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Early Parish Totals Show Appeal Gains


Catholic Charities Appeal Headquarters announced a new total of $102,007.63 this morning. Continued increases in Special Gift contributions joined to some very obvious surges in Parish contributing combined to achieve the total. Parish Committees are at the midway point in their solicitation for the 1959 Appeal. The committees of each parish are being paced by Immacu. late Conception of North Easton; St. Mary's, Fairhaven; and St. William's of 0

An Anchor of the Soul, Sure and Firm-ST. PAUL

Fall River, all of which have already exceeded their 1958 total. -----..,..~-..,..---------The signs that are clear in the PRICE tOe Seeond CluB Mail Privilelre8 three leading parishes are ob. $4.00 per Y_ Authorized at Fall Rinr. Ma... vious in the Appeal in many , parishes. Ten dollar contributions by each working person have been accepted as the norm. A large segment of those who formerly gave less than ten dollars have now raised their standard to the new figure. There has ,been another remarkable trend in the increaseC' number . The fourth annual Convention of the Catholic Teachers noted giving gifts of over ten dollars. • 8S~iation will be held next Thursday and Friday, May 14 Widespread use of the pledge, and. 15, at St. Anne's School, Forest Street, Fall River. system has accounted for the Approximately 700 teachers in the elementary and high notable increases in both of categories. . IIChools of the Diocese will cuss pertinent educational ?Cob- these Special Gift solicitors are reaesemble for the two day lems. quested to turn in their final NEW OFFICERS: Elected to serve Attleboro District Conference to hear some of There will also be an exhibit returns to the· Area Headquar-· No.4, Diocesan Council of Catholic Women are (left to the 'outstanding educators of of the latest educationa1 ·mate- ters ·immedi~tely. Chairman Sul- . right) seated, Miss Cecile Brais, North Attleboro, area viceTurn to Page Eighteen . ~. !lection of the country disTurn to Page Four president; Mrs. George Bauza, Norton, president; Mrs. Leo

Fall River, Mass.

Thursday, May 7, 1959.

Yol. 3, No. 19

E·ducators to Meet Here Next··Week

Top Scien~e Studen'ts Compete· for .Priz8s . : In conjunction with next week's convention of the Cathollc Teachers' Association of the Diocese, a two-day Science Fair will be held Thursday and Friday, May 14 and 15, at Dominican Academy, Park Street, Fall River. High school sCience students criteria used in judging· the ef the Diocese will exhibit winners of the Diocesan-wide displays that indicate re-. even~. . . . .. March beyond the ordinary PrIzes mc~ude .$100 fIrst pr~ze, limits of the high .school curric. .lum. Many e~trants WIll a~:.ead.r ~ave carrl.ed off ho~ors In prehmn:tary sCIence faIrs at,· iDeir respective schools. Originality, scientific basis,. thoroughness, presentation, and ~book work will be among

$5? secon~ pr!ze, $25 th,lrd prIze and SIX prIzes of $10 each. All entries will receive certificates of merit. Exhibits wil(be·set up ·Thu'rsday morning, May 14,. and judged that afternoon. On Fdday the displays will be open to. the public. .


Bishop Cassidy Requiem 'Mass On May 15·

South Attleboro, treasurer.· Standing (in same order) Mrs.· James Clemmey;· Mansfield; corresponding secretary, and Mrs. Albert Jackson, Mansfieid, Diocesan vice-president. .

A Pontifical Anniversary Mass of Rp.quiem for the repose of the soul of the late Most Rev. James E. Cassidy, D.D. third Bishop of Fall River, will be celebrated on Friday morning, May 15, at 9 o'clock in St. Mary's .Cathedral, Fall River. This ·will bt: the .eighth anniversary of Bishop Cassidy'. death.

HameArizona Woman 1959 Catholic Mother . WASHINGTON (NC)-A 44-year-old Arizona woman who f~und time to establish a retreat movement for married couples, while rearing nine children, has been chosen as the National Catholic· Mother of the Year. Mrs. Charles N. . Ronan of Scottsdale, in .the With her husband, Mrs. RonaR Tucson diocese has been · founded the Holy Family Reselected for the honor by a treat Association, believed to be committee of the National the 'first U. S. organization dedCatholi<; Conference. on Family Life~

Diocesan Physic.ians, Nurses Plan May Spiritual Events

Diocesan Cath·olic Women·to Hear New. Bedford Home Chaplai-:-

P~ychology of children will be discussed at a workshop lIdteduled for-the morning session of the annual convention mthe Diocesan Council of Catholic Women, to' beheld Saturday, May 16 at Kennedy Center, New Bedford. Leading t.he workshop will be Rev. . John Hogan, chaplain of St. Mary's Home, New Bedford and supervisor of Catholic

MAY 3·13

Catholic nurses and doctors of the Diocese will gather at ··two spiritual· events this month, .both at St. Anne'. . Hospital, Fall River. ·Th~ annual·ineeting of the Dioce'san Council· of .Catholic· Nurses is scheduled to start· at 3 :30 . . Saturday afternoon, May 9, with a tea in the hospital cafeteria. Spea:ker of the afternoon will be Rev. Alfred

&harities for the New Bedford .ea. Rev. Lee Sullivan, Diocesan director of CYO activities and in charge of Kennedy Center, will delive. the invocation. ~rn

.icated exclusively. to fosterinc Turn to Page Eighteen

J, Gendreau of St. Mary's Cathedl'al, who will ·discu~ alcoholism. His talk will be followed by a business meeting and election of officers. A recording secretary and three diTurn to Page Eighteen

to Page Eighteen

Bishop Sanctions Self-Supporting· Pa rish Schools

THree Cardinals Plan to Welcome New Delegate

BAY CITY (NC) - Permission to charge tuition and .. drop some elementary achool grades that are not

NEW YORK (NC)-Archbishop Egidio Vagnozzi will be formally welcomed tomorrow as Apostolic Delegate to

.elf-supporting has been granted pastors in this diocese by Bishop Stephen S. Woznicki of Saginaw, with the hope· these tW'Q steps will put the diocese's educational aystem ·back on an even financial kieel. He said schools in this See are . Ilarassed by a shortage of teaching Sisters and that it is iinancially unsound to continue hiring large numbers of lay teachers. 'l"he Michigan prelate said that til some instances, parishes in this diocese of about 140,000 Catholics are spending nearly .eir entire income in operating IICbools. This leads to the neglect ." building, repairs .and other

. . . . . . . . .e "'b~




· the United States by some 50 members of the U. S; hierarchy, including three cardinals, In a special ceremony at St. Patrick's cathedral here. attendance will be Their. Eminences Francis Cardinal Spellman, Archbishop of New York, Richard Cardinal Cushing, Archbishop of Boston, and John Cardinal O'Hara, C.S.C., Archbishop of Philadelphia. On his arriva- at the cathedral the Apostolic Delegate will be greeted by Auxiliary Bishop · Joseph F. Flannelly of New York, • cathedral administrator, and accompanied to the Sacred Heart Altar. After remaining there ill prayer, he will be conducted t. the sanctuary, where he will be

/ In

1959 CATHOLIC MOTHER AND FAMILY: Mrs. Charles N. Ronan, 44, of Scottsdale, Ariz., (Dioc-ese of Tucson) has been chosen as the 1959 National Catholic Mother, by the National Catholic Conference on Family Life. She is shown here with her husband and their nine children. Mr. & Mrs. Ronan founded the Holy Family Retreat Associationio :f.o8ter closed l'etreata' for married ,eouples. NC· Photo. ",:.,


t • ••




T._ "·'...e Sixteea

. '!:"'",,'.:

DAYTON (NC)-The magni2. Sickness. "In the U. S. A. tude of the world's sUffering there is one doctor for every calli for a "daring response;" 1,200 persons; in Ghana, one for .." Elizabeth Reid Grail· leader 23,000; in Pakistan, one for every and former Far East correspoed- 35,000! There are one million, ent declared here; two hundred thousand doctors Herself an eyewitness of com- iri the world-925,000 of them in munist tactics and human sUf- the U. S. A. and Europe.~' / fering in' China, Korea and . "I remember some m!,keshift Vietnam, Miss Reid declared hospitals with three patients to that- "we are not two billion, a bed-two on top and one un600 million points on ··a chart; derneath-and three different we are living, breathing people diseases." . who desire to love and be loved 3. Communism, "which separ-we are tht. family of man." . ates man from man.in - the "But most of us are .hungry," human family. With i n the she continued. "Try and imagine little community of the United a line starting at your kitchen. Nations, :~e see 38 per cent of door made up of the hungry the nations committed to 'Ule people of the world. West, 35 per cent ~o the Soviet. "The line forms then goes out We say a narrow margin ()f of' sight, nver ~ontine~t' arid three per cent, Qut this is not ocean, around the world 25,000 true, because the other 27 per miles and returns to your 'kit- . cent of the so-called' uncomchen doo~. On and on it stretches mitted nations almost.· have 'circling the earth, not twice, not veered to the Soviet bloc in the five times . but 25 times-and past two years., .',. everyone i~ that line is a 'hungry 4. The Color CUdain, "which person." embraces more than half of the Other. Problems ·world's population." Now a staff member of the "We Catholics," Miss Reid deU. S. headquarters' of the Grail clared, "have a key role to play at Loveland, Ohio, Miss Reid in this growing world communcited other critical problems of ity, and we will'not play. this the' \ "growing world commun- . role "without being'.. involved . i~ . . . ity:" I'ts pro bl ems, WI'thou·t b eu?-g con~. 1. Millions are uprooted. "Refvulsed by its agonies, "and' in-' ugees driven .like leaves ,ih'/:1 spired by its causes, without storm the fa.ce .of' the identifying 'ourselves 'with the earth '. . . moved about like whole family of man." pawns in a political game, are received sometimes with love,' 'th . d'ff .,. '. " arid ;many times ·WI In I e~ence."'· . . . " "It has' been estI'mated.,'.' she Two Somerset couples were said, "that ir: Asia alone, 22· present at the first Solemn'Mass million peo~le',~a.v~ been' u~ of Rev. Thomas' R. Marshall, C. rooted and'nIn· mI1h~n ar,e,stI1,1, S.P:. celebrated' at St. Josephi ! displaced. In the MIddle Ea~t Church, Newport. They were Mr~ there are 1,350,000. refugees; m .. and· Mrs\:Arthur Marchand of Europe, still about six' million: ." :St.. ' Thorn'as :More parish and Mr.



. - :".

L~y Missioner...' Asse'rts'Wo'rld's Suffering Needs Daring Response .


2" . -ntEANCHOR . Thurs., 'May 7,' 1959



Parish Is- -First Says CYO Head, . Tightened regulations regard-: ing participation in area GYO

aeti~ities were outlined at, the quarterly meeting of Fall Riv~r area and parish council officers by Miss Mary Cronin, lay director and -nooerator of the girls' CYO program. " Speaking on· behalf of Re9. Walter Sullivan, F:all River CYO director Miss Cronin' said that ,CYO m~mber~ who participate in programs sponsored by the area council must come from pa,rishes' having their own youth unitL . Nineteen parishes were reI1r~ sented at the meeting, held at Blessed Sa.crament parish ha:l! ELKS ASSOCIATION CHARITY:' Bishop' Connolly to enable participants, to view: receives a $500 check fromWalter Quinlan, vice president of the vocation exhibit sponsored the Massachusetts State Elks Association, as Sister Mary by Blessed Sacrament CYO. . Howara Taft Fall Rh~er area Dariiien, supervisor of the Cancer Home, Fall River, and council ,presid~nt. presided, asLeo' V~ Gaffney, Esteem'Leading Knight of the Fall ~ive:c sisted, by Annt Marie OuelleUe, Lodge of ,Elks look o n . ' , vice' president and Elaine Dempsey, secretary. Rev Roland Boulet Blessed Sacrament moder. at~r, spoke on the cha~le.nge accepted by. his group in plan~ A h .'" NEW ORLEANS .(NC)- rc Active participation in the ning and· staging the vocatiOll . bishop Joseph F. Rummel, of Mass he said is one way in exhibit.. .. John Connell, representing, tbe New Orleans predicted here that which 'sodalist~ ·can give good new1y:activated' yoUng' adl,llt increas~d ',layparticipat,iop in 'example~' "Responses at Mass gr~4P ,of' the eYo, spok;e on" ~~ , the Mass will~elI- to bring back encourage the pastor and the '. " ,. to the Faith many "listless" parishioners and ex~rt a tre- aims. . The, council's next meeting .. Catholic,S. .. mEmdous influence," he said. ~t 'fo~.' Sunday, June .14, when '''PartiCipation in' the ,Mass," . e,: " : " , ',' with' th'e p'riest' is movement ~r~a officers' will be elec~ed 'tait t~~ co~,in.g ye~r .. that I think is going to have, a VOCATI~NNOV~NA: tremendous irifltience' on· the .life of the people," be said. 'I think ,~~lic" Qr( Re.d'Yotin9'~ May 8-17 oftlie 'people;" he 'said: "I think Surprises ,M~scow ',; '.0 gOd, ":Ne earnestly' l:>e- . many.persons fell away.:.'because '. . BERLIN'(NC ) -Radio Maso{'lack,of interesUn .tbe, M~ss)' .: 'seechThee to blesS this" 'cow in'an .unusually 'mild broad... .. , . .. . ...,., . ; 'dloCe~e"with' 'many' priests, ' 'cast' has .expr.e·ssed ','surprise", 'at ,:T,~~ Arch?~~ho~'1~1:IP;:sppk;t;a~, ,. brothers ,and sis~rs.' who,;' the annual archdl()cesan conventhe ruling of the Holy·See which will love Thee with their ~aridMrs.· !)tephen Silvia -f St. .tiori of the SodalitY of Our Lady; forbids Catholics to vote fo, whole. strength and. gladly John of God. . declared truit sooalistsshould. communist.fellow travelers. The spend their entire' lives to . Fathe.r Marshall, w90 lived in pra~tice the "miniStry of examstation said "Many people conSomerset asa youth, is a con- pIe." ') serve Th:- Church' and toe sider. this.to be intervention ia 'vert, the .only .member of:=-:his' . .. mak~ Thee known and thl}' internal affairs of other family· to 'be a Catholic. He h8d f D loved. : states." a distinguished musical career , 9 10n 0 . ecency Bless our . homes bless· before enteri~g the seminary The foilowing films are. to be our families. and 'as a seminarian composed a: added to the lists, in their reChoose from them all . Mass in D Minor for ·the centen- spective classifications: those 'vho" are needed for nial celebration' of the Paulist Unobjectionable' for general Thy 'hol) work. .,; ~athers. I~ w~s sung at the Napatr'onage: John Paul Jones; Son '~'Mary:; Queen of the 'Cler-" bonal S~U'Ille of the ¥n,rn.ac~la.t,e.,:. 'ofAlobin, Hood. ,,-,.,, . 'gyl'- Pray for us. Pray for ConceptIon, Wash.ingt.o!!1: '. ":: ;::,( : U~obj&!idhli61~'ifor adults and our priests and religious. d~heJou~ P:~~:th~~~O~~~I~, adolescents: \ ~~,g f, Teenager , Obtai,,"for us many more. or e In ew H 'lll y . . ¥~.:ardInhi' from Outer' .,SP.ace, Woman "-men. ,~ S pe llman. e WI contInue s 'E t ' . 'J .i. studies in Chicago this'1P''11mer . ae.r~ . ' . ;:(': . d ' l l be' . d~' :; . k' . 'UnobJectIonable'; for adults: an. '-"I .assI~ne :'~9 ,wor In Oper~tibn Dames:,; , Boston startIng In September. O'b··.· .'..: t f or a 11 : '" , .. ' Jec t'IOlla bl" t/lo"par I MILLION DOLLA~ ': Mass Ordo, DaddY~O(~~gge~~ive costuming " . '" . 'BALLROOM' FRiDAY - ApparitiJn~ of St. an~sih!atic:ms)<".' , ELECTRICAL Michael the Archangel. GreM- r F . rd' ~ • "G' .,.; . Available 'for er Double. White,1\1ass Prop- ••.. ro,nl~t ()y.ernment

Prelate Sees Lay Parti.cipation." As Aid to Listless ,Catholics

0 d r a in Former Somerset' -'-Yout'h


New Bedford Kof C, "

.' 'F 0" M • Plan ami y. e.a .


Members of McMahon Council i51 New Bedford Knights of 6>1~bus, will invite"families ' imd friends to attend the group's first familv communion breakf~st scheduled to follow 8:30 Ma;s at Mt. Carmel Church this Sunday, Mother's ·Day. ,.' Grand Knight Robert L. Pelletier announces that the break:~ast ;peaker will be, Dr. FredeI;'ick Rosenheim. Tickets are 'available frorr~ E' of C Home, d C b II St t :pleasant?n amp ~ ree s, or-from tIcket commIttee members,



: ,'AIMEPEll~TIER ~,


May 10 2:00 P.M. Immaculate Con.;. ception, North Easton. 4:00 P.M. S1. Mary; Taunton. 7:30 P.M. Our Lady 0 f the . Holy Rosary, Taunton. May 17 11:00 A.M. St. Mary Caili'e7 dral, Fall River. 3:30 P,M. St. 'Vincent's Home, Fall River. May 18 , 7i3Q P.M. Santo C hr i st 0, Fall River. l\lay 24

2:00 P.M. Holy 'Ghost, At-: tleboro. ' 4:QO P.M. St. Theresa, Attleboro' 7:30 P.M. St. Mary, No; Attleboro. "

FORTY HOURS DEVOTION May 7-Convent of the Holy Union of the. Sacred Hearts, Fall· River. Cpnvent of .. tbe Sacred Hearts, F air h a v e ~, Mount St. ~Y's Con:.. vent, Fall River.. ·~.-: ~May:IO-St.

Casimir, N e'w Bedford.' .~., .... St. Patrick, Falmouth. Villa Fatima, Talin.ton.,· May 17-St. Matthew,. Fail' River. " .. St. Kilian, l'iJew Bedford,' TIIB ANCHOR

Second-class mail privilegea authorised FaD River,. Mass. Published evel')' l'lturaday at no Highland A"enne. FaD Rivet Mnsa., tbe Catholie Presa of the Oioee.o of Fall Rivet. Subscription price Ii'


... mail, poDpaici $4.00 _





er; GI?ria; Preface only of.. Bans Activities Ascensl()n. . SATURDAY - st. Gregory NazBUEN?S AIRES., <,NC) ' ianzen, Bishop, Confessor and CommunIst party. acbvltIes h~ve Doctor of tLc Church. Double. been banned by the Argentme White. Mass Proper; Gloria; government. . Creed; Preface of Ascension. . Although.theCommuDlst party SUNDAY - Sunday' after the . Itself has not been outlawed, the Ascension. Double. White. government announced that all Mass Proper,; Gloria;. Second communist. offices . throughout ColleCt 'St.' Antoriinus,' Bisl!op the coun~y :would be clo~ed and and Confes'sor' Creed' 'Preface all publication'1 supportmg the .of Ascension. ~ , , communist line openly or under .' MONDAY'· _' SS. Philip and cove~, would be banned. " James, Apostles, Double of U Class.. Red. Mass Proper; Mass on May 1 .in MiSsal; Gloria; ,',. Creed; Preface of Apostles. _ . TUESpAY- SS. Nereus,Achil- " les, And Companions,. Martyrs. Simple. Red: Mass PropBOYS WANTeD' for the er; Gloria; Preface of AscenPriesthood and Broth.erhood. sion. lack ot· hinds NO impediWEDNESDAY - S1. Robert Bellarmine, Bishop, Confessor and ment. Doctor of the Church. Double. Write to: White. Mass PrOper; Gloria;. P 0 Iox.5742 Creed; Preface of Apostles. THURSDAY -Masson the ~ 8Gttimore I, Md. ·cension. SiriJ.ple. White. Mass . Proper; Gloria; Second Collect St: BOniface; Martyr; Pre:" ~ce of :Ascenfion.. .

Trin.itarian Fathers


:-.: .'Suppl, 'Nurses'

WARWICK (NC)-The School cOmmittee of' the City of War., \ wick voted to' supply nurses' .~. :,J for all paroch.a( schools in this Commerci~i '~'~~;'4~d~strial Rhode Island community. Chair, Institutio;'~i man JohnC.Revens said the Painting and Decorating aID()UDt of money the paroc.hial· sch()QIs save the city is much 135 Franklin Street greater thar..·the cost of . OSborne 2-1911 nursing' serviep. wflich the city Fall River 'will prOVide. __,.' " ~ .






Residential -

Banq~ets, Testimonials,




For Full Information Contact ROLAN~ GAMACHE WYman 9-6984

633 Broadway, Fall River OS 3-1691



Immaculate Conception Church FAU alVEI, MASSACHUSEn$


-'MAY'3 .~o J6

Women's Mission, May 3 to 9. Opening ••. May 3, 7:30 p.rn. " Daily Masses: 6:30, 7:15, 8:00. 9,00. . Mission Masses: 6:30 and 9:00. Nightly Devotions: 7:30 p.m. (! how) Closing Saturday night.

'Men's Mission: May 10 to 16. , Opening. , ~ May· 10, 7:30' p.m. Daily Masses: 6,00, 6,45, 7:30, 8:00: Mission Masses: 6:00 and 6:45. Nightly Devotions: 7:30 p.m. (1 hour) Closing Saturday night.


Children's Mission Mon. through Fri. 4. p.m. Grades 5-6-7-8 Re~.

Re.. James P. McBreen, C.S.c.

Jo.... J. Foley, C.s.c. .

DAVIDSON'S (Mac Gregor Bra,?d)










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DAVIDSON'S Mac Gregor .


at Food Stores .. South Eastern Massachusetts

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Pri~ate Liberal

~ur5., May 7, 1959

Arts College

::~~t!l~e~ri~~~th :sndh~:!'tht;: Bishop said. «r::ttan~hegO~~ar:~! ::s t:~~,

'MUSCATINE (N C)Catholics have "lost something of their Faith" if they' do not realize their duty to help bring non-Catholics into the Church, Bishop Ralph L. Hayes of Davenport has told the Davenport Diocesan Council of Catholic Women. "Christ's favorite title for Himself 'was that of the Good Shepherd," Bishop Hayes said. "His command 'Feed my lambs' was the test of Peter's love for Him; it was the core and heart of Peter's mission. Who are these 'sheep' that Our Lord mentioned? They are our non-Ca'tholic brethren." Pray for Brethren "Christ died for them; everything that He established for His Church they have a right to," , "VOCATION EXHIBIT: CYO members of Blessed Sacrament parish, Fan River, spon- the Bishop declared. "They have a right to enjoy Confession and sored' a two~day vocation exhibit at which 22' religious communities were represented. Rev. Holy Communion as we do. Roger Prefontaine, S.S.S., Blessed Sacramen t Father (left) discusses his order's display Christ wants them ~ have these with Joseph Landry, CYO chairman of the exhibit. Students garbed as Religious of Jesus things. We must recognize that Mary (right) gather around a globe of the world. They are (left to right) Claudette Cou- we, have a duty ~ Christ to ture, portraying a professed religious; Collette Jusseaume, a postulant and Michelle:- bring the Church ~ His 'lost sheep.' "

Authier, a novice. ,

! -

Vocatio,n,s-Mi,nded, Families Win' ·Pra,'i, s~ o.f'Po,p''"e John,' '

.terHe learning" amassed 'for .elf-satisfaction or personal ag.; . ,VA1'ICA::~,t CITY' (NC)~Pope .tohn took the ~casion' grandizement," he added. "Rath- '0'( auolence,grlmte'd to s~pporters of'two newly canonized, er did he view it as means fQr saints to pri:l,ise ,:fainilieswhich encourage 'vocations. The th~' teaching and. t~e.g~idancf,!/ "Holy'Father spoke at the, canonizationceremonie~ which. of others, for the healIng of the .' . . . ,,', ," '" . ills of this world, for the proper " raIsed, St. Chades ,de. Sezze selves happy ~o give lI()me of orientation of mankind toward" and St. Joaquina deVedruna ,~their children-to the'Lord if He' , its 'true 'destiny and' for the, de Mas to the honors of the calls them. May these families' ~rther,ance of ,.th,,~, ideals' of ,alt,ar.., ' ' 'know that ,they aI:~, ,pr:I;paring" for themselves the, sweetest " Discussing the liv'es of the 'new 'satisfaction this earth, and peace among men. ~ew' saints, ,Pope ,JohI(said they, '~tell above all a' shining crown in f"'III " •. . : you,people o( Italy' and Spain,' Heaven." I





safeguard the precious gift of ttie ancient tradition in:' which lie~ the secret of the true glories of y~ur countries which ,have .been blessed' by God.' . "The'.y ~peak' also ,of the love fur the. Church a'nd for ~ts per',ehnial magisterium (teaching authority)," Pope John contin'ued. "They remind you how very absolute must be the loyalty 'to' the homely wealth, of good morals and honest teaching.

A radio script entitled "A Gift to. Him" will be th~' Mother's Day presentation of the Catholic Theater Guild' of New Bedford, to be broadcast at 6:30 Sunday. evening, May, 10 over ',atation WNBH. Written by Miss Ellen Gaughan, the play deals with a young girl's decision, as to her life's : voca tion. A subplot tells the story of a crippled child 'with ' great faith in Our Lady. Miss Gaughan has' won rec-' Eternal Happiness "They testify to the value, not' ognition in the field of radio drama from the Ave Maria Radio 'of earthly things-not human Hour in addition to the New 'honor, nor nobility of blood, nor' Bed[ord theatre group, wealth:-buf of carrying out the Christopher A. Best will direct will of God with simplicity and the production, with Florence order, knowing Him, loving and serving Him hon'estly, then enMello at the organ. ' joying Him eternally in Heaven." The Pope said that the' comInt~national bined example of the two saints "affords .us the happy opportunity of implanting in your MIAMI (NC) - Miami Serra hearts the esteem (felt for) the , 'Club, first such club organized in. life consecrated to God through Florida, formally joined Serra religious vows, particularly toInternational during ceremonies day, when open hearted youth I heJ;e. ' can De misled by false mirages. In the presence of Bishop Cole- , of illusory earthly success. man F. Carroll of Miami; and ofShining Crown ficers and members of the club, "We therefore, affirm the suPeter Mills of Pittsburgh, a ,pei-iorityof the priestly, and member of th~ board of direc-, religious vocation over other, tors of Serra International, prestates of life-even the most sented charter No. 188 to 'Jossacrificing and' faithful ~ the eph Fitzgerald, Coral Gables at-' Lord. torney, president of the newly "But we also wish to manifest organized group. Our paternal and encouraging As a mark of tribute and en':' praise for those ,.families who eouragement, the Miami $erra kilOW how t9 appreciate and Club also received a bell and respect in their bosom the gift gavel from the Serra Club of of vocation and who claim them'.Pittsburgh ,through Frank Mc,Guinness, former pr~sid!,!nt. •

Serra / Charters Miami Club


234 Second St. Fall River'

D &, D SalesI N and Service, C.' FRI~JDAIBE


Bedfo'rd, Act'ors



Asserts Prayer For Conversions Laity Obligation

LORETTO (NC) - The small, privately supported liberal arts college in this country is "a real example of private enterprise;" Bishop Howard J. Carroll said here. ,'''Voluntary support and volantary sacrifice are the pillars" upon whic'h such institutions are created and maintained, the Bishop of Altoona-Johnstown, said in an address at St. Francis College here. Such schools are "monuments to our cherished American freedom, especially to freedom of education,", he said. "As long as that traditioll endures ... they will continue to be symbols, reminders and defenders of the basic dignity and the freedom of our people as individuals and as a nation." B ish 0 p Carroll, principal speaker at a convocation marking the dedication of the new Pius XII Memorial Library of St. Francis College, 'said that it is "worthy of special note" that the new library, replacing one destroyed by fire in January, 1958, is dedicated, to the late Pope Pius XII. . Sound Lea'rninK HFew individuals in our times have. exejTlplified', so well for their fellow men-and in par:' ticular for the world of scholar:..



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Appeal Gifts·,

Special Gifts


ContiJHJed from Page One ' Thurs~, May 7, 1959 Jivan hopes that this: phase of the Appeal can be completed igman. '$1;000 $'10 before next week. Lamport Co., Ideal Bias BindFall River Electrifl Light Cl. t Borden & Remington., Some outstanding gifts reing, Massachusetts Catholic OrFirestone Rubber & Latex Prod:" , $50 eeived at, Headquarters were: der of Foresters-Our ;Lady of llctS Co., F. L. Collins & 'Sons, Robert L. Germaine, Construc$1,000 Fall River Electric Light Victory Court, Brow's Pharmacy', Inc. tion & General Laborers Union, Co,; Hemingway Bros. InterMr. & Mrs. Michael F. FitzMr. & MrS.' George Montle. Avon Curtain Corp., Ashworth .tate Transportation Co.; Mergerald. $750 Brothers, Inc., Holy Rosary Woehants National Bank; $750 Fall Fall 'River Trust Co. Tioga Sportswear Co., S. A. men's Guild. River - Trust Co., Atty HarQld $500 A. H. Leeming & Sons, Inc., Ross, Miller Pontiac: Co., Loui. Clarkin, Bernard J. Doyle FamHarold E. Clarkin, Globe Mfg. William Stang Assembly, Pre- A. Siscli. / ily. John F. Smith Real Estate, Co.,' , ' ~.: , , AI's Tire Shop, Albert G. cision Thread Co., Inc., Chace , Taunton Greyhound Assn; $400 R. A. McWhIrr Co., Fall River ' Mills Curtain Co., -Newport Fin- Pierce. Durfee Ins. Agency, Inc., Catholic Women's Club of Fall , Gas Company. Teague Ins. Agency, Levesque ishing Co., Inc. River; and $300 Textile Workers . $400 'In- Memory of Mrs. Catheril)e Flower Studio. Union of America, Fall River. Catholic Women's Club of C. Mannion. William List FamAtty. James W. Killoran, J. PARISH TOTALS FaU River. ily Foundatior., Israel T. Almy,' ,Fred Beckett & Son, Fall. River Fall River $300 $3,230.00 Steam & Gas Pipe Co., J. T. St. William's Textile Workers Union of - Edward Brayton. 412.00 Holy Rosary Dr. Gilbert Vincent, Dr. John Hughes, Green's Storage WareAmerica. 1,035.00 SS. Peter & Paul Carvalho, Dr. .tames Sullivan, house. ' 690.62 St. Anthony of Padua $200 Mrs. Catherine Crosson, U. S. I Troy Sheet Metal Works, Inc., Memory {)f James W. ,Kearns, Trunk Co. Sacred Heart ' 3,690.00 Dr. Roland Chabot, Dr. Eugene Memory of Rev. George B. McF. R. Knitting Mills, Kaplan F. Sullivan, Jr., Dr. Richard A. 3,206,00 Holy Name Namee, Mr. & ,Mrs. James :E;.' 'F urnlture . C0., Inl;:., ' DDS New Bedford • • U 11'1SOja, Riveredge Printers Inc. Bullock, James E. Fitzgerald. van Sons, W. Irving Peirce & 2,438.75 Holy Name Lavoie's Jewelers, Frank Maz$ 1 5 0 ' "Son:" ,3;476.65 St. James zoni~ Atty. & Mrs. Francis J. C. P. Harrington Fun~al Home. St. 'William's Women's Guild, Taonton Kerrigan, Norman F. Thompson, Immaculate Conception 1,949.00 $~OO " , Regal Floor Covering, ,M. Joseph The Green Foundation. . Edward'M,- Corbett, C. J. Madowsky., ' St. Joseph 3,133.00 'Isadore 8etlow Co., RamllLeary & SQns, Gold Medal Bak-:-, ' $35 Sacred Heart 1,1>77.50 bottom Cotton Co. 0 ',' I A«leboro ery, Clover Club of Fall River, Buiiding 'Materials Co., Ad$20 Holy Ghost ,1,575.00 Louis Hand, Inc. , vance Frocks, Letendre & Boule Catholic Pharmacists Guild of ToWDS Webb Oil Co., G. W.CarpenterWholesale Grocers.' , _'St. James, Taylor's Pharmacy, Inc., Dunlap Associates, Inc., North Easton 3,952.50 Fall River Florists Supply, Mrs.- Henry J. Feitelberg..... $30 794.15 Fairhaven-St. ~ary'. $90 Stafford Furniture Co., Arthur Francis B. Leary, Roger ~ Cur2,039;50 Sandwich , Henry J. Duffy Pharmacy. A. Driscoll. ' , rant. 47LOO Assonet $75 ,$25 ..,.. FranJI: Feitelberg, Nelson'. 295.75 North Westport : In Memory of Frank E. Duffy. Mapelwood Yarn Mills, Mass. Dairy, Tri City Office Equip320.00 Woods Hole . Catholic ,Orde;'4 of' Foresters-O. ment Co. Swansea-st. I>ominic 1,412.00 _Mellen Hotel.

Fall River





L. of Fatima Court:, Daughter. of Isabella-St. Patrick's Circle, Alan G. Simpson, M.D., Joseph A. Bowen Co., Atty. James sel-

, 'DIOCESE OF' "Au.."' R'VER•. MAn, .

Smith ,Electrie Supply , Chace Electric Co. $15 Ralph E. Loper Co., Lorenze E. Savard, Merit Motor Marl,' Inc., Alpert Bros., Lavoie ~ , Hillman. Adams BookstoI:e, American WallPaper Co., Am. Federation of State, Cou'nty & Municipal' Employees, Fa)' River MaiJin, Service, Loft' Candy Co. Joseph Lima, Francis Taylor, Car.penters Union No. 1305, United Rubber. Cork, 'Linoleum " Plastic Workers of America, Local No. 251, International Brotherhood of Electrical Worken No. 437. Morris Levine, Smith Lumber Ccl., Needlecraft Dress Mig. Co. $10 Mother Catherine McAuley Guild, Pepsi Cola Bottling Co., Feldman Brothers, Canada Dry BoWing Co., i'dt'. sf. Mary,Alumnae Assn. Smith Office Equipment Co." Slater Paper Box Co., Federa-, tion of CerCles Lacordaire" S~. Jeanne D'Arc, Inc" Lynch, Vending Company, Monte'. Jewelry Store. ,: B~wei-y Workers Union No. 137, Loomfixers Union, Economy Radiator Works, Mr. & M.... J. T. Cottrell, Mike's Restaurant. Hutchinson's Oil Co., F. R. Poster Advertising Co., Joseph Torn to Page Seven





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Hate Literature . Spr~ad .Menaces Nation's Youth NEW YORK (NC)-Father John LaFarge warned that the spread of hate literature in the United States could

Mother's Day Is Happy Time tor Parents Of Three Priests Serving in Diocese Mother's Day is a happy occasion for all mothers, but for one in the Diocese it's a time of special rejoicing and gratitude to God for the gift of three priest sons. She is Mrs. Albert C. Shovelton of 35 McClure Place, Fall River. All her children are priests in the Diocese. Father William Shovelton, eldest, is a curate in her own parish, St. Joseph's.' Father Albert, next in line, is assigned to.St. James, I in' New <? Bedford, ,while Father Gerald, youngest, lY


have a serious long-range effect eo the na1ion's youth. The Jesuit author and editor ~oke here at a dinner' of the serves at Sacred Heart, Oak 52nd annual conference of the Bluffs. '. American Jewish Committee. He The Shovelton home is headwas awarded the Committee's quar1ers for the three pr:iests, American Lip~rties MedallioD 'who manage to get together '"for exceptional adv8Qcement of every month or six weeks. the principles of liberty and "They've always been' very equality." Father LaFarge is a close," said Mrs._ Shovelton. founder of the Catholic lri&erAt Same Schools :racial Council. All attended St.' .Joseph'. The appeal of hate literature, grade school and' Coyle High Fathee LaFarge observed,' "is' School. Father William and , ,DOt confined to the distorted Father Albert attended ProvilIlen ta I ity ." dence College and S1. Mary'. "It can and'does spread to the Seminary, Baltimore, while DOrmaI but thoughtless and con- Father Gerald stud~ed, at ~t. fuSed or apa-thetic mind as well," John's Seminary, Brighton, and be addt;d. St. Charles, Baltimore. As youngsters. the boy. were Father LaFarge reminded liis llsteners that "calumny can acolytes at St. Joseph's,a parish march under the bright banner which for years had' the tradition of "always having a priest 01. adventure; and where _you in the making"-a tradition. the 8Pell adventure you' can usually obtain a following from the Shoveltons did much to upho~d. Among them they have served )'oung." • He cited the "lack of inter- in eigh1 parishes of the Diocese: . e<)m'municalion" among the va- Fa1her William at Our Lady of· rious religious groups asa the Isle, Nantucket; and St. "grievous': defect in the present Louis, Fall River, before assignment to St. Joseph's; Father Alin1erracial and intergroup situCALL US ALL "FATHER": Father Albert Shovelton bert at St. Margaret's, Buzzards ation., . (left) and his brother Father William (right) cQmpare .. Bay; Our Lady 6f the Isle, 'and now at Sl.-James; Father Gerald note~on a day when both happen to be able to get together. at St. Patrick's, Fall River, and The third brother, Father Gerald (insert) couldn't make the now. at Sacr~d Heart. bqat from Oak Bluffs that day. ~ll three serve in parishes, All the brothers have "extraof the Diocese.. . interest. WASHINGTON (NC)-Fath- curricular';' interests in addition Mr. Shovelton, a convert, to their ~uracies. Father William choir director for St. James'; He ft' Avery Dulles, S.J., Jesuit SOD. shares his wife's pride in their of cancer-stricken former Sec- is chaplain to St. Joseph's Prae- enjoys playing the piano. Fath~r Gerald is active in Sacred sons. Both agree, "as long as re1ary. of State John Foster sidium of the Legion of Mary. they're good priests, that's all Father Albert has done much Heart's CYO and other youth Dulles, flew here from Rome we want." . radio work in New Bedford, programs. He's known to his to'visit his father. . broadcasting Lenten 'sermons The former Secretary of State anQ, at present, nightly May brothers as "the sailor" because of his island assignment. UTREGHT (NC)-ArchbishOp III undergoingt reatment for abdevotions. He is also moderator Ch'ristmas and Mother's Day Bernard J. Alfrink 'of Utrecht dominal cancer, and possible of the New Bedford Unit of the cancer of the cervix at Walter Catholic Druggists' Guild, a!ld are among occasions when the will lead about 800 Dutch solthree are usually together at diers in a North Atlantic Treaty Reed Hospi 1al here. home. They are also often able Organization pi 1 g r i.m age to Father Dulle.s arrived in tQ .take summer vacations a1 the Lourdes on June 4. He is taking . . Washington April 27 from Rome, same time and there have been part in the pilgrimage in his where he is pursuing graduate family trips to Washington and capacity as Vicar of the Nethstudies at ,the Pontificai GregNEW YOR~ (NC) - Chief Canada, among other points of erlands Armed Forces. orian University. He was re- City Magistrate John. M. Murpor1ed planning to stay for about tagh urged "stiff sentences" for a week, and will then return purveyors of smut. to Rome., "I share the increasing pl,lblic A week prior to his visit here concern about filthy literature," Fa1her Dulles, who is a convert he said during a television into Catholicisll}, had said in re- tervie~. '''Whether or not it tends ply to· questioning 'from the to create juvenile delinquency, press that he had no plans at it is not conducive to proper that time to come to this COUll- moral direction of our youth. .. try to. see his father. "It is a serious menace in this city and thoughout the country. I believe in stiff sentences for thoSe who 'are convicted." .

Father ·Dulles Visits Home






Thurs., May 7, 1959



Castro Declares Regime. Is Free Of Communists HAVANA -(NC)-Cuban Premier Fidel Cas'tro said the United States has no reason to fear that communists will take· over Cuba. "Don't worn' about COlIUJlunists," he has emphasized. "It is impossible for them to infiltrate. They are not in my government. Worry, rather, about our suc. c:ess as. a nation. We are a democracy," he said concerning American fears. Meanwhile, Cuba's communists; now that they have been able to operate freely for almost four months, are making considerable gains among the nation's workers, soldiers, students and peasants. Bu1 the growing impact of Catholic participation in the nation's affairs is showing that the Red drive can be neutral~zed. The Castro'regime has adopted a policy o~ tolerance toward the Reds. It has accepted cooperation from some members of tM People's S()cialist (communist) party and stated that it allow. the party to exist openly because all Cubans have a constitutional "right to dissent." Thus' at the present time the communists are able to wage a vigorous propaganda campaign that includes virulent' attacks Oil the Church and tirades against "Yankee imperialism."




Soldiers' Pilgrimage

Asks Stiff Sentences For Smut Purveyors




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Solemn Novena of 9 Thursdays STARTS THURSDAY, MAY 14'

Fairhaven Club Wins Honors

OUR 'LADY'S CHAPEL. Franciscan Fathers





Members of the Catholic Civics Club of Sacred Hearts Sehool, Fairhaven, won national honors when the Commission on Amer- . COMPLETE fean Citizenship of The Catholic University of America rated LAUNDRY SERVICE their achievements of the cur64 HICKS STREET rent school year deserving of. NEW BEDFORD an Honorable Mention citation. "WYman' 3-4777 The club was one of 21 80 honored. ~--"""""--"'-",. The Commission on American Citizenship, sponsoring agency, "confers these awards annually ., 1ft recognition of the achievement of outstanding groups among the more than 3,700 Ca1holic Civics Club activ~ In . Parochial schools throughout the eountry. The club program aimll to promote greater understandIng and appreciation of' the :'365 NORTH FRONT STReET: principles of Christian citizeo- : . NEW BEDFORD : 8hip among' boys and girls of. : WYmalt 2-5534' : lIpper ele~entary and - bigb ~ .chool grades. '._",-"-""-,,,,,-,~



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.... _ .

,DIOCnlE 01" ."ALL

Our EXilltation

The Ascension of Christ is the exaltation of His followers. The Head of the Mystical Body is in glory: "And now do thou, Father, glorify me with thyself, with the glory that I had with thee before the world existed."

TODAY-Feast of the Ascension, which Icommemol'ates the ascension of Christ into heaven. Generally this date is the feast of 8t. Stanislaus, Bishop-Martyr. One of Poland's famous Saints, 'he was born near Cracow in 1030. He 'became Cracow's Archbishop iQ 1071 and excommunicated tb.e powerful King 'Bo}eslaus II, who was leading an evil life. The King killed the Arch- ' ,bishop with his own hands ill 1079 in a church near Cracow, when he was unable to persuade his guards to do the' deed. The monarch became detested by his subjects, fled the country and died in misery. St. Stanislau. was canonized in 1253. TOMORROW":'" Apparition of St. Michael the Archangel. This , feast commemorates the apparition of St. Michael on Monte Gargano in southern Ifaly in the fifth century. Another apparition· in France in the eighth century led to the Foundation of Mont St. Michel in B'rittany.

The members of the Body are called to follo,w the Head, to share in His glory: "Father, I will that where I am, they also whom thou hast given me may be with me; in order that they' may behold my glory, which thou hast given me, because thou hast loved me before the creation 'Of the world." . The Feast of the Ascension is the re-living of Christ's assuming in Heaven of!the glory that is His ,and the glory that He wills to share with His own. As S1;. Leo has written ;" ' --Through· the unspeakable goodness of Christ, we have gained more than we ever 'lost by the envy of the devil. We, whom our" venemous enemy thrust from our first happy home, we, being made of one body w1th the Son of God, have by Him been given a place at the righthaila of the hili~" The place is there. It remains for the followers only' to, stay united with Christ an«;J to await the day when the trials of, this life are exchanged for the glory of heaven~


Caravels ,of Christ'''Tribute' To Portu.9uese _Navigato'rs '

SATURDAY ---.: St. Gregory of Nazianzen; Bishop - Confessor Doctor, Was the son of St. Gregory ,.the Eider. He achieved an outstanding record as a student 'By Rt. Rev.' Msgr. John S. Kennedy and ",as' a' schoolmate of S~ At a-time when space trayel seems' imminent, ~l]e fe;lt Basil the Great. Later St. Basil of the Porhiguesein discovering, the sea route to India in consecrated him Bishop. He be- ' the fifteenth century may appear insjgnificant. Yet it is ,came Patriarch' of' Constantin- ' ople,· in 379, expelled the Arian. For the Charity· Drive aims not only at helping those eomparableas a piece of pioneering, and had it not bccurreu intruder, and' spent his time. who receive but, at helping those who 'give. Thus is' the m?dern ,history wo?ld' cer- "fa~es ~rie obstacl~,one~h~l1enge' working for peace. and sound comm'and of Christ carried out-to lov'e one's neighbor as ,tamly have been different. after another. And when, finally doctrine until his death in 389. oneself for the love of God, because God loves this person,- '!J'he story of this ,epochal his ships stand off Calicut, there With SS. Athanasius, Basil and because God dwells in the pain-racked body, in the uncertain ,exploit is colorfully related is the, danger that, because of, the John Chrysostum, he is ranked steps, in the bewildered mind, in the confused ideas; in the in Gilbert Renault's book The ho.stility and duplicity 'of t~e" among the, leaders of the Eastern , Caravels of Christ (Putnam, $5). loc~l r~ler, the S~morium, the Church. person who benefits from the Appeal. t ra n s 1 ate d Portuguese will be slaughtered, SUNDAY-St. Antonius, Bishby Richmond their ships destroyed, and no , A~d perhaps the donor gains even more than these. OR-Confessor. Born in Florence Hill. word 'of their ,accomplishment "Blessed are the mercifuL". in 1389, he joined the DO!1liniThe act u a 1 brought to Lisbon. cans and became Archbishop of It was at this critical moment discovery was', Florence in 1446. A confident of ' made by Vasco that' the greatness of da Gam'a the Pope, ,he administered the , The Vocation Masses held earlier ,in-the week in three da Gama iii showed 'at its peak; In a contest last sacraments to Pope Eugene ' areas of the Dio,cese left their mark.upOJlall who p"'articipated 1498. But it of wills, he came out the winner. IV. He died in, 1446 and Pope c'a m e as the While' payinc the fullest of Pius, II ,attended his fU,neral. in them.' For' the degree of participation' w'as impressive: eli m a x of a , tributes to" this 'spie~did 'hero,' ,MONDAY, - SS. Philip and , An the young~men and women of the High Schools of the lo~ and p a i n - M r . ' REmault sees to ittliat the Diocese joined together .in singing th~ entire Commonort~e ful process 9f recognition due Portugal is not James the Less, Apostles. 8t. Pontifical Masses. They realized-perhaps as never before- preparation and forgotten. ,Portugal is' a small Philip was a native of Beth-: . 'f' f Ch" d h progress. At the country' and poor. Its ,popula- saida. He always takes fifth 'th at t h e M ass was not on Iy th'e S acrl Ice 0 ' rlst an t e beginning- 0 f . 'tion in," the fifteenth, ,century place .in the catalogue "of the: Bishop but their Sacrifice as well. the fifteentl! century,the Portu-, , was barely' a millior)'. Apostles, He is mentioned three : The Masses were celebrated to ask God's aid in letting guese p~ince ,kn0-:vn as J Henry - ',Y~i" .itPuslle,d, through .this times as a confident of Our· Lord in St. John'~ Gospel. After ~he young peopledeterfninewhat'their vocation in life might ':~ie~a:;gr;~o:a::~e~~a:~t~~~l~~~ ~tiet*:;:i~~s ~~:ii:t:~:~t;:~~t the Ascension, he is believed to : be. But the participation in the Mass made 'all know that the tatlOnli WhICh cul.mmated, af~r well, hav'e,:gone down ',before have preached in A~a Minor and, ; l'ocation of each is to worship God with Christ and throughlO~e 85' yea~s,m da qa~a s, 'the Moslems•.thEm in command' to 'have been martyred about the ,( Christ and in Christ. " arrIval at Cahcut on the IndIan of the 'Mediterranean and deep 'year 81) in Hierap,:"-:; :n Phrygia. ' His relics,are venerated in Rome, ,As Bi!3hop Conno]]y said: "If you keep the Missal ,coast. , " i n t o 'Europe. ' St. James, surnamed also, "the: your hands, and the prayers and inspiration and meditations' "Many ki.ngs' of P~rtugal, de"IL"was the Portuguese who, Just," was a cousin of Our Lord. ' of ' the Missal in ,your hearts, then whatever vocation yo'u ~rve credIt for theIr'. contrlbu- ,by discc;>vering' the sea route io After' the Resurrection, he be, t l O n s to the long, la~orlOus. ",:~rk, Asia flanked' this deadly force. choose, it will be the right one." , 'as do many captams, prmclpal ". , ., / came first Bishop of Jerusalem. ' He is the author of a canonical Th.e Bishop pointedo"ut that too long', h'as there been' 'among the 'latter being Bartolo- Stress~s epistle, He was ,martyred about , mew Dias wh'o, in 1488, discovthe year. 62 at Jerusalem by , silence lA'1 the part of those at Mass. This more active parti- . ered the Cape of Good Hope and being thrown from a pinnacle of ' eipation in the Mass-as directed by the late Pop~makes the turning point aroun,~ the the temple and then stoned. those participating ~alize that their' individual worship African continent. VATICAN CITY (NC~-Soluof God finds full expression only in union with Christ and Mr. Renault-celebrates all of tions to world problems must ,TUE,SDAY-SS. Nereus, Achil-' . ' ....them. not forgetting those who take'into consideration the rights WIth one another and with their.interna,I sen,tim,e,nts flowin... " penetrated to Eth'IOpla, . th e l'eg- ,and spiritual demands , , e of each leus, Domitilla, and Pancras,' over ·into ex~ernal expression. ' ' en(iary,land of Prester John. ind'ividual, His Holine,ss Pope Martyrs. SS. Nereus aJ.1d Achil,.' ' , l e u s were ,Homan martyrs w:ho: The Bishop spoke, of corporate worship--worsliip as a da "Gama Dominates John XXIII told members of 'were, baptize(\ by S,t. Peter and, parish, as the holy people of God gathered around the altar But it isda Gamawho dom- the International Committee for ' 'were servants of 8t. Flavia' and worshipping with Christ the Head.,) ina~es the book, -just as the na~e the Scientific Organization of Domitilla: They were banished' of the first man to reach an-, ,Lab<,>r: "",,' , with, her as Christians to the Those a,ttending the Vocation, Masses drew, some great other 'pianet will outshine those The Pontiff told the lnterna- Isle ofPonza and were behead-,. lessons from them~the greatness of the priestly an'd reli.,. . of the,r,nany who wil~ have mad,e, ' ti~naleW~ie'1c;',experts t,hat the ed ahout 100, St. Pancras died "'ious vocations, the need of God's help to"deter'm'l'ne o'ne's liig journey possible, "commandments of the, ,Gospels in the fourth century in the pere . ' Dil Gama was in his' thirties constitute the surest basis, for secution under Diocletian. He ' • l'f th t t' f II ' ea11 mg m I e, e grea voca IOn, 0 a ,to worship God When,' , in 1497, King Manoel the successfui 'realization of had been a favorite at the Emthro~gh full participation in the Church's supreme act of chose liiin to' head the venture. ,e"efy human activity. peror's court, but moved by the worship, the Sacrifice of the Mass. He had three ships, one of 120 There are constant importani prayers of his mother and sisters tons, on'e of 100, one of ISO, plus aQd deeprooted questions that repented his apostasy, and was 0 a provision ship of 200 tons. cannot be solved with material, ' Reports as to 'the number of force, h~ said: Nor can'they be '~ca~'t~~ed and beheaded for the men accompanying him, vary. solved, by ,the imposition' of . O)'~' 1; hegemonies of power or of race. WEDNESDAY - St. Robert .. 'another' at 320.':ln 'either"case, it Even if these meanssuc,ceed in Bellarmine Bishop - Confessoris 'tiny by present day stand- taking 'over; the result ~fter the Doctor. He was born at Monte' plilciano in 1542, received his,' ards. first effect would be emptiness He ,had to, cope with foul terror,: and, ,therefor' 'the most education from the Jesuits and, , OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF' THE DIOCESE OF FAll ,RIVER' 'arid' 'ru'rious weather; with an fertile ',ground for strife and joiTled their s<,>ciety at the age . .. of 18. He first· achieved.· his Published weekly by The Cat~'olicPre~s ot the Diocese of Fall River attempted mutiny, with afflic- conflict. ' tions~uch as scurvy. More men,;, The Pope added that it is reputation as defender of the . . 410 Hi'ghland. Avenu'e ' acing than any of these was the ,through the,saints that it is easy Church. in Louvain and from. Fall River, Mass. .. . . OSborne 5~715~ unkno:wn; for much of his way to go back to the source of every th,en em ·busied himself against,', ,there, ~l!S no precedent: Prodig,.: virtue "and:, perfectio.no' God, As, attacks by non-Catholics thr:ougb.: PUBLI~HER, . lous courage arid brilliant sea- a result, he concluded,' there is his ",writings' and speeches. He . Most Rev. James L Connoliy, D.O., PhD:. inanship were requested. all,' reason to rejoice because was created a Cardinal in 1598,' GENERAL 'MANAGER ASST. GENERAL MANAGER Faces 'Many Obstacles humanity, although sometimes was named Archbishop of Capua ' , ,Even tho~gh the rea~er knows, so ,distracted, and, distant, never- in 1602, but was recalled to Rome' Re...: Daniel F. Shalloo, M,A; " 'Rev, John P; ~riscoll . , 'that ,success will crown the un-" theless;feels the desire and finds three years ,later and died there MANAGING EDITOR 'dertaking,the ,narrative tingles the, means 'to 'return to the in 1621. He' was canoni;t.ed ill:, Hugh· J. ~olden· .' with 'suspense, ,M da Gama IUpreme purpose o,f its existence. 1930., There is every evidence that the Catholic Charities Appeal ,will be successful. Arid by "successful" is meant not only that a goodly amount of money will be realized to support the charitable activities of the Diocese. By "successful" is meant that the donors have experienced the spirit of Christ, the spirit of sacrifice, the spiri~ of giving.



, -'THE ANCHOR 6 Thurs., May 7, 1959 Weekly Calendar Of Feast Days .

The Gloria sings the Ascension song: "0 Lord Jesu8 Christ : •• Who sitteth at the right hand of the Father, , have'mercy on us. ,For Thou only art holy, Thou only art 'the Lord, Thou only art most high, together with the Holy. Spirit, in the glory of the Father."·

Successful Means .'..


Vocation Masses


Rights ,Of Individuals

'®rhe. ANCHOR



,...~,... ...·,s


t'.• '''':''~








; THE ANCHOR , Thurs., May 7, 1959


Hospital ,Ch~pl,ain Ci~es' Rel~gion/s Effectiveness in .Mental Health . ,




ALEXANDRIA, (NC) - Recent· years have seen a "remarkable" recognition .of religion's iinportance and effectiveness in mental health, says Father Ernest J. Ziska, O.B.S., Catholic chaplain at Central Louisville State Hospital, Pineville, La. "This truth is of great inspirTh~ Benedictine p r i est ation and consolation to all and. pointed to research projects perhaps, much more so to the mentally afflicted, to realize on religion and mental health that, in spite of personality disbeing conducted at several universities, including Loyola of Chicago, and to a national organization, the Academy of Religion and Mental Health, as - well as numerous newspaper and magazine articles and books. "All of these things prove 'that, finally, from the level of discussions and paying lip service to religion and mental health there is now an actual' carrying out of all the challenges and promises of the past," he said. One of, ·the great factors in mental health,. Father .. Ziska said, is that people "be always conscious of the greatness of our divine' origin; that God made 'us to ~is ima~e and likeness and gave man the power of dominion and of rille over his· own life and all forina of creation."

OFFICERS OF GREATER NEW' BEDFORD' CYO: In the front row,Beverly Botelho, vice-president from St. Mary's Church and Ronald Pacheco, presHl,ent, of St. Kilian's Parish. Rear row, Margaret Carter; secretary, of Holy Name and Paul Roy of· St. Anthony Parish. .


orders they are just the same, the image and likeness of God and they have an immortal soul and their destiny is the happy fellowship with the Heavenly Father for all eternity," he said. Consequently; . he continued. the function of the psychiatric chaplain in '3 mental hospital becomes to assist patients in holding on to their beliefs and faiths as well as to provide an opportunity fo' spiritual ministration which comes principally, through participation in worship and church activities fellowship. " M 0 reo v e r, the chaplain'. function is' to interPret the meaning of religion to the per': sonnel and to carryon an active contact with community and' civic groups, as well as the members of the patients' t.m. Hies," he said.


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On Choic'~,~f PoichFurniture By Allee

. .• ' -::: THE ·A~CHOR


Thurs., May 7, 1959

Youth Should Have. Liking

Bough Cahill

The day of the front porch with rocking ch~irsmaY 'e passe, but many homes still have porches, or room to

For Musi~

make a terrace, and' these can give a person great pleasure with warm weather just around the corner, and it's imporCHICAGO (NC) Emtantto make this space ~ripes and this can be true phasizing and encouraging a livable and attractive. with the newer type of permataste for. good music among :To make the most of your nent a\V.nings. . porch or terrace, the furni. Outside the. house, as :well ~s youth is the best way Qf advancing the liturgical movement, ture mu s t be a d ap t e d t 0 I'tS use. in, .the groupmg of furmture IS There's the new aluminum furall-Important. PI~ce. a table ~eMsgr. Thomas J. Quigley of lIiture .which i s ' . tween two chaIrs,. on which Pittsburgh said here following popular because table .you can put books a~d his election as president of the · it· is light to. magazmes. A comfortable chaise National Catholic Music Eduhandle. Or you invites a fe,,:m ~ments o~ comeators Association. might like to' ple"te relax~tIon m .the. mIdst of select some of : a busy day m. the kitchen, or for Msgr.1 Quigley estimated that the wicker-tyPe' dad after work. Be sure .to prothe liturgical movement is the which can be vid!Lplenty of .ash trays on your . most important in the Church 'kept naiu~al or' ta!>les. a~d if there's. ~pace you, . today. It 'has made great pro· Painted' a. gay mlg.ht lIke .klplace.~ ,- ~esk. . gress in recent years, he. said, eolor.. ,M eta I .. agams~ on~.' .,waU'.yv.e re . ne':t:r especiaily along the lines.of Mass · .hai~s :arici. .ab80lv,ed.from'"",,~Wrig. nC?tes, ALERTStiJl>EN~i' VOTERS:, Voting machinesbor- participation. by 'the laity and .' ,iasi _ ~pp~' even i.1i ~otY"ea~be.r.:.: . ' " .... , . -, '.... " . . '. eimgregational singing.' " . . "bltlll·,,~re·"'d~-·,.. ':'." A. te~.~artl;s.·ha~~~for.~t~~~ :,TOwe~Jr?m Fl0r.~da s Da?eS.()~n~y wereu~ed· by studen~. . "advancethe ,movem~nf '. eeptively. practical-:-:--and ver~_ll~:werll. ~ f.or·~n~~k~ and co~l. at Barry C?lleg~ for,the el.ect~onof a 8tud~nt,body presl..:. , ~rther the 'Ms' r. 'km 'there .~ .: .. ;. ' Ie, too . Tbey. ,are. sturdy drm1l:s., Susan Frey ..". ' g . . . '., . ", . 'enough . kl"th":wllen."the, Ab .fa~!ly n'berelaxes '" 'dent •..sodahty' '," prefect, and·' campu8que~n. ,.. . . .of ' . need'foragreater'emphasls,Oft " '. , . , '~r,porchorterroace, ~nd they.:reg e, 'h ?~e.p: "'Ii sur~ :Fort Lauderdale looks in as Virgihia Lautz o{ W~d~Rjdge,JiIu8ic.app~eciatiori :in the .fielcl ::', . c, equally appropnate 111 the.dm.. you~ ..pore. ,Ill.. o~en .~!1, ... ~.n , N' "J . . to·" t'h '\.,:..11 t.' 'NC'Ph t · .. . . ' . : .. , . · IDg room; Light and .~irystyling crowded, for ~e ,~~!le, ~of. space ' ..., ., pr~par~s cas er lM 0 0 of Catholic ,educatIon. · 'Of 'm'etal' furnitu're\ is cool look.:. adds ,to th~ coolne~Jl ..~ne "1,hould He said tbatin the emp~~sis' '·,IB,. Spills ate nothing toglaSi ende~v~r kl pu.t tb~.,1'8~e ~.m-. Of good music for youth t~e~e table tops; table-Cloths ----,- evenf?rt mto a porc~ as loto a livmg ..' .' ..' . : . . ' i" ' "." .~ ; . ' . J... ill room for teaching 'the value place mats ~are:,unnec~ssary. rQ()~" by ~smg. .eomfor~bl~ .',~ good ja~ music'. Msgr. QuigWhen you' cboose. fabnc~ to cha~~s,comfo.!tably~lacedl.eon , ~ .' ley .dismissed "rock-'n'-roll" atI eover their cushions, consider 'vement table~, a~c! rugs. Be ~ure 'Ne~·. officers for. A:t~leboro .Now. in'recess' for the sum~er, '. a temporary fad, but ·sa.id that. where you will use'them. Here's': to sele~t furn.Iture. and, c<!~er:mg. .DistrIct Four ofth~ DlOcesa~ the next district meeting will be .good jazz music definitely has a pleasing combination - lime that w.Ill.stan? the weather.. . Council of Catholic. Women in- held' in Norton, Monday, ~pt. " found its place in the Americall green and a ,washable sand color. . ~n. mterestmg trea~ent. that elude Mrs. George Bauza, Nor- 21. of life.. Thiseolor scheme. keeps . the _ may appeal to . you as • dId kl ton, president; Miss Cecile Brais, 'furniture soft and' muted 80 as' me is the use'of .8 wall fountain. North Attleboro, vice president; DAUGHTERS OF ST. PAUL IIOt to detract froin the view of A family using one. loved green Mrs. Leo Campbell, South Aitle....Yite ,oung virlt (14~23) 'to lobar ... the garden. 'You'll firid that plants on ~~e porchaiI~ arran~ed boro, treasurer.. . Christ·. vineyard a. an Apostle of the muted ,tones increase the illus- a. d~c.oratIve fountall'~, ",hlCh Also Mrs. Robert Skeeze, See,. Editi;'ns: Press, Radio, Movies and ,feleion of coolness. You can ch~nge ~u~plu~d ~ater for. ~hem. If it konk, recording secretary; Mrs. mion. With these modern mean., th.,.: James Q. Clemmy, Mansfield" the. character of wrought-Iron IS~ t pOSSible to have a f,?un,. "'i";onar; Sisters bring Christ',. Doctrine / furniture with slipcovers. . tam, 11 lavabc ~ay pro,,:.e.: a .correspondIng secretary; Mrs. to an: regardless of race. color or .r_., . Gay awnings protect from too good an9 attractIve substitute. Albert Jackson, Mansfield, For .formation write to: REV MOTHER SUPERIOR much glare on porch or. terrace. Urges Women to Keep fo~rth vice president on. the Di110 IT. 'AUL'S AVE. BOSTON 30, MASS, It is .the. use of aWl1lngs ( o f . • • ocesan Board. " which there is a great variety Interest In PolitiCS Their election highlighted the ,this year) which makes this out-· MIAMI (NC)-A woman's interannual meeting of the district, · door living possible. If rightly est in politics shouldn't die sim-' to which members of Alcazaba built and placed, awnings keep ply because she's fully involved Circle, Attleboro Daughters of eut the sun and let in the breez- 'in home life, nor should she Isabella, were hostesses. Rt. 6 at The Narrows in l\Iorth Westport es.· At night, when the breeze . think her single letter to an ofMrs. Bauza spoke, accepting b stilled, the awnings may be fice-holder is completely inefthe office of president, and in..., lifted, as no roof could be,' for fective. . troducing Rev. Bernard Sulli:.1 Where The the full enjoyment of moon and This advice was giveri. to 'wo- van, St. Mary's Church, Norton, Entire Family .tars. Therefor,e, your awnings men of Barry' College' here by who spoke on the privileges and ,Ca.n Dine must be. practical as well as Adelita L. Quejado of the col-. responsibilities of membership decorative. lege's department of political in ·the Diocesan Council. Economically \ I~ arranging an outdoor living science and economics. . . rOom,awnings may :be fastened .' She told the' audience that woto the house wall above the tops' man's right to vote··"t60k many & ) . , of' the windows, The canvasyears .- of fighting, campaigning ONE STOP type are often held .out by iron, and even lobbying. to. ~come es'!'Ods with spear h~ds. I've. see'n ta'-":~h:::(L'" .. '.'! SHOPPIN~ C:NTER homes where venetian, blinds "If we .do not use it,' we· ha~ a T~levision a Furni.~u~ ., were hung on the outside of the . wasted the effortS of many wpo • .Applianees a Groeer~ . window; so they'd have no inPi' "'.I tIS," she said ... " terterence with curtains or other Asking for ··an intelligent use tOt Allen N.e. ,Bedf~r~ interior treatinen·t. Canvas awn- of 'the 'voting:right; she' said·wo..; . . . .'. \ Wl'man 1-.9354 ings are generally very' gay with men "must take time out ,to :read· . ,', d d the newspapers and learn, the Frien s' Gifts to Ai. views and aspirations of the .ean. A Delicious Large Canadian Family didates." .. . ALMA (NC)~The Paul Emile . J;lusy,. mothers: can )rJlOence ·Treat :TremblaY family--':which inClud-' leg~slation and political-thinking ed, 'seven sets. of twiris---is. to . by writing letters to office-hold~ ..;' have Ii new $25,000 home thr()li~b' . MiSs, Quejado, said.: '. ; ,'. ;,,Buy Your Cloth ,the donations' of friimds'in' the ,'~n you. feel that your letter Diocese of, Chicoutitni. . , wiH. be the only onc .received , Mr. and Mrs. Tremblay ,have . on the matter, and you strongiy .believe .you,r po'iIit," ~he sai,d, lIlade headlines on a number of .ceasions becauSe ot'the 'number'· ·,·then· ,why'pot eall Y04r :fri!lP.«;!s;:···Man·Who ' of-multiple births in their family. and ..neigh~cirs.and get ~~~i!',.!~';', '" Eighteen ehildreri' . have .t>eeo terest aroused in the same issue.' , Con\oiiIcethem to sit' d6Wn. and bQrnkl them. i.n.. Jh.e 13 ,Years of write· a' simiiar- letter... · their marriage. :.Severiteen chii;' .. drel1' are . living, one' of the' firSt twins having died. Mrs.' Treni- . blay i.s 36 years of age. , . P':UM81NC'- &HEA'riNG, INc,. : Because of the impossibility Chrome Dy... ·Very; LI.ht· WeI.ht . '. . for Dome.iic . . 0 . . '. , ·of .finding adequate housing for ~ Ii Intiti.trial . Fine BA:r,I~rES, SERGES, this large familY"the Fathers of . ~: Sales. and the Blessed Sacrament launched PANAMAS .and, GABARDIN~S now .. Oil Burnears . Service .' an appeal which~ met with a wy ',9447 . healthy response throughout the WH,OLES~LE, 2283 ACUSHNET 'AVI. diocese. . "', Ask For Them oday " . 'NEW 8ED~0~ .





M.rs., ... B·auza . . "'H' . d" .A' ; 1--' b" " D" ..,. ,. ea s . tt e oro .. IStrlCt- ,. Diocesan Women s Organization' :,



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New Bedford 0 of I initiat~ 'Candidates

Officers' of HyadnthCircle No. 7i, Ne:w Bedford Daughters 'of Isabella, "exemplified' . the Three Orders of Initiation ri'tes for 35 candidates' from 'Falinoutli . Circle; Benedict Circle, North Attleboro; and Hya'cinih 'Circle. .The initiation team' was' led, .by Mrs. Charlotte Charron, state vice-regent. In other business; glee club members of Hyacinth Circle made a donation' to the Madonna Plan. Secret Pals held a ron call <UnDer Tuesday ni.uht.

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S'ignifi~~o'~~"~f Mother'5 Day .'






Changes as One Grows Older'




Attendance Drop Shows Fidelity

By Mal-y Tinley Daly . Mother's Day coming up. What does it mean to you as • e)lild? A mother? Grandmother?' In tl!e first category, if you're in the "Have mom, will buy" class, you're hait for the whole range of commercialism~ You are exhorted in Dewspaper, radio and TV and guessed what was eomingads to "Make Mother Hap... up. You and the Head of your py !" Her happiness, it House got up for a very early seems, depends on what the Mass, came home and you I'

ROME (NC)-The increasing . drop in Mass attendance by the Catholics of China is often "a mark of fidelit.r to the Church," the international mission news service, Fides, reported ,here. The news agency said the seeming paradox is due to the fact that in many places in China, the only priests permitted to offer Mass in public are those who have sworn allegiance to the so-called Patriotic AssoCiation of Chinese Catholics. "Catholics have in general repudiated these 'patriots,''' Fides said, and now pray at home instead of assisting at Masses. offered ,by schiSmatic p,riests. ~Fides said . 'that "priests' who are' flot members of ·the "Patri.. ~tic'·Associati;"n"· are mostly in W:isort; in camps or ullder h(';use' arrest. And .even priests stili' 'nominallY"'free' must· join in 'fbrced labor, ·it 'said. '.

sneaked back into bed. Smells from the kitchen presaged sausage, pancakes .an·d syrup. (They forgot all about coffee). The burnt offerings were really that as one pancake after another sent smoke throughout the house: Finally a small figure struggled up the stairs with a tray containing orange juice CONVERSE BETWEEN DANCES: Dr. arid Mrs. (halt-of it stjll in' the glass), Roland E. Chabot (le:(t)' of Somex:set'chat\vith Mr. ,and some underdone sausage and 'overdone pancakes, syrup dripF. OmerG:r~?non'::l?f)j"ew:Bedfordat :second.. aniwa!.'. bail pin~ its way on every step and sponsored by Leon C~ravan No., 22, ··Order of Alhambra; across the bedroom rug.' . .. . . '" '" '. ".. "·,i"Here.·MoJIlmy.;,..;Iet·me prop" at New. Bedford.' " i\, " :1 ,;.: ••:: ;;', ..... ·Ii ';. up , ,ypur, ,pil~ow;, .,;rpis .,j;;,~ s'priseF".. ) tier your photog'niph "("The iti'ft Has' a~y breakfast "cV'ef tasted that' o'nly you' can gfve"), take her out to dinnet':"-regardlesS"of . better? . The. ~gency said t~at ..i.n adNor have any' ·diriners been the fact that she has to cook for (:mEENSBURG eNC) - The that I someti~es suspect every- dition; churches in many places, Pop and the kids. before she finer than the ones cooked on younger generation of today one thinks the Nautilus was de- especially in country districts, Mother's Day at our house. By ieav.es. ,You're to get her' 'aili-ff, found a champion here in' John veloped' at Seton Hill rather are either, closed or ta~en over now, they are culinary' delights stereo, a :;;et of dance le'ssons to W. Simpson, vice president of than at Bettis'." for profane use. . even to a Duncan Hines, but ~enew her youtli;' Ii 'h~~ring ...._~".'."'.'.' ... _ . the Westinghouse Electric,.Cor- ...i~'_....~~ aid to get her back on' the' be~ni" they are· no more delicious to a' poration of Pittsburgh. ," ., ,i mother than the early' attempts 'afl;lr stol~ to keep h~r' wa:~fu,:ari , 'In- an 'address' before 500· stuwere;·· with 'mistakes·'made· only Jane Parker .!air conditioner to 'keep her"cooL dents' of Seton Hill College, for .' because",of inexperience.": '.' "i' . ' "'" '. I~~s, 'a B.:!ocket::" ,,:,':,".': 'women, Mr. Simpson 'took'sharp , .When you. come: to ,the third 'there is no trouble :l;indiflg issue ,with those' who' claim stage? Mother's Day' as seen ,: IOmetl1ing to get for'mother'-:'" todaY-'s college 'students are de.,. through a grandmotHer's eyes'! after you're past the stage of featists and' 'are·' not accepting Instinctively, com e s t he taking it out of your allowance!, thoJ.lght~my mother. ~ .' For the challenge of the future. ' For a few years, perhaps you· most "grandmothers, our'" own The occasion was a program fall for the racket-and' then,· mothers. are. no longer living: in, 'honor of Mrs.' NZltalie,,,CarCracked Wheat, 70U and Mom laugh off the Ho\vever.' we can stili give. our bone Mangini, who was grad~­ whole deal. " Pumpernickel, tributes. Not dangly earrings, nor ated in 1949 from the college You remember how happy Whple Wheat breakfasts-in-bed. These they and now is employed by "the you were when it did cc}me out Potato, treasured in time. , Westinghouse' Bettis" At 0 m i c of your allowance. You gave up Sour 'Rye, Power Division in Pittsburgh. • movie to buy Mom a pair of Urges Christian Names Plain or Mr. SimpsoIT is also general dangly earrings and she wore manager of, the .division. Poppyseed them proudly. In retrospect, you For Catholic Children Mr. Simpson acknowledged Vienna can see her drawing herself to FORT WAYNE (NC)-Some there is a "beat generation" toC her di"!nified tallest, holding . people are going to have a hard day, but he hastily added it was LVS head high, the glitterY pendants time' finding their patron saint REG. 25c not the young people. He said: dripping from her ears as she in heaven, judging from the PER LOAF "It is my generation.. I'm: beat stared down family members names in use today, Bishop Leo keeping up with them." inclinen to snicker. You recall ··A. Pursley observed here. Mrs. Mangini was honored fe;>r .all the, .. other ,gifts you, gave '. "Unless there are some' saints her work. on the atomic subMothel" on' her, day----'arid how t have not heard about, some of SUPER-RIGHT ,HEAVY STEER BEEf 8he lo':'''~ therri-'-and YOli. '. 'the names I see ql1 baptismal marine, the Nautilus. She was And then, when you became a'.. :reports, 'and, lesi:/, frequently, on ,presented wit!. a silver tray, pn behalf of the Seton Hill ul1der. :znother : .. What' !iid the.. day confirmation cards, cannot posgraduates who are affiliates of I mean? sibly be classified as Christian," the American Chemical Society. Instinctively, the .f ami I i a r said the Bishop of Fort Wayne. Mr. Simpson told ,Hie students ,.nildish reaction was. still there "I fe,el obliged to Urge' Cathof HIe college conducted by the :-desire to communi.cate·' witl1. olic parents to give their child·)"Our own mother-a letter, a ren at .least one genuine', au- Sisters of Charity of Mother 'H~avy Western, Corh-Fed Seton:' . . ,phone call, a prayer:" " ' ,. , . :. :.' thentic ChrisUan name,", the ' . ,·SteelBeeJ,,:,B.onehI,Blodl Style "It is good to visit Seton Hill And now you're ,on the receiv- ,.prelate w!-"ote in a letter dealing ling end of gifts-frofu.-allowan~es; with Church practice 'on names College."Seton Hill'ahdthe Bet-those ten, 15, 25 centtceaSlU'es. for Baptism and Confirmation. tis At{)mic· Power·.,Division of ,.;,,~,~:-l• • • • • • •~• • • • • • • • • • • •iI• • • You proudly wear dangly earHis statement appeared in the Westinghouse,. are. neighbors rings, staring down snickers. Fort Wayne edition of Our anliY6i.(have been a good n~igh­ And until' the clasp on the 29' Sunday Visitor, diocesan news- bor, for among'other things, you SUPER-RIGHT QUALITY" Juicy, DeliCious, Funy Cooked eent brooch gives out, you dress' paper. sent us Natalie Carbone Man- ..tip every costume with tha~ gini, who has spent a great deal embossed. Mother. The love in New Bedford Nurses to our Bettis I;.aboratory. the young eyes of its donor The Catholic Nu~ses Guild of In fact, Natalie's work has makes you wear' it throughout 'Greater New Bedford will spon- drawn sy.ch national attention Shanll Butt Porbon . Butt Whole the most sophisticated party. sor a Spring Dance Friday June Pciitioti or Shank Hilt" HaH . MaInS And how you enjoyed those '5 at the Ne~ Bedford 'Hotel One. Third Women · "'breakfasts iii bed.": You could" Mrs. Frank' -Rogers is generai Of F 6 r dh a:m University's : hear the, whispered ,conferences", chairman afld ..aqnounces that nearly 11,000 stlidents;one-third : l8~;."" LB, , ' , L~. ': " .L8.' , ' . ' .. j dress will;' be" ihfo:r~al. ,are women. " ' .'.' " " ' \ '".CENTER.. $LlCE~" 'lb 89 c '.. ' : ' i Ii, ,. .eller has to dispose of: everything from a box of candy complete with pap e r carnation, to a course f)f slimming exercises which will take off the weight put onto Mom by tile ·candy. 'You ar'eto telegraPh her, phone 'her· '(at' io much ,: per' "..,.'."";'



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~S¥C hiatr::i S~~~'"~,,,~~'~ i S;hO'p~,::,f~~~'" :Oppose M~~c.y, 'Kliling':' .:..I

" . " LONDON (NC).:-Bi'shop George P. Dwyer ,'ofL,eeds . 'asserted during a nation-ajlyj;elevized discussion that 'legal:iz?tion, of so-calJed metcik'illing woul4 be "the most retro~ ~irade' step possible.", The:Bishop made this point during a .·discussion in which the 'doc- . ter. the confidence'.of. the poor ;tor who. is chairman of the in hospitals and change the ·Euthanasia .Society -- uni- whole mind of society. It would dentified, following the Jior- be~'the most retrograde step mal British radio and TV prac-'· tice of withholding physicians" names-said that many doctors are now killing. victims of incurable' diseases who ask' them to end their sufferings. , The doctor' said this organimtion is seeking' to have a bill introduced in Parliament making this procedure legal in' certain ·.circumstances if the patient gives" .'written' consent. - "There are sufficient doctors . willing ,to do. this,'! he said: "I .Vyould go further and say that ~any 'doctors are practicing this 'nt " h proce d ure a t t e mome:., . ,.' ·," Medical Subjects • .,

Jilext Tuesday, at St. John tile J)Qptist Church Hall, Centrlld Villlage,:'. Westpol't, the seconcJ~; Ii series of Cana Conferenc~ for married eouples wHl be heW at 8 P.M. . , 'I'his confer.ence will deal wi. ehild-parent relationship' tile birth of the child to the a~ 'Vi puberty. Rev: John P. Dr),g.·· eOlI,. of 85. Peter and Paul, Church,and R-ev. Anthony 1\1,. gomes, of Santo Christo Churc~ both of Fall River, will conduct. the conference, which will C9Q-' , .elude with a question period.. ' On Wednesda-y, May 13, at 8\.' Mary's Church" So. Dartmouth· the third ~ the series of Cana: €onferences will be held. This conference treats the child-pap.. ent relationships from the p_' berty age of the child during tbe< adolescent stage of life. Re,..·. 'John: F.· Hogan Of St. Mary" Home and Re\T.'L'uiz G. Men-' donca, of Mt. Carmel Church,: both of New Beilford, will ~' duct the confere·Ae,e.


possible,'" he said, adding that cons~nt in such cir·cumstances. would even· legally count for very little. The proposal was also opposed. by tl:le· fourth man taking part . in the debate, a doctor. with an incurable' disease. He said he was sometimes tempted himself to end it all but=-he felt .as' one who would like . to be , CHARTER' NEW BEDFORD SERRA: . As one of hIS a Christian that the temptation must be resisted. He believed . final acts as outgoing district governor of Serra IMer. the urge to end suffering should national, Elmer Philbin •(left)' 'presents charter to . Dr. be resisted ·always. There is William' S; . Downey, president of the newly formed club iIi' ' relief and recompense for what New Bedf.o~d: Ooserving .the ceremony are Auxiliary Bishop has to be 'given up thr'ough ill~ , . ' heal.th· h'e sal'd' ' James J. Gerr~rd, V.G,., a:nd Blsho,p James L. Connolly.,

a patient's written


WhO'. L'etOthers' Do Charity' 'W. .

Corporation series called "Life- that he, thought it is for the . ' '. line," which deals broadly with doctor to continue. to fight medical arid kindred subjects. against illness and pain to the Appearing with the physician last extremity. LOUISVILLE (NC)-An apathetic "let George do it" and Bishop Dwyer was a noted "The doctor who did not rec-. attitude is endangering the field of. charity, Msgr: Raymond Protestant clergyman, the Rev. ognize that the 'pI:eservation ofJ. Gallagher, Cleveland charity worker, declared here. · Leslie Weatherhead, who' said life was his highest goal was on . . /. . . , :. :he is 100 per cent with the 'Ell- a slippery s,lope," he warned. AddresslIlg some 60? persons at the conventI(~n dmner "thana~ia ,Society. . A 'd meeting of the southe'ast- that it would be unnecessary · , Bishop Dwyer, outlining, the 'Universi'iY to wqr ,,' ,'ernregion of the National 'for.us to setaside form~i occasCatholic teaching on eutha,nfl~ia"Honorary Degrees, . "Conference' of Catholic ions such as this to determine 'pointed out that only God has WASHINGTON (NC) Se Ch 't' . ' th M ' its existence among us." • · eomplet~do'mini6n over. man. -, C-,. , arl les, e ' onslgnor retary of Labor James P .. Mit-. ,warned that'urilessindividuals Self-Centered :,," He said that once. the principles chell wI'11 receive an honorary' h ·t th Society has 'become, so. ,.self· f the' Euthan,asia Societ.y.. weI'.e,. continue to practice c an y, e O ·t t' f I from the Cath t' ' h 't bl' f t' " 'II b centered and isolated,' the Mon' Ilowed it wou,Id "open,theflood"- d oc ora e 0 aws . - ,~11 nec an a e unc lOn-WI' e ·a ' o l i c University of America'here'taken over by the government . 's.;~'_:i· <: -, '.,:. th:Jt 'I 'ii;o;:li)'[Ja'~i]tp'tes to everything." ~: " 1, '11' d' I' , . th . ,'. ,., .. , ' ,.'" , ' . 'I'ng .the ho'use "of a han"'ic'app'ed ~"<"'" "," Re'tro"g'rade', St·ep. and WI elver e commence-, '. The ultimate end of the .grpwU The,SWihg" is ·to . '.' . "ment address at the schOoI'Il'70th ". . " , , personmakes·news.:Such·a:sitli',.' . 'Th,·e. B,'lshop ~id also. thilt:,to; . '. ,. .' irig t~~c:lenl:~ of. charitY, ,by t~p:v- ..at.ion s.ho"ul.ci b, e' _.he .r.ul.e.'l!nd, .n.ot . .. . commencement, June 7. , .:. . t'" n, . f' 1 d ::leg:ilize' euthanasia would.,:,des;.: , Also honored at' the ceremony .ernme l1 ' ..IS ,...e .lOa : " es. r.uc- the. excep'iion, he declared., ,... ! tro','-'y''·.'the' confidence of all peoplfi "The meetirig of .'l·rtdividual will ,be His Eminence Alfred~ .... of a' 't'sense of 'd responsibility ttl ·at i.n.· j;h,e medical profe.ssion; sh.at-", among CI lzens an 0 a assump- and ,socie.ty needs is becom.ing Cardinal Ottaviani, Pro-Secre- uon', of this resp-onsibili ty by .f th S d C g g t' a respOIisibility easily and,quick,-, ...ry 0., e acre on re a 10.0 :go.vernment," Msgr. Gallagher ' , . ' , w h 0 WI'11 l'e- eautioned., ly d,elegated to someone e,lse,'," Marian Theatre' Plan. of th e H 0 Iy OffIce, , Day by day more and eeive 'a doctorate. of I \ w s . , . the Monsignor continued. 'To Mary Show\:· Dr. John H. Lawrence, Un~- - Archbishop John A. Floersh' combat the public welf~'~e' promore people are saving d ' each 10 . d"d : HOLLYWOOD (NC)-"Mother versity of California physician Of Louis'ville, host to, the eon- gram t ren, IVI. ua1. at The' Old Red Bank. must ·help through individual of All," a special' half-hour P!O- and authority in research in 1h~' ference. was a guest of honor There must be a reason. h 'ty',part'ICU Iar1y, on;a. .nelg . h«ram dedicated to the Blessed field of'radio isotopes,'-will re- , 'ilt .the di.riner." carl We think it's because ,Virgin . and , t~e, mothe~s ,of. eeive ,8 doctorate' of science. He Urban Soeiety. borhood b'a'sis, and by working' "Ol,lr ;s~r~ic~, ~,.:p~9[l1P,t~>.: America, will be .the May ·,10 was. one of the two physlciaJ)l!,' "Msgr.: Gallagher,'director ;:"Of 'for religious or'volU'1'Itary ·c'Har- .. . '~9.r:'slderate andhelpful... · presentation, of: . the : Marian sent in Au~st" 1953~, to ,e~llll!- " youth services 'Catholic Char- itabI~'g~(iUP_s::,h~" sai~."·'::':" .:,.' ::... '··l" ·:additfo~,·our divi-., '!'heater radio program.; '. ine His Eminence Aloyshis, Cat- ities of :.the. ',Cleveland diocese; ."'!'"_'_"__--_~~~~~\'""'!'''" " . dend~ '; a~e, ·"generous. ' The:; ,broadcast; to . t>e. heard dinalSt'epiriac; .ArChbishop' i.f ·outlined the deterioration ofl in';' "4 : :"'J' ,:;., ,,: ... Our latest.d.ividend is at, from 10 to 10:30 ~M., (E~T); Zagreb;' ill in his native:' villagedividual ,acts,d'cha'rity •.,jn:to1iIC»' JOB·TOo'· ... ,... ,the rate of3 +/4% per ove'r"the Mutt.ulf'Network; 'wi'll of Krasic; Yugoslavia. c', : -day's urbanized society:·He.saitl . ':... ' .,:.;.,':,,:, featur'e film' stars AnnBly'th , Receiving a doctorate'ot' let- that spiritually'''werem:Hn:'unannum. "·~E·,1'OO,sMAU.,.:··"" . , .' and';Macdonald Carey iri"a"dra- ters will be John Gilland Brun- ·filled souls unless we . develop Save by 'mai' (It matic retelling of great irfornents i"i, Catholic editor "and ·poet.: our potential' for practicing:fue in the·life ,of Mary. . " '.',. : . ",. .: most fundamental of all'virtues, The · Two special musical. solos ,will St. John's to Honorthelove:of God and of our'neighalso be presented on the proPRINTERS.,'".,. . L d " ' bor for the sake of God:~, . gram-"The Miracle of Fatima" d ucatlon . ea er$; ! .~tltis a, sad indictment of 'our Main Offlee aD4 'P~JI& '.. and "The Mother of All." Music :'1 .,'; NEW YORK (NC) - Three present society," he said, .\'that . LOWELL, MASS•.. for the latter was composed by . 'leaders in the field of education it is necessary for you and me to the late' screen star Gene'Lock- will receive honorary degrees take the time to assess the pres'hIepboae LOwell hart. from St. Johnig University here ent state of this virtue for if it at the Vincentian I school's an- were in operation according to . . 8-6833 .... GIL .'-'8M nual spring conv.ocation May 16. the desired level, it would, be Fall River Savings Bank Those honored will be Car~ so much a p.art of our being roll V. Newson, president of New Open Friday evenings till 8 York University; Brother UrBOSTON 141 NO. MAIN ST. - ban, O.S.F., presidenf of St. FALL RIVER OCEANPORT, N.J.... Francis College, Brooklyn, N.Y" "Tet. OS 5·7868 PAWTUCKET; I. L, and .Sister Mary Emil; exe.cu;tive secretary of the·· -Sister Formation Conference. .

Hurt Themselves and


hole Field

" .' SA,V-'NG .



The Old Red Bank















DCCW SPEAKER: Dr. Alvin Simmons of R~gi8 College will .s.I)eak on "'the Psychology of Childr'en" at .the morning panel, May 1.6.


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, .YOUNG CARPENTERS: Youngsters at St. Mary's Home, 'New Bedford enjoy every boy's,dream-aweII-equipped workshop. In left picture . Charles Grant planes a,section of what's going to be a barbecue cart. At left center a coffee table gets a careful sanding from' Ronald Rousin, while Norman Pelletier keeps 'an eagle eye on him. In right center photo

the boys' 'choose just the right tools for their current projects. From left to right are Edward Parr with a framing square, James Abdelnour .with a bit and Jo},m Wood with amaUet. At far right John Silvia operates a. jigsaw and Frank Mello looks on. The Infant of Prague Guild sponsor. the project.

St. Ma,:y's Home Youngsters L.earn Carpentry, / Sewing U~de,r Careful Aclult 'Guid~nce' .

.Educators See Over-Emphasis On Science

To Bless Building WASHINGTON (NC)-Archl!ishop PatriCk A. Boyle of Washington will bless a new arta and sciences. building and a new library at Georgetown VisitatiOIl Junior College here Saturda,. .The school is conducted by the Sisters of the Visitation.

CHICAGO (NC) --,- Three .' ( For' a small example of reciprocal trade you needn't go farther than St. Mary's Catholic educators took a Home, New'Bedford, and its leisure time activities for ;boys and girls. The girls . learn, close look at this country.'s sewing and knitting, the. DOYs carpentry. So the girls· have sewn neat carpenter aprons educational. programs and for the budding craftsmen, and the boys have made, picture, frames for the girls. Girls' agreed too much emphasis ~s C1a~ses have been going' ()~ . . " .. ..' . , ;\ being placed on producing sci- for years under 'sponsorship 'Father John F. Hogan,. ehapla'in, .bo~tee~. Youngsters fro~ lq~p ') entists. . by Timothy, its proud' maker. ' whIr away. at the. seWIng mil'. the Infant of· ,P,r.,.a.g,ue " Between ,sessions" with .Peck" ,c"b...ine.'s w.ith t,he. competenc.,e 'of , A trio of DePaulUriiversio/ ,of I GUl ld " th e·'h ome. auxllary, b;;\m, the boys .,ttl'hi to 'Si~ibr 'adults.. '.' .' professors discussed the ques;

biltthose fotthe boys...are , .. a new ' project, arid represent 2\' eoop, erative effort by many people. . The neatly and bountifully equipped workshop in St. 'Mary?s basement is the gift of the .S h r i n e· Club of Southeast Padicipants were: Fat h e.r Massachusetts. Shriners are traJohn Battle, C.M., philosophYditional supporters of activities department chairman; Father invo~ving children and preJohn Cortelyou, .C.M.,· biQ- sented the basic tools and sup..: h>gical sci en c t; s ..depa.~pnent n,~i~~' .t~...,.., t~e" .,.,holll.e., Th. ~~. '.!V>11 ;, chah'man .aI;ld Dr: Miies, ¥. 'D\lI~- ..,. 1 h .' ,.', f"" f also donate ,poW;er: ~o s, 3.s .: t,e. . nington; associa te' pro essQr .. 0 b'" t' , 'f d ' boys ecome ex per In un a-' : political . 'science'. S o'm e" 5()0 I !'mental"carpentry. ." : teacherS"and administrators of I : Chicago area public 'and',par~- ' ,:~o,,~elpers'" 'c,'"";: i ehia.l high schools were present. Helping the y'oungstel.'~ l'I ttain , , that expeHne~s are ROberti'eck: "Sputnik No, 1 serV-ed 'w'press I . ham, a cabinet maker and, mem'i the pan,i.c bu.t.t.on on, education i11 ., ber ' of St. L,a,w.rence's: p'arish, j the U.S. We are faced with the , I and Sister 'Marie Charles, of the :, dilemma of playing their game, , Franciscans who staff St. Mary's. I or of. being eliminated," said 'Peckham" volunteers two eve~ I Father Battle. . !i i ning!!, a, wee;k to instructing the . "If we play their game we ,nine 'to' 16 year olds: "I began , might very well out-soviet th'e . with severar'sessions devoted to Soviets and wind up with a learning the names of the tools," state-controlled education, a la he' said. His students learned Orwell in '1984.' What price their lessons well. survival? We might be like sQ

tion, "Should We.' Alter Our . Educational Programs in the Interest of National Survival?" in a dedication week program at the university's new Frank J; LeWis Center.



~aannIs o~a~;~v~~~th~~,~,s ~~;er~:: heE~~:;~~h:a~a=::ro:o e~:~;~

Ma'rl'e' Chaor'les 'for adv·l·ce. "S'h''e's'.. iWs . a " good' idea to' learn " a. .~ the fl'rst SI's'ter I ever me't' w ' hskill 'o" s 'even ,:better when· 'you .I ' and .." also a . plumber, electrician 'and can have fun doing it. Both are carpenter," said Peckham, and accomplished at St. Mary's. Sister's familiarity with everything from a brace and bit to Ii jigsaw J'ias earI!ed her the boys' deep respect. ' THESE 'She picked up her knowledge of. manual art as her 'father's chief assistant on household re:pair,iQb.s, and.. .h as. 'f9U~d it, .~~ry. . . ., ' '" ,~~.,.luI.at. St.. M!lfY's. " , ,; •.. ;,.: i:. '. .. , ;Girls~ Pr·oJ·ec.s ,,,: .,,'1 ,e',. • ,liNo'less.· busy'l -than"~ the:.bous I or ,FUEL OIL'AND, ~,., ,:~#m ani;ic~nipw.i9D8bk:.,n. , are the,girls·of"St.·Mary's; They ,have· knitting'and sewing cIa'sses . "BOILER, W4TER' : " ' , - Y work-sav!pg ~veniencell,.; ."',in new NATURAL FINISHo,; , each Thursday, evening ofrom ,'7 t o9. K m'tt'mg IS . .t aught .b y.' Mi"ss , TREATMENT . . ,~~ice oflovely colors. .' . , k and.. M,rs. Margaret B' oWcoc·, 'Brokston Chem. Co. Send coupon for colorful booID;.' . Raymond G osselin, sewing; by let .howing new model kitchem." M rs. Eth e. 1 N'lewo 1sk'I an d .' M rs. 37 Silver Road, Francis Toletti.·· Brockton 19, Mass. . Mail Coupon Todo11 "The undertaking of the· mo- , '.. _ , ment is the making of bathrobes, ;,..;,;,;..----....;---.--but skirts and blouses have also It. been sewn. Knitters make ~ Electrical scarves, baby sweaters and ~i Contractors ~ 4"'"1{ Middleboro Road. Route 1..

Father Battle.

thing hanging on the walls or filed tidily in boxes. And everyWhen the Russians began one was eager to show his first ! making tremendous progress in piece of work. 'Projects ranged and s~tellite bdl~:'" from a free-form coffee table to roclket, mtiSStihle, A ve opmen, e mencan pu IC unusual ashtrays and knickworriedly asked, "Why don't knack shelves. A sturdy maga.our scientists do' something about, ,zine ...rack was destin~d for :it?" said' Father Cortelyou. !' '/ uThe scientists sa i d :·t W'0";" : ,,~ ........._.... ~ .. _............ _.......; !

things, 1) we are trying and we are doing, and 2) there are too few of 'us to do so much," he added.

; , , :

There followed a strong em;,' phasis on the physical sciences in the educational programs, he ., said. : "So, it is not a question of ' whether we should or should': not alter our educational pro- ;: grams; we have," asserted Father ': 'Cortelyou. '




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Fall River Dudek, Bolduc's. Lumber-Co. Peerless Laundry. M: & :-G. ,Sportswear, Inc., lotin Braz, Albert Petit, Eat-· well Provision, Inc., Dwight S. Waring. Paul McCabe, Star Market, Frank S. '. ~ :':'afty S·· 'an Cleansus, Oil Heating Equip. Inc. Bobby Jay Mfg. Corp., North End Dairv. Frank Allen Lumber Co., Ke~' Lac Chemical Co.. Walsh Pharmacy. .- Murray's Pharmacy, Soloff.J' Freedman Co., Munroe Elec. Supply, St. Anne's Hosp. Alum-

. aae.








. ~.


.God Love You \

By Most Rev. Fulton J. Sheet\, D.D. , -~




Scene V: . . Three years ago;· I met a Stewar~eSs Ml who asked me what she should do with her~ife. I said: . marry, be' 'sure that you marry one who Will be a fitting . such a fin~ Stradivarious; .if you do not marry, dedicate totally and eritirely to the cause of GQd, for in th~s is perfect peace."

a flight . "If. you bow for yourself


Scene 2 . . . Eight months ago, the same Stewardess 'said to the writer: "I have thought over what you told me, and I have made my decision. I want you to fhid a place . for me in the Mission world." 'We immediatelY'arranged to send her to the Missions.

Dr. M. B. Goldin, Dr. Joseph (; Scene a ... At the National, Office of The;:; earvalho, Dr. Edward J. Stein... society for the Propagation .of· The Faith, the ;:1:: hoff; Arkay Pants Corp. Yellow following letter was received from Yietnam:dI Taxi: of Fall River. "I ..verY.- much .lj~e:;tny. work~d' Mi. ,Hope Grocery,.. ~da already my S~ewardess days seem..l?O.far .. M 6t'Ocery Co~,Bea~on. ·Garment. behind me. This type of work has' been t··· .. Inc.,. Internationa.llJ1'9therhQ~· APOSTOLIC .·EXARCH : \ , close to'my heart"iOr 'a' long time and, thanks to 'you, it became 'Of' ;·$t~anifitters., ' .Ab,odr~ing ,<;:0. a.rli;ality;" .• ,.• ' . ,... , .. "'I"""'" ".:.' . Father .• Platon '"Kornyljak,. of ~.ew -Eri~lali~;~ . '. ':.' ". " 0,:·.. ·. ' .• : I am now working with lepers who are God's. ch9sen·people. Lighting . :F~xt",~e' . :$i,ooo~ eR~atneeA1l6r tOfl.the Byzah:ntirie · It breaks,··your heart tos~ these lep~u"alw,ays.w~.th~ ~jlE;,.9n. COrrigan Apothee'ary,MHcnerl's' f Cre"ed ROsary. n· . .,.; ',' 1 e ,pOS' 0 Ie E xarc yo. ,their, faces,kneeling through"Mass on their open-sore knees, Ph!:lrJ1!.a'cy. , : :r,~, '; - ':: $500 Philadelphil}, has been named and when, they leave the chapel they leave behind th~ir. blOOd "Powers' 'Insurance '. Agency, prints the concrete floor., . The Bernard J. Doyle' Family. titular Bish.op of Castra ~ar-,' Sierling/Pil~ ¥abrics'Corp., Frei- . tis and Apostolie Exareh for & Pereira Co:', Pearl Wet· John' F. Sinith Real·Estate. . . At present waiting for their new hoine, 120' are living in· Wash Laundry, Faiis Furniture old sha'cks in ; Chinese cemetery and' ISO behind barbed wires $200 the Ruthenians of the ByzanCo.' .. in a Cietnainese hospital. Men, women and children ostracized' McGOwa~I~~~~a~ce Agency. - tine-Slavonic Rite in' Ger. Thomas J.Ashton & Son, Wilfrom family and friends and society will one' day have a new' w. H. Riley ,&·Sons. m~IlY' NC;lhotp~ , :uam'J. Bashall,' John A:· Flana..'i home because' as I have heard you' say,' dimes and quarters' . ian Inc.; '·Fall·River 'Radiator . 'Joe Curtis Real Estate~ (, ,., begged will m'ake it possible: ."'.:.,' Wofks; "'Au'erbach'Bathio~e''Co.' $60. I did not ,~ean' to. run ~n· so aboutth'~ lepers,' but gues~. I.' . Atty. James E. Holland',··Jr.,: ha~e adopted these p~or 'souls, Strange, but a fe.w months .ago, ~A.R.Brais;;o: \' ".' AttY;'&'Mrs; Isadore Levin, First I was serving. martinis to well-manicured liluids on 'the airline" St. Vincent· de' Paul-Sacred . .. ' .. SPorts~ear'Co. Alton E.· -Nichols; .. and a fe~ weeks ago, I ~as helping to give 01.lt sUr'plus foods to Heart,St; Vincent de: Paul.:St. . Membets' . of police 'departpeople. ~i,tli fiJ;lger~~Qmetime; ha~d~<;·,'".·, ' Mary's, Mason Box Co.,'The"'Mill'" ments from' Attleboro, North stone, Franco Amer~can Social: Attleboro,Mansfield and. Norton ~ $150.~ ,',; . heid their 'third annual· ComScene 4.' .-:Today,' at the National Office of The' Society for the $25 ." munion breakfast with SO 'in J'ernandes Su'perMarket, ·Inc.' Club.· ' Propagation of the Faith, the National 'Dir.ector, is .waiting for your' Lavery-Irvine, Mich. J. Croke, a~tendal?-ce. . .' • .' offering for the·lepers and for the Holy Father, who aids all Missions Real Estate, St.' Mary's', Holy~he men ~met at. Mansfielii· of the world. Name Society, I : police station and marched to $1000.00 . No. End SocialCiub, St. MarY'. St. Mary'S' Church· for Mass and My Bread Baking Co., Hem- Parish Guild. . communion. Principal breakfast GOD LOVE YOU to A.B.H. for' $100 ''I am a real estate lBgway Bros., Interstate Trans~20 speakeI' was Rev. John L. PeUsbroker. I promise a cut to the Holy Father from this day on when:ever I close a deal and nothing less than $100 on each deal~"...to por18tion Co., Merchants NaAlbert Kandarian, McNally'. sier, La Salette missionary. W.F. for $69; ''I am a Television technician. I used to refuse tips tIonal Bank of New Bedford. Package Store, Aglae Hat . Next year's breakfast will be DOW I accept them all, put them in a box and let them add up. $500.00 Shoppe..,. held in Norton.' the enclosed check is the result." ..• to S.L.H. "I am sending all . New Bedford Institution for Webster Co., James' F. Carey. the money· that I have. I wish you would send It to the Holy Father , ~vings, First Safe DepOsit Na- k., V. H. Blackinton Co. 'tIOnal Bank. forme please. it is olily 160 b~t it may help." $12.50 . $ 200.00 Mew Bedfor.~ Hotel. Whiting & l}avis. ,. il5.00 $3000.00 DeBlois Ins.. & Real Estat..-. · & Liffl Co . :, ,:Re When you pray the WORLDMISSION ROSARY you take a ld ,P $100.00 . t'ng I Cher Ku. .:.l" C arney . er··. ;! yno s rm 1 , nc., ry, Frenchie's Service Station. . , ' $500.00' spiritual flight around the world serving the :lepers, orphans and co., Gulf Hill Dairy, Dart$10 . aged 'with your prayers and. sacrifices. The $2.00 offering' and your. Stop & Shop. rpouth .Finishing Co., Dartmouth Bright· Top Co., Ernie's .Shoe $400.00 request for the 'rosary will bring the Multicolored WORLDMISSION ,'1'~xtile Corp.' PAT - ROSARY to you and aid. to the poor of the world. ,, K' ff .Mr &: ' Repair, Chabot Brothers, Dick'~' . • racey C· o. ~'Mr. Hyman rlVO, • Atlantic service. Station, B.P,O. . $200.00 ..... '. : .. " ,*s. William R.·Freitas,Francis Elks,. Fred J;:.Shepard & Son.' . Chestl!r F .. WrightAIA: . , ~~ Doyle, Union St. Railway Co.' . Alice's Shop, Boston Coat ~. . $lbo.oo· . : ,; $75~00 Dres 'Mfg C ama c Co. , F' . s' . Cut olit' thiilcoluinri;pin your' sacrifice to 'it and mail:it to the . ' '/', s . C0., L . S. PeterSOD . Pa"y'ne' Co.. ; ·:r !Acushnet Fish Corp. Co. ' Liebman Breweries, Rumford Most . Rev ... Fult~nJ.~ Sheen", NationaJ Di,r,ect9r. ,of~e Socie!y for :• $50.00 Dr. Robert Bedard, Dr; Henry Steel ProductsC.o.,'R..J.,T()()m~ the'Propagation of. the Fajth,,366 Fifth .Avenue, , New York .1,N. Y~ ;; :&eneral Plastering:&· Tile ·Co., ."'Bedard, Theodore' Maliilowski, Co., E. Turgeon ConStr. Co•. ck your: DIOCESAN DIRECTOR REV\.RAYMOND T. CONSIDINE; ~otor Sales Co., New Bedford Jim's Fruit & Vegetllbles, Home.. . $25.00 ...368'NortbMainl·Street, Fall River, Mass;'" , .. ".! ',",: lteconstruction' Corp." 'K a y: 'Town ·Motors. . . ":Benziger- Bros., M>H.Gerriita 'hwelrY Co. . John A. Gayton & Son" Ra~ . &: Co., Owen J.,McGarrahan Co.. . . .$OW.OO tey's Drive-In, Michael A: Vigor.-'· , Joseph RussoUno, F. H. Scanlon i iDr. David Costa, Jr.,.Dr. Wm. ito, MacDonald's Mobile Homes, Co., Will & Baumer'Candle Co. ·B. Muldoon. .' . Davis .Electric.· ... $50.00 ' $35.00 Laramee Bros.. Const. Co,;, Gothic Craft, Joseph P. Flynn. : Central Labor Union. Lincoln Horse Transportation. Walsh Bros. . 30 OO "'_. Manuel$G .. C amacho. .' $10.00 ..,.. Tertiaries, Richal'd . , ,.D .Doniinican . 11 C 0;, $25.00 . F. $io.oo. . Klmba .C. B. DoI ge C 0., ; ;States. Nitewear Mig: Co;' Magoni'~' eITy Landmg;. ,,' \ Vermont Marb~e.·Co.; , W:~ier~, It;. S.Ring 'Bindel' "Corp., "New, .,.., , "Turil to Pal:'e Thirteen' .. ,·:·.'~aterproofing Co. . : ~df01:!l . .:J~int.139ard,:;- ,T~~t.ile. . ,'-< ,. ; , .•" :. · ~orkers Union of America, Tex1 •




...... :, ':. Continental Elastic Corp., R. J. : SaltmariJh, Robert .. C. Saltmarsh, Att:". Charles Mitchell. $15 Mrs. Arthur A. Contant,' Dr. E.INochimow. \ • $10. Ideal Sales Co., Judson Cleaners, Edward A. Winning Co., Inc., M.C.O.F. No. 164. St. Eulalia' Court, Grinnell Pajama Corp.. Bush & Co., Lincoln Stores,· Rayon Workers Union Local No. aG-TWUA-CIO, Dr.. PaiIl C. Sicard, Dr.. Antho,ny' Carvalho. F. S. ,Brightman Co., Miss Alice Kelleher, Keating's, F. W. Woolworth Co., M.C.O.F. So. Eastern Post Chief Rangers. United Brotherhood of Carpenters Local Union 1416, Tuck ~ Jewelers, Perry Liquor Store, Case Jewelers, 'Hawthorn Shop. Kerry Fashions Corp., Sadow's, Sam's Meat Market, Steamfitters & Helpers Union Local 644. Oliv~r. Sportswear Co., Vogue. Mfg.. qo., Cal:vin Ci.othing_~.. ' . ,---





,:North' AttlebOro .. '

" ' ..


. '· '. ' .



Police of 'Diocese Hold Breakf.ast'


_ M~~'sfield ... Nor.ton


, 1

New Bedford'·

Special Gifts





Somerset - Swansea'


..cTH·· EAT,··R'

· ~e Wotkers"Uiiiort'"bf'Amel'iea; :'O'I"V'~'jP:I' ."~ t.iocal 1192. , \",,: ,,:': '.,,:' .'", ,' .." . ·A·,·· '. "". i:iRyan:&,S<;uHY,-JI)s."Dr.)~-,q.r:;"""" " . " , . ··.,,,,"NEW:SEDFORD

·"",Ie··m . ,,'

E ' .,



· bb-t P.Fraga,.Dr:. :A.lbert Sig-.' ' . ' . , . , . " .. , :t+relia. ..; '.' "'Wednesday' t,hru 'S'aturday, Mby 13, 14;, !·5j -J,:"





'; ,

.: ., _,2





" . -.



'-. .




Mareel Ro, - C. Lorraine Ito, ROlfer LaPrane.

:. J




'. i -~..:





SeaSts• Tel. HY 81


'~~pendable . Pharmacy'


$creen".;, •.';. Youn,' /W--"Pl'


A Film of Unusual Spiritual, Worth" .; ... 11_ _".,. 01



. All Times-


."$1.00. .80 :50

SOC .65c 35c




Prescri~~ions called for and·[)~l.ivered




,rll_ S"",.d H."rt



,'FllmsEq, See_ On 'C"rlloN_




' ....Oil. of the Most Beautiful

• H




wii.,." .. ,.Si"" 1I"."abt_ .

i I

.'. • • Deserves the FilII Support ,of ~tholic Audiene.. Evel)'o




Hlmpr...i~ 'Ud lupinlflOlIOl




::,,' "


:,.6(T:IM~$: DAtlY ,1.1'4. FAlL,::RIVER.

Once'~ d~y fn




~ni S";"an~'~a'ot 4:30 P.M. "


Special Attention Given To Emergency Prescription.

TOUHEY'S pIiARMACY' Arthw J. Shea. Prop. 202-206 Rock Sweet

Fan River'

Speci~t Gifts Centinueil from Page Twelve

Taunton $500 Taunton Greyhound Association, Inc., Reed & Barton. $200 Taunton Daily Gazette, Queen's Daughters, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas' DoneIan. $150 St. Mary's Conference-St. Vincent de Paul Society, 'Wm. P. Crowley & Sons. $100 Taunton News Co., Dorothy Drummond, Drummond Printing Co., Joseph McCormick, $50 Bacon Felt Co., Armor Bronze &: Silver Co., James E. Miles, Memorial tl' Edward & Isabelle Murphy, Emco Electrjc Supply Co. Devine's Milk Laboratory, Inc. Machini'st's National Bank, O'Keefe Funeral Service, Nason ,Oil Co., O'Hearne Ins. Agency. Dr. Henry A. Alves. '.1 Bristol County Trust eo. '$35 . Itt. AMI', Society-St. Jaquea., . , $30' TalbotT.: Tweedy. ' '$25 " ' .' Sowiecki' Funeral Home, Dr. William E." Dawson, Poole Sil?et Co.,' Ray-:Nor, Television SerVice, Henry Crapo.' ' William Hurley, Jr.,' Dr. William J. AdaITIs,Jr., JQnell Chemical Co" Hodgeman, Mfg. Co., J, R Tallman Ins. Mozzone Bros:, Hector Demers, . League of Sacred Heart-St. Jacques, Society' of St. Vincent de Paul-St. Jacques, D. J. Sul• livan, Inc. New JerSey Rubber Co., Sol K. Berk Co., Clifford Cleansers, Dr. William Barnes, Allan P. Cusick.

Boyd"er,"Pla"8tics, ::11'1«:., Dr. Aft_,' Jtose O'DonneD,' RIta (T~nnent drew .. Leddy, Staples .Coal Co.. Virginia Mehegan. Tremont :':;uper Market.. $12 Dr. B. E. Zawacki, Bristol SavMr. & Mrs. Francis Andrews. ings Bank, BPOE No. 150, $10 Leahey's Liquors. Mr. &' Mrs. James Hayes, , $20 Joseph C. Torres, Mr. & Mrs.' Eagan's Package Store, TaunMatthew Strojny, Mr. & Mrs.' ton Mason Supply, DonIe's Tire Leo Bissonnette, Mr. & Mrs. & Appliances, Dr. Richard HayThomas O'Neill. wood, DeSilvia Electric Co. Mr. & Mrs. Charles McGlynn, D. E. Murphy & Co., CorneltHelen Shea, Mr. & Mrs. John us Murphy Ins. Agency, D & F Callahan, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Linen Supply Co.,.L: M. WithDennen, Mr. & Mrs. Clarence erell & Sons, Beneficial Finance O'Neill. Co. Mr. & Mrs. Edward Koss, Mr. Taunton Inn. .& Mrs. Treffly Moquin, Mr o &$15 Mrs. George Rebello, The CarDr. Armand Bolino, M. J. ney Family, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Flanagan & Sons, Robert's MoFeeney. tors, Richmond Granite & MarMr. & Mrs. Manuel Lima, ble, Taunton Cash Market. Martha Nichols, Mr. & Mrs. ClifRaynham Bleachery, Home . ton Pierce, Mary Reilly, Fred Washing' Co. Reilly. Samuel Mishept Anne Reilly; Mrs. Luke Mc-' . $12 Breen, 'Gertrude McBreen, Mr. , Mehegan's . Gas Station.'" '. OYS V1 S ' , . $10', .E1NJ f N ITD"HOME: Rev. J.L. Martin, C.S.C., .& Mrs. Alan Fitzgerald, Mr. & Taunton LeHer, Carriers;: Oak- 'preSll en t ' 0 ' otre" arne College, Dac~a, East Pakistan, Mrs. John O'Donnell. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph 'Torres, Mr., . iand 'Sterling to,."Wilf~ed Sain'i, . 'has reunion with ,his brother, George A. (left) at horne of Dr. C. Carucci, Lamoureaux' Oil his sister, Mrs:. George .L. DooJey(right). in 'Immaculate & . Mrs; B., Lewis McDermott, Co. '-," Conception Parish, ,Taunton. Two other, brothers, John F. Eileen McCarthy, Mary' An" . Dage!1' Funer;a], Home;. Dr. D . ' .. " . , drews, Mr. & . Mrs. William, V. F~ MacDonald,. King~s 'Aviation and Thomas J .. are c.ommunicantsof St. Pius X- Church iii ...Hogan. Serv:,' . Crosby '·Motor· serv.; '.M:. Sollth,Yarmou tho .' .. ", .,: " . Mr. & Mrs. Eugene' Braga, Mr. &: ',Mrs. John . J. KellY, Mr, & M. Rhodes Co;' . . . ,'c. 'Marck's . The Tai1or. Mrs.Edwa~d Callahan', Mr.. & . . Mary.K. Nichols,' -Ward's GliJ:,Coinmu'nity Paint, Co.; Far-, Mrs. Charles Mansfield J.r., 'lIb. age, Chandler.' Mfg.. Co., Arthur rell's Ins. Agency, Taunt~nlliv,., '" Taunton ., . &: MrS. Francis Linnane. J. Dechamplain, 'Southers Mass. t W k H & H M h' C . 01'1 ··Co'·.' ' . e, or s'.' . ac Ine 0., 'SACRED' HEART . The 'Matteson Family, Mr. "" Self-Service Laundry. ' , $25 ·Mrs. Gilbert· Jones, Mr. ,& MrL Hanson &: Co.; Goldstein & Ad-A-Day Co., Mayfah' Cafe, Mr. & Mrs. Antone Silva, Mr. Clifford, Shachoy, The McCarAssiran,' George' 'F. Riley Fuel' Ypu'ng's' L'rO'tor Truck, 'Thorn' &: Mrs. Robert E. Girard, Alice thy Family, Mr. &: Mrs'-,William Manny's News, 'Frank P: Cohen. 'Timmb Card Shop, Gray's BQat & Mary Corrigan, Johri Welch ,P. MacLean. . Woolworth's, 'Raynham Duck Yard. & family. Mrs. Adelaide Carney, Sarah Farm. Bristol County Golf' Course, $20 Nichols, Mary F. Nichols, Mr. 1& Casep &: Sexton; Perry's Jen"; Albert E: Smitli, Eddie's Meat Mr. & Mrs. Antone' Medeiros, Mrs. Eino Silvan, Mr. &. Mrs. ny Statio'n Frank R. Pero Agen';' Market. Margaret & Mary McCarthy, Herbert A. Lee: cy, Edward F. St. Piette, St. Ger- . IJr. E. J. Fitz'gerald, Thomas Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Whalen, Mr. & Mrs. John Brady, Danmain & Son. . .M~honey, Dr. E. L. Latimer, Fred HallIla, Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Iel O'Connell, The Farrell FamInterstate Transportation' Co.,' Greenville <;:lapp, Taunton AutQ J. Mador & family. ' ,i1y, The Kevican Family, MrL Plumbers, Steamfitters No. 626, Body.' . $15 Charles Delano. Parker House, Taunton Co-op _ Art Lee Co., Edmund T.· Fitz-' Turn to Page Fourteen Mr. & Mrs. Francis Unsworth, gerald, Dr.· Stanley Parker, Bank, Berry Paper Stock.

.Appeo'l G'ifts'

Plan Now! for These TwoOutstanding fall Travel Barg.ains1 Something New! No. 1 T~ip

Something Different!

All Staterooms Aboa rd Ship at One Price!


LEAVE FRIDAY, OCT. 23 (at noon)· Go by Train




ONLY 3 DAYS AWAY FROM BUSINESS to Quebec and the Shrines,.enjoy Fall Foliage return to Boston from Quebec via the LUXURY LINER ARKADIA.

to lWontreal, Motorcoach .


Enjoy Canada at its best, in the Fall. See Montreal·and stay overnight 'at Laurentian Hotel. Visit th~: Shrines ·of St. Joseph's Oratory, Cap DeMadeleine, Ste. Anne de-. Beaupre with J;tev,' Samuel Fa~ad, Stiogma,tine,Fathers;' Enjoy Montmorency Falls .. , all covered by deluxe motorcoach at no extra expense. ·Sat. Evening, Oct. 24, at Quebec, 'we board the luxurious transatlantic liner, the 20,000 ton Arkadia for the lOOO-mile landscape scenic route down the Saint Lawnmce. River. We see, autumn .foliage at its best, tiny quaint Habitant fishing villages and rich river scene'l'y. We li,ve a life ef luxury for 31h days/, . , Mass daily aboard ship. Life aboard ship as we head back to Boston includes delightful euisine by European chefs; indQor (the largest afloat) and outd06r swimming pools; dancing nightly,; professional talent shows al1d st!n, a~d promenade decks. As we. leave the .Gulf C?f St. Lawrence we pass Nova Scotia, N:ewfoundland' and the Gaspe Peninsula into; the broad Atlantic. . •

' .




. A.,.we .JI8il down the East Coast we enjoy such.Jshipboard'activ\ties"as nightly' cinema,' eostume parties, the Captain's dinner dance a~d,.p~rty~finally arriving at Commonwealth' pier Tuesday'morning, October 27. ' . . UMEMBEIl:ALL SHIPBOARD RESERVATIONS ARE ONE CLASS, Capacity 1300., 1/..\

Payment Plan, for loth Trips: . PAYMENTS MAY,






," , , ' , '




;'rip ....

' .... No. I Moctthly ~ $IS tIow..· $25 $25 July. ~$li5 A t. $H Septe...b..

y ~..,:........., '.. ' ~' lAoy 15,"$50 '';'"'' 15

:I .....thi

,. $75 Dow..;

. ' ""., " .,' $50,M, 15. ~ August 15. , $50 Sept. .15•.$30 Octobo~ u

lhtI..t Po'......h _y 1M _....... with .. , _ of _ lecal bo"....



of incOft.....nien.. .':

. For this trip Only '600 passe,ngers Accepted.. NOTE:· eitra jlharges added, $135, is inclusive.


15 DAYS$355 EX~~~SE

No.2 Trip ,


SO iIing from Boston, October 27 TO THE WEST INDIES and SOUTH AMERICA Ports of Call:

~AITI, .


Oct. 27,. 28. 29, 30, 31'

, Nov. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,. 7,

9, 10

Two' Glorious. Weeks "'Live Aboard Cruiie-" Using Ship As Hotel . . This ship normally.carries 1300 passengers. However, we are limiting this cruise to 600 passer:tgers as the lesser cabins will not be used.'



,Enjoy it ,carefree cruise aboard the, Greek Line'. ne~ly renovated 'QSS ARKADIA especially designed for the eruise trade. The staterooms OIl the ARKADIA III'; spacious and tastefully Ci;corated for gracious 'living " at .sea.. Only·the most eomfortable. ac~mmodations' are' used. The wide'. range of public rooms offers one full deck devoted to' pleasure and leIsure. From in'timate .card !'ooms' and cocktail bars to' grand main lounges design is for comfort all in a setting of modern decor. In .the air-conditioned , .dlning room the conti~ental cuisin~'iI .,ourm~t's delight, served bY ·En~lish. spea~il)g, Ger~an ~tew~rc:ls, sc~ooled ,in the tradition of fastidious aervice. Other features. include, ,the broad .unny decks and the beautiful indoor Iwimming pool, one of' the largest afloat plus an outside .lWimming pool. Dance areas, inovie lounge' and deck Sports add :W'.the many diversions thi. outstanding cruise vessel - provide-.',,·

the '




Days 2 to 5 P.M.-Eves. 7 to 11





Write or Tel. AVenue 2-9797










. 'I

. ,"




, __ , -


, . ."






.:: ~~.4~,f:f~. '\::";",>., "" .;~.io' . '" _1"'..

;~'·lpp·ear;Gifti:'7~(':":~~~~~:~n~~.' & '\~. GeorgeE.:·:>D!oCE~£


from PagecThirieen '.' CO'·n'.·nued •

..~ C'

,. ....,

;;~ .....,"

Louise.Desmarais,·Mr. & Mrs.' ";::YHE ANCHOR . ,Thurs.; May 7, 1959 Frank Curtin, Mr. & Mrs. James .Attleborro Little, Mary V; & Anna G. Mc~OLY GHOS~ Carthy, Mr. & james Sul$100 livan, Mrs. Jeremiah H~ Leary Mr.· & Mrs. Manuel 0 .. Castr.o. & Family. " 1 , $30 co' • $22 Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Guillette. . Fred J. Harr.ingtcin. $25 $20 Mrs. Catherine LeClair, Mr. Irene Cummings & Family, &; Mrs. Joseph Kelley, Mr. & Mr. & :Mrs. William .Mercier, Mrs. Chester Martelli, Mrs. Dorothy Sullivan, E. . Louise S!Jsan Nolan, Mr. &. Mrs., J. Beattie, Oliva'pelletier" Edward Turley. . Mr. & Mrs. Charles Bliffins, $20 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Burke, Kath-. Mr. & Mrs. James K. Nerney; ryn V. Whalen, William' J. & • $15 Elsie E. Pelton, Thomas' A. MeMr. &' Mrs. ·EI~ear Sicard; Mr.' . Cann; Elizab~th Eo. Leonard. .. & Mrs. John Maguire, Mr. & $15 Mrs. Manuel Carvalho,., Miss Mr. & Mrs. Jean Auger, Mr. &:' 'Alice McDermott, Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. Johri Morgan Mr. & Mrs.' Warren Watson. George McCoomb, Mr. & Mrs. \ $11 Walter Roberts. . Mr. &' and Richard Healey.. Margaret Dunn, Francis War$10 lng, Margaret E. Coleman, HerDoris LeClair; Mr. & Mrs. man & Margaret Springer & ·Francis Flaherty': Shirley Givens, Annie McCarthy, Mr. &. Mrs. ,Mr>&. Mrs. Roland Tremblay, Robert Carr. . WINS CONTEST: Roberta: Mrs~. Louise Liedka. Grace Martin, Juliette 'DeleMI'. & Mrs. Gabriel DaCosta, hanty,' Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Nicholas, 8th Grade student Mrs;. R,obert Nelson, Mr..& Mrs. Maum, Ld'retta Gavin,.~. & ·at St. Kilian Schooi, won the James' Cassidy, Edward Griffin, 'Mrs.'Edward Hughes & Margar- finals of the second annual' Mr. '& Mrs. Bertram Silvia. et, Mr: & Mrs.. Arthur Beland, New Bedford p a.r 0 chi a I Me;·& Mrs.' 'A. 'DeMattos, Mr. Gilbert Stone. school spelling bee held at &:.Mrs. Edward Charron, Mr.·& '. $~%:. . , Mrs.. Benjamin Braga" Mr. & Mr. & Mrs.'John J. BUrke, Mr. Kem~edy Cen.ter.' Mrs.. John Clud, Beverly' Ann & Mrs. William CrosS,' Richard New Novitiate · MichaUd.' .' . Souza, Mrs. Mary Kantz, Mr. Ii Mr..& . Mrs. Philip DeLauri, Mrs. John ..ol.Roberts. NEWTON (NC)-A new 'novi-' ,tiate for the ·Salesian Sisters ol· Robert Bibeault,' David, Carr, . $10, '." ) Mr.;& Mrs. Clifford',Hom~r"Lue:r Bessie Blake; H~,l~n ;G; Law, Don. Bosco', ,has been dedicated' ,McConville. Charles Porta,'Atty. & Mrs. John here in New Jersey. It will aoeommodate 80 novices. The Lavallee Family" Mr. ,&;. O'Neill, Genevieve, Skamm·els.' , '., Mrs. Joseph Brodeur, .,Mr,' &. Mary Skammels,·Richard 'Wal_ Mrs; .Constant : Poholek, Jean dron, William McNamara; Mrs. .' Galligan ,Mr.. &, . Mrs. Doug' Ellen O~Toole,.;Abel Marceline.' Rheaume.' ,. 'I . Normand Fontaine, Miss WinMrs. -Rose Conlon, Mr. &i ·Mrs;: ifred & James McDonough; Mr. 'Luigi"Pinacoli, Loretta McCann, &. Mrs. Arthur E. Shea, Mr. & .... Mr: &. Mrs. William·Naylor,·Mr.' Mrs. Matthew Shea.Jr., & Fam.,. . "; .. . &; Mrs. George Ryan. ' i l y , Mr~ & Mrs: Frank 'Connolly;' '. Mr. & Mrs. 'Edward -Gilroy;' John Curry, J,ames.Reilly, Jo24~HOUR ... WRECKER .. , Mr. & Mrs. Le'o Charette, Mr. & sephine GreelY"Mr. &. Mrs, Ben. Mrs. James McDermott, Mr. & jamin Sherman; The' ·P.aye~ SERVICE .' Mrs. Wallace' Baker, Jose. V. Family.' ...-:Pacheco. . Daniel Roach, Mr. & Mrs. 653 Washington Street' ··Mrs. Ellen King, Mr. & Mrs.' Francis Dunn, Thomas P. Sulli::Raymond Lyons, Mr. & Mrs. van, Mrs. Mary McCarthy., Eliza-' I , Fairhaven WYman 4-5058 ' Arthur· Fernandes, John Turley, beth Roach. '. Mr. & Mrs, Frederick Battersby.,' Frances,Harrington, Mrs. Mad-' Mr.&'Mrs. James T. Kane"Jr;, eline Elaviri~ Charles Curtis, M;r. Mr. "& Mrs. ChariesSouSa,Mr.& Mrs. William HusSeY;JMrs. CONTRACTORS, & Mrs. Joel Williams, Mr~ & GraceLambert. . '. \ . ci'nd" . Mrs, John' Tavares,Mr. & Mrs. 'Mr: & Mrs: Eugene Baker, Mr. BUILDERS' Charles Mahan. '&:Mrs. Jo~n O'Neil, ,Mr. &' Mr~ JoseptJ, Aveiro, Mr. & Mrs. ,Bruno An'toneIU;.MadelineCon':: William ·Wright. Mr. & Mrs.. nors; Mr. & Mrs. Frarik Hamga~ .,., ." Ea~l Foss, Mr.. & ·Mrs. ; Henry Mr. & Mts;Frank LaBossier, & M H d Mr.' &; Mrs. Harvey LaVrie, Mf. .".' and. Sons,· Inc. · M , M c C rae k en" 1'.' '. 1's.· owar ' & Mrs. John Fagan, Grace 'Tay-' ' . ' , fOSTERVillE . Ra~ph .. · . .', " '" . ,'. :lor, Raymond ,Torpe,y;: ':";'. 'c,. .G'" A'r'dcen"8-"650'9:" Mt:· & 'Mrs;' Josepn"'Meriara; ", "1\-' , Mr.' &: Mrs.. 'Herbert ,Carlon. '!'Urn to. Pt'ge ,Fifteen .~~ ~









'Study ,Y~~~b~k~Tecn·iq~es,'

ST. MARY'S mGB. TAUNTON Sodalists will join in the annual retreat to begin tomorrow at Cathedral Camp. Rev. Edward Stanton, will be retreat master, and 20 students from St. Mary's · will be in attendance. Juniors will attend a photography workshop, in Providence, Tuesday, M,ay 12 in order to study · the procedure of editing and preparing yearbook pictures. " Students winning recognition ·at. the Massachusetts State ·Science Fair inch,lde Betsy Gale · Robbins for her' exhibit of :'Quarltitative Analysis 'of Crude · Platinum", a~d Lea E. Cyr for "Steps in the Chemical Analysis of Leather Manufacturing Process"..'. JESUS-MARY ACADEMY, FALL RIVER_ Seniors . and .. juniors were guests at Prevost.' High'School oratorical contest held 'in J:MA ·auditorium. Principal' Mother St. Vincerit' de Paul was among' judges. Seniors Jacqueline. Boutin, Yvette Boud'ria, and Claire De-' lisle, and ,juniors Pauline Roy,'

Fall: Ri~eri"

J 'B,'

SACR'ED HEART $100, A~fi-iend.




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$50 . ,

·.,in; memory of John


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& Mar,.

garE!t Smith,' Mr. & Mrs. John S. B'urns, Mr. & Mrs: Dick Cutting, Mr. & Mrs. William Hargraves. '$45 . .Misses Margaret, Mary C. &; Frances·M. Cummings.

So; Dartmouth; and Hyannis :' . r












So" Dartmouth . .WY 7-9384

Thomas A. Synott. __ . ,$35 . Catherine Furze. , $30 James ..C onnor, .James Kennedy" Mrs. Sarah Sullivan and FamU,., M'iss Margaret Sullivan., .. :Mrs. Mary: HeywOod, 'Mr. &;' Mrs.,. Raymond. Norton, Quinlan Leary; Walter McVey, Michael













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German Cross WASHINGTON (NC)...;.,o Prof. Heinrich Kronstein, director of the Institute for Foreign and · I;'ternational'Trade Law at Georgetown .University, has re-. ceived the Commander's' Cross of the Order of Merit. of the . Federal , Republic of· Gea:many. The' .decoratio'n was' given ,..to.. Prof. Kronstein for his outstand, ing work in bringing. America~ · and: Germans' more' closely to'gether. .,"

"MONEY ISN'T': EVERYTHING-·••'~'" ,,' .. whtes a' devoted. missioDU7 fl'0ID




.. S t /'h' , Uu;. parish of Edayaranmula (So ~"" .' "'J~' India). ~my., POOl" pariShoDers, bav.e l..' . .d'd' ' .. shown me bow much ean be done

.~. , with.' UiUe'· or'·, DO lDouey. Recentb'.·j· 0 . the eut~e': eoaD:mUJiitt, Catholic and'

t-ttl' QI


~ non-Catholic, got to!;ether and began.

+ ' &0



build a chapel for me. Labor and ' land and' materials were scrilped Woo ge'iller until now ,they are nearly finisbed. Tbere are some" tllings we MUST buy. and for this we will need Tht HaJj Fa/htr's Mission Aid $1.500. Can you belp these poor ,...:..1. people to, .finish, their HO!1se '01 tb'e fi. r:' thtOrimtal. ChfInO . Lord?" What answer shall' we make .. this dedicated priest? - our aDswer depends on' YOU!' HUNGER KNOWS NO SEASON : ..... CHiLDREN' ARE AS HUNGRY IN THESPRING,AS THEY WERE IN THE WINTER •• '. $10 WILL STILL FEED· A REFUGEE FAMILY FOR A WEEK, ,CAN YO,U' HELp? .



.. .'"THE CHILJ)REN ARE' EXCITED," writes MonSignor Ryan. "now ,that the day of First Holy 'Communion draws'·near. "Fdread' toc"think o'~hat Will be their reac. ,. ' , , , ; Uon'whe,~ ;they: find' out there may' not', be' enough . FIRST' COMMUNION' OUTFITS' &0 ' '.. ~i"~ , give'one to eli:cb child.' 'Will 'iou please 'give· ibis· . request. ,'your 'iri1m~diaie 'attent.ion,. an~'.~, " . ''SCnd 'm~ 'llSnlu<:h' money" as. :~ossible?" .We ~ would"bke &0 give 'eacb' child a lie.,w F.ia;st CODununion Outfit, BUT, they cost ,$10 each.. .' .We wilL de»,' ow '; beSt •.;. 'Ma)', we"eouni 00 ..



· ,YOU? .:' ,,' .' ~ ,-


- .'.' I


'_ " '. . '.

., .

'l'. d

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CATHOLIC NEAR EAST'MI& ;SIONS 'IN Y.OUR WILL? .. " IF YOU .DO YOU WILL··LIVE FOREVER"IN THE~GRATEFUL HEARTS. OF ·'11HE ,P.OOR;. ',' 'WHO 'ARE SO C.,:08.E .TCf q,UR LORD AND HIS MOTHER. '"THE DNYS OF SPRING ARE THE I)AYS;OF' 80p~,N ~ aD old proverb. And it is ceriainly true in' the ease of at least' , 'four young people. .Two· girls in: India. Sister ANN A JOSEPD' and SISTER MARY to enter



and in Eritrea; VINCEN,T' and ADRIAN look forward to entering . the SemiDar7: ·to prepare' themselves to beoome 'priests. They have asked, as to help them. Eaeb S.... must have a' benefacto.. wbo will pay $156 a 7ear..fOl" be.. two year course; , , ',,' , ...and.ea4<h: boy must have a. benefactor..who, will contribute $100 a year for bls sh year course. Cllllyou -adopt" one of them. 80 Uuat tlaeir lla7a of Sprin,. ..iaq ... Ite days. of joy! :'! . . .. , . A DAY· TO REMEMBER IS" MOTHERS' " .. DA Y '. ,what. do you plan to do this year? .You may have a Mass said for :your motber' ". .. you may enroll her as a member '.in ·.the" Catholic! Near East and, she will share In the Masses of Our Holy Father. ·Cardinal Spellman ,and' all the missionary, priests (annua] membership $1. perpetual $20) . you may give an article to a mission chapel in her' name. We will be glad to send our BEAUTIFUL GIFT CARD with PRESSED FLOWERS FROM THE HOLY LAND to, tell her of your, generosity to the Holy' Fat~er.'s ~ission Work in the Near' East., Your 'gift to GOd~'iD the name' of your mother will live forever! .


pick up a~d deliver. c1eaf\ and .repair overalls. Also. we have a complete line of Coverall,' Pants and St"irtsfor' sale. We 'reciaim and walh any oily. dirty 'Of" greasy ragl.

JoSeph A. Charpentier . Reg.Pharm. . 1902 ACUSHNET AVE. NEW BEDFORD TEL WY 6-0772



JuSt off Route •

The Junior Journalism Club selected "Beyond the. Blue Horizon~' as theme for the 1960 yearbook.

'MATHEW,j wisb

'. --Washington ,FARMS St. FairhaYell

.. Hyannis' 2921 '

Georgette Nunes, Pauline Beaulieu, Patricia La Fleur, and.. Claire Durand were awarded first places in the local Science Fair. Seniors Claire Delisle and Claudette C. Couture; 'juniors Georgette Nunes and Mi~helle Aut~ier; sophomores Collette J'usseaume and Diane Ouimet ·were selected as school representatives for a vocation exhibit ' held in Blessed Sacrament AUditorium.



JOHN ~ '8.' .LEBEL





I,: '.

SpotlightHlgOur .Schools ,


. ...... , .. .


' .



GIFT CARD SUGGESTIONS for the ,Douse 01 God oa the missioDS.- The· poor missloa chapels .are. fa ,ereat need. Yea · D1a7 help by donalinc aD ariiele. _"-'-' .' • , . Candles . ' $ 2 0 Mass Boolt . .:,:i~, Cibori,unt . '~ •. ,. :.$C& Sanetual'J' Lamp 15 Altar Stolle . Ie CrucUb: .••• , •• %5 Mass Bells ' 5 M.. Vestmente H· PIcture II GIVE TO WIN THB ~ WORLD'


·dh~r"IastOlissiOOSJii· .""id."t RANCIS CARDINAL SPELLMAN. 'Magr. Peter'. tuohy, Nar.t:SeQ

., ,.

, '"

send all communications to'

CATHOUC NEAR EAST·WELFARE ASSOCIATION 480 Lexin'gtOn Ave. at 46!h St. New)'orte 17,.N.. Y~ .



ATTEND VOCATIONS MASSES: Pontifical Masses for vocations were celebrated in three cities of the Diocese this week by Most Rev. James J. Gerrard, V.G." Auxiliary Bishop, with Most Rev. James L. Connolly, Bishop of. the Diocese presiding. Left. photo shows a group ,of St. Mary's High students (T;mnton) who 'attended Mass in St. Mary's Church. Left to right, in front, are Cyn,thia Sulliva!l and Rita Hutchins; in rear, Leona -

Appea I Gi~ts

Morin and Jeanne LeClair. Holy Family Hi~h students attended Ma.ssia St. Lawrence's Church, New Bedford. In center photo are (left to right) Donald Benjamin, Joseph Martin, William R. Balderson and John Bastoni. night photo shows group at Notre Dame Church, Fall River. Left to right ,are, Arlene,Crawford of Mount St. Mary Academy, Rachel Price of Dominiean Academy; Cheryl Martin and Barbara Duffee, both of Mount St. Mary.

~. Doran, The Misses Doran, $1% , Caroline and Elizabeth Kor- land Thibault, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Dorothy Higgins. Martha Hobbs, Joseph Betten- , zenski, Mrs. 'Henry Shoard, Mr. Barabe, Mrs. Helen Keefe. Leo P. Smith, Thomas Patten ,court, Eileen Nestor, Virginia &'Mrs. Frank Czajka, Mrs. MarMrs. Nora Reddy, Mrs. Helen & Family, Regina Higgins, In Delaney, Mr. & Mrs. A. L. Mcgaret Dignan, Mr. & Mrs. James Cory, James Reddy, Mr. & Mrs. Memory of Thomas H. & Thomas Graw, Alice 'Merola, Ermine Nichols. . George 'Souza, Mrs. Elizabeth L. Flynn. ' M e r o l a , Carolyn Merola. Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Machado, Dupere. ST. WILLIAMS $10 ' Mrs. John Smith, Mrs. James Evelyn Phelan, Mr. & Mrs. . $100 Mr. & Mrs. Napoleon Poirier, McKnight, John E. Kane Jr., Frank Correira, Mr. & Mrs. Bert The Donovan Famly, Mr: & Mrs. George Booth, Mr. Mrs. Malloy and Family~ Galford, Mr. & Mrs. Fred Scho. '7$5 & Mrs. Robert .Sullivan, Mr: & Henry Raposa, Mr. & Mrs. Ed- field, Mrs. Mary Shaw. Mrs. Raymond Murphy, Mr. & ward Dougherty, Mr.'& Mrs. RoTurn to Page Shteen :Mr. & Mrs. George Hurle:t M M b' rs. anilel Al ernaz. ..~".~~.~.~~~."~".~• • "~ ,'~~~~~"~~~~~~.~~~~~.~~~~'"

Continued from Pal:'e Fourteen William White & Family, Grace W. James, Gertrude H. James, Eugene Vail Jr., Thomas Byrne. Joseph McDonald, Francis Regan, Mrs. Elmer Learned, 'Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Shea Sr., Margaret Renaud. Helen Loftus, Samuel Stone ... & Family, Mrs. Leon Brodeur, The Marga:::Boodry and :Mr. & Mrs. John Regan, Leon Family , &.·Mrs. Michael Biszko, Susan $25 Fitzgerald, Elizabeth Fitzgerald. Brodeur. Daniel Cooney, Grace Dunn, Mr. & Mrs. John Haggerty and Mr. & Mrs. Charles Cafferty, Stanley Prezalar, Catherine G. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Sullivan, Mil-' Family, John Connelly, Mr. & Mrs. Francis Gauthier, Kather- Picard, Margaret Cahill, John ton Sullivan, Kathryn Drogue. C. Sullivan, John J. Honan; , Cahill. . ' Mr. & Mrs. William Desmond, ine M R'} Honor Toohey,' George L. ae 1 ey. James A. Quinn" Mary M. ! $20 Quinn, Mr. & Mrs. Joh~ W. O'Brien, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Mr. & Mrs. John Murphy, Mrs. Frain, Mr., &' Mrs. Louis ViDennis, Jane Dorr.' , Elizabeth Owens, Mr. & Mrs. Louis Greenberg, Mr. & Mrs. Ar- veiros, Mr. & 'Mrs. Daniel Doucet, James H. Nestor, Hughes. Raymond McMullen, Mr. & Mrs. Uiur Mr. &' M rs. J ames 'Stevens, Mr• Mr., & Mrs. Clement Paquette. . Thomas Monohan & Family, Mr. & Mrs. JOl>eph Roderick, ";Mrs. Walter Janick, Mrs. MarDennis C. Hurley, Mrs. Dennis , Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Demers," garet Borden, Mr. '& Mrs. Jamee C. Hurley. , Finglas, Mrs. Lucy Hughes. Charles Duffy, John Mitchell, Mr. & Mrs. Roland, Talbot: ,$15 ,William Ryder, Mrs. Rose Daniel Duffy, Margaret McCann, Mr. and & Mrs. Thomas POb-' BU'rns, Mr. & Mrs. John Hodnett, ~ohn M. Sullivan. zcwik, Shirley Carroll, Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Albert Champoux, Josephine Louette, Wilfred Lillian Reardon, Mr. & MrS. William D. Crowley. Beaulieu, Genevieve Murray, In George Neville, Mr. & Mrs. John Memory of Daniel J. Martin, Maitoza. ' • Ann Downey & Elizabeth Dow~ Mr. & Mrs. John Kane, GeneSpend A Beautiful ey. vieve Connelly. . .wEEKEND IN NEWYORIC Mr. & Mrs. Robert NedderComplete Tours Arranged man, Mrs. Julia Beattie, Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Owsney, Mr. & AUBERTIHE Including Mrs. Charles' Fox & Family; Mr. - HOTEL & Mrs. John Springer. John M. Leonard, Catherine Murphy; Joseph Donnelly, DonHfllen Aubertine Brough' . PELLETIER . ald Black, Agnes Black. Owner and Director . TRAVEL S~RVICE Mr. & Mrs. C. Joseph Driscoll, Spacious Parking Area Mrs. Edward Kaufmari, Charles, 364 Hersom St. WY·2-9321 WY, 2~29S7 Sullivan, Mrs. Sarah Porter, Mr. New Bedford 129 Allen·S&. New Bedford & Mrs. Richard Donahue. Catherine O'Hare, Mrs. Raymond Nestor, Margaret Mary Fay, ,Mrs. Stella Pavao, Laura Hollihan. Michael Geary, Ursula Rile,.. Mary Breslin, JQhn Sullivan, lor-' thur Vallee. John J. Sullivan, Mr. & Mrs. John L. Turner, John J. Polak, Walter Polak, Mrs. Mary Leary. GENERAL' CONTRACTOR Mrs. Thomas McDonald, Leonard Hughes, Fred McDonald, The ' '2666 NORTH MAIN FALL RIVER Baker Family. Mr. & Mrs. John .F. Sullivan, TELEPHONE OS 5-7992 Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Powers, Mrs. Jennie Nugent & Helen Nugent, Mr. & Mrs. James Mitchell, Mr. & Mrs. :Fl'ank Quinn, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Trainor, The S~ilivan Family, Edward

M~~ ~rs~;=~:;d;:~~e:,h~~:

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WEALTH? HONOR? SECURITY? The Capuchin IIrather> are working fot "0 hundred· ,fold ond life everlasting." . Find happiness serving God here and in foreign missions as sacristan. catechist.infirmarian. office worker, gardener, chef, tailor, doorkeeper, carpen.. ter. electrician, maintenance man, etc. Young men between 18 and 35 interested in joining tne Capuchin Brothers to work for Christ write to:

REV. FR. EYMARD, O.F.M. Cap. St. La, wrence Friary, 175 Milton St. Milton 86, Massachusetts ~~~••• ~~~~~~•••~~~~""~'"""~~~~~~"••~,~~".~....,~~'" .IIo..:'~:Tf"'"TATAT ATATATATIfl',TATATATAT A T.1l\,T "'"y~.... ...-: IIWl IIWl IIWl 11IIII IIWl IIWl IIWl IllW IllW IllW IIWl IIWl IIWl IIWl Illli\'::' ' ~ ~. . e:' ~, ~ ...-: :-,



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Mr. &: Mrs. Robert MontE. ft. AN'T!'0NT or PADUA Claire Sampson, Mrs. Robert $!5 - THE ANCHOR. Partridge, Mrs. Emile Viens, Mr. , .- J~ Carreiro. Thurs., May 7, 1959 . & Mrs. Nicholas Tyrell.. $10 Mr. &. Mrs. Alfred Verville, Manuel Camara, Evangeline _Mr. & Mrs. Edmund Dennis, Mr. Leite, Antonio J.ViVeirOs. IJ'I'. MATHIEU'S, ST. JEAN BAPTISTE. & Mrs. Henry Swist" Mr. &: 'Mrs. FALL RIVER ' FALL RIVER Aptone Costa, M.r. & Mrs. Jesse .New Bedfor,~.. ''', May activities of the Women's An organizational meetirig for Souza., " ST. JAMES', Guild' include a communion a parish CYO unit will be held Mr. & Mrs. Henry Collard, Mr. $100 breakb'st Sunday; the 17th and at 7:30 Tuesday night, May 12 &: Mrs. John Cantwell, ci-istoMr.' &: Mrs. RaymOnd Tschaen. a Maybasket whist Saturday, in the parish . hall. All high· pher'Lake Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Mich- ' $50 May' 23. Rev. Reginald B.Bar-' school students and other 'teenael Sullivan, Mr. & Mrs. William The Hurley Family, Mrs. rette, St. Roch's parish will ad- agers are invited. Howard Taft, Hawkins. dress the breakfast .president of the Fall River area Mr. & Mrs. Chester Lupach- Margery- Kulas, Thomas Whittle. - $40 Mrs. Raymond Poisson;, guild CYO council, will speak. Other mi, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph BrouilEileen Lardner. president, and Mrs. Armand Cay- guests will iriclude officers of lard, Mr. & Mrs. Rene Dupuis, er will attend the Diocesan con- . Blessed Sacrament CYO, $25 Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Ferreira, Mrs. Ho~ard Worthington. Mr. &: Mrs. Patrick Baker, vention of Catholic women a8_ SACRED HEART; ' _- Mr. & Mrs: Michael Torchia, Mr. &: Mrs. Frederick Corbeil, official delegates. NORTH' ATTLEBORO Mr. &: Mrs. John Downey, Mr. Mrs. Julia Kennedy, Mr. &: Mrs. Miss Germaine Guay will be ehairman of' the group's next St. Ann's Sodality will hoid &: Mrs. J.oseph Martineau, ·Mr. &: Edward O'Rourke. , its annual cake. sale with Mrs.. Mrs. David D(lyle, Mr. '" Mrs. meeting, slated for Monday, May Margaret Walsh, JIIaIj 11., Bernard Miramont as chairman. Alfred Arruda. ' Walsh. %5. The 'monthly meeting is ~hed­ $ZO. Mr. &: Mrs. Peter Dopart, Mr. IMMACULATE CONCEPTION; -uled for Tuesday, May '12 and Mrs. Roberta Ashley, Mr. ok' &i'Mrs. Valentine Palmer, Mr. &: NORTH EASTON .. will be open to guests. Parish Mrs. Paul H. Martin, Mrs. Mary - Mrs. Fred Bergeron. Mr. &: Mrs. New officers of the Women's. Brownies and Girl Scouts willHughes, Mrs. Edward Babington. William Best, Mr. &: Mrs. Jam~ Guild are Mrs. William ,Flynn,· , hilVe' a c'ookout today at Camp Mr. & Mrs. James Sullivan, W;o Clark, PaUl. Clark. . president; Mrs. Francis Mc,Na- Shady Pines. ,Mr. &: Mrs. Joseph Donovan, Mr. &: Mrs. Jules P. Corr~ia.' mara,'vice president; Mrs. Fran- , HOLY TRINITY, Mrs. Adelard Barriault; Mary Mr. &: Mrs. Vincent Cotnoir, Mr; cis Le Roy; treasurer; Mrs. Ber-: WEST HARWICH Eccles, Mrs. Aloysius EccleS. &t' Mrs. Michael Crowley, AnIle i Mr. &: Mrs. Charles Perry; Mr. Dawber, "Mr.' &: Mrs. James ~ nard Manning, recording secreMembers of the Association of ' BOY SOPRANO: William &: Mrs. Arthur Deschenes, Mr. ok Giblin. tary. • the Sacred Hearts will attend Mrs. Raymond Bergero~, cor- the coiweQtion of the DiOCesan' Lowry, Il, of Washington, Mrs. Raymond Viveiros, "Mr. ok Sarah Ann Greaves, Mrs. Mary responding, secretary; Miss ~aMrs. Andrew Levesque Jr., Mr. M. Moran, Mr. & Mrs. Charlet! tricia Buckley,. financial secre- Council of Catholic Women in is one of. the two boy S0;&: Mrs. Manuel Viveiros. Palmer, Mr. and Mrs. William . . New Bedford Saturday, May 16. Mr. & Mrs. Edward Desrosiers, H. Stephenson. . tary; Mrs. Os<:ar Consceslon, The ass 0 cia t ion entertained· pranos featured in the four Mr. & Mrs. Hormidas. Beland, $15 aerj~~ activities will include a mothers of children attending operas commissioned by the Mr. &: Mrs. Stanley"Michalewich.Mr. &: Mrs. Arthur Amaral, National Council of Catholic dinner dance and a day ofrec- catechism classes at itS last William 'Moss, Mr. &: Mrs. Mr. &: Mrs. Joseph Baptiste. Men-TYto be televised on Mrs. olleetion. Rev. Francis McCarthy I,jmeetin g . Raymond Jezak: Margaret Cairns, Mr. &: Mrs. NBC-TV 4,:30' P.M. the addressed the last' guild meeting ..' ST FRANCIS XAVIER. Mr. :&: Mrs.' Clinton BaIter, James A. Cawley, John F. Chirk. on discussion c};;bs and a dona- 'HYANNIS -, four. successive Sundays in Mr. & Mrs. John Golden, Mr. &: Mary Clark, Mary E. Foley; tion was voted to the fatholic 'The annual banquet of the S~,/ May. NC Photo. Mrs. John Mendonca. Mr. &: Mrs. Mr. &: Mrs. Raymond Fontain~ Charities. Francis Xavier Guild, will be: . Arthur -Caouette, ' Mr.. &:. Mrs. Minnie McDonald, Mr. &: Mrs.' ST. JOHN THE BAPTlST,held Thursday, May' 21..ReservaMichael J. McNulty'- ' " Oliver RaPoza. CENTRAL VIL~AGE tions should be made by Friday, Mr.at Mrs. Jaines P. Mullin Mr. &: Mrs. Thomas McHenry, Continued from Page ,Fifteen A' mother-daughter commun- the' i5th. . . Walter Krupa, Mr. & Mrs. Clar- - Jr.;'Mr. &: Mrs. Julius Sottak and Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Boff, Mr. ' Ion breakfast- will . follow ,the The guild will .. sponsor a ence Harney, Mr., &: Mrs: An- Mary. T:30 Mass this Sunday, Moth~r's yeal'1yscholarship 'for a gradu- &: Mrs. Thomas Comiskey, Mr. $1% thony Viveiros, Mr. &Mrs. Wal• Day. Rev. John F. Hogan, dir~c- a'te from Barnstable High School & Mrs. Edward Peckham, Mr. '" Mr. ok Mrs. Mortimer KeDter Aubrey. tor of the New Bedford/area' to enable attendance at a Cath- Mrs. Francis Willinson, Mr. '" nedy. Mr. ,& Mrs. Joseph Moreira, Catholic Welfare/Bureau, will. olic college. A June communion Mrs..John Bates. ' Mrs. Dorothy Branco, Mrs. WesTurn to Page Seventeetl Mr. & Mrs. Michael O'Connell, speak.' -' _ ' , b r e a k f a s t 'will be held' for ley Kaehler, Mr. & Mrs. Jaseph Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Hackett, Mr. A Cana Conference, to which seniors from the high schooL Medeiro, Mr. & Mrs. Charles & Mrs. John "Viveiros, Mr. & all married couples are invited, ST. PIUS X, Hoenigke. Mrs. William Ready, Mr. &: Mrs. is set for 8 Tuesday' night; May SOUTH,YARMOUTH Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth White,. Major Wheelock. 12, in the parish hall. Mr. & Mrs. John Michoncki, Mr. The ·8t. Rius X 'Guild will, Mr. &: Mrs. Harry Kershaw, The Women's Guild will meet & Mrs. Alfred Vieira, Mr. &. Mr. Thursday" May 14, at which time ~ponsor a fashion show Monday, Mr. & Mrs. Fred Malone, Paul ' William McPartland, Mr. & Mrs. JOSEPH M.• f. DONAGHY new officers will be installed. May 18 at Dennis-Yarmouth Ridge, Mrs. Raymond Fisher, Mr. John Cahill. owner/mgr. I regional high school. Members & Mrs. James McKnight.· Re-elected are Mrs. John Hollins, Mr. '&: Mrs. Fred Kozak, Mr: '142 Campbell St. I M~ .. & Mrs. Roger A,nctil, Mr. heard a talk on estate planning president; Mrs. Henry Schetter, &: Mrs. Leonard Smith, Mr. &: & Mrs.' Romeo Turgeon, Mrs. New Bedfor~, Mass. their last meeting. vice president; Mr~. Michael Mrs. Joseph Sullivan, Mr. & Mrs. Annie' Cox, Mr. &: Mrs. Thoma. WYman 9-6792 Best treasurer:' Mrs. Frederick ST. JOSEPH'S. James Greaves, Mr. & Mrs. Wit. Smith, Ma:r;y Burrows. , Best' will Serve as secretary, be- A'fTLEBORO\ liamHurley. HEADQUARTERS FOR Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Nunes, Mr. ginning in September. The guild Grace and Margaret Flanagan, . The Ladies of Ste. .Anne COLONIAL 'AND will:- hold meetings throughout Sodality, will hold its monthly '" Mrs. Manuel Moreira Jr., Mr. Mr. &: Mrs. Joseph Araujo. Mr. ok &'Mrs. Henry Depin, Mr. &: Mr,s. TRADITIONAL FURNITURE the summer. / Mrs. John Malgieri. ,. 'meeting Tuesday, May 12. ElecOther May activities include tion of officers will take place., Stanley Stets, Claire ,Neville. Mr. & Mrs. Edward Breault," L a breakfast for mothers and ii\ charge of a nominating comMr. &: Mrs. George Joseph, Mr. children following First Com- mittee headed, by Mrs. Julia & Mrs. Joseph C. Murphy, Mr. m'union Sunday, May 24 and a Lathigee. Mrs. Clifford Gohring &: Mrs. Fred Chlebek, Mr. & Mrs. corned beef ane. cabbage supper will be in charge of the lIOcial Philip Delaney. , Wednesday, ,May 27 in the par,,:. hour. General com!Dunion is SHARON, MASSACHUSETl'S Mr: & Mrs.' William Neilan, ish hall.. Serving~ tie at scheduled" for. Sunday, MaT 17. Mr. & Mrs. Albert Williams, Mr. For Boys 1 to 13 years old 5:30 and 7:30. & Mrs. Leo Coppinger, Mr. &: ST. DOMINIC'S, Six' week-season: June 28 to August • ST. ELIZAJJETH'S GUILD, Mrs. R;lymond Beaulieu, Mr. &: SWANSEA , Register for 2, .. 4,' .. 6 "weeks Mrs. Jame,s' L8ngton. EDGARTOWN The Womeh's Guild will hold New officers will be ihsta~led its annual corporate communion - Tutoring if cIesi~d at the May. meeting. They in- this Sunday, May, 10, at the 9 THE BROTHERS OF THE SACRED HEART clude Mr·s.-George F. Lane, pres- o'clock Mass. Guild officers will WALLET SIZE PICTURES Ident; Mrs. Raymond Prada. Jr., be 'elected at the May meeting, vice president; Mrs. Raphael Monday, the 18th. Laminated· (Seal in ptastic) Saint, secretary; Mrs. Albert H. 15c eo.:2 for 25c p.p. SHARON, MASSACHusms Prada, treasurer. A flower· fund, in charge of 24 HOUR' ,SERVICE A RESIDENT SCHOOL, FOR BOYS Mrs. Frank C. Mello, will 'be.esContinued from Pace One SEALAST, Box 514 tablished by the guild. Dona- greete'd .by the three Jardinals I . Grammar grades 4-5-6-1-8 . tions were 'made to Catholic . and the bishops who have come. NEW BEDFORD, MA.SS. ' !HE BROTHERS OF THE SACRED- HEART Charities and the CYO. ' here to welcome him. OUR LADY' OF 'LoURDES, Herein 1932 TAUNTON, Archbishop Vagnozzi, 53, WH The newly fprmed Holy Name, named to the Vatican Secretar-. Society wili have 'as officers iate of State in 1930. He was Manuel C. Medeiros, president; named to the staff of the Apos:' Arthur Costa, vice" president; tolic Delegation to' this country Louis Rocha, Sec,retary; Anthony' in 1932 and came here in OctoFraga treasurer; Anthony·Medas, ber of that year. He made the marshall. Members will receive trip .froOl Rome to the United corporate communion. this Sun- States in' the company o~ newlT CHARLES F. VARGAS day. . . consecrated Auxiliary . Bishop 254 ROCKDALE AVENUE Francis Spellman of Boston. ~ .BEDFORD, MASS. ST. JOBNBAPTIST; , Sponsored by the, Missionaries NEW BEDFORD Archbishop Vagnozzi rose 10 The Couples Club sPonsored 'the rank of coullselor -at the of Our Lady of Lo Sci/ette i~ semi-annual potluck supper, Apostolic Delegation in )Vashattended by 50 couples. County ington, D. C.; and Qeld the same Members wiIt,sail frOID York July 11, 1959, Commissioner Charles A. Frates post with 'the Vatican aiplomatic . aboard the S. S. Nieuw hnsterda. of the 'HoIIaAd ,;. entertained with a magic show. missions'to Portugal, Fran~e and, , America Line. the East Indies. In 1949 he was 8 e EL'S , For Holland . . • Germany . • • Switzerland • ; • T. MI HA named Titular Archbishop' of SWANSEA France ••. Italy ••• and Belgium , •• 57 daY. Boy Scout Troop 40, sponsored' Mini and appointed ApostOlic $1,136 by 'the Holy Name Society, held Delegate to the Philippines. " a Parents' Night at which :four ,Wh'en, in April"195i, the Phil'> " for cOmplete information contad yow-. Trovel Agent tw . boys' were i~vested as Tender':: ippines ,established' permanent AMERICAN EXPRESS TRAVEL· SERVICE foot Scouts. Holy Name mem- diplomatic relations with. the bel'S will receive Communion Holy See, the Apostolic DelegaWorld's Most Experienced Operator of Catholic Travel with their families on Sunday, tion in Manila was raised to an 378:Boylston Street-Commonwealth 6-5450 Mother's Day, and attend break- c embassy and Archbishop Vag" or at FILENE'S TRAVEL BUREAU ' , fast in the school hall after- nozzi was appointed first AposJ al~o cit'File".', Trav.'-Bur.ou , wards. A program honoring tolic Nuncio. He was serving in NOfth Sh._ Shopping Center, Peabody, Mall.-Jeff. . . . 1~1OO :wives and mQthefi will- be' pre- " this post when named Apostolic .lI6llted. . Delegate to the United States. DIOCESE





New Officers '

The Parish Parade




Appeal Gifts


Furniture Store.




1St: SPECIAL 1St:'


New Delegate


YOUR'OIL HEAT! ~ ttlll ~=

Pilgrimage to'







• r •••••••••••••••••••


'Ibomaa O'Rourke, Mr. &.' Mrs. Joseph NUDes, Mr. and Mrs. mE ANCHOIArmand Pariseau, Mr. &. Mr.. Thurs., MGy 7" 1959 Frank Perry. Mr. A Mrs. Harry Perry, 'Mr. &. Mrs. William Perry, Mr. &; Mrs. Joaquim Pina, Agnes ProcCoDihnled from Page Si:rieea tor, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Riley. $10 Mr. IIi Mrs. Francis Roach, Mr. &. Mrs. Frank Akucewiez, Mrs. Patrick Rockett, Mr. & Mr. &. Mrs. Eugene Alfonso, Mr. . Mrs. James F. RYan Jr., Mr. & & Mrs. Anthony Almeida, Mrs. Mrs. Robert St. Pierre, Mr. &. Carl Anderion, Mrs. James W. Mrs. Timothy F. Shea. Aspden. Mr. & Mrs. J. Arthur Sl)eehan, Eileen Backus, Mr.' &. Mn. Mr. &. Mrs. Manuel S. Silva, Mr. Leo Balandyk, Robert C. BaD- &. Mrs. Manuel Simmons, Mary n'oft, Mrs. Candida Barros, Mrs. J. Sniith, Mr. & Mrs. James Mary Bauer and John Jr. Souza. Mr. &. Mrs. William Blake, Mr. &. Mrs. Jiiseph Souza, Mr. Barbara Ann Best, Mr. &. Mrs. &; Mrs. Richard Sparrow; Mrs.. August Bonito, Mr.' &. Mr.. Ann Splaine, Mr. & .Mrs.. Albert Damase Bouchard, Mr. &. Mrs. Stephenson, Bernhard Stoll Paul Borgault. I Mr. at Mrs. John Sullivan, Mary A. Brimley, Mr. &. Mrs. John J. Callanan, Mr. & Mrs. Patricia ,Sullivan, William SulAntone Camacho, Mr. &. Mrs. livan, Mrs. Alfred F. Sylvia, Mr. Joseph Camara, Mr. & Mrs. &. Mrs. John Sylvia. Mr'. & Mrs. Manuel Sylvia, John Cambra. Lucy Cardoza, Mr. &. Mrs. Leo Mrs. M. Josephine Talford, Mr. Caron, Mr. &. Mrs. Roland Caron, & Mrs.. Milton 'J;'aylor, Charles Tarpey, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Mr. & Mrs. Harding Carrier, Mr. Tavares. A Mrs~ Herber' Carter. Mr~ & Mrs. Albert Theodore, Mr. &. Mrs. Clarence J. Casey, Mrs. Dorothy Chapman, :Mr. &. Mr. '&. Mrs. Edward Thornber, Mrs. Joseph Chlebus, Mary A. Mrs. Katherine Tomlinson, Mr. Coholan, Mr. &. Mrs. James and Mrs. Francis Torres, Mr. &. Mrs. Joseph Towers. Collins. Marilyn Towers, Wm. Veary, Mr. &. Mrs. Stephen Collins, Margaret Connelly, Mray Con- Armand Vermette, Helen Walsh, nelly, Mr. '& Mrs. John J. Con- Mr. & Mrs. Sylvester Walsh. Joseph F. Waldron, William Dor, Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert Couto. F. Waldron,' Richard Ward and Mr. &. Mrs. James Curry, Mrs. Richard. Dowling, Mr. & Mrs. Kathleen Walden, Mr. & Mrs. Albert B. DeMatos, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Whittle, Mr. & Mrs. Andrew DeTerra Jr., !ohn De- William Wing, Leo M. Worden. vine. James Devlin, Mr. & Mr~ John Downey, Mr. & Mrs. ST. ,JOSEPH' Alfred Duarte, Mr. & Mrs. $30 William Duclos: Mr. ,& Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Turner. Edward Duggan. $25 .M. Agnes Ellison, Mr. &. Mrs. Francis Goffin, Mr. & Mrs. Michael Feeley, Mr. & Mrs. John Fernandes, Mr. &. Mrs. Patrick Joseph P. Carey. A friend. '$20 E. Foley, William Foster. Mr. & Mrs; George Nickelson. Mr. & Mrs. Mario Fraga &. $15 Family, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Mrs. Elizabeth Collins. Furtado, Mary A. Gallagher, $10 Esther GeldeJ;', Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Young, Mrs. Anne Joseph Gerrard. Sylvia, William Turner, Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Wilfred Gill, Miriam Scannell, Mr. & Mrs. William C. Grimshaw; Mr. & ' Mrs. ,James Hampson, Judith Patrick J. McDonnell. Mr. & Mrs. Roland Beliveau, Hart, Mr. & Mrs. Paul Hart. Mr. & 'Mrs. William Simmons, Mr. &. Mrs. Thomas Hart, Mr. Daughters of Isabella (Falmouth & Mrs. Louis Hecner, Atty. & Mrs. Edward Hicks, Mr.,& Mrs. Circle). William Holstrom, Mr. & Mrs. Emile Houbre. OUR LADY OF GRACE Mr. & Mrs. Arsene Houle, '$25 Mrs. Stella Howland, Mr. & Mrs. Catholic Women's Guild. Michael Hummel, Agnes Kear$10 ney, Mrs. Maria Kearney. Leopold Martel; Charles Po~­ Mr.·& Mrs: George Laliberte, rier, E_mile Laliberte, Marianno Mr. & Mrs. Armand Langis & Jane, Mr. & Mrs. Adam Lacala, . Costa, John MacDonald, Gedeon Mr. & Mrs. Norman Langlois, Banville. Mrs. Grace R. Lardnf?r. Mr. & Mrs. Roland Lepii'e, ST. BERNARD'S John G. Leva; Mr. & Mrs. Lucien' $150 L. Lareau, Mrs. Charles Little, Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Terpak. Mr. & Mrs. Henry Luckraft. $100 Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Madruga, Mr. & Mrs. Marianno Rezendes Mr. & Mrs. Henry Magellan, Mr. $30 . &. ,Mrs. Edward Maguire, :\VIr. A. Gertrude Gould. & Mrs. John Maguire, Kathleen $20 Maguire. Marguerite Gould, Mrs. MarMrs. Michael Mahoney, Mr. garet Neville. & Mrs. Lawrence F .. Maloney & $15 Mary, Mr. & Mrs. Francis J. Mr. &. Mrs. Norman Lafleur. Manning, Mr. & Mrs. John $10 MlIrinelli, Mr. & Mrs. John S. A Friend, Mr. & Mrs. William Marques. Mr. & Mrs. Paul Marshall. Borges, Mr. &. Mrs. Joseph CarMr. & Mrs. John J. Mavall, Mr., roll, A Friend, Helena V. Gould, Mr. & Mrs. Russell Meinhold, &. Mrs. Walter McCormack, Mr. A Friend. ' & Mrs. Edward McGuire, Patrick H. Meany. Mr. & Mrs. Robert Meggison Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Mendoza, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Metros, Mr. NEW YORK (NC) - A De & Mrs. Arthur Michaud, Mr. & Paul University mathematician 'Mrs. Sylvester Mitchell. has' been credited with "one of Mr. & Mrs.. Harold Moore, Mr. the major contributions of ;ur &. Mrs. ,James C. Murphy, Mr: & time" in that phase of matheMrs. John Murphy, Mr. & Mrs. matics known as finite groups. Thomas Murty, Mr. ~ Mrs. The feat of solving a problem Russell A. Neagus. , Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Norm'andin, which has perplexed mathematicians for 50 years has beenEverett J. O'Brien, Mr. & 'Mrs. achieved by Dr. John G. Thomp_ ,Joseph F. O'Brien, Mr. & Mrs. \ son, 26, 'who did the work for Leonard O'Brien, Mr. &. Mrs. b'is doctorate· thesis at· the Leopold Oliveira. University. ,of Chicago. Wniiam O'Malley, Mr.. & Mrs.' In mathematics, finite groups . concern the ol'ganization, into groups, of limited numbers of PAOLA (NC) - Mother M. things under, algebraic rules of Cecilia 'Koehler of the Ursuline combination. The "things" are Academy here in Kansas will be usually abstractions of no practhe principal speaker at the St. tical value to anyone but matheLouis convention of the Intermaticians. Certain aspects of national Grapho Society, start- finite group theory, however, , ing July 12. The liOCiety ·is dedi- ,are being applied to eommunieated to an, analysis of character cations, such as in code analysis ........ tbr~uD ~...itin£ and guided missne systems. MCClDI! Of' "ALL .IYEIlI., itA• •


- Appeal Gifts

RNAST CORN , Cream Style

aU·NOTE PEACHES Packed in heavy syrup _ lhe ideal dessert

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Dole Drink 1~~~oz 29c Ice Cream.. ~g~~69c Juice 2'~~~soz 45c Cookies c~t~o 49c BLUE· BIRD - GRAPEFRUIT '

Catholic Professor Solves Math Problem

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Catholic Mother of Year







DiQcesan School Convention


, Continued from Page One Stonehill College, North Eastoll. ,Continued. from r'age One series of' ~onferences on fa~ily," Thurs., May 7, 1959 .etreatsfor marri~d couples. .rials 'by 60 firrps dealing in text"SCience, in the Elementary ~ife. They" were married on . The selection· of Mrs. Ronan books and school supplies. School", John F: Hogan: Princ~April 1)5, 1947. They were child-, was announced jointly by Bish'His Excellency. 'Most Rev. pal Mumford Elementary School, less, du~ing"'the first "t..yo years op Christopher 'J.- Weldon of , . '. James L. 'Connolly, D.D. will Newport, R I. ld (M ass., ) E" marrIage, " f'Ie, plscopa'1 ,.. of . theIr, f t'· "'" . .so f they .' be-' S prIng 'preside on the opening. day and- ,~. "First' Aid and the' CIa. . F '1 L'f came os er parents or chIldren M' o d era t or 0 f "th' address the teachers.,His Excelroom ,Teacher", Frank B. Hol-' e amly l e ' f th C th'l" S 'I'S .. , lency, Most Rev. 'James J. Gerland, FIrst ,Aid 'Re'presentative; Bureau, National Catholic Wel-· ~f!d t~e c~u~t~(:we~~~~e' a;~~~~~ fare Conference and Dr. Frances "N ' th' " . h'ld . 1 d ' rard, 'D:I>.', wir. preside 'on -t~e American,,: Red Cross, Alexan' . t f L'ttl R k 'd t pw, elr mne c 1 ren mc u e t" ' R o th er o l e oc, presl en second day'and also address the dria, Va...' . ' d of the National Catholic Confer-wMIns. R" . ',' " ". bo "M' teachers., ' ' ' : ' "Religion :i'n Our Schools·. . , ' '. . ' , '" rs: onan was rn on· ay ,r~e, progI'arri as ref~ased, ,~, R ev. 'J osep" 'h' M an't' .nce,on li'amI1yLlf~,"5.'.11115,'S'lle ,w'as'educated at 'Sf: on, C .SS .R', .. . A gold , medal 'Will. 'A' ugus , t'me ..... "grammar " ", day by· the Jtev. Edw:ar,d' L Mission Church, Roxbury; Bos:-. . ' " ""be,, , pre-' " an'd' . h'Ig h'" , Rn.ted'to Mrs,,'Ronan by, BI~,hop· , 'h' 1'" ':A', 't· ....M· ",' ,; d' . . -'Gorman, Sup~rintendentof Dioc~. ton:' , ":,,,. "'1 G f T ' sc 00, us In, Inn,., an, was esan Schools; 'lists a~ong. ttie . , " , -Dame, J. ercke 0 . uscon. "d t d f St M 'H'" . Msgr.. Irving, A. DeBlanc, gfa ua rom..." ar~:s, ?S-, speakers and :their .topicS, the". I . "\Tocatipris", Rey.John' J: Hayes, Diotesan' Director Of, ", d'·' t·'.' f th' NCW' · c' F' "1 pltal School of Nursmg ,m MIOIrec or ,0' e' , amI y " .' ~ . ,f911o w in.'g:' , , " ' 1.:r" 'P"r~;"" ~!)j'Y""'entiM on . the.nea~oh,s. I,.ater, ~lje a,ttended St.;, The Ooeninl!! Address. '"The Vocations,' St.' Mar,. Church, .. ~ ...". LOUIS (Mo,) UmversIty. ' , Catholie',Teach~r/'R~v. Richard, New Bedford. ' Ilelectu:m, laude~ Mrs. Ronan's ", ',Mrs: Ronan,i~the 18th' Amet":' ~, Sullivan,' C,S,C, President. : "'The Confraternity of Chris-' work, HI ,ivi:ll1dmg the r~treat . ' 'C th l' t b . 'd C' til:.. association which now includes Ic~n. a 0 IC, 0 .. e .name .. a " tisn Doctrine""Rev. Joseph. L. ,1500 couples in the'Southwest : ohc,:mothe,r,. ~fi :1heyear.: T~e,,' Rowers, "St, Joseph C~urch.: , , ' . " - ." ", .. ;.' " '. honor was ,first bestowed I n ' He also praised,' her, ::ellglOus-1942 " ' SYn:'posium , ' awareness of, her vocatIon as, a ' , WASHINGTON (NC) .,.,... The' in Arithr!telic", Sister Marie ! wife and ,mothe~. . ' first annua1' 'symposium of the' ,Theresa, S.C., Supervisor· of , D of I Regent American COmmittee on Italillft Schools" Archdiocese of New While rearing six boys ,and "Cont~J,1!1~d ~ro~:, J:"ag~ :"O~ Migration' whic'h is 'affiliated ':York" New Y?rk. ,,/ three girls, Mrs. R,onan found, ;ec:t?r,s ,will be 'electe~:' , " ' . with the National.'Catholic He:.. ."Evalua'ting, Last Year's Ditime to' organize' the Sodality~ .BIshop Connolly WIll .J;'e. cel~­ settlement Cpuncil" will "be, held ocesan Examiriatiol) Composi.. ' of Out Lady:ol Perpetual Help . bpl,nt of ~olemn Benedlch~I):In here May 18 and 19. ,tions"', Johr H: Treanor, Princi.,. in Scottsdale, to act as chairman: ,t!'Ie hospItal. chapel.-and Rev. Over 200 delegates represent.,. pal, Franc~s Parkman School, of the parish Sodality' and to ,,;John H.~ackett; epIscopal, sec-, MISS EMILYPER.RY 'ing. the i27 AciM chapters ill' all Boston. ' ' head the Maricopa 'County So- ",.retary, WIll preach. . , ' : . . . 0 parts of the country will be re:', '~A High·School Teacher Looks' dality'Union. ' . . Mrs,~~rgaret McAv?y, D~oeGeneral Chairman ceived by President Eisenhower at Guidance", George L, McKim, She is 'a past reg~rit' of the;, e~an y~eslden~ of the orgal1l~a-' of the Convention at the White House on the openProfessor, Boston College, BosCatholic Da!lghters of America' ,tlOn WIll preSIde at ,an eve~ung" ", ' , , .' , ing day of the ,convention. ton. and has 'been active i!l_ the efb~n~uet.Re~. CornelIus Keh.her, p 'forts of the Tuscon Diocesan, DIOcesan Dlre?tor of HosPI~ls . Council of Catholic Women. Last, 'and N. urses, wIlI.be: toastmastlelr Continued from P:J.-ge One October, she was electedpresiand I.n t r? d uce BIS h op C on no y dent of the Marico'pa Deanery' as, prmclpal ~p'eaker.. Mrs. James Sweeney of "the Council of ,Catholic Women.' . Fa.JlRlver Doctors: . ' Diocesan Council will introduce In 1957 Mrs, Ronan was chosen Cath~lIc doctors of the cIty. of speakers, who"incl'i:tde Qr. Alvin INCORPORATED 1937 by the Scottsdale' Kiwanis Club Fall RIver plan a' COmm\lOlOn Simmons of Newton 'Highlands as its nominee for the Mothe'r of breakfast ~un~ay, May 24,: to and Sister Mary Mercy, RS.M., the Year title in metropolitan follow Mass 10 the, hos~ltal Mt. ~t. Mary's Convent, Fall , Pho'enix. chapel. , River. The former Beatrice Elizabeth Rev, John ~, Kenn:r, O,P" pr~_ ,Mrs. Joseph J'. Kelleher, also Gavin of Austin,' Minn., first fess~r of philosophy at Provl- of the Dio'cesan Council" will met Charles Ronan in 1946 ,in dence College an.d autho.r' of" a d I th 11 record proceedings, The workt tb k Phoenix during a Catholic forum ex 00 on me, Ica e ICS, WI shop wI'11 run fro'm 11:30' to JAMES H. COLLINS. C.E., Pres. celebrate Mass and be the break-\, , fast speaker., Arrangements are 12:~0. Registered Civil and Structural' Engineer in charge of Francis J. D'Errico,' _ - - - - . - , ; , , - - - - - - - , Mell!ber National Soc.iety Professional Engineers M;D., president of the Fall River Continued from Page 'O.te' R, A. WILCOX CO. FRANCIS-L COLLINS. JR.• 'Treas. u,llit· of ,the Guild of Catholic proper parish functions, / he OFFICE, FURNITURE Physicians: ~d~. ", THOMAS K. COLLINS, Sec·y.


,,'Italian 'Migration May 18T~~~~~~~i~ ~nd Funda~entals

DQcto'rsi: .Nurses,.', , '


Home. Chaplain





Tuition Charges Beginning in September, Bish'op Woznicki, declared, pastors have the' option of charging paren ts of, secondary ,and elementary school students $200 tuition for grade schools and $50 for high schools,. . Pastors may also eliminate grades that are not self-supporting, he said. In general, this cut 'back shouldcome 'first '3 t the e1emen-' tary level,,; h,e, stated, .add~ng, ' that hi cho'osing 'between 'grade'" or high schoo"t levels, "he felt, it more important to 'maintai'n the\ secondary level because of his .belief that students of: this age: are more in need 9f adequate guidance andcouilsel. " . In case of curtailment of certain grades by a school, he explained, pastors are' to give advance notice" to local publie " s~hool officials as well as to the diax:esan school office'


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. SUlZ6eam· BREAD'


Taunton'CYO Basketball, AII,·Star Game Ends Season




Thurs.; May 7, 1959



Children Recall Plight of,Five In Red Jails

By Jack Kineavy Somerset High School Coach

Basketban in the Greater Taunton area closed out a week ago with an All Star game between the CYO League and the Taunton Council of Inter-ehurch circuit, CYO winning, 48-40. On hand for the tilt was Celtic ace Bill Sharman who thrilled the assemblage Leafs-·are currently in second' by hitting 25 for 25 in a pre- place in the Narry standing and game foul shooting exhibi- there is every indication that by tion. Joe Bartel, St. Paul, hit the' time this reaches p,rint they


PORTLAND (NC) School children of the Archdiocese of Portland (Ore.) have. begun a letter writing campaign tC' alert the world to the plight of five' innocent Americans still being held in Red China jails. One is Bisho: James Walsh, M.M., arrested in October 1958, after having been under virtual house arrest in Shanghai since " 1951. The others are John T. Downey... a civilian Army employe under arrest since 1952; Richard C:L Fec~eau. another civilian Army employe; Robert E. McCann and Hugh F. Redmond, Jr., businessmen both arrested in 1951. '

will have moved - into a first . on 19 out of 25 attempts to win place tie with' Dighton, The CYO foul shooting honors. Tremblay brothers and Ron Co":captains Gagnon have been the big men John Kerrigan, on the club thus far. Immaculate Conception Also alohg resignation row, and Kevin RyCYO UMPIRES' SCHOOL: Shown at a session foJ:... Brad 'McDermott has turned an, Sac re d over the Stafford Post portfolio , arbiters in Fall River are (left, to right) Paul Boykman of Heart, acceptto Ray Gauvin whose appoin~­ St. Mary's', Instructor Gino DiNucci of Holy Rosary arid ed the champ':' ment was made known just a ' Uinpire-in-Chief Bob Reed: ionship trophy~ few days ago. The Fall River High man for the game was Jack Carvalho, championships in American LeSt. Joseph, who gion competition, the '56 aggre'WI split the twines for 30 points. gation advancing to the State LONDON (NC) -'The' wellThe game was refereed by Bill semifinals before bowing out. known London Church of Our business area on the east side of VATICAN C:TY (NC)-Pope Sharman, who worked the first John has named Archbishop AlManagerial Changes Lady of Victories,' Kensington, London, which had been the half only, Dick Maxwell' and destroyed in the ail' raids on seat of vicars apostolic before fredo 'Brunie:-l, now Apostolic Walt Dermody and it was aired Proving there's no job so tenLondon in World War II;, was the re'storation of the hierarchy Delegate tc the Belgian Congo over WPEP by Ed Litchfi~ld and uous as that of losing baseball solemnly re-opened by ·His Emi- in 1850. It served as pro-cathe- and Ruanda Urundi, to be Nun,John McCarthy. manager,and yet reaffirming the nence William Cardinal God- ,dral until the opening' of the cio to Ecuador. The Archbishop premise that lack of managerial The CYO squad was coached success in the past is no particufrey, Archbishop of Westminster. great Chl.:.rch of the Most Pre- was born in San Pelagio, Italy, by Dave Wade and Bob Marot cious Blood at Westminster in in 19Q6, ordained in 1933 and Unlike its Qrnate Gothic pred- 1903. and the roster, in addition to the lar impediment ,to 'future, emconsecrated in'1955. ployment ,was ,the sackingpf Bill ecessor, the lJew church designed young rilen'mentioned 'above inby architect Adrian Gilbert cluded Tom Gallagher, Sacred Norman and the, ,subsequent ap.. pointment'of Jimmy ,I>ykell::by Scott is a simple, dignified' Heart; MiChael O'Hearne, ,Imthe 'Detroit Tigers. In the wa~e, building with, a modern trend maculate Conception; Dave Nutrepresenting a compromise be,;. all, St. Mary;,;Bob Texeira, St. , ofa ,disastrous ,first month ,of , AS A HOLY 'CROSS FATHER play the Tige~s,~,picke{lby ,many tween'his original controversial Anthony; Joe Frates, Holy Fllmily; Al Andr'ade, Our Lady ,~t to, press the Y;lllkees for, ,League contemporary plan and the 'old Priest,.Teacher ' , Home Missio~er' honors, were ,wallowing along. church. The government's War Lourdes; Henry NIatl)ieu, Holy Foreign'Missionary ',Parish Priest':' , 01) a:',,·,: ,', '". ':i\'-" firmly' ,I'D';', ,Damage' Commission paid over Rosary and Dave Grant, St. ,Jofor informotion about the two-thirds of the cost ofre,. seph's, ~ortp,{pightoJ;l., .pire~tor trenched in the cellar. ' , Holy Cross Fathers or the' of the Taunton CYO is the Rev,. building. - . "" 'Ehter'Mister'Dykes; who'preLar Brot~erS, write to: '~ , ' Francis B:.C<)n~ors.' <' "" • ,. 'I ,... viouslyhad skippered':the ,White '~The old Church ,of Our LadY The ranks of the undefeat¢ Sox, the" Athletics, 'the Orioles of.,Victories became 'the ,tempo,. HOLY ,CROSS FATHERS, were thinned ,by two after' last and the CinCinnati 'Reds, prior rary' Cathedral of Westminster 'North Easton, 'Massachusetts week's play which saw Westp.ort to his hooking' on as a coach in 1869, succeeding St. Mary, (Enclose this ad with request) IG) upend Dighton, 6-4, and Rockwith the Pirates, and the Tigers' Moorfields in the "City"....,- the: ,~~~"~"'~""", ,"~,., ~., ~,~.,.,~.~~~~~~ land' edge Wareham, 5-4. Only proceed to claw the floundering Bristol County League leader, Yanks in a 'Sunday twin bill. Durfee, and archrival'New Bed- Eveh Charley Maxwell' who ford 'now have unblemished found the East wind in Fenway slates. The Crimson, playing intoo much to contend with . hit dependent ball boast a 4-0 rec-, four downtown to tie the existord going into this week's scheding major league record fo.r conule. Durfee is 3-0 at this writing. , secutive home "runs. . , ..... " . Pre·~~s·t's Olivier ,.,1, ''if 'Ine1riory 'serves' correctlY', Following' ~'loselY the di~~c?,nd the 'deposed' Mr. Norman maCfe ,.1 fortunes of the schoolboys- in the lin equally ausP'icious,debu't after Greater Fall River area 'is :forln,- taking over fi-oin 'iack Tigh~ lllst June.' In 'fact, the Tigers er Prevost, pilot, Nick Olivier. went on to take '7 out qf 8 Nick resigned from the ,coaChing ran'ks this' spring after an ex'- from'the Yanks at'that time'over a two week' stretch and tlie de":' ,tended career at the' Fall 'River votees of Bringgs Stadium began ~chool. His, 1955 team won the Give 'bet~r, .' ~ • electric~ny to help people to Live to conjure up'plans feira' late Eastern Mass. Small Schools Fall' vacation~ But" alas, the better ... electrically. Nothing i~ useful, nothing Title, the first su~Ji distinct,i(;m to be achieved by an area school. Tigers levelled oU' and finished shows more 'thoughtfulness than, ,electrical gifts! A most interesting sidelight well back. Now it's up to Dykes, the 'Sixth Detroit manager in the Visit your electrical de~ler. See the wonderful display in Prevost's tiUe quest that year last seven years, whose teams fOWld Roland Sorel pitching and of useful, practical always-welcome gifts. And. for never pulled up better than winning all three' tournament specific gift suggestions look at these Mother's Day third, to prove that Stengel games. ,This feat was possiple Specials.' by a couple of rain-outs en route .isn't the only guy that can come out of the past. yet it's not likely that history will repeat, what with the sched>, ule arrangements being compacted by the Headmasters' committee. Olivier left his successor,' , Plumbing - Heating : Nor'm Valiquette, a good nucleus ,with which to get started. The Over 35 Years


Cardinal Godf.,eyOpens 'Rebuilt Chu'rc'h ftf Our Lady .-n Lon'don

Pope Names Nuncio




... ... .....




,Hank Aar,ori~ ,Fanlily " Catholic Co"verts MILWAUKEE (NC) - Henry (Hank) Aaron, star outfielder of the Milwaukee Braves, and his family have been received into the Catholic Church. Aaron, bis wife and two of their ehlldren, Gayle" 5, and Henry Louis, Jr., 2, were baptized at St. Benedict the Moor churcb here by Capuchin Father Mat-' thew Gottschalk.. Another child, x..rry,· 1, was baptized at birth. ,Mrs; Aaron l8id the Aarom first' became interested. iD joining the Church wben their twins were born a. St. Anthony'.' Hospital bere. The twins were b~p.tized shortl· after birth. One of the' twins died., . ~Mt.: and Mrs. Aaron beganm.- ' Itructions shortly before Christmas:, They eompleted the instruction eourse w ben the _ Braves returned lrcXn Spring training. Mrs. Aaron said there are no, other 'Catholics among family relativfJI. Aaron ill trCllll

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DIOCESAN YOUTH AT MINOR SEMINARY: Students. whose homes are in the communities of t~e Fall River Diocese are shown at St. Thomas Seminary in Bloomfield, Conn~ In left photo; left to right, are Edward S. ,Smith, Attleboro; Louis J. Martin, Oak Bluffs, and BrianJ. Harrington, )few Bedford. In upper right photoRt. Rev. John Byrnes, the Rector, is

shown with, left to right, Edward V. Powers and Terence F. Keenan of New Bedford; Ralph J.Tetrault, Fairhaven, and Thomas C.·Lopes, Vineyard, Haven. Group baseball players in~ludes, Geor.ge M. Ferro and Ronald Sylvia of New Bedford and Richard J. McMorrow of Taunton. The 'Seminary Building is an outstanding example Gothic architecture.



Diocesan Men Enjoy Studies at Hartford Seminary By Rev. 'Edward J. Mitchell is the firsf time I've ever met the President of any." Edward R" Morrow has never visited it-have you? "I think you'll find that this I mean the Minor Seminary, that mysterious world where is no ordinary college," the ansmen prepare for the priesthood? If not, _then you are ,at weI' came back. . the mercy or your imagination and this article. Some And as our group swung . around the spacious grounds, it imagine black-suited boys "Cari you play sports every discovered tne truth of this reIItrolling along quiet paths, da;.r... mark. For one' thing, there is a . . . Greek and _ . ure,., .. spirit of comradeship among the eonversmg In. . "Well, when do you f m d · b m e ' . r ·n. Others Plc.'ture somber for all the stud'YI' ng?, " ' seminarians' that is uniqu , You Latl sense' the unseen bond which ~s mber

the' seminary, He Who 'once ian. Emphasis is on the Latin of trained the first pr~ests and sent course. Those who know say them out to be "fishers of men." that this is one of the finest "We attend Mass here each classical courses in the countr.r," morning," commented Ed Dur- ' '~Do you have to be l' real kin, "and 'a~so several other exb,rain to get into a place like ercises during the day. We take this?" wondered one of the visturns. serving daily Mass." iiors. . Ed, who hails from. St.. Paul's A verage or Better Parish in' Dorchester, has a rath- : er interesting background. After "Listen, if you were able to high school, he served in the . get through' high school with. average' or better-than-average . buildings filled ,,\,ithso ."~t's like this; here at St, cementing them into the..clos- U.S. Coast Guard, ",nd o~ hil! release worked for the Boston; grades," answered the :ollegian,' boys, lnst year's. spirited tee~- . 'Thoma~ whe~ you study you est fraternity-in ihe world: Each Edison Company. It was then "then you should be able to do agel's suddenly becoIt:\e today s .really study. There are no TV has heard 'a summons which is he felt 'called to the Priesthood the work of the seminary." ·. ..onks. sets or desk-side radios, to disslowly transforming him 'into , On our' way out' of the build.' But it isn't like that' at all. tract you. It's amazing the "another Christ." and began his Seminary studies. . ing ·1 overheard this interestin,' thee to read on? ' amount of work you can get More From Diocese Tour of Buildini' ·give-and-take:. "I suppo'~ the serninary' ~lllS dorie when you:re ~n 'a schedule On the balifield we met three . ~. shoul~ say here! w:it!I apol- . ·.."I· 'suppose y.ou 'have to be a" llhanged .' them;", ~a!d. th~ . h~gh ,.a~d: ever-yone:else IS.' And whe!! . more stalwarts from the DIOOgles fo~ I?ot mentIomngthem lreal 'Holy. Joe' ~ be a e t d ' .ehool'seriior. This was l~IS fIrst. ,t~e ~~r.k. gets. done there, IS. cese, Dick McMorrow from St. sooner, that Ed Smith of St." here';' '. " cc p e . visit to a minor' seminary" and plentr of time f~r other things..... Joseph's ,in 'Taunton; and George Mary's in Attleboro, Louis Mar':"" . "'"S~r~''' was th re I - "I it lie was wonc;le.ring about l~st Meet Rector ' . 'Ferro and Ronald "Sylvh ,from tin of Sacred Heart, Oak Bluffs, . c .'. e p y', 00, year's gradllates. He didn't 'have, ,Just then' Monsignor' Joha' . Our Lady of Mt. Carmel in New and Brian Harrington' of Holy at my m,ce halo. You. don t have' long to ""I0nder. A .three o'clock Byrnes joined the group. 'He is Bedford. Since they weren't in Name, New' Bedford,.. haC: been to be perfect to .ge~ m,. but yo~' hell shattered the gui~t~ of. the the Rector of SL Thomas~' Posa scpeduled game, 'they joined' with us on the' tour' from the should at least deSIre IL That S eountrysid~nd 300 semmarIans ing for a picture with the Fall the parade; Fall River had realvery start. They aie probably'. one of .the signs o~ a vocatio~, were sUdden~y on the move. It River men, he joked that in Iy taken over St: Thomas! . still tired from' answering all moral fItness. And If you are In was "rec perIod" at St, Thomas their black suits they were .beWe advanced on the main the questions put to them good health and an average Seminary in Bloomfield, Conyond any doubt the best dresbuilding. It· ;is an edifice of On we' went, through the student, there is o~ly one other aecticut. . sed men on 'the campus. <J\. great beauty, rather new lookspawling dining hall, the wellclue you need-deSIre. You have Out they poured mto the black suit is required only on ing, and Norman-Gothic in arstocked library the infirmary to want to become a Priest. At Spring, sunshine.. Many ~eaded Sundays.) Moving easily through .chitecture. '; where students 'With fevers and .Ieast that's the way my parish tor 'the ballfield to play m the the group he introduced him''':this is it," :red Powers re- flu and the like go to be pampriest explained it to when game with Wesleyan. Others self to each .visitor. Before leavmarked. "We eat here, sleep pered back to health by the. 1 had a talk with'him d.uring my. hurried to the gym for a game ?f ing· he remarked "You have the here, pray here, study here- "Sister Nurse." ; .. through the senior year." intramural basketball. ,And ~R' run of the place: boys, so make and there is even a bowling ,dormitories,. where each student "But how can you be sure?" another few minutes the tenms. yourselves at home." alley in the basement.!' has his own private room, 'simYouth wants to know. and handball courts were also When he had gone an underOur first stop 'was in the 'cha- . pIe but adequate '. ' " through Do What God WantS buzzing with activity. graduate from Coyl~ turned to pel. This is the heart. of every the recreation ~oom with its "You can never be sure," said Noisy Campus a seminarian and said, "I've - seminary, for behind that taber- I po?1 tables and pmg-pong t~bles' a college :"reshman. ','I'm not, . t't d 'the visited a few cplleges, but this nade veil is the real Rector of qUIet and empty now, a sIlent nobody . _ t'l th B' h In an Instan,. 1 seeme , 't t th . I f S . IS un 1 e IS op. WI ness 0 e arrIva 0 prmg I h' h d h d heavy .silence of study period and the baseball season p aces I~ an s on y~ur ea had exploded into a noisy, lively through the Auditorium, where and ordams you a prIest. But and fun-filled campus. From students were in rehearsal for you ,-~an tell pretty well from where I was standing, it didn't • . .' through the well-lighted the SIg~S wha ~od want~ you seem like the seminary was study halls where seminarians to do. w~th your hfe.. And If you making "Gluin Gps's" Of last are provided with the proper nev~r g.Ive the semmary ~, try, year's graduates! time and place (and Prefect) to ~ou II SImply never know. And the four-car-Ioads of get down to the'work at hand. . . As the caravan of cars wound.' teen-age visitors were ir agree'Learns How to Study It,S way back to. Taunton. that menL They were here in Bloom"I never knew how to study mght, two .startlmg yet Simple field for an afternoon's outing before coming to the seminary," truths had Impressed t~emselves with their parish priests. one boy frankly. admitted. O'! on the occupants. ~Irst, that As they stood watching, four was past master of thF 'art of none of the old frIends had seminarians -from the Fall River day-dreaming, and of course the really changed, except for the Diocese who are now studying television set and my' kid sister' bett~r. ~nd second, that th.ese at St. Thomas came over to say talking on the phone' didn't' help semmarIans· are. the happIest hello. Terry Keenan is from St. much. But here it's different. r group of people m the world. James Parish in New Bedford; can actualiy concentrate. and . The nicest summary of our Ed' Powers from Holy Name, how my grades have gon~ up!" " trip to St. Thomas came the New Bedford; Ralph Tetrault "What do you study ir the following day from a high school from St. Joseph's in Fairhaven; ~ .minor· seminary?'" asked a high senior. He said, quite offhandand Tom Lopes from St. AuADVANCING IN WISDO~d AND KNOWLEDGE: sChool senior. . edly, "Yo.~ really don't give up JUstine's in' Vineyard Haven. Brian:Harring~on 'Of Holy Name Pari~h, New. Bedford, "About the. same subjects you anything when YQu enter .the ,After the formalities there were some interesting questions. Edward Smith of St. Mary's Attleboro and Edward Durkin wo~ld in.any;.oth.er coll~ge,"'C)n~, ~minary, .do yo~? It seems ' . . -. , '. ., ! . -. . of, the· semmarIans answered. me, that yo~ ,Just· ~xehange '"How' long does· recreatiOll . . , . ~f Dorchester,.who is studymg for the Fall RIVer D~QCe~~,. ~You'.know, English, Histrirv'. ,Somethine aoo4 ior. lIORl~t,biq .lMt?~' !, ;~'" .:. , . . . , eon'ceiltrate 'oiCtheir bOOb 'duriilcthe :daily stUdy hour. :&eligion, 'Chemistry,'LiltiD(lW- Betts"··, . , .. '"UDtll lIi.K' o'cloCk today,-



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