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The ANCHOR An Anchor of the Soul, Sure and Flrm-St. Paul

Fall River, Mass., Thursday, May 9, 1974 PRICE 15c Vol. 18, No. 19 @ 1974 The Anchor $5.00 per year

Maryknoll Ordination For Wareham Man Rev. Mr. Alan K. Borsari, M.M., of Wareham, Mass., will be ordained to the missionary priesthood Saturday, May 18, at the Maryknoll Seminary. His Eminence, Terence Cardinal Coo\.<e, Archbishop of New York, will'be the Ordaining Prelate.


Set Open House For Birthrigh,t In Fall River Birthright of Greater' Fall River, a non-sectarian program offering emergency pregnancy service to girls and women, will hold an open house from 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. today at its offices on the second floor of Clemence Hall, 243 Forest St., Fa.ll River. Volun~eer members and directors of the organization will be on hand to explain its services, which include legal, financial and medical aid. Confidential telephone counseling is available from 7 to 9 Monday, Wednesday and Friday nights at 675路1562, note the directors, who include Claire Howard, Jean Shea, Sheila Feitel~erg, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Donahue, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Partridge, Dr. Joseph Ryan, Atty. John Lund, Marcella Warrener, Rev. Edmud P. Fitzgerald, Mrs. Mariette Eaton, Marie Leandro, Sister Angela, R.N. and Dr. Victor A. Palumbo.

Father Borsari, son of Mr. and Mrs. AttiIio Borsari of 73 Marion Rd., Wareham, has been assigned to Maryknoll's missions in Tai路 wan. On the day of his ordination he will also take part. along with other Maryknollers undertaking their first overseas assignment, in Maryknoll'\S 57th annual Departure Ceremony, which also will be held at the Maryknoll Seminary near Ossining, N.Y. Born in Wareham, Sept. 11, 1946, Father Borsari received his early education in his home town, graduating from Wareham Senior High School in 1964. He received a bachelor of arts degree in special education from Boston College in 1968 and is currently completing work for the degree of master of arts in theology at Maryknoll Seminary. Father Borsar! attended Boston College on a four year, full football scholarship. On graduation he was ,awarded a $200 scholarship from the Boston College Athletic Association and received the Mr. and Mrs. Roberts Medal for contribution to the School of Education spirit. As part of his preparation for the missionary priesthood Father Borsari spent two-and-a-half years in Maryknoll's overseas training program in Taiwan. While there he studied the Ml\ndarin dialect of Chinese, studied at the Jesuit Theologate for two semesters, worked on the Regional Meeting of Asian Bishop Turn to Page Four

NONAGENARIAN COLLECTOR: Elmore Treadup of 51. Lawrence Parish, New Bedford, observes his ninetieth birthday today doing what he has been doing for many years, collecting for the Catholic Charities Appeal. He is shown receiving contribution from Miss Mary C. MacFarlane. '


First Report Encouraging First returns from the 113 parishes from the Diocese plus returns from the Special Gifts. phase bring to $308,696.14 this initial 1974 Catholic Charities Appeal report. "It is most encouraging to see the init,ial parish reports," said Mrs. Gibbert J. Noonan of Falmouth, this year's' diocesan lay chairwoman of the Appeal. "It indicates a most favorable response by the people in the parishes to Bishop Cronin's call for support of the work'!; of charity, mercy, education, sqcial services and other apostolic endeavors of the diocese." .Every parish which surpasses its 1973 final total in the Appeal in this year's campaign will be

The Pope and Latin VATICAN CITY (NC)-Pope by noting that Pope Paul has on Paul VI has sent each of the several occasions "expressed the world's bishops a booklet con- wish that Catholics of all nationtaining a oollection of Latin Gre- alities should know some Latin gorian chants in the hopes they chants for the Mass, for example, will e:1courage the renewed use the Gloria, Credo, Sanctus, Pater of Latin in at least some parts Noster and Agnus DeL" The new booklet, which may of the liturgy. The booklet, entitled "Jubilate be reprinted without copyright Deo" was sent out at Easter- charge, contains simple Gregortime "as a personal gift. from ian chants to accompany those the Holy Father" by the Vatican's Latin prayers, the cardinal said. Congregation for Divine WorAs a result of the Second Vatship, which oversees the litur- ican Council's liturgical reform, gical norms and practices the cardinal's letter stated, "the throughout the Latin rite. The . number of languages used at letter was signed by the congre- Mass, the songs and hymns in gation's new prefect, Australian local vernaculars, all express the same faith but also what is Cardinal James Knox. Cardinal Knox's letter began Turn to .Page Four

listed on the Honor Roll. Last year 89 parishes achieved this distinction.

PARISH TOTALS Attleboro Area ATTLEBORO Holy Ghost St. John S1. Mark Seekonk-Mt. Carmel

5,109.00 6,443.00 3,436.00 6,909.50

Cape & Islands Area Buzzards BaySt. Margaret ChathamHoly Redeemer HyannisSt. Franci3 Xavier South YarmouthSt. Pius X West Harwich, Holy Trinity


At this stage of the Appeal much depends on the individual parish collectors lind their zeal in making their calls and-when necessary-calling back on those who may have been out or unavailable at the time of the first call. This is the unsung but vital. activity that can make the difference in a successful parish campaign. The diocese is divided into five areas an.d the leading parishes of each area are listed. Areas are: Cape Cod and the IslanQs, the Attleboros, Taunton, New Bedford, and Fall River.

4,104.00 10,402.00



Bishop Cronin cordially invites the clergy, Religious and laity of the Diocese to participate in the priestly ordination of ~ev. William M. Costello, Rev. Stephen B. Salvador and Rev. Joseph Viveiros in St. Mary's Cathedral, Fall River, on Saturday morning, May 11, at 11 o'clock.


Fall River Area FALL RIVER St. Mary's Cathedral 8,987.50 Espirito Santo 1,430.00 Holy Cross 1,457.00 Holy Name 16,74g.00 Notre Dame 5,100.00 Our Lady of Angels 12,832.25 Holy Rosary 1,730.00 Immaculate Concept. 3,696.00 Sacred Heart 4,145.00 St. Anne 1,826.00 St. Anthony of Padua 1,770.00 St. John the Baptist 3,069.00 St. Joseph 4,387.00 St. Matthew 1,617.50 St. Michael 5,597.50 St. Patrick 4,325.00 SS Peter & Paul 5,377.00 Turn to Page Two

Priests wishing to concelebrate with Bishop Cronin are asked to bring am ice, alb, cincture and stole. All priests present are invited to take part in the laying of hands in the ordination rite.. They are to be vested in cassock and surplice or Mass vestments.

Special Gifts

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., May-9, 1974

Special Gifts National $1,000 A Friend $300 Rev. Ubal4 Denault $250 Rev. Walter J. Buckley $200 Rev. Msgr. Joseph R. Pannoni Rev. Msgr. Joseph A. Cournoyer $100 Rev. Joao de Medeiros Rev. Clarence J.. d'Entremont $35 H. Carr & Sons, Inc; $25 Matthew F. Shel~han Co.

$,80 John F. McMahon & Son $55 Coffee Sam Industrial Cater· , eM


Cape Cod

Taunton Stove Company Allan Walker & Co, Inc. Tallman Insurance Co. St. Paul's Women's Guild Taunton Printing Co. $35 Mt. Hope Machinery Co. $25 Bacon Felt Co. Plank & Hansen Dr. Philip J. Assiran Sheridan Silver Co., Inc. Bristol County Furniture Co. Maximillian Kolbe Guild, Holy Rosary Polish American Citizens Club, Holy Rosary Holy Rosary Sodality, Holy .Rosary Gondola Restaurant ' Taunton Venetian Blind Lavigne's Auto Service Daniel MoNearney Insurance Lewis & Lewis Poole Silver Co. Goodnow's Weir Pharmacy' J & B Catering St. Germain & Son St. Jacques Social Club Our Lady of Lourdes.Conference Edward F. St. Pierre, Inc. Children's Shop Hodgman Manufacturing Co. Taunton S~ortswear Mfg. Corp. Bettina Briggs

$100 La Salette Fathers, East Brewster $75 Mr. & Mrs. James Pendergast, Hyannis $50" Travel by Betty Doherty, Buzzards Bay $25 Carreiro Florist, Hyannis J. W. O'Brien Jeweler, Hyannis Riverway Lobster House, So. Yarmouth Wayside Studio Printing, So. Yarmouth Doane, Beal & Ames,,, Inc., So. Yarmouth Bass River Fish Market Ernest Perry Arco Station, Buzzards Bay Crowley Associates Realtors, Buzzards Bay Onset Pharmacy •

$50 Southway Liquors Regal Floor Covering ,Holy Name Women's Guild Unk>n St. Jean Baptiste Conseil Cheverus No. 231. Atty. & Mrs.•lohn J. Harrington Attys. O'Donoghue & O'Neil Borden & Remington Co. REV. LADISLAS M. ORSY, S.J. Mr. Eugene P<mtiff Spindle City Dye Works Classic Lawn Ornaments Fall River Glass Co. Fan River FaH River Knitting Mills, Inc. $2,000 Simon's Supply Co., Inc. Globe Manufacturing ComEdward Brayton pany' $40 $1100 & Supply, Inc. Engine Service White's Family Restaurant Most R~verend Daniel A. CroE. Amiot & Sons J. $1000 nin, Bishop of Fall River, has an· $36 A Friend nounced that Rev. Ladislas M. Tru-Seal. Window Co. $900 OrSy, S,J., a well-known theolo$25 , Swan FinilShing Co., Int. gian and Canon Lawyer, will Hal"bour Chrysler·Plymouth $600 conduct a Theology Institute for Danfred Jewele.f\s Citizens Savings Bank the Clergy of the'Dioc~se, May .Wolf Jewelry Co. A Friend 13-17, at the La Salette Center She1'lWin & Gottlieb $500 for Christian Living, Attleboro. Raul B. SuHivan Insurance Montle Plumbing & Heating Co. . The theme for the Institute, Fall River Five Cent Savings Agency , "General Paper & Supply "The Church and lots Healing Bank Travis Furniture Company, Mission: Continuity and Change," Mr. & Mrs. Henry J. FeitelInc. berg is in keeping with the call of Bristol Knittng Mills, Inc. Pope Paul VI to renewal and $400 ·New Bedford Roger Dufour Piano & Organ reconciliation during the Holy Duro Finishing Corp. $350 Studio $300 Year. Press-Lithographer American Union Savings Bank Fall River Tool & Die Co. Father Orsy, born in Hungary $250 Fall River Savings Bank Sterling Pile Fabrics in ,,1921, joined the, Society of - Catholic Women's Club Mr. Albert G. Pierce Cherry & Webb Company Jesus in 1943, studying philos, $200 , $100 C & H Glass Works ophy in Roine and theOlogy at Mr. Harty Gottlieh C. Franklin Corp. Willist9n'J~"Auto E~ectrical SerLouvain. Ordained a pl1iest in vice Catholic Woman's Club Grenache & Normandin Insur1951, Father", Orsy studied civil ·ance Ray's Auto Radiator Works 16D ." law at Oxford' and canon law in A.Soioff·& Son' 'Inc.' ., " Mr...&' Mrs. Michael J. McUniversal Roofing & Sheet Rome. He taught for six years at Metal Co. Mahon Craf.t Corrugated Box; Inc. the Gregorian University in States Nitewear Co., Inc. Joan Fabrics $150 Rome, and has been visiting proMidland Print FaH River Paper & Supply Co. Catholic Women's Club of St. Holy Name Conference Fall River Sales & Supply, Inc. fessor at the Catholic University Rita, Marion " of Arnel'ica, Boston College, and Oil Heating Equipment, Inc. $125 Sullivan & Foster the jesuit School of Theology at I. T. Almy Associa.tes Apex Shade Co. Southeastern Bank & Trust Co. Berkeley. He was professor of $110 Somerset Speed Equipment $50 White Spa Caterers Fall River Permanent Fire- Theology and Canon Law at FordSt. Vincent de Paul Society, ham University for seven -years. St. Rilla, Marion' men's Benefit Assn. $100 Norbut Mfg. Co. Letendre & Boule Wholesale Sturtevant & Hook From January to Septem~er Fall River Shopping Center Grocers Adams & Adams 1974, Father Orsy is Resident Gendreau Moving, Trucking & . Lecturer at the "Pastoral Institute Associates Blue Ribbon Laundry Colonial Wholesale Beverage Rigging Co., Inc. $40 of the Boston Archdiocese; his China Royal Restaurant Corp. Silverstein's work is to give lectures, workMr. & Mrs. Paul Soulier VaoJcourt Industrial Supply Co. $35 shops, and retreats to priests and Fall River Catholic Nurse"s religic;ms. In September, he will In Memory of Rev. George G. Browne Pharmacy, Inc. , $30 Guild McNamee take up .a new appointment as Riveredge Printers Inc. A Friend "Professor of Canon Law at The $75 .Taunton $25 Catholic University of America," Roma Chemical Color Div. of National Bank of Wareham, Washington, D. C. $350 Unit~ Merchants Marion Branch Particular Council St. Vincent Priests 'of the Diocese' will atSippican Corporation de Paul tend one o"f two sessions: Mon· &, Halliwell Machine Bradley $250 Necrology day afternoon until Wednesday Co., Inc. Sacred Heart Conference morning, May 13-15; or WednesDr. J. Greer McBratney MAY 17 $200 day afternoon until Friday mornCapeway Sheet Metal Co. Most Rev. James E. Cassidy, Atty William Fenton ing, May 17. Bishop Cronin has Ryan & Scully, Inc. D.D., 1951, 3rd Bishop of Fall $175 announced that he will attend Cranberry Room River 1934-51. St. Paul Conference during pa'rt of each session. Joseph E. Dupre, Inc. 'MAY 19 $150 Teddy M. Kaliz Plywood Rev. Ambrose Lamarre, O.P., Atty Talbot Tweedy Arrangements for this Insti· Guba's Pharmacy 1940,. Dominican Priory, ,Fall tute have been made through the $100 Brockton Public Markets River. cooper~tion of the Chancery Jonatan Handy Co., Inc. Alfred S. O'Keefe Rev. Thomas Trainor, 1941, Holy Name Society, St. Paul Of~ice and the Office of Adult Brodeur's Machine Co., Inc. Pastor, St. Louis, Fall River. Education of the Department of James Miles Insurance Co. Catholic Guild for the Blind MAY 20 A Friend Education of the Diocese of Fall Bettencourt Pharmacy Rev. Antonio L. daSilvia, 1952'Judge & Mrs. Roger Cham- River. Lincoln Pharmacy Pastor, Our Lady of Health, Fall pagne River. $75 MAY 23 St. Jacques Conference Rev. William F. Donahue, 1944, $60 Assistaont, St. Francis Xavier, Bristol Athletic Club Funeral Dome FUNERAL HOME, INC. Hyannis. "Cornelius Murphy Insurance R. Marcel Roy - G. Lorrai~e Roy 550 Locust Street Agency ~oger LaFrance James E. Barton FaD River, Mass. & Mrs. Frank Gomes Mr. THE ANCHOR" FUNERAL DIRECTO~ Second Class Postage Paid at Fall River. $50 672-2391 15 Irvington Ct. MISS. Published every Thursday at 410 Thomas E. Donelan Highland Avenue, Fall River. Mass. 02722 Rose E. Sullivan New Bedford :,y the Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall League of Sacred Heart, St. River, Subscription price by mall. postpaicl Jeffrey E. Sulliva.1 995-5166 Jacques $5.00 per year.

Diocesan Clergy To Participate -In Institute



Parish Totals Continued from Page One St. Roch 1,260.00 St. Stanislaus 4,129.00 Central VillageSt. John Baptist 3;299.00 North WestportOur Lady of Grace 5,754.00 SomersetSt. John of God 4,924.00 St. Thomas More 8,879.50 SwanseaOur Lady of Fatima 4,609.00 4,444.00 St. Dominic St. Louis' de France 5,991.49

New Bedford Area

NEW BEDFORD Holy Name Immaculate Concept. Mt. Carmel St. Anne St. Boniface St. Hyacinth St.' James St. Joseph St. Kilian St. Lawrence St. Mary St. Theresa Marion-St. Rita MattapoisettSt. Anthony North DartmouthSt. Julie

4,863.50 3,578.00 16,125.29 1,530.50 481.00 1,166.00 6,751.00 1,579.50 3,139.00 6,042.99 5,623.85 2,938.00 2,520.00 4,207.00 - 4,137.75

Taunton Area

TAUNTON Holy Family Immaculate Concept. "Sacred Heart St. Anthony St. Mary St. Paul Dighton-St. Peter North DightonSt. Joseph

4,613.00 4,357.60 5,758.50 2,968.75 5,463.50 4,525.00 1,008.00 1,189.00

O'ROURKE Funeral Home 571 Second Street Fall River, Mass. 679-6072 MICHAEL J. McMAHON Registered Embalmer licensed Funeral Director

D. D. Wilfred C. Sullivan Driscoll FUNERAL HOME 20E, WINTER STREET FALL 'RIVER, MASS. 672-3381

Central Vilicige

West Harwich



$100 Mr. & Mrs. John Costa Dr. & Mrs. Joseph T. Baldwin $50 Mr. & Mrs. Charles Costa Mr. & Mrs. Charles Yocum $35 Mr. & Mrs. John M. Porter Mr. & Mrs. Silveira $30 Mr. & Mrs. Francis J. Maher Mr. & Mrs. James Cronin Mr. & Mrs. John Ardagh Mrs. Isabelle Sandberg' $25 Mr. Mrs. Lynwood Comstock, Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Healey, Lillian Sekonda, Mr. & Mrs. Bernard T. Kelly, St. John's Ladies' Guild Patricia Clancy, MI'. & Mrs. Lawrence Dolan, Mr. & Mrs. Sigmund Kokoszka, Agnes J. McCloskey, Mr. & Mrs. Tobias Fleming Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Raposa Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Richard Trecida, Mr. & Mrs. George Medeiros, Mr. & Mrs. Henry Arruda, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph F. Halloran Mrs. Edward A. Messier, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Andruskiewicz, Mr. & Mrs. George l.each, Mrs. Mary Toomey, Anne Forrest Mr. & Mrs. William Forrest, Mr. & Mrs. Carl Brodt, Mrs. Raymond Williams

$125 Mr. &. Mrs. Bemis Boies Frances & Helen Taylor $100 I Elizabeth Batson Mrs. John Bowen Mr. & Mrs. Russell Brennan Betty & Marian Halbritter Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Thompson Mr. & Mrs. Donald WoIf $75 Mrs. Gertrude Gibbs $60 Mr. & Mrs. Paul Daley $50 Mr. & Mrs. Wm. E. Connors Mr. & Mrs. Robert Dolan Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Gilmette Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Hanlon Mr. & Mrs. Paul Hunter Mr. & Mrs. Ro~ert Kelly Mrs. Char,lotte McKeon Mr. & Mrs. Charles Merola Mr. & Mrs. John O'Donnel1 Mr. & Mrs. Arjen Steegstra Richard T. Wales $40 Mr. & Mrs. John Lopes $35 Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Downey Mr. & Mrs. John Morrisey $34 Mr. & Mrs. Joaquim Pena $30 Dr. & Mrs. David Doherty Mrs. Gertrude Doyle Buzzards Bay Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Duggan Mr. & Mrs. Russell Hamlyn ST. MARGAUET Mr. & Mrs. Richard Mulcahy Mary & Rose Sylvia $500 Mr. & Mrs. Donald Taylor Rev. John G. Carrol1 Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Walsh $75 $25 The Welsh Family Mr. & Mrs. Jos. Aldonis, Mr. $60 & Mrs. Frank Bal1, Mrs. Elvira Mr. & Mrs. Maurice Savage Baptista, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Bar$50 ber, Mrs. John Cain Mrs. Amy Carbonneau, Mr. & Mr: & Mrs. John Riha Mrs. Courtney Chase, Mr. & Mrs. $35 Timothy Clifford, Mrs. Dorothy Dot P.ina GoMins, Mrs. Joseph Connel1 Mr. & Mrs. Charles Fuller Mr. & Mrs. D. Leo Daley, Mr. $30 & Mrs. Wm. Derwin, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Francis Samson A. H. DesRochers, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. John J. O'Connell Wm. Doherty Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. Anthony Val1oreggio' Jphn Donohue Mrs. John Burns Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Dooley, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Lopes Mrs. Lillian Dowd, Mr. & Mrs. Larry Duffy, Mr. & Mrs. Frank $25 Mr. & Mrs. Henri Coulombe, Dugan, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Ms. Stacia William, Mr. & Mrs. Egan Mrs. Mary Fal1a, Mr. & Mrs. John McNamara, Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Burgess, Mr. & Mrs. Cornelius Foley, Mr. Mrs. John Fitzmaurice, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Thomas Gagnon Ms. Armand Bedard, Mr. & Frost, Mr. & Mrs. Dean Garfield Mr. & Mrs. Donald Geary, Mrs. Douglas Taylor, Mrs. William E. Reagan, Ms. Elizabeth Mrs. Margaret Geohegan, Mr. & Delaney, Mr. & Mrs. John B. Mrs. John Gonsalves Jr., Mrs. Bourne Mary Grant, Mr.' & Mrs. Robert Mr. &. Mrs. Raymond Ryan, Hannigan Ms. Margaret F. Sanford, Mr. & Neal Holland, Mrs. Eugene Mrs. A. Moore, Mrs. Catherine Hudson, Mr. & Mrs. Cliffford Bowen, Mr. & Mrs. Colombo Johnson Jr., Mrs. Marie Kelley, Cristofori Mr. & Mrs. John E. Keloley Mr. & Mrs. Victor Lindblom,' Mr. & Mrs. Francis Larkin, Mr. & Mrs. George Cormier, Mr. Mary MacDougall, Mr. & Mrs'. & Mrs. Emiliano Gavazza, Oliver Alfred Lenardson, Mr. & Mrs. Garneau, Mr. & Mrs. Julio Rod- John McCarte, Mr. & Mrs. Roberick ert McCarthy . Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Sweeney, Anne McDade, Mr. & Mrs. J 0Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Lopes, The seph McGinn, Mr. & Mrs. MacCormach Family, Mrs. F. P. 1,'homas McGuire, George McLips, Mr. & Mrs. John Silva Mrs. Martha Monaghan, Mr. Kim" Mr. & Mrs. Charles McVay Mrs. Adelaide Messenger, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Stevenson, Mr. & Mrs. Roy Miner, Mr. & Mrs. Fred & Mrs. Francis Murphy, Mr. & McCormiskey, Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. Wm. Murphy, Mrs. Frank O'Keefe, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Charles Ellis Mr. & Mrs. Marshall Bugg, Mr. Peterson & Mrs. Henry Nickerson, George Bernard Powers, Mrs. Alice Vogel, Ida Monteiro, Mr. & Mrs. Pumphret, Mr. & Mrs. John Patrick Nee Raneo, Mr. & Mrs. Edwin RodGeorge Gagnon, Ms. Rose erick, Mr. & Mrs. Gerald RoderUmanzio, Eugene Lopes ick, Mrs. Esther Schmiederer

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., May 9, 1974


Pope Urges Governments, Citizens Work for Peace in Troubled Areas


ABORTION PROBE: Behind this closed door in the Minneapolis courthouse, the 23-member Hennepin County grand jury has been taking testimony about the reported deaths of three infants who had survived abortions at University of Minnesota hospitals, according to reports in the Catholic Bulletin, St. Paul-Minneapolis archdiocesan newspaper. NC Photo. Reasons If we can see reasons for mercy that are true reasons and not unjust excuses, God can see many more. -C.C. Martindale

VATICAN CITY (NC)-Pope Paul VI urged governments and ordinary citizens to work for peace in Vietnam, Northern Ireland and the Middle East. He asked them to strive for reconciliation in those troubled lands even though "concord among men is always precarious and difficult." The Pope',s latest plea for peace in the world was deHvered to an estimated 12,000 people who packE~d the papal audience hall for a general audience April 10. Taking up 'again the twin themes of the 1975 Holy Yearrenewal and reconciliation-the Pope said that man must be reconciled not only with God, but with his neighbor. Stating that he had left no stone unturned in workJing for peace in the world and that many times he watched as a "grieving spectator" as conf.licts raged on, the Pope said: "Specifically for this reason of being powerless, so much more do we throw ourselves into prayer for the rapid and peaceful solution of conflicts." Turning to the Middle East, the Pope said: "We have always had before our mind. the v,ivid situation in the Middle East, where on every side of that prophetic city of peace, Jerusalem . . . and all around that Holy Land ... there still perdures a state of strife. . "That is the land also where an equitable settlement of all refugees is urged in addition to an .appropriate'statute with international guarantees for the holy city of Jerusalem and an' appropIliate juridical protection for the Holy Places." The Pope continued:

"And w,hat can we say of the reconciliation so many times and for so long hoped-for, that is, the peace which was so long in coming in Vietnam and neighboring countries? Norther~ Ireland "What can we say of disturbed Northern Ireland, where we have always hoped that the common profession for Christian,ity would at least impede the too-often repeated and tragic spilling of blood?" Saying that reconciliation is needed in those and in many other 'lands, the Pope continued: "We encourage the sincere efforts ·of so many, those ir government, social commundcations, or ordinary citizens who strive for joyful concord in the world."

Euro'ean Hq!i,~av leadership of

Father Maurice

JEFFREY Chaplain. Bishop Gerrard High School




AUIUgt 12th

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And Sunday's a great chance to tell Mom just how g.·eat you think she is. How about doing something great and special for her-on her special day!

Happy Mother's Day, Mom



from/to Providence

Rome, the historic seat of Christendom; you will agree Rome alone would be worlh the trip. LOURDES, where millions of devout pilgrims come every year. VENICE, the sparkling slorybook town whose countless sights you will reach by gondola. LONDON. and fabled scenes you've read so much about. Charming VIENNA, treasure-laden FLORENCE, leaning tower of PISA. Cheerful. chally Irish are wailing for you at Dublin. Killarney and Cork - plus Blarney

pinpAIr iuoi' Eliee E

An audience wilh His Holiness Pope Paul \1,1, is scheduled, as well as a comprehensive lour of VaJican Cily. These are only a few of Ihe high spols! Write Or call today r- lor your detailed itinerary! _, I Rev. Maurice Jeft,ey 1672- I I ~~9:a~~i;;'~i~a~:~,y 2302 I I Fall Rivar. Mass. 02724 or674 1 I ~1~~~:~~~':J\ou, (olo,ful fold." -9681) I

,, I



••••••.. , ••••••..•••••••••••






THE ANCHOR-Diocese of F.all River-Thurs., May 9, 1974

Modern Art and the Church A special tribute has been paid to Pope Paul for the inspiration and leadership he has given to contemporary artists. The award was made by the Skowhegan School of Painting and Sculpture, a facility that numbers leading American painters and sculptors on its faculty and board of governors. Pope Paul was hailed for having given "new hope and life to the artists of today" and for encouraging them "in their efforts to work. with him in lifting man's spirits." The· artists were especially pleased at the Pope's action in creating the gallery of modern art at the Vatican Museum, a gallery containing a large number of works by contemporary American painters and sculptors, among them Leonard Baslkin, Abraham Rattner, Ben Shahan, Max Weber and Jack Levine. In recognition of the Pope's encouragement the School presented the Vatican gallery with a painting by Jacob Lawrence, t~e black artist.


The school which has a student body of sixty-five, chosen by artists and 'directors of leading art schools for their talent and promise, sees the Pope's action as giving strong support to the contemporary art scene. The Pope, in turn, has given to the world a strong statement of the Church's role as a civilizing' instrument for mankind and as one that not only accepts but seeks out and approves what is good and positive in every phase of society.

The recently-concluded Catholic Edutation Convention gave an opportunity for Catholic teachers, religious and lay, in Catholic schools and in other Catholic educational programs, to meet with one another, to profit from shared experiences, to rekindle enthusiasm for what they are committed to do, to investigate what others are doing, to inquire i.nto ne'Y programs and helps in carrying out their stated goals. One '. theme kept coming: through again and again, in various talks ~and presentations. It is the theme as expressed in the education Pastoral issued by the Bishops of the United States, "To Teach As Jesus Did." .And this is that teachers must never lose sight of their aims-to transmit truth;- to encourage the building up of a community, to inspire by personal example and leadership the , reaching out in service to others. This is the constant aim of every Catholic-to be a seeker of truth and to make the truth of Christ visible in his own life, to make others aware that all men. are' brothers and sisters of one another be~ause they. are ::hildrEm of God, to be among others as one who serves IS a giver rather than as a grabber. This can be done by an individual in his individual dealings with others; it can be done by one whose position puts him onto contact with groups, a teacher, for example. This is the one-by-one working of one's vocation makes better the world. -



Published weekly by The Catholic Press of. the Diocese of Fall River

410 Highland Avenue Fall River Mass. 02722


PUBLISHER Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin, D.O., S.T.D. GE~ERAL MANAGER


Rev. Msgr. Daniel F. Shalloo, MA


Rev. John R. Foister ~leary



The Pope, Latin Marion ST. RITA


Continued from Page One Conferences held in August 1973 and received his Diaconate in a Chinese ceremony in which Taiwanese Bishop .Tia was Ordaining Prelate. Father Borsari's first Mass will be Sunday, June 2, at 11:30 A.M., at St. Patrick's Church, High St., Wareham. Concelebrating will be Rev. 'Anthony Polyak, M.M., a Maryknoll missioner stationed in Tai,wan, who ·will also be homilist; plus other concelebrants from Maryknoll and his home parish of St. Patrick's. Father Borsari has one brother, Kenneht Borsari of Buchanan, N. Y., and a sister, Mrs. Arlene Barrett of Wareham, Mass. 'Following a brief vacation with his family, Father Borsari will depart for Taiwan where he will join some 69 Maryknoll priests and Brothers who work among the estimated 15 million people on the island nation. Current plans are that the missioner will return to Fu Jen University in Taipei, where he previously studied, to teach sociology and mass communications~

$125 Rev. Gerald T. Shovelton $100 Mr.. & Mrs. Frank Mead $50 Isabelle Cumming $30 Mrs. Edmund VaUey Mr. & Mrs. Richard Zens Mr. & Mrs. Fletcher Long $25 Rosalie Tirrell, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Bent, Mr. & Mrs. Francis Miller, Mr. & Mrs. Milton Layccck, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Boys Robert C. Boys, Claire Collerett, Mr, & Mrs. Edmund McCarthy, Mr. & Mrs. Roland Letendre,. Mr. & Mrs. Richard Roskiewicz Mr. ~ Mrs. John Lowney, Mrs. George Howland, Dr. & Mrs. Wil· liam Dawson, Mr. & Mrs. William Henry,. Mr. & Mrs. Jere Donahue • Mr. & Mrs.. Robert Sweeney, Mrs. Elizabeth Roche

South Yarmouth ST. PIUS X

$500 Rev. Msgr. Christopher L. Broderick $200 Mr. & Mrs. Martin Geraghty $120 Dorothy Black $110 John Coyle $100 Mr. & Mrs. Raphael Altavilla Mrs. William T. Smith Mrs. Malcolm Slater Joseph Tuscher Anna Moorhouse Mrs. Joseph F. Mitchell Mr. & Mrs. Francis Hurley Rev. Philip A. Davignon $75 Mr. & Mrs. William H. Mitchell Mr. & Mrs. Vincent A. Mangiante Mr. & lVII's. Francis Conroy Mrs. L. W. Marchildon Mr. & Mrs. Arthur O'Leary Mr. & Mrs. William J. O'Brien $50 Rita SWenson

Mr. & Mrs. Edward Morrow Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence McGrath, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Eager Mr. & Mrs. James McGuire Alice Gabrielle Thorn Mr.' & Mrs. Elljott Martin Philip J. Hart Marjorie E. McGready Mary G. Hami·lton Mr. & Mrs. Clarence F. King Mr. & Mrs. Joseph D. Evers Mr. ,& Mrs. Paul Sullivan Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Crowley , '$40 Mr. & Mrs.. George Lucier Mr. & Mrs. John Osterman Harry Doherty Mr. & Mrs. Patricia Cox The Griffin Family Henry J. Healey $35 Mr. & Mrs. Oscar Jolly Mr. & Mrs. WilHam 'I:. Moynehan $30 The Lanigan Family Cdr.. Geol1ge Flanagan Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Walsh Mr. & Mrs. William Gagnon $25 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Eaton, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Streile, Mr. & Mrs. Wilfred J. Paquet, Mr. & Mrs. NiohQlas D. Savage, Mr. & Mrs. Bruce W. Anderson Eveline Sullivan, Mr. & Mrs. Paul St. Onge, Mr. & Mrs. Albert S. 'French, Mr. & Mrs. William MacDonald, Mary J. Moriarty Florence Hatch, Mr. & Mrs. Leo MacIver, Mr. & Mrs. Francis R. Murphy, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Concannon, Mr. & Mrs. James Kelleher . Mr. & Mrs. Richard O'Neill, Mr. & Mrs. Charles ·P. Driscon, Mr. & Mrs. Sylvester Maloney, Mr. & Mrs. Angelo Lanza, Dorothy Schoonmaker Mr. & Mrs. David MurJay, Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Donovan. Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Keefe, Andrew Doherty., Mr. & Mrs. Henry Paquin Mr. & Mrs. ROibert Maloney, Mary C. Turnbul,l, Mr. & Mrs. John Grimes, Mr. & Mrs. William Salmon, Mr. & Mrs. Wiliam J. Cunningham Esther M. Turnbull, In Memory of Lawrence P. Sullivan, Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Roberts, Mrs. George Wilbur, Mr. & Mrs. James Kennedy

Continued from Page Ohe unique in the religious experience of each people." Unity of People At the same time, however, the letter continued, ';the use of Latin and Gregorian chant will serve to underline the unity of the Christian people in a particular way, and a way that seems quite reasonable. The chant of the Roman rite has' fed and supported both faith and devotion in the liturgy which it accompanies. The artistic worth alone that it has attained is a good reason for it to be considered an 'inheritance of immense value to the Church." The letter affirmed that "this reform has opened up new avenues for Church music and hymnody to explore," but added, "at the same time, however, this reform cannot and does not repudiate the past." Cardinal Knox stated, "To have a minimal repertoire of Gregorian chant would be fully .in accord" with the need to preserve the "contents of our highly cultured and artistic tradition" and to foster "those elements within it that outwardly express and serve the unity of believers." ~ll11111l1l11U"llIIlrlllllllllllllIllIlIllIIllUIrUllllllllllmllllllllm!lllnllllllttlUlllllll"lrll_

Vincent Clarke, Mr. & Mrs. . George Magurn, William Marnell, Mr. & Mrs. James J. Connell, Marion O'Hearn Katherine O'Hearn, Mr. & Mrs. James Mahon, Mrs. Peter LeSage, Mr. & Mrs. C. Samuelson, Mr. & Mrs. John Gallagher Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Cullen, Mr. & Mrs. Peter McNamara, Mrs. Paul T. Webber, Mr. & Mrs. Walter E. Wright, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Whitehead Mr. & Mrs. George Anderson, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Cassetta, Florence Benn, Mr. & Mrs. An-thony Cammarano, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. McDonough Mr. & Mrs. Donald Fanning, Mr. & Mrs. J. Chester Wheeler, John J. Gill, Mr. & Mrs. John McKenney, Anne Tighe ' Margaret Padden, Mr. & Mrs. William Robinson, Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Healy, Mr. & Mrs. John Manwar·ing

- .........





Arthur J.Poirier, Mr. & Mrs. Frank J. Dolan, Bernard Pender, John McGowan, Mrs. Leo B. Lewis, Dr. & M~s. James Dunne

Rev. Msgr. William D. Thomson




Rev. John F. Andrews

$200 Mr.. & Mrs. John MElY

$100 Rev. James F. Greene Mr. & Mrs. Seward K. Reid Jr. Charles Riordan Mr. & Mrs. William Conlon In Memory of Arthur Fisher Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Bourgue In Memory of John P. & Lillian E. Shea Mary Gregg 1':1 Memory of Bridgett Gregg 'Mrs. John Hart

$75 Mr. & Mrs. William F. Donovan Mr. & Mrs. Earl Fratus

$50 Mrs. Herbert G. Jackson Mr. & Mrs. G. Conley Mr. & Mrs. A. Dias Mr. & Mrs. T. M. Golden Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Kwukas Mr. & Mrs. J. A. Rose Mr. & Mrs'. Arthur La Frenier Irene Shea Mary Shea '

$40 Eleanore Resmini Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Francisco

$35 , Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Murphy Mr. & Mrs. William F. Pillion Mr. & Mrs. J. Lee Marchildon Mrs. Catherine Towey Mrs. Francis Morin Alice P. Connell Mr. & Mrs. T. Loughlin

$30 'Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Hayes Mr. & Mrs. Hugh White Mr. & Mrs. Thomas C. McGarry Lillian Senteio '

$26 Mr. & Mrs..F. Golenski

$25 . Mr. & Mrs. Roger Brown, Mr. & Mrs. Owen Needham, Elizabeth Madden, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Ryan, Mr. & Mrs. L. Leonardi Margaret Moran, Mr. & Mrs. John V. Sullivan, Mr. & Mrs. A. J. Dutra, Mr. & Mrs. John Me· Bride, Mr. & Mrs. J. Mitchell Dr. & Mrs. John Miller, Mrs. J. W. Galligan, Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Casella, MI'. & Mrs. G. Robichaud, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Senesac Mrs. Richard Donaghue, Harriet Butler, Mr. & Mrs. D. Constant, Mr. & Mrs. T. Kenneally, Mr. & Mrs. William Smith Mr. & Mrs: G. A. Richard, Mr. & Mrs. Donald H. Chase, Mrs. Cosmos Montagnu, Mr. & Mrs. B. Aikens, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Snow Mr. & Mrs. Louis Frangione, Mrs. Louise Bacon, Mr. & Mrs. Charles flynn, Mr. & Mrs. Phillipe Roy, Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Daly Mrs. Frederick Thome, Mr. & Mrs. Creney, Helen B. Sullivan, Mr. & Mrs. Paul Bresnahan, Mrs. David Pierce Mrs. Richard Hallett, Mr. & Mrs. Marshall J. Field, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Cotell, Mr. & Mrs. John Fo~te, in Memory of Mildred Nohm Mrs. frank Marshall, Mr. & Mrs. C. White, Robert Jameson, Elmer & Dennis T. Nixon, Mr. & Mrs. John Sheehan Mrs. Arthur Fisher, Mr. & Mrs. C. T. Sears, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph McManus. Mr. & Mrs. J. F. Murray, Mrs. Alfred Junior

Raymond Brousseau Marjorie Castro Manuel Castro, Jr. Constant Poholek Mary SulIivan Edward Schulze

$40 'Robert Hoag


Attleboro Falls

Danie.1 & Manuel Carvalho Jean GaIligan Rosalind MarteIli


$100 Mrs. Graeme Lorimer Mrs. James Bell Cecile B. Doelger Mr. & Mrs. James Gormley Mr. & Mrs. Ralph W. Guida Mr. & Mrs. Henry P. Hamrock Ambrose J. Hartnett Mr. & Mrs. Norman St. Pierre

$50 Dr. Anne Raleigh McCarthy Helen McCarthy Rosemary T. Frizell In Memory of Mrs. Marion Kane Mr. & Mrs. George Killen WiUiam J. Mahoney Mr. & Mrs. William F. Pumphret & Family

$40 Mrs. Orick D. Young

$35 E. Joseph Geser Mr. & Mr.s. TlIomas Sparkes

Laird, Loretta McCann, James Ney, Leon O'Brien Arthur Perry, Frank Pistolese, Joseph Rayball, Mrs. Charles ScioIto, Victor Smith Stephen Sullivan, Roland Tremblay, Henry Ty.

Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Duffany

$40 Mrs. Grace Fitton

$35 Mr. & Mrs. Jacob Belt Mr. & Mrs. Robert Sequin

$30 Mr. & Mrs. M. Foley


$200 Rev. Joseph L. Powers



Richard Castro Clifford Duclos Frederick EIlis John Flanagan Elzear Sicard Manuel Soares

Mr. & Mrs. A. J. Grenier



St. Mark's Guild

$100 Mr. & YIrs. James'S. Brennan



James Murphy Mrs. Michael Nolan

Joseph Arruda, Francis Brogan, Charles Cartier Jr., Thomas Kelliher, Lawrence McNally Manuel Raposa, John Reynolds Joseph Rocha, Gordon Barrett, Leo Charrette Merton Churchill, Philip DeLauri, Guy DeTellis, Edgar Gagne Raymond Guillette William Habershaw, Parry


THE ANCHORThurs., May 9, 1974

$60 Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Gamaohe

$50 MBr. &: Mrs. Raymond Coogan Mr. & Mrs. George Jung Mrs. Elizabeth Croke Mr. & Mrs. John Gaffney Mr. & Mrs. M. F. Croke Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Glode

Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Barry, Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Guimond, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Dion, Mary Pineo, Mr. & Mrs. James Furtado Mr. & Mrs. Joseph O'Neill, Mr. -& Mrs. Edward Smith, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Dias, Mr. & Mrs. 'f.homas Parris, Mr. & Mrs. John McCann Mr. & Mrs. Russell Carr, Mr. & Mrs. Franci~ Gayton,' Mr. & Mrs. James Connelly, Mr. & Mrs. George McGee, Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Paine Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Connolly, Mr. & Mrs. Stuart O'Hara, Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Dorey, Mr. & Mrs. J. Connolly, Mr. & Mrs. John Prest

$30 Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr.

& Mrs. James Andrews & Mrs. Alfred F. Bowles & Mrs. Lawrence Frawley & Mrs. James Greer

$25 Mr. & Mrs. Paul Courtnell, Mrs. Albert J. Farley, Charlotte Forgeron, Mr: & Mrs. Richard SuUivan, Mary G. Whiteley Mrs. Kenneth C. Barnes. Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Burbine, Mr. & Mrs. Alexander Campbell, Chatham Trust Company. Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Cook Mr. & Mrs. Frank Dresser Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Alexander Gl'iffin, Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Griffin, J. Thomas Haley, Dr. & Mrs. E. . Robert Harned . Mr. & Mrs. John F. Henry, Mrs. E. Cecelia Jackson, Mr. & Mrs. Ralph R. Lally, Mr. & Mrs. Lucian H. LeMaitre. Mr. & Mrs. George S. MacLean Mr. & Mrs. Francis Maloney, Marion, Julia & Margaret Martin, Mr. & Mrs. William E. McTague. Elizabeth I. Norton, Mr. & Mrs. William O'Brien Jr. Mrs. Vivian O'Connell. Dr. & Mrs. Richard Page. Florence Reilly, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Reynolds, Dr. & Mrs. Joseph Ropulewis Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Ryder, Mr. & Mrs. Burton Storey, Mr. & Mrs. James H. White

Support the Society that supports the missions ••• give to the Society for the Propagation of the Faith. Do ittoday ......



Attleboro HOLY GHOST

$1000 Manuel Castro

$500 Ray KelIiher

$330 Kenneth Murphy, Sr.

$225 Rev. Bento R. Fraga

$150 John Caponigro

$75 Arthur Lorden

$50 Edward Amesbury

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Enclosed is my mission gift of $ to help missionaries the world over in their love and service to aU God's people. ANCH-5-9-74 Name

• :

.•• •

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Remember the Society for the Propagation of the Faith in your




Salvation and Service are the work 01 ·The Society fortbe Propagation 01 the Faith Send your gift to: Most Rev. Edward T. O'Meara National Director Dept. C., 366 Fifth A venue New York, New York 10001


The Rev. Monsignor Raymond T. Considine Diocesan Director 368 North Main Street Fall River, Massachu~etts 02720


THE ANCH()R-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., May 9, 1974

Fall Riverites Honor Bishop On May 14

If You Dislike Your W,ork, Mayb,e It's Time to Chang,e

The annual meeting of the Fall River Catholic Woman's Club on Tuesday n'ight, May 14 will be highlighted by a reception to Most Rev. Daniel. A. Cronin, Ordinary of the Diocese. Dinner wiH be served at 6:30 in the Venus de Milo Restaurant, the annual scholarship awards will be announced and the nom· inating committee will present a slate of officers for the coming year. The entertainment will be provided by Mrs. Margarite Lahey Massouda of Barrington. A so· prano, &he willl be accompanied by Mdss Anne SChroeder. Mrs. Massouda is the granddaughter of Mrs. Thomas E. La:hey, a charter member, f.irst secretary and past president of the club and a niece of Miss Margaret Lahey, a club member and also a past president.

There are two mailmen who regularly do the route where I live. One complains that his feet hurt, and he is bored with the same scenery every day. He is discouraged because he feels that most of the mail in his pouch is "junk" and he is wasting his That was three years ago. My life delivering it to'· people husband and I visited that couple who really don't want it. The recently at their Flollida farm. other man says that walking Successful Change a mail route each day is the best' possible way to stay fit and healthy. He is keenly aware of the changing seasons and knows


every tree and plant along the route. He believes that some· where in his pouch ~ach day is a letter from a loved one which will bring happiness. The first man is miserable. The second man is contented and filled with the joy of living. But these men are both doing the same job, so lit isn't the job that makes the difference. It'~ the 'way -they look at it.

They have been working very hard and they have learned a great deal about breeding fish commercially. It was tough going in the beginning but they have bUlilt a solid little business and are mal,dng ends meet. They both have a mental and physical vitality that they never. had in the city. Their skins are tanned and their eyes sparkle. The hard work in the outdoors agrees with them. Their children are healthy and happy with their new lives. It 'can be done. -God made us to be happy, in this world as well as the next. Sanctity is not achieved by misery. The saints who had difficult crosses to bear in their lives became saints because they carried those crosses with joy!

Attleboro ST. JOHN


SNACKTIME IS ANYTIME: When you're nine months old, snacktime is anytime, even during Mass. Adam Bourne of Stourpori, England, sits on the floor and munches, oblivious to the solemnities of the blessing of St. Wulstan and St. Thomas of Cariterbury Church. NC Photo.


$350 Very Rev. Henry T. Munroe

Find New Work


$250 Mr. & Mrs. George M. Carey

One way to find happiness in $225 your work is ,to learn, how' to Mr. & Mrs. Luca Fatitaccione see and appreciate the good $100 things. Mrs. Aldol' -Bibeault· But suppose you are not able Mr. & Mrs. William Flynn to find contentment even' after Mr. & Mrs. John W. McIntyre you make an effort to look at the Mrs. John B. Blottman bright side. Tohen the only thing Mr.' & Mrs. Rocco GianitelIi to do is to kick over the traces, $85 change your way of living, and Mr. & Mrs. Harry E. Lewis f,ind a new job that can provide satisfaction. $50 It can be done. A married couMr. & Mrs. James Fitton ple I know was approaching Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. Cuddy forty. They had three teen-age Jr. children. He worked as a systems, Mr. & Mrs. Tohomas Castro analyst for a large cOl'poration Florence Moran in a northern city. Tte job· was Dr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Lambert frustl'atling. Driving back and Edward Sheehan forth to work in heavy traffic Mr. & Mrs. James G. Heagney every day was nerve-racking. Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Leo MulliThe suburban neighborhood Mr. & Mrs. Donald Lange where they lived was getlling Myles Daly & Margaret M. O'more crowded and noisier each Keefe year. Mr. & -Mrs. Gilbert Rea He and his wife both longed $40 for a quieter, simpler, more Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Paille peaceful life. They sincerely Anita H. King wanted to break out of the "rat-' The Dennis Family race." $36 One thing they enjoyed toMr. & Mrs. Clark Heon gether was the hobby of raising $35 tropical fish. Most tropical fish that are grown commercialHelen Bruen ly in this country are raised in Mr. & Mrs. Norman Pelletier ponds in Florida. Although these Mr. & Mrs. Robert Edwards two had never rais~ fish that $30 way they thought their knowlDr. & Mrs. Arthur Volpe edge as hobbyists would help Mr. & Mrs. Manuel R. Vita,l them. Susan McGinn So they took the plungl~. They Mr. & Mrs. Alvaro Oliveira sold their house in the suburbs Mr. & Mrs. Edward Mullownand bought a small piece of ey property in an isolated section Mr. & Mrs. Gerard LaCombe of Florid,a. They set up a trailer $27 to live in, and dug some ponds Mrs. Marguerite Stringham to r3ise their fish. In Memory of Vincent M. McFriends back north' thought Ginn, David S. Wagle, Gertrude he and his wife were foolish. McBrien, Mary Sheehan, Sandra They'd soon be back, poorer but Kelley wiser. William Nerney, Arthur J.

Mondor Jr., Fred McCracken; $85 Mrs. Louise Oakland Bernatd Beatty, Rocca Fantac$75 cione ·Mrs. Mary. Leggee, Mrs. Mary John Hendricks $60 Kelley, Mrs. Philip Davignon, Mr. & Mrs. H. Foley Mrs. Paul Bellavance Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Tourner Wiiliarn F. Goff Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Caponigro, $50 Mr. & Mrs. Henry McCracken, Mr. & Mrs. James McDonald Mr. & Mrs. Edward Hyland, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Gorman & Mrs. PhiHp Rounds, Mr. & Barbara Burns Mrs. Paul J. McBrien Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Corrigan Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Mahon, Mr. ·Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Quattrucci & Mrs. Robert Rohman, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. George D. Reale Mrs. Ray Gazzola, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Fritz. Ulmschneider Williani Martin, Mr. & Mrs. DanMr. & Mrs. Cosmo Mirando del Nolin Mr. & Mrs. Louis Dupere Mr. & Mrs. George Kohler, Mr. $36 & Mrs. Joseph O. Precourt, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Frank Gamboa & Mrs. Francis Flaherty, Mr. & $35 Mrs. Daniel E. Gilroy, Dr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Robert Caswell Edward Paolino Mr. & Mrs. Jesse Hendricks Mr. & Mrs. John Carroll, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Hendricks & Mrs. 1~homas Bolton, Mr. & M,rs. James F. Mitchel'l Mrs. Joseph Gaynor, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Edwin W. Arnold . Joe Levis, Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Sears I $33 Mr. & Mrs. Charles Taylor, Mr. Antonio Ribeiro Jr. & Mrs. Wilfred Cardin, Mr. &. $30 Mrs. Donald Trainor, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. George McGee Eugene Martin, Mr. & Mrs. DonMrs. Marion Ready ald Price Joseph J. Souza Mr. & Mrs. Harry Loew, Mr. $25 & Mrs. James Foley, Mr. & Mrs. William Maguire, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Paul Lusignan, Mr. Herbert J. Clegg Jr. Mr. & Mrs. ' & Mrs. John P. Searles, Mr. & Michael O'Hara Mrs. John W. Korkuc, Mr. & Mr. & M.rs. Richard Wagle, Mr. & Mrs. J,ames Murray, Mr. & Mrs. Peter Guimond, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Robichaud, Mr. & Mrs. ,Paul Garon Mr. & Mrs. William Stone, Mr. & Mrs. Donald Lerocque, Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Magina, Mr. & Mrs. John Braun

..... .

Mrs. Charles Grossman, Mr. & Mrs. John Furtado Jr. . Mr. & Mrs. Richard Carlson, Mr. & Mrs. James Urquhart, Mrs.· Margaret Stevens, Mr. & Mrs. Leslie Kempke, Mr. & Mrs. Clyde Curry Mr. & Mrs. Everett McPhillips, Mr. &. Mrs. John Pontifico, Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Rebello, Mr. & Mrs. John Mulvey, Mrs. Elena Trenholm Mr. & Mrs. Victor Couto, Mr. & Mrs. Paul Given,. Mrs. Anna Propatier, Mr. & Mrs. John Cor. nell, Angela Medeiros Emlly Medeiros, Mr. & Mrs. John Unsworth, Mr. & Mrs. Rob. ert Deuso, Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Barnes, Irene Anthony Lester Keirn, Mr. & Mrs. Leroy B. Simmons, Mr. & Mrs. Augustine Ferreira, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Pacheco, Joseph Medeiros Jr. Mrs: Louise Fallon, Mr. & Mrs. Alfred T. Morris Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Scott Teiford, Mr. & Mrs. John Petraitis, Mr. & Mrs. William Quirk Mr. & Mrs. Richard Young, Mr. & Mrs. Lorenzo Colaluca, Mr. & Ml's. Robert Sloane, Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Marshall, Mr. & Mrs. Americus Macedo Dr. & Mrs. Richard E. Murphy, Mr. & Mrs. Henry Bilodeau, Mr. & Mrs. Wilfred Blanchette. Remember How Music Used to Sound WINDSOIt MUSIC' 993-6263

6 Orchestras Available Put Live Music In Your Next Ball Cocktail Birthday PARTIES Showers Dance Weddings Holiday Anniversaries . Whispering Trumpet of Art Perry Tony Rapp. Band of a 1,000 melodies Shop-Compare-Why Pay More

. ....... "



$350 Rev. William J. Shovelton

$100 Mr. & Mrs. Edward McCrystal Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Weyker




PLAN YOUR PICNIC, OUTING NOW Special Arrangements for School Groups FOR DETAILS, CALL MANAGER-636-2744 or 999-6984

. _.••• - . e;;: .••• - - - .'. - ••••• - - _.••• - - - ..•• - - - .•• '.


$125 Mrs. Joseph F. Foley Sr. $100 Mr. & Mrs. William J. Gibney Mr. & Mrs: Joseph F. Foley Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Vincent A. Coady St. Thomas More Conference St. Vincent de Paul A Friend $75 Mr. & Mrs. Francis Lussier $60 Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. McCann $50 Mr. & Mrs. James F. Nicoletti Atty & Mrs. Richard N. LaSalle Mr. & Mrs. Francis Silvia Thomas McCann Mr. & Mrs. Paul Daley Mr. & Mrs. John F. Kineavy Mr. & Mrs. Albert E. Shovelton Frederick J. Wilding Ullian Hart Mary Hart The Daley Family Mr. & Mrs. John ~Iwer Mr. & Mrs. Charles Hague Charles J. Burke Jr. $40

Mr. & Mrs. Donald Hussey Mr. & Mrs. Earl Heron $35

Mr. & Mrs. James Crivaro Atty & Mrs. F. A. Rodrigues Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Langfield Mr. & Mrs. Louis F. Fayan Mr. & Mrs. John J. Moynagh Mr. & Mrs. Albert E. Mobouck $33 Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Gaudreau $30 Mr. & Mrs. John O'Brien Mr. & Mrs. Edward T. Sullivan Helen Connors in memory of Mr. & Mrs. Margaret Connors Mr. & Mrs. John R..Fennessey Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Schofield $26 .Ben E.' 'Paskavitch $25 Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Kozak, Mr. & Mrs. Brian J. 'Herlihy, Mr. & Mrs. James Mullins, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph W. Duffy, Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert F. Leonard Mr. & Mrs. Edward Kaylor, Mr. & Mrs. Peter Pepka, Mrs. Mary Philipp, John Clorite, Mr. & Mrs. William F. Croke Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Driscoll, Mr. & Mrs. Chester Ploski, Mary Skammels, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph R. Gagnon, Mr. & Mrs. James Harrington 1MI'. & Mrs. John W. King, in Memory of Dr. Hilary F. White, Mr. & Mrs. Edmund F. CroweH, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. O'Connell, Mr. & Mrs. James Hadad Mr. & Mrs. Henry J. McGowan, Sarah B. White, Mrs. James W. Killoran, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Malvey, Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Latham

Fine Arts A Fine Arts Festival will be held at Bishop Stang High School at 7:30 P.M. Saturday and Sunday, May 11 and 12, with doors open at 6:45 P.M. for viewing of exhrbits. The program will be presented by the art, drama and music departments and will include an art show, a one-act play and offerings by the chorus and band.

Urges Amnesty NEW YORK (NC)-The Synagogue Council of America, linking the three branches of judaism in the United. States, has urged "the adoption of amnesty as a national policy for those who on moral grounds refused to participate in the Vietnamese war." .

Mr. & Mrs. P·eter Paskowski, Jane M. Borden, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph F. Foley 'm, Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Badwey, Mrs. Leonaro J. Shea K. C. SokolskY Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Walter Prayzner, Mrs. Helen.R. Burke, Mrs. John E. Connolly, Mr. & Mrs. Luke Urban, Mr. & Mrs. Herman Neher

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., May 9, 197.4



$200 St.. Vincent de Paul Conference $150 Lawrence Borge $H)O John Rezendes Judge Milton R. Silva St. John of God Women's Guild $50 F. V. Medeiros Jr. John V. Velozo Jr. Camilo Viveiros $40

Leonel S. Medeiros $35 George R. Coulombe Joseph O. Gagnon $30 John Gaspar Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Michael Jay R. O'Neil Mrs. Mary Thomas In Memory of Arthur C. Leite $27 James Rebello $25 Joseph Antone, Dr. Jesse Baptista, Antonio Benevides Jr., Frank R. Borges Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Gerard A. Boucher Joseph H. Camara, John ChelleI, In Memory of Joseph Costa, Lucia M. Gagnon, Edward Machado. Raymond R. Machado, Alfred & Anne Monteiro, James O'Neil, John K. Perry, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Nogueira Robert Paiva, Arthur Provost, Dennis Rapoza, Louis Rosa, Laureano Silva Manuel & Irene L. Souza, Alfred J. Souza, Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Tessier, Ernest Teves, Jesse Velozo James Ventura, Herbert Wet. zel, Zygmunt Ziobro, John Coffey


$500 In Memory of Mr. & Mrs. Edwarc;l J. Burns $300 Anonymous $200 Anonymous $100 Mr. & Mrs. J. David Connell Mr. & Mrs. Harold K. Hudner Mrs. Ernest L. Wood $70 Anonymous $60 Mr. & Mrs. Leonard E. Boardman $50 Mr. & Mrs. Russell B. Cochrane Mr. & Mrs. William R. Flynn Mr. & Mrs. Henry A. Harrison Anonymous

~.,,*.' . ~;'"






i,· .. _··~


, .... I ... #. .: .. I

~- ,." I

NCCW HEAD MEETS BISHOP CRONIN: .Board members of the Diocesan Council of Catholic Women sponsored a tea and reception on Sunday for Mrs. G. Sam Zilly of Grosse Point Farms, Michigan president of the National Council of Catholic Women. Principals at the reception were: Mrs. Zilly, Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin, S.T.D., Bishop of the Diocese; Mrs. Michael J. McMahon of Fall River, director of the Boston Province of the NCCW;' Mrs. Richard M. Paulson of Taunton, president of the Fall River Diocesan Council of Catholic Women. Mr. & Mrs. Harold Senay Mrs. Raymond F. Sweeney Anonymous $25 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph F. Branco, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel BrilNant, Mr. & Mrs. John Cabral, Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Connors, Mr. & Mrs. Frank A. Cusick Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph T. Drury. Dorothea & Harold· Duso, Mr. & Mrs. Junior D. Erickson, Anne V. Fayan,. Mr. & Mrs. Harold Higgins Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. McDonald, Mr. & Mrs. Norbert J. McKenna, M & Mrs. Andre G. Michaud, Mr. & Mrs. Leonard J. O'Neil Mr. & Mrs. Louis Oste, Mr. & Mrs. ·Paul J. V. Parente, Mr. & Mras. Ambrose Powers, Mr. & Mrs. WiUiam S. Shepard, Mrs. Georgia S. Silvia Mr. & Mrs. John J. Sullivan, Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Swales, Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Swales Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Edmour Thibault, Anonymous, Anonymous

Mr. & Mrs. Edward Myles Mr. & Mrs. Everett Mendes Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Roland Martelly, Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Orosz, Mrs. Nelson Doyle, Mr. & Mrs. Oswald Medeiros Mr. & Mrs. hn:iert Rousseau, Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Kelley, Claire Lapointe, Mr. & Mrs. Leo R. Dube, Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Sullivan Mr. & Mrs. Robert Evans, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Calisto, Mr. & Mrs. John D. Lawlor, In Memory of James M. Cox, Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert De Mattos, Mr. & Mrs. John Silva ST. :LOUIS de FRANCE

$500 Ideal Laundry $400 Anonymous $325 Rev. Louis R. Boiv,in $300 In Memory of Joseph F. Dufour

$110 Maurice Lincourt $100 Emile Cote $50 Holy Name Society Armand Francoeur Francis McCurdy $30 Louis O. Chagnon & Denise Albert Michaud Daniel Berthiaume $25 Michael Kdrkham, Joseph Morro, Joseph Belanger, Donat Parent, George Levesque . Edward Plante, Adelard Larue, William Bourassa & Daughter, Armand Gauthier, Edward Ward Edgar Trudeau, Raymond Levesque, WilIljam O'Neil, Roland Goddu, Leo Mathieu Henry Fortier, Leo Rochefort, Charles Menard & Son Robert Paquette, Owen Griffin, Arthur Grimes William McDonald, Normand Fortin


$300 Rev. Daniel E. Carey $100 Mrs. Stanley C. Walters Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Travers Mr. & Mrs. Norman E. Ashley $52 . Mr. & Mrs. James McKay $50 Mr. & Mrs. Robert LaChance Mr. & Mrs. John Fitzgerald Mr. & Mrs. Harvey Lenon . Mr. & Mrs. Albert M. Couto $35 $40 Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Cavanaugh Mr. & Mrs. Louis F. Fayan $30 Mona C. Kennedy Mr. & Mrs. Stephen McAvene Mr. & Mrs. Donald F. McCaf$25 frey Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Marum, Mr. Mrs. Donald L. MacDonald & Mrs. Albert Dube, The Clem$33 , ent Family, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Mr. & Mrs. Leon J. Menard Carey, Mr. & Mrs. William F. $30 Johannis Grace P. Holden Mr. & Mr. James Carr, Joseph Mr. & Mrs. James J. Johnson Cousineau, Mrs. Barton G. AlMr. & Mrs. Edward McNerney bert, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Souza, .... _. -


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R. H. Cormier, Dr. & Mrs. Andrew Croke, Mr. & Mrs. Orlando F. DeAbreu , T. Dorsey, Mrs. R. Drake, Mrs. Rose Ducharme, Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Fitzsimmons Rita Gauthier Robert Hill, Wm. Grant, Miss M. Hoye, E. Malo, Mr. & Mrs. J. McMorrow Dennis McSweeney, Miss P. McSweeney, Clotilde Nason, Memory of F. J. O'Boy, J. O'Boy Mr. & Mrs. O'Gara, George H. Overton, J. Reid, D. B. Sullivan, C. Steeves Mr. & Mrs. J. A. Tranter, Armand Yelle, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Silvia

THE ANCHORThurs., May 9, 1974

Schedule Rite Of Ordination To Diaconate Paul Desrosiers, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Z. Desrosiers of 56 Oliver St., Fall River and of St. Louis Parish, will be one of 'six seminar,ians ordained to the diaconate by Archbishop Philip M. Hannan tomorrow at 7:30 in St. Louis Cathedral, New Orleans. Presently studying at Notre Dame Seminary, New Orleans, Rev. Mr. Desrosiers studied at St. Mary's College in Kentucky, and St. Joseph's Seminary College. Rev. Mr. Desrosier has a variety of pastoral experience including work 4n the Archdiocesan Witness Program, chaplaincy at Orleans Parish Prison and teaching duties at the Academy of the Sacred Heart in New Orleans. For the' past two years he has served at St. Peter's parish in Reserve, La. He is being ordained for ser· vice in the .New Orleans Diocese.



$800 Rev. Msgr. Joseph C. Canty

$100 Clayton Rennie Mr. & Mrs. James Hogan

$75 Lillian White

$60 Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Chandler

$50 Mr. & Mrs. Leo A. Leroux John Connors

AMONG TIlE HUNDREDS OF RELIGIOUS PRESENT AT CONVENTION: The 19th Annual Catholic Education Convention held at Feehan High, Attleboro May 2-3 were, left to right: Sr. Faith Harding, RSM, principal of Feehan High; Sr. Jeanne O'Laughlin, OP, of Washington, Acting Superintendent, Adrian Dominican Independent School System, one of the featured speakers; Sr. Noella Letourne~u, OP, of St. Anne's School, Fall River and Sr. Virginia O'Hare, principal of ,Coyle-Cassidy HiglI, Taunton.,

$300 Rev. Walter A. Sullivan

Edward Smith, Anne and Kath$75 leen Flann&y, Mr. & Mrs. MatThe Reilly Family thew Kuczek; Mr. & Mrs.' Joseph '$50 Torres Katherine McMahon Ma,ry E. Nichols, Sarah NichMr. & Mrs. Richard Andrade ols, Mr. & Mrs. Walter Waltman, Mrs.' Mary O'Keefe Mr, & Mrs. William J. Campbell, Mrs. John ~oudreall & Family Mr. & Mrs. Peter Guresh ,Elizabeth Brady_ Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Roberts, Helen Brady Mr., & Mrs. ,Edward 'J. Cuniff, , Edward' Trucchf Mr., & Mrs. Ernest Prairie, Mrs. $40 Emma Simmonds, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Edward Feeney, Frederiok Rheaume ' Mr. & Mrs. Fred Reams Mrs. Josephine McAloon, ElizMr. & Mrs. Frank Rose • 'abeth Dennen,' Joseph Monaghan, $35 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Dewey, Helen John E. ReiUy ,Murray Mr. & Mrs. William C. Leger Ruth Brady, Mr. & Mrs. ThomEileen ~cCarthy as Varden, Mr. & Mrs. $tephen Mr. & Mrs. John Mahoney Mazzoleni, Mr. & Mrs. George $33 White, Mr. & Mrs. James Corliss Mr. & Mrs. John J. Kelly Mr. & Mrs. Robert Ross, Mr. $30 & Mrs. Joseph Quigley & Family, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond! Harrison . Virginia Wade, Joseph Lanninfa, Mr. & Mrs. William P. MacLean, Mary Kennedy Mr. & Mrs. Chester Dewhurst Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Rebello Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Richard Cayer HOLY FAMILY James Kevican Mr. & Mrs. Robert Dennen $300 Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Ferreira Rev. James F. McCarthy Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Barboza $100 Mr. & Mrs. Earl Machaffie Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Raposa '-




Mr. & Mrs. Horace Costa, MI'. & Mrs. Lidoino Severino, Mr. & Mrs. Gerald J. Doiron, Mr. &

Mr. & Mrs. Richard Crosby John & Janice F. Fitzpatrick George M. Lyon

Mrs. William Andrade, Mrs. Donald Peck Mrs~ E. V. Brimley, Charles Goldrick, Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Pagnini, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Travers, Mr. & Mrs. Galen lRheaume Mr. & Mrs. Bruno Alegi, Mr. -& Mrs. Francis Soitos, Anna Maguire, Mr. & Mrs. Robert MeCleUan, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph F'lynn Charles Monaghan, Mrs. Ann McKenna, Mr. & Mrs. Hector Quintana, Mr. & Mrs. Francis Unsworth, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Martin Helen U. Cronan, Mary E. Cronan, Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert Perry, "Phyllis McClellan, Mrs. Anna Keithan Cornelius Fields, Gertrude McBreen, Patricia Combs, Mr. & Mrs. David Longton, Roberta Smith Mr. & Mrs. Warren E. Lincoln,

$50 Rev. Robert F. Kirby Elsie Amaral ,Mr. & Mrs. Russell, Chamber. land Mr. & Mrs. William Davis Mr. & Mrs. Peter Deniz Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Machado $40 Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Punda

$35 Mr. & Mrs. Edward Booth Cynthia Crosby

$30 Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Boyle Mr. & Mrs: David Cardoza Mr. & Mrs. Alfred J. Dutra Mr. & Mrs. Charles Geer Mr. & Mrs. Maurice LeVasseur Joseph Mendes Mr. & Mrs. Donald Parish Mary Raposa

$25 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Adams, Al-

bert Amaral, Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Baran, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Burgess, Mr. & Mrs. John Cwiekowski Mr. & Mrs. Francis Dutra, Mrs. RicMrd Heywood, Mr. & Mrs. Franlt Jaros, James G. Kenyon, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Leite Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Lippold, Mr. & Mrs. ,Harry 'F. Lyons, Me. & Mrs. Everett McGovern, Mr. & Mrs. Brino Mazzone, Mrs. Mary Murphy Mr, & Mrs. Fred Patrick, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Rose Jr., Manuel Rose III, Mr. & Mrs. John W. Shea, Mr. & Mrs. Henry SulIivan Donald Wotherspoon, Mr. & Mrs. John ~eiba ST. ANTHONY

$120 Rev. Joaquim F. da Silva, C.M.

$100 Hon. Mayor' Theodore Aleixo Jr. Mary E. Enos A Friend


Ernest Prado Frank Casella Dominic Casella Joseph Giannini $35 Mr. & Mrs. Harold Olson' Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Griffin


Miss J. Russell $40 Joseph F. Wade D. J .. Sullivan $36 R. Peterson $35 Miss L. Duffy E. Tenry

Mr. & Mrs. Louis Bartel Mr. & Mrs. James Duffy Sr. Dr. William Fountain


$30 T. Russell Jr. E. Duffy H. H. Galligan J. Gonzals Helen McOarthy L. Sousa Mr. & Mrs. Edward Tokarz

$25 Wm. Behan, _R. Buckley, J. Bums, Miss M. Claffy, Mrs. Albert Clement J. Corcoran, Mrs. J. Corcoran,

.............. .... ...

Mr. & Mrs. John BotelHo, Eva Brunelle, Mrs. Waiter Campbell, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Castle, Mr. & Mrs. J-amesCole . Mr. & Mrs. Richard Dooley Jr., Eleanor Dwyer, Mr. & Mrs: Jerome Gedritis, Mr. & Mrs. Chester Jackman, Mr. & lVII's. Neil McGrath Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Mitton, Mr. & Mrs. Leo Mogan, C. J. Murphy, Mr. & Mrs. John Seaberg, Mrs. Frank Shumway Mr. & Mrs. John Steen, Robert Steen, Robert' Stratton, Mr. & Mrs. Edmund Teixeira, Mr. & Mrs. Antonio Tosti Mrs. Francis J. Twnmon •

$30 $25



Mr. & Mrs. Anibal Antunes Mr. '.&' Mrs. James T. Thomas Mr. & Mrs. Fred Barker, Mr. & Mrs. Wilfred Benoit, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Butler, Mr. & Mrs. John Correia, Mr. & Mrs. Louis Dansereau Mr. '& Mrs. John Ferreira, Mr. & Mrs, Antone Gomes, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Gula, Mrs. Maria Macedo, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Raposa, Edmund F. Semas



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$250 Rev. James F. Lyons

$125 Mary K. Nichols

$100 Mr. &'Mrs. Edward J. Galvin Richard Bentley Main Office: 41 Taunton Green, Taunton, Mass. Branch Office: 140Q Fall River Ave., Seekonk, Masl. Branch Office: 21 North Main St., Attleboro, Mass.

$50 Joseph Butler Jr. Esther & Ethel Buckley Donahu(! Family R. J. Hill, Jr. Mrs. Ruth Hoff.man John Keating Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Murray

Taunton cooperative bank ''The Bank That Sets The Pace For Progress' ...








THE ANCHORMay 9, 1974



$350 Rev. William H. O'Reilly



William J. Desrosiers Henry & Mrs. Wojtkunski

Sylvester Walsh, Mr. & Mrs. William Wing, Ellen Robinson, Mary Gallagher, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Souza ST. LAWRENCE



Keliher Family

Rev. John P. Driscoll



Flangheddy Family

Mr. & Mrs, WilHam B. Muldoon



Charles & Mrs. Colton

A Friend Dr. & Mrs. Robert Durant Mr. & Mrs. Edward F. Harrington Dr. & Mrs. Stanley Koczera Mr. & Mrs. Richard Saunders

$35 Allan Cur-ley

$30 Patrick & Mrs. McDermott Richard & Mrs. Paulson Roland & Mrs. Dubois


$25 Leon & Mrs. Landry, George & Mrs. Nickolds, Philip Paulson, John & Mrs. Michener, John & Mrs. Correia Richard Power, Marie Power, Armand & Mrs. Mello, William Dinneen, Mary Dinneen James Dinne'en, Kevin Dowd, James & Mrs. Garrity, George & Mrs. Sherry, Thomas & Mrs. Leonard Edward & Mrs. Mador, Thomas & Mrs. Hoye, Roger & Mrs. Perreault, Charles & Mrs. McCarthy, Mary B. Power William R. Gregg, John & Mrs. O'Keefe .

Dighton ST. PETER

$150 Montforte Fathers

$100 Mr. & Mrs. James Murphy

$50 A Friend

$30 Mr. & Mrs. Normand K. Smith A Parishioner

$25 Mr. & Mrs Albert Enos Mr. & Mrs. William Grover Mr. Mrs. John Pelletier Dr. Rose Borges

North Dighton ST. JOSEPH'S

$500 Rev. Msgr. Bernard J. Fenton


OPENING SESSION AT CATHOLIC EDUCATION CONVENTION: Rev. Patrick J. O'Neill, D.Ed., Diocesan Director of Education, opens the first session of the 19th convention in Feehan High Auditorium. Present on the stage were: Mrs. Mary Reed Newland of the Diocese of Albany, keynote speaker; Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin, principal concelebrant and homilist at the Mass that opened the convention; and Rev. Francis D. Kelly, Director of Religious Education-CCD, Diocese of Worcester. John Morris M. Gonsalves E. Gertrude Gleason & Mllry 'Gleason

$25 .

Warren Healy, John Ward, Wilhelmina Baptiste, Domingo Perry, Ronald Ponte Michael Bobrowiecki, Philbert Silveira, Oldemiro Canto, Albert Rose, Arthur Middleton Joseph Viera, Rene Bouchard, Robert Sullivan, Dr. & Mrs. Paul O. LaBelle, Mrs. Joseph Tomlinson Stephen Distefano, Jerome Valk, Winifred Keneally, Mary Keneally, Dr. & Mrs. Daniel O'Neill William Coonan, Douglas Pfeninger, Thomas Burke, Francis Mahoney, Joseph Muscarella

North Westport OUR LADY OF GRACE

$100 In Memory of Norman路 T. Gamache Mr. & Mrs. Adrien D. Picard Margueflite P.icard


Rev. Thomas C. Mayhew

$50 Mr. & Mrs. John D. Beaulieu Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Rebello

$25 Mr. & Mrs. William Drummond, Leo Duffy, Mr. & Mrs. Norman LaFrance, Mr. & Mrs. Harold J. Roberts

North Dar,tn,outh ST. JULIE

$200 Dr. & Mrs. Deane Freitas

$100 Rev. John J. Steakem Edwin Smith Atty & Mrs. John Sheehan


Mr. & Mrs. John J. Marnik

$50 Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Schoch $40 Mrs. Henry J. Duffy


$35 Raymond Markey

$33 The Westgate Family

$30 Mary Newett Paul Lambert

$60 John & Thelma C6nnor

$50 Ross & Anna Steeves A Friend

$35 Rheta Tuttle Charles & Elizabeth Morse Mary A. Sullivan

$30 Llewellyn & Elinor Roberts

$25 Wilfred Belanger, Alice Corey, George Smith, Paul & Helen McGowan, Kathleen Verkade Raymond & Josephine Dodge, Lucy Snyder, A Friend, Frank Pimental, Dorothea Sakmon A Friend, Mike & Hilda Brito, Murray & Jean DeCoffe, Bill & Jean Silveira, Peter & Stella Wagner John & Terry Gannon, Tom & Nancy Clark, Charles & Camella Dupont, Gerald Fitzgerald, Albert Silveria Frances Duff, George & Mary Hillman, John & Vera Gibbons, A Friend, Agnes 'Pelczar A Friend, Frank & Mary Cooper, Paul & Diana Violette, Bud & Jane Breton, Lucio & Edwina Oliveira Bernard & Lee Tally, William & Josephine Degaldo

New Bedford

$30 '


Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Campbell

$25 Lcdr & Mrs. Ranald Arntz, Mr. & Mrs. Aime Barnaby, Mr. & Mrs. George Carpenter, Mary Cordeiro, Dr. & Mrs. Bernard Cronan Drift-Way Excavation Co., Inc., Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Emond, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel R. Faria, Grace Hindle, Mr. & Mrs. William King Marjorie Morin, Mr. & Mrs. Frank MoHa, Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Nanni, Mrs. Lena Ouimet, Smith Security Systems

The Halloran Family Emmett Almond Dr. & Mrs. Lawren<:e Luby Barbara Coonan Marion Freitas


Mattapoisett ST. ANTHONY

$1000 A Ffliend

$150 Atty. & Mrs. Maurice Downey

$125 Donald Correia $100 Ronald R. Bilodeau Dr. & Jean Webster

$400 Mr. & Mrs. Philip Hemingway

$200 Dr. Daniel Harrington $175


Rev. John J. Smith

, $100 Mr. & Mrs. Louis Cohol-an Mary V. Coholan

$75 Mr. & Mrs. John Callanan Mr. & Mrs. Richard Fontaine Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Tschaen Sr.

$60 Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr.

& Mrs. Michael Crowley

& Mrs. William Reed & Mrs. William Hendricks

& Mrs. Daniel Dwyer

$50 Mr. & Mrs. Francis Roach, Mr. & Mrs. William Batty Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Roland Lepire, Mrs. Evie Perry, Mr. & Mrs, Francis Quinn

$45 Margaret Walsh

$40 Mrs. Leo M. Sullivan The Hurley Family Mr. & Mrs. Joseph O'Brien $35 Anna Meehan, Brig. atm. & Mrs. L. B. Markey Mr. & Mrs. John Newby $31 Mr. & Mrs. William Souza

Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Kirkwood Mr. & Mrs. George McGovern James J. O'Brien Jr. Mrs, Thomas Osborne Anna Vail

$6() Mr. & Mrs. Edward Mitchell

$50 A Friend Helen A. Driscoll Mr. & Mrs. James Dee Phillip Kane Mr. & Mrs. Timothy P. Keating A Friend

$35 A Friend Mr. & Mrs. David A. Bancroft Mr. & Mrs. Harry Hunt Mr. & Mrs. Paul La路Forest Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Parker Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Charles Phelan Mr. & Mrs. M-atthew R. Souza $33 Mrs. Catherine Hayes


$30 Mr. & Mrs. Paul Hart William O'Malley WHliam Cawley Mr. & Mrs. Michael Hummel Mr. & Mrs. J'ames Worden .Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Macedo Mr. & Mrs. Paul Clark Mr. & Mrs. Richard Manning

$27 Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Amaral

$25 Mr. & Mrs. Henry Frenette, Henry O'Brien, Mr. & Mrs. Henry Tavares, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Lamoureux, Mr. & Mrs. James Delano Carol DeSouza, Mr. & Mrs. George Sheehan, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Murdock, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Jupin, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Fontaine Mary Whelan, Frances Whelan, Mr. & Mrs. John C. Martin, Mr. & MI:s. Edward Connulty, Mrs. Alexander Whel'an Mrs. Vincent Shea, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Sousa, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Mello, Charles Clavin, Loretta Phaneuf Mary Phaneuf, Mr. & Mrs. John Sylvia, Dr. William O'Connor, Margaret Mellody, Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Lewis Helen Jarusik, Mrs. Charles Palmer,' Mrs. Joan Hirst, Peter Zajak, Mr. & Mrs. Michael Jupin Leo Worden, Helen A. S. Ross, Mrs. Clinton Starkie, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Maguire, Mary Walsh

SHAWOMET GARDENS 102 Shawomet Avenue Somerset, Mass. Tel. 674路4881 3% room Apartment $155.00 per month 4Vz room Apartment $165.00 per month Includes heat, hot water, stove, reo frigerator and maintenance service,

A Friend

$25 Mr. & Mrs. Wilson Bonneu, Mr. & Mrs. James J. Carr Jr., a Friend, Mrs. Frederick Cook, Dr. & Mrs. A. B. Crowe Mr. & Mrs. Malcolm J. Delaney, Mrs. John Finni, John J. Finni, Timothy Gleason, Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Goodfellow Mr. & Mrs. Owen Haokett, . Mrs. Michael Harrington, D. L. Hathaway & Sons, Mrs. Grace Larsen, Mr. & Mrs. James Manning Mr. & Mrs. James McGann, Amos Morris, Mrs. Edward D. Murphy, Mr. & Mrs. James E. Murphy, Veronica O'Brien Genevieve O'Connor, Lucy A. Sherman, Mr. & Mrs. Albert Smith,' Eleanor G. & Mary M. Sullivan, Isabelle & Robert Sullivan Margaret E. Sullivan, Mr. & Mrs. John Treadup, a Friend, Mr. & Mrs. John Whalen, Mr. & Mrs. William J. Winsper


for us There's 11 convenient locations in Attleboro Falls, Mansfield, North Attleboro, North Dighton. North Easton, Norton, Raynham. and Taunton.

[IT] uniTED




THE ANCHORThurs., May 9, 197.4


$400 Rev. A. Castelo Branco $100 Abel Fidalgo $50 Antone Goncalves $45 Maria Arede $40 Teresa Carvalho $35 John Cordeiro $33 William McCarthy $30 Gilbert Coelho Costa Family Augustus Rapoza Mariano O. Reis $25 Mary S. Bettencourt, AHce, Camara, Manuel da Silva, Manuel Ferreira, Sidney Jenkinson, John M. Aguiar, Victor da Silo va, in Memory of Libania Sol ST. BONIFACE

$25 Mrs. Lillian Corre, a Friend ST. HYACINTH

$300 Rev. Ernest N. Bessette $150 Mr. & Mrs. Gaspard Lafleur $100 Mr. & Mrs. Wilfrid Rous'seau , $50 St. Vincent de Paul Anonymous Mr. & Mrs. Albert: J. Lamou: reux $25 Mr. & Mrs. Valmore Barabe, Mr. & Mrs. Norman A. Brassard" Cora Guilmette, Rita Powers' '

THERE'S ALWAYS SOMETHING NEW IN EDUCATION: Sisters examine the products at one of 86 exhibits at the Catholic Education Convention. ' Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Peternal; Mr. '& Mrs. Richard Motta, Mr. & Mrs. William Constant, Mr; & Mrs. Albert Loranger Mr. & Mrs. William Collins, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Towers, Mr. & Mrs. John Dexter, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Walsh, Mr" & Mrs. Vincent Bertalotto, Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Ruell ST. THERESA'S

$250 Rev. Rene G. Gauthier $180 Mr.. & Mrs. Ronald Loranger $120, Anonymous ' $100 ST. ANNE Mr. & Mrs. Antonio Lemieux ' St. Vincent de Paul Society $300 $50 Rev: Roland B. Boule Mr. & Mrs. Albert Caron $70 Mr. & Mrs. A'idege Cote Marie Lebeau Mr. & Mrs. Rohert J. Coutu St. Vincent de Paul Society $45 $50 Mr. & Mrs. Roland Dumas & St.. Anne's Conference Family $25 $35 ' St. Anne's Credit Union, ArMr. & Mrs. Charles J. Barton thur Fontaine. Mr & Mrs. Harry Sears, Mr. & Mrs. John Zager, Jr. Mr. & Mrs,. Roland Lemieux & Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Raphael Family ST. MARY Mr. & Mrs. Laurier Marcoux - $30 . $200 Mr. & Mrs. Henry LeBlanc Mr. & Mrs. John Nicolaci - $25 , $100 Mr. & Mrs. Adrien Angers, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Richard Brown & Mrs. Raymond Bourassa, Mr. $50 Mr. & Mrs. Rene Carroll, Mr. & Mrs. Laurier R. Dumas, Mr. & Mrs. John Fabian, Mr. & Mrs. & Mrs. John Sullivan, Mr. & Mrs. Paul Fontaine Gilbert Costa Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Fre-' $35 Mr. & Mfs. Joseph Souza, Mr.' chette. Mr. & Mrs. Jose~h M. & Mrs. Arthur Fredette, Mr. & Goyette. Mr. & Mrs. Raymond 'Guerette, Mr. & Mrs. Josel'h P. Mrs. Joseph Winsper Lemaire, Mr. & Mrs. Gaston Lo_ $33 ranger Mr. & Mrs. Rod Lussier Mr. & Mrs. Ovila R.ock, Mr. & $30 Mrs. Louis A. Roy, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. John Hughes Ronald Silveira, Mr. & Mrs. Hen,Henry Fortier ri Valois Mr. & Mrs. John 'Sardinha Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M~Kenna HOLY NAME Mr. & Mrs. David Costa Mr. & Mrs. David Loveridge $200 Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert Mainville In Memory of Madeline W. Norton $25 Mr. & Mrs. Francis Sullivan, $110 Mr. ,& Mrs. Joseph F. A. leBlanc, Dr. & Mrs. John B. O'Toole Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert Penler, Mr. & , $100 Mrs. 'Edward Girard, Mr. & Mrs. Lmian T. Cole Albert 'Pepin Mary A. Cole Mr. & Mrs. Marcel Loranger, Frank R.' Leary, M.D. Edward Bell, Mr. & Mrs. Gaston $50 DeBrosse, Mr. & Mrs. Louis Begin, Mr. & Mrs. Gabriel Folco' ' Arnold Briden Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Pimental, Mrs. Catherine Carney.,

Aifred Choquette ' Mr. & Mrs. Hugh T. Earley Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Flanagan Mr. & Mrs. James Flanagan In Memory of the Foley Fam-, ily, ' $40 Mr. & Mrs. Eric R. Erickson $35 Mrs. Omer Bellenoit Mr. & Mrs. Joseph S. Finnerty Helen McIntyre , $32 Mr. & Mrs. Dorwin Stockwell $30 Mr. & Mrs. Martin Barry Mr. & Mrs. Walter Carter 'Mr. & Mrs. Stanlev'Gorczyca Mr. & Mrs. Paul McNeil Mr. & Mrs. John Mills Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Poluos $26 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Mikina $25 Mr. & Mrs. Frank Bures, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Casey, Mr. & Mrs. Leo Cole, Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Cole, Mr. & Mrs. Michael Considine Mr. & Mrs. Charles Deasy, Mr. & Mrs. WilHam Demsky, Mary E. Downey, Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Finnerty, Mr: & Mrs. Albert Frates Mr. & Mrs. Joseph F. Gorman, Mrs. Harold Guthrie, Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence A. Harney Sr." Gerald Harrington, Mr. & Mrs. 'James Harrington , -, Mr. '& Mrs. Charles Joerres, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Joseph. Mr. & Mrs. James Leith, Mrs. Edwin Livingstone, Daniel Lysko Mrs. Thomas McEntee, Edith McIntyre, Mr. &' Mrs. Manuel Mello, Mrs. Mabel Miller and Alice, Edward Smith Mr. & Mrs., Leonard Souza, 'Mrs. Francis SuElivan, Mr. & Mrs. George Swansey


$600 Very Rev. Luiz G, Mendonca , $500 Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Fernandes $150 Noe Ferro $130 In Loving Memory of GuilherIl1e M. Luiz $100 Rev. George F. Almeida In Loving Memory of Joseph & Agnes Soares In Memory of Wm. R. Freitas Mr. & Mrs. Virginio Macedo Mr. & Mrs. John J. Oliveira Augustus Silva Mrs~ Maria C. Ferro $75 Anonymous $60 Mr. & Mrs. Jose L. A. Ferro '$55 Beatiz Lopec; $50 Anonymous Mr. & Mrs. Joseph da Luz Louro Mt. Carmel P.T.A. In Memory of Joseph Freitas Fatima Medeiros Mr. &, Mrs. Jose R. Oliveira Mr. & Mrs. Hemiterio Souza Mr. & Mrs. Gabriel Moura Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Cambra Mr. & Mrs. John R. Perry' Anonymous Mr. & Mrs. Antone Santos $40 James Perry Mr. & Mrs. Francisco Vieira Natalina Ventura $35 Anonymous Mr. & Mrs. Manuel G. Souza Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert Tavares

O~ Co.,

Mr. & Mrs. Francis Ferreira Joao P. Amaral Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Humberto Rodrigues $32 Manuel A. Gomes Mr. & Mrs. Francisco Ferreira Nunes $30 Anonymous Mr. & Mrs. Charles G. Souza Mr. & Mrs. John Pacheco Medeiros Mr. & Mrs..Edmund J. Sylvia Bernadette Cambra Mrs. Priscilla Melo' Mr. & Mrs. Antone Correia Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Caetano Mr. & Mrs. Ildeberto Jose P. Sousa Jose Henrique Moniz ir. . Mr. & Mrs. Robert Kelly Raul M. Pereira Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Louis G. Torres Mr. & Mrs. Jose Souza Mr. & Mrs. Joseph G. Silveira Jr. ' Mr. & Mrs. Serafim Mello Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Travassos Mr. & Mrs. Enos Lopes Mr. & Mrs. George M. Ferro Mr. & Mrs. Jose dos R. Vas路 concelos Mr. & Mrs. Carlos Lourenco Avelar $25 Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Souza, Celina Oliveira, Mr. & Mrs. Armin'do, Lima Linhares, Mrs. Helen DeMello, Mr. & Mrs. Eduardo Teixeira Mr. & Mrs. Jacintho S. Ferro, Mr. & Mrs. Antonio Miguel, Mr. & Mrs. Antonio do Rego, Elsie M. Sylvia, Elaine Medeiros Jesse Mello, A'1exandrina Macedo, Mr. & Mrs.' James Almeida, Mrs. Maria Lopes, Mr. & Mrs. Donald J. Aspden Mr. & Mrs. Charles Gaspar, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur A. Vasconcellos, Lawrence DeCunha,' Arminda Nunes, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Rogers Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Mello, Mr. & Mrs. Joao Rocha, Mr. & Mrs. William Rebello, Mr. & Mrs. Albino DaSilva, Mrs. Sophie Viveiros Carlos H. P. Tavares, Rosemary L. Ferro, Mr. & Mrs. Abel A. Alves, Mr. & Mrs. Eduardo Mendonca, Mr. & Mrs. John S. Cabral Evelyn Hendricks, Mr. & Mrs. Richard King, Anonymous, Anonymous, Mary Hendricks Anonymous, Mr. & Mrs. Louis Roderick, Mt. Carmel Boy Scouts, Troop 11, a Friend, Mrs. Philomena Silva Mary E. Silva, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Silva Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Louis Couto, Mr. & Mrs. Donald Perry, Carma Santos Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Tavares, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Aguiar, Mr. & Mrs. Jolin C. Silvia, Mrs. Ju,1iet Lopes, Mrs. Noemia Cambra' Maria Carmelo V. Nunes, Mrs. John Silvia Jr. Anonymous, Mr. & Mrs. Bernie Fortunato Jr., Mr. & Mrs. George Silva, in Memory of Francisco Rodrigues



992-5534 !999-12ill 1999-1227 I




Theme of Reconciliation Strikes Responsive Chord

Thurs., May 9, 1974

When Pope Paul announced a year ago this month that there would be a Holy Year in 1975, he said that one of its central themes would be "reconciliation." He went on to say that "we need above all to re-establish a genuine, vital and happy relationship with God" to be Biblical insight than the German theologian, Jurgen reconciled with Him in hu- Protestant Moltman. In a recent essay enmility and love, so that from entitled "Liberation Through


this basic harmony the whole world of our experience may express a need for and acquire the virtue of reconciliation in char-



Reconciliation," Moltman calls attention to the fact that the word reconciliation is suspect among many poor people who are struggling to liberate themselves from injustice and oppression. In fact, he says they "hate" the very mention of the world. 'Expensive Grace' Why should this be so? Because, Moltman contends, "the word reconcildation has <been misUised and betrayed ... False prophets speak of peace and call to peace where there is no peace. They comfort the people in their misfortune, telling them it is not aU so bad. Appeasement is substituted for reconciliation, and religion is misused for the purpose of keeping the poor quiet so that the sufferers will be satisfied with unrighteousness and not protect it strongly ..." ("The Gospel of Liberation," Chapter VIII, Word Books Publisher, Waco, Texas, 5.95) This is not what reconciliation means to Moltman-or to Paul VI. Reconciliation, Moltman insists is "an expensive grace," which has nothing to do with "an indifferent neUitrality" in the face of Injustice and oppress4on. , Pope Paul VI has made the same point in many of his own official statements on the subject of social reform. Reconciliation, as the theme of the Holy Year, must be understood in the light of those ,statements lest it be misconstrued, in Moltman's terminology, as a synonym for appeasement or the toleration of intolerable social evils. ( © 1974 NC News Service)

ity and justice with men, to whom we immediJately give the new title of 'brothers.'" This theme of reconciliation hlliS struck a responsive chord throughout the Church Universal. National and local HClly Year committees have already begun to develop programs which will be fleshed out, so to speak, and given a practical meaning in the light of political and social conditions in their respective church communities. These committees are confronted, however, with a serious dilemma: How to promote the theme of reconciliation while at the same time urging the f a i t h f u I, as they must, to side with the poor and the oppressed in thl~ir struggle for justice and to do so even a,t the risk of seE~ming, in the short run, to divide, rather than unite the community. Delegate's View The Apostolic Delegate to the United States, Archbishop Jean Jadot, alluded to this problerp, from a slightly different perspective, in a speech which he delivered recently in Denver, ColNew Bedford orado, at the annual convention ST. KILIAN'S .of the Catholic Press Association. He said that many Cath$300 olics are not only unaware of Rev. Justin J. Quinn what the Church's social doctrine $225 is on labor, capital, intE~rnational St. Kilian's Conference St. Vin· trade, respect for culture and cent de Paul Society human rights, but are even ig$100 norant that there is such a thing Anonymous as Churoh social doctrine. $50 The Archbishop asked, "What Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Bernardo type of Church do such Catholilfs Mr. & Mrs. Hervey Caron envision?" His answer was, "A Mr. & Mrs. James David Church which advocates justice $45 but is incapable of naming inAllen Bentley justice when it occurs, a Church $30 which preaches love but is unMary Augeri ,able to speak agaipst acts of Mr. & Mrs. George Fortin hatred, a Church which prays Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Landry for peace but falls silent in the face of violence? $25 Poor People DoubtfUl Mr. & Mrs. Leo Belanger, a "I wish to offend no one's con- Friend, a Friend, Mr. & Mrs. science," the Archbishop added, John C. Gobeil Jr., Janet Hard"but I cannot accept the prop- man 'osition that such a Church would Mr. & Mrs. Alphonse L. Hebe the Church as Christ intends bert, Henry Magan, Mr. & Mrs. it to be." Raymond Mahoney, Mr.. & Mrs. His point is well taken and, if Joseph Masse, Mr. & Mrs. Wilapplied to the theme of the Holy , liam Medeiros Year, can serve as a useful rePatricia Mello, Carolyn Pimenminder that reconc'iliation, in the tal Christian sense of the word, doesn't come cheap. ST. JOSEPH Among contemporary schol'ars, $100 none has developed this point Rev. Roger D. LeDuc more forcefUlly or with greater


Parish Parade The members of the Women's Guild will conduct an auction of small items following the 7:30 business meeting on Monday night, May 11 in the church basement. Mrs. Carolyn Crosby, chair, lady has requested that parishioners may deposit the items for the auction in a container that will be in the rear of the church this weekend. ST. ANTHONY, FALL RIVER

ART GIVEN TO VATICAN: This painting, "Builders No.1," will soon be presented to the Vatican Museum's Modern Art Gallery by the Skowhegan School of Painting arid Sculpture. The work is by Jacob Lawrence. An engraved crystal sculpture by Steuben' Glass is also being presented' to the museum. NC Photo. $75 Mr. & Mrs. Normand St. Gelais $50 Rev. Marc H. Bergeron $30 Mr. & Mrs. R. L'Heureu (Rene) Mr. & Mrs. Philippe Methe . $25 Mr. & Mrs. P. Letourneau, Mr. & Mrs. Marcel Trahan


$200. Rev. Vincent F. Diaferio $100 Mrs. M. Sophie Pacheco & Family Mrs. Lena Ricci Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Toomey $50 Mr. & Mrs. Ernest DiGiammo Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Roderick $30 Mrs. PiIeria Ventura $25 Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Chouinaoo, Edith Sasso Flanagan, Mr. & Mrs. George Rhoads, Rose Sisca IMMACULATE CONCEPTION

$33 A Friend

$30 Kenneth & Marion L. Boyer Mr. & Mrs. Mario Lacava In Memory of Daniel & Manuel Pimental $28 Lawrence Talbot '$27 Mr. & Mrs. James Bentley $25 John Albernaz, Bertha Ashworth, Atomic Fence Corporation, Mr. & Mrs. Alphonse Charron, GeorgE~ Charbonneau Mr. & Mrs. Leo Conroy, Margaret L. Dugan, Thomas King, William Mitchell, Mr. & Mrs. John F. Mooney Mrs. Jeannette O'Brien, Mr. & Mrs. Afonso Oliveira, Mr. & Mrs. JamesA. Partridge, Edward Riley, Mrs. Hector Savoie Mrs. Clarence P. Sullivan, Jane H. Sullivan, Mrs. Wright Turner, Grace Walsh

The Council of Catholic Women will hold its annual mother and daughter Communion breakfast following the 9:30 Mass on Sunday morning, May 12. A continental breakfast will be served. Mrs. Sophia Hamel, chairlady has announced that the installation banquet of officers for the council will be held at 6:30 on Sunday night, June 11 in a Fairhaven restaurant. The final meeting of the guild will be held at 7:30 on Monday night, May 20. SS. PETER AND PAUL, FALL RIVER

The Woman's Club and the Home and School Organization will hold a joint Communion breakfast on Sunday morning, May 19 following the 9:30 Mass. Reservations for the breakfast to be served at the China Royal may be made by contacbing an oUicer of either organization. Mrs. MalJ' Joaquim is in charge of arrangements. The Home and School Organization will sponsor a buffet and dance ,in the Sacred Heart School Auditorium at 7:30 on Saturday night, May 25. Gene Oliver will provide the music for the dancing that will start at 8:30 and continue until midnight. , Tickets \ are $3.75 each and may be obtained by contacting Mrs. Pat Bell or Mrs. Mary Bissaro, co-ohairmen. The Women's Cluh will sponsor a whist party at 8 P.M. Monday, May 13 in the sohool auditorium, 240 Dover St. Mrs. Raymond Polak, ohairman, will 'be assisted by Mrs. Daniel Freeman, co-chairman. Turn to Page Twelve

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The Parish Parade

THEANCBOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., May 9,·1974

Publicity chairmen of parish organizations are asked to submit news items for this column to The Anchor, P. O. Box 7, Fall River, 02722. Name of city or town should be Included, as well as full dates of all activities. Please send news of future rather than past events.

Moorhouse's 'Fearful Void' Has Extraordinary Power Extreme ordeals, both physical and spiritual, are described in "The Fearful Void" by Geoffrey Moorhouse (Lippincott, East Washington Square, Philadelphia, Pa, 19105. 288 pages." Illustrated. $10) and "Alive" by Piers Paul Read (Lippincott, Eas~ Washingof extraordinary power which ton Square, Philadelphia, Pa, seizes the imagination and 19105. 352 pages. Illustrated. lodges' in the memory. $10). Mr. Moorhouse tells us Andes Survivors of his own ordeal, which was self-chosen. In 1972, he set out to cross the Sahara Desert. from west to east, using no modern



Mr. Read's book is about not one person but a group of. more than 40, whose ordeal was involuntary. They were the JJruguayans whose plane, bound for Chile, went down in the Andes in October 1972.' Sixteen survived· for 71 days in the hostile enviBy ronment of a remote, rugged mountain area and lived to tell RT. REV. their grisly story which was distinguished' by vivid marks of MSGR. heroism. JOHN S. Most of the occupants of the plane were members or relKENNEDY atives of a rugby football ·team made up of alumni of an Irish Christian Brothers' school in means of transportation, but adhering strictly to the methods of Montevideo. Anxious to reach Santiago for an important match; primitive desert people. His point of departure was they fretted when bad weather near the AHantic coast of Ma':lri-_ grounded their plane fur a while tania and his goal was the Nile, in western" Argentina, within in Egypt. After traveling almost sight of the Andes, and cheered 2,000 miles on foot or on camel· when a decision to proceed was back; he stopped at Tamanrasset made. Long Wait in Algeria, about 1,500 miles short of his objective. It was dubiuusly wise, and the "copilot who was at the controls Ghastly Details He writes exceptionally well, was Inexperienced in flying this hence his account of his mO[lths treacherous route. He evidently in the desert is superlative, even miscalculated his position, and at its most harrowing. The read- the plane crashed. Eleven died er must be prepared for some in.. the accident, 32 were spared, ghastly details, but even to man- many of them badly hurt. age far from the dangers of the Cannibalism desert one has to be prepared . A transistor radio brought the to confront ghastly details. news that the official search for He kept his gear to a mini- the plane had been abandoned as mum, wore clothes like those of futile. It was after that, with the the natives, traveled most of the tiny supply of rationed edibles time with but one companion, a gone, that the dec.ision was made desert dweller said to be quali- to eat parts of the bodies of the fied as a guide. Of his several dead. successive guides, only two could The decision, when publicized be judged adequate. following the final rescue, caused Most of the journey was excruciating. There was fierce heat by gr~t revulsion. Yet the archbishop and the auxiliary bishop day, punishing cold by night. of Santiago declared that it could Riding a camel could be torturnot be condemned when it was ing, walking mile after mile was the only possible means" of surexhausting. There was trial by hunger, by thii'st, by illness, by vival. "Morally 'I see no objecsandstorm. There was stark iso- tion," said the archbishop, "since it was a question of survival." . lation, and with it loneliness and There was dreadfully much to longing for home. There was torsurvive, not only the weeks dragment by lice, torment by psychological malfocus. There was the ging'into months of immobilizapossibility of being murd~red or tion, but avalanches, blizzards, paralyzing cold, prostrating heat, of dying. the temptation to "despair, the Lost Without God deaths of more and more because Mr. Moorhouse insists that he of illness or injury, the circling is not a man of faith, yet he says of enormous condors. that "without being able to refer Gripping Book to God, we are quite lost; people Mr. Read's gripping book is a spinning helplessly and hopelessly through .a fearful void of the brilliant reconstruction of the spirit." He was fascinated by ordeal not only of the plane pasCharles de Foucauld, the 20th sengers but also ofl their families century Christian desert hermit, \yhether waiting at home or acthought often of him in his own tive in search opemtions. days and nights in that same . All those marooned and sufsetting, and ended his travels by fering were Catholics. Their faith a visit to Foucauld's hermitage had something to. do with their response ·to their situation. It at T'amanrasset. The author tested himself also was strengthened by what against one of the harshest areas they went through. Their concluof the world, and under stringent sions as to this are simply set conditions. Although he did not out by the author, as is what has reach his target, he accomplished been observed of their attitude much that he sought to do, and toward life in the wake of their he certainly has produced a book extraordinary experience.

AwARD WINNER: Gerard E. Sherry, editor-manager of The Monitor, San Francisco's archdiocesan newspaper, holds the St. Francis de Sales award for outstanding contributions to Catholic journalism. Sherry predicted that the U.S. Catholic Press will .die unless bishops give it consistent petsonal commitment. NC Photo.

R'ight-to-Life Meeting June 7 WASHINGTON (NC)'- The National Right-to·Life Committee convention will be held at the Shoreham Americana Hotel June 7-9 here. The convention will be' highlighted by nine workshops on suoh topics as alternatives to abortions, fund raising, legal strategies, and medical and health issues related to right-to· life. Speakers will include Dr. Paul Ramsey, a professor at a Princeton Theologkal Seminary; Dr. Joseph _ Witherspoon, professor at the University of Texas Law School; and Dean Clowes, political and legislative. director of the United Steelworkers of America. .Mrs: Catherine Golden, convention chairman, said she expects 3,000 delegates to attend the meeting. A reception for members of Congress is also planned Jar Saturday night, June 8. The goal of the National Right to Life Committee is to guarantee the inviolability of human life through a constitutional amendment outlawing abortion and some types of euthanasia. 1II111111t1lUI,'1111111I1l11ll1l1l1111111mlmtlllmllllll,III,'11111111l1J11l1l1",lIIl1llllllltltlltllllUi.

OU~ LADY OF MT. CARM~L, SEEKONK The Women's Guild met last night for a business session and arts and crafts demonstration. The un,it-will spon~or a motherdaughter Communion breakfast following 9:15 AM. Mass Sunday, June 9. Rev. Joseph L. Len· non, O.P., vice-president of community affairs at Providence College, will speak Tkkets are available from all guild members.

ST. FRANCIS XAVIER, HYANNIS Clean", usable clothing, except . for hats and shoes, and household items are needed for a giant rummage sale to be sponsored from 10 A.M. to 3 P.M. Saturday, May 18 in the parish center by the Women's Guild. Coffee and' doughnuts will be available during the sale. For pickup service, donors m<>v call Mary Hannon, 775-5777; Kay Lycett, 775-0845; or Helen Fellows, 775-0969. Parish CYO and OCD programs including dances, for high school students have been concluded until the fall. ST. JOSEPH, ATTLEBORO The Women's Guild will hold its instalhition banquet in the parish hall following the 6:30 Mass Tuesday evening, May 14. Entertainment will be proV'ided by "Parson's Plunkers." The price for the affair will be $3.50. ST. ANNE, FALL RIVER Bingo is played in the school auditollium at 7 P.M. every Wed· nesday. Parents are reminded that rehearsals for First Communion wil'l be held at 12:30 P.M. today an"d tomorrow. The sacrament will be received at a 2 P.M. Mass Sunday, May 12. A Mass for vocations wiU be celebrated at 10:45 AM. tomorrow and a May crOlWning ceremony wiH also take place. Rev. Andre Patenaude of La Salette Shrine and his Reconcilers folk group will lead singing at 6:30 P.M. Mass Sunday. ST. ANNE, NEW BEDFORD The school hall doors will be open at 6:30 P.M. Saturday, May -18 for a Las Vegas Night to be held from 7 to midnight. Refreshments will be served. ST. GEORGE, WESTPORT, "Apple BJ.ossom" will be the theme of a dance to be sponsored at 8 P.M. Saturday, May 18 by the Couples Club in the school hall. The public is invited and music will be by the Roman IV oochestra. Mr. and Mrs. John Rose are in charge of arrange· ments, aided by Mr. and Mrs. Adrien" A Durand. ST. LOUIS de FRANCE, SWANSEA InstaUaUon of the officers of the Ladies of St. Anne Sodality will be conducted at the 7:30 evening Mass on Wednesday, May 15. " Following the Mass, a wine and cheese tasting program will be featured ,in the parish hall. Reservations must be made before May 13 by contacting either Claudette Armstrong at 2-1658 or Mary Sawejko at 3-0329. The charge for this open meet· ,ing will be one dollar and refreshments will be served. ST. MARY, NANTUCKET The Women's Guild will serve a covered d'ish supper at 6:30 on Monday night, May 13 in the church hall. . Each member may invite a guest and enterta,inment will conclude the evening's meeting.

ST. MARY, SOUTH DARTMOUTH "Members of the Women's Guild will receive corporate Commurnon at 7:30 P.M. Mass Tuesday, May 14. A get-acquainted houf will f.ollow in the parish center. New guild officers are Mrs. Edward Anuszczyk Jr., president; Mrs. Joseph Singleton, vice-president; Mrs. John Pilvines, corresponding secretary; Mrs. William Therberg, recording secretary; Mrs. Ronald SHV'ia, treasurer. ST. CASIMIR, NEW BEDFORD St. ~as:imir's Circle will sponsor a whist party at 8 o'clock on Saturday night, May 11 in the paI'7i.sh hall at 2056 Acushnet Ave. ST. JOSEPH, .NEW BEDFORD Under the direction of Brother Keane of the Sacred Hearts Fathers, Fairhaven, the Pilgrim virgin statue will be brought to the church at 8:45 P.M. Saturday, May 11. Reception ceremonies wHl be conducted by Msgr. Henri Hamel, pastor, and Marian devortions will follow.7 P.M. Mass each evening until departure of the statue' Saturday, May 18. All area residents are invited to attend. ST. MARY, NEW BEDFORD Highlighting the final meeting ()f the Women's Guild, to be held at 8 P.M. Monday, May 13, will be a lecture on antique dolls by Olinda Tavares of the Fairhaven Doll Hospital and Mueum. Reservations are being accepted for an installation banquet to be held Monday, June 10 at Monsour's Town and Country restaurant. Tickets will be available at Munday's meeting or may be obta1ined from Mrs. Virginia Sheehan, telephone 995-7401. A "Spring Frol·ic" dance is scheduled from 8 to midnight Saturday, May 18 at St. Mary's HaU, Illindis Street, with music by the Three C's. Refreshments will be served. Reservatioins may be made with Mrs. Mary Pelletier, telephone 995-0614 or Joan Kane, 995·7137. Tickets will also be available at the door. ,* • •


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Fall. River ST. JEAN·BAPTISTE $350 Rev. 'Daniel A. Gamache $60 A Friepd $50 Rene Jasmed St. Vincent de Paul Store $45 A Friend $35 William Guilmette $30 Eugene Gagnon Family Philias Ouellette $25 Louts R. Bouchard, Raymond Boul'ay, Manuel Correa, Arthur Desbiens, Doris Dubreuil Arthur Gauthier, Anita Guimond, Aldei Goyette & Frazier Families, Wanda Kozak, Antoi. nette Michaud Armand Thiboutot, Arthur Vidal

ST. ANNE $100 Mr. & Mrs. Normand H. Boule. St. Anne's Conference, St. Vin· cent de Paul Society $50 Dr. Alphonse V. Poirier Dr. Gerard A. Beaulieu Anonymous $40 Cecile Sutton $30 Imelda, Alice & Leon Gauthier Mr. & Mrs. Philip R. Thibault $26 Mr. & Mrs. Benoit Canuel $25 Anonymous, Donald C. Auger, Mr. & Mrs. Alfroo Bedard, Mr. & Mrs. Aime Gamelin, the Gauthier Family, Mr. & Mrs. Roland Sorel ST. MATHIEU $300 Rev. Roger L. Gagne $75 Juliette Belanger $50 Edgar Poisson $25 Mr. & Mrs. Philippe ,Yamancourt, Mr. & Mrs. John Caheceiras, Mr. & Mrs. Normand ChouinaTd, Alphone Mailloux, Mrs. Eugene Dionne & Family Mrs. Maurille Archambault, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Poisson, Mr. & Mrs. George Cummings, Mrs. Donat Roussel & Ann

THE ANCHORThurs., May 9, 1974

UCENSE TO PRAY: Pope Paul's new document on Mary a "dynamic and more informed manner" of reciting the Rosary. The novel license plate shown here is Frank Lancelotta's way of promoting such devotion.. Ne Photo.

SACRED HEART $300 ST. ANTHONY OF PADUA Rev. William F. O'Connell $100 $200 Rev. Laureano C. dos Reis Dr. Daniel Mooney $35 $150 Mr. & Mrs. Emery Gomes & Mr. & Mrs. Quinlan F. Leary Sons $120 James L. Connor, in Memory ST. PATRICK of Mary C. Connor $900 $100 Rev. James F. Kenney Anonvmous The Grace Family $150 ST. MICHAEL Ao(jce C. & Mary V. Harrington Rev. Paul F. McCarrick $700 ·Frederick J. Harrington $100 Rev. Joseph 'Oliveira Mr. & Mrs. John J. fIarrington Joseph M. Crofton $150 In Memory of DeceasE~ Bene· Geraldine Harrington Dr. & Mrs. Gilbert Vincent factors of St. Vincent de Paul $50 $100 Societv Mr. & Mrs. Edward Deciccio Mary T. Carvalho Parish Conference of St. VinMr. & Mrs. Daniel Scully Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert C. Oliveira cent de Paul Society Mrs. James Shea Atty & Mrs. Manuel M. Re· Margaret M. Sullivan $45 zendes Adelaide C. Trainor Mr. & Mrs. William Rys $60 . $40 'Elizabeth M. Trainor Mr. &. Mrs. Joao Aguiar $80 Joseph M. Morrison Beatrice Capeto Leonard J. Hughes Mr. & Mrs. Henry Urban Mr. & Mrs. Antone Souza $35 $50 $55 Annie &. Caroline Wilcox Jane G. Broderick Cecelia C. Oliveira Mary .Sweeney David Creamer $50 $30 Mr. & Mrs. Daniel F. Duffy Isabel Capeto Mr.. & Mrs. WiHiam MoHugh Mr. & Mrs. Dennis C. Hurley Dr. & Mrs. Joseph Carvalho $27 In Memory of Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Manuel S. Medeiros In Memory of Manuel Rosa Jr. James H. Lynch $45 & David Rosa . In Memory of William MerMr. & Mrs. Albert Capeto $25 cier • $40 Mr. & Mrs. Albert Arsenault, Mr. & Mrs. James H. Sullivan Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Arruda Mr. & Mrs. John Bevilocqua, Mr. Thomas D. Tolan & Margaret' Mr. & Mrs. Silvino Estrela & Mrs. Joseph Biszko, Mr. & F. Tolan $30 Mrs. Edmund Cahill, Mr. & Mrs. Walter H. White Mr. & Mrs. William Barboza Gerald J. Carleton Mr. & MilS. Manuel Cardoza $35 Mr. & Mrs. Samuel W. DelPiaMr. & Mrs. Diniz da Costa Margaret .M. Dunn no, in Memory of Edward J. Mr. & Mrs. Antonio Goncalo James V. Kennedy Farrell, Mr. & Mrs. Edward HapMr. & Mrs. Noel Medeiros $30 onik, in Memory of Timothy & Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert MeHo Annie Holland, Maureen LaForMr. & Mrs. Charles F. Bliffins Mr. & Mrs. Guilherme de Oli- est Mrs. Ethel Byington, in Mem- veira Mr. & Ml's. Henry Moss, John ory of Maurice F. Byington Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Rego Sr. O'Brien, Mr. & Mrs. William Mr. & Mrs. William Fitzler Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Silvia Raposa, Mr. & Mrs. John RodMr. & Mrs. James R. Mitchell Mr. & Mrs. Angelo Stavros' riques, Mr. & Mrs. Louis Silvia Catherine I. Trainor . $25 Sarah C. Spellman, Mrs. HBary $25 Mr. & Mrs. Belisario A. AlmeiWhite Mrs. Anne T. Bishop, Mr. & da, Irene Cabeceiras, Mrs. PatriMrs. Thomas .Burke, William C. cia A. M. Caron. Mr. & Mrs. ST. STANISLAUS Chippendale, Catherine F. & El- Manuel L. Carreiro, Mr. & Mrs. $250 len L. Coughlin, Elizabeth Crow- Anthony Cordeiro Rev. Robert S. Kaszynski Mr. & Mrs. Edmundo Correia, ley Paul Gibson Mrs. Ruth Cutting, Margaret Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Correia & Desmond, Edward M. Dillon, Paul, Mr. & Mrs. JosE!:'lh Farias, Sinner Mary Ann Dillon, Mary Grand- Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert Feijo, Mrs. Whoever is able to plead Maria Theresa Gonsalves & field God's mercy for his fellow man Regina M. Higgins, Thomas Family Mr. & Mrs. James King, Man- and does not do so is a sinner. Keane, Helen F. Loftus, Ambrose uel Latway, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur & Margaret Matnard Mr. & Mrs. Edward! F. Mc- Machado, a Parishioner, Mr. & Grady, Mrs. Jean Mizak, Charles Mrs. Arnold Martin Capt. & Mrs. Antone C. Mello, V. Morris, Loretta Norton, Mr. & Mrs. Antone Nunes, Mr. George O'Brien Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Sa, Mrs. & Mrs. Henry J. Pleiss, Mr. & Anna Sullivan, in Memory of Mrs. Alvin S. Rego, Mr. & Mrs. Complete Line Michael F. Sullivan, M. Doris Edwin S. Rego Building Materials Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Rosa, Mr. Sullivan, Mr. & Mrs. James H. & Mrs. Leo Schenck, Mr. & Mrs. Sullivan Jr. 118 ALDEN RD. FAIRHAVEN Mrs. Monica VI. Walmsley, Thomas Simbro, Mr. & Mrs. Jo993-2611 seph Sousa William F. White Jr.


,In Honor of St. Anthony $120 Paula King $100 St. Stanislaus School Ohildren Holy Rosary Joan Marie Desrosiers $85 Mr. & Mrs. Walter Gosciminski Zmuda Family $75 Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Cunningham $60 Mrs. Alice Kret $50 Walter Pypniowski Valerie P{llka St. Stanislaus Women's Guild Mr. & Mrs. Walter Deda In Memory of Maciej Weg· lowski Mrs. Walter Conrad $40 In Loving Memory of Frances & Paul Drzal $35 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Cichon $30 Mr. & Mrs. Henry Paruch Mr. & Mrs. Leo Lavoie Mary Niewola Aniela Kruczek Mr. & Mrs. Adam Polak Mr. & Mrs. William Wotowiec $27 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Pietraszek $25 Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Smith, Mr. & Mrs. John Dopart, Mr. & Mrs. Henry Hawkins, Rev. Wojciech Baryski, Mr. & Mrs. John Zu· kowski Mr. & Mrs. Robert Rioux, In Memory of Karolina Kudlacik, Joseph Mello Family, Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Kulpa, Carol Witeng;ier Anonymous, Mr. & Mrs. George Pereira, Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Vitullo, Cecelia Polka St. Stanislaus Women's Guild, Mr. & Mrs. Paul Klaege, Mr. & Mrs. Martin Forczyk, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Gromada


SSp PETER AND PAUL $150 Rev. Francis M. Coady $100 Rev. Ronald A. Tosti SS. Peter and Paul Women's Club St. Vincent de Paul Conference of SS. 'Peter and Paul Parish Mr. & Mrs. John E. O'Connor In Memory of J. Edward Glynn Mildred Shanon $50 Joseph Conaty Thomas H. Cahill & Mrs. Wil· liam A. Murphy Mary L. Cunningham Mary P. Glynn Theresa Foster $40 Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Janick $35 Mr. & Mrs. Edward Kelly Mr. & Mrs. Edward Tyrrell Mary L. Tyrrell $30 Mrs. Francis C. Taylor Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Tyrrell John Tyrrell $26 Mr.. & Mrs. Fred R. Dolan $25 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Slater, Louise Tyrrell; Florence Rogers, James E. Rogers, Charles Dumais In Memory of Norinan Desjardins, Mr. & Mrs. John Wilding, Julia E. Hasprey, Mr. & Mrs. Pasquale Di Martino, Helen Lynch Daniel Lynch, Catherine Lynch, . Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Stankiewicz Sr., Mr. & Mrs.' James A. DonneHy, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Farren In Memory of Laurence E. Lynch, In Memory of Jerome D. Foley, Mr. & Mrs. William E. T,ansey, John Dolan, John C. Mahoney, Mr. & Mrs. Albert Ducette

See Us First See Us Last But See Us


CHEVROLET 1001 Kings Hwy.

NEW BEDFORD Open Evenings






THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., May 9, 1974

$300 Rev. Msgr. George E. Su).Jivan

PaPGcy Is World's Most Powerful Religious Position

$250 Judge Beatrice H. Mullaney

$200 Rev. Martin L. Buote


If we didn't have a papacy we would have t~ invent one. It may be proper to object to the way the papal position is presently exercised, but to leave the Church over the papacy is to forget that no h.uman organization can survive without a leadership symbol. The re- . ing majority of Christian thinkcent document issued .by ers in every denomination are Catholic and Lutheran the- saying. ologians is extremely interI was asked recently to reesting on this point. As far as I can see there is no contradiction between the way the Lutherans would like to have the papacy




view for a secular journal a dispassionate study, of the diplomacy of Popes Pius XI and XII. Oddly enough, I came away from the book with a much more favorable impression of Papa Ratti. '.nd Papa Pacelli than I had be,',re. The author, unlike many radical Catholic critics, was able to put the two men into their his,torical context and thus make the reader understand how difficult their task was in a time of widespread and路 systematic persecution of the Church in most European countries.

In Memory of Mary L. Harrington Tohe Misses Foley

$100 Francis L.. Harrington

$75 Katherine M. Sullivan

$70 Leroy Borden

$60 Mr. & Mrs. James Panos


"WALKIN(, DEAD MAN" RETURNS: Father Bernard QUilty, whom his fellow Redemptorists call a "walking de~d man" says goodbye to a group of altar boys at the mISsionary's sendoff in Roxbury, Mass., The priest is returning to a Brazilian outpost only a few months a~ter open heart surgery in which his heart stopped 130 tImes. NC Photo.

Fall Rover


Mr. & Mrs. Daniel E. ~ogan Gilhert Cabral Jr. Eunice Dion Julia Harrington Mr. & Mrs. John Mercer

$35 Julia Mahoney Hillard Nagle

$30 Mr. & Mrs. William Nugent


In Memory of' Mr. & Mrs. World Leader Jose Borges, Mr. & Mrs.' Jofunction, as the leadership posiBut what struck me about the OUR LADY OF THE ANGELS Frenk Teixveira, Manuel Ma- seph Boyd, Frances Brough, Mr. gano, Manuel Meideiros, Maria tion in ChrisUanity, and the book was the extent to which $250 & Mrs. George Carayanes, EdMedeiros Catholic theory of the papacy. A historical pressures forced the ward Daley' St. Vinc,ent de' Paul Society pope who functioned in the style two popes (as many others in Leonel Rodriques, Antonio' AI'$225 Mrs. John Donovan, James that the Lutherans think desir- the century and a half before pia, Caetano Furtado, George Downey, Ann G. Doyle, Mr. & Rev. Jo,seph M. FeITeira able would not be violating any them) to view their role essenPontes, John Correia $200 Mrs. MarceHus Feeney, Margaret of the fundamental doctrines of tially in terms of being chief Manuel Freitas, Arthur Silvia, R. Feeney Holy Name Socity .the Church. He would be greatly administrator of a beleaguered' , Manuel Apol'inario. James RichMr. & Mrs. George Tonelli Mr. & Mrs. Edward D. Fitzmodifying the style that has ecclesiastical organization. In ner, Edward Teves gerald, John Fitzgerald, Honora $150 marked the papacy for the last principle they may have claimed Council of Cathc}lic Women Henry Rego, Manuel Rego, Foley, Mrs. Leonard Greenhalgh, century and a half, but changes universal religious leadership, in $100 Manuel Silvia Jr., Jose Lindo, . In Memory of Mr. & Mrs. Frank in the style of papal leadership practice there seemed to be Httle Holy Rosary Sodality Heflin RosaiJie Burton have occurred often in the his- opportunity to play such a role. $60' Mrs. Raymond Heyworth, AlArtJhur Furtado, Furtado Famtory of the Church. Their daily activities were for Mary & Patricia Cahra'l fred Jones, Mr. & Mrs. John John Moily, Antone Michaels, Listen, for example, to the the most part taken up with $50 Kiley, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh J. niz, Ernest Souza words, of St. Gregory (surely no being the chief executive of a far Joseph Mello' John F. Mahoney Maguire, . Children of Mary Sodality, Daweak pope) to the Melkite flung and endangered denominaMr. & Mrs. Arthur Rego 'Cyril Marcille, John McGovVlld Rogers, John Bf(~nco, Jesse tion. "pope" of Alexandria, Eulogos: . William Rego ern, James McMillan, Mr. & Mrs. Barreira, Americo Miranda Papa Roncalli, partly by design Manuel Medeiros & Family Edward Monarch, Eileen Murphy 路'Universal I'ope' Mary Machado, John Medeiros and partly by shrewd peasan~ 'Phe Mello Family Louise Murphy, Daniel Netto, Jr., Holy Ghost Portuguese So- Mildred Powers, James D. Salvo, "You address me with the instinct (and we may never' $40 cial Club, Inc., Manuel Faria, John T. Scanlon路 words, 'as you have ordered.' know exactly how these comAntofie Corvello Emma & Adelaide Arruda This word 'ordered' I must ask ponents were mixed in his. per$36 Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Thompyou to withdraw as far as I am sonality), elected to assume the James Arruda, Laurence Ben- son, Charles Wills Mr. & Mrs. Alfred M. Mello concerned, for I know who I role of world religious leader. evides, Al,f,red F. Almeida, Man$35 am and who you are. you are Almost at once he became in uel Carreiro, Manue(Velho Mrs. Mary Thomas my brother in dignity and my fact what the pope is in theory' . $33 ELECTRICAL John Souza, Joseph Ferreira, father in virtue ... Unfortunate- (in ANYONE'S theory): the most Joseph Theodore COl'lltradors Joseph Silvia, August Ricardo, ly, in the preamble of your letter important religious leader in the $30 Robert Correia you use that proud title 'univer- world. Precisely because he deMr. & Mrs. Gerald Cardelli Mariano Ferreira, John M. Arsal Pope.' I ask you not to do voted le,ss concern to the pressJohn Pacheco ruda, Carl Frederick, Victor Sanso again. For what is attributed ing daily problems of the Church Leonora Mello tos Jr., Carl Dionizio to another to a degree greater as an organization, Catholicism Jt,rlius Rodriques than reason demands diminishes enjoyed during his reign a better Jul<iette Candeais, FranciscCl, AUred Coray you. And I do not. look upon worldwide image than it has for Maurisso, Joseph V. Velozo Jr., $27 as an honour any honour by half a millenium (or perhaps Wayne Correia, Norman Rego Mary Rapozo which my brothers lose their ever). Herman Botelho, Fern Mar$26 own honour. For my honour is Principle Concern tins, Christiano, Pllcheco, Cecelia Richard Coute the honour of the Universal That we might slip back a bit Medeiros, Richard Pavao Enos Sousa Church, and the power of my brothers upheld. Therefore I am from that bold and daring reform truly honoured when the honour' is understandable. But, as time due to my brothers is not denied .goes on, popes will take for granted what to many on the them, each in his degree." outside is self-evident. The paUnless I misread the Lutheran pacy is socially and psychologtheologians, such rhetoric would ically the most powerful reli. win them over in a couple of gious position in the world. Far days. Incidentally, Oreste Ker- from being worried about losing ame, from whose article in "Con- his power, the principle' concern cilium" (New York: Herder and of the pope will be to speak to Herder, 1973) the above quota- all men of the critical problems .tion is taken, ironically notes they face in their religious that Vatican I quoted the last lives- not as someone who has two sentences of the paragraph all the answers but as someone and omitted the rest of it. who knows how to ask the questions from a platform which Study of Diplomacy One may lament the slowness commands everyone's attention. Pope Johnprov~d that it could of the change in current papal style, though one must also re- be done. It will be done again. member that new eras are not In the meantime, those who deborn overnight. But to confuse part from the Church ,because the present style of the papacy they don't like. the pope will with its indispensable ecclesias- have missed not only the point tical function is to misunder- but the boat as well. stand completely what a converg- 漏 1974, Universal Press Synd'c't

Be.Watt Wise


'your wasteful needs 'uses FALL RIVER ELECTRIC LIGHT COMPANY

Fall River' HOLY NAME $500 Margaret G. Dillon $250 Dr. & Mrs. Harry Powers Mr. & Mrs. Frank L. Daylor Patrick Phelan $200 In Memory of George P. Hurley Joseph F. Phelan $150 Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Clancy Maureen O'Rourke $125 Frank Perry Jr. $100 Mrs. Michael O'Rourke Claire Mullins Mr. & Mrs. William Hargraves John Ruane Dr. Omer E. Boivin Mrs. William Connelly in Memory of Gladys L. O'Neil Catherine Furze In Memory of Ann V. Kelly Atty & Mrs. William Long Mr. & Mrs. Robert Nagle Dr. Anne Marie Higgins Dr. & Mrs. Amine B. Maa'louf Mr. & Mrs. William Reed Mrs. Harold E. Clarkin Rose E. McDonald $85 In Memory of Mr. & Mrs. Louis B. Devine $75 Mr. & Mrs. John J. Mitchell Dr. & Mrs. Thomas Shea Mr. & Mrs. Cornelius Lynch Gertrude Lynch & Alice Lynch $70 M. Cecilia Sheahan $65 Neilan Family


Louis de France Boy Scout Attending, Catholic Scouting Conference in Seattle

By PAT McGOWAN Frank Escobar, a remarkable I5-year-old from 5t. Louis de France parish, Swansea, is not at his Somerset High School classes this week. He's one of two boys chosen from 'among all Catholic Boy Scouts in the United States to speak for youth at the biennial conference of the National Catholic Committee on Scouting, now in progress in Seattle, Wash. Frank's credentials are impressive. He earned' the Eagle Scout award, given only to 'boys exhibiting outstanding abilities and character, plus proficiency in a variety of skills, in a speedy two years and one month; and he is now working on "Eagle palms," additional merits given for earning extra merit badges. He holds the Ad Altare Dei and Pius XI'I awards for Catholic Scouts and he serves as junior assistant Scoutmaster of St. Louis de France Troop 16. Addi· tionally, he activated a dormant FRANCIS ESCOBAR Boy Scout Explorer Post ,attached to Truesdale Hospital, Fall River, and he. is post pres- includil1g the suggestion that ident. greater efforts be made to coExplorers, he explains, are a ordinate Oatholic programs for career-oriented part of the Boy the Boy and Girl Scout organizaScout program, and the Truesdale tions. unit is interested in medicine. Trips on behalf of Scouting Frank himself hopes to become are not new to him. Last month a doctor, specializing in cardio- he was in Washington as a delvascular surgery. egate to a national meeting of . Explorer post presidents, and he . Serves Locally $60 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Burke He was nominated for the Se- is currently working on estabMargaret H. Powers attle trip by the Fan River area lishing a chapter of the National $50 and diocesan Catholic Scouting Eagle Scout Association in the Mrs. Thomas Tansey . committees, said Rev. Martin Moby Dick Council, which covers Mrs. John Hogan & Katherine Buote, Fall River area Scout Fall River and New Bedford. "So Mildred V. Carroll chaplain, and he is also youth far I have 25 members lined up," Mrs. Andre Nasser consultant for the are~ and di- he said enthusiastically. Mr. & Mrs. Frank Plichta They Don't Suffer ocesan committees. Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Fortin & School and parish activities At a meeting last week young Collette Escobar consulted with commit- don't suffer from Frank's involveDr. & Mrs. Alfred J, Roy tee members on concerns that ment in Scouting. An All-A sophMrs. Everett G. Orowley should be discussed in Seattle, omore at Somerset High, he has Alice & Elinor Lenaghan Frederick B. McDonald Timothy J. Murphy, Marguerite Clarence Bonner Joseph 'Phelan Mr. & Mrs. John P. Harrington Bonner, Gertrude L. Mercier, Mrs. William A. Torphy Mrs. Agnes M. Stacks Mrs. Robert Hoole Mr. & Mrs. John White Mr. & Mrs. James V. Terrio, $25 The Kennys Mr. & Mrs. John J. Mahoney, the Nash Family, Raymond BeauMrs. Edward B. Downs Grace Cuttle, M. Florence Sher- soleil, Anna Sullivan, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Alcide Morrell In Memory of Kathleen & Wil- ry, Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Leona,rd, ,Joseph Callahan Mr. & Mrs. John Tavares Mr. & Mrs. John Walsh Sr., liam Gillespie Mr. & Mrs. Richard Wood, Mr. & Mrs. Dennis SuHivan, Ma· Mr. & Mrs. Henry Dussault Mr. & Mrs. Leonard H. Phelan Mrs. Walter Fallon, Catherine L. bel C. McAuley, Mr. & Mrs. John O'Connor, Eleanore Howard, Mr. J. Furze, Thomas J. Sullivan Mr. & Mrs. Thadd~ms Golitz , $40 . & Mrs. John E. Cruger Margaret Lahey, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. John Hart, Mrs. Josept Canniff, Nancy Carroll, Mr. & Mrs. James Harrington James O'Connell & Catherine, Mrs. James E. Mullins, Mr. & Antone Andrade Julia T. Harrington, Genevieve Mrs. Arthur Messier Mr. & Mrs. WHfred, Salois A. Harrington, Catherine P. HarJohn W. Cummings Mary V. O'Neil, Helen O'Neil, rington John J. Harrington Yolande Laliberte, Mrs. Honora Mr. & Mrs. Jose.,h Delaney, Sullivan, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph McArdle Family Mr. & Mrs. James K. Marum E1'ladora' F. O'Neit, Mr. & Mrs. Morais Pierre Brouns, Ella Dempsey, Mr. & Mrs. Fred Zebrasky Mrs. James Eastwood, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Howard Marcoux Bernadette Walsh Mrs. Daniel Keily, Dr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Nawrocki, Joseph Clark Jr., Mr. & Mrs.' $36 Mrs. James A. Heaney, Mr. & John Kenyon, Catherine Lysaght Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Gladu Mrs. Joseph Cummings, Mr. & $35 Mr. & Mrs. P. Henry Desmond, Mrs. Henry 'Kitchen Jr., Antone Mrs. Elizabeth Za'1enski, Mary Mr. & Mrs. Robert Lapre \ Almeida Smith, Kathleen Smyth, Mary John T. Crowley . Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. O'Don- Kelly Emma & Elizabeth Connors nell, Mr. & Mrs. Armand D. Cote. Mr. & Mrs. Hugh F. Reilly Gertrude Kelly, Mr. & Mrs. EdWilliam C. Furze, Mr. & Mrs. $30 Raymond Monahan, Mrs. Thom- mund Geary, Mr. & Mrs. Harold J. Dusoe, Mr. & Mrs., Armand Mrs. Edmund Sunderland as Collins Mr. & Mrs. John B. Cummings Desmarais, Mr. & Mrs. John J. Rita Sullivan Mr. & Mrs. James H. Hudner Jr., Mr. & Mrs. John Dwyer, Mr. Sullivan Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Calla& Mrs. Kenneth Reinero, KathMr. & Mrs. Charles Leonard Honor Toohey ryn M. Drogue, Mr. & Mrs. Fran- han, Mr. & Mrs. John Azavedo, Benevides Family, Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. Anthony Geary cis McGrath Mr. & Mrs. Louis Shea, Agnes William Collins, Mr. & Mrs. WilRudolrh LaVault Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Sullivan Murtagh, Mr. & Mrs. James Cos- liam Renaud Mr. & Mrs. David Bishop, Mr. AilceC. Harrington & Helen ta, Mrs. Arthur Shea, Dr. Pat& Mrs. Timothy Lifrak, John rick Foley G. Law Mr. & Mrs. George Janson Bernard Sween~y, Mr. & Mrs. Ruane Sr. 'U"'llmmlllllllllIllUUIlm""mllllllllllllll1lllllll111mUlllllUummUlIlumummmllMt'lIIll1m1I111lt1ilUIlltUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUlllIU,IIIIIIIUllllUlllUlllllllllllllllllllllllllll111lltlUlllllllllllllllllh

been carrying off science awards since junior high school days. He's currently running for student council president and he's president 'of the Somerset debate club as well as being active in track events on the athletic side of affairs. He was an altar boy for seven years at St. Louis de France Church, and he's now moved up to the post of lector. Nor are his summers idle. Last summer he was a health aide at at a Rhode Island SCOl,lt camp and he'll have the same job this summer. Inl his spare hours at camp, he said, he works on merit badges. Frank's the oldest of four boys and he has one sister. A brother, Michael, 14, seems to be following in his footsteps. He and Frank were the only Scouts in the Fall River area to receive the Pius XII award for Explorers at the last awards ceremony for Catholic Scouts. Still not old enough to drive, the teenager admits he keeps his parents busy chauffeuring him to all his activities. But for their part they're happy to do it. "We feel very blessed to have such a son," said his mother,. ,ltlIlUUIIllun"",mtIIUllllI Ull'IIIllllml f1mlllllllllllllllllnllllllllltllllllllllllllllllmilltll

NOTRE DAME -' $400 Rev. Msgr. Alfred J. Gendreau $152 In Memory of Dr. William J. Boudreau $100 Rev. Thomas E. Morrissey $75 Mr. & Mrs. Henri Ouellette $65 Cecile Masse $50 Dr. & Mrs. Adelard Demers Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Roger Labonte Mr. & Mrs. Robert Phenix $40 Mr. & Mrs. Armand DaUaire Helena Chace $35 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Boutin $33 Mr. & Mrs. Albert Parent $26 Mr. & Mrs. Raymond J. Thi· bault $25 Gerard Berger, in Memory of Delia Bowers, Mrs. Adrien Cote, Mr. & Mrs. Paul Courchaine, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Cousineau Mr. & Mrs. Henry Charron, Remi Couture, Mr. & Mrs. Paul Dextraze, Mr. & Mrs. Paul Dumais, Mrs. Evangeline Foster . Mr. & Mrs. Roger Fournier, Mrs. Annette Frascatore, Eugene Hubert, Mr. & Mrs. Umberto Latessa Jr., Mrs. Irene Levesque Mr. &: Mrs. Joseph O. levesque, Romeo Levesque, Pauline & Gertrude Lussier, Mr. & Mrs. Ray A. Morrissette, Mrs. Laetitia Petit Mr. & Mrs. Edmour R. Poirier, Wilfrid Poirier, Mrs. Rita Poisson, Mr. & Mrs. Armand Raiche, Mr. & Mrs. Roger Richard

THE ANCHORThurs., May 9, 1974



$500 St. Mary's Cathedral Bingo $150 Rev. John J. Oliveira $125 Margaret Lahey $75 Janice Hurley Ruth Hurley $50 Rose Dowling Gertrude O'Loughlin Mrs. William F. Hurll Mary T. Hurley Loretta Sullivan Mr. & Mrs. Edward Betty & Family Michaeline Russell Mr. & Mrs. Frank Duffy In Memory of John S. & Alice Moran Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Magriby $40 Mr. & Mrs. Michael Hayes & Family Mr. & Mrs. John Mulrooney $35 Claire O'Toole Rose Riley Margaret Riley Mr. & Mrs. Joseph O'Connell $25 Maureen Gillespie, Margaret Diskin, in Memory of Charles & Eliza Connors, Sarah Booth, Elizabeth Hall Mr. & Mrs. Joseh Rego Vital, Eileen A. Sullivan, Richard Sullivan, Gertrude Sullivan, Mr. & Mrs. F. Cavanagh Alice K. Bailey, Daniel Shea, Eleanor Shea, Jane Haran, Ches· ter Kulpa Mary O'Neil, Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert Willette, Mr. & Mrs. Jerome Foley, Francis A. Moran, Mr. & Mrs. Albert Pinkoski Mr. & Mrs. Leo A. Martin & Family, Mary A.rJ'Iuda, Harriet & Natalie Almeida, Mrs. Stephen O'Toole, in Memory of Mary M. Curtain HOLY CROSS $250 ' Conventual Franciscan Fathers $50 Holy Rosary Sodality $35 ,In Memory of John A. Pietruszka $30 Mr. & Mrs. Stanley W. Nowak Celia and Helen Plichta Szewczyk Family $25 Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Canuel, Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Ciosek, Mr. & Mrs. Bronislaw Kozack, Holy Cross Choir, Holy Cross Men's Club Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Pirog, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Rebello, Mrs. Etta Walmsley, Mr. & Mrs. Thaddeus Krupa, Holy Cross Conference-St. Vincent de Paul ESPJRJTO SANTO $300 Rev. Joao V. Resendes $40 Joao Raposo & Family



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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., May 9, 1974

Catholic Charities Appeal "A Generous Response Wiil'nsure·the Continued Activity of the Diocese in aBroad Range of Socia' and Charitab'e Works". -Bishop Cronin at Kickoff Meeting•



HOUSE.....TO-HOUSE PHASE MAY· 5-15 This Message Sponsored by the Following 'ndiyidua's and Business Concerns In The Diocese of Fall RiYer






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