New Assignments for Five Priests
Fr. Avila Heads New Bedford Parish
Fall River, Mass., Th~rsdaYI May 7, 1964 Vol. 8, No. 19 ©
1964 The Anchor
PRICE 10c $4.00 per 'Year
FR. J. M. B. e AVILA
Explains Council's Action On Devotion to Mary
The transfer of' a Cape Cod pastor and a Fall River administrator together with
the appointment of a new Fall River administrator and the shifting of two New Bedford
curates has been announced by the Most Rev. James L. Connolly, Bishop of Fall River.
The new assignments, announced by the Diocesan Ordianry, are effective next week.
By Rev. John R. FoIster They are: .
Rev. Luiz G. Mendonca, ad- St. John the Church, Rev. Jose M. Bettencourt e st. Anthony Church - New Bedford Avila, pastor of St. Anthony ministrator of Our Lady of New Bedford, as aSSIstant. Father Avila How has Vatican II affected the devotion to .Mary? Church. :East Falmouth to Our Health Church, Fall River, to St. The new pastor of Mt. Carniek Father Eamon R. Carroll, O.Carm., associate professor of Lady of Mount Carmel' Church, Anthony Church, East Falmouth, New Bedford, as pastor. as pastor. Church, New Bedford, Father theology at the Catholic University, Washington, D.C., ex , Rev. Manuel M. Resendes, as- Avila was born on Nov. 16, 1906, plained the Fathers' aCtion in an article for the NCWC sistant at Immaculate Conception in Rosais, San Jorge, Azores, the Church, New Bedford, to Our son of Rosa Silveira de Anches News Service. In a proce will make the Church more un.. Lady of Health Church; Fall and the late Joao Marie Betten dw-al vote in October 1963, derstandabie and attractive to Riv~r, as administrator. court e Avila. He studied philo the biRhops decided by a slim the modern mind. Re\1. George E. Amaral, as- sophy and theology at St. Mary'. The tradition majority to discuss, Our sis,tam at St. John the Baptist Seminary in Baltimore and was Lady not in a separate schema, al truths about Church, New Bedford, to Im- ordained by the late Bishop originally proposed, but as a Mary retain maculate Conception, Church, Cassidy on June 14, 1930 in st. chapter in the larger schema on their full valid New Bedford, as assistant. ' ' Mary's Cathedral, Fall River. ~he Church. , fty: she is the P. Ferreir,a, a~Father Avila served as an as Rev. Manuel one conceived . An immense amoilnt has been sistant at Our Lady of Mount sistant at St. Anthony's Church. ..ublishec,l about the signifi~an<:e without origi Carmel Church, New Bedford, to Turn to Page Eleven , VATICAN CITY (NC)
of this move. Some' reports nal sin, the characterized it as a "de-emp~a_, ever _ Vir gin
Pope Paul VI has made a
sis" of Mary. The fact is that the Mother of God,
special appeal for prayers in council was not playing down taken to the a letter to the world's b.ish Mary but attempting to present wmpany of the ops. Marian doctrine in.a way that Turn to Page Thir:tytwo Happy that the bishops "are preparing themselves with the greatest diligence for the third The Catholic Teachers Association of the Diocese of ~ssion of the council," the Pon_ Fall River will hold 'its Ninth Annual Convention next tiU declared that "such an event Thursday and Friday, May 14 and 15, at Bishop Feehan calls therefore for the over flowing virtue of the Holy Spirit High School in At,tleboro. Over 800 religious and lay teachers Who fills minds with enligp.ten- who staff the 71 sch90ls of display their materials, with NEWARK (NC)...:.-Youth 'crime was linked by fOur the diocese will convene to consultants on hand to give re Turn' to ~age Four New Jersey judges speaking here to the easy traffic in smut hear of' the latest develop .quired information. . .. . made possible by availability of indecent publications which ments 'in the educatioriai The keynote address will be -defies description" and inadequacy of anti-obscenity laws. world. A full program of experts given by Rev. Charle,S F. Don 'The Most Reverend Bishop in various educational areas will ovan, S. ,J., , Ph.D., academi6 The judges of Essex County "D l' ' ts . t' R I e mquen . commg before w~1I celebrate a Pontifical An speak to elementary and high vi<;e-president and dean of Bos J uvem.] e and D omes IC e a- the court" they said '''h niversary Requiem Mass in St. school teachers' on topics varying ton College.' Other featured tions Court in their 1963 available them in th~ pu:~~ Mary's Cathedral, Fall River, from teaching high'school seniors speakers will be Very Rev.' annual report asser,ted the market a' vast array of crime on Friday, oMay IS, at 10 in about Communism to' teaching Arthur T. Geoghegan, S.T.D., rise in juvenile crime and the stories, masochistic, fetishistic the morning, tor the repose of first graders reading. superintendent of Schools for upswing in anti-social behavior and obscene magazines contain the soul of the late Most Rev. the Diocese of Providence, aneJ: by young people is reflected in ing borderline or lewd stories. In addition, 100 companies Rev. Thomas E. Lawton, C.S.C .James E. Cassidy, third Bishop the number of youths involved 'The availability of such' pubU'which produce textbooks and of the Diocese, who died May Turn to Page Ten ' in sex offenses. Turn to Page Four 17, 1951. other educational materials will
Pope Asks For 'Unity Prayers
Diocesan Teachers Meet At ,Attleboro May 14, 15
Judges Blame Easy Traffic In Smut for Youth Crime
Faithful "We don't set quotas. We just set records," said 1964 Catholic Charities Appeal Lay Chairman Larry New man of Hyannis today as the initial returns in the '29 Hearts in l' campaign mounted to $243.907.60. "Weare more than pleased by the angelic works of the more fortunate diocesan faithful as they remember their less fortu nate brothers," Mr. Newman as serted as he evaluated the early returns from the 110 parishes throughout the diocese. "The first returns would seem to indicate ,that more peo ple a~ trying to do' just a little more," he 0 hs er v e d.
Remember noting that the returns as of this date, compared with the, same period last year, are slightly higher. "I sincerely hope the gain continues through next Wednesday, the final day of the 1964 appeal," the Hyannis lay director dedared. He also announced that for the second consecutive year Our Lady of the Angels Parish, Fall River; is the first Parish to achieve the honor roll by ex ceeding its 1963 final total. "The survey made on Sunday evening and the many personal contacts we have at Head quarters," Newman said, "con-, , , vince us that parish committee men are working hard and will 'continue to do so until' their '
Less Fortunate
wntacts are all successfully completed, We are all very happy to hear that the number of ten dollar contributions is increasing noticeably. This is a healthy sign. , "Many Spec~al Gifts and Parish contributions are still to' be reported. It would help move the entire Appeal to a success ful conclusion if all committee men would make frequent re turns to their headquarters. At' this point it is impossible to make a flat prediction of the final outcome. The next few days, especially the coming weekend, will determine the de_ gree of success 'for many parish committees. The example set by , Our La<iy of the Angels is an.
example to all that concentl'ated, organization and dedication are 'most effective." Although the ,Appeal extends until the 15th of the month, Parish chairmen are urging their captains and collectors to make all contacts as soon as possible so that returns to the main of fice can be made soon. In this way, also, return' calls can be made 'and every parishioner given an opportunity of making his donation or pledge. Indications are that asignifi cant number of persons are taking advantage of the pledge system, which is available for gifts of $10 or more, to make a larger donation than they would otherwise feel able to make.
, "
THE -ANCHOR-Diocese of Fait
May'7, 1964 '
J)iocesan Council of Catholic, Women
To Convene Saturday at Taunton
Diocese of Fa II River OFFICIAL TRANSFERS Rev. Jose M. Bettencourt e Avila, pastor of St. Anthony Chu.rcl1, East Falmouth, tc Our Lady of M<luDt Carmel Church, New Bedf<lrd. Rev. Luiz G. Mendonca, administrator of Our Lady of, Health Church, Fall River, to St. Anthony Church, East Falmouth as pastor. Rev. Manuel M. Resendes, assistant at Immaculate Son ception Church, New Bedford, to Our Lady of Health, Fall River, 'as administrator. Effective date for pastors Wednesday, May 13, 1964. Rev. George E. Amaral, assistant at St. John the Baptist Church, New Bedford, to Immaculate Conception Church, New Bedford, as assistant. Rev. Manuel P. Ferreira, assistant at Our Lady 01 Mount Carmel Church, New Bedford, to St. John the Baptist Church, New Bedford, as assistant. ' Effective dates for assistants, Thursday, May 14, 1964.
,lJCZ-;;g:._ Bishop of
Parish Totals FALL IUVEil St" Mary $6,111.50 Blessed Sacrament 1,417.00 Espirito Santo 200.00 Holy Cross 200.00 Holy Name 4,528.50 Notre Dame 575.00 Our Lady of the Angtl16 5,161.50 Our Lady of Health 310.00 Immaculate Conception 3,395.50 4,016.50 Sacred Heart St. Anne 1,820.00 St. Anthony of Desert 745.00' St, John the Baptist 2,208.00 St. Joseph 3,468.50 St. Louis 2,844.00 St. Matthew 550.00 St.' Michael 3,772.00 St. Patrick 3,931.55 85. Peter & Paul 1,125.00 St. Roch 1,228.50 St. Stanislaus 1,151.00 St. William 2,609.50 Santo Christo 2,000.00
TAUNTON Holy Family $1,360.00 Holy Rosary, 150.00 Immaculate Conception 4,103.30 Our Lady of Lourdes 360.00 St. Jacques 1,948.00 St. Joseph 605.00 st. Mary 3,699.00 St. Paul 1,115.00
NEW BEDFOIlD Holy Name $4,821.50 Holy Rosary 305.00 4,'Z64.25 Mt. Carmel O. L. of Perpetual Help 205.00 St. Anthony of Padua 2,751.00 375.00 St. Francis of Assisi st. Hyacinth 898.50 St. James 1,125.00 St. John the Baptist 265.00 St. Joseph 150.00 St. Kilian 2,744.00 St. Lawrence 1,569.00 St. Theresa 3,256.50
st. John St. Joseph St. Stephen St. Theresa
$).,760.00 650.00 3,439.32 3,835.50
NOIlTH ATTLEBORO Sacred Heart St. Mary
$1,042.00 2,300.00
Assonet--St. Bernard $1,055.00 Buzzards Bay 51. Margaret 3,402.00 Central Village st. John Baptist 1,617.50 Fairhaven-8t. Joseph 4,648.95 Falmouth-5t. Patrick 1,050.00 HyannisMay 10-3:00 P.M:, Holy Trin St. Fra'neis Xavier 9,227.00 ity, West Harwich. , 775.00 Mansfield-8t. Mary 4:()() P.M., OUi' Lady of the MattapoisettAssumption, New Bedford. St. Anthony 1,391.00 7:30 P.M., St. Fra~cis Xavier, 'NantucketHyannis; St. Casimir, New." Our Lady of the' Isle 275.00 Bedford. North EastonImmaculate Conception 800.00 North WestportOur Lady of Grace 1,770.50 FORTY HOURS Norton-St. Mary 250.00 Orleans1,718.00 St. Joan of Are May 10 - St. Patrick, Fal Provincetown mouth. . St. Peter 310.00 May 17-St. Casimir, New SandwichBedford. 475.00 Corpus Christi. Villa Fatima, Taunton. Seekonk-Mt. Carmel 3,172.75 May 24-St. Matthew, Fall SomersetRiver. 2,028.00 St. John of God St. Kilian, New Bedford. 3,992.00 St. Patrick 900.00 St. Thomas More May 31-St. Theresa's Con vent, Fall River. South Yarmouth Corpus' Christi, Sand 1,000.00 St. Pius Tenth wich. SwanseaOur Lady of J"atima 3,636.00 THE ARCHOI St. Dominic 2,248.00 SecOllll Class Postap Palel at Fill RIver. st. Louis of France 2,528.00 Mass, pubnshed every Thursday at 410 Wareham-St. Patrick 1,200.00 Hlghlane Avenue. Fall River Mass. by 1M Catholk: Press Of tile Diocese of Fall lllver. Westport-St. George 300.00 Subscription "Ice bJ ,l1li11. poatJraki $4.00 Woods Hole-St.Joseph 2'15.00
. Mrs. Ri~hard .M. Paulson, chairman fo r the annual convention of the Diocesan Coun CIl of CatholIc Women, scheduled for this Saturday at Bishop Cassidy High School Taun ton announces. that luncheon ~ickets are sold out. The public is, however, invited to the aftern'lon seSSIOn of the meetmg, beginning at 2, which will feature as main speaker Msgr. Francis J. Lally, editor' . . of thl' Boston P'l t M LemIeux, .secretary; Mrs. Walter MISS. Martha Douglas, judge of . 10 ' . rs. Pelczarskl, treasurer. electtons; Mrs. Stanley Markow Paulson notes that BIShop Also Mrs. James Leith, regis- ski, souvenirs; Mrs. Francis M~ Connolly will also address tration; Mrs. Frederick English, rison, coffee hour. delegatl~s during the aftern<>on Il{)minati~g. committee; Mrs. ~'. Donahue, hospitalitJ; and will preside at Benediction James WIlhams, luncheon; Mrs. MISS DIane Renaud, pages. closing the day's program. Anthony Procopio, decorations; Diocesan Moderator Others responsible for con Mrs. Andrade will preside at vention arrangements as an the convention business sessioll nounced by Mrs. Aristides And and all preparations have beell rade, Diocesan president, include supervised by Msgr. Thomas F. Mrs. HElen Donahue, convention Walsh, Diocesan moderator' and vice-chnirman; Miss Adrienne Rev. James Lyons, district ~odA school lunch conference erator. for personnel from publie, private and parochial schools will be held at Stonehill Col lege, North Easton, from Monday FRIDAY-Mass as on feast at the Ascension. IV Class. White, Aug. 31 through Friday, Sept. 4 Refleding the interests of according to announcement mad~ Mass Proper; Gloria; no Creed; Preface of Ascension. Mother Aimee, 'Japanese mother by Brother Herman E. Zacca SATURDAY - 51. Gregory Na superio)' of the Sisters of Jesus relli, C.S.C., director of the FoOd zianzen, Bishop, Confessor CrucifiEd of Newport, Japanese Research Center for Catholic In and Doctor of the Church. IH art exh ibitions will be featured stitutions, located at the college. Class. White. Mass Proper; at a silver tea to be held from 2 Courses will emphasize basic Gloria; no Creed; Preface or to 4:30 ,Saturday afternoon, May techniques and methods in food Ascension. 16 at the Narragansett Avenue service and are intended mainly for personnel involved in actual SUNDAY-8unday After "Asceft convent of the community. sion. n Class. White. M8SlI Guests from - the Fall River food preparation. Subjects to be Proper; Gloria; Creed; Pret Diocese are invited to the affair, discussed. will include use of ace of Ascension. which will benefit the Sisters, government commodities in food MONDAY - 55. Philip and preparation and the art of work_ all of whom are crippled or J-ames, Apostles. U Class. Red. otherwi:!e handicapped. It is ing harmoniously in food prep Mass Proper; Gloria; Creed; sponsored by the Friends of the aration groups. Menu patterns Preface of Apostles. developed for school lunch pro Sick, women's auxiliary to the TUESDAY-8S. Nereus, Achil convent, and will also mark the grams and "cycle menus" win les, and Companions, MartYN be explained) and special at-' third anniversary of the com ~ Class.' Red. Mass Proper; tention will be given to serving munity':; establishment in New Gloria; no Creed; Preface at food with eye appeal. port. Ascension. Large Library WEDNESDAY~. R~rt Be~ Japanese flower arrangements Available to"conferences will larmine, Bishop, Confessor
will be shown by Mrs. L. G. Gud and Dctor of the Church. lB
bransen and bonkei, miniature be the Food Research Center's 'Class. R-ed. Mass Proper;' gardens, will be exhibited by food library. Additionally a spe cial food service library of ma. . Gloria; no Creed; Preface of Mrs. EUI~ene Ince. Ascension. The boys' choir of St. Anne's rials will be supplied to each" THURSDAY-Mass as ()n Feast Church, Fall River, directed by participant. of the Ascension. IV Cla. . Among members of the con :~ormand Gingras, will sin for White. Mass Proper; Gloria; ference's advisQry board is' outdoor benediction, to be cele Second Collect ,St. Bonifaee, brated by Bishop Bernard M. Henry Seguin, supervisor of Martyr; no Creed; Preface ClIf Bishop Feehan High School' Kelly of Providence. .Ascension. cafeteria, Attleboro. Registration for the confer ence is limited, notes Brother ,A~ks N~crology Herman, in advising early ap MAY 9 plication. Rev. J. E. Theodule Gigu~ OTTAWA (NC)-A priest has 1940, Pastor, St. Anne, New Bed.. urged C,!ltholics to try to attain ford. the "admirable and imitable" Rev. John P. Clarke, 1941, The following films are ~ results Protestants have achiev Pastor, St. Mary, Hebronville. be added to the lists in their re- ' tld in congregational singing. MAY 12 spective classifications: ' Father Jules Martel, O.M.I., Rev. John F. da Valles, 1920, " Unobjectionabie for Gen~m Chaplain, United States Army. professol' of sacred music at Patronage-Dimka; Never Put Ii Canada's University of Ottawa, in Writing. said Catholic congregations are Unobjectionable for Adultli reluctant to sing because church and Adolescents-Bandits of Or music is too difficult for them. He has. called on composers to gosolo; The Unsinkable Molly Brown. write more simple melodies for Unobjectionable for Adults c,ongregations to sing at divine services. Father Martel is the Don't Tempt the Devil. ~uthor )f a new· book, La Musique Sacree Dan Nos Pa • PHARMACY roisses" (Sacred "Music' in Our R. A. WILCOX CO. Parishes;. ' Hearing Aid Co.
LunC h W ork s hOp S'et at Stoneh.·11
Tea Will Benefit DisclIblp-d Sisters
Mass Ordo
Cl.Jt,holics Sing Like Protestants
Legion of Decency
WAS'<:l"TNGTON (NC) - The National New man Congress, niade un of N'pwman Club mod erators nnd student delegates, will hold its annual convention this year frn.-. Aug. 31 to Sept. 5 in 'Milwaukee, it was an nounced by the National New man Club Federation here. The conventic,n ",·111 take up the SUb ject of the emer~ing layman in the Chw·ch.
At ceremonies held last night at Salve Regina College, New port, two students from the Fall !liver Diocese were among in ductees to Sigma Phi Sigma, honor society for students and alumnae of colleges conducted by the Sisters of Mercy. They are Miss Aliee M. Oliveira, South Dartmouth; and Miss Janice A. McGilloelt, Fall Rive.
. III Stock for Immediate Delivery
Surgical Appliance Co.
Irene A. Shea, Prop.
OSborne 5-7829 - 3-0037
Rt. 6-Between Fall River and New Bedford
NEW ENGLAND'S PLAYGROUND Special Rates for School Outings and Group Parties 2 - ROLLER COASTERS - 2
Thrilling Rides and Amusements For Complete information Contact: ANTHONY ZIELINSKI, Public,Relations Mgr. PHONE WYman 9-6984 or MEcury 6·2744
1If! ANCROI..:..-mocese Of Pair Ifto/er-Thurs., May 7, '''64 .
Patrick's Parish, Somerset, receives Holy Communion at Mass. Right photo: Rev. Robert L. Stanton, USNR (CHC) LTCM, assistant at the Immaculate Conception Church, Fall River, and chaplain of the Reserve Training Center, celebrates Mass for the devision. The Division meets 48 Tuesdays during the year.
ARMED FORCES WEEK OPENS SUNDAY: Members of the U.S. Naval Reserve Surface Division 1-13, Fall River; participate in Church Service on the quarterdeck of the Naval Taining Center. Left photo: LTCR Donald Corrigan of the Sacred Heart Parish, Fall River, reads the Gospel at Mass. Center photo: Lieut. Joseph H. Feitelberg 'Of St.
Spiritual Side Of Navy Seen At Center The Pre sid e n t of the United States has proclaimed the week of May 9 through the 17th as Armed Forces Week. In preparation for this week, members of the US Naval lteserve Surface Division 1-13, located in Fall River, conducted tt multiple drill on Sunday. The day's activities opened with the celebration of Mass by the Division Chaplain, Rev. Robert L. Stanton. During the Mass, LTCM Donald Corrigan ~ead the Gospel to the naval con gregation. Following the Services, the anit settled down to activities that simulated a typical day on board ship. There was the usual mustering and drill together with classroom instruction. The instruction' took place on board the USS Turkey, the minesweeper attached to the Fall River Center, which is berthed between the Brightman Street and Slade's Ferry Bridges. For Armed Forces Day, three naval vessels will be berthed at the Fall River State Pier. Two submarines and a destroyer escort will be open for inspec tion on Saturday and Sunday, May 16 and 17, from noon to 4 o'clock.
Attleboro K of C Forthcoming activities for Knights of Columbus Council 404, Attleboro, include a lecture TueSday, May 12 by Rev. John Reilly, assistant editor of the Providence Visitor. His topic will be the role of the layman in the Church. The Women's Auxiliary of the council plans a square dancing party Saturday night, May 23. Corporate Com munion and a supper are sched. uled for June.
League of Prayer for Cap tive Peoples, a two-year-ol.d spiritual apostolate for the "mil l\ons of shwp without shep ~ds" behiJ:..d the Iron Curtain, hs mwr.:.a its headquarters from Fort LaUderdale, Fla., to this Wisconsin city. 'I"ilC
Chaplain Scores .Drug Addiction
A PROYER FOR ARMED FORCES DAY Almighty God, we thank Thee for the privilege of having served another year in the defense of our beloved Country. We express our gratitude for the role that Thy providence has assigned us for the protection of the free world. On the occasion of this Armed Forces Day of 1964, we rededicate ourselves to this great cause. We are aware that our loyalty springs from our sense of mission. Inspire our minds more and more with a deep appreciation of those values which underlie our American way of life, which are enshrined in the founding documents of our history and which are in harmony with Thy law. Let us express in our individual actions and in our official duties those values to which we subscribe with our minds: respect for persons, justice in our social relations and a love of peace with honor. Let not our devotion to Country na.rrow our vision.· Let us realize that Thou hast made of one blood all nations of men. Help us in our pledge to defend the r~g~ts and privileges in which the whole human family shares. May Thy peace reign in the hearts ond minds of all men. Amen. The Armed Forces Chaplains Board HHH
Council to Define Layman's Position BOSTON (NC)-Richard Car_ dinal Cushing said that the PO sition of the layman in the struc ture of the Catholic Church will be defined at the second ecu menical council. Speaking to the archdiocesan St. Vincent de Paul Societies the prelate stated that "laymen in the Catholic Church definitely have a place in the church struc ture, but this has never been . defined'." He added: "In my opinion, the layman is a substitute for a priest in all church activities except for the priestly functions o~ celebrating Mass and admin istering the sacraments."
.. .. ... ~
NEW YORK (NC) - Msgr. George F. McKinney, chaplain at . Sing Sing prison, Ossining, N.Y., who had advocated the death penalty for narcotics ped dlers, characterized drug addic tion as "that nefarious thing which is ruining the manhood of America." He told the annual Commu-· nion breakfast of some 2,000 members of the New York Post. Office Holy Name Society that . of some 225 felons received at the prison each month, 3 out of 10 "have some connection with drugs/' . He advocated some new form of legislation designed to lessen the widespread damage of ad diction. The monsignor said "inOOs-· criminating tel e vis ion pro_ graming" also contributes to the U.S. crime rate which is in creasing four times faster than the birth rate. Msgr. McKinney also said there is a definite link between alcoholism and crime.
Remember your own "special angel" on Her Day Sunday with special prayers . . . and extra, little, thoughtful deeds and signs of your abidina IA_
for Eyeglassoo
Offico Hour"
except Wed.
Frio Eve.
Room 1
7 No. Main St.• Fall River OS 8.0412
~' ~
Fall River-Thurs., May 7, 19M
Youth Crime
HOLY REDEEMER $200 & Mrs. Thomas McHale .Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Guida $100 Mary J. Byrne Holy Name Society Sacred Hearts Association Veronica Shelley Marie Doelger Cecile Doelger $58 Alice Dobbyn $50 Elizabeth Carroll $('0 Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Southwick $35 Mr. & Mrs. Paul M. Bresnahan Mr. & Mrs. John Speight $30 Mr. & Mrs. George Killen Mary Young
Continued from Page One
Mrs. George J. Smith C. J. Brennan Priscilla Gleason Mr. & Mrs. George Sullivan Mr. & Mrs. Vincent H. Fowler Mr. & Mrs. Pat:'ick Sullivan Chatham Trust Company Mr. & Mrs. James Gormley Mr. Thomas Haley Co!. John McCarthy Mr. & Mrs. Albert G. Kolodzik Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Marche,s sault
Mrs. John Haunfelder
cations • • • defies descript:'on.Children, they assertecI, caD be affected by this type of litel' ature. Further, they said, current laws are not adequate to cope with the problem. "The purveyor," they said, "b more daring, pushing sales by every }Deans, because he hal very little to fear from the law. They cited the definition of ob scenity by the U. S. Supreme Court in the Roth case in 1951'l and said that under it "appar ently, only hard core pornogra phy can be legally prohibited." Parents' Responsibility
$20 John Moye, Mr. & Mrs. R. Il. Lally, Mr. & Mrs. John B. Lof tus, Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Bowles, Mr. & Mrs. Godfrey Forgeron Mr. & Mrs. C. Parker Whittle, Mr. & Mrs. John L. Roderick, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Grise, ::Vlr. & Mrs. Edward - Zibrat, Mr. & Mrs. John F. Gilrein Theresa McDermott, :\fr. & Mrs. Joseph Geser, Isabel Ring heim, Mr. & Mrs. James H. An Continued from Page One . drews, Mr. & Mrs. Leo Eldredge', Mr. & Mrs. J. F. Casey ment and who strengthens will to undertake new projects and to $15 accept responsibility." Mr. & Mrs. Lionel C. Saint, "Especially as Pentecost draws Mr.. & Mrs. William Cotter, Mr. near, redouble your prayers to & Mrs. Frederick Steffelin, Ten.. obtain for the ecumenical coun nance Burns, Mr. & Mrs. Arthw' cil those copious and consider Ellis able fruits which all of us de Mr. & Mrs. John C. Breault, sire," the Pope urged. Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Marini, Mr. &: Turning to the clergy and Mrs. Leo Farrenkopf, Mrs. James laity, the Pope asked that they Jackson, Eleanor ::\Iurphy, Mr.. "continue with calm and rever & Mrs. Gilbert Surette ence to draw closer to our $10 a· more sure peace of civil 50 dety." Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Durkee, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Atwood, Mr. Sympathy Expressed Without naming· names, Pope & Mrs. Charles McAllister, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Kilkenny, Mr. & 'Paul expressed his sympathy for non-Catholic religious bodies Mrs. John Wagner Robert McNeece, Mrs. Myron undergoing difficulties, a parti eularly important point in light E. Douglass, Mr. & Mrs. Vincent LeBlanc, Mr. & Mrs. Edward ,of the difficulties which the Forgeron, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Orthodox Church is encoun Barry tering in Turkey these days. Mr. &: Mrs. Charles White Sr., "On this occasion," the Pope Mr. & Mrs. Robert Erickson, Mr. continued, "we demonsh:ate very & Mrs. Lewis Clark, Mr. & Mrs. willingly to them our good will James King, Mr. & Mrs. Philip ,and that we are close to them Belliveau with our paternal heart to share Florence Riley, Rita Shea, Mr. with them joys and anxieties. & Mrs. Joseph Riley, Mr. & Mrs. And especially we pray ardently Edwin Ferreira, Dr. John A. to the Lord for those among Gillis them who under present cir Mr. &: Mrs. Frank S. Arnone, cumstances are in fear, desiring Mr. & Mrs. George J. Kenely, that, with the removal of every Mr. & Mrs. Eaward Zibrat Jr., danger, they may enjoy in liber Mr. & Mrs. Richard Sylva, Mr. ty, in security and in peace their & Mrs. Thomas Sparks proper rights, which are founded Mr. & Mrs. Malcolm MacDon on the natural law." ald, Captain & Mrs. H. J. Casey, Mrs. Joseph L. Hammons, Mr. &: Council and Experts Mrs. Frank Dresser Jr., Mr. & Referring to the Council, the Mrs. Alfred Sankus Holy Father noted the great dili John Madden, Mr. &: Mrs. gence displllyed in the prepara Chester Eldridge, James A. tions for the third session. The Cronin, Lawrence Hunter, Mr. & new, reduced and concentrated Mrs. Pasquale Confalone schemata will be sent to the John F. Ohlson, Mr. &: Mrs. bishops soon - he pointed' out Wm. F. Pumphret, Mr. & Mrs. - for their study, along with Andrew Doyle, Mrs. Anne Cun an outline of the procedure ningham, Mr. & Mrs. Burton W. which will be adopted for ex Storey amining and approving the in Mr. &: Mrs. Eli Rogers, Mr. & clividual projects. Mrs. Thomas J. O'Connell, Mrs. Turning to the council ex James Cardoza, Mr. & Mrs. An perts, he said, "may they, con thony A. Capriccio, Mr. & Mrs. scious of their duties, faithfully Thomas DeFriend carry out theil:' mandate. May Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Hanlon, they work for the progress of the interest of the council, which O'Byrne's of Chatham Restau rant, Mr. & Mrs. Donat Barabe, are superior to individual aims, with their epemplary lives, with Thomson' Oil Company,' 'Mr. & Mrs. Arnold Gemino words and writings, so that,un der the authority of the council Mrs. Charles Tuttle, Mrs. Wil itself, with their cooperation liam McKewen, Claire Eldredge, they may promote and hasten Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Baldus, Dr. the happy outcome of the great & Mrs. Joseph Ropulemis event in as much as they can." Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin F. aeparated brethren, not turning Rollins, Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth clown some opportunities for Proctor, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur calm and friendly conversations Nolan, Lillian H. McCullum, end, being more concerned for Thomas McCallum their welfare rather than our Mr. & Mrs. Max Klauser, Mr. tlonor, they may seek together the means for recomposing & Mrs. J. Clarence Frank, Mr. & Mrs. George Eaton, Chatham Ilrotherhood, based on the iden Furniture Store, Mr. & Mrs. ~ty of faith and mutual charity which was desired by Christ for Wilfred Berube Mrs. W. Vernon Whiteley, Mr. Bis Church." The Holy Father pointed out & Mrs. Alexander Griffin, Mr. & Mrs. William D. Dallak, John the goals to which his pontifi Hallinan, Maria Ireland cate and the ecumenical coun Mr. & Mrs. Frani.; Love, Mn... eil aspire: "progress toward un tlerstanding. mutual, cbali\Y .and ClintoA Ta;ylOl'
Papal Appeal
COYLE HIGH MUSIC FESTIVAL: Brother William Lowney, C.S.C., director, discusses the program to be pre sented Saturday, Monday and Tuesday with bandsman Daniel Hoye.
In the absence of effective laws, the judges declared, par ents must exercise control over what their children are reading and should provide proper sex education. They noted that leading psy chiatrists have reached the con clusion ''that obscene material can affect any person of any age" and warned that such con clusions "cannot be ignored." Judges Harry W. Lindeman, Horace S. Bellfatto, Herbert J. Kenarik ,and Neil G. Duffy signed the report. Duffy was named to the court two years ago after a highly successful campaign against obscene liter ature while serving as Essex County Sheriff.
Cc,yle High School Annual Spring Ml~sie Cone,ert Slated Saturday Th,~ Monsignor James Coyle High School Music Department will present the organization's annual Spring concert Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock in the school auditorium, and again on Monday and Tuesday evenings at 8 o'clock. The' program for the Festival will 1: e divided into three parts: the Swing Band, the Glee Club, and the Concert Band. The first portion will be under the direction of Brother William Lownl~y, C.S.C. William Crom bleholme, senior vocalist, as sisted by the "Top-Hatters" un der the direction of Miss Mary Ellen Parker, will present a soft-shoe routine. Broadway's greatest hits will form the major part of the Glee Club's program. John Colton will be a featured soloist and will join William Adams, David Schno:?p and Brian Sullivan to form a quartet in singing "Smoke Gets in Your Eyes." Dan::el Reilly, a sophomore pianist, will give his interpreta tion of "The St. Louis Blues." The 60 piece Concert Band will present a repertoire ranging from the s t ric t I y English "Knightsbridge March" to the Latin American "Vista Carib bean."
SerIes & Service
WY 3-1751
Senior trumpeter, Joseph Bre_ zinski will offer a "Trumpeter's Lullaby" and a marimba solo will highlight the playing of "Midnight Matinee." Tickets for the concert may be obtained from any Coyle stu dent, at the school, or at the door before the concert.
FARMS 145 Washington St., Fairhaven
Just off Route 6
WY 7·9336
Watch for Signs
While out for a Drive
Stop at this delightful Spot
A Very Happy Mother's Day
\'f.e f..~ ,e~t;,
(J'{a1ionae with
Conveni'ently Located Neighborhood Banks in New Bedford
CENTER BANK-Purchase and William Sts.
NORTH BANK-Acushnet Ave at Coffin Ave.
SOUTH BANK-Cove St. at ~odney French Boulevard
LUND'S CORNER BANK-Acushnet Ave. near Lund's Comer
WEST BANK-Kempton Street at Mill Street
DARTMOUTH BANK-Dartmouth Street near Rockdale Ave.
Holy Family High School Team Representing Diocese in Denver Tourname,nt Today
Thurs., May 7,
$50 Once again the Monsignor McKeon Debating Team of Holy Family High School in John McHugh ST. BERNARD New Bedford will represent the Diocese of Fall River in the National Catholic Forensic $30 Mr. & Mrs. John Santos League's Grand Tournament. The 13th annual affair will be held this year in Denver, Col., $200 $25 Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Terpak today through Saturday, May 7 to 9. Holy Family will place national championship winMr. Albert P. LeBlane $100 Acushnet Saw Mills Co. ners Edward Parr and Mari Mr. & Mrs. Marianno Rezendes $20 lyn Mulcairns in the debate Sr. Mrs. Stella Lanzoni, Mr. & category along with the $'75 B,VIrs. Paul Szwaja, Mr. & Mrs. brother and sister team of A. Gertrude Gould ILawrence McKay, Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Kennedy and Kathleen $50 ilh'ancis D. O'Leary Kennedy. Each team will operate Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Terpak $15 separately as a two-man team Mr. & Mrs. Alden Taber, Mr. and will debate alternately the $35 • Mrs. Raymond J. LeBlanc, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert Blake affirmative and negative side of & Mrs. Richard H. Barry, Miss the question whether the social $30 Bella LePage, Mr. & Mrs. David security system should be ex Marguerite Gould B. Considine. tended to include complete McHale Family $12 medical care. A feature of the Mr. & Mrs. Roland Benoit, Mr. $25 debate contest will be a cross " Mrs. James M. Haworth, Mr. questioning per i 0 d of each Mr. & Mrs. John Letts ~ Mrs. Lucien U. Letendre, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Simmons & Mrs. Andre Benoit, Mr. & Mrs. speaker. Susan Sweeney will represent Edward Thompson Cerard E. Tardif. the school and Diocese in Girls' $20 $11 Extemporaneous S pea kin g . Anonymous, Mr & Mrs Joseph Mr. & Mrs. Richard Silveira Topics for the contest will be B. Carroll, Mr. & Mrs. Benoit H. $10 drawn by the contestant thirty Charland Mr. & Mrs. Thaddeus J. H. minutes before they are to de $15 !Zajac, Mr. & Mrs. Chester Ras, liver a 6-8 minute speech. Topics Georgianna Cambra, Helena V. lMr. & Mrs. Noe Cormier, Mr. & will cover any item of news ap Gould, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Mrs. Edward Costa, Mr. & Mrs. pearing in a nationally known Montplaisir. Leo Olivier. news magazine from September Mr. & Mrs. Henry Breault, 11)63 through April 1964. The $10 Mr. & Mrs. George Pimental, presentation must be an original Mrs. Edward Adams, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. William J. Cromble Mrs. Henry Bevilacqua, Mr. & synthesis. !bolme, Mr. & Mrs. Leo N. Coons, The team departed last night Mrs. Adrian Bolduc. Mr. & Mrs. IMr. & Mrs. Damasse Janvier. and spent the evening in New J. Willi~m Borges, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Emile Gonneville, York City. They left early this PRIDE OF SCHOOL: Holy Family High School's pride is John L. Brown ,Mr. & Mrs. Oscar Martin, Mr. & morning on a jet chartered by John J. Brown, Mr. & Mrs. its debating team. From left, Edward Parr, president; Susan Mrs. Frederick E. Tomkiewicz, the New York Diocese. They will Joseph Callaghan, Mr. & Mrs. Sweeney, secretary-treasurer; Kathleen Kennedy, clerk of Normand Cote, Jeanne Fran IMt'. & Mrs. Leo E. <Cormier, Mr. return Sunday, May 10 to Ken. • Mrs. Armand Bertrand. committee; Mary Ellen Crowley, vice-nresident; lW ~rilyn coeur, Mr. & Mrs. Antone Jose nedy International Airport. Ed Mr. &: Mrs. Basilio Pinto, Mr. ward Parr, Marilyn Mulcairns MUlcairns, librarian. Mary Lowe, Mr. & Mrs. Jose & Mrs. Rudolphe Arcouette, Mr. and Susan Sweeney are seniors, Luiz, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Lynch • Mrs. Paw Desjardins, Mr. &: Kathleen Kennedy a sophomore The team of Edward Parr and Notre Dame High School and Sr., Mrs. Lloyd Neville, Mr. &: Mrs. Lucien St. Amand, Mr. & and Dennis a freshman. Marilyn Mulcairns won three Kathleen Kennedy was voted Mrs. Marianno Rezendes Jr. Mrs. Romeo Beaulieu. Wide Experience Mr. & Mrs. Marianno Motta, trophies and was one Of four the best affirmative and Den Mr. & Mrs. Henry Guilbeault, The tournament is the culmi finalist teams in the Regis High nis Kennedy the best negative Mr. & Mrs. Henry Nadeau, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Andre E. Trahan, :Mr. & Mrs. George F. Liarikos nation of a debating year that School tournament. The duo speaker at Bishop Fen w i c-k & Mrs. Ephrim Pilotte, Mr. & began last September. The so joined Susan Sweeney and Kath High's Freshman - Sophomore Mrs. John Riley, Mr. & Mrs. Al h., Mr. & Mrs. Joseph R. Oli bert F. Robert. Vier, Mr. & Mrs. Henry M ciety of 22 member-s participated leen Kennedy to gain the final tournament. Den n i s Kennedy in more than 200 varsity debates competition in the 100-team New also won a silver medal at Notre Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Roussell AUain. . Mr. & Mrs. Wilfred LaFleur, in over 25 tournaments. Novice York University competition. Dame High School for second Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Michael Sansone, members also debated more than Dennis Kennedy and Barry Har best speaker. Dh'. & Mrs. William F. Onofrey, Mr. & Mrs. William Simmons, rington qualified for final com Edward Parr was declared Mr. & Mrs. Charles B. Sullivan Mr. & Mrs. Louis I. LaRue, Mr. 1'50 times in junior varsity com petition in the national tourna sixth best and Marilyn Mulcairns &; Mrs. Omer L. Laflamme, Mr. petition. In the course of the season the ment held at Boston College eighth best at Eastern Nazarene &: Mrs. Adelard Jacques. Mr. & Mrs. Gerard E. Ledoux, . team travelled over 5,000 miles High. College. Parr and Dennis Ken The intermediate tea m of nedy also won gold medals at ELECTRICAL Mr. & Mrs. Edward Farfalowski, iIlo compete twice in Washing Mr. & Mrs. Lionel Tetreault, ton, D.C., and Erie, Pa. and four Timothy Place and Frances Mc St. John's of Shrewsbury. r~i Contractors Intyre, Dennis Kennedy and Mr. & Mrs. Leo O. Cusson, Mr. times in New York CitY, be For the third straight year sides n u mer 0 u s appearances Barry Harrington won second &; Mrs. William A. Keefe. Holy Family won first place in Mr. & Mrs. John Panek, Mr. throughout New England. In all, place prize at St. John's High the Narragansett Interscholastic School in Shrewsbury. &: Mrs. Octave J. Beaulieu, Leo the team has faced teams from Debate League with a record of Boucher, Joseph C. Fontes, Mrs. 21 states from such far-awaY 15 wins against one loss and a Individual Trophies places as Omaha, Chicago and Laura Desjardins two game lead. The team thus Miami. Individual awards were also Mrs. Wanda Anuszezyk, Mrs. qualified for the playoff rounds gained during the year. Susan among the top four teaQ'ls for Yvette Fortin, A Friend, Mr. & ~~ !Mrs. Leo Ricard, Mr. & Mrs. Pierre Longpre Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Sweeney was named best affirm the Sister M. Ignatius trophy. ative speaker at the Stonehill Lawrence Fortin, Mr. & Mrs. Francis Harkins.- 944 County St. The Society used nine speakers Mr. & Mrs. Roger O. Payant, Leo Lyonnais, Mr. & Mrs. John College Tournament while Mari_ in gaining their first place posi New Bedford NIr. & Mrs. William Morel, Mr. J. O'Toole, Mr. & Mrs. Normand lyn Mulcairns was awarded a tion. Edward Parr and Marilyn gavel for the sixth speaker spot &; Mrs. Lawrence H. Power, Mr. J. Robert. Mulcairns won the first place ~ Mrs. Richard J. Langlais, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Anthony L. Sylvia, in Georgetown University's na trophy last Sunday by consecu tional tournament. Mary Ellen &; Mrs. J. Maurice Lizotte. - Mr. & Mrs. Matthew C. Goulet, - tive wins over Stang and St. An Crowley was presented a trophy :lYIr. & Mrs. William Moniz, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. James C. Poirier, thony. & Mrs. William F. Taylor, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Oscar J. Cormier, for best affirmative speaker at &; Mrs. Raymond E. Lague, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Renes LeMaire & Mrs. Nathon Gomes, Noel M. & Mrs. Ovila H. Hebert, Negroes and Whites Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Stanley, Goulet. Mrs. Catherine L. Raymond, Mr. & - Mrs. Bertrand L. Du Join in Pilgrimage 1\{r. & Mrs. Emile Belliveau, Mr. Breuil Mr. & Mrs. Roger Gau ST. AUGUSTINE (NC)-Four ~ Mrs. Robert J. Berche, Mr. & dreau, Mr. & Mrs. Peter J. hundred Catholics, Negroes and Mrs. Addison Russell, Mr. &: Dufresne Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John J. Rosario, _whites, took part in a traditional Mrs. Amos Souza Mr. & Mrs.George Fagundes, Mr. & Mrs. Albert L. Cyr; Mr. religious pilgrimage together in this Florida city which has been ~r. & Mrs. Theodore J. Schick, & Mrs. Mitchell Smola, Mr. & the scene of recent civil rights lVIr. & Mrs. Raymond A. Trahan, Mrs. George H. Blouin, Mr. & demonstrations. Mr. & Mrs. Maurice Santiago, Mrs. Frank P. Dutra The occasion was the annual • HYANNIS Mr. & Mrs. Roger J. A. Beau Mr. & Mrs. Alfred P. Saucier. • HARWICH PORT Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Mc lieu, Mr. & Mrs. Louis G. Mo.. pilgrimage' to the Mission of rite Fa/mouI" National Sonic Falmouth, Mass.
Menamy, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel raux, Mr. & Mrs. Leo J. Bras.. Nombre de Dios , America's old_ • ~OUTH YARMOUTk IIJ the Village Green Since 1121
Cambra Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Edward seur, Mr. & Mrs. Fred Morang, est mission where Spanish ex plorers and priests landed in N. Seney, Mr. & Mrs. William C. Mr. & Mrs. Adelard Roy 1565 to found the nation's first Westgate Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Leon Mr. & Mrs. Antoine Belliveau, ard J. Meredith Mr. & Mrs. Alfred J. Plante, Mr. permanent Christian settlement. Noting reports of "racial hos Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Charest, & Mrs. William O. Joerres, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Martin J. Connor, & Mrs. Charles E. Bellefeuille, tilities" in St. Augustine, Father Mr. & Mrs. William H. S. Oehrle, Mr. & Mrs. Edward A. Moraux Michael V. Gannon, mission di -Mr. & Mrs. John Tetrault, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. William Laferriere, rector, said "we know nothing of this among ortr Catholic people." & Mrs. Martin McCoy Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Angelo Mello, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. George W. Fahey, Mrs. Leo Desrosiers, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Parker, Henry Hesketh, Mr. & Mrs. Leo Mrs. Laura M. Martel, Alice Mr. & Mrs. Roland Castonguay, Michon Gautreau, Mr. & Mrs. Henry T. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph H. Rostocki, Turek, Mr. & Mrs. Hervey Fre Mr. & Mrs. Arthur H. Gron Mr. & Mrs. Emil R. Olifierko dette, Mr. & Mrs. Armand Dan lund, Mr. & Mrs. Claude A. Gin 2664 NORTH MAIN ST. FALL RIVER Mr. & Mrs. Jean T. Leger, Mr. gras, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond durand • Mrs. Conrad Ledoux, Bernard Pepin" Mr. & Mrs. Maurice Mr. & Mrs. Homer E. Bergeron, TELEPHONE OS 5-7992 GaUdette, Donald Mayer, Mrs. Wynne, Mr. & Mrs. Russell C. Mr. & Mrs. Oscar H. Lapalme, enneth E. Shaw Adams Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Sayles Mr. &
THE ANCI'IO'R-Dicxese ot fall River-Thurs., May 7,
leads in -Prayer
Whom He Came
May and Mary Traditionally the month of May is observed by Cath {)lics as the month of Mary. There is no reason why t:1is cannot and should not continue to be· so, even in the light of the current ecumenical endeavors. Some Catholics are fearful that non-Catholics do not understand the Catholic position on Mary. The reason, of course, is the obvious one that non-Catholics have been shocked and repelled at what they ;;ometimes read and hear .about Mary, well-meaning articles and devotions that have somehow made Mary a sh'an~e fl~ure in their eyes 01'·£1 rival to the Almi~hty. Pope Paul put the' matter well in a recent addrefis to the Marian congreg-ations: "Where will you: find :\''? Surely not in exag-gerationfi, nor in sentimentalism, nor in the misuse of deductions for the purpose of emphasis and hyperbole, nor in novelty." All too often pious' "Titers lose their heads when dealing with Mary. They do neither her nor her Son nor His Church a service. The truth that must be presented to non-Catholics on Mary is the central one that she is the Mother of Jesus Christ. Hers is the uni((ue role of having g-iven a human body to the Second Person of the Trinity. This is her g-lory .and her unique privilege-to call Jesus Christ Son, 10 have' Him addres-s her as Mother. No sentimental exag'gerations, no saccharine~Rweet'ex cesses in speech can match this fact nor' are· neede{l to ·pFO" claim her dignity.
€ l wr-Bishop Joseph Eid, pas tor ~f St. Anthony of the Desert € h urch, Fall River, led partiei ea-nts in the first annual Maron ite Convention in prayer at the ,grave'of President Kennedy last Saturday in Washington. A solemn pilgrimage of Mal' 04mite clergy and faithful from ~l ~arts of the United States l1r.aveled to the grave for the Prayer of Incense, traditional ion the Maronite Liturgy. "Two years ago at the White HUuse, in company of our ven Patriarch Meouchi, we visited President Kennedy, who .asked us to pray for him," said 'Chor-Bishop Eid in his invooa fum at the grave in Arlington National Cemetery. "Today the Letariese, clergy and people, gathered from eVeI'J' .(lOr-ner or ·the country, kneel at his .grave to offer the incense of the Maronite Liturgy in .9ur Saviour, Christ's language. . "May our supplications be ac cepted before the Throne of the Almighty for hiin and for the nation. May he rest in the pe-a"e -of' the Lord, overshadowed' by the cedar of Lebanon plantetl' CWe~1t his tomb, symbol of loyaltt >8[' the -sons of Lebanon. ;(~ 'REV. ROBERT HOVDA, Catholic UnivenRf,y Fall Rhier S1mine _~: ·'Finally,. in our community at 1UU;J,-' Fail River, Massachusetts, we TODA.Y -AsoonsioD of Our Love and the humility .proper aNI .actually preparing a spiri-. It is fortunate that clORe attention is being paid to the riSe of anti-..Cjemitism in books and magazines that.are -ap Lonl .fesus. Christ. What a "mir toone' whu has received :tPf1:e testimonial in his honoB, 1':01''' for us to look into! Jesus no, merit of. his own.and and I humbly ask: you to join. .. pearing on the European continent and even in the United Chl"ist, fully man as- well all through who must therefore share them 'spirit in the dedfr:ation June 31 St.:'ltes. It is wiRe that Catholic educators are examininf~ eternal Word, reigns forever .as with his brothers. of a- replica of the Shrine ef We· pray (Collect) for devooteQ -0lir Lady of Lebanon special~ closely the textbooks. used in parochial schools to makl~ Son ifl the triune. God. Both very sure that inexactne!*l of exprNIAion or ineptness of Scripture readings today refer wills and. sincere hearts, that blessed for the occasion, wla· Baptism, the sacrament in our witness may not be -super the bronze inscription readi~ Itnra8ing, especially in matters relating to· Christ and Rig to which' we are' given the' faee of ficial, that it may spring natu.. 'loll Lo-ving, memory of our Gl"~ Crucifixion,. do not encourage an anti~Semitic bias. in thi~ Christ; the face reflected in this rally from our depths- ,and ~r President and True Friend"":' min(ffi of ~tudellb:h mirror. . convictions-:-above .all, from ·the Jobn F. Kennedy.' May om Otlr. flesh~ our humanity, is in Christ-pattern to whose eter-nel 'Blessed Mother bles. his S4MIIt It is ridiculous to sa." that Jesus Ghrist was killed ·by heaven~a sign that forbids re:' v.alidity the' Resurreett&n ~ bless his h.e~oic wife and die Jews, and. that, therefore, they· are an .accursed race. dueing our human' lif~ to any Ascension· testify. entire Kennedy famil:y" may ... The fact is that the whole life andl death of Chnist Waf; materialistic' measure; a sign b-less you 3-11." MOND;~F SS. Pftuq, a Highlighting the threft _ lived in the context of Judaism. Christ was -a Jew -and that makes out ofa speck James• .NpoBtles. To be a Ghl"iB+ ~ry was a 'Jew and, the AnoAtles amI early ChriRtians werE~' in ~alaxies without number a tian witness is· not to__~ sear-cb- . ,MaJ'OlJite meeting was ordina .as mysterious .as it tien ~f the first priest from ·iDe Jeews and in the words of Pope Pius XI, "spiritually, WE! significance ing after some- escapr from lifll new Our. Lady- of Leban6lt is ·grand. N:ow we can see His and from the business of livq. are all Semites." mission of redemption-to re Mar-onite· Seminary in. Washi~ am the way; I am truth and· ron. lit! was ordained by M~ Christ died. because-· the jURtice·of the·Fa·ther-rl.emanded turn' us to the Father-at! a "I life *' * ,.. He who has seen· me Rev.' ti"rancis Zayak:, Maronite Utat He- take upon Himself the sins of ew~ry man who whole and as complete. has- seen the Fatlie~" (Gospel). 'Blshop from Bl'azil, at the N_ h~dever lived and. would ever live to the end. of the world. TOMORROW - Ma..<j8. as on It is- here, in human ·wau, in tional Shrine' of the rmmaeulllte Ascension Day. "Go. out all over human dignity and responsibiL Conception. For men to. distort the facts and make the' present the worid and. preach the GOllpel ity, that the Word reveals Him~ The new priest concelebrated. day Jews perAonally reAponAible for the death- of' Christ to th,'! whole. of creation" (Gos self. It is true that without tbe· bis first Mass at the Shrine lest i&a piece of viRciouA malevolence. pel). If we now have our coun~ promise· of eternal lif~· the mis Sunday morning with, all the "It is ~od, then, for men to be sensitive to allti-S~m terpart and advocate in glory, sion of the apostles is "madneSs" Maronite clergy in attendance at (First Reading), But this must we also have a· mission on earth the- convention. He is Rev. Rob itiAm, to put the' spotlight of public' attention upon it, to and in this world. He makes us never tempt us to despise ·our ert J. Shaheen, Danbury, Conn. refuse to let this thing- g-row like an evil fungus in the dark. "sharers· in His Godhead" (As human condition, for it is in this A closing banquet was at The world has already Aeen what happens when- such censiun Preface) by sharing Hfs condition that we have· seen the tended by the Apostolic Dele Father. redemptive mission with us .as gate, the Most Rev. Egidie things· are allowed to spreadin word and writings and deeds. wen .as by His ascent in our V.a.gnozzi; ~chbishop Patrick 'I'UESD.\:'Y - St~ Nereus a &4 Anti-Semitism is likewise anti-Christian. humanity. And no discouraga Companions, l\lartyrs. The First A. O'Boyle- of Washington, and ment or failure in that mission representatives of the 55 Mall Reading is the same ·as yester can reverse the victory alreadY day's, for martyrom is the ulti -oniUl parishes in the UniUHI "', won in His Resurrection and States. mate kind of witness. It is also Bishop,Fulton J. Sheen came up with a p€ r fect answer Ascension. the kind which requires the Site of the convention "'hen he was· asked; after testifying- last week on the issue chan,ge yearly and officials sta. SATURDAY¥- - St. ...Gregory greatest faith and which is most of prayer iq the public schools, what kind ofa prayer he Naziallzen, Bishop, Doctor. This difficult to' accept: It is har-d to t11e purpose of'the annual meet missic nary theme is carried on sacrifice present security, evoo ing is stimulation of interest would. recommend should' be uAed. in toc'·ay's Mass of a doctor of in the light of Christ's teaching .and pride in the Maronite hem.. The Bishop, stating· that he· would not presume ·00 be the Church. The light of faith about the· cross- and .about the· ta1fe the one to compose a prayer that would'.give honor to God which Christ's return to His seed which must dies. If' the charge of madneS8 is and rest easily with the consciences of all individuals, FlitheJ' has fueled forever must cmmally remarked that perhaps a beginning could be made be put on a lampstand to give rarely brought against the SUrvey In.teqratioft light to all (Gospel). This bless.: Church nowadays, is it not be with the prayer that we all carry around in our- pockets ingof the human race, this- act of cause we have become prudent In Cathofic Sc.hools with U8: "In God We Trust." as the world is prudent? We love for us, must be unnoticed CHICAGO (NC) Catha. suffer no loss of security. But nowhere in the human house schools in the Archdiocese CJIl we also makeno profound im~ hold. Chicago. are being surveyed to pact. SUNDAiY A\FTE-& ASCEN see how many of the students WEDNESDAY- st. Robert and teachers are .Negroes. SION. DAY. Encouraged and Bellarrnille. Bishop, Doowr. T:o strellgi.nened, formed and graced The survey was ordered by by JeslIs' victory over death and day we honor a great defender Albert Cardinal Meyer who His return to glory' in our flesh, of the Church in a turbulent aked pastors to make a "zealoUII period of its history. The First effort to include, as far as poll we cel,~brate the EUcharist today Reading praises that wisdom sible, both white and Negro lay in sober consciousness of what OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER everyday Christian witness de which is the Word. of GOO, teachers in the faculty of coniounding human schemes and parish schooL" mands of us. Published weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River The Spinit comes as witness, and human prudence, learned Reminding school principalll 410 Highland Avenue . Our Lord. tells us in the Gospel, from the scriptures .and the that the archdiocese was 1j),e FaU River, Mass. OSborne 5..7151 so that we too might be His wit.. preaching &. the GospeL. sponsor of the Chicago Confer nesses. And He· goes on to warn Thc> Council's Constitution on ence- on Race and Religion whiell PUBLISHER
that the good news may not al Sacred LitUrgy emphasizes the made a- pledge for fair empl~ Most Rev. James'_ L. Connolly,. D.O., PhD,
'ways fall upon receptiv:~ -ears, fact that if the current refurm ment practices in church-No of our public worship· itJ· te be, la~ institutions, the- Cardinal 4:lUt that it must be sown ·none GENERAL MANAGER ASST. GENERAL M·ANAGBtl ·the-·le5:;. successful we must cultivate .a saW "a racially integrated fecu}.,. It. lav. Doniel P; Shollo&, M.A. .Rev. John 'P. Df:i.scootl 1\coording to ·the First Read great love for and a deep knew!. ty wiH teach our children l~i... MANAGING EDITOR
.mg, leve 'must be the dominant edge of God's Word a& it iI f;IOIll.. l _ m en thc> virtue. « Neifll. Hugh J.Ge....
dlilF~eristic 0&1 tb>e w.itB4tlll: tained in the Bibl.eo julmee.. &lid love.~
1.11 Washinton
Setmtism ....
C'Thnou9h the
With the ChLl1tch.
School Prayer
Buzzards Bay
$'700 Rev. Lester L. Hull $'75 Rev. Francis L. Mahoney $50 A Friend Bishop Feehan Council K of C Tommy's Oil Service Mr. & Mrs. William Brady Thomas McDonough $40 Mr. & Mrs. Andrew McGraw Mr. & Mrs. Richard Ward $25 Mrs. Veronica Pye Tiny Jim's Town Club Mr. & Mrs. James Reen A Friend Dorothy Pina Mrs. Charles Fuller Mr. & Mrs. Maurice Savage Mr. & Mrs. John Riha $20 Mr. & Mrs. John Karl, Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Dechene, Mr. Herb ert Dam, Mrs. Hazel Mazzeo, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Wills Marcel Poyant $15 A Friend, Mary Amoruso, Mr. &: Mrs. Raymond Fitzgerald, Mr. &: Mrs. August Cristofori, Mr. &: Mrs. James Cooke $12 Mr. &: Mrs. William McCoy, Mr. & Mrs. John Medlin, Mrs. Rose Vanderslice $10 The Demers Family, Mr.' &: Mrs. James McCormick, Mr. &: Mrs Joseph Sullivan, The Fletch er's, Mr. &: Mrs. Frank Malothe The Torpeys, Mr. & Mrs. Ar mand Bedard, Mr. Joseph Dowl ing, Mr. & Mrs. James Crowley, Mr. & Mrs. Norman Lehner . Mrs. Joseph Bickley, Mrs. Pierre LaBonte, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Wenzel, Mr. & Mrs. Ben jamin Fernandes, Mr. & Mrs. Patsy Arone ·Mrs. Grace Murray, Mr. & Mrs. Richard B. Jones, Mr. & Mrs. James P. Walsh, Mr. & Mrs. Ken neth Luce, Mr. David Fannon MrS. William Gregg, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur D. Kemp, Thomas Wallace, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Tucy, Jr., Mr. & Mrs. William Bennett Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Perry, Mr. &: Mrs Eugene Lopes, Taft Zeady Mrs. Earl Rich, Mr. & Mrs. John Correia Mr. & Mrs. Antonio Leixo, Phyllis Lopes, Mr. & Mrs. Step hen Dowd, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Lopes, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Lopes Mr. & Mrs. Michael Chantre, Angelina Monteiro, Mr & Mrs. Joseph G. Lopes, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Rocchi, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Nuovo J. A. Bourne, Mr. & Mrs. Carl Harrington, Mr. & Mrs. Fred erick Besse, Mr. & Mrs. Emiliano Gavazza, Mr. & Mrs. Colombo Cristaforti Mr. & Mrs. George Cabana, Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Taylor, Ma's Do-Nut Shop, Mr. & Mrs. John Delsie, Baker's 5c to $1.00 Store Delisle's Service Station, Mr. &: Mrs. Eugene Sassone, A Friend Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Masterson, Bosnengo Hardware The Stanley Pharmacy, Step hen A. Days, Inc., Mr. & Mrs. Joseph V. Zlogar, Mr. Charles Ehmann, Mr. & Mrs. Martin 'l'omolonis The Crosby Family, Mr. &: Mrs. Gordon Oliosi, Mr. & Mrs. Carl Borman, Mr. & Mrs. Harry Robbins, Mrs. George Gibson Jerome Baird, Mr. & Mrs. G: Cormier, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Mc Carthy, Mrs. George F. Read, Mr. & Mrs. Romeo Verrier, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Curley, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Lindberg, Mr. &: Mrs. John Gray,Mr. & Mrs. Al bert Sacht, Mr. & Mrs. Charles S. Allen Mr. & Mrs. Robert Stevenson, Mr. & Mrs. James Duggan, Mr.
&: Mrs. Thomas Joyce, Elsie Angell, Wilfred Fortier Florence Burdge, Annie Eld ridge, Mr. & Mrs. Thiro Zanis, Mrs. Charles Cahoon, Mrs. Jos eph Shaloub Mr. & Mrs. John Mulhall, Mr. & Mrs. John J. O'Connell, Mrs. David Smith, John McNamara, Mrs. Eva Cardoza The Degans; Dorothy Parker, Mr. & Mrs. John A. Sanna, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hurley, Mr. & Mrs. William McCusker Mr. & Mrs. Alcide Cormier, The Mitchell Family, Mrs. Aud rey Houle, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Pineault, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Pas quini Mr. & Mrs. William Doyle, Mr. & Mrs. William J. Butler, Mr. & Mrs. William Hodge, Mrs. Ro bert Thompson, Clarence Tatro Mrs. Jeanette Cleveland, Mr. & Mrs. Fred Harkins, Mrs. James Walsh,' Bernard D'Araujo, Mr. & Mrs. August Lopes Mr. & Mrs. Robert Andrews, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Silva, Mr. & Mrs. Antonio Silva, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Amado, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Souto Mr. & Mrs. Antonio Baptista, Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Andrade, Mr. & Mrs. Antone Martin, Mary' Fortes, Earle Fernandes Joseph Pina, Mr. & Mrs. Amos Fernandes, Beverly Fernandes, Mr. & Mrs. Tony Viera, Kathryn Fernandes Mary Rose, Mr. & Mrs. John Riberio, Mary Baptiste, Mrs. Olivia Gomes, Laura Barros Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Fontes, Mr. & Mrs. Julio Lopes, Mr'. & Mrs. Manuel Dias, Mr.:& Mrs. Edward Gomes, Mr. & Mrs. Jo . seph Andrews The McDermott-Bernabei Fam ily, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Orfetel, Mr. & Mrs. Silas Wade, Mr. ~ Mrs. Frederick Manamon, Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Forni . Mr. & Mrs. Keith Senger, Mr. &, Mrs. Richard Beers, Mr. & Mrs. John Faria
THE ANCHORThurs., May 7, 1964
NATIVE MARYKNOLLERS: Two native Chinese Mary knoll Sisters and a Japanese Sister recently took vows at ceremonies in Manila. Sister Marian Agnes (Chow), right, and Sister Rose Miriam (Chin), left, chat with the yOung Japanese Sister, Amy Bernadette (Yoneya) who became a Catholic in 1958. NC Photo.
Mr. & Mrs. Orner Ferland Mr. & Mrs.' Armand Gibeault Mr. & Mrs. John S. Francis Mr. & Mrs. Avila Grenier Mr. & Mrs. George McCarthy Dr. William A. Morinville Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Patenaude Mr. & Mrs. Leo Tracey Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Hodge Mrs. Leland Smith Mr. & Mrs. George C. Cote St Mary's Women's Guild $20 Mrs. Walter Amos, Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Bellavance, Mr. &, Mrs. Jo~eph F. Bienvenue, Mr. ,& Mrs. Donald Blake, Mr. & Mrs. Gaetan Brochu Mr. & Mrs. George Casey; Mr. & -Mrs. Charles Dauray, Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Ferland, Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Lombardi, Mr: & Mrs. Harold McCormick Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Perry, Mrs. Eunice Schiller and Anne. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Trojan $15 Mr. & Mrs. Keram Arabian, Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Baumgartel, SACRED HEART Mr. & Mrs. Cyril K. Brennan, $200 . Mr. & Mrs. Martin Carr, Mrs. Very Rev. James E. McMahon Mary E. Coyle $'75 Marilyn Fisk, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Henry Corey Thomas P. Giblin, Jr., Mr. & Mrs. $50 Lewis Jackson, Mr. & Mrs. Rev. John A. Perry George LaBelle, Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Lanoue $20 Mr. & Mrs. Jacques Leduc, A Friend Misses Mildred & Edna Masgay, $10 Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Coutinho, Mr & Mrs Edmund McCann, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas DeMont, Mr. & Mrs. J. J. McNally, Mrs. Rob & Mrs. Meredith Fisher, Mrs. ert Pritchard Mr. & Mrs. Roland Smith, Mr. Mary B. O'Brien, Mr. & Mrs. Peter L. Regan, Mr. & Mrs Frank & Mrs .Bertrand Sullivan, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Chandley Simmons $12
Mr. & Mrs. John Harrington
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Aguiar, ST. MARY Mr. & Mrs. Emile Allard, Mrs. $100 Clinton Ainsworth, Ernest Ane Rev. Cornelius Keliher lundi, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Araujo Mr. & Mrs. Edward Argue, Mr. $'75 & Mrs. Leo Bandieri, Mr. & Mrs. St. Vincent de Paul Society Walter Barton, Mr. & Mrs. John $60 Bielagus, John Blake Mr. & Mrs. Henry Messier Mr. & Mrs. Edward Bliss, Mr. $50 Mrs Kenneth Bliss, Mrs. James & Dr. & Mrs. John Belsky Bordeh, Mr. & Mrs. Jos. Brad Mr. & Mrs. John Marshall shaw & Family Mr. & Mrs. John Murphy Arthur Brousseau, Mr. & Mrs. $40 John Buben, Mr. & Mrs. J. Ger Mr. & Mrs. David E. Blake ard Burns, Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Helen Reilly Caouette, ,Mr. & Mrs. Howard $35
Carpenter, Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Dr. & Mrs. Alexander MacIsaac Carroll $30
Mr. & Mrs. Hector Carufel, Mr. & Mrs. John Connelly and Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Cassels, John Family Cazemiro, Mary Cazemiro, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. B. A. Dzija & Mrs. Stephen Chalpin J'ohn & Vincent Lynch Mrs. Marie I. Choquette, Ar Mr. & Mrs. Laurent Thibert mand Contois, Mr. & Mrs. Ed $25 ward Coogan Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Neil Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Berriman Copes, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Cos Mr. & Mrs. Robert Biron grove, Mr. & Mrs. William Cot Agnes Blake ter, Mrs. Mary V. Coyle, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Richard Blake Mrs. Harold Cummings Jr., Mr. William Blake & Mrs. Wm. Curtis, Mrs. NaIda Mr. & Mrs. David Carr Daigle :Mr. & Mrs. James Coogan Mr. & Mrs. Sterling Dalton,
Oak Bluffs
John De Youn,g, Mr. & Mrs Peter Donato, Mr. & Mrs. Myron Dou rado, Mr. & Mrs. James Drew Mr. & Mrs. John Duffy, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Dufort, Mr. & Mrs. William Dunn, Mr. & Mrs. James 'Elliot, Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Fer land Mr. & Mrs. Roger Ferland, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Finn, Catherine Fisk, Mrs. Edward Fisk Sr., Hen rietta FiSk Mr. & Mrs. Frank Foley, Mr. & Mrs. George Foley, Mr. & Mrs. William Foley, Mr. & Mrs. Rop ert Fountain, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Fortin Mr. & Mrs. Robert Froment, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Gagnon, Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Gagnon, Mr. & Mrs. Norman Gamache, Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Gaudet Mr. & Mrs. Rheal Gaudreau, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Gendreau, Mr. & Mrs. Francis Giblin, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Gildea, Frank Governo Mr. & Mrs. D. Harrigan, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Harrington, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Harrop, Mrs. Joseph Hearn, Mr. & Mrs. Nor man Hearn Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Hebert, Mr. & Mrs. George Henry, Mr. & Mrs. Walter Holcomb, Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Hallenbeck, Mr. & Mrs. Alcide Houle Mr. & Mrs. Bart Hunt, A. Jaeolucci, Mr. & Mrs. Les Ken nedy, The Koski Family, Mr. & . Mrs. Louis Laliberte Mr. & Mrs. Jack Lamb, Mr. & Mrs. J. Aime Lambert, Rose Lambert, Mr. & Mrs. Francis Laushway, Mr. & Mrs. Donald Leary Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Leddy, Mr. & Mrs. Henry Lefebre, Mr. & Mrs. Clement Lesage, Mrs. H. Lindberg, Mrs. R. Longbottom Mr. & Mrs. John Lukasiewicz, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Marcinkwicz, Mr. & Mrs. Albert Masse, Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Mathieu, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Mello Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Michaud, Mr. & Mrs. Fred Morancy, Mr. & 'Walter Morris, Mr. & Mrs. Ovila Mousseau, Mrs. Richard Mar sland Mr. & Mrs. Roger Marcil, Mr. & Mrs. Paul Martin, Mr. & Mrs. Francis Menard, Mr. & Mrs. Vic tor Meunier, Mr. & Mrs. James McArdle
Mr. & Mrs. Cornelius Mc Carthy, Mr. & Mrs. Hugh F. Mc Dade, Mr. & Mrs. Fred McGar rity, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Mc Garty Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth McCarthy Mr. & Mrs. Thomas McGuire, Mr. Mrs. Joseph McGrath, Mr. & Mrs. Wendell Nerney, Mr. & Mrs: Henry Nesbitt, Mr. & Mrs. Wm. O'Brien Jr. Mr. Mrs. Wm. O'Brien, Frank O'Donnell, Mr. & Mrs. Max Ortelt, Mrs. Mary Ousley, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Padykula . Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Palana, Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Papineau, Mr. & Mrs. Elio Pardini, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Parker, Mr. & Mrs. Nor man Partington Mr. & Mrs. Russell Partridge, Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Peets, Frank Perrino, Mrs. Ernest Perry, Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Perry Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Perry, Mr. & Mrs. Harold Perry, Mr. & Mrs. Norbett McKenna, Mrs. Roland Phaneuf, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Pimental, Mrs. Mary Poirier Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Poole, Mr. & Mrs. Kendall Porter, Mr. & Mrs. Harold Provost, Mr. & Mrs. J. Pugliese, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Regan Mr. & Mrs. Albert J. Richard, Mr. & Mrs. Alderic Richard, Mr. & Mrs. John Rocha Jr., Mr. & Mrs. James Rogan, Mr. & Mrs. James Rosa Mr. & Mrs. Remi Roy, Mr. & Mrs. Angelo Sabatini, Mr. & Mrs. Ed. Sequin, Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Shea, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Sil via Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Silvia, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Sinotte, Mrs. Dorothy Steele, Mr. & Mrs. Oscar 'St. John, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Strycharz Mrs. Eva Sweeney, Mr. & Mrs. Michael Tansey, Mr. & Mrs. An tonio Temudo, Mr. & Mrs. Roger Tetreault, Mr. & Mrs. George Thomas Mr. &' Mrs. James Tomlinson, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Toppin, Mi chael Tracey, Mr. & Mrs. Donald Traill, Mrs. Rose Tracey Mr. & Mrs. Lewis Trucchi, Mr: & Mrs. Noel Turgeon, Mr. & Mrs. Albert Vaslet, Mr. & Mrs. George Vaslet, Mr. & Mrs. How ard Vaslet Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Velardo, Mr. & Mrs. John Walsh, Mrs. Agnes Welden, Mr. & Mrs. Francis Whalen, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Wise, Mr. & Mrs. Henry Yeretsky
104 Allen St., New Bedford ''lYman 7-9354
AUBERTINE Funeral Home' Inc. Helen Aubertine Braugh
William H. Aubertine
Brian J. Aubertine
Spacious Parking Area WY 2·2957
129 Allen St.
New Bedford
Sales - Service - Installation
Phone...QS $-7484
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., May 7, 1964
Central Village
Mrs. Joseph Kusiak, Mr. & Mr:;. Milton Lahue,Mr. & Mrs. A. W. Lanoie Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Leiter, Mr. & Mrs. Paul Lusignan, Mr. & l\I[rs. Joseph Lyons, Mrs. Mel vina MacDonald, Mr. & Mn:. Ernest Mansolillo :Mr. & :Mrs. August Mathais, Mrs. Fral"-' - McAdams, Mrs. lVInry McCarthy, Mr. & ::\'[rs. Kenneth McCloskey, Frank Me..
$100 Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Weyker $25 Mr. & Mrs. E. W. Arnold Mr. & Mrs. Fred Beauchaine Mr. & Mrs. William Bishop John Hendricks l\1[r. & Mrs. James F. MitchelI' M~on Mr. & Mrs. Oscar Pelletier ::\ir. & :Mrs. Everett McPhil.. Mr. & Mrs. John Unsworth lips, Angela Medeiros, Emily Mr. & 1\/f,.•. Stanley Young Medeiros, Charles Mello, Mr. & $20 Mrs. Frank Mello Mr. & Mrs. John F. Ballard, :\~r. & Mrs. David Mitchell, Helen E. Browning, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. &; :\I[rs. Terrence Moran, ::VIr. Arthur Feeley, Mr. & Mrs. Henry & Mrs. John Norberg, ::\1rs. Harris, Mr. & Mrs. James H. Louise Oakland, Mr. & Mrs. John Roberts, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel O'Conrell Miss Adrianne Oliver, Mr. & Santos $15 Mrs. Joseph Oliver, Lawrence Mr. & Mrs. Robert Borah, Mr. E. Paquette, Mr. & Mrs. J. Pari seau, l\'[rs. Irene Partington & Mrs. W. Coelho, Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Donnelly, Louise Fallon, Mr. &. "'<Irs. Edward Pearl, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Hendricks, & Mrs. Joseph Perry, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Perry Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. John Korkuc Mr. & Mrs. John McAloon, Manuel Perry, Mr. & Mrs. Henry Manuel Motta, Mr. & l\l[rs. Myron Pestana Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Pestana, Perry, Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Turner, Mr. & Mrs. John Petraitis, Mr. & Mildred Wright Mrs. Anthony Pimental, Mr. & $12.50 Mrs. Manuel Piquette, Florence Mr. & Mrs. Nelson Little . $12 Potts Mrs. Anna Propatier, Mr. & Manuel DeSilva, Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. William Quirk, Mr. & Mrs. Robert McCloskey George. Raposa, Mr. & Mrs. $10 Mr. & Mrs. Sylvester Amaral, Eugene RebE'llo, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. William Amoral, Mr. Nathaniel Rendine Mr. & Mrs. Leo Rene, Mr. & & Mrs. Anthony Andrews, Mr. Mrs. John Riley, Mr. & Mrs. & Mrs. Rosco Balducci, Mr. & More10 Rodriques, Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. Frank Barao Jr. Jane Barker, Mrs. Reuben William Roessel, Arthur L. Barker, Mrs. Helen Barnett, Mr. Rourke Mr. & :\lrs. Clovis Roux, Olive & Mrs. H. Bassett, Mr. & Mrs. Santos, Arlene Schreiner, Mr. Laurent Beauvais & Mrs. Arthur Schreiner, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. William Bertola Mrs. Preston Schultz cini, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Betten Mr. & Mrs. John Searles, Mr. court, Mr. & Mrs. Henry Bilo & Mrs. Eugene Silva, Mr. & Mrs. deau, Mr. & Mrs. Wilfred Blan chette, Mr. & Mrs. John Botelho J. R. Silva, Mr. & Mrs. Louis Mr. & Mrs. Edward Bowen, Silva, Mr. & Mrs. P. Sincero l\1[r. & Mrs. WilEam Sloane, Mr. & Mrs. William ""'owen Jr., Mr. & l\lrs. John Smith, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Robert Boyd, Mr. & Mrs. Roger Brassard, Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. John Sousa, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Sousa, Mr.. & Mrs. Alfred J . .T, Burke Mrs. Regina Canning, Mr. & Souza l\lrs. Rhea Stone1Y, Mary Mrs. Frank Castro, Mr. & Mrs. Lorenzo Colaluca, Irene Connors, Toher,Mrs. Edna Tracy, Mr. & Mr~ Ralph Traver.s, Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. Marie Connors Mr. .& Mrs. Thomas Corcoran. Joseph Trinkwald Mr. & Mrs. Robert Trussell, Mr. & Mrs. John Costa, .Mrs. Mary Crafford, Mr. & Mrs. A. E. . Jane Un5Worth,Mr. & Mrs. An Crowley, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond thony Veira, Mr. .& Mrs. Joseph Ventura, Mr. & Mrs. Adrian Vin Cullinan Mr. & Mrs. Wilfred Demers, ctnt Jeanette Vincent, Jahn C. Vin Mr. & Mrs. He"-y Denesi, Arthur DeSilva. Mr. & Mrs. Frank Dias, cent, Ronald Vincent, Peter Voc cia, Mr. .& Mr.s. Eugene Voll :Mr. & Mrs. J. Downes Mr. & Mrs. Albert Drapeau, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Walsh, Mr. & Mrs. William Drohan, Mr. Fred Whelan, Mrs. .I ames Whi & Mrs. Stephen Duell, :Mr. & taker Mrs. Louis Dupere, Mr. & Mrs. .I...James Drapeau Mr. .9. Mrs. Lucien Facteau, ST. ELIZABETH'S Mr. & Mrs. A. Fer,.-lra, Mr. & .$35 Mrs. Michael ""iluminia, Mr.. .& Corrinne's Beauty Shop Mrs. Victor Fredette, Mr. & Mrs. $25 John Furtado Al's Package Store Mr. & Mrs. John Furtado, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Donald Berube &. Mrs. Manuel Furtado, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Gamboa, Mr. & Mrs. $20 A. George, Mr. & Mrs. John Mr. & Mrs. William Brown, George Edwin Lopes Mr. & Mrs. Harry Gianlorenzo, $15 Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Gibbons, Mr. Patricia Brown, Mrs. Theresa & Mrs. H. Goyette, Mr. & Mrs. Brown, George T. Silva R. Grant, Mr. & Mrs. Samuel $10 Green Mr. & Mrs. John Bauer, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. M. Greene, Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Bettencourt, Edgar Mrs. Robert Guertin, Mr. & Mrs. town 'Drug Store, Mr. & Mrs. Jesse Hall, Mr. .& Mrs. Carl Han Theodore Henley, Mr. & Mrs. son Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Har Charles Madeiros rington Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Mercier Mr. & Mrs. Christian Hen Sr., Mildred Mercier, Mr. & Mrs. dricks, Mr. & Mrs. Jesse Hend dricks Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Arthur Metell, Mrs. Philip J. Hendricks, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Norton, Mr. & Mrs. Freeman Hendricks Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Willoughby Eugene Hennt!ssey Mr~. Robert Hill, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Hodde, Mr. & Mrs. Holy Family High School Al Lloyd Jarvis, Mr. & Mrs. Albert umni Association of New Bed lobe Jr., Donald C. T')ost Mr. & Mrs. Robert Kaveny, ford will hold its annual Com Lester Keirn, Mr. & Mrs. Walter munion breakfast Sunday morn ing, June 14, following 9 o'clock .T. Kelly, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Keough, Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Mass at S1. Lawrence Church. The unit plans a cake sale for Khouri tomorrow at Fernandes Super l\If,.. & Mrs. Fred Koehler, Mr. Market. & Mrs. Clarence Korkuc, Mr.. &
Alumni Breakfast
$250 Rev. John G. Carroll $120 Mr. & Mrs. Charles Yocum $100 Mr. & Mrs. William Forrest
5Q Mr. & Mrs. Casin'l.ire Bartkie wicz $25 l\lrs. Isabelle Sandberg Mr. & Mrs. John Costa • The Ladies Guild Mrs. Mary Brady Shea
$21 Mr. & Mrs. Anthony F. Fer reira 20 Mr. & Mrs. David Buckley, Anne Forrest, Mr. & Mrs. John A. Murley, Mrs. John A. Thomas, Mr. & Mrs. Fred Best l\l[rs. Mary Toomey, Mr. & Mrs. Bernard T. Kelly
SCHOLARSHIP WINNERS: Sister Charles Francis, RS.M:., principal of Holy. Family High School, New Bedford, with some of her prize pupils, all scholarship winners. From left; Sister, Richard A. Pariseau, Beatrice A. Abraham, John J. Finni, Mary Alice Monfils.
Holy Family High School Boasts Four Scholarship Winners It's a small school-but long on Holy Family High in New Bedford is proud of four graduding seniors, all scholar ship winners. Ricbard A. Pariseau, son of Mr. ar d Mrs. Armand Pariseau, has re ceived a full four year scholarship to Stonehill College, including room, board and tui tion.. He plans to enter the en gineering field. . A full four year tuition schol arship to Salve Regina College has been merited by Beatrice A. Abraham, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. George Abraham. She will pursue a liberal arts curric_ ulum. .John J. Finni, son of Mrs. Abigail Finni, plans to majo'r in chemistry at Holy Cross College, where he has a foUr year tuition scholarship. And Mary Alice Monfils, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Emile Monfils, has received a partial scholarship to Tufts University, where she will enroll in courses leading to a career in physical therapy.
Vineyard Haven
Mrs. Edwin Whalen, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel M. Maciel, Mrs. ST. AUGUSTINE . John T. Hughes, Mr. & Mrs. $188 Marshall McDonough, Mr. & Rev. Cornelius J. O'Neill :Mrs. Raymond Billings $50 Mr. & Mrs. William Hagerty. St. Augustine's Holy Name Mr. & Mrs. George Anthony, Society Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Frieh, Mr. S1. 1\ ugustine's Guild & Mrs. Alfred Ferro, MI'. & Mrs. $25 Manuel Campbell Mr. & Mrs. Michael Fontes Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Francis Duart, Mr. Mr. .!It Mrs. Frederick Thifault & Mrs. Albert O. Fischer Jr., Hon. & Mrs. James Boyle Mrs. Edmund B. Hickey, Mrs. $20 Frank Oliveira, .Mrs. Dean Swift Mrs. Landon Humphreys Jr. $16 Mr. & Mrs. William FigueiMr. & Mrs. Francis Meteb, A. B. G. Oil Co., Mr. & Mrs. redo, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Ouellette, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel R. Anthon;, Costa Veira, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Bor, $12 ges, Mr. & Mrs. Conrad G. Mr. .'!l: Mrs. Richard Shannon Kurth, Mr. & Mrs. Bradford $10 Sylvia Miss Mary Lopes, Miss Alveda Lopes, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Fur tado, Mr. & Mrs. .charles Con roy Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Hearn
$15 Mr. & Mrs. David Machell, Mr. & Mrs. Antone DeCosta $10 Mrs. Thomas Rogers, Mrs. Ethel Cabral, Mr. & Mrs. Clar ence Kirby, Mr. & Mrs. Benja min Oliveira, Mr. & Mrs. ::,\/Iilton Breault. Mr. & Mrs. Marshall Perry, Mrs. George Leach Jr., Mr. & M1's. William Murphy, Mr. & Mrs Sigmund Kokoszka, Miss Mary Taggart. Louis Perini, Mr. & Mrs. An druskiewicz, Mr. & Mrs. Francis J. Maher, Dr. & Mrs. Peter P:'c cinini, Mr. & Mrs. Henry Schel ter Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Martin, Mr. & :\lrs Tobias' Flemming, Mrs. Gertrude Messier, Mr. & :\'[:rs. Michael Creedon, Mr. & ::vIrs. .Tohn Kelly. Charlotte Mladeirios, Manuel Silva, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Ra posa Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Charles Costa, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Mar tin Mr. & Mrs. GHbert Picard, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Carvalho, Mr. & Mrs. Albert Pratt, Patricia Clancy, Yvonne Samson Mr. & Mrs. Thomas K. Porter, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Vieira, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Willette, Mrs. Irene Caswell, Mr. & Mrs. Louis Lamontagne.' Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Decosta, Mr. & Mrs. Maurice Gallagher, Mrs. Lynwood Potter, Mrs. Ed ward P. Whitty, Antone S. Ca bral Mr. & Mrs. Richard Trecida~ Mr. & Mrs. Antone DeMello, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Cabral, Mr. & Mrs. George Vera, Mr. & Mrs. Roland Fauteux Mr. & Mrs. Maurice Cullen. Mr. & Mrs. Armand Desjardins, Mr. & Mrs. Henry Arruda
SlIningDance Annual supper and Spring dance of Bishop Cassidy General Assembly Fourth Degree Knights I)f Colunbus, is set for Saturday ]~ight, May 9 at the Silver Gull, Mattapo:.sett. A social hour at 6 will be ,rollowed by dinner and dancing. Leo A. Fredette is ehairman.
J~rofect What You Have
MeGOWA'N Insurance Agency
SAT., MAY 9 - 2 P.M.. Monday - Tuesday
MAY 11-12 - 8 P.M.
Admission $1.00
Bisai1l<m's Garage
$100 Joseph McCann Mr. & Mrs. Domenick Nicolad Mr. & Mrs. G. Garrett Schuler $'75
Mr. & Mrs. James Buckley
Mr. & Mrs. Pasquale Nicolaci $30 Mr. & Mrs. Manuel A. Oliveira Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Blouin & Family $25 Joseph Collins Margaret Noland Mr. & Mrs. Casimir C. Jarosik Charles Stiles Mr. & Mrs. Edward Gillum Mr. & Mrs. James T. Dunn The Alfred I. Raymond Fam ily Mr. & Mrs. George A. Brodeur Mr. & Mrs. J. Carroll Castello Mr. & Mrs. Earle M. Larkin Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Hinsley Mrs. Eva Bisaillon .Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Vincent Mr. & Mrs. Arlindo Dias Mr. & Mrs. John B. Davidson Anonymous Anonymous $20 Mr. & Mrs. Donald G. Le Blanc, Mr. & Mrs. Donald Sulli_ van, Dr. & Mrs. Bernard F. Car ter, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Fitzsim mons, Mr. & Mrs. Edmund K. Small, Mr. & Mrs. John J. Walsh $15 Alice O'Leary, Mr. & Mrs. Ed. ward Griffin, Mr. & Mrs. Fred A. Jones, Mr. & Mrs. Albert F. Benac $12 Mr. & Mrs. William C. Smith, Mr. & Mrs. Gideon Des Roches $10 Mr. &. Mrs. Gerard R. Rous seau, Mr. & Mrs. John E. Keary, Mrs. Edward M. Silva Mrs. Jay L. Quinn, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Cabral, Ellen Dow ney, Mary B. Sullivan, Gertrude Stiles Mr. & Mrs. Lucein Mello, Mr. & Mrs. James M. Donovan, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Kane, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Alves Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Edward Couto Mr. & Mrs. George E. Breault, Mrs. Frederick Best, Mr. & Mrs. Elliott Bennett, Mr. & Mrs. Paul Gosselin, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph McDonald. Mr. & Mrs. Edward L. Medei l"OS, Mrs. Dolores Nickerson, Mr. & Mrs. Anibal P. Ferro, Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Tchorz, Mr. • Mrs. Earl M. Faunce. Mr. & Mrs. Ralph W. Labbee, Mr. & Mrs. Antone H. DeTerra, Mr. & Mrs. John B. Sweeney, Mr. & Mrs. John Howarth, Mr. & Mrs. Walter O. Smith. Mr. & Mrs. William J. Towers, Mr. & Mrs. John Rogers Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Paul A. Lopes; Mr. & Mrs. Frank R. Nunes, Mr. &. Mrs. Augustine A Longo Mr. & Mrs. Manuel L. Gon salves, Mr. & Mrs. Lionel J. Dulude, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Boudreau, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Moniz, Mr. & Mrs. Louis B. Gold Gabriel M. Barboza, Mr. & Mrs. Seraphine Moniz, Violet Williams, Mrs. Joseph E. Wil liams, Mrs. Eva Barabe Jarvis Medeiros, Mrs. Helen Bridges, Mrs. Cecil C. Bolton, Mr. & Mrs. James Farias, Mr. & Mrs. Arlindo Dias Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Alvarez, Mrs. Abbie A. Minezzi, Mrs. Alton P. Longden & Joann Longden, Margaret Virgin, Alice Bourassa Mr. & Mrs. James Murray, Mr. & Mrs. Grover C. Johnson, Mrs. Elizabeth McQuillan, Mr. & Mrs. Roger Caron, Marguerite L. Car roll Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Gibbs, Ed ward Patenaude, Mr. & Mrs. Curtis Lopes, Mr. & Mrs. Philip Harding, Mr. Mrs. Manuel Avila
Mr. & Mrs. JohIl ~ue.
James F. McDonough, John A. McDonough,Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Robinson, Mr. & Mrs. Ken neth J. Noyer "Mr. & Mrs. Edward L. Kerin, ·Mrs. Clementine Mayer, Edward Stiles, Mr. & Mrs. Henry L. Lague, Mrs. Ellen T. Sibor. Mr. & Mrs. Anson W. Paine, Mrs. Marjorie Carey, Mr. & Mrs. Ovide Chartier, Anna Hendicks, Mr. & Mrs. Alvaro S. Garganta Mrs. Robert Mendes, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Arruda, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Barton, Mr. & Mrs. Arsenio Carreiro, Mr. & Mrs. Americo Pestana Mrs. Mary Wordell, Mr. & Mrs. John E. Lima Jr.; Mr. & Mrs. James Lanagan, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Andrade, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond L. Rodrigues Mr. & Mrs. John Correia, Alice Perry, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel J. Pacheco, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. DiDomenico, Mr. & Mrs. Henry E. FortiI,:L Mr. & Mrs. Hugh C. Francis, Mr. & Mrs. J. Paul C. Hudon, William R. Barron, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel A. Sylvia, Mr. & Mrs. Anthony R. Fernandez Mr. & Mrs." Joseph Richard, Mrs. Eleanor M. Cyr, Rita Cyr, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Gwozdz, Mr. & Mrs. Walter Silvia Miss Jean Cyr, Mr. & Mrs. Louis C. Audette, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Reilly, Mr. & Mrs. Frank S. Folger, Mr. & Mrs. John Alves Jr. Mr. & Mrs. James Rycroft, Robert L. McCarthy, Mr. & Mrs. August J. Gonsalves, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Almeida, Eryk Szatek Mr. & Mrs. Danietl A. Mello, Mrs. James W. Greenway, Mr. & Mrs. Edwin W. Allard, Mr. & Mrs. Roger Christensen, Mr. & Mrs. Laurian T. Clement Mr. & Mrs. Walter Wladyka Mr. & Mrs. Walter Wlodykil, Hilda Gracia, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Rezendes, Edmund J. Folger, Mr. & Mrs. Dennis J. Hogan. Mr. & Mrs. Charles Oliveira, Mr. & Mrs. Stephen L. Foster, Mrs. Herminia Souza, Mrs. Ade laide F. Xavier, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph F. Lacerda Jr. Mrs. Edyth Rankin, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Kobak, Mr. & Mrs. Victor Andrade, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond E. Janak, Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Edwards Mr. & Mrs. Edwin McQuillan, Mr. & Mr·s~ James P. Honohan, Mr. & Mrs. Clementine Medei ros, George Emin, Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Dupont Mr. & Mrs. James Hanlon, Mr. & Mrs. John Dwyer, Mr. & Mrs. Matthew O'Malley, Mr. & Mr!i,. Roland Tripp, Mr. & Mrs. Ed ward C. O'Gara Leo Veilleux, Mrs. Eli G.
Braley Jr., Mr. & Mrs. John
Aiello, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur M.
Frates Jr.
$200 . Rev. Howard A. Waldron
$100 Mr. & Mrs. Rene-L. Poyant $55 Dr. Alfred J. Sheehy $50 Mr. & Mrs. John Kilcoyne Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Little Mr. & Mrs. John J. Pendergast Sr. $35 Hon. & Mrs. Henry L. Murphy :Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Murphy
$25 Mr. & Mrs. James .I. Cannon Mr. & Mrs. Richard Griffith Mr. & Mrs. William Hetterman Mr. & Mrs. Neil Lanning Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Moriarty Mr. & Mrs. John Norton Mrs. Robert Starck Mr. Stephen B. O'Brien Sr. $20 Mr. & Mrs. Harold BragIe, Mrs. Annie Cross & family, Miss Ann Fawcett, Miss Dorothy Fawcett, Miss Margaret Fawcett Mrs. Matthew Finn, Mr. & Mrs. John Lebel, Mrs. Donald Lyons, Mrs. Graham Scudder $15 Mrs. Gilbert Bearse, Mrs. Roo Dupuy, Mr. &; Mrs. Valmoce
THE ANCHORThurs., May 7, 1964
;Mrs. Bento Correia, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Gibbons, Mr. & Mrs. Daniel P. Harrington, Mr. Wil liam Hearn Mrs. John Kimball, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Medeiros Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Peter Nelson, Mrs. Peter Ostran der Mr. & Mr$. Eugene Van hOllten
• $200 LaSalette Fathers
FOR ORDINATION: A special papal dispensation was granted by Pope Paul VI so that Ernest Adam Beck, 39, a married former Lutheran minister may be ordained a Cath olic priest of the Latin Rite. A native of Detroit, he served_ in Lutheran churches in Texas and New Jersey. NC Photo. Guertin, Mr. & Mrs. Donald Mrs. John Moniz, Mrs. Mildred James, Mrs. Mary C. Maddalena Moore Mr. & Mrs. Frank Mello, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Edward Mundo, Thomas P. Moriarty, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. James E. Murphy, Raymond Pendergast, Mr. & Mr. Francis Murray, Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. Albert Scaramelli, Mr. & William Murrie, Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. Francis V. Storey, Dr. & Normand Nault Jr. Mrs. Laurence Sylvia Mr. & Mrs. Edward F. Neally, Mrs. Donald Nickulas, Mr. & $10 Mrs. U:baldo Nugnes, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Ander son, Mr. & Mrs. John Aylmer Jr., Austin O'Blenis, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph O'Brien Mrs. Heyworth Backus, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Stephen B. O'Brien Mrs. Walter Baker Jr., Hon. & Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Orlando, Mrs. Raoul Beaudreau Mrs. Roy Beaudry, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Bradley Parker, Mr. James Blake, Mrs. Donald Booth, & Mrs. John .I. Pendergast Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Perkins Mr. & Mrs. Harold Boyne, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Richard Post Jr., Mrs. Francis Brown Mrs. Willis Robbins, Mrs. Regi Mrs. Eileen Buckley, Mr. & nald Sawyer, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Mrs. Robert Cannon, Mr. & Mrs. Silvia, Mr. & Mrs. Franklin Joseph Cartwright, Mr. & Mrs. Simmons Randolph Childs, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. Thomas P. Smith, Mr. & Emerson Cloutier Mr. & Mrs. Pasquale Colella, Mrs. W. Arthur Smith, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Stefens, Mr. & Mrs. Dr. & Mrs. James Colgan, Mr. & Edward D. Sullivan, Mr. Frank Mrs. William B. Colleary, Mr. & Sullivan Mrs. Patrick Cooney, Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Robert Sullivan, Joseph S. Corey Mr. &: Mrs. Stanley Tamish, Mr. Mrs. Arminda Correia, Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Cross, Mr. Patrick & Mrs. Joseph Terry, Mr. & Mrs. Philidore Tetreault, Mrs. Rob Davis, Mrs. Edward Dean, Mr. & ert Thompson Mrs. John Dean , Mrs. Raymond Thornton, Mr. Miss Laura Dean, Dr. Fred & Mrs. Richard Tierney, Mr. & erick J. Duncan, Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. Gerald Uniacke, Mr. & Mrs. Orrin Eaton Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Vages Sr., Miss Cath Thomas Fellows, Mrs. Adam erine VanTassell Gage Mr. Jolin E. VanTassell. Sr., Mr. & Mrs. Robert Goodwin, Mrs. Albert Green, Miss Helen Mr. John E. VanTassell Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Francis Walsh, Mr. & A. Greenwood, Mr. & Mrs. Ed Mrs. Martin Walsh, Mr. & Mrs. ward Harrington, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Welch James A. Hayes Mr. & Mrs. George Wetmore, Mrs. Leonard G. Healy, Mr. & Mrs. Albert Hurley, Mr. & Mrs. Miss L. Ailene Wheat,_ Mrs. Ellis Johnson, Dr. & Mrs. James Katherine S. Wightman, Mr. & Johnson, Mr. & Mrs. Ronald E. .Mrs. Alfred Wilmouth, Mr. & Mrs. William Brown Johnson Mr. Armand Belisle, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Henry Kelley, Mr. & Mrs. William R. Kelley, Mrs. William Kirk, Mrs. Elizabeth C. Kirley, Mr. & Mrs. Earl Kurra. Mr. & Mrs. Nelson LaFrenier, Mr. & Mrs. Roger Larribee, Mr. & Mrs. Wilfred LesCarbeau, Mr. & Mrs. Edgar Levesque, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur W. Linnell Mrs. Katherine R. Liston, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Long, Mr. & Mrs. Allan G. MacDonald,. Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Maki, Mr. & Mrs. 653 Washington Donald Martel Mrs. Henry McDevitt, Mr. & WYman Mrs. Michael McDonough, Mr. & Mrs. Stanley M ~ Mr. &;
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Perking' Jr. Walter .I. Tuffy Helena Brooks $40 Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Norris $Z5 Mr. & Mrs. Henry Callahan Mr. & Mrs. Joseph E. Craffey Mr. & Mrs. Arthur G. Baron ousky $20 Mr. & Mrs. Dean Yount, Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Ellis $16 Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Packett $15 Mr. & Mrs. Philip Collyer, Mr. & Mrs. Lincoln D. Lynch, Mrs. Mary Healy Clark, Madeline C. Brown, Anna M. Unsworth, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Dickey $10 Mr. & Mrs. Harry A. MacDon ald, Mr. & Mrs. Wilfred Gallant, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Kinder, Helen M. McMahon, Mr. & Mrs. Lincoln A. Brogi Mr. & Mrs. Arthur L. Keefe, Mr. & Mrs. Harold S. Ellis, Mr. &: Mrs. James White, Mr. & Mrs. Avard Craig, Edward Murray Mr. & Mrs. Daniel L. Walker, Margaret Blake, Mr. & Mrs. Mario Mere, Mrs. Raymond Ertel, Mr. & Mrs. Earl K. Eld redge Mr. & Mrs. Neal Nevin, Major Doris F. Jensen, Mr. & Mrs. James Manning, Mr. & Mrs. Ross Simpson, Mr. & Mrs. William Grenier Mr. & Mrs. Paul LaBrecque, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Foley, Mr. &: Mrs. Fred J. Maher, Mrs. Jean nette Coombes, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Manning, Mr. & Mrs. William Bohlin, Mr. & Mrs. William E. Durham, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas King, Carl Zopatti, Mr. & Mrs. Monte Zo patti Mr. & Mrs. Richard Hassett, Mr. & Mrs. Richard LaPorte, Mr. & Mrs. Louis Smith, Mrs. Isaac L. FraUen, Mr. &: Mrs. Thomas Fox Mr. & Mrs. Walter J. LitlOw ski,. Mr. & Mrs. Clifford Harris, Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth W. Hallo ran, Mr. & Mrs. John C. Kohut, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Keegan Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Levasseur, Mrs. Ruth Lynch, Mr. &: Mlrs. Robert Baker, Mrs. Marjorie Walsh
Just Across The
Coggeshall St. Bridge
Finest Variety of
Served Anywhere - Also
24-Hour Wrecker Service Street, Fairhaven 4-5058
A ",rJ-lr,p_l')iocese
Special Gifts National $3000 Anonymous
$2500 Maginnis and Walsh and Ken nedy
$750 Kimball FounQ.ation
$550 Fernandes Super Markets Inc.
$300 Our Lady's Chapel-New Bed ford
$275 Rev. Thomas F.' Daley
$250 Anonymous
Rev. Francis X. Wallace Anonymous
of F,.,11
~iver- Thurs.,
May 7, 1964
Mrs. Walter F. Lyons, No. Washington St. Garage, Dr. Ro meo C. Ouellette, The W. F. Whalen Engineering Co., Bead Company Eugene W. Campbell, Dar-Win Company, Fran's Dairy Bar, John A. Fuller-Builder, Euge:lle F. Gucwa Theo Malinowski, Marie's Beauty Corner, Madeline G. Struck, Suvall & Sons In,=., Duke's Auto Body. Franklin Hardware, R. S. Gil more Inc., Greve's Grill, Dan Landry Real Estate, Elmer H. Lightfoot Joseph F. Miconi Jr., Micha'el A. Vigorito
West Harwich
Mr. &: Mrs. Russen Collinge
Mr. & Mrs. John Merna
Mr. & Mrs. John Garcin Mr. & Mrs. Richard Wales Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Hawkins Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Lafrenier Mr. Raymond Rioux Mr. & Mrs. Joel Cloud Mr. & Mrs. Clifton Adams Mr.& Mrs. James Connor
Venus de Milo
Stonehill College Holy Cross Mission House
$100 Rev. William Galvin Rev. John F. Hogan Rev. Louis J. Joseph LaSalette Seminary, Attlebore Walsh Brothers
E. James Kurtz
Dioc·esan Teachers Meet
Swan Finishing Co.
$500 Duro Finishing Co. Slades Ferry Trust Co.
$300 Catholic Womens Club-Fan River
$150 Mr. &. Mrs. Michael McMahon
$75 Rev. Joseph L. Powers Rev. John Pegnam
$50 R. J. Toomey Co.
$25 Gothic Cr:tft Inc. Farley Harvey Co. Will & Baumer Candle Co. Inc.
Fall River News Co. Inc. WSAR Radio Station
$100 Henry J. Duffy Pharmacy Catholic Woman's Club Somerset
$75 D & D Sales & Service Inc..
$10 Western Waterproofing Co., Inc., Land O'Lakes Creameries Inc.
John F. McMahon & Sons. Inc"
A. H. Leeming & Sons Bernard A. G. Taradash Lauro Curtain & Drapery Co. $750 Inc. Jeweled Cross Co. Inc. Fall River Sheet Metal Works $100 Eugene Pontiff Nelson Gulski Mt. ,St. Mary Alumnae Asso $50 ciation Holy Name Society - Sacred, Corcoran Supply Co. Heart Church Advance Frocks Corp. St. Anne Sodality - Sacred List Family Foundation Heart Church $40 Thomas P. McDonough CounJ. A. Boynton Co. Inc. cil No. 330, K of C $35 The Mason Box Co. Regal Floor Covering A. T. Parker & Co. $30 Mrs. Elizabeth Croke Connors Travel & Insurance $40 Agency No. Attleboro Foundry Co.
North Attleboro
$35 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Lewis
$30 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Mulligan Albert Morawski
Fall Rivet'
Fall River Herald News
Milton Bradley Co. LaSalette Shrine
Clothes Co. Inc., George L. Now ell, Atty., Hendries Ice Cream, Worthington Bakery Novick Jewelers, Calvin Clothing Corp., Peter J. Haste
Senior Choir - Sacred Heart Church CYO-Sacred Heart Church CYAO-Sacred Heart Church Michael J. Croke, Real Estate A. Lacasse & Sons Nellie Lavery Schofield Hardware Co. McNally's Package Store No. Attleboro Coal Co. Bergh Brothers Co., Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Albert Gaboury Sodalities - Sacred Heart School
Dr. Robert J. Welsh
$20 Arn's Park Motel, Metal Spin Craft Inc., Henry Poirier, Mr. & Mrs. Reginald Curran
Fuller Box Co. Inc.
Mrs. James Reynolds Aglae's Hat Shoppe, Enter prise Case & Display Co., Ton dreault Auto Sales
$10 Altar Boys - Sacred Heart Church, Avanti Club, Davis Electric Co., Joseph C. Dias, George C. Forget & Sons Gaudette Leather Goods Co. Inc., Hall Sanitary Pumping Service, Camille A. Laramee, F. E. Viens & Son, Liggett Drug Co. Inc. A. & M. Tydol Inc., Cub Scout Pack 26-Sacred Heart Church, Alphonse J. Dion, LaFratta's Grocery Store, Loretta's Beauty . Salon. '
Dr. Joseph V. Medeiros Smith Electric Supply Co. Chace Electrical Co. Dr. Owen L. Eagan Frank N. Wheelock & Sons Allen's Cut Rate Troy Sheet Metal Works, Inc. Mr. Robert A. Clark Lamport Company Sacred Hearts Academy Alum nae Association J. C. Roofing Co. Inc. Catholic Pharmacists Guild of St. James Albert G ..-Pierce Canada Dry Bottling Co. Cliff Lawn Nursing Home .Cliff Heights Nursing Home Cliff .Haven Nursing & ConvalescentHome· Cliff Manor Nu~sing Home Cliff Gabe Nursing ·Home Green Storage Warehouse Dr. Benjamin Leavitt Atlantic News Co. Inc.
Flynn's Package Store Inc. Darwood Mfg. Co.
$20 Santos Trucking Co., Engine Service & Supply Inc., Ray's Auto Radiator Works
$15 Alpert Brothers Inc., Corrigan Apothecary, Ralph E. Loper Co., Dr. H. Stuart Seglin, The Spec tator Frank S. Moriarty, Dr. Albert Resnick, Adams Book Store, Mullen Brothers Jewelers
$10 Faris Furniture Co., Pearl Laundry, Dr. Samuel B. Kauf man, John G. Lage Travel Agency, Jack Horvitz & Co" Inc. Luso American Macaroni- Mfg•
Continued from Page One A.M., coordinator of the Catholic Boy,;' High School, Gloucester. An unusual feature of the pro gram will be a panel on educa-
tional television, with experts from the "Twenty-One Inch Classroom" and the new Catho lic Television Station, WIHS, in Boston.
Co., Fall River Lumber Co., Munro Electric Supply & Hard ware Co., Paul McCabe, H. E. Lad ance Market. Freitas & Pereira Co., Bolduc's Lumber Co., Sterling Pile Fab rics Corp., T. Elias Fuel Co., Hutchinson Oil Company. Arkay Pants Company, Mt. Hope Grocery, Anodizing Co. of
New England, Main Shell Sta tion, T.K. Webster Co. Inc.
Taunton Guild of Catholic: Nurses' Hanson &. .Co. Inc. Hodgman Mfg. Co. Daniel McNearney Ins. Oakland Sterling Co. Octagon Service Station Poole Silver Co. Richmond Granite & Marble Works
$20 DonIe's Tire and Appliance D. Murphy & Co. Inc. Beneficial Finance Co..
Eagle Restaurant, Mayfair $13 Dres:; Cel. Inc.', Pleasant Curtain, Mehegan's Gas Station Beac,)n Garment Inc., Jan Pie $10 trasz,~k Insurance
.Church. Fuel Co. Inc., Go~ham M & G Sportswear Inc., Rob ert 'Wuersch Imports Inc., Chas. Press, Hillside Club, King Avia_ Gough Aluminum Windows, Sid . tion Service, Manny's News O'Connell Dairy, George F. ney ~ichenker, Powers Insurance Riley Oil Co., Wilfred Saint, St. Agency. Germaine & Son, School St. ·Ha:~old C. Nagle Ins. Agency Package Store Inc., Dr. Kenneth N. Shand, Lin .Taunton Building Trade Coun court & Pappas Insurance,T. cil; George B. Williams & Son, Williamson Heating Contractor, Ward's' Garage, BristOl Athletic Health Shoppe Club, Cabral's Dairy Farm Bedford House Convalescent Comfi-Coil Inc., Crosley Motor Home" Gertrude Manor Nursing Service, Dagen Funeral Home, Home Inc. Arthur J. DeChamplain, Edgar Cozy Cab & Bus Co., Open Air DeChamplain Market, Smith Office Equipment DeSilva Electric Co., Foster Co., Yellow Taxi of Fall River, & Company, Lamoureaux Oil K & G Mfg. Co. Co., Marson Motors, National Association of Letter Carriers Dr. David Prial, Burns Saw & Oliver's Market, Perry's Jenny Machinery Co., Williston's Auto Electrical SerVice, Dr. Harry Station, Powers Pontiac Inc., Raynham Self Service Market, Levin~, Hall's Music Store Riendeau Funeral Service, Silva Grozen's Liquor Store, Swan ' sea Package Store, Ideal Liquor Funeral Home. Store, Leonards Pharmacy, Sam uel T. Dubitsky $300 Wafner Hat Co. Inc., Park American Press Lithographer Rambler, O. Cloutier & Sons
New Bedford $100
Edward V. Lahey
, $50
$150 In Memory of Elizabeth Dona ghy Drum Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Donelan
Richard· Gonsalves
$15 Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Carbon neau, Mrs. Florence Urban, Mr_ & Mrs. George Colbert, Mrs. J()hn Zinkievich, Mr. & Mrs. Leroy Long
$10 Mr. John Rose, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Andrade, Mr. & Mrs: ~orge Mitchie, Mr. & Mrs. Harry McCormick,' Mr. Richard McCormick Mrs. Helen Sanborn, Mr. &:
Mrs. Clement DeSaulnier, Mr. &:
Mrs. William Robichaud, Mrs. Anne Cronin, Mrs. Grace Chase Mary M. A. Cummings, Mr. &: Mrs. Charles Eastman, Mr. &: Mrs. Thomas Cummings, Mrs. Alex Farrow, Mr. & Mrs. JohJl
J. Levine Mr.. & Mrs. William Sheerin, Mr. & Mrs. John O'Donnell, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Egan, Mr.&: Mrs. Thomas Walsh, Mrs. J. M. Ryan Irene A. Cook, Mr. James Egan, Helen L. Knight, Mr. &: Mrs. Joseph Hegarty, Mrs. Es telle Lally Mr. & Mrs. William Dough erty, Mr. Charles Reid, Mrs. Rita Dowd, Mr. & Mrs. Edward A. Sullivan, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Barber
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Monterio,
Mr. & Mrs. Antone Centio, Mr.
& Mrs. John Tambolleo, Mrs. James Legros, Mrs. Anastasia Craffey Mr. & Mrs. Donald Strout, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Lovinsky, Mr. & Mrs. John H. Williams, Mr. John Raneo, Mr. Henry Raneo Mr. Edmund 'Roderick, Mr. & Mrs. Jack Pena, Mr. & Mrs. Julio Barrows, Mr. & Mrs. Enos Thatcher, Mrs. Peter Roderick Mrs. Ruth D. Gomes, Mr. &: Mrs. Joseph Gilmette, Mr. &: '" Mrs. John Murphy
Ideal Dairy
~ack London, Attorney In MEmory of Rev. John Griffin Raymond McK. Mitchell, At Mulhern's Pharmacy . t()rney Msgr. James Coyle Council K . N. B. Sievedoring Co. ofC Exchange Club of N. Bedford
Capeway Package Store
Dr. Clarence Burt, Joseph Sylvia-Marcoux Pharmacy, Mars Bargainl~nd, Kerry Fashions Corp., Dr. Max Blum. Perry the Florist, Bristol
$50 John Bright's Shoe Store Sowiecki Funeral Home Turin's Market - Wash and Shop Naso:1 Oil Co. Emcc' Electrical Supply Co. Ralph M. Handren St. Vincent de Paul - St. Jac ques StODE Charitable Foundation -Harodite Mfg. Talbot Tweedy In Memory of Rev. John Griffin
PIZZA·PATIO tOUTE 6, HUnLESON AVE. Near Fairhaven Drive-In
Italian Dinners Our Specialty 8enlee On Patio
81. A:me's Society-St. Jacques
Boyden Plastics Co.
Mason Box . Mozzone Brothers
. J; R. Tallman Ins. Co.
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Chase, Mr. & Mrs.' John Ormond, Mr. &: Mrs. C()urtnay N. Chase, Miss Marion Halbritter, Miss Agnes Halbritter, Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Long
312 Hillman Street .
WY 7·9162
New Bedford
$200 Rev. Arthur G. Dupuis $125 Dr. & Mrs. Raymond Dionne $100 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph DufQQr $75 Rev. Ernest E. Blais $50 Mr. & Mrs. Andre CarrieF Mr. & Mrs. Orner -Trudeau Dr. & Mrs. Robert Duf&ur l25 Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Beaulieu .$20 . Mr. & Mrs. Leo Rochefort,Mr. & Mrs. Edward Plante' .$15 Mr. & Mrs. Leandre Berard :lr., Mr. & Mrs. Charles Menard, Mr. & Mrs. Francois Tremblay $13 Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Belanger $12 Mr. & Mrs. Charles Carpenter $10 .. Mr. & Mrs. Normand Bibeau, Mr. & Mrs. John Ferris, Mr. & · Mrs. Joseph Roppe, Mr. & Mrs. .Paul Boyer, Mr. & Mrs. Altlert Couture Mr. & Mrs. Henry Robill!ll"d, Mr. & Mrs. Benoit Pratt, Mr. & Mrs. Gilles 'Levesque,' Mr, & ·Mrs. Elphege Blanchette, Mr..& ·Mrs. Julien Desjardins. :Mr. & Mrs. Francis Lussier, Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Parent, Mr. & Mrs. Normand Fortin, l\iIr. &: 'Mrs. Denis Cardinal, Mr. ,& ~rrs, Edouard Emnnd. Mr. & Mrs. William G'Neil, Mr. & Mr,s. Albert Lincourt. Mr. & Mrs. Leonel Bedard, Mr. &: Mrs. Raym.ond Levesque, Mr. &: Mrs. Raymond Audet. . Mr. & Mrs. Aime Perron, Mr. .& Mrs. Roland GQddu,. Mr. &: · ·Mrs. Albini Dem:osier, Mr., & Mrs. Roger Lailamme, Mr, & Mrs. Eugene Penoy. , Mr. & Mr·s. Heliodore Leclaire, Mr. & :Mrs. Roger Rousseau,. Mr. &. Mrs. Owen Griffin, Mr.· & .,Mrs. Manuel Souza, Mr. & Mrs. · Olivier Ouellette.. . Mr. & Mrs. Romeo Charest, Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Messier, Mr. •& lVIrs. Paul 'Lapointe,' Mr. & 'Mrs. George R. Levesq-ue, Mr. & Mrs. Rene Coulombe. .Mr. & Mrs. John Romanoviteh. Mr. & Mrs. John Cain, Mr. & Mrs. William Dickinson, M~. &: Mrs. Leo Mathieu, Mr. & MrS. Ovila Mathieu Mr. & Mrs. Edmond Tremb1::l:3/:. Mr. & Mrs. Alcide Berube, Mr. & Mrs. George Cote, Mr. & M~s. · Leo Talbot, Mr. & Mrs. Rosario Ledoux Mr. & Mrs. Emile Boilard, Joseph Belanger, Henri ·Belan gel', Mrs. William Fletcher, Mrs. Rosanna Bois Mrs. Louise Campbell, Miss E. Jutras, Alma Boulanger, Wit liam, Elise & .Alice Bourassa ST. DOMINIC $100 St. Vincent de Paul Societ}l' Women's Guild $50 Confraternity of ChrisHan Doctrine Mr. & Mrs. Nelson Doyle $40 Mr. & Mrs. James C. Murphy $30 Mr. & Mrs. Paul Hastings Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Law!.@r ·k. $25 Catholic Youth Organization Mr. & Mrs. Frank Denis Mr. & Mrs. John R. Mello $20 Mr. & Mrs. 'Thomas C. Mur; phy, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur CaV3fi augh, Mr. & Mrs. Albert T. Estes $15 Mr. & Mrs. Phi-lip Griffin, Mr. '&; Mrs. John Cooney, tAlbelft ·Bedard $10 Mr. & Mrs. Henry Baldia, Mr. & Mrs. John Liebl, Mr.·& Mrs. 'Delphis Plante, Mr. &; Mrs. Ken 'neth Almeida, Mr. & Mrs. J~ 'seph Calista . Mr. & Mrs. J. P. Bergma~, Mrs. Richard Enos, Mr. & ML'&.
&. Fami1\1,
Thurs.. May 7.
& Mrs. Norman LaFrance, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Fricker Mr. & Mrs. Edward Piela, Mr. & Mrs. George Ventura, Mr. alld Mrs. Raymond Silva, Mr. & 'Mrs. John Carpenter, Mr. & Mrs.
Raymond L. Parent, Mr. & Mrs. Rene Patenaude, Mr. & Mrs. George C. Penrose Mr. & Mrs. Albert 1. Picard-, Mr. & Mrs. Walter .J. Pitera, :\ill'. & Mrs. Ambrose A. Powers, Mr. & Mrs. Jean .N. Rousseau, 1\lr. & Mrs. Antone Saraiva Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John E. Scanlon; Mr. & Mrs. Harold Senay, Mr. & Mrs. William A. Shannon, MI'. & Mrs.Augustus J. Simcoe, Dawn E. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Rodney E. Star rett, Mrs. Elizabeth A. Sullivan, Henry R. Sullivan, Mrs. Eliza beth M. Suspiro, Mr. & ::\lrs. Oliver S. Souza 1\1r. & Mrs. Bernard Swales
Jr., Mr. & Mrs. John F. Sweeney,
Mr. & Mrs. Delbert Thurston,
Mr. & Mrs. AlOthur r. Turcotte,
Dr. & Mrs. Euclide H. Vermette
Clarence R. Wamboldt. Mrs.
Clarence R. Wamboldt, Mr. & ' Mrs. George W .. Welsh. Mr, & Mrs: John R. Wood, Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Zervis. .
Frands Salamon Joseph Espinola, Mr. & Mrs. OlgaTio Phillips, Mr. & Mrs. Henry Perates, Mrs. Catherine 9. Heald, Mr. & Mrs. William F .. Jo-hannis .Mr. & Mrs. Francis Mehlmann, Manuel Souza, lVIr. & Mrs. Jo seph R. Pavao, Mr. & Mrs. Dan i~!- Moni 4 , Mr. 8?Mrs. Daniel Almeda . . Colony Emblems, Mr. & Mrs. Wilfred Courville, Mr. & Mrs. Harry John'son, Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Berlo, Mr. & Mrs. Louis J . .Flanagan . Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Vaudreuil, Mrs. Mary Lenon, Mr. & Mrs. FR. lU. P. FERREIRA FR. G. E. AMARAL J()seph. Barboza, Mary & Anna· S:mtos, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Or mondMr. & Mrs. _Bertrand Boulay, ville, Md. and St. Mary's Semi Continued [rom Page· One Mr. & Mrs. Albert Dube, Mr. & nary, Baltimore, He was ordain Taunton, and Immaculate Con . Mrs. Charles Graham,. Mr. & ed by the late Bishop Cassidy ception Church, New Be'dford, Mrs. Herbert .Rego, Mr. & Mrs. on ,May 31, 1947. He served as until 1937 when he was sent to aibert Rousseau. 'Fell River assistant at St. Michael's 'Church, Mr. & Mrs. Aldei Boulanger the Catholic Univer!?ity in Wa-~h ss PETER & PAUL Fall River, and Mt. Carmel, New ipgton for advanaed studies. He & Grace, Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Bedford. . .. $1000 Mathias, Mr. & Mrs. Harvey returned to the New Bedford Rev. David A. O'Brien Father Ferreira Parish and also served at Our _Lenon, lVIr. & Mrs. Antone San $75 Father F'erreira, the son of tana, Mr. & Mrs. Jose R. Sousa Lady of Health "Parish, Fall Rev. John P. Driscoll 'Mr. and Mrs. John P. Ferreira, River. On Sept. 16, 1944, he be Jr. was born in Provincetown on Rev. John F. Andrews Mr. & Mrs. Craig Mulligan, came pastor of St. Anthony's Jan. 24, 1930. He stUdied at -St. $30 Mrs. Arthur .cote, Mr. & Mrs. Parish in East Falmouth.' 1\ilary's Seminary, Baltin-ore, and The Misses Marion r&. Arm.e Father Mendonca 'Norman E. :Ashley, .Mr. & Mrs. O'Hearn
Francisco Tavares, Mr.' & Mrs. Father Mendonca•. son of l\ilaria was ordained by Bishop'Con $25
Almeida Mendonca and the late nolly on April 2, 1960. After James Medeiros. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Farren
. Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Skelly, Luiz G. Mendonca. was born in ordination he was assigned as :Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Bourne, Mr. New Bedford on Sept. 26. 1919. assistant atSt. .Elizabeth's Par Mr. & Mrs. George A. Morgan ish, Fall River, and, on Sept. 25, He ~raduated from Holy F'amily & Mrs. Robert 'Staples, Evelyn $15
1962, was transferred to Mt. High School and made his semi '~n, Mr. & Mrs..Stephen Sta The Eugene Freehette Family.
nary course -at the Seminary of Carmel Church, New Bedford. siowski .$10
The George Lawton Family, Angra, Terceira, Azores .. Re·was - - - - - - - ~ ~ ~ ~ ------
. Mr: & Mrs; .Joseph Anctil,
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Carberry, ordained June 10, 1944, by the & Mrs; AloysiusJ..Gabriel, :VIr. Charlotte Britland,Mrs. E~yn
Blanche & Theresa Chabot,_ Mr. late Bishop Cassidy in St. Mary.'s & Mrs. Raoul Gagnon. Crowell, Mr. & Mrs. Amerieo. &; l\Irs. Franl5: F. Deni!\, Mr. & Cathedral, Fall River. He served . Mr. & Mrs. ·Peter Gelewski, DeMarco, Mr. & Mrs. James A. Mrs. Eldred Rose as assistant at Santo Christo Mr. & Mrs. Vincent J. Giannola, Donnelly _ .
:Mr. & Mrs. Ernest J. 'Vivelros Parish. Fall River; Immaculate Mrs'. Patience Gray" Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. John W. Driscoll, William Mrs. William Howard, Sheila 'Concept~on and Mt. Cannel James W. Griffin, Mr: & Mrs. Farren, Mr. & Mrs. Raymonl;l E. Doyle, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Mar Parishes, New Bedford, 'and' on Marcel J. Gosciminski Greeley, Winifred Hasprey, Mr• Sept. 25. 1962', was appointed ad .um. Julia Rose·
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph A. Guer .& Mrs. Thomas F. Hayes .' Mr. & Mrs.,Manuel Burgess, ministrator of Our Lady' of riero, Mr, & Mrs. Louis F. Har :VIr. & Mrs. Stanlev Janick, Mr. & lVIrs. Nicholas .Frizen, Mr. 'Health Parish, Fall River. rington, ,Mr. & Mrs. Henry A. ·Helen M. Lowney, William J. Father Resendes &. Mrs. Thuli~ Swanson, Mr. &
Harrison, Mr. & Mrs. Everett J. Lowney, Mrs. Agnes lVIason, Mrs. The newly-appointed adminis Mrs. Anthony Botelho, Mr. &
Haskell, Mr. & Mrs. Daniel F. Thomas H. McNally trator of Our Lady of Health Henry . Mrs. Joseph Dias Mr. & Mrs. Frank R. O'HE:arn, Parish, Fall River, Father Re 'Mrs. Francisco Mella & F<m1 Mr. & Mrs. J. Hoss, Mr. &
sendes. was born Dec. 20, 1909, Mrs. Edmund Humphreys, Rob~ James H. Riley, Vincent C. Rut
ily, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Borden, tie, Alice G. Stanton, Mr. & Mrs.
in Rabo de Peixe, St. Miguel, ,Mr. & Mrs. Robert Berard, Mr. ert L.Jackson, Mrs. C. Eric Thomas Shaw Azores, son of Leonel and Johnson, James J. Johnson & Mrs. Frank DeMeo, Ernest Mr. & Mrs. John Tunney Jr.• Mariana de Jesus Cabral Resen Gendreau, Mrs. Frances Dewey. Mr. & Mrs. Francis L. Kelly, des. He attended the Seminary Mr. & Mrs. J. Frank Kenney, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Vasquez OUR LADY OF FATIMA of Angra, and was ordained on Thomas King, Mrs. Edward F.
$.100 June 20, 1937 by Most Rev. SpQnishDiploma
Kret, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Lavoie Mrs. William Freeman .Guilhermeda Cunha Guimares. Mr. & Mrs. Dennis F. Long :;"Iiss Helena Rodriguez, dau~ht Mr. & Mrs. J. Edward Lajoie After serving in the Azores he shaw, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas C. tel' of Mr. & Mrs. EdwardL. $50 came to this country in 1947 and Lowney, Mr. & Mrs. Jeremiah Rodriguez, New Bedford, a stY. ,Mr. & Mrs Mason Cleveland served as assistant at St. John Luongo, Mrs. Lillia'ri V. Martin, dent at Salve Regina College, ,Mr. & Mrs. Hugh J. Maguire the Baptist Cht.:reh, New Bed Mr. & Mrs. Raymond H. Martin 'Newport, has received a diploma. Mr. & Mrs. Raymond F. Swee- ford, and .since 1958, at Immacu Mr. & Mrs. James E. McCor of honor from EI Institudo de J~ late Conception, .New Bedford. mack, Mr. & Mrs. Jack McCor Cultura Hispanica de Madrid, $40
Fa.ther Amaral mick, Mr. & Mrs. John E. Mc :Mr. & Mrs. Louis F. Fayan
Issued by the Spanish Embassy, Father Amaral, the son of 1\1r. Dermott, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. $30
Washington, D.C., it was award and Mrs. Manuel Amaral of McDonald, Mrs.. Joseph E. l\Ic . Mr. & Mrs. Robert P. La ed at a meeting of the Salve Re Raynham, graduated from Coyle Guigan flamme gina Spanish Club. Hi~h School in Taunton, attend Mr. & Mrs. Edward S. Mc Mr. & Mrs. Norbert J. Mc ed St. Charles College, CatonsNerney, Mr. & Mrs. Alfred
Kenna Medeiros, Mr. & Mrs. John J.
Mr. & Mrs. Herve S. Robert $10 $29 Manuel M. Albernaz, Joseph Medeiros, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Medeiros, Ruth Mercer Mr. & Mrs. Leon J. Menard Almeida, Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd G. Mr. & Mrs. Andre G. Mic'haud, $26 Bailey, Mr. & lVIrs. Arthur Bart Mr. & Mrs. Roger Michaud, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Leonard E. Board lett, Mr. & Mrs. Henry Botelho & Mrs. Manuel Miranda. Mr. COMPANY man & Family Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Brilliant, & Mrs. John J. Monte, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Wilson W. Curtis Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Bryda, lV1rs. JOhn W. Moran $25 Complete Line Mr. & Mrs. Ernest T. Cabral, Anna M. Noble, Mr. & Mrs. ·Mr. & Mrs. Harold F. Dusoe M. & Mrs. Herbert E. Chace, Materials Building Edward J. O'Brien, Mr. & Mrs. Mr3. :Marguerite Gendreau Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. 'Chorlton Richard J. O'Brien, Agnes O' 'Mrs. Frank B. Greene Mr. & Mrs'-Thomas K. Coll!ns, Neil, Mr. & Mrs. Leonard J. 'Mr. & Mrs. Harold K. Hudner Mrs. Leonard .F. Connors, Mr. 8 SPRING ST., FAIRHAVEN O'Neil Mr. & Mrs. Malcolm R. Mel & Mrs. Raymond W. Connors, Mary L. O'Neil, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & l\Irs. JOSflph Correa, Mr. WYman .3-2611 Lawrence J. Palana, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. John M. Powers & Mrs. WilliamF. Cripps .
$20 Frank A. Cusick Jr., Mrs. N. ",rWF,..~ ~y (Mr. & Mrs. Russell B. Coch DeMarco. Mr.. & Mrs. Edmund· J. ran~, Mr. & Mrs. Francis Crook, Desmarais. Mrs. M. Frances ·Anne V. Fayan, Mr. & Mrs. Donovan, Patricia Donovan ~ SHARON, MASSACHUSEnS ~
:Leonel V. Garganta, KathleEjU Joseph T. Drury, Mr. & Mrs. " ~
Howard F. Eaton, Mary E. Spacious Fireproof Sleeping Quarters-Boys 7·to 1',4 Yrs.Old .
A: Kennedy .:Mona C. Kennedy, Mr. & Mrs. Eaton, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. • Six week season: June 28 to August 8 'Leo R. Laflamme,. Mrs. Donald· Eaton, Ovid O.Fauteux • Register for 2, or 4, or 6 weeks Free Tutoring if Desi1oed'-,
L. MacDonald, Mr. & Mrs. War Mr. & Mrs. Frederick B: Faz- ~ THE BROTHERS Of THE SACRED HEART ren J. Ryan Jr. . $15 Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Chorl liam R. Flynn, Mrs. Charles A. ... . SHARON. MASsACHUSETTS ~
ton, JosephL. Morissett~, Wil Foley, Mr. & Mrs. George Fo~ey ".A Resident School for Boys Grammar Grades 4-5-6-7-81
liam E. Nugent, Mr. & Mr..s. Mr. & 'VIrs. Conrad P. Fort~er. ~ THE BROTHERS OF THE' SACRED HEA.RT ~
Ohristian Ramstedt, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Fernand Fourmer, . ...... .
James J. Vickers Mr. & Mrs. Edward F.Fox, Mr. A..A..~~~
Bishop Announces Transfers'
.... ,
'.4 '~
Thurs., May 7, 1964
To Share the Faith-
God Love You
ST. PATRICK By Most Rev.' Fulton J. Sheen, D.D. $125 Breaking the Commandments is news, but virtue never m{lkee Dr. Roger Cadieux headlines. Juvenile deIiquentsare "good press," but how abo\lll $100 good young men, such as this public-school student who writes: Mr: & Mrs. Harold Regan St. Vincent de Paul Society "Enclosed please find a money-order for $32 which I want to Dr. & Mrs. Roland Chabot donate to the Holy Father's Society for the Propagation of the $50 • Faith. I didn't earn it myself, but I formed Q mission club called The Laymen's Missionary Society. I'm a teenager in public school, Mr. & Mrs. David Kilroy but I want to share my Faith with all my non-Catholic friends. t Mr. & Mrs. Harold Meehan also want to help the missionaries share it with the poor, because Mr. & Mrs. JohnJ. Burns I believe the 'poor rich Christ' of America is keeping the Redemp $30 tion of Our Lord to itself. Our mission club is small, consisting of Mr. & Mrs. James Lane 29 members from the ages of ro to 87. Eleven are high schOCll Mr. & ::.vII's. Paul Tessier students, so don't think you are fighting alone. Mr. & Mrs. Edward Moniz The Vincent Dorsey Family Dr & Mrs Leonard N. Bilodeau "My dear Bishop, the reason I am telling you about our Mr. & Mrs. Angelo E. Flynn mission club is because I would like to order 16 WoorldmissioD Mr. & Mrs. Jolul Pires Jr. Rosaries. We are going to start saying the Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. McNally Rosary for the Missions at our meetings. $29 To give you a glimpse of our enthusiasm, Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Rezendes let me tell you about our last session. J $25 started it with a talk which I assembled THIRD DEGREE: Participating in the conferring of Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Grackl from reading MISSION maga2ine. Then we the third degree on new me:mbers in the K of C South End Mr. & Mrs. William Moran were instructed in Christian doctrine by Mr. & Mrs. Francis J. Kilgrew Council No. 295, Fall River, were, left to right: Joseph our parish prie'se We have deetded to meet Almas; William Mello; James A. (~uinn, G.K.; Joseph M. twice a month for the mission meeting, Mr. & Mrs. Fernand C. E. Au followed by instruction. There were 35 elair .Crofton, financial secretary; and Maurice Milot. Bishop peopIe at this meeting, and if we get a few Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Rapoza Connolly is a member of thi:~ Coundl. more members, we will ask our pastor to Mr. & Mrs. Carleton D. Board let us make this a parish society. man Mr. & Mrs. Stephen J. BieUo Jr Frank Morris, Mr. & Mrs. Syl- Frands R. Jones, Mr. & Mrs. Frederick L. Mason Jr. "My dear Bishop, pray for us so we Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Mello vester Medeiros Mr, & Mrs. Wilfred Martin, will become like lambs, so we will shed Mr. & Mrs. Edmund F. Bagley Margaret C: Lynch, Mr. & Mrs. Mary E. Judge Antone Soares, Mr. & Mrs. Ed- Mr. & Mrs. James E. Bradbury, some of our wool for the poor. And please tell the Holy Father to use an the money you give him quickly, because I can't waA Mrs. George Goodfellow ward R. Silvia, Mr. & Mrs. John Mary E. Lynch, Mr. & Mrs. Fran Mr. & Mrs. Vincent J. Riley Nordeste, Mr. & Mrs. Francis cis J. McCarthy, Mr. & Mrs. John for the poor pagans to meet our Divine Savior. I'n never stop praying for the Missions!" F. Lopes $20 Foster Barbara A. Lopes, Dr. Charles Mr. & Mrs. Henry J. Krupa, Mr. & Mrs. Harold Latour, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Pereira, Lil- & Mrs. Raymond R. Bachand, E. Riley, Mr. & Mrs. Gordon W. GOD LOVE YOU TO ANX. fGr $'7'75 "'At the Suggestion of lian L. Haddad, Mr. & Mrs. Dan- Mr. & Mrs. Francis Mulrooney, Haggerty, Mr. & Mrs. Adelard my confessor, I send this to the poor of the world." ......... to C.S.T. J. Dragon, Mrs. Margaret Bear iel J. Salmon, Mr. & Mrs. Domi- Mr. & Mrs. Norman L. O'Brien, for $2 "I received this for serving a wedding. I decided tbis was nick Ciafardini, John Biello, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Armand A. Saurette den. a good time for a teenager to do something useful with his money." & Mrs. Edward P. Doucette, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Smith, Mr. • ...... to C. S. for $10 "Through the past three years, while I have Somerset & Mrs. Joseph Matthews, Mrs. ,& Mrs. Ellsworth W. Fountain, ST. JOHN OF GOD been in nurse's training school, I have made all kinds of excuses Grace Doolan , Mr. & Mrs. John D. Cook, Mr. & $100 for not sending you an oUerinl'. I am now sending yoo a day'. $15 Mrs. Roland Thibault, Sheila Rev. Bento R. Frago wages from my extra job at the super market. It is in gratitude te $30 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Benevides, Murphy Our Lord and Our Lady for helping me complete my course anel AtW. & Mrs. Francis J. Car Richard Leonard, Joseph Tinsley Patrick Murphy, Mr. &: begging their help in this blessed calling." Mrs. Joseph Tinsley, Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. Joseph Murphy, Theresa reiro $25 Charles Fisher Murphy, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Dr. & Mrs. Jesse Baptista We are not only asking for your sacrifices, but for yCl'U1' praym. Mr. & Mrs. George G. Sylvia, Lima, Mr. & Mrs. Leo Guertin Geo:rge Correia too. Send your request and an offering of $2 for thl} WORLDMI8 Ronald Haddad. Mr. & Mrs. EdMr. & Mrs. Geo. W. Carpenter, William Raposa SION ROSARY, and we will send you these multi-coiored bea'" ward F.Blain Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Roger Thibault, Mr. blessed by Bishop Sheen. Each time you say the WORLDMISSIOJf John O. Soares $10 & Mrs. Joseph Malvey, Mr.' & ROSARY you will remember to put aside a daily sacrifice _ John Velozo Jr. . Mr. & Mrs. Edmond Massad, Mrs. Edward J. Ready, Mr. & the Holy Father. $15 Mr. & Mrs. Michael Russo, Mr. & Mrs. Cyril Amarelo Frank R. Borges Jr. Mrs Armand Dufault, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Armand Forand, Ant{,nio Sardinha Henry A. Collins, Mrs. Frank J. Mr. & Mrs. Norman Oliveira, Cut out this column, pin yoUI,' sacrifice to it and mail it . ' $12 Monarch Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Potter Jr., Mr. the Most Rev. Fulton J. Sheen, National Director of the Societ7 Alfr,~d Alves for the Propagation of the Faith, 366 Fifth Avenue, New York Mr. & Mrs. Roger M. Morgan, & Mrs. Geo. A. Belcher, Mrs. Leor,el S. Medeiros 1, N.Y., or your Diocesan Director, RT. REV. RAYMOND '.l'. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Bargan- Robert M. Johnston $10 CONSIDINE, 368 North Main Street, Fall River, Mass. tine, Mrs. Joseph Ferreira, JosMr. & Mrs. John W. Kinnane, Manuel C. Botelho, Joseph H. eph Ferreira, Mr. & Mrs. Michael Mr. & Mrs. Francis J. Mullins, Mitchell Mr. & Mrs. James E. Sullivan, Camara, Raymond Lapointe, Mr. & Mrs. James L. Donahue, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Daley, Mr. Louis Machado, Manuel Michael. ll Frederick McGrady Jr, Duarte Mr. & Mrs. Alfred L. Farrell, Mr. & Mrs. Norman M. Simmons & Mrs. John Dewhurst, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Ready, Mr. Perry, Joseph Raposa, George Famous Reading HARD COAL ~~D ri~ Mrs. Leon L. Doyle. Mr. & Mrs. & Mrs. Geo. Lee, Mr. & Mrs. Rebello, Helena Rocha Virginia DeFarias, Guilher Arthur F. Cassidy John J. Ready, Mr. & Mrs. Henry NEW ENGLAND COKE ~~V~ "'~.~ William Casey, Thomas F Hus- J. Henault, Mrs. Robert B. Bond mina Aguiar & Mary E. Nunes, DADSON OIL BURNERS ~i:f' ~ Gus Amaral, Joseph Arruda Jr., sey, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Silvia, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Farrell, Mr. Manuel Arruda ,Mrs. Anthony R. Silva, Mr. & & Mrs. Edward J. DeYoung, Mr. 24-Hour Oil Burner Service Daniel Benevides, Frank Be & Mrs. Wilfred D. Talbot, Mr. & Mrs. Melvin J. Russell nevides, John Bernard, Roland Charcoal Briquets ~ ~,~ Cecile Dupere, Edward Meno, Mrs. Lawrence Rodenbush, Mr. Bernardo, Charles Borges Bag' Coal - Charcoal ~..../ /" _,....,'~ Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Malvey, Mr. & Mrs. John J. Pavao David Botelho, Joseph Botel & Mrs. Anthony P. Sabatino, Mr. Mrs. Benjamin Friend, Mr. & ho, Louis Cabral, William Cabral & Mrs. Everett Lahue Mrs. Gerard Turcotte, Mr. & Mrs John Chellel Mr. & Mrs. Antone F. Mello, Russell L Dionne, Veronica Apps John Costa, John S. Crowe, Mr. & Mrs. Louis Pavao, Mr. & Mrs. Mary Gannon John Dankievitch, Arthur Feno, Mrs. Marion Souza, Dr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. John Scanlon, Mr. Manuel Ferreira Jr. New Bedford 640 Pleasant Street Tel. WY 6·8271 Thomas Clark, Mr. & Mrs. Albert & Mrs. Leo Creamer, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Flores, Antone, Fur Victor J. Cordeiro, Mrs. Charles tado, Joseph Gabriel, Joseph A. Levesque Mr. & Mrs. Leo A. Bond, Mr. R. Brown, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph R. Gagnon, Herman Gijbons Manuel Gonsalves, Joseph D. & Mrs. James C. Noonan, Mr. & Benedict
Mrs. Joseph F. Biastoff, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Alvin Connors, Mr. Lawl'en,~e, Armand Lebel, Julio Mrs. William H. Barrar, Agnes & Mrs. Edward Synan, Mr. & Luciano, Edward J. Machado, F. Travis Mrs. Pierre R. Picard, Mrs. Dan- Raymond R. Machado JameE P. Malone, Frank V. Mr. & Mrs. James Courcier, iel A. Flynn, Mr. & Mrs. Oscar INCORPORATED 1937 Medeiros, Antonio Miranda, Mr. & Mrs. Edward F. Murphy, Wiedeman Mr. & Mrs. Edward F. Moran, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Ouellette Manuel Moniz, Alfred Monteiro. Anna Monteiro, Joseph Mon Mr. & Mrs. Thomas McDonald, Helen F. Murphy, Louise M Mur Lillian Hennessey' phy, Jane M. Keefe, Emily G. teiro, Manuel Moraes, Manuel C. Motta, Manuel S. Pereira Mr. & Mrs. James R. McGuin- Keefe ,Mary Oldham, John Ramos, ness, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Kuhner, Mary A. Coleman, Mr. & Mrs. :Lurano ::tamos & Family, Dennis Mr. & Mrs. Thomas DeVido, Mr. Francis B. Miguel, Eileen Cole :Rapoza, James Rebello & Mrs. Frederick Forest, Mr. & man, Mr. & Mrs George Coleman JAMES H. COLLINS, C.E., Pres.
Willia:1l Rego, Edward Sar Mrs. George Stukas Mr. & Mrs. Edward H. O'Brien Registered Civil and Structural Engineer
aiva, Laura Saraiva, John Mr. & Mrs. Louis J. Pytel, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. John J. Ferry, Mr. Sebastiao, Jose Silva Member National Society Professional Engioese
& Mrs. Raymond H. Bibeau, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Sullivan, Mrs. StephE,n L. Silvia, Albaranze FRAi'lCIS L COLLINS, JR., Treas.
& Mrs. Wilfred V. Grimes, Mr. Gurnard C. Cummings, Mr. & Souza, Leonard Tessier, Ernest Mrs. Maurice A. Quirk, Mr. & & Mrs. Paul E. Joly, Mr. & Mrs. ~reves, Mary Thomas THOMAS It COLLINS, Sec'y.
John B. Correa Mrs. John DeCambra Joseph Travis, John Vale~io, Mr. & Mrs. O. E.,Noel Jr. Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Nicholenus Reis, Jresse Velozo, Manuel Velozo ACADEMY BUILDING ,FALL RIVER, MASS. "raser Douthwright. Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Alfred R. Gagne, Mrs Alva Viveiros, Manuel Viveiros, Cornelius D. Sullivan, Mr. & Mrs William E. Potter, Mr. & Mrs. ~~ygmunt Ziobro .
SHELL "Premium
Heating Oils
$15 Mr. & Mrs. Roland Auger, Mr. ST. FRANCIS XAVIER & Mrs. Edward Bonney, Marie
$1000 Taveau, Mrs. Arthur Fisher, Mr.
& Mrs. James Murray Rt. Rev. Leonard J. Daley. Mr. & Mrs. George McNulty, $200 Mr. & Mrs. Albert Trocchi, Mr. A Friend $100 & Mrs. Timothy Butler, Mr. & Mrs. E. J. Bennett, Mr. & Mrs. Ellen O'Neill A Friend Rasmus Klimm
Mr. & Mrs. Walter J. Piknick, St. Francis Xavier Guild Mr. & Mrs. Adolph Richards Harriet Butler, Richard Murphy Misses Mary & Bridget T. Marcia Viera, Mr. & Mrs. A,llred Gregg Vieira $90 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph St. Peter, Mr. & Mrs. John P. Curley Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Casella Jr.; $60 John F. Vetorino, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Francis Bednark Robert O'Neil, Mr. & Mrs. John
FeveKney Guertin Bros. Jewelers Mrs. John Terry, Mr. & Mrs. Barnstable County National Cedric T. Sears, Mr. & Mrs. Bank of Hyannis Donald Chase Mr. & Mrs. John Raeburn $12 A Friend Mrs. Kathleen Aikens, Mrs. In Memory of Elizabeth Smith Maurice Killen, Mrs. Bruce Ray Payson mond, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Ros Mr. & Mrs. Francis Morin brough Mr. & Mrs. Hobart L. Morin $10 Dr. & Mrs. Francis O'Neil Mr. & Mrs. William O. Bill, Father McSwiney Council No. Lillian E. Shea, Mr. & Mrs. John 2525 K of C T Shanahan, Irene E. Shea, Mary Edward L. Bennett G. Shea Bishop Wm. Tyler General" Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Pucci, Mrs. Assembly Fourth Degree Doris Crowell, Florence Meuse, ,Mr. & Mrs. David Stevens Mrs. Gladys Hickey, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Francis Kelley Leon F. Sprague A Friend Mrs. Elsie M Smith, A Friend Mrs. Winifred P. Walsh Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J~ Donovan, , $35 Mr. & Mrs. William Covell, Mrs. Catherine D. Towey Stephen Clarke Jr. $30 Mr. & Mrs. George W. Wallace Fay E. J. Carey Mr. & Mrs Michael Coady, Mabel Mr. & Mrs. Francis Garvey Smith, Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Mr. & Mrs. William Cotter McCarthy, Mr. & Mrs. Willian Mr. & Mrs. Gerhard Robichaud E. Robinson Margaret Mumhy Mr. & Mrs. Clifford B. White,. $25 'Mrs. Dorothy O'Brien, Thomas Mr. & Mrs. James Piersall Ayers Jr., Mr. & Mrs. John Mad Mr. & Mrs. Austin Bell den, Mrs. Mary Cordeiro Mr. & Mrs. Charles P. Flynn Mr. & Mrs. Avelino Dutra, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Richard Gleason & Mrs. William Hannon, Mrs. Charles Riordan Ruth ;parece, A Friend, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. John Barrows Mrs. Vietor J. Enwright Jr. James W. Plunkett Jr. .Mr. & Mrs. John J. Crockan, , . Mr. & Mrs. Phillipe Roy Mr. & Mrs. David S. Crowell, Mr. & Mrs. Hubert Keane Mr. & Mrs. Louis Moruzzi, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Alphonse Scott & Mrs. Vincent Samosky, Mr. & I • , Sally A. & Virgil M. Casey Mrs. Norman Merritt Mrs. 'Winthrop Quinlan " , Mr. & Mrs. George Murray, Mr. & Mrs. George T. Lampert· Mary Fairclough, Joseph Fair '.. : : W. P. Morse ' ' clough" Mrs. Agnes Peltonen '., Mr. &,Mrs. Harry Varnum .', Mac,iel, Joseph Doucette Mr. & Mrs. Paul Kelly . Faith Cummings, Mrs. Henry A Friend Johnson, Mr. & Mrs. Milan O'Neil, Mrs. David Pierce, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Richard O'Neil Mrs. Durward Stebbins " Mrs. Joseph J. Keane Mr. & Mrs. Norman McLean, Mr. & Mrs. John Vetorino 'Mr. & 'VIrs. John Vellone, Mr. & Mr. &. Mrs. Manuel Coute' Mrs. Guy Banner, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Robert Ryan George Tryder, Webster Copi Anthony White thorn Mr. & Mrs. James Crawford Mrs. Helen J. Allbee, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Robert Cottell Mrs. James Muldowney, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Robert Tobin Mrs. Alfred Cauette, Mrs. Elsie , Mr. & Mrs. John Cannon Archer, Mr. &. Mrs. Arthur Earl Fratus Morash Eleanor Resmini Mr. & Mrs. Everett Bisbee, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Coyle Mrs. Stanley Crosby, Mr. & Mrs. John Sheehan Richard Anderson, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Harold Ellis Victor Misiewicz, Walter R. Mr. & Mrs. J. Paul Miga Perry . $20 Mrs. Alice Niezwecki, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Edmund Mossey, Mrs. Walter Zamites, Mr. & Mrs. William Murphy, Mr. & Mrs. William Nelson, Vincent Keavy, Raymond Bednark, Mr. & Mrs. Frank J. Fraher Jr. Henry Chambers, Mr. & Mrs. Marion Bennett, Mr. & Mrs. John Craig Medeiros John F. O'Malley, Mr. & Mrs. P. Mr. & Mrs. John Flaherty, Denoncourt, Mr. & Mrs. James Florence H. Cliff, Mr. & Mrs. Brownlie, Mr. & Mrs. Robert John McConnell, Mr. & Mrs. Klimm Alfred Gahan, Mr. & Mrs. Harry Sylvester, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Manning, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Campbell Mr. & Mrs. John Mitchell, Mr. James Murphy, Mr. & Mrs. Mar_ & Mrs. Ralph Ames, Mr. & Mrs. lon McNulty, Mrs. Edgard Gould Mrs. Leo Fondini, Jeannette J. Paul Lanza, Dr. & Mrs. James , F. Dunne, Mr. & Mrs. Girard Shepherd, Mrs. Catherine White Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Gemme' · ,Richard Irene Fondini ' " Mr. & Mrs. Cosmo Montagna Mrs. Chinstine Lowell, Stew : Mrs. Timothy Santry & Family' I Mr. & Mrs. Francis J. Dolan, Mr:, art Hamblin, J. Lincoln Mac Donald, Mr. & Mrs. Antonio , . & Mrs. Francis Aylmer, Mr. & Dias, Mr. &' Mrs. Ralph Roche · . Mrs. Joseph Thomas teau :, Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Karukas Mr. & Mrs. Edward A. Cun I.'William O'Neil Jr., Mr. & Mrs: ninghaI!l, Capt. & M~s. John L. :':Ceorge Igo, Mrs. Carl Johnson, Field, Mr~ & Mrs.. Julius Morin · . Mrs. Alma·& Miss Jane Alber... . Jr., Mrs. Robert Hallett, Mr. & · :ghini . Mrs. Frank Mather , Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Francisco, Mr. & Mrs. Henry Fellows, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Clifford '& Mrs. Joseph·L. Cairns Jr., Mrs. : ; Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Bray I;;igmond Bednark, Mr. & Mrs. :. Friend ' Daniel Buonrgurio, Boleslaw J. , $16 Wojdylak . Mr. & Mrs. Victor Woodruff , :Mr. & Mrs. Donald Hanawalt.
THE ANcHORThurs., May 7, 1964
dry, Mr. & Mrs. Louis "':antos -:'IT-. & Mrs. Thomas H. Scan lon, Mr. & Mrs. Leo Gregoire, Mr. & Mrs. Felix Poire, Thomas F. Vetorino, Mr. & Mrs. Lionel Landry
William Smith, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Dwyer, Mrs. Fannie Mendes, Mrs. William Drew Mr. & Mrs. William Lavin ' Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Kenneally Mr. & Mrs. William Fratus Mr' & Mrs. James F. Burke, 'Mrs: H?rold Brunelle, Mrs. Joseph DIxon Mr. & Mrs. Michael Klun Mr & Mrs. Henry Houle, Agnes' Em~ mett, Lorie Lutheran, Mrs. De lina O'Hare . William L. Carney, Mrs. Wil ham L. Carney, Francis B. Bro g~n, Alice Godin, Mr. & Mrs. GIlbert Martin Mr. & Mrs. Charles Cloutier Mrs. Theresa Mudgett.- Mr. Mrs. John Levine Jr., Alyce La Crosse, Mr. & Mrs. Cranston Montcalm Mrs. Michael F. Burns Mrs Lydia Peters, Emerson A. Elgee: Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Borowick Mrs. Albert Bourgeois ' Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Robert Mrs Marie Howes, Adelard Be~noit' ~rs. Joseph qerrior, Mrs. Hya~ cmth Gerrior May C. Fay, Mrs. William H. Ogden Jr., Mrs. Frank Wirtanen Mrs. Mary Santos, Mr. & Mrs: Louis Borsari Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Bourque Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Amaral, Mr: & Mrs. Manuel Medeiros, Jose E. DeMello, Mr. & Mrs. John Tib betts Mr. & Mrs. Harold West, Mr. & Mrs. Donald Roycroft, Mrs. Joseph Chicoine, Mr. & Mrs. Ed ward Meuse, Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Kelly Mr. & Mrs. Allred Houle Sr., Mrs. Sylvester Francis, Mr. & Mrs. Nerie Allain, Mr. & Mrs. John Gonsalves, Mrs. Elsie Bearse Mrs. Mary Baker, Mrs. John Vierre, Mr. & Mrs. Donald Lang ~obert Jameson, Mr. & Mrs: George D. Sheehan Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Leary Marianne McCarthy, Mrs. Alic~ McGinn, Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Gonsalves, Mr. & Mrs. Elmer W. Nixon Mr. & Mrs. Peter Belloncl Mr. & Mrs. Alton Robbins, Mr: & Mrs. James Boles III Robert E. Nixon, Mr. & Mrs: Julius Morin Sr. Mrs. John A. Dee, Mrs. Thadea & Miss Lorraine Normandin Mrs. Herbert Jackson, Mr. & Mrs. William Hamblin, Dr. Wal ter J. McDonough Cape Bowl, Hall Cleaners, Barnstble County Mutual Fire Insurance Co., Cape Cod Travel Agency, Sarah Anne McGlinchy Mr. & Mrs. Raymond St. Ger main, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Koe nig, Mr. & Mrs. Roger A. Cregg, Dr. A. W. Mandelstam
AT ASSEMBLY: Charles O'Connell, student govern ment council president at Bishop Stang High School, North Dartmouth, addresses assembly. Mr. & Mrs. John Rosario, Mrs. Catherine Johnson, Mrs. Rose Fernandes, Paul McBride Mrs. J. Neves, Mr. & Mrs. George Smithson, Mr. & Mrs. Marcel Kenney, Mr. & Mrs. John W. Dalton, Mr. & Mrs. Clovis Poyant Mr. & Mrs. Edmund Souza, Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Holmes, Mr. & Mrs. William Naylor, Georgette Barrier, Mr. & Mrs. Francis T. Buckley Mrs. Catherine Jones, Mrs. Mary Roderick, Mrs. Norma Bar ter, 'William Davis, Dr. & Mrs. William O'Donnell Mr. & Mrs. John J. McBride, Mr. & Mrs. William Sullivan, Mr. & Mrs. V. D.' Rodgers, Mr. & Mrs. Harold Casey, Mr. & Mrs. Francis King Mr. & Mrs. James Shattuck, Mrs. Madeline Armstrong, Mr. & Mr.s Howard Fahey, Marian Peterson, Elizabeth Madden Thomas Burns, Mr. & Mrs. 'Charles Kelley, Mr. & Mrs. Rich_ ard .Kosinski, Mr. & Mrs. Ed ward J.' Machado, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Gillespie Mrs. Eva Chase, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Cabrac, Mrs. John F. & James Connelly, Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence O'Rourke, Cecelia O'Rourke Mr. & Mrs. Henry Rivers, Pat_ riek Tobin, Mr. & Mrs. A. Gau thier, Mr. & Mrs. Norman Nault Sr., Paul Slavin Mr. & Mrs. Richard Slavin, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Doudican, Mr. & Mrs. George Rowe, Mr. & Mrs. Francis Kelleher, Mary Costello Mr. & Mrs. Paul Dore, Roland Hochu, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Kelley, Mrs. Cecilia Moore, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Roderick Mr. & Mrs. James Sherburne, Mr. & Mrs. Vernon Powers, James Powers, Mr. & Mrs. John Baldasaro, Mr. & Mrs. Leon Sullivan Mr. & Mrs. Louis Cataldo, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Peckham, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Hazelton, Anthony Botello, Mr. & Mrs.
Lawrence Marsland Mr. & Mrs. Roger E. Brown, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Clement Gerald J. Hayes, Mr. & Mrs: Henry Smith, Mrs. Esther Hearn Mr. & Mrs. Bernard G. Fratus Lillian Senteio, Mr. & Mrs: Louis St. Peter, Mr. & Mrs. Rob ert C. Joslyn, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Marshall Mr. & Mrs. David J. Holden, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Corrigan, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Nelson Mr & Mrs. Francis Sullivan,'Mrs: Anna Lacy Mr. & Mrs. William Murphy Mrs. Alice Farnsworth John W' Spence, Mr. & Mrs. Lo~is Silvia' Helen Sweeney , Mr, & Mrs. Edmund Purcell Mr. & Mrs. John McCaul, Mr. Mrs. Edward Gosselin, J. J. Sax_ ton, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph F. Finn Mr. & Mrs. George Brouillette Mr. & Mrs. Joseph McManus' Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Robsham' Charles Doyle, Mrs. Oral Malo~ ney Edward J. Barry, Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Christensen, Mr. & Mrs. James Dean, Mr. & Mrs. Leon Chausse, Mrs. Dorothy Jones Mr. & Mrs. George Connell Mr. & Mrs. Marshall Field Mr' & Mrs. Leo Hogan Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Harry Ryder, Mr. & Mrs. Ferdinand Gallant Mr. & Mrs. William Duches ney, Mrs. Frederick L. Chicoine, Mrs. Dorothy McMakin, Mrs. Raymond Wheeler, Mr. & Mrs. John Quealey A Friend, Mr. & Mrs Simon .Miller, Mr. & Mrs. Edwa~d Beu cler, Mr. & Mrs. George Beau-
"Home of Flowers" 26, BROADWAY TAUNTON
VA' 2-0431
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Fall River
PRINTERS Main Office and Plant LOWELL, MASS. 01852
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'Telephone lowell 58-4333 and 457-7500 Auxiliary Plants BOSlON OCEANPORT, N. I. PAWTUCKET, R. L PHILADElPHIA
Honor the Greatest of AJI Mothers "The Blessed Mother"
Thurs., May 7, 1964
Attleboro ST. JOHN $1,000 nt. Rev. Thomas F. Walsh $500 Mr. & Mrs. Harry Condon $100 Mr. George Janson John Mahon & Family Mr. & Mrs. James K. Murphy Benjamin Nolin Dr. Anthony Terranova $75 Mr. & Mrs. Russell Brennan Mrs. William Walton $50 Mr. & Mrs. Charles Bowen Louis Galligan Edmund Henry Mr. & Mrs. Edward Kelley Mr. & Mrs. John W. MnTntyre Mr. & Mrs. Arthur L. Mulligan Kathryn Stokes $40 Mr. & Mrs. Fred Lohse Dr. & Mrs. Harold Thompson $35 Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Foley Mr. & Mrs. John P. Lee $30 The Dennis Family $25 John B. Antaya Mr. & Mrs. Francis Bowen Mr. & Mrs. George Carey Mr. & Mrs. Philip Cronan Leo Galligan Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Gamache Mr. & Mrs. Ray Gazzola Mr. & Mrs. George Gibb John Judge Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Kenton Mr. & Mrs. Jos. A. King Mr. & Mrs. Gerard LaCombe Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Mahon Mr. & Mrs. Peter Manickas Mr. & Mrs. John Mansfield Mr. & Mrs. John A. Martins Mr. & Mrs. John Mullaney James A. Murphy Mr. & Mrs. Albert Perry Sr. Mrs. Gertrude Rogers Mrs. Katherine Sprigg Mr. & Mrs. Edward Stanton, Miss Celestine Whalen $20 Mr. & Mrs. Paul Bellavance, Mr. & Mrs. Harry Borden, Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Duffaney, Mr. & Mrs. Nelson Duphiney, Mrs. Elmer Fitton Mr. & Mrs. James Fitton, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Galligan, Beat rice Janson, O. R. Jette, Mr. & Mrs. James H. Lee Mr. & Mrs. Roger F. Lee, Fred McCracken, Mr. & Mrs. James Murray, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Nolan, Dr. & Mrs. Robert O'Donnell Mr. & Mrs. David Perry, Mr. & Mrs. John Picchi, Mr. & Mrs. John G. Walsh, Mr. & Mrs. John Hamel $16 Mr. & Mrs. Edward Scott $15 Mr. & Mrs. John R. Bell, Mr. & Mrs. Charles C. Cain Jr., Philip J. Hallein, Anita H. King, Mr. & Mrs. George L. Kohler Th Hon. & Mrs. Edward Lee, Mr. & Mrs. Almon MacManus, Gertrude McBrien, Mr. & Mrs. John McCarte, Mrs. Elizabeth Nolan Mr. & Mrs. Charles T. O'Neil, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Sweeney $10 Annie Adel, Mr. & Mrs. Vin cent Alimenti, Mrs. Yvonne All grove, Mr. & Mrs. Arestides Al meida, Mrs. John Anderson Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Arrude, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Aveiro, Mr. & Mrs. Armand Azevedo, Mr. & Mrs. Donald Bannon, Mrs. Alice :Bellavance Mr. & Mrs. Harold Bellavance, Mr. & Mrs. Jacob Belt, Mrs. Elmer H. Bennett, Mr. & Mrs. Horace Benson, Helen Betten court ' Mr. & Mrs. Robert Bibeault, The Misses Biggio, Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin Bilello, Mr. & Mrs. Francis Birch, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Blake Thomas Boisclair, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Bolton, Mr. & Mrs. . George Bonner, Mr. & Mrs. n
Robert:Booth, Mr. & Mrs. Adrian Bosh Mr. & Mrs. Norman Boudreau, John Bowen, Mrs. William. Bowen, Mr. & Mrs. Bowen, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Boyer Mary J. Boyle, Mrs. Susan Breen, Kaye Brennan, Francis A. Brouillard, Charles Brown Mr. & Mrs. Eric Brown, Carol Bryl''1t, Elaine Bryant, Mrs. He'r bert Bryant, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Bryson Mrs. Lena Buchanan, Mr. & Mrs. Arnold Burke, Mrs. Alan Burt, Mr. & Mrs. John Byrnes, Mrs. Mary Callahan Mrs. Joseph Camara, Mr. & Mrs. O. E. Cameron, Mr. & Mrs. Francis Canary, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Canavan, Mr. & Mrs. Wilfred Cardin Raymond Carey, Mr. & Mrs. Earl Carpenter, Chester C. Carr Jr., Mr. & Mrs. David Carreiro, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel S. Carreiro John Carroll, John and Kath leen Carroll, Michael Carron, Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Caruso, MI'. & Mrs. Robert Cassidy Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Castro, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Cavaeo, MI'. & Mrs. Andrew 1. Charron, James & Margaret: Clark, Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Clegg Jr. . Mr. & Mrs. William Clinton, Mr. & Mrs. Leo Cloutier, Mr. &: Mrs. Norman Cloutier, LawrencEl Coffey, Nabby Coffey Mr. & Mrs. Richard Colette, Mr. & Mrs. Danie: Collins, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Colombo, Vernal Colomb, William Colomb geraldine Condon, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Conley, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Conroy, Ray Cooney, Mr. & Mrs. James Cooper Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Coppola Mr. & Mrs. Donald Corbeil, Mr. & Mrs. Francis Corcoran, Mr. & Mrs. James Corcoran, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Cordle Mr. & Mrs. Allen Corkum, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Cronan, Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Cronin, Mr. & Mrs. Mervell Cronin, Mr. & Mrs. Henry Creeden Mr. & Mrs. Walter J. Cronin, Mr. & Mrs. James Crook, Mr. & Mrs. Earl Cruff, Mr. & Mrs. John A Cummings, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Cunningham . James & Miss Mary Curde, Mrs. Mary Currie, Mrs. Wilton Dale, Mrs. Emma Davey, Mr. & Mrs. Ian Davis Mrs. Edward Deegan, Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Demers, Mr. & Mrs. Edward DeMoura, Mr. & Mrs. Russell Dennen, Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Dennett Mr. & Mrs. Gerald DesJar dins, Mr. & Mrs. Leo Desrosier, Harry C. Diegel" Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Donaghy, Mr. &~ Mrs. William Donahue Mr. & Mrs. Walter Doraz, Mrs. Bradford Dorrance, Mr. & Mrs. John J. Dowdall, Ernest W. Doyle Mr. & Mrs. James Doyle, Ann M. Driscoll, Mr. & Mrs. Wesley Dudovicz, Mr. & Mrs. Lorenzo Dupont, Mrs. John Dwyer Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Dykas, Mr. & Mrs. Bert Edson, Mr. & Mrs. Paul Elliott, Mr. & Mrs. Milton Elsbree, Mr. & Mrs. Fred Endler Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Frank Fanning, Rocca Fantaccione, Mrs. George Farrington Jr., Mrs. Henry Felix, Mr. & Mrs. Carmina Ferreira Elizabeth Ferrara, Mr. & Mrs. John Ferrara, Mr. & Mrs. Law rence Fitton, Mrs. Anna Fleming, Mr. & Mrs. Henry Flynn Mrs. Agnes Foley, Mr. & Mrs. James Foley, Mr. & Mrs. Russell Fontneau, Mrs. Edward Fox, Mr. & Mrs. James Frazer Kent Frazer, Mr. & Mrs. Rus sell Frederickson, Mrs. Joseph Amos Fredette, Mrs. Leslie Gage, Angela Galligan Mary Galligan, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Gallup, Mr. & Mrs. Paul Garbn, Mr. & Mrs. Saul H. Gaudreau, Mr. & Mrs. Emilio Gautieri Margaret Gaynor, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Gendron, Mr. & Mrs. Rocco Giannitelli, Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Gibbons, Mr., & Mrs•
MOTHER SETON SHRINE: Work is under way on ground adjacent to the College of Mt. St. Joseph and to the Motherhouse of the Sisters of Charity at Cincinnati, Ohio for the construction of this new shrine in honor of Ble~ sed Elizabeth Seton, foundress of the Sisters of Charity in the United States. NC Photo. Joseph Gilbert. Mr. & Mrs. Robert Gobin, Mr. & Mrs. William Goetz, Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Gonsalves, Mr. & Mrs. Lyford Gorman, Mr. & Mrs. Donald Governo Mr. & Mrs. Frank J. Grammel, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Greve, An thony Della Grotta, Mr. & Mrs.. IrvinH Guimond, Mr. & Mrs. Peter Guimond ' Mr. & Mrs. Russell Hadley, William Hanlon, Mrs. Lillian Harrington, Mrs. Lillian Hearn, Mrs. Bessie Heather Mrs. Marie Heather, Mary Heather, Mr. & Mrs. Henry Hebert, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Hig ginbotham, Mrs. Grace Homer Mr. & Mrs. E. G. Horton, Lil lian 1 mhoff, Mr. & Mrs. Ray mond Jacques, Mr. & Mrs.. Robert Jacques, Mrs. Ida Jan son Thomas Janson, Mr. & Mrs. John R. Janson, Clement Jef fers, Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Jewett, ,Mrs. Sarah Johanson Ernest Joste, Kevin Judge, Mr. & Mrs' Alex Karol, Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Karol, Mr. & Mrs. John Keane Jr. Mr. ~l; Mrs. Henry Kelley, John Kelly, Mrs. Mary Kelly, ,Sandra Kelly, :VIr. & Mrs. Norman Ken nedy Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Kenney, Mr. & Mrs. James J. Kinney, Phil Kraczkowski, Mr. & Mrs. Augustus Kudrnac, John Kup stas Mr. & Mrs. Earl LaMarche, Mr. & Mrs. Louis Lamoreu, Mr. & Mrs. Donald Lange, Mr. & Mrs. Ra:vmond LaPlume, Marilyn Larmay Mr. &: Mrs. Donald Larocque, Mrs. Louis Larocque & Paul, Mr. & Mrs. Gerald LaVallee, Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Leary, Mr. & Mrs. Coleman Lee Mr. & Mrs. Elmer Lee, Mr. & Mrs. Jo::m Lee, Mary Lee, Mr. .& Mrs. Robert Lehane, Mr. & :Mrs. GC<Jrge Levis Mary :Levis, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph JLewis, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph W. J~wis, Mr. & Mrs. Harry Loew, ~rohn Loew Mr. & Mrs. Peter F. Lynch Jr. Helen Madden, Mr. & Mrs. Wil liam Madden, Mr. & Mrs. An thony Magina, Mr. & Mrs. Ed ward Maher Mrs. John Maher, Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Mahew, Sheila Malloy, Mr. & N.:rs. James Malloy, Mr. & Mrs. John Martin Mr. & Mrs. James Martins, Mr. &: Mrs. George Matros, Mrs. Rita McAteer, Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Mc Brien, Rose McBrien Catherine McCann, Mr. & ,Mrs.
Daniel McCarthy, Mr. & Mrs. Mathew McCarthy, A. Henry McCracken, Mr. & Mrs. Henry McCracken Joseph McGee, Garol Ann Mc Ginn, Colleen McGinn, Mr. & Mrs. Vincent McGinn, Susan McGinn George McGovern, Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth W. McGrath, Mr. & Mrs. Edward McKay, Mrs. Do minic McKenna, Mr. & Mrs. Eugene McLaughlin Mr. & Mrs. Albert MeLine, Mr. & Mrs. Alfred McNally, Mr. & Mrs. Gerald McNally, Mr. & Mrs. John Meegan, Mr. & Mrs. William Menard Mrs. Fred Metters, Edward Millet, Dr. & Mrs. Raymond Mil lian, Mrs. Robert Moore, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Morin Mrs. Eugenia Morin,' Mr. & Mrs. Arthur J. Mondor, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur J. Mondor Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Mulleady, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Mullowney Mr. & Mrs. Elton B. Murphy, Mrs. Helen Murphy, Mr. & Mrs. James F. Murphy Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John P. Murphy, l\Jr. & Mrs. James Murray Mr. & Mrs. John E. Murray, Mr. & Mrs. Albert Nardini, Mrs. Roy Nelson, Mrs. John Nihan & Family, Mr. & Mrs. Charles No lan Helen Nolan" Arthur Nolin, Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Nolin. Mr. & Mrs. Mario Norbrega, Mr. &
)frs. Philip Nortoll_ Mr. & Mrs. Charl~ O'Brfea, Mr. & Mrs. Robert O'Brien, Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. O'Donnell, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph O'Donnell, Mrs. Thomas O'Keefe Mr. & Mrs. Alvaro Oliveira, Mrs. Theresa Olsen, Mr. & Mrs. John O'Neil, Mr. & Mrs. William O'Neil, Mr. & Mrs. John Pacheco Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Paille, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Paille, Mrs. Lois Palmer, Edward PatenaUde, Mr. & Mrs. John Pedro Mr. & Mrs. Adrian Pelletier. Bertha Pelletier, Malvina Pelle tier, Mr. & Mrs. Edward G. Perry, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Pierce Mr. & Mrs. Albert Pion, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Powers, Mr. & Mrs. Henry Pridgen, Mr. & Mrs. Rocco Proia, Mr. & Mrs. Francis Rego Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Reynolds, Mrs. Joseph Reynolds, Mr. & Mrs. James Richmohd, Mrs. Mary Ricker, Mr. & Mrs. Wesley Ridlon Mr. & Mrs. Chester A. Roberts, Alice Robinson, Eleanor Robin son, In Memory of John E. & Harold E. Robinson, Mrs. Rus sell Robinson, Mr. & Mrs. Paul Rockett Mr. & Mrs. Robert Rohman, Mrs. Blanche Ronco, Mr. & Mrs. Philip E. Rounds, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Rovzer, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Rushlow Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Ryan :Mrs. Theresa Ryder, Edna Salley, Olix Salley, Salvatore Salvaggio, Teuvo Santala, Mr. & Mrs. Carl Sauer, Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Savastano, Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Sears, Donald Shanley Mr. & Mrs. Philip Shanley, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Sheehan, Mary Sheehan, Thomas Sheehan, Mrs. William Sheehan Mr. & Mrs. Richard Silva, Zita Simms, Mrs. Eileen Skelley, Mr. & Mrs. William Skivington, Mr. & Mrs. James A. Slain Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Smith, Ed ward Smith, Mr. & Mrs. George Smith, Mr. & Mrs. Henry Smith, Joseph Smith Mr. & Mrs. John Smulligan, Helen Sousa, Mr. & Mrs. Louis Sousa, Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Sqillante, Mr. & Mrs. Clyde Stanhope Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Stelmack, Kenneth Stone, Mrs. Medeline Stone, Mr. & Mrs. James Sulli van, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Taylor Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Tetreault, Mr. & Mrs. Norman Tetreault, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Thompson, Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Tomei, Mr. & Mrs. Marcel Toupin Mr. & Mrs. Donald Trainor, Mr. & Mrs. George Tunnicliff, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Wagle, Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Walsh, Mr. & Mrs. Harold Washburn Mrs. Robert Waters, Mr. & Mrs. George Wefers, Mrs. Ber tha Wells, Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Wilbur, Bertha Wilcox Harry Wilcox, Mrs. Charles Zilch, Mr. & Mrs. George Bar nier, Mrs. Raymond Woodward
SillNT IlJBE Patron of Difficult Cases
Chapel Devotion's: ~
10 a.m. 12:10 Noon, 5:10, 7 and 8p.ns.
Radio Novena: WSAR-1480 on dial 6:45 p.m. WPLM-1390 on dial 9:15 p.m.
For Booklets and Blessed Medal, write to
FRANCISCAN FATt'ERS 600 Pleasant Street New Bedford, Mass.
,,-' Raymond Seguin, Leon' Kloos tian Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Boudreau, ST. STEPHEN'S Mr. & Mrs. Julien Marquis, Mr. $500 & Mrs. Paul Tremblay, Mr. & Craft Inc. Mrs. Thomas N. Turgeon, Mr. & , $200 Mrs. Guido Petrillo Rev. J. Orner Lussier Russell Dugas, Mr. & Mrs. $100 James Carr, Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Mr. & Mrs. Felicien Brochu Andrews, Mr & Mrs Roland Roy, Dodgeville Finishing Co. Mr. & Mrs. Richard Belmore Morse Sand & Gravel Co. Mr. & Mrs. Albert McDuff, $25 Mr. & Mrs. John Andrews, Mr. Better Home Products & Mrs. Raymond Aussant, Roger Alien Blanchard Lawn Mower Letourneau, Mr. & Mrs. Nor Sales mand Berard Mr. & Mrs. Henry Tremblay Mr. & Mrs. Lucien Leblanc, Anita Guimond Mr. & Mrs. Vital Lacasse, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Robert Cloutier Mrs. Joseph Lavallee, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Albert Bessette Mrs. Daniel Perry, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Edward Britton Robert Richard Mr. & Mrs. Charles Dumont Mr. & Mrs. Maurice Gauvin, Mr. & Mrs. Leopold Marquis Mr. & Mrs. Leon Cayer, Mr. & $20 Mrs. Augustin Rapoza, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Gedeon Lacroix Mrs. Lucien Provost, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Laferriere Raymond Theroux Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin Soucy, Mr. & Mrs. William Crowther Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Larivee, Mr. Family Joseph T. Lavergne & Mrs. Roland Trahan, Mr. & Family Donald Charron Mr. & Mrs. Edward Lapierre Mrs. Donald Jutras, Mr. & Mrs. Alexandre Goudreau . Mr. & Mrs. Leo Denis Mr. & Mrs. Robert Bergeron, Mr. & Mrs. Archie Hebert Eleanor Lavallee, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Delphis Paradis Charles Lynch, Mr. & Mrs. Ray_ S15 mond Gagnon, Arthur Boisse Mr. & Mrs. Treffle Caron Dorothy Boisse, Mr. & Mrs. $12 Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Forton Donald Lamoureux, Mr. & Mrs. Jean Bergeron, Mr. & Mrs. S10 Francois Gousie Alexandre Goudreau Sr., Mr. ST. THERESA & Mrs. Norman Hebert, Mr. & $600 Mrs. Joseoh Boilard, Mr. & Mrs. Rev. Gerard J. Chabot Albert Gingras, Mr. & Mrs. Al $200 phonse Gingras St. Vincent de Paul Society Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Roy, Mr. $100 & Mrs. Paul Gendron, Mrs. Ther Rev. Roger L. Gagne esa. Danue, Mr. & Mrs. Rene Walter Downarowicz Hebert, Mrs. Gloria Siekeira Raymond Gravel Eva Paradis, Mr. & Mrs. Phil $75 ippe Jalbert, Mary Cole, Angel Dr. Lino Tiberi ine Brochu, Mr. & Mrs. Romeo $50 lrebert Mrs. Paul Bradley Mr. & Mrs. Frank Cruz, Mr. Holy Name Society & Mrs. Armand Aussant, Andre $35 Ladpbauche, Aldea Erickson, Mr. Mrs. Mary GradY & Mrs. Lionel- Paradis $30 Mr. & Mrs. George Demers, John Plath Mr. & l\<Irs. Edwin Marcoux,Mr. $25 & Mrs. Frederick Sherbert, Fam Leo Lyons, Lee Casper, Man lio Frova, George Boyd, Vincent Ily Herbert St. George,' Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Plante DeQuattro, Mrs. Minnie Forrest Peter F. Gagner, Mr. & 'M;rs.. & Family Walter Delude, Louis Mc Kenneth Maynard, Mr. & Mrs. Bride, Anthony Moskalski, Mrs. Ro~er Daneau, Mr. '& Mrs. Jos. H. Theriault, Mr. & Mrs. Henri Jack Hagopian, Raymond Va chon, Philip Morris Frenier $20 Mr. & Mrs. Lorenzo Daneau, Kenneth Steele, Michael Gobin Motors, Anderson Motors, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Pelletier, Arata Louis LaCivita $15 William Dollard Sigmond Kaczowka, Edward Mr. & Mrs. Russell April, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Arnold, Mr. & Mrs Thibeault, Elmer Butler, Nor John April, Mr. & Mrs. Edward mand Carrier, William Stand ring Gemme, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Cate Charles Rozak, John Casserly, Mr. & Mrs. Luc Pelletier, Mr. Edward Duclos, Emile Boivin & Mrs. Raoul Lacasse, Joseph $10 Ratte, Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Lade Henry Lamontagne, Alfred bauche, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Gervais, Armand Moreau, John Bousquet Kenny, Alfred Strack Family Martie Rossiter, Mr. & William Niquette, Gerald Mrs. Theodore H. Charron, Mr. Keane, John Keane, Eugene La & Mrs. Theodore Charron Sr., vallee, James Lallier Mr. & Mrs. Charles Gaudet, Mr. Walter Kloc, Mrs. Imelda & Mrs. Delphis Ringuette. Boardman, Thomas Kelley, Paul Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Lacourse, Derois, Donald Dion Mr. & Mrs. Roger Froment, Mr. Frederick Habershaw, Mack & Mrs. Antonio Filipe, Mr. & Vogt, Omer Martel, Brendan Mrs. Alfred Peloquin, Mr. & Cahill, Robert Laliberte Fred Kapinos, Albert Boud Mrs. Donald Levesque. Janet Levesque, Irene Taylor, reau, Oscar Paquin, Raymond Tomlinson, John McNamara Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Baril, Mr. & Raymond McHale, Michael Mrs. Leo Hetu, Mr. & Mrs. Ar Pierini, Mrs. Aloysius Bleas mand Dube Mr. & Mrs. Albert Richard, dale, Harold Laushway,William Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Lacourse Sr., Carroll Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Landry, Mr. William Sharples, Joseph Tar & Mrs. Walter Gelinas, Mr. & pey, Ernest Benschneider, Vin cent Keane, Nicholas Todaro Mrs. Louis Stebbins Doris Contois, Alma "Contois, Horace Courcy, Gerard Le Mr. & Mrs. Charles Landry, Mr. francois, Mrs. Robert South & Mrs. Henri Lanoue, Mr. & worth, Angela Zacamy, Forrest Jennings' . Mrs. John Rogers Jacqueline Marquis, Mr. & Mrs. Henry Duffy, Nancy Mrs. Wilfrid Hemond, Mr. & Boyd, Clarence Charron, JesSe Mrs. Armand Tougas, Mr. & Armell Jr., Arthur Glode Mrs. Alfred Karol, Family Fran,.. John Young, Joseph Sears, cis Fonteneau Joseph Sirois, Gerald Brogan, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Gagnon, Gerard Lee Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Bizier, Mr. & . Robert Biziak, Edward Thi Mrs. Frank Rapoza, Mr. & Mrs. beault, Albert Poholek, Oscar William Daigneault, Mr. & Mrs. Bourgette, Carl Bradshaw Godefroy Gagnon Wilrose Poliquin, Denis Va Mr. & Mrs. Richard '1'. 'Goy chon, Maurice Laliberte, Ed-' ette, Magdalene Doucette, mond Proulx, Wilbrod Gravel Eugene Doucette Ir.. FamilJ' Alexander Beland, Raymond
THE ANCHORThurs., M'ay 7, 1964
Julien Forget Mr. & Mrs. Amherst Pelletier, Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Devlin, Mr. & Mrs. William Perry, Mr. & Mrs. . Harold Demers, Frank Hutchinson & Eunice Mrs. Agnes Desmarais, Mr. & Mrs. Roland Brouchu, Mr. & Mrs. Cyril Cote, Mr. & Mrs. George Brouillette, Mr. & Mrs. Henry Paradis Donald Paille, Mr. & Mrs. Emile Corbeil, Mr. & Mrs. George Blale, Mr. & Mrs. May nard Gorman, Mr. & Mrs. Henry Giroux .Mr. & Mrs. Paul Goulet, Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Lincoln, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Godfrey, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Dubuc, Mrs. Elzear Laferriere Mr. & Mrs. Robert Dubeau, Mr. & Mrs. John Vieira, Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Bolton, Mr. & Mrs. Lewis Nye, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Galvin Lorraine Legere, Paul Legere, Mr. & Mrs. Maurice Goulet, Mr. & Mrs. Paul Laferriere, Mr. & FOR HIGH STANDARDS: Personnel of Bishop Feehan Mrs. George Proulx & Mrs. Oscar Courcy, Mr. High School cafeteria staff, Attleboro, receive Food and & Mr. Mrs. James Desrochers, Rich Sanitation Award from Massachusetts Department of ard Frederick, Gerald Frederick, Health for maintaining highest standards of cleanliness for Mr. & Mrs. Normand Meunier Mr. & Mrs. Roland Forget, Mr. 1963 school year. From left, E. Vincent Brimley, health de partment representative; Dora Smith, Blanche Goodall, & Mrs. Gerald Rousseau, Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Rose, Mr. & Mrs. Henry Sequin, cafeteria manager; Pearl Cinq-Mars. Norman Vincent, Mr. & Mrs. Ed ward Lamoureux Mr. & Mrs. George Lamarre, Blais, Joseph Lamoureux, John Mr. & Mrs. John Fougere, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Jean Proulx, Mr. & Lynch, Mrs. Yvonne Ouellette & Mrs. Arthur Robichaud, Mr. Henry Gawlik, Bernard Na Mrs. Antonio Renaud, Mr. & Mrs. & Mrs. Lionel Forget, Mr. & bach Maurice Boisse, Mrs. Albert Dumont, Mr. & Mrs. John Mrs.. William Augat, Mr. & Mrs. Leo~a Blanchard, Conrad Mar Caponigra Eugene Touzin Mr. & Mrs. Melvin Smith, Mr. tel Gaetan Collette Jr., Gaetan Jasper Lumbra, Maurice Des &' Mrs. Ernest Charlebois, Mr. Collette Sr., Mr. & Mrs. Donald marais, Robert Foss, Robert & Mrs. Lawrence Adams, Mr. & Mitchell, Charles R. Dubuc Sr.. Mrs. Arthur Thibeault, Miss Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Dubuc MiIik, Albano Silva Adrien Piette, Joseph Hebert, Alice Thibeault Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Cham Doris Thibeault, Mr. & Mrs. pagne, Mr. & Mrs. Amedee John Bourque, Warren Kohler, Everett Claflin, Mrs. Rose Mc Marien, Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert Fer Lionel Mandeville Albert Dalude, Normand BriL Kewen, Mr. & Mrs. Bernard nandes, Mr. & Mrs. Roger Sam lon, George Erban, Marguerite Barselou, Carol Ann Girard son, Mrs. Violette Gaudreau Bilodeau, Peter McAweeney Mr. & Mrs. Gustave Toupin, George Paul, Mr. & Mrs. . Joseph Bouchard, Theodore Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Pelissey, Mr. Eugene Proulx, Louisa Denis, Meunier, Herbert Irving, Ray & Mrs. Albert Pelletier, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Romeo Michel, Mr. mond Hayes, Mrs. Mary Blythe Mrs. Maurice DeShaies, William & Mrs. Robert Joubert Joseph Cotter, Gerard Gelinas, Gingras Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Archam Harold Hanewich, Patl'ick Fan Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Rossi, beault, Lena Lanoie, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Tremblay, Mr. & Mrs. Olivier Paille, Mr. & Mrs. Nor ning, Ambrose Corrigan Ronald Froment, Clovis Gau Albert Mousseau, The Pion mand Pelletier, Mr. & Mrs. Em thier, James Kelly, Gerald Family, Mr. & Mrs. Donald est Marchand Brillon, Hugh Regan Hebert Madeleine Marchand, Richard Maurice Poirier, Mrs. Mar Lelia Boudreau, Eva Boudreau, Marchand, Mr. & Mrs. AdrieD. garet Whitaker, Robert Whita Agnella Boudreau, Mr. & Mrs. Geoffroy ker, Eugene Joubert, Ernest Wilfred St. Onge, Mr. & Mrs. Fiola JosePh Sears Mrs. !rne Pitas, Lionel Pa Mr. & Mrs. Royal Morissette, quin, William Boyle, Earl HallaI, Mr. & Mrs. Denis Boisclair, Mrs. O'Neil Turenne Harold Cha·tterton, Edna Viens, William Glennon, Charles Mr. & Mrs. J. Oscar Soulard Farrell, Victor Motyka, Law Frllncis Langevin, Mr. & Mrs. rence Gusiti, Charles O'Connor Manuel Ferreira, Mr. & Mrs. Levi Monast, Mrs. Robert Francis Guillette, Mr. & Mrs. Specht Gerald Valade, Mr. & Mrs. Leon ST. JOSEPH Nolan $600 Mr. & Mrs. Albert Belanger, Rev. UbaIde Deneault Mr. & Mrs. Leo Fonrouge, Mr. $100 & Mrs. William Lussier, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Pelletier Mrs. Charles Devaney & Family, $50 Mr. & Mrs. Richard Audette. Rev. Rene R. Levesque Mr. & Mrs. Roger Achin, Mr. Laura Deneault & Mrs. Raymond Brassard, Dr. Mr. & Mrs: Herbert Lavigueur & Mrs. Eugene Roy, Mr. & Mrs. Doris Levasseur Joseph Bouvier, Mrs. Marie $30 Dolan ••• To the Family Taxi Mr. & Mrs. Francis Paul Mr. & Mrs. Pedro Alicea, Aline $25 Driver-Psychologist-Wet Duteau, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Aime Paille Brousseau, Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Nurse-First Aid Patcher Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Zito Juaire, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Pel -Shopper-Plumber Mr. & Mrs. Rene Melanson letier Mr. & Mrs. Armand Boucher Carpenter-Glorified Mr. & Mrs. Leopold Turcotte, Rose Anna BongiornQ ' Henry Lamarche, Mr. & Mrs. Errand Boy-Morale $20 Narcisse Plante, Mr. & Mrs. BO'oster-A Feller's Best Mr. & Mrs. Henri Proulx, Mrs. Joseph Fredette, Mr. & Mrs. Alice St. Pierre, Mr. & Mrs. Ed Friend-Good Cook-and .ward Legere· Gracious, Lovely, Thought-. $15 ful, Dedicated FAMILY Mr. & Mrs. Rene Dubuc, Mr. , & Mrs. Conrad Maigret, Mr. & QUEEN II Best Wishesl Mrs. Joseph McGee, Lucien Paul, Mr. & Mrs. Paul St. Germain $10 .
Mr. & Mrs. Elwood Frigon, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Castro, Mr. &' Mrs. Armand Desmarais, Mr. &' Mrs. Gerard Duphily, ,Joseph Paille Mr. & Mrs. Hector Dubuc, Mr. & Mrs. Wilfred St. Jean, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Boivin, Mr. & Mrs. Francis Tetreault, Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Toracinta .
O.d Red Bank famous for
Fall River Savings Bank
Thurs., May 7, 1964
North Westport OUR LADY OF GRACE
$200 Rev. Maurice Lamontagne $50 Mr. & Mrs. Adrien D. Picard $25 Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Nanni Lena St. Pierre '$20 Mr. & Mrs. William Maynard
Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Faria, Mr. & Mrs. William F. King, Mr. & MrS~ Norman Sasseville $12 Mr. & Mrs. Henry J. Sampson $10 Mr. & Mrs. Charles Baker, Mr. & Mrs. Gideon Banville,' Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Bastille, Mr. & Mrs. John· Barboza, Mr. & Mrs. Aime Bar~-by
Mary C. Barnaby, Mr. & Mrs. Demond Beaulieu, Mr. & Mrs. Adelard Beauregard, Mr. & Mrs. John J. Belcher, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Bergeron Mr. & Mrs. Armand Boudria, Mr.' & Mrs. Joseph Boudria, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Bradbury, Mr. & Mrs. Homer Briand, Mr. & Mrs. Adelard Brodeur . Mr. & Mrs. Florian Brodeur, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Cabral, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Cadime, Mr. & Mrs. Auguste Chouinard, Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Ciarlone Dr. & Mrs. Maurice Clement, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Correira, Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin Cyr, Mr. & Mrs. Donald Danis, Mr. & Mrs. Henry Danis Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Desrosiers, Mr. & Mrs. John B. Dias, Bertha Duclos, Mr. & Mrs. George Duclos, Mr. & Mrs. Elzeard Emond Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Emond, Mr. & Mrs. Lucien Emond, Mr. & Mrs. John Feijo, Mr. & Mrs. John S. Ferus, Mr. & Mrs. Norman Gamache Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Emile Gendreau, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Goslin, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Jeffries, Stanley Kaeypaez, Mr. & Mrs. Roger G. Lajoie Mr. & Mrs. John MacDonald, Mr. & Mrs. George Machado, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Machado, Mr & Mrs. Leopold Martel, Mr. & Mrs. Henry Mercier Mr. & - Mrs. Joseph Michaud, Mr. & Mrs. Normand Michaud, Mr. & "frs. Octiave Pelletier, Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Robillard, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Rousseau Michael Rusin Sr., Mr. & Mrs. George Simmons Sr., Mr. & Mrs. Francisco Souza, Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Stanford, Mr. & Mrs, Normand Talbot Mr. & Mrs. David Tixeira, Mr, & Mrs. E. Paul Vaillancourt, Mr. & Mrs. James Wlash
Dighton ST. PETER $50 I.C.I. Organics Co.' Inc. Leo & Mrs. Deslauriers $25 . George & Mrs. Borges Anonymous Dr.Charles & Mrl>. Souza $20 William & Mrs. Fleming, Leo & Mrs. Abrian, .Frank & Mrs. Sousa, Dr. Rose Borges $15 Anonymous $10 Anna Dutra, Nelson & Mrs. Poissant, James Dutra, Lawrence & Mrs. Dutra, Daniel & Mrs. Ferrie . Mrs. James Bacon, John & Mrs Pelletier, Frank Jr. & Mrs. Cam bra, Edward & Mrs. Goulart, Francis & Mrs. McDermott Mrs. Paul Horton, Jules & Mrs LUdovicz, Vincent & Mrs. Hebert William & Mrs. Benevides, Mrs. Frank Torres Frank & Mrs. Cash, Richard & Mrs. Parchesco, Donald & Mrs. St. Pierre, John &: Mrs. Otis, Mrs. Annie Mendoza Harold & Mrs Mend~za, Roland & Mrs. Guillet, Clinton: & Mrs.
WORLD'g FAIR 'FIRST': At the entrance to the Vatican Pavilion at the New York World's Fair, Msgr. John Gorman, director, welcomes the Pavilion's first official visitor, college student Martin Olsen from Seattle, Wash. Helping Msgr. Gorman to mark the hap py occasion is Miss Maureen Barrett, one of the Vatican Pavilion's attractive hostesses. NO Photo. Rose, Antone Jr. & Mrs. Goulart William & Mrs Mendoza Robert & Mrs. Gracia, Joseph & Mrs Perry, Frank Dutra, Mary Sullivan, Joseph & Mrs. Law rence Sylvester & Mrs. Vilela, Jos eph & Mrs. Pavao, Ernest & Mrs. Cote, Edward & Mrs. Linhares
Taunton ST. JOSEPH ,,$200 Very Rev. Patrick H. Hurley $30 Mr. & Mrs. William Scully $25 Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Lapre, Hon. & Mrs. Frank Smith Mr. & Mrs. Antonio Tosti Wrenn Family Mr. & Mrs. Francis Frazier , $20 Garvin Family, Mr. & Mrs. Henry F. Kelleher, Charles Law lor, Dr. & Mrs. George Schloe mer, Mrs. Thomas Wheeler & Daughters Mrs. George Williams, Mr. & Mrs. John L. Coady, Mr. & Mrs. John Murphy, Mr. & Mrs. James Tonry $15 Mr. & Mrs. Louis Chaves, Mr. & Mrs. Roger Kingsley Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Lynch, George Murphy, Robert Murphy Mr. & Mrs. John J. Sheehy, Margaret L. Walsh, Irene Frazier $12 Mr. & Mrs. John Cleary, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Pirozzi $10 Mr. & Mrs. Americo Almeida, Mr. & Mrs. Antone Alvarnaz, Mrs. Alfred Andrade, Mrs. An gelina Annunziato, Mr. & Mrs. Salvatore Arieta Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Babeu, Doris Bartone, Mr. & Mrs. Rudolph Bartone, Mr. & Mrs. Halo Bernacchio, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Bird Mr. & Mrs. Louis Bird, Laura Biois, Mr. & Mrs. William BrMa, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Brown, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Carreiro Mr. & Mrs. James Carvalho, Mary L. Carvalho, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Chamberlain, Mr. & Mrs.' Earl Chausse, Mr. & Mrs. James .Jf, Cleary Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Coelho.
Mrs. Mildred Collis, Mr. & Mrs. William '::ooke, Mrs. Holida Par adis, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Perry Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Perry, Mrs. Ilayford Petersen, Edward J. Peterson, Kathleen Peterson, Martha Peterson Mr. &: Mrs. John Phillipe, Mrs. Josephine Phillippino, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Pirozzi, Mrs. Frank Pi.rozzi Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Raposa, Daniel Reilly, Mrs. Terrance Reilly, Mr. & Mrs. George A. Ryan, MI'. & Mrs. William San key . Mr. & 'frs. William Santerre, Mr. & M:rs. John Santos, Mr. & Mrs. Louis A. Sarkes, Mr. & Mrs. John A. Shea, Mr. & Mrs. John W. Shea Postma:;ter & Mrs. Frank F. S:l1via, Mrs. Manuel Silvia, Mr. & . Mrs. Charles Smith, Mr. & Mrs. Fred Smith, Mrs. Edward Sweeney Nora S,weeney, Mr. & Mrs.
'Raymond Taylor, Mr. & Mrs.
Joseph ',l'homas, Mrs. Agnes
Thompsor.., James Tigano John Tigano, Mrs. James Tra verse, Mr, & Mrs. Edward Truc chi, Mr. & Mrs. John Trucch!. Sr., Mr. &: Mrs. William Trucchi Mr. & Mrs. Manuel O. Ventura Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Alexander Veradt, Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Walsh, Elizabeth White, Mr. & Mrs. John J. Wright Jr. Mr. & 'ftll'rs. Alfred Cormier, Eleana & Catherine Coy.le, Ann Crowninshield, Albert Dian, Mr. & Mrs. John Doherty Jr. Mary Donahue, Anna Drink waler, Jennie F. Driscoll, Mr. & Mrs. Nor:nan Dumont, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Dutra Anna Fent9n, Esther Fenton, Helen Fen ton, Alice May Flynn, M:r. & Mr:l. Omer Frappier Mr. & Mrs. Albert Gordon, Emelie Gordan, Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Gorey, Mr. & Mrs. Willis . H. Gove,. Mr. & Mrs. David Grant :Mr. & Mrs. Harry J. Gurney, Mrs. Helen M. Harrigan, Kathe rine Hern, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Horgan, Mr. & Mrs. John J. KE!lly .James Kenyon, Mr. & Mrs. Roger Kingsley Sr., Mr. & Mrs. Arthur LaJ'ointe, Janice Lawlor,
Lawrence Lawlor Mr. & Mrs. Paul Leonard, Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Livermore, Mr. & Mrs. Henry G. Lott, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Lynch, Arthur Manning Mr. & Mrs. George Manning, Mr. & Mrs. Russell Manning, Mr. & Mrs. John Masterson, Mr. & Mts. Paul Maynard, Mr. & Mrs. Ferriand Medeiros Mr. & Mrs. James M~deiros, Mr. & Mrs. Jesse Medeiros, Mrs. Mary Mees, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Mello Jr., Mr. & Mrs. George Menoche
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Miller, Wi}.. liap" Moniz, Mr. & Mrs. James Moran, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Moran, Julia Moran Mary Moran, David F. Mullen, Maydell Murphy, r. & Mrs. Ed gar McAloon, Mr. & Mrs. James F. McCaffrey Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd McGovern, Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. McGrath, Cecilia McLaughlin, Francis Mc Manus, Grace McManus Mr. & Mrs. John F. McNamara, Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Neville, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Oliviera, Mr, & Mr.s. Paul Ouillette, Frances Papazoni Mr. & Mrs.fJ\'ank Papazoni, Mr. & Mrs. Ito.bert Parent, Mr. & Mrs.. Robert Arieta, Mr. & Mrs. William Avilla, Caesar Campi Mr. & Mrs. Caniel Chisholm, Mr. & Mrs. James C. Cleary, Louise Connelly, Cynthia, Nor ma, Jean & Alfred Correia, Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Crandall Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Crown inshield, Mrs. Ruth Dickinson, Mr.. & Mrs. Roland Ducharme, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Ferreira, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Ferreira Joan Frazier, Mrs. Louis Fra zier, Mr. & Mrs. Rolanrl Goff, Mr. & Mrs. Norman Goulet, Ray mond Green Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Gregory, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Hooben, Mr. & Mrs. James Kelliher, Mr. & Mrs. John Latham, Mrs. May Lenney Joseph Lema, Robert Le Vas seur, Mr. & Mrs. Donald Lewis, Mr. & Mrs. Melvin Lewis, Mrs. Marion Lima " Mrs. Ruth MacLean, Mrs. Joan Morgan, Mr. & Mrs. Edmund Mulcahey, Mr. & Mrs. James H. McCarthy, Mr. & Mrs. William McCarthy Eleanor McGrath, Mr. & Mrs. Richard McMorrow, Mr. & Mrs. James Pemberton Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Frank Quegan, Mr. & Mrs. Philip Reilly Mr. & Mrs. Mario Riva, Mr. & Mrs. Antone R. Rose, Mrs. Dorothy Short, Mr. & Mrs. An tone Silvia, Mrs. John Southam Mr. & Mrs. Arthur G. Souza, Mr. & Mrs. John Trucchi Jr.. Mr. & Mrs. Peter Trucchi, Mr. & Mrs. Edward A. Van Frachen, Mr. & Mrs. Leonel Ventura Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Walker, Mr. . & Mrs. Stephen Wapenski, Mr. & Mrs. Fred Wise, Mr. & Mra. Joseph Ricketts
DAY1 And we hope it's an especially Happy and
Memorable Day for you, Motherl
itizens :~'a~~
Thurs., May 7, 1964
$150 Rev. Joseph F. O'Donnen $100 Mr. & Mrs. Clayton B. :Ren
nie $35 Mr. & Mrs. Hector Demers $25 John Cunningham $20 Mr. & Mrs. Chester Jackmaft, Mrs. Francis J. Tummon, F. Vernon Harriea " , $15 Mr. & Mrs. Louis Bartel, Eva
Brunelle, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Castle, Olivia Giannini, Mr.' & Mrs. Richard Silva $12 Mrs. & Mrs. Eileen Henchy $10 Mr. & Mrs. William Acheson, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Alexander,
Mr. & Mrs. James Almeida, Mr. & Mrs. Albert Audet, Mrs. ,Al fred Baylies Jr. Leon P. Bora, Mr. & Mrs. Ern est Botellio, Mildred Braga, Man'uel Braga, Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Cabral Kathleen Carroll, Rita Carroll, Anna Casella, Caroline Casella, Dominic Casella Frank Casella, Timothy Casel_ la, Lucien Cazeault, Roland Cazeault, Robert Cloutier Mrs. Robert Cloutier, John Connors, Mrs. John Connors, Leo Conroy, Leo Conroy Jr. Mrs. William Crowley, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Curran Jr., Mrs. Mildred E. Deane, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Dion, L. DiMonda Mrs. P. DiMonda, Mr. & Mrs. James Driscoll, In Memory of Clara Dontigny, In Memory John P. Drugan, In Memory of Mary L. Drugan Mr. & Mrs. Robert Fielding, Philip Foley, Joseph Giannini, Mrs. Joseph Harwood, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Kelly Mr. & Mrs. J. Kelliher, Mrs. Russell Kelley, Mr. & Mrs. Al fred Lacombe, Walter Lade bauche, Mr. & Mrs. John Laffan Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Lincourt, Mr. & Mrs. Roderick McDonah, Mr. & Mrs. John G. Medas, Mrs. Henry Menard, Mr. & Mrs. Ro land Menard Mrs. Donald Moehle, Mildred O'Connor, Mr. & Mrs. William O'Donnell, Mr. & Mrs. Lewis Oliver, Mrs. Alice Olson Harold J. Olson, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Pero, Mr. & Mrs. Stuart Place, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Reilly, Mrs. Rita Robert Mr. & Mrs. John Rountree, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Roy, Mrs. Ralph Shuemaker, Mr. & Mrs. Paul Silva, Mrs. Gertrude Simpson Mr. & Mrs. Airrie St. Pierre, Mr. & Mrs. John Steen, Mr. & Mrs. Harry Stringer, Leon Tia-, han, Mrs. Donald Tweedy Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Viveiros,' Mr. & Mrs. Charles Welch, Mrs.' LeRoy Whittle, Mr. & Mrs., Roger Yelle, William Boarman Mrs. William Boarman, Rich ard Bresnahan, Mr. & Mrs. Franklin Brown, Mr. &. Mrs. lIarold Cole, Margaret Corriveay Raymond Corriveay, Robert Couto, Vivian Couto, Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Craven, Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Demers Frederick Demers Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Demers, Mr. & Mrs. John T. Donohue, Mr. & Mrs. Paul Driscoll, Mr. & Mrs. Henry Ducharme Mr. & Mrs. Philip Farley, A Friend, A Friend, A Friend, Mr. & Mrs. Leonard 'Goslin Wesley Grandmont, Mrs. Wes ley Grandmont, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Johnson, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Jose, Mr. & Mrs. Ray mond LaBrie Richard LaBrie, William La Brie, Mrs. H. Levesque; Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Lopes, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Mahoney Mr. & Mrs. John A. McRae, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Mello, Mr. & Mrs. William Menard, Mr. & Mrs. Paul Michney, Mr. & Mr~. Fran cis Morrison
'AN INSPIRATION TO NATION:' Jerry J. Walsh, former student at Providence College and now a resident of Corona, L.L, receives the President's Trophy as "the Handi capped American of the Year." Shown with his wife and two children, Mr. Walsh, after seven years in bed and two operations, has traveled hundreds of thousands of miles for lectures, found jobs for hundreds of handicapped persons, and pressed for research on arthritis. Jerry was stricken with rheumawid arthritis when 18. NC Photo. Mr. & Mrs. Richard Neville, Mr. & Mrs. Albert Nunes, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Oliveira, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Pacheco, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Reed John Reed, Mr. & Mrs. Victor Rodier, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Santos, Mr. & Mrs. John Schon dek, Mr. & Mrs. Albert Solari Mr. & Mrs. John Sullivan, Mrs. M. Sweet, Mrs. Thomas Uns worth, Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Urban, Mary Viera Mr. & Mrs. Clement Wade, Mrs. C. Walton, Lillian White, Joseph Witschey, Mrs. Joseph Witschey HOLY FAMILY
$500 Rt. Rev. William Dolan $40 Joseph Mozzone $25 Alfred st. Yves Joseph Perry \ $20 ' Mr. & Mrs. CamiJle Dietlin, Arthu~ Deniz $15 Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Markow ski $10 , Richard Crosby, Thomas Mur phy, Ann Perry, Alfred Mattos, Benny Berthao ' ' Rose Marie Motta, William P. Lane, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Rose Jr., Mr. & Mrs. William Powers, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Coughlan Sadie Motta, Edward McGarry, Mrs. Marguerite Aurnhamer, T: Leo McCarron, Hanora O'Brien Ellen O'Coim~r, John Plentus, Manuel Frates, Alfred Amaral, Mrs. Olga Mozzone ' Arthur Collins, John Gon salves, Robert Mattos, Leo Nadeau, Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Vintro Theodore Brassard, Gordon Marshall, Antone Pereira, Fran cis Dutra, Albert Amaral. Alfred Machado, Thomas White, Francis Perry, John Judovina, Henry LaMothe. Robert Menice, Mr. & Mrs. Wiliam Neilan.
Student Center KINSTON (NC)-A $100,000 Catholic student center will be built on the campus of the Uni versity of Rhode Island here. The center will be built on a seven and one-half acre site to serve the 2,500 Catholic students attending the university.
Carey Mr. & Mrs. John Kennedy, Mr. $100 & Mrs. Roger Prairie, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Makin
Mrs. Lafayette Nolet, Mr. & Mrs. $75 Herbert A. Lee, Mrs. Patricia Rev. Francis B. Connors Combs ' Rev. Joseph P. Delaney Alice Carney, William Cotter, $25 Harold Rheaume, Mr. & Mrs. The Welch Family Vincent McAloon, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Real Samson Fred Rheaume Mr. & Mrs. Robert McCellan Mr. & Mrs. Walter Gallagher, Anna Maguire Mr. & Mrs. Orner Desrochers, Edward Boudreau John Grace, Mr. & Mrs. Albert $20 Howland, Mrs. Mae C. McCarthy Rusconi-Varden Family, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Francis O'Neill, & Mrs. Francis Unsworth, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. O'Neill, Mrs. Robert E. Kelleher, Irene Galtm Rheaume Torres, Mr. & Mrs.' Lidoino Se verino Attleboro $15 HOLY GHOST Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Reams $1000 $12 Krew· Incorporated-Attleboro Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Brady $100 $10 , Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Kelliher Mary McCarthy, Margaret Mc $40 Carthy, Mr. & Mrs. John S. Mr. & Mrs. Francis Zenie Tripp, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph QUig $25 ley, Mr. & Mrs. Francis Bianchi Mr. & Mrs. Howard Bristow Mrs. Bernice Sousa, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. David Foley Mrs. Manuel Cabral, Mr. & Mrs.. , Doris Le Clair 'George A. Moitoza, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Lorden Richard Peyton, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Travers Leon Landry Mr. & Mrs. J. Edward Turley Mrs. Armando Alegi, Mr. & $20 :Mrs. Raymond Corey, Mr. & ,Mrs. Ralph Barboza, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Ellis, Gerald Doiron, Joann Brady . Mary S. Sullivan Judith Makin, Mr. & Mrs. $15 Francis W. Kenney, John W. Jean Galligan, Mr. & Mrs. Maguire, 'Mr. & Mrs. Albert Roger. GoUlet, Mrs. Rosalind Scully, Virginia Wade Martelli, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Nel Helen Shea, Mr. & Mrs. Man son, Dr. & Mrs. Arthur Volpe uel Lima, Mr. & Mrs. Vincent $10 . Webster, Mr. & :Mrs. Joseph Syl_ Mr. & Mrs. George Aguiar, Mr. via, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Jordan & Mrs. Oscar Ahlquist, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Murphy, Mrs. Manuel Amaral, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Barney Floor, Mr. & Edward Amesbury, Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. Clifford Shachoy, Mr. & Richard Arruda Mrs. Edward 'Koss, Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. Florence Audette, Mr. & Joseph Torres Mrs. Donald Augat, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Richard Tracy, Mr. Charles Goldrick, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Aveiro, Mr. & Mrs. Gor don Barrett, Mr. & Mrs. Lewis William Cullen, Mr. & Mrs. Wi! Benson '!iam Leger, Mrs. John Boudreau Mr. & Mrs. George E. McCaf frey, Mary E. Nichols, Sarah Nichols, John Nichols, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Bowen Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Martin, In Memory of Frank Leddy, Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Peichota, Mr. &: Mrs. Ernest Prairie, Mr. & Mrs. .Joseph Bryan 273 CENTRAL AVE. William McCaffrey, Elizabeth Marion, Mrs. Louise Kelliher, Mr. & Mrs. John J. Kelly, Mr. & WY 2-6216 Mrs. Maurice Garceau Elizabeth Doyle, Mr. & Mrs. NEW BEDFORD J. Frank Doyle, Mr. & Mrs. John Callahan, Alice Carey. Gertrude
Mrs. Sarah Boday, Mr. & Mrs. Franklin Bradbury, Mr. & Mrs. Roy Brastow, John A. Braun, Mr. & Mrs. Malcolm Bullard
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Brodeau, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Castro, Mr. & Mrs. Guy Detellis, Mr, & Mrs. James Doyle, Mrs. Bernice Duffy Mr. & Mrs. Anthony De Mattos Mr. & Mrs. Richard Delagi, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Erwin, Mrs. Agnes Fitzz, Mr. & Mrs. Leon Frigon Mr. & Mrs. Roger Forget, Mr. &: Mrs. Edward Furtado, Mr. &: Mrs. Joseph Fonseca
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Perry, Mr. & Mrs. Oscar Mercier, Mr. & Mrs Norman Pickett, Mr & Mrs John R. O'Neill, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Geddes, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Lee, Mr. & Mrs. Elzear Sicard Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Luerkens, Mr. & Mrs. Merle Holmes, Mr. &
Mrs. William Naylor, Mr. & Mrs. JamesK. Nerney, Mr. & Mrs" Antonio Mello Mr. & Mrs. Oscar Valade, Mr. &; Mrs. Clarence Roberts, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Pedro, Mr. & Mrs. Alban Vincent, Mr. & Mrs. Ray mond Zito ,Mabel Lewis, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Lewis, Dorothy McMan us, Mr. & Mrs. John Reynolds, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Tomlinson Dorothy O'Leary, Margaret O'Leary, Mr. & Mrs. Vietor Smith, Mr. & Mrs. Norman Mar shall, Mrs. Taylor Reese Mrs. William Maloney, Mrs. Ernest Gendron, Loretta McCann Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Sullivan, Mr. & Mrs. Clifford Homer Mr. & Mrs. Edmund Lewis,
Mr. & Mrs. Reginald Gervais,
Mr. & Mrs. Constant Poholek,
Mr. & Mrs. Martin Gill, John Maguire Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Martin, Mr. & Mrs. Angelo Ruggio, Mr. & Mrs. Albert Lortie, Mrs. Wil liam Sheehan, Mr. & Mrs. Hu bert Hennessey Mrs. Raymond Mutlow, Mr. &: Mrs. Harold McCutcheon, Mr. & Mrs. John Zwolensky, Mr. & Mrs Joseph Rocha, Mr. & Mrs. Ken neth Silva Mrs. Alice Gonsalves, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Kelliher, Nancy Reynolds, Mr. & Mrs Elwin Gay ton, Mr. & Mrs. Leslie Keefe Mr. & Mrs. James T. Kane, Mr. & Mrs. Harry Yaghoobian, Mr. & Mrs. Edgar Minor, Mr. & Mrs. Francis Hynes
Presbyterians Back Integrated VVorship MONT~EAT (NC)-The Gen- ' eral Assembly of the Presby terian Church .of the United States (Southern) here in North, Carolina has voted to bar any racial discrimination in the WOF_ ship of its member churches. The resolution', which must still be approved by the major- : ity of its SO-member presbyteries having 43 churches and 2,560. members in seven states. The' congregations would be absorbed into white geographical presby teries.
Interest Compounded and payable quarterly on our Notice Savings Plan
Bass River Savings Bank • • • •
THE ANCHQRThurs., May 7,:' 1964
Marguerite - C" ·Smith, Ruth Synan & Carruth Steeves, Stan ley Tokarz,' Mrs. Frederick Tripp, Mrs., Margaret Vacca. Edward W a Ish,' William Waterman, .Mrs. Marion A. Welch, Marion Welch, Mrs. Mary G. Whittemore. Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Waine, Harold Wilber, Armand Yelle.
Taunton J:M1'il''' CULATE
$400 Rev. Thomas H. Taylor $100
Mr. & Mrs. Henry. Wojtkunskl
$50 Judge and Mrs. Roger B. Champagne The Thomas Flangheddy Fam ily Dr. Clement Maxwell $25 Mr. & Mrs. Charles Colton
James Cunningham
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Deary
Mr. & Mrs. George Dooley
Mr. & Mrs. William Fagan
Dr. & Mrs. Andrew Leddy
Mrs. Cecelia Reilly $20 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Bentley,
James Dineen, William DinneE'n, 11/[ a I,' tin Friary & Family, Clement Keliher & Family.
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Lade
bauche, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Mador, Mary O'Boy & Family, Marie Power, Richard Power $15 Mary Dineen, Mary Foley, Mr. It Mrs. Stanley Gubala, Mr. & Mrs. Leon Gnuillemette, Mrs. Donald MacLean. Mr. & Mrs. James Mahoney, Mr. & Mrs. G. Everett Parlow, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Paulson. $10 Dorothy Abbott, Mr. & Mrs. Wiliam Alger, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Andrade, Mr. & Mrs. Orton V. Andrews, Mr. & Mrs. John Ba"'-~n.
Mr. & Mrs. Frer~rick Beacien ski, Mr. & Mrs. George Beaulieu, Mr. & Mrs. John Beaulieu, Mrs. Albert Beauvais, Mr. & Mrs. Henry Bissoi""ntte & Family. Mr. & Mrs. James Blount, Mr. & Mrs. John Botellio, Mr. & Mrs. Girard Boucher, Mr. & Mrs. Ed ward Brennan, Ml,"s. James Brit ton. Mr. & Mrs. William D. Bul lock, Peter Burns, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Butler, Mr. & Mrs. Har old Callahan, Mr. & Mrs. Allan C.ampbell. . : Mr. & Mrs. John Carlow, Mr. &: Mrs. Jr'" Carreaux, Joseph Casey, Mrs.. Elizabeth Coleman, Maureen Colentan. ,'Mr. & Mrs. John Conaty, Mary Conlon, Mr. & Mrs. Francis. Con nors, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Correia, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Courcy. Allan Curley, Mr. & Mrs. Ed ward Curley, Mr. lie Mrs. Thomaa Curry, Matilda Cutner, Mr. & n:rs. George DeLisle. . George Desrosiers, Mr. & Mrs. Louis Desrosiers, Mr. & Mrs Raymond Desrosiers, Mr. & Mrs. Itoland Desrosiers, Effie De veney. _Mrs. Delma Devlin, Mr. & Mrs Ron-'-l Dodenhoff, .Alice Doh etty, Franc;~ Doherty, James Doherty. 'Mr. & Mrs. John Doherty, Alice -Donnelly, Mr. & Mrs. Ed :ward Donn"''''' Kavin Dowd, Mr. & Mrs. John Doyle. ·Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Drapeau, Mr. & Mrs. Roland Dubois; Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Dufour,. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Dupont, Mr. & Mrs i'homas Dwyer. " Mr. &. Mrs. R~~hard Enos. Mary Fer'--,.Mr. &.Mrs. Paul Fitzpatrick, Mr. & Mrs. ,William ;F'itzpatrick- Sr., Mr; & Mrs. Wil_ liam Flanagan.' '. Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Fontes, C. ;Louise Gaffney, Mr.·& Mrs. Wil liam Gaffney, Mr. & Mrs. ,Carl ton Galligan, Mr., & Mrs. Jean Gamache. Mr. & ;Mrs. Edmond Garceau, Mr. & Mrs. John Gayda~z, Mr. & Mrs. Rene Gilbert, Ella Gilroy, Mr. & Mrs. John Goggin. . Mr. & Mrs. John Goodhart, The Goodwin Family, Donald Gorey, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Gorey, James Goslin. Mrs. William Graban, lVlr. & Mrs. Joseuh Graci". '\/1'1'. & Mrs. lohn Gregg, Mr. & Mrs. Roland
Rev. Daniel A. Gamache $50 Henri Perra Sr. $30 Mathew Bury $25
Adelard Carbonneau
Miss Claire Har.nel
Maurice Larocque
Raymond Nolin
Dr. Fernand Hamel, Henry Perra Jr. $15
Roland AUclair, Ludger Len ney, Eva Nolin, Raymond Pelle
Mathilda Dussault
$10 Arthur Anctil, Frederic An drade, Joseph Arguin & Family, Joseph Anctil, Wilfrid Baril.. Roger Beaudoin, The Bilodeau Family, Gerard Benenfant, Louis Bouchard, Joseph Bouchard. Gertrude & Lilliane Bourgeois, Marion GaffneY, Jeanne Galla Gibert Brouillette, Alice Carbon gher, Donald Goyette, Robert neau, Napoleon Carbonneau, Ar Greco, Edward V. Gregg. thur Charette. William Gregg, Robert Han Roland Cote, Marie Anne Cyr, nigan, William Hanrahan, John Camille Denis, Henri Galipeau, T. HeUren, Jr., Donald Higginbo Miss Irene Gaouettte: tham. Edward Goguen, Miss Annette Robert Hill, William Holmes, Guillette, Xavier Harnois, El James Hutchins, Henry Jacques, eanor Hazel, Miss Regina Hebert. John Keating. Francis Guay, Laureat Guay, Matthew Kelleher III, James John Keene Jr., Rita Labonte, Kelliher, Edward Kullas, Leo Frank Lamarche. nard Labrecque, Mrs. Doris Eva Lam01.reuvx, Miss Lena Letendre. Lebrun, Norm and Lecuyer, Mary Lovell, William Lyons, Frank Lehouillier, Armand Le Jr., Joseph Mador, Marjorie Ma vesque gee Marguerite Mahoney. Edmond Menard Jr., Frederic Mary C. Maloney, Joseph Menard, Edmond Morin, Gilbert Mal'ion, Mrs. Mildred Maxwell, Morris. Arthur Nadeau Family. Merrill Maynard, Mr. & Mrs. _ Joseph Ouellette & . Family, Paul McCormick. Henri Patenaude, Roland Pari John McElroy, David Mc seault, Emile Poirier, Robert Carthy Family, Thomas Mc Powell. Intyre, Elizabeth McMorrow,' Miss Blanche Richard, Maurice Ernest Medeiros. Riendeau, Charles Rocheleau, Harriet Megan, Joseph Megan Wesley Schondek, Janet Shultz. Sr., Joseph Megan Jr., Eugene Robert Tremblay, James Wal Mongan, Emerson Moran. dron, William Waldron.
Flora Morin, Joseph Morin,
HOLY ROSARY Harold Mosher, Edward Mulvey, Dr. Joseph ·Murphy. $100 John J. O'Donnell, In Memory Franciscan Fathers, O.F.M of Patrick F. O'Donnell, Jane Conv. O'Hearne, E I a i n e O'Keefe, $20 Joseph Orsi. Mr & Mrs. John Dubena James Nasise, Bruno Nigra, John Markowski Leo Perry, Gerald Peterson, Wil $10 frpo'f Pierce. Mr. & Mrs. William Bezok, Mr. Gerald T. Pineault, Elaine & Mrs. Herbert Cardoza, Mr. & Pivirotto, Lawrence Pivirotto, Mrs. Lewis FaUlkner, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Pouliot, Robert Quigley. John Fornal, Mr. & Mrs. Jeff William Regan, Virginia Reck nayes. ard, Arthur Reed, James Reid, Linek Family, Mr. & Mrs. Anna Reilly. Thaddeus Maciejowski, Kazimi Francis Reilly, Joseph Rih erz, Polak, Bronislaw Sienko, bany, Thomas Rose, Thomas Mrs. Ludwika Slawik. ij.usse~l Jr., Andrew Scherben. Severin Sowiecki, Mrs. Jad George B. Sanford" Scanlon, wiga Ulak & Son oJhn, Mr. & Richard, Mrs. Catherine Schein, Mrs. Walter Zagol.
John Seekell, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur
Shaw. James S h ee I,' i n, Lawrence Sheerin, Helen Shove, Edward Sikorski, Anne Silvia. Francis J. Silver Jr., Francis for
J. Silver, Manuel Silvia, Earl C.
SELF X-RAY AND RENEWAL Simmons, Clifford Smith.
NEW MISSION WORKERS: Four British Cistercians, Father Luke Harris and Broth ers Amadeus OdIum, William Strahan and Kevin Rooney, are greeted by Camerounians as they arrive at the Mbengwi mission of the Diocese of Buea, West Cameroun, Africa. rhey are now busily engaged in setting up an entire monastery with church residential quarters, workshops and a novi~~iate. ]S'C Photo. Grenier, Mr. & Mrs. John Gu bala. Mr. & Mrs. Cornelius J. Har vey'III, Mr. & Mrs. George Hor an, Mrs. O. W. Howard, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Hoye, Mary Hoye. Mary F. Hurley, Mr. & 1VIrs. Andrew Isaacsen, Mr. & Mrs. George Isaacsen, ,Mr. & Mrs. Frank Jonis, Marjorie A. Kelly. Mr. & Mrs. John Kerrigan & Family, Mr. & Mrs. Co"--""s KP-" ""'1'. & Mrs. William K;ng, Mr. & Mrs. Paul Klette, Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Kostka. Mr. & Mrs. Rene LaFrance, Mr. & Mrs. Edward La"'-"le, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Laurie, EHz[l':>eth Leahy, Mr. & Mrs. Richard LeBrun. Anne Legere, Franes Legrow, Mr. & Mrs. Norman Lehoullier, The Lemieux, Family, Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Leonard. Malcolm Lewis, Mr. & Mrs. Francis Lucey, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Mack, Mr. & Mrs. George Mansfield, Mrs. Margaret Masse. Mary P. Masterson & C'''l1'les Masterson, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Masterson, Mr. & Mrs. Charles F. McCarthy, Mr. & Mrs. John McGann & Family, Mr. & Mrs. Richard McGinn. Robert McGinn, 'nl)nald Mc Ginn, Mrs Everett McGovern, Mr & Mrs. James McGrath,' Mr. & Mrs. Chester McGuire. Susan McGuire, Mr. & Mrs. James McKittrick, Mr. & Mrs. George McLaughlin, Mr. & Mrs. Ch"rles McManus, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph McManus. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph McNulty, Mr. & Mrs. Armand Mello, Mr. & Mrs. Walter Mirka, Judith & Donald Morrison, Mr. & Mrs. Francis Morrison. Mr. & Mrs. Tholl).as Mulrey, Mary Murphy, Agnes &. Nellie Murray, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Neto, Mr. & Mrs. George Nicholds. Mr. & Mrs. Francis Norton, Mr, & Mrs. Stanley O'Bara, Mr. & -Mrs. Joseph' O'Connell, Mr. & 1III'''s. Edward' O'Hearne, Mr. & Mrs. Francis Parry: Mr. & Mrs. Roger Perr.eault, Mr. & Mrs. Charles piesco, Mr. & Mrs. John'T, Plape, Mary Power, Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Powers. Mr. & Mrs. Mords Proulx, The Rafter Family, Joseph Rausch, Mr. & Mrs, Marianno Rebello, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Rebello. Erl"'ard Reilly,' Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Renaud, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Riva, Mr. & Mrs. Jo seph Rogers, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Ryan. -
Mr. & Mrs. Henry Sabusky, Mr. & Mrs. Kirby Sessums, Mar garet Sheehy, The Sherry Fam ily, Mrs. Alfred Silvy.
Mr. & Mrs. William Slater, Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Stephanaitis, Mr. & 1\Irs. Edmund Sullivan, Depnis Taylor, Mr. & Mrs. Ly In[ln Taylor. Mr. & Mrs. J. Arnold Tetlow, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas The~iault, Mr. & Mrs. T. Thomas, Mr. & Mrs. Dominic Tigano, Mr. & Mrs. George Tkach. Mr, & Mrs. Manuel Vargus, Mrs. Jam~s Wallace, Leo Walsh, Mary Walsh, Mr. & Mrs. David Wesbster. Mr. & Mrs. Edward White, .Mr~ ~dward Wooley, Mrs. John Wrigley, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Yelle. ST. MARY
$1,000 Rt. Rev. James Dolan , $50 Rev. Ne,rman J. Ferris Rev. GErald T. Shovelton Kenneth Baker Family Dr. Charles Hoye $25 Ethel & Esther Buckley Mr. & Mrs. Edward O'Gara Mr. & MIS. Edward T. O'Keefe Dr. B. l:dwin Zawacki $20 Dr. Normand Larocque, Mr. & M::-s. Tames McMorrow, Mr. & M::-s. Charles J. Murphy, Leonard Sousa, Mril. Ralph Reckard, Mrs. Clara & Lillian Theroux. $15 Catherir.e B I,' a d y, William . Brady, Ralph Buckley, Dr. Ed mund Fitzgerald, Marguerite Hoye. .rames E McGovern, Mary Mc_ Manus, Janice Russell, Harold T. Sheehan, Denis Sullivan. $12 William J. Casey, Paul Raf tery. , . $10 Rita Baker, Leo Berube, Ray mond Bofletti, Joseph Cardoza, Dr., Carmlile Carrucci. J'ohn T. Chaisty, David Chad wieh, Adelard Chalifoux, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Chamberland, Mrs. Albert Clement. J'ohn Connors, Kenneth Col
lim;, Haro:,d Cooper, Rene H.
Cormier, Edward J. Corr.
.Peter Corr, Mrs. Adeline Cote, Joseph Coyle, John Cross Jr., Peter B. Curran.
Peter J Curran, Catherine Cur
tin, Thomas Danahey, George Dicm Jr., Margaret Curtin,
George Dion Sr., Donahue Family, 'Mrs. Helen Donahue,
Mis sAnm, Donovan" Richard Dooley. Charles R Enos, Mrs. Anthony Escobar, ,Macarius J. Farrell, Mildred ]fit~erald, William Fit,:gerald.
~ and Burners ",
) Heating Oils __
WYman 2-5534
at Holy Cross Fathers Retreat House -Rta. 138, No. Easton, Mass. 000 ,Men: May 1-3
Ladies: May 15-17
Married Couples: May 29-31 For info. on retreats or days of recollection, please write or call Director: tel. 238-2051
New Bedford', ST. MARY '100
Mr. & Mrs. John Nicolaci
$50 Rev. Kenneth J. Delano Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Boldiga Mr. & Mrs. William Toolin Mrs. Richard Hawes $45 The McKenna Family $35 Dr. & Mrs. Arthur Motta $30 Mr. & Mrs. Clement Damicone $2'7 Mr. & Mrs. John E. Sullivan and Mark $25 Mrs. Mary Penler The Shea Family Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Guillotte Mr: & Mrs. Gordon Baker Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Kresge Mr.& Mrs. Frank Oliveira Mr.& Mrs. Jayne Silva $20 Mr. & Mrs. David Costa, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Rezendes & Fam_ ily, Mr. & Mrs. Gaston Debrosse, Alice and Hazel Davis, Francis and Stephen O'Grady Mr. & Mrs. Sylvester Maloney, Mr. & Mrs. John Barry, Mr. & Mrs. Harry Kummer, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Ponte, Mr. & Mrs. Paul Boutin $1'7 Mr. & Mrs. Tadeusz Swiszcz $15 Winifred Carney & Kathleen Roche, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Hart, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Lally, Mr. & Mrs. John Sylvia, Mr. & Mrs. Antone Quintal Mr. Edward MacLean, Mr. & Mrs Charles McKinnon, Mr. & Mrs: John D. Sylvia, Mr. Archi bald Cadeiux, Mr. Henry Fortier Mr. & Mrs. Peter Becker, Mrs. Joseph Walsh, Mr. & Mrs. Wil liam Lewis $12 Mr. & Mrs. Alden Counsell $10 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Leaver, Mr. & Mrs. Leo Brun, Mr. & Mrs. Arnold Brown, Mx:. & Mrs. John Flores, Mr. & Mrs. ,Henry Rosa Miss Frances Pittle, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Finni, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Brown, Mr. & Mrs. Francis Lawlor, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Newsham Mr & Mrs. Emile Bellotti, Mr. & M~. Edward Giguerre, Mr. Joseph Quail Mr. & Mrs. Ray mond' Veron~au, Mr. & Mrs. John Teixeira' Mr. & Mrs. Henry Gurl, Mr. & Mrs. John DuddY, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Angelo, Mr. & Mrs. Donat Bourgeois, Mrs. Charlotte Simpson Mr. & Mrs. Cosme Tavares, Mr. & Mrs. Pedro San Juan, Mr. & Mrs. Fred Murray, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Barton, Mr. & Mrs. Louis Dumont Mr. & Mrs. Walter Lawless, Mr. &Mrs. Arthur Parent, Mr. & Mrs. Frank LeBlanc, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Hanrahan, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Des Roches Mr. & Mrs. James Emerson, Miss Anna Sullivan, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas O'Leary, Mrs. Bertha. Quirk, Mrs. Agnes McCann The Misses McGoff, Catherine Gorman & Margaret Farrelly, Mr. & Mrs. Leo Marois, Mrs. Anna Devlin, Mr. & Mrs. Theo dore Pageotte , Mr. & Mrs. Adelarde St. Onge, Mr. & Mrs. Ralph King, Miss Ann Pickup, Mrs. John Moriarty Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Hannon, Mrs. Vivian Wegrzyniak, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Bettencourt, Mr. & Mrs. Paul Trudeau, Mr. & Mrs. Morris, Leonard Mr. & Mrs. Robert Barbero, Mr. & Mrs. Alexander Nicholas, Mrs. Helen Muilins, Mr. & Mrs. Enoch Newsham, Mr. & Mrs. Roger Goyette . Mrs. Ada Allard, Mr. & Mrs. Louis Richard, Mr. & Mrs. Joa quim Texeira & Family, Mr. & Mrs. Roland Thibeault, Mrs. Joseph Mullen Mrs. William Rudolph, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Rebone, Mr. & Mrs. Howard H. Lord, Mr. Joseph
Bertoldo, Mr., &. Mrs. George Desrosiers Mr. & Mrs. George Rothmyer, Mr. & Mrs. Byron Doyle, Mr. James Dawson, Mr. & Mrs. Er nest Madec, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Laronda Mr. & Mrs. Alfred LaFleur, Mr. Donald Gosselin, Mr. & Mrs. James McCafferty, Mr. & Mrs. Norman Leech, Mr. Charles Brennan Mr. & Mrs. Albert Luckraft, Mr. & Mrs. Abilio Condez, Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Reddy, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Griffiths, Mr. & Mrs. Jeremiah McDonald Mr. & Mrs. Albert Pepin, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Penler, Mr. & Mrs. James Kelley, Mr. & Mrs. Francis Sullivan, Mr. & Mrs. Albert DeCotis Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Golen, Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Gauttier, Mr. & Mrs. Paul Marashio, Mr. & Mrs. Alfred DeFreitas, Miss Beatrice Coleman Mr. & Mrs. Marcel Loranger, Mr. & Mrs. Elphege Gamache, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Gamache, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Marco, Mr. & Mrs. Albert Coucci Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Phaneuf, Mr. John Zaretto, Mr. James Gawthrope, Mr. & Mrs. James Sullivan, Mr. & Mrs.' Frank Topolewski Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Michaud, Mr. & Mrs. Osias Fredette, Mr. &Mrs. Louis Poirier, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Cassey, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Sylvia. Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Cormier, Mr. & Mrs. Earl Gifford, James Mello, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Met calf, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Wel lington Mr. & Mrs. Emile Morin, Mr. & Mrs. Anthony SYlvia, Mr. & Mrs. Owen Devlin, Mr. & Mrs. John Vickers, Mr. & Mrs. Louis Boulet Mr. & Mrs. Harold Ward, Mrs. Myrtle Billington, Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Buccafusco, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Winsper, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Costa Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert Costa, Mr. & Mrs. Leon Hebert, Mr. & Mrs. Rod Lussier, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Therrien, Mr. & Mrs. William Cormier Mr. & Mrs. Normand Hebert, Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Cotter, Mr. & Mrs Joseph Nunes, Mr & Mrs Joseph Chaplin, Mr. & Mrs. Car los Pacheco . Mr. & Mrs. John Nuttall, Mr. & Mrs. Sidney McMullen, Mr. & Mrs. William Maguire, Mr. & Mrs. James McCarthy, Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Whitaker Mr. & Mrs. Frank Lawrence, Jeannette Manderville, Mr. & Mrs. Cp.arles Chadwick, Mr. & Mrs. Leo Rodeillat, Mr. & Mrs. John Hogan . Mr.. & Mrs. Raymond Vien, Mr. & Mrs. Gabriel Holmes, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Ferro, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Savoy, Mr. & Mrs. David Glynn Mr. & Mrs. Francis McHugh, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Greene, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Cleveland, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Medeiros, Mr. & Mrs. John Foley Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Fontaine, Mrs. Lillian Hathaway, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Robitaille,' Mr. & Mrs. Francis Sylvia, Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Bertalotto Mr. & Mrs. Leo Abramczyk, Mr. & Mrs. James S. Hughes, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur O'Hara, Mr. & Mrs. Harry Batty, Mr. & Mrs. Alexander Thernblay Mr. & Mrs. John Remillard, Mr. William Ochab, Mr. Charles Moniz, Mr. & Mrs. Rene Jarry. Mr. & Mrs. Dewey LaCroix Mr. & Mrs. William Bourbo, Mrs. Irene Kaufman, Mr. & Mrs. Francis Lynch, Mr. & Mrs. Stan ley Pielech, Mr. & Mrs. J. Raymond Gendron Mr. & Mrs. George Galipeau, Mr. & Mrs. Mario Fogaren, Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Brown, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Cook, Mr. & Mrs. Walter Valles Mr. & Mrs. William Peters, Mr. & Mrs. Umberto Reale, Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Burt, Mr. & Mrs. Kief Murphy, Mr. Edward Bell
Tliurs:, . May 7, 1964
AT VATICAN PAVILION: The famed Pieta of MicheI anelo is enclosed in a huge, bullet-proof glass case sur ,rounded by guards. The room it is exhibited in is in dark ness except for blue spotlights glittering around the statue with. a soft white spotlight playing directly upon it. Mil lions are exepected to view this priceless art treasure from the Vatican. NC Photo. Mr. & Mrs. John Carreiro, Mr. & Mrs. John Oliveira, Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Isherwood, Mr. & , Mrs. John Figuerido, Mrs. Jac ' queline Lackie Mr. & Mrs. Edward Cambra, Mr. Romeo Lemire, Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Parisi, Mr. & Mrs. Nor man Sevigny, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Travers
Ocean Grove ST. MICHAEL $500 Rt. Rev. Joseph A. Cournoyer $100 Mr. & Mrs. George Bedard $50 Mr. & Mrs. William C. O'Nen
Mr. & Mrs Charles F. Williams
Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Brophy
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Hargraves
Mr. & Mrs. Norman Thibault
Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Albernaz, Mr. & Mrs. Norman Beausoleil, Mr. & Mrs. Henry Benoit, Mr. & Mrs. Albert Bernardo, Mr. & Mrs Leonard J. Berube Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Bolduc, Mrs
John Burke & Claire, Mr. & Mrs.
Norman Butler, Mr. & Mrs.
Frank Crane, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur
Dallaire .
Mr. & Mrs. Billy Dolin, Mr. &
Mrs. John F. Giblin Jr., Mr. &
Mrs. Harold Hodkinson, Misses '
Blanche & Yvonne Jolivert, Mr.
& Mrs. James Kimball
Mr. & Mrs. Alexander J. Ken
' nedy Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Bertrand
Lachance, Mr. & Mrs. Honore·
Lachance, Mr. & Mrs. Camille
, Levesque, Mr. & Mrs. Fernand Lizotte Mr. & Mrs. Milton Machado, Mr. & Mrs. Frank McGonagle, Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Miga, Misses Lillian & Claire Morissett, Mr. & Mrs. Normand Neveu Mr. & Mrs. Maurice Noonan,
Mr. & Mrs. George Parem, Mr. & Mrs. Roland Patenaude, Mr. 1& Mrs. Robert Peloquin, Mr. & Mrs Richard Petit Mr. & Mrs. Theo Picard, Mr. & . Mrs. Theophile Picard, Mr & Mrs Leo Pineault; Mr. & Mrs. Mat thew QUinlan, Mr. & Mrs. James Reid Mr. & Mrs. Roland Remy, Mr.
& Mrs. Joseph E. Roy,sseau, Mr.
& Mrs. John Seguin, Mr. & Mrs.
Thomas Smith, Mr. & Mrs. Gil
bert Stans'field Mr. & Mrs. Paul Tobin, Mr. & Mrs. Albert Trepanier, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Viens, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Wright.
WYman 3·6592
ST. ANTHONY $250 Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Mc Gowan $150 Mr. & Mrs. David N. Haley $100 Dahill Company Ernest Denault Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Verdi $30 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Perry $29 William Keane $25 James Downey Mr. & Mrs. Norman Kelley Mr. & Mrs. Frank Wacasser $20 Mr. & Mrs. William Corey, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Farley, Mr. & Mrs. John McCue $1'7 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Gin~ras $15 Mr. & Mrs. Victor Demski $10 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Bertrand, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas V. Brennan,· Mr. & Mrs. John L. Carlos, MI'. & Mrs. Jose E. Carvalho, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Correia Helen Downey, Mr. & Mrs. Noah Gomez, Frederick Grae ben, Mrs. Lawrence Green, Mr. & Mrs. Harry Harris Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Howrihan, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Kobak, Wil liam & Faith Leahy, Mr. & Mrs. Edward McCarthy, Mr. & Mrs. Charles McGowan Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Melvin Miller, Mr. & Mrs. James Moran, Mr. & Mrs. Paul Mullaney, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Nunes, Mr. & Mrs. John Nunes Mr. & Mrs. John Raphael, Mr. & Mrs. Mario Rego, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Renahan, Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Sheets, Mr. & Mrs. JosePh Sylvia-Cathaway Lane Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Sylvia Hammond st. Dena Texeira, Mr. & Mrs. E. Valladoa, Mrs. Stepb£ill Wong
Are you using a Missal that meets Vatican Council requirements?
FORERUNNER OF All MISSALS after the council the new ST. ANDREW BIBLE MISSAL meets the requirements. for greater par· ticipation in the Mass ••• helps you to take an active and con· scious part in the Mystical Body of Christ's community worshill ••• With these exclusive fea· tures. Empbasls on tbe Bible with Bible Theme and background for each Mass and extra Bible verses for all Propers.
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Iorftlkl "~,,.,
edltlona of ST. ANDREW MISSALS ~!_. to help you select the one ues: suited to yOur own needs. These Include. . L4rgil Edition Daily MinaI
Pochet Edition Daily Missal
.,,,nior Daily Missal
I Go To Mou
Sunday MiBSaI
. . " ST. ANDREW
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., May 7. 1964
Anonymous, Mrs. Dorathy Douthart, Mr. & Mrs. John Doyle Anthony A. Drago, Mr. & Mrs. Donald Driscoll Mrs. Daniel Drummond, Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Dugan, Mr. & Mrs. Paul Eident, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Emmel, John J. Farrell' Mrs. Marcella Fish and Don ald, Felicio M. Franco Jr., Mr. & Mrs. James Flynn, Mrs. Frank Gallant, James W. Gears Joseph Grace, Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Greenwood, Mr. & Mrs. Francis L. Hankinson, John T. Hannan, Mrs. J'lmes Hazelton Mrs. Sheila Hendrickson, John Hennessey, Mr. & Mrs. Francis Heraghty, Mrs. John R. Hughes,
Mr. & Mrs. George M. Ignos
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Kele
her, Mrs. Edward F. Kempton,
Mr. & Mrs. Jan Kopy "The Moorings", Mr. & Mrs. Herve H. Lajoie, Herbert McAdams Sr. Mr. & Mrs. G. William Mc Donald, John T. McEvoy, Mrs. John McGilvray, Harold E. Mac_ Fadden, Mr. & Mrs. Frank J. Makely John Malone, Helene Malone, Willard Marden, Mr. & Mrs. Aldo Milanese, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Miller Mrs. James H. Miskell, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Mello, Mr. & Mrs. Howard Mendenhall, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Me tell, Juanita Mogardo Ralph Moniz, Mr. & Mrs. Jacques Morency, Mr. & Mrs. George Morin, William Motta, Mrs. Alice Murphy Mr. & Mrs. Edward Murphy, Mrs. Joseph Murphy, John Os borne, Mrs. Carl Paige, Donald Panaccione M'r.· & Mrs. Edward Paczek, Joseph Pardi, Mrs. Armand Peat, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Pimen tal, Mrs. Joseph S. Pine Sr. Mr. & Mrs. J. Arthur Powers, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Quelle Jr., Arthur Robichaud, Mr. & Mrs. John Radcliffe, Janice A. Reis
Miss Agnes Rogers, Miss Dor_
othy Rogers, Mr. & Mrs. John
P. Rose, Elmer ;Ross,. Mr. & Mrs.
Charles Russell Mr. & Mrs. Antonio Scacca; Mr. George J. Sharpe, Kenneth Smith, Mr. Joseph A. Sheehan, Charles W. Stratton, Mr. & . Mrs.. Edward Studley, Gilbert Studley, Mr. & Mrs. Walter Swain, Francis A. Switzer Mrs. Annie Talamini, Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Tavares, Mrs. Edwin P. Tripp Jr., Dennis Zellers
ST. PATRICK $250 · Rev. James E. Gleason $110 Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence C. Antonellis $100 Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert J. Noonan Mr. & Mrs. James H. Smith Windjammer Restaurant $50 Rev. William G. Campbell H. A. Barrows Mr. & Mrs. John P. Sylvia Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Atkins In Memory of Mary J. &.Herbert Doucette Mrs. Frederick English Anne Viera Irene Viera $30 Dr. & Mrs. Edward H. P'itch Mr. & Mrs. James F. Wynne $25 BEATIFICATION SOUGHT: The causes for beatifi · Mr. & Mrs. Roland Barabe eation cf a Polish mother and daughter who jointly founded Mrs. Mary Q. Cobb Mr. & Mrs. John Giabbai Jr. the Sisters of the Resurrection in Rome in 1891, have been Mrs. Eileen Finnell introdw~ed in the Sacred Congregation of Rites. The found Lawrence Kavanagh ress, M-)ther Celine Gludzinska Borzecka, left, died in Cra Mr. & Mrs. Paul Kelleher eow in October, 1913. Her daughter and cp-foundress, Moth Dr. & Mrs. John Mitchell er Hedwig Borzecka, right, died in Poland in 1906 at the age Mr. & Mrs. Armand Ortins A. Stanley Reeves of 42. NC Photo. Mrs. Joseph Robbins Mr. & Mrs. John P. Romiza Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Jeffrey, Mr. & Mrs. John Sheehan Mr. & Mrs. Albert Morin, Mr. & Walter T. Pierce Mrs. Leopold Rock, Mrs. Ar Dr. & Mrs. Norman Starosta ST. THERESA mand Charbonneau, Mr. & Mrs. · Mr. & Mrs. William Walsh Joseph Goyette $24 $250 Mr. & Mrs. Rene Meunier, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Dennis J. Comolli 'tev. William E. Collard & Mrs. Larry Lacourse, Mr. & $20 $120 Mrs. Eugene Roy, Mr. & Mrs. · Edward Augustynink, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Loranger Roland Vigeant, Mr. & Mrs. An_ Mrs. Ivan P. Amaral, Mr. & Mrs. $100 tonio Lyonnais lames T. Bento, Mrs. Yvonne Mrs. Eliza Boisvert . · Boucher, Mrs; Charlotte Cium Mr. & Mrs. Aime Bourrassa, Floren,~e Boisvert Mr. & Mrs. Valmore Poitras Jr., -mei Mr. & :\IIrs. William Belanger Mr. & Mrs. Charles Deem, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Cormier, $50 · Onifrio Papsodora, Mr. & Mrs. Eglantine Cloutier, Mr. & Mrs. Theres~ Boisvert Edward Hazelton, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Rousseau $30 Anthony Glista, William G. Goss Mr. & Mrs. Robert Boulet, Mr. & Mrs. Eugene LemieUJ Mr. & Mrs. Joseph F~ X. Hill, Mrs. George Dubois and son $25 Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Lopes, Mr. Paul, Mr. & Mrs. John J. Tex Mr. & Mrs. Roger Renaud & Mrs. Martin Sullivan, Mr. & eira, Mrs. Georgette Bush, Mr. Mr & Mrs. Emile Beauregard Mrs. Roger Theroux & Mrs. Armand Dudevoir Mr. & Mrs. Normand Lajoie $15 Wilfrid LaPointe, Mr. & Mrs. . Mr. & Mrs. Louis Fleurey Mr. & Mrs. John R. Augusta Theodore Langevin, Mr. & Mrs. $20 .Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Carderio, Ovila Therrien, Mr. & Mrs. Wil Mr. & Mrs. Aldege Cote, Ade ::::.:. & Mrs. Gerald L. Doherty, frid Leclair, Mr. & Mrs. Bruno lard Giguere, Mr. & Mrs. Zephyr Maj or & Mrs. Bernard Florey, Stals Paquin, Dr. & Mrs. Hector Roy, · Mrs. Myron J. Gaddis Mr. & Mrs. Wilfrid, Mr. & :\IIrs. Joseph Charbon- Mr. & Mrs. Alexandre Gon Mrs. Bertram K. Haddon, Mr. .,& Mrs. Adam A. Kaspar, Mr. & n.eau . salves, Mr. & Mrs. Adrien Gag . Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Le Blanc, non, Mr.. & Mrs. Ernest Bonneau, Mrs. Richard Lopes, Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. Ernest Chapdelaine, Mr. & Lucille Morin. · Leonard Martin, Mr. & Mrs. I'l:rs. George Desrosiers . Davis Maseda Mr. & Mrs. Armand Lavallee, $15 Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Luckraft, Mr. & Mrs. Clovis Fecteau, Henri Mr. & Mrs. George Girard Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Morrison,
Fecteau, Mr. & Mrs. Leo Guil $12 Mr. & Mrs. Edward T. McClung, lotte, Mr. & Mrs. Orner E. Ray ST. PETER THE APOSTLE Mr. & Mrs. Bertrand D. Allain, mond · Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Mello, Mr. & $250 Mr. & Louis O. Roy .Mrs. Jo~n T. O'Meara Mr. & Mrs. Norman Belisle, Rev. Leo J. Duart
Col. & Mrs. Vincent Ricci, $10 Valentine Labossiere, Mr. & Mrs. $100
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Rebello, . Mr. & Mrs. William Le Blanc, Herbert McCarthy, Mr. & Mrs. Blessing of the Fleet
Capt. & Mrs. Robert Rossitto, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Bussiere, Donat F. Fortin, Mr. & Mrs. $60
Edward J. Sheehan, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Herve Patenaude, Joseph A. Dupont Rev. Thomas C. Mayhew
Austin E. Stokes, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Conrad Gobeil, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Millette, $50 Frank Tavares
& Mrs. Conrad Lemay Mr. & Mrs. Leo Duverger, Mr. & Anonymous $10 Mr. & :\IIrs. George Nolan, Mr. Walter Welsh Council, K. of C. &~ Mrs. Hodolph Richer, Mr. & Mrs. Leon Paquette, Mrs. Omer Mr. & Mrs. George Allietta, Heon, Mrs. Joseph Therien $25 . Eileen Aldrich, John Adams, Mr. 1\'£rs. Ernest Berube, Mr. & Mrs. Anonymous Mr. & Mrs. Walter Gaudette, & Mrs. John C. Anderson, Mrs. Gustave :La Marche, Mr. & Mrs. William H. Young Insurance Mr. & Mrs. Albert Gonsalvas, Sharon Andrews Gaston Loranger Agency Mr. & Mrs. William Arm Mr. & :\IIrs. Joseph Blanchette, Dr. & Mrs. Daniel H. Hiebert Mr. & l\Irs. Joseph A. Langis, strong, Mrs. Emerson Ayers, Catholic Daughters of Amer Sherman Baker, Daniel V. Bar 1\11'. & Mrs. William Marshall, ica tolomei, Walter Bennett 1\11" & Mrs. Ronald Dumas, Mr. $20 Mrs. Benjamin Bevelander, & Mrs. Wilfrid Lauzon Marcey's Oil Company, Anony Mrs. George Blake, Francis Mr. & Mrs. Valmor O. Lauzon, Boulton, Donald Braga, Mr. & mous, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Dahill Mr. & Mrs. Robert Tardif, Mr. & GEORGE M. MONnE
$15 . Reg. Master Plumber 2930
.Mrs. Manuel Braga Mrs. Joseph Pereira, Mrs. Albert George F. Leyden, Mr. & Mrs. Montmarquette, Mr. & Mrs. Lu Mr. & Mrs. Joseph C. Brown, Over 35 .'ears Mr. Angelo Burgess, Mr. & Mrs. . George Lemos, Mr. & Mrs. Isa of Satisfied Service dovic Giard dore Ferreira Walter Buguey, Bernard Cas Mr. Paul Langlois, Mr. & Mrs. 806 NO. MAIN STREET $10 sidy, Mr. & Mrs. James Cassidy Charles Gomes, Jorge Correia Fall River OS 5·7497 Mr. & Mrs. Frank Aresta, Mr. . Margaret M. Cassidy, Pauline and wife, Mr. & Mrs. Wilfrid Cahoon, Mr. & Mrs. Augustus & Mrs. Joseph Stephens, Mr. & Bartlett, Mr. & Mrs. Albert Mrs. Willis Carlos, Mr. & Mrs. T. Canty, Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Charette Francis Silva, Mr. & Mrs. Caporale, Mr. Joseph Carr Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Loranger, Thomas Francis Mr. & Mrs. James Carreiro, Mr. & Mrs. Wilfrid Racine, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Augustine Carriuolo, . Mrs. Selena Cross, M~. & Mrs. &: Mrs. Louis A, Roy, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P: Dirsa, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Chicoine, Capt. & Mrs. Laurier H. Dumas, Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Volton, Mrs. Anna L. Sil Morgan Childs, L. C. Cline Henry Fredette via, Mr. & Mrs. John F. Cook Jr. Robert Corcoran, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Albert Caron, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. William H. Cabral, .Joseph Cordeiro, Mr. & Mrs.. 'So. Dartmouth Arthur Corey, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph' Anonymous, The Provincetown &; Mrs. Edgar Gravel, Mr. & Mrs. ·Joseph Labine, Mr. & Mrs. Regi_ Costa Jr., Robert A. Costa, Inn, Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Carpen and Hyannis nald CroBby, Arzelia Roy ter, B. H. Dyer Inc. Builder Mr. & Mrs. Edgar La France, Perry's Market, Days Cot Paul F. Coveney, Mr. & Mrs.. Dartmouth WY 7",,384_ Mr..& Mrs. Roland Lemieux, George Creighton, Mr. & Mrs. tages, Higgins Lumber Com _ Hyannis 2921 .• Mr. & MJ's. Wilfrid Paradis, Mr. . .Jemes Crossen, Daughters of . pany, Mayflower Cafe, Mr. & Isabella, Fa!. Circle. Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. Walter Harding, M.. ry .&; Mrs. E:iward S. Roderick, Mr. ~_ &; Mrs. AnthonY' Sylvia, . Manuel 'DeMello
New Bedford
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Duval, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph E. Desjardins, Mr. & Mrs. Ovila Rock Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Leo Lapre, Mr. & Mrs. Laurent Pare.nt, Mr. & Mrs. Henry Lafleur, Mr. & . Mrs. Gerard Richard, Mr. & Mrs. Jules Cayer Mr. & :Mrs Leopold Meunier, Mr. & Mrs. Antoine Racine, Henry Parnaude, Mr. & Mrs. Romeo Richard, Mr. & Mrs. Nathan E. Adams Mr. & Mrs. Albert Barriteau, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Munroe, Mr. & Mrs. Philip Gignac, Mrs Emma La :alanc, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Le Blanc Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Brunette, Mr. & Mrs. Lionel De Mars, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Correia, Arthur Dagesse, Theresa' Harwood Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Raffa, Rose Kobes, Mr. & Mrs. Ray mond Giasson, Mr. & Mrs. Leo H. Mathieu, Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Sih'eria Mr. & Mrs. James Camp, Mr. & Mrs. Normand Pepin, Mr. & Mrs. John Medeiros, Mr. & Mrs. /Fernando Medeiros, Mr. & Mrs. Adrien Angers
Mr. & Mrs. George Brasseur,
Mr. & Mrs. Philip Lavoie, Mr. &
Mrs. Walter Gevrie, Mr. & Mrs. Euclide Dalbec, Mr. & Mrs. Josephat Salvail Mr. & Mrs. Paul Landreville,
Mr. & Mrs. Roger Roy, Mrs.
Joseph Rock, Mr. & Mrs. Jean
Savoie, Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Poyant Mr. & Mrs. George Dufault, Mr. & Mrs. Dominic Imbriglio, Mr. & Mrs. Roger G. Frigault, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph R. Bastarach, Mr. & Mrs. Edgar Le Beau Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Pierre Pelletier, Mr. & Mrs. Roger Le Blanc, Mr. & Mrs. Romeo St. Gelais, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Leo Arse nault, Mr. & Mrs. Stanislas Tet reault Mr. & Mrs. Roland Toyfair, Mr. & Mrs. Normand Roy, Mr. & Mrs. Bradie E. Metheny, Mr. & Mrs. Roger Robitaille, Mr. & Mrs. Paul Arcouette Mrs. Robert Jeffrey, Mr. & Mrs. Albert Genereux, Mr. & Mrs. Normand Parent, Therese Bonneau
Montie Plumbing & Heating Co., Inc.
GONDOLA} RESTAURANT and LOUNGE on Lake Sabbatia 1094 Bay Street TAUNTON VA 4-8754
MEN 17-25
JOIN THE NEW Society of Brothers of OurLadyofProvidence For information write to: FATHER MASTER St. Joseph the Worker Novitiate Warwick Neck, R. I.
•••••••••••••••• w
5 J B 5
5• LUMBER CO. 5•
- _.
· ·...... .. =So.
' =
373 New Bolton Road
Fall River OS 8·5677'
Mary A. Brimley, Edwin Brock, Mr. & Mrs. John Buckley, Mr. &: Mrs. William A. Burns,
Margaret Cairns
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Camara, Mrs. Eulalia Campos, Arthur
Carney, Mr. &: Mrs. Roland
Caron, Thomas Carr Mrs. Mary Carroll, Mr & Mrs. George Carv"'""o, Mrs.. Clarence
Casey, Mr. & Mrs. Alphonse
Chenette, Mr. & Mrs. Louis
Chmiel John F. Clark, Mary Clark, Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Coite, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Cole, Ellen Collins Mrs. Loren Coltran, Mary
Connelly, Mr. & Mrs. John J. Connor, Mrs. Louis A. Cordeiro, Mr & Mrs. George Correia Mr. & Mrs. Manuel O. Correia,
Mr. & Mrs. Temple Corson, Mrs. Camille Coughlin, Mr. & Mrs. Edmund Coyne, Marian Crosby Mr. & Mrs. Henry Cummiskey, Henry Cunningham, Mr. & Mrs. James Curry, Edward Dahoney, John Dahoney Mr. & Mrs. William Damos, Mr. & Mrs. William Davidian, Mr. &: Mrs Earl Delacy, Mr. & Mrs. Alfred DeSouza, Carol De Souza Janice DeSouza, Mr. &: Mrs. Eugene Dessert, Mr. & Mrs. An drew DeTerra Jr., John Devine, James Devlin Mr. & Mrs. William Donaghy, ·Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Downey, Catherine Doyle, Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Edmundson, Mr. & Mrs. Armand Farland Mrs. Alice Farnsworth, Mrs Karl Farnworth, Mr. & Mrs.
Norman Faucher, Mr. & Mrs. Miles L. Fay, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Ferreira Mr. & Mrs. Albert Fields, Mrs. Bridget J. Finch, Claire Fortier, Joseph Fournier, Mr. & Mrs. Frank T. Francis Mr. & Mrs. Paul Francis, Mr & Mrs. Herman Freeman, Mr. &: Mrs. Arthur Furtado, Maria A. Furtado, Mr. & Mrs. Casimir 1. Galanek Mary Gallagher, Mr. & Mrs. James Galligan, Anne Garside, Ellen Gaughan, Esther Gelder Patrick and Mary E. Gibson, John & Raymond Gifford, Mr. & Mrs. Wilfred Gill, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Goley Mr. & Mrs John Gomes, Mr. &: Mrs. John Gomes, Eugene Grace, Mr. &: Mrs. Samuel Greene, Mr. & Mrs. John Groton Mr. &: Mrs. William E. Hal'l, A Friend, Mr. & Mrs. Benedict J. Harrison, Robert Hayes, A Friend
George Hittenhime, Mr. & Mrs.
Donald Hoaglund, Mrs. Ernest Humphrey, Mr. & Mrs. Bradford Jones, Mr & Mrs. Harry Karg}e Sarah A. Keighley, Eileen Kennedy, Mrs. Margaret A. King, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Lamoureux, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Lamoureux Mr. &: Mrs. Norman Langlois, Eileen Lardner, Mr. & Mrs. Lucien Lareau, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Lawrence, Mr. & Mrs. Roland Lepire Mr. & Mrs. Armand L'Etoile, Agnes Lister, Catherine Lister, Mr & Mrs. Richard Lister, Mrs. Celina & Mary Lunny Mr. & Mrs. Rob~ Lyle, Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Madruga, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Maguire, Mr. & Mrs. John Maguire, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph S. Maziarz . Christine McCarthy, Mr. &: Mrs. Francis McCarthy, John McDonald, Mary McDonnell, Mr. & Mrs. John Medeiros James M e e han, Stephen Meekin, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Meg gison, Marg.aret T Mellody, Mr. & Mrs. John Mendoza ' Mary Middieton, Mrs. 'Wo'let Middleton, Mr. & Mrs. Harold Mills, Florence Mitchell, Sheila Ann Mitchell Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Molloy, Mr. &: Mrs. Thomas Moroek, Geol" gianna S. Morris & Mrs. William O. Wood, Mr. &; Ml'S. Jobft MOl' riB, Mr. & Mrs. Francifl Motta Mrs. AnthontY Moura, Frede.. rick Munro, Mr. &; Mrs John Murphy, Mr. &; Mrs. Raymond Neary~ Mr. &; :Mr8. William A.
New Bedford ST. JAMES $300 Rt. Rev. Hugh A. Gallagher $150 A Friend $100 Mrs. Jeremiah Coholan
$75 Rev. Edward C. Duffy Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Tschaen, Sr. $60 Paul Clark $50 Rev. Thomas E. O'Dea In Memory of Mrs. Mary L. Foley Mr. & Mrs. Edward Kerwin Mrs. John Duff Joseph Ramshead Mary M. Walsh $41
Robert C. Bancroft " $40 Mr. & Mrs. Luke Smith $30 Mr. & Mrs. William Best Mr. & Mrs. James L. Giblin Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Macedo Anna Meehan Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Rogers Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Smith & Mary Ellen Smith Mr. & Mrs. Milton Taylor $25 Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Barry Mr. & Mrs. John Callanan· Mr. & Mrs. James W. Clark & Robert Clark Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Corbeil Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Fontaine Mr. & Mrs. Henry Luckraft Mr. & Mrs. Francis J. Maguire Mr. & Mrs. Edward O'Rourke Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Pimental Mr. & Mrs. Francis Roach In Memory of Mary A., Timo thy J. & Agnes G. Sullivan William F. Waldron & Mrs. Mary E. Madden Margaret T. Walsh $20 Mrs. Carl Anderson, Joseph &: William Cawley, Mr. &: Mrs. Ernest Chicoine, Anne· Dawber, Nellie Fay Dr. Joseph Gleason, Mrs. Grace R. Lardner, Mrs. Mary> Macey, Mr. &: Mrs. Edward Mackay, Mr. & Mrs. John M. Mahoney Mr. & Mrs. Francis J. Manning, Mr. &: Mrs. Sylvester A. Mit ehell, Mr. &: Mrs. James P. Mul lin Jr. Everett J. O'Brien, Kathe rine Oesting Mr. &: Mrs. John T. Regan, Mrs. D. J. &: Ellen Robinson, Mr. &: Mrs. Julius Sottak &: Mary, Mr. &: Mrs. Joseph Towers, Helen Walsh, Sylve~~r Walsh $15 Mr. &: Mrs. Joseph Baptiste, Mrs. Mary F. Barabe, Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Bock, Mr. &: Mrs. James A. Cawley, Janet R. Connelly Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Connors, Richard Crowe, The Kilbride Family, Mr. & Mrs. Adam La eala, Mrs. Alice Lowney Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Michaud, Mr. & Mrs. Russell Paiva, Joan Park, Dominic Stanton, Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Worden $14 . Mr. & Mrs. Paul T. Hart $13 Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Normandin $12 A Friend, Mr. & Mrs. Alex ander Gonsalves, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Amaral, Mr. & Mrs. Wil liam Stephenson $10 Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Almeida, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Archer, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Arnett, Edward Arruda, Mrs. James W. Aspden Mrs. Alonzo Atkinson, Ar:thur Avila, Eileen Backus, Mr. & Mrs. Humbert Baldo, Elizabeth & Anna May Ball Richard L. Ball, Mrs. Candida Barrows Mr & Mrs Kenneth B31" :rows, Mr. &; Mrs. JohnJ. B'lln'3f" .r. & Mrs. Joseph :Bender Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. :Betten eourt, Mt's. James Bicker, Mr. 1& Mrs. William Blake, Mr. &; Mrs. .Joseph Bo7ges, Mr. I; iMrIl. Demase Bouebard Mr It l\Irs. Louis Boudreau, :Mr. & Mrs. Albert llourque, Mrs. :t.mian Bowen, Mary :Boy~ Mill.
& Mrs. .1ose»h.
~ &;
Mr.s. William B. BeleoD,
THE ANCHORThurs., May 7, 1964
FROM POLAND: A reproduction of the famous painting of Our Lady of Czestochow3; in Poland. is uncra!ed upon its arrival at the Polish Chapel In the NatIonal Shrme of the Immaculate Conception, Washington, D.C. It will be placed on the reredos above the altar of the chapel which will be dedicated on Sunday, May 3. NC Photo. Mr. & Mrs. Charles Nichols, Charles Normile, Henry O'Br.fen, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph F. O'Brien Mr. & Mrs. Leopold Oliveira, Eileen O'Rourke, Eli z abe t h O'Rourke, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas O'Rourke, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Ouimet Mr. & Mrs. Henry Ouimet, Mary Ouimet, James J. Park, John J. Pavao, Joseph P. Pavao Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Pedro, Mr. &: Mrs. Americo Penha, Mr. &: Mrs. Joseph Percival, Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Perry, Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert
'1'. Perry Mr. & Mrs. Harry Perry, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Perry, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Peters, Mrs. Cor
rine Petit, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Pinnington Tillie Pires, Mr. &: Mrs. Rus sell Pittsley, Mrs. John Poly carpo, Margaret Quail, Philip R6.mos Mr. &: Mrs. Edward Ramshead, Mary Regan, Mr. & Mrs. John Reis, Mr. & Mrs. Donald Richard, Joseph Richard Mr.. & Mrs. Edward Riley, Paul Roberts, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph
Roderigues, Mr. & Mrs. George Pogers, Terence J. Rogers Mr. & Mrs. Charles Rose, Mar garet Rowan, Agnes V. Ryan, Mr. & Mrs. James F. Ryan Jr.,
Mr. & Mrs. John H. Ryan Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Ryan, Mr. & Mrs. Robert St. Pierre, Mr. & Mrs. John Santos, Brenda Saunders, Mr. & Mrs.J. ·Arthur Sheehan
Mr. & Mrs. Harold Sherbino, Mr. & Mrs. George Silva, Mr. & Mrs. George Silva, Rose Silva. Mrs. Martha Smith Mr. & Mrs. Edward Sousa, Mr. & Mrs. - Gil Souto, Mr. & Mrs. George T. Souza, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Souza, Mr. & Mrs. Man uel Souza Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Souza, Raymond Souza, Mr. & Mrs. Wil liam J. Souza, Mr. & Mrs. Rich ard Sparrow, Mrs. Virginia Starbuck Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Stone, Mr. &: Mrs. John F. Sullivan, Cathe
rine Swansey, In Memory of George E. Swansey, Mr. & Mrs. George Sylvia Mr. &: Mrs. John J. Sylvia, Mr. & Mrs. Louis G. Sylvia, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Sylvia, Mr. &; Mrs Raymond -G. Sylvia, Mr. & Mrs. Richard' Sylvia
- Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Sylvia,
John Szulik, Mr. & Mrs. Walter Szwaja, Oharles Tarpey, Mr. & Mrs. John Tomlinson :Mr. & Mrs. Paul Tripanier.
Mr. &: Mrs. William Trought Jr., Mr. & Mrs. John Vieira, Mrs. Laura Vieira, Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Vieira Mrs. Mary Warren, Margaret Welsh, Mrs. Elizabeth Whelan, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Whittle, Mary Wilkinson Helen WinIi, Mary Winn, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Wojcik, Mr. &; Mrs. Linden Worden
ST. JOSEPH $250 Mr. & Mrs. Marcel Roy $200 Mr. & Mrs. Francois Sullivan $100 Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Dione Mr. & Mrs. Henri Brouillette Mr. &: Mrs. Herve J. Couture $75 Rev. Joseph A. Martineau Rev. L'Ouis R. Boivin $60 Mr. &; Mrs. Maurice Danse reau $50 Mr. & Mrs. Francois Bouchard Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Deneault Saucier Family, Mr. & Mrs. Er Mr. & Mrs. Louis F. Vaudry Sr. $25 Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Burke Mrs. Clara Robida & Ernest Mr. & Mrs. Laurier Audette Mr. & Mrs. Isidore Viens Mr. & Mrs. Hilaire Tremblay Mr: & Mrs. Antone Fournier $24 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Vigeant $20 Mr. & Mrs. Alerandre Mont miny, Gardner Family, Mr. & Mrs. Henri Gardner, Mr. & Mrs. Theotime Leblanc, Mr. & Mrs. Bruno Charbonneau, Mr. & Mrs. Archer Newton $15 Mr & Mrs Stephen Yates, Mr. & Mrs. Laurier Cormier, Mr. & Mrs. George Cote, Mr. & Mrs. Leonce Methot & Paul $12 Mrs. Jeanne Levesque
$11 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Pelletier $10 Mr. & Mrs. Louis Poirier, Lil . Uan pothier, Lucien Pothier, Misses Methe, Mr. & Mrs. Adrien Cloutier
Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Caron Jr.. Begin Family, Mrs. Blanche Gauthier, Mr. & Mrs. Romeo Dugas, Mr. & Mrs. Albert Bas tarache
Theodore Robert, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Gallant, Mrs. Lea Le maire, Mr. & Mrs. Olivier Robil lard, Mr. & Mrs. Armand Roy
Misses Anna, Leona, Yvonne Beaulieu, Mr. & Mrs. Roland Fournier, Mr. & Mrs. Wilbrod Dufour Mr. & Mrs. George A. Sleight: Mr. & Mrs. Archibald Spoor. Mr. & Mrs. George Belliveau, Mr. & Mrs. Silva Davignon, Mr. & Mrs. Roland Doucet, Ernest Leblanc, George Blaise . Omer Branchaud, Mr. & Mrs. Hilaire Bedard, Dr. & Mrs. Ger ald Carrier, Mr. & Mrs. Laurent . Robert; Maurice Charette . Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Langlois, Mrs. Philias Fortin, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Richard, Mr. & Mrs. Ger_ ard Bergeron, Mrs. James W. Serton Mr. & Mrs. Antone Texeira, Mrs. Ida Bouchard, Mrs. Blanche Parent, Mr. & Mrs. Simeon La france, Mr. & Mrs. George Michaud
Mr. & Mrs. Edgar Desjardins, Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Patnaude, Mr. & Mrs. Andre Champagne, Mr. & Mrs. Antoine Bertrand & Family, Pauline Bertrand Mr. & Mrs. Napoleon Poirier, Mrs. Florida Bonnoyer, Mr. &; Mrs. Edmond Valliere, Mr. & Mrs. Roland Cote, Mr. & Mrs. Valmore G. Dubreuil Mr. & Mrs. Leonard PoyaD't; Mr. & Mrs. Jean Louis Schwartz; Famiyl Saucier, Mr. & Mrs. Er
nest Menard, Mr. &: Mrs. Ovi18
Vaillancourt i Leo Vaillancourt, Mr. & Mrs.
Clovis Mazerolle, Mr. & Mrs:
Arthur Landreville, A & M Ro
billard, Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Nolan Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Bouchard, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Bisaillon. Mr. & Mrs. Philias Caron, Leo
Audette· Mrs. Blanche Despree
& Famiiy -
Mr. & Mrs. Raoul Mathieu,
Mr. &. Mrs. Francis Orlowski, Mr. & Mrs. Toussaint Girard, Mr. & Mrs. Maurice BrochU, My. & Mrs. Walter Baillargeon .
Mr. & Mrs. Raoul Tetreault, Mr. & Mrs. Adelard Breault Yolande Robitaille, Mr. & MrS; Conrad Letendre, Asselin Family
Antoinette Bergeron, Mrs.
Aline Hebert, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Limoges, Mr. & Mrs. Maxime Maillet, Mr. & Mrs. George Louis Parent Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Audette,
Mr. & Mrs. Albert Hebert, Mr. &
Mrs. Joseph Dupuis, Mr. & Mrs. Edgar A. Fortier, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Saulnier Mr. & Mrs. G~orge Frazer, Mr. & Mrs. Andre Fiano, John Sirois, Joseph Dansereau, Mr.. ~ Mrs. ArmaNd Cyr Mr. & Mrs. Albini Letournea\t Mr. & Mrs. Edward Dawson, Mr. & Mrs. Hector Tetreault, Mr. &; Mrs. Ovila Lizotte, Mr. & Mrs. Maurice Leclair
FI RST·MACH INISTS 'NATIONAL BANK OF TAUNTON North Dighton North Easton Norton Taunton Spring Street Main Street W. Main Street Main Street Membe'r Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
Thurs., May 7,
$100 Mrs. William Freitas. Mount Carmel CYo
$75 Rev. George J. Sousa Mr. & Mrs. Arthur E. Hen ck'icks Leonor M. Luiz
Mr. & Mrs. Albert P. LopelJ Mr. & Mrs. George P()nte
$30 Mrs. Hilda Roderick
$25 Cecelia Bettencourt Antone Felix Mr. & Mrs. Enos Lopes Olivia M. Luiz Jesse Mello Augustus Silva
$22 Mr. & Mrs.
$21 .. Mr. & Mrs.. John Oliveira,
$20 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Calral-, ~t!". '" Mrs. Joseph CurzJr., Mr. Manuel A. Gomes. Mr. & lVIril. Stephen Maced!), AntoniG Math ews Mr. & Mrs, Joseph Silveira &: Filomena· S. ·Maclruga, M~. & Mrs. Charles Souza, Mr.. " Mrs. Hemiterio Souza
$15 Elaine Medeiras, Mr. &: Mrs. Leonard Nichols. Mr. &: Mrs. Francisco Veira
$12 Mr. & Mrs. Guilheime M. Luiz Mrs. Rose l\1athews &: Hild~ Mathew~, George l\'I(:l1iiz:
Mr. & Mrs. George Albin!), Manuel Amaral Jr., Mr. &: Mrs. Americo Araujo, Mr. &: Mrs. .Joseph Arruda, 'Mr. & Mrs. 'Jose Avila Mr. & Mrs.' Alfredo Barl:ioza, Mr. & Mrs; Richard Barboza, Mr. & Mrs. M'anuel Barros; Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Bettencourt, .Julia Bettencourt Mary P. Bettencourt, Nater eia Bettencourt, Mr. & Mrs. Antone Bizarro, Dorothy Bi zarro, Mr. & Mrs. Antone Cabral Mr. & Mrs. Frank Cabral, Rosalina Camara, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Cambzoa, Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Cardoza, Mr. &.Mrs. Jose Carvalho Joseph S. Cardoza, Mr. &: Mrs. Antonio Correia Jr., Mrs. Bel mira Correia, Beverly Correia, Maria Correia Cynthia Costa, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Costa, Mr. & Mrs. Man uel Costa, Mr. & Mrs. Manue! daSilva, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Eugenio & Nancy Mr. & Mrs. Jose Felix, Mr. &: _ Mrs. August Fernandes, John Ferreira, Mary Ferreira, Nata lie Ferreira Donald Francis, Virginia Frei tas, Mr. & Mrs. Alfredo Furtad9, Mt. & Mrs. Carlos Furtado, Mr. & Mrs. Custodio Gonsalves Mrs. JUlill Francisco,' Daniel N. Gonsalves, Mr. & M!,s. Deo dato Gonsavles, Mr. & Mrs. Wi~_ Ham Gonsalves, Joseph Gouve,la .Jr. Evelyn Hendricks,' Mariana Hendricks, Mary Hendricks, Margaret Jardin, Mr. & Mrs. Shirley H. Hernigan Jr. , Edward Joseph, Mr. &: Mrs. Richard King, Mr & Mrs Edward· Lima, Mr. & Mrs. Francis Lopes, Maria Lopes Mr. & Mrs. Manuel LourencG, Alexandrina Macedo, Mr. & Mrs. James Macedo, Mr. &: Mrs. Louis Mace«ro, Mr. & Mrs. Man uel Macedo Mr. & Mrs. Manuel S. Ma eedo, Maria Macedo, Mary J. Macedo, Stella Macedo, Mr. &: Mrs. Joseph Marks Mr. & Mrs. Frar.k Martin, Mr. & Mrs. Jose Martins, Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Martin, Mr. .& ,Mrs. Norbert Martin. Mr. & Mrs. John Medeiros Mi. & Mrs. M.<inuel Medei'ros,
Mr. &: Mrs. Primo Mf'rlf'iro3. ~vrr.
&: Mrs. Ronald Medeiro,. Ar n
Mello. Florence Mello Mr. & Mrs. Joao Mello. Mr. & Mrs. John Mello, l\lr. &: :.\lr". Louis Mello. Mr. & Mrs. Serafi~ Mello. Mr. & Mrs_ Jorge :'olelr} J.\lanuel P. & Mary A. :\'leh, Mr. & Mrs. Amadeio :\IendoI~c3. Anes Moniz. Mr. & 1\1rs. Fran cisco C. :.\loniz, 1\1r. &: :\11':'. Joseph V. Nunes :\11' & Mrs. Jose Oliveira. Mr. & l\I~s. Joseph L. Olh'eira. :\ll'. & ::.\'1rs. Roland Ouimette. ::.\1:-. & Mrs. Alfred Pacheco. Mr. & ::\11';;. Joseph Paiva ::.\-lr. & ::.\lrs. Antonio Pereir",. Raul Pereira, Mary A. Perry, Shirley T. Perry. 1\lr. & :\1r5. Anthony C. Phillips :'oIl'. & :.\Irs. Joaquim Piedaae Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert Pimenta:. Alice Pires, Antone Rapuza. ~1r. & Mrs. :\1anuel Ricardo :\lr. & :\-Irs. John Rita. Lo:::15 L. Rita. Mr, & Mrs, Louis ROd erick ::'oIl'. & Mrs. George Rod eriqu"es, ::.\lr. & Mrs. Humber'.o Rodriques . :\lr. & :\lrs. Rodrigues, Jan::, aria Rogers; John, Olh;e & Lu ~ille Rose, :\11'. & Mrs: Rouxinol. ::\'1r. & Mrs. Doming"),; Samagaio . Mr & Mrs..Charle~ Santos, J\Ir'. & Mrs. Manuel P. Santos, Mr. & Mrs. - Raul Santes, Mr. & Mrs. John Saraiva, Mr. -&; Mra; John' Silva Mr. & Mrs. John Silva, Mr. & Mrs Manuel· Silva, Carol sn yeir~, nenoveva Silvestre, David Souza _, Mr. & Mrs. Edward C. Souza, Mr. & Mrs. George Souza, Mr. & Mrs. James Souza, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Souza, Olivia Souza Barbara Jane Sylvia•. Mr: & i.\-lrs. Clarence Sylvia. Chris topher & Mildred Sylvia, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Sylvia. Mr. & Mrs. ::\lanuel'Tavares . .. Mr. & Mrs. Antonio T~lxelra, Mr. &- 'Mrs. Manuel Trava:;s()s, ·:Mr. & Mrs. Arthur .vasconc~llos, 'Mr. & Mrs. William Veary, A.n gelina Velho .' . Mr. & Mq;. Eleoteno ve~ga, ::\'1r. & Mrs. Charles Vieira. ./Ir. & Mrs. Raphael Vieira, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Winn, Julia Almeida' . Isabel Andrade, Laura AVIla, John Castro. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Caton, Mr. & Mrs. Jose Cruz
A. Champagne, Gabrielle Cho quette, Rita Lacombe, Mr. & Mrs. Romeo Lacombe Mr. & Mrs. Evariste Lafrance, Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Landreville, Mr. & Mrs. Armand Lavoie, Mr. & Mrs. Paul Letourneau, Mr. & Mrs. Ronald L. Mello Mr. & Mrs. O. Samoisette, Mr. & Mrs. Roland Cote, Anony mOllS, Mr. & Mrs. D. Desautels, George Dube & Family Mr. & Mrs. Armand Dup(e, Mrs. Leda & Yvette Foisy, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Fredette, Mrs. Emile Fournier, Romeo Gagne Delia M. Green, Gus'tave Gaudreau & Family, Simonne Havard, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Pou lin, Mrs. Leo LaBrode Mr. & Mrs. Albert Laflamme, Charles Lafleur, Mrs. Charles Lafleur, Mr. & Mrs. Romeo La forest, Mr. & Mrs. Gerarg Lang_ lois Mr. & Mrs. Emile Lauzon, Mr. . & Mrs. Joseph Lavoie, Mrs. Nor mand Lebeau.' Alice' Lemaire, Mt. & Mrs. O'Neil Lemire .
: 'FiRE KINDLES ·BROTHERHOOD: Rabbi Morris Ap pIe man of Ea..<:;t Nus:\au, Hebrew Congregation, Sy.o~Ret, N.Y., conducts one of the Jewish religious III St. Edward Confessor Catholic school there. FacIhtJe.<:; of t~e p,arish :,chool were offered by the pastor when fIre destroyed the Jewi>;h synagogue. NC Photo.
bara Gouveia, Joseph Poirier Leo Dawson, Simon Palmieri, N'~shet Q ~erim, Theresa. Davs, Joseph Carrier' .' A!phoru,e Hebert, Edwin Woj tunik. Maurice Magnant. Francis Filbek LillianVeit . Charlotte Bolduc, Leo Gebeii, Cha::les ~'. Simmons. Herbert Brown. Alfred Jeglinski - Kenneth Taber, Adam Dll fresne, James Mello, William Higgins, Irene Maguire Alfred Davignon, Leo Doyon, Th(lma~ Grime, Gerald LaCroix, Rel'e :Ylenard Raymond Whittaker, Amedce) Nobrega, ~'anice Fauteux. Nancy. Fauteux, Lionel RIOUX Wilfred Fauteux, Louis Mag na:1t. Leopold Blanchard, Man ST. KILIAN ue: Dias, :Laurent Audette Catherin e Tillotson, Charles $60 Bartan, Arthur Lemos, Alina Dr. & Mrs. Vincent SarlQ Beaulieu, :VIary Pfaffenzella $50 Nicholas Nicholas, Rose 1\'1yThe Finnell Family er8, Frank Silva, Roland Daleec, $25 Paul Mailloux Mr. & Mrs. Hervey CarOtl ;rohn O:~lowski, Orval Lan Eva White gelier, Edward Lang, Donald $20 Torres, Jo;;eph Pelletier Allen Bentley, Casimir Pus Guido DiBaIsi Thomas Gath cizna Peter Cazdik, Pauline eral, Charles ~aral, Madeline Fred~tte, George White Abraham, William Barron Clyde Voter, Raymond Mabo Peter Abraham, Oml\r Gran ney, Martin Family ger, Victor Chausse Sr., Joseph . $15 Mello AlI~m Stringer . Raymond Riviere, John Golen. J'oh~ Donnewald, Jeal1ne Fili_ ski, Rene Rivet, Mary Augen, ;;lU:~, Rus/:ell Farley, Robe,rt Margaret Paul Murphy, Joseph Ferreira . Virginia Paul, Dorothy Hur Me: rgaref Boucher, Alfred "ley, Isabel FitzGerald, Jose';)u Lang.1iranc" Harrison Francis, Landry WiUiall'. Hunter, Gladys Walda $12 Joseph Mello, Roger Sansouey, Walter Ford, JOSl.'phine Baer ·Mary LaCcmbe, James Harrold, $10 Ar~hur Hehert Charles LeBlanc, Adrien Mes 'Benjamin Harrold, Jennie sier, Donald Lafona, Ri<:hard Hai~gerty, Raymond ~olton, Rose Carl Motta Th~odore Pawelczyk, Edward Theodore Steliga, John Gllmore Harvey nould, Dorothy Gibbs, Dowd, Eilio Martin, Kenneth Bemice Gibbs, Alfred Gibbs, Andrews, James Dewhurst Romeo St. Amand Arthur Ross, Raymond Ou Albert Anderton, Henry Ly pont, Roland Bonneau, B.lanehe onn.ais Dorothy Mahoney, L~uis Bonneau Normand Cloutier Mary Ford, Mitchell Stefanik, Charp~ntiel" John Kennedy Jeremiah Regan, Patricia Manuel Medeiros, Joseph La . Plante, William Pires Me:lo, Adden Bolduc, YV&Due Blais, Kenneth Vieira Harry LaBonte, James Swee Laura Vieira, Norman Hope,
ney James Bento, Benjamill Kenneth :Pearson, John SantGS,
Bar~eiro, George Fortin Donald Matthews, Norman Roger Gissinger Berube Marcel Morin, George Ernest Arlderton, Albert Lee
Richard, Joseph'Medeiros ~ing, Rovert Levasseur, ~ci Henry Bernard, Isaiah Carroll, 'ward Kclaczewski, Wnght
Francis Martins, George l.\Iaca Wa:.ker
bello Maurice Pelland - A.nita Belanger, Leo Belanger.
Jo~eph Belliveau, Rich;:l'rcl Cleophas Bourgeoise, John Me·'
QUoltie, JOSH Canastra . TownleYi Alfred;' Fogaren, Bar-
Manuel Joseph Joseph Masse, Bert St, Germaill Jr. SACRED HEART
$250 Rev. Henry R. Canuel.
Mrs. Clara' Lessard, Mr. & Mrs. Albert Levesque, Anony mous, Mr. & Mrs. George Manny, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Trahan . Mrs. Mary Rogers, Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Murray Jr., Mr. .& Mrs. Odorie Nerbonne, Wayne R. Rogers, Mr. & ¥rs. Raymond Trahan Mr. &. Mrs. Roger Sauve, Mr. & Mrs. Roland Seguin, Mr. & Mrs. R. Violette. Richard Ner bonne, Mr. & Mrs. Maurice W. Paradis Leda Valois, Mr. & Mrs. Ro IandPothier Mr. & Mrs. Louis Vaudry Jr.: Mr. & Mrs. Alpha Ricard, Aline Robidoux 'Roland Roberts, Mrs. Roland Roberts, .The Servais Family, Mrs. Agnes Winsper. Mr. & Mrs. William Siwik., Mr. & Mrs. ,Joseph Slight
Rev. Lucien Jusseaume $60
Mr. & Mrs. Normar>d''8eguin ${i0
lI-Ir. '& Mrs. Edouard Hevey
l\lr. & Mrs. Rodolphe Paradis
Mr. & Mrs. A. L. Bouchard $25 Arthur Deschenes Ruth & Gerard Boudreau
$20 Erlward & Rosaline Perry, Dr. '& lI-Irs. John T. Barrows, Mr. & Mrs. N. N. Boulay, Mr. & lVII'S. Richard Colwell
SERVING Fall River, New Bedford' Cape Cod Area . Agent
TRANSIT CO. INC. Nation-wide Mavers WYmon 3-0904
Mr. & Mrs. W. Fichtenmayer, R. Plante & Family
$IZ Mr. & :VIrs. Roger Menard $11 Mrs. A. Sevigny & Family
The KEYSTONE Office Equipment Salesroom
$10 Mrs. Amedee & Roland Abrain,' Albert Audette, ]1I1r3. Asa Auger, Mrs. Lando Barber(), Mr. & Mrs. Francis Bodeau Mrs. Alfred Bonneau, Mr. & Mrs; Arthur Brunette,' Mr. & Mr. George Carrier, Mr. & Mril. Oscar Dagenais, Mr. & ~Hr3. Henri Daigle ' Mr. & l\lrs. Fredk Bastarache, Irene Beauparlant, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Dupre, IVIr. & Mrs. Paul Dupuis, Mr. & :Mrs. Wilfrid Cou ture Tona Gregoire, lVII'. & Mrs. Ar mand Hebert, Mr. & Mrs. Gerard E. Hotte, Mr. & Mrs. Roland Belisle, John Belotti Mr. & Mrs. Oliver Benoit, Mr. & Mrs. .Romeo O. Bergeron, Alphee Bois, Mrs. Alphee ~i3, Mr. & Mrs. Leo Boucher Jeannette Canuel, Mr. &: .Mrs.
NEW AND USED Wood and Steel Desks and chairs, steel filing cabinets, lockers, shelving, tables. storage Cabinets, safes, wardrobes. etc., 108 James near Union Strfeet NeW Bedford
BROOKLAWN FUNERAL HOME, INC. R. Marcel Roy - G. lorraine Roy Roger laFrance
FUNERAL DIRECTORS 15 Irvington tt, WY 7-7830 New Bedford
YOURS TO LOVE AND TO GIVE! the life of a DAUGHTER OF .sT. PAUL love God more and give 10 'souls knowledge and love of God by serving Him in.~ Mission which uses !he 'Press, Radio, Motion Pictures and TV, to bnng His Word to souls .every.where•• Zeal~us Yl!ung girls 14-23 years interested In thiS umque Apostolate may write to: . . REVERENQ MOTHER SUPERIOR , DAUGHTERS OF Sf: PAUl _. 50 sf P~UL'S AVE. B~STON 3D, MASS.
Mr. & Mrs. William Reed, Mrs. George D. Rogers Mr. & Mrs. John Stager, Ellen ST. LAWRENCE A. Sullivan, Mr. & Mrs. Ray $150 Mr. & Mrs. E. Livingstone Jr. mond Weber $12 $100 Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Botelho, -Rev. Arthur K. Wingate Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Folger, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. James McHugh & Mrs. Harry Hunt, Mr. & Mrs. Dr. James McKenna John Kling, Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Dr. & Mrs. William Muldoon Oliver, Mr. & Mrs. George A Friend Oliver $75 $10 Mr. & Mrs. John J. Dunn Mr. & Mrs. J. Anderson, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Paul McCabe & Mrs. James Aylward, Nora $60 Aylward, Mrs. Carolyn Bach Mrs. Walter Collopy mann, Mr. & Mrs. Harold Barney $50 Mrs. Harriet Bessette, Mr. & Rev. Justin J. Quinn Mrs. Henry Bishop, Mr. & Mrs. Rev. William F. O'Connell W. Bonneau, Mrs. George Braley, Joseph A. Burke -Family Mr. & Mrs. Charles Bramwell Doherty Family Mrs. Florence Brower, Mr. & The Misses Downey Mrs. James Brown, Mrs. Nellie Misses Gertrude & Mary Brown, Robert W. Brunelle, Gleason Frances Burke Misses Mary & Winifred Joseph Burke, Mr. & Mrs. Keneally , Richard Burke, Mr. & Mrs. W. Mr. & Mrs. Maurice Lyons Kenneth Burke, Mr. & Mrs. Ed Ruth B. & Hope F. McFadden mund Butler, Nicholas Buter Anne & Helen Meade Helena Cantwell, Stephen Mr. & Mrs. Robert O'Neill Carney, James Carr Sr. Mr. & John L. Powell Mrs. James J. Carr Jr., Mr. & Dr. & Mrs. George F. Riley Mrs. Richard Carrier. $36.50 Mr. & Mrs. William ~hapman, Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Davis Mr. & Mrs. J. T. O'Connor, Mr. $35 . & Mrs. Cornelius Connors, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Albert C. Wobecky & Mrs. James Corbett, Mr. & . $30 Mx:s. R,ichard, Cotter ," James J. O'Brien Jr. Mrs. George Cronin, Mr,. & Mr. & Mrs. Alexander Phillips Mrs. William Crowley, Mrs. -Mr. & Mrs. Edward L. Ryan Margaret E. Culhane, Mr. & Mrs. Monica & Constance Zygiel John DeTerra, Mr. & Mrs. John $25 P. Doherty Mr. & Mrs. David Bancroft Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Donovan, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Beedem Martha A. Douglas, Mrs. Francis Mrs. William S. Downey Doyle, Mary Doyle, William Mr. & Mrs. Nelson Dumaine Doyle Mrs. John Finni Eileen Driscoll, Patricia Duce, Mrs. John W. Glenn Mr. & Mrs. W. Duce, Susan Duf The Misses Hannigan fy, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Durant Atty. Joseph P. Harrington Mr & Mrs. Ned M. Emmons, Philip J. Kane , Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Enos, Kath Mr. & Mrs. William Kearney. erine Fay, Alice Fennessey, Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Edward Lopes William Ferguson Dr. & Mrs. James Mahoney Mr. & Mrs,' David Fernandes, Mr. & Mrs. E. K. McIntyre Genevieve Foley, William, C. Mr. & Mrs. John Newby & Foley, Mr. & Mrs. Oliver Fon Family seca, Mr. & Mrs. Paul Lee Mr. & Mrs. Elmer Page Forest . Mr. & Mrs. Louis Perras .Jr. Edward J. Foster, Catherine Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Rowson Foye, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas .Foye, St. Lawrence Couples Club Mr. & Mrs. Edward C. Galhghan, Mr. & Mrs. Aldei Sawyer Mr. & Mrs. James Gaughan' ' Mrs. Edith Smith Mr. & Mrs. Emile Genest, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. William Souza & Mrs. Salvatore Giammahio, Sullivan Family Mrs. Elizabeth Gifford, Francis Mr. & Mrs. Myron Tripp Gillin, Timothy Gleason A Friend Mr. & Mrs. John F. Goggin, $20 Mr. & Mrs. Charles Gosselin Mr. Joseph Amaral, Nellie Bedard, & Mrs. Raymond Gosselin, Gen Mr. & Mrs. Edward Cormier, evieve Grace, Vincent Grace Otho Cornish, Mr. & Mrs. Ed Mr. & Mrs. Owen Hackett, ward Duffy Halloran Family, Mr. & Mrs. Mary & Catherine Duffy, Mr. William Harding, Mr. & Mrs. M. & Mrs. Manuel Gonsalves, Mrs. Harrington, Mr. & Mrs. James Frances Harrington, Mr. & Mrs. C. Hesford William Jeffries; Mrs. Ernest Mr. & Mrs. Leo C. Higgins, King Harold Hughes, Mrs. Bridget Mr. & Mrs. William King, Mrs. Hurley & Mr. & Mrs. Maurice Annette Lowrie, Mr. & Mrs. Hurley, Mrs. Mary Hutchinson, Francis Mahoney, Marie Ma Eleanor Jennings honey, Mr. & Mrs. Paul Marshall Mrs. Edward Judge, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. John Murphy, Mrs. William Kasller, Mr. .& Johri N. O'Brien, Catherine & Mrs. Thomas Keeping, Carole Agnes O'Malley, Mr. & Mrs. Kelly, Mrs. George V. Kelly , Richard Porter, Mary & Clara Mr. & Mrs. Francis Kennedy, Smith Mr. & Mrs. John Kennedy, John Mr. & Mrs. Edward Sparrow, F. Kenny, Mrs. Elizabeth Lacey, Mr. & Mrs. Leo M. Sullivan, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. John Laliy . & Mrs. John' F. Treadup, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Odee L. Landry, Mrs. Edward Tynan Mr. & Mrs. Francis LeBoeuf, $18.50 Mrs. Albert & Paul LeBoeuf, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Sullivan & Mrs. Donald LeFav6r, Mr. -& $16 . Mrs. P. Lemos Mrs. Wilfred Demers Joseph T. Leonard, Mrs. Ed $15 ward Lyons, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Mr. & Mrs. Charles Burke, Mahon, Mr. & Mrs. Francis C. Martin Butler, Helen A. Driscoll, Mahoney, Mr. & Mq;. Robert Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Driscoll, Makin Mr. & Mrs. James Galligan John J. Malone, Mr. & Mrs. Dr. & Mrs. N. Gamache, The Paul Malone, Frank Manning, Misses Goulding, James Hayden, Margaret Manning, Mrs. Ray Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Hayes & Fam mond Markey ily, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Hurley Mr. & Mrs. Roy Mason, Mr. & Thomas Jennings, Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. Charles Mattos, Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Kelley, Mary Louise Joseph A. McAvoy, Mr. & Mrs. Kelley, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Kier James B. McCarthy, Mr. & Mrs. nan, Elizabeth Killigrew. Thomas McCarthy Mrs. Anthony S. King, Ger Mr. & Mrs. William K. Mc hardt KOber, Mrs. Ruth Kober, Donald, Mr. & Mrs. R. McHugh, Mrs. Frances A. Koch, Misses Mrs. Robert McIntyre, Mr. & Alice & Lillian Livesay Mrs. Charles McKenna, Mr. & James Mosher, James F. Murray, Mrs. Hugh McKenna' Veronica O'Brien, Mr. _& Mrs. Mildred McMullen, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Osborne, Mr. & Mrs. Stephen McNamara, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Pierce James McQuade Sr., Mr. &. Mrs.
THE ANCHORThurs., May 7,
New Bedford
STEP BACK INTO HISTORY: The new Wax Museum in Denver features displays of interesting scenes and per
sonages in the history of Colorado and the nation: This . sce~e represents Denver's first Catholic bishop, French born Joseph P. Machebeuf, also pioneer missionary priest of Ohio New Mexico, Colorado and Utah, offering Mass on the back of his buggy, in a community where no buildings were available. He often heard confessions in the front seat. NC Photo. James McQuade Jr., Mr. & Mrs. J. McQuillan Mr. & Mrs. Charles Mello, Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Monroe, Mrs. Patrick J. & Rosemary Moore, William Mosher, Mr. & Mrs. Fra'ncis Muldoon , Mr: & Mrs. Joseph Mundorf, Mrs.. Edward D. Murphy, Mrs. F. Murray, Mr. & Mrs. William Murray, Mrs. Edith Myrand Helen Nelson, Mr. & Mrs. An thony Nunes, Mrs. Clement O'Bernier, Raymond O'Connor, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Oliver Mr. & Mrs. Albert Olivera, Mr. & Mrs. George O'Neil Mr. & Mrs. Daniel O'Neill, James E. Pallatroni, Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Pallatroni. Mary ,Peckham, Mrs. Helen Peers, Mrs. Margaret Peterson, Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Picard, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Pina Mr. & Mrs. Adolphe Plante, Mr. & Mrs. John W. Porte, Rose_ mary Porter, Mr. & Mrs. Adrien Poulin, Mrs. Philip Proctor Mr. & Mrs. J. Henry Quinn, Anna Regan, Mr. & Mrs. James Reynolds, Mr. & Mrs. Peter Ricardo, Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Riding Nelson Riendeau, Dr. & Mrs. Frederick Riley, Mr. & Mrs. ,Levis Roby, , Mr. & Mrs. F. Rogers, Mr. & Mrs., Robert Rose, Clayton Russell, Mr. & Mrs. ar thur St. Gelais, Mr. & Mrs. Jo seph Santos, Mr. & Mrs. Paul Servais Mr. & Mrs. Francis Sheehan,
Albert Smith, Elizabeth Smith,
Mr. & Mrs. R. Smith, Joseph F.
Susanne Stager, Mr. & Mrs.
Harvey Stewart, Charles Sulli
van, Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Sulli
van, Mrs. Judith Sykes
Mr. & Mrs. H. Sylvia, Helen
S. Sylvia, Mrs. Donald Taber,
Lillian Tablas, Mr. Robert
Mrs. Frances Thomas, Joseph
Toomey, Edward Trainor, Mr. & Mrs. Leo Tuttle, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Tweedie
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Van Cleft,
J.oseph Veterino, Mr. & Mrs.
Bernard Viens, Mrs. Lawrence
Weaver, Margaret Webster Mr. & Mrs. John Whalen, Mrs. Josephine Whelan & Ann, Mr. & Mrs. Austin L. Whittey. Eliz-. abeth Wilkinsor Mr. & Mrs. J. Edward Williar~s Mr. & Mrs. Francis Winterson, Mrs. Clare Woodruff, Mrs. Wil liam Yates ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI
$375 Rev. Alfred R. Forni $50 Rosaria Nicolaci $25 Ghilardi Family Nicholas Scarpitti Catechism Classes St. Vincent de Paul Society $20 ' Mr. & Mrs. Louis Bono, Mr. & Mrs. Paul Vancini, League of St. Francis of Assisi $15 Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Vancini $12 Mr. & Mrs. Ferdinand Baccelli $10 Mr. & Mrs. Peter Blair, Vin
cenza Camaioni, Mr. & Mrs. Jos
eph CasteIlina, Mr. & Mrs. Ar
mand Coelho, Mr. & Mrs Andrew, Cotoia
Divona Family, Mr. & Mrs.
Frank Figazola, Mr. & Mrs. Jos eph Gagliardi, Anastasia George,
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Gioiosa
Mr. & Mrs. John Goodfellow, Mr. & Mrs. Pantaleone Grande Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Johansen,
Mary Manna, Mr. & Mrs. Rocco A. Morra Mr. & Mrs. Robert Ohnesorge, Joan S. Perry, Mr. & Mrs. Nun zio Raffa, Mr. & Mrs. Victor Reale, Margherita Regis Mr. & Mrs. Liberto Busnengo, Mr. & Mrs. Anthony CastelIina, Mr. & Mrs. Antone Frezza, Mrs. Albert Lima, Frank Mendillo, Charles & Catherine Pallatroni. l.tose Sykes, Gracinta Vercellone HOLY ROSARY $200 Rev. Ernest R. Bessette $10 Lauretta Andrade, Leon Bran_ chaud, Lillia!! Brown, Manuel Pimentle, Olea Racette ST. HEDWIG $25 Kulesza Family '$20 Jennie & Nellie Kuwaski $10 Elizebath Patla & Family, Mr. & Mrs. Stan. Szulik, Mr. & Mrs. Michael Zajac, Mr. & Mrs. Ed win Okolski, Magdalene Kur kowski & Son Mr. & Mrs. Albert Daley, John Baryslki, Walter Twarog .& Family, Dr. Amelia Caton,· Mr. & Mrs. John Kostrzewa Esther Waskiewicz, Mary Mi_ kina, Mr. & Mrs. Art: Sylvia, Mr. & Mrs. C. Gadomski, Mr. & Mrs. Ant. Nobrega, Mr. & Mrs. Ber nard Cook
Matthew Hart
$25 Manuel Machado Ernest Horrocks Jr. $20
Charles Ehmann
Weber Torres Jr. $10 Frank Costa, Stephen Gonat, Manuel Martin, Norman Hen dricks, Manuel Sylvia Jr. Margarite MacKay, Lucien Dlugosinski, Joseph Ruszel, An tone Pacheco, Robert Gaudreau John Caton, Joseph Andrews Jr. John Rezendes, Arthur Mar tin, DaT\iel Mattos James Martin, Mary Morris, Joseph CatIado Jr., James Evans Roland Bourgault John Wojcik, Joseph Andrade, Edwin Oliveira, William Greene, Edward Bouley Paul Sirois, Manuel Mello, An tonio England, Albert Labrie, Norman Frigault Orient Benoit, Geor~e Baron, Carl Joseph, Tobias Vig, Lyles Bissonette Edward O'Gara, Agnall Fer reira & Beverly, Leo Grenon, Peter Rego Jr., Thomas Peters ,_ James Joaquin, Annie Mello, Priscilla Boteiho
WY 7-9167
Year Books
Color Process
American Press, Inc. OFFSET -
Phone WYman 7-9421
New Bedford, Mass.
THE ANCHORThurs., May 7, 1964
New Bedford HOLY NAME
$150 The Children of Holy Name School $100 Dr. & Mrs. Ambrose F. Fin nell Dr. & Mrs. Peter Sweetster $75 Rev. Lucio B. Phillipino $50 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Cawley Lillian T. Cole Mary A. Cole John D. Sheehan $35 Mr. & Mrs. John J. Gibbons 3r. $30 Mr. & Mrs. Francis Kennedy $25 Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Baron Benac Family Mrs. Catherine Carney Mr. & Mrs. Guido Coucd Gertrude & Loretta Daley Mr. & Mrs. Wilbert Divis Edward Duggan Mr. & Mrs. Hugh T. Earley Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Gun ning Mr. & Mrs. James Harrington Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Living stone Sr. Mrs. Alexander Maino Mr. & Mrs. Joseph F. Mar shall Gerald Moriarty Mrs. John V. O'Neil Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Rita Joan Sheehan $20 Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Bancroft, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur D. Bancroft Sr., Mr. & Mrs. Omer Bellenoit, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Branwell, Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Cavanaugh Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Cole, Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Deasy, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Dury, Mr. & Mrs. Peter J. Giammalvo, Mr. & Mrs. James Gleason Mr. Leo Harrington, Mrs. Patrick Harrington & Gerald Harrington, Mr. & Mrs. John E. Hughes, Philip LeCompte, Mr. & Mrs. James W. Leith Raymond Lima, Helen McIn tyre, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Norris Sr., Mr. & Mrs. John O'Neil, Mr. & Mrs. Elmer Paul Mr. & Mrs. John Pendergast, Mary Phelan, Bernard T. SWl!n sey, Mr. & Mrs. George E. Swan sey Jr., Mrs. Mary Wilson $15 Mr. & Mrs. Martin P. Barry, Mr. & Mrs. Maurice Downey, Mr. & Mrs. Eric Erickson, Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Flanagan, Maurice Harrington Hugh J. Murray, Mr. & Mrs. Fred Osuch, Mr. & Mrs. Hugh J. Shanahan Jr., Dr. &: Mrs. Edward Welch
Mr. & Mrs. Walter Carter, Mr. &: Mrs. Damase Moreau, Mrs. Knut Vikre $11 Mr. & Mrs. Francis Kwiatkow ski $10 Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Adshead, Mr. & Mrs. Einar Anderson, Gil bert Andrade, Mr. John R. Ar monde, Mr. &: Mrs. Raymond Atwood Antoine Balthazar, Grace Ban_ croft & Anne Bancroft, Mr: & Mrs. Mariano Baptista, Mrs. Amelia Bariteau, Stanley Baron Jr. Mrs. Monica Barron, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Barros, Jeremiah Barry, Mr. & Mrs. Prior Bassett, Mr. & Mrs. Salvador Belli Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Belliveau, Mr. & Mrs. Allen Bessette, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Blake, Mr. & Mrs. Roland Blanchard, Mr. & Mrs. Helmuth Bonner Mr. & Mrs. L. William Bou chard, Mr. & Mrs. Maurice Bourque, Arnold R. Briden, Mrs. George Brightman, Mrs. Wilfred Brimley Dianne Broadland, Mr. & Mrs. Henry Bromley, Mr & Mr~ James Bl'yan, Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence J.
Burns Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Francis Byers Mr. & Mrs. Charles Cabral, Mr. & Mrs. Francis Cabral, Mr. & Mrs. James J. Cafferty, Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Cafferty, Mr. & Mrs. Jeremiah F. Carey Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Cazemiro, Kathleen Coholan, Louise Coho lan, Mr. & Mrs. Leo Cole, Mrs. Mary Conlan Mrs. Melvin "Connick, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Cormier, Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert Costa, Harold Coughlin, Mrs. Helen Cowell & James Cowell Mr. & Mrs. Clifford Crowley, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Damm, Margaret Donovan, Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Donovan, Kathleen Downey . Mary E. Downey, Mr. & Mrs. Stephen P. Downey, Helen Dris colI, George Dumas Jr., Anne & Josephine Evers Mr. & Mrs. Antone Fajao, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Feeney, Kathleen Finnerty, Stephen J. Finnerty and Son, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Fitzpatrick Mr. & Mrs. James Flanagan, James Foley, Joseph Foley, Julia Foley, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Fortin Mr. Albert J. Foutter, Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Francis, Richard Francis, Mr. & Mrs. William J. Francis, Richard Gero Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Gerrard, Anthony Gianetto, Mr. & Mrs. Henry L. Gillis, Mr. & Mrs. John Gomes, Stanley P. Gouzyca Mr. & Mrs. Harry Green, Mr. & Mrs. Frederick M. Greer, Mr. & Ms. Patrick Griffith, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Hamer, Mr. & Mrs. William Hargraves Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence A. Har ney Sr., Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Harney Jr., Anna M. Harrington, Mr. & Mrs. John Harrington, Mr. & Mrs. John P. Harrington. Marie Harrington, Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Harrington, Winifred Harrington, Mrs. Dora Heap, Mrs. Owen Heleen Mr. & Mrs. Charles Hines, Mr. & Mrs. Felix Hodziewick, Mr. & Mrs. William Howard, Mr. Cor nelius and Margaret Howrihan, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Hunt Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Joseph, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Kalish, John Kelley, Mrs. Thomas Kelley, Edmund Kennedy Maureen Kennedy, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Keyes, Mr. & Mrs. Wal ter King, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Kramer, Mr. & Mrs. Edmond Larocque Mr. & Mrs. Frank E. Leahey, Mr. & Mrs. Donald P. Leaver, Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Ledwell, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Lincoln, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Logan Louise Mackay, Mary F. Mac Lean, Mr. & Mrs. Edward M. Macomber, Mr. & Mrs. Romeo J. B. Magnant, Rose Mailloux Mr. & Mrs. Sixto Mangual, J. Joseph Marshall, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Martinez, Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Mason, Mr. &: Mrs. Thomas McEntee Lawrence McGrath, Edith Mc Intyre, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Me deiros, Mr. & Mrs. John Mills, Mr. & Mrs. Rocco A. Morra Mr. & Mrs: Charles Mousette, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Muldoon, Mr. Constantine Murnin, Mr. & Mrs. William Murphy, Mr. & Mrs. Russell Nelson Mr. & Mrs. Victor Novo, Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Nunes, Mrs. Jennie O'Brien, Paul O'Brien, William J. O'Brien Thomas O'Donnell, Mr. & Mrs. Leo A. Ouellette, Mr. & Mrs. John Owens, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Pacheco, Mr & Mrs Harold Palla troni Mrs. Doris Palmieri, Mrs. Mary Phelan, Mr. & Mrs. Antone E. Perry Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Perry, Mr. & Mrs. Alexis St. Onge Helen M. Quinlan, Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Rapoza, Mr. & Mrs. Emili ano Reale, Mr. & Mrs. David Rebeiro, Mr & Mrs Howard Rick etson Mr. & Mrs. William Robinson, Elizabeth Roehe, Mr. &: Mrs. David Roderick, Mrs. Francis Rose, Mrs. William Rousseau Mrs. Georae Sharp, Mr. '"
MT. & Mrs. Gaspard LafleUl'
CATHOLIC CHURCH IN NEW GUINEA: Looking oyer dO,cuments to prepare a history of the Catholic Church in New Guinea are Father Callistus Lopinot, from Alsace Lorraine, 88-year-old Capuchin in Rome and Father Ralph M. Wilt!!:en, S.V.D., 42, of Chicago. Father Callistus observ ed the 50th anniversary of his arrival in New Guinea last Sunday. Since 1937 he has been a consultor for the Congre gation for the Propagation of the Faith in Rome. NC Photo. Mrs. Daniel G. Sheehan, Mr. & 'Mrs. Clifford H. Snell, Mr. & Mrs. Clifford J. Snell, Mrs. Esther Smith Mr. Edward L. Smith Jr., Mr. & Mrs. I'rancis Smith, Mr. & Mrs. Mitchell Sojka, Mr. & Mrs. William Souza, Mr. & Mrs. An thony Squ.illacioti Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Sullivan, Mr. & Mrs. Alfred W. Sylvia, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Tapper, Mr. & Mrs. Leon Tavano, Mr. Leslie T~lylor
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Tighe, Mr. & Mrs Henrique Vicente, Mr. & Mrs. Jereniah Wade, Mr. & Mrs. George \/Valker, Mrs. Anna Walsh· Mr. & :M:rs. Charles Weaver, Mr. & M::s. Raymond F. Wil, James Wilson, The Yates Fa,mily, Jc'seph Zanelli ST. AN1:HONY OF PADUA
$500 :Rt. Rev. Albert Berube $60 William Beauregard Family $50 :Rev. Bertrand Chabot :Mr. & 1I/.:rs. Armand Cote $35 Omer Tardi $38 JRobert Lagasse $25 Anna Poitras Octave Pimentel Edouard Loranger Mr. & 1I/.:rs. Lionel Robitaille $20 Mr.. & Mrs. Lionel Brassard, Jules Lamothe, Elzear Cormier, Leo Robida, Ernest Bernier, Au.rele Co::mier $15
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Laplante, Talsop Lee' $10 Edouard Larocque, Salvina Easter, N:lrrnan Hebert, Mrs. Adelard Doyon, Mr. & Mrs. Roger Pelletier Alphonse Goguen, Joseph Charbonneau, Wilfred Langevin, Mme. Odelie Carrier, Edmund Cadorette Normand A. Picard, Dr. J08eph BOllrque, Mrs. Godelive Soucy, BI~.nche Bernier, Edou arc5l St. Germain Yvonne Bedard, Alexander W)'zga, Henri Dube, Irene Mes sielr, Juliette Comeau Andre Aw:oin, Adrienne Cas
tonguay, Odina Sasseville, Nor_ mand 'Masse, Warren Fuller Arzelia Raymond, Rosario Pineau, Gilbert Mainville, Rob ert Chandler, Romeo Poirier Mrs. David Begnoche, George Lemieux, Ernest Letourneau, Hormidas Boucher, Henri Be noit Raymond Bertrand, Dolores Masse, Lucien Arguin, Oscar Brissette, Alphonse L. Robitaille Raymond Belanger, Oscar Le_ blanc, Mrs. Joseph Z. Boucher, Walter Panek, Famille La brecque Emile Roy, Aurore Poulin, Irene Poulin, Robert Verville, Edouard Langlois Antone Andrade, Omer Po thier, Marie Belliveau, Irene Frigault, Jeanne Brodeur Carrier Funeral Home, Julien Menard, Wilfrid Blanchette, Maurice Monty, Mr. & Mrs. Augustine Perry Maurice Cote, Rose Anna· Ross, Fernand Kirouac, Eva Mailhot, Paul Cusson Roland Benoit, Emile & Marthe Lambalot, Simon ~o meau, Thaddeus Gumienny, Gerard Langlois Cecile Boucher, Mrs. Albert Morris, Alcidas Allain, Mrs. Romeo Lemire, Mrs. George La france Alfred Lemieux, Mr. & Mrs. George Charles, Mr. & Mrs. Er nest Leblanc, Antoinette St. Pierre, Joseph St. Pierre Albert Paquin, ...W ilfrid Mail loux, Imelda & Lena Mailloux, Duval Family, Beatrice Gelinas Alcide Genard, Lucien Belan ger, Armand Martin, Ephrem Gauttier, Adrien Bachand Robert James, Harry Trout man, Joseph Hebert, Jules Gagnon, Alexina Chausse
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Payette
$25 Mrs. Dora La France Donald Lafleur Mr. & Mrs. Wilfrid Rousseau Anonymous $15 Mr. & Mrs. Normand Bra:>" sard, Dr. & Mrs. Philip E. Char tier, Mr. & Mrs. Albert Lamou reux $12 Mrs. Bernadette Stutz $10 Carl Caron, Eva Saulnier, Charles Tarpey Jr., Normand Barabe, George Desrochers Moise Letendre, Flore Ber thiaume, Marguerite Lefebvre, Alfred Berthiaume, Rita Pow ers Cora Guillemette, James Con nelly, Macrine Landry, Arthur Desjardins, Alcide Desjardins Antonia Demers, Edward Saulnier, Mrs. Allen Gregson, Mrs. Regina Connelly, Mrs. Alice Perry Mrs. Leo Rheaume, Mrs. Au ray Delorme, Mrs. Albina Mad docks, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Caron, Mr. & Mrs. Louis Goulart. Mr. & Mrs. Victor La France, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Couto, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Tarpey, Mr. & Mrs. Valmore Barabe, Mr. & Mrs. John B. Letendre Mr. & Mrs. William Furtado, Mr. & Mrs. Paul Forand, Mr. & Mrs. Walter Bolton, Mr. & Mrs. Zoel Boucher, Mr. & Mrs. Lucien Gagne Mr. & Mrs. Napoleon Cour noyer, Mr. & Mrs. Romeo Aubut, Mr. & Mrs. Roland Dumas, Mr. & Mrs. Jean B. Lapointe, Mr. & Mrs. Conrad Silver, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Champagne and Diane
Fall River ESpmITO SANTO
$200 Rev. Joao V. Resendes $30
Rev. Manuel Andrade $25 Mr. & Mrs. Antonio T. Oliveira $10 Mr. & Mrs. John Nunes, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Pacheco, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Medeiros, Mr. & Mrs. David Medeiros, Mr. & Mrs John Miranda Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Isidore, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel C. Costelo, Mr. & Mrs. Louis Perry, Mr.' & Mrs. Joseph Antunes, Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Hubert Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Costa, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Medeiros & Fam ily, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Travers, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Vincent, Mr. "Mrs. Joseph Souza Mr. & Mrs. Edmund Pavao, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Cabral, Mr. & Mrs. Fernando Arruda, Mr. & Mrs. Vicente Costa, Antonio V. Miranda
and Industrial
.... "'""" Sales and Service Oil Burners
Thurs.• May 7. 1964
$500 Rt. Rev. Humberto S. Medefrmt $100
Dr. Gilbert Vincent
Gilbert Oliveira
Beatrice Capeto
Evelyn Almeida
Dr. Joseph Carvalho
Belmira E. Tavares
August Curt
Francis Lennon
Manuel Pereira
Cecelia C. Oliveira
Richard Roderick
Gerald E. Mulrooney
Antone Souza
Manuel S. Medeiros
Atty. Manuel Rezendes
Mary T. Carvalho
August Botelho
Joseph S. Corrio:~
$10 Gerald Cloutier, Joseph PereI ra, Deolinda Mello, Paul Ther rien, Americo Moniz Anibal Paiva, Manuel C. Souza Maria Soares, Jacinto Oliveira, Maria Amaral Joseph Conboy Jr., Luiz Pavao C'liveira, Thomas Rogers Antone Motta, Ernest J. Costa " John H. Camara, Henry J. Pleiss, Manuel Rosa, Carlos Per eira, John Amaral Patricia C. Mello, Lawrence Mello, Albert I"'apeto, Ralph Mel lo, Manuel Mello Manuel Rapoza, JOseph S. Braga, Margaret Rebello, Joseph D. Rocha, Germana Roque Louis Rosa, Angelo Stavros, Edward Viveiros, Urbano J Leite Jr., Jose V. Fonseca Arthur Rocha, Valdemiro Mel lo, Arthur T. Pereira, Antone Cabral, Antonio Oliveira Joseph Therrien, James Black burn, Jesse S. Medeiros, Antc;me Y. Anselmo, Silvino Mello, John Oliveira Manuel P. Moniz, James King, Manuel Alves, Donald Grogan John Decosta, Mary Torres, Joseph Motta, Alfred Andrews, Francisco Lima Joseph Malone, Joseph Moniz, Joseph RalX''''l, Antonio' Lindo, Antonio Franco Joao D. Aguiar, Manuel Car doza, George Governo, Manuel R. Silvia, Henry Guay Joseph Mello, Frederick Ram- . sey, Alvin Rego. Manuel S. Ar ruda, Rodrigo Resendes Antone Tavares, Louis Alex andre, Manuel Almeida, Antonio Moniz Jr., Gilberto Oliveira Maria Fernandes, Jose Fer nandes, Dennis B. Souza, Bal tazar Machado, Mary Sousa George Maiato, Joseph Ta vares, Anthony Cordeiro, An tonio M. Pires, Robert Green halgh Louis Martin, William Bar bosa, Paul J. Tavares, Manuel Arruda Jr. Edward Cabral. Frank Santos, Manuel Souza, Joseph Boule, Richard Lopes, Arthur Souza Joseph Leite, Alfred Costa, Lawrence Mendes, Joseph Fer reira, Henry Letendre Gilbert Mello, Phillip Camara, Antonio Fonseca, Albert :BOu chard, Gilbert Coroa Manuel Arruda, John Lindo, Jesse Bertholde, Edward Costa, Arthur R. Machado John Simbro, Joseph Rocha, Frank C. Mello, Henry Silvia, Francisco Viveiros Manuel Santos, Manuel Car reiro, John Amaral, Henrique Souza, Manuel Ventura Alfred Gaspar, Manuel S. Silvia, Louis" Amaral, Henry Cardoza, Camilo Viveiros Manuel Carreiro, Manuel e. Medeiros, Americo Ra"mos, Jose
Pavao, Manuel Silvestre
Fall River
L_ OUR LADY OF PEACE: AJ the Shrine 0 f Our Lady of Peace on a hilltop overlooking Los Angeles Harbor, an eternal flame burns in memory of the late U.S. President John F. Kennedy. The Shrine is at Mary, 'Star of the Sea Church, San Pedro, Calif., the fisher men's parish. NC Photo. Maria V. Mendes, Antone Ar ruda, Delphis Rioux, Joaquim Alves George Ferreira, Robert J. Lavoie, Walter Malone, Alice Weems, Joao Oliveira Manuel Troia, Antone Rego, Gertrude Paiva, Raymond Orrell Raymond Dias Gabriel Mello, Alvaro Fonseca Leo Schenck, Manuel Perry, Mariano Antonio Cabral, Henry Wolstencroft IMMACULATE CONCEPTION
$100 Rev. Robert L. Stantor Rev. Paul F. Connolly $52 Thomas J. Fleming $50 Dr. & Mrs. Raymond B. Four nier $50 Immaculate Conception Wom en's Guild &25 Mrs. Genevieve Hennessey Florence Lynch Mr. & Mrs. Fred J. McNally Leonel Paiva Peter Sullivan $20 Teresa Hetu Edward Gazarro Henry J. Kitchen Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Santos Mr. & Mrs. Charles Santo!
$15 Rosemary Dussault John Gaspar George S. Gaspar Anna Long John F. Mooney In Memory of Manuel & P.F.C. Daniel R. Pimental Mrs. Clarence F. Sullivan Lawrence Talbot Mary Whitehead Mr. & Mrs. John Long, Jane H. Sullivan
$12 James Bentley, Mrs John Dean Elizabeth Ferraro, Mr. & Mrs. William F. Labossiere, Marion MacMurray Donald Park, Florence Sulli van $11 William J. Dugan $10 Mr: & Mrs. John Almond, Mr & Mrs. Raymond Amiot, Ruth Antaya,- Bertha Ashworth, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur J. Arruda Mrs. Sylvia Bagration, Emile Bastille, J 0 s e p h Benevides, Joseph Ben e v ide s, William Benevides Arthur Bergeron, Mr. & Mrs. Louis T. Bouchard, Mr. & Mrs.' Robert Borges, Lucien Boudreau, Andre Bond Carmela Bond Nancy Bright man, Thomas Brown, Roy Bur gess, Mr. & Mrs. Paul Bois soneau Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Cabral, Lionel Cadieux, Joseph Calla han, John Cam a r a, Edward Campbell Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Campbell, Antone Camuso, Mrs. Delores Cangello, Edward Camuso, An tone Carreiro Joseph Carreiro, Charles Car velho, G e 0 r g e Charbonneau, James Charbonneau, Mr. & Mrs. Wilfred Charette
Mr. & Mrs. Jo~eph Chouinard,
Thomas Clemmey, Mrs. Marga
ret Cobery, John A. Coffey, John
Coelho Mrs. John Conboy, Norman Comeau, Andrew Cook, William Corboy, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Cormier Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Correia, Alice Costa, Mr. & Mrs. George Cote, Mr. & Mrs. Howard Cote, Mr. & Mrs. Normand Coulombe
Henry J. Courville, Armand
Cousineau, Hector Deslauriers,
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Devaney. Gino DiNuuci
Rose Doherty, Walter Dugan, Mr. & Mrs. John Eckersley, Pauline Fiore, John Flanagan Mrs. Michael Fir lit, Mrs. Thomas Floyd, Thomas Foley, Mr. & Mrs. Marcelle Fournier, Joseph Francoeur Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Garrity, Louise Gaspar, Leo GaUdette, Jean Gazarro, James Gillet Henry S. Gillet, Mrs. Roland Gamache, Irene Gillet, Carl Gizzi, Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Glea son Homer Goddu, Alice Guinen, Ernest Guinen, Edward Hennes sey, John Hinchcliffe Carlton Hindle, Grace Hindle, Henry Hindle Jr., Mrs. Henry Hindle, Shirley Hindle Mr. & Mrs. John Howarth Mrs. John Hutchinson, George D. Janson, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Jarabek, Judith Joaquim Arline Kern, Arthur Kern Elizabeth Kingman, Mario La~ cava, Napoleon Laferriere Roger J. LaFrance, Henry La jeunesse, Mr. & Mrs. Normand Lamontagne, Lomer Lapointe Medrick Lavalle ' Mrs. Samuel Lay, James Leandro, Ray m 0 n d Lafleur David Leberge, Mr. & Mrs. Wil~ liam Ledo Manuel Leitao, Owen Lile, Leo Longchamps, Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Lynch, Mrs. Catherine McCann
. Eileen McNally, J 0 h n J. Manning, Henry Mansfield, An thony Medeiros, Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Medeiros Mrs. Opalma Marchand, Leo J. Marcoux, William Mello, Wil Ham Mitchell, William J. Moran Frank M'orango, Joseph Morin, Mrs. Florence Moss, Fernando Motta, John Mooney Donald Murno, Mathias Mur phy, Joseph Mylnek, Patrick Nataly, William H. Neilan & William, Jr. Charlotte Nichol son James 6'Hara, Afonso Olivei ra, Joseph Oliveira, Robert J. Oliveira, Stephen Otis Raymond O'Toole, Thomas O'Toole, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Pacheco, 'Mr. & Mrs. Laurence Palmer, Arthur Paquin Mrs. Robert Partridge, An thony Pascoal, Mrs. William Peckham, Manuel Peixoto, Mr. & Mrs. Ovila Pichette Thomas Pickup, Mr. & Mrs. Roger Pinault, Mr. & Mrs, James Pires, Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Pol selli, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel L. Pontes James E. Powers, Andrew Proulx, Walter Quinn" Donald Ralph, Mr. & Mrs. David Raposa Donald Remillard, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Richard, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Rigby, Philip Roderick, Mrs. Nellie Rousseau Ovila Rousseau, Mrs. Michael P. Ryan, Rene Salvas, Rita Sampson, Mrs. Ernest Samways Edward She e han, Grover Shurtleff, Joseph Silvia, Clar ence Simister Alfred Simonetti & Family, Mr. & Mrs. Antone R. Souza, Philip Stazzone, ~ ~;~ses Cathe rine & Alice Sullivan, Clare Sul livan Joseph Sullivan, Mr. & Mrs. William Thistlewaite, George Thomas, Janet Vautrin, Mr. & Mrs. Normand Vautrin Alfred Verville, Mr. & Mrs. Louis Vieira, John Viveiros, Mrs. Lillian Wallbank, Albert Walsh Grace Walsh, Mrs. John Walsh, Thomas W a Ish, Mrs. Clara Whitehead, Thomas Whiting Mr. & Mrs. Robert Wilkey, Jane Willan, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Wrobleski, Mrs. Peter Yeaman, Faith Ziccardi Mary Arruda, Mr. & Mrs. Ro ger Barselou, Mrs. Earland Brai ley, William Brailey, Leo Burns Edmund Couture, Herbert Daley, Margaret L Dugan, HeDJ'7 Ethier, Emil Fuller Mrs. Anne Goss, Mr. & Mrs. Ri>ger Guerette, Williilm Guil mette, Thomas Hough, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Iwanski Everett Lafleur, Nancy A. Lafleur, Joseph Lewis, Robert Mc Carthy, Mrs. Lawrence McCor mick Elizabeth Mitchell, Charles Ney, Mrs. Sarah Pelletier, John Perry Samuel Pullen, Mrs. Rhea Reil ly, Estelle Roach, 1I/[rs. JOhB Roach, Mr. & Mrs. Donat Rous sel Mrs. John Terceira, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Theriault, Antone Vie ira. SANTO CHRISTO
$10 Stel'a Souza, Manuel CordeIro Victor Aguiar, Alfred Carreiro
First of the Season!
Native live CHICKEN
79c a lb.
Maclean's Sea Foods ,
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., May 7, 1964
Fall River
Mrs. Raymond Clement will head the Ladies of St. Anne Sodality for the coming year, aided by Mrs. Theodore Proulx, vice-president and Mrs. J. R. St. Pierre, secreaary.
A Communion breakfast will be held by the Council of Cath olic Women Sunday morning, May 17. Mrs. Lionel Dugal is chairman. Heading the nominating com mittee for the organization is Mrs. Roland Frazier. Newly elected officers will be installed Sunday, June 7 with Mrs. Ar mand Cayer in charge of ar rangements. Next meeting is set for 8 Tuesday night, May 26.
SS. Margaret-Mary Guild wUl serve a breakfast to First Com municants Sunday morning, May 10 and will hold its annual ban quet in June. The unit will spon_ sor a giant penny sale during the Summer. ST. MARGARET, BUZZARDS BAY
Girl Scout Troop 722 is aiding with redecoration of the chil dren's room of Buzzards Bay public library. Scouts have _,washed windows and made cur tains.
Mrs. Raymond Clement will head the Ladies of St. Anne Sodality for the coming year, aided by Mrs. Theodore Proulx, vice.,.president and Mrs. J. R. St. Pierre, secretary.
The Women's Guild announces its Spring dance for Saturday, May 9 at Stevenson's restaurant, North Dartmouth. Dancing will be from 8 to 12 and Mrs. Leslie Rose is chairman. ST. THERESA, NEW BEDFORD 81. Anne's Sodality will hold its annual communion breakfast in the church hall following 7:30 Mass Sunday morning, May 117, w,i4;h Mrs. Andrew Parent and Mrs. Frank Lacombe in charge of. arrangements. Reservations will close Tuesday, May 12. ST; JOSEPH, FAIRHAVEN ·A mother-daughter commu nion dinner will be sponsored by the Association of the Sacred Hearts following 5 o'clock Mass Sunday afternoon, May 24. Mrs. Theresa Kenny and Mrs. Evelyn MeCormack, in charge· of rangements, announce that re-· servations will close Wednesday, May 2<t.
A mother-daughter breakfast
Is listed for Sunday, May 10 by the Council of Catholic Women. ST. GEORGE,
Benediction at 7:30 will pre eede the next meeting of the Women's Guild, scheduled for Monday, May 25 in the school hall. A penny sale will follow the. busines!l session. MT. CARMEL NEW BEDFORD
- ' The regular monthly meeting of.the PTA will be held Sunday evening at 7 o'clock in the school basement. Following a discussion on fl.!-ture projects, a special pro gram will be presented and re freshments will be served.
Catholic, Orthodox Worship Together SAN FRANCISCO (NC)-The ecui,nenical spirit was evident in San Francisco when members of the Roman Catholic and Or thodov Churches united in ven eration ceremonies for the Sa cred Icon of Our Lady of Kazan. An overflow crowd packed St. Boniface Church and more than 600 persons watched the cere monies spoken in English on closed circuit television in the church's basement. Archbishop Joseph T. Mc GiIcken of San Francisco led the procession which brought the holy icon into the church. After the reciting of prayers and the burning of incense by the clergy, the holy symbol from Russia de pfcting the Blessed Virgin and Cl\Ud was enshrined on the altar.
$125 Rev. James E. Lynch $'75 Rev. Francis M. Coady Emile Ollivier $50 Edward Martin-Drleans Inn
$.25 First National Bank of Cape Cod-Orleans Branch Frank Sellew Mr. & Mrs. James T. Clancy Robert Pento George S. Duffy, Jr. $20 Robert Clark, T. Frank Sulli van, Cornelius Spillane
ST. STANISLAUS $100 Hev. Robert S. Kaszynski 81. Vincl~nt de Paul Society 81. Stan::slaus CYO A Frien:! $50 Holy Ro"ary Sodality $20 Mr, & Mrs. Walter Wojcik, Mi"ses Ma.~y & Sophie ZmUda, KnightS of the Altar, Mr. & Mrs. William Wolowiec $10 Anna Drzal, Stella Dyl, Mr; & Mrs. ']'haddeus Stasiowski, He::en Kosinski, Dorothy Wolo wiec Mary KU:llacik, Frederick Ku dlacik, Mr. & Mrs. Henry Paruch Jean Drzal. Mr. & Mrs. Edward Girza . Mr. & Mrs. Walter Zdabosz, Mr. & M:~s. Richard Bolger, Walter Sanocki, Walter Polak, Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Gagnon Mr. & Mrs. Leo Autote, Mr. & Mnl. John Deveney, Daniel Gag non, Mr. & Mrs. John Wnenta, Mr. & Mrs. Louis Angelini Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Cunning ham, Gene;rieve Pachorek, Mr. & Mrs. Pet'~r Pietraszek, Mr. & Mrs. Michael Zwolinski Jr., FeHcian Sisters, S1. Stanislaus Convent Walter Deda, Mr & Mrs Stanley Mis,. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Mhiior, Ani,ela Kruczek, Mr. & Mrs. Walter Pudlo Mr. & M::s. Henry Zdon Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Marian Golembiew ski, Stanley Zmuda, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Cichon
Top or BottoRi Round
c 75 FOWL Choice Grade - Cut from Heavy
Western Beef
Ready to Cook - Tender, Plump and Meaty
$500 Rt. Rev. Alfred Gendreau
$55 Richard Hamel . $25 Rene Garant A & W Root Beer, George Me deiros. $12 Maurice Duval
Dr. & Mrs. Julian B. Doherty, David Bessom, John D. Leary, Leroy A. Babbitt, Leo Gallagher Leonard Maza, George H. Thompson, Mr. & Mrs. Walter $10 Flavin, Ceil Remillard, Fred Antonia Bourque, Madeleine Carey.. R. Bruce Hammatt Boisvert Mrs. Philippe Levesque, $12 Alfred J. Levesque, Edward J. Elwyn Daone, Edward Rohmer Langlais Jr. Arthur Desrosiers, Philodore $10 Galland, The Misses Michel, Harvey A. Yonce, John Delan Charles Bacon, Robert Goulet ey, Helen Carron, Irving S. Lee, Mrs. Gagnon, Gerard Paul Deschamps Fournier, The Laferriere Family, Henry Veit, Henry Fitzgerald, Norbert Merder, Roger Lauzon Paul P. Ollivier, Arthur Gallant, Roland Lavoie, Leo Paul Beau George P. Norgeot doin, Louis St. Marie, Lionel Leo Miller, Manuel Santos, Ed BeaUdoin, W"ilfred Dumont ward O'Brien, Mrs. Violet M. Albert J. Beaudoin, Normand Hettrich, Mrs. John Harrington Garon, The Misses Desrochers, Dorofei Klimshuk, Leo Barry, Maurice Brault, Stanislas Kar Jane Keenan, Ada Meehan, John nasiewicz Dove Ma.urice Poirier, Frederick Dr. William Whitelaw, Frank Poirier, ROSE· Tonelli, Leo Gad Purpura, Fred LaPiana, Jr., Ar oury, Joseph Beaulieu mand E. Lajoie, Emile DeVille Octave Jusseaume, Henri Dai Yvonne Dane Backus, Mrs. gle, Hobert Chasse, Louis Mous Fred LaPiana, Sr., Mr. & Mrs. seau, Vernon Fournier Clarence L. Vanasse Adam Tar Omer Ouellette, Napoleon taglia, Paul H. Riordan Lussier, Edgar Pichette, G. Brian James E. Nichols, Walter Gavin Maltais James Rawl, James Ilkovich, Charles Heudes ' Henri Ozon, Keith Staples, Alfred Steinmetz, Helen Conlon May Hogan TERRE HAUTE ( N C) John O'Hara, Douglas Deeley, Mrs. Stanley Smith, Eleanor M. When F,ather Paul M. Dede of fers his first Solemn Mass at St. Nevin,Joseph King James J. Feegan, Emile Izzo, Margaret Ma ry parish here in Wilfred Trahan, Donald Higgins, Indiana Sunday, May 10, his two brothers, both priests, will as George S. Duffy Sr. John Connors, Joseph Caurant, sist: at he altar. His five sisters, all nuns, will Emilien Perreault, Clay'ton A. Stafford, Joseph E. Doyle Jr., be watching from their pews. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Dede Harriet Deschamps, Hernaldo have given all eight of their R. Kelley children to the clerical and reli James Davis, Frank J Richards gious life. Mr. Dede is an in Albert DuCharme Jr. structor at the Federal Peniten John B. Wiedler, Edward Benz tiary in Terre Haute. Sr., E. J. Oles, Janet Collins, Their children are Father John Donald Walwer F. Dede, dea:~ of studies at St. Edward G. Benz, Mrs. Charles John's S em:, n a r y, Plymouth, Grindle, Raymond Foran, Leon Mich.; Father James R. Dede of ard Tarvers, Leonard Francis Bedford, Ind.; Sisters Angele, ,.. ],\frs. Jon Hall, Gaston L.Nor , Mary Mark, Anita Therese and geot, Mr. & Mrs. Leo R. Scott, Marie Arthur of the Sisters of Willhm Fallon, Wilfred Ferreira Providence, and Sister Mary Helene, a Benedictine nun. .' Ray Perreault
Family of Eight In Religious Life
Fiery Red Ripe, Full of Juice
Watermelon Crisp and Crunchy - Low in Calories
Celery Hearts
Precision Blended
Yellow, White, Bavarian, Choc. Fudge, bouS1e Dutch
CAKE Pillsbury MIXES Niblels Corn 5 VISTA Cookies PAK Apple Sauce FlN/AST
31lB30Z PKGS
120% CANS
Sandwich Cremes - Duplex
Made from Orchard-Ripe Apples
21B3O JARS %
Garden Fresh Flavor
Sweel Peas RICHMOND 4
llB 1 oz CANS
FINAST - Fun Bodied Flavor
Tomalo Juice 4 Juice Drinks BREAKFAST COCKTAIL
Orange-Apricot, Grape-Apple, Orange-Pineapple lOT 14 0%
45c 95c 79c 49c $1.00 69c $1.00 39c
CQLGATE - Giant Size
Denial Cream
3'I.oz JUBE . 3 9
15V. ~Z CANS
Prices Effel:tive In All Supermar~ets ~n This Vil:inity ~ We Reserve the RighI to Limit Quantities)
Fall River ST. WILLIAM
$75 Rev.' James A. Ml>Carthy $58 James Fitzgerald $40 M I" s. Mnrg:aret BoodI"y
. $30
Mr'. & Mrs. Harry Wood $25 Christopller Lake Jr. Mr, 8, 'ITrs. Frnncis Gauthier J ..mes Doucet :\1r. & :\1rs. Rnymond Dooley The Rolnnd Talbot Family Helen L. Dono,'an & :V[ary M. Donovan Mac Riley John J. Honan Mr. & Mrs. John Maitoza $20
Margaret O'GradY,-Mr, & Mrs. John Murphy, Mrs, Louis Green berg:, Mr. & Mrs. Horace Hall $15 Mr. & Mrs.. Leo Caine, Mr. & Mrs. Vernon Hedger, Martha Hobbs, Genevieve Connelly. Mrs. LilIian Reardon, Mr. & Mrs. AI cide Talbot· \ $12 Henry Raposa
Mr. & Mrs; Fred Chlebek, Mr. & Mrs. R(ll--~t Aubut, Nancy Coppinger, Mr. & Mrs. ThQmalt Booth, Mr. & Mrs. Leo Coppin Mer
Mrs. William Hinchcliffe, Mr.
& Mrs. Robert Barry, Mr. & Mrs. ' Charles Perry, Mr. &: Mrs. Leo
~ichols, Mr. II Mrs. Chester Lupachini .Mr. &: Mrs. Stanley Michale wich, Lucy Peacock, Mr. &: Mrs. John McMahon, William D. Crowley, Eileen Nester. Mr. &: Mrs. Edward Champlin, Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Harney', Mr. &: Mrs. Arthur Donovan Jr.; 'Mr. .&. Mrs. Andrew Harney, Stephen R. Crawford Mrs. Mary Alden, Mr. & Mrs. Antone Furtado, Mr. & Mrs. Julien Lafontaine, Helen Mc Millan, Mrs. Betram McMillan Mr. & l\1rs. Thomas Harnett, ]\'[r. & ]\'[rs. Joseph Gagnon, Mr. & Mrs. Leo Soares. Mr. & Mrs. Maunel Cabral, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Guay Mr. & Mrs. William Reed, Mrs. Rnymond Fi.sher, Mr. & Mrs Richard GuinJar, Mr. & Mrs. P;ml . Gardella, Mrs. Howard Worthington Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Ferreira, Mr. & Mrs. O'Connell, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Gagne, Mrs. Ray mond Healy, Mr. & Mrs. Leo Chippendale Mr!". Paul Heywooa, Thomas McGillick, Mr. & Mrs. John Bates, Mrs. John Potts, Mr. & Mrs. Roger Perreault Mr. & Mrs. William' Hawkins, Mr. & Mrs. Bert Galford, Mr. &: Mrs. Manuel Viveiros, Mr. & Mrs. John Men don c a, Mrs. Catherine Martin Mr, &: Mrs. John Burns, Mr. & Mrs. John Powers, Mr. &: Mrs. J~ Souza,. Mrs. Robert Pat rid~e, Mr. &: Mrs. Alfred Dupre . Rose Lopes, Mrs. Marie A. Le-. Roy, Mr. &: Mrs. Louis Perreira, Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Viveiros, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Faltus Mr. &: Mrs. John Cantwell, Mr. &. Mrs. Leo Albin, Mr. &: Mrs. Franklin Manning Jr., Mr. & Mrs. David Doyle, Mary O'Neil Mr. & Mrs. James Finglas, Mr. & Mrs. .Joseph Brouillard. Mr. &: Mrs. Edward Maurer, Mr. & Mrs.' Ernest Cote, ·Mr. &: Mrs. Ralph CaponeMr. &- Mrs. Edward Breault,· Mr. & Mrs. Norman Jean, Mrs.' AI9ysius Eccles,. MI'. &:. Mrs. Arthur Caouette, Mr. & Mrs: 'Thomas Moore ., Mr. &: Mrs. Albert Williams, Mr. & Mrs. Paul Ridge, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Deschenes, Mr. &. Mrs. Herbert Boff, Mr. &: Mrs. George H. Audette Mrs. Hilda McGraw, Mr. &: Mrs. Will.r,>m McPartland, Alice F. Crowley, Mr. &: Mrs. William Butler, Mrs. William Moss . Mr. & Mrs. 'Fran'k Harrington, Mrs. Harold Robinson, ldalirm P. MelJo, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Murphy, Virginia Delaney . Mr. &: Mrs. Louis Smialek, Mr. & Mrs. Armand Deslauriers, The Merola Family, Mrs. & Mrs. Ber narl Demers, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Gallant Mr. & Mrs. Donald Kelley, Charles Richards, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur- Douc'et, Mrs. Margaret Eorden. Mr.' & Mrs. Claude Myers Mrs. & Mrs. Joseph Stevens" Mr. & Mrs. Edward Dougherty, Mr. & Mrs. George Neville, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Rego, Mrs. Bertha Souza The Gottwald Family, Fran cis Delahanty, Mr. & Mrs. Cle ment Paquette, James McKenna, James A. Quinn Stanley Cote, Mr. &: Mrs. Charles Cafferty, Mr. &: Mrs. James McKnight, Charles R. Sullivan, Mr. & .. Mrs. David Cabral Thomas Eccles, Mr. &: Mrs.: Joseph Frazer
mird Smith. Mrs. Florence May Mr, & Mrs. John McPaddett Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Robert Stark Mr. .It Mrs. Paul Audette, Mr, II: Mrs. A "thony Martin, Robert Greenberg Janet Greenberg, Mr. &: Mrs. Norman Bolger, Mr. & Mrs. Rene Valois, Mr. & Mrs. William HW' ley, Mrs. Marie Oliveira Mr. & M'I"s. Manuel Moreira, Mr. ItMrs. John Kenyon, Mr. &: Mrs. Joseph Campbell, Mr. &: Mrs. Philip Oliveira;. Mr. & Mrs. Philip Swanson Mr. & Mrs. Maurice Be<brd, Mr. &; Mrs. Fred Malone. Mrs. Helen Keefe, Margaret Griffin, Anonymous . . . The Korzenesk:i Family, Mr. & Mrs. John Felisberto, Mr. & Mrs.. John Hodnett, Mr. &: Mrs. Harry Kershaw, Katherine Sullivan Mr. & Mrs. otis K. Birdsong, Mr. & Mrs. Louis Viveiros, Mr~ & Mrs. Randall Thurston, Mr. &: Mrs. Michael Lecko, Gertrude V. Kennedy . Mr~. Margaret Wilson; Mr. & Mrs. Frank Krauzyk, Mr. & Mrs. Roh"rt Sullivan, Joseph Betten C()urt, Margaret Cahill John Cahill, Mr. &: Mrs. Ed ~"ard Fitzgerald, Mrs. Adelard Burriault, John J. Sullivan, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Holen Nora M. Sullivan, Mrs. Grace Wa'msley, Ruth Dalahanty. Mr. &: Mrs. Joseph Sullivan, Mr. &: Mrs. Daniel Carvalho Mr. & Mrs. George Manches ter, Charles H. Wilson, Mr. .!to Mrs. Antonio Facchiano, Mrs. Mary Larrivee, Julio Joaquim Mr. & Mrs. Michael Biszko, Susan Fitz~erald, Elizabeth Fitz gernld, Mr. &: Mrs. William Lauzon, Mr. & Mrs. Oliver Rapoza . Mr. &: Mrs. Thomas Boyes, Mr. &: Mrs. Edward Shay, Mr. & Mrs. Elwood Rounds &: Family, John Murphy Jr., Denise Rounds The Reddy Family, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Pobzeznik, Louis J. NOTRE DAME Roberts, MI". & Mrs. Joseph E. Burns, John E. Kap.e Jr. $5tO Mr. & Mrs. John Kane, Mr. &: Rt. ~v. Alfred J. Bonneau Mrs. Henry Depin, Mr. & Mrs. $75 Walter Janick, Mr. &: Mrs. Ray Rev. Roger p. Poirier mond Fisette, Mr. & Mrs. Alfred . $35
Gadbois Robert Phenix William Ryder, Mr. It Mrs.
Roland Thibault, Mr. &, 'Mrs. $H ~enry O. Ouellette Richard Simmons, Mr. &: Mrs. $25 lWcoo Iadicola, Mr. &; Mrs. James 0ctave O. Desmarais McCarthy Mr. &: MPI. James Campbell, Harm. J. Dupuis Joseph A. Foul'lHer Georee FAllen, Mr - Mrs MallUeJ, Mathilda Lussier .A:lbet-n~ Mr. ~. llk,,~ Jam..
TI1EANCHOKThurs., May 7,
Mr. &. Mrs. William O'Neil Irene Reynolds
}"OOO FOR PEACE: When Communist Viet Cong Reized the only truck owned by St. Joseph~s leper hospital at Bensan, . near Saigon, the settlement's food supply was threatened. The Daughters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul r~ceived a prompt response to their appeal for help. U.S. Army helicopters made 17 mercy flights, delivering 16-,000, pounds of U.S. Food for' Peck-e sent by Catholic Relief Services-NCWC. NC Phote. $2&
The Chretien _ Longchamps Family, .Tos. A. Gagnon, Romeo Levesque, Armand Raiche, The Tremblay-Clairmont Family $15 N:{)rm.a!ld Belanger,. Normand Clement, Milton D. Fuller, Ray mon4 Gibeau, The J()Iicoeur Breault Family Diana Jusseaume, George Mig neault, The Po i l' i e r - Patry F«miIY, Edmond Rbeaume $12 The Romeo Desautels Family, Eugene Heon, Leo Phenix $1. Richard B e a u d () i n, Denise Fclanger, Wilfred Belanger, GEe. A. Benoit, Donald Bernier Eugenie Bernier, Roland O. Bisson_ Napoleon &lduc, Alfre4 T. Bou'chard, Euclide Boyer Armand Broueur, The Coder re-Collin Family, Armand Cad rin, Romuald' Chasse, Blanche Cholette Alcide Chouinard, Normand Coderre, AchirIe Comeau, Leo pold Corriveau, Adrien Cote Robert P. Cote, Rosario Cou tore. Olive Desmarais, Alphonse Dorais, The Dowling-Thibault Family Emile Dozois, Roland Dumont, Get'ard Duquette, Wilfred Du quette, The Durkin - Ferland Family Dora Fiola, Elie Fortin, Roger Fournier,. Alexandre Gagnon, Rosario Gagnon Vincent Gag n () n, Wilfrid Garand Ernest Gaudreau, AF.: nJdnd. Genrdeau, Cecile Cen.: dl'eau The. Gendreau - Beauchesne Family, Daniel Hubert Eugene Hubert, Edouard LaCroix, Aime LaFleur Anna LaFrance, Normand La France, Robert Landry Angelina LuPointe, Albert Laprise David Larocque, Leo Laroc que, Charles E. Lavoie, Leo Lavoie, Leon O. Lavoie Wilfrid Lavioe, Charles Leves que,' The J. N. A. Levesque Family, Louis Levesque, Roland Levesque John McMillan, Alma & Alice Masse, Raoul Masse. A. & C. Marchand, Philippe Marcharwl Thomas Mellen, Agathe' MeR anI, William Menard, Elie Mes sier, Robert Messier 8harles Michaud, Rene Mo ~ .James Mon.ill8ey, 1;.. it Ii.
Jeannette O'Brien . Ernest Ouellette. Robert Ouel lette, Albert Parent, Felix Paul, Tne Pelletier-Clement Family' Annette Phenix. Edmour R.' Poirier, Alfred Renaud, The Misses Rioux, The RobiHard LagallSe-Girard Family 'J,'1le Misses Rousseau, Lucien Rousseau, Albert D. Roy, Louise St. Laurent Edgar St. Martin Jos. A .. St. Pierre, The Sam l!On-Q)un'iUe Family. Marcel Surette, W a 1t e r Theriault, vvenne Vallee Nad~ll.
SAINT LOUIS $5•• IU. ltev. Daniel F. Shalloo $1" In memory of Peter A. Lee Jr. Mr. A Mrs. William F. Whalen Jr. $50 :Rev. Edward Burns $30
A Friend
S2S M. Th'omas & Katherine Con r{)y The Connerton Family Alice and Marion Fahey Dr. & Mrs. George Horan. Mr. & Mrs. William P. Lynch Mr. & Mrs. John Maher S~n &: Everett McMahon
520 Mr. "" Mrs. Thomas Britlanct' The Hanrahan Family Mr. & Mrs. Orient Laplante Mr. & Mrs. Maurice Maltais In memory of Mr. & MFs, Michael Tobin $15 :1\.1rs. Mary Cantwell .Tile Creigh Family Catherine & Ann Grace Margaret Johnson Edward McAndrew
Mr. & Mrs. Tobias Almeida, Geo,rge & William Apps, Mr. II Mrs. John M. Arruda, Mr. &. Mrs. Charles Bevilacqua, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Black Mr. &: Mrs. John Blaekbu", Mr. & Mrs. Elton Borden, Mrs. Joseph Botelho, Ronald Botelho, M. Julia Brenner John Canole, Mr. & Mrs. Peter Chaves, Mrs. Dorothy Clifford· & Margaret T. Clifford, Margaret Conroy Mr. & Mrs. Manuel CordeiPO Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Arthur G. Costa, Mr. & Mrs. John Costa, Mr. & Mrs. Leonel Costa, Mrs. MaIY Coute Mr. & Mrs. Edmund' CoutG, Mr. & Mrs. George Costa, M& & Mrs. John Cronin; Mr. & Mrs. George Crosson, Anthony De Meo Mr. & ::'tirs. Andre Desrosieq Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Wilfred Desrui.... seaux, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph D0 mingos & Family, Margaret Doran, Rita Doran Mrs. Frank Dussault, Mr..& :\lrs. John Fielding, Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Flores, Catherine Go" Catherine & Delia Harding Mrs. Catherine M. Hill, CatlMoo rine Horan, Mr. & Mrs. Thom. Howarth. Virginia Howarth, Moa. & Mrs. William A. Johnson Mr. &: Mrs. Timothy KeJ~' Mrs. Lloyd King, Mr &: Mrs Jm. Leary, Mr. & Mrs. Orner Leduet Mr. k Mrs. John Lee '. Mr. & Mrs. John Lopes, A." McGee, Mr. &: Mrs. Frederidl McHugh, Mr. & Mrs. Alfred M~ NaUy, Mr. &: Mrs. EdmU8t Madore -Mr. & Mrs. l'''Ianuel Mello, :Mil.. J!l Mrs. Joseph Miranda, Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Moniz, Mr. ,. Mrs. J&seph Motta, Mr. ok Edward F. Murphy .. Rose N()On, Mr: & Mrs. J~ O'Brie!), Catherine O'Neil, Geso~' rU6e 'O'Neil, Gertrude M. O'Neit Mr.-o\: Mrs. Normand G. Oliv-, Mr. .,.. Mrs. Manuel Olivei" Mr. & Mrs.. Thomas Padden, Mr~ . &-; Mrs. Norman Pain, Ever.
Phillips -Mrs. Mary Phillips, J'ObII. ,. Irene Powers, Mr. &: Mrs. Ro~ fioy, Mr. & Mrs. Anthony R~
gier-o, Louis Russell Mary ·E. Ryder, Mr. &: Mq, .'iIfred St. Michel, Mrs. Jam. Shea, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Sil~ Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Silvia. Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Simas, Mf, &' Mrs. Frank Skammels, Mr. ar Mrs. Arthur Souliere &: Fami)~ Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Sousa, IreM Stratton Mrs. Joseph Sullivan, Mr.. Marguerite Sullivan, Mrs. Ana Tuttle. Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Vi_ cent, Mr. &: Mrs. Leo Walls Mr. & Mrs. William Ward, The' Wardell Family, Mr. &: Mrs. Robert White, John Whitty, ~~. & Mrs. Walter Wilkins Mr. & Mrs. John Zajac, Mr. ,.
Mrs. Frank Zambic .
New Office. ST. LOUIS (NC)-Edward J.
Spillane has been named person...
nel director of the Catholic H()S
J)ital Association of the Unit"
States and Canada, replacing W.
I. Christopher. Spillane was for_ ffif:rly assistant administrator (If the Santa Rosa Medical Centel'., San Antonio, Tex.
First Federal Savin~s
4. ~ % on all Sovings Accounts
1% Extra on Systematic: Bonus Saviftgl
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., May 7, 1964
$100 lohn B. Cummings In memory of Mrs. Joseph A. Hannuel, Mrs. William E. Har rington & Mrs. John J. Clancy by Helen L. Sullivan Katherine Adams Margaret M. Sullivan
$SO Misses Frances, Mary & Mar garet Cummings Thomas A. Synnott
$50 Charles E. Sevigny , Mr. & Mrs. James W. Steele Frances C. Shaughnessy Mr. & Mrs. William R. Harrraves
Mary V. & Alice C. Harrington
Mr. & Mrs. James F. Little Mr. & Mrs. John J. Tuite Mr. & Mrs. Daniel F. Murphy
'".Jr. Mrs. Dick H. Cutting Patrick Callahan
$30 Mr. & Mrs. George E. Sullivan
Jr. James Kennedy Mary V. & Anna G. McCarthy
$25 Annie E. & Mary E. Quirk E. Louise Desmarais In memory of John & Margaret Smith Mr. & Mrs. Patrick J. Hurley Jane G. Broderick Mr. & Mrs. JQhn H. Springer It Mrs. Mary E. Larrabee Mr. & Mrs. Charles F. Bliffins Margaret R. Sullivan Mr. & Mrs. JQhn J. Harrington Mr. & Mrs. Dennis C. Hurley Francis Hurley Clarence Banks Mary H. C. Flynn Mr. & Mrs. J. Joseph Welch .James Curtis
$20 Elizabe'th L. Leonard, Eleanor Mullaney, Mr. & Mrs. William Kenney, Dorothy C. Sullivan, Mildred & Gerald Harrington James L. Connor, Catherine O'Hare, Mrs. Samuel B. Morriss, .JQhn H. O'Neil, Margaret Des mond William Black, Mr. & Mrs. Ar 1hur Beland, Mr. & Mrs. John S. Burns,· Mr. & Mrs. Raymond F. Powers, Mr. & Mrs. William Mercier. Grace L. Martin, Mr. & Mrs. .J'Ohn Burke, Kathryn V. & 'Mar «aret M. Whalen
$15 James F. Dacy, Edward Mit ,ehell, Mrs. Joseph Akers, Mr. & -·'Mrs. Thomas Burke, Mr. &,Mrs. Norman Ross E. Louise Beattie, Raymond Audet, Mr.• Mrs. James H. SuI. livan, John Malloy Grace A. Daley Mary C. Daley, Mrs. Lillian Guthrie, Elaine Banks, Margaret M. Dunn
$12 Raymond Medeiros, Mrs. Jarnin Stafford $11 Mrs. Mary A. McCabe
$10 Mr. & Mrs. Louis P. LQpes, Thomas Kitchen, Kathryn M. Drogue, Mrs. Catherine McCar thy, Edward F. Daley James R. Johnson & Family,
Francis Harrington, Harold Wil
IOn, Angela Harrington, Dorothy
IJIcLachlan Helen Cavanaugh, JQhn M. Simas Jr., Grace M. Dunn, Mr.
It ,Mrs. Thomas Bowler, Robert Kitchen Lillian Madden, Ernest Mello Jr., Ralph Miozza, Rose & Mary Riley, Alphonse Beaupre Joseph A. Caron, Louis Branco, Joseph A. Dennis, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph D. Souza Jr, Leonora A. Donovan
Thomas P. Sullivan, Alvan J.
',' Boar_ Mrs. Alll.lUl .I Hoar. Mar·
garet M. W. Donovan, Walter P Wilcox ' John F. McGraw, Edward F.
McGrady, Mr. & Mrs. John S.
Donnelly Mr. & Mrs. Manuel
Costa, Edward T. Fortin Leonard J. Vogel, Gerald Law tQn, Jerry L. Ciullo, Mrs. Eddy Kaufman, Jeremiah J. Sullivan Edward F. Rogan & Catherine Rogan, Catherine Barne~ Mrs. Alice & Alice M. Duggan, Ed ward J. O'Connell, Edward J. Doran Cecilia M. & Isabelle M. Doran, Margaret E. Coleman, Julietta C. Delahan t " T,eonard E. Burg myel', Mrs. Frank A. Saunders Robert Rowe, Honor L.
Toohey, Mr. & Mrs. John J.
Roberts, Mr. & Mrs. Frank N.
LaBossiere, William B. Norton
John F. Burke, Mr. & Mrs. John A. Burke, Joseph DaRocha, Donald Black, Agnes Black Mary H. Skammels, Matthew A. Shea, Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert Stone, Mrs. William Cross, Mrs. Mary Morris Mr. & Mrs. Francis Curtin, Peter Hampston, Charles F. Donovan, Lorraine Frain, Mary H. Har rington Loretta Norton, Joahanna Nor tQn, Michael Murphy, John J. Moynagh, Mr. &, Mrs. Joseph Lifrak Will i a m C. Chippendale, Franklin A. Murphy, Elizabeth Owens, Mr. & Mrs. William J. Pelton, Mrs. Rose Nealin Oliva A. Pelletier, Wilfred Beaulieu, Harvey LaBrie, Mr. & Mrs. LQuis A. Donovan, Mary M. Shea Lillian Darmody, William R. MeCotmell & Cecilia M. McCon nell, Honor Connor, Mr. & Mrs. BenjaIl" - C. Sh"!rman Mrs. G 1"0 vel' C. Lambert, Thomas F. Connors, Mary A. Crowley, Mr. &, Mrs. Abel Mar celine, Ellen O'Toole Elizabeth - "lch, Daniel Roach, Oscar Cadoret, Frank A. Con nolly, Joseph A. Cote Charles H. Mitchell, Genevieve Murray, Margaret M.' Cripps, Owen McDonald, Mrs. Charles McHugh Thomas Beaulieu, Manuel S. Crovello, John C. O'Neill, John T, O'Neill, Jeanne Gagne Ellen Nugent, Mr. & Mrs. John F. Sullivan, Francis M. Burke, Mr. & Mrs. Edmund E. O'Con nell, Mr. & Mrs. .John F. Lyons LQuise Banks, Daniel Kelly, Grace W. James, Gertrude H. 'James, Mr. & Mrs. Dwight M. Miller Edward Wilson, Robert Gun meth', Mrs. Walter Wilson & Mary T. Wilson, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Borges, Mrs. Joseph T. Hart Mrs. John M. Regan, Joseph T. Hart, Mr. & Mrs. Edward R: Casper, Mrs. Henrietta Kosior, Mrs. Joseph B. Phelan Stanley W. Pizio, W. Gardner Chace, Mr. & Mrs. Jean P. Auger, Mrs. Eileen Christie, R-obert Carr Ovila Fortin, Mr. & Mrs. Leo LaFle~r, Mr. & Mrs. Alban A. \ CQrrela, James J. Soares, Den-' nis F. Delaney Mrs. Annie R. Keene, William Heaney, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Belanger, Thomas E. McVey, Eileen Sullivan J. Daniel Butler, Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Primo, Gilbert Gifford, Dorothy Shea, Thomas G. White Mr. & Mrs. James F. Rooney, Mrs. Raymond Menard.
BOSTON COLLEGE: Mary Beth Furze, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John J. Furze, Holy Kame p,ctrish, Fall River, a senior at Sacred Hearts Academy, Fall River, has re ceived a $3200 tuition grant from Boston College. She is editor of the school news paper, and a member of the s'~udent ,~ouncil and the Nat ional Honor Society. $15
Mr. & )/Irs. Paul Giroux
Mr. & Mrs. Henri Berube, Mrs. Lucie Boisseau, Mr. & Mrs. AI ibini BOu<~hard, Mr. & Mrs. Fran cois Boulay, Mr. & Mrs. Emile Cousineau Misses Alma & Delia Desilets, Mr. & Mrs. Donald Domingue, Mrs. Anna Dumont, Mr. & Mrs. Leo Duquette, Mr. Charles For tin Mr. & Mrs. Donald Francoeur, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Lapre, Mr. Arthur Leclair, Irene Levasseur, Mr. & Mrs. Pierre Levasseur Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Melanson, Mr. & Ml·S. Ernest Morrissette & F'amily, :\1[1', & Mrs. Alban Mc Callum, :Mr. & Mrs. Albias Na d.eau, Mr. & Mrs. Maurice Ouel
$lf)0 Rev. Reginald M. Barrette
$50 Mr. & Mrs. Antonio'Coutu
$2'7 Family of late Dr Pierre Crispo
$24 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Deschenes
$20 Mr. & Mrs. Normand Levesque
tribute to mother amounts to a year-long effort to bring her the merchandise she prefers.
And w~ do this by offering her quality products all guaranteed 'to please on a moneY:back basisl Equally important, A&P offers a storewide variety of trustworthy items at cash-saving low ,prices - all through the yearl
WHOLI (Split or Cut-Up
Mary Rita Patenaude, Oliva Pelletier, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Itichard, Mr. & Mrs. Aime St. Amand, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Soares Mrs. Loretta Vailla~court & Family, Mr. & Mrs. Roger Val c:ourt Mr. & Mrs. Alex Vezina, Mr. Mrs. William Wright Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Violette
Atty. & Mrs. Milton R. Silva
$50 Silva Funeral Service Mrs. Mary L. Silva
$25 Mr. & Mrs. Antone Camara Mr. & Mrs. Manuel H. Camara
$10 Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Medeiros, Mr. & Mrs. Tiargo B. Silva, Mr. .!II; Mrs. ]~rank Silvia, Mr. & Mrs. l!'rarfCisc3 Seringa, Mr. & Mrs. Bobert Bousa Mr. & Mrs. John Vincent, Is,a bel Medeiros, Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert Cabral, Mr. & Mrs. Antone Cabral, Vange Leite Mr. & Mrs. Orlando Conforti, :Mrs.· Georgina Correira, In :Memory 'If Maximina Perreira, .Joseph DaPonte, Antone Vi veiros
ST. ROCH Anonymous'
• PicfuI'e FI'aming • Alrf Supplies
Jane ParleeI' Spetlal' Jave 20.
Apple Pie ~:~~~~ 39«
S,tamps FOR
'Fall River
$150 Atty. & Mrs. Hugh .J Gol~en $125 . Dr. & Mrs. John C. Cprrigan $100 Margaret G. Dillon Patrick Phelan Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Phelan Mr. & Mrs. James E. Mullins Mrs. Michael E. O'Rourke Maureen O'~urke Dr. & Mrs. John Dunn Mrs. Joseph E. Mullaney $70 MayA. Leary $50 Rev. Edmund T. Delaney Dr. & Mrs. Walter Conrad Mr. & Mrs. Hector Mongeau Helen Shay Mrs. Francis Doolan Mr. & Mrs. Henry F. Shea The McDonald Family $35 Mr. & Mrs. John T. Crowley $30 Mr. & Mrs. Everett Crowley Mrs. Daniel J. Crotty & Family $25 Genevieve A. Harrington Catherine P. Harrington Mrs. Clyde A. Murphy Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Mahoney Mr. & Mrs. Herve Bernier Mrs John J Hogan & Katherine Mr. & Mrs. John E. Connolly Mr. & Mrs. Michael F. Fitz gerald The Kelly Family Mary Hart Lillian Hart Mr.' & Mrs. Robert Nagle Mr. & Mrs. Joseph W. Cum mings Mr. & Mrs. James B. Kelley Jr. Mr. '& Mrs. Howard Melker Mrs. Joseph Lacroix Mr. & Mrs. John McDonald The Devine Family $20 Mr. & Mrs. Romeo Allenburg, Mr. & -Mrs. Kenneth Reinerio, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Lavoie, Mrs. James E. Sullivan & Grace $15 Julia T Harrington, John A. Reder, Nancy Carroll, Mr. & Mrs. Thaddeus Tokarz, Mary Smyth. Mrs. Walter Fallon, Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Zebrasky, Mrs. Raoul T. Gagnon & Family, Mr. & Mrs. Pierre Brouns, Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Ryan, Elizabeth Neilan. $12 Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Reid, Rene B. Beaulieu, Mr. & Mrs. John J. Gallagher. $10 John Neilan, Mr. & Mrs. .James K. Marum, Mrs. John Neilan, Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Johnson, Mr. & Mrs. Albert Durand. Claire Mullins, Mr. & Mrs. John Sullivan III, John W. Cummings, Alice Lenaghan, Mr. &; Mrs. Anthony Neves. Mr. &; Mrs. Walter French, Mr. & Mrs. Vito Telesca, Mrs. Frank Patenaude, Mr. &; Mrs. Thomas Leonard, Mrs. Irene Lavoie. Anna Sullivan, Clarence Bon ner, Gertrude L. Mercier, Mr. &; Mrs. William H. Moran, Mr. &; Mrs. James R. Sullivan. Thomas Sullivan, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Logan, Margaret Pow ers, Mr. &; Mrs. Mario Antonelli, Richard B. O'Connor & Family. William F. O'Neil, Bernadette Walsh, Yvonne Therien, Mr. &; Mrs. Thomas Shea, Mr. & Mrs. James R: Medeiros;' ': Mr. &; Mrs. T. Herbert M-e Mahon Mr. &; Mrs: William Higgin~, Mr. ,& Mrs. Herbert Holt, Marie Murphy, Dr. &; Mrs. Joseph Clark Jr.
WASHINGTON (NC) - The annual convention of the Na tional Federation of Catholic College Students will be held in Kansas City, Mo., Aug. 24-31, it was announced at the organi zation's headquarters here
Mrs. Catherine Hoefling, The Byrne Family, Mr. & Mrs. John J. Donnelly Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Frank M. Coffey, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Sheehan. Mrs. Raymond Brocklehurst, Vincent Fitzgerald, Anna Ma lone, Mr. & Mrs. Martin McDon ald, Yolande Laliberte. Mr. .& Mrs.· Francis Cronin, William Murphy, Mr. & Mrs. J. J. Harrington, Mrs. Margaret Sullivan, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas' Stanton. Mr. & Mrs. Henry Leary, Mr. & Mrs. William Cleare, Mr. & Mrs. Francis Hersey, Mr. & Mrs. William Aylward, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph E. Theberge. Janet Barbelle, Mrs. Lillian Barbelle, Edward F. Fitzgerald, Mr: & Mrs. Joseph Buron, Mr. & Mrs. Herman Mello. Kathleen Smyth, Louise Foley, Mr. & Mrs. William Walsh, Bar ney J. Levesque, Mr. & Mrs. George Nugent. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Po~rs, Mark F. Sullivan, Mrs. Anthony C. Leonard & Carol, Mr. & Mrs. Simon Sullivan, Mr. & Mrs. An drew Duffy & Family. Mr. & Mrs. Peter Sullivan, Bernard Sweeney Jr., Vincent J. Murphy, Mary V. Murphy, Mrs. Winston Ankarstram Helena Kelley, Mr. & Mrs. Philip Dillon, Emma McDermott, Kath_ ryn F. Power, Mr. & Mrs. Rob ert B. Reid. T. Gertrude Flanagan, Mr. & Mrs. William C. Furze, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Peloquin,' Mrs. Charles Peloquin, Mrs. James Kearns, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Norton. Mrs. James Nolan, Margaret Morgan, Mr. & Mrs. Edmund Geary, Mrs. Ambrose F. Kelley, Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin Troia.. Harold Higgins, Mrs. M. A. Connefy, Mr. & Mrs. J. J. Sulli van, Mrs. John H. Byington, Mr. &; Mrs. James Harrington. Mr. & M1's. George Soares, Mr. & Mrs. Armando Andrade, Mr. &; Mrs. Anthony Amaral, Mr. & Mrs. John Kirkman, Mr. & Mrs. Tilmothy J. Murphy, Mr. & Mrs. Francis Carey, Joseph Carey. ST. MATHIEU
$200 Rev. Henri Charest $100 Dr. & Mrs. Omer Boivin $50 Rev. Thomas E. Morrissey $30 Ida & Valeda LeBoeuf $25 Dr. & Mrs. Roland Chouinard, Dr. & Mrs. Eugene Dionne Edgar Poisson $15 Marie Auclair, Grac~a Paren teau. ' $10
Mr. & Mrs. Maurille Archam bault, Mr. & Mrs. Leo Arsenault, Napoleon Berube, Mr. & Mrs. Octave Berube, Mr. & Mrs. Ar thur Bienvenue Mrs. George Bolusky,' Mr. & Mrs. John Cabeceiras, Mr. & Mrs Olivier Cantara, Mr. & Mrs. Normand Charland, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Costa Joseph Cote, Mr. & Mrs. Dan iel, Decambra, Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Deslauriers, Mr. & Mrs. Gedeon Dufour, Mr. & Mrs.' Roger Dufour ' Mr. & Mrs. Lionel Dugal, Re gina Finnerty & Felix Gaud reau, Mr. & Mrs. Leo Frechette, Diane & Edith Gauthier Mrs. Alphonse Houde, Mrs. Joseph Lamot:reaux & Sons, Mr. & Mrs. Edward LeBlanc, Alphonse Levesque, Mr. & Mrs. Laurent Lussier" Mr. & Mrs. Harold McNerney Mr. & Mrs. William Nadeau, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Ouellette, Mrs. Amerilda Parent, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Pigeon, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Poisson Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Pratt, Mr. & Mrs. Ulric Quintin, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Rivard, Mrs Donat Rous sel, Mr. & Mrs. Jesse Silvia Mr. & Mrs. Philippe Vaillan court, Mr. & Mrs. Camille Whitehead
Thurs., May 7, 1964
Rev. Luiz G. Mendonca
Rev. Arthur T. DeMello
A Friend
$20 Antone Ferreira, Manuel Meno Francisco C. Silvia. $10 Irene Almeida, Joseph ,Al. meida, Joseph Alves, Antonio Arruda, Antone Barboza. Antone Barreto, Joseph Bul hoes, Manuel Cabral, Arthur Carvalho, Evangeline L. Cau dell. Patricia Cippolini, Manuel Corte, James Costa, Albert CQuto, Joseph Dias. Joseph Dias, Joseph Domin gos, David Faria, Florinda, Figueira, Daniel Foster. , James Furness, A Friend, Luiz .... Gomes, Robert Gosson, Clarence Harney. Antonia P. Jacob, John Jacob, Joseph Mantez, Manuel Mantez, Alfred Marques. Manuel Marques, AntoniG Mello, John Pacheco Miranda, Vincent Miranda, Joseph Morais. Anton Pacheco, Louis Pavao Sr., Manuel Pavao, Arthur Pereira, Louis Pereira. Joseph Prenda, William Reis, Victor Santos, Alfred Silvia, Francisco Silvia. Louis Sisca, Joseph Souza, Jo.. seph Souza, Dimas Tavares, An tone Ventura. Beatrict Vasconcellos, Gilbert Vasconcellos.
ASTRONOMICAL WONDERS are viewed by student and faculty member of Barry College, Miami Shores, Fla., from atop the college union building through a large tele scope recently donated to the college. NC Photo.
* -k*
THE SIGN OF COMPLETE BANKING SERVICE Fall River National Bank depositors
earn quarterly interest on savings
55 NORTH MAIN STREEr . . . . hl1"o1 Dopo'" I""".ne. Cotpoto_
.THE AN~HOR-Dioce5e of Fan River-Thurs., May 7, 1.964,
'. Fan River: .' ft. MARY'S CATHEDRAL $100 St. Mary's Cathedral Guild $75 ' Rev. Paul F. McCarrick Rev. Peter N. Graziano Thomas & Edward Ryan $50 Ernest Kilroy $40 Rose Dowling $30
The Lavagnino Family $25 John Rogan & Rose Rogan Mr. & Mrs. John R. McGinn Elizabeth Green Mr: & Mrs. James Coyn<l and Family :Eileen and, Gertrude Sullivan Leo O'Brien In Memory of John S. Moran $20 Mr. & Mrs. Michael Hayes, Mrs. Ellen Kenney & Miss Helen -Z::enney, John Sullivan, Mary M\lrphy, Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Fazzina and Family Mr. & Mrs. James A. Robinson, The Falvey Family $15 Mr. & Mrs. William J. Sewell, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph W. Kennedy, Mr & Mrs John Hearne & Family FranCis A. & Lena Morin, Mr. & Mrs. James Frank Mr. & Mrs. John Vogel, Mr. & Mrs. Jerome Foley II, Mr. & Mrs. Jeremiah Lowney, Mr. & Mrs. George Booth, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Magriby Mr. & Mrs. William Blythe, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Duffy, Irene Murphy, Mr. & Mrs. George Boi
W. T. Dwelly, Rose Riley, Mary Hurley, Ruth Hurley. Janice Hurley, Mary T. Hur ley, Margaret Hurley, Mrs. Dan iel F. Shea, In Memory of Charles E. Connors. Edward Blythe, Mr. & Mrs. Henry Gauthier, Mr. & Mrs: Francis C. Fennes, William Bradbury Jr., Emma Worsley. Joseph Dunse, Mr. & Mrs. Ar_ thur Ferreira, Mr. & Mrs. James Melvin, Agnes Fisher, Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Morrissey. Mrs. Eva Jacone, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Corcoran, Mr. & Mrs. William H. Caine, Madeline Dussault, Mr. & Mrs. Emanuel. Martin. Brian Lynch, Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Taylor, Mr. & Mrs. Ar thur Haley, Edward McYey, Mr. & Mrs. Carlton Gastall, Mrs. Jonathan Munroe.
OUR LADY OF THE ANGELS $1,000 Rt. Rev. Anthony M. Gomes $50 George Tonelli $25 Julia Simas Manuel Milario Holy Name Society .Council of Catholic Women St. Vincent de Paul Society Boy and Cub Scouts ' Joseph M. Theodore $20 Edward Teves Manuel Correia $15 Jose M. Lindo $10 Maria Cabral, Arthur Furtado & Family, Julius Rodrigues, Hil da Santos, Louis Mello Manuel Mello, Mariano Pi mental Jr.,Carl Frederick, Char tano. les Alves, Manuel Braz Jr. $10 Joseph l<' err e ira, Albertina Mr. and Mrs. John Camara, Mello, Francisco Maurisso, Fran. Mr. & Mrs. Norbert Carvalho, cisco Cabeceiras, Antone Isidore Margaret Riley, Nancy Sullivan, Pedrl" De Ponte, Pinheiro Mrs. Edward Sullivan. Family Michael ~ lartin, Joseph Mr. & Mrs. Edmond Levesque, Costa & Sons, Manuel Julio . Charles Critchley, The Connors Jose Rodrigues, Manuel :I!'amUy, Ann Standish, Amelia Aguiar, Medeiros Family, An Siandish. tonio Ribeiro Jr. Manuel Apo,," George Fitzgerald, Mr. & Mrs. linario lohn Hart, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Joseph Mellor, Frank Moniz, Karnasiew, James J. Sullivan, Mariano Ferreira, Frank Aguiar, Mrs. Frank Melvin. Leonel Rodrigues Mr. & Mrs. Charles Pevide, Manuel Medeiros, Carl Dinizio, Mrs. A. Patricia Curt, Mr. & Mrs Manuel Laureano, Louise Whea John Kirby, Grace Kirby, Alice don, Henry Camara Fitzpatrick. Jessie Pimental, Arsenio Bar Mr. & Mrs. George Dussault reira, Manuel Perreira Jr., ,Man Mrs. Catherine McGreavey, Mr. uel Mello, Manuel Arruda & Mrs. William Loring, Mary C. Alfred Almeida, Leonard Cab. Grandfield, Leonard Dennis Jr. ral, Antone Michaels, Joseph Lathryn I. Dailey, Richard Machado, Frank Magano Sullivan, Vincent F. Shea, Mr. El"ira Pacheco, Antone Mar & Mrs. Joseph F. McGrady, Mr. tin B row 'n i e & Girl Scouts, & Mrs. William Collins. Manuel Ray m 0 n d, Joseph Mr. & Mrs. Leo Thibault, John Branco eorreira Jr., Mrs. Louise Pon Robert Correia, Joseph Silvia, ton, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Betty, William Moniz, Mary Raposa, ".;.,Lillian O'Hearn. Thaddeus Sowinski Nellie G. O'Hearn, Mrs. Mar Helen & Constance Rapoza, garet Morrissey, Mr. & Mrs. Eu Lawrence Benevides, Man u e I gene Bertrand, Mr. & Mrs. Man_ Carreira, Antone Moniz, Caetano uel Carvalho, Mr. & Mrs. John Furtado' Perry. . Adelino' Raposa, Antone· William castall, CIa ire Aguiar, Mary Arruda, Augustine. O'Toole" Mrs. Stephen O'Toole;' Rebello, Augll~t Ricardo ' Mr. & Mrs. Roland Depin, Mr. Joseph Silvia, Ernest Souza, & Mrs. Daniel Hurley. John Souza, Raymond J. Hrvciw,' Mr. & Mrs" Dennis Lynch, Mr. Manuel Costa . & Mrs. William Gorman, Mr. & iames A r r u d a, Raymond· Mrs. John Frain, ,Mr. & Mrs. Medeiros, Mary Teixetra & John Viera, Mrs. Ida·Callahan. Daughter, Odelia & .Emily .cOS'7 Mr. & Mrs. Rene J. Lariviere, tello, Kenneth Burton Margaret Bond, Mr. & Mrs. Jo John Soares, Oswell Figueredo, seph Desrosiers, Thomas Har Manuel Silvi~ Manuel Souza, rington, Raymond Kilroy. Joseph Velozo 'Mathew Kilroy, Thomas Ken Rocha Family, Leonel Cor nedy, Margaret Kennedy, Mich deiro, Mary Thomas, Mariano aeline Russell, Mrs. Margaret Thomas, Enos Sousa Manuel Rego, Henry Rego, Duffy. Mr. & Mrs. William .Bowler, Arthur Rego, Arthur Silvia, William O'Donnell, Mrs. Cath Manuel Rodrigues erine O'Donrtell, Mr. & Mrs. John Silveira, Manuel Cor John Duggan, Mr. & Mrs. Ever deiro, John Mathias, Dorothy Janssen, David Rogers ett Smith. Mrs. Catherine Harrison, Je~sie Cabral, Antone Spencer, Francis Stone, Mr. & Mrs. An·· Children of M'll'y Sodality, Man thony Biello & Family, Hillard uel Velho, Joh::J. Enos Manuel Ferreira, Manuel Ma Nagle, Daniel Shea. Eleanor Shea, Mrs. Frank Han_ gano, Joseph Mello, Manuel ley, Nellie Sullivan, Mr. & Mrs. Silva, Atty. Frank Rodrigues Joaqu' ""'osta, John Ferreira, Henry Messier, Mr. & Mrs. Ed ward Myles. Manuel Faria, Joseph Pacheco,", Mary P. Considine, Mr. & Mrs. Maria Tavares
NEW PRO V INC I A L: Brother :flenry G. Vanasse, FJ.C., Fdl River native, is the new superior provincial of the American Province of the Brothers of Christian Instruction.
, " .. , ST.-A~"·· · '$200 . Dominican' Fathers • . . $100
Ste. An'ne's ~t. Vincent de Pilul · $50 .Mr. & Mrs. Normand H. BQule $25
Anonymous, Dr. Adelard .De mers and Helen · . $15 . The Misses Couillard, Joseph Paquet, Pauline Sorel $12 Mr. & Mrs. Benoit Canuel $10 Mr. & Mrs. Roger Beaulieu, Mr. & Mrs. Antonin Bedard, Anonymous, Rose Bernier, Anonymous Helene Boucher, Mr. & Mrs. Donat Cardinal, Aurore M. Cle ment, Irene Courtemanche, Gra ziella Domingue Alice Dumont, Mr. &. Mrs. Joseph Duquette,. Mr. & Mrs. Charles Gagnon, Lucille Gau thier, Alphonse Gariepy ~r. & Mrs. Andre Giroux,
Meraae Gop.Vtue,· ~~' Alfred Lahaie, Mr. & Mrs. Lionel Lauzier'
Mr. & Mrs.' Hervin R: Lavioe, Lucina Leboeuf, Mr. & Mrs.
George L!!doux, Josephine Le
niay, Mr. & Mrs. Armand Levas
Mr. & Mrs'. Louis Levesque, Mr. & Mrs. Edouard Melanson, Mr. & Mrs. Richar Martel, Mr. & Mrs. Andre Messier, Morin Family Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Morin, Mr. & Mrs. Henri Olivier, Adele Ouellette, Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Proulx, Mr. & Mrs. Alexandre Raymond Mr. & Mrs. Robert Rioux, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Robidoux, Anony mous, Mr. & Mrs. Philias St. Ger main, Marthe St. Laurent Mr. & Mrs. Roger St. Martin, Claire St. Pierre, Rejeanne St. Pierre, Rhea St. Pierre, Anony mous Mr. & Mrs. Roland Sorel, Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Talbot, Yvonne Tardif, Toupin Family
F'ranciscc' V ian a, William Rego, Alfred Mello, Dorothy Rodriques, Maria Arpia Joseph Kice, Norberta Medei ros John Moniz, Cadima Family, Alfred Viveiros J,:>emar Furtado, Helena Sousa, Manuel Perry, Virginio Camara, Edward Paulino Armand Di Nucci, John Enos, Orner Chretien, John Roderick, Mary Carreiro Manuel Martins, Louis Vivei ros, Manue:: Misturado, Manuel' Anlirade, Edward Casemiro P,~ter C::ilva, Elias DUf\l'te, Al fred Coray, Richard Couto, Can did~, Da Silva Raul Fernandes,' Leo Burns, Bernadino Teves, Anthony Sousa, Armand Mi;~anda Joseph D'.13rte, Marcelino De Mello, Alfred Carrita Edward Som:a
IN INDIA TONIGHT 17 i:OUNG SISTERS will go to bed together in a room Dot much larger than the average American bedroom. They are novices, in train ing to be SISTERS OF THE IMITA TION OF CHRIST. The roof leaks. and the walls may easily collapse. Writes the Mother Superior: "The building may no longer stand the onslaught of the monsoons." • • • These youn, Sisters rarely have a good night's sleep. Do they com plain? - No, poverty and hardship the;? accept out of love for Christ .•• To construct a brand new building "lhl Hoi, PAlhBr', M;ss;on ANI will cost only $3,000. We mention for Ihl OriBnlAI Cburch this becausll' a new building is '. bargain: It will serve as a permanent novitiate for years and years to come • • . Will you help Just a little? • . • INDIA is a promising mission field-and the health of our native Sisters is a first consideration. The novitiate would make a . Iplendid memorial for those you love • . . Please help "just • Uttle," at ieast. It everyone sends S1 or $5 or even more, the Sisters wUI loon be Ileeping easily.
HOLY ROSARY $300 Rt. Rev. Joseph R. Pannoni $75 Rev. Vincent F. Diaferio $50 Holy Rosary Women's Guild $25 Holy Rosary C.Y.O. M:~. & Mrs. Louis A Sisca Sr. M:r. & Mr,;. Fr'ank Mazzoni Motor Truck Sales Spindle City Dye Works $20 Mr. &Mrs. Angelo Ricci $15 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Marcucci, The Ralph Sasso Family. Mr. & Mrs Carl Mello & Gerri $10 Carmi A. Belmont & Belmont Family, Josephine Bernard, Ern. est &: Viola Corgino, Mr. & Mrs. John Cosmon, Mr. & Mrs. John D!Adamo. Mr. Mrs. Antonio DiRuzza, Mr. & Mrs. Acquilino DiSpirito, Edith S. Flanagan, Halo Gian. notti. Mr. & :'vIr's: Philip Halcom. . Mr. & Mrs, JUlio Irizzary, Mr. & Mrs Mario Lucciola, Mr & Mrs Acquilino Masciarelli, Mr. & Mrs.. Ciement Occhiuti, Mary Ragonesi: " ' Mr. & Mis. Armand Rousseau, Mr. & Mrs. P,lsquale barti, Rich_ ard SperduJ:i, Mr. & Mrs. An thony Stoc~m, Mr. & Mrs. David Vieir.l, Mary Agnes Wyeth. Mr:s. Antodo Cardelli, Mr. & Mrs. Louis Caruso, Mr. & Mrs. John Conforti, Mr. & Mrs. Fred erick Dagata, Thomas Delzenero Councillor & Mrs. Edward E. Dolan, Mr.:&: Mrs. P. A. Emile Durand, Mary & Bert Ferioli, Charles ·Finucane, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Guidotti James LaC.ava, Mr. & Mrs. Jos eph Pacheco, Josephine & lViario Parise, 1\11'. & Mrs Raymond Par ise, Anthony Pannoni Nicholas Pannoni, James Pa triceEi, Mrs. Albert J. Roy, Mr. & Mrs. William Seneca, Rose & Eda Sisca, Mr. & Mrs. John S. Sousa
First of all, the girl who becomes .. Sister is a rare individual Decause Christ has picked bel' out to be His bride • • • Her' lervlces are priceless because they are not for saIl '. • • She asks nothing for herself. She asks only to be trained ••• W. have the names of 137 Sisters In INDIA who are asking to be trained. Would you like to train one of thelll.? •.. The Sister you train will write to you, and you may' write to her. She will be an "adopted" member of your family . . . Her two-year training costs $300' altogether.....,$150 a year-and' you may space your payments to IUit your own convenience. (Some sponsors lend $12.50 each month!. . Here are two ADORATION SISTERS who need training: SISTER LISSY and SISTER BENJAMIN • Why not drop UI • line; with your lnltlal 9ayment.
ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI We remembel' the incident, In the lite of St, Francis; when the Saint was first ushered Into the presence of the Pope. The Pope recognized him Immediately. He had dreamt that this Ilmple. holy, man would re-bulld the Church by flooding the world with oharUY • " Your "stringless gifts" do .exactly thll In our 18·country mission world. They help us flood the world · with charity. Tell UI to use your rift, large or small, Where
U'I needed mOllt. . .
THAT'S ALL IT COSTS to join· this assoclatlon-2· cents a day. You share In the Masses and good works of Pope Paul VI, Cardlhal Spellman, and all our priests and Sisters..-And your' membership ,diles ($1 a year for an, individual, $5 for a family). build churches and schools, feed orphans and the aged. in the Holy Land Itself ... You may, of course, enroll deceased per .ons; too. The offering for perpetual membership" $20' for u Individual, $100 for a family.
OUR PALE-S·,-TIN....,...·-E~RE~FUGEES On pilgrimage In the Holy Land last Janua17 Pope Paul expressed concern for the 1.4 mtllion refugees from Palestine and gave the Pontifical Mission for Palestine (his own Vatican relief agency) his "very special blessing" . . .' $10 will feed a refugee family for a month. It you will feed a family, we'll send you an Olive Wood Rosary from tbe Holy Land. Dear Monsignor Ryan: Enclose.d please find for ..•••••••••••) . Name •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Street ••• "•• "•• "
'••••••• e .. e
City ....••• ,....... . ..•...... Zone ... State .......•
Msgr. Joseph T. Ryan, Nat'l Sec'r
Send all communications tOl
330 Madison A~e.·at 42nd St~ .
. NIW Yor., N. Y. 10017
" :'~""Fall .River .
$500 Rev. George E. Sullivan $50 The Misses Foley Dr. Louis Kroger Mr. &; Mrs. William F. Burll $35 The Misses Mary L. &; Cath erine T. Harrington $30 Mr. &; Mrs. Leroy Borden The Maher Family $25 Lawrence Cabeceiras Mrs. Margaret Casey The Dwyer Family Elaine's Flower Shop Mrs. Wallace Fairbanks In Memory of Raymond R. Fletcher Jane Haran Mr. &; Mrs. Thomas Higginson Sr. Julia Mahoney Cyril Marcille The McArdle Famil)' Thomas McCormick Frederick Sherry Alvin J. Sullivan Jr. Richard Synnott, Mrs. Mary Walker $20 Mr. &; Mrs. William Doran, Mr. &; Mrs. Edward D. Fitzgerm ald, Douglas Law, The Misses Mary &; Frances P. Shay, Mr. &; Mrs. Bernard Tomlinson. Charles Trainor, Thomas Grif fin.
$15 :Mr. &; Mrs. John J. Moloney, In Memory of James F. Gray, Walter Nichipor, William O' Brien, Mildred Powers. $10 Mrs. Doris Amaral, Manuel Arruda, Mrs. Florence Austin, Bertrand Babin, Henry Bernar do. Charles Booth, Ann Borden, Manuel Borges, Mr. &; Mrs. Jo seph L. Boyd, Mrs. James Brad shaw. Mrs. Frank Brady, Frances Brough, Mrs. Louise Brownell,', Mrs. William Brownell, Arthur' Buekley. Jeanne Cahill, Louis Cahill, Mrs. Vincent Calio, Walter Cass, Joseph Clark. Ann Cleary, Stephen Clynes, William J. Collins, John Connor, Thomas Considine. Thomas Corey, Arthur Cote, Edward Cullen, Albert Cum mings, Richard Curran. Mrs. Joseph Curt, Mrs. How ard Davol, Norman Decoste, Eunice Dion, Francis Dorsey. Ann Dowling, Clement Dowl ing, Vincent Dowling, Ora Dro han, Richard Duarte. Mr. &; Mrs. Richard Dubois, Mrs. ·Thomas H. DUffy, Mrs. Bradford Durfee, Walter Eveleth Mrs. Franklin FairhurSt. Manuel Felix, Gilbert Ferrei ra, Evelyn Finglis, Mrs. John Fitzgerald, Elizabeth Flaherty. Daniel Foley, Gilbert Franco, William Freitas, Stephen Gar della, In 'Memory of Nellie O'Brien. ' William GaUdreau, Mary Gib lin, Mrs. Yvonne Giffin, Edward Gosselin, Donald ~ulet Napoleon ,Goulet, Mrs. Ray mond Gregory, Leo Griffin, Mr. &; Mrs. James l:{ague, Mr. &; Mrs. Gerald Hanley. Arthur Hannafin, Thomas Hannafin, Raymond Hargraves, Mr. &; Mrs. Frank Harrington, Mrs. Olive Harrington. William Heffernan Jr. Peter Hodnett, 'Jennie Holleran, R. S. Hollingsworth, Mrs. Angelina Hutzol. The Jeff Family, The Misses Helen &; Cora Jette, Gerald LaChance, Umberto Latessa Sr~ Alphonse Lavoie. James Lavoie, John Leary, William LeBlanc, James Len aghan, Mary Lennon. Mrs. Mary Lennon, Frank Lombardi, Louis Lopes, Mirs. Arthur Lovenbury, Mrs. Richard Lown. James Lowney, John Lyneh, Arthur McAndrew" Mr. &; Mrs. Daniel McCarthy, Donald Mc Govern.
John McGovern, .Tames Mc Millan, Eloise McMullen, Ger trude McMullen, Michael Mc Nally. Dorothy McGee, John Ma honey, Donald Martin, James Marum, David Matthews. David Matthews Jr., Thomas Meagher, John Medeiros, Louis Medeiros, David Meehan. James Mendonca, Edward Monarch, Francis MontIe, Charles Murphy, James Murphy. Francis Murray, Daniel Neto, Thomas Nugent, Mrs. Lydia Oliveira, William Partington. Mrs. Mary PatenaUde, John, Pavao, Joseph Payton, William Pelland, James Perkins. Mrs. Mary Perkins, Roger Petit, Arthur Pires, William Place, Ann Powers. Ruth Quinn, Theresa Read, Normand Rivard, Raymond Ro bitaille, Mrs. Charles Ross. Art h u r Rousseau, Wilfred Salois, James Saunders, James Shaughnessy, Mr. &; Mrs. Arthur E. Shea. John Shea, Joseph Souza, Jo seph Souza, William Steele, Mr. &; Mrs. Joseph Studniarz, Ger trude Sullivan, Mary Sullivan, Mary R. Sullivan, Thomas Sul livan, Leo Sullivan Mr. &; Mrs. Edward Tavares, '" Mr. &; Mrs. Timothy Thompson, Dale Tommer, Thomas Travis, Alfred Valcourt. Monica Charles Wallace, Walmsley, John Ward, Arthur Wilson, Whalen, Frederick Catherine Wrigley. ST. PATRICK
$1,000 Rev. John E. Boyd
$500 AnonymoWl , $100 Rev. Raymond W. McCarthy $'15 Rev. Adalbert A. Szklanny $50
Mr. &; Mrs. Daniel Scully Mr. &; Mrs. Edward G. De Ciccio Samuel Priestly
$CO Mrs. John A. Coady & Family • $25 In Memory -of Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Foran Alida Hart Mary E. Kilroy Dr. &; Mrs. Joseph G. Norman Mrs. John L. Sweeney Mrs. Elizabeth A. Denehy , "Geraldine Harrington Mr. &; Mrs. James Shea $20
Mr. & Mrs. William T. Dan nelly, Mr. &; Mrs. Joseph Pin sonneault $15 Rico DeNa'dal, Mr. &; Mrs. John Marshall, Henry Augustine, Abbie I. Kilroy, Mr. &; Mrs. Mar tin Delahanty Adrian J. Hughes &; Family, Mr: &; Mrs. James McCloskey $10 Frances Martin, Ann Cusack, Margaret Cusack, Mrs. Helen Sullivan, Mr. &; Mrs. Manuel Ribeiro . John McGuire Jr.. John Spen '(ler, Edward Sullivan, Mr. &: Mrs. Eugene Grace, Mr. &; Mrs~ Thomas Patten Mr. &; Mrs. Raymond Morin, Mr. &; Mrs. William'Dutton, :Mr. &; Mrs. William Haley, Mr. &: Mrs. Arthur Richard, Mr. &; Mrs. ,Henry Moss '
Jesuit Helps Build
African Stadium
JERSEY CITY (NC) - Father Aidan McMullen, S.J~ history professor at St. Peter's College here, will be the administrator of a group of 10 American col lege students who will build a soccer field pavilion in Gambia, West Africa, this Summer. The work is being done un der the auspices of Operation Crossroads, l) non-sectarian vol unteer organization. The stu dents will do their work at Yundum College, 15 miles south of the Moslem natioA'. capital city Qf Bathurst.
THE ANCHORThurs., May 7, 1964
QUIET WAY: While demonstrators have taken over the streets in the struggle for Negro civil rights, 49 stu dents of Cleveland's Ursuline College have been tutoring under-privileged children who are considered potential school drop-outs. Gwen Parks, of Washington, D.C., a sophomore, takes time out from homework to get acquainted with her pupil, Robert Lemons, a junior high student. NC Photo. Mrs. Kathleen Wieser, Mr. &; Raymond McGuill, Mrs. Elizabeth Kennedy, Mr. & Mrs. Albert Lewis, Edward Healey Anne M. DeNadal, Mr. &; Mrs. Daniel Massey, Catherine Con nors, Mr. &; Mrs. Michael Dwyer, Mr. &; Mrs: James Crosson Joseph W h e I a n, Margaret Whelan, Anne Whalen, Mr. &; Mrs. John Shea, Mr. &; Mrs. Louit! Viveiros Jr. Mr. &; ~rs. Anthony Garside,
Mr. &; Mrs. Peter Czapiga, Mr. &; Mrs. Edward Bolger, Frances Cash, Mr. & Mrs._Albert Lord Jane Hopkins, John Hopkins, Mr. &; Mrs. Alphege Rioux, Hazel Devine, Mr. &; Mrs. James E. Judge Mr. Harold S. Nabb, Mr. &; Mrs. Charles Peladeau, Anastasia K. Mayes, Violette P. Kay, Louise R. Kay Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Mooney, Mr. &; Mrs. Louis Cyr, Mr. &; Mrs.
Fall River Trust Still The $
Thomas Harkin, Mr. &; Mrs. Roy Murray, Elizabeth V. Barrett Margaret A. Parker, ,)Wary Welch, Mrs. Mary Harrington, Arline Heath, Mr. &; Mrs. Alfred Danis Mr. &; Mrs. Joseph Guidotti, Mary &; Ella Holland, Mr. & Mrs. Henry Buekley, Mrs. Ann Grif fin, John O'Brien Joseph Crofton, Mrs. Loretta O'Connor, Mr. & Mrs. Rene Per_ ron, Mr. & Mrs. David Derrig, Mr. &; Mrs. Thomas Brady , Nicoletti F ami I y, John Meadowcroft, Mrs. Patricia Ra poza, Mrs. Kathleen Snowden, Mr. &; Mrs. Harold Powers Mr. &; Mrs. David Costa, Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Brodeur, Mrs. Walter Breton, Mr. & Mrs. Ed ward Sweeney, Mr. &; Mrs. Den nis Griffin Mr. & Mrs. David MaillOUX, Mr. &; Mrs. Alfred DePippo, Mr. & Mrs. Henry Urban, Mr. & Mrs. William Miller, Mr. & Mrs. Nor man Sullivan .Mr. &; Mrs. Joseph Emard, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Pimental, MNl. Mary Mullaney, Mr. & Mrs. James McCann, Mr. &; Mrs. Wil liam McHugh Mr. &; Mrs. Thomas Shea, Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Tyrrell, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Gagnon, Mr. & Mrs, Roger Legault, Carolyn Duperre Mr. &; Mrs. How-ard Duperre, Mr. &; Mrs. Lester Ball, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Viana Mrs. Mary Hickey, Mrs. Rose Yarborugh Mr. &; Mrs. Carl ManchesteF, Mrs. Harold Miller, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Cranshaw, Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Costa, },fr. &; Mrs. Law rence Corrigan Mrs. Sophie Pasternak, Mr.-' & Mrs. Joseph Paquin, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Sears, Sarah Spellman; Mr. &; Mrs. James Brickhill \
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese. of Foil River-Thurs., May 7, 196.4
Diocesan' Music Festival Today
Carmelite Explains Action of Coun,cil
On Devotion to Blessed Moth~r Mary
Continued from Page One risen Christ body as well as soul. Now how is the Church like Mary? The theologians of earlier decades liked to found the rela tionship in terms of Mary's role in the redemptive work of Christ. Many experts favored the position that Our Lady had a proximate and direct· involve ment in the Savior's passion and death. Therefore,according to God's plan, she shared in the objective redemption w hie h Christ won all graces for the Church. Active Redemptive Role Others preferred to speak of Mary as the spiritual mother of the members of Christ's Mystical Body. Her spiritual maternity began with the Annunciat~on. On CalvarY,in an intimate union of will and suffering with Christ, she brought, forth spiri tually brethren of Christ. Now, with the risen Christ,' she con tinues her motherhood towards us. Since the World War II a new school of thought - especially Swiss and German - has sug gested that Mary's official role on Calvary was to receive - as model of the Church-the graces of the Redemption. Mary thus becomes a proto type of the Church. Like the Church, her role is active and receptive. She is the ·one most perfectly red~emed-t~e model of the Church made holy by Christ.
Pope Sends ~ift To . Prelate' NEW YORK (NC) - Paolo Cardinal Marella, papal legate to the opening of the Vatican Pavilion at the New York World's Fair, brought a gift from Pope Paul VI to Francis Cardinal Spellman of New York. The gift, a. precious clasp that belonged to Pope Pius XII, was a reminder of the close friend ship that existed between Car dinal Spellman and the late Pontiff. On the back of the clasp, Pope Paul had, inscribed a message stating that it was a gift from him to Cardinal Spellman to mark the 25th anniversary of the latter's appointment as J'.rch_ bishop of New York. rhe Cardi nal was named to head the New York See by Pius XII on '\pril 15, 1939. . Most Valuable The clasp, made of gold en.. erusted with precious stones, was among Pius XII's most val u",ble uossessions. It· was de signed for use with a cope, a long cape-like vestment worn at most religious services .be., sides the Mass. The clasp was carried from the Vatican to New York by Msgr. Pius Benincasa of the Buffalo diocese, an official' of the Papal Secretariat of State and a member of the papal mis sion to the Vatican Pavilion's opening.
What will the council likely say about Our Lady? To ciate, we kn,ow nothing. We can only conjecture the council's position after looking at the Constitution of the Liturgy and listenin€ : to the Holy Father's address of Desc. 4, 1963 at t!;.le closing of the 2nd Session. Chapt. 5 of the Liturgy de cree places ~ -- Lady along with Christ: "In celebrating the an nual cycle of Christ's mysteries, holy Church honors with speeial love the blessed Mother of God, who is joined 'by an inseparable bond to the saving work of her Son. In her, the Church holds up and admires the most excel lent fruit of Redemption, and joyfully contemplates, as in a faultless image, that which she herself desires and hopes wholly to be." Pope Paul Mentioning items of unfinish_ ed b:Jsiness, the Pope mentioned Our Lady: "We hope for the solution most in keeping with the nature of the Church, i.e., the unanimous and loving acknowl edgement of the place, privi leged above all others, whi,~h the Mother of God occupies in the holy Church-in the Churl~h which is the principal subject matter of the present council. "After Christ,her place in the Church is most exalted, and also the one closest to us, so that we may honor her with the title, Mother of the Church, to hl~r glory and our benefit." Model of Church The council is stressing Our Lady as the model of the Churc;:}, following a line of theological thought that has developed greatly in recent years, buoyed by the Scriptures and ancient Christian authors. It has not abandoned the pair!; Popes. It perfects both St. Pope Pius X (Ad diem i1lum, 1904) and Pius XII (Ml'stici Corpori:;, 1943). Mary,' in the New Testa ment, is the model of the Church -as the meeting point of God's people of the Old and New Testaments as the one who re·· ceives Christ most excellently. Everything that Christ expect:; of His Church is foreshadowed, symbolized, realized in advance and perfectly in Mary. She h; the model that God intends fol' His Church.
The First Annual' Diocesan Music Festival is being held this afternoon at 1:30 at Bishop Feehan High School, Attleboro. The program, open to the public, will consist of orchestra, choral and band selections. The orchestras will be from Mt. St. Mary's Academy, Fall River, with Mr. Arthur Paquette directing, and the Academy of the Sacred Hearts, Fall River, under the direction of Mr. Ed ward Machado. The choral groups and their directors are the following: Domican Academy, Fall River, Sister M. Pius, O.P.; Holy Family High, New Bedford, Sister Mary Thecla, RS.M.; Jesus Mary Aca demy, Fall River, Mother M. of Carmel, R.J.M.; Stang Hig-h School, No. Dartmouth, Sister Patricia Gertrude, S.N.D. Also, Sacred Hearts Academy, Fairhaven, Mr. Joseph DiDomi nico; Bishop Feehan High, Attle boro, Sister Mary· Rochelle, RS.M.; Bishop Cassidy High, Taunton, Sister Stephen Helen, S.U.S.C. Band music will be played by the Coyle High Band, Taunton, under the direction of Brother William LQwney, C.S.C.
FIRST COMMUNION: The children of St. Rose of. Lima parish, Lima, Peru, put the unconsecrated hosts in th,~ chalice themselves, before the Mass. at which they will reeeive their first Holy Communion. The pastor, Father JO:~lll Lawler, M.M., of New Bedford, looks on. NC Photo.
A buffet supper at 6:30 will precede the annual meeting of Fall River' Catholic Woman's - Club, set for Tuesday night, May 12 at St. Patrick's auditorium. Fall River. Co-chairmen of the supper are I I Mrs. Edmund Sullivan, Mrs. AIfred Berube and Mrs. Frank . Mazzoni. Chairman of hospitality BALTIMORE (NO) _. A self- the·words "under God" from the- are Mrs. Thomas F. Burke and professed atheist has announced - ~l~dge of All~giance. 0t.'- t~e Mrs. Anthony J. Pannoni. she will appeal "to the Supreme grou~ds that t~eir recltatIo~ lRThe evening's program will C0l;'rt if necessar~" from the ~ubhc schoo!s IS an. unco,?-sbtu- feature "Two for the Showl' with actIon of the BaltImore School bonal practIce which vIOlates' A g I P' d' d Dana Lord
Court Test Ahead
Baltimore Woman Seeks Deletion Of Under God· From Pledge
~O~~~pi~h:e~~:~:"~~~e~e~uoe;. -~~u~~~i~~~l~t~~.'~paration
of ..le;, .' . from the Pledge of Allegiance - .In' a letter to the School Board, ' A new slate of offIcers ,:",ill. be recited in public schools.' she said she and her sons "find prese~ted by the nommatmg Mrs. Madalyn Murray said her this offensive to our freedom of commIttee. first step would be to take the conscience, since we are athe issue to Superior Court here. ists."··
Mrs. Murray's suit against 'Bible Brain said the board has no
. WAS H I N G TON (NC)- reading and the Lord's Prayer authority to grant the request, Dorothy N. Kelly, editor of the in public schools was one of two since recitation of the pledge Catholic Nu'rse magazirie, 'pub that occasioned the U.S. Supreme in public schools is mandatory· lished by the National' Council Court's ruling against these prac- Under state law and the wording· of Catholic' Nurses, has' been tices last year. of the pledge is determined by named by the American Journal The Baltimore woman. who .. Congress.. The words "under of Nursing a winner of the Mary has two sons in public schools .God" 'were added to the pledge· M. Roberts writing award for here, is. seeking elimination of by Congress· in 1954. 1964.' . .
Award W.on·ner
• "I love
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Asks Memorial Day Prayers for Peace
Annual Meeting For Catholic Club
WASHINGTON (NC)-Presi dent Johnson has proclaimed Memorial Day, Saturday, May 30, as a day of prayer for perma nent peace. . "I call upon all people of the nation to invoke God's blessing on those who have died in de fense of our country and to pray for a world of law and order. I designate the hour beginning at 11 o'clock in the morning on that day as the'tillie to unite. in'
, such' prayer," the President'.
. proclamation stated~ •
Happy' B. M.
Durfee Trust Co. Fall River