
Page 1

The ANCHOR fall River" Mass." Tlhursday, May ] 1, 1961 Vol, 11, No, 19



1967 The Anchor

$4.00 per Year PRICE tOe'

New Liturgy Changes Effective Jun,e 29

when the people are present at . ordination, and at the choral recitation of the Div~ne Office. The instruction reduces the eonstitution on the Liturgy, has number of genuflections by the, Mass celebrant. It also reduces ~ned the door to the use of local languages throughout the the number of times the' cele­ brant must bow, make the Sign Canon of the Mass and has sim­ ~lified the celebration of the of the Cross and kiss the altar. . Mass. The priest and people together At the same time it emphasized say the Domine Non Sum Dignus llhat only the Church itself has before the Communion of the jibe right to alter the LitUl'gy in priest, who then proceeds imme­ lllIly way. diately to the distribution of The instrUcti9n of the Congre­ Holy Communion. After Com­ ption of Rites, signed first of munion it calls for a silent pause IlIlJl. by Giacomo Cardinal Ler­ or the singing of a psalm or a . 8aro of Bologna, president of the hymn of praise. ~onsilium for the Implementa­ The people are dismissed from ilion of the Constitution on the Mass immediately after the Last :$Qcred Liturgy and a member of Blessing instead of before it. ette Congregation of Rites, anO} The color violet may be used MIen b:' Arcadio Cardinal Lar­ in Requiem .Masses. Episcopal maona, prefect of, the congrega­ conferences may allow the use Mon, and Archbishop Ferdinando of another liturgical color in Antonelli, secretary of the con­ conformity with local mentalities. (Jregation, was dated' May 4 and . The priest need riot 'wear the i's effective June 29 of this yes·ar. maniple. Vernacular Rite Priests concelebrating Mass. ltt grants "competent telTitodal should all wear the vestments lMlthority" the pOWer ~f allow­ &1g the vernacular in the Canor. prescribed for individual cele­ . ~f Masses with participation of bration of the MaS!!,' but, for se",: ~e people. The same authority' rious reason, such as the lack of. .Turn to Pag~' She ~ay allow the vernacular rite

PENTECOST SUNDAY MAY 14: The great feast of Pentecost completes the Pas­ chal celebration. We celebrate on this day the mystery of the Spirit and that of the. Church. We cannot separate the two mysteries, for it il;4 in and through the Church that we receive the Holy Spirit and are guided to live in and with Him. NC Photo.

VATICAN CITY (NC)­ 'flhe Holy See, in a second in­ Itruction implementing the Second Vatican Council's

New Early High for Charities Appeal

Total Is $279,804

Spirit of Faithful Offsets' Weather In the tradition of the U.S. Mails "Neither wind nor rain," the 13,500 Par ish .Committee members of ,the 1967 Catholic Charities Appeal braved the New England. ele­ r1ents on Sunday to estab1ish a new all' time high for the first . day. The, results of: their 'efforts for Charity· when ('')mbined with a steady and strong influx of

Loan Fr. J. P. Delaney To Brownsville Diocese

Bishop Nl:edeiros Attending

Fatima Jubilee Ceremony

Rev. Joseph P. Delaney, Assistant Superintendent of !Catholic Schools in the Diocese,' teacher of Religion at lKsgr. Coyle High School and assistant at Sacred Heart Ch.'ul"ch, Taunton, has been granted permission by the Most Reverend Bishop to work in the Diocese of Brownsville, Tex'as for .five years. .The Taunton' priest, ,





Bishop Humberio S. Medei­ ros of Brownsville, Texas, formerly the diocesan chan­ cellor here, will participate'

son of Joseph R. and Jane E. (Burke) Delaney o~ 178 Read· Street, Fall River, was ordained in Rome in December 1960. • He had attended Sacred Heart School, Fall River; Msgr. Coyle High School, Taunton; Cardinal O'Connell Minor Seminary, Bos­ ton; Catholic University of America, Washington; and North American College, Rome. Since his assignment to Taun­ ton, Father Delaney has also at­ Turn to Page Six

in the jubilee ceremonies at Fat­ ima tomorrow and Saturday. Following a heartfelt reception in Arrifes, Sao Miguel, Azores, his birthplace, which he visited for the first time since 1931, when he emigrated to Fall River

, Anniversary

Assignmen\l" The Most Reverend Bishop has approved the nomination of Rev. .Tames Hipp, SS.CC., by Very Rev. Daniel J. McCarthy, provin­ . eial, as assistant at St. Anthony Parish, Mattapoisett. "The assignment "becomes teotive, Friday, June 91, 196f. "" .


" . - lI'L JOSEl"a' P,' DElI.4ANIU·

Special Gifts gave the Appeal Kelliher commented this morn­ this morning a· total of $279,­ ing. "However, there is never .a 8:>4:57 reason for relaxation or failure In some areas, because of the . to sell charity! There is still II extreme degree of.thE~ storm, it long hill to victory but it is a ~as impossible to. complete more distinct possibility - everyone than a ·token few contacts. Not working to the utmost or con­ tributing to the level of OUiZ' b be. out done by their fellovv commi~teemen who were more . present economy. There is StWll1: favored by the weather, areas evicence that the 25 dollar aim adversely affected have rallied has aided the cause of the Ap­ and' are showing the same d~­ I: al. This can be our true de­ gree of generosity that was evi­ gree of success." dent on Sunday. . .. "The Appeal will officially Two. pariShes achieved Honor close on the 17th. Each member or Roll status on the .first day of the Special Gifts or Parish Com­ the .,Appeal. Both Holy Ghost of mittees is requested to bring aU Attleboro, Chairman . Kelliher's .returns to their respecti ve Head­ Parish, and' Holy Cross of South quarters on a daily basis. Thill Eastl'n exceeded their final total expedi+ ~ many features of the of the .19,66 Appeal. ~rhey were A,ppeal m.cchanics. .jo.ine·d, o.n Tuesq.ay by Our Lady .','We . are looking forward t. 'of the Angels and St. Roch's, another weekend of real activity both of Fall River. and are hopeful that the result. ."The early results are· heart­ will carry us to a new high illl' ening, Of Chairman Raymond U. .the history of the Appeal."


A Pontifical Anniversary Mass of Requiem for the repose of the soul of our late beloved Bishop James E. Cassidy wi.ll be cele-: brated on Wednesday morning, Moy 17, at 10 o'clock: by Bishop Connolly in the Cathedral of St. Mary of the Assumption, Fall River. All are urged to join in offer­ ng this Mass on the occasion of the Hith anniversary of thedea,th of· the third" Ordimlryof the Di<K:e.se 'of FaiLRiveE'> .. ;.. '"

with his family, the bishop i. now on his way to Portugal! proper and-' the world-reknowlS shrine. . . On Asce'nsion' Thursoay, the Texan bishOP had the. privilege to offer Mass in the church of hill baptism. ' Preparations are moving ahead! rapidly for accomodating the vas~ crowds expected for the 50th an­ niversary of the first apparition of the Blessed Virgin to the three shepherd children there. Pre-fabricated lodgings for 2,000 persons are being put into place and a restaurant which can. serve 3,000 meals at a time hag been built. Work is proceeding on a new drainage system and a reservoir. All the bishops of Portugal will· concelebrate a Mass for the sick .with the papal legate, Jose Cardinal Costa Nunes, of the Roman Curia, on Saturday. There was' a triduum of prayer before Boo, celebration~ an~ tomorrow, May 12, the day wi. Turon;'to Page. ·Sill;..\ .,





- i'

Thurs., May,H, 1967

At St. William Om1 Wednesd@J

I.eq\19 mem fri<&l@J' f@lJ' ,Mrifo C@Jri)IJ1lCO'S lVlartin Connors, father of Rev. Edmund A. Connors, assist­ ant at St. William's Church, Fall River, died Tuesday following an extended illness. A Requiem Mass will be offered tomorrow morning at 11 in St. Peter's Church, ConcoI'd Ave., Cambridge, and interment will take place at St. Joseph's C~m­ <etery, West Roxbury. Visiting hours at the Mahoney 'Funeral Home, 333 Huron Ave., Cambridge, will tx! today 2-5 and 7-10. , ,Mr. Connors was the husband' of the late Della Murray Con­ nors and in addition to Father Connors, survivors are Gregory Connors of Florida and Gerald Connors of Boston.

Asfu ADd f1'@Revsse A[f~l}n«:IJio(cI!':$@


BALTIMORE (NC)-Lawrence Cardinal Shehan oj! Baltimore has asked the cooperation of priests, Religious and laity in the' writing of pro-synodal legislation and norms needed to update the archdioceSan laws governing priestly life, worship, 'marriage, education, parish operation and '""

Mcst Rev. Bishop James lli, Connolly, will preside at tlw eonferral.of diplomas to SOnt€l 250 'CCD teachers from throughout the Diocese who haV\t) studied two years for certifie:;p

tion. The graduation will be held ~ St. William Ohurch, Fall Riv~ at G o'clock Wednesday evenina May 17. A reception will follOlW in the parish center. Earlier, tho , Most Rev. Bishop will meet wiftl representatives of the CCD ArE@ Directors, Diocesan" Executiro Board and the TSBC. The teacher-training couJ's«) held in the five areas of the Di(i>o eese ~ere conducted by the R~ - erend Area Directors, assistelB by area religious and laitsJ., Courses were offered in Chri~ Jan Doctrine, elementary ani} high school methods. Adva~ «:ourses in Sacred Scripture We'Ji\D oHered in some parts of ~ Diocese. Tlhis was the first year the! ~e one year course--spread oV'eS' o 2O-week period - ' was useCl. Furliher improvements are is thi;l ,planning stage to make evel1l. OCDteacher in the Diocese p7e-> 'DEDICATION' OF 'NEW' FALL RIVER SCHOOL: Mrs.' Barbara Krupa,' member fieieM both· in DoCtrine anti first class'in 1906 ,of St. Stanislaus School,Fall River; an~: Joseph Kosin,ski, chairman. in methods in their respecti_ the fund raising campaign, cut the ribbon at the doorway :pf',the new ,St.' Stanislal1s parishes and classes.' (

of of School, in the presence of Rev. Rl'>bert L. Kazynski, pastor; Walter J. P. Gosciminski, , ,eenter; Bi8h~p CoJ;lnoJIy wh~J dedicated' the new edifice., ', ",

~t~~:::~:~~datehas been set.;:

., 'tt is anticip3ted that" the pro­ .. 'Ilynodal statutes would'be pro,',! ,', mulgated by the cardinal som~ time after, Pentecost,' May 14: " ." ( The new ar.cbdiocesan council, -.. of clergy, ,Religious and laity,' was asked to make recommenda- ' tions on matters involving lay­ men. A first draft of these pro­ posals has been sent to the clergy and the board mem~rs of the Archdiocesan Council of Cath­ elic Men.

Mass Or do :FRIDAY-SS. Nerem, Achilles, and Companion, Martyrs. Ull ClasS.' Red. Mass Propel'; Glory; no Creed; Preface of, AscE!Dsif"n. ' 8ATURDAY-Vigilof Penteeost. J Class. Red. Mass Proper; Glory; no Creed; Preface, Communicantes and Hanc igi­ tur of Pentecost. SUNDAY-Pentecost 'Sunday. I Class. Red. Mass Proper; Glory; Sequence; Creed; Pref­ ace; Communicantes and Hane igitur of PentecOst (also each day during the Octave). MONDAY-Pentecost Manday. I 'Class. R~d., Mass Proper; Glory; Sequence; Creed; Pref­ ace; etc. of Pentecost., '!'UESDAY"'-Pentecost Tuel5day. I Class. Red. Mass 'Pr@per; Glory; ,Sequence; Creed; Pref­ ace; etc. of Pentecost. 'WEDNESn' Y-Ember ·',Wednes­ day after PenteCOl>-t. I Class. Red. :M:a~, Proper; Glory; Se­ quence; 'Creed; Preface; etc. of Pentecost. 'nIURSDAY-Pentecost Thurs­ day. I Class. Re~. Mass Proper; Glory; Sequence; Creed; Pref­ ace; etc. of Pentecost.



DEVOTION .May 14--St. Patrick, Fal­ mouth. Mt. St. Joseph ,Academy, Fall River. " '


.', $el:ood


'Class PoStage' Paid' at Fall,' Rivef, ,Mass.. PublisheO every' ,Tbursday ,lit 410 Highland Avenue.. Fall Rivel. Mass:. 'llQ722 by the CatlloUc l'Tess U1 tbe Diocese of Fall


P("'ish 'Tot'ci l~

FALL RIVER St. Franci's Elf Assisi 1,003.00 1,000.50 St. Mary $ 7,3-13.00 1St. Hyacinth fi,839.00 ­ Blessed Sacrament • 1,061." St. James 2,699.~ Espirito Santo' , 1,~1.0U st. John the Baptist 1,378.00 Hely' Cross 665.00 , St. Joseph 2,2.26.00 Holy Name &;989.55 St. Kilian 5,667.00 Notre Dame' 2,655.00 St. Lawrence' 4,507.00 Our Lady of the Angels 7,431.00 St. Mary 2,274.00 Holy Rosary 1,325.00 St. Theresa TAlDNTON Immaculate Ctmception, 4,272.50 Sacred Heart ,. , 5,345.00 Holy Family 540;~ St. ,Anne" 2,401.75 • Holy ,Rosary 2&5.ot) , Immaculate Conceptien 5, 14.{),50 St. Anthony of Padua 1,~2.00 st. John the Baptist2,855.eo E>ur Lady of Lourdes ,2,415.00 Sacred Heart St. Joseph 5OO.~O 3,770.00 st. Louis 2,131}.50 St. James 3,626.00 St. Joseph St. Matthew l,~76.50 5,342.00 St. Mary St. Michael, ' 2,67~.25 1,34i5.00 St. Patrick 3,565.00 St. Paul '3,466.00' SS. Peter and Paul' 2,291.~ ATTLEBORO st. Roch 2,87,,10 Holy Ghost 5,528.00 St.Stanislaua 2,57.0.0(l St. John ' 7,973.00

St., William " 3-,7'lQ.f,IO St. Joseph 650.00

Santo Ctiristo ~.50 'St. Stephen 4,036.00 St. Theresa 3,826.50 : NEW BEDFOIlD NOR':':"': ATrLEBOJlO :, Holy Name 6,225.00 Sacred Heart 530.00 ' 392.25 st. Mary Assumption 3.585.00 Immaculate' Coneeptieft 1,497.75 TOWNS Mt. Carmel " 4,119.40 Acushnet0ur Lady of Fatima l()O.OO St. Francis Xavier Sacred ,Heart 2,340.00 :Bur' -ds BayS:. Anne ' 125.00 St.' Margaret 3,'181.25 St. Anthony of ""adUa 8-25.00 Centerville--' Sot. Boniface' 1'15.00 , Our Lady of Vieto!7 330.00 Central Village-- ' st. John Baptist 100.00 Digbton-St. Peter' '743.OG, East Falmouth-HAY 19 St. Anthony 300.00 Rev. Ambrose Lamarre, Q.P., 194(), Dominican, Priory, Fall ' Fairhaven- ' St. Jo~ph 6,9&2;00 River-. Sacred Hear1ls 760.00 Rev. Thomas TraiJwr, lM1; Falmoutb-St. Patriek 5,942.50 Pastor, St. Louis, Fall River. Hyannis-- ' MAY %& St. Francis Xavier 1,600.00 Rev. Antonio L. da Silvia, 1952, Mansfield-8t. Mary 625.00 Pastor, Our Lady of Health, Fall NantuCketRiver. Our Lady. of the Isle' 2,861.00 North Dighton' ~' Joseph 2,203.00 :North Easton­ lmmaculate Conception 825.00 North Westport-Our Lady of Grace' 2,443.00 190'1, Oak Bluffs-Sacred Heart 439.00 Bed­ Ocean Grove-­ st. lIIlichael 2,575.50


. ' MAY





325.00 3.M9.08'"


" De"e,lop'me~t:IUan


Rev. James' V~, Mendes,i~l, Provinceto~ Administrator, OUr Lady of An­ Rast~~t. AnII. liiVOf. SUDscripliOR price .., ail, IlGStpalll $4.00 per , ge~ :fall ~:,,~. .: ..' ,,;.' , "y,.. '" .. ,


CCD Graduatvoftl

SCRANTON (Me)-Bishop Jl, ," '-'€ a noll MeCormick ..,: has ;up. nounced'a $15mlllion', 10-yelllll' development program for the )Q 'SaRdwich-' eounties Of his dioeese. The bish» C0rpus Christi 4.OO.0f) op said the pro~ will inclu_ Seekonk-Mt. Carmel' , 4.42;)~. four new high' schools, probabli'!'! S0mer,setiD Wilkes-Barre, Hazelton, WlIo St. John of God 2,649.00 liamspon and SCranton areal'.> St. Patrick &20.00 .to JePlaee existing buildings. st. Thomas Mont 1,217.00 South Dartmouth­ ,St. Mary' 675. • South EastC!)fi'2,73&.:If) , Holy C~ , South YarmouthAtuminum or Steel

St. Pius X 944 County Street


Our. Lady of Fatima' 4,1~.5G WY 2-6618, st. Dominic'3,4il1.5G st. Lollis of France 4,045.00 Wayebam-St. Patrick, , 4,&49.00 West HarwichHoly, Trinity , 2,998.6"l· ,Westport-st. George Il00J)O }7o@ds Hole­ St.Joseph /,,'




1 .IERBl


. ,'



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Up to $60,000-_ Corporations


February, May. ~~g", and November

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Taunton co-operative bank 'Moin Office:' 4' Winthntp Street, Taunton"-' BranCh Office. '-6oo"f';" liver Ave.,Seekon~·'"

TtfE ANCHORThurs., May 11, 1961

Special Gifts National

Solons Support Efforts to Aid Church Schools

$2500 .

A Friend

$300 Rt. Rev. John F. Denehy ,J., lLt. Marshall & Sons, lIne.



.Rt. Rev. Bernard J. Fenton

Rep. Martin P. Mullen said here that more than a score of' House members haw

$100 Sullivan Brothers, Printers Johnson & Gowing Associates.


agreed to sponsor legislation no; the Pennsylvania state Legisla.­ ture to provide state aid ~ church-supported schools and sectarian colleges and univers&. ties. The legislation, involving tWQ bills calling for the outlay of $28.9 million in the fiscal yeal!' starting July I, is reported w have the backing of 16 Dema=o crats and five Republicans. One bill would set up a nOIt;=> public school authority to pay for secular educational services for some 700,000 students in church schools. The authority would be permitted to pay up to $40 a year per student and would receive a $28,5 million apropriation in the first year of operation.

$50 Jesuit Fathers-O. L. of Round Bill Retreat House and Bishop Connolly High School R. J. Toomey Company $25 Rumford Steel Products, me. ,A Friend Farley Harvey Co. 1lIl. H. Gerritt & Co.

$2250 '!'he Standard Times $750 New Bedford Institute fO!' $avings $5110 The Star Store $300

:American Press-Lithographers


Catholic Woman's Club


Guisti Baking Co.


Dawson's Brewery

Arlan's Dept. Store

N. B. Defense Products-Fire-­ .me Division $75 General Plastering' &: Tile eo. Fairhaven Institution for sav­


$50 Ashley Ford Co. , , States Nitewear Mfg. Co. ine. Coater's, Inc. $40 Harry Silverstein $25 Fibre Leather Mfg., Co. Greater New Bedford & Cape Cod Labor Council, AFL-CIO B'ricklayers, Masons & Plaster­ ti'S I.N. Union No. 39 Shuster Company Pat McKenna Paragon Travel Agency H.M.C. Cutlery

Hubert S. Kelleher

Dr. H, F. Riley

Bettencourt PharmacY

Lariviere Pharmacy

Central Pharmacy

;Eagle Linen Supply Co.

N. B. Joint Board Textile ;Workers Union of America C.I.a. $20 ' Purity Diaper $1S D,r. Max Blum Colonial Textile Mfg. eo. Gold Bond Sterilizing Powder eo., Mathieu Pharmacy, Oliver Pharmacy.

Cape Cod


Believed Legal

A second bill would create a private college and university authority to pay for secular in­ struction at sectarian colleges. This bill would carry an initial appropriation of $400,000 for ad­ ministrative expenses of the new ,THREE CHILDREN AT FATIMA APPARITIONS: Lucia dos Santos, right,' was 11, agency, with, pay schedules de­ years of age in 1917 when this picture was taken shortly after the apparitions of Our layed for a year.' Lady at Fatima, Portugal. The other two who beheld ,the apparations were Jacinta Marto, Mullen, a Philadelphia Dem. left, then seven, and .her brother Francisco who was nine at the time. Jacinta and Fran­ ocrat, and the prime sponsor of the legislation, expressed confj,.. cisco, now deceased, were Lucia's cousins. NJ Photo. dence in its legality. '"We believe these bills over­ come the constitutional prohibi­ tions on direct "lid to churca. related schools," he said. "State funds are used for the purchase of care at sectariall hospitals. The state also has 11 purchase - of - se~vice contract V'\TICAN CTI'Y-Pope Paul in st. Peter's that he intended to 'way of the stability of the peace, with St. Gabriel's home in VI vdl fly to Portugal May 13 pray for both the peace of the which exists at present." The' Phoenixville, where the Chris­ to pray for peace in the Church Church and of the world, saying: ideal of universal concord, he tian Brothers provide education and in the world, particularly in "We' have much at heart the said, '''seems to vanish in an for juvenile delinquents," he Vietnam, at the shrine of - Our inner peace of the Church . . . . unattainble dream." stated. Lady of Fatima. He will return we are anxious that the generous here the same day. leaven of the (ecumenical) coun­ cil : , assured in the wholeness The Pope revealed his inten­ tion.. to make'the pilgrimage of of the authentic faith, in the unity of charity and ecclesial prayer to the Portuguese sanctu­ ary at a general, audience in St. discipline, in the fervor for apos­ Peter's Basilica. The Pope said tolic expansion for the salvation he '''las making the one~day visit of t· ~ world and in the sincere to Fatima partly at the insistence search for an ecumenical rap­ of the bishops of Portugal but 'p 'chement with all those who particularly to pray "once more, bear the name of Christian." As for civil and social peace and more humbly and ardently, in the world, the Pope pointed in fnvor of peace." out at "no one rejects peace in ,The Pope's plane is scheduled principle. Whoever would re­ to take off from Rome at 6:30 ject it deliberately would make a.m. May 13 and to land at a himself the enemy of mankind." military airport at Mont Real, Despite many efforts to secure Portugal, about 25 miles from peace, the Pope continued, un­ Fatima. The Pope will be driven fortunately "we see formidable to the shrine, where he will cel­ obstacles, <)," "ng not only in the ebrate Mass, deliver a speech and way of peace ... but also in the meet with various pilgrim groups and other visitors at the sanctu­ ary. His return to Rome is Delete Race Clause scheduled for 9:30 p.m. of the TALLAHASSEE (NC)-Flor­ same day. ida's Gov. Claude Kirk signed And tome to shower into law bills de~eting a racial The Pope 'noted that his pil­ Mom with extra af­ grimage to Fatima will be part clause from the state's school at­ fection, attention and of the celebrations of the 50th tendance law. The law was de­ anniversary of the apparitions clared unconstitutional in a care-just to show of Our Lady to the children of Duval County Circuit Court be­ how much we really Fati-la . ld the 25th anniversary cause of a' clause which permit­ care! ' of the consecration of the world ted parents to keep their chil­ The Bank SCI many Moms to the Immaculate Heart of Mary dren out of racially mixed b~nk on-and with I schools. by> us XII. H~ told the enthusiastic crow~

Pope Paul to Y'isit Fatima Shrine

Pilgrimage to Have World Peace as Theme


Wood Lumber Company

$100 Mr. & Mrs. Michael Ames Lawrence C. Antonellis St. Vincent de Paul-St. Pat­ dcks, Falmouth Salt Winds Beauty Shop $75 Shoreway Acres Stone's Beauty & Barber Shops $50 Falmouth National Bank st. Patrick's Guild~Falmouth Augat, Inc. $25 Fay's of Falmoutt­ John's Liquor Store McDonald's Paint Store $15 Walsh Realty Company Antoun's Snack Bar, Colonial Falmouth Bank & Trust Lounge, Edward's Decorating Falmouth Office Services Shop, Falmouth Center TV. Falmouth Auto Sales Melody Shop, Norman Wil­ Frederick V. Lawrence, Ine. liams Plumbing Co., Ten Acre $20 Liquor'Store, Wright Oil Co. Mid-Town Cafe,Nobska Fur­ Cornelius J. Hickey .ture Company, Shady Nook Turn to Page Twenty-!:,our Vera's Beauty Shop


Sturtevant ,&



Est. 1897

Builders Supplies 2343 Purchase Street New Bedford 996·5661


­ !!!:,!!!!!!:!!BANK




Says FewCa_h'olic 'Co:lleges wE~mSu',rviYe: 20th 'Century


Thurs., ,May' :I 1-, ;01'967' :



$100 Rev. Francis L. Mahoney St. Vincent:de Paul Conference $60 "Mr. & .Mrs.William Brady $50 Bishop Fee'han Council, K of ,e ,No. 2911 , In Memory of Enos Lopes llIIr. & .Mrs, Ralph Biagiottl $40 Mrs. Charles Fuller . $35 Mr. & Mrs. John 'Riha SS. Margaret & Ma:r:y C.Y.O: $30 Mr. & Mrs. Frank Lopes lVIr. & Mrs. William McCoy $25 Mr. & Mrs. August Cristoforl Mr. & Mrs. 'Thomas Pina Mr. & Mrs. Richard Dobbins lVIr. & Mrs. Edwin Payton lVIr. & Mrs. John H. Karl Mr. & Mrs. George Caron Dorothy Pina Mr. & Mrs,'TonyViera Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Fitzger­ .-Iii Mr. & Mrs. Marcel Poyant Ida Monterio Mr. & Mrs. Peter .Andrews ,Mr. & Mrs. Elias 'Mr. & Mrs. WiliiamH. SchOll 'CARPENTER~S HOBB¥: MarvinM. Hickey ,of South Loretta Driscoll Eend, Ind., a r.etired carpenter, has fashioned :by hand more :Mr. & Mrs. Richard RogenJ )Mr.. & Mrs: Joseph Bonvie than :300 erosses ina hob1oyhe took. up when :a hroken leg Mr. & Mrs. Charles Lindberg k~pt him incapacitated for 30 months. The figures of Christ 'Mr. ,&Mrs. James Fernandes are increasirigly difficult to obtain, so Mr. Hickey r.elies on 'Katherine Fernandes the generosity of those who find them in attics and store­ 'Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Fontes Mr. & Mrs. Antone Fontes rooms. NC Photo. !Mr. & 'Mrs..Joseph V.Zlogar Mr. & Mrs. Walter J. Eno Mr:& Mrs. Amaral Mrs. Francis Lips lVI. S. Riley ST• .vOlHlN BAPUST, _·OUR LADY OlF 'll'lHIlE CAPlE, Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Sheehan CENTRAL VIDLJLAGIE lmlltIEWSTER John J. Jordan "-rs. James A, Doherty Sr. The Ladies Guild will hold its Members of the Women's Guild Mr. & Mrs, ,Henry Nickerson annual Communion breakfast will meet a,t 8:i5 S~nday morn­ Mrs. Louise Taylor following 7:30 Mass Sunday ing, May 14 to attend a corporate Mrs. Albert Carlson morning, May 14 in the parish Communion with breakfast fol­ Mr. & Mrs. George Cormier hall. Mrs. ,Clarence Kirby: chair­ lowing at L'aSalette Seminary, lVIichael Brady man, announces that reservations East Brewster. Reservations Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Lopes .close today and that .the .speaker shoul-d 'be made no later than to­ Mr. & Mrs..JosephAndrews will be John M. Clements, social day, by calling Mrs. William Midge McCoy worker at New 'Bedford Catholic Grenier 896-'3961 ,or Major (ret.) Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Perry Welfare Bureau. Doris Jensen 398-3961. Guests The James Duggan Family speaker will be Mrs. Frances Mr. & l\~:-s. Harry Robbins iHOLYGHOST, 'Connors, who will speak ·on Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Oliosi Jl,'lI.'TLEBORO "Assistance Anonymous." Mrs. Veronica Pye Slides taken ·by Dr. Joseph Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Moore Kerrinsin Peru will be :shown ,ST. JOSEPH, Mr. & Mrs. Paul Monaghan by F. Eugene Moore at the open Minnie Doherty meeting¢' the Women's Guild .'FALL lUVER' Mr. & Mrs. James ,Joyce scheduled for tonight at 8 in the Mr. & Mrs. Leo Hoffer 'The Women's Guild will meet church hall. Mr. & Mrs. Eugene McCabe at 8 tonight in the .schoolhall. Members 'are requested to in­ Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Ehmann Officers, programs and ,policies vite friends to this meeting. Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Sweeney for .the coming year will ,be de-, A May Basket will be awarded Mr. & Mrs. John Gray cided. during the course of the evening. Mr. & Mrs. Paul,Canniff A -specialiMass' !for childl'en to Mr. & Mrs: John Mulhall !be confirmed Monday, May 15 A Friend 'IMMACULATE CONCEPTION, will be ileld at 5 :Sundayafter­ Mr. & Mrs. David Fannon !NEW ~DFORD 'noon, May 14. Parents and 'spon­ Mr. & Mrs. William Bennett ,The Feast of Santo Christo will ,son. ,of those to 'be 'confirmed are Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Dechene be celebrated on Sunday, May 28 il"equested to attend. A Friend with :a .roast beef dinner, a pro­ A Frienf "'Ir. & Mrs. John Bosnengo cession,an auction and enter­ Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Wills tainment. Dismisses Suit Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Wenzel "-rhedinner will be served from DENVER (NC)-Afederaldis­ A Frier.d noon to 1 followed by a proces­ Mr. & Mrs. .'lames \Reen sionat 2, in which parish Holy .mct judge here has dismissed ,the suit of Capt. Dale E. Noyd Buzzards Bay National Bank Name Societies have beeninvit­ John J. Delsie: . ed to par,ticipate..Following the ~ ,compel the Air Force to rec­ $20 procession, the auction will be ognizehim as a "selective oon­ :M;rs. Maria Sassone conducted. ' ' , . " .. :scientious .objector" and either $15 Tickets for the dinner will be" :accept his resignation ,or :assiIW Mr. & Mrs. August Lopes, Mr. available ;at.the door of the him to ·duties unrelated to the Vietnam war. Judgr William E. • Mrs. Frank Cruz, Mr. & Mrs. school hall on Earle St. Doyle did not comment on t~.e JOse h Marsh, M. C. Bigg, Mr.,& merits of.the.case but said he had IIIrs. Keith Songer. HOlLY NAME, .no jurisdiction over the, matter. Mrs. Lillian Mooney, Mr. & Mrs. - awrence Ellis, ·John C. lFAILL RJlVER Santangelo, lVIr. & Mrs. Norman The CCD exectttive board Lhener, Mr. & Mrs. E. J. Mar-meeting has been postponed to eellino. . ..' friday, May 19. A May' procesMr. & Mrs. PhIlIp Ferren, Mr. sion and crowning ceremony are &: Mrs. Frederick Besse, Mr. & -. scheduled for Sunday May 21. nne. Mrs. Adelard Senay, Mr. & Mrs. ' Joseph H. Downing, Michael 1FlUJlt\llERAIl. ,'SiIEIitVICIE Della Fem.ina. . Mrs. Martha Fielding,' Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Arthur D. Kemp, NIE'W BIEDfOI'tD, MASS. .John McNamara, Annie Eldridge, Mrs. Sack D. Semon, Mr.. & Mrs. 549 COUNTY STREET l'.:r. & Mrs. John McManus, Capt. Joseph Scully, ·Mr. & Mrs. Doug­ .iasTaylor,.A Friend. Barris Fish Market

The Pari5h Parade

wASHINGTON (NC)~A speCialist in the pnilosopli';y of education said that by the end of this century mod Catholic institutions of higher learning will not exist fa their present form. Dr. HerbenL. Johnston, associate p:n)o fessor of ,philosophy at the univerSities and colleges will 0 University of Notre Dame, filiate with neighboring collegel\ told a meeting of the Cath., federate with state universitie8 olicCornmissionon' Intel. ,or merge with other schools. lectual :and Cultural Affairs at the University of Maryland some "will either ,die on the vine or be taken ,over ;aspart of a system of state schools." Steadily increasing costs, re­ fusal·oftax support, the prolifer­ ationof state university branches, and the drop in religious voca­ tions were ,among reasons cited by Johnston why' few Catholic institutions ,of 'higher learning, as now known, will survive. . , Johnston said other present

Increasingly Seeular "The well-established Cathd.lla universities will probably ~ vive and grow in size and ill quality," Johnston said,"butlt: is .also probable that they wiD become increasingly secular, ~ the process." He expressed doubt that,d­ tempts to perpetuate ,the "Catb=. olic" character of such institu.­ tions..through vari,ous require­ ments in the bylaws would proWi effective.





He speaks Arabic. not English,andlKi..,plObably 'not 'yet a ,Christian. Still, he lives In 'the Holy Land",in ,8 il'efugee camp worse than 8 slum.••• 'Why is he srefugee?He lost Palestine (his birth­ 'place), his farm, his Job" everything 'he owned, as a ,result of the Arab;lsraeli war 19 years ago. Uke most ,of the Arab refugees today (they num· ber more than 1.2 million), he has been cooped up since then with his wife and childrenil'f a United Nations 'one-room hut.••• He is your brother, this refugee? The answer Is Yes if you take to heart the words of Jesus Christ. We are our brother's keeper.••• This week the Holy Father asks you to help the refugees help them­ selves through his Pontifical Mission for Pales­ tine. Thanks to your gifts, large and small, refugee ,boys becomeself·supporting ,plumbers and electricians In the Salesian Fathers' school .. In Bethlehem. Teenage girls 'can marry well 'be­ cause they learn cooking, home·making, baby-. care in our Sisters' schools. Blind boys and 'girls In Gaza 'learn Braille and rug·weavlng,andin Lebanon 'Father Roberts Is teaching deaf,mute boys to ta'lk! •.• Won't you mail your gift right .now? Thanking you promptly, 'Monsignor 'Nolan willsE!ndyou ·his recent refugee article for Ipri::sts. !It gives the inside story.











,HELp ,Dr. Fanny Tornago needs $3,500 to equip her :LEF!ERS, :Land"Rover as 'Ill mobile clinic '(lJospital-on­ iORPHANS, 'Wheels') for the desert. lin your ,loved ones' THE memory? ,Full details. 'BIJND $120 ($10 a month) gives one 'year's tRiln­ iing to a blind boy or girl or 8 deaf·mute child. $10 feeds a refugee family for 8 'month. 'We'll :send you an Olive 'Wood IRosary '·from ,jerusalem, :in ,thanks. ' '0 $8, $5,'$3, :$1 gifts ,feed, 'clOthe, ,educate 'orphans, :buy medicines for lepers.

o o


GEAR lies, Mr. 'S" 'we'II'holdyoUT IUfe ;Insurancepdlicy ,Ma. 'Band 'use ,it ;after your ·death for Masses for the !reposeof.:your soul. Speak to 'ymJr insurance agent, then .write to us. • • • To :answer your lawyer's question, our legal title in 'making your ,will ,is: CATHOLIC NEAR !EAsT ,WEIlFARE 'ASSOCIAnOilt

---'_:_-------_._---­ co



ENCLOSED Pt.rASE FIND 'FOR_ _--i ..;..

. ':PJe8se

-"'_-.;,._ _


:'.eturn coupOn - -.....--~:-----...,...---,-.,..-­ .with ytlUr STREET_-:,:'",·_ _-:.;,...,... ...,...~_...,..._~ . 'offering . . CITY


,~,~~.~ ~~ST §




·STATE_,_ _ ZIP C O D e ­



MSGR. JQHN G. N,OLAN, National Secreu:11 Write: ;CATHOLIC ;NEAR :IEAsT 'WELFARE Assoc. 330 Madison Avenue· New York, N.Y. 10017 Telephone: 212/¥Ukon '6'5840



$2011 Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Terpak

$1l01l Rev. John P. Cronin A Friend Mr. & Mrs. Marianno Rezende9 Sr. " Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Terpak $60 Mr. & Mrs. Roderick D. Ferullo $50 Charles R. Cain Mr. & Mrs. Benoit H. Charland

A Friend Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Thomp..

oon $40 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Blake $25 Mr. & Mrs. John L. Brown Mr. & Mrs. John Donahue A Friend Mr. & Mrs. Marianno Rezendes

Jr. $20 A Friend

$15 Kevin Driscoll, Mr. & Mrs. Francis Kenney, Earl Manning, Mr. & Mrs. Henry N. Nadeau, Mr. 8; Mrs. Alfred St. Yves, Mr. & Mrs. William Simmons.

~(gJmfrM~~®f1' ST. M&lltlY ((lI1UIR., lL&IDlY O]F 'll'lHIlE IlSlLlE

$250 ._ Very Rev. Daniel E. Carey, V'.F. $100 Martin Foley $60 Rev. Edward J. Sharpe $50 Mr. & Mrs. Charles P. Flanagan Mr. & Mrs. Charles B. Yar­ brough $30

A Friend

A Friend



Mr. & Mrs. Charles G. Stack:&Ole Albert Lavoie Grace Henry Mr. & Mrs. Howard Laundry Mrs. Albert G. Brock The Hamblin Family Roselena Johnsen Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Flanagan Mr. & Mrs. Charles Annis Mrs. Rolf Sjolund A Friend A Friend Mr. & Mrs. John Santos Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Jeremiah Towhill Mr. & Mrs. Charles G. Snow Helen A. Hull Julia Ayers Mr. & Mrs. Maxwell Deacon Mr. & Mrs. ,Byron Snow Hermann Lehmann Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Dooley -\lbert Glowacki

$20 Mr. & Mrs. Augustus Roche, Mr. & Mrs. Edmund Pollard, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Cody, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Haley, A Friend. Josephine Deacon, Mr. & Mrs, Jam, ~ Gardner, Mr. & Mrs. Pat­ rick Harris, Mrs. Gordon McDonald. .

$15 Mr. & Mrs. James Wherry, Mr. & Mrs. B. F. Holmes, Mr. & Mrs. Adam Mastai, Mr. & Mrs. George Haddon, Mr. & Mrs. Albert L. Silva. Mrs. Allce Farrier, Kathleen Barr, Mr. & Mrs. Lester Sim­ lDons, Mr. & MrS. Albert Fee, Mr. & Mrs. Walter O'Grady. Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Murphy, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Veit, Mr. &: Mrs. Manuel Thomas, Mr. & Mrs. Francis G. Santos, Mrs. Ernest R. King. Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Reis, Mr. & Mrs. Clinton Murray, Mr. & Mrs. :Wendell Ho".7es, Mr. & MEs. An­ tone Sylvia, Mr. & Mrs. Ronald cia Silva. 1Y & Mrs. John Blaser, Ethel Dunham, Rita Nagle, Mr. & Mrs. DOllald Terry, Sarah Terry. Sally Terry, Katherine Terry, • • &; Mrs. Edward Tarvis, Mr.

& Mrs. Robert Ruley, Mr. & Mrs. James K. Glidden. Arthur Butler, Ethel Chase,

Sophia Thompson, Mr. & lVIrs.

Henry Huyser, Agnes W. Sylvia.

Mr. & Mrs. Abram Niles, Mr.

& Mrs. Manuel F. Sylvia, Mr. &

Mrs. George Bedell, Lillian

Thurston, Mr. & Mrs. Walter

Glidden. Mr. & Mrs. Peter I. Sylvia, Mr. & Mrs. J. S. Conway, Patrick Newport.


Thurs., May 11, 1967

Mr. & Mrs. Normand Gaud­ reau, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Mar­ shall, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Ner­ bonne, Mr. & Mrs. Charles SOUZl, Mr. & Mrs. John J. Walsh.

U5 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Bach, Mr. & Mrs. Gaston Bellefeuille, Mr. & Mrs. Eliot Bennett, Mrs. Pauline Benoit, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Bettencourt. Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Blan­ chard, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Burke, Mr. & Mrs. Roger C. Christensen, Mr. & Mrs. James Farias, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Folger. Mr. & Mrs. Edward Galligan, Mr. & Mrs. John Harrison, Mr. & Mrs. Francis Holstius, Mr. & Mrs. Louis Jacquel, Teofilia Jankowska. Mr. " Mrs. Joseph Kobak, Mr. & Mrs. John E. Lima Jr., Mrs. Helen Longden, Joann P. Long­ den, Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Me­ deiros. Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Moniz, Mr. & Mrs. Alfred H. Saulnier, Mr. & Mrs. Domingos Sylvia, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Welch, Geraldine Aguiar. Rita Aguiar, Mr. & Mrs. Earle Blanchard, Mr. & Mrs. LeonaJ;d Calderbank, John Conley, Mr. & Mrs. Eugene DesRosiers. Mr. & Mrs. Jean Gobeil, Mr. & MrS. John Gonsalves, Mr. & Mrs. George Kozaczka, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Meekin, Mrs.. Henry Roderick. . Mrs. Mary Silveira, Mr. & Mrs. Walter Silveira Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Richard Trinidad, Mr. & Mrs. Claude Tucker, Mr. & Mrs. Stanley A. Wojcik, Mr. & Mrs. Peter Zubrisky.

Fairhaven ST: JOSEPH


A Parishioner $125 Attorney & Mrs. William Carey S100 Association of the Sacred Hearts M~ & Mrs. James Buckley Mr. & Mrs. James Dunn Mr. & Mrs. James R. Walker


Mr. & Mrs. Earl .r. Dias Mr.-& Mrs. Raymond Barbero Mr. & Mrs. Lionel Dulude Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Keighley Mr. & Mrs. Donald LeBlanc Mr. & Mrs. Kennl~th J. Noyer Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Saladino Dr. & Mrs. Edward Soares Charles Stiles

$40 Mr. & Mrs. Donald Sullivan $35 Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Hogan & Family .

$30 Mr. & Mrs. Paul Lopes Mr; & Mrs. Joseph Collins . Mr. & Mrs. James Lanagan $29 Mr. & Mrs. William A. Oliveira

$25 Mr. & Mrs. Joaquim August . Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Almeida Mr. & Mrs. Albert Benac

Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Boudreau

Mr. & Mrs. Victor Brunette Victor L. Brunette Robert & Joyce Costa Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Cunha Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Doyle Mr. & Mrs. Philip Dreaddy Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Fernandez Mr. & Mrs. Henry Fortin Mrs. James Greenway Katherine Hanley Mr. 8 Mrs. Joseph Hipolito Mrs. Emily M. Honohan Mr. & Mrs. James Honohan Mrs. Silvana Kane Mr. & Mrs. Albert Kenney Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Kovic Mr. & Mrs. John Kubiski lVIr. & Mrs. Ernest R. Lagesse Kathleen Lewis Mr. & Mrs. Edward B. Lough­ llil Mr. & Mrs. William Machado Mr. & Mrs. Edward A. Man­ chester Mr. & Mrs. Joseph G. Marques -Mrs. Paul A. Ma1heson Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Edwin McQuillan Mr. & Mrs. Augustus Medeiros Miss Odelia A. Medeiros Mr. & Mrs. Leo Meekin Mr. &. Mrs. Matthew O'Malley Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Pare Mr. & Mrs. Andrew D. Regan Mr. & M··•. Raymond Rodriques Mr. & Mrs: Gerard Rousseau

. Mr. & Mrs. David Singleton Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Sparrow Mr. & Mrs. Donald Spooner Mr. & Mrs. John Sweeney

Mrs. Alice Sykell

Mr. & Mrs. Donald Tucker

Mr. & Mrs. Rene Vezina

Mr. & Mrs. Clyde Voter

Mr. & Mrs. George Williams

Mr. & Mrs. Harry Young

Mr. & Mrs. Carol Zolnierz

Casimir Jarosik

Mr. & Mrs. John Jarvis

Mr; & Mrs. Charles Joseph

Mr. & Mrs. John Keary

Sunny Knoll Rest Home

Margaret Manghan

Mr. & Mrs. Edwin J. Marnik Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Mar­ chand Mr. & Mrs. Thomas McGreevy Mr. & Mrs. Frank Nunes Mr. & Mrs. Edward O'Gara

Alice M. O'Leary

Alexander Perry

Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Pifko

Mrs. Ed~,the Rankin


S&VlltlElIJ) lHIlE&lR'll'S



-.) ••••• _....


-<.~,..... , ...... ,'d.~......."

OUR LAIDY OF JFA.'Jl'J[MA STATUE Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Rezendes Mr. & Mrs. Norman Robinson Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Rielly Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Robin­ son Jeremiah Roza Mr. & Mrs. Frank ,T. Rezendes Mr. & Mrs. Eugene J. Ruell Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Paul Sicard Edwin -Stiles Gertrude Stiles Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Sylvia Mr. & Mrs. Walter Silveira Mrs. Lucy Stevenson Mr. & Mrs. Boleslaw Szeliga Mary B. Sullivan Olive Sheridan Mr. & Mrs. Lester Smith Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Tetreault Some. Teenagers Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Vincent Mr. & Mrs. Edwin W. Allard Mr. & Mr•. Ralph A. Antonsen Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Barton Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Borges Mr. & Mrs. Manuel M. Borges Mr. & Mrs. George Bourassa Mr. & Mrs. Earl Chandler Mr. & Mrs. Norbert Cruz ·Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Desautels Mrs. Anne Desmarais & Irene Desmarais MrJ. Emelia Dulude Mr. & Mrs. John Dwyer Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Fernandez Mr. & Mrs. Anibal Ferro Mrs. Harold Fisher Mrs. Irene Fitzgerald Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Francis Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Frates Mr. & Mrs. Edward D. Griffin

$20 Mrs. Wallace Alden, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Andrade, Joseph Andrade, Mr. & Mrs. 'Raymond LeClair, Anne and Margaret Egan.

Mr. & Mrs. David Sibor $25 Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Lussier Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Martel Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Cejka $20 Mr. & Mrs. Elphege Desroches, Rene Harbeck, Mr. & Mrs. George LeBlanc, Mrs. Raul Ri­ beiro, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Vary. $15 Mr. & Mrs. Omer Pothier, Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Richard, Mr. & Mrs. Armand Becotte, Arnold T. Cejka.

What a wonderful thought ­ making Mother's Day a memorable day for Mother. Why not surprise her-and please her-with something extra nice, thoughtful and unexpected. "F.AMILY BANK FOR MANY MOMS"

itizens For YOlllr Car




THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., May 11, l?67

The .Falima Message

He.ar.t.en,ing ReSpOlMle ThisyeaT:s 'Ohm.:ity A,ppeallismeetLn,g wuctJln 1IaeaJ.·,tetlJi.;n;g fxom ,the ver.y met taB,Wof,lh@l1se~'to";hollse collecting ,are ,sl1l:prisiJ:~g;lw,stro!lg.P,eqpfJ..e !illB,\)' :he tfiear!£uJ (of the futu:r.e wnd cautious---iaccon~g 1:0 ,econornJic 'SUl:lW~Y£­ in spending 1Jheir mon~y but Itib.~y .are mot ;aflr.aiid to Thl,e!l;p the futme .of someone in need by !giiw'm;g 11;0 rtihe ,IrUID.w \\.v.o:rlks of charity :and ,assistance suppolited !~y the .A.!P;pea.1 flUDd. This 'charity lhas 'been and is ,}OO:llJig ta!tenderll !Dot :Am0-ne by Catholics but 'by their 110n.!Cmtfudliic friends ttlInmou~gJm;).U:t 'the Diocese. These ,good people:are luqpJlY, ito~, IDo jpomt to the ;v.a.r'ious agenCies assisted h;V itlheAjp;peall :amd tho bOiW thalt they ,hav.ea,share rin -these, 1thatiPttiw.aJte:EHillldtcirtmrlle ;::umd compassion ,alIe ;Jlot ·gone f,rom i1he 1PIeSeIlt scene, :tThUl!t !gOY­ ernment ;is 'not tJhe 'only agency lef.t tfihat 'CaTeSOI' 1Jh~ut IC:ilill ;PJ.10­ vide or .that \,,(iIl ,provide for the -wants and needs :o!f ,others. No lone faults the go,v.ernment :on :its.glleat ~,eJl!f:aT.e :and education programs to :and the :a,ged, 1ihe. intl'fu'wu, rtfue .&is­ ad.vantaged, 'uhe exceptiional. In 'these nlai1ters,lg:o;\~ertlIDlent is performing 'the \VO L'ks of mercy so praii-sed llin i'bhe IGOS;peJlS. ;r,t has been ,s~lggested th<1Jt this ;J:l:<1Jtion Ibas'lIJeceJw;ed IT.l'l'anxy blessings fr'om God and ,perhaps ffihe ,cl1ruijt~ ,of illIae (OOlm~y botih in its iilndi'viWualsand in its \ol)g:amii:'lied !g.o"'eIiI'l1rlllent could lbe 'a Teason 1'01.' these Diviine :na'Vior.s. JB:mt, ;a'.t1fue _sametim~,~hec1utr:ity of .the iniliwiidualon.a V.ffi;y mdi'Viid­ ual basis must never ,be ~uper:seaealJ;V jgo;veramrnent itake­ (O:\lcr lin a rield luhat .does so muCh ifor Jiti.w:eras melll .as' fior reCipient. People .a·l:e used ;to taking .InaiQ<y,tbJi:n;gs :flOT Jg.r.an;!;ed. T.hey ,often .t~like .themselves ,and '1iheir W/or:ks '!flOT @cantea, ,teo. 'Dnis ,should mot 'be. lIm tms :ma:i1ter ,of lbe:J,p'i1l:1'g '-o'b'hers

Continued from Page One

11fu,rough !the (OhaJl~ities AJppeal, ilihtjW ,!,bould ilieel .a ,(oertaiin . 'enough vestments, all but the ,llefight :in bei'ng 'able ,to 's'hare iWii!tIh ttlhose who ;nawe Httle, !principaf[celebl~aJntmay dispense w.ith g.i;V.illg to those who want 110 !know 'tfua't's01'l1eOne 'cares. w'lth 'the chasuble. All conoele­ J:esponse.~eturns

,Mus't Be .Sa'id A few,s.to.nies :ha\(e .aPJileared ;in lPr1ntJ)0iidii..m:g lOut ,that the visit of P~pe Pmll ito Fatima tin .lI%ritlll,gail ,em $at1:Ju'I1d~y is causing ,lwdue ,prominence tOlbel~ffil!toillhe \Vriil}g'ilin J\t];a:r:y;. What a stral1ge reaction for tlhe "~Cattlhdlii:c .mllldles" <quoted in the ~j;oJ'ies Ito .hav.e ! Catholics :give the Blessed IMq:1fuer rtlbe jp.I1o.miiJrumoe iIlh~ the lp}all of IG~)(1 'g.i\les Iher. Am8. !if ttJhe SeoouCl !F',eIllSOIl (of the r.Blessell 'lJ'd'n'i'ty wi'Hed to (take lH1iis lli.!lltTmvn iboltY lfmom hers, fhen tlliis 'Kind of promiIne.nce jis ,one w'tillle8. lby <Goa ,and ,fie the .auc~pted thy men. .No lb~~lanoed '()~lItholic \would make Ma,ry 'i·n ;any 'Sense '''mOl'e'' ;1Jha;n (Goa. ;Bltt,~t the same time, no Catholic can -downgrade the posifion of MaTy tin God"s pla.n ,and in the ,OhlLltch, ;and ,especiallY ,in the 'interest ,of IffiakJi'ug (CatJhoH­ (cism .moue lPclllat~1I1)le ito those '\voho do ndt 'ha:ve tlhe 'same lregHlll cl flor WhUl\V 'as ,do ICathofics. , An essential elemeJ1t of ecumenism is ,always trll!fh. It must be a truth that is in balance of course-no distor­ tion of one element over 'a11oehm:, the hierarchy of values well in oJ'der. 'Dhe trutJh that is Nlarycannot be distorted so that she ,is ':Placed in ,R more prominent ,position than God. But Mary does hai\le.a :place n.n relation to ;God that is unique-iHmd this plaae must :be Jg.iwen to her .if truth is to be served .amd with no .atterrwt to downgrade fhat -posi­ tion or to \conceal it u,n fjjhe irrlterest '0'£ ~ supposed charity or a false lecumenism. Such oa charity would .)e lbetvaw;al and suchan eonmen­ ism w01~la lbe built 011 sand ,antI ;a'IlW fear of the tnufh -is .a road ,to t£lu~lure. '" ­ ~hen IF1Qpe Paul visits IF.atima this Saturday .he 'will be IJlresenUng before CaCholics -and the wodda truth ,of' Calt!holic fclith-'that Mary is unique in 'uhat 'Christ calls her JVlofher, 'in that ,~he alone can call Him Son. This is truth 1Jhatcannot and wiII not and should not be concealed. It must ;be :presented 'in its full eXplanation, of course, But it m,ust :be said. _.~


@ wJfbe ANCHOR ,


'"P:.-.''''' 1\ l. f'm.W,t'fD(I\-'PHP. "OF 'rr-UfE


'O'FE: ~.I.l ·"·VER

[Published weekly by The Catholic Press C?f the Diocese ,of Fall·River /41'0 'HigHland {A;venue _ Fall River, Moss. 02722 675.,.711'5'1 PUBLISHER Most Rev. James L. Connolly, DID., PHD. :eB~ER!Ml .'MA!UA!GeR 'ASSfT. 'GEtllERAt /MAN~GER Rt. Re.v.IIDl!InielrF.:Shalloo, MJA.Rev ..:J:ohn ;P. IDriiscoli


'brants, however, must wear the ,alb .and stole. 'The !fiTst instruction was ,given in Autwnn of 1!964. The new document said· the refornns ordered by the first in­ struction produced "abundant fruit:" It said .that the ",orJd's .bishops had repOl'ted an 1n­

,creased 'aDd mOl1e acti,ve iPaJ'tici­

Jpation, a'bove .allil un 1lhe Mass,

;and to .:r.eI<lmer ilJhe saClled :rites

:Clearer aEd 'more. Jntei1i;gible, .other suggestions lha\le ,ul'ged ,adaptations which, presented to '1ihe Consinum ;tor 'the Implemen­ tation of the Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, were attentively examined and discussed by that Consilium and by '.this Sacred Congregation (of Rites)." Pastoral Aspect F·l1om am<:mgthose suggestfons were .chosen 'some that were considered ":valid fl'Om a :pastoral point of view and .not in opposi­ tion with the JiBes of ,the forth­ comi:n:g ,demniti·ve reform." F.athe= AIlll'ibale Eh~gnini, ·C.M., secretary ,af the :ConsilUum. ,told . NC (News ,seriV'ice that this "\de­ finitive refonm" lis .actuaU<y ,,·the reform now going ,on ,step by step." ililie ,saarl! .this meform <can Ibe <oomSidered -complete '~,hen the new liturgical te'Xlts a'I'6 'pub­ lish€:ll." 'mhe m,e.w !document said Ithe ,ob8Jlges raqui-fled or ,allowed in it '!also SeTIv.e :to un-troduce lpro­ gressi~el<y 'the lTefo.r:m itself:" IDhese Icnan:rges ",can be .aotu­ ated Iwirtih ,simpJe mtibrical .ar­ . rangements" -w:ithom .alteI1ing present :I.itm'gical books. 'Cburch Decides The instruction continued,"\bu! it seems .allso necessary in the present 'oi:r.oumstanoes to recall lthatfundamerrtal ;princi!ple of the dJsoLJ!l'liJae of .the ·ChlII1ch, openl:' recOlilifiJrmed .also by 'the Constitufiion :on !the Sacred !Lit­ urgy, \W.hleh 'establishes: 'Ttlgu­

lation ,of -the :sacred Iliturgy 'de­

JpeEl'ds s01el\Y l\:lipOn the authoriity

of the Church .... " Therefore no

,other person, even .if he be .a

.priest, maw ;add, remove' or

'change an:y.thing in the liturgy

-on his 0""-'00 'Buthor.i'ty' I(Constitu­

'tion on ltbe 'Sacred Liturgy, Arti­ 'cle 22, .No, 1 and 3). "Let 'the Ordinaries, whether .diocesan or Religious, be mindftil fof their -serious ·duty 'before the 1Lord to watch over the observ­ ;allce ·of ·this norm" " ""

Fan River -Parish Observes Fatima GoldeBll Jubilee As the Holy Father lead!! millions in pilgrimage • Fatima, parishioners of S:t, Michael's Church, Fall Rivers, will join in marking the 50th anniversary of the apparatiOllO of Our Lady to three humble Portuguese children. With the pu~se of proyilmt; for peace, as requested by Our Lady, parishioners will attend a special Mass tomorrow night,. followed by a candlelight proees­ sion reminiscent of those which will take place at Fatima. Dup­ ing the procession, the hymm ·of Fatima will be sung, The ser­ vice will conclude with reci1a­ tion of the rosary and Benedic­ tion. The special observance conclude at 8 Saturday morning with a high Mass in honor of Our Lady of Fatima.




Continued from Page One "



start with the Way of the CrOl!lD for foreign pilgrims. Evening Mass wilibe celebrated . tomorrow on the altar outside the basilica. At '7 o'clock, the papal legate will arrive and be met by bishops and officials. A candle-light procession will start at 10 to be followed by a Holy Hour and all-night adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. A Mass and general Commun­ ion 'will be celebrated at 6:30 Saturday morning at the same altar and a procession with the statue of Our Lady' of Fatima will start at the Chapel of the Apparitions at 10:30. After the bishops' concelebrated Mass, there will be the Eucharis­ tic blessing of the sick, the papal! ·blessing for the pilgrims and t:be farewell procession of the statue back to the Chapel of the Ap- , paritions. The sanctuar.y authorities have asked the Army Ministry to send portable generators to furnish electricity for the lighting of roads and parking places around the ,sanctuary. Decorations will include flow­ ers sent by air from many different countries, including the Republic of the Congo wbere Portuguese residents have asked _'their 'bishop to celebrate II thanksgiving Mass for them _ Sattir4ay.

'!List ·of -Prescriptions Among other prescriptions 'and options contained in the instruc­ ,tion are: Instead of the Oratorio Imper­ ata, the 'bishop may include in the prayers of the faithful one or two 'intentiong of local interest. The',priest genuflects only when 'arriving at and leavin,g the altar, 'if 'it has a tabernacle with the 'Blessed Sacrament; after the elevation 'of the Most and after the 'elevation of the chalice; at the end of the Canon after the • oxology:; !before saying "PalJem caeleStem 'accipiani" ,at Commu­ nion'; .afterreturnin,g unconsum­ ed 1FIosts lothe tabern3cle. 'Thecelebrantkisses the .altar only at the beginning of Mass, while he says the prayer "Ore';: mus ,te domine"; or when he .as­ cends 'to the altar if the io'itial prayers 'have been omJtted; .and at the end of Mass before giving the blessing and dismissin,g the people. At :Mass in which ,the pe<lple par.tici;pate, ,even if ,notooncele­ .brated, the priest may recit:e the Canon aloud if .he ,thinks it ·op­ 'portune. At :s1lI\g .Masses ,the oelebr.ant -can :sing those parts ·of the Canon whiehmay be sung in tlbe !'lite -of 'OOi:1oelebr.ati on. The 'ce"l.Eibrantremai,ng' erect with <outstretched !haoos When Continued from Page-One

beginning.the "Te igitm'" :(this tended courses at Rhode IslaJMll

means lie ,no 'longer 'bows), ',C'01lege. He holds a Master CllI

The ,celebrant, makes -a single Arts from Catholic University,

sign of ,the crossover ,the uncon­ a Lieentiate in Sacred TheoloO

se~rated 'Ibread and wrne at '.the from tm! Gregorian University,

words ·X.znedicas haec dona," .Rome and a Master in EducatioD

'''Haec munera,:' ''Haec sancta from Bhode Island College..

sacrificia 'il1ibata." ·T.he :prJest F.ather Delaney has also served

,also omits.the signo! the cross as chaplain of the Taunton Curia

'before 'his own Communion. (- the Legion of Mary. He is the

After the 'Consecrati011 the ,cel­ brother ,of Rev. Edmund T. De­

ebrant need not ke~ .tihumb .and Janey, Assistant at St. Joseph..

for.efi.Qger joined. 'C...··-cl1, Fall River; Sister Joseph

Thednstnlc:tionalso 'IDake ,cer­ Thomas,S.U.s.C., Dr. Daniel'"

tain regulatIons iQr tbecelebra­ Delaney and Mr. Thomas .I.

tion ,of :iMass by .a ,prJest who is .Delaney.

infirm lOr .offailingsigbt. gives certain :vari:ations in :the 'recita­ tion of the Divine {l)Hice pending its general l'e:tiorm, makies two CHICAGO (NC)-Two Ca1h­

changes (onemandato:I:Y ;and -one -oJic organizations here voted sup­

optional) :in the N:up'tialMass, ,port -of proposed statewide lelD­

and one 'optiolilal 'c'lnunge ;in the Jation re«luirin,g registration . .

absolution of the 'coffin. ;firearms. The measure . . .

~dirig' in the Legislature WM

:advoeatedbyMayor Ricbanl

'Daley, Chicago Police ChiefG.

'GRANITEVILIJE (N-C)- The W. Wilson and a number 01 ..... Burlington diooesan boafld <if ed­ 'ff8. The support came from the ucation :has ,apPJ1oved the ,gUIle Arohdiocesan Union of Ho17 closing of the ;paroOhia] elemen­ Name Societies and the' Cbicage tary school heJ1e Jin VeITnont:for Archdiocesan Council of Ca1b­ financial reasons ,olic lIIIen.

Fr. Delaney

Back firearms Bin

'Sc'hool to Close





Thurs., May 11, 1967

I.) .

~SG ' l\'!r, & Mrs. Richard H. Barny

$25 Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Barrette Mr. &. Mrs. Roland Benoit Mr. & Mrs. Raymond A. Bosse Mrs. Pierre Boucher & Family Mr. & Mrs. Leo N. Coons . Mr. & Mrs. Amedee Gautreau Family Mr. & Mrs. James M. Haworth Mr. & Mrs. Roland J. _LaBos­ mere Mr. & Mrs. George F. Liarikos Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. Rogert O. Payant

Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Pimental

Mr. & Mrs. Rene Racine

Mr. & Mrs. Gerard E. Tardiff

$20 Mr. & Mrs. Raymond J. Le­ Blanc, Mr. & Mrs. Leo Olivier, Mr.. & 1\1rs. George Pimental, ·Mr. & Mrs. William Richards Jr.,Mr. Ie Mrs. Anthony L. Sylvia'. . $J.6

Mr. & Mrs. Leonard J. Mer~­ dith $15 Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Charest, Mr. & Mrs. Martin J. Connor, Mr. & Mrs. Leo E. Connier, Mr. &: Mrs. Oscar J. Cormier; Mr. & Mrs. Roger O. Deschamps: MI' & Mrs Nelson Girard~ Mr. &: Mrs. Adrien R. GonneviUe, . 1\'Ir:. & Mrs. Warner Goulart, ·Mr. elk. Mrs. Arthur H. Gronlund, Mr. . ~ Mrs. Adelard Jacques & Fam­




RELATIVES OF SEERS·: JU2.n Marto, left, is a;. surviving brother of the youngest of the three' Fatima children' who' participated' in the 1917 Fatima.visions, Maria ~os· Santos, standi'ng at right isar si'ster of Carmelite nun Sig.ter Lucia, eldest and· onl~ surVIvor of the three seeFS. :M!ari~" talking· with, a: neighbor, still lives in the family home. NC Photo'. ~Ir. &

Mrs. Herve H. Lajoie' $60, Margaret Cassidy Mr. & Mrs. B'ernard Swales Mus-. James Cassidy $H, Mr. & Mrs. John Adams Dr. & Mrs. Raphael P. Fox: Mrs. Annie F. Hewes: Mr. & Mrs. Rol~iert P. Laflamme $%0 Mr. & Mrs. Hugh J. Maguire Mr. & Mrs, Walter' likJgu~, AnonymousMr. & Mrs. James Lyons, Mr. & ' $40 Mrs. Chas. Morrison, Mr.. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Edward Heffernan Adam Kaspar, Mrs:... Charlotte $35 Ciummei. Mr. & Mrs. Russell B. CochMr. & Mrs. Francis Meakin, ra:ne' ny. I Mrs. Bertram Haddon\, Mr. & $36 The Manuel Jardin Family, Mrs. Charles P. Russell, George ll>:mard J. Laferriere, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. James J. Johnson Chambers, Mr. & Mrs, Joseph Mrs. Richard J. Langlais, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Donald F. McCafAllictta. Mrs. Oscar Lapalme,. Mr. & lVIl·S. frey . Mrs. John McGilvray, Mr. & Conrad Ledoux. Mr. & Mrs. Herve S. Robert lVIrs. J. Arthur Powers, Mrs. . Bella LePage, Mr. & Mrs. Rob­ Mr.· & Mrs. Raymond F. Swee­ Josepl;J Miskell Sr., The Misses E. L'Heureux, Mr. & Mrs.· Louise and Mary Maloney, Mrs. ney ll!:vel'ett Mills, Joseph L. Nor­ $25 Alice Creemer.. mand, Mr. & Mrs. Emil R. Oli­ Colonel & Mrs. Vincent A. Anonymous Berko. Ricci, Mrs. Yvonne Boucher,. Mr. Anonymous Mr. & Mrs. Joseph R. Olivier, & Mrs. Donald' Panaccione, John Mr. & Mrs. Raymond O. Benoit Mr. & Mrs. John J. O''Foole, Mr. Ciummei. Mrs. Mary BC!ltelho & Mrs. Orner Pepin, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph F. Branco $1$ Lawrence H. Power, Mrs. Cath­ Mr. & Mrs: Edward J. Bryda Mr & Mrs Ronald Bielicki" ~r eTine L. Raymond. Mr. & Mrs. Francis Crook Mr. & Mrs. Leo Ricard, Mr. & & Mrs. Thomas Q. Atkins\ Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Denardo Mrs. "'iIfred J. Roberge, Mr. ~ Mrs. Vincent Luc.kraft, Mr. & Harold F. Dusoe & Family Mrs. Bernard Rossi, Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. Edmund McClung, Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Vincent J. GianRichard A. St'mley, Mr. & Mrs. Sheila Hendrickson. nola . Mrs. Josephine Natoli, Mr. & Paul Szwaja, Hilda & Mary Vin­ Mr. & Mrs. Henry A. Harrison Mrs-. Robert Lima, William Cal­ c;ant, Mr. & Mrs. James R. White. Mr. & Mrs. Harold r:. Hudner lahan, Mr. & Mrs. Ellsworth Kathleen A. Kennedy Nightingale, Mr. &1;. Mrs, Robert Mona C. Kennedy Metell. Mrs. Donald L. MacDonald ST. lPA'IJ.'RlIlVnt Mr.'& Mrs. John McEvoy,.Mrs. M:·. & Mrs. Joseph M. McDon. Jeffrey Peters, Mrs. Charles $-11,0;)1) B1ld Rogers, Mrs. James H. MIskell, A Friend Mr. & Mrs. Malcolm R. Melvin Mr. & Mrs. Richard Lopes. $,nCD Mr. & Mrs. Stephen B. Miller . Mrs. Anna E. Murphy, Mr. & . Rev. John J. Regan Mr. & Mrs. John W. Moran Mrs. William T. Armstrong; Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert J. Noonan Mr. & Mrs. William Murphy & MI·s. Edward Bourgoin, Mr. & ~55

Mr.. & Mrs. Thomas Pingley 1\'Irs. Augustine Carriuolo, Mr. & . Mr. & Mrs. Paul Champagn~

Mr. & Mrs. John M. Powers Mrs. G. WiTliam McDonald. $50 Helen A. Reagan Mr. & Mrs. Wesley Merriam, Mrs. Max Cohen Mr. & Mrs. William T. Rogers 1\1r. & Mrs. Joseph B. Miskell Mrs. Carlton Brown, Mrs. Lewis Mr. & Mrs.. John E. Scanlon n.a.wrence, Mr. &. Mrs. T. Dorsey, Ir.

Mr. &. Mrs. Thomas $mialek. Mr. & Mrs. Josepb Can;.

Mr. & Mrs. Paul Olenick:

Mr. & Mrs. Oliver S. Souza Mr. & Mrs~Jchn :E..auzlmis; Mr.

$35 & Mrs. Jesse Miller;. Mr; & Mrs.

Atty. & Mrs. Patrick McDon­ John Anderson, Mrs'.. Edward F. IIIcll O'Brien, Mr. &: Mrs. F'rancis $30 Carmody. Mr. & Mrs. L7e Bourgoilt Mr. & Mrs. George' Cahoon, Mrs. John P. Sylvia Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John! B1"ad~, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Cyril Fennell,.. Mrs, Harold McCOI."micl!:.. Mr.& Mrs. Gilbert Arruda Dr. & Mrs. Gerald noherty Swansea $25 . Bernard O'Hayre OUR LADY OF FA'PIMA Mr. & Mrs. Donald Driscoll $30(DI

Mr. & Mrs. Francis Lipp Vei!y Rev. Willialn A. GalYnn.

Mrs. William Hewins '$250 . Mr. & Mrs. John DeMello Jrr. Anonymous Raymond J. Williams $llOO'

Mr. & Mrs. A. Glista Anonymous

Stanley Reeves Mr. & Mrs. J. Edward Lajoie

Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Knispel $66

Mr. & Mrs. John Malloy Mr. & Mrs. Wilson W. Curtis

Mr. & Mrs. Winthrop Lumbert Mrs. Allen Windle John Lynch IHk;~~$ 11@1D Owe[J"c@ll\!lI@! John J. Jones Mr. & Mrs. Pau Kelleherr Mr. & Mrs. A. Lawrence A HHle biggerY Mrs. H. J. LeFevre [1,@@\;)~Iiil@$$ @j[i,)@ W@'i?'J'yj Mr. & Mrs. Wallace T. Pierce No longer be annoyed or feel Ul-at­ A ~iHle plumper ~ ease because of loose, wobbly falsB

Mr. & Mrs. William J. Lynch teeth FASTEETH. an Improved

Mr. & Mrs. Edward HazeUon A !i~tle English~i' ~ llllkcllne powder holds plates firmer

Mr. & Mrs. Manuel P. Lopes so they feel more comfortable. Avoki

embarrassment causl~d by loose falss

Mr. & Mrs. William J. GoSll t0~th Dentures that fit are essentlc.l

SOJjyu~@aJm Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Burdo to-he~lth.See your dentist regularly.

~t li'ASTEETH at all cirug countam.

James Q. Lyons



Mr. & Mns, John F. Sweeney' Mr. & Mrs. Edmour Thibault ' Du. 86 Mrs-. Euclide H. Vermctte M-r. & Mrs. James J. Vickers Mr. & Mrs. Clarence R. Wamboldt $20 Mr. & Mrs. Hobert Burrows, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Hazel, Grace P. Holden, Mr. & Mrs. Peter J. Hoss. $15 Mr. & Mrs. David. W. Boland, Mr. 81: Mrs, Joseph Correa, Mr. & Mrs. William F. Cripps, Mr. & Mrs. Donald H. Ferron, Mrs. Charles A. Foley. \ Mr. & Mrs. Conrad P. Fortier, Leo Jean, Mr. & Mrs. C. Eric Johnson, Mr. &< Mrs. Thomas Lowney, Mrs. ~roseph E. Mc­ Guigan. William E. Nugent, Mr. &: Mrs. Paul J. V. Parente, Mr. & Mrs. William R. Shepardson, Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Swales Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Delbert Thurston, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur F. ~rurcotte, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond L. Wilson. S'IT'. DOM:NllC

$400 Rev. James A. McCarthy $150 In Memory of Hev. A. O. Ponte $100 . R. R Negus Lumber Co., Inc. Mr; & Mrs. Nelson Doyle $'75 St. Dominic's St, Vincent de Paul Society St. Dominic's Vl/'omen's Guild $50 DI'. & Mrs. Gerald Phaneuf Mr. & Mrs. Charles Kinnane' James McMahon

$30 Mr. & Mrs. 1'homas J. Lawlar Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Louis Travers Al~ert Bedard & Son MJ1. & Mrs. Edouard Lacroix $25 Donald Souza Mr. & Mrs·. J0hn Mello Mr. & Mrs. Francis Mehlman Mrs. M<u'Y and· Miss Jane BoI'> den Mr. & Mrs. Philip D. Griffin Mr: or;; Mrs. Frank Denis Mr. & Mrs. Anthony PerlW Mr. & Mrs. Roland MarteBy Mrs. Hector Lapointe· & Fam4 ily Mr. & Mrs. N<>rman Ashley Mr. & Mrs. A'l'tlmr Cavanaugh Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Carberry Mr. & Mrs. Mario Paradiso' Mrs. Malcolm McLeod Mr. & Mrs. 'Dhomas Bourne" Mr. & Mrs. HCl'bert Rego' ST. LOUIS DE FRANCE

$500 MI'. 81: 1\'lrs. Normand LeComte

$250, Rev. Arthur G. Dupuis $2.00 In memory of Joseph F. Du­ four by his· wife' and son $100 Rev'. Ernest E. Blais Mr..& Mrs. Francis McCurdy $.50 Mr. & Mrs. Abdre Carrier Holy Name Society Society of the Ladies of St. Anne $35 Mr. & Mrs. L.eonel Paquette &: Roger $25 Mr. & Mrs. Roland Aubut Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Beaulieu Mr. & Mrs. George Brouillard Mr. & Mrs. William Fletcher Mr. & Mrs. Henri Fortier Mr. & Mrs. Herman W. La­ pointe Jr. Mr. & Mrs. George R. Le­ vesque

Mr. & Mrs. Maurice Lincourt

Mr. & Mrs. Francis Lussier

Mr. & Mrs. Albert Michaud

Mr. & Mrs. Bonat Parent

Mr. & Mrs. Edward Plante

Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Souza

Mrs. Orner Trudeau


St. Dominic's ·C.Y.O.

~ Jolly good! .

[[UVf§ffJUu trfJu1fiC'J$

r· $(\}MlE~S;[E'f

~;~:; .:.:





THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., May11, 1967

Women Looking For Models

Relative of Noted Pa1l'hf~nder

Does Heir Bit for Pede$t~D©lU1S

By Mary Tinley Daly

Miss Jessie had long been intrigued by The Path, not

only intrigued but concerned. "Miss Jessie" is snowy haired

Miss Jessie Fremont, grand-daughter of writer Jessie Ben­

ton Fremont and of Gen. John Charles Fremont, hi,storieally

known as "The P.athfinder" letter' to the president of the

for his phenomenal explor­ grocery chain, in which she held

ations of the West. "The quite a bit of stock.

Employee conditions changed Path" is a diagonal walk in

the heart of Washington, D.C., a for the Qetter-but that's another small part of federal Rock Creek story. Back to the path: Miss Jessie ,park. This sec­ wrote to park authorities, was tion of the park assured "a study would be is approximate-:­ made." Just about then, the First ly three blocks Lady?s Bea~tification Program wide, four started. ­ long~ From the What _more. 'practical ""ay, windows of her thought Miss Jessie, of beautify~ home fa cin g QUEEN OF STANG PROM: Pauline Lague, second' ing 'a park than by making it this bit of park, left, elected queen at Friday's Bishop Stang High School ~irst of ,all ,usable? In other Miss Jessie has 'senior prom, is congratulated by Marie Lapire, Theresa" words, ,flowers are fine, but a for ye-ars paved path is concrete., - ' Girard and Kathleen Rose.

watched people, 'Dear Mrs.' .Johnson'

all kinds of peo­ In her ladylike script, Miss

ple, take the natural shortest-' distance-between-two-points, the Jessie wrote a short, concise note

addressed to the White' House, ­

diagonal. Mostly, these people are work,:" a "Dear Mrs. Johnson" letter,

men, carrying tools of their trade, outlining the problem of the

anxious to conserve time and path and its inherent compati­

energy as they trudge to and bility with the whole beautifica­

[FASH~ON tion program. from work. Their feet had liier­ A "Dear Miss Fremont" reply

ally beaten out the path, not ex­ If you're at all interested in it's their job to know,and show actly straight but "with a few arrived promptly from White how you look, what the latest the latest and why shouldn't I House Social Secretary Bess squiggles" as Miss Jessie de­ styles' are going to be and just profit from it for the vast sum Abell, expressing Mrs. Johnson's scribes it. what impact fashion is having - of 75 cents or so! ' thanks for Miss Jessie's interest Throughout the seasons, Miss on the world scene, then you The tilt of a tam, a new skirt and reporting that "we have Jessie has observed the people _ have to be well informed. This length, an unusual color eom­ treading along the path: beating placed your letter in the hands is quite easy if' bination, you'll see it first in the of appropriate officials for a re­ it out all over ag:lin in the snows you are sojourn- high style photographs :that vie view" of the situation. of Winter, slithering along in ing in Paris, for your attention. The models Miss Jessie was .content, con­ mud during Spring thaws, cough­ vacationin.; in in the pictures may look like a ing through Summer dust raised fident that wheels would turn in Rom e during lot of underfed waifs, and their due course. Hopefully, she by their padding feet, crunching the showings of hairstyles may su'ggest a trip to watched "her" path: young folk through dried Autumn leaves. fashiQn collec- Mars, but they were wearing the sauntering in the 'sunshine, tod­ "If only that path could be tions, or enjoy- mini when the only mini we surfaced," she worried, "'twould dlers led by their mothers, the ing the up-to- knew of was Mickey's girl friend. modishly-clad matron chauffeur­ be so much more comfortable." the-minute life . driven to 'one end of the path, of a career girl . For the fashion-~onscious Walk in Park chauffeur-picked up at the other in New York. home seamstress, these) women's Miss Jessie's ~wn use of the end. Most of all, though, was However, if you magazines are a must. She may park was for leisurely strolls in Miss Jessie's interest in the are living the not be able to stitch like the the outdoors she loves, for walk­ working people, trudging it ev­ life of the average American tailoress at Mainbocher's, but she ing her dogs; watching small ery morning, every_ evening, in female in an average American can copy that designer's use of ehildren and their mothers in the all kih.ds of weather, their weary biack and white accented by playground area. feet· keeping the path stamped town or city scattered through- -jeweled buttons. But she can't But the path, that essentially down. "Wheels will turn," she 'out any of the 50 states, then you even do the latter if she hasn't have to gather your fashion human transportation route, an smiled to herself. know how where you can. seen a stunning photo of his eve.. almost primitive wilderness in , Sure enough, they ,<lid: first _ Your best source of advance ning gQwn collection. the heart of a great citY,that .'wheels of a big bulldozer to information is the high-style This is one instance when was what bothered her. straighten out the "squiggles" of Never one to loin the vast herd th~ path, then wheels of a huge fashion magazines such as Vogue copying is' allowed and advo­ of'the non..,involved, Miss Jessie concrete' mixer to surface· the : or Harper's Bazaar, the Wall cated for the woman who appre­ decided to do, what she could walkway, making it safe, dry and Street Journals of the fashion ciates the designs from Paris but scene. can't even afford a first line about the situation. comfortable for those human The monthly or bimonthly copy of the original. Sew your As a flashback, we remember, feet. purchase of these exciting fash- own, or at least some design as that some years a'go, Miss Jessie Though Mis; Fremont; practi­ had discovered a sad lack, of cal, sensible. a~d good .nattir~d, ion digests may leave a slight _ne"llr to it as possible. Fashion Names _estroom facilities - for women would chuckle at any poetic ref­ :dent in your budget for incidenThese magazin'es also bring .employees' of. a great grocery . erence to- her 'path project it tals, but the, boost both' you and your wardrobe get is well worth . the names that are 'important in chain. does seem appropriate to note "My: dear, you .look ill," sh~, that she'epitomizes the words the few extra pennies spent.. the fashiorl' world to the atlen­ .True, most of the .styles seen in " tion of the general public. Who said to tM girl checking out her of poet Sam Walter Foss: t?e pages of th~se slick publica;' , .knows; so~e day you may iIi-­ :groceries. ','Let me he~p 'you: :to' "Let live in' my' house by tions, ~re', ~ay, j:>eyond the nol'-:, berit' a .milFon dolla:t:s and you the restroom." . the side of the road mal AmerIcan s pocketbook, .for :will want to 'know where to That "restroom" was anything And be a frienq ,of man~" these brilliant pages are the', spend .it. Some of these names but, as Miss Jessie wrote' iii a s?owcases for ,every name de- Sl1ch ·s· Anne Fogarty and Mr. U~gesNurse~ De~cmd" Nursing School Enrolls SIgner on the f~shion scene; but ,Mort, ,may be w~thin our. j:>udget a ~mart woman can adapt the if we really want something spe­ 100' they stress for her own. ,cial and most area stores are very ., Professional Standards Middle-Aged Women "'iJ",ng to order you some item SAN ANTONIO (NC) -The TEANECK (NC)-Holy Name wardrobe. For example, in a recent issue seen in a magazine. editor of the Catholic Nurses Hospital School of Nursing here Just as you cannot possibly be magazine declared here that in New Jersey is one of two of V~gue, Te?l Trai~a had a lookmg OUtfIt featuran up - t 0- th e-mmu . t e, thOInking nurses mustunite,dem:.ind pro-­ nursing schools - in the U. S. smashmg . I' htl f .. fessional standards' and make . which has opened its doors to . mg. a s I~ y lared navy skIrt, a Catholic if you don't read the their professional voices heard. middle-aged women on a full­ ;h~te ~lk 1~IOUS: :ntd ~ well- latest Catholic literature, you eSIgne ye ow' Ja~ e t ~t sold can't possibly keep up on the Dorothy N. Kelly of Washing­ time student basis. to:l told the 59th annual conven­ Seven women between the for the astronomIcal pnce of , constant changes of fashion if tion of the Texas Nurses Asso­ < ages of 42 and 52 are enrolled in 300. Now a,gal_who loved clothes you don't read the publications ci'tion that strikes and mass the freshman class in a pilot but couldn t afford more than a of the trade • resignations may seem rather program which has been dubbed label of a Teal Traina could drastic measures to assure better a success by Dr. Lawrence R. e ..sily buy ·a smart looking navy patient care, yet nurses have Malnig, guidance consultant at skirt, a white silk blouse and a '. yellow jacket along more modest been unable to cut through pub- the school. lines, price-wise, and team them ;, lic apathy by any other means. "The present group has done­ [}S~@J~omig ~UlC. Miss Kelly, speaking on "Eco­ so well," he said, "that the. together to get the same visual effect of the designer's original. , nomic security:' How do we de­ school could easily double its en­ Reg. Master Plumber 2930 , Aid to imagination serve it? said nurse- "have al­ rollment of older students next . GEORGE M. MONTLE ways deserved economic secur­ year. The women have kept up Perhaps y 0 -..I r imagination Over 35 Years . ity. If we don't realize this,' the with their work and have fitted doesn't need the inspirations of Satisfied Service general public does, at least in well, both academically and ·that can be gleaned from the .806 NO. MAIN S:rREET : when it is forced to consider the soCially, with the younger stu­ fashion experts who edit these . Fall River' 615-74'11 suDject." dents." magazines, but I ,always feel that'




M@nilifle PlumbinJg & CO.,

WASHINGTON (N C) ..... ~ woman journalist, author d lecturer said here tbat yotm@ women in underdeveloped couDl:b tries of Asia, Africa and Latb,i America are looking to ~ women of both democratic Da<I tions and communist nations fo;g their models. ' Lisa Sergio, Italian-born etDoo tor and free-lance radio and ~ writer, now a 1D'. S. citiz~ spoke on the the subject of 8 new role for today's woman d1JIjloo ing an honors convocation ldl Dunbarton College of HoJ;j Cross here. Miss Sergio said the female college student from an undePII

developed country is loold.nlf

. for an example to follow fro.­

other young women of her agia

and status in lands where' wom­

en have played a leading role Id

society for a long time. "She sees their image," :MIBI!' Sergio continued, "in the imalJlli which their country' project8 on the world-scene through ftIl books, its television progralm\, its press and, above all, the SUJlq veys of family stability and aI behavior of children. The rate , of family breakdown and of· j. . venile delinquency and insuba ordination in the U. S., reflected by our surveys andoOur head=. lines, appalls her." "The American college girl o1l our day has before her probab~ the most' taxing demands eVeli made by society upon its wom,.. en," Miss Sergio said. "She musfl remain the pillar of the nation~ family, but she must also partJ;,., cipate in society's affairs."


THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fan River-Thurs., May 1'1. 1967

If You" re in Charitable Mood Try Growin,g Berries for Birds

..,:;iii i~i;;

By Joe aJrnd Marilyn Ro~ericlk: As I sat down to write this article Melissa wanted to

lIDow what I was going to write about. When I told her ][

was writing ab~ut blueberry bushes she said to be sure to

Gay that when you plant blueberry bushes the birds eat

Ja,il the blueberries, This took there, but the following book

the wind out of my sans to would certainly raIl intc the cat­

eay the least. The fact of the egory of good bedside reading.

ID'atter is that she is telling One of the best of the fancy­



11 1. II I y,~











If It '-ii~



$':;­ .:l~


1 ..



" <il









fme truth as far as our blueberry b1.1Shes are concerned. We have only four, but they are large<lnd quite productive. The difficulty is that robins es." peclally, ar:e fond of blue~erries , Wld they eat them when they are , '•. ' :L'ed, o~ the verge of turnin~. blue. .. " 'fu; a result we get v~ry few .. ' .. " '" , ,,~~~~ies and quite a few. happy'

dishes-for-little-effort type of

cookbooks that I have come

across recently, it is a revision

in hardcover of the pocketbook,

"The Elegant But Easy Cook­

book," published by the Macmil­ Ian Company. The authors of tbis book, Marian Fox Burros and Lois Levine, had already won a warm ::;pot in my heart with their· "Freeze With Ease" collection .of ro inS. " ' . . recipes, so I ~pened the. pages of , .!.:, lIn the past ~O years o~ so my,., 'of this new book with a slightly

ftlther has tried covering tile. , ' . d' d b t

bushes with cheesecloth, tying' . prMeJu hl~eh e~: f th ......

bits of string to the buslies to .... y tg. opmlOn 0 ;se .wO

4l..' ht th b' ds d young ladles rose even higher as

&.llg en e lr away, an f If . hi Gevcr~~ other devices which have I ound my~e return~ng to t s . t h agal.n and. agam. to hread ....'1 d At thi s pom U1l e . e 'IS rea d y volume . <-. • d thO I Just one more recIpe. They ave .... give up an so IS year am tt t 1 . 11 . L . ..__ " ,. _."_.__'--..:..... ..... _ . t b t'f' . I owl a very cha y s y e, especla y In BolOg 0 uy an ar I ICla h·" d 't· h th •. h . d t f' ht th t elr mtro uc lOn, w en ey CHAPElL OF THE APPARITIONS: The Fatima chap'el today stands on the actual ~:Uc· IS suppose 0 ng en ,e caution the reader as to the birds away. types of guest one should invite site of the tree above which the three Portuguese children saw the Blessed Virgin in Need LietIe Care to a successful party. I always Fatima, The hospice (rear) cares for thoug-ands of sick and afflicted who make the Fatirn'"' Irf you can manage to save enjoy a cookbook of this type, pilgrimage seeking help and cures. NC Photo. Gome for the house after the that gives yeu the feeling that

Wrds and children get to them, these are your next door neigh­

;vou might enjoy growing blue- bors you're talking to and not

, b<!rries. They do very well in some pompous authority who sendy acid soil and take very creates in a $50,000 kitchen, un­ /Elder o~ Presbyterian Church Advises Ilittle 'care. I have seen several disturbed by sticky-fingered Mrs. John J. Lauzonis of Sl 'Varieties of plants for sale in youngsters. Patrick's Guild, Falmouth, was Officials tOn Costi,y Ventures murseries, so they are readily Varied Collectiolll1 e~ected president of District Five. ova:' -bIe in this area. Their format is easily read, WASHINGTON (NC) - When ~han a fraternal organization of Fall River Diocesan Council of TI' your soil is not acid it is and followed, with ingredients in, offiCials of the National Catholic Catholic educators when Msgr. Catholic Women during the dis­ Ull\ easy matter to mix it half and darker type than instructions. Educational Association plan ~ Hochwalt took it over in 1944, trict's annual meeting at St. Joan lllalf with peat moss or rotted What I really feel that they do a new research project, or any but he dreamed of making it into of A .. C Church P " in Orleans. Ileaf mold to make it acid enough tremendous job on though, is in other costly venture, their first a highly organized and effective Mrs. Lauzonis was' formerly

fur berries. Each year thereafter having such a varied collection. move is consultation with an voice for school improvement. president of the Falmouth guildl

of the Presbyterian One of his first moves was to and was also Diocesan Spiritual!

Jlt is only necessary to sprinkle of recipes (literally from soup Elder secure financial independence Developme' : Chairman.

some fertilizer around the base to nuts) th:,n can be prepared Church. (i)f the plants (the kind packaged in advanr qnd put into the oven. An alert, pleasant woman of for NCEA through· a national Other officers elected were:

iEor azaleas arid camellias does or removed from the refrigerator, Scotch-English . ancestry . holds campaign for new membership. Mrs. George Charpentier of Sl

~ry well) and prune the tops of at the last minute, giving the the purse strings of NCEA, the Francis Xavier Guild in Hyan­

Msgr. Hochwalt was also di­ t'le bushes lightly to keep' them hostess amp~e opportunity to en- nation's chief Catholic school 01'- rector of the department of edu­ nis, vice-president; Mrs. George within bounds. joy her guests.. ganization. cation of the National Catholic S. C)hoon of St. Patrick Guild. There are several varieties The section on salads is worth Falmouth, secretary; Mrs. War­ Welfare Conference. He was . Mrs. Winifred R. Loring's title very busy man,and much of the ren E. Geoffrion of St. PilJlj recommended for this area. We the price ($5.95) of the whole 'have "Weymouth," which is a. 'book. The authors manage to is adm'ihistrative assistant for co­ burden for NCI!:A's membership Guild, Squth Yarmouth, treas­ hrge blueberry and ,produces." offer' picture-pretty salads such ordination of prognm and re-, and 'finances, in effect the' life urer. search. It covers a multitude of . 'heavy crops. This is an old vari-. as the Fourth of July Mold a services on behalf of American blood of ~e olrganization, fell to Outgoing president Mrs. James ety and I am sure there are very "stupendous red, white and blue ·Quirk was elected Diocesan Catholic education. Mrs. Long. good new varieties on the mar- .. creation" along with such man­ Vice-President from District ·Performs Duties Weill Comparative statistics give keto One is "Jersey,'" which is . pleasers as Mother's Potato Five.. Mrs. Gilbert J. Noonan some indication of how well she very hardy and which produ~es Salad, a hearty concoction of Her entry into Catholic edu- has ·performed her duties. In win be Corresponding Secretary. large fruitOIi upright plants.. potatoes, onion, eggs and bacon cation t:ame in 1953 when a col- 19;;2, NCEA membership was Bluberries need good drainage,. topped .with a spicy tangy dress­ league at the American Council 6,234;.. by 1965 the total was Raises Pay lm plant them where they will ing. . on Education introduced her to 15,278-including more than 90 .' PROVIPENCE (NC) - The .' ·8Ot have, their roots standing in . The main dish section is excit­ Msgr. Frederick G. ITochwalt, the per cent of all Catholic educa- Catholic school board of the _ WIlter. If their foliage turns yel- ing, the desserts sound dreamJi' late NCEA executive secretary, tional institu1!ions in the United r:-ovi.!ence diocese has an­ low you are in ,trouble. ·Either and all in all it: is an exciting, who was then in the process of States. In those same years, the ttoIDlced the adoption of a new the 'soil it too alkaline and needs . informative must for a cO,okbook bringing the association to its organization's: income rose from 'salaIJ. scale for lay teachers in . "acidification, or the plant· needs collector's shelf. In the introduc.;. present influential :md promi':' ~ '~,390 to $2711,517, and its new Rhode IsTand's parochial elemen­ • dose of chelated iron~, . tion, the authors state that they nent position. projects incre~lsed tenfold. tary schools. Chelated iron can be obtained : revi~ed the original .paperbac~ NCEA had been little more ill liquid form in a garden store ver~lOn because so' many· readers.

and the need for it usually arises copIes had 'b.ec~me. dogearred, ..

because the soil' is inpenetrabl~· and because It IS such. a good Hold Conference

. . too alkaiine. Blueberries neec:i,,:book:,} can s~ how thl~.could, ., ••

DO special spray schedule, in fact,..·: hap~~ '. '. . R~ce, RelIgIon

we don't bothell' with ours at all' .,' ~hlS, IS Just .a; sample of the LAFAYETTE (NC) -Minis-.

8IIld our berries have never beeri .... recipes fOW!ld,·1O the Eleg~nt !ers of several faiths participated

bothered' by. insects, and are' BU;t Easy ~Qo~book. My famIly in, the first conferenc~' on race

:i3ther easy to grow. But this' ,enJoye~ thiS dl~ferent treatment and religion in southwest Lou,:" .

J 'logs us back to tl!le unpleasant ,of an mexpenSl,ve standby. 'isianar held here.

ilUbject of the birds and probably Baked ][mperial Chicken Principal speakers included, ll> :»tner season without blueberwith Cumberland' Sauce Auxiliary Bishop Warren L. lies. (serves. 6 to 8) Boudreaux of Lafayette and In the Kitchen lh cup g;. .\t~d Parmesan cheese Rabbi Marc Tanenbaum, na-. One reviewer wrote an article 2 CUI=S se:,50ned bread crumbs tional director of the interreliIleCently that set -forth her crite3 Tablespoons sesame seeds gious affairs department of· the "on for a good cookbook. She 2 two ~ .. d a l::a:ul to three-lb. American Jewish Committee. IJtated that she reviewed a coukbroilers or fryers (cut up). book in bed and that if 'Ii! cup melted butteII" early in the day and then refrig­ a cookbook coUld put heir (SAUM) erated!. ... sleep immediately it was poor, 1 cup red currant jelly 4!} Bake for ODe hoW' at 350·. If' it kept ber interest and kept 1 6, oz can h'ozen orange juice If' you?re serving chiEdren who Mr from sleep it was very good, concentrate (defrosted) like their ch-iCl:ken not too. dressy, bat that if it eaused' her to jump 4 Tablespoons dry sheny you can stop here; 'however; for ...t of bed, rush d'own to heT 1 teaspoon dry mustard the more gourmet-minded, you kitehen and whip. up olle of the· Ys teaspoon ground ginger can make the sauce. 1llllCipes, then It was senilati{)nalL :', teaspoon hot pepper sauce S) For the sauce combine the W 11, I'm afraid I can't adopt 1) Mix together cheese, crumbs jelly, orange juice, sherry, mus­ her method for my own" ~ause and sesame seeds. baked by your Sunbeam Baker 1!t would take more than the 2) Dip pieces in melted butter tard, ginger, and pepper sauce iestt of James Beards get rr:re. out and then in cru:nr.:bo mixIDJre, An a saucepan and simmer until ~ bed once I've managed to get 3) This mucb can be done smooth. ~"-'-..:.....


Guides NCEA

Officers E!,ected In Di:strict Five



Plain, sugared

alnd cinnaIllon

a/lin one

delicious variety package




John Hendrioks . Mr. & Mrs. Frederick P. Koehoo ler .Mrs. Louise Oakland Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Turner

THE ANCHORThurs., May 11, 1967

lay Hn1$l'rlWch»rrs InChi~ago A$k

$25 Arthur Aguiar PaImeda Amaral Mr. & Mrs. Edwin W. ArnoJl!l Mr. & Mrs. William Bishop Barbara Bums Mr. & Mrs. Bernard J. BUIlDIl Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Brady ·Helen E. Browning Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Carvalbct Mrs. Mary Crafford Richard Fagan Mr. & Mrs. Frank Gamboa Mr. & Mrs. Jesse Hendricks Mr. & Mrs. John Langwell Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Leiter Angela Medeiros Emily Medeiros Mr. & Mrs. Anthony PimenW Mr. & Mrs. Clovis Roux Mr. & Mrs. John P. Sea~les George Taylor Mr. & Mrs. Freeman Treacy Mr. & Mrs. Fritz Ulmschneider Mr. & Mrs. John Unsworth Dr. &; Mrs. B. Edwin Zawacki Mt. Carmel Holy Name Society

Uni,on Charrter CHICAGO (NC)-Striking Catholic lay teachers at Leo ;. High School here in Illinois have applied to the American

Federation of Teachers, AFL­ CIO for a charter for a new locai which would represent Catholic lay teachers in Chicago. . The local would be similar to ,the Chicago Teachers Union :which represents Chicago public school teachers, according to James Walsh, leader of the strik­ t mg Leo teachers. Walsh also announced the for­ _......... _-..:.;. mation of a Teachers Committee for Catholic Lay Education HONOR BISHOP: Archbishop Angelo Palmas, Apostolic Delegate to Vietnam; Lt. whose membership i:.; open to all Gen. Nguyen van Thieu, chairman, National Leadership Committee;. Air Vic.e-Marshall teachers in Catholic schools iri the Chicago archdiocese. NguyenCao Ky, Prime Minister; and Archbishl]p Paul Nguyen van Bmh of.SaIgon, sta~d Strike Objectives

before the catafalque ~ the·late Bishop A. Thaddeus L~ huu ,:!:,u, former VICar Apo~tohe , Three schools have been struck of Phat Diem North Vietnam while citation was read awardmg the deceased. bIShop $20 here' to date. All are operated second highe;t rank of the N~tional Order of the Republic at the funeral Mass in Saigon Jane Barker, Mr. & Mrs. Ed­ by members of religious orders. ward Bowen, Mrs. Raymond cathedral. NC Photo. .;/ The strike at Mendel High, Crompton, Mr. & Mrs. Clyde operated by the Augustinians, Curry, Mr. & Mrs. Henry Harris ended when the administration Mr. & Mrs. James Mullins Mr. & Mrs. Leonel S. Medeiros . $25 Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Hendricks agreed conditionally to recognize Mi'.·& Mrs. Joseph Souza . Mr.' & Mrs. Manuel Michael Ranald Arntz' . Mr. & Mrs. Joaquim Hendricks" the Illinois Federation of Teach­ Mr. & Mrs'. John O. Soares .. Wiliiam Costa . Mr.,&· Mrs. Paul Lusignan, Mr. II; '" I $20 . .' ers. as sole' bargainiJ;lg agent for Mr. & Mrs': John .Velozo Jr. Mauric'e eye' Mrs. Myron Perry . Mr. & Mrs. Valmore J. Ar­ 31 lay teachers. Mr. & Mrs. Z'ygmunt Ziobro Maurice Dumont Mr. & Mrs; Oscar Pelleti9, chambault,: Mr. & Mrs." JOQn F. : Tea~hers - at a second school Anonymous' ' , ' $20 . Kineavy, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Mr. &. Mrs. James Roberts, MJl. are'seeking to .lift ceilings i,n the Mr: & Mrs. Joseph H. Camara, Langfield, Mr. & Mrs. Robert 'D. '. & Mrs'. 'Robert Sloane, MarY Sou,;. Mrs. Calire' Moquin . .alary schedule wHile the teach­ Mr. & Mrs. Frank S. Mello, Al- ' McMillan, Mr. '&¥rs. Peter .sa, Mr.. & Mrs. Fred Whelan Vincent N arini ers at'a third' secondary institu­ ... fred & Anne Monteiro' . .... Anonymous' Paskowski. tion want salary. increases" med­ '16 .$15 . · Lena St Pierre' Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Santoro, ical insurance and a pension Mr_ & Mrs. Walter Gerula · Roger Vandal Richard Bernardo, Mr. & Mrs. ·Mr. & Mrs. Robert Tierney, Mrs. plan, in' addition to recognition Joseph C. Borge, Mr. & Mrs. George Weathersbee, Mr. & Mrs. $15 cd a bargaining agent. James Costa, Mr. & Mrs. Ray­ Thomas Garvey, Mr. & Mrs. Donald Bain, Mr. & Mrs. He.... mond R. Machado, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. Washington. bert Bassett, Mr. & Mrs. Henry ST. MICHAEL Manuel Moniz. , Bilodeau, Mr. & Mrs. Wiifreti $15 Mr.·& Mrs. Edward Perry, Mrs. . $500 ST. JOSEPH Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Bartek, Blanchette, Mary DeSilva Rt. Rev. Joseph A. Cournoyer Alexandrina Quental, Mr. & Mrs. Sally A .. Benson,' Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Louis Dupere, Mr. $400 Dennis Raposa, Miss Eliza Rego, $60 & Mrs. Mathew Fahey, Mr.' & Kenneth Chase, Mr. & Mrs. Ed­ Rev. Leo M. Curry Miss Laura C. Saraiva. Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Brophy Mrs. Francis Farrell, Mr. & Mrs. $90 Mr. & Mrs. Antonio Sardinha, ward. L. Donovan, Mr. & Mrs. $40 Jesse C. Hall, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Gerald Driscoll. . Rev. Terrence F. Keenan Mr. & Mrs. Alfred J. Souza, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Pettine Kaveny Mr. & Mrs. Joseph W. Duffy, $50 Mrs. Mary Thomas, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Ripanti Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Korkue. Mr. & Mrs. Louis F. Fayan, Mr. Holy Name Society Herbert Wetzel. $30 . & Mrs. Robert Gunn, Mr. & Mrs. . lVIr. & Mrs. John W. Korkue"

$40 ·ST. THOMAS MORE Mr. & Mrs. George Bedard . George Harrison, Mr. & Mrs. 'Mr. ~ Mrs. Joseph Kropis .11'.,

Mr. & Mrs. George Gray · Mr. & Mrs. John Seguin Mr. & Mrs. Nelson Little, Mr. &

$35 .

John J. Joyce. $400 $25 Mr. & Mrs. John A. Mitchell, Mrs. Walter Maykish Rev. Howard .t .• Waldron George Milo~

· Mr. & Mrs. Robert Canuel Mr. & Mrs. John McAloon, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Peter Pepka, Mr.. & $125 A Friend

Mr. & Mrs. Frank Crane Mrs. Chester Ploski, Atty & Mrs. & Mrs. Kenneth McClockey, Mr. Mrs. Joseph F. Foley Sr. , !:,~5 Mr. & Mrs. Edward Creamer F. A. Rodrigues, Mrs. Fr'ederick & Mrs. Frank Mello, Mrs. Anna $100 Mr. ,& Mrs. Maurice Kent Mr. & Mrs. Wilfred Duquette Propatier, Mr. & Mrs. Michael Jackson. Mr. & Mrs. Theodore J. pivine A Friend Mrs. Annette Lacroix Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Rogers, Mrs. -Rufful Dr. & Mrs. Francis James Mr.&. Mrs. Francis E. Dowling Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Martin Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Rebello, Mrs. Raymond Simmons Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Latham Dale Rothwell, Mrs. William Francis McGonagle . $95 Ryding, Mr. & Mrs. Leonard J. Mr. & Mrs. William Roess'el, Mr. Mr. &' Mrs. William Bliss Mr. & Mrs. Richard Petit Shea, Mr. & Mrs. Shirley M. & Mrs. Arthur Schreiner, Mr. &; Mr. & Mrs. Roger Turner Rev. William J. Shovelton Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Rodth Smith. Mrs. Manuel Sousa, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Turner $50 Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Thibault Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Toomey, Robert Stellmack Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Neville A Friend Mary Trial Mary Toomey, Mr. & Mrs. Luke Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Medei­ Mr. & Mrs. James Urquhan, Mr. & Mrs. Vincent A. Coady Mr. & Mrs. Donald Wodhen ~s . Atty & Mrs. Richard N. LaSalle Urban, Sarah B. White, Mr. &' Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Voll, Mr. Js $241 Mrs. Philip Collins. Mr. & Mrs. Walter Boulay Mrs. Wallace Whitelaw Jr. Dr. Bernard Mangione &' Mrs. Paul Antaya Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Fortin, Mr. & Mrs. Harold Mendoza $45 . $20 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas McEvoy . Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. McCaJlll Mr. &' Mrs. William J. Holland,

Mr. & Mrs.. Edward Conforti, Mr. & Mrs. Donald Hussey.

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Dutra . $35 Enjoy Dining Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Finnegan, Mr. Anita Sabourin George W. Hopkins Mr. & Mrs. Russell McDermott & Mrs. Frank Gallery, Mr. & Mrs' $30 IN THE Raymond Legault, Dr. & Mrs. John ·D. Romano Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Earl Heron !'IT. CARMEL Joseph C. McGuill Mr. & Mrs. Frank Souza Edwin Doolin JOLLY WHALER Mr. & Mrs. Leo Paradise, Ar­ Mr. & Mrs. Charles Horton $150 Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert F. Leonard thur Pelletier, Mr. & Mrs. Wil­ Mr. & Mrs. Francis Conaty --AND-Mr. & Mrs. William Cuddigan Mr. & Mrs. James F. Nicoletti liam Pelletier, Mr. & Mrs Donald Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hebert $100 SPOUTER INN $"" Sexton $20 Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Weyker Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Badwey Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Adamczyk, , $15 St. Vincent de Paul Society RESTAURANTS Mr. &. Mrs. William Croke Mrs. Glen Burgrnann, Emma Mr. & ·Mrs. Aloysius Gabriel, $50 Mr. & Mrs. Palll Daley Milot, Arthur Milot, Mrs. Frank­ Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Lamontagne, Always Free Parking

Mr. & Mrs. Philip Hill Mr. & Mrs. Joseph F. Foley Jr. lin Weeks, Mr. & Mrs. Harold Mr. & Mrs. John Lindo, Mr. & , $30

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph R. Gagnon

Sherrington. Mrs. Milton Machado, Mr. & Mrs Mr., & Mrs. Raymond Caldarone Atty & Mrs. Charles Hague $15 Normand Naveu Mrs. Louise Fallon Da. del J. Hatton , Mr. & Mrs. George Parent, Mrs. Frederick Wilbur, Nancy Mr. & Mrs. Joseph D. Hopkins

lDurfee, Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Mr. & Mrs. Roland Patenaude, Atty & Mrs. James Killoran

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Peloquin, Mr. Borden, Mrs. N'.rman Woodward, Mr. & Mrs. Cletus J. Monahan

& Mrs. Robert Smith, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & HI'S. Filbert Torres. ~IESiDENTIAl Mrs. Henry T. Munroe

Norman Thibault Mr. & Mrs. Levite Carrier, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert J. Nadeau

Mr. & Mrs. Charles Viens, Mrs &: Mrs. Edwin Ready, Mr. & Mrs. SCHOOLS (9 CHURCHES Mr.' & Mrs. Thomas F. O'ConWilliam Ferreira. Joseph Wilson, Paul Tobin. nell ~NDUSTRIAL 0 BUNKIE~ IVTr. & Mrs. Austin J. O'Toole

!N(iJ)!i'U'fhl WelSiU'[Pl@U'fr ~(iJ)mtelJ"$~fr ,Dr. & Mrs, Donatd Peters

[Q) jQ\[O)§©~ ©~[!, 1a1lJJ~~!E~~ OUR lLADY OF GRACIE


Mr. & Mrs. Leo D. Sullivan «:omplete lHeating Unstallatiol11l$ $300

Mrs. Peter C. Trainor


2~ lHIour Oil Burner Service Rev. Maurice H. Lamontagne

Edward F. Welsh

Rt. Rev. Augusto L. Furtado


Mr. & Mrs. William E. White $100

Sr. . Rev. Robert W. Dowling Rev. Bento L. Fraga $50 $25 Frederick J. Wilding Adrien D. Picard Mr. & Mrs. Frank R. Borges Jr. Mr. & Mrs. James Crivaro $35 Mr. & Mrs. Antone S. Feno Ml & Mrs. Thomas Griffin Our Lady of Grace Catholie . New Bedford Mr. & Mrs. Frank V. Medeiros MiDI ~!easan1l Street Tel. ~96-e27] Mr. & Mrs. Gerard A. LaLiberte . Y'omen's Guild .Jr.




OCean Grove'

North Dighton



New Bedford Hotel


Raynham S'I'. ANN $100 Iili'. Ro\bert Mealy $50 Tbomaa Me Ross Almon L. Turner $40 Jl)r. Robert Paquette $30 Gilbert Ji"Fahey $25 William R. Navin Henry R. Costa Mrs. Doris Baran Edward McCabe Robert E. Eastman ,)Josep'\ E. Keough Henry Cardoza Th'rancis L. Ring Leo D. Long Albert P. Ribeiro Mrs. Dorothy Walfonll Paul 3. Fountain Louis R. Cabana George Boucher Joseph Bettencourt Gary Cartwright Frank A. Bedford Edward G. lVlaloog Felix P. Kaladin Barbara R. O'Brien Andrew $. Galligan Mary McGrath Don~l,d L. McKinnOJI1 Jaro~s J. Hauck Edwn,r~:I. Murby Ad9~ph 1? Rozenas

me ANCHOR-Diocese of fall River-Thurs., May 1!, 1961

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Gentile, Margaret Hayward, Alvan Cas-

weill, Mil". &: Mrs. Le<m Lamon­ ~gne, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Milano Katherine Brophy, MI~. James

Brophy, Mr. & Mrs. Harry ShepllI'Idson, John Briguglio, Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Gorham Lawrence Hurley, IViI". &. Mrs. 3ol!m Schleicher, Mr. & lVIrs. Jos-

eph Macrina, Joseph Hurley, Mr. &; Mrs. J. Donald Amirault

Mr. & Mrs. James Jones, Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Spadll, Mr. &;

MIl'S. Louis Silva, Mrs. John

Toomey, Mr. & Mrs. Roy Owens

Francis Flood, Mr. & Mrs. Roben Connors, Raymond Webber,

Herbert Saunders




Mr. & Mrs. James Conroy John Galligan Mr. & Mrs. Fr-ancis Murphy Amy Brewer Mr. & Mrs. Williall'1 Bamea Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Cam Mr. & Mrs. John Shea Mr. & Mrs. Leo St. John


~©U Il n «UmOIl,h lro ST. :PIUS TENTlRI


Rev. Christopher L. Broderick $400

A Friend of St. Pius Tenth


Rev. Philip A. Davignon A Friend (2) Mr. & Mrs. John G. Doherty Lt Commander Margaret HaleyMrs. Lura Leddy Mrs. Arthur MorawskI Mr. & Mrs. J. Kenneth Murphy$60

SOl.E SURVIVOR: Sister Lucia, eldest of three chil­ dren who beheld the appari­ tions at Our Lady of Fatima ,in 1917, lives quietly today in a Coimbra (Portugal) Carmelite Convent. NC Photo

$20 Sarah McLaughlin, Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Walsh, ME. & Mrs. John Piepiora, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Connor, Mr & Mrs William Nolal1'i\ Mr. &: Mrs. Chris Sempos, Anna V. & Mary Gaffney, Jamell Moran, Mr & Mrs Edmund Valley $15 Mrs. C. Joseph Nowak, Mr. & Mrs. John Barrett, Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Crabtree, Mr. & Mrs. Wil­ liam LeFavor, Mr. & Mrs. Hell'­ bert Barrett Mr. & Mrs. Nelson Stephens, Mr. & Mrs. Harry Hinckley. Mrs. Harry Holbrook, Rosalie Tirrell!, Mr. & Mrs. John Grenda Mr. & Mrs. John Hobbs, Ray­ mond Fava, Mr. &: Mrs. AgneWJ Veiga, Laura Vecchi, Mr. & Mrs. John Alden - Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Rose, Mr. &: Mrs. Joseph Yeager, Philip Yea­ ger, Frances Murphy, Mr. & Mrs. Mario Govoni Mrs. Agnes Francis, Claill'le Collert


Thomas Hague $50 ,. Mr. & Mrs. Martin Gera~tyGervais, Mr. & Mrs. Albert Gio,,,,' ' A Friend. . :' losa . Jol).[~ .W~.ch ., Mr. & Mm. Raymond Luddem Mary Griffin, Mr. & Mrs. Alpha

'" $35 Lagacy, Mr. & Mrs. Donald La~e. Ro!;ler,t,..L. Smith ", ... , M M ' L k' . Edward R. Bar1'1' " , ..,l\<Ir., ~ Mrs., Edward C'<6I"j!nWll , " rs. ane ar 111, Mary Leary .. ,$20 ,. ' , ' "" $30 , Mr., ~ Mrs. Francis Maher, Mr. ' HOLY TRINlITY

Rich~rd:,J. 'SouZa" ~nI:, ,1l(ar,-, -,:, ,M<&, 'Mrs. Norris GlDclclIin~ &: Mrs. John Malloy, Mr. & Mrs. $100 !faret :~puza, Armindo, Lo.~oo, ,': '. Mrs" B~rnard F. Shea Rober,t, Manchuk, Mrs. Hope ,II. Elizabeth Batson Gerard Bp~enfant,Mrs.F!~.l , , Mr!i!, RIta $w~nson :~~~hi' Mr. & Mrs. Bemarlii. ,(' $50 g'.8rien, Roland Lecqy0ll". $25 .," . 'Mr. &: Mrs. Bemis Bole:J Mrs.., L,,CUI.·se Blake Mrs. Charles O'Neill, Mr. & . .$15 ,M Mr & Mrs Daniel Jean "Levasseur, lLaWt-eti.~ I'.:. Mr, &:,M~. Fred P. Brown ,rs. Ch arIes P erry, Mrs. ArthUll' $ 3B. 5Thom""""'llil · ....,.lacobanis, Francis D. BrnMrB,. Joan~aker" Ristau, Mr. & Mrs. Leslie Rydell', '. J!])r. & Mrs. Arthur D'Elia George P. Treani, Robert J. JI)1'i1rCynthia Baker ,_ 'Mr. & Mrs. John Simpson @OlI. Mr. & Mrs. WilUam 11lan_ Mr. &. Mrs. Edward A StJref!e, $30 David W. O'Connor lit, lame3 ·Mr. & Mrs. William Bennett Gertrude E. Tynan Mr. & Mrs. James Besso Mr. &: Mrs. J. Harry Long ~oleman, Edward J. Doheney:, , Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Bogal!' Mr. & Mrs. Arthur LaFrenier .John L. Spaulding, James Moum. John Coyle Joseph R. Mason, Robert MonMajor'Margaret J. ConleyST. PATRICK $25 tana, ',>seph E. Downing, Doria Mrs. Mllry Geist $1200 Mr. &: Mrs. John G. Murph,. C. Morrisey, Mrs. Eugene Heinig. Mr & Mrs Gaetano Giammall'OOl A Friend A. J. Turri William M. Russell, Bemire A. Mr. & Mrs. John Grimes $100 Mr. & Mrs. James ]11'. Colgan 12'0\ lain, James Russell, Robert Mrs. Margaret Haley Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Pappi Mr. & Mrs. Richard Wales lD'O: 38, ,Patricia Connom. Mr. & l'4r8. Reginald Hal'rom. Knights of Columbus, Father Mr. & Mrs. Carl Johnson George M. Powers m, Joseph Mrs. Frederick Hatch Francis Callahan Council 14139 Mr. & Mrs. John I~. Delay ~. HohmRDD Jr., Elwood 11. ,John Houst Mr. & Mrs. John MacNeill Dr. & Mrs. Thomas O'Leary Clark. A Friend $'75 Mr. &: Mrs. Arthur Fros~ Mrs: Owen HuH Rev. John J. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Gilmette Mr. & Mrs. James I~

Rev. Leonard M. Mulianel)l' Mr. & Mrs. Joaquim Pena

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Lahi.ff

$55 Mr. & Mrs. John O'Donnell


Mr. & Mrs. Theod{)re Bapticae Mr. .& Mrs. Julio BarroW!il $200 Mrs. Lawrence Lippard

$5. Mrs. Elvira Baptista Rev. Joseph F. Hanna, e's.e. Mr.' &' Mrs. Arthur Lynch

Mr. & Mrs. Claude EliiB Mr.. .& Mrs. Donald J. Taylor to., $100

Mr. & Mrs. William MarneM Mr &. Mrs William McLaughU·11lll Mr. &: Mrs. Walter Dawley Mr. '& Mrs. Donald Bergeron Mr. I'lt Mrs. Anthony Martillll'il> Mrs.. Mary Stott Mrs. Everett. C. Bacon , , $50 . ", Gertrude McConnack Isabelle Cumming Mr. &: M:rs. John I,opes John "Pitt . ,,: Mrs. D,av:id McHugh $35 Mr. .&, Mrs. ,Augustus Sylvia $30 Mr. & Mrs. Walter Murph&, ,Mr & Mrs Frank Krystofols!l:4 Mr. & Mrs. John Gonsalves Jr. MrS. 'Herbert Everet~ , Mr. '& Mrs. Frank O'Neill $30 Mr. & Mrs. Harold Bergerom ,'Mr. '& Mrs. Joseph Panek Mr. & Mrs. Fred KuppentJ Dr. R. Earl McLoud. ' 'Mr. &,Mrs. Michael Patkoskca $25 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Perry Mr. &, Mrs. Medio Pederzam. $25 Dr & Mrs Frederick RobinSOlll.. 'Mr. ,& Mrs. Kenneth Semedc

J:)"rank A. Ready Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Nievera Mr. & Mrs. Donald Sheehan Mr. & Mrs. Ray Crocker

Mrs. Donald T,hompson Mr. & Mrs. Milton Laycock

Mr. & Mrs. Edward Loveday 'Mr. & Mrs. Francis Sheehy Mr. & Mrs. F. M. Mead

Mr. & Mrs. David Gomea Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Slattery Mr. & Mrs. Herman Prada

Louis S. Lyne & Theodol!'e R. lbariviere ' Mrs. Sliney & Ethel Vinal St. Patrick's Circle

Mrs. Esther Kiernan Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Kairy'lJ Mr..&. ~rs. Charles Still Harry Rhodes Mr. & Mrs. Michael Hegarty Mr. .& Mrs. Walter Wright $20 Mr. & Mrs. George Barrett

Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas James Mr. & Mrs. John Czyoski, Mr. Mr, & Mrs. George St. John

Mr. & Mrs. Leo BrophY' & Mrs. Robert Dawley, Mr. &; . Mr. & Mrs. C. Ernest Precourt Mr. & Mrs. Irving Vase 3rd Mr. & Mrs. Leo F. Sulli'lfl1lll Mrs. Vincent Fowler, Mr. & Mrs: Mrs. Jennie Overton Robert Glydon, Mr. & Mrs. John Mr. & Mrs. Leo Schleisher Kelly 0/..0 e SYSTEMATIC Mr. & Mrs Edward McPartlanCi! . Mr. & Mrs. James Kennedy, !( year SAVINGS Mrs. Roger Blake Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Levesque, 95 IIIOfltbtr deposits requireli Mr. & Mrs. Robert Coffey Mr. & Mrs. William MacDonald, 01. a INVESTMENT

Mr. & Mrs. Paul Brophy Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Mulcahy, • 10 year SAVINGS

Christopher Brophy Mr. & Mrs. Louis R. Parks 90 dar notice for wltlJdrawal

Margaret Brophy Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Terrie, l?ro.ncis Welsh Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Shaw $20 $15 v:ar Hugh O'Brien, Mr. &: Mm. Mr. & Mrs. Norman Babineau, 1t.ouis Berretta, Mrs. Warrelll Mr. & Mrs. George Barabe, Mr. Stedman, Mr. & Mrs. Jamea & MI·s. Endre Bogar, Mr. & Mrs. Brown Bernard Boudreau, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. &: Mm. James FitzgiboolM., Otis Creel &: Mrs. John C. SUlUV81Il Jll'. Mrs. Hennan Curtis, Mr. &;

Bank By Maii Mrs. Law.rence Donnelly, Mr. &

$17 We Pay The PostagGl llIlr. & Mm. Frank Pancioeoo Mrs. James Dooley, Mr. & Mrs.

-$15 .lohn Downey, Mr. &: Mrs. Ray­


Mr. & Mrs. Emil Ozieckl, Blll'­ mond Duffy !Prompt, free Deliyery in fAU. RIVER, SOMERSET. lIVERTOtI & Y!CINI1Y

• VARMOUTH SHOPPING IFW!tl bara Schleicher, Mr. & Mrn. Mar­ Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Eaton, Mr. Un McKenna, Mr & Mrs Bernard. & Mrs. R. V. Ferguson, Mr. & 102 ROCK ST. (CORNER Of ?iNE ST.» FALL RIVER • DENNIS PORT • OSTERtnWE PieuowsJd. Frank Desm.oo:d. Mes. Joseph G. FIJllllIl. 'll:'a-efae

West Harwich


'South Easton


5 00



~ 'j

Mr. & Mrs. Dean Garfield

Mr. & Mrs. Paul Bacon "Mr. & Mrs. Isaiah Kelley . Mr. & Mrs: John Fitzmaurfct!! Katherine S. Mais (In memoil'J' of Frederick J. Mais)

,Mr. & Mrs. Herbert CarbolJi,o neau

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas McGuire Daniel Barry

Mrs. Eva Marie Dane

Leslie St. George

Mr. & Mrs. Anthony A. Rytn!l Mr. & Mrs. Edward Boyle

Mrs. Charles Geoghegan

Mrs. Frances Dubois

Mr. & Mrs. Ray Lyons Mr. & Mrs. Paul McLau~hllLi\

Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Walsh

Mr. & Mrs. William Downey Mr. & Mrs. Amos Leyton

Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Roderick

Mrs. Adelaide Messenger

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Lovinsk~ Mrs. Lillian Dowd Mr. &: Mrs. Frank Ball Mr. & Mrs. Chester J. Poweli8 Mary A. Cummings Mr. & Mrs. John Ormond Mrs. Grace Chase Mrs. Anastasia CraHey Patrick F. Kelleher

Mr. & Mrs. M1mley Boyce

Mr; &: Mrs. William Brad7

Mr. & Mrs. Paul G. Carney

Carroll Gift Shop .

Mr. & Mrs. Pierre F. Lavedaa Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Duggan . Captain William House

Mr. & Mrs. John W. AnderSOll Mrs,: ,William Connolly $20 Mr.' & Mrs. Jeremiah O'Leary, Betty Halbritter, Mrs. John Zio­ kevich; Mr.· ok Mrs. Gerald O'Neil F. Underwood, Marion Halbritt~ $15 Mr. &: Mrs. Joseph Healy, Ml'. &: Mrs. Carl Newman, Mrs. Wil­ liam Hurst, Mrs. Charlotte Pen3, Mr. & Mrs. James Egan Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Roderick" Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Egan, Mm. Peter Roderick, Mrs. AIda Lal.}­ ham, Mr. & Mrs. Roland E. COil­ llWrs Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Marini" 'Samuel Roberts, Mrs. Kennetla Dowd, Dr. & Mrs. Edward Sul­ livan, Mr. & Mrs. TheophillO JI.eyton Mr. & Mrs. John Morrissey, Mr. & Mrs. John Williams, Theo­ dore P. Hayes, Charles J. Maa­ terson, Timothy F. White Mr & Mrs Raymond T. Speall:­ _man, Mr. & Mrs. James Ippolito" Anna C. & Sarah D. Hayden. Joseph Glynn, Mr. & Mrs. Ray­ mond J. Alvey


Bass River Savings Bank

eatf 675-7829


! 1



", , 2"'.

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs."'Moy '11, 1"967

TWELFTH ANNUAL CONVENTION OF DIOCESAN TEACHERS: Left: prinCipals of the opening session, waiting to go on stage are, Dr. William H. Conley, president of Sacred Heart College, Bridgeport, speaker; ­ Bishop'Co}\nolly, who :presided;Rev. ·Patrick·i. O'Neill, D.Ed., supei' iI1­ tendent of Diocesan Schools. Center: At one of the many exhibits are, Sr. Arl~ne. M:;U'Yl ,ItS.M.,. Rev. Maurice ~. Jef~t;ey:St. Jean the Baptiste,

Fall River; Rev'. Edmond 1.. Dickinson, St. Mathieu, Fall .River; MIlo Richard F. Levesque, teacher at Sacr~d Heart School, No. Attlebol"Ci\. Right: Kathleen Grimes of St. Mary's, No. Attleboro greeting the leadeftl of Friday's General Session-Bishop Gerrard, V.G., presiding office~ Mr. William Reedy, speaker; Rev. Joseph P. Delaney, M.Ed., assista~ superintendent of Diocesan Schools. '

$25 Mr. & Mrs. Jose~h F. Bien­ ST; PETER venue .$100 . Miss Agnes' Blake ·Mr. & Mrs. James B. Mu'rphy Mr. & Mis. Richard Blake . " . $50' \ William Blake Mrs. Josephine M. Haggerty Mr. & Mrs. David Carr $30. Mr. & Mrs. George Casey A Frie'nd Mr. & Mrs. Maurice Drainville $25 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Dufort Mr. & Mrs. Frank Del:noga Henrietta Fisk Mr. & Mrs. George Borges' Mr. & Mrs. Francis Giblin Mr. & Mrs. William Fleming Mr. & Mrs. John Harrington A Friend Mr. & Mrs. Bart Hunt & Fam­ Mr. & Mrs. John Pelletier' ily and also Mr. & Mrs. Alan $20 Johnson 'Dr. Rose Borges, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs..Lewis Jackson Edward -Linhares. Mr. & Mrs. Donald'Lamond $15 Mr. & Mrs. Jacques Leduc , Anna Dutra, Mr. & Mrs. An­ Mr." &: Mrs. Nicholas Lombardi tone S. Goulart Jr., Mr.. & Mrs. Dr. & Mrs. A. Longobardi Henry J. Keenan .. Mr. & Mrs. George McCarthy Mr. & Mrs.· McCafferty. Attleboro' Mr. & Mrs. Harold McCormick ST. JOHN THE EVANGELIST

Mr. & Mrs. John. P. McGuin­ $1,000

ness , Rt. Rev. Thomas l~. Walsh

Dr. William A. Morinville $600

Mr. & Mrs. Edmund ,Murray Mr. & Mrs. Harry Condon Mrs. Arthur Patenaude $150 Mr. & Mrs. Pierce Janson Family Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Toppin Dr. & Mrs. John Lonergan .Mi". &. Mrs. Leo Tracey . . \: ..$100 $20 Rev. James F. McCarthy Mr. & Mrs. GeorgeC. Cote, Mr. Edmund Henry & Mrs. Charles Dauray, Mr. & John Mahon & Family Mrs. Eugene Ferland, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. J. Kenneth Murphy Philip Lockwood Jr., John Benjamin Nolin Lynch. $75 . Vincent Lynch, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Russell Brenrian Leonard Mournighan, ·Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs: Luca Fantacciorie ST. MARY Oscar St. John, Mr. & Mrs. $50 Joseph Trojan. . $8cH1 Mr. & Mrs. Charles Bowen Attleboro Dyeing & Finisbinl $19 Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Brennan Cor-p.. _ ' Mr.'&; Mrs" Robert Biron Mr. &Mrs·.·Edward ·F. Casey $350 . Lo'uis Galligim . . ' $17 Lonsbury Mr. & MI's. Ariinil: L. Mulligan . Mrs. .Pierre' Mr. &; Mrs: George 'LaBelle

'$150" James A. Murphy , . $15,

.Rev.; CorneliusfK.,:iiher '-, ' ~rs. James O'Neil " $100, ,. ' .. Mr, &~:Mr!!. Rob'ert'Arauj~, Mr. & Mrs. john G. Walsh' james E. :Ega'n , ~; Mrs... Edward'. AJ:gue, Mr. & . . Anonymous';' . . ' $ 7 5 : .... .;Mrs.Rlllph Baumgartel,·Mr. ;;; Jl(r.•. &:~~s,J<?b.~.~arsb.aU: ;Mrs.E: J.Bhiir; John Blake.. c'. . • :'. .": •. Ecumenicai$piri't : ' - . . . $ . 7 0 . . " Mr. &: ¥~~.Kellneth B~i~s, .Mr:' · & MfS:.J;lme$.BrackettJr.; John 'Mark'sLqw .. •. Cazemi....o, Mary - Ca:ie~iro, . CLEVELAND (Nc')~The~~u"" :Mr. & Mrs. Henry'Messier' .c" :lrles .Connolly.; . :' menical spirit· pervade~L. Law. ' .. ' . '~.' '$.~O· .... , . . Mr.. ,: &. Mrs. Neil ..Copes, Mrs.· Day exercises here Monday." Omer.. Ferl~nd·, i· . · Mary Co.yle, -& :M'rs;· Wil.;. . Bishop Clarenc'e G. Issel1mann' pro ~,Mrs. Eu'gene GaU(~et : -liam. Cushman, Mr:. & Mrs; Ster.,. of ·Clevelanc... offered Ii Rei Mass Dr. & Mrs.A. iI: ':MacIsaac ling Dalton, Mr. &' Mrs. Roger Ferland.'; .' , .. ' ,. 'in honor' of st. Thomas, Modr ailct· ·:M.;r.. ~: .Mr~; l.Qhn Murphy." . . St. Ives; both of whom:were:la~~ Pr:&Mrs,'Pau(Shannon: '. Catherine Fisk:' M~~ilY~ Fisk; ""i, Yel·s. Protestant" clergymefi: . .. . $ "... , ,. Mr: &"·:'l\{rs:.. Wm. ·Foley·~Jr:~~ ·A : .marched in the' ·pi·ocession: and·:·)' Mrs... J:lich~r~ ~a:rsla~d: " Friend,,, Mr: . Ii' Mrs. Armand' .. sat·in the sanctuary· during ,Mass.' $48 • . Gibeault:· ' ( . , .., ....., :'Later; '·i,ii.: the ~a)~,: :Ga:th~lic ,;,Mt,:&:':J>4rs;paylp.; J!:.. BllI~~ .: Mr. &. Mrs,'Thomas ,p; ,Giblin, 'eIE!rg~;me;'l"atteniltid 'a~vespel's:" :~iss ;:H~l~n . Reilly ," ;'Jr., Mr;,&;.:Mr.s.. GeOrge. Giguere; , · Mr:· ·&· ....¥ rs.·Qerald ~ravel,. Mr•. ·, . ", . . ,". !jel;\li~e'··.. 'at:, .TF.illity:· ,E;piscop~l, '... ;' .~\ -~,.,:,,, _.... ;,'. '·.$30; ..-: ;,: ,;, .. : ,t·.. . ;·Cathedral,·where·' theY.' were '. . Mr:- &.·Mr.s; Donald·Bhike '. & Mrs, Gerald Lanoue, ·Mr. 11:. , "'-~ , .•." " ";'rl.~~o;:"'hl\V' schaol l\II·r·.. ·&..Mr.s,·Gaetan·.Bj'ochu,. ·,Mrs. Alfred L'Heureux. .... .... , ... ..... aeajls -.arid faculty'.. members·*.ef .~.~ ~MF;" &,~Ml·s;·,·.a,.~-A.·~Dzija.*. . ".... ~ .. . . ·.·Mrs. ·,·J.eannette· ··Mahone)I,· Mr. 'loe,,} lim Vt:l",ues. . Mr,;&"·,Mrs. Linus' O'Brien., ,. Mrs. Edmund·McCann, MI'. 011;



The Misses. Biggio

$40 Myles Daly' . ." . $35 .. ' Mr. & Mrs. Arthur'Foley Mr. & Mrs. John Mullaney Anon)'mous $30 Mr. & Mrs. John Carty Mr: :.; Mrs. Bernard Gamache Mr. & Mrs. Donald'Lange $25 Mr. & Mrs. Jacob Belt Mr. &. Mrs. .Harry Borden Mr..& Mrs. Richard Busch Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Duffany Mr. & Mrs. Fred Endler Jr: In Memory of Sarah & Hutson Estes Mr. & Mrs. David J. Foley Dr. & Mrs. Edward Fontneau Leo GaHigan . . Mr. & Mrs: Joseph Gay·nor Mr. & Mrs. FranciS Kelley An'onymous '..

Mr. & Mrs: Jos~ph' Mahon

Mr. & Mrs. Peter' Manickas

Mr. & Mrs. John Mansfield

Mr. & Mrs: Roland Maynard

Mr: & Mrs. John J. McCarte

Mrs: Robert Moore'

Mr. & Mrs. Edward Mullowney

Dr. & Mrs. Robert B. O'Donnell

Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. O;Hara ­

Wilfred. H. Paille

Mr. & Mrs. Robert V. Pedro

Mrs. Ismay Sharkey

E"ward Tatro

. Mr. & Mrs. Walter Young



·D:.):~ ~r:s··:.:WrB~lSk~·



. Mrs. Fred McGarrit';~' tlfr. ?.; Mrs. Eugene McGovern,- Mr. & Mrs. J.J. l\1cNally. ..' Mr. & Mrs. George McNiff; Mr. & . Mrs.Walte.r MOrris, Mr. & Mrs. William' O'Brien Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Perry, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Perry.. . ... Mrs. Robert Pritchard, Mr. & Mrs. J. Pugliese, Mr. & Mrs. James Reynolds, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Ringuette, Mr. & Mrs. J. Donald Robertson, Anne Schiller. ST. THERESA


Rev.... Gerard J. Chabot


Raymond ·Gravel

. $100

Rev. Roger L. Gagne


. Henry Lachance

Mary Grady

Donald Boardman

Gerald Keane ­ $40

John Plath


. Joseph Iwuc .


Philip Morris

James Burke

Fr~ncis Gillan

$25 john Bourque'

John Keane

Linus Gignac .

Albert Boudreau

Charles Flanagan

Omer Martel

Mrs. ·Manl.io Frova

. Nelson Roy

Norman St. Germain

Adrien Piette­

Walter 'Delude :

Os~arBoruget"te .

William Lynch; .

Mrs.. Paui Beausoleil .

Edward Duclos .

. LoiJis Lacivita'

"Lionel Mandeviile·



C. Wallace

Louis McBride

Louis Cote .',

Hector Landry

Louis D~smarais "

$20 Phillippe Dubuc, FrederlciI Connolly, Mrs. Sarah Langloill, Raymond Foisy, Raymond Tom.­ linson, George Erban. $15 Ida Gavlick, Joseph Bienieclll, . Elmer Butler, Albert ColacciG" Sigmond Kaczowka. Gerald Bdllon, Charles O'Do.... nell, Joseph Cotter, George D.­ quette, Albano Silva, Arnold Hutter, Francis Coell­ man,. Albert Poholek, Horace Courcy, Gerard LeFrancois. Ernest Parmentier,' AlfeNi Strack, Ambrose Corrigan. Wii­ )jam Habershaw, Jack Hagopian. Joseph Limderville, Kenneth Donley, Marcel Larivierre, AF­ thur Glode,. Francis Gallagher. .Charles Balser, Joseph Rutan2p Freq K:.Ipin~os, Francis Bouchard, WilJiam Niquette. PatriCk. Byrnes, John Mc­ Namal'a, Hector Landry, Rene Gingras, Raymond McGarty. Vincent Keane, Robert La­ liberte, Helen Wail, Patricim Wall, Willi· m Sharples. Harold Hanewich, Roland Lu­ cier, ;eorge O'Connell, Francie O'Connell, Ann Gavli.ck



COMPANY: "SH E.L'L 'HE~ TING:'OILS .So~t~ ··Seci-Streets


':Joseph Lamoureux' .

.. Aririand' Choiniere '

: Cbarles'O'Connors . ~

Donald 'Hark·ins.·

TeJ..···49-s1· '. ."











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c-..:.ds._.. :.


,--,,_.. _.c:__ :L: DIOCESAN COUNCIL OF CATHOLIC WOMEN CONVENES: Left: Dr. Paul van K. 'l'homson of Providence College, center, guest speaker at the afternoon ses!lion of the 14th convention is welcomed by Mrs. Charles Landry ¢ St. Stephen's, So. AttleborQ, left, and Mrs. Michael McMa'hon of the Cathedral Parish, Fall River, convention chairman, right. Center; Bishop Connolly meets the' outgoing Diocesan president, Mrs. James A. O'Brien, Jr. of Fall'River,"left and Miss Kathleen Roehe of New Bedford,

newly elected leader. Right: during arespite in the proceedings, one of tnt'! many grollps who continued to discuss events comprised Mrs. Jame!J Quirk, St. Pius X, So. Yarmouth, District No.5 president; Rev. Raymomll W. McCarthy, Fall River District moderator; Mrs. Vincent A. Coady, St. Thomas More, Somerset, District No.1 president; Mrs. Anthony J. Geary . of Holy Name, Fa}] River, Diocesan Coun~il corresponding secretary. Convention was held Saturday at Mt. St. Mary Academy, Fall River.

BOltitimore May . Try Group Ministry

Prelate in Exile Hopes to Retu rn To· Free China

New Bedford Woman Acquires Second Gavel As She Leads Diocesan Council

CHICAGO (NC)-The exiled archbishop of Nanking, China, said here "the time is imminent" and "I hope, to

lily Patricia Francis When :Miss Kathleen C. Roche of NE!\V Bedford was elected president of the Diocesan Council of Catholic Women at its annual convention in Fa]] River Saturday, she put on her second "president's bonnet" in less than a year. Last August, the energetic and dedicated Miss Roche-an Irishwoman to her fingertips-was elected national president .of the Ancient Order of Hiber. nians Auxiliary at aconvenThe Hibernians, originally or- Roche succeeded, and William tion in Chicago. For some ganized in Ire]and to "protect J. McEnery of Providence, Mr.

return to a free China." Archbishop Paul Yu Pin, who stopped off here on his way back to Taiwan from New YOI:k, expressed confidence that"communism is on its way out in C h i n a . " . "It's har.: to predict what will women, Juggling two top happen in Red China," the archjobs might' be a ·prob]em. But bishop said. "The situ,ation is Kathleen'Roche, soft spoken and with'a touch' of l:riSh' wit that ve l'y bad, But I belicve commu• db' t· Imes y at' ser- DI'sm I'S 011 its way" out and that some . tt't IS d covere . d ','l'tic line may take over IOUS a I u e an some Imes democl a ']"k f'las h es out I e a streak 0 f lightthe Chinese government. ' "I don't know how soon, but ning - seems eminently well the time is '''lminent,'' Archbishqualified to 'handle both well. op Yu Pin added. In private' life, Miss Roche is "The Chinescpeople' are fed accountant for the New Bedford up with the communists. It is Housing Authority, a job she has held for 28 years. She makes her tl'me for China to become free and· I hope to return to a free home with a widowed sister, Mrs, China," he continued. James L. Carney at 342 Upland Support Revo]ution St. The archbishop pl'edieted that Three other sisters, Mrs. John once China becomes a free na- H. Ryan, Mrs. John A. Worden tion it will take its place among and Mrs. Arthur A, Greene, also the gl'eat nations of the world. live in New Bedford. "Then there will be libel·ty for Daughter of the . late· Martin religion ,1I1d for all pe'op]e who F. Roche,. who was born,in Rosnow are in s]avel')' under the connon C~)Unty, Ireland, and. Red Gual'd," he said, Anile McDona]d, born in, Dublin, 'J'he e'xiled" pl'e]ate, now head Miss Roche', grew "u,p",ste'eped in of the 'Fu-Jen Catholic Univer-, the lore of.the Irish. " ,.... : sity in Tniwa, ri, said the time is She ]au, rlks as she ex.plains slle . &0' , oppodullc to suppod the revo- may be one o~ the ,few:,jn New 'IUt,I'Oll . ,I)'OW in pl'ogi'ess i'n Red Bedfor'ij' '~'ho' has, 'at n'e t'ime ~ """il)a because "if Red China or a'llothe'r, be]ongl'.d' to' all but falls, the ,,'ar 'would be :over im':' one of the 'city's so-'called "Irish' mediately in Viet n a 1l1." churches,"." He acknowledged that the So- ' "I started' out illl. St. Jaines 'liet 'Union .is sending materials parish," she 'says,' "and kept to the Viet Cona, but emphasized moving nOI'th." . "the bl'ain .of the war is Red . Currently she and Mrs. Carney China." . belong to Our 'Llldy of· Fatima '. Archbishcp Yu P':l said if the pm'ish, the former St.·1:heresa 'Ullited 'S:ates quit the war in Chapel. In between, she belong.Vietnam it would mean a ;great ed 'tb st. Lawrence, Ho]y Name ,'Victor)' for ~'ol"1d communi~m. and :St..Mary's, ' .A to, , ."St. Kilian's ,is the only one. I Fo.rm ssocla lo.n missed." " ROCKVILLE (NC)-A 'jll·iesLi'•. ". Miss 'Roche' h~s baeh aCtive in ;l8S0oia~iQll d~igned "sa ~om-, ,the :Hibern~ans, J)l1Jl:i1iary:si!lCemunications forum and means 1921 and in the Council of Cathof self-improvement is being olic Women since it was first ,: fonned in the Rockville .Cen~~e o.rgaJlized in the Fall River Dio'tliocese. eese. 0'




BALTIMORE (NC) - A pro­ posal for an experimental group ministry apPI'oved by thc Balti­

more nrchdiocesan priests' sen­

ate, has been submitted to Law­

rence Canlinal Shehan. The group ministry, whicb would involve several pHl'ishev in the experiment, involves Q team approach to parish work. A group of priests wouhll jointly determine policy for the pal'ish and seek to use thei I' vari­ ous capabilities to the best ad­ vantage. To assure compliance with canonieal requiremcnts, one member of the team would take the 'role of administratol', Experiments with group min­ istry reportedly have bccn COIll­ ducted in parishes in otller U. S. and Latin American diocescs. In each case, however, only one parish in 'each diocese ·was <Jf­ fected by the experiment. If the plan for Baltimore is approveCl, it will cover several parishe!l and will be the most extensive experiment of this kind.

prie'sts" at the time they faced O'Leary's predecessor. grave perils in teaching the faith, In her national position, Miss "came to this country' with the Roche is called upon to speak at immignints," Miss Roche says. 'Hibernian 'meetings throughout the country. "At first, it help!'ld new immi­ As president t)f the ,Diocesan grants from Ire]and ·find homes, Council of Catholic Women, she ,md jobs and gct along ,here." . Now the national auxiliary will be in equal demand for which she he'l1ds is "primarily talks throughout the' diocese. social" and 'numbers some 8,000 'Next October she, will attend members. the National Convention of Cath­ Two divisions function in New olic Women in Denver, Colorado. Bedford, Division 4-"That was Her life for the next year will organized in 1901 and 'we have ~e hectic. But then, she adlnits, about 65 members"- and Divis- it's 'been "pretty much" that way ion 9 in the North End of the since the Diocesan Council of city. It has about 40 members, Catholic Women was organized

she says. and "Father Gallagher (the Rt.

Rev. Msgr. Hugh A. Gallagher

This coming weekend, Miss of ,St.James Church) got me.inRoche, as',president 'of the na"t-·, . volved in the parish'W1it. " ional· auxiliary, 'andWialter J. . , She served as preSIdent of the

O'Leary of ,Watertown, president New Bedford, District ,< of the

of the lIiberniall&,. w~ll b" hOnor- c o u n c i L : ' "

ed at the first Joint Presidents' 'b" t ' ,Many women would' find the Dinner to' e t held' < t·· " byk" the d wo t pace too rilUch. Not .Miss Rocl)e; organ,za lons a a wee en na" She' is one of>the busy ~omen' Hma] board:meeting at·the"Sher­ 'aton~Boston Hotel in Boston.' ,,'hi> can' always' find a ·little !'extra ,time" t,o', do", SOllie other " Also to be·'honorea. are past" . 1 t M' D tta M M thing' tllat J;llust ,be ,done. , . '. preSI( en s, ISS, ore c an- , . ' f St P ] M' h M" . ~he is,. q\lit~ ,a :~vom, a!1,. ·the , ,us 0 . au, mn.;w om ,ISS hard working tw,o - .. bonneted HOlgh . School 'C1osing pre!lident. ..'

'SCHOO~ Mointenance









Planned in Paterson'

. PATERS'ON (lIlC')~St. Bona­ venture High School, 'one of four parochial high schools here; will close in June, 1968. , Declining' enrollment and ~~ need fo'I' ndditional classrooms in "the' parish's" ele'mentlll'Y' scho?i are, i,:'iven ns the reason's for the ' decision. The New ·.jerSey high . sehool has 150 Alldents', .,

Paterson CathoEc'High School;

a' new'· diocesan institution, is

currently under' ,construction.

Most· -displaced students will' transfer there.


.-",Sa ..

v·C. ·With'Safety" -




. ot'


:' COo.OPERATIVE!·"BANK:, .;:,. .






. .










THE ANCHOR-...Diocese of

Fan River-Thurs., May ~ 1, 1967

Not All Roses Being Class Leader, Remarks Stang,ate Richard Walega


I~~~:~~~S~: .O~ni~t~::.g:f~i:r.tsaY8

J1ichard Walega, current student council president at Stang

High, North Dartmouth. I~ an open letter in "Stangscript,"

he comments, "When I first started my term, 1 began to


',,' ".

.~~.. "'1i?;.;,;t/''l

ST• .lACQUa $500 Rev. 3. Gendreau

Alf:::O Be<r. Daniel too Gamaebe



. =o=7~


' ;'~~:-,"1,.,' , ''/

::~:: ~:=ant

Adelard Carbonneau Arthur Dowd officer involved far more DiaBe Dusoe, Luanne Fortier, RodolpheDusseault than conducting a monthly Margaret McGraw, Kristine Clairina Hamel Dr. & Mrs. Fernand Ramel meeting and reading an- Mooney, Lucille Ouellette Cath­ Illouncements every Friday mom­ erine Saunders, Denise St. Y~es. Nonnand Hamel mg. At Jesus-Mary: Pauline Dumas, Maurice Larocque "( "Ie must, at times, take un-, Suzanne Lagarde, Diane Dugal, Raymond Nolin popular positions, when discus­ Doris Desrosiers; and at Prevost Roland Pelletier sing school policies. . . . It is Paul Dextraze, Gerard. Beau­ Henry Perra Jr. known," he continued, "that stu­ chesne, Philip Sabra, Edmond $2& dent criticism is quite high at Tremblay, Robert Lambalot, The Bilodeau Family, Wilfrid Stang, therefore if one is not Jean Poisson; Paul Lizotte, Gil­ Cabana &. Family, Leo Caston­ able to take criticism in stride bert L'Italien, 'Donald Harrison, guay, Theolinde ChampagJll0 (and sometimes it is hard), then Robert Thibeault, Jean Forcier, George Lemieux & Adrienne. n student council office ils not Ronald Goulet, Arthur Yokel,' Joseph Ouillette, Agnes E. o desirable position." Roger Poisson. ' Riley. Honork, Acceptances In an accompanying editorial, Si6 ate newspaper said, "Juniors Honors, awards, college ac­ Charles Rocheleau .,who are already very active in eeptances continue to flow to­ S15 school and outside activities wards Diocesan students. At Charles Almeida, Joseph ll!:. ought not seek nomination (as Feehan in Attleboro Richard Anctil, Frederic Andrade, Rob­ studr ~t council officers) unless MacAdams has been offered en Arsenault, Gertrude & IJi­ they feel that they can measure . scholarships to Brown and to SPORTS ENTHUSIASTS: Sports enthusiasts at Bishop 1ian Bourgeois.

llIP to the responsibilities on 'all .. Stanford. He'has,chOsen Brown,. . " F 11 R' . I d I it to . ht, Roland Cote, Raymopci Game­ lJides. ;,; where' "he~n,: Uike' a ,'premed C~>nnolly HIghSchool, ~ Iver, mc u e, e ,rIg, Jin, Felix Girard Maurice Guay "As always In elections of, this'." course. :He"lyiil)e,,'cl~"s,aiuia,-_ Greg Sullivan, St. Mary',iCath¢qral pari~h; J~eph Kelly, . Regina Hebert. ' , ~e the element of popularity 'Btl '·'torian a,nd t~is'year """as s~udent Immaculate Co~ception;~rear; Jolin Lorig~ Immaculate Con- , ,,'lohn Keene Jr., Mrs. Eva La­ llnvolved. While the; ofiicers "', councii. pr~ident', and ·baseball :,'eeption ;Chet· Lizak, St. Patrick ;,Micha~l.Manning~ Sacred .~u:eux, R:aymond L~hOUllliel', lIbould be' popular, . they "mOst ..,,;, team captait1~<~ : ~': '; ';;~" .,,' H'art. .' . " ,,: '. " , ,', , " , ' , ' . , . ~aul Macbmk, Eva Nolin. ," also be respected by; both the Also'. at ',·Feehiu.t;' F~y~,,~ ,: e ,," " . ,", " ,, " 'Clive Olson, Edouard "Pate­ !acult~:an~ the stu,dents.", /, "teigne'will,'receive'a"pifi for ex­ ' " ,. " ' , '" ' " . , . ' .~, Edmond Per.,., Wal~ " WilO.e \\,or~,for St ,gites ami. eellence in, shortharui an~,'Deb- 'Bidy High, becoming ~Cassl,dy.. ' ing ~,special library; atwhlcll :; 'J'!t,ylM. ' " Ituden,~ at ail other· ][)i~es~ orah !,oweni garnered an,imnor'­ 'itea for a day." The student s~: 'bOoks'on'religious topics will be' , , OJ; bighsL ,' ' i' ,able mention for an essay on ,change was 'designed to ~'pr&- . available' to CYM'ersfrom botil ,~, • , egional Aw:-' - WinD« leading 'a Christia rl ~if~ in'b1,Isi-: Fate better relations through' Prevost ·and' J~us';Mary. .oth~r • Beyerly : ... <1 Stinton 'at ..n­ ,ness, ente~ed in a c~test s,pon­ Don-competiti~ activity...· projecls of the ~YM will include VATICAN CITY (NC)-PoPe min'ca' Academy, Fall River, sored?y the Cathohc Bl:Ismess Senio':' and sophomore FrencA two public Marian services dur­ Paal VI has' accepted the b::s ' :e.n selected as '8 regioll~ Education Assn." . . classes at DA recently displayed ing -May ,and weekly Marian nation of Luis Cardinal Concha IJward winner in the 1967 Ford­ Stang soph John Martm WID their abilities by presentiil'g a Bible vigils in all Prevost classes. of Bogota. The 75-year-old prei­ !"utur~ SCientists of America' attend a Summer music, camp at French assembly,' featuring' two Cassidy student councillors ate will remain as the titular awards program. She's now eli­ the Univ~rsity of Kansas on a playlets; and also at ,Dominican wilL meet with faculty membel'3 11ead of the See however. gible for competition on the na­ scholar~hIp; and at th; ~IT sci­ the juniors sp-OfIsored a cake sale at a ,dinner tonight; and also at tional level. DA students who ence fair Alan RoszkIewIcz and for ~ benefit of the .junior-, Cassidy, the 1967 memory ,book, were awarded h<}fiorable men­ Richard Walega received second senior banquet; slat~d to be held Corona, has been distributed. tionr in the program are Janine prize and honorable mention iil the' school auditerium The book is dedicated to Sister ~tor'; Jacqueline Robert" 'Blanehe Silvia and Andree Cae­ Parent and Debra Lay. Bev­ T JPectively.. Wednesday, May 31. StanislaW! '.Joseph, a goldee JAeftt, page editors. erly's project dealt with milk At SHA Fall River Cheryl Golf VietorT jubilarian faculty member. Making local sports pages WlIlJ allergy, . O'Neil, captai~ ~f. St. Agn~ Catherine Giammalvo, Anchor VarieiT Sbow Mt.. St. Mary ,Academv, Fall t~am,.' ,sbeen notIfied that she S reporter at Bishop, Stang, reports Dominican Academy litud~t pret:.' Cindy Curry of Bishop 8t~, that school's official bllSe­ River, reports that 20 probation,. been awarded a four year grant that the' school's golf team council members will present G!rs have been inducted into the to Merrimack College, valued at brol ;Jht home its first victory variety show Friday night, May ball scorer, who was tapped f4W llOdality by Carol Bednarz, pre­ $2,500; She's also been accepted 'with' a 5-4 win over Attleboro; 26 'and Sunday afternoon and her job by Spartan coach GeIT7 feet. They received pins findica-' at Vermont's Trinity College. and that the math team placed evening, May 28; and faculty Hickey. Cindy comes by her talent naturally; her dad is of­ tive of their status. ' On the less academic side, the first . :~ the Diocesan meet at Cas- _and freshmen clashed at Ii vol­ fI,cial scorer for New Bedford At Jesus-Mary Academy. Fall ,Perfect Junior Boy 'alJd Perfect Bidy. High scorer was George l("~'ball game lut night, high­ River, '<glee club members are Junior Girl have been select~d ': Oliver, with other members m­ lighted by a between-halves PQD1' Leag~e. ~ard at work preparing for their at Feehan. These dream crea- eluding Pat Manning, Mary AnD "hootenanny. The AA-sponsored' , ,Badminton tournaments aN annual Spring concert. To' be tures,,,composites of the physical " ~-:?l!and, Eileen Keavy and Law- ' event 'was in charge of Monique 1Inder way at DA, with fin. scheduled for Thursday, lune l!)resented at 8 Sunday night, ,':: ~d. menUII features of various, rence Burns. von T"- 'p.

May '14, the program will fea- JUniors, we~e put, together ",by" Junior Day came as a total,; V:-rslty cheerleading' tryouts aDd also in the DA sports line. ture ,medleys from Camelot,,, .Judith S!lva and Michele ,M~- "surprise to junior class members will be held at Feehan for sopb­ cheerieading tryouts are being, Mary,Poppins and Music Man;', ",rancy. at St. Joseph's Prep, report omore girls Tuesday night, MaT held, with finals there slated for ' Wednesday, May 2( Musically Kathy Medeiros is receiving Nearly every Diocesan high i=, Claudette Cormier and Annette 16, plaudits at <""cred Hearts Acad­ ~nding representatives to a state Lapointe. Mass, skits, and a fes"Stang friendB are proud of speaking, the glee club will pre­ emy, Fall River, for winning a student" council convention at live mr-' w _.'e followed by pres- Francis Dubreuil, '66, who has 8ellIt an impressive-sounding eoncert Thursday, May 18. Title: llDusic contest in Boston. Com­ ~ellesley College tomorrow an4 entation of school rings and at- ,been named class' president at ..,Peting with vocalists from Mas­ $aturday; and sophs at Cassidy ,tendance at the regional sei~nOe BC's School of Arts and Sciences. "While Hearts Are Singing No 'sachusetts and Rhode Island, the High in Taunton are anticipating 'fair. . New ~taffers of iTEM, Jesus­ Man Is an island." The orchestr21 SHA senior and glee club presi­ a literary pilgrimage to Salem,

Prevost members of the Chris- Mary's school paper, are Michele will follow on Sunday, May Zl dent garnered an award of $100.' Concord and Cambridge Monday, tuum Youth Movement are open- Boule, editOr in chief; Vicki RoY. with its ,own concert. May 15. Their tour will include

. Prom Names Walden Pond, the House of the

. Pr':ffi na~es are.. ~ ever, fas­ " Seven Gables, the home 'of-

etnatm,~' 'The SImd_tude of It Louisa May Alcott and the Con­ Dream w~ th~ t~eme for the cord cemetery. SHA Fall RIver JUnior prom and .' ' "'Theme from a Summer Place" "Vocations" Sillg lis the title chosen for -DA's sen­ Tt,e "Vocations," singing group tor rrom, slated for Friday night, from St. Joseph Prep,-Fall River, .June 9. recently ,entertained at the Cath­ Hardworking students are re­ olic Memorial Home. They were warded as honor rolls are pub- also featured at a feastday cel­ Jlished at Diocesan highs. Among e' ,-ation !his month, honoring ~he scholars at SHA Fall River: Mother Mathilda Josepn. Mary Lennon, Kathleen Medei'-, Prevost seniors have voted to ros, Susan Johnson, Judith Con­ hold a banquet together with the rad, Louise Doucette, Michele National Honor Society on Fri­ Paquet, Anne Marie Charrette, day, ,Tune 9. It'll honor seniors r.wary,Ann MooneY,Ruth Fur­ and faculty members, and the man, Maria Garcia, Elizabeth program will include reading of Simas, Patricia Smith, Charlene the class history and prpphecy Warren. and announcement of awards to Also Marietta Booth, Jean seniors, Guests will include jun­ Cusick, Catherine Estrella, Bar­ ior NHS member~ bara "Fagundes, Ruth FrederickNHS members at Jesus-Mary

Ilon, Anne McGuire, Janice visited Westport High for the

Horan,- Catherine Wilcox, Karen purpose of observing teaching

Gaudreau; Claudia Lindo, Glenda methods. In addition to auditing

Medeiros, Donna Petit, Stephanie classes students attended several

Powers, Carole Tierney,' Susan school club meetings. Along the

lBad~ey. same lines, 12 SHA Fall River

And Elizabeth Demetcius, ~irls recently'visited Bishap Cas-

lrealize that serving as


Cardinal R'esigns remg­



HolsumBread is that good!



Rev. Francis B. Connors

Rev. Joseph P. Delaney


John Reilly

$5@ John Cullen The Misses Reilly Mr. & Mrs. Robert Dray Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Reams Mr. &. Mrs. Real Samson $35 Mr. & Mrs._Robert McClell8D. $30 Mr. & Mrs. James Cooke $25 Rose O'Donnell Rita O'Donnell Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Hanna Galen Rheaume Mr. & Mrs. Leo Landgraf Mr. & Mrs. Clifford Shachoy Elizabeth Doyle & Family Mr. & Mrs. Maurice Garceau l\'Iary & Alice Corrigan Mr. & Mrs. John Briody Mr. & Mrs. Robert Dewey Mr. & Mrs. Albert Scully Helen Brady Elizabeth Brady Mr. & Mrs. Richard Peyton Mr. & Mrs. George A. Moitoza Jr. Mr. & Mrs. James Corliss Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Crosby Mr. & Mrs. Richard Cayer Edward Boudreau Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Varden Mr. &, Mrs. Geraid Reardon Mrs. Dorothy Conley Mr. & Mrs. John Haggerty, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Feeney' Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Roberti! Mary McCarthy Margaret McCarthy Mr. & Mrs. John S. Tripp Mr. & Mrs. John Curley Alice Carey Gertrude Carey Mr. & Mrs. Vincent McAloon Mr. & Mrs. Arthur McDermott Mr. & Mrs. Edward Trucchi Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Duarte Mr. & Mrs. Michael Barber Virginia Wade Anna Maguire Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Pigeon Charles Goldrick Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Torres Mary Kennedy Mr. & Mrs. John Monaghan Bette Ann Lee Mr. & Mrs. Clifton 'pierce Mr. & Mrs. George White Mr. & Mrs. Francis Soitos Mr. & Mrs. Francis Boyd $20 Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Brady, Margaret Slattery, Eugene Sulli­ van, Mr. & Mrs. Amalio Annun­ ziato. $15 Carolyn Johnson, Mrs. Walter Cahoon, Harold Rheaume, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph McManus, Mr. & Mrs. Robert McDonald. Mr. & Mrs. Ernest J. Mador, Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Salamon, Mr. & Mrs. William Gallagher, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Burke, Helena Raggett. John McMorrow, Mr. & Mrs. William F. Powers, James Kevi­ can, William McCaffrey, Eileen MacCarthy. Ml'S. John Boudreau, Mr. & Mrs. Aldo Fasolo, Mrs. Mynette Dewhurst, Mr. & Mrs. George McCaffrey, Mr. & Mrs. Clinton Westgate Jr.

b9'1i'®~©JG'® [F>@$G'©I?~g




PATERSON (NC) - Bishop Lawrence B. Casey of Paterson will form a diocesan pastoral council before the end of the year, he announced here. The council-to include priests, Sisters and laymen-wjll assist him in mapping future plans for the diocese, he said. The council will be an ap­ lj)Ointed body and will exist sepa­ rately from the priests' senate, currently being elected, and l!l Sisters' council, which will be formed shortly.

THE ANCHORThurs., May 11, 1967


F. Vernon Harrica

Mr. & Mrs. John A. McRae

Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Botellio

St. Paul's Holy Name Society

Mr. & Mrs. Alyre Cormier

Joseph Egan

Sadie & Ida Drugan

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Demers

Mrs. Francis J. Tummon

Louis Bartel

William Boarman

Salvatore Spinelli

Philip Farley

Richard Bresnahan

Leonard Goslin

Olivia M. Giannini

Raymond Di Resto

Mrs. Raymond Di Resto

Mr. & Mrs. Antonio Tosti

Mrs. Gertrude Baker

Mr. & Mrs. John Seaberg

Mr. & Mrs. Chester Jackman

Mr. & Mrs. Edward Castle

Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Kellihel!'

Mr. & Mrs. Leo Mogan

Mr. & Mrs. John G. Medas Jr.

Mrs. LeRoy Whittle

Joseph Giannini

Mrs. Kendall Higgins

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Reilly

Raymond J. Vargas

Mr. & Mrs. Charles F. Welch

Mr. & Mrs. John Steen

Mr. & Mrs. W. O'Donnell

Mr. & Mrs. John Botellio

Mr. :';. Mrs. Donald Emond

Manuel J. Viveiros

Mr.& Mrs. Francis Demers

Mr. & Mrs. aul A. Silva

Mr. & Mrs. Paul A. Silva

$20 Mr. & Mrs. Francis CottreJl"

Mr. & Mrs. Harry Cooper, Mr. ~

Mrs. Manuel Oliver, Mr. & Mrs.

Clement Wade, Mr. & Mra,

Charles Reed; Mr. & Mrs. Rich­

ard Mahoney.

$15 Mr. & Mrs. Leo A. Leroux, Mm. Frank Shumway, Mrs. Della M. Bushee, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Mello, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel SoUUl. Manuel Fernandes, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Kelly, Aristide St­ Pierre, Mrs. Edmund Arvidson" E. nest Prado.

Mr. & Mrs. R. Giovanelli, Mr.

FATIMA BASILICA: Pope Paul VI will offer mass for peace on Saturday next at &Mrs. Lyman Taylor, Mr. &:

the Basilica of Our Lady of Fatima, Portugal. The Pontiff's one-day visit.will mark the Mrs. James F. Doherty,' Mr. &

50th anniversary of the first apparition of Our Lady to the three shepherd children in Mrs. 'John Sullivan, Mr. &- Mrs.

1917. The main enti'ance was created by the American sculptor, Father Thomas M. James Ramsey.

Anonymous, Mr. & Mrs. Elll McGlynn, O.P., at his Pietrasanta, Italy, studio and installed in the early '50s. NC Photo. Ducharme, Mr. & Mrs. George Menard, Dominic Casella, Frank ST. PAUI~ The Hon. & Mrs. Frank Smith Mrs. Paul Saben, Mr. & Mrs. Casella. Helen Smith Pat~ick McDermott, Robert J. $700 Caroline Casella, Anna Casello"

Dennen, Mr. & Mrs. John Bragga, Margaret Smith Rt. Rev. Joseph C. Canty Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Pratt, Mr. II;

Raymond Sylvia Mr. & Mrs. Francis O'Neill. $100 Mr. & Mrs. Francis W. Kenney, Mr. & Mrs. James Tonry St. Paul's St. Vincent de Paul Mrs. Robert Jose, Robert Vogt.

~r. & Mrs. Richard Almeida.

Mr. & Mrs. William Trucchi Mr. & Hrs. Frederic Pal~nini, Mr. Society George McCormack, Mr. & Mrs.

& Mrs. Eugene Gorey, John W. Mr. & Mrs. Leonel Ventura Mr. & Mrs. Henry Ryan Thomas McDonald, William Tra­

Maguire, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Fitz-. Margaret L. Walsh Mr. & Mrs. Matthew McCarty bam, Mr. & Mrs. Russell Kelley.

Mrs. George Williams patricY'. $75 In Memory of Francis M. Gerald J. Doiron, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Lewis H. Oliver, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph McCarty Walter Travers, Mr. & Mrs. Rich­ Wrenn . Mrs. Eugene Lavigne, Mr. ~ $50 ard Blais. Mrs. Anthony Parillo, Mr. & Mrs. Dr. & Mrs. William Fountain $20 John Cunningham Robert Dion, Mr. & Mrs. Har11i': Mr. & ·Mrs. Antone Alvarnaz, ST. JOSEPH Stringer. . Mr. & Mrs. Hector Demers Mr. & Mrs. Jesse Bettencourt, $600

Wesley Grandmont Mr. & Mrs. Edward Ferreira, Eli Ladebauche, Mr. & MI1\, A Friend

Edward Roster Charles Lawlor, Mr. & Mrs. Mel­ Richard Chaves, Mr. & Mrs. Ed­ :Mr. & Mrs. John Connors vin Lewis. $100 ward Lombardi, Mrs. William Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Mello Jr.. Rev. Robert J. Laughlin $25 Coleman, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Assumpta Guild & Mothers' Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Moran, Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Richard Silva Puccini. Lena Traverse. Club Holy Name Society $15 St. Vincent de Paul Society Mr: & Mrs. William Braga, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph H. Martin Raymond Brocklehurst, Mr. & $60

Mrs. Louis Chaves, Mr. & Mrs. . Catherine R. Kervick

James H. Cleary, Mr. & Mrs. $30 " John Cleary. The Garvin Family Mr. & Mrs. Wilfred Desmarais, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Werner Mr. & Mrs. John Doherty, Mrs. $25 Louis T. Dooley, Alice May Mrs. Chester W. Campbell Flynn, Paul Frazier. Helen Dahill Mr. & Mrs. George P. Furze, Maribeth Dahill Emelie Gordon, Mr. & Mrs. John Mr. & Mrs. William Donnelly J. Kelly, James Kenyon, Lois ~©u» - ~IEN1f!EIQl- 1E~~[}[]AN@1E1DJ Mr. & Mrs. Francis lrrazier King. Esther Johnson $YlEn 8~JIID \,'J@@IQ) IQl~SDt$ Mr. & Mrs. Paul Leonard, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Edward F. Kennedy CIlIJ.UIII$ 0 ~~I!.~~J® ©£~~~nD & Mrs. George MacLean, Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Roger Kingsley Jr. William J. Mahon, Mr. & Mrs. 'iI'&.BL~$ 0 ~£~[E$ 0 $n~1!. S&:IIEU· Mr. & Mrs. George Manning Charles Pirozzi, John Shea. ~rJ~ I;) ~@@IX ©&I$IES 9 n©, Mrs. James Maxwell Mr. & Mrs. John W. Shea, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Fernand Medeiros & Mrs. Gilbert Simmons, Mr. & Mrs. Mary A. Mees Mrs. Fred Smith, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. George Menoche Edward J. Peterson & Mother Charles Veloze, Mr. & Mrs. Alex­ ander Varadt.. Kathleen & Martha Peterson Mr. & Mrs. Edward Pirozzi Mr. & Mrs. Leonard M. Walsh OH'i(i}~ E~l\!lifP~[Hn ~IMJE$ Peter Shea Sr., Mary Donahue, Mr. & Mrs. 106 James St., llJear LUI""" St. Mr. & Mrs. John J. Sheehy William McCarthy Jr.













THE ANCHOR-Diocese •



Of F~II River....::Th~rs.,



1,1, 1967

Leo Harrington,'· Mr.. & Mrs. George' Higham, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Hunt &: Patrick. , Mrs. John Pendergast, Richard & Helen Regan, Mr. & Mm. Francis S. Smith, Mr.' &: Mm. Carlos Soares.

Mary Hoye, Mr. &: Mrs. George I~.iacsen, Mr. & Mrs. John -J. Kelly, Mr. & Mrs. George M~s­ field. Charles P. & Mary M<lsterson, Mr. & Mrs. James McGrath, Mr. &: Mrs. Joseph McNulty, Mr. & Mrs. Armand Mello, Mr. &: Mrs. Thomas Mulrey. The O'Keefe Family, Mr. & Mrs. Adolph Ulak. OUR JLADY OIF lLOURDlES

$16 $80 The Flangheddy Family Mr. & Mrs. Maurice Bourquill $15 $75 Mr. & Mrs. Roger Champagne Clarence Adshead, Mr. &: Mrs. Mrs. Einar Anderson, Mr. &: Mrs. $50 Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Desra­ Arnold Avellar, Mr. &: Mrs. Stan­ , ley Barboza, Mr. & Mrs. Arnold siers . Briden. Mr. & Mrs. Henry Wojtkunskl A Friend Mrs. Edward F. Bruce, Law­ $350 Mr. & Mrs. William Desrosiers rence J. Burns, l\I,lr•. & Mrs. Dr. Clement Maxwell Rev. E. S. de Mello Charles Cabral, In Memory of $30 $75 Laura & Joseph Cardoza, Mr. &: Herbert Nichols Jr. Rev. Antonio C. Tavares Mrs. Jeremiah F: Carey." Mr. & Mrs. George Sherry $50 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Chandler, $25 Dr. & Mrs. David Gouveia Mary Connell, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. William Alger . $27 Charles Couza; Mr. &: Mrs. Fran­ Mr. & Mrs. Desmond J;Jagge Mr. & Mrs. F$~~n~ V. hillipe cis' Crowley, Mary Downey. Bissonnette Family , Mr. & Mrs. Eric Erickson, Mr.

.,i -,' Mr. & Mrs. Gerard 'BlaIri Mr. & Mrs: Arthur LeBleu ':' .': . & Mrs; Raymond Feeney, Mr. &:

'.: j., Mr. & Mrs. Thomas' Blai'n "'.; IMr. & Mrs. James',P.. Silvia " 1,1. Mrs.. John 'Flood, Mr: & Mrs.

i'., ,; Mr. & Mrs. Thomas 'Bthicher Mrs. Genevieve Rabideau , ,Cpar~li!s Foley,G~nevieve Foley.

lSr. Barbara Peterson i" . ' Mr:. .'& Mrs. Joseph Gerrard,

Peter Burns " ~. .. William King i .~ ..... , Mr. '& .Mrs. Stanley Gorczyca,

Mr. & Mrs. George Campben Mr. & Mrs: Edward ·S. France ..~ .. ' .'. • Mr: & Mrs; Francis Harding, Mr.

Mrs'. ElIzabeth 'Coleman·

Mr.·& Mrs. AlbertG.'Moitoza . . . ; '. .i,I & Mrs. Lawrence A. Harney Sr.,

" Mr. -&' Mrs. Francis Connors

$26 ~:'-:':-':':":'--:"~---~""--~ , Mr. & Mrs. John Harrington. Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Corey'

Cecelia Mattos, Robert Mendes, Maurice Harrington, Mr. &: KISS OF PEACE: Ancient Church ties w~re renewed Mr. & Mrs., Joseph Correia . Mr. & Mrs. George Ferreira Mrs. Sergi Iacoponi, Mr. & Mrs. between England and the Normandy· province of France Thomas Joseph, Mr. & Mrs. Wal­ IVir: & Mrs. Raymond: Courcy ,_ $15 James Cunningham' Mr. & Mrs. Walter 'Baptista, when the Archbishop of 'Canterbury exchanged the kiss of ter King, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Allan Curley· ' : Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Laranjo,' peace with the abbot of a ,900-year-old Benedictine abbey. Kramer. 'Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Curry Manuel Goulart, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Francis Kwiatkow­ Dr. Michael Ramsey, left, is embraced by Abbot Paul Gram­ Mr. & Mrs. Edward Custer Joseph Andrade Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Ladies Auxiliary, A.O.H. Div. mont, O.S:B., of Bee Abbey, Le Bec Hellouin, Normandy, ski, Alice Doherty . John J. Travers. 9; Mr. & Mrs. Romeo Magnant, Kavin Dowd Mr. & Mrs. John P. Correia, when Dr. Ramsey became the first Archbishop of Canter­ Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Martinez, Mrs. Gertrude Dugan· Mr. &: Mrs. Arthur Andrade, Mr. bury to set foot on French soil in more than four centuries. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. McEntee. Mr. & Mrs. William Fagan 8£ Mrs. George Silvia, Rose MatMr. &: Mrs. Gilbert Medeiros, Mr. & Mrs. William Fitzpat­ tos, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Martin. NC Photo. Mr. & Mrs. Armand Messier, Mr. DiCk.Jr.' Mr. & Mrs. Edward Nunes Jr.. A. & Mrs. John Miller, Mr. & Mrs. John P. Flaherty ': Mr. & Mrs. George Silva, Mr. &: ward Joseph, Mr. & Mrs. Robert In Memory of Katharine Thomas Mullarkey, Mr. &: Mrs. Mary Foley , 11/Irs. John Fernandes, Mr. & Mrs. Kelly, Mary Macedo, Mr. & Mrs. Daley & John F. Daley Roderick Murray. Edward Duggan The Friary Family James O'Gara, Mr. & Mrs. James Matthew Martin Mr. & Mrs. Jean P. Nolan, Mr. Mr. Hugh T. Earley Mr.' & Mrs. Carlton Galligan' COrey. Antonio Mathews, Mrs. Rose &: & Mrs. Henry Openshaw, Mr. & Mr, & Mrs. Jean Gamache Mr. & Mrs. David Medas, Mr. Hilda Mathews, Mr. & Mrs. Sem­ Mr. & Mrs. Charles T. Farrell Mrs. Fred Osuch, Mr. & Mrs. 'Mr. & Mrs. Edmond Garceau &: Mrs. Chester Butts, Mr. & Mrs. fim Mello, Mr. ,& Mrs. Jorge Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Finnerty Clinton Rimmer, William Robin­ Anthon~' Gauthier 'Roland Lortie, Joseph Gracia, Melo Mr. &. Mrs. Daniel Flanagan son. Ella Gilroy Mr. & Mrs. Ronald R. Silvia. Mary R. Mendonca, Mr. &: Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. James Flanagan Miss Elizabeth Roche, Mr. &: Genevieve Gough Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Coelho, Mr. Frank Motta, Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Richard S. Francis Mrs. James Rogers, Mrs. F. Eli­ 'Lillian Gough &: Mrs. Manuel Medeiros, Mr. &: Oliver, Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert Pi­ Mr. & Mrs. William Francis, nor Severson, Hugh J. Shanahan Mr. & Mrs. Robert Heap : Mrs. Arthur Pina, Mr. & Mrs. mental, Mr & Mrs Charles Santos Mr. & Mrs. Albert Frates Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Sheehan. Mr. & Mrs. Peter Hebert : Adelino Paulo. Mrs. Charles Soares Mr. &: Mr. & Mrs. Peter Giammalvo Edward L. Smith Jr., Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Andrew' Isaacsen Mrs. George Souza, Irene Souza, Mr. & Mrs. John B. Halloran Mrs. Francis Sullivan, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. &' Mrs. Joseph' Johnson Mr.. & Mrs. Robert Sousa, Mr. &: Mr. & Mrs. James Harrington John Sylvia, Mr. & Mrs. Angelo Mr. & Mrs. Joseph H. Johnson Mrs. Francis A. Sylvia In Memory of Mildred Cafferty Telesmanick, Mr. & Mrs. Leon John Kerrigan ' . " M'll'. C~R.MlElL Mr..& Mrs. James Leith : Mr. & Manuel Tavares, Mr. &: Tavano, Annie Thexton, ·Dr. &: Mr. & Mrs. Cornelius Kiley $100, Mrs Manuel P. Torres, Mr & Mrs Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Livingstone Mrs. Edward Welch. :.Judith K i l e y ' : , Mr & Mrs 'Arlh'ur E. Hendricka Arthur A. Vasconcellos, Mr. &: Sr. ,Maureen Kiley I.' $75 Mrs. William Veary, Mr. & MrS. . Daniel Lysko ~ACULATE CONCEIPTION Mr. & Mrs. Leon Landry Rev. Gilbert J. SimoelJ Thomas Winn'

, Mr.· &: Mrs. Stephen Markey

Mrs. A. Laurent Leonor Luiz

. MiSs Helen McIntyre

,. 'BOJLY' NAMIE $500 Nancy Laurent $60 Mr. & Mrs. William Pender­ , A Friend $150 Elizabeth Leahy Mary T. Luiz .

grast Mis~ Gertrude & LOllTettl:l ~ .. "$50

Joseph Leahy $100 Miss Mary. Phelan

JD8!ey Mr. & Mrs. 'Francis Lucey . ",,"Mary G. SylVia & Femi17 . Rev. ~varisto Tavares

,Mr. & Mrs. Mark Sevigney A if'riend .0<'" .... : . $30" $100 Atty. Armand FernandelJ Mi. & Mrs. Arthur Souza

Me; ·&.Mrs. James Mahoney,. <Mr. & Mrs..VincentFernandeil Dr. & Mrs. John B. O"Il'ooie $25 .

Mr: & ,Mrs. George Swansey

Mr. & Mrs. Charles F.· Me-· ·:Mr. & Mrs: Charles Souza" George Rogers Mr. &Mts. Leslie Taylor ·Joao Ferro'

CarthY:.· ., , Mr. & Mrs. Erancisco Viera. R . $'7fi. Mr. & Mrs. James E. Welch Abel Fidalgo '

Mr.·&'Mrs. Pat'rick McDermott . , . $25 ev. LUCIO B. Phillipino Mr. & Mrs. Michael Wilson

,Mr. & Mrs. Charles. McManus . Anonymous ,(2) Miss Lillian Cole $20 , , , . " M i s s Mary Cole $20 Manuel' Oliveira Mr. & Mrs: Joseph' McManus .... Mr. &·Mrs'.Arthur J. Caetano. Mr. &-Mrs. John' GibbOns loseph Pontes Mrs. John Meunier '. Mr. & Mrs: Antone Correia

Mr.·& Mrs. Charles Bramwen, Mi's'.GeOrgeBrightman, Mr. & .Mr.&:· Mrs. Ronald Morm :." .. ' Mt:. & M,I:s: Aug4 st Fern.andes

$50 $15 Agnes & Nellie Murray' Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert Jardim

Mr. &: Mrs: Thomas F. Caw-let MrS. Edward Burns.; Mr. & Mrs. The Goncalves Family Mr. & Mrs. George Nickolds Mr. & Mrs. 'Kenneth ~g

Mr. '&'Mrs. Rene Cote 10Seph Cazemiro, Mr. & Mrs. Leo Mr. &. Mrs. Richard Paulson "Olivia M. Luiz .. ' ... '

John·D. Sheehan Cole. Mr. & Mrs. James Connolly, "Mr. &: Mrs. Silvio Charles ." l\IJr. & Mrs. Vir~io Macedo $40 White~s lPiesco ' . . Mr. & Mrs. Arthur.M. Madeira Mr: &·M·rs. Frank MeLaugbDB ~. ck 'Mrs. Charles W., Deasy, .Mr. & Mrs. Richard Rebell~ . Mi'. & Mrs. Emidio RaPoSo $35 IJSP~CJAl MILK ... C ece l'la R ell',' '11 Mrs. Alexander Maino ,mrs. ," Mr; & Mrs. Manuel Rapoza Jr:. i\fr. &: Mrs. Joseph. P; Silvia ", Mr. & Mrs. John Saraiva ,', 1\IIr. t: l\-frs. Joseph MarshaJI Frqm Our Own C~NTER' c k ; " M r . &Mrs. JosephSilveii-a h. , ! ' .' ' . " ' . '$SC{ . . . Tested HerdlJ , Mr. & Mrs. J. Arnold Te~Io~. ' ·Mr. & Mrs. Secundio e.SoUZli· ' . Mrs. Orner Bellenoit .Paint' 'and W~flp~per Acushnet, Mass. 993-4457 :~r. & Mrs. Thomas The~awt $20 . .;W:il~iam F.Houlihan & FlUIlII7

-Dupont Paint Mr. &·Mrs. Robert Thrasner . 'Mr: &: Mrs. Francis Kenned7'

. ' Special Milk Leo & Mary Walsh An~one & Clara Catanno, Mrs.., ','MrS. john V. O'NeU .

cor.. Middle. St. • Homogenized Vito D Milk $20 Dorothy Gomes, Manuel, .~ .Mr. &: Mni. Norris W'a1eeka 422 Acush. Ave. • Buttermilk GOmes, Mr. & Mrs. Antonto , . New Bedford G~orge De!daura, Mr. &: Mrs. Pedras, Mr. & Mrs. Louis Roder­ $25. _ Tropicana Orange Juice LoUIS Desrosle~s, Margaret KeU­ ick Mr. & Mrs. David Souza Ie Mr. &: Mrs. Martin BatTJ' _ Coffee and Choc. Milk . PARKING her, May Kehher, Mr. Ie Mrs. ~ Mr. &: Mrs. Lucien Beauregard _ Eggs - Bu"er . Rear of Store Edward Mador. Mr. &: Mrs. Arthur Belliveaw. The John O'Boy Family, lVII'. $19 M~ & Mrs. Raymond C. Jl(»­ ll: Mrs. G. Everett Parlow Alexandrina Mace'do wen $15 $15 Mr. & Mrs. Richard Cole Mr. & Mrs. Robert Brady, Mr. Elsie Almeida, Mr. &: Mrs. Fer­ Mr. & :Mrs. Guido Couocil " Mrs. William Fitzpatrick Sr'.. nando Andrade, Frank Arruda, Mr. &: Mrs. Daniel O'Connell, Mr. Mr. &: Mrs. Antone Bizarro II: Mrs. Edward White, Mr. at Mr. &: Mrs. Joseph Arruda . Wood. Metal and Chairs Mrs. John White. Louis L. Cab1"8l, .1080 & Mary Mrs. Albert Beauvais, Mr. a: I. 'chaves, Mr. & Mrs. Jose Cor­ ONE STOP Mrs. Robert Briand, Edward :reia, Mr. & Mrs. Walter Correia, -JUST GIVE ME A CHANCE TO QUOTr SHOPPING CENTER Cabral, Mr. & Mrs. John Carlow, Mr. &: Mrs. Manuel A. DaSilvia le7 SHAWMUT STREET • NEW BfOFORD, MASS. Matilda Cutner. Abel Ferreira Jr., Mr. & Mrs. - Televisioa _ Grocety Francis Doherty, Mary ,Fen­ Francis Ferreira; Natalie Ferrei­ - Appliances _ FurnitulM P. O. lox 2062 - Heney L Levesque ton, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Fontes, ra, Mr. & Mrs. George M. Ferro, 104 Allen SlI., 'New: Bedford Mr. & Mrs. Rene Gilbert, Don- Mr. &: Mrs. Tobias Gasper ' Telephone 99~~1264 Il1d Gorey. Mr. & Mrs. Antone Gomes, 997-9354 !Iio ..._.-. .. Mr. & Mrs. Walter H. Gorey, Manuel & Cesaltina IndiC?, Ed....


Farm Dairy






~ - . o . - o _ o _ o _ a _ , _ I _ . _


$100 In Memory of Mary L. Finnell

$50 Rev. William E. Farland Catherine & Louise Finnell $3@ Mr. .& Mrs. Hervey Caron $25 Alfred Languirand Mary Augeri Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Mello Mr. & Mrs. Adrien Bolduc $2@ Virginia Paul, Margaret Paul, Charles J. Barton Jr., William lVIahoney, Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Galipeau Mr. & Mrs. Leo Belanger, Maurice Spirlet, Walter Ford, Raymond Mahoney, Evelyn Chieppa $15 Mr. & Mrs. Bradfor Tripp, Mr.

&; Mrs. George Caouette, Mr. & ' Mrs. Joseph Ferreira, John Don-

newald, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Ber­ nier Mr. & Mrs. Charles Gobeil, Mr. & Mrs. William Donlan Jr., Ber­ nice Gibbs, Norman Singleton, Mr. & Mrs. Henry Lyonnais Mr. & Mrs. Henry Bernard, Mr & Mrs. Frank Filipek, Norman Berube, Mr. & Mrs. Adelard Belanger, Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Nicholas. Mr. & Mrs. Wilfred Fauteux, Mary Pfaffenzella, Mr. & Mrs. Norman Hope, Patricia Mello, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Dowd. ST. HYACINTH

$150 Rev. Roland B. 'Soule

$100 Mr. & Mrs. George Vigeant $33

Donald P. Lafleur $30 Mr. & Mrs. Wilfrid Rousseau

~~~r:N~~~Rl11 1967 17 $25 Mr. & Mrs. Normann Bl'ass~ Ernest Gould Cora Guilmet Rita Powers Emma Cyr Mr. & Mrs. Roland R. Dum81l Mr. & Mrs. Leo J. Fournier Mr & Mrs Albert J. Lcmoureau Mr. & 1\1rs. Gaspard Lafleur The Paul Hampson Family



& Mrs. J. B. Robert 1\1r. & Mrs. William Lague

$15 Mr. & Mrs. Walter Cabral, Ml'l'l, Bernadette Stutz, Mrs. Aliee Perry

Tu;tcoll1 Up CLEVELAND (NC) - TuitiOll at four high schools for boys 1a the Cleveland diocese will be In­ creased to $280 a year next FalL

SCHOLARSHIP WINNERS: Miss Claire Nagle, left, chairman C1f the Fall River Oatholic Woman's Club Scholar­ Bhip,and Mrs. Thomas F. Burke, president, award the organization's annual grants to Nancy Duffy and Ann Marie McMahon of Mt. St. Mary's Academy, and Holly Cutting and Kathy Medeiros of Sacred Hearts Academy.

New Bedford ST. JAMES

$50(1 Rt. Rev. Hugh A. Gallagher Mr. & Mrs. Mark M. Duff $150 A Friend

$100 Dr. & Mrs. James Quinn $'75 Rev. Edward C. Duffy In Memory of Mr. & Mrs. Pat­ rick E. Foley The Hurley Family ~50

Mrs. Helen Reagan Mr. & Mrs. Francis Roach Ellen Robinson Mr. & Mrs. Paul Santos Mr. & Mrs. Karl Schenk Mr. & George Sheehan Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Sil~ Mr. & Mrs. William J. Souza Bernhard Stoll Clifton Sullivan Catherine Swansey Mrs. Clara Sylvia Mr. & Mrs. John J. Sylvia Mr. & Mrs. Henry Tavares Helen Walsh Margaret T. Walsh Mr. & Mrs. William Whalen Mrs. Alexander Whelan Frances Wheland Mr. & Mrs. James A. Worden Mr. & Mrs. Linden Worden

Mr. & Mrs. John M. Maguire Mr. & Mrs. Francis O. Quinn Mr. & Mrs. John T. Regan & Family Mary M. Walsh Mary E. Whalen $20 $30 Mr. & Mrs. Paul Anthony, Mar­ Mr. & Mrs. Hugh J. Barry garet Cairns, In Memory of Ellen Mr. & Mrs. Wm. E. G. Batty Jr. Collins, Mr. & Mrs. James Col­ Mr. & Mrs. William Best lins, Janet R. Connelly Mr. & Mrs. John Callanan Mr. & Mrs. William Damos, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Fontaine Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Harrison, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. James L. Giblin & Mrs. Louis Hecner, Mrs." Grace .. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph O'Brien R. Lardner, Mr. & Mrs. Francis $25 J. Manning Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert Alfonso Mr. & Mrs. James P. Mullin Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. Carmino Arena Mr. & Mrs. John Murphy, Kath­

Mr. & Mrs. EdW13rd Arnett elk erine Oesting, Mr. & Mrs. Donald

John Arnett Saulnier, Sylvester Walsh

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Arnett Celia White, Mr & Mrs George

Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Baker Williams

Dorothy Baldwin $15 The Brennan Family Mrs. Mary F. Berabe, Mr. elk Mr. & Mrs. John Britto Mrs. Louis Chmiel, Mr. & Mrs. John Cabral Stephen Collins, Mr. & Mrs. Ed­ Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Chicoine ward Connulty, Edward Dahoney John F. Clark Anne Dawber, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Paul Clark' ·Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Clarkson James Delano, Mr. & Mrs. Leo Kavanaugh Jr., Thll Kilbride Charles B. Clavin . Family, Mr. & Mrs. George Leva Carol De Souza ' Mr. & Mrs. Joh ll J. Mayall, Roberta K. Dutra Christine McCarthy, Mr. & Mrs. Mary Gallagher ' .Frederick Mulcairns, Genevieve A Friend' Murray, Mr.· &' Mrs. Edwin Perry Mr. & Mrs. Paul T. Hurt Mr. & Mrs. Francis J. Quinn, Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Hayes Helen A.' S. Ross, Mrs. William , Robert Hayes St. Germain, Mr. -& Mrs. Robert Mr. & Mrs. William Hill St. Pierre, Mr. & Mrs. Lionel Mr. & Mrs. Donald Hoaglund Sears Mr. & Mrs. Michael Hummel Mrs. Vincent Shea, Mrs. Vir­ Helen Jarusik ginia Starbuck, Mr & Mrs Henry Mr. & Mrs. Leo Jeffries Swain, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Mrs. Julia Kennedy Szulik, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Mrs. Margaret A. King Tschaen Jr. A Friend Mr. & Mrs. John L. Ventura, Mrs. Elsie Lareau Mr. & Mrs. James Walsh & Alice Mr. & Mrs. Roland Lepire :Walsh, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Mr. & Mrs. Gerald P. Lewis , Whittle Mrs. Alice Lowney Mrs. Mary Macey Mr. & Mrs. Francis J. Maguire . O.Ullt LADY Mr. & Mrs. Matthew McAvoy' OlF '1I.'1HI1E ASSU.MPTllON Minnie McDonald Henry O'Brien . '$50 Dr. & Mrs. Daniel O'Neill Mr. & MI'!?' ,Jos!,:p'h ~Oge~ Mr. & Mrs. Edward O'Rourke .. Eileen $25 Mr. & Mrs. Antonio Gomes Mr. & Mrs. Charles Palmer Mr. & Mrs. Arthur N. Duarte, Mrs. Corrine Petit Mr. & Mrs. John Pholar Mr. & Mrs. Robert Garrison Palmira Silva Ji'eliAle Ramos

This Sundsy ill Mother's Day in the United States. It will. be ~lebrated by 55,000 women who are the mothers of priests. YOU COULD BE· ONE OF THEM! It is only nec~sary to have

charity. Last year in the Missions 10,000 hope~ ful young men could not become priests 1because there were no funds. If today

you spare something to help educate a native priest ($250 willpay for one year's training: $1,500 his entire education), you wiJJ share in his lifeti~e of Conver­ sions, Masses and prayers. Once he is a . priest your charity wH.1 multiply. Dear' Monsignor O'Meara, I have always wanted to have a son a priest. Please send the enclosed $ to educate a na­ tive seminarian. I know that even a little will help him. NAME:












THE ANCr.:0R-D.iGQe'ie of Fall River-Thurs., May 11, 1967

-, .





Da"4oney,' . Mi's. John Donnell¥-; , Mrs. AtlldrewDoyle. " Susan Duffy, Mr. & M:rs. John . ST. ILl\\. WRlENCJE. , , W. Durant, Edward :Gagnon, Mr. $1500 & Mrs. Albert Gamba, Mr. &

A Friend Mrs. Tobey Gasper.

Grace Gonsaives, Mr. & Mrs.

$150 Raymond Gosselin, Mr. & Mrs.

Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Livingston Lawrence Hamer, Mr. & Mrs.


Robert House, Eleanor Jennings.

A Friend .

Mrs. Anthony S. King, Mr. &

~llO MI;s. John Kling, Mr. & Mrs.,

William E. King Odee L. Landry, Alice & Lillian

'$100 Livesay, Mr. & Mrs. Francis C.

Mr. & Mrs. William Conroy :Mahoney. '

Mr. & Mrs. John Dunn Mr. &, Mrs. Edward Manley.

A Friend (2) Mr. & Mrs. Martin Manley, Mr.

Mr. & Mrs. James McHugh &: Mrs. Earl Man'fling, Dora Mc­

Dr. &. Mrs. William Muldeon Carthy, Mr. & Mrs. William K.

Dr. & Mrs. George F. Riley McDonald.

$75 Mrs. James McQuade Sr., Mr.

Mr. & Mrs. John D. Kenftey & Mrs, Manuel Medeiros, Mr. & $60 . Mrs. Charles Mello, James F.

'In Memory of Walter '!E. 'C91­ Murray, Mr. & Mrs. Charles

lIpy Olivet. ,

Dr. & Mrs. Robert DuraRt Stephen Osborne, Mr. & Mrs.

$50 Joseph Peters. Mrs: Mauci!e',P@w­

Rev. Justin J. Quinn ers, Mr. & Mrs. Charles 'Quinn,

Rev. William F. O'COMle:Ji Mr. & Mrs. Howard RicketsGB. Mr. & Mrs. Alan J.Camp~H, Mr. & Mrs. Paul Rousseau,

Mr. & Mrs. Patric!rDaws ' Clayton Russell, Mr. & Mrs. AR­

The Doherty Family 'tene Rutkowski., Mr. & Mrs. Jehn

M,rs. John Finni R. Ryan, Mr. '& Mrs. Arthur Gertrude & Mary GleasMl Soares.

Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Keatmg Helen Stager. Mr. &; Mrs. d@lm

$45 Stager, Daniel & John Sullivll1il,

The H@g'an Family Lillian Tablas, A Friend.

$35 Mr, & Mrs. Lawrence Weaver,

Anna Driscoll Mary Agnes White, Mr. & Mt'S.

Margaret M. Goggin John Whalen, Mr. & Mrs. S.

Monica & Constance Zygiel Edward Williams, Mr. & Mrs.

$30 . Peter Ziemba. Almyra & Dorothea El'en,naa SACRED JH!1EART

Mr. & ,Mrs. Kevin Daws@R $1@@

Mary & Ann Dowr..ey Rev. Lucien Jusseaume .

Mary ,C. Halloran Mr. & Mrs; Norman.d Seguift'

The Misses Hannigan .$3@

Mr & Mrs Edward K. IVlcInty,re Mr. & Mrs. Lionel Bouchallcl

Mr. ,& Mrs. Alexander ~hi:{:Hpl Mr. & Mrs. Paul LetoumeaJi!

$26 Mr. & Mrs. Rodolphe Paradis

Mr. & IVIrs. George O'Neiil



Mrs. Florence AndraC!le William H. Barter _ A Friend (2) Mr. & Mrs. W. K. Burke Dr.' & Mrs. A. B. Crowe Mrs. Margaret E. Culhane Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Duffy Jame~ Durant Mrs. Edward W. Galligan Mrs. James Galligan Mrs. Catherine Hayes Mr. & Mrs. Harry Hunt Mr. & Mrs. Edward Lo~es Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Louro ,John Luby Dr. & 'Mrs. James Mahomey Marie 1Vfahoney Mr. & Mrs. Paul MalGne Mr. & Mrs. James Manning Dr. & Mrs. John McGonigle Mr. & Mrs. Paul McGC!>w8n Mr. & Mrs. Edward Mite~e'Ii James J. O'Brien Jr. Mr. & Mrs. George Oliver Mr. & Mrs. Robert K. a'Neill Mrs. Thomas P. Osborne A Friend Mr. & Mrs. Richard Saunders Mr. & Mrs. Phillip Shermlltl & I'amily Dr. & Mrs. Albert Signorelia Mary & Eleanor Sullivan Mr. & Mrs. John F. Treadl!/.@

$20 Dr. & Mrs. Normand Gamache Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Gri:ffin, Mr. &: Mrs. Edward Hurley, Mrs. Er­ lI\est M. King, Mr. & Mrs. William H. King Mrs. Raymond Markey, Mr. & Mrs. Paul E. Marshall, Mr. & Mrs Roland Mathieu, Alice-Murphy', Veronica O'Brien Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Oliver, Dr. & Mrs. Wilfred Rousseau, A Friend, Isabelle pullivan, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Tweedie Mr. & Mrs. Edward Tynan A Friend


Mrs. J. Herve Bedard

Mr. & Mrs. Leo Boucher

Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Charbenneau

Dr. & Mrs. Philip Chartier

Dr. & Mrs. Albana H. CC!lllette

Romeo Gagne

Mr. & Mrs. Cyprien Gren.ier

Mr. & Mrs. F. Orner GrenGB

Attorney Pierre R. Paradis

Mr. & Mrs. Frank Kutis

Marguerite Seguin

Levesque's Office Equipment


Were the eggs you served this morning all they were cracked up to be? Were they really fresh? Sometimes they can lose their freshness right ,on your grocer's shelf. But not at First National. If-you don't take our eggs off the shelf, we ID

will ••• to make sure you always get Grade IlA fresh eggs. ,.

We' put a lot of extra effort Into getting eggs to you that are strictly fresh. We pick up eggs 'dlrectly from nearby farms. These nest-fresh eggs are rushed to our modern candling plants and they're usually In our stores the same day. Fr:om henhouse to YQur house between dawU"D and dusk ••• That's freshnessI And! we date each box, you caD'll check this, freshness forr yourself. U's another way we say



You eoae'lkfst at First National'

-Mr. & Mrs. Norman Boulav.

Mr. & Mrs. Roland Seguin.


Mr. & Mrs. Roger Menard.


Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Botelha.

Mr. & Mrs.~John Cabral, Mr. ck

Mrs. Joseph Forgue, Claire Laag­

lois, Mr. & Mrs. Emile Lauzlm. '

Mr. & Mrs. Albert 'Levesque,

Mr. & Mrs. Hervey LeveSCl1le,

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Lizotte, Mr. ck

Mrs, George Manny, Mrs. Ellil

Merchant, Mrs. Alphonse Se­

vigny & Family.



Rev. Alfred R. Forni

$30 '


. $25

e •

Rose Alves, Louis Bono, Doon­

enic Catalano, Catechism Classe:J

League of St. Francis of Assisi

Vincent S. Tranieri


Mary & Rose Funaro, Panta­

leone Grande, Rocco A. Morra

fEft.ItCiRDCAn. • COllliractolrl3

944 County St. New Bedford

... o

St. Vincent de ,Paul Society

$15 Nora Aylward, Mr. & Mrs. Harold Darney, Julia E. Barry, A Friend, Gertrude R. Boyle. Frances A. Burke, Martin But­ ler, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Carney, Alice Cashman, Mary Coholan. :MI. & Mrs. Jame!' Cooney, Mr. & Mrs. Edmund Cormier, Henry

'. ~'Beeau.e I'ou- cOllie li,.st, j~, we-i date, el1e..» ,"O~ ole"g. 'at Fipst Nationa""


Hew Bedford

IHE ANC! ,ORThurs., tv ,Q, t 11, 1967



$500 Mr. & Mrs. Arthur MarshaEl Rt. Rev. John A. Silvia Sarah Ulman $125 Mrs. Elizabeth King

Rev. Manuel P. Ferreira

Mr. & Mrs. James Almond $100 Mr. & Mrs. James Pedder

Rev. Luis A. Cardoso

En Memory of Col. Leo Po $65 Gcl!fney

A Friend

Mr. & Mrs. Timothy J. Mwr~ phy

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Souzo $60

Mr. & Mrs. Frank Andrade Mr. & Mrs. Joseph S. Vera Clarence Bonner $50 Gertrude L. Mercier

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph C. Motta

Marion Foley

Mr. & Mrs. J. J. Sullivan Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert Tavares

Mr. & Mrs. William E. HaJj"~ $30 rington Mr. & Mrs. Frank Edwards Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Moschetw $25 Mr. & Mrs. John Ltirkmar. Mr. & Mrs. George Alexander An.'l2 Mae O,Jen

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Avila Mr. & Mrs. James· Owen

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. &rry

Mr. & Mrs. J'oseph Keefe

Mrs. Arthur Carreiro

Mary Hurley

Mr. & Mrs. Teotonio Corvelo


Mr. & Mrs. Edward Costa

'-l\fr~ & lV"ll's. A. D'Ambrosic, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph H. Ferreira

Ml'". & Mrs. James K. Marum" Mr. & Mrs. Denis Lawrence Ml's. Raoul T. Gagnon & Family, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Martins Rudolph LaVauIt, Mary '!l. Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Medeiros O'Neil.

Pearson & Miller Inc. Thomas S ulli van, Mr. & lt7ro. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph C. Rebello

J'=es R. Sullivr.n, Mr. & RJIro. Milton Richmond .1"05eph Delaney. Mrs. Frank G. Silva , lilL'll Mr. & Mrs. Manuel J. Souza &: COLLEGE DAY: Exam'ining literature at College Day held at Bisho.];> Cassidy Higoh ~i1ilip T. Silvia Mary School Taunton are from left: 'Michael. Lowney Mr: Charles Uppvall. clez.n of Wentworlh Mrs. Yvonne Sylvia $I.$

Institdte. David' La~b, George Maloof, Jerry Mansfield, EQ~ Poirier 8JlJuf Steve Nas,tri, 2.H Mr. & Mrs. Vasco Villela MJc. & Mrs. Leonard Pllelan.

students from Coyle High. Mr. & Mrs. William Wallace MI'. & l\'I:rs. Geol'"ge Nugent, My.

$21 b Mrs. .Tohn V. Donnelly, l\1Jm Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Ferreira J:ames CoughEn & lVIrs. Mary Vincent n~. Fiftzgerald $20 RiveII' 'lli'c,,!ley, Mr. &; Mrs. 1'ier:ory $20 Viola Hebert, Mr. & Mrs. :Paul 1\1\11". & rr.:l's. Gera'I'd Fortin & Mr. & Mrs. Harry Dunham, Mrs Marashio, Mr.. & Mrs. Joseph Leal1Y. H(!,-.Y NAME CeUette ltC"l'". & Mrs. Francis Urbal/ll, Mary :f'acheco & Lydia Pacheco' Winsper 8£ Family, Francis & $1000 Mirs. Margaret P. KelliheL" @:paae Cuttle, Bernard Sweeney lVi. Isabel Souza, Mrs. Arthur Stephen O'Grady, Mr. &; Mvs. A Friend r.~r. & Mrs. Ca:esar Fortun2to oFl"., Kathleen. ~cIntyre, MaJry Yates Joseph Rezendes $500 Mrs. James E. Sullivan &. A.. Dolan. $15 Mr. &: Mrs. Gaston DeBrosse, A Friend Gll'ace :nfl.". & 1\1Jrs. Thomas SheehaJli, Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert Brazil, Mr. Mr. &: Mrs. Albert Pepin $300 MIr. & Mrs. James B. Kelley Ml'". & Mrn. Vinc-c:nt .Tollnson, l\jll'. & Mrs. Manuel Calado, Mr & Mi'Il $15 Margaret G. Dillon JJr.. & Mrs. l!.futthew Sullivan, Mall'Y Donald Chaput, The Costa Fam­ Joseph Bertoldo, Mr. & Mrs. $200 MES. William Sherry fr. & Elizabeth P. Guiney, Jameg ily. Mr. & Mrs. Walter Costa Rod Lussier, Mr. & Mrs. Leonard George L. Sisson Mi. Cecilia Sheehan llilIi. Martin. In Memory of Dennis $150 Cotter, Mrs. Margan~t Rapoza,. Mr. & Mml. J. J. Dris]an l\fr. & 1\I[1"s. CIlarles Whalen, Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Dutra Patrick Phelan Mr. & Mrs. Byron Doyle ll.aWJrelMe J. Hussey Jr. :M1Ir. & Mrs~ AJrthwr .T. Dono,'an Mr. & Mrs. Walter Espinola, $125 Edward Maclean, Mr. &: Mvs. Madden Farm]y J1F., Marie A. & l\llcl1ael A. MUlI'­ Mr. & Mrs. George Fish, Mr. &: Dr. &: Mrs. Francis J. D'Erriel> John Sylvia, Mr. &: Mrs. Richard Eileen !lilggins­ Jlt.y Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Leite, Mrs. Jerome A. Grota, Mr. & Mrs $100 Lally, Mr. &: Mrs. James Penler, <Ger1lr'w!le & Alice Lynch k:mto Daley. Richard Lopes Dr. & Mrs. James SUUivlUU Mr. &: Mrs. Edward J. Sylvia Mary C'. Casey Edna Jr. Murr2Y, Mr. & Mrs. P. Mr. & Mrs. Antone Medeiros, Dr. &: Mrs. Paul Dunn Mr. &: Mrs. Charles McKinnon, MI!. & MITS. Joseph W. Cum... l!Ili1?il •• Desmollld, Mr. & Mm Mrs. Thomas Tansey Adeline Nunes, Mr & Mrs Henry Mr. & Mrs. Edward Angelo, Mrs. icings Dennis Sullivan, Mrs. Ear>! Grant, Pimental, Mrs. Frances Simmons, Mr.& Mrs. Joseph F. PDe]::m Rose Dexter, Mr. &: Mrs. Stanley J'ohn W. Cummings MI'. & Mrs. 'WiLfred Morrissette. Dr. & Mrs. John Dunn Agnes Souza, Mr & Mrs Manuel Pielech, Mr. &: Mrs. Joaquim }\'Jradeline L. Casey MI'. & Mrs. Tho:nas F. Ca.llabaJlll $75 Souza Teixeira Mr. & Mrs. Edward F. SIzl:- & l:::athIeen..

A Friend Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Nunes, teuy

Mr. &: Mrs. George P. Hurie,7 Mr. &: Mrs. Tadeusz Swiszcz, MI'. Margaret MOll'gan

ST. JOSEPH $50 & Mrs. George Rothmyer, Mr. &

Mr. & Mrs. Chester Nutt2lIT: I $100 A Friend

. Mrs. Antonio Silva, Mr. & MnJ. Dr. & Mrs. Thomas Shez I,

Mr. &: Mrs. Ernest Dionne McDonald Family John DeTerra "llbaddeus Golitz $90 Mr. &: Mrs. Henry F. Shea Raymond Beausoleil A Friend ST. THIERESA Mr. &: Mrs. Herve Bernie71' Mr. & Mrs. Howard Marcem: $50 Mr. .& Mrs. Robert Nagie i $150 Mr. & MJrs. Nicholas Hurst Mr. &: Mrs. Henri Brouillette Belen Shay I Mr. &: MITS. William C. Fune Florence Boisvert $25 , Dr. &: Mrs. Alfred J. :BF~ i MFG. NeeE Giard $lZO mlES SERVICE Gardner Family Dr. &: Mrs. Eugene F. 0'__­ George W. Bigby A Friend DIStRIBUTORS Mr. &: Mrs. Henri Gardner tiaR ,Mrs. MallY Higgins Mr &: Mrs Maurice Lamentagae $1" $40 Mr. &: Mn. Fred Czerwen·ltlll Mrs. Eliza Boisvert Mr. &: Mrs. Joseph Lavallee Catherine Shea II; AJmQ L. Mr. &: MJrs. James H. PimeRfa) Therese Boisvert Theotime Leblanc SUllivan Mr. &: Mrs. William CleaFe Mr. &: l\.frsJ P. Letourneatll $75 III'. &: Mrs. Everett CI'Otl'l1efr Anna SUll:iVaJ!lJ Mr. &: Mrs. Philippe Mellie The Neilan Family Mr. &: Mrs. Louis Fleury MF. & Mrs. William J. AFlJfe»­ Joseph Pinsonneault Mr. &:Mrs. Leonce Methot ancll Mr. &: Mrs. Eugene LemieUE ~'

$35 Paul $25 MF. II; Mrs. COrnelius LYI'Il~k

011 BURNERS IIrl!. John Hogan &: KatberiM Henri Pelletier Mrs. Cecile Boudreau MF. ok MJs. HenEY Dussault IIr. &: Mrs. John J. 1titeheI! Mr. &: Mrs. Leo Pelletier Mr. &: Mrs,. Joseph.E. Slight

for PJrCl'lITp1t Delivery John T. Crowley

Mr. &: Mrs. Hilaire Tremblay and son Paul & may & Night Serviee Catherine Furze Mrs. Louis Vaudry Sr. Mr. &: Mrs. Roger Rf~naoo i $30 Mr. &: Mrs. Thomas WeB'\J8 Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Frechette 6. I;, BOIlER BtJIDIER UNITS Mildred V. CarroDI Mr. &: Mrs. Laurier Dumas $25 America's Economy King Mr. &: Mrs. Roland Lemietm ST. MARY Mr. &: Mrs. Joseph A. .,.~ Rural Bottl'edl Gas Service Fnl' the Best Deall Come To Mr. &: Mrs. Aldege Cote $500 James J. Higgins Mr. &: Mrs. Normand Mathieu Rev. Bernard H. Unsworth COHANNET ST. Mr. .& Mrs. Andre P. N8I'!!5l!!'Jl' Mr. & Mrs. Alfred LemieulI: $100 INC. McGinn Family TAUNTON Mr. &: Mrs. Wilfrid Belangev Mr. &: Mrs. John Nieolaci 768 BROADWAY Catherine P. HarringtOlll Attleboro - No- Attleboro Mr. &: Mrs. Gerard Dumas $50 Genevieve A. Harrington RAYNHAM, MASS on Rt. 138 M~. & Mrs. Gaston Loranger Taunton A Friend Julia T. Harrington CHARLES J. DUMAIS. Pll'eL I A Friend Mr. &: Mrs. William TooUn Hilda Phillips , $17 $30 Mahoney Family Mr. &: Mvs. Zephyr Paquin Mr. &: Mrs. John E. SUlliV311l A: Mr. &: Mrs. Michael F. ~ $Ui :Mark gerald Mr. &: Mrs. Ronald Silveria,

ON CAPE COD Mr. &: Mrs. Robert J. Hall Mr. & Mrs. Roger Frigault, Mr. .& SU


Mr. &: Mrs. Leo Boisvert DRY CLEANING Valmore Gonneville, Mr. & Mn. Mr. &: Mrs. David Costa Mr. &: Mrs. William Conmaot Jobn Savoie. s ~d s

Paul Langlois, Mr. It lin. § Mr. &: Mrs. Alfred Cormier FUR STORAGE §

Henry Cormier, Mr. .It Mrs.

Ali~ &: Hazel Davis Henri Picard, Mr. &; Mrs. JoSeph Mr. &: Mrs. Marcel LorangeJ!' Mr. &: Mrs. Roland Provencher Fredette, Mr. &; Mrs. Daniel


Mr. &: Mrs. John D. Sylvia Mr. &: Mrs. Ronald Dumas,

Mr. &: Mrs. John HugberJ Mr. &: Mrs. Conrad Gobeil, Mr. § 34-44 Cohannet Streell §

Henry Fortier AMPLE PARKING & Mrs. John W. CoJer, Dr. &: ~ Taunton 822-6161 ~

Mrs. Mary Penler Mrs. Hector Roy. _11II1I11II11I1I1II1I111111111111l1Wlll11llWWll!!1Wii M.r. &: Mrs. Tbeodoll"e Ziembll




& SON, Inc.

Gasoline Fuel andlRang_



,Broadway Rambler















THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., May 11, 1967





The 'lUS$ Massachusetts, the official stiCl~e WCllII' memori,al to the 13,00(]) Bay State heroes who !@sit theDIf' lives during World Wall' 91, now moored at Batrt~eshoJPl Cove, fan Rover, ., wm «:e~elb>ll'a~e "lhe $DI"ell'i~boiee of sis «:;@MMO$SUOIl'llBlI'ilg•


J]l\DibJo~ee Wee~sl11l<dl May ] ~a TI ~

Wmll'SlUJl11lofrs ~fr. ~S". J]@selPlhl U\!I•. M@@<dIV, JPlIl'(QI~SSS@1l' afr «:::COl~Ihl©~O<e IUJI11lDVSll'sofrV al11l<dl sihloJPl's «:ihlal?~aDI11l dlUJll'ol11lS) .WOIl'~<dI Wall' nn, wo~1hl @~foesll'$ al11l<dl <l:Il'SW mSl!'il'illbsll's @~

itlhe "IBO(8J MaMoe"8


"'Bie Mamie" clIid! not Vose one melllil as Illl rresult of ell'Demy action. The Mas-­ sachuse~s earned ~ n battle stars fOIl' the following adions: '

'* *: '* ,* '* * * * * * *

North Mrica-lNo". ~«J42 Gilbert Dsianclis-lNo".-Dec.


Marshali DsDands-oDan.-lFeb. ~9431 Asiatic Pac. ~aids-lFeb.-May, n9~ Westerrn New Guinea-April, 19~ West. CaroDine Is.-Sept.-Od. 1944 Leyte-oDan. 11945 luzon-oDalJ'll. 1945 Iwo Ji;"'a-feb.-Mar. 1945 Okinawa-Mar.-June,·1945 Third Fleet Raids-July-Aug., 1941


This Message ':' Spons9red by the following 'nc8ividaao's and Business Concerns .

Cape Cod and The Islands




In The Oiocese 01 fcaJlD R.Dver












fall River'



New Bedford PAUL G. CIl.IEAIU' & CO., INC.





Fall River ST. MARY


Rev. Robert L. Stonton


Margaret Lahey


Rev. Poul F. McCarrick

Dr. & Mrs. Fred Sullivan

St. Vincent de Paul Society


Rev. William G. Campbell

SliO James Diskin Helen Joy Mr. Mrs. Lawrence A. Coyle $30 Thomas & Margaret Kennedy 525 John Sullivan William P. & Mary J. O'Brien Mr & Mrs James A. O'Brien Jr. Mrs. Angela Wingate Mrs. William Gorman Helen Burns Manuel Benevides Ruth Hurley Janice Hurley Nellie Sullivan Daniel Shea Mr. & Mrs. George Sutherland Mr. ,& Mrs. Robert ,J. Jackson Mr. & Mrs. John R. McGinn Michaeline Russell Frank Dufiy Ricbnrd Sullivan Eileen A. Sullivan Francis A. Moran Mr. & Mrs. Francis Fennessey Mary Hurley Mr. & Mrs. William Blythe IE Edward $20 James, Grace & Estelle Martin, Dorothy Kirby, Mrs. Dennis Lynch, Dennis Lynch, Claire O'Toole, Mrs. Stephen O'Toole, Mrs. James P. Mooney & Daugh­ ter $15 Mrs. Madeline Rizzo, Mr & Mrs Roger Vezino, Everett Smith, Mr & Mrs. Joseph Desrosiers, Robert Mitchell IVlr. & Mrs. George Boitano, Mrs. Bernard E. Harrington, Jrunes Wingate, Mr & Mrs James Melvin, Mr & Mrs John Mul­ rooney A Friend, Margaret G. Diskin, .iJomes Frank, Gertrude Sullivan, Edward Gahan Mrs. Julia Cunningham, The Edward Regan family, Mrs. Julia Cunningham, Mary Hurley Mr. & Mrs. Henry Messier Elennor Shea, William Gorman Margaret M. Riley, Rose Riley, Irene Murphy BLESSED SACRAMENT

$200 Rev. Herve Jalbert $35 Mr. & Mrs. Richard Hamel $25 !Mr. & Mrs. Maurice Brault Mr. & Mrs. Robert Coulombe Joseph Demers Mr. & Mrs. Roger Lauzon Mr. & Mrs. George Medeiros Mr. & Mrs. Normand Rousseau Mr. & Mrs. John P. Sullivan $20 Mr. & Mrs. Dollard Chretien $15 Mr. & Mrs. Albert J. Beaudoin, Mr. & Mrs. Leo Paul Beaudoin, Madeleine Boisvert, TheGa­ mache Family.

fCCIUS Adenaue~ Man .For All Seasons BOSTON (NC)-Richard Car­ dinal Cushing of Boston lauded the late Germa~ Chancellor ~onrad Adenauer as "a man for all seasons" at a memorial Mass cel­ ebrated in Holy Trinity' Church here. , . "In a long life," the cardinal said, "Providence prepared Kon­ rad Adenauer carefully for his role; he was·a man who knew .how to act and how to wait, how to suffer and how tc survive; 0 man who knew when to be firm and when to be flexible, a man who saw principle as a way to guide the use of power; :truly, he "'8i1 a man for all seasons."

THE ANCHOR­ , ..Thurs•.j 'MayH, 1967



Rosemary Dussault & m:a. Joseph Watson

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Roderick

Albert Gagnon

Frederick Storch

Mr. & Mrs. John Long

Donald Munro

James E. Powers

Clare Sullivan

Mrs. Clarence P. Sullivan

Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Talbot

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Fournier

Henry J. Kitchen

Edward Gazzarro

Mr & Mrs James Charbonneaa

Immaculate Conception CYO

Mr. & Mrs. Edward Iwanski

A Friend

inl\l1emory of Frank & Susali


Edward N. Parisee

A Friend

Mr. &. Mrs. Fred J. McNally

Henry Lajeunesse

William Guilmette

Mr. & Mrs. Edward Campbell

Mr. & Mrs. Paul Tetrault

A Friend

mlSH CHURCH: BallintQber Abbey, near Castelbar, County MayQ, Irelapd, has been $20 George Janson, In Memory or

used eontinuously 'for worship for more than 750 years. Prior to establishment in its present form by King Cathal O'Connor in 1216, an earlier church is said to have occupied Thomas F. Heaney Sr., Mr&

the same spot, wmch wason the pilgrims' p ..atb w Croagh Patrick mountain, 20 miles Georgette Laberge

$15 away, where St. Patrjek prayed and fasted during Lent of 433 A.D. Both .are now places Mr. & Mrs. William MitcbeD. -of pilgrimage. NCPhoro. Francisco Tavares, Charles Ney. Mr & Mrs Robert Wilkey, George Mr. & Mrs Alphonse F. SauJino Thomas OL.OA Knights of the Altar ESPIRft'O SANTO Rose Doherty, John Alberna7, Mr. & Mrs. Louis Sisca George Silvia Mr & Mrs Manuel Pontes, James $250 $lee Lillian Laforce Bentley, Benjamin McBride Rev. Joao V. Resendes The Belmont Family, Ralph Manuel & Mary Medeiros Mrs. Wright Turner, James $50 Sasso & Family. Mr & Mrs Frank $20 McManus, Ramona Brilhante" A Friend Francisco Albemaz, Americo Stetkiewicz Bertha 4shworth, Mr. & Mm, Mimnda, Charles Carvalho Sr.. $40 $15 Louis T. Bouchard Raymond & Emily Hryciw, Mary Mr. & Mrs. AntonioT. Oliveira Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Andrews Sr. Andrew Broulx, Edward Rile;" Thomas, Leo Burns $25 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Boyer, Edith Charlotte Nicholson, John HinclF $i5 Mr. & Mrs. RogerJ. Toni S Flanagan, !talo Giannotti, Mr. cliffe, Samuel Pullen . Alfred Mello, James Ventura, & Mrs. Raymond M. McGuire Mr. & Mrs. Paul Boissoneau. OUR LAIDY OF THE AKGELS James Cabral, John M. Arruda, Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Pannoni, George Charbonneau, Charles Jose M. Lindo Mr. & Mrs. Raymond E. Parise, $1200 Devaney, Oarl Gizzi, Nancy Tur­ Louise Weadon, James Arruda, Mrs. John Sarti, Rose & Ada Sis­ Rt. Rev. Anthony M. Gomes

ner, Raymond Lafleur J'oaquim Costa, John Enos, Au­ ca, Mrs. Pileria Ventura . $500

Richard Condon, Eileen Mc­ gust Ricardo Dr. & Mrs. Henry C. Lincoln

Nally, Leonel Paiva, Anna Lont?,

lllWlWJi\iCllJILA.'IrIE· iCONClElP'Irl[ON Mary Carreiro, Carl Dionizio, Mr. & Mrs. Peter Wahl.


Manuel Braga, Kenneth Burton, $75ill Charles Sicard, Adele Camp..

George Tonelli

Evelyn Teixeira Rt. Rev. Arthur W. Tansey bell.


.' Arthur Silvia, Enos Sousa, .~1l25 Rev. George J. Sousa

Antone Isidore, Manuel Carreiro, S'Ir.ANNE William J. Dugan

'I'homas Bowden $50 $125

$lOD Holy Rosary Society Jose Rodrigues, Eliseu Amaral, Dr. Paul DeVillers

Rev. Thomas J. Harrington

Manuel Aguiar, Alfred Coray, Council of Catholic Women $100

Rev. Ralph D. Tetrault

Joseph Pellerin Almeida Funeral Home Rev. Raymond M. Drouin, O.P.· Immaculate Conception COD-

Genivive Cardoza, Virginio Ca­ Maria Mello & Family Dominican Fathers ference of St..Vincent de Paul mara, Joseph Duarte, Manuel $45.50

St Vincent de Paul Conferenee Alves, John Roderick $'75 Antone Laureano

of St. Anne's Parish Francis Reilly, Joseph Correia, Thom:llS J. Fleming Manuel C. Hilario

$50 ­ RicllardPavao $50 S30 Normand H. Boule Lionel Rodrigues & Family A· Friend Bernard H. Paquette HOLY ROSARY Genevieve Hennessey Arthur Souza $25 Immaculate Conception Wom$800

$25 A Parishioner en's Guild 'Rt. Rev. Joseph R. Pannon!

Manuel Perreira Jr. Antonin Bedard

$35 St. Vincent qe Paul Society Dr. Adelard O. Demers Sr.


Mr. & Mrs. Everett Lafleur Mariano Thomas John A. McCormack'

General Cleaning Company Raymond Paiva Albert Michaud

$25 $100 Frank Faria Jr. Edward Nowak

In Memory of Mrs. Lillian GilJohn W. Varnnese Albertina Mello & Lenora Mello Mrs. Rhea Saurette

let . $15 Carl Frederick Ernest Talbot Joseph Francoeur Rev. Vincent F. Diaferio Jessie Pimental $50 Joseph Theodore Mr. & Mrs. Frank Mazzoni Mary Perreira $2S Joseph 'Sfivia Delia's Auto Driving School OLOA Girl Scouts Mrs. Philomena iGermane Natalie Martin - Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Marcucci John Souza Mr. & Mrs. Angelo RiCci Antone Michaels Arthur RegQ Julius Rodriques Antone Ribeiro Jr. Manuel Velho .Gerald Cordelli Manuel Correia Tile bre"d flintier" A"wrka,,"-'" Robert Correia Mllry Simas , Hyannis Our Lady of the Angels evo 2:7'9 Barnstable Road . John Souza ':' SP 5-0079 ' \, . Arthur Furtado Maria Cabral Tobias Monte Clorinda Ventura Manuel Magano Philip & Deolinda Costa ~rRl1r~Ns) Francisco Maurisso Joao Raposo [p~@IT@ ~MIJll[P)~)J O.L.OA. Children of .Mary Henry Camara 245 MA~iN SiF<EiE'IJ Filisbina Medeiros FAllMOUlYH-548- ~ 91 ~ Mary Ferreira Christiano Pacheco ARMAND ORTINS, Prop. Manuel Raymond Eleanor Andre I

.Real· ;Es·~ate ' Rene 1. poyant,lne.

Tlwse on the go . .:~ •... go,. Sjunheam" lor





THE ANCHOR-Dioc,ese of Fa',' River-Thurs., May 11, 1967

$1000 Bev. John E. Boyd

Fall River

$100 Rev. Raymond W. McCarthy Mrs. John Coady & family,



Thomas A. Synnott

Charles E. Sevigny

'Deceased Benefactors Sacred Beart St. Vincent de ~ul ~ciety , Sacred Heart Conferenc~t. Vincent de Paul Society , Quinlan F. Leary , Helen L. Sullivan (In Memory of: Mary M. Harrington, Mar­ _ret E. Hammill, Anne F Clancy

$90 Rev. Adalbert A. Szklanny Rev. James P. Dalzell


Rev. Alexander Zichello

Mr. & Mrs. James F. Little


'JI'he Misses Cummings (3)


Mr & Mrs Daniel F. Murphy Jr

Grace Family

H. Frank Reilly ,

Mr. & Mrs. Francis E. Sullivan

Annie E. Quirk &, Mary E.

~irk ' . Mary W & Alice C Harrington Mr. & Mrs. John J. Tuite Mrs. Mary & Margaret Morriss Mr. & Mrs. Dick H. Cutting Dorothy A. & Regina M. Hig-



Frederick B. McDonald '


The Daley Family


Jane G. Broderick:

Grace L. Martin

$30 ,

Mr. & Mrs. Jolin ,J. Hatringtoa

Charles A. DUffy

Mrs. Wm.Cross &, Mrs. JOS;

»ers William F. Fitzgerald,

Mary Flynn '.

Mr. & Mrs. Patrick J. Hurley

George Sullivan ,,' - ,

Gerald I Harrington & Mildred

Edward Zygiel

Mr. & Mrs. James R. Mitchell

Walter H. White

Francis J. Waring'

$26 Mr. & Mrs. Frederick'J. Deme­



'$25 T. Arthur McCann Margaret F. Tolan Daniel F. Duffy. Henry W. Degna'n Catherine Murphy William Black Joseph M. Reilly Mr. & Mrs., William Fitzler Clarence Banks Elaine Banks Leo Fogarty Francis M. Burke Mabel M. Smith Catherine' O'Hare William J. Barrett Mr. & Mrs. John Springer & Mrs. Mary E. Larrabee Mr. & Mrs. W~lliam Mercier Mr. & Mrs. James H. Sullivan George Tourgee Family' The Misses Donovan John S. Burns Catherine Lomax Margaret R. Sullivan Leonard J. Hughes Joseph M. Taylor James L. Connor

Margaret Desmond Mrs. Charles J. Leary Mrs. Kathryn Doherty Mr. & Mrs. Edward Viveiros

Frederick J. Harrington Eleanor Mullaney O. P. O'Shaughnessey Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Welch $20 William C Chippendale, Geor

Heads Association BATON ROUGE (NC) - A Negro priest has been elected president of the largely white Baton Rouge Ministerial Asso­ dation. Father Elmer S. Power, S.V.D., is the first Catholic priest to head the Louisiana group. It includes representatives of Prot­ estant, Jewish, Orthodox, and Catholic coWU'e,iationa.

$50 Geraldine Harrington Mr. & Mrs. Edward DeClcclG Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Scully , $30 in Memory of Thomas 8: Sarah Spellman Mildred & Helen P. Sullivlllll!. Annie & Caroline Wilcox $26 Mr. & Mrs. Edward Haponlli $25 Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Suart Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Leary Patricia Leary Anne Cusack Joseph Correira Leonard Bolger Mrs. Mary Harrington Margaret Donnelly In Memory of James Shea Mr. & Mrs. William Pizio & Family Mr. & Mrs. John Leddy M~. & Mrs. Joseph Biszko Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Fletcher Mr. & Mrs. Stanley SincosId Mr. & Mrs. Frank Labecki Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Viana Mr. & Mrs. Horace Travass09 Mr. & Mrs. John Morgan Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Murray Mrs. Elizabeth Kennedy 'SIT-UPONS':' Maryknoll sisters have already begun Mr. & Mrs. George McCauley to,prepare for their, S~).mmer apo~tolate a;mong disadvantaged Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Wojtaszek: chiidren in city streets. Here SIster ElIzabeth Kato, a Jap­ Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Barresi Alida Hart anese-American from Hawaii,. shows 'a child, in New. York's James Clegg & family , uptown slu~s how to make, "sit-~psms," o~; cu:shlOns by in Memory Ray~ond T. weaving strIps 0'£ newspaper. The sIt~upons WIll be ~s~d McCann ' when movies at:e. shown to stree~ audIences. NC Photo. $20 John Hopkins, Mr. & Mrs. Ed­ ward Sweeney. $35 ST. LOUIS" Dr. &.Mrs. Eug~ne J. Dionne $15 $;400,

, Maureen LaForest, Mr. & Mrs. $30 A 'Friend

Alfred Danis, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Edgar Poisson Foy, Mr. & Mrs. John Cote, $100 $25 Margaret Cusack. In MemorY of Peter A. Lee Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Louis DeG. Bernier Helen Cusack, Mr. & Mrs. ,Mr. & Mrs. William ,F. W~alen A Friend Theodore Blouin, 'Mr. & Mrs. Jr. Mr. & Mrs. George Cummings Alban Couture, Mrs. Manuel $'75 Mr. & Mrs. Maurice Demers . Corey. Rev. Edward J. Burns Mrs. Yvonne Francoeur $50 'Valeda LeBoeuf In Memory of Mr.. & Mrs. Alphonse Mailloux Thomas J. Conroy Mr. & Mrs. Rilymond Poisson $25 I $20 Mr. & Mrs. Victor Auclair Mrs. Dora Fiola, Mr. & Mrs. J. TESER, Prop. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Britland Francois X. Thibault RESIDENTIAL The Connerton Family M. Thomas Conroy INDUSTRIAL $15 'Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Cordeiro Jr Mr. & Mrs. Maurille Archam­ COMMERCIAL ,The Creigh Family bauit, Marie Auclair, Mr. & Mrs. 253 Cedar St., New Bedford Margaret Doran Octave Berube, Mr. '& Mrs. John 993-3222 R1'ta Doran Cabaceiras, Mr. & Mrs. Michael Caciabeve ' Thomas Doran Marion Fahey , Mr. & Mrs. Leopold Frechette, Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Flores Mr. & Mrs. Paul Lapointe, Mr. & Ella Hanrahan Mrs: Harold' McNerney, Mrs. Dr. & Mrs. George Horan Amerilda Parent, Gracia Paren­ Mr. & Mrs~ Douglas Leeman teau. ,_ , Mr. & Mrs. John Maher Blanche Richard, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph O'Brien Joseph Rivard, Mrs. Donat Rous­ , sel & Fainily . ' Gertrude O'Neil WYman Mr. & Mrs. Jessie Oliveira 3-6592 In Memory of,Mr, &,Mrs Mich­ ael .To.pJn . ' CHARLES F, VARGAS Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Vincent'


, ST•.-'EAN BAPT.IS'lI'1E $500

A Friend

$'75 Rev.' Thomas E. Morrissey $35 Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Gagnon '& family $30 Mr. & Mrs. Raymond ,Francoeur . $25 Mr. & ~rs. Alfred Berube Mr. & Mrs. Ovila Caron Mr. & Mrs. Roger Garon Mr.. & Mrs. (*eorge Casavant Henri Demers Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Gagnon Mr. & ,Mrs. Arthur A. Gauthier Mr. & Mrs. Leo Gendreau Mr. & Mrs. Aime Goyette' A Friend, ' Mr. & Mrs. Philias Ouellette Mr. & Mrs. Oscar Parker Mr. & Mrs. John Perr-y Norman Perry A Friend '

Mr. &' Mrs. Alphonse St. Pierre St. Vincent de Paul Society , Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Talbot A Friend" '

$20 Mr. & Mrs. Jean Demers, An­ toinette Michaud, Albert Ouel­ lette, Mi-: & Mrs. George Talbot., Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Vidal. $15 Mr. & Mrs. Louis Bouchard, Mr. & Mrs. Wilfred Bourassa, Mr. & Mrs. George, Campeau, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Correa, Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Costa. Mr. & Mrs. Armand Desmarais, Octave Fluet & Family, Mr. & Mrs. George Gagnon, Anne Guil­ mette, Mr. & Mrs. 'Orner Martineau. , Mr. & Mrs. John McGuill, 'Mr. '& Mrs. Edward Ouellete,' Mrs. ' Arman' Patenaude, 'Robert, ~ache.

Norris H. Tripp SHEET METAL






Alice Fahey Mr. & lYlrs. Tito Jacomino, Mr. & Mrs. Orient Laplante, Mr. & Mrs.\William Ward $16 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph O'Brien '$15 ' Mrs. James A. Benson, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Black, Mrs. Mary Cantwell, Peter Cantwell, Mr. & Mrs. John Cronin Mr. & Mrs. An,dre Desrosiers, Mr. &' Mrs. RobertF. Goyette, David Grace; Catherine Horan, Mrs. Lloyd King Mr. -& Mrs. Gilbert L'Heureux, Mr. & Mrs. Wilfred St. Michel ST. 'MATTHEW $200, , ' Rev. nenryJ. Charest

$100 ,.I)r, & Mrs" Orner, Boivin..





for Bristol County

Bristol County

Trust Company




~ember 01 Federal' Dep08l~ , Insurance ~orpo~&iOD




Fan River ~. P!S1l'~R

& PAlMI..

$5GO ~.

Dovid A. O'Brie:n

5.1WG l!rIl Memory of Rt Rev. ~S!? Francis P. Connelly, l?.A. ~ Wincent de Paul Soclefl;v $.WE; Rev. John P. Driscoil Be",. John F. Andrews

SOO .)Jcseph Conaty Margaret Constantine $3lil

MF. &: Mrs. Charll2S H~ :Mr. &; Mrs. George A. IVlcrl1lm Arme & Marion O'Heam $25

Mr. &: Mrs. Charles Clememlfl Mr. &: Mrs. Fred H. Dollm 11&. & Mrs. Jerome Foley lVlrs. Ernest A. Hasprey Catherine A. Lynch Daniel Lynch Helen C. S. Lynch Mr. &: Mrs. Lawrence Lyncll Mr. &: Mrs. Jean McGillicll: John Mahoney Mro. James E. lRogel'S & J'QJlllle£ B. Rogers Jr. Mr. &: Mrs. Norman R01llSBeeUll

820 Marion H. Mahoney ~11il

Mr. &: Mrs. Edward


S15 Mr. &; Mrs. James A. Donnelly, Belen Foster,' Teresa Foster, The Frechette Family, E~zabeth Grace Constance Lynch, Mr. & Mm. James McMahon, Charles ~ boney, ,Mr. & MrS. James 5~ dwland, -Lillian Roberts !!IT. BOCD $200 \Tel')' Rev. Reginald M. Banette,

"lit " A Friend $100 MF. & Mra. Romain Sauinier"

A Friend $50

Mr. & Mrs. Antonio COuh


The P. T. Crispcl Family lb. &


Thomas Cote $Z5,

Mr. & Mrs. Alban' McCaDulD Mr. & Mrs. William Wright Mr. & Mrs. Roger Valoouri

$20 Jrene Levasseur Mr.. & Mrs. Pierre Levaueur Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Soaru '

$15 Mr. & Mrs. Henri :Berube Mr. &; Mrs. Arthur moueber, Mr. &; Mrs. Raymond Levitl'e, J4n. Abraham Nulman, Mr. II Mrs. Arthur Pelletier Mr. &; Mrs. Roland ProuD. Ge9rge Berube liT. STANISLAW

$IZ5 St. Vincent de :P~ul SodeQ" --81. Stanislaus Conference

$100 Confraternity of the BoJ;Jr R()sary St. Stanislaus Women's GuIW $50

:Mr. &; Mrs. Walter J. P. 0.. eiminskJ I Dr. &; Mrs. Walter .E. Connell .A Friend $48 Mary & Frederick Kudloeft:

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., May 1 i, 1967

$15 1£iIlT.


Mrs. Joseph Petres, Mr.

&; ,J:'£IIIS. Thaddeus Stasiowski,

,Walter Pypniowski, Stanley Pyp­

niowski, Mrs. Mary Pypniowski.

Mr. & Mrs. John Deveney, Mr. .& Mrs. Joseph Whipp, Mr. &: Mrs. Stanley Prezalar, Mr. &: Mrs. Thomas O'Neil, Mr. &: Mrs. Vernon Cote. Stella IDyl, Mr. & Mrs. Frank

Niemczyk, Mrs. Valerie Butler,

Helen Kosinski, Stanley &: Lot­ ?ie Mlynek. Ann Drzal, Mr. & Mrs. WalteJ1' Polak, Mr. &: Mrs. Richard Miles, Mr. &: Mrs. Walter Pudlo, Mr. &: Mrs. Henry Sample. Rose Worczyk, Phyms &: Mrs. Ludwika Babiarz, Mr. &: Mrs. John Wnenta, Mr; & Mrs. Den­ nis Cunningham, Mrs. Helena & Irene Sokolowski. _ Mr. & Mrs. George Wrobel, Mr. ,~,,; Mrs. Stephlln Kulpa, Mr. elk Mrs. Walter Soczek, Anony­ mous, A Friend Mr. &: Mrs. Joseph Banalewicz, Mr. &: Mrs. Paul Klaege, Mr. &: Mrs. Joseph Kosinski, Edward Kocon, Mr. &: Mrs. Joseph Am­ moal. Mr. & Mrs. Thaddeus -Chrup­ eala, Mr. &: Mrs. Daniel Sulli­ van, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Cichon, Mr. &: Mrs. Walter Moson, Mr. &: Mrs. Maciej Weglowski. Mrs. Joan &: Andrea Perry, Mr. &: Mrs. Thomas Pietraszek, Mr. &: Mrs. Stanley Golembiew­ ski, Mr. & Mrs. Michael Zwolin­ ski Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Edward' Piszcz. Mr. & Mrs. Peter Pietraszek, , Nellie Kruczek.,

ST. WILLIAM , $500 " IU. Bev. Raymond T. CODllldine

$llZ5 Mrs. hhn E. Connolly $90

Rev. Edmund A. Connors $75

James E. Fitzgerald Family

$50 Mary M. Donovan Donovan


Helen L.

MO Tbe Boodry Family ~O

Mr. & Mrs. John Maitoza MaI7g3Jret O'Grady $25

Mrs. Margaret Borden MI'. &; Mrs. Ronald Cook ' William D. Crowley Frank A. Delahanty Th0mas Eccles Mr. &; Mrs. Alfred Gadbois Mr. &; Mrs. John Kane Gertrude V. Kennedy, Henry Raposa Mae Riley Mr. &; Mrs. Robert Sulliva1ll Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert Santos Mr. &; Mrs. Alcidl! Talbot 'Nose Lopes Kenneth Sullivan Mr. &; Mrs. Arthur P. Correl'n;l Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Moore

$20 Mr. &, Mrs. James E. Ryan Mr. &: Mrs. Roland Thibault

$15 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph R. Belangel'i' Mr. & Mrs. Michael Biszko, Mr. &; Mrs. Joseph Burns, Edward Breault, Mr. &; Mrs J'ames Camp­ bell


OMtr~me~@®~ Great, C@mmt!,N~tfQ~Or $MTI A~1hl~ete [1'J~@~$ Career as u~@(dro@~..CoadhJ also used the fleet-footed Joe lr.:> a pinch-runner. Jose M. Silva Jr. is studying In the Spring of his senior sea­ Sociology and playing baseball son, Silva turned his abilities a1t the Southeastern Massachu­ " ward track and White utilizeell setts Technological Institute in him as a sprinter, putting Joe iill Dartmouth. the IOO-yard dash and giving An outstanding athlete at Som­ him the task of running the first erset High School, Joe is an av­ leg of the B80-yard relay event. erage student and is working 1::s speed and desire helped the hard to further his education. Raider track team in both events. Known mainly as a tremen­ Silva played a prominent role dous football player at Somerset, with the Somcrset basketballl he also participated in baseball, team as a senior when coaeD basketball and track and was Burns used him in 16 of Ul presented the Wellington King games. Fourteen of the contestD Memorial Cup as the Raiders "'ere in the Narry :i...eaglle anell outstanding senior athlete, who Joe contributed 80 points, an av­ exemplifies the spirit of sports­ erage of 5.4, to the team's season manship in 1965. total. , Joe has been a consistent per­ !F@othl'D] Career former with the SMTI Corsairs In high school, football was Joo this season, gaining praise for Silva's sport. He bega.... his grid­ his 'lustle and determination iron career as a 5-8, 140-pounell :!/rom assistant coach Len Alves. .!lOSE M. SILVA JR. sophomore end. A reserve on the varsity during the 1962 season, St. John of God Parishioner I'JII ~n outfl'-'d POsI'tl'on to add .. Il:.I Silva ,so impressed rival coachC'D He is the oldest of four chil­ , speed in the fly chasing depart- that he was given an honorable dren and resides with his par­ ment. As a sophomore, Joe only mention berth on the All-Tri­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Jose M. Silva went to the plate once, officially, County Football Conference at 37 St. Michaels Avenue" and singled. team, Somerset. 'Again a~ a junior, Silva was In his .junior year, Joe WM SUva has a sister Agnes, and used in the same capaci'ty, a~d switched to fullback and contin­ brothers David and Paul. The ,,~ade;~ :0. tri!)s to .the plate, a~liHD ually drew praise from SlIllivaEl latter attends the South School, eontributing a lSmgle. Sulhvan for his faking moves on offense 'Agnes 'and Dave are members of :""~d defensive prowess as a half­ the student body at Somerset; ,l?ack.: ' .. 'High. In Silva's senior seasoq".he W~ A member of St. John of G<>d $400 , chosen unanimously as tne fuJl­ Parish, Joe performed for' his' Jaev. 'Luiz G. Mendonca ~k em the All-Suburban grid church's basketball team in the $ZOe ,team and picked as' a startine anRual Catholic Youth Organi-, :lRev. Joseph Oliveira 'back 'on the All-Tri-County :&ation's Eastern tournament m $100 Ctlnference team. H}tl5. ' Dr. Gilbert Vimeent " Best Game

J£ ~ has hopes of becoming II $60 I: " His best game as a football teaeher-coach, preferably in tblis Beatrice Capeto ph,wer came against Bishop Fee­ area, upon graduation bOlllll han High when he interceptetll SMTIin 1970. $50 three passes, recovered a fumble 1D1'.& Mrs. Joseph Carvalho

Excellent Attitude and, was in "n '15 per cent of thfJ Tbe 19-year old youth stands $tO taekles in leading Somerset tc five feet, 11 inches and e8uies Jitelmil"a Tavares an 111-8 conquest over 'the Sham­ lG8 pounds on his wen built J'~cks. :kame. Joe has gained praise J~ also participated in the isabel Capeto irem his former teachers amd American Legion baseball pro­ Manuel &; Angelina RapoM c@aches at Somerset High for bill gram and played in Babe Rl.ltll Baltazar -'It Mary Ma'chado attitude and cha·racter. aDd Little Leagues in Somerset. Fl'aneis Lennon Fe!lowing his graduation from Albert & Mary Capeto Semerset, Joe went to work for Lawrence C. Mello , OIIe year to earn monies and les­ Mary T. Carvalho seD the burden on his parents Mr. & Mrs. Antone Souza ReJ' a' eollege education. Silva Cecilia Oliveira plans to get emploYJlllent as soon Manuel Silvia all JIOSsible this year to help de­ Prescriptions called for • Arthur & Aldena Machado bay the costs of SMTI. and delivered Mr. & Mrs. Manuel S. Medeiros A polite, mild-mannered and LOFT Manuel Rogers &; Sons f ' '181 "erate person, Joe compiled. Richard Roderick CHOCOLATES

aD outstanding football record 600 Cottage St. 994·7439

lUlder coach Jim Sullivan at $20 New Bedford ~merset. Played basketball for Mr. &; MFS. Donat Britland, Tom Surns and was a member .John Castanho. c§ Jim White's track team, after $15 spending two' seasons with Sul­ Jebl'l Franco, Arnold Martin, livan's baseball squad. Alvin S. Rego. Fsur-Letter Man 1ft baseball, Sullivan used SD­ .,,- fer his defensive prowess, BEFORE YOU mserting Joe in the late inninl!ll , BUY - TRY BY JOE MIRANDA







Mr. & Mrs. Arnold CampclS, MaFia Pacheeo & Mrs. Arthur Caouette, $15 Mr. &; Mrs. Fred Chlebek, Alice J'eseph Medeiros, Manuel Vll­ F, Crowley, John' A. Diskin $30 Mr. &; Mrs. James Finglas, Mr. veiros, Manuel Mendes Helen &; Alice Weglowskn &: Mrs. Raymond Fisette, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Walter KCICOtl Mrs. Albert Gagnon, Mrs. Louis $25 Greenburg, The Malloy Family , Janet W. Kaszynski

Mil'. &; Mrs. Paul Ill. Martin, Mr., Alexander Kocon &I io-

Mr. &: Mrs. Willi'<lm McPartland,

lleph Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Medeiros, Mr. Anonymous

&, Mrs. James Nichols, Frederick"

.A Friend Pe2cock

Mr. & Mrs. Walter Dedll Lucy Peacock, :Mr. &; Mrs.

lVIr. &: Mrs. Henry Paruch Charles Perreira, Mr. &; Mrs.

$20 Roger Perrault, Mr. & Mrs. Wal­ .Jean Drzal, Mr. & Mrs. WiI­ ter Pierce, Mr. & Mrs. Frank ..... Wolowiec, Stanley Kudla­ Rego , elk, Mr. & Mrs. Walter Wojcik. Mr. & Mrs. Paul Ridge, Mrs. $17 Mary Simmop.s, Mr. & Mrs. Louis Mr. &; Mrs. Andrew Gosel­ IIlinld, Bertha Pitera, Mr. &; :MIlL . Viveiros, lib. &: Mis. Albert Wil­ liamB Antbo~ Zaczkicwi~





and Burners


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992-5534 ~


A Mothe,'s Day TlJ'eat


famous for




Heating Oils



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2'4'~ "THE ANCH:OR~ ,

,Thurs., May 11, 1967

S'pecial Gi'fts Conti?ued from Page Three

, 'Fall RiveII' $1000

Fall River\Trust Co.

A Friend


Swan Finishing Co.


Fall River Gas' Company

Mason Furniture Co.

J. A. Schroeder Construction,



Mr. & Mrs. James E. Bullock

$300 First Federal Savings & Loan A Friend Fall River Five Cent Savings Bank Fall River Savings Bank

$250 Gerald McNally Construction Co.

• $200


,.i\ilen's" Cut ,Rate"

Darwood Mfg. CO.

F. R. . Luggage & Novelty· Workers Local No. 65 Poirier Rambler , Fall River Steam & Gas Pipe Co. Fall River Permanent Fire­ men's Benefit Assn. Draper Sears & Co. Lamport Company Laura Curtain & Drapery,Co., Inc. Lion Automotive Stores, Inc. AI's Tire Shop Feldman Furniture Co. Valcourt Hardware Co. Joh;. P.Slade & Son Coronet Print, Inc. Quequechan Products Corp. Albert G. Pierce Fall River Florist Supply Co. Ray's Auto Radiator Works Engine Service & Supply, Inc: Motor Truck Sales, Inc. Sullivan Motor' Sales, Inc. Esquire Package Store S. A. Ross High Point Paper Box Corp. A Friend A. Soloff & Son, Inc.


Anderson-Little Co., Inc. Newport Finishing Co. Knights of Coiumbus - Fall River Council No. 86

De Witt ADimal Hospital

$56 DeBlois Oil Company The ,Mason BQx C~. A: T. Parker, & Co.


Bergh Bros.


'Mr. & Mrs. Joseph lLeviLI '

Albert Morawski


Bernier Drug . $%5' St. Mary's Parish Guild Frenchie's Service Station Gibney's Wheel Alignment Service.

Michael A. Vigorito·

CYAO-Attleboro Area

Alice's Shop

Israel Franklin

Frank M. Miller & Son, Inc.

Metal Spin-Craft, Inc.

Gertrude McCue

A Friend

Ethel Rounds

$20 RotarY' Club of NOl·th Attleboro H. F. Barrows Co.

Mr. & Mrs. Harvey Gay

Dr. M. D. Grant

, $20

Wolfson & Zalkind & Co.

H. E. Lachance Market T. Elias Fuel Co. Coffee Sam Ind'ustrial Caterers Drobyski Wallpaper Co. The Spectator

, $175 Robert A. Wilcox


, $15

Stafford Furniture Co. Lafayette, Cooperativc Bank

Luso American Macaroni Mfg. Co., Alpert Brothers Inc" Everett $135 Mr & Mrs Michael J.1IIIcMahon Sportswear, Adams Book store, Hall's Music Store. ' $125 Jos,eph A. Cohen, Retail Clerks Dr. Wilham Freeman, '$100 ,Union - RCIA Local No. 1325, Downtown Parking Lots, Pleas­ A' Friend Confirmation Class 1967-St. ar;lt Super Market, Fall River Tool & Die' Co. Anthony of Padua Wilfred Gingras, Sterling J. '0. Neill Supply Co.

Pile' Fabrics Corp:' ', Peerless LilUndry

Fall River Radiator' Works United' Labor Council of'

R. E. Smith' Compahy Gr:eater Fall River M Ii II e n Br~t~ers Jewelers, Norbut Mfg. Co., Inc. Raymond E. Weber, Joseph Na­ Clover Club of Fall River­ deau's Sons ' Friendly ,Sons of St. Patrick Mr. &,Mrs. Francis E. Sulli­ van Taunton" Thomas Walsh Moving Co. , Sl)crry & Medeiros Corp. $500 'Slade Laundry Rel:!d & Barton Foundation Inc. Brady, Electrical Co. $250 Salvo Machinery' Co. Taunton Daily Gazette, Salvo's Golden Fooda $100 Chorlton Foundry ·DrummoIid ·Printirig Co..

Mr, ,Samuel Leviten ~,Big G' Dermody ,Cleaners

Discount Food Stores A Friend

$15 New, Process Twist,'Drill Co.

Fall River Lodge No. 116 BPO' Que'en's Daughters

Elks ' Sanford Electrical, Co.

Sears Roebuck Company


DEDICATION SUNDAY: 'l'he Cathedi~al of Christ the King in Liverpool, the first Catholic Cathedral to ,be wholly , built in this century in England, will be dedicated Sunday. Westminster Cathedral in London, dedicated in 1910, was started in 1895. NC Photo. ' Hanson & Company, Inc. Casey & Sexton Dr. Samuel L. Poplack Capeway Package Store

$70 Jay Vee's, Inc.

, G. Bumila Welding & € o nsL Co., Manny's News





Krew, Inc.


$15 Edgar Dechamplain, Arthur' J .. Dechamplain, Milot TV: Andy's Market, A F~iend, Tremblay Moving and Storage.

North Attleboro

Swank, Inc. St. Vncent de Paul Conference -St. John's Parish

$75 Leach & Garner Co. Leavens Mfg. Co." Inc.

$25 Anson Motors, Inc. Foster Metal Products, lRe. Olive A. Nerney ,

$1500 Creed Rosary, Company

$1000 Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Lambert


Nun Named


$25 Bacon F.elt Company Poole' S'ilver Company Wm. ,P. erowle~' & Sons William Hurley Jr. Octagon Service' Station. Frank R. Pero Insurance Mason Box, Company Leahy's Liquor Store, Inc. Hodgeman Mfg. Co.'

Bristol County Trust Co.

John P. McMahon & Sons 'Inc. $50 Donnelly Painting Ca. Ad vance Frocks C9rp. Corcoran Supply Company A. H~ Leeming & Sons; Inc. U.S. Trunk Co., Inc. Mrs. Arthur J. Shea Holy Name Women's Guild Fall River Emblem Club Morris Levine Holy Rosary ,Women's Guild ~ugene, Pontiff ' Fall River Sheet Mel:ial' Works Somerset Funeral Home' , John F. Stafford Insurance Agency Mr. Harry Gottlieb Dr. Alan 'G. Simpson




Chabot Bros., Monarch Mach­ ine Works Inc., Art's 3~Houl' Cleaners, Franklin Hardware Company, R. S. Gilmore Inc.. Blis~ Insurance Co., Diamond'.

Cafe, L. Grimaldi & Sons, Hair


Mabel Brigham, No. Attleboro Gas Co., AI's Radio & TV Ser­ vice, Davis Electric Co., Fuller Box Co.

Mrs. James Reynolds "Given in Me~ory o~ My Husband, James P. Reynolds" ,

BOCA RATON (NC)-Sister de'la Croix, presidetnt of Mari-'." mount Junior College here, hu', I ' '$147 '

been appointed to the Florida Guests at Madonna Manor

.state Advisory Committee of the, . $100 ' United States Commission 011. Oscar Hillman &, SOnti Civil Rights. She is secreta9' of ' ;Mr.. ,& Mrs. Joseph J. Miconl the Miami diocesan humanrela­ , Sr. ," tionsboard.



love you,



OID-m •• 'n a ••


Regal Floor Covering


Dr. Robert H. Moe

Dr. ;Richard E. Fitton JIr•

Happy Mother's

. $35

Spindle City Dye Worlm



Bernard A. G. Taradash


Raymond S. Thompson

Dr. Benjamin Leavitt

Norman F. Thompson Mrs. Harold S. Buffinton National Contracting Co. 'Frank, N. Wheelock & Sons Travis Furniture Co. 'Elmer C." Slater 'J, C. Roofing Co., Inc: . , ,'Brow~s "Pharmacy , , ,·]deal; Bias ~BincUna! . "':-: ' ,

lFaU River ,',


". ... ;, • '.

"..';: j



, "




•• • • • 1";.,


'1-' .



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..' .


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