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The ANCHOR An Anchor oj Ihe Soul, Sure and Flrm-St. Paul

Fall River, Mass., Thursday, May 8, 1975 PRICE 15c Vo I. 19, 0. 19 漏 1975 The Anchor $5.DD lie, 'II'

First CCA Returns ,

Total $310,350.30 The first returns from the 113 parishes and the special gift donations received to date make the total of $310,350.30 in the Appeal. Edward F. Kennedy of Taunton, this year's Appeal lay chairman, is encouraged with the' initial parish reports. He said: "It indicates a most favorable and generous response by the people in the parishes to Bishop Cronin's plea for support of the apostolates of charity, mercy, education, social service and other apostolic endeavors of the diocese." Parish Honor Roll Parishes which surpass their

1-974 final totals will be recorded on the Honor Roll of 1975. Of the 113 parishes in the diocese, 94 parishes exceeded the previous year's (1973) final totals 'in the 1974 Appeal. Rev. Msgr. Anthony M. Gomes, diocesan director of the Appeal, said: "Last year's Honor Roll of 94 parishes was the highest in the history of the Appeal, now in its 34th year. We are anticipating that every parish will be enrolled in this year's parish Appeal Honor Roll. We are aiming for one hundred per cent Honor Roll113 parishes exceeding their 1974 Turn to Page Two

S!ster Eleanor McNally Returns from Saigon Very tired, but otherwise in good physical condition, Sister Eleanor McNally, S.U.S.C., is at her parents' Swansea home recovering from the ordeal of living through the last days of Saigon, a period which she describes as one of utter chaos and confusion. The Holy Union Sister, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bartholomew McNally of Swansea and a native of Sacred Heart parish, Fall River, was in the Vietnamese capi-. talon a year's assignment with Catholic Relief Services. Her


work involved supervision of an orphans' program serving 125 orphanages in South Vietnam. "But the work was squeezed out of. existence as refugees were relocated from one area to another," she said. At the end of her service she was coordinating general refugee operations for Catholic Relief Services, 'hIring one seven-day period helping to provide food, clothing and ot.her necessities for 170,000 people. Then came the fall of the city and Sister Eleanor herself became a refugee. "YQU take on the characteristics of a prisoner of war in a couple of hours," she said wryly, recalling her six days in a receiving camp on Guam, . where she and two other people were the only single American women among 5,000 Vietnamese and families of American c;ervicemen. "In no time there was' a grapevine and rumors spread like wildfire." Sister Eleanor said that sl)e would have been processed through the camp very quickly, had she not sponsored three Vietnamese employes of Catholic Relief Services, aiding them to come to the United States. "I had a man and two women with me, and we took the man to Saigon airport in the trunk of our car, so he wouldn't be de路 tained for questioning," she reo lated.. Turn to Page Ten

BISHOP CONGRATULATES NEW DCCW PRESIDENT: Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin, S.T.D., offers his felicitations to Mrs. Michael J. McMahon of Fall River on her election as president of the Diocesan Council of Catholic Women in the presence of Mrs. James Leith, left, of New Bedford, first vice- president, and Mrs. Richard Paulson, second left, Taunton, outgoing president.

Bishop Regrets Senate Role Of Kennedy on Amendment Most Reverend Daniel A. Cronin, S.T.D., Bishop of Fall River, has released the text of a letter sent to Senator Edward M. Kennedy, Senior Senator of Massachusetts, in which he laments the leadership role the senator took in the defeat of an anti-abortion amendment during a recent 路senatorial debate. The text of the letter is as follows: May 2, 1975 Honorable Edward M. Kennedy Senator United States Senate Washington, District of Columbi.l Dear Senator Kennedy, . I write in regard to your position concerning the Bartlett Amendment attached to Senate Bill 66. I regret sincerely that you opposed the amendment which would have prevented the spending of government funds for pay. ment for abortions. 'Furthermore, I am constrained to deplore the leadership role which you assumed in the Senate debate. It seems quite impossible for me to interpret your role in this instance as anything other than a weakening of your personal conviction, which you have stated to be, and which I trust might still remain, that abortion is wrong. You know, Senator Kennedy, that as Bishop of the Diocese of Fall River and a moral leader in this community, I can not remai:l siient about this vital issue of the defense of innocent and unborn human life. You also know that the Diocese of Fall River encompasses a large part of southeastern Massachusetts. I would be less than true to my duty as Bishop were I to mislead, by my silence, anyone into thinking that

I agree with the stance tal.,en in this question by you. I know that you are not alone in the Senate. But you did assume the leadership role in this matter and I must lament that fact. In order that the priests of the one hundred thirteen parishes un-

der my jurisdiction may know where I stand in this question, I am sending a copy of this letter to them. Yours faithfully in Christ, Daniel A. Cronin Bishop of Fall River

Women Issue Resolution In Reaction to Kennedy The Diocesan Council of Catholic Women, meeting in Taunton for their annual convention, expressed its "chagrin and dismay that Senator Edward M. Kennedy of Massachusetts, heretofore having represented himself as a champion of human Jife, tragically and deplorably assumed a position of positive advocacy for the advancement of abortion by vigorously opposing the 'Bartlett AmeQdment'." The diocesan women heard a detailed explanation of the full impact of the amendment and then expressed themselves in a long and clear resolution. Following is the talk present路 ed Saturday at the Diocesan Council of Catholic Women Convention in Taunton by Gertrude K. (Mrs. James A., Jr.) O'Brien, Chairman of the Family Affairs Commission: . I stand before you this morning to present a Resolution for your approval. In order for you .to fully understand the nature of this Resolve it is important that you are made aware of the background on this Constitutional Amendment to Protect the Unborn recently defeated by the Congress of the United States. We 'should all be aware that in 1973, there weJ.'e 270,000 'abor-

tions estimated to cost between $150 and $200 each. Let me emphasize 270,000 abortions at a grand total of between 40 and 50 million dollars paid for by federally funded money. We should also be aware that this figure of 270,000 abortions represents 28 per cent of all abortions performed in this country. These figures are Turn to Page Six

Ordination Bishop Cronin cordiadly invites the clergy, Religious and laity of the Diocese to participate in the priestly ordination in St. Mary's Cathedral, FaIl River, on Saturday morning, M.ay 10, at 11 o'clock of Rev. Mr. William L. Boffa, Rev. Mr. Kevin J. Harrington, Rev. Mr. Arnold R. Medeiros, Rev. Mr. Bruce M. Neylon and Rev. Mr. Richard M. Roy. . Priests wishing to concelebrate with Bishop Cronin are asked to bring -'amke, alb, cincture and stole. All priests present are invited to take part in the laying on of hands in the ordination rite. They are to be vested in casock and surplice or Mass vestments.



THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., May 8, 1975 ,

First Catholic Charities, Returns Continued from Page One final totals. The first million dollar campaign is our goal this year. With the cooperation of priests, solicitors and contributQrs in both phases of the Appeal-parish and special giftsthis goal is attainable." Leading area parishes arc:

PocassetSt. John West HarwichHoly Trinity Woods HoleSt. Joseph


2,250.00 5,939.00 2,302.00

Fall River Area

FalI River St. Mary's Cathedral 9,753.45 Attleboro Area Espirito Santo 1,290.00 St. M~ry, Holy Cross 1,240.00 $8,453.25 North Attleboro HQly Name 16,036.50 St. John, AttleborQ 8,191.00 Notre Dame 5,350.00 7,721.00 Mt. Carmel, Seekonk Our Lady of Angels 13,245.00 7,343.00 St. !l4ary, Seekonk HQly Rosary 2,415.00 St. Mary, Mansfield 7,326.00 REV. PAUL DESROSIERS Immaculate Conce'll. 3,815.00 Sacred Heart 3,267.50 Cape & Islands Area St. Anne 2,341.00 St. Francis Xavier, St. Anthony of Padua 1,889.70 Hyannis 12,889.00 St. John the Baptist 3,414.00 Holy Trinity, St. Joseph 4,136.00 West Harwich 5,939.00 St. Mathieu 1,442.00 NEW ORLEANS - Five new St. Margaret, St. Michael 4,790.00 priests for the Archdiocese of Buzzards' Bay 5,574.00 St. Patrick 6,193.00 New Orleans will be ordained St. 'Patrick, Falmouth 5,301.00 SS. Peter and Paul 4,604.00 at the St. Louis Cathedral in Asumption, Osterville 4,971.00 St. Roch 1,864.00 ceremonies May 10 at 10 A.M. St. Stanislaus 3,604.00 by Archbishop Philip M. HanFall River Area . St. William 3,428.00 nan. Holy Name, Santo Christo 1,519.75 Among the five will be Rev. Fall 'River $16,036.50 AssonetMr. Paul Desrosiers, a native of Our Lady of Angels, St. Bernard 2,962.00 Fall River, and the son of Mr. Fall River 13,245.00 Central VillageSt. John Baptist Cathedral, Fall River 2,232.00 and Mrs. Thomas DeSTosiers. 'He 9,753.45 studied at St. Mary's College in St. Thomas MQre, North WestportSomerset 8,093.50 Our Lady of Grace 5,344.00 Kentucky, St. Joseph's Seminary College, and will receive a MasSt. Patrick, Fall River 6,193.00 SomersetSt. John of God 4,468.50 ter of Divinity degree from NoSt. Thomas More· 8,093.50 . tre Dame Seminary later this New Bedford Area. month. SwanseaMt. Carmel, Our Lady of Fatima 5,210.00 Rev. Mr. Desrosiers has a varNew Bedford $13,648.11 St. Dominic 4,116.00 iety of pastoral experience inSt. Joseph, Fairhaven 7,474.85 St. 'Louis de France 6,093.00 duding work in the ArchdioceSt. James, san Witness Program, the chapNew Bedford 7,411.25 program at Odeans ParHoly Name '5,884.00 New Bedford Area' laincy ish Prison, and teaching duties St. Anthony, New Bedfordat the Academy of the Sacred Mattapoisett 4,581.00 Holy Name 5,884.00 Heart. He served for two years Mt. Carmel 13,648.11 at St. Peter's parish in Reserve Taunton Area O. L. of Perpet. Help 1,888.00 and as a deacon at St. Joseph's Holy Cros.!:!, 2,002.00 in Galliano. He wiIl celebrate Sacred Heart $4,108.00 South Easton St. Anne 1,130.50 his first Mass 'at 5 P.M., May St. Mary, Taunton 3,992.00 St. Anthony of Padua 2,951.00 11 at the parish in Galliano, and St. Joseph, Taunton 3,836.00" St. Hedwig 1,312.00 will offer a Mass of ThanksHoly Family St. Hyacinth "'\ 820.75 giving, May 18 at 10:30 A.M. East Taunton 3,704.00 St. James 7,411.25 in his home parish, St. Louis St. ,Jacques, Taunton .3,381.00 St. John the Baptist 3,766.00 Church, Fall River. St. Joseph 1,720.00 St. Lawrence 3,618.30 Legion Day AcushnetSt. Francis Xavier 1,435.00 The Legion of Mary will sponAttleboro Area Fairhavensor a day of recollection from AttleboroSt. Joseph 7,474.85 10 A.M. to 5 P.M. Saturday, Holy GhQst $5,528.00 St. Mary 2,595.50 May 24 at La Salette Shrine, St. John 8,191.00 Sacred Hearts 1,094.00 Attleboro. All active and auxilSt. Joseph 2,773.00 Marioniary members are invited to at2,523.00 Sf. Mark St. Rita 1,467.00 tend and may make reservations St. Mary (Seekonk) 7,343.00 Mattapoisettthrough any parish officer until Mansfield-St. Mary, 7,326.00 St. Anthony 4,581.00 Tuesday, May 13. North Attleboro North DartmouthSacred Heart 2,198.00 St. Julie 3,837.50 St. Mary 8,453.25 South DartmouthNecrology SeekQnk-Mt. Carmel 7,721.00 St. Mary 3,098'.00 MAY 16

Ordination Set F'or FaII Riverite


Cape & Islands Area

Brewster Our Lady of the Cape 3,543.00 Buzzards BaySt. Margaret 5,574.00 ChathamHoly Redeemer 4,442.00 FalmouthSt. Patrick· 5,301.00 HyannisSt. Francis Xavier 12,889.00 Oak Bluffs-Sacred Heart 1,038.00 OstervilleAssumption 4,971.00

Taunton Area Taunton~

Holy Family Holy Rosary Immaculate Concept. St. James St. Joseph St. Mary DightQnSt. Peter North Dighton/ St. Joseph South EastonHoly Cross

3,704.00 819.00 3,276.00 3,381.00 3,836.00 3,992.00 968.50

Second Class Postage Paid F~1l River, MISS. Published' every Thulsday at 410 Hlghl•.nd Avenue, Fall Rliver, Mass. 02722 by the Catholic Prets of the Diocese of Fall River. Subscription price by mlil, P05tP~ld $5,00 per yeu.


MAY 17 Most Rev. James E. Cassidy, D.D., 1951, 3rd Bishop of Fall River 1934-51


Anyone can build an altar; it requires a God to provide a flame. Anybody can build a house; we need the Lord for the creation of a home. ". -Jowett

Fall River $1,500 Globe Manufacturing Co. $1,000 Gold Medal Bakery $600 Montie Plumbing & Heating Co., Inc. $500 Fall River Five Cent Savings Bank The JafJfe Foundation $300 Union SavinP.s Bank $200 John Braz $170 Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. McMahon $150 Ashworth Brothers, Inc. Holy Name Conference Dr. Paul P. Dunn $100 Delta Electric CQ. Globe Assembly Co. St. Vincent de Paul Salvage Bureau, East Main St. Dr. & Mrs. Joseph V. Medeiros Colonial Wholesale Beverage Corp. Durfee Buffinton Insurance Aluminum Processing Corp. Motor Truck Sales Company I. T. Almy Associates $75 Boyer Paper Co., Inc. $60 Coffee Sam Industrial Caterers Tri-City Office Equipment Corp. $50 Nebel Heating Corp. Simon's Supply Co., Inc. FalI River News Co., Inc. Coca Cola Bottling Co. Spindle City Dye Works Gamache Trucking Company Union St Jean Baptiste, Consei! Cheverus, No., 231 Robert L. Germane, Contractor Plante Jewelers Slater Paper Box Salvo's Golden Foods Salvo Machinery Company Classic Lawn Ornaments Mr. & Mrs. Allen Jarabek. Aime PelIetier Electrical Contractor David J. Robertson Holy Name Women's Guild $35 Paul B. Sullivan Insurance Agency, Inc. $28 Swansea Senior Citizens $25 Briere, Sparks, Inc.. Ralph Keyes Oil Heating Equipment, Inc. Merri-Card & Gift Shop

Taunton $250 Atty. William J. Fenton $200 Dr. John Fenton $175 St. Paul Conference $150 Tweedy & Roster, Inc. Im!.Jlaculate Conception Conference St. Joseph Conference, North Dighton $110 Holy Cross Conference, South Easton $100 Judge & Mrs. Roger B. Champagne Taunton Lodge No. 150 BFO Elks Boyden Plastics Dr. Robert F. Mealy Nu-Brite Chemical Co. Atty. Richard Bentley $60 Nason Oil Company $50 Taunton Stove Co. Turn to Page Three

BROOKLAWN FUNERAL HOME, INC. R. Marcel Roy- - G. lorraine Roy Roger laFranee - James E. Barton FUNERAL DIRECTORS 15 Irvington Ct. New Bedford 995-5166




MAY 19



Rev. William McDonald, SS., 1941, St. Patrick, Falmouth Rev. Megr. J. Joseph Sullivan, P.R., 1960, Pastor, Sacred Heart, Fall River'

$1,000 Fathers Qf the Sacred Hearts $250 Rev. Lorenzo H. Morais $230 Stonehill ColIege $200 Rev. Msgr. Joseph A. Cournoyer Rev. William E. Collard $150 Rev. Benoit R. GalIand

Dr. David Prial U.S. Record Corp. Apex Shade Co. Jet Gas Corp. Roger Dufour Piano & Organ Studio Craft Corrugated Box, Inc. Andy's Rapid Transportation Corp. Bradley-Scott Clothes, Inc. Allen's Cut Rate A Friend Travis Furniture Co. Tom Ellison, Inc. China Royal Restaurant Fall River Tool & Die Co. Sterling Pile Fabrics Corp. M & G Sportswear, Inc. . Atty. Philip Goltz J. C. Roofing Co., Inc. Economy Body & Radiator Works Smith Electr:ical Supply Co. Chace Electric Co. Somerset Speed Equipment Leonard Pharmacy Baker Tractor Corp. Mr. & Mrs. John P. Dwyer East Main Hardware Dr. N. Kenneth Shand Joseph M. Madowsky

Rev. Ambrose Lamarre, O.P., Dominican Priory, Fall River Rev. Thomas Trainor, 1941, Pastor, St. Louis, Fall River 1940~

MAY ,20 Rev. Antonio L. da Silvia, 1952, Pastor, Qur Lady of Health, Fall River

O'ROURKE Funeral Home 571 Second Street Fall River, Mass. 679-6072


MICliAEL J. McMAHON Registered Embalmer . lkensed Funeral Dif'ec:t~~. .. 1-.

Funeral Home 550 Locust Street Fall River, Mass. 672-2391 Rose E. Su Ilivan Jeffrey. E. Sullivu ._-..

75th Anniversary Of Cathedral's Virgin Statue A visitor t路o Ireland is often surprised when all activity in a hotel lobby suddenly comes to a halt only to realize that a clock is striking and everyone is silently praying the Angelus. A visitor to downtown Fall River might also be surprised to see someone pausing briefly with 'head -bowed in prayer on busy Second Street. The object of this devotion is the statue of Our Lady of Lourdes standing on the lawn outside the Lady Chapel of St. Mary's Cathedral. The statue which has had a special place in the affection of Fall River Catholics for seventy-five years was obtained in France by the Rev. Christopher Hughes and erected, as the inscription on the granite base says in memory of the Rev. Edward Murphy and all deceased benefactors _ of St. Mary's Church. Father Murphy who was pastor of St. Mary's from 1840 to 1887 began the building of the present Cathedral Church in 1852. The dedication of the statue took pla~e on Thanksgiving Day, November 29, 1900. A parade of religious and civic societies including a platoon of policemen, members of the Holy Name So.cieties of St. Mary, St. Louis and SS. Peter and Paul parishes, the Sacred Heart Cadets, the An路 cient Order of Hibernians and the Cercle Montcalm marched in review before 路Bishop Matthew Harkins of Providence who earlier in the day had administered Confirmation to almost three hundred children and adults at St. Mary's. The sermon at the dedication ceremony, which accounts say was witnessed by almost five thousand people, was delivered by.the Rev. Joseph McDonough, a native of St. Mary's Parish and 'pastor of St. Michael Church in Providence. Following the sermon a group of little girls dressed in white, representing the choirs of angels marched from the vestry-led by Miss Esther Elizabeth Gilligan who unveiled the statue which Bishop Harkins solemnly blessed. The seventy-fifth anniversary of the blessing of Our Lady's Statue will be observed on Sunday afternoon May 11, when at the conclusion of this year's annual parish May Procession the statue will be solemnly crowned. Msgr. John J. Regan, Rector of St. Mary's Cathedral, cordially invites everyone to join the priests and parishioners of St. Mary's Parish in taking part in the May Procession and Devotions which will begin at 1:45.

Family: Union The union of the family lies in love; and love is the only reconciliation of authority and liberty. -R. H. Benson

THE ANCHORThurs., May 8, 1975


$25 Bradley & Halliwell Brodeau's Machine Co. Browne Pharmacy, Inc. New Bedford Catholic Guild for the Blind Dr. J. Greer McBratney Roland Tire Service E. W. Smith Co., Inc. Brockton Public Market Cape Cod Staging, Equipment & Ladder Co., Inc. Citizens Credit Union Fibre Leather Mfg. Co. Gilt Edge Textile Mills

Cape Cod

PRINCIPALS AT CATHOUC EDUCATION CONVENTION: Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin, S.T.D., Bishop of the Diocese of Fall River, principal concelebrant and homilist at the opening Mass; Dr. Eleanor M. McMahon, dean of Educational Studies at Rhode Island College and keynote speaker; Rev. Msgr. Patrick J. O'Neill, D.Ed., Diocesan Director of Education and chairperson 10r the opening session.

Special Gifts Continued from Page One F. B. Rogers Silver Co. League of Sacred Heart, St. Jacques Immaculate Concept. Women's Guild Atty. Hector Demers Atty. Edmund J. Brennan Atty. Orland F. deAbreu $40

Dr. Armand Yelle $35 Gay & Gay, Attys. at 'Law $30 FrankV. Phillipe McCabe Sand & Gravel Maximillian Kilbe Guild, Holy Rosary Riendeau Funeral Service $25 Anthony R. Mastromarino. Henry Crapo Taunton Dress Corp. Eddie's Automotive Inc. Bristol County Furniture St. Paul Women's Guild Stephen & Clare Crosby Church Fuel Co., Inc. Dr. William Barnes St. Germain & Son St. Jacques Social Club Poole Silver Co. Norwell Mfg. Co., Inc. Andy's Market Frank Noone Shoe Co. Holiday Lounge, Inc. Atty. Thaddeus M. Strojny Jr. Atty. Robert E. Allen Jr. Narragansett Sales, Inc. Holy Rosary Sodality, Holy Rosary Weir Pharmacy Atty. Philip Assiran

Attleboro $1,500 Krew, Inc.

$250 Donley Mfg. Co. $100 Hendrick's Pools, Seekonk Leavens Mfg. Co., Inc. Dottie's Caterers Dr. & Mrs. I. DeYoung $75 Beauchaines, Inc. $50 Bergh Bros. Co., Inc. _ Willis MacKinnon Insurance Co. V. H. Blackington Co. $35 Reynolds & Markman, Inc. Plastic Craft Novelty Co., Inc. $30 J. P. Reynolds & Company Bliss Bros. Dairy, Inc. Sousa Bros. & Demayo, Inc. $25 Seekonk Oil Co. Mr. & Mrs. D. Anthony Ven路 detti, Seekonk Read's Dairy, Inc~, Seekonk Eileen Darling, Seekonk Mason Box Co. Dr. & Mrs. Ernest A. Bragg, Jr. Plainville Savings & Loan Assn. Falls Athletic Club Ed Pariseau Real Estate Earl C. Foster & Son, Inc. B & J Jewelry Co., Inc. Falls Shopping Center


Beach's Market Reinbold Insurance Co. United Findings Co., Inc.

New Bedford $1,000 First National Bank $500 A Friend $350 A Friend $250 Catholic Women's Club Ha;rriet Trans. Co. $100 Macedo Pharmacy Mass. Trucking Cor. Perry Funeral Horne Universal Roofing States Nitewear Co., Inc. $50 Adams & Adams A Friend Acushnet Nursing Horne St. Rita Conference, Marion $40

Harry Silverstein $35 Debson Mills Glaser Glass Co. Atty. Raymond McK. Mitchell $30 Rodney Printing Acushnet Saw Mills


75th ANNIVERSARY of the

Dedication of the Statue of Our Lady of Lourdes SUNDAY, MAY 11, 1975 Program

Holy Family High School New Bedford

Entrance & Placement Retake Exam SATURDAY - MAY 10 - 8:30 A.M. AT THE SCHOOL NORTH & SUMMER STS.

2:00 P.M. May Pro~ession All gather in the school yard at 1:45 P.M. Act of Consecration to Our Blessed Mother Crowning of the Lourdes Statue by one of the First Communion Children All in the diocese are invited to participate in the joyous anniversary of this most cherished landmark

$1,000 Our Lady of Assumption Conference, Osterville Peckham & Sons Electrical, Inc., Hyannis $500 T. J. McGee Council No. 2612 K of C, Nantucket St. Pius X Conference, South Yarmouth $250 Our Lady of the Isle Conference, Nantucket $200 Particular Council of Cape Cod and the Islands, Society of St. 'Vincent de Paul Turn to Page Five

23 Day Holy Year Tour

Spiritual Director Rev. J. Joseph Kierce

Author and Produc~r of The New England Passion Play "THE CHRISTUS."

Have you ever been to Greece, Italy, England, France, Holland, Belgium, Austria, Germany, Liechtenstein, Switz,erland? VISIT

Rome, Athens, London, Paris, Frankfurt, Cologne, Innsbruck, Venice, Brussels, Amsterdam, Lucerne, Florence, Pompeii, Isle of Capri; Bari, Padua, Corinth and Olympia.

CRUISE on the Ionian Sea and the Rhine River

All this for only $1169 Aug. 9 to 31 All Expenses Paid First Class Reservations contact: Rev. J. Joseph Kierce St. Kevin Rectory Dorchester, Ma. 02125 Tel: (617) 436-2771 or George Osborn University Travel Co. Cambridge, Ma. 02138 Tel: (617) 864-7800


THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., May 8, 1975

Food Problems Answered Thirty-two members of the American Association for the Advancement of Science will publish articles tomorrow in the magazine Science in which they will voice optimism concerning the world's capacity to meet its food needs. Fred H. Sanderso~ of Brookings Institution will write that "The historical record lends support for the more optimistic view" that needs can be met for many years "without a dramatic increase in CO$ts." He continues that the food problems of the last three years became a crisis that never ..••... _'i' ;. . should have happened. "The crisjs could have been avoided if the United States .... (and other grain-exporting countries) had been more ...... ' :~: .. prudent." ... ." .. The scientists do not minimize the problems faced in meeting the world's need for food, but find hope in research, technology and development of untapped and underutilized resources. Dr. Sylvan H. Wittwer, director of the Michigan Agricul~ural Experiment Station, says that "Despite a growing population and increasing demands of that population for improved diets, .it appears that the world is not close to universal famine. That people are malnourished or starving is a question of distribution, delivery ,and economics, not agricultural limits." The noted Jean Mayer, professor of nutrition at Harvard, offers a blueprint for relief management and calls for "Give the future a break." strong direction by one person, clear data on the needs that come up In various areas of the world, prompt action on supplies and careful prescription of appropriate diets for those in need. The writers feel that the one great contribution is to focus in one place a large fund of information for the use of others. Various suggestions have been given by the scientistsimprovement of the nitrogen-fixation capacity through which plants can draw part of their food from the air; improvement of fodder and the fertility of livestock that feed on it; even such a simple measure as the control of pests; storage of water and new methods of irrigation; St. William's Church REV. JOHN F. MOORE increased use of fertilizers; better means of transportation of food from surplus regions to areas of need. One interesting sidelight of the story is that it was put on· an inside page. And there will undoubtedly be a A couple of weeks ago an elected official of the town of strange silence from those who have been shrieking on Swansea, Mass., felt it his public duty to take the Catholic page one that the world is faced with immediate starvation. Church to task, directly referring to the Diocese of Fall There is an answer to this, of course. Those who have River in the folk idiom of "Jesse James." Now this in itself been using the food problems of the world to push for might seem to many just a contraception are losing an argument that they have been mere case of indiscretion and in any way sought to victimize pushing, and trying to panic people with, for a long time. .imprudence. On the other the public good as was insinuated by what we might term the hand for others it could be verbiage of the "Swansea affair." __ t






A Question of Freedom


This coming Sunday is the Church's World Communications Day. Marking the occasion with a message, Pope Paul has asked the media to give the Church what she is entitled to expect, truthful reporting on her teachings, aspirations and life. He admonished against concentration on human degredation and warned against the manipulation of facts and of audiences. The Pope is much aware, as all should be, of the great power of communications for good-and, through lack of responsibility, for evil as well.


Published weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River 410 Highland Avenue Fall River Mass. 02722 675-7151

PUBLISHER Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin, D.O., SJ.D. GENERAL MANAGER Rev. Msgr. Daniel F. Shalloo, M.A.

lieu. John P. Driscoll


...... leary Press-Fall Rive:

Rev. John R. Foister

a reflection of anti-Catholic bigotry and bias. However such a situation be viewed, it certainly was wrong. It was wrong not only in the choice of words used to insult the people of the Diocese of Fall River but it was wrong as a public statement by a public official. The Church in this area has. not

For years the. Catholic Church has freely granted to local communities not only superior services but also tax savings that benefit the entire populace. The schools and institutions of the Catholic Church, freely built and operated have reduced the community tax burden by millions of dollars. .

State Income Tax Refund Unfair Towns have filled their coffers with state revenues that pay little attention to the fact that parochial school students are also included in the total student population of the community. Building programs initiated by the Church have given employment to many regardless of religious preference and hundreds today f:'hd additional jobs provided by the many institutions sponsored by the Church, which benefit all citizens without reference to' race or religion. To ignore such community benefits rendered by the Church is to ignore the involvement and the dedication of the hard working, dedicated citizens who by personal choice happen to members of the Catholic Church. Such ignorance of course is nothing new in the struggle for existence that the Church has had to face in its long history.

What does add a new twist to present prejudicial remarks is of course the manner and tone by which they are reported by the public media especially the printed word. There seems to be in recent time even in our local area, a waiting vulture on many typewriters lingering to pick the bones of the Church. Like so many birds of prey ready to feed on stories from a dead carcass, some attitudes of news reporting can only harken back to the days of the "Know Nothings" not only in spirit but also in content. Newspaper reporters are supposedly dedicated to facts. When facts are clouded by personal innuendo, offensive asides and insidious affrontries, they no longer remain 'facts but become personal editorialization. Like a wolf in sheep's clothing, methods of


"'.".: ...-:: - -









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Pro-Life Position Is Told Tonight On Channel Four The pro-life story will be presentedat 10 o'clock ton,ight on WBZ-TV Channel Four in a program that all in the Fall River diocese are urged to view. Among those responsible for its planning is Dr. Joseph Stanton of the Brighton-based Value of Life Committee. Dr. Stanton is remembered in Fall River for a graphic presentation on the right to Hfe that he gave several years ago in St. Miehael's parish hall. . He said tonight's program will begin with a widely acclaimed film, "The First Days of Life," that means of intrauterine photography follows development of the fetus from the time of conception. This will be followed by an interview with Louise Summerhill, founder of Birthright, an organization dedicated to aiding women with problem pregnan- . cies. Birthright chapters are active in the Fall River diocese in Fall River, New Bedford, Attleboro and Hyannis. The third part of the program will be introduced by a threeyear-old child, alive as the result of fetal research. The ethics of this branch of medicine will be discussed by Dr. Micheline Matthews of ,the Channing Laboratory of Boston Oity Hospital. "Population Control and Abortion" will be the topic of Professor Arthur Dyck, Saltonstall Professor of Population at Harvard Universtiy; and the care of the dying patient will be discussed by Dr. Sylvia Lack of the Hospice, a Connecticut facility for the terminally ill. The response of the doctor to such patients will be considered by Dr. Mildred Jefferson. The program will break at 11 p.m. for news and will resume at II :30 with an open-ended panel of reactors to the material presented.

reporting facts in this vein only serve to alarm, agitate and appall. Well, th~ Church is not dead, it is not a mere carcass awaiting to be buried by the so-called sophisticates of the would-be modern press. It is alive and well in each and every member, men, women and children who are also citizens of communties, taxpayers of towns and readers of newspapers. They have religious rights and obligations as Catholics; they have constitutional freedoms and liberties as citizens. To defend· their freedoms and liberties while upholding their moral and religious convictions is the founding guarantee of each and every citizen of this land, inc!uding members of the Catholic Church. It is about time that Catholics once more become aware that there I are many who would yet relegate them to a second class citizenship. It is also about time that those who continue to evidence their personal and private prejudice against the Catholic Church by means of the public media realize that they cannot escape effective response and positive action. To do less would endanger the civil liberties of all Americans.

Special Gifts CAPE COD & ISLANDS Continued from Page Three

$150 St. Theresa Guild, Sandwich Corpus Christi Guild, Sandwich St. John Conference, Pocasset $125 Patti's Rib House, Wel.1~ Dennis $100 Our Lady of Victory Conference, Centerville In memory of Arthur Fisher, Hyannis Park St. Joan of Arc Conference, Orleans Our Lady of the Cape Confer-' ence, Brewster Atty. Joseph H. Beecher, Hyannis $50 Mother Cabrini Circle No. 722 o of I, Buzzards Bay Our Lady of Vi::tory Guild, Centerville $25 Ernest Perry Area Station, Buzzards Bay Mrs. Gladys Finley, West Dennis Atty. Charles H. McGratb, Hyannis Riverway Lobster House, So. Yarmouth Knights of the Altar, Our La~ly of the Cape, Brewster Sheriff & Mrs. John J. Bowes, l3arnstable Mr. & Mrs. Marshall Field Cummaquid ' Madonna Club of Onset Crowley Associates Realty, Buzzards Bay Bass River Fish Market, So. Yarmouth McCormack Apothecary, So. Yarmouth Wayside Stu~lio Printing. So. Yarmouth Davenport Realty, So. Yarmouth Doane, Beal & Ames, So. YarmOllth Canal Electrical, Inc., Buzzards Bay Mather Gulf Service, Hyannis


$300 Rev. Roland Bedard, M.S. $200 Francis Sweeney $100 Leonard W. McHugh Mary B. Grice $50 Frank Lajoie Maroin Sullivan John Bete $35 James Besso $30 Mr. & Mrs. Jennings & Son James H. Conlon $25 James White, Mary McKeon, Frank McMahon, James Callanan, Elinor D. Welch Rudolp Egert, Cornelius Spil· lane, James Phillips, James Brandon, Helen Mullen Richard Hassett, John Kinkead, George Johnson, Walter Buttkus, Daniel Downey Julia Henne:Gey, Albert G. Wagda, V. F. Pollard, Mrs. Thomas Freeley, Fred L. Hew· itt Jr. Katherine A. Graney, Robert White James Conroy, Alice V. Emerson, Joseph Trujeau Stanley Fowler, John Miller, Margaret Blake, John Sullivan Walter Dawley, Louis Crocke; Leonard Kerwin

Buzzards Bay ST, MARGARET

$500 Rev. John G. Carroll $52 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Cleary $50 Mrs. Ann Shea Mrs. Margaret Bartley Mr. & Mrs. John Riha Mr. & Mrs. Maurice Savage Mr. & Mrs. Frank Wyatt Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Sheehan Mr. & Mrs. Jobn Gray Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Sweeney Eugene Lopes Mrs. Catherine H. D. Bowen Mr. & Mrs. William Bennett $40 Mr. & Mrs. William McCoy Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Oliosi $35 Dorothy Pina A. Cayson Tucy Mrs. Romeo Verrier Mr. & Mrs. John Karl Mr. & Mrs. Martin Tomolonis $30 Mr. & Mrs. August Cristofori Mr. & Mrs. Richard Dobbins Mr. & Mrs. Fred McComiskey Mr. & Mrs. John J. O'Conneil Mr. & Mrs. Melvin Burns $25 Mr. & Mrs. August Lope::;, Mrs. James McCormick, Mr. & Mrs. John Enos, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph C. ~opes, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Andrews Mr. & Mrs. Waller Eno, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Murach, Mr. & Mrs. Riohard C. Cough\'in, Mr. & Mrs. John McGuillicuddy, Mrs. Harry Robbins Mr. & Mrs. Fred Rourke, Mr. & Mrs. Fidele Arsenault,' Mr. & . Mrs. Robert Gaudet, Mr. & Mrs. Francis Samson, Mr. & Mrs. John McNamara Mr. & Mrs. Colombo Cri·stafori, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Steven· son, Mr. & Mrs. George Cormier, Mr. & Mrs. Harry McCarthy, Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Post Dr. Ralph Angus, Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Taylor, Mr. & Mrs. Marshall Bugg, Mrs. Martha Monaghan, The McCormack Family

Mr. & Mrs. Henri Coulombe, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Ellis, Mrs. Anthony Valloregio, Mrs. Armand Bedard, Mrs. John Burns Joseph H. Downing Mr. & Mrs. Vidor Gosselin, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond O. Boucher Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Wenzel, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Ehmann Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Moore, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Mercier, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Lopes, Mrs. Michael Della Femina, Mr. & Mrs. David Fannon


$200 Marjorie O'Connell $150 Mr. & Mrs. John Mohyde $100 Cecile B. Doelger

IIBUCKY" The Television King



Mr. & Mrs. Richard Sullivan, Mr. & Mrs. George Twomey, Edwin F. & Mary A. Zalesky



Help U'S help them

... to fill their needs of body • and spirit. May the Society for • . the Propagation of the Faith






be y~ur ~rincipal charity for • sharing In the greatest and • holiest work of the Church. • •••••








It is easier to GIVE when you think in terms of RENEWAL and RECONCILIATION. RENEWAL of our belief in God's word: "When you give to the least of my brothers, you give to Me." RECONCILIATION of our affluence with our brothers in Christ who suffer in constant spiro itual and physical need.

To help YOU help them


... because we are one in the faith because I want to share my blessings with all 'God's peopie, I am pleased to send my gift of $

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ress City


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Send your gift to: . , . Most Rey. Edw~rd T. O'Meara The Rev. Msgr.Rayniond T. Considine NatIonal Director OR: Diocesan Director Dept. C., 366 Fifth Avenue 368 North Main Street New York, New Yerk 10001 . fall River, Mas~chusetts 02720


tbe aria tar aver 25 years

& Mrs. Leo Concannon, Mary Courtnell Ida G. Galligan, Mrs. Lawrence Gray, Lawrence Hunter, Mrs. Chester Eldridge, George Fleckenstein Mr. & Mrs. Alexander Griffin, Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Griffin, E. Cecilia Jackson, Elizabeth Lally, Julia A. Martin Mr. & Mrs. William McTague, Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Miller, Mr. & Mr&. Norman Normandeau, Elizabeth Norton, Dennis Pendolari Mr. & Mrs. Freeman Phillips, Jr., Florence Reilly, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Reynolds, Mr. & Mrs. Eli Rogers, Mr. & Mrs. Philip Stello,


1196 Bedford Street Fall River, Mass. Dial 673-9721


THE ANCHORThurs., May 8, 1975


Pilgrims Estimated At One Million VATICAN CITY (NC) - Vatican Radio annuonced April 14 that about one million pilgrims visited Rome during the first quarter of 1975, according to estimates based on figures from the Holy Year Central Committee. The committee stated that 600,000 pilgrims had. checked in officially through various agencies that handle pilgrims. Since this figure ,docs not in· c1ude pilgrims traveling independently, it would not be an overestimate to say that one million in all had already come to Rome, said Vatican Radio. This, the broadcast noted, was much higher than the 210,521 officially checked in for the first quarter of the 1950 Holy Year.

Margaret Nickerson $50 Alice Dobbyn Mr. & Mrs. Henry P. Hamrock Holy Redeemer Guild Mr. & Mrs. George Killen William J. Mahoney $45 Mary E. Young $35 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Sparkes $31 Mr. & Mrs. John Speight $30 Mr. & Mrs. James H. Andrews Elizabeth Bowles Mr. & Mrs. Robert Cook Mr. & Mrs. Frank E. Devlin Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Fougere Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Frawley Mr. & Mrs. Frank Maloney $25 Cecilia Aide, Charles Baker, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Brennan, Mr.


THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., May 8, 1975


Unedu1cated Married" Sin,ners First Priests



The last few weeks have been rough on Catholic women. First Bishop Maher of San Diego issued a pastoral letter directing his priests to refuse the Eucharist to members of the National Organization for Women (NOW), and not allow them to proclaim the word of God as lectors. folowing the Last Supper hardly indicates they received the inNext, Pope Paul made a fusion of sanctifying and sacraspeech in which he stated mental graces Orders brings to

the Church could never ordain women to the priesthood because none of the apostles was a woman.

Iy MARY CARSON I'm not a member of NOW, and I have no desire to become a priest. (My husband 'Says he can tolerate being introduced as Mr. Mary Carson, but he absolutely rejects the thought of calling me "father.") However, I do think these two recent actions deserve comment. The priesthood was instituted by Christ at the Last Supper when He told the apostles to "Do this in remembrance of Me." It's true there were no women present. It's also ,true there were sin· ners present at that first Mass. The celebrant, Christ Himself, knew it. He knew Judas planned to betray Him. He knew Peter would deny Him. In spite of this knowledge, Christ offered everyone the Eucharist at that first Mass. He even offered the ministry to all twelve. I see no resemblance between ·Christ's actions at the Last Supper and Bishop Maher's pastoral letter. And it's also hard for me to understand why ordination must be limited to men because there were no women at the Last Supper. ' There were no Italians there either. Or Irishmen. None of those in' attendance were welleducated. Yet today the priesthood is conferred on those who are celibate, well-educated, and of good character. None of these qualifications were necessary for membership among the apostles. To be ordained, to receive Holy Orders', the candidate must intend to accept the ministry offered by the ordaining bishop. It's apparent to me that Christ offered the ministry to the apostles at ·the Last Supper. But i,t is' much less clear that they accepted it then and there. One denied, one betrayed . . . and what of the others? Their behavior immediately

Plants, Cakes Parents of students at Holy Union Primary School, 527 Rock St., Fall Riyer, will sponsor a plant and cake sale from 10 a.m.. to 3 p.m. this Saturday at the . school. Proceeds will benefit the Montessori-type school.

a priest, by which God helps him in his ministry. While the priesthood and the Eucharist were instituted by Christ at rthe Last Supper, it seems to me that the apostles' acceptance of their ministry, and possibly their ordination, happened at Pentecost, when they were filled with the Spirit. If that is so (and it's just my opinion) then "the women and Mary, the ,mother of Jesus" who were present with them, accord· ing to the Acts of the Apostles, may also have been ordained at that time. I don't know how we can be sure about this.

We can be sure, however, that "the women and Mary, the mother of Jesus" were not wearing NOW button's when the Holy Spirit visited them on Pentecost. -Bishop Maher may be able to take comfort from that.

Deplores Greed In Holy Land GAiRlUSON (NC)......,Archbishop Joseph Raya, 57, resigned Melkite-rite archbishop of Acre, Israel, told an invitations-only conference of Christian experts on the Holy Land here that disputes over shr.ines, greed, and paternalism by professional . Christians are a "counter-witness" to the Gospel message of reconciliation. The Lebanese-born prelate, whose resignation was accepted by,\the Melkite-rite Patriarchage of Antioch last year, warned the dialogue group that "greed for the temporal has corrupted our vision." The unusual two-day conference, attended by about 30 persons, was held under auspices of the Graymoor Ecumenical, Institute -here in New York on the topic "Can the Christian Churches be a Force of Reconciliation in the Middle East?" Most of the participants, representing a spectrum of Christian religious interests in the Holy Land, were Protestant leaders. Archbishop Rava gave the principal address.. On the second day the discussion was led by James Wall, editor of Christian Century, an interdenominational Christian weekly. "The Holy Land, which should be the womb of fraternal love, for friend and foe alike, has been instead a battlefield with foreign Christian pitted against local Christian, as well as Christian against non-Christian," Arohbishop Rava declared. "The birthplace of the Mystical Body of Christ, which binds each of us to his brother, has been a seething cauldron of jealousy, competition, and bigotry."



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1""" ,'".";.~ <\\\\ , GUEST SPEAKER AT DCCW CONVENTION: Rev. Richard H. Sullivan, CSC, former president of Stonehill College and guest speaker at the 22nd Annual Convention, discusses Saturday's meeting in the Taunton Catholic Middle School with Mrs. Harry Loew of Attleboro, second vice-president of the DCCW; Mrs. Redmond O'Callahan of Pocasset, third vice-president and Mrs. George King of Vineyard Haven, a delegate from the Cape and Islands District.

Women's Resolution Against Abortion Continued from Page One "'rough estimates" arrived at by the Department of' Health, Education and Welfare and revealed by the Ad Hoc Committee in De· fense of Life. • Chief Justice Warren E. Burger recently commented regarding the issue of abortion. "Such moral and social issues should be decided by the representation of all the American people rather than by a handful of judges. He continued: "My view is that under our constitutional system, the elected representatives should make these basic decisions not tenured judges who cannot be rejected -by the people as can Senators and members' of Congress." . We, as Catholic women, who are committed to the preservation of life as sacred from the moment of conception, have concluded that the most viable manner of confronting the pro-abortion bias so prevalent in society today is the process of amending the Constitution of the United States with what is described as a "Human Life" Amendment. , Such a human life amendment would, in view of the scientific evidence that human life begins at conception, invest unborn human life with all Constitutional guarantees and rights. Vigorous preliminary efforts are presently being made to organize national support for a human life amendment. There is no present formula which is preferred. The movement to amend the Constitution in this fashion is still in early stage of development. Against this background, we should all be aware that Senator Edward M. Kennedy introduced in the Senate a piece of legislation, Senate Bill 66, the Nursing Revenue Sharing and Health Service Act of 1975 which also includes re-authorization for continued funding of the Family Planning and Population Research Act. Senator Dewey Bartlett, from Oklahoma proposed an amendment to Senate Bill 66 which became known as the Bartlett Amendment. Senator Bartlett's amendment would have prohibited the use of federally funded money for abortions. May I repeat 270,000 abortions, 28 per cent of all abortions in the U.S.A. totalling between 40 and 50 million dol. lars of federal money, our tax o dollars.

On April 10, 1975, Senate Bill 66 was called up for debate on the floor of the Senate. A lengthy debate ensued on the so-called Bartlett Amendment, Senator Edward M. Kennedy, who is a resident of the Fall River Diocese and the Senior Senator from Massachusetts, astonished seasoned observers of Senate activity by assuming the leadership role in eliminating the Bartlett Amendment from the bill. Here is what the Washington Post reported under the headlines, "Kennedy Backs. Abortion Aid." Senator Edward M. Kennedy yesterday lead a Senate floor fight against an amendment that would cut off federal Medicaid funds for abortions, even though he said he personally opposes abortions. The antiabortion measure was defeated when a motion to tablerit passed, 54-36. Kennedy's position was a surorise. Pro-abortion lobbyists said they were not even sure he would vote against the amendment, let alone lead the opposition. Kennedy never before has taken a strong .stand on the abortion issue. The Boston Herald-American repONed the story under the headline, "Kennedy Leads Successful Fight to Defeat AntiAibortion Measure," while the Boston Globe contained a story under the headline, "Kennedy Leads Defeat of the Anti-Abortion Provision." (All newspapers referred to were published Friday, April 11, 1975.) In view of the position taken on this amendment by the Senior Senator, a resident of our diocese, I hereby offer this Resolution. Before doing so I would like to clarify any misinterpretation of this sl:atement. This in no way, and I repeat no way, should be interpreted as a personal attack on the integrity of our Senior Senator but only on his position regarding this matter so vital and important to "human life." Gertrude K. O'Brien (Mrs. James A. O'Brien, Jr.) Family Affairs Commission Chairman Fall River -Diocesan Council of Catholic Women of the National Council of Catholic Women: RESOLUTION Whereas: The Fall River Diocesan Coun-

cil of Catholic Women, whose membership numbers some 15,000 women in 92 affiliated groups in the Qiocese of Fall River, which is located in the southeastern part of Massachusetts, believes in the sacredness of human life, including the unborn at every st~ge of their biological development; And Whereas: In light of the conviction that human life begins at conception, a fact strongly supported by scientific evidence, and ·because of the high value placed on the life of each and very human being, the Church has always prohibited direct abortion as a morally evil act. And Whereas: It is increasingly clear that the only effective way to provide legal protection for the unborn is to amend the Constitution wherein safeguards of the Constitution extend to the unborn at every moment of his or her existence from· conception onward. And Whereas: A measure of protection for unborn human life was offered in the Amen.dment proposed by Senator Dewey Bartlett to Senate Bill 66, whereby spending tax money for abortions would have been prohibited; Be It Therefore Resolved That: The Fall River Diocesan Council of Catholic Women of the National Council of Catholic Women expresses its chagrin and dismay that Senator Edward M. Kennedy of Massachusetts, heretofore having represented himself as a champion of human life, tragically and deplorably assumed a position of positive advocacy for the advancement of abortion by vigorously opposing the "Bartlett Amendment." The Fall River Diocesan Council of Catholic Women is by no means comforted by our Senator's reiteration of his personal opposition to abortion, since he has been elected to protect the rights of all, including the unborn; Be It Further Resolved That: The Fall River Diocesan Council of Catholic Women expresses the hope that Senator Kennedy and his colleagues will soon declare themselves in favor of an amendment to the Constitution which would offer the strongest possible protection of the unborn. '-


THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., May 8, 1975

Importa,n·ce of Sports~~a·r· Shown' in Informal S'u:rvey


By Marilyn Roderick I had two occasions this past weekend to observe the fashion scene as a people watcher. I had stayed overnight in Boston and then spent an hour or so the next morning waiting for someone I was meeting in my hotel lobby. Lobby watching is great fun -you can try to guess coun- free fashion show. Just as before neutrals were tries and even states by ac- the thing, but here not so many cents and appearances of pants as longer ·skirts were in weary travelers. I had a good chance to observe female travelers those who were fresh as that daisy and those who were very wilted.


Iy MARILYN RODERICK Fashionwise, the best traveling outfit appeared to be the pantsuit, but one in a plain natural shade, not white, a too dark color, that would pick up lint or a bUSy print that might add pounds to its wearer. The really chic women wore neutrals or earth tones, perked up with a bright scarf at the neckline or interesting chains or beads. Free Fashion Show Later the same day I had another period of time to observe .the fashion scene as Jason and I lunched at a wmdow table in a restaurant at the corner of Berkley and Newbury, without a doubt the most fashionable corner in Boston. Before our eyes paraded well-dressed women of all ages. 'It was like having a


$600 Rev. Msgr. William D. Thomson $200 In Memory of Mary Rose Farrell Mr. & Mrs. Larry G. Newman $100 Rev James F. Greene Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. McCarty Mary Gregg Charles Riordan Mr. & Mrs. Seward K. Reid Jr. Mr. & Mrs. George Shannon Mr. & Mrs. Harry A. Varnum Mr. & Mrs. William Conlon Mr. & Mrs. Raymond H. Bourque Mr. & Mrs. John A. Rose In Memory of William F. Shea In Memory of Alice G. Stanton In Memory of Ernest Hasprey In Memory of Manuel R. Couto 580 Mr. & Mrs. Earl C. Fratus $75 Mr & Mrs William F. Donovan $60 Mr & Mrs Joseph Shaughnessy $55 Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Riley $50 Edward L. Bennett Mrs. Ronald Mansbach Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Fournier Mr. & Mrs. Joseph H. Martin Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Golden Mr & Mrs Nicholas P. Karukas Catherine D. Towey Mr. & Mrs. Antonio L. Dias. Dr. & Mrs. Francis C. O'Neil

view. They ·are really becoming if everything is in proportion, and here it was. SCarfs accented necklines and longer jackets topped these skirts. I even saw a few hats and they looked equally chic. One conclusion I came to after watching this in-town fashion display was that sportswear is a very important part of every woman's wardrobe. I noted that coordinates made up most of the looks on the welldressed women. An advantage of this, and also the great use of neutrals is that a skirt, jacket and slacks can lead a very busy life mixing and matching with one another.

Resthaven Nursing Home Mr. & Mrs. Arthur G. LaFrenzier Helen B. Sullivan Mrs. G. Roberta Hart Mr. & Mrs. John J. McConnell John R. Reyburn $45 Mr. & Mrs. Edmund J. Daly Jr. $40 Mr. & Mrs. Frank J. Dolan $35 Mr. & Mrs. William F. Pillion Mrs. Margaret Raymond Mr. & Mrs. Leonard P. Reed $30 Virgil Casey Mr. & Mrs. John J. Mitchell . Mr. & Mrs. John F. Keveney Mr & Mrs. Alfred W. McKenna Mr. & Mrs. John F. Murray $28 Mr. & Mrs. Fred Golenski $25 Elizabeth Brassil, Mrs. Marie Eerg, Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Kehoe Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Ryan, Mr. & Mrs. Ralph C. Rocheteau Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Asa Stanley, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Ryan, Mr. & Mrs. James Murray, Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Murphy, Mr. & Mrs. Francis Aylmer Mr. & Mrs. Clifford B. White, Mr. Mrs. Robert T. Sullivan, Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Richard,nr & Mrs James F. Dunnez, Augustine Nolan Mr. & Mrs. Carl Ferdensi, Mr. & Mrs. John Flaherty, Mrs. Margaret C. McCarthy, Mrs. Evelina E. Pierce, Frank Conery Mr. & Mrs. John J. Barrows, Mrs. Tovio Anderson, Mr. & Mrs. John Sheehan, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph L. Cains Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Albert Trocchi Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Cannon, Mrs. E. H. Galligan, Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Powers, Charles' L. Senesac, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Miele Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Richard, Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Constant, Harriet D. Butler, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Kenneally, Mr. & Mrs. William Smith Mr. & Mrs. Donald H. Chase, Mrs. Jeanette L. Donoghue, Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Kelliher, Mr. & .Mrs. Austin. A.BelI, Mr. & Mrs. George Lampert



DCCW VICE·PRESIDENTS MEET ISLAND DELEGATE: During an intermission of the sessions attended by 350 women from all sections of the Diocese, Mrs. Edmund Noke, left, Vineyard Haven delegate, exchanges views about the sessions with Mrs. Vincent A. Coady, center, Somerset, fifth vice-president and Miss Adrienne Lemieux, right, Taunton, fourth vice-president. Mr. & Mrs Cedric T. Sears, Mrs. Florence Maher, Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth T. Daly, John McGowan Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Earley Jr. Eleanore Resmlni, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Dresser, Mr. & Mrs. Harold Ellis, Mrs. Alfred A. J.unior, .John F. Dempsey

Whalen, John Shea, Pius Rooney, Daniel Flynn Thomas Hartigan, Charles Cassidy, Ricbard Curley, Samuel Re, Royal Gaffney John Shea




$400 Rev. Clarence P. Murphy' . $100 Our Lady of Assumption Guild 'Paul 'Lebel Charles Haskell J. Edmund Trumbour John Keelon Frank Shea $75 Sherwood Tondorf $50 Catherine' O'Connor Richard Cain Jeremiah Callanan James Gallagher J. Norman Fitzgerald Hugh CoUiton, Jr. Walter Clark John Gallagher John Reilly Dorothy Eastham Grace O'Connor $35 Dorothy Sanborn Mary & Catherine O'Brien $34 Howard Rohdin $30 Margaret Kelly Lawrence Coleman $26 James Friel $25 Joanne Coughlin, Ann Mullin, James Shields, Chester Brown, Gerald Haehle Caroline Gilligan, Francis Butler, ,Edward Crosby, Daniel Cronin, Ralph Shea Grace Flaherty, Victor Adams, Edward Daly, Thomas Cochran, George Doherty james Gallogly, Col. Beverly Lowery, James Garvey, J.J. Murphy, Crawford HolIidge 'Philip Boudreau, Mary G.

Oak Bluffs $125 Mr. & Mrs. Henry Corey $50 Mrs. James H. Butler $30 Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Billings

$26 Mr. & Mrs. James Cleary $25 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Lucas, Dennis J. McCarthy, Mr. & Mrs. Peter Regan, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Langlois, .Atty. & Mrs. James Kenney Mr. & Mrs. Thomas De Mont, Sr.

Prayer Habits You pray in your distress and in your need; would that you might pray also in the fullness of your joy and in your days of abundance.

f!?:'I\'::l:) . ~



Happy Mother's Day, Mom

From All The Folks At




THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., May 8, 1975

.The Parish Parade Publicity chairmen 01 Darlsh or.anlzatlons are asked to submit news Items for this column to The Anchor, P. O. Box 7, Fall River, 02722. Name 01 city or town should be Included as well as full dates of all activities. please send news of future rather than past events.

ST. MAllY, SOUTH DARTMOUTH New officers of the Women's Guild, who were installed at a recent inSitallation' dinner, are Mrs. John Pilvines, president; Mrs. Joseph Singleton, vicepresident; Mrs. Robert Menard and Mrs. William Theberge, secretaries; Mrs. Ronald Sylv,ia, treasurer. Committees that will function for the coming year include bandages, Catholic Council delegates, hospitality, program, publicity, sunshine, ways and means and junior guild voluniteers. Mrs. Arthur G. Considine is spiritual advisor. BLESSED SACRAMENT, FALL RIVER Edward Brault, president, announces that the parish Men's Club will mark its seventh anniversary at 7 P.M. Saturday, May 17, in the parish hall with a ham supper, followed by dancing to the music of the Casino Royal. Tickets are ava.iJable from all members.

ST. JOSEPH, ATTLEBORO Confirmation will be conferred on 91 parish youths by Bishop James J. Gerrard at 7 tomorrow night. A reception will foHow ,in the parish hall. On Mother's Day, Sunday, May 11, the Mothers' Day liturgy will be celebrated at all Masses. An installation banquet for the Women's Guild will take place Tuesday, May 13 -in the parish hall, following a 6:30 P.M. Mass. Rev. John Tormey will be guest speaker. Reservations should .be made today with Blanche Cesolini or Elaine Courbron. A pariSh bikeathon is scheduled for Saturday, May 31. Proceeds will aid 'in defraying parish renovation expenses. OUR LADY OF ANGELS, FALL RIVER On the parish calender are a cake sale the weekend of May 17, sponsored by the Council of Catholic Women; a breakfast meeting. for Holy Rosary Sodalists following 8 A.M. Mass Sunday, May 25; and celebration of the Feast of Espirito Santo the weekend of June 6.

ST. WILLIAM, FALL RIVER ST. JOHN OF GOD, A one-day bus trip to a ConSOMERSET necticut resort will be sponsored Alice Arruda will head !the by the Women's Guild Saturday, Women's Guild for the coming June 28. T.he trip will include year, supported by Rita Paska- two meals, transportation, and vitch, vice-president; Irene Per- participation in all resort aceira and Mary Viveiros, secre- tivities. Further information is taries; and Beatrice Lapointe, available from Mrs. Paul Batchtreasurer. .elder. A "Traveling Greenhouse" ST. PIUS X demonstration will feature the SOUTH YARMOUTH next meeting, to be held at 8 The Women's Guild will meet P.M. Wednesday, May 21. in the church at 7 P.M. Tuesday, Guild members will be host- May 13 for a living rosary cereesses for an ecumenical service, mony. Rev. William Petri will part of a series of Bicentennial address members on the apostoobservances to be held in each late of the missions. Somerset church, at 3 P.M. OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL Sunday, June 22. 'Plans are underway for I the HELP, NEW BEDFORD Marking its 25th year, Our parish's annual lawn party, to take place the weekend of 'July Lady of 'Perpetual Help Society will hold -a silver jubilee danc;~ 18 on the churoh grounds. Saturday, June 21 at Polish VetST. JOHN THE EVANGELIS~ erans Hall, 1680 Acushnet Ave., ATTLEBORO New Bedford. Music will be by A Hawaiian luau sponsored Wesoly Stas and his A.M. Poli3h by the parish social committee Tones Orchestra from Peabody will be held Saturday, May 24, Mass. at Bishop -Feehan High School, On Sunday, June 22 a Mass of Attleboro. A social hour at 7 Tnanksgiving will be celebrated P.M. will be followed at 8 by at 11 a.m., followed at 1 p.m. by the luau. Music will be by the a banquet at Thad's Steak Pearl Harbor Hawaiians and House, Acushnet Avenue. A there will be additional enter- program book cqmmemorating tainment. The public is invited the jubilee will be distributed. and reservations may be made General chairman for the weekby caUing 222-1456, 222-9052 or end observance is Mrs. Anna 222-4123. Galanek. In conjunction with the event ST. MATHIEU, a trip for two to Hawaii will be FALL RIVER awarded, with the drawing to The annual family communion take place the evening of the supper, sponsored by the Womluau. Several door prizes will en's Council, will take place fol,! be awarded. lowing 5 p.m. Mass Sunday, May 18. A hot and cold buffet will be ST. MARY, served in the parish hall and NEW BEDFORD Guild. members are asked to Rev. Roger Gagne, pastor, inmeet in the church parking lot vites friends of St. Mathieu's at 7:30 P.M. Monday, May 12 from other parishes to attend. Reservations will close Tuesfor a trip to a furniture supplier and a demonstration of points day, May 13 and may be made to consider when making pur- at the rectory or with Mrs. Nelson Julius or Mrs. Lionel Dugal, chases for the home. The unit's annual banquet chairwoman. Music for the Mass will be by will be held Monday, June 9 at White's restaurant, North the Canticum Novum Singers, diWestport. Tickets will be avail- rected by Miss Madeleine Delisle able at the next meeting or may with organist David Carrier. The be reserved by calling telephone group will also entertain after the supper. 995-4964 after; 5 P.M.

ST. MARY'S, FALL RIVER St. Mary's Field Hockey League will hold a banquet at 6 on Saturday night, May 24 in the new K of C Hall, 1492 Columbus Drive off Meridian St., Fall River. Terry O'Reilly of the Boston Bruins will be the feature speaker and a hockey fil~ will be shown. The buffet will be served from 6 to 8 and the program will c~ose at 10 o'clock. Door prizes will also be awarded. Tickets are $3.00 and reservations close on Saturday, May 10. Reservations may be made by contacting Pat Brousseau at 8-4845 or Mr. Frazer at St. Mary's School. Free bus service from the school yard the night of the banquet. SANTO CHRISTO, FALL RIVER The Council of Catholic Women will sponsor a dance at 8 p.m. Saturday, May 10 in the parish hall. Refreshments will be available and music will be by the Jardinieres. The unit's next regular meeting will take place at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, May 13, also in the hall. ST. MARY, SOUTH DARTMOUTH Rev. Robert S. Kaszyski of St. Stanislaus parish, Fall River, will be guest speaker at the annual communion Mass of the Women's Guild, slated for 'Tuesday evening, May 13, with Msgr. Arthur Considine as celebrant. Music will be by the women of St. Mary's choir, directed by Mrs. Luci Grande, and a buffet at the parish center will follow the ceremony. Members may bring guests. ST. GEORGE, WESTPORT The Couples' Club will sponsor a dance in the school hall at 8 p.m. Saturday,' May 17. The public is invited. Refreshments will be available and music will be by Randy Hill and the Country Sounds. Theme for the evening will be "Country Style, U.S.A." In charge of arrangements arc Mr. and Mrs. Armand Duquette, Mr. and Mrs. James Steadman and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Nadeau.

Holy Father Names Delegate to Angola VATICAN CITY (NC)-Pope Paul VI recently gave official Holy See recognition to the former Portuguese colony of Angola, which -is' on .its way to independence, when he established an apostolic delegation to that new African nation. The Pope named Msgr. Gio路 vanni de Andrea, who will be consecrated as titular archbishop of' Acquaviva, as the first apostolic delegate. Archbishop-elect de Andrea, 46, was ordained a priest in 1951 after studying at the Lateran University in Rome. He entered the Vatican's diplomatic service in 1958 and has served in apostolic delegations in Mexico and South Africa and in the opostolic nunciature in Haiti. For the past seven years he has been at路 tacQed to the papal secretariat of state. -



I CATHOUC EDUCATION CONVENTION:. Sr. Mary Faith Harding, RSM, principal of Bishop Feehan High School Attleboro and director of activities for the convention h~ld at the diocesan institution, welcomes Sr. Barbara, C.P., a member of the faculty at St. Peter's School, Plattsburgh, N.Y. and one of the numerous extra-diocesan visitors to 20th annual convention.

Abortion Protest Bracelets Sold WASHINGTON (NC) - "The Circle of Life abortion protest bracelet is now being worn by nearly a quarter million Americans," according to Susan Hilgers, president of the National Youth Pro-life Coalition (NWLC). The bracelet was introduced two years ago in response to the 1973 U. S. Supreme Court decision overturning most state restrictions on abortion. "The bracelet's original' purpose," Hilgers said, "was to be a symbol of protest which could be worn every day as an expres-

sion of the wearer's deep concern about the violence of human abortion. The numbers of people now wearing bracelets is far beyond our wildest expectations. The bracelets are even being sold in I;:urope." The bracelets are made of stainless steel and carry the date of Jan. 22, 1973 (the date of the Supreme Court's abortion decision). In addition, the Circle of Life is engraved into the bracelet, flanked -by an alpha and omega, symbolizing respect for human life from the beginning until the end.

During this Holy Year 路of Faith and Reconciliation 1975 visit



Special Services Every Sunday 2:00 p.m. Rosary 3:00 p.m. Benediction, Perpetual Novena and Blessing of the Sick 4:00 p.m. Stations of the Cross

Special Sundays in May 11th Birthright Sunday 18th Blessing of Motorcycles 25"" Folk Music Festival

Cafeteria and Book Store open Daily For special groups or pilgrimages write: Fr. Director La Salette Shrine Attleboro, Mass. 02703


THE ANCHOR-Diocese of fall River-Thurs., May 8, 1975

Ft,fmouth Sl.', PACRrrs

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:r:<~:;:ey, M2.ry Kemp, :e-':c,,'ClS Larkin, ::VI<"J'



$l~ ~:'i'


& lVirs.

(:,'iL:;{',I.'~ ,:'.


N':nhon, Mr. & Mrs. .ros~ph Mahc'1ey, Mr. & Mrs. Robert MCC<L-thy, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph McGinn, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas McGuire Mrs. Glenn Miller, Mr. & Mrs, Alex Morgan, Mr. & Mrs. Francis Murphy, Mr. & Mrs. William Murphy, Henry Nelson Mr. & Mrs. Michael Paterno, Mr. & Mrs. Carl Pearson, Carlotta Pena, Mr. & Mrs. Chester Powers, Alice Pumphret Mr. & Mrs. PaQ( Raftery, Mr. & Mrs. John Raneo, Dorothy Ryan, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Shea, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Sheehy, Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Smith Mary Stevens, Mr. ,& Mrs. F. Milot Underwood, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Uppgard, Mr, & Mrs. Edward Vegliante Mr. & Mrs. Frank Welsh, Judge Robert A. Welsh, Mr. & Mrs. Lynn Wordell






Dr. & Mrs. Rayrn:md A. Gagnon Mr. & Mrs. Richard Kinchla Mrs. Amory Leland Mr. & Mrs. Edward C. W~il, Jr. ' Esther J. Tenore

$75 Mr. & Mrs. Michael Grady

$50 Mr. & Mrs. John F. Adams Mrs. Gertude Arcaro Mrs. James Cassidy & Margaret A. E. & Anne Clancy Mr. & Mrs. Anthony M. Ghelfi Eileene M. Finnell Mr. & Mrs. Albert Leonard Loretta McKeon Mr. & Mrs. Elmer Ross Mrs. William Yeary $40 Bernard O'Hayrc Mr. & Mrs. Louis Tessier, Jr.

$30 Mr. & Mrs. Tromas Dorsey William Gallagher Mr. & Mrs. Paul Eident Vincent Inniss Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Smith Mr. & Mrs. John Tegan Mr. & Mrs. A. Kaspar Mr. & Mrs. Philip O'Brien Mr. & Mrs. John Osborne Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Reeves




Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Pucci, Mr. & Mrs. Paul Kelleher, Mr. & Mrs. William Page, Mr. & Mrs. John W. Dalton, Mr. & Mrs. Howard Battee !Mr. & Mrs. Roland Barabe, Mr. & Mrs. Walter Buguey, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Williams, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Bourgoin, Doris M. Contratto Mr. & Mrs. James DiSciullo, Mr. & Mrs. John F. Donovan, Mr. & Mrs. John F. Flynn, Mr. & Mrs. Myron J. Gaddis Mr. & Mrs. Anthony G. Glista, Joseph P. Grace, Margaret Griffin, Mrs. Bertram Haddon Mr. & Mrs. Warren Heath, Mr. & Mrs. F. X. Hill, Mrs. John Hughes, Mr. & Mrs. John T. Jones Norman LaForest, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Lamont, Atty. & Mrs. Alfred A. Mahoney, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas L. Matthews, Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Joseph B. Miskell, Jr. Mrs. Joseph B. Miskell, Sr., Anne C. McNelis, Mrs. Edward F. O'Brien, Dr. & Mrs. John T. O'Connell, Mrs. Carol Paige Mr. & Mrs. Edward Paszek, Mr. & Mr·s. Edward Perry, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Rogers, Mr. & Mrs. Donald Souza, Mrs. John P. Sylvia, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Weeks, Jr., Mrs. Mary Wessling

Serra International Convention June 23 CHICAGO (NC)-Serra International, an organization of Catholic laity devoted to fostering priestly and Religious vocations, will hold its 33rd annuai convention in Philadelphia .::une -"3-25. Cardinal John :«rol of :~hila­ ::el'Ohia, ::ormer "Jresirient of ~:he

$70 M1'. & Mrs. H. Poicy

$60 Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Turner $50 Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Quatrucci Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Corrigan Mr. & Mrs. Jose O. Dora Mr. & Mrs. Cosmo Mirando Mr. & Mrs. Edward Olean Barbara Burns Mr. & Mrs. John T. Kelleher

$40 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Olean Jane F. Barker Mr. & Mrs. William H. Adair, Jr.

$36 Mr. & Mrs. Frank Gamboa

$35 Mrs. James ,F. Mitchell Mr. & Mrs. George D. Reale Mr. & Mrs. Robert Caswell Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Hendricks Mr. & Mrs. Edwin W. Arnold

Woods Hole

$35 Lawrence C. Antonellis, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. JoJseph Armbruster Mr. & Mrs. / Leonard Martin

N.\r. & Mrs. ?ritz Ulij',sclF:eic,et



FIRST RECIPIENTS OF NEW AWARD: Sister Miriam O'Neil, RSM, 90 years of age, who taught and served in the field of education for 50 years and Miss Mary E. S. Cabral, who retired this year after a half century as pre-primary teacher at Espirito Santo School, Fall River, received from Bishop Cronin during the Catholic Education Convention the first NCEA Presidential Award. The awarding designates outstanding contribution by people in the field of education and IS signed by the president of the NCEA, Rev. John Meyers.

$350 Rev. James A. McCarthy

$100 Mr. & Mrs. William Carr Mrs. Paul Sabourin Mr. & Mrs. Clayton English


$50 John McCue William Stone Eugene Young

$35 Leo Murphy

$30 Harold McComiskey



Mrs. Edna Westcott Mr. & Mrs. Francis Donaldson

Mr. & Mrs. William Downey Mr. & Mrs. Paul Hennessey Mr. & Mrs. Robert Welsh Jr.


$30 James J. Connor Dr. & Mrs. David Doherty Neal Holland Mr. & Mrs. John O'Brien Mary & Rose Sylvia Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Walsh


Complete Line - '~3uHdi~"a .V\atericls > ~


)""3 ,:.LoeN ~OO ~.~JRHAVEN ~

,; ,.~


$150 Our Lady of Women's Guild



Our Lady of Mt. Holy Name Society


SINCE 1941



SINCE 1967

$100 Mr. & Mrs. William Cuddigan Mrs. :Louise Oakland Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Weyker Mr. & Mrs. Edward McCrystal



;~:-;:~ ~,,::4

SINCE 1891

Rev. William J. Shovelton





Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Aldonis, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Alvey, Mr. & Mrs. James Athy, Mr. & Mrs. Hugo Baroni, Mr. & Mrs. Manley Boyce Mr. & Mrs. John Broderick, Mrs. John Cain, Mrs. Amy Charbonneau, Mrs. Chester Chase, Evelyn Olarke Mr. & Mrs. Simon Connor, Mr. & Mrs. James Conway, Mr. & Mrs. Leo Daley, Mrs. Alphonse DesRochers, John Donlay Mrs. Lillian Dowd, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Egan, Mary Falla, Mr. & Mrs. John Fitzmaurice, Mr. & Mrs. Everett Frappier Mr. & Mrs. George Gardner,


Helen Clarkin, Ralph Simoneau Lee··Side Inc., Stephen McInnis, Hugh Rooney Orner Renquin, Manuel Medei· ros, Florence McCarthy Jr., Martin Mahoney, Dana Freeman Paul April Jr., Dr. WilHam Adams Jr., Mrs. William Stanton, Paul LaPrade, Mrs.~seph Goulding • William Doyle, John,"'*zozero, Eugene Higgins, WII~ - Morrison

Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Marshall, Mr. & Mrs. Maurice Hurley, Mr. & Mrs. Lorenzo Colaluca, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Sloane, Mr. & Mrs. John Petraitis Emily Medeiros, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Penacho, Mr. & Mrs. John Ghiorse, Joseph Amaral, Mr. & Mrs. Americus Macedo' Mr. & Mrs. LeRoy B. Simmons,' Mrs. Louise Fallon, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Secour, Dr. & Mrs. John DuValley, JI1r. & Mrs. Ralph Barnes Mrs. Elena Trenholm, Mr. & Mrs. James Lovely, Mr. & Mrs. Alfred T. Norris, Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Anthpny, Mr. & Mrs. Walter Gerula Lester Keirn, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond P. Silva, Mr. & Mrs. John P. Searles, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Carlson, Mr. & Mrs. James Urquhart Mr. & Mrs. G. Gorman, Mr. & . Mrs. John Mulvey, Mr. & Mrs. Clyde Curry, Mr. & Mrs. Lester Kempke



HOLY TRINITY Mr. & Mrs. Russell Brennan Mrs. Dorothy Crossen Nlr. & Mrs. Joseph Gilmette 3etty tic Marion Halbritter ::da 8'3rie'1 ~:,:r..]!. :,.l~:rs. :~ic~~a:rd .-<line .... . j ! :Its. .)OT'£lC . V c:f



Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Healy


Claudia Pendergast

Mr. & Mrs. Norman Dagenais Edith & Marion McCarthy Mr. & Mrs. Joaquim Pena


West Harwich

$100 Herbert Koelsch Dr. Raymond Gagnon

Mrs. Ruth Bowen Mr. & Mrs. William Connors Mr. & Mrs. Albert Edwards Mr. & Mrs. Paul Hunter Mrs. Eugene Hudson Mr. & Mrs. Wallace Ranen Mrs. Marie WaHey


Mr. & Mrs. E. Beauregard, Mrs. Manuel Britto, Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Asquino, Mr. & Mrs. Henry Clonts, Mr. & Mrs. Roger.W. Beals Mrs. Helen Perkins, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Dunlavey, Mr. & Mrs. Henry Thoma, Mrs. A. M. Cardoza, Mr. & Mrs. C. Minihan John Dunphy, Marie Lawlor, Paul Nugent, John O'Connor, -Frank Flanagan Thomas Dungan, Roland F. Brown, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph T. Murtha, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Mulcahy, Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Grant 'Frank Mackedon, Mr. & Mrs. ·Robert Mosher, Mrs. Irene Christian, Sprague Spooner Mr. & Mrs. Harold Czarnetski, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Lucier, Mrs. Herbert Watson, Mrs. Mrs. William Hervey

$200 Rev. William E. Farland



$30 Helen E. Browning Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Carvalho Mr. & Mrs. Robert Saxon Mr. & Mrs. George McGee







! '\



Sr. Eleanor

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., May 8, 1975

Continued from Page One Apart from the "hurry up and wait" aspect of life in the Guam refugee camp, Sister Eleanor paid high tribute to the efficiency of the American military in setting up accommodations for thousands of people in a matter of hours. "We were in an area called 'Tin City' that had been used for American airmen. It had been deactivated and all furnish. ings removed just a few weoks before the refugees arrived, and everything had to be put back with almost no notice. It was astonishing how smoothly things went." Sister Eleanor is uncertain about the future of Catholic Relief Services in Vietnam and Cambodia. "Those were our two largest overseas operations and we really don't know what's go· ing to happen." She doesn't feel, however, that anti-American sentiment would hinder resumption of activities, should government approval be forthcoming. . "The man in the street isn't anti-American, no matter what the government position may be, and I personally experienced no hostility," she declared. Her immediate concern is to make certain the three refugees she escorted to this. country are established in their new life. Then she will take a much-need· ed rest while awaiting a new assignment.

Farm Labor Week Calls Attention to Inequities The farm workers of this country have carried on a non-violent _struggle for more than ',10 years against tremendous odds to achieve the right to self-determination, the right to be represented by a union of their own choice - a right which has long are supporting the farm workers since been guaranteed to in their struggle to achieve this their fellow workers in every legitimate goal. If the churches other major industry.. The were to walk away from this

end of the struggle is not in sight. . In an effort to help farm workers achieve these rights, the


HIGGINS major U. S. religious grollPsCatholic, Protestant and Jewish -are participating this week in Farm Labor Week. The continuing support which the churohes and synagogues are giving to the farm workers has led to the charge that they are prejudiced against the other parties involved in the farm labor dispute. Nothing could be further from the truth. The numerous church organizations involved in this dispute have nothing against the ether parties. Their sole purpose is to help the farm workers achieve the right to organize into a union of their own choosing. Once this right has been effectively guaranteed, the religious organization will do everything they possibly can, in a spirit of reconciliation, to promote a ·constructive working relationship between the United Farm Workers Union and the growers, on the one hand, and, on the other hand, between the UFW _and a rival union which had laid claim to the UFW's jurisdiction. The history of labor relations makes it abundantly clear, however, that this kind of relationship; which is long overdue in the agricultural industry, cannot be established until the workers themselves ar~ granted the right to self-determination and have acquired enough economic power to enable them to bargain as equals with their employers. Basic Issue In defending the UFW, then, we are conscious of the fact-as one experienced writer has put it-that chosing up sides as between "good guys" and "bad guys" avoids the basic issue in the current agricultural labor crisis. The basic issue is that farm workers have a right to organize into a union of their· own choosing and that no other union or group of growers should be permitted to interfere with the untrammeled exercise of this right. It should come as no surprise to anyone ,that church groups

Mental Prayer Mental prayer is nothing else ... but being on terms of friendship with God, frequently conversing in secret with Him. -St. Teresa of Avila

struggle and were to desert the farm workers in their hour of need, they would rightly be accused of ,having violated their own principles of justice and equity. In the case of the Catholic Church, these principles, as they relate to the subject of trade unions and collective bargaining, were restated by the Second Vatican Council: Among the basic rights of the human person must be counted the- right of freely founding labor unions. These unions should be truly able to represent the workers and to contribute to the proper arrangement of economic life. Another such right is that of taking part freely in the activity of these unions without . risk of reprisal. Through this sort of orderly participation, joined with an ongoing formation in economic and social matters, 'all will grow day by day in the awareness of their own function and responsibility. Thus they will be brought to feel that according to their own proper capacities and aptitudes they are associates in the whole tasK of economic and social development and in the attainment of the universal common good. Ultimate Means When, however, socioeconomic disputes arise, efforts must be made to come to a peaceful settlement. Recourse must always. be had above all to sincere dis'cussion between the parties. Even in present-day circumstances, however, the strike can ,still be a necessary, though ultimate, means for the defense of the workers' own rights and the fulfillment of their just demands. As soon as possible, however, ways should be sought to resume negotiations and the discussion of reconciliation. We are not only hopef.ul but confident that this will happen because we have faith in· the good sense and good judgment of the American people and their determination, on the eve of the nation's bicentennial, to stand up for the principle of liberty and justice for all-the basic principle of our Declaration of Independence and our Constitution. "Americans," as one historian of the farm labor movement has phrased it, "are sometimes tolerant of unfairness for long periods of time. They are capable of selfishness, prejudice, and other human failings. But the value system of the United States stresses the very qualities called for by the farm labor movement: freedom of association, self-determination, fair play. It is always to the advantage of any social movement if, rather than demanding a whole new set of social values, it asks society simply to live up to those which it already professes." This is precisely what the dis-

MOTHER OF THE YEAR: Mother's Day, May 11, will be celebrated in the United States with tributes to those who showed loving concern for their children in a lifetime of service. In Vietnam there will be no time to stop to honor the country's mothers many of whom-like this refugee In memory of John F. Blake with her child in Hue-will be struggling to hold onto life William Blake, Mr. & Mrs. itself in a country torn apart by war. Her struggles may . James Brackett, Mr. & Mrs. Benmake the Vietnamese woman the world's mother of the jamin Braga, Mr. & Mrs. Martin Carroll, Mr. & Mrs. Neil Copes year. NC Photo.


Seekonk. ST. MARY

$400 Mr. & Mrs. Henry Messier $300 Rev. Edward C. Duffy $200 St. Vincent de Paul Society $150 Mr. & Mrs. John S. Francis $115 Dr. & Mrs. John Belsky $100 Mr. & Mrs. E. G. Maher $80 Mr. & Mrs. John Harrington $75 Rev. Richard A. Shean Mr. & Mrs. James Coogan $50 St. Mary's Women's Guild Mr. & Mrs. Arthur C. Bergeron Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Gaetan Brochu Mr. & Mrs. B. A. Dzija Andrew Harney Mr. & Mrs. Laurence F. Jarvis John Lynch Vincent Lynch Mrs. Ralph Mathieu Mr. & Mrs. Edward McCann

advantaged field workers who have been struggling sc, long and so hard to build up the UFW are asking our society to do: live 'up to those values which it already professes. They are asking nothing more than than, and they will settle for nothing less -nor will the AmerIcan people, now that the issues involved in the current farm labor crisis have becaome a matter of general knowledge.

$48 In Memory of Clement Lesage $40 _, Mr. & Mrs. David Blake . Richard Blake Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Keough $35 Catherine Fisk Marilyn Fisk Mr. & Mrs. Leo Marcoux $34 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Biron 30 Mr & Mrs. Ralph Baumgartel Mr. & Mrs George Casey Charles Dauray Mr. & Mrs. Edward Delorme Kathryn Donahue Mr. & Mrs. John Doyle Edna Masgay Mr. & Mrs. Donald J. Olivier Joseph Ostiguy Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Toppin Mrs. 'Henry E. Woodcome Mr. & Mrs. Harold McCormick $25 Mr. & Mrs. Emile Allard, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Barney, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Begin, Agnes Blake,

Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Cosgrove Mr. & Mrs. Sterling Dalton, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Dufort, Mr. & Mrs. Louis Emond Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Roger Ferland The Fisk Family, Mrs. Manuel Furtado, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Foley Richard G. Giguere, Anastasia T. Hallworth Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Hedge, Mr. & Mrs. George LaBelle, Mr. & Mrs. Roger LaFrance, Mr. & Mrs Jacques Leduc, Mr. & Mrs. -Norman LeMere Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Marcinkwicz, Mr. & Mrs. Julien Marquis, Mr. & Mrs. George T. McCarthy, Mr. & Mrs. John McNally, Mr. & Mrs. William O'Brien . Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Perry, Mrs. Robert Pritchard, Mr. & Mrs. Alderic Richard, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Ring, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph N. , Sherry Mrs. Corinne Tessier, Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Theberge, Mr. & Mrs. William J. Sitko, Mr. & Mrs. Leo Tracy, Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Trahan Mr. & Mrs. Richard Coccio Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Wildgoose



$edeu.r./ /Jlavi'Wa (Mld !l!oan ~aociau'on 1029 Route 28 (Box 280) • South Yarmouth, Mass.• Phone 398-6088 Orleans Shopping Plaza • Rte6A,-Qrleans, Mass. • Phone 255-5211


- - - - - F O R YOUR CONVENIENCE WE ARE OPEN - - - - 9 to4: 30 Monct.y thru Thur,ct.y •

9 to 6: :00 Friday

9 to Noon Slturday

-REMEMBER: WHERE YOU SAVE DOES MAKE A DIFFERENCE - - Your savinls insured by FSlIC, an alene)' 01 the ledera'covernment

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., May 8, 1975

CAREER DAY: Career Day at Bishop Gerrard High School, Fall River, brought more than 40 community, business and professional leaders to $182 Mr & Mrs. George Donahue ST. MARY $100 $1,000 Rev. Cornelius J. Keliher Eugen~ R. Farrell John Bevilaqua Jr. $350 Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Byrnes Rev. John T. Higgins Mr. & Mrs. James Coogan $200 E. & Margaret M. Francis Catholic Women's Cl.ub, St. Curtis Mary's Mr. & Mrs.. Louis Donely Aty. & Mrs. Robert Currivan Margaret Kinton $100 Mary Kinton Rev. 路Philip A. Davignon Mr. & Mrs. Edward McCrory $50 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Miconi Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Orlando D.. Souza & Mrs. Charles O'Malley Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Clifford Titus $60 The Misses Mary & Alice DonMr. & Mrs. Francis Murphy oghue Dr. & Mrs. Anthony Gasson $50 $40 Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Buckley Mr. & Mrs. Edmund J. Tierney William Fournier Mrs. Harry Jeps路on $35 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Kelly. Edward Beatty Mrs. Maude McCabe . $30 Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Seiffert Mr. & Mrs. E. Atwell Marjorie Shea $25 $40 Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Wagner, Eva Morawski Mr. & Mrs. 路Paul Westrund, Mr. & Mrs. Denins Stratton, Mr. & $35 Mrs. Frank Signoriella, Mary Joseph Burda Family Forbs $30 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Greenwalt. Cecile Brais Mr. & Mrs. Roland Clement, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Philip J. Clark Sr. & Mrs. Joseph Souza, Mrs. Mary Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Donnelly Maddock, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Mrs. Elizabeth Sheals Beil Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Thorpe Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Dupree, 25 Mary Beatty, Mr. & Mrs. Bart Jackson, Mary Lennon, Irene BarMr. & Mrs. John Collins, Mr. & rows Mrs. William Corrigan, Mr & Mrs Mr. & Mrs. A. Terenzi, Mr. & Paul Curtis, Mr. & Mrs. James Mrs. Frank Regula, Mr. & Mrs. Diamond, Dr. & Mrs. James E. Albert Jackson, MI(. & Mrs.' Dooley Frank Nones, Mr. & Mrs. K. Mr. & Mrs. Richard Forbes, Kingsbury Nelson Gulski, Mr. & Mrs. Paul Mr. & Mrs. Edward Amon, Mr. Hinski, Maureen Kelly, Catherine & Mrs. J. BaronceUi, Mr. & Mrs. McNally John Correia, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Mr. & Mrs. Francis McNally, Remillard, Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Mr. & Mrs. Louis Meomartino, Sarro Mr. & Mrs. William Moon, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Jackson, & Mrs. Francis Murphy, Joseph Mr. & Mrs. James Roach, Mr. & Petrone Mrs. Henry Werner Julia A. Riley, Mrs. Elizabeth Roessler, Irene F. Smith, Mr. & Mrs. Szewczykowski, Mr. & Mrs. North Attleboro George Vandal ST. MARY Anthony Velletri, Helen Wright

Middle Street campus to explain their occupations to students. Left, part of audience at general session.

North Attleboro


$1,000 Mr. & Mrs. John F. Smith $500 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Wright $200 Mrs. Leon Pini


$55 Mr. & Mrs. John Burke $50 In Memory of Rosa Bourassa


KEYNOTER: Dr. Betty Metz, dean' of continuing education at Bristol Community College, gives keynote address. Other speakers await their tum on program. Daylong project was sponsored by National Honor Society. Among careers discussed were medicine consumer seryice, military service, banking, education, art, religious life, the law, music, psychology and business. Fernand & Dora Goulet Mr. & Mrs. Peter Tatarian $35 Mr. & Mrs. Normand Achin Mr. & Mrs. Normand Cloutier $30 Louis Bardier Donald Clow Mr. & Mrs. Edward Guertin $25 Mr. & Mrs. Edmond Couturier Mr. & Mrs. Roland Dubuc Mr. & Mrs. Walter Harris Mr. & Mrs. Leo Meunier Mrs. Israel Mercier Mr. & Mrs. George Mercure Mr. & Mrs. Leopiette Florence RainviJ.le Mrs. Philippre Rainville Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Ringiette Mr. & Mrs. Emile Seymour

ST. MARK $200 Rev. Joseph L. Powers Robert Cunningham $150 St. Mark's Guild $75 Ernest Glode $50 G. Howard Morse $30 'Manus A. Foley Thomas G. Parris, Jr. $25 Cornelius Lyons, Donald Suite, Theodore Guimond, Arthur J. Barry, Francis Gayton Gerald L. Dorey, Gerard Kenton, Walter L. Heagney, James Snudsky, Raymond Mulry Lawrence Duffany

Attleboro - HOLY GHOST

$500 Ray KelHher $350 Kennet~ Murphy, Sr. $75 Arthur Lorden $60 James McAndrews

$55 In memory of Francis Driscoll & Joan Whalen $50 Constant Poholek Joseph Luerkin Paul Jutras Raymond Brousseau Edward Amesbury Edward Schultze $35 Richard Castro Madeline Turley William Habershaw $30 Al Vaz Robert Geddes Roger Goulet John Flanagan Manuel Carvalho oClifford Duclos Elzear Sicard $25 John Reynolds, Helen Smith, Roland Tremblay, Thomas Kell路 iher Arthur Perry Henry Aguiar, Leon O'Brien William Standley, George Ryan, Carmine Roca Manuel Soares, Frank Pistolese, Marilyn Hathaway, Frederick Ellis, Perry Laird . Gorden Barrett, Leo Charette, John Bora, Mary Brogan

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lV.:r. &- 1\1.",'5••". :::'.~:ty COLCIon §3f1C Edmcnd F. Hmry $22;j Mr. & Mrs. Luca Fantaccionc $100 Mr. & Mrs. John J. Reardon

New Pentecost Is Here Cardinal Suenens has put the title of his new book in question form: "A New Pentecost?" (Seabury Press, 815 Second Ave., New York, N.Y. 10017. 239 pages. $7.95). The answer to the question is "Yes!" The Cardinal maintains that a new Pentecost is needed, is possible and is taking mysticism, but what he calls "that authentic experience. of place. It obviously is needed. God which should be a normal As the author remarks, pes- reality in the life of every

simism and a sense of defeat are prevalent, and even Christians incline to be gloomy. He admits that he himself has been downhearted in recent y-,ears. There were reasons for that.





It was a time of "denial of Jesus as the unique Son of God" and of "refusal to accept the Church as the sacrament of salvation." Moreover, "a tidal wave of immorality swept through the world: the mass media brought into the limelight the moral decadence of our age, and a permissive society reacted not at all, while too many Christians, by saying nothing, lent their support, so anxious were they to appear. broadminded." , Also there was a decline in religious practice, along with a drop in vocations, the departure of priests and religious, and young people's abandonment of the Church. But reflection and observation ,convinced Cardinal Suenens that all the negative indicators should not be allowed to stifle Christian hope. In a final section of his book, .he writes, "The Lord is near, God is not dead, Jesus is alive, the Spirit is faithful: in the heart of our 20th century, ~entecost remains' a reality." The body of the book details the grounds for such a conclusion. Much of it has to do with the attaining of a fresh realization of the presence and activity of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is characterized as the life-breath of the Church. He animates the Church and gives it "the visible means and mechanisms of its structure." The Church, to function properly, must listen and be submissive to the Holy Spirit. Ther;e' is an historical review, which begins with the Church in the Apostolic Age and comes down to Vatican II and it,s aftermath. Here the author indicates the working of the Holy Spirit in successive periods of the Christian era. He notes that there are 252 references to the Holy Spirit in the documents of Vatican II. Coming to present particulars, the author devotes a chapter to the ~oly Spirit and iit:lrgical re)~cwal, .:her: considers Christian ;;-·~-~·oerierl.c2 cfGcd. ~;~ere :5 .:_ -":~.::ter -"::c~e'c -;.viti'-: :'j{::ic~'.lti2S 02~

Christian." How bring it about? Among the means discussed is the Charismatic Renewal.' The Cardinal has subjected this to searching examination at first hand. He finds it to be genuine and of singular value He approvingly quotes this description: "It seemed . . . an adult refirmation and renewal of (the) sacraments, an opening of ourselves to all their sacramental graces." Nothing absoutely new, therefore, but a new 'opening of self to the light and leading of the Holy SpirIt. The Cardinal goes on to treat of prayer groups, communities, pa.rishes, marriage en· counters, ecumenical endeavor -all influenced by Charismatic Renewal. ' While holding that this is an inCOmparable blessing for the Church and offers rich promise for organic Christian unity and Christian effectiveness in the world, he insists on the Church's right to judge and to regulate in true supernatural prudence. There is an especially perceptive and beautiful chapter on th~ Holy Spirit and Mary, which if studied and acted upon, could lead to a powerful renewal of Marian devotion. Of himself the Cardinal says, "I have now come to a clearer realization that Christianity is not an 'ism,' but a Someone. And that Someone is the living Jesus. At the same time I felt ... that 1 was being asked to open myself more to Him, in a readine~s for prayer. And prayer is becoming more a listening to Him: to hear His voice, look upon His face." Ready for Prayer Readiness for prayer is the subject of "Prayer: Ljving with God" by Father Simon Tugwell, O.P. (Templegate, 719 E. Adams St., Springfield, Ill. 62705. 144 pages. $5.95). ,People complain that they do not know how to pray, and many are on the lookout for some surefire method, some easy manual of instructions. But most of the trouble lies in their being unprepared, improperly disposed, for prayer. Father Tugwell's excellent book is· almost entirely given to showing what readiness for prayer is and requires. Clement of Alexandria, in the third century, defined prayer as keeping company with God." Enlarging on this, Father Tugwell says, "Prayer is not another part for us to act, another skill for us to master, another subject to study for examination: it is a relationship, and a relationship with God." 'We must, he says, constantly remember (Jod, and must let God get }lold of us. We insist on living in (i world of our cwn making, 'v1th occasional advertence :~ 2od,~~".en:ily to ask :Eim to ic

cL:.~~'.-!~li. -:~11is


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Plan Institute In Theology Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin, S.T.D., has announced the second annual theology institute for the clergy of the Diocese of Fall River. It will be conducted during the week of May 12-16 at LaSalette Center for Christian Renewal, Attleboro. Rev. Carl J. Peter, Ph.D., STD, professor of systematic theology, at Catholic University, Washington will have as his' theme, "the Cultivation of Faith and Hope." Father Peter, a priest of Omaha, Neb., was ordained in 1957. He studied at the Gregorian University in Rome and received his Ph.D. at the University of St. Louis. Former assistant Vice-Rector at, the North American College, Rome is former president of the Catholic Theological Society of America and was a peritus for fiv:e Episcopal delegates to the Synod of Bishops in 1971. 1,;;;"IIIUU.llI1111IJlllWlUllillltU"lJIIIIU"IUllUUlIl111l11J1Jllll"""1llIllUlllllUlllllllllllUU

into God's world, letting Him, as jot were, be God, and not attempting that role oUI'selves. We ~ think, we see, but in many re,spects we are blind. We must open our eyes to reality; All our faculties must be converte!!. Our imagination must be engaged in "the spaciousness of the Gospel." Our emotional powers must develop and mature in the context of faith. Our appetites and desires must be healed, made whole, and rooted in the one basic need--of God. We must learn how to desire rightly, realizing that we cannot lea.rn to love God by learning not to love. We must lirow in instinctive sensitivity to God's will. He wants us to want what He wants. By so doing we become a different sort of person, one always at,tuned to God. As this occurs, we shall make progress in prayer. Father Tugwell has drawn heavily on the Fathers of the Church, on the 1:aints and the great theologians. He has thus put together a wealth of wisdom, and he has built upon it a sound and often striking argument. As this proceeds, he spices it with provocative. comment:;. He says, for example, that when we confine SrJd WIthin the lImit>: of our own con;;;;pts, we are guilty of idolatry. Again, he 3ay-; th&t the eld~r brother of the !Jrodigal son was "urepared oniy to do ~l:S ciutY,.::ut not to ceiebrate ':::€ :'easi: -::: loYe.·' ~'::e -"lams us

Mrs. Aldor Bibeault Mr. & Mrs. William Flynn Mr. & Mrs. James H. Lee In Memory of Mr. & Mrs. John Mahon $75 George & Alma Janson Mr. & Mrs. Joseph King $60 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H ..Cuddy, Jr. $50 Dr. & Mrs. Robert O'Donnell Mr. & Mrs. Donald Lange Mrs. Francis Kelley Mrs. Arthur Leo Mulligan Mr. & Mrs. James Fitton Mr. & Mrs. Harry Borden Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Nolin Mr. & Mrs. Edward Kelley William Nihan Mr. & Mrs. James Martins Mr. & Mrs. James Heagney Mrs. Henry Felix Myles Daly & Margaret O'Keefe Keefe In honor of Rev. Msgr. Thomas Walsh In memory of Rev. Msgr. John Shay $40

Anita H. King Mr. & Mrs. Gerard LaCombe Mr. & Mrs. Robert Edwards $36 John C. POrter, Sr. $35 Mr. & MrS'. John Carty Rocca' Fantaccione Susan McGinn Helen Bruen $30 Lawrence & Nabby Coffey Mr. & Mrs. Wesley Dudovicz Mr. & Mrs. Donald Trainor Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Fitton Mr. & Mrs. Arthur J. Mondor, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Paille Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Mastroianni Mr. & Mrs. Adrian Pelletier Mr. & Mrs. Pasquale Lattari $25 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Bono, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Rovzar, Mr. & Mrs Earl Cruff, Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Sears, Mr. & Mrs. William Sto~e Mr. &, Mrs. Edward J. O'Donnell, Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Martin, Dr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Lambert, Mr. 8? Mrs. Wilfred Cardin, Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Anderson Mr. & Mrs. Philip E. Rounds,

Mr. & ik·s. NO'.ncr.':. & !'!h'i'.,



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Mr, 'r:f.:"s.

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ST. JOSEPH $300 Rev. Ernest N. Bessette $60 Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Marchand $50 Mr. & Mrs. Albert Dumont Doris Levasseur Mr. & Mrs. Mark Mercier Louis DesVergnes The Misses Boudreau $36 Mr. & Mrs. Rene Dubuc $35 Mr. & Mrs. Conrad, Maigret Lucien Paul ' • Jeannette Dupuis $30 Mr. & Mrs. L. Raymond Laferriere Mr. & Mrs. Joseph McGee $25 Adwilda Cesolini, Cecile B. Zito, A. L. Pinault, James B. Lathigee, Victor Boucher Robert J. Desautel, Cyril E. Cote, Lilly Boyer, Mr. & Mrs. George Stafford,Mr. & Mrs. Dubuc Mr. & Mrs. Wilfred Joubert, Ruth Poirier, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Boucher,Mr. & Mrs. Harold Madsen, Mr. & Mrs. Oscar Pinault Mr. & Mr. Julien Forget, Mr. & Mrs. Armand Boucher, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Bellonzi, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Courbron, Mr. & Mrs. John Logan

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Mrs. DC:1r.ld :ei{::!, 'Uf::, B: Nfl'S Jcszpri iVIahcl1, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Tayicr. Mr. & Mrs. James Murray, Mr. Bernard Beatty, Mrs John Hold.. gate, In memory of Mrs. Mary Hart, Helen Sheehan William Nerney, ARonymous Sandra Kelley, Anonymous, Fred McCracken, Lawrence Ferrara, David Wagle, Anonymous Mrs. Raymond, Byers, Anonymous, In memory of ·Bertha S. Pelletier In memory of Vincent M. McGinn, Mrs. Ian Davis, Mr. & Mrs. Peter Guimond Mrs. Mary Kelley Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth McGrath, Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Magina, Mrs. Georgette Nelson, Mr & Mrs Michael J. O'Hara, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Wagle, Anonymous Mr. & Mrs. Paul Garon, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Robichaud, Anonymous, Mr. & Mrs. Roger Fontneau, Mr. & Mrs. John B. Simkins



. ._ .

' .•• ' .



THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., May 8, 1975

Madison Movie Restores True Image of Priesthood


Who heard of a movie made from a bishop's pastoral letter? I am mostly skeptical of the media work of enthusiastic young clerics and nuns-not because I doubt the power of visual media but because most of what I have seen is a combination of radical' chic, posing, and exhibition- hood shines forth like a dazzling in the midst of the "ordiism. However, we 'Chicago light nariness" of the setting and the Irish know about loyalty to work of a priest's daily life. The frienlls. When the ·Bishop Madison asked if I would willing to see a movie on priesthood made by one of

of be the his

Iy lEV.

ANDREW M. GREELEY young priests, I figured that it had to be better than most such efforts, and besides, if the Bishop of Madison asked a favor of me, he had more than a few coming. 1 was not in the mood. My own anniversary (twenty-one years, heaven save us) was drawing near, and 1 was more than ever acutely conscious of my own failures in the priesthood. (Please don't write me letters on the subject. When you are a failure, you know it.) 1 did not want to be reminded of what I had set out to be and how far short of that 1 have fallen. So I dragged my colleague, Bill McCready (who has considerable photographic talents of his own), into the office to watch the Madison film with me. 'Must' for Laymen Neithe.r one of us knew whether to cry or laugh from the first scene (a High Club picnic) until the last. We settled for laughing, but it was a close choice. Father Steve Umhoefer and his cameraman have put together a movie on the priesthood that is probably worth a couple of retreats for any priest who sees it. It is a must for lay people whose contacts with the clergy go beyond the Sunday mass. The film is absolutely devoid of romanticism imd sentimentality. It does not glamorize the priest or his work. It it not an exercise in high-pressure salesmanship like tile old vocation films. It does not preach. It presents all the loneliness, frustration, bafflement, and discouragement (one shot of a priest collapsing into a chair after Sunday mass is sheer genius) of the priestly ministry. It does not lean over backwards to stress the "humanity" of tr..e priest, as have some recent sensational books and articles. At the end you have no doubt that the priest is as frail and ordinary a human being as anyone else. Yet the ministry of the priest-

Heroism Christian virtue, to be heroic, must make its possessor act readily, joyfully, and with ease in a way that is above the ordinary. Pope Benedict XV

movie doesn't teH you how im: portant and how rewarding is the ministry; it simply shows the work of the priest and lets you draw your own conclusions. But it is a subtle, unobtrustive portrait of the "power and the glory" of the priesthood, and it has an effect that is ultimately overwhelming. Aids Stronger Faith Once the most respected of men, the priest has lost a lot of his "image" because of· the well-publicized resignations of the past decade and the bizarre behavior of some priests. The Madison film goes a long way toward restoring that imageat least for the priest himself and probably for most lay people who will see it. You realizeeither for the first time or all over again (and they come to the same thing)-what a priest does and what his work :means. You understand the origin of the image, however distorted it has become. The film, "Priest-Man," was not intended as a "vocation" film, but it is of infinitely greater merit for "vocation work" than ads in "Time" or "Playboy." At least one priest and one layman came away with their faith and hope much stronger after seeing the movie-and 1 don't think we are all that untypical. 1 must not-pay the Bishop of Madison any embarrassing compliments, lest he call me at night and tell me what he thinks of such flattery in his characteristically colorful language. But 1 asked the youthful director of "Priest·Man" whether he had showed it to his bishop. . "Yes," he replied. "I wanted him to like it, not so much because he is a bishop but because he is who he is." Like 1 say, 1 wouldn't dare to say anything in print that would sound like a compliment to the Bishop of Madison. (Andrew Greeley, priest and sociologist, is Program Director of the National Opoinion Research Center of the University of Chicago.)


$100 Holy Cross Fathers Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Kairys

SCHOLARSHIP AWARDS: Scholarship awards totaling $1,000 are presented by Rev. John F. Hogan on behalf of the Ladies' Guild of St. Julie Billiart parish, North Dartmouth, to Mark Pittman, front, and Mary Beth Hill, Marjorie Valm and Jane O'Neil, rear, left to right. Awards, presented this year for first time, will become an annual guild project. . Robert Connors Mr. & Mrs. James Lyons

$35 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Downey Mr. & Mrs. James Azevedo

$30Mr. & Mrs. Robert Bruce Mr. & Mrs. Leo Schleicher J. Vincent Hickey Mr. & Mrs. Fran\{ Madden Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Nieviera Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Carney Mrs. Francis Brophy

$25 Mr. & Mrs. Arthur J. L. Peterson, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Hopkin· son, Mr. & Mrs. Paul Brophy, Mr. & Mrs. Harold Hill, Mrs. Charles Frizado Mr. & Mrs. Leo Savard, Mr. & Mrs. Roderick McKay, Mr. & Mrs. George Lowndes, Mr. & Mrs. William Richardson, Mr. & Mrs. Leo Brophy Robert Kane, Mr. & Mrs. Louis Petrucci, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Maerina, Grace and Helena Murphy, Mr. & Mrs. David Gomes Mr. & Mrs. Leo F. Sullivan, Mr. & Mrs. William Paige, Mr. & Mrs. Michael Hegarty, Dr. & Mrs. An. drew Nowak, Mr. & Mrs. James K. Burns Mr. & Mrs. Harold Bergeron, Mr. & Mrs. Donald Kielty, Dr. & Mrs. Edward O'Brien, Mr. & Mrs. Warren Stedman, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Siein, Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Murphy Mr. & Mrs. William Higgins, Mrs. Salvatore Gaziano, Francis


Welch, Mr. & Mrs. Jordan Mas· troianni, Mr. & Mrs. James Fitz· gB>bons, Mr. & Mrs. Daniel dfReilly


$50 Mr. & Mrs. Wil'liam F. Taylor



Mr. & Mrs. James M. Haworth Mr. & Mrs. Raymond J. LeBlanc Mr. & Mrs. Richard H. Barry

Mr. & Mrs. Armand Borges Josephine M. Foley Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Rossi


Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Boyce

Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr.

& Mrs. Walter J. Bobola & Mrs. Nelson Girard & Mrs. James J. Gleason & Mrs. Roland Robillard

$25 Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Barrette, Alyce Dionne, The Sleight Family

So. Dartmouth ST. MARY

$125 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph R. Glennon Jr.

$100 Mr. & Mrs. Carlos Alves Francis J. Mahoney Dr. & Mrs. Louis Miskell

$55 Mr. & Mrs. James Barrett

$50 Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr.

& Mrs. Angelo DeMello & Mrs. John Pilvines & Mrs. David J. Pimental & Mrs. Joseph Vieira


Mrs. Jennie Overton Mr. & Mrs. Paul Coleman Mr. & Mrs. Hugh O'Brien Mr. & Mrs. John PiJz

$60 Mr. Dr. Mr. Dr.

& & & &

Mrs. Joseph Cady Mrs. Philip Connelly Mrs. Frank Ready Mrs. Earl McCloud

$50 Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Dolloff Mrs. Bertha Cunningham Dr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Berry

$40 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Gentile

$40 Mr. & Mrs. Paul Clark $35 Mr. & Mrs. Manuel DeMello Dr. & Mrs. Rarry Mahoney Dr. & Mrs. Anthony Martin Mr. & Mrs William A. Murphy Judge and Mrs. August C. Ta· veira

$27 $25 Mr. & Mrs. Richard Barry, Mr. & Mrs. Donald Dwyer, Mr. & Mrs. Antone Gomes, Jr., Mrs. Willard C. Hitchcock, W. Barry Hughes Mrs. Vincent Hughes, Mr. & Mrs. Victor J. Ladette, Mr. & Mrs. Walter Martin, Mr. & Mrs. Frank J. Mello Mr. & Mrs. Norman Menard, Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Morency, Mr. & . Mrs. Gerald Murphy, Mr. & Mrs. George O'Hara, Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Ponte ~.~~~:"~"':~;:"~"':.~~':~~~-









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.. '"






THE ANCHORThurs., May 8, 1975



Rev. Manuel P. Ferreira

New Bedford ST. ANNE

$350 Rev. Roland B. Boule

$25 ..

Lcmlin Hardware Co., Mr. & Mrs. Arthur E. 'Powell, Mr. & Mrs. Harry Sea,rs, Mr. & Mrs. John ~ager, Mr. & Mrs. Victor Morency, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Michaud .



$250 Rev. Bertrand R. Chabot

$100 St. Vincent de Paul Society In memory of Rev. Msgr. Albert Berube Rev. Clement F. Dufour $80

The Beauregard Family $55 Anna Esa & 'Family

$50 St. Anthony Beano Leo Fortier Marla Parent Mr. & Mrs. Lionel Robitaille Mr. & Mrs. Andre Daigle

$30 Mr. & Mrs. Normand Despres Mr. & Mrs. Laurent Roy

$25 Yvonne Chapdelaine, Mr. & Mrs. Romeo Charpentier, Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Goguen, Godelive Soucy, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Vieira ST. HEDWIG

$150 PaUa Family

$100 Rev Edwin Agonis OFM Conv. A Friend Entertainment Committee



Mr. & Mrs. Frank Kulesza & Son $25 Stanley Twarog, Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Dobyna, Mr. & Mrs. Stanley J. Szulik, Mr. & Mrs Raymond LeBlanc, Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Okolski Joseph Kurowski, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Goulart ST. HYACINTH

$100 Mrs. Gaspard H. Lafleur Mr. & Mrs. Wilfred Rousseau



St. Hyacinth Conference, St. Vincent de Paul 'Louis Fenaux

$25 Rita Powers, Cora Guilmette, Mr. & Mrs. Norman A. Brassars & Son ST. JOSEPH

$150 St. Vincent de Paul

$100 Rev. Roger D. LeDuc

$75 Rev. Marc H. Bergeron

$50 Alice Leblanc

$25 Mr. & Mrs. Herve Couture, Mr. & Mrs. Marcel Trahan


Flesh Let none of you say that this flesh is not judged and does not rise again . . . for as you were called in the flesh, you shall also c<?~!U.~. .th~ .!~~.sh. -St. Clement of Rome

$100 A Friend In memory of Brian J. Aubertine Aubertine Funeral Home A Friend A Friend

$60 Mr. & Mrs: Joseph Vera

$50 A Friend Atty. Edmund Dinis . St. John Couples Club A Friend $40 Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Correia

$35 Germaine Ferreira A Friend

$30' , Mr. & Mrs. Alfred De Costa & Son Mr.& Mrs. Joseph Ferreira Mr. & Mrs. Jerome Grota A Friend

$25 Eva Carreiro, Mr. & Mrs. Antonio C. De Mello, Maria L. Dinis, Mr. & Mrs. Acacio Ferreira, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Freitas

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Marshall, Mary Martin, Mr. & Mrs. J. Mascaranbas, Perfection Oil Company, Mrs. Joseph Ponte Mr. & Mrs. Armando Prenda, A Friend, Rezendes Furniture Company, A Friend, Mrs. Mary Schusner Mr. & Mrs. Manuel S. Silva, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Souza, A Friend, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Xavier


New Bedford

Thurs., May 8, 1975


$200 Rev. John J. Smith Dr. Daniel Harrington $100 Mrs. Jeremiah Coholan Mr. & Mrs. Raym~)D Tschaen, Sr., In Memory of Kather.ine V. Sullivan

$75 Mr. & Mrs. Richard Fontaine Anna Meehan




& Mrs. William Reed Mr. & Mrs. William Hendricks

$50 Mr. & Mrs. William Batty, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert Clark Mr. & Mrs. Francis O. Quinn Mr. & Mrs. Joseph O'Brien Mr. & Mrs. John Callanan Mrs. Alice Lowney Mrs. James A. WOrQen

$40 Mrs. Leo M. Sullivan . Mr. & Mrs. Richard Manning

$35 Mr. & Mrs. Paul Hart Robert Hayes

$31 Mr. & Mrs. William Souza

$30 Mr. & Mrs. Henry Frenette Mr. & Mrs. Michael Hummel John & Katherine Hurley Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Macedo William Cawley Mr. & Mrs. George Sheehan Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Worden

CAmOLIC CUB SCOUT AWARDS: Recognized for their accomplishments in cub scouting at ceremonies in St. Joseph's Church, New Bedford, were, front: Paul Charpentier, Paul Linguirand, Christopher Desjardin, Timothy Cardoza and Ronald Quintin. Rear: Charles Bark Ill, Stanely Chabarek, Robert Pacheco, Christopher Audette, James Joseph and Christopher Botelho. $25

Frances A. Burke, Dr. & Mrs. A. B. Crowe, Mr. & Mrs. Malcolm J. Delaney, Helen Dris$25 coll, Mrs. John Finni Leo Worden, Mrs. John MaJohn J. Finni, Mrs. Thomas honey, Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Hayes, Foye, Mr. & Mrs. Alfred M. William O'Malley, Mr. & Mrs. Frates, Timothy Gleason, Mr. & Edward Maguire . Mrs. Gordon Goodfellow Mr. & Mrs. John Sylvia, Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Owen Hackett, Mrs Jane Livsey, Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Michael Harrington, Mr. & Mrs. Lewis, Mary Walsh, Margaret Joseph Hassey, Mrs. Catherine Walsh Hayes, Mr.& Mrs William Kasper Sylvester Walsh, Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. Anthony S. King, Mr. & George Silva, Mr. & Mrs. Wil路 Mrs. William H. King, Mr. & liam Wing, Loretta Phaneuf, Mrs. Andrew Kennedy, Mrs. EdMary Phaneuf ward Lyons, Mr. & Mrs. James Mary Lowney, Mr. & Mrs. EdManning ward Mackay, Mrs. Joan Hirst, Helen McGrath, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. James Mullin Jr., Samuel Muraco, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Amaral James E. Murphy, Veronica Mr. & Mrs. Edward O'Rourke, O'Brien, Albert Smith Helen Jarusik, Minnie McDonald, Eleanor & Mary M. Sullivan, Mrs. Charles Palmer, Mr. & Mrs. Margaret E. Sullivan, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Desorcy Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Saulnier, Mr. John Treadup, Mr. & Mrs. John & Mrs. Charles Lamoureux, Mr. E. Vidal Jr., Mr. & Mrs. William & Mrs. Brian Lipka, Mr. & Mrs. J. Winsper Roger Chouinard, Mr. & Mrs. HOLY NAME Leonard Guilbeault $1,000 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Souza In Memory of Msgr. Leonard ST. LAWRENCE J. Daley

$300 Rev. John P. Driscoll

$150 Mr. & Mrs. William Kearney

$100 The Joseph A. Burke Family Mrs. Anne E. Hooper Mr. & Mrs. Richard Saunders

$75 Phillip Kane Mr. & Mrs. Edward Mitchell Mrs. Thomas. Osborne

$50 Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Davis Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Finni

$45 Mr & Mrs Edmund Harrington

$40 Mr. & Mrs. Nelson Dumaine

$35 Mr. & Mrs. Harry Hunt Mrs. Edward D. Murphy Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Parker Jr.

$30 Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr.

& Mrs. Edward Ryan & Mrs. Matthew R. Souza & Mrs. Joseph MacFarlane & Mrs. Myron Tripp

$100 Lillian T. Cole Mary A. Cole Dr. & Mrs. John B. O'Toole, Jr.

$50 Mrs. Catherine Carney Mr. & Mrs. Hugh T. Earley Mr. & Mrs. Eric Erickson In Memory of Foley Family Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Fonseca Mr. & Mrs. Peter Giammalvo Mrs. John V. O'Neil, Jr. Monica Zygiel Mr. & Mrs. James Flanagan $40

Helen McIntyre Mr. & Mrs. Francis Smith $35 Mr. & Mrs. Warren Broughton Mr. & Mrs. Walter Carter $30 Mr. & Mrs. Martin Barry Mrs. Orner Bellenoit Mr. & Mrs. Charles Jorres Mr. & Mrs. James Leith Edi路th McIntyre Mr. & Mrs. John Mills Mrs. Thomas Poulos

$25 Mr. & Mrs. Arnold Avellar, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Bramwell, Mr. & Mrs. Herman Bruce, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Bures, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Burns Mr. & Mrs. Charles Cabral, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Casey, Mr. & Mrs. Leo J. Cole, Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Cole, John F. Considine Michael Considine, Mr. & Mrs. William Demsky, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Economos, Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence A. Harney Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph F. Gorman, Mr. & Mrs. James Harrington, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Joseph, Mrs. Edwin Livingstone, Mrs. Thomas McEntee, Joseph Mtillarkey In Memory of Emilienne & Richard Regan, Mr & Mrs. Joseph Rita, Mr. & Mrs. George Swansey, Mr. & Mrs. Michael Wilson, Constance Zygiel . OUR LADY OF MT. CARMEL

$850 Rev. Msgr. Luiz G. Mendonca

$250 Mt. Carmel Conference, St. Vincent de Paul Mt. Carmel Woman's Club

$150 A Friend

$104 Leonor M. Luiz

A Friend Margaret 1. Jardin

$40 Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Souza Mr. & Mrs. Francis Ferreira A Friend A Friend

$35 Mr. & Mrs. Henrique Rouxinol Mr. & Mrs. Charles Silva, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert Kelly Mr. & Mrs. Serafim Mello Mr. & Mrs. John Pacheco Medeiros

$32 In memory of Mary C. Moniz

$30 . Mr. & Mrs. Jose S. Costa Mrs. Maria M. Luiz Mr. & Mrs. Enos Lopes Mr. & Mr~ Jose Souza A Friend Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Travassos Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Med~iros Mr. & Mrs. George M. Ferro A Friend Mr. & Mrs. Joseph V. Nunes Mr. & Mrs. Edward I. Mello Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Tavares Mr. & Mrs. John A. C. Saraiva Mr. & Mrs. Louis Roderick Natalina da S. Ventura Mr. & Mrs. Donald J. Aspden Mr. & Mrs. Charles G. Souza Mrs. Priscilla Melo Mr. & Mrs. Humberto Rodrigues Bernadette Cambra



A Friend In memory of J osepb & Agnes Soares Manuel A. Gomes Augustus .Silva Rev. George F. Almeida' $80 A Friend

Mr. & Mrs. Arthur A. Vasconcellos

$25 Mr. & Mrs. Rubens Soares Macedo, Mr. & Mrs. Albino da Silva, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Armand Vermette, A Friend, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Monteiga

t5 ,

Mr. & Mrs. Charles Sant(li A Friend, Mr. & Mrs. Alfred J. Batacao, Mr. & Mrs. Jose Patricio da Silva, A Friend Mr. & Mrs. JO&e Gananca, A Friend, Mrs. Cluara Alves, Mr. & Mrs. Emidio Raposo, A Friend Mrs. Maria Lopes, A Friend, Mr. & Mrs. Mario Amado dos Santos, Mr. & Mrs. Lucille Manuel Machado, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Gaspar John Rodrigues, Manuel Correia Andrade, Mr. & Mrs. Victorino da Silva, Mr. & Mrs. Fernando Antonio Carvalho, Mr. & Mrs. J ames Machado Mr. & Mrs. James Almeida, Mr. & Mrs. Antone Garcia, Mrs. Aurora Rodrigues, Mr. & Mrs. Jacintho S, Ferro, Mrs. Philomena Silva, Irene Sousa Mr. & Mrs. Carlos Gabriel N. Paiva, Mr. & Mrs. George Mendonca, Mr. & Mrs. George Silva, Mr. & Mrs. Edmund Salvador, Mrs. Noemia Cambra A Friend, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Andrade, A Friend, Mr. & Mrs. Fernando F. Macliado, A Friend Mr. & Mrs. Richard Rogers, Sr., .In Memory of Frank Motta. A Friend, Mrs. Juliet Lopes, Mrs. Mariana Salvador & Constantina In memory of John Correia de Mello, A Friend, Mr. & Mrs. Abel Alves, A Friend

Mattapoisett ST. ANTHONY $400 Charles McGowan

$300 Mr. & Mrs. Frank Sullivan

$100 Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Verdi Mr. & Mrs. Frank Sylvia

$80 Mr. & Mrs. John Connor $50 Donald Fleming Mary Sullivan Dr. J. M. McGough

$30 Ross Steves John A. Losert Dr. WiHiam Quinlan



Richard Langhoff, Roy Westgate, Edward Lewis, Mrs. C. Occhuizzo, Dr. Clay King V. Demski, Paul Wagner, Dr. W. Hoye, Mr. & Mrs. W. Silveira, Mr. & Mrs. P. McGowan E. DeCosta, C. Duponte, Mrs. Eugene Jackman, Joseph Zychman, Joseph Zychowicz, William HeIden, Alberta Silveira

LEMIEUX PLUMBING & HEATING, INC. Sales and Service . , . . . for Domestic and Industrial _ Oil Burners 995-1631 2283 ACUSHNET AVENUE NEW BEDFORD

$60 Mr. & Mrs. Duarte Manuel Raposo

$50 Raul M. Pereira, Jr. Elsie M. Sylvia Udeberto Jose Sousa Mr. & Mrs. Louis Couto A Friend Mr. & Mrs. Gabriel Moura In memory of Joseph Freitas A Friend Mr. & Mrs. John R. Perry Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Cambra Mr. & Mrs. Jose R. Oliveira




102 Shawomet Avenue Somenet, Mau. Tel. 674-:4881



944 County St. New ledf~rd 992-0560


~~ ~.

3Yz room Apartment 4Yz room Aplrtment Includes heat, hot water, stove, refrigerator and maintenance service.



$25 Ralpb Buckley Mr. & Mrs. James Burns Miss M. Claffy R. H. Cormier Mr. & Mrs. Robert Doherty Mrs. Charles Hoye Miss M. Hoye Louise & Luanne Laughlin Winifred Laugh~in Mary Maloney Mrs. Mary Mahon Joseph Megan Sr. Mrs. L. Munise J. Murphy Helen McCarthy . J. E. McGovern Marguerite McManus Alice McKenna Ruth McKenna Susan McKenna Clotilde Nason Miss M. Neenan F. J. O'Boy Mr.& Mrs. E. O'Gara Miss A. V. O'Keefe Mrs. E. O'Keefe Harold G. Overton J. Quinn J. Reid George B. Sanford Jr. J. A. Tranter, J. Vacca Armand Yelle

THE ANCHORThurs., May 8, 1975

MariQft ST. IUJ'A

$300 Rev. JustinJ. Quinn $100 Mr. & Mrs. Francis Mead Mr. & Mrs. Claude Ellis $50 Mr. & Mrs. Richard Zens Mr. & Mrs. John McKeil $30 Mr. & Mrs. George Howland " Robert C. Boys Dr. & Mrs. Robert Johnson $25 Dr. & Mrs. Wm. Dawson, Mr. & Mrs. Edmund McCarthy, Dr. & Mrs. E. Wicker, William McLaughlin, Mrs. Edmund J. Valley Rosalie Tirrell, Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Boys, Mr. & Mrs. Rob- . ert Demeo, Mr. & Mrs. Richard


$255 Franciscan Fathers OFM Conv. , $50 5t Vincent de Paul Conference $30 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Drewniany $25 Edward T. Julian Linek Family Mr. & Mrs. Carlton Steeves



$75 Mr. & Mrs. David Sibor $50 Mr. & Mrs. Omer Pothier $25 Mr. & Mrs. Adrien Desrosiers, Mr. & Mrs. Elphege Desroches, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph. Martel, Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Cejka, Arnold Cejka, Benefactor, Friend ST. MARY

$175 Anonymous


$100 George & Joan Graves (in appreciation of Jim Finn) $75 St. Vincent de Paul Society of St. Mary's Parish Mr. & Mrs. Charles Ehmann $60 Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Hart $40 Miss Blanche Pepin $35 Mr. & Mrs. Antone Costa, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John Wojcik $34 Mr. & Mrs. Weber Torres, Jr. $25 Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Martin, Mr. & Mrs. Donald Lipsett, Rego Family, In memory of Philip Davignon, Mr. & Mrs. Norman Despres Dr~ & Mrs. Denis Brault, Mr. & Mrs. Albert Labrie, Mr. & Mrs. Alex Gonsalves ·ST. JOSEPH

$100 Dr. & Mrs. Jerome Breault Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Barbero $75 Mr. & Mrs. Eli Braley Mr. & Mrs. Earl Dias $70 Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Leclair' $50 . Mr. & Mrs. T. Corvelo Mr. & Mrs. Edward Manley Mr. & Mrs. Armand Marian Mr. & Mrs. Pasquale Nicolaci Mr. & Mrs. Roland Seguin Margaret E. Soares Mr. & Mrs.•Edward Welch Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Sullivan $40 . Dr. Chester Baron Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Bouley David Wade . $35 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Borges Mr. & Mrs. Maurice Burke'

MASS FOR REFUGEES: Vietnam refugees receive Holy Communion in Tent City at Orote Point, Guam. The emergency housing area was set up for the thousands of persons fleeing South Vietnam as Communist attackers close in on Saigon. NC Photo. Mr. & Mrs. James Honohan Mr. & Mrs. John Lima Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Noyer John Walsh $34 Mr. & Mrs. Antone Perry $30 Margaret Carrell Mr. & Mrs. John Dwyer Mr. & Mrs. Charles Joseph Margaret Manghan Joseph C. Mello Mr. & Mrs. Richard Nerbonne Mr. & Mrs. Matthew O'Malley Mr. & Mrs. Anson Paine Bertha Smith $25 Mr. & Mrs. Alan Boling, Mr. & Mrs. Roger Christensen, Augustus Correia, Mr. & Mrs. Roland Despres, Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Donovan Mr. & Mrs. Lester Edwards, Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Fernandez. Mr. & Mrs. Anibal Ferro, Mr. & Mrs. Rene Fleirent, Mr. & Mrs. Normand Gaudreau Mr. & Mrs. Napoleon Gladu, Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Goldrich

No. Dighton ST. JOSEPH

$500 Rev. Msgr. Bernard J. Fenton $125 Mr. & Mrs. Richard K. Martin $100 Rev. Thomas C. Mayhew $50 Mrs. James Williams Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Rebello $35 -Dr. & Mrs. George C. Schloemer $30 Mr & Mrs Richard A. Donahue Mr. & Mrs. Francis L. Conaty $25 Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Procopio, Leo Duffy, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Dutra, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Costa, Mt. & Mrs. Walter E. Smith Jr. Clara Weeks, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Marsden, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hebert



$350 Rev. William H. O'Reilly $200 Rev. Leonard M. Mullaney . $100 Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Desrosiers Mr. & Mrs. William Desrosiers $75 The Kelliher Family $50 Mr. & Mrs. Roland Dubois Mr. & Mrs. Cornelius Kelly $30 Mr. & Mrs. Richard Paulson Sr. $25 Mr. & Mrs. John Correia, Mr. & Mrs. Roger Champagne, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Hoye, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Mador, Mary Foley Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Leonard, Mr. & Mrs. Roger Perriault, Mary Power, Mrs. George Sherry, Mr. & Mrs. William Ventura



Dighton ST. PETER

$150 Montfort F'athel'tf, $100 Mr. & Mrs. James B. Murphy $50 Mr. & Mrs. Leo J. Deslauriers $35 A Parishioner $30 Mr. & Mrs. Norman K. Smith $25 Mr. & Mrs. Will-iam Grover, Mr. & Mrs. John A. Goulart, Dr. & Mrs. Charles Souza, Mr. & Mrs. Clinton Rose

$125 Mary K. Nichols $100 Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Galvin James R. Termey $50 Margaret & Elizabeth Brady Esther & Ethel Buckley C. Donahue Family Marg~ret Martin Alice McCusker McKeen Family W. Murray Janice Russell Misses C. & M. Sheerin Miss K. Termey $45 J. Wade $40 C. Caron E. Rice $35 Miss L. Duffy Leonard Farley J. O'Boy T. Russell Jr. $30 ' Catherine Brady John Conners E. Duffy Harold Galligan J. P. Rihbany Mr. & Mrs. Edward Tekarz E. Tenry $26 Stanley Tekarz

$300 Rev. Andre P. Jussaume $150 Matthew Bury $50 Roland Auclair Gerard Bonefant Maurice Laroque Raymond Nolin Roland Pelletier $40 Wesley Schondek $30 Clairina Hamel $25 Adelard Carbonneau, Mrs. Leona Dwyer, Richard Hamel, Regina Hebert, John Keene Leo Murphy, Paul Ouillette, Charles Rocheleau, Mrs. Walter Taylor ST. JOSEPH

$400 Rev. John J. Murphy $100 Mrs. Joseph H. Martin $50 Maribeth Dahill Mr. & Mrs. Maurice Desrosiers The Garvin Family Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. LaPre Osborne McClellan

Mr. & Mrs: William Scully K. Helen Smith $40 Anonymous $35 Mr. & Mrs. Armindo Lourenco $31 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Santos $30 Helen R. Dahill Mary Donahue Patricia Frazier Judge & Mrs. Frank Smith $25 Mr. & Mrs. Edward Cayton Mrs. Anna Champney Edward Dahill Mr. & Mrs. William E. Dias Jennie Driscoll Mr. & Mr·s. Edward Ferreira Joan Frazier Paul Frazier Helen Harrigan Katherine Hern Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Hill Mrs. Edward Hoye Mr. & Mrs. Melvin Lewis Mrs. Estella Margarido Cecile McAloon Mr. & Mrs. William McCarthy Jr. Mr. & Mrs. William McGann Mr. & Mrs. Joseph McKenna Catherine McManus Francis McManus Grace E. McManus Mary McNearney, Aloysius P. Mulcahy, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Nixon In Memory of Dennis Ryan Raymond Scully Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Yorkoski

East Taunton HOLY FAMILY

$250 Rev. James F. 'McCarthy $60 John Fitzpatrick $50 Rev. Robert F. Kirby Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Mozzone Mr. S. Punda Elsie Amaral Arthur Machado $35 Mr. J. Perry . $30 Mr. & Mrs. Charles Geer Mr. & Mrs. Carlos de Jesus Mr. & Mrs. B. Howard Mrs. Cora Silverman Mr. & Mrs. F. Perry Mr. & Mrs. A. Dutra Mr. & Mrs. J. Mendes Mr. & Mrs. Donald Oarrish $25 Mr. & Mrs. A. Pereira, James Kenyon, Mr. & Mrs. John Shea, Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Boyle, Mr. & Mrs. A. Burgess Mr. J. Demoura, Manuel Rose Jr., Mr. & Mrs. J. Zeiba, Mr. J. McCarthy & Family, Mr. & Mrs. F. Jares, Mr. & Mrs. William Davis, Mr. & Mrs. T. Lippold Mr. & Mrs. S. Baran, Mr. &. Mrs. John V. Shea, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Adams, Mr. & Mrs. H. Sullivan

Montie Plum&ing & Heating Co. Over 35 Years of Satisfied Service Reg. Master Plumber 7023 JOSEPH RAPOSA, JR. 432 J EFFERSON STREET Fall River 675·7496


tHE ANCHORThurs., May 8, 1975


& Mrs. Francis McCurdy, Mrs. William Fletcher, Mr. & Mrs.

$200 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Terpak $125 Mr. & Mrs. Francis E. Sullivan $100 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Barboza Mr. & Mrs. John L. Brown Mr. & Mrs. Benoit Charland Mr. & Mrs. Marianno Rezendes Sr. $75 Mrs. F. E. Kelley Sr. $50 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Blake Mr. & Mrs. Normand Cote Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Pavao $35 Mr. & Mrs. Marianno Rezendes Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Leo Talbot $25 Mrs. Franklin Arnold, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Botelho, Mr. & Mrs. Marshall Connolly, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Corey, Mr. & Mrs. Albert Desrosier Mr. & Mrs. Richard Houghton, Mary Lowe, Mr. & Mrs. Edward'" Thompson

Arthur Grimes Mr. & Mrs. Henry Fortier, Mrs. Robert Dufour, Mr. & Mrs. Francois Tremblay, Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Bourassa & Daughter, Mr. & Mrs. Normand Fortin Mr. & Mrs. Owen Griffin, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Butler, Mr. & Mrs. Roger Paquette, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Levesque, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Menard Mr. & Mrs. Edward Durand, Mr. & Mrs. Alphonse Mendoza, Mr. & Mrs. William O'Neil, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Boulanger, Mr. & Mrs. Roland Goddu Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Duquette, Mr. & Mrs. Adelard Larue, Mr. & Mrs. George Boule, Mr. & Mrs. Edgar Trudeau, Mr. & Mrs. Jean Emond Mr. & Mrs. Normand Turcotte, Mr. & Mrs. George·Levesque, Mr. & Mrs. Leo Rochefort

Somerset ST. JOHN OF GOD

Central Village ST.


$100 Mr. & Mrs. John Costa Dr. & Mrs. Joseph T. Baldwin $30 Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Oliveira Mr. & Mrs. -John Ardagh $25 Mr. & Mrs. Bernard T. Kelly, Mr. & Mrs. George Leach, Mrs. Edward A. Messier, Mr. & Mrs. Francis J. Maher, Mr. & Mrs. Henry Arruda Thomas McGarr, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Costa, Mrs. Raymond Williams, Agnes J. McCloskey, Mr. & Mrs. George Medeiros Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Halloran, Mr. & Mrs. John Porter, Patricia Clancy, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Trecida


-$400 Rev. Edmond R. Levesque $100 Anonymous Anonymous Marguerite Picard $75 Mr. & Mrs. John Sparks $60 Mr. & Mrs. John J. Marnik $50 Anonymous Anonymous Dr. & Mrs. Bernard Cronan Mr. & Mrs. AddenD. Picard . $40

Mrs. Lucy Duffy Ward $35

Anonymous Anonymous Mr. & Mrs. Edward Nowak $30 Mrs. Henry J. Duffy Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Campbell Anonymou!:


$300 Rev. Daniel Carey

Cornerstone From the loving example of one family a whole state becomes loving -The Great Learning


THE BE'ITER TO SEE HIM: Riding in a Jeep-like vehicle to be seen better by a crowd in St. Peter's Square, Pope Paul greets the throng at an outdoor general audience. He challenged the visitors to make the Holy Year a time -of "inner awakening, a search to find oneself." Some 100,000 persons packed the square for the audience on Italian Liberation Day, the 30th anniversary of the end of World War II in Italy. NC Photo. $100 Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Travers Mr. & Mrs. Sal Salpietro Mr. & Mrs. Norman Ashley Mrs. Stanley Walters $60 James M. McMahon $50 Mr. & Mrs. Albert Couto Mr. & Mrs. Harold McKeon Mr. & Mrs. Harvey Lenon Mr. & Mrs. Robert LaChance $40

Mr. & Mrs. Mario Paradiso Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Cavanaugh $30 Thomas Paiva $25 Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Kelley, Mr. & Mrs. Donald Souza, Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Si.lIlivan, Claire Lapointe, Margaret Walker Art·hur G. Costa, Mr. & Mrs. Paul Martelly, Mr. & Mrs. Evett Mendes, Evelyn Ryan, Anne R. Driscoll Mr. & Mrs. Albert Dube, Mr. & Mrs. Oswald Medeiros, Mr. & Mrs'. Edward Myles, Mr. & Mrs. Roland Martelly, The Clement Family Mr. & Mrs. JajJles Carr, Mr. & Mrs. Louis A. Travers, Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Paul Hastings, Mrs. Catherine Heald, Joseph E. Cousineau Mr. & Mrs. Edward Carey, Mrs. Barton G. Albert, Mary McLeod, Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Crosz , OUR LADY OF FATIMA

$400 Anonymous

$350 In Memory of Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Burns $200 Anonymous $125 Mr. & Mrs. Ha·rold K. Hudner . $100 Dolores Burns Mr. & Mrs. Robert Laflamme Anonymous $50 Mr. & Mrs. Russell B. Cochrane Mr. & Mrs. William R. Flynn

Mr. & Mrs. Edward M. Heffer-

nan Mona C. Kennedy Mrs. Donald L. MacDonald $40 Mr. & Mrs. Louis F. Fayan . $35 Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Bryda Mr. & Mrs. Leon J. Menard Mr. & Mrs. John F. Sweeney $30 Mrs. Mary Archambault & Mr. & Mrs. Larry Szczesny in memory of Valmore J. Archambault Mr. & Mrs. Denis Cardinal Mr. & Mrs. James J. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Donald F. McCaffrey Mr. & Mrs. Edward S. McNerney Mr. & Mrs. Louis Oste Anonymous $25 Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Boisvert, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph F. Branco, Mr. & Mrs. John A. Brickhill, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Brilliant, Mr. & Mrs. John Cabral Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Connors, Mr. & Mrs. Frank A. Cusick, Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. DeNardo, Mrs. M. Francis Donovan, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph T. Drury Mr. & Mrs. William S. Gray, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Greenhalgh, Mr. & Mrs. Louis Harrington, Mr. & Mrs. Henry A. Harrison, . Ml\ & Mrs. Harold Higgins Hannah C. Higgins, Grace P. Holden, Mr. & Mrs. Normand R. Levesque, Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. McConnell, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. MoDonald Mr. & Mrs. Malcolm R. Melvin, Mr. & Mrs. Andre G. Mich· aud, Mr. & Mrs. Antone Miranda, Mr. & Mrs: Leonard J. 0'· Neil, Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence J. Palana . Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. V. Parente, Mr. & Mrs. Ambrose Powers, Mr. & Mrs. Harold Senay, Mr. & Mrs. William S. Shepard, Mrs. Georgia S. Silvia Mr. & Mrs. John J. Sullivan, Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Swales, Mr. & .Mrs. Raymond G. Thurston, Mr. & Mrs. Art·hur F. Turcotte,

Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Wamboldt Anonymous, Anonymous, Anonymous, Anonymous, Anonymous ST. LOUIS DE FRANCE

$300 In Memory of Joseph F. Dufour $150 St. Vincent de Paul Conference $125 Mr. & Mrs. Maurice Lincourt $100 Mr. & Mrs. Emile Cote $50 Mr. & Mrs. Armand Francoeur Holy Name Society St. Anne Sodality $40

Mr. & Mrs. Albert Michaud, $35 Mr. & Mrs. Edward Plante $30 Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Messier Mr. & Mrs. Rene Coulombe Mr. & Mrs. Armand Gauthier Mr. & Mrs. Romeo Charest Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Berthiaume $25 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Hassey, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Belanger, Mr.

$150 Lawrence Borge $100 Judge Milton Silva ,$60 Mr. & Mrs. Leonel Medeiros $50 Modern Dress '·'co., Inc. Camilo Viveiros A Friend Mr. & Mrs. Frank V. Medei· ros, Jr. John Veloso, Jr. $35 A Friend Mrs. Mary Thomas $30 Manuel Michael James Rebello Manuel L. Sousa $25 Frank R. Borges, Jr., Joseph Antone, A Friend, John Chellel, D'Arruda's General Store JQseph O. Gagnon, A Friend, Mr. & Mrs. John Gaspar, Edward Machado, Louis S. Machado Raymond R. Machado, Manuel Moniz, Nobrega's Superette, Robert Paiva, Victor Pavao John K. Perry, Mr. & Mrs. Paul L. Pimental, Arthur Provost, Catherine Quental, Laureano Silva Manuel B. Silvestre, In Memory of Edward Soares, Alfred J. Souza, Ernest & Philip Teves, James Ventura HerbertWetzel, Zygmunt Ziobro

~ake Rte 2 wesf off 495 ~o R~e 13lutler.butg,Ma~










Thurs., May 8, 1975


$100 Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Latham Mr. & Mrs. Joseph F. Foley Jr. In Memory of Ernest E. Grenier Sr. Mr. &' Mrs. Vincent A. Coady $80 Mr. & Mrs. Francis Lussier $75 Mr. & Mrs. Albert E. Shovelton $60 Mr. & Mrs. Francis J. Silvia Edwin Doolan George W. Hopkins Mary E. Sullivan Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Langfield Mr. & Mrs. James F. Nicoletti Aty. & Mrs. Charles Hague Lillian C. Hart Mary E. Hart Charles J. Burke Jr. $50 Thomas McCann Mr. & Mrs. Paul Daley Mr. & Mrs. John F. Kineavy $45 Mr. & Mrs. H. Earl Heron Hel~na B. Mahoney G. Bernadette Mahoney $40 Mr. & Mrs. Louis F. Fayan Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John R. Fennessey $35 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Malvey Atty. & Mrs. F. A. Rodrigues Mr. & Mrs. Albert E. Mobuck . Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert J. Nadeau Mr. & Mrs. Edmund F. Crowell $30 Mr. & Mrs. Paul A. Borkman Mr. & Mrs. Donald Hussey Mr. & Mrs. Edward T. Sullivan Helen Connors Mr. & Mrs. Peter Paskowski Mr. & Mrs. Andrew A. DiGiammo Mr. & Mrs. K. Sokolsky Mr. & Mrs. Henry J. McGowan Mr. & Mn... James Harr-ington Mr. & Mrs. John O'Brien $26 Mr. & Mrs. Francis Reis $25 Mrs. F~ank H. Johnson, Mr. & Mrs. Walter Pierce, Mrs. Thomas Washington, Mr. & Mrs. James Mullins, Mr. & Mrs. Leroy Leonard Mrs. Helen R. Burke, Mr. & Mrs. Luke Urban, Mr. & Mrs. Cletus J. Monahan, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Connors, Mr. & Mrs. William F. Croke Mr. & Mrs. Leo Langfield, Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Sinasky, Mrs. Charles McDermott, Sa11y A. Benson, In Memory of Jefrey Pepka Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert Calara, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Gauthier, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Kaylor, Mr. & Mrs. James Pappas & Peter, Mr. & Mrs. Walter Prayzner Mr. & Mrs. Herman Neher, Mrs. Gordon Schofield, Mr. & Mrs. Austin J. O'Toole Sr. Flor. ence M. Sulliv,an, Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Driscoll Mrs. James W. Killoran, Mr. & Mrs. Jack McCormick, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph D. Hopkins, Mr. & Mrs. John W. King, Mr. & Mrs. William E. White Sr. Mr. & Mrs. John J. Moynagh, In Memory of Edward F. Welch, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Gaudreau,

BICENTENNIAL WINNER: Greg Schwartz of St. John Prep School, Miami, Fla., adjusts Betsy Ross' flag for a bicentennial display which won the school first place in educational exhibits at the Dade County Youth Fair. Eleventh and 12th grade history students built the three part project in two months. Betsy is made of a wig holder, rubber gloves and a pillow. NC Photo. Mr. & Mrs. Jay R. Cuttle, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph W. Duffy Jane M. Borden Mr. & Mrs. Thorn,as F. O'Connell, Mrs. Mary Philipp, Joseph Quinn, Mr. & Mr,s. Gilbert Leonard, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Sullivan

Captain & Mrs. Antone C. Mello, Mr. & Mrs. Alvin Rego, Mr. & Mrs. Edwin ,..S. Rego, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Simbro, Mr. & Mrs. Leo Schenck Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Sousa, In Memory of James C. Viveiros, Mrs. Alice Weems

Fall River



$100 Juliette Belanger $50 . Edgar Poisson $27.50 In Loving Memory of Richard N. Pinsonnault $25 In Memory of Maurille L. Archambault, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Whalon, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Rivard, Dr. & Mrs. Roland Chouinard, Mr. & Mrs John Cabaceiras Mr. & Mrs. Paul Lapointe, Mrs. Donat Roussel & Ann, Mr. & Mrs. Omer Jean, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Charland, Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Mello Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Poisson, Mr. & Mrs. Philippe VaHlancourt, Mr. & Mrs. Harold McNerney

$200 Dr. & Mrs. Gilbert Vincent $100 Mary T. Carvalho Mr. & Mrs. Richard Roderick Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert C. Oliveira $70 Mr. & Mrs. Manuel S. Medeiros $65 Mr. & Mrs. Antone Souza $60 Mr. & Mrs. Joao Aguiar Beatrice Capeto $50 Isabel Capeto Dr. & Mrs. Joseph Carvalho Cecilia C. Oliveira Belmira E. Tavares $40 Mr. & Mrs. Jose Arruda Mr. & Mrs. Francisco da S. Gonsalves $35 Mr. & Mrs. Antonio Goncalo $30 Dennis & Mrs. Manuel Cardoza Mr. & Mrs. Joseph S. Correia & Paul Mrs. Maria. Theresa Gonsalves & Family Mr. & Mrs. Noel Medeiros Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert Mello Mr. & Mrs. Henry Pleiss Mr. & Mrs. Angelo Stavros $25 Anonymous, Irene Cabeceiras, Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert Capeto, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Carreiro, John Castanho In Memory of Edward Costa, Manuel Lataway, Mr. & Mrs. Francis Lennon, Mr. & Mrs. Arnold Martin, Mr. & Mrs. Raul Medeiros


$900 Rev. James F. Kenney $400 Rev. Msgr. Robert L. Stanton $175 St. Vincent de Paul Society $100 Geraldine Harrington Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Scully $50 John O'Brien Manuel Sears Mr. & Mrs. Manuel S'ilvia In memory of James E. Shea $48 Mr. & Mrs. William Rys $42 Mr. & Mrs. Henry Urban $35 Mary E. Kilroy $30 Mr. & Mrs. Josepjh Moreira Ella & Mildred Sullival Annie & Caroline Wilcox

$27 In memory of Manuel J. Rosa Jr. & David ROsa Mr: & Mrs. Horace Travassos $25 Mr. & Mrs. Albert Arsenault, Henry Augustine, Mr. & Mrs. John Bevilacqua, Leo Callahan, Mrs. John Coady :Joseph Coady, Mrs. Anita Collard, Mr.·& Mrs. Eugene Connors, Mr. & Mrs. Peter Czapiga, Mr. & Mrs. John Darcy Mr. & Mrs. Martin Delahanty, Mrs. William Donnelly, Mrs. Edward J. Farrell, Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Fletcher, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Gagnon Ann L. Gavigan, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Halbardier, Mrs. Mary Harrington, In memory of Timothy and Annie Holland, In memory of Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Foran Abbie Kilroy, Marie LaForest, Mr. & Mrs. Henry Moss, Mr. & Mrs. Michael McCarthy, Mr. & Mrs. William McHugh Mr. & Mrs. WHliam Raposa, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Regan, Mr. & Mrs. John Rodriques, John J. Shay, Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Sin· coski Sarah Spellman, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Suart SS. PETER AND PAUL

ST. ROCH $340 Anonymous $250' Rev. Roland Bousquet $100 Angeline Crispo Mrs. Donat Francoeur Mr. & Mrs. Roger Valcourt $75 Mr. & Mrs. Romain Saulnier $50 S1. Roch's Council of Catholic Women $30 Mr. & Mrs. Itaymond Levitre $25 Mr. & Mrs. William Beauregard, Mrs. Henri Berube, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Boucher, Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Dupras, Mr. & Mrs. WiI· liam Snyder & daughter ST. WILLIAM

$100 Elizabeth R. & James E. Fitzgerald Rev. John F. Moore $75 Margaret Constantine $50 Alice F. Crowley Victor St. Denis Boodry .Family Mae Riley Mr: & Mrs. John Maitoza Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Araujo $35 Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Bernier J30 Leticia Gonsalves $26 For the deceased members of the Raposa family $25 Marthoa Hobbs, Thomas Eccles, Lillian Reardon, Ella C. Carherry Mr. & Mrs. William Sewell In memory of Charles H. ·Wilson, Sr., Mr. & Mrs. James Finglas, Mr. & Mrs. Fred Chlebek, William Bradbury, Sr., Wi-Iliam Bradbury, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Harry Kershaw, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Fernandes, Rose Lopes, John A. Diskin, Mr. & Mrs. Louis Viveiros Mr. & Mrs. A. Gagnon, Mr. & Mrs. Francis Gauthier, Mr. & Mrs. Paul H. Martin, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Moore, ·Mr. & Mrs. Roland Talbot Gottwald Family

$200 Rev. Francis M. Coady $100 Rev. Ronald A. Tosti SS. Peter & Paul's Women's Club Mr. & Mrs. John E. O'Connor Mildred J. Shannon $60 Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Janick $50 Mr. & Mrs. Edward D. Tyrrell $40 Mr. & Mrs. Edward Kelly $35 Mr. & Mrs. Frank P. Sullivan Mary Tyrrell $27 Mr. & Mrs. Fred R. Dolan $26 In Memory of Mae Cowell $25 Mr. & Mrs. Pasquale DiMartino, John nolan, Mr. & Mrs. James A. Donnelly, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Farren, Mrs. Jerome Foley Daniel Lynch, Helen Lynch, SANTO CHRISTO Catherine Lynch, Mrs. Laurence Lynch, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond $200 Polak Rev. Antonio C. Tavares Mrs. Francis C. Taylor, Mr. & $50 Mrs. John Wilding Mr. & Mrs. John N. Brilliant Julia Cahill, Mr. & Mrs. Albert $35 F. Doucette, Mr. & Mrs. Norman Mr. & Mrs. Antone Sousa Hathaway, Mrs. William Heffer$30 nan, Mrs. Ernest Hasprey Mr. & Mrs. Albert Medeiros Mr. & Mrs. William H. Hyland Jr., Mrs. Eva Lawlor, Mrs. Wil$25 Maria Rosario Pacheco, Mr. & liam Murphy, Mrs. James Rogers The Sweeney Family Mrs. Alfred Campos, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. William E. Tansey . Alfred Carreiro, Jesse Carvalho, Louise Tyrrell, Mr. & Mrs. Nich· Alice Simas, Mr. & Mrs. John olas J. Tyrrell F. Victor ----~

Attention School Groups

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Fall River OUR LADY OF THE ANGELS $1,600 Rev. Msgr. Anthony M. Gomes $250 St. Vincent De Paul Society $225 Rev. Joseph M. Ferreira $200 George Tonelli $125 Council of Catholic Women $100 Holy Rosary Sodality $65 Mary & Patricia Cabral $50 Joseph Mello Children of Mary Sodality Arthur & Cecile Rego $40 Tobias Monte $36 Alfred M. Mello $35 John Pacheco Joseph Velozo Jr. Alfred Coray $34 Joseph M. Theodore $30 Virginia & Manuel Freitas Jose Lindo Mary Rapoza Knights of the Altar Leonora Mello John Wheadon Furtado Family Manuel Silvia Jr. Richard Pavao $25 Herman Botelho, Wayne Correia, Lionel Botelho, Kathy Mederis, Christiano Pacheco Almeida & Son Funeral Home, Memory of Mrs. Mary Dupont, Memory of Lt. Francis J. Can· deias, Americo Miranda, Mary Machado Rosalie Burton, Julius Rodrigues, John M. Arruda, John Branco, Manuel Carreiro Arthur Silvia, Manuel Aguiar, Victor Santos, Kenneth Carrier, Joseph Silvia Joseph Ferreira, Manuel Me· deiros & Alma, Holy Ghost Social Club, William Rego Sr., Manuel Velho William Rego Jr., Arthur Furtado, Emily Machado, Robert Correia, August Ricardo Carl Fdererick & Wife, Antone Michaels, John Moniz, Edmund Vieira, Manuel Apolinario George Pontes, John Correria, Emma & Adelaide Arruda, Memory of James Arruda, Mr. & Mrs. Francisco A. Maurisso Carlos Dionizio Jr., Manuel Medeiros, Edward Teves, Benjamin Amaral, John J. Souza John Sardinha, John Medeiros Jr., Lawrence Benevides Sr. NOTRE DAME

Medora & Jeannette Dupuis Wilfred Poirier $26 Mr. & Mrs. Raymond J. TIlibault $25 Mrs. Charles J. Anctil, Mr. & Mrs. Roger Berard, Gerard Berger, Remi Couture, Mrs. Evangeline Foster Mrs. Annette Frascatore, Mr. & Mrs. Umberto Latessa, Jr., Romeo Levesque, Pauline & Gertrude Lussier, Mr. & Mrs. Rene Monast Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Morris· . sette, Mrs. Laetitia Petit, Mr. & Mrs. Edmour Poirier, Mr. & Mrs. Armllnd Raice, Mr. & Mrs. Edgar St. Martin

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., May 8, 1975

$30 The Gauthier Family Mr. & Mrs. Roland Sorel $25 Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Bedard,. Mr. & Mrs. Edward C. Michno, Aime Morin, Mr. _& Mrs. Theodore Proulx ST. ANTHONY OF PADUA $100 Rev. Laureano C. dosReis $50 Mr. & Mrs. Manuel H. Camara $25 Mr. & Mrs. Emery Gomes Mr. & Mrs. Jose Brum Mr. & Mrs. Tiargo Silva

HOLY ROSARY $100 Mrs. M. Sophie Pacheco & Family Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Toomey $75 Mrs. Lena Ricci $50 Mr. & Mrs. Henry Gillet Holy Rosary Women's Guild $30 Mrs. Pileria Ventura $25 Frank Camuso (Troy City Gas) Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Chouinard, Mr. & Mrs. Gerald P. DiChiara, Edith S. Flanagan, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. McNally Mr. & .Mrs. Joseph Roderick, Micheletti Bros. (Sambo's Diner) Rose Sisca IMMACULATE CONCEPTION . $250 Immaculate Conception St. Vincent de Paul Conference $150 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas W. Doyle $132 William J. Dugan $65 Harry Kitchen Mrs. Thomas Fleming $50 Atomic Fence Corporation Mr. & Mrs. George Gaspar Mr. & Mrs. Stephen E. Guinen Florence Lynch Mrs. Genevieve Hennessy Mrs. Teresa Hetu $45 Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Lafleur $35 Mrs. Mary A. Lennon Miss Mary Lennon Peter Sullivan $30 Maria Lacava Mr. & Mrs. Leo Conroy Grace Walsh . $27 Mr. & Mrs. James Bentley $25 John Albernaz, Bertha Ash· worth, Mr. & Mrs. Lucien Bedard, William Benevides, Arthur Bergeron George Charbonneau, Andrew Cook, MI'. & Mrs. Louis A. Cyr, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Clemmey, Margaret L. Dugan Thomas King, Edward Hennessey, Fred J. McNally, Wiljiam Murphy, John F. Mooney Mr. & Mrs. Afonso Oliveira Mrs. Edward Riley, Mrs. Clarence P. Sullivan, Jane H. Sullivan, Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Terceira, Mary Whitehead

$500 Rev. Msgr. Alfred J. Gendreau $160 In memory of Dr. William J. Boudreau $100 Rev. Thomas E. Morrissey Mr. & Mrs. Rogert Labonte $75 Cecile Masse $70 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Boutin $50 Bertrand Boulay $40 SACRED HEART Mr. & Mrs. Armand Dallaire $300 ,'. Emelia Larocque Rev. William F. O'Connell $35 $200 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Phenix Dr. Daniel Mooney $34 $100 Alice C. & Mary V. Harrington Atty. & Mrs. Roland Desmarais Mr. & Mrs. John J. Harrington Mr. & Mrs. Albert Parent $3~. /.'" ~ . ~ ~ ~ •.•.. .)VIr,. & Mrs. Dennis C. Hurley . .. . - -" ". 'In" Memory of Deceased BeneHelena Chace


YOUNG CHAMPION: Heidi Parker, 14, a freshman at Bishop Stang High School, North Dartmouth, is an allaround champion. Just returned from competition in the AAU national finals in Ft. Lauderdale, Fla., where she was the only New England entrant, she is also a dancing and tumbling teacher. In 1973 she was chosen Junior Miss Yankee in allNew England competition and she is a finalist in this year's Miss Teen-Age Massachusetts contest,· which will be held Sunday, May 25. factors of Sacred Heart St. Vin· cent de Paul Society Margaret R. SullIVan St. Vincent de Paul Society $60 A Friend $50 Jane G. Broderick David Creamer Mr. & Mrs. Daniel F. Duffy Constance Lynch Mr. & Mrs. Edmund Mitchell Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Sa Mr. & Mrs. George E. Sullivan, Jr. $45 In. Memory of Mary C. Dowd $30 In Memory of Maurice F. Byington Mr. & Mrs. William Fitzler Mr. & Mrs. James R. Mitchell $25 Robert Carey, Elizabeth Crow· ley.. Catherine F. & Ellen L. Coughlin, Margaret Desmond, Regina M. Higgins Helen Kennedy, Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth E. Leger, Letitia A. Lynch, Mr. & Mrs. Abel Marceline, Dorothy McLachlan In Memory of Nathalie E. Mur· phy, In Memory of Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. Nugent, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Rosa, Mrs. Benjamin Stafford Mrs. Monica W. Walmsley, William F. White, Jr., In Memory of William P. Hussey ST. ANNE $300 Dominican Fathers $125 Dr. & Mrs. Paul DeVillers $100 St. Vincent de Paul Confer· ence $50 Donald C. Auger Gerard A. Beaulieu The Misses FoIster Imela, Alice & Leon Gauthier $40 Miss Loretta Fillion .$35 Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Botelho

$350 Rev. Daniel A. Gamache $85 A friend $65 Albert Ouellette $40 Raymond PiCard $30 Eugene Gagnon Arthur Gauthier William Guilmette Anita Guimond Philias Ouellette $25 Louis R. Bouchard, Ovila Caron, Manuel Correa, Doris Dubreuil, Arthur Desbiens 'John Enos, Alphonse Guil· mette, Herve Proulx, Armand Thiboutot, Arthur Vidal ST. JOSEPH $400 Rev. Paul F. McCarrick $250 Hon. Beatrice H. Mullaney $200 In Memory of Mary L. Har~ ringt<>n / The Misses Foley $100 Francis L. Harrington $75 Julia M. Harrington Katherine M. Sullivan $70 Mrs. Leroy Borden $50 Rev. Mr. William Boffa Frances Brough Eunice Dion Douglas Law Julia Mahoney Mr. Mr. Herbert Nichols $40 Mr. & Mrs. John F. Mulrooney $35 Mr. & Mrs. Jose Borges· $30 Anne Borden Arthur Hannafin Margaret McCloskey Daniel Netto Mr. & Mrs. Walter Nichipor $25 George Arruda, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Boyd, Joseph L. Camp' bell, Mr. & Mrs. George Carayanes, Edward Daley John Donovan, Mr. & Mrs. Edward D. F,itzgerald, John Fitz· gerald, Mr. & Mrs. Daniel R. Foley, Honora Foley Mrs. Raymond Heyworth, Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Jones, Mr. & Mrs. John Kiley, Mr. & Mrs·. Joseph Macek, Mr. & Mrs. Hugh J. Maguire John F. Mahaney, Cyril Marcille, Eileen Murphy, Louise Murphy, Hillard Nagle Agnes O'Brien, Mr. & Mrs. Edward A. Phillips, Mildred Powers, Mary Rose Sullivan


ST. STANISLAUS $300 Rev. Robert S. Kaszynski Mr. & Mrs. Walter Kocon $100 Joan Marie Desrosiers $85 From a Friend Miss Mary Joy Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Cunningham $75 Rev. Marian Ogorek, S.Chr. $60 Mrs. Walter Conrad $50 Mr. & Mrs. Walter Deda In Loving Memory of Paul & Frances Drzal St. Stanislaus St. Vincent de Paul Society Mr. & Mrs. Paul Proulx Walter Pypniowski Mr. & Mrs. Henry Hawkins $40 Weglowski Family $35 Martin Forczyic Family Mary Niewola $30 Mr. & Mrs. Henry Paruch Mr. & Mrs. John Deveney Mr. & Mrs. Leo Lavioe Mr. & Mrs. Adam Polak Mr. & Mrs. Paul Klaege Mr. & Mrs. Walter Soczek Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Kulpa Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gromada Mr. & Mrs. James Pollard Mr. & Mrs. George Perreira $25 Mr. & Mrs. Frank Mis, Mr. & Mrs. Vicent Mis, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Janearik, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Pietraszek, Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Kelly Mr. & Mrs. Wm. J. Leeming, Frederick Kudlacik, St. Stanis· laus Men's Club, Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Vitullo, Mr. & Mrs. Thaddeus Chrupcala Mr. & Mrs. Walter Stasiowski, Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Ferry, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Sroczynski, Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Hadala, Mr. & Mrs. John Dopart Mr. & Mrs. William Crawford, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Ouellette, Mr. & Mrs. Edward P. Niewola, Miss Josephine Niewola, Miss Mary Kudlacik Mrs. Elizabeth Urban, Mr.. & Mrs. Leonard Smith ESPIRITO SANTO $320 Rev. Joao V. Resendes $50 Mr. & Mrs. Roger Toni

See Us First See Us Last But See Us



CHEVROLET 1001 Kings Hwy.


Togetherness The goal in marriage is not to think alike, but to think togeth· -Robert C. Dodds er.

Open Eveni..,gl, ·'t···.·········!.~


• 20

THE ANCHORThurs., May 8, 1975


$1,000. St. Mary's Cathedral Bingo $200 Margaret M. Lahey $100 Mr. & Mrs. James A. O'Brien, Jr. & Family Janice Hurley Ruth E. Hurley Mr. & Mrs. James Coyne, Sr. $75 Helen Joy Mary T. Hurley $60 Rose Dowling $50 Jane Haran Frances Cullen Mr. & Mrs. Edward' Betty In memory of Kathryn A. Moran Helen Burns Mrs. William F. Hurll $35 Margaret Riley Rose Riley Mrs. Jane W. Nodine Claire O'Toole $30 Mr. & Mrs. James A. Robinson, Jr. Richard Sullivan $25 In memory of Thomas F. Kennedy, Margaret Kennedy, Mary O'Neil, Elizabeth M. Hall, Mr. & Mrs. F. Cavanagh Francis A. Moran, in memory of Florence Limoges, Mr. & Mrs. Francis J. O'Neil, Margaret G. Diskin, Sarah Booth ' Eileen A. Sullivan, Gertrude Sullivan, Thomas Sullivan, Arthur Russell Mr. & Mrs. Leo A. Martin & Family, Eleanor - Shea, Daniel Shea, Alice K. Bailey, Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Bertrand Mr. & Mrs. James Frank, Mrs. Stephen O'Toole, in memory of Rose E. & Louise G. Rogan, in memory of Charles & Eliza Connors . Mrs. Michael McConnon & daughter Barbara Nikinas



$500 Margaret G. Dillon ' $350 Dr. & Mrs. John Dunn $250 Dr. & Mrs. Har,ry Powers $200 Mrs. George P. Hurley Catharine Furze $175 .Maureen O'Rourke $165 Dr. & Mrs. Francis D'Errico $150 Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Clancy $130 John J. Burke $125 May Leary $120 Mr. & Mrs. John F. Fanning




Mrs. Michael O~Rourke $100 Thaddeus Goli:tz Mr. & Mrs. William J. McCarthy Mr. & Mrs. William Hargraves John Ruane, Jr. Claire Mullins Robert Patenaure Mrs. Andre Nasser Mrs. Harold Clarkin Anne Ma,rie Higgins ,In Memory of Anne V. Kelly Dr. & Mrs. Omer E. Boivin Dr. & Mrs. Robert O'Hara $85 In Memory of Mr. & Mrs. Louis B. Devine

$80 Mr. & Mrs. Cornelius Lynch $75 Mr. & Mrs. Alexander Vezina Mary, Margaret & Thomas Dwyer $70 Mrs. John Neilan' & Elizabeth A. Neilan $60 In Memory of John & Mar· garet McDermott Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Burke M. Cecil'ia Sheahan & Margaret R. Kelliher Frederick B. McDonald $50 Mr. & Mrs. Henry Dussault Mr. & Mrs. Charles Joerres Mr. & Mrs. Leonard H. Phelan Mr. & Mrs. James Harrington Patrick Callahan Mr. & Mrs. John O. Barry Mrs. Edward B. Downs Joseph Phelan 'In Memory of Robert W. Greene Atty. & Mrs. Roger Morgan Mr. & Mrs. Fred Zebrasky Mrs. Anthony Keramis Henry J. Lemerise Dr. Margaret S. Doherty Mr. & Mrs. James Kelley, Jr. Kenny Family In Memory of Gladys L. O'Neil The O'Neil Family Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Fortin & , Collette Mrs. Thomas Tansey Mrs. John Hogan & Katherine Mildred V. Carroll Mr. & Mrs. Michael Fitzgerald Vincent M. Fitzgerald John'T. Crowley Mrs. Everett G. Crowley 001'. & Mrs. Alfred J. Roy $40 Antone Andrade Mr. & Mrs. Wilfred Salois Mr. & ,Mrs. James H. Hudner Rita Sullivan Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Pinsonneault Rudolph LaVault Mr. & Mrs. John J. Mitchell $36 Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Gladu $35 Mrs. John White Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Dion Mr. & Mrs. Howard Melker Mr. & Mrs. James K. Marum . Emma Connors & Elizabeth Connors Mrs. James E. Mullins Mr. & Mrs. Howard Marcoux Mr. & Mrs. Richard Hennessey

Mr. & Mrs. John J. Sullivan, Mr. & Mrs. William Renaud, Mr. & Mrs. James Murray, Mr. & Mrs. Roger Tache, Mr. & Mrs. Wilfred P. Desruisseaux Mr. & Mrs. Louis Shea, In Memory of William R. & CeciHa M. McConnell, Bernard Sweeney, Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Ryan, Mr. & Mrs. Fred Brissette Mr. & Mrs. George Kelly, Helena Kelley, Mr. & Mrs. Leo, T. Clement, Eugene J. Barry, Mr. & Mrs. Donald Foley Mr. & Mrs. Edward Grace, Katherine Chippendale, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph F. McGrady, Raymond Beausoleil, Dr. & Mrs. Patrick J. Foley Mrs. Arthur Shea, Helen G. Law, Marcella Regan, Mr. & Mrs. Henry Kitchen, Jr., George Hickey Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Nawrocki, Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Mur-

phy, Mrs. John Harding, Mr. & Dr. & Mrs. Joseph Clark, Jr., Mrs. John A. Burke, Mrs. Wil- Kathleen Smyth, Mrs. Elizabeth liam J. Aylward Zalenski, Mary Kelly Herbert F Madden & Mary A. Mary Smyth, Gertrude Kelly, Madden, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas L. John Ruane, Sr., Mr. & Mrs. Stanton, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Mc- Roland L. Boulay Yolande Laliberte, Mr. & Mrs. Guill, Mabel Moran, Mr. & Mrs. Anthony D'Ambrosio Samuel Hacking, Nancy Carroll, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Kitchen, Mr. & Mrs. P. Henry Desmond, Mr. & Mrs. Fernand Bonnoyer, Elladore F. O'Neil Kathryn M. Drogue, Mr. & Mrs. Forrest Knight, 'l'!le Nash F,amily, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Mrs. Nicholas Hurst, Mr. & Mrs. Cullen Hugo V. Violette, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Hugh F. Reilly, Thomas A. O'Donnell, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Elmer Stafford Jr., Mrs. George Biltcliffe Mr. & Mrs. Paul R. Dunn, Mr. Jose Silva, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Wood, William J. Heaney, Jr. & Mrs. William Hacking, Mr. & Mrs. Honora Sullivan, Mr. & Mrs. James O'Connell & CathMrs. Joseph Morais, Ella Demp- erine, Mr. & Mrs. Francis Mcsey, Catherine P. Harrington, Grath Genevieve A. Harrington Mrs. Eugene Pontiff, Mr. & Julia T. Harrington, Grace Mrs. John J. Furze, Catherine Cuttle, Mrs. William H. Sherry, _Shea, Anna L. Sullivan, Grace Mrs. Walter Fallon, Catherine Taylor O'Connor Mrs. Thomas Collins, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. George Darmody, Mrs. John Tavares

Some of the healthy, well fed, well groomed and well educated children of St. Mary's Home on Kempton Street, New Bedford-under the dedicated care of the good Sisters of the Third Order of St. Francis pose with Bishop Cronin on one of His Excellency's frequent visits. St. Mary's Home like the many other Apostolates of the Diocese looks to you for support dUring the annual Catholic Charities Appeal.


In Memory of Dep. Fire Chief Walter Pietruska $30 Mr. & Mrs. George Janson Mr. & Mrs. Armand Desmarais Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Sullivan Mr. & Mrs. William Henry Hilda Phillips Honor Toohey Clarence Bonner Gertrude L. Mercier Oatherine Lysaght Mr. & Mrs. William M. Aylward Mr. & Mrs. Dennis P,aiva Mr. & Mrs. V. Terrio Mar,guerite Bonner Margaret H. 'Powers Mr. & Mrs. John, P. Harrington $25 Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Maher, Mr. & Mrs. David Bishop, Mr: & Mrs. John Azavedo, Anna L. Sullivan, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Lapre Mr. & Mrs. Edward Nicoletti, Mr. & Mrs. Lionel Braz, Benevides Family, Mr. & Mrs. Rene Lavoie, Mr. & Mrs. Edward TeixeiTa

House-to-House Phase MAY 4-14 Give Because You Care!' This Message Sponsored by the Following Business Concerns. in the Diocese of Fall River BUILDING MATERIALS INC. DURO FINISHINIl CORP. ' THE EXTERMINATOR CO. FALL RIVE1t TRAVEL BUREAU









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