Charities Special Gifts Increase As Parish Drive Opens Sunday
The ANCHOR An Anchor of the SOUl. SU~6 and Firm-ST. PAUL
Fall River, Mass., Thursday, May 12, 1.960 . . 1 19 PRICE lOe · I 4 , l"llO. VO. © 1960 The Anchor. $4.00 per Year Second Class Mail Privileges Authorized at Fall River, Mass.
their efforts achieve the same increased degree of success," Parish Committees in the'parishes of the Diocese completed the mailing of their contact cards last Monday. They will' hold their meeting to clear up the final details of the 1960 Appeal "", evening and tomorrow evening. '::ommittees have been expanded to meet the demands of a concentrated Appeal. Pride in Dic---"n standing in charity is spurring many Committees to extend themselves to enthusiastic, efforts to surpass their last year's total and also to exceed, the gains of their neighboring Parishes. In his television appearance c' last Sunday, Bishop Connolly asked all to receive the solicitors as representatives of Charity and Turn to Page Seventeen
Conse\te-ate New Auxilcary Bishop
Chairman George Vigeant announced at Catholic Charities Appeal Headquarters this morning that additional Special Gift receipts have increased the Appeal total to $44,797. "There is a decided trend upwards," Mr. Vigeant said. "Increases of considerable size have been evident, on all levels. of giving. It is V!'lry encouraging. We hope that the efforts made by the Special ' , , ' . ," .. " Gift Solicitors will inspire our Parish Solicitors. We hope, too, that they will by
PROVIDENCE (NC) Msgr. Thomas F. Maloney, former rector Of the' American College at Louvain, Bel,
._-,j . I"OLLOWING MASS OF THANKSGlVING: Bishop Connolly congratulates Mother Mary Elizabeth ,of Portugal, left, and Sister Mary of St. Hubert, right, both of St. Anthony's Convent, Fall River,' following the Pontifical Mass at St. Iv,Iary's Cathedral, in honor of the golden jubilee of the convent.
H~CDcr0 ~~W ChciJ~~~mJ©~
By Avis C. Roberts A fresh and challenging approach to teaching the meaning of Mass to little children was the subject of an' absorbing talk at the closing day's session of the Fifth Annual Convention of the Fall River Catholic Teach'ers Association at Stang High School, North to spend the day living the Mass. Dartmouth. The provocative She poin'~:l out, for example" speech was given by Sister that children sacrific'e by "jumpInnocence, O.S.F., A.M., pro- , ing out of Qed at Mother's first lessor of religion at Alverno College, Milwaukee and coauthor of "Come to Mas~," Her talk was splendidly illustrated with slides of chalk talks ahe has given to animate her lubject. Sister Innocence maintained appreciation of the Mass,' must be instilled by teachers in Catholic schools. ' She urged the 800 teachers attending to make a simple altar on their desks and appoint a child "priest" and two servers. At first the children pantomime the Mass and later, Sister Innocence said, they recite from missals .all the pray'ers of the Mass. Instead of describing the offertory, the speaker said, she uses a three-part illustration which shows the children the "preparation of gifts" and the subsequent invitation to '''sit down and eat" the Sacred Banquet. Each' day, the nun said, the' children should be encouraged to make "one definite act of sacrifice or selflessness that they may have that one gift to make lit the offertory." Sister Innocence said, children ibould be taught and encouraged
call," "be~ng quiet in school corTurn to Page'Eighteen
gium, was consecrated Titular Bishop of Andropolis and Auxiliary Bishop of Providence here yesterday. Archbishop, Egidio Vagnozzi, Apostolic, Delegate in the United' States, officiated at the ceremony, the first consecration ever televised in the Providence diocese. More than 30 members, of the hierarchy from the United States,' Europe and the' Bahamas witnessed the ceremony in the ,Cathedral of SS. Peter and Paul. Co-consecrators were Bishop Russell J. McVinney of Providence and Bishop James A. McNulty of Patel'son, N.J., AuxilTurn to Page ,Thirteen
Re~Mo~mTU~$~@Y f@U"
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The Most Reverend Bishop will celebrate a Pontifical Requiem Mass at 10 o'clock on T'!esday, May 17, in St. Mary's Cathedral on the l}inth anniversary of the death of the late Most Rev. James E. Cassidy, third Bishop of Fall River. ' The ,Mass will be attended by clergy and laity of the Diocese 'who thus' keep alive the m~mory of a great' spiritual leader' aitdremember his soul in their' prayers.
PLAN PARISH DRIVE: Participation of St. Mary's parish, North Attleboro, in the Catholic Charities Appeal is discussed by George Fisher, left; Edward S. Smith, parish chairman; and Rev.' Armando A. Annunziato.
Diocesan Women Convene Saturday Bishop James L. Connolly and Auxiliary Bishop James J. Gerrard will be guests of honor at the luncheon opening the annual ,convention of' the Diocesan Council of Catholic Women'this Saturday at Bishop Stang High School, North Dartmouth. A Iso among \, ill be Rev. William McMahon, honored guests will be Rev. Spiritual Development; Rev. Thomas F. Walsh, Diocesan Francis A. McCarthy, Discussion Moderator of the Council and Gl"~UPS; Rev. Raymond McCarDistrict One Moderator; Rt. Rev. Hugh A, G,allagher, District Two M~<.lerator; Rev. Cornelius O'Neil, District Three Moderator; Rt. Rev. John Shay, District Four Moderator; and Ve":' Rev. L' 'nard Daley, T)i[ '-ict Five Moderator. Spiritual Directors present
S~0 Arnth@ffi));1/~ M8~~ ~tfM@®01t ,To~s ~J~ ~U' SCg®5l)~® ~~~orw01f
, Plants that respond to rock 'n' roll, growth of African violets, 'from a one-leaf cradle to maturity, and weather predictions for the weekend. Those were some of the fascinating exhibits at the third annual Diocesan science fair at Stang Hjgh.. School, heid : Topping all' contestants was 'in ~onjunction with the fifth Anita Desrosiers, St. Anthony's :ami.ual 'convention of ,the High School, New Bedford. Fall River Catholic :Teachers' Witp. her exhibit of an oscillating AsSociation.
Father Stanton Typical, of ,Service, 'c;hap,ll~~n~,' " Throughout Nation Armet!Forc~s ~e'ek. He makes a special trip to a Naval station to hear the confession of a. man on duty who' can't get to a church. He visits Navy personnel in area hospitals.·His is the sad ~uty of conveying the Navy's sympathy to bereaved families. He lends an understanding ear to young sailors "at' sea" over any arid all kinds of problems. It's all in the job to Rev. Robert' L. Stanton, curate Saturday, May 21, Armed Forces Stan'ton feels; for, civilians to at Immaculate Conception Day, 'san opportunity, Fa" er consider "the interdependence of t' ~' Jeep and abiding religi~us Church, Fall River, and faith of Americans and our sechaplain to the Fall River Naval Reserve Training Unit. ~ He's on call 24 hours a, day not only to parishioners of "the Immaculate," but to 'his large added flock. , On full-time duty as a Navy chaplain during the Korean War, Father Stanton became a Naval Reserve' chaplain in 1957. He lectures to Reserve trainees every Tuesday: night at the Training Center on Davol Street, Fall River. Armed'Forces' Week, starting Sunda.)" and running through.
curity," as President 'E.isenhower ;' phrased'it.' ' The series of "Moral Leader-' ship" lectures' given :by Father Stanton and other chaplains or . ~pecially 'trained ' officers throughout the country 'have played a large part,' he says, in making Navy personnel aware of this interdependence. The le~tures', have been responsible for ciearing'up,aS much as ~~"', of trouble in, some com-, rr:l'nds, he ,noted: ,They' "teach Tarn io Page Eleven
MAY 15-25
thy, F· .,y and Parent Educatio,,\; and Rev. Leo T. Sullivan, ,Y)uth. Past presidents of "le Diocesan Council \ "1 ' ) be hon~ed at the meal, as will other area clergy. Convention registration will . Turn to Page Eighteen
'circuit machine designed to r ,light rays audible as well ' as visible she won first ,prize of $1'l0. ,
, Second prize of $50 went to ~ Coyle High Scho:J1 student, William Wheelock. His mathematical entry was entitled "Experimental Verification of Integration in the Determination of Area." A ,s'tudent from the host school, Bishop Stang, took third prize of $25. He was -;eter Lawrence', w:lose exhibit dealt with amateur meteorology. Honorable Mentions Honorr" 'einentiori awards of ,$10 each went to four Dominican Academy 'students and one each from' Stang High and St. Anthony's., ' , Winners and exhibits were: Doris E., Goyette, Dominican, , "Prctein r ficiency"; Anne . 'Marie.' 'Levesql.\e, Dominican, ,"Paper Chromatography"; Cecile "A. Roy, Dominican, "Effects of Music on Plants"; Joan A. White, Dominican, "Crystal Growth"; Robert Murray, Stang, "DevelTW'II io: Page Twelve
THE ANCHOR~Diocese of FI;JII River-Thurs. May 12, J9.~O '.. :.." . ".'
Asserts Tensions I' To, 'Bring About Russian Revolt
. ','1,,' '; 'r, ;", , ' : , '
Diocese of Fall River
Effective May' 12, 1960 Re,v. 30hn W. Pegnam as assistant at St. Francis Xavier _Church, Hyannis.
~..... ~t£~~ Bishop of Fan River
New' Ghana Bishop Once Stu'dent Witc·h Doctor WA (NC)-The location of a White Fathers mission in northern Ghana 35 years ago led to turning a would-be witch doctor toward the path which has led to his consecration as the Bishop of Wa. The new Bishop-one of 14 consecrated by His Holiness ,I was baptized with 12 other Pope ,John XXIII in St.' Dagatis. These were the first Peter's basilica on Sunday~ Dagatis to emDrace Catholicism. is Peter Dery, a member, of IFirst of Tribe
Confirmations May 15-11:00 A.M. st. ' Mary'. Cathedral, Fall River. 2:00 P.M. St. Paul, Taunton 4:00 P.M. 81. Mary, Mansfield; St. Anthony, Taunton. '
Vilia Fatima, Taunton. May 22-5t. Matthew, FaIl River. St. Kilian, New Bedford. May 26-Convent of the Holy Union of the ,Sacred Hearts, Fall River. Convent CTf. the Sacred Hearts, Fairhaven. Mount St. Mary's Con" v e n t , Fall Riv~r. " 'May 29:-81. Mary, MansfiEi1d. 8t, Teresa's Convent, Fall River. Holy Name, Fall River. 'IDE ANCHOR Seeond-elasa :naU privileges authorized FaD River. MlUlS. Pllbliahed llVl!r7 ThlUlldQ 8\ 410 Highland Avenue. li'aU River. Millis.. by the Catholic P1'e8S of the -Dioe..... of Fall River. Subscription price b~ mail, pcl:Itpald 14.00 per :v_ 8\
So~iet Union.
'first Assignment-
In 19?5, Peter Dery entered the White Fathers' minor seininary" Tamale, ,northern Ghana. ' Seventeen years later he was or-' dained, the first member of the Dagati tribe to become a pri~t. ' Until 1957, 'Father Dery helped' with the schools in his diocese and spent his time doing general parish work. In 1958, he ,was chosen to study at the University of Louvain, Belgium. Later, he went to Nova Scotia to study at Antigonish. During this period he spent several months traveling throughout Canada and the 'United States, studying educational and agricultural met hod s which would" - of help to his own people, when he returned' to Ghana. In March, Father Dery was named Bishop' by Pope John. Today he is the Spiritual leader of 40,000 Dagati Catholics in the newly-created Diocese of Wa, the ninth diocese' tha' the White Fathers have turned over to the African clergy.
HAZLETON (NC) - A Catholic priest who was thrown out of Russia believe. a revolt will occur in the
the Dagati tribe of West Africa. In 1925 when he was ten years old, th~ people of, his village of Zemopare had never heard the term "Christianity." Peter already was being trained to assist, 'and eventually succeed, his uncle in the r,esp~cted position of witch doctor of the community. 1" ,'1 came the turning point. Peter's father, Porekun, heard that white men were teaching about their God in a mission 25 miles awt::;. He walked the 25 miles to hear why anyone would, worship God instead of the traditional spirits. He was impressed with what he heard and repeated his visit to the White Fathers Mission the following week, taking along his two elder sons. For weeks Porek~n and h~s sons walked the ~ nules ~o thell' leccons. Other Villagers hstened to their report' of what they had learned about a ne~ ~od. Some even went to the mISSIon. Appeal for Rain During a ~articularly bad d!'ought, the WItch doctor's appeals were to no avail. rh~ Wh:<, Fathers told the Dagatis th,at "~-', <;Tod can make the' rains come." The people watched as Porekun prayed. The rains came. ~ut. tbe elders ended Por~un s mfluence by summomng him to court, trying him and , sending him to prison. During another drought he " released with a promise from the chief that no Christian would be imprisoned again. . Peter w~ .sent to the White Fathers' mISSIon school ~t Nav- ' rongo. H~ learned catec~lsm ~d helped t e Fa~hers With da~ly chores. On ChrIStmas eve, 19..2.
< :
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Dr. onra Ins S · G clence rant '
Father Georges Bissonnet~ A.A., says "a major' revolutioD will surely come some day .. r"ssia. How soon it will come and where it wil). get its stal't cannot be determined at thiII time." The Assumptionist priest who was 'ousted from Russia :., 1955 spoke on the "Communist Party" before 300 members and guests of the ::::azleton Circle, International Federation of Catholic Alumni, here in Pennsylvani~ A former Apostolic Administrator'io Russia, Father Bissonnette is 'now a teacher at Assumption C::~llege in Worcester. , Father Bissonnette expects the revolt, will come when "all the unrest, discontent, and dissatisfaction of, the Russian people comes to ,a boil." A revolt may PATRON MENTAL PATIENTS: Saint Dymphna, 'not be ,of a',p"'l'r:al or religio.~" Jinning . b4t these elementlil, whose feast day is observed on May 15, is the special patron t, will surely play a major part ill of those afflicted with .mental illness or nervous disorders~ it after it is started, he stated.. NC Photo. SmanJ Uprisings He 'pointed out that ma~ sf_lall revolts have been smashed 6 by the government, but that thO ' day will come when all the small BALTIMORE (NC)-A widthe Detroit" archdioc;ese, pre,- uprisings will generate the power owed mother, her priest-son and 'sented the profession crucifix for a major revolution in' the two nun-daughters ,took part in of the sisterhood to her. Soviet Union. , an' 'unusual ceremony at ihe Mrs. Garvie's daughters are' . ' 'Speaking, of the CommuniSt chapel of' the' Little Sisters of ,Sister Mary Lucile 'of St. HelEm the Poor 'here. and Sister' Susanne of St. Party, he, said that "if, one Ja Whlle her nun-daughters knelt Thomas, both Little Sisters of convinced all p'eople are stupid, the Communist party is an asset. at her side, Mrs. Susan Garvie the Poor. was inducted into, an auxiliary Mrs. Garvie and Mrs. Maria ·But if one believes' people themof the sisterhood. Her priest- Wintergerst,also a widow who Sei~es are capable of knowing son, Father Thomas Garvie CTf. lived in 'Philadelphia, became and pursuing, what is good for' members of the Aggregated Ob- t~em,' thEm the Communist party New Bedford CYAO lates of the Little Sisters, a new is a liability." association connected with the Meet Sunday Night sisterhood, which is dedicated to 'Iltan Akgeunes, Turkish stu- the care of the poor and aged. dent at ~ 'ew Bedford Institute Mother 'Amedee, Baltimore of Technology, will speak and provincial ,of the sisterhood, sl'.:>w a fil-:l on "Turkey Today" Mother Marguerite,superior of at a meeting of the Catholic the Valley 'Street Home, and 'Ii' Young Adult organization at group of friends and rehitives 7:30 this Sunday night at Kenthe ·two widows attended the ned'·' center, New Bedford. ' of ceremony: ,A graduate of Roberfs College, The oblates of the sisterhood Istanbui, where' earned a . wear a modest garb and' 'make FUEL OIL AND ,bachelor's degree in natural private temporary vows of pov:" ,~O'LER WATER science, Mr. Akgeunes is in his erty, chastity and obedience. junior year at the New Bedford, They live according to their own TREATMENT, institution, where he is work- religious rule and assist in care ing. ~owards a degree in textile of the aged in homes maintained Brokston Chern. Co. technology. ,He plans to teach at by the Little Sisters. They must 37 Silver Road Ankara Institute of Technology' be between 20 and 55 years of Brockton 19, Mass. in Turkey after his graduation. age. Gerald J. Braithwaite kI chairman" of the, CYAO program.
Priest Nuns ,'See' Mother Become , Memb~r ,of, Sisters' Auxiliary ".',
Fuel Savings
Up to 250/0
Dr. Walter E. Conrad, professor of chemistry at Bradford Durfee .College of Technology, Fall'River, and faculty sponsor of the campus Newman Club, , has been awarded a third grant for research in the perfection of Legion 'of Decency l' . -:icants necessary for operation of engines and instruments The following films are to be at very high or very low tem- , added to the lists in their reperatures. spective classifications: ' Unobjectioable for adUlts and Previous 'grants have beeR' from the Research Corporation adolescen~s: Giant of Marathon; and the Petroleum Research Prisoner of the Volga; Walk Like Fund. The latest is from the a Dragon. Unobjectionable ,for adults: National Science Foundation. The three grants total over Crowded Sky;,' Upstairs and Downstairs. $18,000. , The funds enable selected stu- . Objectionable in for all: dents to spend vacations and , Macumba L~-'e (suggestive cosspare time doing research in tuming and sequences; excessive their chosen fields instead of ,brutality. This classification apother work which would not ad- plicable only to pz:ints shown in continent'al United' States). /vance them professionally. Among students working UDder Dr. Conrad is Bruce D. ~ KooK-E-LAND ner, a Newman Club member.
· ty . .Taun't on' SoCle Aid,S Charities
4~ MAIN 'ST~EET Nazareth Hall, St. Vincent's .Hyannis, Home and Stonehill College will 1513 ACUSHNET A VB. 1 'nef1t from proceeds of' the Bedford second annual charity ball held ' ....._ _.... .......... "" last month by the Queen's Daughters of Taunton, according to' announcement made by' Mrs. Clifford~ Shachoy, presi" , "DI~PENSING dent. ' OPTICIAN Of at6tal of. $1100, . $500 each will go to Nazareth Hall and St. Preac:ripioDS Vincent',S and' ~100 ,to Stonebill For Eyegiasaeli - A souvenir booklet issued in FIIJ~ connection with the event was Officer HoU1'll dedicated to Miss May Keliher, 9:00.-6 :30 in recognition to her devoted except Wed. service on the organization's welfare committee. Mrs. William 7 No. Main St,. Fal River OS 8-0412 'R, Powers waaball cha.irmau..
;~ l-,'
Father CO'nsidine Aims tohnprove u. S. • Latin American Relations
THE -ANCHORThurs., May 12, 1960
Rabbi Asserts Religion Vital In Politics
WASHINGTON (NC):-Better acquaintanceship is the best way of building up U.S.-Latin American relations, especially those which advance the work of the Church, iays Father John J. Considine, M.M. The director of the Latin American Bureau of Urged by the Holy See, which the National Catholic Wel- quite evidently is very solicitous fare Conference said that for its sons and daughters in "Catholics of Latin America Latin America, the Catholic and Catholics of ''Ie United states have worked together at times but we really don't know each other." He added that Latin America's friends in the V. S. "are all too few." Friends Too Few The observations of the New Bedford-born missioner are contained in ~ statement issued in connection with his new' appointment with the NCWC bu:reau. An "pert on world mission affairs of the Church, Father. Considine is professor of 'on(- .orary world affairs at Maryknoll (N.Y.) seminary and publications director of the Mary-' knoll society. His statement follows: The Church in parts of Latin' America has been plagued by. many woes;' for generations it. bas been suffering the agonies or th ~ Passion. But now comes the good news that it is taking litany steps forward; it is experiencing the joyS of the Resurrection. Its friends in the United States are happy to hear of: this blessed turn in events. B~t its friends here are all too few. Catholics of Latin America and Catholics of the United States have worked together at times but we really don't know eAch other. How wonderful it would be if we could combine to build up genuine respect and warm regard between us such as ahe close acquaintance of two God-fearing peoples with high ideals should produce.
Negro Editor Thanks Pope VATICAN CITY (NC)-The publisher of an American Negro newspal?cr has told His Holiness Pop~ Joh •• XXIII that the world's Negroes are "immensely proud and humble" at the creation of the first ~egro cardinal. O. L. Tandy, publisher of the Indiana Herald Times of Indianapolis, sa~d in a letter to Pope John tha~ the appointment of His Eminnnce Laurian Cardinal Rugambwa, Bishop of Rutabo, Tanganyika, was "a giant step." His letter said: "I am sur"'! that 1 speak the sentiments of the entire Negro Press and the Negroid peoples of the world when I say that we are immensely proud and humble for the great step you made in appointing the first Negro cardinal. This is a giant step in the direction of Christian endeavor and your action will be of inestimade value 1.1 cementing tre Negro peuple with the Roman Catholic, Church."
.Church in the United States has established a Latin American Bureau. Let's hope that thanks in some small degree to this bureau, Catholics of the United States will discover many gracious ways to become close friends and neighbors of our Latin American coreligionists. A Latin American remarked to me recently, "I value my friends \ not by what they say or do or give, but rather by what they are. However, I must truly know them to' know what they are." The' Maryknoller is a brother of Rt. Rev. Raymond T. Considine, Diocesan Director· of the Propaga tion of the' Faith Society and pa~tor of St. .William's parish in Fall River ~ . a brother of' Rev. Arthur G. Considine, pastor of St. Mary's Church in South Dartmouth.
PORTLAND (NC) A Jewish churchman said here that separation of Church and State is fundamental to America's form of democratic government, but there is a vital role for religion in politics. The statement was made by Rabbi Israel Chodos of Sinai Temple, Los Angeles, Calif. It summed up the views of three lecturers of divergent faiths who participated in a tWO-day symposium "Church and State in an Election Year" held at the University of Portland here in Oregon.. Ethical Basis _J Rabbi Chodos pointed out that BISHOPS' NIGHT: New Bedford Serra Club members in his religion there is an ethical entertain Bishop Connolly and Bishop Gerrard at annual basis for more than mere interest in politics-a basis which Bishops'. Night. Left to right,.1 Rev. John F. Hogan, amounts to an ethical responsichaplain; Dr. William S. Downey Jr., Serra president; bility for a person not to remain Bishop Connolly, Bishop Gerrard, Clinton RimIller, neutral but to engage in civic affairs. hospitality chairman. He emphasized too, that on the individual level one must fight intolerance whether it involves Catholics, Jews' or Protestants. The Jewish churchman said NEW YORK· (NC) - Father tinue to confuse and frighten he favors the separation at Walter M. Abbott,- S.J., associate Protestants." But the Jesuit Church and State, but added: . "It is the God-given duty of editor of America,.. has asked editor called attention to recent Protestant scholars to take a warnings by Pope Johri against' men and. women to cry out against evil-whether it be in fresh look at Biblical texts con"excesses in devotion to Mary government or elsewhere-and cerning the theological- role of and claims about her" on the to invoke the concept of sepaMary, the mother of Christ, one hand, and "playing down ration of Church and State in . . .. Mary's part in God's plan for such an area would be unT.he proposal was made 10 a mankind" on the other. radIO sermon broadcast. thinkable." Father Abbott said that the· He said that "people are ethiObserving that Mariology-title "Mother of' God" was used cally commanded to improve the the Catholic doctrine on the world, and there can be no Blessed Virgin-is for many in reference to Mary in the early Protestants a stumbling block ecumenical councils long before limitation put on this by the cliche of separation of Church to Christian unity, Father Abbott the coming of Protestantism. and State." said. It would also help greatly, he "Devotion to Our Lady has been presented to the Protestants m a i n t a i ned, if 'Protestants "would not take alarm" when· so long as an insult to Our Lord a Catholic bishop proposes study that they find it difficult even to of the question of "Our Lady as consider whether devotion to 'co-redemptrix'" at the coming Our Lady ·is a legitimate develecumenical council. . opment with Biblical auth"rFather Abbott suggested that ization." consultations between Protestant 'Confuse, Frighten' and Ca tholic ,scholars on Scrip1 YANOUGH RD. RTE. 28 He acknowledged that there tural questions would lead to are excesses by some Catholics· greater knowledge of "what the SP 4285 in devotion to Mary which "con_ Biblical texts tell us." ........ '* .... -~ ~----.::!:.-
Editors Urge Protestants to E,camine' Pope John Lauds Theological Role of Blessed Virgin Turkish People
VATICAN CITY (NC)"-PoPe John in receiving the credentials of Turkey's new ambassador to the Holy See, spoke of the admirafion he gained for the land and the people of Turkey during his years as papal envoy there. Ambassador Nureddin Vergin responded by telling the pontiff how grateful he was for the honor of being Turkey's first ambassador to the Holy See. He has previously been ambassador to France, Portugal and Greece. Pope John said: "Here in the calm of the Vatican you will find none of those feverish cares of the materilll order under which nations struggle: financial problems, contrasts of power, arms and manpower for attack and defense. Here you will find only solicitude for human brother_ hood and for social peace." The Pope told Ambassador Vergin that he spoke as one who "lived 10 years in your country and who has developed great sympathy and affection for its valiant sons."
Allotted $25,078 WEST DE PERE (NC) - St. Norbert College here will receive $25,078.12 from the Wis': consin Foundation of Independent Colleges, Inc., Father D. M. Burke, O.Praem., college president, has announced.
Cape Cod's
Petition St. Jude <
Novena of 9 Thursdays STARTS THURSDAY, MAY 19 OUR LADY'S CHAPEL. Franciscan Fathers NEW BEDFORD, -MASS.
Prelate Speaker WORCESTER (NC) -Bishop Bernard J. Flanagan of Worcester will deliver the commencement address at the 43rd annual commencement of Assumption College, Thursday, June 2. Bishop Flanagan will also receive an honorary doctorate of laws from the Assumption Fathers' college.
5,000 View Living Rosary Portrayal CARBONDALE ("TC) -More. than 5,00" people watched a dl'amalic pOI'trayal of the "Living Rosary" presented here by the Newman Foundation of Southern Illinois University. Bishop Albert R. Zuroweste led the program, presented in the university stadium. Newmanites fanned out to form a rosary on the field as the people in the stands recited the prayers. Bishop Zuroweste delivered the meditation preceding each mystery of the Rosary. Neady 100 priests participated in. the program. The Fourth Degree Knights of Columbus serv~d as an honor guard at Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament held by candlelight.
NOVENA DEVOTIONS: 10:00 a.m. -12:10 noon 5:10 p.m. -7:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m.
J.'he b'ranClliciUI .::illiL,u·s ace looking toe girls who are willIJ1g to serve God as nurses. nul'SIJ1g instructors supervisors, ad-ninistrators. technlclRn~ dleti~Isns medical librarians cooks. ieamstresses, sacristans. and ID the many other departments ID which they are needed. The need tor Sislers 18 great. More hospitaJa could be opened it there were enough' Sisters to ,taft them. 11 our Lord callin. you? It
are Interested ID bec:oming a Sister. In the field ot nursing. write today tor information to: Reverend Mother General ST. MARY OF rHE ANGELS CONVENT J 000 30th Street Rook I8ILlDcl. DilDo..
RADIO NOVENA-·WSAR (1480) Fall River, 8:45 P.M. every ,Thursday _,, ".if you can't attend send petition to:
St. Jude's Shrine Our Lady's Chapel, Franciscan Fathers, 572 Pleasant Street, New Bedford, Mass. Please ~nter my petition in the Novena to St. Jude for:
_·.. .·..·..·..· . · · . ·;~d . ·~~~d· . ;·~···~··~~~~~~··l~~fl~·t . ~~·d··bl~~~~~i . ;~·d~i~:· · ···:··-
, :
. . .
May Memorable For Franciscans
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. May 12, 1960
Says Hysteria, TwomEdged' Sword, Is Still Dangerous By Most Rev. Robert J. Dwyer, D.D. Bishop of Reno
On a sultry July morning in 1865, in the courtyard of the Old Penitentiary in Washington, D. C., they hung Mary Surratt by the neck until she was dead. From the street the heartrending cries of her daughter were heard long after the \ black-clad figure had dence was so tenuous as to be ceased to struggle. It was foolish. On Good Friday she had one of' America's starkest driven out to her old home at tragedies, a calculated mis- Surrattville, a few miles south, t
iage of justice.
It remains a grim reminder of the lengths to
which hysteria can be carried, and since we are not beyond hysteria even today, it is worth retelling. Mary Surratt 'was a quiet widow from Southern Maryland who had moved with her family to Washington during the Civil War years, managing a modest boardinghouse. She was a Catholic, sincere and unpretentious, and like most of .her kin an unfeigned' sympathizer with the Confederate cause. Her older son, John, fired by youthful ardor, fell in with that .unbalanced genius of the Ameflcan stage, John Wilkes Booth, a~ a da7.zled disciple. No q~estlOn but that the boy was pfiVy to some of Booth's wild sche~e~ ~or kidnapping Lincoln and spmtmg him ""!yo d the Confe?erate lines for ransom. No eVIde~ce ever connecte1 the mother wIth these plots or showed that she was even awar, of them. She was a very simple woman. Arrest ,Mrs. SurrattOn April 11, 1865, Booth 'listened to Lincoln's add,ress hailing the victory of Appomatox, and there and then vowed his assassination. B'.lt ,there was no place for a beardless yo~th like John Surratt in the gflm business he planned for Ford's Theatre on Good Friday night, April 'H. . Surratt nevertheless, got wmd of it, and ~ealizing h,is pel'il made his escape, ultimately to Europe, where for some years he served as a Papal Zouave. He was not to know of his mother's tragedy until it was all over. After the shooting, even before midnight, the Surratt house was surrounded. The poor woman, in total ignorance of whc; had taken place, was bluntly accused of complicity and' hustled off to jail. There she was manacled and, a canvas sack, with only an opening for air and food, fastened over her head. Reverdy Johnson, dean of the American bar, promptly offered to act for her, but he was flatly denied consultation with ,his ci:.:!nt. TLe trial was fixed before a military tribunal and the result was preordained. Stanton' Evil Genius Secretary of War Edwin Stanton was the evil genius of, this mockery of justice. Breathing vengeance and haunted by spectres of his own conjuring, he dreamed of implicating Jefferson Davis and even Robert E. Lee in the murder. He was not above suggesting, on the basis of Mrs. Surratt's religion, that -Lincoln's death was part of a Catholic plot to overthrow the Union. The jurors, Radicals to a man (including the pious author of Ben Hur, General Lew Wallace), made no pretense of studying the evidence. Reverdy Johnson was grossly insulted and his brief disregarded. Though it was known that Stanton was in possession of Booth's diary he was not required to produce it. In Mrs. Surratt's case the evi-
Post in Rome ST. LOUIS (NC) - Father David Eckelkamp, ,O.F.M., has been appointed assistant to the Minister General of the Order of Friars Minor and will assume his new duties in Rome in Au'gust. .
to collect money owed her.
A witness named Lloyd, her tenant, decl~red that six weeks before John had concealed two c::rbines and a long rope there. He said that on the 14th Mary had told him to get the ~'irons ready", since they would' be needed soon. But on t1).at day, as Johnson proved, Lloyd was so intoxicated as to be no true witness of anything. Verdiet Is Death Next came one Weichman, a eringing fellow employed in the War Department who had gone to school with John Surratt and to whom Mary had been kind. He was almost certainly implicated in Booth's plotting, but to save his skin turned state's witness. He claimed that Booth had ridden with Mrs..Surratt on the road to the inn. No other statement supported this allegation. A final charge was that at the moment she was apprehended she failed to recognize, a certain Lewis Payne, another of Booth's coterie who boarded with her, when he arrived at her house in crude disguise, near midnight, to ' "inspect the gutters"! Since her eyesight was notoriously poor, failing her even in broad daylight, the mistake'was hardly remarkable under' the circumstances. The verdict was death by hanging. Both Stanton and Judge Advocate Joseph Holt saw to it that there would be no interference on the part of President Andrew Johnson, who was suspected of 'wanting to commute the sentence to life , imp:-lsonment. Holt even seems to have suppressed the jury's recommendation for executive clemency. In the event, Johnson did nothing and refused to see those who came to plead '-- mercy. Ignore Protests Such an obvious pervers~ justice shocked the saner part of the nation. Protests flooded Washington, only to be ignored.. Mary Surratt's pastor, Father Jacob W·,ter of St. -Patrick's, was indefatigable in her behalf, as was Mrs. Stephen Douglas, widow of the "little Giant". Mary's daughter, in a scene fraught with anguish, forced her way into the White House, ,only to be dragged outside by presidential aides. On July 6 Mary Surratt was told that she was to die on the morrow. She collapsed pitifully, and her last hours were a nightmare. Her priests, reluctantly admitted by Stanton, did their best to comfort her and supported her as she tottered to her doom. A gruesome footnote in American history. It could be added that justice ultimately -':lUght up with all of ::10se who play.ed a part in the tragedy, with Stanton above all. Hysteria is a two-edged sword. It is as dangerous in 1960 as it was in 1165.
Emphasizes U.S. Has Worldwide Mission ALBANY (NC)-Bishop William A.Scully of Albany says AMerica's God-given mission extends to all the 'world. ' Speaking in Capital Park in front of the state capital to an estimated crowd of 70,000 Catholics who had marched in the 14th anrmal May Day parade Bishop Scully said patriotisl!! is more , than flag-waving, the fanfare of bands and the' tramp of march..; iog feet. It arises "frama loyalty which-is generous and disinterested, shrinking from no sacrifices, seeking no rev 'd save the . ',fare of the nation and the common good of the people."
AT MOTHER'S DAY MASS: With' Mother's Day observance chairmen of Council 86, fall River Knights of Columbus after celebrating Mass at St. Mary's Cathedral is Bishop Connolly. Left, Leonidas Moreau and r,ight, Normand Charland.
Two Exiled Chinese Priests Serve Spanish-Speaking in New Jersey PASSAIC ,(NC:)-Two exiled Chinese priests are ministering to the Spanish-speaking population of the Paterson diocese.. After exile they went to Spain, where they studied for four years and learned to speak Spanish fluently. They came to Paterson six years ago at the invi- , tat: 1 of Bishop James A. McNulty. Father Stanislaus Chang conducts Our Lady of Providence mission in Paterson. Until he oper. ~d the mission two ye,ars, ago in a separate building, he had been conducting services for. about 120 Puerto Ricans in Our Lady of Victori. Church. Attendance at Sunday Masses averages about 1,200. Father Thaddeus Ly is hoping for the same results here in Pas-
Says Castro Wanted RevolutionaryChurch WASHINGTON (NC-A 'Cuban priest told a Senate subcommittee here that he refused an offer by Cuban ~remier Fidel Castro to head a "national reyolutionary church" in Cuba. Father Maximiliano Perez, who testified before the Senate Internal Security Subcommittee, said that the offer was made during an airplane trip he made with Mr. Castro from Cienfuegos to Havana. The Cuban refugee priest said he "profoundly refused" the offer because the proposed church would not be under the jurisdiction of the Vatican. He testified that as far as he knew this was the only attempt to establish a national church in Cuba.
saic. He has completed arrangements to purchase a Protr·''lnt church. He will take possession at the end of June. It will be kr.own as Our Lady of Fatima mission. Father Ly says about 1,000 Puerto Ricans and other Spanish-speaktng from Central America and the Caribbean attend his mission "more or less regularly." However, there are about 4,000 Spanish-speaking Catholics in the area, and' Father Ly hopes hurch of their own will encourage them to practice their religion more faithfully.
MONTREAL (NC)-The month of May this year is a memorable one in the history of the Fran'" ciscans in Canada. On May 25, 1615, four Franciscans arrived with Champlain at Tadoussac and became an advance guard of Canada's early 'missionaries. They returned to France in 1629 following surrender of Quebec by Champlain to the English and did not come back until 1670. However, the Canadian branch passed out of existence in 1849 and the second restonltion dates from May 27, 1890. In the 70 years since then, the Franciscans of Canada have founded 85 establishments, of which 42 are in Eastern Canada, 11 in Western Canada, 18 in Japan, 13 in Peru and one in Korea. Canadian Franciscans serving in mission fields include Bishop Damase Laberge, Vicar Apostolic of St. Joseph of the Amazon, who is directing extensive missions established by the Canadian Franciscans in the jungles at the headwaters of the, Amazon, and Bishop Jean de Capistran, Vicar Apostolic 01_ Alexandria, Egypt.
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Ask Canada Aid To Halt Import Of Filth
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. May 12, 1960
Fatima Statue for National Church TRIESTE (NC) - A statue of of Trieste. ' Our Lady of Fatima will be It will be kept in the cathedral b:-.:>ught here on June 7 to be until the new national church is installed later in the national completed. The church was bechurch dedicated to Our Lady of gun last September to commemthe Immaculate lieart. . orate the consecration of Italy The st:'tue was carved in to Our Lady of the Immaculate Fatima at the request of the city Heart.
WASHINGTON (NC) 'A resolution introduced in the House of Representatives calls on President Eisenhower to seek Canadian cooperation in halting pornography imports from Canada. . ~he move followed disclosure by police and postal inspectors in Newark, N. J., that they had eraked down on distribution of a. "clearin.· house" type publiation for perverts, pUblished in Toronto. Essex; County, N. J., Sheriff Neil Duffy commented that the publication contains "the filthIest and most degrading stuff of its kind I've ever seen." 'T';le House resol'.Ition 'was introduced (May 4) by a New ~e r s e y Congressman, Rep. C "Qrge M. Wallhauser, and was referred to the House Foreign Affairs Committee. Th~ Sheriff said the Toronto pul;llication serves as a clearing house of information for sex perverts. A special center section, removed from copies di9tributed in Canada, contains-adv -tisements placed by suchpersons, he said. (According to Sheriff Duffy, the Toronto publicatio~ is brought into thisE country by trUck, in order to avoid prosecution under postal anti-obscenity laws. He said he has warned. Essex County news dealers not to'sell it, a step most of them bad taken voluntarily. However, the pUJlication is on sale elsewhere in New Jersey and in New York City, he added.
Senator Warns Of Red Threat NASHUA (NC) - U.S; Sen. Styles Bridges of New Ht\mpshire warned here that international communism is a threat to Christian principles of morality and freedom. He spoke at the dedication of :Regina library and Mendel Hall at Rivier College, conducted by Sisters of the Presentation of ldary. ' Bishop Ernest J. Primeau of Manchester blessed the new buildings. He praised the growth of the college, now in its 27th year, and said Catholic educators are grateful to the Sisters of the Presentation of Mary for their educational work. Active III Cuba Sen. Bridges said Christian eoncepts of freedom form the basis of this nation's strength. "'Gradual suppression of ~ligion Is II basic communist philosophy," he stated. ''The tragic imprisonment of Bishop James Walsh in Red China should dispeU forever any doubts about this. "I am reliably informed," he elso said, "that a move is already afoot· to drive the Jesuits out of Cuba as the first blow against the Church. I made this charge in the Senate several weeks ago. It has not been challenged at home or abroad." Stating that the U.S. should oxercise caution in international conferences with the Soviets, the Senator added: "They have b r 0 ken every international agreement to which they have been a party over a period of 30 years."
New@ll'~ Pro~edanh Hi\!' R<e~oS'Dous Bias
NEWARK (NC)-A Protestant ehurch group here has passed a resolution stating that no citizen should be denied nomination or election to the U. S. presidency because of race, religion pr ethDic origin. The resolution, adopted. by the Middle Atlantic Conference of Congregational Christian Churches, was presented by the conference's council for Christian social Qction. Seventy-one churches were represented. The meeting also passed a l'esolution approving birth control and recommended that any Cl9unlry which requests birth eontrol information from the V. S. Government should. be /lAven it.
SUPER-RIGHT QUALITY FANCY -BRISKET BOSTON OR NEW YORK STYLE EDUCATORS MEET: Convening at' .Sacred Hearts Academy, Fall River are, seated, left to right, Sister Mary Edward, R.S.M., St. Mary's Academy, Riverside; Rev. Edward Kroyak, Springfield Central High; Sister John Elizabeth, S.U.S.C., Sacred Hearts, Fall River; standing, Brother Marcellus, C.F.X., Mission High, Roxbury. All are executive board members of the New England unit, National Catholic Educational Association.
New England Educators Meet; Confer on -Program Topics Program topics, posSible speakers and future meeting sites were discussed at an executive board meeting of the New England regional unit of the National Catholic Educational Association held at Sacred Hearts Academy, Fall River. Attending from the Fall River Diocese were Sister John Elizabeth, S.U.S.C., Sacred Hearts principal, advisory board member, and Sister Anne Denise, SoN.D., Bishop Stang pr~ncipal, who represented Sister Eleanor Joseph, SoNoD., official delegate for the unit. With Rev. Edward Kroyak presiding, ways and means of
Cites Obligations Of Newsmen NOTRE DAME (NC) - A priest-editor has called on fellow newsmen to provide "not what our audience wants, but-more importantly-what 'it needs." "Like it or not," declared Father Albert ,J. Nevins, MoM., "we are the .guardian of the American conscience, the balancr scales 6f. justice, the catalyst of IUblic opinion. Ours is a terrible responsibility." Father Nevins, editor of Maryknoll magazine, author of many books and vice president of the Catholic Press Association, preached at a Mass sponsored by the national Catholic magazine Ave Maria for persons 'Working in communications media. He listed as the six areas of public policy in which the news media have a special responsibility to provide the public with the facts the challenge of communism, nationalism, nuclear war, exploding population; foreign policy and the "te'rrible apathy" of the American people.
PO'@~e$'h\illl'gts OP!l'J@S® If rr®@ S( !l'n@o~ RO~®$ PORTLAND (NC)-The Congregational Conference of Maine has reaffirmed its 1957 stand against free public transportation for children who attend private and parochilil schools. The church body voted 104 to 61 to reaffirm its stand based on the "historic principle of separation of Church and State." The Conference resolution says a parent has a right to choose the type of education he thinks best for his child, "and if for any reason one chooses other than the public school, he should accept t~e entire financial responsibility for his choice." A bill to authorize bus rides for non-public school pupils at public expense was narrowly defeated in a January special sessiono£ the state Legislature., Since then both state political parties have adopted stands fa. voring a law to authorize such rides. The Legislature meet. .gain in 1961.
increasing New England participation 'in the organization were discussed. Future general meetings will rotate among Dioceses, with Winter meetings always held in the Boston Archdiocese. The December 1960 session is scheduled for Bishop Fenwick High School, Peabody and the Spring 1961 meeting will probably' be held in New Hampshire.
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~Supet Ma;kefS :4:!::,,,./ AMfRICAOS OfP(HOABl( rooD 'Il(R(HANTSINCl IB5q
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall RiV,er-Thurl.
• ,~,
~ ••,
• ".
to . . '
. ' .'
• ,.
12, 1960,
:H , ovi He'Has ,GroMl
Weekly~ Calendar
Of "Feast, Days
A televisionroand-tabJe of several gentlemen iD, th~' , TODAY~. Nereus; AchilU.... Domitilla and :o.ancras, Marty , movie ,industry brought some'shar-p criticisms'of the Legion SS.. Ner:eus and Achillius weN of Decency and so-called, "cens9rship groups" in general. , ~~JJ;lan ,martyrs who were ~ There is no need to go over the matter in detail, but several ' tize't by·St. Peter and we.. eomments can be made validly;' ' servan..ts of St. Flavi .. Dor'" ·'fa.' They were 'banished with her ~ The first is the impression' given by some of the men' as Christians to the, Isle of Pan:ia in the movie industry that they must never be criticized as ' and were beheaded' about 100. to taste nor their ,productions as to moral standards. The St. Pancras died in the four.Ua century in the persecution under line taken by one producer M'as this: th~ police will not let DiocletiaJl. He had been a favor- ' me show out and out obscenity and I wo_uld not produce it; ite at 'the Emperor's court, but ' as for the rest-I should be allowed to produce whatever I moved by the prayer of h. consider is not ,obscene. mother and sisters, repented hb apostasy, and was scourged ancl The gentlemen in question does not seem naive and he beheaded for the Faith, should be credited with sincerity. But nowhere did he give TOMORROW St. Roberi a definition of obscenity nor did, he entertain the idea, that , Bellarmine, Bishop - Confessor his particular standards could differ qujte seriously from Doc' " He was born at Monte ' those of others ~ho, nevertheless; ~,ust no,t'speak out. Pulciano in 1542, received his ' education from the Jesuits and The attitude several of the gentlemen ,took was that joined their society at the age what was good for them was good for'the public. Apparently of 18. He first achieved his reputhe movie public's only participation in the movie industry tation ,as a '-'nder of the is to accept gratefully and silently whatever the movie Church in Louvain and from " czars. choose to give i t . ' then on busied himself against attacks by ~on-Catholics througb The obvious lapses from good taste' in certain menhis J'Yritings' and speeches. He tioned movies were quickly ,dismissed as "exceptions" and was 'reated a Cardinal :.., 1598, w~s named Archbishop of Capua followed up by, injured protestations and accusations of E"'WoJJ-a ' in 1602, but was recalled to slanted lists. Nowhere, was the discussion opened up to Rome three years later and died determine just whose position'it is to act against these there in 1621. He was canonized and simil~r offerings if the Legion of Decency or like groupserml in 1930. ' are supposed to keep s i l e n t . ' SATURDAY:"'" St. BOJ1iface", , The charge was made that pressure groups aimed at Martyr. 'He 'was 'beheaded as a ,I, ".keeping'the movie indust-r.y withinceftain limits are undeJP,By ]Father John 'L. ThomaS,S. J. en~istiari' in' Tarsus," CHichi.. . :i " ocratic. But nowhere was the suggestion'made that for,'a Ass't Sociology Prof.-St:, LOuis ,Univ~rsU:r. ,'~l:'""'l;If'307. 'He had 'gone: to TaP-" ": handful of men to decide" what an' entire nation should ,"How' do You 'live with a hermit.? My husband' offers " sui fJ::om Rome ~ ,reco,ver t~ ~ , h'ave offered to' l·t'w'as an:eve'n m''o'r"e' ,;undemoc'ratic proces,s. me' no companionship. All he wants is to be left,alon~; 'We ' bodies of ~"-tain martyrs. Ht8 ' . relics repose' in a citlirch d~ . Perhap"l .the ~nqmOr' to such an idea ;would be that those)n ',have no, no good times ,together, no feeling of 'eateC:i io him in ROm~. ' , ,,; the nation who' find a particular movie distasteful do notfriEmdship. We don't even watch television together. When S~JNDAY Fourth Sunda:r have to see It. tiut tnat is precisely the position of the lie's home, he just nips one 'wives' should enjoy each other's after Easter. Feast of St. JOM , " , ' ,." ":, 'bottle ,of beer, after another. ,company or mutually complete "Baptist de la Salle, Confessoi' 'Legion ,of Decency, isn't it? " The Legion of Decency-'--and several' of the panelists Th~s is no. ,atmo.sphere in each other as masculi~e and fem:' A French priest; he 'founded tho inine ,persons. Men and women, Chr.istian' Brothers 'and bec&nll0 ' ,..' " seemed' unwilling or incapable 6f accepting thi~does not' whIch to raIse children, ye,t live 'in separate worlds,' and .. an Apostle of Christian educl'P , ','. .... , ' '.' what can I do?" r' ~1l prQducers Wha.t kmq of.. movles;to make.. Its functIOn I wish I knew a, good solution there would be fewer family ,tion of youth. He was born mID IS to evaluate movies and then to let the 'ChIPS fall where, to yOUr probiem., May' but So problems, if women learned t<I ' 16~1 ;at Rheinis of noble parenw, keep their place. ,but gave' all his wealth to the they may. And if this arouses indignation in the hearts of far, I haven't ' Know They're Right : poor upon his ordination. He , some movie makers, then up to, them to change the" ,discovered one Of cou~se"our married hermits ~v.ercame many l?bstacles before , product or: to accept criticism but, not to call for the that's 1 ega'I: " don't analyze their attitudes and ' , hi~ ,~nstit~te of Brothers was ,)~,,: t· f th ·t· 'h" h 'ld I be 11 d' There's' plenty · . eI lmm,a Ion 0 e cn ICS w 0 .s o!.l 'a 80 a owe m- 0 fro 0 m for .feelings -in this detail.1\oIost of prove~'fo~ma~y ,bY th~ Hol~ , dignation at some Irlovies., hermits ,in the thein don't do much, abstract See." dIed, m 1719,and WH t}. ''1king ..;... they know they're, canonized in 1900. Incidentally, there was little mention in the discussion WOrld-the 4es, , , erts are f aIr ly 'right,' so why try to argue about MONDAY-St. Ubaldus, Bish- .. , of mQral values-'-Of possi~le moral harm and \influence for em p t y , an d it? " op-Confessor. He was' Bishop of evil. Perhaps these men were too sophisticated to bring " most ca~es are' Their demands are simple. All Gy,bbio, Ibily" and was noted, such an idea into the program. Perhaps 'they consider it It ill unoccu-' they' ,want is to be left alone. for' his courage in meeting and '.I.'he wlfe has, no kick coming. dissua'ding Frederick Barbarossa. insignificant. Or, the worst alternative, perhaps they just ,pied., Hermits W' -e would she and' the kids who was then laying waste to didn't consider it at all. ' , ,seem to have '.,'.'
H' -t T ype' ous f H' "ban'd Offers, 'D-ffIt' P1-0bl em' I leu"""
been more conbe if thehu'sband didn't work so 1'11y and was threatening Gubsiderate in 'the hard ~o support them! bio. He'died in 1160 and . . . past. They avoided. the entangleThey sometimes rationalize ' ments of marriage and lived their behavior iii 'the following ca:nonized in 1192. " The recent QuadrenJ}ial '~ethodist General Conference contentedly by themselves. TUESDAy...:.,st. Paschal Ba,.. manner: "I don't know whe~her went on, record ,as recommending ~: ,return to more trad,i',Judging from ,the letters, I 1"" 'lcting like other' husbands, lon, Confessor. A: Spaniard, M "tional.forms of worship with set prayers and liturgies for receive, the modern;hermit pre- or not, but this is the way was 'born' in 1540, and became a ,various occasions. I fers to maintain hJs lon~lin~~ built. I'm like my father" and Franciscan Brother.· H~ wu in a crowd. Maybe the ancient you can't expect a man to ,change , noted for his 'humility, penance" : The previous" objection to liturgical worship in" that hermits didn't like beerl now. My mother got along all and 'prayer, ,and his devotion to " , irect was that prayer should be spontaneous arising from E~peet6 Quiet right, why shouldn't my wife? the 'Blessed Sacrament at Ute" ,,the religious' sentiment of ..the moment. '(he idea of a·, rm not making light of your , ~Besides,' 1 have to think about Altar singled him out as the ' pre-determined liturgical' 'service smacked too "much of problem"May. 'Other wives have my work. A man shouldn't be Saint of, the Eucharist. He doied ' formalism.. ' come to me with similar difficul- bothered by a lot of nonsense in, 1592 and was canonized in,' around the home when he's tired 1690. In 1897 Pope Leo XID ' ,.out, th.e Met,hodists are ,coming", to realize that ,to, let ties, so-I've' had to puzzle' over and has other things on his proclaimed him the, patron iil : this situation before. heaven of Eucliaristic eon,;. prayer wait for a,spontaneous movement is to run the risk Some couples go' silent for mind." gresses. , of not having it arise at,.all. Man is so composed that the several weeks after every quarBusiness Deal external creates "the atmosphere that will give rise to rei. One wife reports that she The saine pattern of thinking WEDNESDAY-St. Venantimr. internal devotion. The use of set formulas in prayer, and and her husband haVi! not always emerges~ Marriage is re- " , Martyr. He wa-lbeheaded for the gardedas a ,kind of business deal, Faith at the age of 16 at Camerservices conditions the will and mind to'turn to God and spoken for over, a year. Another tells me that her husa convenient division ino near Ancona" Italy, in ~ guides,the prayer life along fruitful lines. It takes prayer band spends as little time with pl'oviding' of,~abor. Because they'seem inpersecution under Emperor , from' the, realm of the purely emotional, alld, pUU! it, i~ the . the family as possible, eats his capable of companionship, ,they 'Decius' about 250. 'T~ other realm, of, the, mind and the will. ' meals hurriedly, in silence, and neither miss it nor make any Christians are said to have died The fact that such an important' branch of Protestant- expects utterqui:et while he's provision, for it in their thinking. with him.. Above all, they d-on't like to be Ism has come to this' way of th1n:king 'is,' g'c:>od. Nci one reading the paper or watching television. ' bothered when they are off the , would' claim that this is a,prelude ,to Church reunion. llut .. "~ost of ,tPese ~usbartds have job. 'if.3nY adjustments are'to be 'hi~, at ,this stage of, the game. ': ji,should ease tetisionbetween' Methodism:an<l the'CAthQlie, several traits in common. " made, they'll have to be' made '''' What can 'you ,do! "'Church,?tnd briJ)g more a kinder. viewctoward First, they do not seem, capa- by ,others. , -it '~eerris 'to ihe that yo'ushouN ' 'How can you handle your her- " " , CatholiC. 'worship and beiiefs.And.that' is always a' welcome' ,hIe ,of real ,cOmpanionship with , mit, May? I assume yO\!' have 'first" ;reconcile ."yourself to t))e,' "t1irection in attitude. " , 'r': , .:~hO~~;i~i:::.,;at least; no~ triM': to 'talk to him and show ' 'tact"that you married' Ii hermit ' ,: Second, they regard marriage, him' how you feel. Hav~' ,you and can expect little i'n th~ ww; as a _convenient' social arra'nge- ' tiied' to enlist the' help of iela-" of' companionship. If you face' 1-· :;. " ment, designed ~take' care of' tives and ifrielids byhaving',them ·"the situation sgu~r:ely" ypu It.... , .. ;" their, needs ihregard to room. comeo,ver to Visit and by invit- ' le~ likely to feel resentful and , embittered when your, attempt. . board, and sex.' , ' ing you to their homes! . tQ,c~ange hi~ are frus'trate4i." : 'SOme ,couples fall into a duM,,,, Separate Worlds " , ,You ,WOUld' aLSo .do well to ~ .. 'Third, they consequently have monotonous routine because they,' I • . " . -.... ~u_ their own definition of' marital neglect to keep up or form nec-' come active, in Church llnd co~ " " " ,OFFICIAL' NEWSPAPER OF THE :OI()CEsE 'OF FAll RIVER roles~ 'Wives' are': housekeePers, essary ,sOcial' con~acts· early' in, mu~ity organizations' whenever sexual partners, and nursem,aids. marriage. 'Perhaps, they don't possi"le. This: will giv,e yO\! so'- ' 'f" , Published, weekl~;b~The Cc,th'olicp'resl '~f the Dioces. ofFall:Rlver Husbands' are 'bteadwiimersand 'think this 'is neCessary or feel it's, comm.uilication 'with : ad~lb. . . ._.• .' .. i : .~ t' ~ , •.',', '. I, while enabling you' to maintaiD, have a right to 'prompt service, too much trouble. ' ,. " ', 410, H}'ghland, Avenue,' ,',' It becomes difficult to break your emotional balance, and ' p'eace and calm around 'the Fall River, ·Mass. ' , '.. -OSborne 5·7151 ' , , "I , i' '" home.. Children ate the concern ,this pattern later, since >they ,re": ,', growth." ~'.':~,.:"'" of tlleir mothers and should be tain~4few. c~ose,. '":f.piehd~ ,\~nd : ' Hermits sometimes' stronPr ' taught to, show respect and obe- , ~a~e, l~st.~~ ~abltof,eI1JoYln,g. oppose th,':- .wives' interests JiI MOlt·' Rev.' James ,L; Connoll,Y, 0;0." PhD;' .l, . dience toward ,their hard-work- .(,)Clal h~e: toge~ber asa ~o\lple. 'such aHairs, but as long as , . . , :;G~~ER~(MANAGER, ", GENERAL MANAGER ~'. '·.·,Di(flcUlt to" Change". run your 'hoine"adequa-tely,: joMil.· 'ing fathers. ' ' ~..~~Danietf.,$haIlQC?; M.A. ~.v.: l-ohnfl.,~rilcoH ; :,1,'. , ,:" Fourth, they, 'do Dot, believe , ,'n Your·hermitis a trlie repre-' 'husband'has no grounds for, com- ' " "" ,";;' ,', MANAGING EDITOR ,". .• , ' ,that marriage, is a partnership , sentative: of' the species, ·'you're' plaint, so' quietly ignore . . Hugh J. Goldttft , ' ", ...; .. ia the senile that hui!tbaoda and probably' ,not, ,going 'to chanfl' , .rumbling., ' ",'-"
.A Welc.ome, Direction,:" .
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Says R~d Ag'er.~~ Orders !l1.~ceiped~rhc~ughout Seminary Course Incite Outbreaks hi Latin Amer'ica'I"
, NEW YORK (NC):':::':"Ai~ len 'W. Dulles, director, of' ih.~, Central Intelligence Agency, told a protestant group that C<lmmunist age•.._ under dil-ec:.' tion from Moscow are attempt:ing to incite revolutions in Latin America. . "The Latin American commu':" !lists were directed to develop the theme of nationalism and 'to om;t any reference to relations with Moscow," Mr. Dulles' de-:clared. "They were told to use every effort to eliminate pro-American elements and to develop their local revolutions, with the United States as the main targ~t . and whipping boy." Mr. Dulles spoke at a communion breakfast of the St. George Association of the New· y'ork City Police Department.. . Til" intelligf;lnce chief said the orders had been given secretly to the top Reds of Latin America· in the Kremlin "a little over a year ago at the 21st Communist party Congress." U. S. Domination "I need hardly point out that these directives are. being implemented/' he. cont~m~ed.. ,":rh~.,: theme .in Latin Am~ric'a, is ll\>,;, , eration from what they des(:ribe as 'thedomination cif the ·Colos,;,,,. sus' of the North." . " Mr. Dulles said the Qverall strategy of the ,coml1l;unists was.. worked out in Moscow or Peking. ":rhey have their front. orga~izations in the fields of Ial;x>r", of veterans, students;,' lth, women and .. l'ressions," he said. He o.bserved that Soviet Pre.. . 0l\ier. Nikita Khrushchev is con'ilinced that communist nations would not have to use military: force to conquer the world and. is resorting to both economic pressures and subversion to aC"1 oomplish his ~bjective.
Newman Clubs Breakfast Date': :Newman Clubs of New ;BedfQrd . Institute of .Technolc;>gy. a':' ~" 'adford Durfee College of Te~hnology, Fall R.iver, will' cq": sp~)fisor a Communion .breakfast follo~ing 9 o'clock Mass this Suridai' at Bishop stang High School. " . Rev. Johp V. Driscoll, S.J., dean of Boston College School of Social Work,. will speak, OR "'The American Catholic. Farn.Father Driscoll is a grad.,.. uate of Boston College and. the.. School'of Social Work and holds • doctorate in sociology from the Gregorian University, Rom~. The breakfast is the first: to be co-sponsored by the t~o Newman Clubs. The Fall River group has been in operl;\tion for one year and the New Bedford·, unit for five years. Rev. John Hogan is New Bedford chaplain Qnd Rev. John H. Hackett mod;'" crates the Fall River club.·
THE ANCHORThurs., 'M'ay12, 1960
Reach :"Cli;nli~ in 'P~iestly Ordi~~t:io~'.'!li~~'. " Supreme, The young'man precedes his bisholf to the cathedral san~~u.~ry ve~t~d i~ alb,
cincture, ma~iple and stole. A candle b.\H·ns.j~ his right hand...1I,~.. ~old,s, t~e.. fpid~d chas\lble on his. right arm. The preceding ordinat~qns to the minor and other major orders were but a ,preparation for this great day when he will· become "another Christ." The young deacon'notices, a s ' , he goes up the ce~ter aisle, his father and moHler. This is also their day.' Without
.Ge·ts.. ' ~eleased Time' Dispute . SALEM' (NC)-The Or&gon Supreme Court is weighing arguments in a case involving a state law provid-
the prayers of a pious mother, ing released time from public without the example of a .Chrisschools for religious instruction. tian fafler, he ·...ould not enter The case Is an appeal from a the sanctuary today. God alone decision of Marion County Cirplants the seed of a vocation. cuit Judge George R. Duncan, But this vocation can only bloswho held in July, 1958, that the som in the fertile soil of a truly state released-time law is unChristian family imbued' with a constitutional. spirit of charity and sacrifice. The bishop interrupts the Judge Duncan did not deal ordination Mass prior to the with the Church-State aspects of epistle before the middle of the the law, however, but instead altar. Meanwhile, a secretary held that it is so vague that it cannot be enforced. . calls our young man· name. I!~ answers "present" and adThe case originated when Dr. vances toward the altar to form Felix L. Dilger, a Salem dentist. a semi-circle with those who are brought suit against his local to be. ordained with him: school district. Dr. Dilger had . Requisites . requested in writing that his "Do you know them to be two children attending public w~rt. y?" asks the bishop. The school be released to take reChurch law provides that each ligious instruction. The school candidate for the priesthood district refused on the grounds have completed four years of that released time interferes theology. The Church requires with the regular school prOa certain maturity of her priests. gram. The young levite. must have Claims Violation completed his twerity':fourth Dr. Dilger claimed that the year and have been a deacon for school distri'ct'~-decision violated at least three months.' , the 1925 Orego'n released-time This is not enough. These law. However, Judge Dwncan you n . men will become. "the dismissed his suit on the grounds leaders of' the Ch'ristillncomthat the law. is too .vague for munities. :a is to 'them that the enforcement. faithful will tum 'for guidance. TilE PRIESTHOOD The law states: "Any c:hnd The bishop turns to the assemattending the public school, on bled congregation to consult Body :and Blood~ When they lift Creed. They, who for. the fIrst. application 'of his guardia.. or them on the' dignity and' piety , of those to-whom they will ow~ their hand5 to absolve the sin-. time renewed the Sacrifice of either of his parents may be exner, it will be Christ Who will, Cross by whiCh Christ atoned . c\1sed from such school fur • respect and' obedience•. .' ChI-ist, the High ptiest, callS forgive. When these young men for the sins of men now' receive period or periods not exceediri.g the power· to forgive sins: "Re- 120 minutes in' any week to atthese' .young 'men to· continue walk to the sick and the dying, within their lifetime and in the it will be Christ walking the, ceive. the Holy Ghost, whose sins tend' weekday schnnlc; giving parishes to which' they will be streets of Fall,River, New B~d.., thou shalt forgive they are instruction in rellgfnn." attached His Divine mission of ford or Taunton as He did two fo·rgIn., ~hem; and whose sins salvation. The levites will re- trousand. ~elirs ago in the vil- you shail retain, are retained." lages of Palestine .to bring com- As a token of this' power, the ceive the priestly dignity not for bishop unfolds the back of their their own advantage. It .Is re- fort· to the sick: The' . following ceremonies chasubles. ceived as a stewardship for the ':"he priest does not work inglory of God, the service of the serve as a commentary emphasizing one: 3pect pr another of dependently. Our·Lord was sent Church and the good of souls. by the Fatlter to bring salvation This is the dominant theme the mission of' a priest. . The bishop crosses the stole to all men. Christ "became obeof the ritual of ordination which dient unto de'ath,' even the death NEW BEDFORD the bishop develops in' a· long over the breast of the young and de ':liled homily on the' priest to r~m:ind him that he ~as of the cross.'; (Philipp. 11, 8) In like manner these young men duties and prerogatives of the assum'ed th,e. yoke of the Lord.. INDUSTRIAL OILS will continue the work begun priesthood. The priest must F:nally .the pJshop imposes the chaSUble, symbol of ~riestly at Calvary. They will' work ~n offer the Holy $acriftce, he must HEAliNG OILS (' 'lrity. . an assigned area of the Lord's bless.: He will preside over Priests are the 'anointed ones, vineyard under the' authority of, religious functio~s,preach,the TIMKEN the bishop. the consecrated ones of God. word of God and baptize. While the ch'oir sings the "Veni The bi . op takes both hands ,The choir sings· the Litanies of OIL BURNERS Creator", th.e bishop anoints. of the ordinandi into his own the Saints while the ordinandi their hands with Oil of Catechu- and asks the young priest: "Do pr~strate them~elves on. the Sale$ & mens. A first. liQe is tJ:aced)ro~ you "lromise me and my succes-' sanctuary floor contemp.1ating_ .the right thumb to th~ index of sors reverence· and obedience?" the awesome responsibilities. the left hand. The second line "I promise", answers the priest. 501 COUNTY ST. they will assume in a few i· ·traced from the left thumb to The bishop kisSes him on the moments. . the index of the right hand. The. right c h e : k . · . NEW BEDFORD Matter of the Sacrament pal~s and other fingers are The ordination ceremony ends The bishop, wearing the miter, , then rubbed with' Holy Oil. Both with a last instruction, and a WV 3-1751 imposes his hands in 'silence hands are bound together with final blessing. upon each candidate. This is th~ a linen cloth in .an attitude of only rna tter of the sacrament. . prayer. The priest must indeed T' ~ assisting clergy, wearing bear the prayers of men before stoles, go :lmong the levites and. th~ altar of God. impose their own consecrated It is especially at the altar tha~ h"~ds upon them. This ritllal the priest is identified with the is' in no way essential to the Eternal Priest. As a symbol of ordination; yet it beautif,ully this the bishop ·presents each " . and e2tpresses the solidarity among candidate a .chalice 'containing a the priests themselves ,and, tQeir. mixture 'f wine and a little unjon with, their bisho!? water. A paten with a large host They all hold. up t~eirhandl1. is placed over the chalice. The • GENERAL TIRES " .• 'DELCO BAnERIES. while the bishop begs Go.d tQ young priests ,.touch. the paten biE;sS thos~ wI:to are: to becqme and the, host . ,with.the inde~. ,I, • 'PE'RFECT' CIRCLE RINGS p~iests according to the order fingers' and ,the cup ,of the chalice . .FALL RIVER -- NEW BEDFORD _ HYANNIIS - NEWPORT of. Mnlchisede~}:J.... -', , . ! , , t~e:: .iddle;,iingers., . The ceremony: continues., The , :Co-Celebration . .bi~hQP . r~ci~~ tlle .. ordi~a~i9n , . They all kneel. after .offering preface and i~parts. ,the. p,riest-, a Galldl~,at the offertory. hood: "We -beseech 'Thee, AI..,. They now· celebrate ,their.. first. m~ghty Father, '~nve~ ,theSe Thy Mass with th~ir bishop. The one"., servants with t~e dignity of th~ ness .of ,the, priesthood' and the SHARON~· .MASSACHUSET.T$ p~iesthood.. :po, thou' renew: jn. uniq ue sacrifice of. t}:J.e ,J.Y[ass.. is. Sp~cio",s Fi.reproof ~Ieepin'~, Quarters their h~arts the spirit qf hoJipess, trUly . macie .lllalli!est . in this tha~t they ~ay' hol~ the office" concelebration. .' .., . :. Fo~ .Boys 7 to 14 Years old' • After the ablUtions, the newly, the second. as .tQ. importanc~. Six; week 'season: .July' 3 to August l4 wtlich they h~ve rece~ve<;l ~Qm. ortia iiH:'d, ~ hi> .are' to: .pr~adh "the: R~gister' for 2, or~ 4,' 6 weeks Thee, 0 Lord, and -by the e:lC-. \.Ord· of Cod recite·Ui~ Apostles's " '. . r.'ample o~ their li,ves point, out ll-i .. . Free'Tutc)ring if·1desired ' .. norm of conduct." THE BROTHERS .O.F THE. SACRED HEART Alter· Christus, :' '. : r' . There is only one priest; there 'featuring is' only one priesthood imd that ''The'Ga~lig~t :'R~in" is the priesthood of Christ, ·the SHARON, . MASSACHusms" . Ideal for .Communion .Break,": High Priest. TheSe 'young men fasts, Orgluiization Bs,f\qv.ets ," A RESIDENT SCHOOL FOR BOYS ' now share .the priesthood of '.-, , 'Gram;~lar. grades' 4-5-6-7-8 . . . Christ. When ;.they take, altar 386 Acushnet·; ·Ave. bread each morning in, their, . New· Bedford 'I, ' , , THE BROTHERS OF THE sACI'tED HEART hancis,it .will, ?e 9ur LOJ;'d. .who; CaU. WYman 24703' ." will change' it into His own
OIL' (0., INC.
"Nurses' Rummage' , . -Because a rummage ale held last week wassosuccess£v,l ,the, ~vent will be repeated tomorrow l1y t.he Catholic Nurses Guild of Fall River from 10 to 2 at 613.' L?C:ust Street, corner o( Lin~~, Mrs. Thomas Doyle ..wiU - .~Q. chairman.
"M·.K Re'staurant I
i •
of Fall'River-Thurs.'May 12,1960
Curtains and Drapes Can Make Your Say, "Wel'come','
In Debating :inding up a successful year,
debaters from Sacred Hearts l' 'ldemy, Fall River, will parBy Alice Bough 'Cahill . ,t: :pate this month in the NaWe've all experienced the warm feeling we' get when tional Catholic Debate League our windows have been washed and clean curtains or fresh Tournament in New York, arapes hung. Or maybe the reaction we get passing some' 'The group's record for this one's house. The entrance windows of some homes just say year includes placement hl "Welcome" Curtains must the top h~nor group among 25 wall color for a flattering, unschor' r:ompeting in a tournabe replaced more often than 'confused background. ment held at Providence College. rugs, furniture, or other furCustom-made draperies can be The affirmative team was unnishitlgs, and each replace- 'costly, but they are worth every defeated in the tournament; the ment is a fresh problem. Ap':" r nny if they aieskillfully negative team has two wins and pearance, usefulness, and cost chosen to complement and comone loss. 8re the !=hief plete the decoration of a room, Individual "honors included factors which and if they are as' beautifully Winifred Welch, magna cum must be considmade as any fine custom garlaude certificate; and Ann Tur_ ered. Furtherment should. be. and Mary Jane 'Sollins, cum rr'lre, not all On 'the other hand, 'good draplaud~ certificates. The academy windows can be ' eries can cost relatively little if topped all other Fall River treated alike. y:u make them yourself .or avail 8.:1001s entered in the tournaSome people yourself of the wonderful selecMento Standings in the field of want glass cur-. tion of ready-made' glass cur"; 25 were: Affirmative: Sacred t a ins, . so me, tains or drapes that you will find NURSES' RETREAT: Students at St. Anne's Hospital Hearts, fifth; Dominican, sevwant drapes in the better department stores. . School of Nursing' on retreat. at Cathedral' Camp., Left. 't.oecrith ; ~olY DF~ilY, eighth; and others want People have learned theim-, . oy l e, mnth; ur.lee, nineteenth; both. Glass cur'portance of this from' experience right, Kathleen Veer, New' Bedf~rd;"Eleanor' Kokoska;' Prevost, twenty-first; Mt. St. lains hang close and we pass it on as a hint you Taunton; Mary Brennan, Chatham ;:Anne Savard,' Fall Hary, twenty-fourth. to the window and give on~ should follow. If you want a River. Negative: Sacred Hearts, fifth; privacy from passersby.. , Fo~ pattern, 'choose one 'that' l!>oks -:Mt. St. Mary, tenth; Holy Famwindows, with a"pleasant out- good in folds. Avoid gaudy co~i~, twelfth; DO~,inican,.thirtee~ look, drapes wi~h no, win~ow ors and too-splashy prints-:.-they.. ' .. ,, . th, Durfee, fIfteenth, Coyle, curtains are a good answer· to the are ove'rwhelmlng in ~he aver- , 'sectweoDntdY.'",first; 'Prevost, ,twerity problem. This treatment per- age room. mits a grea~ ,d~al !>f light to '''e also want to repeat the ,CHICAGO (NC) - "Organiza-' the collabor~:')r," Miss Mealey , enter. ' '.. rules, for hangingdrape,ries. ,ti :' is necessary in the modern declared as she accepted the 1960 ' T'1 'spite of their ,fragil~' ~p: Hav., them fall j,ust to ' the tloor, world if women are to achieve Magnificat 'Medal ot. Mundelein " pearance, quality sheer curta~n~ 'to· the sill, or to the bottom ,of "the greatest utilization of fem- ' ". , you buy today can last a,s long the mo~ding undertl:Ie ~ill. (thil, inine talent in Christ's cause," Golle~e~, , " , ' 8S any curtains ever made. J'h~y is a,lled "a1-:on"). , "'; ,-according to a self _ confessed' :; 'rhe, a~ard is presentedannu- :.. The SiJcordiuin CI~b,' Sacred Ii", easy to care for, ,to,o. All r ou Floor.-length d,raperie!l' ~eJ;l4, Catholic "organization woman." ally to: an outstailding.graduate 'He~r.ts,Academy,Fal,l'River, will need' do' is give them t~e sam~ dig!1ity toil formal set~ing; we'd ' . Margaret J.Mealey, executive of 'a' Catholic woman's colleg~. hold its annual banquet at 6:30 simple care you give other I,ine suggest this for a rQ!>m,f~rnished 'secretary of the NationalCoun-. 'Albert Cardinal Meyer, ':Arch':' rhursqay. night, May 19,' in, the furnishings:' , " .in 18th centurY furniture,-Chip-., 'cil 'ofCathollc Women, empha- bishop of Chicago,' made'. the Icho!?l hall, Prospect ~#ee~. Th, ,Can Be Dra~atic ,; pen,dale, or, Q~e~m 4¥e" .. ,~. 'sized"also..that'in today!s chang- presentation to Miss'Mealey"be':' program will ,be hfghlighted b17 · '~ Dr~peries' , can .~' dramatic. course :Victorian rooms·hadfull !ng, world; "the real' calling of fore some '1,200 persons in .the : in~tallation of ,new off.icers bl7 · backgrounds and wonderful fi,n;' ie ,.gth, 'very or;;ate .drapes too: woman' has not changed at all:~ college auditorium. . ' ,Mrs, D!lvid yr, ~oland, who ~ '-hl'ng touches'. for' every room. : 'T',hank' goo'dn'ess,' w'.e;v,e gC)tten,' " ' . a'ls'o 'cha;';m'an o~ the' event .~. ... , "Woman' is not natura.lly the.. "1 believe that the process.. of ' .academ'y ...1 , ....... sis'ted by' roo'm motherL' One sho uld let 'furnishings de- a'way from thi,s yle., Nothing'· is. foe'o:r competitor of man-she is voiuntary c.ooperatio. it through. a' . , ' eide color and styl~. If there is more unattractive 'than a win"; . , fr'eely organized and' democratl'c"; , M em b ers are asked to mak41 \ i lot of pattern in your carpet dow overdressed~swaddled''and b ' - ,. 'A''ct" e Lay'. .Partl'c'lpa'tl'on' ally m'al'n'tal;n'ed org'anl'zat'I'on -I . anquet reservations by Monday, IV , or upholstery, pick a good color Swathed in yards 'of,' expensive the singie m,ost effective' and May 16, with their room mothers. '. from one of the ,patterns for the fa' 'c, draped and.' nearly I,n Churches of'Port.ugal ' practical way' to serve Christ and M . i n c h arge ,rs. J ames F • C arey IS drayeries. Or match fabric to strangled'iiI swags and fringe&: ,LISBON' (NC) .:.- A "silent His Mystical Body in'the nuclear of decorations. A community sing I~o~al Styles. . Mass". is almost, unknown in and space age,". Miss Mealey has been planned for entertain: I An informal room takes well present :lay Portugal. .. .said. ment. To be installed are Mrs, Elmer n to' shorter' yersions; Take,. f9r~ .' The trend toward active lay: Condemning organizat'ioni instance!_ hou,se'furri~slied,in,.. participation in the Church's which are self-seeking or destroy Stafford Jr., 'prellident; Mrs. , TOLEDO' (NC)-,-Ohio State early :filllerican ',style, ~ith ,pi9,e ,:worship, has advanced to the their members' individuality, she Francis P. McGuigan, vice presi;. Circle, Daughters of Isabella, and maple furniture.. Here, :rOll ,.point that there'is rarely a Man emphasized nonetheless that she d~mt; Mrs. -!0l!eph J, Rodth, sec:, will undertake to-encourage paro: could use cafe curtains, lowel; at which the' congregation does lias been "convinced .•• 'by the tetary; Mrs. Charles F. Leonents to fulfill their role as teach~ C1es 'being white :an:d upper ones,. not say the "Our Father" arid the Catholic: women of the United ard" treasurer., , ' : ~ ers in ,the 'home. , introducing' color. ',These; cur-: !'Domine non sum dignus;' with States that organizations, with : Also ,on the month's agenda i~ " ,Thedeclsion, was taken, in _ .tains 'm:ak~ a charming, treat,;, , the priest . their motivation in' charity and a father. - daughter Communiolt resolution adopted at the state "'- :t. for a diUicul~ bay, hiding'-" In 'general,' at 'least: part of the their immediate fruit' on ,this breakfast for academy freshmen , Convention here and was keyed moldmg, b~tween wm~ows.'-, congregation answers the' regU-: earth Social justice .for all' men ' lmd sophomores, ';It for Sunday to the theme of the banquet ad- .~,T!l~!ituICe,ofthe.p~~per. lilr r"esp6nses'with the'serVer. are essential to the Church and morning, May 22, following, • 'dressdeliveredbyBishopGeorge curtam,man Early, American • '. "," '.-' ' 1 0 our nation." . o'Cl~k Mass at 'the acadefuy. , i. Rehring of Toledo, who said home. 'is simplicity itself-;:-short; ,Th~re has. bee~ steady prog.. ... education ,can do much ~ c~r.; stJ:a:.:;ht cu.rtainsQ.r draperies ress In the lIturgIcal movement Friends of St. ,Anne'$' recf evil but' it must ,take in the Vihich' com~: just to' th~sill,' or , . f~ " the, ~ast 25 years, ,chiefly. d~e, F.riends of St, Anne's Hospital, whole ',person and.. not be ·con-.. half curtains 'set. within the 'sill ~'!he ~mfl~ence of th~ O.livals ., it. gen~ral SCRAP METALS" ned, to the scho,.ols;, ." w,ith perh,aps. a short' t,ie";bac,'k at.· IeDlor. sem.m!iry;, p'ear. L ISb 0., n, Fall River,. will. hold . , . , B t th 1958 V t meeting at 2, TuesdaY. afternoon, -WASTE PAPER..:.. RAGS sl,nc«:, e. '., ~ Ican m - . . " .' ., '-"I. say it, must". be,.' gl,·ve.n, . . in, l,he, e,itherside of the ,upper. window; ',u 17., ti o~ ' .~rgmg mer,e.ase d . 1ay. May, TRUCKS AND TRAILERS FOR homeb.y parents. ThIS IS. w,here. Size; 'of,' yC,n ,room, must be ,tru , c.. " ., " Mot.her Pierre, Marie; , PAPER DRIVES our, generation is f,ail!.n,g very take~ into consideration in ~ !,a.rt IClpat Ion i n th. e,' liturgy, a, hospital superior, 'will" .preSent have CHURCHES. SCOUTS and seriously," th,e said. ., , Ie ~ting 'color 'of curtains.: If the y.'I,d esprea d . an d" ~pon,ta neoul pins to volunteers who. , . ' , et th d t h serve.d ·00. hours a t' the, ho.spital CIVIC ORGANIZATIONS' . In ,this connection, the Bishop, Sm~ll al1d an in.crease~n , m ~v men. m , .IS . Irec l~.n. .. ~ , 1080 Shawin'ut Avenue observed that education, consld- the, ·e.ffect of ,.spac,,~ i,s., de,sir~,''" ~a.I.,n,eq gr.,o.un"d .am",o,~g. ,th,e ~alty~. iiuring the past year. Member. ...... Tn de t th h ...' will hear a talk by'. Harold Hud.· New BedfOrd' ,.wY 2-7828 . 'ered as imparting information curtains must, be ,' 8S. a .part, ,...... ;. IS. sp.~ e.. ~', serIo'!s, 8 oro.;" ., , , t. st ner, followedbv 'a coffee hour. and 'developing' skills, is. hailed of the background. ' " ; age 0, Pl'l~ s., . ' '" ' . . .. " : as, the foremost ·cu!-,e-all.of',the , ,If, cw;-tains' _re."con~a~ing is, C . '· h I' P' ,c, , . -·u'~ day, " .. ' .. ' color so' as, to ,make a ,decorativ~ '.. at ,OIC, ape,r rge~ , , :" "I c~'t ~ !low,it's going .. to,, Jie>te,tl).-:y wilLdivi1e the back-f ' ·Prayers forPrincess,':, corr~ selfIshness, $C~-worl\hlp, ground.m;lo ,smaller areas ,and; ~ J.ONDON '(NC)',,;,;;, A natioP8i. ".' '. ava~lce, .' c:ov.~to~sn~ss,~, u~e~~,)(e:t~,e ,r~m ,s~~' ~aller, - It . Catho'lic' 'weekly' hu urged' ali :~tramed.lust, unfalth.~ulne,~S, Y~~ ,~ ad;Vl~able,:to e~perIm~nt b7· if. rea~ers to' pra~ 'for, Brltairi'i lent ,t~mp~rs and, e~ces~lv«:, I~~, ·'c .'bmmg,p,leces I?f curtaulmao:' 'PriJicesa 'Margaret :iit her' mar:: .~,u.lg~nce Ill, ~~od, es~ec~alJr: In,' ,terlal and .l!',all ~~~. " , ~iage, .. ' ...' " ,~, . '.. " , '... , 'drInk,"he saId; ., '< ," .. ' : . '.~." ..:" • .', " :', The CGtholle TiiiieS' Sllici: .. ' .' Basic. Evils. ' " ASSOCIO,tJOrt" Sponsors , !<CatholiCs'.:....: and indeed 'ali . ' : :, ',,: ,', 'N'EW "C!'rlamly these, evIls areb~' . . . . ' . '. ,.", ' '. , • , ' . . ., ,_ .. . . " Th 're at the, bottom' of Poetry·Competltlon. ~h.rilibans--:~eeland owe a gx:ea~ MASSACHUSETTS mc. ey, ' " ' .. ' '. d-" to Prmcess Margaret far social conflicts, racjal discrim. NOTRE. PAME (!"ICD,'"'"'; Th~ h b"" tur .... del f' , ,,' , . , te' . . , S'st ':M' d 1 P 't A·" er' rave ges e .., ense 0 mation, nabonal COnflIctS, m ro: I er , a e .eva oe ry, ssocla" Ch' t' " .'. "Th' .', '~'3 national disputes and wars." . ,tion has announced its' third: an"; rls l~ marrIage. was ~ _. Educators must make children nual poetry competition ~or stu- ,refet'~,~~ to her refusal :0 malTY understand 'that they are creadents of Catholic universities her SUItor, ,C?rou p Captam Pete~ tures of God, dependent and in.. and, colleges throughout the ~()wnse~d,. m 1955 because h~ debted to Him for all they have, United States. , w a s a ~v()rced man. the Bishop continued. Through.According. to Sister M. Francorrect attitudes and conduct, he· zita, the association's director " I"fant of ~rague Guild: . . Members.of the .Infant of said, order and tranquility will . and English' instructor at St. prevail in the, environment, ',Mary's College here, the purpose Prague Guild, St. Mary's Home, concord and harmony in the' of' th~ contest, is to' fur.ther the , New Bedford" will attend first " , '! 'l\~:e of.' poetry' by helping to 'com~unioh of home children 'social order, ; Another resolution' pledged make . it a vital force in' ou~" -fuesdaY;rv.i:ay 31. The annual the Daughters of ISabelia to j'oirL ' 'iilnes: We are eager ~ proinote' " :buffet' will be' held next month. forces with other religious lmd student interest in. poetry itself,· civic groups to seek. elimination she said. ' , ' : ' , of obscene literature ~rom publiP " ' · outlets. Fall River Nurses, ' 'A'Storewide 'E.vent 'with Bargain rhe Fall River Catholic Nursel . Specials in all departments. Foresters' Breakfast Guild -will hold -its annual cor24-HOUR WRECKER A FAMOUS SALE OF.' OUTSTANDING Fatima :ourt, Fall River unit "pora'te ,Communion and breaK':' SERVICE of the, Mt~achusetts' Order of faSt Sunday in01:ning, Jtine 5, at VALUES "TO SAVE YOU MONEY Foresters, will hold a Commun-' St:, Anne's Hospital. A knitting '35 HILLMAN· STREET Shop 'Now 'While TheSe Low Prices ion oreakfast Saturday, May 21;' party is planned for Wednesday, NEW BEDFORD Bring So Many Savings at St, Patrick's Church, follow- May 18, and a cake sale for SatWY6-83431 ing 8 o'C1o~ :Ma.s~, :, urday, June,25.
NCCWSecreta'ry', Stres'ses V ci IUe, , ,Of CO'tho,I, ic .Worne,n's, 0 rgan i za"t.i.a,,r\'""
Sucord iurn lub 'Plans" Banquet
'P F'11 Urge .a rents ,. R
"T,eac hers,
,', "
S'ALE :n,ow on
thursday; :FridQY, & Saturday MAY12.13·14· , , •
. ,
. •
Must ,Keep Dinner Table Rule Or Exile to Kitchen Follows-
THE ANCHORThurs., May 12. 1960
Cloistered Nuns Show Handwork
By 'Mary Tinley Daly Rule~ necessity in any group. Added up, they mean government: federal,' state, municipal. Ecclesiastically, most serious ones are known as Canon Law. In horne life, too, we must have rules.' And in this small area rule-makers must also be law enforcecause somebody brings up a dis'~ent officers. When chiidren agreeable subject? Me young" rules are more It happens at our house, and Dumero'us but less serious: probably at yours.
Inadvertently' something per'''Come right home after school, permission to go elsewhere"; fectly normal and interesting to one of us can be slightly dis"'Eat all your tpc;teful t'l others. This occurs, dinner before ') for instance, when Markie (our Fou get seconds ," nurse-trainee) regales us with on fa vorites"; l an acount of "the fabulous oper"No phone call ~ ation 1 saw today." more than three , Bubbly enthusiastic, she bem.inutes of a ' in~- the tale: "It was an accident· school evening"; case and this man had a fiacture uMake your of the right leg." bed, put your So far, so' good. We envision clothes away' a leg being put into splints or 4)very day." cast. There have "In· the operating room," our been, infracnovice nurse goes on, "they distions;' exempcovered, internal injuries, with tions ,marle for all of these; Two rules, however, made 'by hemorrhages ..•" We all suspend eating, Ginny the Head of the House allow of turns a pale green, leaves the no exemptions: table. 1. There shall be no argu... "O.K., Markie," the Head of ments at bedtime; Z. Nothing disagreeable shali the House interjects, "not here!" "But they saved the man's be discussed 'at the dinner' table. Goodness knows when' or how life, Daddy! I should think ,..•" ,"We're glad, Markie: But no the Tlead, of the House devised please.·' Remember; these two completely adamant de~ils, we're laymen and this is'dinrier HIes-but there they are. , ' As a parlor psychiatrist, I find time." Markie is, not .,9ur worst, ofthem perfectly, sound. Rule one lias kept ,late evenings peaceful fender.. All too of,ten, the rest of when, bodies, minds, and emo- WI bring problems, frustrations; failures before open tribunal ai tioDB' were at low ebb. d':nner time - the dai~y session Drop Curtain ' wher~' we are' all together. ,,: '''Drop the curtainl" he illSistB 'By mutual agreement,' we'v~ [1::1 no uncertairl terms, "W,e'll be deci "'d 'that the one who goes oNe 'fo discuss these things iii against the rule of keepin!(con'; CJie morning." We inwardly versation pleasant at the table ~the at this pronunciamento:will,eat the next' day's dinner' in ~ we obey it.' Mentally, we the kitchen-a~d :llone. [ii;'lllll'shal all our facts and gl'iev',: Outeast, Mother ances, sure that they will' be as That's why I'm 'writing this furiously afire 12 or 14 hourS CQlI,lmn alone and, between bites later. They never are~ Anger, ani':' as I 'it in the breakfast alcove, 1D0sities, annoyances, evaporate tYT"lriter by my right hand, as the dew on the early morning dinner plate by my left. grass. Over fruit juice, eggs; . " I . th'ought, last, night, that bacon, coffee and toast, antagon. they'd be interested to hear the Ists of the evening before find car needed a'new clutch,that the It hard to 'make a case of the man said we' had to replace the erstwhile burning issue. ~xam gutter spoutS, our realesta'te plee: "Daddy, she took my new taxes !lad peen raised; and Aunt blue slip, wore it and busted ,the Agnes· was coming for n", nice " . ' Mraps." Or, "Daddy, she' wore long visit. my red shirt, sat a seat into ~t.': , S,eparated by the dinin,g r90m By morning, the COmplaints door, I can hear the family. They are not,nearly so .loud., " are enJoying their dinner (:~picli Rule two: No unpleasantness I slaved over a hot stOve to fix) at dinner: As cook, and second- and their jokes-laughing heart~-command, I've found this a ily' about something.· That joke Rodsend. Who wants to slav~ must be good.' Wonder what: it " " .: over a hot stove and then find could 'be? iaste and digestions up~t" be"; '\'Ie? ~sk
Catholic· Womenus Club Schoiarship
Winners from Fa~~ River, Swansea Jo-Ann Elizabeth Casper, ,Sacred Hearts Academy, Fall River, and Paula Katherine Heald, Case H~gh School, Swansea, have been named winners of the annual scholarships offered by the Fall River Catholic
Nun Marks 50 Years In Religious Life' DAYTON (NC)-":'Years ago a little Ohio girl 'gave her first sizable' spending money --' 50 centS .::.... to the first nun she eveisaw, ' ., .Now Sister Ma'ry Minalia' is observing her golden jubilee in r.eligious life wi,th the Franciscan Sisters of the Poor. Attached to St. Elizabeth's Hospital here, she is provincial consultant and supervisor of -nursing of 10 haspitals " and . five professional s,chools of nursing., Born on a farm; Julia Horrigan never saw a nun until she visited her grandparents' home in New Paris. A Franciscan sister made a visit there to solicit funds and little Julia made a monumental gift· of charity that has cui'" minated in a half century 'of service as a' religious. , The' St. Elizabeth's Hospital Alumnae' Association sponsored a' . reception for Sister Mirialia, at:td the nuns"at the hospital are honoring her at a Mass of ' Thanksgiving in their chapel Saturday. :<
Woman's Club to daughters of members. ,Miss Casper, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward R. Casper, is an 1;10nor ,stl\d~nt at ~'lcred ~earts Academy, meriting awards in Latin and lilnglish. She is a glee club member, a cheerleader "nd staff member· of the school paper. 'She is also a' CYO councillor. ' , , ,Miss Heald, daughter of Mrs. Catherine Heald, has won science fair and public speaking awards and is a, member of the all-district and all.,state choruses and president of Cardinal Choir. . Both girls will attend Bridgewater Teachers' College. "
Taunton Benefit 'Taunton Queen's Daughters will hold a garden party Saturday, June 4, at the CYO "Hall. Proceeds will benefit the Holy Uni.:1 Sisters buiiding fund. New moderator f _ the group is Rev. John Griffin.
, Ove~ 35 Years,
MEATS· GROCERIES PROVISIONS ' ' 249 Adams St., Fairhaven .WYman 4~41
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biennial convention of, the National Christ Child 80eiety, to be, held at South· Bend, Ind. beginning Sunday. The organization represents 10.000 womeR. NC Photo. '
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Mrs. Lawrence J. Krohaof Detroit will preside at the
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,M~mbeJ's 9f ,Mother _Cabrini Circle, Buzzards Bay, will attend their annual Communion. breakfast at Bourne, Mill following 9 o'clock Mass Sunday morning May' 22,: at: St.~Margaret!sChU:rC~~ : ,~ •
Hyannis D of ~ Members of Father McSwiney C:rele, Hyannis Daughters of Isabella, will 'attend an open house program at Otis Air Force BaSe Su'nday, May 22. They will participate in '8. Sale for the Blind to be held Thursday 'and Friday, May 26 and 2'7, at the National Guard Armory, &lJItlll Street.
MILAN (NC) - The Sacred Congregation of Religious sponsored an exhibition here of handicrafts made by cloistered nuns. Pt·· . of. the show was to collect funds for the cloistered convents, and to impress upon the public the serious problems the nuns face in supporting themselves. Fine needlework, lace, sacred vestments and woolen cloth:ng were the main items on exhibitiOn. These Were supplied by 20D of Italy's 500 cloistered convents. Some'15,000 nuns reside in the convents. Giovanni Cardinal Montini, Archbishop of Milan, headed the li~t of ecclesiastic and civic dignitaries who att(lnded the e."l:hibit. Thousands of visitors saw til~ display o,if handicrafts.
Free Delivery 3, Times Daily
Pre,S5 Organization:"" Cape Breakfast NEWARK (NC)-The Ne~ lersey Catholic Institute cif the ess has been established here: ~ is co~posed of Catholics em-: ployed 10 the newspaper, ad~rtising", public ,relations, and, ~~oadcasting fields.
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Pope Felicitates Dallas U.'s First Gra.duating C~ass
THE ANCHORThurs., May 12, 1960
Notes Increase In Opportunities For Sightless ,
DALLAS (NC)-Pope John has conveyed his "sincere felicitations" to the students in the first class" to be
BUFFALO .(NC)-Fathel" John H. Klocke, S.J., director of the Xavier SoCiety for ,the Blind, in New York City, told the annual Communion break-,' fa_t of the Catholic Guild for the Blind in Buffalo that there are far more opportunities today for the blind person than there were 60 years ago. , "Both the Federal and state governments have helped advance the' cause of the blind through a system of education and job placement so that gradually, the blind person is, no longer dependent," Father, Kloc"~ said. . "I know many, many persons. who have positions as typists arid teachers," he added. "There is' also a man I know who is an ' executive in the 'personnel 'department of a big oil company." Father Klocke also said that the number of 'men' who lost their sight during the war pointed the need for great vocational efforts on the part of government. '.'Over 1,500 lost their sight in World War II, but the Federal government did a tremendous job of rehabilitation' in making sure that these men were cared for," he stated. The director of an organization that just celebrated its 60th anniversary on May 7, Father pqinted out that, the Xavier Society for the Blind is the only national Catholic publishing house for the blind in, the c~~ntry.
,St.· Peter',s Gets New Work of Art VATICAN CITY (NC)-A new silver holy water container, designed by one: of Italy's best known sculptors, has been added to the works of art used in. liturgical ceremonies at St. Peter's basilica. The vessel was used for' the first time during the blessing of ' the baptismal water ,on the Vigil of Easter. It was commissioned bY' Do~enico Cardinal Tardini, Archpriest of St. Peter's,' and was executed by Peride Fazzini, who is int~-,·-L;(),nally known for his sculpture., ' It is shap __ ,.. fhe forrn ot a sarcophagus and weighs about, 100 pounds. Four silv~r angels have 1;>een placed on the corners and' the lid is capped with a .statue of Christ with His arms upraised. On one side of the vessel is depicted the flood of Noah's time and on the other there is the baptism of th:> Roman centurion' C()rnelius by St. Peter.
Cameroon Terrorists Kidnap Fifth Priest ROME ''iC)-Terrorists have killed a Prote~tant missionary in Bayangam, Cameroon, and kidnaped the African priest who was in charge of the Catholic mission there. '. The priest at Bayangam, whose ,house ,was sacked by the, terrorists, is the fifth priest to be kidnaped in Cameroon - the fourth in the Diocese, of, Nkongsamba alone-since that African iiation became independent on Jan. 1. 'From July to' Sepfember last year, terrorists raided seven , Cat hoI i'c missions' iIi Cameroon:- then' a Uriited' Nations' trust te'rritory under French administration' - .killing a priest and a' catechist. They. also wounded another priest and a Br.other. '
graduated from the University of Dallas. -The class will be graduated OR Friday, May 27. Francis Cardi,nai Spellman, Archbishop of New York, will deliver the ad_ dress to the graduates. The uni__ versity was opened in 1956 with, a freshman class and has added a class each year since then. . The Pope's congratulations were sent to Bishop Thomas K. Gorman of Dallas-Fort Worth in a letter fro Domenico Cardinal T "dini, Vatican Secretary of, State. Bishop Gorman is chancellor of the university which is . conducted by the Dallas-Fort Worth diocese. ,"Because of his warm interest in proper education and in the diffusion of Christian culture," the letter said, '''His Holiness deCATHOLIC NURSES BOARD: Sister Madeleine Clemence, O.P., at left in second rived much comfort and consorow, director of St. Anne's Hospital School of Nursing, Fall River, was named to the board lation from the knowledge that a Catholic university was of directors ot" the National Council of Catholic Nurses at the 10th biennial convention in founded in the important State Louisville. Other board members are, left to right, first row, Catherine Dempsey, Boston,; . of Texas in 1956. . Marie H. Costello president; Mary E. Delehanty, Brooklyn; Helen' Reetz, Dubuque., "He bids me express his com- . Second row, Iren'e Duffy, Baltimore; Angela Hackett, La;fayette;~ Katherine Fitzgerald, mendation on the pastoral zeal . which prompted Your Excel-' Milwaukee; and Sister A~n Majella, Cincinnati. NC Photo. lency to undertake this praiseworthy project and likewise his appreciation of the generosity of the priests and laity which en- abled you to bring it t() realiza- , tion,." T
,Sist~r Madeleine ,lsr,'t Relaxing Just Because , ,St. Anne's School of Nursing Is ComlJlete
A vivacious Sister from France is the guiding spirit of St. Anne's Hospital School Student Nurses Sing of Nursing. Hundreds of girls who've been under her guidance during the past 20 years' Gelin~au Psalms ' 'could tell you of her devotion to learning, 'inc~efatigable industry and flashing 'wit" A modern musical setting fOO' expressed in English lightly dusted with French. :Now she'll be known to a wider world. the' Psalm's which has al'oused . , . much discussion and controversy, She's just ,b~en electe'd, to' now," said Sister Mad-eleine. commitment"; that students since' its introduction in FranCIll : a six year term on the board Why should the~r? With beau- should 1p.ake their wor1<: a part, will, be heard, posSibly for the' of directors of the' National tiful "louiJ:ges; comfortable bed- of ,themselves rather, than a first time in this Diocese, at St. Council of Catholic Nurses, ro'orris' and facilities such as a" mere' eig~t hour assignm,ent Anne's Hospr"tal; Fall' River~
a 20000' member organization completely equipped launderdaily. , Thursday night, May 19 whell ette, there's' little they' need tt:' ':hO!J.t the' nation. . " "'his.thesis is a part of existen- student nurses participate in a 0:' ':~ide their 'own walls. tial philosophy as accepted by' dialogue Mass at 7 o'clock in the The post will involve'tripljl to Is Sister Madeleine relaxing . Washington twice yearly. al1d now that the dream of years has Christian thinkers 'and it is a' hQspital chapel. spelling out in philosophical' Rev, .Edward W. Beucler. attendance at conventions of, the, become reality? Not a bit ,of it. terms 'of part of the "Catholic of the Boston Archdiocese will , organiz~ tion. Next meeting ·will :, Currently she, has three typists be 'in' Boston, but the following. 'wor-' ',g on· ,the final version of d02trine 'of·:the 'Mystical BO.d?'...· instruct the students in the sing- : one' will be '·in. San FranCisco. her. ,doctoral ..,dissertation. She' . We. should use the"c~n~ltl~ns iri~ of .tlie Gelineau 'Psalms as In WhICh w~ ar~"put,: saId SIS- ' . part of. the school of nursing'. ,"I, h'av.en't . be.en 'West,"': 'she hopes to receive her Ph.D. degree - tel' Madeleme.. We must u~e' annual Marian program in honor twinkle~."1 will like that." from- Boston College in June. 'What. God· has ,gIven, us to attam ;, of Our 'LadY~, A 'crowning cere-' I Sister Madeleine Clemence The ,.thesis, ,titled, :"Towards ' sa,lCt,~ty and become perfe~t as, 11I0ny will follow. ' was borrt near 'F'aiis arid gra~f- ' Education for Commitment: In- r.. en. uated from the Faculty of Paris; vestigation of Student, Nurses' "'pecifically" the aim of n,urs- ' of which the 'wodd-famous Sor- Professional World" deals with ing should be to help student, R. A. WILCOX CO. bonne is a, ·part. She majored in . a f~,~cinating' subject-the' atti-' r':ses' use their vocation to philosophy "but when I entered . tude of students towards their. attain ,perfection as women as OFFICE FURNITURE the convent I didn't mind what 1'01-' as nurses. To gather mate- well as Christians. 'lD Stoe" for Immediate Oellvel7 , they did with me." , . That philosophy is made con-: rial, "'ister, an expert in tests • DESKS • CHAIRS What they dd was give her and measurements, conducted an crete at St. Anne's, wh(!re stuFILING CABINETS nurses' training, 'after she had objective test to dents learn that nursing is a • FIRE FILES • SAFES ta ·~ht in Spain for a year and nursing s· .1 dents perceive the , way of life, their way -to attain been expelled from the country atr ---here of their schools. FOLDING TABLES sanctification. 'by threatened, revolution. AND CHAIRS She surveyed students in two They are fortunate students, -A full-fledgeii nurse, she re- 'colleges, 11 schools granting for they have a great Christian R. A. WI LCOX CO. turned to Spain and was ousted diplomas in nursing and five y '~a,n as thsir teacher. again. "We were in hiding for 22 BEDFORD ST. schools for practical nursing. a couple' of weeks, then were Some 2,000 students were in. FALL RIVER 5-7838 returned to France on a des- vol' ':1 in the testing. troyer. We had' nothing left. I .... , Sister found that the profeshave never been, so poor in my sional atmosphere of the three life!" types of schools she studied was Excavating Sister's next assignment was yery different between types, to Rome; where she was an' but strikingly similar within Contractors operating room: nurse. She came each, group; in other 'words, a to the Unite<'l, States and St. Catholic nursing college and, a , 9 ~ROSS ST., FAIRHAVEN Anne's hospital ip. 1939 and in Catholic diploma institute varied WYman 2-4862 1940 was named director of the from each' other much more school of nursing. greatly than for instance a '''We . ~d about 10 or 12 stu- Catholic' and a. Protestant col-, , denL per class then;" she ·re-. lege. Electrical called; '''fewer in the whole' Educate for Commitment school than we: have in any. one The heart of Sister's dissertaContrcrctOl'S class now.'~ \ 'tion is the thesis that professional ':N,ew School, schools should "educate for "T~ 'ough' theyears<~he scho"Ol ' 464 ,Seeond St. expanded until it literally burst ' the walls ,ofth'e old frame build.... NO JOB, 100 BIG FALt. IIVu ing adjacent' to the hospital . where :~t ~as housel;!. untii this' NONE TOO. ~u. OSborM 2~2-143 ye~r. ;'" '. .. '. . ,Now It'S :s~ttl~d m, a, modern' bU1ld~ng, comp~ete WIth . latest. educatIonal d~~lces ~nd, dormItory com~orts. 'l;'he gIrls PRINTERS don'.t go 'out nearly so much
SULLIVAN BROS. Main Offtee aDd
Journalism' Prizes, , ETTAL (NC) - The': Central Committee of German Catholics is 'offering prizes 'for c'onstructive journalism regardleSs of the affiliation of the newspaper in, which it is published, with caSh prizes for the editorial comment, the feature story, the" Hght col-' umn and the criticism which ' "moSt succes~ully prom~te~ co~' I~uctive 4eeds." , '
'Michae/C.Austin Inc.
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AaxHta.y Pluto ~
Open ~v~ry :Evening
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Says Communists Recognize Only ,r'j III, Great Strength
NEW YORK (NC)-AFLCIO President George Meany declared here that negotiations with Soviet Russia will
Thurs., May 12, 1960
MichsgomJ ~Q~~OP ,Calls M~A MQve Threat to r?'@oth
HUNTINGTON (NC)Religious "indifferentism" is one danger to the faith of Catholics posed by the Moral
succeed only when the West can display "overwhelming" military, e~onomic and technological superiority. S~~_l';ng before the AFL-CIO Conference on World Affairs, the labor leader offered a series of foreign policy suggestions which he said "the American trade union movement earnestly recommends." "Our country, together with the rest of the free world," he said, "can negotiate cr' - ~" .. nly and serve the cause of peace only if we are strong. "The great task and responsibility of our leaders in Summit dealings and at the hM1ference table will be to convince the communist leaders that we have the determination, resources, and power to smash any aggres-
Re-Armament movement, according to a Catholic bishop. "It is quite clear that the atmosphere of MRA . - such as tG produce the attitude that a person should adopt some religion * * * but it matters little' which one," says Bi~h(l"" Thomas L. Noa of Marquette. Blatant Tactics Two years ago Bishop Not! forbade Catholics ,in his diocese to take part in MRA activities. One of the movement's two international h:aining' centers Is located on Mackinac Island, Mich., in his diocese. The Michigan pr.elate ,say the MRA movement "sets itself up sor. CURATE AND CHAPLAIN: Rev. Robert L. Stanton has the two-fold title of curate as a religion above ...ther reTo Preserve Peace ligions., Christ gave the duty of "They must serve notice on at Immaculate Conception Church, Fall River and chaplain for the city unit of the U.S. teaching divine revelation tG 1 1 At left he's at rectory desk, peparing Moral Leadership lecture series for Naval Reserve. Kh : · · - - ,.w. once and for all, the pope and the bishops," he that the free world will' pro- Navy men; at right he prepares to leave for his Tuespay night tour of duty. asserted. "Hence, the Chunob Is ceed, 'at whatever cost, to the only safe guide e"en with achieve overwhelming superiorrespect to natural religious ity, militarily, economically h·uths." and technologically - to preContinued from Page One training unit of that city and strength and dedicate this power Discussing M R A "propaserve peace," Mr. Meany said. kids to live as 'they should," Rev. John F. Denehy, full-time for peace, that the spirit of ganda," Bishop Noa pointed out "Only then will the danger 'f handling . ~9ics such as the rights chaplain at Otis Air Force Base. brotherhood might prevail in the "Some go so far as to say that aggression and war be reduced. . duties of man, moral codes, Catholic, Protestant and Jew- hearts and minds of all mankind. MRA 'will not hesitate to use Only then will it be nf)ssible to right conduct and the evils of both blatant and s"qualid proish 'haplains of the Armed > Bless, we pray, the Armed motion prevail on the Soviet regime to Communism. / tactics.''' accept an effective and enforceFollowing the weekly lectures, Forces Chaplains Board have Feces of our land which we, a ~ ew Religion collaborated on a Prayer for peace-loving people, have estabable disarmament program." chaplains' are available to men Armed Forces Day which they He quoted one analyst I11t:lveli" " to stand guard on the Mr. Meany said the road to for individual conferences, and jQin in requesting thM the faith". frontiers of our freedoms. Bless ment as saying "it is startling to peace would be "an unhHl bat- much good is accomplished in ful recite in the course of the , ~ len and women who have notice how many simply marvetIe all the way," but maintained t;., way, says Fathel?' Stanton. ne' d ' ' week. dedicated their lives to the ardu- lous quotes (about MRA) ~me that labor "firmly believes thai About 150 men attend the Fall "Many yqung men and women ous task of protecting our land from those who are quite dead' our government should nego- , River training center arid .there and unable to unquote." and keeping the peace and who, tiate with Soviet Russia at the 'is 'a similar unit in New'Bedford. ' from homes in this area are j" Bishop Noa says that a new Summit and at every other "So often 'parents think that', uniform and committed to the when peaceful means fail, sacrilevel-but as realists." miiitary service might ruin their defense of our country even at fice their ~ives in service to their Moral Re-Armament bO(lklet, "Ideology and' Co-Existence," country. "Behind their front' of bom-" sons" 1lommented Father Stan- the cost of their lives. Any prayclaims "a great vacuum ;s left erful observance, of Armed • -~y we ever' be mindful that bast and truculence, the com- ton, ';'but this is not '"true. Milimunist leaders consider them"" tary service might be termed a , Forces Week will be to their. ","~apons' and munitions do not in ,the world by religion and MRA is the only one lhat can selves the only'true realists," he 'crisis' in boy's Hfe, a'nd a crisis' benefit and, profit;" comments C()~stitute the true strength of fill it." Rear Admiral' B. 'E. Moore;' our Ar''1ed Forces,' but that it declared. , does not, produce but reveals -"The obvious con c lUll ion Commander of the U; S. Naval "'They have nothing but, con- "character. If 'a boy is morally., comes from men and women seems to, point to the fact that , tempt for our adherence to' sound,' 'military serv'ice won't', Base at 'Newport.. ' w:ho ;tre', courageous, . loyal, MRA is a new religion and not 'honor, good faith r"d moral hurt him, but neither will it help 'But. 'in: .and ,out ot" Armed: tr~~tworthy, and dedicated toa ' necessarily a· Christian reU:" pl:"inciples and respe~t only on'e "a 'y with 'defects. Forces Week, the need of serv- mi$siori-IAen and, women who gion." he states. th~~g-strength. '" '''The military is not a correc- icemen for spil"itual sustenance, seek first the Kingdom of God ' However, every effort. ~ust .. tional instftute, Training should - continues and throughout the ang His righteousness, and who be made to secure even, hmlted b egm ' . . th f mJ'ly Usuall·y a' nation hundreds of chaplains like ' love freedom more than they, reduction of' arm'ament, pr~": 'b ~n ~ ~ tr~ubl in the, Father Stanton will contiime to love, life. ' vided effective international inoy .w o. ge s m ho heas not supply it. Help us, 0 God, to remain a . . 0 I ' Sh)'Vlce IS one w learned to obey at home. The spectlldonbls ghuarbante~d. ufr g?l~ strc" and free people, capable Prayer for Armed Forces Day shou e . t t e t annmg d0 t " ml 1- service '" of resisting and overcoming any canno t t a k e t'Ime to re ta ry. a t omlc es s, an en 0 I. Jh b Ttate-it .ob is defense and Our Father Who art in Heaven, ' forc,e which would destroy the ductIon of nuclear w~apons al'd a JI S J. . ' we hallow Thy blessed and holy dignity.of man and deny him his the ultimate genuine reduction no ~ilitary umt IS ?ette~ ~,han n "le and give Thee thanks for inalienable rights. May we, in of land, sea and air force!?" the people who constItute It. an 'abundance of Thy tender cooperation with all peace-lov, Forces in Action me and loving care. We are ing people around the world, Six Major Obstacles. ftrmed Forces Week gives a humbly grateful for the good dedicate 'our strength to this d opportunity to see the servFace C ·Ity PI anners ' g o o ices in action, said Father Stan- land which our' forefathers, un- end. Amen. CHICAGO (NC)-A real estate ton. He noted that Otis Air der the guidance of' Thy divine research director has told the Force Base will have an air show providence, have bequeathed to first interfaith conference on during the week, that armories us, and for a nation under God community development that will welcome guests and that which people of all races, creeds, there are six major obstacles to a submarine is expected to be on and cultures have found within these borders. When it's time the creation of a "good city." view in Fall River. New Mobile Gas Station From the far-flung corners of John M. Ducey of the Real Other priests of the Diocese We pick up and deliver to retire • • • Buy Estate Research Corporation associated with the services in- our great land we bring together cars for servicing said the major defiCiencies of clude Rev'. Aurelian Moreau. of the threads of our unity: from Rt. 28 & So. Sea Ave. our farms and factories, our modern cities are: failure to St. Hyacinth's, New, Bedford, WEST YARMOUTH hamlets and great cities, our scier-Jicate poverty, ineffective Naval Reserve Chaplain for the , SP 5-0605 ence laboratories and classcrime prevention, substandal'd ,rooms, our homes and our Matt Steele - Prop. equcational facilities, inadequate Urge Ethics Courses churches, 'our local, State and transportation, segregated neigh_ Federal governments and our In Secular Colleges borhoods and insufficient housing. STOCKTON (NC) -T he, an- military forces. We bind them nual convention of New:man togc'her into our national Club chaplains of, 'Northern California called here for ethics OIL COMPANY to be taught in secular colleges and universities. The chaplains said in a state, ment that admii1istrato~3 o· vaEst. 1897 rious colleges are showing a O'NEIL FISK TIRE Builders Supplies "growing concern "h the place of ~thical and moral values" in 2343 Purcnase Street, South ., Sea Sts. 276 Central St., Fc:1I1 River the curriculum. . , New Bedford Hyannis Tel. HY 8·1 The chaplaiils asked that OSborne 6-8279 ,~WY 6-5661 , that ethics be int,roduc:d not as mere "etiqu Qf professional life," but as a "precise science of human conduct, based on the div' - ~ n11tural laws,"
Father Stanton Typical of Armed Forces Chaplains
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331"Nash Rd., ,New Bedford WYman 7-9937
THE ANCHO~-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. May 12, 1~90
With. 'Magazine Article on Steel Strike
By Most Rev. Fulton·J. Sheen', D.D•.
By Msgr. George G. Higgins
UNDE NOS. This was the beginning of the questiol\ Our LoJ.'d asked Philip when thousands followed Him into the desert: '''Whence are we to buy the· bread for these folk to eat?" Our Lord said this to try Philip and the other Apostles to see how much they trusted in His Providence and His Power. The answer of Philip was that 'of a hard-headed business man who reduced every problem to money: "Two hundred silver pieces would not buy enough bread for them, .even to give_ each a little." Fancy taking ·"a little" in the Presence of Infinite Power and Grace. Philip's .unbelief was betrayed in his calculations.
Director. NCWC Social Action Department
Who is responsible for the recent steel strike? This question was ralsed by Herman A. Dyke in a very antilabor article entitled "Reflective Thoughts on the Steel Strike". in the April issue of a widely ckculated Midwestern t' . Catholic magazine, $ a i n opportunity. to speak for them.Anthony Messenger. Mr. sel--'- in a secret referendum, Dyke's answer is .extraord- when their officers stand for reinarily simple:--and, like so election next February. The out-
Then' came ail afterthought on the part of Andrew who said: many. simple llI1swers 'to ex- come of ··this referendum will "There is a bc)y here who has five barley loaves and two fishes, tremely complicated questions, tell tis rather conclusively but what is ihatamong so many?" What v e r y unsatis. whether or not they 'agree with embarrassment mixed with pride· there fact "ry. Mr. Dyke's analysis of the strike; must have been in tlie lad' who was about Mr. Dyke is In the meantime. we really WINNER: Raymond G. to see his picnic seized! And yet if was vaguely identihaven't any "evidence." . material for a miraele. So little, but it was Pouliot, son of Mr. and Mrs. fied by the ediMr. Dyke' also 'fails to supply . something. The Lord never gets rich gifts 23 Marsh Roland Pouliot, tor of ' the -Mesany "evidence" in support of his for the poor of the' world. The rich give to senger as a U.S; contention that the communists Street, Fall River, a member tliose who already have; it is only the .poor cit i zen who engineered the recent steel 'of Notre Dame parish and who give to· the have-nots. Those who have '~after 46 -years strike. The sum total of his so- senior' at Prevost H i g h much endow libraries, build gymnasiums, o~" union memcalled' "evidence'~ is .the fact and write 'their names' on stones in laborar :-ship that comm" 'qts are in favor of . School, has been nani~d wintories. lBut the little people with only a few Government ownership of alIlhe ner of a four year tuition speaks his mipd loaves and fisheS'-these are the. kind to. abo u t Labor basic industries. Presidential Scholarship to whom the Lord turns for their tiny .gifts Unions, saying, On ~he basis of a brief quota- Boston College.·He will major to 'become much in' His Hands. . . perhaps ( s i c ) , . . . tion from the proceedings of the ,. . in mathematics in the. Colwhat many other union men 1938 convention of theCommuPractically every cent the Vicar, of Christ re~eiyes for, the poor :~ould .like to say if they nist P:trty, U.S.A., Mr. Dyke at- lege.of Arts and Scie·nces.' . of theW-arid comes 'from little people with little baskets, those who dared." Is he now or was,he ever tempts to prove· that the com- . ' . ' . '. can offer to him but the smallest proportion of what is needed for a . member of the· Steelworkers munists were responsible for the the missions of' the world. But that is the way. God wants ,it.' If union? Presumably not. Is he ll.l steel strike. . r!ontinued from J,'age' ()lle .. the missionaries, had all they wanted they. wo\,lld :become "9ft and. .. . a position to,~ -"k . for the,>m a . Planned Merger opment of the AfricariViolet"; lose their zeal. . i.or~ty .j)r even a . substantial In fact, he leaves the impres- Ronald' Tanquay, Sf: Ari'thony, .. The' Society .for the Propagation 0; th~ Faith, whicb ~ the. , !1\inority of the Steelworkers? sion that they started to 'plan' "Wonders of the' NigHt Sky." ,Holy Father's own mission. society and which supports all,nlisIthi";': hot; .' it in their 1938 convention. He Of special interest was Cecile sionaries .and missions everywhere,. lives ..onthe descendants or ... Brass aDd Communids also asks us to believe, agaiiCon Roy;s!;tudy of. the'effect .of ·Neither a~ ~, of cour~e, but I the basis of ·this quotation, that music on groWth development. "of the boy with, the loaves and fishes. Little People'! Send .your Uttleto the Holy Father .through his' Society' for the Propagatio~ wou.ld be . WIlling .. to give SJlb:-_ tlie communists' engineered the Pl~rits "teshowed were r~ised of the Faith. and· It will appear as much· In the ledger of heaven. ".' ~st,antifl C)d~ t~a~ tl :! yast, rr,ta.- 1957 merger of the' AFL-CIO. with the help mllsic and jority of the Steelworkers, ~hose "The success' or' communist Cecil.e .~ad· her reco~d player. ,. GOD LOVE.;¥OU toC.M.K. f~~ $1 ''1 am a coilvert formanr i~~r.ests he pUl'J?orts t~. ~e, !i~'- plafmirig," he :IYS, "is' clearly along to prove fi. .Rock.' 'n' roll ~e~dmg, woul~ ~Isagree.with his' apparent . in .current history.; 'pro~uc~d.a .·.c·urveci plant; jazz years. Lately' 1 ihave been thinking abo.ut, ijle p~opie i.n" tWs"world·· o18ck.:and-white analYSIS of. the The' steel" strike and' all . other stuiited' another'and.· tait," l!tately that 'have been', misled' by .false teaching and. hatred. against the steel strike and w.ould. also repu,. econorilic crises' that" have de;'; :.... "s . s,hQwed their p.r~feretice Church· that Our Lord. established Himself. Not enough 'peopie realize what it would mean··if every Catholic wage 'earner gave diate the notio~ that they.. :are. velopedsirice that date were· in- for' calypso and waltz music. . n?t free to speak fQr the~selves. tendec;I at tha.t convention, to be "Do you believe' it, . Your even fifty cents a month to' the Propagation of .the Faith, This' would be very pleasing to·God.·My wife and I are both 70 years old, But who was re~pon'lslble for placed in effect at the, opporthe recent steel. strike. To an- tune moment. . •." Excellency?" a bystander asked and we have been married 50:years. We are poor in worldly goods swer, says Mr. Dyke, you must .. the Most Rev. James L. Con- and she has been ill for 7 years. But ·1 feel· very happy with my first determine who wanted ~ffers Cooperation nolly, D.D., BishOP -~ Fall River. cross and thankful in the morning that: I . can .walkto church, "'overnment intervention in the I ·haven't any court-room "evi"i see it, don't· I?"- was' the attend 'Mass and rec,eive Our Lord's Body and Blood." ;teel industry and who wasre- dence" to "prove'" .t~at Mr. bishop's quick rejoinder. sponsible for it. . . Dyke is, talking non~nse, but His Excellency spent" a good Our Blessed Mother' loves all of her children the world over. "Cold logic" he asserts, "dic- I am absolutely cGnfldent that deal of time at the fair. ~~e ad- You can prove that you Share her Mother-love. by praying the tates the ans'wer - only those tlie"verwhelming majority of. mired the third ,prize winning WORLDMISSION ROSARY for the poor of the .world. The sacrific.e.,. who could 'gain' .by it." And who experts in .the field of industrial exhibit by Peter Lawrence, 15. offering of $2 that you send along with your request for the .are they? There are only two relations would bear me out Peter had 'a most authoritative WORLDMISSION ROSARY will aid materially those whom your "'roups he continues who stood when I say that the communists meteorological setup of charts, prayers aid Spiritually. . gai~ by Govern~ent inter- h~d absolutely !lothing to dO-weather maps and wind .diree~ . . vention. "These two groups;" he with the steel strike or with the tional instruments.·.'.l:-Tls '~cience '::' :.,' Clit out this column,' pin your sacrifice to it-.and mail it' to the says, "are the top union brass AFL-CIOmerger. teacher said he.:'!s· a protege. of- Most Rev. Fulton.J. Sheen, National.Director of the Society for and our domestic communists." -. Moreover, I would be de- Boston weather forecaster Don the Propagation ot'the Faith, 366 Fifth Avenue, New York I, N. ¥ .. 'Much Evidence' .. lighted 'to cooperate with Mr. Kent. The; latter invited Peter or your Diocesan' DireCtor, RT. REV. RAYMONDT. CONSIDINE, . In developing his indictment Dyke and/or the editor of St. to be wifh him on his weather' 368 North .Main Street,' Fal_l River, Mass. 'of the so-called union brass Anthony_Messenger if they are show during 'Easter ·vacation. .Mr. Dyke reports'that "there is interested in putting this matter TheJ::e "'~re 64 exhibitors from DAUGHTERS OF ST: PAUL a great deal of evidence" that to a test. 11 scbtlols in the Diocese. 'iote-' Invite· ,oURlI eim (14.23) to' labor III ·there wouldn't have been a steel May I say that there is nothing worthy, was Robert Murray's Christ','va,t .vinoyard .,. an Apo,tIe of the strike if the industry's origina1 personal about' this critiCism of attractive exhibit of African . Editions, Pre..,' Radio, Movie, ancl te'" offer last May had been put to Mr. Dyke's article. I have no violets'~' in. theirvarfous stages vi,iOll... With thoM modem mean" the.. 'a secret referendum.: There is reason' whatsoeve~ to question of grqwth, an 'honorable mention l\Iliuionciry Sisters' brlRg Chrlst',OoctriM· 'also "much evidence," he' says; ,hi.s. sincerity,' .1'"ao,. however, winne'r. to all, togardle..of· ,a~. color or ·creed. 'that if there had been a N.L.R.B. seriOusly question hiS compeWinne~s 'were announced by. For information write to: REV. MOTHER SUPERIOR referendum . on the industry's tence in the field of labor rela- Bishop Connolly: as the closing n. PAUL'S AV&. BOSTON 30. MASI, 'last offer, the union members tions. Anq. I cannot help but event:,C)(t~econv~rition.Judges. would have accepted it. . regret that his article was p.ub., were ,;Sister Catherine Francis ·According.{c) Mr. Dyke, this lished .in a resp~~ta.ble. C~th?lic S.c.N:;. Archbishop William~ :"would have been the end of the magazme. High :~~~90l,·. Braintree; .Brother :road for Mr. McDonald and the D i e Peter(~.s:C.;pe~Salle Acad-: other top brass." We are also ., e egate. o.nsecrates elJ,ly, ;:,J':{e:\Vportj',and'· Brothel;. :informed that Mr. McDonald :and" Greensburg Ordinary' James~,K~·:9.,I...~S!il)~ -!\<;ademy, .. . ' . • ' . r'. . _ Providence.,-~."" "..' ' . .. . the other top brass "were. well 'aware of this and may have welGREENSBURG (NC)-Blshop AI ., h'ld .. ' " - <"'';;':;'f,,'' William G. Connare formerly a . ~:- ..e, .1P .co,nnecti.on. w:ith. . come d. G . 'JVernm~~'ii ::':~rf'41~~9n\ i"'" P' ur' h astor'was conse';' t?e ct?~~~!}t~o~., waf! .'an J~~hil?~-: baIl the~1~?~'~~i;;~;~H~~~'l\~r :,fhe. Ps~con'd Bishop 01 hon b~t 62 b,:!.s~~~ses d~al~?g in :i
Science Exll1.ibit '.
FA·M".L,:Y TREAT :~ NAY:I·V~·. "., ,,:,·59c~lb·'· LIVE ,:. ":/' r
-o:r:~;t~~;gf~;~~'i%~~~r!:'~.•·.... ". ;~f~?~tt~~:'ti~i~~t~~1,;o:f~00~·~Q,~;;;~~N~~t~~·,:~~~~!!-e.~'F';':::"" ae'ilc~;~:!c~ed/&:h·~Mi~;;tfD"ke'.+ .l~~~ s· 0 ·S. . -. _.. siaii "ev:
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"'~:}l"""'d ' -. ··t···>.·.··"·~'i..: .... '· 'l;:\:··'''n'\.':;:''~b·· ..' k :·';l,mh~o·color~l. c.erem .. onles··rals"..' ....F.·or Re"·ea. s· e·.::I .."'·Y.".' .ime .....1 own nO"'ll.lIg-m"1'~ ~. .",> l ,~, " . . .. ."" ..... ' '" ..,.,... -q-.. ·''.I;·tha<·irls'~bW:ii :;persona~:i,:ll!g\, t~\L~9-~y,~~r-old: :P~l.~~t. to,
S,AN·-JU,AI\V (NCO)' "'The-Bishopini()I'(~But"'ilier~_iSM p,oirlt :i'~ ~:'~!iiE,!r8:rC§Y~,:' :t?pk. pl!ice' '.~n ::: tp~' :.oP.~ of'~uert<>'" ·nlcQ-ha';e: 'urged 'arguing ab'o.ut the. matter 'at' ,tIiis"'" a th~m:;it o.!-,.~h~ .~less~, S,!Icr~- .Catp.~liCji' to joi,n" iri"a~ inli·s$.·.raUy late date." , ,.,..' .' .:' ( Jl1ept~; mothel;;' ~liv-rch Qf. th~s;: 'S'unday; May, 22,to 'dem(nisii-lite .' i 'the Steelworkers wnihave ari, '.ll~ le-year-old:}ip<; !;)f ,ai?6ut';sOpportfcr' ~eleased':tim'e't~li : ... :' '.' • ' . ' '. : .. ,205,~OO CatholIcs. . '.' . .-giouseducation for,public's~hooi ¢ana~ha Archblslhop ~l!; 1\Ish.,.: ·studeri~ .. , " ' , .'".." ' .' . \#... . op Hugh L ..Lamb.who ..dled .on . A blP to establish ,released~ .IS~ts OUJ. .' m~rlca De~.: 8, ~95~; ';The D!i)c~se·.aftune programs in 'ptibli~'schools . 'OTTAWA (NC) ~Archbishop!,.G.reensbur~~s th~:I.1~~est,~f the. is' currently' p~ridihg,'b~fore.ihe Marie. Joseph :~ieux, O;P., of-· ~ven ~e$!:.".l- ;Pennsyl~ama:- ~t:,Ed\lcatioll ': Committee, of .the' q.t~.wa has;~~ft fpi" Ii; three:.weelt'{' .eR.1bra~ .f~u~~, counties .and ... :p ':~rto.. 'Ric~fi·. Hopll~:r 0.£ ';I¥~re.;.. YI!!lt to Cen~!ll, and. S?'\lfh ~er~, ..:Cath?Yics,o ~~rm ~out 52 .per. s~n.ta~lves.,· AttemptS, to, :bring lca. . ' ':- ' . ' ,. ... ' .. ~ ... ' '. 'c' ·c~l{t··pt·lne:·PQP.ulahoJ;l.Tl;1e See, 'the b~U' to·:the··floor·"for ,a' vOte· The trip' 'is' 'beipg i:lndert.~Ken.. ~c!ty). Greensburg,i~ about 25 ..have: failed· uP,to rtow,:·'hc-:ever. at the invitation'Jof 'Archbishop,: ·~.miles ~~theast of Pittsburgh. . , ,uIiMi'fe''i!as~d4timeeduCa Hugo Araujo de Br.essan'e;··Bis~QP·~:":'. " . ' . tion prograins'.publlc,schoot"sl·u()f Marilia, Brazil, who wisheS"~:-: .. Honpr,$...SchoJar, . ·.d~nts ~re~~tel~ased·fr.6m.., school to obt~in t~e ser~ice~ of. some CHICAGb:·(~9.):,_:i>r.'Veriiol\ ~·i~(~4:,:p~~n~s'.:·,r~ije~t'it:~e Canadian prIests III hiS dIocese. J. Bourke, 'profess!;)r of phi1'f)so,,·:··.~cific times.during'::tlie:'·week so Three priests of the. Ottawa phy at St. Louis' University,'lia's ··'that· they. Jnay'reteive:religious archdiocese are expected to go received the LJyola University i instruction', from .the ienomina.there next autumn. Archbishop' Key for contributions to schol- I tlon 'of "theft 'choice. Plans for Lemieux ~ishes to visit the!le arship, He is the author of num- . the'Citlioli~ .rally her~ call for ~razilian parishes to gain per..; erousbooks and a former pres- an estimated 100,000 people to, sonal knowledge about the work ident of the Catholic Philosoph- asse:ble for an outdoor Mass in .· there. ical Association.... the city'. sports .•tadfum.
'S' . h A'
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i"';"':i·t~~tJ~t~·'R.$,',', . ·":".KI~·:·':·3· 9c
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Urges Prayers For Freedom In Elections
New Bedford Franciscan Missiona.ry Attends Inauguration of Brasilia
Inauguration of Brasilia, new national capital of Brazil, has been described by Rev. TARIJA (NC)-The Bishop John Anthony Janson, O.F.M., New Bedford missionary, in letters to Rt. Rev. Msgr. of this agricultural and comRaymond T~ Considine, Diocesan Director of the Society for the Propagation of the Faith mercial center of southern and Rev. Daniel F. Shalloo, general manager of The Anchor. Father Janson, recently Bolivia has urged Catholics to 'pra, that "the sacred rights transferred' t 0 Anapolis, be different at any rate." , of religion and country" prevail Brazil, about 90 miles from Brasilia is by nlJ means comin - livia's forthcoming presithe new capitol, went to plete, writes the New Bedford dential elections. missionary. "The place is enorBisltop Juan Niccolai, O.F.M..,· Brasilia f o;r inauguration ceremonies. He said he was fortunate in that the Franciscans have a parish there because "the city was jammed and since it is not ready to receive as many as 500,000 people (estimated crowd that day), many had to sleep in their cars or any place they could find. "I assisted at midnight Mass celebrated on the balcony of the Palacio da Justica by Cardinal Cerejeira of Portugal, .representing His Holiness, Pope John. The Cardinals of Rio, Sao Paulo and Sao Salvador were also there as well as numerous archbishops and bishops. The President of Brazil and his wife attended from the sactuary. It was one 'of the most imposing ceremonies I ever attended." ,' . "Next'morning I also at~ildecl
also asked prayers for an atmosphere of "freedom for ,everyone" in the electio', without "disorders, outrages or violence." Bloody encounters have already broken out between supporters of rival factions within the ruling party, the National Revolutionary Movement. The leftist faction has nominated former president Victor Paz Estenssoro for president, and the less radical faction has nominated Foreign Minister Walter Gervara Arce. ' Bishop Niccolai also reminded Catholics, they, may not vote for communists or supporters 01. communism. - Bolivia's Bishops, individual~ 'and jointly, have accused the movement of favoring communism under a cloak of anti;;' 'communism. They have· also criticized the government for permitting a leftist-l~i militia ~ operate' outside its control. Thus militia has attacked priests and even a bishop, Although there are four ?ther 1 !"ties in Boli"'a, the presl~en tial 'contest' is almost certamly between the two 'factions of the' movement, In:· congressional, elections in 1958 it registered 2"-1,500 . votes, while the other three combined drew fewer thaD : \000' votes.
Pope Seeks Prayers For Light in Russia·
Honor Physicist WASHINGTON (NC) A Catholic University of' America physicist has been elected to the N~"~""al Academy of Sciences, one of the highest honors- for U. S. scientists. He 'is ""1'. Karl F. Herzfeld, 68, head of· the de,partment of physics at the university. 'I~ - was one of 35 new membe1's sel~ted for "their distinguished and continued' acnievements ill original research." ,
·s: 'It is built only in spots so far. Every section is almost
Says Arguments Of Church-State Agitato'rs Weak ST. PAUL objections of 'Church-State' ply do not
(NC) - "The the chronic agitators simhold water,"
Archbishop William O. Brady of St. Paul has declared.
an island by itself, surrounded by fields .... Take a certain road and you end up ten miles out. ,Come back and take another and the same thing happens." In 1944, when Father Janson arrived in Brazil, he noted, Brasilia was just open country: "Now they have several radio stations a- -1 they will soon have three TV stations.... They also sell sliced bread, wrapped in cellophane. Pretty soon it will be like the U. S." 'Father Janson, who' had been doing parochial work in Porangatu, BraZil, is now teaching in Anapolis. His subjects include religion and French. He alsO ,helps with parish work on, weekends, is in charge of a country chapel and is confessor to several communities of -'lters and seminarians.,
"Unless we are alert, we shan allow vociferous and professional non-bc'levers to impose on us all their pet fo,rms of indifference, ,opposition to religion or atheiSJTI," Archbishop Brady added in his weekly column for the Catholic Bulletin, newspaper of the St. Paul archdiocese. Commenting on objections to prayers offered in public build_ ings, tt~ Archbishop said: "Possibly a little more prayer in public ~'~es might keep our elected ' 'FATHEll JANSON or appointed officials mindful 01. something important. They ex~ when the Papal Legate installed ercise a power that comes from the new, Archbishop of Brasilia. God, and some day they mus~ I had the' opportunity then to give an accounting to Him, M meet all, of the cardinals and '",'~ll as to 'the comptroller wheil 'archbishops. I also' got to greet an audit is made or to the l'eople 'the President.~' at the next election.." . Father Janson descibes Bra" He added: "It is nonsense a~ sllia's cathedral, still under construction. Like other' buildings impossible in real life that reliin the capital, it is built along , 'NEW ORLEANS (NC) ----" A gion can be contained ill the revolutionary ;lrchitecturallines. Protestant grou~ here has or- home' or the church, or that the "It consists of a' series of long 'ganized, "premarriage' clinics," curved pillars that 'meet at' • similar·to -the Catholic pre-Canll Sta'te must be indiffere~t to ~ croi,":l up in the center., The co-' :'ences; The 'clinics' were' f~rbid 'religious acts in public: altars and pews will be below -organized by the greater New places. the surface of the ground. What Orleans Federation of Chun"es. "I\eligion and democracy need will, be, between the pillars- '::1~' are for 11 engaged coUple. never be in conflict. Without the . maybe plastic glass-is hard to' and those contemplating marfirst, the second will not IoDi figure 'out yet.' It will certainl7 riage In the near future.' endure."
.' ' P·rotestant Clinics
G' , Id' M- edaI ,,0
John has urged the (NC)-Pope faculty and VATICAN CITY' students of the Pontifical Russian College to pray that Christ's li.,;ht be spread in Russia. Pope John, speaking at a special audience granted to the Russian College, which operilte-d by ihe' Society of Jesus and, which trr'.... s·priests for the apos:'tolate to Russia, said: , .. " "It is impossible to remain unfeelilig "in' the face of such grave denials of tru~ and 'such open violations of the liberty to prof",3ll and spread ~he F~ith. Because of this it iS'always necessary '~"d a duty to pray intensely that the light may 'be diffused that the light may ~ , main fi~edly bright, that it may arouse new dynamism there, where surely such religious faith is nC?w rooted in hearts,"· . "
THE ANCHORThurs., May 12, 1960
Bisho,p Maloney· Continued Irom Page One' . lory Bishop 'Stephen A. Leven ~ San Antonio, Texa!$,' a ',Iorme~ classmate of Bishop Maloney .. Louvain, ·preached. ~ . . Bishop' Maloney, who wu born In' PJ'ovldence on April 1~; 1903; lmd was, educated in 'UH! city'. ,Catholic schools, become!! ,'the 'third' Auxiliary .Bi,shQp" ~Il the ,history of. the diocese a~ the firSt'in 4i years. . ' _' , CoUege lleetor The ,new Auxiliary' BishOl' was ,ordained' at Louvain ~Jl 1930 . and l!;ervea in the Providence diocese until 1952 whell he was appointed rector of Louvain's American College. He was named Domestic Prelate by Pope Pius XII in February of 1955. In that same year he received n doctor~te 'of Sa.cred Theology from Providence College, ' In August, 1957, he was aP": poin~ed
profess~r .e~traordinary·
to the Theology faculty at Lou,:" vain University by tlle Bishops of Belgium, , Dignitaries Attend , Federlil; state and city ~II,:, . eials headed by 'Rhode Island Governor Christopher Del Sesto ' also attended the ceremony. Bishop Mal~ney will, aid ~ the administration 01. the diocese which encompasses the entire State of Rhode Island. Established In 1872, the diocese has a Catholic population of over 500,000 in a .total population of 1ust over 800,000 persons.
B~k~d' in Fall River and Rushed ~~ 'YOUi' Neighborhood Store Minutes: After It ,Leaves the Bakery Ovens t
Liturgy Answer To Prayers
~::Hashburger Makes Popular :~,Substitute
;' OXFORD (NC) - "Cancero~: failures" in the lives of Catholi~ can be corrected by the liturgy~, a bir'....p declared at a meeting, here of Newman Club members:; from four states. ''
for Hamburger By Joan Meadows
The cocllfish lays ten thousand eggs. The homely hen lays !me. The codfish never cackies ,"To tell you what she's done And so we scorn the codfish: ' While the liumble hen we prize,' /~ Which' only goes to show you' ' That it pays to -advertiSe.
:' I
Speaking at the Ohio Vallet Province Newman Club convention, Auxiliary Bishop Paul F. Leibold of Cincinnati said the two chief failures are: a lack of appreciation of the supernatural life and the lack of a "Catholio s:noo." '
A point in case is the little "hamburger" which ,grew ;and grew until it became a national byword. With the rise 'of the automobile, people were, able to travel longer distances' 'in shorter times; as a consequence, barbecues :came more :and more in vogue--and ened butter' with % cup finelyhamburgers became an im- chopped nuts. 'portant item on the menu. Rich and cake-like, these According to H. L. Menckenp who spoke in dif- 'chocolate cookies made with ferent German dialects brought' walnuts will be a welcome treat ·for a boy or girl away at college ,the word "hamor the small fry that come in bu r g e rs" to after school. "Chocolate indians" America soon travel well. For mailing, wrap after 1848! cookies individually in waxed 'Some mempaper to keep them moist. "'ers of the ' younger generCHOCOLATE INDIANS..ation I know I cup walnuts probably think 2 (l-ounce) square. unsweetened Eve was dishing chocolate I sup sugar 9ut hamburgers to ~dam; in 3 ~ggs . ~heir book, a big juicy hamI teaspoon baking pOwd~ burger is something t\111t should . :. '% cup shoitening - , ' , have been '- 'luded iIi\paradise. .' Itea'spoon','vanilla ' . I I Here is a recipe akin'" to ham%. cup' sifted cake flour t>iIrger;' one that will ri~~ steal '% teaspoon salt ' any of its thunder ,but 'instead Chop walnuts. Melt shorten_ il:real kissin' cousi-- that will win fig ,and,. chocolate togetlier over \' the approval of the wholefamhot ,water. Stir ,in sugar and ilY.' It's "Star Corned Beef Hash" vanilla. Separate eggs 'andbeat ~the first juicy bite will tell you yolks into chocolate mixture. why this meaty hash is bound to Sift flour, baking powder' and ~ popular. salt together, and stir into ,batter. Fold in stiffly;'beaten egg , HASHBURGERS whites and walnuts. Turn',lnto : 'I can corned beef hash greased '9:-inch square pan~. Bake .. :~ hamburger buna ;: Dillpickle 'in moderate oven (350 degrees :. Butter or Margarine 'F.) 30 minutes'. Cut into small . Onion slices squares while warm. l\1akes 25 Tomato wedges , small squares." . Chill can of hash. Open 'both PIQUANT GREEN BEANS i!:nds and push .contents out IliVhole. Cut into four even cir1 (l pound), can cut blue lake greeobeans cles. Brown' slowly and thorI (3%-ounce) can 'smoked oyslc11'B oughly on both sides in a little 4 green onions, chopped butter. Serve between halves teaspoon dried dill ()f buttered toasted, buns along , % 3 tablespoons wine vinegar ~ith onions, dill pickles and % teasPoon salt . tomato wedges. Makes four 2-teaspoons sugar ~ervings. Drain beans and turn into a '" bowl; add ,undrained smoked : POTLUCK POTATO SALAD oysters and onions. Combine all ;:' Basic: Cook one potato and remaining ingredients and pour one egg for each person. Mix' to over green beans. Mix lightly ~esired consistency with equal parts sour cream and mayon-' but thoroughly. Chill several. hours. Serve as a relish or as a naise. Season to taste with celsalad on crisp lettuce. Makes ~ry salt and white pepper. ! Variations: Add chopped 5 or 6 servings. Don't be surprised 'at the touch ~hives, celery and ,minced parsley. Toss, cooked, cubed potatoes of sugar. This takes away the in - "ench dressing before chill- 'sometimes raw, sharp .accent of leaving it softened and f,r1. Add chopped pimiento, , vinegar. sweet pickle, and celery. Add mellow. c:iiced cheddar cheese, chopped WESTERN HAM AND onion and paprika. Add crumCHEESE SPREAD bled crisp bacon, chopped green 1'% cups finely chopped cooked ~nions and minced parsley. I % cups grated Cheddar cheese _ ~migranL
Pope Says All Have' Responsibility To Help Feed World/~ Underfed
"Too many well-intentioned Catholics," he said, "see nothing contrary to their Christian vocation in giving their whole time and strength to the pursuit of IQoney or success or knowledge, if they can keep the letter of the commandments of God."They might even indulge lD. much charity and activity for the welfaI:e of others," he added,' "but fail to integrate all this into the life and action of Christ and His Church." -
VATICAN CITY (NC)-Pope Th~ Pope concluded: "We find John told officials of the United, great joy in the thought of the Nations Food and Agriculture. i.mn1ense possibilities of this Organization that all men must campaign which will have, we help feed the world's underfed 'are certain, the support of all _ "An appreciation of the 1l~ ,peoples. men of heart and ofl all institu- . urgy, and an internal and exter, He spoke at an audience tions, whether private or pUblic, nal participation in it, can corgranted the delegates to the 10th ',truly c'oncerned .with the weIreet these cancerous failures.· internati~nal conference of the ,fare of mankind." . the Bishop declared. FAO's Campaign against Hunger., Noting that a purpose of the','· FAO cani.p~jgn is to attra~t' worldwide',', }attention' to the pr"~ '''m' of:'hunger, Pope John many years ago, the CathoUo Church of WASDAMBAin ERIdeClared:,; i ' , TREA, has become noi only too small and dilapidated, bui most ~ t I'h diJlicuU, of access to the Catholic POP" Millions Suffell" ~'b- '~'J,~ ulatioD, 'in number aboui 2,500. Pre. , "Millions of human beings d'", ently, ihe people of dda area an suffer,hunger in the world. Othfl:r; ~. mOlDy farmers who Uve iii ihe fieldS ers while not actually hungry, (II '~ aroaud U1e base of Ute moaublD. To do not have means to consume ~ , fA reach U1e Church, ~D ,&:be moauiaID. sufficient quantities of the fooda now crumbUnc' because of 'age, ta 'il-' they need." mOA Impossible during the wintel' The Pope said the plight of and ralDy season. Wishing to be C8I'o theSe people "must be preached tain thai the,.' will never miss Mbs from the housetops." on Sundll7, ihe people have star&ed "Consciences must be aroused Tht Ho,:! FaIhtrt AitJ ihe construction of a larger Chureh to a sense of responsibility that tht 0rimJaI Omrh en the plains.' They Bre'erecUDg It 0"weights on each and every one, , a site thai ~ be readll, accesslble fur especially on the more privlto all of them for daily vlsUs to the Blessed Sacrament. n can be completed ai an approximate cost of $%,000. Any banda! >Ieged," he stated., "Today no one help coming to ihese people to oomplete ihelr Church wlU be in a world where - distances no deeply appreciated. longer count can make the ex'cuse 'that the needs of' ('stant MASS STIPENDS FOR OUR MISSIONARIES-SUPPORT FOB brothers :-e" not 'mown to him, THEM, GRACES AND,.P_RAYERS FOR yOU. and that he is not concerned with helping them. All of us are wholly responsible for the un"SWEET SACRAMENT OF LOVE" , ~ernourished peoples." PROMISE:-Ai CAPBARNAUM-"Except you eat the flesh of ihe Son of Man, and drink His blood, you shall not ,have life ID . Raising lP'roduction you. He ihat eateth my flesh and drinketii 'niy blood, haih ever- " Pope John also spoke of the lastlDg Ufe: and I will raise him up ID ihe lasi day." campaign's goal of ,raising levels FULFILLMENT-Ai JERUSALEM-"Take ye, and eat. Thla .. of food production. my Body ••• Drink:: ye all of this. For ibis is my Blood •••"The world does not at presCONTINUED FULFILLMENT-lathe' WHOLE WORLJ)...;."no ent produce eno~gli: food to thla in commemo~aUon of Me"•••"Behold I am with yoa aD isfy th _ needs of. all men, espedays, even to the consummation of the. ,world." cially in view of the foreseeable WithlD the nen few weeks himdreds 'of new priests wUl be increase of population in the ordained-given the astounding power of oba~glDg, bread and near future." wine IDto the Body and Blood of Chrlsi, power to conUnae the "On the other hand, available falfillment of Chr,lsi's promise ihai He would give us Hia f1esb foods are- not distributed in an to eat and Hia bloOd to drink.", . , equitable manner," he continued. WithlD ihe nen. few weeks also, thousands of chlldren wiD. "Consequently it will be necesfor ihe flrst time, in ihe reception of their First Holy Commu2. tablespoons finely chopped 'greeD. sary to cultivate new areas and Dlon, obey the coinmand· of 'Chrlst to ed HIs flesh and drink SEASONED BUTTERS, onion' " to increase the production culHis blood. Mustard: Combine ¥4 pound % cup Sauterne wine To bring the Eucharlstlo Chrisi IDto the world, tiviited zones. boftened butter with ¥4 cup pre% teaspoon powdered rosemary priests are needed. Christ's promise ihai He pared mustard. ' ' Salt to t a s t e ' Immense Possibilities would be with us until the end of the world j' Cheese: ,Combine ¥4 pound Combine all ingredients, mix. assures us thai there will always be prlesis to softened butter with 1 to 3 ing until well blended. Use fill,"-' "And· here 'yo'ur organization ing for plain or toasted sand- • • • can suggest projects fOl' brlDg Him on earth lEucliaristic~lIy. The' or': ~blespoons Blue, sharp Cheddar dinatlon of boys like MUSCETAK and GOawiches. Makes about 1% cups. action and research, also coor Parmesan cheese. When making "Western Ham operating in the application and GmS, now studying ID the Chaldean SemlD· :: :Herb: Combine ¥4 pound softd Ch consolidation, among the right ary in Mosul, 'Wiil Insure the fact' of His Real ~ned butter with 1 teaspoon . an.. eese Spread~,' let the mixsupporters, of . " ~~r,tain 'mea~ Presence in IRAQ. The training 01 a boy for mixed salad herbs. " " ' fure stand an hour before using , which will allow realization of the priesthood in the Middle East oosis $600. '. Nut: Combine ¥4 pound ,soft- ,~ Qlend the good flavors. ,~'concrete',-results, without Undue,", I ' ','. Would you like to pay for all or pari of t6e ' r0--'-:::-:----c:r---c:-~~--,7""'"~7!'""~....,....-~~ delay." ·training of Muscetak or Gorghis? .,, SISTER CARLA a,nd SISTER ROSETTE are 'two novices of the ROSARY SISTERS In A DelDcious JERUSALEM who', would Uke to teach' Arab' 1'1-.-11" II' children ihetrutlis of oUr holy faith. They :/\!:~i\1t(~~ Treat are looking forward, especially, to the train. Ing of First Communion classes;,ito: &elling' the"children about the wonderful love' that moved Jesus to leave Himseif with UII ID the Sacrameni ~t the Albr. $300 will pay for the irainlng in ,the novitiate, 01 either of these two young girls. "
PREPXRE FOR PllOC'ESSION: Conimitteemembers ~f Our Lady of the Angel's Parish, Fall River, make final plans for tomorrow night's candlelight pro'cession in honor <>1 Our Lady of. Fatima. Left to right, Mrs. Joseph Veloza, Qavid Rogers, Rev. Manuel Andrade, parish assistant, and Henry' Aguia!!. __ -",
,JtL'l2eai- 6stOli$SiOIlS~
FRANCIS CARDINAL SPELLMAN, P,elident Mig,. Pet.,p. Tuohy, Nat'. Sec', Send all comraunlcatlons to;
Made Rite Chips ~~~fQ' _Th~mTodClY,:,,:,
480 lexington Ave. at 46th St., New York 17, N. Y.
.. tH~ ANCHOR~Dlocese ofFari River-thurs. May 12, 1960' . ., 5
Tltis .Time'y Message Is Sponsored By Tlte Fol. 'owing Public Spirited Individuals and Busi. ness Concerns Located in Greater Fall River I
• Ann Dal.e Prf?CIucts, Inc. Brady Eledric :SupplyCo. Cascade Prug: Co. Enterprise Brewing Co. Globe Manufaduring Co.
Gold Medal Bread Hutchinson Oil Co. International Ladies Ga.... ment Workers Union
.As It
Mason Furniture Showrooms
MacKenzie & Winslow, Inc. I
Gerald E. Mc~~11y Contrador '
George· R. Montie, Plumber
Catholic Charitiel ~fRVES by supporting 24 Diocesan Institutions and Agencies for the Orphaned, the Youth. the Sick and the .Aged.
Plymouth Printing Co.. Inc. SobiioH Brothers
StaHord Fuel Co.. Inc.
Sterling Beverages, Inc.
CathoDe Charities SAVES' by ~bsOrbing the· finCincial and Agencies that obUgations of th.- Institu,tions . otherw.· wou~cI .~om•. ~~~!~uni~.respo~sibi~,~tie...
Strand Theatre
Textile Workers Unioa of America, AFL-eIO
,'0 ..
YeDow Cab I ~~..,
~ , I, •
.·.·.····Give Generously'·
, I;
.To·The 1960· Catholic· Charities·.Appeal ~
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• '
. 1'.1.""
I I I I, io . ioi·
------.'.--.~-~---------' J
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. May 12. 1960
·. 1
~R~INARlBREA/) tears uneve~ly;
Jagged chunks, because "It's mixed the old-fashioned way, a • ton at a ti'm'e. 'UneveJ). baking makes it less tender•. In
tears smoothly,. evenly. It's ien~
• :~~~ reve~ -th~ cr~st!) ,be~ause
. Sunbeam.1S DllXedm sIWill batch- ' es to. w~del freshness..
COMPARE! Satisfy yourself that 'Batter Whipped Sunbeam with no holes, no streaks?, no waste is the fresher bread for your fsnrnjly! -NO HOLES••• NO STREAKS··•••, ·NO.POOR:END SUCEs "'Copyrlgh-;. Quallty'Boteroof 'Am.rlc·. ,s ... :;~ ...
C~lIOratlve. I.... f960" ~. •
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W'hy Buy Ordinary Bread When B'atter'Whippe'd Costs No More?
IThe Parish Parade ST. ,JOSEPH. WOODS HOLE
A televisi~n set for St. Mary's Home, New Bedford, will be pa,·tially purchased with proceeds from a card party held by the Women's Guild. ST. ROCH. FALL RIVER The Wc'nen's Guild wlll purchase English and French books f '. the school libtary as a speeial project, and donations of volumes by other parishioners are solicited. The group will sponsor a rummage sale Wednesday, May 25, at 308 East Main Street. Mrs. Ernest Gagnon is chairman. ST. THERESA'S, SO.ATrLEBORO
Atty. John McIntyre of Attleboro addressed the members of the Holy Name Society at their annual Communion breakfast. ~he slate of officers for the eoming year is as follows: Walter Downarowicz, president; Gerald Brillon, vice-president; Raymond Gravel, secretary; Arthur Glade, treasurer; and Walter Delude, marshall. ST. HEDWIG, NEW BEDFORD . Twelve new members have' been received into the Sodality of the Children of Mary. Marianne Saulnier was the "bride" at the coronation of the statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Queen of May. Her attendants were Janet Gula, Jean Rybka, Patricia Dobyna and Sharon Chudzik. Nancy Correira was crown-bearer. The choir mc..lbers sponsored • Communion breakfast for 50 mothers of the parish in honor of their day. OUR LADY OF TIlE ANGELS, FALL RIVER Following the candlelight procession tomorrow night, Rec. Adriano Moniz, former _pastor, will celebrate a High Mass at 7 o'clock. Rt. Rev. Humberto S. Medeiros, Diocesan Chancellor, will preach. The evening's services will conclude with the recitation of the Rosary and Benediction. O. L. PERPETUAL HELP, NEW BEDFORD Our Lady of Perpetual Help Society will hold its installation banquet and 10th anniversary ()" .servance Sunday, June 26. Next regular meeting is set f~ Sunday, May 22. HOLY ROSARY, F'~JL RIVER Sister John Elizabeth, S.U.S.C., principal of Sacred Hearts Academy, will speak at the annual ( 'munion breakfast of the Women's Guild this SundaY. A ham and bean supper are planncd for Saturday, June 11, from 5 to 7. . New officers for the unit are Mrs. Alphonse Saulino, president; Mrs. Ernest d'Ambrosio, vice president; Mrs. Raymond Parise, secretary; Mrs. John Sarti, treasurer. OUR LADY OF ANGELS, FALL RIVER The Women's Guild will hold
a Maybasket whist at 8 Saturday night, Ma. 14 in the parish hall. The annual banquet will be held at 6 Sunday night, June 12, at Venus de Milo restaurant. New officers include Mrs. Alfred F. Almeida, president; Mrs. Rank A. Rodrigues, vice president; Miss Joanne Souza, rec()rding secretary;. Miss Emma Carvalho, corresponding secretary; Mrs. Beatrice Smialek, treasurer. IMMACULATE CONCEPTION, EAST BREWSTER New officers for the Altar Guild incblde Mrs. Lillian Callahan, president; Mrs. Patricia Baranousky, vice president; Mrs. Constance Brogi, treasurer; Mrs. Virginia Coogan, recording sec_ retary. A food sale will be held on the c: urch lawn beginning at 9 Saturday morning, May 28.
SS. PETER AND PAUL. F ..... ,L RIVER T"'e Women's Club wlll seat new officers at ceremonies 6:30 W~dnesday night, ~.fa. 18, in the church hall. To be installed are Mrs. Stanley M. Janick, president; Mrs. Roger R. Dube, vice president; Mrs. William :1.. Sunderland Jr., treasurer; Mrs. Thomas Griffin, recording secretary; Mrs.. Milton M. Kozak, corresponding secretary. The unit will serve' a breakfast to first communicants Sunday, May 22. ST. ANTHONY OF PADUA, FALL RIVER ~. - ! Council of Catholie ,om~n will participate in a procession honoring Our Lady of Fatima at 7 tomorrow evening at the church. Five members ,•. '.. represent the unit at the annual .... '')cesan convention of Catholic Women. ST. PATRICK, FALL RIVER The Women's Guild will hold installation ceremonies Tuesday, June 7, at Stone Bridge Inn. Corporate communion and breakfast are planned for this Sunday. New officers are Mrs. Margaret Wimsett, president; Mr~. William Jones, vice president; Mrs. Tho: las Bagley, recording secretary; Mrs. Edwin Janckson, corresponding secretary; Mrs. Vincent A. Mannion, treasurer. OUR LADY OF LOURDES, WELLFLEET The Holy Name, Society of Wellfleet and Truro held elections returning all incumbents to office, including Charles Grindle, president; Lawrence Rose, vice president; Albert Bet'- "lcourt, treasurer; Daniel Chisholm, secretary. Corporate Communion will be' held at 8 o'clock Mass Sunday morning, June 12. A breakfast to which wives are invited will be held following. The unit donated to the Catholic Charities Appeal and voted to enter a float in the area Fourth of July parade: OUR LADY OF ASSUMPTION, OSTERVILLE A reception from 3 to 5 Sunday afternoon, May 15, will honor Rev. Walter J. Buckley, pastor for 17 years and now pastor of St. Kilian, New Bedford. A presentation from parishioners and a tea will highlight activities. Robert Sims is chairman, aided by John Shields and Mrs. Peter Nese. . ST. LAWRENCE, NEW BEDFORD The C" 'lples Club will hold a dance night Tuesday, May 17, at Sconticut Neck Improvement Association Hall. Mr. and Mrs. James -\nderson are chairmen. Also on the evening's program will be a report from the nominating committee. ST. JOHN BAPTIST. CENTRAL VILLAGE The Ladies' Guild will hold a:1 open meeting at 8 tonight in the parish hall. A film on interior decoration will be shown t.' John Barboza and officers for the coming year will be installed. They include Mrs. Jacqueline Hasson, president; Mrs. Muriel Rogers, vice president; Mrs. Mary Best, secretary; Mrs. Agnes Potter, treasurer. HOLY NAME FALL RIVER Holy Name Women's Guild held their annual Banquet and Installation of Officers at the Stone Bridge Inn Wednesday evening, May 11. Mrs. Doris Boland served as installing officer. Mrs. William King was elected president for the second term. Mrs. James Clarkin was chairman of the banquet assisted by . Mrs. Eugene McCarthy and Mrs. Stanley Boc:lenek as cochairmen. ST. GEORGE, WESTPORT The Women's Guild will hold a style show Monday, June 6 at Stevenson's restaurant. Mrs. Warren L. E. Johnson is chairman. The meeting for Monda)', May 23 will highlight elec"n of officers and a pot-luck supper.
TTHh E AN CHOR19 0 urs., M . ay l 2 , 6
Installations Set
Visitor Discovers Faith Flourishes In Catholic Hill WALTERBORO (NC) _ The Catholic Faith still is implanted deeply in the nearby appropriately named coma
Two Win Eight Year Scholarships Two eighth graders of Fall have just been named winners of l'Union St. Jean-Baptiste d'Amerique 8 year scholarship award. They are Loui' St. Ama' " daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Aime St. 'Amand, 185 Robeson St., Fall River, a student at St. Roch School; and Madelein Belanger, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Belanger, 1!306 Stafford Road, who will be graduated from St. Jean Baptiste school this June. Both schools
are staffe by the Sisters of St. 'Joseph. The national examination was administered to 470 pupils. A total of 12 scholarsrips was awarded to these candidates. Louise ranked third, while Madeleine ranked fifth. Both girls have previously won full scholarships in the city of Fall River. Madeleine was awarded a 4 year scholarship at the Dominican Academy, whereas Louise was granted the same at Jesus Mary Academy.
Charities Gifts Increase Continued from Page One the charitable institutions and agencies of the Diocese. The more prominent Special Gifts received to date include: $3,500 Kaler, Carney, Liffler & Co., Inc. $1,500 Lincoln Park, Fall River Herald News, E. Anthony & Sons, Hemingway Brothers Interstate Trucking' Co. $1,250 T. Loranger & Sons. $1,000 Queen's Daughters of Taunton, Globe Manufacturing Co., Atty. & Mrs. .John T. Farrell, Fall River National Bank, Fall River Trust Co. F. L. Collins & Sons, Inc., Fall River Electric Light Co., Mr. & Mrs. George Montle, B. M. C. Durfee Trust Co., Old Colony Transportation Co. Merchants National Bank of New Bedford, First Safe Deposit National Bank, My Bread Baking Co., Creed Rosary, John F. Smith Estate. $750 Made Rite Potato Chip Co. $500 Gold Medal Bakery Inc., Atty. ~, Mrs. l~ "ld E. Clarkin, Mr. Henry J. Feitelberg, Mr. Mark Duff, St. John's Council No. 404 K,lights of Columbus. Jeweled Cross, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Lambert, Bernard J. Doyle Family, Stop & Shop Foundation, R. A. McWhirr Co., Cherry & Webb Co. $300 Leary Press. $250 W;n. Reed & Sons Co., Sherry Corporation, Speedwell Farms Ice ~ream, George O'Hara Chevrolet Co. $220 Mr. & Mrs. James E. Bullock. $200 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Donelan, James E. Fitzgerald, New Bedford Hotel Corporation. $150 Modern Plastics Corp., Wm. T. Crowley & Sons, Webb Oil Co., Monaghan Acceptance Corp., DeBrosse Oil Co. $125 John T. Diamond Funeral Ho""'~.
$100 Small Brothers Mfg. Co., Edward M. Corbett, Gamache Trucking Inc., C. P. Harrington Funeral Home, Midland Print Works. Avon Curtain Co., Davis Mills Corp., Arkwright Wa~ehouse
Corp., A.rkwright Finishing Co., :-- -mford [teel Products Co. R. J. Toomey Co., Sullivan Brothers Printers, Alden Corrugated Container Corp., Aerovox C:orp., South Eastern Supply North - 'd Motors, Union Street Railway, Edward V. Lahey, National Industrial Uni_ form Rental Service Inc., Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Wright. . Joseph Rioux, Nellie Lavery, Mr. & Mrs. Leon Pini, Particular Council of Attleboro Area-St. Vincent de Paul Society. $50 Nason Oil Co., Ralph M. Handren, Bristol County Trust Co., Edward Brayton, Hoffman Lion Mills Co. Chace Mills Curtain Co., '~-.ltuppa G~' & Fuel Co., Gendreau Furniture' Co., J. N. Gendreau Inc., O'Neil Fisk Tire Service. List Family Foundation, General Cleaning' & Sales Co., Shuster & Co., Kaplan Furniture Co., Thacker Industries Inc. $40 Magoni's Ferry Landing. $35 Atty. Talbot T. Tweedy, Building '(lrials Co., Benedict Circ~~ '10. 61 D of I, Catholic Nurses Guild of Attleboro Area, St. Vincent de Paul Society-St. John's of Attleboro. R. F. Simmons Co., St. John's of Attleboro Mothers' Club, Alcazaba Circle D of I. $25 Boyden Plastics, Dr. William Dawson, Taunton Stove Co., B.P.O. Elks, Poole Silver. Dr. William Barnes, Leahy's Liql.10r Store, Dr. Maurice Lagace, Dr, B. Edwin Zawacki,. Mozzone Bros. J. R. Tallman Inc., Dr. Carmine A. Carucci, D.D.S.; Cape Way Package Store, Edward T. O'Keefe, Daniel F. McNearney Ins. Ideal Bias Binding Co., Ken Lac ChemicaL Co., Maplewood Yarn Mills, Mr. & Mrs. Louis A. Sisca, - 'dore Setlow Co. ·Loft Candy Co., Slater Paper r JX Corp., C. L. Packhem Co. Inc., Park Motors, Acushnet Saw Mills. Textile Workers Union of America AFL-CIO New Bedford Joint Board, Greater New Bedford ". Cape Cod Labor Council AFL-CIO, New Bedford Morris Plan Co., Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Glo.:e, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Smi::-'. Mrs. Eliza Boughton, Albert Morawski.
munity of Catholic Hill, South Carolina. The most recent distinguished visitor to Catholic Hill went out of his way to make a 120-mile automobile trip from Charleston to Catholic Hill after hearing the story of its history. When he arrived the bell of St. James church was rung vigorously, to summon the people. Joseph Brown, senior member of the congregation, made a speech !Welcoming the visitor, Arch~ishop Egidio Vagnozzi, Apostohe Delegate to the U.S. Site of one of the oldest parishes in the nation, Catholie Hill dates back to the beginnings of this country. Mass first was offered there in 1798 and the first chu:ch in Catholic Hill, a small, Simple frame structure dedicated to St. James, was built in 1826. South Carolina's p ion e e r Bishop, John England, established the first mission outside of Charleston at Catholic Hill Susan Bellinger, history records, donated the land for St. James Church at Catholic Hill, and saw to it that all her slaves were educated and baptized in the Catholic Faith. Negro Settlers Legend has it that when the Civil War ended, Negro Catholics moved their homes on land around St. James Church. As often as possible a priest from Charleston, Savannah or some other community visited Catholic Hill, offered Mass and administered the sacraments. Slowly but steadily, Catholie life increased in Catholic Hill to minister to Negro Catholics of the area. The following year the Sisters of Mercy of Manchester, N.H., sent three nuns there. They reorganized the parish school, which now has some 65 students, and started the groundwork for a Catholic education center to serve Catholic Hill and Walterboro.
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Women Con'vene
rH~~NGHOR':-DiOc:eseof Fall R,iyer~:",,,,r••, M.ay :~ 2, 1960
Continued from Page One
be held at 12:30 '., the school foyer and 'luncheon will be
Unusual and 'Interesting
By Rt. Rev. Msgr. John S. Ke~nedy T. S. Matthews wrote his autobiographical volume Name and Address (Simon and, Schuster. $4.50) in, order to find, at 58, who he is. In the conc1uding'pages of the book he avers that the effort failed. He did not lay hold of the answer to his question., But as an oracle in his pronouncehe did compile a partial ree- m~nts, but at least they are literord of a life which has, been ate and iq,formed by subjective unusual and is of interest to honesty. ,
served from 12 to 1. Representatives of 122 units' affiliated with the Diocesan Council wlll be present. Convention Tbem~ With the theme "A Better Youth for ,'I Better Tomorrow", a panel discussion will be moderated by Father Sullivan, Diocesan CYO Director in addition to being ~piritual Director of Youth Committees for the Diocesan Council. ,Panelists will include Dr. James '11; Hayden, assistant superintendent of New Bedford PubIJ~ Schools, speaking on '~Youth and Vocational Guidance"; Robert V. McGowan. K.S.G., Deputy District' Governor '.f ~erra Clubs, "Youth and the Family"; Mrs. Harold L. Hayes Jr., New 'Bedford District Youth Chairman, "Youth arid Sociai .Life"; and Charles 'A. Stiles; president of the executive' board of the Confraternity of Christian'Doctrine, "Youth and, Spiritual Life." 1\/I'rs. John J. Mullaney, Dioo-' esan Council president,'will preside at a business session and the CYO Choristers, directed b,. Rev. Paul Connolly" curate at, Immaculate: Conception Church. Fall River, will entertain during intermissi. ,:1. Bishop Connolly will address the convention and solemn' benediction will conclude the after-' noon pr()gram. . Rev. ,Leo T: Sullivan and Miss Mary Manning, Diocesan Chair-' man of Youth, are directors of the convention. Mrs. James W. Leith and Miss Kathleen C. Roche are co-chairme'n.
almost any reader. ,After attending Princeton and No one, not even Mr. Matth- Oxford (of both of which he' ews, will conwrites interestingly), he entered tend that he is journalism of a sort. As a very the pleasantest young man he got a job on the company., 'possiNew Republic, beginning as a , hIe or that, he combination - office boy and is the l1)os1' lumake-up man, going on to book c;id of' writers, reviewing' ("I was never, quite but his story is able ,to regard reviewing books provocative and 'as lJn altogether respeeta1:>le ocHOSPITAL TEA: Friends 'of St. Anne's Hospital, Fall' his style neve,r cupation"), and to general edi:-' River, were hostesses, to the institutiori's'staff at a 'formal .pedestrian. Be- ' torial work. , tea Monday afternoon in the new Nurses' Home. Left to aides, he was for, ",He presents' 'sketches of the right, 'Mrs. Gerard Goyette, Dr. Nelson Pinto, an intern; se"~ral years a famous people 'then associated ta f th member,6f the ' " - ' , ' 'with the magazine, but' gives ,"arid Mrik Edmund 'Neves, recording secre ry 0 ,e sponstaff of ,Time ~agazine, eve.ntu- most space to Edmund, Wilson, soring organization. ally reaching ttle eminence of the literary critic, who is here ..,' ehief editor, and his d~sclosure etched in acid. "nd, judgments concernmg that Editor of Time worry too 'much'low they will Continued 'from Page One,li ub " 'ation are well ~orth c~n- 'After four years with the ~ew sidering, in .view of Its vast m:-, ,Republic, Matthews, joined the ridors," 'a'ndbY "helping and lov- handle a difficult situation or problem." fluence. staff of Time, which, was then i,ng their parents." Each of these sacrifices may be· "Let'i Do Bette~ . , l'augbt to DesPise crotchety" if not as' colossal,. : Matthews was born in Cincin-: 'as it is now: He did book re- offered to God during Mass. She "Bishop Connoily told the nati where his father was dea~ views from 1930 to 1937, then spent "some ,time explaining th~ teachers, "You are all doing well, impor'tance of reverence after of the Episcopal' cathedral. The became, successsively, an editor, very well. I'm no"t' criticizing dean had 'independent mea.ns national affairs editor, executive Communion with accompanying' but I do say this":-let's do even' q'uiet adoration, greeting to the which were wisely and proflt- editor, managing editor, and ,ul. '. Sacred Host; than' "giving, per- ' !,>etter." "Sdence in the Elementary ably invested. timately editor. sonal petitions and 'communal School," was the subject of Sis~ His wife was a Procter, of the It is clear that he never liked petitions. Each point was height'tel' Mary Aquinas, editor of Pro'cter and Gamble soapbusi- Time; indeed, he may be sai": to ened by artful illustration. ness, and . ,ad a share of a :~n- have habitually detested it. :What Priests, brothers and nuns at- Christian Social Living Science siderable fortune. The family he says of Henry Luce is as tending the convention.. were Series, Manitowoc, Wis. Brother Attalus Leo, F.S.C.. lived in nineteenth century fa~h- biting as what he says of Wilson, greeted by the Most Rev. James " ElerJ!'icai ion, in a big,'gloomy house, With except that he always had, and L. Connolly, D.D., Bishop of Fall principal of La Salle Academy, u~ ,Coni Aors disCussed "New plenty of servants. ' has retained, some respect for River, at their opening session. Providence, Language Laboratories." He said, , . But it was not a happy family. Wilson. He was introduced by Rev. EdVery much aware of its ,..:Jsition, : His criticisms of the magazine ward J. Gorman, superintendent the new laboratories, with recording and, listening booths, it' heid aloof from common folk are not merely, directed at its of Diocesan sctlools. , ' tapes and records are for drills and corrimon ways. "My father," slickness, its "bumptious, imperStang High School students writes Mr. Matthews, "ta'ught ,us tinent, adolescent" smartness, its sang a charming welcoming and pronunciation' correction and to despise; ... my mother taught "curt, snide, conceited" tricks, its medley including a hymn' setting do not replace individual teach,ing in the classroom. ,He showed, to be ashamed." bluff, or its "notorious technique the theme of the convention.' slides of the laboratory 'at La, ,944 County St. , Young Matthews never asso- of innuendo." They go deeper. "That we 'may glorify God and Salle but warned much can go New' Bedford live to serve' mankind." eiated with the run of other chil'False to Trust' , The st"ient body applauded awry mechanically and the d-- , never went to any schools ,For one thing, lie maintains "quality of the school l.aboratory' exce~t those which were private. that the magazine is false to its Father Gorman loudly: when he should depend 6n the nearness gave them a free day in exi;lis early education ~as fr?m a public trust as an instrument for of the repairman." governess, alqng with readl!1g, a, keeping readers well and hon- change for their entertainment. ,The Catholic Univ~rsity of Dr. Clement C. Maxwell; great many books. estly informed.' Rather, as he America examination program president of Massachusetts State In 1911, while his family was knew it from the inside, Time iii was the subject 'of a talk by Miss staying some time in England, he the mouthpiece of one man, to be, Teachers College ,at Bridgewater, Rita Watrin, 'assistant to, the spoke on "Creative Teaching" attended a boys' school there. used-at his whim and dictate. and warned th~ assembly that chai:-man of the committee on Later came a periOd in a military ',And, he insists, the magazine BOYS WANTED for the "today we are divided into two affiliation at the University. academy, then enrollment at the. is far from objective. He scathPriesthood and Brotherhood. Other speakers were Sister groups---,-the hucksters and the famous St. Paul's in New Hamp- ingly indi,cts it for partisanship. 'Lack of funds NO impedihuckstered. We are victimized Mary Jean, R.S.M., p,rofessor of' shire. "The distortions, suppressions by appearances, by the soft literature at Salve Regina Col-, ment. , Religious Experience and slanting of its political sell. But 'if we prepare our lege, Newport, R. I., tho talked' Write to: Matthews has ranged fairly 'news' seemed to me to pass the pupils properly we need not' about "Vitalizing Literature in widely where religion is con- bounds of politics and to commit the Elementary:, School," James P. O. Box 5742 cerned. Exposed from his earli- an offense against the 'ethics of P. Berluti, dean of admissions of Baltimore 8. Md. est years to formal piety and to journalism. The climax was a Bryant College, Providence, who the routine of ministerial life, cover story on Adlai Stevenson spoke on "Preparing the High be wa's not a ~evout 'lild. • • . which was a clumsy but , Stonehill College students and School Student for the Business He did, however, have seasons malign and murderously meant "Providing for the parents will join in an evening World." of wanting to be zealous and he attack." Although, as editor,. of dancing tomorrow night at the Gifted Child," was discussed by aspired to a dedicat-l life., In Matthews sidetracked that story, Student Union Building. 'Pro- Rus'!' -11 G. Davis of Boston Collater years he was a regular if he decided to quit.. ceeds will benefit the campus, lege. Final speaker was Anthony perfunctory 'churchgoer, then ~an Tires Reader J. John of New Bedford Instilibrary. agnostic, finally ~ for a space, "an His view of the magazine is tute of Technology. Invitations noted: "Those who Anglo-Catholic": based 'on, 20 years of association don't dance can pretend they "I went to Mass and Confes- with it" and he reviews those are at a concert. For those who sion; I genuflected and crossed years with' devastating blunt- don't dance and dislike concerts, St. Vincent de Paul Society myself and repeated thousands ness. His description of the we can arrange chess games, of prayers. My' only hope was workings of 'office politics are as ping-pong matches, or friendly that by 'walking through the act' hilarious's they are appalling., chats about poetry. Those who Thomas F. Monaghan Jr. often enough and long enough' I And what he' says of the pace don't like any of these pastimes might' come to believe in it." and pressure in his various jobs should come anyway, just to 1533 ACUSHNET AVENUE Treasurer One gathers that this consumthere, is enough to make the sh~w they don't hate people." New Bedford WY 5-7337 mation ne'ver occurred. reader feel exhausted: 142 SECOND STREET Does"he' even believe iil God? If this book does not yield, up WE NEED "Most uncertainly. (I do certhe heart ,of the mystery in one OSborne 5-7856 tainly believe in angels,)" He man, at least it catches aspects Used Clothing, Shoes, makes .. the, by now pretty con- of, and typical incidents in, ,the FALL RIVER 'Furniture, Books ventional assertion, "Most of the bedeviled contemporary world. really religious people I have But it does 'not hint at what known have been either agnos- authentic religion has to offer Bowling & Skating tics or what the Church calls that world. ' heretics." ~IPremium" Miliion Dollar Ballroom No one would think of saying, Famous Re~ding, HARD COAL ~Most of the really sane people AVAI LA BLE I have known have been raving NEW ENGLAND COKE' For Your iuna~ics." Boot it is a sort pf, a Tru~k Body Builders, DADSON OIL BURNERS fashion to utter the comparable • TESTIMONIAL' DiNNERS Aluminum or Steel, dictum to which Mr.,1IfaUhews 2'4·Hour Oil Burner Service, '. BANQUETS' , 944 Counfy St.' ' subscribes. • FASHION SHOWS NEW BEDFORD. MASS. ,'C'harcocH Briqu8N Wise and Foolish WY '2,.6618 • ANNUAL DANCE PA~TY He has much to say of many Bag Coal .:... Charcoal subjects, including sex and love, alcohol, the condition of America Fo~ informatio~ call' at mid-century, expatriate existRoland Gamache or ence (he now lives in England). Successo'rs'to DAVID DUFF & SON Frank Collins and so on.. Some of it is wise. some foolish; some rather origWYman 9-6984 640 Pleasant Street New Bedford Tel. WY 6-8271 inal, some trite. He is as ominous,'
,TeClchers, Hear New Challeng,e
Trinitarian Fathers
Stonehill 'Dance 'To Aid Library
New Bedford Track, TealrJj
Thurs:, 'M'a'y
Springs Upset in Relays ,
The Crimson of New Bedford came up with a stunning victory in the Senior Division of the St. John's Relays at Danvers Saturday, edging defending champion Newton and favorite :Boston English by a slim 28-27% margin. Coach Al Boucher's squad wasn't Durfee and pull even again.' In considered a threat to vaunt- third place is Fairhaven, 5-2' on ed Newton and Boston the season and very much in the English by meet prognosti- race. Second half play opened
New Bedford Youth To Hold Election New Bedford District Councn of Catholic Youth will hold its annual election at 7 Sunday night at Kennedy Center. Five voting delegates from each parish .. ,~th a CYO unit will cast ballots. Nominees include Edward Tighe, Paul Therrien, president; Margaret Carter, Nickie Kalife, vice president; Delilia Souza, Marie Hampson, secretary; ,Paul Roy, Gerald Normandin, treasurer. A crowning ceremony prior to the eleCtion will honor Our Lady. Arrangements are ill charge of Patricia Scotti and Delilia Souza.
this week. Mention of Fairh"ven recalls the sudden retirement last week of the Blue's football coach, Mel Entin. The veteran mentor will assume the duties of athletic director at the school and will remain as h~ad coach- of basketball and director of phys':al education. His resignation marks the third change in Bristol County ranks. Attleboro's Howard Tozier and Durfee's Luke Urban had preViously disclosed plans to terminate their coaching careers. New Coaches Moving I,lP to handl~ Fairhaven's grid fortunes is Entin's former assistant and present head coach of track, Hal Conforth. Succeeding Urban in football and baseball is former Hilltopper and Springfield star, ~onald ~ontle, who currently 18 a grId assistant and head coach of baseball in Maplewood N.~. ~he Durfee basketball ap~ pOIntment has not as yet been made. Narry Lea'gue front runners Ca~ and Somerset, found th~ range but good last time out The Cardinals knocked Westport out of a three way tie for first wi~ a 17 hi,t, 17-4, barrage, whIle Somerset disposed of Apponequet, 21-9, at Hanson Field. The Raiders displayed awesome power against Regionals four of their 22 safeties being 4-ply wallops that carried over every_ thing. Centerfielder Elmer Gagne hit two out of sight; thirdbaseman Steve Winslow ignited a 13-run 6th inning uprising with the season's first grand slam and co-captain Milton Cordeir~ the Raiders mitey-mite piVObnan capped a perfect day at th~ plate (5-5) with his first round... tripper of the year. Case and Somerset are scheduled at Swansea next Tuesday in what should be the key game of the season. The Raiders took the first round game, 7-2. ',
NEW OFFiCERS: To take office in September in the Newman Club at Bradford, Durfee College of Technology, Fall River are, seated, Richard Durette, president; Judith Johnson, secretary; standing, left to right, Antonio Pimental, vice president; Robert Turgeon, treasurer.
Missionary Bishop On~ of Family's Ten Members In Service of God
PHILADELPHIA (NC) - A newly named U. S. missionary bishop from Philadelphia comes from a family that has given 10 children to religion life-five Dominicans 'and five Carmelites. He is Father Louis A. Scheerer, O.P., Bishop-designate of Multan, Pakistan, and son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Louis B. Scheerer. ' Mr. and Mrs. Scheerer gave all their children to the Church (an 11th child died). Four became priests, three Brothers, and three Sisters. Bishop - designate Sheerer, second oldest child in the family, attended St.' John the Baptist elementary school here. At 13 he entered Aquinas High School, ' Columbus, Ohio, to prepare to become a Dominican. He later studied at Providence College, Providence, R. I., and at the r 'miriican 'Theological College, Washington, D. C., where he' was or,' ''1ed together with his older brothers, Berchrnans, also a Dominican, on June 13, 1935. Baptized Aloysius, the Bishopdesignate became known in reas Father Louis. His Hospital to Construct ligion brother received the name of Neurological Center Father Hyacinth. Shortly after ordination Father PHOENIX (NC)-Ground will be broken late this p. '!I1mer for Louis leftfor the China missions, a $2,376,000 neurological research where he remained until 1956. center at St. Joseph'~ Hospital' He was stationed briefly at a here in Arizona. The center, expected to be one of the lrgest of its kind in the country, will be known as the Barrow Neurological Institute. Arthur Janson, Reg. Pharm. Industrialist Charles A. Barrow DIABETIC AND SICK ROOM and his family have contributed SUPPLIES $1,120,000 toward its construction. 204 ASHLEY BOULEYARD
leper colony in the Philippines" made a 'short visit to the U. S., and has been in Pakistan since 1956. The Scheerer family in religion now serve in many different places: B~rchmans, now Father Hyacinth, O;P., 'at St. Rose Church, Springfield, Ky.; Aloysius, now Father Louis, O.P., the Bishopelect in Pakistan; Mary, Sister Louis, Havana" Cuba; GertrUde, Sister Gertrude Marie, Albuquerque, N. M.; Louis, Brother Vincent, O.C.D., Philippines; Joseph, Brother Louis. O.C,D., Holy Hill, Wis.; Frederick, Brother, Boniface, O.C.D., Redlands, Calif.; Aquinas, Father Dominic, O.C.D., Palaw, Philippines; Vincent, Father Hyacinth, O.C.D., Quezon City, Philippines, and Rita, Sister Anthony, O.P., St. Lucy's School, Altamont, N~ Y.
In 1945, Mrs. Scheerer was nam~d, the National Catholic, Woman of the Year. She died in 1947. Mr. Scheerer died in 1949. They both were members of the Dominican Third Order.
Falmouth Photo Supply
"Light Up the Sky,"-a comedy by ~ ":oss Hart, will be produced this Saturday and Sunday at Oliver Ames High School auditorium, North Easton, by Stonehill College Speech-Arts Society. Curtain time both evenings will be S:15. The presentation is the third o' the. group's season. Other offerings were a reading of "I Kn"ck at the Door" by Sean O'Casey and a staging of three one-act plays adapted into a unWed scheme.
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31 has drawn the world's attention to German Catholicism. Perhaps the most striking feature of Catholic life in Gerrna is its highly organized character. This springs from, the German trait epitomized by the old saying that every time two Germans meet they for,n club, These national, diocesan and city clubs and organizations build homes for large families, help support the missions in 'general and individual missioners in particUlar, encourage exchange of ideas between Catholics an': non-Catholics, give courses in adult education, and" help the poor, handicapped and" rejected of this lorId. The immediate history of almost all of them begins with the fall of the nazis, who cut ,down any organization that refused to bow before the nazi creed of statism and racism. Many of them are revivals of prenazi organizations, and have grown with the stubborn vigor of 'pped hedges. ,. They grew depite a postwar· aversion to organization that was a ,reaction against the ruthless organization ~e every aspeot of life by the nazis. But the W8rborn hun: for genuine values, educ3tion and spiritual help \WIS . strong enough to overcome this aversion. Catholics in communist-ruled, East ~ermany were not permitted to found Catholic organizations. The prohibition persists to this day. ,West Germany has no single organization known as Catholic Action, as has Italy for instance. The various organizations as a whole constitute Germany's formal Catholic Action, which according to Pius XI's classic definition is, the participation and collaboratior of the laity with the apostolic hierarchy.
SP 5-0357, SP 5-0253
New Bedford
BONN (NC)-The vigor of preparations for the International Eucharistic Congress opening in Munich July
JANSON'S Pharmacy
Stonehill Schedules Moss Hart Comedy
Present Catholic Life in Germany Well Organized
By Jack Kineavy
cators who gave Newton, seeking its 7th consecutive title, only a slight chance to fend off powerful English. Thr ee area teams were among the 36 schools entered in the Junior Division competition. Somerset and Dartmouth tied for 7th with 11 points and Fairhaven pulled' up one notch lower in Sth place. The Blue, which had posted dual meet victories over both Somerset and Dartmouth would undoubtedly have fared better if ace sprinters Dave Toupin and Sherm Rounsville had been able to participate: Both were idled by injury. The most electrifying of New Bed for d's many outstanding performances was Dan Silveira's spectacular anchor leg in the sprint medley. The Crimson flyer inherited a 35 yard deficit, which he succeeded in overcoming to give the Whalers their scant half point victory in the meet. Not far behind was Leo Chausse's fine third quarter stint in the winning mile relay. Bulgar, DeCruz and Nooth rounded out the unit. The Crimson's other first came in the high jump. Dick Sylvia and Bill Carter el)ch scaled 5~11"; Frank Nightingale leaped 5'S" and their aggregate effort brought· New Bedford home in the van. Co-captains Lavoie and Monteiro paced the two-mile relay to a second in that event, and the Crimson closed out their scoring' with a pair of thirds in the javelin and shuttle hurdles. No-Hitter Highlight of the local scholastic baseball front was Skip Martinez' no-hitter a g a ins t North Quincy in that city last ' Friday. While Skip muffled the homesters, his mates teed-off in fashioning an 11-0 victory. C ,ach Charley Luchetti's club is undefeated against Mass. competition and' is again making' a spirited bid for the at-large berth in Class A of the EsMass Tournament. The Crimson will be at home to Weymouth tomorrow at Sargent Field. If the major league' scouts don't seem to be on hand as regularly as heretofore, the reason is probably Belmont's Wilb"r Woods. The big lefthander, who pitched Belmont to the title a inst Coyle last Spring, now has four no-hitters to his cr- :it. Needless to say Belmont is again pacing the Middlesex circuit. No word on who's pacing the scouts. Bristol County leadership still rests in the hands of Coyle and Durfee, each with 6-1 records. The Warriors and ace Dave Meehan dropped their first game' of the season last week, an extra-inning affair to Taunton, then came ba-·· strong behind Paul Whitemore to decision
12,' 1960
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. May 1:4... 1900
~~'igMights of Fifth Annual "Catholic Teachers Convention i