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VOL. 46, NO. 20 '. Friday, May 10, 2002

Southeastern Massachusetts' Largest Weekly • $14 Per Year

Pentecost'novena aims at healing scandal"s wounds By DEACON JAMES N. DUNBAR heaven _ found them asking FALL RIVER A for 'the coming of the Holy diocesanwide novena linking Spirit: , parishes in unity, healing and "Tpeir prayers. were 'anreconciliation as the sexual .swered on Pentecost, and so I '. abuse scandal continues to make would like to take 'advantage of headlines across the region and the approaching solemnity of the nation, is underway - from Pentecost to invite all Catholics ''Ascension Thursday until Pen- of out diocese to make this notecost Sunday. ' vena;" Bishop O'Malley said.,' Bishop Sean P. O'Malley, In a letter to priests; the, . lEAtjERS AT the Mashpee convention of the Diocesan Council of Catholic Women included, . OFM Cap., called for the novena bishop asked that 'their homilies" fromleft, Father PhilipDavignon, DCCW moderator; DCCW President Betty Mazzucchelli; Bishc>p in the Fall River diocese from, on the Pentecost weekend reflect Sean P. O'Malley, OFM Cap.; and speakers Maria Parker of the Massachusetts Catholic ConferMay 9 through 19 saying "it's the theme~ .of u~tY,healing and ence'~ndHoly Cross Father John P. Phalen. (Photo courtesy of Maddy Lavoie) currently a terrible time for the reconciliation,:'" : . Lastweek,BishopO'Malley Church and we need to tum to God in prayer." likened the confusion and pain .'. The bishop said he was ask- felt by Jesus'absence ~ong the " ' , . . _ ing parishioners to attend Mass early Church tothadelt- b ) r ' . t h e · e e frequently if they can and par- faithful in the wake of cases of .: ticularly to pray the rosary dur- sexl!alabu,se o~. c~i~~ren by: _' . clergy. ' . : .. .. . . ing the days of the novena. Bishop O'Malley said that "But suddenly. ChrisCs·fol,,···, : MASHPEE-The49thannual It also found the women's orga- and other representatives of the participation. in the novena can lo~~rs,: filled WIt~. the Ho\r' . tonvention of the Fall River Dioc- nization drafting a resolution of Church. start at llI?Y time. SPI~t find the· c~ur~ge :and di:, ',esan Council of Catholic Women solidarity to pray and support The DCCW also resolved to H~ s8ld the first novena -:- rectlOn for the~sslon ~d ~he· . in Christ the. ~l,lg Parish Center Bishop Sean P. O'Malley, OFM pray the novena set in a theme of ~e mne days the .Bl~ssed Vrr- strength to ~? out ~nd wI~ess here drew neatly 200 members, Cap., and his priests, deacons and unity, reconciliation and healing . guests, clergy and religious to a day religious in the wake of the scan- urged by Bishop O'Malley from gm Mary ~~ the dISCIples spent to ~e w~rld, the ,bISho~ SaId. secl~ded m. mtense pr~yer .folWe make a rec?mrnttrnent, . of business ,arid prayer. . dals of abuse of children by clergy Tum to page i 3 - DCCW Tum to page N.0ven~:· . lowmg Christ's ascenSIon lOtO

DCCW h0 Ids annuaI C''onventlon In M ash pee



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Lord, make mean instrument of your peace; where there is hatred, let me sow love; where there is injury, pardon; where there is doubt, I faith; where,there is despair, hope; where j' there is darkness, light; where there is !!.~.' . . and sadness, joy; 11(,







Grant that I may .not so much' seek to be consoled' as to console; to be understood, as to understand, to be loved as to love; for it is in giving that we receive, it is in pardoning that we are 'pardoned, and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.

Blessed' Sacrament Parish celebrates'its centennial : . FALL: RIVER ,-. More than ebrant of the Mass. 600 people attended a Mass Sun- . In his homily, Father Gerald day observing the 100th anniver- Barnwell, the ninth and current sary of Blessed Sacrament Parish pastor, thanked the parishioners on South Main Street, and later for making his seven years there celebrated the distinguished a pleasant and rewarding experiparish's birthday at a banquet in ence. . the parish hall. ' "You, the parishioners are inBishop Sean P. O'Malley, deed good people, faithful people OFM Cap., was the principal celTum to page i 3 - Centennial

Charities Appeal's fir$t day a success FALL RIVER - Gathered at headquarters ofthe Catholic Charities Appeal last Sunday night, staff members w~tehed excitedly as the outstanding results of this year's opening day of the Parish Phase of the 61st annual Appeal began coming in.. "if was, truly' exciting," said Msgr. Thomas J. Hat;rington, director of the Appeal. rAnd we are well satisijed ~th this year's results," he continued,I)Oting that the first day's result~ "eJ(~~ded laSt year's and establish.ed 'a new record for that ...-....... day." But as he eyed the $3.6 million total the campaign raised among 53,000 individuals in its annual spring fund-raiser last year, Msgr. Harrington told The Anchor, "Like

Tum to page i 3 - Appeal

Father'Henry G. Vanasse SANFORD, Maine - Fall ers of Christian Instruction. He had River native Father Henry Gerard also served as superior and treasurer Vanasse, 84, who until 1985 had at Notre Dame University, and spent most of hi$ 69 years in reli-: served with the Brothers'· General . gious life as a Brother of Christian Adrriinist:nition in Rome. . Following courses at .the WestInstruction, died May 4 at Goodall em' Jesuit School' of Theology in Hospital here. Born in Fall River, Mass., the son .. Cambridge, Mass., he was ordained of the late Louis and the late . a priest in 1985:Forthepast 15 years Herminie (Chamberland) Vanasse, he has been in charge of the provinhe entered the religious brothers in cial archives'ofthe FIC community La Prairie, PQ, Canada, on June 21, at Notre Dame in Alfred, Maine. Father Vanasse leaves ~ sis-. 1930, taking the name Brother ters, Mrs. Mane Nadeau and Mrs. Henry Gabriel. He subsequently taught in Rose Borden, both of Westport, Montreal, Canada; Biddeford and Mass., and Mrs. Germaine Sanford, Maine; and later served as Vaillancourt. of Jackson, III. His funeral Mass was celebrated . a principal, director of the novitiate, director of scholastics, and in 1964 this morning in the Notre Dame was named provincial superior of Chapel in Alfred. Burial was in the theAmerican Province of the Broth- Brothers Cemetery there.

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May 13

Acts 19:1-8;Ps . '68:2-5ac,6-7ab; In 16:29-33 May 14.·Acts 1:15-17,2026;Ps 113:1-8; . . In 1'5:9-17 May 15 Acts'20:28"38; .Ps 68:29-30,3336c; In 17: 11 b- . 19 . May 16 Acts 22:30;23:611;Ps16:12a,5,7-11; In 17:20-26 May 17 Acts 25:13b-21; Ps 103:1-2,1112,19-20ab; In 21 :15-.19 May 18 Acts 28:1620,30-31; Ps 11 :4-5,7; In 21 :20-25 (Vigil) Gn11:1-90rEx 19:3-8a,16-20b or Ez 37:1-14 or JI 3:1-5; Ps 104:1-2a,24,2728,29bc-30,35c; Rom 8:22-27; In 7:37-39 May 19 Acts 2:1-11; Ps 104: 1ab,24ac, 29bc-30,31 ,34; 1 Cor 12:3b- . 7,12-13;Jn 20:19-23


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for the Catholic' Charities Appeal. In October of, 1995 he wa~ assigned·to St .. pat.rick's in', Falmouth as a parochial vicar .and appointed chaplain at the Massachusetts Maritime Academy. In 1999 he was named parochial vicar at St. Pius X Parish, South Yarmouth. In June.. 2000 he was appoin~ed parochial vicar at Holy RedeeQ1er Parish, Chatham, and made parochial administrator there on Feb. 1, 2001.

ried, one is single, and they come from all walks of life and various areas throughout the diocese. This joyous day culminates five years of study for the diaconate·. Seating .for the ceremony is by ticket only dueto the num~ ber of ordinandi', their immediate and close family members, as well as invited guests.

'Get Moving' sets preregistration dates .

Daily RE!adings

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NEW BEDFORD - On May 18 at St. Anthony of Padua Church, here, 17 men will be ordained as permanent deacons for the Diocese of Fall River by Bishop Sean O'Malley, OFM Cap . These men are members of the sixth class to be ordained . as permanent deacons ih the diocese. ' Sixteen of the men are mar-

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CHATHAM' Father He graduated from Barnstable George B. Scales, administra-.High School. in 1977 a~d 're~ tor of Holy Redeemer Parish. ceived a· bachelor of fine arts. here, has been named pastor of degree from the College of the St. Mary's Parish in Seekonk. Holy Cross in 1981. After theoThe appointment was effec-' logical studies at· St. John's tive Wednesday. Seminary in Brighton he was Father Scales is a native of ordained a priest on June 4, Worcester and the son of Mrs. 1988 by Bishop Daniel A. Jane M. Crosby formerly,Scales Cronin in St. Mary's Cathedral. His first assignment as a paand the late George R. Scales. rochial vicar was to St. Mary's Parish in Mansfield. In 1995 he was named assistant director

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Father S'cal.es.is named a pastor

THE ANCHOR - Diocese of Fall River - Fri., May 10, 2002



FALL RIVER - Advance .. registration locations for Saint , Anne's Hospital's fourth annual "Get Moving" community pledge walk fund-raiser on May 18, are announced . The sites, dates and times for the signups are: --=- Thursday, May 16, 6-8 p.m., Roasted Bean Coffee House, 4 Hartwell Street, Fall River; - Friday, May 17,8 a.m.-4

p.m., Hudner Oncology Center lobby, correr· of Osborn and Forest streets, Fall Riv.er. The 3.5-mile walk to benefit the HudnerOncology Center, will begin at Diman Regional Vocational Technical High School, 251 Stonehaven Road, Fall River, on }\1ay 18.at 9 a.m. For more information call Saint Anne's Hospital's Office of Development at 508-235-5057.

I n Your Prayers Please pray for the following priests during the coming week May 13 1955, Rt. Rev. Msgr. Osias Boucher, Pastor, Blessed Sacrament, Fall River May 16 1941, Rev. William McDonald, SS., St. Patrick, Falmouth 1960, Rt. Rev. Msgr. J. Joseph Sullivan, P.R., Pastor, Sacred Heart, Fall River . 1981, Rev. Arthur C. dosReis, Retired Pastor, Santo Christo, Fall River May 17 1951, Most Rev: James E. Cassidy, D.O., Third Bishop of Fall River, 1934-51

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ANCHOR (USPS·545-D20) Periodical Postage Paid ~t'Fall Rive~ .. Ma5s.. Published weekly except fonhe first twO weeks in July . May 19 am the week afterChrisnnas at 887 Highhind. . . .1940, Rev. Ambrose Lamarre, O.P. Avel1lJe, Fall River, Mass. 02720 by the Catholic 19'41, Rev"rho~as Trainor, Pastor, St.' Louis, Fall River Press of the Diocese ofFall Riv~r: Subscription . " 198'S, Rev: Arth,ur C. Levesque, Pastor, Our Lady of price by mail, >postpaid. $14.00 per year'.. '., ·F·att·ma,'. New 'Be~"ord POSTMASTERS send address changes to lbe U I' Aochor. ~.O. Box7; Fall.River, MA 02722.' ' ••• :'.:• •••' 11II '. '.'.•..• '.: ~_----- . . THE

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THE ANCHOR - Diocese of Fall River - Fri., May 10, 2002


Diocese's nursing homes to observe Nursing Week

VOLUNTEERS IN the Catholic Social Services' English-As-A Second Language classes had a chance to socialize at the annual appreciation banquet last week.

Catholic Social Services honors its lTIany volunteers NEW BEDFORD - Many of ciation Dinner. the more than 216 active volunBishop Sean P. O'Malley, teers whose caring work for . OFM Cap., told the gathering that Catholic Social Services' needy the Church's social mission is reclients is often performed with alized through their actions and he quiet.consistency and without fan- thanked them on behalf of all the fare, were paid tribute recently at people whose lives they have touched through work in food panthe New Bedford Country Club. Arlene McNamee, executive tries, English-As-A .Second Landirector of the CSS, thanked more guage classes, citizenship classes, than 100 from across the diocese residences for women and many who braved the rain and fog to at- other programs. Some of the programs have tend the annual Volunteer Appre-

Notice To Diocesan Employees Who Work With Children The law in Massachusetts was recently amended to add clergy and other employees of all religious organizations to the list of individuals required to report instances of abuse of a minor to the Massachusetts Department of Social Services. Even before this amendment, the policy of the Diocese of Fall River required all employees and volunteers to report instances of abuse. The amendments to the law name in addition to clergy, these individuals as mandated reporters: any person employed by the diocese to supervise, educate, coach, train or counsel children on a regular basis. The law requires these individuals to report instances where he or she has reasonable cause to believe that a child (currently under 18 or under 18 at the time of injury) suffered physical or emotional injury resulting from abuse, including sexual abuse. The amended law directs that reports concerning children who are under the age of 18 be made to the Massachusetts Department of Social Services. If the alleged victim is no longer under the age of 18, the report shall be made to the Office of the District Attorney of the county where the alleged abuse occurred and the reporter shall also notify the alleged victim in writing of the report.

Diocese of Fall River


only one or two volunteers, while the ESL and others including the Christmas giftwrapping effort, have dozens of people involved. A colorful Mayan dance group, led by Rene Moreno of New Bedford, perfonned after the dinner and introduced the audience to the ancient traditions of their culture.

FALL RIVER - A variety of activities and programs are planned at the Diocesan Health Facilities' five skilled nursing homes as they mark National Nursing Home Week May 13 through 17. ~ Residents, family members and guests and staff at the .c:atholic Memorial Home, Fall River; Madonna Manor, North Attleboro; Marian Manor, Taunton; Our Lady's Haven, Fairhaven; and Sacred Heart Home, New Bedford, will all partake in the fun and festivities. Nursing facilities or nursing homes care for nearly 54,000 people in Massachusetts, providing longtenn care for frail elders, the disabled and the chronically ill. Short-tenn care is also provided for individuals who have been hospitalized and need a period of medical monitoring and/or rehabilitation before returning home. The Diocesan Health Facilities provide care for 879 people in the five diocesan homes. Among the services provided are 24-hour nursing care, rehabilitative care such as physical, oc-

Effective May 15, 2002 Rev. Scott A. Ciosek, Chaplain, Bristol Community College, while remaining Parochial Vicar, Saint Michael Parish, Fall River.

Effective Immediately

For more inforQ'ation on any of the diocesan nursing homes, contact the Diocesan Health Facilities Office at 508-679-8154. You can also find information on its Website at www.dhfo.org.



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His Excellency. the Most Reverend Sean O'Malley, O.EM. Cap., Bishop of Fall River, has announced the following appointments: Rev. Christopher Stanibula, Parochial Vicar, Saint Anne Parish, Fall River.

cupational and speech therapy, and assistance with personal care such as eating, dressing, toileting and bathing. Also, four of the five diocesan homes provide specialized care units for people with Alzheimer's disease and other types of dementia.



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THE ANCHOR - Diocese of Fall River - Fri., May 10,2002

the living word

themoorin~ Heeding the real eall ' This week the Diocese of Fall River has begun its annual Catholic Charities Appeal. Between now and June, parishioners will be asked to support the ever-increasing charitable endeavors of the diocese. This year, the mood in church is uniquely different. The tragic pedophilia crisis and its confused response had led many Church leaders to direct their frustratiof! and even anger not only to shameful perpetrators of criminal deeds but also Church officials who have responded less than adequately to these outrages. Many feel that donations to the Church will be used to pay for out-of-court settlements and massive legai fees. There are few rectories that have not received calls questioning use of donations. Some people are so infuriated that they will boycott all Church fund-raising efforts. Such feelings are indeed understandable given the temper of the times. However, such attitudes in the long run will only punish the wrong people. The desire to punish is quite human. But, to take out anger and frustration on the wrong people is in itself wrong. Bishop O'Malley in his deanery meetings with the priests of the diocese has been made quite aware of, this reality. In each case the bishop has off~red that here in this diocese every single penny raised by our Catholic Charities Appeal stays in the diocese to serve the needs of the needy and support our service institutions. They are not sent to any other diocese; they remain home to serve , the people of our diocesan family. If people boycott such diocesan fund raising they only will pull the plug on diocesan social services that care for the poor and needy, education services, hospital ministry, seminary and diaconal formation programs and all the other many services the diocese provides to care for the least of our brothers and sisters. . These days are i,ndeed more than trying for all in the Church. However, history has clearly indicated that the American Catholic family in its long history of internal upheavals has demonstrated a remarkable creativity in the face of crisis that so severely challenges its identity. There are also many times when the Church has become so absorbed in its institution structures promoting an attitude of arrogance that has weakened its identity from within. In all' of these varied episodes the Church in this land has always responded to the Gospel message of conversion. Once again this call must be made loud and clear as we attempt once more to restore our identity as a Church. Our diocesan novena of atonement in preparation for Pentecost is indeed a reflection of the implementation of this call. An article in Chicago Studies named "American Experience II" reflected a very important need that is so imperative for our current times: "The search for common ground on the identity in the life of the Catholic Church in the United States will not be easy. What clearly is needed is what the Jesuit theologian Robert Egan calls 'a public conversion,' a conversi(;m in which many kinds of expertise will be required and welcomed. The subject matter of such a conversion bears directly on how we all understand ourselves as Catholics today and as a messianic people entrusted with a mission." The main thrust of this ongoing mission is to reach out and help those who are on the very fringes of life, the marginal and the suffering. Our Catholic Charities Appeal is a call to all peoples in our diocesan Church to respond to that mission with the means at their disposal. We should not and must not let these difficult times distract us from supporting the real goals of the Church. In this regard let us all continue the work ,that the Lord has begun in each of us.

The Executive Editor ~. ~..




路';.OFFIC'IAL NEWSPAPER OFTHE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER 'PublIshed Weekly by the' Catholic Press 'of the路 Diocese of' Fall River '.. : __ - ". ' .\ ,- ,,' _ , " ' . ; ,,: :~."~:''''!'



,'; \'~:J887, Highland AVenue'

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;"", " P.O; BOX 7 ':~/<:/' FalhRivei:MA, 02720 ' , ," , Falf;Rlver, MA'02722-0007 ..~ ;;, ":'c,Teiephone508-'675-7151 FAX 508-675-7048 ' , ; ' :':'-, .E-mail:}heAnchor@'",~c~ornews.org , \:~'::'Sen~, ~dd~~ss,changes toP.O,,B9~.路canor use E-mail address ,:'~'

." 'EXECUTIVe: EDITOR ~ev.Msgr. JOl'ln F. Moore

;:' }~:~Drr6R':

': .. David B. Jolivet



NEWSEDITOR \ 'James N.Dunbar









Children who make us sing By



A pastor, bewildered by the recent Church scandals, told the following story of Chippie the parakeet to express his feelings and, I would guess, the feelings of most of us. Chippie never saw it coming. One second he was peacefully perched in his cage, the next he was sucked in, soaked, chilled and then fried.VVhat happened to Chippie? Chippie's owner decided to clean Chippie's cage with a vacuum cleaner. She stuck the neck of the hose in the cage as the phone began to ring. She turned to pick it up and barely said hello when "sssQPp!" - Chippie got sucked in. Chippie's owner gasped, dropped the phone and immediately opened the bag. There was Chippie still alive, but stunned. Since he was covered with dust, sne grabbed him, raced to the bathroom, turned on the faucet and held Chippie under the running water. Then, realizing that Chippie was soaked and shivering, she reached for her hair dryer and blasted the little bird with hot

air. Poor Chippie never knew what hit him! A few days after the trauma, a newspaper reporter who had written about the event contacted Chippie's owner to see how the bird was doing. "VVell," she replied, "Chippie doesn't sing much anymore - he just sits and stares." It's not hard to see why! Sucked in, drowned, chilled and blistered - that's enough to steal the song from the stoutest heart. The recent barrage of scandals has left most of us feeling like Chippie, having no desire to sing. As lifeless as we may feel, not all is hopeless. , Listen to the letter of 10-year old Nicholas. I received it from a friend at the Catholic Church Extension Society, which funds poor parishes in the United States. Nicholas' letter will put a song in your heart. "Thank you for sending me information and past issues of "Catholic Extension."... I didn't know there were such poor com- . munities in our own country who do not have a church. I wanted to help in some way. "Since my 10th birthday was

coming up, I was allowed to have a party with my classmates.... I asked my friends instead of buying me a present to give a small gift of money to donate to Catholic Extension for my birthday. ,"Not only my classmates gave me money, but even people in my family wanted to give me money after they heard about my idea. My gift to Extension is $130. I am blest to be able to go to a Catholic school.... I will become a priest when I grow up. I am very thankful for Catholic Extension and the missions in our country. God bless you, Nicholas." VVhen I first read this letter, I cried as I thought of the damage done to innocent children Nicholas' age, to my brother priests who work hard and to good, honest lay people. But my mood changed as I thought of the Nicholases with whom we are blessed. They exude a pure, simple faith in God and humankind that only sees making this world a better place to live in. Thank God for children whose purity of heart inspires us once again to take heart and to , renew hope in our Church and in our lives.

A gift from God The gauntlet has been thrown. The fight has been picked. The smack has been talked. The next logical step is to walk the walk. No this column isn't about how many nauseating cliches I can fit into a SOO-word piece - it's about a friendship that began on a very peaceful, spiritual and fulfilling retreat weekend just over a year ago. From those holy grounds emerged a relationship fraught with the thrills of victory, the agonies of defeat (last cliche, I promise), and the need to seek revenge. That need arose again just this week when I received an E-mail requesting my presence on a non-suspecting golf course in the area. No names will be mentioned because Chris knows who she is (oops). Prior to last year's team experience on an Emmaus weekend, I'd come to realize the exhilaration of sports competition only via the television screen. But, the good Lord saw to it that I would again become one of the combatants in the arenas of life. Yes, God sent me a formidable adversary in the

guise of a retreat team person. Over that last 12 months, she and I have crossed swords on the basketball court in a few "friendly" games of H-O-R-S-E. These "no-holds-barred" events often brought out the "best" in sportsmanship - anything from

My View From. the Stands By Dave Jolivet

using a six-year-old daughter as a distraction to refusing to offer one's foe a sip of water on an arid summer day. Why, even the gentile game of lawn croquet became fodder for the competitive spirit, rivaling the intensity of the Stanley Cup playoffs. But, of all the contests played out over the past year, nothing equaled the win-at-all-cost attitude as when we hit the links. Golf has been called the sport of kings and the sport of diplomats, yet an Emmaus-spawned friend-


ship has changed all that.· These contests are not the relaxed, peaceful, skilled-laden TV events sponsored by the LPGA and PGA. No, no, they are much more exciting than that. For instance, that was that ONE time when I was teeing off and slightly sliced the ball, sending it whizzing within feet of my friend standing off to the right. She says within inches, but either way, she shouldn't have been standing there. Then there were the times when, after a satisfying round of 18, I could clean up using a weed-whacker because of all the divots I dQdged for the past three hours. Still other times, I have put bullfrogs on the endangered species list in Southeastern Massachusetts, picking off one after another in the all-too-numerous water hazards along the way. But, what I guess stands out most thus far, was the eight-stroke lead I held with four holes to play. Not one to talk trash, I felt fairly comfortable with that lead and gently teased my opponent. On

Congratulations and thanks for the excellent Apri I 12 editorial ("Speaking with one voice"). Lack of leadership from the bishops ,is regrettable, but leadership begins in the parishes. In most of them there is little encouragement for Catholic action beyond confirmation. Some pastors, 1'm sure, know individuals in their parishes who have the capacity to organize and lead study groups, carryon enjoyable activities that appeal to both men and women beyond the bazaars and raffles sponsored chiefly as money raisers, acting on the assumption that parishioners are educated and capable of understanding issues affccting the Church. A vigorous informed laity would soon be aware of whether bishops were providing the leadership that you call for in that excellent editorial. Very few parish bulletins that I've examined are worth reading. The editor of a diocesan weekly has a tough job in the current climate. Keep punching out those editorials but add some challenging content, (the interview with Dr. Berlin, for example) and limit the feelgood pap that neither enlightens nor saves souls.

Richard C. Spitzer North Chatham Editor: Presently the Church is going through a time of purification. Mistakes were made and apologies given and new resolutions

made to meet the challenges. Concerning Cardinal Bernard Law, where is our compassion? Where is our understanding? I am not supporting wrongful acts. I am not excusing the wrong that has been done or the way it was dealt with in the past. Are we so perfect that we can't accept an apology? Which of us is so pure that we aren't in need of forgiveness? Let us pray earnestly for all concerned, alleged perpetrators and the victims. And last but not least, let us support our thousands and thousands of good, responsible, dedicated and faithful priests.

the 450-yard, par-5, 15 1h hole, I not only blew the eight-shot lead, I fell behind by two shots. Frogs, raccoons, foxes, opponents and duffers on far-away fairways all had to run for cover during my monumental collapse. One would think that would dissuade me from shouldering a golf bag ever again. But that's not what that Emmaus weekend taught me. On the contrary - the weekend taught me friendship and the fact that next time out, my newfound friend could also collapse with club in hand. Yes, the electronic challenge, addressed to "Sandy" mind you, has been received. A new season has begun. It's time to hit my favorite wholesale club to purchase a gross of disposable orbs; it's

Fri., May 10, 2002

time to break out the new golf helmets; it's time to send notice to all public golf courses from Attleboro to Provincetown. It's time to rekindle that Emmaus spark.

Dave Jolivet is a former sports editor/writer and the current editor of The Anchor. Comments are welcome at DaveJolivet@Anchornews.org.

Norris H. Tripp SHEET METAL J. TESER, Prop. RESIDENTIAL INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL 253 Cedar St., New Bedford 508-993-3222

ency. We believe that, in this crisis, there is an opportunity for us to be self-critical rather than defensive, thereby creating together a more whole and healthy Church." We envision and call for Church processes and structures that are inclusive and just. As women religious, we commit ourselves to full participation in creating a renewed Church.

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Alice Beaulieu New Bedford Editor: As women committed to the Gospel, we find ourselves deeply saddened by the clerical abuse of minors. We deplore the abuse of power of those who concealed crimes and avoided taking the responsibility. Both forms of abuse betray the commandments of love and the call to justice inherent in the life of Jesus Christ. We affirm the national Leadership Conference of Women Religious' public statement that calls for thoughtful change: "Acknowledging the wrong that has been done, aware of the hurt and the scandal, we ask how can we use this moment to address the causes that permitted the current crisis. This calls for openness, radical honesty, and transpar-


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THE ANCHOR - Diocese of Fall River - Fri., ~ay 10,.2002

Cultural marriage expectations

Q. My daughter married a A. It is true that a condition of No good marriage is easy. Every Muslim man in the Catholic husband and wife face challenges sterility does not itself invalidate a Church. Their two daughters that test all their ingenuity and pa- marriage. In consenting to the marwere baptized and received first tience. Maybe your story will, how- riage, the spouses give each other ever, give a little pause to other men the right to sexual intercourse that is Communion. Their father went to Europe and women who are considering open to having children. Obviously, seven years later and married a marriage with someone whose na- this does not bestow the right actuMuslim girl while he was still mar- tional and cultural background is ally to have children. For many reasons, as you say, the ATTLEBORO - The annual women and children at the ried. My daughter then obtained entirely different. Marriage cannot be, and no one couple may not be able to become procession and Mass in honor of the Donovan House, a transitional a civil divorce. parents because one or both The irony is that my Holy Spirit will be held June 2 at home for women and children. . Holy Ghost Church, 71 Linden Share your time, knowledge and grandchildren and· the of them is sterile. Although Street. The procession will begin at skills. Training and support will be children of his second the procreation and raising 9 a.m. and Deacon Robert Faria will provided. For more information call wife, who now live in the of children is one purpose be the homilist at the II a.m. Mass. Debra Kenney at 508-999-5893. of marriage, there are other United States, have met Traditional Portuguese soup will be purposes as well, which has and are good friends. My NEW BEDFORD - The question is, should they served following Mass. led the Church to defend the Daughters of Isabella Hyacinth be told about their By Father right of sterile couples to EAST FREETOWN - The Circle No. 71 will hold its next father's marriage in the marry. John J. Dietzen Diocesan Office of Youth and meeting May 21 at 7 p.m. at the Church to my daughter? The bishops at Vatican Young Adult Ministry is sponsor- Holy Name of the Sacred Heart of Council II addressed this Or should we keep it seing an evening of enrichment for Jesus Parish Center.' For more incret because they are now friends? . can expect it to be, a hospital or clinic point directly. Conjugal love and the all youth ministers May 23 from 7- formation call Mary Macedo at What wiD the revelation of this for dysfunctional families. In my whole meaning offamily, they said, 9 p.m. at Cathedral Camp. It will 508-993-9179. secret do to the two families? I'm years of pastoral experience, how- .require that the couple be ready feature Bob McCarty, director of ever, that's what easily happens "with stout hearts" to cooperate with NEW BEDFORD People only the grandmother. (Texas) the National Federation of CathoA. First, I'm sorry for all the hurt when two people, even with all the the Creator to enlarge and enrich his lic Youth Ministry. For more infor- are needed to attend perpetual adomation call Bud Miller at 508-675- ration at Qur Lady's Chapel, 600 being suffered by your family. The good will in the world, are simply human family. Marriage is, however, not solely Pleasant Street. For more informa~ situation is tragic, but to be honest it incapable ofunderstanding, let alone 3847. tion call Brother Jude Mary at 508- is not all that unusual when people fulfilling, the hopes, desires, and for procreation. Other purposes are '. marry who come from two radically. needs of their partner. not of "less account." The mutual FALL RIVER -:- Holy Trinity 996-8274.' different cultures and religions, with As your daughter has learned, it love of the spouses, and their supChurch, 951 Stafford Road, invites people to join in praying the rosary NORTH DARTMOUTH -A such contradictory marriage tradi" can be a recipe for heartbreaking port for each other, is another purtomorrow at 8 a.m. to end abortion Separated-Divorced Support Group tions and expectations that a com- disappointment. . pose, which must grow and ripen in as part of a national campaign to will meet May 13 from 7-9 p,m.:at patible and healthy marriage is Q. Many couples are married a right and orderly way. say two million rosaries. Refresh- the Diocesan Family Life Center, nearly impossible. in the Church when they are past This married love persists as a Inents and fellowship will follow. 500 Slocum Road. Guest speaker I doubt that much of the story is child-bearing age. Other couples whole "communion of life, and Doug Hughes will address the topic secret anymore to anyone,.includ"' enter valid marriages when' one maintains its value and indissolubilNEW BEDFORD - The "Learning About Psychological' ing your granddaughters. In any or both partners is sterile for o~er ity, even when offspring are lacking Courage Group will meet Saturday Needs and Ways"to Achieve Them." case, your best contribution be reasons. ' . - despi le, rather often, the very inat 7 p.m. in the rectory of Holy to support and love your daughter Yet, we .are told that accord- tens!'l desire of the couple" ("ConNORTH EASTON - Holy Name of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and her children every way possible.' ing. to Catholic belief marriages stitution on the Church in the ModParish. Courage is a support group Cross Family Ministries ~ill hos! a em World," 50). . ; for Catholic men and women 'who concert "featuring sevenil parish Otherwise, stay out of it. Your must be open to children to be This is why ,even marriages of are confronting same sex attraction youth choirs May)8 at 7:30 p.m. daughter must handle it as she thinks· valid. How do we explain that? ~ best. (New· York) .' ·C', '. :' I .' sterile coupleli.can be valid. issues and who are striving'to .lead· .at Saint Josyph's Church. . '-"',\ chaste lives. For more information SOMERSET - The Vocation call Msgr. Thomas Harrington at Awareness Team of S1. Thomas 508-992-3184. More Church will host a Holy. NEW BEDFORD - Calix, a Hour for Vocations May 16 begi.n·I wonder how many Americans remember that 22 nist for The Washington Post. group which enlists Catholic men 'ning at 7:30' p.m. It willinc\ude years ago a U.S. commission was formed to conduct a The title comes from his own words when he was .and women who are gratefully cel- Beneqiction of the; Blessed Sacrastudy on setting up a National Academy of Peace and asked to teach a writing course at a school in Washebrating recovery from alcoholism, ment. Refreshments will follow:' Conflict Resolution. The people campaigning for this ington. His spontaneous answer was, "I'd rather teach drug addiction and other dependenTAUNTON - The annual believed that such an academy would carry the clout peace." Since then he has done just that, teaching cies will meet Sunday at 6:30 p.m. at the parish center of Holy Name feast of Our Lady of Fatima will of government in promoting peace as an essential classes on nonviolence, pacifism and conflict management to more than 5,000 students in high schools, colof the Sacred Heart of Jesus be held May II beginning with value. The campaigners be-' leges and even a juvenile Church. Newcomers always wel- Mass at 7 p.m. at St. Anthony of prison. Lisbon Parish, 126 School Street. lieved graduates from such , . . . - - - - - - - - - - come. McCarthy explains in A candlelight p.rocession and an academy would be zealhis book why he dedicates NEW BEDFORD - Volun- Benediction of the Blessed Sacra- ous in working to bring peaceful solutions to innerteers are needed to work with ment wilI follow. so much of his life to bringcity gang wars, terrorist acing this subject to students. tivities, vandalism in the "For me," he writes, suburbs, environmental. "leaching any subject other By Antoinette Bosco disputes, international than peace would be crimes and disputes betramping through an inteltween countries that erupt lectual desert. The earth is FALL RIVER - Three families sary. They both teach Rite of Chris- . too small a planet and we too brief visi~ors for anyfrom several diocesan parishes were tianlnitiation of Adults candidates in war threats. I suspect this was a great proposal that like so many thing to matter more than the struggle for peace." recently honored by the Knights of and are members of the St. Vincent good and important ones got lost as the nation helped His book makes clear that without freedom from all Columbus for their contribution of de Paul Society. Leo belongs to the world get awash in weapons. The No. I paying the forces that erode human rights - from poverty and time, talent and energy in f~rthering Council No. 11690 of Norton. the objectives of their parishes, com. The McEnaney's are parents to customer for U.S. arms in 1982'was Saudi Arabia, institutionalized violence to war - there is no peace. McCarthy's book is full of stories of how violence munities and councils. ' ·three girls; Kaitlin, ageI3;Amanda,. which spent $7.3 billion purchasing some of our most. sophisticated weapons! in the nation. The really gut-wrenching ones abounds Leo and Anne Schleicher and age to; and Brittany, age five. They' In stark contrast to gigantic military spending world- are his personal experiences with prisoners, underscorJim and Anne McEnaney of St. are members of the parish council. Mary's Church, Norton and David They helped coordinate the produc- wide, scientistsfor peace that year placed international ing how prisons in America have become an abusive, punitive industry and the death penalty the ultimate in and Laura Caron of St. Ann's tion of a parish address and phone peacekeeping expenditures at five cents per person! Is it any wonder that hostilities and killing have legalized killing. Church, Raynham; were recDg~ dire,ctory and Jim is an outside guard' escalated worldwide when countries run on an Sadly, what McCarthy found is that students today nized by William D. Morrissey, 'in Council No. 11690. already often have been "overeducated in the ethic of Massachusetts chairman of the The Caron's are parents of two economy of weapons? It gives me hope to hear voices today sounding violence." He gives them a "math course," explained Knights of Columbus Family of the young children; Molly, age five and like those of the past who sought peace and believed this way: "Add peace where there is none, subtract vioMonth Program. three-year-old Jake. Each year they Each received a letter of con~ coordinate the St. Ann's annual that education must accept a responsibility for awak- lence when you see it, multiply love when you can and gratulations and an inscribed Christmas Giving Tree and last year ening faculty and students to the place peace stud- divide hate when you must. No other math matters." plaque. they helped provide more than 800 . ies ought to hold in the curriculuril. One of these . This bOOk matters - written by a man whose voice The Schleichers are parents of ' gifts to needy families. David is a voices is heard in a new book with a title that resonates with the voices of Gandhi, Martin Luther 10 adult children and recently cel-. member of Council No. 10289 in grabbed my attention, ''I'd R~ther Teach Peace" King Jr., Dorothy Day and so many other great peace,. . . (Orbis), by Colman McCarthy, a longtime cqlum- seeker.s. ebrated their 50th wedding anniver- Raynham. .'

Questions and Answers


Crucial need for peace studies

Knights of Columbu's honors three families

The Bottom Line

A little quiz on penance As you might have read already, the Vatican has issued a papal decree on the sacrament ofpenance (aka confession) that addresses when it is OK to use general absolution and when it is not. Apparently some in Rome felt some bishops in some parts of the world were being a little loose on the rules. OK, a few curial fingers were pointing at the English-speaking countries, but who am I·to snitch? It's not like some archbishop stood up during a Super Bowl or something and said, "Hey, folks, since we are all here and a lot of you are Catholics who have been neglecting confession (aka rite of reconciliation)...." Anyway, the Theological Roadkill

The offbeat world of Uncle Dan By Dan Morris

Society - as it does in st,ressful times of catechetical need - is again issuing one of its well-known "C Is the Right Answer" multiple-choice quizzes in an effort to put American (and any nearby Canadian) Catholics on the same page so that all can share acommon knowledge of words, even in parts of New York and Pennsylvania where people think "ya'lI" is a boat. Excerpts from the quiz follow: "Misericordia Det': a) A battle cry screamed at opponents during international chess tournaments. b) Italian for "My accordion has died." c) The name of the apostolic letter outlining Church nonns for general

THE ANCHOR - Diocese of Fall River - Fri., May 10,2002

absolution. Grave Necessity: General Absolution: a) The abbreviated version of the a) An exercise device sold during old saying, ''The only things in life that infomercials that is supposed to give are sure are taxes and death." you strong stomach muscles and make b) A course taught at the Academy you look like an Olympic athlete when of Funeral Directors. used only three minutes a day while you brush your teeth. b) A cleaning solvent used at the Pentagon. Sales And Service c) Release or forgiveness from one's sins pronounced during a group Fall River's Largest fonn of confession. Display of TVs General Confession: a) A Civil War commander for the ZENITH • SONY Confederate Anny. b) What a high-ranking military . 1196 BEDFORD ST. commander docs before Congress afFALL RIVER ter awarding a $10 billion contract to 508-673-9721 his brother-inlaw. c) The rite of reconciliation administered to a group of individuals gathered in one place in contrast to individual confessIon. Third Rite of Reconciliation: a) A love letter of apology sent . three times. b) Driving directions to a freeway merge lane. c) Another name for general absolution. Serious Sins: a) Sins that look like high little clouds as opposed to cumulus nimbus .sins, which resemble the kind that conie with big-time thuilderstonns. b) The way Peter Sellers pronounced "important signs" in the film "Pink Panther." . c) Heavy-duty sins that one must intend to confess as soon as possible on an individual basis after receiving general absolution.

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cation director has not yet received order fonns for bulk copies ofthe quiz, let me know. Tell her I will be the shOlt guy with the sack over his head in the back pew at the general absolution rite.

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c) The situation which much exist before it is lawful in the Church, wrote Pope John Paul II, to "employ the communal fonn (of the rite of reconciliation) with general confession and absolution." If your parish adult religious edu-


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Internet has potential" 'but can't replace, Church communities'

_':''r_.U!'.~.WH --~ <~,


dow on the world," he said. But these electronic contacts ,:VATICAN Cl'fV '.:..- The need personal follow-up by the . Interriet presents '''magnificent , Church, the pope said. ,: ,:" , opportunities" for evangelization, He said this ephemeral nature .' :' . ' but it never can replace the deeper of the Web increases the modem religious experience offered by focus on "what is tangible, u'se- ' living Chur¢i1 communities, Pope: ,.fti~arid instantly available," while John PaunI said in a message for' '!the stimulus for deeper thought World Communications Pay. , ' j ,and reflection may be lacking." The pope urged the Church to' ": The pope said the Church recstfikea bala'nce in using'~he ' ognizes that inner quiet and conInterne't, exploiting its communi- "templation are necessary to reach cations possibilities but iecogniz-, understanding and wisdom, ,ingthat,ittends to " " which '''do not deliver iriformacome from a mere ' accumulation of tion, not.values..Wor/~90ri1q.,~iJi~~.~ ANVARABDULAYEV,'22:display~h'is puppets of 8t: Clar~ and St. Francis of Assisi. H~ It was the firsttt6~sD~YWj(I~6e'c'''J; facts, mat~er quit his job as an actor in Ferghana, Uzbekistan, to launch a Catholic puppet theater in- the papal message ebr~ted4)Y 1Tl9$t .'0.. how interesting."


~~~;~~:::~~ 'c;e~es'ff!iisy"f:ja

cle~re t~ai~l:\;a~

predominantly Muslim country. (CNS photo by Frank Brown)

its potential fof., Max 12~the\$u despite its potenthe Church's 'b'e1ore'G!ente'Gf:ist tial for good, the 'ev.angelizing Internet can, be work. ' used in degrading World Communications Day , and damaging ways. He said pubwill be celebrated by most dio- , li,c authorities ha~e a responsibility ceses this year on May 12,the tocurbsuchuse.Inthepast,Vatican Bv FRANK BROWN ,Sunday beforePentecQ~t. officials have denouncoopornog- . and 'iiitroduce soine religious Father 'Kava sees music and CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE , The pope said Internet technol- raphy and pedophilia-related'activiideas,'? said Abdulayev. "Ifhe's a' drama as a nonconfrontational, ogyshould'pe viewed as a "deci-, ties on the Web. Muslim, he sees it as some kind way to offer people a choice, FERGHANA, Uzbekistan 'sive gateway" of opportunity for The pope said it should be Ferghana, renowned for nurturing ofshow. If he's a believer, he gets while remaining respectful tothe Church, one that holds prom- asked whether the Internet will conservative Islam amid some of a little more out ofit." , ward Islam., ise as well as some dangers. ' end up aggravating existing in- Central Asia's richest farmland, is , So far; the puppet theater has -At the same time, Father Kava "For the Church the new world 'equalities in the world as the in-, . a place where' a scarfless woman . a "repertoire of three, plays: one-, ,said, the parish p1ust:look beyond ofcyberspace is asummons to the formation gap widens betw(len is a rarity and religious men cen- with a Christmas theme, one its longtime base 'of ethnic Gergreat adventure of using its po- rich and poor countries. ter their lives around'the area's about Jesus and a third based on : man Catholics who left en masse t(lntial to proclaim the Gospel He said another decisive ques- several dozen mosques. the life of St.Francis 'of Assisi. for Germany follqwing the 1991 ,tion was whether the Internet, first message," he said. But tocked a~ay in a residen- The St. Francis production has a breakup of the Soviet, Union. At the" same time, he said,' conceived in the context of mili- tial neighborhood next to a cast of 30 puppets, Abdulayev " Digtyaryov often can be found ,"electronically mediated relation- tary operations, can nowserve the wheezing, Soviet-built factory is said,as he held a brown-clad'St. on the second floor of Father ships c'an never take 'the place of cause of peace. The Church be- .amodest whitewashed home that Francis in his lap. Kava's residence putting together the direct human contact needed ,'Iieves it can, he said. ' ' , attracts a decidedly Bohemian _ While Father Kava is actively a set ,of 17 songs that - dependfor genuine evangelization'" and The Church's main task, he crowd. Here, several times a week cultivating his parishioners' tal- ing on financing.....:... will be rewill never ~ubstitute for the "pro- said, it to make the Internet a as night approaches; it is possible ' ents, he is also keenly aware of leased sometime this year Qn ca'sfound experience of God which more genuinely human space that to sight women in pants and men the n~ed to tread carefully 'in sette or compact disc.' only the living; liturgical and sac- leaves room for Christ. with earrings; telltale signs of lo- Uzbekistan, a police state with at _DigtYarYov's'group, called ~'Tau" ramental life of the Church can ''The Internet causes billions of cal Catholics. ' ' least 7;000 political and religious like the wooden T-shaped cross offer." images to appear on t:nillions of , Voung Catholic converts head prisoners, according to Human each member wears; is ,the only The Internet is above all a good, computer monitors around the to a rehearsal of their Christian Rights' Watch. Russian-language Catholic hipplace to provide an initial encoun- planet. From this 'galaxy of Sight hip-hop group in the makeshift re, Ferghana, a city of 200,000, is hop ensemble in Uzbekistan. ter with Christianity, especially and sound will the face of Christ cording studio that doubles as an a base of support'for the outlawed ''It is.tough with Christian songs. among' young people .who in- emerge and the voice of Christ be office for Franciscan Father Pyotr .Islamic political party, Hizb-ut- There are only certain young creasingly use the Web as a "win- heard?" he said. Kava, group member and parish Tahrir, and the revolutiOli.aryIs- - people 'who will accept them," he priest. lamic' Movement of Uzbekistan, said, on a recent Tuesday evening, Father K.ava, a 36-year-old once an ,!-lly of the Taliban in drinking tea in Father Kava's kitchen before a rehearsal. Pole,' is nurturing singers, musi-' neighboring Afghanistan. cians, 'actors and puppeteers who are starting to travel throughout Uzbekistan, visiting some of the ~~.--_:",., th~ 3,000 people with Catholic roots. Oleg Digtyaryov, 24, dropped ,out of the punk grunge band he , 02000, March 17-19 .founded to devote his energies to m2002, April 22-24 . promoting Jesus through hip-hop . 'music. Anvar Abdulayev, 22, quit his job as a principal actor in the city's best ,dramatic theater to launch a Catholic puppet theater. , Abdulayev, who qualifies as a , . Ferghana radical with his dyed ',blonde forelock and earring, de, signs the sets, makes the puppets and writes the plays that in a small way spread Catholicism in highly traditional and overwhelmingly A MAN LIGHTS candles at the cathedral in Erfurt, GerMuslim Uzbekistan. FAVORABLE UNFAVORABLE many, recently. Germans struggled with grief over a shooting "It is a unique kind of evangelization. Here, it is not accepted spree at an Erfurt high school, where student Robert ID boIIt surwrs 9 JlIIlIId bad 110 apIIIaa. SunIJtom -..-...... lIIIh III1J lIOIionIIaMJ18/1f GldlrIIllllll6la _ plus /If mIIms 3pIIlIIJt. to evangelize on the streets. This Steinhaeuser shot 16 people dead before killing himself in way we get them as an audience late April. (CNS photo from ,Reuters) Soun8: GaDup @ 2m2 CNS Graphics ;>',.


.+'?t'i . . . . '

Image 'of Catholicism

u.s. adults on how they view .((Jtholic religion '.'

Hip-hop puppets: Uzbe'k Catholics evangelize in nontraditional ways


.. :


THE ANCHOR - Diocese of Fall River - Fri., May 10, 2002


'Nun fund' works to ease debt burden obstacle to vocation \lIRGlNIA DALE, Colo. (CNS) - Christine Hudson knew at age four she warited to be a nun. Now, -----·~'="".~~_c ... ~~ .-~ at 30, she's still on what has been a --.",.".,-~ long road to the abbey. I " Various things have stood between Hudson and her vows, but none so much as the enonnous debt she incurred from school loans while purSuing a career as an opera singer. Currently, Hudson is living in' VIrginia Dale at the Abbey of St. Walburga and teaching at St. Joseph Catholic School in Fort Collins an 80-mile commute. Currently, 96 percent of her ,salary goes directly to paying offthe loans, Hudson said. Still, she estimates it will take another IO years before she is debtfree and ,able to become a Benedictine Sister. ''I'm willing to wait as long as it AN .ARTIST'S rendering of a proposed shrine dedicated to Pro-Life ideals shows the giant takes and do what it takes," Hudson arch situated on the eastern shore of Lake Erie. The Arch of Triumph of the Immaculate Heart told the Denver Catholic Register, of Mary and International Shrine of the Holy Innocent~ received the unanimous support of the newspaper of the Denver Archdio.Common Council of the CitY of Buffalo in April. (CNS photo courtesy Laurence D. Behr) cese. But recently some friends have gecided to help speed Hudson's dream along, presenting her with a small donation they had collected. That money now sits in a bank in a fund affectionately called ''The Nun , Fund." "I thought it was the sweetest , By CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE " will "add to Buffalo's treasure of renowned archi- t h'109 anyone had ever done," BUFFALO, N.Y. - The 13-member Common 'tectural attractions," said the resolution, passed Hudson said. "It's very humbling for Council of the City of Buffalo has expressed its unanimously in April. ' m e . I'm used to just sticking it out unanimous support for a proposed Arch ofTriumph Laurence D. Behr, executive director of the as- and doing it on my own. I can ,be of ~e Immaculate ijeart of Mary and International sociation that proposedthe sHrine, praised the coun- ,pretty prideful, and it's hard for me Shone of the Holy Innocents. " ' cil for its ,"recognition that respect for human life. is to ask for help." The arch is envisioned as a 700-foot ascendable not a divisive issue but is instead the bedrock founNow, though, Hudson is swalmonument, making it 70 feet 'higher than the Gate- dation of all law ~d' morality~" .lowing that pride arid going pu~lic way Arch in St. Louis and one of the talleSt monu''This great and awesome shrine is about far more with her quest for help. ' ments in the w o r l d . ' , than the Pro-Life issue, however," Behr said. "It also Hudson left hOll1 e at 16, and . Introduced by Councilman-at-Iarge Charley will promote the importance of family life, the only without any parental support put Fisher, the resolution said the proposed shrine would' ',building block' of society, which is so challenged . herselfthrough Holy Names College "encourage increased respect for human life, includ- today and is indeedin crisis. This great shrine will 'in Oakland, Calif., and the Univering prior to the birth of the individual, a value' much ' be a place of healing, refuge, hope, consolation and sity of Colorado in Boulder, earnneeded in.th~ present day." . peace for peoples everywhere, and of every faith." ing abacheJor's degree in music and Some Buffalo residents criticized the Pro-Life Chapters have been f()rmed in eight U.S. states, a master's degree invocal perfor- . aspect ofthe' shrine when it was first announced in Canada and Australia to raise money .for the pro- mance. the su~mer of 2001. posed,arch and shrine, to be built on the eastern While in hersecondyearofstudy The shrine "would attract pilgrims and tourists· shore of Lake Erie. in Boulder, the idea of a vocation from ,all parts of the continent and the world" and ilrose again. "I said, 'OK, God, I'll reconsider it. If I don't make it as an opera singer in 10 years then I'll go .





B'uffalo pols back 'proposed Shrine of Holy Innocents



and enter the monastery.''' But God didn't have to wait IO years to reawaken that four-yearold's dream. When Hudson contacted the Denver Archdiocese for information on religious orders, she discovered the Benedictine nuns at the Abbey of St. Walburga, then in Boulder. When she,visited, she fell in love with the nuns' simple life of work and prayer. Hudson soon was spending every weekend praying and working with the sisters on their farm. Knowing her debt stood in the way ofentering the convent, Hudson balked at the idea of returning to school for a teaching degree when she was not making enough to pay off the loans. The sisters, however, urged per to earn her education degree so she could make more money, ' Hudson said. She did, and about two years ago Hudson moved in with the sisters at the abbey in Vrrginia Dale, devoting her weeks to teaching and her weekends to life' with the nuns. Despite her mounting debt her vision of 'life as a Benedictine nun never subsided. It's a difficult desire to explain, she said. ,"It's like asking, 'Why do you want to marry this guy?' ICs the same kind of thing," she said. "It's the, 'prayer and the silence and the work and the community and 'everything about that Living a life ofprayerand manual labor is basically what the community does and ,Heel caUed'to that." Thoug~ Hudson is willing to wait, she is fast approaching the age limit of 35 that the sisters generally set for new entrants into the community. Though they're willing to be flexible, Hudson said, that has been a concern for her. "I would like to give my ·best years to 000:' she explained. She doesn't want to shirk off the responSibility for her debt onto others, Hudson said, but "ifpeople want to support a religious vocation, I'm here. Support me. A dollar can make a difference."

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Diocese of Fall River -Fri., May 10,2002


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LETICIA BREDICE, Tomas Fonzi and Ricardo Darin star in the movie "Nine Queens" by Sony Pictures Classics. For a brief review of this film, see CNS Movie Capsules below. (CNS photo from Sony Pictures Classics)


'Deuces Wild' is a losing hand

La Salette Retreat Center 947 Park Street Attleboro, MA 02703-5115 508-222-8530 June 21-23 June 24-30 June 24-30 .. June 24-July' 2 Juiy 26-i8 August 2-4



and Christopher Gambale knew this needed to be an ingredient in the script, but didn't know exactly what NEW YORK - "Deuces Wild" (MGM) deals to do with it. The script itself seems stalled, as if mo\'iegoers a bad hand. In its artificial recreation of scenes were poorly copied from other similar films 1950s street gang wars, it is melodramatic and over- as they went along. done, telling the most generi<; of stories without musDirector Kalvert has staged the bloody fisticuffs :teringenough energy to sustain interest. - powered by frenetic music - in such a manner . Strippi~g away any of the ethnic complex,ities that it's hard to distinguish who's beating ~hom. Any found in the far superior _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -..... realistic tone he tried to set "West Side Story" (a film Th'· ht ' t· is cancelled by the slow"Deuces" 'attempts to imimotion camera work that tate without the benefit of draws way too much attena great score or interesting WASHINGTON (CNS) - Full-length re-. tion to itself. And despite story), director Scott views of new movies by thest,aff of the U.S. the meticulous period cosKalvert goes for a gritty, re- bishops' Office for Film and Broadcasting now tumes, cars, etc., the atmoalistic feel'that is never ac- appear on the bishops' Website, sphere feels phony, never complished. If it weren't www.usccb.org/movies., , transcending the trappings for the violence, the film Movies reviewed since late April will ap- of a backstage lot. The age could almost be considered pear in full-length form. More movies will be discrepancies of the actors added to the site each week. ' .,' campy as the director and the characters they play throws in one dramatic flair are obvious.' Leon is supafter another. posed to be a near-manhood 18-year-old, but Dorff Deuces· gang leader Leon (Stephen Dorff) has seems far older. On the other hand, Dillon seems too sworn to protect his Italian neighborhood from drugs young to be a respected Mafia man-running the block. after his brother AI died from a heroin overdose fed The supporting cast is thrown away, with Deborah to him by Marco (Norman Reedus), the leader of the Harry hidden behind a ridiculous wig as Annie's rival Viper gang. Three years later, the Dodgers have loopy mother and Vincent Pastore as an ineffectual moved to Los Angeles and Marco is out of jail. The priest who advocates peace over violence. An unimaginative display of silly macho posturtruce between the Deuces and Vipers ends, as Marco plans to set up a lucrative drug trade in the 'hood ing, "Deuces Wild" presents an overly familiar story with the help of local gangster Fritzy (Matt Dillon). without any fresh angles. In clumsy fashion, the film spells out that, for the Due to much bloody violence, a sexual encounDeuces, loyalty is everything. So, when Leon's ter, brief drug content and recurring rough language, brother, Bobby (Brad Renfro), falls for Annie the U.-S. Conference of Catholic Bishops classifica(Fairuza Balk), the sister of Viper member,Jimmy tion is A-IV -,- adults, with reservations. The MoPockets (Balthazar Getty), bonds are tested. But this tion Picture Association of America rating is R romantic angle is strained, as if writers Paul Kimatian restricted. , CATHOUC NEWS SERVICE

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NEW YORK (CNS) - The following are capsule reviews of movies recently reviewed by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops' Office for Film and Broadcasting. "Les Destinees" (Wellspring Media) Ambitious period piece beginning in 1900 that follows a dy-

perspec lye

nastic family in Limoges, France, whose reluctant head, a' former Protestant minister (Charles Berling), must guide the clan's porcelain business through sweeping changes with, the he.lp' of his supportive second wife (Emmanuelle Beart). Director Olivier Assayas' epic-scale saga is a visual feast ~ith engaging characters, but the film is drawn. out, diminishing the .intimate atmosphere initially developed . Subtitles. A sexual encounter and an extramarital affair. The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops classification is A-III - adults. Not rated by the Motion Picture Association of Americ;:a. "Nine Queens" (Sony Classics) Sharp caper movie in which an

older con man (Ricardo Darin) cajoles a younger one (Gaston Pauls) into swindling a billionaire (Ignasi Abadal) by selling him a forged set of extremely rare stamps; First-time director Fabian Bielinsky presents likable characters, despite their line of work, in a smart script that seduces with its double-crosses and twists, notwithstanding some predictability. However, the film's conclusion suggests that duplicity and connivance ultimately payoff, which is troublesome. Subtitles. An implied sexual encounter and intermittent rough language. The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops classification is A-IV - adults, with reservations. The Motion Picture Association of America' rating is R - restricted.

Four million Malawians risk starvation, missionaries warn By DECLAN WALSH CAlliOUC News SERVICE LLONGWE, Malawi - A widespread famine is looming in Malawi due to a chronic shortage of com, a national staple, Catholic missionaries wamed. Unless international aid to the southern African nation is mobilized immediately, fears are growing that up to four million people will be at risk of starvation by next August. Already this year, hundreds of people - mostly children and elderly - have died from malnutrition and related diseases. After initially denying the crisis, the government declared a national emergency and said 80 percent of the country's 10.5 million people were at risk. With international aid agencies caught unaware, Catholic missionaries have been at the forefront of

the relief effort. "I have never seen anything like it. People have been streaming in to us looking for help. All they say is 'njala' - hungry," said SisterAgnes Hinder, a 74-year-old Medical Missionary of Mary who has worked in Malawi for almost 30 years. In normal years, Malawi produces enough food to feed itself, although there is always a "hunger gap" in the months before the AprilJune harvest period. This year, however, has been different. Drought in some areas and floods in others hit last year's harvest badly. The shortages were exacerbated in October by soaring commercial prices, which the government blamed on regional shortages but which critics blamed on mismanagement of the national grain reserve.

Famished villagers started to eat anything they could find - pumpkin'leaves, banana tree stems, even sawdust. Some children died after eating poisonous roots. Health authorities say 32,000 people are infected withcholera and about 1,000 have died. Hundreds have died from starvation, and many more from the accelerated onset of mV/AIDs. The crisis also sparked vigilante attacks on suspected thieves across the normally peaceful country known as the "warm heart of Africa." "This is a whole new phenomenon. It is inhumanity born of desperation," said Medical Missionary Sister Catherine Dwyer. One of the areas worst affected by hunger is Nambuma, two hours north of the capital, Lilongwe. Com supplies started to run out last October and, by February, starving children with protruding ribcages started to turn up at a hospital run by Teresian sisters. With the help of food provided by the Irish aid agency Concern, the Teresians have set up an emergency feeding center for malnourished infants and their mothers. "We thought things would be


MALNOURISHED CHILDREN receive help at th~, Nambuma feeding center in Malawi, where the Irish agency Concern is providing food through local Teresian Catholic nuns. A widespread famine is looming in the southern African nation from a chronic shortage of corn. (CNS photo by Declan Walsh)

Both sides inconsistent 'at best' on life issues, says U.N. nuncio The archbishop said his critiNEW YORK (eNS) - Archbishop Renato R. Martino, cisms were not meant to single Vatican nuncio to the United Na- out politicians, who are "only cations, told a Pro-Life audience tering to their constituents" and that both liberals and conserva- representing "our schizophrenic tives deal with right-to-life issues society." Examination of political agen"at best inconsistently." Accepting an award at the re- das throughout the world would cent, annual Proudly Pro-Life show that "we neglect the poor," Dinner in New York, he said that "we are nationalistic" and "we some Christians who put their underwrite health, immigration religion "on a pedestal for all to and labor policies that hurt the see" were displaying "a faith most vulnerable," he said. The nuncio received the filled with contradictions" in dealing with such issues as mili- Proudly Pro-Life Award for his tary security, tax cuts, capital work to oppose efforts in the United Nations to establish aborpunishment and abortion. "Wouldn't it be wonderful if tion as a hu'man right. Making the presentation to liberal civil servants could muster up as much love for unborn Archbishop Martino, Wanda children as they do for baby Franz, NRLC's president, exwhales or seals or trees?" Arch- pressed appreciation for the archbishop's willingness to work bishop M!1rtino asked. "And wouldn't it be great," he ' with representatives of the comcontinued, "ifconservative civil ser- mittee and other nongovernmenvants realized that Jesus' command tal organizations seeking to to love applies to criminals and refu- counter efforts at the United Nagees as much as it does to middle- tions to promote support for leclass Christians and unborn babies?" gal abortion.

THE ANCHOR - Diocese of Fall River - Fri., May 10, 2002 getting better by now," said Sister Modesta, a Teresian identified only by her first name. "But still only one quarter of the population has access to maize." The situation is about to deteriorate even further. In the nearby villages, the donated food was running out, and families had resorted to eating "green" or unripe com to stave off hunger. Villagers said they knew


it spelled disaster for the coming harvest, but said they had no choice. The U.S. government and the European Union have pledged to ship in 140,000 tons of aid. A small number of international organizations like Concern also is arriving to provide localized help, mostly through Church structures. The United Nations is expected to launch an emergency appeal.

MUSIC DIRECTOR/MINISTER Full time Music Minister for a 1700-family vibrant parish in Acushnet, Massachusetts. This individual would coordinate liturgical activities as well as plan and provide music for all our liturgical celebrations. We are looking for someone comfortable with Vatican II to work collaboratively with the Liturgy and Environment Committee and staff. Responsibilities: 4 week-. end Masses, Saturday 4PM Vigil and Sunday 8AM, lOAM and 5PM and holy day celebrations, occasional school Masses; direct an established adult and children's choir; train song leaders. The person must be proficient in organ and piano (We have a Rogers organ and upright piano); choir directing and song leader training; have excellent organizational skills and the ability to work collaboratively with the pastor, staff and volunteers. Good people skills are a must. Additional plus would be to be versed in teenage contemporary music as found in life teen and OCP Spirit and Song for the 5PM Sunday Mass. Salary package depending on benefits from low 20K to mid 20K. Additional stipends for weddings and funerals will be provided. Position avail, able July 1. Send resume and repertoire list by June 1 to: Rev. Daniel W. Lacroix, St. Francis Xavier Parish, 125 Main Street, Acushnet, MA 02743.



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Diocese of Fall River - Fri., May 10, 2002


Spiritual- biography of Father Mychal Judge in the works MAHWAH, N.J. (CNS) - A Btitish religious broadcaster whose biography of Father Henri Nouwen made the Catholic best-seller list has been commissioned to write a spiritual biography of New York City Fire Department chaplain Father Mychal Judge. "Father Mychal Judge: An Authentic American Hero," by Michael Ford, will be published in September by Paulist Press. Ford is the author of the 1999 book, "Wounded Prophet," about

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the late spiritual writer Father Nouwen. In the' weeks before his death, Father Judge, a Franciscan and one of the first casualties of the September I I attacks on the World Trade Center, told friends he was reading "Wounded Prophet." After his death, friends contacted Paulist Press, which eventually signed Ford forthe new book on the priest. Ford interviewed Father Judge's Franciscan brothers, priests, firefighters and close friends to paint an intimate spiritual portrait of the man whom Ametica discovered in a time of national crisis. "I believe this priest's remarkable stOI)' will bling hope to many, inspiring them to care compassionately for others, especially those on the margins," said Ford, who recently completed .a doctoral thesis in Christian spirituality in England.

DIRECTOR OF MUSIC AND LITURGY Full time Director of Music and Liturgy for 2000-family vibrant parish in South Easton, MA, operated by the priests of the Congregation of Holy Cross. This individual will di, rect and coordinate all liturgical activities of our community as well as plan and provide music for all liturgical celebrations. We are looking for someone steeped in Vatican II to work collaboratively with the Liturgy Committee and staff. Responsibilities: 5 weekend Masses and holy day celebrations; develop and direct a multiple choir program; train cantors; and work with various instrumentalists. The candidate must be proficient in pipe organ and piano; choir directing and cantor training; have excellent organizational skills; and the ability to work collaboratively with pastor, staff, and volunteers. Good people skills are a must. A master's degree in music or equivalent experience preferred. A competitive salary (including full benefits) commensurate with experience will be offered. Additional stipends for weddings and funerals will be provided. The position is available July 1. Send resume and organ repertoire list by May 15th to Rev. R. Bradley Beaupre, C.S.C., 480 Washington Street, North Easton, MA 02356. .

Come Give Thanks for the Gift of the Holy Spirit At o~r Bi-Lingual Pentecost Celebration Wednesday, May 15th at St. Anthony's Church, School St., Taunton Gathering: 6:30 p.m. Bring your Prayer Group Banners & Stands

Holy Mass: 7:00 p.m. Celebrant: Bishop Sean O'Malley Homilist: Fr. Tom DiLorenzo Praise & Worship Team: Fr. Henry S. Arruda Fr. Jack Oliveira Fr. Jose DosSantos Sponsored by the Diocesan Service Committee. For questions or directions, please call Mary Leite at 508-822-2219

AN ISRAELI soldier allows nuns to cross over a barbed-wire barricade near Manger Square in Bethlehem recently. (CNS photo from Reuters) .

Cardinal defends路 council's reversal on payout to Geoghan victilllS . By


desire to see it go forward," the statement added. In a interview this week with the Boston Herald, BOSTON - Cardinal Bernard F. Law has acknowledged "the disappointment, the anger, and Smith said a total of "$40 million would be in line even the sense of fresh betrayal" arising from a de- with what we can afford" for all victims of abuse by cision by the Archdiocese of Boston's Finance priests in the archdiocese. "These (settlement) payments from our perspecCouncil to back out of a multimillion dollar settlement with victims of former priest John 1. Geoghan. tive have been voluntary from the first day," he was The cardinal said thearchdiocese would continue quoted as saying. "We intend to give appropriate t01work for "a just and equitable solution" for all monetary help in proportion to injury. But that help will come from a pool we can pull together without victims of clergy sex abuse. He talked about the rejected settlement during crippling the ability of the Church to pursue its mishis regular Sunday Mass at the Cathedral of the Holy sion." Mitchell Garabedian, an attorney for the 86 Cross in Boston. He said the Finance Council, which under canon Geoghan victims, said he would ask a judge May 6 law was required to approve the $15 million to $30 to set a date for a deposition by Cardinal Law and to million payment to settle claims by 86 of Geoghan's issue a restraining order barring the cardinal from victims, had rejected the settlement out of a "laud- leaving the country. He also said he was considerable concern" that the payment would "negatively ing suing the Church for fraud. Announcement of the Finance Council's decision affect the response which the archdiocese can later came on the same weekend as the start of the 2002 give to the other victims." Although the archdiocese had thought there were Cardinal's Appeal, the annual fund-raising drive for about 30 other victims when it agreed to the tenta- the Boston Archdiocese. tive settlement in March, Cardinal Law said, the At the Mass, Cardinal Law asked Catholics to be number of possible victims of clergy sex abuse in "heroically generous this year" in response to the appeal, which h~s a $17.4 million goal. the archdiocese had now reached about 150. "When you have the 150 in addition to the 86 The money raised is used to assist nearly 80 proalready settled, the amount at hand will be very, grams and agencies the archdiocese supports, such very low,路" the cardinal said. "There are no easy as the Family Life Apostolate, the Catholic School answers. Certainly, we must respond the best we Office, the Lay Volunteer Office, the Office for Vocan to all those who have suffered abuse by clergy. cations, the Office of Health Care, various ethnic It is also important that the financial resources of apostolates and campus ministries. the archdiocese are not limited. Somehow, somehow, in the weeks ahead, we must deal 'with those two realities as we seek a just and equitable solution." In a lengthy statement May 3, David W. Smith, chancellor of the Boston Archdiocese, said the Finance Council members had expressed "grave concern ... that the proposed settlement would consume substantially all of the resources of the archdiocese that can reasonably be made available and therefore, such an action would leave the archdiocese unable to provide a just and proportional response to other victims." It was the first time since Cardinal Law came to Boston in 1984 that the Finance Council had refused to grant "the canonically required consent," Smith said. The cardinal "expressed his deep regret at the CARDINAL BERNARD F. Law delivers his vote, particularly in light of the fact that the Finance homily Sunday at the Cathedral of the Holy Council had previously been briefed' on the pro- Cross in Boston. (CNS photo from pool via posed settlement and had expressed, at the time, a




Ascension Thursday to Pentecost Sunday. The keynote speaker at the morning session was Holy Cross Father John P. Phalen, president of Holy Cross Family Ministries. Addressing the convention theme of "Act Justly, Love Tenderly, Walk Humbly with God," Father Phalen said "love tenderly" referred to families and the kind of love that only a woman can bring. He encouraged the Catholic women to give witness to how the Holy Spirit has touched their lives. He also urged his listeners to find ways for their families to spend quality time together and to protect and enjoy time as family. Prayer, he said, is the most important element in family life, and he stressed the need of time spent by whole families in going to church to pray. He focused mainly on the rosary, which he held in his hand while he spoke of the ministries of Family Rosary Theater, Family Rosary International and the Father Peyton Family Institute in Easton. Referring to the great "Rosary Priest" the late Father Patrick Peyton, who coined the phrases, "The family that prays together, stays together," and "A world at prayer is a world at peace," the speaker urged the diocesan women to pray the rosary. Answering his pre-convention plea for rosaries he would bring to the World Youth Day in Toronto this July, the DCCW members presented Father Phalen with approxi-


Diocese of Fall River -

Fri., May 10,2002

Continued from page one

mately 3,000 rosaries. Reminding his listeners that they have received many blessings, he recommended sharing them with. those who have less. He stressed the importance of reaching out to others, especially those who belong to cultures different from our own. The afternoon speaker was Maria Parker, associate director of the Massachusetts Catholic Conference, the public policy voice of the four Massachusetts bishops. A lobbyist on behalf of Pro-Life Issues, Parker said that attitude matters when trying to persuade legislators to take the Pro-Life stance on such controversial topics as stem-cell research and cloning. Reporting that many C~tholics pick and choose in regards to life issues, she said Catholics should never apologize when they present their perspective, urging the women to speak the truth and not be afraid. Bishop O'Malley, the principal celebrant at an afternoon Mass, also presented Our Lady ofGood Counsel Awards to members from across the districts. He thanked the DCCW members for their support and echoed the early plea to pray the rosary. . The resolution by the Council is as follows: "Whereas, the Fall River Diocesan Council of Catholic Women has, since its inception in 1953, numbered among its greatest priorities the promotion of the welfare and interests of the Catholic Com-


munity of Faith within the Diocese of Fall River; and Whereas, great pain and suffering have been experienced within that Community of Faith as the re- ' suIt of the recent revelations concerning the abuse of children by priests and other official representatives of the Church; and Whereas, the Most Reverend Sean P. O'Malley, OFM Cap., Bishop of Fall River, the members of the Presbyterate of the Diocese of Fall River, and many faithful Religious, and lay members of the Diocese have experienced great distress at these revelations; Be it hereby resolved that we, the members of the Fall River Diocesan Council of Catholic Women, do hereby extend both our prayer and our devoted support to Bishop O'Malley, the Priests, Deacons, and Religious of the Diocese of Fall River and assure them of our solidarity with them in these distressing times; and Be it hereby resolved that we, the members of the Fall River Diocesan Council of Catholic Women, individually and in concert with one another,join in prayer during the Novena of Reparation recommended by Bishop O'Malley that the grace and mercy of our Loving God will heal the pain of the victims, kindle anew the dedication 9f our clergy, and bring about a renewed commitment within our Church to the building of God's Kingdom."


a renewed dedication to Chiist and his Church ... and to personal holiness. And we must pray for our many fine priests ... and for the young people who may have to show real heroism in embracing a religious vocation at this time." The novena should be a time of unification, but also one of contrition and sorrow "to ask forgiveness for the mistakes of the past and urge those who have been hurt to turn to God and try to forgive ... and that the crimes and mistakes of the past will not be repeated," he asserted. Bishop O'Malley.said he recommended the Peace Prayer of S1. Francis, carrying a dramatic message of peace and healing, be used throughout the novena days. Copies in three languages

known and appreciated by the parishioners who are our constituency," he added. Regional directors in the respective deaneties assisted the crew at headquarters on opening day of the Appeal. Father Bruce Neylon, on his last weekend at S1. Mary's Parish in Seekonk, compiled the returns from the Greater Attleboro area just prior to departing for his new assignment as pastor of S1. Stanislaus Parish in Fall River. On Cape Cod, Father Thomas L. Rita, pastor of Holy Trinity Parish in West Harwich, was assisted by Msgr. John 1. Smith of S1. Pius X Parish in South Yarmouth in cont;tcting parishes from the Canal to Provincetown and the Islands in preparing that deanety report. Msgr. Stephen J. Avila of St.

John Neumann Parish in East Freetown, collated the parish reports in the New Bedford Deanery, while Father Timothy P. Reis fielded parish reports and returns for the Taunton area from St. Joseph's Parish in that city. Reports from the Fall River area were received directly at headquarters. Returning from confirmation ceremonies at St. Mary's Cathedral, Bishop O'Malley received the news of the first day's activity with the same "guarded enthusiasm" as staffers, it was reported. "The bishop expressed thanks to all who have participated in the campaign to date and urged everyone in the entire diocesan family to come aboard," Msgr. Harrington said.

have been sent to parishes in the diocese. The Diocese of Providence, R.I., has decided to join the novena. Providence Bishop Robert E. Mulvee has prepared a letter to his diocesan family inviting them to also pray the Peace Prayer of St. Francis during the novena days.

JEFFREY E. SULLIVAN FUNERAL HOME 550 Locust Street Fall River, Mass. Rose E. Sullivan William J. Sullivan Margaret M. Sullivan



On December 10, 1925, Our Lady appeared to Sister Lucia (seer of Fatima) and spoke these words: "Announce in my name that I promise to assist at the hour ofdeath with the graces necessary for the salvation oftheir souls, all those who on the first Saturday of five consecutive months shall: I. Go to confession; 2. Receive Holy Communion; 3. Recite the Rosary (5 decades); and 4. Keep me company for 15 minutes while meditating on the 15 mysteries ofthe Rosary, with the intention of making reparation to me." In a spirit of reparation, the above conditions are each to be preceded by the words: "In reparation for the offenses committed against the Immaculate Heart of Mary." Confessions may be made during 8 days before or after the first Saturday, and Holy Communion may be received at either the morning or evening Mass on the first Saturday.

Continued from page one

the old song, 'It's a Long Way to Tipperary,' we've a long way yet to go." Michael 1. Donly, diocesan director of Development, expressed cautious optimism that "indications appear lO suggest that a new record sum can be obtained in this year's effort." Getting the word out of what the funds raised are being used for, is important, he said. "We have had the Sharings pamphlets distributed in the parishes throughout the year and as the Appeal begins, we've developed a brochure, a beautiful video and a tape by Bishop Sean P. O'Malley, OFM Cap.," said Donly. "We're hoping that the story of the Catholic Charities Appeal and its wonderful works will be better

Continued from page one


~ ~

These Indian seminarians ,e-~ 1 are on their way to a LocaL . :;~~~~,,,-~ ,-~.., village for persons wit~ Leprosy. They travel by bike for -~ - more than five miles - but ..- ~ do not mind. Said one: "I never get tired though the journey takes an hour and a half. The happiness of the people when we arrive to serve them makes the journey joyous."



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Centennial and devoted people," Father Barnwell路said. "Anytime I reached out to you with some particular need you always responded favorably. Many times I counted on your support and I always felt I had it. A pastor could ask for no more," he asserted. Saying the "life of a priest these days isn't an easy one," Father Barnwell asked for their prayers. "I will certainly pray for the people here." Referring to the plan to merge

Continued from page one

Blessed Sacrament Parish with S1. Patrick's Parish and Our Lady of the Angels Parish in June, he added, "I pray that,you will find peace and comfort in whatever parish you form after Blessed Sacrament closes. May God bless us all." The history of Blessed Sacrament Parish goes back to 1888 when a parish and school were built. In 1892, the territorial Parish of St. Dominic was established, and in March, 1902, a letter of consent aITived from Bishop

Matthew Harkins, bishop of Providence, R.I., to which the Fall River region then belonged, to build a church within St. Dominic's Parish to be called "Church of the Blessed Sacrament." Bishop Harkins laid the cornerstone of the new church on July 4, 1902. It was completed and solemnly blessed and dedicated on Nov. 24, 1904, by Bishop William Stang, first bishop of the then new Diocese of Fall River.


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Diocese of Fall River - Fri., May 10,2002



,Dio'cesan youth volunteers in Kentucky

SEVENTH-GRADE students from Espirito Santo School, Fall River, recently performed their version of the movie "Brian's Song" as a school play. It is based upon the true life story of Brian Piccolo, his battle with cancer and frief)dship with fellow Chicago Bears football player Gale Sayers. The school's version was adapted to basketball. .



THE EASTERN Massachusetts Debate League recently announced that the Bishop Feehan High School, Attleboro, Debate Team took three first-place and one second-place award for the season. Affirmative and negative speakers achieved numerous awards during the year. The Shamrocks are coached by Anne Meloni.

~ FIFTH GRADERS Alyssa Freitas and Emily Savinsky of Our Lady of Lourdes School, Taunton, demonstrate their science fair project on magnetism which took first place in the school's annual science and art fair. ~ First-place finishers in the school's art fair were, from left: Sophia Bonenfant, Calee Therrien, Melanie Flanagan, Glenn Riccio, Kayla DeMello, and Alyssa Freitas.

. VANCEBU~G, KY ~ Ryan tian values and learn that there is Gazzola of North Attleboro and more reward associated with giva senior at St. Anselm College in ing than receiving, said a source Manchester, New Hampshire, at the Glenmary Home spent ~is March vacation helping Missioners. people throughout Appalachia as Ryan is the son of Louis and a vohlOteer. Pat Gazzola of North Attleboro. Gazzola and other college stu"I'm very proud of him," said dents traveled to Vanceburg, Ky., his father. "Giving to the needy and volunis something teered at the he's done for Glenmary a number of Farm, an imyears and mersion proenjoys. He's gram of the an outstandGlenmary ing young Hom e man." Missioners. The proGlenmary is g ram a Catholic soGazzola ciety of took part in priests and began in brothers who 1972 in are dedicated Lew i s to serving the County, an spiritual and. Appalachian material county in needs of the the northpeople eastern rethroughout gion of KenAppalachia tucky. Each and the rural year hunRYAN GAZZOLA South and dreds of Southwest. ' men and "The people we met were ab- women come from all over the solutely phenomenal," said United States to experience the Gazzola who attends St. Mark's simple and community lifestyle Church in Attleboro Falls when of the Glenmary priests and help he's home. others. He and the group of students Those interested in bringing a from St. Anselm's spent the week group of volunteers to Eastern . involved in home construction for Kentucky should contact Susan low-illcome families and in other Hel1mann, Glenmary Home service to the poor. It is through Missioners, PO Box 465618, Cinreaching out to those in need that cinnati, OH 45246 or call 513the volunteers apply their Chris- 881-7411.

THE ANCHOR - Diocese of Fall River - Fri., May 10,2002 ....






-"-~=~.~~~().~~~oil~-~~X.~~j~¥9~~~~::J2· Keeping adult-teen boundaries in place By AMY WELBORN CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE Since late January, the news has been full of bad news about some Catholic priests. A few weeks ago, I wrote about this situation. I want to write about it again, but this time from a different perspective. How can you protect yourself? The question isn't just about potential problems with Church workers. It's also about teachers, coaches and just about any other adult who works with teens. And it's about the boundaries that should exist between those people and you, the teen. In talking about this, I don't want to give the impression that you should be paranoid. Nor should you approach all adults who work with kids with suspicion or judgment. Not at all. On the contrary, the vast majority of adults in your life are there because they care deeply about you and your future. They've sacrificed a lot - time, potential income (you

may not know this, but youth ministry and high school teaching are not the highest-paying jobs on the list) and sheer emotional energy - to help you through tough times, teach you vital lessons and help you see your goodness as a beloved child of God. ~~ . ,'Y II But there are others people who don't have your best interests in mind, and have placed themselves in positions where kids gather, not because they want to help kids, but because they want to use them. How can you protect yourself? It's a simple rule, really, and one that doesn't involve making judgments on other people or trying to figure out their motives. Boundaries. Always boundaries.' There are certain boundaries between adults and young people that really shouldn't be crossed, and I'm talking about boundaries

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CHRISTOPHER PIERSON and Jill Cullen, second-grad.ers at Saint Mary-Sacred Heart School, North Attleboro, prepare to crown Mary with a wreathe of flowers during a traditional May Procession for the Blessed Mother.

that crop up way before the obvious ones like physical contact and deep emotional intimacy. Let's put it this way: Adults who aren't related to you should play limited, restricted roles in your life, and healthy adults will gladly stick to those roles. They will be happy and • grateful to be your teacher, coach, youth ministry leader, pastor, choir director, Scout leader or guidance counselor. And they'll also be very happy to go home at the end of the day and be with their own families and friends of their own generation. They won't try to be your friend. They won't try to be a substitute parent or sibling. They won't seek you out for social interaction. They won't share details of their personallives with you. They won't call to chat. They won't Instant-Message with you on the

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computer. They won't buy you personal gifts, and for sure they won't offer you alcohol or invite you on private outings. Here's what to be careful about: Sometimes, when kids sense that an adult is seeking to cross one of those boundaries, they have a very dangerous reaction: They're flattered. An adult they admire is open to a more mutual relationship. It makes a kid feci important, needed and grown-up. Stop right there. Don't you see? That's exactly the reaction the unhealthy adult seeks to provoke. It's the first step in bringing you in. It's the first step in a power play that has nothing to do with you, except as an object. Think about it this way: When you're 30 or 40 years old, do you expect to be socializing with teen-agel's and hanging out with them as friends? I sincerely doubt it. If that were the case, wouldn't you worry about yourself? Wouldn't you think there was something wrong? And if you thought that, you'd be right.

Facing blurred hopes and expectations By CHARLIE BLURRY Everything's so blurry And everyone's so fake And everybody's empty And everything is so messed up Preoccupied_ without you I cannot live at all My whole world surrounds you I stumble then I crawl First refrain: You could be my someone You could be my sea You know that I'll protect you From all of the obscene I wonder what you're doing Imagine where you are There's oceans in between us But that's not very far Second refrain: Can you take it all away? Can you take it all away? When you shoved it in my face This pain you gave to me (Repeat.) Everyone is changing There's no one left that's real To make up your own ending And let me know just how you feel 'Cause I am lost without you I cannot live at all My whole world surrounds you I stumble then I crawl (Repeat first refrain.) (Repeat second refrain.) Nobody told me what you thought Nobody told me what to say . .





Everyone showed you where to turn Told you when to run away Nobody told you where to hide Nobody told you whaUo say Everyone showed you where to turn Showed you when to run away (Repeat second refrain.) Sung by Puddle of Mudd Copyright (c) 2001 by Flawless/Geffen

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Puddle of Mudd's debut disc has made quite a splash. Fred Durst of Limp Bizkit invited Puddle of Mudd to be one of the first groups he recorded on flawless, his new label. The result Puddle of Mudd's "Come Clean" - jumped into Billboard's top 10 album charts. "Blurry" is the second release off the CD. The guy in the song says that "everything's so blurry" . because he can't see where a relationship is head~d. He feels: "I lost without you. I cannot-live at all:.My.whol.~.wor'd ·surr<;lUn~s.


you. I stumble then I crawl."· He realizes that there are "oceans in between us" but he feels "that's not very far." He hopes they can resolve their differences and rediscover the love they shared. Relationships aren't the only reason life becomes "blurry." Lots of things can suddenly alter your plans. How should you respond when you face blurred hopes and expectations? I. Focus on calming your mind. Fear can oveltake your thoughts and fill you with images of loss and hurt. In "bluITY" situations, a fearful inner voice is nOlmal but not accurate. Acknowledge your fears but do not give them all your attention. Remind yourself that the worst is not certain to occur. Also, ask your friends to help you keep your thinking based in reality rather than on fear's pervasive messages. 2. Recognize how feelings of fear and hUrl move in cycles. When you reach such a cycle's scariest point, it feels as if all is lost. However, these feelings won't remain so intense. Sometimes, it helps to distract yourself with other activities. This allows time to pass while at the same time your thoughts escape fear's most intense grip. 3. Remember that many of life's experiences lead to a choice between doubt or trust. While situations can cause life to feel blurry, God still invites us to trust. God's healing presence is available, and through this power we are encouraged to trust God and life itself. What is blurred today can eventually evolve into a new, more hopeful vision of what our lives can become. Your comments are welcome. Email to: ·chmartin@swindiana.net.


16 THEANCHOR-Dioc~seofFall

Papal ~etter seeks revitalizati011 of . penance,·stJ"i~t line on norms .

River-Fri., May 10,2002


solution must confess their seri~us sins 'as ·soon as possible. . . The pope's' Jetter.largely reiterates .exis~ing church law, but:offers six-point diu;,ification of "grave 'necessity:'" '. ..' . ':: Church .:law· .s~ys· a .~'grave necessity" .exists . when a sufficieDfnumber.~fpiiests 'arenot:available to hear the confessidn's':of indIviduals "in an appropri,Mwa'y wf~~ina~:appropri~tetrQ1e," potentiall}i'preventing p¢ni~ents fro"} .rec~iYing absolution:"for a long time." ,, The pope' said bishops are responsible for determining cases:that meet the requirement of "a long :time," Qut·a~ded, as an example, that a pe~ riod of less dian a:month was insufficient. .' Examples'wher'e ~'grave'necessity" might oc-, cur,-he saId,.: were' in mission territories where a priest can visit only very few times a year, or in . siiuations of war or '. exceptional weather conditions. He also told. the bishops that "it is not acceptable to contrive or to allow the contrivance of situations of apparent grave necessity." The pope said the . bishops' conferences must send "the text of norms which they intend toissue or update f h' (1 in th« light 0 t IS el- . ter)" to the Vatican's

VATICAN'cITY - In a new.,apostolic letter calling for a "vigorous revitalization" of the' sacrament of penance, Pope John Paul II told bishops to adopt a strict line on. Church law's "grav~-neces.sjty:', co~diti0!1for general absolution.· •. ,';' :-: ': ..,'",.:,.:..;;:':'. : ". '. .... the 15-page'!e'tter;' '.'Misericordia Dei" . ("Mercy of God~~), also' asks bishops' con.fer'ences to submif.national.norms on general ab'.BISHOP O'MALLEY prE3par~S to' enter a new religious ,solution to .the.:vatican for..approval "as soon as goods:store after a recent ribbon cU~irig ,ceremony. With·th~ possible." ;' :. '::.. :.' .:' . bishop,are own~rs Deacon Joao A. Monjz and. his .wi~e Liliana: ' The 'documerlt was"r¢leased at a Vatican press (AnC!7c>.t1'Gord<;>n phqto) . .: ..:':: '.:':: .:: .:.'. . conference M~y,.2 by:ihe' top Vatican officials for doctrine, :sacraments and canon law. The . . . .... . . ::·,.N·.· ...·.:·e:,:w·: .·.:·,:·.·. .·r·:, e' ,pope issued the'-letter ",,/otu proprio" (on his .. :own initiative), sig'nifying his personal interest. :., '.0':' p' :S',' '''1 consider it useful ..:' . to recall some of'the .. : '. . . . .. canonical laws. in' . . ':::'B~ivIl~EGoR~ON abouttheideaofope~ga·store.A force regardirig.~he : .:'.: ANCHOR STAFF lot of hard work and planning made celebration Of :this, . . PALe '-:"A new reli- that idea becam.e a reality. . sacrament and ciarify gioils g~store .bfficially opened "We're very'happy.tobe.serving certain aspects.: of. . . f«cent~y <lr;JC:j' Bishop Sean P. the diocese and giving back;' Sirid . them ~ .. with a view io . ;O'Malley OfMCap., was on hand Moniz, adding:'that~t was about a . a better administr'ato'bless the buildfug and welcome year in the works. tion of the sacrament," llis new neighb6n;. . The deacon serves at Espirito' the pope wrote in an The store is owned and operated Santo Church, here, and also works introduction. . by Permanent Deacon Joao A. as a fulltime chaplain at Charlton "It isa question of Moniz and his.wife Liliana, and MemoriaIHospital. ' ensuring an ever more stands just in the shadow of.St. ·Co-workersMercySisterLucille faithful, and thus . fib Mary's Cathedr.aI'at 351' Second . Socciarelli and Saint Ann Sister . more.frUlt ul, ce e raStreet..·. Jacqueline. Dubois were both tion" of 'the sacra''It's so nice that it's so close to amazed at how. nice the store looked, . the Cathedral," said' 'Bishop but said they were not surprised be- ment, he said. congregation for sa,c. addition to the cause Moniz has been working late . . The pope said the. raments "as soon 'as O'Malley. ''It's a nice . d ' letter seemed e s p e · , -n~ighborhood." nights to get:lt rea y. , possible." He cited a . The grand opening brought ''We'd. get.the daily pro~ re- cially necessary he- . Church 'law provision . friends of the couple and religious ports;' saidSister Socciarelli. "Joao cause "in some places requiring Vatican to See the completed store and share is a hard worker and he's the kind of there has been a ten"recognitio," or ap, ill refreshments after the bishop's guy that can do anything;' she added. dency to abandon inproval, of norms blessing:: " "Sister Dubois said she thought dividual 'confession adopted by bishops' : ItCarriesawiderangeofreligious tllegrandopening was "an excitirig and wrongly to resort conferences. The question of the 'goods mcludingBibles in English, thing;"and that the store would be a to 'general' ~r 'comPortuguese and Spanish, statues and "great addition to the neighbor- munal' absolution." use of general absoluHe said the practice tion has been a point knickknacks, rosary beads, vases, hood.'" of friction over the candles and holders, crucifixes, Moniz's wife Liliana was' all was not only unfaithframes, watches and household smiles as she chatted with People ful to God's plan for years between the items. and watched them enjoy the store.. the sacrament, 'but . THE RECONCILIATION window at St. Jo- Vatican and some "I hope this storecan}jelppeople When asked how she felt about the also caused "serious sephChurch in West Bend, Ind.,' is inscribed bishqps, especially' in get more connected to . theChurch store and·her·husband: she smiled .harm" to the spiritual . .with the.words "I absolve you."·On May 2, Pope the English-speaking and closer to the Lord:' said Joao ." ~ain and said "proud." life'of the faithful and John Paull! issued theapostolic'letter "Miseri- world, where it is als.o Moniz. .... ..' . : ·The hours of the Cathedral Reli- to the Church's' gen- cordiaDef 'on the administration.of the sacra- called the "third rite of He said that when a religious 'giousStoreare lOamt06p.m.each eral holiness; merit ofpenance.(CNS.phot()·~from Crosiers) penance.""" '. store that catered to the Pot:tuguese' .day except WedJiesdays and SupAt the press confer. . ' .:At. the press confercommunity closed its'doors'inNew: :.days when it's closed.You can reach . ence, Cardinal Jpseph ence, .Cardinal Jorge Arturo Medina Estevez, Ratzinger,prefect of the doctrinal congregation, prefect of the Vatican'$ .congregation for sacraBedford two y~'ago .he.thought: ·them.. at.508-673~ ... :..... said the duty to personally confess one's 'sins ments, objected t() . th~· .. p~rase.".third.rite,'!.say:,.:.· was 'iristituted by Christ himself, "and even ob- ing it made genera~: a.bsolutio n sound inter-·· . ligates the pope." ' . changeable·with·the·fif~ttwo·rites,.\vh.ich both' .' "It is' not within the .power of the Church to ·involve indiyid~~f~9IlfessioIl. '. substitute personalconfession:with general ab·Hesaid~is:o·ffice.plaris t.o remov.e general ab-. solution," he said. ' solution fromthe··nia:in:text:in. future editions of H;~ said the incorrect use of general absolu- the ·RomartRitual':an o.i~c'ial.book.of: prayer~' .,tion·was partly to blame for thegeneraf crisis and· ceremonies used in administering:the sacfaCing the sacrainent today. It is an'''abuse .that raments, .arid pULk into ~i1'aPP~1.idix "to underhas contributedJo the' progressive disappearance line that this i'san exception~i ~rid:'extraordinary of this sacrament{of pena,nce)' in certain. parts· form."" .. : .. : . :.. : of the Chu'rch," the cardinal said. . . " Cardinal ~atzinger said'he"d!d it.ot see the . According.to Church law, individual confes- pope's .letter as ."putting :new iburdims on the. sion is the :!sole··.6rdinary means" of: receiving .shoulders of Christians." . ".' ~ ... ; .. ' . absolution; but exceptions for "general.absolu"I would s~)dt is just the opposite;" he said: ". . . THE ANNUAL Bishop's Night, sponsored by,the Catholic tion" are allowed in cases of imminent. danger "Certainly confession of one's sin can. seem ofWomen's Club of New Bedford,.was recently held at the Cen- of death oi'~'gra:veriecessity," as determined' by 'ten burdensome to a person, because it humiliates his pride and confronts him with his povtury House in Acushnet:From leftare:·Joanne Longden, re- the local bishop. In general absolution, a group of penitents.reerty. But it is exactly this that we need; we sufcording secretary; Jeannine' BEmjamin, first vice president; 'from closing ourselves into our illusion of ceives forgiveness for their sins without first fer Bishop· Sean P. O'Malley OFM 'Cap.;Nancy Martin,. presimaking an individual confession of sins. Accord- guiltlessness and in this way also closing ourdent; Ethel Cataldo, second vic~president;· and Marianne ing to canon law, those who receive 'general ab- selves from others.'" Trundy, corresponding secretarY.




ligioDS s.t()re.,': . 'e:n' :'near Cathedra'l



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