
Page 1

First Returns Exceed 1971 First returns from the 114 parishes and one mission, St. Rita's, Marion, added to Special Gift donations bring the total to $318,157.91 in the 1972 Catholic Charities Appeal. "It is most heartening to see the initial parish reports," said Raymond E. Lambert, Sr. of North Attleboro, diocesan lay chairman of this year's Appeal. "It indicates a most favorable response by the people in the parishes to the Most Rev. Daniel A.

Cronin's call for funds to maintain the works of charity, mercy ~nd social service of the the diocese," he noted. Every parish which surpasses its 1971 final total figure in the Appeal in this year's campaign is listed on the Honor Roll. The first parish to attain honor roll status in this year's Appeal is St. Julie Billiart 'of North Dartmouth with a total of $5,648.11 up to this date. The second parish to "go over the top" in attaining honor roll status

this year is Sacred' Hearts, Fairhaven, with a total of $968.50 already. It is foreseen that many more parishes will be on the Honor Roll. Last year, 90 parishes were honOred on this list. A new plan, inaugurated three years ago, divides the diocese into five areas, \ listing the first five leading parishes in each area. The areas are: Cape Cod and the Islands, the Attleboros, Taunton, New Bedford and Fall River.

Bishop Cronin U.5. Delegate

The ANCHOR An Anchor 01 the Soul, Sure and Firm-Sf. Paul

Fall River, Mass., Thursday, May 11, 1972 ....• 19 © 1972 The Anchor PRICE 10¢ Vo I. 16, .-..0. $4.00 per. year

Communications Day Asks ~an to Search for Truth

Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin, S.T.D., Bishop of· Fall River, is one of nine bishops from the United States who will participate in the forthcoming InterAmerican Bishops Meeting which will take place in Chateauguay Station, P.Q., Canada. The meet· ing will be attended by bishops from Latin America, Canada and the United States, and will discuss two topics, The Christian and Public Affairs, and The Church and Youth. United States representatives will include John Cardinal Krol, Archbishop Leo C. Byrne, Arch-· bishop Coleman F. Carroll, Archbishop Humberto S. Medeiros, and BisQQps Juan A. Arzube, Jo~ seph L. Bernadin,' William D. Borders, and John J. Dougherty. The United States bishops will be accompanied by reSQUrce experts and by the presidents of the Major Superiors of Men, Rev. Paul Boyle, and of Women, Sister Mary Thomas Aquinas Carroll.

VATICAN CITY (NC)-Caught stances, a full understanding." Listeners and viewers, espeil1 a "virtual1ly ceaseless flood" of news and entertainment, man cially Christian, also have a duty MOTHER'S DAY: This mother and child form a pair must search for truth with- "sin- to truth, he said. They must to illustrate the bond of love which is celebrated every cerity and diligence," Pope Paul "meet the aSjault of the mass May. NC Photo. media" using their own judgsaid in his message for World ment and freedom to find the Communications Day. The' theme of this year's ob- truth. In entertainment, as well as servance-scheduled for' Sunday, May 14-is "The Instruments of news, the Pope said, "truth reWASHINGTON (NC)-An of- of where people live and not Social Communication at the mains a vitally important thing," -and the viewer must not "allow ficial of the United States Cath- how many people there are. Service of Truth." olic Conference (USCC) told a his critical faculty to be lulled t6 John E. Cosgrove, director/,of In his 1,700 word statement,. congressional committee that the USCe's social developm~nt Pope Paul said that the obliga- sleep." the nation's population problem department, told the House PubPope Paul said that while "due tion to s'earch for truth rests Tum to Page Two should be tackled on the basis lic Works Committee that the with both communications and real pr-oblem "is not the total. the listeners and viewers of size of our population" since ~~e news and· entertainment. economy usually produces a surWhile "it is not always easy plus of food and fibet;: to grasp the truth in its entirety Tum to Page Two ..." the Pope said, "given the combined diligence. and combined sincerity of the person "Tell the religious to have a little altar boy" has become in- bishop, is that an integration of who communicates the fact and sense of ecclesia, a sense of the volved, in this post-Vatican II educational efforts in teaching the person to whom it is com· Bishop Cronin cordially invites , era, in the work .of teaching the the faith is needed in the diocese. municated, there is very good Church!" all the clergy, 'religious and faith. This was the message Plans Survey brought guarantee that 'the truth, the The Fall River Diocese, he He announced that it is in- laity of the Diocese . to par-, whole truth and nothing but the from Pope Paul VI by Most Rev. said, has had "fin admirable hisBishop Daniel tended A. Cronin when that a study will begin ticipate in the priestly ordination truth' will be safely transmitted." of Rev. Mr. George C. Bellenoit, The difficulty in communicat- the prelate addressed the .17th tory of preaching the word of soon in the diocese and that 'it Rev. Mr. Marcel H. Bouchard, God, and a comforting response." will involve a survey of Catholic ing truth becomes even "more annual Catholic Teachers' CoriHowever, he emphasized, times schools, CCD, adult education Rev. Mr. Timothy J. Goldrick onerous," Pope Paul said, in the vention at Bishop Feehan High change and a different response programs and the campuses. and Rev. Mr. Daniel F. Hoye in School, Attleboro. case of religious news. .Bishop Cronin, who recently is demanded. While the impor- "1m thinking in terms of the St. Mary's Cathedral, Fall River, "A religious event cannot be had a private audience with the tance of the Catholic schools can young and the old-in terms of on Saturday afternoon, May 13 adequately understood as long pontiff, said the message applied never be minim~ed and while the whole teaching of the' at 2 o'clock. as it is considered in its merely equally well to the laity involved they must be preserved insofar Church." All priests present are invited human implications, whether in the CCD programs to whom as possible, the bishop declared As the study of the integration to take part in the laying of psychological or sociological," he extended "extraordinary grat- that the realities are that -a num- of the work of priests, religious hands in the ordination rite. They he said. ber of schools h,ave. closed or and laity gets underway, Bishop are to be -vested in cassock and itude" Religious' teachers, members will be closed, that vocations are Cronin urged that all "continue surplice or Mass vestments. Reporting such events, the Pontiff said, "requires something of the clergy and CCD instruc- lacking to the sisterhood, and to help in the mission" of teachPriests wishing to concelebrate beyond mere professional com- _tors attended the parley together there are other crises, both per- ing. petence. It requires the illumina- for the first time, and the bishop sonal and institutional, all of He toli! some 1.000 attending with Bishop Cronin are asked to tion of faith which alone' can noted that "the' whole Church which demand a new response. the second day of the two-day bring am ice, alb, cincture and What this means, declared the stole. offer, at least in some circum- of God, from the Pope to the Tum to Page eleven

Problem One of Location'

Bishop Cronin States Plans for Survey Of .Religious Education in .Diocese






,_ THE ANCHOR:-Diocese otEall..:IHve.r-Thu:r;,· M,ay- 1);J.972 . . . . -



, Attleboro Area

New Bedfol'd Ar~a

Our Lady of Victory 5,394.95 Falmouth-St. Patrick 4,110.00 Hyannis-;St. Francis Xavier' 5,859.00 Oak Bluffs-Sacred Heart 759.00 Osterville-Assumption 4,135.10 South YarmouthSt. Pius X 6,431.99 West 'HarwichHoly Trinity 3,748.00

New Bedford-' Holy Name . $5,352.00 Assumption 394.00 . 10,255.75' Mt. Carmel' Sacred Heart 1,701.15 1,488.75 St. Anne St. Antbony of Padua 2,699.00 St. Boniface 275.00 St. Hedwig 902.00 St: Hyacinth 793.00 ' St. James 7,120'.00 St. Johll the Baptist 3;2{,;1.50 St. Kilian 2,156.00 St. Lawrence 4,526.44 St. Mary 5,970.25 1,767.50 St. Theresa' . ;. Acushnet. 2,641.40 St. Francis Xavier, Fairhaven- '. 7,428.00 St. Joseph 968.50 Sacred Hearts \ Mattapoisett3,727.50 St. Anthony; North Dartmouth5,648.11 St. Julie South Dartmouth2,766..50 St. Mary Wareham-St. Patl'iek 4,264.00 Westport-St. George 3,728.00 '1,717.00 Marion-St. Rita

Fall River Area

Taunton Area

Attleboro-+Holy, Ghost . St~ John St. Mark St. Stephen St. Theresa Mansfield-St. Mary North Atttleboro"Sacred Heart .... St. Mary ' .., Norton-St. Mary Seekonk-:"Mt. Carmel


5,482.75 5,825.50 5,365.00 3,138.50 6,482.00 2,007.00 1,416.00 1,875.00 7,130.50

Cape & Islands Area BtewsterO. Lady of the Cape $3,419.45 Buzzards BaySt. Margaret 4,259.50 Ce.ntervill~

Fall RiverTaunton'St, Mary $11,226.00 '681.00 Holy Rosary Espirito. Santo . 1,397.00 Immacl,lJ. Conception 4,685.76 Holy Cross 1,290.50 4;893.00 Sacred Heart . . Holy Name 10,016.50 4,652.25 St. Joseph Notre Dame 5,029,00 5,445.00 St. Mary O. L. of, the Angels. 12,247.00 2,698.00 St. Paul Holy Rosary '2,248.00 Dighton-St. Peter 1,188.00 Immac. Conception 3,904.77 North DightonSacred' Heart 6,828.50 St. Joseph -', . - 1,613.00 St. Ant. of the Desert 1,234.00 Raynham-St. Ann 2,307.00 St. Anthony of Padua 2,355.00 South EastonSt. Elizabeth . 479.00 2,439.00· Holy Cross St. J:ohn the Baptist 2,563.00 St. Joseph 4,654.00 St. Louis 1,500.00 St. Michael 4,591.50 St. Patrick 3,241.00 Continued from Page One SS. Peter & Paul . 5,115.50 Rather, he said,· it. is' concenSt. Roch 1,373.00 . tration of an estimated 70 per St. Stanislaus 3,488.00 cent of the population' in three St. William 3,065.30 areas that are or will' soon be Santo Christo 990.00 megalopolises~' the: BostonAssonet-:-St. Bernard' ·2,017.00 Washington, New Y(lrk-~hicago Central Village. and Los Angeles-San Diego belts. St. John Baptist 2,282.00 Cosgrove recommended implementation of sections of the 1965 North WestportOur Lady of Grace 2,322.00 Public Works and Economic DeSomersetvelopment Act Whic:'il. call for St. John of God 4,473.50 regional commission!?· to stimuSt. Patrick 5,532.00 late industry and job opportuni..8,314.00. ties across the nation beyond St. Thomas More Swansea-. . . t~e three intensive..population' Our Lady of Fatima 4,778.40 belts. ·St. Louis ·of France 3,743.00 He said inaction i:i1 carrying out the. act remind him of a line the 'British Catholic author .; .": Necrology .'. .. from OX Chesterto.n; who' replied when asked if Christianity had. '. MAY,12·. been tried and: .found wan~ing: Rev. John' F.. daValles, 1920, "No, it was found di:fficult and Chaplain, United States Army not trieu." . MAY 13 Incorrect Rt.. Rev. Osias Boucher' '1955 . Pastor, Blesse'd Sacramedt; Fali Stressing the' impo,rtance of River regional planning and develop·· MAY 16 ment, Cosgrove told th'e commitRev. William McDonald, SS., tee that the USCC and its par. 1941, St. Patrick, Falmouth' ent, the American Catholic hierRt. Rev. J. Joseph Sullivan, archy "reject as' soci~illy incorP.R., 1960, Pastor, Sacred Heart, r.ect and morally wrong 'soluFall River . tions' whichwould impair family MAY 17 life, individual dignity or the Most Rev. James E. Cassidy, rights of the unborn." D.D., 1951, 3rd Bishop of Fall He said the preside:'1tiil1 popRiver, 1934-51. ulation commission's recent report, which endorsed abortion as population curb, concen· THE ANCHOR trated too much on problems inSecond Class Postage Paid at Fall River. Mass. Published every Thursday at. 410 volving total population size and Highland Avenue. Fall River. Mass. O~722 growth "among other failings" by the Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River. Subscription price by mail, postpaid in the report. $4.00 per yell.

Problem Is' Place


A'ttleboro Area Seekonk-Mt. Car!!1el $7,130.50 Mansfield-St. Mary 6,482.00 Attleboro- ' 5,825.50 St. Mark 5,482.75 St. John 5,365.00 St. Stephen

Cape & Islands Area South YarmouthSt. Pius X Hyannis:St. Francis Xavier

$6,431.99 5,859.00


Our Lady of Victory 5,394.95 Buzzards BaySt. Margaret 4,259.50 Osterville-Assumption 4,135.10

Fall River Area Fall RiverOur Lady of Angels . St. Mary Cathedral Holy Name Sacred Heart SomersetSt. Thomas M~re

$12,247.00 11,226.00 10,016.50 . 6,828.50 8,314.00

New ·Bedford Area

New BedfordMt. Carmel $10,255.75 St. James 7,120.00 St. Mary 5,970.25 Fairhaven':""St. Joseph 7,428.00 North DartmouthSt. Julie 5,648.11

Taunton Area

WO~LD COMMUNI[CATlONS DAY: The. Pontifical Commission for Social Communications Day has designated ~unday May~4 a~ World Communieati<;>lls Day and the mterest of the Church in the news media is evidenced in the above photo of Vatican Radio with its huge tower in the form of a cross which beams its message in more than two dozen languages to a global audience. NC Photo.

World Communicat~ions Day Continued from Page One acceptance must be given to the comept of artisHc freedom ... true art, in fact, is one of the noblest expressions of the truth." "The modern instruments of social communication," the Pope said, "are the great new means available to Christians by which they may fulfill their obligation of witnessing to and serving the truth." . .--.

"We wish," Pope Paul con· duded, ",those priests, Religious and laity who serve their brothers tJ?rough the instruments of social communication to know that. they have our approval and encouragement, for their efforts are. guiding their fellows to an encounter with 'the true light which _enlightens every man' (John, 1, H).;'

Taunton' St. Mary $5,445.00 Sacred Heart 4,893.00 Immac. Conception 4,685.76 . 4,652.25 . St. Joseph St. Paul .2,698.00 ' .... j

Says Christ Goal, Source of Renewal VATICAN CITY (NC) - Jesus Christ "ultimately is the pne source, the one center, the one goal of all renewal," Pope Paul VI told members of Fatner Riccardo Lombardi's Movement for a Better World at an audience. .---

Michael C. Austin Inc.

Funeral Service Edward F. Carney 549 County Street .New Bedfo.rd 999-6222 Serving the area since 1921

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Special Gifts Cape Cod -Islands $500 St. Vincent de Paul Conference, St. Francis Xavier, Hyannis St. Vincent de Paul Conference, St. Margaret, Buzzards Bay $200. St. Vincent de Paul Conference, Holy Redeemer, Chatham $100 St. Vincent de Paul Conference, St. Peter, Provincetown St. Vincent de Paul Conference,Our Lady of Victory, Centerville St. Vincent de Paul Conference, St. Joseph, Woods Hole Patti's Rib House Restaurant, West Dennis Foley Construction Company, So. Yarmouth $50 Guild of Perpetual Help Mission, Our Lady of Lourdes, Wellfleet St. Vincent de Paul Conference, Our Lady of Lourdes, Wellfleet Our Lady of Lourdes Guild, Wellfleet St. Augustine GUild, Vineyard Haven St. Vincent de Paul Conference, St. Augustine, Vineyard Haven $35 McCormack's Pharmacy, So. Yarmouth Finley's Package Store, West Dennis $30 Ray's B~rber Shop, So. Yarmouth Canal Electrical Co., Buzzards Bay $25 Bass River Auto Sales, South Yarmouth Screencraft ProduCts, West Yarmouth Doane Beal & Ames Funeral Service, So. Yarmouth West Dennis Pharmacy Fruean Electric, So. Yarmouth Wayside Studio Printing, So. Yarmouth St. Vincent de Paul Conference,Holy Trinity, West Harwich Angelo's Supermarket, So. Yarmouth Mike's Package Store, Buzzards Bay

Taunton $550 Reed & Barton Foundation . $250 Rennie Mfg. Corp. $200 Taunton Particular· Council Society of St. Vincent de Paul Holy Family Conf.-Societyof St. Vincent de Paul, Taunton $150 Immaculate Conception Con- .' ference-Society of St. Vincent de Paul, Taunton $125 Atty & Mrs. Richard K. Martin .$100 Thomas E. Donelan Charles E. Hoye, M.D. Maurice N. Lagace, M.D. McCabe Sand & Gravel Dr. Robert F. Mealy Joseph F. Nates, M.D. Nu-Brite Chemical Co. Alfred S. O'Keefe Queen's Daughters $75

Holy Name Society, St. Joseph TauQton $50 Dr. Henry Alves, Jr. Dottie's Beauty Salon Mr: & Mrs. William T. Hurley


tHE ANCHORrhurs., . May 11, 1972

National $600 Fathers of the Sacred Hearts $liOO . Rev. Msgr. Francis McKeQn $310 In Memory of Rev. Msgr. }latrick H. Hurley $300 Our Lady's Chapel $250 Very Rev. Thomas J. Harrington $200 Rev Msgr Joseph A. Cournoyer $50


In Memory of Katherine Ma,ra Shalloo $25 Kirkpatrick Co., Pawtucket, R. I.


GATHERING NEWS EMBODIES MANY RESOURCES: Communications media combine cameras, sound, pencil and paper to bring the world's news to people around the world is attested by the above scene as coverage for an airplane hijacking is completed by a group of reporters in Frankfurt, Germany. NC Photo.

St.. Anne's School of Nursing Graduation May 25 St. Anne's School of Nursing, Fall River, will graduate its last class at ceremonies planned for 4 o'clock Thursday afternoon, May 25, in St. Anne's Church. Bishop James L. Connolly will preside. Future classes at St. Anne's Hospital will graduate from the newly formed Fall River Diploma School of Nursing, which also includes students from Union and Truesdale Hospitals in Fall River. A White Mass in St. Anne's

Hospital chapel at 11 Thursday ·morning will precede the graduation exercises. A buffet and class day exercises will follow Mass' and will be held at the School of Nursing, 243 Forest Street. 21 to Graduate The class numbers 21 graduates, including 16 from the Fall River Diocese. They are Joyce Benoit, Fairhaven; Charlotte Bergeron, North Dartmouth; Anne Guimond, Sister Theresa Marie Mazzoleni, Denise Olson, Joanne

Roberts, Fall River; Patricia McCat:m, Susan McMahon, Susan DeForitis, Taunton; Claudette Boutin, Acushnet. Also Nancy Fragosa, Vineyard Haven; Ann Mallory, North Easton; Linda Martin, West Yarmouth; Maureen Roza, Westport; Debra Sabatino, Somerset; Rose St. Germain, New Bedford. Joanne Caron, Lowell; Patricia Cavaco, East Providence; Mary Craven, Hanson, Mass.; Elizabeth Hessert, Bangor, Me.; Anne Marie Russo, New Rochelle, N. Y.

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An audience with His Holiness, Pope Paul VI, is scheduled, as well as a comprehensive tour of Vatican City. These are only a few of the high spots! Write or call today r- 'or your detailed itinerary' - , Rev. Adrien E. Bernier (phone I I St. Anne Rectory I 890 Brock Avenue 997- I I New Bedford, Mass. 02744 9271) I




Dear Father. Please sond your colorful folder:

Nom. Addr






Parish Gifts

THE :.\NCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur., May 11, 19,72

Special -Gifts

Buzzards B~y

Paui W. Scanlan


$50 Women's Guild of Immaculate Conception, Taunton Cornelius J. Murphy Insurance Agency Stone Charitable Foundation J. R. Tallman & Co. Taunton Printing Co. Turin's Wash & Shop Allen M. Walker & Co.

$35 Mt. Hope Machinery Co. . Taunton Stove Co.



New Bedford



Atty. Philip Assiran \ Bacon Felt Co. Dr. William E. Barnes Blink's Cafe, Inc. Bugle Buick-Opel, Inc. Coronet Awning Mfg. Co: Henry G. Crapo ' Stephen & Claire Crosby Ralph Cutillo 'W. Palma Dickerman Dr. Anthony N. Elias Hanson. & Co., Inc. Holy Rosary ,Children of Mary / Sodality Daughters' of Isabella J. & B. Catering Joseph E. Keough Fruit & Produce . Joseph F. McCauley Mrs. Josephine McCormick Memorial to Edward & Isabell Murby , Octagon Servfce Station Joseph F. O'Neil Orsi Brothers ' .' : Poole Silver Co., Inc. Powers Pontiac, Inc. John R. Richards .Monuments Sheridan Silver Co. ," '. : Gilbert' F. SimmonsI~sur;nce Agency , . ' , St. Germain & Son ; Our Lady of' Lourdes Conference-Society' of St. Vincent' de: Paul ,,' Taunton Guild of'Catholic' . Nurses . Taunton Sportswear' Manu-' facturing Corp. ' Weir Auto Sales

'Attleboro $1200 . Mr & Mrs Raymond E. Lambert


$400 $350'


Mr. & Mrs. Tony Viera Mr. & Mrs. Frank Lopes In Memory of James J. 'Tamagini Mrs. John Burns Mr. & Mrs. William Bennett : Mr. & Mrs. Harry Robbins Mr. &. Mrs. Gordon Oliosi

Dr. Albert G.· Hamel

$250 " Catholic Women's ,Club'



Giusti Baking Co. Dames de St. Anne, St. Joseph Parish ~ Enfants de Marie, St. Joseph Parish . Ligue du Sacre Coeur, St. Joseph Parish Sullivan & Foster



Capt. Frank's

$100 New Bedford and Acushnet Cooperative Bank Mrs. Mark Duff , ,Gt:enach~ Irtsurance Agency, Inc. ILGU, Local No. 361 ..' Chanib~rlain Mfg. Corp. 'Cfiftex .Clothing Co., Inc. Ernest Flood, Insurance


COMMUNICATORS-nUTY AND SAFETY: As Pope Paul's pastoral "Communications: A Pastoral Instruction 0[1 the Media,P:ublic Opinion and Human Progress" mentions, the' saf~ty of the communicator is vital to his gathering of n~ws" An"N,"<;:photogl'apher spots UPI staff photographer Dave, Rennerly covering South Vietnam.., :


. $50

. Loretta Lamarre' Alden Corrugated Container Corp.., , ~e,a 'Fqod Dealers Assoc. J.B. Lumber Co. CQastal, Fisheries Sea Vie~ Fillet

" '


Glaser Morris Glass Co.


Fall River Trust Co.


$400' St. Vincent, de Paul SocietyPa.rticular' Council


Southeastern Bank 8: Trust Co.


A ttleboro Printing & Embossing Co.



Mr. & Mrs. James E. Bullock Mr. & Mrs. John R. McGinn (Leary Press) ,. Fall River Gas Company J' & J Corrug~ted Box Corp.


Mr. & Mrs. Richard Dobbins

American Press-Lithographer

$50 .



Willis-MacKinnon Insurance Bergh. Bros. .


$35 Miss Katherine Fernandes

N. B. Five Cent Sa·~ings. Bank



$50 Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Dechene Mr. & Mrs. Maurice R. Savage Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Lopes Mr. & Mrs. John Gray Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Sweeney A Friend Mrs. E. Curtis Hall Mr. & Mrs: Paul Govoni Colombo Cristojori

The First Nationa'!' Bank of New Bedford

Perfection Oil Co. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Wright Warren Brothers Co. Mr. & Mrs.' Joseph J. Miconi, , Acushnet Saw Mill Co. S~ . Gaudette's Pavilian, ·Inc. $300 Bett~ncourtPharmacy Texas 'Instruments Mathiew J>harmacy Particular Council of AttleCentral Pharmacy boro-Society of St. Vincen:t de ' Stott Funeral Home Paul ' Dr. William L. Jenn1; $250 Humphrey, 'Covil &. Coleman , Mr. &. Mrs. Fritz Ulmscimeider' Inc. ' ' , Seekonk J3radley& Hailiwell! Machine $200 Co., Inc. . First Bristc;>l County 'National Lesco's Wholesale Tobacco & Bank . ' Candy : $125 Atty. Raymond Mitchell Donley Mfg. Co. ' Jay and Be~ Fillett Co. $100 J. F. St. Aubin Co; Cumberland Engineering Co. N. B. Fillet C<;>., Inc. Leavens ,Manufacting Co. " Leach & Garner Co., Fall River Mr. & Mrs. Leo J. Lachance $1200 Doran &, Johnson Mfg, Corp. Fall River Electric Light Co. Sadie: Bros. Inc. Standard Plastics Co., Inc.

$150 Rev. John F. Andrews


Silverstein Family Start'

' .

Rev. John G. Carroll

Mr. & Mrs. John Riha


Krew;' Inc;



MacDonald Moving' & Storage Co. Falls Shopping Center State Line Scrap Co. Michael A. Vigorito & Son' Plastic Craft Novelty , AI's Radio & TV Service Clover Super Market Mason Bo?, Co. Hendricks Pools, Seekonk,' Seekonk Oil Co. Read's, Dairy, Inc. Seekonk

Community Paint Co. Holy Rosary Conference-Society of St. Vincent de Paul



Charles Thomae &: Son, Inc, Leedham Hardware:, '


Fall River Savings Bank Union Savings Bank



General Cleaning Company Newport !Finishing Corp. Robert Ai.. Wilcox Catholic Women's Club I


Midland Print Works . Arkwright Finishing Div. United Merchants ,& ~Mfg:, Inc.

$145 ' .

Mr. & Mrs. Michael" J. McMahon

$125 ' Chace Mills Curtain Co., Inc.

$100 ' D & D S:ales' & Service Th,)mas Walsh Moving Co. Aluminum Processing Corp. Radio Station WALE Ch)r!ton 'Foundry Co:tdnial Wholesale Beverage Motor'Truck Sales Co. Borden & Remington Co. Swansea Construction Co. Inc. " St Vincent de Paul Salvage Bure~lu-East -Main St. ' Atty. &' Mrs. John B. Cum~ingi> ' Ws,rwick . Zayre Department Store

$75 Roma Chemical, Color Div. United Merchants & Mfg., Inc.

, $60 John F. 1'4cMahon & Son

, $50 Fall River Emblem Club San-Taro Mfg. Corp. Regal Floor Covering , Holy Rosary Women's Guild Flynn's Package Store, Inc. DUl'fee-Buffinton insurance Almeida Eiectrical, Inc.

, Advance Frocks Corp. St.Patrick' Women's Guild; Fall Riv~I', ',Tri-City: Office, Equipment • Corp. Spindle .City Dye Works LeComte's Dairy Slater Paper Box

$40 Poirier Lincoln-Mercury-Ameri,can

$30 Swansea Rest Home East Main, Hardware'

$25 .Green's Storage Warehouse ' Pilgr:im Casket Co. Travis IF"ur~iture Co., Inc. Magonrs Ferry Lllnding . Nebel Heating Corp. Leonard's Package Store, Inc. , Somerset Speed Equipment Somerset Motel J .. C. Roofing Co., Inc. Esquire ,Package Store S. A. Ross The Longhorn Restaurant Apex Shade Co. -Tom Beedem Co. Mr. & Mrs. John P. Dwyer . .F., R. .Luggage & Novelty, Workers' Local No. 65 Joan 'Fabrics J. Fred Beckett & Son Building Materials Co.' John's shoe Store . Eastern TV Sales & Service Albert G. Pierce Darwood Mfg. Co. Everett Motors LamPort Company , St. Joseph's Women's Guild Hayden Electric

Reward He who wishes to secure the good of others has already secured his Clwn. --Confucius

Mr. & Mrs. Keith Songer, Mr. & Mrs. Walter J. Eno, Mr. &. Mrs. Joseph Lopes, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Andrews, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Dias .. Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Landry, Mr. & Mrs. Gildo Cubellis, Mr. & Mrs. Stetson Griffith, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Ehmann Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Henry Nickerson Mr. & Mrs.· Bernard Burns george .Gagnon, ,Dorl?thy Pina: 'Mr. "&"Mrs: Philip McEnfee~'·Mr. & Mrs. Joseph 'Oliva' ''''-, " Mr.' & ~rs. F. V. Lips, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Gauvin, Mr. & Mrs. Edwin J. Keleher, Mr. & Mrs. George Bradbury, Mr.' &' Mrs. Loui~ Roudelette , Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Perry, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Wenzel, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Ehmann, Mr. & Mrs. Jo~n Garrity, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Curley 'Mr. '& Mrs. John J. O'Connell Mr: & Mrs. Charles H. Fuller: Mr. & Mrs. James Lopes, Mr. & Mrs: Glen Monteiro, In Memory of James & Rose Chantre ._ , The MacCormack Fai,nily, Martha Monaghan, A. Clayson Tucy, Mr. & Mrs. Earl Reynolds, Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Sheehan Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Nee, Mr. & Mrs. Oliver Garneau, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Sweeney, Mr.'& Mrs. John H. Karl, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel G. Fernandes , A Friend, Mr. & Mrs. Fred McComiskey,Mr. & Mrs. Charles Ellis,: Mrs. John Mulhall, Andrew & Kathleen Lynam Doris E. Samson, Mrs. William E: Reagan, Mrs. George Gibson, Mr. & Mrs. Michael Della Femina, Mr. & Mrs. David Fannon Nicholas Puorro, Mr. & Mrs. Armand Bedard


SHELL HEATING OILS South • Sea Streets Tel. 49·81 Hyannis

CenterviUe OUR LADY OF VICTORY $150 ;VIr. & Mrs. James E. l\1urphY $125 Mr. & Mrs. William O'Toole $100 Dr. & Mrs. John Curran Mr. & Mrs. John Norton Dr. & Mrs. Austin O'Malley Mr. & Mrs. Rene L. Poyant Mr. & Mrs. William Prior $75 Mr. & Mrs. John Dean Mr. & Mrs. John J. Pendergast, Sr. $60 Mr. & Mrs. Francis Green Mr. & Mrs. Bernard O'Reilly $50 Rev. Edward E. Correia Mr. & Mrs. Robert. Bancroft Mr. & Mrs. Philip Boucher Mr. & Mrs. ,Ioseph Cairns Mr. & Mrs. Leo Cushing Dr. & Mrs. James H. Johnson, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Anthony DeCrosta Mrs. Thomas J. 'Kennedy Margaret M. Macpherson Mr. & Mrs. Charles L. Maher Judge & Mrs. Henry Murphy Marea Sefton Dr. & Mrs. Alfred J. Sheehy $35 Mr. & Mrs. Armand Goulet Mr. & Mrs. Valmore Guertin Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Silvestri $31 Mrs. Olavi Wiinikainen $30 Kalliope G.· Garaufes Mr. & Mrs. James P. Jones Mr. & Mrs. John Murphy Mrs. Graham Scudder '$25 ., .',.I . '. Mr..&Mrs.- John.·F. Aylmer, ir. ·Mrs. Harold Bragi~, Mr. & Mrs. William B. Cadogan, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Cannon, Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Childs Mr. & Mrs. Michael Conlon, Mr. & Mrs. Bento Correia, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Crowley, ·Mr. & Mrs. Ernest DeForge, Mr. & Mrs. Armand. DeFulgentiis Mrs.' Arline Donelan, Mr. &: Mrs. James Duane, Mr. & Mrs: Donald Duquette, Mr. & Mrs." Robert Elliott, .Mrs. Matthew Finn Mrs. George Garoufes, Mr. & Mrs. Paul Garrity, Mr. & Mrs. James C. Gordon, Mrs. Albert Harkins, Mr. & Mrs. Hetterman Mr. & Mrs. Leonard M. Higgins, Mrs. Arminda Keyes, Mr. & Mrs. Emil Labelle, Mrs. Arthur Linnell, Mrs. Wray ,Lockwood, Mr. & Mrs. Charles MacAleese ' Mr. & Mrs: Edward Mara, Dr. & Mrs. Thomas Martone, Mr. & Mrs. Timothy McCarthy, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph F. Molineaux Mrs. William MullinS, Mr. & Mrs. Howard Munroe, Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Noonan, Mr. and Mrs. Ubaldo Nugnes, Mr & Mrs Austin O'Blenis Mr. & Mrs. Stephen O'Brien, Sr., Mary L. O'Connor, Dr. Robert J. O'Doherty, Edward O'Neill, Mr. & Mrs. John J. Pendergast Jr. Marcel R. Poyant, Frederick Roche, Mr. & Mrs. Albert Scaramelli, Mrs. Jean Schneckloth, Mr. & Mrs. John F. Sweeney Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Terry, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Tynan, Mr. & Mrs. Francis Walsh, Mr. & Mrs. Frank G. Williams, Mr. & Mrs. Bruce E. Yakola Dr. & Mrs. Karol B. ZieHnski, Mrs. K. R. Liston, Mr. & Mrs. Homer A. Phinney ~


THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur., May 11,'1972


& Amelia Leconte, Mr, Joseph L. Normanc., In Memory of

ST. FRANCiS XAVIER $40 Mr. & Mrs. Walter J. Bobola Mr. & Mrs. Roland J. LaBossiere $35 Mr. & Mrs. Richard H. Barry $30 Mr. & Mrs. James M. Haworth In Memory of Alfred A. Langlois Mr. & Mrs. Raymond J. LeBlanc $25 Mr. & Mn Rodolphe Arcouette Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Nelson Girard, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Jardin

Henry Phaneuf Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Pimental, Mr. & Mrs.' Leo Ricard, T.he Sleights, Mr. & Mrs. William F. Taylor

','t't,"'}."': '., ,

,' it ,.

. J •'

Dighton ST. PETER $100 Montfort Fathers James B. Murphy $25 Dr. & Mrs. Charles Souza, Mr. & Mrs. Norman K. Smith, Mr. & Mrs. William Grover, John Pelletier


,,'j, ~.

"-"",, , ' {

COMMUNICATIONS-A BATTLE AGAINST ILLITERACY: This man in Bolivia has a direct link with the outside world via special informational radio programs designed by mission groups and others to teach him in his home. NC Photo.

Brewster OUR LADY OF THE CAPE $Hf} Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Fowler Francis & Louise Sweeney $80 7th & 8th Grade CCD Students $50 Dorothy ColIins/ ' Mr. & Mrs. John Sheehan Mr. & Mrs. B. Rasmusen Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Guertin Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Baty $40 Mr. & Mrs.~Jaines Besso , $30 Helen Mullen & Mary Nolan Mr. & Mrs. M. Packett $25 Mr. & Mrs. Gerald McCarthy, Mr. William Kenney, Mr., &- Mrs. Roy Kendall, Margaret Blake, Mr. & Mrs. C. Hayes Mr. & Mrs. J. Callahan, Mr. & Mrs. James White, Mr. & Mrs. M.Wall, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Baronousky, Mr, ,& Mrs: George JohnSon Mrs: Marion Sullivan, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur,Marr, Miss Elizabeth Curran, Mr. & Mrs. James Conlon, Mr: & Mrs: Fred Welch, Mr. & Mrs. James R. Julian

Wareham ST. PATRICK $600 Rev Msgr. Robert L. Stanton $500 St. Vincent de Paul Society $175 Mrs. Mary Stott $100 Mr. & Mrs. Milton King Fr. Callahan K. of C. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Mitchell , $75 Mr. & Mrs. Frank Krystofoiski Mr. & Mrs. Fred Kuppens $50 Mrs. Helen McGlashan Mr. J. A. Clougherty Robert D. Kiernan Wareham's Firemen's Association



Think of the days ahead. Mother's Day is May 14t.h, Father's Day, June·18th. Why not send us your Mass requests right now? Simply list the intentions, and then you can rest assured the Masses will be offered by priests in India, the Holy Land and Ethiopia, who receive no other income.... Remind us to send you infor-. mation about Gregorian Masses, too. You can arrange noy.' to have Gregorian Masses offered for yourself, or for another, after death.

$35 Mr. Desmond ,Murphy . Mr. & Mrs. George St. John $31 Cross Insurance' Co: ,$30 . Have you ever wished you had a son a priest? Mr. John Galligan:' Now you can have a 'priest of your own'-and Mr. & Mrs. Egidie Monteiro share forever in 'all the good he does. • • • Mr. & Mrs. Herman E. Preda Throughout the Ne~r East each year, grateful Mr. & Mrs. James Vicino Jr. A bishops ordain hundreds of new priests trained Mr. &: Mr~. Timothy Walsh FUTURE by people like you..•• Their own families are' $28 PRIEST too poor to support them in training, but goo,d Mr. & Mrs. Miguel Campiilha NEEDS Catholics in America 'adopted' these seminar. $25 YOUR ians, encouraged them all -the way to ordina· Mr. & Mrs. Adolphe' Billotte, HELP tion•••. In some inspiring cases, ,this support Mr. & Mrs. Dino J. Botti, Mr.·& was given at personal sacrifice.••• How can Mrs. Robert Cahoon, Mr. & Mrs. you begin? Write to Us now. We'll send you John J. Callahan, Mrs. James E. the name of a young seminarian Who needs Conroy you, and he will write to you. Make the ,pay' Mr. & Mrs. Michael Cox,. Mr.. ments for his training to suit your convenience John· B. D'Anjou, Mr. &. Mrs. . ':. -, Ralph Greene, Mr. JohnB. ($15.00 a month, or $180 year, or the total Grenda, Miss Margaret Jackson $1,080 all at once). Join your sacrifices to hllij. Mr. & Mrs.. John Maloney,. and 'at every Sacrifice of the Mass, he will Miss Ann Mulhern, Mr. & Mrs. always, remember who made it possible. \William.Nolan, Mr. & Mrs. Edward V. O'Neil" Mrs. Medio Pederzani . In the hands of a thrifty native Sister your gift Mr. & Mrs. Delmo P. Pezzoli, THE in any amount ($1,000, $750, $500, $2~~1 $100, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Precourt, HELPLESS $75, $50, $25, $15, $10, $5, $2) will fill empty Mrs. Barabra Ramsay, Miss Deborah J. Rose. Mr. & Mrs. NEED stomachs with milk; rice, fish and vegetables. Louis E. Rose Jr., Mrs. Ethel YOU ••• If you feel nobody need$ you; help feed Rowe' , . ' hungry boys and girls! , .Mrs. Catherine Russeli, Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Sempos, Mr. & Mrs. Victor C. Silva, Mrs. NellD Dear ENCLOSED PLEASE FIND $ - - -__ son Stephens Monsignor Nolan: FOR Mr. & Mrs. R. Sullivan Sr., _ Mr.. & Mrs. Robert Tassinari, _ Please NAME Miss Laura'Vecchi, Mr. Joseph return coupon Yeager



Oak Bluffs SACRED HEART $125 Rev. Franci:;; M. Coady Mr. & Mrs. Henry Corey $50 A Friend $25 Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Billings, Mrs. James H. Butler, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Davis, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Demont, Rose M Peardon, Mr. & Mrs. Peter Regan


with your offering







TERENCE CARDINAL COOKE, President MSGR. JOHN G. NOLAN, National Secretary Write: CATHOLIC NEAR EAST WELFARE Assoc. 330 Madison Avenue' New'York, N.Y. 10017 Telephone: 212/986· 5840


Diocesan Music .. . Guild' to' Meet Next Tue~day

THE ANCHqR-:-:-piocese.of Fall Riyer-Thur., Mal' 11,1972 .





Religi~'us .EducatioJY;',:.·, ,




At the 17th Annual Catholic' Teachers Coirve:ntion last week, Bishop Cronin stressed' ar~ality that he·,' ~nd the' , ..(, 1",~~".'. bishops of the world have been'poipt~g out time and,' again: , . '~""i""::,~~'ti~1iiiP." every Catholic ,is a teacher. " . ' ! '" ", ~" This.is true not only in the very'important 's~nse that i ~\ each individual influences others 'to' his values by, what he' , ,.'::t: ",' t.,,_ ~ ~" . . :~\~,·u.~.", says and does-or fails to say or do:)t is true: in that the " It_' ',' 'i !~ ¥ ~ .~~, work of teaching Catholicism is' a vocation i!1 which every . ~ , 'l, ... • :i>~" Catholic shares and the' Church-'is calling upon C~iholics '< .~:; now more than ever before to fulfin-lbe role. - ...., , ., . 'i~ 'ill',

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Pope they are the possessors of the faith' and the apostles ~ \" :'t' ' '.';:i ", "f;;" ' ,," spreading it throughout the world, unfolding its implica-., ·m "', ~. tions and ra,mifications, helping men to' apply the ,truths. ,.' ';'.It.:',.,:,:.,,:,, \. CG"O" \\ ~\, '(\a \\(:\'N~ , ... ~'1;,~ , ...... of God to their day by day lives. :"',. __ But the bishops have never said that they:,cgtild"do ;;;;.;~*~f,.~£<i:f· ~\Je'(~~\\\~~"\ ~o'\~ this work alone. They have always ,depended~QJf others. oN'\. IN\.~ ' " ~ D\.' . ~ In recent decades they have been supported in lirge measure dIiiiIl~": by the priests and brothers andsi~ters"by Cathqlk: ~chools .~ c..~'''',\,\\,)\'\~\~~.~ •.. '' at every lev.el. More recently the CCD prograrjis have ," . seen as exceptional vehicles to do the work of bringing the '_.~,.. -.,'."'" '. . ,"~\ "\\ \ truths of the faith to men. Now the presenHlge is seeing ~" " ..' ~ that there are not enough priests and religious to do the' , J~.~ ' ~. ...•. . "":~'ik'" A ~ whole work, not enough schools, not enough CeD programs. "'~ '~' And so Bishop Cronin has called upon each Catholic ~~l), \ '. . . . . I, in the diocese to face his responsibility, without his own ., ... " .,~, '.1~ \ . " family and toward others, in the work of teaching religion. Feast of Asc'«!nsion . A survey will be ,taken' th,roughout the dioce~~ to' se~ how mM:]IK::wm!MWmm*m:ruIww@lml:mnl!&1'CIml:mDf.m~ruW:miHKt1WJi@)illl_m:§m!%f1IT'"kW the 'work of teaching tile faith is being done a~9 wh~t mqre "", e can and should be done. .' 'It will be 'an exciting approach to the whole work of ' religious education. ,. •

bee~ ~fi!~>#....

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The' Family Unit



CIIarg '. e.: F ,e dera t 10rl C'.auses p.' h d Divisiveness I.,t ·rllest 00

Americans are noted the world over for their sentiWASHIGTON (NC) .;..;.. Two phrase, 'the spokesman' said, the mentality. They certainly show it at Mother's DalY. True, priest journalists who covered "NFPC ha:; relentlessly stressed the world of business also rushes into the act cat this time the recent annual convention of m>t that the choice is between the National Federation of, social involvement and the cuItic to cash in on 'the spirit of the occasion. But the day itself Pl'iests' Councils (NFPC).in Den. role, but that the pr.iest, has to can also make people, pause to consider their~iti~udes' to ver claim ihat'organii~tion "has be both,sodaland cultic. We. are other people and.. especially, to those closest to -'thein: ~ aggre;sively embarked on a cam- interested in the'total man, just " Mother's ,]jay should be an occasion to' bring family paign to radically, change the as Jesus was,"· ,'" .. ties' closef togetJter. It should be the time for every meniber spiritual character oJ the Amer· 'Spel:ial Instruction' " . . . f ican prjesthood, and to <;oalesce The spokesman said that in of the ,family to consider. not what -the amily does, for t·he clergy' into a ,pressure wea. recognition of "our sincerity' 'in " ;'him 'but what he doe~ for ahd to the family. Thoste calling pon aaainst the hierarchical promotmg ' I' I:' a rich er " Spirituaity for peace in .the w.orld-surely a laudable goal-must be structure 'of, the Ch,urchitself." for prieSts, the U,S. bishops effecting that peace within their own family circles. Those The six-page report, a critique have given explicit approval' by concerned with what is going on in other places and with sent to 13;000 pl'iests, was pre- engaging NFPC's entire prayer . 'h pared by 'Jesuit ,Father Kenneth symposium team for. their imporoth er peop1e-once agam, a praisewort y' ~oncem-must ,Baker" edl'tor of The Ho'ml"letl'c tant committee on the' Life' an~ ' " be very sure that they are as concerned about, their mothers and Pastoral Review, and Fran- Ministry of Priests - the very and :·fathers, th~ir sons' and daughters, their brotbers ~nd ' ciscan Father Joel Munzing, COI'- area that lloconcerned the au. sisters, their neighbors. ' 'respondent' for Our Sunday Vis- thors of the report." It is ,at times relatively easy to, be i.nvolved with a Uor.· , , "We do 'Work closely with the h t' f th t i d 't If t th t' 1 The federation is accused of official Church," .the spokesman t concern a I~ ar away, a en s I se 0 eore Ica promoU'ng politic,al activi.sm, o f ' l ' h 11 '1 d sai~ in reply to the charge of, · . d dISCusSI.ons an s~ utIons, t at a ows approva an con- de,nl'grati'ng 't,he sa'cramental roll', causing' ". divisiveness among . demnation in sweeping and global terms. And, ofcoui'se of priests,' and .of opposing the priests, and "are in const~nt there must be people so involved. But every singlE! person Pope in demanding' optional touch with the NCCB (National must also face the involvement of his own famiIy, of his celibacy, Conference of Catholic: Bishops) role in the family, a continuing one, one thatc:alls for 'Cultic Acts' office in' Washington and th'e decisions and' actions and, exercise of charity and kindness "U. was . clear that leading episcopal committees. . speakers at 'the NFPC convention

every day. have little' use for the idea that It is not usually a glamorous role~ It will' not get priestly ministry is ll,religious the attention· of newspaper- headlines .It will deJm~nd a and Bpiritual' one," the two daily price. But if the 'family is to remain the )basic \lnit priests said in their critique enof society, the stable element of a nation,. then each niem- titled "NFPC Convention: Blueber of the family must contribute to. the happiness and print For A New Priesthood." . "Be1:ides blatantly urging well-bei.,ng· of, the f,amily. And Mother's. Day would be a pnests . . I-po I"ltlcaI actIVIty .. to SOCIa good time to make ,a re~olve to do so; .. ,the use, of the term, 'cultic


acts' i; a cor-descending :phrase to deni.g:ate the spiritual aspects of the pries~lyministry, especial·, Iy tho;;e expressed through the general administratoion of the sacraments." ' An official spokesman for the NFPC thanked the two commenOFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE 'OFFALL .R:IVER '; Publis~ed weekly by Th~ Catholic Pre~s of the Diocese Qf Fall 'River tators for their extensive exam· 410 Highland Avenue ' , , . ination of the convention's activities and said it "reflects a far Fall' River,' Mass. 02722' , , I " 6-7 5~7151 better understanding of the PUBLISHER meeting than,' did their original Mpst Rev. Dqniel A. Cr:onin,D.D., S.T~D. reporti::lg of 'the event,'l' GENERAL MANAGER ' . . ASST. GENERAL MANAGER A!.'lswering the priests" charge Rev. Msgr. DCI~iel F. 'Shallo~:-M.A. ,,' , R~~. P. :Driscoll that "<:ultic acts" (a' term used ~le.ry; P~~II-,F.II River . by the NFPC). is a condescending

d;'. @ , '.. The


The "Blueprint fQI' a New Priesthood" report said that "NFPC" special instructions" aslked priesl~s to offer Mass June 29 for/the intention that "soon married priests will be able to' sei-ve side by side wi.th celibatE; priests.'" ' 'fhe NF''''C offl'CI'al sa'l'd ,the r "special instruction" was ", a single' item taken' from wh!lt we caHed a grabbag of often' .con· flii:ting notions, .. Many of th~ '200' delegal:es came and went without being exposed to' the proposal' ~y an anonymous proponentof a June 29 action to oppose ministry celibacy." . The "~Iueprint" alsb contended that the NFPC does not repre· sent 30,000 priests (out of all 55,000) and that a more realistic membership figure' would be around 9:000> Nor does the. NFPC reflect the' opinion of the majority of priest's Of thecountry, it said. .




Th'e Diocesan Choir Directors' Guild will meet on Tuesday, May 16 at' 7:30 P.M., Rev. William G. Campbell announced. The newly formed Guild was established last Fall for diocesan church musicians as a vehicle for promoting the stlidy and improvement of sacred music in the new liturgy, and as an aid to help church musicians solve related problems. Last Fall Bishop Cronin commissioned Fattier Campbell; assjstant pastor at ~1. Mary's Cathedral, to establis.h the diocesan Guild. Serving as music consultant' 'on the Diocesan Divine Worship .Commission,'Father Campbell an'hounces' that the' Guild is not restricted -to choir directors, but includes organists, 'song leaders. ~iid anyone in- ' volved in' the planning of' a par· ish music program,' At'this 'meeting ther!! 'ivm )le Ii 'display' of the latest p'ublica. tions of World Library:ot Sa~rea ' Music,' and Gregorian' In~titute. SOIIte music Will not only. be re~ viewed, but sung, by th9/se, attending. Most 'display music will be available for sale in quantities; Several collections of the latest folk music will also be' on hand for sale, Seasonal ~issals, monthly missals, hymnals, motets, alleluia, responsorial psalms and acclamations as well .' as more traditional music will be available for church musicians to review. ·Plans for the Fall include monthly seminars and wor~shQPs on 'sacred musJ~I',to: beheld' .in different sectioil's' 'of the diocese, guest sp~aker'S:: I 'm\i~ician's: '. of notable fame in the field of li,tur· gical and sacred music, .and demonstration programs of the latest developments in the liturgy. The Gui~d meets in ~e.. choir room 'at S1. Mary's Cathedral School, Fall River at 7:30. All church musicians not yet memo bers are cordially invited to attend.

I n New Quarters QUITO (NC)-The papal nun· cia here in Ecuador is giving his pa~atial residence to a Church communications center and moving to modest quarters. Archbishop Luigi Accogli, 55, who came here, in late' 1970, said the huge mansion on two acres facing fashionable America Avenue was in excess of his needs. 1IIIIItlrllrrrltlllllllrtllITlt1IlIlI~IIII'IIII"I'I"I",i",t11"'I'I'IIIIII'III"'''I1I1IIIl''IIII'IIII''''II'I'

Their report concludes wjth an appeal to priests to discontinue membership in the NFPC: '\How much longer can con· cerned priests tolerate an organization so destructive to their ministry? As ,long as a priestassociation is so widely separated in fact anq in ~pirit from' the hierarchy of the Church, it can neyer be any different. In fact, it is now on a collision course with the Bishops of this country and .the Holy See, to say nothing of. the iaity. which supports it," 'In answer, the NF,PC spokesman said: '''NFPC is far more interested· in getting on with the work of the Church,than' in haggling over the merits of 'voluntary or· gal1izataons, which have always a place in the Church,"

T. O'Connell, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Lopes Mr. & Mrs. Frank Makely, Mr. & Mrs Robert E. Arnold, In Memory of Edith Carriuolo, Mr. & Mrs. John Dunn, Mr. '& Mrs. Edward Bourgoin , Mr. & Mrs. Louis Tessier Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Charles Rogers, Mr. & Mrs. George S. Cahoon

Attleboro ST. THERESA

$400 Rev. Msgr. Gerard J. Chaot

$125 Rev. Roger L. Gagne

$100 Mr. & Mrs. Philip Morris Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Gravel

$75 $50 Mrs. Mary Grady $40

$500 I

Rev. Msgr. William D. Thomson


Mr. & Mrs. John Plath Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Iwuc

Mrs. Norman Haskell



$30 Mr. &' Mrs. 'William O'Brien Mr. & Mrs. Rodolphe Bruneau Mr. & Mrs. William Labree

$60 ' Mr. &, Mrs. J. F. Pendergast $5,0

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Cotter, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Biziak, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Tomlinson, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Glode, Mr. & Mrs.

Mr. & Mrs. Harry Varnum Mr. & Mrs. T. M. Golden Mr. & Mrs. Dominic Trombetta


$150 $125 Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert J. Noonan


iVIr~. L. C. Antonellis Mr. & Mrs. Richard Kinchla Mr. & Mrs. William Brennan Mrs. Mary Ames Edmund C. Wessling Mr. & Mrs. Allan F. Ryan Charles Bachmann.

$60 Lajo~e

$50 Loretta McKeon Mrs. William Veary Mrs. Bernard O'Hayre Mr. & Mrs. Melvin E. Dolan Mr. & Mrs. Joseph B. Miskell Jr. Dr. & Mrs. George DeMello Mr. & Mrs. Martin King $40

Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Knispel Anonymous Dr. & Mrs. Gerald Doherty

$35 Mr. & Mrs. Lee Bourgoin Capt. & Mrs. Leonard Martin

$30 Mr. & Mrs. John DeMello Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Manuel P. Lopes

$25 Mr. & Mrs. Roland Barabe, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Cardeira, Mr. & Mrs. Walter Buguey, Mr. & Mrs. Chester Frazier, Mr. & Mrs, Paul Kelleher Mrs. Leonard Tyler, Lawrence Antonellis Jr., Mrs. Carl Paige, Mr. & Mrs. Myron J, Gaddis, Katherine G. Robbins Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Armbruster Mr & Mrs A. Kaspar, Mrs Joseph Miskell Sr., Mr. & Mrs. Joseph -Lamont, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph F.X. Hill Anonymous, Mrs. John McGilvray, Mrs~ Donald B. Newhall, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Maguire, Mrs Theodore Benttinen & Eric John T. O'Meara, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Studley, Mr. & Mrs. Anthony G. Glista, Dr. & Mrs. John



. illPPIES' CUSTOMERS: These two nuns were seem-, ingly unlikely customers for the hippies selling their handi- , work and various tourist-inspired mementos. $150 John Coyle

Harold J. Regan' , $100 Mrs. Daviq M. Kilroy

Francis Conroy



Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Matthews

$50 '



Mr; & Mrs. Timothy J. Cotter

Mr. & Mrs. Richard Powers Edward Deveney Jr. Mrs. Joseph Thomas Mr. & Mrs. Geo. J. Silva Mr. & Mrs, H. White Mr. & Mrs. Paul Kelly

Boardman G. Clark Leo H. Creamer David Dunne $40


Fernand C. E. Auclair Vincent J. Riley Mr. & Mrs. James F. Darcy Mrs. Helen McGann William F. Ready



Mary A. McGarry

Mr. &' Mrs. Joseph Tinsley Mr. & Mrs: Richard J. McNally Mr. & Mrs. Gerald E. Mulrooney Mr. & Mrs. George D. Janson Mrs. Vincent R. Dorsey

$25 Mr. & Mrs. R. Adams, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P.Ryan, Mr. & Mrs., J. J. McConnell, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Ryan, Mr. & Mrs. John McKeon Mr. & Mrs. Roger Brown, Mr. & Mrs. C. Cannon, Mrs.-John Campion, Mrs. Francis Morin, Mr. & Mrs. M. Field, Alice P, Connell & Mrs. George Connelly, Mrs. Wayland P. Morse, Mr. & Mrs. John D. Sheehan, Mr. & Mrs. H. Sylvester ~ Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. Patrick Kelly, Mr. & Mrs. Asa H. Stanley, Mr. & Mrs. J. Mitch~ll, Mr. & Mrs. Alfred McKenna, Mr. & Mrs. James Murphy Mr. & Mrs. V. B. Powers, Mr. & Mrs. N. Karukas, Mrs. Richard Donaghue, Mr,. & Mrs. Geo. Soutiere, Mr. & Mrs. D. H. Chase Harriet Butler, Mr. & Mrs.. D. Constant, Mrs. Alfred JUnJor, Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Mather, Mr. & Mrs. J. F. Murray Mr. & Mrs. Jos.. McManus, Dorothy M. Clark, Mr. & M~s. T. Loughlin, Mrs. Leto B. LeWIS, . Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Snow Mr. & Mrs. Chas. Flynn, Cecelia Haskins, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas McGarry, Lillian Senteio, Mr. & Mrs. Douglas E. Donovan Helen B. Sullivan, Mr. & Mrs. John Forte, Dr. & Mrs. James Dunne, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Moore, Mr. & Mrs. Leo Gregoire Virgil M. Casey, Mr. & Mrs. James Murray, Mr. & Mrs. Donald Kane

50~erset ST. PATRICK

$300 Rev. James F. McDermott

$250 Dr. Roger E. Cadieux


Dr. Roland E. Chabot

Carleton D. Dr. 'Thomas Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs..

Mr. & Mrs. T. Keneally


Mr. & Mrs. Herve H.

Mr. & Mrs. Deveney Mr. & Mrs. Francis Dolan Mrs. Herbert Jackson Mr. & Mrs. Wm. E. Donovan Mrs. W. R. Coyle Jr. W. F. Pillion M. Queeney

, Falmouth Atty. & Mrs. Patrick McDonnell

. Rev. Msgr. Joseph C. Canty

$75 Mr. & Mrs. John Hart Mr. & Mrs. E~rle Fratus


Hector Benoit Mr. & Mrs. William Boyle, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Hebert, Mrs. Paul Beausoleil, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Murray, Mrs. Joseph Lunderville Mr. & Mrs. Robert Coelho, Mr. & Mrs. Michael Osienski, Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Girard, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Lamoureaux, Mrs. Marilyn Bazinet

$750 Charles Riordon

Mr. &. Mrs. Marcel I1ariviere





, "


In Memory of Mary F. Farrell 'In Memory of Arthur J. Fish-

Mr. &, Mrs. Edward Duclo~,


Burgess, James Ruhan, Francis Sheehy, Arthur Lynch Albert Barbo, Francis X. Collins, Geor~e Magurn, William Marnell, Oscar Jolly Marie Duffy, Beatrice Duffy, Joseph Panek, John Manwaring, Donald Fanning Barbara Sullivan, William Robinson, John Sullivan, Claire Harrington, James McGeary John J. Gill, Charles E. Still, J. Conley, Walter E. Wright, ThomY J. Walsh. William Gagnon, John McKenney, John W. Spence


Mr. & Mrs. Edward McGoran Mr. & Mrs. Gerard LeFrancois


rhurs., May 11, 1972


Mr. & Mrs. Francis Gillan



$25 Helen & Theresa Archard, John T. Smith, Francis J. Kilgrew, Raymond H. Bibeau, ~I_ fred Almeida Mr. & Mrs. John Pires Jr., Mrs. Sol Strein, Thomas J.' Daley, Norman M. Simmons, Mr. & Mrs. James C. Noonan Albert A. Levesque, Helen & Lillian Reddy, Mrs. Leonard N. Bilodeau, Joseph 'F. Biastoff, Mary E. Judge Valentine Pallotta, Mr. & Mrs. James M. Judge, Louise Coleman, John J. Ferry, Eugene Murphy Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Kelly, Mrs. Benjamin LaForce, Mr. & Mrs. William Moran, Mr. & Mrs. Peter Bartek, Arthur F.. Cassidy ' Harold Meehan, Armand Forand, Cyril Amarelo, Edward J. Leonard, Mrs. Frank Souza George Lee, Richard A. Mello, Mary E. Lynch.

50. Yarmouth

$65 $50 Charles Eager J. T. Crawford Clarence F. King Paul Sullivan Arthur E. O'Leary Charles Knox Clara Fitzgerald Thomas M. Hennessey B. S. Kenney Francis Cloran Mrs. Dennis J. O'Connor Edward J. McDermott $40 Joseph D. Evers Gertrude F. Whelan

St. Paul's Holy N~me Society Mr. & Mrs. Wesley Grandmont 'A Friend

,$75 A Friend

$70 Rev. Raymond P. Monty

$50 Mr. & Mrs. John Connors A Friend

$35 Joseph Giannini Olivia Giannini A Friend

$30 Mr. & Mrs. Henry Ryan Dominic Casella Frank Casella


Mr. & Mrs. Ch'ester Jackman, Mr. & Mrs. Paul Leve~que, Mr. & Mrs. John Dickinson, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Reilly, Mrs. Frances. Morrison Mr. & Mrs. Paul A. Silvia, Mr. & Mrs. Jerome Gedritis, Mr. & $35 Mrs. James Duffy Sr., Mr. & Patrick F. Cox Mrs. Alyre Cormier, Mr. & Mrs. Alice Garielle Thorn Manuel Oliver $30 Mr. & Mrs. Harold J. Olson, Lanigan Family, Mr. & Mrs. James Cole, Mr. & Mrs. Bernard F. Shea Mrs. Edward Castle, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Ryan John Botellio, Mr. & Mrs. Rich$25 ard Silva Michael Patkoske, Donald Ida & Sadie Drugan, C.J. MurSheehan, Joseph Hurtubise, Mary, phy F. Vernon Harrica, Sue Egan, C. McSwiney, Daniel J. Casey, Eleanor Dwyer George Milligan, Maurice Lynch Mrs. Francis J. Tummon, In Florence Hatch, Valentine Walsh Memory of Eugene S. Rice Richard O'Neill Edward Cassetta, Anonymous, James A. King, Leo Lamont, POWERS PONTIAC J ames Charles , Taunton's Oldest Franchised Dealer Esther M. Turnbull, William J. Come In and Meet Our 'Cunningh~m, Roland Boucher, 1972 PONTIAC lEMANS Margaret A. Haley, Anthony MarAll the luxury you want without tino buying more than you need Charles Earley, Joseph M. Con1972 PONTIAC VENTURA II cannon, Rose Cotell, Joseph Pontiac's New Small Car Higgins, Lawrence Good with a small car price Grace Reilly, Thomas P. Mcalso Donough, Mrs. Chester J. Powers, Mrs. Joseph E. Colgan, Catalinas and Firebirds Myles Heffernan and Mrs. William B. O'Brien, Mrs. 1972 GMC Trucks Paul T. Webber, John Gallagher, Serving Greater Taunton Area where Anonymous, Fred W. McNabb people come by choice not by chance John J. Shaw, T.J. McMurray, SEE BILL POWERS-GEORGE POWERS Anonymous, Margaret & Hester AND JIM FITZPATRICK Griffin, Vincent Roberts 237 Broadway, Taunton 824-4091 Edward Cooney, Mrs. N.F.


$500 Rev. Msgr. Christopher L. Broderick '

$100 Rev. Philip A. Davignon . William Redmond Mrs. William 'T. Smith , Donald W. Thompson Mrs. Arthur Morawski Anna Moqrhouse Mrs. Thomas Grew

$75 Mrs. L. W. Marchildon

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THE ANCHORThurs., May 11, 1972

So. Dartm,outh . ST. MARY

$150 $100 $70



$200 Dr. Raymond A. Dionne




Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Caron Mrs. Helen Collopy Mrs. Alvaro Rodrigues

$35 . Mrs. Katherine Messier

$30 Knights of Columbus, St. Isidore Council No. 4373 William Murphy Mr. & Mrs. Walter O'Brien Mr. & Mrs. Francis Travers Mr. & Mrs. George Wright

Ladies of St. Anne Sodality Holy Name Society Francis Lussier Terminal Bakery






~~ .





Miss Dorothy Eastham Jeremiah Callahan II John Shea Margaret F. Mullin Norman Fitzgerald Philip Boudreau Sherwood Tondorf Anonymous

Robert Sherman Henry For-tin




Bruno Cesolini, Paul Lopes, John Dias Jr., Donald Spooner, Chester Baron .. Philip Harding, RalpJt ,M., SouZel, Edward Raposo, Louis B. Gold, Manuel Olivera Edward .silva, Edward Soares, William Machado" Lester Edw,uds, James Lanagan Manuel Soares, Eliot Bennett, P'LUI Murray, Frank Rezendes, Frank RezE~ndes Edward C. O'Gara, George Martin, Lester Smith, Clementino Medeiros, Andrew D. Pif\to . Holy Name Society, Alan Boling, Earle Chandler, Tpomas J. Robinson, Anthony Blanchard Matthew O'Malley, Augustus J. Correia, .Louis Jacqu.el, Anson w.. Paine,lBradford G. Sylvia Ronald Rogers, Augustus Medeiros, Eugene Goldrick, Frederic DUlbe, Patrick Doyle Clyde Voter, Peter Zubrisky, Edward Medeiros, James Honohan, John Pendergast

$75 $60 Traey Gran







Mr. & Mrs. Frank Kulesza & Son Mr. & Mrs. Albert Daley, Mr. & .Mrs. Edwin Okolski, Mr., & Mrs. Raymond LeBlance, Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Szulik SACRED HEARTS



A Friend

$25 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Martel, Mr. & Mrs. Orner J. Pothier, Mr. &. Mrs. Elphege Desroches, Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Cejka, Cejka, Rene Harbeck

Donald Sullivan Kenneth J. Noyer Eli Braley Charles Stiles Pasquale Nicolaci JosE'ph Sullivan Jerome Brault Albert Gonsalves Jr. Manuel Sylvia Earle Larkin Roh~rtPaine

$45 Alfrl~d

Vincent $40 Ralph A. Antonsen Arth ur Leclair




Joseph Borges rDennis Hogan Ernest T. Balboni Walter Silveira Arrn.:md Marien Ernest Bouley Antone Petry Martha Bisaillon John Golenski



'IMontln Plumbing & Heating Co.

Rev. Walter J. Buckley

..$225 . St. ~ilian Conference, St. Vin.cent de Paul Society .

. .


Anonymous, Lawrence J. ColeAnna Weaver & Arnold Weavman,' Elmont Marois, Dorothy , er (in memory of Milton Weaver) '. Sanborn, Edward F. Daly, Jr. $50 Donald Souza, Pius Rooney, Mr. & Mrs. HerVey Guon Leo ~. FJ.aherty, Luke P. Lally, $35 Ziipha Wright Mr. & Mrs. Paul Pel.letier William Ormsby, James Shi· $30 elds, Catherine. T. O'Connor, , Mr. & Mrs. Allen Bel1ltley Francis Butler, Edward Crosby $25 Roland Ashley, Victor Adams, . Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Bernardo, Anonymoils, Caroline Gilligan, Margaret & Virginia Paul, PatriMrs. Mary O'Brien cia Mello .

Fred,~rick F. Wolanski



Ernest Pare, Vincent Keighley, Albert Bena.c, Maurice Burke

$34 . ' . ST. KILIAN



WHliam H. Carey

. $200





Edward L. Soares

Franciscan. Conv.





Mr. & Mrs. David Sihor

Mrs. Preston Wright

.;(.1 ~.:J.'

D OF 1'5 ANNIVERSARY: Principals at the 55th anniversary banquet of the Daughters of Isabella, Hyacinth Cir'de, New Bedford were: Mrs. Doris Kawa, regent; Miss Louise Hoye, a charter member; Mrs. Cecelia Weaver, past regent and banquet chairman.

. Lillian Corre, Mr. & Mrs.'Peter F:uchs, Mr. & M.rs. Arthur Folco

, New Bedford


John Keelon Frank Shea Richard Cain John F. Shields Anonymous Dr. Charles Haskell





$200 Thomas Powers


Association of the Heart:, Joseph A. Saladino JaInes Buckley


Rev. Clarence P. Murphy

--. .


Donat P~rent, Edward Plante, Henry Fortier, Francis McCurdy, Normand Fortin . Emile Boilard, William Bourassa & daughter, Armand Gauthier, Adelard Laraue" Mrs. Robert Dufour Joseph Duquette, Dani~l Berthiaume, Michael Kirkham, Edward Ward, Joseph Belanger Leo Mathieu, Lawrence Aguiar

Assumption Guild


",. ..






'~" ..... ~.. .,..'-.iI'.<,~1ll:"'''--;J' ~'. . ' '.'


$50 .



Paquette & Menard fam.


'.~.. ..~


Armand Francoeur






George R. Levesque

Mr.. & Mrs. Daniel Baczkowski, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Barry, Mr. & Mrs. Armand Borges, Mrs. Nelson Cleveland, Michael Costa Mr. & Mrs. Richard Galligo, Mr. & Mrs. Antone Gomes Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Luke Haran, Mr. & Mrs. Herve Lapointe; Olivia' M. Luiz . Luke McCrohan,' Mr. & Mrs. Frank Mello, Mr. & Mrs. Norman Menard, Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Murphy, Mr. &. Mrs.' John Pilvines Judge & Mrs. George Ponte, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Ponte, Mr.' & Mrs. Leonard J. Rose, Mr~ & Mrs. ,Joseph Sebastiao, Mr. & Mrs. C. Sylvia Jr.



Mr. & Mrs. William' Martin


Susan McGowan

St. Vincent de Paul Society Maurice Lincourt

Raymond Doucette

, $25.50

Dr. Edwin Mroz

Dr.·& Mrs. Roland Bilodeau, Mr. & Mrs. Frank F. SylV'ia, Dr.. & Mrs. Jean Webster, Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Verdi

Rev. Roland Bousquet





Mary T. Luiz

Anonymous Robert Sims


$300 In Memory of Joseph F. Dufour






$500 Anonymous Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. McGowan

Mr. & Mrs. John H. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Richard Parsons



Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Donaghy Rev. William P. Blottman


Jerry Monroe, Daniel Flynn, John Herron, Anonymous, Henry LaBute Chrles Cassidy, Thomas Hartigan


August J. Gonsalves $31 Ronald Carreira Norman Robinson $30 Thomas Rielly EInen F. Weld Stanley Walsh Helen & Alice Perry Edwi:rl Stiles John Walsh John F. Dwyer Richard Nerbonne Gertrude Stiles . Charles Joseph Everett J. Barrow David Wade

Mrs. Eugene R~ Sackman Dr. & Mrs. Clayton King

$35 Mr. & Mrs. Paul. Keane Jr.

$31 Mrs. Charles Mattos

$30 Anonymous " Mr. & Mrs. Ross Steeves

$25 Mr. & Mrs. Real Breton, Mrs. Agnes Pelczar, Norman M. Trudel, Mr. & Mrs. Miguel Britto, Mrs. Kenneth Tuttle Anonymous, Mr. & Mrs: John D. Gibbons, Anonymous, Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Sanford Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Paul E. McGowan Frank Pimental Jr., Mr. & Mrs. William Quinlan, Mr. &' Mrs. Timothy J. Manning, Mr. !k Mrs. Frank E. Cooper, Mr. ~ Mrs. Roy Lynch Mr. & Mrs. William Hubbard, Alberta Silveira, Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Morse, Mr. & Mrs. Francis J. O'Driscoll, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph W. Zychowicz Mr. & Mrs. Antone Nunes, Mr. & ~r~. William Delgado




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MC?thers Hav,e Many Trials But U'nexp1ect,ed Jo,ys Too

Nurses' Council ~o M'eet M'ay 20

Mother's Lib is a non-organization, dedicated to any mother who would like to sound off or dream . . . or both. Here are some things mothers all over America have told me they feel they're entitled to: "There should be a hands"Mothers should be able to off policy on mother's sta, return to the house after attendtionery so she doesn't have ing a meeting and find it in the to resort to using loose-leaf same condition, if not better, than it was when they left." "Every mother should have a dry toothbrush awaiting her in the morning." By "There should be one dinner a mother can prepare without the traditional 'Ugh' emanating from MARY ones cherub's mouth." "Every mother should have a CARSON place (sound-proof) in which to retire for such a period of time as necessary for children to get the teasing out of their systems." Why is it always mother?' or other available scrap to "Why is mother the one who write a note." "Every mother should be al- always has to put the new roll of lowed 6 sheets of paper unadorn- bathroom tissue on the holder?" "Why is mother the one to ed with Snoopy, Pop-Art, or the latest rock group on which to pick up a cracked egg someone write-even if it is only a shop- left in the carton?" "Why. is mother the only one ping list." "Mothers are entitled to post who knows' enough to squeeze a reward for' the capture of a the toothpaste tube from the culprit called the 'sock-eater.' He bottom?" "Why isn't there a nice goes about gobbling up socks and leaves a draw full of odd peaceful old' farm house, to ones. He lives either in the which mothers can escape where washer; dryer or one of the chil- they can sit in a rocker and have their meals served to them?" dren's top bureau drawers." And joys in motherhood? "A mother should be able to "A handful of the first tulips, open a handbag when out on a date with the love of her life snipped at the 1ud, handed to without having to be embar- you with a look of love'not to be rassed by the sight of one half- found anywhere else. - It doesn't chewed pacifier, a broken 'toy matter that you· dried the bulbs truck, 4 odd I marbles, a sticky and planted them on the coldest Sugar Daddy, an odd sweat sock, October day, just to be able to' 2 balloons, 12 bottle caps, a see them bloom after a long doll's wig, a list of Latin verbs, dreary winter. So you put them in a glass of water on the table; and a dead caterpillar." no questions asked." Any challenges? So. Easton "You never could sew anything but suddenly find yourHOL-Y CROSS self making an 8-year-old look $100 the part of her guardian angel .Holy Cross Fathers for the, school play-wings and ~r. & Mrs. Joseph Kairys gold trim and a coat hanger for $75 a halo." . Mr. & Mrs. Robert Dray What will a mother do? $70 A mother wiII go for a day Mr. & Mrs. John Smith of sailing with five children, $52 four of whom get sea-sick, but Mr. & Mrs. ~ugh O'Brien stilI insist upon eating every $50 thing in sight." Dr. & Mrs. A. Hannounche "A mother will argue with the Mr. & Mrs. John Pilz city water repair crew over Mrs. Jennie Overton . whose leak in the street it isMr. & Mrs. Frank Ready hers or theirs. How feminine to $40 stand over three grown men and Mr. & Mrs. James Lyons say, 'I told you so' once they've $35 dug it all up and exposed' the pipe." , Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Gesntile And 'a woman wiII remember Mr. /!l Mrs. Harold B~rgeron her man.' $25 Mr. & Mrs. James K. Burns, "Only a man who loves and is Mr. & Mrs. James' Azevedo, Mr.' loved in. r.eturn wiII find it all & Mrs. Michael Hegarty, Dr. & worthwhile, in spite of the times Mrs. Andrew Nowak, Mr. & Mrs. ' she calls him at work,' 'There's a Lawrence Phalan mouse in' the bath tub.' 'What Dr. & Mrs. Thomas Berry, Mr.: shoul4 I do, for a dog bite?'~I~a. & Mrs. Leo Schleicher, Mr. &~ puncture wound very: serious?' '~ Mrs. Robert Downey, Mrs. Fred "A man who is loved wiII keep Mahoney, Mr. & Mrs. Pau'l Sul-' coming home, 'knowing he'll be Iivan greeted by 'Gue,ss what, Daddy?' Margaret Brophy, Mr. & Mrs. and 'Guess what' wiII be a blowPaul Brophy, Mr. & Mrs. WilIiam by-blow' 'recount of the latest Paige,' Mr. & Mrs. David Gomes, mishap~" . , Mr. & Mrs. Frank Madden From these letters, it. seems Mrs. Charles Frizado, Mr. & the great ·majority of mothers Mrs. William Higgins, Mr. & are happy with their lives, their Mrs. Seneca Stone, Mr. & Mrs. roles, their responsibilities ... James FitzGi~bons, Mr. & Mrs. happy with themselves. I' guess Leo Sullivan we don't need Mother"s Lib ... Mr. & Mrs. Salvatore Gaziano, for most have found it within Mrs. Barbara Toomey. themselves. .


THE ANCHORfhurs., May 11, 1972

The Diocesan Council of Catholic Nurses wiII hold its Spring plenary meeting at 4:30 on Saturday afternoon, May 20 at St. Anne's Hospital, Fall River. Mass and dinner wiII follow at 6 o'clock. Rev. Msgr. Robert L. Stanton wiII be the speaker at the program honoring. Rev. Cornelius J. Keliher, retiring council chaplain. Reservations wiII close on Monday, May 15 and may be made with Miss Diane Cote of 226 Broadway, Taunton, 02780.

Raynham ST. ANN $200 Rev. William E. Farland $100 Dominic Cirino $50 George Dion Sr. Dorothy Walford James Hauch Sr. Richard Ouimet Dr. Richard Peotrowski WilIiam Judge Almon Turner



REGISTERING FOR EDUCATION CONVENTION: Miss Grace Taylor, back to camera, secretary in Diocesal) School Office, registers Mrs. George Lee of St. Patrick's CCD program in Somerset as the Catholic Education Convention opened its two-day program .on last Friday at Feeh-, an High School, Attleboro.

Swansea OUR LADY OF FATIMA $300 Rev. John P. Driscoll $200 Anonymous $100 Mr. & Mrs Robert P. Laflamme Mr. & Mrs. J. Edward Lajoie Our Lady of Fatima Guild Anonymous $75 Mr. & Mrs. Bernard r Swales

$50 Mr & Mrs Russell B. Cochrane Mr. & Mrs. Harold Higgins Mr. & ,Mrs. Harold K. Hudner Mr. & Mrs. John M. Powers Mr. & Mrs. Raymond 'F. Sweeney Anonymous (3) $40

Mr. & Mrs. Donald McCaffrey Mr. & Mrs. Charles West Anonymous $35 Mr. & Mrs. Henry A. Harrison Mona C. Kennedy Mrs. Donald L. MacDonald $31 Mr. & Mrs. Leon J. Menard $30 Mr. & Mrs. Denis Cardinal Charles Chorlton , Mr. & Mrs. Dolor R. Jette Mr. & Mrs. James J. Johnson $26 Anonymous $25 Mr. & Mrs. Leonard, E. Boardman, George E. Borges, Mrs. Leo W. Boulanger, Mr·. & Mrs.Joseph F. Branco, Mr., & Mrs. Manuel BrilIiant Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Connors, Mr. & Mrs. Frank' A. Cusick, Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. DeNardo, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Greenhalgh, Grace P. Holden Mr. & Mrs. Normand R. Levesque, Mr. & Mrs Jeremiah Luongo Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. McDonald, Mrs. Joseph E. McGuigan, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur J. McLear Mr. & Mrs. Edward S. McNer-

ney, Mr. & Mrs. Andre G. Michaud, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Mullen, Mr. & Mrs. Leonard J. O'Neil Mr. & Mrs. Louis Oste, Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. V. Parente, Mr. & Mrs. George C. Penrose, Mr. & Mrs. Harry W. Picard, Mr & Mrs Walte,r J. Pitera, Mr. & Mrs. Ambrose A. Powers, Mr. & Mrs. William S. Sheprd, Mr. & Mrs. James L. Smith, Mrs. Oliver S. Souza, Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Swales, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John F. Sweeney, Mr. & Mrs. Edmour Thibault, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur F. Turcotte, Mrs. Euclide H. Vermette, Anonymous Anonymous (2)


Edward Barry $35 Barbara O'Brien $30 Joseph Madar $25 Richard Finch, Eugene Heinig, John Manganaro, Robert Lee, Thomas Whalen Elmer Sargent, Gerard Bonenfant, Louis Cabana, Robert Smith, Kathleen Comiskey Elizabeth Larkin, Dr. A. Edward D'Andrea, Edward Maloof, Albert Ribeiro, Joseph Bettencourt, John Spaulding

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tHE ANCHOR-Thurs., May 11, 1972


$300 Very Rev. Luiz G. Mendonca, V.G. $150 St. Vincent de Paul Conference $100 Judge Milton R. Silva $50 Antone S. Feno Mr. & Mrs. Frank V. Medeiros Jr. John Velozo Jr. $40 Robert E. Cray $30 Leonel S. Medeiros Jay R. O'Neil ' Joseph O. Gagnon , $35 George Coulombe .$25 Frank R. Borges Jr., Joseph H. Camara, Virginia DeFarias, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Furtado; Edward Machado Mr, & Mrs. Manuel Michael, Alfred & Anne Monteiro, Manuel Nogeuira, Mr. & Mrs. James O'Neill, Robert Paiva John Perry, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Provost, James Rebello, Mr. & Mrs. Louis Rosa, Mrs. Eulalia Soares Alfred J. Souza, _Manuel L. Sousa, Ernest Teves Mrs. Mary Thomas, Mr. & Mrs. Zygmunt Ziobro


$250 Rev. Howard A. Waldron $125 Mrs. Joseph F. Foley Sr. $100 A Friend St. Thomas More Conference S1. Vincent de Paul Mr. & Mrs. Charles Latham Mr. & Mrs. Joseph F. Foley Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Vincent A. Coady Dolores ,Burns . $75 Mr. & Mrs. Roger W. Fortier $60 Mr. & Mrs. Edwa.rd J. McCann $50 Atty. ,~ Mrs. James W, Killoran Atty. & Mrs. Charles .Hague Mr. & Mrs"Albert E. Shovel-ton Mr. & Mrs. Samuel. Santoro Frederick .J. Wilding ! Dr. Bernard J. Mangione Jane M. Borden Mr. & Mrs. James F. Nicoletti CONVENTION COSPONSORS: Meeting at the Catholic Education Convention at Edwin Doolan Bishop Feehan High School, Attleboro by the Catholic School Department and th~ Reli~ Mr. & ,Mrs. Paul Daley gious Education Office are, from left, Rev. Patrick J. O'Neill, superintendent of diocesan $45 s'choolS; Most Rev. Auxiliary Bishop James J. Gerrard, Sister Martha. Wordeman, The Daley ·Family OLVM, and Sister Della Ann Chartrand, OLVM; consultants in the religions education / $40 _office. George W. Hopkins Mr. & Mrs. Francis J. Silvia $35 Mr. & Mrs. Earl Heron Mr. & Mrs. Albert E. Mobuck Speaking as a parent, a wom- out, therefore it is al.most impos- and she expressed the opini~n Atty. & Mrs: Frank A. Rod-' an who heads a college philos- sible to talk to them about goals that "an honestly lived Christian rigues $30 ophy department says that pe:o- or lPermanent commitment or the life style wiU make up for all . pIe are ,deeply 'concerned about eternal. The situation has pro- . kinds of curriculumshortcomThe Mahoney Family the: religious education of their duced in· the young· '·'a deep ings." Sarah -B. White 'children today" strange brand of loneliness; that Touching briefly on theprobMr. & Mrs. Joseph Langfield Dr.. Mary. Angela .Harper of· they try to smudge out with tel'- lem of' coil.met between various Mr. & Mrs. H~nry ,J, 'McGow-' 'Dunbarton College of the Holy rifying remedies, often drugs," religiou's agencies and between Cross in Washington told more. said the professor. anMr. & Mrs. 'Donald Hussey schools and nonschools, Dr. Dr. Harper admitted that it is Harper' commented that "It is than 1,000 religious tea,:hers and $25 CCD instructors at the Catholic diffiCl.::lt to find a way to discuss obvious. that you have avoided' Pimental Insurance Agency, Education Convention in Attle- the divinity or infinity of God or overcome the problem.'! The Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Guerriera Sr., boro that "no delegation ever with young people, but she said speaker, who heads the National Mr. & Mrs~· Thomas F. O'Connell, came' before the school board to . that' a synthesis of ."feeling and Association of Boards of EdlicaMr. & Mrs. Thomas Griffin, Mr. question the new math;" but that ·facf' has to be achieved in tion for the~ NCEA, said that the . & Mrs, Christian Ramstedt . pafishionersin the nation's cap- ,teaching religious education. Fa.ll River Diocese has a progresMr. & Mrs. Hugh J.Maguire, ital are "violent" about religious "The task is to present the sive image which' has been proMr. & Mrs. Walter, F. Philipp, education programs. . . whole body of religious truth je(~ted throllgh~ut the country by Mr. & Mrs. Cletus J. Monahan, . "They care," said the mother and to devise·a program for it." its:. S<:hool ~Superintendent Rev. "We parents are delighted by Patrick J: 'O'Neill. .Mr..'& Mrs; John J. Clorite,' Mr.' s,of .six; and' they. want. the. people ' . & Mrs. Chester Ploski who teach their children to share efforts to personalize faith and Faith Center .,Mr.. & Mrs. Herman Neher,' ."their vision of meaningful hu- : present it irt the idiom of th!~ Mr. & Mrs. Louis F. Fayan Jr., man ends and values." children, but we are troubled In the formation of the 'new Mr. & ,Mrs.· Gordon .Schofield, Dr. Harper declared that reli- that the content never manages mission pro-gram, the integration , "Mr. & Mrs.. FrEiderick Badwey, gious educators are frequently to ~merge. and the method be- of all forms of religious educaMr. & Mrs: Paul Sullivan confused about goals and objec- comes the whole message," Dr. tion is' needed, Dr. Harper ob. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph F. Foley tives, and are torn between op- Harpel' said.. .served. She outlined a plan for III, The Connors ~amily, Mr. & erating within youth's psychothe' school as a faith center comMrs. Ralph Gardullo, Mr. & Mrs. logical framework or holding onFacts Needed bining courses for parents and John R. Fennessey, Mr. & Mrs. to the traditional methods with In e:;sence,' she explained, "We other adults, priests, and chil.Joseph D. Hopkins emphasis on identifiable religious want them to feel God in their dren. Ii: would allow parents Helena Vallee, Mrs. John E. facts. lives and hearts, but we also "who just don't understand what '.'We know neither option is' Taunton Connolly, Mr. & Mrs. FranCis want them to understand and is going on today, not only in Greeley, Mr. & Mrs. Edward viable," said the parley's keynote HOLY ROSARY math but religious education, Kaylor, Mr. & Mrs. John L. Shea speaker. "The challenge is 'to articulate facts about God. We to learn along with their chil$250 Mr. & Mrs. James Hadad, Mr. find some kind of middle ground want them to see Christ as a dren in the classroom. Franciscan Fathers, OFM Conv person, but we also want them & Mrs. Gilbert F. Leonard, Sally to connect the subjective and ob"What joys we could reap ,if $25 to kneow that He is present in A. Benson, Mr. & Mrs, Charles. jective aspects of a human bethe total education community Mr. & Mrs. TheOdore Kalacz, Scripture and in the Eucharist." McDermott, Mr. & Mrs. ~Joseph ing." She added that the key Stre:;sing the importance of could become a reality!" ,said n,ik, ·Mr. & Mrs. Walter Plonka, W. Duffy questions confronting religious Thaddeus & Jurie· Strojny the teacher's role, the speaker , Dr, Harper. , Mr. & Mrs. William F. Croke, educators are 'What are we supstated that parents want their Mr. & Mrs. James Crivaro, Mr. posed to be doing, and what is' & Mrs. James Mullins, Mr. & religious education all about?" children "to have heroes - not saints - but flesh and blood Defined by Chllll1ge Mrs. Edward T. Sullivan teachers who are an' honest to Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Gaudreau ' . Mrs. Henry T. Munroe, Mr. & Although the problems are goodness example of the genuine, . / Mrs. John F. Kineavy, Mr. & Mrs many, the inescapable fact that believable Christian life." She added that, in the final analysis, l K. Sokolosky, Mr. &. Mrs. John has to be faced' is that. today's . at Flanagan, Frances Harrington . world ~nd the individuals in it "Our l:hildren are going .to be are defmed by change, Dr. Harp- what they learn, and to live what er' asserted. "Young people are they le:arn." Charity. modern. day skeptics -- it's not , It is not sophisticated theory Help thy brother's boat across, that they don't want 'to believe, or mNe progressive methods and lot thine own has reached but they can't.'" that are demanded, she empha" the shore. 115 'NILLIAM ST. NEW BEDFORD, MASS. Only the moment has any sized. The most critical compo-Hindu Proverb meaning for them, she pointed, nent, llhe said, is the teacher,



Educatiora P,log,ram




Witlll Safety"




Seekonk MOUNT CARMEL $250 Rev. William J. Shovelton $200 Mr. & Mrs. William Cuddigan $100 Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Weyker . $65 . Mrs. Louise Oakland $50 Mr. & Mrs. George Reale Russell F. Thomas John Hendricks Dr. & Mrs. Antone Oliveira Mr. & Mrs. H. Foley . Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Corrigan Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Berriman $40 Mr: & Mrs. Ralph Turner Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Olean $35 Barbara Bums Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Arnold ~r. & Mrs. James McDonald , $32 Mr. & Mrs. Frank Gamboa $31 Mr. & Mrs. Jesse Hendricks Mr. & Mrs. Robert Carvalho . $30 Joseph Souza Mr. & Mrs. Augustine Ferreira Mr. & Mrs. Howard J. MacRae Mrs. James F. Mitchell ' Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Hendricks $25 Mr. & Mrs. James Urquhart, Mr. & Mrs. John Furtado, Jr., Angela Medeiros, Mr. & Mrs. Edward O'ConnelI, Mr. & Mrs. John W. Korkuc Joseph Medeiros; Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Walter, Gerula, Engenie Macdonald, Ruth Ann Santos, Beverly DelIa Grotta Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Castro, Mr. & Mrs. Paul Micheleth, Jr., Mr. & Mrs. AUyn Sullivan Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Rose, Mr. & Mrs. Cosmo ·Mirando '. Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. MarshalI, Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth McCloskey, Mr. & Mrs. Americus Macedo, Dr.. & Mrs. Richard Murphy, Mr. & Mrs. Evertt McPhillips Mr. & Mrs. John Conti, Mr. & Mrs. John Unsworth, Jane Unsworth, Emily Medeitos, William Dolan Dr. & Mrs. David Quigley, In Memory of Rev. James E. O'Reilly, Helen E. Browning, Mr & Mrs Leon Breault, Mr. & Mrs. Alfred _ Morris, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. George McGee, Mrs. Louise FalIon, Charles Mello, Mr. & Mrs. Maurice Hurley, Mr.. & Mrs. William Quirk Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Barnes, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Deuso, Mr. & Mrs. Wilfred Blanchette Mr. & Mrs.. Henry Bilodeau, Mr. & Mrs. Louis Dupere Mr. & Mrs. R. PetoveIIi, Mr. & Mrs. Robert CaswelI, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Sloane, Mr. & Mrs. Henry Pestana, Mr. & Mrs. George Taylor, Jr., Joseph Amaral

Journalist Named To Drug Abuse Unit WASHINGTON (NC)-A Flor· ida journalist has been named assistant national coordinator of the U. S. Catholic Conference drug abuse information' ciffice: . Mark Hierholzer, 25, will as· sist Trinitarian Father Roland Melody, coordinator of USCC's National Catholic Office of Drug Education. A 1970 graduate of Old Dominion University in Norfolk, Va., Hierholzer also studied journalism at the University of Miami and served as a staff writer for two Florida newspapers.

(HE ANCHORThurs., May 11, 1972


Mansfield ST. MARY $500 A Friend $150 St. Vincent de Paul $100 Margaret Welch A Friend Rev. Thomas L. Rita $60 Mr. & Mrs. Edw. Fitzimmons " $50 Mr. & Mrs. Frank Prohodsky A Friend Lillian Dion Dr. & Mrs. Raymond Ockert Mr. & Mrs. William Morton Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Britton Mr. & Mrs. Napoleon Cabana Mary & Alice Donoghue $40 Mrs. Grace Langill $35 Mr. & Mrs. Karl Clemmey A Friend (2) $30 Mary Lennon & Irene Barrows Mr. & Mrs. Clifford Titus Mr. & Mrs. Giles Do~azzi Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Mahoney CATHOLIC EDUCATION CONVENTION PRINCIPALS: Discussing her address on $25 A Friend, ·Dr. & Mrs. Charles "Total Religious Education" with keynote speaker, Dr. Mary Angela Harper, chairman of the philosophy department at Dunbarton College of Holy Cross, are Rev. Ronald A. Colella, A Friend, Mr. & Mrs. James Bchman, Mr. & Mrs. JoTosti, left, diocesan director of religious education, and Bishop Cronin. seph Murphy Mrs. Annette Atwell, A Friend, Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Kingsbury, Mr. & Mrs. Roland Clement, Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Kuplast ginning to appear in high school Continued from,Page One said that women's studies Mr. & Mrs. James Card, The parley that "We have received courses are increasing on the curricula. Maddock Family, Mr. & Mrs. AlA discussion titled "Values in the command from God, and we colIege level, and some are be· fred Sarro, A Friend, Mr. David Young People," drew a large aumust accept it in a time that's Conley dience to hear Dr David Crellin difficult," a time, he opined, that Attleboro Mr. & Mrs. Ray Hagerty, From of' Wayland High. School. While will lead to better things in the ST. MARK Ross's and Grandma, Carl Garahe affirmed that it is not possiChurch. $200 fano, The McGoldrick Family, ble "to give values," he tried to The convention program was Rev. Joseph L. Powers A Friend show how it is possible for a diversified, including" workshops, $100 Mr. Joseph Hinchey, Mr. & teacher to make students aware general sessions with lecturers, Harold Thompson Mrs. James Cronin, Mrs. Emma of their own. and special departmental sessions St. Mark's Guild Pascucci, Mr. & Mrs. Fred Tayfor teachers of grades 1 to 3, 4 With seven teenagers as mod- . lor, Mr. & Mrs. Merl Griswold William Packer to 8, and those on the junior els he demonstrated the value Ronald Schoenfeld A Friend, Ethel Gonya Tedeshigh and high schools levels A of voting, polling their opinions chi, A Friend, Mr. Lawrence $75 film festival featured a contino on a variety of topics by calling Jackson" Mr. & Mrs. Malcolm James Murphy uous showing of films related to for a show of hands. "It gives Fales' $60 religious education and an ex.people a chance to take a stand Edward Czekanski Rose Servais, A Friend, Mr. & hibit included displays of literaand· to think about where they Mrs.' Rolph Sarro, A Friend, Mr. Jerry Rockhold ture, records, tapes, religious arstand and why." He added that & Mrs. John Houghton $50 ticles and uniforms. students themselves, even those Francis McKeon Mr. James Breen, Mr. & Mrs. Topics at the parley included on the 'elementary level, "can Vincent Porier, Mrs. James HindBernard Gamache a lecture on" "Planning for the think of millions of questions man, Mrs. aarbara Stowell, A John Falvey Future," 'in·whichRev. Ernest J. that are invariably more sensi- Friend, Mr. .& Mrs. Armando James Kelly BartelI, CSC, president of Stone· tive and probing" than those of Giovino Joseph Bingle. hill College, emphasized the need teachers. Daniei DeYoung for a positive image and quality The bishop,- the priest, the Mrs. Frances Chiolfi education In Catholic schools, if "James Brennan writ.er and the teacher were $5,000 Or More they are' to survive. He noted among a' number of lecturers at . $40 On Equity In Your Home that there are indications that the convention which was M. Arthur Foley You May Use The Money ,parents' are more concerned planned for the 2,000 educators $35 However You Wish. about the quality than the cost serving the diocese in Catholic Jacob Belt of such schooling. Father Bartell schools, parish CCD programs Gerald Dorey AVCO FINANCIAL agreed, however, that anything and in adult education. The par· $30 SERVICES in the nature of a tax credit ley was sponsored jointly by the George' Gibb 71 William St., New Bedford would be of great ~elp. Catholic School Department and John Gaffney 994·9636 the Religious Education Office. Ronald Mollins Women's Lib $25 A view of the impact of the Joseph Ryan, Alice Walsh, women's liberation movement on education was offered by Mrs. Francis Matthews, Raymond Janice Trecker, a freelance writ- Coogan, Edward Galasso Paul Danesi, Thomas McLear, er, who stressed that women's contributions have been down- Charles McLear, Joseph O'Neil, graded in the history books. She William Richardson Joseph E. Grourke, Sr., Law· rence Chamberlain, Albert RobinFall River son, John Ross, Michael J. Croke ST. ANTHONY Arthur J. Barry, Leo E. Devlin, OF THE DESERT Richard Barone, RusseII Dean, Sr $200 Donald Perkoski Dr. & Mrs. Andre Nasser Albert O. Gingras, Daniel Mi$100 coni, John Prest, Robert Sharkey, Rev. Norman J. Ferris James Meegan Dr. & Mrs. Amine Maalouf Francis Gayton, Donald Dou$25 cette, Diesse Duffany, Lawrence Mr. & Mrs. MitcheII Sweet, Duffany, Robert S. Paul Mrs. Louis Badway, Mrs. AuGeorge McGee, Daniel Kiley, gust Badway, Blessed Mother's Henry Collins John Precopio, Guild, Raymond, Mulry



Bishop Cronin States Plans for Study


12 ,


rHE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur., May 11, 1972


- .




Mr. & Mrs. Harry Loew,"Mr. &. Attle,boro Mrs. Albert Pion, Dr. & Mrs. HOLY GHOST Arthur Volpe, Mr. &; Mrs. George $600 Kohler, Mr. &, Mrs. Arthur J. Manuel Castro ' Mondor Jr. $100 Mr. & Mrs. James Fitton, Mr. Rev. Stephen J. Downey , & Mrs. Joseph Mahon, Mr. & Mrs $60 Octavio Geminiani, Mr. & ,Mrs. James McAndrews Daniel Nolin, Mr. &, Mrs. Ralph $50 Sears .. Arthur Lorden Mr. & Mrs~ George Bonner, Jean Joyal 'Mr. & Mrs. Albert Robistow, Mr. Madeline Turley & Mrs. William M~rtin, Mr. & Constant Poholek Mrs. Jamest Murray, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel' Carvalho & Daniel John Carroll ' , Edward Milligan Mr. & Mrs. Peter' Guimond, In Memory of Lt. Francis Dris- Mr. & Mrs. Donald 'Lerocque, Mr. coll & Joan Driscoll Whalen & Mrs. Michael J. O'Hara, Mr. & Raymond Brusseau Mrs. Stanley Medeiros, Mr. & Marjorie Castro \ 'Mrs. Stanley Mede'iros, Mr. & • $45 Mrs. PaulJ. O'Brien Edward Schulze Mrs. John Holgate, Mrs. Wil$40 liam Bowen, Gertn;:de McBrien, Mary Sullivan Helen Murphy, Margaret Mc," Avoy William' Adair A Friend Alyce O'Keefe, Fred McCrack$36 en, Sandra Kelley, Mary Sheehan John Bergeron William Nerney, Myles Daly . $30 North AttJieboro Luigi Pinacali Rosalind Martelli ST: MARY Arthur Standley $150 Richard Lavalee Mary & Margaret Kinton Elezar Sicard $100 Robert Nelson Rev. William ,F. O'Neill $25 $75 Stephen Sullivan, Frapcis Bro" Rev. Hugh J. Munroe , $50 . gan, A Friend~ Robert, Geddes, Parry Laird A Friend John Hayes, Frederick Ellis, Mr. & Mrs. Domenic Leco. Henry Aguiar, Leon O'Brien, Eva Morawski Raymond Roy Marjorie'L. Shae J Charles Sciolto, Alfred Vaz, $35 Joseph Luerken, Clifford Duclos, Mr. & Mrs. J0,eph Doran Guy Detellis $30 Leo Chiurette, Eigar Minar, Joseph Petrone Domenic Braemante, Thomas Mrs. Elizabeth Sheals 'Kelliher, Charles Cartier Jr. :: $25., Roland Tremblay, Manuel RaCecile Brais, Mr. & Mrs. James posa, Arthur Perry, Victor Smith' Diamond, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Forbes, Mr. & Mrs. Robert GilST. JOH~ more, Mr. & Mrs. Steven Hen$300 eault Rev. Msgr. ThomasF. Walsh Mr. & }\1r~. 'George Morse, $250 Julia A. Riley Edmund Henry SACRED HEART, $225 Mr. & Mrs. Luca Fantaccione $100 $150, Rosa B. Bourassa & Mrs. Geo. Mr. & Mrs. John G. Walsh Jr. ,~Boule Mr. & Mrs. James G. Heagney , $50 $145 Mr. & Mrs. John Burke Dr. Anthony Terranova $40 $100 Mr. & Mrs. Fernand Goulet Rev. Robert C. Donovan $35 Mr. & Mrs. James H.. Lee Dr. '& Mrs. Paul' Achin Mrs. Aldor Bibeault '.: $30 ' Mr. & Mrs. Fred Murphy Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Normand Cloutier, $85 Mr. & Mrs. Roland Fregault, The Janson Family Mr. & Mrs. Oliva Ouellette $60 Mr. & Mrs. Edward Suprenant Mr. & Mr's. John W. McIntyre $25 $50 Mr. Louis Bardier" Mr. & Mrs. Anonymous: In' Memory of ' 'Daniel Bassette; Mr.' ~'~ Mrs.' Pa'ul Monsignor John J. Shay . Dion, Mr. &. Mrs. Ed:ward Guer: Mr. & Mrs. Donald bange tin, Mr.' ~ Mrs. Frands, Heelan Mr. & Mrs.' Arthur L. 'Mulligan Mrs. Esrael Mercier\ Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Edward Sheehan Mrs. Bertrand Prefontain'e;' Mr. $40 & Mrs. Normand OueiJette, Mr., Mr. & Mrs. Francis 'Kelley & Mrs. Philip Rainvilie, Mr. '&, $35 Mrs. Emile Seymour, Mr. & Mrs.:. Mr. & Mrs. George Wefers Romuald Thibeault, Mr. & Mrs. Edward F. Casey Anita, H:. ~i~:il Mr.



&·Mrs. La~rence 'R. Fitton

$30 ' Mrs. Alex Karol " $25, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Gilbert, Mr. & Mrs. Donald Trilinor, Mt; & Mrs. Norman Cloutier, Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Anderson, Fred EndleI" , Mr. ,& Mrs. Arthur Thompson, Mr.·& Mrs. Robert Rohman, Mr. &, Mrs. Ray Gazzola, Mr. & Mrs. Eqward Scott, Mr. & Mrs. Alfred ~cNally

Tauntell:. " \ .-,"

ST. MARY $100 Richard 'Bentley $50 Chais~y .Family Dr. & Mrs. G. Harrington

$40 Donahue' Family R. L. Hill Jr.


$35 J. Wade

$30 Margaret & Elizabe th Brady, H..H. Galligan



Mrs. Mary Maxwell, Mr. & Mrs. William McCarthy, Jr.,. Francis' A & ,Grace 'McManus, Mary MeNearney, Peter Shea Mr. & Mrs. John Sheehy, Judge & Mrs. Frank Smith, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Sylvia


Rev. William H. O'Reilly $75 Mr. & Mrs. William Desrosiers Keliher Family $50 Mr. & Mrs. John P. Delaney Flangheddy, Family Cornelius Kelly Mr. & Mrs. Leon Landry Mr. & Mrs. Henry, Wojtkunski


CARMELITE: .Sr. Joseph of the Angels,O.Carm., the fo:rmer Miss .Margaret C. Mattson of Middleboro, has 'received the habit of the Discalced Carmelite Nuns in a private ceremony conducted in the monastery in So. Dartmouth.

$250 ,Rev. Walter A. Sullivan $150 Rev. Paul F. McCarrick St. Vincent de Paul Society $100 Mary K. Nichols The Misses Reilly Katherine McMahon $50 Mr. & Mrs. James Cooke Mrs. E. V. Brimley The ;\1isses Margaret & Mary McCarthy Mr. 8: Mrs. Forrest Paige . $45 Mr. & Mrs. Edward Feeney Miss Rose O'Donnell $35 Miss Rita O'Donnell The Boudreau Family Mr. &: Mrs. Edward McCaffrey Mary Kennedy

$35 Dr. Armand Bolino $30 Matilda Cutner Mr. & Mrs. Louis Desrosil;1rs Mary Dineen Mr. & Mrs. Robert Thrasher $25 Mr. & Mrs. Francis Connors, James Dinneen, William Dinneen, Mr. & Mrs. Roland Dubois, Mr. & Mrs. Walter J. Fitzgerald Mary Foley, James Garrity, Mr. & Mrs. .John Haggerty, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H;oye, Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Issacsen Mr. & Mrs. Alfred. Lavelle, Mr. & Mrs. Patrick McDermott, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph McManus, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Mador, Mr. & Mrs. Armand Mello Mr. & Mrs. Richard Paulson, Mr. & Mrs. Rpger Perreault, Richard Power, Marie Power, May Power

$30 .I. Keating E. Rice L. Sousa'

Mr. & Mrs. Edward Tonry 525 W. Behan Family, Mr. & Mrs. J. Burns, Esther & Ethel Buckley, R. Buckley, J. Corcoran Mrs. J. Corcoran, Marguerite CI.:ffy, Rene H. Cormier, E. Duffy, Miss L. Duffy C. Fitzsimmons, F. Fitzsimmons, Rita Gauthier, N. Gordon, R. Hill Dr. & Mrs. Charles Hoye, Mr. & Mrs. E. L. Kiernan, Winifred Laughlin; Richard Leite, Mr. & Mr:i. John Moore J Mr. & Mrs. L. LaFrance, Wm. H. Murray & Family, Josephine McNamara, CIatilde Nason, Margar~t V. Neenan J, E. McGovern, Alice McKenna, ,Ruth McKenna, Susan McKenna, Mr. & Mrs. James McMorrow Miss Mary E. McNamara, Mrs. O'Gaz'a, G. Powers, J. Reid, W. Regan Miss J.,.,Russell, Mr. & lVII's. Thomas Sherry" Helen Shove, Mr. & Mrs. M. Silvia, Mr. C. Steeves, S: tokarz

'ST. JOSEPH $400 Rev. John J. Murphy , $175 Rev. Bento R., Fraga , ," $75 C.lther1ne R. Kervi~k $50 Mr. & Mrs. Willi;tm, Scully Mr. & Mrs. Walter Powers $35· DJ:. & Mrs. Thaddeus Figlock , $30 H~len R. Dahill Mary E.' Dahill The Ga~in Family Mr. & Mrs. Edward F. Ken~ ned) $25 Mr. ,& Mrs. Arthur J. Bird... Mr. .& Mrs.~Alberi Brennan, Mrs. Anna Charppney" Mr. & Mrs. Francis Coughlin, Edward Dahill Mr. & Mrs. Maurice Desrosiers, Mr. & Mrs. William E. Dias, Mr. & Mrs. Roland Ducharme & Family, Mr. & Mrs. Francis Frazier, Paul Frazier Mrs. Edward Hoye, Esther Johnson, Mr. & Mrs. Roger Kingsley Jr., ,'Mr. & :Mrs. Armindo Lourenco, Mrs. Mary Mahon

Mr. & Mrs. John Mahoney Mr.' &: Mrs. Richard Cay,er $27 Mr. &:'Mrs. Raymond Harrison $25 North Westport Anna Maguire. Mr. & Mrs. ' Lidoino Severino, Mr. &, Mrs. O~ LADY OF GRACE Bruno Aleigi, Mr. &: Mrs. Walter $250 Travers, Mr. & Mrs.. Gerard· Rev. Maurice H.. Lam~ntagne Pigeon Mr. &: Mrs. Frederick Pagnini, ,$100 Mr. & Mrs. William Gorman, Mr. Adrien Picard & Mrs. John S. Tripp, Mr. & $50 Mrs. Gerald Doiron, Mr.' & Mrs. ,Stanley Chrupcala William Andrade . Joseph L. Cabral Elizabeth Dennen, Mr. & Mrs. $30 Patri~J~;. I'yfUl])hY, J.:lel,en . U. ;' & Mary, E. Cronan,: The Welch Manuel Cordeiro Family, Emma Simmons . $25 Mr. & Mrs. John Goldrick, Mr. Manuel Narciso, Marie' Cor& Mrs. Robert Dewey, Mr. & 'deiro, William Wilson, James Mrs. Arthur McDermott" Eliz- Cooney, Holy Name Soci~ty , abeth Brady, Helen Brady Mr, & Mrs. Coy Folcik, Mr. & Mrs. 'Robert McClellan, Mr. & Mrs. George A. Moitoza, Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Santos, Mrs: Frank Brown , Mr. 8~ Mrs. John J.' Kelly, Helen Murray, Ruth Brady, John J. Nichols, Mary E. Nichols "Serving the Community Sarah Nichols,' Mary O'Keefe, Since 1873" Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Torres, Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Roberts, Mr. & Cities Service Petrole~m / Mrs. Thomas Varden Produds Gertrude McBreen, Mrs. Barbara Peek, Mr. & Mrs. Evans Gasolene ,& Diesel Fuels Lava, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Rebello Jr., Mrs. Anne MacHaffie, Fuel Oils Mrs. Mynette Dewhtirst . Liquified Petrole,um Gas




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.. ,



.. THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur., May 11, 1972

The Parish Parade Publicity ganizations news items Anchor, P.

chairmen of parish or· are asked to submit for this column to The O. Box 7, fall River


ST. STANISLAUS, FALL RIVER " A pre-festival penny sale is scheduled for the school hall following 7:15 Mass Saturday night, May 13. Mrs, Helene Boyko is chairman. Parents of children attending the parochial school are asked to attend a meeting after 7:15 Mass tonight, also in the school hall. A parish auction is announced to begin at 10 AM. Saturday, June 17 in the hall. Frank Braney Jr., chairman, r,equests that those wishing to, donate items call him at 676-9391. Women of the parish are holding a weekly sewing circle at 7 fr10nday nights in the church hall. Stuffed dolls and animals are being made for the forthcoming parish festival. All are invited to join the group, HOLY NAME, FALL RIVER The CYO will sponsor a trip to a Jethro Tull concert at Boston Garden tomorrow night. A bus will leave the rectory at 6:30 P.M. Tickets are available from Rev. Kevin Tripp. All parishioners are invited to attend t~e ordination of Rev. Mr. Timothy Goldrick at 2 Saturday afternoon at St. Mary's Cathedral. He will celebrate Mass at 7:30 Sunday night at Holy Name Church and a reception will follow in the school hall. ST. ROCH, FALL RIVER New officers of the Council of Catholic Women will be installed at a banquet to be held Monday . night, June 12 at White's restaurant. Mrs. Lillian Laliberte is chairman for the occasion. HOLY ROSARY, FALL RIVER May crowning ceremonies will be held preceding 8:30 Mass Sunday morning, May' 14. Children will also receive First Co'mmunion at the Mass. New officers for the Women's Guild are Mrs. August Petrucci, presideJ:lt; Mrs. Warren Dearden, vice-president; Mrs.' Michael Sicilia, secretary; Mrs. Frank Mazzoni, treasurer. The unit's annual corporate Communion supper will be held following 5 P.M. Mass Sunday, June 4. Guest speaker will be Thomas Newberry, who will discuss the' rosary. Tickets are available from Mrs. Petrucci, chairman, and members of her committee. A theatre party at Chateu de Ville, Framingham, is planned for Sunday, June 11, preceded by a roast beef dinner. The presentation will be "The Sound of Music." NOTRE DAME, FALL RIVER The Council of Catholic Women will install the new slate of officers at a family Communion breakfast 'on Sunday morning, May 21 in Jesus Mary Academy following the 9 o'clock Mass. Returns must be made this weekend in the lower church following any of the Masses. Rev. Ronald Tosti, Diocesan Director of the CCD, will be the guest speaker.

ST. ANNE, FALL RIVER Parish Little Leaguers will attend 10 AM. Mass Sunday, May 14, then parade to the baseball field at 12:30 P.M.' to begin their 17th playing season with a gl!-me between the Terriers and Beagles teams. A smorgasbord at 7:30 Saturday night, May 20 will precede. a dinner dance to be held in the school hall under auspices of St. Anne's Parish Committee. Music will be by the Night Club , Entertainers. A bus'tour to Rockport, M~ss., open to parishioners and nonparishioners, will leave at 10 AM. Sunday, May 28. Proceeds will benefit the school and reservations may be made with Maurice Francoeur at telephone 674-2411 after 6 P.M. Bingo is played every Wednesday night at 7 in the school hall. ST. ANN, RAYNHAM The parish will sponsor its fifth annual art show from 7 to 9 P.M. Thursday and Friday nights, May 18 and 19 from 2 to 9 P.M. Saturday, May 20, and from 2 to 5 Sunday afternoon, Mlly 21. Arrangements are in charge of Eileen Alden and Del Perry, aided by a large commit· tee. Recent activities of the Worn· en's Guild and Altar Society induded a fashion show, a Jiving rosary, and a May crowning ceremony. ST. LOUIS DE FRANCE, SWANSEA Ladies of St. Anne Sodality will hold their monthly meeting at 8 o'clock on Wednesday night, May 17. The Living Rosary devotion will be conducted in the church and members of the organization will be contacted in order that all may join in the ceremony. Installation of officers will follow in the church hall.

Central Village ST. JOHN $100 Dr. & Mrs. Joseph T. Baldwin The Forrest family $50 Mr. & Mrs. Charles Yocum Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Moriarty Mr. & Mrs. John Costa $40 Mr. & Mrs. John Ardagh , $35 Mr. & Mrs Lynwood Comstock $30 Mrs. Isabelle Sandberg Mr. & Mrs. George Leach Mr. & Mrs. Francis J: Maher Mr. & Mrs. Richard Sylvia Mr. & Mrs. Walter Campbell, Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Bernard T. Kelly Mr. & Mrs. Sigmund Kokoszka Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Dolan Mr. & Mrs. Norman Guay Carl Brodt Mr. & Mrs. John Porter Mr. & Mrs. John E. Brady Mr. & Mrs. Edward Shaffer Fiorience I. Bessette Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Halloran Mr. & Mrs. Richard Trecida Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Souza Mr. & Mrs. Charles Costa Patri~ia Clancy Dr. & Mrs. Philip Lozinski Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Williams Mr. & Mrs. Frank Sweeney Mr. & Mrs. Henry Arruda Miss Lillian Sekonda


$25 Mr. & Mrs. Francis X. Henry, Anonymous, Mr. & Mrs. David DeCosta, Mrs. Avery Clapp, Mr. & Mrs. James H. Powers Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Vital, Mrs. Laura V. Pachico


$1400 Fernandes Super Markets, Inc. $200 Rev. Donald A. Couza $100 St. Mary's Conference, St. Vincent De Paul Society $40 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Nash

REVERSAL: Bishop James W. Malone- of Youngstown, Ohio, has interpreted certain "internal Catholic squab· bles" as a potential blessing for the ecumenical move· ment. The Bishop made his remarks during a speech to the United Methodist qua· driennial General Conference in Atlanta. NC Photo.

No. Dartmouth, ST. JULIE $300 Rev. John F. Hogan $175 Dr. & Mrs. E. Deane Freitas $125 Rev. John J. Steakem . $100 Atty. & Mrs. Edward J. Harrington Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence A Weaver $60 Dr: & Mrs. James Hayden The Halloran Family $50 Marion S. Freitas Dr. & Mrs. William Howard Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Albert A Silva Mrs. Robert J. Smith $40 ,Misses Hannigan Mr. & Mrs. Roy Mason $31 The Westgate Family $30 Misses Mary C. & Elizabeth G. . Gleason Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Gonsalves Mrs. Raymond Markey Mr. & Mrs. John Morris Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Nunes Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Sherman Dennis Wong $25 Wilhemina C. Baptista, Atty. & Mrs. Thomas Burke, Mr. & Mrs. Armand Brie, Mr. & Mrs. Edward C. Hill, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Morro Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Muscarella, Mr. & Mrs. Donald Pittman, Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Ponte, Mr. & Mrs. Albert Rose, Mr. & Mrs. William Mosher Mr. & Mrs. Rene Savoie, Mr. & Mrs. Philbert Silveira, Mr. ~ Mrs: Joseph Vieira, Mr. & Mrs. Albert C. Wobecky, Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Babiec

Westport ST•. GEORGE $300 George Considine Rev. Lorenzo H. Morais $100 Mr. & Mrs: Thomas J~ Wilcock $60 Mr. & Mrs'. John Francis Ward $31 Mr. & Mrs. Major Wheelock _ $25 Mr. & Mrs: Alexander Steven· son


Admonition To be practical in life means to take everything seriously and nothing tragically. =---Schnitzler



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New Bedfo'rd




'rHE_ANCHO.R-[)ioc~se0'1 Fall Rive~-Thur~, ~~ay 11, ~972'

ST. JAMES' CHURCH $400 Mr. & Mrs. Philip Hemin&way , $150 Rev. John J. Smith Dr. Daniel Harrington $100 Rev. Joseph D. Maguire Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Dwyer' Mrs. Jeremiah Coholan $75 A Friend $60 Mr. & Mrs. Michael Crowley Mr. & Mrs. John Callanan . $55 In Memory of Grace Lardner $50 Mr. & Mrs. Luke Smith Mrs. John Duff Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Tschaen Sr. , Margaret Walsh Mary Walsh Mrs. Evie' Perry Dr. William O'Connor· John L~va Mr. & Mrs. John Maurice Mahoney $40 Mr. & Mrs. William Reed, , $35 Mr. & Mrs. James Mullin Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John Newby Brig. Gen. ,&' Mrs..Lawrence Markey' ' $31 . Sylvester Waish Mr. & Mrs. William Souza $30 William Cawley James A 'Worden, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Macedo· Mr. &. Mrs. WilHam Batty Jr, Sandra Medeiros Mr.& Mrs; Paul Hart Mr. & Mrs: Paul Clark Mrs. Leo Sullivan Mr.& Mrs. Michael Hummel ,I anet Connelly Mr. & Mrs. James Cawley Mrs. Alice Lowney , $25 Mr. & IYIrs. James Delano, . Carol De Souza, Henry O'Brien,"; G. B. William,' Mr. & Mrs. . Arthur Amaral ' Mrs. Clara Sylvia, Mr. & Mrs. ' Adam,Zych,. Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Pimental, Mr.' & Mrs. John C.Martin, Mr. &. Mrs.' Vincent Worden .' Agnes Tiernan, Mr.:, & Mrs. ' Henry Tavares, Alice' Donnelly, Mrs. Truman W. Ross, Helen Walsh . Mrs. Joan Hirst. Margaret and Mary Connelly, Mr. &. Mrs. Lionel Sears, Robert Hayes, Mr. & Mrs. Louis Moretti Mr. & Mrs. Francis .Manning, Mr. & Mrs. Edward. O'Rourke, The Hurley Family, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Palmer, Helen Jarusik, Mary Phaneuf, Loretta Phaneuf, Mary T. Winsper, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph 'Souza, Mr. & Mrs. George Sheehan Mr. & Mrs. Richard Manning, ,Dr. & Mrs. Daniel O'Neill, Mr. & Mrs. Henry Frenette OUR LADY OF ASSUMPTION $40 Holy Name Society $35 J. Rogers $32 A Monteiro $31 P. Silva $26 J. Silva $25 J. Cruz, A. Gibeau, A Gomes

The --Parish, Parade


ST. LAWRENCE' $160 •Rev. Arthur K. Wingate' $100, Mrs. Anne E. HC19per . " $75 , ,lame's' J. O'Brien Jr. $50 In Memory of Helen E. Austin by"Margaret Austin , Mr. & Mrs. James Dee Helen Driscoll , Mr. & Mrs. Philip F. Tripp $45 Mr. & Mrs. Albert,Fisher $40 ' Anna Driscoll A Friend $25 Mrs. Thomas Allen, Mr & Mrs Wi~son 'Bonneau, Dr. & Mrs. A B. Crowe; A Friend, Mr. & Mrs. Malcolm J. Delaney . Mr. Timothy Gleason, Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Goodfellow,. Mr. & Mrs. Owen Haekett, Mrs. Michael Harrington, Angela J.. Hayes . Mr. & Mrs. Thomas McFadden Sr., Veronica O'Bril~n, Margaret Sullivan, Mrs. Ethel Sylvia, Mrs. Wilfred Upham, .. Mrs. Leonard Whitehead ,: ST. ANTHONY OF PADUA $250 Rev. Bertrand R. Chabot $100 Rev. Robert W. Dowling St. Vincent de Paul Society , $75 ' Rev. Clement F. Dufour' $50 Leo Fortier Mr. & Mrs. Louis F. Parent Mr. & Mrs. 'Lionel Robitaille Sr. Rene Lacoste . $35 Oscar Leblanc $30 Talsop Lee $25 Chausse-Dumont Fun era 1 HOIne, Alma' & Zo,~lla' Dufour, L9uis Bousquet, Romeo & Ro~ land Charpentier,' Gerard Goguen Davi<L Dumais, Laurent Roy, , Norman" Hebert

OUR lADY OF ANGELS, FALL RIVER Mas!ies for· the' feast of the Ascension will be celebrated 'at 7 and 9 AM., and 12:15, 4, 5 and 7 P.M. Members of Holy Rosary Sodality will atttend a breakfast meeting following 8 o'clock Mass. Sunday, morning, May ~8. Children of Mary will hold a mother·daughter banquet following 5 o'clock Mass Sunday evening, May 14. Also on May 14, the blessing of auto,s will be held, at 1 P.M. in the ,church parking lot. BROTHER HERMAN

t-inner to Honor Br~th'er' Herman Brother Herman E. Zaccarelli, C. S.C, founder and director of thl~ International Food Research and Educational Center, North Easton', wil'-be honored Sunday, May 21 at a dinner marking the lOth anniversary of the' center. To be held at the Ambassador Hotel, Chicago, the dinner is be· ing arranged by a committee of food serVice industry executives, headed by Mrs. Josephine Maggiore, director of the ,Nursing Home Consultant Division of the center. Aided Needy Mrs. Maggiore noted that in its decade of existence, the cen: ter has initiated programs aiding thE: needy and the elderly and hal; developed educational prognlms attended by the staffs of some 40,000 scho!?ls, orphanages, ho:;pitals and other· resident facilities.

ST. MARY, MANSFIELD Plans are under way 'for "Ye OldeTyme Fair," to be held Saturday and Sunday, Sept.' 16 and 17, under sponsorship of the Catholic Women's Club. General Chairmen are Mrs. Ann!! Palanza, Mrs. Rosemarie Boyden and Mrs~ Caroline Long. Activities will include an auction, chicken barbel cue, raffle, hook fair and doll carriage and bicycle parade. Booths will feature Christmas items, a "penny social," foods, handmade goods, arts and crafts, "kiddie kapjers," neckties, grab bag,· a "friendship bou· tique," a wheel of fortune and assorted amusements: A roving photographer will take pictures of fairgoers. ST. PATRICK,

ST. ANNE, NEW IIEDFORD The Ladies of St. Anne will conduct a four·day' rummage . sale from'Wednesday, May 17 to Saturd~IY, May' 20 in the sch'ool , FALL RIVER' basement at the corner of Ruth The Women's Guild will spon.Street ;and Brook Ave. sor a public Maybasket whist at The !hours will be from '10 in 8 tonight in the school hall. Rethe' morning to 5 in the after· freshments will be served. Mrs. noon 011 the first three days and Joseph Drobyski is chairman. 10 to, noon on Saturday. The unit will hold its annual corporate Communion supper at ST. JOSEPH, the Hearthstone restaurant folATTLEIB"ORO The dress rehearsal for the, lowing 5 o'clock Mass Sunday Minstrel Show will be held to- evening, June 4. Members may night at 7 in the Attleboro High invite friends. Reservations are being taken by Mrs. Donald ·JagSchool auditorium.' Anyone wishing to volunteer m~n· and l\frs. Joseph Richards. to be a den mother for Cub Pack ' ST. KILIAN, No. ,37 is asked to contact Rob- NEW BEDFORD ert J. Jolicoeur. ' A Maybasket whist will take place at 8 Saturday night, May SACREID HEART, 13 under sponsorship of.the FALL RIVER The Women's Gu'ild will spon- Women's Guild in the .school sor, a fashion show at 7 on Wed- basement on Earle Street. Prizes nesday night, May 17 at, the will be awarded and refreshments will be available. Venus, de Milo in Swansea.' Co-chairmen are Mrs. James OUR LADY OF FATIMA, Roberts and Mrs. Charles Mitch- SWANSEA "There ",mbe' Ii Spring Whistell. ' on Wednesday evening, May 24, ST. GEORGE, .at 7:30 in the church hall. LightWESTPORT . ed parking area adjoins the nail. The Ladies Guild will' hold its Refreshments will be served and annual Maybasket whist at 8 door prizes given. Saturday night, May 13 at the HOLY NAME, school hall, Route 177. Tickets NEW BEDFORD will be available at the door and The parish adult organization refreshments . will be" served. ,committee has announced that Door prizes will, be awarded. there will 'be a meeting at ,8 Mrs.: Jea~ Forest,' chairman, o'clock on Thursday, May 11 in ' reqliests donations of prizes the parish 'hall for the p,urpose from guild members. of forming a couples club.

$25 Mr. & Mrs. Albert Coucci, Mr. & Mrs. Wiliiam Constant, Mr. & Mrs. Jo!!eph Rezendes, Miss Mabel Rezendes, Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Ziemba Mrs. Clotilde Dalbec, Mr. & Mrs. Marcel- Loranger, Mr. & ST. HYACINtH , Mr:;. Albert Pepin, Mrs. William . '$300 ., JDonlan, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph F. A Rev. Ernest N. ·Bessette lLelllanc . . , $125 Mr. & Mrs. Francis Sullivan, oW • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Mr. & Mrs. Gaspard Lafleur Henry Fortier, Mr. & Mrs. Louis . $60 CIAILY 'INTEREST SAVINGS ACCOUNTS,,' Mr. &, Mrs. Wilfred Roussean Begin, Mr~ & Mrs. Joseph Winsper, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Brown $35 Mr. & Mrs. Frank Barton, The Mr. & Mrs; Leo Fournier PER ANNUM Shea Family, Mr. & Mrs. Gaston $25 . DeBrosse, Misses Alice & Hazel Norman Brassard Family, Mr. & Mrs: Martin Tre,adup; Mrs. Davis, Mr. & Mrs. John Sardinha ,Interest Earned From Day of Deposit to Day of Withdrawal Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Walsh, Mr. Cora Guilmette,' Rita Powers, & Mrs. Ronald Walsh Mr. & Mrs. Albert Lamoureux


l. .;. .


, ST. MARY ·Marion $250 ST. RITA Rev. Bernard H. Unsworth $125 $100 Mr. & Mrs. John McNeil Rev. George E., Harrison $100 $50' , Mr. & Mrs. William McCarthy Mr. & Mrs. John Sullivan . $75 Mr. & Mrs. Rene Carroll Mr. & Mrs. Claude Ellis Mr. & Mrs. LawJrence Marshall ' Is abelle Cummings $40 $50 James Dawson Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Nicolli Mr. & Mrs. Leo Ro:lbida $25 ' : $35 Mr. & Mrs:' Robert Boys, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Sylvester Mliloney & Mrs. Thomas Connor, Dr. & $31 Mrs. William Dawson, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Ernest' Kobza Mrs.. Francis Farrell Jr., Dr. & Mr. '& Mrs. Joseph Souza' Mrs, Arthur Hickey Mr. & Mrs. Rod Lussier' Mr. & Mrs. Milton Laycock, $30 I Mr. & Mrs. Edmund McCarthy, Mr. & Mrs. Thoma:; McKenna ' ,Mr. & Mrs. William McLaughlin, Mrs. Vincent Paternal Mary Monte, Mr. & Mrs. John Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert C~sta Nol~ln $28 Mr. & Mrs. Domingo Nunes, Mr. & Mrs. John D. 'Sylvia Mr. & Mrs. Edmund Valley

ALL DEPOSITS INSURED IN FULL -' Minimum D~poslt $100 PAID UP SHARE ACCOUNTS 01 " Maximum Deposit $40,000 , , 72 /0 Dividends Paid Quarterly and Every IN PASSBOOK FORM Dollar Insured in Full ' No Notice Required for Withdrawal


Main Office: 41 Taunton Green, Taunton, Ma-ss.· Branch Office: 1400 Fall River Ave., Seekonk, Mass;

Tallnton cooperative ba'nk "The Bcinlc That Sets The Pace For Progress' =a;'"



• • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

) .. '.

New Bedford "'HOLY

NAME $250 Rev. Leo T. Sullivan $150 Very Rev. Henry T. Munroe $100 Mr. & Mrs. Lucien Beauregard Miss LilliaJ;l Cole Miss Mary Cole Mr. & Mrs. John Gibbons Dr. & Mrs. Frank R. Leary Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Marshall $50 Mr. & Mrs. Guido Coucci Mr. & Mrs. Hugh T. Earley Mr.' & Mrs. Robeo Magnant Miss Joan Sheehan . $40 Mr. & Mrs'. Joseph Finnerty $35

Mr. & Mrs. Eric Erickson ' Mr. & Mrs. Thomas McEntee Miss Helen McIntyre Mrs. John O'Neil , $30 Mr. & Mrs. Wm.' J. Cromblehome Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Charles Bramwell Mr. & Mrs. James Flanagan Mr. ,& Mrs. Gerald Moriarty $25 Miss Joan M. Atchison, Mr'.. & Mrs. Martin Barry, Mr. & Mrs. Walter Bruce & Family, Miss Mary Burns, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Cabral . Mr. & Mrs. Edward A. Casey, Mr. & Mrs. Alfred., Choquete, Mr. & Mrs. Armito Ciacci, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Cole,' Mr. & Mrs. Michael Considine, Mr. .& l\1rs. Charles W. Deasy, M:l'. & Mrs. Peter Giammalvo, Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Gorczyca, Mr. & Mrs. Jos~ph F. Gorman, Mr. & Mrs.. James Harrington Mr.. & Mrs. George Jacques, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Joseph, Mr. ~.M,s. -J.am!'!~ Leith,:Mr. &.Mrs. Edwin Livingstone Sr., Mr. & Mrs. ,Edward McBride Mr. & Mrs. Francis Sullivan, Mr. Joseph Mullarkey, Mr. Edward L. Smith Jr., Mr. & Mrs. George Swansey MOUNT CARMEL $175

In Memory of Mr. & Mrs. Justino Simoes $125 Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Hendricks $100 Mr. & Mrs. Abel A. Alves Mr. Augustus Silva In Loving Memory of Joseph & Agnes Soares $75 Miss Leonor M. Luiz $50 Mr. & Mrs. -Lucilio Manuel Machado Maria D. Silva Beatriz Lopes '.


Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Gregorio Martins Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Rebelo Tavares Mr. & Mrs. John R. Perry Mr. & Mrs. Donald Silva $35 Madeline Estrella Mr. & Mrs. Robert Kelly . $30 Mr. & Mrs. Carlos Lourenco Avelar . Mr. & Mrs. Francisco Vieira Mr. & Mrs. Leitao Natalina S. Ventura Mr. & Mrs. Gabriel Moura Sylvia Family Mr. & Mrs. Enos Lopes Mr. Edward Joseph Joao P. Amaral, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Jose dosReis Vasconcelos

$28 . Mr., & Mrs. Joseph G. Silveira Jr. '. .. " . $25 Mr. & Mrs. Mariano Pimental, Mr. & Mrs. Virginio Macedo, Mr. & Mrs. Antone Santos, Mr. & Mrs. Oswald Castro; Power Equipment Co., Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Francis Ferreira, Mr. & Mrs. Duarte Manuel de Melo, Mr. & ·Mrs. Jose Maria Hermenegildo, Mr. & Mrs. Jose Sousa, Mr. & Mrs. ManuelG. Souza Jr. Mt. Carmel Boy Scouts Parents Maria Lopes, Mr. & Mrs. James Almeida, Mr.. &. Mrs. David Rodrigues Macedo, Mr. & Mrs. John Silvia Jr. NoemiaCambra, Mr. & Mrs. Abilio Torres Carvalho, Mr. &. Mrs. Raymond Cambra, Bernadette Cambra, Juliet Lopes Mr. '. it . Mrs. Kenpeth King, Miml,lel A. Gomes, Maria ·M. Luiz, Mr.· & l\:1rs. Joseph Be.ttencourt, Mr. & Mrs,.Emidio Rap.oso Mr. & Mrs. Jorge Melo, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur,Caetano"Mr. & ~rs. Frank Mott &, Family ... SACRED HEART CJlURCH: ' $100 Henri Daigle' & Family , , $35 Gerald LaFrance Mr. &. Mrs. Pierre 'Seguin $30 Mr. & Mrs. Arthur' Deschenes . Mr. & Mrs. Roger Menard ' $25 ' Mrs.. J. Herve 'Bedard, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Begnoche, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Forgue,Mrs. Frank Kutis ST.' ANNE .

,$100" Edmund" ·SYivia Jr..

$50 St. Vincent de Paul Conference, St. Anne's Parish $30 Mr. & . Mrs. Ulysse Auger . $25 Mr. &.Mrs. Arthur Powell, St. Anne Credit Union, Mr. &. Mrs. Harry Sears, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Fontaine, Lemlin Hardware Mr. &. Mrs. Aldei LaFrance, Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Raphael, Mr. & Mrs.Adden Thibault, Mr. & Mrs. Leopold LaPerriere, Mr. & Mrs. Victor Morency

Fan River ST. ELIZABETH $25 Manuel S. Borges Anthony Rodrigues A Friend • Bliss Staples Oil Co., Inc. SAINT, ROCH $300 Rev. Rene G. Gauthier $280 A Friend $150 Mr. & Mrs. Romain Saulnier $50 P. T. Crispo Family Mr. & Mrs. Antonio Coutu Mr. & Mrs. Roger Valcourt Mr. & Mrs. Alex Vezina $35 Thomas Cote $30 Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Levitre Mr. & Mrs. Normand Levesque $25 Joan Snyder, Mr. & Mrs. Henri Berube, Mr. & Mrs. Donald Dom. .ingue, Mr. & Mrs. Isidore Lapre

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River"-Thur., May 11, 1972


THE OLDEST .. ,LARGEST .. .AND MOST NEEDED A social commentator recently said that if you don't belong "Movemen~," you're just not "with it" today! Whether you 'to a ORDAINED: Rev. Mr. agree or disagree is not my purpose here, but this popular idea of Paul C. Kenney, S.J. will be "Movement" caught my interest. How appropriately, I thought, this ordained to the pri~sthQOd idea of Movement-or people moving together towards ~ comqion Saturday, May' 27 itt St.'·Ig- goal~applies to the Church's Missionary Activity-the oldestnatiu,~ (2hurc~,:Che~tnut HiJI. largest-and most' needed "Movement" the world has known. Let A native of NorWood, :he me elaborate . . . .. ,

taught ' English :-at , Bishop The oldest: The message of Christianity is the Good News Connolly High School, Fall of man's FREEDOM as 'a son ot God. This "Liberation movement" River, from 1967 to'1969. He . (Salvation-history) began with God in the Old Testament and was fulfilled itt Christ;' the Savior and Redeemer wh~freed us will celebrate 'his first Mass from sin, ignorance, and gave us the power to transcend every at 2' P.M. May 28 in St. human oppression.' St. Pall!. repeatedly says to the early ChrisTim~t~y's Church, NOhvood.. tians: "Freedom is 'what we have-Christ has set us free."....


(Gal. 5:1) ST. MICHAEL' $800 Rev. Joseph. Oliveira $150' Dr. & Mrs. Gilbert Vincent $60 Mr. & Mrs. John D.' Aguiar Miss Beatrice Capeto . Mr. & Mrs. Antone Souza $52 Mr. Leo Oliveira '. $50'"

,., ,

'Dr. & MrsdosephCarVall10 : Miss Mary T. Carvalho Mr. & Mrs. Manuel S. Medeiros & Family Miss Cecilia Oliveira $35 Mr. & Mrs. Albert Capeto Mr. & Mrs. Francis I. Lennon & Family $31 Miss Belmira Tavares $30 ;

Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Cardoza & Dennis '. Mr. & Mrs. Arnold Martin Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Rego, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Alvaro R. Viveiros &'Son ' $25 Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Amarello, A Friend of the 'Charities, Mr. & Mrs. William Barboza, Mis~ Irene Cabeceiras, Miss Maria Cabral . , Miss Isabel Capeto, Mr. & Mrs. Henry R. Caron, Mr. & Manuel Carreiro. Atty &' Mrs. Gilbert Coroa, Mr. & Mrs. Edward R. Costa ' . . Mr. &. Mrs. Joseph De Costa, Mrs. Agnes S. Feijo, Gilbert Feijo, Mr: & Mrs. Antone M. Ferreira, Antonio Goncalo & Family Miss Lydia Gonsalves, Joao Hermenigildo & Family, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur R. Machado, Thomas Mahon, Mr. & Mrs. Noel Med.eiros Mr. & Mrs. Antone Mello, Mr: & Mrs. Gilbert Mello, Antonio Oliveira, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Pereira, ,Mr. & Mrs. Henry J. Pleiss Mr. & Mrs. Alvin S. Rego, Mr. & Mrs. Edwin S. Rego, Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Rocha, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Rosa, Mr. & Mrs. Leo Schenck

The largest: This life-giving message of freedom, fulfilled in Christ, continues in each of us through olit- membership in the Body of Christ tOday-the Church. The mission Our Lord gave to His first follower~to go out and "free" the 'whole world is OUR mission today. It hasn't changed; only the means and methods change with ~e times. . The most needed: With the rapid advances of today's transportation and communications, our world is rightly called a "global village,", but to our shame it is an oppressing village for two thirds of its peoples, still enslaved by the mercilessness of poverty, hunger, disease, despair, and indifference•. Unlike the:eltrly Christians, we may not be called to give witness to our faith through persecutions or martyrdom; to celebrate the liturgy in secret catacombs; or to live in constant fear of being "found out" because we proclaim a freedom no earthly power can give or take away. We may not recognize, as readily, the Spirit "moving" us, freeing us, and calling us to action. But the Spirit IS very much alive in His Church, in His mission, and in each one of us who is open to Him. Does the Spirit not "move" us to "Go in peace to love and serve the Lord?" Like the first missionaries, who certainly needed the sacrificing witness, prayers, and'encouragement' of their fellowChristians, so do today's missionaries need the kind of witness, support, and encouragement each us of. can .givel



." "

Thanks to the tremendous good we can do if each us realized, as the early Christians did, the FREEpOM we have been given-the FREEDOM we have to give! This is why every single c~mtribution to the Society for the Propagation of the Faith is, so important! It is helping today's missionaries bring this Good News of Christ to the countless human beings still suffering from every kind of oppression, be it spiritual, social, economic, political, physical or mental. Please join with us in celebrating the 150th Anniversary of mission-support by the Society for the Propagation of the, Faith. Send a generous sacrifice for the missions today as your way of saying to the whole world: "God is Love, and His Love makes us FREE! Please use this coupon today. '




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SALVATION AND SERVICE are the work of The Society for the Propagation of the Faith. Please cut out this column and send your offering to Most Reverend Edward T. O'Meara, National Director, Dept. C., 366 Fifth Ave, New York, N.Y. 10001 or directly to your local Diocesan Director.


The Rev. Msgr. Raymond T. Considine 368 North Main Street Fall River, Massachusetts 02720



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CITY ;............................................... STATE.............................. ZIP.................. Remember the Society when writing or re-writing your Will 5-11-72

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, . "~"""""""""""""-"-""""""'-,



rHE ANCHOR-Diocese of Eall River-Thur., May.1l, ·1972




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,1 ~


Context of Christian






SETTLER OR PIONEER: Like the immigrants to the

u.s.' in 1902 pictured here, Christians can have two. vjews

of the church In their lives. The "settler" could and can view the· church as an established possession while. the "pioneer" can view the church as an institution characterized by movement and quest into the future.NC Photo. : Some years ago, in an attempt to interpret many of. the new ·direction,s. in theology, Wes SeeIiger coined the distinc.tio!,\ between settlers and' pioneers.. Settlers, he. saici, see life as a '. possession to .be; carefully. .' . guard¢, at,tempt, to find .ansvvers... to, all.questions, a n9 feel their . - greatest· comfort in' the status quo. ,




Pioneers, on the contrary, see life as an explosive, 'fantastic gift. They try haltingly to talk about this strange gift; but even mo.re, they attemptt!> .push back the boupdries of talk :by living. The two attitudes, Seeliger goes on, are reflected first of all in the idea of church. In the settier' view, the churc1h is the courthouse. It is the c.enter of town life, and its structure dominates the town square. Its windows are small, making it easy to defend, but also making it dark inside. No one lives inside except pigeons, and they are not really welcome.. Within the thick, courth'ouse wall.s, _r~cords are

kept, taxes ilre collected and trials are held for bad guys. The courthouse runs: the town' and is the sett~er's symbol: of. law ,order, stability and s,~curity. .. Pion~er. ..viiew . In_ the _ pioneer' .view, the . church'jsthought oJ.. as>:the: coy- , ered wagon. Itis.a,h\>llse on wheels, a'nd always on the move; No place is really its home; but the' wagon is where the pioneers eat~ sleep, fight, love and .die~ It has the ~marks of life·and movement, too: it creaks, it is scarred with arrows, it is I~~mdaged with wire. . The "covered . willgon . is' the' scene of the action, and it moves into the future without trying to glorify its own ruts. It i~n't par~ ticularly comfortable, but for the' . pioneers it is home, and it helps to move. them int.o the new world. /. There. is someth::ng :exciting about a'pioneer.church, or' as we have come to call it today, a pilgrim church. For a pilgrim church 'is a commuriity of people characterized by movement, and .by the painful burden' of life and death that is the rhythmical accompaniment of movement. Settler- ViE:w Most of us would at least ver. bally opt for the pioneer instead of the settler view, but in actuality, we tend to become settlers. That is why we cannot do with; out prophets, the men and women'o'f vision who constantly Turn to .Page Seventeen





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Genuine SIJiritu,ality B·rings. Men Together Moments of prayer can be the. illOSt intimate, deeply personal of our' lives. In contact with .our God, we are in some ways most Ol-!rselves and most alone. "When you pray, go to your mom and close the door, and pray to your Father who is unseen" (Matt. 6,6). We have heard oJ holy men who spent years as h~rmits,.alone in· :their caves or h~ts in wild forests or distant dl~serts in order to learn to live this inner life of prayer c:osely united with God. . Yet even in the deepest, quiete~:t moments of intense communion, we. never really come be~ fcore God alone. We bring other people with us in many ways. We bring with us, first of all, everything we have learned about God from other people. If it weren't for the things we have heard from others, we would. not be there looking for' God or listening fo'r him in the first place. ' Someone told us there was a God to look for. Someone taught us that he could be found in Jesus through the Spirit. "How shall they call on him if they ha.ve not believed? .. Believing ccmes t~rough hearing the message, and the message comes through preaching Christ" (Romms 10,17). ~aith-Community , Moreover, the living reality of


pr;iyer is "God's,'lo:ve poured, forth in our . hearts by the Spirit" .(Romans 5,5). But we had to ·.learn to recognize :that love in our hearts for what it was. The faith-community in which we grew up awakened us to the reality o.f that .life in ourselves. They called our attention to what (Jod was doing in our hearts. We learned to recognize God's work in us' because they saw it there .first; We began to try to learn to kn JW God better only because we were raised among people wh 0 were themselves seeking after him. If we had been born all alone and lived completely without other human beings, we would probably never have found God. We would not have known there was Anyone there to look for: , It is very true that "God is not far from anyone of us; for in him we live and· move and are" (Acts 17,27f.). But many other objects too are not far from us, \inc! their nearness comes though to our 'senses louder and more gla::ingly than God's. We have. a . built·in longing for something more than the world we see and touch, but other hungers can be mo::e insistent here and now.


It takes effort and constant age the timid, help the weak, be courage to keep our hearts patient with all" (I Thess. 5,14). Social Worship open :~o God, not letting other So we not only pray at times things dominate our attention and take his place in our lives. .alone, but we come together in To keep up such effort we need church, and "when you meet for the encouragement' of others worship, one man has a hymn, day by day. We need the good another a teaching, another a example of others who believe as revelation from God, another a we do and want to live up to. ·message with strange sounds, what they believe. "We urge y'ou and still another a message the brothers: warn the idle, encourTurn to Page Eighteen

l[C;mmunity as Context ofCatechesis There is no denying tl;1e widespread division or, polarization existing in many dioceses and parishes around the country. Often bitterness mars Catholic parishes. Perhaps more often apathy settles over the whole community. In either case the results for religious education or Christian life are stultifying.

ciples by their mutual love and be moved to praise God because of their compassionate lives. The life of Christian communities is itself a major part of .catechetical context. If the message about God and his love for man is contradicted by the life of the Christian. community, "there arises in' the listeners an obstacle to the acceptance of God's word" (35). The creation of genuine Christian By communities is therefore a major challenge facing those resp6nsiFR. CARL J. 'hie on the local level for religious education. Even catechists, PFEII:ER, S.J. in addition to teaching,· have, a . duty as well' "tt} offer their. help in. making the ecclesial commu~"<W~f.':'!~ ;nity come.. alive;', so.that·,it,iW,iIl This state of affairs suggests be able to give ii witness. 'that is that in the effort to'iniprovere- authentically Christian" (35). ligion texts, to provide. more adCommunity Involvement vanced education for catechists On a practical level the Diand directors of religious education, to iqtroduce prograJ:ris'~f rectory suggests several faradult. education, we may have reaching orientations for .transneglected what is mote. impor- lating cioctrinal insight into lived tant than ail these single efforts . reality by means of careful planat renewal. We: have given .per- ning. Plimning........including neceshaps inadequate attention. to the. sary' research into 'actual local context within which all' efforts conditions, determining'· goals, . take place- the local commu-' setting priorities, deciding on ap-.nity.of beiievers, tha-t~is; ,the par- . prppriat.!'! .means, and selecting •••.•t:. ish or diocesan community; criteria of evaluation-is seen as ,Rome's "General' Catechetical ·necessary. Directory': highlights the' imporThe Directory urges the 'in~ tance of the Christian commu- volvement of the whole communnity' as a whole in catechesis.· ity in. all s,tages of such planning. While it encourages pr!>fessional " First of all "the entire commlJtraining, adult religious educa-' nfty !!hould share in the. study :df tion, improved texts, more au- -, the situation; so that ·the people th'entic' doctrinal stances, and 'may be made aware of tl;1e quesmore effective methodology,' tions and be disposed to action" there is the repeat'ed recommen: (101). Then the analysis of the dation to view religious educa- situation should result ·in .~n tion within the context of tl;1e overall plan or program of actotal pastoral ministry within tion. In the creation of such the Christian community, and to a plan the entire comiminity is .plan' aecordingly. The reasons to be involved: given are both doctrinal and The Directory suggests a depractical. gree of participation rarely Living Examples, found in the Church in the The primary doctrinal reason United'· States. "Care must be for 'directing attention to the taken to· make the, Ch~istian community as the living context community every day conscious for catechesis is. that the of its duty, which is to be a sign Church is itself the chief sign of wisdom and love of God that of faith arid he' teaches others was revealed to us in Christ. For how to read them. The chief of this, it is expedient that the enthese signs is the Church her- tire community and each 'of its self" (3:5). members as far' as possible alThe insight rests· on the teach- wayS be informed at the proper ing of Vatican Council II regard- '. time about what things are to ing the Church as the fundamen- . , be done, and also that all be tal sacrament or sign of God's invited to take an active part in presence and love in the world. ·the undertaking of 'projects, in Jesus hi.mself pointed out that the making of decisions, and in peop~e would recognize his disTurn to Page' Eighteen


New Interesting Bi'ography Of Napoleon Bonaparte


Thurs.. Mav 11, 1972

Christian Continued from Page Sixteen urge us forward in this community. That is also why we cannot do without scouts, either-those among us who go first, test the trails, who take the responsibility of attack upon themselves, and who give directions to those beginning the journey. The main problem with the life of the pioneer is that to live ft, one must let go of the life of the settler. The two are not completely contradictory; there is a little bit of the settler in every pioneer and vice versa. Never-, theless, there is a moment when one has to completely let go of one - in faith - to reach the other. In fact, the characteristic quality of the pioneer, is his faith, and that is why the ·members of the pilgriql church are referred to as the "community of believers."

There have been innumerable books about Napoleon. Is there any place for a new one? Yes, if fresh material turns up, and if a fresh' approach to 'the subject is brought off. Vincent Cronin, autbor of a massive book called Napoleon Bonaparte:' An Intimate Biography speak their minds in all candor, heeded them. (Morrow, 105 Madison Ave- andHehedrew up a code of civil law nue, New York, N. Y. 10016, which was later adopted in most

of Europe, and inaugurated changes in the educational system, many of them still in force. By He brought France from bankruptcy to prosperity. RT. REV. Exiled to Elba Much of his' campaigning outMSGR. side· France was' not aggressive JOHN S. but in defensive response to hostile coalitions determined that KENNEDY the so-called old order must be restored in France and the democratic flame quenched. $12.50), draws on hitherto unWherever he conquered; he inused sources. He also avoids the troduced much freer institutions, Guarantee CORPORAL WORK OF MERCY: Ten million free which made him all the more customary concentration on Napoleon as a man of war, and is detestable to foreign monarchs meals for the needy in 21 % years is the record of St. AnTo be <I' believer is to take up intent on Napoleon the human and privileged aristocracies. thony Dining Room in San Francisco. Franciscan Father a life of searching, and that When he was lured into Rus· Alfred Boeddeker,' founder and director, will receive the can't be done if one remains sitbeing and the political adminissia in 1812, his eclipse impended. trator. St. Francis of Assisi award, the' city's highest commenda- ting on the porch. Not to let go The future emperor was born His army reached Moscow, but of the past and not to go where Napoleon Buonoparte in 1769, had to withdraw and then was tion, in a City Hall ceremony lViay 23. NC Photo. faith leads would seem to indion the island of Corsica, which, largely destroyed by the rigors of cate a tack of trust in God as Grace L. Martin well. just a year earlier, Genoa had. a bitter Wint~r.· Just two years Fall River Mildred .Audet & Family This'is where our dependence sold to France. Forbears of both later, the Russians were in Paris, SACRED HEART Patrick Callahan on one another comes in. We his father and mother had come as part of an alliance which $125 Walter H. White may not be sure exactly' where originally from Italy, and both brought Napoleon down. He was Quinlan F.Leary $40 we are going,. but if we move families were of the nobility. exiled to Elba.. $100 Mr. & Mrs. Daniel F. Duffy . together, trusting in the goodHelped Downtrodden But they ,were not rich. Sacred Heart Conference, St. $35 ,To get an education at mininess of each other, we can stay From that island, in a dazzling Vincent de Paul S'ociety James Kennedy alert and alive. If it 'is true that mum cost, Napoleon was sent feat, he returned to France in Deceased Benefactors" St. VinEdward Daley "God is where man's going," a to France in 1778, when he ·was early 1815, and marched to Paris, cent de Paul Society In Memory of Maurice Bying- journey made in the company of nine. He headed for the military gathering forces all along the Mary E. Quirk ton a community of 'believers - of life through his enrollment first way and easily reacquiring his Mrs. Charles ~. Sevigny "'$31 faithful pilgrims - is the best in a military academy, then in a tiu:orie. ' , , Katherine D. Adams Dorothy McUichlan . guarantee that we shall eventullmilitary,'coUege·.' When only;'16, Aga'in a.n'assembly of nations In Memory of John J. Tuite $30 ally reach him. he was commissioned as an of- took the 'field 'against him,' and Frances C. Shaughnessey Gerald 1. Harrington & Milficer and assigned to a regiment. .after a secc;>n:d reign of some lQO Mr. & Mrs. John J. Harrington dred G. 'Harrington lOUR LADY OF THE days he .suffere.d his final defeat Campclgn in Italy . M!1rgaret M. Sullivan HOLY ROSARY Mr. & Mrs. Charles F. Bliffins at' Waterloo. This time he was Mr, & Mrs. H. Frank Reilly On his own, he did much strictly confined on' the remote Margaret M. Dunn $200 In Memory of Margaret E. . reading and studying, and ob- island of St. Helena, where he The Coughlin Family ~ev. Vincent E. Diaferio . served the mood of the ordinary died of cancer in 1821; aged 52. Hammill, William H. Sullivan, Mr. & Mrs. JamesR Mitchell $100 ,Anne F. Clancy & Mary M. HarMr.·& Mrs. John F: .Lyons Frenchman. He saw the' political The Pacheco Fa,roily Napoleon is often depicted as ringtc?':l '$25 . and social· abuses prevalent in a kind of monster, chiefly' be$60 $75 France, and the need of reform. cause of the work of British WHliam F. White Jr., MargaMr. & Mrs. Dennis Toomey , & Mrs. Daniel F. 'Murphy ret F. 'Lenaghan, . Eleanor MulHe admired the patriot who lives propagandists. Not so, says Mr. Jr..:Mr. $50 i ···\., ' laney, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. in order to help others arid pro- Cronin. There 'was nothing rough . Mr. & Mrs. Frank Mazzoni . Mary Flynil Burke, Mrs..Jean Mizak mote happiness. Mrs. Lena Rice( I. , about him. He was a firm be, $50 At 21, Napoleon welcomed the liever in moderation. At the head E. Louise Beattie, Michael $40 Mr. & Mrs.,·.James H. Sullivan Murphy; Regina Higgins, Mr. & Revolution of 1789, and swore of an empire, he took immense Mr. & Mrs. Ernest' Didfammo Margaret R. Sullivan . . $25" ,. an oath of loyalty to the repub- pains to help' the downtrodden. Mrs. William Mercier, Thomas ..Jane, G. Broderick Keane lican constitution. But anarchy Mrs. Acquilino Dispirito. ~ith Reopened Churches Mr. & Mrs. Denins C. Hurley Helen Kennedy, William Fitz· Sasso Flanagan, Patricelli Faro" and terror soon raged through Goethe held that Napoleon's Mr. & Mrs. George E. Sulli- ler, 'Elizabeth Crowley, Mrs. France, and civil war broke out, ily, Rose Sisca . with opponents of the Revolu-. political and soci~l achievements van Jr. Monica Wa,lmsley. Robert Carey the stamp of genius. Napobore , Thomas b. & Margaret F. Totlon given foreign assistance. Mr. & Mrs. Abel Marceline, .Walter P. Wilcox, Margaret T. It was in the civil war that leon )lated adulation, was tem- lan CONRAD SEGUIN,I Napoleon first· demonstrated his perate in victory, and although & Leonora A. Donovan, Thomas he once had 'attempted suicide, BODY COMPANY F. CO,nnors, Leo Fogarty extraordinary military skills, and Aluminum or Steel Mr. ,& Mrs. Joseph Welch, by the age of 24 he was a briga- he did not despair in captivity. "I was born 'into theCahtolic He was a·' Catholic to begin religion; I wish' to fulfill the .Raymond Rosa, Mrs. Benjamin 944 County Street· dier-general, heading the Army NEW BEDfORD, MASS. of the Interior, then the Army of with, but said that at the age duti~sit imposes and receive the Stafford 9q'2-~618 the Alps. He conducted a bril- ,of I I he was no longer a believ- help it affords." He arranged for the reception liant campaign in Italy, and com· ing Christian. for r.easons which manded an expedition to Egypt. Mr. Cronin sets out. The Revo- of Extreme Unction and Viati· intended to threat~n the British lution sought to suppress the cum. But the deterioration of Church and to impose a man- his condition made swallowing position in India. centered pseudo-religion., This, impossible, so that only the Emperor at 35 course Napoleon completely re- anointing took place. A Mass of, 245. MAIN STREET . Returning from Egypt, he found versed. He reopened the churches Requiem preceded his burial on ,that internal rot was debilitating and entered into a concordat St. Helena. FALMOutH - 548-1918 France, hence he entered politics. with the Holy See. Mr. Cronin succeeds in making ELECTRICAL ARMAND ORTINS, Pro!:». Receives Sacrament He was a principal in a coup Napoleon much more real and Contractors which established the Consulate He dealt with the Papal States interesting as a human being as a new form of government. . as with a political entity like any than ever before. He weaves toHe became First Consul. in 1800, other, and with the Pope, in his gether hundreds of- small, tellConsul for life in 1802, and was capacity of secular sovereign, as ing details: ,about Napoleon's crowned as Emperor in 1804 at with any other. Napoleon can passion for cleanliness, his swift ONE STOP the age of 35. justly be faulted for much where eating of always simple meals ~HOPPING CENTER With power in his grasp, he , religion is concerned, yet it must (20 minutes for dinner,) his amaz• Television • Grocery greatly extended .suffrage and be admitted that because of him ing grasp on myriads of tiny par• Appliances • Furni!ure submitte.d various reforms to the Church in France was rid of ticulars, his mastery of volumi'b~ popular decision. He surrounded old abuses, which tended to nous documents. his tastes in 104 Allen St., New Bedford 944 County St. ...~ himself with uncommonly able weaken it. reading and music, his liking for 997-9354 New Bedford • men. who were encouraged to When death drew near. he said. tragic drama.



Photo Supply








rHE ANdlOR-Diocese of Fall Ri~er- Thur., May 11", 1972

Spirituality Continued from Page Sixteen Everything must be of -help to \ the Church" (I Cor. 14,26. And "we who are strong in the faith ought to help the weak to carry their burdens" (Roman!? 15,1). For these reasons, we also~ pray for ope another: "you help us by means of your prayers for us. So it will betllat the many prayers for us will be answered, and God will bless us" ( II Cor. I,ll). Genuine spirituality does not pull men apart from one another; it brings them closer together. The life of prayer produces the gifts of the Spirit: "love, joy, , peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, humility and self-control" (Galatians 5,22f). These are precious things that can be shared without dividing men from one another. These things do not grow 'less in the sharing; they grow more. The more we take of them for ourselves, the more there is for all. A community of :faith is a praying' community. A true church is a body of believing people, trying to live up to the fullness, of Christian spirituality.. This is why we pray.

Says Britain Responsiible For' IRA -Fanaticism It is time we shed our· illusions about the IRA. There is really very little to distinguish them from the' Vi~tcong or any other terrorist organiza~ion. The I R A are brutal killers. War with the British army may' make some 'sense ' but the murdering of civilians makes no sense at all. cover in the midst of ~ fire fight. So Ireland lost one of its Shooting government offi- brightest young leaders; killed by, cials while their families an Irish bullet not an English one.




And, oh yes, several years later virtually 'all his enemies accepted what was for all practical purposes the same peace treaty hesigned and then proceeded to try to build a new Ireland more or less on the blueprint he designed. Unfortunately, he wasn't around. Both Must Go Collins knew when to make peace, when to turn from guns to diplomacy. But the men he trained and who even today take their inspiration from his tactics never seemed to have learned his strategy. One wonders how many ,more gifted young men will have to die before the IRA learns. The best bet is that, being Irish, they will never learn. To a considerable extent the British government is to blame for IRA fanaticism. Having imprisoned without trial or charge the more mature and more moderate IRA leadership, the British in effect turned the organization over to teenagers. The IRA aren't the only ones who will never learn. The British· don't. belong' to Ulster. And the IRA has no right· to kill innocent people. Both are going to have to go if Catholics and Protestants in Ulster are ever going to learn to live in peace with each other.

watch, tarring and feathering young women, beating pregnant mothers, bombing restaurants, setting off explosions in crowded streets--all of these are forms of murder for which there is no FARMWORKERSLEAD:ER: Ces,ar Chavez, leader of .' justification. the United Farm Workers, announced that the Union has The argument, of course, is Continued from Page Sixteen that terror tactics are designed started another nationwide boycott of a fann product- carrying out of what has been to destroy a social struct4re and lettuce, this time. Chavez said: "We are boycotting let- decided" (107). that oppressed peoples have no tuee because the employers-the lettuce growers-will Urge Crelltivenes~ other weapons to use. Unfortunot recognize the United Farm Workers Union, and the n.ately, this end does not justify Few parishes in the United rights of their workers to have' the union bargaining col- States, and fewer dioceses, seem the means. And, as T. S. Eliot presently capable of involving all put it, when good does evil to lectively for them." NC Photo. obtain its ends it becomes indistheir 'faithful in a serious study of local" conditions and of keeptinguishable from the evil it is $26 Fall River ing them carefully informed of fighting. Mary Rapoza OUR LADY OF THE ANGELS The IRA won a big victory in important developments within $25 bringing down the Storemont the Church. Still fewer commu$1600 George Silvia, Alfred Coray, regime. But only in a world that Rev. Msgr. Anthony M Gomes Richard Pavao, Rkhard Coute, nities seem remotely ready for has lost all sense of moral values widespread participation of the $250 Joaquim Mello do such victories look admirable. faithful in the -actual decisionSt. Vincent de Paul Society Herman Botelho, Francisco A. GuerriHa war- that does not kill making process regarding plans $200 MaurissQo, Julia Howarth, Chilthe innocent may take longer for pastoral":"'-including catechet· Holy Name Society dren of Mary Sodality, John M. and it may not win but the aiical-activity, and for broad, reConfirmation Class-1972 Arruda -ternative is evil-and, to use an sponsible collaboration in the $125 Carlos Dionizio, James Arru- execution of such a coordinated unfashionable word, sinful. Rev. George F. Almeida da, Daniel Mecedo, Emma & Ad- plan'. Fall Riv,er Obviously the IRA is not going ' George J. Tonelli ' elaide Arruda, Joseph Medeiros ST. WILLiAMto stop just because its tacties Council' of Catholic Women The process is slow; sometimes August Ricardo, Manuel Sou- painful. But experience as well are immoral. The' Vietcong does $155.30 $105 Louis Brousseau za, John Moniz, Ernest Souza, as Rome's Directory suggests' not stop because its tactics are Rev. George J. Sousa immoral. Neither did England in ' Manuel Silvia J. $150 , $75 that continued creative attempts In Memory of William, Desthe I~st millenium of Irish hisRobert' Correia Christiano Pacheco, John J. at involving all faithful in the tory, nor the French in Algeria mond Crowley ,$60 Souza, Furtado Family, Cecilia process of understanding their nor the Russians in Hungary and $100 CY.O own local 'needs within a changE. Medeiros, Antone Michaels Czechoslovakia, nor the United Elizabeth R. & Jam~s E. Quinn $50 James Richner, John Medeiros ing Church and cooperative planGertrude V. Kennedy, States in, Vietnam. Even in the Patricia A. Cabral ning of ij. coordinated pastoral Jr:, Julius Rodrigues, Manuel course of wars that are probably $75 Holy Rosary Sodality approach to meeting those Correira, Jose Lindo just (World War II) much senseHelen L. & Mary M. Don,ovan Arthur_ Rego needs holds out hope of creating , Joseph Ferreira, Carl Frederless brutality occurs: It is foolish Margaret _Constantine Je'seph'Mello ick,Gerald Cardelli, Mariano more vibrant, unified Christian to think that it wili stop. But it $50 Manuel ):..aurE!anno communities. Such communities Thomas, Arthur Silvia is equally foolish not tq condemn Mrs. lioward Worthington , $35 provide a necessary context of it. . ' " ~jonel Rodrigues, Joseph Sil- effective religious education, beMr. & Mrs.' Francis Gauthier Tobias Monte via;Manuel Aguiar, Jesse Barrei- cause they are a convincing sign Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Dooley Mary Thomas , Mich~~I, Collin~ ra, Manuel Magano ' Alice F. Crowley ,-Alfred M. Mello -of God"s presence and concern In a thousij.nd -years' of fightHenry 'Rego, Alfred 'Almeida, in today's world. Boodry' Family , Manuel Medeiros, ,'ing against th,e Eng}ish only one . Mr. &, Mrs. Daniel Araujo Holy 'Ghost Portuguese Social $31 : Irish leader --ever - really beat $35 ' , Club, William Rego, Manuel Vel'Choice ~ Virginia Freitas & Son ' ~them-"Michael"Collins. He was 110 Mr. & Mrs. ~ohn Maitoza' , Joseph Theodore I 'had rather have a fool to :. a terrorist and a killer, but he TholpClS Eccles' Enos,' Sousa, Cetario Furtado, make' me merry than experience $30 . hated killing and made. peace as , $25 David Rogers Natalie Martin to make me sad. -Shakespeare quickly -as he could. He knew Mrs. Grace Walmsley, Mr. & Leonora Mello -when to fight and when further Mrs. Robert Sullivan, lVIi'. & Mrs. Manuel Raymond fighting would 'be both senseless William Sewell, Mae Riley, Hen- ' Henry Camara and counter-productive,. For his ry Raposa , troubles he' was killed by theSorrow In Memory of James Quinn, IRA; the only successful ~ a~d Mr. & Mrs. Paul H. Martin, GottApril showers are taxpayer perhaps the greatest-Irish rev- wald Family, Mr. & Mrs. James tears. -Glasow olutionary was shot by his own Finglas, Genevieve Connelly men. Mr. '& Mrs. Fred Chlebek, , But those who knew him said James Doucet, Willam Bradbury' _that "Mick" was tired of living Sr., William Bradbury Jr. and wanted to die. The constant SANTO CHRISTO killing had sickened him. His wit $50 Attention School Groups DRY CLEANING and laughter were stilled and Albert Medeiros AND FUR STORAGE his dreams blighted. Surely when Edward M. Lopes 34-44 Col1annet St., Taunton the head of a governmerit leads a $25 Whittenton Branch Store Sp,ecial Arrangements for School Groups reconnaissance patrol his desire Joseph y.. Mede'iros, Joseph 334 Bay Street, across from to live is not very strong, espe- . Cambra, Mary R. Pat:heco, AlFire Statio!,! Tel. 822-6161 FOR DETAilS, CAll MANAGER-636·2744 or 999·6984 cially when he merges .from fred Carreiro, Louis S. Machado ..:. . . . .... ... .... . . . . . . .. . ••.............






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. THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur., May 11, 1972


• FIRST AN~UAL AWARDS NIGHT IN NEW BEDFORD: The Greater New Bedford CYO Basketball League highlighted the closing of the season on Sunday with an Awards Night at the Kennedy Center, New Bedford. Left: Rev. Ronald Sylvia, right, director of the Area CYO presents trophies to Frank Pina, left, of Our Lady of the Assumption, Senior Di-· vision Runnersup. Pat Wilkinson, center, of the Holy Name championship quintet. Center: All Star Team members Robert Sirois of the Junior

Fall River

$50 Mr. & ,Mrs. Roger To'ni $25 St. Vincent de Paul Conference,

ST. PATRICK $300 Rev. Msgr. John E. Boyd $100 HOLY NAME Geraldine Harr~ngton $500 $50 Margaret G. Dillon Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Scully $300 $40 Dr. & Mrs. John Dunn Mr. & Mrs. Edward Haponik $250 Mr. & Mrs. Wil1iam Rys Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Conlon $35 $200 Mary E. Kilroy Patrick Phelan Mr. & Mrs. James Martin & Joseph F. Phelan family A Friend $30 $175 Helen P. & Mildred Sullivan Dr. & Mrs. Richard Donovan Leo &: Joan Callahan $150 Maureen O'Rourke $27 ' $100 In Memory of Manuel Rosa , Rose E. McDonald Jr. & David Rosa, In Memory of George P. Hurley $25 Mrs. William Connelly Mr. & Mrs. Horace Travassos, Vincent M. Fitzgerald Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Gasior, Mr. Mr..& Mrs. Michael Fitzgerald & Mrs. John M. Gasior, Dr. & In Memory ,of Gladys L. O'Neil Mrs. Hilary White, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Robert Nagle Joseph Biszko & Mrs. William Hargraves Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Samuel W. Del Mr. '& Mrs. George Hickey Piano, Mr. & Mrs. Martin ,E. Mrs.:Michael. E: O'Rc;lUrke Delahanty, Mrs. Maude Grick, Mr. & Mrs. James Davitt Mr. & Mrs. Louis Silvia, Abbie $75 I. Kilroy . 'The Neilan Family' Mr. & Mrs. Michael Kuszay, :, $60 Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Barrette,', Mrs. fohn Hogan & Katherine Edward Coady, Mrs. John Coady, M. Cecilia Sh~ahan & MargaJoseph Coady Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Sincoski, ret P. Kelliher Mr. & Mrs. Cornelius Lynch Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Silvia', Mary Mr. & Mrs. James H. Hudner Sweeney, Mr. & Mrs. Henry In Memory of John & Margaret Moss, In Memory of Timothy '& McDermott Annie Holland , $50" Mrs. William T. Donnelly, Frank S. Feitelberg John O'Brien, Mr. & Mrs. Alvin Catherine Furze Connors, Mr. & Mrs. Albert Ar,Dr. & Mrs. Eugene O'Riordan senault, Mr. & Mrs. Robert ReDr. Margaret S. Doherty . gan Mary Fonseca Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Fletcher, Lillian Hart Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Cabucio, Mr. Mary Hart & Mrs. Edmund Cahill, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Herve Bernier Mrs. Edward Sweeney Mrs.' Everett G. Crowley ESPIRITO SANTO Dr. & Mrs. Alfred J. Roy $300 Mona M. Shea Rev. Joao V. Resendes Atty. M. Frederic Torphy . $100 Mrs. Anthony Keramis Mr. & Mrs. James Kelley, Jr. Rev. Louis A. Cardoso /

Division and Harry Green of the Senior Division receive awards from Joe Barkett, assistant director of the New Bedford Area CYO. Right: Rev. William W. Norton, right, director of St. Mary's Home, New Bedford admires the plaques won by Roger Robitaille of St. Mary's Parish, winners in the Junior Division and Chris Tracey, center of St. Mary's So. Dartmouth, who received the sportsman award.

Gertrude & Alice Lynch William F. Murphy, Mrs. John Mr. & Mrs. Daniel McDonald White, Mr. & Mrs. William M. Claire Mullins Aylward, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas L. Mr. & Mrs. John J. Mitchell Stanton, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Donovan $36 Mr. & Mrs Bernard Ryan, Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Gladu . Fred Brisselle, Catherine Lysaght .' $35 Mr. & Mrs. David Sullivan, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. James Marum & Mrs. Fred Czerwonka. Elizabeth & Emma Connors Mr. & Mrs. John J. Mahoney, Mr. & Mrs. Fred Zebrasky Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Leonard, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Hodkin& Mrs. Stanley Miska, Mr. & son Mrs. Joseph P. Clark, Jr. The Madden Family Benevides Family, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Richard Hennessey Dennis Sul1iva'l, Mr. "& Mrs. Mr.· & Mrs. Frank Plichta Kenneth Reineiro, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Thaddeus 'Golitz Nicholas Hurst, Mr. & Mrs. DenHelen O'Neil nis Griffin Mr. & Mrs. Robert Lapre Mr. & Mrs. John Leonard, Mr. $30 & Mrs. Stephen Nawrocki, Agnes Margaret H. Powers Mr. & Mrs. Howard Marcoux Murtagh, Mr. & Mr. Richard Hartnett, Margaret Hession Daniel T. & Marion Foley Helena Kelley, Mrs. Honora Thomas J. Sullivan Sullivan, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Mrs. Edward Downs Joerres, Bernard Sweeney Mr. & Mrs. Richard Wood Mrs. Henry F. Shea, Madeline Clarence Bonner Casey, Mrs. Raoul T. Gagnon & Mrs. Edmund Sunderland Edward, Mary C. Casey, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Warren Wood Mrs. John P. Harrington, Mr. & Margaret Rita Sullivan Mrs. William C. Furze $25 'Mrs. James O'Connell & CathIn Memory of William M. Higgins, Sr., Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Can- erine, Julia T. Harrington, Genniff, Mr. & Mrs. A~thur Sullivan, evieve A. Harrington, Catherine Lawrence Henry, Mr. & Mrs P. Harrington, Mr. & Mrs. Francis Urban Herman Mello, Marion Kane Raymond Beausoleil, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Rene Garant, Rudolph LaVault, Mr. & Mrs. Mat- Mrs. Arthur Messier, In Memory , thew Sullivan, Mr. & Mrs. James of Anthony J. Geary, Mr. & Mrs. Costa, Mr. & Mrs. Francis Mc- Jose Silva, Mr. & Mrs. William Kaylor Grath

Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Gallagher, Mr. & Mrs. Howard Melker, Mr. & Mrs. Elmer Stafford, Jr., Ella Dempsey, Mr. & Mrs. P. Henry Desmond Mrs. William H. Sherry, Grace Cuttle, Mr. & Mrs. William F. Keating, Jr., In Memory of Kathleen Gillespie, Mrs. Walter Fallon Mr. & Mrs. Wil1iam H. Moran & Family, Mr. & Mrs. James V. Terrio, Marguerite Bonner, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. O'Donnell, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Delaney Ursula Riley, Loreto Daley, Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Mahoney, Dr. & Mrs. Patrick J. Foley, Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Harrington Mr. & Mrs. Leo T. Clement, Mr. & Mrs. John J. Gallagher, Mr. & Mrs. Rene Beaulieu, Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Smith, Mr. & Mrs. John Azevedo Mr. & Mrs. Edmund Geary, Mrs. James E. Mul1ins, Mrs. David Bishop, Mr. & Mrs. John Sullivan, Mr. & Mrs. Francis Carey, Mr. & Mrs. Harold J. Dusoe '


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992-5534 997-8939 996-2571





·Fall. River


IMMACULATE CONCEPTION $200 Rev. 'Louis B. Phillipirio $175 ,Rev. Francis L. Mahoney I $150 Immaculate Conception Corio ference St. Vincent de ~aul $129 William J. D~gan $100 In Memory of Thomas J. Fleming In Memory. of Thomas W. Newbury Sr. & Robert E. Newbury $55 Henry Kitchen $50 .Immaculate Conception Women's Guild , In Memory of James W. Hennessy . In Memory of Everett Lafleur Mr. & Mrs. John Long Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Roderick Peter Sullivan $45 Mrs. Mary A. & Mary Lennon $40 Leonel Paiva Mary Whitehead $35 Mr. & Mrs. Lucien Bedard $31 Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Talbot - $30 Rosemary Dussault & Mrs. Joseph Watson Raymond Lafleur James McManus In Memory of Daniel & Manuel R. Pimental Mrs. Clarence P. Sullivan In Memory of Mrs. Clara, Whitehead $27.77 Mr. & Mrs. Frank J. Mellen' . $25,. John .Albernaz, 'Bertha Ashworth, Atomic Fence Corporation, james Bentley, Arthur Bergeron George Charbonneau, Margaret L. Dugan, George S. Gaspar, Mrs. Louise· Gaspar, Mrs: Teresa Hetu Thomas King, Mario Lacava,' Florence Lynch, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas McHenry, William . . Mitchell Mr. & Mrs. John F.. Mooney, Charles Ney, Mr. & Mrs. Monso' Oliveira, Mr. & Mrs~James A: .Partridge, Donald Quinlan . . Edwa1.'d Riley, John Sparks, Jane H. Sullivan, Mrs. Wright Turner, Nancy Walsh· ST. JOSEPH $300 Rev Msgr. George E. Sullivan $200 Rev. Martin L. Buote Judge Beatrice H. Mullaney $150 The Misses Foley $100 A Friend Frand!! L. Harrington James Lenaghan $91 Mrs. Raymond Heyworth $75 Mr.. & Mrs. Nestor G. Silva Katherine Sullivan $60 Leroy Borden $50 The Dwyer Family Julia Harrington Elizabeth Flaherty Douglas Law Mrs. Richard Lown . 'Mr. & Mrs. John Mercer In Memory of Mary L. Harrington

STONEHILL STUDENTS' CONCERN FOR INFANTS: Boh Hahnigan (wearing change apron) runs the Frisbee Toss booth during the Stonehoill College Fair conducted . by the students in their effort to assist, the dlive for the elimination of birth defects among chlidren.

$50 Mr. & Mrs. Robert White $35 In Memory of Thomas Britland . Jr. . $30 Alice Bailey Edward McAndrew . $25 Mrs. James Benson, Thomas Conroy, Mr. & Mrs. John Cronin, Mr. & Mrs. John Maher, Mr. & Mrs. Herman Mello ' Irene Reynolds, Mr. & Mrs~ Daniel Vincent

NOTRJE DAME , $300 Rev. M!!gr. Alfred J. Gendreau· .$200 Rev. Roger J. Levesque $100 Rev. John R. FoIster In Memory of Dr. William Boudreau I $65 Mr. & Mrs. Henri Ouellette $50 Mr. & Mrs. Armand Dallaire Cecile Masse Mr. & Mrs. Robert Phenix .$35 Helena Chace $31 Mr. & Mrs. Roland Desmarais Mr. & Mrs. Orner Harrison $30 ' Mr. & Mrs. Charles Cretien Medora & Jennette Dupuis $26 Mr. & Mrs. Raymond J. Thibault $25 Gerard Berger, Bertrand Boulay Mr. & Mrs. Normand' Clement, Mr. & Mrs. Conrad· Desmarais, Octave O. Desmarais ' Mr. & Mrs. Paul Dumais, 'Evangeline Foster, Mr. & Mrs. , Rogl~r Fournier, Mr. & Mrs. Ferdinand Francoeur, Annette Frascatore Mr. & Mrs. Roger LaBonte, Mr. & Mrs. Adelard Lagasse, Emelia Larocque, Mr. & Mrs. Antone Leblanc, Joseph F. LevesqQle Family Romeo Levesque, Pauline & Gertrude Lussier, Alma & Alice Mas:;e, Mr.. & Mrs. 'Raymond A. Morrissette, Wilfred Poirier Mr. & Mrs. Armand Raiche, Mr: I~ Mrs. Roger Richard, Mr. & Mrs. Lucien Roy & Family, Ronald Roy ST. STANISLAUS $120 Paul Gibson $100 In Honor of St. Anthony of Padua St. Vincent de Paul Society St. Stanislaus Women's Guild HcJy Rosary Sodality

$80 ,Mr. &: Mrs. Walter Goscimins'ki $52 Mr Be Mrs Dennis Cunningham $50 Mrs. Edward Kret Walter Pypniowsld Joan Marie Desrosiers Weglowski Family $40 Mrs. Walter Conrad . Mr. & Mrs. Walter Dedar In Memory of Paul & Frances Drzal $35 Anonymous $30 Mr. & Mrs. Henry Paruch Anonymous Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Wojnar $25 Mr. & Mrs. Walter Stasiowski, Mr. & Mrs. John Dojait, Stanley Pypniowski, Anonymous, Mr. & , ,. Mrs. Robert RioUx Mary Niewola. Mr: & Mrs. Stephen Kulpa, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph ·Gromada, Aniela Kruczek, Mr. & Mrs. George Wrobel Mr. & Mrs. Adam Polak, Mrs. Frances Winiarski, Mr. & Mrs. William Wolowiec, Mary Kudladk, FeHcian Sisters-St, Stllnis:taus . Co:nvent, . St. Stanislaus .school Children

. ·SS. PETER AND PA!JL $300. Rev. David A. O'Brien $150 Rev. Ronald A. Tosti . $100 . Mrs. Thomas Cahill & Thomas Cahill Jt: William J. & Helen M. Lowney SS. Peter and Paufs Womens Club 5S. Peter and Paul Conference, St. vincent de Paul $50 Joseph Conaty $40 Teresa Foster Ann & Marion O'Hearn $31 Mr. & Mrs. Fred Dolan $30 Mr. & Mrs. Albert· Farinha Mr. & Mrs. Edward Kelley $25 John Mahoney, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Slater, Mr. & Mrs. Wil· liam Patten, Mr. & Mrs. Shaun Fitzpatrick, Mr. & Mrs. James Sunderland Daniel Lynch, Mr. & Mrs. William Garvey, Mrs. Joseph Lawlor, Mrs. Timothy &. Angela Foley, Mr. & Mrs.' Edward Quirk Mrs. Ernest Hasprey, Mr.-& Mrs. Willam Lomax, Mr. & Mrs. John Wilding,. Mr. & Mrs.Pasquale DiMartina, Helen Lynch, Catherine Lynch ST. JEAN BAPTISTE $300 Rev. Daniel A Gamache $65 A Friend $50 .,' A Friend· $3i Mr. & Mrs. 'Philias Ouellette $25 . Mr. & Mrs. Louis R. Bouchard, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Desbiens, Mr. . & Mrs. John Farrell, B & S. Fisheries of Fall Riv.er, A Friend A Friend, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Gauthier, In Memory of Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Guimond, Mr. I & Mrs. Edward Ouellette, John Perry Norman Perry, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Vidal ST. ANTHONY OF PADUA . $200.. . Rev'. Laureano C. dos Reis $100 . Dr. Othilia V. Petrone $75 , Mr. & Mrs: Manuel H. Camara I





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