-.--- Special Gifts Are Greatest Ever ---St~
Lawrence, New Bedford First in. Early Parish Returns
Increase in Amount of Pledges Honors Ordinary on Anniversary
Charities' Appeal Heads for New High
The ACHOR An Anohor of the Soul, Surre and li'irm-ST. PAUL
PRICE lOe $4.00 per Year Socond Clans Mail Privilegos Authorized at Fall River, Mass.
© 1961 The Anchor
Youth To C@nvene ~Dver O~ M@y 28
On Sunday, May 28, the Catholic Youth Organization of me Fall River Diocese will hold its third annual convention. This year's host city is Fall River and the convention will be held at the Catholic Commu.nity Center on Franklin Street. The afternoon affair will in- convention is $2.00 per person atelude the election of new tending. This fee may be paid diocesan officers, and the at the opening of the day's acsetting up of the new year's tivities. This year, two Pre-ConeyO activities.
The Most Reverend
'Will attend the session along with civic and state officials. Mr. Donald Montle, Coach and Athletic Director of Durfee High School in Fall River and Propm Director for the Fall River Area CYO will be the keynote (lpeaker. \ The theme for the convention 8Rd the following year's program ..ill be "Youth Serves Today." Publicity is under the chairJ.banship of Tom Costa, of Our ~dy of Health CYO, head of the Diocesan spiritual committee. Chairman of the Resolutions eommittee is Walter Nichipor, Of St. Joseph's CYO, and TreasUl'er of the Fall River Area CYO. (n charge of the spiritual committee for the convention is Henry Gillet, of Fall River. Richard Simmons. of the Taunton Ai'ea, has charge of the Elections Committee. The registration fee £or the
vention dances will be held in Fall River at the Franklin Street arid Anawan Street CYO buildings. The $2.0() fee may also be paid at these Saturday night dances of May 27, and the admission fee for the dance is included in' this registration fee. Each parish CYO is allowed two voting delegates. However, all CYO'ers from Fall River are encouraged to make this·a big affliir by attending. Th.e $2.00 fee applies to all Convention goors. TiM! convention will conclude with benediction of the most BleSsed Sacrament. At the convention, awards will be given to the winners of the Diocesan Essay Contest, to the recipients of the Father Donovan . Turn to Page Twenty-six:
The Parish phase of the Anniversary Catholic Charities Appeal started Sunday on a strong not of optimism. Headquarters announced. a total of $117,413.19 thi"l morning, Special Gift returns and early Parish returns combined to establish this promising total. .Chairman Joseph E. Fernandes reported that Special Gift contributions are still arriving in good numbers and with very acceptable increases. A good cross secti9n of parishes has also completed first returns. <:> Many business houses have increased their contributions substantially. The declared intention of the 1961 Appeal to honor Bishop' Connolly's ten years of service to the needy of the Diocese has had great public appeal. People of all sections of the Diocese have rallied to the suggestion of honoring. B ish 0 p Connolly through an increased gift to the Catholic Charities Appeal. This morning's total was arrived at with returns from thirty-seven of the one hundred and eight parishes of the Diocese. . Parish totals are: FALL RIVER Cathedral $2,916.50 Blessed Sacrament 351.00 Holy Rosary 709.00 Immaculate Conception 3,248.70 Sacred Heart 6,132.50 St. Jean-Baptist 827.00 St. Louis 1,374.00 St. Patrick 3,358.00 St. Roch 1,288.50 St. William 1,723.50 NEW BEDFORD Holy Name 4,709.00 Holy Rosary 194.00 Immaculate Conception 919.50 Mt. Carmel 5,162.00 Sacred Heart . 2,737.75 Turn 'to Page Foul'
FOR LONG SERVICE: Manuel Benevides, with 30 years service and Miss Bertha Janson, 34 years, are recognized at St. Anne's Hospital ceremony by Mother Pierre Marie, superior. Twelve staff members with 10 to 20 years service and 37 with five to 10 years were also cited.
Bishop Divides Deaneries; High Schools Appoints Four New Deans The Most Reverend Bishop announces today the reof the Deaneries of the Fall River Diocese effectServe More division ive Friday, May 12. What was formerly Upper Bristol
Education in the Diocese of Fall River will expand when classes resume in September. The third freshman cl<a~
to enter Bishop Stang High School, N<:>rth Dartmouth, will number 224 and the first freshman class in the Bishop Feehan High School, Attleboro, has 8l'l enrollment of over 190. Other secondary schools will be filled to capacity so that there will be m<:>re than 600 new stu: Turn to Page TW~nty-siX:
Deanery is now divided into the Taunton Deanery, The Attleboro Deanery comprises the 12 parishes of Attleboro, No. Attleboro, Mansfield, Norton, North Easton and Seekonk. Appointed Dean is Very Rev. Thomas F. Walsh of St. John the Evangelist Church, Attleboro. The Taunton Deanery includes the 13· parishes of QTaunton, Raynham, No. Dighton and
Cape Cod To Inaugurate Anti-Smut Campaign At Barnstable High School Meeting Sunda.y
By Russell Collinge Sunday evening-May 14-7 :30 P.M.-Barnstable High School in Hyannis. What and why? Well, here's tl!e story. There are a lot of dirty, dangerous, and demoralizing books around-they a·re aimed at the younger people of this country-they are all too Glergy assignments aD- available for easy reading and indigeStion-they do the youth of our communities no good lft()unced today by the Ohan- at all. A~ a simple, uncomX know there is a school of OVai' backwards with regard to cery ,Office include tho plicated. layman, that about thought whose addicts scream iA any restrictive measures - to transfer of Rev. Ernesto R. sums up my understanding gaggling horror at the appalling lean so far that something hapl130rges from St. Michael's Church .of the smut being peddled ogre of "censorship" whenever pens to the spine. The funny
Bishop. Gives Assignments
(Pall River, and the assignment throughout this country - and .of Rev. Gilbert J. Simoes, 01'- peddied quite openly on news &ined May 1, to St. Michae.l's. stands. Almost everywhere - in '!lev: Bernard R. Kelly, ordain- the smallest ice cream parlor and in: the plushiest chain stores. ~ at the same time as Father . <Simoes, has received a temporSome of the smtlt is gentle~ assignment to Holy Name hardly noticeable in individual ~urch, Fall River. examples, but insidious in quan. Father Borges, born Sept. a, tity lots. Some of it is outright <1»13 in St. Michael's, Azores, pornography. And it covers $tu.died for the priesthood at the . every phase in between. ~inary of Angra, Terceira, l[ don't think anyone would ~res. He was ordained June 20, like to have someone telling dir~ by Bishop WUliam A. Gtd- ~ jokes to his children - but CDaraes of Angra. _ people don't seem to care if the Bis previous assignments ha'ro same jokes, stories and w~ off~luded service as a curate aAd color idees 8I'e printed and. • hospital chaplain in the Azor~ stacked on magazine -racks, wait'Jfe was appointed assistant at ing and ready to supply that sly • . Micliael, Fall River, tn nudge in the l'ibs or offer a lbecember, 19413. His new ap.. worldly "Hey, kid! You w~ a»:nt was effective 'J.luesday.( k.oow what roalW gOf!B. om,=
it is suggested that these books should not·be sold or made available to young children and adolescents.. The members of this school have a compulsion to lean
Mar '1 to 17
thing is that it is not their backbone that gets damaged - it seems to be ours. If I write some strongly AngloSaxon expressions on tne side of your house I will li~ely go to jail-most surely you will tell me in no uncertain terms that I MAY NOT D9 THAT! You would take firm action t~ curb my tendency to display in public my esoteric knowledge which is contrary to the moral values of .the community-and to prevent my spreading more Angio:'Saxon words--and perhaps Anglo-Saxon pictures-where others, particularly children, might see the m and, through childish lack of perception and values, t:luI'D te
the Attleboro Deanery and Dighton. Appainted Dean is Very Rev. Patrick H. Hurley of St. Joseph's Church, Taunton. What was formerly Lower Bristol Deanery is now divided into the Fall River Deanery and the New Bedford Deanery. The Fall Riv~r Deanery Includes the 35 parishes of Fall River, No. Westport, Somerset, Swansea, Central Village and Ocean Grove. Named Dean is Very Rev. Arthur W. Tansey. rector of St. Mary's Cathedral. The New Bedford Deanery includes the 30 parishes of 'New Bedford, Acushnet, Fairhaven, Wareham, Mattapoisett, So. Dart. Turn to Page Twenty-six
Nurses Meet On Saturday ......The Fall River Council of Catholic Nurses will hold its Spring plenary meeting Saturday afternoon and evening, May 13, at St. Anne's Hospital, Fall River. Very Rev. Arthur T. Geoghegan, S.T.D., superintendent of schools for the Diocese of Providence, will be guest speaker. Other events in the program will include a tour of St. Anne's new· nurses' home, a tea, business meeting, and election of officers. . Preceding a 7 o'clock dinner, benediction will be celebrated in the hospital chapel by Rev. Cornelius Keliher. Miss Catherine McCarthy, R.N. Diocesan president of Catholic nurses, Will preside at the dinner at which Father Keliher, council spiritual director, will be toastmaster and Most Rev. James L. ~onnony will speak.
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THE ANCHO~-Diocese of F.all Rivet-Thurs. May 1.1, .1961- ' .~
J.'~ .~.
SUNDAY-Sunday After Asc. . sion. II ~~ass. White. M~ , PrQper; Gloria; Creed; Preface of Ascension. MONDAY-St. John Baptist d8 La Salle, Cpnfessor.. III Clas& White. Mass Proper; GiorifC no Creed; Preface of Ascea.. . sion~' . . ,.
Rev. Ernesto L. Rego Borges, aSsistant at st. Michael's Church, Fall River,. to become assistant at Espirito Santo Church, Fall River. 'Appointment effective Tuesday, May ~. CLERGY APPOIN1'MENJr'S'" Rev. Gilt>ert J. S~oes, ordained on May 1"tO St. Michael's . ChUl"Ch, Fall RivEr, ,as assistant. . Rev. Bernard R. Kelly, ordained on May l,to Ho~ Name Church, Fall River, as tempol'ary assistant.. APpointments eHectiveTuesday", May 9. '
'rUESDAY-'-St. Ubaldus, Bishop , .and Confessor. III Class. White. Mass Proper; Gloria; no Creed; Preface of Ascension. .Wlj:DNESDAY-St. Paschal Ba!16 lon, Confessor. III" Class.. · White. Mass Proper; Gloria; ,no Creed; Preface of Ascensi~
TIWRSDAY St., VeminUUi\, ", Grove; . St. Pius Tenth, So. '~ension.·' . Martyr. ill Class, Red. MBSJ ,. Ptoper; Gloria; no creed; PMf.aee of Ascension. .'
~~?~~. Bishop' of Fall. River
Brother·With Knack For Cooking ·to Serve in Hospital Kitch~n';'"
,DAYTON (NC) - A young .ski!l, will graduate iIi June from Brother with a knack for, the university witJ:la bachelo~'s spaghettisauee-:-"the kind that degree in home ~onomicS., fakes four hours to, cook"-is the Brother Butler's ·c ul in a'r~y ,University of Dayton's first male studies are the ..idea of his reli'stUdent to major in .dieteticS. gious superiors.•Tche Brothers of . 'Bro~er,Kevin Butler, F.M.M., Mercy, of ,whom he, is one" enthe young man with the unusual gage principal,ly, in hospital work, and a trained dietician .is , "~,'Legic'n of 'Decency . an essential member of the, staff . The following film!; are' to be 'in modern hosPital. . Brother Butler, a native of added to the lists in their reLake City" Mich" has since ·1954 ,spective classifications: . . Unobjectionable for adults and been a member of ,the Brothers' adolescents: The Pleasure of His of Mercy, whose headquarters..,is. in Clarence,N. Y. Company. He learned to' cook out of 'Unobjectionable for adults: Blast of Silence; Return to ,Pey- necessity, filling 'in for his 'mother when she was ill. After ton Place. Objectionable in pnrt for all: hj:s graduation from the univerLisette (Iowmoral tone);'.Love sity here, he will serve a dietetic in a' Goldfish Bowl (improper internship at Sl Mary's Hospital conduct standards create partic- in Rochester, Mtftn:. ular moral hazardf0l7 teenagers to whom !film has spec:al,appeal).
·Msgr. llY~ln t@ H~«D.d Nlj,HSMfrV Ch@ll»ftt!1]lims
S)'cfi11edg ~e @f' ~'lnlfD!U'·m\l2lt~@ITllS May 14·-2:00 P.M. 'Our Lady of ,Fatima, Swansea. . 4:00 ·P.M. St. Michael,Ocean Grove; ,St, Pius Tenth,So Gr{)ve,:; St. PitisTenth,. So. Y1!.rmollth. . 7:30 P.M. St. Dominic, Swansea; St. Anthony, East' Falmouth. ' . May 1'5:.- ':1 :30 P.M. Our ,Lady o'fMount 'Carmel, SE:ekonk; St. Joseph, North' Digllton.
WEST POINT (NC) - Msgr. (Maj. Gen., retired)Patr'ick 'J. Ryan, .former Chief of ·Army Chaplains, has been elected presidentof ·the 85.:year-old MiHtary Chaplains Association. Msgr. Ryan, director of the National Decency in Reading Program, served in the Army for .30 years. He was Chief of Army ,Chaplains from 1954 to 1958.
DEDICATES STATIONS:' Rev. Richard J. Callahan, •O.F.M:., of'Our :Lady's Chapel; New Bedford~ dedicates. Outdoor stations 'of the 91'058 &t Villa,Fatima, Taunton..
Nurse to Space. Hero' Repeated :, . ~~qsa r·y for Flight ·Success
NEW'CUR.A:TE·: Rev.Er. nesro L~ :RegoBorges is now assIgned roEspir'iito. Santo l!eeond 'Class Po.ita:gePaidz.t Fall'!llver. ,Mass. 'P.ublllihedevery 'IDhUl'Bl!ay eM '41:0 Church,Fall ,River, tran~ ~:b~:g,o~;en~a~\~t:r'q)~=~ '~ ferred there from St. MichFaJl River. Subscrlpiton prlce 'Iif ;maiJ, ael's 'ChurCh, Fall River. postpaid $4.00 per year.
"I'IIE ANCHOR lists thedeMll ., fUlIliversal"J' dates of priests who. served the. Fail Rivei' Diocese since its formation Ia 1904 with &he intention that the faithful wili give' them • .. prayerful"remembrance.' .' MAY 12
· Rev. John F: da Valles, 192Q, Cb8plain, United States ArJn:J,..,...... ~ MAY IS , Rt. Rev. Osias Boucher, 1955. Pastor, Blessed Sacrament, Fail River. "
PATRICK AIR FORCE BASE lived until 1945. She graduated (NC)-The pe~sonal' nurse 'to . in' 1956 from .the 'Providence America's first . space vo~ger, I-Jospital School of Nursing, Por.tComdr. Alan B. ' Shepard, .Jr., ·land,· Ore., conduc~ed' by '~e ., MAY 116 said here she "prayed the Rosary Sisters of' Ch!irity. ,: ,'. ' '. .' Rt. Rev. J. Joseph Sullivaz. over and over'" for the success of' ,She worked in ,the sUrgery P.R., 1960, Pastor, Sacred· Hear\, his flight. , department at the. University of Fall River. 'Air ,Force Lt.' ~lores O'H~ra, Oregon Medical School and later MAY 11' 'who haS served, as personal nurse for three physicians in Portland. Most Rev. James E: Cassid3r. to this country's, seven'astro- _She entered, Ule Air, Force on DD., 1951, Third Bishop of .FaIt nautS for several months, said May 22, 1959, 'and her. first .duty River, '1934-51. she' "really didn:'t, have too great station was at Patrick Air Force • • • :ilear for' the !successu of the Base. The .Most Reverend Bishop space flight.. ' Miss O'Hara said it was a "comwill celebrate a Pontifical AD'.. "I kll(!~ it w'ould be a success," plete surprise'.' to her· when she .nlVersa1"J' Requiem Mass We~ she added, "and I feel that the was selected as nurse to. the ,~esdaJ' morning at 10 in ,st. ' COlmtless praye:r:;s. and the many, astronauts, but she added that .~ry·s C~th~dral for the· re- . many. Rosaries sa~d. everywhere her surgical and laboratory ex.- . ~~, of Bishop Cassidy's soul. 'played a great part in itssuc-, perien~e probably played a ma- . . jor. part ~n her se1ecti9n. cess." : ' , Catholic' tlD,O'iloversitiei , Miss O'Hara, I who became a Baptized in 1960 Get Aid '§@!i' convert to Catholicism 'on ·Easter . L t . O'Hara said she always l;1ad · WASHINGTON (NC) - Twc day, 1960, also said: "I pr;1yed. "the inspiration and desre'to be- Catholic universities are among while' Comdr. Shepard was suit- come a'Catholk" She was bap- 31' colleges and universities tc ingup, and just ibefore the flight tized by Father (Lt.) John Leon- receive,Federal' funds in suppm and during the fiight-whenever ard, a priest of the Boston areh- of language development center& I got a free mOlnent;" diocese" who was a .Chaplain at . The U. S. Office of Educatimil The 25-year-Old Air' Force the Patrick Air Force Base in said $1,751,909 has been allocated lieutenant, n'iCkiJ,ameii '''Dee''by 1960, Her father is deceased. Her for the programs provided fo:r the astronauts, 'said she didn't mother, who is n'ot a Catholic, in ~e 1958 National Defenso "get a wink of sleep" from i a.m. lives in Crabtree, Ore. . E4ucation Act. Colleges ~ the day before (May 4) the flight ,Asked what her job involves, universities meet at .least haD2 until midnight the day after it Miss O'Hara said: "There are a the cost. ' (May '6). She sbted that Comdr. host of things pertaining to dietShepard; who flew 115 miles in- ing, ,physical well-being and labt(\ ,space '(May 5), was "very . oratory work." In addition,- she W[E~~ calm" and "very confident" be- 'said, .the nurses have to set up ShO&$ 1T!hl«11t, ~.it· fore the flight, ~nd appeared, in and maintain I the seven-room ''THE ~AMllV s~~ 'STORE'" "excellent condition" when he' "holding" area where. the astroarrived at .Balulma·lslandfor a nauts are tested and suited. J@[}UD'i/S medical checkup; . , .Is she ready to help prepare Asked what COmdr. Shepard another astronaut for >a flight' said to her before and after the into space? . 95 PLEASANT STREET flight,· ¥iss O'Hara said she was Miss O'Hara said she would not, allowed to ;g'ive ,out 'such in_ liketo .have a little bit of III Fall River os 8·58 n 'formation at thl~ time. chance to re~ax first:"
Shoe $i'ore
Catholic Hosp'ital Gr~d
'., ." ' Nec,rology
M:i~ O'Hara' w~born on Aug.
May U-Oon'Vent Of itheBoly , . Union 'Of .thl) :Sacred, Hearts, FaU ,River. 'Convent of t!ulSacred, HeaTt$,Fait:naven. ; 'Moun't 'S't.Mary'sCoo- ' vent, Fall River. I 'May I~St. .Patric.k, JF.almouth. ,St. J.()SGJhls 'OItphanage,' . ,Fall .River. May~I-':St.. 'Casimir: New \ Bedford. ' .1 i Villa Fatima, 'r.aun'ton. May :28-St. 'M:a'W1ew,iFall: River. . St. Kilian, iNew Bedford:'
,Mass 0,rd''0'
: FRIDAY-:SS. Nereus, Achl~ . and Companions, Martyrs. m . dass. Red. Mass Proper; Guo.. ,. 'Ha; . no ereed; Preface ~ , ..' -!\scension. ..' • SATURDAY-St: Robert Bena.. ~ine, Bishop, Copfessor. aD4 Doctor of the Church. ClasS. White. Mass Propeq 'Gloria; no Creed; Preface Qj Ascension. ' .
., DioceSe oT Fall River'
Very Rev. Patrick H. Burley to become of, Taunton , Deaner)'. Very Rev. James E. McMahonfD become Dean of Nan'tucketand Dukes Deanery. V~ Rev. AJ'thurW. Tansey ~ become Dean of Fall River Deanery. Very ·Rev. Thomas F. Walsh to-become Attleboro Deanery.. Appointments effeetio.:e hiday, May 12. .
9, 1935, ,in Nam:Pa, •Idaho, near Boise. Her paren:ts moved to San Franciseoin 1939, where she
LawToq 'VagMe A:TLANTA.'(NC~ ;-Atlant8~s'
movie 'censorship law has been held unconstitutional' because it is too vague to nieet due pr.()cess of lawl'equir.em'ents in Federal and 'state 'consti4.ttions.
.Real Estate
Norris frt Tripp SHEET· METAL
R:ene POYClnt , 'Hyannis 335 Winter St.
Sp. 5-0079
' ... ' COMMERCIA!,
253 .Cedar,Sf.New '. n
~ 3:3~22"
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;. 'F~H 'Rive,~ 1Iiew~edfOrd Hi9~ay...;tieo. WestP-t . ;JUICY!· TENDER! SIZZl1NGi:' ,:STIEAKS·. CHOPS '. :ROASTS Visit·,O~, "~w
iBANQUlETROOM "For Wedding 'RocBpt1on.-'luncttDinner ,Moeilnge-~nquehl
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Phone 05.borne 2·9US6
TttE ANCHORThurs., May' 11, 1961
:Bette.- Atmosphere Helps :Unity A."o.-.g Churches·. GARRISON (NC)-Three Cathblie theologians work-iItg in the area ()f Christian union think relations between ,"urches have bettered to a point that promises some -mu,tual efforts. There is no question of- unity in faith and ',eommunion, they _ag,~. heaquarters in Geneva; Switzerbut there, ~s a readiness to land. . work together in defending NcK Unexpected fi:hristian' ideals in today's The Vatican official said that world. . . the application "was not fully This opinion is shared by unexpected." He noted' -that it Msgr. J. G. M. Willebrands, a was preceded by a 1958 meeting Dutchman woo is secretat:y of in Moscow of offic'ials of the the Vatican Ecumenical Coun- world council and the Orthodox eil's Secretariat for Promoting Patriarch of Moscow. . ehristian Unity; Father Bernard He recalled that the Russian Leeming, S.J., an English schol- church sent observers to meetar, and Father Gustave Weigel, ings of the world 'council's cenS.J., a theologian from Wood- 'tral committee on the island of stock College, a Jesuit seminary Rhodes in '1959' and at St. in Maryland. Andrew's in Scotland in August, 1960. Great Urgency Father Weigel said there was Gr'eM Elements· ~ very great urgency" for "Our hope," said Msgr. Willeehurches to work together in ex- brands, "is that when the Ortho':' panding and defending Christian dox position in the world . .lues. council is strengthened by the ''The world is not only secular.. presence .of the Patriarchate of • indeed it must be, but unfor- MoScow, tbe council itself may' tunately it is secularistic," said become more able to foster rather Weigel. "This secularism' Christian unity, evalilating really .. becoming more pronounced. all the great elements of the "The hold of the Christian. orthodox of Christianity." . Waion of man is weakening so In his formal paper at the IbUch that it could be said witlt . GraymoOl' meeting,'· Fat her _ small degree of truth that Leeming, the English Jesuit Christianity is almost irrelevant scholar, warned of the 'damage ill the formation of policies >some CatholiCs may inflict Oil 1IIbereby.our nations live." ecumenical progress bY the use of terms that give "needless Definite Progress Father Leeming, professor of ' offense" to persons outside' the 40gma at Heythrop College, Ox- Church. He cited some uses of· the terM, lord, England, and correspondent lor the Secretariat fur Promoting. "non-Catholic," . ~ristian Unity, reported "very Terms aefinite progress" in the world In strict theology',' he said, eeonomical movement. "Most importantly, there is a even the Eastern Orthodox 4ulnge of atmosphere; the 'feel- churches must be conSIdered as Ing is a feeling of friendliness non-Catholics, 'yet he. Said "1 and brotherhood. I think that is confess I should not'· use the term" to describe the Orthodox ~y important because from that spirit everything will fol- or the Anglo-Catholics, ~'mainly to aV9'id' needless 'and profitless ~w," he said. .. offense:" . 0 He cited Catholie scripture The' teaching authority of the _dies as involving "the most eordial coopera-tion" with "sep- ehurch, he added, ."has g~ven. indications, that it is ·wise to emted brethren." avoid words arid' languages Atmosphepc which may offend. . , .. . Father Leeming added that . "The' instruction,of ·the Holy ~ Holiness Pope John XXIII's office of 1950 does not use the intention to convene a couneil words 'heretic' and 'schismatic' ef top Churclt leaders in Rome and 'sect,''' he noted.: . ~s served to aid in "the change ill atmosphel'e." "I think," he said, "that the -Assumption Members IIUtJImoning 01. the council wiN Set La Salette Visit .' CJend to change the image of the Massachusetts, Connecticut and Pope toward Ijjhat of a brother Rhode' Island members of the among brethren,rather than that Assumption Society will make. of a director. Also, he has inmtheir fifth ann'-lal pilgrimage t~ _ted so much humility." La Salett~ Shrine, Attleboro at Msgr. Willebrands was asked 3 Sunday after~n, May 21. .fDt' comment on the application ~remonies will include rosfrom the Russian OrthodoX ary, benediction, way of the "'urch for membership in tM cross, procession, sermon and .~rld Council of Churches, a.1l blessing of the sick. Archbishop ~ternational federation of ProtNorbert Robichaud of· Moncton, _tant and Orthodox bodies with N. B. will preside, assisted by Msgr. Alderic Melanson, general cltaplain of the Assumption Society. An all girl drill team will periiorm befol'e the ceremonies and a drum oorps and the Little lI!lvangelines will also be' featured. Some 5,000 to 7,000 pflgrims are &xpected· to attend the event.
Prevost Alumni
Alumni . of Prevost High School, FaU. River" will- hold' their fourth annual reunion Saturday night, May 20 at White'ti restaurant. Gerard Dufour and Leo Nadeau are co-chairmen and announce that Samuel H. Ram.88$" 'will be guest speakei'.
Diocese Now Ranks Fourth In Catholics Catholic population in the Diocese of Fall River has increased by 8,254 --;' from 250,738 to 258,992-in the past year according to figures by P. J. Kenedy and Sons ia "The Official Catholic Directory for 1961." In population percen-tage, the Fall River Diocese is the fourth ranking in 'the United States with a 56.4 percentage. The three Dioceses surpassing Fall River in density of Catholic population. are Lafayette, La. (61 %). Providence (60.4%) and ,Corpus Ohristi, Texas (58.7%). Following Fall River in the density rating are: Worcester (56.2%); Springfield, Mas s. (51.6%); Newark, an Archdiocese, (51.5%) i Buffalo (50.7%)0; Boston, an Archdiocese, (49.3%, and the Archdiocese of HartfoN NEW B.EDFORD CLUB: Shown at New Bedford Insti-.. tute of Technology Newman Club Communion Breakfas-t , ~re: left to right, Dr. John E. Foster, President of the Institute, Newman Club President George R. Sullivan, and Rev. J. Frank Deyine, S.J., Professor of Theology at Boston U!1iversity who spoke on "New Role of' the 'Laity in the Church_ Today."
,Storms· Assist Sea Gypsies
;rOLO (NC)-It took a tJ'phooi'!' to bring the Sea Gypsi~ of the, Philippines under tIM wing of Catholic missioners. These primitive fishermen are Nati~nal. born, live and die in treetrunk canoes. They are considered subhuman outcasts br PITTSBURGH .(NC) - The Msgr. John Tracy Ellis, p'rofessor the predominantly Moslem p0pNatioool Council of Catholic of Church history at the Catholie ulation of Jolo and other islands M;en has honored four _university. Univ:ersity of America, Wash- in the Sulu archipelago, which professors as' mod~ls of intellec- ington, D. C. 0 • trails off southwest from .the tual excellence for the U. S. Action Awards Philippines like a bridge to Catho~ic layman. At the. same banquet ih~ Borneo, The Sea Gypsies shied . The NCCM, which represents NCCM also bes!owed its "Cath- away ·even from the missioners nine million Catholic men, pre- ~lic Action Awards" ~or achieve- until'a typhoon struck last year. The typhoon swept out of the sented its "Honors tor Intellec- -' ment by laymen's organizations;.. tual Excellence"·- to James D. . First prize winner in the cate- Sulu Sea· and 'forced a sman band' of Uae Sea Gypsies 'flct Collins, professor of philosophy gory .of· fe~erations of organiat St. Louis University; Matthew ;!:ation~ was the Toledo, Ohio; ~ach their boats near the cit,. A. Fitzsimons, professor of his- Diocesan C~uncil pf Catholic of Jolo. Moslems of the neigh. tory at the University of Notre Men, . which was hon~red fo~ borhood refused to help them. Dame;'Francis M'oRogers, chail"- promotin~. good ci~izenship by But the Oblates of Mary Immae-: man of' the department of Ro-' sponsoring mock elli~ctions in' ulate did: Once contact had been made. mance languages and literatures, schools. Harvard University' and John In the category of membership the Oblates offered to teach C. Sheehan profes~r of chem- orga,nizations, first place ~ent to the Sea Gypsy children to read. ish:Y: at the'Massiichusetts Insti- the Xaxier-Damians Professional write and cipher. More than 100 children of the sea now take tue of Technology. ~odality of Philadelphia, for its regular lessons in the summet" t Ch a 11enge " -,-a program The t citation accompanying "Pl"oJec. at the Oblate school here. each award said the recipient und~r Whl~h ~tudents ~lt~ lead"personifies the richness of our ~rshlp a~htude are Slgne~ out Christian cultural heritage and for a se~!es oi., career sem.u~a!-,s, crystallizes the ideal 6f intellee- perso?al mtervlews and relIgiOUS tual leadership in the lay apos- exerCIses t~ en~ourag~ them, to .tolate." pursu,e careers m publIc serVIce.
Council of Catholic Men Honors University Professors
'5 34%
The awards were presented at a banquet during the biennial convention' of men's council. Making the presentation was
To Head Newmanites
. Jo-Ann Roth!myer,' 86 Maryland Street, New Bedford, a hmior at Bridgewater State €ollege, is .newly elected president of the campus Newman Club, one of the largest in the nation with a membership of approximately 500, Miss Rothmyel', an elementar,y educatiOlil major, is also active in the ModEt1'n Dance Club.
GEORGE M.•MONTlE Plumbing - Heating Over 35 Year-s of Satisfied ServiGe 806 NO. MAIN SfRm Fall River OS 5·7491
Poland Pilgrimage Rev. Stanislaus Sypek, chair.., man of the social science department at Emmanuel College, Boston, and a former resident of New Bedford, will conduct a pilgrimage to Poland, leaving FridaY, June 23 by plane from Logan 'Airport, Boston. The tour will include historic points and religious shrines and participants will also. wait relatives in
KEENAN &CLAREY, Inc~ Minneapolis, Minnesota
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SULLIVAN'S ~IGIOOS SPEAKER: VretlY ~ Arthur T. Geoghegan, 'diooeISan superiJllbendent of schools Provideooe, and· chaplMn. for the Newman Club a$ 81?own Unive~iiY', will speak at the NIlIT-se6' Goovent'ion Saturday, at St. Anne's, Fan
Mafft Street
NOW OPEN Gifts for! Gonfirmotion and f-ittst I(IoIr GommUmoa
'1961 Summe,r Sessaon . Moming and EventRg Classes
Crecfit . G1HIrses avaifable in Business Administratfon Classtes-Educ-ation-English-History-Mathematics Philosophy-Spanish-Theology SpedaI non-cfedit review of Mathematics Course for high-schoot graduates
July 19th to August Regiot«ltKm
1-5 ancl 1'6
THE ANCHOR~Diotese of Foil River~Thurs·.May·H~196·1 -=---:-------....,.--~--_-.:..-=----
fir~t ~etMrfrn~
· . Continued from Page One St. Joseph'
6,362.00 1,938.00
St. Kilian .
St. Lawrence TAUNTON St. Joseph
6,354.50 1,105.25
St. Jolm at. Joseph
:;' C@I7(cl]'grm'@~ ':M~yeQ' '~~i§e~' PCa'a~e 'for· D~votion
CHICAGO (NC~ - More than Mass and later spoke' to the Home Washing Co., Casey & 800 policemen attended a Mem- 'policemen at . a Communion Sexton. orial Mass in St. Peter's church breakfast; calling fo~ "a renewal . $13 in~onor, of 257 Chicagopolice-· of the. traditional American spirit, Mehegan's Gas Station. men killed in line of duty; of individual responsibility in $10 Members of the police branch the face of .ine;easing demands ' Burke's Canteen, Edgar DeChamplain, Arthur DeCham- . of. the St. Jude's League filled for conformIty. , Serve God tlpIa1D, Milot 'TV Service, Rayn- , the church following a parade.' ham Self Service. Albert, Cardinal Meyer, ArchHe criticized ''the,popular aW, Riendeau Funeral Service, bishop ,of' Chic~o, offered the. tude· which reduces personal "Ward's Garage, Taunton. Letter Carriers, Hanson &; Co., Costello 'Buick Inc. 'Dagen Funeral Home, George F. RileY,'Manny's News, Comfi' Coil, Church Fuel Co. " Russell B. Myers, Mr. & Mrs. Howard Carroll, Bristoi County Golf, Oliver's Market, David B. .Dean &; Sons. Edward St. Pierre Inc., Barbers ' Union No. 789, General Work Clothes, Dr. E. L. Latimer. Mt. Hope Machinery. ,.Abreau Oil Service;- White ' Front'Market, M. J. Flanagan &'. Sons, Lamoureaux Oil Co.,' DE. Stanley R,'Parker, , , Madigo Sand &; Gravel, Barkan Pearl Co., O'Connell Da'iry, Wilfred Saint; Hillside Club. Colonial Donut Shop, Young's Motor 'Truck, C. O. F. No. 1178St. Jacques, Willy's ~.lleys.
, TOWNS Assonet-St. Bernard 543.00 I'almouth--'St. Patrick 1,873;00 Bebronville2;734.00 'St. Mary NantucketOur Lady of the Isle 2,330.00 North Easton~ ~aculate,Conception3,818.00 .. No. WestportOur Lady of Grace 1,392.50 Ocean Grover, St. Michael Orleans' ; St. Joan of Arc~ 786.00 Sandwich2,648.75 · CorpuS' Christi . Seekollk-Our Lady , of· Mt.' Carmel ~2,183.oo Somerset-' 1~538.50 : St. John of God 2,909.50 · St. Patrick So. 'Dartmotith'·2,908.50 St. Mary N~w B~df(l)rd Swansea- . '$500 2,OfiO.50 St. Dominic Catholic' Women's Club, New St. Louis de France 2,130.00 Wareham-St. Patrick 3,242.00 ' Bedford Institution for': Savings. Star Store ' . , '1 ' $100 Because.,He Care~ ••. A 'friend. $30 Duplicating Equipment Supply Co. ' , " " , '$25 ' , , American Flexible .Conduit '. National' Co, Mr. Hubert Kelleher, ,K- Of $2,500 ' e-:General Assembly .4th DeMaginnis & Walsh & Kennedy. 'gree, Ideal Dairy·'o , $1,000 ,. '$20':' , First, National StoreS 'Y,nc: . Eagle Linen Supply Co., N. B. $325 Typographical Union No.:276. Rt. Rev. Henri A .. Hamel. $15' , $300 H . .M. C. Cutlery, Beneficial' Rev. James E. O'Reilly. .Fina,nee Co. '
, leadership in favor of corpo~ positio~s," and cited the problem. of crime as atypical social ~ uation which can only be hancHs1 by responsible individuals. "When you fight c;rime hon~ and intensely," the Cardinal ~ "you bit at one 01. the most ~ , llUptive dangers to all' so~ and to individuals. It is a :au. way to serve God•••-
.Special: Gift's'
Knights of Columbus"'':'Isidore ' - Hathaway's ' Laundry, L' A:. ,eouncil, McMahon Council, 'Da- ' Perry-Tailor,' Dr. Franklyn Be~ ,mien, C.ouncil, 13ishop §tang ., ry, DeWolf, &; Vincent,' Dr, H. . Councll. ' . F. Riley." ""; : ' , ,; Rev. Benoit Galland. MCOF So. Eastern PaSt Chief $150 Rangers" Assn., Thomas -, W. \, Rev. Francis X. Wallace,. Rev. Croacher Estate, Dahill &:' Co., :,Lucien A. Madore. ,.' Dr. Jolin R. Barnes:Atty. George $125 " Nowell. ,i LaSalette Seminary, East Brew- ": Barnet, & Barnet Attys" Kerri ster: ".. \ ' , Fashions Corp.; Miss AliCe " $110 Kelleher, , COlltinent81 Bakiott LaSalette Seminary-Attleboro. go." S. S. Kresge & Co. , . ' '$100, Davidson's Pork Products; P. Rev. John F:H~gan, Rev. Jo- 'W.· Woolworth' &;' Co., "Hawes ,seph L. Powers. , , /Electric Co., Gro.,:Toge.lnc., Gae. $85 par's Linguica Co. ' Rev. 'William A; Galvin. ' B,elenoit's Paint ~pplies. , $15
Rev. Adalbert,Szklam13'_ $50
; ,
J:~pany, Uriit~J ':.
Swift & ' Cork Co; .1 Mis'Michael Breen, G. L: ~ckbem Co., Inc. .,,' $15
Kirkpatrick ·Company"lne.", $10
Boston Lightning Rod Co.
Mr. & Mrs. Thoinas E. Donelan. . $150 , Wm. P. Crowley &; Soris. $100 ' A. friend, ~ueens DaughteA, $75 Society St. Vincent de Pau!St. Jacques. "
\ -
Grocery Prices Reduced! ~om~/ 'in ,tod~y ., •• ~:~"for yourself'that you Ireally DO' save CASH, at A&PI Ove, SOO :Me@f:l!-nd'·Grocery ,.prices 'haYe' bHn red~~~I: .Checl<. them •• •. yollll 'findflneyJl, ,:~e'pl.tQ"cut ·yo~~total f~ 'b'"'~ay' downl.
~ .. . , ,:,.LlI . .' . ~IJ'
Ril~y ':~n,
Friend, Stone Charitable F~undation, Talbot T. ~weedy, Alfred & Mary O'Keefe, Nason. Oil C9.
S~pe,-~;ghf .1
, Inte:.;boro Laundry", Wright Chevrolet Co. Inc., Reeve's DrUg; A. T. Parker & C o , ' Ladies of St. Anne Sodalit~ Sacred' Heart Church, Franc~ American Social Cluo, Mrs. Eve 'Morin, Mr.'& Mrs, Alfred Kivlin,c DeWitt Animal Hospital. ' Mason Box Co., Manufacttirer"ll National 'Bank, L. C. Rondeau Trailer & Sales.
U.$. GOV''( lNSPEqED
$48 • North A-ttleboro P'oundi'Y ~
. $35 Pete's Barber ShOp, Mr. & Mrs. Nelson Gulski, Benedict , Circle No. 61 D of L $35 St. Ann's Society-st. Jacques ., $30 PArish. ' Mr-s Elizabeth Crok-e. $30' $25 Devine's Milk Lab. . North End Social Club, MI'S ,Eliza Houghton, Mr & Mrs Wal$25 :., . Jonell Chemical Co., Mozzone ~r Lyons, Walter McCann" Bros., ,Hodgman Mfg. Co., J. R., Albert A. Morawski. . McNally's Package St-ore, Tallman Ins., Arthur·:[. MUl'phy.,: Oakland Sterling.' . Warth Attleboro Coal Co., S1. Tremont Super M~ket, Dr. ~ry'S Parish Guild, Michael J.. W. E. Barnes, Taunton Stove Co..' Croke-Real Estate, Carl McDonJ. M. Wells, Plumbel's & Steam- ald-Chief of Police. ' John S. Chafee-Bishop' Co., fitters Local 626. Plainville ~avings, & 'Loan, $20 DonIe's Tire &; Appliance, Nolan's Flower Shop., , Taunto~ Mason Supply, Mr. &; Thomas. P. l\[cpo,no1}gh COUBMrs. Joseph F. MoraR. ' eil No. 330 K of C, Peter oJ, MeKeon Div. 10 Ancient Order ai' , $15 T1Jm, to Page Sevea ·Richmond Granite W'O~
Jeweled cross :Co.
W. 'H. Capodanno's Inc., JoseplJ. Ri()u.x; 'Mr &: 'MrS Joseph Wright," S'wifi & Fisher 'Co., OsCar Hillmim'&Sons,"WeSt.cotto Construction Co.' , Joseph F.: Curtis' R~'·FArta6e. . ' $75' . Catholic Women's Club:
Ne. AttlebOro
No'w' Ove,';500" Meafand' .
\ ::$750
Almac's Inc.
to J.i. LIS
'heck The'5e' ,Values! . Fre~h
,St~@b I
Jesuit Theologian Explains Significance of 'Liberal'
Thurs., May 11, 1961
Pope John Hails K of C P!r@gjfi'om OUi
NEW . YORK (NC)-Jesuit educators'must rescue the word "liberal" from its detractors and reestablish it as the Adw®[j'ta$i~g "great word" of the Western tradition, Father John CourtNEW HAVEN (NC) ney Murray, S.J. said here. The Jesuit theologian swke at an Xavier High School alumHis Holiness Pope John has .. . . ' the law of reverence for God. thanked the Knights of Conl dmner at whIch he and "Reserve your wrath then for lumbus for their offer of a Thomas E. Murray, indus- the word 'sectarian liberal' contribution to complete a new tr'ialist and former member which has separated itself from Vatican Radio transmitter. of .the U.S. Atomic Energy Comcontact with law and rescue the The Pope's "satisfaction and mission received the school's other half..Redeem the word consolation" with the' Knights' In!iignis'Medal for "outstanding liberal as the great Western • offer was expressed to Luke E. ,achievement.'; word." Hart, Supreme Knight of the fra_ Noting that the word "liberal" Father Murray was graduated ternal benefit society of Catholic bas "fallen on evil days" and is from Xavier in 1920. He joined men, in a letter from Domenico employed as "a cuss word in the Society of Jesus after grad- Cardinal Tardini, Vatican Secmany quarters," Father Murray uation and was ordained in 1932. retary of State. told the group that it must never A leading thinker on the relabe so used by anyone in the tionshLp between Churoh and Vatican Radio Jesuit tradition. Sta·te, Father Murray has taught The Knights offered their gift '~The 'function of the schooItheology' for many years at the : WOMEN MEET: Present at the Catholic Woman's Club during a meeting of their council master is to train the' liberal Jesuit seminary at Woodstock, of New Bedford Communion Breakfast are: left to right, in Vatican City recently. The mind which has stood on the Md. . Vatican Radio transmitter is at President Mrs. Louis Dumont, Chairman Mrs. William N. San'ta Maria di Galeria. growing edge of civilization," pe Whe!an, Jr., and Dr. Arthur F. Buckley, K.S.G., who spoke Cardinal Tardini wrote to Mr. declared. Observing tha,t the roots of Hart at K. of C. headquarters abou t Diocesan pilgrimage to Rome last Fall. here that the Pope examined the Latin word "liber" means "with warm. interest" the volfreedom to grow, and specifiMALAGA (NC)"-The Bishop umes presented him ,which concally to grow under law, Father of Malaga told Genetalissjmo tain reproductions of the adverMurray continued: Francisco Franco that Spain has . tisements and pampq.lets used in Liberal Mind a long way to go to bring social NEW YORK (NC)-F:or three the Knights' Catholic advertising . '~The ,liberal mind is free from , justice to farm workers here in days bands played, people ,ed the American missioners' in program. 1942, he said. Very few people ignorance and prej udice and the south of Spain. danced in the streets and baskTruth Apostolate attended' weekly Mass, and less bows to legitimate law. The libBishop AngeLHerrera told the ets of exotic flowers overflowed "The Holy Father ... highly eral mind understands the na- Spanish ruler that a major pre- the small Maryknoll rectory in received the sacraments; men were openly hostile to the pres- commends this praiseworthy initure and function of law in all requisite for agrarian reform is, the Bolivian jungle. enc~ the "gringp" priests; no t~ative ,andpr~dicts contigued its manifold form9-the laws of a "cbange in the large landowner. couples were married in 'the ' and increased, success for its No, this wasn't' a typical fiesta things in nature, the moral law, himself." -but a spontaneous demonstra- Church; concubinage was Com- apostolate of truth among our the laws of city and state, and separated brethren," the CarHopes Rise tion by the people of "Green monplace. the basic law of the human dinal wrote. "Although the majority of the spirit, of man's creatu rli nesS', Bishop Herrera, spoke to the Hell" at the news that their GeneralissimO'during his visit "gringo" priest had been named people were Catholic by birth and baptism, few practiced their First in History to the shrine of "Our Lady of a bishop. . BOSTON (NC)-Richard CarSiege," patroness of Malaga. He In ~.n interview here, while r~ligion," explained Bishop Colsaid that Spain's achievements preparmg to return ,to his Bo- Ims. "But actually, it's unfair to dinal Cushing of Boston is the first honorary alumnus of ,thus far in the campaign a,gainst livian mission following his con- place the blame entirely on the HONG KONG (NC) - Compeople. The fact is that for gen- Rome's 102 - year - old Nor t h illiteracy give rise to hopes the ,secration in his hometown of munistsare persuading refugees erations there simply were _ American College. He was honhere to buy Red Chinese food in government can come to grips San Francisco, Bishop Thomas enough priests to care for their ored last week when alumni with the agrarian probiem. He . P. Collins, M.M., said of the celHong E,:ong at high prices and "spiritual needs. N. attended a reunion. ship it back to hungry relatives called it Spain's most serious ebration in his Bolivian mission: "The, people interpreted thE; and friends behind the Bamboo pr~~lem. The Bishop. said that present announcement as a' triumph f<lr curtain. "The communist plan is sim- world events point to th~ urgen-. th~ home team l and ,they 'went ple, but quite effective," Father , cy of ,agrarian reform. The popes, all out to, show' their' apprecia'he said, have constantly 'indicated ,tion -to the Holy, Father . for - , J~ll.n 'J. Sullivan, M.M., of Jackson Seights, N.Y., said 'here. the 'soCial responsibilities of large honoring their remote parish 'at 2·3·" B~ROOMS"- GARAGE - FUll ,BASEMENT Amazon." "Despite the fact that there i,s a landowners. But he indicated :the he.adwaters-of , serious famine iri China, the 'that papal teachi'ng has often ~ . . '~RICED $8,000, UP unheeded. : :'BiJ.~, ~he,' h~~jl:~" , 45tYear-~ld' . ." . Reds have exported 70 million gone " ' , ' , Bishop was qUick to recall a far tons of food to Hong Kong dur,' ." ..... ' . ...... d' . 'more sOlnber, depr~ssing recep- . ' PARK. CAPE' HOMES ing the last 12 months. L atln !'merlca I"'~~ $" tion 19 ·years ago'-marking' the . ) "Working on the sympathy f l,VIarYk.nqllers i~ t~e EXETER 8·8041 Teachers of, English'a~riv~l 9 and generosity of refugees in WASHINGTON (NC)-Thir-, ViCariate Apostolic of Pando 1ft the colony, the communists have 104 Sea View AYe. - Bass River conviently set up a 'food remit- , ty-six English~langua'geteachers . northeastern Bolivia.. Complete indifference" greettance ~ervice' in Hong Kong· are llrgently needed to serve as st<lres whereby refugees ,are enLatin Amer.' ica, a spokesman insaid here. couraged to buy food packages Papal.Volunteers at four or five times normal cost The specific need is for 22 and have them delivered to 'single men, eight single women stores inside Red China where' and three married 'couples, acrelatives or friends can pick cording to Carlos A. Siri, assistthem up." ant director of the Latin AmerOfficials here 'estimate that ican Bureau, National. Catholic over one and a half million food Welfare Confel'ence. par(j:els a month are being shipHe pointed out that "English ped to Red China through this is now the priority foreign lansystem. guage in Latin 'America," and "non-Catholic groups are taking St. Jude Novena effective advantage df the peo, A novena honoring St. Jude is ple's interest in English for proin progress' at St. Anne's Shrine, selytizing purposes. Catholic acFall River. It will continue tiOll work in this area would through Thursday, June 29, with constitute' an important and services held each Thursday practical apostolate among Latin until then.• Americans." 0
,Calls on Franco For Progress
Maryknoller Describes Mission's Reaction'to News of Elevation or
China Sells Food And Gets It Back
Cape Cod Retirement Homes
Pilgrimage Rev. Laurent M. Lord, a.p. will lead 1:! European pilgrimage in July, incluiling a number of pilgrims from Fall River. Additional information may be obtained from the Dominican Priory, 818 Middle Street, Fall River. NO JOB YOO BIG
Astonishingly Different! Brilliant, glittering
Main O~i<ce ~ncll Plant LOWIEILIL, MASS.
new ornamental effects. Convenient-level, extra capacity ovens. Sof~ fluorescent-glo lighting.
Telephone lowell STAGE MANAGER: Mark Boland, Sandwich, is stage manager for forthcoming Stonehill College produotion of Pygmalion, to be presented in Brockton Sunday and. Monday, ~ay 14 and 15.
Gl 8-6:il33 Cilnd GIL 7-7500 ~llIxiliarv
155 Notflt MClin St.
Telephone OSborne 5-7811 Ii
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. May 11, 1961
/11 •
AII- -Something In his television appearance on Sunday, Bishop Gerrard -in speaking on the Charities Appeal-mentioned that since'some men and women, religious and lay, have given their all to works of charity, then others ~rt give something. It is quite true that all too often people take for granted the priests, the brothers, ·the sisters.,who have given their very lives to charity, who have made their own salvation . depend on how well they serve God in their neighbor. It is easy to total up the capital investment represented in schools, homes, hospitals, other agencies of charity. But how to total up the hours al!d months and years of devoted , service of people. Indeed, if so many can give all, others can give some-' ", thing. It is easy, too, to total up what diocesan agencies of charity save the community in tax m,oney. It is easy to total up the economic advantage to the area in new buildings,. expanding facilities, pay' rolls added tq the loCal , economy, provision charges, maintenance costs. But what if devoted workers-lay and religious-were paid according to their worth, on the same salary scale as their counterparts in city and state agencies? Indeed, if these can give all, then others can give something., ' • First returns from the parishes indicate that the faithfuI" are mindful of this. They are aware of the great good that has been done and of the great good that is 'being accomplished now in the twenty-six agencies of charity in the Diocese. ' ' They are mindful, too, that they have it within their power to expand. the works 'of charity and to place in. the hands of Bishop Connolly, the means of doing' still ~ore in the name of Christ. . _ ' , If Bishop and priests and brothers and sisters can give not only what,they have but all that they are to 'serve God and neighbor, then contribu'tors to the Appeal know that they can give something.
Vatican Displays
~? a//, _ ---' -,
\ .
VATICAN CITY (NC) Queen Elir-abeth n of. England took a private sightseeing tour of the Vatican
. ..........,..a...
.FATIMA MAy 13 I 1~11
I .
, C"(hnOlA.9h ,thE' <wEEk With' thE ChWlch... ByREY· ROl;JE~TW. HOADA, Catholic University
after her state visit here and saw the 16th-century ,book Cthat earned her' the title, "Defender 'of the Faith." The book, King Henry VIII'• defense 01. the seven sacraments ,,against the'attacks on them by Martin Luther, was part of a display of Vatican Library books and manuscripts of English history Set out at the Queen's OWD. request. , The book bore an' autographed dedication from King Henry VIlI to Pope Leo X "in pledge of faith and friendship." For this attack OR the first doctrines of the Protestant revolt, Pope Leo bestowM. upon Henry the titie 01. "Defender of the Faith," a title which the present ,sovereign of England . inherited, with the crow}l. The Queen also saw a collec-' tion of letters from Henry VIII', to Anne Boleyn Which, according to a Vatican librarian, are believed to have bien used by the Holy See in studying Henry'. petition for divorce from Catherine of Aragon: , . Last of Stuarts The K\,ng's attempt marry Ann Boleyn' led to his break with the Holy See and his repu. diation of the Pope's authority. He took most of 'the English ,people with him when he left the Church. , Also in the display which the Vatican Library set up for Queen' Elizabeth in the Borgia .Apart-· ments were books from the private Library of Cardinal York, ~ast of the Stua;rts and ~retender to the English throne.
TODAY - Ascension of Our' munity. One aspect is the necesLord Jesus Christ. 'Holy Day of sary corrective of the other. 'The Obligation. He whose 'earthly public worship of· the Church, work is done returns to the also, must be not only priestly Father. It is ,the Ascension of "and hierarchical; celebrated unChrist, our Head kind' Brother. der the presidency of the bishop, The goal of human' life is not or a pastor sent by him butalso here-eternity is the goal; time all experience of the Spirit, one is the means. But here and now of the instrumentalities by which The last ten years 'have seen a 47 per cent increase in we are working in Hme. ,the Spirit excites the members of the Catholic population ot" the United States so.-that it now And the Epistle and Gospel Christ, trains them in responding tell us to take time seriously.' to His .inspirations. . stands at 42.'1 million'persons: . , Christians .~ are n6t to Staild . .In the one' year of 1960, the population of the country around looking heaveilwards. MONDAY - St. John Baptist increased .41 per cent, while the Catholic population went They are rather to plunge them-. de.' la S~lle,. Conf~~r. ,The NOTRE DAME (NC) :.- Dag Up 3.09 per cent or 1.3 million persons. selves into the ea~thly task of . ~~IStl~ speaks of the, Church of . . being His witnes"se~, of guAding samts. and the G:<>spe~ of t?e H~mmarskjold, Secretary· GenFigures can show many things. They can also misin.- creation toward its. completion neceSSIty ofbecommg, lrke chll- eral of the United Nations and form. They ~an also q b s c u r e . · · ' in that final coming of the dren. So the feast of thiS F0';ln~er Laurian Cardinal' Rugambawa; Figures give quantity, aI\d it is interesting to notice Saviour which He promises. . of; the Broth,;rs of the Christian Africa's first cardinal, will be. • Schools' contmues our pr~ara- the principal' speakers at the the ever-increasing number of Catholics in America. TOMORROW _ Saints Nereus, tion for Pentecost.- The Spirit is University of Notre Dame's 116th But it would ,be a serious mistake 'to sit back in smug Achilleus and Companions, Mar- given to the whole 'church, not annual commencement exercises' ' s~tisfaction and to regard ;ltatistics as telling the whole tyrs. The first Mass: after Ascen- . merely to.its leaders., And child:- june 4. Father Theodore M. He'sburgh, story. sion Day celebrates'the ultIniate. likeness means a simplicity capC:S.C., universi'ty president' said ·witness to the Saviour: martyr- able of being His instrument. Take the matter of converts, for instance. How many dom. If this seems like a for-All of the saints are illustra- Mr. Hammarskjold will deliver persons can look at the Catholic growth in the cou}Jtry and saking of the earth rather than tions 'of the, way in which God the address and receive an honknow that their example' or prayers or counsel may have a service to it, the Christian enriches His Church through her' orary degree during graduation contributed to that total? How many think of conv~rt- must remind himself that under children. The bishops teach the ceremonies. Rugambawa, Bishop , making as the work of 90d and the priest-while the laity _ certain circumstances a man of good news with authority, but . of, Cardinal Bukoba in Tanganyika, will faith can do nothing but resist it is by listening to the Church's' has np part in the matter? . to the end. ' . humblest, members sometimes give the baccalaureate· 'osermon earlier in the day during a SolFig~res do not hlll,about that aspect. Ordinarily; of c6urse, he, ac- that we gail! new insights into Indeed, mere numbers do not mean zealous, intelligent, commodates himself to society those truths. It is by receiving , emn Pontifical Mass which will be offered by .A,loisius Cardinal alert Catholics-well-informed apostles of the Faith, living, :::. ~eas~~e t~~~hb~:: :i~:tr~Tt~?: them that we receive Him. Muench, member of the Holy See's administrative staff. The Christ-like lives wherever they happen to be. the society. But there are times TUESDAY. st. Ubaldus. Perhaps that is a partial explanation of how- a God-less ,w~en sociesty become so cor- Bishop, ConfeSsor,. This feast of two Cardinals also will receive philosopny could take over an overwhelmingly Catholic rupt or so wrongheaded that the a holy bishop reminds us that honorary doctorates. , Honorary Degrees country like Cuba. Numb.ers of Catholics there were aplenty.' only witness he can give is to there is no necessary conflict beFather Hesburgh also will con. \ defy it, to separate himself from tween the mission of hierarchBut it has taken only two short years to muffle the voice its mad path, and to' suffer death ical authority given to some fer honorary degrees upon J. A. ,of Christ in that "Catholic" land. Figures did not tell the or imprisonment if that is nec- members of the Church and the Stratto, president of the MassaS~irit's prophetic mission given chusetts Institute of Teeh~ology; whole story there. essary. , - to all. Tensi!)n yes, blit basic Dean Erwin N. Griswold of the' So too much should not be taken from the figure-42.1 SATURDAY-St. i Robert BeI- conflict, no. Harvard Law School; john W. milliofl. Catholics in the United States, a ten-year' increase wmine, Bishop, Co~fessor, Doe-' The hierarchy listens to the Gardner, president of the Carof 47 per cent. . . &or. The Gospel speaks of the voice and contributions of the negie Corporation of New York; . Rather a prayer should be said that the Catholics of Christian witness to which Bap- faithful, judges by the norm of James E. Webb, head of the and Confirmation and the -revelation what is good and true National Aeronautics and Space the United States might be truly "living stones" built into tism, "Ite, missa est" of every Mass and useful and what is not. The Administration; Glenn T. Sea"the spiritual house" that is Christ. The pr~yershould be commission us. It compares this faithful voice their 'concerns, borg, chairman of the U. S. that the Catholics in the United States-many in nuniber~ gift to salt and to light. The their interests, their insights, in Atomic Energy' Commission; might be impressive in the ,sight of God for the strength of Epistle describes one of the-gifts union with and grateful to that ..James Johnson Sweeney, direc-_ the 'Spirit-wisdom, one of the body ,of bishops who ensure for tor of the Museum of Fine Arts . their Faith and the depth of their love of God, for their of gifts which Ohrist after His re-.them that Christ acts in the sac-' of Houston, Tex.;.and Dr: Arthur living out of thei~ role as members of the body of phrist. turn to the Father sent upon His raments and that His Word will J. O'Connor, Scarborough, N. Y'9 Church. ' neither fail nor flounder. physician. Knowledge is great and good. More than 1,300 candidates for WEDNESDAY - ·St. Paschal graduate and undergraduate deBut wisdom, which evaluates and ' assesses, which "sees the great 'as Baylon, ,Confessor. The martyr grees will participate in the bacgreat and the small, as small," is witnesses to Christ's lordship in calaureate MaSs and the comnot only the fruitful talent of one way, the confessor in an- meneement exercises. this doctor of the Church. It is other. The glory of both is that it ,most precious possession of they were "found watching." Seeking Religion The variety of vocations and every Christian, through faith and the hierarchy; of values' ways of life among the baptized Girls! Vocations OFFICIAl NEWSPAPER OF T-HE DIOCESE Of FAil RIVER which WEBSTER' GROVES (NC) and confirmed members of faith makes cleal'. Christ's Body makes it possible Nearly 500,000 copies of a special Published we~idy by The Cathotic Press of the Dioc-ese of Fall River SUNDAY AFTER ASCENSiON. for the Pentecostal Spirit- tG rotogravure magazine encourag410 Highland Avenue - The same priestly Church 't()uch every facet of human life. ing religious vocations ,for girls Fall Rw-, Ma&S. OSborne' 5-71"51 which was born of the Saviour's He who' breathes where He are being distributed in Catholic Sacrifice on the Cross, which is wills, wHis to breathe every- , schools and hospitals this month. PUBUSHER The 24-page magazine, similar nourished by th,e Eucharistic where, and through alL PasMost Rev. JGmes L Connolly, 0,0., PhO. meal and guided in unity by chal's Eucharistic piety teaches in Makeup to Sunday newspaper GENERAl·MANAGER ASS'-,. GENERAL MANAGER hierarchy, hears today the prom- .the Christian people that if they supplements, is a project of th,9 ,ise of the Pentecost~l Spirit. would becGme active as agents sisterhoods of America as repRev. 00AteJ f. ~k>o, /fA,A., Rev. Jotm P. Driscoll )The same Church is both of the Spirit they must begin b¥ resented by the Conference 0If ~ EDf'fGl priestly andprophetlic, both ill- becoming active in the M9ss, ia. Major Religious SUpeI'iors of .... ~J. . ~ _ stitution and cbar.ismati:c com- ~W~~. :W~~~J9..!,i.!U.~cgf,;~~U. S. A.
Figures and ,the- Whole StOFY.
No'me Speakers,
At Notre Dame
rrn:: ANCHORThurs., May 11, 1961
1961 Catholic Charities Appeai i
. ~ . Bec.~$se He Cared ... :"';.:. ,,~,
Special Gifts Attleboro Continued from Page FolR'
$500 Mrs. David W. Boland. $300 A Friend. $200 Dr. & Mrs. Harry Powers. James E. Fitzgerald. $150 Israel T. Almy. -' $100 Mrs. Joseph E. Mullaney. $85 Mellen Hotel. . $50 Francis B. Leary, In lYIemory of "The Picollini's Shepherd", Corcoran Supply Co., F. R. Retail Liquor Dealers, Leigh Textile Inc., Frank X. Perron. . $50 Edward BTayton.
Leo'1es Fortune
Hib.ernians, B & J Jewelry eo: Inc., CYQ-Sacred Heart, Israel Franklin. $20 Joseph F. Carey Jr., Albert Horman, Webster .Co. DeBlois Insuran~e.& Real Estate, Rotary Club, Aglae· Hat Shoppe. $15 Mr & Mrs Albert Gaboury, $40 Dan Landry-Real Estate. J. A. Boynton Co. Ine. Arns Park Motels-Restaurant$35 Station, Metal Spin 'Craft, A General Cleaning & Sales Co. Friend. $30' $12 Joseph Lima. Hi-Lo Meat Market. $25 $10 W. Irving Peirce & Son, Suvall & Sons, L. S. Peterson Charles Gough Aluminum WinCo., Mr & Mrs Anthony Nadeem, . dows, Alb.ert G. Pierce, Brow's PROUD BOYS: Latest recipients of Parvuli Dei award LaFratta's Store. . in the Diocese are these' proud Cub Scouts of St. Michael's Pharmacy, J. M. Fields. Valentine Company, Louis parish, 'Oce'an Grove. Left to right, Robert Tremblay, Daniel' Darwood Mfg. Co.; Isadore'SetGrimaldi & Sons, John J. Grim- low Co., Miller Pontiac Co.; Forand, Michael Guimond, Robert Scanlon. aldi, Fred E. Shepard & Son, Henry Jacobson, Levesque FlowNorth End Super Market. rude Kelly, Nancy Kelly. Mr & Mrs E. Picinisco, Mr & er Studio. Don Denzer Construction Co., Mr & Mrs Francis J. Kennedy, Mrs J. Pittman, Mr & Mrs Wm. Troy Sheet Metal Works Inc., Sohnson Brush Co., Home Town Mr. & Mrs. Louis A. Sisca, Nor- Mr & Mrs. John Kenny, Mrs Pittman, Mr & Mrs Joseph PorMotors, Attleboro Falls Athletic man F. Thompson, Giroux Ins. Margaret Kessell, Mr & Mrs ter, Edward Putnam. Club, Alice Mulla~ey. " Agency Inc., Lamport Company. J. Kisbert, Mr & Mrs A. LaMr & Mrs Frank Rogers, Mrs Towne Shop, Mr & Mrs Louis ,chapelle. . J Joseph Rosen, Mr & Mrs A. $20 McAdaf!ls, Miss Madeline Struck, Frank Moriarty, Sullivan's Rousseau, Mr & Mrs Antone Mr & Mrs Byron Lake, Mr " Pasquale Cavalieri & Sons, Motor Sales, Nelson's Dairy. Mrs Peter Lemos, Alice &; Lil- Santos, Mr & Mrs Edmund SanSwanzey Tool Co. ' . . $25 lian Livesey, Claire Loveridge, tos. W. T. Whalen Engineering Co., Colonial CasKet" Co., General Mr &. Mrs James Loveridge, Mr & Mrs Aldei Sawyer, Mr & Theodore Malinowski Engraving, Paper & Supply Co. Mrs D. Sciscento, Mr & Mrs Edmund Luby. Emile LeBlanc, Eugene W. $20 Johny Luby, Mrs Gladys Francis Sheehan, Mr & Mrs A.. Campbell-Stonesetting & En' Fall River Florists Supply Co. Lynch, Mr & Mrs Royal Macey, Smith, Albert Smith. graving, Brennan Drug. $15 Mr & Mrs Ambrose Smith, Mr & Mrs W. Mac Farlane, Mr Pariseau Construction Co., Margaret Sparrow, John & DanL. O. Paradis & Sons Funeral & Mrs George Maciel. Enterprise Case & Display Co., Home, Somerset Milk Can, Ralph. Miss F. Maher, Mr & Mrs iel Sullivan, Mrs Helen Sullivan, Jane Carley, Succursale Ste. E. Loper Co. -. Frank Mahon, Mr & Mrs Olar- Mr & Mrs P. Sullivan. . . Jeanne d'Arc No. 174, Rattey's Mullen Brothers Jewelers, Wil- ance Majndle, Mr & Mrs W. Mrs Robert Thatcher, John F. Drive-In, Walter B. Edwards. fred J. Gingras. Maley, Mr & Mrs. James Man- , Treadup, Mrs Sally Treadup, Mr Michael Vigorito, Gordon's & Mrs Joseph Veterino, Mrs $10 ning. Cleansers,' Mr. & Mrs.' Leon The Spectator, T. WilliamsOh Margaret Manning, Mary Mc- James Watson. Regan, Mr. & Mrs. John Magnani, Heating Contractor, Lincourt & Auliffe, Mr & Mrs Patrick McMrs Charles Wiley, Mrs James Arthur Alix Oil. Pappas Ins., Powers Insurance Carthy, Mr & Mrs Wm. K. Mc- J. Whelan, Mr & ·Mrs. Franklin Chabot Bros., F: E. Viens & G. Whitehead. Agency, Bobby Jay Sportswear Donald, Mrs Robert McIntyre. Son, B & L Cleansers,. V.F.W. Co. ~ Turn to Page Ten Mr'& Mrs J. McQuade Sr., Mr Newell Blais Post No. 443, B.P.O. .Journeymen Barbers Union & Mrs J. McQuillan, Mr .& Mrs Elks No. 1011. No. 331, Fall River Tool & Die Francis Muldoon, Mr & Mrs P. .E. WARING CO.. Earl J. 'Comey Oil, Alice's Co., Sterling Pile Fabrics Corp., Murphy, Mr & Mrs. William Shop, Bonin's Cabins. F. R. Poster' Advertising Co., Murray. 419 SKOND ST., FAll RIVER Hutchinson Oil Co. . Mr & Mrs J. Newby, Mr " • Distributors for Pearl Wet Wash Laundry, Mrs Edward Norton, Mr & Mrs Spindle City Dye Works, Cen- M.. Norton, Mr & Mrs Alb.ert KENT FLOOR and $1,000 tral Lunch. . Olivera, Mr & Mrs R. O'Neil. VACUUM MACHINES Mr. & Mrs. Alvin i. Sullivan, A. Solo:£f & Son Inc., Lawson Mr & Mrs T. Osborne, Mr " FIRE EXTINGUISHERS Atty. & Mrs. Harold' E. Clarkin. Granite & Marble Works, Arkay Mrs Louis Ostric, Mr & Mrs $600 Pants Corp., Colonial ·Cleansers Ludger Paquette, Peers Family, Phone QSborne 7-91 ~ / Fall River Gas Company. & Dyers, Mt.Hope Grocery. Mr & Mrs H. Perry.
Fall River
1961 Catholic Charities Appeal New Bedford ST. LAWRENCE
$350 Mr & Mrs William S. Downey. $100 Dr &, Mrs Stanley Koczera, Dr & Mrs William Walsh. $50 Mr & Mrs Perry J. Coholan, The Doherty Family, Mr & Mrs Paul McCawley, Meggison Family, In Memory of Mr" & Mrs Joseph A. Burke & James A. Burke. $40 Neil C. Fitzgerald, St. Lawr.ence Couples Club. $35 Dr <& Mrs William ·O'Donnen. $30 Margaret, Ann & Helen Gleason, Misses Hannigan. $25 Anonymous, A non y m 0 u s, Anonymous, Dr & Mrs James Bolton, Misses Ann & Mary Downey. Mr & Mrs Maurice Downey, Dr Francis Hinds, Miss Julia Joyce, Mr. & Mrs J. Kelleher, Mrs Dennis S. 'Maguire. Mrs's Pemberton Nye, J.' J. O'Brien Jr., Mr & MJ;s Edward L. Ryan, Mr & Mrs Paul Saun• del's, Mrs Edith Smith. . $20 Mr & Mrs Nelson Dumaine, Margal'et M. Goggin, Mr & Mrs Joseph R., Kiernan, Mr & Mrs WilliamH. King, Mr & Mrs Gerhardt Kober. Mr & Mrs E. McIntyre, Mr & Mrs James Murphy, Mr & Mrs George A. St. Aubin, .Mr & Mrs L. M. Sullivan, Monica & Constance Zygiel. $1l5
Anonymous, Gertrude R. Boyle, lVLr & Mrs E. Cloutier.
GRAND RAPIDS (NC)-When Ignac Zakrewski, 78, died here he was rega~ded as a retired furniture factory worker, a bachelor who had lived frugally enough to be able to support himself in his old age. Then his will was filed for probate. Here are some of his' .
Five thousand. dollars to Pope John for his charities; a like amount to·St: John's Home here for dependent children; $2,000 -each to St. Adalbert's church here, the Society for the Propagation of the Faith, St. Joseph's Seminary and the Little Sisters of the Poor, both of Grand RaPids. He also left $1,000 to St. Adalbert's for Masses for the repose . of his soul and $10,000 to be divided among nieces and nephews in Pohind.
MONAGHAN ACCEPTANCE CORP: Thomas F. Monaghan Jr. Treasurer
TO SHOP I.cu'gest DiSplay of Religious Artides in tfte Diocese .
Mr & Mrs E. Cor~ier, Helen Driscoll. Mr & Mrs Francis Gillin, Mr & Mrs Odee L. Landry, Veronica O'Brien, Mr & Mrs Louis Perras Jr. $11
Walter Lalor. $10 Anonymous, Mrs Florence Andrade, Mr & Mrs J. Anderson, Nora Aylward, Mr & Mrs Stanley Barboza. Mr & Mrs W. H. Barter, Mr & Mrs Robert B. Bishop, Mr &. Mrs Albert Bosse, Mr & Mrs Dennis Brady, Mr & lVII'S Aloysius Bruce. Martin Butler, Nicholps Butler, Helena Cantwell, Mary E. Carroll, Mr & Mrs. Leo Cassavant. Robert Caswell, Mrs Roger Clifford, Mr & Mrs J. T. Connor, Mr & Mrs Timothy J. Crowley, Gertrude Cuttle. Mr & Mrs John DeTerra, Mr & Mrs Ed. Dower,.Mary L. Downey, Mrs Francis Doyle, Mary Doyle. William Doyle, Agnes Driscoll, Mr & Mrs Daniel Driscoll, Mr & Mrs L. L. Dumont, Mr & Mrs John F. Dwyer. Miss A. Fennessey, Mr & Mrs W. Fitchtenmeyer, William C. Foley, 1\1:1' & Mrs Thomas Foye, Mr & Mrs Albert Gamba. Grace Gonsalves, Mr & Mrs Chas. Gosselin, Mr &. Mrs Raymond Gosselin, Mr & Mrs. E. Gwozdz, Mrs Timothy. F. Haggerty· Mr & Mrs i\lfred Halstead, Mrs Mary Harris, Mr & Mrs M. F. Hayes, Mrg.Katherine Holmes, Mr & Mrs Robert House. Mr & Mrs Edward Hurley, Mr & Mrs. Maurice Hurley, Mr & 1\11's William Kasper, Mrs Gert-
Happy It1Jothe~'s
. • • To
All Moms "Shucks, Mom ••• t'mas easy. I fJou!Dht it f~ you ritfl some
money 11 sQiveal at the B. M.· C. Duu·fee Trust Com1/?Cii.J§l" .'
·Member Federal DeXlOsit Ins.
Rope -John 'Asks
THE 1,1 I(f-IOR:Thurs., Mae1, _~.961
Christian ,Ideals
Nurses Schedule Mass For May 18
VATICAN CITY (NC)-Pope John ,has urged Catholic womell to bring' Christian ideals int. international organization~ and new nations. He was addressing about 2,008 representatives of the ,World Union of Catholic Women's Organizations. They came to Ro~e for a congresn of the union. which has a membership of 36 million women. The Pope said: "When many traditional values, are brought into dispute oeven in Christian countries, • and young. nations search with enthusiasm for a common ideal, the firm persuasiveness of your words and the calm' dignity of your attitude , will give your sisters an attrac,tive example l~ading to unity and ordering the whole of life," , He noted that the women's role as the irreplaceable educator of her 'own children is "your pri~e mission but not the only one." Spiritual Renewal He declared "Transmit the message of bur Lor:c;). Jesus · Christ in your lowly everyday · life, ',exercise a C.hristian infl~ ence in th'ose .places where you work, help instruct adults who, ,too often ignore beneficial · teaching in favor of the princi'pIes un]eashed by atheistic pr'oJiaganda, and affirm th~ teach.i,ngs of the Church in the great international organizations "in ~hich 'you take part.' ': "Here is a program of spiritual 'renewal well worthy of' your energies and capable,·with c::;od;s grace, of changing the face of the world ..."
Fall River Catholic Nurses Guild will hold a supper Thursday, May 18 at Immaculate Conception parish hall. Mrs. Thomas Fleming is chairman. . Also planned for this month ,are a dialog Mass,' corporate Communion and supper to be held ;:1t 6:30 Tuesday night, May 23 at St. Anne's Hospital. Student nurses will hold their annual May crowriing in connection , with the event and the Sisters at the hospital will be in charge of supper arrangements.
More Workers to Serve latin American Church , PATERSON (NC)-An association composed of lay people who volunteer for duty with the Church overseas has marked its fourth anniversary by admitting · 13 new members. ' ' AID-Association for Interna~ tional Development - ' received · th"e miw inem bers :..- _including five married couples, four of ' , whom have children. The five married couples arid three single men making up the latest group of members are expected to serve in Latin America, where there' are already 22 Alp ·specialists. '.
'Lourdes 'Lectu re At Coyl.e High ' . • I
Mrs. Winifred Feely, lecturer and volunteer 'Worker at the shrine of Lourdes, will speak at Coyle High School auditorium, Taunton, at 8 Sunday night, May 14 The public is invited and there' 'will be no admission charge. Mrs. ,Feeley, born in China. of British parents,' was active in relief work during World War
CATHOLIC MOTHER.OF YEAR: Mrs" Margaret McPartland, 42, has been' named ,Catholic Mother' of the Year 'bY'the Nation.al Catholic Conference on Family Life. Mrs. 'McPartland, a member of.St.·Helena's parish' in the Bronx; N,Y.,. will receive a gold medal Junior d of I Schedule ' . 'from Francis·Cardinal.SpeIJman of' New York. From the left, back r6w, are Mary Jane,' .Mothers'Tea, Dance Junior Circle 71, New Bedfor~ .15; Judy, 19; John'McPartland ;~and Mrs.' ,McPartland, 40lding Rosemary, 2. In the Daughters of Isabella, will hold a 'fr~mt row are Anne M.arie~ 7; and Margaret MarY,·4: , mother's tea Sunday, May 21 and
Catholic ·M0t~er~ 'of' Year ',Helps Engaged Couples-
members will also spend one half hour in adoration before the Blessed Sacrament the same 'day, National Youth AdorafioD ,Day. ., '. ,A dance is planned for June, with Mary Lou Moura as chairfoan,' and a beach party will' be held at a later date in the Sum:. mer.
during the pilgrimage season. : WASH~NGTON -(N:cr~':~ 'Roclt, Ark., pr~sidEmt Of the the many,pre-C!ln~ confereQc~~ She is at· the shrine "medical' mother with Ii knack' for. helping , family life conference. , h e l d ,in the New York archdiobureau in the capacity. of an engaged ~ouples,.click·ip..,~ar:"S~.e llnd~er ijusballd l:\re co.cese.. Ai~ed,bJ:'.herhusban&,'she interpreter and general helper, riage has been' named National' .preSIdents' of the' New,,' York 'has helped .tram over 100 couples and at other 'times 'lectures on· Catholic Mother, of tile' Year: 'Christian FamilY'Movement Fed:' in this ·work. ' the story of Lourdes: She has The honor went to Mrs. ·Mar.,. 'eration. She is a Girl Scout leadIn addition, Mrs. McPartland, spoken in all parts of the 'United ' garet McPartland, 'n1other of '~r in St. Helena ,parish, 'a mem:. • who never went t'o college, lecStates and in' 1958 was the first fiv~ gh:ls; whl>' is a, memoer of' ber of the· Sodali,ty ,of Our Lady tures at lona College's course" on woman to receive a ' Marian' St. Helena's paiAsn, the Bronx, 'and 'is 'active in, the family re- Christian marriage. She has also A~ard .JrQffi. Dayton, University N.Y. ""', 'treat .movement. pespite these made.,her l').ome.',a haven ,for for- ( ··'A":FAMILY TREAT" ':'" ill recognition" of . .outstanding The 42-year-old·' mother, who activities, Mrs. McPartland man- eign exchange students, particservice to Our'Lady.o r • ' • became a Catholic in'194l and ages, to get/to .daily Mass and ularly those from Latin Ame'rica. A citation read; on the occa- has been marrie'd 20 years, was "'Communion and also to· attend sion :of -the a~arding of. an' hon;', "chosen by' 'the National Catholic "days ' of'recolle~tion. . Tribute to Cardinal orary degree to Mrs. Feeley by Conference on Family Life from QUEBEC (NC)-Public tribuie St. Maty's College, Notre Pame, among scores of nominees; , 'College, I:.eeturer' was paid to Paul Emile Cardinal " FARMS ,notes:. "~robably".no ,woman :in . Her seleCtion was announced Her chief .conttibution in the Leger, Archbishop of Quebec, on '. .145 Washington St., Fairhaven !he. Engh~h-speakm~ world has jointly by' Bishop Christopher',j. ,family ,life 'field is in imparting his 57th birthday. which coin.. . Just off Route 6 mterp.reted the quah~Y of Lour-' Weldon of Springfield, Mass.,.,' "know-how" to :young couples 'cided ,with the opening of the : WY 7-9336 des. wIth more aU~honty ~nd de-" 'Episcopal Moderator of the Fam... .preparing for marriage.. In this Quebec Legislature: Quebec Pre'Watch for Signs votIOn . . . .She IS ommpre~~nt ,By Life Bureau, NationalCaUi- connection, she hks played a key mier Jean Lesage and Antonio : amon~ the sIck. a~d th(l helpless; olic Welfare' Conference; an'd,. Dr. roie'in organizing and develop-' Tabbot, leader of the,"opposition • While out for 3 Drive . te~chlI~g. the dIffICUlt ~essons of FrancesC. Rothert 'of Little ing the:system undenvhich CFM 'Union Nationale party, joined i,n • Stop :'11 this Delightful Spot the pnvl1ege of suffermg." . couples, ~'re the panel couJJles in' the tributes. ~ ~ ~. Aid to Shriocl Heaven "s fiesta' ;= "District Five Officers Through ,the' ,gen'el:~sity ,of Hangover N~wofffcers for Dis~rict Five, American f~iends, Mrs., Feeley _ VIACHA ,(NC)-Localcustoms Diocesan' Council of' Catholic OPEN FRIDAYS UNTIL 9 pJIIL has built a shelter for ,the' sick 'at' in Boiivi.a" "have' given American Women, include .Mrs. Harold the Lourdes railroad station and priests in'this mountain town ail' Hayes; South',Yarmouth,' presi.,. has' equipped a mQdern medical 'eiuiy ,way, of. "explaining Heaven , dent; Mrs. Manley Boyce, West library at the shrine, rnedical' 't6 the local Indians: it's a never-, , Harwich, vice president; .Mrs. bureau. , . " " '. , ending fiesta;" without alcohol.' Nester Robideau,Pocasset; secreOtlier ,contributiol}s have in~ ,H~ll Is, the day of regret after _tary; Mrs. Adolph Ricp.ards, Hyeluded :ophthalmic equipment "fiesta-never ending. annis, treasurer; I Mrs. Michael .. andhund're~s c;>fwheel chairs. . . -Fiestas. in ..th!!lpart of.· the Malone, Falmouth; Diocesan vice., Andes mountains have' away of pres,ident. . tur~ing into weeklong· drinking -}>outs, with. monumental haJ;l"'overs. ..-
•....... ..
Micboel C. Austin
fund Raisers St. Catherine's Fund RaisIng .Group, ·auxiliary for the Domin-' iean Sisters of Park Street, Fall River, will meet Tuesday, May .16. Members will be among' guests at im open house to be ·;held this Saturday and Sunday at the Sisters' new novitiate in Dartmouth.
A proud event in a
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White :Ties _ White Sox
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Chip & Twigs White Linen Weave
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"ere's 'Gu<ide to'ln$~:'an€r'Ou,ts Of Teen~Age Status Sy'm'bo';'
.• '~<. '
Thurs., May 111 ~ 1961
Choose Woman For, Mary Role
By 'Mary Tinley Daly
, 'A tieker-tape parade down Fifth Avenue, ride in a SUMMIT (NC)-A 22-year-ola Iknousine with poliee escort, reception of an "Oscar," a , woman recounted here how she was chosen for the role of the 1be-medaled military uniform, praise, from' the 'Board of Blessed Virgin in the world Directors, :from the chief surgeon, '~lev!ltion to the episcopacy famous Oberammergau PassiOD -eU these are at the apex' , " ' Play. _ '. . "Sust potato chips, soft drinks She is Irmi Dengg who stopped w. stat~s sy~bols, dependmg and cookies" seem de rigueur. off here in New Jersey enroute OIl one s callmg. Few of U8 This reminds us of a recent to Washington for a visit with achieve such symbols, or book mentioning high status f~r Anton Lang, Georgetown Uni~en aspire thereto. With ambi-' those who serve only peanuts at versity faculty member, whose «ions adjusted to ability we set- an adult party. Well, that's just father, the late Anton Lang, tie gladly for ' fine with us, though we were played. the part of Christ three "Good dinner reared in the tradition of all-out times in the Passion Play. 110m" a hat a~ preparation for a party. Very old The religious drama is stag~ prelt~ as anyfashioned. every 10 years in the villag~ body else's at a Depth of one's tan remains a nestled in Germ:my's Bavarian Party, even the teen-age status symbol, in spite Alpine country. pi'ospeC't of a of recent warnings from dermaMiss Dengg recalled that the telatively wellrologists, and she who burns, late Anton Lang first spotted her ' attended funeral. freckles and never does tan is as a possibility for a speakiRg , 'On a teen-age ,automatically in the lower echrole in the 1960 pl'Oduction. Like level apex: of eIons. , most of the Oberammergau chil.tu~ com e s Auti)maticaUy, I sUPPOse, we TOYS FOR AFRICA: Sister Claire Imelda, a missionary dren, Miss Dengg was an extra tv i t h b e in g . all 'seek status with our peers. In in the crowd scenes of the 1950 awarded t hat' former times and cultures it at Cameroun, Africa, since 1931, receives a check and 200 production. She said Mr. Lang driver's license, me~nt notches on a gun, scalps '_ toys from her aunt,and 'uncle, Mr. and Mrs. George,Messier . . , noticed her during a recitation at , tieing able to telephone a friend On a belt, rings around a neck, a school tournament.' , as she prepares to return to her,mission post. Family reunion . (preferably one who is not yet length of. fingernails, bound feet. 'Hope' Pla.ys • licensed driver) and casually In ~me~lca today we view with , was held for Sister afhome o{Mr.and Mrs. Alan Grimshaw Next ,1\1iss Dengg appeared ill oIfer to "pick you up." sat~factlon a, l~w ~r license - in No. Dartmouth. . annual little theater plays. She Not yet old enough'to drive, number, low dog tag number" a explained that the interval be. . own teen-ager Ie in' 'the preferred, parkiIig p'lace, 'a smile tween'the 10-year Passion Plays Dinor leagues status-wise and and bow from a·bead w~iter. is filled with a succession of Bib. . . to stick with minor symbols. Other, cOnsideratkms' being lical and "hope", plays designed Wbese, as any parent of Ii equal we choose' a house on a NEW YORK (NC):.....:American , Church, as ~'the Holy House of. ,by the Passion Play directors all ~ knows, are very, ver~ im"!>five," or "Lane" or'''Terrace'' a pool for talent. Catholics were urged 'to end Reconciliation." 'DOrtant. . in preference to' plain' old After the 1960 play 'tryouts, Miss Curtayne said that she "Long ago we leaiued that 'one "Street" or even "Aven,ue"-and racism' and national exclusivecIDeS not cut luncheon' aand- one with a name rattier than a ness which threaten to "rend the had discovered during' her lec-' Miss Dengg said she was told she tdches from top-to-bOttom number. Matter of ,fact, it is pos- seamless robe of Christ" that is ture' tours throughout the U. S. was beiugconsidered for a , that "your institutions -even major role. She added: "There jeasier to ellt) as they ,were cut sible, with" a little scouting" to the Church.. , The, challenge laid down , Catholic churches - are riddled' are only two major roles for ~ we were children. You cUt move to a street bearing your women in the play. One is the 4Iaem on the diagonal, on the own famiIr name. And people here by Alice Curtayne, Irish with racism." bias; always, let the fining spill just might think ... not the old author, lecturer and biographer Noting that "all races belong Vir,gin Mary, the other, Mary . of St. Catherine of Siena. She , in this thing of Christendom," " Magdalen. I heaTd that one group _ where'it may. inhabitants, of course ... of the committee wanted me for , Why? From the size of the pencil gave the keynote', address at the Miss, Curtayne' Said 'there was one role, another for the otber. Third Order of St. Dominic condivision even among national You tell me. box: we carry to kindergarten to When the' decision finally was J;.lght weight white socks such the location of our cemetery iot, , vocation making the SOOth anni- groups within the Church in' this anno~mced it was the happieat . . small ,children wear? Never! we are all influenced by status versaryof St. Catherine's canon- country. She recalled a New' day of my life." England community w her e .g~rdless of how high the therSVmbols. If we recognize them, ization. ' Miss Curtayne's views OIl members of the town's three -.ometer ma~ soar, or the size for what they are-a crutch to , Insurance Study af feet, socks ,must be think and OYI' own ego-and see -that our 'racism and national exclusive- Catholicparishes--Irish, French ROME (NC) - The Italian and Polish-never cooperated on ness within the American ~~lky, the bulkier the better, teen-agers get them in true pei'~ though it means buying a spective, they are Ii kind 'of fun., Catholic body caine at the con-' diocesan projects and rarely, if Chamber of Deputies is studying ~ larger loafer or saddle shoe. elusion of her talk on the rele- eve r, visited each others' proposals to provide sickness and old age insurance to priests and vance' of' St. _Cath'erine to the churches. Qq. the other side of the ,cpin, for SucordiUm Club Plans' ministers, in Italy, 20th cehtury. Sundays, stockings must., be 'Irish Word' 8QSSamer-thin, heels, big~ and Banquet, installation , "C,ouldan,ything be,more frus, . 'House of Reconciliation' .. 'Mrs. Alfl'edJ. 'Roy will be in~y and toes so pointed tbey R. A. WilCOX CO. trating?" :,the author asked. "I iii but throw you po your' face. stalling officer and chairman 'for 'After' recounting higp.lights of can 'speak of this because I'm , Rubbers? How square can one the annual bahquet and installa- the saint~sli!e and describing OFfICE FURNITURI tNt For high snow, boots have tion of the SU:Cordilim Club of her, as' "the most .emancipated Irish, and the Irish are the worst , III Stock for I",mediate D.nveuo ,for' promoting this divisive I&:atus b!Jt, rubbers, never! One Sacred Hearts' Academy, Fall woman, . in our sense of that e DESKS' e CHAIRS " ClaD recover from "a cold but not River. The .event' will be held term,"'in the calendar of saints, - Wnking. FILING, CABINETS "It makes me ashamed' of My ~ the ignominy of being seen at 6:30 'Thursday night, May 18 Miss curtayne said'St. Catp,erine ,e FIRE FILES • SAFES wearing .rubbers. Same thing in the academy auditorium, had a:' partiCular devotion to the . people. You ,'rend the seamless,' FOLDING r ABLES' , robe of,' Christ when you bring for an umbrella: "O.K. fOr Prospect Street. " this'divisivene'ss into the church. AND CHAIRS _ oid lady, but my bandanna is, T-o be installed are'Mrs. FranStamp it out! It has nothing flo lIRe," even though the skies have cis P. McGuigan, president; Mrs. Provincetown Groups R. A. WILCOX CO~ do with Christianity. You haven't QPened; , Raymond J. ,Connors, vice pres- Plan Joint, Breakfast ' time',for it. You must make the A lunch bOiIt with a' vacuum ident; Mrs. Joseph 'J. Rodth, sec22B1DFoRD ST. A joint brealdast lor First Kingdom. of GOd prevail in your bottle of milk is out after grade Ntary; Mrs. Charles F. 'Leonard, FAli RIY!R, 5-7831 Communicants, June gr.aduates , lifetime." 1Cboo1, lunch in a brown paper weasurer. bag is in; bookbag is out, arm-' Room mothers will form Mrs. of Provincetown, High Sc~l load of boo1lls, balaneed p1'eCari':' Roy's committee ,and Mrs. Fran- and Knights of' Columbus Honor Guard members,' will be sponcis V. Carey wiH, have' charge of GIIS1F, is in., , sored " Sunday, ,May ,23 by' the Bouffant~ of hair-do is an,;, decorations. A musical program Catholic Daughters of Ameriea ClI&her status symbol, also shape witt feature entertainment. of the do. If the head can appeal'" AcademY':Ulimnae ana'inothers and, the Hply ~osary Society of .ta>iee it6 nonnal size, and of students are invited to attend. ~, Peter the, Apostle parish, Provincetown. The event wiil be DOinted, you've made it.· Reservations should be made by held in St. Peter's par,ish ·half.' Location of one's home is of M~nday, May 15. The sl;lme units will sponsor lDHe importance, but.. the number of lights on ,'as dusk ap- San Franci~ Women's a rummage sale at the chW'ch hall Thursday, through S~turday, p1'Oaches is vital. The house must College to Expand May 18 to 20. M!'s Irene, Gracie be aglow. is i,n c.harge of :..r.rangements to SAN FRANCISCO (NC) , Throug;h the' Ag;es Auxiliary Bishop Hugh A. Don- pick up donations for the sale. J!!or parties,' the cult' of the 'ohoe of San Francisco and Mayor' Asual isuppennost,: '9r "the George Christopher officiated at most," for, short. Appearance 'of ground breaking' ceremonies" for obviously' prepared foQ4. stamps two liew, buildings at, the San ODe as uninitiated, while serving Francisco College for Women. The t~o buildings wiH cost an Ik>uisia;'o : lay Women estimated $2.8' million and are scheduled f()r completion in midOIL BURNERS Seeking Missionaries NEW ORLEANS (NC)-A lay 1963. A third new building will Also complete Boiler-Burner or Furnace 'Units. Efficient women's group dedicated to be constructed later. Total cost of low cos1 beating. Burner ad parish 'work in Louisiana is 'the expansion program will be fuel oil sales and semce. launching a missionary progra~. $4 million. The San Francisco College for Caritas, which is in the process S'tanley O:il' Inc. of .becoming a secular institute, Women was founded in 1930 and 480 Mt., Pleasant Street is conducted by the Religious of will start sending young women New Bedff'rd WY 1-Z6t'f, to do a year of mission work in the Sacred Heart of Jesus. " 8I'eas of the South and in Mexico, II1ext September. The, missioners COME IN - SEE - and DRIVE Will be trained to fonn parish units ,to give a variety of servkes, including family rehabilitation, training of parishioners liT.... World's MoSt BeautifuUy, Pr-oportionecl ean-' b' ~ass participation, making at CIIf vestments and altar linens, eod work with undel'priv:ileged cllHdren. Women lip tlo age 30 who are OS 7-9663 fonnefty Motor Sales Company Iligh school graduates and are liD normal' health 8I'e eligible. 99 Rodman Sf.. NeCH' Seoond St. FORO DeAL.f.ftS FOR OVO 38 YEARS After, servittg a year, the mi9FaRRive1' at Cathedral Square IIiooers mllF renew their eGa1'344-86 St. NeWBedforcl, Maes. . . . for a loR8er pel'ioc:t 'nC -
: AI ~ce C~rtayne, Irish L~turer, :.Scores Racism Among Catholics
The 'Friendly' Store That Sci'ves You M'ore f
.~~ CO.,
, THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fa,1I River-Thurs. May 11; 1961' ,
1961 Cath'olic 'Charities App~al
K"p8Ir ,
'God· LQve"y~u
Harney, Alma M~ Harrington, Anonymous. Gerald Harrington. " By, Most Rev. FUlton J. D,)).' John Harrington, John P. Har• rington, 'Mrs; Mary Harrington, When the Jews crossed the desert ute,. were' guided by .. Continued from Page Seven Patrick Harrington, Winifred pillar of fire at night and by a pillar' of cloud by day. Most of • Harrington. value 'a, fire to brighten the darkness" but few 91 us ~hlnk of nee" New Bedford' Owen Heleen, .George Higham, when the sun is shining, Ever:t' clond may have a silver lini... HOLY NAME Charles ,Hines, Cornelius Howribut let, it no~ be forgotten' that tile sun itself has spot!!. AdversitIJ han, Anonymous. ' $150 has its trials.' But what of proSperity? TIle thorn is not maD~ Anonymous, J 0 h n Kelley, Children of Holy Name School. greatest calamity; the rose, too, has 1t6 -daagen. want Is terribllilt Thomas E. Kelley, Edmund'Ken, $125 but wha~, 0 LoJrd, of saffieiene1f? Mr & Mrs Edwin Livingstone nedy, Maureen F. Kennedy. _ : lr., Dr. Peter W. Sweetser. Take the case of Ezeehi'as, ~ne of the 'greet 'J~wish iher~ Charles Keyes, Ernest V:Abbe, , $100 ' Having ascended to the throne of JerUsalem, he reopened ,~ Libero ,and Margaret Ladetto, , 'restored ,the Temple with the offerings ~ Anonymous, Ladies Auxiliary AOH, Division , $75 his, peopie. The summer of prosperity was .. 9, Mrs. Sarah Lajoie. hand. '!'hen what happene!i? EzecMas hA Rev. Henry T. Munroe, Rev. Roseanna Laplante, Stephen , J,.ucio B. Philippino. into the sin of material dis1>la~. He p~ou~ Ledwell, Armand i:';Etoi~e; Ar, ' $50 , showed off his treasures to the Kmg ClIP thur Lincoln, Mr & Mrs James ,Babylon, the the United StateS might diSph~ Mary A. Cole. Dr. Ambrose "!. Loftus. ,_ its riches and :tine homes to the Soviets. '.lbII r Finnell, Arthur Fonseca, The, Joseph Logan, Mrs Mary K. marked 11Ie beginning of Ezechias' faU, :f_ ': John J. Gibbons Jr Family, Wil- Lopes; Edward Lyons, James L. he had, the, wrong kind of security--O~ ~ liam F. Houlihan ,and Fa~ily. Mackay, Mrs. Alice Marchi. gold rather than inner gold, the, pomp ~ $35 , Hormidas Marcotte, Jose Marplenty rather than treasures thieves ca~ Lillian T. Cole. ' tinez, Manuel Martinez, Joseph steal. Because he had ignored ,the fact ~ $30 Meade, Ernest Mellq. WIN S SCHOLARSHIP: a wealthy man must be h'i~ brother's ke~ Francis Kennedy. Manuel Mello; O. ,Mellody; Mother Marie de Massabi~ne, as, well as his' own, "he brought punishmeJII $25 , Thomas Meredith, John" Miller", R. J. M., native of 'Fall upon himself, on Juda, too, and Jerusal~ Stanley' Baron, Benac Famqy, & Family, Ralph Moore; , ded , God, left them, and during a later r~ Mr & Mrs Richard A. Co~e, Mr &, Mrs Alan Moriarty, River, where she atten Bab;y:lon destroyed Jerusalem. ' Guido Coucci, Edward' Dug,gan. Nicola Morra, R9CcO A. Morra; and 'later taught at 'Jesue , John J. Flanagan, Mr & Mrs Thomas Muldoon, Constantine Mary A<;adl1my, is the ,reciTheodore Fredette, Mr & Mrs May we learn to dread not oniy the abyss but' also the MftI pient of a scholars,hip for Walter King, Edwin, Livingstone M u r n i n . ' where flowers grow. Ezechias came through many deserts of tiII(!l Mr & Mrs William McCarthy; doctoral studies at Fordham, , Sr., Dr. Walter J. O'Neill. spiritual life, bot he could 1II0t stand green pastures. Don't lell Mrs Helen ,McDonald, John McJohn Sheehan, George E. Donald, Michael McGrath, Edith University where she is now this happ~n to 1'00. As YOUI' ]prosperity increases, make provisiClldl Swansey Jr., Mr & Mrs Michael McIntyre. for thanking God. This does Dot mean it is wrong to live on Y0Ull' completing 'courses for a Wilson. income, but it is wrong to go before God without Ifaving card! Helen McIntyre, Mr &, Mrs master's degree in edoca.$20 " for your- brother. One of the best ways to provide for boa Paul McNeil, Russell Nelson, Wilbert Divis, Anonymous, Frederick Nunes, Miss 'Mary tional administratiQn. " spiritual and temporal welfare ils an annuity - with The Societ:g Raymond Gosselin, James Har- O'Brien. for the Propagation of the Faith. The income is yours during l~ ' rington, Leo Harrington. ' -we provide yon with interest and you are protected by the William O'Brien Jr., Mr & Mrs Pr~~~&' Maurice Harrington, Philip L_~ Thomas O'Donnell, Leo A. Ouelsound insurance laws of the State oLNew York. But, mos'l Ii \iij.., Iii. Compte, Mrs Anne Maino, Mr & ' , important, the Holy Father's own siJcieti 'for the Propagation fJ!} Mrs Timothy Manning, Damase the Faith transfers the capital to him at, your death. And bO Moreau. transfers it to the poor of the wOll'Dd. I Phelan, Mrs Marilyn Poulos, / PITTSBURG (NC) .:..-. Fr,. I Mrs John O'Leary, Mary L, Helen Quinlan, James Reynolds, , Phelan, HaroldD. P. Ryan, Hugh Sarah Reynolds. Thurston N. Davis, S.J., ediThink well on this during the summer of your li,fe, when QD J. Shanahan Eugene Sullivan. James A. Rice. Janet Riley, tor-in-chief of Am e ric a is going well. What more beautiful way to thank God for Hf~ $15 Mrs Louise Riley, William Romagazine, charged' here that bless!ngs than to lay som~ of them at death in the lap of the Vic~ William Atchison, Arthur Banof Ohrist. He doeS not aid one mission society; he aids them aiIih, "Catholics have not as yet taken croft, Martin P. Barry, Omer bone, Elizabet Roche. He does not concentrate on one country; he is the father of theo;n Kathleen Roche, Charles a sufficiently 'large part in the BeUenoit, Hargraves Blackburn. Rogers, Mrs. William Rousseau, affairs of our time.' We know all. Write The Society for the Propagation of the Faith for GU11 Thomas F. Cawley, Mr & Mrs mat:l.ual on annuities, including the date of yourbi-r-th. Show y~ Charles W. Deasy, Maurice Dow- Daniel Ryan, John, Go' Sadeck. what 'it is to light a candle in wealth to God, not to Babylon! Mrs Herman R. Saunders, church," Father Davis said, "but ney, Hugh and Anne Finnerty, Thomas Saunders, Elinor Sever- we don't comprehend the need Peter Giammalvo. GOD LOVIE YOU to Mrs•.J.I-II. for $100 "For the return of ~ Mr & Mrs Thomas A, Joseph, son, Hugh J. Shanahan Jr., Dan- for lighting candles" too, in the darkness of the civic markethusband io the Church." •.• to F.R. for $1 "I received this ti_ Mr & Mrs James W, Leith, Ray- iel Sheehan. Grace & Teresa Sheehan, Joan place." my fourteenth blrthda.y but Jl want the mi,ssions to have it. I hope mond Lima, Mr & Mrs Thomas Sheehan, E,verett Singleton, Bel'The Jesuit editor, speaking at to get a part-time job next year and send you part of my wage-. F, Moore, John V. O'Neil Jr. 'the biennial cpnvention of NaAfter two years of high school I hope to enter a' convent." .'. '" Mr & Mrs Fred J. Osuch, Ber- tha Smith, Edmund Smith. Edward Smith, Francis Smith, ,tional Council' of Catholic Men, to L.C.H. for $5 "I am sending ¢bis donation for a favor I did ~ nard Swansey, Whitner-Adams receive, although I wanted, iii very much. Knowing His Wisd~ Family, James Wilson, Mrs Mary Clifford J. Snell, Antone Souza, urged Catholics to show more Ernest 'Souza. sensitivity to the common good I accept His decision." • . • to Mrs. I.S. for $5 "To thank . . Wilson. Anthony Squiilacioti, Louis J. in such contemporary problem Infant of Prague, His Holy Mother and 84. Jude, lor spec" $14 favors." C ";' • Stack, Francis Sullivan, John.A. areas as anticommunist activiJames Foley. ' Sylvia, Joseph Sylvia. ti'es and race r~lations. 13 The Joseph Taffe Family., .' , , . Negative Thinkinc Edward Bruce. Charle,s T~pper, ~obert Tapper. "Negative_ and' frustrated As you pray the multicolored WORLDMI8SION ROSA= $12 d---"> red .....- the' H 0 1y F"a , ,I e evaue/.HI offe.LV< In Memory of Thomas A. Dul")', Leo Tip'ping, ,Mr ,& ,Mrs, J,o,seph thinking ,and ,action, such' as 'remember, tha t th'e w h't , ' ,,'," characterize, the John Birch ' Then remember that the ViCQl' of Christ has said that '111e Anthony' Edward, Mr & Mrs C. Toomey. Willi~m .E,_~qoJ}ley, 'Augu~ Society' and its affiuateS, will Set . ~ ~ Propagation of the Faith ~!must be mrst' an~ pFit;lcip , , Francis Kwiotkowski. Vieir~, Julia Viera" Mrs ,Geor,e : us nowhere-not if we wish to ._aIded. send your request -and an offering pi $2 arid we WII,I , , 1'" $10 Jeremilih Wade. , the WORLDMISSION ROSARY I Clarence Adshead, Ada Allard, Vigeant, Norris 'Waiecka, ",' George : discharge, our; , responsibilities 7O'l ' ' . ' Claire Allard"John A. Armonde, . 'and me:etour ,challenges in a', , . " ' -; . , '-'- - ' ,_ ' Walker;" ~frs Stanley Wa~9h, :,' truly' 'Christial1, ,and, Catholie, ' 'Cut GU,t th18'~,' ,'p'm,' your saerifiee to it and mail,itto. • Anthony Aq-uda. " Charles Weaver, Ly.man Wilbur. . 'Manuel Arruda. Mr & 'Mrs Harold F. Williams, The YateS' • way," he said. ',' '" 'Moat Rev.' Fulton J~ Sheen, ,National Director of the Society" . Rayinond' ,Atwood. Mr. Donald , Fa~il~, Joseph Z~n.elli., Of,'~abor-management'" relathe Propagation the Faith, 366 Fifth Avenue, New York 1; H..... Bancroft, Mr & Mrs J. Richard , tions, ,Father :qavis commentedc" , or your' Diocesan'l>lreetor, llT. REV. RAYMOND T. CONSI~ Bancroft, Patricia Bancroft. Tu~n to Pace TweI'ft, ·"We' cannot go on,u' we ,8I'e 368 'North 'Main Street, Fan River, Mass. . '1 Mrs Monica Barron, Robert ~q~ : . Benoit, Allan Bessette, Helmuth "Today we an recognize ,that Portuguese 'B:ishop Bonner, L. William BQuchard. the interminable disputes, U,le Backs GoYern~ent' Wilfred Brimley, Mrs. Charles crippling work, stoppages, ,the' Broadland,' Hen r y Bromley, Ion g deadloc~ed negotiations LOURENCO MARQUES (NC) Charles Bromwell, Barbara -Auxiliary Bishop , Custodio such as we witnessed a year aao Bures. ' A¥AtII.ABl.f IN FAMHAViN' A l: Pereira of' Lourenco Marques in the protractM steel str,ikeFrank Bures, Edwara Burns, says the 'Church in ,this :Portu- all this must'end," he said. "This BRAZ BROS. Mary - Burns, Walter Qarter , guese east African territory~slip- is no time for 'qusiness as usual. William J. Carter. GRAND CENT1tAl, MARKETS': ' ports the Portuguese government ... the people must be served, Joseph Cazemiro, Leo Char- in the present crisis.. the cold war must be waged." GR.EATSCOn SUPER MKTS. ,': ,,', ,~ce' R"latioDs bonneau, Walter J, Chase, Alfred' 'Mozambique, 'a'o "area. ,larger PlEASANT STRUT MARKET,' Choquette, Mr & Mrs John than Texas with about sixinil- , Turning' to pace relations, Clarke. ' StOP ... SHOP SUPER MKTs" lion inhabitants, has not expe-' Fatner Davis said: "The racia-l Mrs Frank C,leveland, Mrs rienced the anti."white violence 'supremacists among us'must see , , Helen K. Cole, Leo Cole,Henry that has taken hun'dreds of lives that our denial',of equal 'oPP'or, CoUard, Arthur Cormier. tunity, of a ,fair shake in educa-' in Angola; Portugal's' 9th~r priD: 'Manuel Costa, Joseph Cotter, cipal African territory. , tion and employment and of the Mr & Mrs jeremiah Coughlin, very right to vote, in a demoBishop Pereira, declared: , Mary Coughlin, Alice M, Davis. cratic society is jeopardizing the I "The salvatio~ or ruin of, 'P6FHazel E, Davis, Miss Alice reputation and the veP¥ secunq. tugal depends on the Portuguese. 'Dorgan, MiSs Anna Dorgan, of our Country." , ' Mary E. Downey, Stephen P. I am, pleaseg to; no~ the, ,unity The 'priest-editor said that ill of the ,Portuguese.in this grave the civic area Catholics have nOt Downey. " Helen Dris~oll, .Joseph Dubois, h-our., As far as\ the"Cath9~ been carrying their'''full burden" r. ' ;James Duff.icy,Edward Edwards, Church is cOncerned, we, are of responsibility.: with the government in the deAnnie Evers. stand ,ApUt , COMPlEft Josephine Evers, John Ezemol1, fense of, justice, truth and the "It is all very well to talk RfHfAl WORK ll~ Raymond Feeney, Kathleen Fin- ' Portuguese soil which the Por- about applying the principle of tugese have built up during the the common good to the prob- f ~erty; Stephen J. Finnerty. " Joseph Fitzpatrick, Daniel past 500 years. lems of the modern world," be Alec AedcHM Indvstri<d ~ " Flanagan; Mr & Mrs, James states," but nothing wiU come of "As a Cathol~ Bishop and a Flanagan, Foley Family, Gen- Portuguese, I am certain of one' it if so many Catholics continUe ~ : l evieve Foley._ ,thing: Everything will run for to stand .apart from the stream' ' John Foley, Albert J. Foutter, the better, although' with some of civic life." Mr & Mrs Gerald J'. Francis, sacrifice, in the whole of the Gov, David Lawrence of PennStephen Francis, William J. Portuguese territories, especially sylvania" toid the :convention that Francis. Angola, if we keep fa~th and al'e Catholic laymen; should engage SucceSsor to Albert Frates, MI·s. ,CatoR united and if we live according in "door-to-door, day-by-day" New E~ OveraU & Svppty ~ 1 Frates, George Galipeau, Ber- to the Gospel., Let us do our wo'rk for unity by cooperating :00 Howard A:ViI., New Bedford I nard Grace, Patrick 'Griffith. duty and pra~ ever,y da¥f<ll' the with their fellow citizens m Pbone 'W"" '1-078'7 or WY '7-07-88 Francis Harding, Lawrence _father-land," pr-ojects f-or c-iv-ic beott~rment.
,SCOre, S
~~~~' ~::~~ :e~:;~rc:;s ~ar~ C~vic',
',' ,:
:.USTRIA~~:SERV . ~ Wit,.", - We Supply,
;New Thurber ·~ook. Shows
THE ANCHOR- ' Thurs., May 11,1961
'D®ce~oB1ein Inventiveness
'Ungraded System In Schools On Ri$e
By Rt. Rev. Msgr. JOhllil S. Kennedy In one of the random pieces which 'make up hi~ latest book, 'Lanterns & Lances'_(Harpel',$3.95), James Thurber mentions "my increasing blood pressure, my decreasing inventiveness." An authors work'is not always an index of' the state of his blood" preS-:.. quo . t"es ,u·om ~TV . t '. a . scnp . .' . Bure., B ut if nervousness and. .Perhaps it was the maddening testiness betray high blood ' experience' of baying' to read pressure, that condition can" such' stuff' int~ them1croph'O-lle
KANSAs' CITY (NC) All parochial schools in the Kansas City diocese will launch the ungraded pri-
mary system next fall. This was announced by Msgr. Michael McAuliffe, diocesan superintendent surely be spotted in the Thurber which led a baseball announCer of. schools. . writings here gathered. COme' to saY'in my hearing a few years The u ~ primary re-' to think of ,it " a g o , ''This cigarette gives you places grades one, two and though nerv~ more nicotine and less pleasure." three. Pupils will study the same ousnes~ and a .! Politicians, too, get·their lumps subject matter, but thi meassense of lm. from Thurber because 9f what urement of their progress will pending d 0,0 m they do to the language. He innot be by ,age and grade, as marked eve n diets them in particular for reunder the present system. the earliest of 'sort'to slang and for using words ,.,."': " Levels of skill become the Thurber's prowithout genuine significanee. standard of student progress. ductions. There They glibly speak., for example, Percentage ean be 1 itt 1 e ' of "cakulated risks." What do About 18 per cent of the pridoubt, however, they mean by the expression.! PHARMACISTS' GUILD: Discussing ~tivities of the that a decline They seem, he declare!il, "content Pharmacists' Guild of St.. James of the Fall River Diocese mary schools in the United States now use the ungraded in inventiveness to settle for a phrase in place of at a meeting in Kennedy Community Center in New Bedford' primary system, accQrding to marks the new a way out." are: left to right, Sister .Maria Angela, Sister Mary Joseph Sister Marie Georgette, dioccollection. Not that Thurber', .' WMlts, Latin Jtes4..o1'e4 esan supervisor of elementary Oould ever be dull or crudely . 'Harking ·back .to .his. own Anthony; both Medical Missionaries of Mary from Wineducation. repetitious. But there is' a great'" school days,' he pays his respects ,chester, Mass., ·Chairman Joseph F. Rel:>ello and Dr. J. The most wideq knoWll deal of hammering at a single to tlie inclusion of Latin tn 'the Ubalde Paquin. . . Catholic school sYstem featuring Ciheme in this volume, .even a CUlTiculum. The study of that the ungraded primary method 11 recurrence of one same idea 'and . language, he' says, provided that of the Archdiocese of St. the identical expression of it. ' mental discipline and prepared Louis, Mo., where it' was introNow and again the Thurber of ."the youthful mind for the endduced in 1953. old is in evidence. "Midnight at less war between meanlngand The practice was adopted beTim's Place," for example, is a' gobblegook." . NEW YORK (NC)-Nine out of per.sonnel and facilities in the fine wild rampage, although Latin was dropped. in his of ten U. S. Catholic college stu- work of Newman Clubs andsim- cause too many children were Jacking the touch of innocence' opi~ion, not be<;ause it was use- dents, it is estimated, will be in Hal,' groups .for Catholic students getting through third grade found in the pristine Thurber. less but because it required non-Catholic schools by 1990, at non-Catholic schools, he says. without having acquired the basic reading skiils needed for After aU. the man is 67 now. work, He hopes that in the needand a vaslly enlarged Newman _ Laek Chaplains And when he gets to recalling a ed and pledged rehabilitation of movement will be needed to According to' Father O'Brien, further education, according to series of misadventures, both American education, Junior and meet their intellectual and spir- ,there are 741 Newman Clubs or Msgr. James E: Hoflich, secrewoeful and hilarious, with a pair'" his little sister will be put to itual requirements. similar groups in the country, tary for education of ·the st. Louis archdiocese. of Sengalese lovebirds and a pair work, not least of all on lanThese are the conclusions of but fewer than 100 have a fullMsgr. Holflich, who Dad ot Siamese cats, the 'reader may guage, Father John A. O'Brien, author time chaplain. There is one gratefully indulge the illusion This. book is rich in examples and faculty member at the Uni- priest for every 576 Catholic stu- . spoken and written widely OD that 25 years have rolled away of Thurber's delight in discov- 'Versity of Notre' Dame and a dents in secular colleges, com- the system, has said that the and he is back savoring the ering words within words. If I pioneer in the Newman move-' pared with one priest or Reli- ungraded primary progrnm is an Thurber comedy of the late remember correctly, he once ment. gious for every 31 students· in organizational plan rather than a method of teaching. WO's. wrote a piece called "The Mice Stepped-up Church activity on Catholic colleges, he states. Abuse of Language . in the, Chimes." If you look 'behalf of Catholic students at It "recognizes individual dif'Of 568 Newman Clubs and But moslly Xhurber is com- closely at "chi~es," yo~ will see non-Catholic colleges "would other such groups covered in ferences and contributes to the mentingon features of life in the that there are IOdeed mice there. mean no deviation from the trathe 1958 survey., he says, only child's continuous growth in 1950's and 1960's which pain or . 4t almost .endless, and some- ditional policy of educating as 62 had their own student centers, skills by providing learning sitexasperate him. Thus, he is a :~me exhaustmg l.ength, he plays many as possible in our own while 232 had no special facili- uations cQmpatible with his maturity, ability and experience. kind of contemporary Fowler in e same gam,e 10 these pages. schools," Father O"Brien says ties at all. . In The graded system may for~ Father O'Brien declared tbat his firing at abuse of the Eng. sh or t"mnlOgs 1·t can be de- in an article in America magalish language by writers, sPeak- hg~tful, but it n;akes the mind zine. , pastoral care for Catholics Oft a child to learn skills he is not ers, and you and me. ",:,hlrl when carrIed ·on as per"It would simply meaiI .sup- '.s e cuI a r campuses is· "not ready to' learn, he said. "The J;le is bothered by "the pro-. sIstently as here. . plementing that effort by reach", enough." Intellectual training in child will learn only when he is ing the vast numqerforcedby the Faith through college credit ready to learn . . . To attem~ nunciation of words--crippled or . . ' Sardonne, Che;eri~g wingless words that. escape, all He has. become expert in this the lack of Catholic colleges and courses in religion and philos- to. teach any specific learning ~kI.ll before a child is ready 'lor by .inex!>r<J,Qle econqmic nec~s- ophyis also vital, he says. distorted, the careless human lips. a,ort ~f thmg as th~ result of inIt IS a waste of time and effort . of ~ur jittery time." He would' .. s0I1)01a. He resorts to such .<li- si~ to attend secu4lr inl)tituon the part of both teacher and to Have New pupi!." do something "to restore the 'art :versions in order to get his mind tions,esp~ciallythose supported of articulation, the dignity of off sleeplessness and induce by pUblic"ta~es, with. almost School for Retarded He said the minimum time, 18 free tuition." , diction, and thus improv~ the sleep. . By } 97Q" 75 per c~nt .of the . DETROIT (NC)-Anew aca- complete the ungraded primary ~ssof com,munication, for ,~~~. wher~as the fU'st pqJ;'pose precision ,ofcQmmunication is ~~y" ~ . ~chIeved, the sec.ond is tOtal number' (if U. S. Catholic ,d~~ic and pi-e-~ocational tral.n- pro~am is three yeam.. The important, ~ore important than n.o.t..A mm~ as busy as. one ac- college students will be in non- ing institution for retarded boys ~xI.mum time is four years. Rapid learners get an en~atholic '~chools,and two dec", ;i~\e::;.· i~ ,doors ~ez:e next, ev~r, in QI,Ir era of hair trigger ,}nrely;. ~nga~e,d in sport like this, riched progra,m, while slow ' ' .... " . balances." " , .', .IS !l.ot lIke,ly to ,yield ~o ,slumber. . ades later the ,percentage will 9Q'· per: cent, .he say's:. 'The S~. Louis. School for Rel~arners ar~J given sufficient Why, he asks in agony. a r e . 'l;~~rber's ,m,ind is eeI1ainly llcreaseto' . tarded Boys will be cond'uct~d 'tu:?e to. achieve the require4 two syllable words like "sparklO~eOl?US and as flexible as . , Delicate Problem by the Servants 'of Char~ty, an skIlls according to their owJt ~" "struggling," "battHng..qw~l1ver.He writes as sharp..F,ather O:~rien~ites the pres", o~der 'dedic~ted towo,rki~ with rate of ~rning, be said. dragged -out' mto three 'syllableS'? 'ly~ -if not.. '31waysas iner'J;ily, as ence of large numbers of Cath- the mentally J:E;tarlied, and WiiI W.hyare tranSitive verbs' used ever.' In. wh!!t he,c~lle~thl(age olic students.. on non,.Catholic be 'financed, through the Detroit ~ ~ey' ~e~~ iptr;tnsitive : ·,'Tb~". ,of th,e four ~'s.(anxi~ty"allflr'e'::' ~puses .as. "one of the most ,Archdioce~an Development Fund struggle 10 the dimly lit 'base- h~on,. agon.tldng" and 'I>!-si~poJ;'tant a.n4 delicat~ "problems instituted 19 years ago' by Ed~ ment eyewitnessed fewly if"at plrm), 'he is an incisive, s'om'e':.. of Catholic higher education,.:'. ward Cardinal Mooney to finance .Paint ·and WaJJpaper oJl,aroor:ding 'to th~ ,p~lice~?J .~i!Ues sard0';lic,.~om,etill\escheer:Bu~, he adds, whereas proper and 1!upport Archdiocesan facilDupont Paint . Why the profusion of needless 109 compa~lon un.der the library pastoral care is .available to ities. cor. MiddJIe st· ~nd pointless "ee" words like, lamp. Publisher: Harper & Bros., such' students" the . number who. It' has been estimated that "escapee,"- which surely means, 4;9 East 33rd Street, New York leave the Churcl1. "appears to " ' . 422 Aeush. A.... there are 650,000 mentally re- ~ anything, one who has been 16, New, York. . • be no greater, ;Ind. probably less, tarded children in the U. S. who . ct., New Bedford escaped, no,t. the. one w.ho has R 'PARKING than in the ordinary. city parish need specialized teaching and escaped? . - @jdi@ S<1'altioms .R~is~ of comparable size.~ care. to ,become contribyting Rear of flP,re Catch Phrases St~~ps'fol' He cites a .1958 report by. 302 m.e~bers of society. . He is also irked by sloppy and LOS ANGELES {NC>' -:.. Six o Newman Club ,chaplains showing meaningless catch phrases. An disk jockeys 'liei-e have· raised that in the five .years between instance ia "you know," mind'-" four. miUiDn.tradin~ .stam.ps to 1952 and 1956 there were at ."'The Family That !esslyrepeatedad nauseam in' obtam a school hus f-or a 'liiissiori tiJ,eiJ;' schools 5,739 conversions to Catholicism, and 550 vocations conversatiqni .' . school in New Mexico. '. Prays Together ·,Maintenance Supplies "The, other day I saw, you. The bus will cost '5 200 000 to the .priesthoouor religion life. SWEEPERS - SOAPS This same survey, however, " , know, 'Harry .Johnson, the, you stamps. During three W~ks ~ta':' Stays Togetherknow, fortner publicity man for, ti<>n KMPCtaised most of the revealed a "pathetic ·inadequ.acy" . DJSINfECTANTS you know, the Charteriss':rub- stamps. Therem.alning million fIREEXTINGUI$NERS ,'THE Ushing Company, and, you know, p,lus is now being sought by '. '8EFO~~, YOU what he wanted to talk about, KSFQ in San Francisco. BUY ... 'fRY' strangely enough, was, you Several monthS a,go KMPC kn,ow, some,thing .. you'd nev~-,. ex~cutives received appeal -1886 PURCHASE ST. ., A.ttlebol'~DthAtUeboI>o 'guess: .,.'; . . " . frOm: Fa~er ~al~ N'9g1e, ·S. J. NIW BEDFORD . -One of hiB favorite ta:r~tS is of Albuquerque asking assistance Seekonk W"( 3-3786 ·what he calls tainted 'idiom. "We -. f~r -c;hildren of Our .L~!iY of Sorare not going·to hide our ,heads rows School,. ~emi:lliUW··N. M. OLDSMOBILE 'in the sand like kangaroos," is an The children,. ~e 'said, had to ~xample of a' beautiful young walk severalDUles to-church and Oldsmobile - Peugot - Renalt Sel'Ving womari"fiOiri' Genev~ New York.' .sche»l. ., '67 Middle Street. Fairhaven' .Another woman, older and of . ' . 'and Home what beauty or' origin be does ~ot tell us, remarked to '.him. ' The Specialized Jcb of· a Cooperative Bank "ifer apartment was broken into Rea.I Friendship Musi Be Eanu:d ''so often thi$ 'year she, finally' had to have it burglarized." Prescriptions- call~fo.r Blames Script Writers ' and ,de'ivered In this respect, he bitterly REYNOLDS-DEWALT HEADQUARTERS . FOR WiNTHROP STREET - TAUNTON blames the writers for .radio .and William & Second Sts. television, as well as those reDIETmC SUPPUES ACROSS THE Slam FROM THE POST OffICE sponsiblefor adverUsing' copy. 600 Cottage St. WY 4-7439 New .Dedfeml WY ~234 Where it PAYS to get together '-It is possible 'that the killer is New Bedford probably in the hol,lse now.~' he
L__"_ .. _
Ask'increased Newman Program To Benefit Catholic Students,
~ t::.t.
Bus-. " ,
: 'BA'NK .
the Saver $ '$ Owller TAUNTOn (O-OPERAnVE 'BANK VA 4-4084 .
.... SH8h " "·. . . Ba• • "
Andre Latessa.' Roy Bu.rgesB, Mr Be Mrs A1'!l1bta' Lamarre, 'im~befh O'Neil, .~ ward Boardmen, Mr &: Mrs Sidney Raposa. '\ Robert Robiliard, Mr & M1:$ ATthur Hubert, Mr &: Mrs Ern~ Guinen, Mr'Henry Ethier, Mr 81 Mrs JosePh Carvalho. Mrs Lillian Lynch, Mrs. lVl~ .: garet Wil~s, Mr &: Mrs Adriml' Ravenelle, M1'8 Rita' Condon, Henry Venturini. Mr & Mrs Robert G. Ma~ Mathias Murphy,' Nero Fari. James ' Gillet, James Bentley. Mr & Mrs Michael Margale~ John Gaspar, Catherline McCann. Andrew Cook, Leo J. Marcou:Jll, William Harrington, '1'he A'I!thur Kern Family, Mr & MN Roger Pinault, Henri LajeuanesSe, Michael 'JIbemuda. Mrs. Lydia Rioux, 'Florene4t Sullivan, Mr & Mrs James Care,Jr., ;Fernand. St. ~urent, M!' • Mrs James Ferreira. . . Mr & 'Mrs William J.Thist~ waite, Herman Arruda..
,Thurs., May 11, 196'1
Fall River SACRED ElEART $1,00{) Rev. l!'eHx S. Childs, $150 AnOnymous. $135 Dr. Daniel Moo~ $100 , Dr and Mrs Edmund l"'eves, :Mr & Mrs John W. Conroy, JoOO B. Cummings. , $85 ' Rev. Jolm G. Cli\fi'OlI ~O " Mill8ell .Margaret, M8I'f" C!l. It :frances M. Cumrtlinge.' \,'
, .$sc",
Mr &: Mrs Daniel .p; ,Murphr , . ~., ~,a~l S!lli~h .. ~r ~ Mrs ~olHa , . 'S: . Burns, Charles E. SeVllfn5l. Charles ,P.' Ryan. ' Mr & Mrs JaJROI ~'1M-: ,Bam. Hargarves. '
" " . ~1!'8".' :Rev. Daniel F. SbaDoo.
ThomMA. Sy~ $35 ' Mr &: M" Jo" 'f.uite, CatheriM Furze. . $30 .' James Kennedy, Kevin Smith lIlnd Family, Mr' & Mrs George E. Sullivan Jr. .
. $71
:Rev. Edward J. Burn.. . . .$50 ,Mr &: Mrs Walter Sullivaft, Mr & Mrs William F. Whalen .:b. , $35 0 Isabel H. Deal'dliln. $30
Anne, Elizabeth & Mary Connerton, The Tuttle Family, st. Louis Women's Guild.
Jane Broderick, Mr & Mrs Dennis C. Hurley, Louise Des'marais, Mr & Mrs Jeffrey Sullivan, Mr & Mrs Charles F. Bliffins. . Dorothy &. Regina Higgins, Mr & Mrs John Springer & Mrs Mary E. Larrabee,' Herman Springer and Margaret Springer., William J. Barrett. Kathryn V & Margaret Wha~ ',len,Dr Henry Bolen" Fr~ncis Hurley, Honor Toohey, ':Mich~ Grace. Annie E. &: Mary E. Quirk, Oliva A. Pelletier', Itl Memory 01. Mrs Frederick Kiencke, Catherine Roberi8, Mr & ,Mrs Francie .E. Sulliv8ll.
Mrs John Doran &: Fami15l. . Alice & MarioR Fahey, The Han- ' rahan Family, Dr & Mrs Geor~ Horan, Mr & Mrs John Maher. Thomas McCania, James Wb~ CELEBRATES 60th YEAR AS A NUN: Mother M. Baptiste, first assistant Mother lon, & Family. $20 - General of the Religio~s of the Sacred Heart of Mary, shows Bishop Frederick Hall of Mr & Mrs John Blackburn 8& Kisumu British East Africa, the statue of- the Blessed Mother brought to the U.S. by Family, Mr &: Mrs Thomas BritMother 'Butler, foundress of MarymountColleie. Bishop Hall offered.8 special Mass at , land Jr., CYo-st. Louis Parish, the college; OR the occasion of Mother Baptiste's 60th anniversary of her pr~fession as The Myles Family, Gertrude &I Catherine O'Neil, In memory of a nun. NC Photo. . . l\IIr & Mrs Michael Tobin. Edward McGrady, Thom81l Leary" Jane. F. Cobery, Helen 'bUl'Y, The Pelletier F-amn.~. $15 McVey, Thomas Fernandes, JohnF. Leary.' $75 Mrs Mary Captwell, Pete , $ZZ Kilroy Jr....JobD Kilroy. .' Paul 'Slayer, Julia Murphy" Beov. ,:RobeR L. Stenton. Cantwell, M. Thomas & KathF'red J. Herringtoill. Mr &:. Mis Edward Wilson, Edward Maher,Dolores Welch, $40 .erine· Conroy, Mr & Mrs Jobs $20 Smith Family, Robert Carr," Florence Kennedy. 'IIho~ J. ~lemin:g Cronin, Mrs Harry Koosel. Mary H. Flynn, Mr & Mrs Joseph Costa, Henry McDonald. Mr &: Mrs' William Desmond, Etta, Lillian &: Charles MurWilliam Mercier, Thomas A. McBenjamin Troia, Walter Wil- Mr & Mrs John J. Hall, Mr &: $25 phy, Mrs Mary &: Everett Phi),. Cann, Mr & Mrs William J.. son, Dennis Durand, Mrs Evelyn Mrs JosepQ pennis, Jane DOlT, Mr & Mrs James Clementl lips, Mr & Mrs William Ward: George L. O'Brien Jr. Martin Powers, Kathleen Blood. $14 . . Pelton, Miss Elizabeth 1.. Leon- Kennedy, Francis Hearn. Md. , Ann Packer, Mrs LOretta Mr &: Mrs ~ LaFleur, Mr & $20 Mr & Mr,s John Leary & Fa..E. Louise Beattie, Mr &: Mrs, ,Canuel, Margaret Donovan, 'Mrs Leo Levesque, Miss CathJoseph Roderick, Mr &: Mi!a ny. " Arthur Beland, Cote Family, Mr George Keavy, .Elizabeth Crow- erine Kennedy, Mary McDon- Fred J. McNally. $10 & Mrs Thomas F Burke, Marley. ough, Mrs Rose Seaman. $15 l\frs James Benson; Mrs Joseph garet Desmond. Genevieve Murray, Francis Wilfred Beaulieu, Leonard Mi &: Mrs Lawrence ,Talbot, Botelho & Family, Mrs John A. Mrs. Minnie Morris & Family, Burke, Genevieve Skammels, Sullivan, Rose Amaral, The Thomas F. Heaney & Family,!VIr Brown, Edward Camara, Mr & Mr & Mrs Willard Piper, Wil- Mary Skammels, Francis Regan. Lawlor Family, John Fagan. & Mrs John F. 1YI00ney, Peter Mrs Joseph Carrier. \. liam Fitzgerald, James W. Fitz-' Edgar T. Fortin Leonard Grace Taylor, James F. Reed, Sullivan.' Mrs Mary Clarke & Famil~ gerald. Vogel, Mrs Eugene F. Murphy, €atherine Kaufman, John 1\1: $12 Mr & MriWilliam P. Clarke, Mr $15 Raymond McMu,llen, Monahan Sullivan, John J. McCann. Mrs John Dean & Mrs James Conroy, Mr & Mre Irene Cummings & Family, Mr Family. Grace Lambert, Mary L. $10'. Leonel Costa, Evelyn Creigh. & Mrs Hugh F. Reilly Jr., TimMr & Mrs Joseph Trainor Mr Walsh, James Cote, Sarah SulliIrene Gillet, Mrs. Bertha Lopes Mr & Mrs Wilfred Desruisothy Shea, John O'Neil, Mr &. ,& Mrs C. Joseph Driscoll, Fred ,van, James Ij:. Walsh. ~ John Lopes,. John Nogueira, seaux, Mr &'Mrs Donald Ferron, Mrs Thomas E. Marum. Demetrius Edward Monarch Mr Rose Beaupre, Miss Agnes Charles Sicard. . Mr & Mrs John Freitas, CathMr & Mrs John Burke, Thomas & Mrs Fr~nk Cqrtin. ' Coyle, Elizabeth Coyle', William '1'he Doyle Family, Mrs. Mar- erine & Joyce Goff, Mrs George Connors, Mr & Mrs Raymond Madeline Curtis, Agnes Black, Slater; Mary JenkiI?-s. garet Cobery, Edward Campbell, Griffiths. ' Powers, James Reilly; Mr &: Mrs Catherine Murphy' Donald Mr'& Mrs John J. Burke, Wil- Armand Casavant, Michael P. Anna & Catherine Grace, M!' John Lyons. Black, Francis Shay.' , liamWhite l':·, William' White, Ryan. ' & Mrs. Charles Hargraves, Mrs James F. Darcy, Patten Fam- . Mrs Madeline Glavin Charles Edward F. Daley, Mrs Catherine J ~H~ ~I~ff Paul Boissineau, John Harrington, Edward .1 ily, Mr & Mrs Abel Marceline, ,E. Curtis, Charles Curii~, Joseph McCarthy. I.. , ';'l~ I~ cC~ e:...JamFres F ..MDeoore Holland,' Katherine Horan. lMrs Alice Duggan and Alice, Reilly, 'Joseph Sullivan. ' Joseph zaGaja, James Mc-" 'I l8m .ay",n, anClS Margaret Johnson, Mr & Mrs Mary Daley. ' 'Fred McDonald, Leonard ll. Donough, 'Catherine ,Boylan, &ba~ty., ' .., Timothy Kelly & Family, Mr & Gr:ace Daley, The :LeoaaFd B g" Wit' P O lak J hR William O'Brien Mr & MnI AntoM Carrelro"Leonel.Pai V8 'Mrs Joseph Leite, Mr &MI'li tur-a ;:. M H' 0 Leonard' M"'"' ' Joseph Garvalho, Joseph Silvia, Family, Miss Grace Martin. J •urpmlY::,r, 0 a..., . l f t r ' !'S, arver ...., -. M & MAth L l' Antone Mello, Mr & Mrs Hermaa 'Lab i . ' , John 'J Sullivan Deniel r' . rs r ur a umlere. Mello . $I! , Anne L. Mitchell, Michael C~t:'erine O'H;are, Mrs X. Roach, Eli~abeth Roa~h, Frank JobnF. O'Brie.n, William CorMr &: Mrs Manuel Mello, MN Powers, Ann Stafford,' Mr &' MllII Ellen ~helan, William Waldron, Ponnolly, Elaine Banks. :::~:~:::~~ln, Gl'aee Walsh. William &: Nora Murphy, EdJohn Haggerty. Mrs Ellen O'Toole, The ·Missetl· Clarence Banks, Barbara . , . " ,oward Mc~rew, Mr' & Mrs $10 Doran. Banks, Loretta Gavin, ,Mr & Anlihony J. Coute,Arthur Thl- Richard McAndrew, Mr & MN Robert Smith, Mary Finucane. ,Edward Z:. Doran, Catherine Mrs Raymond Audet, Ml' &: Ml'I .bode,!u, Mrs. Dolores. Ca~gello, Raymond McCann. . Edmund Mitchell, Mrs. Pierce. O'Neil, Alvan Hoar, Mrs.Alv8ll . John M. Leonard" ~~:~.Bergeron, FrancIS I.. Mr & Mrs Alfred McNally; Mr .Maureen'Dallagher. Hoar, ,Daniel Duffy , Mr & Mrs Benjamin Sherman, (;.eo r g'e Tb' R b ... Cot & Mrs Joseph O'Brien, Mr & Mrlll Kenneth Leger, Mr &: Mrs A..Thomas ,Loftus" eatherine 'Frances' Harrington, Richard Jose h T I' omMras, WO ~'h"t T' e, Thomas Padden, William Phil' M urph"~ , ner,'PWilliam 'ay or,Mitchell. 's. ng UP- "b' Mae & Lo UIS . Russell. thur Borges, Susan A. Sullivan" B arnes, ' Cecelia Clorite, Ray- ,Hennessey . . ' :1 A nna ' In, \ James' Kenney, Thomas Powers. mon~ Holland, Frank Sullivan Charles D~fy. ~ Mr Arthur Turner &: Christine Mr & Mrs Joseph Sousa, Ir~ '"' Raymond Torpey, Catherine FamI1,Y. Mrs Juba B~attie, In Memory 'I'uiner M J, h C bo &: Stratton, Anna B. SUllivan, Wilof Darn' I J M ti- k.. M , r s ,0 n. on y li S 11' . M ' Madden, James Pimental &: H e 1en L y'nch, Eustel~ Kelles; .' e ' : . ar n "'7 rs Family', '1'bOlNls Harkin, Ber- ' am u Ivan, r &: Mrs Daniel Family, John Torpey., ,William Blanche Quinn, Margaret Cripps, Damel Martm, It1 Memory of nard Stanford, Med1"ick Lavalee. Vincent. J. Heaney. Mrs. Frank Shea. Mary, ~ohn.&:L.awrenceDowney Mrs. Nora 'Foley & Thomas John Whitty, Mrs Ann WorJune Roberts, Mary Roberts, Margaret Roberls, Mr at Mrs by Misses ElIzabeth &. Ann . Foley, Hugh Gillis, Mr & Mrs dell, Jane Hannigan, Mabel Stephen Kozak, Theodore Bra- John J. Mahoney, Matthew Down~y. . ' 'Douglas Morris, Mrs Nellie Simonetti. morski, Mrs Eileen Christie. Sheahan, Mrs M'8l'<Y McClabe,. DaVid Creamer, Mr & Mh 'Zwick Charles Feeley BLESSED SACRAMENT Samuel Stone, Thomas Grady Helen Sullivan. . Robert Nedderman, In Memory Mrs' Norbert Baldai' '1'bomas Mrs Elizabeth VanWart Stanley Mary Mason, John E. Kiley JIl.. of Th~as H. & '!'homas L. FlY~n , A~ Hanipson, Raymond Lafleur, $250 Pizio, Mrs Edward Fol~y. Albert Welker, Mrs Joseph A., by Mrs ~a~herlM Flynn, An- . Pierre Dupere, AntoM Mattos. Rev. A1f1ted Gendreau. Walter White, Albert PayCll, Hammill, Joseph Delaney. drew Ploclcla. -' Mrs. Doris PincauIt, Mrs. Car$SO' Raymond McDonald, Miss Helen Mr &' Mrs John E. Kiley Sr.. "M; & M~s James Barnes, oline Mitchell, Mr & Mrs Jo&In memotlY of :ae.. EuS_ Nugent, Honor Connor. M~s . Joseph Akers, Mr & Mrs LoUIse Ryan,: Ma:ry Ryan, Mr& . eph Lopes, Edward Harrington, DiOn. ' o Paul Lapre,~ .William Moran, WIlliam Cross,;Mr & Mrs Roland Mrs Leo P. ,SmIth, 1& & M1!B Mr & Ml'8 Joyce Carrier and $10 Matthew Shea Sr., 'Mr, & Mrs. DUbe; John' O'Neil.' Omer Bouch~r. , .' Joyce. \ ;Philippe Levesque,. Fortuna. Herbert Fontaine. Mr &: Mi'S John O'NeH Jr., Mr & Mrs John ~orrIgan, ~aura HolliMr &: Mrs Wil'liam Mellen, Leo Creamer. John L. Turner, Arthur Vallee, han, .DaVId T. Sullivan, Donald Thomas Pickup, Vincent' ,Pel- Bourgeois, Mr & Mrs Thomas .1. Mr &. Mrs John Regan, Mr &: Patrick F. Fitzgerald, Tbom81I CorrIgan, Fr~nk Murphy. letier John Albernaz, Edward Williamson, Leopold Collard, lVlr & Mrs Ernest Levesque. Mrs Harold O'HeaIn,' Ovila For- White. . DilMACULA'IDlZ C Gaza:ro. Mr & Mrs Ovide Rousseau. tin, Mr & Mrs Jean Auger Mrs James Carey, George Trainor,' " '. ON<JIElP'TJrON Mrs Edward Coleman, John F. Henrietta Kosior. ' Anna & Ella Desmond, Thomas $500 Aguiar, Mrs. John Blood, John Rene Garant, Albert H. Beau-George Paiva, Miss Helen Sullivan, Mrs - Mary McCarthy. De¥. Edward'Dowling Flynn Sr. & Family, Mr & Mr8 doin, Octaw' Jusseaume, r.e. Stebenne. Loftus, John Sullivan, Mary SiUAlphonse LeGendre, Mr & Mrs $100 Henry Vachon. Uvan, Frank McCann. JiTancis DulHl. Mr-a Jer-emiah & In M~of ~ Eo New,'l'IhoJnu ~ ~~ prlarJ,.. 'r,ura to I".arie ThirieeII 0
Because He Cared • • '. I ~ '.~ ,,!:... ~ .. ~.....- ". ..
u. ....
Continued from Page Twelve
1 " .. """;"1,'
Alfonso, Joseph Raposa. Manuel Olive~ra; Jose . J.' ' D'Arruda, Joseph Viveiros Jr.. Frank V. Medeiros Jr., John Monteiro, Jesse Velozo Jr.
No. _
Thurs., May 11, 1961'
Levesque.' Mr & Mrs John Williams, Mi & Mrs Leo Lavoie, Mr & Ml'll Ray Thibeault, Margaret Parkei'. Elizabeth Barrett. Mr & Mrs Frank Curry, Mr & Mrs Leonard Souza, Mr & Mrs ~orge St. Denis, Mr' &. Jv.[l'Il Everett Benevides, Mrs. Samuel Taylor. , Mr & Mrs Albert Duperre, Mlr & Mrs Harold Cooper, Mr Be Mrs Walter Andrysik, Mrs Anne Thraves and Mrs Edna Geraldi, Rico DeNadal. Mary Moran, Mr & Mrs John Cavanaugh, Mr & Mrs John Mitchell, Mrs Ernest Mousseau, Mr & Mrs John Blake. Mr & Mrs Wm. Greene, Mr & Mrs Louis Le:page; Mr & Mrs Harry Cipollini, Mr & Mrs Franlt Krol, Henry Augustine. Rackowski family, Mr & Mrs Joseph Drobyski, Mr &: Mrs Americo Gazzero, Mr & Mrs Ed.. ward Pizio; Mr' &: Mrs William Rampl. '
West.port ST. PATRICK ", Qua LADY OF GRACE $125 Rev. Raymond'W. MeCarthy. . $225 $100 Rev. Maurice H, Lamontagne. Mr & Mrs David M. Kilroy., $50 D& & Mrs Harold J. Reagan. Rene R. Leve-sque, Adden $50 Picard. Mr & Mrs John Burns, Mrs ! ·$25 ,'I eeorge Goodfellow, Mr & Mn Lena St. Pierre, Our Lady of \ , , Harold Meaban, Mr & Mrs FerGrace C.Y.O. i Dand Auclair. $20 $30 August Chouinard, Arthur Mr &: Mrs Paul C. Tessier, Bergeron Jr., Dr. Roger Violette, Mr & Mrs Angelo Flynn, Dr &: , $15 IM1'S Leonard Bilodeau. ,Norman SassevUfe. $25 $10 Dr &: Mrs Eugene Sullivan. Florian Brodeur, Charles J. ~ &: Mrs Vincent Riley, Mrs George A. Marceau, John COLLEGE HEAD: Dr. B. Baker, Wm. Archard & Family, Mr &. M. Feijo, Dennis C. Amaral. ~, Mrs Charles. H. Burke Jr., Miss ManiI'eng Say, president of Mrs. Alice Ponte, David TexPJ:LGRIMAGE: Rev. Ph. Mary E. Judge, Thomas Hussey. Indonesia's Catholic Univer- eira, Donald Danis, Charles K. John Reagan, Mr &: Mrs John Lemay, M.S., will conduct a Bradbury, Leo Belanger. sity and a member of Umt Ph"es, Mr & Mrs' James E. SulGideon Banville, Wilfred,. Thi- pilgrimage to Europe leaving country's Department of the' Uwn Jr. bault Jr., Lucien Emond, Henry. New York Wednesday, July' $24 Interior, is part of a nine- L. Danis, William H, Maynard. llllOlLY ROSARY '26. Pilgrims will, visit 1.8 , Mr & Mrs Kenneth Rockett. , . $22$ man Indonesian observation Edward, Rousseau, Armand $20 " Salette, Lourdes, Fatima, Rev, Joseph R. Pannoni: Boudria, Homer R. Briand, Adeteam here to study 'social Dr & Mrs Wm. H. Langfield, $100 ' Paris, Rome, Geneva' and lard Brodeur, Elsie Desrosiers. . service activities of federal, !I1Jk' & Mrs james Noonan, Misses Rev. Vincent F. Diaferio, Johii Roland Bernard, Thomas F. Lisbon. A papal audience will Helen & Lillian Reddy, Mr &: state and municipal bodies. Mulgrew, W. Varanese.' Thomas Brown, Henry highlight their stay in Rome. Mrs Raymond Ouellette, Helen NC Photo. $25 Mercier, Carol Nunes. F. & Louise ,M. Murphy. Confraternity of The Holy Frank Silvia, Edmond Beau- Father Lemay is' the son of Mr &: Mrs Carleton Boardman, Mr &: Mrs Henry SimpSon, Wil- lieu, Walter Michaud, Manuel R. 'Mrs. Alphonse Lemay, Fall Rosary. ' Miss Lillian Hadad, Mr & Mrs liam F. Casey. $15 Faria, '~orge Graham. River. Gerald E. McNally I Jr., 'Mr &. Mr & Mrs Lawrence RodenMr & Mrs Thomas MarcuccI., Louise Perron, George SimMro Norman Simmons,' Mr & bush, Veronica Apps, Mr & Mrs mons, Ludger Rousseau, Gerald Mr & Mrs Ulderic Richard, Mr Mr & Mrs Paul Parente, Mrs Mrs Edward J. Blain. Charles Fisher, Mr & Mrs Oliver Emond, Fausto Ramunno. ' Pileria Ventura. & Mrs Robert Desrosiers, Mrs Mr & Mrs Joseph A. TiIl9ley. Perry Jr., Mr &; Mrs Solomon '$10 Charles E. Reed, Alme Bar- Elizabeth Cabral, Mr & MrlJ $15 Hadad." Carmi A. Belmont, Charles naby, Joseph A. Cadime, Arthur Manuel Arruda, John J. Fletcher. Mr & Mrs Robert Benevides, Mr & Mrs Fred Desmarais, Mr E. McDonald, John F. McDonald. Mrs Benjamin Paskavitch, Bevilacqua & Family, Guy' CarlVlr & Mrs Raymond McConnell. &. Mrs Cornelius D. Sullivan. Joseph A. Campbell, Joseph Joseph Harrington, Mr &; Mrs pano, Louis Caruso, Mr & Mra Mr & Mrs William H. Barrar, Mrs Robert Johnston, Mr & Mrs Estacio Jr., Joseph Machado, Raymond Suart, Mr & Mrs Thos. John Conforti. Mr & Mrs James Courcier. John Kinnane, Mary Coleman. Ernest & Viola Corgino, Joho George Machado, Joseph Goslin. Shea, Mr & Mrs William McMisses Jane & Emily Keefe. Mr & Mrs Antone Mello, Mr & Cosmos, Edith S. Flanagan, Mr Ronald Arntz, Omer Desro-- Hugh. Mr & Mrs George G. Sylvia, Mrs James M. Judge, Mr &; Mrs siers, George Morin, Alban TheMr & Mr5 Raymond Mooney, & Mrs Delbert Frank, James LaMr & Mrs Paul E. Joly, Richard Marion Souza, Mr & Mrs James berge, Mrs. Henry Sampson. ' Mr & Mrs Louis' Cyr, Mr & Mrs Cava.' Leonard, Mr & Mrs Francis Bradbury, Mr &' Mrs John D. Anthony Pannoni, Mr &; Mrs Eddie Berube, Simon J. Trem- Joseph Tessier; Mr & Mrs Joseph Kilgrew, Mi" & Mrs' Edward Cook. blay, LigUori Ledoux, Jose¢l1 E. Costa, Mr & Mrs Wm. Raymond Parise, Angelo Ricci, Mr & Mrs William Moore, Mr Carreiro, William F. King. -moniZ. Mr & Mrs Armand Rousseau, Mr Keithan. ' Mr & Mrs Bertrand A. Daigle, & Mrs John Correa, Mr & 'Mrs . Joseph Cabral, Jesse Costa. ' Mrs James Whalon, Mrs Mary & Mrs John Sarti. Mr & Mrs Henry J. Henault, John DeCambra, Mr & Mrs John Charles Poirier, Emile Laliberte, Cunneen, Mrs Mary Gamache, Mr & Mrs Pasquale Sarti, RafOscar Wiedeman., Dr &:, Mrs Ready, Mr & Mrs Daniel Ready. Edward L. Dion. Mr &; Mrs John Featherstone, faele Sasso Family, Henry Sen' Mr & Mrs Edward Wilusz, Thomas G. Clark. eca, Rose' & Eda Sisca, Mr & Leo Martel, Emile Gendreau, Mr & Mrs William Haley. $12 Robert Reagan, Mr & Mrs Emile Marianno Costa, George R. DuMr & Mrs Donald Marrow, Mr b Mrs Dennis Toomey. Mr & Mrs William Murphy. GregoirE1, Mr & Mrs Joseph Bar- clos. ' Mary Agnes Wyeth, Mr ,& Mrs & Mrs Raymond Lavoie, Mr &; $10 gantine; Mary Haggerty. Mrs John Cote, Francis O'Neil, Peter Cantelmo, Mr & Mrs CarlMr& Mrs Frederick LiJ1,dquist, Mrs Eric Brisbon, Mr & Mrs ton Gagnon, Mr & Mrs Henry Mr & Mrs Thomas Reis. River George A. Belcher, Mr" &: lY.{rs Mr & Mrs Frank Morris, Mr &; _ McGuire Family, Mr & Mrs Guimond, Mr '& Mrs Antone ST. PATRICK Arthur D. Harrington, Mr & Mrs Mrs Henry Levesque, Mr & Mrs John Fitzler, Mr & Mrs Ji'rank Mazzarella. , Edward Cr,onan, Manuel Botelho. Charles Lacerda. Mrs Alma $85 Fascione, Mr & Mrs George BotMr & Mrs Leo Bond, Mr &, Flener. Rev. John P. Cronin~ elho, Mr & Mrs Charles Foy. S'lI'.BlERNARD Mr & Mrs Nicholenus Reis, Mrs Chester O'Brien, Mr & Mrs $50 Mr &: Mrs Joseph Murray, $150 Arthur Sullivan, Dr & Mrs Ro- Mrs Frank: Estrella, Mr &; Mrs Mr & Mrs Charles Velo2lS1, Mary & Eva Harrington, Mr & Mr & Mrs Marianno Re:i!:endeJl land Chabot, Mr & Mrs Alphonse John T. Dewhurst, Mr & Mrs Samuel Priestley. Mrs Joseph Holt, Mr & Mrs RoSr. Alfred Farrell, Mr & Mrs DomlDupere. , $25 land Curt, Mrs Manuel Corey. $5<) lVIr & Mrs Richard Mello, Mr inic Medeiros. Ella and Mildred Sullivan, Dr , Mr & Mrs Arthur Emard, Mr Miss A. ~rtrude Gould. Mrs Anna' &; Miss Eleanor &: Mrs· Hillary White, Mary E. &; Mrs Nicholas Tyrrell, Mr &: & Mrs Alphee Parent, Mrs Fra..· . $25 Welch, Miss Agnes Travis, Mr & Noon, Sheila Higgins, Mr &; MrS Mrs John Sullivan, Mr & Mrs Der Douthwright, Mr & Mrs AlMr & Mrs Robert Blake, Miss bert Levesque, Mrs Lawrence Mrs Thomas Brady, Mr & Mrs Walter J. Burns Jr., Mrs John L.. John McCarraher, Mr &; Mrs Marguerite Gould, Mr & Mrs Jaoot. ' Marshall ,Brisbon, Mr & Mrs Sweeney. Wm. Walworth, Mr & Mrs Manuel Salgado, ,Raymond Bachand, Mr &; Mrs Frances Cash, Mr &;Mrs Ed.. l.. Mr & Mrs John Morgan, Hazel Joseph Simmons. , $20 1tlIr &: Mrs Harold LaTour, Mr & Pierre Picard. ward G. DeCiccio, Henry V. Devine, Mr & Mrs Vincent Man- , ,Mr &: Mrs Thomas Lynch, Hopkins, Mr & Mrs Daniel Scul- nion, Mr & Mrs Wm. Crane, Mr Mi's Andre DeVillers, Mr &. Mrs S'lI'. JTOlllIN OlF GOD $18 ly, Mr & Mrs Anthony Ruggiero. lDominic Ciafarini, Mr' & Mrs &: Mrs Norman Berard. Russell Meinhold. • $lI.OO Dr and Mrs'Raymond Fournier, ~ierino W. Latini. Catherine Carroll, Mrs, Richard $15 Rev. Bento R. Fraga. lVlr & Mrs Edward Hopkins, Alida F. Hart, Dr & Mrs Joseph A. Buckley, Elizabeth Barlow, A Parishioner, Mr &: Mrs Jo-• $30 G. Norman. Mr &; Mrs Francis Clegg, Mr & lV1irs Arnold Molloy, Mr & Mrs seph Carroll & Son. Francis J. Carreiro. $20 lVlichael J. Russo, Charles E. Mrs John Jean. $10 $25 Mr &; Mrs James Judge, Wil.. Mr &; Mrs. Samuel Moran., Riley, Mr & Mrs John O. Sousa. A Parishioner, Mr .& Mrn John O. Soares, Joseph liam T. Donnelly, Geraldine Mr & Mrs Alfred Menard, Mr & Mr & Mrs Antone Soares" Harrington, Mr & Mrs James Mrs Joseph O'Donnell, Mr ,&, Adrian Bolduc, Mr & Mrs John Miss Margaret C. Lynch, Edward telho. $20 Ryan, Edward J. Healey. Mrs William Carroll, Mr Be Mm L. Brown, Mr & Mrs Joseph CalDoucette, Mr & Mrs Sylvester laghan, Miss Helena V. Gould. Thomas F. Rose. Mary Newman and James Wm. Pizio and family. Medeiros, Manuel Souza. Mr .& Mrs Antone Jose, Mr & $15 Clegg, Mr & Mrs Leo OOlahaia Mr & Mrs Bernard M;itchell, Mr & I Mrs Leo Larue, Jane Mrs Michael Jose, Mr & Mrs Antonio Sardinha. and Joan, Mr & Mrs Wm, F. MasHopkins, M{' & Mrs Louis Fill!I& & Mrs Edward J. Ready, Mr $10 sey, Mrs.'Eli2Jabeth KeiUledf:. & Mrs Joseph Malvey, Mr& Mrs lippi, Mr & Mrs Paul Fletcher, Francis Kenney, Mrs Louis Kaminski, 'Mr & Mrs Marshall $15' Manuel C. Motta, Manuel C. , ~' Kruczek, Mr 8f Mrs Alfred Viveiros family. Botelho, David Botelho, Ma'uuel Adrian J. Hughes &' F-amily, John McHugh Sr., John Mc- Mansfield. II. Rezendes. , Mi- & Mrs Kenneth Rezendes, Ralph:Fletcher & Family, Mr & Hugh Jr., Mr & Mrs Arthur Mr & Mrs Allen L. Donovan, Pavao, Edward Raposo. Leonel S. Medeiros, GeOrge Mrs Anthony Rogers, Mr & Mrs Richard, Mr & Mrs Frank La- Mr &, Mrs' Marianno Rezendes Mr & Mrs John Denardo, Mr &. Mn Leon Sims, Mr &. Mrs Correia, John C. Mello, Frank. Albert Dufresne, Mr & Mrs John becki, Mr & Mrs Fred Delahunt. Jr" Mr & Mrs George Simmons, ' Souza, Mr & Mrs James Shea. Mr &. Mrs Joseph White, Mr Mr Be Mrs Charles Sullivan. 'lQlomas MurPhy, Mr & Mr6 Faria, Louis Faria Jr. Turn to P!'i'e Sixteen , Louis Faria, Manuel Viveiros, $12 &: Mrs Norman Pobzeznik, Mrs' Adeiard Dragon. Ml' & Mrs Rene Beoldieu., Mtrl!l Martin Welch and Mary', Mr & Mr & Mrs Joseph Biastoff, Anthony Rocha, Manuel Furtado, Veronica King. Mrs Joseph Belanger, In m~mory • Ii Mrs Alvin Connors, Mrs Manuel. Michael. Charles Mendes, Manuel Ja.. $11 of Mr & Mrs Michael McDonald. Helen E. Reagan., Mr & Mrs Mr & Mrs John Nazareth. Mr & Mrs William Bruneau, Joseph L. Begin, Mr & Mrs come, George Martin, Ignocio Andrade, Charles Borges. $10 Mrs Thomas Cooper, Mrs Mary 4lbert I. Picard. John Arruda, Manuel FerMr & Mrs James CarpeIllter, Harrington, • Colleen Donnelly, Mrs Agnes G. Munro, Mr & JOSEPH M. F. DONAGHY reira Jr., Joseph Viveiros, Joseph Mr &; Mrs John Darcy, Mr &; Mr &; Mrs Thomas Donnelly. Mrs Richard Whitmore, Mr & Mrs Harold 'Powers, Mr &; MrfJ owner/mgr. Frank Quinn, Mr & Mrs WillVIrs Melvin Russell, Mr & Mrs Flores, Joseph Sears. Roland Martelly, Dennis Ra- Thomas Brady, Mr & Mrs Henr..y liam Burke, Mr & Mrs ~orge l!ldward R. Silvia, Mr, & MRs 142 CampbeU St. ' posa, Frank S. Thomas, Ernest Buckley. Stephen Biello. A. Biltcliffe, Mr & Mrs Roland New Bedford. Mass. Mary &; Ella HolJ.and, Mr & Peloquin, Mr & Mrs Joseph BanMr &: Mrs' Norman O'Brien, T. Teves, Joseph O. Gagnon. WYman 9-6192 Frank P. Amaral, Alva Vivei- IVtrs Joseph Crofton, Mr & MM ville. Mr & Mrs Armand A. Saurette, =4"'J Mr & Mrs Chester GosciminlVJio &.' Mrs Ellsworth Fountain, ros, Louis Cabral, James Rebello. Thomas Casey, Dr Leo Sullivan, HEADQUARTERS FOfl Eugene Baker. ski, Mr & Mrs Rene, Collard, Mr Mr &. Mrs Roland Desrosiel'8, Maria A. Furtado. COLONIAL AND Jesse F. Bernardo, John VaMr & Mr5 Raymond Kiely, Mr , & Mrs John Marshall, Mr & Mrs Ronald Hadad. , ' , TRADITIONAL FURNITURe Mr & Mrs Stanley OblachinsJd, 1ozo Jr" Manuel Moniz, Manuel & Mrs Raymond Barrette, Wil- Alfred Danis, Mr &. Mrs Joseph liam W-halon & Family, Mr & , • & Mrs August DeMoura, Mr Rosa, Victor Soare~. Augustine Amaral, Mrs Daniel Mrs Joseph Massey, Mr &; MH & Mrs RaYmond Bibeau, Mr &: DAUGHTERS Of ST. PAIA Mn Donald Ckushey, MT Bi'MN Monis, Joseph Raposa, JOM Edward Rogan Jr. \Iit'l. (14-211 to laIIOt .. Mr & Mrs Joseph Byrne, Mr .. 'Chellel, Laura Saraiva. J1rancis J. Simpson. Chrilt'. Nat ";Mya,d 'IN an ApoetIe fit .... Frank A. Nunes h., Albert Mrs Donald Rogers, Mrs Mary Edgar C. Arruda, Mr &; MN liditiOlU: Pr.... Radic Movie' and r .. \llidor Cordeiro, Mr & Mrs How- Araujo, Joseph' H. . Camara, Gouveia & Henry,· Mrs Paul vl'IoA, With Ih_ mo"'m _na. ..... Joinville, Mr & Mrs Paul Mcal'd Simmons, M1'8 Florence Albert Forneiro, Mary Morris. '11.alOlla" Sill." bring Chri.... Ooetrlao Manuel V. ArrUda, Joseph Cann. 8POwn, Mr & l\ftIs Joseph P. to 'aU. regardlo.. ,of ra... cofo' Of creetL Mr & Mrs Edward Gagnoa. Antone, Manuel Moniz; Henr-y Donahue. flor infcwmation write to. Mrs. Catherine Winslow, Mary REV MOTHER SUPERIOlt Mr & Mrs WflIiam Donahue, Rego, Joseph Lawrence. 10 ft. !"A'Ul'S A~ BOSTON 30, MAG, Stephen L. Silvia, George E. Burke, Mrs. Mary L. LovenMr & Mrs James L. Donahue, bury, Mr & Mrs John ~ .&MrsFr"L~ ~ ~ Ra.lUGIa Gti
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. "fHE ANCH~-Diocese of Fan River-Thurs. May 11, 196路1
1 Annual Convention of Diocesan Teachers at Stang' High
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THE ANCH':):"Thurs., ,May ..11, J 961
eontl.nued fro Page' Tbirteen
'Fall River ST: ROCD $100, Rev. Reginald M. Barrette, Mr &: Mrs Antonio Coutu, Anonymous. $SO MI' &' Mrs Thomas Cote. . $26 The Edouard Patenaude Fam-
$20 iMr & Mrs Gilbert Guimond. $15 Mr & Mrs Donat Ferroll. '$10 Mrs Americo Baldaia, Mrs Khea Belliveau, Mme ]~ucie Bouisseau, Mr & Mrs Oscar ,Boudreau, Claire Boulay. Mr &, Mrs Francois'Bou!ay, Mr "'Mrs'Emile Cousineau"Leonard eoutu; Mr & Mrs Joseph Deschenes, Mrs Robert Desmond. •Mr & Mrs Donald DomilIlgue, E:Js ,Anna Dumont" ,Mr & Mrs , .1q:lien Gamache, Mr & Mrs Paul A. Giroux, Mr & Mrs Philias K&barre. '_ ' 'Mr & Mrs Herve' Lagasse, Mr & Mrs Charles Lapre, Mr & Mrs Isidore Lapre, Miss Annette Launndeau, Mr & 'Mrs Herve Lemaire. Irene Levasseur, Mr &; Mra Pierre Levasseur, Mr & Mrs Normand Levesq\le, Mr &.Mrs Raymond Levitre, Mr "& Mrs Tbomas Maltais. Mr Albert Michaud, Donllidine M i c h a u d, Roselyn Michaud Maxine, Michaud, Mr & Mrs Alban' McCallum. Mr & Mrs Raymond Nomian- . 1Iin, Mr Albert Perreault, Mrs. Beatrice Pettey, Mr & Mrs Theo Picard Jr., Mrs Hector Renaud. Me & Mrs, Manuel Soarlls, Mr " Mrs Roland Souza, Mr & Mrs 'Ebrold Vandenburgh, Mr &; Mrs 44ex Vezina.
'- Seekonk OUR LADY OF MOUNT CAR~ $300 Rev:"Lester L. Hull. ,".' $100 Mr & Mrs William Cudldigan. $50
Mr & Mrs Stanley You~. $25 Mr & Mrs Lawrence Weyker, Mr &. Mrs John Unsworth, Mr & Mrs Jack Hendricks, Mr &; Mrs Paul Shread, Mr &; Mrs Donald Joost.. ' $20 John Hendricks, Mr 8t Mrs Henry Harris, Mr & Mrs Clovis Rou?" Mr & Mrs E. McCrystal h. $15 Mr & Mrs John McAloon. $10
J.\Iho & MnJ Armand Dupre, Mr ,&:. ],\irs Le~pold Meup.i~r, ·Mrs
John Cornell. Mr & Mrs Joseph C. Amaral, Mr &' M;~ Wilf~ed Demers,Rich-. ard'Lemieux, Mr &'Mrs Walt~r Korkuc, Albert Lanoie Jr.,' , Mr & Mrs' Ralph Guertin, George Allen,'Franc~s C. Mazet, Mr & Mrs Henry Billodeau, Mrs Margaret Hull. Mrs Gt,orge S. buncan, Astelle R. McMurray, Mr &. Mrs Joseph F. Lyons, Henry Lemieux, Angela .Medeiros. " , ' Mrs John Crafford, Mrs. William McAdams,' Mr &. Mrs Patrick Slattery, Mrs Regina Canning, Mr & Mrs Dennis Veader. Mr & Mrs David Voorhees, Mr & Mrs Walter Kelly, Emily Me-' deiros, Mr & Mrs John Botelho, Mrs Anna & Pamela Amaral. Melvina MacDonald,' Frank' McMahon, lVlr & Mrs John ,Bettencourt, Mr & Mrs Raoul Gou';' veia Mrs James. Sangermano; M~ & Mrs Joseph Pariseau, Mr &' Mrs Frank Barao Jr., Mrs , Buckley Rivers, Mr & Mrs Louis . , Propatier, Mr "& .Mrs John Ponti. fice,.Mr &; Mrs John' F~rta~o.
~w@rru$~@ ST. WmS'DlEIFIltAN{)lE
$500 Mr & Mrs 'Normand LeComte. , , ,. $100, " . Rev. Ernest E. Blais, Mr &; Mrs Joseph Dufour. $sil· Mr &; Mrs Orner Trudeau. $25 Nil' & Mrs Henri Fortier. . $20 , Mr Be Mrs Arthur Beauliel!. $15 Mr & Mrs Francois Tremblay, Mr & Mrs Leonel Paquette, Mr & Mrs Raymond Levesque. $12.50 Mr ,& Mrs Charles Menard. . $12 Mr &; Mrs Herman LapOinte. $10 William Fletcher, Joseph Lassonde, Albert Dumo~lin~ Francois Roy, Emile Mathieu; , Thomas' Colandrea, Roland Desjardins, Hyacinthe Saulnier, Francis Lussier, Leo Bedard. Victor','Bibeau, LeoRo«;heford, Raymond carroll, AlcideBerube, Henri Belanger. . Paul Boyet:, A~thur Cote, Edmond Cote, Anne-Marie Souza, Manuel Souza. , ' Orner ~arker, Hellodore' Lechiire, Emile Boi~rd, Eugene PenoY,Henri Berthiaume. Ovila Mathieu, Dewey Thi,bault, Louis Pinault, James Mello, Sernard Vezina.Elphege Blanchette, Mrs Paul Mathieu, George R. .L!'lvesque, Albini Desrosiers, Napoleon For•. cier. Mrs John Countouriotis, Rocco Giacobbe, Henry Dion, William O'Neil, Leo Cummings. Alfredo Boretti, William Mar- tel Jr., George Cote, John Ferris, Mrs Rolande Shoard. Charles, Carpenter; Henry ,Robillard, Leo Talbot, Leo Francoeur, Albert Couture.
Mr & Mrs Robert Caveny, Mr & Mrs David Mitchell, Mr Be Mrs M Crowley, Louise Fallon, Emily «U!li'ilft'on , " Mall.' ST. JOSEPH' Mrs William Bistwp, Mrs Ralph $100 . 'iNrner, Mr &: Mrs Frederic Dr &: Mrs Robert F. Mealy. I lSlythe, Mr & Mrs John Limgwell, $25', Hr & 'Mrs Thomas Brady. ',' Mr & Mlrs Alexander Veradt Mr & ·Mrs Robert' Carvalho, &; 'Family, The Wrenn Family, 'llfIl's Catherine Moran, Mr &; Mrs Mr &: Mrs Francis I. CoughliD, Oscar Pelletier, Mary' Ft'iel, Mr Mr ~ Mrs Timothy Neville, HOIIl' 'Cs'Mrs Williiun Drohan.' " Be Mrs Frank Smith.. Mr & Mrs N:elson Little,'Mjo &; $20 Jl;'Jrs Joseph Castro, Jessie C. Hall Peter Shea,Mr & Mrs William. , h, Mrs Mary Goggin, Mr &: Mrs Scully, Helen Smith, Margaret Adrien Vincent. Smith, Mr Be Mrs Henry Kel1eMr & Mrs.Thomas,Byrne, Jane ber. Unsworth, Mr Be Mrs Frank DeMr & Mrs Francis Frazie!' Dt Mattos, Mr Be Mrs George Am- &; Mrs' George Schloemer~ , aral, Mr & Mrs Marshall Fisher' $15 k. Mrs ~orge Williams, The A. M. Vincent, Mrs Edgar Vin- Kervick Family, Patricia Frazier, ' cent, Mr Be M,rs John Burke, Mrs Irene Frazier, Mr & Mrs Alfred France Pray, Mrs Herbert Bar- Cormier. nett. $10 Mr & Mr~ Roger Brassard, ,Elizabeth' .Dunn, Mr.' &: ,Mrs Robert Flynn, Manuel Motta, Jo- John Psulo, <;harles Leonard. seph Amaral, Richard W. Wolfe: . EdwaI:d McAloon, Edward Peter-, Mr & Mrs Everett Kandarian, son. Mrs Mary A Gonsalves, Mr &: Mrs Frank 'Peterson, Kathleen MI'S James Baker, Manuel Or":'· peterson, :Nirs' Agnes Thompson, monde Jr., Lester A: Keim., \ Mr & Mrs' Edward Hoye Mm' Mr' &;,. Mrs Mark Sullivan, Nora Cart ' .' '~," , Peter Voccio, Jessie Hall, Mrs Mary Moran, JulJ4,. Moran Anthony Pimental, Mr&; Mrs Mr & IVIrs...John Trucchi Sr., Mr~ John Petraitis. " J Q me s '. 'Maxwell, Raymond Martha Peck, Mrs Harold Peck, Brocklehurst Jr. . . . & Mrs Joseph Oliver, Mr & lViJ: & Mrs Charles Velot Ce,~ Mrs Donald Bain, Patrick Waters, cile McAloon, Mr & Mrs John L. Mr & Mrs John Trainor. . Coady, Margaret Darcy, Frances .~ & Mrs William Amaral, Mr Papazoni. & Mrs Anthony· Hendricks, Mr. Mr & Mrs Manuel Dutra, l\Ilr • Mrs Manuel Santo., 1'1[1' & Mrs &: Mrs George A. Ryan, Mr & ~uel DeMattos, I.Ir & Mq '1l/k-s John Santos, Mrs Herbel't
Agnes Winsper, Anonymous, Mr & Mrs Albert ~esque. Mrs Prospere Foisy & Yvette, Mr & 'Mn1 John Belotti; Mr & Mrs Alfred Dufre;sne, Edgar Marmen. Antoinette LaFleur, Edna Langevin, Mr & Mrs Georges LagesSe, Mr Be Mn Philias Tet-' reault, Mrs Bernadette Chiasson. Mr & Mrs Felix Hebert, Mrs Dolores Inman, Donat Audette, Mrs James Dickens, Mr & Mm Alme Ouellette. Mr & M1'6 'Ilhomas LaFrance, Mr & Mrs Joseph LeBlanc, Mr & Mrs Gerard Langlois, Mrs Lucille Sokoll, Mr & Mrs Robert Conway. , Mr & Mrs 'Ilheodore A. Cote, Mr & Mrs Roger Beloin,' Mr &: Mrs Eloi Levesque, Sr., Mr & Mrs Roland Roberts, Mrs Clara Lessard. Mr & Mrs Eugene P!Ji'adis, Mr & Mrs Paul LeTourneau, Mr & Mrs Georges Lavoiej' Jr., ,Mr & Mrs Bernard Landreville, Mr & Mrs Joseph Slight...·· Mr & Mrs Alphonse Lavimoniere, Mr & Mrs William Siwik, Mrs Reza Bellefeuille, Mr & Mrs . R~ymond Fortin, Mrs Angelina Le Bert. . ... Mr & Mrs Maurice LaPointe Mr & MrS Eugene Grenon, & Mrs Leon Lavoie, Mr & Mrs Herve Lefebvre, Lorraine -Van-
SPECIAL APlPEAJRi\NCE: pranis~ Ljberace chats with Mrs. Fred Kueppers, left, and Richard Johnson following their appearance on a Catholic television show in Minneap'olis. Mrs; Kueppers'and,Mr. Johnson are participating in the' planning of the 13th aimualcongress of the International Oatholic Broadcas~ersAssociation in Minneapolis,June 20 asse. to' 22. NC Photo. Mrs Raymond Larocque, The Bliss, John Shea. . Mr & Mrs Paul Leonard, Mrs Coupe & PotV'in Family, Dr &; Hugh Moran, Mr &' Mrs John Mrs John T.' Barrows, Tona Gregoire. Joy, Estella R. Margarido, Mr & Yvonne & Claire, Langlois, Mrs Edward Nixon.' , Mr & Mrs Howard Mulcahy, Gerard & Ruth Boudreau. Margaret Walsh, Mr & Mrs $15 Russell Manning, Mr & Mrs C. Mr',& Mrs Ovila Vanasse &; Emmett Calvey, Mrs Wilbur Mariette, . Mr & Mrs Normand Lawson. ' , Boulay & A. Bernier, Mr &. Mrs Mr & Mrs Lawrence Lacail- Roger Denault, Mr & Mrs Auglade, Mr & Mrs Thomas Cunniff, ust De Mello, Mrs Ernest S. D'Mr & Mrs Roger Kingsley Sr.. ,Avignon & Roger. Mr & Mrs 'Roger Kingsley Jr., SI! Mr & Mrs Roland Chase. Mr & Mrs Peter B, Gay, WilAnonymous. liam MoniZ, Mr & Mrs Manuel $10 Fierra, Mr '&, Mrs John Kelly, Mr '&' Mrs ,~rges Dube, Mr Mr & Mrs John.F. McNamara. , Mr & Mrs Mamiel Rebeilo, & Mrs Emile Fournier & FamHy, Norman & Irene BeauparMrs Celestine Waibe~ Mrs .Mary lant, Mr & Mrs Fred Bastarache, A. Mees, Mr & Mrs William Mr.g Catherine Leclair & WilBraga Frank Pirozzi Jr. ' , liam. ' -' , Mr & Mrs Earl SiIilrilims,Mr &; , Mr & Mrs O'Neil Lemire; Mr. Mrs Raymond Taylor" Laura &: Mrs Roland Belisle, Mr & Mrs Bisio; Mr & Mrs Fernand Medei- Albert Bedard & Therese,' Dora ros, Mr & Mrs Roland Ducharme. Breault, ' Anonymous.' , , Mr & Mrs Arthur Bird, Mr &; Mrs ArthUr Messier & 'Rita, Mrs Frank Perry, E,liward F. St Jeanne' Bellenoit, Alice Lemaire, Pierre, Mrs Josephine Phillip- Mr & Mrs ,Louis Boulais, Anonpino, tyIrs. Angelina jAnnunziato. . ymous. Mr & Mrs James Doherty, Mr Mr & Mrs Jean Plante, MI: & &. Mrs Richard Donahue, Mr & ,Mrs ,Maurice Levesque, 'Mr & Mrs George Menoche, Mr & Mrs ,Mrs David Carlaw, Mr & Mrs John Shea, James Kenyon. Laurier Boucher, Mrs William Alice May Flynn,' Mr & Mrs Jutras & Alice. Antonio Tosti, Dr & Mrs Gene Mrs Amedee Abrain & RolRomano, Mr & Mrs William and, Mr & Mrs George Manny, "rucchi,' Mf &. Mrs James. H. Mr & Mrs Delmas' Deslandes Cleary: Mr & Mrs Roland Lefebvre, M; Thomas Bannon, lVlr & Mrs AI- & .Mr.g Maurice Paradis. . bert E.Numes Jr., Mr & Mrs Mrs Richard Remillard, Mr' Gilbert Sinimons, John Tigano, & Mrs George A. Hindley, Mrs Mr & Mrs Chester McGuire. Ella Merchant,Louise BeauOsborne McClella~, Mr &; Mrs chemin, Dr & Mrs Ubalde Pa_Frank Quegan, Mr &;, Mrs Mel- quin. vin Lewis,Mr·& Mrs James H. , Mr &: Ml"6 Emile Lesta~, Mr McCaffrey, Esther Johnson. &: M'ts WUliam Silver, M'l' &; Mr & Mrs Joseph I Thomas, Mr Mrs Arthur Tetreault, Oherles &; Mrs Francis Clark, Louise :Mc'1'etreault, AYne Robidoux. Aloon, Martin Ryan, Joaa I're. Mi' &; Mr-s John BeHefeuille, zier.' , MT & Mn Joseph Dupont, Mrs Mrs'Louis Fraziet!, Mrs Rollda Anna Barbero;, Paul a.Lajoie, Paradis, Mr & Mrs Joseph Mc- Mr Be M1'6 Antonio Champagne. Kenna, Mr & Mrs Joseph RIcllilVk & Mrs Normand Tetreault, etts, Mr & Mrs Robert Ouimette. • &: Mr.s Odoric Nerbonne, Mr Cae s a r Campi, Eliz8beth &; Mm Valmore Dubreuil, Mrs Reil1~, Mr &: Mrs Philip Reill¥. . A1bel"t Tetreault, l\tk &; JIbs Mr & Mrs Manuel Silvia, Mr &I DominicoMOI'l'tl. Mrs Everett Menice~ 1\1:l'S Clara, VllloiD Be "Leda, Mr o Mr & Mrs William Gnm~ & Mrs Edouerd Hevey, MN 'Asa Mr & Mis Benjamin Stankiewicz. Auger, Mr & Mrs Philippe LeMr & Mrs Leon 'J. Pierre, Mr ,Blanc, Mr &: Maoa Alphonse I.e. &: Mrs, Alfred KennY. Mi' II Mw ,Boeuf. Robert Perry. '!\he Peray Family: lliIr " • Miss ElizabetnDoran, Mrs. Leonard Simmons, Mrs Yyonne Agnes Lynch,: Ralp~ ClItiUo, Mr ' Bouobard &: Charles, l\fr & 1VIN & Mrs Michael \!elch. ,.Albert Deaaultt, Mr & Mh Camil~ DesrosieN.
SACRED, HEAH $100 Mrs PieRe ,Duma4R.e. '
. $15 : Mr &; Mrs Normlmd ~ $3t, '
Mr Be l\&.s J09(/ph . . . . • P-auline. ','
Mr Be Mrs Rolaad A. p~ Sr.,Mr &; ,Ml'S Leo Labl"Ode, Mr & Mrs Arthur'DesChenes, Mr & Mrs Rodolphe PaI'adis, ,Mr & Mrs Leo Boucher. $2il,
Mil' &: lVb1s hank ~ . . .
Mr & Mr; ~orman Kane; Mr
&: Mrs Wilfrid Couture, Mr &
Mrs Albert LaF'lamme Mr Be Mrs Roger Menard, M; & Mrs Paul Soucy. Mr & ~rs' Norman Albert, Mr & Mrs Pierre Pelletier, The Hebert-Moniz Family, Mr & Mrs. ,Raymond Trahan, Mr & Mrs Paul Dupuis. . Mr & Mrs George Blanchard Mrs Mildred Williams Mr & Mrs Maurice Maher, M~ & Mrs Lionel ~ouchard, Mr & Mra Henri Leclair. ,Armand & Parmelie Carpentier, Mr & Mrs Joseph Forgue Mrs Clarinda Greene, Mr & Mr~ Albert,. Barselol.l, Mr & 'Mrs ,George, S1pfferS; ,I " Mr & Mrs Robert Violette Mrs ,Melina Moquin, Mr & M~ Armand Tanguay, Mr & Mrs Gerar~ Poitras" Mr & Mrs Oscar Dagenais, Jr. " Mrs Agda Blanchard, Mr & Mrs .James Casteel, Mr & Mrs Evanste LaFrance, Mr' & Mrs Ernest Frechette,. Mr & Mra Henry St.Pierre. . Mr & ~rs Armand Avery, Mr & Mrs Richard Rodrigues Mr & Mrs Gerald Bouchard, Mr' & Mrs Stanley Ociesa. <J HOIL1'{ IltOSA\Ilt1'{
$100 Rev. Ernest Bessette. $20
. Jean Ba~iste Surprenant. $10 Stephen Lichtenberger Arthur M~ilhot, Manuel Pimentie, Fred O. Tetreault. . '-
Rev. Agostinho Pacheco. $55
Rev. Manuel M. Resender, $25
At:thw H. J. Fredette. . $10 J~o' Roas, Maria Carvalho.
Marla Ponte, Noel 'Chaves, Ci:barles Teixeira. ' Libania Fernandes", '. Maria Soares, Charles Mello, Joaquim Salgado, Joaquim Motta'. ' Arthur Roderick, Joaquim Gomes, Arthur Martin, Seraphim Soares, Everett Lewis. Oliver Cyr, Oscar Freitas, Leonard Costa, SidnEl¥ Jenkinson, George Martins. Manuel Sardinha, Thomas AsteIey, .John de Sousa, Rose Goyette, Lillian. Freitas, John Sairdinha. 'rum te Pa8'e Seventeen
T.... 8anIcing, Services . .\
• •
hal IIIate loaM ,Life 1Mura... Chc GIld VCMati_ QuIM Scw;
. . . . . . . . . . .0 .....
I Go...."i.... LolaMo...
.ber, PaiieI!fte lfattoneI, JIametl ...
Because He Cared . . . ,
Conttn.ecl fI!om
$400 . Rev. Geo1Jge E. SuHi~ $'75 M1' & M11s John Giblin. Mr &:
$30 James McMeboA.
Worth, Mr
Mrs Charles lI.
BlaRagaR, M1'6 Rolf SjolURd,
$20 Ml' &; Mrs Charles Stackpole, Mr &: Mrs Clifford Ryder, Mr &; Mrs Maxwell Deacon, Mr &: Mrs Francis McGarv~, Ml'S Lillian A. Thurston. $'iS Mr & Mrs PaUll Kirby,. Mrs Margaret E. Thurston, Mrs Albert G. BrOck, Mr &: Mrs Daniel J. Murphy, Mr & Mrs Joseph Lennon. Gladys Worth, Mil' &; Mrs Robert MeGrath.
Andrew Halchak, Mr &: MtfI Paul Hastings,.Mr &:,Mrs John R. MeHo, St. Dominic's Women's $10 Guild, Mr & M{lS Louis Travem. Mr & Mrs Maurice Dee, Mr &: A Friend. Mrs John Donnellis Jr., Mr &; $20 Albert W. &: Leo Bedard, Mr Mrs Richard Caton, Mrs Gran& Mrs Stephen Mathias, Mr &: ville Cranston, Mr & Mrs John W. Santos. Mrs James Murphy. Mr & Mrs Franklin Lamb, Mr $15 &; Mrs Shelby Campbell, Mr &; l\k &: Mrs John Cooney, 1\11' &: OUTSTANDING SAVIOS "NAMED: The three Mrs Peter A. Lee, Mr &: MN Mrs Thomas Kennedy," Mr &; outstanding Savios of the year, chosen from among 80,000 . Thomas C. Murphy, Mrs. .Mall- Mrs James K. Moriarty, Antone . youngsters who attempt to pattern their iives after that ime Piette, Norman Ie· ByrOB, Sylvia. Mr. &; Mrs Clinton Murray, John Sima6, Miss M. :Doris 8mof, St. Dominic Savio, the schoolboy saint, r.~eive their Mr &; Mrs Manuel Reis, Mr &; livan. medallion and trophy from Msgr. John J. Dougherty, Mrs Allan Norcross, Mr &: .Ml'fl $tZ president of Seton Han University..,Left to right: Edward Mr &: Mrs Joseph 'A. Rous8eMI, James F. Egan, Mr &:Mrs Jeremiah Towhill. . ' Marschner of Bishop Timon High School, Buffalo; Raphael l\fr &: Mre Francis SalamOlL Mr &: Mrs Albert Egan, Mr&; $10 Riley of ,St. Mary's Grade·School, Salem, S.D.; and Thomas Mr &: Mrw Bartoli Q. Albert, Mr!J. ~ichard C. Mack, Mr &; ;Lansen of St. Mary's Schoot Griffith, Ind. NC Photo. Mrs Mark JohnsOn, Mrs William ' Mr & Mrs Daniel Almeda, Mr & F. Reith J'rr., Mr & Mrs Joseph Mr & Mrs Arthur Janson.. Mrs Norman E. Ashley,' Mr & Maria Bonin &; Family; Mr " . Mrs Henry Baldis, Mr &: MFs G. Veit. Parishioners, Parishioneft!, Mrs Conrad L'amontagne, Mr & Mrs Sarah Morria, Mr &: Mrs Dan Barry. $40 Mrs Joseph A. Piche & family. Mr. Edward Barry, Albert J.. · John G. Topham, Mr & Mrs John Pius Allain &: Marw Daigle Mrs Marie Henner, Mr & Mrs Bedard, Jean Berard, Mrs Laura McDonald, Mrs Miguel Rose, Mr families. -Lucjan Mierzejewski, Mr & Mrs •Ber.ard, Mr & Mrs Leo Berard. & Mrs Joaquin Perry. $35 . , Joseph Marcoux, Mr & Mrs Michael Perry, Mrs Mary Mr & Mrs Robert Berard, Mrs , Purity Diaper Service. Ernest Dupont, Mr & Mrs LeonMary & Miss Jane Borden, Mr Glidden, Harold B. Ryder Jr.. $25 , ard Dupont. Albert Sylvia, Mr &: Mrs Edward & Mrs Joseph R. Borden, Mr &: Atty & Mrs Clair Carpenter, Mrs Celestine Audette & famMrs Lawrence Borge, Mr & Mrs Tarvis. Mr &: Mrs Ernest Hodson, Mr &: ily, Mr & Mrs Armand Gendron, Manuel Burgess Jr. . Walter Hatch, Mr & Mrs John Mrs Arthur Seguin, Mr &: Mrs Mr & Mrs Raymond Rondeau, Donald Butler, Ml'S. Gertrude , J. Fee, Mr &: Mrs Arthur E. Hilaire Tremblay. Mr & Mrs Joseph Barnaby, Mrs Cain, Daniel Carberry, Mr &: Butler, Mr & Mrs Lester SimMr &: Mrs Alex. Phaneuf, Leontine Michaud. Mrs Arthur Cavanaugh, Mr · mons, Mrs Helen Swallow. Arcade '.rheatel', Bouchard TavMr &~ Mrs Damien Daillere, Mr &: Mrs Gilbert Docca, Mr ern, Mr & Mrs Alexandre Mont- Mr &: Mrs Roger Renaud, Mrs Lopis Chabot, Blanche & Theresa. Mrs Na'talino Chiavettone,Mr &; Mrs Henry Huyser, Mr &: Mrs miny, Mr &: Mrs Marcel Trahan, 'Melina Couture, Napoleon Le&: Mrs Alban A. Clairmont, Al- Kenneth Pease, Mrs Anastasia Nash Pharmacy, Allied Brake clair, Mr &: Mrs Leo Paradis & bert Coelho, Mr & Mrs John Dooley, Mr &; Mrs Manuel & Wheel Center, A parishioner, family. Collier, 1\11' & Mrs Wilfred Com>- Araujo. . Mr &: Mrs Francois Bouchard, Mr' & Mrs Gilbert HarreD, ville. Mrs Amelia Duponte, Antone ·Mrs Clara Robida &; son, Ernest. . Miss Mina Robichaud, Mr & Mrs Mr & Mrs Henry Cou5ineau, Medeiros, Mr & Mrs Maurice Dr &: Mrs Albana Collette, Mr Joseph' Leblanc, Mr & Mrs . Mr & Mrs Joseph E. Cousineau, Kiley; Mr & Mrs Thomas' De- & Mrs Normand Boutin, Mr &: Eugene Piche, Mr' & Mrs Simeon Mrs Mary DaR6cml, Mr &: MN vine, Mr &'M1'8 Charles B. Mrs Ad-rien Lemire. Lafrance. Frank DeMeo. Fleming. $24 Mr &: Mrs· Alfred Langlois, The Deubel Family, 1\11' &: MI'I9 Mrs Abram' Niles,Mr &: Mrs _Mrs. Philias Fortin, Mr &: Mrs Mr &; Mrs Normand Parent. Joseph Dies, Mr &: Mrs Albert Manuel' F. Sylvia, Mrs ,Ursula $20 . Joseph Lavoie, Mr & Mrs RichR. Dube, Mr &: Mrs Wm. Ethier, · Holdgate, Mrs Charles W. Pearl, Mr &: Mrs Alfred Sylvia Jr., ard Shaalevaag, Miss Therese Louis Flan~ AUred FOUl'-> Mr &: Mrs Ernest Lema Sr. Mr &: Mrs Adelard Breault, Mr &; Coulombe. nier. Mrs Norman McCleave, Mr && Mrs Antoine Bertrand, A Parish-Mr & Mrs Maurice Fortin, Mr . Mr &: Mrs Benjamin Freitas, Mrs Byron. Snow, Mg; Annette loner. &: Mrs Calixte Belliveau, Mr & Mr &: Mrs Nicholas J. Frizen, Gardner, Mrs Rose Snow, Mr &; Leblanc Flooring, Adam's Res-, Mrs Roger Deshaies, Mr &: Mrs . Mr & Mrs. Joseph Gadbois &: Mrs Casmiro Caton. taurant, Charbonneau's Market, Felix Rioux, Mr & Mrs Wilfrid Mrs Alice . Mack, Helen A. Yvonne, Mr & Mrs John F. Mr & Mrs Theotime Leblanc, Leblanc. Hull, Mr & Mrs Albert A. Fee, Miss Yvonne & Daniel Gardner. Garin, Ernest Gendreau. Mr & Mrs Alphonse Beaulieu, Mr & Mrs John Gi'blin Jr., Mr Josephine Deacon, Mr & Mrs Mr & Mrs Albert Roy, Mr &: Mr & Mrs Philias Caron, Mr &. Edgar Bowen. & Mrs Manuel Gomes, Mr & Mrs Mrs George Cote, Mr &: Mrs .Mrs Frobe Caron, Mr & Mrs Mr & Mrs Leslie Costa, Mr & Philip Griffin, Mr & Mrs George Albert Moquin. Raymond Landry, Mr 8£ Mrs V. Harrington, Mr & Mrs Robert' Mrs Joseph Cody. Mr & Mrs Armand Beaulieu, !\llS Hatfield. Hugh McFitzpatrick, Mr & Mrs Mrs Blanche & MissYolande Fortin's Market, Mr & Mrs Mrs William Howard; Mr & George T. Haddon; Mr &: Mrs Simon Languirand, Mr &. Mrs Despres, Mr & Mrs George BelleMrs Lloyd F. Jarvis, Mrs Harry E;lmer Davis. Clovis Mazerolle, Mr & Mrs -feuille, Mis Louis Fortin, Mr & Mr & Mrs Manuel Thomas, Mr Philias Jodoin & son, Mr & Mrs E. Johnson, Mr & Mrs Charles Mrs Ovila Vaillancourt, Mrs Lumina Lamontagne. F. Kinnane, Mr &: M1'8 Robert "& Mrs John Santos, Mr & Mrs Edouard Melanson. Norman B. Day, Mr &: Mrs Mr & Mrs Roger Fredette, Mrs LaChance. Mr & Mrs· John Sirois & son Mr &: Mrs Thomas J. Lawloi', Albert Egan Jr., Mrs HerlDan Wilfred, Mr & Ml's Philippe Marie Masseau, Mr & Mrs Raymond St. Gelais, Mr & Mrs Mrs Harvey ·E. Lenon, Mr &: Mrs Johnson. Mathieu. ' Mrs Robert Caldwell, Mr & Harvey E. Lenon Jr., Angelo Mr' & Mrs Leo Pelletier, Mr &: George Sleight, Mr & Mrs Doris John P. McLaughlin, Mrs Laurent Parent &: son. Fournier. Macedo, Mr & Mrs 'Charles Ma- . Mrs Thomas Quinn, Marjoir Toner, Mr & Mrs Joseph Bouchard, cedo. $13 Mr & Mrs Henry Machado, Nancy Chase. Mrs Joseph Lemaif>e &: Family. Mrs 'Marie Anna Guenette, Miss Thomas McGrath, Rosamund Marie Allard, Mr & Mrs Albert Mr & Mrs Manuel Martin Jr." $12 MM. Malcolm McLeod, Mr &: and Molly Duffy, Mrs Sadie Mr &: Mrs Archibald Spoor &: Poirier, Mrs Angelina Beaulieu. Mr & Mrs Joseph Talbot, Mrs Mrs Anibal Medeiros, Mr. & MTS Terry, Mr & Mrs Joseph Sene- son, Mr &: Mrs Wilbrod Dufour. cal, Mr &: Mrs, Tobias Flemming. Francis W. Mehlmann. Mr & Mrs Stephen Yates, Ernestine Bourassa, Mr & Mrs Caroline Flemming, Sally J. Ernest M!ldec, Mr &; Mrs Laurier Adelard To'ussaint, Mr &: Mrs Mr &: Mrs Daniel Moniz, Mr & Wilfrid Lauzon, Mr & Mrs Mrs Walter Mulkern, Mr &: Mrs Terry, Mr &: Mrs .Robert Haley, Audette. Joseph R. Vezina., William L. O'Brien Jr.; Frank Mr &: Mrs WaItei' Glowacki Sr.. . . $10 . Mr '&: Mrs Eddie Lizotte, Mrs Phillips, Mr &; Mfti Olgario John McGlinn. Mr & Mrs Normand c .. Hudon, Mr &: Mrs Frank Hardy, EtJ\el Olivier Plbg. &, Heating, Mr &: . Eva _Cote, Napoleon Fortin, Mr Phillips. Dunham, Dr &: Mrs Fred Vallett, Mrs Gerald Fauteux, Mr &: Mrs &: Mrs Alphonse Pelletier, Mr &: Mr &: Mrs Fred Recore, Mr " MM Edward F. Roberts, Miss Mrs William Henderson, Mr &; Ernest Robillard, :Arthur Fre- , MJ;'s W:illiam Ouellette. 'Mrs Donat Labire, Mr &; Mrs JuHa D. Rose, Mr &: Mrs Albert Mrs Thomas McAuley: chette. Sylvio Leblanc, Mv- & Mrs ClarRousseau, Lawrence Ryan and . " Albert Lavoie,. Mr· & Mrs Mr & Mrs Aurele Bourgeois,. Charles Barr, Mr &: Mrs Richard Mrs Edna Smith, Mrs Yvonne ence Perryman, Misses R. M. & Miss Evelyn. . Mr &: Mrs Thomas Ryan, Mr E. Lewis Jr., Bertha' Angers; Lapointe, Mrs Beatrice Lafleur, C. Methe, Mr & Mrs JQsepb Caron. Elizabeth Lawrence. I &:. Mrs Antone Santana, John Grenon Funeral Home. NT &; Mrs Normand ChanMr &: Mrs John Blaser, Mr &: Santos Sr., Anna Mary & John Maranda Plumbing, Robert's J., Mr &: Mrs Manuel Silva, Mr Mrs B. J. Holmes, Mr & Mrs Market, Poyant Shoe Store, donet, Mr &: Mrs Joseph Dion, Joseph- P. Dolley, Mr &; Mrs Mickey's Lunch, Si:fnonne's Dress Mr & Mrs Albert Bourgeois, Mr &: Mrs Raymond Silva. & Mrs Samuel Niquet, Mr & Mrs Mr & Mrs Joseph P. Silvie Jr., Philip Marks, Mr &; Mi's Fred Shop. Henri Verville. Mr & Mrs Alfred Soares, Jose R. Coffin. . Mr &: Mrs Rene Servais, Mr & Wilbrod Bri~r"d, Wilfred ParJane WaNach, Mrs Mary Galli- Mrs Armand Bergeron, Mr & Sousa Jr., Mr & Mrs Edgar Standring, Mrs Robert Staples. gan, Mr & MI'S Frank Dinsmore. Mrs Fred Smith, Mr & Mrs John Mr & Mrs Edward W. Sullivan, Pombo, Miss Dora ·M. Paquin. Mr &: Mrs Frank Tavares, Mr &; New Bedford Mr &: Mrs Edmund Vieira, Mr , Mrs Anthony Travis, Mrs Walter & Mrs Henri Lague, Mr & Mrs ST. JOSEPH'S CHURCH Urban, George Ventura. Maurice Deshaies, Mr &: Mrs $200 Mr &: Mrs E. J. Vigneau, Mr '" Roger Gagnier, Mr & Mrs Albert Dr & Mrs Albert Hamel. Mrs August Wozny. Mr & Mrs Francis J. Sullivan. Portelance. Mr &: Mrs Laurier Marcoux, $150 Mr & Mrs Hubert Levasseur, Mr Mr & Mr-s Conrad Segum. & Mrs Henri Leblanc, Misses OUR LADY OF TIlE. 118LB $125 $1'75 Rev. Louis R Boivi~ Seguin Asselin, Mr. &: Mrs Adelard Lemenager: Truck Body Buildel's. Rev. Daniel E. C ~ Mr &:'Mrs Toussait Girard, Mr $100 $60 Julia Ayers. Aity H. Ernest & Mrs. Dionne, &: Mrs Albert Bastarache, Mr & Mrs Robert Vigeant, Mr & Mrs $50 :Mr & Mr.s R. Marcel Roy. Albert Palmaeri, Mr &: Mrs St. Vincent· de Paul, Island $60 George Hebert. . Service Co., Martin Foley~ Mr & Ml's Herve Couture. $25 Mr &: Mrs Matthew Winn, Mr $50 St. ~-"a.Guil~~ine Lum.. Mr & Mra LoU:ia Vau~ S»,. &: Mrs Mathias Poid~ Jl4D 0
1"hurs., May 11,
ent, Mr & Mrs Donat Bourassa. Mr & Mrs Geol'ge Mandevill€l, Misses Arcand. Mr & Mrs Jeffrey E. Cormj~ Mr & Mrs Leo Rainville, Joseph Dansereau, Cote's' Service StQp. tion, Mrs Emma Nadeau. Mr &: Mrs Emile Hebert, Mr 8£ Mrs Laurier Choquette, Alexis Blais &: family, MT & Mrs Eugene Labbe, Mr &: MFS Henrl Bouchard. Mr &. Ml's William Martens, Mr & Mrs Jean Boutin, Mrs • Albert Cloutier, Albert T. Gauvin & Mr &; Mrs Frederic Rich., a!'d. Mr & Mrs Henri Gardner, Mr & M~s Onesime Despres, Mr & 'M·rs Adrien Cloutier, Mr & MM Armand Poirier it Miss ClariMl Picard, Mr &: Mrs Edward Maneloff. Mr' &: Mrs Albert Perusse, 1'lIl' &; Mrs Ernest Fredette, Mr .. Mrs Elzear Coderre, Mr &: MIlS George Tremblay, Mr & MJ'fl .J. R~ne Dufresne. Messrs. &: Misses Begin, Mr II Mrs· Armand Roy, Mr & .Mn1 , Manuel Souza, Mrs Emma COUl'temanche, Mr & Mrs Theodo1!e Girard. Miss Irene Sullivan, Mr & Mrs Arthur Fecteau &: Family, Mr 8i Mrs Edouard Raymond, Mr &; Mrs Gerald Dionne, Mr & Mrs Edouard Bertrand. Mr & Mrs Ligouri Girard, M:r & Mrs Philippe Methe, Mr & Mr. Arthur Duval, Mrs Lina Robitaille, Mrs Rose Quintin. Mr & Mrs Donat Duhamel, Mrs Albertine & Miss Yolande Robitaille, Mr & Mrs Alphege Robitaille, Mr & Mrf Roland Doucet, Mr &; Mrs Josephat Rainville. Mrs Marie Violette & fami~ Mr &:, Mrs Reginald Chandler, Mr & Mrs George ChamQ,erlain, Mr & Mrs Philemon Munroe, Mr & Mrs Eugene' Desaulniers. Mr &: Mrs George Fredette, Mr &; Mrs Rene L'Heureux, Mr & Mrs Alcidas Magnant, Mr & Mrs Alfred Gaudreau, Mr &: MJos Edouard Belliveau. Mr &: Mrs Frank Gallant, Mr & Mrs Joseph Machnik, Joseph Marchessault Family, Mr & Mn Hormidas Robert, Mr & Mq Louis Poirier. Mr & Mrs Henri Tardif, Ale. andre Seguin, Mr & Mrs Romeo Landry, Mr & Mrs Victor Racine, Mrs Merilda Leblanc, Mr &: Mrs Lionel Marchand, Mr & Mrs Ovila Bolduc, Mrs Sylvio LeComte, Mr & Mrs Bernard Nolan, Mr & Mrs Edmond Charette. Mr & Mrs Leonce Methot, Mr & Mrs Eugene Plaud, Mr & Mrs Edouard L'Heureux, Mr & Mrll Auguste Renoud, Mr & M.i'S Joseph Palardy. Mr & Mrs Leo Poineau, Mr & Mrs Orner Muir, Albert Gosselin, Mr & Mrs Euclide Dalbec, Mr & Mrs Raymond Labbe. Mr & Mrs Normand Ostiguy" Francois Boyer, Mr & MrS'" Philodore Trahan Mr & Ml's Maxime Leblanc, Mr & Mrs Leoti Branchaud. . Larocque Family, Mrs Joseph Parent & son, Mr & Mrs George Belliveau, Maurice Charette, Orner Branchaud. Mr & Mrs Raoul Tetl'auit, 11. . Marcotte Family. Turn to Page Eighteen
IIHome 01 FlowersI'D VA 2-0431
26 Broadway TAUNTON
THE ANCHOR.,...Oiocese,of,falt River-Thurs.
MaY~·l, '1961'
thony .Magina, Mr & Mrs, William lViaguire, Oscar Maher, James Maher. Mrs John Maher, Mr & Mrs, Continoed from Page Seventeen William Maher, Mr. & Mrs Joseph Marshall, Joseph Master,· son, Mr & Mrs ,George Matros.. Mr & Mrs William Menard, . ST. JOHN mE ·EVANGJEIT.IlST M~. & Mrs Edward Millet, Mrs. $200 Elizabeth Moelter, Mr '& Mrs MIn memory of' Rt. Rev. JoOO thur .MondoJ:, Mr &' Mrs Arthur cT•• Shay. , Morin. ' $125 Miss Exilda Morin, Mr & Mrs · Mr & Mrs Harry' Condon. George .Morin, Mr & "Mrs Paul . $110 Morin, Miss .Bernice Morrissey, , John Mahon & Family. , Mr·& Mrs Thomas Mulleady. , ,. $100 '. , · - .Mr & Mrs Henty Mulligan, Anonymous, Dr ,& Mrs John Mr, & Mrs Edward Mullowney, Lonergan; Benjamin Nolin, Mrs Mrs Helen MUrphy,. Mr & Mrs james O'Neil; Dr Anthony Ter':;' · Pa~' Murphy, Mr &: Mrs James nova . '. '. Murray., ' , $U , , Mr & Mrs John Mutch, lWr &: Mr & Mrs Russell E. Brennan, Mrs Kevin'Myles, Mrs Georgette Mt & Mrs Fred'y. Murphy.:" Nelson, Arthur Nolin, Mr &: $50 Mrs Mario Npbrega. . In Memory of Rt. Rev. Joha 'Mr & Mrs Philip Norton, Mr &; I. Shay, Mr; & Mrs Luca 'Fan- Mrs Donald O'Brien, Mrs Jeretaccione, George Janson, Mr" &; miah F. O'Brien, Mr & Mrs R0b.Mts James K. Murphy, Miss ert O'Brien, Mr & Mrs 'Stepheu Katherine' Stokes, Mrs William, .O'Brien. JValton. $35 . Myl~s 'O'Keefe, Mrs Thomas O'Keefe, Mr &: Mrs Charles T; c Mt .& Mrs M. Arthur. Fo1.ey·O'Neil. Mr & .Mrs Raymond
· Anonymous,' Mr &,' Mrs Paui Bellavance, Mr & Mrs Charles ',. Bowen, ~r &: Mrs Raymond Brennan, Mr .&: Mrs Charles Cain, Mr BrendOD Colo. & bett. Mt & Mrs Walter Cunningbam, Mr & Mrs Edward Dowdall, Mr & Mrs James Fitton, Mr & Mrs Bernard Gamache, Edmund Henry. .Mr & 'Mrs Edward Kelley, Hon. & Mrs Edward A. 'Lee, Mr
& Mrs Fred Lohse, Mr & Mrs John McCarte, Mr & Mrs Joseph Mahon. Mr & Mrs John Mullaney" Mr &: Mrs Arthur L. Mulligan, Mr'&: Mrs James A. Murphy, Mrs lmzabeth' Nolan, Mr &: Mrs Albert Perry. Mr & Mrs Edward Stanton. Mrs Francis Sughrue.
. $20
PaIlle, Edward Patenau e. 'Mr &. Mrs Stephen Payne, Miss Bertha Pelletier, Mr &: Mrs Donald Pelletier, Miss Malvina Pelletier. Mr, &: Mrti Eugene Perry. ' . Mr & Mrs Joseph Perry,Mr-& Mrs Joseph F. Perry, Mr &: Mrs Albert Pion, Mr & Mrs Charles. . Mrs Robert B h.o.n Bryson, Mr & u~ Mrs Alan 'Burt. ,,' Mr Ri h d B h ,,,r_ Mr & scar USC,.Mr &: Mrs Raymond Byers,' Mr &: Mrs Joseph Camara, Mr &: Mrs Maurice- Cameron, Mr &: ~' An~rew CampbelL Mr & Mrs Francis Canary, Yiolet Carey,·.Mr & Mrs Johm Carroll, Mr & Mrs Arthur ear;. valho, Mr & Mrs H. Lee Casper. Mr & Mrs Harold Cassidy, Mr & Mrs Robert Chapman, Mr &: Mrs Andrew I. Charron, Mr & Mrs Marcel Charron, Mr & Mrs Norman Christian. Mr & Mrs Thomai'J Coleman, Mr & Mrs_Daniel Collins, Mr & . Mrs George Conley, Mr & Mrs Robert Conley, Arthur Connelly. Gladys Connelly, Ray Cooney, Mr & Mrs Arthur Cordle, James Clark, Mr & Mrs Charles.Clarke. Mr & Mrs Herbert Clegg Jr.. Mr & Mrs Leo Cloutier; Mr& Mrs Henry Creedon, Mr' & Mrs James Croke Jr., Mr, & Mrs Eari' CruU. " ·Mr·' & :Mrs Robert Cunningham~ James Currie,,·Mary Currie, Mr.&·Mrs Russell:Dennen, Dor"othy·'Dent)is~ .... ' . Margaret Dennis;ivIr~"Mrs' . Jqseph, :q~rosier, Mr .& Mfs Gerald A.. Desjardins, Mr & Mrs Leo Desrosier, .Mr '.&. Mrs, Rock DesVergnes.·',,' . , , ,: " Mi' & Mrs JobDDonnelly, Mr &':Mrs Fre(i.~Driscoll:Mr, &: Mrs. Thomas Driscol(Mr & Mrs Law:- '
John B. Antaya Sr., The Misses . Biggio, Mr & Mrs John Carty, Mr & Mrs John A. Cummings, Me & Mrs Gerard Kenton. · Mr & Mrs\ James. H., Lee, Eleanor McCracken, Mr &:' Mrs Arthur Mondor, Mr & Mrs Rob.,. ert Nolan,' Dr &; Mrs Robert O'Donnell. Mr & Mrs ~bert Rovzar, Dr &: Mrs Fior~Rullo, Mr &MCSI Howard Sp·rig·g. ... . ,$15. .' Miss Mary, A.rsenault, Mr & Mrs John:. R Bell;:Mr &'. Mr!l W·ilfred Cardin, 'Mr ,&'Mrs Fran:' ciS·· Flaherty~ Mr '8i -Mrs ·wuis Gazz9u\" . ' " . Mr & Mra,GeorgeGibb,·Miss Mary Levis" .. Mr &. Mrs, Hugh McBrien, Fred McCracke~ Mr &: Mrs Edward Scott. . ," " I reter-S~lvia~ ~ & MrS PllllilJ Toole, Celestine Whalen. , .: ' . $12 • Mrs Mary BArnett, Mr & MrS ren~eDti..ffaney,Mr& Mrs~.Wil-. .... ··.J~es .BirctJ" l'yIrs' ~ita .;M~~. !iam Dumoulin. , :' ' : . ." . $10. . ' ..., ' '::: Mr & Mrs' Joseph' DWyer, Mr. & Mrs Raymond A1lD.r~ William Edwards, Mr -& Mrs. Mr'. & Mrs' Arestides Almei4~, Peter~Eliason, Mr & Mrs Milton Mr &, Mr~'DoDlild Antaya; Mr'&; Elsbree, Mr & Mrs 'Fred Endler Ml's' John' 'Antaya, Mr' &' Mrs .J r . ' , ~nuel·Arruda. '.' .. ",~" I Rocca Fantaccione,. Thomas Mr & Mrs' Wm. Augat, Sara);1 Finn, Mrs Willard· Fitton, Mr &' Bagley, Mr & Mrs AlvilfBar;ney, Mrs.. 4'Nl'ence . Fitton, : qyven Mr &'Mrs Harvey Barton, Mr. & Flanagan. ' , Mrs Almon Baxter. : Mis: Agnes Foiey~'Mrs Edwani Mr & Mrs·.Gerard,Be;lui:egard, FoX; Fred 'FranZ ·Jr.. Ada Fi&Mrs Alice.,Bellah'nce; ':\vlr& Mrs toni, Mr & Mrs James Frazer:' Harold Bellavance, MrS Rose ," Karen Frazer, ~ & Mrs J8InelJ: Bellavance" . Mr. & Mrs ~ewis fredette, Mr & Mrs R?beri Benson. . . Fredette, Mrs Leslie GaBe,' Me & . Mr & Mrs Be,njamin Bilello, Mrs Gerard Gagnoa. ' Margaret Bo'isclair, Thomas Bois'. Mr' &; Mrs Edwani Galligan, • c;lair, Mr ~ M;-s Thomas Bolton;.. Mary ,Galligap, Mr &; Mrs RayMJ:; & Mrs ~eorge Bonner Jr. . mond GarafilliO, HarVey 'Gariepy, Mr & Mrs Joseph Bono, Mr &; ,1'08n Gariepy. ;Mrs Williarit 'Bowen, Mr & Mis-· ' Thomas Gaiiepy, . . & :M'r!J ~dward . Boyer, Mrs E.ugenlj!, _Pa~l C;;ar~. ~ &; Mrs Geor¢e Boyer, MISS Mary Boyle. " Gay, Margaret Gaynor, Mr & Mrs Mary B~ask" Miss Kaye, ~s... Rocco Gia.nnitelli. 13rennan, Charles Brown, ~. & "Mr & ,Mrs.,Bernard ·GibbonS; 1VIrs Ronald McAvoy, Mr& Mrs, Mr&_ MrsP.¥1iel~Gilroy, l\:'lary Robert McAuliffe. . Gilroy, Katherine Goff, Mr & ; 'Mr & Mrs James McCracken, , Mrs Herni'aii GOrman. . ,. A. Henry McCracken, Mr & Mrs ',. Mr & 'Mrs Robert G<lslin, Mr • Henry McCracken, Elsie McDon-, & Mrs Edward Greve, Mrs Bea:' '~ld, Jennie McDonald.·, .' trice Griffin,' Mr & Mrs. Russell ,Mrs. Margaret McEvoy, Susan Hall, Major & Mrs Philip Hal" tyrcGinn, Mr & Mrs William Mc;';. lcln. _ ~ntyre, Mr &: Mrs John McIsaac:. Mr. & Mrs Walter Heagney, .,:-lVIr & Mrs Frank McKay. . . "Mrs:' Bessie Heather, Mary' ; Mr & Mrs Eugene Mc·Laugh- ,Heather,' Mr & J.Wrs Harvie' 'lin,lVIr & Mrs Almon MacManus, "Henry, Mr & Mrs Clark Hoon. Mr & Mrs Gerald McNally, Mr &. Mr & 'Mrs William Heussler, ~ Alfred McNally, Mr & Mrs' Katherine Higgins; Mr & Mrs ~oseph McNally. Leon Holbrook, Jacob Irza., Mrs " Helen Madden, Mr &: Mrs An- LeoJacques.
Paul Rockett, Mr &; Mrs RUdolph, Romagnoli, Mr &; 'MrsRoijert .. Romero. Blanche Roneo, Mr ,~ MnJ Philip E.Rounds, ~ & Mrs David Rushlow, Mr. & Mrs Joseph Rushlow, Mr & Mrs Cad Sauer. '. Mr & Mra Edward Scanlon, Helen Schramm, Donald Shanley, Mr & Mrs Philip Shanley, Mr & Mrs ·Edward Sheehan. James Sheehan, Mr & Mrs John· Silva, Mr & Mrs Thomas Silvia, Mr & Mrs Joseph Sim·mons, Mr &. Mrs Raymond Simmoneau,. Mr & Mrs· William Skivington, • Mr & Mrs George Smith, Mr & Mrs Arthur Spadoni, Mr & Mrs John E. Spellman, Mr &' Mrs Francis Stelter Sr.. Mr &; Mrs Francis Stelter Jr. Mrs Madeline Stone, Mr & Mrs Frederick Strong, Mr &: Mrs James Sullivan, Mrs Sadie Swanson, Mr &; Mrs ,James Tannock. . Mr & Mrs Charles Taylor, Vietor Thibeault, Mrs Howard Tingley, Mr & Mrs Marcel Toupin, '" Mr & Mrs.Oscar Tremblay. Mr & Mrs George Tunniclille, Mr & Mrs Henry Ty, Mr & Mrs Richard Wagle, Mr & Mrs John . , " I . ' Walsh Jr., Mr&: Mrs Harold K OF C BREAKFAST: Judge Francis X. Morrissey Washburn; and Rev. FelixS. Childs '!ookover spiritual bouquet, Fali Mr & Mrs George Werers, Mr & Mrs George Weimert, Mr River C-ouncil86, Knights "C)f Columbus, will present Bishop Connolly. Judge Morrissey was. communion break- & Mrs John T. Whie Jr., Mr & Walter White, Mr & MriJ f~8t speake~; F,ath~r ,Chiids is, Council ehaplai~. Left to John Wilson. / right, Dominie J. Maxwell, grand knight; Raymond G. , Mr ,&: Mrs Peter Wood, Mr & Chouinard,. breakfast ehairmalL Mrs HeIiry Woodeome, Mr& Mrs Frederick Woll, Mrs Mr' & Mrs Clarence Janes Jr.. Mr & Mrs Heetor LaCasse, Mr &; Charles Zilch, Mr &: Mrs JlUIleJI Alma Janson, Beatri~ Janson, Mrs Gerard LaCombe,' Mr & Zmudsky. Mr & Mrs John R. Janson, Mrs Earl LaMarche, Mr &: Mrs Tum to ,Pace Twenty Thomas Janson:." Louis Larocque. . Mrs Sarah Johanson. Mr & Mr & Mrs John Lee, Mrs Lena Mrs Howard P. Johnson, Mrs Lee, Mr & ~ RQger F. Lee. Mr Kenneth Johnson, Mr & Mrs & 'Mrs Edward Legel'e, Mr &: Ernest Jost, Mr & Mrs Ernest Mrs JosephW. Lewis. ' WASHINGTON (NC)-Father Jost Sr. Mr & Mrs Harry Loew, John Martin Gusinde, retired profesKathleen Jost, Mr & Mrs Alex- Loew, Mr & Mrs Peter F. Lynch sor .of anthropology at the Cathander Karol,Mr & Mr~ Matthew Jr.. Marion Raposa. Mrs Anna olic University of America, was Karol, Mr'& Mrs Henry Kelley.. Reynolds. honored here for his ContribuMrs Mary Kelley. Mr & Mrs Eyerett Richard, tions to the study' of anthropolMrs Mary Kilbur", Anita Mrs Mary Ricker, Alice Robin- ogy in Asia. King, Mrs Walter King, Mr &soo, Eleanor Robinson. In, He was 'awarded the AnnanMrs George Kohler, Philip Memory of John E. Robinson. dale Memorial. Medal of the KraczkowskL Mr &; Mrs Carmine Roca Mr Council of the Asiatic Society in Me &: Mrs Augustw:Kudrnae.; '& Mrs Frank Roca,.Me &' Mra Calcutta. 1,
Mn .
Asian Society Honors, Priest-Anthropologist
.. '
. .
.. '
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lHE· ANCHOR-'-Diocese of Fa" River-Thurs. May 11, 1961
The Pari$h Parade ST. MARY'S, ST. PATRICK'S. SOUTH DARTMOpTH FALL RIVER . The Women's Guild will sponMrs. Elsie Jones will- serve as president of the Women"s Guild sor a dance from 8 to 12 this for the coming year, aided by Saturday night at Stevenson's Mrs. ,Helen Sullivan', vice presi- restaurant. Mrs. Lionel Polycarpo dent; Mrs. Lillian Morgan, treas- and Mrs Robert F. Langely are urer; Mrs. Ann Tyrell, recording co-chairmen. ' secretary; Mrs. Mary Orzech<>w- ST. ROCH, ski corresponding secretary. An FALL RIVER installation banquet will be, held The Women's Guild will hold next month at the parish school a dinner meeting Monday, June with Mrs, Mariesta Donnelly in 5, closing activities for the year. charge of arrangements. Corpor- A fashion show is scheduled for ate Communion is scheduled for , next September with Mrs. Ernest Sunday, June 4. Gagnon and Mrs. Ronald Fortin SACRED HEART, as chairmen. They announce that FALL RIVER " St~te Sen. Mary L. Fonseca will The Women's Guild will hold be ·comme~ator. a dessert bridge and whist Thursday, May 18 in the school OUR LADY OF ANGELS, hall. Mrs. Henry E. Boulds and FALL RIVER The Women's Guild will ha:ve Mrs. John J. Harrington are coM·rs. Mary 'Velozo as president chairmen. A parish picnic will be held, for the ,coming season, aided by Sunday, June 18 at St. Vinc~nt Mrs. Esther Dzugla, vice preside Paul Camp and installation dent; Mrs. Theresa Souza, re<>f new officers will take place cording secretary; Miss Anna at a banquet at 6:30 Sunday Rocha, corresponding secretary; night, June 4 at White's r~stau Mrs. Gloria Magano, treasurer. The unit plans a motherrant. . IMMACULATE CONCEPTION. daughter Communion 'breakfast Sunday, May 14. State Sen. Mary FALL RIVER L. Fonseca will speak. Members Mrs. Harold Ward is the new Women's Guild president. Her will participate in parish observsupporting officers include Mrs. ances honoring Our Lady SaturJames Bentley, vice president; day, May 13 and Saturday and Mrs. Joseph Roderick, secretary; Sunday, June 3 and 4. Next regular meeting is set lor Mrs. Henry Gillet, treasurer. Corporate Communion and a Wednesday, June 7. day of recollection will be held ST. ANTHONY OF DESERT, FALL RIVER Sunday, May 21. Members of the executive Mothers will be honored at a board of the Women's Guild, and service at 7:30 Sunday night, those on the bazaar committee May. 14. Officers of the Holy will meet in the church hall at Name Society will also be in8 Monday night, May 15. stalled and new members receiVed into the Blessed Mother's ST. MARY'S CATHEDRAL, Guild and the Children of Mary. FALL RIVER • ' New officers for the Women's Refreshments will follow in Guild will be installed Monday, Lebanon Hall. June 5 at a banquet at the Cath- ST. JAMES, olic Community Center. They NEW BlEDFORD include Mrs. Frank S. Moriarty, Mrs'. Leo J. Telesmanick will president; Mrs. George P. Hur- preside at the regular meeting ley, vice president; Mrs. William of Msgr. Noon Circle set for 7:45 E. Wyrick" treasurer; Mrs. Wednesday night, May 17 in the Charles Richard, recording sec- parish hall. Fall River CYO retary; Mrs. George Dussault, Glee Club under the direction o:f corresponding secretary. , Rev. Paul G. Connolly will enST. ELIZABETH, tertain and refreshments,will be FALL RIVER served under, chairmanship of The Women's Guild will hold a Mrs. RaymondSzulik.. variety show at 7:30 Saturday ST. MARY'S,' night, May 20 in the parish hall. NORTON Mrs. Lorraine Massa will direct. The Catholic Women's Club
will hear. Rev. Kenne~h B. M~'11 eel; phy at Its annual Installation · f St An La d les 0 • ne WI m '. b t t f Tsd May 16 h h at 1'45 Tuesday anque" se or ue ay, ., in t he , c urc. at Brook Mahor, North' Att~ night, May 16, for prayers,:fo.l~ Do" F'ather Murphy is the lowed at 8 in the church hall by roo B t , i lith M Orner founder of Rescue, Inc., ~ on ~ ~~ny so~ a hW . rs. Archdiocesan organization see... ar neau 1D. c ,arge. ingto save would-be suicides. . SS. PETER AND PAUL. To be installed are Mrs. George FALL KIVER , J. Bauza, president; Mrs: Ernest New officers for the Women's, Precourt, vice 'president; Mrs. Club include Mrs. Roger R. DUbe'Anthony J, Huskey, recording president; Mrs. William F. secretary; Mrs. George Charette O'Neil, vice pl'esident; Ml'8. Jr., corresp<>nding Secretary; Mr:s. William J. Sunderlan~ Jr., treas- James Carney, treasurer. Mrs. urer; Mrs. James QUInn, corres- John J. Mullaney, p~sident of ponding secretary; Mrs~ James ·the Diocesan C<>uncil of Catholic: E. Glynn, recording secretary. Women, will be installing officet The Women's Guild will hold and Mrs. Henry Chaput is chail'an installation banquet at 6:30 . man, of ttU! banquet arl'Qng.eWednesday night, May 17 at ments committee.' Venus de Milo restaurant. ,Mrs. James Walmsley and Mrs: John HOLY NAME, FALL RIVER. Pacheco are co-chairmen. Res" Rev. John F. Hogall spok~ at ervations will close, Monds!&, ceremonies - installing new ofii.May 15. eers" of the Women's Guild, 'iiiST. LOUIS, eluding Mrs. Thomas F. Burke . FALL RIVEtt ·MrS. Louise Shorrock will be Jr., president; Mrs. Raymond chairman of the annual corp<>raie Conboy, vi~ pres\dent;, Mrs. Communion and breakfast for Richiu'd E. Wordell, secretar)Jl'; Mrs. ,Frank M. Kingsley,' treasthe Women's Guild. Breakfast ill urer; Mrfl. Herbert A. Bennett the church lia·U w4ll follow 9:H Mass Sunds¥ morning,' Ma,.2L h., financial tr~asurer. Also planned is a rummage sale OU~ LADY. OF P E ~ " Thursday and Friday" May :HJ HELP; NO. TRURO Members 01. the Holy N3fne and 19. Mrs. John Rowe is' ill Societies from Weilfleet, ~1,1ro, charge of. arrang~nts b and No. Truro witl receiw Holy picking up donations. Communion on SundQf morning ST. ANTHONY OF PADUA, . at the 9 o'clock Mass. FALL KIVEll The regular monthl,,- meeting .'The Council of·Catbol'ie W0IfteIl ""iii partidpate ill parish deYO- will' be held Sunday evening in tions honoring OUt' La~ 01. the e1ub room 0( Our Lad¥ of Fatima at ., Saturday night, Ma;t Lourdes Church, Wellfleet. 1;3. MembeJ.l6 are ask-ed,to meet ST. STANISLA-u&, ill the pa-rieh hall at 6:30 Sundeu FALL RIVER morning, May 14 in order to 'Ilhe PTA and .Al10m0i AssociamaFCh in. pl'OCession. to the tion witl hold a mystery l'ide church for 'I o'clock Mass where Saturday, Ma~ 20. Joseph Am... they will receive corpor-ate C<>m- a:r.al is chairman. Next regular munion, to be followed . by meeting is set for Wednesda,y, breakfast in the haH. Miss Matty 'June 7. A calendar party wiH be Villsconcellos, ommen president, :fieatured and fif:th gl\ade mothers ill in c~ge of. bAAaWfps~ tickets. willI be hostesses.
------------.....;;.. Sister ,Receives
Guild ElectioM
Nursing Medal
CINCINNATI (NC) -A nun .and schools of nursing from 19. and two other women were hon- to 1957. She has been dean oil ored here with the highest inter- Catholic University's Nursina national Red Cross nursing school since 1957. award, the Florence Nightingale Medal. The award went to Sister Charles Marie, dean of the h~$i'itutions School of Nursing, the Catholic WASHINGTON (NCr - ..... University of America, Washington, D. C.; Cecilia H. Hauge, di- estate' valued at $865,000 h811 rector of the Veterans Adminis- been left to Catholic charitab_ tration Nursing Services, Wash- and educational institutions tw ington, D. C.; and Pearl McI,:er 'Thomas' Pettit, 82, who d~ of Bethesda, Md.,' former chief March 22. of Public Health Nursing ServMr. Pettit, who died at Carroll ices, U. S. Public Health Service. Manor, Washington archdiocesall The medal is "for distinguished home for the aged, bequeathed and devoted service to the &ick $130,000 in cash to 21 Catholic and wounded in' time of peace institutions. and war and in disasters." It Mr. Pettit spe'cified in his Win was presented to the three nurs- that $50,000 in cash is to ~o to ing leaders at the 36th national the Maryknoll' Foreign Mission convention of the American Red ,Society; $10,000 00 Woodstock RED CROSS AWARD: Cross. (Md.) College, conducted ~ Sister Charles Marie, dean Jesuits; $10,000 to the CathoUtl Red Cross Nurse , of 'the School of Nursing, Sister Charles Marie, a native Horne and Foreign Mission Soci>Catholic University of Amer- of St. Louis and a member of the ety, Baltimore'; and $10;000 til the Passi<>nist Missions, Union ica, has received the highest Congregation of the Sisters of City, N. J. In addition, each 01 Charity of the Incarnate Word, international Red C r o's S these will receive one quarter of from St. Josep.J's nursing award, the Florence graduated School of Nursing, Paris, Twx. the residuary estate, estimatoo Nightingale Medal. NC Photo She also received degrees in at approximately $659,000. nursing education from IncarIrish Immigrant ST. MATHIEU, nate Word College, San Antonio, FALL RIVER Of the remaining $50,000 1ft and from Catholic University. A parish-sponsored May basket cash bequests, $5,000 wili go .. Sister Charles Marie enrolled Georgetown UniversitY;$5,000 1llD whist will be held at 8 the night of May 17 in the parish hall. as an American Red Cross nurse the Catholic University of AmePo Miss Anna Forcier, general in 1942. She served as nursing ica for the'benefit of the National chairman, announces that there consultanf to the U. S. Fourth Shrine of the Immaculate Corr will . be refreshments and, door Army from 1953 to 1956, and as ception; and $40,000 will go te her congregation's consultor gen. several other Catholic instit1bo prizes. .... A mammoth bazaar is planned eral and supervisor of hospitals tions ~n the Washington area. for the church grounds for threeMr. Pettit, an Irish immigran\ Saturda'ys of June, the 10th, 17th ST.' JOHN BAPTIST, , worked for 40 years at the U.s. and 24th. A meeting of all par- CENTRAL VILLAGE Bureau of Engraving and Printishioners, including teen-agers, The Ladies' Guild will hold Ing and retired 18 years ago. m will be held at 8 tonight in the installation ceremonies at 8 to- lived frugally in an apartment parish hall, to plan for the event. night in the parish hall, in con- in Washington and never masjunction with its regular meet- ried. Honor~ry chairman is Rev. Henri Charest, pastor, with, general ing. Miss Helen Chace, district His only living relatives wero chairman being Rev. Thomas council president. will be in- nieces and nephews, most oj Morrissey. stalling officer. Mrs. Manuel them still in Ireland. He said in First Communicants will place Amaral, Mrs. John Costa and his will that he had already pro.. red roses' at the altar of Our Mrs. Charles Costa will be in vided for them. Lady this Sunday. The ceremony charge of refreshments. is sponsored by the Women's The Guild will sponSOr a Sci®I7llC~ Grant Guild. m<>ther - daughter Communion FAIRFIELD (NC) -FairfieIa ST. MARY'S, breakfast following 7:30 Mass FAIRHAVEN this Sunday morning in the par- University, conducted by Jesuitf\ announced' it has received • The Ladies of the Sacred ish hall. $10,228 grant from the National Heart will serve breakfast to Science Foundation, to cond~ · First Communicants following. ST. JOSEPH.. an institute for high school 8:30 Mass Sunday morning, May TAUNTON 28. Mrs. Ernest Costa is chaip.; The Holy Name Society wHl junior high school teachers _ 'hold a Communion breakfast this science and mathematics. m~~'ne plans of the unit include Sunday in the school hall. Rev. a mother-daughter' Communioft John P. Reid, O.P., professor of WilEN SIClU4ESS 5m\KES breakfast following 8:30 Mass philosophy at Providence ColITS IMPoRTAN' TO SEE 'Sunday morning, June 11, ~ ,lege,. will be guest speaker, YOUR. OOCTOR. ..... WHEN which Milton Johnson will speak. eordmg' to, an .announc.eme~ Installation ·ceremonieS for' the made by John Wrtght, chaIrman. tin GtVEN 'lOU A PRE&<RI PTION • :,.ro.up wlll ~:held'~.the church " OUR LADY OF PERPETUM; . Sunday . afternoon, !!une4 ,and-JiELP;NEW BEDFORD tMPOATANT TO 4IT ._ "!fill. ~ fol~owed ~ .5,bf a dil'IneJ,' , 'Mrs. Cecelia Ponichtera, pre&-' W FfLLW, ItT '. ~ S~nqerla~~'s r~st.a4rant. 'Jlo . ident of the Women's Guild, • be ~n~tall~sI ~re ~rs· J,!)hn Caton, also chairman of a cake sale preside,~t;" M~s, CUS~!ldio, Mar- planned for Saturday, May 20 at shaU, ~lrl'l: vice preSident; M1'1l. the Star Store;' New officers of Fr~nk M~rri's, second vice presthe unit will be installed at 11 , ident;Mrs. Addi~ Grenon,.secre- banquet Saturday, June 17. ' , tary;,. Mps,' f"Ianuel Alionee, treasurer. " ST.' MICHAEL'S. . FALL RIVER" ' · H<>ly Name and CY9 members wi'll receive' Communion this , Sunday at 7:30 Mass and. wiD then attend a breakfast in the . BOYS WANTED for the ~ school hall. The parish guild Priesthood and Brotherhood. will Communicate at the 8:30 lack' Of funds NO impecf1, Mass and hold a Mother's Day _ment. banquet at 6:00 Sunda~ evening, also in the, hall.. . May devotions with rosavy ~ 202 ROCK STREET benediction are· being held PO., BOx 5742 nightly. this' month. -This week a, " Baltimore 8, Mel. Dovena to the Holy GhoSt will be • ~ JI FALL RIVER, MASS•. added to the regulQ4:' service• ST. MICHAEL'S. . ~ · OCEAN GROVE Due' to Confirmation' services · being' scheduled for ,Sunday, ~ , SHARON, MASSACHUSETTS annual Mother's Day observance . ·'Gl the Holy Name Society ww. - ~ Spacious Fireproof Sleeping QuarteN "Dot be held. Those:to be ". For Boys 7' tG 14 years old firmed will attend Mass and , IIill... Six week-season: Ju, to August ~ Communicate at 8 Stlnday mornRegister for 2, or 4, or 6 weeks ing and ,Holy Name members, , ". Free Tutoring' if desired junior and senior divisions, wUI .1Iill... ~end the 7 o'clock Mass. Fol.,.tHE BROTHERS OF THE SACRED HEARi' lowing Mass a ,stand-up breakfast and business meeting will be held in the school hall. ST. WILLIAM'S, ._ ~ SHARON, MASSACHUSmS PALL RIVER Stone Bridge Inn win be the ,.. A RESIDENT SCHOOl FOR seene (}f the annual installatioft Grammar glTClldes 4-5-6-7-8 and banquet of the Women's Guild, to be held Wednesday, ~ TH,E BROTH, E~S Of 1I'&-:I1E SACRED Hl~A~T Ma~ 31. Deadline foOr reservations is Sunday, Ma,y 28. ~""AA.AA6A6a_A
l.eaves Estate To
Tri'riitarian Fathers
,~ ~
THE /.:
PeiDe, RidlaI'd ~ Emilie SabouriD, Pe4ei- Qod.. frey, Eugene Toracinta, Leo 81. Martin, James LattHgee. AlbeN Dumont, Arthur God:fir-ey, Societe des Artisians, Local 259, Albe'l't Ber.g<eroo, Alfred Frederick. : William 1IJI'~.~, Ernest DeQ-
.: -!)iocese of F~t1. River-Thurs..May 11, 1.961 ••••
•••• '.. . . . . . :.
Mr & Mrs Frank Martin, Antone Mathews,---Hilda Mathews, .:.. Mr & Mrs Jesse Mathews, Mr & Continued ;rOBD Page I~ighteen. Mrs Anthony Matthews. Mr & ,Mrs MedeIros, Lionel Medeiros, Ann'Mello, Mr '& Mr-s ~ed~ord George .Mendonca, Mr & Mrs O. L. OF MT. CARMEL Jon Medeiros. . .' "~3 $750 , .Mr & Mrs Richard Medeiros,. :V~rgJ;l.es, Almand Pinault, A:JJ';-' P Vl·e'ir:,.n-. .Theop'hilo Medeiros,'. Mi & Mrs thur P~ll~~rt Wilfred St. Jean.. Rt ,- Rev...An,INOlO. .. . Joao Mello, Mr & Mrs John FraDk BOivin, Eizear' LafeF, $100 . Mello,Mr·.& Mrs Joseph Mello. . . riere, Alfred Laeaillade, George Rev. Luiz G .. :ndo~ca. Mr & Mrs Manuel ,Mello, Mr ~ Br~uill~; Henry Dubeau.. ,& Mrs FranciscoC. Moniz, Mr Leo LaPalme, Raymond BrasLeonor' Luiz. & .Mrs Gilbert Nogueira; Mr: & sard, Henry Lamarche, Denis $35 Mrs' Jose Oliveira,' Mr & lVfrs .- .Boi~clair, Albert Mousseau. . Mr & Mr-s Albert LOpes,.MJoseph Oliveira'. . .. . Mark Mercier, Leon Nolan, varo Rodrigues. . . 'Maria Ol,iveira, Mr' &;Mrs 'AICamill~ Dudemaine, ,Rosalda $25 fred Pacheco, Mr. &: Mrs J030 Obagnon, Cyril Cote. Mr & Mrs Joseph Aviie. Enos Pacheco,' Almerind~ p'aiva, Mr 'Wilfred Joubert,' 'Edward Pee'" Lopes, Olivia Luiz, Jesse MeHo, & Mrs, A n t one C'. P a ge. L Gilbert Fern.andes, A,rt·hur Rob-. Mr & Mrs George Ponte. ~ , . M r· & Mrs J oao P' alva, Manu el. ohaud, Arthur .'Dubuc, Phil;"" P Augustus Silva,. ~ . ~8i M'l'S Paiva, Mr & Mrs Russell Paiva, 'I;anglois.· Joseph Souza, Louis L. Rita. Mr & 'M!'s William Paiva, Mr & $ 2 0 , lVI rs, Lionel H.' Perry,. . . /... . .. Marie Dolan,' George Hamel, Mr & Mrs Charles Arruda Jr., '. Lydia !?erry, Mary T, Perr){, Raymond, Boucher, Henri Paraeecelia Bettencourt, Mr & Mrs ' Shirley 'Perry, Mr & Mrs Andis, Amherst Pe~etier. ' . Manllel M. Borges, Mr &MI'8 OOnio Pinho, Mr & Mrs Antone -' . Leonide Gaulin,' lJlderic Oswald Castro, Mr & Mrs AI- Ponte," Charlebois. bino,:Da Silva.: " Mr&. Mrs Mimuel P. Ponte, ' 'Turn to Pag~ Tweoty-hve_ Mr & Mrs Shirley H. J,ernigofl Mr & Mrs John Pontes, MT& . , ,:,' . ' . ' . , .. 'k.,Mr & .Mrs , ·Joao Oliveira, Mrs Arthur Ramos; Alice 0: " La" A' Mr 8r- Mrs Airtonio .Pedras, MrRapOso, Mr' &. Mr-s Emidio Ita' t~R, & Mrs Joseph V. Nunes, Mr &: posa. ' Mrs' 2\ntone Santos.' . Manuel ~apo1J8, Mr, ~ Ml'S ' . , . .'" ' LIMA (NC)"':""Latl'n Am'erica Mi:' & Mrs Oharles Souza"llIk Joseph RapoZa, Mt &: Mrs Ma&'HOSI>ITAL WEEK: Mar:kingNational Hospital Week, &; Mrs Hemiterio So\lZ'a. uel Rapoza Jr., Mi".& Mrs Joo-. Friends of St. Anne's Hospital entertain: personn~l at a tea... :e{:ein~~~ c~:~ta~~~:= ~. $1~ . eph.'Rato, Anthon! Rebello. '. -' _Left to right 'Vivian'Mercier R.N: Mrs.,Kenneth r,,-----l-on ',cordmg' toMsgr. Vi.......nt F. MeJoan Cosme, Mr & Mrs Joseph Mr & Mrs MelVin RebeHo, M r . " . . "', ' , .t. , ..•. . . ' -...«rut Jr., Mr & Mrs J080' Ja-. lit Mrs Manuel 'Rebello, Mr &, Mrs., Carroll P. Gettings. _ :.. '. Carthy, director of the Society • I th & F il Mr & 'Ll'_ J M J' R'be'lro M & M . for the Propagation of the Faith en 0 ... am l i r ce ~:ll:ao· MarsloaoRi 1 do , "'"' r &; ,,:...~. ~ ~s C. Cfumi:n::ei. '. $15 of the Sa~ Francisco archdiocese. M , 89<;arenuas, 0 en _. n u e · car , _ r JftnO Mr & Mrs Bento Correia, Mrs Fred, Carey, Leonard Tarv.ers. Mr &. Mrs. Leonard Nichols, ~TO RicardO. • ' , " H e pquited out that be hu Mr ~ Mrs John P~ry, Mil' & WIN Mt' & Mrs JOhn P.·Rita, HI" &: Grace Crosby, James Crossen, $11 been in mission work fOr more , I . Dr &: Mrs 'Gerald L; Doherty, Mr Eva Marie Dane, .. than ; Illdmund J; Sy via. Mt"S Louis Roderick, IlIr & Mrs .:& Mrs TerenceL. Dineen. a quarter of Ii centUry and $12 . . . . Franoisco Rodrigues, Mr &: Mrs $ l ~ ' can say from experience that no Mr &: 'Mrs Gtiilherme' Luis, George Roderique, IlIr & Mrs Mr &.Mrs John Doyle, Mr & , E~ilien . P~rrea\llt, Gerard part of the world needs more ..... & Mira .Joseph SilveiiM, ·Hu-mberto..Rodrigues..:.·_·, .. _ ...... - '. ,~s Edward .Enos" ?tIr ~.~ Perreault, Steph~'J~For~ k.,· :. help from:. U.·S. Catholics than , $10 . 'Mrs Januaria Rog-e1'S Olivia . James ~ahe~" Fa~outh Photo Walter Gavin, James navis.' Latin America. George Agui'ai',. Mr &:Mil>s Sabino, Mr &: Mrs 'Char1ell~: Supply, AntoDlo'Fernandes Jr. . J:0lin" O'Hara, May Hogan, ~e.- California~ elate ex.... WID· Albino'" Mr & ""'_. James - Santos,· ...... "-, Mrs· M~nu'el P.. • M' Mr & ''Mrs Flynn; Mrs H' e 1,en C onIon, J ose.ph K'.mg, ""'. -. ..YU., u:u · 010 ~ 'I . Ga':James d'd' ," Mr "- M ..on plainedthat the Church m' the Almeida, Mr'& Mr's Manuel Al- . Santo's, Mr 010 ". M":': n-ul Sa'n'--. ' yro&. 15,' C L. Vanasse, -'" nliS ...... ill' J G M ' & M' - Do rll &Mrs. . U. S: h.as been a leader in the _ .Mr .. 010 P- .Mrs /..VO<>JrI1& ~.h C", ~ .......-~, - WId' Glam . ~' LtOSS, J' h S Doucett e, P a\lI R'101'- fight to ach).eve social J'ustice for ~ Alves. Stephr A rs H 'n- ' ,osep,. , meida, Mr & Mrs Jo--. Ernest Amaral, Manuel Arn- . ttao, Mrs Virg'lDia Semia, Mr & ,: a rady,. end'1 . amer. k Mr & . Gert' d H' J hn da~.; J o~pb L . .S'la 1 ns,'.Y'" all elements of the population. M "'1'~lJr., Marta" S.' Amar'al, Ade- .. ""'-s MI" :M~ ru e·' .. .. "ou' John .Seque'''''a, ll" ..... H, rs· & M'an Cey, I 0 L Mrs WaI ter FlaVlD, Helen' Car- Latin AmeriCans want U.· S, .... ;~ s har es . Rna Arruda, Mr & MI'S J~Jose Sil.va, Mr & M'l'8 C"'--les . ennessey, Dr r '1"'''1''''& '-" Roll . d M & M Ch les ron; . sionerS to lead - tbem. in ...---tbe Arruda. " ., Silva 'Jr. '. . . ' an, r G J ..' I'rs 'ak'" . ar Ronarron, ald C Irving S .Lee . , justice ' , -·achievement of a'sintilar L . I Mr: & Mn;'Alfredo Bal'bo7Al, Mr &,Mt!s'Charles SiiVie~ JOS-. nms" uc~en . " eg m I. . 'l!!rnest Saulnier, .Edwa~-d Leon-, . . • Mr & Mrs Manuel Barbo7Al, Mr eph Silva, Mr & Mrs Joseph Capt. John T. Jon~s, Mr & Mt:s am,:'Wilfred Ferrelra. '" ". Dt.~oc,e.H" .. & Mr's James Baroa, Mr & Mrs, Silva;'Mr & Mrs Joseph SilveiT~. Adam Kaspar, Mr & Mt:s Thomas . f:..eO~Giil"EIWYIi' Doane- :£11:' Alfre,d Batacao, Mr & MI's AugMr.& MrsOharles. J .. S9ares. "J'; KeleJuir, Knights Q£:Coitimb~s, ward Ben Sr" Robert R. Hath~ . ·.~:PITT$BURGH(NC) ~ Fiv~ U9t B'atacao. Mr & Ml's Manuel Soares, . Mr &: Mrs Raymond Knispel. new elementary schools and two Wiiliam R-. Beatriz, Doroth;y . Claire Souza, Mr & Ml\S Ernest.' Mr & Mrs Jan: Kopystecka, ~w;;;r~~/~~:aili~~. Herh~ldO,::n~w~ nigh"Scliools: will open next Bizatro, ' Mr' . &: . Mrs Frank C.' SOuza,'Mr &: Mrs George SOUza, R olan 4 Lamo.th~; IMr . &; Septemoer of h R;. K~lley. "John .B, Weidler, ' p'tt b h . iii.' the. Diocese . · J Mr-s Ms Borg~s, Mr &: Mrs, Joao Brazil, Francisco SQuza. ' J'ames,L ane, M r &, r 0 n M . 1 S i S .urg .:. They...will' increase Mrs :Clara Brista ",,' Mr & Mrs John Souza Louisa Lauzoms, Mr &: Mi'S Manu~l . Le:~~ , antos,. ·Dr ,James H. tM:,riumbeiOf the:~diocese's ele,.. Mr, & Mrs Ma~uel Brune Jr., S. Souza,. Mary'.Q;- Sou~, Mr & -: I..opes., . , .., : . ; .... :. J?r Julian ,B. DohertY, ..Dr ·merytary. schools to 236 and the Mir & Ml'S . Robert A:' Buotte, Mrs Nelson A. Souza; Mi" & M~. Mr & Mrs Richard Lopes, Mr Fr~Jj.cis P: 'O'Meara; Theodore ,secondary, schools 5'1.· ~ . Mr &::MrsFernando Cabral;',lVfr: - ~lar.ence.-:l~y~v:~a; i. ' . . . ~-,: ."';'.;" . & .. l\i~s)Vi.nt~ro~ ~\lp1i>ert, .oTa~~s Y~~.ng, John Dove, 'Warren 8: Mrs Joao Cabral, Mr & Mn Mr & Mrs Francis A. Sylvia; .. Q. :Cyons, Mr' & MrsN~rbert A. ,Daniels. loseoh Cabral. ' Mr & M~Frankliri 'J. Sylvie, ~cAdallls,. Mrs .Joh~ :(WcGilvray_ t;; • F ......' ' R. ,Chart' 'i' ' J hn M 11 M HIM ... ~ranC1S _ ..g,.Omer \ Mr, & Mr-5 Ri6ha.rd: Cal;>~al, : Mr &: .).\irs, Joseph P:, ~ylvia,. . ~ ~ .oy, , .. rs e ene a-. rand, Georg~ Morin,.· StepheR .- ONI 5T9ft Mr &. M:M Raymond::-Cambr.a, .. ·Mari,a Tav8l'es, Mr&: Mrs.M__: : lo.ne, nav1(~ 'Mas¢a, Mr & Mrs, Forde, Jane Keenan., . 1liiI'S Antoinette Calouro, Mr' & llel Varao. . " . Harold E. MacFadden, Mrs . ~tbrlR H_essy, :AGDa Hea.,.' : SHOPPING 'CC!NIB Mrs John Cambra, C'.andida Mr .&Mrs, Arthltt A., Vasco&- James Miskell. De8~.' . , . . , ... '. " , Canto. cellos, Sophie Varao, 'MT & Mn Mr & Ml's Charles E. MorrisOn, • 'r.levl8loll. ,......... Mr & Mr~ ,Ernest Cardo1J8, William Veary, M'f: &.. Mrs Jos- : In memory of John W. Murphr· ,.. , ' At.·tfeL..-. .:' : .A~· ,.:~llrl' . . & Mro, Daniel. Castro, Mt'S epIl Ven,ttIl'a. . . 1lrk' & Mrs ,John. E. lIioonan, John UVWV Me Urania Clough,Mr··.& Mrs An.. . J.. c:;>' 8l:a, 10hn ~,' . : , .. ft. I08BP.... Clone :'Correia Jr., Mr & Mrs Joseph ·'A. Pardi"M~' Natalie $60, ehal'les Cor-reia. ST.pATRIGK·" .. Pettengill.. Mi &: M~ J. Arth\K' ...._' . 'p Da" 1"\;.' .. ftItl!"', BerftaIldA. Lavoie, ( M r & Mrs 'Joseph Correia, Mr .. $16 ' 9~er~,' Yid _.I_,Mt'S John " Mrs Clarence Mr &: ' ' .. . Radcliffe. . . ' . -, . $!IS Mrs Jose Costa, Mr & Mr.s W'ilMr & MN. G,Hpert J · N90 n aa.. Mi &: :Mq ·James 'Razinha, . ~ ~ult. ' Dam. Costa· Jr., .Helen Souza .'. .$60.. . IIIr .&.":Mr( Mic':hJlel ,Reard~ ,,-'10· C'loughlin. . . .. ,. ' . Rev., Wm. E, Farland.,. . MajOr & Ml'8 Vi~MRicci, Mn ~ Raiiwme, Je8D'7~pt.isw Mr & Mrs Joseph Couto, Beat. , ... $,~ Samuel. Rich, Ml" ,&,'MN Arthur 9t,- Piene, Armand Boucher. elee Cunha, Mr & .Mrs Antonio Mr.&: . Mrs Michael Ames. Robichaud. ... ' ... ' .. . $ii . DeBarros, Mr & Mrs J oseim .M. . Loretta . :I}oucette;,Mr .& Mila Miss Marion ROjJel'S.; Mr & Bene 'Dubuc. , .. Encarnacao, Mr & Mrs Leslie 'John P, Sylvia Jr, . Ml'S Antoni() Scae~a. Kenneth·· " . $to . Evang~lo. ...... . $25 . .. Smith, Mr & Mrs Charles Strat-, F~ Fr~r, ArUtIft' Paille, , FIRST· FEDERAL SAVINGS Mr & Mrs August Fernandes, Gilbert Arruda; Herbei1; A. - ton, Mr & MrsEdwat-d I.. Stud- ,~~ba, ~ntaeau,..~) AclU$l, ~d LOan Assoei~ Mr & Mrs Manuel Ferreira, Mi- . Barrows, Mr &: Mrs J?sepb L. '~." . '.' . "", ',- . Jean Fortin: . of Fall River IX Mrs Joseph Fraga, John FeT- Corey. -rt:." MrsF~denck. En~, .' Gilbert· Studley, ,Mr & Mn . JOseph McGee, l\Ifr.s. Etienne ·1 North MAin St.. 'Pa.~ ,River, M...... • teira,. Mr. & Mrs.No~alQ .FeII-:- .l~~h, ~.rs .~ynne .LeFevre. ." WaIteI;' Sw~n, Francis A. Swit- '~Qudreau, J9s8ph F~. ABee. .. . &leira,'~' , " ... , . ' . . Wallace T.· Plrece,John Tl' , zer.~ or & Mis PhiliP t' W"esSling. ~ault, Albert Belanger. . '-, .P.tease. send forms'nnd .INistago. Mrs ..Hilda Freire Irime Gab- Sheehan, Dr & Mrs Norman I ~Daldl'aille, . Antonio BepSid,' SAVE-BY-MAIL envelopes Iliel, AI6<arina Garci'a, Mr & Mrs Starosta: MisS '~nne Viera Miss mtUd, ~ DerUs, ~4ver tlDc Joseph Gomes,Mr & Mr.; Man'" lren~ Viera. ' . ".. , uel A. G o m e s ; · $00.. Stl'• .JO~ Otr.~ Mr & Mrs' Antone Gonsalves, Mr & Mrs Paul Eident, Ml' &; $1~-5. ~ earl Gonsalves, Mr & Mrs.Cus- Mi·s John Giabbai\Jr./Mr &MFS Rev, J~ E.L.~, . , todio Gonsalves, Mr & Mrs Joseph F. X. Hill"Onifrlo;?apso'$30, . " GAfllI~SMM you ....1O .. ; Joaquim Gonsalves, Mt- & Mrs' dora, 'James Wall: ' EmileOUWer.' ~ Edwin Goulart. $15 ,~5 : . .. lVIaria Tomazio Guerreiro, . Mrs Bertram K. IDidd,on, Dr &; First NationiU' Bank Of Pl'O'V'...~',.~::.::.~ .. -::. ,:, ...... ":'.... ~. -~. ~"~~-'~.'~ .Albel Jacintho, Mr & Mrs Man:- Mrs Arthur J. Wagner, Mr & Mrs incetoWD, OrleansBraneO; Cepe Ifill uel Jardao, Mr & Mrs Edward Donald Dugan; Arthur RapOza. Cod: Trust· CompanJt. -.QAeans , ... ~.~ Kocas, Antone Lewis, ' " . ' , •. $12 . Branch. . . . , ' .. -. 8roc:ldoR ..... .&.1.__ '~'.. ~ .,,~~,.._~.~ .Mr & Mrs Edward Lima, Mr 'Mr' Francis' CarmOdy, Mr '& Mr & MIla JameS" ~ e~' ... .. &: Mr~ Edward Lima, Mr& Mrs Mrs Henry Wasierski Sr, RQpert R., ~eno ,~ .• '~ stemhancis Lopes, Mr & Mrs Her, .; $10, m9tz, Jereniiah·· Crow~ minio Lopes, Mr & Mrs Joaq-" Appel's Pharmacy, Mr & MFa ,-..' . ~ '. $20 '.' Vitu~11 ~. uim Lopes. ' J o s e p h Allie1ta,. Mr & Mrs Wil. :Wi~:S.ur.prenam_ : Egeh. aeeotlDt insured safe by' aD Mrs Maria Lopes, Gregorio. liam T. Armstrong, Walter,B~ ~ of the U', ~~ 'Gov:t. Luiz, Alexandrina M-acedo, MT nett, Mrs George ·Blake. . ProM OW OWII, & Mrs Gabriel Maeedo, Mr & 'Donald & Florence Boul'goin,' :~:~.: Mrs James ~cedo. M.r & Mrs Edward Bourgoin, Le~ , ~_ ~ :euetQ Mr & Mrs Manuel Macedo, \ Bourgo'in; WifliamBu~iey, Mr.~,~. ",."ih.it, .... W\' ....... Of· ',. . . Leonard Maceao, Mrs Maria&'Mr'sWalter ·Buguey.' :' . Est. .• SpeGiaI Milt . . .. ' . .~ Macedo, Maria Machado, Anna . Mrs -Leonard Brabrook, Mr & I.. Maci.el. MTg' Hugh Brooks, Angelo Bur-, • HOmcgenl.cf _ D MIlk . Builden .SupPlies. BriaIlo! eo.......· Lu8e3t Mr.& Mr-s Anthony M-aciel, gess, Mrs George Cahoon, Mr &; FedeRII Sa~ Amcleio.tlool • .....MiIk Iohn Maciel, Mr & Mrs Arthur Mr-s Augustus T. Canty~ 2343ftur~ SINef • "IWopIaCMa o.a.g. ...... &-tIor4Il DIata 1M., 0CJ8. BedfoAI M. Madeira, Mr & Mrs Paul ' Joseph E. Carr, Ml's Alberta New Bed~ • GofNe aMI Choe. MIle Magnant, Mr & Mrs Matthew C!:aton, Mr & Mrs John T. CavaGDm~.""tollP •. WI( 6-B6d4I Martin. DaU./fh. M1' & Mrs MoojaB ChiId8.
Sa . ys , . merica Important Mi'ssion
,.A."d.d'·s Sch'ools
Fa'Im"ou't'h '.
- ,'.. .25%" .,:.;
_... -
Daity . "SPiGW. Male'
'StufteVORt ;: '-HooIt- &'
,Fe';irSI'- F.:;,..:..w'---I . . :'.. ,
.... ..... -
' - _......_ -...........l!IIIIIIIlllll!!llll~..
. FaB
.liE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. May 11. 1961
Free Red Sox Bosebo.11
Tickets with First Nalio~mJl c
Green Tapes Rules available cit· your store.
25 25 25' 50 25
No Coupons Needed on Ite.... Listed Above GOO.D THROUGH SATURDAY., MAY 13
~ __
100 EXTRAJ."Ji.. il When You Buy A 12 oz CAr'i - JOHNSON'S
: I
' !.
r; - - - - - - _.- - -.- - -- - - ' - ~_.- --.., 1
,," ,, ,
50 .
Plump, Meaty, Broad Breasted
Ground Beef Smoked Shoulder, Beef for Stewing' Swift's Bacon Sausage "
39c L83.9c L869c L8'59c L8 :'73c
Freshly Ground Hourly
,Short Shank, Lean Well. Trimmed, .
Tender .pieces of Choice Lean Meat
,Premium - Sliced Sugar Curea
Rothmund Country Style
.. o
Same,Low Salt·Service Prices in ?,II Stores in This Vicinity - (We Reserve the RIght to [Imit Quantities)
SPINACH Ne'w'Ca''bb-ag'e- SOlidGreenHea~s-~x~~ 'CU CUIII. be' 2. . r s .' Dishes . Tex~ 3 :New,Oniolis TOlllatoes:: .
King Size - U.S. No.1 Govt. Inspected Washed and Cleaned - Ready to Cook
, S o u r c e of Vitamin C.
long Green :- Tasty
Garnish with Meat
6c 19c 2°Sc 23c
- MiIcI Bermuda Type :
Red Ripe - Vine Matured
When You Buy An 8 oz JAR of
1--- - - - - - - - - . - - . - - - - - -....,--.-,
BELTSVILLE -:- OVEN READY - 5 to 8 lB Average
Chef loy-Ar-Dee
r.',ue. I)
15'!1 oz CANS
CHEESE·, RAVIOLI , .1ScrAN2 2. 9cDINNERSpaghetti & Meat Ball DINNERS Me&! or Meatleis . ~~ 43c. PIZZA PIE. MIX . : ' , PIZZA PIE MIX with, SAUSAGE' ~o, 59c ENTER
~~ 69c
.15:0 47c °2'
. WIN $ 10,000 PLUS 105 OTHER PRIZES .~
Dole Pineapple Specials! FROM SUNNY HAWAII
oz $111.00' 4 DOLE PINEAPPLE JUICE RICH DOLE PINEAPPLE Cru:1:'1id~~unk 5· 13'12 oz $1,00 QT 14 CANS
DOLE PINEAPPLE S. & H. Green Starn,. AvaDIlIIIe In At! Stor•• ~ East...n Ma.s., Except the A"Ie~
Mrs Cornenus LyOB8, 1\'11'& MI!fl . Elliot Macomber. Mr & Mrs Antone Rose, Mr & . Mrs Nicholas Pina, Mr & Mrs;: Milton Laycock, Mr & Mrs Paul ~ McDermott, Mr & Mrs William ': Henry Jr: .' . I~ Mr & Mrs Edwin .A:shley, Mrs~·~ Caroline Borsari, Raymond Fava,l\ Achille Govoni, Mr' & Mrs Adolor Belmore. Mr & Mrs Bartlett Cushing, · Mr & Mrs Albert Hagen, Assunta Borsari, Mr & Mrs Manuel Santos, John T. & Julia Silva. Mr & Mrs Joseph Rose, Mr & Mrs Jesse Campinha, Mr & Mrs John Cardoza, Mr & Mrs John Mattigan, Ruth Fernandes.
T1tf ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-'-Thurs. May 11,_ 1961 __
~ ~
Continued from Page Twenty
Sandwich . CORPUS CHRISTI $125 ~r .& Mrs George Towers. $'75 Mr & Mrs Gerald llI. McGreevy. $50 Rev. Thomas J. Leblane, Marie Lawlor, Mr & Mrs William Carr. $45 . Anonymous-Pocasset. .$40 Mr & Mrs Francis Donaldson. $30 'Mr &. Mrs Albert Govoni: $Z5 . Leo Donovan, Mr & Mrs John Wilson, Mrs Alfred Oliver, Mr & Mrs Martin Lawless.
Edward O'Brien, Richard Sharpe, Mrs George McCann. Mr & Mrs Harry Hill, Mr & Mrs Chester McArdle, Nancy Mac Quade, Mary Carafoli, John Carafoli. Mr & Mrs Dante Quattromoni, Mr 8? Mrs Alexander. Forni, Mr· & Mrs Michael Cornick; Mr &' Mrs Tello Tontini,Mr & Mr~ Amedio Gonella, Minnie Doherty.
New Bedforc! ST. KILIAN $40
$30 Antone Fernandes, Mr & Mrs Mr & Mrs Nicholas Nicholas.. James Doherty, Mr & Mrs Peter $25 . Hayes, . Mr ,& Mrs Archibald Mr & Mrs Ernest Kobza. · Reedy, Mr & Mrs Guerreno Govoni. $20 John Coyne, Mrs Grace Rus-:' Mr & Mrs Lucien Beauregard, sell & Family; Mr & 'Mrs' Her-·:' Me & Mrs Hervey, A. Caron, Mr man Gallavotti, Leonard Doyle 'J': & Mrs .Joseph Fernandes, Mr & & Margaret, Mr &. Mrs John:'~ Mrs William Mahoney, Mr- & $~O Rhodes & son. '\ Mrs John Rapoza, Miss Mary. Mr & Mrs Bernard Alymer, Sullivan. . . 'Mr& Mrs William Nolan',': JohnPhanelif, Mr & Mrs Gilbert $15 Kena Je~us, Mr & Mrs Sylvester '~ J. Phaneuf, Edna/ Liebman, Mr Mr & Mrs Adrieli' Bolduc, Mr Andrade, Mr & Mrs Manuel. ~ & Mrs Manuel DeCosta. & Mrs Tadeusz Swiszcz. .\ Fernandes & Family, Mr & Mrs Mi" & Mrs George Campbell, Frank' Nelson. . $10 Ariel Robinson, Mr & MI's LawMr & Mrs Benjamin Schifino, Mr & Mrs Peter Abraham, Mr rence Perrault. & Mrs Thomas Thompson, $16 & Mrs Ernest Anderton, Mrs • GALA, MUSICALE: Going over pla~s for Sacred Mr Mr & Mrs Carlton Eldridge, Mr C b h ld Mr & Mrs Sprague Spooner,' Blanche Arabasz, Mr & Mrs Benjamin Barreiro, Mr & Mrs Leo Hearts Academy, AnIlUal Glee Club oncert to e e at & Mrs Louis Dupuis, Mr & Mrs Mr & Mrs Peter Costello, Mr &c the Fall River Academy on Sunday, May 21, are, left to Ellsworth Atwood. - Mrs Charles Prete, Mr &. Mrs Belange~. Mr & Mrs Alfred Benoit, Mr & right, Maureen Silvia, Glee Clilb J;>resident Larraine Sl;1lli-Harold Czarnetzki, WilliamF. ~r & Mrs Fred Pulsifer & Mrs Allen Bentley, Mr & Mrs van, and Nancy Newman. . Bennett~ > son, Mr & Mrs Emile Roberge, ,. Mr &. Mrs' Charles Schuck, Mr Henry 'Bernard, Mr & Mrs . Mr & Mrs Thomas Moffett, ,Ml' Wareham Mrs Agneus Veiga, Margaret & Mrs Stephen Forde, Mr .& Joseph Bernier, Mr & Mrs Ernest & Mrs William Flaherty, Mr & Berube. Reed, Anna Gaffney, Mr & Mrs Mrs Edward Smith. Mrs Frank Murphy. Irene. Bispop, Mr;s - Yvonne ST: PATRICK John Grenda. $12 Mr & Mrs Richard Sullivan, Blais & family, Mr & Mrs Leo$1,100 Mr & Mrs Robert Reed, Mr & Mr & Mrs Robert Tassinari, Mr Robert Enos. pold Blanchard, Mr & Mrs Ray- . R John .A. Chippendale Mrs George Conroy, Mr & Mrs $10 & Mrs Raymond Nault,' Mr . & mond Bourgeois, Mr' & Mrs Jose ev. Edmund Fraser, Mr & Mrs Paul · Mrs George St. John, Mr & Mrs Mr & Mrs Edward Rondelli, Canastra. $100 O'Connell, Mr & Mrs Leonard Francis Barry. Mr & Mrs John Bula, Mr & Mrs Charles Caron Jr., Mr & Mrs . Mr .& Mrs Chester Bumpus, Heap Jr. ' John Warsaw, Mr & MI's John Joseph' Carrier, Mr & Mrs Her- " Fat her Callahan Council, Mrs' Agnes Lupton, Philip YeaMurphy, Mr & Mrs William' bert Carter, Mr &' Mrs Louis . Knights of Columbus. Mr & Mrs John Roderick, Mr ger, Mr & Mrs Joseph Yeager, . Foley. & Mrs Manuel Joia & Family, Mr & Mrs Antone Gomes. Charpentier, Mr & Mrs Vi~tor $85 Anonymous, Henry Gagner Chausse Sr. Alice Joia, Alice Bart6olomew, ' Rev: John J. Sinith. Jr., Mr & Mrs Andre Trudell, Mr & Mrs David Barry. Mr & Mrs Roger Courte$50 Mr & Mrs John Sullivan & fam- manche, Mr & Mrs Roland DalMary Gillis, Mr ~. Mrs Alfred Mr' & Mrs George Barrett, Mt ily; Mr & Mrs Mark Mooney. & Mrs John English J:r., Mr & bec, Mr &.Mrs Alfred Davignon,· Beauchemin. Mr & Mrs Grato Tonello, Mr Mr & Mrs Michael Dempsey, Mrs· • Mrs Gerald Goldstein, Mr & Mrs $35 " Mrs Clifford Fougere, Mr & Ida Donth. Mr & Mrs William- LeFavor. John DeGrenier, Mr & Mrs Mrs Manuel Mendes, Mr & Mrs . Mr & Mrs Edward Dowd, Mr Thomas Lutoff. . $25 '. James M. Boles, Mr & Mrs Nes- & Mrs Russell Farley, ~r & Mrs Mr & Mrs Medio Pederzani, Mr & Mrs George Gabriel, Mrs tor Robidou. ' Wilfred.Fauteu~, Catherine Fin- Mr· & Mrs James Conroy, Dr & Rose Zion. Gabriel, Mr & Mrs , Annie Kane, Mr & Mrs Thomas nell, Louise Finnell.' Mrs Joseph Moore; Mr & Mrs John Carroll, Mr & Mrs Charles Dunlavy, Mr & Mrs Frank Mary Finnell, Isabel Fitzger- .Frederick Maynar.d', Mr & Mrs Kiernan, Ellen Hennessey. Flanagan, Mr & Mrs Daniel aId, Mr' & Mrs TheOdore Gali- Alfred ,Pappi. ; . Frances .Hennessey, Dr & 'Mrs Shalkauskas, Mrs Lloyd Hen- peau, Mr & Mrs.Thomas GatheMr & Mrs Harry Rhodes, Mar- Charles Murray, Mr & Mrs Chesdrick. ral, Mr & Mrs Peter Gazdik. guerHe Conroy.. ' rer Skinder, Mr & Mrs Charles Charles H. Libby, Mrs James Bernice Gibbs, Mrs 'Mary $20 O:Rourke, Mr & Mrs Roy FrankConnor, Mr' & Mr6 George Den- Gibbs, Mr, & Mrs Charles GonNATURAL GAS Mary Stott, Mr· & Mrs Remo mark, Mr & Mrs Paul McLaugh- salves, Mrs Barbara Gouveia, Tassinari & Family, Frank But- lin. Mr & Mrs Charles .Brown, BUZZARDS BAY lin, Mrs Harry Walker. J.ennie Haggerty. , ler,' Mr & Mrs Clinton Vose, 'Theresa Kelly, Mr & Mrs SteRedmund O'Callahan, Mrs GAS COMPANY Mrs Ruth Halin, Mr .'It Mrs Mr & Mrs ·Edmund' Valley. phen Yurkus, Dominga Silva, Mr ' John J. Grigalus, Evelyn Lof- Robert Hamel, Mrs Rose Harris, Hyannis-Spring 5-1070 Mr & Mrs Raym~nd Crocker, stedt, Marie Hebert, Freeman Benjamin Harrold, James Har- .,Mr & Mrs William Henry, Mr & & Mrs Jack Mattos. Buzzards Bay-PlaEG 9-4704 Mr & Mrs Dennis Mattos, Mary Hebert. . rold. . ' ' J Mrs William McLea,n, Mr & Mrs Monte, Mr &' Mrs Joseph Rose, Mr & Mrs John Nelson, FranMr & Mrs Alphonse Hebert, 'Adolph Billotte. : Mr & Mrs Thomas VonMello, . cis M. Tiernan, ~r & Mrs John Charles Hearne, Mr & Mrs WilBOTTLED GAS $15 Mr & Mrs George Faust. .Smith, Edward Coury, Mr & liam Higgins, 1\1;r & Mrs PatMr & Mrs Rob~rt Kiernan, Mr & Mrs Donald Flemings,' UGHTHOUSE Mrs John J. Hart. . rick Hurley, Mr & Mrs Alfred Grace Cleveland, Mr & Mrs Mr & Mrs FranCis Francotte, Mrs Mi.chael· .A:hearn, Mrs Jeglinski. GAS COMPANY / Harry Hinckley, Mr'.& Mrs Kieth Mr & Mrs George Cordes, Mr & David Gardner, Mr & ·Mrs armouthport-Forest 2-389 Mr & Mrs Manuel Joseph, Mr Songer. '. George Hennrikus, Mr & Mrs & Mrs John Kennedy, Mr & Mrs $12 WILLIAMS PROPANE Peter Keati~g, Marjorie Keating. Francis Langford, Mr & Mrs Mr & Mrs Williatn Nolan, Mr Mr & Mrs Edward Nye, David Albert Leeming, Mr & Mrs Leo & Mrs Myles Merr:ihew, Mr & . GAS CO., INC. Fraher, Mr. & Mrs Cornelius Lemieux. . Falmouth -Kimball 8-4515 Mrs Ne1son Stephens, Mr ~ Mrs featuring Minnihan, Mrs A. Cardoza, Mr &~ Mr & Mrs Arthur Lemos, Mr Miguel Campinha, Frank Pina. liThe' Gaslight Room" NIElSON L. P• . Mrs Eugene Silva. . & Mrs Robert Levasseur, Mrs Mr & Mrs .Manu~l Fernandes, GAS CO, INC. Irene· Christian, Mr & Mrs·· Catherine McKay, John', Mc.,. Mr & Mrs F-ilenio Cardoza, Mr Ideal for Communion BreakKilmer Joyce, Leo Pepin, Mr & Quade, Mr & Mrs George Maca': & Mrs, Thomas' Kendrigan, fast!' ("\,....an;zlltion Banquets Hyannis-Spring 5·1190, Mrs Cazemiro Martin, l\{r & bello. H-cnry White, James Farezoco. 386 Acushnet Ave. SUPlER80R FlJIlEl CO. Mrs John Lodi. Mr & Mrs Robert Macek, Mr $10' .•.:w tsedford . Mrs Charles' Huff, Mr &·Mrs & Mrs Maurice Magnant, DorWareham-Cypress 5-0093 . Mr & Mrs Timothy Walsh, Mr Call WYman 2-1703 Anthony Frisceno, Martha Hur- othy Mahoney, Mrs Alice Ma- & Mrs Harry Devine, Mr & Mrs ley,' Mrs Kempton Coady, Harold randa, Mr & Mrs Joseph Masse. Mario Govoni, Mr & Mrs Francis Crimi. Mr & Mrs Edward Matesich, McWilliams Jr., Mr & Mrs HarMrs Manuel Britto, Mr & Mrs Mr & Mrs Leon Matesich,· Mr & old Atwood. Adamski, Mr & Mrs William Mrs Gilbert Medeiros, Mr & Mrs Eugenie English. :Antone FerO'Connell, Mr & Mrs James Baz- Joseph Mello, Mr & Mrs Thomas nandes Jr., Mr &:: Mrs Joseph zinotti, Mr & Mrs Joseph Jaci- Meushaw. " Govoni, Mr & Mrs Joseph Canot. . The Moriarty FamilY,Mr & nute, Mr & Mrs Frank Pezzoli. William M. Janse, Mr & Mrs Mrs Armand Morin, Mr & Mrs . Cross Insurance ~gency, Mr & Fred Passaro, Mrs Reginald Van Carl Motta, Mrs Catherine Murand , Buskirk, Mr & Mrs Robel:t Ellis, dock, Mr & Mrs Laurier Paradis. Edward Driscoll. Mr & Mrs Ernest Persin, Mr Mr & Mrs Edgar Caron,' Mrs, & Mrs Kenneth Petty, Mrs Mary • GENERAL DELCO.".BA"ERIES Hearn, Mr & Mrs Herbert lfam- Pfaffenzella, Mr & Mrs Joseph Office Supp:ly, Inc. len, Mr & Mrs John JanSt~, Mr & Poirier, Mr & Mrs Romeo Poi• PERFECT CIRCLE RINGS ~ "Everything for 'the Office" rier. . , Mrs John Janse Jr. FAll RIVER - NEW BEDFORD - HYANNIS N~PORf ' TYPEWRIT~RS Mr & Mrs William McGair, Mr & Mrs Vincent Powell, Mr Mr & Mrs Robert McCullough, & Mrs George Richard, Mr· & , Gifts forthe' Grad Mr & Mrs' Bernard DiPietro, Mrs Raymond Riviere, Mr & Mrs 19 Weir' St. Taunton, Mass~ Edw~rd Parent Jr., John McCoy. Richard Rose; Mr & Mrs Americo ' . Mr & Mrs Richard Latimer, Rossi. Tel. VA 4-4076 Ann Boido, Claudia Forni, Mr Mr & Mrs Pierre Roy, Mr & & Mrs Edgar Tolmie, Mr & Mrs Mrs John Santos, Mr & Mrs :'V V "V'V""'O; ... ;: V' 'v:' V' v V 'V"'"V" A. C. Jones. Lawrence SantQS, Mr & Mrs 'Katherine J. Brady, The Mon- Frank .Silva, Mr & Mrs'Manuel o 0 ·AA~~lJO~ , tague Family, Sandwich Cooper- Silva. SCRAP METALS ative Bank, Mr & Mrs Jack • Mr & Mrs Raymond Spindola, WASTE PAPER - RAGS ,'\' Watson, Sandwich Hardware. Mr & Mrs Paul Steiblin', Mr & Y~UCKS ANICl TRAlllERS fO~ ·Bottled by Mrs Charles Whitmore, Mr' &. Mrs Frank Taylor, Mrs Cath, . PAPIER muvlEs Mrs William Russell Sr., Mr & erineTillotson, Mr & Mrs RichCHURCHES. SCOUTS and ~©lflf[lJ~@ cecgOI1 II ~~e Mrs William Parks., Anonymous, ard Townley. . CIVIC ORGANIZATIONS Jose Mendes & Sons Mr & Mrs Charles Kiley. Elaine Valliere,' Wright 1080 Shawmut Avenue Mr & Mrs Ira B. Austin, Mr Walker Mr & Mrs Albert Ware252-26~ C:OGGIESIHIAIl.Il. SmlElET, ~IEW 1a~lClro~~, MASS. New Bedford WY 2-7828 " Mrs Antonio Bianchi, Mrs zerlonis, Eva White.
fA. W
Because Cared The, Catholic Charities Appeal Supports 26 Diocesan Institutions and Agencies for the Orphaned •• '. the Aged ••• Retarded ·and Underprivileged Children ••• the Chronically III and Those Afflicted' With Incurable Cancer.
, ~~
##...,••~ ••••••••••••••# • • • • # . ~ ~
MAY 7-17 ~
This ·Time'y Message's Sponsored By The Following Pub'ic Spirited 'n,diyiduals and Business Concerns Located in Greater Fall Riyfiif' Building Materials Inc. Duro Finishing Corp' Enterprise Brewing Co. The Exterminator Co.' Fall River Electric Light Co. Fall River Trust Co. Globe Manufacturing Co.
Kaplan Furniture Co. Kormon Water Co. Ma«:Kenzie & Winslow, 'Inc. Mason Furniture Showrooms Mooney & Co. Inc. Newport Finishing Co.
Printing Co~, Inc. Sherry Corp. Sobiloff Brothers l Sterling Beverages, Inc. Textile Workers Union of America, AF1-CIO 4fi
'Idiot' 1,$ Greater, Threat to Nation Than Commies
THE ANCHOR--Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. May 11, 1961
~'eform o'f Morals' Remedy For E~otrnomic Prob~erns
LOS ANGELES (NC) Persons who do .not understand communism are a greater menace to this na-
By Msgr. George G. Higgins.
Director, NCWC Social Action Department
, The last three issues of this column have been a sketchy report on the applica.tion· 'in the Un'ited States of the principles outlined in the social encyclicals, R:erum Novarum and 'Quadragesimo Anno, the anniversary .of which encyclicals will be observed on ing and working 'together, with May, 15. Social reform, of a minimum, of extel'11al compulcourse, will not be effective 'sion, for tl).e common temporal u~less there is a widespread . good of all. '
tion than communism itself, a 'Jesuit theologian told a group of collegians here. Father John Courtney Murray, ,.' S.J., theologian of, Woodstock College, speaking at a convocation of Loyola University students asse~ted: "The real e~emy is not communism, it's the idiot." reform of morals, which Pius XI Basis of Vi...tues Tlle Jesuit scholar explained: describes as "the first and foreIt speaks well for poor human "I use the word 'idiot' from its most remedy'~ nature that men should even try Greek meaning: a 'private' man,. a for the social to make such a system of gov'non-intellectual man, a nonand ec6nomic ernment work, for the dema'nds debating man, a man who has a pr(lblems of our democracy makes upon its citideficiency of understanding." day. zens are almost superhuman. Cites Misconceptions "All experts Democracy cannot long survive, This "idiot" holds to theories in social problet alone fulfilL,its highest purwhich he believes are consistent !ems," His Holi.., poses, on a diet of purely natural with the American, way of life, ness wrote in virtues. As Maritain has pointed but actually they are not, Father , Qua d r a _ out: '" Murray said. gesimo Anno, Right political experience can- .v ,As an example, he said there " are seeking not develop in people unless should be no state or civil reli,eagerly a strucpassions and reason are oriented gion in this country, but this ture so fashionby a solid basis of collective virtype of "idiot" unwittingly holds tues ed in accordance with the norms , by faith and honor and the ideals of democracy as a sort , of reason that it can' lead ecothirst for justice. , of quasi-religious faith .. A renomic life back to sound and The point is, that without 'the lated misconception, he, added, . ,right order. But this order... evangelical instinct and the spir-'· is that the public school is perwill be wholly defective and in- itual potential of a living Chris~ forming a, type of ministry. complete unless all the activitianity, political judgment and Father Murray said communties of men harmoniously unite political experience are ill proism is an example of civil reli, to imitate and attain, in so far tected against the illusions of , , - gion. All major countries of the as it lies within human strength, selfishness and fear; without R~LIGIOUS EDITORS CO:~FER: Rev..Albert J." world at one time have had a the marvelous unity of the courage, compassion for, manNevins; M. M., editor of Maryknoll magazine and president civil religion, he added, but the , Divine plan. ' k i n d , and the spirit of sacrifice of the Catholic Press Association, discusses testimony before l!n.ited States claims only a civil "We mean that perfect order the ever - thwarted advance which the .Church with great toward an historical ideal of H . I A " P ~,m~, 11'" edItor of :he unity. ou.se-. subcHommlIOttepe WI'th Dame "Our civil unity,'; he explained, force and pciwer preaches and -generosity and fraternity is not nstIan era d, rotestantundenommatIonal magazme. "is based on two factors: a conCh , which right human reason itself conceivable. Clergy of three I denominations argued against raising of' stitutional consensus and a comdemands, that all things be Principal Fruits pOstal rates for religious publications: NCPhoto munity of interests. " directed to God as the first and In other words, it is not con, I~ ., , "The American historically supreme end of all creat(ld aetivceivable without Christ, which stands for the rule of law which ity, and that all created good mean,s without the Church, iii incidentally, ha~'been infiltrated under 'God be considered as which as St. Gregory the Great' at home by such anti-intelleCtual mere instruments to be used only has said, "each one supports the' 'ralnS~, doct~ines as psYChologism, sociin so far as they conduce to the other and in turn is supported by NEW' YORK '(N<;:>-The oper~ 'Interracial 'UnderstaI;lding will ologlsm, and a horde of other :attainment of the supreme end.'; the, other." have five· overall goais: is'!ls." , Participation ioLUurgy De Lubac, who quotes this ational and organiz~tionalframework for the 'Fral?-c;iscan Third ',' 1) "To, train lay leaders capThe function of a university is , For Catholics, an indispensable definition of the Church from means of effecting this necessary Gregory, goes on ,to say that" Order's new interracial'program able, of counteracting 'the leadel"-, to,search for the answers to three questions: What c;ln a man know, "reform' of morals" is an active "This sense of' a common salva- was outlined' ~~re ,by an inter- ship of racists and ag~tators.'" . , 2) ,~'To '.formu~§te 'an educa-' ~hat can a man do, what can a tion and of a fellowship of 'all racial leader."" ~ , and intelligent participation in . in relation to all is the best posFather Roy M. Gasnick, O.F .M., tional a?d' action pr,ogram for man hope? , ,the liturgy of the Church. It is ' hese .an~we~s, ~ather Murra, the Mass that matters 'most even ,sible preparation for social tasks' director of the Boston Council :eac!tparlsh, school and c0'!lmunfor~nterracia.l Urtdersttuiding,' tty: in,.."hich, the . T?ird Order' sal~, Wlll euechvely educate in the political order and' es- -it is the best introduction for everyone to 'Social CathoU':' said each Third Order fraternity eXists., . ," ' agal11st the enemy. even thougll pecially in a democracy. cism.''' . in the nation'Will have within it 3) ,"To impregna~ the ~ivk ,h.e has subversion and infiltraDemocracy is based on a sense It can be said that this "sense a "hard core" groli~ to study the commu?,i.ty. with' Christian ~ife' hon as weapons. of the priceless' dignity ~nd of a fellowship of a'll in relation 'race problem and plan projects ,an~ spmt.:lll order' ~ '?revent worth of the individual mart Honor' raclal tenSiOns 'and 'stt~fe. , coupled with a sense of the deto all" is one of the principal for the fraternity as a whole. , :'" 4) ','To urge Catholic cooperBUFFALO (NCj-Dr. John D. pendence of all men on one anfruits of the Mass, not only in The Franciscan.IThird Order ation with andpartihipation 'in Naples' of Buffa~o"was presented the supernatural order but in other-a sense of working tothose c~vic groups, especially fai... the, Honorary Cross 6f the Ob, gether to make it succeed. the political order' as well. . - ·l).assome10?,OOO ~embers in the housing ,practices committees 'lates of· Mary' Immaculate fo... ' The spiritual force foi: the de- U. S., orgamzed 111,,1,200 frater, It is a government of, by, and nities, who will be ·taking part which' are already' active in t~ his assistance to the religious for the people, not as isolated velopment of this fellowship orde.... " . individuals, but as brothers liv- comes from Christ, the Mystical in the new program, Father Gas- interracial field." o ' 5) "To sponsor periodic interBody. The great embodiment of nick,told a Comm\.mion ~reakthis force in the world' today is fast of the "New Yjork Catholic racial gatherings where Negroes the liturgy and especially the' Interracial CounCil. and whites can meet and franki y Mass, which is Christ and the discuss the problem of human The Third Order, adopted the people acting together. interracial. apostolate as its spe- relations." Fa,ther Gasnick expressed the Importance of Mass cial form of Catholic Action in Jeanne Guertin, a student at hope that other national Catholie The Mass shows forth the su1959. Father Gasnick has been Jesus Mary Academy, Fall River; and the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. preme worth of the individual. l,letive in drawing tip plans for. organizations will adopt, interCITIES SERVICE Edward R. Guertin of the Sacred" The individual is present at the program, to \)e' known a6 racial programs of their own. Heart parish, No. Attleboro, has Mass as a divinized creature, and "Action for Interracial UnderDISTRIBUTORS the Mass in turn enhances that . standing." I, , been named a winner' of a nadivinization, t!lat supreme worth. tionwide dictation contest for He said "pilot projects" in the Gasoline But the individual is also presbusiness students. interracial program have heen underway for some' months. The Her award included a portable ent at Mass as a member of the Fuel and Range typewriter for herself and her group-acting, giving, receiving, plan now decided on centers on CONSTRUCTION CO. teacher, Mother St. Laurent, worshiping together with his the small group within each fraternity which will meet monthly R.J.M., in addition to a trip for fellow Catholics. The corporateness, this sense -to study the racial problem and both to New York City. OIL BURNERS of a fellowship of all in relation map a program of fraternity A citation accompanying the to all, must be carried into the , 'action for dealing. with it, he award noted that Miss Guertin's political' order where a man's AND O. E. BOILER BURNER UNITS stated. entry was outstanding among individual contribution' is more ESTIMATES ON thousands received' for <:reativ- important than/ he' thinks it is. Father Gasnick said Action for For prompt delivery ity, originality, salesmanship and Who' can estimate the impor& Day & Night Service _.DRIVEWAYS YARDS use of good shorthand practice. tance 'of a single vote, even in _ SIDEWALKS Rural Bottled Gas Service the primaries, at a time when, • PARKING AREAS in the words of Pope Pius XII, 6,1 COHANNET S,T. • GAS STATIONS "the quality of elected represenTAUNTON tatives is a matter 01. life and Route 130 Sandwich death in a democracy."? Attleboro - No., Attleboro Tel. GArden 8-2433 Taunton
d 0''d' - '1 J ustlce. - Program , ,Th' -Ir, r er'RaCla T, - La,1'-ty f or 'L',ea,d' ers h-Ip ," '
Academy' Pupil Wins Contest
& SON,
Asphalt Paving'
HATHAWAY @~~ (0. ' I~[~
C«IIll'dUl1\l«1lD 5)lPe~UIl't1\l(J]1l'\l
,MCIlli'kS ~uli'll'lhJday
LIN~OLNDALE (NC)--"-Francis Cardinal Spellman celebrated his 72nd birthday, three days early here. The Archbishop of New York , blew out candles, cut a cake and celebrated with 20 youngsters who observe their 'birthdays in May 'at Lincoln Hall school for delinquent boys here. o Since 'he became ArchbiShop of New York in 1939, the Cardinal has celebrated his birthday ,anniversaries each year with youngsters at the' school. The school's other 244 pupils attended the party~
NlEW BEIDFOi'<!l» . : , ~
SCJ18Qts' & S~,.v;ce.
ColoD' Pmces§' Book~et.s
WY 3-17:51,
American Press, Inc. OFF 5 E T -
Yeoi" Books
1-1q COffIN AVENUE PhOM WYmatA 7-"414 New Bedford, Mae&. '
"Sound Philosophy' Essent~al For Peace Corps Success
Urg~$ uffoining
Laity to Meet
Bishop of ReDo
A Peac:e COJ'ps made up of 'such men, -dedicated and fresheyed, could do for the ~orld be treasonable' today, in its anguish and bitter 10 that essential division~ soJIlething not unlike spirit of Pentewhat another Peace Corps, also cos t w h'i c h made up of young men, had done k e e pst h e for it' at the command of Jesus Church herself Christ two thousand years ago. , If only this young man, with ·forever young ·in an aging all his background and his ideal· world.' Yet at' . ism, his admirable' c~rti:tudes the same time and his positive standards, were ·'we' cannot suptypical of all' .volunteers for a press the fear work admittedly of such vital . that experience ·importance .for '. the cause of 'will deal roughly, with many' of ft:,eedom! Here, surely, would be 'those who will volunteer to go the antidote for all Ugly Amout into the w'orld to preach ~he eric~s . who. have caricatured glad tidings of a more .abundant our image. . life:. . There is no .question of the buoyant enthusiasm. which' 'the , The other day, at the conclu- Presldent;s cail has awakened Sion of a symposium on a from end to end of the country, Catholic college campus, we .no question .that . thousands of were, approached by a young young men and women, aPilwerman who told us that he wall _ ing the call, are acHng with planning to offer .himself for splendid generosity and self.the program. It would mean, be .sacrifice. . · said, a considerable financial Of course there' are always sacrifice as well as the post- those who go along for the ride, ponement of his advancement' in who' are interested much more in his profession of the law. the thrill than the service, but . , He' was convinced, nevertbe- .. there is .. good reason to believe less, that he ow~ something of that the summons is bringing an opligation in consciEmee to forth representatives of Am·his country and to mankind. to erica's best product in brains volunteer his services for the 'and idealism, the secular counbuilding Of a Christian defQge- terpart of those other ~ousands • racy in the ,world. ., . who yearly answer the divlile , No ,wild,..eyed enthusiast, no vocation to preach Christ cruci·conceited egotist, he reaJ,iZed tied to the ends of the earth. , that . his personal contribution Enthusiasm Insufficient . m,ight ~. exc~dinglY 'small, '. 'But the' anxious' question' is even. DUcrOSCOp~, but .he felt what will they preach? For one str.ongly tblit unless" he, apd, 'like' our young 'man (not· too · ot'hers like him were pre~ . representative; om." fears) how to justify their ideal, the vicmany are there whose .training ·torY might, as well be conceded . and education' have' ill prepared to the Communist enemy right them to speak in our name and .no~nd Gives Answer. 'in vindication of 'all· we stand , What would he, preach? He for? had considered that question in Enthusiasm is excellent" but some detail. His whole Catholie it is' not enough: The' tragic . 'background supplied the " a~ reality is that our American sec, swer, . though he had not' re- ularism and materialism, in the . essential at:eas of education and duced it to a set of formulas. ,philoSophy, have failed to pro" He believed in man as a free · 'and intelligent being, created . vide the' bulk 'of our youth with the intellectual and moral basis for an eternal destiny which is of; a 'living democracy, one to be achieved in life by con- . which gives sUbstance to justice formity to laws of 'reason and and equality; · revelation w hie lr- could be known and obeyed by all men, " As theology is essential ti) the granted sufficient goodwill: and Christian missionary, sO is a adeqiJate presentation. ' sound philosophy essential to the preacher' of temporal salvaHe belie\Oed in human equal- tion. ity under God as· a matter of We 'may be on the brink of justice, not merely of senti- committing.a grave injustice, of mental generosity; and in a de- sending our youth to preach the mocracy as the best means of word, and the onlY word we attaining that equality of jus- . have taught them is the radical tice in human politics. absurdity of man in a closed Live As Example universe 01 matter. Have we He was not called, he said, to thought that we might break a religious apostolate, though he their hearts? was ready to concede that his SI jeunesse savait •••. yes, mission could well be regarded but it might have helped if as tb~ "preparation for the some of us who are old had Gospel", who s e . fulfillment bad a little wisdom too. Thank would crown the ·work. God at least for our young man. He would not preach Ameri- He might be the leaven to eanism as such, as thoug·h that purify' the mass. Youth, Hke were the only vehicle of tem- yeast, is mir~culoWl. poral salvation, but he would ground himself in ·that solid matrix of the Judeao-Christian Teacher, School Win philosophy which he considered Honors for Science . basic to the American concept COLUMBUS (NC) - A nun~ of democracy and human rights, teacher and· a Catholic high . and which ought to be the heri- sChool in the Columbus diocese tage of all mankind. were given awards by the Ohio Above aU, clearly recognizing Academy of Science. his human weakness, he would Dominican Sister M. Veronica, try. to live as an example of his who teaches science at Sacred preaching, mQtching the deed to Heart High School in Coshoston, the word. "was cited by the academy as the East District Science Teacher of Trutba Enkindle Fil'e the Year., She is the third nun A warmth of gratitUde came over U1l as we listened. Here thus honored by the academy. St. Mary's HighSchool con~ was an American youth for whom the great trUths enun- ducted by the Sisters of Charity ciated by the saints and seers, in Marion was one of seven tbe founding fathers and tIbe schools given the Frederick H. lWman Pontifis of the past. cen- Kreeker Award for the best scitury, enshfined in theQ,ull pag-es ence program in its district. Each 01. ~t-books and expounded, school is given a $150 award to heaven knows, with how llttle improve its science program and of their original ins)"liration. had a plaque- to commemorate the enkiDd1e<! another fiN. ." .1t.Ti_ honor.
youth. We cannot withhold our applause, for to do so would s 0 m e Il 0 w
Thurs., May 11, 1961
By Most Rev. Robert J. Dwyer, D.D.
"If OR),. youth were Wise, if only age were able." Th~ French proverb" actually, defies translation;' what comes out is stripped ale iill pith, not to say its Gallic charm. It describes, nevert~1ess. something which' is at the top at. 'our mind as we mull over lie asked for our blessing, and implicatioR8 Of Presi- we gave it with a sharp sense dent Kennedy's can for a ~ the roies ought to be rePeace Corps of. the nation'. versed.
Red Challenge . AUSTIN (NC) - A Cat&:olie editor suggested here t hat an inter-Americaa
Catholic Training center be established to meet the challenge of communism in the westena hemisphere. Dale Francis, editor of the Lone Star Catholic, ne~spape.r of the Austin diocese, and • columnist for Our Sunday Vis.itor, said the communist threat in the Americas is serious and the best means of combatting it iies with Catholic laymen. , Mr.' Francis said the cen·ter shoul4 train both clergy and laymen, but should give its main attention to the laity. . While it should offer instruction in how to combat commun18m, he' said, this' should not be . its only function . , , Primarily, it should train Catholic IllY" leaders in the principles' 'of social justice and in such specific matters as agrarian reform, industrial diversification, Cooperatives and credit unioDtl. Mr. Francis suggested that" HONOR MEN: Scholastic monogram winners at Coyle such a center might be located JIigh School are: front, left to right, Kenneth Cwikla, Goof- in Puerto Rico, which has close ties with both North and South frey Kane; :r.:ear, Daniel Hoye, Neil Bowen. America, or in such countries' as ,C09ta Rica or Colombia. . He said the center should be sponsored by -the Church in ali the countries of the Americas In keeping with annuai tra- coveted.of all the Coyle mono- and shouI~ be open to potentUQ dition, Msgr. Coyle High School, grams and is equally recognized and present leaders :kom them Taunton, takes pride each Spring by Faculty. and: students as the aU• 'in ·awarding monograms to those" chief symbol of Coyle education. "It honors not only the stuLegislator Raps students who have aehieved high scoolastic standing for previO\l8 dent who wears it, but also the On Grounds marking periods; whole Coyle administration. 'Fo ~ROOKLYN (NC)-Luigi B.. "Like many other sch091s," be eligible for the award, a stu- Marano, chairman of the New say faciIlty spokesmen, "Coyle dent must have earned High is mainly interested in the in- Honors. three times and Honors York State Joint Legislative Committee' on Offensive and Obellectual education CYf its stu- once. .scene.Materials, has attacked "La dents, and not primarily in their 'Current Recipients Dolce .Vita," Italian-made film. social and athletic abilities. Those 'who have merited a as ."180. minutes 'of revolting 'and "it, is true . that these" fields monogram for '·the foUrth mark- 'deq1oralizing episodes" which are intimate and inseparable · iog peria<;l. at Coyle include: glorify "immorality alid obscen.. parts of education, but nevertheSeniots:·Horace Travassos and· . ity."- . lesS the intellectual <ievelopmeJ:\t Kenneth Cwikla,. Fall River; Mr. Marano is author of a bill of the student is most important. Robert Casey,' Mtmsfield;~ge to permit the director 'of ,the "Consequently, it is·i onry Simmons, . Assonet; Mieh3el State ·Education Department.. to .proper that those wOO have strc- Stefanik;' Taunton. , designate motion pictures as ae-eeeded in achieving this IIl()st . Juniors: Geoffrey K-ene,MeDs- ceptable. for children. It is e-:aimportant obj~tive should, be , field. pected. to be resubmitted ne. acknowledged as would be a : Sophomor~: Neil Bowen, M- year, having failed in the Sena" great "athlete. For' thiS reaSon tleboro; "Joseph, 'Costa, MattaCoyle' awards a major letter to · poisett; David 'Gay, Taunton, Are You Wearing A ' those men whO" have justly Christopher' Godek, Raynham; Pretty Hat? merited· this· emblem of accom- Alan Grenier and John 'Mcplishment. It'S. Andrew, Fall River. ' ....Ilhis letter, marked by 1he Freshmen: Louis 'Andrews, torch 'of knowledge, is the m<>st Berkley; Timothy Andrews; Leo "~'6 Curry, Denis .Enos, Peter Gay, Southern' New. Eng/ancl's 'Cornerstone Rite Daniel' . Hoye, Donald Lewis, Large.t Millinery fashion Slor. . WIND"SOR (NC) -Coadjutor · Michael'Riley, 'Richard Wilbur, )34 SOUTH MAIN ·SRlfET Archbishop Philip F. Pocock of Taunton; Peul Wesseling,BroekFAll RIVER Toronto 'will officiate at the cor- ton. . nerstone laying of Assumption University's new $1,600,000 uniDRY ClEAft(ING versity center here June 3. The and .~hbishop, an alumnus of Complete FUR STORAGE Assumption, will also receive aD honorary degree. The new center, scheduled for completion this Fall, is the third and final project of' an expansion program financed largely through private 34-44 Cohannet Street gifts.,
22 Coyle Students- E~rn' Lette~ For Outstanding Scholarship
co. ..H.eatinq Qils and Burners NORTH FRONT STR NEW BEDFORD
for Bristol County
Bristol Co.,nty Trust Company TAUNTON, MASS. T~ BAN« ON TAUNiON GREEN
Member ~ Federal DepOSit lnsurall1ee ,Corporation
WYman 2-5534
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565' MILL ST. ••••••• Q ¥
Open E¥ery evening i
WY 7-94861
¥; ••
Q.- • • •
THE A~CHOR-,Diocese of Fa~_ River-Thurs. MgyH,1961
. _.:..~ '.
Cape" Cod Anti-Smut Campaign ContiJiued from Page One -ward-looking advocates of, unreSomething is going to be done lionsider the ideas and pictures a strained freedom of idea presen- 'about it on Cape Cod; proper guide for thought and tation came upon me while I Must Be Done action. was telling his daughter that, I That something m'ust be done . You would make it clear that honestly believe in prostitution is evident. Any. number of exIlly actions 'were not good-and and urging her to consider s~ch cellent, detailed and, authenti~u would stamp a big, fat "NO" work as a career-and explaill- cated articles and books have on any future plans I might have ing 'the, joy and glamor of such uncovered the extent and danger lor this kind of propaganda, All a career and describing the in" of this civic cancer: The writers ~is would be accepted as proper teresting people one meets-I am of these articles are hot "crack':' 'eivic actioh to' protect your prop- pretty sure he would not. think pots:" J. Edgar Hoover is not a erty, your neighborhood, your too long about my right to pre- crackpot. Closer to home, I do' (jIOmmunity, and your children. sent ail idea contrary to his not beli.eve that Sheriff Donald But if you suggest that some standards. P. Tulloch of Barnstable County Store should not carry and sell I think his first kick would is a crackpot - nor is County Ute same basic Anglo~Saxonisms, bounce me into the arms of the Identification Officer Louis Caand their sophisticated exten-, nearest policeman', taldo, sions dealing with crime" perAnd if he foupd me telling his Both these men are in Close version' and lust-that is CEN. contact with the end results of · RSHIP'. You would be telling' young son that the only true and SO manly way of life-the sure path pornography and ' they feel the storekeeper he' must not do If s t ron g I y and d.eeply that. ·so methl·ng. Of course, all da,y to fun and games and se -ex. pression-is the .exc.iting exist- something, indeed, must be done. long, we are telling someone- ence of a homosexual-I'm afraid The "something" cannot be a,hit ~ being told by someone--"yotl his kick would be just a's swift 9r 'miss action~it must be an ean't do' that." and hard' and just as regardless .. organized, concerted :working of . No Smoking in the Library... of my right of expression. all the 'elements of the co.mNo Left Turn ... No Parking... munity. iceep Off 1\10 Swimmin~ from But why? Why is it wrong for And the work, to be effective. this Pier No Admittance .. ~ m~ to trlake my pitch to his chil" must be through specific chanDon't Use this Stair ... Don't Use dren in person- but all· right to nels that are in being to further the Clean Guest Towels ... Don't make it in writing to thousands and complete the work of the. ~lam the Door. And, more seri- of children, with the added bf'ncommunity: There must be comeus in nature, Don't Steal, Any"'; e~i~s that .1 ~an g? int~ real spe- . plete understanding I>f what is fibing ... Don't .. Murder Anyone clflc detaIl 1':'1 pr!nt. WIthout auY to, ,be accomplished and of the .... ~. Don't Forget Your Tall:es ..• · 'chllnce ,of ~emg mterrupted,31ld . difficulties, in, the w'ay of that with particular reference to I can repeat my salestal~ o.v~r ~ accomplishment. the young Don't Sell Liquor to and over so that none of It Will . ,That is why. Louis Cataldo has .. Minor! . ' b t > wasted. . ,given so generously. of his time : But, you. wilt 'be told, this is And wh~t is 'wrong in 'having, < and energy to' start Ii community dtiferent.' - action against the' a commumty say: Yes. We have . organization for a drive against dirty book!! will be, interfering a. moral code-a stan~ard C!f the muck merchants, why he has with the Freedom. of The' Press! rlght:and ~rong, We belIeve tha_t .. urged the necessity of such ac,( honestly can't see' what free- certam thmgs ar~ bad of them- tion in the face of apathy and dom of the press has to do with selves .and ,certal.n fundamental ignorance. , Obscene books-and I can't see ?eCenCIes ar:e basl~ an~ nO~.~4b. And that 'is 'why the Cape Cod wby any community 'should tol~ J.~.t.to c~ange wIth. condlhoQ~ Organizations for Deceht Lite-rerate filthy material, no matter or Yle'YpoIt.It~. , ature has come into being. It is' how subtle the packaging. . And call it what you ~like-, why any and· every person with . And despite aUllie wordy go- civic acti0':'l' censorship, betra,Yal the 'slightest interest in what is Munds and fine-drawn legal of your rIghts u~d;r the, first happening to· the young people fioints and unlimited arguments • l!mendment, restramt· of the on .the Cape, should· be at' the based on semantics, I' think the Fr.eedom of, th~ P~ess, .la~ en- meeting in Barhst~ble High riverage person, knows a dirty f~rcement, plam" old-:f~shloned School' at· 7:30, Sunday· :night, boOk when 'he finds one. It does tYranny, ·or ,publIe opmlOn~we May 14;' , itot requir~ ~~veral pages of mean ·to. se~. that our st~il.dards.. ' 1£ you are' truly concerned," ieg'al script-no matter how in- are mamtamed, and "tha~ o,u~ then this is the time: and place v~lved the apologetics _ you !()ung people are ~ot. contant.: to.learn what 'can' be' done and know if 'it's the kind of book mated by a stream of fIlth. how to do it... FOIL want your children' to read. .. All the Angles If you think the whole thing And the usual meetings to "dG . Of course, any such statement is a tempest iIi a teapot-this is iJomething about it" seem to run would caU- forth .the Screams the time and place to j ask ques-. into the earnest effort to avoid mentioned earlier in this article- tions, to· get factS. to 'find out' any chance of "censorship"--any -and there, would:be intense' just how big the tempest mand ~ssibility that someone might defensive activity of a most com': how much damage it has caused 41hink the· group was' "against petent kind. The' boys engaged the'teapot. . $omething." There is the most in this racket.know all the angles . it' you are' against the whole ~ile side-stepping and sweeping ~al( the way from "Weil,' if idea:--here is the time. and placeof the skirts away from the re~ you're going to let some pious to speak out, to set -forth your .notest concept that someone is prude of a crackpot tell you what standards,' to J demand' proof of going to" tell someo.ne "You you can read ..." up to the intri.:..· the need for this organization. ~ustn't ..." . legal maneuvers that in-. This is the chance to talk to If some~ne brings up a specific volve the spiitting "of very fine experts. . instance of pornography they haHos. Don't Let It Ride ",. . ilnmediately cover the~selves The muck merchants ar-e nOt ' But don't just let things rideb,- saying that of course thi.s is impressed 'with morality'or the 1.tle muck merch~nts h~ve grown ~nly one, example and nat.ueallY claims of decency and they have. 'fat on apathy and the' "Qh, well "ey d?n t want t6 be considered no intention of. taking their' •••". attitude'. i ~ seemg. seK ,everyw?ere and fingers out of the fat, if stinking, . Almost every fraternal, civic, tb~ last thmg we ,;"ant IS censor-' pie that 'yields unbeiievable ~cial and religious organization, sb~p and why don t we do somemil-lions 01. lovely dollars every group, and society on; the Cape ttll.ng about t~ awful stuff that/It year: They will fight hard and is behind the campaign to Stamp ~ being s o l d ? , viciously to protect their pie. .Out Smut-and they are agreed Advaneecl Viewpoint So, whHe it would seem a sim- that the biggest foot with the And I understa?d that there Pie matter for a community to . heaviest boot is the Cape Cod ~. a fo~ward-Iookmg, Mvallce~ rid itself of unsavory literature Organizations for'Deceht Litera"f.ewpomt that says you. can t by expressing its. desire in plain ~ui-e; .. ~top ~nyone from adv?catI?g an and understandable languageI have not. quoted :from the' Idea Just because that Idea IS not it is not that easy. The boys don't - great and growing. material that an a~cepted ~tandard of the com- relish any cutting of their mar- has been written about this. sit-\ Ihumty. If someone t hill. k S ket and will make every effort uation. But in case you· need a adultery a ':fun" pastime-wh-!" to keep their' outlets operating. small extra push to g-et you ·to ~ has a J;'lght to. express hiS It is not enough that you say the meeing on May 14; consider vtews a~d present hIS arugments. we don't want this material in this statement by J.' Edgar , And ~ust because ~o1:1rb~ck- this community-you may have Hoover: "The increase 'in the ,ward lIttle co~mumty. thAnks to state just Why you object to it number of sex crimes i~ due pre,~.at adulte7Y IS not .nIce and and. make your' objections stand cisely 16 sa literature madly should be dIs.cour~ged IS n? rea- up in court. presented in certain magazines. son for not _lIstenmg, to th~ .~uy And sometimes I should tbink Filthy literature is the great tell you what yoo. re mIsslllg. til e enforcement authorities moral wrecker. Ii is; creating And, naturally, your childre.n would get discouraged _ what ~in:,~~~:~,'fa~er than jails can ~ght to, and g shOUld, heal' hIS with legal stringencies, tricky v4e~s. They, afte~ aU, are the definitions, and unforeseen inThat date again: May:14. Bal'6-0' audIence. most 1I,kelY to fall terpretations, not to mention the stable High School-7:30 P.M. under hIS persuas,lv: spell and tack of cooperation and downD' RO:.e,~ probably acc;pt hIS Ideas. . right apathy on the part of those ~ II lI~oaJ However, If o!:!e. of these fOl'- tbey are trying to protect. Some- , Continued from Page OIlMt times it must 'seem that the pro- mouth and Westport. Continuing tection is aU on the side of the as Dean ~ Rt, Rev. Hugh A. muck merchants. Gallagher of St. James Churcb. Continued from Page ODe StiU, something oan be dORe New Bedford. Acholarship and to the, Diocesan Basketball Champions. about it . . • Dean of Barnstable; Dea~ea.W Something has been done which COVel'S the 15 parishes, of The convent·ion marks the bighlight of the CYO activities' about it in ve~ious citieS and Cape Cgd is ·Ver·y Rev.; Leonard :llol' the 1960-196:1. year, It is an towns... J. Daley of' St. FranciS Xa;vlel' '€hurch, Hyannis. _ ~portunity for the CYO to iden~y ,itsel£ with positive action., .Por8'i}~qa'fPJH1Jif Named Deane>f N·antuck« and .•/,f It will not end but beg,in anotber NEW YORK (NC) - More Dukes Deanery, which includes period of social, cultural, spir- than 200 police and other law the' three par-ishes of the Islands itual and athlet'ic promotion b¥ enfOrcement of·f-icials will meet of Nantuck~t and Martha's Vinethe CYO'el's of the Diocese. It Saturda-y May 1'9 at M'3nhattan y.al'd, is Very Rev. James E. will be a-ri oppjortunity to prove @oi·lege to· stud,y the har-ffi being McMahoa Of Sael'ed ~ fhQt "'Youth Ser-¥eS T-od-a.!V'." ~ by Pl»'Mg.c..a,pmC'Ala~iaL eiwroh, Oak Bltdllis.
State-Subsidized· ,CathcH.c Schools To' ~ave ChaPels in, EnglaneJ
LONDON' (Ne) - All new Catholic schools operating with,;.,· in' England's national education syst~m will probably have their own chapels in the future. The Education Ministry has agreed to this provided the Catholics themselves' pay the cost of such chapels, it was revealed at a meeting here, of the Catholic Education Council. The council, a national consultative body headed by-Bishop George A. Beck, A.A., of Salford, supported such construction.. It alsO called for the ap'pointment of chaplains fo'r the big secondary schools no,W being built to serve areas covering more than one parish. The pres:' ent tendency for such schools, it was asserted, is that they are "abandoned" by' the clergy. ~ A danger' mentioned at the. conference· 'was that in. a few years' _time with the, general Ciwiridling of the child' population many hon-Catholicschools would, have empty places and local education authoritfes might be' 'unwilling' to build more sChools for the Catholic children whose number-s alone' are grow-' ing'. ' . It was proposed that the Cath-
olic education authorities should
At the beginning. of last year the number of Catholic children of. aU ages at the sc~ools maintamed by the State In England ~nd Wales ~as 547,000. By 1965'1 it. was estImated, the number 'Ylll have grown to .near4t ·1,000,000.
High Schools ,Continued from. Page One dents in the ,Catholic Hi~ Schools' of the Diocese. . Three parishes have developed the CCD program to such a degree that more' than 1,400 pupils in the public schools will receive Ohl'istian 'Doctrine instructions in new catecheticalcenters in addition to the sites already in use .for this purpose. The three parishes that win open catechetical centers in the near future are: St. Mary's, Norton, already under construe-, tion; Immaculate ConcePtion, North Easton and Holy Trinity.. weSt Harwich. , ',Some parishes of the Diocese without parochi8I schools· aN now planning to hire buseS to transport their own children to neighboring parochial liehools.
The letters ibat come into· our dice eacla mornlq, from pries&6 and Sisters ·aU over the Ne~ East, are absorbing, firs'" . , hand, documenUry re»,oris on whd L...~~~- 0).: &he ~Chureh, Is doiDg In 196L 'The ·V . ,~eme is always the I18me: God Is \,C... ~ ..' blessing Ow.: work bountifuU7 - but :' .0' . to do the job that caD be done, pleaM .~ '~ IIendus help. We are able to. help 0111' ~ '" missionaries sometimes because you. + ,t our faithful, readers, make Ii possible. We thaoltyou fOl' iour prayers, 10Ul' sacrificeS; your generous conkibu&Ions. Moreover, the priests and S.· <-rs' "V08 help' never forget. Theil' ....1.. u.J.. .. _.L..I. M;":-' AiII. .., .~fJ1 UWJ cYlIfJ.n...,.", PJ:ayers for, you 'are going to God con.. for tht onmtal Omrrh stan&l7 .••• from such far-away placn is INDlA~ EGYPT, L~, JORDAN, ETHIOPIA and ~ II1Ore.
"or '
MEincINE FOR INDIA . The following letter is' typical Of those In the momtng maD. From INDIA the M9ther Generai of the SISTERS OF THE SACRED HEART writes that, more than anything else, the po01 people in the rural and mountainous areas need medical atten-. Uon. They need it immediately,- For this reason the Mother General has sent her Sisters into ANIKAD, ,THOV ALA, MARYKULAM and KANAYANKAVAYAL: III ANIKAD and MARYKULAM' the Sisters have been donated property on which' to build two hospitals. In THOVALA and KANAYANKAVAYAL they hope some day (soon, If possipleJ to open dispe~saries. Unfortunately, they have no money-.and to start the four projects they need $12,000. Thinking about the problem, we are reminded . that Our Blessed Lord sometimes' got to the soul through the '. body~wben He gave sight to the· blind man, for instance, and oured the cripple. ThIs is what the Sisters can do" if somehow can provide the means. That's why we're turning their appeal' over to, you. Wpat you give' to God 'You never miss. The Sisters in India need $12,000 to begin their medical work ill these four places: Where in our country could you start two hospitals and two' dispensaries for' $12,000? Perhaps we call Bnd 12 peopie to give $1,000 each; or 24 people to give $500 each; or .1,200 people to giv~ $10 e!ich. Will you give something? Whatever you give, send it now, and mark it "MEDICINE F9 R INDIA," Whatever you give, even $1.00, will mean a lot ••• the Sisters have nothing.
SPEAKING OF SISTERS, •• :81STERROSE MARY iIIld' SISTER MARY FELICIA are young Indian girls .prepatlngtO beeome Slstel'S ht the Clarlst Con.t'egation In ANKAMALY. 'Ilo ~,house a~d clothe each Of. them during theirtw. ,-ear period of trainin«, costs. $300. Both ~
Sisters need a sponSOl'. Y-ou mal' spaoe 70ur paYments to suit youneIt '. • • the cost tOl' each is, roughly $11.00 per week. .Drop us a note ancl we'D ~'~ the details.
GIORGIO :GHALI and FILIPPO YAN'N!'are stude" fOr thfi priesthood at ~: Cyril's Francisoila Seminal'Y in GHlZA" EGYPT. The)' wiD be in the semina.., fur six yeal'8o
e- n'e'
CYO C@!ruW@{)'i)t;OlJl
~ to take over any .Sch~ whicn become sw:plus in tbM
WeJre looking for sPonoors for each of. them. .
The cost1$600, each. f~ the entire ~~-ye81' course, or $100 per year. (rrhat~s less. thalt $2.00 a week, Or 350 a day}. If 1QU~d like IOmeday to "have a ~ 'Of JOur, 0WIl." oootad 118 ~..a.. welD lI1I-
you a student...
., .
CYOSub"r~a~ ·L~~gu~ .
. ...
THE, ANCf:f0R-
May 11, 1961
Zone Ordinance Bars Seton Hall IJra"ch Campus
. By JaekKineavy The CYO Suburban League, thearea'~ fastest amateur baseball loop, is set to embark OR its third campaign. Plans for a Memorial Holiday opening with all six teams in .action. Back to defend its championship laurels will be Per' th fection Oil of New Bedford. ond baseman last year were e St. Mary's of Fall River and only returning veterans, along Somerset, the league's char- with Skip Martinez and Daventel' members, ate in the fold, port. John Murphy, a transfer
SADDLE RIVER (NC)~ An ordinance to prevent Seton Hall University from ea-tI.\blishing a branch cam-
from Holy FamilY,was inserted at first. Diminutive Joe Caesar holds down second and Bob Santos, one of the strongest throwing third basemen we've seen iD a long time rounds out the inner cordon. Jim Botelho is ,behind the plate. '
. Case
~For 1961 Holiday Opener'
as is Holy Rosary of Fall River. Making their first appearance will be Peitavino .Silk Mills . Of: New Bedford a fixture for years in that city's Amateur League, and an All-Star intermediate CYO unit from Fall River. This club will have a generous sprinkling of college ball players still within the intermediate CYO age who wlll play with their parish teams as well. The Stars which could be the surprise of the season will be skippereti by Fran Regan~
An interesting aspect of Case High's undefeated six game skein is the fact that no less than four of these victories came via a one run margin. Apponequet and Westport - the latter a 10 inning NEW BEDFORDITES IN PLAYOFF: Mt. Carmel Junior affair - went doWn, 10-9; Som- soccer team members discuss with Rev. Luciano Pereira, erset bowed, 5-4 and Prevost was edged, 1-0. -Doing a fine job parish CYO director, the championship finals to be played on the mound for the Cardinals in °Philadelphia on SUD<:1ay. Left to right, Fernando Pita, are Paul .Summers and Dan John Santos and Father Pereira. , Toolin who have registered three High Sehool Seene wins apieCe. . . On the high school baseball The ou~tanding phiyer of the front, Fairhaven and Case con- first half in Narry has to be tinue to set' an undefeated pace Dighton - Rehoboth's R 0 gel' ,ST. PAUL (NC) - Thirteen in his arms and shoulders. . . irI their respective leagues. A Duarte who has pitched and -. '!'he equipment they constr:ucfirm believer in seeing how' the battled the Regionals into strong years ago a young 'Minnesot;t other half lives, we took in the contention. The' 'big fellow is priest was critically injured in ted was an important step in Durfee-New Bedford game on hitting at a .548 clip, leads the an auto accident' the day aftel' starting the hospital's physical theMpy program. . Saturday and were very much leagUe in. strikeouts, 43, and has be offered his first Mass. Father George Skluzacek was The hospital today has Ilbe impressed by coach Charley dropped only one game, a· 6-3 Luchetti's charges. The Crimson decision to a continually ~mprov found in a ditch, paralyzed, his latest facilities for therapy, _ came away with an 8-1 triumph ing Prevost team. The Leafs had skull fractured, unable to speak. inclUding" exercising and treat",: over the Hllltoppers' ace right- a great week, upending Dighton. ··Doctors gave up hope for his mem equipment and a' 425-galhander, Terry Lomax. Henry then very nearly" doipg the same full recovery and sent him to Ion tank for total immersion. his father's farm· at Lakeville, .FoUll" therapists staff the deDavenport and Jim- Stott took to Case. . .' Minn., to live the life of an in- partment. Commented chi e f advantage of the chummy right valid. therapist John Anderson: "It's a stang Neophy~s field fence to account for the I But Father Skluzacek and his joy to see patients who arrive first four-ply wallops at the Bishop Stang in lui" first year friends had other ideas. And in wheel chairs or with useless Elsbree St. grounds this season. of baseball competition has their efforts had two big results limbs leave walking or restored Paul Mandeville' and Bob begun to come along under the -his return to active life and to normal activity." Lyonnais, hitting first and third astute guidance of Coach Carlin the. development of a physical Father Skluzacek's story 'Is 'in the order, 'give the Crimson Lynch. The Parochials have a thtttrapy· department at St. proof that it can be done. as fast a pair of runners up front deuces 'wild record, in 9ix games, Joseph's Hospital here. as will be found illlywhere. Each the·last two of which have been Today Father SklUzacek is had two hits in the game, one one-sided. victories .over Keith of . Lyonnais' going for three and Somerset Jayvees. John Ellis chaplain at the Discalced CarmSfory bases. Gary Drewniak with a .and. Tom Boisvert have been hit- elite nuns' convent in North St. WASHINGTON (NC )-elaudia Paul.. triple and single tn four trips ting and Ray LeBlanc, Tom M. Bastien of Galveston has been He· was one of the proudellt was the only member of the Giasson and portsider' Carter _ selected the winner of the Hilltoppers to -give Davenport Hunt provide more than ade- visitors at an open .house mark-. nationwide 1961 short sto~y coning the opening of the hospital's any trouble. Bonalewicz .and quate mound strength. expanded physical 1lhel'8py sec- test s~onsored by .Youth magaKeough had singles. What a difference a week tion. . zine, published by tPe Youth It was a rather busy day for makes! Last time out we treated After he returned to his fath- Department, National Catholic Drewniak and pivotman Doug Jensen's baseball obituary, only er's farm, his sister patiently Welfare Conference. ' Mello. The· boys . arrived at to find that this time around the taught hJm' to speak. Msgr. Joseph E. Schieder, Aluinni Field late but neverthe- controversial one is about to Meanwhile former' seminary Youth Department director, said less sartorially resplendent in rejoin the Sox in Los Angeles. classmates rallied to his aid. a silver trophy will be awarded their full cut morning suits after The Bosox desperately in need They went to St. Joseph's H06- to Norman Coffman, Jr.,' Weyattending the wedding of Gary's of 'righthanded power' are re- pital for advice. There they mouth, Mass., for his third-place older brother, Stan. Coach Don portedly .in a forgive and forget were told the priest could be entry,"pig Tale." . Montie inserted them in the frame of mind and plan no dis- .he~ped by intensive physical lineup after a hurried warm-up ciplinary action against the therapy-but the hospital lacked and the quick switch wa" com- troubled outfielder. With- Jen- the equipment. plete. sen's return to duty, the Sox will ~hat didn't discourage Father The victory over Durfee left -awaken froll). the nightmare that Skluzacek's friends. Under medthe Crimson with a 5-0 season's left them bereft of a right fielder ical guidance they built maoaL 'COMPANY recotd. Coach Luchetti has done of major league calibre and so ohinery 6n which the priest a fine rebuilding job.. Stott, much needed right handed punch could exercise to regain the ~se of damaged nerves and muscles Lyonnais and Fazendeiro, a sec- at the plate.
Ne.ar-Disaster Spurs" Development Of Hospital Therapy Section .
Bay Staters Gain Awards Short
pus .here was passed by a unllJl-o imoUB vote of the five-member borough council. .It is in the form of a zoning amendment that would prohibit establishment of a private col~ lege or university in a residential zone. It was adopted after a publie: ' hearing. PaSsage of the regulation came about . two weeks after Seton. Hall 'announced it was negotiating' for' the purchase of a 180acre tract in New Jersey's exclusive' Bergen County community. Seton Hall's main cainpus hi. located in South Orange, about 30 miles, away iii Essex County. It maintains branches in Newa;k an.d Paterson, a law school in 'Newark and a medical and dentalschool in Jersey City. Seek New Arragements . , After passage of the zoning amendment, Msgr. John It. Dougherty, university president, said the institution has no im-. mediate plans to take the case to court. Insted,· he said, Seton Hall, would try to make arrangements acceptable to Saddle Rives. This· 'borough' once before had adopted' a restrictive zoning law iii an' attempt to prevent the establishment of the Saddle River Day School, a private institution· with ~O pupils. School authoritie£ fouglit . the law in the courts, wiiming a verdict from the State Supreme Court in 1959. The Newark archdiocese c&>. tered that case on the side of the' school as' a friend of the court to protect its right to establish a parochial school theN should. it Wish to do so in the future.
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HEA TING - PIPING and AIR CONDITIONING CONTRACTORS 312 Hf"man St. ............... I>"
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. May 11, 1961
... ART lHIAS MANY FORMS: Young artists at Sacred Hearts Academy, ·'Fall River, work in many, I)ledhi. Left, Mary Jane Sullivan' (left) and ,Beverly Furta!io, freshmen, display products of Art I course. Center,
.U !i"~®~
, CorngU'e~$
R®fl@~U' ~If.@~@se~
M@B~ ~@U'es
WASHINGTON' (NC) The president of the Catholic Press Ass 0 cia t ion has appealed to Congress to save the religious press 'from "disas·trous" postal rate' increases. Father Albert R.-- J. 'Nevins, M,M" said that if Postmaster General J. Edward Day's proposed increases are adopted, the ' result "will either destroy, c,urtail or inflict a heavy burden." He .said that while to some the proposed rise "play appear insignificant," in the case of his' own monthly magazine, Maryknoll, it would mean an increase of $33,000 annually, and "for many of our publications poses a question of survival." Emphasizes Service, Father Nevins said he petitioned "this committee' and this Congress ,to continue to recognize the service this press makes possible' to developing peoples abroad, such service supplementing our national policy at no cost to. Goyernment or to our citizens in taxes." ,; :Officials of Protestant and Jewish, publications joined' in testimony against the measur.e. Dr. Daniel A. Poling, editor, and Ford Stewart, publisher of the Christian Herald, an undenominational Protesant magazine' in New York, testified. SO did Edwara. E. Grusd, editor of the National Jewish' Monthly and other representatives of Protestant publications, Bulwark Against Evil The measure, calling for acrossthe-board increases, would raise the minimum per piece rate for religious and nonprofit publica- ' tions, such as diocesan newspap~rs.
The Maryknoller, whose association represents 131' newspapers and 444 magazines with a circulation over 25 million, said the religious press is a main bulwark against moral, evils threatening America's foundations. "Therefore, anything that limits and handicaps the work of this press is detrimental to the welfare of our government and of the American people as a whole," he said.
G@~dell\1 JJl\!I~Dle9
LANSFORD (NC)-The Slovak Catholic Federation, which has over 300,000 members wilt hold its golden jubilee convention in Pittsburgh on May 16 and lIL
El,izabeth La Salle poses with self-portrait "a 1a Mogdigliana. H Right, Sister Mary Adrienne, S.U.S.C., art teacher, ,and Doris Hebert display jewel box and piggy bank made in ceramics course, popular elective.
.§aCTl'ea He{flr~~
AcadelflJ-Y Stages Art Show Ranging tlrom Mo~ai~ to W~ary~~hoe, ;
By Patricia Me,Gowan
Prre~@t1'~ C~Irn$ider$ R®O'tl®wa~ !M~act ·O\Tt) PatrB~~es
NEW YORK (NC)-Fran..' cis Cardinal Spellman, Archbishop of New York,. has set up a Committee on Housing and Urban Renewal to ease t~e art exhibit and will .wind up Sister Mary Adrienne, -~here display "ala Mogdigliani." Girls' impact on parishes in the path of with an appearance of the , were no prizes and no projects did, self-portraits in the artist's urban renewal projects. glee club with the FaJl River especially undertake~ for dis- distinctive manner, clipping their Auxiliary Bishop John- J. Symphony Orchestra.' play. Therefore the exhibits in- own photographs to the finished Maguire of New York, chairman Art classes have changed since dicate day to day progress of products, ,so 'that viewers could 'of the committee, said that we went to school was the con- students. ' ' judge the likeness. wherever possible the committee sensus of parents and friends at,Of particularintetest was a Also attracting much attention will work to preserve neighbor'tending the' academy e~hibit.· , i was a ceramics display. Many hoods and 'to prevent disruption Saucy paper fish dang1Eid in VOWS" g~rl!l arema~ing t~eir own 22- of parish life caused bi slum mobiles, scraps of paper clipped .i pIece ceramic crib sets for eradication programs. 'from colored magazine ads comChrist~as: These are sure to'be, . come hfebme treasures. Ease BarshipS bined to form beautiful mosaics, CALCUTTA (N?~-An IrIshOn the light side was a sketch In areas' where a change in while collages of wQ:OI, lace, plas- born. woman p.hYSICIan who .su- by a style-conscious student ()f tic and you-n:ime-it reflected the pervised the; wldes'pr~~d ~edlcal a battered, weary-looking shoe. parish life becomes necessary, 'imaginative gifts of students. wor~ o~. th~, ~ls~lonaries .of ,Titled "Our Oxford Enemy," it ,'the committee will work' with "No, these aren't, specially Charity m thiS teemmg port cltY'reflected'a current student cam:' 'city agencies and' nondenominachosen girls," said Sister Mary was receIve . d'm t 0 th,a,t ord er on paign for the §iisters' permission tional civic groups to ease tne Adrienne, S.U.S.C., art teacher., her. deathbed. . ·to exchange the oxfords which hardships o~ transition, Bishop "All students must take a course ,Sister Mary Hilder" who had are ,part of, the academy uniform Maguire stated. in art structure, which teaches co~pleted two years of th.e. re- for the sneakers currently the them the elements of line, shape,qUlred three - year ,~o':lbate, last word in teen-age footwear. form, color, texture and simple made her vows as a MISSIOnary ' . . A Delicious crafts." , of Charity shortly before her Although a 'p:cture.18 worth The academy is unusua·l in re- death. She was allowed to do so 10,000 word.s, It ~ unhkely that Treat quiring art of everyone, said through a special dispensation. sneakers WIll WID the ~ay at Sister John Elizabeth! prin,cipal, She was born Mary Arnold SHA; but. even though studen~ but the"-faculty feels that the Young of English parents in ma~ ~nsider ~hat part of th~ll' course gives girls a background Dublin in 1917. She received de- exhI.bltlOn a faIlure, the remalI~ especially useful to those going grees' in medicine and surgery der IS a g~ea~ succes~ and, a credIt on to advanced studies. and, practiced medicine in Lon- to. the JUnIor arbsts 01. Fall Thorough Training don before coming to India about RIver. . . . . . ; ; ; - - - - - - - - - - -.. Girls with special interest in four years ago. art continue to a second year of Bas Six Dispensaries study.. then may elect cultural For some. time Sister Mary. EI.ctricaf history and art appreciation in worked with.the Medical Mission Contractor. junior and senior years'. Museum Sisters in South India., She trips supplement classroom in- joined the ,Missionaries of 'Charstruction. ity ,in February of 1959. As a The current exhibition shows novice she took charge of the regular, work of the girls, noted order's six dispensaries and its Calcutta home for the ,dying.. Last year 70,000 sick' people Aslks Catho~ ics ,Pray were treated in the dispensaries Olm Memorial Day' of which she had charge. 944 County St. MADISON (NC) -The presi. The' Missionaries of' ,Charity New Bedford dent of the National Catholic were founded a little over' a 'Ask for Them Today Cemetery Conference has iss~ed decade ago by Mother Teresa, a a message citing the importance Yugoslav. Most of the order's 120 of prayers on Memorial Day. members are Indians. Msgr. Edward M. Kinney says in his message: "Memorial Day Famous Reading HARD COAt . ~~n C~ is for the living a time of special meditation . • . For Cat!:lolics NEW ENGLAND COKE ~~ surely, and for many others, the _ Truck Body Builden DADSON Oil BURNERS : . p,--N, -=. .• cemetery is a reminder that we Aluminum or Steel 24-Hour Oil, Burner Service SIEU Q-=: can benefit those' beyond ,the 944 County St; .•".,".. ". ,~Il lD·1fiI~ 4 grave by our prayers. ,NEW ·BEDFORD, MASS. Charcoal Briquets :.., .~'Y~ "We need to' highlight the 1mWY 2-6618'~ .P9rtance of' our cemeteries as Bag Coa. - Charcoat ~~~ integral units in the Christian life of our people. We love our country, for one thing, because it protects our Christian rightto the burial of our dead in our own blessed or consecrated 640 Pleasant Street New aeclfoid Tel. WY 6-8271 gl'ouRd." The city of Fall River 'is arts c(;mscious this month, with a, Community Arts Festival in full swing. Participating in music, drama and art divisions of the community effort are students of Sacred Hearts Academy. They began the month with a drama and music night, featuring two one-act plays and a concert by freshmen and sophomores, continued with an
Nun Takes
On Deathbed '
Made Rite Chip.
SHELL "Premium'" Heat.ing
! ~' ~-::&