendricks Mr. & Mrs. Jose P. Mello Mr. & Mrs. George Mendonca Mr. & Mrs. John R. Perry Mr. & Mrs. Antonio Agostinho Santos Mr. & Mrs. Lauran Silva Mr. & Mrs. Donald J. Aspden Mr. & Mrs. Gabriel Moura In memory of Joseph Freitas Raul M. Pereira, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Antone B. Santos James Perry Mr. & Mrs. Manuel G. Souza, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Hemiterio Souza $40 Mr. & Mrs. John Pacheco Medeiros Mr. & Mrs. Serafim Mello Mr. & Mrs. Henrique Rouxinol Mr. & Mrs. Joao Tomasia
$35 Carolina Goulart Mr. & Mrs. Enos Lopes Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Rapoza, Jr. Juliet Lopes
$30 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Lewis Mr. & Mrs. Arthur A. Vasconcellos Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Almeida ' Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Caetano Mrs. Priscilla Melo
Mr. & Mrs. Humberto Rodrigues Mr. & Mrs. Richard Rogers, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Charles G. Souza Mr. & Mrs. Donald Cosme Mr. & Mrs. Jose S. Costa Mr. & Mrs. Victorino da Silva Mr. & Mrs. George M. Ferro Edward Joseph Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Medeiros Mr. & Mrs. Octavio Medeiros Gonsalves Mr. & Mrs. Louis Roderick Mr. & Mrs. Joseph G. Silveira, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Jose Souza' Mr. & Mrs. Louis G. Torres Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Travassos Mr. & Mrs. Jose dos Reis Vasconcelos .
$26 Mr. & Mrs. Elias Costa, Jr.
$25 Mr. & Mrs. Manuel J. Almeida, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Andrade, Mr. & Mrs. John S. Cabral, Mrs. Elsie Bettencourt, Mr. & Mrs. Bernie Fortunato, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Algemiro Garcia, Mr. & Mrs. Enos Gonsalves, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Antonio Joaquim, Mr. & Mrs. Floriano Correia de Matos, Mr. & Mrs. John Luis P. Medeiros Mr. & Mrs. Emidio Raposo, Mr. & Mrs. George Silva, Mr. & Mrs. Peter Vincent, Mr. & Mrs. Jose _ Francisco Ventura, Mrs. Ana Maria Machado Mrs. Mary Aguiar, Mrs. Francelina Cabral, Mrs. Mary J. Pimental, Mrs. Aurora Rodrigues, Mrs. Philomena H. Silva Natalia M. P. Araujo, Mary Branco, Rosemary L. Ferro, Isabel Goulart, Lorraine Souza Natalina da S. Ventura, Manuel Correia Andrade, Joseph Branco, John C. Branco, Abel Ferreira, Jr. Aristides Medeiros, In memory of Mr. & Mrs. Manuel V. Alves, Moby Dick Press (41 Dunbar St.), Mr. & Mrs. Joao R. Rocha, Dr. Mark G. Rosenthal Mr. & Mrs. James Almeida, Mr. & Mrs. Armando Diamantino Alves, Mr. & Mrs. Antone Bor. ges, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Borges, Mr. & Mrs. Oswaid Castro Mr. & Mrs. Jose de Costa, Mr. & Mrs. Jose Maria da Costa, Mr. & Mrs. Joao Tavares do Couto, Mr. & Mrs. Ernest DeMello, Mr. & Mrs. Jacintho S. Ferro Mr. & Mrs. David Rodrigues Macedo, Mr. & Mrs. Paul Joseph Macedo, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel A. Mello, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Mendonca, Mr. & Mrs. Antonio Miguel Mr. & Mrs. Donald Morris, Mr. & Mrs. Lionel Gonsalves, Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Pereira, Mr. & Mrs. Mariano Pimentel, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Rapoza Mr. & Mrs. Atacilio Rezendes, Mr. & Mrs. John B. Resendes, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Santos, Mr. & Mrs. Mario AIDado dos Santos, Mr. & Mrs. Delfin Sousa Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Souza, Mr. & Mrs. Mario Souza, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Vieira ST. JAMES
$200 St. James Conference, St. Vincent de Paul Society Dr. Daniel Harrington
$100 Mrs. Jeremiah Coholan Mr. & Mrs. Louis Coholan Turn to Page Eight
THE ANCHOR-Diotese of Fall River-Thurs. May 6, 1976
New Bedford Continued from Page Seven ST. JAMES
In loving memory of Mr. & Mrs. Manuel F. Costa & Son, George F. Costa Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Freitas
- $25
Mr. & Mrs. Eurico Ferreira, Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. FonMr. & Mrs. Leo Veiga, Mr. & taine Mrs. Armando Prenda, A Friend, $60 Mrs. Eva Carreiro Mr. & Mrs. Callanan Mr. & Mrs. Acacio Ferreira, William & Rita Hendricks Mr. & Mrs. Seraphim Salvador, $50 In memory of Mary C. and ManMr. & Mrs. William Reed uel P. Arruda & Family, Mrs. Timothy Mitchell Evelyn Mello, Miss Germaine Mr. & Mrs. Robert Clark Ferreira Mr. & Mrs. Francis Roach Mr. & Mrs. Jesse V. Santos, Mr. & Mrs. John C. Martin Jr., A Friend, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Mr. & Mrs. Joseph O'Brien ,Po Jardin Mrs. James Worden In Memory of Agens E. Ellison ST. ANNE Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Kirwin Mr. & Mrs. Francis O. Quinn $350 $40 Rev. Roland B. Boule Mr. & Mrs. Richard Manning $75 $35 Yvonne Duce Mrs. Leo Sullivan $50 . Mrs. Ruth E. Barry St. Anne's Conference, St. V. $31 de Paul Mr. & Mrs. William Souza
$30 $30 Robert Choquette Mr. & Mrs. William Whalen Arthur Fontaine Mr. & Mrs. John T. Regan & Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Powell family $25 Miss Mary Lowney Mr. & Mrs. Norman Cayer, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Worden & Mrs. Joseph Almeida, Mr. & 'rhe Hurley family Mrs. Aldei Lafrance, Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. Evie Perry John Zager, St. Anne's Credit $25 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Souza, Mr. Union & Mrs. Roger Chouinard, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Harry Sears, Mr. Mrs. Henry Frenette, Mr. & Mrs. & Mrs. Victor Morency Edward Sousa, Mr. & Mrs. EdST. JOSEPH ward Maguire Leo Worden, Mr. & Mrs. Leon$500 ard Guilbeault & family, Clifton A Friend M. Southworth, Mrs. Alexander $260 Whalen, Mrs. Alice Lowney Rev. Roger Levesque Mrs. Jane Livsey, Mr. & Mrs. $150 Gerald Lewis, Helen A. S. Ross, St. Vincent de Paul ConferIn memory of Florence Chal- ence, St. Joseph Church loner, In memory of Luke Smith $125 Mr. & Mrs. George Sheehan, In Memory of Mr. & Mrs. Zoel Mr. & Mrs. Edward Mackay, Mr. H. Roy & Mrs. Arthur Amaral, Mary Mr. & Mrs. G. Albert Roy Phaneuf, Mr. & Mrs. Carmino $100 Arena Rev. Roger D. LeDuc Loretta Phaneuf, Mrs. John $60 Mahoney, Janet Connelly, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Leo Fredettte Mrs. Edward G. Mello, Mr. Neal ' $50 Wall ' Anonymous Dr. Edward Vogt, Mr. & Mrs. Dr. &. Mrs. Gerald R. Carrier Arthur Macedo, The James Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Hodson Walsh family, Mrs. Joan Hirst, $35 Mr. & Mrs. John Sylvia Mr. & Mrs. Frl\nk Braga Mr. & Mrs. Robert Taber, John ~ $25 Quinn, Mrs. James Bolton, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Farland, Mrs. Edward O'Rourke, Norbert Mr. & Mrs. Pamphile Letourneau, Costa Mr. & Mrs. Alfrerl W. Sylvia, Mr. Mary Whalen, Frances Whe- & Mrs. Arthur Villeneuve lan, Mr. & Mrs. John Newby, ST. THERESA Mr. & Mrs. Alphonse Chenette, Mrs. Vincent Shea, Mr. & Mrs. $100 Charles Lamoureux Lemieux Plumbing & Heating, Inc. ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST $50 Gerald & Roland LeComte $400 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph G. Richard Rev. Manuel P. Ferreira Mr. & Mrs. Ravmond Bourassa $100 $35 Rev. Mr. Edmond Rego Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Barton, A Friend In memory of Albertina G. Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Henry LeBlanc Camara $30 $50 Mr. & Mrs. Roland Dumas A Friend Mr. & Mrs. Henri Valois St. John's Couple's Club $25 $40 Mr. & Mrs. Antonio Lemieux, A Friend Mr. & Mrs. Roland Lemieux, Mr. $35 & Mrs. Valmore Gonneville, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Avila & Mrs. Louis G. Fleury, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Jerome Grota Mrs. Leo Sylvia $30 Mr. & Mrs. Paul Fontaine, Mr. .Mr. & Mrs. J. Mascaranhas & Mrs. Louis A. Roy & Marc, Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Correia Mr. & Mrs. Roland LeBlanc, lorMr. & Mrs. Alfred de Costa & raine Desrosiers, Paul Langlois Maurice Bonneau, Mr. & Mrs. Son Raymond Guerette Mr. & Mrs. James Gaffney.
$200 ' Franciscan Conventual Fathers $150 Patla Family $50 Mr. & Mrs. Frank Kulesza & Son $25 Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Szulik, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond LeBlanc, Mr. & Mrs. John L. Mello, Joseph Kurkowski, Mr. Stanley Twarog Mr. & Mrs. Sta~ley Los, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Goulart ST. MARY
$1000 Mr. & Mrs. Paul Duchaine
$300 Rev. Bernard H. Unsworth
$200 In Memory of Madeline Walsh Norton
$125 Rev. John A. Perry
$75 Mr. & Mrs. John E. Sullivan
$50 Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr.
& Mrs. Gilbert Costa & Mrs. Rene Carroll & Mrs. Lawrence Marshall & Mrs. Robert Penler & Mrs. Leo Robida & Mrs. Louis Begin
$40 Mr. & Mrs. David Costa
$35 Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr.
& Mrs. Thomas McKenna & Mrs. Rod Lussier & Mrs. Marcel Loranger & Mrs. J,oseph LeBlanc
$30 Mr. & Mrs. John Hughes Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Winsper Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert Manville
$25 Mr. & Mrs. William Collins, Mr. Henry Fortier, Mr. & Mrs. Peter Decker, Mr. & Mrs. William Whelan, Mr. & Mrs. David Loveridge Mr. & Mrs. Albert Pepin, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Fredette, Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Bertalotto, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Letourneau, Mr. & Mrs. Paul Marashio Mr. & Mrs. Robert Newsham, Mr. & Mrs. John Freitas, Mr. & Mrs. Francis D. Sullivan, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Caron, Mr. Edward Maclean Mrs. Joaquim Teiveira, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Walsh, Mr. & Mrs. Gaston DeBrosse, Mr. & Mrs. Gabriel Holmes, Jr., Mr\ & Mrs. Charles Mello Mr. & Mrs. J. Paul Thibeault, Mr. & Mrs. Walter Arsenault, Mr. & Mrs. William Bourbo, Mr. & Mrs. William Constant, Mr. & Mrs. John Dexter
$35 Mr. & Mrs. Antone Costa, Jr. Mr.. & Mrs. John Wojcik Mr. & Mrs. Weber R. Torres, Jr. Manuel & Nancy Allua Mr. & Mrs. Edward R. Bouley
$25 Mr. & Mrs. Alexander Gonsalves, Dr. & Mrs. Denis D. Brault, Mr. & Mrs. Donald Lipsett, Mr. & Mrs. Albert Perry, Mr. & Mrs. Leo Grenon Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Boutin, The Rego Family, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Martin, Mr. & Mrs. Albert Labrie, Mr. & Mrs. Normand Despres, Mrs. Mary Morris SACRED HEARTS
$50 Mr. & Mrs. Omer Pothier
$25 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Martel, Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Cejka, Mr. Arnold Cejka
$500 Rev. John F. Hogan $250 Alice McGowan Dorothy C. McGowan $200 Dr. & Mrs. E. Deane Freitas Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence A. Weaver $150 Atty. & Mrs. Edward J. Harrington $100 Mr. & Mrs. Edgar W. Moorhouse Rev. John J. Steakem $80 Mary C. Halloran $50 Mr. & Mrs. Emmett P. Almond Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Beedem Marion S. Freitas Ellen M. Gaughan E. Gertrude & Mary C. Gleason Dr. & Mrs. James Hayden Edmund L. Kelley Mary A. & Winifred F. Keneally Mr. & Mrs. Albert A. Silva Mr. & Mrs. John T. Ward Attorney William J. 'Synnott $40 Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Gonsalves The Misses Hannigan
$30 Atty. & Mrs. William R. Balderson, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John Morris Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Nunes Atty. & Mrs. Walter Smith $.25 Acushnet Mary Augustine, Mr. & Mrs. Rene Bouchard, Mr. & Mrs. John ST. FRANCIS XAVIER F. Chase, Mr. & Mrs. Richard $35 Cleveland, Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Mr. & Mrs. James M. Haworth Distefano Mr. & Mrs. Raymond J. LeMr. & Mrs. Arthur J. Ethier, Blanc Beatrice B. Freitas, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Richard H. Barry Leonard Furtado, Mr. & Mrs. $25 Edward V. Hill, Mr. & Mrs. MauA Friend, Mr. Lionel Tetrault, rice P. LaFrance Mr. Mrs. Martin J. Connor, Mr... Dr. & Mrs. Lawrence Luby, & Mrs. William A. Keefe, Mr. & & Mrs. Francis Mahoney, Mr. Mrs. Henry Govoni Col. & Mrs. Alonzo Mercier, In Memory of Claudia B. Perry, Mr. Fairhaven & Mrs. Donald Pittman ST. MARY Mr. & Mrs. Albert S. Rose, Mr. & Mrs. Rene SaVoie, Mr. & $150 Mr. & Mrs. Roland V. Bour- Mrs. Leonard Stone, In Memory of Katherine V. Sullivan, Mr. & gault Mrs. Robert J. Sullivan $125 Mrs. Joseph E. Tomlinson, Mr. Dr. & Mrs. Robert C. Gaudreau & Mrs. Roger Tougas, Mr. & $100 Mrs. Joseph Vieira, Clara M. Mr. & Mrs. Charles Ehmann Weeks, Mrs. Albert C. Wobecky, $65 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Zukowski Mr. & Mrs'. Matthew Hart
So. Dartmouth ST. MARY
$150 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Donaghy
$100 Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Brady Mr. Francis J. Mahoney Mr. & Mrs. James F. McHugh
$75 Miss Mary T. Luiz
$50 Mr. & Mrs. William Brady Mr. & Mrs. Angelo DeMello Mr. & Mrs. Joseph C. DeMello Mr. & Mrs. Neil Fitzgerald Mr. & Mrs. Charles Nunes Mrs. Alvaro Rodriques
$35 Mr. & Mfs. Paul G. Caron Mr. & Mrs. Manuel DeMello Mr. & Mrs. William A. Mt):phy Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Rossi Judge & Mrs. August C. Taveira
$30 Mr. & Mrs. Raymond G. Boyce Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Corbeil Miss Olivia M. Luiz Mr. & Mrs. Thomas L. Mah~r $25
Mr. & Mrs. Ed. Anuszczyk, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Barry, Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Caron, M~. Frank Coleman, Mrs. Isaac Dawson Mrs. Robert Dias, Richard D. Galligo, Mr. & Mrs. Antone Gomes, Jr., In Memory of Lynda M. Silva, Mr. & Mrs. William J. Kelly Miss Mary Kenney, Mr. & Mrs. Victor J. Ladetto, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond E. Lague, Mrs. Luke McCrohan, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Mello Mr. & Mrs. Norman Menard" Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Murphy, Mr. & Mrs. Michael O'Connor, Mr. & Mrs. John F. Pilvines, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Ponte Miss Alice Sheerin, Miss Mary E. Sheerin, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph G. Sylvia
Wareham ST. PATRICK $400 Rev. Msgr. John E. Boyd
$200 Mrs. JYIary Stott
$100 Francis A. Breagy Dr. & Mrs. Thos. Geagan Mr. & Mrs. Frank Krystofolski Dr. & Mrs. Joseph Moore
$50 Mary E. Makela Helen McGlashan Mr. & Mrs. Agneus Veiga Mr. & Mrs. John J. Callahan
$40 Mr. & Mrs. Wm. LeFavor & family A Friend
$35 Cross Ins. Agency, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. William Nolan Miss Frances Murphy
$30 Mr. & Mrs. Miguel Campinha Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Sylvia
$25 Mr. & Mrs. Adolphe L. Bilotte, Mr. & Mrs. Wm. L. Brackman, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Cahoon, A Friend, Mr. & Mrs. Filenio Cardoza Mr. & Mrs. Antone L. Fernandes, Mr. & Mrs. Antone Gomes, Mary Gillis, Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Greene, Mrs. Edward I(eane Ellen Lambert, Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Langdon, Mr. & Mrs. Philip McEntee, Mrs. Medio Pederzani, Mrs. Delmo Pezzoli Mr. & Mrs. Charles Precourt, Clara Stanley, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Tassinari, Mrs. Timothy Walsh, Joseph Yeager
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. May 6, 1976
Diocesan Department
of Social Services FATHER THOMAS RITA counsels youngsters at Fall River Juvenile Court.
To Care for the Flock "We are a visible witness to tor of the Jesui't community of theme and reported their results the concern of the Bishop for Bishop Connolly High School, to Father Graziano's office. each of his people," said Rev. Fall River. But the new service "These reports will join others Peter N. Graziano in describing will employ two full-time work- from all parts of the country the Diocesan Department of So- ers and will serve both as a re- and the findings will be carefully cial Services and Special Apos- source for parish clergy and as considered by the bishops," said tolates. an agency offering counseling Father Graziano, who will atStressing that the parish is the for all age groups, "including tend an area orientation meeting fundamental unit of the Church, the elderly," said Father Grazi- May 8 in Providence in further the director explained that the ano, "for whom hardly anything preparation for the October conference. function of his department is to . in this line is available." . be supportive of the parish Social Programs The director stressed that Social programs directed or structure, "filling in the gaps counseling offered will be "thorwhere a problem goes beyond oughly Catholic in theology, mo- ooordinated by the diocesan office include Catholic Relief Serparish lines or is too complex rality and philosophy." for local resources." Not only are direct-need ser- vices drives, the annual ThanksThe social services department vices supplied by the depart- giving clothing drive and the coordinates and directs activities ment, .but it is involved in "the Campaign for Human Developof offices in Fall River and New advocacy approach to try to al-. ment on both the national and Bedford. Now under reorganiza- leviate the problems that cause diocesan levels. tion, the New Bedford office, the needs," said Father Graziano. "Three-quarters of Campaign which formerly offered a wide "We analyze for the Bishop funds are allocated nationally range of services, will become legislation and programs affect- and one-quarter locally," said mainly a' professional Catholic ing the Church on the national, Father Graziano. Diocesan causes counseling agency with outreach state and local level," said Father aided either from national or to all parts of the diocese. Graziano. local funds include Birthright Serving both offices is Miss An example is the October programs, day care nurseries, Odete M. Catarina, secretary. Conference of the U. S. Bishops, services in aid of alcoholics, the while Mrs. Dorothy Del Piano at which they will attempt to elderly and the homebound, Big is receptionist for Fall River.. reach "a Catholic expression of Brothers and Big Sisters and The FaU River office will con- the meaning of liberty and jus- Spanish and Portuguese aid ortinue its general program, includ- tice for all and a col:lective ganizations. Part of the departing adoptive services, care for commitment to a five-year plan ment's job is reporting to the national Campaign office on unwed parents, and support of of social action." a variety of programs meeting In preparation for the meet- area agencies requesting national human needs. ing, input has been received aid. Receiving new emphasis in reTwo Counselors from about 200 members of the Counseling is already being Fall River diocese who partic- cent months is diocesan concern offered on a part-time basis by ipated in eight-week study pro- for youngsters in trouble with Rev. Maurice T. Lebel, S.J., rec- grams on the liberty and justice Tum to Page Ten
FATHER LEBEL conducts counseling session. This service, now part-time, will be expanded in near future.
SOCIAL SERVICES STAFF: From left, Father Maurice Lebel, SJ, Father Peter Graziano, Miss Odete Catarino.
FATHER GRAZIANO EXPLAINS Bicentennial program to Project Leisure members, Holy Name parish, Fall River. From left, Miss Mona Shea, Mrs. William Aylward, Mrs. Madeleine Sullivan..
SOCIAL WORKER Miss Dianne Gagnier prepares for interview with client at Fall River office.
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. May 6, 1976
Council of Catholic Women
Department of Social Services
Continued from Page Thirteen the law. Rev. Thomas L. Rita, associate department director and juvenile court chaplain for Fall River, coordinates the work of Rev. Thomas C. Lopes, New Bedford chaplain, Rev. ~aymond Robillard, Taunton, and Rev. Richard Roy, Attleboro. Plans for simiJIar service on the Cape and Islands are under way. "Our main work is to give priestly witness and service to troubled youngsters and their families," said Father Graziano. Like all other programs of the office, he pointed out, chaplaincy services' are available on a nonsectarian basis. Another recent project has been that of cooperating with the Refugee and Immigration program of the U. S. Catholic Conference in, resettling Vietnamese refugees. In all, this office has been involved with about 45 refugees and is currently giving direct service to about 15, said Father Graziano. Bicentennial Programs Bicentennial planning is a short-term office project and its main activity will be an outdoor Mass on May 31 at Bishop Stang High School, North Dartmouth. Thousands of diocesans are expected to attend and hear homilist Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen and the music of the Diocesan Choir. The Bicentennial liturgy to be used will also be available for parish use the weekend of July 4. Pro-life is a priority of the department, declared Father Graziano. Miss Dianne Gagnier is the social worker in charge of adoption procedures and services for unwed parents, available to Catholics and nonCatholics 8!like. In contrast to the past, many unwed mothers elect to keep their babies, noted Father Graziano, and girls have three or four weeks after birth to make their final decisions in this mat-
ter. "We offer counseling, but we don't pressure a girl either to keep or have her baby adopted," said the priest, adding that "much of the stigma of unwed parenthood has been removed. Young people are much more open today." Adoptions, in partial consequence of such attitude$, are more difficult, he observed. "At present we have a waiting list of about 30 families and the waiting period for a child can be two to three years." In the general pro-life area, Father Graziano is working with a diocesan-wide committee in developing a plan for political, educational and social pro-life action. Parish Councils In taking an overall look at the department he has headed for two years, the director said, "In our first year we concentrated on service to the Spanish people, in the second we worked on developing the counseling program ~nd in our third we hope to offer aid to parish councils in the areas of planning and goal setting." Returning to the theme of parish primacy, Father Graziano paid tribute to the work of St. Vincent de Paul Societies as organizations offering rapid emergency aid to individuals in need. "We only exist to perform the services that can't be offered on the parish level," he concluded.
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Year Books
TO SERVE JESUS: Mother Teresa of Calcutta acknowledges ovation as she concludes address to standing room only crowd at National Catholic Educational Assn. convention in Chicago, attended by four from Fall River diocese. Famed missionary told hearers, "to serve the poor, the unwanted and the lonely is to serve Jesus."
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. Continued from Page Eight the church have played a significant role. "It is getting more attention from the media now than formerly," he observed, adding that he hoped the DCCW would encourage membership of young women so that the organization could "remain strong in the service of the Church." Adverting to the bicentennial theme of the day, Bishop Cronin paid tribute to the contribution of Catholic immigrants to Amer- , ica, stressing the value of the faith of immigrant families in building a united nation. At the conclusion of his address, the Bishop received a check from the DCCW, presented by Mrs. Michael J. McMahon, diocesan president. He immediately turned it over to Msgr. Anthony M. Gomes, a DCCW spiritual director and diocesan director of the annual Catholic Charities Appeal. With priests in attendance as concelebrants, the Bishop was then principal celebrant at a special Bicentennial Mass. Patriotic Decor Decorations for the convention carried out the patriotic theme, including a reproduction of the Uberty Bell in the foyer of Connolly High School, red, white and blue table and stage deoorations and a striking backdrop for the Bicentennial Mass. Several convention hostesses wore colonial gowns. A convention sidelight was the "weighing-in" of Mrs. John J. Houst, president of Cape and Islands District Five of the DCCW. In December Mrs. Houst, then weighing 265 pounds, began a "diet·thon" to caM attention to problems of world hunger, asking pledges of a dime to $1 for each pound she lost by the time of Saturday's convention. At the weighing-in, she had lost 40 pounds and announced that pledges amounting to $35 a pound had been received for a total of $1400, which will be
MICHAEL J. McMAHON Registered Embalmer Licensed Funeral Director
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sent to Mother Teresa's missions in Calcutta and a poverty project in Mississippi. General chairman for Saturday's convention was Mrs. James A. O'Brien Jr., aided by a large committee.
New Cardinal , Continued from Page Two appealed for social! justice, especially in the area of prison reform. As bishop of Springfield-eape Girardeau, Cardinal-elect Baum visited the then Josephite Father Philip. Berrigan, who was confined to the federal prison for his part in destroying Selective Service files. Later, as head of the Wash· ington archdiocese, he visited suburban Virginia's Lorton reformatory, where he said that Church statements on prison reform "must be followed up by concrete action." A short time late, the archdioceses took steps to implement recommendations of its task force on justice and oorrections, which advocated alternatives to pre-trial confinement, aid to women prisoners who are mothers and community involvement in rehabilitation.
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THE ANCHORThurs., May 6, 1976
Avers CCD No Substitute For Catholic Schools
·Child Center Continued from Page Three in the premises as St. John's Day Nursery in St. Patrick's parish, under the auspices and with the authorization of the bishop, in the field of child care and social service from 1916 to April 7, 1972, is part of the "spiritual and pastoral work and mission of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Fall River and St. Patrick's parish."
The CCD is like busing: you can't be a good liberal and oppose it. Some of the most hostile reactions to our just published book, "Catholic Schools in a Declining Church," (Sheed and Ward; $15.00), have come from the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine (CCD) enthusiasts who are it would !be. In fact, as far as appreciable effect on adult reli· profoundly offended at our gious behavior, the CCD looks finding that the CCD is not like a waste of time,· money ,and
an adequate substitute for Catholic schools and is mostly a 'waste of time and money. Indeed a number of my col
leagues simply avoid mentioning the subject when discussing our report. There is always an angry and self-righteous person who stands up and denounces the study - unread of course because of its "opposition" to CCD. And that's the only thing you talk about the rest of the evening. Like busing, CCD is a matter of pure faith. No one has ever come up with any evidence that either accomplish a dam thing. They are both good because one knows they are good. Indeed, despite all the money, resources, hope, energy, and ideology the Church has poured into the CCD during the last 10 years, no one has even thought seriously of attempting a study of its effectiveness. When you know that something is effective you don't have to study it. Not a Substitu~e I am not particularly "for" or "against" CCD. It may well be a useful symbol of the Church's concern about those who do not go to Catholic schools (an ever increasing number, because of the hierarchy's refusal to build new ones). In some places and on some young people it may have a notable impact. It may be a useful adult educational experience for the teachers; it may protect our semi-literate younger clergy from the temptation to turn away from the TV on an evening and actually read something besides the sports page and the rock music reV'iews. But the data of our research show beyond any. reasonable doubt that CCD does not even begin to be an adequate substitute for Catholic schools - much less the superior replacement that some of the righteous CCD enthusiasts of the 1960s thought
energy. You can keep on having CCD if you want, !but don't try to pretend that it is more than a symbolic or ritualistic exercise. It isn't accomplishing much of anything. But whence, then, the popularity of CCD and the intensity of the moral commitment to it? Guilt Reducer I would suggest that the sight of hordes of children pouring into a CCD classroom is a mar· velous guilt reducer. The bishop who feels guilty because he lacks the courage to build more Cathalice schools, the pastor who feels guilty because he is too lazy to raise the money to keep his school going, the parent who feels guilty because ·a bigger car is more important than parochial school tuition, the religious who feels guilty because she has fled from her community to a "religious educaHon" apostolate-all of these can take heart when they see the kids trooping off to CCD. The fact is that the hated and collapsing parochial schools are the best religious education system ever devised; indeed, in a time of transition and chaos in the Church, the parochial schools are more effective educational institutions than even the family - a notable change since the 1963 study. The fact is that we are rapidly phasing them out despite their effectiveness, even though we do not have any adequate substitute. We are closing down a proven educational instrument and trying to replace. it with one that will not do the job. And the fact is that we're doing so despite the evidence because we have lost our nerve. The CCD enthusiasm, in other words, is a coward's way out.. If it is so remarkably pervasive among Catholic elites, the reason is that in a time of systematic and massive loss of nerve, the coward is king. . And there are ·a lot of kings in American Catholicism just now - and blind ones, to boot.
WEIGH-IN: Mrs. James R. Hayden, Diocesan Council of Catholic Women international commission chairman, checks 40 pounds lost by Mrs. John J. Houst, Cape and Islands district president, who has been on a "diet-thon" since December to benefit world hunger programs. Weight loss is worth $1400 in pledges by friends, organizations.
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No matter where you live in the Fall River Diocese, there is a Fernandes near you! *NORTON, West Main St., *NO. EASTON, Main St., *EAST BRIDGEWATER, Bedford St., *NEW BEDFORD, Jet. Routes 140 & 18, *ATILEBORO, 217 So. Main St., *SOMERSET, Route 6, *RAYNHAM. Route 44, *FAIRHAVEN, Route 6, *BRIDGEWATER, Route 18, *MANSFIELD, Route 140, *FALL RIVER, Southway Plaza, R. I. Ave., *FALL RIVER, Griffin St., *SEEKONK, 17 Central Ave., *Middleboro, 133 So. Main St., *NEW BEDFORD, Mt. Pleasant St., *NEW BEDFORD, Rockdale Ave., *FAIRHAVEN, Howland Rd., *SO. DARTMOUTH, Dartmouth St., *NEW BEDFORD, Rodney French Blvd., *SOMERSET, Route 138.
It is further stipulated that the corporation formed by St. John's was secular in nature and independent of the bishop and is not and has never been an agency or instrumentality of the bishop or been authorized by him to hold itself as acting on his behalf. In order to avoid confusion between the diocesan activity carried on at St. Patrick's parish, St. John's Child Care and Development Center Inc., is to change its name before June 1 in such a way that it will not contain reference to St. John's Day Nursery or St. John or St. Patrick's parish. Also the center cannot purport to be an activity which is or has been sanctioned, conducted by, or associated with the Roman Catholic Diocese of Fall River. Whatever new name the center takes after June 1 may however refer to the fact that it is a successor to itself for a 30 day period. The Herald News story concludes by stating that if the terms of the court order are carried out by June 1, a final judgment will be entered without costs.
Dignified Funeral Service
IDEAL LAUNDRY 373 New Boston Road Fall River 678-5677
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. May 6, 1976
KNOW YOUR FAITH ~ Healing Through Laying On of Hands Nearly 10 years ago I confessed my sins to an older priest, also a friend, who enjoyed an excellent reputation then and does now as a wise, understanding spiritual guide.
By FR. JOSEPH M. CHAMPLIN It was not a routine listing of repeated faults, but one of those tension-filled outpourings which most of us experience on occasion. As I knelt by his side and began the tale of my troubles he quickly sensed my anxiety and simply reached out to lay a reassuring hand upon my arm.
Since I clearly recall the incident -almost a decade later, it should be obvious what a positive, healing impact that simple, silent gesture exerted on me.
Jesus aoted -in similar fashion throughout His public ministry. Benedictine Father Godfrey Diekmann, one of the pre- and post-Vatican II liturgical giants, recalls several instances of such a healing "laying on of hands" ,by our Lord in a fine article by that title which appears in the January 1976 issue of "Liturgy," published by the Liturgical Conference (1330 Massachusetts Ave. N.W., Washington, D.C. 20005). The Gospel according to John has few references to this gesture, but the accounts attributed to Mark and Luke contain many examples of healing through Christ's touch or laying on of hands. tin fact, people crowded around the Master eager to touch Him, or at least His clothing since, in the words of Scripture, "Power went forth from him and healed all." Father Diekmann, citing Old Testament illustrations, the early acts of the Apostles and Christian documents of the first centuries, maintains in his essay Turn to Page· Thirteen
Wonders Never .. .. Cease.. ~
BY REV. DONALD McCARTHY The New York Times magazine last September carried an article about St. Elizabeth Ann Seton o~ the day of her canonization. The story began by portraying Anri Theresa O'Neil, a young wife and mother of four chiJdren who was cured over 20 years ago of acute leukemia by prayers addressed through the intercession of Mother Seton. Ann and her future husband Bob went steady for two years before somebody remembered to tell him about the miraculous cure of his future wife years be-
Tel. 548-3211
Miracles of Jesus
fore as a four-year-old child. His actual comment on seeing the newspaper clippings was, "are you kidding?" Perhaps the next reaction was a subdued whistle and the familiar proverb "wonders never cease." One place where medical wonders never cease is Lourdes, France, site of the apparition of the Virgin Mary to St. Bernadette in 1858. Over the past 118 years, a sophisticated medical bureau has developed at Lourdes which examines patients before and after cures and singles out the five to 10 most extraordinary miracles each year. Over 25,000 physicians have voluntarily participated in the work of this bureau including many nonChristians and non-believers. In one year the list included 47 medical school professors representing all major medical specialities and the best medic;al schools of Europe. Medically documented cures at Lourdes are by no means the only modern miradles. Unfortq.nately many unfounded miracles claims are always in circulaTurn to Page Thirteen
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By STEVE LANDREGAN Central to the message of Jesus 1s His preaching of the Kingdom· of God. Without an understanding of the kingdom, Jesus' .preaching, His miracles, even His call to discipleship cannot be comprehended. In order to understand the concept of the Kingdom we must ask ourselves what the Jews to whom Jesus proclaimed the kingdom understood by the term . To them the Kingdom of God (or kingdom of Heaven in Matthew) meant the decisive intervention of God in history,· particularly in the history of His chosen people. .Jt was to be a period when man would once again live in harmony with God, with this neighbor, with himself and with the created world about him. The Ki~gdom would not be political or geographical but rather would represent the reign of God. Sin and evil 'Would be annihilated and justice "and peace would prevail in the prophetic view of the Kingdom. There were, however, secular and na,tionalistic overtones to the an,ticipation, particularly in the centuries just before Christ. For . some the coming of the Kingdom meant_ freedom from Rome, for others it meant reven~e against Israel's present and former oppressors. for still others it meant restoration of Israel's former power and grandeur. It was against this background that Jesus began His ministry by proclaiming that "This is the time of fulfillment. The reign of God is at hand!" (Mark 1:15). The Kingdom nroclaimed by Jesus was a kingdom of the already and of the not yet. He preached that the kingdom was "in your midst," and told His disciples to .pray to the Father "thy kingdom come." He used parables of the mustard seed, the leaven and ~owing wheat to teach that while the Kingdom had broken into history that it had yet to reach its fullness. Jesus' miracles were signs of the kingdom, milestones, so to speak, on the road to its fullness. They reveal Jesus as the proclaimer of'the Kingdom. Acts of Power Hebrew had no word for miracle, in our_modern sense of the word. The -Israelites did not have faith in miracles. They had faith in God who was Lord of nature and of history. In Biblical thought everything that occurred in nature was the handiwork of God. There was no need for Jews to explain miracles performed by Jesus in terms of subjective, personal experience. They were not embarrassed by miracles. They simply accepted them as manifestations of God's power. To them Jesus' miracles were acts of power or mighty works. The Gospels and the evange· lists recognized Jesus as the
STEVE LANDREGAN WRITES, "Jesus' healing miracles are signs of the restoration of harmony, the healing of man's brokeness, the reconciliation of man within himself, with others, and with God." One of the miracles was the resurrection of Jairus' daughter as depicted in this woodcut by Paul Gustave Dore. power of God entered into the world." The "authority" which is attributed to Him is the power of the Father. Jesus' ·miracles or mighty
works were not meant to be spectacles or sensational events. They we·re meant to reflect the power of God. This power demTurn to Page Thllteen
Luke: Tell Me, Doclor
'''Luke, our dear physician, sends you greetings" (Col. 4,14.) Luke, the doctor, joined Paul's second missionary journey at Troas. He had apparently been a world traveler prior to meeting Paul and was doubtless a useful companion helping Paul find his way around the Greek cities. The so-ca.lled "We Passages (Le., Paul and I) of Acts show how intimately Luke was tied into extensive missionary work of Paul. Most likely he began- to gather the data for his Gospel during his stay at Caesarae Phillipi, while Paul was in prison there for two years. Possibly, he wrote the first draft at that time. After that he sailed with Paul to Rome. Not only was he a doctor, but he also seemed to possess a fair knowledge of sailing skills (cf Acts 27) and he was a superb reporter. In his Gospel he built a literary bridge between the Jewish and gentile world. He addressed his works to Greeks and Romans and noted that his patron was a Greek
named Theophilus. Luke not only is a doctor, but writes dike one who has access to the realities of life and the intimacies of people. Luke's account of the births of Jesus and John reflect the interests of a physician to whom such knowledge would be confided. There are many examples of the "physician's touch" that appear in his Gospel th~t do not show up elsewhere. He alone comments on the "severity" of the fever of Peter's mother-in-law (Lk 4, 38). Whereas Matthew and Mark simply note that the daughter of Jairus was raised from the dead to the astonishment of all, Luke adds the homely note. "(Jesus) told them to give her something to eat"(Lk 8, 55). It is Luke who tells the story of the Good Samaritan with its "first aid" episode. Just as important for our own times, Luke appreciated the psychological settings for many of the stories. Turn to Page Thirteen
Continued from Page Twelve onstrated two important things. Satan and his kingdom had been hound by the power of God, and the healing, restoring power of God's reign had begun. Within the Gospels, the frequent instances. of demonic possession were signs of, Satan's bondage and of. his capacity to bring about all forms of disoroer. Lord of Life Jesus' exorcism, His expulsion of demons marked the beginning of the end of Satan's power, or his bondage of the world. It was an infallible sign of the Kingdom. "If it is by the finger of God that I cast out devils, then the reign of God is upon us" (Luke 11:20). Jesus' healing miracles are signs of the restoration of harmony, the healing of man's brokenness, the reconcilation of man within himself, with others, and with God. Sickness and death ·are remnants of man's brokenness and the bondage of Satan. Death is his ultimate stronghold (1 Cor 15-25) and Jesus raising of Jairus' daughter and the son of the widow at Nairn reveal Him as· Lord of Life who overcame death ... the strongest power of Satan. The fact that Jesus didn't heal all the sick and raise all the dead in Palestine during His ministry reflects the tension of the already and the not yet of the
Kingdom. Jesus' mighty works, His acts of power were anticipatory signs of the fullness of the Kingdom that is yet to come. Fr. Xavier Leon-Dufour puts it beautifully in his "Dictionary of Biblical Theology," where in his article on Suffering, .Fr. LeoDufour says of Jesus: "He does not abolish tears, He only dries some of them while passing by (Lk 7:13, 8:52) as a sign of the joy that will unite God and His children on the day when 'He will wipe away tears from all eyes'" (Is 25:8, Rev 7:17, 21:4). Jesus' miracles were and are a challenge to faUh. They confronted His contemporaries with the choice of whether to believe or to disbelieve. To believe that the power of God was revealed in Jesus, or to believe that He was a charlatan. Each of us is confronted in the same way. The mighty works of Jesus are a meeting place of the message and faith. They Ibring us face to face with the divine invitation to discipleship and we have to make a choice. Yes or No. Faith is more than the challenge to believe. It is the challenge to follow, the challenge to commit. The miracles of Jesus are signs of the Kingdom that accompany Jesus' proclamation of the Kingdom. They invite men into citizenship in the Kingdom that is present and yet to come.
Laying on of Hands Continued from Page Twelve that the basic purpose of this gesture was and is to signify the conferral of the Holy Spirit. Health for the body, peace in the soul, holiness within the recipient and harmony among the community were and are the natural, consequent results of the Spirit's outpouring. Laying on of Hands Now that the liturgical rituals for all. the sacra~ents, re,:ised a.ccord1Og to VatI.can II dlrectIves, have been the Holy See we can t:ace 10 each of them a restoration of reempha~is of the laying .on of hands. TO* Illustrate.: In B~p~lsm, we w~lcome the new ChnstIan by a sign of the cross traced upon the forehead by celebrant, parents, godparents' (and we would suggest others as well, like. grandparents, brothe~s and Sisters, .members and fnends of the family). * .In confirmation, the adult ca~dldate. stand~ befo:e the pnest while he Silently Imposes hands, then prays for the coming of the Spirit's gifts upon . t hOIS new Ca th 0 I'IC. Ch' nstIan.
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, '" At the Eucharist, the celebrant extends his hands over the bread and wine asking that the Holy Spirit transform these gifts into Jesus' Body and Blood. The Catholic "father" next actually takes the bread into his hands, a normal part of a Jewish father's blessing of the meal and a movement developed from and paraJllel to the earlier gesture over the elements. * During the anointing of the the sick, the priest lays both hands upon the seriously sick person's head, "saying nothing." In this rite we see the evident link betwee~ what our Lord did 2,000 years ago for the ill and achieves today through the hands of a priest. In an allied section of the ritual, the text urges those who surround the bedside of the gravely infirm to trace once again that sign of the cross upon their foreheads a reminder of the first cros~ing in Baptism which gives all Christians a promise and thus hope for future glory. '" A rt f th bIt' s pa 0 e a so u Ion ' I for WI'th'10 th e re formedntua the sacrament of Penance, the priest extends both hands over the penitent's head or at least directs his raised right arm in that direction. This recalls the ancient Christian practice by which an alienated sinner was w~comed back to his or her spiritual home through the imposition of hands by the bishop or his delegate. My confessor friend's armholding move came before absolution. But his purpose was basically the same - to convey through this touch an assurance that the Holy Spirit, forgiver, comforter, healer, was present in our midst and would come to bring me forgiveness, comfort and healing.
THE ANCHORThurs., May 6, 1976
Miracles of Jesus
ONE PLACE WHERE wonders never cease is Lourdes, France, site of the apparition of the Virgin Mary to St. Bernadette in 1858, Father McCarthy writes. A sophisticated medical bureau has developed at Lourdes where more than 25,000 physicians have volunteered to study the cures of many patients there.
Wonders Never Cease Continued from Page Twelve lation and these tend to discredit miracles in general. The renowned British writer, C.S. Lewis, once pointed out that "most stories about miraculous events are probably false." But he was so convinced that some are not that he wrote his book "Miracles." C.S. Lewis notes that the modern world of science prefers not to believe in a God of miracles. Many scientists prefer the religion called Pantheism in which God is a pervasive but inert principle of beauty, truth, and goodness. Pantheism has existed from time immemorial in India and elsewhere; in fact, Lewis feels it results from the spontaneous natural bent of the human mind. "The Pantheist's God does nothing," writes C. S. Lewis, "demands nothing; He is there if you wish for him, like a book on a shelf; He will not pursue you." The Pantheist God does not reveal Himself in any way or concern Himself with human affairs. Miracles of Jesus Miradles disturb the complacency of Pantheism by suggesting a living God who thinks and acts and writes His own script in human history. Alexis Carrel in 1902 learned this first hand. He found himself unwelcome at the Medical School of Lyons, France, because he sent a patient to Lourdes where she was cured of a tubercular abscess. Carrel thereupon transferred to the U. S. where his brilliant achievements at the Rockefeller Institute earned for him the Nobel Prize of Medicine in 191'3. The miracles of Jesus indicated that the Kingdom of God had begun. Miracles are less needed now than before the Church was founded because the 'Church itself has become the sign of the Kingdom. But they do continue to take place and thus show that the history of salvation has not yet come to completion. In fact, miracles and sacraments are unique wonder-signs of the Church. While miracles point toward the new world of final resurrection and completed
redemption in the end time, the sacraments re-present here and now the historical acts of Christ's death for the forgiveness of sins and the eternal life of mankind. The sacraments continually confirm that the Lord has aIlready come and remains with His people. Christians reject the sleeping God of pantheism as a mere impersonal abstraction. They experience the personal God Who entered history in the person of Jesus. The wonders and signs of Jesus continue to occur today as both physical and spiritual healing. So whether or not Jesus also responds to specific prayers for physical healing, as He did for four-year-old Ann Theresa O'Neil, no Christian can hesitate to proclaim gratefully and exultantly, "Wonders will never cease."
Continued from Page Twelve He noted the sense of puzzle and anticipation with which the people went out to hear the sermons of John (Lk 3, 15). He' often commented on the sense of wonder and marvel that Jesus induced in the people. He recalled that Jesus warned people that psychological alertness or keeping up with the latest reports may not be the best way to be open to the arrival of the kingdom (Lk 17,20). He set the stage for Christ's parable on perseverance in prayer by writing, "He told them a parable on the necessity of praying and not losing heart" (Lk 18, 1). The Women While it is common to concentrate on Luke's literary qualities and the inf11uence of his doctor's eye, it must also be noted that he pay an unusual amount of attention to the role of women in the Gospel story. This is evident in his accounts of the births of John and Jesus. It is he who records the (\ilemmas of Elizabeth and the beauty of the Annunciation to Mary and her subsequent canticle, the Magnificat. As women seek a new role in the Church today, they might well meditate on Luke's account of the "ministering women (Lk 8, 1-3). Jesus imparts a new dignity and role to women. Not only will they learn the good Continued from Page Fit·teen
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. May 6, 1976
__your basic youth page focus on youth •••
Life In Music By The Dameans
Let Your Love Flow There's a reason for the sunshine and sky And there's a reason why I'm feeling so high Must be the season when that life light shines all around us. So let that feeling grab you deep inside And send you reeling where your love can't hide And then go stealin' through the moonlit nights with your love.
Just let your love flow like a mountain stream and let your love grow with~the smallest of dreams and let your love show and you'll know what I mean it's the season. Let your love fly like a bird on the win~ and let your love bind you to all living things and let your love shine and you'll know what I mean that's the reason. There's a reason for the warm sweet nl~ts and there's a reason for the candle lights Must be the season when those love lights shine all . around us. So let that wonder take you into space and lay you under its loving embrace Just feel the thunder as It warms your face You can't hold back. Written 'by 1. E. Williams Performed by the Bellany Bros. Loaves and Fishes Music Co. - BMI
Just when you begin to think that those leafless trees really did die this winter because they never looked so bare .before - when you think maybe you're going color blind because everything comes up in shades of grey and white there appears the great surprise of spring when nature renews 'her promise of renewal. Spring is nature's signal to the land that it's the season for starting all over. What was barren can come to life again and what was lost can be reclaimed. Funny thing about us in spring. The first thing we notice about ourselves is not the energetk and enthusiastic attitude we thought we'd have after the cold days of winter but that lazy just-got-out-of~bed feeling they call spring f~ver. It's almost as if we wished it had stayed cold and dreary so that we would have an excuse to stay in bed. . The season of spring is automatic in the cycle of nature, but it's not that simple for us. We have to work at it to be alive to the life all around us. Love is the most evident sign we can give to each other that we are alive. Love makes us different from the rest of nature, which routinely repeats habits and patterns each year. Love enables us to grow each day and each year - to become more than just older or taller or smarter. Love can increase our capacity to love and to receive love. Like spring, love is the season for believing in the beauty of every kind of life and the beauty of every kind of person. Love is the time for warming the earth with the story of life anew and promises come true. Love is the reward of those who have kept faith in promises during the long days of winter when the cold and dark lived within us ·as well as without. Spring means so much more when one remains hopeful during winter. Funny how Easter- th~ greatest surprise of all - always comes in the spring. Jesus dead and buried now risen, lives forever as Lord of all creation. He's the reason for all life and calls us to live !1nd share His life - through death. It's the season - Alleluia!
John's Shoe Store 43 FOURTH STREET Fall River 678-5811
JEfFREY E. SULLIVAN Funeral Bome 550 Locust Street FaD River, Mass.
672-2391 Rose E. SuUivan William J. Sullivan Margaret M. Sullivan
FIRST PRIZE: A float of George Washington crossing the Delaware, featuring a real dory with a crew of eya youngst~rs from St. John the Evangelist parish, Pocasset, won a fIrst place award in the Bourne Bicentennial parade and enriched the eya treasury by $100. Some 10.000 spectators lined the parade route and viewed result of hours of night and weekend work by eya members and parents.
Young World
Something Wonderful by Tom Lennon You wake up grumpy and know it's going to be a bad day. At breakfast your Dad bawls you out f'or not eating enough. In an exam you can't answer four out of seven questions. During the noon hour you slip in a mud puddle and get all dirty. After school you and a friend have a fight and cuss each other out. At supper you have another argument with Dad, and this time both of you really get hot. By bedtime you're mad at yourself, at just about everybody you know, and at God, too. A day of discord ends in bitterness. We all experience this lack of harmony at times. We sense that something is wrong with us. And when we see a TV newscast on almost any night we are certain that something is awfully wrong with the world at large. Many people are gripped by a sense of despair about the people of Planet Earth. Can someone heal the wounds of mankind? Long years ago at the beginning of His public life Jesus announced, "The reign of God is at hand!" (Mark 1:15) To His Jewish audience this meant that God was stepping into human history to help people in a way that He never had before. In the kingdom of God sin and evil would be wiped out; peace and love would prevail. But it wasn't to happen all at once (how well we know that now!). Jesus used the parables of the mustard seed (Matthew 13:33), and the growing wheat (Matthew 13:24-30) to show that although the kingdom of love had begun, it had yet to reach its fullness. . The many miracles Jesus .worked were signs of the beginning of the kingdom, and they showed He was appointed
to announce the reign of God. But those miracles were not meant to create a sensation or, as we would say, to make headlines. These mighty deeds reflected the power of God; the Jewish people did not regard them as hocus-pocus magic, but simply as the wonderful works of their living, saving God. Quiet Power When Jesus drove demons out of people, it marked the beginning of the end of Satan's power. When He healed cripples and lepers, it was a sign of the healing of mankind's wounds, the cure of our sinful selfishness and lack of harmony. When Jesus raised to life Jairus' daughTurn to Page Fifteen
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BY CECILIA BELANGER Q. .I am trying to decide which religion to embrace. I lean toward Christianity but I see it just practiced in part. I don't see the totality of It anywhere. I know there must be some out there who are wholly Christian, but I have a feeling they are in the minority. Do you have an answer for this? Incidentally, I am a sophomore in college. Steve R. A. There's a little chapel around the walls of which is the statement: "Thou. shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, soul and strength, and thy neighbor as thyself, and on this hangs all the law and the prophets." The trouble is, most people who try to live the Christian faith will pick out something they see that catches their eye and miss the totality of the faith of-which you speak. People just quote "love" with no involvement. They will say, "I love my neighbor and that fulfills my responsibility." There are many who cannot understand that kind of love-tongue service, <lip service, whatever you wish to call it. What is love without doing? What is love without justice? Love without justice is empty and justice without love is vicious. The Christian should always be committed to the problem of balancing and putting together the totality of his Christian faith. If people who call themselves Christians are to take the name seriously; they are thrust into an unending social consciousness expressed through a thousand different ways within the parameters of sensitivity of the highest nature. There is always that unending struggle between love and justice, and I think what you are finding in your experience is how rarely it seems to be attainable. The true task of the Christian is to make the goal of justice spoken of by Amos in the Bible, and the profound love expressed in Paul's letters, come to bear in _ every human relationship. How Turn to Page Fifteen
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THE ANCHORThurs., May 6, 1976
Coyle Only Undefeated Team As Baseball Nears Mid-Season The scholastic schoolboy baseball campaign is almost at the halfway point and at this juncture only one of the 26 teams in the Southeastern Massachusetts Conference is unbeaten in league play. That distinction belongs to Msgr. Coyle-Bishop Cassidy High of Taunton. The War-. ning the title. If the pennant race follows riors, however, are still a true to form it will go right long way from corraling the down to the wire. Coyle can ill coveted championship trophy. The undefeated Tauntonians, who are vying for the Conference Division II crown, hold a slim one game advantage over a good Dighton-Rehoboth nine. The two are slated to meet in a pivotal game tomorrow. During the second half of the campaign, Coyle can be assured that it will face the best moundsmen opposition have to offer. Fairhaven, Dartmouth and Bishop Feehan High of Attleboro are all within striking distance of the frontrunner. Anyone of the top five teams, in the eight team division, is capable of win-
afford to worry about the one challenger, it must take one game at a time and hope everything falls into line as it has over the first part of the campaign. When Division II action resumes tomorrow all eyes will be on the Dighton at Coyle contest. But Fairhaven must maintain the pace by beating Case High of Swansea while Feehan and Dartmouth topple Seekonk and Bishop Connolly High of Fall River in their respective. battles. Seekonk and Connolly are both winless in five outings but neither can be taken lightly.
All Divisional Races Will Go to Wire . While no Division I or HI teams have escaped defeat over the early stages of the campaign, the respective divisional title races are as close as the Division II affair. In the senior circuit, Division I, Durfee High of Fall River and Taunton share the top spot. Preseason favorite Durfee lost its opening game to Somerset but has since rolled to four consecutive victories to regain the number one position. Taunton, on the other hand, has been somewhat of a surprise thus far. . The Tigers, who looked mediocre in preseason competition, seem to have found themselves and are playing excellent ball. Their lone Joss of the season has been to Durfee. Meanwhile, Somerset has faltered, following the big win over Durfee, and dropped to the middle of the pack. Attleboro and New Bedford both have il-
lustrated that they have the potential to seriously challenge. They trail the pacesetters by only a single game and must not be overlooked. Dennis-Yarmouth and Barnstable are clustered with Somerset ;while Falmouth and Bishop Stang High of Dartmouth are way off the pace. Two important games are on tap tomorrow when Durfee tangles with archrival New Bedford in the Whaling City and Taunton hosts Attleboro. Elsewhere around the circuit Dennis-Yarmouth is at Somerset, Barnstable is at Stang and Falmouth is idle. In Division III two New Bedford teams and one Cape club are tied for first place entering this week's action. New Bedford Vocational, Holy Family and Bourne appear to be ready to fight it out right down through the final week of the campaign. All have lost once to date.
Norton Opts to Withdraw from Conference Holy Family will host Bourne tomorrow in the bracket's big game. Voke entertains Wareham, Old Rochester is at home in Mattapoisett to Westport, and St. Anthony of New Bedford travels to Fall River to play Diman Regional to round out the docket. Norton has the day off. In off the field news, Norton will officially withdraw from the Conference at the conclusion of the 1976-77 scholastic year. The action results from a recommendation made by Athletic Director Howard Kelley to the Norton School Committee. Coach Kelley requested that Norton drop its affiliation with the Conference and seek admission into the Mayflower League. Travel and competitiveness were cited
as the major disadvantages to the Conference. The committee voted, by a narrow margin, to follow the recommendation. While Norton .has not been formally accepted in the Mayflower loop, it appears as though the action is a mere formality. Coach Kelley has received verbal oonfirmation that Norton's application will be acted upon favorably. Since the inception of the multi-team Conference, four years ago, there have been many schools that have threatened to withdraw stating dissatisfaction with travel, alignment or lack of rivalries as the reasons. But, until now none acted on the threat. Norton, one of the original
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BASKETBALL CHAMPS: Trophy winners at Junior Girls CYO basketball banquet at New Bedford's Kennedy Center are, from left, Louisa Mello, All-Star Team; Shauneen Bourgeois, sportsmanship; Sharon Roderiques, high scorer; Debbie Dumont, most valuable player.
focus on youth Continued from page fourteen often have we seen people speak of love and justice in their own family, yet never apply it there?
Wonderful Continued from Page Fourteen ter and the son of the widow of Nairn, He revealed Himself as the Lord of Life, who could overcome death. Today the kingdom of love is still growing; the power of God is still at work in the world. But seldom does this power make headlines. More often it is found at quiet times in quiet places when you patch up a quarrel when you go to Communion or receive the sacrament of Reconciliation ... when you straighten up your bedroom without being told ... when you say a prayer. Such everyday deeds are the wonderful works of love God brings to your life. Many years from now you may notice that a 'long, slow miracle has occurred in your heart. It was happening, all unnoticed, in the ordinary events of everyday life. Through the years, you were faithful, as best you could be, to the powerful God who was with you in the struggles, monotony, hardships, and sorrows of life. You hung in there, and love took root, and the kingdom of God grew within you. Someday, years from now, you may be surprised by the joy that fills your spirit and by the hidden miracle of love that filled aU the days of your life, healing you and helping you to become a person who delights the heart of God. IllllllllllllllllllllIIlllIIUIIIIII"tllllllll'tll,nlllllllllllll11111I1111111111'111111111111111111111111111I11'
members of the Conference, has found a viable alternative. In the opinion of Norton officials, the Conference did not fulfill expectations and they have opted to follow a different course. The Conference will survive without Norton. However, its action may cause some of tlre smaller schools in the Joop to re-evaluate their situations. The voice of all Conference schools must be heard, even the small ones, if the league's stated objective is to be reached-to offer equitable conditions to 'all member schools.
• • •
How often in the church, yet not always applied to certain of its members? I don't think any responsibility in this world carries a greater mandate. I wish more Christians understood the demand for true discipleship which our faith lays upon us all. Love, Justice Our prayer should be that with God's help we struggle to understand how to balance love and justice, thrust against the wall of the oommon events of every day and challenged by the turmoil of the world about us. We 'look at Jesus with long robes in a seemingly simple age and we cry out in prayer that we be shown the way in a complex, violent, warring world. We need a lot of help in this struggle. We need to help one another get through it. The door that is shut against us is not His. That is the sign. So keep away from those places. You are right. All that calls itself Christian is not. I will not try to influence you, but since for us Jesus is the Way, I pray, ,He puts Himself in your way. ' Speak out where necessary. Do not be intimidated by those who wield authority with au- thoritarian manners. You are your brother's keeper. Never stand idly by while he is being persecuted. This is the haunting and crucial question today as it always has been. I hope you saw the recent television interview with Alexander Solzhenitsyn. No one has ever in this day and age pointed out more prophet. ically the price of silence.
"Continued from Page Thirteen news of the kingdom, but participate in its ministry as well. Luke documents the curing of the sOn of the widow of Nairn, the daughter of Jairus and the woman with a hemorrhage of 12 years duration, incurable at any doctor's hands. Luke aaso gives the most dramatic account of the sinful woman in the house of Simon the Pharisee. Returning to the infancy narratives, an old tradition places Luke at Ephesus, which we know he visited with Paul. and where he perhaps interviewed the Virgin Mary, who was said to have retired there with John as her guardian. Some see Luke's story as the poetic and exalted Gospel, which Mary, the Virgin daughter of Zion, sang after she had contemplated this mystery in her heart over the years. She may have communicated this to John-or to Luke directly. At any rate the imprint of Mary, the world's greatest woman, shines through Luke's faithful pen. A rich heritage indeed from the "dear and glorious physician."
Camp Positions Interviews for counselors at Cathedral Camp for boys will be conducted at 1 p.m. this Sunday at the Camp office, Route 18, East Freetown. Rev. Leonard M. Mullaney, camp director, stated applicants must be at least 18 and possess training and experience in waterfront or other camping skills. He noted that all positions at Our Lady of the Lake Camp for girls have been filled.
Vocation Days As part of area observance of the World Day of Prayer for Vocations, information on the diocesan priesthood and religious communities will be available this weekend at La Salette Shrine, Attleboro. A Mass will be offered at 7:30 p.m. Saturday, followed by an open house; and a special prayer service for vocations will take place at 3 p.m. Sunday.
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