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An Anchor of the Soul, Sure a/nd Firm -


Fall River Mass., Thursday, May 1, 1970 PRICE 10¢ Vol. 14, No. 19 © 1970 The Anchor $4.00 per Year

Marian Medal Awards Honor 20 Educators

q \~ \

FIVE NEW DiOCESAN PRIESTS: Gathering with their shepherd following ceremony on Friday night in the Cathedral, were five priests who are to serve in the diocese. Rev. James R. Mclellan, Rev. Joseph D. Maguire, Rev. James W. Fahey, Bishop Connolly, Rev. Thomas L. .Rita, and Rev. Thomas F. McMorrow.

First. Appeal Gifts Total $305,9.24 Off to an' excellent" start, first returns from 114 dioce~ san parishes for the Catholic Charities Appeal total $305,-

Twenty educators, four of whom have devoted more than one-half century in the development of children in " 924. diocesan schools, were awarded the Marian Medal in recis most heartening to see ognition of their service at the annual Catholic Teachers' the"Itinitial parish reports in exconvention in Attleboro tocess of those of last year," was ing in Bishop Feehan High school the enthusiastic comment of day. Bish6p Connolly, who auditorium. Joseph C. Murray of North originated the highest dioceThe recipients: Dighton, diocesan Appeal lay Sister Teresa of Jesus, O.P., chairman. san award, presented the medals before a capacity gather-

Turn to Page Three

Pope Cit e s Respo~sibility Of Communications Media , VATICAN CITY (NC)-The powerful effects that mass communications today can have on the development of young people places "an immense responsibility" on everyone involved in the media. This was the message of Pope Paul VI writing on the theme These tools must be used "to of World Communications young people to inform and Day, to be observed this year help form themselves, to ~ri':lg out on May 10. The theme. of the real problems of the world, the day is "Social Communications and Youth." . World Communications Day is sponsored by the Pontifical Commission for Social Communica-

tiO;~~ Pope's message

said that men must make good use of the extraordinary opportunities to reach young people today by the press, movies, radio and television.

Tells Vincentians To Update Work For Ind igent JERSEY CITY (NC)-The So<;iety of St. Vincent de Paul must get away "from the food basket image" and become involved in a broader way in work for the poor. The observation came from Luke' J. Smith, executive secretary and veteran worker for the society in the Rockville Centre, . N.Y., diocese, at a meeting here .' of 200 delegates of the'society's iEastern Region. Speaking on the theme of updating the society in modern times, Smith said the members Turn to Page Three

to seek the authentic values of life and to live up to their callTurn to Page Six

Auxiliary Bishop James J. Gerrard, too, applauded the laity of the diocese for their generous response to the Appea! honoring the quarter-century jubilee of Bishop James L. Connolly as a member of the United States hierarchy. "The first returns indicate that the Appeal donors are honoring

our Shepherd because the Appeal is a tribute to him on the occasion of his silver anniversary in the episcopacy," the

Mixed Marriage, N'ew Directives WASHINGTON (NC) - Pope Paul's new mixed marriage norms drew generally enthusiastic reaction among Protestant, Orthodox and Jewish religious leaders. Most of those interviewed were enthusiastic about what they saw as progress and liberality in the way Catholicism is now approaching the problem, although some thought the papal document did not go far enough. The Pope's Apr~l 28 mot!! Turn to 'Page iEleven

New Bedford prelate asserted. Two parishes have already gained a place on the honor roll for "going over 'the top"of their highest previous totals. ~ey are: Notre Dame, Fall River. Our Lady of Angels, Fall River. Rev. Msgr. Anthony M. Gomes, diocesan Appeal director, foresees the probability that many more parishes will be added to' . the list. A new plan, inaugurated last year divides the 1194-square mile diocese into five areas, listing the five leading parishes in each section. Previously, the leaders were ranked regardless of location. The areas include Cape Cod and the Islands, the AttIeboros, Taunton, New Bedford and Fall River.

Upholds Church Tax Exemption WASHINGTON (NC) The United States Supreme Court has' upheld the constitutionality of a New York

Bishops Reaffirm Reliance 0 n D.locesan .... I~ewspapers

SAN FRANCISCO (NC)-America's Catholic bishops gave an unequivocal and unanimous expression of support to the nation's Catholic press in a statement released at the seqliannual meeting of bishops here. Adopted without dissent by a voice vote, the The complete text of the bishbishops' resolution acknowledged "We are especially ops' statement read: communication of a encouraged by the positive . "The Turn to Page Sixteen contribution to human understanding and to the knowledge of the Church provided by the diocesan newspapers under our jurisdiction and at the same time conscious of their journalistic responsibilities to all who read them." iExpressing their "earnest hope that the diocesan newspapers of this country will be welcomed into every Catholic home," the bishops stated that: _ "As bishops of Christ's Church, charged with tile continuing dissemination of Christ's essential message to the world, we rely strongly on the Catholic press."



State law which exempts churchowned property from taxation. The 7-1 majority opinion was written by Chief Justice Warren iE. Burger. Justice William O. Douglas, the sole dissenter, based his objection on the belief that tax exemption. is the first step to state establishment of religion. The test case was brought by Frederick Walz, Bronx lawyer who owns a parcel of land-22 feet by 29 feet--on Staten Island that is taxed $5.24 a year. Burger said Congress from its earliest days had viewed the religion clauses of the Constitution as authorizing statutory real estate tax exemption to religious bodies. He declared:

See Highest .Court Deciding Legal Problems of Abortion WASHINGTON (NC)-The U. S. Supreme Court will ultimately settle the legal problems of abortion, a California attorney has told a meeting of the Diocesan Attorneys Association here. Joseph J. Braildlin of Los Angeles says: ·"It appears clear that the United States Supreme Court if basic issues as to the rights there is to be any definitive resof the unborn child will have olution of the problem." Turn to Page Twenty to be finally decided by the

"Nothing in this national attitude toward religious tolerance and two centuries of uninterrupted freedom from taxation has given the remotest sign of leading to an established church or religion and, on the contrary, it has operated affirmatively to help guarantee the free exericse of all forms of religious beliefs." Several months ago, a New York City official said religious institutions there own $692 million worth of property. Taxes on it would have brought in $36 million. Douglas feels the present involvement of government in religion as typified in tax exemption may seem inconsequential but "it is, I fear, a long step down the establishment path." "Perhaps J have been misinformed," he said. "But as I have read the Constitution and the philosophy, I gatherered that independence was the price of liberty." The First Amendment to the Constitution provides that "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof -' (, *. Burger rejected Douglas' "establishment" fears. He said if tax exemption is the first step, "the second step has been long in coming."


, I


THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., May 7, 1970







Taunton Area

Attleboro Area AttleboroHoly Ghost St. John St. Mark St. Theresa North Attieboro---,. St. Mary

$ 825.00 1,110.00 1,122.00 4,571.00


Cape & Islqnds Area . 'Centerville' Our Lady of Victory Falmouth'St. Patrick Hyannis,i St. Francis Xavier : Oak BluffsSacred Heart Pocasset-St. John

3,722.95 990.00 5,013.00 1,199.00 1,995.50

FaU Riv~r Area

Fall RiverSt. Mary i Blessed Sacrament Espirito Santo Holy 'Cross Holy Name Notre Dame Our Lady of Angels Our Lady of Health Holy Rosary Immac. Conception Sacred Heart i St. Anthony of IPad. ,St. Elizabeth i St. John the Baptist St. Joseph St. Louis St. Michael St. Patrick SS. Peter and Paul St. Stanislaus St. William Santo Christo Assonet----:St. Bern:ard Central Village- I St. John Baptist North Westport-: Our Lady of Grace Ocean Grove- ' St. Michael Somerset: St. John of God St. Thomas More Swansea' 'Our Lady of Fatima St. DominiC St. Louis de France

8,806.11 1,094.00 1,423.00 1,213.00 12,694'.50 6,575.25 10,571.75 2,705.50 2,381.00 4,382.77 5,996.00 1,924.85 203.00 2,187.25 3,154.00 1,440.00 3,853.00 3,747.00 . 4,472.00 1,690.75 4,122.00 972.50 2,118.00 2,026.00 3,452.00 1,480.70 4,012.00 ~,538.50

4,285.00 3,447.50 4,462.50


4• •

3,072.00 3,235.00 3,162.00

!t • • • • • • • •

1,770.00 5.233.50 2,799.00

.Leadlnll;,Ar~: Parl~she.


. Attleboro Area' St. Mary, North Attleboro St. Theresa, Attleboro St. Mark, Attleboro Falls 'St. John, Attleboro Holy Ghost, Attleboro

6,560.09 .4,571.00 1,122.00 1,1WOO

8?5.00 !

Cape &. Islands Ar'ea St. Francis Xavier, Hyannis Our Lady of Victory, ,Centerville St. John, Pocasset Sacred Heart, Oak Bluffs St. Patrick, Falmouth

5,013.00 3,722.95 1,995.50 1,199.00' 990.00

Fall Rivl!r Area II Holy Name, Fall River 12,694.50 Our Lady of. the Angels, Fall River 10,571.75 St. Mary, Fall River 8,806.11 Notre Dame, Fall River 6,575.25 St. Thomas More, I Somerset 6,538.50 New Bedford AreQ Mt. ,Gjlrmei,. New Bedford. St. Joseph, Fairhaven St. Mary, New Bedford Holy Name, New Bedford St. Julie, North Dartmouth

7,939.00 7,784.25 7,770.25' 3,969.02 '



Mass Ordo FRIDAY-Weekday. Mass (Choice of Celebrant). I

North Attleboro

MONDAY - S5. Philip and James, Apostles. Feast. Red. Mass Proper; Glory; nb Creed; Preface \)f Apostles.

Nafi.onal $5,000 A Friend

$3000 ./ $600 , Fathers of the' Sacred Hearts , $500. Rev. Msgr. William H. 'Dolan Rev. Msgr. FranCis McKeon $250 ' Rev. Msgr. Alfred J. Bonneau $100 Sullivan Brothers Printers A Friend Rev. James F. Greene $25 Jolicoeur & Resmin'i Co., Inc. A Friend

New Bedford $350 American Press, $300 Catholic Women's Club $100 Blue Ribb'on Laundry Fairhaven Institution for Savings New Bedford & Acushnet Cooperative Bank A Friend Arlan's Department Stores Inc. National Bank of Fairhaven ., Perry Funeral Home $75 Ashley Ford Company General Plastering & Tile Co. $50· Ell Vee Dee Coater's, Inc. Macedo, Pharmacy


States Nitewear Co., Inc. Pierce & Haworth Electrical Contractors $40 Silverstein Family $35 Browne Pharmacy $30 Cox;s Candy $25· Acushnet Saw Mills Co. Michael J. Austin Funeral Home Bettencourt Pharmacy Capeway Sheet Metal Co. Central Pharmacy Family Pharmacy Gaudette's Pavilion Inc. Lincoln Pharmacy Dr. & MrS. Michele E. Merolla Brodeur's Machine Co., Inc. Fibre Leather Mfg. Co. N.B. Joint Board, Textile Workers Union of America, CIO-AFL Paragon Tours & Travel Weinstein's, Inc. Babbitt Steam Specialty Co. Dr. Max Blum . Bradley & Halliwell Machine Co., Inc. Gilt Edge Textile Mills, Inc. Greater New Bedford & Cape Cod Labor Council AFL-CIO New Bedford Typographical Union No. 276 Park Motors, Inc..

Second Class Postage Paid at Fall River. Mass, Published every Thursday at 410 Highland Avenue, Fall River, Mass, 02722 by the Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall' River, SUbscription price by mail, postpaid $4.00 per year.

THURSDAY-Week.day. Mass (Choice of Celebrant).

Cape Cod

~ROOKLAWN FUNERAL HOME, INC. R. Marcel Roy - Go Lorraine Roy Roger LaFrance

FUNERAL DIRECTORS 15 Irvington Ct. New Bedford 995-5166





Embalmer - Funeral Director Tel. 997·9044 177 Cove St., Cor. So. Second St. NEW BEDFORD

Constant Struggle J,-ife to the great majority' is only a constant struggle for mere existence, with the certainty of losing it at last. -Schopenhauer


St>rving all



Sumner James






ff#11A1"fI/ Pt;'l'l"n-",1


WgDNESDAY-5t. Robert Bellarmine, Bishop, Doctor of l the Church. Optional. White. I.


, ,$100 . Mr. & Mrs.' Lawrence C. Antonellis, Falmouth Smith's Surrey Room, Falmouth Falmouth Diner $50 Falmouth National Bank , $25 John's Liquor 'Store


TUESDAY-S5. Nereus. Achilles, ' and Pancratius, Martyrs. Optional. Red.


$159 Residents of Madonna Manor $125 Donley Manufacturing Co. $50 Beauchaine's, Inc. $25 Art's,3 Hr. Cleaners H. F, Barrows Co. Mr. & Mrs. Mark Flaherty Miss Ethel Rounds

Special Gifts

SUNDAY-Sunday After Ascension. White. Mass Proper; Glory; Creed; Preface I of Ascension,. Mother's Day.'

May 17-Villa Fatima, Tauni ton. Sacred Hearts Conveflt, Fall River I .' Convent of, the Sacred Hearts, Fairhaven. • • •.• • • • •


SATURDAY--:-Memorial. White. St. Gregory Nazianzen, Bishop, Doctor of the Church. :

Day of Prayer

• • • • • • • • •


3,567.00 5,665.00 740.00

St. Mary, Taunton 5,665.00 Immaculate Conception, 3,969.02 No. Easton 5,233.50 7,939.00 Immaculate Conception, i 1,805.75· Taunton' . 4,422.00 250.00 Sacred Heart, Taunton 3,994.50 504:50 ~t. Joseph, Taunton 3,567.00 1,019.00 2,671.00 1,310.00 Necrology 2,360.00 MAY 12 I 2,052.00 Rev. John F. daValles, 1920, 4,770.25 Chaplain, United States Army. 1,926.25 MAY 13 Rt. Rev. Osias Boucher, }'955, 7,784.25 Pastor, Blessed sacrament,lFall 7:38.50 River. '

May 10-St. Mar:y's, Hebronville.. • I St. PatrIck, ~almouth. Mt. St. Mary Academy, Fall River.' '

•• • • • •


Taunton Area '


New Bedford Area New BedfordHoly Name Mt. Carmel I Sacred Heart i. , St. Boniface St. Hedwig St. Hyacinth St. John the Baptist St. Joseph . ' St. Kilian St. Lawrence St. Mary St. Theresa FairhavenSt. Joseph' , Sacred, Hearts . I Mattapoisett! SOt. Anthony I North Dartmouth-tSt. Julie Westport-St. Gedrge

TauntonImmac. Conception Sacred Heart St. Joseph St. Mary St. Paul North Dighton-,# St. ,Joseph North EastonImmac. Conception Raynham-St. Ann

$150 St. Vincent de Paul SocietySacred Heart Conference $100 Alfred S. O'Keefe . $50 John Bright Shoe Store Farrell Insurance Agency Orsi Bros. Frank J. Smith Sowiecki Funeral Home St. VinGent de Paul SocietyImmaculate Conception Conference, Taunton J. R. Tallman & Co. Taunton News Company Turin's Market-Wash and Shop $40 Cornelius J. Murphy .Insurance Agency $35 A Friend' Richmond Granite & Marble Works $30 Mozzone Bros. Lumber Yard $25 Bacon Felt Co. Bristol Athletic Club William P. Crowley & Sons Hodgman Manufacturing Co. Memorial to Edward & Isabell Murby Plank & Hansen DI,OCESAN WOMEN MEET: Among the 300 members of the Poole Silver Co. Diocesan Council of Catholic Women who convened at Feehan Taunton Building Trades High School, Attleboro on Saturday, were: Mrs. Richard Des- Council chenes, No. Attleboro; Mrs. Harry Loew, Attleboro; Miss Angela' A Friend Taunton Venetian Blind Co. Medeiros, Seekonk; Mrs. Charles landry of Seekonk, president of the Diocesan Council.







CitY:,Location 178 Winter St. Fall River Suburban Location 189 Gardners Neck Rd. Swansea



Marian Awards Continued from Page One Dominican Sisters, Fall River, prioress general. Miss Nancy Walsh, Dominican Academy, Fall River, teacher. Sister Alice Gregoire, C.S.C., St. Anne's School, New Bedford, teacher for 40 years in diocese. Sister Alphonse Marie Parenteau, S.S.J., St. Joseph's Convent, Fall River, teacher for 49 years in diocese. Sister Mary Angela Lavoie, S.S.J., St. Joseph's Convent, Fall River, teacher for 40 years in the diocese. Sister Mary Cherubina, O.S. F., St. Mary's Home, New Bedford, Home superior and teacher. Sister Mary Fidelis McGuire, R.S.M., Moun.t St. Mary's .Convent, Fall River, teacher and principal for 50 years in the diocese. Sister Mary Rose Murray, R.S.M., Mount St. Mary's Convent, Fall River, teacher and principal for 50 years in the diocese. Sister Mary Zita Foley, R.S.M., Nazareth-on-the-Cape, Hyannis, 12 years of service to exceptional children, in the diocese. Sister Charles Francis Dubuque, R.S.M., Holy Family School, New Bedford, principal and teacher. Sister Lia Oliveira, F.M.M., Espirito Santo School, Fall River, teacher for 35 years in the diocese. Sister S'tanislaus Joseph Johnson, S.U.S.C., Bishop Cassidy High School, Taunton, teacher for 52 years in the diocese. Miss Mary McMahon, Bishop Cassidy High School, Taunton, teacher and guidance director. Sister Jean Baptiste Deschenes, R.J.M., Jesus - Mary Academy, Fall River, teacher for 39 years in the diocese. Sister Pauline Frezal, SS.CC., St. Joseph's School, Fairhaven, teacher for 35 years in the diocese. Sister Agnes Paulet, SS.CC., Sacred Heart Academy, Fairhaven, teacher for 55 years in the diocese. James Lanagan, Msgr. James Coyle High School, Taunton, teacher and athletic director. Brother Dominic, F.I.C., Msgr. Prevost High School, Fall River, teacher and superior. Rev. John G. Cornellier, S.J." Bishop Connolly High School, Fall River, principal. Sr. Madeleine Clemence, O.P., former director of St. Anne's School of Nursing, Fall River, and presently serving as the first dean of Southeastern Massachusetts University School of Nursing.

Priest, 50, Receives Heart Transplant TORONTO (NC) - A 50-yearold priest was reported in fair condition at St. Michael's Hospital here after undergoing a heart transplant operation. Father Edward F. Madigan, pastor of St. Monica's parish in Toronto, received the heart of a 14-year-old Marlene James of Lindsay, Ont. Prot. Hum. 2/70/A savoie vs. Pires L1gamen EDICTAL CITATION Insofar as the whereabouts of Gilbert F. Pires, respondent In the case of Savoie vs. Pires, Prot. Hum. 2/70/A (Halifax), are unknown, We cite the said Gilbert F. Pires to appear before the Tribunal of the Diocese of Fall River on May 12, 1970, at 9:30 A.M.,. at 344 Highland Avenue, Fall River Massachusetts, to give testimony to establiSh: Whether the marriage In question be null? Pastors and others having knowledge of the whereabouts of said Gilbert F. Pires are advised to notify him In regard to this edlc· tal citation. Reginald M. Barrette Presiding Official Given at the seat of this Tribunal, Fall River, Massachusetts, on this the fourth day of May, 1970. Henry T. Munroe Notllry

THE:ANCHORBrother Robert Francoeur, Fall River Native, Thurs., May 7, Named President of Walsh College Approve



Brother Robert A. Francoeur, Fall River native and academic dean of Walsh College, Canton, 0., since it opened nearly a decade ago, has been named to succeed Brother Thomas S. Farrell as president of the co-educatio nal liberal arts institution, effective July 1. Announcement of Brother Francoeur's appointment to the presidency was made by the college's Board of Trustees. "Catholic School Journal", Brother Francoeur, 47, grad"Encyclopedia Britannica" and uated from. Notre Dame "Turkish Management Review." High in Alfred, Me. in 1939; He is also the author of an

received his bachelor of arts degree from the University of Montreal in 1944 and his master of arts degree from Boston College in 1950. His doctorate degree was received from the University of Notre Dame at South Bend, Ind. in 1958.

Admirable Ability "I have the greatest respect for Brother Francoeur's abilities to move Walsh College on to greater physical growth and academic achievement," said Brother Farrell. "He has shown an admirable ability as a teacher and a remarkable acumen as an administrator." In accepting the appointment, Brother Francoeur said "Walsh's growth under Brother Farrell has been remarkable and will be a challenge to match. The Board of Trustees has entrusted to me the responsibilities for future growth and academic achievement. I hope I will be deserving of the trust they place in me." Brother Francoeur, whose specialty is philosqphy, attended the University of Fribourg in Switzerland; . the University of Paris and the Catholic Institute in Paris during a year of graduate studies in Europe during 1952 and 1953 academic year. The dean of Walsh College since it opened in 1960, he previously was dean at Walsh's predecessor, La Mennais College in Alfred, Me., from 1958 until 1960. Prior to being appointed dean at La Mennais, he taught at elementary, secondary and college levels. Academic' Honors His academic honors include the Province of Quebec Psychological Association Award in 1944 for the high.est average in educational courses; an assistantship at Boston College in 1949; a teaching fellowship at Notre Dame University in 1955;

10 School Clubs Get Citizenship- Awards

. WASHINGTON (NC) - Ten clubs in parochial schools throughout the country received Good citizenship Awards from the Commission on American Citizenship of the Catholic Universjty of America here. Honorable mention certificates went to 20 other clubs. There are some. 1,500 clubs active in parochial schools. They participate in a variety ·of. proj,ects in their respective communities, such as work with the local government, community projects, volunteer efforts to aid the elderly and underprivileged. The commission was established in 1938 by the U. S. Catholic bishops as an educational project in Catholic elementary schools. The annual competition is .conducted by the commission with the cooperation of, Young Cathoic Messenger, weekly periodical for Catholic schools.

Senate Meeting The Senate of Priests of the Diocese will meet Friday afternoon, May' 8, at 1:30 at the Catholic Memorial Home in Fall River.


a contributor for Encyclopedia Britannica in 1962; listing in Who's Who Among American Educators in 1963; the Directory of American Scholars in 1964 and Who's Who in Midwest in 1965. He was elected to the Executive Council of the American Catholic Philosophical Association in 1965. Brother Francoeur has written 20 reviews for "Best Sellers"; two reviews for "New Scholasticism" and' articles for the

Update Work Continued frolp Page One fac~ "a glorious 'opportunity to work for the poor in a broader way." "It is essential now that we lift ourselves up to a little higher level; away from the food basket image and devote ourselves to study of the problems of the poor, bringing the expressions of our charitable minds and hearts, individually and collectively, to bear on community leaders, civic leaders and political leaders,!' Smith said. The society's Eastern Region covers New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, Wetst Virginia and the District of Columbia. Sees Need Increase Msgr. John F. Davis, Cranford. N.J., keynote speaker, expressed belief the society will be needed by the Church "more and more . in the days ahead." He cautioned the members against complacency, declaring there always is "more, more, more, to be done." Auxiliary' Bishop Martin W. Stanton of Newark, offered Mass for the delegates in St. Aedan's church. Another speaker at the meeting was T. Raber Taylor, Denver, the society's national head. Smith said in its work the society's must come to know better the people "we are dealing with" and their problems. He suggested that poor families be brought to local society meetings and questioned so they can ~e helped better. "Find out what they want, ask them how they think they can be helped better, rather than we imposing on them our thinking and our ways, because possibly our ways are not their ways," Smith said.

article in the "Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association," and a booklet, "The' Psychology of the Double Image." In addition to his professional membership in the American Catholic Philosophical Association, Brother Francoeur holds membership in the National Catholic Education Association and the Metaphysical Society of America. A principal speaker at several American colleges, he has often made television appearances. He was a delegate to International Congress of Philosophy meetings in Mexico .eity (1963) .and Vienna (1968). College Growth Brother Francoeur spoke in Ankara, Izmir and Istanbul Turkey in 1968 on the philosophy of management as a participant in the Turkish-American management seminar. A member. of the Youngstown Diocesan Ecumenical Commission, he serves on the Executive Committee of the Stark County Mental Health Board. In 1960 Walsh College opened its doors to 66 freshmen with a faculty of seven Brothers of Christian Instruction. There were two buildings' on the then 50-acre campus. Today, there are over 1,000 students, 75 faculty members and five buildingS, with a sixth under construction, on a 120acre campus. Brother Francoeur, one of the original seven faculty members, continues to teach as well as serve in an administrative capacity.

Christian Sound To Sing Sunday The Christian Sound Choir, inchiding students from Connolly, Jesus-Mary, Prevost and Durfee High Schools, all in Fall River, will present a Mother's Day concert at 8 Sunday night, May 10 in Jesus-Mary Academy auditorium on St. Joseph Street, Fall River. John Danis of Connolly High is director. The program will range from classical selections to hard rock and will include solos by Denise Rheaume of Jesus-Mary Academy. Proceeds of the concert, said Danis, will go towards expenses of cutting a record by the choir.

Happy Mother's

Day! Bouquets of prayers and flowers to you, Mom-in sincere and gratefu~ appreciation of the uncounted tireless and seemingly thankless jobs you do ever so willingly and eHectively-so beautifully and uhoughtfullyl so have a good day, Mom-Queen of the Dayl

I,:~. ·18tl·ZenS BANK.A SAVINGS 1·


Virtue Cornerstone Self-respect-that .cornerstone of all virtue. -Herschel









THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., May 7, 1970, ,


Diocesan Official At Conference


ISpecial Gifts Fall Riv~r

J. Fred Beckett 8~ Son Nebel Heating Corp. $1200 I Bayside Upholstering Fall River Electric 'Light Co. Plante Jewelers $1I00 Lewis Gray Sons Co. Fall River Trust'Clo. ' Swansea Oil Company $600 Albert G. Pierce Duro Finishing Gorp. I Apex Shade Co., $500 Harold C. Nagle Ins. Agency Mr. & Mrs. Henry J,. Feitelberg . Coronet Print, Inc. I Mr. & Mrs. James E. Bullock Luza American Macaroni Mfg. Amy Lynn Draperies, Inc. Co." $400 I ' Sherwin-& Gottlieb ' . Cherry & Webb Co! ~ .Pilgrim -Casket Co. . . $300 : Fall River Sales & Supply Ind. St. Vincent de, Paul Sodety, General Paper & Supply Notre Dame Exchange Fall River Savings Bank' ' ,,' . Attlebcuo Union Savings Bank ,I I .' $200! $1200 A Friend I ' Krew, Inc. From a friend in gratitude to ' $200 Bishop Connolly ; First National Bank of Attl~. $175 I , boro Lafayette Cooperative Bank $125 '. :' $140 i Dante, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Mc$100, Mahon : Leach & Garner Co. $130 , Swank, inc. Fall River News Co:., In~ Stephen H. Foley Funeral $125 j Home Henry J.' Duffy Pha~acy-Mr. A Friend and Mrs~ Harold Ward· Sadler Bros, Inc: $50 . $120 I Harry J. 130ardman Insurance J. 0.' Neill Supply Go. Agency , " '$100 I $32 Colonial Wholesale Beverage Leedham Hardware ; Corp. $30 .D & D Sales & Service Chas. Thomae & Son Dr. Americo Almeida . $25 National Contractiri~ Co. Foster Metal Products 'Stafford Furniture~o. Attleboro Sun Pl!blishing Co. Motor Truck Sales i State Line General Scrap Co. Laura Curtain & Drapery Co., Inc. I Riveredge Printers,: Inc. Manuel C. Hilario Real Estate General Cleaning&; Sales Co., Inc. In Memory of Rev! James E. Central .Villag~ O'Reilly . I, Salvo Machinery Company ST. JOHN' 1"HE' BAPTIST"!' $275 • , Salvo Golden Foods' . . $75'" Rev. Edward C. Duffy Fall River Lodge Nc? 118 BPO $250· Elks ' A Friend . $120 i $60 John F. McMahon & Sons, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Charles Yocum $55 i $100 O'Neil Tire Service: Dr. & Mrs. Joseph T. Baldwin $50 . Mr. & MrsfWilliam Forrest Irven F. Goodman, 'Architect $50 Edward Brayton Mr. & Mrs. John Costa Atty. Francis Meagher Mr. & Mrs. Antone DeCosta Dr. William Freeman $31 Durfee-Buffinton Insurance Mr. & Mrs Lynwood Comstock Agency, Inc. I $30 RB. Negus Lumbe~ Co. Mr. & Mrs. David L. Buckley Harvey Probber, Inc. Jr. Fall River Sheet Metal Works $25 ~ Corcoran Supply Cd. , Mr. & Mrs. Jos. Andrewskie~ Robert L. Germane Contractor wicz, Patricia Clancy, Mr. & MrS Spindle City Dye Works Charles Costa, A Friend, Mr. & Simon's Supply Co.,; Inc. , Mrs. Lawrence 'Dolan Holy Name Women's Guild Mr. & Mrs. Bernard T. Kelly~ ! Charles Daby Mr. & Mrs. ·George Leach, Mr. & 'Atty. & Mrs. John J. Harring- Mrs. Francis·J. Mah'er, George T; ton I Leach, Mr & Mrs Daniel B. Souz~ I Flynn's Package St~re, Ihc. Gamache'Trucking Co. North Dighton $25 i AI's Tire Shop I ST. JOSEPH Vermette Lumber, Inc. $120 i / Esquire Package Stbre ,In Memory of the Skelly Fam+ Allen's Cut Rate I i1y I T. Elias Fuel Co. i $100 J. C. Roofing Co., Inc. : Rev. Thomas C. Mayhew I $35 Mr. & Mrs. James E. Williams The Spectator $50 I Lion Automotive Stores, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Arthur A. Enne~ Dr. David S. Greer ! $30' I , $25 I Leo Pivirotto i Santos Trucking Col Leonard Pharmacy ! $25 I 'Mr. & Mrs: Walter Boulay Travis Furniture Co. Mr. & Mrs. Levite Carrier ! John's Shoe Store. I Mr. & Mrs. Oliver Collard, 'I Eastern TV Sales & Service Mrs. Beatrice Devine Munroe Electric Supply Mr. & Mrs. William DTlJmi Buffinton Florist I F. R Florists SUppliY Co. mond Leo Duffy, John Egan, Mr. ,Somerset Motel I & Mrs. Robert Hebert, Mr. &! Feldman Furniture <l:o. Mrs. Norman LaFrance, Mr. &! Tom Ellison, Inc. Liberty Loan & Re,:dty Mrs. Thomas Marsdene "I' J. A. Boynton Co:, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Neville, Mr. & Mrs. Harold Mendoza,! Brightman Package Istore Sterling Pkg.' Store Mr. & Mrs. Robert McConville,' F. W. Woolworth Co. Lillian M. Pivirotto

J 'I


Parishes. "






I ,i


;,:&,,~~. ~ . .\ /



ASTRONAUTS SPEAK ABOUT PRAYER: Apollo 13 astronauts, Copt. Jcim~s A. lovell, left, and John l. Swigert, Jr., stand at the podium a's they tell a Washington news conference that ~heir flight" . . . united the world" in prayer. NCPhoto.

. Pocasset




$400 Rev. James A. McCarthy

$400 Very Rev. William A. Galvin

$150 Mr. & Mrs. George Towers St. Vincent de Paul Conference

$50 The Misses Reilly Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Varden Mr. & Mrs. John Monaghan

$100 Anonymous

$40 Mr. & Mrs. Edward Trucchi Mr. & Mrs. James Cooke

$50 Mr,& Mrs. Peter Becker Jr. H. Sprague Spooner I.t. Col. Marie V. Lawlor , $30", , Mr. & Mrs. Peter M. Fernandes Sr. . , . ; Mr~ & Mrs. F. Mackedon $25 Mrs. Manuel P. Britto, Mr. & Mrs. Charles F. Collins, Mr. & Mrs. Kilmer Joyce, Mr. & Mrs. Cornelius Minihan, Mr., & Mrs. Frank Flanagan Mr. &. Mrs: Henry Thomas, Anonymous (2), Mr. & Mrs. Ed~ar Beauregard, Mr. & Mrs. John Nelson Mr. & Mrs: WilliamJ. Shea, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Dunlavey, Mrs. Ralph Emerson & Mrs. Higgins, Paul Nugent

Swansea ST. ' DOMINIC'S


$35 Mr. & Mrs. Francis Andrews $30 Mr. & Mrs. Ge'orge A. Moitoza Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Murphy & 'Family Rose O'Donnell Mary Kennedy o


$25 Arthur Marron, Mr. & Mrs. Michael Barber, Mrs. Evelyn Dragone, Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Doiron; Mrs. Anne MacHaffie Anna Maguire, Barbara Peck, Mr. & Mrs. Walter Travers, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Feeney, Mr. & Mrs. David Longton Charles Goldrick, Mr. & Mrs. Stanley'Roberts, Mr. & Mrs. Lidoino Severino, Mr. & Mrs Bruno Alegi, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Peyton Ralph Barboza, Mr. & Mrs. John S. Tripp, Mr. & Mrs. Albert Scully, Mrs. John Devlin, Ruth Brady

The Commission on Services to Unmarried Parents of the National Conference of Catholic Charities held its Tenth Anniversary Institute· "Directions for the Seventies" in New York City last week. Representing the Fall River Diocese at the Conference was Mr. John M. Clements, Casework Supervisor of the Catholic Welfare Bureau of. New Bedford. Representatives from .Dioceses throughout the country were present for the three day Institute. All facets of Agency services to the unmarried parents were explored. His Excellency, Most Rev. Edward D. Head,. D.D.,' Executive Director, Catholic Charities, Archdiocese of, New York, gave the opening address, "The Past Decade - Anniversary Survey" reviewing the aims of the Commission as having been organized to develop and improve services to unmarried parents. He also counseled that it is necessary for the Commission to take a 109k at its past that it might influence its future. The main speaker at the Conference was Mrs. Patricia Garland Morrissey, Associate ProFordham University, fessor, School of Social Services, New York. Professor Morrissey's topic "The Forward Look-Directions for the Seventies" considered what the needs of the unmarried parents of the 1970's will be and how the Community can best serve them. Helen Murray, Edward Boudreau, Mrs. John Boudreau, Mr. & Mrs. William Gallagher, Mr. & Mrs. Coy Folcik Phyllis McClellan, Rita O'Donnell, Elizabeth Brady, Helen Brady, M~. & Mrs. Wm.. MacLean Mr. & Mrs. Richard Cayer, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Torres, Mr. & Mrs Raymond HarrIson, Gertrude McBreen, Mrs. Luke 'McBreen Mr. & Mrs. Robert Ross, Margaret McCarthy, Mary McCarthy, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph O'Neill, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel 'Rebello Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John Curley, Mrs. Mynette Dewhurst, Mr. & Mrs. James Corliss, Mary E. & Helen U. Cronan The Welch Family, Mr. & Mrs. Louis Cook

Unjust Suspect The natural man has"a difficult time getting along in this world. Half the people think he is a scoundrel because he is not a -Howe hypocrite.

$200 Rev. Daniel E. Carey' , $75 . Mr.,& Mrs. Norma.n E. Ashley

Antone S. FenoJr.

'$50 Mr. & Mrs. Paul Hastings Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Travers Mr. & Mrs. Fred J. Rudd $35 Mr. & Mrs. Philip Griffin $31 Julia Rose $30 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Paiva' Mr. & Mrs. John Fitzgerald $27.50 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Marum $25 Mr. & Mrs." Thomas E. Ryan, Mrs. Malcolm McLeod, Mr. & Mrs. John Mell9, Mr. & Mrs. William F. Johannis, Mr. & Mrs. Bertrand R Boulay • Jean Berard, The Clement family, Evelyn Ryan, Mr. & Mrs. Robert LaChance, Mrs. Cath'erine Heald Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Cavanaugh, Mr. & Mrs. Roland Martelly. Mr.' & Mrs. Kenneth Kelley, Mr. &, Mrs. 'George V~ntura

- DISPENSING OPTICIANPrescriptions for eye glasses filled, lensefi duplicated. Frames repaired. 19'7 Bai1k St. (Comer Purcba8e) Fall River. Tel. 6'78~0412 Hours: 9.5 Mon.• Fri. Sat. 9 - 3 ll'riday Eves by Appt. Closed Wed.

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Acushnet ST. FRANCIS XAVnER $50 Mr. & Mrs. Arthur H. Gronlund $40 Joseph L. Normand $33 Mr. & Mrs. Rene Racine $31 Mr. & Mrs. Roland J. LaBossiere $30 Mr. & Mrs. James M. Haworth In Memory of Alfred A. Langlois $25 Mr. & Mrs. Rodolphe Arcouette Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Barrette, Leo Bocher, Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Charest, Mr. & Mrs. Leo N. Coons Mr. & Mrs. Leo G. Gelinas, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond J. LeBlanc, Bella LePage, Mr. & Mrs. Donat Letendre, Mr. &, Mrs. Ronald Pimental Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Sleight & Family, Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Surprenant, Louis M. Sylvia, Mr. & Mrs. Willia:n J. Yeary, Mr. & Mrs. James R. White

Attleboro ST. MARK'S $200 Rev. Joseph L. Powers $40 Manus Foley $25 Richard Canavan, Grace Fitton John Rioux, Anonymous

Brewster OUR LADY OF THE CAPE $250 Mrs. James J. Cosgrove $50 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Perkins Raymond L. W. Benoit Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Rasmusen $35 Mr. & I\1rs. James a,esso ;~ .. Dr. J. Edmund Bradley $30 Mr, & Mrs. Harry J. Casey Col. & Mrs. Dean Yount Helen Mullen & Mary Nolan $25 Mrs. Marion L. Sullivan, Margaret Blake, Mr. & Mrs. Leslie Usher, Mr, & Mrs. Louis Crocker, Mr. & Mrs. Fred L. Hewitt Mr. & Mrs. John F. Herrick, Mr. & Mrs. Walter Dawley; Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Craffey, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Hassett, Mr. & Mrs Frank E. Lajoie

J. Collins Mr. & Mrs. L. Cushing, Mr. & Mrs. Armand Goulet: Mr. & Mrs. Francis Walsh, Mr. & Mrs. Ubaldo Nugnes, Mr. & Mrs. William Dacey _ Mrs. James Colgan, Mary A. Cardigan, Mr. & Mrs. Stanley McLean, Mr. & Mrs. Ralph LeMay, Hazel Connor Mr. & Mrs. Robert Child, Mrs. K. R. Liston, Mr. & Mrs. Edgar Levesque, Anna Dacey, Catherine Dacey Mr. & Mrs. Frank G. Williams, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Terry

THf ANCHORThurs., May 7, 1970


Fairhaven SACRED HEARTS $25 Rene Harbeck, Mr.. & Mrs. Joseph L. Martel, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Vary, Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Cejka

New Bedford ST. HEDWIG $200 . Franciscan Fathers OFM Conv $25 Helen Podgorski, Mr. & ,Mrs. ' Stan lev J. Szulik, Albert J. Daley Mrs. Elizabeth Patta Family, Mr. & Mrs. John Robak ST. HYACINTH $200 Rev. Ernest N. Bessette $100 Mr. & Mrs. Gaspard Lafleur $50 Mr. & Mrs. Wilfrid Rousseau A Friend $25 Mr. & Mrs. Normand Brassard, Mr. & Mrs. Leo J. Fournier, Cora Guilmet, Rita Powers

North Attleboro

SACRED HEART $100, Irene Boule & Rose Bourassa . $50 Mr.' & Mrs: John 'Burke $40 Mr. & Mrs. Normand Achin Louis Bardier $30 Dr. & Mrs. Paul Achin $25 Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Achin, Mr. & Mrs Roland Alix, Henry Aubin Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Beauregard, Mr. & Mrs. Wilfrid Bourgauit Aldea Brais, Mr & Mrs Charles Clavette. Mrs. Olive Deschenes, Mr. & Mrs. Albert J. Desilets, Mr. & Mrs. Albert Desilets Mr. & Mrs. Edward Dion, Mrs. Cedelie Gagnon. Mr. & Mrs. Centerville James Hannon, Mr. & Mrs. NorOUR LADY OF VICTORY , mand L'Homme, Juliette & Lillianne Labrie $200 In Memory of Rev. J. Omer Rev. Raymond W. McCarthy Lussier, Mr. & Mrs. Francis $100 Dr. & Mrs. Austin A. O'Malley Ouellette, Mr. & Mrs. Nounand Ouellette. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph 'VIr. & Mrs. James Murphy Paquin. Eva & Florence Rainville Dr. & Mrs. John Curran Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Roy $75 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Donahue Mr. & Mrs. R. Pendergast Somerset $50 Mr. & Mrs. Richard Griffin ST: PATRICK'S Mr. & Mrs. John Kilcoyne $425 Mr. & Mrs. John Lebel Rev. James F. McDermptt Hon. & Mrs. Henry L. Murphy $250 $35 Dr. Roger E. Cadieux Mr. & Mrs. George Reale $150 $30 ' Dr. Roland E. Chabot Mrs. Matthew Finn $125 Mr. & Mrs. Peter Nugnes HaroldJ. Regan Miss Kalliope G. Garoufes $100 Mr. & Mrs. John Murphy Joseph H. Feitelberg Mrs. Graham Scudder John D.~Keegan $25 $50 Mr. & Mrs. Charles L. Maher, Mr. & Mrs. David Dunne Mr. & Mrs. John Dean, Mr. & H. Leo Creamer Mrs. Bento Correia, Mr. & Mrs. Angelo E. Flynn Wayne James, Mr. & Mrs. AusCarleton D. Boardman tin O'Blenis ' Joseph Matthews Mr. & Mrs. Robert Cannon, Edward I. Pettine Mrs. Arthur Linnell, Mr. & Mrs. $40 George A. Smith, William D. P. Vincent J. Riley Murphy, Mrs. Harold Bragle Mr. & Mrs. Fernand E. Auclair Dr. & Mrs. John McVey, Mrs. & Robert William E. Mullins, Mrs. George $35 John Diogenes Garoufes, Mr. & Mrs: Stephen O'Brien'Sr., Mr. & Mrs. William William F. Ready


PRINCIPALS AT MEETING: Bishop Connolly, principal concelebrant of the convention's Mass; Rev. John R. McCaH. S.J., of Weston College, guest .speaker; Rev. Msgr. Thoma:; f. Walsh, pastor of St. John's Parish, Attleboro and director of the Diocesan Council of Catholic W9men.

. $30 Mrs. Vincent R. Dorsey R. J. McNally Helen McGann Edward J. Blain Jr. Eugene Murphy $26 Mr. & Mrs. Saul Strein $25 Edmu,nd F. Bagley, Edward Synan, Mr. & Mrs James C. Noon~n Mrs. Leonard N. Bilodeau, Mary E. Judge Matthew Murphy, Thomas J. Daly, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Tinsley~ Francis J. Kilgrew, Mrs. James E. Sullivan. Raymond F. Soares Mr. & Mrs. James M. Judge, Edward J. Kellev, Robert P. Kiley Lillian I. Hadad ArthurF_ Cassidy, Richard A. Mello, Harold Meehan, Charles E. Demers, Frederick Storch Louise Coleman, George W. Crombie, Mrs. Douglas E. Chapman, Norman M. Simmons, Wil· Iiam Moran Edward Casper, William V. Mahoney Jr.

South Yarmouth ST. PIUS X

$600 Rev. Msgr. Christopher Broderick


$HOO Rev. Philip A. Davignon James H. Quirk Anna Moorhouse Joseph F. Mitchell Anonym~us

$75 ' -Donald W. Thompson Anonymous $60 John Coyle $50 William Smith Stephen Crowley Raymond Ludden Mrs. Thomas Grew Paul Sullivan Florence Hatch Thomas M. Hennessey $35 Al LaNinfa $30 Charles Eager Joseph D. Evers George Flanagan Ralph Altavilla

Straight Strength The more weakness, the more falsehood; strength goes straight. -Richter

$500 Mr & Mrs Normand J. LeComte $300 In Memory of Joseph F. Dufour $225 Rev. Msgr. Arthu.r G. Dupuis $200 Dr. Raymond A. Dionne $75 St. Louis de France Conference St. Vincent de Paul $50 Mr. & Mrs. Andre Carrier Mr. ,& Mrs. Maurice Lincourt Mr. & Mrs, Pierre Picard Mr. & Mrs. Emile Cote Holy Name Society, St. Louis de France Church Ste. Anne Sodality, St. Louis de France Church $30 Mrs. Michael C. Kirkham Mr. & Mrs. Armand Francoeur Mr. & Mrs. Albert Michaud Mr. & Mrs. Francis Lussier Mr. & Mrs. Edward Plante $25 Mr. & Mrs. Richard Lucas, Mr. & Mrs. Herman W. Lapointe Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Alphonse Mendoza, Mr. & Mrs. William Dickenson, Mr. & Mrs. Roland Goddu A Friend, The William J. Bourassa, Family, Mr. & Mrs Adelard LaRue, Mr. & Mrs. George LevesquQ, Mrs. Omer Trudeau Mr. & Mrs. Emile aoilard, Mr. & Mrs. Roger Dufour, A Friend, Armand Levesque, Mr. & Mrs. Francis McCurdy, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Menard

$25 Anonymo\ls, Anthony Martino, Thomas Eaton, Michael Patkoske, Eveline Sullivan Donald Sheehan, Rita Swenson, Arthur J. Lynch, Anonymous, Joseph Haddad 'William McDonald, Francis Methodists Oppose Sheehy, Angelo Lanza, James Abortion .Laws Mahon, Doris LeClair ST. LOUIS (NC) - Delegates 'John J. Shaw, Gertrude E. at a five-day' general conference Tynan, Edward O'Donnell, Jo. of the United Methodist Church seph E. Colgan;, ;.Mrs. Dennis J. here called on state legislatures O'Connor to repeal all abortion laws on the grounds that abortion is a William Marnell, Alice A. Brady, Margaret Haley, Mrs. personal matter between a wo- c Wendell S. Henderson, William man and her doctor. The Methodist resolution also F. Mackin Raymond" Duffy, Henry J. called for the removal of legal Healey, William Gagnon, Fran- barriers to voluntary sterilization and urged church members cis P. Patti, Myles Heffernon Benjamin Muse Jr., JosepJ'l to limit their families to two Lawler, James H. Kennedy, Le- children in an effort to protect "the quality of life." roy Baker, John Grimes Only a few hours before the Mrs. P. Bennett, William Bannon, Lawrence Kenney, William Methodist statement was issued, the nation's Catholic bishops F. Erisman, Francis X. Collins condemned current efforts to reGerald Bruen, Francis Cloran, lax abortion laws around the Joseph Kenney, Daniel Healy, nation. Speaking at their semiBernard Murphy Joseph H. Jasper, Mrs. Thom- ' annual conference in San Fran· as Hague, Edward Robinson, cisco, the bishops said that relaxGeorge Milligan, Jeremiah Her- , ing or eliminating abortion laws was not a valid way. to deal lihy , Robert Manchuk, Claire Har- with population problems. rington, 'Francis R. Murphy, Mrs. Francis McGuerty, Peter McNamara George Lucier, George Magurn, Mrs. Lawrence Lippard, ONE STOP B. S. Kenney, John Curley SHOPPING CENTER


Morals &, Manners To have a respect for ourselves guides our morals; and to have a deference for others governs our manners. -Sterne

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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., May 7, 1~70



Month 01 the Elderly

News Media Dut"



Among other worthy appellations, May is', also the Month of the E l d e r l Y . i It has been said that the civilization of a country 'is indicated by the way it provides for its senicir citize,nsi , There was a time when older folks continued toremain a part of their families and lived out their days surrounded by children and grandchildren. From them ~he younger members learned wisd<?m and patience and the art of getting along with ano,ther generation. i Many older folks like the independence of living apart from their married sons and daughters and feel that this also gives their children the opportunity to live their own lives in their own way. . But for all too long a period of time tl~eir dependertce on fixed and small pensions 'and government checks m~de their day-to-day lives precarious ones. They lived a most frugal existence. Not too much attention was' paid to t'he utilization 'of their skills and abilities, ,'to their recreational. _ and social lives. The past few yearS have seen ari emphasiii on helpihg ,older people. It is a good thing. . ,. Home for the elderly-and a striking example of this is seen in the diocesan homes-are not places for people to live and die but, rather, places to live with -a minimum of stress and with a maximum' of care. ' i More facilities and programs for the social and recreational aspects of their lives are being provided. ,I A boost in government checks is taking a, more realistic'.view-not much, but a little-of costs that confroht older folks when they shop. A worthy society cares for all its peQple. AJI too lo~g were. the aged the forgotten ones. At least they are cOqIing more into their own. '

A Critical Point This year's Catholic Charities Appear is off to a good start. " .' i; ,But, at this point, it has also reached a. pe'riod of _crisis. This is the time in, every Appe'al when the' added wotk must be done-return calls made to those who were not at home, calls to those who may have been overlook~d in the initial phase of the Appeal. : It is the time, too, when those who are hesitatin1g about giving to the Appeal must heed the promptings qf their own hearts and realize that one person and his gift can make a difference in the life of another. I , ,And every gift, from each person is given with that in mind. Every dollar given to the Appeal makes a' difference in the life of a child who may be, retarded, the life of a confused young person seeking help at a social agency, in the life of an aged person finding hap,piness and care in a home for the elderly or chronic sicK, in the life of a person looking to, burn off energy in a youth program, in the life of a child unwanted or unable to be cared for by his fami'ly. ' ,I The, Appeal answers the silent cries for help from all these, persons. The' facilities aided by the l~ppeal an L swer the needs of aU these. When less money is given, the needs are that much farther from being realized. Whe~ more money is given, expansion to care mote deeply ari<J. for more people is possible. 1 , I The final push at this point in the Appeal is needed to make the Appeal more responsive to more needs that more people have." !'



mooQlnCj Rev. John F. Moore, B.A., M.A., M.Ed. 55. Pe~er & Paul, Fall River

Night of the· Generals

Continued from Page One - ing as individual persons and Christians." Noting that, these modern forms are taking over from the traditional means of communications such as the home" the school and the parish, the Pope said that now they provide new sources of knowledge and culture and that therefore they must be directed to "the service of the whole of mankind and of the whole man." Unfortunately, he added, this is not always the case. "We witness young people and children, used as easily secured consumers by an industry that makes itself its own end, beinlt dragged into the pitfalls of eroticism and violence or led along the perilous paths of incertitude, anxiety and anguish," he said. , On the other hand, asked the Pope: "Who is unaware of the urgency of putting to good account the means of social com· munication with their stirring modes of address through sound, image, color and movement, to make of them real modern instruments for communing among men that meas!1re up to the expectations of young people?" 'Remain Passive' While modern communications are "exceptionally powerful instruments for the service of youth," Pope Paul said, young people must be trained in how to use them and how, to judge and assimilate what they are seeing and hearing. "Not much can be achieved," said the Pope, "if the young people themselves remain passive as though under the spell of these powerful attractions, held captive by desire and incapable ' of self-control." 'LPope Paul ,noted that "millions of' men -have shared the ,same thrill before the images brought to them of man's first steps on the moon." He asked if the same "deep emotion" could not be shared by means of modern communications "before the God of love who came down to walk the earth as a man."

The President,of the United States has ordered American troops into Cambodia without the consent of Congress or the real advice from the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. He acted, obviously, as the Commander-in-Chief of this country's Arm~d Forces. effects the destiny of the This action brings into focus truly Soviet world is the military a most serious constitutional complex. . and political development. This phase of Russian life, in "




The person who studiously Could the President have acted the last 10 years, has become so avoids work usually works far otherwise? Has this complex influential that it determines harder than the man who pleasbecome so enormous and power- political policy. It seems that antly confronts it and does it, ful that it is the true govern- the Army now truly rules Russia. , Men who cannot work are not But, what is true of the events happy men. -Hubbard ment of· this country? In the night, have the generals assumed in the Soviet Union is also true of the entire international scene. total command? It is the military complex that These questions may seem controls the destiny of peoples! their personal freedom and their ridiculous to many, and, may Why should American people God-given individuality. The monster of war and deseven' seem un-American to think they are in any different truction has become the indesothers. situation? Frankenstein that The facts indicate that the The facts indicate that the tructable questions are not so foolish or present destiny of this country certainly will destroy all men. The Vatican Council, in its rebellious as they might seem rests in the hands of generals, and the massive industrial com- Pastoral Constitution, told all at first. . A national news weekly, in its ,plex that they have created for men that "blind obedience" can never be justified-even in warlast issue, devoted a great deal our economic survival. , The people can vote and the time. of space to, a report relative to "It is one thing to undertake the events of power in Russia. It Congress can veto but the Pentagon goes on its way, un- military action for the just, deconcluded that the one self-susfense of people and something taining all-powerful' body that checked and unchallenged, else to seek the subjugation of other nations." The Council goes BMcmW U'1fil~ !?'eop!® N@'W []=l]~w® 1f~~~(J' DarB on to say: "Nor does the possesThelibn's share of the national indication of the Pentagon's sion of war potential make every, military or political use of it budget, for the pas~ .30 years, power. lawful." (Pastoral Constitution n. has gone to the w'aror defense It did this without the knowl79) I effort. ,,; edge, advice, consent or coopOFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF 'THE DHOClE51E OF FALl. RIVER In the light of the Fathers of The, world of simple bombs eration of the' Congress of the Vatican II, in the light of all men Published weekly by The Catholic Press of the DioceseClf Fall Riverj and flame throwers has now United States. This force is so influential 'and who see the light of freedom, in , ,410 Highland Avenue _ . . - developed into the complex universe of missiles 'and satellites. so controls the life of America the light 9f Him who is the "Fall River, Mass. C2722 675-7151 But, it's the same game! War, that it 'can even ignore basic Prince of Peace, may we attempt ," PUBLISHER death, destruction and self- ~onstitutional directions, and, I to dispel the darkness of the Most Rev, James L. Connolly, 0 ..0., PhD. ' annihilation. . . am sorry to ,say, get away with military complex and expose its machinations to the light of In the night; the general~ ha~e it. GENERAL MANAGER -ASST. GENERAL MANAGER truth and sincerity. , assumed control. " Rev. Msgr. Donie] F.Shalloo, M.A. Rev. John P. Driscoll In the ,present hour of conflict, In the riight, the generals have The generals certainly have MANAGING EDITOR' had their night. the expansion of the war, from assumed control. ,; the area 'of Vietnam, to include This obvious trend must be May the American people now Hugh J. Golden, J.D. ~leary Press~Fall River all of Indo China is but, a mere . opposed by free men who love have their day!

@rhe AN(HOR


II.' ,,,mllllllumllUlIlllllllllm.

,1I111l1mmmll1Il+ltlllllll1f1ltlllllllllll ""l/1l1IlIlI1/11t'

THE: ANCHORThurs., ,May 7" 1970

Fifth Mark of True 'Church Undoubtedly 'Sister Says'

Cites Two Kinds Of Pollution

By Mary Carson Every time one of my kids comes home whining "Sister Says" I feel like screaming. It's not so much the two words, as the sing-song inflection, and the absolute infallibility, of whatever is to follow. "Sister Says we have to have cartridge pens." tool at all. Just a little Sister has never tried to writing peanut butter left on their finwash out the ink that gets gers, and they could get smudges all over the sheets when a on the ceiling as well as their kid changes a cartridge. Who knows why the cartridge was beng exchanged ;::~:::::;, in bed - bud?: that's how my:' kids do things. Besides, it seems that pens are to i lose and for ti, some unknown iIi::::::


new car~ridget pen much (aster~ than they lose~\ the old 19c ball-R points. J decided to approach the probliem calmly and asked Sister why it had to be cartridge pens? Sister explained it was a "diocesan regulation. "Her tone sounded as if she considered it part of Canon Law. Curious, J asked when that regulation was put in effectand if it' was still. She admitted that it was regulation several years ago,' but she didn't know if it was currently. Slowed on that front, Sister started a second approach. "Using a cartridge pen improves their handwriting." J recalled hearing that argument for stick pens and ink wells. J said J felt the only thing that improves handwriting is the sudden desire on the part of the child to' do it! If the kid, really wants to, he can write beautifully scratching with a nail. My kids can make "chicken-tracks" with an electric typewriter. I questioned the added cost. Sister explained that they only cost a dollar or two. J turned pale, and tried to explain how, because of loss and leakers, it soon adds up to 15 or 20 dollars or two. Sister credited that to the child's irresponsibility. J knew that, but it didn't reduce the drain on my budget. Big Gun Now Sister brou~ht out her big gun! "Cartridge pens write neatly" Sister said; and then concluded with a decided distaste, "ball point pens smudge." "Ah ha," J thought, "Little blobs of ink on papers upset Sister's esthetic sense!" I said I felt sure my kids could smudge anything - given any

Cardinal Tisserant Visits Canada, U.S. VATICAN CITY (NC)-Cardinal Eugene Tisser~nt, 86, Frenchborn dean of the Sacred College of Cardinals, has left Rome for a month-long visit to Canada and the United States. The prelate plans to visit a number of U.S. cities In the period from April 28 to May 19. His Canada stops occur before and after the U.S. segment of his trip. . While in Canada, Cardinal Tisserant will confer with civic and Church leaders and receive an honorary degree from the University of Laval. As Grand Master of the Order of the Holy Sepulchre, he will participate in functions of that order.

homework. Anyway, if the kid didn't smudge the work himself, the baby did the job for him. We reached a deadlock. Sister wanted cartridge pens. I had had it. Nothing was declared as regulation, so I went back to supplying ball-points. Defeated on one front, Sister must have' stayed up nights dreaming of a replacement. "Sister Says we have to have red pens." "What on earth for? J just bought a gross of blue pens to last the whole family for the full year." • "That's okay. We have to have red and blue pens," "Why?" , "'Cause Sister Says that when , we do our spelling words in sentences, the word has to be underiined in red ink-not blue ink, not red pencil, but red ink!" Knowing the 'difficulty of keeping them equipped with any pen at all, I pictured what it would be now that the problem was doubled. "Why don't you tell Sister, 'Mv Mother Says' .;: .;: .;: on second thought maybe you'd better not," No Crayons


NEW BEDFORD, RIEPRESENTATIVES: Coming from New Bedford to the annual convention at Bishop Feehan High, Attleboro were: Mrs. James Hesford~ Mrs. Alphage landreville, Mrs. R. Marcel Roy, and Mrs. Charles H. Weaver.


The Buckley Family Vincent L. Galvin Kathryn Healey Mr. & Mrs. John B. P,arkes $50 Edward Coughlin' , Mr. & Mrs. Walter Gallagher Mr. & Mrs: Albert Giordano Harvey's Market James Healey Mr. & Mrs. Dominic Ingemi Mr. & Mrs; Joseph A. Palano " Mary' & Agnes Sweeney Dr. & Mrs. Vincent P. Wright

I guess Sister figured she had me on the run, since I bowed to the red pen dictum without a protest. Actually, I found the red pen business a riuisance, but weighing It against the possibil· ity of returning to cartridges, it $40 seemed the lesser of two evils. Mr. & Mrs. James Simonson This afternoon I got the next $35 salvo. Mr. & Mrs. Clement J. Cough"Sister says maps for home lin work. have to be done in full $25 color, with crayons!" James Abreu, Mr. & Mrs.' VirThat did it. J flatly stated, gil Andrews, Mr. & Mrs. Lewis "Tomorrow you will very polite- Aries, Mr. &, Mrs. Alan Lee ly tell Sister your mother said ' Blackwell, Mr, & Mrs. Joseph she has eight children and just Bodio Mr. & Mrs. William Buchtfinished re-decorating the living room with white wallpaper. She mann, Carl Chace, Elizabeth has thrown out every crayon in Coughlin, Mr. & Mrs. John Dethe house and the first kid who Coste, Mr. & Mrs. Charles DeFeo brings one in gets murdered!" Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Desmond, Mr. & Mrs. James Doherty, Mr. Guatemala Envoy's & Mrs. Michael Goldsmith, Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Gomes, Mr. & Status Doubt Mrs. Raymond Gosselin SAN SALVADOR (NC) - The Mr: & Mrs. John ,Graca Jr., papal envoy in Guatemala may Mr: & Mrs. Edward F. ,Guest, be asked to leave as an upshot Mrs. Michael Harkins; Alice Harof' his criticism of Guatemalan very, Anna, Harvey government activity in the kidCatherine Harvey, Mr. & Mrs. nap-murder of a West German C. J. Harvey Jr., Grace Haryey, diplomat. ' According to' reliable reports reaching here, Archbishop Girolamo Prigione, the apostolic nuncio, may be declared "persona non grata" because of his public comments that Guatemalan officials failed to make adequate efforts to save the life of Ambassador Karl von Spreti. The German diplomat was kidnaped by guerrillas early in April and killed after their attempts to exchange him for 25 guerrillas held by authorities failed. Archbishop Prigione played a prominent mediation role in the efforts, and said at funeral rites in Guatemala City that von Spreti's death was "a useless, senseless sacrifice which could 373 New Boston Road have been avoided by the good' will and the patience needed for Fall River 678-5677 further negotiations,"



ST. PAUL (NC)-University of Notre Dame president Father Theodore M. Hesburgh, C.S.C., warned here that America is creating two kinds of pollutio'1: the atmosphere pollution of smokestacks and car exhausts and the human pollution of racial prejudice. Speaking at a press conference given before he addressed members of the Universal Notre Dame Club, Eather Hesburgh charged that housing, employment and education inequalities are dividing the country into two nations, one black and one white. The priest, chairman of the U.S. Civil Rights Commission, said that a ,combination of leadership and "a change of heart" could solve the nation's racial crisis. He added that he was optimistic that the country would commit itself to solving these problems in the next five years. In an aside on Catholic education, Father Hesburgh warned that Cahtolic schools should find a gold mine or an oil well. He a,dded that the exodus of "free professional help, namely nuns and priests," might make the Catholic educational system financially unworkable even with government subsidies.

Mary Harvey, Margaret Healey Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Kavanaugh, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Kelly, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Kent Jr., Mr. & Mrs. George Kna9P, Mr.. Diocese Sponsors & Mrs. William Lupica Mr. & Mrs. J. Joseph Lyons, Housing Project Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Lyons, Mr. SPOKANE (NC) - Catholic & Mrs. William McAndrews, Mr. Charities, Inc., of the Spokane & Mrs. Charles McCarthy, Dr. diocese is sponsoring a third & Mrs. James F. McCourt Mr. & Mrs. Andrew McNa- apartment complex for low-inmara, Mr. & Mrs. Francis Ma- come elderly. Federal financing honey, Mr. & Mrs. John Mar- 'has been approved and construcshall, Mr. & Mrs: John Meehan, tion contracts granted for the $649,000 project of 55 units. Mr. & Mrs. John Mello Jr. Known as Fahy West ApartMr. & Mrs. James D. Mullen ments, it will adjoin Fahy GarSr., Mr. & Mrs. James D. Mul- dens and Cathedral Plaza, the len Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. other projects sponsored by the Murray Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Valen- . Catholic group. The projects are tine Muscato, Mr. & Mrs. Ste- named for Father John F. Fahy, phen Nolan Sr. retired pastor of St. Joseph's Mr. & Mrs. William O'Con-' parish. nell, ,Mr. & Mrs. Michael Pugliesi, Mr. & Mrs. John Reardon, Mr. & Mrs. David Read, Mrs. Benedict Scully Mr. & Mrs. William Simonson, Mr. & Mrs. Alvaro M. Souza, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Stone, Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Wilde, Mr. & Mrs. Fremont Wood Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Wood, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Wooster

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, i THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur~;, May, 7,'197\0

Pledges to Work For Inte9rotion

Uncertainties' Face Fashion' Buyers Ch,oosi,ng Fall.lionel i

:By Marilyn' Roderick


A. fashion buyer's job always seemed e;(citing and adventurous to me but this season I don't think I would want it for an the rice in China.. The dilemma that the~ will be facing when they go to market ,to buy their Fall -:', line will be so ov~rwhelming . sion, especially 'in the small~r that only prophets need ap- towns where it takes fashion la ply. Their problem of course year or two to filter down frotn is that they are going to the larger cities. ,

have to project themselves into The hemlines ,still seem to ~e Fall 1970, place themselves in following the curve of the marthe shoes of the ket and as the stocks sink lower million or so feand lower the skirts appear to males that make be following suit so if the buyer up the feminine could only search in a cryst~l buying public ball and come up with what's giland guess at the ing to happen to the markJt lengths that the then perhaps she could equally changeable fewell predict if the longuette js male' mind will going to catch' O~.. , I choose for Fall and Win t e r Some of Eve~ythlng wearing. As far With it all only time will teli as the coat situation is concerned but from every indication from the,re will be no question in their the trade papers' and the New minds~ Below -knee lengths will, York ads the wise buyer wiiI not only 'be accepted but wel- ,probably purchase at least some corned by thE! vast buying public, minis" some midis' and a, few especially those women who face maxis, especially in areas th~t the..cold New England' Winters., are away from the fashion ceoA handsome midi coat with ters and especially.in the field of smart .lQoking boots can't be evening wear: beat for a smashing, Winter out-. The daytime clothes appear t9 fit. After-five outfits are also be still holding out 'for the length enough of popular item in the that at least either grazes th~ new longer lengths to be classi- knee or covers the kneecap fied as a safe bet to move off slightly. Now this is a length one the racks in the Autumn be- could live with for daytime. : I cause the longer lengtl) really" Another way that buyers coul~ looks quite 'romantic and fragile beat the skirt dilemma is' to in a floaty fabric with shoes and . ~ake sure they purchase a good stockings of the same hue. line of skirts and dresses that , split on the sdies~ front or back 'Big Quelltion so that on.e's legs.are,still in view' HoweVer it's' the everyday yet fa~hio~ is bei.ng served. I clothes that will pose a' question WhIle I m q~Ite 'aware !hat to those responsible for buying !here are more Important thmgs for the stores Are the women m the world to worry about than who spend so '~any hours of the the len~h skirt we're. going ~~ ,day hopping in and out of cars be wearIng I must admIt that thIS on and off subways and around at th.e moment is th~ topic o~ and about the million and one the hps of eyery fashlOn-conscl, other places that are visited by o~s woma~.. ,And these womer! the modern woman going to be WIll be ~altmg, ~agerly to hear content with clothes that hamper from the~r faVOrIte buyer wha~ this, active way of life? This is ~er reactIon was to the. clothes I the big question and it's certain- m the New York showmgs. Iy going to be the one uppermost in the minds of retailers as they Welfare Agendes arrive in New York for the Fall showings. Open Membership I If they, do. get so' perplexed NEW YORK (NCr-The Feder.! that they can't come to any deci- ation of Protestant Welfare sion on the dress lengths they Agencies has ~ new policy eXl can play it completely safe by pected to make marked changes buying only pant outfits. These in its board of directors mem-I are still rising in popularity and bership. ; it looks as if they will continue The federation, which includesl to be a much sought after item 250 agencies in the New ,York: especially if. the battle of the Metropolitan area, at its annuall 'hemlines really becomes fierce. m~ting opened board member-I Here is an item that a woman ship to persons Of all religious can buy without worrying about faiths. In addition, the new poH it being .outdated by next Spring, icy will encourage. welfare re-I also it's attractive and comfort- cipients and others who usualIy, able. Of course pant outfits are deal with the member' agencies: still not suitable for every occa- . as beneficiaries of charity and welfare services to seek posts asl policy makers on the ·board. Predicts New York Board members of the federa-I tion, which has been called the: Abortion Surge most inclusive religious charit- ' NEW YORK (NC)- A· New able group in the nation,. tradiYork City health official pre-, tionaily have' come from top dicted' here that the demand for ranks .of business, professions:I abortions at the (:ity's hospitals and Protestant church groups. would be somewhere between Current president is William F. 20,000 and 100,000 a year after Treiper, first vice-president, Fedthe new state abortion law goes eral Reserve Bank of New York. into effect July 1. John J. Keppler, federation exCity health serviCes adminis- .' ecutive vicecpresident, said 'the: trator Gordon Chase predicted new policy would .givE! the ,board I the rise in. abortion' requests in members "who will reprelsent the wake of New York's law the views of the total commu- i allowing abortions within 24 nity, including persons of alI re-. weeks of conception with, the ligious" faiths, ethnic and racial 'I consent of the woman. N,ew backgrounds, with emphasis on York's law has no age or resi- representation by redpients of' dency, r.equirements... s~n:,<;es thems_elves,~'




COUNCIL MEMBERS IFROM CAPE COlD: Miss Kathleen Roche, Harwich; Miss M: Ursula Wing; Buzza~ds Bay; Mrs. James H. Quirk, So. Yarmouth; Mrs. Gilbert J, Noona,n, Falmouth were among the \delegates from District No.5.

Seekonk MOUNT . CARMEL .

, $500 Mr. & Mrs. Lavyrence' Weyker $150 Mr. & Mrs. Fritz Ulmschneider • $50' Thomas J. Brady Mr. & Mrs. Stanley F. Young John Hendricks Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Corrigan ,Russell F. Thomas Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Berriman Mr. & Mrs. Richard Fagan' Mr. & Mrs. Richard Young Mr. & Mrs. Philip Hill $45

Mrs. Louise Oakland $35 Mr. & Mrs. Edwin W. Arnold Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Turner $31 Mr. & M,rs. Robert Carvalho Mr. & Mrs. Robert Lessard $30, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Keough Antonio Ribeiro, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. H. Foley Mr. & Mrs. James Leonardo Mr: & Mrs. Augustine Ferreira '(in memory' of Deb.orah Ann Ferreira) "Mr. & Mrs. Myron Perry . $25 . Mr. & Mrs. Henry Bilodeau, Helen E. Browning, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Santos, Mr. & Mrs. James Murphy, Barbara Burns Mr~ & Mrs. Joseph P. Trojan, Mr. & Mrs. E. McPhiJIips, Mt,. Carmel Women's Guild, Emily Medeiros, Mrs. Louise FalIon Joseph Medeiros Jr., Mr: & Mrs. Leon Breault, Mr. & Mrs. Freeman Treacy, Mr. & Mrs. Wilfred Blanchette, Mr. & Mrs. Louis Dupere ,, Mr. & Mrs. Cosmo D. Mirando, Dr. & Mrs. Richard Murphy, Frank E. Murphy, Mr. & Mrs. John P. Searles, Mr. & Mrs. Alfred T. Morris, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Raul Pereira Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Byrne, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Grossman, Mr. &, Mrs. Maurice Holland, Mr. & Mrs. Preston Schultz Mr.' & Mrs. George Taylor,' .Mr. & Mrs.' Frank Gamboa, joseph Amaral, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Anthony, . Mr. & Mrs. Walter .Gerula , . Mr. & Mrs. John' Unsworth, Mr. & Mrs. George McGee, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Sloane, Mr. & .Mrs. Robert Kaveny, Mr,,& Mrs. 'James Urquhart . Angela Medeiros, Mr. & Mrs.

John Korkuc, Mr. & Mrs. James McDonald, Mr. & Mrs. John LangwelI, \VIr. & Mrs. Charles Schultz, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Sawyer

, M~ttapoisett 'ST. ANTHONY $475


Friends of Bishop ConnolIy ,$300 Mr. & Mrs. Charles McGowan , $100 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Collins Mr. & Mrs. William McCarthy Eugene Phelan Mr. & Mrs. Frank Sylvia Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Verdi $75 Susan_McGowan $50 Mr. & Mrs. Charles Crowley Jr $40

Dr. & Mrs. Clayton King Mr. & Mrs Timothy J. Manning $30 Mr. & Mrs. Paul Keane $25 Mr. & Mrs. Miguel Brito, Mr. &' Mrs. Howard Chadwick, Mrs. William Corey, Mrs. Timothy Crowley, Mr. & Mrs. Donald Fleming Mr. & Mrs. F. McKeone, Mr. & Mrs. Mark McIntyre, Mr., & Mrs. Melvin Miller, Dr. & Mrs. Stanley Mysliwy, Mrs. Agnes Pelczar Mr. & Mrs. William Quinlan Jr., Mr. &.Mrs. Ross Steeves

WASHINGTON (NC) - United' States Commissioner of Education James E. Allen promised here to work for school integration of alI types whether it is .' based on law (de jure) or on circumstances (de facto). Commissioner Allen's pledge came in the wake of the integra~ tion effort promised by President Nixon in a March 24 speech. The President promised his administration would move to end de jure segregation, but adcied that it was powerless to stop de facto, segregation usualIy stem-' ming from local residential patterns. Dr. AlIen called on educators to step up efforts to achieve ,desegregation and to point out "the harmful effects of segregation on alI our people." He promised to "continue to emphasize the educational value of integration and the educational deprivation of' segregation regardless of cause." , Although White House spokesmen made no comment on Dr. AlIen's statement, government officals .announced here that the bulk of federal aid to public schools would be going to schools in the process of desegregating. In areas where de facto segreA~ation exists, officials added, funds would be devoted to integration efforts and to. benefitting racialIy integrated programs.

Protestant Organization Elects Catholic President CASPER (NC~Mrs. Jan Wilking, a Catholic" has been .elected president of Wyoming Church Women United, the first council in the nation· to elect a Catholic woman president of" their state unit. In this office she is a member of the National Board of Managers of Church Women United, a primarily Protestant group. Mrs. Wilking is immediate past president of the Cheyenne Diocesan Council of Catholic Women, past· president of the Casper Deanery Council of Catholic Women, and former president of the Casper Service League. At present, Mrs. Wilking, the mother of four children, serves on the Cheyenne Diocesan Ecumenical Commission, Wyoming Catholic Charities Board, Casper Religious Education Board, and is a member of the Casper Dialogue Group. .

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THE, ANCHOR-;Thurs., May 7, 1970

Cut and Wat,er Lawn Often, F,ertilize Fr,equently, Lightly '0

By Joseph and Marilyn Roderick


Protest Divorce, Abortion BHls

SAN JUAN (NC)-The Catholic archbishop of San Juan isThe new gardening season has begun; ,I cut the front sued an islandwide call to Cathlawn this week. Out came the lawn mower, it was given olics for a protest to the governor and the Senate against two its semi-annual oiling, plugged into its socket, and away bills liberalizing divorce and we went. This starts a cycle which continues until late in abortion. October and which becomes \ Archbishop Luis Aponte asked a greater and greater chore future generations. While a calCatholics to send telegrams and lous attitude toward all the talk letters to Gov. Luis A. Ferre with each passing week until on environment may be evident and to members of the Senate. we look forWard to putting oh the part of some I'm sure The bills have cleared the the machnie away for the Win- once most people realize the House of Representatives and ter. seriousness of the situation and now are pending in the Senate. I still believe there is only once they are told specific things The divorce bill would permit one way to beat the weary job they themselves can do to help character incompatibility as a of mowing the lawn and that keep earth a decent place to cause for divorce while the aboris to cut it every five days dur- live that they, will cooperate. tion measure would permit aboring the Spring and early SumNo time of the year conveys tion in cases of "extreme dangmer, thus avoiding the chore of to us the beauty of nature beter" to the expectant mother and having to rake. ter than Spring and perhaps we also in cases where pregnancy Raking is one job I abhor. should give a bit of thought resulted, from rape and incest. It is time-consuming and far to what Spring would be like "In a country where in 1968 more energy-consuming than without fresh, invigorating air there were 11,RlO marriages, mowing. By cutting often one to breathe, bright green shoots 11,902 divorce suits and 9,506 negates the need to rake since growing out of the fertile earth divorces granted, we feel there the close-cropped grass acts as and the miracle of the returnis no need to open more doors a beneficial mulch and actually ing birds. with new casuals which would serves to fertilize and enrich the facilitate divorces," the archNot Much Choice TAUNTONIAI'I~S AT CONCLAVE: Five members of the Taunton lawn. Long clippings, on the othbishop said. District of the Council of Catholic Women pause as they are The divorce bill is bad enough, er hand, must be raked out since By weekend the rhubarb will they smother the lawn and in have come through enough to about to attend one of the convention workshops. Mrs. John but the abortion measure "is Brody, Taunton; Mrs. James E. Williams, No. Dighton; Miss. even worse," Archbishop Aponte their decomposition steal its 'cut the tenderest shoots and vital nitrogen. make a rhubarb pie, the pear Adrienne lemieux, Taunton; Mrs. Aristides Andrade, Taunton; declared. "Here there is a play with tree will be in bloom outside Mrs. Richard Poulson, Taunton. I)mall Stages human life. Here there is an atour living room window and the Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Constant, tempt to forget about the Fifth Another trick that I have wonders of Spring will confront Hyannis Mr. & Mrs: N. Karukas, Mr. & Commandment, 'Thou shalt not found useful is to fertilize in us more and more each day. There certainly doesn't' seem Mrs. George Soutiere, Mr. & kill.' For a mother not to suffer small amounts once a month ST. FRANCIS XAVIER Mrs. Donald H. Chase, Harriet the consequences of an unwantthroughout the season. ,This to be much choice between dis.ed birth, it becomes necessary $400 Butler keeps the lawn green and yet posable towels and the beauty Rev. Msgr. William D. Thomnature but if this trash-can of Mrs. Gregory Cureghian, Mr. to kill an innocent fetus-this does not result in over-feeding. essentially is what the abortion & Mrs. Thomas Kenneally, Mr. I usually cut the suggested oriented world doesn't wake up son bill means," the archbishop said. $100 amOunt on the fertilizer bag by this may be just the type of & Mrs. William Fratus, Robert that we are forced to Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Martin choice a quarter so that the same Jameson, Mr. & Mrs. John Forte Mary R. Farrell amount of fertilizer is spread on make, idiotic as it may seem at Mr. & Mrs. John McKeon, Catholic Broadcasters Dr. & Mrs. Francis O'Neil the lawn for the whole Summer this writing. And while I am as Paul Corazzari, Mr. & Mrs. To Present Awards' in small stages rather than in lazy as the next woma'n, the $50 Adolphe ,0. Richards, Mrs. thought of living without the NEW ORLEANS (NC) - The ,h Edward L. Bennett one spreading.. Charles Swift, Mrs. Katherine Catholic Broadcasters AssociaThe last ingredient in my wonders of nature could easily John R. Reyburn Lycett tion at its convention opening recipe for a healthy and care- wake me out of my lethargy and Edward Deveney Mr. & Mrs. Cliffford White, here today will present its anfree lawn is the application of into action. Mr. & Mrs. Harry Varnun Mr. & Mrs. Frank Marshall, Dr. nual Gabriel Awards to 15 staIf chocolate pudding (or anysufficient water each week beMr. & Mrs. Earl Fratus & Mrs. James Dunne, Mr. & thing chocolate, for that matter) tions, networks and individuals ginning in the Spring and carThomas M. Golden Mrs. Gerald J. Hayes" Mr. & for outstanding achievement in is your weakness, then you'll ried through the Summer months. Charles Riordon Mrs. Gerard Robichaud radio and television broadcastEvery lawn book' suggests an love this very unusual chocolate Bishop William Tyler, Knights Mrs. John Campion, Mr. & ing. dessert. inch of water per week and this of Columbus, Fourth Degree Mrs. John Mitchell The CBA said KFWB, Los An路 is just about what I stick to. $40 Chocolate Pudding with Own geles, will receive the radio staThis does keep the lawn green Eleanore Resmini Sauce most of the Summer. tion award; WMAQ-TV,. Chicago, Oak Bluffs $35 the television 'station award, and I usually give the grass one 1,4 cup butter or margarine Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Francisco good watering per week or two Dr. Everett C. Parker, director, SACRED HEAR1l' Y2 teaspoon salt Mr. '& Mrs. Paul Bresnahan at the most. I have found that communications office, United 1 teaspoon cinnamon Mr. & Mrs. Irving Morrissey $125 light sprinklings are useless and Church of Christ, the award for % cup sugar $30 Mr. & Mrs. Henry Corey although they serve to cool the personal achievement. 3 ounces of semi-sweet chocoMr. & Mrs. Joseph L. Cairns $100 gardener, they serve very little late (three squares) . The 22-year-old CBA is a proJr. Rev. Francis M. Coady purpose otherwise. Two heavy fessional society of priests, Reli1 cup sifted flour A Friend ' J. R. Queeney sprinklings will allow the water gious and laity dedicated to ser2 teaspoons baking powder Mr. & Mrs. Robert Flinn $50 to seep down into the soil and vice of the broadcasting commuY2 teaspoon soda Holy Name Society $26 keep the roots of the plants nity on local and national levels. 2/3 cup milk Heart Guild Sacred Mary A. McGarry moist and cool. Y2 cup' nuts, chopped St. Vincent de Paul Society $25 As the Summer and hot , 2/3 cup sugar A Friend Mrs. William Connolly, Mr. & weather approach I usually raise 2 cups water $40 Mrs. Edward Kelly, Mr. & Mrs. the cutters on the mower so that VB teaspoon salt. Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Metell Thomas C. McGarry, Mr. & Mrs. the length of the grass increases, 1) Combine the butter,. salt, $35 Marshall Field, Mr. & Mrs. Althereby keeping its roots from A Friend being desiccated by the hot sun. cinnamon and % cup of sugar.... bert Trocchi Over '35 Years $25 Marian Bennett, Mr. & Mrs. The rules in a nutshell: cut and cream well. Meanwhile melt of Satisfied Service John Camacho, Mrs. Albert often, water heavily, fertilize fre- in the top of the double boiler Thomas Loughlin, Mr. & Mrs. Reg. Moster Plumber 7023 hot -water the semi-sweet over & Mrs. Thomas DeSequeira, Mr. quently but lightly and grow Alfred McKenna, Michael CafJOSEPH RAPOSA, JR. chocolate. When mixture is frey, Mrs. Alfred Junior Mont, Mr. & Mrs. Edmund Berweary with satisfaction. creamed add about 2/3 of the 806 NO. MAIN STREET nard, Anonymous (2) . Mr. & Mrs. John Sheehan, melted chocolate and blend this In the Kitchen Mr. & Mrs. Peter Regan Fall River 675-7497 Mrs. George T. Conn~1I & Alice into' the creamed mixture. P. Mors, Connell, Mrs. Wayland 1\ political cartoon in this 2) Sift together the flour, bakmorning's paper showed a ing powder. and soda and add Mr. & Mrs. Robert Ryan, Mr. & troubled couple asking one an路 alternately to the creamed mix- Mrs. Emerson Snow Mr. & Mrs. Charles Flynn, other whether they would be ture with the milk. Stirring well 7~% Term Deposit Certificates-$IOO,OOO or more willing to give up such creature after each addition. When well- Mrs. Cecelia Haskins, Mr. & 6% Term Deposit Certificates - Two years Mrs. Louis Frangione, Mrs. comforts as disposable bottles, mixed add the nuts. Anna F. Vetorino, Mrs. Dorothy 5% % Term Deposit Certificates - One year towels and containers in order 3) In a saucepan mix the re- M. Boons. to save our environment, 5~ % - 90-Day Notice maining melted chocolate, the What the cartoonist evidently 2/3 cup of sugar, the two cups 5~% -.Systematic Savings Now Many Wear meant to convey was that mod- of water and the salt. Bring to 5~ % - Regular Savings ern man and woman are more a boil, stirring constantly. 5% - Daily Interest concerned with convenience than 4) Pour this liquid mixture inwith preserving the world for to a greased baking dish (I used .:0 Dividends payable quarterly 'With More Comfort a bowl, into the liquid. At this To help relieve discomfort when dentures slip down and come loose, point you'll be ready to throw Maternal Virtues just sprinkle FASTEETH on your your hands up in disgust it looks plates, FASTEETH holds dentures BANK BY MAIL Some mothers need happy like such a mess but time. and firmer longer. You can bite harder, eat faster, feel more comfortable. children; others need unhappy baking will cure all. we pay the postage FASTEETH Is alkaline-won't sour. ones - otherwise they cannot . 5) Bake in a 350 oven for 45 Dentures that fit are essential to South Yarmouth Yarmouth Shopping Plaza Hyannis health. See your dentist regularly. prove their maternal virtues. minutes. Serve with whipped Get FASTEETH at all drui cpunters, Dennis Port Osterville -Nietzsche cream or vanilla ice cream.

Montie Plumbing & Heating Co.







THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., May 7, 1 ~70 ,


Left, Anita Ferreira and Janice Wilbur, seated, cho~se books, aided by Rev. Thomas Mayhew, curate, and Miss Helen Donnelly, librarian.


NORTH DIGHTON LIBRARY: Among parishes boasting d flourishing library is St. Joseph's, North Dighton. Msgr. Bernard J. Fenton, pastor, ,welcomes Mr. and Mrs. Berna'rd Hyland to reading area, right. Center, general vi,ew of facilities.


New Bedford ST. LAWRENCE

$175 A Friend

$125 A Friend Mr. & Mrs. Maurice Downey Mr. & Mrs. John Dunn $100 • Rev. William F. O'Connell Rev. Justin J. Quinn Mr. & Mrs. James McHugh $75 - In Memory of Walter Collopy Dr. & Mrs. Robert Durant Mr. & Mrs. John D. Kenney $53 The Jos. A. Burke Family $50 \ Mr. & Mrs. Alan J. Campbell Marie T. Mahoney Dr. & Mrs. John McGonigle Mr. James J. O'Brien Jr. $45 Monica & Constance Zygiel $40 Anna Driscoll $35 Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Davis Mr. & Mrs. Charles Phelan Mr. & Mrs. Robert Tweedie ' Mrs. Mary C. Winterson . $30 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Hassey Mr. & Mrs. James 'Kearney Mr. & Mrs. Edward McIntyre Mr. & Mrs. Alexander Phillips $28 Mr. & Mrs. Charles Burke $27 Mrs. Florence Brower $25 Mr. & Mrs. David Bancroft, Mrs. George Breen, Almyra & Dorothea Brennan, Frances A. . Burke, Mr. & Mrs. Harold. Carpenter Mary F. Carroll, A Friend, Dr. & Mrs. A. B. Crowe, Laura Culhane, Mrs. Mathew Curran ' Helen Driscoll, Mr. & Mrs. Ed-' ward, J. Duffy, James Durant, Mrs. John Finni, Mrs. Thomas Foye Edward H. Gagnon, Mrs. James A. Galligan, Mr. & Mrs. Owen Hackett, Mr. & Mrs. Edmund Harrington, Mrs. Catherhie Hayes Mr. & Mrs. Jack Hendricks, Mr. & Mrs. William Kasper, Mrs. Anthony S. King, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Kirkwood, A Friend In Memory of Francis C. Mahoney, Mr. & Mrs. Paul Malone, Mrs. Bernard Murphy, James F. Murray, Mary McCusker Mr. & Mrs. Paul McGowan, Veronica O'Brien, Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Oliver, Mr. & Mrs.



'George ?liv.er, Mr. & Mrs.' George 0 NeIll Mr. Mr. Mr. & 'Mrs. Francis Smith, Margaret E. Sullivan, Mr. & 1\1r s. Mr. John F. Treadup, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Tynan, : 'Mr. Mr. Attleboro Mr. Mr. ST. THERESA

$400 Rev. Msgr. Gerard J. Chabot $100 Mr. &' Mrs. Leo Lachance I Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Grav~1

$65 f· Mr. & Mrs. Vincent AndreWS " $60' Mr. ,& Mrs. Richard Collett~ $50 ' Mr. & Mrs. Phillip Morris & Family Mrs. Mary Grady Mr. & Mrs. Domenic BerardI Mrs. Paul Bradley i Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Keane Mrs. Joseph Lunderville


Bouchard, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Glode Mrs. Manlio Frova, Mr. & Mrs. & Mrs. Norman Carrier Orner Martel, Mr. & Mrs. Gerard & Mrs. Joseph Iwuc Vachon, Mr. & Mrs. John Keane, Mr. ,& Mrs.' Robert Biziak $30 Mr. & Mrs. Roger Bussiere, & Mrs. Louis Lacivita & Mrs. Gerard Lefrancois' Mr. & Mrs. Harvey Rousseau, Mr. & Mrs. Clifford Wallace, Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Moskalski & Mrs, Joseph Lamoureux & Mrs. Walter Delude



& Mrs. John Plath

$25 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Cotter, Mr. & Mrs. William Sharples, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Hebert, Mr. & Mrs. Louis Desmarais, Mr. & Mrs. William Lynch . Mr. & Mrs. Horace Courcy, Mrs. Irene Pitas, Mr. & Mrs. James Mann, Mr. & Mrs. Ederito Fachada, Mr. & Mrs. Oscar Bour· gette Mr. & Mrs. Elmer Butler, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Cournoyer, Mr. &' Mrs. Edward Duclos, Mr. & Mrs. Leonel Mandeville, Mrs. Paul Beausoleil Mr. ,& Mrs. Norman St. Ger-: main, Mr. & Mrs Richard Murray Mr. & Mrs. John Kenny, Francois

Mr. & Mrs. Edward Guillette ,A Friend Mr. & Mrs. Clifford Titus Mr. & Mrs. Charles Bellavance Mr. & Mrs. Giles Dognazzi


Mrs. A. Roach, Mr. & Mrs. Edward 'Kane, Mr. & Mrs. William Murray, Mr. &Mr~. William SulST. MARY'S livan, Mr. & Mrs. Lee Kingsbury A Friend, Joseph Hinchey, Mr. $508 & Mrs. Kenneth Kingsbury, A Eugene R.' Farrell Friend, l\1i1dred Hanl)on Mr. &"1 Mrs Mathew Piccolimini $150 Atty. ~ Mrs. Robert Currivan Mr. & Mrs. Malcolm Fales, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Murphy, Mr. & $100 Mrs. Arthur Babine, Mr. & Mrs. The Darmedy Family Ellwyn Atwell Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Kuplast, $50 Mr. & Mrs. Orlando D. Souza A Friend (2), Mr. & Mrs. James Mr. & Mrs. William Morton . . Bachman, Mr. & Mrs. John KinMr. & Mrs. Karl Clemmey sley, Mrs. Emma Pascucci Dr. & Mrs. ,Raymond Ockert Mr. & Mrs. Roland Clement, Dr. & Mrs. Philip Sibilia Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Corliss, Mr. & A Friend Mrs. Clarence Leonard



I'I leave yo~Mom ,


•• UII1-m •• 'n a

Happy Mother's' Day!" •

• Bishops Assert School Aid Plan Too Small

THE ANCHORThurs., May 7, 1970

New Bedford SACRED HEART $100 Anonymous $45 Mr. & Mrs. Omer Tardi $30 Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Dechenes Mr. & Mrs. Paul Lariviere Mr. & Mrs. Paul Letourneau $25 Mrs. Herve Bedard, Mr. & Mrs. John Bellefeuille, Mr. & Mrs. Roger Menard

TRENTON (NC) - The New Jersey Conference of Catholic Bishops, in a statement issued here, described Gov. William T. Cahill's proposals for aiding non public schools "distressingly small in view of the overwhelming needs." Gov. Cahill, in a mid-April special message to the legislature, proposed a $9.5 million expenditure to help ease finanCial problems facing private schools. He warned that closing' of private schools would have serious consequences for the state's public school system. That warning was repeated in the bishops' statement. After noting that parochial schools now educate one of every five students in the state, the bishops said: "Each of us faces agonizing decisions, within the months ahead, as to the allocation .of funds, assets and personnel to meet the needs of our school systems." If assistance is not forthcoming, they indicated, it is possible that the. percentage of children educated in parochial schools might drop to one in six, seven, or even less. "Those who oppose aid to nonpublic schools on fiscal grounds must explain the obviously greater burdens the taxpayer must assume if such schools have to close, or even if their atte~dance has to be curtailed," the bishops said. DIrectly to Parents The Cahill administration has not yet submitted enabling legislation spelling out school aid programs. Clouding the situation is the Catholic agitatioh for tlie passage of the so-called Vander Plaat bill, a measure whose concept the governor backed during his November election campaign; introduction of other school-aid legislation in the state Senate, and a recent Superior Court decision upsetting the state's 1968 fair busing law. The Vander Plaat measure would distribute aid directly to parents on the same basis that per-pupil assistance is now provided to public school districts. Its estimated cost is $90 million. New legislation introduced by Sen. William V. Musto of Hudson County calls for payment to parents of $50 for each child enrolled in a non public school, the amount rising to $100 after the first year. Its estimated firstyear cost is $15 million, and $30 million annually thereafter.

Number of Sistell's Declines in France PARIS (NC)-Shortage of vocations and attrition by aging are shrinking the number of Sisters in France. • The country now has 111,960 Sisters in about 11,000 houses conducted. by 400 congregations. In 1945 France had 117,300 Sisters. According to a survey by the Union of Major Superiors in cooperation with the French bishops, the number will drop further, to about 90,900' in 1975 and 83,100 in 1980. The vocation decline began as far back as 1935, and now shows up in a disproportionate number of Sisters in the over-50 age bracket. About three-quarters of French Sisters are engaged in professional duties. There are 370 convents of contemplative nuns in France at this time.,


PRIEST IN !LAOS: Father Matt J. Menger talks with a lao soldier wounded in battle of Sam Thong. The soldier is explaining to Father Menger how the Communists captured a vital outpost.

React to New Mixed M,arriage Norms Most Non-Catholic L·eaders See Progress Continued from Page One proprio, or apostolic letter issued on his own initiative, contained 17 norms which give diocesa,n bishops much of the power the Vatican used to have in deciding possible options on where and how a marriage ceremony between a Catholic and a nonCatholic can take place. The norms go into effect Oct. 1. Among other things, they put the entire burden for the raising of Catholic children upon the Catholic partner and no longer insist on a promise from the nonCatholic. Marriage 'is also made possible before a non-Catholic minister in a non-Catholic church and, in some cases, in a public place other than a house of worship. The papal norms ask that Conferences of Bishops meet and discuss these new proposals. There should be some kind of

North Attleboro ST. MARY $1000 Mr. & Mrs. J.ohn Smith $125 Margaret & Mary Kinton $100 Mrs. James P. Reynolds Mr. & Mrs. Henry Beach Jr. $60 Mr. & Mrs. Edward Coogan Mr. & Mrs. Francis Murphy $50 Mr. & Mrs. John Donley \.

Schedules Program Of Clinical Training MILWAUKEE (NC) - Thirdyear seminarians at Milwaukee's St. Francis Seminary will begin a program of clinical training for the apostolate next year. Seminary rector Msgr. William N. Schuit said that 15 seminarians would study in hospitals and other· institutions across the country where they will learn pastoral skills under the supervision of experts. Explaining the new program, Msgr. Schuit commented "Today's unique challenges in pastoral ministry require an integrated theological education which somehow bridges the gap between the practical and the academic, the technical and the scholarly."

uniformity in a particular area or region. This is especially im~ portant in regards to the possible arrangements for the presiding priest or minister who is to officially witness the administration of the Sacrament of Marriage. 'Going Back' Comments ranged from a Methodist bishop's rejoicing that the Catholic Church is "moving in the right direction" to an Orthodox leader in India saying the document was "a definite going

back". and an American rabbi stating that many Jews "will welcome the general atmosphere of liberalization." The Rev. Dr. Eugene Carson Blake, general secretary of the World Council of Churches, said in Geneva: "This new statement 'is to be welcomed, although it does not go as far as many had hoped. Fundamental issues remain unsolved. "For this reason, the problems of mixed marriages and especcially of the nature of Christian education will remain on the agenda of .the ecumenical-debate. Perhaps this discussion will make possible further progress before any final regulation will be included in the new canon law." 'Small Step' The Rev. Dr. -Fredrik A. Schiotz of Minneapolis, president of the 2.6 million member American Lutheran Church, called the document "a small step on the way to the Christian freedom which allows the individual believer to exercise this very important and personal decision of faith." Archbishop lakovos, Greek Orthodox archbishop of North and South America, said: "I express my gratification over the true Christian liberal statement on mixed marriages. I hope that all Christian churches adjust their thinking on mixed marriages in the same spirit. I consider the document an invitation to all of us clergymen to think of ways of contributing to the solution of the perplexed problem we face in the matter of mixed marriages."

ST. KILIAN $225 St. Vincent de 'Paul of St. Kilian's Parish \ $75 Rev. John J. Steakem $50 In Memory of Milton T. ,Weaver Catherine Finnell Louise Finnell Hervey Caron $30 Mary Augeri St. Kililan's Couples Club George Ferreira $26 Albert Leeming $25 Theodore Galipeau, Patricia 'Mello, Alfred Languirand, Joseph Masse, Joseph Bernier, Arthur Lemos.. $300 Rev. William E. Collard $75 Rev. Ernest E. Blais $105 Louis Fleury $50 Anonymous .$35 Albert Caron $27.25 Laurier R. Dumas $25 Ronald Silveria, Laurent Parent, Theodore Frechette, Roland Dumas, Adrien Angers. Antonio Lemieux, Laurier Marcoux

Eva Morawski Marjorie Shea Mr. & Mrs. Edward McCrory Honor Dr. Peale Mrs. Maude McCabe . NEW YORK (NC)-More than John Bevilaqua Jr. 1,500 persons here honored Dr. Mrs. Gertrude M. Cassidy Norman Vincent Peale's contriMr. & Mrs. John Stapleton butions to the fields of religion $40 and mental health. Pastor of Marie Scanlon New York's Marble Collegiate $35 Church and founder of the AmerMr. &, Mrs. Fred Thorpe ican Foundation of Religion and $30 Psychiatry, Dr. Peale has been Joseph Petrone closely linked with President Mr. & Mrs. Clement Sharon Nixon and the first family. Mr. & Mrs. John Bolingen Mr. & Mrs. William Woloshyn $25 Mrs. Joseph Sheals, Mr. & Mrs. Emil Plante, Mr. & Mrs. Willis Gunning, Mrs. Edmund Welch, Mr. & Mrs. John Collins Mr. & Mrs. William Corrigan, Mary Kennedy, Mr. & Mrs. Michael O'Rourke, Mr. & Mrs. James Diamond, Mr. & Mrs'. 273 CENTRAL AVE. Harry McCarthy Mr. & Mrs. Francis Considine, 992-6216 Mrs. -Anne Feeney, Mr. & Mrs. Albert Rose Jr~, Mr. & Mrs. NEW BEDFORD Stanley McMahon, Mrs. David Robinson Mr. & Mrs. Roland Chabot, Mr. & Mrs. James Philiriger, Mr. §!IIIIIII11111111111111III III111111III IIII III11111111111III111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111III1111III1111111III1111III ~ & Mrs. Thomas Brennan, Alice & Gertrude Littlefield, Mr. & Mrs. Francis X. Reilly Year Books § Mr. & Mrs. Paul Hinski, Mr. § Color Process & Mrs. John Magnani, Mr. & Mrs. James McCarthy, A Friend, . Mr. & 'Mrs. James Cullen Mr. & Mrs. John Ahearn, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Forbes, A Friend, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Gilmore, A Friend Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Michaud, 0 F F SET - PRINTERS - LETTERPRESS Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Buckley, Mr. & Mrs. Walter Earchol, Mr. & Phone 997-9421 § Mrs. James Murray, James Mul- == 1-17 COFFIN AVENUE lin Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Donley, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Blanchard


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'. ' I THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., ''/lay 7, 197

HOLY NAME $275 Mayor George Rogers $125 Rev. Lucio B. Phillipino $100 Lillian Cole Mary Cole. $50 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Marshall Joan Sheehan '$37.52 In memory of Clarence L. Marshall $35 Annie Adams in memory of Mary, Lillian and Ali~e Adams Mrs. John V.' O'Neil ,$30 Mr. & Mrs. Charles Bramwell Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Finnerty Helen McIntyre

Says International Groupsl

Should Channel 'World Aid : By Barbara Ward


The two recent reports on development assistance+ the Pearson Report drafted by an international commission, the Peterson Report by a Presidential task force+ both share one very strong conviction. This it that more of the funds and the techni" I . 'd' f of a frontier of virtue and then cal assIstance set aSI e or defining "goodies" and "baddie~" 'world development should according to, a U. N. vote or :a be channelled through inter- treaty or a concession: '. :. national agencies. The Pearson , Report suggests that 20 per cent of all aid should should be internationalized.The " Peterson Report is less specific but argues that Ameriea should very drastically reduce Its direct , . "bilateral" aid . ~nd' give most , of its assistance 'either' through i n t ern a _ tional bodies or in accordance with their guide lines. ' We have therefore to ask why, after nearly 20 years of aid programs largely organized. on a strictly national basis, the pressure today is increasingly for a new international emphasis. . Ch f Thought ange ,,0 , Perhaps the first reason is an underlying change in the way nations think about themselves and the planet they have to s hare. W e are 0. nly 20 years away from 'an almost completely colonial world in which the \ wealth, white mainly Atla,ntic states exercised direct colonial control over large parts 'of what we now cal(the developing c0t.!tinents. . . !n th~ lmmedlate ~ftermath of. thl.s . dlrect colomaI syste~, Bntam . and other ex-colon~al po.wers m Western E~rope'm.amta.med m~ny of the!r old hn~s Wlth thelr ex-colon~e.s and flnanced a lot of transltIOnal problems almost from sentiment-although one could arg~e th~t there were al.so, ~speclal~y 10. large e~-col~me~ hk~ Indla. or ex-colomes r~ch l? 'mmerals hke N.0rthern Rh~desla (?o~ Zambla),. s~bstantlal, contmumg economlc mterests to defend. During the~e years, America's attitude ,to the Philippines had the same post-COlonial character. In addition, as the only Western "super-power," it felt obliged, to use its economic resources to counter any Russian tendency to extend its influence, via Communism, into the once-colonal lands. This was the' classie "cold-war" era when bulying up small natitms' ~~pport seemed part of the tradltl.Onal games of world balance of, power: But, both post-colonial sentiments and cold war fixations are 'fading. The planet is seton to be' a much more complex place than was suggested by the old idea of lining up the nations on,each side

Closes OffiCe WASHINGTON (NC) - The Vietnam Moratorium Committee, sponsor of the last November peace demonstration, announced it -is closing down its national office here to try out new antiwar activities on the 10ci:11 level. ,Members of the committee's leadership said lack of funds, the pollution issue and peace activists' ,renewed involvement in local political campaigns' has made, the national organization posse.

The concept ofspeclal fnends and special relationships is gi~ing ground to som~thing ~lse-:the realization that in a single planetary system which. ~~braces .everyo~e , - caplta~ls~, commumst,. whlte, ,black,. nCR, poor-there are pr?found' ~mba!ances and obstructlOns whlch, ~f uncorrec~ed, . could preci.p~ta:~e planet-wlde v1.01ence and dlsmtEf. gration. ! Slowly there is, growing :a l1~ore general acceptance of t~e Vlew put forward so strongly b,y , Pope Paul in Populorum Progressio-that "the social i,ssue is b~coming in,ternational.'" . i In other', words, the pr.obl~~s 'o.f world poverty, of the dlstnbl;'tl.On of ~orld w~alt~ and w.orl,d opportumty, pop~latl.On, ~gncu~­ tural modermzatIOn, growmg uf~ ban un~mployment cannot .~e, solved plecemeal, by the chanty d d '11 f' d"d I d . . an goo Wl 0 m lVI ua 01]" ors. ' ' .; ~ All these problems ar~, as }t were, part ofa worldWIde s~stern I I ' of under-development d . . ' , Wlt:l1I a _ItS. eepenmg mIsery anid frustratl.On. They~.ust be c0l;ll}-, tered by wo~ld me<lsur~s,whlc:h take th~ ,1?terconnexl.Ons of world actl~n mto account. . Exampl~ ~i::illina.ica,· " "'1 ' , ' Let us look at a concrete example. For the last decade, t~e small island of Jamaica has ha'd an economic growth rate of ovJr seven per cent a year - well above the present average. the 19th Century, under much more favorable conditions Ule Atlantic average was' only 'thrcie per cent.) But at the end Jf this period of: exception~l growth, unemployment, 'especially among the young, is as high, as ever-over 20 per cent. WIly is this? ' I F'lrs t 0 f a II publ'le h'ea Ith lm: I provement coming before modernization creates a "populati6n explosion." Then, chances Jf large-scale migration are'limited. There is nothing like the, massive trans-Atlantic movement which took 40 millions out of Europe to the empty' fertile Amerids • between 1830 and 1914. Nor is there' an expanding market' fdr Jamaica's most competitive product, sugat:. The United State~, Britain and Western Europe all protect high-cost, lower quali,ty !Jeet sugar. If Jama~ca turns,_~s It must, to manul'actured exports, high tariffs and quot~s 'keep ~he goods out of manr Atlantlc markets. I Local poverty and unempl0Yrment thus reflect, in real measure, the fact that Atlantic p~d­ pies, with 80 per cent of the world's resources against 20pcir ·cent of the population, -protedt their wealth by' keeping oth~r people out of both their lands and their markets. We cannot e:li:plain local misery without th1e wider context.~ Nor can we cure" it. This is why more and more experts ar~ moving towards the idea thit only international policies and international, action can lesseh the dreadful load of. world misery.;,






New Bedford, ,-


Mr. & Mrs. Martin P. Barry, Mrs. Catherine Carney, Mr. & Mrs. Richard, Cole, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Cole, Mr. & Mrs. Rene Cote, Mr. & Mrs. William Demsky. Mr. & MrS'. Eric Erickson, Mr. & Mrs.' Charles Farrell, Mr. & Mrs. James Flanagan, Joseph Foley & Julia Foley,. Mr. & Mrs; Peter Giammalvo. Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Harney Sr., Mr. & Mrs. James Harrington, Mr. & Mrs: Paul Johnson, Mr. & Mrs. James Leith, Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Livingstone Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas McEntee, Mr. & Mrs. Paul McManus, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Poulos, Mr. & Mrs. Mark Sevigney Mr. & Mrs. Edward L. Smith Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Francis Sullivan



'WEAPON AIND, P.RAYER: A United States soldier with a rosary around his 'ne~k cleans his weapon in South Vietnam. NC Photo.

New Bedford '''' ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST $150 Rev. Manuel P. Ferreira , $80 Rev. John J. Oliveira Rev. Joachim F. DaSilva, C.M. $55 ' Mr. &' Mrs. Joseph S. Vera $50 Rev. Msgr. John A. Silvia Friends (2) $37 " Mrs. Manuel Almeida & Son' $35 ' , A 'Frienq, Mr. & Mrs: Arthur Fre,dette ,$30 , Mr. & Mrs. Frank E. Parsons Mr. '& Mrs. Thomas P; Barry Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Ferreira Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Fern'ando Tavares . $25 Mr. & Mrs. George Alexander, Mr. & Mrs. Harold' Carpenter, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Edwards, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Ferreira, Mr. & Mrs. James Gaffn,ey , Mr. & Mrs. Jerome Grota, Mr. & Mrs, Roger' Lanteigne, Mr. & Mrs. 'Frank M. Martin, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph C. Motta,' Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Neves A Friend, Schmi<it Mfg. Co., Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Souza, Mrs. Eva L. Sylvia

Profit & Loss Where profit is, loss is, hidden --Fagan near by.

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TERENCE CARDINAL COOKE, President MSGR. JOHN G. NOLAN, National Secretary Write: CATHOLIC NEAR EAST WELFARE Assoc. 330 Madison Avenue' New York, N.Y. 10017 Telephone: 212/YUkon 6·5840

Lauds Harvard Professors' Study of Labor Movement

THE ANCHORThurs., May 7, 1970

$31 Mr. & 'Mrs. Manuel Oliveira .

By Msgr. George G. Higgins Dir2dor, Division of Urban Life, U.S.C.C.

Of the making of speeches, articles, and books by liberal intellectuals on the decline and fall of the American labor movement, there is seemingly no end. For some years now I have been collecting them as a hobby. It's a harmless avocation-and rather is completely washed up inexpensive as hobbies go ment and that the lion's share of the these days-but I must ad- blame for its tragic demise as a mit that it is beginning to force for constructive social pall on me for the simple reason change in the Unjted States must that there is such a dreary same- be borne .by the opulent, softheaded leaders of the movement. ness about so many of the enIt would appear, however, that the' intellectual tide is beginning tries which I to turn. Within the same sixhave clipped for week period in which the above filing in recent months. Wit h mentioned articles and reviews made their appearance, th'ree rare exceptions, highly qualified observers of the their diagnosis labor scene have taken a good of what's wrong hard look at the very same labor with the labor . movement and have found somemovement tends thing good to say about it. to be extremely simplistic. As Biggest Force a general rule, they make two points in particThe first of the three, Murray ular' and hardly ever bother to Seeger-writing in a magazine come up with any supporting ev- which is read mainly by liberal idence for either one: intellectuals-says that, in spite 1) American unions, back in of its obvious faults, "the record .the '30s and early '40s, exercised of the modern labor movement militant leadership in the field of -and its most conspicuous sinsocial justice, but they have since gle force, the AFL-CIQ-will balbecome ultra-conservative, not to ance out on the positive side of say reactionary. any objective scale >I< >I< * "Although in the postwar 2) Rank-and-file union members are still potentially a con- years labor has been able to get structive force, but they are be- only a few laws passed for its ing sold down the river by union specific benefit, it has been the leaders, who, as a group, are biggest single force in supporting said to be living too high off the a broad spectrum of liberal sohog and to have gone the way cial legislation." (The Washington Monthly, April 1970) of all flesh. It would be hard to match the Let's look at a random sampling of quotations on both of qualifications of the other two these points from some typical' writers referred to· above-John articles and. reviews published T. Dunlop, distinguished arbitrator and long-time Professor of within the past six weeks: Economics at Harvard University, and Derek C. Bok, Dean of 'Sense of Despair' Harvard Law School. -"A widespread lassitude Their new book, "Labor and seems to have replaced the cruthe American Community," (Sisading spirit of the 1930s and mon and Schuster, New York, 1940s that so significantly helped to bring about bitterly re- $12.50), is a minor classic and all odds one of the most imsisted social and economic re- by portant studies of the American forms which today are taken labor movement published durfor granted by one and all Q Q ¢ (We deplore) the loss of the ing the past decade or two. proselytizing spirit in the trade Tangled Complexities union movement in the past two In contrast to much of what is decades-the~pirit that has created the basic labor organiza- being written these days by so tions in the late 19th and 20th many of labor's liberal critics, centuries and continued until the it shows a decent respect for industrial unions became power- faces-as opposed to ideological ful realities in the I 930s." ("The slogans and cliches - and goes Labor Movement in Crisis," The out of its way to take account Criterion, Indianapolis, May 10) of the political, economic and -"There was a time when other tangled complexities of books glorified the American larbor relations in the United way; now it seems that almost States. Dunlop and Bok, after citing a all good books add to the pervaisive sense of despair ¢ ,) ~, It representative sampling of liberal had once been possible to hope statements on the decline and that unionized workers * ¢ ., fall of the American labor movewould have intuitive sympathy ment, point out that "one must with others of the oppressed. It be cautious in evaluating these· is a cause for sadness that this opinions." simply is not so. With few exMore specifically, they conceptions, unions and union mem~ tend that "in retrospect the combers stand to the right of Amer- parison with the thirties seems ican society." (Richard J. Wal- seriously distorted. Much of the ton, the Nation, April 13) radical ethos surrounding the unions in the Depression was Tide Turns supplied by outsiders who joined -"The history of American the movement temporarily, eithlabor, like that of our whole so- ert to help ,the underdog or. to ciety, has been double threaded; engineer a social revolution. Gompers, Meany, pork chopsIncorrect Assumption one strand-intertwined with. the "The mainstream of the movechallenge to the workingman to discover not only his contradic- ment did not depart fundamentory history but his possibilities." tally from its ·traditional goals (Studs Terkel, The Nation, April of winning new members and bargaining for better wages and 13) If space permitted, I could working conditions. If anything, quote a dozen similar passages it was less concerned than it is from recent liberal publications -all of them saying, in effect, that the American labor move- now over social and economic


AMONG OFFICERS PRESENT AT CONVENTON: Miss Jacqueline Mathieu, Fall River; Mrs. Vincent A. Coady of Somerset, auditor of Diocesan Council; Mrs. Raymond Poisson of Fall River, District No. 1 president; Miss .Clorinda Ventura of Somerset, Diocesan Vice-President

Raynham ST. ANN'S $200 Rev. William E:- Farland $100 Mr. & Mrs. Domiriic Cirino $60 . Mr. & Mrs. M. Tarpinian . . $50 Almon Turner Mr. & Mrs. Richard Souza Edward Rogal1 $40

Edward R. Barry. issues outside the range of its own immediate interests. Today more manpower is beinging used to lobby for these causes, more space is devoted to them in union periodicals, and more money is being spent to support candidates who favor social reform than ever was true in the thirties." Secondly, Dunlop and Bok warn that "there are great dangers in assuming too quickly that the faults of unions lie mainly with their I~aders. If the assumption proves inadequate or incorrect, not only will a great diJiservice be done to many union officials but society may also go badly astray in trying to construct a viable labor policy." Respect Facts· The scholarly manner in which Dunlop and Bok proceed to develop these two points in several different contexts will probably riot appeal to many of labor's more impatient critics, but I dare say that their impressive study of the American labor movement, "Labor and the American Community," will stand the test of time far better than almost any other book of its kind published in this generation. It's in a class all by itself. This is not to say th!lt· D'J;nlop and Bok are unmindful of labor's many - faults and imperfections. To the ·contrary, when the facts seem to warrant it, they can be extrem~ly critical of the labor movement. The point is, however, that they have approached their study of the movement with a profound respect for facts and have scrupulously avoided the use of the slogans and shibboleths which are the trademark of so many of labor's disillusioned critics.

$35 James Hauck Sr. $30 Dorothy M. McMackin $25 Felix P. Kaladin Jr., Richard Paine, George Boucher, Louis A. Secatore, Edward Hyland Louis R. Cabana, Gerard Bonenfant, John Wholey,' William Judge, Kathleen Comiskey Manuel DeMello, Edward J. Murby, Robert L. Smith, Paul J. Fountain, Edward G. Maloof Joseph E. Keough, Albert Ribeiro, John Welch, Armindo Lourenco, Joseph Bettencourt, Bernice Fountain

Fairhaven ST. JOSEPH $150 Atto~'l1ey & Mrs. William H. Carey $100 Mr. & Mrs. James Buckley Mr. & Mrs. James Walker $60 Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth J. Noyer $50 Mrs. Eli Braley Mr. & Mrs. Earl Dias Mr. & Mrs. Pasquale Nicolaci Charles Stiles Dr. & Mrs. Edward L: Soares Mr. & Mrs. Earle Larkin Mr. & Mrs. Lester Edwards Robert Paine Mr. & lV!rs. Clyde Voter $40 Mr. & Mrs. Donald Sullivan Mr. & Mrs. James Lanagan $35 Victor L. Brunette Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Hogan Mr. & Mrs. Joseph McKenzie Mr. & Mrs. Albert Moquin Mrs. Helen Sullivan Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Walsh


Mr. & -Mrs. Joseph Borges Mr. & Mrs. John F. Dwyer Mr. & Mrs. Charles Joseph The Kenney Family Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Saladino Jeremiah Roza Mr. & Mrs. Walter Silveira Edwin Stiles Gertrude Stiles Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Vincent Mr. & Mrs. John Walsh Mr. & Mrs. John Golenski Mr. & Mrs. Antone Perry Mr. & Mrs. Jean Bourbeau Mr. & Mrs. Henry Fortin Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Bouley Mr. & Mrs. Armand Marien $26 Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Barton Mr. & Mrs. Albert Benac $25 Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Allard, Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Antonsen, Mr. & Mrs. Everett J. Barrow, Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Blanchard, Jules Blouin Mrs. Marjorie Carey, Mr. & Mrs. Earl Chandler, Mr. & Mrs. Teotonio Corvelo, Mr. & Mrs. Roland J. Despres, Mr. & Mrs. Lionel J. Dulude Mr. & Mrs. John Gorman, Mr. & Mrs. Ant.hony Fernandez, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Folger, Mr. & Mrs. Edward W. Kalisz, Mr. & Mrs. Paul Lopes Mr. & Mrs. Paul Murray, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Nerbonne, Pat· rick Nicolaci, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Nunes, Mr. & Mrs. Edward O'Gara Alexander Perry, Mr. & Mrs. Andrew D. Pifko, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Pittle, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Rielly, Mr. & Mrs. Norman Robinson_ Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Robinson, Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Saulnier, Mrs. Edward Silva, Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Pare, Mr. & Mrs. William Machado Mr. & Mrs. Anson Paine, Mr. & Mrs. Matthew O'Malley, Joseph Collins, Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Keighley, Mr. & Mrs. Maurice Burke . Mr. & Mrs. Donald Spooner, Mr. & Mrs. Victor Brunette, Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Doyle, Mr. & Mrs. Armand AHain

Federal Grant WASHINGTON (NC)-A plan to increase enrollment of the Georgetown University School of Medicine in Washington by 75 per cent in less than five years has been made possible by an $8.5 million grant from the U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare, to help relieve the critical health mapower shortage. ELECTRICAL Contradors

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1~ VE~:O~::~~O:S M:;~ITlFICATE 1






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ot Fall Rive,·~,Thurs., May' ?;.l?~O,

1/' j Swansea" ' I ,

I i ' '.'

Somerseti' ST. THOMAS MORE $150 Mrs. John E. Connolly $125 Mrs. Joseph F. Foley Sr. $100 Mr. & Mrs. William J. Gibney Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Latham Kathleen M. Dean, RN. A Friend

OUR LADY OF fATIMA , $720 Mr. & Mrs; Wilson W. Curtis , $225 Rev. John P. Driscoll $150 I Mr. & Mrs. Leo J. F. Donovan


/Mi)siC)~'ers Stress Problems at Home" .f ' • Mariann'hHI- Fathers Continue Work In Africa



DETROIT (NC)-Father Thom- Grace monastery'in nearby Dear- Rhodesia, South Africa and New as Heier, C.M.M., newly appoint- born Heights. Father Andrew W. Guinea. ed provincial of the Mariannhill Heier, C.M.M., is stationed 'in The new provincial said AmFathers. in North America, who Rhodesia and Father Philip V. erican students for the Mariannhave worked in Africa for near- Heier, C.M.M., is serving in New hill priesthood still are concernly a century, said the emphasis Guinea. ed about mission work in Africa, among missioners today is helpOriginalIy the Congregation of but are more greatly concerned ing solve some of 'the problems Mariannhill Missionaries were about helping to solve some of at home. Trappist ,priests, who conducted the pressing social problems in Serving in the mission' com- the Marianrihill monastery in this country. munity is something of a Heier ,South Africa. ' Father Thomas Heier said the family tradition. The new provinchief objective of any good forago,' those Nearly a century cial has. three brother.s serving as Marianrihill priests, while an- engaged in mission work were eign missioner is to work himother Mariannhill priest-brQther, ordered either to remain at the self out of a job. He explained Father Lawrence Heier, died' in . monastery in traditional Trappist' 'in t~at way the missioner is austerity or leave. Those who aware his work has been satis1960. . The new provincial resides with left became the Mariannhill mis-- ' 'factory and the' local religious community has been strengthenone brother, Father Vergil J. sioilers. Heier, C.M.M.. provincial voca.. The Mariannhill Fathers con- ed to a point of operating on • tions director, at Our La?y of duct three dioceses in southern its own.

Mr. & Mrs. J. David Connell , $75 Mrs. Ernest L. Wood $75 $65 i Dolores Burns Mr. & Mrs. Bernard, Swales $50 $50 'I 'Mr. & Mrs. Edward,J. McCann" ' 'Mr.' & ',Mrs. Russell B.' Coch~[t & :~Ja~~shF.~N~OI~tti rane '. " f y. rs., Ie ar . a· !VIr. & Mrs. Louis F. Faylin Salle Mr.. & Mrs. Robert" Po !LaMr. & Mrs. Samuel Santoro fIamme , Mr. & Mr!"J. Edward L~joie Atty & Mrs, James W. Killoran, Mr. & Mrs. John A. Sullivan Mr. & Mrs. Joseph F. Foley Jr. I Mr. & MrS. Vincent A. Coady $3fi, Dr. ,Bernard Mangione Charles· ChorltclO I M &M Ab M b k Mr. & Mrs. Henry A. Hartison ' r. rs. I ert E, 0 ouc 'Mr. &, Mrs; James J.', Johilson' Frederick J. 'Wilding . ~ . Dr. & Mrs. EucJide" -~H. Ver- " ~ . $40 mette' , " .', .: Edwin Doolan , ' $30, I ' George W. Hopkins,' Mr. & Mrs. Edward J: Btyda . '. Mona', :C. Kennedy , i $35 Mrs. Donald 1.. MacDon!ald Mr. & Mrs. Paul' Daley • $25, Mrs. Daniel F. Shalloo ,Mr. & Mrs. 'Leonard E. Board$32 man, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph F. BranMr. & Mrs. H. Earl Heron co, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph DeNardo, Anne V. Fayan, Grace P. Holden. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. ,Mc$30 Helen & Bernadette Mahoney Donald, Mrs. Joseph E. McGuigan, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur J. ! McMcClellan. Fuel Co., Inc. Lear, Mr. & Mrs. Edward S.IMc$25 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Griffin, Nerney, Mr. & Mrs. Andre G~ ' I 'Mr. & Mrs. John O'Brien, Mr. & Michaud Mrs. Donald Hussey, Mr. & Mrs. , Mr. & Mrs. John W. Moran, John Flanagan, Mrs. Robert E. Mr. & Mrs. Leonard J. O'Neil. Mr.. & Mrs. Paul J. V. Parente, Lord " Mrs. Henry T. Munroe, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. George C. Pent-ose, Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Swales Jr. & Mrs. Gerard A. LaLiberte, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. John F. Swe~ney, '& Mrs. Frederick Badwey, Connors' Family, Mr. & Mrs. William Mr. & Mrs. ,&aymond F. S~ee'­ ney, Mr. & Mrs. Edmour IThiF. Croke Mr. & Mrs. Joseph .W. Duffy, bault, Mr. & Mrs. Clarence R. I Mr. & Mrs. John R. Fennessey, Wamboldt. Mr. & Mrs. James Hadad, Atty. & Mrs. Charles J. Hague, Daniel Taunton J. Hatton Mr. & Mrs. Joseph D. HOpST. JOSEPH kins, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Lang$3!)o - . field, Mr, & Mrs. Henry J. McRev. JohnJ. Murphy Gowan, Mr. & Mrs. Hugh J. Maguire, Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. $200 McMillan In Memory of Rev. Msgr. PatMr. & Mrs. Gilbert J. Nadeau, rick H. Hurley I Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. O'Con$125 nell, Dr. & Mrs. Donald Peters, Rev. Bento R Fraga " Atty. & Mrs. Frank A. Rodrigues, $75 Mr., & Mrs. Paul B. Sul1ivan, EdCatherille R Kervick ward F. Welch $50 I Osborn McClellan i ST. JOHN OF GOD Mr. & Mrs. Walter G. Powers $30 $250 The Garvin Family , Rev. Luiz G. Mendonca Mr. & Mrs. John E. Kellt " Mr. & Mrs. Roger C. K!ings$100 ley Jr. " : I Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Borge ' $2:5 Mr. & Mrs. Milton R. Silva Doris Baran, .Katherine 'Cam- . Rosary Society bell, Mr. & Mrs. John F. Cleary $75, Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Edward Ferreira, Mr. & Mrs. Frank R Borges, Mr. & Mrs-; Raymond Harno'is Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Edward Hoye, Esther Johnson, Louise L~ffan, $50 Estella Margarido, Mary MaxMr. & Mrs. Antone S. Feno well ' i Mr. & Mrs. James Rebello Mr. & Mrs. Joseph McKenna, Mrs. Eulalia Soares ' . Francis A. McManus, ,Grace E. Mr. & Mrs. John Velozo, Jr. McManus, Mary MeNearney, Robert T. Murphy , $30 Peter Shea, Mr. & Mrs. Gil c Mr. & Mrs. Jay O'Neil bert Simmons, K. Helen Slnith, $25 Mr. & Mrs. Leonard M. ~alsh, Mr. & Mrs. Antonio, Benevides . Mary E. ~renn " . 1 , Jr., Mr. & Mrs., Joseph H. Camara, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel FurLar.gest Countr~es, tado, Mr., & Mrs. Joseph O. Gagnon, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Cray. , UNITED NATIONS (NC>+The Mr. & Mrs. Leonel Medeiros, 10 largest countries in the world, Mr. & Mrs., JYlanuel Michael, M~. according to the United Nations & Mrs. Joseph Morro, Mr. & Demographic yearbook, are (with Mrs. Francis Mullaly, Mr. & Mrs. population in millions): <!:hina Arthur Provost Jr. . (730), India (524), Soviet Union Catherine Quental, Mr:& Mrs. .(238), United States (201), IndoI Alfred J. Souza, Mr. & Mrs. nesia (113), Pakistan (110), 5-9-70 ' " Manuel Sousa, Mrs. Mary Thom- Japan (101), Brazil (88), Nigeria' HAME' as, Mr. & Mrs. Zygmunt Ziobro. (63), West Germany.(58) .. i : 'I

SEND YOUR GIFT TO '. The,Right Re~'erend Edward T.,O'Meara tvational Director 366 Filth Avenue New York, New York 10001" I

The Right Reverend Raymond T. Considine

OR Diocesan Director

368 North Main Street Fall River, Massachusetts 027io





$15GO Rev Msgr Reginald M Barrette . $150 Rev. Bernard Lavoie $100 A Parishioner $50 Armand Dallaire Ferdinand Francoeur $40 Raymond Gibeau $35 Robert Phenix $32 Eugene Heon $31 Roland Desmarais Family of C. E. Chretien $30 Family of Thomas Mellen Albert Parent Misses M. & J. Dupuis $25 Normand Clement, Alma & Alice Masse, Omer Harrison, Gerard Berger, Bertrand Plante . Roger Labonte, Family of Mathilda Lussier, A Parishioner, Romeo Levesque, A Parishioner Robert Levesque, Laetitia Petit Conrad Desmarais, Omer Levesque, Family of Diana Marchand Paul Courchaine, Milton D. Fuller, Bertrand Boulay, A Parishioner, Helena Chace Raymond Morrissette, Ronald Roy OUR LADY OF THE ANGELS

$1500 Rev. Msgr. Anthony M. Gomes

$1000 Qr. -& Mrs. Henry C. Lincoln

$200 St. Vincent De Paul

$150 Holy Name Society $125 Council of Catholic Women

$120 Rev. George J. Sousa $100 George Tonelli $60 Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Rego

$50 Mrs. Maria Mello & Family Catholic Youth Organization Holy Rosary Sodality Mary & Pat Cabral Manuel Correira Children of Mary Sodality Robert Correira $40 Manuel Laureano & Son $35 Manuel Raymond Mr. & Mrs. Alfred M. Mello $32 Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Souza $3q)

Julius Rodriques Joseph M. Theodore Mello Family Mrs Mary Teixeira & Daughter Henry Camara ~25

Mr.. & Mrs. Tobias Monte, Arthur Silva, James Arruda, Mrs Mary Goulet, Manuel Magano John Branco, Carlos Dionizio, Caetano Furtado, Gerald J. Cardelli, John M. Arrud.a Almeida Funeral Home, Manuel Velho, Manuel Freitas, William Rego, Carl Frederick Manuel Silva Jr., John Correia, Joseph Silva, Manuel Aguiar, Manuel Souza Manuel Correira, Mary Raposa David Rogers, Antone Michaels, Norman Frenette . Raymond Hryciw, Leonel Rodriques, John J. Sousa, Philip Costa, Mary & Mercis Laureanno Daniel C. Medeiros, Manuel Linhares Jr., Richard Pavao Richard Coute, Francisco Maurisso George Silva, Christiano Pacheco, Mrs. Mary Ferreira, Manuel Faria, Jose Lindo H~rd

to Figure

The hardest thing in the world to understand is the income tax. -Einstein

ST. LOIUIS $125 St. Louis Conference, St. Vincent de Paul Society $75 . St. Louis Women's Guild In Memory of Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Conroy $50 Mr. & Mrs. William P. Lynch $30 Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Bernard Mr. & Mrs. Thomas BritIand $25 Thomas Conroy, Edward McAndrew, John H. McAndrew, Susan McMahon, Gertrude O'Neil Irene Reynolds, In Memory of Mr. & Mrs. Michael Tobin

THE ANCHORThurs., May 7, 1970

mond Chamberland, Mrs. Alb&t Clement, James Cole, John Connors Peter Corr, J. C. Delang, In' Memory of Rita Donovan, E. Duffy, Fred Fitzsimmons Thomas Grandfield, Francis Flynn, Mr. & Mrs. T. Hoye. John P. Kenyon, WnIliam Hansen Robert J Hill, Gertrude & Ruth Lawlor, In Memory of Nellie M. Leary, Winifred Laughlin, Mary Maloney Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Mosley, C. J. Murphy, Mrs. F. P. McCabe, Alice McCusker, Mr. & Mrs. Michael McCusker Ruth McKenna, Alice McKenna, Susan McKenna, Mae McLear, Clotilde Nason . John O'Donnell, Anna O'Keefe, J. Padula, J. Reid, Miss J. Russell J. Quinn, L. Sousa, Mr. & Mrs. Frederic Tripp


$500 Rev. Joseph Oliveira

$250 Evelyn Almeida

$125 Dr. & Mrs. Gilbert Vincent $60 Beatrice Capeto

$50 Dr.. &. Mrs. Joseph Carvalho Rev. Jose A.F. dos Santos, CM Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Silvia Atty. & Mrs. Manuel M. Rezendes Cecelia Oliveira $40 Mr. & Mrs. Antone Souza . $35 Mary T. Carvalho . $30 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Rego Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Joao Aguiar $25 ' Mr. & Mrs. Manuel M. Medeiros, Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert Mello, Mr. & Mrs. Alvin S. Rego, August Pereira Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Machado Atty. & Mrs. Gilbert Coroa, Belmira Tavares. Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Ferreira, Mr. & Mrs. Francis I. Lennon, Mr. & Mrs. John Chaves Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Torres, John Castanho & Family, Leonardo Cabeceiras, Mr. & Mrs. Henry J. PIeiss, Alfred Rocha & Famiiy . Angelo Stavros, Mr. & Mrs. Arnold Martin, Leo Schenck, Mr. & Mrs. Antone Mello, A Friend, Isabel Capeto ST. lPATllUCK'S

$iOO Mrs. John A. Coady & Family $75 Geraldine Harrington $50 Mr. & Mrs. Walter Burns Jr. Sarah Spellman James Clegg Mary Noon Mr. & Mrs. Manuel J. Medeiros Mr. & Mrs. Edward Haponik Mr. & Mrs. Edward DeCiccio $35 Mary Sweeney $25 Mr. & Mrs. Henry Urban, Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Cabucio, Mr. & Mrs. Edmund Cahill, Mr. & Mrs. John Morgan Jr., Mr. & Mrs. R. Rego . Mr. & Mrs. Ra¥mond Barrette, Mr. & Mrs. Leo Callahan, In Memory of Elizabeth McCann, Rico Denadal, Mr. & Mrs. Albert Arsenault, Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Blouin Elizabeth & Catherine Carroll, In Memory of Timothy & Annie Holland, Mrs. Ann Thraves, qr. & Mrs. Hilary White, Mr. & Mrs Patrick Leary John E. O'Brien, Mr. & Mrs. William Donnelly, Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Connors, Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Marmion, Mr. &' Mrs. Joseph Biszko Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Fletcher, Mildred and Helen Sullivan, Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Sincoski, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Sweeney, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Murray In Memory of Elizabeth Bolger

Lonely Fellow Who will adhere to him that abandons himself? -Sidney


Lay Teachers Beg.in Drive to Unionize

, STANG HIGH CONTESTANT: Diane Bock, senior from lakeville, right, receives a going-away present from Dorothy ~unt, Stang senior, as Miss Bock, recently named as Massachu~etts Miss, departs for the finals in the national contest for American Junior Miss scheduled for Mobile, Ala.



PHILADELPHIA (NC) A campaign now is underway here to organize the 2,000 lay teachers in the 295 Catholic grade schools of the Philadelphia archdiocese under the banner of the Association of Catholic Teachers, AFL-CIO (ACT). The union currently represents some 800 lay teachers in Catholic secondary schools of the archdiocese.

Anonymous, Anonymous, Mr. $300 & Mrs. Louis J. Bevilacqua, Mr. Rev. David A. O'Brien & Mrs. John L. Brown, McHale 100 Family., In Memory of Manuel R. Couto , Mr., & Mrs. Marianno RezenIn Memory of Patrick J. Moore des Jr., Joseph Simmons Jr. In Memory of Rev. Msgr. Francis P. Connelly, P.A. by Mr. & Mrs. George Morgan Taunton

$50 Mrs. Thomas H. Cahill Sr. & Thomas H. Cahill Jr. John Tyrrell $35 Helen M. Lowney & William J. Lowney, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Tyrrell $30 Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Janick Anne & Marion O'Hearn

$25 Janet A. Dupont, Mr. & Mrs. Michael Dupont, The Farren Family, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas ~ar­ ren, Mr. & Mrs. ShaunFltzpatrick Peter Garity, Mrs. Ernest A. Hasprey In Memory of Joseph Hurley, Mr. & Mrs. John McGiIlick, Mr. & Mrs. George A. Morgan Mrs. Margaret Rodriguez, Mr. & Mrs. Norman Rousseau, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Sla'ler;Mrs. Francis C. Taylor, Louise Tyrrell Mary Tyrell, Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Tyrrell



.$225 Anonymous

$n75 Rev. John P. Cronin

$n2ilI1 Mr. & Mrs. Roderick Ferullo . $n~ilII Anonymous Mr. & Mrs. Marianno Rezendes, S r . , . Mr. & Mrs. 'Francis E. Sullivan $75 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Barboza Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Terpak

$50 Anonymous Mr. & Mrs. Robert Blake Mr. & Mrs. Fred E. Kelley, Sr. $45 Mr. & Mrs. Henry Nadeau $30 Mr. & Mrs. Benoit H. Charland Mr. & Mrs. Richard Houghton


1st FEDERAL SAVINGS OF FAll RIVER highest rate en savings insured by a


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$1025 Rev. Msgr. James J. Dolan $100 Dr. J. Nates Dr. C. Hoye $75 . Rev. Geprge E. Harrison $60 Mr. & Mrs. R. Smerdon $50 Chaisty Family Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Galvin Dr. G. Harrington Miss M. Hoye Helen & Catherine McCarthy Miss M. C. Sheerin $40 John B. Grant $35 Miss L. Duffy C. Caron $30 Dorothy & Marguerite McManus Donahue Family John Keating $25 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Conniff, Mrs. Richard Leite, W. Grant, Miss C. Murphy, James McGovern R. Sullivan, Mr. & Mrs. R. Parkinson, E. Tonry, Mrs. C. R. Auger, Ralph Buckley 0 Esther & Ethel Buckley, Ray-




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,THE ANCHOR-Diocese ofFal! Riyer-T'h~r:i.; Mqy~Z,J970 ,



Diocesan Papers


Continued from Page One Word, the sharing of an idea, have been central to Christianity for 20 centuries. . "Today there 'is a wider circulation of knowledge, a broader sharing of information than ever before in the history of the world. "It follows that not all of today's wave of information is of equal value to the spirit of man. "The cause of 'human dignity the freedom of man to continue his forward movement, merit stronger support than they ordinarily receive in the commercial i and governmental media of today's world. Priority Reading "As bishops of Christ's Church, charged with the continuing dissemination of Christ's essential message to the world, we rely strongly upon the Catholic press. "We are especially encouraged by the positive contribiution to human understanding and to the knowledge of the Church provided by the diocesan newspapers published under our general jurisdiction and at the same time conscious of their journalistic responsibilities to all who read them.. "We affirm our support of the Christian principles that guide these publications, and we stress the urgency of their mission. "It is our earnest qope that the diocesan newspapers of this country wiIl be welcomed into every Catholic home, and that they will constitute priority reading for every member of the family. <) "Today, when the printing presses flood the nation with material of every description-some of it valuable and some of no value.:-we reaffirm our confidence in invaluable support given by the diocesan newspaper to Christian action and growth."

Sacred Hearts Academy Students Merit Tuition Scholarships" C;ollege Honors' Awards Five members of the graduating, class of 1970 at' the Academy of the Sacred Hearts, Fall River, have won ~ub­ stantial tuition scholarships and honors awards. Missl JoAnne Conlon has been awarded scholarship grants to Trinity College, Washington, D. Test. She' is a graduate of St. c., and to Rosary College, Matthew parish school. iI River Forest, Illinois. She First Honors was accepted also at EmSenior first honors at Bishop I



manuel College. JoAnne is Cap- Connolly High in Fall ~iver tain of St.' Agnes Team, is a have gone to Stephen, P. I' Anmember of the Math and Drama drade, David R.. Charest, Waul Clubs, a National Honor So- R. Desmarais, Michael B. Manciety Member and' ranks in the ning, Thomas A. Medeiros,; Datop ten of the graduating class. vid A. Rochefort, John J. SulShe is the daughter of Mr. and livan and John M. Sullivan.Mrs. Thomas D. Conlon, 260 Second honors went to 12 Rathgar Street, and is a gradu- seniors and third honors to ;five. ate of Holy Name parish school. Junior first honors were Miss Ann Cullen has won the awarded to Fr'lincis E. Nasser, distinction of being awarded the with 18 students meriting second Honorary Presidential Scholar- honors and 12 third honors. i ship to Boston' College which , Sophomore first honors were grants the privilege of admis- received by Thomas R. Btirke, LIBRARY TECHNIQUES: Learning use of card catalog at . sion 'to advanced placement while 18 boys merited second Bishop Cassidy High School library, Taunton, are, from left, and accelerated honors pro- honors and 11 third honors. grams. She has been accepted Freshmen receiving first /1on- . Sue Peterson, 'Ellen Davis, Maureen Burns. also at Jackson' College, and at ors were John Albernaz, Gilbert the Univesrity of Massachusetts. 'Boissoneault, Stephen E. CadST. MARY'S CATHEDRAL Fall River I Ann is President of the Drama ieux, James H. Collins, Pa~l J. $425 Club, a member of the, National Costa, Barry A. Figueiredo, TimESPIRITO SANTO Rev. Msgr., Robert L. Stanton Honor Society, the French Hon- othy P. McDonald, Timothy P. $325 . or Society and the Math Club. Mahoney, Maurice E. Methot, $125 Rev. Joao V. Resendes F. Nicoletti,' Brian, M. James A' Friend She ranks second in her $75 class of 86, and recei~ed a let- O'Neil, Bertrand M. Patenaude" $100 Rev..Louis A.' Cardoso tel', of Commendation as a high Louis Pavao, Louis A. Fieri, St. Mary's Cathedral Guild scorer in the National Merit James R. Ponte. $30 In Memory of James F. Diskin W.. p'ytel, Also Theodore Scholarship, Qualifying' Test, as ,Mr. & Mrs. Roger roni $65' , well as being top scorer in the Christopher M. von Trapp, WarIn Memory of Francis A. McHOLY CROSS' class for the Betty Crocker ren M. .Wood. Five freshmen Carthy , merited third honors. Homemaker Contest. , ,$200, $50 Conventual Franciscan Fathers She is the daughter of Mr. Vice-President I Frank Duffy $50 ' and Mrs. Thomas P. Cullen, 724 Stang junior Anne Smith: has Ruth Hurley New Boston Road, and is a grad- been named v:lCe-president of the " Holy Rosary Sodety ;, Mary T. Hurley , $25 uate of Holy Name 'school. Southeastern,;;'Mas,s. ' District' of Janice Hurley :' OUR LADY OF THE Mr. & Mrs. 'Ben Beben, Mr. & Student Councils. Also at Stang, Mr. &' Mrs. Laurence A. Coyle HOLY ROSARY In Top Ten tonight's the night for the se,nior' Mrs~ Robert Ciosek, Holy Cross Mr. & Mrs. Edward Betty & $275 Miss Louise Doucette, daugh- prom, to be held at Venus de Choir, Mr. & Mrs. Stanley W. Family Rev. Msgr. Joseph R. Pannoni ter of Mr. and Mrs. Louis E. Milo restaurant, Swansea, with Nowak, Mr. & Mrs. John Piet~ $30 $200 . Doucette, 49 Harbor Road, the theme "A Time for Us."A ruszka & Family , Celia & Helen Plichta, Mr. & Mrs. Madeline Lally ~ John Mrs. A~gelo Ricci Swansea, has received tuition reception line at the high school Helen Burns . grants to Emmanuel College and will precede dinner and dan~ing Mrs. Joseph Rebello, In Memory $125 Helen J,oy the University of MassacJlUsetts. at the restaurant. Music will be of Mr. & Mrs Joseph PYlmiowski, Rev. Vincent F. Diaferio Mr. & Mrs. Walter Witengier ' She has been accepted also at by the Downliner Show Bana. $26 $50 Boston University and NorthAt Holy Family High in New Mr & Mrs Charles E, Cavanagh Mr. & Mrs. Frank Mazzoni eastern University. Louise ranks Bedford; Tennis Club officers LUke A Garden $25 $26 among the top ten of the class, have been elected. \They',re :Jim Corky Row Club Inc., ,Mary Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Marcucci A man capable' of loving himis a member of the National Hayden, presidellt~ Mary Lou Maleady, Michaeline Russell, Mr. $25 Honor Society ,and received a LeBaeuf, vice-president; and Mau- self will be like a well~kept & Mrs. WiIliam Blythe" Kathryn Holy Rosary CYO flower garden-productive and Letter of Commendation as reen Hart, secretary-treasurer. Mr. & Mrs. Ernest DiGiammo -Gilmore Daily high' scorer in the Nation Merit 'The club. includes boy and ,girl in~piring to others. In Memory of Thomas Flanagan Mr & Mrs James Coyne, 'Sarah Test. Sh!! has been the organizer teams, each active in ,.league Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Pannoni Booth, Mr. &' Mrs. Wilfred Caland leader of a special Gym- competition. , ' I ' Przewonzik, Carol Vasconcellos laghan, Gertrude Sullivan, Eileen Mrs. James Patricelli & 'Family nasti~s and Dancing. Club at, Mr. & Mrs. Frank. Stetkiewicz Two Air Force representatives A. Sullivan SHA, as well as being active in addressed an assembly atMt; St. and Celeste Vezina. Speaker for Mrs. Pileria Ventura Richard SuIlivan, Rose Riley, the Drama CluD. She is a grad- Mary Academy,' Fall River, 'last the induction ceremony was Margaret Riley, Walter Torphy, Sister Carol Mary. uate of Sacred Hearts Academy week on "career, opportunities 1.01'" Also in the scholastic line is Mr. & Mrs. Joseph O'Connell Elementary School. women in that bnmch of the iser- the announcement of Mt.' St. Margaret G. Diskin, Mr. & I • Miss E. Lennon has won schol- VIce." , Mary's honor' roll, listing 45 stu- Mrs. John Mulrooney,' LiIlian & arships to Northeastern Univer- . And junior religion students of dents with averages of 85 or . NeIlie O'Hearn, WiIliam P. INSURANCE AGEN,CY, INC. sity and to the .University of Sister Carol Ma,ry at Mt: St..· better. O'Brien; Mrs. Charles M. Con' Rhode Island. She has I,been ac- Mary recently heard a discussion Seniors are Suzanne Goulet, nors 96 WILLIAM STREET cepted also at Massachusetts. on prayer by Miss Mary Penper- Catherine Mr. & Mrs. James A. O'Brien, McMullen, Poldi NEW BEDFORD, MASS. College of Pharmacy. Elizabeth gast, folowed up by an invitation Tschirch, ,Betty,' Anne ,Beam,' Jr., Eleanor Shea, Daniel Shea, is a member of the National to a prayer meeting at 'the Sharon Borges, Cynthia Galvin, Jerome Foley,-Jr., Mr. &, ,Mrs. 998-5153 997-9167 Honor Society, ranks among the, speaker's home: The class has Dawn. Hann,afin, Cheryl Rous- Edward Zygiel PERSONAL SERVICE top ten of the class" and re- invited Rev. Kevin Tripp to ,cel- seau, Laurie Sampson, Constance Claire O'Toole, Mrs. Stephen ceived a Letter of Commenda- ebrate a Spring Mass. : Beban, Diane Couture, Julia O'Toole, A Friend tion in the National Merit Test. ' White. Student Poets She is the daughter of Mr. and 'Juniors: Cheryl Dean, Nancy 1IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll11/11111111 Seven Holy Family students Mrs. Francis 1. Lennon, 11 will have, poems in a new edition Lawlor, Madeline Lemaire, Susan ~eonard Street, and is 'a graduof "Young America Sings,'~ a Pitera, Jo Ann Przewoznik,.Carol ate of St. Michael parish school. semi-annual anthology of high Silva, Celeste Vezina, Jan~ ArMiss Michele Paquet, daugh- school poetry. The poets lare senault, Theresa Morin,Carol \ . . NATIONAL BANK ter of Mr, and Mrs. :Aime, C. Carol Jeglinski, Peggy Kramer, Vasconcellos. ' of BRISTOL I:OIJNT" Paquet, 281 North Main Street, Jane Martin, Paul McKenna, Sophomores: 'Carolyn Arruda, has' won a tuition scholarship Betty Hart, Tim Donohue and Roberta King, Gloria Nadeau, to Pembroke College. She has Jane O'Brien. Nancy' Romanowicz, Cheryl I 90-DA Y NOTICE . been, accepted also at Jackson Termed a social and financial Souza:; Karen Gagnon, Karen TiME College, University of Massa- success was, the HF jurtior Hochu, Nancy O'Connell, MilOPEN chusetts, and Radcliffe College. dance, held recent:ly at Kennedy' dred Sullivan. Michele ranks first in the gra~­ Center with an Alice in WonderFreshmen: Shelly Dufresne, ACCOUNT • uating class, is a member of land theme. : Linda Furtado, JoAnn Hannafin, Interest Compounded the National Honor Society, me, Seven juniors at Mt. St. Mary Susan McDonald, Jo Ann Mello, Quarterly French Honor Society, the Math have been inducted into ,:,the Susan Naftygiel, Sharon NasciClub, is active in the Drama school chapter of the National mento, Rachel Paradis, Theresa Offices in: Club, and received a Letter of Honor Society. They are Nancy Pa,tten, Joy Pidhorodscki, Regina NORTH ATILEBORO MANSFIELD ATTlEBORO FALLS Commendation in the National Lawlor, Madeline Lemaire, The- Rheault, Debra Stevens" SherMerit Scholarship Qualifying resa Morin ,Susan Pitera, Joanne rill Vanesse, Joan Witkowski. 1111/111-1111/11111/1111111111111111111111/11/11111111111111111111111111111/11/11111/111111/111111111111/11/11111/111/1111/1111111111111111111111 , I










Youth Workers Receive Awards At 11 th Annual Recognition Mass


Twenty-four men and women active with Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Camp Fire Girls and Junior Daughters of Isabella in the Fall River Diocese were honored at the 11 th annual Recognition Mass and buffet sponsored by the Catholic Committee on Scouting and the Marian Com· mittee. St. Anne, Pelican, St. George and Our Lady of Good Counsel medals were awared by Bishop Connolly and area Scouting Chaplains at the close of a concelebrated Eucharist at St. Jacques Church, Taunton. A buffet followed in St. Jacques school hall. St. Anne Medal Recipients of the St. Anne Medal were Mrs. Armand T. Cousineau, Immaculate Conception parish, Fall River; Mrs. Edward Antaya, New Bedford; and Mrs. Norman Sprague, St. Jacques, Taunton. The St. George Award was conferred on John Keary, St. Joseph's, Fairhaven; Frank V. Medeiros Jr., St. John of God, Somerset and Walter Linnell, Bethany Congregational Church, Attleboro, the first non-Catholic in the Diocese to receive the award. For 12 years Linnell has been Scoutmaster for St. There· sa's Church troop, South Attleboro. Pelican medals went to 'Beatrice Pond, St. Joseph, Fairhaven; Maurice Lavallee, St. Joseph, New Bedford; Antone Rose, St. John Baptist, New Bedford; Maurice Kellt, St. Joseph, North Dighton; Francis Guilmette, Immaculate Conception, Taunton; Also John Dunne, St. Mary; Norton; Armand T. Cousineau, Immaculate Conception, Fall River; Robert Le Comte. St. Louis

Fall River HOLY NAME $250 Dr. & Mrs. Gerald Phaneuf $200 . Dr. & Mrs. Harry T. Powers Mr. & Mrs. Harold E. Clarkin Joseph F. Phelan Patrick Phelan $150 Dr. & Mrs. Paul Dunn $125 Mr. & Mrs. John Burke May Leary $100 Dr. Anne Marie Higgins Mrs. William Connelly Mrs. John Corrigan Dr. & Mrs. James Sullivan Marion L. Torphy Rose E. McDonald Mr. & Mrs. William Hargraves $75 Mr. & Mrs. Gustave Mattos Mrs. W. Arthur Leary $60 Mrs. John Hogan & Katherine M. Cecilia Sheahan & Margaret P. Kelliher Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Burke $50 Dr. & Mrs. Owen O'Riordan Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Paquet Eileen Higgins Joseph' Phelan Mildred V. Carroll Mona M. Shea Mrs. William A. Torphy Atty. Fred Torphy Jr. The Kennys Mr. & Mrs. John Mitchell Francis Devine ' Dr. & Mrs. Alfred Roy Mr. & Mrs. Everett G. Crowley Mr. & Mrs. Henry F. Shea . Mr. & Mrs. James Davitt Mr. & Mrs. James Pimental $40 The Neilan Family In Memory of the Hussey Family & Ann A. O'Neill Gertrude A. & Alice Lynch Mr. & Mrs. James H. Hudner

of France, Swansea; Manuel J. Soares, St. Roch, Fall River; Mrs. Rene J. Tremblay Jr., St. Anne, Fall River. Our Lady of Good - Counsel Medals were presented to Mrs. Stanley Bielusiak, St. Jean Baptist, Fall River; Mrs. Kenneth Leger, Sacred Heart, Fall River; Mrs. Paul Melancon, St. Anne, Fall River; Mrs. Beattrice Arruda, St. John Baptist, New Bedford;. Mrs. Ann Reed, St. Patrick, Wareham; Mrs. Harvey Alden, St. Ann, Raynham; Mrs. John Keene, St. Jacques, Taunton; Mrs. Frank Ferreira, St. Joseph, North Dighton. Chaplains, Chairmen Diocesan Youth Chaplain is Rev. Walter A. Sullivan, aided by Joseph F. Murphy, Diocesan Lay Chairman; and Walter P. Wilcox Jr., Executive Secretary. Area chaplains are Rev. Roger J. Levesque and Rev. William F. O'Connell, New Bedford; Rev. John F. Andrews and Rev. Arthur T. de Mello, Fall River; Rev. Martin L. Buote and Rev. Barry W. Wall, Taunton - Attleboro; and Rev. Bernard R. Kelley, Cape Cod. . $35 Mr. & Mrs. James k. Marum Elizabeth & Emma Connors Mary Hart Lillian Hart Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Harrington $30 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Keefe John W. Cummings Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Dion Mr. & Mrs. Charles Leonard Clarence Bonner Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Geary Lawrence Henry $28 Mr. &. Mrs. Rene Garant $25 _ " , . James Higgins, Mr. & Mrs. Fred Demetrius, Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Reinerio, Mr. & Mrs. Pierre Brouns, Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Graffam Mr. & Mrs. Roland Gagnon, Mary Lysaght, Catherine Lysaght, Julia T. Harrington, Genevieve A. Harrington Catherine P. Rarrington, Mr. & Mrs. John Donnelly Jr., Catherine C. Shea & Anna L. Sullivan Mr. & Mrs. John White, Helena Kelley Mr.- & Mrs. John J. Gallagher, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Ryan, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Plichta, Mrs. Honora Sullivan, The Nash Family Mr. 8i Mrs. Thomas J. Carey, Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Phelan, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Hammond, Mrs. G. Richard Duffy, Mr. & Mrs. Hugh F. Reilly Mr. & Mrs. John Leonard, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Canniff, Mrs John Higgins, Margaret Lahey, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Delaney Ursula Riley, Anne E. Devine, Thomas Sullivan, Mrs. Walker Warrener -& Family, Marion G. & Daniel T. Foley Mary C Casey, Madeline Casey Mrs. John Partridge, Mr. & Mrs. David T. Sullivan, Marguerite Bonner Mr. & Mrs. William Moran & Family, In Memory of Kathleen Gillespie, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. O'Donnell, Mr. & Mrs. John Keating, Mr. & Mrs. Alfred A. Dube Mr. & Mrs. Antonio Luongo, Elinor Kennedy, l'y1r & Mrs Henry J. Lemerise, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph McGuill, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Messier Mr. & Mrs. P. Henry Desmond, Grace Cuttle, Florence Sherry, Raymond Beausoleil, Mr. & Mrs. Fred Czerwonka Mr. & Mrs. Antone Almeida, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Cummings, Mr. & Mrs. Elmer Stafford, Mr. Mrs. James R. Medeiros, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond C. Gaudreau

THE .ANCHOR-Thurs.. May 7, 1970


The Parish Parade Publicity chairmen of parish or· ganizations are asked to submit news items for this column to The Anchor, P. O. Box 7, Fall River 02722.

ST. STANISLAUS, FALL RIVER Members of the Men's Club will visit New Bedford House of Correction Wednesday, May 13. Reservations should be made by Sunday, May 10 with Thomas Pietrazek. The Men's Club and Women's Guild will hold joint instalIation ceremonies and sponsor a Spring Frolic Saturday night, May 23 in the school halI. Tickets are available from members of both units. '

FALL RIVER AWARDS: The Catholic Woman's Club of Fall River awarded two scholarships to daughters of members at their annual banquet on SUriday night. Mrs. James A. O'Brien, Jr., newly named president, Catherine McMullen of Mt. St. Mary's Academy and Elizabeth Demetrius of Sacred Hearts Academy, recipients of the scholarships and Mrs. Raymond V. Barrette, outgoing president. Gertrude L. Mercier, Mr. & Mrs Henry Dussault, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Danis, Mr. & Mrs. Edmund Geary, Mr. & Mrs. Francis Carey Mr. & Mrs. Timothy J. ,Murphy Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. ·Smith. Mr. & Mrs. Edward Nicoletti, Mr. & Mrs. Fernand Bonnoyer, Mr. & Mrs. James Pedder Mr. & Mrs. William Renaud, Mr. & Mrs. John J. Sullivan, Mrs James E. Mullins, Claire Mullins, Mrs. Edmund Sunderland & Family Mrs. David Bishop, Mr. & Mrs. William Cleare, Mr. & Mrs. John Azavedo, Mr. & Mrs. Rene Beaulieu, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Lapre

$175 Rev. Manuel M. Resendes $50 Holy Name Society In Memory of Rose Freitas Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Mello $30 A Friend $25 Mary Jane Franco Mrs. Gilbert Vasconcelos Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Almeida Mr. & Mrs. Francisco Silvia Mrs..Mary Ferreira


The Parish Parade

$150 James E. Fitzgerald Family $100 Gertrude V. Kennedy $75 'Margaret Constantine $50 Harry Wood Boodry Family_ Mary M.& Helen L. Donovan Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Dooley $40 In Memory of Arthur P. Correira $35 Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Araujo Margaret O'Grady Mr. & Mrs. Francis Gauthier Mr. & Mrs. John Maitoza $30 Thomas Eccles In Memory of Arthur P. Correira $25 Mr. & Mrs. Franklin Raposa, Mrs. John Potts, Rose Lopes, James Doucet, Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Burke. Mr. & Mrs. Fred Chlebek, Christopher Lake Jr., Mr. & Mrs. William J. Sewell, William Bradbury Sr., Mr. & Mrs. Paul, Gardella. Mary Simons, Mr. & Mrs. John Donald, Alice F. Crowley, William D. Crowley, Mae Riley. Henry Raposa, William Bradbury Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Talbot, Mr. & Mrs. Alcide Talbot, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Sullivan. The Rounds Family, Grace Walmsley, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph B. Belanger, Mr. & Mrs. Louis Viveiros, Genevieve Connelly. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Tavares, John A. Diskin, Mr. & Mrs. John Kane.


ST. CASIMIR, NEW BEDFORD The 'following officers of the Couples Club have been installed for the coming year: Mr. and Mrs. Michael Fastoso, presi~ dents; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pelczarski, vice-presidents; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Josefe£<. treasurers; Mr. and Mrs. Henry Roszkiewicz, secretaries. ST. MARY, NEW BEDFORD Mrs. Raymond Gamache. prograin chairman" has announced that members are urged to invite their husbands to the "Auld Lang Syne" evening planned for Monday night, May 11. Guild members will visit the Sacred Heart Home 0::1 Wednesday, May 13 and present May baskets to the guests.

Starting this Sunday members of the Parish Youth Council will provide babysitting service in the pre-primary classroom during the 11 :15 Mass. HOLY NAME, FALL RIVER The CYO will sponsor a dance from 8 to 11 tomorrow night at the school halI. Music will be by the Wampanoag Flea Market. ST. JOSEPH. FALL RIVER A dinner-dance, honoring the faculty of the parish school will take place Sunday, May 17 at White's restaurant. under the direction of the Women's Guild. Tickets' are available from com· mittee memoers, at Bernie's Cleaners or at the rectory. The parish council wiII meet at 7:30 tonight. The CYO will sponsor a splash party from 7 to 8:30 Saturday night, May 9 aa the Boys' tlub. First Communion will be received at 8:15 IyIass Sunday morning, May 31. ST. JOHN OF GOD, SOMERSET An ecumenical day with the theme "Come Alive" wiII be sponsored by the CCD from 9:30 to 5 Saturday, May 16 at Somerset Junior High School. AlI members of the FalI River Diocese are invited to attend.

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JAMES H. COLLINS, C.E., Pres. Registered Civil and Structural Engineer Member National Society Professional Engineers FRANC~S






THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall Riyer-Thurs., May 7, )970 ! i

Translation of Testame.,ts Successful Undertaking By Rt. Rev. Msgr. John S. Kennedy I

Almost 25 years in the making, The New English Bible (Oxford University Press, Cambridge University Press. $9.95) is now complete. The New Testament section: has Qeen available to readers for some years, and has 'fom well." The Old Testament has " I ." . b bl' h d I suppose that a treasury of, dIS-' ]U~t . een pU IS e a ong creditable secrets is going ro be WIth It, and the whole under- laid open to him" The title seems taking can be pronounced a to promise an expose. I


signal success. It meets the standards set when the work was first proposed. The translation is a completely fresh one from the original lariguages, not' a revision or updating, of any previous English version. The aim was to put the _ original in conte~porary . ~nghsh, avo~dmg both ar.chalsms. and .present-day expressions which might soon be obsolete.. The t~anslatlOn of each book of the Blb.le went thro~gh sever~1 s~ages. First, a speclal~y quahfled person was appomted to perform the task. Then, what he produced was carefully reviewed by a panel of scholarly experts. When , after detailed discussion, ~hey reached an agreement to which the translator assented, the revised ma~uscript we~t to a ~anel of hterar.y adVisers. Their amended verslO~ was returne? to the translatl?g panel., The fmal form v:a~ deCided upon by both panels Jomtly., Many people have labored on this project, but the result is anything but labored: The translation reads well. It proceeds easily, as for example, in those verses in Proverbs which describe a c'apable wife. A count of Annunciation c The tasks of today's housewife are considerably different from those of her counterpart in ancient Palestine. And the renderings of this passage with which we are familiar are likely to be either incomprehensible in some respects or grotesque in" the translator's striving for a mod, ern equivalent. But here there is no attempt to modernize the housewife; 'rather, the concern is to make what is said of her intelligible. In the account of the Annunciation, ,Mary' asks, "How can this be? I am still a virgin." And .when the explanation is given, she says, "Here I am. I am the Lord's servant; as you have spoken, so be it." Everyone will have to try out this translation for himself. We predict that most will approve it. and that it will serve with distinction its purpose of laying open the Scripture to the man of our day. Secret Archives Anyone who takes up The Secret Archives of the Vatican (Little, Brown, 34 Beacon St., Bostori, Mass. 02106. $10),' written by Luisa Ambrosini with the assistance of Mary Willis, ma~

Guiding Principles There are two principles of IC!stablished acceptance in morals; first, that self'interest is the mainspring of all our actions, and secondly, that utility is the -Colton test of their value.

There are indeed secre~ archives of the Vatican, but there is nothing sinister about them. They are, in the author's j*dgement, "perhaps the most important archives of the" wdrld," containing some 25 miles of .... bookshelves laden with p~rchment and paper manuscripts of great historical value. : Mrs. Ambrosini concludes that the real value of the archives "is not in intellectual discoveI1! but in the sense of the past! that they give us, the rich regretful wisdom of our long human experience." I" She asks; "What could, we ,hope to find if (they) were pletely catalogued? Surprises for historians, single'documentsjthat upset old assumptions, I lettel'S that" throw new Iigh~ on great and puzzling personalities


** *"


NOT IEXACTLY ST. FRANCIS: But in this prizewinning photo, a professional referee showed enough concern for this pup to carry him off the field away from danger during a Philadelphia' Eagles-Baltimore Colts night game last October. This photograph was th,e top winner in the black and white Feature category, Professional Football Hall of Fame contest. The shot was taken by Washington Evening Star photographer Randolph Routt. It is the second year in a row that Routt has won in this category. NC Photo. Courtesy, The Washi!'1gton ~vening Star.

Lacks SpiritulIl Dimension , ' Fall River James DiCkey, a widely! acclaimed poet produces his 'first SACRED HEART. novel in Deliverance (HoUg~ton $250 Mifflin, 2 Park St., Boston, Mass. Rev. Msgr. Lester L. Hull 02107. $5.95), lind already it has won him lustrous fresh jlau$150 rels. Although acknowledging the Dr. John E. Manning excellEmce of the writing, I this $110 department is not joining 'I the Quinlan F. Leary dancing in the streets. What Mr. ' $100 Dickey gives us' here is an adH. Frank Reilly venture story. Four men, verging - -Helen L. Sullivan on middle age, residents Of a Mary V. & Alice C. Harrington city in Northern Georgia, take • Mrs. Charles E. Sevigny a canoe trip down a wild ~iver Mr. & Mrs. John J. Harrington Dr. Daniel Mooney ,through a section of . ru~ged In Memory of. May Healey country about to be obhterated Katherine D. Adams under the waters of an artificial The Grace Family lake. $50 While ready to grant I Mr. Margaret Morris Dickey high marks for the isusJames L. Connor pense he achieves and for rivetGrace L. Martin ing the reader's attention thr6ugh Horace Hall page after hammering page, ione Margaret R. Sullivan finds tlie story lacking in spiriMary E. Quirk tual dimension. I Jane G. Broderick These men go through ani exThomas D. Tolan perience calclulated to plumb Mr. & Mrs. Dennis C. Hurley and scour their inner being, 'I yet Laura M. Sullivan there is no evidence that any , Walter H. White change is wrought in them, ~hat Leonard J. Hughes they derive any wisdom from it. $45 George Sullivan' $40 The Daley Family Manuel J. Soares Violated Divine Law $35 I BROOKLYN (NC)-Brooklyn's Mr. & Mrs. Daniel F. Duffy James Kennedy Bishop Francis J. Mugayero Mr. & Mrs. John Dean charged here that the New Yjork In Memory of Maurice F. Bystate legislature violated divine law bY.. passing the state's new ,ington $30 abortion law. " ' I Charles -A. Duffy Writing in a pastoral letterladFrances M. Cummings dressed to the Catholics of Kings Mary C.' Cummings and Queens counties, Bishop Gerald 1. & Mildred G. Hal'Mugavero commeJrlted: I ington "It is indeed r,egrettable that Mr. & Mrs. James H. Sullivan we must caution against acts Mr. & Mrs. Raymond C. Galwhich government permis~ion lagher encourages. Our New York state Mr. & Mrs. Francis J. Warin~ legislative majority has seenl fit In Memory of Mary, Anna & to allow the destruction of inno- William F. Lyons cent unborn human life. How$25 ever, the new law on aborE. Louise Beattie, Helen P. tion does not have divine la p - Leary, Kathryn ~ & ,Lillian Madproval." den, Margaret Desmond, Joseph The bishop praised legislators M. Reilly who fought the new abortion Regina M. Higgins, Margaret . proposal, and urged those c'on- M. Dunn, Mr. & Mrs. George templating abortion to "seek :the McCoomb, Mrs. Monica M. reasoned counsel of our priests." Walmsley, Sarah C. Halligan

Ass~rts Leg'islatur~

The Misses Donovan, William Black, Edward J. Delaney, Hannah G. Connors, Leo P. Smith William Fitzler, Mr.- & Mrs. :lames Mitchell, David Creamer, Mary A. Gingras, Mr. & Mrs. William Mercier Thomas F. Connors, In Memory of Herman Springer, Mr. & Mrs. John H. Springer & Mrs. Mary E. Larrabee, Kathryn V. & Margaret M. Whalen Mr. & Mrs. Abel Marceline, Mrs. John P.' Fleming, Robert Morris, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas O'Brien, William F. White Jr. ~T.

STANISLAUS $100 Holy Rosary Sodality $50 St. Stanislaus Men's Club $40 In Memory of Paul & Frances Drzal $35 Mr. & Mrs. Walter Deda $30 Anonymous $26 Mr. & Mrs. Walter Czapiga $25 Mr. & Mrs. Staniey' Wojnar, Mr. & ~rs. 'Dennis Cunnningham, Mary Makuch, Confirmation Class of 1970, Felician Sisters. Mrs. Walter Wojcik, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Ernst, Mr. &" Mrs. James Pollard, Mr. & Mrs. Williap} Wolowiec, Henry J. Paruch. Mr. &, Mrs. John Dopart, Mr. & Mrs. Leo Lavoie.

Drop Together My pride fell with my for-Shakespeare tunes.

ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST $250 Rev. Daniel A. Gamache $62 A Friend $50 Robert F. Messier $31 Albert Ouellette 'f ' " $30 Mr. & Mrs. 'George Gagnon Leo & Cecile Ducharme $27 Mr. & Mrs. John Farrell $25 Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Berube, Mr. & Mrs. Louis R. Bouchard. A Friend, Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Gagnon & Family, Aime H. Goyette Mr: & Mrs. Philias Ouellette, St. Jean Baptiste Women's Council of Catholic Women, Mr. & Mrs John Perry, Norman Perry, Alphonse S. Pierre

Too Proud The prouder a man is, the more he thinks he deserves, and the more he thinks he deserves, the less he really does deserve. -BE;!echer

ST. ANNE CREDIT UNION 43 RODNEY FRENCH BLVD. NEAR COVE RD. NEW BEDFORD All Your Mone, Insured Aplnst LOll All Peraona. Loanl Life Inlured Home Mortlalel on ElIIJ Terml Special Depolltl Doaille at Dutil Banll In Peraon or II, Mall Welcome Into Our Credit Union Famll,

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Phone '675-7484

THE ~NCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Ma,y 7, 1970



Jack Springer of Fall River

Outstanding With BU Wrestling Team

By pmR 1. BARTEK

Former Stang Gridder to Seek Master's Degre.e

Norton Hllh Coach

By Luke Sims

Attleboro Golfers Favored In Bristol County League Defending champion Attleboro is the odds-on choice to repeat as Bristol Scholastic Golf League titlist. The Frank O'Connell coached Jewelers, who presently own a 6-0 overall record, are undefeated in two league outings. Consensus is that the Blue and White should have little trouble tham varsity golf team. And, according to Coach O'Connell, capturing the Divi'sion II he has been the number one crown and, in the circuit's scorer in many matches.

title match, the North and South pairing. Attleboro will emerge victorious. The O·Connellmen. with' their slght~ set on the hmgue tiUe, are hoping for another shot at the State championship. A year ago, behind the area's premiere schoolboy gOlfer. Marc Forbes, Attleboro finished fourth in the State match only three strokes off the pace. Forbes is attending Brandeis University on a combination golf·basketball scholarship. He is number three man on the Wal-

Replacing a player of his caliber would seemingly be an impossible task. However, such has not been the case at AttlebOro. Waiting -in the wings ready to take over the number one spot on the team was junior Gary Carlson. The youngster, who has competed on the varsity club for two seasons, has yet to lose a single match. Last week in a match with Dighton-Rehoboth Regional, Carlson shot an even par on a tough / Crestwood Country Club course.

Auclair and Nixon Rate Among Best Coach O'Connell rates Carlson , The Jewelers first six men inas the finest young area golfer. clude Carlson, Steve Nelson" "He's a student of the game and Fred O'Connell (no, relation to' he doesn't let the pressure get to Coach O·Connell). Dale Rushlow, him. I have to say he is the best Alan Ashley and Jim Martin. The around. However, there are quite , latter three alternate in the five a few good golfers in the league and six positions. and, on a given day. someone Discussing Attleboro's depth, like Vic Auclair of Durfee or Coach O'Connell opined: "If we John Nixon of Taunton could be had Vic Auclair we would probright there with Carlson." ably win the State title. Do you All league contests consist of think I can make some kind of six individual matches and three deal with Coach Nugent?" best-ball matches. Thus. a total Attleboro's forte is Durfee's of nine points can be accumu· weakness. The Hilltoppers have lated with one point' being been getting excellent performawarded to the winner. a half for ances from Auclair but the. Fall a tie match and one point to the River contingent has been havbest-ball victory. , ing its difficulty picking up It is essential that a club de- points from their number two velop depth if it is to be a con- through six men. And, as a retender. And. depth is Attleboro's sult, Durfee is not expected to strongest point. challenge for Division I honors.

Best Tutelage for Young Linksmen The strongest club in the southern bracket appears to be New Bedford which is in the process of building for the future and winning at the same time. The Crimson and White plays its home matches at the Whaling City Country Club, a difficult course for the average young "duffer." However. Wayne Hichman is right at home while touring the course. The sophomore has led the Whalers to the top of their bracket and. in the process. is tabbed "the best prospect in the league." Although Attleboro and New Bedford have established themselves as the teams to beat, the season is still young. and, anything can happen in schoolboy sports.

Largest City UNITED NATIONS (NC)Tokyo and New York are still competing for the title of world's largest city. According to figures for 1967, Tokyo had the largest "city proper" figure (8.960,000 to New York's 8.022.500) but New York's "urban agglomeration" figure (city proper and suburbs) was 11.555.900 to To· kyo's 11.172.000.

The circuit schedule calls for two matches against each divisional opponent. Bishop Feehan High of Attleboro and Bishop Connolly High of Fall River, strong contenders in Division II. could improve enough to overtake favored Attleboro, but, this seems unlikely. The other division members are Msgr. Coyle High of' Taunton, Dighton-Rehoboth and Taunton. Division I teams are New Bed· ford, Durfee, New Bedford Vocational, Somerset, Old Rochester and' Bishop Stang High of Dartmouth. The best way to 'learn the game of golf it to play, and. play according to the rules. This is precisely what the schoolboy golfers are doing and. in later life. they will have a sport to turn to that will give them enjoyment and physical exercise. Even though golf does not enjoy the same scholastic notoriety as baseball and track it is an integral part of the Spring sports program and its importance is unquestionable. The schoolboys are playing on the finest courses in the area and under some of the best amateur golfers in Southeastern Massachusetts.

"You were a big part of mak· ing this a very rewarding and happy year for me. We are all going to miss you next year." Coach Gibney, in reviewing the team accomplishments of the past Winter, said today: "Our two biggest wins were against Lowell Tech (which was undefeated before our match) and Boston College. I look for· ward to an even better season next year. One of the principal problems will be to fill the void wlhich will be caused by Jack Springer's graduation."

Completing its first varsity wrestling in 13 years with a 7-2-2 record, Boston University can thank in part, at least. a former Bishop Stang High School football player for his accomplishments in reviving a dormant Terrier sport. The former diocesan gridder is 158-pound class matman, Jack Springer, son of Mr. and Mrs. John H. Springer of 109 Home Street. Fall River. Jack went to BU as a toprated football player. But, he suffered a concussion during the first few weeks of practice. ending his days on the gridiron. Most young men would have called it "quits" right then and there. but, not the Fall Riverite. Though Jack had never wit· nessed a wrestling match. he went out for the university mat team one year after his football accident. Springer, who will be graduated this month, not only made the team but also went on to achieve a personal 6-2 mark. Coach Dick Gibney hailed the tremendous accomplishment by one' who had never seen the sport before his own participation. ' Then, this past season, another injury befell Springer who is a member of the Sacred Heart parish in the See City. A severe knee injury hampered him. drop· ping his record to 2-1. but. nevertheless another individual winning season. Springer. who will further his education when he enters Springfield College, next Fall to aspire for a master's degree in physical education. is well known for several heroic efforts during the four Summers he served as a lifeguard at Horseneck Beach. One of Jack's most cherished possessions .as he prepares to leave Boston University is a letter just received from Coach Gibney who thanked him (or his "dedication and loyalty thAt you displayed all season. It takes a

Westport ST. GEORGE

$325 Rev. Lorenzo H. Morais



$250 Rev. Msgr. Arthur W. Tansey

$150 Rev. Francis L. Mahoney

$127 William J. Dugan

$100 Thomas J. Fleming



special kind of persoll to come back, day after day, with an injury hanging over you. I give you a great deal of credit for it." Continuing the Terrier coach added:

North Westport OUR LADY OF GRACE

$250 Rev. Maurice H. Lamontagne

$100 Mr. & Mrs. Adrien D. Picard $75 . Mr. & Mrs. William Wilson

$35 Lena St. Pierre

$25 Mr. & Mrs. Ranald Arntz, Mr. & Mrs. James Barboza, Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Chrupcala, Mr. & Mrs. Maurice Dumont, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Faria Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Lavoie, Marjorie Morin, Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Nanni, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Plamondon, Mr. & Mrs. Normand Sasseville

Rev. Edmond R. Levesque

$60 Mr. & Mrs. John Francis Ward $25 Anonymous, Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Moore. Mr. & Mrs. Frank Cardoza. Mr. '& Mrs. John Fernandes, Mrs. Ronald Perrier Mr. & Mrs. Alexander Stevenson. Mr. & Mrs. Peter Vieira


$35 John N. Brilhante

$25 Alfred, Carreiro, Joseph Souza. Antone Souza, Edward Lopes.

Ocean 'Grove ST. MICHAEL /






A Friend, Rev. Joseph A. Martineau


Mr. &




Joseph Ripanti

$35 Mr. & Mrs. Donald F. McCaffrey



~RlaR O~ pRftest

Let us tell you how you can serve. Write for free literature at

no obligation.

Vocation Director

ST. LAWRENCE FRIARY 175 Milton St• • Milton. Maco. 0218!l

Mr. & Mrs. Caesar Paiva

$25 Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Brophy. Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Cahill, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Rodth. Mr. & Mrs. John Seguin


Address Brother




Age_ _

In Memory of James W. Hennessy Mr. & Mrs. Everett Lafleur Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Roderick $35 Henry J. Kitchen Mrs. Mary A. Lennon & Mary L. Lennon

$30 Alice Sullivan Clare Sullivan

$28 Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Talbot

$27.77 Mr. & Mrs. Frank J. Mellen $25

John Albernaz, Atomic Fence Corporation, James Bentley. Mrs. Catherine Brahy, In Memory of Adam Brooks. William Guilmette, Thomas King. Raymond Lafleur, Lomer Lapointe, Mr. & Mrs. John T. McDonald. James McManus, Eileen McNally, Fred J. McNally. Mr. & Mrs. William Mitchell, In Memory of Daniel & Manuel R. Pi,mental. Mrs. Clarence P. Sullivan, Mrs. Wright Turner. Mrs. Peter Yeaman.




WYman 3·6592





THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., May 7, 1970 . I


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Prepared for Baptism of Infants' The tnree pictures illustrate certain aspects of the New Order of Baptism. This new rite for the first time has been prepared for the Baptism of infants. Until now an abbreviated form of the Baptism of adults was in use. The new rite is addressed to the. infants personalIy. Also, the' roles of parents receive greater emphasis. 'It is the parents who present their child at the Baptismal font. They make the sign of the cross on the infant's forehead after the celebrant, as welI as pronounce the "renunciation," make the profession of faith, receive the infant from the font and hold the candle. Sponsors remain and have their own part in the signing, renunciations, profession of faith, and the lighting of the candle.'

ANOINTING: The prayer of exorcism is followed by an with the oil of the catecumens. NC Photo.

nointing of t,he 'infant on the breast

WIT~ GREAT JOY: The parents, after the celebrant, sign the infant with the cross, saying,

in part * * * * "the Christian community welcomes you with great joy. NC Photo.

QUESTIONS PARENTS, SPONSORS: After blessing Baptismal water, the celebrant questions the parents and sponsors on their willingness to renounce Satan. NC Photo.


Forsees Supreme Cour~ Decidung Legal Problems of Abortion . for the U.S" House of Rebre- abortion, even if legally permitContinued from Page One Brandlin was a member of a sentatives from Massachusetts. ted, is still the taking of a huTnking fllwnan Life three-man panel on "Abortion man life. Discussing two California Avoid "Vagueness' Litigation-Status and Implicaab,ortion cases, including: the tions." "No one will be legalIy comThe two-day meeting of 120 di- Belous case which was denied pelIed to submit to an abortion," ocesan attorneys, sponsored by review by the U. S. Supr,~me he emphasized, although experi'the USCC office of general coun- Court, and the Robb case heard ence teaches that extreme pressel, also explored "Constitutional by the municipal court of Or~nge sures will be imposed by others. The problem wiU always be esIssues re Federal and State Aid County, Calif., Brandlin saidl. The Orange County Cpurt sentialIy one of educating socito Private Schools," "Church Property Issues" and "The Lay would not recognize iegislation etyconcerning the real meaning Attorney in the Diocesan Court." which decrees that life begins at of an abortion-the real nature' Non-lawyer Father James Mc- conception, because, in i the of the life which is the inevitable Hugh, US Catholic Conference court's opinion, to do so "would victim of every abortion." . Family Life Division director, re- be to blandly support the philosProfessor Robert M. gyrn of jected the suggestion of with- ophy of one of the country's Fordham University School of drawing all criminal sanctions .major religions, an act which Law, who discussed similar New from abortions as practicalIy un- clearly would be in violation of . York cases 'of abortion litigation, workable and inconsistent with the First Amendment to the noted that in a homicide case, "there is no 'presumption' the past history of American the U. S. Constitution." law, refuting the position recentBrandlin concluded: "If the le- against a claim of self-defense. ly expressed by Father Ropert gal battle is ultimately los~, it Rather, it is the defendant's burDrinan, S.J., now on leave of will become a matter of educa- den to raise and prove the deabsence from Boston College law tion; a matter ot convincing as fense. The state should not be school, and who is a candidate many persons 'as possible that an required to prove that an abor:

to privacy." tion was not therapeutic." Applauded for his remark He echoed Brandlin's hope that the Supreme Court will avoid about Father Drinan's political the ."vagueness" issue and di- ambitions and stand on abortion. rectly confront tIie right to life Byrn asserted: issue, after disregarding attempts "I don't think I would want to isolate the Catholic Church to be represented in Congress by as the only opposition to abor- someone so naive and uninformed about abortion as to think that tion." . because some unborn lives are Scolds Fr. Drinan Blrn feels the issues can be re- not protected this cancels out solved into the single question: the law." "Does every innocent human Facilities for Unwanted being possess a basic right to Third Panelist, E.. Michael Mclive or are such rights meted out Cann, district attorney for Milselectively according to situa- waukee County, noted the Wistional quality, utility and conven- consin Supreme Court did not ience?" folIow a previous ruling by the Courts have rea,ched different local federal district court. He conclusions, he poirited out. commented: Caustically, he emphasized: ''I'm a liberal, but.. yet I feel "There is a good deal of prec- there is a great danger in peredent to the right to life. which mitting anyone to interfere with overrides the right for a moth- human life. We should see that er's desire to kill the child which there are facilities to care for is euphemisticalIy calIed the right unwanted children after birth." '

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