'Ordain Eight at Cathedral May 18
REV. MIt. lTLlOPi?
Mary's Cathedral, Fall River, on Most Rev. Ja-mes L. Con _ly, D.D., Bishop of Fall . Saturday morning, May 18,·at 10. Those being ordained priests RWer, will ordain eight dea-' are: Rev. Edward E. Correia, rams to the priesthood in St. Rev. Edmund J. Fitzgerald, Rev.
1968 The Anchor
PRICE 10e $4.00 par Year
Workshop and Dedic@1rion Saturd@y in Fall. River Saturday will be a momentous· day in the history !If the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine in the Diocese of Pall River. The new Diocesan Center for CCD at 446 High 1l&nd A venue, Fall R·iver, will be blessed and dedicated by Bishop Connolly at 9 :30 'and ' -;:nl be followed by a day- Martha Mal'y, O.L.V.M., a mem w·w ber of the Diocesan CCD staff. ~ng seminar for CCD teachMrs. Charles Fuller, president -1IIrs of the Fall River area. of the Confraternity in the DioThe Confraternity Center, cese. indicated that the discus Iormerly the elementary school sion lounge would be dedicated l2If the Sacred Hearts Academy, in memory Qf the late Msgr. was acquired by the Diocese IiIl Nov. 1967 and has since un aergone extensive remodeling. A full-page of pictures COlll cernillg the new JFaIn' River 1i't now provides space for a CeD center is on JI>alge 20 of bUmber of classrooms, a discus this issue. tllion lounge, a bookstore. and i1Udio-visual center, and meet ilng rooms for the Diocesan Ex John H. Hackett, J.C.D., who ~utive Board of the CCD. Offices are provided for Rev. served as chancellor of the Dio Ioseph L. Powers, diocesan CCD cese from April, 1966 until his death in December of the same ~irector; Edward P. McDonagh, CCD lay coordinator, Sister year. Plans call for the Center to Joan Louise, O.L.V.M., Diocesan roD supervisor and Sister be open daily from 9 A.M. to 5 Turn to Page Seventeen
Mary T~~~®V 112J~~V, feature W(J'oli'@fl'o
Is Retol?on@
Mary Tinley Daly writes her
itinal column of her long, illus
~ious career in journalism
1>Oday. The nationally known
~ndicated writer is retiring. A
:weekly contributor to The An
chor since its initial issue in
April 1957, Mrs. Daly's columns
bave been enjoyed by the multi
~Ousands who read this paper
NCh week. Mrs. Daly's final
:::'n~~ Page Eight.
•• -
MAr 5 .. 15
George E. Harrison, Rev. Wil liam J. Hurley, Rev. Cornelius F. Kiley, Rev. Robert A. Mc Gowan, Rev. Donald E. Messier and Rev. Kevin F. Tripp. Rev. Mr. Correia, son of Er nest L. and Clothilde Pacheco Cort"eia of 98 Lexington Ave., Dartmouth, was born July 6, 1942. He graduated from. Holy Family High School in New Bedford, took his college studies in St. Thomas Seminary, Bloom field, Conn., and studied philos ophy and theology at St. John's Seminal'y, Brighton.
Mr. Correia served as deacon in St. Jean Baptiste Parish, Fall River, St. Vincent's Camp, West port, and St. Joseph's Parish, Fall .River. Rev. Mr. Fitzgerald, son of Dr. Edmund J. and Eunke Dunn Fitzgerald of 127 Broadway, Taunton, was born Sept. 3, 1942. He graduated from Msgr. Coyle High School, attended Boston College, and studied ph:ilosophy and theology in St. John's Sem inary, Brighton, from which he received his A.B. degre,e. Mr. Fitzgerald served as a
deacon in Our Lady of Fatima Parish, New Bedford, and St. Joseph's Parish in Fall River. Rev. Mr. Harrison, son of Frank P. and Catherine Sweeney HalTison of 1837 Robeson Street, Fall River, was born Feb. 14 1943. He graduated from Msgr. Coyle High School and took his college course at St. Mary's Col lege in St. Mary's, Kentucky, from which he received his A.B. degree. He studied theology at St. Mary's SeminarY in BaIti-' more. Turn to Page Six
Early Appeal Contributions
Surpass First '67 Returns
River, Mass., Thursday, May
"'01 T • 12, No• 19
The 13,200 parish solici tors of the Catholic Chari t~es Appeal rang the door bells faithfully Sunday. The 94,250 homes were Visited. Combined with the Special Gifts, the first reports from the pal"ishes gave the Appeal a total of $282,614.50. Diocesan Lay Chairman Ro land A. Lafrance said this morn ing: '.'It is heartening to see the first reports from the parishes. They show that solicitors made their contacts and that the peo ple were at -home'· to receive the volunteer workers for the Ap peal." "The slt'eilgth of the Appeal has been equally divided. Good incI'eases have been received in Special Gifts and a large group of parishes is definitely headed for the Honor Group. We are 'especially pleased with those donors who have taken to heart the 1968 Appeal slogan to give at least one dollar more. They realize that this small increase made by many can mean a sub-
stantial difference in the over all total. "What I said at the kick-off meeting, .. Chairman Lafrance continued, "is eminently true to stand still is really to stag nate, while to grow means to go forward. And we hope that this Appeal will be the means of growth and going forward for the projects that the Bishop has under consideration-the growth
Appoints Pastor In Brown,sviUe Rev. Joseph P. Delaney, for merly assistant at Sacred Heart Parish, Taunton, and presently on . loan to the Diocese of Brownsville, Tex., has been named pastor of the Good Shep herd Parish, that city. The newly erected parish has some 3,000 inhabitants, a tem porary church hopefully to be Turn to Page Two
Lady B. M. JaJckson To Write Column For The AniChor
~s ~epre§e[IT)ll'ing
Most Rev. Humberto S. Me deiros, S.T.D., Bishop of Browns ville, Texas, and former Chan cellor of Fall River and pastor of St. Michael's Church in Fall River, stopped briefly in Fall River today on his way to Paris. Bishop Medeiros is a member of the Latin American Commit"; tee of the American hierarchy and is a representative of that group at a me~ting in France. He recently returned from a fact-finding mission in Latin America and will meet in Paris with other Church leaders in the interest of preserving and building up the faith in pre dominantly Catholic' South America.
in the means to help the youth and the aged and the exceptional children." The Honor Roll of parishes means that parishes have sur passed the 1967 total. Our Lady of Grace, No. Westport and Our Lady of Angels, Fall River achieved this distinction on Sunday. Special Gift and Parish solici tors are asked to bring all re turns to their respective Head quarters on a dally basis. • The ten leading parishes of the Diocese 'are: St. James, New Bedford $10,525.03 Our Lady of Angels, Fall River 8,084.25 St. Lawrence, New Bedford 7,607.00 St. Mary, Fall River 7,399:00 St. Joseph, Fairhaven 7,391.00 Immaculate Conception, North Easton 6,206.00 St. Mary, New Bedford 5,976.50 St. Joseph: Taunton 5,911.00 St. Mary, Attleboro 5,766.00 St. Mary, Mansfield 5,762.65
Beginning next week, The Anchor will carry "The Prog ress of ]Peoples," a column by JSarbara Ward seeking to an swer the question: "What can I do to help make this moment illl history the starting point foil' a better tomorrow?" l\'iiss Ward (Lady Roberti .Tackson in private life) is a British author, economist and lecturer, now Albert Schweitzer Professor of international eCO lllomic deve'lopment at Columbia University. Educated at Oxford University and the Sorbonne, she became assistant editor of the London periodical "The Economist" in 1940 and in 1946 was named a ~ovemor of the Turn to Paae Seventeen
Ca"th'oli~>€har'ities' ApPE!.~1 \ Specual ·'Gifts ~oii~=sts' ~~~d ~ . I at.
THE ANCHOR-!?,i«;lcese.of Fall Riv~r-T~,:,r~., May 9~, 1968,.
James . FALL RIVER '.(Nantucket-.- . ','I" '," "" Nahona .' CentralPhannacy Our Lady of the' Isle 3,009.(i'0 $2500 Gilt Edge Textile Mills Inc. St. Mary' $7,399.00 North Dighton. Bubert S. Kelleber A Friend Blessed Sacrament 974.50 51. Joseph 861.00 Biehardson I.inco1D. Me~ Espirito Santo 1,073.00 North EastonJne. Holy Cross 929.00 Immaculate C<>nception 6,206.00 Atty. Louis Stone Holy Name 5,388.00 North. WestportBricklayers, ~ & PlaII Notre Dame 650.00 Our Lady of Grace 3,480.00 tererB Union Our Lady of the Angels 8,084.25 Oak Bluffs- . Greater New Bedford & C~ Our Lady of Health 2,174.15 Sacred Heart 452.50 Cod Labor Council, AFL-CIO Holy Rosary 1,744.00 Ocean Grove-Local No. 384, UAW, AFL-CIO Immaculate Conception 1,914.00 St. Michael 2,974.00 New Bedford Typographical Sacred 'Heart . 5,517.00 Osterville--Assumption 4,236.00 Union No. 276
St. Anne 2,286.00 PrOvincetownRoy Paper
St. Anthony of Padua 1,957.00. 51. Peter , 226.00
Eagle Linen Company
St. Elizabeth '458.00. Raynham-Sti Ann 3,224.00
Henry's Restaurant
St. John the Baptist' 3,043.00 Seekonk-Mt. Carmel 4,263.00
.HM.C.. Cutlery "
'st. Joseph ' . 3,692.00 Somerse~"
LOcal No; 224, mEW
St.' Louis' .2,787.09 -St. John of God 3,~37;50
, St. Matth~w 1',941.50.. ' St. Thomas More· 5,393.50
. 1,' 3,351.75 ,; .'South 'Dartmouth.....:.. ' , St. Michael / / C@I9l~ - ·St. Patriek .' 830.00' St. Mary'. . " ~: '. . 800.00 " 8S.. Peter' and Paul 1,927.50. ' South Easton......: ' .• l)7S " " .. St. Roch ' 650.00 ",' Holy Cross . Mr. & Mrs. T. L. Dineen St. Stanislaus 1,659.00 South YarmouthK of C No. 813 St. William 3,440.00' St. Pius X 5,079.50 $SO Santo Christo 2,032.00 Swansea-' , , Falmouth National Bank NEW BEDIFORD . Our Lady of Fatima 4,805.00 St. Patrick's Guild-Falmoutll 3,764.00 Holy Name 4,778.00 St. Dominic . $26 3,005.00 Assumption 442.00 .St. Louis of France , F. V. Lawrence, Inc. Immaculate Conception 125.00 Vmeyard Ha~enFalmouth Auto Sales Sacred Heart 2,~13.80 St. Augustine . " 532.00 $25 St. Anne 1,825.00 :Wareham~t. Patrlck . 4,627.50 , A Friend John's Liquor Store St. Anthony of Padua 2,559.00 West Ha~l~h$500
Fays St. Boniface 200.00 Holy Tnmty . ~062.00
'Berkshire Hathaway, Ine.
Falmouth Bank & Trust 'Co. St. Casimir 300.00 Westpor:t--Si:; George 4,836.00·
New Bedford Dry Goods co.
Wareham Savings Bank-'-Faioo St. Francis of Assisi 1,276.00
$300 mouth American Press 504.00 St. Hedwig Walsb Realty Co.-Falmouth 51. James 10,525.00 $250
Kinchla's Inc.-Falmouth St. Joseph _1,288.00
A Friend Angelo's-South Yarmouth S1. Kilian 1,723.00 Continued from Page One Catholic Woman's Club . St. Lawrence 7',607.00 completed in June or July, and' Turn to Page Five .$151 St. Mary. 5,976.50 a house-trailer rectory located DeBrosse Oil Co.
St. Theresa ) 2,675.00 at 3424 East Ave., 'Brownsville.
. $100
TAUNTON . Father Delaney, also the Ad-
Calvin Clothing 'Corp. visory Editor of The Valley Kiwanis Club of New Bedford Holy Family 626.00 Catholic Witness-Brownsville's Local No. 361, ILGWU Holy RoSary 1,116.00 diocesan newspaper-was loaned A Friend BAS I C SKILL: Sister Immaculate Conception 171.00 to Bishop Humberto S. Medei Rev. Patrick J. O'NeiD., Princeton Clothing Co. IDe. Marie Cornelia in the Phila Our Lady of Lourdes 2,802.75 ros by Bishop Connolly in July D. Ed., Diocesan Superil~. Knights of Columbus, McMahon Sacred Heart 3,885.00 1967. . delphia Archdiocese. teaches tendent of Schools, has heeD Council St. Anthony 2,354.50 Ordained to the ,priesthood at a basic skill to an exceptional $'75 appointed to serve as a mem St. James 3,634;00 the North American College in child. The Penna. See con General Plastering It Tile Co. ber of the Advisory Council fCIlr St. Joseph 5,911.00 Rome on December 18, 1960, · Hathaway Oil Company ducts four schools· for ex Title ill ESEA Project. . St. Mary 1,896.00 Father Delaney served as As $50 appointment was made ,by the .St. Paul 165;00 sistant at Sacred Heart Cburch, ceptional children. Th~ Fall J. F. St. Aubin It 'Co. State Board of Education on the . ATTLEBORO' Taunton; ch,aplain of MQn,;;ignor , River Diocese operates two., . Ashley Ford' Company' . ftCOmmendation of Dr. Owea Holy Ghost 800.00 Coyle' High School and the Coater's, Inc. " Kiernan, Commissioner 'of- EduSt. Joseph 2,798.00 Taunton Curia of" the Legi'on of States Nitewear Mfg;'Ine• .-cation for the Commonwealth CllI St. Mark . 3,965.50 Mary and Assistant SuperintendSturtevant' & Hook; IDe. Massachusetts. .1 " . St. Mary 5,766.00 ent of Catholic Schools of tbe . MAY 16. ' Park Oil Company' /.-' .. ' 1 Fl;ltber .O'Neill. is presen~ .. St. Stephen.' 4,42~.OO Diocese. ..' '..... 'J." ,.: Itt.. Rev. J. Josep);l Sullivan,,'. . NorriS) Tripp' & Co.~··,~. serving pn· tbe ,Advisory., Board . St. Theresa 4,905.38 In Brownsville, Tex., the Fall; Pastor Sacred. Heart, , "Dahill Company ,of Title.II ESEA; and is,also 3 NORTH ATTLEBORO 'River priest served as Assistant PB., 1960' .' ',. '; A'Friend -"f' member of the Advisory.·eom,.. Sacred Hearj' :' :, i ' .2,86~;~Q: , 'at 51. JUd~ in F.'h~rr and, at Our Fall River. " " ." M'll" '. : /.. . Rev William McDonald sS' , . ~earso~- 1 er. mittee directing a 'study a! St. Mary', ;. , 2,628:00'1 4dy of Sorrows .~n McAllen. . , '.' .' " .. " . '·Shuster'Co. reform for the certification of , '. ' ." . "'. , :, ~TOwNS: . \ ";',Son of Josephi~:. ~?d Jane, E. .1941, St. Patrick, Falmouth. " .,,' Stan~ey Oil Co. Inc:' . teachers ~at is sponsored by the , , '. '.' ·(Burke).,Delan~y(of.;178 Read MAY 17 ' N.'B. '. joint' Boai'd, "'Textile' • Massachusetts Advisory 'Counell Acushne~.. ; .. : ,~", ;';. ',Street,Fall River; thlll: new pas-. -Most Rev., James' E. Cassidy, Workers Union of Amerlcii,' AFL- of Certification. St. Franc~~ XaVIer 3,~.,0(I, tor is also the brotb,er of ~v. D.D.,19S1, .. . 3rd Bishop of Fall-.. CIa" . ' , : Assonet-St. "Bernard 1,52~.00 Edmund' T. Delaney, pursuing River,' 1934-51. $40 BrOewsteLr- f th C studies at the University of Silverstein's Family Store ur a d y 0 e ape 1,598.00 nlinois. . MAY '19 Buzzards Bay $35 Rev. Ambrose Lamarre, O.P., St. Margaret 2,663.00' · Park Motors Inc. 1940, Dominican Priory, Fan Central Village- $30 River. ' St. John Baptist " 600.00 Ryan & Scully, Inc. Rev. Tbomas Trainor, 1941,' Per Annum ChathamFRIDAY-St. Antoninus,'Bishop,- Pastor, St. Louis, Fall River. $26 Holy Redeemer Ask about 3,471.00 Confessor. III Class. White. Dr. H. F. Riley Dighton-St. Peter .1,05}-~. ,or MAY 20 · Enos 'Home Oxygen' 'Therapy INVESTMENT Fairhaven55. GordianUs arid Epimachus, Rev. Antonio L. daSilvia, , Company .
·51. Joseph Martyrs. Red.' Glory; Preface 1952, Pastor,' Our Lady ,of ·7,391.30 $25
. SAVIN~S. St. Mary of ' E a s t e r . ' . Health, Fall ·River. 1,218.00'· American Flexible ,Conduit Sacred Hearts ' . CfRTIFICA 750.50 SATURDAY-SS. ; Philip and Company MAYZ3 Falmouth-St. Patrick 4,103.00 James, Apostles. II Class. Red. .' Fibre Leather Mfg. Co. ,Rev. William F. Donahue, .SAFm - Savings insured sate' by iii HyanniSMass Proper; Glqry; Creed; Paragon Travel AgencY 1944, Assistant, St. Fr8!lc?s · agency of the U. S.Government. Sit. Fr'ancis Xavier 5,086.00 . Preface of Apostles. ·Mars . Mansfield-St. Mary 5;752.65 SUNDAY-Fourth Sunday after Xavier, Hyannis. AVAILABILITY - No notice requlrML Perfection Oil Co. ,Your funds available when needed. Easter. II Class: White. Mass Plumbe;rs Supply Co. Proper; Glory; Ci-eed; Preface Brenneke's Pies SAVE by MAIL - We procesS pr~ S;en~te of Easter. and pay postage both ways. Weinstein's Inc. The Priests' Senate of the.. MONDAY-St. ' Robert Bellar Assets over $41,OOCl,OllO Bettencourt Pharmacy imine, Bishop, Confessor and Diocese will meet at 1.30 Brockton Public Markets Doc,tor of Jhe .,Church. I,U .tomorrow afternoon, :May ICIi;" ClaSs. White. Mass Proper; . '.: May 12-5t. Patrick, Fal at the. Catholic Memorial , Home'" Glory; Creed; PJ:efaoe of E~ Savings and loan AssociatiOllJ ., mouth.;· . . " ,: " . ter.· '" , -in Fail River• Mt. St. Joseph Academy, of TUESDAY-Mass of preceding Fal.l River. '~"?,."~"''''''''Q._...... _ ......... ;~_ ....." Sunday. IV Class. White. Mass , ., , First Federal Savl:1gs .. LDaIJ AnD. e ".' I North' Milia 'st.. fali.Rlver MasL ~ May 19-5t. Casimir; New _.St. Michael C~ , Zip: 02722 '. '<Pllone' 674"4681 Bedford, Villa Fati!Jia~' ... Glory; Preface ·oLEaster.' · .:' Make application 'b; phone Ii YOU' wlIlI. IJ In,c•. : ,. T a u n t o n . ' ''WEDNESDAY-St,'' John Bap.. , .,.... ......" tJ '. " ri lodlitldUa.1 Accounl 0 ~OIRI. AcCo:mt f) \. ." tist de La. Sa~, Confessor. ! :. fUNERAL SERVI.CIE.· , ': Nease open a sa~lngs accolint :Encl~ ~ .\.._~..,...-..,..,-~..,...,.....,..,_~. ... '. III Class: Wh1te',;Mass Proper;' .; Ramels) . . . @ 'nlE ANCHOIl
, Glory; Preface 'of Easter.. 4 @ 'NEw a'IEDfORD, MASS:
SlJ:ond Class Postage Pard at Fall River, . THURSDAY-St. Ubald, Bishpp, , Address ' Mass. Published every Thursday at 410
Confessor. III 'Class.' White... ., Is 8 check I!I the amount of Highland Avenue~ Fall River. Mass. 02722
, 0 oythe Catholic ~ress of the Diocese of Fall Mass Proper; Glory; Preface , 0 River. SubscriptiOll Ilrlco biT mall. postpaid of Easter. ~ ...... __ ~ u ~ u u " , . " " " , d $4.00 per year. '.,"
Cod, "
Fr. De Ioney
Name 1l1r. OINein Project Advisor
. ,Necrology
Higher Earnings
,Mass O'rdo
~onif~c~;~~iVIarlyr. ~.
i> '·fa~ous· f~"~'
$_, 'l'
Army OHicials Bar Priest From Base
Daughter Nominates Mrs. O'Brien for Na~ional Mother of the Year Award
FORT KNOX (NC)-Army cxfficials have barred a Cath olic priest from the Fort Knox military base as a re
Mother's Day wiD. be special this year in the horne of Mrs. James-A. O'Brien Jr. of St. Mary's Cathedral parish, Fall River. She is one of 11 recipients of a Mother of the Year award made by Catholic Miss magazine-and to Mrs, O'Brien the best part of the award is that she was nominated by her 13 year old daughter .It seventh grader at Cathedral School. Like ' hundreds of girls through out the nation, Kathleen O' Brien wrote to the magazine
sult of his anti-Vietnam war ac tivities among the soldiers. Father James C. Gorman, a :6-year-old teacher at the St. Thomas Sulpician Seminary in Louisville, was informed he would no longer be allowed on (he base in a letter from Army !Ilfficials. The officials said the action tWas taken because Father Gor man visited military personnel en the base without arranging Ids visits through the office of tile Catholic chaplain. The :Army said Father Gorman had been warned the action would be taken if he did not coordinate ~s visits through the chaplain's effice. "It has been the custom of all "fisiting clergymen to coordinate wsits" with the chaplain's of fice, the Army statement said, and the "archdiocese of Louis ville subscribes to this policy." Father John W. Hanrahan, &uisville archdiocesan chan cellor, declined comment on Father Gorman's case. He said, however, that the archdiocese neither "approves or disap proves" of Army regulations. 'Act 011 Colonialism' Father Gorman, from Phila-· lIelphia, is not a priest of the Louisville archdiocese. He is !In the process of becoming a member of the Sulplcian So dety, and, before joining the St. Thomas faculty last August, was ~tive in anti-war demonstra tions of Father Philip F. Berri can, S.J., of Baltimore. The barred priest could not be !Ileached for comment on the Army's action. However, when warned in February to coordinate his vis its through the chaplain's of fice, Father Gorman said the order was given "in an attempt in control the consciences of the 11I01diers." He called the Vietnam war ""morally wrong, unjust and an I3Ct of United States eolonial
Schedule Call-in Radio Program NEW YORK (NC) - A na tional call-in radio show aimed lilt giving the black "man in the lItreet" and his white counterpart • chance to communicate will begin broadcasting here on June I. The program-"Night Call" will be released by the Televi-' tJion, Radio and Film Commis sion (TRAFCO) of the Method bt Church in cooperation :with the Broadcasting and Film Com mission of the National Council of Churches and the National Catholic Office !for Radio and relevision. The program will be broad east on leased telephone wires, .,hich will form an independent 1\lldio network tying participat ~g stat~ons together. Night Call is scheduled -to .-Iginate here and broadcast to· . at estimated four million lis teners in majoJ; metropolitan .-eas. The hour-long' program, -rill be heard five nights a week.. A yet to be named Negro' l108t, together with a prominent guest, will open up discussion selected controversial issues each night. The audience will be able to take part in the discus mon by telephoning Night Call eoHeet from anywhere in the country.
THE ANCHORThurs., May 9,· 1968
giving reasons why she thought her mother deserved the award.. "I'd like to have my mom win because my mother .is an outstanding example of every Christian virtue," said Kathy. Cares for Granli.mother -My mother never thinks of herself. After attending daily Mass and getting us (my two brothers and me) off to school, she takes care of my sick grand mother who lives in the next house. She cooks the meals for bel' and my bachelor uncle. Come nighttime, my mother is there again (after having pre piRred two suppers) putting my grandmother to bed. In between times, my mom is aclive in almost every organi zation in town. For 12 years she and my father have been on the pre-Cana panel in the Diocese of Fall River. At these meetings they discuss the joyS and prob lems of married life and en courage those who are about to enter the unknown world of the Sacrament of Matrimony. My mother was president of the Diocesan Council of Cath olic Women for two years; and served as secretary of the Bishop Stang Day Nursery Corporation and Board of Directors. She is busy in the Mothers' Club of our school, and is presently the vice-president of the Coyle (my brother's high school) Mothers' Club. "She is active in the Catholic Woman's Club in the city, and for four year has been chairman of the Family and Parent Edu cation Committee in the diocese.. She has also found time to serve .on the March of Dimes and other committees which are not associated with' the church "During the hectic days pre ceding Christmas my mother spent several afternoons mak ing wreaths to decorate' our church. New Year's ·Day also found her in church preparing the altar for Forty Hours' Devo tion. "Realizing her worth, Bishop Connolly of the Fall River Dio-
; I
~~~"'0iL......,_.·....:......:..:::_e.. _,e..,dL._..__e' . .J
MOTHER OF YEAR: Mrs. James A, O'Brien Jr., winner of Catholic Mother of Year award, pours milk for daughter Cathy. Left to right are sons. Jay and Tim. Jay is Coyle student, Tim and Cathy attend St, Mary's Cathe dral school, Fall River. cese chose my mother to serve on his Advisory Board in 1966. This was followed by another announcement early this year the bestowal of the Marian Award (a new award for the laity in the diocese) on her and my father at a ceremony in St. Mary's C~thedraI. State Representative . "Can I say more? Nothing * * • except that I have the most SELFLESS and the BEST mother in the WHOLE WORLD!"
In recognition of her award, Mrs. O'Brien received a certifi cate from Catholic Miss, while Kathy's prize was a book. The two boys in the family are Jay, 16, a junior at Coyle, and Tim my, 7, a second grader at Cathe dral. Mr. O'Brien is a state rep resentative.
Cincinnati Sets Po rish Payment TuitBon Plan CINCINNATI (NC)-Par ishes of the Cincinnati arch diocese will A1e assessed $90 for each of their students at a
tending private Catholic high schools, beginning next Septem ber. This will be in addition to the $90 the parishes pay for students attending diocesan high schools. The additional revenue will go to the archdiocesan high school central fund through which costs are equali;z;ed and debt retirement payments met, and not to the private schools. At the present time, parents of students at diocesan schools pay $200 a year, and their par ishes pay $90. In parishes where most of the high school students attend diocesan high schools, the $90 assessment for each is a substantial item in the bud"get. But in parishes where most of the high school students do not attend diocesan high schools, the assessment has been rela tively light. lSllldget Increase One pastor estimated that paying $90 for each high school student attending private school would add about $10,000 to the annual parish budget. About $200,000 additional win be realized by the new assess .ment, school· officials estimated. The archdiocesan school board reeently granted a five per cent pay raise to elementary and secondary school teachers to keep their salaries within 95 per cent of local public school scales, and an increase of $100 to teaching Sisters.
Married Deacons HYDERABAD (NC) - The West Pakistan Bishops' Confer ence has declared that married deaeons can speed up the "na ·tionalization" of the Church ia this country.
Sturtevant 6
Est. 1897
Builders Supplies
Mass to Open Jazz Festival
2343 Purchase Street New Bedford 996·5661 '
NEW ORLEANS (NC)-8ome outstanding jazz musiCians will be guests of honor at' a memo rial for deceased jazz musicions Sunday here in St. Louis cathe dral. J. TESER, Prop. The Mass will open "Jazzfest '68," the first New Orleans inter RESIDENTIAL national jazz festival nom May INDUSTRIAL 12 to 18, part of festivities com COMMERCIAL memorating the 250th anniver 253 Cedar St., New Bedford sary of the'founding of New Or . 993-3222 leans. Archbishop Philip M. Han nan of New Orleans will be the principal celebrant of the Mass. Jan Vermulst's "Mass 'for' Chris Uall Unity," accompanied by brass, will provide· the musical ~re. Vocals wiH b! by 1he., ~e University Concert· :'
Norris H. Tripp SHEET METAL
.Heating Oiis
and Burners
,Among brass musicians play- .' ing for the Mass will be AI Hirt, widely known tnunPEit' player from New Orlean II. Other par 365 NORTH FRONT STREET ticipants will include the brass NEW BEDFORD and. timpani sections from the New Orleans Symphony and the 992-5534 Loyola University school of music. ~
HAPPy MOTHER'S DAY, MOM! "The. Bank So Man, Moms Bank On - And 'i~"
THE ANCHOR'-IDjacese of Fall River-Thurs., May 9, 1968
stang mp School. Centerine 8'1'OUDd ~ idea of Christia:n
commitment and involvement, 18 Dew in00nnal atmosphere woo created. All conferences weftil ¥ d Pi the cafeteria and fo~OW{' edby s:mdent groups discuSBion& Indivldwd group reports ~ Gfladua~~on then ~ted before everyQDfl As June approaches" more and more students in FJnd open discussion followed. Diocesan highs are buttoning up tneir plans for further AlIso em the retreat program were sing-slongs, Masses eel& education. To date seven members of the graduating class brated in senior homerooma, at Sacred Hearts, River, have: won tuition seFl(!ll'all..ships~ film showings and a concluding grants and other awards. eoncelebrated Mass. the Uillted Nations Cllntest f€ l r Topping the list is Pamela Fi:fty-~ven Coyle boys have Lennon who has received a higfr school students.. She is the' l'eeeived lllCCeptances to at leaBA daughter of Mr .and Ml7s~ l\Gar one imltitute of higher learning, full tuition scholarship to' vin Dendy,. 47.4- Oak Grove Ave':' many to two, three, or more; and StonehiU College' valued at $48' nue,. and! a. graduate of the Sacred' statistics at SHA Fall River shaw 00, and ·an additional E 0 Grant Heart parish schooL , that 68 of 87 seniors plannb~C of $500'. Pamela in her junior Eleanor Dunn, the daughter of higher education have received year received' a national merit·· Mr. and! Mrs, Paul R. Dunn of acceptances from schools or 00].. Letter of Commendation, She is 48 Read Street, has been award! leges. Forty-nine of the 66 willi a member' of the :National Honor ed the:' Catholic Womem.'s Club attend fuur year colleges and Iff Society and. second in the rank Scllolarship grant of $Z5{)!. She is: tow year junior colleges, mIi& ing top. ten of tl're graduates, In prefect of sodality, on the staff , ing or business schools. her sopllomore .year she won a of the scliool paper,. and a seniel' 'l'bree Jesus-Mary studenbJ Latin Honors Award and in ooth membeJ:' of Student Council. 1'1" have received awards f·rom the the freshman and sophomore her :f:reshman~ and sophomere Fan River Municipal Employeell years she Eeceived a Gertificate years she: W<ln H!onolTS in; the Na: !Credit Union for designs for an of' Merit for ranking in the top tional! Latin Exam. She- has- been identifying symbol for the m quarter. of ~he State in the Na accepted: at Bl7id'gewater and! stitution. First prize winnell', . . tional Educational Development Framfugbam and will attend; tlbe $25. was Louise McNerney, and Tests.. She is. the daughter of latter. Mr::. and. Mrs. F'rancis Lennon ot Diane Dumas and Diane FOJ'elIII 'Visit Que1;lee' ~ for second place. each .... 11 Leonard Street, and a g)'adu. Haw many sIlud'er.i1lsoi} FI'eRdl, at.e- o~ St. Mil.:hael's Parochial ~eiviog $10 awards. . .A folk Mass at Coyle' _ _ CLASS OFIrKCERS: Among 'class offiCers at St. AD SCnoor. She has been ac<tepte(f; 'have, t!Ie- oppo1.'tlJci!iy· to use tJle· at Emmanu~l an~. Sa1ve Regina laLtgUage outside o~ the claSs th<my High, New Bedfo'rd, are. front, left, Dawn Ca~),~ memorialized Dr. Martin Lu.~ In his homily Father 'BJ'ialll as. well a6, Stonehill, where she' room!' LaSt. month,. 2:tstudmts ef . seeretary,; Loiselle :BouHn, treasurer; Diane. Schwartz, vift- Sacred' B:~aris: Alladem.y~/' YaI.Jr will matricul'ate in Sept'oember. rear, Normand Sa-v:9ie,presid~.; DOnald ~ Hanington, ehaplain, noted . . . 'pNsidenot:; 'Beverly A. Moniz. has reeeived! haven"hadi '3: ehanee- tie 'pI'0Ve Xing JDi.ght be called a trOQb... ' b.LA.-t' treasUrei'. '-, a tWI tuition. scholarship. l& the the extent of their pl'efleieEe]l" monta~ malia,' but so was Christ. 'Tbe in the IanIDla~. N~;. they didn;'t. priest noted· tbat oppresMt'l Uxllversity of Rhode Island. )/31 visit Fnance",but CanaGla'. Aetiuall Will alsQ be at thi\!l event.. mo-, "'Bad Dream. Blues"'. <aR€! ~ at.$1200'. SheJs the daugJiter ~e should be given what til of: ':Mr:' and Mrs. Manuel Moniz, ly,. the:membeI's· 011 the·F·a~l'ha"'eni 1ibeirl! by justice: "Only then _
Alumni of Prevost High, -Fall "Bye, Bye" were sung and play of. 195' Healy StJ;eet" and a grad School's, National HoneI" Seeiety River;. win hold the-tr 11th an ed on. guitar· by fo}kist l"om} 'We giw of ourselves in love,· _
u9r~ ,of, the- Davis Elementary had pl~ed to tour Washington nual reunion Sunday, Ma)' 19 Leahy. Rhythmic tap and mf>d. said.
School, BeveEly is: a member· of D.C~ during, SprIng va~a.ti'on, but a~ White's restaurant, Specially ern iazz dancing were executed $p6rts lovers' at SHA PaD th~ National' Honor Society. the. . due to' conditions in the' eapillal" horlCired will be the dassof 1948. by Susan Cabral and Mary J& River,are prepared for the beads French' Honor Society, and an· at that tIme, plans wel1e aJitetred>, Twelve Domi'nican Academy Carreiro. •. fl4I!asoD with weekly lessons liD aclive- member of the Drama, and· the province of .Quebec was !Students: have earn.ed high.291 elne-Ad Play swimming and lifesaving, beld Math, and Glee. Clubs. She haS: chosen as an alternate, honors for the third m~rking The Barbershop Quartet PJ"t) at the Boys' Club pool. .ImiA also been: acwepted at Slonehill, Accompanied by Sister Gil" peEiod. The bright .lassies are vided new entertainment. The juniors have passed two mile but will matriculate at URI in. berta. SS,CC. and' SIster Julie s e:n io r s. Jeannine L'evesque, Band played several selections, stones, having received theb' the Fall. LouiSe sS.ce., the gids' departed Sharon Andrade,. Madeleine Les as Great 'Themes from Italian class rings and enjoyed 1:betr Jacqueline Proulx, daughter of' for Montreal.' On reachi'ng the sard,. Paula Valois, Paulette Ma Movies, Percussion in Review. juni&r prom. Mr. and' Mrs, Edmond Proulx of city, they went sightseeing. dQre, Gail Todd;. Juni{)L'S Debra "The Song of My Land" was add Results in school voting ba'ft 285· Riversid'e Dri;ve; Thcerton, Next day, the studen.ts V'fsited Lay, Denise Michaud,. Stephanie ed by the cOmbined band and elected Anne Marie Chare"e all has· received a, $1000 tuition .the. Dow Planetarium, and'.the Pineault;: sophomore Marcia Pa Glee Club: Piano soloist David eaptain of the school and stu~ scliolarship' to, the' Univel'srty of! Botani'cal GaI;d'ens., ConstaDee '( vent; 'and. freshmen Susan Costa Arsenault presented' "Misty" and eOUDCil ·president; ,Rhode [sland', andi an E' 0 Grann "Sonny", giving the program a Murpby, captain of St. ~ After attendIng ma's8' the 'fol::. and Elizabeth Almedia. 'of $4501 J1acqU'Iine- is captain of lowing day at the church ()f 0ur team.; Karen Gaudreau, heaCtina jazzy touch. '. High honors went to 53 stu St. Margaret's team at SHA, co Contributing . also . was. :the. st. Margaret's. Deborah :ROSIl Lady, Queen of the Universe, dents. and honors to two. captain of the varsity basketball the·g;roup tra,veIed on. to.Cap.-De : Co.yle High in Taunton' has ·the Drama Glub by its presentation and Stephanie Powers are spO' and; v.oliey;l!laIT teams, and: lias: La-Madel'eine and' "rsi'fecf the welcome mat out for all Di0 'of a one-aCt play The Wan. Fea teams squad leaders. earned a junior referee certifi AIYl SHA students held a JJMIetJ: .Gothic cathedral, and shrine cesan teens every Saturday tured in this were: Paul :Bras cate, She will major physical there.. En route to the eity of night from now until school's' s;rrd. Stephen Cardoza, Suzanne eleetioD on the same day as *he education at URI.. She came- j;o, Quebee, the tOUl; stolillPed for a Fitzgerald, Mass. State presidential primary.· end. Teenage mixers are .slated CateIli. . Maureen SHA as a graduate, of Foaasset shari tfu1e to admire the -Mont weekl,y under supelivision of .the Stanley Francyk, Sheila Ma Raberl Kennedy did better • grammar schoon, Tivertorr. morency Falls, then jeUJ:neyed Coyle Brothers. Area b~nds. will honey, P~trick McCormack, Ray SHA than in real life, amaseiD&t :)t1 pft eent of votes east. on to Ste, Anne de' El'eaujilre. hi featured and it's noted that> mond Roy, and Karen SanlOl5. Cushing, Emmanuel Diane DeVilleril of SHA Fa)l . On; Thursday, the g;uoup' lett jacke!:l and ties wilb be compul Freshman ExpressioDS .' Ann Rockett 'and M3rybetll River bas been named editor of . Conlon have each received tui for Quebec City, agaIn went 50ry. . "J1be trosb aren't so lowl,. .. And Coyle' and Cassidy, also the Association Newsletter e4 Coyre. This year .they've ~ tion grants valued at $12CO: and: sightseeing, toured, lJ'le Flains &f in Taunton, recently teamec;l. up the Southeastern Mass, Regienal ~ • $14.00 respectively, the fo·rmer Abraham and! w.ent shopping in literary magaa)De, Association of the National ReH "Jio'l1eshman Expressions," MMlI at Cushing College, and' the lat a. hug~, nine miJe leng; matl. 'f~r 2' "SpmngQrama" under di or Society. The newsletter· is z ter at Emmanuel. Ann is the (!)ne- of the oddest places they rection of Brother William Jilab eampus critics say their ~ new project of the group. daughter of Dr. and Mrs., J'osepJi, saw W3S' a sman restaurant with bitt, C,S,C or Coyle glee club mod i5sue win have to go oome .. erator. Soloists induded Jane Musical Chain Rockett, 300 Woodlawn St1reet, mirro"laden wall's and' Rumer Wtp3S4l their first. Can't .&w Student, student, where ave Detter than that, can you? . and is a graduate of Sacredl ous' stuffed birrds hanging: from Rara;; from Cassidy and Jeffrey Hearts Academy Elemcntar)l the ra.w· ceiling. The gj;d's didn't Silva and Stephen Sullwold from the students?' Well, girls jr&m Cassidy visited SHA Fan River School. She was a member 0:£. nave to use' their Filench at all Coyle. The swing band of Coyle Student Council in junior year, here because almost 7$ per cent men accompanied the glee club. last week for a Student Ell 'change Day and yesterday SMA is active in Math, Drama and; of the populatioru speaks English. Spring FfstivaJ Glee Clubs and is on the senIor Mmi-Skint Rules ' A Spring Festival also, took students made the Taunton tFek. Meanwhile, girls in the tep 16 Memorybook Staff. MILWAUKEE (NC) - Three Teenagers all over the' world :~~~',s s~~~ ~::tstu~:~ per cent of the junior class at Marybeth: Conlon,. a graduate staff members of the Catholic ,and faculty presented a many Mt. St. Mary visited classes at Herald Citizen, Milwaukee areh of the Sacred Heart parish schaal., tenci to,dresS' the same: The mini Salve Regina College in Newf)()vL diocesan newspaper, reeeivetll is the daughten' of' Mr, . and Mrs~ skirt ruled; the Quebec: sc~ne, splendored show. PIr().viding a background for Also at the Mount the slud~t honors at the Milwaukee h.., Thomas Conlon,. 260 Rotngar and. beards seemed' to, be sprout council spOnsored Hs annual Club's annual banquet here. Street. S!i:e' is- 3: NatIQuaJi Honor ing' from· every male chiao One the program were paintings, cer Thomas J. Smith, editor, _ Society Member and: on the young man was' quite' unique. amics, and scnlpture by Stang's mother - daughter eemmunion Sports Council, and the staff of: He: was' clad' in a sleeveless, creative artists. 'Fl'te Glee Club, supper. Hamed' 86 writer of the DeeII Mi'xed' and' MaTe Ghorus, sang ,At Jesus-Mary Academy, Fall the school paper. She is also ankle-length racoon coat, meun single feature story of 1967. m. "Ev'ry Time I Feel the Spirit," River, students viewed a film active in Drama and French taineer ooots, jeans, a multi winning account dealt wiDl II colored! striped jel!Sey- and: 3 ":r:mpossible. Dire-am," "Let All on problems of deafness, and ei,vil rights march held . . . Clubs,. and! on tIie vansity volley; ball team, She has been accepted green Robin Hood! ha.t. . Things Now Liying," "A Girl: JaniCG! ~ Deschenes, has beeI:. Fall. l'iew CGuneil Otricer-s Was Merrily Dancing," '-God of named a Fashion Board member at Merrilnack, and U Mass as .Eugene Horn and Ethel Oh well as Emmanuel: New' Stud'ent CEllll1CiI' officers All 'Nature," and "One' World.· for a local stOre. Aleo at Ule toft associate editors, were __ Barbara Dendy ranked first have. been named at Mt. St. Also sung welre two numbers. girls' . academy, Diane Dugal, 1eded for their ·colIaboratiOll _ among area students competing Mary.Acade.1Dl3l'" F;'a]]; River, EHz "The Road Not Taken," and Jacqueline Roberl and MieheUe II ~ of ·articles on the ~ 10r ~he Firestone scholarship! abetl'J, ~~ is pnesid'en£ teE the "Stoppmg by Woods &R a, Snew,. Dufour' have been named 'oS' }ems gf the poor and :He~ award and received a $100 lIES. coming; yeaJ7 and shelf]; lee' aided· Evening"_ inclusion ill a high sehool nan "!"be aerie was described . . . . . Savings Bond. She has been aa b~' Christine· Tall:7ot,. ,,~pres I Two! of' ·the schoofs ti,nanst.s dents' who's who.. They thereby besl publie affair repont.,." cepted at Merrimack and at ident;· Denise- V~a; seer.etary; ,bern the State S~ech Festival! become eligible to wmpete fer 196'B. StonefJill: She'is:t NationOlI Hon. scholaxships awarded by .u.. anci DebOrah. QUefttaF, t:reasurer. .contributed theii seledieGs, Suo Tbu(b the first time the c... or Sociel:$ Member, anre editor Among- their· first joli>s will be 'san 'Richard delivered "Speecb book's publisbe1's. QUe iIerald Citizen Me . . . of the sahooD paper: In her soi;lh attendance at a l'egienal student 'uem Othello"; Paul Vercellone, -rhe: trouble with t«>& ~ heat Qub honors. The ~ omere year she won a 'Certifi council' meeblng til·J;;,e. held in .. a.' humorous piece,. Perelman'. Christians is that they an -q if! open to an dailies and wee5 cate of Merit in 'the NEDT, and Westfield tomorrow and' Satur-· ....Nothing But the Tooth." Three· . biological Christians." This in . Dee in the greater Milwaua_ in. j'umOll ~ear' W,OIt honol's; m', d~;, Girfs; ~0DIl SIlIlA Fall:, ltiVeE: tolk:. tunes.: "Remember tb~ Ala ia"oduc:tion·begana two day,Jun met.J:opolitan area. .. ,
Dicce$cn, . Stude~ts
lFE[]'!}a~H%e ~P8~rms,
PQst~H~'Sh ':'Sch@~~ IEd~~~ti~~" . Apa»5'@:(!l:ches:
Catholic Newspaper
Editors Win Honors
Ch@r1ton Founc!lry
Special. Gifts
DeUa 1l!:lectric Co.
~oma Chemical Color Div..
: " ~yor Benjamin A. FrIedman.' United Merchants & Mf-g. Inc.
Jl,1idlanG Print Wor~ $125 caa~ l\1dlls Curtain Ce. Inc. &. Vincent de Paul Soel.ef;J', St..
Committee Seeks Archdiocesan Grant 'foil' Inner City Schools
$100 Goorge B. Sanford Dermody Cleaners Babbitt & Simmons New Process Twist Drill CD. Queen's Daughtern
$15 Tillbot Tweedy Na-Brite Chemical 01». $60 NQOOn Oil Company S511 !W';rank J. Smith $50 Plllnk & Hansen Oroi Brothers John Bright Shoe Store Turin's Market-Wash & ShlJ1l) I. R. Tallman Insur. Co. B.P.O.E. No. 150-EUw fSociety of St. Vincent Ole POll.lI1, !It. Jacques Conference lLeague of Sacred Heart., St. Jlacques Parish $o~iecki Funeral Ho~ $40 ,'I'';llllnton News Co. , , $35 .l!Uchmond Granite .& ~~
.orks Wei~ Phannacy ~rllelius J. Murphy Ins~ ~cy
"st. Anne's Society, St. JaecrUe3
. "
tl&<Jey &: SeXton •
Leahy's Liqlllor Store IDe. Hathaway Constructi~ 0.. lllazzone Bros. Lumber Taro! $25
• . Samuel L. Popladt Ranson &: Company, Inc. Boogernan Manufacturi8« lIemorial tIo Edward '" &abe!'.!l
• roT
Poole Silver COmPllIlF WUliam P. Crowley '" ScJng Bacon Felt Compnny Mason Box ~llJn-saxon Funeral B _ Bristol Athletic Cl.ub ~lonial Donut Shop Society des Enfante de Ma~ . . lacques Pa1l'isihl ' ~t. Hope Machinery Co. ' ' Powers Pontiac Inc. ".CO~m",nity Paint Co" .' , Pl,umber & Steamfitters No. ~ i'>lI"rell Insurance Agenqr Cffilral Dairy Farm Oct6gon Service Station
Fall River
Arkwrigbt Wareh'Ouse Clllrp. A.{'~twright Finish. Di"J. United Merchants & Mfg. Inc. United! Labor Cotmcil of Greater Fall River Colonial Wh01esa~~ Be'l1ersge C@rp.. $'75
1),1(1". Thomas Hudner $60 Jfohn F. :VIclVlahon & Sons, Ine. $$5 O"Neil's Tire Service, me.
S51 1l!:ugene Pontiff Durfee Buffintolll Agency ,Joh~ Braz
J{)im F. Stafford JIrmsuron.ee Agency A Friend • International Brothe;r'haod of Laborers Local No. 610 Harry G<lttlie~ Slater Paper- Box A Friend Corcoran Supply Co. Morris Levine Tri-City Office Equipment C~lf;p.
A. H. Leeming &; Sons Inc Atty. John F. O'Donoghue' Edward Brayton Advance Frocks Corp. Mrs. Katherine Crossolil Aluminum Processing Corp. Holy Name Women's Guild .Ken Lac Chemical Co., Inc. irati Ri vel' Knitting Mills, Inc. lU'flited States Luggage Corp. Smith Lumber Company Fall River Sheet Metal Works M@ther Catherine McAuley GltHa
Jackson & Company Ally. Francis Meagher Lecomte's Dairy Dolmelly Painting Co. Valcourt Inrlustrial Supply Co. lIne. R~gal Fiow Covering $35
.James P. Elart Nelson: R. Chen7' S:iHodde Dye Works Bernard A. G. Tarad85h , $30
Smith Electrical Supply Co.
Chace Electric Co.
!llll'. Benjamin Leavitt Turn, to Page Six
and volunteers hundle clerical work b 1::> schools. Only one of the school build ings is less then 10 years old while four are more than 10li years old. Most are between 30 and 60 years old. The comm.iltee also recom mended' several steps be taken to increase integration in the schools. T-cf.:Jll Response
"The response by the archdi ocese 'to the urban crisis must be total," the report said. "The archdiocesan school system now has the means to expedite racial integr'utionamong faculty and students in 311 of its schocls whetber t.'1ey nre in the inne; city {)J' in the suburbs." The cot'llTti ttee asked steen!!th eninq of a high school Negro-white residential border' immediate integration experi~ ments such as a day a week program tinder which fiith grade students from suburbs lind inner city would attend 3chool t.ogether; mld where de facto segr'cgation of the student body 'ell:ists, integration of -the fuculty. The committee ulso reeom':' mended t~t ull schools "use muIli-ethnic materials - books' pictures, etc.-extensively in grade~. An integration of. the ?ontributions ~ minority grouJ?S 11\ t~ total mstructioillll pro gram should likewise be an Im mediate objective m all Catholic seh<mls."
0-;; Il
,LARIVIERE'S Pha.rmacy 3InSO'iptions calledfor
and delivered LOFT ~HOC01ATES
60lil Cottage St.
New Bedford
Names Bishop
A Friend Jl1>a1l River Herald News 51030
Iroil River Trust Co. 5960
Gwan Finishing Co.
$600 ,lIDtr!ro Finishing Co119. , ~5GO il. A. McWhirr Co.
ECUlmen8CCllm ¥f~vks~op
eatholic Woman's Clu.b Anonymous A Friend ll)25Q
Ann Lynn Dra,geries, Iw:. $20@ Newport Finishing Corp. £!" Friend ~1l59
Furniture Ce. l,>1l35 ~.
Sorority H01llors Native Ohio]on
VATICAN CITY (NC)-P.ope 1P'<lul VI has named Magr. ~olm
Nowicki professor and dean of
the faculty of laws at the Uni versity of Lublin, Poland, titular' bishop of Pupiana.
Draper Sears & Co.
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Mahon
EAL'rli.\lI0RE (NC) - An ad hoc committee on urban educn tion here has recommended ex ren:nve improvements .fornmer city Catholic s6001s '=d re questeli an archdiocesan appro priation of $699,500 to finance the changes. The committee, established by the 'Baltimore archdiocesan de partment of education, based its recommendations on a six months study of 41 urban Cath olic sch{)ols. It presented its findings in, 11 50-page report called '''The Urban Catholic Schools." Tbe report asked priori~ 1:t l\lRS. MARCUS KIi"ClI tentien for teacher train.i.zig; re allocation of personnel, equip ment, buildings, and funds; em phusis on pre-school and adult ~dccntion; and development 0.£ new pl'ograms and practices. Some $200,000 of the funds CINCINNATI {NC) Mrs. Marcus K.Uch, past president of sought would be used for build the National Counell o:I Catholic ing repairs; $100,000 for reno WQmen (NCCW), has been v8ting a school to be used as a Framed to receive' Thetll Phi middle school for sixth, seventh Alpha's H):S8 Siena Medal. The nnG eighth graders on the city's presentation will take place on west side; $90,00:> for 50 teacher ,June 29 during the sorority's aides; $00;000 for 50 ease aides' $35;000 for five social workers; 27th national convention here. '$40.006 for five, psychologists. '. ~rs. Kile'll of Youngstown, Remaining money would be OhIO, served as NCCW president irem 1964 tQ lWa after holding al1ottedfor '9rorkshops, :rull :time principals, and 101' pre many ~:Ifioes at the parish, dean .selloo1 llll1d arlult education ery, dlll>CeSan and national lev teacheTS, aides and equipment: els. lathe 4'1 inner city schools 8.be . is one of the few iay studied, the cemmittee found w-emen to have served as anob server at Vatican 'Couneillll. 'In .tha! m~e than 50 per cent of 1967 Mil'S. !GIch W3l'l named 1Ihe *Ilchers d<I not have de Churchwoman cf the Year by (J1'aeS, na principals also teach, Religious Heritage of America.
Mes. Kileh is currently a mem Citi~enship ber of the worldng group oftbe WASHtlNGTON (NC) - Na National Council of Cburebes tional. i!lcmors were awarded Bishops' Commission for Ecu b81'e 4e IB.3 Cabholieeivicsclubs menical Affairs. BY fiRe Cemmission, on American She was elected in 1966 as Citi~A6hip of the Catholic Uni president of Women in Commu versity of America in recogni nity Service, Inc. (WICS)., a .'tiQA ef. outstanding .achievement corporation mooe up ,of four bw these greup,l;among the al natiorw.l women's organizations: most 4,000, clubs in parochial the ~ational Coun~ of Negro, ~ . Jewlsh, .and Catnolie Women. afid the United Church Women.
Catholic Nurses Gui[dof FaD. llt-i)fer Poiri'er Rambler o Dumont & Son Jewelers lJ. Fred B'eckett &' Son Corrigan the Apothecary Lion Automotive Store Inc. Arruda Grocery Company
$1500 Jr. L. Collins & Sons, Inc.
mE A,"CHOR-DJocese of F.aJlliveT-Thurs., May 9, 1968
Fall River - New Bedfe:l'd k
$i30 Irail River NewB 00.. IDe.
$125 Atty. John T. Farrell, Sr. D. D. Sullivan - WiJbIed Dl'isroll Funeral H~
Almy Associates $100 Obarlie's Oil COInP8!IF 'I'homaa Walsh MoWle' c.,
nETROIT (NC) - The fi.mil National Workshop for Chris tian Unity, scheduled for JI!JMl 16-20 here, wil'l feature lectwes 11>1;' a world ecumenical leader, £1 Ll'1theran expert on Catholicls1lllll ami! <l Catholic e:pert on MartiIIP. Luther. The meeting, hosted by Arch 'bishop John F. Dearden of De troit and the Detroit archdioe esan Commission for EcumeiTl 1:=1 Affairs, will hear Dr. Eu a:e~e Carson Blake, general! =retary of the World Coune!l t:n Oluuches. Among ather speakers are Dr. i),1arlin E. Marty', Lutheran lUll \\boTitJr ~ Catlboliclsm at tbe Jii'ederated Theological Faculties ei !.'he University of Ch1~go, and Father Hat'l17 J. McSor~. Cil.il".• II professor of ecumen lsm. at St. PaW's College 4lD
Washicgt1m, D.c.., & QP8ri _
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t· I IZenS :~~~ •
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall.River-Thurs;,May 9,1968,
Continued from Page One" Mr. Harrison served as a dee eon in Our Lady of the &s~ tion Parish in Osterville. . Rev. Mr, Hurley Re~. Mr. Hurley, son of wa. Student rioting at Columbia University forces think liam and Elizabeth Judge Hulloo mg people to ask many questions. ley was born Oct. 28" 19~ He graduated from DeLaSaJhlj What has been the alienation tha,t would see students High School, Newport, attendel1 seeking 'communication y.rith faculty and administration St. Thomas Seminary in BlooJDot field, Conn., and graduatecl in such a frightening way ? fro m' Resurrection College, Kitchener, Ontario, Canada. lD:l How can -a militant minority of several hundred stu studied theology in St. Marylll dents take action that would' close a great university and Seminary in Baltimore. provoke little 'or no reaction from the remaining twenty Mr. Hurley served as a ere.. seven thousand students 7 con in St. Stanislaus Parish, FaQ i River. What would cause those who presume to be intellec Rev. Mr. Kiley tuals to resort to vandalism and thievery and destruction Rev. Mr. Kiley, son of eo.. nelius F. and Julia MastersOil :in pursuit of their goals ? Kiley, of 206 West Brittanie In any university community; there must certainly be Street,Taunton, was born NotI; 19, 1939. He graduated :froM elose communication and cooperation amopg sty.dent body Msgr. Coyle High School, an4 and faculty and administraJtion. If there is any place where received his A.B. degree froJll ealm reason should be the order of the day it is in an St. Mary's College in Kentuck)l. acedemic community which seeks the enrichment and use He studied theology in SL Mary's Seminary iIi Baltimore of the higher faculties of man. from which he received bill At the same time, it must be acknowledged that a S.T.B. degree. Mr. Kiley served as a deacOll eollege is, by definition, an unequalsociety~thereare those at Holy Name Parish in Fall who come to learn and those who seek to teach and those River. who provide the environment for the ·successful accomplish Rev. Mr. McGowan ment of these processes. Each must accept his own sphere Rev. Mr. ,McGowan, SOli . . Robert V. McGowan and Evelyn of properactivity~thestudent is at college because he ad Bordman McGowan of 140 mittedly doel:? not know and comes in search of learning; Raymond Hall Drive, Nortti the professor is at college because he does possess wisdom Attleboro, was born May ~ which he wishes to impart to those ~ho come to listen to 1943. He graduated from· Ms~ him and to dialogue with him; the administrator is at Coyle High School and received. his B,S. degree in economics college to provide all the services of opportunity and plan from Providence College. He ning and maintaining and direction that will assist the studied at the Theological Col process. lege of the Catholic Universi~ of America in Washington.; The three spheres of activity are separate but tOuch Rev. Mr. Messier ing. The distinctions, where they eXlst,~ must be preserved Rev. John F. Moore, St. Joseph's" Taunton Rev. Mr. Messier, son' of Do to save a college from anarchy and to preserve its pur phege A. and Leona Guillemette BA, M.A., M.Ed. poses. Where the spheres of activity touch, there must be Messier, of 575 Benefit Street. Pawtucket, R. I., was born Juno communication and discussion and, above all else, the ex 29, 1937. He graduated from 86;' ercise of reason. Else the college will be stifled by the Raphael's Academy in PaWl very lack of what it seeks to impart and to use and to tucket, studied at Our Lady III exe~pIify-the use of reason. Providence Seminary in Wa. wick, R. I., Brown Universi~ One of the most refreshing events on the American and Our Lady of Angels SeJDoo ~ inary in Albany, N. Y, lICene today is the youthful politician. To witness the multi Rev. Mr. Tripp tude of American youth actively participating in this wor~d Rev. Mr. Tripp, son of Ph~ Perry Como was once asked about his life - from of government is the real upset of this campaign year.. 1'.' and Helen Fitzgerald Tripp, Young' men and women ' , humble beginnings to the affluence that he now enjoys. of 116 Cottage Street, N~ to the candidate of institutions devoted to the eu!t1 dedicated Bedford, was born May :Ill, Recalling the early days ~f, his marriage he wistfully marked, "Rosie and I had all the things that money couldn't their choice are certainly wtion ,of flower people., The 1942. He graduated from Ho~ Ah ng'ng the world of the events of this eX~iting I;"'litical Family High School and attend buy." . .... a 1. " y e a r have certamly dispelled ,ed, St. Thomas Seminary III SJ!lOke ~lled cau~~, rooms m the this erroneous notion of public Bloomfield and St. John's Sem But there are some things that money can buy. And prOfeSslOl}al P?htlCl~ .. It .seems sentiment. , inary in Brighton. He receJ~ if a' person's welfare and peace of mind and dignity ean' that ~nce agam the VItalIty of To .view thousands of eoDege an M.A. degree in liturgical """ be,restored or supported by money, then this is the highest Amenca has been restored' by ,., students rallying round the ef search from 'the University' ... i1s youJh. forts of their presidential choiee Notre Dlime. ' , use to which it could be put., ' And, it's about time. restores ,our concept' of the During the past few years we American dream. That is what the agencies of the Catholic Charities The life blood of this country Appeal strive to do. To use the monies collected to give have been exposed to the world the hippie, the dope addict has always been our youth. people a sense of dignity, support and comfort in tl}eir old of and the looter. It was beginning From Valley Forge to Vietnam, age, understanding and the opportunity for expansion in to seem that all the youth of it is the youth' of this nation Fall River
their growing years, a place of enlightenment in 'an atmos this country were devoting their which has shed its blood for the 'Continued from Page Flye phere. ,of love for the retarded. The Appeal facilities are time to the internal destruction great dream of a democratic Mrs. Harold S. R. Buffintoa supported by funds from this annual drive so that they, of the country rather than mak- peoele ruled by free will and Mr. Norman F. Thompson ing a positive contribution in not by force. ' Fall River Paper & Supply ~ in turn,. may exist' through the year helping those who curing the ills of this affluent To see young men and women 'Fall River Permanent Fire have no place else to turn for aid and enrichment. society. licking envelopes and handing men's Benefit Ass'n. • The various news media were out posters in 'this election year W1Jl. Stang Assembly K of C! These are the things that money can't buy. But money ,leading the American public'to stands in mute contrast to the Darwood Mfg. Co. " can help to provide them. believe that our colleges and 'pot smoKers and mad' arsonists. Congdon & Carpenter Co. universities were educational ,They are our hope and 'joy! Atty. Lincoln D. Brayton Carousel Mfg. Corp. Young Are Seeking Better America David Lash A C Lumber Co. But, they must be encouraged. to do something about inducing Alves Realty & Constructiem: There are too m'any who sit on change. Understanding and lead Wilbur's the sidelines' scoffing and criti- ,ership must be our gift to them. Brow's Pharmacy cizing their efforts, The responsi1:>le youth the Ideal Bias Binding Co. Very often our destiny is left answer to the minority who Tom Ellison, Inc. to the "old time type" politician. seek sex, drugs and kicks as the ('\I=F'C!~L NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FALL PiVER Frank H. Wheelcok & 80ne This is tragic insofar as it re- , American Bill of Rights. Allen's Cut Rate duces the incentive of the sin Published weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River
Apex Shade Co. cerely interested. Everything & this new wind breezes Somerset Motel seems to be "sowed up." The' through the stale political corri-, 410 Highland Avenue
A Soloff & Son, Inc. new-comer doesn't seem to have dors of convention halls let us' Fall River, Mass. 02722 675-7151
Albert G. Peirce ,a chance to express his views. be refreshed and renewed. Our Coronet Print, Inc. We have had our fill of the youth 'do care. They want a PUBLISHER Bayside Upholstering cynical and negative politician. better America and are willing Most Rev. James L. Connolly, D.O., PhD. Luso American Macaroni .... _ The disappointments and to work and labor to reach this Co. frustrations of an older political goal. . . GENERAL MANAGER ASST. GENERAL MANAGER Plante Jewelers generation have placed a heavy We hope that more youth will LampOrt Company Rt. Rev. Daniel F. Shalloo, M.A. Rev. John P•. Driscoll burden on .the youth 'of' our become interested in this cam Amalgamated Clothing . . . . . country which want change. . paign SO the world may see a MANAGING EDITOR erll of . . America No. . ..177 ' . ,But, the, difference now rests in . vital and Ii'Ving Ainerica dream Hugh J. Golden ibe fact that they are, willina, ,, ing the 'democratic' dreaJ'lk' , " . Tum w P~e Sevea '
.Questions on Columbia
Kids and Kicks
Things Money. Can'l /Juy
Special Gifts
Thurs., May 9. 1968
ROCHESTER (Me) - The - :Rochester Catholie diocese will join forces with the looal ~shCommL1nity Cou.ncil
S'l'.BEInNAJIl» $ll56
and the JRoclaester Area Cmmcll
4lif CbW'Che3 in
Plan Interfaith " Effort to Fight ' Urban"Ills
$125 Mr. & l.\fu. Marianno Reze. .
i1lte:daith eommission aimed toward nc ann 19lrogrnms for the inner city. "l'welve membem frm:n each Ikit'h group win comprise the emn.,·nission, uoeording to Father 11_ David Fin!m, Catholic 'Vioor ihr 'UTban minilrtiy. '. 'lfhe interfaith <oommisSi<m f3 bmJ)g set up in response. to u ~ of 12 "chuIlenges" propClSoo '1iJi1 tl gathering of 350 Rocl1ester clc1ciY fallo•.ring ~. assasSi'na ':f1un 'of Dr. Martin Luther OIl
des ST.
$120 ME. & l11ro. llWrllerick D. ullo
$100 Mr. & l.\!:rs, Francis SUiUVOill S3Cl
AncnymoU3 $$\)
Mr. & Th1r. Robert Blake· Mr. & Mrs. Edward Thompson
<Ii:. ' A!tonymous, 1113:". & Mrs. Robe en Barboza, Bolduc Family, Mr. .1fhe challenges ineludefi'~ese: '. ~ Mrs. Benoit Charland,. Mr. &: '!'hat churches and synagogues l"ITrs. Joseph Correy. BU aside 10 per cent of current Mr. & Mrrs. Fred E. Kelley Sr., ~tpenditures and capital fundtJ Jl..1&ry Lou Kelley, McHale Fam <:hi> support economic develop ily, Mr. & Mrs. Henry Nadeau, ~nt programs for Negroes and Mr. && Mrs, Marianno Rezendlell ~er oppressed minorities. Jr. Support of the 'Poor People5' 1111'. & Ij'Irs. JGse~h Simmon£) roarch, slated for May in Wash Sr. & ,1J~ibl Simmons Js~ fulgton, D, C. ·'\..,;t..",-i.~ . , That suburban towns around l - - _ .__. . J.toehester change their zoning Brewster laws 00 encourage low and mtd OUR LADY OF Tim CAPE -dle income housing. nat local depnrtment &torea $22[) rim,plement II program tn hUe Mr. J'amoo JI. Cosgrove 1,;{JI}O Negroe employees. $15 Walter TuftY" Gun Collection , lJ52 Other ite1D2 in the "ehol 1IJI 1D • lten,..q)S" included establishing By J<ain'cia JFmnci18 Mr. & Mrs, Artilaur Noll'rla $50 gun collection centers in They gQt the word on Palm. Sunday. By Easter Monday the sewn1l1l.g bee was in fun Ml'll. IVlary V . .'Johnson. dlurches to enoourage citizens Ce F I S ' itJ) turn in their weapons; urging session at Stang High School,. North Dartmouth. Students? rlainly llllot. BeU ty IS Tum ~ lP'age EigM &e mayor and city councilmen term of Notre Dame de Namur who had received permission to "experiment" with their tk> cro inro the ghetto areas and habit. The three sewing machines at Stang one of them "not very good," according to futen to the concerns of the 11 nun wearing her new habit ~le there; u metropolitan who stitched it up on the explains one of the young Stang that seems most approprIate for ihousing authority; ondtricts.... action mACh·Ine-got an E as t er va- te--\-e~. ""n'hst A'" .... em were modern reU;'!ioWl in the modern !tv.. !\" "" hId· <=11.~ 1><1'" ~J. u.I ~ IUJ GllluU!l"uan SC 00 IS "'" Simplicity patterns. Then if world. ~'7inte ov~Z'CXowding in Roeh cation workout from the: &Omeone els~ Iliked El pattern, she The Stang nuns stress that ~s city GChools. habit-changing religious. used it, too." the stylish look is merely aKil 245 MAIN STREET While the 12 challenges ni<ii . Some of the Sisters. sewed. The result is III choice ~at "eltperiment." Unofficially, they iR3t considered mandatory, b;y.: ~me cut GU,t pattel"Ils, Some ' "guesstimate" that the order FALMOUJ'li'IH-54a- ~ ~~ 8
.. th ults ranges f rom conservative to the the forthcoming commission, ,f!'r~s.elJ1 e res . . . modern. will never go back to a one 'llie;y offer J;;Uidelines for 2lll' J I, , ,. "Everybody helped, did what . style habft, but what versioDB ARMAND OIiTOINIS, 'Ni!'l•
.....- CuU '" 10" Most cons-ervative is III modi-. 'will be adaptE~ is a question '-'!:clion: program Father FinktJ' . 'aut: , one says. '&lid.' The new style habit at Stang· lied, version of.. the old habit, whose answer lies 1m the yuture I.' ,.,actually;, is "a~ least'~, ,f9ur "dif- , lpinus .its starched, wbite ~ib". Witb. alll the habits, however;' . . '" ,ferent. ~les. .' . and COIf tlnat hugged t~e fore-. and, with all their differeI\ceg, ~ \:,,:~, awepIck~om pat~,w~ head. The ne~ verSIOn e~- 'one thing remains the same:'
~., ",;':l.::;~:;;;,
Sisters 01 Notre Dame de Namur at Stang Experiment with New Style· Habits
Photo Supply
Special Gifts' ,.,:
.' ,
i~m ,~at, ~ ~O:~kf~~h:~:
~~~ ~::e/d:n~~~~~ ~r:~~~i~~
River .; ',;:.'. made it. I:e:;e .' ' .. , ' ~~ats front ~d back. .'.' by n' B~lgian artist that falls I I CDmtil1uad. from Page Six "<liS'! ".' . The old walst..length veil is, from a chain'around the DeCk. . If Quequechnn Products' Corp. q .' cut off to a shoulder .length. , . . , :':AI's Tire Shop .. ' 'ICY'AQ-:Attleb6ro Ared'" model, swinging from n head~' " Beady to Move Ii Adams Drug Stores ' .. , .,.."",. .... $56 - . ' band set back on the hair-. Yes For some of the older nuns,' 11' Feldman Furniture Co. !ne.
Mrs. Herbert Houghton Vill"ginia, nuns. do have hair. ' giving up their familiar habits 1 G:rnnd Central Market
The Maron BOlt Co. Another style features III is difficult, but they are ready ·f Travis Furniture Co. Ine.
.Mr. &: Mrs. Joseph Levis jumper with a black blouse and to move' with modem times if ! Pi'lgll'im Cnsket Co.
Interboro I,.aundry, Inc. a white blouse-the latter isn't. that is for the good of the com-' Samuel T. Dubitsky, Architect
lOJonley Mfg, Co. yet "accepted" for public wear. munity. i Leonard Phannacy
Remier Drug Store --and a. jacket that can be reMost nuns repo~lY :like the. . T. Elias Fuel Co. . Holy Name ~ety, Sacred ,moved in the classroom. . change. lit adds vanety to the tJ Boono-Car Rental System Beart Church . 'Then there is an overblouse ·lives they. h~lve dedicated to 1..1 file Spectator Albert Desilets, Builder-Con-. . black, worn with an A;':lJin~ God and God's service. They feel " 1tracliM" . black skirt. it will bring them closer to the "j Ray's Auto Radiator Works Engine Service &: Supply CG. Beauchaine's Inc.
. F~rfu of the "new looks" is a yount; ~plethey. teach. . l' Esquire Package Store !P~te's Barber. Shop
princess line one....piece. dress Reactiolll ~ theIr new attire Harold C. Na,gl!.e Ins. Agency Atty. &: Mrs. JGhm Pollis
wi!:h three. quarter Slee.ves and . hIlS been vanE.'Ci. . ~'. /' Robert A. Clark Sperry-Deblojs Inc. an A-line skirt. "~e of our graduates came.~ .'. ~ ~ ~O • to visit the other night,.. one *. Downtown Parking Lots <ra BIggest 'FbriD nUD exp!lains, laughing at the 1 '.. I.".ft. Luggage &: Novelty Work No. Attleboro Foundry Co. I:n~. Biggest thrill <Jf the dress- memory. _ Local No. G5 Dr. Robert J. Welch making experience, according "I think at first sbe~ was $35 to one nun, was "getting a shocked. But by the time she Lavety-Irvine Co., Inc. wnoie.dress out·of myoId skirt." left ~ bour la.ter-she was en $210 $3:11 That's right. The new mate- tbusiastic about the new habIt. Society of St. Vinee-nt de Paul, Senior Choir~ored Heart rials are new only in style in I think that's the way most of WQ' '$, lit- Mark's Parish most cases. The material was OW'students feel now. They like ;\1 Mr. &. Mrs. Leon P1D1 Alice's Hat Shop salvaged from the traditional. it." W · . f' $100 Mucker'g Delivery Service habits. ' . So <10 $he muoa wAo teach at I: .. • Duvernay Council No. 4Z Falls Shopping Center "We can't spend money," the stang. . . '"Oscar Hillman &: Sons $25 DWlS expiam, "lmtil we kOOw' MI". &; Mm, .Joseph J. Mioont Michael A. Vigorito it's worthwhile." Ik. Altar Boy.s-5acred Heart Par- .. lI'trank &: Margaret Curtis 1De.. ~ ~ .Joe Curtis-Real Estate North End Social Club Swift &: Fisher CG. Am's Park Motel tQlover Super Market $'76 Bl..:Lo Market N, A. Plumbing & Heating Co. ing {Gr suitability of style, ease of Satisfied S e r v i c e ' , DeWitt Animal Hospital Ethel Rounds 01; care. and wearability of the ·Reg. Master Plumber 7023 FaIII River Savings Bank Mabel Brigham material-dacron, illii most ~s. JOSEPH RAPOSA, JR• ~"""\A Friend Jrrenc,hie's Service Station At the end of the year of "'ex 806 NO. MAIN STREET ! FAll RIVER - .. $5& ". IDn. Georgoa & Sillvi'a Lauro " peri.m~nt,ation," the nuns ofthe F II R· "6757'';097 . . .. ~.el" ,. >o/iUY!'lte. ~ ~ ~lKlel a Ivell' - ... .. SOMERSET ~. ~ MnJ. Th~~~ MulligaD .". M~tal Spin:-C~·aft¥ic.
I, "'. "
• I
R ," KkId 0
North Attleboro
GIl I 'J'
. 8 ,,'
Stresses Music Educators' Duty
of Fall'River-Thurs., May 9, 1968
Mary Writes Last- Column,
Bids Farewell to Re:aders
HOUSTON (NC) - Delegatell at the National Catholic Musicl Educators Association conven tion here were reminded oSl challenges and responsibilities which Catholic music educators have, not only to society, bul also to the Church and its ~ urgy. Father e. Albert KoobI a. Praem., executive secreta11l!o National Catholic Educational Association, keynote speaker said "the future of churc1l music rests not only on the geD-> eral cultural level of the enti~ Church membership, but to a great extent upon your efforts as music educators." The objective of the conven--o tion, he said, "is to place music in the perspective of today's human community; to help the community understand itself anel jots needs, and to inspire it to create its own future. "The human community to day is a community with a :fu ture-a future filled with chal lenges," he continued. "No long.. er do we look upon Catholkl ;,education and the Christian in isolation .from other 'forms of educ:tion or apart from otbel'
Tinley Daly
'l'Ihisis perhaps the hardest column I have ever been ealled upon to write. It is the last. I'll April, 1947, the first "At Our House" appeared in the Catholic press. Since that time, if my -arithmeti~ is right after poring over IRS Form 1040, nearly 1,100 col- bow to clean furniture with nmns have been tapped out vinegar-water. on this old typewriter. I have Wllny Quit? enjoyed these weekly visits to yO,ur houses. Best of all, though, have been the letters you readers h a v e iIlent to our house. Many a warm, endear ing friendship has been built as we shared eommon joys over those 2~ years. Some readers of the early days, whose children were young when ours were, are still pen pals. We've wached their children grow as they, have, watched ours.. " Ginny, our youngest, was only one year old when this column started and one of you, a reader in Bufialo with a baby the same age, helped us break hel' cd. the thumb-sucking habit. You have- given us advice ,on IlChool-day problems. You hav~ provided many a chuckle along the way; now and then you've blown- your, top over this-orthat. You have extended sympathy and prayers when illness and sorrow struck. You have shared experiences with us - , everything from household hints, gardening tips and recipes -to real spiritual encourage ment. Another Genell'atiolll Now another generation has matured. . Nostalgically, we hear from young women who write, "My mother used to read your col umn when we M home were just kids. And now, for heav en's sake, rm doing the same thing, What would you do if .. ?" This was never structured as an advice piece. There are many others to fulfll that function. However, between women writers, a camaraderie 15 built, up-like neighbors over the back fence. Indeed, it is often easier to communicate with a total stranger than with those QIle knows' personally. Over the years, like the Wal ros in "Alice in Wonderland," we have "talked of many things: of shoes and ships and sealing wax, of cabbages and kings." And there has been the peren nial requests for recipes for "Crazy Cake," "Bishop Whif :file," the "Jiffy Fruitcake"-lind
Since all things must come to an end, so too must this column. "But why quit?" was the ques tion. Answer is simply the femin me one, "Because."
It has run its course.
No longer need that deadline
loom; nor that space-band of,
650 words.
Now and' then, over the years~ when trave~ling, in a motel room or on a plane, the column had to be handwritten. And like an experienced cook who can time a three-minute , GOLDEN JUmLARIANS: Rt. Rev. John J. Hayes, egg through a sixth sense, . pastor of Holy Name Parish, New Bedford, congratu]atel(',m~~ther 'Koobsaid "if the Jill>. somehow the pencil 'would"srop, the figure "SO" (journalese for ,his parishioners, Dr. and Mrs. Edward J. Welch, the former urgy is ever going to have the the end) would be added. Wom Catherine Connerton, on the occasi(}n ~fl;)O yeal'S ~f married, ".kind of leadership it,needs, we age? Approximately 850! life. They were married in 'St. Pairick'sChurch, F.~ll niver, : ',muf. .pave not ,onl?" ~mineJ.1'U.7 When one becomes that sub blT the late Bishop CassidlT pastor ofSt• Patrick's in 1918" .. qu~ ifie~ teachers In the field ,; ,; , . • of mUSIC, but we must create consciously automated, it's time among our Catholic p~ople an ',' :lor a change! ' . und~rstanding and deep' apprea Let some younger woman re ciation ,of the relationship be-. ,eount what happens at her ,tween music' and a man's desire house, a typiCal Catholic' house 'to worship." ,hold. Au 'revoir Md GOO. bless aD of you! RIVERDALE (NC) - AmerJ.. can Passionists from the Eastem Inld-Iength (mid-calf), May is the month of lovely or flowers, long days of bright they're created of non crushable half of the United States, Can BOlLY REDIEEMlER fabrics ,'that float beautifully ada, ,the Philippines and Jamai warm sunlight and starry eve nings filled with school proms around the 'wearer, and best of ca will hold their 36th provin $500 cial chapter here in New York all, they make a girl look like and dinner dances. This is the Mr. &, Mrs. Ralph Guida Sunday. month when the budding young a girl. Necklines are high and
$400 teenage clothes horse of the ruffled, sleeves are long and
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas MeBale :llamily turns her baby blue (or fragile looking, and tiny wais~
green or brown or hazel) orbs lines are widely sashed.
$100 on her Dad and
Mrs. Frederick Byrnes In fact, there haven't been laments t hat' Mr. & ·Mrs. James Gormley prettier gowns on the fashion she just doesn't -$50 scene since the, ante-bellum have a thing to Mr. & Mrs. F. Arebibald days of "Gone With The Wind." wear to that Cecile Doelger One very lovely white organdy special dance'; Mr. & Mrs. 'John Mobyde prom gown caught my eye thifi and when her 279 Barnstable Road Holy Name Society morning as I was driving down 'Mr. & Mrs. Wilbur Harishom budget - con SP 5-0079 our Main Street. Displayed on scious mother The Pumphret Family a mannequin in 'a dress shop questions what's Mrs. Veronica Shelley window, it epitomized the ro wrong with the mantic look. A jabot of ruffles $40 gown that she cascaded from the neckline, the fiRST COMMUNION Mr. & Mm. George Killen wore to last sleeves, were full and floaty, year's. prom she ~35 receives a look that puts' her ending in a tight wrist band, Alice Dobbyn and the pink sashed waist was back in her "over thirty gener IN LIVING COn.OUR ,A Friend accented by a single deep pink ation" niche. Mr. & Mrs. Orick Young flower. Truly a dress that Needless to say, wliere daugh dreams are made of. ljl311 ters are concerned, fathers us
Mr. &: Mm. John Speight ually say yes, even, if j.t means
stretcl)ing the budget a' bit to
$30 make her the belle of the ball.
Mr. & Mrs. William Cotter One consolation for mothers this
Mr. & Mrs. James Greer year, though, is that the dresses
~25 and gowns that are being A Friend, Bernadette Black, squeezed out of their grocery Mr. & Mrs. William Bodden, Mr. money have never been lovelier.
& Mrs. C. Joseph Brennan, A Their cajoling co-eds will look
Frierid. Continued from Page Seven cmES SlERV6CE
like Victorian valentines all
Mr. &: Mrs. Alfred Bowles, Mr. wrapped up in 'ribbOns and lace.
$35 & Mrs. Leo Concannon, Mr. & Way back when, in my days
Dr. & Mrs. J. Edmund Brad Mrs. Andrew DeSimone, Mrs. of Junior and Senior proms, ley ,~hester Eldredge & Lawrence the rage was for strapless eve ~ange $30 Hunter, ,Mr. & Mrs. Leo 'Eldredge ning' gowns held up with the THE FINEST QUALITY Mr. & Mrs. Harry J. ,casey , Mr. & Mrs. Carl Doelger, Mr. most uncomfortable arrange-, IS WORTH THE PLEASANT
$25 , :' &: Mrs.' LaWrence Frawley, l. ment of bones and wires imag Col. & Mrs. Dean Yount, Mr. Thomas Haley, Mr. '& Mrs. inable. A girl spent the whole
'OIL BURNERS & Mrs. Henry A. Callahan, Mr. Frank Keyes, Mr. & Mrs. Albert evening wondering if she'd' ever
~REA'S LEADING STUDIO For Prompt Deiivery , & Mrs. Richard Hassett, Mr. & Kolodzik. ' be able to breathe again and during many a fast jitterbug OPEN SUNDAYS, Mrs. l\;1anuel Packett,' Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. R. R. LaDy, Mr. & & Day & Night Service Mrs. Michael Long. Mrs. Frank Maloney, The Mar- the gown (which had a mind of During Communion Season Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Dickey. tin Family, The Joseph Murray its own) would shift into 'some G. E. BOILER BURNER UNITS Mary Nolan & Helen Mullen, Family, Mr. & Mrs. Freeman emba·rrassing positions. What BRIDAL PORTRAITS mad designer ever thought this Mr. & Mrs. Walter D~wley, Mr. Phillips Jr. '
Rural Bottled Gas ServiCe and Deluxe Quality Candids .particular style up for Twiggy & Mrs. Avard Craig, Margaret Mr. & Mrs. A. RingbeiriI, Mr.
, RESERVE YOUR DATE EARLY Blake. _. & Mrs. William J. Robinson, figured adolescents must have 61 COHANNET ST. Mr. & Mrs. Leslie Usher, Mr. Mrs. Walter Rogers, Mr. & Mrs. been antigirl. , TAUNTON & Mrs. Joseph C~affey, Mr. & George J. Smith, Mr. & Mrs. Everything Going Attleboro - No- Attleboro M~s. Theodore EllIS, Mrs. CathThomas Sparks. This year's' crQP of prom 18 MAIN ST.-TAUNTON erme C. Crocker. Mr. & Mrs. George SulUvaII, pretties have everything going Taunton Tel. 622-118'8 lllIr: & Mrs. Thomas Vogel. .J in their favor. Gowns are long
Passionist Chapter
Real Estate
Rene L. Poyanl, Inc. Hyannis
~o ~o ~~~~V ~ S)@OOu ~~~.
Gasoline Fuel and
Sees Computer'to Replace Homemaker'~s Family Cook By Joseph u4 MariIya Iloderiek
It is azalea time again and by tlle time this article appears many of the azaleas will be in bloom. I have al ways been partial to this flower and my dream is to have . an azalea garden, that is, a section devoted exclusively to azaleas for massive Spring bloom. So far my' dream with just • few pushes of the right buttons. Our meat, instead eonsists of some 10 plants of coming from the hoof, win be but I have the perfect loca- man made, but of cours~ it will tkm picked out against a Illigh :rence' which runs about 60 feet in length and which som~ in the future will back my azclea garden. Too often when we think of Cl2aleas we think of the rather GIDall-flowered pinltS, red. and wbItes which are so common iD th~s area. Very seldom do we Gee tile lorge-flowered hybrida ~hich are more prevalent in the
taste like the original. Food wiD. be produced from
plant ar vegetable sources !lS little as possible; instead it will .be obtained from such nonliving materials as coal and 031, limestone, carbon dlioxide and water. My digestive tract is up set just thinking about it. There fa no doubt that such production of edibles will greatly benefit the starving nations such as Snut.h. Incidentallly, as far a3 India and China and will be a llZaleas are concerned, we are great boon to mankind as our ll'reated in Zone 6 which m- flood-producing land becomes dudes Southeastern Mass.. overworked. This is not 'the part Rhode Island, Connecticut, New of the article that I find fright York,Pennsylvania, West Vir- en1ng; the part that I object to ginia, Ohio, Indiana and TIlinoia is Mr. Clarke's belief that the among other states. The reason homemaker of the next century I list these states is to show that will allow • mechanical llIlon woe are farther South agricultu- "ster. to do her baking and cOok rally than· we are accustomed. 1» ing 'for her. 'elieve., ' I' woukm't mind bt.'ing reSpecbepJal' Types : 'plaCed by Julia Childs, but to be Among ihe large-flowered"" replaced' by a hunk of steel and bybrids, tbe deciduous (those . wire' 15 really being hit in the Chat lose their leaves over the " breadbasket. To think that my Winter) aie the most spedae~ . grandl:hildren, granddaughters alar.. I 'have beem investing m:' "in Particular, will never expe f)ne Ii year for iibe past three ,: ri.enee the deep satisfaction a ,ears, and haVe three which' ll: W'Otftan gets from working with consider really lovely. Two of dough or rolling her own _pie Chese are Knap Hill Hybrids, crust, or even filling her kitchen Exbury Strain and by name with the aromatic liragrance of they are Gibraltar (pale yellow) freshly baked cookies is, I feel, . and George Reynolds (brighter !l blow to all womanhood. Oh, ,ellow). maybe they'll orbit in space, Both grow to quite some size, fly to the moon and fly helicop but mine are only about two ters as we drive cars, but I teet in height at this point. My would have more confidence in third azalea is II Mollis Hybrid their future if they were taught ealled Chevalier de Reali, a gor- to bake a' good .apple pie. geous orange yellow with flowI'm afraid- science fiction has erclusters the aiEe of a grape- Rtasnever been my particular fruit. At one time both the . favorite in' the selection of. Knap Hill and Mollis hybrids reading matter, but I truly hope were considered of questionable Mr. Clarke's predictions tum hardiness here but experience' out to be just that-fiction, not has Dhown that they will sur- 'fact.' Dishwares, self-deaning v-ive given the proper planting .ovens' and garbage disposals are .site and reasonable care. all modem inventions that free No azalea should be planted 'the women of today for more In the path of the winds. The :lmportant tasks. However, I'm best site is at the northeast cor- old;.'fashioned enough to believe I1er of a building where it gets that' one of the tasks that we early morning light, is sheltered should have more tim.e for is during the hot part of the day, creative cookery without the l1Ild is protected from winds. benefit of an mM machine. Azaleas are most likely to suf fer, not from the cold as is com N,orth Easton monly supposed, but from winds
~CULATECONCEPTION which dessicate the plant, leav iDg it weakened for killing cold. $10& One great advantage to buy In memory of Mr. & Mrs. Wil. Ing azaleas is that you can see Ham Buckley them in bloom before you buy Louis F. Freitas flbem. No pig-in-the-poke here, Kathryn Healey but a preview of the beauty Mr. & Mrs. John B. Parkes which you can expect to enjoy St. Vincent de Paul Society 1br years. So get to your favor $90 ite nursery and look over the Vincent Galvin IItoclt available. $80 . ID tbe Kitehen Rev. John J. Steakel2l $75 I have just finished reading II
Buckley Family -.ery disturbing article in the $50 April issue of Vogue. I'm quite Anonymous sure that the author, Arthur C. Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Daly Clarke, did not intend to fright Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Gallagher en the women of today by Ris Harvey's Market prophecy of things to come, but Charles E. Harvey oatis particular modem woman Mrs. Francis D. Mone found it very depressing. TiUed Mrs. Martin Rossiter "'Next: On Earth. The Good Mr. & Mrs. Vincent P. Wright Life?" it foretold that by the ~r 2000 oW' entire way of ~re To Hear Guitarist paring ,meals will be changed II:Dd with it woman's role as , New Bedford Catholic Wom eoo~ for the family. an's Club will hold its annual Mr. Clarke predicts that a meeting at 8 tonight in the Gold family's monthly supply of Room of the New Bedford Hotel. .roceries could be delivered in Tony Pacheco, .guitarist, as frozen or dehydrated form and sisted by Daniel Santos, will then placed in a sort of "Home entertain with flamenco inter The hospitality Automat" computer that w9uld pretations. iPrePare a meal to perfe<:Uoo committee will he ill charge.
PRINCIPALS AT DIOCESAN TEACHERS CONVENTION:, Leaders' at the 13th Annual Teachers' Convention gat~erin'g. before the opening, session' are:" Sister Mary Urban, Diocesan School's supervisor; Rt. Rev.,William M. Roche, Diocesan Superintendent M Schools in Rochester, N.Y.; Bishop Connolly; Rev. Patrick J. o.'.Neill, Ed.:Q., Superinten dent ()f the Diocesan Sehoo13. ' $40 Dr. A. Philip Connelly $30 Mr. & Mrs. Albert GetcheU James Healey Margaret Healey Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Lenne,. $26 Mr. & Mrs. John Graca, Jr. ~ $25 Mr. & Mrs. Lewis' Aries, Mr. & Mrs. John Barry, Marietta Canan, Mr. & Mrs. Carl Chace" Edward Coughlin. Edm!Jnd Delgado, Mary Del gado, Mr. & Mrs. Jomes Doherty, Mrs. John Gouveia, Mr. & Mrs. William Griffiths. Mrs. Michael Harkins, Alice Harvey, Anne Harvey, Catherine Harvey: Mr. & Mrs. C. J. Har vey Jr. Grace Harvey,' Mary V. Har vey, Mrs. Arthur Heath, Mr. &' 'Mrs. Lawrence Kavanaugh, Mr.' & Mrs. Gerald Kidling. Albert E. LaRosee, Mr. & Mrs. Martyn Lincoln, Mr. & Mrs.. John Lombardo, Eileen & Mary Lordan, Anne C. Loud. Mr. & Mrs. William Lupica, Mr. & Mrs. Laurence A. Lyons, Mr. & Mrs. John Marshall, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Moran, Mr. & Mrs. James Mullen Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. James D. Mullen Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Mur my Jr., Mr. & 'Mrs. Joseph
Palano, George B. Santos, Isa
bella & Emily Silva.
Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Stone, Mr. & Mrs. Michael Walsh.
Dightoll1 ST. PETER $150 Mr. & Mrs. James B. Murphy
. $25 .Montfort Father Mr. & Mrs. Edward Linhares Mr.. & Mrs. John Pelletier Mr. & Mrs. Norman K. Smith Dr. & Mrs. Charles M. Souza
·,Bu%zardslBay ST.
.. $125 Rev. Fl'anci:;; L. MElhoney '$75 Mr. & Mrs. William Brady $50 Mr. & Mrs. Maurice Savage Mr. & Mrs. Robert Fougere $40 Mrs. Charles Fuller Mr. & Mrs. Marcel Puyant $35 Mr. & Mrs. John Riha $30 Mr. & Mrs. Richard Rogel'll Herbert Dam Mr. & Mrs. Fred McComiskey Mr. & Mrs.. Gordon Oliosi Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Wills Mr. & Mrs. John Silva Mrs. John Burns Mr. &"Mrs. Thomas' Joyee $26 Mr. & Mrs. Char1E!S Lindberg $25· Mr. & Mrs.' Philip Sanford, Mr. Be Mrs. Earl Reynolds, Frank Cook, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Bon vie, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Dob bins.
Mr. & Mrs. Leo Cubellis Daniel Sheehan
Mr. & Mrs. Henry Nickerson.
Mrs. Louise Taylor, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Fogg. ' Charles Ehmann Jr., Mr. " Mrs. Eugene McCabe, Mrs. George Gibson, Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Taylor, Mr. & Mrs. Jo seph V. Zlogar. Mr. & Mrs. John Landry, Mrs. Charles Cahoon, Mr. & Mrs. Harry Robbins, Angelo's Mar ket, Tiny Jim's Town Club. Buzzards Bay National Bank, Redwood Motel, John Delsie, Robert MacDonald, Mr. & Mrs. William Martin. James Reen, Mr. & Mrs. J()oO seph Delsie, Mr. & Mrs. A. Clay son Tucy, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Wenzel, Mrs. Grace Murray. Mr. & Mrs. Anthony DeAn gelo, Mr. & Mrs. Paul Monaghan
Merge Into One MADRID (NC) -All. socim assistance' groups sponsored by the Church in ··this country will become federated' under Span ish Caritas-Catholic Charities Organization.
Summer Session Evening Classes JUNE 24 - AUG. 2
6:30 - 9:15
Liberal Arts
Bus. Admin.
Write Director of Summer Session STONEHILL COWGE
N. Easton, Mass.
Tel. 238·2052
School 944 County St. "'e'" Bedford
Outings and Picnics
. 999-6984
fan River-Thurs., May 9,1968
FIFTEENTH ANNUAL DCCW CONVF!N~ION: Studying the pr?gram are Mrs James Quirk, District No.5 presIdent, So. Yarmo~th, Mrs. Ha;ry B: Loew, District No. 4 president, Attleboro; Mrs. RIcha~d ~' Paulson District No.3 president, Taunton. Mrs. Elmer A. P~uI, DIS~.ICt No. 2 ~resident, of New Bedford, and District No. 1 presIdent, ISS
South y (1J!lTmouth ST. PIUS X $500 Rev. Christopher L. BrodericlI
$400 .
Margaret Haley
Martin Geraghty Kenneth Murphy Alice Brady
Mrs. Arthur Morawski'
R@~e$ @~ ChQJ~ChD «:CtDg
@f WOmen1.
1f@IJ1filn~y 8
eyO @Oid C@O'iTillfirnaotity
By Patricia Fm-neBs
More than 300 women from throughout the, Fall River Dio.cese conver~ed ,on, Stang H' h School Dadmouth Saturday for the 15th arinilal conventIon of t?e DlO~esan C~lln
ci;gof Cathoiic Women. The invasion was a brmia~t one from a fashlOJ?- pomt of. VIew.
Sunny skies and warm temperatures combined to Imbue th~, w~men wIth a feelmg of Spring and they echoed their A major problem of the CUTfeelings with an array of ~ent generation, be said, is that· Spring bonnets that turned· it is "full" of 'sham, pretense, Sta,ng into a flower garden. suPerficiality. It .1acks - a basic
are "no excuse for, halting cre ativity, or reasonable contribu tion to society, or for abandon,.. ing the disciplines without of color. honesty.!' which no man's potential in_ Even, the· Sisters of' Notre The bishop thanked the coun- paint, letters; music; service or Dame de Namur of S,~ng, 81-, cil for its work in the past and skills can come to fruition... · though wearing black, present~d asked members to do even more Special Guests 8 fashionable appearance m in the" future to m.ustrate Special guests at the conventheir new habits being tested Christianity. tion were the Rt. Rev.. Msgr. on a years basis. Mr. Allen" whose:"topic was, Thomas.F~ Walsh, diocesan mod.: "Know Christ,., ~~~ Christ, "A Question of Morality," dis~ eratoI'; the Rt. 'Rev. Msgr. John Live Christ" was theme of the cussed the "confusi()n'~.that grips" ,.1. Hayes, New Bedford, moder day-long conventio.n, ~qat ~eathe modern world. Illul?tratim~ ator, and the .Rt. Rev. Msgr. An j' . tured' workshops in.~tHpnormng, his thesis with e:X;;lmples of thony M. Gomes,' FaH River a Pontifical Mass celebrated by moral corruption in, both public moderator.' $311, the Most Rev. ,James;,L. Conand private life, he,said people -The members were welcomed Mrs. Bernard .F. Sbe.a" , nolly, D.D., a lIineheon in the today too 'frequently "confuse by Mrs.. 'John J. Maloney, con $30 school eafeter.ia'. and ,a; general,: broadmindedness with a total. ventionchairman. Greetings Chester Powers, ~ss'embly addressed by a N~~ . lack of opinion or, p.ril\eiple., "were extended by Mrs. Elmer A. Maureen Boy,ce l.,i. Bedfordnewspaperma,n. ,"This reea~ting.,of "standards Paul, president of the New Bed George Magurn ' Miss Kathleen C.' Roche oi has diffused moral authority," ford Council which hosted the James Mahon New Bedford was re-elected be said "the group too often convention. Ernest Eastman diocesan president for another has repiaced church and family Workshops included Church Frederick Robinson term. Also elected were a slate as the arbiter of what is and is Communities, "Scriptures, Lit.,. $26 of officers that fncluded Mrs. not done. Lacking a clear-cut urgy and Ecumenism," moder William Bennett Charles M. Landry of Attleboro, code of ethics, people fall back ated by the Rev. Peter N. Grazi Francis Sheehy recording secretary, and Mrs. into a personal relative morality ano. Panelists were Mrs. Nestor Hany Doherty Michael J. McMahon of Fall which justifies most actions, Robideau, Mrs. Gilbert J, Noonan Shirley Johnson River, treasurer. 'even illegal ones, that don't ac- and the Rt. Rev. Henri Hamel. Joseph Colgan Principal. Speaker tually cause harm to another The Family Affairs workshop, John McKenney Durin'g the afternoon assem- person." , "Family Life Bureau Speaks," $25 Much of the blame of the cur- was moderated by Mrs. Vincent 'Theodore Donlan, Charles bly, at which Everett S. Allen, rent "rebellion of youth" can A. Coady. Mrs. James A. O'Brien' Still, Marjorie Taylor, Richard assistant to the publisher .of The Standard-Times, was pTiricip;al, be blamed on. y~uth'~ ;:r~fu~al h., Dr. Arthur Anctil and Msgr: ' Terrio, James Igoe Rita Swenson, Thomas Eaton. speaker, Bishop Connolly urg,e~ ... "to model themselves on adult Gomes were panelists. " Miss Margaret M. Lahe3' was Reginald Harron, Frank' Ormon, the council to organize,: "a spe~".. ' leaders," he said. cial committee" to study pro!?\'-: The disillusionment stems in moderator of the Community Joseph SlatterY. Gertrude E.: ;Tynan, ~ary lems of discrimination": .and .:~t<.( part, he. feels, "from daily evi- Affairs workshop, "Home Maker Griffin, Richard Cox, William take firm steps" to. 'co~t~~ ':~.ri~.' dence that the society. created Health Aide Service." Panelists' Marnell, Edward H. O'Donnell. .discriminatiori:,\it ·fQund. .' "': :,-,' .. by adults does not practice what were Mrs. Eunice Seaffa, Mrs~ Observing thilt"~'wli bring _'to'~ it preaches; cheats, steals and Marguerite Walsh and Mrs. ' William Erisman, Margaret God's judgment only· what; w~' ':lies when expedient and prac- Frances Rogers, R.N. Padden, Vincent Roberts, Mar
make of ourselve,s;"" Bishop tical; does not necessarily YeThe Confraternity of Chris garet Conley, John Gill.
Connolly said Catholics "must ward good arid punish ~vil and tian Doctrine workshop, "Ex Paul Sullivan, William Ban (proves) that' prominence and ceptional Joy," was moderated non, Arthur O'Leary, George illustrate the Christian faith" in action as well as in' w~rds. public trust do' not necessarily by Rev. Joseph L. Powers. Flanagan, Walter West. "We should develop an aposguarantee virtue, integrity or Panel members were Miss Jean Bernard Murphy, Daniel How M. Sullivan, Sister Joan Bernaland, Doris LeClair,'Joan Baker, tolate that goes out from' our ability." own homes to help our neighHope for Future dette, S.N.D.,and Sister Martha Cynthia Baker. bors, with sincere hea~·ts," he Although admitting the prob- Mary, O.L.V.M. ' Mrs. Harry Black, Mrs. Mar Miss Kathleen T. Flannery jorre Henderson, Michael Lahaff, said, addin.g Ylat ~;tholies have lerns, however, Mr. Allen exa responSibility toot be moderated the Youth workshop, John Cunniff, James Deering. be conable Pi.essed ho pe for the future. d " "W William F. Mackin. eerne . e may n People "are not inherently "Our Young People's Response to change htheg whole but d'Ihonest" to the Decree on the Apostolate our world,. own little S , he said , adding his k b l' f "that both young and old of the Laity. Action Spea s Catholic Ct-oapl~ins we· can c an e corner of it. We say we love our t en~e to regard immorality as a Louder than Words." Partici WASHINGTON (NC). - The ~onstrous deviation from the pating were members of, the proceedingb of the second an-. neighbors as. ourselves. We've . , normal with which the average Immaculate Conception Parish, nual convention of the National go~ to pr~ve It. . !here IS nothll1~ highly conindividual cannot live in peace Fall River, CYO, with Henry Asso-..:iation of Catholic Chap .. d m ntal health indefinitely:' S. Gillet, adult advisor, and the lains held in Chicago last June, fusmg about be III g .a good it's simply dOll1gunto an e .', Rev. Walter A. Sullivan, direc have' been nqh"-ll~rl ;,,' hooklet Christian, others as you would 'have them Whatever the Ills of. the mod form by the NACC office here. do unto you." ern world, he emphaslz~ they tor.
Joseph :Kenney Francis Conroy . $50 Frederick Bogar Hollis Batchelder.4 Richard Norman Jr. Thomas Hague Clarence F. King The McGuerty Family Raymond Ludden Mrs. Dennis O!Connor Stephen Crowley $35. ' .. Arthur. Lynch Charles Tourjee.
Clorinda Ventura of Fall Riyer, register for the convent~on. Mrs. John J1-, Maloney of Wareham, general. chair~an, le.ft, and MI~ Kathleen Co Roche of New Bedford, Diocesan pres](lent, right, greet BIS·h?p Connon,· on his arrival at Stan,g High, No. Dartmouth, the SI,te of t.ll!e convention.
Wareham . ST. PATRICK
$250 Rt. Rev. John A. Chippenda!l{)
Fr. Callahan Council, KnigbtIJ of Columbus Mr. & Mrs. Richard Arthm
lVII's. Mary Stott
lVIr. & Mrs. Claude Ellis
, $50 Mr. & Mrs. Richard SteigE1;P" wald
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Kuppens
Harry ·Rhodes
Mr. & Mrs. Leo' St. John
, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Demeo
$26 John Galligan Mr. & Mrs. Ray Crocker Mr & Mrs. Kenneth Semedo Mr: & Mrs. Richard Zens Desmond Murphy Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Collins JIll, Mrs. Julia Silva ' . Mr.' & Mrs. Delmo PeZZOli Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Walsh Mrs. C. Joseph Nowak Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Card Mr. & Mrs. Stanley WashbuNi Mr. & Mrs. Milton Laycock Mr. & Mrs. Thomas 'Connor Mr. & Mrs. John Piepiora Laura Vecchi Mr. & Mrs. Herman Prada Mrs. F. M. Mead Mr. & Mrs. John Duggan Mr. & Mrs. John Alden Mr. & Mrs. George St. Joblli Mr. & Mrs. James Conroy Mr, & Mrs. John Maloney Mr. & Mrs. Charles Precoud Mrs. Esther Kiernan The Wareham Savings Bank ; Mr. & Mrs. George Conroy Mr. & Mrs. George Barrett Fred' Pulsifier Dr. & Mrs. William DawSOll
5• 50 0/. 10
year SAViNGS
10 year SAVINGS
10 year SAVINGS
5. • 00
4 • 50
Bass River
Savings Bank
Bank By Mail
We Pay The Postage
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fan River-Thurs., May 9.. \968
1 I
.t ,,)
SCOUT RETREAT: Over 300 Boy Scouts representing 19 Greater New Bedford troops enjoy camp-style retreat at Cathedral Camp, East Freetown. Left, Steven So~za, Troop 51 and Marcus Banks, Troop 29, plant flag at campsite. Center, Richard Ho1tkamp, Troop 12 and Michael
LaBossiere, Troop 61, pitch tent; right, Daniel O'Brien, Troop 45, and Daniel Oliveira, Troop 17, attend Mass. Retreat master was Rev. Leo Pollard, 3.J., Bos-wn College High School. Retreat combined tpe spiritua.ll and ©amping. "
$300 Very Rev. William A. GalviD $120 Mr. & Mrs. Wilson W. Curtill Mr. & Mrs. Harold Higgins $65 :Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Swales $55 Mr. & MI·s. Robert P. La Flamme" Mrs. Ernest L. Wood, $50 Mason B. Cleveland Mr. & Mrs. Louis F., Fayan Mr. & Mrs. Edward HeffernaD Mr. & Mrs. J. Edwar!l Lajoie $35 Mr. &: Mrs. Russell B. Coch rane Mr. &: Mrs. Donald F. McCaf trey $30
Grace P. Holden
Mr. &: MI·s. John M. Powel1l
Dr. & Mrs. Euclide H. Ver mette Mr. & Mrs. James J. Vieken $26 Harold F. Dusoe
Kathleen A. Kennedy
Mona C. Kennedy
Mrs. Donald L. MacDonald
Mr. & Mrs. Malcoim R. Mel,.
Elects Priest WASHINGTON (NC)-Fat'her' Robert J. McEwen, S.J.,' ec0 nomics department chairn!lan at, Boston College and a membell' of the President's Consumer Advisory Council, bas been elected president of Consumell' Federation of America (CFA) ;l newly established, national! organization with headquarle~ here.
Mrs. Mary Botelho, Mr~ &: Mrs. Joseph F. Branco, Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Uryda, Mr. lie Francis Crook, Mr. & Mrs. Henry A. Harrison. Mr. &; Mrs.. 'nliomas J. Bazel, Mr. &; Mrs. James J. JobnllOD, :Mrs. Edward F. Kret, Mr. &; Mm .Jeremiah Luongo, Mr: &: MJ'B. .Joseph M. McDonald. Mr. & Mrs. Arthur :1. M:cLeQr" Mr. &: Mrs. Edward S. McN~ DeY, Mr. &; MI'lI.Andre G. Midlaud, Mr. &; Mrn. William Murphy, Mrs. Thomas p;jngl~ Mr. & Mrs. William T. Rogero., Mr. & Mrs. John Ji:. Stanlon, l\/IL & Mrs. Bernard Swales J~., MI'. &: Mrs. John 11'. Sweeney, Mlf.. & Mrs. Edmour 'll'hibault. Mr. &: Mrs. A.rthur F; TIl!> eotte, Mr. &; Ml"lI. Clarence B.. W3mboldt.
M • .JOHN OF GOD $250 Bt. Rev. Auguste L. ~ . $120 liev. Bento R. Fraf]a
$75 Rev. .John J. OIivd!=! $50 Lawrence Borge FJrank R. Borges Jl1t. John Veloza Jr. ",
$35 Antone S. Feno $30 Frank V. Medeil'«l5 George Correia Leonel S. MedeirCGJ $25'
James Rebello, .:E;ygmllit ZJc lIwo, Joseph H. camara, :Manuel! ~ Motta, Manuel Mk:ba~
$100 .Ii,.
:Rev. Wi'lliam ;r. Shovelton $51 JII:Ir. &; Mrs. VincentA. Coady
$50 :M,r. :Mr. Dr. Mr.
&; Mrs. James W. Killoran &; Mrs. Hugh J. Maguire Bernard Mangione &; Mrs. 'J!oseph F. Foley
k. $46
, , Mr. &: Mrs. Edward J.McCanlll $41)
George W. Hopkins . Mr. &; Mrs. James F. Nicoletti
ME'S. Gilbert F. Leonard $31 :Mr. " :Mrs. :Earl Heron
$27 :J.Vh". Ii; Mrs. Thollilias GriJlful
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Badwl'Y., :Mr. & Mrs. William F. Croke" Mr. & Mrs. Joseph R. Gagnon" Mr. & Mrs. Charles Hague, Mr. &: MI·s. .Joseph D. Hopkins. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Langfil'l~ Mrs. Benedict Harrison, Mr. & Mrs. Cletus J. Monahan, Mr. &> Mrs. Gilbert Nadeau, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Connell. Dr. & Mrs. Donald Peters., Mrs. Daniel F. Shalloo, Paull Sullivan, Mr. & Mrs. Edward F. Welch, Frederick J. Wilding. Mrs. Peter C. Trainor, Mr. 8;: Mrs. Thomas Garvey" Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Burns, Mr. & Mrs. James Mullins, Mr. & Mrs.
James Crivaro. Mr. & Mrs. Gerard A. Lalli!- berte, Edwin, Doolan, Mr. & Mro. James E. McCormick.
MI love yo..,
••,om-m ••
'n a Happy Mother's
r7 Middle Sbeet, FIIrIt....
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall, River-Thurs., M9Y 9, 1968
Mr. &. Mrs. Lester Edwards" Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Fernandez" Mr. & Mrs, Anibal Ferro,..Mr•. &. Mrs~ Georlte Fortin.. Mr:~. ,
North W ~~tport' OUR LADY OIl' GllACB $2C9
ST. DO:M:IN1C' .
$200 Mr. & Mrs.; Manuel Travo:lmI
Mr. & . ,I l!lev. Maurice H. Lamontagne, " Mrs.',folp1 GQI'@an. Mr. &. Mrs. John Keary, Casi SlOG Mr. & Mrs.. Marguerite Briand (In: mir Jarosik, Mr. &. Mrs. Richard memory of Homer R. Briand and W. Nerbonne, Frederick J., Paine, Alice Perry.. James Mr. &. Mrs. Joseph Morin) Mr. &. Mrs. Andrew W.'Pifil:o, Mr. & . Mr. &. Mrs~Harobi Ward Mr~ &. Mrs. Charles PiWe, Mr. fDuHy's Pharmacy) &. Mrs. Thomas' J. Robinson, $'15 Mr; &. Mrs; Adrien D. Picard Jeremiah Roza,. Dr. &. Mrs. Paui
Mrs. Aurore Silva, Mr. &. Mrs.
Our Lady of Grace Catholic. Walter Silveira, Mr; &. Mrs;. Women's Guild Joseph Sullivan, Mr. &. lIIIm. $35 Carol Zolnierz, Mr. &. Mfs. Rob llIIiss Lena St. Pierre ,.ert Apdrade. .'
$3() Mr. &. Mrs. John Bartlett, Mr.
Westport. Electric
St. Isidore Council No. 4373, & Mrs.. Albert F. Bena~ Martha:
, Bisaillon, Mr. &. Mrs. Maurice
It. of 'c. Burke, Mr. &. Mrs. Laurian $26
Clement. Mr. &. Mrs. Maurice Cyr
. Mr. &. Mrs. Frederic Dube,. Mr~ $25 " Vin's Motor Sales, Inc., Mr.. &. . &. MrS. Albert Fleurent, :Mr.o Mrs. Aune Barnaby, Mr. &.0 &. Mrs. Rene Fleurent" lllIrs..
James Greenway, Mr. &. Mrs. J.
Ranald . Arntz. Paul Hudon.
Mr. &. Mrs. Joseph Kobak, Ed.
f@ali'C>il@,v~n ward B. Loughlin, Mr.. &. Mrs.
John Mahaney, Mr. &. Mrs.. Jo
SACRED lmEAIlTS _ seph G. Marques, Mr. &: Mrs..
$50 ,W"l1iliam Machado. Mr. &. Mrs. David W. $iOO1l' Mr.&. Mrs. Ern~ Pare; ~.
$25 &. Mrs. Eugene J. RueII' Jr.. Mr~ .
Mr;' & Mi's~ Joseph Marte~ Mr~ &. Mrs" Donald Spooner; Mr. ,*' II: Mrs. 'Leonard cejka. " , Mrs.. Clyde Voter, MrS. BeatriCe: ,. ," . ST; MARY
$100 Mrs. Nelson Doyle $51 Mrs.. Paul BastinP:
$50 McMahon Mrs; Norman
II Jour child looked likeIhis
., . ~
.,., 'Quin .. Mi-: & Mrs. Albert ~'Ii'~~:' ;1 Mr. &: Mrs. Donald Tueker~ Mr..
Ie Mrs. HanY. L,YoUng. . .' " .,
$30 Mrs; Stella Pacheco Mt';' '& Mrs~ Mathew HIllr't' Mt-."&. Mrs. Charles EhmsftD
" :
Dr.. &. Mr$ Dennis Branlt. Mr~
cI: Mrs. Edward Bouley, Mr. & Mrs. Albert Vigeant, Dr. &: Mrs. Robert Gaudreau, Joan Ehmann. Mr. &. Mrs. Lucien DlugosinskL
ST. .JOSEPH $135
I' "
Rev. Lorenzo H. Morais
Mr. &. Mrs. William Carey $101 Mr. &. Mrs. Gerrett Schuler $100 Association of the Sacrecl
George Considine $50
A Friend
,, .
Mr. &. Mrs. Emmett Almond
Dr. &. Mrs. Joseph L.. Driscoll
$35 Mrs. James B.Bucldey Mr; & Mrs. Thomas 'Wilcox Mrs. James Dunn 0 $30 OJ Mrs. Domenick Nicolacl Mr. & Mrs. Cyril O'Leary Mrs. James Walker . $25 $55 Mr. &. Mrs. Stanley Babi~
Mr. &. Mrs. Kenneth J. Moyer Mr. &. Mrs., George Barlow, Mr.
Mrs. Charles Stiles ' &. Mrs. Guilio Fornaciari, Mr.. Ik
$50 ,Mrs. Freddie. Jones, Mr. & Mm. Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Barbero, ' Edmund Kelley.
Mr. &. Mrs. Earle Larkin Mr. &. Mrs. David Steele, MI'.
Mr. ; & Mrs. Donald LeBlanc'" &. Mrs. Alexander Stevenson,:"
Mr. &. Mrs. John Coyne .1'. Mr. &. Mrs. Henry Tetrault, Mr.
Mr. &. Mrs. Earl J. Dias & Mrs. Peter Vieira. Mr. &. Mrs. Joseph A. sala dino. ;, . Dr. ,&. :Mrs. Edward L.· Soat:e/l $40 ' , HOLY TRINITY Mr. &. Mrs. Donald Sul1iv~" " $35 $100
Mr. &. Mrs. ·James Lanagan Mr. &. Mrs. Daniel B. ThompSOlll
$31 Mr. &. Mrs. John Gonsalves Jr.
Mr. &. Mrs. John Dwyer Mrs. Elizabeth. Batson
..,.Joseph Collins ' $40 - Mr. &. Mrs. Manuel Oliveira Dr. &. Mrs. Arthur D'Elia Mr. &. Mrs. Matthew O'MalleT $30
$30 Mr. &. Mrs. Richard Wales Mr. &. Mrs. Chester Baron Mr. &. Mrs. William Downey Donald J. Fleming Mr;. &. Mrs. Charles Joseph Mr. &. Mrs. Raymond RioUlt Mr. &. Mrs. Armand Marben Mr. &.Mrs. $26 J. Harry Long Mr: Mr. Mr. Mr.
&. &. &. &.
would YOu nOIgive something lonelD1
West Harwich
Mrs. Lucy Stevenson Edwin Stiles ,
Mr. &. Mrs. Manuel Sylvia Mr. &. Mrs. Stanley Walsh Mr. &. Mrs. Henry Fortin Mr. &. Mrs. Ronald Rogers Mr. &. Mrs. Anson W. Paine Mr. &. Mrs. Antone Perry
Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr.
&. Mrs. Edwin W. Allard &. Mrs. Manuel Almeida &. Mrs. Raymond Barton &. Mrs. Philip Harding &. Mrs. Edward O'Gara &. Mrs. Arthur Richards ~~Ir. &. Mrs. Norman Robinson Gertrude Stiles Mr. &. Mrs. Anthony Sylvia Mr. &. Mrs. Joseph Fernandez Mr. &. Mrs. Curtis Lopes Robert A. ,Paine
$25 Mr. &. Mrs. Ralph Antonsen', Mr. &. Mrs..Ernest R'. Bouley, Mr. &. Mrs. Earl Chandler, Mr. • Mrs.. Arthur Cormier, Miss .leaR' Cyr.
Mr. &. Mrs. Clifton Adams
Mr. Mr. -Mr. Mr.
If your chiUd is worth more than any thing to youD dunok of ~his boy in the photo. He has Jaws, a widespread tropi cal disease \Which auses severe disfig urement, edppled !Jones, blfudness and eventual death. But the most startling fad about yaWlIs'llowlittie it takes to
&. Mrs. John Fitzmaurice
&.Mrs. Joaquim Pena
&. Mrs. William J. Carlo
&. Mrs. Vincent P. Walsh
_ _
P. Howard West, Mr. &. Mm.
Janws Egan, Mr. &. Mrs. Lyndeo:
Wordell, Carroll Gift Shop, ·Mr.
&. Mrs. John O'Donnell
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Frost,. Mr~
&. Mrs. LeRoy Long, Mr. &. Mrs.
Glenn Miller, David O. Doherty,
Mr. &. Mrs. Dean Garfield Mr. &. Mrs. Pierre F .. Lavedan. . Betty 'Halbritter, Mr. &. Mrs.
Raymond Miles, Mrs. John Cain.
James J. Connor '
. Mrs. Nellie P. Raneo,· Mr. &.
,Mrs. .E. D. Vegliante, 'Arthur J. Welch, Mrs., Joseph, Connell, Marion Halbritter Mr. &. Mrs. F. -M. Underwood. Mr. &. Mrs. William Derwin, Mr. &. Mrs. Donald J. Taylor, Mi'. & :' ·li4rs. George L. McKim
cure it-$10. A ddld like this has only you to tum to. In Mission lands millions
Jike him are witbout care. Dear Mon signor: I care enough to belp bl send mg$,_ _
N'ational Dlre~tor
366 Flfdl Avenue
: The Right Reverend &ymotuI T. ComIdl,. Diocesan. Director
North Main Streeg
. Ff,lil River, Mass«hUU116 O~7~
<>R 368
NI1W York, New Yor.k. iOOOI
Ocean Grove ft. MlCIIABIo $500 Rt. Rev. Joseph Eo ~ $22lii A Friend $75 Rev. Maurice E. Parent $6e Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Brophy $00
Mr. & Mrs. George Bedard $40 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Bdpama $30
Mr. & Mrs. Caesar Paiva Mr. & Mrs. John Seguin $26
Catholic Women's Club
Mr. & Mrs. Omer Cabral, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Canuel, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Crane, Mr. & Mrs. John Farias, Mr. & Mrs. John Lindo. Mr. & Mrs. Frank McGonagle, Dr. & Mrs. Joseph C. McGuill. Mr. & Mrs. Robert Mailloux, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Rodth, Mr. .& Mrs. John Szuba.
Raynham ST. ANN $20~
Rev. Leo T. Sulliv8ll1 $100
Dr. Robert Mealy
Manuel Gomes
Richard Peotrowski
John J. McKinnon
Francis Stretton
Paul J. Fountain
Gary Cartwright
Richard J. Souza
$25 James J. Hauck, Francis L. Ring, Donald L. McKinnon, Adolph F. Rozenas, Edward J. Murby Louis R. Cabana, Virgil Grig non, Barbara O'Brien, Mary McGrath, Andrew J. Galligan John L. Dooley, Louis A. Seca tore, Robert L. Smith, Mrs. Earle Parker, Arminda Lourence
$103 Mr. & Mrs. Leo Wm. Tasca $100 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Smith Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Weyker $50 Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Pimental $4CD Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Corrigan $35 Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Arnold Mr. & Mrs. Leon Breault' Mrs. Louise Fallon Mrs. Louise Oakland $3].
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Leiter $30 Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Caldarone Mr. & Mrs Edward Dellefemine Mr. & Mrs. Richard Fagan Mrs. James F. Mitchell John Hendricks Mr.·& Mrs. John Unsworth $26 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Carvalho William Elliot Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Lyons Angela Medeiros Emily Medeiros Mr. & Mrs. Stanley F. Young $25 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Brady, Barbara Burns, Mr. & Mrs. Ber nard J. Burns, Mr. & Mrs. Clyde Curry, Mr. & Mrs. Dennis R. . Lima J. Medeiros Jr. Trucking, Mr. & Mrs, Cosmo Mirando, Mr. & Mrs. Clovis Roux, Mr. & Mrs. Michael Rufful, Mr. & Mrs. Man uel Santos Mr. & Mrs. Preston Schultz, Mr. &"Mrs. John P. Searles, Mr. & Mrs. Freeman Treacy Family, George E. Taylor
Edward F. Rogan, James S. Moura, Manuel DeMello, George A. Boucher, Donald F. Kelly Edward G. Maloof, Joseph E. Keough, Mrs. Doris E. Baran, Edward McCabe ST., Fli'ank A. Bedford Albert P. Ribeiro, 1VI1'll. Doro thy Walford
Rev. James F. Kenney
$lJ.00 Rev. Ronald A. Tosti Our Lady of the Assumption Guild
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Shea
Mr. & Mrs. John Shields
$5@ Mrs. Preston Wright Mr. & Mrs. Jeremiah Calla han II Mr. & Mrs. Charles Desmarais Mr. & Mrs. JQSeph Daniel John F. Shea John F. Shea Mr. & Mrs. J. Norman Fitz gerald
Dr. & Mrs. Charles Hasken
Mrs. Robert Blodgett
, $40
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Snyder
$3C Mr. & Mrs. Howard Rohdin Mr. & Mrs. Charles Cammett
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., May 9, 1968
OFFIClfAL: Msgr. Joseph Greillion, a priest of the Al exandria, La., diocese, has been named secretary of the Vatican Commission on World Justice and Peace. NC Photo.
Mt. & Mrs: Edward Crosby, ST. PATRlICK Mr. & Mrs. Howard Sears, $101 Thomas H. Lyons, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert J. Noonan Joseph Michael .Tr., Mr. & Mrs. $100 Sherwood Tondorf. Mrs. Joseph Robbins Mr. & Mrs. Wesley Durant, $60 Mr. & Mrs. Francis Butler, Marie Mr. & Mrs. Paul Champagne Bruton, Mrs. Andrew T. O'Brien, $55 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Alduino.' Mr. & Mrs. Richard Curley, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph B. Miskell Mr. & Mrs. John Perry, Mr. & Jr. Mrs. Edward Crosby, Mr. & Mrs. $50 Wesley Durant, Margaret Shee Mr. & Mrs. Paul Hanlon han. Mrs. H. J. LeFevre Robert Driscoll, Mr. &. Mi's. Atty. & Mrs. Patrick O'Don Frederick Cusick, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hartigan, lVIr. & Mrs. nell Daniel Flynn, Mr. 8.> Mrs. Carl $3.5 Davis. Mrs. J. P. Sylvia Mr. and Mrs. James Shields, Anonymous Mr. & Mrs. Elmont Marois, Mr. $30 & Mrs. Robert Sims, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Lee Bourgoin Frank Harrington, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Lopes Louis McMurrer. James Q. Lyons Thomas Driscoll, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs; John R. Martin Robert Shields, 'rhe Cotter Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Martin Family, Mr. & Mrs. Luke Lally. Anonymous $26 Nanlruclkett Lawrence Kavanaugh $25 OlJIR. LADY OF '.Il'EE ISLE Mr. & Mrs. John F. Adams, $100 Mrs. Yvonne Boucher, Mr. & Very Rev. Daniel F. carey Mrs. John Dunn, Mr. & Mrs. An A Friend thony G. Glista, Mr. & Mrs. $SG
William J. Goss. _ Rev. Edward J. Sharpe
Mrs. Bertram Haddon, James A Friend
. Higgins, Mr. & Mrs. Adam Kas ~511 par, Mr. & Mrs. Winthrop Lum Martin Foley
bert, Mr. & Mrs. Herve H. La Mr. & Mrs. Charles P. Flana joie. gan Mr. & Mrs. John L. Maloy, A Friend 'Mrs. Joseph Miskell Sr., Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Charles Yarbrough Mrs. Charles Morrison, Mr. & $35
Mrs. Clement M. Noel, Mr. &; A Friend
Mrs. Wallace T. Pierce. $30 , Mt.&· Mrs. Edward Perry, A Friend Mrs. Char'!tntte Ciummei. Mr. & Mrs. Maxwell Beacon Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Harris Mrs. Rolf Sjolund
Mr. & Mrs. Orlando D. Souza Mr. & Mrs. Antonio Caponigro Dr. & Mrs. Raymond Ockert Mr. & Mrs. William Morton Mr. & Mrs. Nugent Chilli Mr. & Mrs~ Thomas Haven Mr. & Mrs. William V. Haynes The Donoghue Family A Friend A Friend $35 Lillian Dion $30 Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Conroy Mr. & Mrs. Edward Guillette Jr. Mr. & Mrs. George Farnum Mr. & Mrs. Frank; Prohodsky A Friend Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Britton $25 Mr. & Mrs. C. Elliott Phillips, Mr. & Mrs. Rudolph Sibilia, Mr. & Mrs. John Houghton, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Hinchey, Mrs. M. Roach. Mr. & Mrs. James Durant, Kathleen Flynn, Mr. & Mrs. John McNair, Mr. & Mrs. Jo seph Waseleski, Mr. & Mrs. Giles Dognazzi. Mrs. Blanche Radnor, Mr. & Mrs. Roy Hagerty, Mr. & Mrs. Armando Giovino, Mr. & Mrs. Henry Giovino, Mr. & Mrs. E . .1. Proteau. Mr. & Mrs. George Pomfret, Mr. & Mrs, Louis Antosca, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Souza Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Giovino and Fam ily, Rose E. Servais. A Friend, A Friend, Mr. & Mrs. E. Atwell, Mr. & Mrs. John O'Donnell, Mr. & Mrs. Francis Sliney. Mr. & Mrs. Raymond DeWall, Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Sarro, Mr. & Mrs. William Verzola, Mr. & Mrs. Clifford Titus, A Friend. Mr. & Mrs. Karl Clemmey,. Mrs. Emma Pascucci, A Friend,. Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Kingsbury, Mr. & Mrs. John Mitchell. Mr. & Mrs. Napoleon Cabana, A Friend.
$30 Anna F. Veterino Mr. & Mrs. Robert Flinn Mr. & Mrs. Paul Dumont Patricia A. Dumont Paula J. Dumont Mrs. Withrop M. Quinlan Eleanor Resmini Mr. & Mrs. John Medeiros $26 Mr. & Mrs. James Crawford Mr. & Mrs. Paul Lanza Mr. & Mrs. Roger Paron Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Kenneally $25 Mr. & Mrs. Emiie Guertin, Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Daly, Margaret Moran, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Mc Manus, Mrs. Thomas Burke. Mr. & Mrs. John MitcheJil!, Philip Hallein, Mr. & Mrs. An thony Casella, Mrs. William Connolly, John Hargrave. Mr. & Mrs. John J. McCon nell, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph DeLoTY, Mr. & Mrs. Adolph Richards, Mr. & Mrs. Edmund Daly, Mm. Jane E. Murphy & daughter. Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Coute, ML -<. & Mrs. Albert Trocchi, Mr. &1 Mrs. Soutier, Mr. & Mrs. Rod ney Adams, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph L. Cairns Jr. . Marian Bennett, Mr. & Mm. Nicholas Karukas, Mr. & Mm. John Barrows, Mr. & Mrs. Rich ard Powers, Mr. & Mrs. Geraril Robichaud. Mr. & Mrs. William Pillion. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Golden, Margaret M. Brooks.
'North Dflghton ST. JOSEPH
$26 Leo Pivirott<>
Mildred M. Harrigan $25 Mr. & Mrs. Francis Conaty, Mi". & Mrs. Henry Conaty, Mr. &I Mrs. Robert Dutra, Mr. & Mrs. William Drummond, Mr. & Mm Antone L. Rose. A Friend, Mr. & Mrs. Franl!P lyn H. Weeks
Oak Bluffs
$100 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Martin Mr. & Mrs..Michael Klun $55 ~ Edward L. Bennett $50 Mr. & Mrs. Harry Varnum George & Rita Velardi Mr. & Mrs. Dominic Trom betta $31l Mr. & Mrs. Charles Swift
$200 Rev. Donald A. Couza $30 Mr. & Mrs. Donald A. BeI'Ube Mr. & Mrs. Albert K. Sylvia Sr. $25 Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Henley Sr., Mr. & Mrs. William Brown. Roland Authier, Mrs. Philip Norton.
Helen Hull
Pacific National Bank, Marine Lumber Co., Mr. & Mrs. Ed mund Pollard, Island Service Co., Alice Farrier. Mr. & Mrs. Hichard Mack, Herman Lehmann, Mrs. Ernest Whelden, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Annis, A Friend. Mr. & Mrs. Charles G. Snow, A Friend, Mr. & Mrs. Adam Mastai, Mr. & Mrs. Daniel. Mur phy, Mr. & Mrs. Byron Snow. Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Lema, A Friend, The Hamblin Family; Mr. & Mrs. Charles Stackpole, Mr. & Mrs. John Santos Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Jeremiah Towhill, Mr. & Mrs. Howard Laundry, Albert Lavoie, Mrs. Agnes Syl via, Albert Brock, A Friend.
A Friend
A Friend
SCHOOL Maintenance SupplieS SWEEPERS - SOAPS
Prompt, free Delivery in fAll RIVER. SOMERSET. TIVERTON & 202 ROCK ST.
Andrew MarshaJl, ·Peter NolaD, Nunes F~ Elsie Semas, Peter1'~r4o .' ' ../. ," JamelJ T•.~ ADa Va&~rk ' .. BAcnED IllEART
,,' ' $4'1 MiSS.,~eleR ~ill", , ,.$~
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fan River:-Thvrs." May?, .19.6$
Dr. ~,~. Alexander Mae$40 Isaac Mr. & Mrs. John Plath $315 I. ' ., . ST. FRANCIS XAViER $37 Mr. '& Mrs. C1emelllt' Ussg0 $590 $30'. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph lwuc $3JI. Itt. Rev. Francia McKeocI. '·Mr. & Mrs. Ray~ond A. B o s s e ' $35 . . Mr. & MIlS. W.rn.. J. Sitlt'O $50 Joseph L. Normand' Mrs. Mary Blythe' $30 Mr. & Mrs. Real Samscm. . $26 Mr. & Mrs. Francj.s Gillan Mr. & Mrs. Leo Tracey Margaret & Mary McCarthy Mr. & Mrs. James M. Haworth $30 Mr. & Mrs. Richard Blake Misses Reilly Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Barrette Robert Whitaker Mr. & Mrs. Gaetan Brochu
John Cullen Mr. & Mrs. Roland LaBossiere Mr. & Mrs. Anthony ;Moskalski
Mr. & Mrs. George McCarthy $38 . $25 Mr. & Mrs. Philip Morris. Mr. & Mrs. Edmund Murray Mr. &: lVII'S; Patrick lVIurphy .. Mr: & Mrs. Richard H. Barry, $25 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Hodge
17amily mI'. & Mrs.-Leo N. Coons, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Leo Lyons, Mr. &
~27 C3@ !Mrs. Arthur H. Gronlund, Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Brillon, Mr. &. Mrs. Mr. & Mrs.: George LaBelle Jl.Wse O'Donnell Mrs. Adelard Jacques & Dianne ~ Lee Casper, Mr. & M~. Nelson $25 :Mr. & Mrs. Louis V. Cook Ilfacques, Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. .Boy, Mrs. Manli'o Frova' .' Frank Barney
Mr: & Mrs. Francill AndreWi') Langlais' Mr. & Mrs. John Logan, Lmus
William Blake ,$25 , Mr & Mrs. Ronald Pimental, 'Gignac, Mr. & Mrs.. Walter De Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Dufort
Elizabeth Brady. c,'.,i,Dr. William A. Morinville l)/Ir Mrs. Rene 'Raci~e' Mr. & '1~e, Mr. & Mrs. Oscar Bour
Mr.' &: Mrs. Edward.T~ol:hi Mr~. William Richards Jr: Mr. & ~ette, Mr: &¥rs, Jam~s:Ma~n , $25"':
Rita O'Donnell
Mr. & Mrs. "Raymond Begin, Mrs. T. J. Schick, ~.·&."Mrs. .' Mr. & Mrs. Emerald Levesqu~ .
SeraI'd E. TardHf . . , I '. Mr. & Mrs. Edward Duclos, Mrs. ' i
,. , ' ..' $25 . " '; Mr. & Mrs. Joseph F. ,Bien Mr. & Mrs. David Longton, Mr
venue, Mr. ~ Mrs. E. J. Blair, Mr. & Mrs. John. Tetreault . : Paul Beausoleil, Mr. &.Mrs. Wi~- \ .i', '. . ,::"'" . liam Lynch; Mrs.. Sarah LanglolS :. i L --'-''wi.--J Agnes Blake; Mr. & Mrs. David & Mrs. Artli,ur DUl:\rte, ~. &
. Mrs., 'Lidoina Severino, lllIr. &
Carr. N@[j'frlkrAfrU'g,@b@lI'~ :. Mr. & Mrs. ErneSt.. Major, .Mr•. Edward 'Feeney, Anna Ma ,:,...., . &; Mrs. Ernest Major, Mr. & M~. , . PRESIDENT'S ASS.trSTMr. & Mrs;. George . Casey, . . SACRED JHnEART \.' . ":LOUis LaCivita; Mr. & Mrs: Joliii', ANT: Brother William J. Henrietta Fisk, Mr. & Mrs. John gwre Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Pigeon, Mr. Harrington, Mr. & Mrs. Lewis $101' ,'.. . Keane, Mr. & Mrs. Ederito. Q' FSC h b Mrs. Irene Boule & Rosa Bou- . ,Fachado, Mr. & Mrs. Jack Hagoumn, ..., as een ap- Jackson, Mr. & Mrs. Jacques & Mrs. Gordon Andrews, Mr. & . omssa . '~ pian '. .. Pointed asistant to the pres- Leduc. Mrs. Albert Howland, Mr. & Mrs $100 Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Tomlin- ident of the Conference of Mr. & Mrs. Norman LeMere, .Gerald D<Jiron, Mary Kennedy Mrs. Barbara Peck, Mr. & Mrs. Rev. Roger D. Leduc . son, Mrs. Jo~~ph Lunderville, Major Religious Superiors of Mr. & .Mrs. George A. McCaf Thomas Cunniff, Edward· Mat . '$50 Mr. & Mrs. LIOnel Mande~e, Men, with headquarters in ferty, Mr. & Mrs. Harold Mc Mr. & Mrs. John Burkel Mr. & Mrs. Norman St. Ge~am, . Washington,. D.C. NC Photo. ,,:C9rpUck, . Mr. & Mrs. John P. teson, Mr. & Mrs. John Tripp, ·,McG:uin,ness, Mrs. Arthur Pat- . Mr. & Mrs. Stanley ~oberts Mr. & Mrs. Peter Tatarian Mr. & Mrs. Donald Har!dri:o .. Mr. & ,Mrs. William Andrade, enaude. , '$32 .. ST. MARK '" Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Ladabauche Mr. & Mrs. Peter Pmoccl, Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. George Moitoza, Mr. , Louis Bardier '$300 . .' Holy Name Society Mary Poirier, Mr. & Mrs. & Mrs. Joseph Leonard, Mr. & $30 Jiev. Raymond W. McCar:Sh;y Thomas Poppin. St. Anne's Sodality .Mrs. Joseph Torres, Mr. &: Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Normand Aehin $100 , .Robert Dewey St. Vincent de Paul Conference · A Friend .lames Brennan $410 James Kevican, Helen Brady, , . Mr. & Mrs. Robert Mcean '$50 '., Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Danealll Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Knott, Mr. $26 John G. Walsh $35 ST. .iA~UU & Mrs George White, The Gorm :Mr. & Mrs. James Hannon . ·Raymond HillIrum Mr. & Mrs. Raym/?nd S. Pe] ley Family $25 Aime Grenier letier $7S Mr. & Mrs. John T. Mahoney, , ,Mrs. Louise Achin, Mr. & Mrs. $36 lYlat'heW Bury Mr. & Mrs. Vincent McAloon, $30 :Joseph R. Chabot, Mr. & Mrs. Bernard D. Gamache . $60 Alice Carey, Gertrude Carey, Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Laferriere . <Charles Clavette,' Mr. & Mrs. .Manus A. Foley Francis & Laureat Gulli' Mr. & Mrs. John Monaghan Mr. & Mrs. Arthlir Boudreau Maurice Dargis, Mr. & Mrs.. FerGeorge McGee $50 Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Hanna, Mrs. Jeannette Tremblay &: lUnd Goulet $39 Arthur Dowd Mr.' & Mrs. Richard Petyon, Mr. Family Mr. & Mrs. Edward Guertin & John C. Gaffney Roland Pelletier .& Mrs. Amato Biondi & Family, Mr. & Mrs. Donald Charron Gerald L. Dorey Family, Mr. & Mrs. Leo Lacasse, $30 Mr. & Mrs. William P. MacLean lIIlr. & Mrs. WiHrid H. LG Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Lacasse, $26 Rodolphe Dusseault 0Ul1 lLADY Gili' LOURDES 13ebvre Mr. & Mrs.' Raymond Lallier, Jacob Belt Maurice Laroque $250 i1rr. & Mrs. Normand L'Homme $25 A .parishioner Raymond ·Nolin Rev. Edward O. Oliveira · A Friend, Mr. & Mrs. Arthwr .... Joseph P" Feeney, Robert s.... Mr. & Mrs. Charles Dumont . Henry Perra Jr. 5100 lBoy, Mr. & Mrs. George Vainan... Pqhl, Henry Collins, Henry J. $26 . $27
Dowdall, Edwin F. Zalesky Mr. & Mrs. Frank Rapoza , Maurice Riendeau &: FaJilily Rev. Antonio C. Tavares '.. ~SO ' . Richard' Dunn, Joseph A. 'Mr; & Mrs. Roland M. Trahaiii 8T. M A R Y , . $25 . ·Dr. & Mrs. David F. Gouyeia Grimaldi, Joseph E. Joyoa,. LeI» Mr. & Mrs. Charles Landry RiOliiDd. Auclair, Gerard Bon' : ~40 i',."· .$300 . . " I . " Devlin, Richard, F. Barrett' , M r..& Mrs. Eric Maslen' lRt. Rev. Edward B. Booth enfant, Leo Castonguay, Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. James P. Silvia .", Blanche Goodall, L~a Ken;, ,::A parishioner ' Jamell Dwyer, Claire H a m e l . $32' ,. $100 Thomas Schofield, In memory cUI. " . Mr.:& Mrs. Raymond·Aussant Mr. & Mrs. James Coogan ,1)1'" ..& .Mrs.. Fernand ~,mel, ''''''Mr: &·Mrs. 'Frank Phillip; Ls9, Richard & Donald Bit?eau . , ", lliIr; & Mrs; pelphis Paradis :· N(jrmand Hamel, George Mad.or, . ~O· ". ,r , . . . . , ;$55 Ernest J. Beauregani, ~,;,:, :Mr. & Mrs. Herve Dumont Maty&· Margaret 'Kinton "'Agiies'~ey, Lazare Tre~~I~Y , ~r.& Mrs. Aitliui~ ·B~. :A Jette, ~obert Rome~, p~ . '. ".Mr. & Mrs.· Ronald Andrewo , ,.. $~O ;'" .... . . $26' .' ' . . ., :!ramily, William R. ROJnel\G ., ., ... Jlllr,. & Mrs~' Julien' Marquill :I Marjorie' Shea Sll'. :~'Jl'HONY ·lllIr.& Mrs. EdwardS. Wsrioo $ 2 5 , ' ," " ..Albert O. Gingras, La~ '1' Mrs. joseph Condon .• ~ ~5 '~8ny, . ~rard Ken* '.. I Mr. & Mrs.'James Cullen Mr. & Mrs. Achille Hebert ,"";M~ 'Fontiriha . ,Mr. & Mrs. ~eorg~ ?~rq:, Mr. 'I'; "$40'" 6'1'• .JOSEPIBt Mr. & Mrs. JOM'ROgerS: $25 .. '''''&:'MiS: Anto~~. Almeida, Mr. & . $80' i . Mr. & Mrs. Albert Goudreaill : ". Mr. & Mrs. Edward McCrol'1' . Candida A:breau, John Ab'reau, . Mrs. Victor' Silva, Genevieve : ., $35 '" Lam-a DeneaUlt .:', Mr... &' Mrs. RobertG;. Cloutier Joseph Abreau;' Emma Andrade, Eli~, OL. of Lourdes St. Vincent $65"· ".' lVir. & Mrs. WiHrid· HelllDnd · Manuel Camara Mr. & Mrs. August Funke de .Paul ., .. ' ':A Friend Doris. Levasseur llILr. & Mrs. Lionel Paradis i:t Antone De Souza, John Enos,' , ·Mr. & Mrs. Albert G. Moitoza. $30 $50 Paul Maria Figueredo, Lawrence Mr. & Mrs. George A. Macomber Joseph Petrone Margaret O'Neil Mr. & Mrs. Robert AndersOOl Fontes, Jesse Linhares h. ..
Mr. & Mrs. John Iacoms ..The .Boudreau Fami1T . Mrs. Irene Rowland $26 Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Champa~ llilr. & Mrs. Arthur Cate Mr. & Mrs. Fred Buttef.W:orth Donald Doucette Mr. & Mrs. Luc Pelletier $25 Mr. & ArMand Boucher Mr. & Mrs. Herbert St. Geol"fl}a Mr. & Mrs. Richarcll Forbes, . Mr. &: MIS: Francis Paull . ll/Ir. & Mrs. Paul Gendron <, Mr. & Mrs. John ,Lynch, :Mr. & . $26 Ernest Doucette Mrs. Stephen Cinq-Mars, Mr. &: Mr. & Mrs. Jean Joyal Mr. & Mrs. Francis Parisea~ Meted a'nd Chairs Mrs. Ernest Bu~~ey, ~. &: Mrs. $25 Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Maynard 68mei;. Schmidt ' Mr. &: Mrs. Edmond :Roebeleau Mr. & Mrs. Lucien LeBlanc ,Julia Riley, Mr. & Mrs. Mlcb Mr. & Mrs. Henry Pelletier, Ik.. ~r. & Mrs. 'Charles Gaude¢ -JUST GIVE ME A CHANCE 10 QUOTF' ad O'Rourke, Rita Dunham, Mr. &: Mrs. Louis Perry, Mr. &: Mrs. . I Mr. & Mrs. LeO Marquis ., .181 .$HAWMUT STREET • NEW BEDFOR01 MASS. • Mrs. William Conrov,. Mr• • Robert Deme:rs, Mr. & Ilbu. Leo '. Mr. &, Mrs. Clarence Nadeam " ~ William Corrigan Fonrouge & Family Mr. &:. Mrs. Theodore Lacourse P. O. ~,2062 - Hervey L Levesque Mr. & Mrs. Ralph· Zitto, Mr. • Allen Blanchard Lawn MoWell' Mrs. Richard Castro,' Mr. • ¥:ra. 8aIeII Telephone 993-1 ~64 .Joseph McGee, Mr. &: MIL CoDST. THERESA rad Maigret, Mr. • MIL Mark: ST. MARY (Seekonk) $250 Mercier $800 ltev. Gerard J. Chabot Mr. & Mrs. Cyril Cote, IIr. • Attleboro Dye & Finishing Cal. , $220 11m. Roland Brochu, Mr. • Mrs. $4OG lit. Vincent de Paul SocletF lleftrl Paradis, Mrs. Bomer Ga.... Mm. Pierre Lonsbury CAPE COD $125 Ueau, Lucien Paul . $1<l5 Mr. & Mrs. Raymond GnYel . .' Vincent de Paul Sodetr $100' ST. STEPJIBII $100 Rev. Roger L. Gagne $300 Rev. Cornelius J. Keliher . Leo Roy &: Family, Mr. &: .Mrs. John Marshan , $61 Mrs. Jasper Lumbra . $200 Dr. St· Mrs. Rudolph Piereo $50 _ Bey. Donald E.BeI8nger .~5. '~'j' Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Keane."" $100 . . Mr. & Mrs. Henry Messier .." Mrs. Paul Bradley . .., Morse Sand & Grawl OG." ..:. ' ..' .' .$'71 ". "
.,.' Mr. & MTS. Vincent Andre... St.' Stephen W0men'B Council ,::~. & Mrs. John BeIs;kJr
'. . .1'. .. ;,., .' .. " Mr. & Mrs. Raymond 'VaclWD $50; . :.'~': '~"$50.. . ,'. .
f, ,Mrs. ;Mary'Gra(\y ,,:,,:.' M:r.·&.Mrs. Alfred KaNI ~ . '·:iIl?lr'd~r: "Mrs.. Dav,id' J:~' BllUla
::" , ", I' .. t:lr ... ,',' Ilk. & Mrs. Leo LaclwMle .JQseph T. Lavergne ~ Falli;aiq:, .~'& l\'1rs. B..'A:.'Dzija .
, Taunton
4<• •
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". . . . • '
.... 1;
$200 l"ranclscan Fathers OFM CoIW $26 Holy Rosary Sodality St. Vincent de Paul Conference
$25 Frank Dziubek Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Ki1ll8lJl
New Bedford ST. MARY
$250 Rev. Bernard H. Unsworth $10G Mr. & Mrs. John Nicolacl Rev.' Paul G. Connolly $50 Mr. & Mrs. Marcel Loranger Mrs. Mary Penler Mrs. Vivian Taylor Mr. & Mrs. William Toolin $30 Mr: & Mrs. Leo Robida Mr. & Mrs. John E. Sullivan &; Mark $26 Mr. & Mrs. John D. Sylvia $25 Mr. &. Mrs. William Constant, Mr. & Mrs. Roger Courtemanche Misses Alice & Hazel Davis, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur DesRoches, Henry Fortier Mr. & Mrs. Albert Pepin, Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Pielech, Mr. & Mrs. Roland Provencher, Mr. & Mrs. Pedro San Juan, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Souza, Mr. & Mrs. Theo dore Ziemba ST. ANTHONY OF PADUA
$145 Loyal Parishioners I $100 Loyal Parishioners n $50 1968 First dommunloOOl Class. $30 Antone S. Monteiro $26 Mr. & Mrs. Antonio Gomes Mary F. Smith / $25
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Xavier
Rev. William E. Collard $120 A Friend $100 Lemieux Plumbing $ Beating !nco $80 Louis Fleury $50 Dr. Arthur Motta $30
Leo Fredette
Roger Renaud
Gerard Richard
Laurier Dumas, A Friend, Gerald Dumas, Laurier Mllll"COux, Normand Mathieu Adrien Angers, Leo Arsenault, Antonio Gonsalves, Laurent Par- . ent, Cecile Boudreau ST. JOSEPH
Mr. & Mrs. Francis SulUvan
Mr. & Mrs. Francoi:l Bouchard $42 Gardner Family $30
Mr. & Mrs. Wilbrod Dufour
Mr. & Mrs. Henri Gardner
$25 Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Methot, Mr. & Mrs. Romeo Landry, Mrs. . Jeanne Levesque, Yolande Robi taille, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Sylvia
$80 Rev. Rene G. Gauthier Rev. Clement F. Dufour $60 A Friend !p52 Armand Cote $36 Talsop Lee $35 Robert Lagasse ST. KILlIAN
$30 $125
Mr. & Mrs. Lionel RobitaJne St. Vincent de Paul Society
Robert Surprenant $100
Normand Despres . In memory of Mary L. Finnen $26 $5@ Eva Benoit, Laurent Roy, God Rev. William E. l~arland dive Soucy, Anita Charpentier $26 $25 Alfred Languirand Damase Janvier, Henri Des $25 JIOSiers, Anthony Podlaskl, Nor RaYl)'lond Mahoney, Theodore mand Meny, Irene Meny Galipeau, Patricia Meno, Joseph Henry Dube, Adelard Marois, Mello Rene Brissette, The Norman He bert Family ST. JAMJES ST. ANNE $500 $200 Rt. Rev. Hugh A. Gallagher. Rt. ~ev. Armand J. LevaSBeUl' P.A. $100 A Friend Rev. Roger J. Levesque $4051 Sodalities or St. Anne's Parish Mr. & Mrs. Philip Hemingway St. Vincent de PaUl, St. Anne's $l15C Conference A Friend $50 $100 Mr. & Mrs. Adrien Desrosiem Rev. Edward C. Duffy Marie Lebeau Mrs. Jeremiah Coholan $30 St. James Conference, Society Mr. & Mrs. Aldei LaFrance of St. Vincent de Paul $25 $80 Mr. & Mrs. Lucien Brunette, In memory of Patrick :L II: :Mr. & Mrs. Henri Constant, Mr. Mary L. Foley Ii; Mrs. Umberto Cruz, Claire $.75 Dumont, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur A Friend :Fontaine Mr. & Mrs. Harry Sean Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Dwyer SACRED HEART A Friend $100 Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Tachaen Rev. Lucien Jusseaume Sr.· Mr. & Mrs. Normand seqUin $60 $50 Mr. & Mrs. Michael Crowley Mr. & Mrs. Paul Letourneau Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Fontaine Dr. & Mrs. Jean Paul Grenon Mr. & Mrs. William Hendricks Dr. & Mrs. Albana H. Collette $50 $41 Mrs. Edward Arnett &; John' Mr. & Mrs. Orner Tardi Arnett
$35 A Friend
Mr. & Mrs. Rodolphe ParaeUs Mrs. John Duff
MI'. & Mrs. Arthur Deschenes Thomas' A. Holden
$30 . Hurley Family
Dr. &; Mrs. Philip Chartier A Friend
Mr. &; Mrs. Rolimd sequin Mr. & Mrs. John Markey
A Friend .
$26 Mrs. J. lIIerve Bedard Mr. & Mrs. Luke Smith
$25 Mary M. Walsh
Mr. II: Mrs. Frank Kutis, Mr. The Mahoney Family
6 lin. .Jean R. Plante, AU7. $410
Jlierre Paradis, IIr. &; 1Il"B. Paul Mr. &; Mrs. John Calkmim
WrlYiere, Mr. II: lira. . . . Mr. & Mrs. James L. GjbllD
Mr. ~ Ilnl: Raymond SmWl ~ MM IieviPir.
Thurs., May 9, 1968
Mr. & Mrs. Alan J. Campbcl! $51 The Joseph A. Burke FanillJ: Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Davis $50 Misses Gertrude & Mary Glea,..
son Julia Joyce Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Weavei' • $45
Dr. & Mrs. Vincent Hughes
Margaret, Ann & Helen Gleasoa
Mary Halloran
Mr. & Mrs. John Tierney
Margaret M. Goggin
William H. Barter
The Misses Hannigan
Monica & Constance Zygicl
$30 Misses Mary & Ann Downey Mr. & Mrs. Harry Hunt Mrs. Raymond Markey Mr. & Mrs. George Oliver Mr: & Mrs. Alexander PhilliPll ~ Mr. & Mrs. Edward McIntyre $26
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Curry
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Malone
Mr. & Mrs. Milton Healy
$25 Mr. & Mrs. David Bancron. A Friend, Mr. & Mrs. 'Wilson Bonneau, Frances A. Burke Mr. & Mrs. W. Kenneth Burke A Friend, Helen A. Driscoll, Mr. & Mrs. John Fletcher, Cath erine Foye, Mrs. Thomas Foye Mrs. Edward W. Galligan, Mro. James Galligan, Timothy Glea son, Mr. & Mrs. William Harding Mrs. Michael Harrington Mr. & Mrs. William Kasper.. Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Kirkwood. Mrs. Francis A. Koch, Mr. & Ml'll Edward Lopes, Mr. & Mrs. Man- uel Louro Mr. & Mrs. Edward G. McBride Dr. & Mrs. James Mahoney, Mr., & Mrs. Joseph Martin, Mrs. Rol and Mathieu, Mr. & Mrs. Allen Moriarty . Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Oliva, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur S. Pederson, Veronica O'Brien, Allan C. wan
TO AID WORLD'S HUNGRY: Attending Governor's Symposium in Fish Protein Concentrate at New Bedford Hotel are from left, Walter C. Beckmann, president of Alpine M~rine Protein Industries, developer of world's first "fish flour" plant; Bishop Oonnolly; William J. Sugrue, deputy commissioner of Mass. Department ·of Commerce and Development. Fish flour is hailed as having tremendous potential in war against world hunger. $36 Anna Meehan Mrs. Thomas Rogers $35 Agnes Tiernan $31 Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Macedo $30 Mrs. Carl Anderson Mr. & Mrs. William E.G. Battey Jr. JoSeph & William Cawley Mr. & Mrs. Paul Clark Mr. & Mrs. Paul T. Hart Mr. & Mrs. Michael Hummel Mrs. Alice Lowney . lVj:rs. Marguerite Macey Mr. & Mrs. Francis J. Maguire Brig. Gen. & Mrs. L.B. Markey A Friend Mr. & Mrs. Francis Roach Mr. & Mrs. William J. Souza In memory of Timothy J. & Mary A. & Agnes G. Sullivan Helen Walsh Mr. & Mrs. William Whalen $26 Mr. & Mrs. Louis Boudreau, 1141' & Mrs. Henry Frenette, Mary Gallagher, .Mrs. Grace R. Lard ner, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Maguire .Mr. & Mrs. Francis J. Manning Ellen Robinson, Mr. & Mrs. Karl Schenk, Margaret T. Walsh, Syl vester Walsh . Clifton Sullivan Leo M. 'Worden $25 Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Amaral, Mr & Mrs. Patrick Baker, Joseph E. & Dorothy Baldwin, A Friend, George Braga Mr. & Mrs. John Britto, Mr. & Mrs. James A. Cawley, Mr. & Mrs Ji;rnest Chicoine, Mr. & Mrs. Louis Chmiel, Janet R. Connelly Mr. & Mrs. William Damos, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Desorcy, Mr. & Mrs. John H. Dowd, Ellen Gau ghan, Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Hayes Mr. & Mrs. Louis Hecner, Mr. & Mrs. Francis Holt, Helen Jaru sik, Mrs. Armand Langis, Mr. & Mrs. Gerald P. Lewis ·Mr. & Mrs. Edward Ma'ckay, Mrs. Mary Macey, Mr. &. ·Mrs. John M. Mahoney, Mr.' & Mrs. Edward O'Rourke, Mrs. John North Mary Ouimet, Felipe Ramos,
Mrs. Vincent Shea, Mr. & Mrs. Leo M. Sullivan, Catherine Swansey Mr. & Mrs. John Sylvia, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Towers, Dr. & Mrs. Edward C. Vogt, J'ames Walsh Family, Mrs. Alexander Whelan Mr. & Mrs. George Williams, Mary Winsper
$25 A Friend, John :r. Clark, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Clark, Mr. & Mrs. William Damos, Mr. & Mrs. James Hampson & Marie T. Hampson Robert Hayes, Mr. & Mrs. John M. Maguire, Mr. & Mrs. Norman Murphy ST. LAWRENCE
$250 Dr. & Mrs. Jean Webster $200 Mr. & Mrs. E. Livingstone Jr. $150 Dr. & Mrs. William O'Donnell . $125 A Friend $110 Dr. & Mrs. William Muldoon $100 Mr. &; Mrs. William Conroy A Friend In memory of Michael J. Har rington Mr. & Mrs. William Kearney Dr. & Mrs. George F. :Riley . $'75 Rev, Justin J. Quinn $'70 Ruth B. & Hope F. McFadden $65 The Doherty Family $61 In memory of Walter E Collopy
South • Sea Streets
Tel. 49-81
:!UIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII111111111111111111111 II1111I1111I1I11I1I1111l1l1l11l1l11l11l1l1l11l11l1l1l1l1U11111111111111111111111111II111111!:
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MOTHER'S DAY TREAT . ::= Live Jumbo • • • • • §
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79c lb.
While they last
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-CON#RA~-SEGUiNl BODY COMPANY Aluminum or Steel 944 County Street NEW BEDFORD. MASS.
WY 2-6618
"Save With Safety" at
,.A A (5.
Fall River
l"HE ANCHOR'-Diocese of fa«9 River'-lihurs., May 9" 1!96a
$1.000 In memory of Susan C. Mc Donald and John A. McDonald ST. MARY'S € A THEDRAlL I, :aev. Joseph Oliveira
$350 $125
$200 Margaret G. Dillon Jl)1l'. Gilbert Vmcen.l
Margaret Lahey $300 $100
llk. & Mrs. Frederick J. Sul Mrs. William Connelly Gilbert C. Oliveira
linD. $250 Richard Rodericlt
$100 Mr. & Mrs. William A. Torpby Beatrice Cape,to·
Rev. Paul F. McCarrick $200 $50 st. Mary's Cathedral Guild Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Phaneuf Dr;.,Joseph Carvalho
~1 . Dr. & Mrs. Richard Donovan Gerald H. Silvia
MK. & Mrs. Laurence A.' Coyle $175 $4() $50 Patrick Phelan Manuel Silvia ~e6 F. Diskin , $150 $30 $35 Dr. & Mrs. John C. Corrigan Joao D. Aguiar
'''·rank Duffy Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Golden Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert Feijo
Kathryn Moran (In memory $125 $25
car her mother and father} Dr. &: Mrs. Paul Dunn . l1'rlllnds Lennon
$30 Mr. & Mrs. William Crowiher Manuel S. Medeiros
Ml'S. Francis FennesseY' '1. $100 Cecelia Olivei.i:'a
Michaeline Russell Mrs. Thomas Tansey Antone Souza,
,Catherine Lynch , ".'1 Dr. & Mrs. Owen O'Riordan $25 Janice Hurley Mr. &: Mrs., John Burke Mrs.. Mary De' Costa, Manuel: Daniel Shea. Mr. & M'rs. Joseph F. Phelan: Dias, Gilbert· Mello, Mary. T. ':Lava:gnino Family ';:1 Dr. & Mrs. John Carvalho Carvalho, Anonymous.. $26 Dr. & Mrs. James Sullivan Isabel Capeto", Manuel Rosa, William Bradbury Jr. Mrs. Michael Foley August P. Curt, Bclisario A. al Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Benevides meida, Mr. & Mrs. Arnold Mar- . May Leary $80 ~5 tin. ' Mr. & Mrs. Willam Hargraves Robert Coggeshall, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Raposo, Joseph S. Jli)ennis Oliverira & Betty Ann. Correia. Edward Ferreira. Rob $75
Mrs: W. Arthur Leary
muth Hurley, Mary T. Hudell' erl E. Gray, Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert Mrs. George P. Hurley
.Mr. & Mrs.. William Blythe;' Coma. $50 !hank Moriarty', Richard SulU" ~ Anonymous, Joseph:. Silva, REAl.. PEACE: "We want 'f ", Catherine Furze. \TaD, Eileen A. Sullivan, Gertrufle., Manuel L. Carreiro. peace . but not an ,artifical Atty. Fred Torphy . • lliv~n. ~ , , ' " ':-:," :. ,Joseph Phelan Mr. & Mrs~ Jmnes A. O'Brien peac~ that would be a hidden ST. JOHN THE BA1P'TI8'1" Mr. & Mrs. Lorenzo Savard Jk.. 'LeO O'Brien" Willi~" P., form af surrender to the ,Daby II)rBrien, 'Edmund Gagne, siSteni'. $100 ,: . Communists." said Father " Charles Dr. Margaret S. Doherty 'J' :': ~ Joan fY/. Arc. '~',', 'A Frie;ld Ca~ 'yan' Luan, a S~igOn' Mr.. & Mrs. Ro1;lert Nagle,; 'Wi!pam' ,OIDonnell,·. ~'~~ M &: Mrs. George' casavant Margaret & M. Cecilia Shea Uf,liversity ,professor- ~d Oi'Toole, Mt~ & Mrs. Geocge $.35 ,., ' personal' friend of President han,' raUUleJ7iand,~; & Mrs; Wil1i~~: Ma'. & Mrs. Ra.ymond Fran , Mrs. John Hogan &: KatberiDe sewell, Mrs;, Angela Wingare, , ,.: <».et!£ Nguyen-Van Thieu.The 'A;. Friend ' , Dorothy Kirby, Lingard, JrIlQiil:r'
$38 priest is in this, eountry' ~ • ~ Neilan Family Rose & JohD Rogan , " : . '
Me. & Mrs. Eugene GBgrlOIli. ST.MICHAEL
-Fan Raver
lJ'lIIRily A Friend
$150 lTa memory of Rev..
"aerton, S.s., $100 ifD memory,of Peter A. Lee)"!!'.
st. LouLs Women's GUild st. Louis Conference. ,84. Via
..m de PaUl Society
ilIIr. & Mrs.. William F.
Me. $60 !1m memory of 'Mr. Ii: 'Mm. !Ilbomas J. Conroy $30
lfn memOry of IVIr. &: Mrs.l¥liChIIel Tobin ' Evelyn Creigh
$27 Ann Tuttle . $26, Mr. & Mrs. John: Mahel!" Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Brituand $25 Ella· Hanrahan, Hilda Myles, .lames Whalon, Ronald Botelho. lUt.. & Mrs:. ManueI Cordeiro Jr. Thomas Conroy, Dr. & Mrs. ~eorge Horan, John H', McAn drew" Edward S. McAndrew, lIrene Reynolds Ri ta Doran, Margaret, Doran. Thomas Doran, David Grace. Mr. die: Mrs. Daniel Vincent Mr. & Mrs. Jesse Oliveira ST.· ll:IA'L11lJITI1EU
$200 Rev. Henri J. Charest $101 Dr. & Mrs. Omer Boivin $100 Rev. Thomas E. Morrissey
MI'. & Mrs. Arthur Gauthi«
A Friend HI'. & Mrs,' Osear Parkei'
Me; & Mrs. Alphonse . .
'/Ji: Mrs. Alfred Berube, Mr. &:
'Mrs. George Gagnon, Mr. & Mm.
Rpbert Messier. Union St. Jean Baptiste d.' Amerique Conseil Ste. Rita No. ~97. Mr. & Mrs. Philias Ouel lette Family, Mr. & Mrs. GeOrge Campeau Family, Francis Lau-, am, Mr. &: Mrs. HerVe Proulx. ,Normand Perry, Mr. & Mrs.. J(rim Perry.
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Poi.ssom • family
Mr., &: ·Mrs. George Cu~ $25 '
Mr. ~,Mrs., John Ca~~~.,: Mrs. Dora Fiola ' .
Franciscan Fathers OFM
$200 ..Dominican Fathers $125
Ik & Mrs. Paul DeVillen $100
St. Vincent de Paul Society, St. Al!me'~ Parish $60 Mr. & Mrs. Normand H. Boule J.30
Dr. Adelard Demers Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Normand Chapde laine Francois J. Martineau Adelard Gauthier Mr. &: Mrs. Edward Nowak: Bernard H. Paquette Mr. & Mrs. Leo Paul Cousineam Mrs. Dora Gauthier Mr. & Mrs. Hector Lachan02i HOLY ROSAlIty
Holy Cross PTA, St. Vincent de Paul Society, A Friend. Celia & Helen Plichta, Mr. as Mrs. Stanley W. Nowak Mr. & Mrs. Walter Witengler. The Szewczyk Fainily, ,Mr. &:; Mrs. Charles J. Szulew:skl OUR LADY OF HEALTH $50
In memory of Mrs. Rose Freitas Manuel Mello & Family
A Friend
Caetano Medeiros $25
St. Vincent de Paul Antone Ferreira Augusto Santos Jr.
Francisco C.Silvia
St. Stanslaus Women'a Gulllcll $70 Dr. & Mrs, Walter 'Conrad $50
Sl Stanislaus Men's Club $26' Mr. & Mrs. George Pereiro Mr. & Mrs. Walter Deda .. $25 Aniela Kruczek, ':Mr. 83 Mrs. Daniel A. Sullivan, Mr. & Mrs.• Walter Wojcik, Mr. & 1\&"s. William Wolowiec. ST. ANTMONY OlF l1"ADUA
,Mrs: Angelo ,Ricci , .. ' $25
Raymond Cantelmo, In memOl7 A Friend M ,Thomas Flanagan, Mr.' & MrrJ. .. Alphonse Mailloux Alphonse F. Saulino, Mr. &MrL Mr. ,. MrS. Harold. MCNemtW;, ' JL.oWs. A. Sisea' & ...
Mr. Be
d1l3 Hew $51 Manuel E. CIUIJ&"a
. Rev. Laureano
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Toomq
$100 Rev. Vincent F. Diaferio John W. Varanese \ $60 Delia's Auto Driving School. Henry Seneca, Prop.
A Friend, Anita Turcotte, Mr.
Mrs. Eugene Dionne , $31 Edgar Poisson Mrs. Angelina Jean
Rt. Rev. Joseph R. Pannon!
presen't'to government offi cials, the heirarchy, the press and private ci~... the views of South Vietna llle8e people on the war.
New Bedford
, Gene¥i.eve A.. Harringtoa. McIntyre, Mr. Ie :Mrs. Timothy J. Murphy, Mr. & Mrs. Frank: Andrade, Mr. & Mrs. Ar 1bur Messier. . Mr. & Mrs. William AngelilllJ..
Mr. &: Mrs. Francis Carey, Mr.
a.: Mrs. James Pedder, Mr. &
Mrs. James H. Pimental, Mm.
.Josepb LaCroix, Mr. & :Mrs.
Henry Dussault.
~. & Mrs. Antone 'Cam... $ZS Me. It MrL ~ GomeII .. Sons r ,Me. 8r; Mrs, Ed:wlU'<ll 'l'ebtetlla A Friend.
Mr. &: Mrs. Everett G. ie,.,
Mr. &: Mrs. Thomas r . . . . $40 Mildred V. Carron Mr. &: Cornelius Lynch $35 The Kenny Family Gertrude A. & Allee L7Ddl Mona M. Shea $30 Mr. '& Mrs. Howard MeIker ,M;r. & Mrs. Thaddeus Tokan Mr. & Mrs. Charles Leonard Anna L- Sullivan I; Catherine She:! . Mr.' '& Mrs, James Kelley Jr.' Hilda Phillips . Mr'. & Mrs. John Harrington 'Thomas Sullivan . Me. & Mrs. JosePh Paquet Mr. & Mrs. Edward B. 'John" W: Cunuilings' Clarence ~nner Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Keefe Mr. & Mrs. Willi~ Renaud $26 Tlie Mahoney Family Mr. & Mrs. Bernard F. Sui livan 'Mr. & Mrs. William King Mrs. Herbert King Mr. & Mrs. Pierre BroUIUI ·Mr. & Mrs. Lawr.ence E. Graf ibm Mr. & Mrs; William Cleare $25 . Mr. &: Mrs. Joseph Cummings, Elinore Kennedy, Mr. & MrS. Henry Lemerise, Anna Malone, Mr. & Mrs. Martin McDonilld. 'Mr. & Mrs. Fred Czerwonka. The Nash Family, Claire Marie fiart, John T. Crowley, Mr. & Mrs. Roland Gagnon. , 'Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Fortin BE ,Collette, Margaret Lahey, Mr. & . Mrs. Dennis Crane-In memory of Christopher Clark, Mrs. Wil liam Sherry. Mrs. Jamw Eo Sullivan. Grace ,Cuttle, James Higgins, Marie A. & Michael Murphy. Eileen.Higg41s, Elizabeth P. iii: l&mma Connors. Mr~, & MrS. John E. Cruger, Mr. &: Mrs. Thomas Hammond. Marion L. Torphy, Mr. & Mn. Robert A. Lyons, Gertrude KeU7. Anne·& Mary Kelly, Mr. • DIIn. JohD LeOnard, Mary Hur ler, Geo1"~ ~, catherJDe P. !famin§toa. .. ' - .
$100 Lillian Cole ~ary Cole Mr. & Mrs. John Gibbons Dr. & Mrs. Frank R. Leary George Rogers $75
'Rev. Lucio B. Phillipino.
Mr: & Mrs. Thomas Cawley
·Mrs. John V. O'Neil . $30 Mrs. Orner Bellenoit Mr. & Mrs. James HarringtOlll $27
Mr. & Mrs. John O'Neil
'$26 Mr. Be Mrs. Arthur Bancroft Sr. Mr. & Mrs. William Francis John &:' Edmund Kennedy Mr. & Mrs~ W1!lter King . Helen, Meln tyre . Mr.. & Mrs: Harold Po Ryan' l. . " $25 '.. .Mr. & Mrs. Martin Po BaITy,' Mr..·&; Mrs.· Richard Cole, Mr.. & ' Mrs. Charles W,. Deasy, Edward Duggan, Richard Francis ,Mrs. Ethel Gibeault, Gerald.' Harrington. Mr. &. Mrs. Arthur" Hunt, Mr. &: Mrs. James W. Leith, MI'. &: Mrs. Edwin Livingston Sr. ' Daniel Lysko, Mr. I; Mrs. Man ,ael Meno &: Thomas Mello, Con- . stantine Murnin I; Sandra A. Fortes, Mrs. Theresa O'Leary, Mrs. John Pendergast Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Ruell, Mr. • Mrs. Mark: Sevigney, Joan
Sheehan, Mr. & Mrs. George
Alfred. R. Forni
st.. Vincent de ,Paul
Bose Alves $~5
Catechism Classes, JP'amily. Rose Sykea
Mr. &: Mrs. Frederick Sylvia ~IutFreitas
WYman 3-6592
THE ANCHO!1Thws., May 9, 1968
New CeD, Center
Continued from Page One P.M. and to sc;rVI2
Jesuit Candidate
For City Council
ALLEPPEY (NC) - A Jesuit priest will run in the forthcom iJlg elections for the local city eouncil. Father J. K. Thayi). S..l.. founder of a cooperative llOci ety for rick-sha"" pullers here in India, justified his candidaey on the ground that priests tWa,. have ~ become "one with &be ,people of God." Father Thayil, who presUJll alIly will run as a non-~"" candidate, said that bis program as a councilman will include ef forts for housing the poor, ex emption of the poor and the un employed from taxation and eon~tructio~ of swimming poo1rJ and a .tadlUJn.
fiS bcndqUBr--·~
for all Diocesan CCD nHainl. '1rhese include the eooroination of the religious instruction of the more than 35,ODO Cntbolle children attending public schoo]15 in the Diocese; the promotion a1i adult religious education pro grams currently involving )800 ]persons; the CCD excepUonaX children's religious courses op erating in various locations .iD the Diocese; publication ~ the monthly CCD newsletter, The Pulse, and the organizaMon o:r methods and doctrine. The first activity of lhe Dioc esan CCD Center will be an aU day "In-Service" workshop fo! CCD teachers from the Fan River area on Saturday. The program, planned by priests ~ the Greater Fall River llren wd Sister Joan Louise of tble CCD staff, is the last -in n series cd five such workshops held in tile Diocese during the eunent school year. Additional events ocheduJoo for the Center include the an nual banquet for Diocesan board members next Tuesday and an open house on Saturday, May 25 and Sunday, MllY 2f3. The "in-service workshop, de mgned lor those currently m volved in classroom work irl parish CCD elementary and big}) .schools of religion, was plannetll by priestQ of the Fall River a-reQ and Sister Joan Louise, OLVM, Dloeean CCD supervisor. The day-long seminar win provide a variety of sessions in cluding "The Use of Film in the High SChool"; "The Psychology of the Junior High Student"; "'Filmstrips for Use in Element ary Schools"; Techniques ,and Projects to Make the E!ement Dry Religion Class Come Alive"'; "The New Things for High School" with special emphasis OIl "Group Dynamics"; and "Lead ing Students to Self-Discipline". Among those presenting the workshop sessions will be Mrs. Charles Fuller, president of the Fall River Diocesan CCD Bollrd; Miss Janet Barbelle, Swansea, and members of the Victory Noll Community in North Easton Sis ter Joseph Adele, Sister de Por res and Sister Martha Mary. The workshop will' begin . at II A.M. with registration. At 9:45, the Most Rev. James L. Connolly, D.D., Bishop of Fall River, will bless and dedicate ihe CenteT. Luncheon will Collow the morn ing seminars and participantl!l are requested to bring their own lunches. The Center will provide beverages. Many of the morning seminars will be repeat ed in afternoon sessions, aDd there will be general assemblies for both elementary and bigh ~hool teachers in the afternoon. At 3 P.M., the workshop will eonclude with a concelebrated Mass. Participating will be Rev. John FoIster and Rev. George W. Coleman, Fall Ri ver Area CCD eo-directors, and Rev. Joseph L Powers, Diocesan CCD diredor. ~rs
88. PETER AND fAUL ~5()C
Rev. ,David A. O'Brien
Rev. John F. Aml,rews
Rev. John P. Driceoll . $CO Mrs. Thomas Cu:b.ill. & Thoma!! Ca'biU Jr.
$33 Mrs. Helen BUl':re Charles J. Burke Jr. IDZ!:r. & l'.m. .T~rcme D. For€'~ !I\1:r. & ~. ::. Z!:ward GlymJ AJme & JlbriC::L O'Hearn
$25 'Teresa ::rcrtzr, Peter G3rity"
Mrs. Ernest A. l:Iusprey, Mm JCSFph Lmv:or, 7r=ei3 L. Low ~.
SCHOLARSHIP WINNERS: Bishop Connolly congratulates winners of scholarships ]-li~h School, Fall River. From left, Francis J. Brmo, St. John of ('.00 parish, Somerset, pupil at St. Michael's School, Fall River; Stephen J. Talbot, Immaculattl Conception parish, Fall River, pupil at St. Mary's ('~Ithearal School; the Bishop; me.mil M. Babbitt, Eastham, St. Joan of Arc parish and school, Orleans; Kevin A. Aguiar, Si. Theresa's parish, Tiverton, pupil at St. Louis School, Fal1 River.
to Bishop Connolly
Joy of Young Religious, CO,mmitted Laity Proves It's Fun to Be Catholic , By Patricia MeGowan
Mr. & :um.. Lr'.unmce Lynch, :Mr. & Mrs. TJ::·c.,."q Slater, The Sweeney F=ily. Mr. & Mrs. Edward TyrI81, Mnry Tyn"€ l l. lilly. & Mrs. Nicholas Tyrreml SANTO CHRISTO ~50
Santo Christo CYO $25 Daniel Castanho, Alvaro Rege ~r., Joseph V. Medeiros, Louis So Machado, Mr. & .Mrs. Allw!lllt S4~~
':' cOntinued from Page One' "Why aren't yOll a Catholie?It's such fun !" Ha-ve you ·ever said that to an!o'one '1 BE'iti!llilBroaiIc:astinr ~ . Have ,you ever thought it you-rself? Bet you haven't!' Yet - why not 71 St.. &maro tiftl~ Ii. member of tile PODiitieIQl said, "Jesus is honey in the mouth, music, in the' ear,a .shout of gilldness in the hearl..'" «COmmission (In ",orld .Jastietl But is' he really that for-most of us ? Are we l1eally dist.inguishable from anyone else by aDd Peace, Miss Ward briDes reeDS of Catholie thought to the ou,r, spirit, of joy, our love c~i~ate of the apostolate. U's "i 'I F ~t many foreign oow:iries, llOO' great "'r~blems of au Ume, apo f or each 0 th er. . or IDvo an· atmosphere in ' which it's easy should leave no <Jl1e wondering plying principles tQ faet, wiUl ,~ B t of US, the answer is no. u to be good. There's the con what to do with himself for .Ole flhiBll that has made her . . ' S for some the answer's a I'e sciousness of a gro1Jp working vacation:
«lWve, perceptive, yet eo&iIy sounding yes! Who are these towards a -common' end. In III For those interested in 5J)eC llIlDderstood, commentator. '"happy ·few"? Without excep sense, when one is in such sur iatized activities, there are SUJlfb EuIbara wara speaks tel melIl tion. they are the l'ommitted roundings, it's easier to swim mer institutes available jml1 _ill women of good win, wWill Catholics, the ones who've taken with the tide, to be a comrnit about everywhere. One close ~o whom she shares bliloyam hOIJ4lI) our Lord's words seriously: "He ted Christian, than not to ~. home is a feur-t'lay meeting for floll' ll\ better world. that shall lose his life for me Can't Go It Alone laymen and religious on -The shall find it." Most of us aren't There is a clue here. Most Christian Community: Listeni~ brave enough to do the losing, us make sporadic attemptstf> tc the W()r~d." It's to be he3~ so we never do the finding. improve our lives, to heighten at Bosten College :from Sat~;r PQ!mt and WaJlpaper : The happy truth is, however, the level of our Chdstianity. day, Jun~ 15 through Wedr:es that God simply will not be But most of Us try to go. it day, June 19. 'Topics will " .' I Du,pc:rt !Paint outdone in generosity. The real alone. We lack the powerful elude EducationanCl AlienatiGn: cor. Middle St. ly daring saints have founded impetus of bei'n'g part of a group, Spiritual <lnd Haterial Po\,eity, "~ 422 Acush. Ave. institutions on this faith. And arid little by little we relapse Changing Attitudes on Sexu~) ~.... New Bedford GOd bas sent them the wido'w's into our former ways. But ity, 'the N~g'ro S€ l f-Image 'm' mite, the loaf of bread necessary there's' a vague dissatisfaction Christian Society and AUt.OO7 ., . P.ARKfNG to ward off starvation. He still with ourselves and it wouldn't ity and Inv{)}vement in Re , Rear cf Store operates in the same way. Those take much to rouse us once W.;OTe ligious Community. InformatiOil who th~w themselves upon 'his to increased effort. is available from Hev. William love and mercy will attest ~ What should we do? For maT J. Connolly, S.J~ 405 carney Enjoy Dining thilr-aDd their own happi ried couples, there is the Christ Hall, Boston College, Chestll~~ ness. ian Family Movement, an amaz. Hill, Mass. 02167. -IN THE 'Where can we look for ex ingly effective apostolic organ More than a Summer amples of this? No farther than ization not only ,geared for htt5 How about those with mOTe JOlLVWHAlER most seminaries or novitiates. bands and wives, but using \he than a Summer to spare? How --,ANJ). Anyone who's had contact with material of their daily lives to about giving a year or so ac IlUCh institutions can vouch for build towards sanctity-and it!! the Chul"cl1 as a Jay volunteer'? SPOtJfTER INN the lightheartedness of the accompanying happiness. In the Is this a 'completely impossible young who've dedicated them Fall River Diocese, information idea? Are ycm sure? Before say iREStAURANTS selves to Christ. The same spir on CFM is available from Mr. ing "Oh, 1 couldn't," make sure it glows in groups of lay apos and Mrs. William Crowley, 1 ;) reaction isn't just ;In auto AIWG'fS :free ,PGrltiO!l ties. Years after a perioo spent Nicbols Avenl::e, Seekonk. matic reflex. Why couldn't yo~'? as a volunteer at the former Maybe you have several smart Remember, "He ihat sffi'lU lose Friendship House in Harlem, children and feel that apostolic: his life for me shall find it." New York, a man could say activities aren't for you for If such a thought plants ,;} wistfully, "Never have I' felt years to come. Not so. Write W seed, information about work as eloser to Christ." He groped for Christian Family Mission Vo a Papal VoluntE:el' for Latin C06',7~ete words to describe the esprit cations, li2 S. Princeton Ave America or as an ,E.xtensicn de corps of the interracial nue, Villa Park, Ill. 60Hll and Home Volunteer is .av.aBa~}e group, its charity and zea] for find out how you can pack up fr{)m Rev. ,James W. Clark, S1. the things of God, and could babies, diapers and all and ,com . Mary's-Rectoz:y, 14 St. Mary's only end by sighing, "n was bine a vacation with work tCT Square, Taunton 02780. wonderful." Christ in mission ar~ClS right m Training for varied aposw Materially, it wasn't wonder the United States. Work in lates fory.oung women isdlJelr ful at all. Friendship House e]l[ eludes aidin-s religious \'aC<l ed by Grailville, Lo\'€ l and, ,C. isted in a string, of rat-ridden tion schools, home visiting amJl Grail graduates 1:an be fouoo tenements and its young staff repairing church properlies. in mission lands as nurses, i' workers spent their days oop Housing is provided by mission tenchers, .agricultural wOrXel"5 ing with the myriad miseries of pastors, and there's plenty·o! and journalists, ;0 name a few the slums. They, wore castoff time on the egenda for swim opportunities; and in this' clothing, ate donated food and ming, hiking, picnicking and countr)'.as workers wifh 1m- received an allowanCe, wben otber holiday-type activities. eign students, staff membel'5 m available, of $6 monthly. But MaDY Institutes J1iturgiea1eenter.s, aides 10 bar 1I'AUNION, MASS. I they lived the litUl'gy, they Students free for the Slim ried mothers, .and pnrticipaoill loved Christ as a brother, and mer could ,CJi) worse than wl'iie is musieaI" amsUs: and m~r.D'Y happiness shone from them. to the Social Aetion Sec.retar pro;;eets cd .man." kinds. ' TH' :BANK OM
The "Friendship House feel iat at Manhattanville 'College, This is but a .sampling qf .op TAUNTON GUIM
ing" exists, as neted, in semi Purchase, N.Y. for a booklet en portunities awllable UOOe7 naries and novitiates. Mission ti.tled "Summer of Service: Di Catholic ausplce3. Along .,-m MeIDber eJ,'eduaI . . . . . I aries have it, Papal Volunteers rectory of Volunteer Opporluni oord work they offer the jo~ ~.. 'CorIm'a1lell testify to its force in their ties for CoUege Students." 'T'hiz 1roI1derful e1lmilte of the ..~ lives; it could be called the lists 82 projects in 29 states aiMll tolate.
:for Bristol County
Bristol County , Trust Company:
THE ANCHOR:-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs.; May 9, 1968
. $32 Mr. & Mrs. Frederick J. De
$250 '\ $30
Rt. Rev. Lester L. Hull Charles A. Duffy
Mabel M. Smith
Dr. 'John E. Manning Mr. & Mrs. Dennis C. Hurley
$140 Richard E. Hennessey
Adelaide C. Trainor
James, Florence & Catherine '$125 Kennedy
Edward J. Delaney James T. Robe,rts
$110 Leopold J. Giroux
Quinlan F. Leary
Catherine I. Trainor
$100 Mr. & Mrs. EdwarQ. Viveiros
Mr. & Mrs. John B. Cummings
$26 Deceased Benefactors Sacred Hannah G. Connors Heart Conference, St, Vincent de Mr. & Mrs. Daniel F. Duffy paul Society .Catherine Lomax Sacred Heart Conference, St. $25 :Yincent de Paul Society
Kathryn Doherty, Mrs. John C.
Helen .L. Sullivan (In memory ef: Ann F, Clancy, Margaret E. Torpey, Joseph M. Reilly, Donald
Black, William Black
Bam.mill, Mary M. Har·ringtoIi Catherine Murphy, Helen P.
Thomas A. Synnott APPOINTED: Robert Le~ Leary, Margaret Springer (In· Mrs. Charles E. Sevigny Flore is the newly appointed memory of Herman SprIriger), ·Elizabeth M. Trainor Director of Job Development ,Mr. & Mrs. John H. Springer & $55 Mr & Mrs Daniel F.Murphy Jr. Mrs. Mary E. Larrabee, Mary V. . and Field Operations for the McCarty & Anna G. McCarty Mr & Mrs John J. Tuite Tri-Faith Employment Proj .Mr. & Mrs. Edward F. Daley, H. Frank Reilly ect of the Chicago Confer Mr. & Mrs. Francis J. Waring, . $50 ence on Religion and Race. Charles V.' Porta, Mrs. Eddy Mary E. Quirk The conference is sponsored Dorothy A. & Regina M. Hig- Kaufman (In memory of Jere miah Sullivan) Mr. & Mrs. by. the Board of Rabbis, the Horace Hall
William J. Pelton Church Federation of Great Elizabeth L.Leonard, T. Arthur er Chicago, and the Chicago .Grace Family McCann, Thomas F. Connors, Dick H. Cutting . The· Misses Donovan, Margaret Roma~ Oatholic Archdiocese. $40 Desmond . The Daley Family Helen F. Loftus, .The Coughlin OUR lLADY OF TaE ANGELS .Thomas D & Margaret F. Tolan Fa;mily, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Ned $35 $1205 derman, Mr. &. Mrs. J. Joseph Grace t. Martin Welch, Mr. & Mrs. Edmund Rt. Rev. Anthony M. Gomes Jane G. Broderick Mitchell $100 Mary Flynn St. Vincent de Paul Society Leonard J. Hughes Dr. Henry C. Lincoln ST. ELllZABETH James L. Connor George Tonelli $25
Margaret R. Sullivan . $90
Manuel S. Borges :Walter H. White Rev. George J. Sousa
$75 Rev. Ronald Sylvia Holy Rosary Sodality HOLY NAME, ST. JOHN BAPTIST, Council of Catholic Women :FALL RIVER CENTRAL VILLAGE $50 Contemporary music will acThe Ladies' Guild will meet Holy Name Society eoompany the 8:30 Mass Sunday at 8 tonight in the parish hall. Maria, Albertina, Olivia and morning, May 12. Election of officers will take Charles Mello The CCD executive board place.· $32
will meet at the rectory at 7:30 The unit will hold its" annual Arthur Souza
tomorrow night. moUher - daughter : communion $30
Children of the parish will breakfast following 7.30 Mass Manuel Raymond
lleCeive their first holy com- Sunday morning, May 12, also
munion at a special 9 o'clock in the hall: Mrs. Clarence Kirby ~atholic Youth Organization Mass Saturday morning,'·. May should be contacted for reserManuel Correia 35. The traditional May crown- vations. Closing date is today. Robert Correia
ing ceremony will be held .the Arthur Rego
lo11owing d . a y . · · ST. MARGARET. Raymond· Paiva BUZZARDS BAY Children of Mary SodaUty . liT•. JOSEPH, S~. Margaret-Mary Guild will Knights of the Altar :FALL RIVER sporisor a rummage sale on SatChristianQ Pacheco Boy Scouts will serve a meat . urday, May 18 in St. Margaret's. .$28 . pie supper Saturday evening; Iqndergarten Hall, Main St. Antonio Ribeiro J·r. May 18. Tickets are available from 9 to 1. Mrs. William Brady Henry Camara fI'om troop members. . will serve as chairman. $26 Mrs. Thomas McGove·rn will be The·W omen's Gild'n U WI mee t Joseph Silvia, Joseph M. Theo ~ tonl'ght. . . ch·airman o.f t.he monthly' pUQIi'c dore, John Souza, Julius Rod_ 7'30 . The Stang High School Mys- whist party scheduled 'for 'lJ . riques . tibrook Singers will be heard o'clock on Saturday evening, • the 8:15 Mass Sunday morn- May 25 in..· the Kindergarten $25 mg, May 12. Hall. Pavao Family, Mary R. Cabral, Patricia R. Cabral, Mary Cabral. OUR LAD OF ANGELS, ST. JEAN BAlPTISTE, Furtado Family :FALL RIVER FALL RIVER Manuel Velho, Gerald Cardelli, Daily Masses are scheduled Mrs. Remi Rinfret will be Mary Simas, Antone Michaels, chairman for a Council of . Alf ed for 7 in the morning and 4 r Almeida in the afternoon. Catholic Women meeting at Manuel Aguiar, Natalie Martin 7.30 Monday night, May 13 in Alf ed Co Children of Mary will re- the church hall. With Mrs. Alr ry, John Souza, Carl eeive communion at 8 o'clock Frederick Ma fred Berube she will present ss Sunday morning, May 12. "An Old-Fashioned French' .Albertina & Leonora Mello, Members are asked to wear Evening~" . Manuel !-\'Iagano,Alfred Mello. white dresses and veils. The Mariano Thomas, Mary Thomas annual mother-daughter com- ST. ANTHONY OF PADUA, ·Edward Teves, Manuel Faria, munion breakfast will follow FALL RIVER Tobias Monte, Manuel Goncalo Mass and a crowning ceremony. Mrs. Frederick Sherry, R.N.. George Silvia ' ST. ROCII~ will .!'peak at· a. mother-daugh- '. fVIary & Merces Laurellll:o, Fran . :FALL RIVER .. ter ,communion1?reakfasf to· cisco Maul'isso, Philip Costa. . Norman ,i.. p.ot .· .· w,·.iU se .. r.·vA follow.8 o'clock Mass ·Sunday Holy Ghost Social Club VIn ... morning, May :12 hi the parish" . .. general' chairman. 01. the . hall. .Breakfast reservations parish·· comJJ)i.tt~ ·pl8ririiiig· . a· cl.os~ today. ahd tickets are·' testim()nial on Th~fsd·~y·night, ·available. from ·Mrs. Mary:Sil.. · More~o~fortWe,~rinci May 30 at Whi~e's.~staurilUt in .via; Council of Ca.tholic Women' .
honor of Rt. Rev: Reginald M. president; Mrs: .Cora· Sotlzaj To overcome discomfort when Barrette in honor of· his elevation breakfast chairman;· and Emella delitures' sUp, slide or lOosen, Just sprinkle a Uttle FASTEETH on your to the Domestic .Prelature. Te~xeira, co-chairman. .. plates. FASTEETH holds dentures Donald A. Domingue·will serve Council 'members are re-. firmer. You eat better, feel more comfortable. FASTF.;ETH Is· alkaline master. of ceremonies. The quested to participate in a pro sour. Helps check plate odor. :reception is' un<ier the charge of cession and. services honoring, -won't Dentures that fit arc ell6ential to health. See your dentist regularly. Lorenzo G. Levasseur and Alme Our Lady of Fatima at 7 MonGet ~AST~ a~a~_~U/I COWltera.. st. Armand. day night, May 13.
Fall ,River
hands L. Harringtoa $26
Mrs. Franklin Fairhurst
Jane Horan
Charles McClimans
$25 Frances Brough, Mr. &; Mrs. John J. Christopher, Eunice Dioa Mrs. Thomas H. Duffy, Mr. " Mrs. Bradford Durfep. Mr. & Mrs. Marcellus Feeney. Mr. & Mrs. Edward D. Fitzgerald William Gaudreau, Julia Halr-> rington, Douglas Law Mr. & Mrs. John Lynch., Mar garet McCloskey, Mr: & Mrs. John J. Moloney, Claire Nagle, Mrs. Margaret Panos Russell Pichette, Mildred Pow ers, Joseph P. Reilly, James D. Salvo, In memory of Commander John Joseph Shea, Timotby Thompson BLESSED SACRAMENT , $25 Mr. & Mrs.· Maurice Brault Mr. & Mrs. Roger Lauzon Mr. & Mrs. Maurice J. Poirielr
Judge. Beatrice H. Mul~ap.ey
Mrs. John L. Clemmey Dr. Ramsis G. Elias Dr. & Mrs. Louis Kroger $80 The Misses Foley $65 In Memory of Nora T. Maher $60 Leroy Borden Mr. & Mrs. Nestor G. Silva $51 Mrs. William F. Hurll Mrs. Mary Walker $50 Catherine & Mary L. Harriiig t{)n The McArdly Family $45 ~ A. Boynton Co. Inc. $35 The Charles A. Murphy Family $32 Mr. & Mrs. Bernard G. Tom linson'
The/.Parish Parade
va niB
Do you read our mail? ••• If so, you'll receive in the next week or two our invitation to 'help the Holy Father do what Christ did in the Holy Land. .•• In Bethlehem, for instance. At the Pontifical Mission Orphanage our Sisters are giving a home' 'to 60 little Arab girls who otherwise might have been lost forever.••• In Jerusalem the Pontif· ical Mission offtee provides clothing (collected in the U.S.A.) to the aging and the crippled, babies, the destitute-as well as food and medi cines (more than 1,000 children daily receive their only hot meal).•.• Refugee boys are be coming tailors at the Salesian School in Naza reth. automobile"mechanics at the Benedictine School in Lebanori.••• Blind girls· learn to "read" in the Gaza Strip, deaf·mute boys begin to speak at Father Roberts' home near Beirut. It's all possible because you support the Pon tifical Mission for Palestine.••• What is the Pontifical Mission? The sister agency of the Cat~ollo Near East Welfare Association, it's the Holy Father's self·help relief agency for 1.4 mil lion Arab refugees, begun 19 years ago by Pope . Paul himself (then Monsignor Montini) after the first ~rab·lsraell Wa~. Your own mission of mercy In the Holy Land, It serves Moslems as well as Christians on the basis of 'need, not creed.' ; •• If you do not hear from us this week, why nol write to us? We'lI tell you how you can help•
o $2500 School bils for the blind o $1000 Equip maternity clinic
Dear llIonslgnor Nolan: Please return coupon . with your offering
$250 Generator for vocational workshop $150 Classroom in refugee school $75 Portable altar for camp chapel $50 Sewing machine for girls' school $25 Bicycle for visiting nurse Braille books for the blind $10 Dresses for an orphan girl $5 Blanket for a baby $2 $1 One month's lunch for a refugee child $_ _Whatever is needed
o o o o o o o o o
_ _
HAMI ---------------.;. STRIIT-.;.._..;.. "--_ OITY_ _:--:--_ _ '!ATI!_·_. I"
TNI aATHGLla 1I'lAili IA8' WI!L.A ••· AIIGalATIaii
MSQR. JOHN I. NOLAN, .Natl~nal Secreta" Write: CATHOLIC NI!AR EAST WI!LfARI Assoc. 330 Madison Avenue' New York, N.Y. 10011 Telephone: 212'/YUkon 6·5840
Race, .,to Wire In" Two' Leagues:
Clo~" 'Ba'seball .Stan:dJ'ings: Soften' Imbalance Cha'rge
$126 William J. !Dugan $101
-contender"'iB oft..timea an expression that ~ over
'Worked by sports columnists, coaehes and fans alike. Each new season very few sports buffs predict OJ)enly that their favorites will win the league championship, but, rather the universal e:ry is "they will be in enntention." This ~lete its first round of ac Spring at least five clubs tion 'tomorro'>'7. Generally at point in the SCallon it is were given an outside ehance 1his "wait 'lmID n€iXlt year." Not :!lmihernS2lll
Rev. Francis M. Coady Rev. Ralph D. Tetrault 535 Mr. & Mrs.. Lucien Bedard $35 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Doyle
S30 Mr. & Mrs. Edward Sheehan Mrs. Mary Lznnon & mary unnon . William Guillmette ,,Mr. & Mrs. Charles Santos HelU'Y J. KUchen
th:s Spring! All 1:ocal favoriies are still
in contention. Regardless of this week'o result3 the' 'ocOntend ers" will enter the secon.d ba:if' , of the CD.m~aign "with thelr' of Attlebcro sights !bred on fre c'rOwii. w;:IS tabbed 8S At tihis imJ)Ortant juncture 1!1 pos3ible l"il each contest 'U1kes on more sig pe3i ehm:npion. nificanee. The clUD that makes The prognosti the fewest mistaltes will emerge ~1'B also said, on top, proving to its followers "don't o~erlook GIld 'all fmls t..."J.at it alone de Attelboro." served the' title of "top con-, Durfee High o£ tender." Fan River ond crosstown rivals Taunton and North AtUe':>oro will Mst Dur-· Ms@'. Coyle High were the fee, Taunton will pl~y at Fee choieesof their f.aitbftIl. And, han, New Bedford Voeational in New Bedfordmostenthu win be ,at heme to neighboring siasts were saying this iis the Stang, and COllIe win travel to year for the Bishop Stang Spar Attleboro to play the Bombar 10ns ,of Dartmouth. diezs tomorrow to finish first The Bristol County loop will round action. ~on
01 the dio Bishop F£clmn High
e ese,
'Raiders Seek to Retain
Il\DiACULA'!i:iZ CONCEPTION I', $250 Rt. Rev. Arthur W. Tansey
By PETER BAR'lrEK Norton High Coaeh
of wimrlng the Bristol County Leagueehompionship. In' the
Thurs., May 9, 1968
" $26
Leonel P2Iiva
Mr. & I\.ITs. Wilfred Charette Lawrence :Talbot $25 , Mr. & l'.irs. Eclward Riley, !IfI~ Peter Yeaman, Lomer Lapointe, Rogel!' Riowr, James McManus Edward Gazarro, Eileen Mc Nally, Mr & Mrs Fred J. McNally
AT LOYOLA CLUB: Paul Harney, g-t:>lf pro and Holy Cross graduate demollstrates technique to Rev. Charles Dunn, 8.1., rector of Bishop Connolly High Sehoo~ Fall' River, and Charles Gagnon, vice-president of scboo)~s Loyola :Club, at organization's first eommunion breakfast.
$100 Rev. L:ris A Cardoso , $30 Mr. & Mrs. Antonio T. Oliveim $26
Mr. & MIrS. Roger Toni
The N ~ League Warrims hnve been one of the
eompletesthe flr.rt week af surprise teams :.n theNan.:y
8eOOl1d round aetion toda7. ,eircuit catapulti.::1g from the
Msgr. Prevost 'High of Fall Riv- 'eenar a year a,go 'iIrto the fim
er will battle Holy FamiJ,y of division. A loss in Wday's .eon
New Bedford in 1he '!billYdty, test could prove disastrous to
Dighton-Rehoboth takes on Di- the leago.els Cinder.alla team.
mnn Vocatlonal inl'all River, Cllse and Dighton-Rehoboth
Case HJ,gh of Swansea hi at
Seekonk and first round leader will play a make-up game Sat-
Somerset will host WestporlU1'daY to brealt fmeir third
Coach Jim Sullivan's Blue place deadlpck.The vietor will
Raidezs will ,attempt to protect move into a aeeond-place tie,
a slim one-game league' lead with. Seeko:::k.
~,to the ,ehaII).piorisliip. With a:n.ly :six games remain
Invariably the nUmber one team ing :in the 14-g=e league
"ip aDy league will meet the oPschedule it appears as though 'positions best pite1ler, game '.in the Narry League is going to f • • and gm'ne out. Somerset can ex- rival .the larger Bristol County pect harsh treatr:nert frmn the Scllool league in two of the TeSt of the league from hete iJD. ~ exciting finishes in the in. 11 the· Raiders survive, th~ ,n,-ea in many years. will have tru!yearned thetl'Ue. .' Whlle ~ recentelamor re- .: '"Narry C2lampions." . ,~rding r en 1 i g n men t of .. ' Seekonk, whi~h led tlle, $-. m;ea -schools mto two new euit for an apbreviated, ~od, ,1ep~es hasdi2d-down as of will strive to upend pre-season late, it is ante,resting to neie favorite Cose today for the see- that the baseball races are ,ODd time this Spring. The wide open affairs.
Make Sunday, --May 12th, Her Happiest
flect,;c Dishwasher is 'he Greafest •••.
' ~,.
.' II .
Fall Complaints Are Much Louder During the Spring months there . is litUe complaining about the inability of one school to compete with another it its league. The reason prolmblyis
that a club with one good pitch er can eke out a few wins be fore the season iseoncluded. Also, there is generally less emphasis on Spring sptlrts.
This Spring only Diman Vo eational has been unable 10
win a ,single first half baseball game in Narry action. On the other hand, no team evaded defeat in the initial half ,of' the
senson. The sume balance is evident in the Bristol County Lengue after the first three weeks of 'the season. 'Bishop Feebtin High
Laity Organiz'e SAN ANTONIO' (NC) ......: A Committee fur 1A\y Involvement ~t up to' "create a, core .of· Cath'o1ic mity concerned for the Church and its misslon".. - lr.ls been formed by n group of Slm Antonio laymeJ]ll.
is the only undefeated club in the circuit while Nortb Attle
bnronnd New Bedford Voea-'
tional are both win-less.
The fad that no school bas really dominated the baseball' scene may be £.D indication that' separate leagues should be es ablished for different sports. " Coaches and. fans alike will
be discussing possible solutions to the various league problems before Fall football rolls around again in september. If anything Is to be d'One to eliminate the' apparent inadequacies, flh.is ~be the time for
'Or, is thi3 just another ca!'m,' before the storm? '·7"
AmerrCltirs:: Eecn~;' (i'''J'
:&he ,Be!>t.·UeaJ 'Come To
BroadweJY ',RGmbler.· INC.
~YNI'1AMi MASS on Rt. 138" CHARLESJ. DlJMAIs. Pres.
see titem o.n Display' at,' your , . . ,Elee.trieul Appliance' pealer or' th~ ::.'
. I,
•. :
~ .
'I' ,
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., May 9, 1968
I ,Establish . New ./~
CCD Center. f.or Diocesan ,
.... ; LAY COORDINATOR Edwo1'd 'p~t (leftlo,nd Willard J' .
r W',::" '
E 'I"